I RECORD of the FAMILY of LEVI KIMBALL and SOME of HIS DESCENDANTS Compiled by His Grandson LEVI DARBEE 1861 Revised and Extended, 1913 By " ROBERT M. DARBEE / RECORD of the FAMILY of LEVI KIMBALL and SOME of HIS DESCENDANTS Compiled by His Grandson LEVI DARBEE 1861 Revised and Extended, 1913 By ROBERT M. DARBEE '/^ g // C^' i' u ■■ INTRODUCTION. In the Introduction to the original edition of the "Record of the Family of Levi Kimball and Some of His Descendants," pub- Hshed in 1861, the compiler barely mentioned his, paternal ancestors and, it may be assumed, at that time he knew almost nothing about them. At a later period he received a communi- cation from his cousin, John Cleveland Darbee, a native of Groton, Conn., but then residing in Erie Co., N. Y., who ren- dered valuable assistance in gathering data which was published in 1866 in a little volume entitled "Record of the Family of Jedediah Darbee." After the lapse of a few years the entire work was revised, and the two volumes were bound together. The arrangement of the new edition is the same as that of the original. I have followed that plan in order to carry out the idea that this is not a new Record, but merely an old one with additions and a few corrections. It is offered in memory of my Grandfather, Levi Darbee — an imperfect memorial, perhaps, with missing links here and there throughout the work, and possibly errors in dates and names, a not uncommon fault of genealogical records in general. That the names of many family connections are not recorded is much regretted, yet it may be considered pardonable in view of the fact that it was found to be impossible to get into communica- tion with persons who could give information concerning them. Correspondence failing, there is but one other way to obtain desired information, and that would entail heavy expense and be the work of years ; necessitating travel from place to place and the inspection of old town and church records, in many instances the only sources of information. Such thorough research falls within the sphere of work of the professional genealogist, and is too ambitious an undertaking for a mere amateur. Any information relating to families with abbreviated records will be welcomed, and may be made use of in a future revision, should some family connection of another generation see fit to take up the work. To those who have so kindly and courteously assisted me I wish to express my grateful appreciation and thanks. Their willing co-operation has made pleasant what otherwise would have been a burdensome task. R. M. D. Tune, 1913. THE KIMBALLS. Richard Kemball, wife and child, sailed from Ipswich, Eng., in 1634, in the ship "Elizabeth," fifty-five passengers all told. We are informed that, before sailing — "These p'sons above named tooke Oathe of Allegiance and Supremacy, at his Ma'ts Custome House in Ipswich, before us his Ma'ties Officers, according to the order of the Lords and others of his Ma'ts most Hono'ble Privy Council : this Xljth of November, 1634. Ipswich Custome House. Phil. Browne, Theo. Clere, Sec. p'r Custor. Edw: Man, Compt." From "The Founders of New England" — Drake. The family settled first in Watertown and afterwards in Ips- wich, Mass. Richard was twice married, his first wife being Ursula Scott and his second, Margaret Dow. He had eleven children, all born in America except John, who was born in Rattlesdon, County of Suffolk, Eng., in 1631. All of Richard's children grew up and were married — "For nearly three hundred years their descendants have obeyed literally the injunction to 'mul- tiply and replenish the earth.' It has been a most prolific race ; its branches extend in all directions and its members have become as numerous as the leaves. The Kimballs have long been plentiful in Ipswich, Mass., and from there they have spread to all parts of New England and New York; many are in the great West, a few in the South, and some have gone to the Dominion of Canada. Nearly every section of the North American Continent has its repre- sentative of this Puritan stock. Some of the name remained in England when Richard and family came to America. The family has never been numerous there and is almost unknown outside of the County of Suffolk. As a family, it has not been distinguished by men who were leaders in thought. Not many of its members have been noted in the political world or in professional or literary work, but they have figured more largely in the common walks of life. They have been looked upon, in the communities where they have lived, as reliable men and women and, commencing with Richard and his sons, they have frequently been placed in positions of trust in the town and church government in the places where they resided. In business circles, they have been exceptionally strong. They have loved the activities and excitement of com- mercial life, and have very generally been successful as business men." — History of the Kimball Family, by Leonard A. Morrison and Stephen P. Sharpies. John Kimball, son of Richard, changed the spelling of the family name by substituting an "i" for an "e," and all of his de- scendants appear to have followed suit, none of them now spelling the name as it was spelled by their English ancestors. John married Mary Bradstreet about 1655. They had thirteen children, one of whom was named John, born 1668, who married Sarah Goodhue, of Watertown, Mass., on December 2, 1692. In 1726 the family moved from Ipswich to Stonington, Conn., thence, a year later, to Preston, Conn. John's children were : — John, Joseph, Mary, David, Nathan, Isaac, Jacob, Abigail and Sarah. Jacob Kimball, the father of Levi, was born in Ipswich on October 12, 1706, and died in Preston, Conn., May 4, 1788. He was married three times, his first wife being Mary Parke ; the names of the other two are not recorded. His children, all born in Preston, Conn., were : Hannah, born Mar. 18, 1730; married Zebulon Parrish, Sept. 15, 1748; died Jan. 18, 1828. Lucy, born Jan. 1, 1732; married Joshua Meech, Dec. 11, 1754; died Jan. 16, 1829. Jacob, born Dec. 1, 1735; married Esther Phillips, Jan. 16, 1754; died May 18, 1826. Mary, born Mar. 13, 1738; married Witter, ; died Dec. 15, 1829. Moses, born May 6, 1741; married Mary Satterlee, Feb. — , 1764; died , 1835. Asa, born Mar. 4, 1742; married Esther Meech, Nov. 17, 1763; died Oct. 15, 1821. Levi, born Apr. 22, 1745 ; married Abigail Sissons, , 1767 ; died Sept. 15, 1827. Elisha, born May 7, 1748; married Hope Capron, ; died May 18, 1833. Lucretia, born May 19, 1750; ; died Apr. 8, 1834. Daniel, born Sept. 15, 1752; married Mary Sterry, June 24, 1773; died, , 1835. Family of Levi Kimball. Birth of Parents. 1745, Apr. 22 — Levi Kimball, at Preston, Conn. 1750, — Abigail Sissons. 1767, —Married. Children. 1769, Oct. 27- — Hannah, at Norwich, Conn. 1771, Oct. 15 — Desire, at Norwich, Conn. 1773, July 12 — Levi, Jr., at Norwich, Conn. 1775, June 21- — Abigail, at Goshen, N. Y. 1777, May 23— Sally, at Little Britain, N. Y. 1779, May 12— Polly, at Monson, N. Y. 1781, Apr. 15— Oliver, at Monson, N. Y. 1783, Feb. 21 — Sabra, at Norwich, Conn. 1785, Apr. 29 — Betsey, at Norwich, Conn. 1787, Feb. 6 — William, at Norwich, Conn. 1788, Nov. 6 — Nancy, at Preston, Conn. 1793, Feb. 29 — Lucy, at Preston, Conn. 1794, July 4— George D., at Little Britain, N. Y. 1797, Apr. 21— Russell, at Rockland, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1790, Sept. 30 — Samuel Darbee to Hannah Kimball, at Jewett City, Conn. — Asa Stanton to Desire Kimball. 1798. Jan. . . — Levi Kimball, Jr., to Charlotte Stewart. — William Hopkins to Abigail Kimball. . . . ., ^John Ainsley to Sally Kimball. — Joseph Ainsley to Polly Kimball. 1806, Oct. 30— Oliver Kimball to Sophia Stanton. — Robert Cochran to Sabra Kimball. 1807, July 3— William Woodward to Betsey Kimball. 1808, Sept. 14 — William Kimball to Hannah Carrier. — William Cochran to Nancy Kimball. 1811 — George S. Joscelyn to Lucy Kimball. 1816, Sept. 25— George D. Kimball to Elizabeth Hitt. — Russell Kimball to Mercy Hogeboom. Deaths. 1819, May 11— Oliver Kimball, at Rockland, N. Y. 1827, Sept. 15— Levi Kimball, at Rockland, N. Y. 7 ' 1829, — Abigail (Sissons) Kimball, at Rockland, N. Y. 1850, Jan. 18— Levi Kimball, Jr., at Rockland, N. Y. 1851, Dec. 15— Hannah (Kimball) Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. 1861, Mar. 14— William Kimball, at Colchester, N. Y. — George D. Kimball. — Desire (Kimball) Stanton. — Abigail (Kimball) Hopkins. — Sally (Kimball) Ainsley. — Polly (Kimball) Ainsley. — Sabra (Kimball) Cochran. — Betsey (Kimball) Woodward. — Nancy (Kimball) Cochran. . . — Lucy (Kimball) Joscelyn. — Russell Kimball. Note.- — From the record of the places of birth of his children, it seems that grandfather, after removing to Orange Co., N. Y., returned to Connecticut, and again to Orange Co. In 1778, he removed into Pennsylvania, and but a day or two before the mas- sacre at Wyoming he was in its immediate vicinity. From some cause (which I have not been able to ascertain) he was induced to return to the State of New York. In 1796 he, together with my father, settled in Rockland (then Delaware), Sullivan Co., N. Y. At the time, that section of the state was almost a wilderness, but few settlers having located. There were no roads. To reach the place they had to pick their way over mountains, through ravines and along the beds of streams. They purchased contiguous farms, at the junction of two streams, the Beaverkill and Willowemack, on which they resided until removed by death. My grand-parents lived to see all their children married and most of them with families. At their death, all were living but one» Oliver. Levi Darbee. August, 1861. Family of Levi Kimball, Jr. Birth of Parents. 1773, July 12 — Levi Kimball, Jr., at Norwich, Conn. — Charlotte Stewart. 1798, Jan. . .—Married. 8 Children. 1800, Sept. 7 — James Clinton. 1801, Oct. 10— Sylvanus. 1803, May 16— Pamela. 1809, Feb. 28— William. 1810, Sept. 19— Rachael. 1816, Aug. 2— Abigail S. 1820, Dec. 2^-Levi R. 1822, Oct. 8— John D. Marriage of Children. 1822, Feb. 20 — Rudolphus Swartwout to Pamela Kimball. 1835, Oct. 11 — Sylvanus Kimball to Sarah C. Hudlar. 1836, Aug-. l^John Gill to Abigail S. Kimball. 1850, Dec. 10— Levi R. Kimball to Cornelia Bennett. Deaths. 1808, Mar. 17— James Clinton Kimball. 1811, Dec. 19— Rachael Kimball. 1850, Jan. 18— Levi Kimball, Jr. Note. — Levi R. Kimball's wife died at Ellenville, Ulster Co., Dec. 30, 1850, in the 23d year of her age. He subsequently married Miss Mary Boldin, of Orange, N. J. Family of Sylvanus Kimball. Birth of Parents. 1801, Oct. 10— Sylvanus Kimball. — Sarah C. Hudlar. 1835, Oct. 11— Married. Children. 1836, Oct. 20— Martha, at Ellenville, N. Y. 1839, Apr. 6— Louisa, at Ellenville, N. Y. 1841, Feb. 15— Charlotte, at Jeffersonville, N. Y. 1843, Jan. 2A — Rachael, at JefTersonville, N. Y. 1845, Aug. 17 — Herman, at Jefifersonville, N. Y. 1849, Oct. 18— Irene, at Calicoon, N. Y. 1852, Jan. 6 — George Marvin, at Callicoon, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1853, Oct. 20— John Platner to Martha Kimball. 1858, Dec. 29 — Lewis B. Goodman to Louisa Kimball. Family of Rudolphus Swartwout. Birth of Parents. ...., — Rudolphus Swartwout. 1803, May 16— Pamela Kimball. 1822, Feb. 20— Married. Children. i — Simon. i —Levi. ' — Sylvanus. | — Charlotte. ) . . . ., — James. — Thurston. . . . ., — George W. — Pamela. Marriage of Children. — Sylvanus Swartwout to Elizabeth Appley. • — George W. Swartwout to Catharine Denman. — Nathan Kesler to Pamela Swartwout. Note. — At the date of compilation of the original Record, from which this incomplete Record of the Swartwout family has been copied, Sylvanus had two children ; George W., one, and Palema, two, names unknown. Rudolphus Swartwout died about the year 1833. His widow married John Lord, by whom she had several children, viz. : William, Mary, Abigail and Susan. Abigail died prior to 1861. Family of William Kimball. Birth of Parents. 1787, Feb. 6 — William Kimball, at Norwich, Conn. 1785, June 19 — Hannah Carrier, at Colchester, N. Y. 1808, Sept. 14— Married, at Liberty, N. Y. Children. 1809, June 5— Nancy, at Rockland, N. Y. 1810, Oct. 29— James, at Colchester, N. Y. 1814, Aug. 29— William D., at Colchester, N. Y. 1815, Dec. 11— Caroline, at Colchester, N. Y. 1818, June 17— Elizabeth, at Colchester, N. Y. 10 1820, May 14 — Isaac C, at Colchester, N. Y. 1822, Jan. 28— Marvin, at Colchester, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1827, Feb. 19 — Samuel Sprague to Nancy Kimball. 1833, June 13— Ferris Maffet to Caroline Kimball. 1834, Apr. 22 — James Kimball to Catharine Johnson. 1834, Dec. 4 — William D. Kimball to Deborah Carrier. 1836, June 2 — John Johnson to Elizabeth Kimball. 1841, July 1 — Isaac C. Kimball to Lavinia Hodge. 1846, July 2— Marvin Kimball to Matilda C. Wilson. Deaths. 1835, Jan. 9 — James Kimball. 1861, kar. 14— William Kimball. 1877, Dec. 7 — Hannah (Carrier) Kimball. 1888, June 2— Isaac C. Kimball. 1891, bee. 19— Elizabeth (Kimball) Johnson. 1892, Mar. 19— Nancy (Kimball) Sprague. 1896, —William D. Kimball. 1897, Sept. 27— Marvin Kimball. Family of William D. Kimball. Birth of Parents. 1814, Aug. 29— William D. Kimball, at Colchester, N. Y. 1816, Mar. 13— Deborah Carrier, at Liberty, N. Y. 1834, Dec. 4 — Married, at Colchester, N. Y. Children. 1835, Aug. 30— Emily, at Colchester, N. Y. 1837, Mar. 6— Abigail, at Colchester, N. Y. 1839, Mar. 12— Amaretta, at Colchester, N. Y. 1840, June 11— Ezra Newell, at Colchester, N. Y. 1842, Apr. 27— Amasa Talcott, at Colchester, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1857, July 4 — Teremiah Barnhart to Emily Kimball, at Andes, N. Y. 1858, Tan. 28— Chauncey Peck to Amaretta Kimball, at Andes, N. Y. 11 Family of Isaac C. Kimball. Birth of Parents. 1820, May 14— Isaac C. Kimball, at Colchester, N. Y. 1820, Apr. 14— Lavinia Hodge, at Rockland, N. Y. 1841, July 1— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Children. 1842, July 23— Rebecca, at Colchester, N. Y. 1843, Oct. 10— James, at Colchester, N. Y. 1845, Apr. 5— Joel, at Colchester, N. Y. 1846, May 25— Helen, at Colchester, N. Y. 1848, Sept. 20— Electa M., at Neversink, N. Y. 1852, June 25— Julia A., at Neversink, N. Y. 1857, Sept. 7— Adela E., at Neversink, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1873, Oct. 8— David B. Munson to Julia A. Kimball, at Rock- land, N. Y. — William Stickles to Rebecca Kimball, at Liberty, N. Y. 1876, Sept. 12 — Joel Kimball to Mary E. Schoonmaker, at Liberty, N. Y. —John Dice to Adela E. Kimball, at Rockland, N. Y. Deaths. 1850, Feb. 20— Helen Kimball, at Colchester, N. Y. —Electa M. Kimball, at Monticello, N. Y. 1864, Feb. 29 — James Kimball, at Bridgeport, Ala., Service U. S. Army. 1871, Jan. 20— Rebecca (Kimball) Stickles, at Liberty, N. Y. 1888, June 1— Isaac C. Kimball, at Rockland, N. Y. 1892, Nov. 15— Adela E. (Kimball) Dice, at Rockland, N. Y. 1908, Feb. 29— Lavinia (Hodge) Kimball, at Parksville, N. Y. FAMILY OF JOEL KIMBALL. Birth of Parents. 1845, Apr. 5— Joel Kimball, at Colchester, N. Y. 1848, Apr. 4— Mary E. Schoonmaker, at Liberty, N. Y. 1876, Sept. 12— Married, at Liberty, N. Y. 12 Children. 1880, Mar. 19— Hubert, at Rockland, N. Y. 1882, Jan. 20— Otto Appley, at Rockland, N. Y. 1884, Sept. 23— Joel Percy, at Parksville, N. Y. 1886, Dec. 9— Helen C, at Parksville, N. Y. 1890, June 2— Ben Cecil, at Parksville, N. Y. 1893, Apr. 11— Harry, at Parksville, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1906, Apr. 25 — Hubert Kimball to Eva Rebecca Shaw, at Parks- ville, N. Y. Death. 1904, Feb. 8— Otto A. Kimball, killed on Ont. & Western R. R. FAMILY OF HUBERT KIMBALL. Birth of Parents. 1880, Mar. 19— Hubert Kimball, at Rockland, N. Y. • — Eva Rebecca Shaw, at Parksville, N. Y. 1906, Apr. 25— Married, at Parksville, N. Y. Children. 1908, Feb. 7— Royal Vincent, at Parksville, N. Y. 1911, Dec. 18— Bruce M., at Parksville, N. Y. FAMILY OF DAVID B. MUNSON. Birth of Parents. 1849, Mar. 27— David B. Munson, at Davenport, N. Y. 1852, June 25— Julia A. Kimball, at Neversink, N. Y. 1873, Oct. 8— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Children. 1874, July 6— Ray, at Rockland, N. Y. 1876, Dec. 22— Elizabeth A., at Colchester, N. Y. 1879, Apr. 28— Ivy E., at Rockland, N. Y. 1881, Aug. 4 — Benjamin I., at Rockland, N. Y. 1884, July 31— Joel K., at Rockland, N. Y. 1887, Oct. 7— Mary L., at Fremont, N. Y. 1891, Jan. 14— Grace E.. at Fremont, N. Y. 13 Marriage of Children. 1899, Dec. 27— Charles Gay to Elizabeth A. Munson, at Tread well, N. Y. 1908, Oct. 7— Joel K. Munson to Grace Dye, at Oneonta, N. Y. Death. 1902, June 3— Ray Munson, at Davenport, N. Y. FAMILY OF JOEL K. MUNSON. Birth of Parents. 1884, July 31— Joel K. Munson, at Rockland, N. Y. , — Grace Dye, 1908, Oct. 7— Married, at Oneonta, N. Y. Children. 1910, June 14— Elsie Mary, at Oneonta, N. Y. 1912, May 11— Pliylis Grace, at Oneonta, N. Y. FAMILY OF CHARLES GAY. Birth of Parents. , — Charles Gay. 1876, Dec. 22— Elizabeth A. Munson, at Colchester, N. Y. 1899, Dec. 27— Married, at Treadwell, N. Y. Children. 1900, Nov. 21— William D. 1903, Feb. 16— Florence T. FAMILY OF JOHN DICE. Birth of Parents. 1849, Nov. 22— John Dice, at Neversink, N. Y. 1857, Sept. 7— Adela E. Kimball, at Neversink, N. Y. 1880, Jan. 1— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Children. 1880, Dec. 26— Lavina. 1882, Feb. 3— Bertha. 1884, Apr. 3— Preston. 1891, June . .—Adela. 14 Marriage of Children. 1880, Mar. 8 — Harry Warren to Lavina Dice. 1902, June 15 — Frank Cooper to Bertha Dice. 1912, Dec. 25— Preston Dice to. Family of Marvin Kimball. Birth of Parents. 1822, Jan. 28— Marvin Kimball, at Colchester, N. Y. 1824, Jan. 12— Matilda C. Wilson, 1846, July 2— Married. Children. 1847, July 17 — Minnie Catharine, at Colchester, N. Y. 1849, Dec. 14 — Mary Augusta, at Colchester, N. Y. 1854, July 31— Edwin M., at Colchester, N. Y. 1856, May 31— Lelia A., at Colchester, N. Y. 1862, Feb. 14— Burr W., at Colchester, N. Y. 1870, Aug. 29— William F., at Colchester, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1867, Nov. 5— N. B. J. Allwood to Minnie Catharine Kimball. 1870, Mar. 15— Osborne W. Holmes to Mary Augusta Kimball. 1883, Dec. 25— Frank Mulligan to Lelia A. Kimball. 1884, Sept. 9— Edwin M. Kimball to Frances Smith. 1888, July 3— Burr W. Kimball to Anna Stevenson. Deaths. 1897, Sept. 27— Marvin Kimball. 1898, May 16— Matilda (Wilson) Kimball. 1901, Dec. 19— William F. Kimball. FAMILY OF EDWIN M. KIMBALL. Birth of Parents. 1854, July 31— Edwin M. Kimball. . . . ., — Frances Smith. 1884, Sept. 9— Married. Children. 1886, May 5— Flora M., at Matamoras, Pa. 1888, Jan. 2 — Edwin Elmore, at Matamoras, Pa. 15 1889, July 31— Marvin Leroy, at Matamoras, Pa. ■'' 1893, Nov. 24- — Emerson Paul, at Matamoras, Pa. ' 1899, Mar. 28— Burr William, at Matamoras, Pa. "] 1901, Sept. 19— Helen M., at Matamoras, Pa. i !V Marriage of Child. 1906, Jan. . . — Charles E. Benjamin to Flora M. Kimball. Deaths. 1888, Aug. 11— Edwin Elmore Kimball. 1902, Mar. 1— Marvin Leroy Kimball. FAMILY OF N. B. J. ALLWOOD. Birth of Parents. 1833, June 26— N. B. J. Allwood, at Barryville, N. Y. i 1847, July 17— Minnie Catharine Kimball, at Colchester, N. Y. j 1867, Nov. 5— Married. J Child. " ] 1868, Nov. 1^1 — Inez Helen, at Port Jervis, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1894, Apr. 3 — Henry Clayton Landon to Inez Helen Allwood, at Port Jervis, N. Y. FAMILY OF HENRY CLAYTON LANDON. Birth of Parents. — Henry Clayton Landon. 1868, Nov. 14 — Inez Helen Allwood, at Port Jervis, N. Y. 1894, Apr. 3— Married, at Port Jervis, N. Y. Children. 1896, June 22— Elizabeth Allwood, at Springfield, Ills. 1899, July 1— Henry Clayton, at Austin, Pa. 1901, Apr. 29 — Catharine Augusta, at Austin, Pa. 1904, Apr. 22— Inez M., at Galeton, Pa. 1907, Apr. 29— Frieda Antoinette, at Galeton, Pa. 1907, Dec. 8— Frederic Lincoln, at Hornell, N. Y. 16 FAMILY OF FRANK MULLIGAN. Birth of Parents. — Frank Mulligan, 1856, May 31— Lelia A. Kimball, at Colchester, N. Y. 1883, Dec. 25— Married. Children. — Leona, at Port Jervis, N. Y. —Ethel, at Port Jervis, N. Y. — Lelia, at Port Jervis, N. Y. — Grace, at Port Jervis, N. Y. — Dorothy, at Port Jervis, N. Y. —Wilbur, at Port Jervis, N. Y. — Esther, at Port Jervis, N. Y. Marriage of Children. —Ray C. Holbrook to Ethel Mulligan. —Joseph Knowlden to Grace Mulligan. Deaths. — Dorothy Mulligan, at Port Jervis, N. Y. — Esther Mulligan, at Port Jervis, N. Y. — Leona Mulligan, at Port Jervis, N. Y. Family of John Johnson. Birth of Parents. 1814, Feb. 28— John Johnson, at Colchester, N. Y. 1818, June 17— Elizabeth Kimball, at Colchester, N. Y. 1836, June 2— Married, at Colchester, N. Y. Children. 1837, Mar. 7— James K., at Colchester, N. Y. 1838, —Edward J., at Colchester, N. Y. 1839, Aug. 20— William H., at Colchester, N. Y. 1841, Aug. 31— John, Jr., at Colchester, N. Y. 1843, Aug. 19— Ada C, at Colchester, N. Y. 1845, May 24— Hannah, at Colchester, N. Y. 1849, Mar. A — Barna, at Colchester, N. Y. 1850, Oct. 18— Robert, at Colchester, N. Y. 1854, July 3— Anna, at Colchester, N. Y. 1858, —Marion, at Colchester, N. Y. 2 ^ 17 Marriage of Children. 1862, June 3— William H. Johnson to Mary Frances Tiffany. 1865, July 8 — James K. Johnson to Delia Havvley. 1865, — Lewis Hitt to Ada C. Johnson. 1873, Oct. 15 — Barna Johnson to Elizabeth Bohlman. 1858, 1860, 1860, 1860, 1860, 1865, 1892, 1896, Deaths. . . — Marvin Johnson. . . — Hannah Johnson. . . — Robert Johnson. . .—John Johnson, Jr.,— killed at Battle of Bull Run. . . — Anna Johnson. . . — James K. Johnson, died from wounds in Civil War. . . — Elizabeth (Kimball) Johnson, at Colchester, N. Y. . . — John Johnson, Sr. FAMILY OF WM. H. JOHNSON. Birth of Parents. 1839, Aug. 20— William H. Johnson, at Colchester, N. Y. 1841, Feb. 16— Mary Frances Tiffany, at Downsville, N. Y. 1862, June 3— Married, at Downsville, N. Y. Child. 1864, Feb. 18— John G., at Andes, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1897, June 1— John G. Johnson to Elizabeth Hine, at Jersey City, N.J. 1864, Feb. 1871, Aug. 1897, June 1898, Mar. 1903, Feb. 1905, Aug. FAMILY OF JOHN G. JOHNSON. Birth of Parents. 18— John G. Johnson, at Andes, N. Y. 15— Elizabeth Hine, at Cooperstown, N. Y. 1 — Married, at Jersey City, N. J. Children. 24 — Henry Benjamin, at Oneonta, N. Y. 23— Mary Estella, at Oneonta, N. Y. 31— John Vincent, at Oneonta, N. Y. 18 FAMILY OF BARNA JOHNSON. Birth of Parents. 1849, Mar. 4 — Barna Johnson, at Colchester, N. Y. — Ehzabeth Bohhnan. 1873, Oct. 15— Married. Birth of Child. 1875, Mar. 12— Charles B. Marriage of Child. 1899, Oct. 1&— Charles B. Johnson to Martha S. Mclntyre. FAMILY OF CHARLES B. JOHNSON. Birth of Parents. 1875, Mar. 12— Charles B. Johnson. — Martha S. Mclntyre, 1899, Oct. 18— Married. Child. 1903, Mar. 30— John Robert. Family of Oliver Kimball. Birth of Parents. 1781, Apr. 15— Oliver Kimball, at Monson, N. Y. 1787, Mar. 8— Sophia Stanton. 1806, Oct. 30— Married. Children. 1809, Aug. 7— Polly Brewer. 1812, May 31— Sally S. 1814, July 29— Julia Ann. 1818, Aug. 26— Lucy P. Marriage of Children. —Caleb Borden to Polly B. Kimball. 1833, Nov. 22— John A. Maffett to Sally S. Kimball. — James Wright to Lucy P. Kimball. Deaths. 1819, May 11— Oliver Kimball. 1831, Oct. . .—Julia Ann Kimball. 1851, Feb. 2— Sophia (Stanton) Kimball. 19 Family of Caleb Borden. Birth of Parents. — Caleb Borden. 1809, Aug. 7— Polly Brewer Kimball. — Married. Children. — Oliver. — Sophia. Death. — Caleb Borden. Family of John A. Maffett. Birth of Parents. 1814, July 4— John A. Maffett. 1812, May 31— Sally S. Kimball. 1833, Nov. 22— Married. Children. 1836, May 4— Samuel S. 1838, June 13 — Jonathan. 1840, Mar. 22— Nicholas D. 1842, Mar. 10— Julia A. 1843, Aug. 29— Oliver J. 1845, Apr. 3— Robert. 1849, Sept. 1— Sophia J. 1852, Oct. 23— Nathan. Family of James Wright. Birth of Parents. — James Wright. 1818, Aug. 26— Lucy P. Kimball. 1837, May 29— Married. Children. 1838, June 6— Edwin O. Wright. 1840, Feb. 10— Julia Ann Wright. 1842, Nov. 1— Martha L. Wright. Marriage of Children. 1854, Aug. 26— to Julia Ann Wright. 1858, Mar. 2— Edwin O. Wright to 20 Death. 1844, Jan. 12— James Wright. 1847, Nov. 28 — Second marriage — Lucy P. (Kimball) Wright to Loammah Sewell. Children. 1848, Aug. 17— Herman A. Sewell. 1853, Mar. 21— Borden G. Sewell. 1855, Nov. 11— Ward E. Sewell. Family of George D. Kimball. Birth of Parents. • 1794, July 4— George D. Kimball, at Little Britain, N. Y. 1797, Jan. 16— Elizabeth Hitt, at Colchester, N. Y. 1816, Sept, 25— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Children. 1817, July 20— Deborah Ann, at Rockland, N. Y. 1818, Sept. 11— Clarinda, at Rockland, N. Y. 1820, Apr. 15— George W., at Rockland, N. Y. 1822, Apr. 6— Henry, at Rockland, N. Y. 1824, Mar. 22— Mary, at Rockland, N. Y. 1825, Dec. 19— Abigail, at Rockland, N. Y. 1828, Feb. 4— Louisa, at Rockland, N. Y. 1829, May 20— Ellen, at Rockland, N. Y. 1832, Aug. 26— Elizabeth A., at Rockland, N. Y. 1834, Aug. 20— Nancy C, at Rockland, N. Y. 1836, Aug. 19— Levi, at Rockland, N. Y. 1841, May 4 — Hannah, at Rockland, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1837, Mar. 2 — Ernest Davis to Clarinda Kimball. 1845, June 13 — Henry Hornbeck to Deborah Ann Kimball. 1847, July 15 — Henry Kimball to Lavinia D. Laraway. 1847, Feb. 18— Clinton Wilson to Abigail Kimball. 1848, Jan. 20— Nathan Murdock to Mary Kimball. 1848, Feb. 3 — William Young to Louisa Kimball. 1849, Sept. 13— Abel Jones to Ellen Kimball. 1855, Mar. 14 — Asa P. Apley to Elizabeth A. Kimball. 1856, July 3 — James S. Cochran to Ellen (Kimliall) Jones. 21 Deaths. — Elizabeth (Hitt) Kimball. — Abel Jones. — Deborah Ann (Kimball) Hornbeck. — Clarinda (Kimball) Davis. — George D. Kimball. — George W. Kimball. — Mary (Kimball) Murdock. — Louisa (Kimball) Young. —Elizabeth A. (Kimball) Apley. — Nancy Kimball. — Hannah Kimball. 1909, June 12— Henry Kimball. 1859, — Second marriage George D. Kimball to Eunice Stewart Apley, at Springville, Iowa. Family of Henry Kimball. Birth of Parents. 1822, Apr. 6— Henry Kimball, at Rockland, N. Y. ...., — Lavinia D. Laraway. 1847, July 15— Married. Children. 1848, May 5 — Louisa. 1849, Dec. 18— Catharine. 1851, July 5— Albert L. 1853, Dec. 28— George W. 1856, Mar. 17— Debelia. Deaths. i 1857, Apr. 5— Debelia Kimball. 1909, June 12 — Henry Kimball, at Springville, Iowa. — Lavinia D. (Laraway) Kimball. Henry Kimball removed from Rockland to Iowa after the close of the Civil War. His wife died soon after going to Iowa, and he married a second time ; wife's maiden name unknown. 22 Family of Levi Kimball. Birth of Parents. 1836, Aug. 19— Levi Kimball, at Rockland, N. Y. 1841, Mar. 5— Abigail Hill Merrill, at Turner, Me. 1866, Oct. 25 — Married, at McGregor, Iowa. Children. 1867, Oct. 14 — Frederick Merrill, at McGregor, Iowa. 1871, Feb. 6 — Herbert Lee, at Castalia, Iowa. 1873, Oct. 3 — Thomas Evarts, at Castalia, Iowa. 1881, Jan. 13 — Mabel Abigail (adopted), at Springville, Iowa. Marriage of Children. 1895, Aug. \4 — Frederick Merrill Kimball to Minnie L. Jones, at Belden, Neb. 1904, Apr. 5— Claire Ruskin Mudge to Mabel Abigail Kimball, at Wakefield, Neb. 1907, June 19 — Herbert Lee Kimball to Caroline H. Fairchild, at Green Bay, Wis. Death. 1905, Mar. 18— Thomas Evarts Kimball, at Wakefield, Neb. FAMILY OF FREDERICK MERRILL KIMBALL. Birth of Parents. 1867, Oct. 14 — Frederick Merrill Kimball, at McGregor, Iowa. Minnie L. Jones, 1895, Aug. 14 — Married, at Belden, Neb. Children. 1896, Dec. 28— Mabel Abigail, at Hartington, Neb. 1898, June 2— Miriam Marie, at Hartington, Neb. 1901, Sept. 17— Levi, at Hartington, Neb. 1905, July 12 — Helen Frances, at Hartington, Neb. 1909, Feb. 8— Frederick Merrill, Jr., at Hartington, Neb. FAMILY OF HERBERT LEE KIMBALL. Birth of Parents. 1871, Feb. 6 — Herbert Lee Kimball, at Castalia, Iowa. — Caroline H. Fairchild, 1907, June 19— Married, at Green Bay, Wis. 23 Children. 1908, May 8— Stuart Fairchild, at Spokane, Wash. 1910, Mar. 21 — Emma Jean, at Spokane, Wash. Death. 