VITAL RECORDS / N-v^ ■, rs ./ ^,% VITAL RECORDS OF TYNGSBOROUGH MASSACHUSETTS TO THE END OF THE YEAR I 849 PUBLISHED BY THE ESSEX INSTITUTE SALEM, MASS. ^9^3 -FEB 14 ^^^\ ;\v^ V Press of Thos. p. Nichols & Son Co., Lynn, Mass. EXPLANATIONS The following records of births, marriages and deaths in- clude all entries to be found in the books of record kept by the town clerks; in the church records; in the cemetery inscriptions; and in private records found in family Bibles, etc. These records are printed in a condensed form in which every essential particular has been preserved. All duplica- tion of the town clerks' record has been eliminated, but differences in entry and other explanatory matter appear in brackets. Parentheses are used when they occur in the original record; also to indicate the maiden name of a wife. When places other than Tyngsborough and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy. Marriages and intentions of marriage are printed under the names of both parties. Double-dating is used in the months of January, February and March, prior to 1752, whenever it appears in the original, and also whenever from the sequence of entry in the original the date may be easily determined. In all records the original spelling of names is followed and in the alphabetical arrangement the various forms should be examined, as items about the same family may be found under different spellings. The records of this town being very incomplete, the town clerk, Mr. Charles Butterfield, about 1843, made a house to house canvass to collect additional information, and the new material was incorporated in the records. TYNGSBOROUGH The territory now included within the limits of Tyngsbor- ough, originally a part of Dunstable, was incorporated June 22, 1789, as the District of Tyngsborough, receiving its name in honor of the Tyng family, who were prominent among the early settlers of Dunstable. March 3, 1792, part of Dunstable was annexed. Jan. 29, 1798, part of Dunstable was annexed and bounds established. Feb. 23, 1809, the District was incorporated as the town of Tyngsborough. June 10, 1814, bounds were established between Tyngs- borough and Dunstable. The population of Tyngsborough at different periods was as follows: — 1790, 382. 1830, 822. 1800, 696. 1840, 870. 1810, 704. 1850, 799. 1820, 808. 1900, 773. 1910, 829. ABBREVIATIONS a. — age. abt. — about. b. — born. bef. — before. bet. — between. bp. — baptized. bur. — buried. c.R. — Congregational Church records. ch. — child. chn. — children. Co. — county. d. — daughter; day; died. Z>ea. — deacon. dup. — duplicate entry. G. R. I- — gravestone record, Thompson Cemetery. G. R. 2. — gravestone record, Drake (Tyng) Cemetery. G. R. 3- — gravestone record, Fletcher private burying ground. G. R. 4- — gravestone record, Sherburne Cemetery, East Tyngs- borough. G. R. 5- — gravestone record, Flint's Corner Cemetery. G. R. 6. — gravestone record, Gould private burying ground. G.R.7- — gravestone record, Little Cemetery, South Nashua, N. H. ^. — husband; hour. zn/. — infant. inf. — intention of marriage. jr. — junior. m. — male; married; month. p. R. I. — Copy of Church record kept by Rev. Nathaniel Lawrence, now in possession of Jonathan F. Bancroft. 6 ABBREVIATIONS P. R. 2. — Copy of Samuel Kidder's Bible record, now in posses- sion of Jonathan F. Bancroft. p ^ 2. — Copy of Butterfield family record, now in possession of Jonathan F. Bancroft. p g 4^ — Copy of Kidder family record, now in possession of Jonathan F. Bancroft. p. R. S. — Bancroft Bible now in possession of Jonathan F. Bancroft. p. R. 6. — Copy of Haskell Butterfield's family record, now in possession of Jonathan F. Bancroft, p. R. 7- — Copy of Bible record of Mrs. Mary E. Bucknam of Woburn now in possession of Jonathan F. Bancroft, p. ft. 8. — Copy of Carkin Bible record, now in possession of Jonathan F. Bancroft. P. R, 9. — Copy of Jacob Drake's Bible record, now in poss- session of Jonathan F. Bancroft, p. ft. 10. — Copy of Sumner Woodward's Bible record, now in possession of Jonathan F. Bancroft, p. ft. II. — Copy of Cummings Bible record, now in possession of Jonathan F. Bancroft, p. ft. 12. — Copy of Kidder Bible record, now in possession of Jonathan F. Bancroft. P. ft. 13. — Copy of record of Philena Carkin of Concord, Mass. now in possession of Jonathan F. Bancroft, p. ft. 14. — Kendall Bible record now in possession of Jonathan- F. Bancroft. rec. — recorded. s. — son. sr. — senior. T. c. — town copy. unm. — unmarried. w. — wife; week. wid. — widow. •widr. — widower. y. — year. TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS TO THE END OF THE YEAR 1849 ADAMS, Charles Henry, s. Ira and Hannah Ball, Jan. 15, 1838. Hannah Elizabeth, d. Ira and Hannah Ball, Sept. 20, 1835. Ira Augustus, s. Ira and Hannah Ball, Feb. 7, 1842. Ira Orland, s. Ira, carpenter, and Hannah, June 9, 1847. John Kendall, s. Ira, carpenter, and Hannah B., Feb. 6, 1845. Mary Louisa, d. Ira and Hannah Ball, Dec. 4, 1836. Orren, s. twin, Ira and Hannah B., Mar. 15, 1843. Owen, s. twin, Ira and Hannah B., Mar. 15, 1843. BANCROFT, Abiah, d. Jonathan, bp. Dec.—, 1812. p. r. 1. Almira Adelia, d. Jonathan, farmer, and Eliza J., Aug. 16, 1844. Benjamin, s. Jonathan and Martha, Sept. 13, 1796. Ebenezer, s. Eben[eze]r, jr. and Hannah, Dec. 21, 1807. Ebenezer, s. twin, Ebenezer, farmer, and Jane R., Oct. 14, 1846. Eliza Ellen, d. Jonathan and Eliza Jane, Mar. 12, 1840. Ephraim, s. Jonathan, bp. Aug. 1, 1813. p. r. 1. George, s. Ebenezer and Hannah (Towne), Nov. 15, 1817. p. R. 5. Gustavus, s. Ephraim and Harriet V., July 17, 1840. Hannah, d. Eben[eze]r, jr. and Hannah [(Towne) . p. r. 5.], Jan. 1, 1806. Hannah Jane, d. Ebenezer, jr. and Jane K., June 4, 1837. Harriet Adelaid, d. Ephraim and Harriet V., Dec. 26, 1838. Jane, d. Jonathan, bp. Dec. — , 1812. p. r. 1. Jonathan, s. Jonathan, bp. Dec. — , 1812. p. r. 1. Jonathan Franklin, s. Jonathan, farmer, and Eliza J., Jan. 24, 1847. Joseph Gardner, s. Ebenezer, Esq. and Hannah, Nov. 11, 1821. Julia, d. Jonathan, bp. Dec. — , 1812. p. r. 1. Leon, s. Ephraim, stone-cutter, and Harriet V., Apr. 22, 1847. 7 8 TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS Bancroft, Lydia [T. p. r. 5], d. Eben [eze]r, jr. and Hannah, July 31, 1814. Lydianna, d. Ebenezer, jr. and Jane K., Aug. 13, 1840. Martha, Mrs., Apr. — , 1749. c. R. Martha, d. Jonathan, bp. Mar. 19, 1817. p. r. 1. Martha, d. Jonathan, bp. Oct. 4, 1818. p. r. 1. Mary, d. Jonathan, bp. Dec. — , 1812. p. r. 1. Mary Jane, d. Jonathan and Eliza Jane, July 25, 1842. Mercy, bp. Dec. 8, 1816. p. r. 1. Rebekah, d. Jonathan, bp. Dec. — , 1812. p. r. 1. Sarah, d. Jonathan and [Martha, t. c], Dec. 7, 17 — . [bp. Jan. 17, 1790. p. R. 1.] Sarah, d. Jonathan, bp. Dec. — , 1812. p. r. 1. Sarah Ellen, d. twin, Ebenezer, farmer, and Jane R., Oct. 14, 1846. Sarah Emma, d. Jonathan, farmer, and Eliza Jane, Nov. 21, 1848. Susan Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer, jr. and Jane K., Mar. 14, 1839. Susanna, d. Eben[eze]r, jr. and Hannah, Apr. 9, 1810. [Tjimothy, s. Jonathan and Marth[a], Feb. 22, 1792. BANISTER, Joseph, s. John F. and Joanna, June 12, 1842. BARKER, Amos Russell, s. Asa and Sally, Feb. 10, 1802. Charles, s. Asa and Nancy, at Charlestown, June 5, 1816. Daniel, s. Asa and Nancy, Nov. 6, 1818. Eliza, d. Asa and Nancy, July 2, 1813. George, s. Asa and Nancy, June 12, 1820. Hannah Coburn, d. David and Polly, Sept. 30, 1822. Harriet, d. Asa and Nancy, Oct. 7, 1824. Henry Bowers, s. Asa and Lydia, July 4, 1780. Leora, d. Asa and Nancy, Oct. 3, 1822. Mary Jane, d. David and Polly, Dec. 14, 1824. Susan, d. Asa and Nancy, Nov. 24, 1826. BENNETT, Frances Ellen, d. Zephaniah, farmer, and Mary, Aug. 17, 1845. Joseph Sumner, s. Zephaniah and Polly, Nov. 13, 1832. Mary Emiline, d. Zephaniah and Polly, Aug. 17, 1837. Sarah Elizabeth, d. Zephaniah and Polly, Nov. 2, 1841. BIRCH, Helen Maria, d. James and Esther, Nov. 13, 1842. James Harvey, s. James and Esther, Mar. 5, 1841. TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS 9 BLODGET (see also Blodgett), Abi Richardson, d. Jacob and Susan, Jan. 29, 1821. Casper Degrafif, s. Rufus M. and Hannah, July 4, 1835. Eliza Jane, d. Jacob and Susan, Apr. 28, 1826. Elizabeth Laura, d. Rufus M. and Hannah, Oct. 18, 1836. George Lewis, s. John, jr., farmer, and Sarah, Oct. 29, 1843. Hannah Letitia, d. Rufus M. and Hannah, Nov. 17, 1827. Mandany Melissa, d. Rufus M. and Hannah, July 24, 1833. Mary Farwell, d. Jacob and Susan, Mar. 13, 1819. Rufus Marshall [s. Thaddeus and Hannah M. p. r. 9.], May 13, 1800. Sabra Sirena, d. Rufus M. and Hannah, July 29, 1829. Sarah Wright, d. Jacob and Susan, Dec. 29, 1822. Susan Elizabeth, d. Jacob and Susan, Aug. 13, 1824. , s. Thomas, stone-cutter, and Adeline, Dec. 22, 1848. BLODGETT (see also Blodget), Almira, d. William, jr. and Rebecca, May 29, 1822. Augustus, s. William, jr. and Rebecca, Jan. 3, 1829. Betsey, d. William, bp. Nov. 12, 1796. p. r 1. Charles Alonzo, s. John, jr. and Sarah, Apr. 1, 1839. Elizabeth, d. William C, stone-cutter, and Mary E., Mar. 16, 1847. Ezra Thomson, s. William, jr. and Rebecca, June 10, 1824. Jacob, s. William, bp. May 17, 1801. p. r. 1. John Ferdinand, s. John, jr. and Sarah, Jan. 7, 1838. John Ferdinand, s. John, jr. and Sarah, Feb. 3, 1841. Joseph Whitney, s. William, jr. and Rebecca, Dec. 10, 1830. Josephine, d. William, jr. and Rebecca, Dec. 15, 1835. Josiah, s. William, jr. and Rebecca, Sept. 27, 1826. Luther, s. Luther, bp. Nov. 23, 1794. p. r. 1. Martha, d. William, jr. and Mary Wyman, June 24, 1816. Mary Anstice, d. William, jr. and Mary Wyman, Nov. 19, 1813. Matilda Ann, d. John, jr., farmer, and Sarah (Swallow), Oct. 31, 1845. Molly, bp. Aug. 28, 1791. p. r. 1. Olive Amelia, d. John, farmer, and Sarah, May 8, 1847. Rebecca, d. William, jr. and Rebecca, Mar. 5, 1819. Samuel, s. William, bp. Mar. 3, 1805. p. r. 1. Sarah Adaline, d. John, jr. and Sarah, Apr. 15, 1842. Susan, d. William, jr. and Rebecca, Apr. 4, 1823. William, bp. Aug. 28, 1791. p. r. 1. William Carey, s. William, jr. and Rebecca, Sept. 10, 1820. 10 TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS BLOOD, Betsy, d. Oliver and Sarah, Dec. 18, 1813. Hannah, d. Joseph, bp. June 3, 1798. p. r. 1. John, s. Joseph and Hannah, July 12, 1802. Joseph, s. Joseph and Hannah, Apr. 14, 1801. Oliver, s. Oliver and Sally, Nov. 10, 1811. Rhode, d. Joseph and Hannah, Apr. 6, 1799. Sarah, d. Joseph and Hannah, Apr. 10, 1800. BOND, Almon, s. Almon, taverner, and Merriam, Feb. 24, 1844. Clara Louisa, d. Almon, quarryman, and Merriam, Sept. 30, 1849. Henry William, s. Almon, innkeeper, and Merriam, Sept. 14, 1845. BRINLEY, Catherine C, d. Robert and Elizabeth, July 8, 1806. Elizabeth, d. Robert and Elizabeth, Mar. 9, 1812. John T., s. Robert and Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1804. John Tyng, s. Nathaniel and Sarah Elizabeth, June 27, 1840. Mary Elizabeth, d. Nathaniel, farmer, and Sarah E., July 26, 1846. Nathaniel, s. Robert and Elizabeth, June 20, 1809. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel, farmer, and Sarah E., Apr. 14, 1844. Robert, s. Robert and Elizabeth, Oct. 22, 1816, Robert, s. Robert, bp. Mar. 18, 1847. c. r. William Bridge, s. Nathaniel and Sarah Elizabeth, Feb. 13, 1842. BRYANT, Aaron, s. Aaron, bp. Aug. 4, 1816. p. r. 1. Bekka, d. Aaron, bp. Aug. 4, 1816. p. r. 1. Elizabeth, d. Aaron, bp. Aug. 4, 1816. p. r. 1. Frederic Aaron, s. Aaron, jr., blacksmith, and Sarah, Mar. 24, 1848. James, s. Aaron, bp. Aug. 4, 1816. p. r. 1. Louisa Winn, d. Aaron, jr. and Sarah Kendall, Sept. 30, 1832. Lucinda, d. Aaron, jr. and Sarah Kendall, June 8, 1837. Rebecca Boutwell, d. Aaron, jr. and Sarah Kendall, Tan. 4, 1835. Sarah Elizabeth, d. Aaron, jr. and Sarah Kendall, May 22, 1831. BURBANK, Benjamon Merril, s. Ebenezer and Betsy, Oct. 2. 1801. TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS 11 BURROWS, James, s. Joseph, bp. July 12, 1807. p. R. 1. Joseph, s. Joseph, bp. Nov. 23, 1794. p. R. 1. Lydia, d. Joseph, bp. Aug. 3, 1800. P. R. 1. William, s. wid., bp. Aug. — , 1812. p. r. 1. BUTMAN, Edward, s. Thomas and Mary, Jan. 2, 1800. Samuel, s. Thomas and Sarah, May 3, 1798. Sarah Peirce, d. Thomas and Sarah, Feb. 16, 1807. BUTTERFIELD, Abner R. H., s. Haskell, farmer and musi- cian, and Mary Ann, Oct. 4, 1847. Abner Richardson, s. Reuben and Mary, July 24, 1764. Abner R[ichardson. p. r. 6.], s. Abner R[ichardson. p. R. 6.] and Hepsibah, May 13, 1794. Alden Malburn, s. Cyrus and Clarissa P., Apr. 29, 1832. Andrew Jackson, s. Joseph, 2d and Sally, June 16, 1834. Angeline, s. James, jr. and Rachel, Oct. 29, 1839. Araminta, d. Cyrus and Clarissa P., Feb. 27, 1836. Asa, s. Asa, Mar. 3, 1790. Asa, s. Col. Timothy and Elizabeth (Whittle), May 25, 1826. Benja[min], s. Reuben and Mary, Aug. 16, 1770. Betsey, d. Col. Timothy and Elizabeth (Whittle), Jan. 30, 1823. Betsy, d. Abner R[ichardson. p. r. 6.] and Hepsibah, Jan. 29, 1796. Catherine, d. Col. Timothy and Elizabeth (Whittle), May 2, 1831. Charles Asa, s. Col. Timothy and Elizabeth (Whittle), Sept. 6, 1824. Charles Carrol, s. James, jr. and Rachel, Oct. 18, 1835. Charlotte, d. Abner R[ichardson. p. r. 6.] and Hepsibah, Dec. 12, 1797. Clarissa Abigail, d. Cyrus and Clarissa P., June 1, 1834. Cyrus, s. James and Nabbe (Wilson), May 12, 1804. p. R. 3. Cyrus Franklin, s. Cyrus and Clarissa P., Sept. 19, 1830. Dayid, s. James and Nabbe, May 2, 1791. Deborah, d. Reuben and Mary, Aug. 7, 1767. Emehne, d. Joseph, jr. and Sally, Nov. 9, 1818. George Washington, s. Cyrus and Clarissa P., May 8, 1841. Grace, d. James, jr. and Rachel, Jan. 6, 1834. Harriot, d. Abner R[ichardson. p. r. 6.] and Hepsibah, Apr. 13, 1800. Haskell, s. Abner R[ichardson. p. r. 6.] and Hepsibah, Dec. 30, 1809. 12 TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS BuTTERFiELD, Henriette, d. Joseph and Sally, Sept. 12, 1821. Henry Clinton, s. Cyrus and Clarissa P., Mar. 6, 1838. Hepsabeth, d. Abner R[ichardson. p. r. 6.] and Hepsibah, Feb. 5, 1802. [Feb. 2. p. r. 6.] James, s. Reuben and Mary, June 22, 1762. James, s. James and Nabbe [(Wilson), p. r. 3.], Sept. 30, 1788. James P., s. James, jr. and Rachel, Oct. 18, 1828. Jesse Buel, s. Cyrus and Clarissa P., Feb. 18, 1840. John, s. adopted, Joseph, bp. June 24, 1796. p. r. 1. John Hancock, s. James, jr. and Rachel, July 27, 1837. Joseph, s. Reuben and Mary, Jan. 8, 1759. Joseph, s. Abner R[ichardson. p. r. 6.] and Hepsibah [ (But- trick), p. R. 6.], Sept. 6, 1792. Joseph Lorenzo, s. Joseph, 2d and Sally, Feb. 21, 1825. Joseph Lorenzo, s. Joseph, 2d and Sally, Sept. 21, 1828. Julia Whittle, d. Col. Timothy and Elizabeth (Whittle), Apr. 22, 1835. Levi, s. Reuben and Mary, Dec. 20, 1753. Lorenda, d. Joseph, 2d and Sally, July 7, 1836. Lucretia Varnum, d. Joseph, 2d and Sally, June 28, 1831. Luther, s. James and Nabbe, Feb. 17, 1800. Luther Howard, s. Luther and Mercy, Oct. 20, 1827. Mary, d. Reuben and Mary, Jan. 6, 1746. Mary Ann, d. James, jr. and Rachel, Jan. 29, 1827. Mary Jane, d. Col. Timothy and Elizabeth (Whittle), May 5, 1827. Mortimer, s. Col. Timothy and Elizabeth (Whittle), Mar. 19, 1829. Nabbe [Abagail p. r. 3.], d. James and Nabbe, July 20, 1793. Pattey Wilson [Polly Wilson, p. r. 3.], d. James and Nabbe, July 9, 1796. Peter, s. James, jr. and Rachel, Jan. 15, 1832. Rebecca Russell, d. Cyrus [farmer, dup.] and Clarissa P., May 22, 1843. Reuben, s. Reuben and Mary, May 30, 1749. Sarah [Sarah Brown, p. r. 6.], d. Abner R[ichardson. p. r. 6.] and Hepsibah, Apr. 4, 1804, Spicer Ruderow, s. Joseph, 2d and Sally, May 31, 1820. Timothy, s. Asa, Feb. 19, 1794. Vanda, d. James, jr. and Rachel, Oct. 21, 1830. William, s. Reuben and Mary, May 7, 1775. , s. Col. Timothy and Elizabeth (Whittle), July 3, 1837. BUTTRICK, Amanda, d. Abel and Betsey, Jan. 1, 1823. TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS 13 CARKIN, Angle, d. Josiah and Jemima (Burrows), Dec. 25, 1841. p. R. 13. Clarissa, d. Jonas, jr. and Sybil, May 22, 1824. Dexter Bowman, s. Lewis, cordwainer, and Hannah, Sept. 29, 1844. Elisha, s. Jonas, jr. and Sybil, Feb. 3, 183-. [1836. p. r. 8.] Elvira, d. Josiah and Jemima (Burrows), Jan. 20, 1832. p. r. 13. Emily, d. Jonas and Sybil (Carkin), Jan. 13, 1832. p. r. 8. Enoch, s. Jonas and Sibil, May 18, 1838. [May 8. p. r. 8.] Harrison, s. Josiah and Jemima (Burrows), May 12, 1840. p. R. 13. Henrietta, d. Jonas and Sibil, Aug. 4, 1840. Henry, s. Josiah and Jemima (Burrows), July 5, 1827. p. r. 13. Howard Fletcher, s. Lewis, shoemaker, and Hannah, June 1, 1848. Irena, d. Josiah and Jemima (Burrows), Feb. 14, 1836. p. r. 13. Maria, d. Jonas, jr. and Sybil [(Carkin). p. r. 8.], Feb. 3, 1823. Martha Ellen, d. Jonas, stone-cutter, and Sybil, Feb. 27, 1845. Martha H., d. Jonas, jr. and Sybil, Jan. 25, 1829. Martha Maria, d. Josiah and Jemima (Burrows), June 12, 1844. p. R. 13. Mary Amanda, d. Isaac W., quarryman, and Mahala [re- corded June — , 1848.]. Moses, s. Jonas and Sybil (Carkin), Mar. 22, 1834. p. r. 8. Philena, d. Josiah and Jemima (Burrows), June 12, 1838. p. r. 13. Reuben, s. Josiah and Jemima (Burrows), July 8, 1834. p. r. 13. Silas, s. Josiah and Jemima (Burrows), June 10, 1829. p. r. 13. Sophronia, d. Jonas, jr. and Sybil, Feb. 7, 1827. COBURN (see also Colburn), Abiel, s. Abiel and Mary, Nov. 21, 1771. Abigail, d. Oliver, bp. Feb. 3, 1793. p. r. 1. Catherine Brinley, d. James, bp. Aug. 7, 1831. p. r. 1. Charles Butterfield, s. James, bp. Aug. 4, 1833. p. r. 1. Clarissa, d. Oliver, bp. June 6, 1802. p. r. 1. Deborah, d. Abiel and Mary, Jan. 10, 1779. Edward Everret, s. Ward and Sybil Elizabeth, Dec. 11, 1837. Elizabeth, d. Dustin P., farmer, and Eliza, Nov. 21, 1845. 14 TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS COBURN, James, s. Abiel and Mary, July 27, 1788. James, s. Abiel, bp. Sept. 28, 1794. p. r. 1. James B., s. James and Grace, Feb. 8, 1820. Joanna, d. Oliver, bp. Aug. 4, 1816. p. r. 1. John Parham, s. Daniel P. and Rebecca, Mar. 20, 1833. Mary, d. Abiel and Mary, June 1, 1777. Mary, d. Oliver, bp. Nov. 12, 1796. p. r. 1. Mary Elizabeth, d. Ward and Sybil Elizabeth, Sept. 20, 1833. Mercy, d. Abiel and Mary, Mar. 12, 1781. Nathaniel, s. Oliver, bp. June 15, 1794. p. r. 1. Oliver, bp. Aug. 28, 1791. p. r. 1. Reuben, s. Abiel and Mary, Aug. 26, 1782. [1783. dup.] Reuben Orlando, s. Reuben S., ferryman, and Mary E., June 15, 1845. Reuben Spaulding, s. Reuben and Sarah, July 21, 1809. Rhoda, d. Nathaniel, bp. Aug. 4, 1799. p. r. 1. Richard, s. Abiel and Mary, Mar. 10, 1774. Sarah Chandler, d. Reuben and Sarah, May 17, 1811. Sarah Jane, d. Ward and Sybil Elizabeth, Sept. 16, 1839. Sarah Rebecca, d. Daniel P. and Rebecca, June 26, 1842. Sybil, d. Ward and Sybil Elizabeth, Sept. 15, 1841. Ward, s. Reuben and Sarah, Jan. 5, 1813. COLBURN (see also Coburn), Harriet Varnum, d. Jesse and Harriet, July 15, 1820. Jesse Varnum, s. Jesse and Harriet, Apr. 27, 1827. Mercy Maria, d. Jesse and Harriet, Sept. 26, 1826. Ward Augustus, s. Ward, farmer, and S. Elizabeth, Jan. 20, 1847. , d. Jesse and Harriet, Aug. 2, 1822. COMBS, Deborah, d. Simeon and Hannah, Oct. 31, 1820. Mary Ann, d. Simeon and Hannah, May 28, 1818. Robert Brinley, s. Simeon and Hannah, Sept. 19, 1816. CROCKER, Charles Oilman, s. Rufus and Sarah, Jan. 23, 1841. CUMINGS (see also Cummings), Andrew Jackson, s. Willard H. and Joanna, Sept. 27, 1837. Anna Spaulding, d. John G. and Fidelia, May 7, 1833. Augustus, s. Willard H. and Joanna, Sept. 13, 1831. Calvin Horace, s. Charles Lewis and Hannah A., May 23, 1840. TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS 15 CuMiNGS, Calvin T., s. Willard and Polly, Aug. 25, 1813. Charles, s. Simeon and Mary G., Nov. 4, 1827. Charles Henry, s. William Howard and Joanna, Feb. 25, 1843. Charles L., s. Willard and Polly, Oct. 26, 1811. Charles Sylvester, s. Charles Lewis and Hannah A., July 15, 1836. Clarenda Angeline, d. Willard H., farmer, and Joanna, Dec. 30, 1844. Ellen Maria, d. Willard Brooks and Mary Ann, Nov. 23, 1836. Frances Lucinda, d. Thomas and Lucinda, Aug. 17, 1842. Frieland Augustus, s. Jepthah P. and Lucy, Dec. 9, 1842. Gardner Warren, s. Jepthah P. and Lucy, Sept. 28, 1840. George Green, s. John G. and Fidelia, Nov. 3, 1831. George Lang, s. Simeon and Mary G., Oct. 20, 1823. [Oct. 20, 1825. dup.] Hannah Alicia, d. Charles Lewis and Hannah A., Sept. 13, ■ 1834. Harriet Orline, d. Charles Lewis and Hannah A., Mar. 27, 1843. Herbert Munroe, s. Charles Lewis and Hannah A., July 6, 1838. Isaac P., s. Willard and Polly, Nov. 17, 1804. James, s. Capt. James W. and Sally, Aug. 21, 1830. James W., s. Willard and Pollv, May 12, 1808. Jephthah P., s. Willard and Polly, Nov. 25, 1809. Jepthah Parker, s. Jepthah P. and Lucy, Nov. 28, 1837. Jepthah Parker, s. Jepthah P. and Lucy, Mar. 2, 1839. John Franklin, s. John and Sally, Feb. 24, 1807. John G., s. Willard and Polly, Aug. 15, 1806. John Parker, s. John G. and Fidelia [(Parker), p. r. 11.], Aug. 22, 1830. Joseph B., s. Willard and Polly, Nov. 18, 1818. Joseph B., s. Willard and Polly, Dec. 17, 1820. Joseph Sherburne, s. Capt. James W. and Amelia, Dec. 17, 1842. Josiah, s. John and Sally, Nov. 8, 1808. Josiah Alonzo, s. Josiah and Martha, Dec. 1, 1833. Julia Ann, d. Capt. James W. and Sally, May 2, 1832. Lucy Perham, d. Jepthah P. and Lucy, Nov. 2, 1841. Lucy Vienne, d. Willard H. and Joanna, Mar. 30, 1835. Luther, s. Willard and Solenda, June 21, 1826. Marcus Morton, s. Willard H. and Joanna, Jan. 19, 1840. Martha Jane, d. Josiah and Martha, Jan. 9, 1835. 16 TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS CuMiNGS, Mary Ann, d. Willard Brooks [blacksmith, dup.] and Mary K., Jan. 1, 1843. Mary Augusta, d. Willard H. and Joanna, May 15, 1833. Mary E., d. Willard and Polly, Apr. 25, 1815. Mary F., d. John G., farmer, and Fidelia, Oct. 27, 1846. Rebeckah Kemp, d. John G. and Fidelia, Dec. 7, 1834. Robert Brinley, s. Simeon and Mary G., Jan. 4, 1822. Sarah Ann, d. Calvin T., farmer, and Hannah A., Feb. 1, 1844. Sarah Lund, d. Willard and Polly, Jan. 15, 1817. Timothy Mortimer, s. John G. and Fidelia, Sept. 10, 1836. Willard Brooks, s. John and Sally, Feb. 7, 1811. Willard H., s. Willard and Polly, Feb. 18, 1803. William, s. John and Sally, July 19, 1816. WiUiam Dennis, s. Simeon and Mary G., Nov. 4, 1829. William Henry, s. John Franklin and Hannah, at Charlestown, Apr. 4, 1832. William Wesley, s. William, stone-cutter, and Rebecca W., Nov. 22, 1844. Zephaniah, s. Willard H. and Joanna, July 11, 1829. CUMMINGS (see also Cumings), Alpheus Sumner, s. Willard H., farmer, and Joanna, June 1, 1847. Cordelia Adelaide, d. Calvin T., farmer, and Hannah Ann, Feb. 13, 1846. Edward Simeon, s. Simeon and Mary G., Dec. 1, 1823. Franklin Granville, s. Willard B., blacksmith, and Mary, Aug. 17, 1847. George Lang, s. Simeon and Mary G., Jan. 27, 1833. Harriet, d. Willard and Solenda, Sept. 11, 1829. Lendall Clarence, s. Willard B., blacksmith, and Mary, Sept. 1, 1849. Mary Brimmer, d. Simeon, bp. Apr. 1, 1827. p. r. 1. Otis Greenleaf, s. Cha[rle]s L., farmer, and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1847. Sally, d. John and Sally, Aug. 24, 1819. Susan Abby, d. Jepthah P., farmer, and Lucy, June 20, 1844. Waldo Owen, s. Jep[tha]h P., farmer, and Susan T., Feb. 19, 1849. Willard Augustine, s. Willard B., blacksmith, and Mary, Oct. 7, 1844. Willard Benjamin, s. John G. and Fidelia [(Parker), p. r. 11.], July 1, 1843. , d. Jepthah P., farmer, and Susan, Jan. 9, 1848. TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS 17 DAKIN, Eliza Hamlet, d. Joseph, bp. Dec. 1, 1816. p. r. 1. John Huntting, s. Joseph and Betsey, Feb. 24, 1804. Justus, s. Levi, bp. Aug. 8, 1802. p. r. 1. Mary, d. Joseph and Betsey, Sept. 15, 1800. Sherebiah, s. Levi, bp. Aug. 8, 1802. p. r. 1. Timothy Hunting, s. Joseph and Betsey, May 20, 1802. DANFORTH, Asa, s. Josiah and Sarah, Aug. 18, 1795. Carolena Fiducia, d. Joseph, farmer, and Delphia, Mar. 4, 1845. Charles Henry, s. Joseph, jr. and Delphia, Dec. 7, 1838. Delphia Swan, d. Joseph, jr. and Delphia, Apr. 29, 1834. George Dexter, s. Capt. Joseph, jr. and Delphia, Jan. 23, 1843. James, s. Josiah and Sarah, Aug. 21, 1797. John, bp. May 16, 1790. p. r. 1. Joseph, bp. May 16, 1790. p. r. 1. Joseph, s. Capt. Joseph and Rachel, Aug. 19, 1805. Josiah, bp. May 16, 1790. p. r. 1. Lucy Taylor, d. Joseph, jr. and Delphia, at Charlestown, Oct. 25, 1830. Luella Octavia, d. Joseph, jr., farmer, and Delphia, June 18, 1848. Mary R., d. Capt. Joseph and Rachel, July 29, 1818, Parthena Priscella, d. Joseph, jr. and Delphia, Mar. 22, 1836. Rachel C, d. Capt. Joseph and Rachel, Sept. 10, 1813. Rachel Cumings, d. Capt. Joseph, jr. and Delphia, Jan. 21, 1841. Sarah, bp. May 16, 1790. p. r. 1. Sarah, d. Capt. Joseph and Rachel, Mar. 24, 1809. Sarah Thompson, d. Joseph, jr. and Delphia, Apr. 6, 1832. DAVIS, Abby Lydia, d. Thadeus U., farmer, and Lydia, Dec. 8, 1847. Eleaner Deborah, d. Isaiah and Mary, Sept. 1, 1817. Eliza Jane, d. Zenas, brush maker, and Ann Maria, Apr. 11, 1844. Isaiah, s. Isaiah and Mary, Jan. 16, 1826. John, s. Thad[deu]s U., farmer, and Lydia, Dec. 19, 1849. Mary Elizabeth, d. Isaiah and Mary, Feb. 9, 1823. DITSON, Benjamin, s. John and Charlotte, Nov. 6, 1820. John, s. John and Charlotte, Aug. 7, 1817. DIX, Lucinda, d. Joseph and [Edith, t. c], Nov. 13, 1790. 