1 ■til I i. i; C^Cca^ wZcy^ MEMORIAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK A Life Record of Men and Women of the Past Whose Sterling Character and Energy and Industry Have Made Them Preeminent in Their Own and Many Other States By CHARLES ELLIOTT FITCH, L. H. D. -awyer, Journalist, Educator ; Editor and Contributor to Many Newspapers and Magazines ; ex-Regent New York University ; Supervisor Federal Census (N. Y.) 1880; Secretary New York Constitutional Convention 1894 ILLUSTRATED VOLUME II THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY INCORPORATED BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO 1916 FTis Both justice and decency require that we should bestow on our forefathers an honorable remembrance — Thucxdides Ji '?: n3 BIOGRAPHICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY GRAY, Asa, Distinguished Boiauiit, Asa Gray was born at Sanquoit, Oneida county, New York, November 18, 1810, son of Moses and Roxana (Howard) Gray ; grandson of Moses Wiley and Sally (Miller) Gray; great-grandson of Robert and Sarah (Wiley) Gray; and great- great-grandson of John Gray, who emi- grated from Londonderry, province of Ulster, Ireland, in 1718, and settled in Worcester, Massachusetts. He was sent to a district school at the age of three years, and at odd times helped in the work of his father's tannery, being entrusted, as he grew older, with feeding the bark mill and driving the horse which turned the mill. When twelve years old he was sent to the Clin- ton grammar school, and from there was transferred to Fairfield Academy. While a student there, he attended the chemistry lectures of "Professor James Hadley, at the Medical College, and in 1826 he en- tered upon the study of medicine at that college, graduating in 1831. In the mean- time he had become interested in the sub- ject of botany from reading an article in Brewster's "Edinburgh Encyclopaedia," had begun an herbarium, and had entered into a correspondence with Dr. John Tor- rey. In 1831 he was invited to deliver a course of botanical lectures at the Fair- field Medical College, and several months later was appointed professor of natural sciences at a school kept by a Mr. Bart- lett, in Utica, New York. Until 1835 he taught chemistry, mineralogy and botany to boys, devoting summer vacations to botanizing: in central New York, north- eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey. In the summer of 1834 he took Professor Hadley's place at Hamilton College, Clin- ton, New York, and gave a course of in- struction in botany and mineralogy. The following winter he obtained leave of ab- sence from the Bartlett school to assist Dr. John Torrey during a course of chem- ical lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City. In De- cember, 1834, he read before the New York Lyceum of Natural History a paper on the new or rare plants of the State of New York, which attracted the attention of scientists, and led to a long series of contributions to the "American Journal of Science." In 1835, while spending the summer at his father's farm, he planned and partly wrote "Elements of Botany," which was published in 1836 and brought him one hundred and fifty dollars. This book was adopted in schools, and for a long time was the only text-book on botany in popular use. In the autumn of 1836 he became curator of the Lyceum of Natural History in New York. The same year he was appointed botanist of the Wilkes exploring expedition to the South Pacific, but owing to the delay in starting the expedition, he resigned the position in 1838 to accept the chair of botany and zoology in the University of Michigan. The trustees gave him a year's leave of absence in Europe, with a salary of $1,500 for that year, and put into his hands $5,000 with which to lay a founda- tion for their general library. At Glas- gow he was the guest of Dr. (later Sir) William T. Hooker, who gave him letters of introduction to several eminent Euro- pean botanists. On his return home the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY University of Michigan gave him another leave of absence without pay, and he turned his attention to the writing of parts iii. and iv. of "Flora of North Amer- ica," parts i. and ii. of which had been published in 1838 in collaboration with Dr. John Torrey. In the summer of 1814 he went on a botanical trip up the valley of Virginia, to the mountains of North Carolina, and in January, 1842, he made his first visit to Boston, Massachusetts. During his visit he dined with President Quincy of Harvard, who later used his influence to secure the appointment of Dr. Gray to the Fisher chair of natural history. In 1842 Dr. Gray resigned his position at the University of Michigan, and in the spring of the same year en- tered upon his duties at Harvard Univer- sity, where he remained during the rest of his life, being relieved by the appoint- ment of George L. Goodale as associate in 1872; Charles S. Sargent to the care of the botanic garden in 1873; and Dr. Sereno Watson as curator of the her- barium in 1874. He created the botanical department of Harvard University, and in 1864 presented to the university his herbarium of about 200,000 specimens, and library of 2,200 volumes, on condition that a fire-proof building be provided for their reception, which building was erect- ed by means of a donation from Nathaniel Thayer, of Boston. Dr. Gray was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1841, and was its president in 1863-73; was also president of the American Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science in 1871 ; and in 1874 succeeded Louis Agas- siz as a regent of the Smithsonian Insti- tution. He was one of the charter mem- bers of the National Academy of Sciences, and besides his connection with learned societies in the United States, he was elected a corresponding or an honorary member of the more prominent scientific societies of Europe. The degree of Mas- ter of Arts was conferred on him by Har- vard in 1844, and that of Doctor of Laws by Hamilton in 1864, by Harvard in 1875, by McGill in 1884, and by the University of Michigan in 1887. During his last visit to Europe in 1887 he received from Cam- bridge the degree of Doctor of Science, from Edinburgh that of Doctor of Laws, and from Oxford that of Doctor of Civil Law. Dr. Gray reported on the collec- tions of the United States government exploring expeditions, including those made by the Wilkes (1854), Perry (1857), and Rogers (1859) expeditions. He con- tributed largely to periodicals, was on the editorial staff of the "American Journal of Science" for years, and wrote biograph- ical sketches of many eminent scientists. His numerous publications include : "Ele- ments of Botany" (1836) ; the unfinish- ed "Flora of North America," the pub- lication of which was begun in 1838 by himself and Dr. Torrey, and in which the classifications were made according to the natural but hitherto disregarded basis of affinity ; "Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States" (1848, fifth edi- tion, 1867) ; "Genera of the Plants of the United States," illustrated (two volumes, 1848-49) ; "Botany of the United States Pacific Exploring Expedition" (1854) ; "First Lessons in Botany and Vegetable Physiology" (1857) ; "How Plants Grow" (1858) ; "Free Examination of Darwin's Treatise" (1861) ; "Field, Forest and Gar den Botany" (1868); "How Plants Be- have" (1872) ; "Darwiniana" (1876) ; "Sy noptical Flora of North America" (1878, 1884) ; "Structural Botany or Organog- raphy with Basis of Morphology" (1879) ; and "Natural Science and Religion" (1880). For complete bibliography of Dr. Gray, see the "American Journal of Science" for September and October, 1888; also "Memorial of Asa Gray," by William G. Farlow (1888); and "Letters 'LUiO 3UK», &M ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY of Asa Gray," edited by Jane Loring Gray (two volumes, 1893). He married, in 1848, Jane, daughter of Charles Greely Loring, of Boston, Massa- chusetts. He died in Cambridge, Massa- chusetts, January 30, 1888. FIELD, David Dudley, Prominent Lawyer and Author. David Dudley Field was born in Had- dam, Connecticut, February 13, 1805, son of the Rev. David Dudley and Submit (Dickinson) Field, and grandson of Cap- tain Timothy Field and of Captain Noah Dickinson, officers in the American army during the Revolution. He was graduated at Williams College in 1825, and was admitted to the New York bar in 1828. His labors in the direc- tion of law reform largely influenced legislation in his adopted State, and shaped constitutional amendments. He was a member of the commission on prac- tice and procedure in 1847 tnat formed the code of procedure introduced in Feb- ruary, 1848, and enacted into law their first report in April, 1848, and the entire code of civil and criminal procedure in four instalments completed January, 1850. Most of the States of the Union followed New York in adopting this sys- tem, and England and the English colo- nies, including India, made it the basis of new judicature acts. Field's criminal procedure was also adopted by the legis- latures of at least half the States. In 1857 he was appointed by the State of New York the head of a commission to prepare a political code, a penal code and a civil code, designed to supersede the unwritten or "common" law. The work of the commission was completed in 1865, and covered the entire province of American law. The penal code was adopted by the State, and other States drew largely from the civil code, Cali- fornia and Dakota adopting the entire scheme. In 1866, at a meeting of the British Association for the Promotion of Social Science, he introduced a scheme for the revision of the general law of nations. In 1S72 he presented to the Social Science Congress the result of seven years' labor devoted to the formu- lation of his "Draft Outlines of an Inter- national Code," which attracted the at- tention of jurists and was translated into French, Italian and Chinese. This plan, which included the settlement of disputes between nations by arbitration rather than war. resulted in the formation in 1873, at Ghent, of an Institute of Inter- national Law, an association formed to promote the principles of arbitration, and to reform and codify existing laws, and Mr. Field was made its first president. He was originally a Democrat, but when the question of the perpetuation of slavery became uppermost as a political issue, he supported the Republican party in 1856, i860 and 1864. In the electoral disput- : 1876 he again took part with the Democrats, and was a representative in the Forty-fourth Congress to fill a vacancy caused by the election of Rep- resentative Smith Ely as mayor of New York City. In 1890 he presided at the great Peace Convention in London. He published : "Letters on the Reform of the Judiciary System" (1839) ; "The Reorgan- ization of the Judiciary" (1846) ; "What shall be done with the Practice of the Courts? Shall it be wholly reformed? Questions Addressed to Lawyers" (1847) ; "The Electoral Votes of 1876 : Who should count them, what should be counted, and the remedy for a wrong count" (1877) ; "Suggestions Respecting the Revision of the Constitution of New York" (1867) ; "Draft Outlines of an International Code" (1872, second edition, 1876) ; "Speeches and Arguments before the Supreme Court of the United States, and Miscellaneous ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Papers" (two volumes, 1884) ; and "Amer- ican Progress in Jurisprudence," prepared for the Columbian Exposition in Chicago (1893). He died in New York City, April 18, 1894. WEED, Thurlow, Distinguished Journalist. Thurlow Weed was born in Cairo, Greene county, New York, November 15, 1797, son of Joel and Mary (Ells) Weed; grandson of Nathan Weed, a sol- dier in the Continental army, and a de- scendant of Jonas Weed, who emigrated from England in 1630 and settled in Stam- ford, Connecticut. He removed with his parents to Cats- kill, New York, in 1799, where he attend- ed school in 1803, and obtained employ- ment in a local tavern, and later shipped as a cabin boy on a sloop trading between Catskill and New York. In 1808 he was employed in the office of the "Catskill Recorder," but in March of that year his family removed to Cincinnatus, Cortland county, New York, and he engaged in clearing land and in farming. In 1809, the family having removed to the vicin- ity of Onondaga, New York, he was em- ployed in an iron smelting furnace. In 181 1 he was associated with the "Cort- land County Lynx," and in 1812 with the "Cayuga County Tocsin," and in the printing office of Seward & Williams, Utica, New York. He enlisted as a pri- vate in a New York regiment in 1812, and served on the northern frontier until 1S15, when he removed to New York City, and worked as a journeyman printer. In 1817 he became an assistant editor of the "Albany Register," and contributed political articles to the columns of that paper. He was married, April 26, 1818, to Catharine, daughter of Moses and Clarissa (de Montford) Ostrander, of Cooperstown, New York, and they re- moved to Norwich, Chenango county, where he established "The Republican Agriculturist." He founded the "Onon- daga County Republican" at Manlius, New York, in 1821, but the following year removed to Rochester, where he be- came junior editor of "The Telegraph," and through its columns advocated the policies of DeWitt Clinton and John Quincy Adams. In 1825 he purchased "The Telegraph" from Everard Peck, and Robert Martin became his partner the next year. During the autumn of 1826, on the abduction of Captain William Morgan for publishing the alleged secrets of Free Masonry, Mr. Weed, in an edi- torial, favored his restoration, which suggestion caused many Masons who were his best patrons to withdraw their patronage from his paper. He accord- ingly assigned his interest in the paper to Martin, and founded the "Anti-Mason Enquirer." On March 22, 1830, he estab- lished the "Albany Evening Journal," in which he opposed the administration of Andrew Jackson and the nullification act. He was active in securing the nomination of William Henry Harrison for president in 1836 and 1840; supported Henry Clay in the national convention of 1844. Win- field Scott in 1852, John C. Fremont in 1856, and William H. Seward and Horace Greeley in the overthrow of the Demo- cratic political organization known as the Albany regency, and for many years he was the acknowledged leader of the Whig party in New York. He was one of the founders of the Republican party, and on the nomination of Abraham Lincoln, notwithstanding his disappointment that Seward failed to receive the nomination, he supported his candidacy and his ad- ministration. In 1861 he was sent to Europe in company with Archbishop Hughes and Bishop Mcllvaine to influ- ence the foreign governments to support the United States government in the Civil ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY War time. He resigned the editorial con- trol of the 'Albany Evening Journal" in 1865, and in 1867 became editor of the "Commercial Advertiser," in New York City, which position he held till 1868, when ill health caused his retirement. He was a member of the printing house of Weed & Parsons, which in 1839 was awarded the contract for State printing, and held it under successive Whig and Republican administrations. He was the author of: "Letters from Abroad" (1S66) ; "Reminiscences" (1876), and an auto- biography edited by his daughter, Har- riet A. Weed (1882), and completed by his grandson, Thurlow Weed Barnes (1884). He died in New York City, No- vember 22, 1882. COOPER, Peter, Philanthropist. Peter Cooper was born in New York City, February 12, 1791. His father was a hatter, brewer and brickmaker, and served as a lieutenant in the American army during the Revolution ; and both his grandfathers were in the same war, his grandfather Campbell being a deputy quartermaster, and subsequently an alder- man in New York. Peter Cooper was brought up in his father's hat manu- factory, working at the trade from the time he could reach the bench by stand- ing on a stool, and became a proficient workman in all the details of hatmaking. His entire attendance at school was a half-day session during one school year, probably not eighty school days. The business not proving profitable, his father removed to Peekskill, New York, where he engaged in brewing, and here the boy helped in the brewery and delivering the ale. The elder Cooper then removed to Catskill, New York, where he resumed the hatter's business, and combined with it the manufacture of bricks. Here Peter was made useful in the handling of bricks during the drying process. The business not being satisfactory to the elder Cooper, he removed to Brooklyn, New York, where with his son he established a hat manufactory on a small scale. They then Went to Newburg, New York, where the father established a brewery. In 1808 Peter went to New York with his sav- ings, amounting to ten dollars, which he invested in a lottery and lost. He was then apprenticed to John Woodward, a carriage-maker in New York City, for a term of four years. He lived in a room in a rear building on Broadway, owned by his Grandmother Campbell, and in this room he carried on a workshop, doing carving of parts of coaches, mortising hubs, and such other work out of busi- ness hours as he could readily turn into money. He invented a machine for mor- tising hubs. His employer, when hi^ time had been served, offered to loan him the money to establish a carriage shop of his own, but young Cooper would not run in debt, and declined the offer. About 1812 he located at Hempstead, New York, where he found employment in a shop for making machines for shearing cloth. In 1815 he had saved sufficient money to purchase the right to manufacture for the State of New York, and he added to the patent an improvement of his own. His business was very profitable owing to the embargo on foreign trade caused by the war with Great Britain. At this time he was married to Sarah Bedell, of Hemp- stead. The close of the war caused a depreciation in the value of his machines, and he added to his business cabinet- making. He afterward removed to New York and engaged in the grocery busi- ness, and soon after invested all his sav- ings in a glue factory in New York City, which he purchased, with its stock and buildings, on a lease of twenty-one years. Here he produced glue, oil, whiting, pre- ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY pared chalk and isinglass. At the expira- tion of his lease he purchased ten acres of land at Maspeth, Long Island, where he erected extensive glue works which proved very profitable. In 1828 he pur- chased three thousand acres of land with- in the city limits of Baltimore, and con- structed thereon the Canton iron works, where in 1830 he built a steam locomo- tive engine after his own design, the first practical steam locomotive engine en- tirely constructed on the western conti- nent. It was put into practical use on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, and its timely introduction saved the road from threatened bankruptcy, and gave to Mr. Cooper the credit of being the pioneer in the application of steam to American railways. He sold his Baltimore prop- erty, a portion to the Abbott Iron Com- pany and the remainder to what became the Canton Iron Company, taking his pay in stock at forty-four dollars a share, which he subsequently sold at two hun- dred and thirty dollars a share. He then returned to New York, where he erected an iron foundry which he changed into a rolling mill, using anthracite coal, and made iron wire for the use of the tele- graph, in which invention he was inter- ested. In 1845 ne bu^t three blast fur- naces at Phillipsburg, Pennsylvania, and, in order to control the manufacture, pur- chased the Andover iron mines, connect- ed the mines with the furnaces by a rail- road over a mountainous country, a dis- tance of eight miles, and used forty thou- sand tons of ore per year. This plant be- came the Ironton Iron Works, and pro- duced the first wrought iron beams used in building. He then organized the Tren- ton Iron Works, including rolling mills, blast furnaces, a wire factory, and eleven thousand acres of land known as the Ringwood property. His interest in teleg- raphy in its earliest stages encouraged its projectors, and when the Atlantic cable was introduced he was the first and only president of the New York, Newfound- land & London Telegraph Company, and advanced to the company large sums of money at a time when the project was ridiculed by capitalists and the company had no credit except the. backing of its president. For twelve years he held up the concern, and then the stock placed on the market at fifty dollars per share was taken by an English company at ninety dollars per share. He invented a machine for grinding plate of any size to a perfect plane ; a cylindrical machine for puddling iron and reducing ore and pig metals to wrought iron ; and a device for using con- densed air as a propelling power. He de- voted careful thought and study to ques- tions of finance and good government, and made his views widely known, espe- cially on the subject of currency and the duty of the government to provide cheap money. This theory brought him in sym- pathy with the Greenback party, and when the Independent National Conven- tion was held in 1876, he polled 81,740 popular votes. He had previously served as city alderman, a member of the com- mon council, a trustee of the public school society and a school commissioner. He chose to be his own executor and his wealth was distributed under his per- sonal direction, while he witnessed the results of his beneficence. His own lack of liberal education induced him to pro- vide for the class to which he had be- longed as a boy and young man. With this end in view he directed the policy of the public school system of New York City as far as his authority as a trustee and commissioner extended, and in 1859 he completed the great monument to his memory, "The Cooper Union for the Ad- vancement of Science and Art," at a cost of $630,000, and further sums between 1859 and 1882 aggregating $1,603,614.17, expended by trustees in enlarging the in- t/VSU^ J^a^Z-^U&^^/jZT^ '~<^-T—f ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY stitution and rendering it more effective. The design of the projector and bene- factor was to devote the institution "to the instruction and improvement of the inhabitants of the United States in prac- tical science and art, including instruc- tion in branches of knowledge by which men and women earn their daily bread ; in laws of health and improvement of sanitary conditions of families as well as individuals ; in social and political science, whereby communities and nations ad- vance in virtue, wealth and power; and finally in matters which affect the eye, the ear, and the imagination, and furnish a basis for recreation to the working classes." Free lectures, free reading rooms and free galleries of art, with free instruction in the arts of design by which both men and women can gain a liveli- hood, were established and maintained. There was also provision made for a free polytechnic school as soon as the funds were sufficient for the purpose. Mr. Cooper in his will left a further endow- ment of $100,000, and his children added to it $100,000 additional from his bequest to them. The one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Peter Cooper was fittingly cele- brated in the large hall of the Cooper Union, at which Mr. Cooper's son-in-law and partner, the Hon. Abram S. Hewitt, presided, and Seth Low, president of Co- lumbia University, read the address of the evening. He was president and director in various banking, insurance and indus- trial associations, and was given the hon- orary degree of Doctor of Laws by the regents of the University of the State of New York in 1879, and by the College of New Jersey in 1883. His son and part- ner, Edward, mayor of New York City. 1879-80, administered his estate and car- ried out his plans as to benefactions. A bronze statue of heroic size by St. Gau- dens, supported by a pedestal of Italian marble designed by Stephen White, standing in the little green triangle south of Cooper Union, was unveiled February 12, 1897. He published: "Ideas for a Science of Good Government, in Ad- dresses, Letters and Articles on a Strictly National Currency, Tariff and Civil Serv- ice (1883). He died in New York City, April 4, 1883. BEECHER, Henry Ward, Distinguished Clergyman. The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher was born in Litchfield, Connecticut, June 24, 1813, the fourth son of Lyman and Roxana (Foote) Beecher. His mother died when he was but three years old ; his step- mother, under whose guardianship his childhood days were spent, was an Epis- copalian. Both parents were devoted Christians ; his father was one of the most influential of New England pastors in an important transition period of her his- tory. His home training was of the severe New England type, alleviated, however, by an irrepressible sense of humor in his father, and a poetic and mystical spirit in his stepmother. He was graduated from Amherst College in 1834, in his twenty-first year. He did not stand high in college studies, and was characterized there, as throughout his life, by follow- ing the bent of his own inclination rather than any course marked out for him by others. But that course he followed with diligence, energy, and a patient assiduity. He made a careful study of English litera- ture, submitted himself to a very thor- ough training in elocution, took hold of phrenology and temperance, and partici- pated in prayer meetings and religious labors in neighboring country towns with characteristic fervor and self abandon. His father was an intense and polemical evangelistic divine, yet, for his time, was liberal, taking an active part in the theo- ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY logical controversies of his age as against the old school or extreme Calvinistic party in the orthodox church, laying stress on human liberty and responsibil- ity, and also as against the Unitarian de- nomination, then just coming into promi- nence in New England, urging the doc- trine of the depravity of the race, the divinity of Jesus Christ, the vicarious atonement, regeneration, and the inspira- tion and authority of the Scriptures. On these doctrines Henry Ward was reared, with them he was familiar from his boy- hood, and he never to the day of his death lost the impression they made upon his character and method of thought. But at a very early period they passed with him from a dogma to a vital spiritual ex- perience in which, through a conscious realization of Christ as the manifestation of a God of infinite mercy, coming into the world not to judge, but to redeem and edu- cate. Mr. Beecher himself entered into a new spiritual consciousness, in which love took the place of duty in the law of life, and the place of justice in the inter- pretation of God. He has described with characteristically simple eloquence the "blessed morning of May" when this thought first took possession of him, and it never left him. Henceforth, with no other change than that of increasing clearness of perception, strength of con- viction, and depth of experience, theology took its form ; the depravity of the race was selfishness ; the divinity of Jesus Christ, the personal disclosure of a God of love set forth clearly to human appre- hension in the life of Jesus of Nazareth ; the atonement, a moral and spiritual ac- cess to God the Father, through the reve- lation of Him in Jesus Christ; regenera- tion, a new life born of God, manifesting itself in practical fruits of love ; and the Scriptures, a book infallible and authori- tative only in so far as it revealed through the words and experiences of holy men of old these transcendent truths. This experience settled what was to be his life work, and he determined to devote him- self to the Christian ministry. Upon graduating from Amherst Col- lege, he entered Lane Theological Semi- nary (Cincinnati), where at this time his father had become professor of system- atic theology, and pursued his studies there, receiving probably quite as much from the spiritual life and keen dialectic conversation at home as from the more formal instructions of the seminary. At the same time he engaged in Christian work as a Bible class teacher, and in journalistic work in connection with a Cincinnati paper in which he toek an active part as an ardent Abolitionist in the anti-slavery campaign then fairly be- gun. His first parish was the Presby- terian church at Laurenceburg, Indiana, a small settlement on the Ohio river. Twenty persons, nineteen -women and one man, constituted the entire church. He was both sexton and preacher, lighted the lamps, swept the church, rang the ball, and took general charge of the edi- fice. After a year or two of service here he was called to a Presbyterian church in Indianapolis, the then growing capital of the State. His remarkable gifts as an orator gave him almost from the first a crowded church. His influence was felt throughout the State in intellectual and moral impulses given to members of the legislature, and to public men, who, at- tracted by his originality, earnestness, practicality and courage, came in great numbers to hear him. His pulpit did not, however, absorb either his thought or his time. He preached throughout the State in itinerant revival labors ; lectured fre- quently, generally without compensation, for impecunious charities ; and edited weekly the agricultural department of the "Indiana Journal." After eight years of increasingly sue- ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY cessful ministry in Indiana. Mr. Beecher received and accepted a call to the then newly organized Plymouth Church of Brooklyn, New York, entering upon the duties of his pastorate October 10, 1847, and with this church he remained until his death, March 8, 1887. The history of these forty years is the history of the theological and polemical progress of this country during that time. There was no theological question in which he did not take an interest, no problem having any recognized bearing on the moral well being of the country which he did not study, and upon the practical aspects of which he did not express himself, and no moral or political reform in which he did not take an active part. His fertility of thought was amazing. He rarely ex- changed ; he preached twice every Sab- bath, usually to houses crowded to over- flowing; he lectured through the week, so that there is scarcely any city and few towns of any considerable size and any pretension to literary character in the country in which he has not spoken. He also wrote profusely as a contributor of occasional articles, or as an editor, at one time of the New York "Independ- ent," and subsequently of the "Christian Union," which he founded, and of which he was editor-in-chief until within a few years of his death, when the necessary demands upon him as a lecturer led him to resign the charge of the paper to other hands. A career such as his, so im- mersed in conflict, in which hard blows were both given and taken, could not be passed without arousing bitter enmities. but of all the numerous assaults upon his memory, only one was sufficiently signifi- cant to pass into history, and that has already, for the most part, faded from men's minds, leaving his name unsullied. It is safe to say that no man, unless it be George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, has ever died in America, more widely honored, more deeply loved, or more uni- versally regretted. Mr. Beecher's great work in life was that of a pulpit and platform orator, and the effects of such an one are necessarily transient ; yet he wrote enough to prove himself master of the pen as well as of the voice. His principal works, apart from his published sermons, are his "Lec- tures to Young Men," delivered during his Indiana ministry ; "Yale Lectures on Preaching," delivered on the Henry Ward Beecher foundation at Yale Theological Seminary ; "Norwood : a Tale of New England Life," a novel, first published in serial form in the "New York Ledger;" "Star Papers," and "Flowers, Fruits and Farming" (one volume each), made up from occasional contributions to various journals; and the "Life of Jesus Christ," left unfinished at his death, but subse- quently completed by his son, with ex- tracts from sermons. As an orator, Mr. Beecher has had no superior, if any equal, in the American pulpit, and probably none in the history of the Christian church. • His themes were extraordinarily varied, everything that concerned the moral wellbeing of men being treated by him as legitimate subjects for the pulpit. He had all the qualities which art en- deavors to cultivate in the orator — a fine physique, rich and full blood currents, that overmastering nervous fire which we call magnetism, a voice equally re- markable for its fervor and flexibility — a true organ of speech, with many and varied stops — and a natural gift of mim- icry in action, tongue, and facial expres- sion. Training would have made him one of the first actors of dramatic history, yet he was not an actor, for he never simu- lated the passion he did not feel. Genuine- ness and simplicity were the foundations upon which he built his oratorical suc- cess, and he never hesitated to disappoint an expectant audience by speaking col- ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY loquially, and even tamely, if the passion was not in him. Hence he was equally liable to disappoint on special occasions when much was expected of him, and to surprise on an occasion when no expec- tation had been aroused. To these natural qualities he added, as the fruit of long and patient training, perfect elocutionary art become a second nature, an over- whelming moral and spiritual earnestness which took complete mastery of him, and a singularly combined self-control and self-abandon, so that in his more impas- sioned moments he seemed utterly to for- get himself, and yet rarely failed to per- ceive instinctively what could serve his purpose of immediate persuasion. He was always in sympathy with his audi- ence, but never robbed his humor of its spontaneity by the self-conscious smile, or his pathos of its power by breaking down himself in eye or voice. His five great orations delivered in England dur- ing the Civil War in 1863. the most potent, though not the only influence in turning public sentiment in that country against slavery and the cause of the South, were, in the difficulties which the orator encountered, his self-poise and self-control, his abundant and varied re- sources, his final victory, and the imme- diate results produced, unparalleled in the world's history of oratory. There is no space in so brief a notice as this for any critical analysis of either the man or his teaching. It must suffice to say, that the excellencies and the defects of both belonged to a man, who, living himself by the power of spontaneous life within, sought to develop a like life in others. More than any man of his time, he led the church and the community from a re- ligion of obedience under external law, to a life of spontaneous spirituality ; from a religion which feared God as a moral gov- ernor, to one which loves Him as a father; from one which regarded atone- ment and regeneration as an inexorable, but too frequently dreaded necessity, to one that welcomes them as the incoming of God in the soul ; from one which yield- ed a blind intellectual submission to the Bible as a book of divine decrees, to one which accepts it in a spirit of glad yet free allegiance, as a reflection of the divine character and purposes in the minds and hearts of his enlightened chil- dren. Mr. Beecher was married, in 1837, to Eunice Bullard, who survived him ; he also left four children, three sons engaged in business pursuits, and one daughter, married to Samuel Scoville, a Congrega- tional clergyman of New England. On January 13, 1893, a tablet in honor of its famous preacher was dedicated and un- veiled in the vestibule of Plymouth Church. The tablet is of brass and enamel, mounted on a great panel of an- tique oak. A border of interlaced oak leaves surrounds the tablet, upon which appears a medallion bust in bronze. The inscription is in bas relief: "In memoriam Henry Ward Beecher, first pastor of Plymouth Church, 1847-1887. 'I have not concealed Thy loving kindness and Thy truth from the great congregation'." Mr. Beecher died at his home in Brooklyn, New York, March 8, 1887. VANDERBILT, William Henry, Man of Large Affairs. William Plenry Vanderbilt was born in New Brunswick, New Jersey, May 8, 1821, son of Cornelius and Sophia (John- son) Vanderbilt. He attended the gram- mar school of Columbia College, and in 1838 engaged in business as a ship chand- ler, and later held a position in the bank- ing house of Drew, Robinson & Com- pany. He was married, in 1841, to Maria Louisa, daughter of the Rev. Samuel H. Kissam, of Brooklyn, and in 1842 failing --r? : --~ ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY health caused his retirement to a small farm at New Dorp, Staten Island. He was appointed receiver of the Staten Island railroad, and became business manager of the railroads under the con- trol of his father. He was vice-president of the Harlem & Hudson River railroads in 1864, and of the New York Central in 1865, and it was on his suggestion that the two roads were consolidated and a continuous line from New York to Buffalo was estab- lished in 1869. On his father's death, in 1877, he became president of the New York Central & Hudson River railroad, and also obtained control of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, the Michi- gan Central, the Chicago & Northwestern and of the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincin- nati & Indianapolis railroads. On May 4, 1883, he resigned the office of president of the Vanderbilt system, and his sons, Cornelius and William Kissam, were elected to succeed him. In payment of a debt of $150,000, bor- rowed by General Grant from Mr. Van- derbilt, two days before the failure of Grant & Ward, Mr. Vanderbilt received from the General deeds of real estate and his swords, medals and paintings, which he placed in the archives of the govern- ment at Washington — a gift to the gov- ernment. Mr. Vanderbilt erected a fine mansion on Fifth avenue, New York City. His benefactions were many ; he presented $200,000 to the endowment of Vanderbilt University, and $100,000 each for a theological school and library in connection with the university ; $500,000 to the College of Physicians and Sur- geons ; $50,000 to the Church of St. Bar- tholomew. In 188 1 he gave $103,000 for the removal of the great obelisk from Alexandria, Egypt, to Central Park, New York. In his will he bequeathed $10,- 000,000 to each of his eight children ; $2,- 000,000 more to his eldest son, Cornelius; $1,000,000 to Cornelius, the eldest son of the latter; and the residuary estate to his two eldest sons, Cornelius and William Kissam, subject to the payment of an an- nuity of $200,000 to the widow. While engaged, at his residence, in a spirited discussion of railroad matters with Robert Garrett, the president of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, Mr. Vander- bilt was suddenly attacked with apoplexy, and died in his study in New York City. December 8, 1885. ARTHUR, Chester Alan, President of the United States. Chester Alan Arthur, twenty-first Pres- ident of the United States, was born at Fairfield, Franklin county, Vermont, Oc- tober 5, 1830, the eldest son of William and Malvina (Stone) Arthur. His father was educated in Ireland, a graduate of Belfast College, who came to America and settled in Vermont, where he became a Baptist preacher. His maternal grand- father, Uriah Stone, was a pioneer set- tler of New Hampshire, who located in Piermont about 1763. Chester Alan Arthur attended school first at Union Village, New York, and afterwards at Schenectady. He entered the sophomore class at Union College when fifteen years old, and during his course taught school for two terms to aid in defraying his expenses. He was graduated with high honors in the class of 1848, entered the law school at Balls- ton Spa, and after a short term of lec- tures returned to his father's home at Lansing, New York, where he continued his law studies, fitted a class of boys for college, and taught in the academy at North Pownal, Vermont, as principal, having not yet reached his majority. In 1853 he entered the law office of Erastus D. Culver in New York City, was admitted to the bar in 1854, and be- T 3 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY came one of the firm of Culver, Parker & Arthur. He had imbibed anti-slavery principles from his father, who was one of the early Abolitionists, and became an advocate of that party, and was one of those who formed the New York Anti- Slavery Society at the house of Gerrit Smith, at Peterboro, New York, Octo- ber 21, 1835. In several notable suits at law he defended the rights of negroes, both as escaped slaves and as citizens, and in these suits was opposed by the most learned legal talent in the country, and won his causes in the highest courts. (See Lemmon vs. People, and the case of Lizzie Jennings, 1855). He was a dele- gate to the New York Republican State Convention at Saratoga in 1856, and was conspicuous in his active support of Gen- eral Fremont in the presidential cam- paign of that year. In 1S57 he took an active part in the reorganization of the State militia, was made judge advocate of the Second Brigade, and in i860 Gov- ernor Morgan appointed him engineer-in- chief on his staff, with the rank of briga- dier-general. On the breaking out of the Civil War he was made acting quarter- master-general of the State. General Arthur displayed remarkable executive ability during his administration of this office, having to provide clothing and transportation for nearly 700,000 men fur- nished by the State of New York for the suppression of the rebellion. His war account with the national government, although much larger than that of any other State, was the first audited at Wash- ington, and it was allowed with the re- duction of one dollar, while the accounts of many other States were cut down from one million to ten millions of dollars. In December, 1861, he was one of a board of engineers, and submitted to the gov ernment a report on the harbor defences of the State and the conditions of the Federal forts. In February, 1862, he was commissioned inspector-general, and in May he officially visited the New York troops in McClellan's army, and while on this duty also served as an aide on the staff of Colonel Henry J. Hunt, com- manding the artillery reserve of the army, in anticipation of an immediate attack on Richmond. He was ordered back to New York in June by Governor Morgan, and acted as secretary of the meeting of the governors of the loyal States at the Astor House, New York, June 28, 1862, which prompted the President to call for 300,000 volunteers on July 1, 1862. At Governor Morgan's request, Gen- eral Arthur resigned his commission as in- spector-general, and was recommissioned as quartermaster-general July 10, 1862. The multiplicity of cares laid upon him at this time is shown in his report made at the close of the official year, under date of January 27, 1863, in which he says: "From August to December 1st, the space of four months, there were completely clothed, uniformed and equipped, sup- plied with camp and garrison equipage, and transported from this State to the seat of war, sixty-eight regiments of in- fantry, two battalions of cavalry, and four battalions of artillery." Horatio Seymour having succeeded Governor Morgan as chief executive of the State, General Arthur resigned as quartermaster-gen- eral, his resignation taking effect Janu- ary 1, 1863. In 1862 Mr. Arthur formed a law part- nership with Henry C. Gardner, which in 1867 was dissolved, and General Arthur practiced alone until January 1, 1872, when the firm of Arthur, Phelps & Knevals was formed. Despite an exten- sive law practice, he retained his interest in city, State and national politics, and so strengthened his position through his membership with political organizations that he was regarded as one of the most prominent and influential leaders of the 14 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Republican party. He was for a time counsel to the city Department of Assess- ment and Taxes, a position which he re- signed. He was appointed Collector of the Port of New York by President Grant, November 20, 1871. His term ex- pired in 1875, and he was promptly re- appointed by the same administration, and his second confirmation by the United States Senate was made without refer- ring it to a committee. The Republican State Convention of 1876, held March 22, at Syracuse, elected delegates, most of whom were pledged to support Senator Conkling for the presidential nomination. Alonzo B. Cornell and Chester A. Arthur were his most active advocates before the National Convention, and not until the seventh ballot was Mr. Conkling's name withdrawn, and sixty-one of the votes of New York given to Rutherford B. Hayes, of Ohio, which secured his nomination. The election was not decided until the following March, 1877. when the Electoral Commission declared that Mr. Hayes was to be president. He selected Hon. John Sherman for Secretary of the Treasury, who deemed it important that the custom house appointments should be in the hands of one more friendly to the Hayes administration than Mr. Arthur. Under the operation of civil service reform, spe- cial agents and commissions were ap- pointed by the new administration to make rigid and searching investigation into General Arthur"s official conduct. The commission, known as the Jay Com- mission, reported adversely, and Col- lector Arthur replied in a letter to Secre- tary Sherman. November 23. 