1911, June 18 — Emma Jean Kimball, at Spokane, Wash. Family of Henry Hornbeck. Birth of Parents. — Henry Hornbeck. 1817, July 20— Deborah Ann Kimball. 1845, June 13— Married. Children. 1846, July 20 — Newton Jerome. 1849, June 10— Sarah Elizabeth. 1851, Oct. 3 — Emma Frances. 1853, Oct. 23— Clarinda Isabel. Death. 1852, Nov. 1 — Emma Frances Hornbeck. Family of Ernest Davis. Birth of Parents. — Ernest Davis. 1818, Sept. 11— Clarinda Kimball, at Rockland, N. Y. 1837, Mar. 2— Married. Children. 1838, Apr. 12— Sarah Elizabeth. 1840, Mar. 7— George H. 1842, Apr. 15— Samuel. 1844, Feb. 1— Helen Ann. 1846, Mar. 3 — Ernest Jefferson. 1848, May 18— Clarence Henry. 1850, Mar. 20— Clarinda Augusta. 1852, Feb. 22— Peter H. 1854, Nov. 24 — Abel Jones. 1856, Dec. 30— Betsey. Death. 1840, Sept. 16— Sarah Elizabeth Davis. 24 Family of Nathan Murdock. Birth of Parents. — Nathan Murdock. 1824, Mar. 22— Mary Kimball, at Rockland, N. Y. 1848, Jan. 20— Married. Children. 1848, Nov. 27— Georgiana. 1851, Oct. 21 — James Dennison. 1855, Apr. 30— Delos. Family of Clinton Wilson. Birth of Parents. 1820, Dec. 15 — Clinton Wilson, at . . . ., Tompkins Co., N. Y. 1825, Dec. 19— Abigail Kimball, at Rockland, N. Y. 1847, Feb. 18— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Children. 1850, Aug. 2— Alice, at Rockland, N. Y. 1852, July 15— Oscar, at Rockland, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1869, July 8 — Alonzo G. Dodge to Alice Wilson, at Rockland, N. Y. 1879, Sept. 17— Oscar Wilson to Sarah Merich, at Rockland, N. Y. Death. 1905, Jan. 15— Clinton Wilson, at Rockland, N. Y. FAMILY OF ALONZO G. DODGE. Birth of Parents. — Alonzo G. Dodge. 1850, Aug. 2— Alice Wilson, at Rockland, N. Y. 1869, July 8— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Children. 1871, Nov. 6— Lynn W., at Rockland, N. Y. 1876, May 17— Wilbur B., at Rockland, N. Y. 25 Marriage of Children. 1894, Oct. 10— Lynn W. Dodge to Nettie Bennett, at Rockland, N. Y. 1902, Nov. 6— Wilbur B. Dodge to Olive Cochran, at Rockland, N. Y. FAMILY OF LYNN W. DODGE. Birth of Parents. 1871, Nov. 6— Lynn W. Dodge, at Rockland, N. Y. 1874, Sept. 9— Nettie Bennett, at Rockland, N. Y. 1894, Oct. 10— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Children. 1898, Feb. 5— Mildred B., at Rockland, N. Y. 1901, June 15— Saidie A., at Rockland, N. Y. Death. 1898, Feb. 6— Mildred B. Dodge, at Rockland, N. Y. FAMILY OF WILBUR B. DODGE. Birth of Parents. 1876, May 17— Wilbur B. Dodge, at Rockland, N. Y. — Olive Cochran, at Rockland, N. Y. 1902, Nov. 6— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Children. 1905, Mar. 7— Ivan C, at Rockland, N. Y. 1908, Feb. 15— Clifford A., at Rockland, N. Y. Family of William Young. Birth of Parents. — William Young. 1828, Feb. 4— Louisa Kimball, at Rockland, N. Y. 1848, Feb. 3— Married. Children. 1850, Feb. 5— Harriet Ann. 1855, Dec. 1 — James Chandler. 26 Family of Abel Jones. Birth of Parents. — Abel Jones. 1829, May 20— Ellen Kimball, at Rockland, N. Y. 1849, Sept. 13— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Children. 1851, Oct. 7 — Eugenia. 1854, Mar. 4— Ella Frances. Marriage of Children. 1872, Oct. 15 — Augustus Dodge to Ella Frances Jones, at Rock- land, N. Y. 1872, Dec. 23 — Thereon A. Reed to Eugenia Jones, at Rockland, N. Y. Deaths. 1853, July 17— Abel Jones, at Rockland, N. Y. 1881, July 17 — Eugenia (Jones) Reed, at Rockland, N. Y. 1856, July 3 — Second marriage — Ellen (Kimball) Jones to James S. Cochran. Children. 1858, Aug. 21— Annis C, at Rockland, N. Y. 1861, Sept. 6— Levi E., at Rockland, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1877, May 10 — Hamilton Gage to Annis C. Cochran, at Rockland, N. Y. Deaths. 1863, July 16— Levi E. Cochran, at Rockland, N. Y. 1865, Feb. 26 — James S. Cochran, at Rockland, N. Y. FAMILY OF AUGUSTUS DODGE. Birth of Parents. — Augustus Dodge. 1854, Mar. 14 — Ella Frances Jones, at Rockland, N. Y. 1872, Oct. 15— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Children. 1873, Aug. 4— Herbert C, at Rockland, N. Y. 1883, Dec. 1— Sarah E., at Rockland, N. Y. 27 Marriage of Children. 1887, June 2— Herbert C. Dodge to Fannie M. Schindler, at Rockland, N. Y. 1906, Oct. 24— William E. Finch to Sarah E. Dodge, at Rockland, N. Y. Death. 1894, July 16— Augustus Dodge, at Rockland, N. Y. FAMILY OF HERBERT C. DODGE. Birth of Parents. 1873, Aug. 4— Herbert C. Dodge, at Rockland, N. Y. — Fannie M. Schindler. 1887, June 2— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Child. 1900, July 6— Frederick C. FAMILY OF WILLIAM E. FINCH. Birth of Parents. — William E. Finch. 1883, Dec. 1— Sarah E. Dodge, at Rockland, N. Y. 1906, Oct. 24— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Child. 1907, July 30— Francis A. Family of Russell Kimball. Birth of Parents. 1797, Apr. 21— Russell Kimball, at Rockland, N. Y. — Mercy Hogeboom. 1817, —Married. (This family removed to Ottawa, Ills., in 1831. They had several children. The following are the names of some of them: George, Richard, Oliver, Melissa, Clarissa, Hannah, Polly, Sally, Lucy and Julia.) Family of Samuel Darbee. Birth of Parents. 1768, June 2 — Samuel Darbee, at Lisbon, Conn. 1769, Oct. 27^ — Hannah Kimball, at Norwich, Conn. 1790, Sept. 30— Married, at Jewett City, Conn. 28 ^^^■- I '^'^'^ , S' HANNAH KIMP.ALL DARBEE Children. 1792, Jan. 3— Lucretia, at Goshen, N. Y. 1793, July 24— Sarah, at Goshen, N. Y. 1794, Dec. 30— Lucinda, at Goshen, N. Y. 1796, Mar. 20— John, at Goshen, N. Y. 1798, Mar. 22— Abigail, at Rockland, N. Y. 1799, Nov. 7— Hannah, at Rockland, N. Y. 1801, Nov. 1— William T., at Rockland, N. Y. 1803, Apr. 8— Levi, at Rockland, N. Y. 1806, May 21— Roxana, at Rockland, N. Y. 1808, Mar. 11— Samuel, Jr., at Rockland, N. Y. 1810, Aug. 15— Catharine, at Rockland, N. Y. 1813, June 8— Chester, at Rockland, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1808, Jan. 1— Peter O'Hara to Lucretia Darbee. 1816, Jan. 1— William Sprague to Lucinda Darbee. 1819, Feb. 25— Peter Stewart to Abigail Darbee. 1819, Oct. 20 — Augustus Dodge to Hannah Darbee. 1821, Mar. 12 — Levi Darbee to Jemima Hermance. 1822, Jan. 10— John Darbee to Eliza Gates. 1823, Jan. 8— William T. Darbee to Abigail Dodge. 1836, Dec. 1 — Samuel Darbee, Jr., to Jane Montgomery. 1838, Mar. 4 — Chester Darbee to Emily Voorhies. 1846, June 2 — Samuel Darbee, Jr., to Phebe A. Horton. 1846, Nov. 10 — Allan Stewart to Catharine Darbee. Deaths. 1826, Apr. 20 — Samuel Darbee. 1851, July 6 — Roxana Darbee. 1851, Dec. 15— Hannah (Kimball) Darbee. 1853. July 2 — Sarah Darbee. 1856, May 24— Lucretia (Darbee) O'Hara. 1875, Oct. 18— Catherine (Darbee) Stewart. 1875, Dec. 24— John Darbee. — Lucinda (Darbee) Sprague. — William T. Darbee. — Samuel Darbee, Jr. —Abigail (Darbee) Stewart. 1879, May 21— Levi Darbee. 1884, June 2 — Hannah (Darbee) Dodge. ...., — Chester Darbee. 29 Note from the original edition by Levi Darbee — "Samuel Darbee, my father, was the youngest child of Jedediah and Lucretia Cleveland Darbee. They had seven children, five sons — Jedediah, Azariah, Chester, John and Samuel ; two daughters, Cecilia and Abigail. Samuel's father died Sept. 4, 1769, aged 40 years ; Chester died at Shaftesbury, Vt., during the Revolutionary War ; John was a physician. He removed to New Jersey and died in 1795, at Suckasunny Plains ; his brother, Jedediah, died Oct. 9, 1828, in the 72d year of his age ; Cecilia died Oct. 12, 1844, aged 89 years. I have no information respecting the other brother and sister. . Samuel was left an orphan at an early age, and was apprenticed to a clothier. In 1792 he removed to Chester, Orange Co., and in 1796 to Rockland, Sullivan Co. (then Neversink, Delaware Co.), N. Y. Up to this time, I believe, he worked as a journeyman at his business during the season of cloth dressing, and as a farmer the rest of the year. He purchased a farm in Rockland and built a fulling and dyeing establishment. He continued the cloth dress- ing business, in connection with farming, until a few years prior to his death (1826). In the meantime, the establishment of cloth manufacture had, in a measure, ruined this part of his business. For many years, however, his was the only establishment of the kind in that section, and it was patronized by persons living at a distance of thirty and forty miles. By untiring industry and perseverance he succeeded in acquiring a competency, notwithstanding the large family for which he provided. He indulged the hope that he should be able to pass his declining years without the constant toil and anxiety to which he had hitherto been subjected. But, alas! his anticipations were never realized. On the 20th of April, 1826, in passing over a dugway, with a load of hay, the wagon was over- turned ; he was precipitated down an embankment upon the rocks in the bed of a stream, twenty feet below, and instantly killed. My mother survived him twenty-five years. She died Dec. 15, 1851. Both were early connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church and continued exemplary and devoted members. Family Gathering. — On Sept. 1, 1853, the surviving heirs, with one exception (Augustus Dodge) met at the family home- stead now owned by Chester, the youngest child. On the day fol- lowing, all were seated at one table. There were 18 present — 5 sons, 5 daughters, 3 sons-in-law, and 5 daughters-in-law, viz. : All the sons — John, William T., Levi, Samuel and Chester ; daughters, Lucretia, Lucinda, Abigail, Hannah and Catharine; sons-in-law, 30 o H < < 'V3 < u o Q < Ui H 1/3 o Peter O'Hara, Peter Stewart and Allan Stewart; daughters-in- law— Eliza (Gates), Abigail (Dodge), Jemima (Hermance), Phebe (Horton) and Emily (Voorhies). Family of John Darbee. Birth of Parents. 1796, Mar. 20— John Darbee, at Goshen, N. Y. 1800, Mar. 24 — Eliza Gates, at New Marlborough, Mass. 1822, Jan. 10— Married, at Liberty, N. Y. Children. 1824, Mar. 8— Levi G., at Liberty, N. Y. 1828, Sept. 29— Hannah Ann, at Liberty, N. Y. 1831, Oct. 26— Sarah Elizabeth, at Liberty, N. Y. 1836, Aug. 7— Helen M. Augusta, at Liberty, N. Y. 1839, Mar. 8— John Adams, at Liberty, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1859, Mar. 8 — Levi G. Darbee to Harriet Gildersleeve. 1873, Nov. 12— Jeremiah Bridges to Hannah Ann Darbee. Deaths. 1875, Dec. 2A — John Darbee, at Liberty, N. Y. —Eliza (Gates) Darbee, at Liberty, N. Y. 1884, Sept. 11— Sarah Elizabeth Darbee, at Middletown, N. Y. 1898, July 3— Helen M. Augusta Darbee, at Middletown, N. Y. 1907, Feb. 27— Levi G. Darbee, at Liberty, N. Y. 1907, Nov. 16— Hannah Ann (Darbee) Bridges, at Liberty, N. Y. FAMILY OF LEVI G. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1824, Mar. 8— Levi G. Darbee, at Liberty, N. Y. 1836, Mar. 20— Harriet Gildersleeve, at Liberty, N. Y. 1859, Oct. 4— Married, at Liberty, N. Y. Children. 1861, Aug. 4— Florence Elizabeth, at Liberty, N. Y. 1864, July 9— Sherman U., at Liberty, N. Y. 1867, July 24— Charles A., at Liberty, N. Y. 1869, July 5— Robert E., at Liberty, N. Y. 31 Marriage of Children. 1885, Oct. 22— Wilmot Moore to Florence E. Darbee, at Liberty, N. Y. 1891, July 8 — Sherman U. Darbee to Anna C. Christensen, at San Francisco, Cal. 1902, July 4 — Charles A. Darbee to Helen M. Misner, at Kenoza Lake, N. Y. 1902, Nov. 17— Robert E. Darbee to Hannah A. Thomas, at San Rafael, Cal. FAMILY OF SHERMAN U. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1864, July 9— Sherman U. Darbee, at Liberty, N. Y. 1869, July 8 — Anna C. Christensen, ...., Denmark. 1891, July 8 — Married, at San Francisco, Cal. Children. 1892, June 4 — Muriel Maude, at San Francisco, Cal. 1894, Sept. 14 — Allan Eugene, at San Francisco, Cal. FAMILY OF CHARLES A. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1867, July 24— Charles A. Darbee, at Liberty, N. Y. 1866, Apr. 17— Helen M. Misner, at Liberty, N. Y. . 1902, July 4 — Married, at Kenoza Lake, N. Y. Child. 1903, July 4 — Dorothy Jane. FAMILY OF ROBERT E. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1869, July 5— Robert E. Darbee, at Liberty, N. Y. — Hannah A. Thomas. 1902, Nov. 17— Married, at San Rafael, Cal. Child. 1907, Aug. 18 — Andrew L., at San Francisco, Cal. FAMILY OF WILMOT MOORE. Birth of Parents. 1862, Sept. 12— Wilmot Moore, at Fallsburgh, N. Y. 1861, Aug. 4 — Florence E. Darbee, at Liberty, N. Y. 1885, Oct. 22— Married, at Liberty, N. Y. 32 Children. 1886, Sept. 13— Winfield Darbee, at Roslyn, N. Y. 1895, Aug. 7— Anna Augusta, at Monticello, N. Y. 1898, Sept. 3C— Emmet Levi, at Great Neck. N. Y. Family of William T. Darbee. Birth of Parents. 1801, Nov. 1— William T. Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. 1796, Oct. 31— Abigail Dodge, at Hancock, N. Y. 1823, Jan. 8— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Children. 1823, Oct. 22— Orin, at Rockland, N. Y. 1829, July 29— Samuel J., at Rockland, N. Y. 1831, June 25— Edwin, at Rockland, N. Y. 1833, Apr. 3— Cordelia, at Rockland, N. Y. 1841, Oct. 18— William Wallace, at Rockland, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1848, Dec. 14 — Samuel J. Darbee to Grace E. Adgate, at Liberty, N. Y. 1850, June 2 — Orin Darbee to Sarah J. Cornwall, at Kenosha, Wis. 1854, Apr. 25 — Edwin Darbee to Hannah E. Dodge, at Liberty, N. Y. 1854, Sept. 7 — James Bonney to Cordelia Darbee, at Liberty, N. Y. Deaths. 1845, Aug. 17— William Wallace Darbee. 1853, Nov. 10— Samuel J. Darbee. — Edwin Darbee. — William T. Darbee. — Abigail (Dodge) Darbee. — Orin Darbee. FAMILY OF ORIN DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1823, Oct. 22— Orin Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. 1834, June 4 — Sarah J. Cornwall, at Kenosha, Wis. 1850, June 2 — Married, at Kenosha, Wis. 3 3S Children. 1852, July 23— Eva C, at Kenosha, Wis. 1858, Apr. 27— William L., at Kenosha, Wis. Marriage of Children. 1878, Mar. 27— Charles Spence to Eva C. Darbee. 1880, Oct. 14 — William L. Darbee to Henrietta L. Mills, at Jewett, N. Y. Deaths. — Orin Darbee, at Liberty, N. Y. — Sarah J. (Cornwall) Darbee, at Gainesville, Tex. FAMILY OF WILLIAM L. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1858, Apr. 27 — William L. Darbee, at Kenosha, Wis. 1856, Aug. 15— Henrietta L. Mills, at Jewett, N. Y. 1880, Oct. 14 — Married, at Jewett, N. Y. Child. 1891, Nov. 3— Eva L. Marriage of Child. 1912, Oct. 14 — Ernest Christian to Eva L. Darbee, at Saugerties, N. Y. FAMILY OF CHARLES SPENCE. Birth of Parents. 1841, Apr. 5 — Charles Spence, at Orkney Islands, Scotland. 1852, July 23— Eva C. Darbee, at Kenosha, Wis. 1878, Mar. 27— Married. Children. 1880, Nov. 21— Rena E., at Denver, Col. 1886, Mar. 28— Harry, at Marietta, Ohio. Marriage of Child. 1905, Oct. 31 — James G. Coleman to Rena E. Spence, at Gaines- ville, Texas. FAMILY OF JAMES G. COLEMAN. Birth of Parents. 1875, Nov. 25 — James G. Coleman, at Lindale, Texas. 1880, Nov. 21— Rena E. Spence, at Denver, Col. 1905, Oct. 31 — Married, at Gainesville, Texas. 34 Children. 1907, May 19— Eugene S., at Roswell, N. Y. 1910, Apr. 7 — Eva L., at Gainesville, Texas. FAMILY OF SAMUEL J. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1829, July 29— Samuel J. Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. — Grace E. Adgate. 1848, Dec. 14— Married, at Liberty, N. Y. Child. 1850, Sept. 15— William Wallace, at Liberty, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1882, Oct. 16 — William Wallace Darbee to Jennie Lind Palmer, at Oneonta, N. Y. Death. 1853, Nov. 10— Samuel J. Darbee, at Liberty, N. Y. FAMILY OF EDWIN DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1831, June 25 — Edwin Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. — Hannah E. Dodge, at Liberty, N. Y. 1854, Apr. 25— Married. Children. 1856, Feb. 29— Orin T., at Fallsburgh, N. Y. 1859, Sept. 4— Frank L., at Fallsburgh, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1881, Aug. 31 — Orin T. Darbee to Anna A. Thompson, at Middle- town, N. Y. 1881, Sept. 14 — Frank L. Darbee to Ida Low, at Missoula, Mont. Death. 1862, — Edwin Darbee. — Second marriage — Hannah E. (Dodge) Darbee to L. W. Emerson. FAMILY OF ORIN T. DARBEE. ; Birth of Parents. 1856, Feb. 29— Orin T. Darbee, at Fallsburgh, N. Y. — Anna A. Thompson. 1881, Aug. 31— Married, at Middletown, N. Y. 35 Children. 1883, Sept. 6 — Frances H. 1886, July 2— Grace T. 1892, Dec. 8— Frank L. Marriage of Child. 1907, Dec. 14 — Walter K. Merritt to Frances H. Darbee, at Mid- dletown, N. Y. FAMILY OF FRANK L. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1859, Sept. 4 — Frank L. Darbee, at Fallsburgh, N. Y. — Ida Low. 1881, Sept. 14— Married, at Missoula, Mont. Child. — Jennie L. Marriage of Child. 1906, Nov. 22 — Lamar Chaffin to Jennie L. Darbee, at Corvallas, Mont. FAMILY OF LAMAR CHAFFIN. Birth of Parents. — Lamar Chaffin. — Jennie L. Darbee. 1906, Nov. 22— Married, at Corvallas, Mont. Child. 1909, — Ida Frances. Death. 1911, Jan. .. — Lamar Chaffin. FAMILY OF JAMES BONNEY. Birth of Parents. — James Bonney. 1833, Apr. 3 — Cordelia Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. 1854, Sept. 7— Married, at Liberty, N. Y. Children. 1856, Apr. 1 — Samuel J. 1858, Mar. 23— Edwin D. 1860, Mar. 2— James M. 36 Marriage of Children. 1880, Jan. 8- — Samuel J. Bonney to Avis Benson. 1886, Dec. 28 — James M. Bonney to Julia Eggleston. Deaths. 1862 — James Bonney, killed in battle of Fair Oaks. — Edwin D. Bonney. 1868, Sept. 22 — Second marriage- — Cordelia (Darbee) Bonney to Wm. D. Steenrod. FAMILY OF WILLIAM D. STEENROD. Birth of Parents. 1828, May 4— William D. Steenrod. 1833, Apr. 3 — Cordelia (Darbee) Bonney, at Rockland, N. Y 1868, Sept. 22— Married. Children. 1870, Jan. 15— Minnie, at Liberty, N. Y. 1870, Nov. 25— Abigail, at Liberty, N. Y. 1874, Apr. 22— Edwin D., at Liberty, N. Y. 1876, June 11— Cordelia D., at Liberty, N. Y. 1879, Aug. 27— Jennie A., at Liberty, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1898, Nov. . . — Edwin D. Steenrod to Carrie Harmon. 1901, June 25 — Frederick S. Gorton to Cordelia Steenrod. Deaths. 1870, Feb. 9— Minnie Steenrod. 1873, June 26 — Abigail Steenrod. 1881, Aug. 2^1 — Jennie A. Steenrod. FAMILY OF SAMUEL J. BONNEY. Birth of Parents. 1856, Apr. 1 — Samuel J. Bonney. — Avis Benson. 1880, Jan. 8— Married. Children. 1881, Mar. 25— Curtis P. 1882, May 8— Sarah A. I Z7 FAMILY OF JAMES M. BONNEY. Birth of Parents. 1860, Mar. 2— James M. Bonney. — Julia Eggleston. 1886, Dec. 28— Married. Children. 1887, Oct. 2— Luella G. 1889, Sept. 28— Florence M. 1892, Aug. 17— Bessie M. FAMILY OF FREDERICK S. GORTON. Birth of Parents. 1878, Sept. 17— Frederick S. Gorton, at Liberty, N. Y. 1876, June 11— Cordelia D. Steenrod, at Liberty, N. Y. 1901, June 25— Married, at Liberty, N. Y. Children. 1904, Jan. 10— Edwin Lester, at Liberty, N. Y. 1906, Nov. 13— Alice May, at Liberty, N. Y. 1908, Oct. 24— Chester F., at Liberty, N. Y. 1910, Apr. 4 — William Russell, at Liberty, N. Y. Deaths. 1907, June U — Alice May Steenrod, at Liberty, N. Y. 1909, Aug. 14 — Chester F. Steenrod, at Liberty, N. Y. IN MEMORIAM. Levi Darbee, geaiwlson of Samuel and Hannah Kimball Darbee, was born in Rockland, April 8, 1803, and died in Brooklyn, May 21, 1879. He was one of the pioneer settlers of the Williamsburgh sec- tion, taking up his residence there long before the village was char- tered as a city. At the time of his death the following Obituary was published in the Brooklyn Daily Times: "Levi Darbee, one of the oldest residents of the Eastern District, died yesterday morning at the ripe old age of 76 years. The deceased was born in Rock- land, Sullivan Co., this state. In 1821 he was married to Miss Jemima Hermance, at Kingston, where he resided for a year after his marriage, being engaged in the printing business. About 1824, Mr. Darbee removed to Rockland, his birth place, thence to New 38 LEVI DARBEE York City, Monticello, Unadilla and finally, about 1834, to Wil- liamsburgh. "What is now a populous section of the city was then a small village of but a few hundred inhabitants. Mr. Darbee bought out the only printing office in the place, which had been established for two years, and began the publication of the first newspaper in Williamsburgh, known as The Willianishurgh Gazette. Its publi- cation was continued as a weekly until 1849, when it was changed to a semi-weekly. In 1850, it was made a daily, and was continued as such until 1854, when its publication was suspended. "Mr. Darbee continued in the printing business until six years ago, when failing health compelled his retirement. "During the earlier period of his residence, Mr. Darbee was connected with a number of prominent public movements and was, a number of years ago, Postmaster of our local office. He was among those who organized the Eastern District Hospital and Dis- pensary, and was for many years a Trustee of the institution. Mr. Darbee was always public spirited and ready at all times to do anything that would benefit the community in which he lived. In the days when he was active in public life, he was well known and commanded the confidence and respect of every one, and our best citizens were numbered among his devoted friends. For a number of years he has been in failing health, which forced him into retire- ment. "Mr. Darbee leaves a widow and eight children : Edgar, Abraham, Levi, Samuel, William, Mrs. Joseph Powell, Mrs. John El wood Powell, and Mrs. Charles Mills. In the family of which he was the head, it is noteworthy that this is the first death in forty- nine years." Family of Levi Darbee. Birth of Parents. 1803, Apr. 8— Levi Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. 1801, Sept. 22 — Jemima Hermance, at Kingston, N. Y. 1821, Mar. 12— Married, at Kingston, N. Y. Children. 1822, June 8 — Clarissa, at Kingston, N. Y. 1824, Mar. 12— Edgar, at Rockland, N. Y. 1826, Jan. 29— Abraham, at Rockland, N. Y. 1828, July 21— Maria, at New York City, N. Y. 39 1830, Sept. 8— Maria L., at New York City, N. Y. 1833, July 21— Sarah Catharine, at Rockland, N. Y. 1835, Aug. 8 — Arrietta Hermance, at Monticello, N. Y. 1840, Jan. 20— Levi, Jr., at Williamsburgh, N. Y. 1842, Feb. 11— Samuel, at Williamsburgh, N. Y. 1844, Aug. 8 — William Henry, at Williamsburgh, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1851, May A — Abraham Darbee to Mary Ann Fletcher, at Brook- lyn, N. Y. 1851, Nov. 27— Edgar Darbee to Elizabeth Ouse Barton, at Brook- lyn, N. Y. 1854, July 3 — Joseph L. Powell to Maria L. Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1856, Sept. 30 — Lewis B. Giles to Arrietta Hermance Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1857, May 13 — Charles C. Mills to Sarah Catharine Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1866, June 16 — William Henry Darbee to Sarah Isabella Kellum, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1868, June 10 — Levi Darbee to Fannie Winant, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1871, Feb. 19— John Eldridge Powell to Arrietta H. (Darbee) Giles, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1871, Aug. 31— Samuel Darbee to Mary L. Gray, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1880, Feb. 11— William Henry Darbee to Mary Augusta May, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1888, June 19— Levi Darbee to Isabel Mitchell, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Deaths. v 1823, Apr. . .—Clarissa Darbee, at Kingston, N. Y. 1829, Aug. . . — Maria Darbee, at New York City, N. Y. 1879, May 21— Levi Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1886, July 4 — Abraham Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1892, Aug. 13— Jemima (Hermance) Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1907, July 25— Edgar Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1910, Aug. 1— Maria L. (Darbee) Powell, at Brooklyn, N. Y. FAMILY OF EDGAR DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1824, Mar. 12— Edgar Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. 40 1828, Feb. 23— Elizabeth Ouse Barton, on the brig "Ouse," in the German Ocean. 1851, Nov. 27— Married, at WilHamsburgh, N. Y. Children. 1852, Nov. 20— George Edgar, at WilHamsburgh, N. Y. 1854, July 22— Charlotte Ann, at WilHamsburgh, N. Y. 1858, Sept. 1— Edgar Levi, at WilHamsburgh, N. Y. 1860, Nov. 17— Alicia Barton, at WilHamsburgh, N. Y. Marriage of Children. — William Conselyea to Charlotte Ann Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Deaths. 1853, June 22— George Edgar Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1861, July 2-1 — Alicia Barton Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1880, Oct. 24 — Elizabeth O. (Barton) Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1901, Jan. 9 — Charlotte Ann (Darbee) Conselyea, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1907, July 25— Edgar Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1909, Sept. 30— Edgar Levi Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. FAMILY OF ABRAHAM DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1826, Jan. 29— Abraham Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. 1826, Dec. 11— Mary Ann Fletcher, at New York City, N. Y. 1851, May 4— Married, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Children. 1852, Jan. 31— Robert Melville, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1856, Dec. 30— Abraham Levi, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1875, July 16— Robert M. Darbee to Mary Jane Burbank, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1877, June 10 — Abraham L. Darbee to Harriet Webb, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Deaths. 1886, July 4— Abraham Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1910, June 7— Mary Ann (Fletcher) Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 41 FAMILY OF ROBERT M. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1852, Jan. 31— Robert M. Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1843, May 31— Mary J. Burbank, at New York City, N. Y. 1875, July 16— Married, at New York City, N. Y. Children. 1876, Apr. 17— Mary Millett, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1880, Oct. 19— Robert Sheridan, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1883, Feb. 24— Willard Blandin, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1907, Oct. 2 — Robert S. Darbee to Lulu Tina Dorn, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Death. 1903, Nov. 13— Willard Blandin Darbee. FAMILY OF ABRAHAM L. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1856, Dec. 30— Abraham L. Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. — Harriet Webb, at Stamford, Conn. 1877, June 10— Married, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Child. 1878, July 15— Hattie, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Deaths. 1890, June 5— Hattie Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1896, July 7 — Harriet (Webb) Darbee, at Stamford, Conn. FAMILY OF LEVI DARBEE, JR. Birth of Parents. 1840, Jan. 20— Levi Darbee, Jr., at Brooklyn, N. Y. — Fannie Winant, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1868, June 10— Married, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Children. 1871, Oct. 9— Alan, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1877, Jan. 21— Frederick, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1911, June 20— Alan Darbee to Etta Mae Kirk, at Newark, N. J. 42 Deaths. 1883, May 5— Frederick Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1886, June 13 — Fannie (Winant) Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1888, June 19 — Second marriage- — Levi Darbee, Jr., to Isabel Mitchell, at Brooklyn, N. Y. FAMILY OF SAMUEL DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1842, Feb. 11 — Samuel Darbee, at Williamsburgh, N. Y. — Mary L. Gray, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1871, Aug. 31— Married, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Children. 1872, May 30— Effie G., at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1876, Oct. 23— Elmer E., at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1882, May 7— Arline A., at Brooklyn, N. Y. Deaths. 1881, Mar. 29— Elmer E. Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1910, Jan. 24— Mary L. (Gray) Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. FAMILY OF WILLIAM H. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1844, Aug. 8— William H. Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1845, Mar. 19— Sarah Isabella Kellum, at New York City, N. Y. 1866, June 16— Married, at Brooklyn, N. Y, Child. 1875, Sept. 12— William, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1908, Apr. 2 — William Darbee to Sarah Carson Pusche, at Balti- . more, Md. Death. 1875, Sept. 13 — Sarah Isabella (Kellum) Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1880, Feb. 11 — Second marriage — William H. Darbee to Mary Augusta May, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 43 FAMILY OF WILLIAM DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1875, Sept. 12— William Darbee, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1885, May 15 — Sarah Carson Pusche, at Baltimore, Md. 1908, Apr. 2— Married, at Baltimore, Md. Children. 1909, Jan. 18 — William Reese, at Baltimore, Md. 1910, Nov. 20— Herbert Carson, at Baltimore, Md. FAMILY OF JOSEPH LEEDS POWELL. Birth of Parents. May 12 — Joseph L. Powell, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1830, Sept. 8— Maria Louise Darbee, at New York City, N. Y. 1854, July 3— Married, at Williamsburgh, N. Y. Children. 1855, Sept. 16— Abraham Leeds, at Hyde Park, Pa. 1857, Aug. 25— Joseph Levi, at Hyde Park, Pa. 1860, Aug. 18— Maria Josephine, at Hyde Park, Pa. 1863, Mar. 21 — Martha Frankalenia Sarah Louise, at Hyde Park, Pa. 1868, Jan. 31 — Henrietta Josieanna, at Hyde Park, Pa. 1868, Jan. 31— William Henry, at Hyde Park, Pa. Marriage of Children. 1873, Mar. . . — Abraham Leeds Powell to Hattie Louise Watson, at Brooklyn, N. Y. — Joseph Levi Powell to Ella M. La Vere, at Brook- lyn, N. Y. 1881, Aug. 18— Maria Josephine Powell to Cyrus W. Field, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1881, — Martha Frankalenia Sarah Louise Powell to Robert Gray, Jr., at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1895, Oct. 26 — Martha Frankalenia Sarah Louise Powell to Orley M. Smith at Denver Col. — William Henry Powell to Annie Barrett, at Brook- lyn, N. Y. Deaths. — Joseph Leeds Powell, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1868, May 28 — Henrietta Josieanna Powell, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 44 1891, Sept. A — Joseph Levi Powell, at Brooklyn, N. Y. ^ 1899, Sept. 3— William Henry Powell, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1899, Nov. 3 — Martha Frankalenia Sarah Louise (Powell) Smith, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1910, Aug. 1— Maria Louise (Darbee) Powell, at Brooklyn, N. Y. FAMILY OF ABRAHAM LEEDS POWELL. Birth of Parents. 1855, Sept. 16— Abraham Leeds Powell, at Hyde Park, Pa. 1855, Nov. 11— Hattie Louise Watson, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1873, Mar. . .—Married, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Children. 1874, Jan. 17 — Florence Louise, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1879, Jan. 24— Edwin Leeds, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1882, June 13— Ethel Claire, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1909, Oct. 20— Edwin Leeds Powell to Maude H. Pierson, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Death. 1874, Mar. 17 — Florence Louise Powell, at Brooklyn, N. Y. FAMILY OF EDWIN LEEDS POWELL. 1879, Jan. 2-1 — Edwin Leeds Powell, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1888, Nov. 6— Maude H. Pierson, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1909, Oct. 20— Married, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Child. 1910, Dec. 27— Beryl Halsted, at Brooklyn, N. Y. FAMILY OF JOSEPH LEVI POWELL. Birth of Parents. 1857, Aug. 25— Joseph Levi Powell, at Hyde Park, Pa. —Ella M. La Vere. Note. — Four children were born of this union, all of whom are dead. Their names cannot be ascertained. Both parents are dead. 45 FAMILY OF WILLIAM HENRY POWELL. i Birth of Parents. 1868, Jan. 31— William Henry Powell, at Hyde Park, Pa. — Annie Barrett. i — Married, at Brooklyn, N. Y. i Children. — Margaret, at Brooklyn, N. Y. : — Hattie, at Brooklyn, N. Y. — Annie, at Brooklyn, N. Y. —Violet, at Brooklyn, N. Y. — Irene, at Brooklyn, N. Y. ' Deaths. 1899, Sept. 3— William Henry Powell, at Brooklyn, N. Y. — Margaret, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1911, May 15— Hattie, at Brooklyn, N. Y. FAMILY OF CYRUS W. FIELD. ] Birth of Parents. — Cyrus W. Field. 1860, Aug. 18 — Maria Josephine Powell, at Hyde Park, Pa. 1881, Aug. 18— Married, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Children. i 1882, Aug. 15— Myra Josephine, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1886, Mar. 21— Sadie Louise, at Brooklyn, N. Y. ] 1891, June 13 — James Conselyea, at Brooklyn, N. Y. i 1896, Dec. 15— Mildred Isabel, at Brooklyn, N. Y. ^ Marriage of Child. 1907, Jan. 12 — Carl H. Riedrich, Jr., to Sadie Louise Field, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Deaths. 1883, May 17— Myra Josephine Field, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1904, June 21— Mildred Isabel Field, at Brooklyn, N. Y. , I FAMILY OF CARL H. RIEDRICH, JR. : Birth of Parents. — Carl H. Riedrich, Jr. j 1886, Mar. 21— Sadie Louise Field, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1907, Jan. 12— Married, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 46 Child. 1908, Jan. 28— Elsa F., at Brooklyn, N. Y. FAMILY OF ROBERT GRAY, JR. — Robert Gray, Jr. 1863, Mar. 21 — Martha Frankalenia Sarah Louise Powell, at Hyde Park, Pa. 1881, —Married, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Child. 1882, June 29— Ernest Adolph. Deaths. — Robert Gray, Jr. 1884, — Ernest Adolph Gray. 1895, Oct. 26 — Second marriage — Martha Frankalenia Sarah Louise Gray to Orley Mason Smith, at Denver, Col. Child. 1896, Oct. 2— Orley Mason Smith, Jr. Deaths. 1899, Nov. 3 — Martha Frankalenia Sarah Louise Smith. 1907, Feb. 9— Orley Mason Smith, Jr. PAMILY OF CHARLES C. MILLS. Birth of Parents. 1827, Apr. 1— Charles C. Mills, at New York City, N. Y. 1833, July 21— Sarah Catharine Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. 1857, May 13— Married, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Children. 1858, July 17— Charles M., at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1860, Apr. 9— Eugenia E., at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1862, Sept. 3 — George Comings, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1864, Dec. 1— William H., at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1867, Nov. 27— Irving P., at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1870, July 14 — Alvira B., at Jamaica, N. Y. 1872, Sept. 18— Frederick L., at Jamaica, N. Y. 1876, July 25— Henry A., at Jamaica, N. Y. 47 Marriage of Children. 1884, Nov. 12— Charles M. Mills to Clara G. Shaffer, at Phoenix- ville, Pa. 1889, June 12— William H. Mills to Ella L. Fosdick, at Jamaica, N. Y. 1891, June 17 — George C. Mills to Mabel Townsend, at Jamaica, N. Y. 1894, Apr. 18 — Alonzo F. Carman to Alvira B. Mills, at Jamaica, N. Y. 1895, June 5 — Irving P. Mills to Daisy C. Dickinson, at Cobbles- kill, N. Y. 1898, June 22— Frederick L. Mills to Gabrielle Hoyt, at Jamaica, N. Y. 1902, Sept. 28 — Second marriage — Irving P. Mills to Sophia Goodale, at New York City, N. Y. 1903, June . . — Second marriage — George C. Mills to Anna T. Penny, at Amity ville, N. Y. 1906, Mar. . . — Norman R. Travers to Alvira B. (Mills) Carman, at Jamaica, N. Y. Deaths. 1885, Aug. 10— Henry A. Mills, at Jamaica, N. Y. 1892, May 25— Mabel (Townsend) Mills, at Newark, N. J. 1896, Dec. 15— Charles C. Mills, at Jamaica, N. Y. 1901, June 10— Alonzo F. Carman, at Northville, N. Y. 1901, June 22— Daisy C. (Dickinson) Mills, at Montclair, N. J. FAMILY OF CHARLES M. MILLS. Birth of Parents. 1858, July 17— Charles M. Mills, at Brooklyn, N. Y. - — Clara G. Shaffer. 1884, Nov. 12— Married, at Phoenixville, Pa. Child. 1888, Jan. 7— Dorothy C, at Phoenixville, Pa. FAMILY OF GEORGE C. MILLS. Birth of Parents. 1862, Sept. 3— George C. Mills, at Brooklyn, N. Y. — Mabel Townsend. 1891, June 17— Married, at Jamaica, N. Y. 48 Children. 1892, May 22— Frances T., at Newark, N. J. 1892, May 22 -Mabel T., at Newark, N. J. Deaths. 1892, May 25— Mabel (Townsend) Mills, at Newark, N. J. 1894, June 17— Frances T. Mills, at Jamaica, N. Y. 1903, June 2 — Second marriage — George C. Mills to Anna S. Penny, at Amityville, N. Y. Child. 1905, Feb. 13— Dwight T., at Pittsburgh, Pa. FAMILY OF WILLIAM H. MILLS. Birth of Parents. 1864, Dec. 1— William H. Mills, at Brooklyn, N. Y. — Ella L. Fosdick, at Jamaica, N. Y. 1889, June 12— Married, at Jamaica, N. Y. Child. 1896, Jan. ■^■1 — Lois E., at Jamaica, N. Y. FAMILY OF IRVING P. MILLS. Birth of Parents. 1867, Nov. 27— Irving P. Mills, at Brooklyn, N. Y. —Daisy C. Dickinson. 1895, June 5— Married, at Cobbleskill, N. Y. Child. 1896, Aug. 25— Charles D., at Jamaica, N. Y. Death. 1901, June 22— Daisy C. (Dickinson) Mills, at Montclair, N. J. 1902, Sept. 28 — Second marriage — Irving P. Mills to Sophia Goodale, at New York City. Children. 1904, Apr. 15— Irving P., Jr., at Montclair, N. J. 1908, Jan. 15— Josephine G., at Montclair, N. J. 4 49 FAMILY OF FREDERICK L. MILLS. Birth of Parents. 1872, Sept. 18— Frederick L. Mills, at Jamaica, N. Y. — Gabrielle Hoyt. 1898, June 22— Married, at Jamaica, N. Y. Children. 1899, Aug. 2— Francis E., at Jamaica, N. Y. 1903, Dec. 13— Gordon H., at Jamaica, N. Y. FAMILY OF ALONZO F. CARMAN I Birth of Parents. — Alonzo F. Carman. 1870, July 14 — Alvira B. Mills, at Jamaica, N. Y. . 1894, Apr. 18 — Married, at Jamaica, N. Y. Child. 1895, Oct. 8— Madeline M., at Summit, N. J. Death. j 1901, June 10— Alonzo F. Carman, at Northville, N. Y. | 1906, Mar. . . — Second marriage — Alvira B. (Mills) Carman to Norman R. Travers. Children. 1908, Mar. 26— Catharine E., at Brooklyn, N. Y. j 1909, Aug. 9— Norman R., at Brentwood, N. Y. j Death. i 1912, Jan. 17 — Madeline M. Carman, at Saco, Maine. i FAMILY OF LEWIS B. GILES. I Birth of Parents. i 1825, June 7 — Lewis B. Giles, at Orr, England. ■ I 1835, Aug. 8— Arrietta Hermance Darbee, at Monticello, N. Y. 1856, Sept. 30— Married, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Child. 1857, July 5— Lewis B., Jr., at Brooklyn, N. Y. Death. 1857, Sept. 18— Lewis B. Giles, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1871, Feb. 19 — Second marriage — Arrietta H. (Darbee) Giles to '■ John Eldredge Powell. i 50 Child. 1872, Sept. 8— William Wood, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1881, Dec. 12 — Lewis B. Giles to Hattie Sophie Buffett, at Brook- lyn, N. Y. 1911, Feb. 11— William Wood Powell to Florence A. May, at Newark, N. J. Death. 1909, Feb. 25— John Eldredge Powell, at Brooklyn, N. Y. FAMILY OF LEWIS B. GILES. Birth of Parents. 1857, July 5— Lewis B. Giles, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1860, Jan. 9— Hattie Sophia Bufifett, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1881, Dec. 12— Married, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Children. 1882, Oct. 8— Lewis Brockhurst, Jr., at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1883, Oct. 30— William Brockhurst, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1885, Apr. 25— Attie May, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1888, Oct. 1— Florence Bell, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1892, Dec. 30— Milton Eldredge, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1894, Aug. 15— Harold Eugene, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1896, June 19— Ruth Eleanor, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1898, Jan. 21— Wallace Edwin, at Richmond Hill, N. Y. 1899, Nov. 12— Helen May, at Richmond Hill, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1907, Apr. 25 — William B. Giles to Edith Gilmore Rawlins, at Richmond Hill, N. Y. Deaths. -Lewis Brockhurst Giles, Jr., at Brooklyn, N. Y. -Attie May Giles, at Brooklyn, N. Y. -Florence Bell Giles, at Brooklyn, N. Y. -Harold Eugene Giles, at Brooklyn, N. Y. FAMILY OF WILLIAM B. GILES. Birth of Parents. 1883, Oct. 30— William B. Giles, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1885, Jan. 29— Edith Gilmore Rawlins, at Richmond Hill, N. Y. 1907, Apr. 25— Married, at Richmond Hill, N. Y. 51 1883, Aug. 1- 1886, Dec. 2 1890, Dec. 19- 1895, Jan. 11- Child. 1909, Feb. 27— Kenneth Brockhurst Giles, at Richmond Hill, N. Y. Family of Samuel Darbee, Jr. Birth of Parents. 1808, Mar. 11— Samuel Darbee, Jr., at Rockland, N. Y. 1810, Mar. 19— Jane Montgomery, at Rockland, N. Y. 1836, Dec. 1— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Children. 1837, Oct. 17— Francis Balcom, at Rockland, N. Y. 1839, Nov. 1— Hannah Mary, at Rockland, N. Y. 1841, Apr. 5— John Wesley, at Rockland, N. Y. 1843, July 29— Cleveland, at Rockland, N. Y. Deaths. 1843, Mar. 23— Francis Balcom Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. 1845, Jan. 17 — Jane (Montgomery) Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. 1846, June 2 — Second marriage — Samuel Darbee, Jr., to Phoebe A. Horton. Child. 1847, June 14— William Elwood Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1861, Aug. 21 — John H. Sheeley to Hannah Mary Darbee, at Rock- land, N. Y. 1866, Dec. 31— Cleveland Darbee to Minerva Wood, at Rockland,' N. Y. 1873, Feb. 5— John Wesley Darbee to Ellen Keener, at Port Jervis, N. Y. Deaths. 1857, Apr. 20— William Elwood Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. 1881, July 26— Phoebe A. (Horton) Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. 1883, Oct. 28— Samuel Darbee, Jr., at Rockland, N. Y. 1904, Sept. 2— Cleveland Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. . . . "These pioneers who were by turns lumbermen, farmers and hunters, were a robust, jovial race of men. When at their work they labored with might and main ; when indulging in their favorite sports, they were fearless and full of fun, and apparently enjoyed nothing more than forest life; but there was one thing they loved 52 more and that was the home circle. Samuel Darbee, Jr., the friend and companion of Peter Stewart, was very fond of his family and particularly of his children. With them he was seldom, if ever, austere or arbitrary. He was their companion, friend and mentor." — Quinlan's Hist, of Sullivan Co. FAMILY OF JOHN WESLEY DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1841, Apr. 5— John Wesley Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. 1847, Feb. 27— Ellen Keener, at Andes, N. Y. 1873, Feb. 5— Married, at Port Jervis, N. Y. Children. 1874, Jan. 27— Fannie A., at Roscoe-Rockland, N. Y. 1875, Oct. 30— Nettie L., at Roscoe-Rockland, N. Y. 1878, Oct. 21— Mary K., at Roscoe-Rockland, N. Y. 1881, Apr. 11— Jennie G., at Roscoe-Rockland, N. Y. 1883, May 29— Nellie M., at Roscoe-Rockland, N. Y. 1889, May 26— Hettie M., at Roscoe-Rockland, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1892, Dec. 15— Frederick W. Odwell to Nettie L. Darbee, at Roscoe, N. Y. 1894, Mar. 27— William J. Thomson to Fannie A. Darbee, at Roscoe, N. Y. 1908, Oct. 19 — Howard A. Robinson to Jennie G. Darbee, at Roscoe, N. Y. Deaths. 1888, Jan. 21— Nellie M. Darbee, at Roscoe, N. Y. 1910, Sept. 14 — Mary K. Darbee, at Roscoe, N. Y. FAMILY OF WILLIAM J. THOMSON. Birth of Parents. 1869, Mar. 15— William J. Thomson, at Colchester, N. Y. 1874, Jan. 27— Fannie A. Darbee, at Roscoe, N. Y. 1894, Mar. 27— Married, at Roscoe, N. Y. Child. 1898, Aug. 1— Madolin, at Roscoe, N. Y. 53 FAMILY OF FREDERICK WILLIAM ODWELL. Birth of Parents. 1872, Sept. 25— Frederick William Odwell, at Downsville, N. Y. 1875, Oct. 30— Nettie L. Darbee, at Roscoe, N. Y. 1902, Dec. 15— Married, at Roscoe, N. Y. Child. 1906, Nov. 1 — John Wesley, at Downsville, N. Y. FAMILY OF CLEVELAND DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1843, July 29— Cleveland Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. — Minerva Wood, at Rockland, N. Y. 1866, Dec. 31— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Children. 1867, Nov. 9— Willard Hicks, at Roscoe, N. Y. 1871, Feb. 10— Nina, at Roscoe, N. Y. 1873, June 16— Chester, at Roscoe, N. Y. 1875, Nov. 6— Ella Kilpatrick, at Roscoe, N. Y. 1879, Jan. 8 — Edwin Chauncey, at Roscoe, N. Y. 1884, Jan. 1 1— Cleveland, Jr., at Roscoe, N. Y. 1887, May 23— Samuel Wood, at Roscoe, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1897, Nov. 2^1 — Willard Hicks Darbee to Anna Catharine Goff at De Bruce, N. Y. 1900, Nov. 7 — Chester Darbee to Eva May Austin, at Monroe, Washington. 1902, July 6 — James T. Brewster to Nina Darbee, at Saugerties, N. Y. 1903, Sept. 5 — Edwin Chauncey Darbee to Mary Josephine O'Keefe, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. 1905, —Samuel Wood Darbee to Mary Elizabeth Martin, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. 1906, June 12 — Harry Edwin Paradise to Ella Kilpatric Darbee, at Parksville, N. Y. 1910, July 23 — Cleveland Darbee, Jr., to Constance Ruby Shaw, at Baker City, Ore. Deaths. 1904, Sept. 2— Cleveland Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. 1911, Apr. 27— Minerva (Wood) Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. 54 FAMILY OF WILLARD HICKS DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1867, Nov. 9— Willard Hicks Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. — Anna Katharine Goff, at Rockland, N. Y. 1897, Nov. 24— Married, at De Bruce, N. Y. Children. 1904, July 25— John Chester, at Parksville, N. Y. 1908, Dec. 26— Mary Ella, at Parksville, N. Y. 1911, Feb. 27— Willard Hicks, Jr., at Parksville, N. Y. Death. 1905, Feb. 11— John Chester Darbee, at Parksville, N. Y. FAMILY OF CHESTER DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1873, June 16 — Chester Darbee, at Roscoe, N. Y. — Eva May Austin. 1900, Nov. 7 — Married, at Monroe, Washington. Child. 1902, Mar. 4- — Gwendolyn Lucille, at Monroe, Washington. FAMILY OF SAMUEL WOOD DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1887, May 23— Samuel Wood Darbee, at Roscoe, N. Y. — Mary Elizabeth Martin. 1905, — Married, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. Children. 1906, Apr. 7— Harry Allen, at Roscoe, N. Y. 1907, Apr. 26— Samuel Martin, at Roscoe, N. Y. 1908, May 13 — Francis Cleveland, at Malden-on-Hudson, N. Y. Death. 1908, Aug. 1 — Samuel Wood Darbee, at Malden-on-Hudson, N. Y. FAMILY OF JOHN H. SHEELEY. Birth of Parents. 1840, Dec. 4— John H. Sheeley, at Rockland, N. Y. 1839, Nov. 1— Hannah Mary Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. 1861, Aug. 21— Married, at Liberty, N. Y. 55 Children. 1864, Aug. 9— Maude, at Rockland, N. Y. 1866, Sept. 15 — Emma Jane, at Rockland, N. Y. 1868, May 2^^ — Etta Montgomery, at Rockland, N. Y. 1869, Aug. 9— Frederick, at Rockland, N. Y. 1872, July 29— Josephine Louise, at Rockland, N. Y. 1875, Oct. 1— Emily Catharine, at Rockland, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1891, Nov. 17 — Frederick Sheeley to Selina Hardenburgh, at Monticello, N. Y. 1895, Nov. 27 — Thomas H. Le Roy to Josephine L. Sheeley, at Rockland, N. Y. 1913, Feb. 26— Austin Dodge Johnston, M.D., to Etta Montgom- ery Sheeley, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Deaths. 1865, Jan. 20— Maude Sheeley. 1872, Apr. 8 — Emma Jane Sheeley. 1875, Sept. 30— John H. Sheeley. 1895, Feb. 5 — Emily Catharine Sheeley. 1897, Feb. 14 — Josephine Louise (Sheeley) Le Roy. FAMILY OF THOMAS H. LE ROY. Birth of Parents. 1867, Aug. 20— Thomas H. Le Roy, at Parksville, N. Y. 1872, July 27— Josephine Louise Sheeley, at Rockland, N. Y. 1895, Nov. 27— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Child. 1897, Jan. 30— Josephine Winfield, at Parksville, N. Y. Death. 1897, Feb. 14 — Josephine Louise (Sheeley) Le Roy, at Parksville, N. Y. Family of Chester Darbee. Birth of Parents. 1813, June 8— Chester Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. 1818, Feb. 1— Emily Voorhies, at Rockland, N. Y. 1838, Mar. 4 — Married, at Rockland, N. Y. 56 ! Children. 1841, May 31— Charlotte, at Rockland, N. Y. 1847, Jan. 5— Abbie, at Rockland, N. Y. Marriage of Children. — Albert Launt to Charlotte Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. — John Pontin to Abbie Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. Deaths. —Chester Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. — Emily (Voorhies) Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. —Charlotte (Darbee) Launt, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. FAMILY OF ALBERT LAUNT. Birth of Parents. — Albert Launt. 1841, May 31— Charlotte Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. —Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Child. — Erford, at Rockland, N. Y. Marriage of Child. — Erford Launt to FAMILY OF JOHN PONTIN. Birth of Parents. — John Pontin. 1847, Jan. 5— Abbie Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. — Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Child. — Henry. Family of Peter O'Hara. Birth of Parents. 1775, Nov. 16 — Peter O'Hara, at Ballandary, Ireland. 1792, Jan. 3 — Lucretia Darbee, at Goshen, N. Y. 1808, Jan. 1— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. 57 Children. 1809, July 18— Abraham, at Rockland, N. Y. 1811, Jan. 21— Eliza Ann, at Rockland, N. Y. 1812, Dec. 7— Stephen, at Rockland, N. Y. 1813, Dec. 25 — Lucinda, at Beekmantown, N. Y, 1816, June 1— Barnard, at Fishkill, N. Y. 1818, Sept. 8— Hannah, at Colchester, N. Y. 1820, Oct. 21— Samuel, at Greenville, N. Y. 1822, Mar. 14 — Mary, at Greenville, N. Y. 1824, July 1— Peter, Jr., at Greenville, N. Y. 1826, Feb. 27— Lucretia, at Greenville, N. Y. 1827, Oct. 21— George Edward, at Greenville, N. Y. 1829, Aug. 11— Catharine, at Greenville, N. Y. 1831, Mar. 14 — Charles Henry, at Greenville, N. Y. 1834, Jan. 3— Ellen, at Greenville, N. Y. 1835, Aug. 1— Levi, at Greenville, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1832, Feb. 11— Michael Purcell to Eliza Ann O'Hara, at Green- ville, N. Y. — Darius Allen to Eliza Ann (O'Hara) Purcell, at Greenville, N. Y. 1836, Jan. 12 — Peter McGauley to Lucinda O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. 1840, Jan. 2— Dominick McDevitt to Hannah O'Hara, at Green- ville, N. Y. 1840, Jan. 2— Charles McWilliams to Mary O'Hara, at Green- ville, N. Y. 1845, Dec. 11 — Barnard O'Hara to Charlotte Briggs, at Lexing- ton, N. Y. 1848, Feb. 18— Samuel O'Hara to Louise Mayham, at North Blenheim, N. Y. 1849, June 27 — Michael McGalloway to Lucretia O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. 1854, Oct. 19— John M. Kimball to Catharine O'Hara, at Green- ville, N. Y. 1856, Nov. 19— Peter O'Hara, Jr., to Eliza Jane McClusky, at Ashland, N. Y. 1857, Feb. 19 — Levi O'Hara to Caroline Snyder, at Coxsackie, N. Y. — Second marriage — Levi O'Hara to Nellie Farley. 1859, Feb. 3— Charles Henry O'Hara to Miriam Hoag. 58 1859, Nov. lA — James Scott to Ellen O'Hara, at Fond-du-Lac, Wis. 1867, Jan. 20 — George E. O'Hara to Emmalissa McCluskey. — Second marriage — Charles Henry 'OHara to Mary Tierney. Deaths. 1810, Oct. 5— Abraham O'Hara, at Rockland, N. Y. 1813, Apr. 11— Stephen O'Hara, at Beekmantown, N. Y. 1853, June 6— Hannah (O'Hara) McDevitt, at Greenville, N. Y. 1855, Mar. 19— Peter O'Hara, Sr., at Greenville, N. Y. 1856, May 24 — Lucretia (Darbee) O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. 1869, Nov. 5— Charles Henry O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. 1874, Aug. 29— Lucretia (O'Hara) McGalloway, at Greenville, N.Y. 1890, Sept. 15— Eliza Ann (O'Hara) Purcell- Allen, at Greenville, N. Y. 1890, Dec. 31— Lucinda (O'Hara) McGauley, at , Kans. 1891, Jan. 22 — George Edwin O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. 1897, Dec. 9— Peter O'Hara, Jr., at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1901, Feb. 5— Levi O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. - — Samuel O'Hara, at . . . ., Texas. —Mary O'Hara McWilliams, at Cairo, N. Y. —Catharine (O'Hara) Kimball, at Albany, N. Y. — Ellen (O'Hara) Scott, at . . . ., Kans. 1903, Oct. 24— Barnard O'Hara, at Lexington, N. Y. FAMILY OF BARNARD O'HARA. Birth of Parents. 1816, June 1— Barnard O'Hara, at Fishkill, N. Y. 1823, Apr. 20— Charlotte Briggs, at Lexington, N. Y. 1845, Dec. 11 — Married, at Lexington, N. Y. Children. 1847, Feb. 14 — Mary Alice, at Lexington, N. Y. 1848, May 17— Edgar B., at Lexington, N. Y. 1850, May 26— Arthur D., at Lexington, N. Y. 1852, Oct. 16— George P., at Lexington, N. Y. 1854, May 11— Arrietta, at Lexington, N. Y. 1861, Jan. 7— Ida V., at Lexington, N. Y. 1863, May 3 — Anna Isabel, at Lexington, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1865, May 24^James Monroe Van Valkinburgh to Mary Alice O'Hara, at Lexington, N. Y. 59 1881, Jan. 4 — George P. O'Hara to Mary E. Smith, at Lexington, N. Y. 1886, Nov. 15— Peter J. Kelly to Ida V. O'Hara, at Lexington, N. Y. Deaths. 1851, June 22— Arthur D. O'Hara, at Lexington, N. Y. 1876, May 1— Arrietta O'Hara, at Lexington, N. Y. 1880, Dec. 10— Charlotte (Briggs) O'Hara, at Lexington, N. Y. 1903, Oct. 24— Barnard O'Hara, at Lexington, N. Y. FAMILY OF GEORGE P. O'HARA. Birth of Parents. 1852, Oct. 16— George P. O'Hara, at Lexington, N. Y. —Mary E. Smith, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1881, Jan. 4 — Married, at Lexington, N. Y. Children. 1885, Apr. 22— Charlotte Beatrice. 1886, Nov. 26— Edgar Leo. FAMILY OF JAMES M. VAN VALKINBURGH. Birth of Parents. 1842, Aug. 2 — James Monroe Van Valkinburgh. 1847, Feb. 14— Mary Alice O'Hara, at Lexington, N. Y. 1865, May 24 — Married, at Lexington, N. Y. Child. 1872, Feb. 22— George B. FAMILY OF SAMUEL O'HARA. Birth of Parents. 1820, Oct. 21— Samuel O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. 1826, June 8 — Louisa Mayham, at North Blenheim, N. Y. 1848, Jan. 16 — Married, at North Blenheim, N. Y. Children. 1849, Oct. 21— Francis Ralph, at North Blenheim, N. Y. 1851, July 7 — Mary Louisa, at Empire, Wis. 1854, Mar. 5 — George Edwin, at Empire, Wis. 1856, Feb. 29 — Charlotte Mayham, at Empire, Wis. 60 FAMILY OF PETER O'HARA, JR. Birth of Parents. 1824, July 1— Peter O'Hara, Jr., at Greenville, N.. Y. 1833, —Eliza Jane McClusky, at Albany, N. Y. 1856, Nov. 19— Married, at Ashland, N. Y. Children. 1857, Sept. 3— Kate E., at Greenville, N. Y. 1860, Jan. 23— Flora E., at Cairo, N. Y. 1861, July 8— Maria Alma, at Greenville, N. Y. 1863, May 10— Peter George, at Greenville, N. Y. 1864, May 20 — James Cornelius, at Greenville, N. Y. 1866, Dec. 25— Miriam L., at Hunter, N. Y. 1874, June 20 — Arthur Irving, at Greenville, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1890, Dec. 25— James Cornelius O'Hara to Nellie Welch, at Chicago, Ills. 1891, June 30— Peter George O'Hara to Annie Parks, at Blissville, N. Y. 1899, Sept. 24— John F. Hylan to Miriam L. O'Hara, at Hunter, N. Y. 1903, Apr. 22— Arthur Irving O'Hara to Lilian Brann, at Brook- lyn, N. Y*^ Deaths. 1876, Apr. 24— Eliza Jane (McClusky) O'Hara, at Greenville. N. Y. 1881, Feb. 3— Kate E. O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. 1897, Dec. 9— Peter O'Hara, Jr., at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1898, Nov. 19— James Cornelius O'Hara, at Chicago, Ills. FAMILY OF PETER GEORGE O'HARA. Birth of Parents. 1863, May 10— Peter George O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. 1867, Aug. 1— Annie Parks, at Blissville, N. Y. 1891, June 30— Married, at Blissville, N. Y. Children. 1893, Aug. 16— Mary Edna, at Blissville, N. Y. 1895, Dec. 11— Peter Irving, at Blissville, N. Y. 61 FAMILY OF JAMES CORNELIUS O'HARA. Birth of Parents. 1864, May 20— James Cornelius O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. . . . ., —Nellie Welch, at Beaver Dam, Wis. 1890, Dec. 25— Married, at Chicago, Ills. Children. 1893, — Irving, at Chicago, Ills. 1895, — Frederick, at Chicago, Ills. Death. 1898, —Irving O'Hara, at Chicago, Ills. FAMILY OF ARTHUR IRVING O'HARA. Birth of Parents. 1874, June 20— Arthur Irving O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. 