18 TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS Dix, Lucy, d. Joseph and Edith, Sept. 13, 1785. Luther, s. Joseph and Edith, Nov. 13, 1788. Nancy, d. Joseph and [Edith, t. c], Dec. 15, 1792. DRAKE, Charles Lewis, s. Jacob and Olive, Nov. 9, 1838. Charlotte Lemira, d. Jacob and Olive, May 13, 1833. George Edwin, s. Jacob, farmer, and Olive, Dec. 16, 1844. Jacob Alva, s. Jacob and Olive, Nov. 27, 1835. Olive Adaline, d. Jacob and Olive, June 14, 1831. Olive Adeline, d. Jacob, farmer, and Olive R., Mar. 29, 1849. [Mar. 6. p. r. 9.] Otis Henry, s. Jacob and Olive, Aug. 13, 1842. Sarah Abigail, d. Jacob and Olive [(Blodgett). p. r. 9.], Feb. 13, 1830. DUFF, William, bp. July 3, 1791. p. r. 1. DUNBAR, Mary Adaline, d. Capt. , bp. Dec. 17, 1829. p. R. 1. Samantha, d. Capt. , bp. Dec. 17, 1829. p. r. 1. Susan, d. Capt. , bp. Dec. 17, 1829. p. r. 1. FARWELL, Abigail, bp. July 29, 1792. p. r. 1. Abijah, s. Eleazer and Esther, July 23, 1788. Almira, d. James C. and Nancy, June 1, 1817. Benjamin Lewis, s. Eleazer and Esther [(Wood), p. r. 7.], Apr. 25, 1811. [Apr. 15. P. R. 7.] Clarissa, d. John, bp. July 14, 1799. p. r. 1. Clarissa, d. James C. and Nancy, Aug. 23, 1814. Colman, s. John, 2d and Dorcas, Oct. 3, 1840. Eleazer, s. Eleazer, bp. June 26, 1808. p. r. 1. Eliza [Elizabeth Lewis, p. r. 1.], d. Eleazer and Esther, Dec. 29, 1805. Elizabeth, bp. Oct. 21, 1790. p. r. 1. Ellen Mariah, d. James Cumings and Harriet, May 13, 1838. Esther, d. Eleazer and Esther, June 11, 1782. George, s. James C, sr. and Nancy, June 5, 1825. Hannah Elizabeth, d. James Cumings and Harriet, Apr. 24, 1834. Harriet Samantha, d. James Cumings and Harriet, Oct. 30, 1829. Henry, s. Henry and Sarah, June 11, 1791. Isaac, s. Eleazer and Esther, Oct. 8, 1793. James, s. Eleazer and Esther, Mar. 22, 1796. James Cumings, s. James C. and Nancy, Dec. 17, 1805. TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS 19 Farwell, James Gilmore, s. James Cumings and Harriet, Aug. 31, 1839. John, s. James C. and Nancy, Oct. 3, 1809. John Lysander, s. John, 2d and Dorcas, Oct. 20, 1836. Joseph, s. James C. and Nancy, Jan. 25, 1808. Joseph Cumings, s. James Cumings and Harriet, May 9, 1836. Leonard, s. Henry and Sarah, Nov. 19, 1797. Leonard, s. Eleazer and Esther, Feb. 15, 1803. Lucy, d. John, bp. July 3, 1796. p. r. 1. Mary, d. John, bp. June 1, 1794. p. r. 1. Mary Adeline, d. James Cumings and Harriet, Dec. 13, 1831. Mary C, d. Eleazer and Esther [(Wood), p. r. 7.], Oct. 30, 1780. Mary Jane, d. James C, sr. and Nancy, June 9, 1827. Nancy, d. James C. and Nancy, Oct. 22, 1812. Purmelai, d. Henry and Sarah, July 21, 1799. Rebecca, d. Eleazer and Esther, Sept. 21, 1785. Salle, d. Henry and Sarah, Nov. 22, 1795. Sarah, d. James C. and Nancy, Jan. 14, 1819. Sibil, d. Eleazer and Esther, Nov. 11, 1800. Silas Richardson, s. Henry and Sarah, Sept. 28, 1792. Sophia, d. Eleazer and Esther, July 11, 1798. Susanna, d. James C. and Nancy, Nov. 16, 1820. FLETCHER, David, bp. June 20, 1790. p. r. 1. George Parker, s. George and Mary, Mar. 31, 1833. FLINT, Betsy, d. Charles and Elisabeth, Mar. 27, 1787. Charles, s. Charles and Elisabeth, Apr. 6, 1785. Hannah, d. Charles and Elisabeth, Feb. 19, 1796. Lucy, d. Charles and Elisabeth, Apr. 17, 1789. Lucy, d. Charles and Elisabeth, July 13, 1793. Policy, d. Charles and Elisabeth, July 19, 1783. Salle, d. Charles and Elisabeth, Feb. 9, 1801. Samuel, s. Charles and Elisabeth, Mar. 23, 1791. Thomas B[uttrick. p. r. 1.], s. Charles and Elisabeth, June 21, 1798. FOX, Oilman, s. , bp. Aug. 20, 1817. p. r. 1. Harriot, d. , bp, Aug. 20, 1817. p. r. 1. Horatio, s. , bp. Aug. 20, 1817. p. r. 1. Margaret Taylor, d. , bp. Aug. 20, 1817. p. r. 1. Rhoda, d. , bp. Aug. 20, 1817. p. r. 1. Sophia, d. , bp. Aug. 20, 1817. p. r. 1. 20 TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS FREDERIC (see also Frederick), George 0., s. W[illia]m A., stone-cutter, and Frances, Apr, 1, 1849. FREDERICK (see also Frederic), Aaron Kidder, s. George, bp. Oct. 3, 1803. p. R. 1. Catherine, d. George, bp. June 19, 1814. p. r. 1. Eleazer, s. George, bp. Dec. 6, 1795, p. r. 1. George, s. George, bp. Dec. 6, 1795. p, r, 1. Joanna, d. George, bp. Dec. 6, 1795. p. r. 1. John, s. George, bp. , 1805. p. r. 1. Mary, d. George, bp. Dec. 6, 1795. p. r. 1. Rhoda, d. George, bp. Apr. 14, 1799. p. r. 1. Samuel Reed, s. George, bp. Sept. 6, 1801. p. r. 1. Thomas, s. George, bp. Aug. 13, 1809. p. r. 1, William, s, George, bp. Apr. 23, 1797. p. r. 1. FROST, Mary Ann, d. Salatheil, farmer, and Permelia, July 20, 1843. GATES, Ebenezer, s. John, bp. Nov. 12, 1796. p. r. 1. Samuel Haskel, s. John, bp. Sept. 16, 1792. p. r. 1, GIBSON, Abby Henderson, d, Samuel and Catherine, Aug, 21, 1842, GlLSON, Albro, s, Jeremiah, jr, and Mary, Aug. 14, 1824. Asa Wyman, s. Solomon, jr. and Mercy, May 12, 1811. Charles P., s. Solomon, jr. and Mercy, Sept. 11, 1823. Ebenezer, s. Solomon and Tamar, July 16, 1797. Elizabeth M., d. Solomon, jr. and Mercy, Nov. 22, 1820. George Micah, s. William, stone-cutter, and Susan, Dec. 24, 1848. Jane I., d. Solomon, jr. and Mercy, Sept. 19, 1815, Jemima, d. Solomon and Tamar, July 13, 1785. Lovey, d. Solomon and Tamar, Sept. 12, 1792. Mary, d. Harriet, Mar. 18, 1844. Micah, s. Solomon and Tamar, July 15, 1795. Nathan, s. Solomon and Tamar, Oct. 9, 1800. Nathaniel M., s. Solomon, jr. and Mercy, Sept. 1, 1817, Sarah M., d. Solomon, jr. and Mercy, Aug. 15, 1813. Solomon, s. Solomon and Tamar, July 21, 1790. Tamar, d. Solomon and Tamar, Feb. 25, 1788. Timothy, s. Solomon and Tamar, Jan. 31, 1783. TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS 21 GLYNN (see also Glynne), Isaac, s. Isaac, bp. June 28, 1801, p. R. 1. Jacob Wyman, s. Moses and Mary, Jan. 1, 1822. James, s. Isaac, bp. Oct. 7, 1804. p. r. 1. Joseph Perham, s. Isaac, bp. June 16, 1799. p. r. 1. Moses Saunders, s. Moses and Mary, Aug. 9, 1820. Samuel Adams, s. Isaac, bp. June 4, 1797. p. r. 1. Sophronia, d. Isaac, bp. Sept. 28, 1806. p. r. 1. Thomas Reed, s. Isaac, bp. May 19, 1795. p. r. 1. GLYNNE (see also Glynn), Lucinda, bp. Aug. 28, 1791. p. R. 1. Polly, bp. Dec. 16, 1792. p. r. 1. Sally, bp. Aug. 28, 1791. P. R. 1. GORDON, Charles Augustus, s. William G., farmer, and Eunice, Jan. 15, 1847. Hendrick Benjamin, s. William G. and Eunice Andrews, Sept. 21, 1841. Joseph Farwell, s. William G. and Eunice Andrews, Mar. 6, 1843. GOULD, Daniel, s. Daniel, bp. Feb. 7, 1797. p. r. 1. Elisabeth, d. Daniel, Sept. 1, 1792. Hannah, d. Daniel, bp. Oct. 12, 1794. p. r. 1. Mary, d. Noah, bp. July 3, 1791. p. r. 1. Nancy, d. Noah, bp. Mar. 3, 1793. p. r. 1. Nathaniel Webb, s. Noah, bp. Apr. 19, 1795. p. R. 1. Noah, s. Noah, bp. July 3, 1791. p. r. 1. Oliver, s. Daniel and Do[rothy], June 3, 1791. Rebekah, d. Noah, bp. Oct. 22, 1799. p. R. 1. Royal, s. Noah, bp. Sept. 10, 1797. p. r. 1. Sarah Angeline, d. Cumings, farmer, and Mary J., Sept. 27, 1844. HAMBLET, William Jefferson, s. W[illia]m, butcher, and Mary N., July 29, 1849. HASKELL, George Augustus, s. Thurlow and Sophia, Apr. 20, 1834. HERRICK, , s. Jonathan S., clergyman, and Maria E., May 22, 1845. 22 TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS HILTON, Charles Henry, s. Daniel, stone-cutter, and Susan, July 29, 1847. HOLDEN (see also Holdin), Abigail Wood, d. John, bp. June 8, 1800. p. R. 1. Anna, bp. Oct. 21, 1792. p. r. 1. Eliza Ann, d. Jonathan, bp. Aug. 7, 1803. p. r. 1. James, s. John, bp. Aug. 22, 1796. p. r. 1. Joanna, bp. Oct. 21, 1792. p. R. 1. John, s. John, bp. Apr. 19, 1795. p. r. 1. Jonathan, bp. May 16, 1790. p. r. 1. Mary Richardson, d. John, bp. Mar. 18, 1804. p. r. 1. Nathan Thompson, s. John, bp. June 3, 1798. p. r. i. Silas, bp. May 16, 1790. p. r. 1. Susanna, d. John, bp. Mar. 3, 1793. p. r. 1. HOLDIN (see also Holden), Charles, s. Nathaniel and Rebec- cah, Dec. 27, 1833. Charles Winthrop, s. Silas and Mary, May 24, 1829. Clarissa, d. Silas and Mary, June 25, 1825. Elizabeth, d. Silas and Mary, May 2, 1823. Henry Augustus, s. Silas and Mary, May 11, 1835. John, s. Silas and Mary, Sept. 3, 1815. Mary Ann, d. Silas and Mary, June 2, 1827. Mary Jane, d. Silas and Mary, July 5, 1817. Mary Jane, d. Silas and Mary, Jan. 14, 1819. Rebecca, d. Nathaniel and Rebeccah, Sept. 27, 1836. Silas, jr., s. Silas and Mary, Dec. 10, 1820. William, s. Silas and Mary, June 10, 1833. , ch. Silas and Mary, Aug. 1, 1814. HOOPER, Nabby Kent, d. Greenfield, bp. Dec. 14, 1794. p. r. 1. Ruth, d. Greenfield, bp. Oct. 29, 1797. p. r. 1. HOUSTON, Salle Fletcher, d. Grant and Patte, Apr. 15, 1797. HOWARD, Jonathan, s. Jonathan, bp. June 4, 1797. p. r. 1. Jonathan Fletcher, s. Jonathan and Mercy, Apr. 24, 1806. Jonathan Otis, s. Jonathan Fletcher and Mary Elizabeth, Dec. 27, 1830. Mercy, d. Jonathan and Mercy, Sept. 19, 1804. Mercy, d. Jonathan F. and Mary Elizabeth, Jan. 8, 1834. Rebacah, d. Samuel, Oct. 24, l[79-; bp. Feb. 20, 1791. p. r. 1]. TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS 23 HUNTER, Calvin Albro, s. Thomas, stone-cutter, and Au- gusta, Nov. 28, 1845. Charles Henry, s. Thomas, stone-cutter, and Augusta, Aug. 23, 1843. Cynthia Adeline, d. Joel, jr. and Judith, Dec. 9, 1837. Francis Albert, s. Joel, jr., stone-cutter, and Judith, Aug. 18, 1843. Joel Acton, s. Joel, jr and Judith, Apr. 12, 1841. Judith Lavina, d. Joel, jr., stone-cutter, and Judith, Aug. 25, 1845. Judith Maria, d. Joel, jr. and Judith, May 2, 1832. Julia Ann, d. Joel, jr. and Judith, Dec. 19, 1833. Julia Maria, d. Joel, jr. and Judith, Aug. 9, 1839. Nancy Elizabeth, d. Joel, jr. and Judith, Dec. 19, 1835. Winfield Scott, s. Joel, stone-cutter, and Judith [recorded June, 1848.]. INGALLS (see also Ingals, Ingolls), Frances Helen, d. Joel, farmer, and Laura A., Sept. 22, 1843. Frank Warren, s. Joel, farmer, and Laura Ann, b. Westford, Feb. 8, 1847. Rhoda Ann, d. John, quarryman, and Eliza, Apr. 30, 1849. Warren Augustus, s. Joel, farmer, and Laura A., Oct. 14,1849. INGALS (see also Ingalls), Daniel, s. Daniel, bp. Oct. 4, 1818. p. R. 1. Daniel Howard, s. Daniel, bp. , 1820. p. r. 1. Isaac Bancroft, s. Daniel, bp. Aug. 6, 1826. p. r. 1. Mercy Maria, d. Daniel, bp. July 4, 1824. p. r. 1. Samuel Howard, s. , bp. Aug. 2, 1829. p. r. 1. INGOLLS (see also Ingalls), Albert Pierce, s. Joel and Laura Ann, May 23, 1842. JAQUES (see also Jaquis, Jaquith), George JefEerson, s. Daniel and Sarah, June 8, 1830. Hannah Swallow, d. Daniel [jr. dup.] and Sarah, Aug. 18, 1820. John Murray, s. Daniel and Sarah, Oct. 6, 1835. Josiah Spaulding, s. Daniel and Sarah, Mar. 15, 1833. Sarah Harriet, d. Daniel [jr. dup.] and Sarah, June 29, 1823. Susan Adaline, d. Daniel and Sarah, Jan. 29, 1828. 24 TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS JAQUIS (see also Jaques), Abigail Jane, d. Daniel, jr. and Sally, Dec. 8, 1825. Daniel Harrison, s. Daniel, jr. and Sally, Sept. 25, 1817. JAQUITH (see also Jaque^), Daniel, s. Daniel, bp. Apr. 1, 1798. p. R. 1. KENDAL (see also Kendall), Betsy, d. Zimri and Lucy, Nov. 23, 1801. KENDALL (see also Kendal), Almyra Peirce, d. Jeremiah and Lydia, July 19, 1823. Catherine, d, John and Hannah, May 14, 1809. Charles Peirce, s. Jeremiah and Lydia, Dec. 30, 1831. Christopher Augustus, s. John and Hannah, Dec. 1, 1827. Eliza Jane, d. Jeremiah and Lydia [(Butman). p. r. 14.], Dec. 22, 1817. Elizabeth, d. Moses and Mindrell, Dec. 3, 1836. George Clarence, s. George, carpenter, and Mary Ann, Dec. 20, 1845. George W., s. Moses and Mindrell, Aug. 4, 1820. Hannah Ball, d. John and Hannah, Oct. 14, 1812. Isaac Farley, s. John and Hannah, Aug. 16, 1825. Jeremiah Alonzo, s. Jeremiah and Lydia, Sept. 4, 1819. [Sept. 7. p. R. 14.] John Boynton, s. John and Hannah, Mar. 24, 1823. Lucy Anne, d. John and Hannah, Dec. 6, 1816. Lydia Emeline, d. Jeremiah and Lydia, Sept. 12, 1821. Maria Louisa, d. John and Hannah, Jan. 21, 1819. Martha Boynton, d. Jeremiah and Lydia, May 15, 1825. Mary, d. John and Hannah, at Andover, Dec. 10, 1810. Mary Baldwin, d. Moses and Mindrell, July 19, 1824. Sarah, d. Moses and Mindrell, July 6, 1826. KENNEY, Mary Jane, d. Michael, laborer, and Susan, Sept. 20, 1847. KEYES, Aaron Furbush, s. Jonas and Susanna, May 31, 1827. Abiel Spaulding, s. Jonas and Susanna, June 28, 1832. Benjamin Clark, s. Jonas and Lucy, Dec. 21, 1815. Eliza Ann, d. Jonas and Susanna, June 7, 1825. Elizabeth, d. James and Catherine, Jan. 24, 1839. Joel, s. Joel and Polly, Apr. 26, 1804. TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS 25 Keyes, John, s. James, overseer on railway, and Catherine, Oct. 18, 1845. Jonas, s. Jonas and Lucy, Feb. 19, 1812. Lucy, d. Jonas and Lucy, Sept. 29, 1813. Margaret, d. James, bp. May 4, 1841. c. r. Margaret Jane [Margaret Ann. c. r.], d. James and Catherine, Mar. 24, 1843. Martha Melissa, d. Jonas and Susanna, Apr. 6, 1839. Martha Rebecca, d. Jonas and Lucy, Dec. 29, 1820. Mary, d. Joel and Polly, Oct. 19, 1801. Sarah Clark, d. Jonas and Lucy, Apr. 20, 1818. Sophia, d. Joel and Polly, June 4, 1806. Sophia Rhodusky, d. Jonas and Susanna, July 8, 1834. Stephen Olindo, s. Jonas and Susanna, June 26, 1839. Susanna Alzina, d. Jonas and Susanna, July 4, 1823. Willard Marshall, s. twin, Jonas and Susanna, Nov. 28, 1836. William Henry, s. twin, Jonas and Susanna, Nov. 28, 1836. KIDDER, Caroline, d. Samuel and Mary, Sept. 8, 1802. [Sept 18. p. R. 2.] Elizabeth, d. Jacob and Hannah (Davis), Dec. 1, 1803» p. R. 4. George Hamlin, s. Zimri and Mary, May 12, 1837. P. R. 12. Hannah, d. Jacob and Hannah, June 22, 1799. Hannah Josephine, d. Zimri and Mary, July 12, 1840. p. R. 12. [Helen Arianna. p. r. 12.], d. Zimri, stone-cutter, and Mary, Apr. 21, 1846. Horace Davis, s. Zimri and Mary, Jan. 16, 1834. p. r. 12. Isaac Lewis, s. Samuel and Rachel, 2d w., Feb. 2, 1827. p. R. 2. Joseph, s. Jacob and Hannah [(Davis), p. r. 4.], Feb. 20, 1798. Julia, d. Samuel and Mary, Dec. 8, 1805. Martha Bancroft, d. Zimri and Mary, Nov. 29, 1831. P. R. 12. Mary Ann, d. Samuel and Mary, June 6, 1800. Mary Jane, d. Zimri and Mary, Mar. 27, 1825. p. r. 12. Roxanna, d. Samuel and Rachel, 2d w., , 1829. p. r. 2. Roxsalaria [Roxalina Valeria, p. r. 2.], d. Samuel and Mary [(Parke), p. r. 2.], May 18, 1798, Samuel, s. Samuel and Mary (Parke), , 1807. p. r. 2. Sarah Elizabeth, d. Zimri and Mary, Apr. 28, 1830. p. r. 12. Soha [Zoe. p. r. 4.], d. Jacob [and Hannah (Davis), p. r. 4.],. June [21. p. R. 4.], 1807. P. R. 1. Zimri, s. Jacob and Hannah (Davis), Apr. 23, 1801. p. R. 4. 26 TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS KNIGHT, Rebecca Maria, d. Isaac S., farmer, and Martha M., of Dunstable, May 8, 1843. Stearns Maitland, s. Isaac Stearns and Martha Maria, Oct. 26, 1841. LAWRENCE, Benjamin, s. Daniel and Lucy, Sept. 13, 1825. Benj[ami]n Bailey, s. Lowell, house-joiner, and Angeline, Nov. 30, 1849. Daniel Augustus, s. Lowell and Angelina, Mar. 18, 1843. Daniel Bailey, s. Daniel and Lucy, Aug. 5, 1809. Elijah Franklin, s. Nathaniel and Charlotte C, Aug. 16, 1841. Franklin J., s. Nathaniel, farmer, and Charlotte C, Oct. 11, 1845. Hannah, d. Rev. Nathaniel and Hannah, Nov. 9, 1809. Lowell, s. Daniel and Lucy, Feb. 12, 1807. Lowell Milo, s. Lowell and Angelina, Oct. 27, 1840. Lucy Angeline, d. Lowell, house-joiner, and Angeline, Dec. 5, 1847. Lucy Perlina [Perham. p. r. 1.], d. Daniel and Lucy, Mar. 2, 1814. Mary, d. Daniel and Lucy, July 5, 1818. Mary Charlotte, d. Nath[aniel], farmer, and Charlotte C, July 20, 1848. Nathaniel, s. Rev. Nathaniel and Hannah, Mar. 8, 1803. Nathaniel, s. Daniel and Lucy, June 26, 1811. Samuel Soden, s. Nathaniel, bp. Mar. 26, 1797. p. r. 1. Susanna Soden, d. Nathaniel, bp. June 26, 1795. p. r. 1. LEIRD, George Frederic, s. George, cabinet maker, and Han- nah, May 23, 1849. LITTLEFIELD, Abby, d. Christopher, millwright, and Lucy, Aug. 25, 1843. Eliza, d. Christopher, millwright, and Lucy, Dec. 19, 1844. Lucy, d. Christopher, millwright, and Lucy, July 21, 1846. LITTLEHALE, Adaline Maria Wilson, d. Daniel and Joan- nah B., Dec. 31, 1830. Albert, s. Isaac and Harriet, Mar. 28, 1822. Caroline, d. Isaac and Harriet, June 15, 1824. Caroline, d. Isaac and Harriet, Aug. 9, 1826. Charles Butterfield, s. Isaac and Harriet, Dec. 31, 1833. Daniel, s. Roger L. and Mary, Nov. 11, 1792. TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS 27 LiTTLEHALE, Daniel Stearns, s. Daniel and Joanna [B. dup.], Nov. 15, 1823. [Nov. 16. dup.] Deborah Davis, d. Daniel and Joanna [B. dup.], Mar. 25, 1822. [Mar. 26. dup.] George Washington, s. Daniel and Joannah B., Nov. 25, 1834. Harriet Amanda, d. Isaac and Harriet, Oct. 26, 1828. Henry Augustus, s. Daniel and Joannah B., Nov. 24, 1829. Isaac, s. Roger L. and Mary, Mar. 25, 1798. Isaac Newton, s. Isaac and Harriet, Apr. 12, 1831. John, s. Isaac and Harriet, Feb. 23, 1820. John Dudley, s. John, farmer, and Hannah L., of Westford, at Westford, Aug. 3, 1847. John Harrison Dunbar, s. Daniel and Joannah B., Feb. 13, 1827. Letitia Morgianna, d. John, farmer, and Hannah L., of West- ford, at Westford, Mar. 10, 1849. Levina Hitchcock, d. Daniel and Joannah B., Dec. 6, 1818. Manly Hardy Davis, s. Daniel and Joannah B., Mar. 18, 1836. Peter, s. Isaac and Harriet, Apr. 5, 1836. Roger Langdon, s. Daniel and Joannah B., Aug. 6, 1825. Sarah Jane, d. Isaac and Harriet, Dec. 18, 1841. Sarah Martindale, d. Daniel and Joannah B., Mar. 2, 1820. LUND, Frederick Oscar, s. Nahum S., joiner, and Mary A., at Boston, Nov. 10, 1844. Lucy, d. Samuel, bp. Aug. 11, 1793. p. r. 1. MARSHALL, Alden Blodgett, s. James, farmer, and Dorcas, Jan. 15, 1845. MASON, Hannah Mevira, d. Jonathan, iron-founder, and Laura A., Aug. 16, 1843. MELVIN, James, s. James, laborer, and Harriett, Dec. 23, 1848. MERRILL, Angelo, s. Nathaniel and Polly, June 22, 1830. Daniel, s. Samuel and Mary, Apr. 14, 1838. George Winn, s. Samuel and Mary, Oct. 12, 1829. Louisa, d. Nathaniel and Polly, Sept. 21, 1834. Martha Jane, d. Samuel and Mary, June 10, 1835. Mary Ann, d. Samuel and Mary, Sept. 20, 1832. 28 TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS Merrill, Moses Henry, s. Samuel and Mary, Oct. 4, 1840. Samuel Howard, s. Samuel and Mary, Sept. 3, 1827. William Penn, s. Samuel and Mary, Apr. 11, 1843. NEWHALL, Frances Adalaide, d. Lorenzo, farmer, and Rox- anna, Nov. 19, 1844. NUTT, Charles H., s. Samuel and Hannah, May 3, 1817. Elbridge G., s. Samuel and Hannah, Dec. 21, 1823. George A. F., s. Samuel and Hannah, July 15, 1815, Hannah A., d. Samuel and Hannah, June 22, 1822. John, s. Samuel and Hannah, July 9, 1825. Mary P., d. Samuel and Hannah, July 12, 1820. NUTTING, Benjamin Bennett, s. Seth and Eunice, Jan. 11, 1817. Christopher Columbus, s. Seth and Eunice, June 28, 1809. Eunice Bennett, d. Seth and Eunice, June 30, 1815. Isaac, bp. Aug. 28, 1791. p. r. 1. Jonas Prescott, s. Seth and Eunice, May 15, 1818. PARHAM (see also Perham), Betsey, d. William, Mar. 8, 1788. Hannah, d. John and Jemima, Apr. 20, 1794. Lucy, d. Elijah and Susanna, Apr. 17, 1792. Rachel, d. John and Jemima, Apr. 11, 1798. Ralph, s. Elijah and Susanna, Dec. 8, 1787. Rebecca, d. John and Jemima, Feb. 2, 1800. Rutha, d. William, Dec. 12, 1791. Salle, d. William and Rutha, June 6, 1794. Sarah, d. John and Jemima, Nov. 25, 1795. Sargant, s. William and Rutha, June 15, 1796. Susanna, d. Elijah and Susanna, Sept. 28, 1789. William, s. William, Feb. 20, 1790. PARKER, Asa, s. Elijah and Prissila, June 5, 1806. Clarisa, d. Elijah and Prissila, Jan. 25, 1803. Elijah, s. Elijah and Prissila, at Dracut, Aug. 15, 1784. Felicia S., d. Sarah B. Butterfield, Feb. 5, 1832. John, s. Elijah and Prissila, June 15, 1797. Jonathan, s. Elijah and Prissila, at Dracut, May 26, 1792. Prissiler, d. Elijah and Prissila, at Dracut, Sept. 5, 1790. Reuben, s. Elijah and Prissila, at Dracut, Dec. 23, 1787. Rhode, d. Elijah and Prissila, at Dracut, Feb. 13, 1786. TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS 29 Parker, Salome, d. Elijah and Prissila, at Dracut, Feb. 4, 1794. Silas, s. Elijah and Prissila, Nov. 23, 1800. Thaddeus, s. Elijah and Prissila, at Dracut, Dec. 12, 1795. PARLIN, Aaron, s. Aaron and Martha, Apr. 30, 1798. Horace, s. Aaron, bp. Apr. 7, 1811. p. r. 1. Isaac, s. Aaron and Martha, Oct. 22, 1801. James, s. Aaron, bp. Oct. 6, 1816. p. r. 1. John, s. Aaron and Martha, May 14, 1800. Jonathan Bancroft, s. Aaron and Martha, Feb. 24, 1807. Martha, d. Aaron and Martha, Feb. 12, 1804. Mary, d. Aaron and Martha, May 12, 1799. PATCH, Mahala, d. Edmund and Philomela, Apr. 26, 1814. Philomela, d. Edmund and Philomela, Aug. 26, 1812. PEARSON, Anna Adalaide, d. George, carpenter, and Hannah P., July 21, 1848. PEIRCE, Anna Alicia, d. Augustus, physician, and Alicia 0[ctavia. dup.], Jan. 1, 1844. Augustus Frederic, s. Dr. Augustus and Mary Messer, Aug. 10, 1827. Eliza Shattuck, d. Dr. Augustus and Mary Messer, Sept. 23, 1825. Franklin Farrer, s. Augustus, physician, and Allecia O., Dec. 28, 1846. Lizzie T., d. Augustus, M. D., and Alicia 0., Mar. 28, 1849. Mary Jane, d. Dr. Augustus and Mary Messer, Sept. 10, 1830. Sarah Tracv, d. Dr. Augustus and Allicia Octavia, Sept. 26, 1838. Warren, s. Dr. Augustus and Allicia Octavia, Sept. 21, 1841. PERHAM (see also Parham), Alicia, d. William and Sarah, May 31, 1832. Allen Read, s. Allen and Lucy, Sept. 24, 1813. Betsey, d. Sargeant and Mehitable, July 1, 1837. Catherine, d. Ralph and Sibel, July 2, 1813. Daniel, s. William and Sarah, Oct. 31, 1834. David, s. William and Sarah, Dec. 5, 1825. Foster, s. Sargeant and Mehitable, Aug. 31, 1833. Francis, s. Jonathan, bp. July 19, 1795. p. r. 1. George Gardiner, s. Allen and Lucy, May 30, 1823. Hannah, d. Sargeant and Mehitable, June 7, 1826. 