1877. On December 6, Theodore Roosevelt was ap- pointed collector, and L. Bradford Prince, naval officer ; but the United States Senate refused to confirm the appointments, and Arthur and Cornell held their respective offices until the adjournment of Congress on July 11, 1878, when they were sus- pended. Arthur had previously declined to resign, as requested by Secretary Sher- man, notwithstanding he was promised a foreign mission. A petition for his reten- tion was signed by the judge of every court in the city, by all the prominent members of the bar, and by eighty-five per cent, of the importing merchants in the collection district ; but at General Arthur's urgent request it was not pre- sented. During his six years of office the percentage of removals was only two and three-quarters per cent, per annum. All appointments except two, to the one hun- dred positions commanding salaries of two thousand dollars a year, were made on the plan of advancing men from the lower to the higher grades on recom- mendation of heads of bureaus. The New York delegation to the Chi- cago Republican Convention in June, 1880, in which General Arthur was a delegate-at-large, expected to see General Grant nominated for the presidency for a third term. It had no second choice, although several candidates, hopeful of Grant's defeat, were pushing their own names forward with energy and persist- ency. The State of Ohio, with the ex- ception of General Garfield's district, had _ ed its delegates in behalf of John Sherman. Alter a determined contest, which lasted several days, and during which the stalwart New York delegation stood firm, and "302'' in the convention voted repeatedly and persistently for General Grant, the convention was stam- peded by the Sherman supporters flock- ing to the standard of James A. Garfield, and New York's favorite went down to de- feat. In order to placate the "Stalwarts," rather than as an expression of the will of their successful opposition, Chester A. Arthur was unanimously named as the vice-presidential candidate, and Garfield and Arthur were elected president and vice-president of the United States, in -I ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY November, 1880. Mr. Arthur appeared as presiding officer of the Senate at its extra session, March 4, 188 1. He in- gratiated himself with the senators through his easy manner and kindly dis- position. The Senate was equally divided politically, and he used his influence against his enemies when their names came before the Senate for confirmation. Upon the announcement of President Garfield's death, September 19, 1881, Mi. Arthur, at the suggestion of the cabinet, took the oath of office as President of the United States, September 20, 1881, before Judge James R. Brady, of the New York Supreme Court, and immediately repaired to Elberon, New Jersey, where he met the cabinet and arranged for the funeral ceremonies. On September 22nd he went to Washington, and in the vice-presi- dent's room the oath of office was for- mally administered by Chief Justice Waite. President Arthur, as his first official act, appointed Monday, Septem- ber 26th, as a day of mourning for the late President, and the next day pro- claimed an extraordinary session of the Senate, October 10, to elect a president of the Senate pro tempore. He requested the members of the cabinet of Mr. Gar- field to retain their respective portfolios until the regular session in December, and this request was complied with, ex- cept in the case of the Secretary of the Treasury, who desired that his resigna- tion be accepted, in order that he might become a candidate for the office of Sena- tor from his State. President Arthur offered the portfolio to Edwin D. Mor- gan, the War Governor of New York, whose appointment was confirmed by the Senate, but he declined to serve, and the choice then fell to Charles J. Folger, of New York, who was confirmed October 27, 1881. President Arthur's administration was marked by no startling conditions calling for extraordinary action. He officially presided at the dedication of the monu- ment at Yorktown, Virginia, erected to commemorate the surrender of Corn- wallis, in which dedication America's French allies and German participants were represented. The President, at the close of the celebration, ordered a salute to be fired in honor of the British flag, "in recognition of the friendly relations so long and so happily subsisting between Great Britain and the United States, in the trust and confidence of peace and good will between the two countries for all the centuries to come, and especially as a mark of the profound respect enter- tained by the American people for the illustrious sovereign and gracious lady who sits upon the British throne." Presi- dent Arthur made efforts to secure peace between the warring nations in South America, and to that end proposed a Peace Conference, which suggestion, how- ever, was not acted upon by Congress. The administration also offered its friendly offices to determine peaceably the boundary lines between Mexico and Guatamala, and relocated the boundary line between Mexico and the United States. Through a commission, in which General Grant and W. H. Trescott acted for the United States, reciprocal treaties affecting commercial relations with South American countries were made with Santo Domingo, December 4, 1884, and with Spain in reference to Cuba and Porto Rico, November 18, 1884. These treaties were, however, withdrawn by President Cleveland as inexpedient, with- out affording the Senate an opportunity to act upon them. President Arthur proposed a monetary union of the American countries to secure a uniform currency basis, looking to the remonetization of silver. He strongly urged the construction of the interoceanic canal across the Isthmus of Panama, and 1 6 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY through correspondence with Great Brit- ain asserted that the provisions of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty of April 19, 1850, could not be allowed to interfere with the rights of the United States in controlling such a route in view of the spirit of the "Monroe Doctrine." On December 1, 1884, a treaty was made with the repub- lic of Nicaragua, which authorized the United States government to build a canal, railroad, and telegraph line across Nicaraguan territory by way of the lake and San Jose river. This treaty was re- jected by the Senate, and before that body could consider its vote, the treaty was withdrawn by President Cleveland, March 12, 1885. President Arthur obtained from the British government a full recognition of the rights of naturalized American citizens of Irish birth, and all such ar- rested as suspects were liberated. A bill passed by Congress, prohibiting the im- migration of Chinese laborers for twenty years, was vetoed by him April 4, 1882, as in violation of a treaty with China. Congress sustained the veto, and passed a modified bill, suspending immigration for ten years, which was amended July 5, 1884, and approved by the President. A law was passed August 3, 1882, by which convicts seeking a home in the United States were returned to Europe, and the importation of contract laborers was prohibited by a law passed February 26, 1885. President Arthur repeatedly advised the suspension of the coinage of standard silver dollars, and recommended the redemption of all outstanding trade dollars. The removal of stamp taxes on many articles of merchandise and on bank checks and drafts, as well as the taxes on surplus bank capital and deposits, were recommended, and on March 3, 1883, the acts enforcing them were repealed, this resulting in the reduction of the collec- tion districts by one-third. Legislation was recommended looking to the con- struction and maintenance of ocean steamships under the American flag; and the subject of coast defences was repeat- edly brought to the attention of Con- gress, an annual appropriation of $1,500,- 000 being recommended for the armament of fortifications. In his last annual mes- sage, President Arthur urged the appro- priation of $60,000,000 to be expended during the next ten years, one-tenth an- nually, for coast defences; and his plans, considerably enlarged, were taken up and carried out by the succeeding administra- tion. He vetoed a river and harbor bill appropriating $18,743,875, on the ground that the sum greatly exceeded the needs of the country, that the distribution was unequal, and for the benefit of particular locations ; the bill was passed over his veto. He also vetoed the bill passed July 2, 1884, restoring to the army and place on the retired list Major-General Fitz John Porter, then under sentence of court martial ; this veto was also overruled. Important reforms were instituted in the navy, the number of officers was reduced, habitual drunkards were discharged, the repair of old wooden vessels was dis- continued, and the construction of a new fleet of steel ships with modern arma- ments was begun under an advisory board appointed for that purpose. During this administration the postal rates were con- siderably reduced, and many improve- ments were initiated in the general mail service. President Arthur appointed Horace Gray, of Massachusetts, to the vacancy on the bench of the United States Su- preme Court caused by the death of Jus- tice Clifford, of Maine, and he was com- missioned December 20, 1881. On the retirement of Justice Hunt, of New York, Roscoe Conkling was appointed to the United States Supreme bench, February 24, 1882, and the appointment confirmed, but he declined the office on March 3, N Y— Vol 11— 2 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY 1882, and Samuel Blatchford, of New York, was appointed and confirmed March 2$, 1882. In his annual message of 1884, President Arthur recommended a suitable pension to General Grant, and upon the refusal of the general to accept any pension whatever, he by special mes- sage, February 3, 1885, urged upon Con- gress the creation of the office of General of the Army on the retired list. The bill was passed March 3, 1885, and on its passage the President named to the office Ulysses S. Grant, and the nomination was confirmed the same day in open Senate amid the demonstrations of ap- proval of a crowded chamber. When the Republican National Convention met at Chicago, June 3, 1884, President Arthur's name was presented by the delegations from New York, Pennsylvania. Missis- sippi, North Carolina and Louisiana. On the first ballot he received the votes of 278 delegates, on the second 276, on the third 274, and on the fourth 207, a plu- rality of votes nominating James G. Blaine. He at once telegraphed to the successful candidate his congratulations and assurance of his earnest and candid support. The National Convention en- dorsed the administration of President Arthur as "wise, conservative and pa- triotic, under which the country had been blessed with remarkable prosperity." President Arthur, as the guest of the citizens of Boston, attended the celebra- tion of the Webster Historical Societv and made an address in Faneuil Hall. October 11, 1882, and at Marshfield, Octo- ber 13. At Louisville, Kentucky, August 2, 1883, he opened the Southern Exposi- tion with an address, and at the opening of the New Orleans World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition, he per- formed the function by telegraph from the national capital, transmitting his ad- dress and starting the machinery by the electric current. On September 25. 1883. he was present at the ceremonies of un- veiling and dedicating the Burnside monument at Bristol, Rhode Island, and on November 26th of the same year at- tended a similar ceremony in New York City, when Washington's statue was first disclosed to public view on the steps of the United States Sub-Treasury build- ing in Wall street. His last official public address was made at the dedication of the Washington Monument in Washington, which was completed during his adminis- tration. Mr. Arthur was married, October 29, 1859, to Ellen Lewis, daughter of Com- modore William Lewis Herndon, United States Navy. She died January 12, 1880, leaving two children — Chester Alan and Ellen Herndon. While President, Mr. Arthur's sister, Mrs. Mary Arthur Mc- Elroy, presided over the White House, and the elegance of her hospitality was a marked characteristic of his adminis- tration. At the close of his official term, March 4, 1S85, Mr. Arthur returned to his home in New York City, where he died suddenly of apoplexy, November 18, 1886. His funeral was attended by those who had been members of his cabinet, by President Cleveland, Chief Justice Waite, ex-President Hayes, Generals Sherman, Sheridan, and Schofield, and Hon. James G. Blaine. He was buried in the Rural Cemetery, Albany, New York. SEYMOUR, Horatio, Distinguished Statesman. Horatio Seymour was born at Pompey Hill, Onondaga county, New York, May 31, 1810. He derived his origin from the Seymours who were among the first set- tlers of Hartford, Connecticut, his grand- father. Major Moses Seymour, being captain of a troop of horse during the Revolutionary War, and having distin- ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY guished himself at the surrender of Bur- goyne. Major Seymour had five sons and a daughter ; of his sons, one became dis- tinguished as a financier and bank presi- dent, two were high sheriffs, one was a Representative and Senator in the State of New York, and one was for twelve years United States Senator from Ver- mont. Horatio Seymour's grandfather on his mother's side was Lieutenant-Colonel Forman, of the First New Jersey Regi- ment in the Revolutionary army. His grandmother was a niece of Colonel Wil- liam Ledyard, who commanded at Gro- ton, Connecticut, when that place was sacked and burned by the British, Sep- tember 6, 1781, under command of Bene- dict Arnold. Of the five sons of Major Seymour, Henry, the father of Horatio, settled in Onondaga county, New York, in the beginning of this century and there in the midst of the wilderness was born the future governor of the State. About nine years later the family removed to Utica. Henry Seymour was a colleague of De- Witt Clinton. Like most of the early settlers of Onondaga county, he was a man of a high order of merit and ability. One of the first things done by the pio- neer settlers in this country was to raise money by mortgaging their lands in order to build and endow an academy, and in this academy Horatio Seymour received the rudiments of his education. When he was ten years old, Horatio Seymour was sent to the Oxford Academy, at the time one of the foremost educational in- stitutions of the State, where he remained for about two years, going thence to Geneva (now Hobart) College, where he remained for a like period. From Geneva he went to Captain Partridge's celebrated military academy at Middletown, Con- necticut, where he was graduated. Re- turning to Utica, he began to study law under the two noted jurists, Greene C. Rronson and Samuel Beardsley, and in 1832 was admitted to practice as an at- torney and counsellor of the Supreme Court of the State of New York and a member of the Oneida county bar. It was about this time that Mr. Seymour married Mary Bleeker, daughter of John R. Bleeker of Albany. Although Mr. Seymour was thoroughly versed in the law, he never practiced, from the fact that he was almost immedi- ately obliged to devote his whole time and attention to the large estate which he inherited. He made many acquaint- ances, however, among the foremost men in the State, and when Martin Van Buren became President, having found in Mr. Seymour, as he believed, the elements of a popular leader, he recommended Gov- ernor Marcy to make him his military secretary, which he did. This appoint- ment assisted in bringing about intimate personal relations between Mr. Seymour and the great Democratic leaders in the State, and he continued to hold his con- fidential position near Governor Marcy until 1839. In 1841 he accepted the nomi- nation for the Assembly from the county of Oneida, and was elected by one of the largest majorities ever received by a Democratic candidate in that county, and thus at the age of twenty-seven years actually began his public career. In the Assembly Mr. Seymour at once took rank as a prominent and leading member, and during his first term made a most satisfactory impression. In 1842 he was elected mayor of Utica, and was renomi- nated for that position in 1843, DUt was beaten by sixteen votes. In the autumn of the same year he was re-elected to the Legislature, of which he was a member until the close of 1845, at which session he was elected speaker. In 1850 he re- ceived the nomination from the Demo- cratic party for Governor of the State ; be was defeated, however, by Washing- ton Hunt, the Whig candidate, but, al- io ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY though the latter was assisted by the "anti-rent" vote, he only gained his elec- tion by 262 majority in the total poll of 429,000. In 1852 Mr. Seymour was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention at Baltimore, and worked in the interest of William L. Marcy for President. In the same year he was again nominated by the Democrats for the governorship of New York, against his old competitor, Washington Hunt, whom he this time defeated by a major- ity of 22,90'). The administration of Governor Seymour was eminently suc- cessful, although it occurred at a period of general party disturbance. The temperance agitators were particularly active, and the Legislature passed a pro- hibitory law which was vetoed by Gov- ernor Seymour. Meanwhile the repeal of the Missouri Compromise had thor- oughly shaken the Democratic party of the North, while the Whig party was abandoned by its leaders and was already making way for the Republican party of the future. All of these discordant and even dangerous elements had to be en- countered in the course of Governor Sey- mour's administration, and were met with the courage and fidelity of a states- man and a patriot. In 1854, Governor Seymour was renominated, there being four tickets in the field. He was defeated by Myron H. Clark, the Whig and Tem- perance candidate, by a plurality of 309 votes in a grand total of 469.431. In 1856 Governor Seymour went to Cincin- nati as a delegate to the Democratic Na- tional Convention, and gave his support to Buchanan and Breckenridge in the succeeding campaign. His views on the conditions and elements of the existing political situation were deemed to be of so much importance that he was request- ed to give public expression to them. Accordingly, at Springfield, Massachu- setts, on July 4, 1856, before an assem- blage numbering many thousands, he de- livered an address on "The Democratic Theory of Government," which was pub- lished throughout the country and cir- culated widely as a campaign document, contributing in no small degree to the Democratic victory of that year. He argued against centralization and for local authority, claiming that under such conditions the slavery question would settle itself by all the States becoming free, the tendency of events being such that power was passing to the free States, and ultimately the ideas which controlled these States would control the Union. On the accession of James Buch- anan to the presidential chair, he tend- ered to Governor Seymour a first-class mission to one of the European courts, but this offer was gracefully declined, and Governor Seymour returned to his farm, where he always showed great interest in agricultural pursuits. At the beginning of the Civil War, Governor Seymour, like many other loyal men, sought earnestly to avert the diffi- culties and dangers which he saw were threatening the stability of the Union. He addressed meetings in his own and other States, at which he sought to do away with the false impression then prev- alent throughout the North with regard to the staying power of the Southern people. "Ninety days" was the limit generally fixed for the war which was obviously to take place, and no effort on the part of such statesmen as were un- willing to swim with the tide against their own convictions had any effect in changing this impression. Governor Seymour had opposed the Republicans during the campaign, but he actively sup- ported the administration after President Lincoln took office. At a Democratic ratification meeting held in Utica in 1862, he announced in the most spirited manner the intention of Northern Democrats to ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY lose no opportunity of showing their loyalty to the Union. He contributed largely in Oneida county to the funds raised for the purpose of