1879, May 18— Lillian Brann, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1903, Apr. 22— Married, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Children. 1904, Jan. 18— Kathleen Helen, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1905, Mar. 7— Loretta, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1907, Mar. 10— Arthur Irving, Jr., at Brooklyn, N. Y. Death. 1910, June 24— Lillian (Brann) O'Hara, at Brooklyn, N. Y. FAMILY OF JOHN F. HYLAN. Birth of Parents. 1868, Apr. 20— John F. Hylan, at Hunter, N. Y. 1866, Dec. 25— Miriam O'Hara, at Hunter, N. Y. 1889, Sept. 24— Married, at Hunter, N. Y. Child. 1895, July 10 — Virginia Consuella, at Brooklyn, N. Y. FAMILY OF GEORGE EDWARD O'HARA. Birth of Parents. 1827, Oct. 21— George Edward O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. 1839, Apr. 27— Emmalissa McCluskey, at Ashland, N. Y. 1867, Jan. 20— Married, at Hunter, N. Y. 62 Children. 1868, Jan. 28— Bernard, at Greenville, N. Y. 1869, Oct. 3— George Francis, at Greenville, N. Y. 1871, June 11 — Levi Emmet, at Greenville, N. Y. 1873, Mar. 28— Fannie, at Greenville, N. Y. 1875, July 11— Clarence Edwin, at Greenville, N. Y. 1877, July 1 — Mary Josephine, at Greenville, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1902, Feb. 8— Clarence E. O'Hara to Cora Hale, at Coeymans, N. Y. 1905, May 18— Henry Stephen Miller to Fannie O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. 1908, Dec. 29— Levi Emmet O'Hara to Catharine McGivney, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Deaths. 1868, Apr. 23— Bernard O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. 1891, Jan. 21— George Edward O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. FAMILY OF LEVI EMMET O'HARA. Birth of Parents. 1871, June 11— Levi Emmet O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. — Catharine McGivney, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1908, Dec. 29— Married, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Child. 1911, July 13— Alice Frances, at Brooklyn, N. Y. FAMILY OF CLARENCE E. O'HARA. Birth of Parents. 1875, July 11— Clarence E. O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. — Cora Hale, at Greenville, N. Y. 1902, Feb. 8— Married, at Coeymans, N. Y. Child. 1905, Dec. 25 — Rosemary Bernice, at Durham, N. Y. FAMILY OF LEVI O'HARA. Birth of Parents. 1835, Aug. 1— Levi O'Hara. at Greenville, N. Y. — Caroline Snyder, at Durham, N. Y. 1857, Feb. 19— Married, at Coxsackie, N. Y. 63 1 i i ,< i Child. ' 1869, Nov. . .—Alberta, at Greenville, N. Y. : Marriage of Child. — John Farley to Alberta O'Hara, at Coeymans, N. Y. Death. | 1891, —Caroline (Snyder) O'Hara. 1899, Feb. 9 — Second marriage — Levi O'Hara to Nellie Farley. ( Death. i 1901, Feb. 5— Levi O'Hara. i FAMILY OF JOHN FARLEY. Birth of Parents. — John Farley, 1869, Nov. . .—Alberta O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. — Married, at Coeymans, N. Y. ' Child. 1896, Dec. . .—Mary Alberta, at Durham, N. Y. Death. 1896, Dec. . .—Alberta Farley. • i I FAMILY OF CHARLES HENRY O'HARA. | . 'I Birth of Parents. ] I 1831. Mar. 14— Charles Henry O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. ■ . . — Miriam Hoag, J 3— Married. j Children. I 21 — Alphonsus. . .—Martha. I . .- — Joseph. Deaths. . . — Alphonsus O'Hara. . .—Martha O'Hara. . . — Joseph O'Hara. 27 — Miriam (Hoag) O'Hara. . . — Second marriage — Charles Henry O'Hara to Mary Tierney, at Coeymans, N. Y. ' 64 1 1859, Feb 1860, Oct 1862, ... 1864, ... 1862, ... 1862, ... 1864, ... 1866, Feb 1867, ... Child. 1870, —Charles Henry O'Hara, Jr. Death. 1869, Nov. 5— Charles Henry O'Hara, Sr. FAMILY OF MICHAEL PURCELL. Birth of Parents. 1806, Jan. 1— Michael Purcell, in Ireland. 1811, Jan. 21— Eliza Ann O'Hara, at Rockland, N. Y. 1833, Feb. 10— Married, at Greenville, N. Y. 1834, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1840, 1842, 1845, 1847, 1849, 1854, 1857, Jan. Jan. Jan. Ncv. Nov. Oct. Mar. Aug. Oct. May 1860, Nov 1863, ... 1870, ... 1875, ... 1879, ... 1879, ... 1884, ... Children. 8 — William Henry, at New Baltimore, N. Y. 17 — Michael, Jr., at New Baltimore, N. Y. 2^1 — James Victor, at New Baltimore, N. Y. 13 — Hannah Drucilla, at New Baltimore, N. Y. 6 — Thomas B., at New Baltimore, N. Y. 3 — Lucretia, at New Baltimore, N. Y. 4 — Mary Eliza, at New Baltimore, N. Y. 12 — Ann, at New Baltimore, N. Y. 26 — John, at New Baltimore, N. Y. 2 — Charles Abraham, at New Baltimore, N. Y. Marriage of Children. . . — Richard Burke to Hannah D. Purcell, at Albany, N. Y. — Madison Moore to Lucretia Purcell. —William H. Purcell to Jennie Garner, at Lanark, Ills. — Michael Dowling to Mary Eliza Purcell, at North Bend, Neb. — Thomas B. Purcell to Aginora Wick, at North Bend, Neb. — John Purcell to Mary Ann Gillis, at North Bend, Neb. — Charles Abraham Purcell to Anna Cora Gray, at Oak Park, Ills. — William H. Purcell (second marriage) to Mary B. Garner, at Lanark, Ills. 65 Deaths. 1836, Feb. 3— Michael Purcell, Jr., at New Baltimore, N. Y. 1839, Aug. 21 — James Victor Purcell, at New Baltimore, N. Y. 1849, Jan. 2— Ann Purcell, at New Baltimore, N. Y. — Michael Purcell, at Greenville, N. Y. 1886, Feb. 3— John Purcell, at North Bend, Neb. 1890, Sept. 15— Eliza Ann (O'Hara) Purcell- Allen, Greenville, N. Y. 1901, July 23 — William Henry Purcell, at Luzerne, Switzerland. 1913, Jan. 2— Lucretia (Purcell) Moore, at Freehold, N. Y. — Second marriage — Darius Allen to Eliza Ann (O'Hara) Purcell. FAMILY OF WILLIAM HENRY PURCELL. Birth of Parents. 1834, Jan. 8— William Henry Purcell, at New Baltimore, N. Y. — Jennie Garner. 1863, — Married, at Lanark, Ills. Children. — Frank, at Oak Park, Ills. —May E., at Oak Park, Ills. Death. 1881, Dec. 21— Jennie (Garner) Purcell, at Chicago, Ills. 1884, — Second marriage — William Henry Purcell to Mary B. Garner, at Lanark, Ills. Deaths. 1872, Aug. 9— Frank Purcell, at Oak Park, Ills. 1879, Feb. 3— May E. Purcell, at Lanark, Ills. 1901, July 23 — William H. Purcell, at Luzerne, Switzerland. 1910, May 15— Mary B. (Garner) Purcell, at Los Angeles, Cal. FAMILY OF THOMAS B. PURCELL. Birth of Parents. 1840, Nov. 6— Thomas B. Purcell, at New Baltimore, N. Y. — Aginora Wick. 1875, —Married, at North Bend, Neb. 66 Children. 1876, Aug. 3— Ora, at North Bend, Neb. 1886, Jan. 9— Althea, at North Bend, Neb. Marriage of Child. 1909, — Frank M. Sumner to Althea Purcell, at North Bend, Neb. FAMILY OF FRANK M. SUMNER. Birth of Parents. — Frank M. Sumner. 1886, Jan. 9— Althea Purcell, at North Bend, Neb. 1909, —Married, at North Bend, Neb. Child. 1911, Oct. 11— Althea Arvilla, at Boise, Idaho. FAMILY OF JOHN PURCELL. Birth of Parents. 1849, Oct. 26— John Purcell, at New Baltimore, N. Y. —Mary Ann Gillis. 1879, —Married, at North Bend, Neb. Children. 1883, Jan. 27— Charles H., at North Bend, Neb. 1885, July 20— John R., at North Bend, Neb. Deaths. 1886, Feb. 3— John Purcell, at North Bend, Neb. 1903, Jan. 29— Mary Ann (Gillis) Purcell, at North Bend, Neb. FAMILY OF CHARLES ABRAHAM PURCELL. Birth of Parents. 1854, May 2— Charles Abraham Purcell, at New Baltimore, N. Y. — Anna Cora Gray. 1879, —Married, at Oak Park, Ills. Children. 1880, July 2— William Gray, at Oak Park, Ills. 1887, Aug. 1— Ralph C, at Oak Park, Ills. 67 Marriage of Children. 1908, — William Gray Purcell to Edna Summy, at Chicago, Ills. 1909, — Ralph C. Purcell to Hilda Schermeister, at Oak Park, Ills. Death. 1913, May 15— Ralph C. Purcell, at River Forest, Ills. FAMILY OF RALPH C. PURCELL. Birth of Parents. 1887, Aug. 1— Ralph C. Purcell, at Oak Park, Ills. — Hilda Schermeister. 1909, —Married, at Oak Park, Ills. Children. 1909, Nov. 27— Vann, at Oak Park, Ills. 1911, Apr. 9— Charles Lewis, at Oak Park, Ills. Death. 1913, May 15— Ralph C. Purcell, at River Forest, Ills. FAMILY OF MICHAEL DOWLING. Birth of Parents. — Michael Dowling. 1845, Mar. 4 — Mary Eliza Purcell, at New Baltimore, N. Y. 1870, —Married, at North Bend, Neb. Children. 1872, June 30— May, at North Bend, Neb. 1874, Oct. 31— Harry Purcell, at North Bend, Neb. 1881, Jan. 15— Marian Hannah, at North Bend, Neb. 1892, July 13— Ruth Berenice, at North Bend, Neb. Marriage of Children. 1898, —Frank Adams to May Dowling, at North Bend, Neb. 1899, — Harry Purcell Dowling to Claudia Blair, at North Bend, Neb. Death. 1882, July 22— Marian Hannah Dowling, at North Bend, Neb. 68 FAMILY OF HARRY PURCELL BOWLING. Birth of Parents. 1874, Oct. 31— Harry Purcell Dowling, at North Bend, Neb. — Claudia Blair, 1899, —Married, at North Bend, Neb. Children. 1904, Oct. 31— Mary Elizabeth, at North Bend, Neb. 1906, Nov. 16— Dan Blair, at North Bend, Neb. FAMILY OF FRANK ADAMS. Birth of Parents. — Frank Adams. 1872, June 30— May Dowling, at North Bend, Neb. 1898, —Married, at North Bend, Neb. Children. 1899, July 28— Burke Dowling, at Omaha, Neb. 1901, Nov. 30 — Dawson Purcell. at Omaha, Neb. FAMILY OF PETER McGAULEY. Birth of Parents. 1803, June 4 — Peter McGauley, at Ardah Parish, Co. Meath, Ire. 1814, Dec. 25 — Lucinda O'Hara, at Beekmantown, N. Y. 1836, Jan. 16— Married, at Greenville, N. Y. Children. 1838, Jan. 12— Michael Jerome, at South Westerloo, N. Y. 1839, June 4 — Catharine Marcella, at Greenville, N. Y. 1840, Aug. 23— Thomas Urban, at Greenville, N. Y. 1842, Apr. 13 — Francis Patrick, at Greenville, N. Y. 1844, Jan. 19— Peter, Jr., at Greenville, N. Y. 1846, Sept. 15— Stephen A., at Greenville, N. Y." 1849, Oct. 2— Mary Lucretia, at Greenville, N. Y. 1852, June 9 — Lucinda Ann, at Greenville, N. Y. 1854, June 27 — Veronica, at Greenville, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1862, Nov. 19 — Leonard Thompson Baker to Catharine Marcella McGauley, at Empire, Wis. 1872, Apr. 2 — Thomas Urban McGauley to Catharine Dyer, at Byron, Wis. 69 1873, Sept. 2 — Michael Jerome McGauley to Rose Petit, at Cairo, Ills. 1874, Nov. 18 — Thomas E. Moore to Veronica McGauley, at Doty- ville. Wis. 1876, Jan. 16 — Stephen A. McGauley to Vienna Angelia Worthing, at Fond du Lac, Wis. Deaths. 1854, Oct. 12— Peter McGauley, Sr., at Empire, Wis. 1865, Mar. 30 — Francis Patrick McGauley, at Gardner, Kans. 1871, Nov. 2 — Mary Lucretia McGauley, at Empire, Wis. 1877, July 12 — Michael Jerome McGauley, at Empire, Wis. 1890, bee. 31— Lucinda (O'Hara) McGauley, at Empire, Wis. Note by Mrs. Leonard Thompson Baker, nee McGauley : "My father, Peter McGauley, was the son of a well-to-do land owner in Ireland and was the first of his family to come to America. He came in the early twenties of the present century, with the intention of seeing the country and then returning; but after traveling two or three years he settled in South Westerloo, N. Y., became a suc- cessful miller and married. Later, his health failing, he settled on a farm in Greenville, N. Y. In 1854 he emigrated to Fond du Lac, Wis. On the journey the steamer carrying their effects was burned and all their household goods were lost. Five months after they arrived, he died of malarial fever, leaving mother with nine young children on a new, heavily timbered farm. Soon after, her oldest son sprained his ankle and, a little later, accidentally shot his arm, thus depriving her of his help and leaving her to rely on two younger boys, one thirteen and the other eleven years of age. Her strength of character and perseverance enabled her. to overcome her diffi- culties, and her children became respected Christian men and women. Her last days were spent in the old home, where she died, loved and respected by all who knew her. Catharine Marcella Baker." FAMILY OF MICHAEL JEROME McGAULEY. Birth of Parents. 1838, Jan. 12 — Michael Jerome McGauley, at South Westerloo, N. Y.' 1856, Jan. 17- — Rose Petit, at Memphis, Tenn. 1873, Sept. 2 — Married, at Cairo, Ills. 70 ( Children. 1874, June 5 — Rose, at Cairo, Ills. 1874, June 5 — Clara, at Cairo, Ills. 1876. bee. 9— Mai, at Empire, Wis. Marriage of Child. 1900, June 19 — William G. Cunningham to Mai McGauley, at Cairo, Ills. D EAT pis. 1875, June 22 — Rose McGauley, at Cairo, Ills. 1875, July 4— Clara McGauley, at Cairo, Ills. 1877, July 12 — Michael Jerome McGauley, at Empire, Wis. FAMILY OF WILLIAM G. CUNNINGHAM. Birth of Parents. — William G. Cunningham. 1876, Dec. 9— Mai McGauley, at Cairo, Ills. 1900, June 19— Married, at Cairo, Ills. Children. 1902, Oct. 3 — Catharine, at Cairo, Ills. 1905, Oct. 21— Rose, at Cairo, Ills. 1911, Sept. 8— Charles William, at Cairo, Ills. FAMILY OF THOMAS URBAN McGAULEY. Birth of Parents. 1840, Aug. 23— Thomas Urban McGauley, at Greenville, N. Y. 1841, Aug. 3 — Catharine Dyer, at Becket, Mass. 1872, Apr. 2— Married, at Fond du Lac, Wis. Children. 1875, July 26 — Francis Martin, at Byron, Wis. 1877, May 10— Mae Marguerite, at Empire, Wis. 1880, Jan. 3 — Thomas Leo, at Empire, Wis. 1883, Oct. 8— John, at Fond du Lac, Wis. Marriage of Children. 1907, June 26 — Francis Martin McGauley to Norah Elizabeth Mc- Kenna, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1907, Oct. 12— James Wells McCoy to Mae Marguerite McGauley, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 71 Deaths. 1897, Jan. 3 — John McGauley, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1902, July 13— Thomas Leo McGauley, at Fond du Lac, Wis. FAMILY OF FRANCIS MARTIN McGAULEY. Birth of Parents. 1875, July 26— Francis Martin McGauley, at Byron, Wis. 1877, Dec. 8— Norah Elizabeth McKenna, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1907, June 26— Married, at Fond du Lac, Wis. Child. 1908, May 28— Estelle Marie, at Fond du Lac, Wis. FAMILY OF JAMES WELLS McCOY. Birth of Parents. 1877, May 13— James Wells McCoy, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1877, May 10— Mae Marguerite McGauley, at Empire, Wis. Marriage of Parents. 1907, Oct. 12— James Wells McCoy to Mae Marguerite McGauley, at Fond du Lac, Wis. Children. 1909, Jan. 16— Leo James, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1910, June 8— Catharine Elizabeth, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1911, Oct. 8 — Mary Marguerite, at Fond du Lac, Wis. FAMILY OF STEPHEN A. McGAULEY. Birth of Parents. 1846, Sept. 15— Stephen A. McGauley, at Greenville, N. Y. 1853, Mar. 2— Vienna Angela Worthing, at Oakfield, Wis. 1876, Jan. 16— Married, at Fond du Lac, Wis. Children. 1877, Oct. 18— Edgar Jerome, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1879, Feb. 22— Agnes, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1881, June 1— Lewis Elmer, at Leroy, Wis. 1883, Sept. 7— Thomas Edward, at Leroy, Wis. 1885, Mar. 29— Clara Alma, at Leroy, Wis. 72 Marriage of Children. 1901, June 25— Edgar Jerome McGauley to Anna Bourgoin, at De Pere, Wis. 1910, Feb. 8 — John Barrett to Clara Alma McGauley, at Fond du Lac, Wis. Deaths. 1879, Feb. 27— Agnes McGauley, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1883, Sept. 14 — Thomas Edward McGauley, at Leroy, Wis. 1906, Sept. 25— Vienna Angelia (Worthing) McGauley, at Fond du Lac, Wis. FAMILY OF EDGAR JEROME McGAULEY. Birth of Parents. 1877, Oct. 18— Edgar Jerome McGauley, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1882, Mar. 26— Anna Bourgoin, , Brown Co., Wis. 1901, June 25— Married, at De Pere, Wis. Children. 1902, Apr. 28— Blanche Anna, at De Pere, Wis. 1903, Aug. 6 — Norval Jerome, at Kaukana, Wis. 1905, Feb. 5— Gerald Clarence, at De Pere, Wis. 1906, Oct. 15— Leo Lewis, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1912, Sept. 16— Berenice Catharine, at Fond du Lac, Wis. FAMILY OF LEONARD THOMPSON BAKER. Birth of Parents. 1834, June 2— Leonard Thompson Baker, at Fort Ann, N. Y. 1839, June 4 — Catharine Marcella McGauley, at Greenville, N. Y. 1862, Nov. 19— Married, at Empire, Wis. Children. 1863, July 29— Alexander Peter, at Dotyville, Wis. 1864, Dec. 18— Harrie Jerome, at Empire, Wis. 1867, Feb. 11— Francis McGauley, at Clearmont, Minn. 1869, Dec. \4 — Mary A., at Clearmont, Minn. 1871, Aug. 6 — Nellie, at Clearmont, Minn. 1873, July 11— Lucinda Monica, at Clearmont, Minn. 1875, Apr. 20— Abner, at Clearmont, Minn. 1877, July 18 — Leonard Asa, at Clearmont, Minn. 1878, Nov. 16— Catharine, at Clearmont, Minn. 73 Marriage of Children. 1891, May 12 — Harrie Jerome Baker to Verena Huck at Dotyville, Wis. 1896, June 16 — Francis M. Baker to Rosina Buerger, at Lomira, Wis. 1901, June 26 — Alexander Peter Baker to Emma Augusta Becker, at Mayville, Wis. 1908, Mar. 4-^Second marriage— Alexander Peter Baker to Ella Belloch, at Chicago, Ills. Deaths. 1876, Aug. 16 — Abner Baker, at Clearmont, Minn. 1879, Mar. 6 — Leonard Asa Baker, at Clearmont, Minn. 1880, June 28 — Catharine Baker, at Clearmont, Minn. 1902, Aug. 15 — Mary A. Baker received the habit of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Ky. She is known as Sister Rose Regina. 1903, Aug. 15 — Sister Rose Regina took the vows of the order of the Sisters of Nazareth, Ky. 1911, Dec. 30— Francis M. Baker, at Milwaukee, Wis. FAMILY OF HARRIE JEROME BAKER. Birth of Parents. 1864, Dec. 18 — Harrie Jerome Baker, at Empire, Wis. 1864, Oct. 16 — Verena Huck, at Empire, Wis. 1891, May 12— Married, at Dotyville, Wis. Children. 1893, Oct. 19 — Leonard John, at Grand Junction, Iowa. 1895, June 11 — Verena Marcella, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1899, Feb. 4^Calista Annastasia, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1904, Feb. 12— Mary Elizabeth, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1908, Oct. 8— Monica Lucille, at Fond du Lac, Wis. FAMILY OF FRANCIS McGAULEY BAKER. Birth of Parents. 1867, Feb. 11 — Francis McGauley Baker, at Clearmont, Minn. 1873, June 22 — Rosina Buerger, at Lomira, Wis. 1896, June 16 — Married, at Lomira, Wis. Children. 1902, June 11— Royal John, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1904, Dec. 16 — Francis William Burchard, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 74 Deaths. 1906, Dec. 5 — Francis William Burchard Baker, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1911, Dec. 30 — Francis McGauley Baker, at Milwaukee, Wis. FAMILY OF THOMAS E. MOORE. Birth of Parents. 1852, June 11 — Thomas E. Moore, at Marysboro, Ireland. 1854, June 27 — Veronica McGauley, at Empire, Wis. 1874, Nov. 18— Married, at Dotyville, Wis. Children. 1875, Oct. 4 — Thomas Milton, at Empire, Wis. 1877, Apr. 8— William Henry, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1878, Aug. 5— Mabel, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1880. July 1^-Mary Edna, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1882, Nov. 28 — Clara Loretta, at Fond du Lac. Wis. 1886, Sept. 29 — Marguerite Regina, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1889, Dec. 6 — Florence Veronica, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1894, Mar. 23 — Clarence Jerome, at Bessemer, Mich. Marriage of Children. 1904, July 5- — James Devoy to Mary Edna Moore, at Ironwood, Mich. 1912, July 1 — Hugh Campbell to Marguerite Regina Moore, at Ironwood, Mich. 1912, Aug. 17 — William Henry Moore to Anna Gertrude Sullivan, at Ironwood, Mich. Deaths. 1877, Feb. 27— Thomas Milton Moore, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1880, Jan. 26— Mabel Moore, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1883, May 29— Clara Loretta Moore, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1894, Sept. lA — Clarence Jerome Moore, at Bessemer, Mich. FAMILY OF JAMES DEVOY. Birth of Parents. 1863, Mar. 5 — James Devoy, at Oshkosh, Wis. 1880, July 16— Mary Edna Moore, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1904, July 5 — Married, at Ironwood, Mich. 75 Children. 1905, May 27 — James Moore, at Ironwood, Mich. 1906, Aug. 9 — William Thomas, at Ironwood, Mich. 1907, Oct. 19 — Marion Veronica, at Ironwood, Mich. 1909, Oct. 16— Edward Hunt, at Ironwood, Mich. 1911, Jan. 2 — Susan EHzabeth, at Ironwood, Mich. 1912, May 14 — John, at Ironwood, Mich. FAMILY OF DOMINICK McDEVITT. Birth of Parents. 1806, Aug. . . — Dominick McDevitt, at Parish of Cornwell, County Donnegal, Ire. 1818, Sept. 8— Hannah O'Hara, at Colchester, N. Y. ' 1840, Jan. 2— Married, at Greenville, N. Y. ! Children. ' 1841, Oct. 1— Mary Ann, at Greenville, N. Y. i 1843, Dec. 25 — Ferdinand, at Greenville, N. Y. 1846, Apr. 15 — Rosana, at Greenville, N. Y. k 1848, Feb. 2— Peter, at Greenville, N. Y. 1850, Mar. 24— Cecilia, at Greenville, N. Y. 1852, Jan. 22 — Josephine, at Greenville, N. Y. i Marriage of Children. 1861, Apr. 8 — John Geraghty to Mary Ann McDevitt, at Catskill, N. Y. 1872, Sept. 7 — Ferdinand McDevitt to Catharine T. Finnegan, at i Houghton, Mich. ; 1872, Oct. 5— Peter McDevitt to Elizabeth Welch, at Cairo, Ills. — John Kavanagh to Josephine McDevitt, at Green- ville, N. Y. 1897, Mar. 7 — Second marriage — Peter McDevitt to Mary Brad- ley, at Chicago, Ills. Deaths. 1853, June 6 — Hannah (O'Hara) McDevitt, at Greenville, N. Y. — Dominick McDevitt, at Greenville, N. Y. 1904, Feb. 9— Ferdinand McDevitt, at Walter's Park, Pa. 1904, Sept. 16— Josephine (McDevitt) Kavanagh. FAMILY OF FERDINAND McDEVITT. Birth of Parents. 1843, Dec. 25— Ferdinand McDevitt, at Greenville, N. Y. 1852, June 4 — Catharine T. Finnegan, at Eagle Harbor, Mich. 1872, Sept. 7— Married, at Houghton, Mich. Children. 1874, Feb. 3 — Edwin Finnegan, at Green Bay, Wis. 1875, Apr. 15 — George Barnard, at Green Bay, Wis. 1876, Aug. 4 — Elmer Dominick, at Green Bay, Wis. 1878, July 31— Daniel Webster, at St. Paul, Minn. Marriage of Child. 1902, Oct. 15— Daniel Webster McDevitt to Susan D. Baldwin, at Keokuk, Iowa. Deaths. 1875, July 25— George Barnard McDevitt, at Green Bay, Wis. 1879, July 25— Edwin Finnegan McDevitt, at St. Paul, Minn. 1899, Dec. 21— Catharine T. (Finnegan) McDevitt, at Keokuk, Iowa. 1904, Feb. 9— Ferdinand McDevitt, at Walter's Park, Pa. FAMILY OF DANIEL WEBSTER McDEVITT. Birth of Parents. 1878, July 31— Daniel Webster McDevitt, at St. Paul, Minn. 1881, Mar. 22 — Susan D. Baldwin, at Keokuk, Iowa. 1902, Oct. 15— Married, at Keokuk, Iowa. Children. 1903, Sept. 4-^Ferdinand Lorrelle, at Keokuk, Iowa. 1905, Mar. 31 — Aurelia Marie, at Keokuk, Iowa. 1910, Jan. 19 — George Edwin, at Keokuk, Iowa. FAMILY OF JOHN GERAGHTY. Birth of Parents. 1832, June 12 — John Geraghty, at Esker, County Gal way, Ire. 1841, bet. 1— Mary Ann McDevitt, at Greenville, N. Y. 1861, Apr. 8— Married, at Catskill, N. Y. 77 Children. 1862, July 30 — George Bernard, at Lexington, N. Y. 1864, Oct. 2— Mary Gertrude, at Lexington, N. Y. 1866, Dec. 22 — Eugene Augustus, at Greenville, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1888, July 10— William P. McCarthy to Mary G. Geraghty, at Greenville, N. Y. 1897, Mar. 1 — Eugene Augustus Geraghty to Lola Martin, at Denver, Col. Death. 1896, Feb. 27 — John Geraghty, at Greenville, N. Y. FAMILY OF WILLIAM P. McCARTHY. ' Birth of Parents. Aug. 2— William P. McCarthy, at New York City, N. Y. 1864, Oct. 2 — Mary Gertrude Geraghty, at Lexington, N. Y. 1888, July 10— Married, at Greenville, N. Y. Children. 1889, Dec. 13— William Joseph, at New York City, N. Y. 1893, Apr. 23— John Robert, at New York City, N. Y. 1894, Aug. 22— Isabel, at New York City, N. Y. 1896, July 16— Clarence, at New York City, N. Y. 1900, Oct. 18— Madeline, at New York City, N. Y. Deaths. In infancy — Clarence McCarthy. In infancy — Madeline McCarthy. FAMILY OF CHARLES McWILLIAMS. Birth of Parents. 1816, May . . — Charles McWilliams, at , Ireland. 1822, Mar. 14— Mary O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. 1840, Jan. 2— Married, at Greenville, N. Y. Children. 1842, Feb. 23— Sarah Ann, at Cairo, N. Y. 1843, Sept. 13— Mary, at Cairo, N. Y. 1847, June 7 — Lucretia, at Cairo, N. Y. 1849, Feb. 3— Rosana, at Cairo, N. Y. 78 1850, Sept. 20 — Hannah Catharine, at Cairo, N. Y. 1852, Dec. 19— Eleanor, at Cairo, N. Y. 1855, Dec. 21 — Lucinda, at Cairo, N. Y. 1857, July 1— James E., at Cairo, N. Y. 1860, June 13— Alice, at Cairo, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1863, May 5— James Bradley to Mary McWilliams, at Cairo, N. Y. 1871, July 16 — Thomas D. Flynn to Sarah Ann McWilliams, at Cairo, N. Y. 1876, July . . — Eugene F. McQuaid to Rosana McWilliams, at Cairo, N. Y. 1882, Sept. 13— Bernard K. Murphy to Mary (McWilliams) Brad- ley, at Long Island City, N. Y. 1884, Nov. . .—James E. McWilliams to Mary J. Flaherty, at Bliss- ville, N. Y. Deaths. 1885, Mar. 15— Lucinda McWilliams, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1886, Apr. 3— Mary (O'Hara) McWilliams. 1888, May 4— Charles McWilliams. 1898, Apr. 8— James E. McWilliams, at Long Island City, N. Y. 1911, Apr. U — Sarah Ann (McWilliams) Flynn, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1912, Feb. 27— Eleanor McWilliams, at Cairo, N. Y. 1913, Mar. 2— Hannah Catharine McWilliams, at Cairo, N. Y. FAMILY OF JAMES E. McWILLIAMS. Birth of Parents. 1857, July 1— James E. McWilliams, at Cairo, N. Y. . . . ., —Mary J. Flaherty, at Long Island City, N. Y. 1884, Nov. . .—Married, at Long Island City, N. Y. Children. — Charles R., at Long Island City, N. Y. — Mary Theodota, at Long Island City, N. Y. — James E., Jr., at Long Island City, N. Y. Deaths. 1898, Apr. 8 — James E. McWilliams, Sr., at Long Island City, N. Y. 1907, Sept. 10— Mary J. (Flaherty) McWilliams, at Long Island City, N. Y. 79 FAMILY OF THOMAS D. FLYNN. Birth of Parents. — Thomas D. Flynn, Ireland. 1842, Feb. 23— Sarah Ann McWilHams, at Cairo, N. Y. 1871, July 16— Married, at Woodstock, N. Y. Children. — Thomas Joseph, at Brooklyn, N. Y. — James Bradley, at Brooklyn, N. Y. — Mary Agnes, at Woodstock, N. Y. — Josephine V., at Brooklyn, N. Y. — Charles Joseph, at Brooklyn, N. Y. — John Francis, at Brooklyn, N. Y. — Alice Bertha, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1896, Nov. 18— Charles Joseph Flynn to Mary Elizabeth Thoma, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1903, Aug. 16 — John Francis Flynn to Margaret Adams, at Jersey City, N. J. Deaths. 1907, May 24 — Thomas D. Flynn, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1911, Apr. 14— Sarah Ann (McWilHams) Flynn, at Brooklyn, N. Y. In childhood — Thomas Joseph Flynn, at Brooklyn, N. Y. In infancy — James Bradley Flynn, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1913, Apr. 1 — Charles Joseph Flynn, at Brooklyn, N. Y. FAMILY OF CHARLES JOSEPH FLYNN. Birth of Parents. —Charles Joseph Flynn, at Brooklyn, N. Y. — Mary Elizabeth Thoma, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1896, Nov. 18— Married, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Child. — Alice Marie Cecilia, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Death. 1898, Nov. . .—Mary Elizabeth (Thoma) Flynn, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1913, Apr. 1 — Charles Joseph Flynn, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 80 FAMILY OF JOHN FRANCIS FLYNN. Birth of Parents. — John Francis Flynn, at Brooklyn, N. Y. — Margaret Adams, at Jersey City, N. J. 1903, Aug. 16— Married, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Child. — Catharine Angela, at Brooklyn, N. Y. FAMILY OF EUGENE F. McQUAID. Birth of Parents. -^Eugene F. McQuaid, at Ireland. 1849, Feb. 3— Rosana McWilliams, at Cairo, N. Y. 1876, July 13— Married, at Cairo, N. Y. Children. — Charles Francis, at Chicago, Ills. — Eugene Frederic, at Chicago, Ills. — Mary Rose, at Chicago, Ills. — Elinor Rose, at Chicago, Ills. — Arthur Francis, at Chicago, Ills. Marriage of Child. 1902, July 1— Charles F. McQuaid to Lola Rose Sage, at Ra- venna, Ohio. Death. 1898, Nov. 14— Elinor Rose McQuaid, at Chicago, Ills. FAMILY OF CHARLES FRANCIS McQUAID. Birth of Parents. — Charles Francis McQuaid, at Chicago, Ills. —Lola Rose Sage, at Ravenna, Ohio. 1902, 1 — Married, at Ravenna, Ohio. Children. —Charles Emerson, at Chicago, Ills. — Arthur Francis, at Chicago, Ills. — Eugene Frederic, at Chicago, Ills. 6 81 FAMILY OF MICHAEL McGALLOWAY. Birth of Parents. 1814, May 3 — Michael McGalloway, at Kinnedary, Ireland. 1826, Feb. 27— Lucretia O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. 1849, June 27— Married, at Greenville, N. Y. Children. 1850, Aug. 7 — John, at Forest, Wis. 1852, June 1-1 — Peter, at Forest, Wis. 1854, Aug. 1— Ann Lucretia, at Forest, Wis. 1856, Apr. 3 — Kate, at Forest, Wis. 1860, Jan. 3 — Michael Angelo, at Forest, Wis. Marriage of Children. 