30 TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS* Perham, Hannah Elizabeth, d. Charles O., tradesman, and Lydia T., of Cohoes, N. Y., Apr. 16, 1847. Harriet, d. Allen and Lucy, May 16, 1817. James, s. Ralph and Sibel, May 6, 1817. John, s. William and Sarah, Jan. 9, 1821. Joseph, s. William and Sarah, Mar. 14, 1823. Lucy, d. Allen and Lucy, Oct. 27, 1811. Mary, d. Jonathan, bp. Jan. 14, 1798. p. r. 1. Mary Jane, d. Sargeant and Mehitable, Aug. 10, 1840. Mary Minerva, d. Allen and Lucy, Apr. 23, 1831. Mehitable, d. Sargeant and Mehitable, Nov. 23, 1824. Melvina, d. Sargeant and Mehitable, Dec. 24, 1830. Nathaniel, s. William and Sarah, May 15, 1828. Ralph Cumings, s. Ralph and Sibel, Sept. 1, 1815. Sally, d. John, jr., bp. June 24, 1798. p. R. 1. Sarah, d. William and Sarah, Aug. 17, 1818. Sargeant, s. Sargeant and Mehitable, Sept. 1, 1828. Susan Taylor, d. Allen and Lucy, Nov. 2, 1821. Timothy Wilder, s. Allen and Lucy, July 22, 1826. William, s. William and Sarah, Sept. 5, 1816. , d. Cha[rle]s O., teamster, and Lydia T., of Cohoes, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1849. PIKE, Caroline Mehitabel, d. Joseph F. and Eliza, Sept. 30, 1835. Hannah Jane, d. Joseph F. and Eliza, Sept. 5, 1839. Joseph Sherman, s. Joseph F. and Eliza, July 9, 1833. Mary Eliza, d. Joseph F. and Eliza, Aug. 16, 1831. William, bp. May 6, 1837. p. r. 1. William Henry, s. Joseph F. and Eliza, Oct. 7, 1837. PRESCOTT, Clara Almina, d. Peter B., wheelwright, and Zibiah, Aug. 22, 1845. Horace Augustus, s. Peter B. wheelwright, and Zibiah, Jan. 5, 1849. QUEEN, Abby Almira, d. John F., farmer, and Sally, June 12, 1848. Emma Lavina, d. John F., farmer, and Sally, Oct. 7, 1845. Francis Maria, d. John Franklin and Sally, Jan. 31, 1843. Laura Ann, d. John Franklin and Sally, Dec. 8, 1840. RAYMOND, Liberty Cutter, s. Liberty C, farmer, and Sarah, Jan. 11, 1847. Samuel S., s. Liberty C, farmer, and Sarah A., Oct. 9, 1849. TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS 31 READ (see also Reed), George W., s. Jacob and Rachel, Nov. 15, 1836. REED (see also Read), Andrew, s. Seth, bp. June 22, 1822. p. R. 1. , ch. Seth, bp. , 1820. P. R. 1. RICHARDSON, Daniel Samuel, s. Daniel and Mary, Dec. 1, 1816. George Francis, s. Daniel and Hannah, Dec. 6, 1829. William Adams, s. Daniel and Mary, Nov. 2, 1821. ROBBINS, Sarah Ann, d. Micah E., stone-cutter, and Eliza, of Dunstable, July 9, 1845. SHERBURNE, Betsey Marion, d. Thomas J. and Betsey, Oct. 21, 1829. James, s. Thomas J. and Betsey, Apr. 7, 1840. John, s. Thomas J. and Betsey, Jan. 15, 1836. Sarah Ellen, d. Thomas J. and Betsey, July 3, 1842. Thomas J., s. Thomas J. and Betsey, Apr. 3, 1832. SPAULDING, Albert Haskell, s. Stephen and Sabra A., July 11, 1834. Andrew, s. Josiah and Mary, July 1, 1819. Betsy, d. Josiah and MaryJ Jan. 1, 1810. [1811. dup.] Calvin, s. Joel and Hannah, Apr. 14, 1801. Charles, s. Joel and Hannah, Dec. 25, 1805. Charles Wesley, s. Josiah and Betsey, Jan. 4, 1804. George, s. , bp. Feb. 12, 1818. p. r. 1. Hannah, d. Joel and Hannah, July 3, 1789. Jacob [Patch, p. r. 1.], s. Josiah and Polly, Aug. 14, 1813. Joel, jr., s. Joel and Hannah, Jan. 29, 1786. John, s. Josiah and Betsey, Oct. 14, 1801. John, s. Josiah, bp. Dec. 1, 1816. p. r. 1. Josiah, s. Josiah and Polly, Apr. 22, 1793. Lydia Emeline, d. Josiah and Mary, Apr. 12, 1822. Nancv, d. Joel and Hannah, Apr. 23, 1799. Otis Manly, s. Stephen and Sabra A., Aug. 23, 1841. Polly, d. Josiah and Polly, Dec. 15, 1794. Sally, d. Josiah and Polly, Feb. 6, 1797. Stillman, s. Josiah and Betsey, Mar. 8, 1806. Susannah, d. Josiah and Polly, June 25, 1799. 32 TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS STEVENS, Abby Ridgeway, d. Benjamin Merrill and Mary B., Dec. 22, 1841. Charles Thomas, s. Benjamin Merrill and Mary B., Sept. 14, 1839. Edwin Augustus, s. Abel and Clarissa, Feb. 14, 1819. Josephine, d. Benjamin Merrill and Mary B., May 8, 1837. Otis Dexter, s. Abel and Clarissa, May 16, 1817. STONE, Benjamin Clark [Stark, p. r. 1.], s. Benjamin and Deborah, Aug. 26, 1804. SWALLOW, Almira Maria, d. Bera and Catherine, Oct. 13, 1830. Alvina Catherine, d. Bera and Catherine, Dec. 30, 1828. Edward Sims Lang, s. Bera and Catherine, Jan. 19, 1840. Eugene Augustus, s. Bera and Catherine, Apr. 11, 1843. SWAN, Abby Maria, d. Benj[a]m[in] F., farmer, and Harriet M., Oct. 19, 1843. Benjamin F., s. Ebenezer and Mary, Mar. 17, 1817. Benjamin Herbert, s. Benjamin F., farmer, and Harriet, Sept. 7, 1845. Delphia, d. Ebenezer and Mary, Apr. 5, 1807. Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Mary, Dec. 7, 1804. Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer and Mary, July 7, 1811. Frances Caroline, d. Ebenezer, jr. and Elizabeth [M. E. c. R.], Mar. 6, 1834. Henry Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer, jr. and Elizabeth [M. E. c. R.], Dec. 10, 1837. Jane, d. Ebenezer and Mary, July 19, 1819. Lucy, d. Eben-ezer and Mary, Mar. 26, 1815. Martha Kneeland, d. Ebenezer, jr., farmer, and Mary E., Oct. 24, 1844. Mary, d. Ebenezer and Mary, Oct. 8, 1802. Mary Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer, jr. and Elizabeth [M. E. c. r. ], July 22, 1832. Mary Ella, d. Benjamin F., farmer, and Harriet, Sept. 14, 1847. Sarah, d. Ebenezer and Mary, Jan. 5, 1809. THOMAS, Elizabeth Wendall, d. Dr. Calvin and Susanna Wendall, Sept. 15, 1804. TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS 33 Thomas, George Smith, s. Dr. Calvin and Susanna Wendall, Apr. 16, 1808. Jane Smith, d. Dr. Calvin and Susanna Wendall, July 26, 1803. , s. Dr. Calvin and Susanna Wendall, May 2, 1807. THOMPSON, Charlotte, d. Jonathan (John?) bp. Aug. 15, 1824. P. R. 1. Elisabeth, d. Ezra, jr. and Susanna, Dec. 26, 1800. Mary Wyman, bp. Jan. 10, 1790. p. r. 1. Rebkah, d. Ezra, bp. Oct. 20, 1793. p. r. 1. Susanna, bp. Aug. 28, 1791. p. r. 1. TOWNE, Hannah Elizabeth, d. Gardner, tanner, and Su- sanna, of Stoddard, N. H., Apr. 5, 1847. TURNER, Edward, s. Joseph and Abigail, June 11, 1839. Martha Ann, d. George, cabinet maker, and Almira P., Sept. 28, 1849. UNDERWOOD, Ami, s. twin, Asa, bp. May 19, 1795. p. r. 1. Asa, s. Asa, bp. Dec. 24, 1797. p. r. 1. Loa, s. twin, Asa, bp. May 19, 1795. p. r. 1. Matthias, s. Asa, bp. May 18, 1800. p. r. 1. Mercy, d. Asa, bp. Aug. 4, 1805. p. r. 1. Thomas, s. Asa, bp. Feb. 13, 1803. p. r. 1. UPTON, Abagail D., d. John G., miller, and Mary, Oct. 26, 1845. Abigail, d. Jonathan, bp. Sept. 5, 1819. p. r. 1. Almira Cumings, d. John G. and Mary R., Nov. 8, 1842. Amos, s. Jeremiah and Betsy, Oct. 6, 1816. Andrew, s. Jonathan, bp. Mar. 6, 1822. p. r. 1. Betsy, d. Jeremiah and Betsy, June 27, 1809. Ebenezer, s. Jonathan, bp. Sept. 5, 1819. p. r. 1. James, s. Jeremiah and Betsy, June 17, 1814. Jeremiah, s. Jeremiah and Betsy, Feb. 21, 1811. John Green, s. Jonathan, bp. July 13, 1823. p. R. 1. Jonathan Russell, s. Jonathan, bp. Sept. 5, 1819. p. R. 1. Joseph, s. Jonathan, bp. Sept. 5, 1819. p. r. 1. Joseph, s. Jeremiah and Betsey, Sept. 6, 1820. Mary, d. Jonathan, bp. Sept. 5, 1819. p. r. 1. Nancy, d. Jonathan, bp. Sept. 5, 1819. p. r. 1. Peter, s. Jonathan, bp. Sept. 5, 1819. P. R. 1. Sarah Whittemore, d. Jonathan, bp. Sept. 5, 1819. P. r. 1. 34 TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS WALTON, George Warren, s. Lovel M., farmer, and Harriet, Sept. — , 1847. WASHBURN, , s. Oliver, brush-maker, and Elizabeth, Mar. 19, 1846. WHEELER, Sarah Eliza, d. Cha[rle]s A., stone-cutter, and Eliza, Nov. 26, 1847. Sarah Elizabeth, d. Charles A., stone-cutter, and Eliza, June 27, 1844. WHITE, Laura Maria, d. Samuel and Laura, Aug. 17, 1841. Samuel Wilbur, s. Samuel and Laura, Sept. 27, 1838. WILLSON (see also Wilson), Polly, d. John and Lydia, Feb. 28, 1806. WILSON (see also Willson), Allen, s. John and Lydia, Dec. 14, 1796. Amanda Louisa, d. Stephen and Louisa, Apr. 12, 1829. Clarissa Ann, d. Stephen and Louisa, May 8, 1831. Daniel, s. John and Lydia, Jan. 24, 1790. Elisabeth, d. John and Lydia, Feb. 8, 1788. Francis Webster, s. Stephen, boatman, and Louisa, July 24, 1844. Harriot, d. John and Lydia, Nov. 7, 1807. Henry G., s. Stephen and Louisa, July 15, 1827. James Franklin, s. Franklin and Clarissa, Oct. 8, 1837. John, s. John and Lydia, Feb. 5, 1792. Lydia, d. John and Lydia, Nov. 19, 1794. Mary, d. John and Lydia, Mar. 5, 1804. Permillia, d. John and Lydia, Oct. 3, 1801. Sabrina Maria, d. Stephen and Lousia, Sept. 29, 1833. Sophia, d. John and Lydia, Mar. 28, 1799. Stephen Manly, s. Stephen and Louisa, Feb. 24, 1826. WINN, Adaline, d. Rodney and Elizabeth, Feb. 4, 1836. Elizabeth, d. Rodney and Elizabeth, Dec. 13, 1831. Elmira, d. Rodney and Elizabeth, Feb. 26, 1838. James Bryant, s. Rodney and Elizabeth, Oct. 13, 1827. James Munroe, s. Rodney and Ehzabeth, Jan. 6, 1834. Joseph Parker, s. Rodney and Elizabeth, Dec. 9, 1829. Louisa, d. Rodney, miller, and Elizabeth, of Westford, May 9, 1845. TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS 35 Winn, Sarah Ann, d. Rodney and Elizabeth, July 8, 1840. Sarah Ann, d. Rodney and Elizabeth, Sept. 16, 1842. WOOD (see also Woods), Abby Elizabeth, d. Rev. Horatio and Abby, Apr. 8, 1840. WOODS (see also Wood), Benjamin Shipley, s. Solomon, farmer, and Lucy, May 28, 1845. WOODWARD, Andrew Jackson, s. John and Rebekah, May 1, 1832. Andrew Sawtell, s. John and Rebecca [(Sawtelle), 4th w. p. r. 10.], Sept. 18, 1824. Arville Mary, d. John and Polly, Sept. 12, 1822. Charles, s. Timothy and Molly, Jan. 7, 1804. [Ea]ster Parkhurst, d. John [and Easther. t. c. ], Mar. 30, 1792. George Washington, s. John and Polly, Dec. 15, 1810. Horace Whatson, s. John and Polly, Mar. 26, 1816. John, s. John and Easth[er] [(Parkhurst). p. r. 10.], Nov. 14, 1789. John, s. John and Polly, Mar. 7, 1813. Jonathan Freeman, s. John and Rebecca, Apr. 16, 1835, Martha, d. John and Polly, Dec. 29, 1808. Mary, d. Timothy and Molly, Oct. 23, 1805. Mary Parker, d. John and Mary, May 29, 1801. Oliver, s. John and Mary [(Fletcher), 2d w. p. r. 10.], Aug. 18, 1799. Parker, s. John and Mary, Apr. 22, 1803. Polly Read, d. John and Polly [wid. Polly Prescott, 3d w. p. R. 10.], Feb. 12, 1807. Quincy A., s. John and Rebecca (Sawtelle), 4th w., Feb. 5, 1828. p. R. 10. Rebecca, d. John and Rebecca (Sawtelle), 4th w., Jan. 8, 1826. p. R. 10. Sally, d. John and Mary, Mar. 11, 1805. Sarah Maria, d. John and Rebekah, Mar. 5, 1830. Sumner, s. John and Polly, Apr. 18, 1819. Thoder, s. John and Easther, Sept. 16, 1794. WORCESTER, , d. Louisa, Apr. 13, 1846. WRIGHT, Clarissa, d. John, bp. Oct. 1, 1815. p. r. 1. Elizabeth, d. John, bp. Oct. 1, 1815. p. r. 1. 36 TYNGSBOROUGH BIRTHS Wright, Frank F., s. Warren, farmer, and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1848. George Warren, s. Warren, farmer, and Sally, Oct. 30, 1845. Hannah, d. Jacob and Sally, Mar. 5, 1813. Jacob Austin, s. Jacob and Sally, Jan. 30, 1811. Joseph Eldridge, s. Jacob and Sally, July 20, 1823. Prudence Thompson, d. John, bp. Oct. 1, 1815. p. r. 1. Sally, d. Jacob and Sally, Jan. 14, 1809. Susan Almira, d. Warren, farmer, and Sarah, Nov. 3, 1846. William Smith, s. Jacob, bp. July 15, 1827. p. r. 1. WYMAN, Almira, d. Amos W., farmer, and Nancy, Feb. 20, 1845. Amos Wright, s. Asa, jr. and Mercy, Apr. 11, 1838. Asa, s. Asa and Mercy, Sept. 10, 1807. Calvin Thomas, s. John, cooper, and Betsy, May 6, 1849. Charles Asa, s. Asa, jr. and Mercy, Sept. 11, 1835. Franklin, s. John, cooper, and Betsey, Feb. 15, 1845. George Augustus, s. John and Betsey Cutter, Dec. 1, 1833. John Henry, s. John and Betsey Cutter, Jan. 17, 1832. John Henry, s. John and Betsey Cutter, June 9, 1840. Joseph Curtis, s. John and Betsey Cutter, June 8, 1837. Mary Elizabeth, d. Asa, jr. and Mercy, Dec. 22, 1841. Mehale, d. Asa and Mercy, June 12, 1805. Mercy, d. Asa and Mercy, Feb. 25, 1796. Mercy Ann, d. Asa, jr. and Mercy, Jan. 8, 1830. Mercy Maria, d. Asa, jr. and Mercy, Apr. 12, 1831. Phebe, d. Asa and Mercy, Apr. 22, 1803. Rebeccah, d. Asa and Mercy, Nov. 14, 1798. Sarah, d. Asa and Mercy, Feb. 8, 1801. Sarah Abigail, d. Asa, jr. and Mercy, Dec. 12, 1832. Sarah Elizabeth, d. John and Betsey Cutter, Oct. 16, 1829. Thirza Hannah, d. Asa, jr. and Mercy, Dec. 22, 1833. Tirza, d. Asa and Mercy, Nov. 3, 1811. Walter W., s. Amos W., quarryman, and Nancy, Dec. 18, 1848. , s. Amos W., quarryman, and Nancy, Jan. 25, 1847. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES TO THE END OF THE YEAR 1849 ABBOT (see also Abbott), Walter, and Sarah M. Avery, both of Lowell, Aug. 6, 1833. ABBOTT (see also Abbot), Mary Ann, and George W. Ken- dall, int. Nov. 10, 1844, ADAMS, Hannah, of Chelmsford, and Daniel Richardson, int. Nov. 13, 1826. Ira, and Hannah B. Kendall, Apr. 1, 1834.* Mary, of Chelmsford, and Daniel Richardson, int. Apr. 1, 1816. Mary A., of Nashua, N. H., and Elbridge G. Hutchins, int. Aug. 16, 1844. William, Capt., and Sally Stevens of Billerica, int. Aug. 25, 1823. AIKEN, John, of Pelham, N. H., and Fanny Littlehail, Nov. 4, 1812.* ALEXANDER, Cyrus, and Eunice Dow, July 2, 1799. p.r.I.* Samuel S., of Windham, N. H., and Clariss[a] Holden, int. Dec. 26, 1846. ALLEN, Catherine E., of Mansfield, and Lewis Thomas, int. Mar. 30, 1834. AMES, Benjamin, and [Mrs. p. r. 1.] Mary Bemis of Quincy, Apr. 24, 1831.* Charlotte, and John Ditson of Dracut, Dec. 14, 1815.* Lydia, and Clark Richardson of Dracut, Apr. 4, 1822.* Maria, of Groton, and Amos R. Barker, int. Aug. 28, 1836. * Intention also recorded, 37 38 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES Ames, Mary Ann, of Woburn, and Haskell Butterfield, int. Oct. 17, 1840. Mehitable, and Warren Shurburne, int. Apr. 13, 1846. Phebe [B. p. r. 1.], and Capt. Augustus Coburn, both of Dra- cut, Nov. 13, 1834. ANDERSON, Betsey Wendall, of Windham, Me., and John Farwell, jr., int. May 18, 1820. John, of Portland, Me., and Lucy Farwell, Aug. 6, 1820. [Aug. 8. p. R. 1.]* AVERY, Sarah M., and Walter Abbot, both of Lowell, Aug. 6, 1833. BACON, Catherine, and John M. Fitch, both of Bedford, May 16, 1833. Henry, of Springfield, and Catherine Frederick, int. Feb. 21, 1842. BAILEY, George O., of North Chelmsford, a. 25 y., stone- cutter, b. East Canada, s. Joseph and Laura, of East Can- ada, and Mary Ann Woods, a. 21 v., teacher, b. North Chelmsford, d. Isaac and Mary, of North Chelmsford, Sept. 7, 1848. Sybbel, and Joseph Willard, both of Dunstable, Feb. 16, 1790. BAKER, Richard, and Mary Read, Mar. 19, 1807.* BALL, Hannah, of Temple, and John Kendall, int. July 21, 1807. BANCROFT, Abiah, and Timothy Coburn, Mar. 30, 1828.* Betsy, and Philip Clement of Dunstable [N. H. int.], June 30, 1803.* Cloa, and Oliver Richardson of Chelmsford, Mar. 31, 1791.* Ebenezer, jr., and Hannah Town of Stoddard [N. H. int.]. Mar. 11, 1805.* Ebenezer, jr., and Jane R. Kezar of Portland, Me., int. Nov. 8, 1835. Elizabeth,- and James Carkin, May 12, 1823. p. r. 1. * Ephraim, and Harriet V. Coburn [Colburn. int.], Aug. 26, 1838.* * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 39 Bancroft, Isaac, and Mercy Coburn, Mar. 5, 1799. p. r. 1.* Jane, and Isaac P. Cummings, Jan. 26, 1837. p. r, 1.* Jonathan, and Eliza Jane Kendall, Dec. 2, 1838.* Joseph F[arwell. int.], and Sarah T[yng. int.] Farwell, June 30, 1814.* Lucenda, and Timothy Robertson of Chesterfield [N. H. p. r. 1.], Oct. 12, 1807.* Lucy, and Gardner Town of Stoddard [N. H. p. r. 1.], Jan. 27, 1795.* Lydia T., and Charles Orson Perham of Nashua, N. H., int. Mar. — , 1838. Martha, and Aaron Parlin, Feb. 6, 1797. p. r. 1.* Mary, and Ebenezer Swan, Nov. 26, 1801. p. r. 1.* Mary Dandridge, and Jonathan Barron of Chelmsford, Nov. 19, 1795.* Mercy [C. int.; Mary. p. r. 1.], and Daniel Ingals, Sept. 7, 1817.* Rebecah, and Samuel Howard [of Chelmsford, p. r. 1; of Tyngsborough. int.], Jan. 6, 1790.* Rebecah, and Edmund D. Page of Dunstable, N. H., June 9, 1836.* Sarah, and Nathan Jones [jr. int.] of Mount Vernon, N. H., May 20, 1813.* Sarah, and Abel Blood of Dunstable, N. H., July 10, 1828.* Susanna, and Rev. David Howe Williston of Tunbridge, at Chelmsford, Jan. 26, 1796.* Susanna, and Gardner Towne, 2d of Stoddard, N. H., Dec. 20, 1843. BANESTER, Cyprian, and Mahala Worcester, int. Jan. 10, 1811. BARKER, Allis, and Jonas Carkin, int. July 4, 1796. Amos R., and Maria Ames of Groton, int. Aug. 28, 1836. Eliza, and Charles A. Wheeler of Westford, int. Oct. 7, 1843. Elizabeth, Mrs., and Ebenezer Hall of Chelmsford, at Dun- stable, Dec. 24, 1840.* Ezra, and Mary [Sally, p. r. 1 and int.] Pitman of Newbury [Newburyport. int.], Dec. 7, 1795.* Ezra, and Dorcas Carkin, int. Nov. 14, 1831. Ezra, and Betsey Carkin, Sept. 25, 1833.* Hannah C, and Calvin Webster of Dracut, May 19, 1842.* * Intention also recorded. 40 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES Barker, Lydia, and Samuel Healy of Washington, N. H., now resident in Tyngsborough, int. Aug. 13, 1804. Mary, and Benj[amin] Fletcher, int. June 1, 1830. Nancy, and William Barker, Apr. 9, 1826.* Polly [Mrs. p. r. 1.], and Nathaniel Merrill, Dec. 30, 1827.* William, and Nancy Barker, Apr. 9, 1826.* BARRETT, Isaac, of Lowell, a. 32 y., operative, s. Isaac and Susan, and Mary Breed, a. 32 y., tailoress, d. Thomas K. and Mary, July 19, 1845. BARRON, Jonathan, of Chelmsford, and Mary Dandridge Bancroft, Nov. 19, 1795.* Mary, and Moses Pierce of Boston, Jan. 22, 1816.* BARROWS, Foster, of Newton, a. 23 y., laborer, s. Rufus and Eliza, and Sarah P. Newell of Lowell, a. 27 y., opera- tive, d. Geo[rge] and Thankful, Sept. 6, 1846. BATEMAN, Jonas, and Harriot Chafl&n of Harvard, int. Mar. 28, 1814. BELDING, Esther S., of Boston, and Harrison Hall, int. Nov. 13, 1836. BELL, Nancy [wid. int.], and Fradrick Dolt of Groton, Apr. 9, 1803.* BEMIS, Mary [Mrs. p. r. 1.], of Quincy, and Benjamin Ames, Apr. 24, 1831.* BENNETT, Zephaniah, of Chelmsford, and Polly [R. int.] Woodward, Apr. 8, 1830.* BICKNELL, Stilman, widr., of Holliston, a. 41 y., comb maker, s. Levi and Clarissa, and Eliza Ann Key es, a. 24 y., comb maker, d. Jonas and Susanna, Nov. 7, 1849.* BLANCHARD, Cornelius W., of Lowell, and Sarah Sher- burne, May 23, 1841.* Ebenezer, and Catharine Searls, both of Dunstable, Jan. 26, 1804. p. R. 1. Rebecah, and Dr. Ebenezer Star, both of Dunstable [N. H. P. R. 1.], Dec. 3 [1794. p. r. 1.]. * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 41 BLODGET (see also Blodgett), Abagail, and Elijah H. King of Boston, Sept. 6, 1830.* Betsey, and Jacob Parkhurst of Dunstable, Nov. 24, 1818.* Charlotte, and Justice [Justus, p. r. 1.] Pike, Nov. 30, 1817.* Jacob, and Susan Blodget of Chelmsford, int. Jan. 27, 1818. Jemima, of Dunstable, and John Parham, jr., July 4, 1793.* John, and Sarah Swallow of Dunstable, int. Mar. 19, 1837. Mary, and John Johnson [jr. int.] of Groton, July 3, 1810.* Mary, of Dunstable, and Francis Richardson of Chelmsford, May 29, 1823. p. R. 1. Olive, and Jacob Drake of Chelmsford, May 3, 1829.* Rufus M., and Hannah Kidder of Chelmsford, int. May 15, 1827. Sabra A., and Stephen Spaulding, Oct. 2, 1831.* Samuel [Ens. int.], and Rebekah Fletcher, Aug. 30, 1831.* Susan, of Chelmsford, and Jacob Blodget, int. Jan. 27, 1818. Thaddeus, and Mary Frederick, Feb. 25, 1817. [Mar. 25. p. R. 1.]* William, jr., and Mary W[yman. int.] Thompson, Mar. 24, 1813.* William [jr. int.], and Rebekah [Rachel, p. r. 1.] Thompson, Dec. 1, 1817.* BLODGETT (see also Blodget), Jonathan, of Rumney, and Sally Burns of Nottingham West, Feb. 7, 1799. p. R. 1. BLOOD, Abel, of Dunstable, N. H., and Sarah Bancroft, July 10, 1828.* Alethea, and David Rideout,both of Dunstable, Oct. 26, 1826. p. R. 1. Benjamin, and Mary Thompson Person of Milford, N. H., int. Nov. 23, 1803. Betsey, and Ebenezer Steadman, both of Dunstable, Nov. 4, 1830. p. R. 1. David, and Sally Davis, both of Dracut, Aug. 11, 1814. p. R. 1. Eli W., and Elizabeth T. Blood, both of Dunstable, Jan. 16, 1834. Elizabeth T., and Eli W. Blood, both of Dunstable, Jan. 16, 1834. Joseph, and Hannah Walker, Feb. 2, 1796.* Luther, and Martha Woodward, Feb. 19, 1837. p. r. 1. * Intention also recorded. 42 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES BOARDMAN, John, and Lydia Smith of Nottingham West, N. H., int. Oct. 10, 1814. BOND, Charlotte, a. 24 y., b. Underhill, Vt., d. Reuben and Malinda, deceased, and John W. Wright of Westford, a. 31 y., stone-cutter, b. Westford, s. Reuben and Esther P., of Westford, Jan. 10, 1849.* BOWERS, Anna [Knowles. p. r. L], of Dracut, and Ziba Whiting, May 14, 1793.* Reuben C, and Betsey Lund, both of Dunstable, N. H., May 13, 1805. p. R. 1. BOYNTON, Samuel, and Mrs. Evelina Dunn, int. Nov. 17, 1841. BRADLEY, Sarah, and David Keyes, at Westford, May 15, 1792.* BREARE, Thomas, of Marblehead, a. 23 y., bookbinder, b. Halifax, N. S., s. Thomas and Martha, of England, and Mary Hammond of Marblehead, a. 29 y., b. Marblehead, d. Thomas P. and Martha, deceased, Nov. 30, 1848. BREED, Mary, a. 32 y., tailoress, d. Thomas K. and Mary, and Isaac Barrett of Lowell, a. 32 y., operative, s. Isaac and Susan, July 19, 1845. BRIDGE, Sarah E., of Boston, and Nathaniel Brinley, int. Sept. 22, 1839. William Stoddard, of Chelmsford, and Mary Pitts, int. Oct. 14, 1811. BRIGHAM, Joseph, of Lowell, a. 23 y., painter, s. Thomas S. and Mary, and Olive A. Prime of Lowell, a. 19 y., operative, d. George, Sept. 11, 1844. BRIMMER, Rebeckah, of Beverly, and Edward S. Lang of Salem, July 14, 1823. p. r. 1. BRINLEY, Nathaniel, and Sarah E. Bridge of Boston, int- Sept. 22, 1839. Robert, and Elizabeth Pitts, Sept. 22, 1801.* * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 43 BROWN, Bredget, wid. [Butman. p. r. 1.], and Thomas But- man, Nov. 10 [1794, p. r. 1.].* Catharine, and Demas Kembal [Kimball, p. r. 1.], Aug. 1, 1793.* Deborah, of Dracut, and Roger L. Littlehale, June 18, 1834.* Elisha, and Sarah Moors of Hollis, Apr. 13, 1790.* Israel, resident in Tyngsborough, and Elizabeth Smith of Andover, int. June 17, 1805. Jacob, of Milford, and Betsey Coburn, Nov. 28, 1816. James, and Mary Winch, int. Sept. 25, 1806. John, and Susanna Davis of Dunstable, July 26, 1792.* John, of Hudson, N. H., and Charlotte S. Cutter, Apr. 11, 1833.* Joseph, and Abigail Underwood Estabrooks, int. Dec. 14, 1799. Rhoda R., and Jona[than] Parham, jr., Jan. 1, 1811.* Sarah, Mrs. [wid. int.], and Eleazer Farwell, Apr. 18, 1813.* BRYANT, Aaron, jr., and Sarah K. Winn of Amherst, N. H., int. Jan. 20, 1830. Elazabeth, and William Rodney Winn of Amherst, N. H., Mar. 13, 1827.* Rebekah, and Nathaniel Holden, jr., Apr. 12, 1832.* BUEL [Daniel, int. ], of Newport, N. H.,and Abigail Holden, Feb. 11, 1819. p. R. 1.* BURBANK, Sarah, of Windham, N. H., and Kendall Mar- shall, int. Sept. 19, 1835. BURGE, Mary [Ann. p. r. 1.], and Alfred Vickery of Merri- mack, N. H., Dec. 13, 1832. BURNHAM, Asa, of [Dunbarton. int.] N. H., and Eleanor D. Davis, Apr. 1, 1838. p. r. 1.* BURNS, Sally, of Nottingham West, and Jonathan Blodgett of Rumney, Feb. 7, 1799. p. r. 1. BURROWS, Betsey, and Josiah Spaulding, Oct. 28, 1800. p. r. L* * Intention also recorded. 44 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES Burrows, Betsy, and Luther Honey, Sept. 26, 1809.* James, and Catherine Shute of Boston, int. Feb. 24, 1839. Jamima, and Josiah Carkin, May 13, 1827.* Joseph, and Mercy Tarbox, Oct. 23, 1825.* Lydia, and William T. Wyman, Oct. 3, 1822.* BUTLER, John, and wid. Dolly Richardson, both of Dracut, May 5, 1808. p. r. 1. BUTMAN [Bridget, int.], wid., and Silas Pierce of Chelmsford, Sept. 11, 1800. p. R. 1.* Lydia, and Jeremiah Kendall, Dec. 31, 1815.* Thomas, and wid. Bredget Brown [Butman. p. r. 1.],Nov. 10, [1794. p. R. 1.].* BUTTERFIELD, Abigail, and Theodore Hamblet, June 25, 1818.* Abner R., and Hepsabath Buttrick of Concord, Oct. 27, 1791.* Alicia O., and Dr. Augustus Pierce, Dec. 28, 1834.* Asa, jr., and Mary Whittle of Dunstable, N. H., int. Jan. 1, 1814. Betsey, and Daniel Richardson, May 1, 1810.* Catherine, of Dunstable, and Stephen Hutchins of Carlisle, Dec. 2, 1830. p. r. 1. Charlotte, and James Holdin, June 17, 1821.* Cyrus, and Clarissa P. Dwinell of Dracut, int. Mar. 9, 1830. David, and Ruth Perham, Dec. 15, 1818.* David, and Mary Sawyer, Nov. 8, 1840.* D[eborah. p. r. 1.], and Reuben Richardson of Dracut, Apr. [14 p. R. 1.], 1791.* Emeline, and Alexis Pierce of Dracut, int. Feb. 2, 1839. Harriet, and Isaac Littlehale, Sept. 12, 1819.* Haskell, and Mary Ann Ames of Woburn, int. Oct. 17, 1840. Isaac, and Ellis [E'lcy. int.] Carkin, Oct. 19, 1823. p. r. 1.* James, Capt. [jr. int.], and Rachel Perham, Oct. 9, 1826.* John, and Celestia Gilson, int. Mar. — , 1827. Joseph, jr., and Sally Coburn, Aug. 30, 1818.* Leonard, and Polly Taylor, both of Dunstable, Dec. 1, 1796. Luther, and Mercy Howard, June 26, 1827.* Luther, and Rhoda Fletcher, Oct. 30, 1832.* Mary Jane, a. 21 y., d. Timo[thy] and Betsy, and Simeon F. Piper [of Exeter, N. H. int.], a. 24 y., merchant, s. Sam[ue]l and Mary, June 29, 1848.* * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 45 BuTTERFiELD, Mercy, resident in Tyngsborough, and Thomas Madeson, "of Saint Jons, or a native of Scotland," int. Jan. 14, 1799. Olive, and Jonas Kindall, both of Dunstable, Apr. 19, l[7]95. [1796. p. R. 1.] Philip [Capt. p. R. 1.], and [Mrs. p. r. 1.] Polly Forster, both of Dunstable, Aug. 15, 1802. Philip, jr., and Sally Dakin, Feb. 6, 1803.* Polly, and Timothy Woodward, both residents in Tyngs- borough, int. Sept. 5, 1803. Sarah B., and Jonas Hamblet of Dracut, int. Nov. 14, 1844. Timothy, Capt., and Elizabeth Whittle of Dunstable, N. H., int. Feb. 20, 1822. William, and Rebekah Queen, Feb. 19, 1801. p. r. 1.* BUTTERICK (see also Buttrick), Ephraim, of Dunstable, N. H., and Lydia Fletcher of Westford, Nov. 11, 1835. BUTTRICK (see also Butterick), Hepsabath, of Concord, and Abner R. Butterfield, Oct. 27, 1791.