enlisting sol- diers, and while attending a meeting of the State Military Association in 1862, at Albany, he began his address by saying, "We denounce the rebellion as most wicked, because it wages war against the best government the world has ever seen." In September of that year, he was enthusiastically renominated as a candi- date for the executive chair of the State of New York. Upon receiving this nomi- nation, he adopted a course at that time unusual in the political history of the State, which was to undertake a personal campaign, by traversing the State and addressing meetings. He spoke at out- door gatherings as many as nine times a week during the campaign, a most trying and fatiguing undertaking, but which re- sulted in his being elected by a majority of 10,752 votes. In his message to the Senate after his election, Governor Sey- mour put on record his declaration that under no circumstances could the division of the Union be conceded, and in the strongest manner announced his inten- tion to aid in upholding the government, and showing respect to the authority of its rulers. He protested against arbitrary arrests, the suppression of newspapers, and the imprisonment of persons without due process of law, holding that the fact of an existing rebellion could not sus- pend a single right of the citizens of loyal States. Throughout his administration Governor Seymour was conspicuous by his energy and ability in raising troops. Within three days after the special de- mand which was made on the occasion of the invasion of Pennsylvania, 12,000 State militia, thoroughly equipped, were on their way to Harrisburg. It was while the New York militia were absent from the city in Pennsylvania that the series of outbreaks known as the "draft riots" took place. A more unfortunate time could not have been even accidentally appointed for the announcement in New York of the names of those who were drafted. It has never, however, been satisfactorily shown that this particular period was not chosen designedly by the War Department. Two points with re- gard to the draft were especially obnox- ious — one was, that while the poor must go to the war, "willy-nilly," the rich could avoid it by paying $300 to buy a sub- stitute; the other was, that the quota demanded from New York was inaccu- rate and unjust, so excessive in fact that the general government was forced after- ward to correct it. Governor Seymour endeavored to have the quota corrected and the draft postponed, but the latter began on Saturday, July 11, 1863, the names being published on Sunday. From that time until Thursday evening the city was in the hands of the rioters ; about a thousand lives were lost, and property amounting to several million dollars was destroyed. As soon as the riots began, Governor Seymour went at once to the metropolis, where he issued proclamations declaring the city to be in a state of insurrection, ordering all persons engaged in riotous proceedings to return to their homes and employments, and declaring that he should use all the power neces- sary to restore peace and order. He made public addresses urging the mob to dis- perse, and insisting upon obedience to the law, while at the same time he used every effort to obtain troops and enroll volunteers. By judiciously re- fraining from stirring up the already excited passions of the rioters, and, aided by the few soldiers in the forts under the command of Major-General John E. Wool, Governor Seymour did much to- ward allaying the excitement, which end- ed on Thursday evening, July 16th. On ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY April i6, 1864, the State Legislature, which was Republican, passed a resolu- tion thanking Governor Seymour for having procured the correction of the errors committed in regard to the draft by the authorities at Washington. In the same year Governor Seymour was a candidate for re-election as governor, but was defeated by Reuben E. Fenton, by a majority of 8,293. After the war was ended, Governor Seymour continued to be prominent in politics. He strongly opposed the Re- publican party, as was natural from a Democratic standpoint, and after pre- siding over State conventions in 1867 and 1868, he was elected permanent chairman of the National Convention which met in New York City on July 4, 1868, when Seymour and Blair were nominated as the Democratic candidates for president and vice-president. At the election, Governor Seymour was defeated by General Grant, the popular vote being 3,015,071 for Grant, and 2,709,213 for Seymour. From this time forward, Mr. Seymour refused to let his name be used as a candidate for any public office. In 1864 he had built on the Deerfield Hills, near Utica, New York, a plain frame cottage, spacious and hospitable, located on the highest point on his farm. Here he devoted him- self to reading and agricultural pursuits, up to the time of his death, which occur- red February 12, 1886. HUNT, Ward, Distinguished Jurist. Ward Hunt was born at Utica, New York, June 14, 1810. His father was Montgomery Hunt, for many years cash- ier of the Bank of Utica, and his mother a daughter of Captain Joseph Stringham, of New York City. Ward Hunt attended Hamilton Col- lege, New York, later entering Union (New York) College, from which he was graduated in 1828. He attended the legal lectures of Judge Gould at Litchfield, Connecticut, and continued his profes- sional studies with Judge Hiram Denio, afterward Judge of the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. He became Judge Denio's partner in law practice, and was his successor on the same bench. In 1838 he was chosen to the New York State Assembly, and served for a single term. In 1844 he was elected mayor of Utica. In the political excite- ment of the time, he took ground with that wing of the Democratic party which opposed the annexation of Texas by the United States and the extension of slavery, and in 1848 took a leading part in the movement for free-soil which se- lected as the nominees of its party Van Buren and Adams. Later, with others, he broke away from old ties and became a prime mover in the formation of the Republican party. In 1865 he was elected by a majority of 32,000 to succeed Judge Denio upon the bench of the New York State Court of Appeals, and became chief judge of the court in 1868. This tribunal having been reconstructed under a con- stitutional amendment, Judge Hunt was retained as Commissioner of Appeals, which position he resigned January 7, 1873, to accept his place as one of the justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, to which office he had been appointed by President Grant on the eleventh of December next preceding. In 1883, owing to a failure in health, he resigned his judgeship. He was adorned by a generous culture, and was in all relations singularly self- poised. He was faithful to his principles, and devoted to his friends. He excelled in judgment and solidity of acquirements, rather than in brilliancy. His accom- plishments, moreover, extended beyond his profession, for he kept his eyes open ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY to the world of letters and affairs, as well as the narrower sphere of practice and politics. He was a communicant in the Protestant Episcopal church, and often sat in its conventions. As a thinker he was clear and logical ; as a public speaker he was deliberate, and convinced by argu- ment rather than captivated by sentiment or ornament. On the bench, no man labored' with more patience and earnest zeal for justice than he. His decisions are simple in diction, forcible in state- ment, and exhaustive in their treatment of the cases at issue. Both Union and Rutgers College gave him the degree of LL. D. He died at Washington, D. C, March 24, 1886. TILDEN, Samuel Jones, Distinguished Statesman. This distinguished statesman and im- maculate citizen was born at New Leba- non, Columbia county, New York, Feb- ruary 9, 1814. His English ancestor, Na- thaniel Tilden, who had been mayor of Tenterden, Kent, emigrated in 1763 and settled at Scituate, Massachusetts, whence his son removed to Lebanon, Con- necticut. The grandfather of Samuel J. Tilden founded New Lebanon, New York; his father was a farmer, merchant, and friend of Van Buren. At the age of eighteen, young Tilden drew up an address which was approved by Van Buren, signed by prominent Democrats, and published in the "Albany Argus." Soon after this he spent some time at Yale, but transferred himself to the University of New York, where he was graduated in 1837. In that year sundry articles from his pen on the treas- ury question appeared in "The Argus," over the signature of "Crisso." In 1838 he wrote the resolutions for two meet- ings of workingmen in Tammany Hall, February 6th and 26th, and at a debate in Columbia county answered a speech of United States Senator N. P. Tall- madge. His speech at New Lebanon, October 3, 1840, on currency, prices and wages, including the history of the United States Bank, was circulated as a cam- paign document, and pronounced by Conde Raguet "the clearest exposition of the subjects that has yet appeared." He was admitted to the bar in 1841, and opened an office in Pine street, New York. In 1844 he began the publication of the "Morning News," and edited it through the campaign which ended in Polk's election. In 1845 ne was elected to the New York Assembly, and in 1846 was a member of the Constitutional Con- vention and of its committees of finance and canals. Beginning in 1846 he de- voted himself to his legal practice, which rapidly became lucrative and important, including much railroad business. He won much reputation by his defence of the Pennsylvania Coal Company against a claim of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company for extra toll, in a case which occupied the court for ten weeks. His services were given without fee to A. C. Flagg, whose election as city comp- troller was contested in 1856. Another famous case was the claim of Mrs. Cun- ningham, the supposed murderess, tri- umphantly opposed by Mr. Tilden, to administer the Burdell estate in 1857. However busy at the law, Mr. Tilden never lost his interest in municipal, State and national politics He joined the free- foil movement of 1848, urged constitu- tional methods in connection with canal improvements in 185 1, and was the "soft- shell" nominee for attorney-general in 1855. At the outset of the political dis- turbances which culminated in the Civil War, he warned a Southerner, in Decem- ber, 1S60, that the South "must not expect Northern Democrats to hold the govern- ment while they were whipping it," and 23 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY said : "I will do everything to sustain President Lincoln in a civil war, if it occurs, that I would do to sustain An- drew Jackson if he were president." General Dix blamed him somewhat later for not uniting in the call for the mass- meeting, nor attending it, after the attack on Fort Sumter. His course during the war was moderate, and he disliked extra constitutional methods. His most illus- trious public service was his unrelenting war on the notorious Tweed ring, ana his highest praise came from Tweed him- self in 1869: "Sam Tilden wants to over- throw Tammany Hall. He wants to drive me out of politics. He wants to stop the pickings, starve out the bugs, and run the government of the city as if it was a blanked little country store up in New Lebanon. He wants to bring the hayloft and the cheese-press down to the city, and crush out the machine. He wants to get a crowd of country reform- ers in the Legislature * * * And then, when he gets everything well fixed to suit him, he wants to go to the United States Senate." Mr. Tilden did, indeed, "want" most of these things, and he ob- tained them. As chairman of the Demo- cratic State Committee, and in the Legis- lature, which he re-entered for this pur- pose, he brought all his influence to bear against the criminal misgovernment of the city. He was a founder of the Bar Association, and directed its impeach- ment of Judges Barnard and Cardozo in 1872. After exposure of ring methods in July, 1871, by "The Times" he pursued the conspirators individually. These labors of reform were his almost exclusive business for sixteen months. His friends estimated that the neglect of his profes- sional and private affairs during this time cost him "enough to endow a public charity." The sum was quite as well spent in furthering public justice; the ring was broken, and its members pris- oners of fugitives. (See "The New York City Ring: Its Origin, Maturity, and Fall," 1873). In 1874 Mr. Tilden was elected gov- ernor, with 50,000 majority over General John A. Dix. Among the more notable deliverances of his administration were his messages of January 5, January 12, March 19 (against the canal ring), and May 11, 1875 ; June 4, March 24, 1876, and his speeches at Buffalo and Utica, August 10 and September 30, 1875. During his administration the construction of the present capitol building at Albany was begun. The National Democratic Con- vention meeting at St. Louis in June, 1876, nominated him for president on the second ballot. The election was un- usually close, and its result long doubtful. Mr. Tilden had a popular majority over Mr. Rutherford B. Hayes of nearly 251,- 000, and over all rivals of near 160,000, but the votes of Louisiana, South Caro- lina and Florida were claimed by both parties ; intimidation of Republican voters in States, and false returns by Re- publican canvassing boards, were charg- ed. The excited passions of that anxious time and the unprecedented embarrass- ment of the situation, live in the memory of all mature Americans. To avoid a deadlock in Congress, the Senate agreed to leave the decision to an Electoral Com- mission of fifteen, and this, by a strict party vote of eight to seven, accepted the returns of the canvassers in the three doubtful States, and reported, March 2, 1877, the majority of a single vote for Mr. Hayes. Many counseled seating Mr. Til- den by force, and civil war would un- doubtedly have resulted had not Mr. Til- den strenuously resisted everything but acquiescence in the decision of the Elec- toral Commission. Mr. Tilden retained the respect and confidence of his party in an enlarged degree, but refused to allow the use of his name as a presidential can- 24 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY didate in 1880 and 1884. During the latter years of his life Mr. Tilden was probably the chief figure in the Democratic party, and his opinion was sought on all ques- tions of State or national politics. His last important expression of opinion was in a letter to J. G. Carlisle, then speaker of the house, urging the necessity of liberal appropriations for a system of coast defences, that the seaboard of the country might be secured against naval attacks. Mr. Tilden died at his country house, Greystone, near Yonkers, New York, Au- gust 4, 1886, leaving a large part of his fortune of $5,000,000 to found a free library in New York; but his heirs (he was a bachelor) contested the will, which was broken, after which the heirs con- tributed a much smaller sum to endow the library. Probably Mr. Tilden drew more wills disposing of large estates than any man of his day in the legal profes- sion, but, when making his own, he did not succeed in avoiding legal obstruc- tions which invalidated the instrument. A campaign life of him was written by T. P. Cook (1876); his "Writings and Speeches" were edited by John Bigelow (two volumes, 1885). WHEELER, William Almon, Lawyer, Statesman. William Almon Wheeler was born in Malone, Franklin county, New York, June 30, 1819. His ancestors both on his father's and his mother's side were Revo- lutionary soldiers. The two families moved respectively from Massachusetts and Connecticut, and settled near High- gate and Castleton, Vermont, where Mr. Wheeler's father was born. After a par- tial course in the University of Vermont, he became a lawyer, married Eliza Wood- ward, and removed to Malone, where he died, leaving his son William A. Wheeler at the time eight years old, with two sis- ters and their mother, without means of support. Young Wheeler was kept at school until he was able to teach, when he took charge of a country school, gradually earning enough to justify him in passing two years at the University of Vermont. He then studied law for four years at Malone, New York, where he was admit- ted to the bar, and from that time for- ward he was almost continuously in pub- lic office. While studying law he was elected town clerk at a salary of twenty dollars a year, and then was made school commissioner and subsequently school inspector. In 1847, although a Whig, he was elected district attorney on a Union ticket which carried a Democrat for county judge. At the close of his term as district attorney he was elected to the Assembly, and served in that body in 1850 and 1851. In 1857 he was elected to the State Senate, in which he served until 1859. Two years later he was elec- ted to the Thirty-seventh Congress. He remained in Washington City during the Congressional term, and then retired to private life, holding no other official posi- tion until his election to the Forty-first Congress, after which he was in the House of Representatives continuously until 1877. In the meantime, Mr. Wheeler had other appointments of a business or pri- vate character, involving a great many important trusts, being one of the com- missioners of the State Parks, commis- sioner of the State Survey, and for some time cashier of the Malone Bank. He was also a member of the board of trus- tees for the management of the bank- rupt Northern Railroad, afterward the Ogdensburg and Lake Champlain road. It is said while Mr. Wheeler did not own a dollar's stock in the road, he brought the bonds up to par from about a valu- 25 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ation of four cents on the dollar, in eleven years, and they were paid in full, with interest. While Mr. Wheeler was a mem- ber of Congress, the notorious "salary grab" act was passed. Mr. Wheeler took the addition of salary which fell to him, bought government bonds with it, assign- ed them to the Secretary of the Treasury, and turning them over to the latter, had them canceled, in this way putting the money beyond the possible reach of him- self or his heirs. In 1875 Mr. Wheeler was chairman of the house committee on southern affairs, and did good service to the country by pacifying the political situation in Louisiana, a plan which he had formulated for the adjudication of the seriously complicated condition of affairs in that State, being the means of settling the existing tioubles. In the Republican convention at Cincinnati in 1876, Mr. Wheeler was one of the candidates for the presidency, but, on the nomination of Rutherford B. Hayes, he was made the candidate for vice-president. The duties of president of the Senate, however, had no particular attractions for him, al- though he discharged them satisfactorily. In 1879, New York politics were con- vulsed by the factional fight between the "stalwart" and "half-breed" sections of the Republican party. It became essen- tial that an end should be put to this con- dition of things, and when the State Con- vention met in Saratoga, Roscoe Conk- ling, at the time Senator, was made temporary chairman, and Vice-President Wheeler permanent chairman. The re- sult was a temporary reconciliation be- tween the "stalwarts" and "half-breeds," which was marked by Mr. Conkling striding up to the chair, and shaking the vice-president by the hand. Two years before, Mr. Conkling and Mr. Piatt at Rochester had assailed the administration ruthlessly. Two years afterward, the party feud culminated in the destructive senatorial fight in Albany, and the assas- sination of President Garfield at Wash- ington City. In 1881 Mr. Wheeler was asked to allow the use of his name as a candidate for the United States Senate, but he declined the honor, having re- solved to pass the remainder of his life in the community where he was born, and where he was known as a warm friend and a wise counselor. His health also was poor, and indeed from this time for- ward he continued to lose ground, being always able, however, to go about until the winter of 1886. In 1887, he received a chill, followed by fever, out of which he rallied, and continued in a better con- dition until June. He then suddenly failed, sank into an unconscious condition from which he could not be roused, and died on June 4, 1887, so easily and pain- lessly that those who were at his bed- side could scarcely tell the moment when he expired. TAYLOR, Bayard, Traveler, Poet, Lecturer, Diplomat. Among American men of letters, Bay- ard Taylor occupies a high place. He was a voluminous writer, but never hack- nied or careless. His phrase was scholar- ly and pure, yet graceful and sparkling. He featured the "Tribune," even when Raymond, Dana, Reid and Hay contrib- uted to its columns. As a traveler he was the keenest of observers and the most fascinating of narrators. He caught the local coloring wherever he went and drew vivid pictures of the lands he visited and the men and manners with which he be- came conversant. There are few books of travel of larger repute for wealth of information or accuracy of information than those from his pen. They are stand- ard works. As a lecturer he was a "bright, particular star" in the "Golden age of the Lyceum." His verse was keyed to lofti- 2(\ a^-L^ct^ ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY est strains — rhythmical and noble ; with something of Browning, but without any of Browning's obscurity ; and never de- scending to the lower scale. His "Faust" is by all reviewers conceded to be the most felicitous translation of the great, great Goethe's immortal drama. Taylor "touched nothing he did not adorn." Bayard Taylor was born in Kennett Square, Chester county, Pennsylvania, January II, 1825, son of Joseph and Re- becca (Way) Taylor, grandson of John and Ann (Bucher) Taylor; and a de- scendant of Robert Taylor, of Little Leigh, Cheshire, England, and of Berja- min Mendenhall, who immigrated to the United States with William Penn in 1681, the former settling near Brandy- wine Creek, and the