1880, Apr. 7 — James R. Byrnes to Kate McGalloway, at Forest, Wis. 1881, June 28— Peter McGalloway to Mary E. Tuite, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1891, Sept. 8 — Michael Angelo McGalloway to Carrie E. Worth- ing, at Fond du Lac, Wis. Deaths. 1854, Nov. 3 — Ann Lucretia McGalloway, at Forest, Wis. 1864, Feb. 13— John McGalloway, at Forest, Wis. 1869, May 10— Michael McGalloway, at Forest, Wis. 1874, Aug. 29— Lucretia (O'Hara) McGalloway, at Forest, Wis. FAMILY OF PETER McGALLOWAY. Birth of Parents. 1852, June 1^^ — Peter McGalloway, at Forest, Wis. 1858, July 31— Mary E. Tuite, at Empire, Wis. 1881, June 28— Married, at Fond du Lac, Wis. Children. 1883, Oct. 12— William H., at Forest, Wis. 1885, May 11— Lucretia J., at Forest, Wis. 1888, Dec. 17— John P., at Forest, Wis. 1891, June 28— George E., at Forest, Wis. 1893, Apr. 5— Ruth M., at Forest, Wis. 1894, Oct. 27— Clement A., at Forest, Wis. 1900, June 27— Cecilia C, at Forest, Wis. 82 FAMILY OF JAMES R. BYRNES. Birth of Parents. 1853, May 14 — James R. Byrnes, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1856, Apr. 3— Kate McGalloway, at Forest, Wis. 1880, Apr. 7— Married, at Forest, Wis. Children. 1881, Mar. 12 — Rosana Lucretia, at Liberty, Iowa. 1883, Jan. 26 — Joseph Robert, at Liberty, Iowa. 1884, Sept. 20 — Florence Mary, at Liberty, Iowa. (Sister Mary Isidore, Sisters of Mercy, Cedar Rapids). 1886, June 7 — James Angelo, at Liberty, Iowa. 1888, May 1— May Loretta, at Douglas, Iowa. 1890, Dec. -I — Catharine Genevieve, at Douglas, Iowa. 1892, Jan. 10 — Agatha Elizabeth, at Douglas, Iowa. 1893, Sept. 20 — Ruth Agnes, at Douglas, Iowa. 1896, May 8 — Veronica Cecilia, at Douglas, Iowa. 1900, July 18 — Maurice Bernard, at Douglas, Iowa. Marriage of Children. 1912, June 17^ — James Angelo Byrnes to Grace Marie Irwin, at New Haven, Iowa. 1912, Nov. 27- — Peter Miller to Rosana Lucretia Byrnes, at Osage, Iowa. FAMILY OF JOHN M. KIMBALL. Birth of Parents. —John M. Kimball. 1829, Aug. 11— Catharine O'Hara, at Greenville, N. Y. 1854, Oct. 19— Married, at Greenville, N. Y. Child. 1856, Jan. . . — (Name unknown), at Albany, N. Y. Deaths. 1856, Feb. 6 — Child (name unknown), at Albany, N. Y. 1856, Feb. 11— Catharine (O'Hara) Kimball, at Albany, N. Y. — John M. Kimball. 83 Family of William Sprague. Birth of Parents. 1789, Nov. 21 — William Sprague, at Shawangunk, N. Y. 1794, Dec. 30— Lucinda Darbee, at Little Britain, N. Y. 1816, Jan. 1— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Children. 1816, Oct. 16— Sally, at Rockland, N. Y. 1818, Sept. 17 — James Emmet, at Rockland, N. Y. 1820, June 24— George, at Rockland, N. Y. 1822, July 1— Phoebe, at Rockland, N. Y. 1824, May 3— Erastus, at Rockland, N. Y. 1828, Jan. 29— Hannah, at Rockland, N. Y. 1829, Nov. 12— Catharine Rutilla, at Rockland, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1835, Jan. 1 — Allan Stewart to Sally Sprague. 1840, July 4 — Nelson Cochran to Phoebe Sprague. 1842, Dec. 28 — James Emmet Sprague to Samantha J. Purvis. 1845, July 15 — Henry Mott to Hannah Sprague. 1850, Jan. 1 — John K. Campbell to Catharine R. Sprague. 1853, Oct. 20 — Erastus Sprague to Mary Ann Purvis. 1855, Nov. 10 — Second marriage — Phoebe (Sprague) Cochran to EHsha A. Stewart. Deaths. 1822, Oct. . . — George Sprague. 1851, June 1 — William Sprague. — Lucinda (Darbee) Sprague. 1842, Oct. 16— Sally (Sprague) Stewart. 1853, Apr. 1 — Hannah (Sprague) Mott. 1894, Dec. 8 — Erastus Sprague. 1895, July 7 — James Emmet Sprague. 1907, Nov. 10 — Phoebe (Sprague-Cochran) Stewart. FAMILY OF JAMES EMMET SPRAGUE. Birth of Parents. 1"818, Sept. 17 — James Emmet Sprague, at Rockland, N. Y. 1818, Feb. 26 — Samantha Jane Purvis, at Rockland, N. Y. 1842, Dec. 28— Married, at Bethel, N. Y. 84 Children. 1844, June 30— Sarah M., at Rockland, N. Y. 1847, June 21— Lafayette, at Rockland, N. Y. 1850, kar. 1— Samantha Jane, at Rockland, N. Y. 1853, Nov. 13— William Henry, at Rockland, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1866, May 9— George B. Gillett to Sarah M. Sprague. at Elleii- ville, N. Y. 1870, June 14 — Lafayette Sprague to Lucy E. Dickinson, at Parks- ville, N. Y. 1874, May 26— J. D. W. M. Decker to Samantha J. Sprague, at Parksville, N. Y. 1880, June 1 — Second marriage — Sarah M. (Sprague) Gillett to Alexander Doll, at Rockland, N. Y. Deaths. 1867, Aug. 28— William Henry Sprague, at Rockland, N. Y. 1876, Oct. 8— George B. Gillett, at Neversink, N. Y. 1888, Mar. 9 — Samantha Jane (Purvis) Sprague, at Rockland, N. Y. 1891, May . .—Samantha J. (Sprague) Decker, at Rockland, N. Y. 1895, July 7 — James Emmet Sprague, at Rockland, N. Y. FAMILY OF LAFAYETTE SPRAGUE. Birth of Parents. 1847, June 21^Lafayette Sprague, at Rockland, N. Y. 1849, Dec. 2— Lucy E. Dickinson, at Parksville, N. Y. 1870, June 14— Married, at Parksville, N. Y. Children. 1872, May 20— James Lewis, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. 1886, June 30— Charlotte G., at Livingston Manor, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1909, July 15— Walter Henry Hull to Charlotte G. Sprague, at Breckinridge, Minn. Death. 1890, Sept. 21 — James Lewis Sprague, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 85 FAMILY OF WALTER HENRY HULL. 1 Birth of Parents. — Walter Henry Hull, at Marshalltown, Iowa. 1886, June 30 — Charlotte G. Sprague, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. 1909, July 15— Married, at Breckinridge, Minn. Child. 1910, May 20— Willard Sprague, at Marshalltown, Iowa. ' FAMILY OF GEORGE B. GILLETT. Birth of Parents. — George B. Gillett, at Neversink, N. Y. 1844, June 30— Sarah M. Sprague, at Rockland, N. Y. I 1865, May 9— Married, at Ellenville, N. Y. 1 Child. 1866, Dec. 31— William E., at Neversink, N. Y. ! Death. ' 1876, Oct. 8— George B. Gillett, at Neversink, N. Y 1880, June 1 — Second marriage — Sarah (Sprague) Gillett to Alexander Doll, at Rockland, N. Y. Death. ] 1890, Apr. 1— Alexander Doll, at Rockland, N. Y. '^ FAMILY OF J. D. W. M. DECKER. Birth of Parents. 1841, Nov. 11— J. D. W. M. Decker, at Rockland, N. Y. , 1850, Mar. 1 — Samantha J. Sprague, at Rockland, N. Y. : 1874, May 26— Married, at Parksville, N. Y. i Children. ! 1875, Dec. 13— Frederick J., at Livingston Manor, N. Y. \ 1877. Sept. 7— J. Emmet, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. j 1879, Dec. 3— Lulu I., at Livingston Manor, N. Y. ^ 1882, Aug. 1— Nellie E., at Livingston Manor, N. Y. i 1886, June 17— Jennie, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1903, Sept. 30 — Harry J. Martin to Lulu I. Decker, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. 86 1905, Sept. 27 — Conrad G. Kohler to Nellie E. Decker, at Living- ston Manor, N. Y. 1906, Sept. 2 — J. Emmet Decker to Katharine L. Decker, at Middletown, N. Y. 1906, Oct. 23 — Frederick J. Decker to Olive J. Bessiner, at Liberty, N. Y. Deaths. 1(S91, July 16 — Samantha Jane (Sprague) Decker, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. 1900, Apr. 22 — Jennie Decker, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. FAMILY OF ERASTUS SPRAGUE. Birth of Parents. 1824, May 3 — Erastus Sprague, at Rockland, N. Y. 1826, Aug. 27— Mary Ann Purvis, at Rockland, N. Y. 1853, Oct. 20— Married, at Harlem, N. Y. Children. 1856, Sept. 3— Warner E., at Purvis, N. Y. 1857, Aug. 20— Howard Lee, at Purvis, N. Y. 1859, July 29— Stanley H., at Purvis, N. Y. 1861, June 5— Orin P., at Purvis, N. Y. 1863, Nov. 29— Francis M., at Purvis, N. Y. 1866, Jan. 29— Harriet M., at Purvis, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1879, Feb. 20^ — Warner E. Sprague to Laura E. Appley. 1885, Oct. 21— Stanley H. Sprague to Olive M. Depuy. 1886, July 3 — Howard L. Sprague to Luella J. Stickle. 1888, Sept. 26— Orin P. Sprague to Calla M. Hardenburgh. Deaths. 1888, Oct. 26— Francis M. Sprague. 1892, Feb. 1- — Howard L. Sprague. 1894, Dec. 8 — Erastus Sprague. 1898, Nov. 26— Mary Ann (Purvis) Sprague. 1907, Dec. 30— Harriet M. Sprague. 1913, Jan. 22 — Warner E. Sprague. 87 FAMILY OF WARNER E. SPRAGUE. Birth of Parents. 1856, Sept. 3 — Warner E. Sprague, at Purvis, N. Y. 1857, May 18— Laura E. Appley, at Rockland, N. Y. 1879, Feb. 20— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Child. 1887, Apr. 24— Kenneth Appley, at Rockland, N. Y. Death. 1913, Jan. 22— Warner E. Sprague. FAMILY OF HOWARD LEE SPRAGUE. Birth of Parents. 1857, Aug. 20 — Howard Lee Sprague, at Purvis, N. Y. 1864, — Luella J. Stickle, at Parksville, N. Y. 1886, July 3— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Child. 1888, .... . . — Jay Howard, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. Death. 1892, Feb. 1— Howard Lee Sprague, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. FAMILY OF STANLEY H. SPRAGUE. Birth of Parents. 1859, July 29— Stanley H. Sprague, at Purvis, N. Y. 1860, Aug. 20— Olive M. Depuy, at Fallsburgh, N. Y. 1885, Oct. 21— Married, at Port Jervis, N. Y. Children. 1886, Oct. 5— Frank Howard, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. 1886, Oct. 5— Floyd Lee, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. 1891,' Feb. 24 — Corliss Erastus, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. 1900, Mar. 8 — Harriet Isabel, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. FAMILY OF ORIN P. SPRAGUE. Birth of Parents. 1861, June 5— Orin P. Sprague, at Purvis, N. Y. 1862, Aug. 21— Callae Caroline M. Hardenburgh, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. 1888, Sept. 26— Married, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. 88 Children. 1892, Mar. 12— Laverne L., at Roscoe, N. Y. 1893, July 31— Mary M., at Roscoe, N. Y. 1895, May 30— Horence E., at Roscoe, N. Y. Death. 1897, July 21 — Callae Caroline M. (Hardenburgh) Sprague, at Roscoe, N. Y. 1901, June 19 — Second marriage — Orin P. Sprague to Bertha Jelliff, at Woodbourne, N. Y. Child. —Jelliff. Death. 1910, Aug. 12— Jelliff Sprague. FAMILY OF ALLAN STEWART. Birth of Parents. 1810, June 11 — Allan Stewart, at Renfrewshire, Scotland. 1816, Oct. 16— Sally Sprague, at Rockland, N. Y. 1835, Jan. 1— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Children. 1835, Nov. 21— Jeanette, at Rockland, N. Y. 1838, May 9— Lucinda, at Rockland, N. Y. Marriage of Children. — Jackson Horton to Jeanette Stewart. 1859, Dec. 25 — Henry Snedeker to Lucinda Stewart. Deaths. 1842, Oct. 16 — Sarah (Sprague) Stewart. 1860, Apr. 3 — Lucinda (Stewart) Snedeker. 1864, Feb. 17— Jeanette (Stewart) Horton. 1845, Nov. 10 — Second marriage — Allan Stewart to Catharine Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. Children. 1848, Feb. 8— Sarah Clarissa, at Rockland, N. Y. 1850, Apr. 23— Hannah Catharine, at Rockland, N. Y. 1852, Jan. 6— Wickliffe Baldwin, at Rockland. N. Y. 89 Marriage of Children. 1867, Jan. 1 — Joseph E. Rue to Sarah C. Stewart. 1869, May 12— Charles R. Van Duyn to Hannah C. Stewart. 1880, Apr. 5— Wickliffe B. Stewart to Justina H. Godfrey. Deaths. 1868, June 14— Allan Stewart, at Rockland, N. Y. 1875, Oct. 18— Catharine (Darbee) Stewart, at Rockland, N. Y. FAMILY OF WICKLIFFE BALDWIN STEWART. Birth of Parents. 1852. Jan. 6— Wickliffe Baldwin Stewart, at Rockland, N. Y. — Justina H. Godfrey. 1880, Apr. 5— Married. Children. 1885, Nov. 12— Allan. 1887, Aug. 2— Jessie. 1888, Dec. 23— George Godfrey. Marriage of Child. 1908, Jan. 8— Allan Stewart to Mary A. Hellerman. FAMILY OF ALLAN STEW^ART. Birth of Parents. 1885, Nov. 12— Allan Stewart. — Mary A. Hellerman. 1908. Jan. 8— Married. Child. 1910, July 23— Allan F. FAMILY OF JOSEPH E. RUE. Birth of Parents. 1841. Nov. 9— Joseph E. Rue, at Cookstown, N. J. 1848. Feb. 8— Sarah C. Stewart, at Rockland, N. Y. 1867, Jan. 1— Married, at Windsor, N. J. Children. 1867, Oct. 7— Arrietta D., at Princeton, N. J. 1869, Oct. 13— William Allan, at New Sharon, N. J. 1872, Feb. 7— George F., at New Sharon. N. J. 1874, Mar. 15— Joseph E., Jr.. at Black's Mills, N. J. 90 1876, Apr. 18 — Josephine, at Clarksburg, N. J. 1882, Jan. 11— Howard, at Clarksburg, N. J. 1889, Apr. 15— Clara S., at Roscoe, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1894, Oct. 24 — Herbert T. Strong to Arrietta D. Rue, at Roscoe, N. Y. 1901, Oct. 30 — George F. Rue to Bertha G. Curliss, at Merchant- ville, N. J. 1902, June 25 — \\'illiam Allan Rue to Jane Stark Govan, at Stony Point, N. Y. Deaths. 1874, Mar. 22— Joseph E. Rue, Jr. 1882, Mar. 30— Howard Rue. 1883. Aug. 16 — Josephine Rue. FAMILY OF GEORGE- F. RUE. Birth of Parents. 1872, Feb. 7— George F. Rue, at New Sharon, N. J. — Bertha G. Curliss. 1901. Oct. 30— Married, at Merchantville. N. J. Child. 1907, May 21— Elizabeth Curliss, at Camden, N. J. FAMILY OF HERBERT T. STRONG. Birth of Parents. — Herbert T. Strong. 1867, Oct. 7— Arrietta D. Rue, at Princeton, N. J. 1894. Oct. 2-1 — Married, at Roscoe, N. Y. Children. 1896, June 16— Marjorie Rue, at Orange. N. J. 1898, Aug. 5— Cordelia Hall, at Monticello, N. Y. 1903, Jan. 13— Florence Ida, at Orange. N. J. FAMILY OF CHARLES R. VAN DUYN. Birth of Parents. 1845. July 28— Charles R. Van Duyn, at Kingston, N. J. 1850. Apr. 23 — Hannah C. Stewart, at Rockland, N. Y. 1869, May 12 — ^Married, at Princeton, N. J. 91 Children. 1870,* May 20— Allie, at Princeton, N. J. 1871, Aug. 4 — Charles R., Jr., at Princeton, N. J. 1873, Aug. 4— Chester D., at Mt. Holly, N. J. Marriage of Children. 1896, June 24— Charles R. Van Duyn, Jr., to Clara L. Smith. 1905, July 15— Chester D. Van Duyn to Priscilla E. Peacock. FAMILY OF CHARLES R. VAN DUYN, JR. Birth of Parents. 1871, Aug. 4 — Charles R. Van Duyn, Jr., at Princeton, N. J. 1871, Oct. 1— Clara L. Smith, at Camden, N. J. 1896, June 24 — Married. Child. 1906, Oct. 8— Dorothy S., at Merchantville, N. J. FAMILY OF CHESTER D. VAN DUYN. ,BiRTH OF Parents. 1873, Aug. 4— Chester D. Van Duyn, at Mount Holly, N. J. 1867, Apr. 12— Priscilla E. Peacock, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1905, July 15— Married. Child. 1906, Oct. 12 — Catharine Stewart, at Camden, N. J. FAMILY OF NELSON COCHRAN. ,Birth of Parents. 1815, Oct. 7— Nelson Cochran, at Rockland, N. Y. 1822, July 1 — Phoebe Sprague, at Rockland, N. Y. 1840, July 4— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Children. — Andrew J., at Rockland, N. Y. 1844, Sept. 24— Archibald, at Rockland, N. Y. 1846, May 23— Lucinda, at Rockland, N. Y. 1848, Sept. 6 — James Clarence, at Rockland, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1867, Mar. 13 — Archibald Cochran to Alice J. Huntington, at Rockland, N. Y. 92 Deaths. 1851, Aug. 19— Nelson Cochran, at Rockland, N. Y. 1857, Dec. 22— Andrew J. Cochran, at Rockland. N. Y. — James Clarence Cochran, U. S. Army during Civil War. 1865, Sept. 16 — Lucinda Cochran, at Rockland, N. Y. 1855, Nov. 10 — Second marriage — Phoebe (Sprague) Cochran to Elisha A. Stewart, at Purvis, N. Y. Children. 1856, Dec. 7— William, at Purvis, N. Y. 1861, Sept. 19— Inez, at Purvis, N. Y. 1865, June 9— Ralph, at Purvis, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1883, May 28— William Stewart to Ellen Coine, at Ellenville, N. Y. Deaths. 1862, Sept. 19— Inez Stewart, at Purvis, N. Y. 1907, Nov. 10 — Phoebe (Sprague-Cochran) Stewart, at Roscoe, N. Y. 1911, Feb. 15— Elisha A. Stewart, at Roscoe, N. Y. FAMILY OF ARCHIBALD COCHRAN. .Birth of Parents. 1844, Sept. 24 — Archibald Cochran, at Rockland, N. Y. 1840 —Alice J. Huntington, at Rockland, N. Y. 1867, Mar. 13— Married, at Monticello, N. Y. Child. 1872, Dec. 5— Guy, at Rockland, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1894, Jan. 17 — Guy Cochran to Eloise Keen, at Roscoe, N. Y. Death, — Alice J. (Huntington) Cochran, at Rockland,, N. Y. 1899, Oct. 14 — Second marriage — Archibald Cochran to Nina M. Osterhoudt. at Deckertown, N. J. Child. 1905, Mar. 5— Chester, at Roscoe, N. Y. 93 FAMILY OF GUY COCHRAN. , 3iRTH OF Parents. I 1872, Dec. 5— Guy Cochran, at Rockland, N. Y. 1871, Dec. 22— Eloise Keen, at Roscoe, N. Y. 1894, Jan. 17— Married, at Livingston Manor, N. Y. Child. i 1901, Mar. 17— James. ! Death. : I In infancy — James Cochran. FAMILY OF WILLIAM STEWART. PiRTH OF Parents. : 1856, Dec. 7— William Stewart, at Purvis, N. Y. — Ellen Coine. 1883, May 28— Married, at Ellenville, N. Y. Children. 1884, June 5— Inez, at Roscoe, N. Y. j 1886, June 4 — John, at Roscoe, N. Y. : ' 1888, July 28— William, at Roscoe, N. Y. 1890, Apr. 10— Bernard, at Roscoe, N. Y. 1892, June 20— Frank, at Roscoe. N. Y. 1894, Oct. 8— Minot. at Roscoe, N. Y. , 1896, Oct. 10— Elvin, at Roscoe, N. Y. i 1899, Feb. 10— Leland, at Roscoe, N. Y. ! 1901, June 24 — Thomas, at Roscoe. N. Y. Deaths. 1888, July 14 — Inez Stewart, at Purvis, N. Y. 1901, Sept. 26 — Thomas Stewart, at Roscoe. N. Y. 1 FAMILY OF HENRY MOTT. Birth of Parents. 1816, May 19— Henry Mott, at Rockland, N. Y. , 1828, Jan. 29— Hannah Sprague, at Rockland, N. Y. 1845, June 15— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. : Children. ' 1846, June 24 — Augustus D., at Rockland, N. Y. 1850, Oct. l^Helena, at Rockland, N. Y. ; I 94 I Marriage of Child. 1869, July 21— Hiram E. Rose to Helena Mott, at Postville, Iowa. Deaths. 1853, Apr. 1— Hannah (Sprague) Mott, at Rockland, N. Y. 1879, Aug. 7 — Henry Mott, at Postville, Iowa. _ . . — Augustus D. Mott, at Postville, Iowa. FAMILY OF HIRAM E. ROSE. Birth of Parents. 1844, Apr. 10— Hiram E. Rose, at Purvis, N. Y. 1850, Oct. 16— Helena Mott, at Rockland, N. Y. 1869, July 21— Married, at Postville, Iowa. Children. 1870, Aug. 17— Nettie, at Purvis, N. Y. 1872, Jan. 3— W'illard, at Purvis, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1890, July 31— Louis Cumming to Nettie Rose, at Bay City, Mich. 1899, May 23— Willard Rose to Abbie J. Talbot, at Rose City, Mich. Deaths. 1898, Feb. 18— Helena (Mott) Rose, at Rose City, Mich. 1906, Dec. 22— Hiram E. Rose, at Rose City, Mich. FAMILY OF WILLARD ROSE. Birth of Parents. 1872, Jan. 3— Willard Rose, at Purvis, N. Y. 1879, Jan. 14— Abbie J. Talbot, at Rose City, Mich. 1899, May 23— Married, at Rose City, Mich. Children. 1900, July 10— Lena E., at Rose City. Mich. 1901, Aug. 13— Pearlie M., at Rose City, Mich. 1904, May 15— Hiram, at Rose City, Mich. 1907, Apr. 23— William H., at Rose City, Mich. Death. 1900, July 12— Lena E. Rose, at Rose City, Mich. 95 FAMILY OF LOUIS GUMMING. Birth of Parents. 1857, Dec. 31 — Louis Gumming, at Welland, Ontario. 1870, Aug. 17 — Nettie Rose, at Purvis, N. Y. 1890, July 31— Married, at Bay Gity, Mich. Ghild. 1894, Feb. 20— Mary K., at Rose Gity, Mich. FAMILY OF JOHN K. GAMPBELL. Birth of Parents. 1820, Apr. 30— John K. Gampbell, at Golchester, N. Y. 1829, Nov. 12— Gatharine R. Sprague, at Rockland, N. Y. 1850, Jan. 24 — Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Ghildren. 1851, May 30— Mary Agnes, at Rockland, N. Y. 1854, Jan. 31— Jefferson, at Rockland, N. Y. 1856, June 10 — George, at Rockland, N. Y. 1861, May 28— John Day, at Rockland, N. Y. Marriage of Ghildren. 1868, June 10— Allen S. Rose to Mary A. Gampbell. 1879, Oct. 14 — Jefferson Gampbell to Alzina Seeley. Deaths. 1867, Jan. 9— John K. Campbell. 1869, Feb. 10— Mary Agnes (Gampbell) Rose. 1885, Dec. 21— John Day Gampbell. 1886, Feb. 3 — George Gampbell. FAMILY OF JEFFERSON GAMPBELL. Birth of Parents. 1854, Jan. 31 — Jefferson Gampbell, at Rockland, N. Y. — Alzina Seeley. 1879, Oct. 14— Married, at Rockland. N. Y. Ghildren. 1881, July 22— Harry S. 1884, Aug. 8— Baby. 1888, May 8— Gharles B. 96 Marriage of Child. 1905 — Harry S. Campbell to Grace Hall. Death. 1885, Mar. 14— Baby Campbell. Family of Peter Stewart. Birth of Parents. 1794, Nov. 7— Peter Stewart, at Rockland, N. Y. 1798, Mar. 22— Abigail Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. • 1819, Feb. 25— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Child. 1820, Sept. 22— Clarissa, at Rockland, N. Y. Deaths. 1822, Sept. 22— Clarissa Stewart, at Rockland, N. Y. — Peter Stewart, at Rockland, N. Y. — Abigail (Darbee) Stewart, at Rockland, N. Y. Family of Augustus Dodge. Birth of Parents. 1796, Sept. 2^1 — Augustus Dodge, at Newport, N. Y. 1799, Nov. 7— Hannah Darbee, at Rockland, N. Y. 1819, Oct. 20— Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Children. 1820, July 15— Daniel, at Gainesville, N. Y. 1822, May 26— Abigail M., at Gainesville, N. Y. 1836, Dec. 15— Eliza Ann, at Pike, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1841, May 20 — Daniel Dodge to Adelia Eliza Newcomb. 1847, Mar. 10— Luther C. Robinson to Abigail M. Dodge. 1857, Nov. 12— Vernon Griffith to Eliza Ann Dodge. Deaths. 1879, Mar. 28— Augustus Dodge, at Pike, N. Y. 1884, June 2— Hannah (Darbee) Dodge, at Pike, N. Y. 1886, bet. 20— Daniel Dodge, at Sharon Centre, Pa. 1887, Dec. 23— Ab'gail (Dodge) Robinson, at Pike, N. Y. 1904, Nov. 22— Luther C. Robinson, at Pike, N. Y. 7 97 FAMILY OF DANIEL DODGE. Birth of Parents. 1820, July 15— Daniel Dodge, at Gainesville, N. Y. 1825, Oct. 24 — Adelia Eliza Newcomb, at Pike, N. Y. 1841, May 26— Married, at Pike, N. Y. Children. 1843, Dec. 21— George Washington, at Pike, N. Y. 1846, Nov. 5 — Catharine Louise, at Pike, N. Y. 1848, Oct. 15— Mary Ann W., at Pike, N. Y. 1851, Aug. 13— Jennie Lind, at Pike, N. Y. 1856, Feb. 1— Jerome Daniel, at Pike, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1870, Apr. 9 — George W. Dodge to Emma E. Parmenter, at Parkersburg, W. Va. 1872, Apr. 13— Elba De Forest Holmes to Catharine L. Dodge, at Little Genesee, N. Y. 1872, Apr. 18— Ralph Burdic to Mary Ann W. Dodge, at Wells- ville, N. Y. 1883, May 31 — Jerome Daniel Dodge to Mary Emma Page, at Clean, N. Y. ' Deaths. 1853, Mar. 3 — Jennie Lind Dodge. 1871, Mar. 24 — Adelia Eliza (Newcomb) Dodge. 1886, Oct. 20— Daniel Dodge. FAMILY OF GEORGE WASHINGTON DODGE. Birth of Parents. 1843, Dec. 21— George Washington Dodge, at Pike, N. Y. 1848, Aug. 16— Emma E. Parmenter, at Parkersburg, W. Va. 1870, Apr. 9— Married, at Parkersburg, W. Va. Children. 1874, June 12 — Ulric Seward, at Sharon Centre, Pa. 1877, Aug. 9 — Frederick Parmenter, at Manistique, Mich. 1882, Feb. 23— Daniel Dwight, at Shinglehouse, Pa. 1890, Nov. 2 — Ava Lorinda, at Shinglehouse, Pa. 98 Marriage of Children. 1897, Nov. 23— Ulric Seward Dodge to Mary Elizabeth Neil, at Buffalo, N. Y. 1908, Sept. 25 — Frederick Parmenter Dodge to Mildred Arline Chandler, at Elmira, N. Y. FAMILY OF JEROME DANIEL DODGE. Birth of Parents. 1856, Feb. 1 — Jerome Daniel Dodge, at Pike, N. Y. 1857, Mar. 18— Mary Emma Page, at Leidy, Pa. 1883, May 31— Married, at Olean, N. Y. Children. 1884, Oct. 7— Carl Emerson, at Olean, N. Y. 1887, Apr. 17— Ralph Kent, at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Marriage of Child. 1910, Dec. 21 — Ralph Kent Dodge to Anna Jennie Fargo, at Akron, Ohio. FAMILY OF RALPH KENT DODGE. Birth of Parents. 1887, Apr. 17— Ralph Kent Dodge, at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. 1891, Feb. 18 — Anna Jennie Fargo, at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. 1910, Dec. 21— Married, at Akron, Ohio. Child. 1912, Mar. 1— Richard Fargo, at Akron, Ohio. FAMILY OF ELBA DE FOREST HOLMES. Birth of Parents. 1849, June 22 — Elba De Forest Holmes, at Postville, N. Y. 1846, Nov. 5 — Catharine Louise Dodge, at Pike, N. Y. 1872, Apr. 13— Married, at Little Genesee, N. Y. Children. 1873, May 7— Earle D., at Ceres, N. Y. 1874, Aug. 24— Ralph C, at Sharon Township, Pa. 1876, Jan. 8— ^lark AL. at Sharon Township, Pa. 1880, Oct. 23— W'illiam K., at Sharon Township, Pa. 1882, July 22— Luther R., at Sharon Township, Pa. 99 Marriage cf Children. 1898, June 29 — Earle D. Holmes to Florence Douds, at Olean, N. Y. 1900, June 28— William K. Holmes to Blanche Clark, at Olean, N. Y. 1901, Oct. 15— Mark M. Holmes to Jessie Luther, at Olean, N. Y. 1903, May 12— Luther R. Holmes to Nellie V. Price, at Olean. N. Y. 1904, Apr. 20— Ralph C. Holmes to Dora M. Hamilton, at San Antonio, Tex. FAMILY OF EARLE D. HOLMES. Birth of Parents. 1873, May 7— Earle D. Holmes, at Ceres. N. Y. 1875, July 25 — Florence Douds, at Canonsburg. Pa. 1898, June 29— Married, at Olean, N. Y. Children. 1900, Aug. 9— Dorothy L., at Olean, N. Y. 1908, Apr. 22— Margaret, at Olean, N. Y. FAMILY OF RALPH C. HOLMES. " Birth of Parents. 1874, Aug. 24 — Ralph C. Holmes, at Sharon Township, Pa. 1882, May 28— Dora M. Hamilton, at Allegheny, Pa. 1904, Apr. 20 — Married, at Houston, Tex. Child. i 1905, Feb. 7— Frederick Hamilton, at Port Arthur, Tex. FAMILY OF MARK M. HOLMES. Birth of Parents. 1876, Jan. 8— Mark M. Holmes, at Sharon Township, Pa. 1877, Dec. 15— Jessie Luther, at Karns City. Pa. 1901, Oct. 15— Married, at Olean, N. Y. Children. 1905, Nov. 26— Catharine L., at Olean, N. Y. 1910, Dec. 5— James Richmond, at Olean, N. Y. 100 FAMILY OF WILLIAM K. HOLMES. Birth of Parents. 1880, Oct. 23— William K. Holmes, at Sharon Township, Pa. 1880, Oct. 12— Blanche Olena Clark, at Olean, N. Y. 1900, June 28— Married, at Olean, N. Y. Children. 1901, Mar. 31— Theron Bennett, at Olean, N. Y. 1903, Aug. 25— Thelma Lois, at Olean, N. Y. 1907, Jan. 25— Douglas Clark, at Port Arthur, Tex. Death. 1907, Oct. 25 — Theron Bennett Holmes, at Port Arthur, Tex. FAMILY OF LUTHEk R. HOLMES. /^ Birth of Parents. 1882, July 22— Luther R. Holmes, at Sharon Township, Pa. 1882, June 8— Nellie V. Price, at Olean, N. Y. 1903, May 12— Married, at Olean, N. Y. Child. 1908, Dec. 19— Luther Albert, at Port Arthur, Tex. FAMILY OF RALPH BURDIC. Birth of Parents. 1850, Dec. 26 — Ralph Burdic, at Sharon Centre, Pa. 1848, Oct. 15— Mary Ann W. Dodge, at Pike, N. Y. 1872, Apr. 18— Married, at Wellsville, N. Y. Children. 1877, Apr. 2 — Daniel Warren, at Sharon Township, Pa. 1882, Aug. 29— Anna Louise, at Rixford, Pa. 1885, Feb. 28— Edna May, at Rixford, Pa. 1892, Mar. 30— Perry Carter, at Rixford, Pa. Marriage of Children. 1897, July 29— Daniel W. Burdic to Ella Jane Terwilliger, at Wellsville, N. Y. 1903, Sept. 8— Bruce H. Clark to Anna L. Burdic, at Rixford, Pa. 1908, July 4 — Second marriage — Daniel W. Burdic to Gertrude McQuillion, at Rixford. Pa. 1909, Sept. 1— Robert I. Brown to Edna May Burdic, at Rix- ford, Pa. 101 Deaths. 1892. Sept. 18— Perry Carter Burdic, at Rixford, Pa. 1901, Oct. 25 — Ella Jane (Terwilliger) Burdic, at Rixford, Pa. FAMILY OF DANIEL WARREN BURDIC. Birth of Parents. 1877, Apr. 2 — Daniel W. Burdic, at Sharon Springs Township, Pa. 1870, Oct. 15— Ella Jane Terwilliger. at Woodville, Pa. 1897, July 29— Married, at Wellsville. N. Y. Child. 1901. Oct. 4 — Pauline Elizabeth, at Rixford. Pa. Death. 1901, Oct. 25— Ella Jane (Terwilliger) Burdic, at Rixford, Pa. 1908, July 4 — Second marriage — Daniel W. Burdic to Gertrude McQuillion, at Rixford, Pa. FAMILY OF BRUCE H. CLARK. Birth of Parents. 1879, May 21— Bruce H. Clark, at Portageville, N. Y. 1882, Aug. 29— Anna Louise Burdic, at Rixford, Pa. 1903, Sept. 2— Married, at Rixford, Pa. Children. 1904, Aug. 6— Howard Lester, at Fillmore, N. Y. 1908, Jan. 1 — Edna Lucille, at Kennerdell, Pa. 1909. Mar. 7 — Dorothea Genevieve, at Bradford, Pa. FAMILY OF ROBERT INGERSOLL BROWN. Birth of Parents. 1888, Nov. 8 — Robert I. Brown, at Youngsville. Pa. 1885, Feb. 28— Edna May Burdic, at Rixford, Pa. 1909, Sept. 1— Married, at Rixford. Pa. Child. 1910, Sept. 13 — Iris Louise, at Falconer, N. Y. 102 FAMILY OF LUTHER C. ROBINSON. Birth of Parents. 1822, June 13— Luther C. Robinson, at Hume, N. Y. 1822, May 26— Abigail M. Dodge, at Gainesville, N. Y. 1847, Mar. 10— Married, at Gainesville, N. Y. Children. 1848, Mar. 20— Emma Lucretia, at Eagle, N. Y. 1849, Aug. 26— Franklin J., at Pike, N. Y. 1851, Apr. 8— Augustus D., at Pike, N. Y. 1854, Apr. 22— Hannah Ella, at Pike, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1868, Apr. 8 — Albert W. Martin to Emma L. Robinson, at Hor- nell, N. Y. 1880, Jan. 6 — Franklin J. Robinson to Ada S. Shepard, at Pike. N. Y.' 1880, Oct. 13— Augustus D. Robinson to Mary L. Clark, at Pike, N. Y. 1881, Aug. 23 — Erwin H. Ely to Hannah E. Robinson, at Pike, N. Y. Deaths. 1887, Dec. 23— Abigail M. (Dodge) Robinson, at Pike, N. Y. 1904, Nov. 22— Luther C. Robinson, at Pike, N. Y. 1911, Dec. 5— Hannah Ella (Robinson) Ely, at Brooklyn, N. Y. FAMILY OF AUGUSTUS D. ROBINSON. Birth of Parents. 