* John W., and Sarah E. Nesmith of Antrim, N. H., int. May 14, 1839. BUXTON, Charlotte C, of Nashua, N. H., and Nathaniel Lawrence, 2d, int. Mar. 28, 1840. BYAM, Laura, of Chelmsford, and Samuel White, int. Oct. 29, 1837. CALDWELL, Hannah, and Simeon Combs, both of Dun- stable, Oct. 11, 1807. p. R. 1. Isabell, and Elijah Hildrith, both residents in Tyngsborough, int. Oct. 20, 1803. Joseph, and Mary Durant, both residents in Tyngsborough, int. July 2, 1804. CARD, Amasa, and Jerusha Ann Richardson, both of Lowell, Jan. 8, 1842. CARKIN, Betsey, and Ezra Barker, Sept. 25, 1833.* Clarissa, a. 24 y., operative, d. Jonas and Sybil, and Albert Page of North Chelmsford, a. 28 y., worsted manufactur- er, b. Vermont, s. Kimball and Abagail, of Vermont, July 6, 1848.* • Intention also recorded. 46 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES Carkin, Dorcas, and Ezra Barker, int. Nov. 14, 1831. Ellis [Elcy. int.], and Isaac Butterfield, Oct. 19, 1823. p. r. 1.* Esther, and Aaron Jefts of Billerica, Sept. 18, 1800. p. r. 1.* Isaac, and Catherine Lund, May 3, 1821.* Isaac, and , Mar. 14, 1822. p. r. 1. James, and Elizabeth Bancroft, May 12, 1823. p. r. 1.* Jonas, and Allis Barker, int. July 4, 1796. Jonas, jr., and Sybel Carkin of Dracut, int. Oct. 30, 1822. Josiah, and Jamima Burrows, May 13, 1827.* Judith, and Joel Hunter [jr. int.], Dec. 4, 1831.* Leonard, of Dracut, and Martha Salter, June 10, 1832. Lewis, of Dracut, and Hannah Foster, int. Mar. 26, 1842. Maria, of North Chelmsford, a. 25 y., operative, d. Jonas and Sybil, and Alonzo Grow of North Chelmsford, a. 24 y., machinist, s. James R. and Sophia, Nov. 30, 1848. Mary, of Dracut, and George Fletcher, int. Apr. 19, 1831. Sibbel, and Daniel Nicklas of Billerica, int. Jan. 11, 1811. Silas, and Sarah M. Gilson, int. Sept. 7, 1833. Sybel, of Dracut, and Jonas Carkin, jr., int. Oct. 30, 1822. CARR, Francis, of Lowell, and Nancy Maria McClenna, Nov. 23, 1843.* CHAFFIN, Harriot, of Harvard, and Jonas Bateman, int. Mar. 28, 1814. CHAMBERLAIN, Reuben, of Billerica, and Sophia Wilson, Oct. 7, 1822.* Robert B., of Chelmsford, and [Mrs. p. r. 1.] Lydia Healy, Dec. 24, 1812. Sybel, and James Coburn, Aug. 27, 1820.* CHAMBERS, Clarissa, and James Homer, May 25, 1826.* CHANEY, Luther, and Ann Richardson, both of Dunstable, June 8, 1797. P. R. 1. Sally, and Samuel Dow [jr., both residents in Tyngsborough. int.], Nov. 2, 1797. p. R. 1.* William F.,of Dunstable, a. 25 y., cooper, s. Isaac and Susan- na, of Dunstable, and Clarissa M. Davis, a. 25 y., d. Thadeus and Ratchel, July 4, 1846.* * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 47 CHASE, Otis N. [H. p. r. 1.], of Dunstable, N. H., and Joan- na Coburn, Dec. 31, 1831. CHEEVER, Augustus F., and Mary Ann Ford, both of Boston, June 20, 1843. CLARK, Hobart, of Andover, and Elizabeth Farwell, Oct. 24, 1814.* Lucy, of Chelmsford, and William Tyng of Dunstable, at 'Chelmsford, Sept. 19, 1700. CLEMENT, Philip, of Dunstable [N. H. int.], and Betsy Bancroft, June 30, 1803.* CLOUGH, Hannah B., of Lowell, and Daniel B. Lawrence, int. Jan. 9, 1842. COBURN (see also Colburn), Augustus, Capt., and Phebe [B. p. R. 1.] Ames, both of Dracut, Nov. 13, 1834. Betsey, and Jacob Brown of Milford, Nov. 28, 1816. Clarissa, and James N. [V. p. r. 1.] Hadley, Dec. 30, 1827. Daniel P. [of Dracut. p. r. 1.], and Rebekah Perham, May 31, 1832.* Deborah [Colburn. int.], and Jonathan Herrick of Merrimack [N. H. p. R. 1.], Dec. 11, 1804.* Dustin, and Eliza Pierce, Jan. 16, 1842.* Edward, and Elisabeth Perham, Nov. 29, 1809.* Harriet V. [Colburn. int.], and Ephraim Bancroft, Aug. 26, 1838.* James, and Sybel Chamberlain, Aug. 27, 1820.* James B., of Chelmsford, a. 24 y., house-joiner, s. James and Grace, and Betsey C. Jones of Chelmsford, a. 17 y., d. Joshua and Betsey, Nov. 24, 1844. Joanna, and Otis N. [H. p. r. 1.] Chase of Dunstable, N. H., Dec. 31, 1831. John, jr., and Louisa Wright, int. Dec. 15, 1823. Mary, and John Hadlock, int. Sept. 19, 1789. Mary, and Capt. Caleb [Swan, int.] Ford of Nottingham West, Mar. 3, 1807.* Mary, and Silas Holdin, May 30, 1813.* Mehitable, of Dracut, and John Wright of Dunstable, May 19, 1808. p. R. 1. Mercy, and Isaac Bancroft, Mar. 5, 1799. p. r. 1.* * Intention also recorded. 48 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES CoBURN, Moses, and Easter Spaulding of Pelham, July 27, [1794. p. R. 1.].* Naomi, of Dracut, and Isaac Hardy of Hollis, N. H., May 23, 1820. Nathaniel B., of Dracut, and Sarah M. Littlehale, Aug. 4, 1839.* Oliver [Colburn. int.], and Mary Holdin, Feb. 16, 1790.* Patty, and Jedediah Hardy, int. Nov. 27, 1800. Rebecca, and John Merrill, jr. of Nottingham West, N. H., int. Feb. 10, 1818. Reuben [S. int.], and Mary E[lizabeth. int.] Cummings, Apr. 6, 1837. P. R. 1.* Salle, and Warner Pierce of Starksborough [Vt. p. r. 1.], Jan. [12. p. R. 1.], 1792.* Salley, and Henry Farwell, Jan. 7, 1790.* Sally, and Joseph Butterfield, jr., Aug. 30, 1818.* Sarah, Mrs., and James Wilson of Hudson, N. H., int. June 5, 1836. Timothy, and Abiah Bancroft, Mar. 30, 1828.* Ward, and Sybel [Sybil Elizabeth, int.] Thurlo, June 2, 1833.* COLBURN (see also Coburn), Abiel, jr., and Sarah Minert of Hanover, N. H., int. Oct. 16, 1796. Cyrus, and Mahala Wyman, May 8, 1823. p. r. 1.* Reuben, and Sarah Chandler Spaulding of Nottingham West, int. June 25, 1808. COMBS, Jane, and John Eppes, both of Dunstable, Mar. 15, 1810. p. R. 1. Simeon, and Hannah Caldwell, both of Dunstable, Oct. 11, 1807. p. R. 1. CONANT, James, of Hollis, N. H., and Sarah Fletcher, Aug. 12, 1810.* CONVERS, Joshua [W. int.], and Therza Wyman, Dec. 12, 1839.* COOMBS, see Combs. COX, Charles, and Phebe Crocker, Apr. 16, 1843.* * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 49 COYLE, James W., and Catherine H. Lynn of Worcester, int. Oct. 10, 1826. CROCKER, Phebe, and Charles Cox, Apr. 16, 1843.* Rufus, and Sarah Tarbox, Apr. 7, 1840.* CROCKETT, Earlsworth, of North Chelmsford, and Eliza- beth Holden, int. Nov. 22, 1845. CUMINGS (see also Cummings), Caleb, of Boston, and Susan Spaulding, May 30, 1819.* Calvin T., and Hannah A. Kemp of Hollis, N. H., int. Nov. 13, 1842. Charles L., and Hannah A. Littlehale, Nov. 10, 1833.* Howard [Willard H. int.], Capt., and Joanna White, May 1, 1828.* Isaac, of Dunstable, and Anna Farwell [Taylor, int.]. Mar. 6, 1801. p. R. 1.* Isaac P., and Elizabeth Swan, Nov. 14, 1833. [Nov. 15. p. r. 1.]* James [W. int.], and Sarah Swan, Mar. 25, 1830.* Jepthah P., and Lucy Perham, int. Aug. 13, 1837. John, jr., and Sally Cumings of Dunstable, int. Apr. 21, 1806. John F., and Hannah Emerson of Charlestown [both of Charlestown. p. r. 1.], Nov. 21, 1830. John G., and Fidele Parker of Dunstable, int. May 30, 1829. Josiah, and Martha Dodge, int. Nov. 9, 1832. Nathaniel, and Easter Kindal, both of Dunstable, Jan. 24, 1793. Rachel, of Dunstable, and Joseph Danforth, int. May 20, 1804. Sally, of Dunstable, and John Cumings, jr., int. Apr. 21, 1806. Sally, and John F. Queen, int. Nov. 26, 1839. Sibble, of Dunstable, and Benjamin Kendall of Thetford, Jan. 27, 1795. Sophia, and Hugh Jameson of Antrim, N. H., May 30, 1822.* Willard, and Polly [Sally, int.] Pike, Dec. 17, 1801.* Willard [Lt. int.], and Solinda Pettengell, May 5, 1825.* Willard, 2d, and Mary Ann Pollard, int. Apr. 12, 1835. Willard B., and Mary Kendall, May 20, 1841.* William, resident in Tvngsborough, and Rebeccah Richardson of Chelmsford, int. Oct. 22, 1798. * Intention also recorded. 50 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES CUMMINGS (see also Cumings), Isaac P., and Jane Ban- croft, Jan. 26, 1837. P. R. 1.* James W. [Capt. int.], and Amelia A. Sherburne of Nashua [N. H. int.], Apr. 2, 1840.* _ Jepthah P., and Susan Perham, int. Nov. 9, 1846. Joseph H., of Haverhill, and Rebekah B. L. Whipple, May 6, 1841.* Mary Elizabeth, int.], and Reuben [S. int.] Coburn, Apr. 6, 1837. p. R. 1.* Walter H., and Clarissa Reed of Westford, int. Oct. 20, 1845. Weltha Ann, a. 38 y., d. Simeon and Mary Simons, and Cum- mings Kendall of Dunstable, a. 32 y., carpenter, s. Tem- ple, of Dunstable, Apr. 4, 1844.* William, and Rebecca W. McClenna, Jan. 3, 1844.* CU[torn]NS, Lo[am]mi, and Sarah [torn], int. Dec. — , 1791. GUSHING, Sarah, of Chelmsford, and Henry Quesey, at North Chelmsford, Apr. 18, 1843.* CUTTER, Betsey, of Nottingham [West, int.], N. H., and John Wyman, Dec. 18, 1828.* Charlotte S., and John Brown of Hudson, N. H., Apr. 11, 1833.* Mary Ann, and William Merrill of Hudson, N. H., Nov. 26, 1835.* Susanna [Ellery. int.], of Nottingham West, and William Fletcher, Mar. 25, 1790.* DAKIN, Ebenezer, and Saphia Esterbrook, Feb. 13, 1803.* Sally, and Philip Butterfield, jr., Feb. 6, 1803.* DANDLEY, John, and Deborah A. Davis, both of Dunstable, N. H., Sept. 3, 1820. p. r. ;. DANE (see also Dean), Abiah M., of Chelmsford, and Reuben Wright of Westford, Apr. 13, 1834. DANFORTH, Joseph, and Rachel Cumings of Dunstable, int. May 20, 1804. Joseph, jr., Lt., and Delphia Swan, Nov. 26, 1829.* Josiah, jr., of Litchfield [N. H. p. r. 1.], and Mary Farwell, Sept. 26, 1815.* * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 51 Danforth, Marv, and Jonas Jewett of Pepperell, at Groton, Nov. 13, 1797.* Mary R., and John G. Upton, June 26, 1842.* Rachel C. [E. p. r. 1.], and Carmi E. King of Boston, May 16, 1833.* Sarah, and Simon Thompson, Feb. 28, 1805.* Sarah, and S.unuel Richardson of Chelmsford, Jan. 1, 1835.* DAVIDSON, Margaret, and Samuel Flint, Dec. 1, 1814.* Nancy, and James C[umings. int.] Farwell [both residents in Tyngsborough. int.], June 2, 1805.* DAVIS, Abijah, and Sally Durant, Nov. 29, 1792.* Bridget, and Joseph Pierce, int. June 1, 1812. Clarissa M., a. 25 y., d. Thadeus and Ratchel, and William F. Chaney of Dunstable, a. 25 y., cooper, s. Isaac and Susanna, of Dunstable, July 4, 1846.* Deborah A., and John Dandley, both of Dunstable, N. H., Sept. 3, 1820. p. R. 1. Dinah, of Harvard, and Hezekiah Hildreth, at Harvard, Oct. 7, 1790.* Eleanor D., and Asa Burnham of [Dunbarton. int.], N. H., Apr. 1, 1838. p. R. 1.* Esther [W. p. r. L], and John Dunn of Chelmsford, June 1, 1826.* Hannah, and Jacob Kidder, "both residents in this district," int. Jan. 8, 1797. Isaiah, and Mary Warn of Chelmsford, Mar. 22, 1818. Joanner [B. int.], and Daniel Littlehale, Feb. 19, 1818.* Mial, of Nashua, N. H., and Harriett Sherburne, int. Oct. 15, 1849. Roxanna, and Lorenzo Newhall, int. Feb. 8, 1835. Sally, and David Blood, both of Dracut, Aug. 11, 1814. p. r. 1. Sarah C, a. 22 y., d. Noah and Sarah Chardon, and Josiah C. Merriam of Chelmsford, a. 26 y., blacksmith, s. Oliver and Martha Dickenson, June 20, 1844.* Stilman S., of Nashua, N. H., a. 22 y., sash and blind maker, b. Dunstable, s. Mial and Lucy, deceased, and Catherine Alvina Swallow, a. 19 y., sempstress, d. Bera and Cathe- rine, Nov. 15, 1848.* Susanna, of Dunstable, and John Brown, July 26, 1792.* Thaddeus, jr., and Rachel Wright, int. Nov. 8, 1813. * Intention also recorded. 52 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES Davis, Thaddeus, Dea., and Betsey Kirk of Dunstable, int. Apr. 23, 1827. Thadeus, of Dunstable, and Bridget Wright of Westford, Aug. 18, 1791. Thadeus U., and Lydia Keyes of Westford, int. June 7, 1846. Timothy [jr. int.], of Billerica, and Susanna S. Lawrence, Jan. 26, 1819.* Zenas, and Ann Maria Washburn, Apr. 2, 1843.* DEAN (see also Dane), John [Dane, int.], of Lowell, and Sally S. Ingals, Aug. 17, 1826.* ^ Susanna [Dane, dup.], and Richard Littlehale [both residents in Tyngsborough. int.], Sept. 11, 1806.* DICKEY, Sarah A., and Solomon Hodgman, both of Lowell, Jan. 6, 1836. DITSON, John, of Dracut, and Charlotte Ames, Dec. 14, 1815.* Rhode, and Jacob Moody Johnson of Nottingham West, Nov. 25, 1790.* DIX, Joel, and Priscilla Parker, int. Apr. 25, 1811. John T., and Mrs. Betsy Dwinell of Londonderry, int. Sept. 26, 1820. Nancy, and John Mixer of Billerica, Jan. 29, 1815. [Jan. 27. p. R. 1.]* Rebeccah, and Samuel Keyes [residents in Tyngsborough. int.], Dec. 15, 17[96. p. r. 1.].* DODGE, Martha, and Josiah Cumings, int. Nov. 9, 1832. DOLT, Fradrick, of Groton, and [wid. int.] Nancy Bell, Apr. 9, 1803.* DOW, Eunice, and Cyrus Alexander, July 2, 1799. p. r. 1.* Samuel [jr. int.], and Sally Chaney [both residents in Tyngs- borough. int.], Nov. 2, 1797. P. R. 1.* DRAKE, Jacob, of Chelmsford, and Olive Blodget, May 3, 1829.* DRESSER, Elizabeth, and Samuel Nutt, Sept. 25, 1825.* * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 53 DUDLEY, James, of Lynn, and Joanna Woods of Dunstable, N. H., June 1, 1819. p. r. 1. DUNBAR, Charlotte [Mrs. p. r. 1.], and William Gould of Charlestown, Apr. 18, 1834.* John, and Susan Littlehale, Nov. 7, 1822.* John [Lt. int.], and Charlotte Littlehale, June 29, 1828.* DUNN, Evelina, Mrs., and Samuel Boynton, int. Nov. 17, 1841. John, of Chelmsford, and Esther [W. p. r. L] Davis, June 1, 1826.* Rachel, of Chelmsford, and Jonathan Hay of Merrimack, Feb. 11, 1808. p. R. 1. Sybil, and Zebadiah Keyes, both of Chelmsford, Sept. 19, 1802. p. R. 1. DURANT, Alis [Abi. p. r. 1.], and James Searles of Dun- stable, Apr. 8, 1793. [Apr. 18. p. R. 1.] Jacob, and Nancy Stone, Sept. 5 [1794. p. r. 1.].* Mary, and Joseph Caldwell, both residents in Tyngsborough, int. July 2, 1804. Mercy, and Asa Underwood, Mar. 31, 1790.* Sally, and Abijah Davis, Nov. 29, 1792.* DUREN, Asa, of Carlisle, and Looey Littlehale, int. Aug. 30, 1821. Willard, jr., of Carlisle, and Rebekah Littlehale, int. Mar. 22, 1817. DURRER, Betsey, of Milford, and Asa Thompson of Chester- field [N. H. p. R. 1.], Mar. 9, 1802. DWINELL, Betsy, Mrs., of Londonderry, and John T. Dix, int. Sept. 26, 1820. Clarissa P., of Dracut, and Cyrus Butterfield, int. Mar. 9, 1830. ELDRIDGE, Almira, and Asa Swollow, both of Dunstable, Mar. 14, 1822. Horace W., and Deborah Parkhurst, both of Dunstable, May 28, 1829. * Intention also recorded. 54 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES ELLERY, Susanna, see Cutter, Susanna. ELLIOT, David, of Boston, and Susanna Holden, Aug. 21, 1815.* John W[illiams. int.], and Rebeccah Hartshorn [Harthorn. int.], both residents in Tyngsborough, May 4, 1809.* EMERSON (see also Emmerson), Hannah, of Charlestown, and John F. Cumings [both of Charlestown. p. r. 1.], Nov. 21, 1830. Isaac D., of Lowell, and Mary Lawrence, May 31, 1841.* Susan, and Joseph Payson of Cambridge, int. Jan. 22, 1848. EMMERSON (see also Emerson), Hannah, and John Glynn, jr., Sept. 29, 1791.* EPPES, John, and Jane Combs, both of Dunstable, Mar. 15, 1810. p. R. 1. ESTABROOKS (see also Esterbrook), Abigail Underwood, and Joseph Brown, int. Dec. 14, 1799. ESTERBROOK (see also Estabrooks), Saphia, and Ebenezer Dakin, Feb. 13, 1803.* FARMER, Asa, and Lydia Wilson, Mar. 14, 1822.* Elisabeth, of Billerica, and Caleb Pearson, int. Aug. 5, 1811. Jeremiah, and Jemima Gilson, int. Mar. 5, 1802. FARWELL, Abigail, and Benjamin Moors of Groton, Jan. 21, 1819.* Anna [Taylor, int.], and Isaac Cumings of Dunstable, Mar. 6, 1801. p. R. 1. * Easter, and Thomas Greenough Hildreth, int. June 1 [blot], 1800. Edee R., of Washington, N. H., and Benjamin Nutt, int. Apr. 3, 1824. Eleazer, and Mrs. Sarah Brown [wid. int.], Apr. 18, 1813.* Elizabeth, and Hobart Clark of Andover, Oct. 24, 1814.* Elizabeth L., and Caleb Wright, Apr. 24, 1825. Henry, and Salley Coburn, Jan. 7, 1790.* James C, and Sophia [Harriet, p. r. 1.] Littlehale, Apr. 9, 1829.* * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 55 Farwell, James C[umings. int.], and Nancy Davidson [both residents in Tyngsborough. int.], June 2, 1805.* John, jr., and Betsey Wendall Anderson of Windham, Me., int. May 18, 1820. John, Capt., and Dolley Porter, Sept. 12, 1820.* John, 3d, and Dorcas M. Hall, Dec. 10, 1835. [Dec. 28. p. r. 1.]* Lucy, and John Anderson of Portland, Me., Aug. 6, 1820. [Aug. 8. p. R. 1.]* Mary, and Josiah Danforth, jr. of Litchfield [N. H. p. r. L], Sept. 26, 1815.* Nancy D., and Colman S. Shed of Windsor, Vt., Dec. 30, 1832. Rebekah [Rachel, p. R. 1.], and Henry Webster of New Ches- ter, May 24, 1807.* Sarah, and Warren Wright of Westford, int. Nov. 15, 1844. Sarah T[yng. int.], and Joseph F[arwell. int.] Bancroft, June 30, 1814.* FISH, Nathaniel P., of Danvers, and Caroline Littlehale, int. Oct. 30, 1845. FITCH, John M., and Catharine Bacon, both of Bedford, May 16, 1833. FLETCHER, Benjamin, and Patty Wilson, Apr. 27, 1826. Benj[amin], and Mary Barker, int. June 1, 1830. Elijah, and Rhoda Walker, int. Feb. 14, 1800. Elijah, and Hannah P. Haselton of Hudson, int. Nov. 19, 1843. Elizabeth, and Edward Wyman of Pelham, Dec. 7, 1797. p. r. 1.* George, and Mary Carkin of Dracut, int. Apr. 19, 1831. John, and Clarissa Smith, Mar. 25, 1828. Jonas, of Ashby, and Policy Woodward, int. Mar. 16, 1799. Jonathan T., and Hannah J. Varnum of Dracut, May 18, 1834.* Joseph, of Dunstable, and Abigail Reed of Westford, Aug. 31, 1797. p. R. 1. Justus, of Westford, and Sally Glynn, int. Aug. 2, 1806. Lydia, of Westford, and Ephraim Butterick of Dunstable, N. H., Nov. 11, 1835. Mary [wid. int.], of Groton, and John Woodward, at Groton, June 14, 1798.* * Intention also recorded. 56 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES Fletcher, Mary, and Soloman Manning, Nov. 20, 1823. p. R. 1. Mary [P. int.; D. p. r. 1.], and John A. Pierce of Chelms- ford, Dec. 2, 1824.* Mercy [wid. int.], and Isaac Pike, Oct. 7, 1802.* Mercy, and Jonathan Howard, Dec. 22, 1803. p. R. 1.* Patty, of Westford, and Grant Houston, June 6, 1796.* Polly, of Dunstable, and Daniel Lovejoy of Hollis, June 26, 1794. p. R. 1. Polly [Mary. p. r. 1.], and Asa Palmer of Pelham, Mar. 12, 1802. [May. p. r. 1.]* Rebeccah, and William Hardy [2d. int.] of Pelham, Mar. 27, 1803.* Rebekah, and [Ens. int.] Samuel Blodget, Aug. 30, 1831.* Rhoda, and Luther Butterfield, Oct. 30, 1832.* Roxana, and Moses Wheeler of Billerica, int. May 25, 1834. Sally, and Dean Holt of Chelmsford, Nov. 9, 1832. [Nov. 23. p. R. 1.]* Sally, Mrs., and Jeremiah Gilson, Apr. 25, 1833. Sarah, and John Merrill, Feb. 12, 1799. [Dec. 5, 1796. int.]* Sarah, and James Conant of Hollis, N. H., Aug. 12, 1810.* William, and Susanna Cutter [Ellery. int.] of Nottingham West, Mar. 25, 1790.* W[illia]m, jr., and Susannah Hood of Dunstable, N. H., int. May 4, 1818. FLINT, Lucy [Sally, p. r. 1.], and William Pike, Apr. 15, 1824.* Margaret M[aria. int.], and Reuben Wright [jr. int.], Aug. 13, 1837. p. R. 1.* Mary, and Lewis Wood, May 25, 1806.* Samuel, and Margaret Davidson, Dec. 1, 1814.* FORD, Caleb [Swan, int.], Capt., of Nottingham West, and Mary Coburn, Mar. 3, 1807.* Mary Ann, and Augustus F. Cheever, both of Boston, June 20, 1843. Susanna, of Nottingham West, and Charles Parham, int. May 6, 1811. FORSTER (see also Foster), Polly [Mrs. p. r. 1.], and [Capt. p. R. 1.] Philip Butterfield, both of Dunstable, Aug. 15, 1802. * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 57 FOSTER (see also Forster), Charles, and Mrs. Martha Ann Thompson of Charlestown, int. Dec. 9, 1848. Hannah, and Lewis Carkin of Dracut, int. Mar. 26, 1842. Mehetabel, of Nottingham West, N. H., and Sergeant Per- ham, int. Jan. 21, 1824. Pheba, Mrs., and John Wilson, Sept. 1, 1825.* FOX, Ralph, and Sophia Webster of Dracut, Oct. 8, 1820. p. R. 1. * FREDERIC (see also Frederick), George, jr., and Sarah S. Sumner of Braintree, int. Nov. 4, 1816. George S., of Westford, a. 30 y., farmer, b. Westford, s. George and Sarah S., of Westford, deceased, and Eliza A. Hildreth of Westford, a. 17 y., b. Westford, d. Jesse and Lucretia, of Westford, Dec. 25, 1849. FREDERICK (see also Frederic, Fredrick), Catherine, and Henry Bacon of Springfield, int. Feb. 21, 1842. George, and Mrs. Elizabeth Russell of Westford, May 3, 1829. Joanna, and Henry Spaulding of Boston, Oct. 20, 1814.* Mary, and Thaddeus Blodget, Feb. 25, 1817. [Mar. 25. p. r. 1.]* Rhoda, and George W, Spaulding of Westford, Dec. 6, 1821.* William, and Mary Ann Kidder, Jan. 9, 1823. p. r. L* William A[lbert. c. R.], a. 24 y., stone-cutter, s. George and Sarah S., and Frances H[annah. c. r.] McClenna, a. 18 y., d. William and Deborah, Nov. 26, 1845.* FREDRICK (see also Frederick), Eleazer, and Mary Gould, Oct. 2, 1826.* FRENCH, Samuel, jr., see Lund, Samuel F., jr. FROST, Lucy, and Eli Hamblet of East Cambridge,^int. May 6, 1839. Olive, and Benjamin Pierce of Chelmsford, int. Nov. 4, 1816. Reuben M., and Dorcas S. Hamblet of Hudson, N. H., Feb. 6, 1840.* Salathul, and Pamella Wilson, int. Oct. 31, 1828. GATES, John, and Mary Haskell, Dec. 8, 1791.* * Intention also recorded. 58 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES GILSON, Abijah, and Harriot Hazen, int. Feb. 23, 1831. Asa W., and Sally N. Wright of Dunstable, July 10, 1836.* Celestia, and John Butterfield, int. Mar. — , 1827. Charles K., and Margaret Hazen of Groton, int. Sept. 28, 1831. Ebenezer, and Rebeckah Wyman, Nov. 12, 1818.* Huldah, and Ruefus Winn of Dunstable, N. H., Nov. 30, 1809.* Jane I[rene. int.], and Alanson Makepeace [jr. int.] of Nor- ton, June 16, 1836.* Jemima, and Jeremiah Farmer, int. Mar. 5, 1802. Jeremiah, and Mrs. Sally Fletcher, Apr. 25, 1833. Mary, and Levi Lund of Dunstable, N. H., int. Mar. 3, 1816. Micah, and Sarah Wyman, May 8, 1823. p. r. L* Nathan M., and Abigail Hall, int. May 15, 1843. Nathaniel [W. p. r. 1.], and Rachel Parkhurst, both of Dun- stable, May 31, 1827. Sarah M., and Silas Carkin, int. Sept. 7, 1833. Solomon [jr. int.], and Mercy Wyman, Dec. 6, 1810.* Susan, and Cornelius Richardson of Woburn, Sept. 4, 1816.* Tamar, and Thomas Hamblet of Nottingham West, Oct. 21, 1806.* Timothy, and Sally Turrel, both of Dunstable, Jan. 26, 1804. p. R. 1. GLYNN, John, jr., and Hannah Emmerson, Sept. 29, 1791.* Sally, and Justus Fletcher of Westford, int. Aug. 2, 1806. GORDON, William G., and Eunice A. Stevens of Nashua, N. H., int. Oct. 6, 1839. GOULD, Alethea, and Joseph Winn, int. May 30, 1829. Daniel, and Dorathy Willard, Nov. 25, 1790.* David, and Alethea [Alethena. p. r. 1.] Woods of Dunstable, Apr. 15, 1807.* Louisa, of Stoddard, N. H., and Stephen Wilson, int. May 15, 1824. Mary, and Eleazer Fredrick, Oct. 2, 1826.* William, of Charlestown, and [Mrs. p. r. 1.] Charlotte Dun- bar, Apr. 18, 1834.* GOWING, Samuel H., of Hudson [N. H. int.], and Sarah Perham, May 13, 1841.* * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 59 GREELY, Ezekel, and Sarah Pollard, both of Dunstable, Oct. 10, 1826. p. R. 1. GREEN, John O., Dr., of Lowell, and Jane S. Thomas, Sept. 13, 1826.* GRIFFIN, John, of Dunstable, N. H., and Polley Seavy, Apr. 1, 1790.* GROW, Alonzo, of North Chelmsford, a. 24 y., machinist, s. James R. and Sophia, and Maria Carkin of North Chelms- ford, a. 25 y., operative, d. Jonas and Sybil, Nov. 30, 1848. HADLEY, James N. [V. p. r. 1.], and Clarissa Coburn, Dec. 30, 1827. John, and Huldah King, Nov. 28, 1838.* HADLOCK, Benjamin, and Hepsibah Morse of Dracut, at Dracut, Aug. 22, 1793.* John, and Mary Coburn, int. Sept. 19, 1789. John, jr., and Phebe Hardy, Aug. 18, 1796.* HALL, Abigail, and Nathan M. Gilson, int. May 15, 1843. Abner, of Pepperell, and Charlotte Marshall of Dracut, May 9, 1815. p. R. 1. Asa, and Julia Kidder, certificate dated Nov. 17, 1830.* Dorcas M., and John Farwell, 3d, Dec. 10, 1835. [Dec. 28. p. R. 1.]* Ebenezer, of Chelmsford, and Mrs. Elizabeth Barker, at Dun- stable, Dec. 24, 1840.* Harriet, of Pepperell, and Charles Hunter, Dec. 30, 1835.* Harrison, and Esther S. Belding of Boston, int. Nov. 13, 1836. Louisa, Mrs., and Abel H. Tyler, Jan. 5, 1840.* Mercy, and Asa Wyman, July 9, 1829. Nancy, and Amos W. Wyman, Aug. — , 1837.* HAMBLET, Dorcas [Mrs. p. r. 1.], and Samuel F. Lund [Samuel French, jr. int.], Apr. 27, 1790.* Dorcas S., of Hudson, N. H., and Reuben M. Frost, Feb. 6, 1840.* Eli, of East Cambridge, and Lucy Frost, int. May 6, 1839. Gibbert, of Hudson, N. H., and Elizabeth Marshall, int. Jan. 1, 1848. * Intention also recorded. 60 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES Hamblet, Jonas, of Dracut, and Sarah B. Butterfield, int. Nov. 14, 1844. Jonathan, and Lucy Ho[torn], int. Nov. 10, 1794. Simeon, of Nottingham West, and Elizabeth Pease, Apr. 1, 1823. p. R. 1.* Theodore, and Abigail Butterfield, June 25, 1818.* Thomas, of Nottingham West, and Tamar Gilson, Oct. 21, 1806.