^390 011 895 485 3 pH8^ E 390 .P61 Copy 1 IMERS S,- MECIUNICS, LOOK AT TIllS. ^\Q) PICTURES OF THE TIMES; OR, A CONTRAST BETWEEN THE EFFECTS OF THE TRUE DEMOCRATIC SY AS DISPLAYED UNDER rSTEM, \ JEFFERSON, MADISON AND JACKSON IN FORMER TIMES, AND THK EFFECTS OF THE ARISTOCRATIC SUBTREASURY SYSTEM, AS DISPLAYED IN MARTIN VAN BUREN'S TIME. ' Look hare, up<>n thi* picture, and on ibis."— IIaklct. PIllLADEr-PHlA: CROOME, MEIGNELLE AND MINOT. 1840. \ M PICTURE SECOND. GOOD TIMES IN THE COUNTRY. AS nisri.AYF.n T'\nF.n tfie or,D prMornAXir system to which 'iiii: t'or.NTiJV owKs ITS ior.mi;r rK'()sri:niTV. Herf is nnothpr picture of thr cffpols of thr system which provailrd under formtr ndiiMiiistralions of the (j'^ncral povrrnmrnt, before the ai^overnmenl had declared anil put in praetieo their ahominahle and pernicious doctrines. See the country sniilinir under the culture of active, happy and well rewarded induB' try. The farint-r's hou^e is neat and in yood repiiir, his fields are well fenced; he has a numerous company of workmen in his employ, 'I'hey are reajiing the nohle harvest of grain and conveying it into his spacious barns. He has not Uie trouble of carryinjj it to market, for the merchant, by means of a well arranged and wisely conducted system is enabled to purchase his whole crop of prain on the farm, and be p.iys tin; farmer for it in bills of specie paying banks, the old fashioned and wholesome currency of the country, the natural minlium of ex- change of the United Slates of America, before! the humbusf of gold currency was put forth by desipninji politicians to deceive the people. This picture is but one of a thousHnd which miirlit hav(> been drawn from tho life, in any part of our country, hut a tew short years since. Every country town and villajje presented the same appearance of prosperity and content. In our manufacturinji districts, too, the same activity anil happiness were apparent. All were employed; all wi re will paid. The currency of the country was so perfectly regulated that every commodity had its true exchan|Teable v.ilne. 'l'h( merchant in the northern city could sell his troods to a citizen of the extreme. south or west, and take his pay in a draft on New Orleans or St. Louis, with- out the loss of one cent by the transaction. The merchant from tbe east could purchase pork or wheat in (Cincinnati, and p7\y for it in a draft on Hoston w^iib- out any loss or inconvenience. In consequence of these arranjrements facili- tatin