1851, Apr. 8— Augustus D. Robinson, at Pike, N. Y. —Mary L. Clark. 1880, Oct. 13— Married, at Pike, N. Y. Children. 1884, Mar. 4— Irma A., at Pike, N. Y. 1891, May 10— Luther C, at Pike, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1904, June 27 — Clayton J. Smith to Irma A. Robinson, at Pike. N. Y. 103 FAMILY OF CLAYTON J. SMITH. Birth of Parents. — Clayton J. Smith. 1884, Mar. 4 — Irma A. Robinson, at Pike, N. Y. 1904, June 27— Married, at Pike, N. Y. Child. 1909, May 24— Marion, at Pike, N. Y. FAMILY OF ALBERT W. MARTIN. Birth of Parents. —Albert W. Martin. 1848, Mar. 20— Emma L. Robinson, at Eagle, N. Y. 1868, Apr. 8— Married, at Hornell, N. Y. Children. 1872, Dec. 20— Blanche A., at Pike, N. Y. 1874, Oct. 20— Warner W., at Pike, N. Y. 1885, May 19— Floy E., at Pike, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1891, Oct. 21— Forrest Gibbs to Blanche A. Martin, at Pike, N. Y. 1891, Dec. 29— Warner W. Martin to Nellie Lyon, at Pike, N. Y. 1904, June 19— Robert H. Bruce to Floy E. Martin, at Castile, N. Y. FAMILY OF WARNER W. MARTIN. Birth of Parents. 1874, Oct. 20— Warner W. Martin, at Pike, N. Y. — Nellie Lyon. 1891, Dec. 29— Married, at Pike, N. Y. Child. 1901, Feb. 23— Maynard W., at Pike, N. Y. FAMILY OF ERWIN H. ELY. Birth of Parents. — Erwin H. Ely. 1854, Apr. 22— Hannah Ella Robinson, at Pike, N. Y. 1881, Aug. 23— Married, at Pike, N. Y. 104 Children. 1882, Sept. 23— Irving R., at Milbank, S. D. 1884, Aug. 5— A. Inez, at Milbank, S. D. 1890, Oct. 10— Ella Gertrude, at Milbank, S. D. Death. 1911, Dec. 5— Hannah Ella (Robinson) Ely, at Brooklyn, N. Y. FAMILY OF VERNON GRIFFITH. Birth of Parents. ...., — Vernon Griffith. 1836, Dec. 15— Eliza A. Dodge, at Pike, N. Y. 1857, Nov. 12— Married, at Pike, N. Y. Child. 1859, Mar. 17— Frank L., at Pike, N. Y. Family of Asa Stanton. Birth of Parents. . . . ., — Asa Stanton. 1771, Oct. 15 — Desire Kimball, at Norwich, Conn. . . . ., — Married. Children. 1789, Feb. ^Charles. 1793, July 27— Asa, Jr. 1798, Sept. 20— William. 1803, Apr. 6— Levi K. Marriage of Children. 1810, Dec. 25— Charles Stanton to Ruth Smith. 1819, Mar. 9— William Stanton to Sarah Smith. 1820, Sept. 20— Asa Stanton, Jr., to Rhoda Bartlett. 1834, Mar. 5 — Levi K. Stanton to Caroline Clark. FAMILY OF CHARLES STANTON. Birth of Parents. 1789, Feb. 6— Charles Stanton. 1794, Oct. 1— Ruth Smith. 1810, Dec. 25— Married. 105 Children. j 1813, Oct. 24— Clarissa. | 1815, Mar. 14— Clarinda. ! 1817, Sept. 24— William Austin. 1820, Jan. 20— Austin. 1822, Feb. 4— Sarah. 1824, Mar. 8— Charles Wesley. 1825, Sept. 22— Asa. 1828, Mar. 7— Harriet Elizabeth. 1830, Aug. 28— William Harvey. 1832, Dec. 19— Asa Kimball. 1835, July 12 — Sarah Louise. 1837, Dec. 18— Phoebe Lavinia. Marriage of Children. 1833, Jan. 23 — Daniel Clark to Clarinda Stanton. 1845, June 4 — Austin Stanton to Armenia Buckingham. 1849, Mar. 7— Charles W. Stanton to Sarah A. Headley. 1849, Sept. 20— George Bennett to Harriet E. Stanton. 1852, Apr. 1 — Ovid H. Coleman to Sarah L, Stanton. 1855, July 4 — William H. Stanton to Emily Bennett. Deaths. 1813, Dec. 28 — Clarissa Stanton. j 1819, Feb. 4— William A. Stanton. i 1824, Dec. 20— Sarah Stanton. . \ 1827, Feb. 28— Asa Stanton. ' 1848, Oct. 23— Charles Stanton. j FAMILY OF ASA STANTON, JR. j Birth of Parents. ' 1793, July 27— Asa Stanton, Jr. ! 1787, Mar. 12— Rhoda Bartlett. I 1820, Sept. 20— Married. Children. • I 1823, May 7— Fitz Henry. ; 1824, Nov. 1— Asa B. 1825, Nov. 30— Lucy B. | 1827, Nov. 12— Charles. i 1830, May 30— Samuel C. 106 Marriage of Children. 1843, Jan. 26— H. N. Edgett to Lucy B. Stanton. 1845, June 30 — Fitz Henry Stanton to Mary Roands. 1853, Apr. 2 — Samuel C. Stanton to Mary Ann Bennett. FAMILY OF LEVI K. STANTON. Birth of Parents. 1803, April 6 — Levi K. Stanton. 1816, Aug. 13 — Caroline Clark. 1834, Mar. 5— Married. Children. 1835, Feb. 8^Russell Kimball. 1836, Sept. 22 — x^ddison Clark. 1838, Apr. 22— James Wilson. 1840, Jan. 5— Ard Smith. 1841, Apr. 5— Martha Jane. 1842, Sept. 17— Clarinda Desire. 1844, Mar. 1— Fidelia Augusta. 1845, July 19— Mary Elizabeth. 1847, Apr. 29— Oscar Asa. 1849, Mar. 1^1 — Adelaide Emeline. 1851, Jan. 27 — Warren Emory. 1855, Dec. 28— Charles Luther. 1858, Mar. 16 — Emma Jeanette. Marriage of Children. 1856, Feb. 11— Russell K. Stanton to Martha Jane Jewell. 1859, July 2— Smith J. Austin to Martha Jane Stanton. Death. 1847, Dec. 1 — lames Wilson Stanton. Family of William Hopkins. Birth of Parents. — William Hopkins. 1775, June 1 — Abigail Kimball, at Goshen, N. Y. — Married. 107 1796 1798 Children — Marvin. — William A. — Abigail. — Caroline. -De Witt C. Marriage of Children. — Marvin Hopkins to Rachael Drake. 1824, Dec. 30— William A. Hopkins to Rachael Todd. —John Hogeboom to Abigail Hopkins. — Wrexford to Caroline Hopkins. -De Witt C. Hopkins to — Robbins to Caroline (Hopkins) Wrexford. Deaths. 1827, May 10— Marvin Hopkins. 1836, — William Hopkins. FAMILY OF WILLIAM A. HOPKINS. Birth of Parents. 1798, —William A. Hopkins. 1793, Aug. 25— Rachal Todd. 1824, Dec. 30— Married, at New York City, N. Y. 1825, Oct. 26— Marvin A. Child. Marriage of Child. .—Marvin A. Hopkins to Sarah Jane Collins. Death. 1337, Oct. 9— William A. Hopkins. FAMILY OF MARVIN A. HOPKINS. Birth of Parents. 1825, Oct. 26 — Marvin A. Hopkins, at New York City, N. Y 1829, Oct. 27— Sarah Jane Collins, at New York City, N. Y 1848, Apr. 20— Married. 108 Children. 1850, Jan. 1 — Caroline Augusta. 1852, Sept. 10 — Rachael Antoinette. 1856, June 15 — Mary Amanda. 1857, Dec. 2— William Henry. 1861, Feb. 10 — Isabella Cameron. Family of John Ainsley. Birth of Parents. — John Ainsley. 1777, May 23— Sally Kimball, at Little Britain, N. Y. — Married. Children. —John. — Ambrose. — George. — Nancy. — Belinda. — Abigail. — Louisa. — Elizabeth. —Sally. — Julia. : . . — Ann. Family of Joseph Ainsley. Birth of Parents. —Joseph Ainsley. 1779, May 12— Polly Kimball, at Monson, N. Y. — Married. Children. — Hudson. — Brinson. — Jonas. — Joseph. '■ — Cynthia. — Desire. — Laura. 109 — Salina. — Lucy. ■ — Abigail. — Eunice. Family of Robert Cochran. Birth of Parents. ■ — Robert Cochran. 1783, Feb. 21 — Sabra Kimball, at Norwich, Conn. — Married. Children. —John. — Oliver. — Nelson. — James S. — Ostrander. —Maria. —Polly. — Julia. Family of William Woodward. Birth of Parents. 1787, May 29— William Woodward. 1785, Apr. 29 — Betsey Kimball, at Norwich, Conn. 1807, July 3— Married. Children. 1808, Aug. 21— Charles. 1811, Feb. 7— Levi. 1813, Feb. 14— William, Jr. 1817, Mar. 3— Ambrose. 1823, July 23 — Samuel 1827, Feb. 24— Patience. 1828, Mar. 1— George R. Marriage of Children. ■ — Charles Woodward to Charlotte Davis. 1835, Dec. 28— Levi Woodward to Susan Hitt. 1837, Sept. I'^l — William Woodward, Jr., to Margaret Osterhout. 1841, Feb. 25 — Ambrose Woodward to Louisa Kent. 1846, — Daniel Warren to Patience Woodward. 1854, Nov. 2 — Samuel Woodward to Sarah M. Barber. 110 FAMILY OF CHARLES WOODWARD. Birth of Parents. 1808, Aug. 21— Charles Woodward. — Charlotte Davis. — Married. Children. — Charles Horton. — Nelson. — Julia Maria. — Susan Ann. FAMILY OF LEVI WOODWARD. Birth of Parents. 1811, Feb. 7 — Levi Woodward. -Susan Hitt. 1835, Dec. 28— Married. Children 1837, .... . . — Mary F. 1839, .... . . Orilla E. 1841, .... • . . — Charlotte. 1843, .... . . — James. 1845, .... . . — Charles L. FAMILY OF WILLIAM WOODWARD, JR. Birth of Parents. 1813, Feb. 14— WilHam Woodward, Jr. — Margaret Osterhout. 1837, Sept. 14— Married. Children. . — Eliza Jane. . — Sarah Maria. . — William. . — Archibald. . — John. . — Phoebe. -Matthew. 1840, 1842, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1849, — Hannah Margaret. Ill FAMILY OF AMBROSE WOODWARD. Birth of Parents. 1817, Mar. 3 — Ambrose Woodward. . . — Louisa Kent. 1841, Feb 1842, 1844, 1845, 1847, 1848, 1850, 1851, 1853, 25— Married. Children. —William N. — Sarah E. — Addison. — Levi. —Mary. — Charles. —John. — Louisa. FAMILY OF SAMUEL WOODWARD. Birth of Parents. 1823, July 23 — Samuel Woodward. — Sarah M. Barber. 1854, Nov. 2— Married. Child. 1856, Sept. 4— Ida Ophelia. FAMILY OF DANIEL WARREN. Birth of Parents. — Daniel Warren. 1827, Feb. 24 — Patience Woodward. 1843, .... 1845, Nov. 1847, 1848, 1850, 1851, 1853, . — Married. 6 — William. — \Valter. — Uriah. —Mary. — Franklin. — Charles. Children. Family of William Cochran. Birth of Parents. , — William Cochran. 112 1788, Nov. 6 — Nancy Kimball, at Preston, Conn. ' — Married. This family removed to Illinois prior to 1830. They had three children — one son and two daughters, names unknown. Family of George S. Joscelyn. Birth of Parents. 1791 — George S. Joscelyn, at Prince William, N. B. 1794, July 4 — Lucy Kimball, at Preston, Conn. 1811, —Married, at Rockland, N. Y. Children. 1813, Mar. 4— William K., at Colchester, N. Y. 1815, May 20— Catharine L., at Rockland, N. Y. 1817, May 20— Hannah Ann, at Rockland, N. Y. 1819, Aug. 3— Abigail, at Rockland, N. Y. 1821, Oct. 6— George W., at Covert, N. Y. 1823, Nov. 19— Amanda, at Covert, N. Y. 1826, Apr. 23— Russell S., at Rockland, N. Y. 1827, Dec. 18— Margaret, at Rockland, N. Y. 1830, Apr. 22— Polly, at Rockland, N. Y. 1832, Sept. 7— Jackson K., at Rockland, N. Y. 1834, Aug. 31— James R., at Rockland, N. Y. 1836, Dec. 2— Charlotte M., at Rockland, N. Y. 1838, Sept. 8— John W., at Rockland, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1837, Aug. 5 — William K. Joscelyn to Jane Ann Shaver. 1839, Jan. 1 — Cyrus Carrier to Catharine L. Joscelyn. 1840, Jan. 9 — James Murdock to Hannah Ann Joscelyn. 1840, Mar. 18— Joseph Mott to Abigail Joscelyn. 1842, Jan. 13 — George W. Joscelyn to Maria Davis. 1845, Feb. 28 — John Davidson to Amanda Joscelyn. 1845, June 1 — Caleb Buckley to Catharine L. (Joscelyn) Carrier. 1849, Dec. 1 — Joel Carrier to Catharine L. (Joscelyn) Buckley. 1852, Jan. 24 — Cyrus A. Dodge to Polly Joscelyn. 1857, Feb. 23 — Joshua Townsend to Charlotte M. Joscelyn. 1857, June 16 — William C. Hardie to Margaret Joscelyn. Deaths. 1827, Mar. 4— Russell S. Joscelyn. 1848, May 17— James R. Joscelyn. 1856, Apr. 11 — George S. Joscelyn. 8 113 FAMILY OF WILLIAM K. JOSCELYN. Birth of Parents. 1813, Mar. 4 — William K. Joscelyn, at Colchester, N. Y. — Jane Ann Shaver. 1837, Aug. 5— Married. Children. 1838, May 29— Lucy M., at Rockland. N. Y. 1841, Oct. 29— Esther M., at Rockland, N. Y. 1843, Mar. 23— Josephine L.. at Rockland, N. Y. 1846, Jan. 25— Adam H., at Andes, N. Y. 1848, July 19— John Y., at Calicoon, N. Y. 1850, Aug. 9— James R., at Colchester, N. Y. 1852, June 17— Sarah I., at Colchester, N. Y. 1854, May 9— William M., at Colchester, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1853, —Richard Smith to Lucy M. Joscelyn. Death. 1848, — Adam H. Joscelyn, at Calicoon, N. Y. FAMILY OF GEORGE W. JOSCELYN. Birth of Parents. 1821, Oct. 6— George W. Joscelyn, at Covert, N. Y. — Maria Davis. 1842. Jan. 13— Married. Children. — George S. — Lafayette. — Uriah. — James. — Samuel. — Sarah. FAMILY OF JOSEPH MOTT. Birth of Parents. 1814, Nov. 26— Joseph Mott, at Rockland, N. Y. 1819, Aug. 3— Abigail Joscelyn, at Rockland, N. Y. 1840, Mar. 18— Married. 114 Children. 1841, Sept. 30— Hannah A., at Rockland, N. Y. 1844, Sept. 13— Sarah, at Rockland, N. Y. 1847, Apr. 24— Cyrus, at Rockland, N. Y. FAMILY OF JOHN DAVIDSON. Birth of Parents. — John Davidson. 1823, Nov. 19 — Amanda Joscelyn, at Covert, N. Y. 1845, Feb. 28— Married. Children. 1846, May . .—Clara, at Rockland, N. Y. 1848, Mar. . .—William, at Rockland, N. Y. 1850, Apr. . .—George, at Rockland, N. Y. 1852, Apr. ..—Evert, at Rockland, N. Y. 1854, Sept. . . — j Amanda, at Rockland, N. Y. /Amelia, at Rockland, N. Y. 1857, Jan. . .—Lily, at Rockland, N. Y. FAMILY OF WILLIAM C. HARDIE. Birth of Parents. — AA^illiam C. Hardie. 1827, Dec. 18— Margaret Joscelyn, at Rockland, N. Y. 1857, June 1(>-Married, at Pike's Pond, N. Y. Children. 1858, Apr. 5 — Ann Louisa. 1860, May 8— Lucy Agnes. 1862, Aug. 6— Alice M. Marriage of Children. 1882, — Jehiel Sheeley to Lucy Agnes Hardie. 1898, Dec. 10— Edward Meeks to Alice M. Hardie. Death. 1862, Apr. 9 — Ann Louisa Hardie. FAMILY OF JEHIEL SHEELEY. Birth of Parents. . . — Jehiel Sheeley. 8 — Lucy Agnes Hardie. . . — Married. 1860, May 1882 115 Children. 1883, —William, at Grahamville, N. Y. 1886, —Mae W., at Ellenville, N. Y. 1891, Oct. 11— Alice M., at Ellenville, N. Y. Death. 1887, —Mae W. Sheeley. FAMILY OF CYRUS A. DODGE. Birth of Parents. — Cyrus A. Dodge. 1830, Apr. 22— Polly Joscelyn. at Rockland, N. Y. 1852. Jan. 24— Married. Child. 1854, Sept. . .—Arthur, at Rockland, N. Y. 116 INDEX PAGE Adams, Frank 69 Ainsley, John 109 Ainsley, Joseph 109 Allwood, N. B. J 16 Apley, Asa P 21 Austin, Smith J 107 Baker, Alex. P 74 Baker, Francis M 74 Baker, Harrie J 74 Baker, Leonard T 12) Barnhart, Jeremiah 11 Barrett, John 12) Benjamin, Charles E 16 Bennett, George 106 Bonney, James 36 Bonney, James M 38 Bonney, Samuel J 21 Borden, Caleb 20 Bruce. Robert H 104 Bradley, James 79 Brewster, James T 54 Bridges, Jeremiah 31 Brown. Robert T 102 Burdic, Daniel W 102 Burdic. Ralph 101 Buckley, Caleb 113 Burke, Richard 65 Byrnes, James A '^Z Byrnes, James R 83 Campbell. Harry S 97 Campbell, Hugh 75 Campbell, Jefferson 96 Campbell, John K 96 Carman, Alonzo F 50 Carrier, Cyrus 113 Carrier, Joel 113 Chaffin, Lamar 36 Christian, Ernest 34 Clark, Daniel 106 Clark, Bruce H 102 Cochran, Archibald 93 Cochran, Guy 94 Cochran, James S 21 Cochran, Nelson 92 Cochran, Robert 110 Cochran, William 11? Coleman, James G 34 Coleman, Ovid H 106 Conselyea, William 41 Cooper, Frank 15 Gumming, Louis 96 Cunningham, William G 71 Darbee, Abraham 41 Darbee, Abraham 1 42 PAGE Darbee, Alan 42 Darbee, Charles A 32 Darbee, Chester 55, 56 Darbee, Cleveland 54 Darbee, Cleveland, Jr 54 Darbee, Edgar 40 Darbee, Edwin 35 Darbee, Edwin C 54 Darbee, Frank L 36 Darbee, John 31 Darbee, John W 53 Darbee, Levi 39 Darbee, Levi, Jr 42 Darbee, Levi G 31 Darbee, Orin 33 Darbee. Orin T 2S Darbee, Robert E 32 Darbee, Robert M 42 Darbee, Robert S 42 Darbee, Samuel 28, 43 Darbee, Samuel, Jr 52 Darbee, Samuel J 35 Darbee, Samuel W 55 Darbee. Sherman U 21 Darbee. Willard H 55 Darbee. William 44 Darbee, William H 43 Darbee, William L 34 Darbee, William T 22 Darbee, William W 35 Davidson, John 115 Davis, Ernest 24 Decker, Frederick J 87 Decker, J. D. W. M 86 Decker, J. Emmet 87 Devoy, James 75 Dice, John 14 Dice, Preston 15 Dodge, Alonzo G 25 Dodge, Augustus 21 , 97 Dodge, Cyrus A 116 Dodge, Daniel 98 Dodge, Frederick P 99 Dodge, George W 98 Dodge, Herbert C 28 Dodge, Jerome D 99 Dodge, Lynn W 26 Dodge, R'alph K 99 Dodge, Ulric S 99 Dodge, Wilbur B 26 Doll, Alexander 86 Dowling, Harry P 69 Dowling, Michael 68 Edgett, H. N 107 Ely, Erwin H 104 Farley, John 64 117 PAGE Field, Cyrus W 46 Finch, William E ^8 Flynn, Charles J 80 Flynn, John F 81 Flynn, Thomas D 80 Gage Hamilton 27 Gay, Charles 14 Geraghty, Eugene A 78 Geraghty, John n Gibbs, Forrest 104 ^Giles, Lewis B 5') 'Giles, Lewis B., Jr 51 'Giles, William B 51 'Gill John 9 ^Gillett, George _B 85 Goodman, Lewis B 9 Gorton Frederick S 38 Gray, Robert 47 Griffith, Vernon 105 Hardie, William C 115 Hitt, Lewis 18 Hogeboom, John 108 Holbrook, Ray C 17 Holmes, Earle D 100 Holmes, Elba D 99 Holmes, Luther R 101 Holmes, Mark M 100 Holmes, Osborne .W 15 Holmes, Ralph C 100 Holmes, William K 101 Hopkins, De Witt C 108 Hopkins, Marvin 108 Hopkins, Marvin A 108 Hopkins, William 107 Hopkins, William A 108 Hornbeck, Henry 24 Horton, Jackson 89 Hull. Walter H 86 Hylan, John F 62 Johnson, Barna 19 Johnson, Charles B 19 Johnson, James K 18 Johnson, John 17 Johnson, John G 18 Johnson, William H 18 Johnston, Austin D 56 Jones, Abel 27 Joscelyn, George S 113 Joscelyn, George W 114 Joscelyn, William K 114 Kavanagh, John 76 Kelly, Peter J 60 Kesler, Nathan 10 Kimball, Burr W 15 Kimball, Edwin M 15 Kimball, Frederick M 23 Kimball, George D 21 Kimball, Henry 22 PAGE Kimball, Hubert 13 Kimball, Herbert L 23 Kiml)all. Isaac C 12 Kimball, James H Kiml^all, Joel • • 12 Kimball, John M • 83 Kiml^all, Levi 7, 23 Kimball, Levi, Jr.* ■ 8 Kimball, Levi R 9 Kimball, Marvin 15 Kimball, OUver 19 Kimball, Russell 28 Kimball, Sylvanus 9 Kimball, William 10 Kimball, William D 11 Knowlden, Joseph 17 Kohler, Conrad G 87 Landon, Henry C 16 Launt, Albert 57 Launt, Erford 57 Le Roy, Thomas H 56 Maffett, John A 20 Martin, Albert W 104 Martin, Harry J 86 Martin, Warner W 104 McCarthy, William P 78 McCoy, James W 72 McDevitt, Daniel W 11 McDevitt, Dominick 76 McDevitt, Ferdinand 11 McDevitt. Peter 76 McGalloway, Michael 82 McGalloway, Michael A 82 McGalloway, Peter 82 McGauley, Edgar J 73 McGauley, Francis M 72 McGauley, Michael J 70 McGauley, Peter 69 McGauley, Stephen A 72 McGauley, Thomas U 71 McQuaid, Charles F 81 McQuaid, Eugene F 81 McWilliams. Charles 78 McWilliams, James E 79 Meeks, Edward 115 Merritt, Walter K 36 Miller, Henrv S 63 Miller, Peter 83 Mills, Charles C 47 Mills, Charles M 48 Mills, Frederick L 50 Mills, George C 48 Mills, Irving P 49 Mills. William H 49 Moore, Madison 65 Moore, Thomas E 75 Moore, William H 75 Moore, Wilmot 32 Mott, Henry 94 Mott, Joseph 114 118 PAGE Mudge, Claire R 23 Mulligan, Frank 17 Munson, David B 13 Munson, Joel K 14 Murdock, James 113 Murdock, Nathan 25 Murphy, Bernard K 79 Odwell, Frederick W 54 O'Hara, Arthur 1 62 O'Hara, Barnard 59 O'Hara, Charles H 64 O'Hara, Clarence E 63 O'Hara, George E 62 O'Hara, George P 60 O'Hara, James C 62 O'Hara, Levi 63 O'Hara, Levi E 63 O'Hara, Peter 57 O'Hara, Peter, Jr 61 O'Hara, Peter G 61 O'Hara, Samuel 60 Paradise, Harry E 54 Peck, Chauncey 11 Platner, John 9 Pontin, John 57 Powell, Abraham L 45 Powell, Edwin L 45 Powell, John E 50 Powell, Joseph Leeds 44 Powell, Joseph Levi 45 Powell, William H 46 Powell, William W 51 Purcell, Charles A 67 Purcell, John 67 Purcell, Alichael 65 Purcell, Ralph C 68 Purcell, Thomas B 66 Purcell, William G -. 68 Purcell, William H 66 Reed, Theron A 27 Riedrich, Carl H., Jr 46 Robinson, Augustus D 103 Robinson, Franklin J 103 Robinson, Howard A 53 Robinson, Luther C 103 Rose, Allen S 96 Rose, Hiram E 95 Rose, Willard 95 Rue, George F 91 Rue, Joseph E 90 Rue, William A 91 Scott, James 59 Sewall, Loammah 21 Sheeley, Frederick 56 Sheeley, Jehial 115 Sheeley, John H 55 PAGE Smith, Clayton J 104 Smith. Osley M 47 Smith, Richard 114 Snedeker, Henry 89 Spence, Charles 34 Sprague, Erastus S7 Sprague, Howard L 88 Sprague, James E 84 Sprague, Lafayette 85 Sprague, Orin P 88 Sprague, Samuel 11 Sprague, Stanley H 88 Sprague, Warner E 88 Sprague, William 84 Stanton, Asa 105 Stanton, Asa, Jr 106 Stanton, Austin 106 Stanton, Charles 105 Stanton, Charles W 106 Stanton, Fitz Henry 107 Stanton, Levi K 107 Stanton, Russell K 107 Stanton, Samuel C 107 Stanton, William 105 Steenrod, Edwin D. '. 37 Steenrod, William D 37 Stewart, Allan 89, 90 Stewart, Elisha A 93 Stewart, Peter 97 Stewart, WickHffe B 90 Stewart, William 94 Stickles, William 12 Strong, Herbert T 91 Sumner, Frank M 67 Swartwout, George W 10 Swartwout, Rudolphus 10 Swartwout, Sylvanus 10 Thomson, William J 53 Townserid, Joshua 113 Travers, Norman R 50 Van Duyn, Charles R 91 Van Duyn, Charles R., Jr....... 92 Van Duyn, Chester D 92 Van Valkenburgh, James M. . . . 60 Warren, Daniel 112 Warren, Harry 15 Wilson, Clinton 25 Wilson, Oscar 25 Woodward, Ambrose 112 Woodward, Charles Ill Woodward, Levi Ill Woodward, Samuel 112 Woodward, William .110 Woodward, William, Jr Ill Wright, Edwin 20 Wright, James 20 Young, William 26 119 APPENDIX Record of the Family of Jedediah Darbee and some of his Descendants The Darbee genealogy cannot be traced, connectedly, further back than 1729, the year of birth of the first Jedediah. Only frag- mentary records prior to that date give information relating to the family. That the first settlers came from England may be consid- ered beyond dispute. Samuel C. Derby, of the Ohio State University, gives it as his opinion that the name is derived from the county and town of Derby, Eng. He writes as follows: "I find the following Derby, Darby, Darbe, etc., families in North America : (1) John and Richard Darby, of Plymouth, Mass., who came from Dorset, England, about 1636. (2) Francis Darby, of Rhode Island, whose son removed to Southhold, L. I. (3) Francis Darby, of Maryland. (4) Edward Darby, of Weymouth, Mass., who married Susanna Hooke. (5) Hugh Darby, of Marblehead, Mass., 1670. (6) William Darby, a soldier at Blackpoint, Maine, 1675. (7) John Darby, of Marblehead, Mass. (8) Roger Darby, of Salem, who came from Topsham, Devon- shire, Eng. (9) Thomas Darby, or Daby, at Salem, Mass., 1683, and later, is supposed to have resided in Stow, Mass. It is my opinion that the Darbys of the Weymouth line moved on westward into the N. E. corner of Connecticut ( Windham, Tal- land and New London counties). Before the Revolution, one family, Jonathan Darby, went up the Connecticut to Orford, N. H., and.Jona Darby served in a N. H. regiment during the war. Several of these Connecticut Darbys were in the Continental Army. There was also a Derbyshire family from Groton, Mass., who dropped the 'shire' about the time that one or two of them moved to Connecticut, about 1720." FROM ARMY RECORDS, REVOLUTIONARY WAR. "Darbee, George: Private Simeon Cobb's Co., 3rd Mass. Regt., 1779. Darbee, Nathaniel : Drummer in Capt. Abijah Rowlee's Co., Mass. Militia, 1775. Capt. Peleg- Mattison's Co. of Militia for ser- vice on an expedition to the Northwest, Shaftsbury, Vt., 1781." Darbee, Samuel: Capt. Wright's Co., 6th Regt., Middlesex Co., Mass., 1777. Darbe, Jonathan : Lieut. Minute Men, V^ermont Troopers. Darbey, Jonathan: 3rd Sergt. Capt. Bayley's Co., Col. Marsh's Regt., town of Pawlett, Vt. Darbe, Nathan : Minute Man, Vermont Troopers. Darbee, Simeon: Corp. Capt. Marsten's Co., Cumberland Co. Militia, Vt. Darbe, Simeon: Cumberland Co. Militia, Hatch's Co. of Minute Men. Darbe, William: Nehemiah Lovell's Co., Vermont Militia — Peter Olcott, Col. Darby, Jedediah Darby, Azariah also Darby, Ezriah Darby, James : 3rd Battalion, Wadsworth Brigade, Col. Sage, Capt. Parker's Co. Darbe, Jeams : Conn. Militia, Col. Johnson's Regt., Capt. Benj. Clark, 1778. Darby, Benjamin: 2nd Regt. Col. Spencer; also member of Gen. Washington's Brigade, 1781. Darby, Chester: Col. Roger Eno's Regt., Capt. Leffingwell's Co. Darby, John : Col. Hinman's Regt. Darby, Joseph : 2nd Regt. Gen. Spencer, 8th Company." FROM ARMY RECORDS, WAR OF 1812. "Darbe, Daniel: Corp. Col. James Wilson's Regt., town of Wells, Vt. Darbe, Jedediah: 1st Lieut., Col. James Wilson's Regt., town of Wells, Vt. Darbe, Nathan : Private, Col. James Wilson's Regt., town of Wells, Vt. Darbe, Simeon : Private, Col. Sam Hough's Regt., from Stoning- ton. Conn." From "Records of Ye Congregational Church of Christ, Pres- ton, Conn., Rev. Paul Park, Minister of the Gospel." "Jedediah Darbee, of Lisbon, and Elizabeth Gore, of Preston, mar- ried 1789, Nov. 26. Samuel Darbee and Sarah Atwood, married at Bridgwater, Sept. 13, 1764, at East Parish Church." From the early Records of Weymouth, contained in New England Hist, and Geneo. Society's publications : ^'Derby- — Edward Derby married in Weymouth, Mass., first, Ruth, daughter of Simon Whitmarsh, about 1687. He married, sec- ond, Mrs. Rebecca (Sumner) Hobart, of Hingham, 1705. The early Records of Weymouth say that Edward Darbey was after banns Nov. 4, 1705. Edward Darby lived in Braintree in 1698 and Weymouth in 1712. He died Jan. 6, 1724. His will names his children Jonathan, Samuel, Rebecca and Ruth. Samuel was born May 1, 1689, and was living in 1724. Derby — Edward Derby said to have been in Taunton, Mass., mar- ried Jane James in Hingham, Dec. 7, 1704. Died in Wey- mouth, June 8, 1716. Darby- — Samuel Darby, born May 1, 1689, was living in 1724. Darby — Sarah Darby, born June 19, 1693, married William Dyer, Jr., of So. Weymouth, Nov. 13, 1714. Darby — David Darby, born May 23, 1698 (Braintree Records), died Aug. 20, 1713. Darby — Jonathan Darby married Ruth Shaw, of So. Weymouth, July 9, 1720. Darby — Ruth Darby, born March 15, 1711, married Joseph Shaw, Jr., in Weymouth. Darby — Rebecca Darby married Jonathan Blanchard July 23, 1729 — 8 children. Darby — Jane Darby married Samuel Blanchard July 22, 1727." Notwithstanding the variations in the spelling of the surname, it is more than likely nearly all of the foregoing were more or less distantly related to Jedediah and Lucretia Cleveland Darbee. The lack of uniformity in the spelling means very little, since in times gone by people were indifferent regarding such matters, as many old tomb stones and ancient church and town records bear eloquent testimony. Apparently it was considered of no consequence if a letter was dropped from a name and one or more substituted, pro- viding it did not alter the pronunciation. It would not, therefore, be entirely safe to assume that the name as generally spelled con- forms to the original spelling. To this day there is no harmonious agreement regarding the matter; some branches of the family spell the name Darby and accent the first syllable, while others, and by far the greater number, spell it Darbee and accent the last syllable. Family of Jedediah Darbee. Birth of Parents. 1729, — Jedediah Darbee. 1740, — Lucretia Cleveland. Date and place of marriage not positively known, but supposed to be in Preston, Conn., about 1755. Children. 1755, • • • . . — Cecilia. 1757, 1762, Jan. 20— Jedediah . . . — Azariah. • • • • • • • • . . . — Chester. . . . ., . . . — John. . . . — Abigail. 1768, Jun e 2 — Samuel, at Lisbon, Conn Marriage of Children. 1789, Nov. 26 — Jedediah Darbee to Elizabeth Avery Gore, at Preston, Conn. . . . ., — Azariah Darbee to Susannah Phelps. . . . ., — Reuben Tenny to Abigail Darbee. 1790, Sept. 30 — Samuel Darbee to Hannah Kimball, at Jewett City, Conn. Deaths. 1769, — Jedediah Darbee. 1778, — Chester Darbee. 1795, —John Darbee. 1824, — Lucretia (Cleveland) Darbee. 1826, Apr. 20— Samuel Darbee, at Rockland. N. Y. 1828, Oct. 9— Jedediah Darbee, 2nd, at Aurora, N. Y. 1840, —Abigail (Darbee) Tenny. 1844, —Cecilia Darbee. The widow of Jedediah married a John Bishop, by whom she had two children — Joseph and Hannah. After the death of her second husband, she removed from Connecticut to Vermont and lived with her son Jedediah. The family subsequently removed to Erie County, N. Y. Family of Jedediah Darbee, 2d. Birth of Parents. 1757, Jan. 20 — Jedediah Darbee. 1756, July 31 — Elizabeth Avery Gore. 1789, Nov. 26— Married, at Preston, Conn. Children. 1790, Dec. 4— Jedediah. 1792, Aug. 22— John Cleveland. 1794, Jan. 3— Nathan Niles. 1797, Jan. 12— Elizabeth. 1799, Apr. 24— Polly. Marriage of Children. 1816, Jan. 11— Abijah Paul to Elizabeth Darbee. at Wells, Vt. 1816, Jan. 11 — John Cleveland Darbee to Laura Beardslee, at Wells, Vt. 1816, Jan. 11— Jedediah, 3rd, to Orilla Darbee. at Wells, Vt. 1816, Mar. 28— Waterman Perkins to Polly Darbee, at Wells, Vt. 1824, June 9 — Nathan Niles Darbee to Harriet Minor, at Wells, Vt. Deaths. 1811, Oct. 7— Elizabeth A. (Gore) Darbee, at Wells, Vt. 1828, Oct. 9— Jedediah Darbee, 2nd, at Aurora, N. Y. 1843, July 7— Polly (Darbee) Perkins, at Aurora, N. Y. 1843, Oct. 18— Elizabeth (Darbee) Paul, at Aurora, N. Y. Family of Jedediah Darbee, 3d. Birth of Parents. 1790, Dec. -1 — Jedediah Darbee, at Groton, Conn. — Orrilla Darbee, at Wells, Vt. 1816. Jan. 11— Married, at Wells, Vt. Children. 1816, Sept. 26 — Azariah, at Aurora, N. Y. 1818, June 10— Charles R., at Aurora, N. Y. 1820, Feb. 22— Elizabeth, at Aurora, N. Y. 1821, June 7 — Harriet, at Aurora, N. Y. 1824, Mar. 13— Orrilla, at Aurora. N. Y. Death. 1824, Apr. 2^^ — Orrilla Darbee, at Aurora, N. Y. 1825, July 21 — Second marriage — Jedediah Darbee, 3rd, to Martha M. Holmes, at Aurora, N. Y. Children. 1826, May 1^1 — Carleton, at Aurora, N. Y. 1827, Oct. 13— James G., at Aurora, N. Y. 1830, June 5— Nathaniel H., at Aurora, N. Y. 1833, Jan. 13— Frederick J., at Aurora, N. Y. 1835, Sept. 21— Ruth G., at Aurora, N. Y. 1843, Sept. 16— Wesley, at Aurora, N. Y. 1848, Aug. 29— Martha Jane, at Aurora, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1838, Feb. 15 — Azariah Darbee to Marissa Huntington. 