* HAMMOND, Mary, of Marblehead, a. 29 y., b. Marblehead, d. Thomas P. and Martha, deceased, and Thomas Breare of Marblehead, a. 23 y., bookbinder, b. Halifax, N. S., s. Thomas and Martha, of England, Nov. 30, 1848. HANSILL, William, and Eliza Robson, int. Nov. 9, 1839. HARDY, Asa, of Nottingham West, and Polly Prescott of Groton, July 18, 1805. p. R. 1. Isaac, of Hollis, N. H., and Naomi Coburn of Dracut, May 23, 1820. Jedediah, and Patty Coburn, int. Nov. 27, 1800. Jesse, of Hollis, and Rhode Woods, Sept. 26, 1793. Phebe, and John Hadlock, jr., Aug. 18, 1796.* William [2d. int.], of Pelham, and Rebeccah Fletcher, Mar. 27, 1803.* HARTSHORN, Rebeccah [Harthorn. int.], and John W[il- liam. int.] Elliot, both residents in Tyngsborough, May 4, 1809.* HARTWELL, Silas, of Carlisle, and Sally Keyes of Chelms- ford, Mar. 18, 1802. P. R. 1. HASELTON, Hannah P., of Hudson, and Elijah Fletcher, int. Nov. 19, 1843. HASKELL, Mary, and John Gates, Dec. 8, 1791.* HA WARD (see also Howard), Phebe, of Salem, and Abra- ham Upton, int. Dec. 6, 1800. HAWKS, Ferrinton, and Sa[torn] Knolton of Nottingham West, int. May 15, 1791. * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 61 HAY, Jonathan, of Merrimack, and Rachel Dunn of Chelms- ford, Feb. 11, 1808. P. R. 1. HAZEN, Harriot, and Abijah Gilson, int. Feb. 23, 1831. Margaret, of Groton, and Charles K. Gilson, int. Sept. 28, 1831. HEALD, Betsey, of Pepperell, and Noah Shearer of Palmer, Mar. 26, 1822. HEALY, Lydia [Mrs. p. r. 1.], and Robert B. Chamberlain of Chelmsford, Dec. 24, 1812. Samuel, of Washington, N. H.,now resident in Tyngsborough, and Lydia Barker, int. Aug. 13, 1804. HERRICK, Jemima, and Timothy Sherwing, Dec. 27, 1798. p. R. 1.* Jonathan, of Merrimack [N. H. p. r. L], and Deborah Co- burn [Colburn. int.], Dec. 11, 1804.* HEWS, Jonathan M., of Lowell, and Julia Ann Littlehale, Mar. 3, 1829. HEYWOOD, Levi, of Westford, and Mrs. Lucy Pike, Dec. 11, 1842.* HILDRETH (see also Hildrith), Eliza A., of Westford, a. 17 y., b. Westford, d. Jesse and Lucretia, of Westford, and George S. Frederic of Westford, a. 30 y., farmer, b. West- ford, s. George and Sarah S., of Westford, deceased, Dec. 25, 1849. Hezekiah, and Dinah Davis of Harvard, at Harvard, Oct. 7, 1790.* Thomas Greenough, and Easter Farwell, int. June 1 [blot], 1800. HILDRITH (see also Hildreth), Elijah, and Isabell Caldwell, both residents in Tyngsborough, int. Oct. 20, 1803. Susanna, and Jonas Pirce [jr. int.] of Chelmsford, May 26, 1805,* * Intention also recorded. 62 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES HILL, Abigail, and James Taylor of Dunstable, Nov. 8,1810.* Artemus, of Bedford, and Betsey Robey of Dunstable, Sept. 23, 1832. P. R. 1. Ebenezer, Rev., of Mason, and wid. Reb[ecca] Howard, int. Oct. [torn], 1795. HODGMAN, Sibel, of Chelmsford, and Jonas R. Proctor, int. Sept. 10, 1809. Solomon, and Sarah A. Dickey, both of Lowell, Jan. 6, 1836. HOLDEN (see also Holdin), Abigail, and [Daniel, int.] Buel of Newport, N. H., Feb. 11, 1819. p. r. 1.* Clariss[a], and Samuel S. Alexander of Windham, N. H., int. Dec. 26, 1846. Elizabeth, and Earlsworth Crockett of North Chelmsford, int. Nov. 22, 1845. Jonathan, and [Mrs. p. r. 1.] Lienor [Ellen, int.] Weld, resi- dent in Tyngsborough, Apr. 10, 1803.* Mary R., of Dunstable, N. H., and Charles Parker of Dun- stable, Oct. 21, 1824. p. R. 1. Nathaniel, jr., and Rebekah Bryant, Apr. 12, 1832.* Susanna, and David Elliot of Boston, Aug. 21, 1815.* HOLDIN (see also Holden), Amey, and Mark White, int. Mar. 9, 1800. James, and Charlotte Butterfield, June 17, 1821.* Joanna, and William Pratt of Antrim, N. H., Jan. 2, 1821.* Mary, and Oliver Coburn [Colburn. int.], Feb. 16, 1790.* Mary, and John S. Wilson of Andover [June. p. r. 1.] 5, 1828.* Nathaniel, jr., and Rebecca Upton of Reading, at Reading, May 30, 1799.* Silas, and Mary Coburn, May 30, 1813.* HOLT, Dean, of Chelmsford, and Sally Fletcher, Nov. 9, 1832. [Nov. 23. p. R. 1.] Polly, of Boxborough, and Solomon Hunt, at Boxborough, Apr. 2, 1794. HOMER, James, and Clarissa Chambers, May 25, 1826.* HONEY, Luther, and Betsy Burrows, Sept. 26, 1809.* * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 63 HOOD, Susannah, of Dunstable, N. H., and W[illia]m Fletcher, jr., int. May 4, 1818. HOPKINS, Clark, of Antrim, N. H., a. 44 y., farmer, s. James and Catharine, and Lucy P. Lawrence of Lowell, a. 31 y., tailoress, d. Daniel and Lucy, Feb. 26, 1845. HOSMER, Abiel, of Chelmsford, and Sarah W. Upton of Dunstable, Dec. 31, 1835. HOUSTON, Grant, and Patty Fletcher of Westford, June 6, 1796.* HOWARD (see also Haward), Calvin, of Westford, and Mrs. Sarah Richardson, Nov. 24, 1842.* John 0., of Rochester, N. H., and Matilda A. McClenna, Nov. 3, 1842.* Jonathan, and Mercy Fletcher, Dec. 22, 1803. p. r. 1.* Jonathan, and Mary E. Perkins, int. Nov. 22, 1829. Mercy, and Luther Butterfield, June 26, 1827.* Reb[ecca], wid., and Rev. Ebenezer Hill of Mason, int. Oct. [torn], 1795. Samuel [of Chelmsford, p. r. 1; of Tyngsborough. int.], and Rebecah Bancroft, Jan. 6, 1790.* HO[torn], Lucy, and Jonathan Hamblet, int. Nov. 10, 1794. HUNT, Solomon, and Polly Holt of Boxborough, at Box- borough, Apr. 2, 1794. Susan C, and William Whiting, both of Lowell, Apr. 4, 1833. HUNTER, Charles, and Harriet Hall of Pepperell, Dec. 30, 1835.* Hannah R., and Allen Warden, Aug. 17, 1834.* Joel [jr. int.], and Judith Carkin, Dec. 4, 1831.* Thomas, and Augusta White, Dec. 1, 1836.* HUTCHINS, Elbridge G., and Mary A. Adams of Nashua, N. H., int. Aug. 16, 1844. Stephen, of Carlisle, and Catherine Butterfield of Dunstable, Dec. 2, 1830. p. r. 1. ♦ Intention also recorded. 64 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES INGALLS (see also Ingals, Ingolls, Ingols), Eliza, and Micah E. Robbins of Dunstable, Nov. 26, 1840.* Joel, and Laura Ann Wright of Westford, at Westford, Nov. 19, 1840. Nancy, and Timothy Ingalls of Pelham, N. H., int. Aug. 21, 1823. Timothv, of Pelham, N. H., and Nancy Ingalls, int. Aug. 21, 1823. INGALS (see also Ingalls), Daniel, and Mercy [C. int.; Mary. p. R. 1.] Bancroft, Sept. 7, 1817.* Joseph [jr. int.], and Betsey Thompson, Nov. 26, 1801. p. R. 1.* Joseph, and Rhoda Robbins, Mar. 29, 1818. [Mar. 22. dup.]* Rutha, and Isaac Larkin of Charlestown, Aug. 29, 1790.* Sally S., and John Dean [Dane, int.] of Lowell, Aug. 17, 1826.* INGOLLS (see also Ingalls), Eliza, and Martin Wright of Westford, Oct. 20, 1835.* John, of Westford, and Eliza T. Spaulding, Nov. 30, 1837.* INGOLS (see also Ingalls), Mary, and Samuel Merrill, July 15, 1827.* Nathaniel, jr., and Sarah Littlehail, int. Oct. 14, 1811. JAMESON, Hugh, of Antrim, N. H., and Sophia Cumings, May 30, 1822.* JAQUES, Daniel [jr. int.], and Sarah Spaulding, Sept. 26, 1816.* JEFTS, Aaron, of Billerica, and Esther Carkin, Sept. 18, 1800. p. R. 1.* JEWETT, Jonas, of Pepperell, and Mary Danf orth, at Groton, Nov. 13, 1797.* Sarah, of Dunstable, N. H., and Cyrus Reed of Lexington, Apr. 4, 1824. P. R. 1. JOHNSON, Harriet M., of Chesterfield, and Benjamin F. Swan, int. Oct. 15, 1840. * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 65 Johnson, Jacob Moody, of Nottingham West, and Rhode Ditson, Nov. 25, 1790.* John [jr. int.], of Groton, and Mary Blodget, July 3, 1810.* JONES, Betsey C, of Chelmsford, a. 17 y., d. Joshua and Betsey, and James B. Coburn of Chelmsford, a. 24 y., house-joiner, s. James and Grace, Nov. 24, 1844. Nathan [jr. int.], of Mount Vernon, N. H., and Sarah Ban- croft, May 20, 1813.* KEMBAL (see also Kimball), Demas [Kimball, p. r. l.j, and Catherine Brown, Aug. 1, 1793.* KEMP, Hannah A., of HoUis, N. H., and Calvin T. Cumings, int. Nov. 13, 1842. KENDALL (see also Kindal, Kindall), Almira P., a. 25 y., d. Jeremiah and Lydia, and George Turner, a. 23 y., cabinet maker, b. West Bridgewater, s. Joseph and Abagail, Oct. 26, 1848.* Benjamin, of Thetford, and Sibble Cummings of Dunstable, Jan. 27, 1795. Catherine, and Bera SwoUow, July 7, 1828.* Cummings, of Dunstable, a. 32 y., carpenter, s. Temple, of Dunstable, and Weltha Ann Cummings, a. 38 y., d. Sim- eon and Mary Simons, Apr. 4, 1844.* Daniel [jr. int.], and Mary Spaulding, July 1, 1834.* Eliza Jane, and Jonathan Bancroft, Dec. 2, 1838.* Elizabeth, of Dunstable, and Abel Spaulding of Charlestown, May 28, 1829. Elizabeth, and Emory Newton, both of Dunstable, Nov. 3, 1836. George W., and Mary Ann Abbott, int. Nov. 10, 1844. Hannah B., and Ira Adams, Apr. 1, 1834.* Jeremiah, and Lydia Butman, Dec. 31, 1815.* John, and Hannah Ball of Temple, int. July 21, 1807. Leonard, and Abigail Scribner, Nov. 3, 1825.* Louisa [Louisa Maria, int.], and Benjamin [E. int.] Park- hurst [of Chelmsford, int.], Aug. 2, 1840.* Lucy, and Henry Robbins of Hollis [N. H. p. r. 1.], Nov. 11, 1819.* Lucy Ann, and George F. Tuttle of Chelmsford, Jan. 4, 1839.* * Intention also recorded. 66 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES Kendall, Lydia Emeline, a. 22 y., d. Jeremiah and Lydia, and Edmund Sanderson of Nashville, N. H., a. 26 y., baker, s. Abraham and Sarah, Apr. 4, 1844.* Mary, and Willard B. Cumings, May 20, 1841.* Moses, and Mindrill Read of Hollis, N. H., int. Dec. 21, 1818. Oliver, and Betsey Wilkinson, both of Dunstable, May 13, 1829. KEYES, David, and Sarah Bradley, at Westford, May 15, 1792.* David, and wid. Abigail Littlehale, Aug. 27, 1816.* Eliza Ann, a. 24 y., comb maker, d. Jonas and Susanna, and Stilman Bicknell, widr., of Holliston, a. 41 y., comb mak- er, s. Levi and Clarissa, Nov. 7, 1849.* Jonas, and Susannah Spaulding, Dec. 5, 1822.* Lydia, of Westford, and Thadeus U. Davis, int. June 7, 1846. Sally, of Chelmsford, and Silas Hartwell of Carlisle, Mar. 18, 1802. p. R. 1. Samuel, and Rebeccah Dix [residents in Tyngsborough. int.], Dec, 15, 17 [96. p. r. 1.].* Zebadiah, and Sybil Dunn, both of Chelmsford, Sept. 19, 1802. p. R. 1. KEZAR, Jane R., of Portland, Me., and Ebenezer Bancroft, jr., int. Nov. 8, 1835. KIDDER, Abigail, of Dunstable, N. H., and Joseph Upton, Dec. 8, 1825.* Caroline, and John Marsh of Boston, Aug. 9, 1826. [July 9. P. R. 1.]* Hannah, of Chelmsford, and Rufus M. Blodget, int. May 15, 1827. Jacob, and Hannah Davis, "both residents in this district," int. Jan. 8, 1797. Julia, and Asa Hall, certificate dated Nov. 17, 1830.* Mary Ann, and Daniel Tuck of Chelmsford, int. Mar. 2, 1818. Mary Ann, and William Frederick, Jan. 9, 1823. p. r. 1.* Rachel, Mrs., and William Wilson, Aug. 14, 1833.* Samuel, and Mrs. Rachel Macumber, Apr. 29, 1824.* Zimri, of Chelmsford, and Mary Swan, Nov. 18, 1824.* KIMBALL (see also Kembal), Hiram, of Nashville, N. H., and Deborah D. Littlehale, Feb. 27, 1844.* * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 67 KINDAL (see also Kendall), Easter, and Nathaniel Cumings, both of Dunstable, Jan. 24, 1793. KIND ALL (see also Kendall), Jonas, and Olive Butterfield, both of Dunstable, Apr. 19, l[7]95. [1796. p. r. 1.] KING, Carmi E., of Boston, and Rachel C. [E. p. e. 1 ] Dan- forth, May 16, 1833.* Ehjah H., of Boston, and Abagail Blodget, Sept. 6, 1830.* Huldah, and John Hadley, Nov. 28, 1838.* KIRK, Betsey, of Dunstable, and Dea. Thaddeus Davis, int. Apr. 23, 1827. KIRKLAND, Joseph P[erkins. int.], of New York, and Han- nah Scribner, Aug. 16, 1809.* KNIGHTS, Lucinda, of Hancock, N. H., and Richard Taft, int. May 2, 1839. KNOLTON, Sa[torn], of Nottingham West, and Ferrinton Hawks, int. May 15, 1791. KNOWLES, Anna, see Bowers, Anna. LANDIGIN, Peggy, and David Nutting, both residents in Tyngsborough, int. June 12, 1797. LANG, Edward S., of Salem, and Rebekah Brimmer of Bev- erly, July 14, 1823. p. R. 1. LARKIN, Isaac, of Charlestown, and Rutha Ingals, Aug. 29, 1790.* LAWRANCE (see also Lawrence), Lemuel, and wid. Sally Pratt, int. July 25, 1810. LAWRENCE (see also Lawrance), Daniel B., and Hannah B. Clough of Lowell, int. Jan. 9, 1842. Lemuel, and Mercy Parham, June 25 [1794. p. r. 1.].* Lucy P., of Lowell, a. 31 y., tailoress, d. Daniel and Lucy, and Clark Hopkins of Antrim, N. H., a. 44 y., farmer, s. James and Catharine, Feb. 26, 1845. * Intention also recorded. 68 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES Lawrence, Mary, and Isaac D. Emerson of Lowell, May 31, 1841.* Nathaniel [Rev. int.], and Hannah Soden of Watertown, at Watertown, May 22, 1794.* Nathaniel, 2d, and Charlotte C. Buxton of Nashua, N. H., int. Mar. 28, 1840. Samuel S., and Mrs. Eliza Prentiss of Boston, int. June 3, 1828. Sarah, and Leonard Spaulding, Feb. 2, 1826.* Susanna S., and Timothy Davis [jr. int.] of Billerica, Jan. 26, 1819.* LEIGHTON, Mary E., of Westford, and Ebenezer Swan, jr.. int. Sept. 20, 1830. LITTLEFIELD, Christopher, and Lucy Swan, Mar. 2, 1842.* LITTLEHAIL (see also Littlehale), Fanny, and John Aiken of Pelham, N. H., Nov. 4, 1812.* Mary, and Josiah [Jonah, p. r. L] Nicholas of Billerica, June 26, 1814.* Sarah, and Nathaniel Ingols, jr., int. Oct. 14, 1811. LITTLEHALE (see also Littlehail), Abigail, wid., and David Keyes, Aug. 27, 1816.* Caroline, and Nathaniel P. Fish of Danvers, int. Oct. 30, 1845, Charlotte, and [Lt. int.] John Dunbar, June 29, 1828.* Daniel, and Joanner [B. int.] Davis, Feb. 19, 1818.* Deborah D., and Hiram Kimball of Nashville, N. H., Feb. 27, 1844.* Hannah A., and Charles L. Cummings, Nov. 10, 1833.* Isaac, and Harriet Butterfield, Sept. 12, 1819.* Jonathan, and Nancv W. Lucas of Dunstable, N. H., int. Sept. 3, 1830. Julia Ann, and Jonathan M. Hews of Lowell, Mar. 3, 1829. Looey, and Asa Duren of Carlisle, int. Aug. 30, 1821. Rebekah, and Willard Duren, jr. of Carlisle, int. Mar. 22, 1817. Richard, and Susanna Dean [Dane, dup.; both residents of Tyngsborough. int.], Sept. 11, 1806.* Roger L., and Deborah Brown of Dracut, June 18, 1834.* Rogers L., and Mary [torn] of Pelham, int. Apr. 16, 1791. Sally, and James Nickless, jr. of Carlisle, at Carlisle, Jan. 26, 1795.* Sarah M., and Nathaniel B. Coburn of Dracut, Aug. 4, 1839.* * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 69 LiTTLEHALE, Sophia, and Samu[e]l Rand, int. Apr. 15, 1829. Sophia [Harriet, p. r. 1.], and James C. Farwell, Apr. 9, 1829.* Susan, and John Dunbar, Nov. 7, 1822.* LOVEJOY, Daniel, of HolHs, and Polly Fletcher of Dun- stable, June 26, 1794. P. R. 1. LOWELL, John, Esq., of Boston, and Rebecca Tyng of Dun- stable, at Chelmsford, Jan. 27, 1798. LUCAS, Nancy W., of Dunstable, N. H., and Jonathan Littlehale, int. Sept. 3, 1830. LUND, Betsey, and Reuben C. Bowers, both of Dunstable, N. H., May 13, 1805. p. r. 1. Catherine, and Isaac Carkin, May 3, 1821.* Clarissa, of Dunstable, N. H., and Timothy Presby of Brad- ford, N. H., Nov. 12, 1822. p. R. 1. Jerathmel, of Merrimack, and Sarah [Swallow, int] Thomp- son, Jan. 29, 1809.* Joseph, of Dunstable, N. H., and Betsy Whitney, Feb. 25, [1794. p. R. 1.].* Levi, of Dunstable, N. H., and Mary Gilson, int. Mar. 3, 1816. Martha Jane, of Nashua, N. H., and John H. Morrill, int. Dec. 10, 1837. Rebecca, and Timothy Presby, both of Dunstable, June 26, 1828. p. R. 1. Samuel F. [Samuel French, jr. int.], and [Mrs. p. r. 1.] Dor- cas Hamblet, Apr. 27, 1790.* LYNN, Catherine H., of Worcester, and James W. Coyle, int. Oct. 10, 1826. McCLENNA, Frances H[annah. c. r.], a. 18 y., d. William and Deborah, and William A[lbert. c. R.j Frederick, a. 24 y., stone-cutter, s. George and Sarah S., Nov. 26, 1845. * Matilda A., and John O. Howard of Rochester N. H., Nov. 3, 1842.* Nancy Maria, and Francis Carr of Lowell, Nov. 23, 1843.* Rebecca W., and William Cummings, Jan. 3, 1844.* * Intention also recorded. 70 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES MACUMBER, Joseph W., and Mrs. Eliza S. M. Taylor of Nashua, N. H., int. Apr. 22, 1848. Rachel, Mrs., and Samuel Kidder, Apr. 29, 1824.* MADESON, Thomas, "of Saint Jons, or a native of Scot- land," and Mercy Butterfield, resident in Tyngsborough, int. Jan. 14, 1799. MAKEPEACE, Alanson [jr. int.], of Norton, and Jane I[rene. int.] Gilson, June 16, 1836.* MANNING, Asa, of Billerica, and Olive Spaulding of Chelms- ford, July 7, 1803. Soloman, and Mary Fletcher, Nov. 20, 1823. p. r. 1. MARSH, John, of Boston, and Caroline Kidder, Aug. 9, 1826. [July 9. p. R. 1.]* MARSHALL, Charlotte, of Dracut, and Abner Hall of Pep- perell, May 9, 1815. p. r. 1. Elizabeth, and Gibbert Hamblet of Hudson, N. H., int. Jan. 1, 1848. Kendall, and Sarah Burbank of Windham, N. H., int. Sept. 19, 1835. Richard [jr. int.], and Lucretia Spaulding of Chelmsford, at Chelmsford, May 14, 1840.* MEAD, Daniel C, a. 21 y., laborer, b. Underbill, Vt., s. Josiah, jr. and Lucy, of Underbill, Vt., and Naomi E. Terrill of Manchester, N. H., a. 20 y., operative, d. William and Electa, Feb. 7, 1849.* MERRIAM, Josiah C, of Chelmsford, a. 26 y., blacksmith, s. Oliver and Martha Dickenson, and Sarah C. Davis, a. 22 y., d. Noah and Sarah Chardon, June 20, 1844.* MERRILL, John, and Sarah Fletcher, Feb. J 2, 1799. [Dec. 5, 1796. int.]* John, jr., of Nottingham West, N. H., and Rebecca Coburn, int. Feb. 10, 1818. Nathaniel, and [Mrs. p. r. 1.] Polly Barker, Dec. 30, 1827.* Samuel, and Mary Ingols, July 15, 1827.* WiUiam, of Hudson, N. H., and Mary Ann Cutter, Nov. 26, 1835.* * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 71 MINERT, Sarah, of Hanover, N. H., and Abiel Colburn, jr., int. Oct. 16, 1796. MIXER, John, of Billerica, and Nancy Dix, Jan. 29, 1815. [Jan. 27. P. R. 1.]* MOORS, Benjamin, of Groton, and Abigail Farwell, Jan. 21, 1819.* Sarah, of Hollis, and Elisha Brown, Apr. 13, 1790.* MORGAN, Mary B., of Dunstable, N. H., and B. Merrill Stevens, int. Dec. 13, 1835. MORRILL, John H., and Martha Jane Lund of Nashua, N. H., int. Dec. 10, 1837. MORSE, Hepsibah, of Dracut, and Benjamin Hadlock, at Dracut, Aug. 22, 1793.* Mary, of Nottingham West, N. H., and John Wilson, jr., int. Dec. 9, 1816. MUMFORTH, Betsey, and Thomas Pitts, both of Chelms- ford, Nov. 9, 1802. p. R. 1. MUNROE, Ebenezer L., of Salem, and Eliza Pierce, int. May 14, 1837. NESMITH, Sarah E., of Antrim, N. H., and John W. But- trick, int. May 14, 1839. NEVINS, David [Nevers. p. r. 1.], of Pelham, and Betsey Pollard of Dunstable [N. H. p. r. 1.], Feb. 7, 1792.* NEWELL, Sarah P., of Lowell, a. 27 y., operative, d. Geo[rge] and Thankful, and Foster Barrows of Newton, a. 23 y., laborer, s. Rufus and Eliza, Sept. 6, 1846. NEWHALL, Lorenzo, and Roxanna Davis, int. Feb. 8, 1835. NEWTON, Emory, and Elizabeth Kendall, both of Dunstable, Nov. 3, 1836. * Intention also recorded. 72 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES NICHOLAS (see also Nickhols), Josiah [Jonah, p. r. 1.], of Billerica, and Mary Littlehail, June 26, 1814.* NICKHOLS (see also Nicholas, Nicklas, Nickless), Polly, of Amherst, and David Paterson, int. Jan. 23, 1801. NICKLAS (see also Nickhols), Daniel, of Billerica, and Sibbel Carkin, int. Jan. 11, 1811. NICKLESS (see also Nickhols), James, jr., of Carlisle, and Sally Littlehale, at Carlisle, Jan. 26, 1795.* NUTT, Benjamin, and Edee R. Farwell of Washington, N. H., int. Apr. 3, 1824. Samuel, and Elizabeth Dresser, Sept. 25, 1825.* NUTTING, David, and Peggy Landigin, both residents in Tyngsborough, int. June 12, 1797. Eunice B., and John Woodward, May 12, 1839.* Polly, of Westford, and Joseph Parham, resident in Tyngs- borough, int. Dec. 14, 1799. PAGE, Albert, of North Chelmsford, a. 28 y., worsted manu- facturer, b. Vermont, s. Kimball and Abagail, of Ver- mont, and Clarissa Carkin, a. 24 y., operative, d. Jonas and Sybil, July 6, 1848.* Albert G. [M. D. p. r. 1.], of Dunstable, N. H., and Sarah C. Swallow of Dunstable, Aug. 28, 1834. Edmund D., of Dunstable, N. H., and Rebecah Bancroft, June 9, 1836.* PALMER, Asa, of Pelham,and Polly [Mary. p. r. 1.] Fletcher, Mar. 12, 1802. [May. p. r. 1.]* PARHAM (see also Perham), Allen, and Lucy Parham, Apr. 14, 1811.* Charles, and Susanna Ford of Nottingham West, int. May 6, 1811. John, jr., and Jemima Blodget of Dunstable, July 4, 1793.* Jonafthan], jr., and Rhoda R. Brown, Jan. 1, 1811.* Joseph, resident in Tyngsborough, and Polly Nutting of Westford, int. Dec. 14, 1799. * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 73 Parham, Lucy, and Allen Parham, Apr. 14, 1811.* Mercy, and Lemuel Lawrence, June 25 [1794. p. r. 1.].* Ralph, and Sybel Parham, Jan. 31, 1811.* Sybel, and Ralph Parham, Jan. 31, 1811.* PARKER, Charles, of Dunstable, and Mary R. Holden of Dunstable, N. H., Oct. 21, 1824. p. r. 1. Fidele, of Dunstable, and John G. Cumings, int. May 30, 1829. Hanah, and Nathaniel Sweetser, both of Chelmsford, Sept. 20, 1835. Priscilla, and Joel Dix, int. Apr. 25, 1811. Rhoda, and Simeon [Simon, int.] Richardson of Chelmsford, Nov. 10, 1807.* PARKHURST, Benjamin [E., of Chelmsford, int.], and Louisa [Louisa Maria, int.] Kendall, Aug. 2, 1840.* Deborah, and Horace W. Eldridge, both of Dunstable, May 28, 1829. Henry, and Abigail Taylor, both of Dunstable, June 5, 1817. p. R. 1. Jacob, of Dunstable, and Betsey Blodget, Nov. 24, 1818.* Mary, and Otis Roby, both of Dunstable [Jan. p. r. 1.] 29, 1829. Rachel, and Nathaniel [W. p. r. 1.] Gilson, both of Dun- stable, May 31, 1827. PARLIN, Aaron, and Martha Bancroft, Feb. 6, 1797. p. r. 1.* PARROT, S., of Lynn, and Nancy Russell, June 28, 1837. PATCH, Ar villa, Mrs., and Oliver Woodward, Apr. 17, 1818.* Asa, and Mary Tyng, Apr. 16, 1831.* James [T. int.], and Jane A. L. Tyng, Apr. 16, 1831.* Polly, of Groton, and Josiah Spaulding, int. Nov. 3, 1808. PATERSON, David, and Polley Nickhols of Amherst, int. Jan. 23, 1801. PAYSON, Joseph, of Cambridge, and Susan Emerson, int. Jan. 22, 1848. * Intention also recorded. 74 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES PEARSON (see also Person), Caleb, and Elisabeth Farmer of Billerica, int. Aug. 5, 1811. George W., of Springfield, and Hannah Perham, int. May 29, 1847. PEASE, Elizabeth, and Simeon Hamblet of Nottingham West, Apr. 1, 1823. P. R. 1.* PERHAM (see also Parham), Betsey, and William Sherburn of Pelham [N. H. int.], Mar. 2, 1815.* Catherine A., and Hilliard [Williard. p. r. 1.] Witherell, Sept. 28, 1834.* Charles Orson, of Nashua, N. H., and Lydia T. Bancroft, int. Mar. — , 1838. Elisabeth, and Edward Coburn, Nov. 29, 1809.* Hannah, and George W. Pearson of Springfield, int. May 29, 1847. Lucy, and Jepthah P. Cumings, int. Aug. 13, 1837. Mary, and Joseph Upton, Oct. 2, 1831.* Mehitable, a. 20 y., d. Sargent and Mehitable, and Thomas Stone of Methuen [of Billerica. int.], a. 26 y., carpenter, s. John P. and Cathe[rine], of Billerica, Nov. 27, 1845.* Rachel, and Capt. James Butterfield [jr. int.], Oct. 9, 1826.* Rebekah, and Daniel P. Coburn [of Dracut. p. r. 1.], May 31, 1832.* Ruth, and David Butterfield, Dec. 15, 1818.* Sally, and John Spaulding of Pelham, N. H., Nov. 20, 1823. p. R. 1.* Sarah, and William Perham, jr., Feb. 1, 1816.* Sarah, and Samuel H. Gowing of Hudson [N. H. int.]. May 13, 1841.* Sergeant, and Mehetabel Foster of Nottingham West, N. H., int. Jan. 21, 1824. Susan, and Jepthah P. Cummings, int. Nov. 9, 1846. William, jr., and Sarah Perham, Feb. 1, 1816.* PERKINS, Mary E., and Jonathan Howard, int. Nov. 22, 1829. PERRY, Eliza, of Dunstable, and Daniel R. Simons of Bos- ton, Oct. 2, 1831. p. R. 1. * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 75 PERSON (see also Pearson), Ebenezer, and Mary Swan, Oct. 20, 1791. Jonas [Pearsons, int.], and Rhoda Underwood, Dec. 17, 1798.* Mary Thompson, of Milford, N. H., and Benjamin Blood, int. Nov. 23, 1803. PETTINGELL, Solinda, and [Lt. int.] Willard Cumings, May 5, 1825.* PIERCE (see also Pirce), Alexis, of Dracut, and Emeline Butterfield, int. Feb. 2, 1839, Augustus, Dr., and Alicia 0. Butterfield, Dec. 28, 1834.* Benjamin, of Chelmsford, and Olive Frost, int. Nov. 4, 1816. Eliza, and Ebenezer L. Munroe of Salem, int. May 14, 1837. Eliza, and Dustin Coburn, Jan. 16, 1842.* John A., of Chelmsford, and Mary [P. int.; D. p. r. 1.] Fletcher, Dec. 2, 1824.* Joseph, and Bridget Davis, int. June 1, 1812. Moses, of Boston, and Mary Barron, Jan. 22, 1816.* Silas, of Chelmsford, and wid. [Bridget, int.] Butman, Sept. 11, 1800. p. R. 1.* Warner, of Starksborough [Vt. p. r. 1.], and Salle Coburn, Jan. [12. p. R. 1.], 1792.* PIKE, Isaac, and [wid. int.] Mercy Fletcher, Oct. 7, 1802.* Justice [Justus, p. r. 1.], and Charlotte Blodget, Nov. 30, 1817.* Lucy, Mrs., and Levi Heywood of Westford, Dec. 11, 1842.* Polly [Sally, int.], and Willard Cumings, Dec. 17, 1801.