latter at Concord, Pennsylvania, and of Melchior Breneman, a Mennonite minister, whose grand- father came from Switzerland in 1709, and settled in Lancaster county. Bayard Taylor was named for Jame:- A. Bayard, of Delaware, and originally signed his name J. Bayard Taylor. In 1829 the family removed to Hazeldel! farm, in East Marlborough township, which was part of the original land- grant made by William Penn to Robert Taylor. At the age of six he attended a Quaker school, and in 1837-40 was a student at Bolmar's Academy, Westches- ter, Pennsylvania. He completed his education at Unionville Academy, 1840- 42, serving as tutor during his course ; and while so engaged he collected a mineralogical cabinet and an herbarium, and attempted drawing and painting. His first essay, "On the Art of Painting," was read before the Kennett Literary Circle, 1838; a description of a visit to the Brandywine battlefield appeared in the "West Chester Register" in 1840, and his first published poem. "The Soliloquy of a Young Poet," appeared in the "Saturday Evening Post" in 1841. He was appren- ticed to Henry E. Evans, printer and publisher of the "Village Record," West Chester, 1842-44, where he continued the study of German and Spanish, and aided in organizing "The Thespians," a dra- matic society. Through the friendly in- terest of Rufus W. Griswold he published and sold by subscription, "Ximena, and Other Poems" in February, 1844. After reading "The Tourist in Europe," he was consumed with a desire to travel abroad, and to that end sold several of his poems, and by the advice of Nathaniel P. Willis applied to J. R. Chandler, of the "United States Gazette," and S. D. Patterson, of the "New York Post," who each engaged him as a foreign correspondent, paying him fifty dollars in advance. These orders were supplemented by an order from Horace Greeley for contributions to "The Tribune," and he sailed for Oxford in July, 1844. He made a pedestrian tour through Scotland, England and Bel- gium ; spent the winter of 1845 m Frank- fort, Germany, in the home of Richard S. Willis, American consul, perfecting his knowledge of the German language ; and continued his walking tour in the spring through Bohemia, Moravia, and Vienna, to Florence, Italy, where he began the study of Italian. He embarked in Janu- ary, 1846, as a deck passenger for Mar- seilles. Upon his arrival in Lyons, he was suffering from lack of food and clothes, and from exposure, and was obliged to send for funds to Paris, which city he reached in February. While in London, awaiting aid from home, he was employed in making out catalogues and in packing books by Mr. Putnam, Lon- don agent of the American publishing firm. He arrived in New York City on June 1, 1846. He visited Boston, and published anonymously "The Norse- man's Ride," 1846-47, which Whittier copied in the "National Era," and which through correspondence led to a loyal 27 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY friendship with the poet. He was asso- ciate editor of "The Pioneer," Phoenix- ville, Pennsylvania, 1846-47, and publish- ed his foreign letters as "Views Afoot," in December, 1847. I' 1 tne following January he removed to New York, where he was first employed by Charles Fenno Hoffman, and as a teacher of bcllcs-lcttrcs in Miss Green's school. Later he was connected with "The Tribune," of which he became a stockholder in 1849. He was editor of "The Union Magazine and Christian Inquirer," from March to Sep- tember, 1848 ; wrote book-reviews for George R. Graham ; and was New York correspondent for the "Saturday Evening Post." He was offered the permanent editorship of "Graham's Magazine," which did not materialize, owing to the financial condition of the paper. Through Hoffman, with whom he lived, and N. P. Willis, he was introduced to the liter- ary and social circles of New York. As correspondent of "The Tribune," he in- vestigated the gold fields in California in 1849-50, an account of his observations appearing the same year in "Eldorado." On October 24, 1850, he was married to Mary S. Agnew, who died the following December 21. After editing the "Cyclopaedia of Liter- ature and Fine Arts " Mr. Taylor sailed as "Tribune" correspondent for Liver- pool, April 19, 185 1. He spent some time in London, and arrived in Alexandria on November 1, 185 1. He traveled up the "White Nile;" subsequently visited Pales- tine, Sicily, Italy, Spain, and Asia Minor; and in May, 1853, under the auspices of "The Tribune," joined Commodore Perry's expedition to Japan, enlisting as master's mate, and resigning after four months' service. While in Japan, Hum- phrey Marshall, United States commis- sioner, offered to attach him to his staff. He reached New York on December 20, 1853. He lectured on "The Arabs," "India," and "Japan and Loo Choo," 1854- 55 ; wrote voluminously, and was engaged in building a summer residence on Pusey farm, near Kennett, Pennsylvania. His health failing in July, 1855, ne revisited Germany, taking with him his sisters and brother, and on December 1, 1856, set out for Norway and Lapland, which journey he described in "Northern Travel" (1857). He married (second) in Octo- ber, 1857, Marie, daughter of Peter An- dreas Hansen, of Gotha, Germany, astron- omer and director of the Ducal observa- tory, and they had one child, Lilian, born August 3, 1858, who married Dr. Kiliani, of Halle, Germany. His wife translated several of his works into German, and subsequently edited his poems, plays and essays. After his marriage, Mr. Taylor visited Greece, Poland and Russia, and arrived at Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, on Oc- tober 24, 1858. He continued his connec- tion with "The Tribune ;" contributed literary sketches of travel to the "New York Mercury ;" conducted extensive lec- ture tours, and dedicated his new home, "Cedarcroft," by a famous house-warm- ing, October 18-19, i860. In 1861 his contributions to the press were "trumpet calls" to the defence of the Republic, "Scott and the Veteran" rousing the greatest enthusiasm, and, guarded by a force of police, he defended George Wil- liam Curtis in an oration delivered in Brooklyn and in Philadelphia. In May, 1862, he was appointed secretary to Simon Cameron, United States Minister to Russia ; he was charge d'affaires at St. Petersburg, September-May, 1863, when he resigned, and for a time was occupied in the study of the life of Goethe in Gotha, returning to the United States upon the death of his brother, Colonel Frederic Taylor, at Gettysburg. The year 1867 he spent in European travel, in letter writing and painting; translated 28 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY "Faust" at Corsica, in 1868; was non- resident lecturer on German literature at Cornell University, 1870-77, subsequently repeating the lectures before the Pea- body Institute, Baltimore; visited Cali- fornia for his health in the spring of 1870; lectured upon earliest German literature in Ithaca, New York, in 1871, and the same year was associate editor of Scribner's "Library of Travel." In conse- quence of financial embarrassment, he leased "Cedarcroft," and removed to New York, whence he sailed, June 6, 1872, for Weimar, Germany, to collect materials for his lives of Goethe and Schiller, and where in January, 1873, he repeated a lecture given in Hamburg the previous December, on American liter- ature, for the benefit of the Frauenverein, the whole court being present. Obliged to seek Italy for his health, he reported the Vienna exhibition of 1873 f° r "The Tribune," contributed the Cairo letters, February-April, 1874, and as press corre- spondent visited Iceland on the occasion of its millennial anniversary. He returned to New York, September 9, 1874; collec- ted and published his letters on Egypt and Iceland ; and was engaged in lectur- ing, edited Appleton's "Picturesque Eu- rope," and in 1876 resumed daily work on "The Tribune." He was appointed United States Minis- ter to Germany by President Hayes in February, 1878, his appointment being the occasion of many receptions and banquets in his honor. He was made an honorary member of the Phi Beta Kappa society of Harvard College in 1850, writing at its request the commencement poem of that year, "The American Legend." He was a member of the Century Association from 185 1 ; composed the "Gettysburg Ode" for the dedication of the national monu- ment, July 1, 1869; the "Shakespearian Statue," for the unveiling of Ward's statue in Central Park, New York, May 23, 1872 ; and was requested to write the national ode for the United States Cen- tennial Exhibition at Philadelphia, July 4, 1876. In addition to his translation ot Faust (Part I., 1870; Part II., 1872;, his miscellaneous works include: "Hannah Thurston" (1863); "John Godfrey's For- tunes" (1864); "The Story of Kennett" C1866) ; "Joseph and His Friend" (1870) ; "Beauty and the Beast, and Tales of Home" (1872); "A School History of Germany" (1874) ; "The Echo Club" 1 1876) ; "Boys of Other Countries" (1876) ; "Studies in German Literature" (1879); "Critical Essays and Literary Notes" (1880) ; the two latter works were edited by his wife, previously mentioned, and published posthumously. His works of travel, not already mentioned, include : "A Journey to Central Africa," and "The Land of the Saracen" (1854) ; "A Visit to India, China and Japan" (1855) ; "Travels in Greece and Rome" (1859) ; "At Home and Abroad" (first series, 1859; second, 1862) ; "Colorado: A Sum- mer Trip" (1867) ; "By-Ways of Europe" (1869). He was author of the following dramas: "The Golden Wedding," a masque (1868); "The Masque of the Gods" (1872); "The Prophet" (1874), and of the poems (not already noted) : "Rhymes of Travel, Ballads and Poems" (1849); "A Book of Romances, Lyrics and Songs" (1851) ; "Poems of the Orient" (1854) ; "Poems of Home and Travel" (1855) ; "The Poet's Journal" (1862); "The Poems of Bayard Taylor" (1864) ; "The Picture of St. John" (1866) ; "Lars: a Pastoral of Norway" (1873); "Plome Pastorals, Ballads and Lyrics" (1875). The "Poetical Works and the Dramatic Works of Bayard Taylor" were edited by his wife, and published posthu- mously (1880). Bayard Taylor died in Berlin, Ger- many, just after the publication of his "Prince Deukalion," December 19, 1878. 29 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY His body was brought to America on March 13, 1879, and lay in state in the New York City Hall, where an oration was delivered by Algernon S. Sullivan, and was buried in the Hicksite Cemetery, Longwood, Pennsylvania. "In Memo- riam" verses were published by his friends, Stedman, Stoddard and Boker, and a monody was composed by T. B. Aldrich. The date of his death was De- cember 19, 1878. CONKLING, Roscoe, Distinguished Political Leader and Orator. Roscoe Conkling was born in Albany, New York, October 30, 1829, the son of Alfred Conkling, who practiced law at Canajoharie in the early part of the nine- teenth century, was a Congressman, and in 1825 United States district judge for the Northern District of New York, a position which he held for twenty-seven years. He was also a voluminous writer on law topics. The family originally migrated from England in 1635, John Conkling having landed at Boston and settled at Salem in Massachusetts, where he and his sons were among the first to manufacture glass in America. From Massachusetts the family removed to Long Island, two of John Conkling's sons having settled respectively at East- hampton and Southold, and trom Ananias, the former of these, Judge Conkling was descended. Plis wife, who was Roscoe's mother, was Eliza Cockburn, who lived in Schenectady, and was called for her beauty "the belle of the Mohawk valley." She is said to have been a relative of the late Lord Chief Justice Cockburn, of England. She named her son Roscoe, a favorite name with her on account of the author of the "Lives of Lorenzo de Medici and Pope Leo X." During the first nine years of his life, young Roscoe resided in Albany, but in 1S39 Judge Conkling removed his resi- dence to Auburn, where the family con- tinued to live until about the year 1864. Roscoe, however, left home in 1842, and entered the Mount Washington Collegi- ate Institute in the city of New York. In 1846 he removed to Utica, and entered the law offices of Spencer & Kernan, com- posed of Joshua A. Spencer and Francis Kernan, two of the leading lawyers of the State. His leisure time the young law student devoted to the study of English literature, and within a year after settling at Utica he was called upon to speak in public, and during the campaign of Tay- lor and Fillmore began to be known as a political stump speaker. Mr. Conkling was admitted to the bar in the early part of 1850, and in the same year was ap- pointed by Governor Fish district attor- ney of Albany. At the end of his term ' of office he began the practice of law in Utica, entering into partnership with Thomas H. Walker, an ex-mayor of the city, with whom he remained engaged in business until 1855. He now rapidly rose to prominence at the Oneida county bar, which included some of the most emi- nent lawyers in the country. Among these able men, Conkling soon gained a reputation not only for brilliancy as a pleader, but also for the care and skill with which his cases were prepared. During the political campaign when Gen- eral Winfield Scott was the candidate for the presidency on the Whig ticket, Ros- coe Conkling first won his reputation as a campaign speaker, although the result of the election was disastrous to the Whigs. In the canvass of 1854 he took an active part. This was the beginning of the movement which resulted in the Repub- lican party. From 1855 to 1862 Mr. Conkling was associated in business with Montgomery H. Throop, the author of the New York annotated code, who re- sumed the position of office-lawyer, while ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Roscoe Conkling acted as advocate. On June 25, 1855, Roscoe Conkling married Julia, daughter of Henry Seymour, and sister of Horatio Seymour, who at that time had just completed his first term of service as governor of New York. On the nomination of John C. Fremont by the Republicans for the presidency, Mr. Conkling began to make speeches throughout the counties of Oneida and Herkimer, and New York State went Republican both for president and gov- ernor. At this time, while Mr. Conkling was unwilling to have the reputation of being a criminal lawyer, he was remark- ably successful in such criminal cases as he undertook, and he had now become so formidable as an advocate that it was customary for lawyers in Oneida county to advise their clients to retain him in important cases, for the purpose of keep- ing him from the service of the other side. In 1858 Mr. Conkling carried his city, and was elected mayor, while at the same time Oneida county elected him to "represent it in Congress. He remained in the mayor's office until the latter part of 1859, when he resigned to take his seat in Congress. He now went with his family to Washington City, where he set- tled, and entered upon his larger career. He entered the House of Representatives at a most exciting period. Slavery was then a supreme issue throughout the country ; the raid of John Brown in Vir- ginia had just occurred ; and, soon after Mr. Conkling's first appearance in the House, he was one of those who stood by the side of Thaddeus Stevens to pro- tect him from personal assault at the hands of southern fire-eaters. After the nomination of Lincoln and Hamlin at Chicago, Mr. Conkling left Washington to take the stump in their behalf. In the election following, Mr. Conkling received a majority of 3,563 votes over his com- petitor for Congress. During the next session he began to make his influence felt and his remarkable eloquence recog- nized in the house. At the extra session of the Thirty-seventh Congress, called July 4, 1861, Mr. Conkling took an active part in the work, being chairman of the committee on the District of Columbia. On January 6, 1862, he spoke to the ques- tion of the terrible military blunder at Ball's Bluff, and his speech produced a profound impression upon the house and upon the country, accompanied as it was by the passage of a resolution demand- ing from the Secretary of War informa- tion as to the responsibility for the dis- astrous movement in question. The speech made by Mr. Conkling at this time gave him a national reputation as an orator. A notable incident in his career was his opposition to the legal tender act of 1802, one of the few occasions when he agreed with his brother, Frederic A. Conkling, who was then in Congress with him, in opposing a motion without regard to party lines. The bill, which provided for the issue of $150,000,000 of non-inter- est bearing United States notes and the issue of bonds to an amount not exceed- ing $500,000,000, was passed despite the Conkling resistance. Mr. Conkling advo- cated and voted for a bill to confiscate the property of rebels, and also for an act re- ducing congressional mileage. His posi- tion in Congress was always that of one resisting extravagant expenditures, and using every effort to obtain economy in the public expenses. In the election of 1862, Roscoe Conkling was defeated by ninety- eight votes. He returned to Utica, and resumed the practice of his profession, in the meantime receiving at the hands of prominent citizens of New York the honor of a complimentary dinner. For the next two years he remained at home in Utica. occupied with the practice of law. His real legal ability had now an opportunity to show itself, especially his 3* ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY genius for cross-examination and the in- fluence which he exerted in addressing juries, which caused him to remark: "My proper place is to be before twelve men in the box." At the election of 1864, Mr. Conkling labored earnestly in behalf of Mr. Lincoln, and he was himself renomi- nated for Congress by a convention held at Rome, September 22 in that year. He was strongly supported by the leading New York papers, and was successful by a majority of 1,150 votes, receiving the suffrage of a very large number of Dem- ocrats, some of whom were among his most profound admirers. Mr. Conkling was re-elected to Congress in 1866, re- ceiving thirty-nine more votes than Reu- ben E. Fenton obtained for governor. On December 17, 1866, in the House of Representatives he voted, in company with eighty-nine others, for the resolu- tion proposing to impeach President Johnson. In the winter of 1866, the New York Legislature was called upon to elect a successor in the United States Senate to ex-Judge Ira Harris. Mr. Conkling was nominated by a Republican caucus held January 9, 1867. His competitors were the retiring senator, Judge Ira Har- ris, and Noah Davis. On the fifth ballot, Mr. Conkling received fifty-nine votes, against forty-nine for Judge Davis, when he was declared by the Legislature elect- ed in due form. From this time forward, Mr. Conkling was a power to be con- sidered in the government. He was a member of the committees on appropria- tions, judiciary, and mines and mining. His first speech in the Senate was on the proposed impeachment of Henry A. Smythe, collector of the port of New York, and which was described as "elec- trifying" the Senate. Three weeks after he had entered that body, it was said of Mr. Conkling that, although "the young- est man as well as the youngest senator on the floor, he is already the leader of the Senate." He continued to hold the office during three terms, and in that time possibly no other member was lis- tened to with the same earnestness and consideration as he. Mr. Conkling felt the defeat of the movement to impeach President Johnson as a great personal disappointment, and he did not cease to antagonize him during the remainder of his administration. President Grant's ad- ministration, on the contrary, he support- ed zealously, while he undoubtedly ex- ercised over it more influence than any other Senator. In the Cincinnati Con- vention of 1876, Mr. Conkling received ninety-three votes as a candidate for the Presidency. At the convention of the Re- publican party in 1880, Mr. Conkling nominated General Grant for a third term, quoting in beginning his speech, the lines of "Miles O'Reilly" (Charles G. Halpine) : When asked what State he hails from, Our sole reply shall be, He comes from Appomattox, And its famous apple-tree. Following came the most famous short speech of Senator Conkling's life. He stood on a reporter's table, and every word he uttered was heard by everyone within the great hall, which was packed to the walls. In closing he said : "The purpose of the Democratic party is spoils. Its very hope for existence is in the solid South. Its success is a menace to order and prosperity. I say this convention can overthrow that party ; it can dissolve and emancipate the solid South. It can speed the nation in a career of grandeur eclipsing all past achievements. Gentle- men, we have only to listen above the din, and look beyond the dust of the hour, to behold the Republican party advancing, with its ensigns resplendent with illus- trious achievements, marching to certain and lasting victory with its great marshal at its head." From this time throughout 32 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY the desperate battle of the convention, the 306 who formed "the Old Guard" which stood by Grant, followed unflinch- ingly the lead of Roscoe Conkling, but the tune of the convention had been set to the keynote of "Anything to beat Grant !" Efforts were even made to in- duce Senator Conkling to permit his name to go before the convention for nomination. On the thirty-sixth ballot the deadlock was broken. James A. Gar- field and his followers deserted John Sherman, and the former received 399 votes, and was declared nominated for president of the United States. It was not until after the most earnest solicita- tion on the part of General Grant that Mr. Conkling decided to speak in the interest of Mr. Garfield in the campaign which followed. He did this at a cost to himself of $29,000, with which he pur- chased from his clients the legal services which they had retained him to perform. At the solicitation of Simon Cameron, Senator Conkling finally joined with Gen- eral Grant in a visit to Mr. Garfield at Mentor, Ohio, which visit was considered by Garfield to have saved him from de- feat at the subsequent election, as it in- sured the support which Mr. Conkling gave to the ticket from that time on until election. This fact, however, did not pre- vent the action on the part of President Garfield which resulted in the resignation of Roscoe Conkling and Thomas C. Piatt, the two Senators from New York, in 1881. The immediate cause of their resignation was the removal by the President of the collector of the port of New York, Mr. Merritt, and the appointment to that posi- tion of Mr. Robertson, against which action a most earnest protest was made and signed by -Chester A. Arthur. T. C. Piatt. Thomas L. James and Roscoe Conkling. At the ensuing election in the Legislature of the State of New York, the places of Senators Conkling and Piatt N Y-Vol 11— 3 33 were filled by Elbridge G. Lapham and Warner Miller respectively. This ended Mr. Conkling's public life. It is said of him that during his last seven years in the Senate, no other member of that body, since the time of Webster and Clay exer- cised so much influence on legislation as did he. Soon after his political retirement, Mr. Conkling became the counsel of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company. He had an office in New York City. In Feb- ruary, 1882, he was nominated by Presi- dent Arthur as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the nomination was confirmed by the Senate, but was declined by Mr. Conkling. From this time forward he practiced his profession in the courts of New York and before the Supreme Court at Washing- ton with great success, his fees in some cases being as much as $50,000. His last illness was believed to be the result of terrible exposure during the great bliz- zard of March 12, 18S8, when he walked from his office at Wall street to the New York Club at Twenty-fifth street, being nearly prostrated at the time, and never entirely recovering thereafter. He died in New York City, April 18, 1888. ASTOR, John Jacob (3rd), Capitalist. John Jacob Astor (3rd) was born in New York City, June 10, 1822, eldest son of William B. and Margaret Rebecca (Armstrong) Astor, and grandson of the first John Jacob Astor. He was gradu- ated from Columbia College in 1839, he then studied at Gottingen, and was after- wards graduated from the Harvard Law School, and practiced his profession for a year. His occupation in life was mainly ad- ministering the interests of his share of the family estate. Like his father and SO . ' \ { \i v ll\ ■■•. .