1839, Dec. 12— Francis T. Bishop to Elizabeth Darbee. 1840, Sept. 16— Seth F. Thurber to Harriet Darbee. 1849, —Albert Blaisdell to Orilla Darbee. 1853, Oct. 9— Harlow Field to Ruth G. Darbee. 1855, Oct. 25 — Nathaniel Holmes Darbee to Arena Van Vliet. 1855, Nov. 22 — James G. Darbee to Miranda L. Le Clear. 1858, Oct. 17— Frederick J. Darbee to Savalla Griffin. 1871, Sept. 14 — Orville S. Blakeley to Martha J. Darbee. 1889, Jan. 8 — James G. Darbee to Margaret Blakeley. Deaths. 1819, Feb. 16— Charles R. Darbee, at Aurora, N. Y. 1826, Sept. 8— Carleton Darbee, at Aurora, N. Y. 1843, Oct. 21— Wesley Darbee, at Aurora, N. Y. 1860, Nov. 6— Orrilla (Darbee) Blaisdell, at Venango Co., Pa. —Jedediah Darbee, at West Falls, N. Y. — Martha M. (Holmes) Darbee, at West Falls, N. Y. 1892, June 18— Azariah Darbee, at West Falls, N. Y. 1912, Sept. . .—Frederick J. Darbee. at West Falls, N. Y. FAMILY OF AZARIAH DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1816. Sept. 26— Azariah Darbee, at Aurora, N. Y. 1816, Dec. 19— Marissa Huntington, at Middletown, Vt. 1838, Feb. 15— Married, at Aurora, N. Y. Children. 1838, Nov. 13— Daniel W'.. at West Falls, N. Y. 1842, Aug. 11— Henry C. at West Falls. X. Y. 1852, Oct. 10— William A., at West Falls. N. Y. 1858, Oct. 17— Mary Orrilla, at West Falls, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1860, Dec. 12— Daniel W. Darbee to Prudence C. Griffin. 1865, June 1^1 — Henry C. Darbee to Marion L. Whitney. 1871, Aug. 12— William A. Darbee to Rose E. Williams. 1875, Nov. 21 — Henry C. Darbee to Margaret Hardie. 1884, Mar. 26— \\'illiam ^\^ Brown to Mary Orrilla Darbee. 1889, Dec. 12— William A. Darbee to Elizabeth Housman. Deaths. 1892, June 18— Azariah Darbee, at West Falls, N. Y. 1905, May 2— Marissa (Huntington) Darbee. at Buffalo, N. Y. FAMILY OF DANIEL W. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1838, Nov. 13— Daniel \\\ Darbee, at W^est Falls, N. Y. 1842, July 12 — Prudence C. Griffin, at East Hamburg, N. Y. 1860, Dec. 12— Alarried. Children. 1861, Sept. 20— Elmer E. 1869, Oct. 29— Herbert A. 1877, June 6— Myron P. Marriage of Children. 1884, Sept. 10— Elmer E. Darbee to Eliza E. Easton. 1897, May 31— Myron P. Darbee to Ida Lumley. Death. 1892, June 15— Herbert A. Darbee. FAMILY OF ELMER E. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1861. Sept. 20— Elmer E. Darbee. 1866, Sept. 14— Eliza E. Easton. 1884, Sept. 10— Married. Child. 1886, Feb. 8— Rinda. FAMILY OF MYRON P. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1877, June 6 — Myron P. Darbee. 1880, Jan. 5— Ida Lumley. 1897, May 31— Married. Child. 1900, May 31— Gladys, at .Boston, N. Y. FAMILY OF HENRY C. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1842, Aug. 11— Henry C. Darbee, at West Falls, N. Y. 1846, June 16— Marion L. \Miitney, at AMllink, N. Y. 1865, June 14 — Married, at Willink, N. Y. Children. 1869, Sept. 22— Lilly M., at Willink, N. Y. 1871, Dec. 2— Norah E., at Willink, N. Y. Death. 1873, Nov. 12— Marion L. (Whitney) Darbee. 1875, Nov. 21 — Second marriage — Henry C. Darbee to Margaret Hardie. Children. 1878, Aug. 28— Nellie M., at East Aurora, N. Y. 1881, Sept. 6— Mary E., at East Aurora, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1899, Aug. 23— Albert J. Van Antwerp to Nellie M. Darbee. Deaths. 1876, Feb. 15— Norah E. Darbee, at Willink, N. Y. 1878, Jan. . .—Lilly M. Darbee, at Willink, N. Y. 1884, May . .—Mary E. Darbee, at East Aurora, N. Y. 1896, Oct. 15— Henry C. Darbee, at East Aurora, N. Y. FAMILY OF ALBERT J. VAN ANTWERP. Birth of Parents. 1876. May 23— Albert J. Van Antwerp. 1878, Aug. 28— Nellie M. Darbee, at East Aurora, N. Y. 1899, Aug. 23— Alarried. Child. 1901, Feb. 23— Vera Helen, at Buffalo, N. Y. 10 FAMILY OF A\7LLIAM A. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1852, Oct. 10— William A. Darbee, at West Falls, N. Y. 1850, Oct. 23— Rose F. Williams, at Buffalo, N. Y. 1871, Aug. 12— Married. Children. 1884, Apr. 5— Emmet F.. at Fast Aurora, N. Y. 1886. July 19— Jessie S., at Colden, N. Y. Death. 1889, Apr. 7— Rose E. (Williams) Darbee. 1889, Dec. 11 — Second marriage — William A. Darbee to Eliza- betb Housman. Child. 1890, Sept. 5— Florence M., at Colden, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1907, Jan. 1 — Frank Waltz to Jessie S. Darbee. 1910, July . . — Emmet E. Darbee to Elizabeth King. Death. 1891, Mar. 12— Elizabeth (Housman) Darbee, at Buffalo, N. Y. FAMILY OF FRANK WALTZ. Birth of Parents. 1885, ^lar. 13— Frank Waltz, at Colden, N. Y. 1886, July 19— Jessie S. Darbee. at Colden. N. Y. 1907, Jan. 1— Married. Children. 1907, Oct. 22— Florence Elizabeth, at West Falls, N. Y. 1910, July 6— Alice Mary, at \\'est Falls, N. Y. Death. 1908, Feb. 20— Florence Elizabeth Waltz, at W^est Falls, N Y. FAMILY OF WILLIAM W. BROWN. Birth of Parents. 1837, May 14— William \Y. Brown, at Griffin's Mills, N. Y. 1858, Oct. 17— Mary Orrilla Darbee, at West Falls, N. Y. 1884, Mar. 2^Married. 11 Children. 1885, Mar. 19— Lester William, at Colden, N. Y. 1887, Apr. 3— Lilly A., at Buffalo, N. Y. 1897, July 19— Charles S. N., at Buffalo, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1907, Oct. 16 — Lester William Brown to Mayme P. Humes, at Meadville, Pa. Death. 1887, July 11— Lilly A. Brown. FAMILY OF LESTER WILLIAM BROWN. Birth of Parents. 1885, Mar. 19— Lester William Brown, at Colden, N. Y. 1887, June 17— Mayme P. Humes, at Woodstock, Pa. 1907, Oct. 16— Married, at Meadville, Pa. Children. 1908, Aug. 5 — Lester Carroll, at Meadville, Pa. 1910. July 5— Evelyn Mary, at Buffalo, N. Y. FAMILY OF NATHANIEL HOLMES DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1830, June 5— Nathaniel Holmes Darbee, at Aurora, N. Y. 1840, Feb. 10— Arena Van Vliet. 1855, Oct. 25— Married. Children. 1866, Sept. 4— Edgar E. 1870, Jan. 22— Frederick N. 1872, May 3— Martha M. 1875, —Myron G. Marriage of Children. 1892, May 15— Edgar E. Darbee to Mabel Hatch. 1893. May 3— Earl J. Essex to Martha M. Darbee. 1897, Feb. 24 — Frederick N. Darbee to Almyra Avery. — Myron G. Darbee to 12 FAMILY OF EDGAR E. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1866, Sept. -I — Edgar E. Darbee. —Mabel Hatch. 1892, May 15— Married. Child, 1894, Dec. 24— Hazel M. FAMILY OF FREDERICK N. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1870, Jan. 22 — Frederick N. Darbee. — Almyra Avery. 1897, Feb. 2-1 — Married. Children. 1899, Aug. 17— Bertha ^label. 1902, Aug. 30— Thelma Edith. 1907, Dec. 10— Florence Ethel. FAMILY OF EARL J. ESSEX. Birth of Parents. — Earl J. Essex. 1872, May 3— Martha M. Darbee. 1893, May 3— Married. Children. 1894, Oct. 12— Clifford E. 1895, Oct. 25— Norman E. Death. 1894, Oct. 24— Clifford E. FAMILY OF FREDERICK J. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1833, Jan. 13 — Frederick J. Darbee. 1838, Nov. 29— Savalla H. Griffin. 1858, Oct. 17— Married, at Aurora, N. Y. Children. 1859, Sept. 1— Clara Augusta, at West Falls, N. Y. 1862, Oct. 18— Hester Ann, at West Falls, N. Y. 13 1864, July 4 — Emma Ruth, at West Falls, N. Y. 1867, June 18— Grace Minerva, at West Falls, N. Y. 1869, Dec. 25— Cornelia, at West Falls, N. Y. 1872, Mar. 19— Howard St. Clair, at West Falls, N. Y. 1874, Dec. 5— Adeline Savalla, at West Falls, N. Y. 1879, Mar. 20— Ralph Hall, at West Falls, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1885, Apr. 15 — Allen C. Ralyea to Clara Augusta Darbee. 1886, Sept. 5^Frederick C. Boies to Grace Minerva Darbee. 1907, June 5 — Ralph Hall Darbee to Caroline Herbst. Deaths. 1865, July 31— Hester Ann. 1865, Aug. 25— Emma Ruth. 1875, Jan. 3— Howard St. Clair. 1904, Dec. 1— Adeline Savalla. 1912, May 18— Clara Augusta (Darbee) Ralyea. 1912, Sept. . .- — Frederick J. Darbee. FAMILY OF RALPH HALL DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1879, Mar. 20— Ralph Hall Darbee, at West Falls, N. Y. — Caroline Herbst. 1907, June 5— Married. Children. 1908, Sept. 12— Kenneth Herbst, at West Falls, N. Y. 1909, Dec. 18— Adeline Savalla, at West Falls, N. Y. FAMILY OF ALLEN C. RALYEA. Birth of Parents. — Allen C. Ralyea. 1859, Sept. 1— Clara Augusta Darbee, at West Falls, N. Y. 1885, Apr. 15— Married. Children. 1886, Feb. 6— Glenn Allen. 1889, Oct. 20— Howard Ralph. 1891, Oct. 29— Frederick Darbee. 1903, Apr. 18— Marjorie Naomi. 14 Marriage of Children. 1909, July 21— Glenn Allen Ralyea to Nora McClory. 1912, June 19 — Howard R. Ralyea to Jessie Maloney. Death. 1912, May 18— Clara Augusta (Darbee) Ralyea. FAMILY OF HARLOW FIELD. Birth of Parents. 1828, Feb. 17— Harlow Field. 1835, Sept. 21— Ruth Gore Darbee. 1853, Oct. 9— Married. Children. 1857, May 20— Frederick H. 1859, Oct. 14— Loran M. 1866, Jan. U — Hattie Maria. 1867, June 8— Sanford D. Marriage of Children. 1886. Oct. 20— Frank Benning to Hattie M. Field. 1893, Nov. 8— Sanford D. Field to Helen Chapman Deaths. 1858, Aug. 15— Frederick H. Field. 1860, Sept. 27— Loran M. Field. 1894, Mar. 22— Harlow Field. 1905, Feb. 28— Hattie M. (Field) Benning. FAMILY OF SANFORD D. FIELD. Birth of Parents. 1867, June 8— Sanford D. Field. 1873, Aug. 21 — Helen Chapman. 1893, Nov. 8— Married. Children. 1895, Mar. 3— Berenice Ruth. 1897, Jan. 1 — Loran Harlow. 1900. Aug. 21— Laura Hattie. 1908, Aug. 28— Frank Raymond. 15 FAMILY OF FRANK BENNING. Birth of Parents. 1865, June 8 — Frank Benning. 1866, Jan. 14— Hattie M. Field. 1886, Oct. 20— Married. Children. 1888, Nov. 4— William Sanford. 1890, July 19— Ruth Margaretta. 1892, Oct. 14— Frank Benjamin. 1895, July 29 — Frederick Harlow. 1900, Apr. 9— Anna Mildred. Death. 1905, Feb. 28— Hattie M. (Field) Benning. FAMILY OF SETH F. THURBER. Birth of Parents. — Seth F. Thurber. 1821, June 7 — Harriet Darbee, at Aurora, N. Y. 1840, Sept. 16— Married. Children. 1841, Aug. 16— Martha M. 1843, May 19— Orrilla R. 1845, Oct. 5— Elizabeth. 1847, Dec. 21— Seth F., Jr. 1855, July 29— Charles W. 1861, Dec. 31— Jedediah D. Marriage of Children. 1861, Sept. 10— Myron Graves to Orrilla R. Thurber. 1862, Aug. 7— Albert Harvey to Martha M. Thurber. 1867, Apr. 21 — Seth F. Thurber, Jr., to Mary Congdon. 1869, Mar. 18— Seth F. Thurber, jr., to Calista M. Wright. 1881, July 2— Jedediah D. Thurber to Martha Ranney. 1882, Sept. 27— Charles W. Thurber to Mary Earl. 1889, Sept. 2— Charles W. Thurber to Ada A. Bliven. 1892, Apr. 27 — Frank W. Thurber to Therese Fleming. Death. Sept. 13, 1849— Elizabeth Thurber. 16 FAMILY OF SETH F. THURBER, JR. Birth of Parents. 1847, Dec. 21— Setli F. Thurber, Jr., at West Falls, N. Y. — Mary Congden. 1867, Apr. 21— Married. Child. 1868, Jan. 24— Harriet Lois, at West Falls, N. Y. Death. 1868, Feb. 10— Mary (Congden) Thurber. 1869, Mar. 18— Second marriage— Seth F. Thurber, Jr., to Calista M. Wright, at West Falls, N. Y. Children. 1870, Jan. 21— Frank W., at West Falls, N. Y. 1880, Apr. 26— Nellie A., at West Falls, N. Y. 1883, July 9— Jeanette, at West Falls, N. Y. 1886, Jan. 11— Grace E., at West Falls, N. Y. 1890, Oct. 21— Clarence A., at West Falls, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1882, Dec. 2-1 — Geo. Ickes to Harriet Lois Thurber. 1892, Apr. 27— Frank W. Thurber to Theresa Fleming. 1902, May 14 — Henry Dietz to Jeanette Thurber. 1904, Oct. 26— Elmore Dietz to Grace E. Thurber. Death. 1885, Nov. 23— Nellie A. Thurber. FAMILY OF FRANK W. THURBER. Birth of Parents. 1870, Jan. 21— Frank W. Thurber, at West Falls, N. Y. — Therese Fleming. 1892, Apr. 27— Married. Children. 1894, Nov. 8— Estelle E., at Buffalo, N. Y. 1893, July 15— Pearl D., at Buffalo, N. Y. 1898, Oct. 6— Miriam F., at Buffalo, N. Y. 1907, June 17— Amy T., at Buffalo, N. Y. 17 FAMILY OF GEORGE ICKES. Birth of Parents. — George Ickes. 1868. Jan. 24— Harriet Lois Thiirber, at West Falls, N. Y. 1882. Dec. 24— Married, at West Falls, N. Y. Children. 1885, Sept. 6 — Flossie Leonie. 1888, June 9— Roy Alexander. 1890. Mar. 28— Martha Beryl. 1892, Jan. 15— Harriet Adelia. 1896. Jan. 28— Norman Edgar. 1898. Oct. 2— Waynard Edward. 1901, Aug. 24 — Florence Evelyn. 1904, May 22— Frank Adelmar. 1907, Feb. 24— Hazel Irene. Marriage of Child. 1907, Nov. 2 — John Stiffler to Flossie Leonie Ickes. Deaths. 1890, Mar. 30— Martha Beryl Ickes. 1905. Apr. 9 — Frank Adelmar Ickes. FAMILY OF HENRY DIETZ. Birth of Parents. — Henry Dietz. 1883, July 9— Jeanette Thurber. 1902, May 14— Married. Children. 1903, Mar. 9— Floyd E., at West Falls, N. Y. 1907, Apr. 15— Clifford S., at West Falls, N. Y. 1908, July 19— George C, at West Falls, N. Y. FAMILY OF ELMORE DIETZ. Birth of Parents. — Elmore Dietz. 1886, Jan. 11— Grace E. Thurber, at W^est Falls, N. Y. 1904, Oct. 26— Married, at West Falls, N. Y. Child. 1910, Sept. 2— Carlton Thurber. 18 FAMILY OF ALBERT HARVEY. Birth of Parents. 1840, —Albert Harvey. 184L Aug. 16— Martha M. Thurber, at West Falls, N. Y. 1862, Aug. 7 — Married, at Tonawanda, N. Y. Children. 1865, Nov. 22— Delia AL, at Polkton, Mich. 1869, Sept. 27— Frank A., at Polkton, Mich. Marriage of Children. 1889, July 4 — Eugene Gibbs to Delia M. Harvey. 1898, Oct. 11 — Frank A. Harvey to Jennie M. Leonard. FAMIi.Y' OF FRANK A. HARVEY. Birth of Parents. 1869, Sept. 27— Frank A. Harvey, at Polkton. Mich. — Jennie M. Leonard, at Grand Rapids, Mich. 1898, Oct. 11— Married, at Grand Rapids, Mich. Children. 1899, June 27— Marion A., at Grand Rapids, Mich. 1900, Sept. 25— Frances L., at Grand Rapids. Mich. • 1903, Nov. 13— Evelyn L.. at Grand Rapids. Mich. 1907, Dec. 28— Berenice E., at Grand Rapids. Mich. FAMILY OF MYRON GRAVES. Birth of Parents. — Myron Graves. 1843, May 19— Orrilla R. Thurber. 1861, Sept. 10— Married. Child. 1862, Sept. 1— Harriet Delano. Marriage of Child. 1882, May 18 — W. Dana Starkweather to Harriet Delano Graves. FAMILY OF \\^ DANA STARKWEATHER. Birth of Parents. — W. Dana Starkweather. 1862, Sept. 1 — Harriet Delano Graves. 1882, May 18— Married. 19 Children 1883, July 7— Sara A. 1885, Sept. 11— George H. 1888, Nov. 30— Myron A. 1892, June 18— Rose D. 1895, June 27— Lucy F. 1900, Apr. 13— W. Dana. Deaths, 1895, Sept. 16— Myron A. Graves. 1895, Oct. 1— Rose D. Graves. FAMILY OF FRANCIS T. BISHOP. Birth of Parents. — Francis T. Bishop. 1820, Feb. 22— Elizabeth Darbee. 1839, Dec. 12— Married. Children. 1841, Jan. 7— Ann Esther. 1843, May 8— Chester J. 1844, July 15— Martha O. 1846, May 18— Harriet E. 1848. Sept. 1— Edward T. 1850, Nov. 12— Henry A. 1853, July 21— Lilly 'Dale. Marriage of Children. 1860, Oct. 3— Murray L. Morse to Martha O. Bishop. 1862, May 11 — Chauncey C. Church to Ann E. Bishop. Deaths. 1852. Oct. 10— Harriet E. Bishop. 1862, Apr. 15 — Murray L. Morse, at Havre de Grace, Md., in his 21st year. He was a member of Co. B, 10th Regt.. N. Y. S. V. FAMILY OF ALBERT BLAISDELL. Birth of Parents. , —Albert Blaisdell. 1824, Mar. 13— Orrilla Darbee. 1849, —Married. 20 Children. 1851, Aug. 13 — Clarissa L. 1855, —Andrew N. 1857, Nov. 27— ^lary A. 1859, —Flora L. Death. 1860, Nov. ..— Orrilla (Darbee) Blaisdell. Family of John Cleveland Darbee. Birth of Parents. 1792, Aug. 22 — John Cleveland Darbee, at Groton, Conn. 1798, July 18 — Laura Beardslee, at Fairfield, Conn. 1816, Jan. 11— Married, at Wells, Vt. Children. 1816, Sept. 2 — John Beardslee, at Aurora, N. Y. 1818, Oct. 28— Charles Rollin, at Aurora, N. Y. 1822, Aug. 31 — Albert Avery, at Aurora, N. Y. 1831, July 13— Wallace Locke, at Aurora. N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1839, Mar. 10 — John Beardslee Darbee to Sophia Cross, at Col- den, N. Y. 1844, Oct. 3 — Albert Avery Darbee to Abigail Anthony, at Colden, N. Y. 1844, Dec. 21 — Charles Rollin Darbee to Catharine Carr, at Ham- burg, N. Y. 1853, Mar. 3 — \\'allace Locke Darbee to Eliza Carr, at Aurora, N. Y. 1863, June 1-1 — Wallace Locke Darbee to Charlotte A. Dixon, at Bufifalo, N. Y. ...., — Wallace Locke Darbee to Harriet M. Moore, at Bufifalo, N. Y. Deaths. 1863, Aug. 17 — Albert Avery Darbee. — John Cleveland Darbee. — Laura (Beardslee) Darbee. 1887, Sept. 16 — Wallace Locke Darbee. 1898, Mar. 22— John Beardslee Darbee. 21 FAMILY OF JOHN BEARDSLEE DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1816, Sept. 2 — John Beardslee Darbee. at Aurora, N. Y. 1814, Sept. 23 — Sophia Cross, at Champlain, N. Y. 1839, Mar. 10— Married, at Colden, N. Y. Children. 1839, Dec. 13— Laura S., at Boston, N. Y. 1841, July 15— Elizabeth Avery, at Aurora, N. Y. 1843, Mar. 25— Emma, at Colden, N. Y. 1844, July 13— Martha J., at Colden, N. Y. 1846, Apr. 18— Clementine T., at Colden, N. Y. 1848, Apr. 6— Albert Gallatin, at Colden, N. Y. 1850, Jan. 10— John N., at Colden, N. Y. 1852, Feb. 2^Juliet S., at Colden, N. Y. 1854, Oct. 9— Mary C, at Colden, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1860, Apr. 29 — Albert Freeman Chandler to Elizabeth Avery Darbee, at Hamburg, N. Y. 1861, July 9— Nathan E. Clark to Martha J. Darbee, at Hamburg, N. Y. 1863, Mar. 18 — S. B. Leach to Clementine T. Darbee, at Hamburg, N. Y. 1874, Mar. 29— Albert B. Clark to Mary C. Darbee, at Hamburg, N. Y. Deaths. 1843, Apr. 1 — Emma Darbee. 1849, Apr. 10— Albert Gallatin Darbee. 1850, Feb. 4— John N. Darbee. 1854, Oct. 11— Laura S. Darbee. 1858, Oct. 19— Juliet S. Darbee. 1894, — Sophia (Cross) Darbee. 1898, Mar. 22— John Beardslee Darbee. FAMILY OF ALBERT FREEMAN CHANDLER. Birth of Parents. 1839, July 17— Albert Freeman Chandler. 1841, July 15^ — Elizabeth Avery Darbee, at Aurora, N. Y. 1860, Xpr. 29— Married, at Colden, N. Y. 22 Child. 1861, Apr. 14— Frederick De Witt, at Colden, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1897, July 3— Frederick De Witt Chandler to Ada Pratt, at Colden, N. Y. Death. 1862, Nov. 20 — Albert Freeman Chandler, killed in battle in Civil War. — Second marriage — Elizabeth A. (Darbee) Chand- ler to Wheeler Holmes. FAMILY OF FREDERICK DE WITT CHANDLER. Birth of Parents. 1861, Apr. 14— Frederick De Witt Chandler, at Colden, N. Y. —Ada Pratt. 1897, July 3— Married, at Colden, N. Y. Child. 1899, Sept. 13— Irma Elizabeth, at Colden, N. Y. FAMILY OF NATHAN E. CLARK. Birth of Parents. 1.S40, May 17— Nathan E. Clark, at Hamburg, N. Y. 1844, July 13— Martha J. Darbee, at Colden, N. Y. 1861, July 9— Married, at Hamburg, N. Y. Children. 1863, May 22— Nellie G. 1866, June 13— Charles Rolhn. 1868, Dec. 24— Etta E. 1872, May 26— Horton D. Marriage of Children. 1888, Mar. 1— George E. Allen to Nellie G. Clark, at Hamburg, N. Y. 1889, May 9— Horton D. Clark to Lillie Riebeling, at Buffalo, N. Y. 1892, June 22— Loran S. Briggs to Etta E. Clark, at Buffalo, N. Y. 1902. Apr. 24— Charles Rollin Clark to Hattie Krick. 23 Deaths. i 1909, Feb. 27— Nathan E. Clark. ; 1911, Mar. 30— Charles Rollin Clark. FAMILY OF HORTON D. CLARK. Birth of Parents. ' : 1872, May 26— Horton D. Clark. j - — Lillie Riebeling. J 1889, May 9— Married, at Buffalo, N. Y. , Child. i 1890, June 9— Harold H., at Buffalo, N. Y. \ Marriage of Child. i —Harold H. Clark to Violet I FAMILY OF GEORGE E. ALLEN. j Birth of Parents. . . . ., — George E. Allen. , j 1863, May 22— Nellie G. Clark. 1888, Mar. 1— Married, at Hamburg, N. Y. Child. 1890, Oct. 31— George E. Allen, Jr., at Buffalo, N. Y j Marriage of Child. — George E. Allen to Mary .... Death. - — George E. Allen, Sr. FAMILY OF LORAN S. BRIGGS. Birth of Parents. i — Loran S. Briggs. 1868, Dec. 24— Etta E. Clark. : 1892, June 22— Married, at Buffalo, N. Y. Children. ' 1894, Apr. 29— Martha Fern. [ 1902, Aug. 15— Doris Clark. 1905, Jan. 9 — Marion Geraldine. 24 ' Marriage of Child. ' 1911, May 16— Roland Rosco to Martha F. Briggs. Death. 1905, Sept. 10 — Marion Geraldine Briggs. FAMILY OF ALBERT B. CLARK. Birth of Parents. 1849, Sept. 28— Albert B. Clark, at Colden, N. Y. 1854, Oct. 9— Mary C. Darbee, at Colden, N. Y. 1874, Mar. 29— Married, at Hamburg, N. Y. Children. 1875, Oct. 26— Albert B., Jr., at Colden, N. Y. 1883, Feb. 13— Ethelinda, at Colden, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1891, Nov. 14 — Albert B.' Clark, Jr., to Carrie Brandt, at Hamburg, N. Y. ' FAMILY OF ALBERT B. CLARK, JR. Birth of Parents. 1875, Oct. 26— Albert B. Clark, Jr., at Colden, N. Y. — Carrie Brandt. 1891, Nov. 14 — Married, at Hamburg, N. Y. Child. 1903, Oct. 26— Regina Marie, at Kenmore, N. Y. FAMILY OF CHARLES ROLLIN DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1818, Oct. 28— Charles Rollin Darbee. 1823, Jan. 20 — Catharine Carr. 1844, Dec. 21— Married, at Hamburg, N. Y. Children. 1845, Dec. 14 — Julia Frances. 1847, Nov. 25— Alice Ann. 1849, Sept. 6— Everett Allison. lo 25 Marriage of Children. 1864, May 3— O. H. Wood to Julia Frances Darbee, at Griffin's Mills, N. Y. 1866, Sept. 23— Charles H. Enos to Alice A. Darbee, at Golden, N. Y. 1874, Mar. 29— Everett A. Darbee to Louise R. Treat, at Griffin's Mills, N. Y. 1885, Apr. 30 — Everett A. Darbee to IMary Essex, at Franklin- ville, N. Y. Deaths. 1870, Oct. 20— Charles Rollin Darbee. 1880, Jan. 26 — Julia Frances (Darbee) Wood. 1897, Apr. 11 — Catharine (Carr) Darbee. 1897, Apr. 27 — Alice Ann (Darbee) Enos. FAMILY OF EVERETT ALLISON DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1849, Sept. 6— Everett Allison Darbee. 1853, — Louise R. Treat. 1874, Mar. 29— Married, at Griffin's Mills, N. Y. Child. 1875, Aug. 20— Emmet R. Deaths. 1877, Mar. 11— Emmet R. Darbee. 1883, Oct. 15— Louise R. (Treat) Darbee. 1885, Apr. 30— Second marriage— Everett A. Darbee to Alary Essex, at Franklinville, N. Y. Children. 1886, Mar. 17— Flora Mae. 1888, Aug. 20— Harry Rollin. FAMILY OF CHARLES H. ENOS. Birth of Parents. — Charles H. Enos. 1847, Nov. 25— Alice Ann Darbee. 1866, Sept. 23— Married, at Golden, N. Y. 26 Children. 1867, Dec. 13— Everett A. 1878, Oct. 4— Katherine. Marriage of Children. — Everett A. Enos to Minnie Helms, at Cuba, N. Y. 1909, Apr. 18 — J. Edward Demcey to Katherine Enos, at Cuba. N. Y. FAMILY OF J. EDWARD DEMCEY. Birth of Parents. — J. Edward Demcey. 1878, Oct. 4 — katherine Enos. 1909, Apr. 18— Married, at Cuba, N. Y. Child. 1910, Dec. 27— Alice E. FAMILY OF ALBERT AVERY DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1822, Aug. 31— Albert Avery Darbee. 1826. .Alay 28— Abigail Anthony. 1844, Oct. 3— Married. Children. 1848, July 4 — Julius Elverton. 1851, Sept. 17 — Charles A. Death. 1850, Oct. 13— Julius Elverton Darbee. FAMILY OF AA'ALLACE LOCKE DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1839, July 13 — \A'allace Locke Darbee, at Aurora, N. Y. 1830. June 13 — Eliza Carr, at East Hamburg, N. Y. 1853, Mar. 3— Married, at Aurora, N. Y. Death. 1862, Apr. 25 — Eliza (Carr) Darbee, at Aurora, N. Y. 1863, June 1-^1 — Second marriage — Wallace Locke Darbee to Char- lotte A. Dixon, at Buffalo, N. Y. 27 Death. 1869, Oct. 25— Charlotte A. (Dixon) Darbee. Third marriaare — Wallace Locke Darbee to Har- ^& riet M. Moore, at Buffalo, N. Y. : Children. ! —Marion A., at Buffalo, N. Y. i —Albert A., at Buffalo, N. Y. —Frederick C, at Buffalo, N. Y. —Wallace, at Buffalo, N. Y. ' 1885, Feb. 1— Everett, at Buffalo, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1910, July 15 — Everett Darbee to Katharine Kaus, at Santa Anna, < Cal. Deaths. ; 1876, Aug. 22— Albert A. Darbee. i 1877, Apr. . . — Marion A. Darbee. 1883, Dec. 3— Frederick C. Darbee. 1887, Sept. 16— Wallace Locke Darbee. 1 —Harriet M. (Moore) Darbee. , Family of Nathan Niles Darbee. Birth of Parents. 1794, Jan. 3— Nathan Niles Darbee. — Harriet Minor. 1824, June 9— Married, at Aurora, N. Y. Children. 1825, Aug. 4— Lusina B., at Aurora, N. Y. 1828, Jan. 22— Jedediah, at Aurora, N. Y. 1830, Jan. 30— Polly A., at Aurora. N. Y. 1833. Mar. 19— Clarissa P., at Aurora, N. Y. 1836, Nov. 22— Asa G., at Aurora, N. Y. 1839, July 19— Seth M., at Aurora, N. Y. ^ Marriage of Children. 1841, — Samuel A. Jocoy to Lusina B. Darbee. — Abner C. Knapp to Polly A. Darbee. 1856, Mar. . . — Seymour G. White to Clarissa P. Darbee. 28 1859, May 26— Jedediah Darbee to Mary A. Bartlett. 1861, Jan. 6 — Seth M. Darbee to Mary Jane Francis. Deaths. 1860, Dec. 5— Clarissa P. (Darbee) White, at Alecto, Ills. 1890, Jan. 18— Jedediah Darbee, at East Aurora, N. Y. FAMILY OF JEDEDIAH DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1828, Jan. 22— Jedediah Darbee, at West Falls, N. Y. 1834, Nov. 30— Mary A. Bartlett, at East Aurora, N. Y. 1859, May 26— Married, at East Aurora, N. Y. Children. 1860, Dec. 2— Clara B. 1863, Feb. 7— Flora E. 1870, Sept. l^Helen B. Marriage of Children. 1886, Oct. 7 — Edward K, Emery to Clara B. Darbee, at South Wales, N. Y. 1895, Apr. 18 — Asher B. Emery to Helen B. Darbee, at East Aurora, N. Y. Deaths. 1885, Apr. 23— Flora E. Darbee, at East Aurora, N. Y, 1890, Jan. 18— Jedediah Darbee, at East Aurora, N. Y. 1912, Mar. • 7— Mary A. (Bartlett) Darbee, at East Aurora, N. Y. FAMILY OF EDWARD K. EMERY. Birth of Parents. 1851, July 29— Edward K. Emery, at South Wales, N. Y. 1863, Feb. 7— Clara B. Darbee, at East Aurora, N. Y. 1886, Oct. 7— Married, at South Wales, N. Y. Children. 1888, July 31— Mary Elizabeth, at East Aurora, N. Y. 1893, Apr. 24 — Edward Darbee, at East Aurora, N. Y. Death. 1893, June 2 — Edward Darbee Emery. 29 FAMILY OF ASHER B. EMERY. ,BiRTH OF Parents. 1867, Feb. 18— Asher B. Emery, at South Wales, N. Y. 1870, Sept. 16— Helen B. Darbee, at East Aurora, N. Y. 1895, Apr. 18— Married, at East Aurora, N. Y. Child. 1907, July 5— Elizabeth. FAMILY OF SETH M. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1839, July 19— Seth M. Darbee. — Mary Jane Francis. 1861, Jan. 6— Married, at Golden, N. Y. Child, 1861, Dec. 2— Asa M., at Colden, N. Y. FAMILY OF SAMUEL A. JOCOY. ,Birth of Parents. — Samuel A. Jocoy. 1825, Aug. 14 — Lusina B. Darbee. 1841, —Married. Children. 1842, July 25— Chirles W., at Aurora. N. Y. 1856, Aug. 14— Jedediah, at Aurora. N. Y. FAMILY OF ABNER C. KNAPP. Birth of Parents. — Abner C. Knapp. 1830, Jan. 30— Polly A. Darbee. — Married. Children. 1849. July 8— Seth Leander, at Colden, N. Y. 1851, Sept. 13— Emma Cornelia, at Colden, N. Y. 1853, Dec. 27— Olive Amelia, , Wis. 1856, Aug. 15— Marcellus J , Ills. 1858, Aug. 9— Everett D Ills. 1861, June 23— Carrie J., .... Ills. 30 FAMILY OF SEYMOUR G. WHITE. Birth of Parents. — Seymour G. White. 1833, Mar. 19— Clarissa P. Darbee. 1856, Mar. . .—Married. Child. 1859, Jan. 10— George Niles, at Alecto, Ills. Death. 1860, Dec. 5— Clarissa P. (Darbee) White, at Alecto, Ills. 1798, 1799, 1816, 1818, 1820, 1822, 1824, 1826, 1828, 1830, 1833, 1838, Family of Waterman Perkins. Birth of Parents. Jan. 27 — Waterman Perkins, at Middletown, Vt. Apr. 24— Polly Darbee, Wells, Vt. Mar. 28— Married. Children. Feb. 13— Nelson D. Mar. 7— Esther C. May 8— Polly M. Apr. 21 — Laura. Jan. 3— Abijah P. kar. 7— Elvira P. Oct. 3— Myron W. . July 3 — Caroline B. Feb. 15 — Caroline M. 1839, Feb. 28— 1839, 1849, 1849, 1855, 1856, 1826, Apr. 22- 1830, June 19- 1836, Oct. 3- 1843, July . .- Marriage of Children. Nelson D. Perkins to Martha Huntley. -Lewis C. Maples to Esther C. Perkins. -Riley Blakeley to Esther C. (Perkins) Maples. -James D. Chandler to Elvira P. Perkins. -Myron W. Perkins to Sarah A. Slayman. -Abijah P. Perkins to Phoebe Smith. Deaths. -Laura Perkins. -Polly M. Perkins. -Caroline B. Perkins. -Waterman Perkins. 31 FAMILY OF NELSON D. PERKINS. Birth of Parents. { 1818/ Feb. 13— Nelson D. Perkins. ' — Martha' Huntley. 1839, Feb. 28— Married. j Children. : 1840, Sept. 4 — Francis Marion. \ 1843, Feb. 8— Wesley. ' 1844, Nov. 7— Mary Elizabeth. 1848, Feb. 19— Caroline M. i 1850, Aug. 25 — Charles Eugene. j 1853, Apr. 6 — Eliza Jane. J 1855, Aug. 23— Sarah Ann. Marriage of Children. i 1863, Apr. 27— Lovett Doty to Mary E. Perkins. Death. i 18*43, Sept. 14— Wesley Perkins. ; Family of Azariah Darbee. j Birth of Parents. i 1762, — Azariah Darbee. \ 1761, — Susannah Phelps. . . — Married. . i Children. I 1785, Nov. 23 — Chester, at Bennington, Vt. ^ j 1788, Nov. 6 — Susannah, at Bennington, Vt. j 1790, Dec. 5— Orrilla, at Wells, Vt. ; 1793, Feb. 11— Azariah, Jr., at Wells, Vt. \ 1795, Oct. 1— Olive, at Wells, Vt. \ 1797, Sept. 17— Clarissa, at Wells, Vt. i 1801, Feb. 11— Celia, at Wells, Vt. i 1803, Mar. 2^Henry, at Wells, Vt. j 1805, — Guy C. Newell to Susannah Darbee, at Wells, Vt. i 1806, Dec. 22— Chester Darbee to Theodocia Church, at Pawlett, I Vt. ! 1815, Jan. 12 — Azariah Darbee, Jr., to Prudence Hubbard. 