* William, and Lucy [Sally, p. r. 1.] Flint, Apr. 15, 1824.* PIPER, Simeon F. [of Exeter, N. H. int.], a. 24 y., merchant, s. Sam[ue]l and Mary, and Mary Jane Butterfield, a. 21 y., d. Timo[thy] and Betsy, June 29, 1848.* PIRCE (see also Pierce), Jonas [jr. int.], of Chelmsford, and Susanna Hildreth, May 26, 1805.* PITMAN, Mary [Sally, p. r. 1 and int.], of Newbury [New- buryport. int.], and Ezra Barker, Dec. 7, 1795.* * Intention also recorded. 76 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES PITTS, Elizabeth, and Robert Brinley, Sept. 22, 1801.* John, Hon., of Boston, and Mary Tyng of Dunstable, at Chelmsford, June 3, 1799. Mary, and William Stoddard Bridge of Chelmsford, int. Oct. 14, 1811. Thomas, and Betsey Mumforth, both of Chelmsford, Nov. 9, 1802. p. R. 1. POLLARD, Asa [of Dunstable, p. r. 1.], and Susanna Winn of Nottingham West, Oct. 21, 1790. Betsey, of Dunstable [N. H. p. r. 1.], and David Nevins [Nevers. p. r. 1.] of Pelham, Feb. 7, 1792.* Mary Ann, and Willard Cumings, 2d, int. Apr. 12, 1835. Sally, of Nottingham West, and John Queen, int. Jan. 1, 1809. Sarah, and Ezekel Greely, both of Dunstable, Oct. 10, 1826. p. R. 1. PORTER, Dolley, and Capt. John Farwell, Sept. 12, 1820.* PRATT, J. Cummings, and Rebekah Read, both of Dunstable, Nov. 29, 1798. p. R. 1. Joseph Whitman, of Boston, and Mary Spaulding, May 27, 1816.* Sally, wid., and Lemuel Lawrance, int. July 25, 1810. William, of Antrim, N. H., and Joanna Holdin, Jan. 2, 1821.* PRENTISS, Eliza, Mrs., of Boston, and Samuel S. Lawrence, int. June 3, 1828. PRESBY, Timothy, of Bradford, N. H., and Clarissa Lund of Dunstable, N. H., Nov. 12, 1822. p. r. 1. Timothy, and Rebecca Lund, both of Dunstable, June 26, 1828. p. R. 1. PRESCOTT, Polly, of Groton, and Asa Hardy of Notting- ham West, July 18, 1805. p. r. 1. Polly, wid., of Westford, and John Woodward, int. Jan. 1, 1806. PRIME, Olive A., of Lowell, a. 19 y., operative, d. George, and Joseph Brigham of Lowell, a. 23 y., painter, s. Thomas S. and Mary, Sept. 11, 1844. * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 77 PROCTER, Jonas R., and Sibel Hodgman of Chelmsford, int. Sept. 10, 1809. QUEEN, John, and Sally Pollard of Nottingham West, int. Jan. 1, 1809. John F., and Sally Cumings, int. Nov. 26, 1839. Rebekah, and William Butterfield, Feb. 19, 1801. p. r. 1.* QUESEY, Henry, and Sarah Cushing of Chelmsford, at North Chelmsford, Apr. 18, 1843.* RAND, Samu[e]l, and Sophia Littlehale, int. Apr. 15, 1829. RAYMOND, Eri C, of Boxborough, a. 21 y., farmer, b. Boxborough, s. Nathan and Betsey, of Boxborough, and Susan S. Spaulding, a. 23 y., d. James and Anna, Dec. 5, 1848.* Liberty C, of Boxborough, and Sarah Ann Spaulding, int. Mar. 12, 1843. READ (see also Reed), Almira, and Isaac H. Wright, both of Dunstable, June 19, 1831. p. r. 1. Caleb, and Sally Richardson, both of Dunstable, Aug. 31, 1797. p. R. 1. James M., and Joanna Read, both of Westford, Oct. 15, 1837. p. R. 1. Joanna, and James M. Read, both of Westford, Oct. 15, 1837. p. R. 1. Mary, and Richard Baker, Mar. 19, 1807.* Mindrill, of Mollis, N. H., and Moses Kendall, int. Dec. 21, 1818. Rebekah, and J. Cummings Pratt, both of Dunstable, Nov. 29, 1798. p. R. 1. REED (see also Read), Abigail, of Westford, and Joseph Fletcher of Dunstable, Aug. 31, 1797. p. r. 1. Clarissa, of Westford, and Walter H. Cummings, Oct. 20, 1845. Cyrus, of Lexington, and Sarah Jewett of Dunstable, N. H., Apr. 4, 1824. p. R. 1. RICHARDSON, Ann, and Luther Chaney, both of Dunstable, June 8, 1797. P. R. 1. * Intention also recorded. 78 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES Richardson, Clark, of Dracut, and Lydia Ames, Apr. 4, 1822.* Cornelius, of Woburn, and Susan Gilson, Sept. 4, 1816.* Daniel, and Betsy Butterfield, May 1, 1810.* Daniel, and Mary Adams of Chelmsford, int. Apr. 1, 1816. Daniel, and Hannah Adams of Chelmsford, int. Nov. 13, 1826. Dolly, wid., and John Butler, both of Dracut, May 5, 1808. p. R. 1. Francis, of Chelmsford, and Mary Blodget of Dunstable, May 29, 1823. P. R. 1. Jerusha Ann, and Amasa Card, both of Lowell, Jan. 8, 1842. Oliver, of Chelmsford, and Cloa Bancroft, Mar. 31, 1791.* Rebeccah, of Chelmsford, and William Cumings, resident in Tyngsborough, int. Oct. 22, 1798. Reuben, of Dracut, and D[eborah. p. r. 1.] Butterfield, Apr. [14. p. R. 1.], 1791.* Sally, and Caleb Read, both of Dunstable, Aug. 31, 1797. p. R. 1. Samuel, of Chelmsford, and Sarah Danforth, Jan. 1, 1835.* Sarah, Mrs., and Calvin Howard of Westford, Nov. 24, 1842.* Simeon [Simon, int.], of Chelmsford, and Rhoda Parker, Nov. 10, 1807.* RIDEOUT, David, and Alethea Blood, both of Dunstable, Oct. 26, 1826, p. R. 1. ROBBINS, Asa, of Townsend, and Anna Wright of West- ford, Apr. 15, 1835. Henry, of Hollis [N. H. p. r. 1.], and Lucy Kendall, Nov. 11, 1819.* Micah E., of Dunstable, and Eliza Ingalls, Nov. 26, 1840.* Rhoda, and Joseph Ingals, Mar. 29, 1818. [Mar. 22. dup.]* ROBERTSON, Timothy, of Chesterfield [N. H. p. r. 1.], and Lucenda Bancroft, Oct. 12, 1807.* ROBEY (see also Roby), Betsey, of Dunstable, and Artemus Hill of Bedford, Sept. 23, 1832. p. r. 1. ROBSON, Eliza, and William Hansill, int. Nov. 9, 1839. * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 79 ROBY (see also Robey), Leonard, of Dunstable, N. H., and Hannah Tolls of Wethersfield, Vt., July 31, 1823. p. r. 1. Otis, and Mary Parkhurst, both of Dunstable [Jan. p. r. 1.] 29, 1829. RUSSELL, Elizabeth, Mrs., of Westford, and George Fred- erick, May 3, 1829. Nancy, and S. Parrot of Lynn, June 28, 1837. SALTER, Martha, and Leonard Carkin of Dracut, June 10, 1832. SANDERSON, Edmund, of Nashville, N. H., a. 26 y., baker, s. Abraham and Sarah, and Lydia Emeline Kendall, a. 22 y., d. Jeremiah and Lydia, Apr. 4, 1844.* SAWTELL, Rebekah, of Groton, and John Woodward, int. Dec. 13, 1823. SAWYER, Mary, and David Butterfield, Nov. 8, 1840.* SCRIBNER, Abigail, and Leonard Kendall, Nov. 3, 1825.* Hannah, and Joseph P[erkins. int.] Kirkland of New York, Aug. 16, 1809.* Nath[anie]l, and Hannah Spaulding, Jan. 5, 1814.* SEARLES (see also Searls), Benjamin, and Sarah Spaulding of Billerica, int. Nov. 29, 1823. James, of Dunstable, and Alis [Abi. p. r. 1.] Durant, Apr. 8, 1793. [Apr. 18. p. r. 1.] SEARLS (see also Searles), Catharine, and Ebenezer Blan- chard, both of Dunstable, Jan. 26, 1804. p. r. 1. SEAVEY, Polly, and John Griffin of Dunstable, N. H., Apr. 1, 1790.* SEVERANCE, Charles, of Chester, N. H., and Charlotte Thompson, int. June 6, 1843. SHEARER, Noah, of Palmer, and Betsey Heald of Pepperell, Mar. 26, 1822. * Intention also recorded. 80 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES SHED, Colman S., of Windsor, Vt., and Nancy D. Farwell, Dec. 30, 1832. SHERBURN (see also Sherburne), Almira, and Allen Wilson, int. Apr. 16, 1822. Thomas J. [G. p. r. 1.], of Boston, and Betsey Spaulding, Mar. 27, 1828.* William, of Pelham [N. H. int.], and Betsey Perham, Mar. 2, 1815.* SHERBURNE (see also Sherburn, Shurburne), Amelia A., of Nashua [N. H. int.], and [Capt. int.] James W. Cum- mings, Apr. 2, 1840.* Harriett, and Mial Davis of Nashua, N. H., int. Oct. 15, 1849. Sarah, and Cornelius W. Blanchard of Lowell, May 23, 1841.* SHERWING, Timothy, and Jemima Herrick, Dec. 27, 1798. p. R. 1. * SHURBURNE (see also Sherburne), Warren, and Mehitable Ames, int. Apr. 13, 1846. SHUTE, Catherine, of Boston, and James Burrows, int. Feb. 24, 1839. SIMONS, Daniel R., of Boston, and Eliza Perry of Dun- stable, Oct. 2, 1831. P. R. 1. SMITH, Clarissa, and John Fletcher, Mar. 25, 1828. Elizabeth, of Andover, and Israel Brown, resident in Tyngs- borough, int. June 17, 1805. John, of Chelmsford, and Harriot Wilson, Mar. 16, 1825. Lydia, of Nottingham West, N. H., and John Boardman, int. Oct. 10, 1814. Susanna Wendal [of Windham, int.], and Dr. Calvin Thomas, May 31, 1801.* SODEN, Hannah, of Watertown, and [Rev. int.] Nathaniel Lawrence, at Watertown, May 22, 1794.* SPALDING (see also Spaulding), Lucy, of Chelmsford, and [Dr. p. R. 1.] Ebenezer Varnum, Nov. 29, 1792. * Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 81 SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Abel, of Charlestown, and Elizabeth Kendall of Dunstable, May 28, 1829. Betsey, and Thomas J. [G. p. r. 1.] Sherburnof Boston, Mar. 27, 1828.* Easter, of Pelham, and Moses Coburn, July 27 [1794. p. r. 1. ].* Eliza T., and John Ingolls of Westford, Nov. 30, 1837.* George W., of Westford, and Rhoda Frederick, Dec. 6, 1821.* Hannah, and Nath[anie]l Scribner, Jan. 5, 1814.* Henry, of Boston, and Joanna Frederick, Oct. 20, 1814.* James, of Westford, and Anna Tinney, int. Feb. 12, 1807. John, of Pelham, N. H., and Sally Perham, Nov. 20, 1823. p. R. 1.* Josiah, and Betsey Burrows, Oct. 28, 1800. p. r. 1.* Josiah, and Polly Patch of Groton, int. Nov. 3, 1808. Leonard, and Sarah Lawrence, Feb. 2, 1826.* Lidea, of Dunstable, and James Whitney, int. Dec. 25, 1791. Lucretia, of Chelmsford, and Richard Marshall [jr. int.], at Chelmsford, May 14, 1840.* Mary, and Joseph Whitman Pratt of Boston, May 27, 1816.* Mary, and Daniel Kendall [jr. int.], July 1, 1834.* Nancy, and Joseph Wyman of Concord, Apr. 13, 1820.* Olive, of Chelmsford, and Asa Manning of Billerica, July 7, 1803. Samuel, and Mary Ann Wright of Westford, Sept. 7, 1834,* Sarah, and Daniel Jaques [jr. int.], Sept. 26, 1816.* Sarah, of Billerica, and Benjamin Searles, int. Nov. 29, 1823. Sarah Ann, and Liberty C. Raymond of Boxborough, int. Mar. 12, 1843. Sarah Chandler, of Nottingham West, and Reuben Colburn, int. June 25, 1808. Stephen, and Sabra A. Blodget, Oct. 2, 1831.* Susan, and Caleb Cumings of Boston, May 30, 1819.* Susan S., a. 23 y., d. James and Anna, and Eri C. Raymond of Boxborough, a. 21 y., farmer, b. Boxborough, s. Nathan and Betsey, of Boxborough, Dec. 5, 1848.* Susannah, and Jonas Keyes, Dec. 5, 1822.* STAR, Ebenezer, Dr., and Rebecah Blanchard, both of Dun- stable [N. H. p. r. 1.], Dec. 3 [1794. p. r. l.J. STEADMAN, Ebenezer, and Betsey Blood, both of Dun- stable, Nov. 4, 1830. p. r. 1. ♦Intention also recorded. 82 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES STEVENS, B. Merrill, and Mary B. Morgan of Dunstable, N. H., int. Dec. 13, 1835. Eunice A., of Nashua, N. H., and William G. Gordon, int Oct. 6, 1839. Sally, of Billerica, and Capt. William Adams, int. Aug. 25, 1823. STONE, Nancy, and Jacob Durant, Sept. 5 [1794. p. r. 1.].* Thomas, of Methuen [of Billerica. int.], a. 26 y., carpenter, s. John P. and Cathe[rine], of Billerica, and Mehitable Perham, a. 20 y., d. Sargent and Mehitable, Nov. 27, 1845.* SUMNER, Sarah S., of Braintree, and George Frederic, jr., int. Nov. 4, 1816. SWALLOW (see also Swollow), Catherine Alvina a. 19 y., sempstress, d. Bera and Catherine, and Stilman S. Davis of Nashua, N. H., a. 22 y., sash and blind maker, b. Dun- stable, s. Mial and Lucy, deceased, Nov. 15, 1848.* Sarah, of Dunstable, and John Blodget, int. Mar. 19, 1837. Sarah C, of Dunstable, and Albert G. Page [M. D. p. r. 1.] of Dunstable, N. H., Aug. 28, 1834. SWAN, Benjamin F., and Harriet M. Johnson of Chester- field, int. Oct. 15, 1840. Delphia, and Lt. Joseph Danforth, jr., Nov. 26, 1829.* Ebenezer, and Mary Bancroft, Nov. 26, 1801. p. r. 1.* Ebenezer, jr., and Mary E. Leighton of Westford, int. Sept. 20, 1830. Elizabeth, and Isaac P. Cumings, Nov. 14, 1833. [Nov. 15. p. R. 1.]* Jane, and Sumner Woodward of Nashua, N. H., int. [bet. Nov. 1845 and Apr. 1846.]. Lucy, and Capt. Daniel Taylor, May 16, 1813.* Lucy, and Christopher Littlefield, Mar. 2, 1842.* Mary, and Ebenezer Person, Oct. 20, 1791. Mary, and Zimri Kidder of Chelmsford, Nov. 18, 1824.* Sarah, and James [W. int.] Cumings, Mar. 25, 1830.* SWEETSER, Nathaniel, and Hannah Parker, both of Chelms- ford, Sept. 20, 1835. ♦Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 83 SWOLLOW (see also Swallow), Asa, and Almira Eldridge, both of Dunstable, Mar. 14, 1822. Bera, and Catherine Kendall, July 7, 1828,* TAFT, Richard, and Lucinda Knights of Hancock, N. H., int. May 2, 1839. TARBOX, Mercy, and Joseph Burrows, Oct. 23, 1825.* Sarah, and Rufus Crocker, Apr. 7, 1840.* William, resident in Tyngsborough, and Salley Wyman of Pelham, int. Mar. 26, 1798. TAYLOR, Abigail, and Henry Parkhurst, both of Dunstable, June 5, 1817. P. R. 1. Anna, see Farwell, Anna. Betsv, of Groton, N. H., and Benjamon Tinney, int. Feb. 5, 'l803. Daniel, Capt., and Lucy Swan, May 16, 1813.* Eliza S. M., Mrs., of Nashua, N. H., and Joseph W. Macum- ber, int. Apr. 22, 1848. James, of Dunstable, and Abigail Hill, Nov. 8, 1810.* Polly, and Leonard Butterfield, both of Dunstable, Dec. 1, 1796. Salle, of Dunstable, and Jona[than] Woodward, jr., int. Jan. 23, 1801. TERRILL (see also Turrel), Naomi E., of Manchester, N. H., a. 20 y., operative, d. William and Electa, and Daniel C. Mead, a. 21 y., laborer, b. Underbill, Vt., s. Josiah, jr. and Lucy, of Underbill, Vt., Feb. 7, 1849.* THOMAS, Calvin, Dr., and Susanna Wendal Smith [of Windham, int.]. May 31, 1801.* Jane S., and Dr. John 0. Green of Lowell, Sept. 13, 1826.* Lewis, and Catherine E. Allen of Mansfield, int. Mar. 30, 1834. THOMPSON, Abigail, and Jonathan C[oburn. int.] Wood [name changed from Eliakum Wood, May 20, 1793.], Nov. 20, 179[3. p. R. 1.].* ♦Intention also recorded. 84 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES Thompson, Asa, of Chesterfield [N. H. p. r. 1.], and Betsey Durrer of Milford, Mar. 9, 1802. Betsey, and Joseph Ingals [jr. int.], Nov. 26, 1801. p. r. 1.* Charlotte, and Charles Severance of Chester, N. H.,int. June 6, 1843. Hannah, and John Wood, jr., Sept. 15 [1794. p. r. 1.].* John, and Elizabeth Upton, Nov. 3, 1814.* Martha Ann, Mrs., of Charlestown, and Charles Foster, int. Dec. 9, 1848. Mary, and William Whiting, Apr. 8, 1793. [Apr. 18. p. r. 1.]* Mary W[yman. int.], and William Blodget, jr., Mar. 24, 1813.* Prudence, and John Wright, Apr. 19, 1795. [1796. p. r. 1; Mar. 27, 1796. int.]* Rebekah [Rachel, p. r. 1.], and William Blodget [jr. int.], Dec. 1, 1817.* Sarah [Swallow, int.], and Jerathmel Lund of Merrimack, Jan. 29, 1809.* Simon, and Sarah Danforth, Feb. 28, 1805.* THURLO, Sybel [Sybil Elizabeth, int.], and Ward Coburn, June 2, 1833.* TINNEY, Anna, and James Spaulding of Westford, int. Feb. 12, 1807. Benjamon, and Betsy Taylor of Groton, N. H., int. Feb. 5, 1803. TOLLS, Hannah, of Wethersfield, Vt., and Leonard Roby of Dunstable, N. H., July 31, 1823. p. r. 1. TOWN (see also Towne), Gardner, of Stoddard [N. H. p. r. 1.], and Lucy Bancroft, Jan. 27, 1795.* Hannah, of Stoddard [N. H. int.], and Ebenezer Bancroft, jr.. Mar. 11, 1805.* TOWNE (see also Town), Gardner, 2d, of Stoddard, N. H., and Susanna Bancroft, Dec. 20, 1843.* TUCK, Daniel, of Chelmsford, and Mary Ann Kidder, int. Mar. 2, 1818. ♦Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 85 TURNER, Cyrus, and Catherine Wright, Dec. 17, 1826.* George, a. 23 y., cabinet maker, b. West Bridgewater, s. Joseph and Abagail, and Alniira P. Kendall, a. 25 y., d. Jeremiah and Lydia, Oct. 26, 1848.* TURREL (see also Terrill), Sally, and Timothy Gilson, both of Dunstable, Jan. 26, 1804. p. r. 1. TUTTLE, George F., of Chelmsford, and Lucy Ann Kendall, Jan. 4, 1839.* TYLER, Abel H., and Mrs. Louisa Hall, Jan. 5, 1840.* TYNG, Jane A. L., and James [T. int.] Patch, Apr. 16, 1831.* Mary, of Dunstable, and Hon. John Pitts of Boston, at Chelmsford, June 3, 1799. Mary, and Asa [Patch, int.], Apr. 16, 1831.* Rebecca, of Dunstable, and John Lowell, Esq. of Boston, at Chelmsford, Jan. 27, 1798. Sarah, of Dunstable, and John Winslow of Boston, at Chelms- ford, Sept. 4, 1760. William, of Dunstable, and Lucy Clark of Chelmsford, at Chelmsford, Sept. 19, 1700. UNDERWOOD, Asa, and Mercy Dur[ant. int.], Mar. 31, 1790.* Rhoda, and Jonas Person [Pearsons, int.], Dec. 17, 1798.* UPTON, Abraham, and Phebe Haward of Salem, int. Dec. 6, 1800. Elizabeth, and John Thompson, Nov. 3, 1814.* John G., and Mary R. Danforth, June 26, 1842.* Jonathan, and Nancy Whittemore, Dec. 21, 1803. [Dec. 1. p. R. 1.]* Joseph, and Abigail Kidder of Dunstable, N. H., Dec. 8, 1825.* Joseph, and Mary Perham, Oct. 2, 1831.* Rebecca, of Reading, and Nathaniel Holdin, jr., at Reading, May 30, 1799.* Sarah W., of Dunstable, and Abiel Hosmer of Chelmsford, Dec. 31, 1835. *Intention also recorded. 86 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES VARNUM, Ebenezer [Dr. p. r. 1.], and Lucy Spalding of Chelmsford, Nov. 29, 1792. Hannah J., of Dracut, and Jonathan T. Fletcher, May 18, 1834.* VICKERY, Alfred, of Merrimack, N. H., and Mary [Ann. p. R. 1.] Burge, Dec. 13, 1832. WALKER, Hannah, and Joseph Blood, Feb. 2, 1796.* Rhoda, and Elijah Fletcher, int. Feb. 14, 1800. WARDEN, Allen, and Hannah R. Hunter, Aug. 17, 1834.* WARN, Mary, of Chelmsford, and Isaiah Davis, Mar. 22, 1818. WASHBURN, Ann Maria, and Zenas Davis, Apr. 2, 1843.* WEBSTER, Calvin, of Dracut, and Hannah C. Barker, May 19, 1842.* Henrv, of New Chester, and Rebekah [Rachel, p. r. 1.] Far- well, May 24, 1807.* Sophia, of Dracut, and Ralph Fox, Oct. 8, 1820. p. r. 1.* WELD, Elenor [Ellen, int.; Mrs. p. r. 1.], resident in Tyngs- borough, and Jonathan Holden, Apr. 10, 1803.* WHEELER (see also Wheler), Charles A., of Westford, and Eliza Barker, int. Oct. 7, 1843. Moses, of Billerica, and Roxanna Fletcher, int. May 25, 1834. WHELER (see also Wheeler), Hannah, of Mason, N. H., and Oliver Wright, int. Mar. 12, 1809. WHIPPLE, Rebekah B. L., and Joseph H. Cummings of Ha- verhill, May 6, 1841.* WHITE, Augusta, and Thomas Hunter, Dec. 1, 1836.* Joanna, and Capt. Howard [Willard H. int.] Cumings, May 1, 1828.* Mark, and Amey Holdin, int. Mar. 9, 1800. Samuel, and Laura Byam of Chelmsford, int. Oct. 29, 1837. *Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 87 WHITING, William, and Mary Thompson, Apr. 8, 1793. [Apr. 18. p. R. 1.] William, and Susan C. Hunt, both of Lowell, Apr. 4, 1833. Ziba, and Anna Bowers [Knowles. p. r. 1.] of Dracut, May 14, 1793.* WHITNEY, Betsy, and Joseph Lund of Dunstable, N. H., Feb. 25 [1794. p. r. 1.].* James, and Lidea Spaulding of Dunstable, int. Dec. 25, 1791. WHITTEMORE, Nancy, and Jonathan Upton, Dec. 21, 1803. [Dec. 1. p. R. 1.]* WHITTLE, Elizabeth, of Dunstable, N. H., and Capt. Timo- thy Butterfield, int. Feb. 20, 1822. Mary, of Dunstable, N. H., and Asa Butterfield, jr., int. Jan. 1, 1814. WILKINSON, Betsey, and Oliver Kendall, both of Dun- stable, May 13, 1829. WILLARD, Dorathy, and Daniel Gould, Nov. 25, 1790.* Joseph, and Sybbel Bailey, both of Dunstable, Feb. 16, 1790. WILLISTON, David Howe, Rev., of Tunbridge, and Susanna Bancroft, at Chelmsford, Jan. 26, 1796.* WILSON, Allen, and Almira Sherburn, int. Apr. 16, 1822. Elisabeth, and William Wyman, Apr. 16, 1812.* Harriot, and John Smith of Chelmsford, Mar. 16, 1825. James, of Hudson, N. H., and Mrs. Sarah Coburn, int. June 5, 1836. John, jr., and Mary Morse of Nottingham West, N. H., int. Dec. 9, 1816. John, and Mrs. Pheba Foster, Sept. 1, 1825.* John S., of Andover, and Mary Holdin [June. p. r. 1.] 5, 1828.* Lydia, and Asa Farmer, Mar. 14, 1822.* Pamella, and Salathui Frost, int. Oct. 31, 1828. Patty, and Benjamin Fletcher, Apr. 27, 1826. Sophia, and Reuben Chamberlain of Billerica, Oct. 7, 1822.* Stephen, and wid. Abbigail Wood, Aug. 27, 1806.* Stephen, and Louisa Gould of Stoddard, N. H., int. May 15, 1824. William, and Mrs. Rachel Kidder, Aug. 14, 1833.* *Inlention also recorded. 88 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES WINCH, Mary, and James Brown, int. Sept. 25, 1806. WINN, Joseph, and Alethea Gould, int. May 30, 1829. Josiah, of Dunstable, N. H., and Betsy Wright, int. May 17, 1808. Ruefus, of Dunstable, N. H., and Huldah Gilson, Nov. 30, 1809.* Sarah K., of Amherst, N. H., and Aaron Bryant, jr., int. Jan. 20, 1830. Susanna, of Nottingham West, and Asa Pollard [of Dun- stable, p. R. 1.], Oct. 21, 1790. William Rodney, of Amherst, N. H., and Elazabeth Bryant, Mar. 13, 1827.* WINSLOW, John, of Boston, and Sarah Tyng of Dunstable, at Chelmsford, Sept. 4, 1760. WITHERELL, Hilliard [Williard. p. r. 1.], and Catherine A. Perham, Sept. 28, 1834.* WOOD (see also Woods), Abbigail, wid., and Stephen Wilson, Aug. 27, 1806.* John, jr., and Hannah Thompson, Sept. 15 [1794. p. r. 1.].* Jonathan C[oburn. int.; name changed from Eliakum Wood, May 20, 1793.], and Abigail Thompson, Nov. 20, 179[3. p. R. 1.].* Lewis, and Mary Flint, May 25, 1806.* WOODS (see also Wood), Alethea [Alethena. p. r. 1.], of Dunstable, and David Gould, Apr. 15, 1807.* Catherine, and John Wright, both of Dunstable, Dec. 6, 1798. p. R. 1. Joanna, of Dunstable, N. H., and James Dudley of Lynn, June 1, 1819. p. r. 1. Mary Ann, a. 21 y., teacher, b. North Chelmsford, d. Isaac and Mary, of North Chelmsford, and George O. Bailey of North Chelmsford, a. 25 y., stone-cutter, b. East Canada, s. Joseph and Laura, of East Canada, Sept. 7, 1848. Rhode, and Jesse Hardy of Hollis, Sept. 26, 1793. WOODWARD, Easter, and Reuben Wright of Westford, int. Sept. 13, 1809. ♦Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES 89 Woodward, John, and [wid. int.] Mary Fletcher of Groton, at Groton, June 14, 1798.* John, and wid. Polly Prescott of Westford, int. Jan. 1, 1806. John, and Rebekah Sawtelle of Groton, int. Dec. 13, 1823. John, and Eunice B. Nutting, May 12, 1839.* Jona[than], jr., and Salle Taylor of Dunstable, int. Jan. 23, 1801. Martha, and Luther Blood, Feb. 19, 1837. p. r. 1. Oliver, and Mrs. Arvilla Patch, Apr. 17, 1818.* Policy, and Jonas Fletcher of Ashby, int. Mar. 16, 1799. Polly [R. int.], and Zephaniah Bennett of Chelmsford, Apr. 8, 1830.* Sumner, of Nashua, N. H., and Jane Swan, int. [bet. Nov. 1845 and Apr. 1846.]. Timothy, and Polly Butterfield, both residents in Tyngs- borough, int. Sept. 5, 1803. WORCESTER, Mahala, and Cyprian Banester, int. Jan. 10, 1811. WRIGHT, Anna, of Westford, and Asa Robbins of Townsend, Apr. 15, 1835. Betsy, and Josiah Winn of Dunstable, N. H., int. May 17, 1808. Bridget, of Westford, and Thadeus Davis of Dunstable, Aug. 18, 1791. Caleb, and Elizabeth L. Farwell, Apr. 24, 1825. Catherine, and Cyrus Turner, Dec. 17, 1826.* Isaac H., and Almira Read, both of Dunstable, June 19, 1831. p. R. 1. Joel, of Westford, and Sally Wright of Dunstable, N. H., Dec. 9, 1807. John, and Prudence Thompson, Apr. 19, 1795. [1796. p. r. 1; Mar. 27, 1796. int.]* John, and Catherine Woods, both of Dunstable, Dec. 6, 1798. p. R. 1. John, of Dunstable, and Mehitable Coburn of Dracut, May 19, 1808. p. R. 1. John W., of Westford, a. 31 y., stone-cutter, b. Westford, s. Reuben and Esther P., of Westford, and Charlotte Bond, a. 24 y., b. Underbill, Vt., d. Reuben and Malinda, de- ceased, Jan. 10, 1849.* ♦Intention also recorded. 90 TYNGSBOROUGH MARRIAGES Wright, Laura Ann, of Westford, and Joel Ingalls, at West- ford, Nov. 19, 1840. Louisa, and John Coburn, jr., int. Dec. 15, 1823. Martin, of Westford, and Eliza Ingolls, Oct. 20, 1835.* Mary Ann, of Westford, and Samuel Spaulding, Sept. 7, 1834.* Oliver, and Hannah Wheler of Mason, N. H., int. Mar. 12, 1809. Rachel, and Thaddeus Davis, jr., int. Nov. 8, 1813. Reuben, of Westford, and Easter Woodward, int. Sept. 13, 1809. Reuben, of Westford, and Abiah M. Dane of Chelmsford, Apr. 13, 1834. Reuben [jr. int.], and Margaret M[aria. int.] Flint, Aug. 13, 1837. p. R. 1.* Ruth, of Westford, and Samuel Perry Wyman, int. Aug. 3, 1812. Sally, of Dunstable, N. H., and Joel Wright of Westford, Dec. 9, 1807. Sally N., of Dunstable, and Asa W. Gilson, July 10, 1836.* Warren, of Westford, and Sarah Farwell, int. Nov. 15, 1844. WYMAN, Amos W., and Nancy Hall, Aug. — , 1837.* Asa, and Mercy Hall, July 9, 1829. Edward, of Pelham, and Elizabeth Fletcher, Dec. 7, 1797. p. R. 1.* John, and Betsey Cutter of Nottingham [West, int.], N. H., Dec. 18, 1828.* Joseph, of Concord, and Nancy Spaulding, Apr. 13, 1820.* Mahala, and Cyrus Colburn, May 8, 1823. p. r. 1.* Mercy, and Solomon Gilson [jr. int.], Dec. 6, 1810.* Rebeckah, and Ebenezer Gilson, Nov. 12, 1818.* Salley, of Pelham, and William Tarbox, resident in Tyngs- borough, int. Mar. 26, 1798. Samuel Perry, and Ruth Wright of Westford, int. Aug. 3, 1812. Sarah, and Micah Gilson, May 8, 1823. p. r. 1.* Therza, and Joshua [W. int.] Convers, Dec. 12, 1839.* William, and Elisabeth Wilson, Apr. 16, 1812.