-. » . . ■■ . . . U\ : - ■ ... . . x . - ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Long Island. He did most of the work himself, including the presswork. The paper was published weekly, and after it was out he rode through the Long Island towns on horseback, delivering copies. He soon became restless, however, and went to New York City, where he ob- tained work on "The Aurora" and "The Tattler." After a time he was offered a good position on the "Brooklyn Eagle," with which he remained two years. About 1847-48, being again free, he de- voted his time to making pedestrian tours through various parts of the United States and Canada. At length he was offered a position on the staff of the "New Orleans Crescent," in which he continued for something over a year, when he re- signed, giving up a large salary, to travel with his brother, who was suffering from consumption. Returning to Brooklyn he started "The Freeman," at first as a weekly, then as a daily. During the first years of the war he wrote for "Vanity Fair," and other comic or satirical papers in New York, and was a recognized mem- ber of a group of young "Bohemians," as they were called, made up of musical, dramatic and literary critics attached to the daily and weekly press. At this time he led the life of a literary free-lance. The continuance of the war, however, and the concentration of the public mind upon its episodes and exigencies, drew him to Washington, and from there to the front, where he became known as the friend and comrade of the sick and wounded. He labored in the army hos- pitals, showing a tenderness which only the very few who knew him best had ever appreciated. He received a clerkship in the Department of the Interior from President Lincoln, from which he is said to have been removed by Secretary Har- lan, on account of the character of his poetical writings. He then received an appointment in the Attorney-General's office. In 1873, owing to a paralytic shock, he was obliged to give up his posi- tion and retire to his brother's house in Camden, New Jersey. A few months later, the sudden death of his mother in his presence brought about a relapse. He was physically disabled from that time, but his mind continued clear, and his oc- casional literary efforts evinced the orig- inality and quaint power of his earlier writings. As a poet Walt Whitman became known to the public through his "Leaves of Grass," the first edition of which was printed in Brooklyn, much of the type being set up by the author himself. It was published in New York in 1855. The boldness of the manner and matter of this volume, while it attracted general attention, incurred the most severe criti- cism. Those who were attached to the conventional forms of literature opposed it on account of its complete divergence from these : while those who insisted on immaculate language and pure ideas, called it simply indecent. Very few copies of the first edition of "Leaves of Grass" were sold, and a number of those sent out by the author as gifts were returned to him with scathing criticism ; yet Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote under date ol Concord, Massachusetts, July 21, 1855: "I give you joy of your free and brave thought. I have great joy in it. I find in it incomparable things said incom- parably well, as they must be. I find the courage of treatment which so delights us, and which large perception only can inspire." E. C. Stedman complained : "Not that he discussed matters which others timidly evade, but that he did not do it in a clean way. That he was too anatomical and maladorous. withal. Fur- thermore that in this department he showed excessive interest, and applied its imagery to other departments as if with a special purpose to lug it in." A second 35 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY edition of "Leaves of Grass" was pub- lished in Boston in i860, and it was re- published in London by Longmans & Company, edited by Rossetti. By the best literary minds of Great Britain, Walt Whitman was quickly recognized as a new poetical avatar. "He is the first representative democrat in art of the American continent," said Edward Dow- den. "At the same time he is before all else a living man and must not be com- pelled to appear as mere official repre- sentative of anything. He will not be comprehended in a formula. No view of him can image the substance, the life ana movement of his manhood, which con- tracts and dilates, and is all over sensi- tive and vital." His work has also been admirably characterized by Robert L. Stevenson: "In spite of an uneven and emphatic key of expression, something trenchant and straightforward, some- thing simple and surprising, distinguishes his poems. He has sayings that come home to one like the Bible. We fall upon Whitman, after the works of so many men who write better, with a sense of re- lief from strain, with a sense of touching nature, as when one passed out of the flaring, noisy thoroughfares of a great city into what he himself has called, with unexcelled imaginative justice of lan- guage, 'the huge and thoughtful night'." In 1865 Mr. Whitman published: "Drum Taps," in 1867 "Memoranda Dur- ing the War," and in 1870 a volume of prose essays called "Democratic Vistas." His other works are: "Passage to India" (1870) ; "After All, Not to Create Only" (1871) ; "As Strong as a Bird on Pinions Free" (1872); "Two Rivulets" (1873); "Specimen Days and Collect" (1883); "November Boughs" (1885I ; and "Sands at Seventy" (1888). In the meantime new editions were issued of "Leaves of Grass" in the United States, England and Scotland. It will take the judgment of posterity to decide whether Whitman or his accusers are right, but the fact re- mains that if there was anything un- healthy or unworthy in the recesses of Whitman's moral nature, his acts contra- dict it. Those who have known him inti- mately from his youth acknowledge his life to have been pure and wholesome, charitable and beneficent. In 1889, on the occasion of his seven- tieth birthday, Mr. Whitman was ten- dered a public dinner by a large num- ber of his friends and admirers. He died March 26, 1892. BOWEN, Henry Chandler, Founder of "The Independent." Henry Chandler Bowen was born in Woodstock, Connecticut, September 11, 1813. In 1833 he went to New York City as clerk with the drygoods firm of Arthur Tappan & Company. In 1838 he formed with another clerk. Theodore McNamee, the firm of Bowen & McNamee. He afterwards was head of the firm of Bowen, Holmes & Company. The outbreak of the Civil War compelled the firm to re- tire from business. He was married, June 6, 1843, to Lucy Maria, daughter of Lewis Tappan. At the time of the fugitive slave law excitement in 1852, Mr. Bowen's firm was boycotted in the south and elsewhere on account of his denunciation of the fugi- tive slave law, and the letter in which he refused to sign the call for the Castle Garden meeting in support of that enact- ment, became famous on account of the sentence in which he said that the firm of Bowen & McNamee had "its goods, but not its principles, for sale." Mr. Bowen was a member of the "Albany Conven- tion" of Congregationalists in 1852, which abrogated the "Plan of Union" with Pres- byterians. Later, with others, he organ- ized the Congregationalist Union, to 36 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY which he gave the sum of $5,000. At the Albany Convention, Mr. Bowen pledged the sum of $10,000 to aid in building Con- gregational churches, on condition that $40,000 more should be raised by the churches, and over $60,000 was raised. He was one of the original founders of the Broadway Tabernacle and of the Church of the Pilgrims and Plymouth Church, Brooklyn. He heartily adopted the anti-slavery views of Arthur and Lewis Tappan, and, with a view to pro- viding an organ for liberal and anti-slav- ery Congregationalism, he established "The Independent" in 1848, under the editorship of Dr. Leonard Bacon, Dr. Joseph P. Thompson, Dr. R. S. Storrs, and Dr. Joshua Leavitt. When the orig- inal editors retired, he made the paper un- denominational, under the editorship of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. After 1871 he was himself editor, as well as pro- prietor and publisher, withdrawing from all other business. He died in Brooklyn, New York, February 24, 1896. WILLARD, Frances Elizabeth, Educator. Temperance Reformer. Frances Elizabeth Willard was born in Churchville, New York, September 28, 1839, daughter of Josiah Flint and Mary Thompson (Hill) Willard; granddaugh- ter of John and Polly (Thompson) Hill; and a descendant of Major-General Simon Willard, who came from Horsmonden, England, in 1634, and founded Concord, Massachusetts, in 1635, serving as judge of the supreme, superior and admiralty courts. She was taken by her parents to Ober- lin, Ohio, in 1840, and in 1846 to Wiscon- sin, where her mother engaged in teach- ing school and her father in farming. She attended the Milwaukee Female College in 1857 ; and was graduated from the Northwestern Female College, Evanston, Illinois, in 1859. She was Professor of Natural Science in the last-named col- lege, in 1862-66; and preceptress of Gene- see Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, New York, in 1866-67. She studied and traveled in Europe and the Holy Land in 1868-70. From 1871 to 1874 she was president of the Woman's College of Northwestern University, and introduced the system of self-government which became generally adopted in other colleges. She was Pro- fessor of ^Esthetics in the Northwestern University in 1873-74, resigning in the latter year to identify herself with the cause of temperance. She was corres- ponding secretary of the National Women's Christian Temperance Union from 1874 to 1878, and president of the Union from 1879 to l &9%- In l %& 2 sne became a member of the central commit- tee of the National Prohibition party, and in 1883 toured the United States, organ- izing and strengthening the women's tem- perance work. She also founded in 1883 and was president (1883-98) of the World's Women's Christian Temperance Union. She presented, under the aus- pices of the National Women's Christian Temperance Union, memorials to each of the four political conventions for the nomination of president of the United States in 1884. She was a founder of the Home Protection party in 1884, and a member of its executive committee, and accepted the leadership of the White Cross movement in her own union in 1886, which remained her special depart- ment until her death. She was president of the Woman's Council of the United States from its organization in 1887; a delegate to the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1887, and was elected to the Ecumenical Confer- ence of 1889, but was refused admittance. She was president of the American branch of the International Council of Women of the World's Women's Christian Tem- 37 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY perance Union in 1888; chairman of the World's Temperance Committee of the Columbian Exposition in 1893, and was also head of the purity work of the World's and National Women's Chris- tian Temperance Unions. The honorary degree of Master of Arts was conferred upon her by Syracuse University, 1871, and that of Doctor of Laws by Ohio Wes- leyan University in 1894. She lectured extensively in Europe and the United States on temperance; edited the "Chi- cago Daily Post," and the "Union Sig- nal ;" was a director of the Women's Tem- perance Publishing Association of Chi- cago; associate editor of "Our Day," Bos- ton, Massachusetts ; and author of : "Nine- teen Beautiful Years" (1864) ; "Women and Temperance" (1883) ; "Hints and Helps" (1875); "How to Win" (1884); "Glimpses of Fifty Years" (1889) ; "Woman in the Pulpit" (1888); "A Classic Town" (1890) ; and the following leaflets : "A White Life for Two," "The White Cross Manual," and "The Coming Brotherhood." She died in New York City, February 18, 1898. A white marble bust by Lorado Taft was placed to her memory in North- western University in 1898. Her estate was bequeathed to the eventual benefit of the National Women's Christian Tem- perance Union. INGERSOLL, Robert Green, Lawyer, Orator, Author. Robert Green Ingersoll was born at Dresden, Yates county, New York, Au- gust n, 1833, son of John and Mary (Livingston) Ingersoll. His father was a Congregational clergyman, well known in New York State for his eloquence and broad views ; his mother was a daughter of Judge Robert Livingston, of Ogdens- burg, New York, and his wife, Agnes O. Adams. Having completed his education in the schools of Illinois, whither his father had removed in 1843, Robert G. Ingersoll stud- ied law and was admitted to the bar. He opened an office at Shawneetown, Illinois, in partnership with his elder brother, Eben C. Ingersoll, who was representa- tive in Congress from Illinois (1864-70), and both became active in law and poli- tics. In 1857 he removed to Peoria, Illi- nois, then a rapidly growing business centre, and here in i860 he was an unsuc- cessful candidate for Congress on the Democratic ticket. From the opening of the Civil War he was active in his ad- vocacy of the Federal cause, and in 1862 went to the front as colonel of the Elev- enth Illinois Cavalry Regiment. He was captured and held prisoner for several months, but was finally exchanged, and in 1864 resigned from the army to resume the practice of law. Having changed his allegiance to the Republican party, in 1866. Mr. Ingersoll was appointed attorney-general of Illi- nois, and further demonstrated his polit- ical importance as delegate to several suc- cessive national conventions. In the con- vention of 1876 he proposed the name of James G. Blaine as candidate for presi- dent, with a brilliant oration, in which he originated the famous title, "Plumed Knight" as a designation for the Maine senator. In 1877 he declined appoint- ment as minister to Germany. He ap- peared is several historic litigations, most notedly as counsel for the alleged "Star Route" conspirators, Brady and Dorsey, when he secured an acquittal. On ac- count of his enhanced reputation he re- moved to Washington City, and some years later to New York City, where he resided until his death. He was one of the most eloquent and powerful orators of the day; he had few equals before a jury, and was equally ac- ceptable as a campaign speaker and on 38 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY the lecture platform II is widest reputa- tion, however, rests on his many attacks on certain popular forms of Christain teaching, as well as on the divine author- ity of the Bible, and which abounded in sarcasm and humor. His lectures, which were published complete in 1883, con- tain such titles as "The Gods," "Ghosts," "Skulls," "Some Mistakes of Moses." Some of the best sayings were issued in book form in 1884, under the title, "Prose Poems and Selections." He also lectured repeatedly on the life and work of Thomas Paine and on Shakespeare. Colo- nel Ingersoll was pre-eminent among modern orators for high poetical power and command of apt and beautiful imagery in expressing his ideas. He had few, if any, equals in his ability to touch the deepest chords of feeling. In 1862 he was married to Eva A. Parker, of Groveland, Illinois. They had two daughters. He died at Dobbs Ferry, New York, July 21, 1899. STANTON, Elizabeth Cady, Reformer. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was born in Johnstown, New York, November 12, 1815 ; daughter of Judge Daniel Cady and Margaret (Livingston) Cady; and grand- daughter of Colonel James Livingston. She was graduated from Johnstown Academy, taking the second prize in Greek, in 1829, and from Mrs. EmmaWil- lard's seminary, Troy, New York, in 1832. She subsequently read law in her father's office, also acting as his amanuensis, and through this environment became inter- ested in obtaining equal laws for women. She was married, May 1, 1840, to Henry Brewster Stanton, whom she accom- panied to the World's Anti-Slavery Con- vention at London, England, participat- ing in the debate in regard to the admis- sion of women as delegates to the con- vention. While abroad, she formed a friendship with Mrs. Lucretia Mott, with whom she issued the call for the first Woman's Rights Convention, held in Seneca Falls, New York, July 19-20, 1848, and which inaugurated the woman suffrage movement. Although not ad- mitted to the bar, as women were not at that time, she became really a great lawyer, especially versed in constitu- tional law. In 1848 she secured the passage of her "married woman's prop- erty bill," and in 1854 addressed both houses of the New York Legislature in opposition to the unjust laws for women. She again addressed the legislature in i860, by request, advocating divorce for drunkenness, and in 1867 urged upon the legislature and the State Constitutional ('(invention the right of women to vote, and she subsequently canvassed numer- ous States in behalf of equal suffrage. She was a candidate for representative in the United States Congress in 1868, and from 1868 annually appeared before a committee of congress, advocating a six- teenth amendment to the constitution of the LJnited States, granting suffrage to women. She stands historically as for years the foremost and ablest cham- pion of female suffrage and the enlarge- ment of the legal rights of her sex. She resided in Tenafly. New Jersey, 1870-90, and subsequently in New York Citv. She was the mother of Dan- iel Cady Stanton, Louisiana State Sena- tor, 1870; Henry Stanton (Columbia, Bachelor of Law, 1865). corporation law- yer; Plon. Gerrit Smith Stanton (Colum- bia. Bachelor of Law, 1865) ; Theodore Stanton (Cornell, Bachelor of Arts, 1876; Master of Arts), journalist and author of "Woman Question in Europe ;" Margaret Stanton Lawrence (Vassar, Bachelor of Arts, 1876), professor of physical train- ing; Harriet Stanton Blatch (Vassar, Bachelor of Arts, 187S; Master of Arts), .TO ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY president New York Equal Suffrage League (1902-03) ; Robert Livingston Stanton (Cornell, Bachelor of Science, 1880; Columbia, Bachelor of Law, 1881). Mrs. Stanton was president of the na- tional committee of her party, 1855-65 ; of the Woman's Loyal League, 1861 ; of the National Woman Suffrage Associa- tion, 1865-93, and honorary president, 1893-1903 ; and first president and founder of the International Council of Women, 1888. In 1868, with Susan B. Anthony and Parker Pillsbury, she established and edited "The Revolution," a weekly re- form newspaper. She was the author of : "The History of Woman Suffrage" (with Susan B. Anthony and Matilda J. Gage, three volumes, 1880-86; volume four, 1903) ; "Eighty Years and More," an auto- biography (1895) ! "The Woman's Bible" (1895) ; and of contributions to period- icals at home and abroad. Her eightieth birthday (1895) was widely celebrated. She died in New York City, October 2, 1902, the funeral address being delivered by the Rev. Moncure D. Conway, and was buried at Woodlawn Cemetery, New York City, where her husband was also buried, the Rev. Phoebe A. Hanaford officiating. A memorial service was held in New York City, on November 19, 1902, William Lloyd Garrison delivering an address. CLEVELAND, Grover, Lawyer, Statesman, President. Grover Cleveland, son of Rev. Richard Falley and Ann (Neal) Cleveland, was born March 18, 1837, in Caldwell, New Jersey, in a small two-story building which was the parsonage of the Presby- terian church of which his father was then pastor, and which is yet standing. He was named Stephen Grover for his father's predecessor in the pastorate, but in childhood the first name was dropped. When he was three years old his par- ents removed to Fayetteville, Onondaga county, New York, where he lived until he was fourteen, attending the district school and academy. He was of studious habits, and his frank open disposition made him a favorite with both his teach- ers and fellows. He left the academy be- fore he could complete the course, and took employment in a village store, his wages being fifty dollars for the first year and one hundred dollars for the second year, but soon after the beginning of the latter period he removed to Clinton, New York, whither his parents had preceded him, and resumed studies at the academy in preparation for admission to Hamilton College. The death of his father, how- ever, disappointed this expectation, and made it necessary for him to enter upon self-support. He accordingly accepted a position as bookkeeper and assistant teacher in the New York Institution for the Blind, which he filled acceptably for a year. Starting west in search of more lucrative employment, with twenty-five dollars to defray his expenses, he stopped on the way at Buffalo, New York, to make a farewell visit to his uncle, Lewis F. Allen, a stock farmer, who induced him to remain and aid him in the com- pilation of "Allen's American Shorthorn Herd Book." In return he received the sum of fifty dollars, and with this aid he entered the law offices of Rogers, Bowen & Rogers, at Buffalo, as a clerk and law student. His student life was one of arduous labor and vigorous economy and self-denial. For a few months he served without compensation as a copyist, and then received a wage of four dollars a week. He became confidential clerk to his employers, and was admitted to the bar in 1859. Mr. Cleveland's public life began in 1863, when he was appointed assistant district attorney for Erie county. A 40 B^^^^ s ^« a %*. & sv 'iS 1 .:, '■•^ ^^ wTs-L-/ tsS H r* w . t^'sjJL' ^HR^^H ./-<. ^-> t- C 6 e^ *- C 4. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY staunch Democrat from his first studies in American history and politics, he had been a sturdy supporter of his party and an industrious worker from the day in 1858 when he cast his first vote. In the office to which he was chosen he acquit- ted himself so well that at the expiration of his term he received the unanimous nomination for district attorney. He had for his Republican opponent a warm per- sonal friend, Lyman K. Bass, who was elected by a plurality of five hundred ; Mr. Cleveland, however, polled more than his party vote in all the city wards. Re- tiring from office in January, 1866, he formed a law partnership with Isaac V. Vanderpoel, former State Treasurer, under the firm name of Vanderpoel & Cleveland. In 1869 he became a mem- ber of the law firm of Laning, Cleveland & Folsom, his partners being Albert P. Laning, former State Senator, and for years attorney for the Canada Southern and Lake Shore railways, and Oscar Fol- som, former United States District At- torney. As in previous years, he sent the large portion of his earnings to his mother, to aid her in support of her fam- ily. In 1870 at the earnest solicitation of his party friends, and against his own earnestly expressed desire, he consented to become candidate for sheriff, and was elected after a stubbornly contested canvass. His official conduct was warmly approved by the people. At the expira- tion of his term of office he resumed the practice of law, in association with Ly- man K. Bass and Wilson S. Bissell. Mr. Bass retired in 1879 on account of ill health, the firm becoming Cleveland & Bissell. In 1881 George J. Sicard was admitted to partnership. During all these changes Mr. Cleveland shared in a large and lucrative business, while he had at- tracted the admiration of bench and bar for the care with which he prepared his cases, and the ability and industry with which he contested them. In 1 88 1 Mr. Cleveland was nominated for Mayor of Buffalo on a platform ad- vocating administrative reform and econ- omy in municipal expenditures, and was elected by the largest majority ever given a candidate for that office, and at an elec- tion where, although the Democrats car- ried their local ticket to success, the Re- publicans carried the city for their State ticket by more than one thousand plural- ity. His administration carried unstinted approval, for his courageous devotion to the interests of the people and his suc- cess in checking unwise, illegal and ex- travagant expenditures, saving to the city a million dollars in the first six months of his term, and he was a popular favorite as "The Veto Mayor." He was now a State celebrity, and the convention of his party held September 22, 1882, at Syra- cuse, nominated him for Governor. He was elected over the Republican nomi- nee, Charles J. Folger, by the tremendous plurality of 192,854 — the largest plurality ever given a gubernatorial candidate in any state in the Union. Among the chief acts of his administration were his ap- proval of a bill to submit to the people a proposition to abolish contract prison labor; his veto of a bill permitting wide latitude to savings bank directors in in- vestment of deposits ; his veto of a similar bill respecting insurance companies ; and his veto of a bill to establish a monopoly by limiting the right to construct certain street railways to companies heretofore organized, to the exclusion of such as should hereafter obtain the consent of property owners and local authorities. Mr. Cleveland was nominated for Pres- ident by the Democratic National Con- vention in Chicago, in July, 1884, receiv- ing 683 votes out of a total of 820. His Republican opponent was Hon. James G. 4i ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Blaine. The campaign was remarkable for the discussion of the personal char- acters and qualifications of the candidates rather than political principles. At the election Mr. Cleveland received a major- ity of thirty-seven in the Electoral Col- lege, and a majority in the popular vote of 23,005, out of a total of 10,067,610. At his inauguration, March 4, 1885, he de- livered an admirable inaugural address, with flowing ease, and his modesty and sincerity impressed all hearers. He took his official oath upon a small morocco- bound, gilt-edged Bible, a gift from his mother when as a lad he first left home. Among the most important acts of his ad- ministration was his proclamation of March 13, 1885, for the removal of white intruders from Oklahoma, Indian Terri- tory; and, after the burning of Aspinwall, Panama, by the revolutionists, March 31, 1885, his ordering a naval expedition to protect American persons and property. Mr. Cleveland was unanimously re- nominated for President in 1888, but was defeated by Benjamin Harrison, Repub- lican, although his plurality in the popu- lar vote was more than 100,000. He then located in the city of New York and again took up his profession. In June, 1892, he was nominated for the Presidency a third time, by the Democratic National Con- vention in Chicago, receiving on the first ballot 617^ votes out of 910, the nomi- nation then being made unanimous. At the election he defeated Benjamin Harri- son by a plurality of no in the Electoral College, and a plurality of 379,150 in the popular vote. He was inaugurated March 4, 1S93, m tne presence of a vast multi- tude in midst of a blinding snowstorm. The military and civic parade was more imposing than on any other similar occa- sion. His administration was marked by some most unusual features. His first important act was to call a special session of Congress. August 7, 1893, an< ^ ul P ur " suance of his recommendation was re- pealed the act of 1890 calling for the monthly purchase of $4,500,000 of silver bullion. In this he was opposed by the silver wing of his party. Elected as he was on a tariff-reform platform, both houses of Congress were in accord with him on that issue, and in 1894 was passed the Wilson bill, a tariff-for-revenue-only measure. The industrial and financial stagnation of that period was ascribed by the Republicans to this measure, while the Free-Silver Democrats attributed it in large degree to the repeal of the silver- purchase measure, and in November of the same year the Republicans won a protective tariff victory, with the result that during the latter half of President Cleveland's administration he had to deal with a Republican Congress. He per- formed invaluable service to law and order and protection to property by his firm stand with reference to the railroad riots in July, 1894, ordering United States troops to Chicago and other railroad cen- ters to enforce the orders and processes of the Federal Courts, and to prevent interference with inter-state commerce and the transmission of the United States mails. On January 1, 1895, he appointed, with the consent of the Senate, the com- mission to inquire into the Venezuelan boundary. During the insurrection in Cuba he took strong measures against the violation of the neutrality laws. In February, in order to preserve the na- tional credit, he ordered an issue of four per cent, thirty-year bonds to the amount of $62,000,000. May 29th he vetoed the river and harbor bill calling for an imme- diate expenditure of $17,000,000, and au- thorizing contracts for the further sum of $62,000,000, but the bill was passed over his veto. In the summer of the same year he received the signal compliment of being chosen as arbitrator in the dispute between Italv and Colombia, in which the 42 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY former claimed large pecuniary damages for injuries sustained by Indians during the revolution of 1885. Late in 1895, in his annual message, he recommended a general reform of banking and currency laws, and accomplished the settlement of the Venezuelan boundary, the treaty being signed February 2, 1896. In the latter year he issued an order under which thirty thousand additional posts in the civil service were placed under restric- tions formulated by the Board of Civil Service Commissioners. In the same year he sent General Fitzhugh Lee to Havana as consul-general — an appointment which was approved by a great mass of Union veterans almost as heartily as it was by the ex-Confederates. On June 16, 1896, he issued an open letter condemning the free-silver movement, and approving the principles of the Gold Wing of the Dem- ocratic party, a document which had a salutary and far-reaching effect. Before the expiration of his official term he had the great pleasure of witnessing the exe- cution of a treaty between the United States and Great Britain providing for the establishment of an international tribunal of general arbitration. One of President Cleveland's last pub- lic appearances before retiring from his high office, was the delivery of an address at the sesquicentennial celebration of Princeton College, which took on its more appropriate title of University. Shortly afterward he purchased a home in Prince- ton, where his first son was born. Known as a polished and forceful writer, Mr. Cleveland's most important papers have been widely published. His annual mes- sage of 1887 was issued in a sumptuous edition de luxe, illustrated by the famous artist, Thomas Nast. An important com- pilation of his utterances was made by Francis Gottsberger, of New York, under the title, "Principles and Purposes of Our Form of Government, As Set Forth In Public Papers of Grover Cleveland," and George F. Parker edited a volume /'Writ- ings and Speeches of Grover Cleveland." In 1904 appeared "Presidential Prob- lems," a volume of essays by Mr. Cleve- land, two of which were originally de- livered at Princeton University, the others being articles which had their original ap- pearance in leading magazines. Mr. Cleveland was of striking personal- ity, commanding respect and confidence under all circumstances and before all manner of assemblages. Physically of large and powerful frame, in motion he was deliberate and firm, yet without slowness. In manner and voice he was genial and agreeable. Broad-minded and liberal in thought, he was tolerant and charitable. In religion he was a man of conscience rather than of any set creed. All his personal habits were marked by Democratic simplicity, and totally de- void of ostentation. After his retirement from the loftiest place open to an Amer- ican, he steadily grew in the regard and affection of the people, while publicists and political students are only beginning to adequately measure the wisdom and beneficence which were the characteris- tics of his public career. He died June 24, 1 90S. In the second year of his first Presi- dential term, June 2, 1886, President Cleveland was married to Miss Frances Folsom, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Byron Sunderland, D. D., in the Blue Room in the White House. Chil- dren : Ruth, born in New York City, Oc- tober 3, 1891 ; Esther C, in Washington City, (the first child ever born in the White House), September 9, 1893; Maria C, at "Gray Gables," Buzzards' Bay. Massachusetts, July 7, 1895 ! Richard Folsom. at Westland, New Jersey, Octo- ber 28, 1897. 43 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY BIGELOW, John, Author, Diplomat. John Bigelow was born in Maiden, Ulster county, New York, November 25, 1817. He entered Union College at an early age, and was graduated in 1835. On leaving college he entered the office of Robert and Theodore Sedgwick, New York City, and in 1839 began the practice of law. He became a frequent contrib- utor to leading journals, and was editor of "The Plebeian" and the "Democratic Review." His articles attracted much at- tention, especially those on "Constitu- tional Reform;" "The Reciprocal Influ- ences of Religious Liberty and Physical Sciences," and "Executive Patronage." In 1844 he prepared a work entitled "Com- merce of the Prairies," and was otherwise engaged in literary pursuits. He was ap- pointed inspector of the Sing Sing State Prison by Governor Wright in 1845, an ^ held the office three years. During his term of service he made three important reports to the State Legislature concern- ing a more discreet and economical man- agement of the institution. He gave up the practice of law in the fall of 1849, and became joint editor and proprietor with William Cullen Bryant of the "New York Evening Post." He visited the island of Jamaica in 1850, and afterward collected his letters to the "Evening Post," and published them in book form under the title, "Jamaica in 1850; or the Effect of Sixteen Years of Freedom on a Slave Colon}." He also visited Hayti, and made a careful study of the resources and government of the island, which was given to the "Evening Post" in a series of letters. In 1856 he wrote a biography of John C. Fremont. In 1859 and i860 he was in Europe, and during his absence continued to write to "The Post" sketches of his travels, arti- cles on the political questions of the day. and carefully studied essays on conspicu- ous Frenchmen, such as Montesquieu and Buffon. In 1861 he was appointed Con- sul-General to Paris by President Lin- coln, and while there he published his "Les Etats-Unis d'Amerique en 1863." In 1865 Mr. Bigelow was appointed charge d'affaires, and as soon as the sen- timents of the French government could be ascertained, he was confirmed as En- voy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary to France, and served as such until 1867. Returning home, he was elected Secretary of State for New York and served during 1867 and 1868. He re- visited Europe in 1870, taking up his resi- dence in Berlin, and during the period of the Franco-German war remained in that city. He then returned home, and was in 1875 appointed a commissioner of State canals by Governor Tilden, and in the same year was re-elected Secretary of State. In 1874 he compiled a "Life of Franklin," which, after much diligent search he had found in France. In 1886, under the authority of the New York Chamber of Commerce, he made an im- portant report concerning the Panama Canal, in recognition of which he was elected an honorary member of the cham- ber. In this year he also received from Racine College, Wisconsin, the degree of Doctor of Laws. By the will of Samuel J. Tilden, Mr. Bigelow was appointed his biographer, and a trustee of the bulk of his estate set apart for the establishment of a public library in New York City. After Mr. Tilden's death, August 4, 1886, the will was broken by the heirs, after a memorable litigation, the Court of Ap- peals making the final decision October 27, 1891. One of the heirs, Mrs. Wil- liam B. Hazard, a niece, relinquished to the trustees over two million dollars of her share of the estate to aid in carrying out her uncle's wishes. On February 22, 1895, a joint committee representing the 44 ^yLn-SLls^SIS & &-* K. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Tilden fund and the Astor and Lenox libraries, agreed to the establishment of a great public library, to be known as the New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden foundations, incorporated by the Act of Legislature, and on May 27, 1895, Mr. Bigelow was elected president of the consolidated board of trustees, and was afterwards appointed chairman of the executive committee and of the com- mittee on library books. He wrote and published: "Les Etats- Unis dAmerique en 1863" (1863) ; "Some Recollections of the Late Antoine Pierre Berryer" (1869) ; "The Wit and Wisdom of the Haytians" (1876) ; "Molinos the Quietist" (1882) ; "The Life of William Cullen Bryant" (1886) ; "Emanuel Swed- enborg" (1888) ; "France and the Confed- erate Navy, 1862-1868" (1888) ; "The Life of Samuel J. Tilden" (two volumes, 1895), and "The Mystery of Sleep" (1896). He died in 1911. MORGAN, John Pierpont, Man of Largest Affairs. Celtic in origin, the name Morgan, in the principality of Wales, is older than the advent of the Saxon race or language. The derivation has not been conclusively determined, but Dixon, an English au- thority on surnames, says that it means by sea, or by the sea, which is probably as nearly accurate as any explanation may be. The name is allied to the Scotch ceann mor, meaning big head, or perhaps big headland. Another possible deriva- tion is from the Welsh more can, mean- ing sea burn, which is not essentially dif- ferent from the former interpretation, by the sea. The name was common at the time of the Conquest, and appears in the Domesday Book and in the Battle Abbey Roll. In the latter part of the sixteenth cen- tury the family from which were derived the ancestors of the American branch, moved from Wales to Bristol, England. The immediate family of Miles Morgan, who came to Massachusetts, was of Gla- morganshire, Wales, and there is reason to believe that his father was William Morgan. Among the early families of the American pioneers there was tradi- tion of a little book owned by James Mor- gan, the brother of Miles Morgan, dated before 1600, and inscribed with the name of William Morgan of Llandaff. Other evidence in the shape of antique gold sleeve-buttons stamped "W. M.," in the possession of James Morgan, pointed to the same conclusion, and these were said to have been an heirloom from William Morgan of Llandaff. Arms : Or, a griffin segreant sable. Crest: A reindeer's head couped or, attired gules. Motto: Onward and Upward. (I) Miles Morgan, who founded the family of his name in New England, was born probably in Llandaff, Glamorgan- shire, Wales, about 1615. Accompany- ing his older brother James Morgan, who settled in New London, Connecticut, and John Morgan, who went to Virginia, he sailed from Bristol, England, and arrived in Boston in April, 1636. His first resi- dence was in Roxbury, and there it is be- lieved he remained some years. Subse- quently he joined the company which, led by Sir William Pynchon, had founded Agawam (Springfield) on the Connecti- cut river. It is not a historical certainty that he was with the first company which went inland from Boston, or that he was one of the founders of Agawam. That place was established in 1636, and the name of Miles Morgan appears on the records in 1643, showing that he was there before that time, but how long be- fore is not known. He became one of the leading men of Agawam. He acquired an extensive tract of land, and was also a trader, sailing a 45 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY vessel up and down the river. One of the few fortified houses in Agawam belonged to him, and he was one of the leaders of the militia, having the rank of sergeant. In all the fighting in which the little set- tlement was engaged to protect itself from the attack of the surrounding sav- ages, he was much depended upon for his valor and his skill as a soldier. When, during King Philip's War, in 1675, tri e Indians made an attack on Agawam and nearly destroyed the town, his house was the central place of refuge for the be- leagured inhabitants. His sons, follow- ing the footsteps of their father, were two noted Indian hunters, and one of them, Pelatiah Morgan, was killed by the Indians. In the "records or list of ye names of the townsmen or men of this Towne of Springfield in February, 1664, written by Elizur Holyoke," he appears as Serj. Miles Morgan. In 1655-57, 1660- 62-68 he was a selectman. He served as constable one year, and at different times as fence viewer, highway surveyor, and overseer of highways, and also on various town committees. He died May 28, 1699. A bronze statue of a Puritan soldier standing in one of the public parks of Springfield enduringly commemorates his fame. He married (first) in 1643, Prudence Gilbert, of Beverly Massachusetts. The tradition is that on the vessel on which he came to Boston, Prudence Gilbert was also a passenger, and there he made her acquaintance. She was coming to the new world to join members of her family already located in Beverly. After he had settled in Springfield he sent word to her and proposed marriage. She accepted the offer, and the young man, with two friends and an Indian guide leading pack horses, marched across Massachusetts from the Connecticut river to the "land of the people of the east," where the two young people were married. After the marriage the household goods of the young couple were laden on the pack- horses, and the bride, on foot, tramped back to Springfield, one hundred and twenty miles, escorted by the bridegroom and his friends. She died January 14, 1660. He married (second) February 15, 1670, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Bliss. (II) Nathaniel, son of Miles and Eliz- abeth (Bliss) Morgan, was born in Springfield, June 14, 1671. He settled in West Springfield, where he made his home during his entire life and was a suc- cessful farmer. He died August 30, 1752. He married, January 17, 1691, Hannah Bird, who died June 7, 1751. Of the seven sons and two daughters of this marriage, all the sons and one daughter lived to be over seventy years of age. (III) Joseph, son of Nathaniel and Hannah (Bird) Morgan, was born De- cember 3, 1702. He lived on the paternal farm in West Springfield. He died No- vember 7, 1773. He married, in 1735, Mary Stebbins, daughter of Benjamin Stebbins ; she was born July 6, 1712, and died December 6, 1798. (IV) Joseph (2), son of Joseph (1) and Mary (Stebbins) Morgan, was born February 19, 1736. He was a captain of militia, and in character as well as in physique he was reckoned one of the staunchest men of western Massachu- setts. He married, September 9, 1765, Experience Smith, born October 23, 1741. (V) Joseph (3), son of Joseph (2) and Experience (Smith) Morgan, was born January 4, 1780. Leaving home when he was a young man, he settled in Hartford, Connecticut, and became a successful and respected hotelkeeper. He died in 1847. He married Sarah Spencer, of Middle- town, Connecticut. (VI) Junius Spencer, son of Joseph (3) and Sarah (Spencer) Morgan, was born in West Springfield, Massachusetts, 46 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY April 14, 1813. His early years were spent in Hartford, Connecticut, where he was educated. When he had grown to manhood he went to Boston and entered the banking house of Albert Wells, where he gained his first knowledge of that busi- ness in which he afterward became suc- cessful and distinguished. In July, 1834, he moved to New York, entering the banking house of Morgan, Ketchum & Company. Remaining in New York only about two years, he returned to his native city and there established himself in busi- ness as a dry goods merchant in the firms of Howe, Mather & Company and Mather, Morgan & Company. Subsequently he went again to Boston, and, still continu- ing in the dry goods business, became a partner of J. M. Beebe in the famous firm of Beebe, Morgan & Company, which in its prime was one of the largest and most influential houses in that trade in the United States. Mr. Morgan visited England in 1853, and, upon the invitation of George Pea- body, became associated with that great banker as his partner in October. 