1816, Dec. 5 — Jeremiah Pratt to Clarissa Darbee. 1822, Feb. 28— Daniel Prosser to Celia Darbee. 32 Deaths. 1797, Dec. 12— Olive Darbee. 1803, Sept. 12— Henry Darbee. 1805, Dec. 23— Susannah (Darbee) Newell. 1840, Jan. 28— Susannah (Phelps) Darbee. 1851, Aug. 19 — Azariah Darbee. — Chester Darbee. 1883, Nov. 11— Azariah Darbee, Jr. — Clarissa (Darbee) Pratt. — Celia (Darbee) Prosser. — ^.Orrilla Darbee. Family of Chester Darbee. Birth of Parents. 1785, Nov. 23 — Chester Darbee, at Bennington, Vt. — Theodocia Church. 1806, Dec. 22— Married, at Pawlet, Vt. Children. 1808, Jan. 23— Henry, at Wells, Vt. 1809, Aug. 10— Olive, at Wells, Vt. 1811, July 28— Chester, Jr., at Hamburg, N. Y. 1813, May 29— Simeon C, at Hamburg, N. Y. 1815, Dec. 18— John, at Aurora, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1832, June 1— Stephen Sowl to Olive Darbee, at Dayton, N. Y. 1832, Oct. 17 — Chester Darbee, Jr., to Caroline Amsden, at Day- ton, N. Y. 1842, Tilly 3 — John Darbee to Celestia Sanford. Deaths. 1815, July 19 — Simeon C. Darbee, at Aurora, N. Y. 1830, Sept. 11— Henry Darbee, at Dayton, N. Y. 1840, Feb. 25— Olive (Darbee) Sowl, at Otto, N. Y. — Chester Darbee, Jr. — John Darbee. — Chester Darbee, Sr. — Theodocia (Church) Darbee. 33 Family of Chester Darbee, Jr. Birth of Parents. 1811, July 28— Chester Darbee, Jr., at Hamburg, N. Y. 1809, Apr. . . — Caroline Amsden. 1832, Oct. 17— Married, at Dayton, N. Y. Child. 1834, May 19— John Henry Darbee, at Dayton, N. Y. Death. 1858, Oct. 24 — Caroline (Amsden) Darbee. 1860, Apr. 18 — Second marriage — Chester Darbee, Jr., to Caroline Lewis, at North Collins, N. Y. Child. — Horace. Death. 1862, July 1— John Henry Darbee, killed at Malvern Hill. Family of John Darbee. Birth of Parents. 1815, Dec. 18— John Darbee, at Aurora, N. Y. 1818, Aug. 7— Celestia Sanford, at Aurora, N. Y. 1842, July 3— Married, at Dayton, N. Y. Children. 1843, Aug. 26— Horace N., at Dayton, N. Y. 1846, Aug. 25— Ellen L., at Dayton, N. Y. 1848, Aug. 9— Albert S., at Dayton, N. Y. 1855, Feb. 4— S. Edwin, at Dayton, N. Y. Family of Stephen Sowl. Birth of Parents. — Stephen Sowl. 1809, Aug. 10— Olive Darbee, at Wells, Vt. 1832, June 1— Married, at Dayton, N. Y. 34 1834, 1836, 1838, 1840, 1842, 1844, 1846, 1834, ... 1840, Feb 1844, ... 1852, ... 1862, ... Children. -Luther, at Dayton, N. Y. -Edwin, at Collins, N. Y. -Julia T., at Collins, N. Y. -Pulaski, at Collins, N. Y. -Araminta, at Collins, N. Y. -Chester D., at Collins, N. Y. -Thomas B., at Otto, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1860, Jan. . .—Albert Foster to Julia T. Sowl, at Otto, N. Y. Deaths. . . — Luther Sowl, at Dayton, N. Y. 25— Olive (Darbee) Sowl, at Otto, N. Y. . . — Araminta Sowl, at Collins, N. Y. . .—Edwin Sowl, at Otto, N. Y. ..—Pulaski Sowl, at Fortress Monroe (U. S. V.) . . — Stephen Sowl. Family of Azariah Darbee, Jr. Birth of Parents. 1793, Feb. 11— Azariah Darbee, Jr.. at W'ells, Vt. 1793, Oct. 30— Prudence Hubbard, at W^ells, Vt. 1815, Jan. 12— Married, at Dayton, N. Y. Children. 1815, Dec. 18— Orrilla, at Dayton, N. Y. 1817, Sept. 15— Hubbard, at Dayton, N. Y. 1818, Dec. 18— Lafayette, at Dayton. N. Y. 1820, June 11— Isaac P., at Dayton, N. Y. 1824, —Second marriage — Azariah Darbee, Jr., to Polly Barton. 1825, Dec. 22— Eliza M., at Dayton, N. Y. 1827, Sept. 13— John Augustus, at Dayton, N. Y. 1829. Sept. 22— Ellen Merrill, at Dayton, N. Y. 1832, May 13— Polly, at Dayton, N. Y. 1834, May 12— Bettie, at Dayton, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1834, Dec. 28 — Christopher Gardner to Orrilla Darbee, at Day- ton, N. Y. 35 1838, Apr. 12 — Hubbard Darby to Margaret Armstrong. 1840, Oct. 18— Lafayette Darbee to Mary Colby. 1854, Mar. 30 — John Augustus Darbee to Lianda Leonard. 1855, — Lafayette Darbee to Minerva Flower. 1858, May 27— C. AL Pierce to Ellen Darbee. — Alerritt Rich to Bettie Darbee. — Jonathan De Remer to Polly Darbee. Deaths. 1822. Oct. 17— Isaac P. Darbee. 1825, Mar. 6— Prudence (Hubbard) Darbee. 1865, Sept. . . — Lafayette Darbee. 1876, Jan. 20— Polly (Barton) Darbee. 1883, Nov. 11— Azariah Darbee, Jr. 1892, Aug. 9— Orrilla (Darbee) Gardner. 1896, Aug. 27— Eliza M. Darbee. 1897, Jan. 16— Ellen M. (Darbee) Pierce. 1897, Sept. 15— Bettie (Darbee) Rich. 1899, —Hubbard Darby. 1901, Jan. 15 — John Augustus Darbee. Note. — This may certify that I altered the spelling of my name from Darbee to Darby before I was married. Hubbard Darby. FamiJy of Hubbard Darby Birth of Parents. 1817, Sept. 15— Hubbard Darby, at Dayton, N. Y. 1817, July . . — Margaret Armstrong. 1837, Apr. 12— Married, at Niagara Falls, N. Y. Children. — Mary E., at Lewiston, N. Y. —Albert, at Middleport, N. Y. —Henry H., at Middleport, N. Y. 1844, May 27— Viola E.. at Middleport, N. Y. — George W., at Middleport. N. Y. 1849, July 19— James A., at Sheboygan, Wis. — Martha, at Gowanda, N. Y. 1853, Apr. 26— Ella J., .at Gowanda, N. Y. 1856, Jan. 31 — Edward Arthur, at Gowanda, N. Y. 1858, Sept. 1— AA'alter L., at West Union, Iowa. 36 Marriage of Children. ' 1864, Dec. . . — Henry H. Darby to Minnie Potter, at Gowanda. N. Y. 1865, Dec. 28 — Herbert Farnsworth to Mary E. Darby, at Go- wanda, N. Y. 1866, Feb. 6 — Reuben Potter to Viola E. Darby, at Gowanda, N. Y. 1866, July . . — Albert Darby to Abbie Thompson, at Ellington. N. Y. 1873, May 1— James A. Darby to Mattie Cox, at Hunniwell, Mo. 1880, June 21 — Edward Arthur Darby to Margaret L. Gurney, at Kidder, Mo. 1885 — Walter L. Darby to Kate Benjamin, at Pomeroy. Wash. Deaths. In infancy — George W. Darby, at Middleport, N. Y. In infancy — Martha Darby, at Middleport. N. Y. 1865, Apr. . . — Henry H. Darby. Killed in battle. Civil War. 1866, Oct. . . — Albert Darby. Died from wounds in Civil War. 1898, Dec. 31 — Hubbard Darby, at Pomeroy, Wash. 1901, May 1-1 — Margaret (Armstrong) Darby, at Pomeroy, Wash. 1904, Sept. 7 — Mary E. (Darby) Farnsworth, at Clarkston, W'ash. 1905. Jan. 30 — James A. Darby, at Pomeroy, Wash. FAMILY OF ALBERT DARBY. Birth of Parents. —Albert Darby, at Middleport, N. Y. — Abbie Thompson, at Ellington, N. Y. 1866, July . .—Married, at Ellington, N. Y. Child. 1867, May 12— x^lberta, at Catteraugus, X. Y. Marriage of Child. 1909, Aug. 9 — Verne M. Lefler to Alberta Darby, at Cleveland, Ohio. FAMILY OF JAMES A. DARBY. Birth of Parents. 1849, July 19 — James A. Darby, at Sheboygan, Wis.. 1856, — Mattie B. Cox, at Hunnewell, Mo. 1873, May 1— Married, at Hunnewell, Mo. Children. 1874, Oct. 16 — James Albert, at Hunnewell, Mo. 1876, Aug. 23— Ella Jewell, at Hunnewell, Mo. 1880, Oct. 14 — Bertha, at Hunnewell, Mo. 1884, Sept. 14 — Henry C, at Hunnewell, Mo. 1887, Aug. 26— Blanche, at Pomeroy, Wash. 1890, Nov. 14 — Jewett, at Pomeroy, Wash. Marriage of Children. 1896, June 17— James Albert Darby to Oatie Mitchell, at Pome- roy, Wash. 1897, Dec. 29— Garry W. Jewett to Ella Jewell Darby, at Hunne- well, Mo. 1912, June 29 — Robert D. Bangs to Blanche Darby, at Pomeroy, Wash. Deaths. 1893, June 20— Henry C. Darby. 1905, Jan. 30— James A. Darby. FAMILY OF GARRY W. JEWETT. Birth of Parents. — Garry W. Jewett. 1876, Aug. 23— Ella J. Darby, "at Hunnewell, Mo. 1897, Dec. 29— Married, at Pomeroy, Wash. Children. 1903, June 1 — John, at Pomeroy, Wash. 1909, Jan. 7 — Garry, at Pomeroy, Wash. 1912, Mar. 9 — Jeanne, at Pomeroy, Wash. FAMILY OF EDWARD ARTHUR DARBY. Birth of Parents. 1856, Jan. 31 — Edward Arthur Darby, at Gowanda, N. Y. 1858, Aug. 14 — Margaret L. Gurney, at Mentor, Ohio. 1880, June 21— Married, at Kidder, Mo. Child. 1883, Mar. 19— Kathryn, at Kidder, Mo. 38 FAMILY OF WALTER L. DARBY. Birth of Parents. 1858, Sept. 1— Walter L. Darby, at West Union, Iowa. 1862. Sept. 1 — Kate Benjamin, at , Oregon. 1885, May 26 — Married, at Pomeroy, Wash. Children. 1887. July 11— Alfred E., at Pomeroy, Wash. 1889, Sept. 21— Violetta, at Pomeroy, Wash. 1892, Feb. 8— Harold W., at Pomeroy, Wash. 1894, Mar. 21— Gladys, at Pomeroy, Wash. 1896. July 30 — Alargaret A., at Pomeroy, \\'ash. Marriage of Child. 1912, June 12 — William Scott to Violetta Darby, at Pomeroy, Wash. FAMILY OF HERBERT FARNSWORTH. Birth of Parents. — Herbert Farnsworth, at Perrysburg, N. Y. — Mary E. Darby, at Lewiston, N. Y. 1865. Dec. 28— Married, at Gowanda, N. Y. Children. 1869, -Mar. 19— \'iola M., at Brant, N. Y. 1871, Oct. 18— Virginia E., at Kidder, Mo. Marriage of Children. 1895. Jan. 2 — Oscar G. Heaton to Viola M. Farnsworth, at Pomeroy, Wash. 1911, July 6 — Samuel R. Church to Virginia E. Farnsworth, at Clarkston, Wash. Deaths. 1904, Sept. 7 — Mary (Darby) Farnsworth, at Clarkston, Wash. 1908, July A — Herbert Farnsworth, at Clarkston, Wash. 1909, May 24 — Viola (Farnsworth) Heaton, at Seattle, Wash. FAMILY OF OSCAR G. HEATON. Birth of Parents. 1869. July 27— Oscar G. Heaton. 39 1869, Mar. 19— Viola M. Farnsworth, at Brant, N. Y. 1895, Jan. 2— Married, at Pomeroy, Wash. Child. 1897, Nov. 1 — Herbert Farnsworth, at Oakland, Cal. Death. 1909, May 2^^ — Viola M. (Farnsworth) Heaton, at Seattle, Wash. FAMILY OF REUBEN POTTER. Birth of Parents. 1842, May . .—Reuben Potter, at Gowanda, N. Y. 1844, May 27— Viola E. Darby, at Middleport, N. Y. 1866, Feb. 6— Married, at Gowanda, N. Y. Children. 1867, Mar. 23— Albert H., at Quincy, Ills. 1868, Aug. 23— George Hubbard, at Warsaw, Ills. 1871, July 3 — Amelia E., at Quincy, Ills. Marriage of Children. 1892, Dec. 7— Arthur F. Levett to Amelia E. Potter, at Oakland, Cal. 1893, Nov. . . — George H. Potter to Helen Rice, at Helena, Mont. 1894, Dec. . .—Albert H. Potter to Julia Snyder, at Juliette, Idaho Death. 1895, Apr. 25— Reuben Potter, at Cal. FAMILY OF ALBERT H. POTTER. Birth of Parents. 1867, Mar. 23— Albert H. Potter, at Quincy, Ills. — Julia Snyder. 1894, Dec. . . — Married, at Juliette, Idaho. Children. 1897, Sept. 12— Aurora A., at Juliette, Idaho. 1901, Aug. 2— Alberta V., at Juliette, Idaho. 1903, Mar. 22— Kate M., at Spokane, Wash. 1905, Dec. 29— Grace E., at Kennewick, Wash. 40 FAMILY OF GEORGE H. POTTER. Birth of Parents. 1868, Aug. 23— George H. Potter, at Warsaw, Ills. . — Helen Rice. 1893, Nov. . .—Married, at Helena, Mont. Children. 1896, July 20— Clyde H. 1902, May 6— Ralph R. 1908, May 2— George H. FAMILY OF ARTHUR F. LEVETT. Birth of Parents. — Arthur F. Levett. 1871, July 3— Amelia E. Potter, at Quincy, Ills. 1892, Dec. 7— Married, at Oakland, Cal. Child. 1893, Nov. . .— Mctor G., at Oakland, Cal. Family of Lafayette Darbee. Birth of Parents. 1818, Dec. 18— Lafayette Darbee. — Mary Colby. 1840, Oct. 18— Married, at Bethany, N. Y. Children. 1841, Aug. 23 — Francis Marion, at Bethany, N. Y. 1845, Mar. 9— Myron C, at Dayton. N. Y. 1847, June 21 — Jason H., at Dayton, N. Y. 1851, Jan. 27 — Isaac Wellington, at Dayton, N. Y. 1853, June 16 — ]\Iary Isadore, at Dayton, N. Y. 1853, June 16 — ^^lillard Fillmore, at Dayton, N. Y. Deaths. 1849, —Jason H. Darbee, at Dayton, N. Y. 1853, June 21— Mary (Colby) Darbee. — Francis Marion Darbee, at Stafford, N. Y. — j\Iary Isadore Darbee, at , Mich. 1855, — Second marriage — Lafayette Darbee to Minerva Flower, at Dayton, N. Y. II 41 Children. 1856, Nov. 29— William Malone, at Dayton, N. Y. 1859, Feb. 19— George L., at Dayton, N. Y. 1861, May 10— Elmer Ellsworth, at Dayton, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1880, Feb. 4 — William Malone Darbee to Amelia J. Bailey. 1880, Sept. 15— George L. Darbee to Mary E. Miller. 1882, June 30— Millard Fillmore Darbee to Cora M. Dye. 1891, Mar. 25— Millard Fillmore Darbee to Elizabeth D. Clark. Deaths. 1862, — Elmer Ellsworth Darbee, at Dayton, N. Y. 1865, Sept. . . — Lafayette Darbee, at Dayton, N. Y. 1886, Aug. 14 — Minerva (Flower) Darbee, at Dayton, N. Y. FAMILY OF MILLARD F. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1853, June 16— Millard F. Darbee, at Dayton, N. Y. 1863, Nov. 6— Cora M. Dye. 1882, June 13— Married, at Forestville, N. Y. Child. 1883, Nov. 21— Mae. Marriage of Child. 1906, Sept. 12— Elgin P. Howard to Mae Darbee, at Cottage, N. Y. Death. 1884, Mar. 22— Cora M. (Dye) Darbee. 1891, Mar. 25 — Second marriage — Millard F. Darbee to Elizabeth D. Clark, at Forestville, N. Y. FAMILY OF ELGIN P. HOWARD. Birth of Parents. — Elgin P. Howard. 1883, Nov. 21— Mae Darbee. 1906, Sept. 12— Married, at Cottage, N. Y. Children. 1907, May 24— Cora E. 1911, Aug. 18— Weltha Irene. 42 FAMILY OF WILLIAM MALONE DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1856, Nov. 29— William Malone Darbee, at Dayton, N. Y. — Amelia J. Bailey. 1880, Feb. 4— Married. Children. 1881, Aug. 11— Myrtle, at Parmersville, N. Y. 1885, Aug. 4 — Lafayette Bailey, at Machias, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1909, Mar. 17 — Lafayette Bailey Darbee to Bessie Green. FAMILY OF GEORGE L. DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1859, Feb. 19 — George L. Darbee, at Dayton, N. Y. 1858, Jan. 19— Mary E. Miller, at Machias, N. Y. 1880, Sept. 15— Married, at Machias, N. Y. Child. 1887, Jan 2— Hazel M., at Machias, N. Y. Family of John Augustus Darbee. Birth of Parents. 1827, Sept. 13 — John Augustus Darbee, at Dayton, N. Y. — Lianda Leonard. 1854, Mar. 30— Married. Children. 1856, Aug. 3— Arabella. 1861, Aug. 7— Ettie Bett. 1868, Dec. 25— Grace Viola. Deaths. 1869, Nov. 28— Lianda (Leonard) Darbee. 1869, Dec. 28— Arabella Darbee. 1870, Mar. 5 — Second marriage — John Augustus Darbee to Mel- vina A. Freeman. Children. 1871, Feb. 7— Hattie Maude. 43 1872, Mar. 5 — Clayton Augustus. 1878, Dec. 19 — Charles Freeman. Marriage of Children. 1881, Dec. 16— Phillip Smith to Ettie Bett Darbee. 1893, Sept. 19— G. Burt Perrin to Grace Viola Darbee. 1895, Dec. 17 — Clayton Augustus Darbee to Anna Danker. 1895, Dec. 17^ — Frank Danker to Hattie Maude Darbee. 1897, Apr. 15 — Charles Freeman Darbee to Lottie Peters. Deaths. 1894, Feb. 11— Malvina (Freeman) Darbee. 1903, Feb. 16 — Clayton Augustus Darbee. FAMILY OF CLAYTON AUGUSTUS DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1872, Mar. 5— Clayton Augustus Darbee. • — Anna Danker. 1895, Dec. 17— Married. Children. 1897, May 29— Hoyt Ray. 1898, June 27— Gladys Irene. Death. 1903, Feb. 16— Clayton Augustus Darbee. FAMILY OF CHARLES FREEMAN DARBEE. Birth of Parents. 1878, Dec. 19 — Charles Freeman Darbee. — Lottie Peters. 1897, Apr. 15— Married. Children. 1898, Jan. 5— Lulu May. 1901, May 29— Alma Pearl. 1903, Dec. 10— Hubert Frederick. 1912, Mar. 29— Charles. FAMILY OF PHILLIP SMITH. Birth of Parents. —PhilHp Smith. 44 1861, Aug-. 7— Ettie Bett Darbee. 1881, Dec. l^^Iarried. Children. 1882, Oct. 10— Rollin Leroy. 1888, Feb. 24-|^'^\^^°"^''^- (Ora Augustus. Death. 1889, Apr. 19— Phillip Smith. 1892, Dec. 3 — Second marriage — John Deringer to Ettie Bett (Darbee) Smith. Children. 1894, May 27— Gretchen. 1901, Alay 15— Iva. Marriage of Child. 1907. Oct. 16— RolHn Leroy Smith to Ethel Hubbard, at Janes- ville, Minn. FAMILY OF FRANK DANKER. Birth of Parents. — Frank Danker. 1871, Feb. 7— Hattie Maude Darbee. 1895, Dec. 17— Married. Children. 1898, June 16— Ruth Vera. 1906, Jan. 20— Roger Frank. Family of Christopher Gardner. ^Birth of Parents. 1812, Mar. 7 — Christopher Gardner, at Brookfield, N. Y. 1815, Dec. 18— Orrilla Darbee. Dayton, N. Y. 1834, Dec. 28— Married, at Dayton, N. Y. Children. 1836, May 1— Prudence West, at Dayton, N. Y. 1838, May 7— Susannah, at Dayton, N. Y. 1839, Aug. 22— JuHette, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1841, Oct. 14 — I.aurinda, at Cherry Creek. N. Y. 1844, Mar. 12— George Marion, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 45 1847, June 25 — Eliza Jane, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1849, Aug. 13— John Sullivan, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1855, Sept. 15 — Emily Francelia, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1854, Jan. 29— Willett Cottrell to Prudence W. Gardner, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1856, Nov. 7 — Miles Y. Gardner to Susannah Gardner, at Elling- ton, N. Y. 1857, Jan. 1 — John J. Barnes to Juliette Gardner, at Newstead, N. Y. 1868, Feb. 27 — E. Perry Gillett to Eliza J. Gardner, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1880, Mar. 18— George W. Penhollow to Emily F. Gardner, at Sinclairville, N. Y. Deaths. 1842, July 12 — Laurinda Gardner, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1863, Oct. 30 — George Marion Gardner, at Policy's Island, N. Y. 1864, Jan. 20 — John Sullivan Gardner, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1892, Aug. 9 — Orrilla (Darbee) Gardner, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1905, Jan. 4 — Christopher Gardner, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. FAMILY OF WILLETT COTTRELL. .Birth of Parents. —Willett Cottrell. 1836, May 1— Prudence West Gardner, at Dayton, N. Y. 1854, Jan. 29— Married, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. Children. 1855, Jan. 30— Oscar A., at Newstead, N. Y. 1856, Feb. 1 — Annie Janette, at Newstead, N. Y. 1856, Feb. 1— Althie Juliette, at Newstead, N. Y. 1861, Apr. 25 — Abraham Lincoln, at Nepeuskin, Wis. Marriage of Children. 1879, Mar. 6 — Edmund L. Lawrence to Annie J. Cottrell, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1881, May 1— Oscar A. Cottrell to I^Iary Lavin, at Oshkosh, Wis. 1881, Dec. 21 — Charles Lawrence to Althie J. Cottrell, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1885, May 13 — Abraham L. Cottrell to Pearl Ross, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 46 Deaths. 1862, Oct. 12— \Mllett Cottrell, at Columbia, S. C. 1904, Feb. 8 — Prudence West (Gardner) Cottrell, at Corry, Pa. FAMILY OF OSCAR A. COTTRELL. Birth of Parents. 1855, Jan. 30— Oscar A. Cottrell, at Newstead, N. Y. — Mary Lavin. 1881, May 1— Married, at Oshkosh, Wis. Children. 1883, May 3— Prudence AL, at Oshkosh, Wis. 1884, Sept. 30— ^^'illett, at Oshkosh, Wis. FAMILY OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN COTTRELL. Pirth of Parents. 1861, Apr. 25 — Abraham Lincoln Cottrell, at Nepeuskin, Wis. — Pearl Ross. 1885, May 13— Married, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. Children. 1888, Oct. 31— Annie Ross, at So. Dayton, N. Y. 1899, July 9 — Juliette, at Cambridge Springs, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1908, Sept. 23 — Douglas Titus to Annie Ross Cottrell, at James- town, N. Y. FAMILY OF EDMUND L. LAWRENCE. Birth of Parents. — Edmund L. Lawrence. 1856, Feb. 1— Annie J. Cottrell, at Newstead, N. Y. 1879, Mar. 6— Married, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. Children. 1887, Nov. 19— De Forest Lynn, at Ellington, N. Y. 1890, July 10— Gifford Cottrell, at Falconer, N. Y. 1892, Sept. 26 — Annie Catharine, at Falconer, N. Y. Death. 1891, Dec. 26 — De Forest Lynn Lawrence, at Falconer, N. Y. 47 FAMILY OF CHARLES LAWRENCE. Birth of Parents. — Charles Lawrence. 1856, Feb. 1— Althie J. Cottrell, at Newstead, N. Y. 1881, Dec. 21 — Married, at Jamestown, N. Y. Children. 1882, Nov. 4— Frank Salome, at Ellington, N. Y. 1884, May. 1 — Archer West, at Ellington, N. Y. 1890, July 11— Hazel, at Ellington, N. Y. 1893, June 1— Alvah, at Ellington, N. Y. 1897, Mar. 17— Marjorie, at Ellington, N. Y. Deaths. 1904, Sept. 26— Althie J. (Cottrell) Lawrence, at Ellington, N. Y. 1911, Aug. 3— Alvah Lawrence, at Ellington, N. Y. FAMILY Ot MILES Y. GARDNER. Birth of Parents. — Miles Y. Gardner. 1838, May 7 — Susannah Gardner, at Dayton, N. Y. 1856, Nov. 7— Married, at Ellington, N. Y. Children. 1858, Sept. 20— Nathan Herbert, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1861, May 22— Alvin J., at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1864, Aug. 11— Silas Marion, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1866, Sept. 8— Laura A., at Cherry Creek, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1900, Dec. 23 — Alvin J. Gardner to Martha J. Freeman, at Athens, Tenn. Deaths. 1862, Dec. 22— Nathan Herbert Gardner, at Dayton, N. Y. 1894, May 28— Susannah Gardner, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. FAMILY OF ALVIN J. GARDNER. Birth of Parents. 1861, May 22— Alvin J. Gardner, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. — Martha J. Freeman. 1900, Dec. 23— Married, at Athens, Tenn. 48 Child. 1901, Nov. 19 — Laura Evelena, at Athens, Tenn. FAMILY OF JOHN J. BARNES. Birth of Parents. - — John J. Barnes. 1839, Aug. 22— Juliette Gardner, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1857, Jan. 1— Married, at Newstead, N. Y. Child. 1861, May 24— Willett S., at Alden, N. Y. Death. 1867, Feb. 28— John J. Barnes, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1872, Mar. 27 — Second marriage — Juliette (Gardner) Barnes to Roswell Barnes, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. Children. 1874, Apr. 4— Edgar J., at Wellsville, N. Y. 1877, Dec. 14— Albert R., at Wellsville, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1879, Nov. 23— Willett S. Barnes to Mary L. Wilson, at Inde- pendence, N. Y. 1894, July 4 — Edgar J. Barnes to Estella Rossman, at Whites- ville, N. Y. 1909, Apr. 11— Albert R. Barnes to Mattie J. Blodgett, at Sweden Valley, Pa. Deaths. 1901, Mar. 27— Juliette (Gardner) Barnes, at Sweden Valley, Pa. 1910, Feb. 28— Roswell Barnes, at Sweden Valley, Pa. 1911, Feb. 23 — Edgar J. Barnes, at Austin, Pa. FAMILY OF WILLETT S. BARNES. Birth of Parents. 1861, May 24— Willett S. Barnes, at Alden, N. Y. —Mary L. Wilson. 1879, Nov. 23— Married, at Independence, N. Y. Children. 1882, Dec. 5— Ethel M., at Alleghany, Pa. 1887, Aug. 14— Edith J., at Willink, N. Y. 1890, Jan. 29— Willett E., at Willink, N. Y. 49 Marriage of Children. 1905, July 1— Harry L. Graves to Ethel M. Barnes, at Willink, I N. Y. 1912, Apr. 29— Edith J. Barnes to Clair D. Jones, at Whitesville, , . N. Y. Death. 1890, May 11— Willett S. Barnes, at Buffalo, N. Y. FAMILY OF HARRY L. GRAVES. Birth of Parents. \ — Harry L. Graves. 1882, Dec. 5— Ethel M. Barnes, at Alleghany, Pa. | 1905, July 1— Married, at Willink, N. Y. Children. —Harry D. — Lyle A. FAMILY OF E. PERRY GILLETT. Birth of Parents. — E. Perry Gillett. 1847, June 25 — Eliza Jane Gardner, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1868, Feb. 27— Married, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. Children. 1873, Sept. 27— N. Claire, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1881, Aug. l^ — Frederick Lynn, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1899, Nov. 15— N. Clair Gillett to Flora Pultz, at Salamanca, N. Y. ; 1908, Dec. 23 — Frederick L. Gillett to Lillian Brown, at Youngi- town. Pa. Death. 1907, May 13 — Eliza Jane (Gardner) Gillett, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. FAMILY OF N. CLAIRE GILLETT. Birth of Parents. 1873, Sept. 27— N. Claire Gillett, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. — Flora Pultz. 1899, Nov. 15— Married, at Salamanca, N. Y. | 50 . i Children. 1900, Dec. 8— Marie, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1904, July 1— Dorothy, at Cherry Creek. N. Y. FAMILY OF GEORGE W. PENHOLLOW. Birth of Parents. — George ^^'. Penhollow. 1855, Sept. 15— Emily F. Gardner, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1880, Mar. 18— ^larried. at Sinclairville, N. Y. Children. 1885, Alar. 19— Lula Alaude, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1891, Aug. 23 — George Fern, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1898, Mar. 13— Mearl H., at Cherry Creek, N. Y. Marriage of Child. 1906, Aug. 1— Rupert Mowry to Lula M. Penhollow, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. Deaths. 1898, June 8 — Emily F. (Gardner) Penhollow, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1912, Oct. 15— George W. Penhollow, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. FAMILY OF RUPERT MOWRY. Birth of Parents. — Rupert Mowry. 1885, Mar. 19— Lula Maude Penhollow, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1906, Aug. 1— Married, at Cherry Creek, N. Y. Children. 1908, Feb. 18— Donald Lee. at Belmont, N. Y. 1911, Alay 23— Howard J., at Belmont, N. Y. Family of Jeremiah Pratt. Birth of Parents. — Jeremiah Pratt. 1797, Sept. 17 — Clarissa Darbee. 1816, Dec. 5— Married. 51 Child. 1818, Jan. 7— Nathan D. Deaths. 1851, Mar. 7— Nathan D. Pratt. — -Jeremiah Pratt. — Clarissa (Darbee) Pratt. Family of Daniel Prosser. Birth of Parents. — Daniel Prosser. 1801, Feb. 11— Celia Darbee. 1822, Feb. 28— Married. Children. 1823, Aug. 12— Horace M., at Perrysburgh, N. Y. 1825. Oct. 16— Delia Ann, at Perrysburgh, N. Y. 1827, July 28— Isaac P., at Perrysburgh, N. Y. 1829, Mar. 15 — Emily, at Perrysburgh, N. Y'. 1833, May 22— John, at Perrysburgh, N. Y. Marriage of Children. 1848, June 15 — Horace M. Prosser to Cornelia Durfee. 1848, Oct. 10 — Thomas W. Johnson to Emily Prosser. 1853, Sept. 22 — -Isaac P. Prosser to Ellen M. Johnson. Deaths. 1826, Dec. 9 — Delia Ann Prosser. 1840, Feb. 21— John Prosser. FAMILY OF THOMAS W. JOHNSON. Birth of Parents. — Thomas W. Johnson. 1829, May 15— Emily Prosser. 1848, Oct. 10— Married. Children. 1850, Mar. 18— Richard P., at Perrysburgh, N. Y. 1852, Feb. 22— Celia M., at Perrysburgh, N. Y. 1854, Sept. 10— Cora, at Perrysburgh, N. Y. 1856, July 15— Ellen B., at Perrysburgh, N. Y. 52 INDEX TO APPENDIX PAGE Allen, George E 24 Bangs, Robert D 38 Barnes, Albert R 49 Barnes, Edgar J 49 Barnes, John J 49 Barnes, Rosvvell 49 Barnes, Willett. S 49 Benning, Frank 16 Bishop, Francis T 20 Blaisdell, Albert 20 Blakeley, OrviUe S 8 Blakeley, Riley 31 Boies, Frederick C 14 Briggs, Loran S 24 Brown, Lester W 12 Brown, William W 11 Chandler, Albert F 22 Chandler, James D 31 Chandler, Frederick DeW 23 Church, Chauncey C 20 Church, Samuel R 39 Clark, Albert B 25 Clark, Albert B., Jr 25 Clark, Charles R 23 Clark, Harold H 24 Clark, Horton D 24 Clark, Xathan E 23 Cottrell, Abraham L 47 Cottrell, Oscar A 47 Cottrell, Willett 46 Danker, Frank 45 Darbee, Albert A 27 Darbee, Azariah 8, Z2 Darbee, Azariah, Jr 35 Darbee, Charles F 44 Darbee, Charles R 25 Darbee, Chester 33 Darbee, Chester, Jr 34 Darbee, Clayton A 44 Darbee, Daniel W 9 Darbee, Edgar E 13 Darbee, Elmer E 9 Darbee, Emmet C 11 Darbee, Everett 28 Darbee, Everett A 26 Darbee, Frederick J 13 Darbee, Frederick X 13 Darbee, George L 43 Darbee, Henry C 10 Darliee, James G 8 Darbee, Jedediah 6, 7, 29 Darbee, John 34 Darbee, John A 43 Darbee, John B 22 P.\CE Darbee, John C 21 Darbee, Lafayette 41 Darbee, Lafayette B 43 Darbee, Millard F 42 Darbee, Myron P 10 Darbee, Nathaniel H 12 Darbee, Nathan N 28 Darbee, Ralph H 14 Darbee, Seth M 30 Darbee, Wallace L 27 Darbee, William A 11 Darbee, William M 43 Darby, Albert 2,1 Darbv, Edward A 38 Darby, Henry H Zl Darby, Hubbard 36 Darbv, James A Zl Darby, Walter L 39 Demcey, J. Edward 27 De Remer, Jonathan 36 Deringer, John 45 Dietz, Elmore 18 Dietz, Henry 18 Doty, Lovett 32 Emery, Asher B 30 Emery, Edward K 29 Enos, Charles H 26 Enos, Everett A 27 Essex, Earl J 13 Farnsworth, Herbert Zl Field, Harlow 15 Field, Sanford D 15 Foster, All^ert 35 Gardner, Alvin J 48 Gardner, Christopher 45 Gardner. Miles Y 48 Gibbs, Eugene 19 Gillett, E. Perrv 50 Gillett, Frederick L 50 Gillett. N. Claire 50 Graves, Harry L 50 Graves, Myron 19 Harvey, Alliert 19 Harvey, Frank A 19 Heaton, Oscar G 39 Holmes. Wheeler 23 Howard, Elgin P 42 Ickes, George 18 Jewett, Garry W 38 Jocoy, Samuel A 30 Johnson, Thomas W 52 53 PAGE Jones, Clair D 50 Knapp, Abner C 30 Lawrence, Charles 48 Lawrence, Edmund L 47 Leach, S. B 22 Lefler, Verne M 2>1 Levett, Arthur F 40 Maples, Lewis C 31 Morse, Murray L 20 Mowry, Rupert 51 Newell, Guy C 32 Perkins, Abijah P 31 Perkins, ]Myron W 31 Perkins, Nelson D 32 Perkins, Waterman 31 Penhollow, George W 51 Perrin, G. Burt 44 Pierce, C. M 36 Potter, Albert H 40 Potter, George H 41 Potter, Reuben 40 Pratt, Jeremiah 51 Prosser, Daniel 52 PAGE Prosser, Horace i\L 52 Prosser, Isaac P 52 Ralyea, Allen C 14 Ralyea, Glenn A 15 Ralvea, Howard R 15 Rich, Merritt 36 Scott, William 39 Smith, Phillip 44 Smith, Rollin L 45 Sowl, Stephen 34 Starkweather, W. Dana 19 Stiffler, John 18 Tenny, Reuben 124 Thurber, Charles W 16 Thurber, Frank W 17 Thurber, Jedediah D 16 Thurber, Seth F 16 Thurber. Seth F.. Jr 17 Titus, Douglas 47 Van Antwerp, Albert J 10 Waltz, Frank 11 White, Sevmour G 31 Wood. O.'H 26 54 LRB D 'IB