* William T., and Lydia Burrows, Oct. 3, 1822.* SURNAMES MISSING [torn], Mary, of Pelham, and Rogers L. Littlehale, int. Apr. 16, 1791. [torn], Sarah, and Lo[am]mi Cu[torn]ns, int. Dec. — , 1791. ♦Intention also recorded. TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS TO THE END OF THE YEAR 1849 ABBOTT, William Pickman, Sept. 14, 1809, a. 3 y. 1 m. G. R. 7. ACHAN, , inf. ch. , Nov. 14, 1815. p. r. 1. ADAMS, Francis, drowned, Feb. 12, 1842, a. 9 y. c. R. Ira Augustus, s. Ira and Hannah Ball, consumption, May 5, 1842. Mary Louisa, d. Ira and Hannah Ball, Oct. 23, 1837. Rachel, d. R[ichard and Sally, g. r. 1.], July — , 1812. p. r. 1. [June 30, a. 19 m. g. r. 1.] Sarah, d. R[ichard and Sally, g. r. 1.], July — , 1812. p. r. 1 [July 17, a. 3 y. 4 m. g.'r. 1.] William Henry, of North Chelmsford, consumption, Aug. 6, 1845, a. 2*1 y. 8 m. c. R. AYERS, see Eayrs. BAKER, , inf. ch. , Oct. 20, 1809. p. r. 1. BALDWIN, James, Dea., b. Woburn, d. Nov. 25, 1827, a. 54 y. G. R. 7. Priscilla Keyes, b. Westford, w. Dea. James, Aug. 11, 1849, a. 77 y. G. R. 7. BANCROFT, Ebenezer, Col. [an officer in the French War, and was in the battle of Bunker Hill. g. r. 7.], Sept. 22, 1827, in his 90th y. Hannah E., d. Ebenezer and Hannah, Mar. 20, 1830, a. 24 y. G. R. 7. [a. 23 y. p. r. 1.] Jonathan, Dea., July 11, 1815, a. 65 y. p. r. 1. [May 11, in his 56th y. G. R. 7.] Jon[a]th[an], Maj., Sept. 24, 1838. P. R. 1. [Sept. 14, a. 64 y. 7 m. G. R. 7.] 91 92 TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS Bancroft, Joseph G., unm., trader, s. Eb[e]n[eze]r and Han- nah, fever and bleeding at lungs, bur. Nashua, N. H., d. Oct. 28 1849, a. 28 y. ;Oct. 27. G. R. 7.] Leon, s. Ephraim and Harriet V., intussusception, Sept. 3, 1848, a. 1 y. 4 m. Martha, d. Maj. Jonathan and Sarah, Mar. 19, 1817, a. 9 m. G. R. 7. Martha, Mrs., at Chesterfield, N. H., old age. Mar. 10, 1843, a. 94 y. C. R. Susanna, w. Col. Ebenezer, Oct. 4, 1823, in her 80th y. BARKER, Amos R., Feb. 24, 1838, a. 36 y. G. R. 2. Asa, July 26, 1789, a. 44 y. g. r. 2. Asa, s. Asa, Feb. 23, 1836, a. 63 y. G. R. 2. Elizabeth, d. Asa, Jan. 8, 1837, a. 61 y. g. r. 2. Lydia, w. Asa, Feb. 5, 1823, a. 72 y. g. r. 2. William, Dec. 26, 1831, a. 32 y. p. r. 1. , inf. ch. , July 20, 1799. p. r. 1. , inf. ch. Ezra, Oct. — , 1812. p. r. 1. , inf. ch. William, Jan. 10, 1832. p. r. 1. , w. William, Jan. 20, 1832. p. r. 1. BARNES, Julia Ann, d. Charles and Nancy, of Lowell, and d. adopted, William and Mary Ann Frederick, Apr. 7, 1831, a. 2y. 4 m. lid. G. R. 5. BEARD, , inf. ch. Seth, Feb. 8, 1821. p. r. 1. , Mrs., burnt, Jan. 4, 1827. p. r. 1. BENNETT, Sarah Elizabeth, d. Zephaniah and Polly [R. g. R. 2.], lung fever, Feb. 5, 1843, a. 1 y. 3 m. BLANCHARD, Joseph, a pauper, of Boston, Sept. 15, 1822. p. R. 1. Rebecca, w. Jonathan, Aug. 20, 1811, in her 72d y. G. r. 7. BLODGET (see also Blodgett), Abi, w. Nehemiah, Dec. 1, 1818, a. 67 y. 2 m. 7 d. G. R. 4. Casper Degraff, s. Rufus M. and Hannah, Dec. 30, 1835. [a. 6 m. G. R. 5.] Hannah, w. Rufus Marshall, Nov. 22, 1836, a. 37 y. 5 m. Nehemiah, Sept. 26, 1823. a. 91 y. 7 m. 11 d. G. R. 4. TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS 93 BLODGETT (see also Blodget), Adeline, w. Thomas, puer- peral convulsions, bur. Dunstable, d. Jan. 7, 1849, a. 26 y. Almira, d. William, jr. and Rebecca, May 29, 1822. Augustus, s. William, jr. and Rebecca, Mar. 15, 1838. Beela, Mr., Oct. 30, 1826, a. 23 y. p. r. 1. [Oct. 29. g. r. 5.] Catherine, d. Thadeus and Hannah, consumption, Apr. 12, 1846, a. 37 y. Hannah, Nov. 27, 1815. p. r. 1. Hannah [M. g. r. 5.], w. Thaddeus, typhus fever, Jan. 6, 1844, a. 72 y. 29 d. Jacob, Sept. 26, 1823, a. 93 y. p. r. 1. John Ferdinand, s. John, jr. and Sarah, May 20, 1841. Joseph, s. William and Rebecca, dysentery, Oct. 18, 1848, a. 18 y. Martha, d. William, jr. and Mary Wyman, June 27, 1816. Mary, w. Thaddeus, July 1, 1843', a. 48 y. G. r. 5. Mary Elizabeth, m. [w. William Carey, c. R. ], d. Isaiah and Mary Davis, consumption, Mar. 27, 1847, a. 24 v. [Mar. 26. G. R. 1.] Mary Wyman, w. William, jr., June 26, 1816. Susan, d. William, jr. and Rebecca, July 10, 1823. Thadeus, widr., farmer, b. Dunstable, s.Josiah and Olive, old age, Oct. 27, 1847, a. 80 y. , wid., Apr. — , 1813. p. r. 1. BLOOD, [Charles, g. r. 1.], inf. ch. Benjamin [and Mary T. G. R. 1.], Sept. 1, 1822. p. r. 1. [a. 1 y. 10 m. g. r. L] , inf. ch. Joseph, Nov. 24, 1803. p. r. 1. , inf. ch. Oliver, July 18, 1814. p. r. 1. BOND, Albert Eliab, b. Portland, Me., s. Asa, rash, July 28, 1846, a. 2 y. 6 m. Melinda M., w. Reuben, Sept. 28, 1846, a. 58 y. G. R. 1. BRIDGE, Mary P., b. Chelmsford, w. William F. [William S., of Milford, Me. c. r.], consumption, Feb. 27, 1846, a. 57 y. BRINLEY, Catherine, w. Nathaniel, Apr. 30, 1808, a. 75 y. [a. 74 y. p. r. 1.] Catherine C, d. Robert and Elizabeth, Feb. 6, 1826. [a. 19 y. dup.] Elizabeth, d. Robert and Elizabeth, June [14. p. r. 1.], 1812. 94 TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS Brinley, John T. [I. p. r. 1.], s. Robert and Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1806. [Oct. 11. P. R. 1.] John Tyng, s. Nathaniel and Sarah Elizabeth, Dec. 4, 1841. [a. 17 m. c, R.] Nathaniel, Feb. 10, 1814, a. 81 y. Robert, jr., unm., s. Robert and Elizabeth, general debility, Mar. 20, 1847, a. 30 y. , s. Nathaniel and Elizabeth, infantile, Feb. 11, 1848, a. 3 d. BROWN, Elisha, Feb. 15, 1811. p. r. 1. BRYANT, James, s. Aaron, Sept. 6, 1817. p. r. 1. Louisa Winn, d. Aaron, jr. and Sarah Kendall [scarlatina. c. R.], Feb. 23, 1842. [a. 19 y. 5 m. G. R. 1.] Lucinda, d. Aaron, jr. and Sarah Kendall [scarlatina, c. r.], Feb. 17, 1842. [a. 4 y. 8 m. G. r. 1.] Rebecca, wid. Jeremiah, Feb. 1, 1835, a. 92 y. 6 m. BURBANK, Esther, d. Savory T. and Esther, Sept. 19, 1839, a. 8 m, 21 d. g. r. 4. Esther, w. Savory T., May 30, 1846, a. 39 y. g. r. 4. Esther J., d. Savory T. and Esther, Jan. 19, 1846, a. 2 y. 10 m. 2 d. g. r. 4. BURNHAM, Asa, s. A. and E. D., Sept, 16, 1838, a. 5 w. g. r. 1. Eleaner D., w. Asa, d. Isaiah [and Mary. g. r. 1.] Davis, Oct. 20, 1838. [Oct. 27, a. 20 y. G. R. 1.] , inf. ch. Tho[mas], Sept. — , 1838. p. r. 1. BURROWS, Eliza J., Sept. 23, 1840, a. 19 m. g. r. 5. Joseph, July 23, 1811. p. r. 1. William, unm., stone-cutter (alias) quarryman, s. Joseph and Mercy, typhoid fever, Oct. 10, 1847, a. 20 y. [a. 19 y. c. r.] , inf. ch. wid., Sept. 6, 1813. p. r. 1. BUTMAN, Sarah, Mrs. [w. Thomas, g. r. 1.], July 23, 1829, in her 70th y. p. r. 1. [July 21. g. r. 1.] Thomas, May 27, 1831, a. 72 y. g. r. 1. TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS 95 BUTTERFIELD, Abiah, w. Capt. Asa, Aug. 7, 1835, a. 77 y. [Aug. 8, a. 76 y. p. r. L] Araminta, d. Cyrus and Clarissa P., June 27, 1837. [a. 17 m. G. R. 4.] Asa, jr., June 24, 1824, a. 34 y. [June 11. p. r. 1.] Asa, s. [inf. p. r. 1.] Col. Timothy and Elizabeth (Whittle), May 26, 1826. Benjamin, drowned, Nov. 10, 1818, a. 6 y. p. r. 1. Betsy, d. Timothy and Betsy, inflammation of the bowels, Sept. 9, 1845, a. 22 y. Charles Asa, s. [inf. p. r. 1.] Col. Timothy and Elizabeth (Whittle), Apr. 4, 1826. Cyrus Franklin, locksmith, s. Cyrus and Clarissa [P. g. r. 4.], dysentery, Aug. 7, 1848, a. 18 y. Elizabeth, wid. [Capt. Joseph, g. r. 4.], Feb. 18, 1808, a. 84 y. p. R. 1. [Feb. 26. G. R. 4.] James, Col., m., millwright, s. James and Abagail, killed on Nashua and Lowell Railroad by the locomotive Indian Head, Nov. 27, 1848, a. 60 y. Joseph, Capt., at Milford, Me., May — , 1842, a. 88 y. Joseph Abner, suicide, June 18, 1839. c. r. Joseph Lorenzo, s. [inf. p. r. 1.] Joseph, 2d and Sally, May 29, 1827. [May 28. P. R. 1; a. 2 y. 3 m. 8 d. G. R. 4.] Mary, w. Capt. Reuben, Apr. — , 1805, a. 78 y. [Apr. 25, 1806. p. R. 1.] Mary W., d. James and Nabby, Sept. 28, 1818, a. 22 y. g.r. 4. Mary W., b. Nashua, N. H., wid. Asa, jr., general debility. Mar. 30, 1847, a. 62 y. 1 m. 6 d. Mercy, w. Luther, Oct. 29, 1827, a. 23 y. g. r. 4. [Oct. 9. p. R. 1.] [Nabbe. g. r. 4.], w. James, Mar. 4, 1839, a. 73 y. p. r. 1. [a. 72 y. G. R. 4.] Reuben, s. Abner R. and Hepsabeth, Oct. 18, 1810, a. 4 y. 5 m. G. R. 4. Reuben, Capt. [an officer of the Revolution, g. r. 4.], Feb. — , 1815, a. 88 y. [Feb. 22, 1816. G. R. 4.] Ruth, w. David, b. Dec. 12, 1791, d. June 7, 1836. g. R. 4. , ch. Joseph, Feb. 17, 1824. p. r. 1. , inf. ch. Maj., Oct. 27, 1830. P. r. 1. , w. William, May 4, 1833. p. r. 1. , ch. Joseph, Nov. 2, 1835. p. r. 1. , ch. Sarah, July 16, 1836. p. r. 1. , inf. s. Col. Timothy and Elizabeth (Whittle), July 3, 1837. 96 TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS CARKIN, Elizabeth, wid. James, consumption, Apr. 9, 1843, a. 40 y. [Apr. 8. c. R.] Howard Fletcher, s. Lewis and Hannah, cholera infantum Sept. 18, 1849, a. 1 y. 1 m. Irena, d. J. and J. [Josiah and Jemima (Burrows), p. r. 13.], Mar. 18, 1837, a.. 13 m. g. r. 5. [Aug. 18. p. r. 13.] Jonas, Mar. 15, 1840, a. 62 y. G. r. 5. Jonas, m., s. Jonas and Alice, consumption, Sept. 28, 1848, a. 52 y. Joseph, Feb. 8, 1799. p. r. 1. Leonard, m., s. Asa, consumption, Oct. 21, 1849. [Oct. 22, a. 42 y. G. R. 2.] Martha H., d. Jonas, jr. and Sybil, Mar. 25, 1830. [a. 14 m. G. R. 5.] Martha [Martha Maria, p. r. 13.], d. Josiah and Jemima, dys- entery, Aug. 27, 1848, a. 4 y. 2 m. Syntha, O'ct. 8, 1804. p. r. 1. , wid., Sept. 5, 1807. p. r. 1. , inf. ch. James, Dec. 27, 1824. p. R. 1. , ch. Isaac, Dec. 26, 1834, a. 11 y. p. r. 1. CHAMBERLAIN, Hannah, a stranger, Aug. 31, 1821. p. r. 1. CHAMBERS, Charles, instantly killed, Oct. 6, 1829, a. 11 y. G. R. 5. Matthew, Capt., "officer in the Revolution," Jan. 30, 1800, a. 73 y. G. R. 7. Sally, w. William, Aug. 21, 1839, a. 61 y. g. r. 5. [William, g. r. 5.], Capt., drowned, Aug. 15, 1826. p. r. 1. [a. 51 y. G. R. 5.] CHANDLER, Francilla Maria, d. Newton, of Medford, at Westford, Sept. 11, 1848, a. 2 y. 9 m. c. R. , ch. , Oct. 15, 1798. p. R. 1. CLARK, Catherine C, d. Hobart and Elizabeth, Aug. — , 1829, a. 22 m. G. R. 2. Elizabeth S., d. Hobart and Elizabeth, Sept. — , 1817, a. 3 m. G. R. 2. CLERE, , inf. ch. , a stranger, Jan. 25, 1830. p. r. 1. COBURN (see also Colburn), Abiel, June 28, 1814. p. r. 1. Abiel, June 7, 1834, a. 62 y. P. R. 1 TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS 97 COBURN, Abigail, d. Oliver, Feb 21, 1793. p. r. 1. Caleb, s. Caleb, Apr. 3, 1798. p. r. 1. Caleb, Dec. 17, 1810, a. 72 y. p. r. 1. Daniel Augustine, s. D. P. [Daniel P. and Rebecca, g. r. 4.], poison, Oct. 3, 1841, a. 2 y. 6 m. C. R. Edward Everret, s. Ward and Sybil Elizabeth, lung fever, June 20, 1838. George, b. Mar. 26, 1830, d. May 29, 1834. g. r. 1. George Patterson, s. Dustin and Eliza, scarlet fever, Mar. 8, 1845, a. 4 y. 7 m. 26 d. James, s. John, jr., Mar. 13, 1790. p. r. 1. John, Apr. — , 1810, a. 71 y. p. r. 1. John, June 14, 1838, a. 71 y. G. R. 4. Lewis [C. G. R. 4.], unm., quarryman, s. Reuben and Sarah, consumption, Aug. 17, 1848, a. 31 y. Lucia, d. Daniel P. and Rebecca, Dec. 29, 1835, a. 17d. g. r. 4- Mary, w. John, Aug. 14, 1825, a. 60 y. g. r. 4. Mary, w. Abiol, Feb. — , 1841, a. 94 y. Mary, wid. Oliver, old age, Mar. 15, 1849, a. 84 y. [a. nearly 82 y. c. R.] Oliver, Oct. 2, 1825, a. 64 y. Peter, s. Daniel P. and Rebecca, Nov. 2, 1837, a. 23 d. g. r. 4. Reuben, Mar. 25, 1831. p. r. 1. Sarah, Mrs., Oct. 10, 1809, a. 70 y. p. r. 1. Sarah, Oct. — , 1830. p. r. 1. Sarah Jane, d. Ward and Sybil Elizabeth, lung fever, Feb. 16, 1843, a. 3 y. 5 m. [Feb. 15. c. R.] Sybil, w. James, consumption, July 6, 1840. c. R. Timothy, b. Aug. 29, 1802, d. Jan. 14, 1838. G. R. 1. inf. ch. Oliver, Sept. 21, 1799. p. r. 1. inf. ch. James, Jan. 31, 1818. p. r. 1. w. James, Apr. 21, 1820. p. r. 1. inf. ch. James, Oct. 15, 1821. p. r. 1. inf. ch. Samuel, Aug. 31, 1822. p. R. 1. inf. ch. Jesse, June 11, 1828. p. r. 1. wid., Jan. 15, 1831, in her 91st y. P. R. 1. ch. Jesse, Feb. 17, 1831. p. r. 1. ch. Timothy, May 24, 1834. p. r. 1. COLBURN (see also Coburn), Edward, s. Thomas and Mary, Apr. 18, 1824, a. 18 y. 11 m. 3 d. G. R. 7. Harriet, b. Dracut, w. Jesse, consumption, May 3, 1843, a. 40 y. 7 m. 9 d. 98 TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS CoLBURN, Jesse Varnum, s. Jesse and Harriet, June 22, 1827. [1829, a. 2 m. g. r. 2. ] Leon Bancroft, s. J. and H., Sept. 3, 1848, a. 1 y. 5 m. g. r. 2. Mary, w. Dea. Thomas, Sept. 7, 1839, in her 59th y. g. r. 7. Mercy Maria, d. Jesse and Harriet, Feb. 17, 1831. [Feb. 27, a. 4 y. G. R. 2.] Rachel, d. Thomas and Mary, Jan. 8, 1823, a. 1 y. 3 m. 19 d. G. R. 7. , inf. d. Jesse and Harriet, Aug. 3, 1822. [a. 1 d. g. r. 2.] CONVERSE, Phebe E., d. Joshua and Therza, Sept. 26, 1842, a. 2 y. 2 m. 10 d. G. R. 5. , ch. , croup, Oct. 5, 1843, a. 4 m. c. R. COREY, Sarah, Apr. 28, 1806. p. r. 1. CROCKER, Rufus, m., stone-cutter, consumption, Mar. 12, 1845, a. 29 y. 5 m. 8 d. CUMINGS (see also Cummings), Anna Spaulding, d. John G. and Fidelia, Aug. 6, 1836. [July 7, a. 3 y. 2 m. G. r. 1.] Jepthah Parker, s. Jepthah P. and Lucy [P. g. r. 1.], Aug. 3, 1838. [a. 8 m. g. r. 1.] Jepthah Parker, s. Jepthah P. and Lucy [P. g. r. 1.], Sept. 13, 1839. [Sept. 18, a. 6 m. G. R. 1.] John Franklin, s. John and Sally, Feb. 25, 1833. [a. 26 y. p. R. 1.] John G., m., farmer, s. Willard and Polly, ossification of the heart. Mar. 17, 1847, a. 40 y. Joseph B., s. Willard and Polly [bet. 1818 and 1820.]. Mary Ann, w. Willard B., smallpox, Dec. 29, 1837. Otis Greenleaf, s. Charles L. and Hannah [A. g. r. 1.], cholera infantum, Sept. 2, 1848, a. 11 m. Sally [Sarah Swan. g. r. 5.], w. Capt. James W., Dec. 22, 1837, a. 27 y. Thomas, Dea., Jan. 20, 1792, a. 64 y. 3 m. 17 d. G. R. 7. , w. James, Oct. 28, 1837. p. r. 1. CUMMINGS (see also Cumings), Elizabeth, wid., July 2, 1793. p. R. 1. Elizabeth, w. Isaac P., Sept. 10, 1835, a. 24 y. g. r. 5. George Lang, s. Simeon and Mary G., drowned, Jan. 15, 1833. [a. 7 y. 3 m. g. r. 1.] John, July 17, 1807, a. 55 y. p. r. 1. TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS 99 CuMMiNGS, Lucy [Perham. g. r. 1.], w. Jeph[thah] P., puer- peral fever, Feb. 28, 1846, a. 34 y. 4 m. 2 d. Mary Fidelia, d. John G. and Fidelia, croup, Apr. 3, 1849, a. 2 y. 5 m. 5 d. Mary G., w. Simeon, lung fever. May 4, 1842, a. 48 y. [Mary S. d. G. r. 1.], s. Jepthah P. and Susan [T. g. r. 1.], infantile, Jan. 16, 1848, a. 7 d. Sarah, b. Chelmsford, v;id. John, old age, Mar. 15, 1845, a. 94 y. Simeon B., s. Simeon and Mary, Sept. 12, 1823, a. 13 y. 7 m. G. R. 1. Susan Abby [Abby S. g. r. 1.], d. Jepthah P. and Lucy [P. G. R. 1.], Oct. 23, 1844, a. 4 m. 3 d. Willard B., s. J. G. and F., July 22, 1840, a. 1 y. 1 m. g. r. 1. , inf. ch. W., Apr. 17, 1819. p. r. 1. , twin chn., , Apr. 7, 1823. p. r. 1. CUTLER, Benjamin, Feb. 21, 1829, a. 61 y. g. r. 7. Mary A., d. Benj[amin] and Eliza, Apr. 21, 1828, a. 10 m. G. R. 7., Nathan, Dr., Feb. 22, 1830, a. 91 y. g. r. 7. DAKIN, , inf. ch. Joseph, May 8, 1809. p. r. 1. DANFORTH, James, s. Josiah [and Mary. g. r. 1.], Sept. 18, 1812. p. R. 1. [a. 15 y. G. R. 1.] John [s. Josiah and Sarah, g. r. 1.], Nov. 18, 1811. p. r. 1. [a. 22 y. G. R. 1.] Joseph [Josiah. p. r. 1.], Lt., Mar. 30, 1795. [in his 75th y. G. R. 1.] Josiah, Esq., May 8, 1838, a. 82 y. [a. 81 y. p. r. 1.] Luella Octavia, d. Joseph and Delphia, cholera infantum and whooping cough, Sept. 3, 1849, a. 1 y. 1 m. Mary, w. Lt. Joseph, Dec. 1, 1789, in her 68th y. g. r. 1. Sarah, w. Josiah [lung fever and paralysis, c. r.], Apr. 11, 1842, a. 87 y. DAVIDSON, John, s. Frank, Oct. 7, 1793. p. r. 1. DAVIS, Betty B., d. Isaiah and Deborah, July 30, 1826, a. 35 y. G. r. 7. Frances, d. Jeremiah P. and Hannah, July 30, 1838, a. 2 y. 3 m. G. R. 7. Isaiah, Aug. 2, 1835, a. 65 y. G. r. 7. 100 TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS DIX, Luther, Apr. 21, 1807. p. r. 1. Rhoda, d. Joseph, Apr. 2, 1799. p. r. 1. , d. Joseph, Oct. — , 1812. p. r. 1. , inf. chn., twins, Feb. 29, 1816. p. r. 1. , Mrs., Aug. 4, 1822, a. 70 y. P. R. 1. , inf. ch. John, May 26, 1827. p. r. 1. DOW, , inf. ch. Samuel, Sept. — , 1798. p. r. 1. DRAKE, Olive A., d. Jacob and Olive R., June 28, 1846, a. 15 y. G. R. 2. Olive A., d. Jacob and Olive R., infantile, Aug. 11, 1849, a. 4 m. 11 d. Olive R., w. Jacob, consumption, Apr. 11, 1849, a. 43 y. Sarah Abagail, d. Jacob and Olive R., cerebritis, Nov. 9, 1849, a. 19 y. DUNBAR, John, Capt., Mar. 2, 1830, a. 38 y. p. r. 1. John Harrison, s. John, Sept. 22, 1825, a. 2 y. 2 m. 3 d. G. R. 1. Susan, w. John, May 30, 1827, a. 27 y. g. r. 1. DUNN, Pearse, Apr. 6, 1835. p. r. 1. DUTTON, , inf. ch. John, May 22, 1798. p. r. 1. EAYRS, Joseph, Feb. 7, 1798, a. 69 y. 4 m. 12 d. g. r. 7. EMERSON, , ch. Jonathan, Feb. 14, 1811. p. r. 1. EPES, Nathaniel, drowned, May 1, 1801. p. r. 1. , inf. ch. Benjamin, Jan. 20, 1797. p. r. 1. FAR WELL, Abigail, w. Oliver, Aug. 18, 1789, in her 68th y. G. R. 7. Almira, d. James C. and Nancy, Feb. 23, 1837, a. 20 y. G. R. 5. Clarissa, Miss [d. Capt. John. g. r. 2.], at Groton, Feb. 24, 1844, a. 45 y. c. R. Dorothy, w. Capt. John, Aug. 7, 1838, a. 83 y. [Aug. 11. G. R. 2.] Eleazer, Feb. 21, 1805. p. r. 1. Eleazer, widr., laborer, s. Eleazer, old age, July 31, 1848, a, 89 y. [a. 88 y. c. R.] TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS 101 Farwell, Elizabeth Hunt, w. Capt. John, Nov. 27, 1807, a. 42 y. [Nov. 24. p. R. 1.] Esther, w. Eleazer, eldest d. Abijah and Esther Wood, May 14, 1811, in her 47th y. G. r. 1. James C, Oct. [14 p. r. 1.], 1826, a. 55 y. [a. 54 y. p. r. 1.] John, Capt. [Dea. p. r. 1.], Feb. 12, 1838, a. 83 y. [a. 82 y. p. R. 1.] Joseph, Sept. 24, 1832, a. 25 y. G. r. 5. Nancy, wid. James C, angina pectoris, Feb. 9, 1843, a. 56 y. Oliver, Feb. 12, 1809, a. 92 y. [1808, a. 93 y. p. r. 1.] Peter Smith, s. Capt. John and Elizabeth, Oct. 12, 1792, in his 6th y. g. r. 7. , wid.. May 20, 1806. p. r. 1. , inf. ch. Eleazer, May 21, 1809. p. r. 1. , inf. ch. James, June 7, 1816. p. r. 1. , w. Eleazer, Oct. 21, 1824, a. 59 y. P. r. 1. FITCH, Irad, July 30, 1838, a. 57 y. G. r. 1. FLETCHER, Benjamin, Sept. 23, 1844, a. 41 _y. g. r. 2. David, s. Elijah and Marcy, June 3, 1799, in his 11th y. G. R. 3. [1800. p. R. 1.] David, Apr. — , 1816. p. r. 1. Elijah, Sept. 28, 1798. p. r. 1. [Sept. 21, a. 63 y. G. r. 3.] Elijah, Capt., Apr. 23, 1822. p. r. 1. [Apr. 24, a. 48 y. G. r. 3.] Hannah J., w. Jonathan T., Sept. 11, 1838, a. 26 y. g. r. 2. John W., s. Jonas and Polly, at sea, Aug. 13, 1838, a. 26 y. G. R. 2. Joseph, s. Elijah and Marcy, Sept. 13, 1790, in his 7th y. G. R. 3. Joseph, Nov. 28, 1804. p. r. 1. Martha, w. Benjamin, Jan. 16, 1827, a. 21 y. G. R. 3. Mercy, wid., Nov. 2, 1809. p. r. 1. OliveJ Aug. 24, 1826, a. 87 y. p. r. 1. Rhoda, w. Capt. Elijah, Apr. 2, 1822, a. 48 y. G. R. 3. Robert, Sept. 9, 1792, a. 65 y. g. r. 7. Susanna, w. Will[iam], found in a well, Aug. 21, 1826. p. R. 1. [a. 66 y. G. r. 3.] William, in Missouri, Oct. 10, 1829, a. 70 y. G. R. 3. , inf. ch. Robert [after Apr. 17], 1819. p. R. 1. , inf. ch. Robert, Nov. 9, 1826. P. r. 1. , inf. ch. , Aug. 9, 1827. p. r. 1. , w. , July 14, 1828. P. R. 1. 102 TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS FLINT, Charles, Dec. [20. p. r. 1.], 1829, a. 74 y. Elisabeth, wid. Charles, Jan. 10, 1805. [a. 77 y. G. r. 5.] Elizabeth, Mrs., Oct. 2, 1816, a. 59 y. G. R. 5. Elizabeth, w. Charles, old age, Apr. 19, 1843, a. 84 y. Lucy, d. Charles and Elisabeth, Sept. 13, 1791. [a. 2 y. G. R. 5.] Margaret, b. Hudson, N. H., w. Samuel, apoplexy, Aug. 12, 1845, a. 50 y. Samuel, widr., s. Charles and Betsy, marasmus, Sept. 21, 1848, a. 57 y. [Samuel G. g. r. 5.], s. Samuel [and Margaret, g. r. 5.], Oct. 18, 1825. P. R. 1. [Oct. 16, a. 21 m. G. R. 5.] Thomas B., s. Charles and Elizabeth, Oct. 23, 1808. [a. 10 y. G. R. 5.] , inf. ch. Samuel, Aug. 5, 1822. p. r. 1. FORD, Rachel W., w. Joseph H., l<[ov. 20, 1838, a. 23 y. G. R. 5. FOX, Oilman, June 15, 1825, a. 23 y. p. r. 1. FREDERIC (see also Frederick), Rhoda, w. George, Mar. 28, 1821, a. 51 y. G. R. 5. William A., s. William and Mary A., Nov. 13, 1825, a. 2 y. G. R. 5. FREDERICK (see also Frederic, Fredrick), Eleazer, s. George, Aug. 1, 1796. p. r. 1, George, jr., Aug. 14, 1841, in his 50th y. g. r. 5. Josephine, d. Samuel and Lucinda, [18 — ], a. 1 y. G. R. 5. Mary Ann, w. William, consumption, Oct. 16, 1845, a. 42 y. Samuel, Apr. 10, 1839, a. 39 y. g. r. 5. , two inf. chn. William, Nov. 5, 1825. p. r. 1. , inf. ch. adopted, William, Apr. 2, 1831. p. r. 1. FREDRICK (see also Frederick), George, m., farmer, Feb. 9, 1844, a. 79 y. 30 d. FRENCH, Benjamin, Capt., Dec. 15, 1799, in his 74th y. G. R. 7. FROST, Eldridge [Elbridge, s. Salathiel and Permelia. G. R. 4.], scarlatina, Feb. 21, 1842, a. 7 y. c. R. TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS 103 FULLER, Roger, June 23, 1834, a. 60 y. g. r. 7. GILSON, Esther, w. Nehemiah, scarlet fever, May 2, 1842, a. 74 y. Jeremiah, farmer, gastritis, Dec. 8, 1842, a. 85 y. Lucy Ann, Miss, June 21, 1818. p. r. 1. Mary, Mrs., Sept. 20, 1821. p. r. 1. Nathan, s. Solomon, x\pr. 5, 1815. p. r. 1. GLYNN, Sophronia, d. Isaac, Sept. 30, 1803. p. r. 1. , ch. Isaac, Mar. 13, 1790. p. r. 1. GOSS, , ch. James, Apr. 28, 1838. p. r. 1. GOULD, Abigail, w. Mark, Nov. 20, 1801, a. 68 y. g. r. 6. David, Mar. 2, 1826, a. 61 y. P. R. 1. Mark, Oct. 23, 1819, a. 90 y. G. R. 6. Mark, Dec. 10, 1828, a. 61 y. G. R. 6. Polly, w. Joseph, Dec. 30, 1829, a. 52 y. G. R. 1. Samantha J., Dec. 5, 1846, a. 27 y. 6 m. G. r. 5. , ch. , poison, Apr. 16, 1815. p. r. 1. , inf. ch. Joseph, May 14, 1816. P. r. 1. , inf. ch. Joseph, May 7, 1817. p. r. 1. GRAVES, Calvin, jr., s. Calvin and Betty, July 22, 1781, in his 2d y. G. R. 7. GREEN, Jane Smith, w. Dr. John O., and eldest d. Dr. Cal- vin Thomas, at Lowell, June 21, 1828. [a. 24 y. g. r. 2.] HADLEY, Mary, w. Ebenezer, July 5, 1827, a. 34 y. G. R. 7. HADLOCK, Abigail [Miss. p. r. 1.], "familiarly called Nurse, who lived as a domestic in the family of the late Judge Tvng upward of Fifty vears, died at the mansion-house of' Robert Brinley, Esq.," Dec. 31, 1822, a. 105 y. [Dec. 30. p. R. 1.] Dorcas, wid., Mar. 28, 1790, a. 93 y. p. R. 1. , ch. John, Apr. 4, 1790. P. R. 1. HALL, Charles S., operative, b. Nashua, N. H., s. Benj[amin] and [wid. c. r. ] Mary, consumption, Apr. 11, 1846, a. 19 y. 104 TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS Hall, Elizabeth, d. Harrison, of North Chelmsford, Sept. 20, 1849, a. 2 y. 7 m. c. R. Franklin, Feb. 1, 1848, a. 27 y. G. r. 7. George, m., laborer, b. Brookline, N. H.,s. Uriah and Hannah, typhoid pneumonia, bur. Brookline, N. H., d. Sept. 24, 1848, a. 42 y. Sarah [W. g. r. 7.], w. Elbridge, of Nashua, N. H., Oct. 23, 1849, a. 49 y. C. R. , inf. ch. wid., at Pepperell, Sept. 9, 1849. c. R. HAMBLET (see also Hamblett), Sarah B. Butterfield, w. Jonas, Mar. 4, 1849, a. 45 y. G. r. 4. HAMBLETT (see also Hamblet), Joseph, s. Jonathan, Dec. 10, 1796. p. R. 1. , inf. ch. Josiah, Dec. 26, 1795. p. r. 1. HARDY, Dolly, wid. Asa, late of Hudson, in an insane mind was drowned near the ferry, July 23, 1837, a. 52 y. g. r. 4. HAWKS, , wid., July 2, 1830, a. 92 y. p. r. 1. HAZEN, John, Feb. 12, 1829, a. 35 y. p. r. 1. HENLEY, Catherine, a stranger, May 11, 1807. p. r. 1. HERRICK, Maria E., w. Jonathan S., puerperal fever, bur. Methuen, d. May 25, 1845, a. 32 y. , d. Jona[tha]n S'. and Maria E., infantile, May 26, 1845, a. 4 d. HILDRETH, Sophia, w. Greenough, d. Eleazer and Esther Farwell, Mar. 24, 1833. HOLDEN (see also Holdin), Charles, s. Lt. Nathaniel and Rebecca, Nov. 26, 1833, a. 24 y. 7 m. 27 d. g. R .1. Charles W., blacksmith, s. Silas and Mary, typhoid fever, Nov. 9, 1847, a. 18 y. James, Aug. 22, 1829. p. r. 1. John, jr., Aug. 18, 1813. p. r. 1. Nathaniel, Lt., July 19, 1847, a. 67 y. g. r. 1. [1837. p. r. 1.] Rebecca, w. Lt. Nathaniel, Nov. 18, 1832, a. 60y. 11 m. g. r.1. [Nov. 25, a. 61 y. p. r. 1.] , inf. ch. Nathaniel, jr., Sept. 10, 1813. p. r. 1. TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS 105 HOLDIN (see also Holden), John, s. Silas and Mary, Jan. 12, 1833. [a. 17 y. P. R. 1.] Mary, w. Capt. Nathaniel, Aug. 4, 1804, a. 62 y. [Aug. 11. p. R. 1.] Mary Jane, d. Silas and Mary, Jan. 26, 1818. [a. 7 m. G. R. 1.] Mary Jane, d. Silas and Mary, Oct. 20, 1821. Nathaniel, Capt. [officer in Revolutionary war. g. r. 1.], Jan. 21, 1817, a. 76 y. Nathaniel, Jan. 11, 1841, a. 37 y. , inf. ch. Silas and Mary [after Aug. 1, 1814.]. MOLLIS, Abigail, May 3, 1827, a. 15 y. p. r. 1. Charles, m., farmer, b. Braintree, s. Silas and Sally, pneu- monia, Nov. 23, 1849, a. 71 y. Charles H., Sept. 8, 1838, a. 31 y. g. r. 1. David, Oct. 11, 1828. p. r. 1. Elizabeth, Jan. 31, 1815, a. 9 w. g. r. 1. Martha J., Oct. 10, 1820, a. 13 y. G. r. 1. Sarah A., May 1, 1827, a. 15 y. g. r. 1. , inf. ch. , Apr. 3, 1815. P. r. 1. HOLT, Betsy, w. David, consumption, bur. Lowell, d. Nov. 29, 1848, a. 30 y. 1 m. 25 d. HOMER, Benjamin, Feb. 25, 1835, a. 57 y. g. r. 5. Clarissa [C. g. r. 5.], m., b. Stoddard, N. H. [w. James. G. R. 5.], d. William and Sally Chambers, consumption, July 7, 1847, a. 45 y. HOUSTON, Ovid, Mar. 6, 1794. p. r. 1. HOWARD, Charlotte, w. Jonathan, July 11, 1801. p. r. 1. [in her 28th y. g. r. 7.] Jonathan, s. Jonathan, July 27, 1802. p. r. 1. [a. 5 y. 7 m. G. R. 7.] Jonathan F. [jr. p. r. 1.], Aug. 31, 1834, a. 28 y. 4 m. 7 d. G. R. 1. [a. 25 y. p. r. 1.] Mary [E. g. r. 1.], b. Dunbarton, N. H., wid. Jonathan [F. G. R. 1.], jr., chronic pericarditis, May 21, 1849, a. 43 y. Mercy, w. Dea. Jonathan, Feb. 3, 1832, a. 56 y. G. R. 1. Mercy Elizabeth, d. [the late Jonathan F. g. r. 1.] and wid. Mary [E. g. r. 1.], croup. May 24, 1839, a. 5 y. c. R. Rebecca, d. Samuel and Rebecca, Aug. 25, 1793, a. 2 y. 10 m. G. R. 7. Samuel, Mar. 14, 1790. p. r. 1. 106 TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS HUNT, Esther, w. Jeremiah, Apr. 9, 1843, a. 84 y. G. r. 7. Fanny, w. Jeremiah, Oct. 3, 1795, a. 31 y. 10 m. 20 d. G. R. 7. Jeremiah, Jan. 3, 1844, a. 85 y. g. r. 7. William, Dea., May 9, 1797, in his 74th y. g. r. 7. HUNTER, Augusta, m., b. Acton [w. Thomas, c. r.], d. Mark and Amy White, consumption, Apr. 6, 1847, a. 84 y. [a. 35 y. C. R.] Judith Maria, d. Joel, jr. and Judith, Apr. 12, 1839. [May 23, a. 7 y. 20 d. G. R. 5.] Julia Ann, d. Joel, jr. and Judith, July 22, 1838. [a. 4 y. 7 m. G. R. 5.] Nancy [E. c. r.], d. Joel and Judith, injury of the knee joint, Sept. 11, 1847, a. 12 y. [Sept. 9, a. 11 y. 8 m. g. r. 5.] , inf. [s. p. R. 1.] Thomas, lung fever, May 8, 1846. c. r. INGALLS (see also Ingals, Ingols), Asa, s. Joseph, Mar. 20, 1796. p. R. 1. Daniel, s. Daniel and Mercy, drowned, Aug. 21, 1820, a. 1 y. 11m. 19 d. G. R. 1. [July 26. p. r. 1.] Franklin Warren, s. Joel and Laura A., dysentery, Sept. 19, 1848, a. 1 y. 7 m. Mercy M., d. Daniel and Mercy, Nov. 5, 1822, a. 8 m. 2 d. G. R. 1. [Nov. 6. p. R. 1.] INGALS (see also Ingalls), Isaac, wounded by a scythe, Aug. 18, 1807. p. R. 1. Joseph, May 31, 1804. p. r. 1. Sarah, d. Joseph, Apr. 23, 1801. p. r. 1. [a. 23 y. G. R. 4.] Sarah, a pauper [after Mar. 28], 1821. p. r. 1. , ch. Joseph, Mar. 14, 1819. p. r. 1. , Miss, Mar. 17, 1833, a. 87 y. p. r. 1. INGOLS (see also Ingalls), Elizabeth, w. Joseph, Oct. 4, 1817. p. R. 1. JAQUES (see also Jaquith), Daniel [a soldier of the Revo- lution. G. R. 1.], Sept. 9, 1835, a. 77 y. p. R. 1. [Sept. 2, a. 78 y. G. R. 1.] Daniel, m., farmer, s. Daniel and Hannah, apoplexy, July 19, 1849, a. 59 y. Hannah, wid. Daniel, Aug. 6, 1840, a. 87 y. g. r. 1. John Murray, s. Daniel and Sarah, scarlet fever, June 2, 1842, a. 6 y. 7 m. TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS 107 JAQUITH (see also Jaques), , ch. , May 18, 1796. p. R. 1. JEFTS, Aaron, s. Aaron, May 1, 1803. p. r. 1. , Mrs., Aug.*—, 1806. p. r. 1. KENDALL, Jeremiah Alonzo, s. Jeremiah and Lydia, Oct. 15, 1822, a. 3 y. 1 m. g. r. 1. Moses, m., carpenter, b. Temple, N. H., s. John and Han- nah, lung fever, Feb. 2, 1847, a. 58 y. [a. 53 y. 8 m. c. R.] Sarah H., w. Stiles, Jan. 20, 1837, a. 23 y. G. R. 1.' KEYES, James, m., overseer on railroad, b. Ireland, inflam- mation on the brain, June 13, 1847, a. 38 y. John, s. James and Catherine, infantile, Oct. 21, 1845, a. 3 d. Lucy, w. Jonas, July 14, 1822, a. 38 y. Martha, d. Jonas and Lucy, Oct. 30, 1821, a. 1 y. G. r. 5. Martha Rebecca, d. [inf. p. r. 1.] Jonas and Lucy, Oct. 3, 1821. Sarah [C. g. r. 5.], d. Jonas and Susanna, consumption, Dec. 23, 1849, a. 31 y. Stephen 0., wood turner, s. Jonas and Susanna, consumption, Sept. 26, 1849, a. 19 y. [a. 20 y. c. R.] Susan Alzina, d. Jonas and Susanna, consumption, May 1, 1848, a. 24 y. , three inf. chn,, James and Catherine, [18 — ]. G. R. 1. KIDDER, Hannah, w. Jacob, Nov. 4, 1837, a. 74 y. g. r. 1. Samuel, Aug. 29, 1829, a. 55 y. g. r. 1. , Mr., Feb. 11, 1807. p. r. 1. , Mrs., July 24, 1811. p. r. 1. KING, Rachel C, w. Carmi E., d. Capt. Joseph Danforth, sr., Sept. 26, 1834. [Sept. 23, a. 21 y. g. R. L] LAWRENCE, Benjamin, s. Daniel and Lucy, Sept. 15, 1825. Clarissa, July 4, 1829, a. 30 y. p. r. 1. Daniel, Nov. 21, 1837, a. 62 y. [Oct. 28. p. R. 1; a. 61 y. G. R. 4.] Elijah Franklin, s. Nathaniel and Charlotte C, scarlet fever, Feb. 12, 1845, a. 2 y. [a. 3 y. 6 m. g. r. 4.] Granville B., s. Daniel B. and Hannah B., Aug. 5, 1844, a. 9 m. 15 d. g. r. 4. 108 TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS Lawrence, Hannah, d. Rev. Nathaniel, Nov. 27, 1832, a. 23 y. [a. 32 y. P. R. 1.] Hannah, w. Rev. Nathaniel, Sept. 20, 1835, a. 72 y. James, at Pepperell, — ■—, 1800, a. 96 y. g. r. 4. Lemuel, b. Pepperell, d. Sept. 20, 1832, a. 62 y. 1 m. 14 d. G. R. 4. Lemuel, s. Lemuel and Mercy, July 7, 1835, a. 39 y. 10 m. 6 d. G. R. 4. Lucy, b. Chelmsford, wid. Daniel, dysentery, Sept. 5, 1848, a. 66 y. Mary Louisa, d. Daniel B. and Hannah B., May 17, 1848, a. 1 y. 6 m. G. R. 4. Mercy, wid. Lemuel [d. Jonathan and Mary Perham. G. r. 4.], dysentery. Oct. 8, 1849, a. 71 y. [Oct. 7, a. 73 y. 7 m. G. R. 4.] Nathaniel, jr., s. Rev. Nathaniel, Aug. 19, 1835, a. 32 y. Nathaniel, Rev. [native of Woburn. G. r. 1.], pastor of First Parish 49 years, apoplexy, Feb. 5, 1843, a. 77 y. LEIGHTON, Alanson, Oct. 23, 1832, a. 21 y. g. r. 2. LITTLE, Betsey D., w. John, Dec. 17, 1840, a. 34 y. g. r. 7. John Noys, s. John and Betsey D., Nov. 18, 1837, a. 2 y. 1 m. 21 d. G. R. 7. LITTLEHALE, Abraham, Jan. 7, 1811. p. r. 1. Abraham, jr., Jan. — , 1814. p. r. 1. Caroline, d. Isaac and Harriet [B. g. r. 4.], Sept. 22, 1825. [a. 1 y. 3 m. 7 d. G. r. 4.] Charles Butterfield, s. Isaac and Harriet [B. g. r. 4.], June 14, 1837. [June 24 P. R. 1; a. 3 y. 7 m. g. r. 4.] Frederick, Oct. 4, 1829, a. 27 y. p. r. 1. James, Dec. 17, 1803. p. r. 1. Jonathan, Jan. 6, 1834, a. 31 y. G. r. 4. Jonathan, Jan. 26, 1835. p. r. 1. Mary, w. Roger L., Feb. 7, 1831, a. 62 y. g. r. 4. [1832, a. 61 y. p. R. 1.] Rebecka, Mrs., June 4, 1830. p. r. 1. Rodger L., m., farmer, s. Abraham, consumption, Dec. 9, 1845, a. 76 y. , ch. Abraham, scalded. May 18, 1797. p. r. 1. , inf. ch. Roger, Sept. — , 1802. p. r. 1. , wid., Dec. 23, 1802. p. r. 1. , ch. R., July 6, 1818. p. r. 1 TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS 109 LODSTONE, , inf. ch. , drowned, Dec. 11, 1830. p. R. 1. LUND (see also Lunn), Benjamin, s. Levi and Mary, Aug. 15, 1824, a. 15 m. G. R. 7. Hannah, w. Maj. John, May 4, 1841, a. 96 y. g. r. 7. John, Maj., "in the battle of Bunker Hill," Mar. 11 1822, a. 74 y. G. R. 7. Levi, Lt., Dec. 24, 1814, a. 59 y. G. r. 7. Levi B., s. Levi and Mary, Jan. 7, 1823, a. 14 d. G. r. 7. Lucy, d. Samuel, May 1, 1798. p. r. 1. Mary, w. Levi, June 2, 1837, a. 41 y. g. r. 7. Samuel, June 24, 1827, a. 74 y. p. r. 1. , Mrs., Feb. 7, 1818. p. r. 1. LUNN (see also Lund), Sarah, d. Levi and Mary, May 17, 1832, a. 14 y. G. R. 7. McCLENNY, , wid., May 4, 1832, a. 90 y. p. r. 1. McGLATHERY (see also McGlothering), [Allice. g. r. 1], Mrs. [w. Thomas, g. r. 1.], July — , 1824. p. r. 1. [July 27, a. 29 y. G. r. 1.] , ch. Thomas [and Allice. g. r. 1.], Mar. 13, 1824. p. r. 1. McGLOTHERING (see also McGlathery), , inf. ch. Thomas [and Allice. g. r. 1.], Sept. 17, 1822. p. r. 1. , Mr., Sept. 7, 1831, p. r. 1. MATHEWSON, William, b. Scotland, consumption, Sept. 17, 1849, a. 33 y. MELVIN, James, s. James and Harriet, suffocated, as ascer- tained by coroner's inquest, bur. Westford, d. Mar. 20, 1849, a. 2 m. 27 d. MERRILL, Angelo, d. N., Feb. 26, 1838, a. 7 y. 8 m. g. r. 4. Daniel, drowned, Mar. 2, 1830. p. r. 1. Daniel, s. Samuel and Mary, Aug. 27, 1839. John, Feb. 3, 1822, a. 76 y. P. R. 1. Sarah, Mrs., May 28, 1811. p. r. 1. Theodore [after Apr. 17], 1819. p. r. 1. William Penn, s. Samuel and Mary, Jan. 27, 1844. , ch. Nat[haniel], Mar. 26, 1838. p. r. 1. no TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS MORGAN, Caroline, d. Isaac and Tabitha, Sept. 24, 1822, a. 1 y. 6 m. 16 d. g. r. 1 ; NEWHALL, Lorenzo, m., b. Saugus, farmer, lung fever, Apr. 6, 1845, a. 36 y. NICOLAS, , inf. ch. , Aug. 9, 1807. p. r. 1. NUTT, Hannah, w. Samuel, July 17, 1825, a. 34 y. g. r. 1. John, brother Samuel, July 12, 1825, a. 27 y. g. r. 1. John, s. Samuel and Hannah, July 24, 1825, a. 15 d. G. R. 1. NUTTING, , Dec. 30, 1835. p. r. 1. PARHAM (see also Perham), Catherine, Miss, Aug. 31, 1812, a. 28 y. 2 m. g. r. 4. Hannah, d. John [jr. p. r. 1.] and Jemima [Hannah, g. r, 4.], June 6, 1794. [a. 6 w. G. R. 4.] John, Dea., Sept. 21, 1800, in his 84th y. G. r. 4. [Sept. 28. p. R. 1. ] Joseph, s. William [and Sarah, g. r. 4.], pleurisy. Mar. 10, 1842, a. 18 y. c. r. [a. 19 y. g. r. 4.] Peter, Jan. 2, 1814, in his 64th y. G. r. 4. Sybil, w. Ralph, Jan. 1, 1842, a. 54 y. g. r. 4. PARKER, Felicia S., killed by the fall of a cart body, July 16, 1836, a. 4 y. 5 m. g. r. 4. PARLIN, , inf. ch. Aaron, Sept. 12, 1809. p. r. 1. PATCH, Eliza Jane, d. James and Jane, Asiatic cholera [at Chelmsford, c. r.], Aug. 30, 1849, a. 16 y. 5 m. Sarah Louiza, d. James and Jane, lung fever and whooping cough, Feb. 16, 1843. [Feb. 9, a. 1 y. 6 m. c. r.] PEARCE (see also Pierce), , inf. ch. Ruel, Nov. 12, 1831. p. R. 1. PEARSONS, Amy, 2d w. Thomas, Sept. 9, 1798, a. 48 y. G. R. 7. Charles E., s. Moses and Sarah, Jan. 15, 1833, a. 9 y. g. r. 1. Phebe, 3d w. Thomas, July 29, 1826, a. 68 y. g. r. 7. Thomas, Feb. [9. g. r. 7.], 1817, a. 67 y. p. r. 1. [a. 66 y. g. r. 7.1 TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS 111 PEES, , inf. ch. Elenor, May 10, 1809. p. r. 1. PEIRCE (see also Pierce), Mary Messer, w. Dr. Augustus, Sept. 13, 1833. PERHAM (see also Parham), Elijah, Feb. 27, 1837, a. 75 y. Elizabeth, w. Jonathan, at Hudson, N. H., Dec. 22, 1825, a. 71 y. George Gardiner, unm., farmer, s. Allen and Lucy, consump- tion, Sept. 27, 1849, a. 26 y. Jemima, b. Dunstable, wid. John, fracture of hip, Apr. 7, 1846, a. 86 y. John, May 19, 1838, a. 91 y. [in his 72d y. p. r. 1; a. 91 y. G. R. 4.] Jonathan, July 17, 1839, a. 88 y. [a. 89 y. G. R. 4.] Mary Minerva, d. Allen and Lucy, diabetis, Nov. 27, 1848, a. 17 y. Nathaniel, farmer, s. William and Sarah, fever, Dec. 19, 1848, a. 20 y. Ruth, w. William, Aug. 1, 1834, a. 78 y. [a. 75 y. P. R. 1; a. 77 y. G. R. 4.] Susanna, b. Pelham, wid. Elijah, old age, Oct. 15, 1849, a. 87 y. 10 m. Susannah C., d. Charles and Susannah, Jan. 19, 1822, a. 9 y. 11 m. G. R. 4. William, s. William [jr. p. r. 1.] and Sarah, Dec. 11, 1819. [a. 3 y. 3 pi. 3 d. g. r. 4.] William, Jan. 4, 1834, a. 77 y. [a. 76 y. p. r. 1.] , ch. Jonathan, June 17, 1790. p. r. 1. , d. Cha[rle]s 0., teamster, and Lydia T., of Cohoes, N. Y. [Feb. 18, 1849?]. PETERS, Jonathan, Nov. 11, 1802. p. r. 1. PIERCE (see also Pearce, Peirce), Allen, May 23, 1849, a. 65 y. G. R. 4. Augusta, d. Allen and Rachel, Apr. 19, 1838, a. 8 m. g. r. 4. Augustus, Dr., m., b. New Salem, s. Warren and Lydia, hydro- thorax. May 20, 1849, a. 47 y. Cynthia Ann, d. Ruel [of North Chelmsford, p. r. 1.], Aug. 3, 1848, a. 20 m. c. R. Darious A., s. Allen and Rachel, Aug. 11, 1847, a. 24 y. G. R. 4. 112 TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS Pierce, Hannah, wid. Silas, May 21, 1837, a. 82 y. 2 m. [a. 92 y. P. R. 1.] Otis, s. Allen and Rachel, Aug. 3, 1822, a. 7 y. 4 m. 20 d. G. R. 4. Polly, wid., of Chelmsford, Aug. 22, 1848, a. 92 y. 2 m. c. R. PIKE, Charlotte B., w. Justus, Feb. 13, 1819, a. 21 y. g. r. 5. [a. 20 y. p. R. 1.] Isaac, Apr. 7, 1822. P. R. 1. [Apr. 6, a. 72 y. 6 m. g. r. 1.] Mercy, wid. Isaac, formerly w. Elijah Fletcher, Mar. 19, 1825, a. 76 y. G. R. 3. Sarah, w. Isaac, Oct. 9, 1801, in her 55th y. G. R. 1. William, May 10, 1837, a. 43 y. G. R. 5. PITTS, John, Esq., Nov. 10, 1815, a. 77 y. Mary, w. John, Esq., d. John Tyng, Esq., at Boston, May — , 1781, a. 42 y. POLLARD, Cummings, of Nashua, N. H., Aug. 21, 1848, a. abt. 80 y. c. r. [Aug. 19, a. 81 y. G. r. 7.] James F., s. James F. and Lucinda, Dec. 3, 1837, a. 4 y. 9 d. G. r. 7. James F., Mar. 19, 1848, a. 47 y. g. r. 7. Lucretia, Oct. 13, 1832, a. 12 y. 6 m. g. r. 7. Mary, d. Samuel and Peggy, Sept. 28, 1805, a. 2 y. 27 d. G. R. 7. Mary J., Mar. 20, 1811, a. 3 y. 9 m. g. r. 7. Peggy, w. Samuel, Jan. 25, 1830, a. 55 y. G. r. 7. Samuel, Lt., Oct. 16, 1800, in his 58th y. g. r. 7. Samuel, Jan. 30, 1816, a. 39 y. G. R. 7. Samuel, s. Cummings and Hannah, June 2, 1832, a. 16 y. G. R. 7. Senath, d. Samuel and Peggy, Apr. 27, 1800, a. lid. G. R. 7. , s. James F. and Lucinda, Dec. 7, 1837, a, 4 d. G. R. 7. PRESBY, Clarissa, w. Timothy, July 13, 1826, a. 32 y. g. r. 7. Rebecca L., w. Timothy, Sept. 10, 1841, a. 38 y. g. r. 7. PRESCOTT, Ellen Zibiah [Helen, c. r.], b. Westford, d. Peter B. and Zibiah, dropsy on brain, bur. Westford, d. Dec. 23, 1845, a. 2 y. 2 m. QUEEN, Emma Lavina, d. John F. and Sally [C. g. r. 5. cholera infantum, Sept. 5, 1848, a. 2 y. 11 m. Rebecca, w. , Dec. 14, 1840, a. 84 y. TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS 113 RAND, Samuel, delirium tremens, , 1840. c. r. RAYMOND, Samuel S., s. Liberty C. and Sarah A., infantile, bur. Westford, d. Dec. 22, 1849, a. 2 m. 13 d. READ (see also Reed), Fanny, d. Seth and Rhoda, Feb. 8, 1821, a. 4 m. G. R. 1. Mariah, d. Seth and Rhoda, Feb. 11, 1825, a. 9 m. g. r. 1. [Feb. 12. p. R. 1.] -, inf. ch. Robert, Sept. 14, 1813. p. r. 1. REED (see also Read), Rebecca, d. Isaac and Rebecca, burnt, Feb. 9, 1792, a. 2 y. 3 m. 23 d. G. R. 1. , ch. Elihu, Dec. 30, 1806. p. r. 1. , ch. Thomas, Feb. 8, 1821. p. r. 1. , ch. Elihu, Feb. 11, 1824. p. r. 1. RICHARDSON, Betsey, w. Daniel, Sept. 8, 1814. [1811, a. 28 y. G. R. 1.] Daniel, Feb. 12, 1842, a. 59 y. Hannah [Adams, g. r. 1.], b. Chelmsford, wid. Daniel, general debility, June 10, 1846, a. 43 y. [June 11. g. r. L] Mary, w. Daniel, Aug. 1, 1825. [Aug. 9. p. r. 1; a. 37 y. g. r. 1.] ROBY, Dolly, w. William, Mar. 12, 1846, a. 68 y. 5 m. g. r. 7. Elbridge G., s. William and Dolly, Aug. 3, 1835, a. 24 y. G. R. 7. Elizabeth, w. Samuel, Oct. 19, 1812, a. 61 y. 10 m. g. r. 7. Hannah, w. William, Lt. in Revolution, June 11, 1838, a. 95 y. G. r. 7. Samuel, Nov. 3, 1799, a. 51 y. 7 m. Id. g. r. 7. ROGERS,- Melinda, m. [mother Mr. Bond. c. R. ], general debility, Sept. 28, 1846, a. 58 y. SCRIBNER, Nathaniel, Nov. 24, 1821. p. r. 1. , Madam, Mar. — , 1815. p. r. 1. SHERBURN (see also Sherburne), Betsey, w. William, lung fever, bur. Pelham, N. H., d. Dec. 14, 1844, a. 56 y. SHERBURNE (see also Sherburn), Thomas J., s. Thomas J. and Betsey, Apr. 24, 1838. , ch. , Aug. 17, 1813. P. r. 1. 114 TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS SMALL, , Mrs., Nov. — , 1798. p. r. 1. SMILEY, Elizabeth, w. David, July 20, 1800, in her 53d y. G. R. 7. SMITH, Benjamin, Ens., Aug. 16, 1805, in his 41st y. g. r. 7. Benjamin, Dea., Mar. 22, 1824, in his 85th y. o. R. 7. Joanna, w. Dea. Benjamin, Aug. 21, 1814, in her 71st y. G. R. 7. John, s. Aaron, Sept. 4, 1803. p. r. 1. , ch. Aaron, July 11, 1801. p. r. 1. , inf. s. Aaron, Nov. 2, 1809. p. r. 1. SPAULDING, Joanna, w. H., Sept. 7, 1831. p. r. 1. w. Josiah, July 11, 1800. P. R. 1. w. Josiah, Sept. 15, 1807. p. r. 1. inf. ch. James, Dec. 11, 1812. p. r. 1. ch. Josiah, Sept. 25, 1818. p. R. 1. inf. ch. , Nov. 1, 1834. p. R. 1. inf. ch. Stephen, Nov. 27, 1835. p. R. 1. ch. Calvin, Sept. 20, 1836. p. r. 1. ch. Calvin, Sept. 27, 1837. p. r. 1. STARR, Ebenezer, Dr., Sept. 7, 1798, a. 52 y. G. R. 7. Hannah, w. Ebenezer, Mar. 22, 1794, a. 42 y. g. r. 7. Rebecca, w. Dr. Ebenezer, Oct. 19, 1810, in her 45th y. g. r. 7. STEPHENS (see also Stevens), Josiah, Mar. 12, 1817, a. 74 y. p. R. 1. STEVENS (see also Stephens), Zilpha, d. Bill and Phebe, brought up and died at Zebedee Wright's, May 3, 1820, a. 20 y. G. R. 7. , inf. ch. Josiah, Apr. 4, 1814. p. r. 1, SWALLOW, Abraham, s. [Capt. g. r. 1.] Abraham, Jan. 29, 1811. p. R. 1. [a. 18 y. G. R. 1.] Abraham [Capt. g. r. 1.], June 9, 1811. p. r. 1. [a. 41 y. G. R. 1.] Almira, d. Bera and Catherine, fever, Jan. 27, 1847, a. 16 y, 3 m. Anna, w. Capt. Abraham, June 20, 1811, a. 39 y. g. r. 1. Calvin, at Boston, June 22, 1842, a. 43 y. g. r. 1. TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS 115 Swallow, Elizabeth Haynes, d. adopted, Calvin and Olive, b. Boston, at West Dedham, June 25, 1845, a. 13 y. 2 m. G. R. 1. Luther, July 6, 1840, a. 39 y. G. r. 1. Sarah, wid., June 20, 1811. p. r. 1. SWAN, Benjamin, May 11, 1830, a. 95 y. Sarah, w. Benjamin, June 26, 1824, a. 84 y. 6 m. -, inf. ch. Ebenezer, Feb. 8, 1836. p. r. 1. TAFT, , inf. ch. R[ichard. p. r. 1.], erysipelas, Apr. 8, 1841. c. R. TARBOX, Gilman, Mar. 17, 1825. p. r. 1. Sarah, w. William, consumption, Apr. 11, 1843, a. 60 y. 1 m. William, widr., farmer, general debility and old age, Oct. 19, 1843, a. 69 y. [a. 71 y. c. R.] — — , Mrs., Apr. 9, 1815, a. 84 y. p. r. 1. TAYLOR, Daniel, Col. [consumption, c. r.], July 28, 1840, • a. 62 y. Lucy, w. Col. Daniel, d. Benjamin Swan, Feb. 3, 1836, a. 51 y. [a. 61 y. p. R. 1.] Martha, w. Benjamin, June 16, 1817, in her 79th y. g. r. 7. THOMAS, Elizabeth Wendall, d. Calvin and Susanna Wen- dall, June 24, 1816. [a. 11 y. G. R. 2.] George Smith, s. [inf. p. r. 1.] Dr. Calvin and Susanna Wen- dall, Oct. 30, 1809. [Oct. 31. p. R. 1; a. 1 y. g. r. 2.] Susanna Wendall, w. Dr. Calvin, July 23, 1834, a. 54 y. [a. 55 y. p. R. 1.] , inf. s. Dr. Calvin and Susanna Wendall, May 2, 1807. [May 1. p. R. 1; a. 3 h. g. r. 2.] THOMPSON, Asa, June 17, 1815, a. 82 y. Elizabeth, wid.. Mar. 7, 1820, a. 78 y. p. r. 1. Ezra, Nov. 14, 1809, in his 80th y. Ezra, s. Ezra, June 8, 1810, in his 45th y. John, m., laborer, b. Nottinghamshire, Eng., supposed ery- sipelas [at the almshouse, c. r.], Jan. 23, 1848, a. 70 y. [supposed a. abt. 80 y. c. r.] Mary, w. Asa, Nov. 17, 1828, a. 82 y. Nathan [after July 11], 1815, a. 89 y. P. R. 1. Ruth, d. Asa and Mary, Oct. 12, 1808, in her 34th y. g. r. 1. [Oct. 10. p. r. 1.] 116 TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS Thompson, Sarah, w. Capt. Simon, Sept. 21, 1834, a. 52 y. [Sept. 22. G. R. 1.] Susannah, w. [Ens. g. r. 1.] Ezra, jr.. May 17, 1809, in her 45th y. , wid. [after Mar. 28], 1821. p. R. 1. TUCKER, , wid., a stranger, Jan. — , 1796. p. r. 1. TURNER, Catherine, Mrs., Apr. 17, 1836. p. R. 1. TURRELL, Leonard, s. Henry and Lois, Mar. 19, 1826, a. 10 y. 9 m. G. R. 7. TYLER, Eliza L., Mrs., July 10, 1839, a. 34 y. o. r. 4. TYNG, John, Hon. [1st Justice of the Court of Pleas, and of the Quorum for Middlesex Co. G. r. 4.], Apr. — , 1797, a. 92 y. [Apr. 19. P. R. 1; Apr. 18. G. R. 4.] UNDERWOOD, Loa, s. Asa, Sept. 17, 1803. p. r. 1. Mathias, Apr. 30, 1807. P. R. 1. Thomas, Apr. 7, 1792. P. R. 1. UPTON, Abigail, w. Joseph, Feb. 27, 1828, a. 34 y. [Feb. 26. p. R. 1.] [Andrew. G. R. 1.], inf. ch. [s. G. R. 1.] Jonathan [and Nancy. G. R. 1.], Mar. 7, 1822. p. R. 1. [a. 16 w. G. R. 1.] Elizabeth [Lovejoy. G. r. 1.], wid. [w. Joseph, g. r. 1.], May 20, 1817, a. 70 y. p. R. 1. [a. 73 y. G. R. 1.] Esther Maria, d. Peter and Esther P., Apr. 26, 1836, a. 15 y. G. R. 1. Jacob Holt, s. Peter and Esther P., Feb. 2, 1832, a. 3 y. G. r. 1. Jonathan, Aug. 16, 1839, a. 59 y. G. R. 1. Joseph, Dec. 5, 1809, a. 87 y. p. R. 1. [a. 86 y. G. R. 1.] Mary, d. Jonathan and Mary, Apr. 21, 1831, a. 21 y. G. R. 1. Susannah, d. Jonathan and Nancy, Apr. 23, 1827, a. 5 m. G. R. 1. WALDRON, Deliverance, "who resided in the family of the late James Pitts, Esq., and afterwards in the family of John Tyng, Esq. as a housekeeper, & her remains were deposited in Judge Tyng's family tomb," Feb. — , 1805, a. 64 y. [Jan. 27. p. r. 1.] TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS 117 WASHBURN, [Amelia C. g. r. 1.], ch. Oliver [and Betsey. G. R. 1.], bur. Aug. 23, 1846, a. 5 m. c. R. WHEELER, Sarah Elizabeth, d. Charles A. and Eliza, Aug. 2, 1844. [June 27, a. 1 m. 5 d. dup.] WHEELOCK, Eliza T., w. Dwight, at Boston, July 22, 1831, a. 30 y. G. R. 1. WHITE, Laura Maria, d. Samuel and Laura, drowned, Oct. 31, 1842, a. 14 m. Mark, Oct. 4, 1828, a. 56 y. g. r. 1. [Oct. 5. p. r. 1.] WHITNEY, Benjamin, Ens., May 19,-1802, a. 49 y. g. r. 7. Rebecca, w. Lt. Benjamin, Feb. 12, 1794, in her 35th y. g. r. 1. WILKINS, Alvah, May 6, 1826, a. 30 y. g. r. 7. WILLEY, , Mr., a stranger, Jan. 4, 1833. p. r. 1. WILLIAMS, Jonathan, Sept. 10, 1805. p. r. 1. WILSON, Abigail, d. Stephen, Mar. 1, 1817, a. 12 y. p. r. 1. Allen, drowned, Dec. 24, 1822, a. 26 y. p. R. 1. George, s. Stephen and Louisa, erysipelas, Sept. 15, 1846, a. 10 y. Harriot, d. [inf. p. r. 1.] John and Lydia, Nov. 30, 1807. [Nov. 27. p. R. 1.] John, Jan. 3, 1841, a. 77 y. G. R. 6. John [S. G. R. 1.], m., b. Salem, tanner, s. John, consumption, Jan. 16, 1844, a. 38 y. 3 m. 21 d. Lydia A., w. John, Aug. 27, 1824, a. 63 y. g. r. 6. [July 28. . p. r. L] Mary, d. [inf. p. r. 1.] John and Lydia, Apr. 5, 1804. Rachel, w. William, Nov. 2, 1835, a. 39 y. G. R. 4. Stephen, Sept. 8, 1820. p. r. 1. , ch. , Mar. 6, 1796. p. R. 1. , inf. ch. Stephen, Oct. 25, 1804. p. r. 1. , w. Stephen, Jan. 7, 1805. p. r. 1. , inf. ch. Lydia, Mar. 30, 1815. p. r. 1. , wid., July 5, 1828, a. 90 y. P. R. 1. WINN, Alathea, wid., b. Dunstable, d. Caleb Woods, Oct. 24, 1846, a. 71 y. 118 TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS Winn, James Bryant, s. [inf. p. r. L] Rodney and Elizabeth, Dec. 9, 1830. Sarah Ann, d. Rodney and Elizabeth, hydrocephalus, May 14, 1842. WINSLOW, Sarah, Mrs., last surviving ch. of Eleazar Tyng (in honor of whose family it is called Tyngsborough), Oct. 9, 1791, a. 72 y. G. R. 2. WOOD (see also Woods), Abby Elizabeth, d. Rev. Horatio and Abby [Abby A. g. r. 1; inflammation of lungs, c. r.]. May 14, 1840. [a. 5 w. c. R.] , ch. John, Mar. 20, 1795. p. r. 1. WOODS (see also Wood), Oliver, Lt., Feb. 22, 1799, in his 68th y. G. R. 7. Priscilla, Feb. 26, 1810, a. 81 y. p. r. 1. , wid., Sept. 9, 1803. p. r. 1. WOODWARD, John, s. John and Esther, at Sacket's Harbor, N. Y., "being a Sargent in the Army," Sept. 24, 1813. John, Mar. — , 1835. p. R. 1. Mary Parker, d. John and Mary, July 1, 1813. Polly, w. John, Sept. 12, 1822. [Sept. 11. p. R. 1.] Sarah Jane, b. Nashua, N. H., d. Sumner [of Nashua, c. r.] and Jane, dysentery, Sept. 30, 1847, a. 9 m. 9 d. , w. John, Jan. 26, 1797. p. R. 1. WORCESTER, Rebecca, d. Eldad and Rebeccah, Apr. 8, 1790, a. 14 y. 25 d. G. R. 7. Samuel, July 30, 1829, a. 90 y. p. r. 1, Samuel, unm., farmer, s. Samuel and Isabel, dropsy, Dec, 22, 1843, a. 71 y. [Dec. 21. c. R.] WRIGHT, Caleb, Dec. 1, 1834, a. 35 y. g. r. 1. John, Mar. 19, 1816, in his 93d y. G. R. 7. Prudence, w. John, June 26, 1797, in her 22d y. G. R. 1. [May 18. p. R. 1.] Thankful, w. Zebedee, Sept. 26, 1813, a. 61 y. g. r. 7. Zebedee, Jan. 1, 1823, a. 73 y. g. r. 7. , inf. ch. John, Apr. 4, 1814. p. R. 1. , inf. ch. , Nov. 14, 1815. p. r. 1. , inf. ch. Reuben, Oct. 28, 1837. p. r. 1. TYNGSBOROUGH DEATHS 119 WYMAN, Asa, m., farmer, b. Pelham, N. H., s. John and Phebe, old age, Mar. 21, 1848, a. 83 y. John Henry, s. [inf. p. r. 1.] John and Betsey Cutter, Jan. 22, 1832. [Jan. 24. p. R. l.j Mercy Ann, d. [inf. p. r. L] Asa, jr. and Mercy, Jan. 28, 1830. Mercy Maria, d. Asa and Mercy [H. g. r. 5.], typhoid pneu- monia, Dec. 19, 1849, a. 18 y. Sarah Elizabeth, d. John and Betsey Cutter, July 7, 1833. , wid.. May 15, 1790, a. 85 y. P. R. 1. , Mrs., Oct. 6, 1814. P. r. 1. YOUNG, Thomas, a stranger, Nov. 16, 1810. p. r. 1. NEGROES Antony, Brady, Aug. 14, 1812. p. r. 1. Boston, servant of the late Judge Tyng, Dec. 14, 1814, a. 75 y. Coburn, Dinah, Mar. 14, 1819. P. R. 1. Cornwall, Dec. 3, 1805. p. r. 1. Farwell, Cate, Jan. 31, 1832, a. 90 y. p. r. 1. Farwell, Thomas, Feb. 3, 1828, a. supposed to be 90 y. p. r. 1. Richardson, Ginne, Dec. 17, 1794. p. r. 1. Tyng, George, Apr. — , 1810. p. r. 1. , inf. ch. , a stranger, Dec. 10, 1829. p. r. 1. ^' ^ / Liei-iMI-lY Ur UUINHjl-itiO