1854. In ten years he succeeded entirely to the business of Mr. Peabody, and established the house of J. S. Morgan & Company, which shortly became one of the largest banking houses in the world. The later years of his life were spent largely abroad, but he never lost his love for his native country', and during the civil war he gave substantial assistance to the cause of the national government. He was a man of generous instincts, and contributed hand- somely to the support of educational and public institutions. His activity as a lay- man in the affairs of the Protestant Epis- copal church was noteworthy, and among other institutions. Trinity College, of Hartford. Connecticut, owed much to his munificence. He died in Nice, France, in 1895, as tne result of an accident. He married, in Boston, in 1836, Juliet Pier- pont, daughter of Rev. John and Alary Sheldon (Lord) Pierpont. (VII) John Pierpont Morgan, only son of Junius Spencer and Juliet (Pierpont) Morgan, was born in Hartford, Connecti- cut, April 17, 1837; died in Rome, Italy, March 31, 191 3. He was educated in the English high school in Boston, and then studied in the University of Gottingen, Germany, where he completed a full course, returning to the United States when twenty years of age. He engaged in the banking busi- ness with Duncan Sherman & Company, of New York City, in 1857, and there ob- tained a full knowledge of finance in a house which at that time was one of the most prominent in the country. In i860 he became American agent and attorney for George Peabody & Company, of Lon- don, with which house his father was connected, and in 1864 he engaged in banking on his own account in the firm of Dabney, Morgan & Company. In 1871 he became a member of the famous bank- ing house of Drexel, Morgan & Company, the name of which in 1895 was changed to J- P. Morgan & Company. At the same time he was also a member of the firm of J. S. Morgan & Company, of Lon- don, of which his father was the founder, and, upon the death of his parent, he suc- ceeded him in that concern. Thus he was head of the greatest private bank in Amer- ica, and of one of the most influential monetary institutions in England. His pre-eminence as a banker and finan- cier was recognized for nearly a quarter of a century. In those respects he was one of the most potent powers that the United States has ever known, and rival- led even the strongest men in Europe. In the wonderful industrial and financial development which characterized the clos- ing years of the nineteenth century in the United States, and especially in the de- velopment of that movement toward the 47 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY consolidation of industrial enterprises, Mr. Morgan was not only prominent, but it is not too much to say that, at that time, he exercised the most powerful and helpful influence ever displayed by any man in the financial history of the coun- try. Particularly will his genius and in- defatigable labors in the organization and development of the United States Steel Corporation be long remembered as a masterly achievement, and, in the opin- ion of many, as laying the substantial foundation for the great industrial pros- perity of the country which followed in the years immediately after this accom- plishment. Mr. Morgan was connected with nearly all notable financial undertakings of his time, and his influence was always of the soundest character and conducive to the public welfare as well as to the investing interests. A list of the important re- organizations of railroad companies, the negotiations of loans, and the underwrit- ing of industrial enterprises which have been handled by him would be long and imposing. Also in public affairs were his services to the country of inestimable value. Especially in 1894 and 1895, an< i at other times of threatened monetary stringency, he contributed substantially and effectively to protecting the credit of the United States treasury. Although, when the banking disturb- ances which developed in New York City in the autumn of 1907 threatened to over- whelm the entire country with supreme disaster, he had been largely retired from active participation in affairs, Mr. Mor- gan came forward again to save the situ- ation. In the grave emergency which then arose he took the lead in measures instituted to prevent the widespread de- struction of public credit and overthrow of industrial and financial institutions that was imminent. His leadership in those trying days was unreservedly ac- cepted by men who were foremost in the financial world in New York City, and as well throughout the United States. Among his associates he was relied upon for initiative and for powerful influence, and even the national administration de- pended upon his advice and his assist- ance. After the battle had been won and confidence restored, it was everywhere recognized that his financial genius and his masterly control of men and affairs had been the main instruments in saving the country, if not the world, from the worst disaster that had impended for a generation. The great masters of finance in London, Paris, and other monetary centers of Europe did not withhold their warmest praise and indorsement of his accomplishment, while his associates in the American fields of finance and indus- try have been profuse in acknowledgment of the pre-eminent service that he ren- dered to the country. Mr. Morgan was also a large investor in the great business enterprises of the country, and a director in more than two score financial, railroad, and industrial corporations. Typically foremost among the enterprises in which he held impor tant interests and exercised pronounced influence in the direction of their affairs were the following: The United States Steel Corporation, the Cleveland, Cincin- nati, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Com- pany, the First National Bank of the City of New York, the General Electric Com- pany, the Lake Erie & Western Railroad Company, the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Company, the Michi- gan Central Railroad Company, the Na- tional Bank of Commerce of New York, the New York & Harlem River Railroad Company, the New York Central & Hud- son River Railroad Company, the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Company, the West Shore Railroad Com- pany, and the Western Union Telegraph Company. A man of broad culture and refined tastes, Mr. Morgan did not confine him- self to business affairs. He was particu- larly interested in art, being one of its most generous patrons, and one of the ac- complished connoisseurs of the world. Some of the finest works of the great masters of olden times and of the present were owned by him. His collection of art objects is recognized as one of the largest, most important, and most valu- able ever brought together by a single private individual. A considerable part of this great collection was acquired dur- ing the ten years or so preceding 1908, and has been kept in Kensington Mu- seum, London, in the Metropolitan Mu- seum of Art, in New York City, and in Mr. Morgan's private galleries in London and New York. It consists not only of rare and valuable paintings, but exquisite porcelains, marble reliefs, bronzes, en- amels, fabrics, and other objects. Mr. Morgan's New York residence was in Madison avenue, and he had a country seat, "Cragston," at Highland Falls, New York. He also had a house at Roehamp- ton, near Wimbledon, a suburb of Lon- don, and one near Kensington. Adjoin- ing his New York City residence he had a fine private art gallery which con- tains many of his art treasures. He was a member of the leading clubs of New York City and London, was one of the founders and president of the Metropoli- tan Club of New York, and was for sev- eral years commodore of the New York Yacht Club. Particularly interested in the Metropolitan Art Museum, he was a generous benefactor to that institution and was its president. He arranged to erect in Hartford, Connecticut, an art building in memory of his father, to be called the Morgan Memorial ; the corner- N Y— Vol II— 4 stone of this edifice was laid April 23, 1908. He was one of the trustees of Co- lumbia University, a director or trustee of various other educational and philan- thropic institutions, a member of the Protestant Episcopal church, and several times was a lay delegate from the diocese of New York to the general conventions of that religious body. He married (first) Amelia, daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Cady) Sturgess, of New York City. She died, and he mar- ried (second) in 1865, Frances Louise, daughter of Charles and Louise (Kirk- land) Tracy, of New York City: Issue: 1. John Pierpont Morgan, born 1867; graduated from Harvard University, class of 1889, and since then has been engaged in the banking business with his father. He resides in Madison avenue, New York City, and is a member of the Metropoli- tan, Union, University, Riding, New York Yacht, and other clubs. He married, in 1 891, Jane Norton Grew, daughter of Henry Sturgis and Jane Norton (Wig- glesworth) Grew, of Boston ; she was born in Boston, September 30, 1868. They have one son, Junius Spencer Morgan, born in 1892. 2. Louisa Pierpont Mor- gan, married Herbert L. Satterlee. 3. Juliet Pierpont Morgan, married W. Pier- son Hamilton. 4. Anne Tracy Morgan. GRANT, Ulysses Simpson, Distinguished Soldier, President. Ulysses Simpson Grant, eighteenth President of the United States, was born at Point Pleasant, Ohio, April 27, 1822, the eldest son of Jesse Root and Hannah (Simpson) Grant; grandson of Captain Noah and Rachel (Kelly) Grant, and of John Simpson, of Montgomery county, Pennsylvania ; great-grandson of Noah and Susannah (Delano) Grant, and of John Simpson, an early settler in Penn- sylvania ; great-great-grandson of Noah 49 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY and Martha ^Huntington) Grant; great- great-great-grandson of Samuel and Grace (Miner) Grant; great-great-great- great-grandson of Samuel and Mary (Porter) Grant; and great-great-great- great-great-grandson of Matthew and Priscilla Grant, who left Plymouth, Eng- land, on the ship "Mary and John," landed at Nantasket, Massachusetts, and purchased land of the Indians at East Windsor Hill, Connecticut, where the settlement and the farm remained the property of the Grant family, and in 1900 was occupied by Roswell Grant. In the homestead built in 1697, tne descendants of Matthew Grant have lived in peace ex- cept for two years during the Revolution- ary War, when it was used as a prison for captured British officers. The father of Ulysses S. Grant was a tanner, and also owner of a small farm at Point Pleasant, and Ulysses, prefer- ring farm work and driving horses to work in the tannery, was indulged in his preference, and besides conducting the farm and grinding bark at the tannery, he cared for the horses, did the teaming, and carried passengers between the neigh- boring towns. He attended the subscrip- tion school of the village, and was sent for the term of 1836-37 to the academy at Maysville, Kentucky. His father was ambitious to give him a better education than the neighborhood afforded, and as the boy had saved over one hundred dol- lars of his earnings with which to pay his entrance fees to some school, he consult- ed with Ulysses as to his preference, and the boy selected the United States Mili- tary Academy at West Point. His father wrote to Senator Samuel Morris, at Washington, applying for an appoint- ment, and was referred to Representative Thomas L. Hamer, of Georgetown. In writing to Mr. Hamer, who was an ac- quaintance of the family, Mr. Grant re- ferred to his son as H. Ulysses, the boy having at his birth received the name of Hiram Ulysses. Just before leaving for West Point, young Grant changed the initials on his trunk from H. U. G. to U. H. G., and entered his name at the hotel "Ulysses H. Grant." When Rep- resentative Hamer filled the official ap- pointment, knowing his familiar name and also the maiden name of his mother (Simpson), he wrote the name Ulysses S. Grant. When the young cadet reached West Point he notified the officials of the error, but they were not willing to cor- rect it, and he adopted the official name. At the academy he had among his class- mates Sherman, Thomas, McClellan, Burnside, Hancock, Rosecrans, Pope, Franklin, Longstreet, Ingalls, and several others who afterward became prominent in the Civil War. He was a good mathe- matician and a superior horseman, but only an average student, and was gradu- ated twenty-first in the class of thirty- nine in 1843. He was brevetted second lieutenant and attached to the Fourth In- fantry, stationed at Jefferson barracks, Missouri. The next year he accompanied the regiment to Camp Salubrity, Louisi- ana, and in September, 1845. received his commission as second lieutenant, and with his regiment was ordered to Corpus Christi, to become part of the army of occupation recruiting for General Tay- lor's invasion of Mexico. His first battle was Palo Alto, May 8, 1846, and at Resaca de la Palma the next day he was in command of the company. As regi- mental quartermaster of the Fourth In- fantry, he was given charge of the pack- train and army wagons on the march of the army to Monterey. In the reduction of Black Fort, on September 21, he joined his regiment, and being the only officer mounted, led the charge, taking full com- mand on the death of the adjutant. When General Taylor called for a volunteer to order up the delayed ammunition train. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY then far in the rear, cut off from the com- manding general and his forces by the Mexicans, Lieutenant Grant performed the hazardous mission with success. With his regiment he was transferred to the army under General Scott, and reached Vera Cruz on March 9, 1847. He took part in the siege that terminated in the capture of the city, March 29, 1847. In the march to the Mexican capital he fought in the battle of Cerro Gordo, April 17-18; the capture of San Antonio, and the battle of Churubusco, August 20, and the battle of Molino del Rey, September 8, 1847. For action in the last-named battle he was brevetted first lieutenant, and for action in the battle of Chapul- tepec he was brevetted captain. He was personally commended by General Worth for his bravery as exhibited on the march, and on reaching the Mexican capital he was promoted to first lieutenant. He had as companion officers in Mexico, Davis. Lee, Johnston, Holmes, Pemberton. Euckner, Longstreet, Hebert, and other noted Confederate leaders. He remained in Mexico until the summer of 1848, when he accompanied his regiment to Pasca- goula, Mississippi. He was then sta- tioned at Detroit, Michigan, and Sackett Harbor, New York, and in July, 1852, was ordered with the Fourth United States Infantry to San Francisco, Cali- fornia, and Fort Vancouver, Oregon, by way of New York and the Isthmus of Darien. His position as quartermaster made his labors severe in crossing the isthmus, as the recruits were attacked by yellow fever. On August 5, 1853, he was promoted to captain, at Fort Humboldt, California. Not finding army life in the far west congenial, he resigned his commission, July 31, 1854, and returned to New York, where he borrowed fifty dollars of a class- mate, S. B. Buckner, which sum enabled him to reach his father's home at Cov- ington, Kentucky. He then went to St. Louis, and settled on a farm near that city, which, together with three slaves, had been given to his wife as a wedding gift by her father. In May, i860, failing to succeed either as farmer, a real estate agent, or a collector of taxes, he removed his family to Galena, Illinois, where he was a clerk in his father's store, con- ducted by his two brothers and a brother- in-law. At the outbreak of the Civil War he presided at a patriotic meeting held at Galena to raise a company for service in the Federal army, and volunteered to drill the Jo Daviess Guard, a company of volunteers then forming. On April 25, 1861, he took the company to Springfield, where Governor Yates secured his tem- porary services as mustering officer in the adjutant-general's office. He then wrote to the adjutant-general at Wash- ington, D. C, offering his services to the government, but the War Department never answered his communication. After visiting Cincinnati, Ohio, to see his class- mate, George B. McClellan, and after offering his services to Governor Deni- son at Columbus, Ohio, he returned to Springfield, Illinois, and entered the vol- unteer service as colonel of the Twenty- first Illinois Infantry Regiment, June 17, 1861, which regiment he marched into Missouri. On July 31 Colonel Grant was made commander of a sub-district under General John Pope, commanding the military district of Northern Missouri. He was made brigadier-general of volun- teers, August 7, 1861, by President Lin- coln, at the request of Representative Washburne, his commission dating from May 17. He was sent to Ironton, thence to St. Louis, from there to Jefferson City, and back to St. Louis, all within eighteen days, and was finally assigned to the command of the district of southeastern Missouri, with headquarters at Cairo, Illinois. He occupied Paducah, Ken 5i ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY tucky, September 6, 1861, and on the morning of the 7th attacked the Confed- erate forces at Belmont, Missouri, and with 2,500 men drove out the enemy and captured their camp, after a sharp battle in which he had a horse shot under him. The Confederates were reinforced and re- newed the fight, forcing Grant to fall back to his transports before a force of upwards of 7,000 men. He brought off with him 175 prisoners, and lost 485 men, the Confederate loss being 642. He then conceived the plan of capturing Forts Henry and Donelson by a co-operation of the army with the navy represented by iron-clad gunboats under Commodore Foote. The consent of General H. W. Halleck, the department commander, was reluctantly given after repeated urging, and on February 6, 1862, Fort Henry fell into the hands of the naval force under Admiral Foote. Fort Donelson, with 15,000 men, increased on the 15th to 27,000, withstood a three days' assault, and, after a desperate effort on the part of the Confederate commanders to cut their way out of the fort, in which Gen- erals Floyd and Pillow escaped in the night on a steamboat, and 3,000 infantry and Forrest's cavalry escaped through the Union lines, General S. B. Buckner unconditionally surrendered on January 16, 1862, after some parley, conforming to the terms dictated by General Grant. The capture included 14,623 men, 65 cannon, and 17,600 small arms. The loss in killed and wounded was about 2,000 on each side. On receiving his parole General Buckner received from Grant a sum of money which enabled him to reach his home with comfort, a thought- ful provision on the part of the conqueror to the conquered, and a return for the favor received by Captain Grant from Buckner in 1854. General Grant was made major-general of volunteers, his commission dating Feb- ruary 16, 1862. He urged the prompt following up of his victory with an ad- vance on Nashville, and on February 28 set out for that place without awaiting orders, after having telegraphed to Gen- eral Halleck that he should proceed if he were not directed to the contrary. He was ordered to remain at Fort Henry, and at the same time was superseded in the command by General Smith. On March 13, 1862, he was restored to com- mand, the Confederate troops having concentrated near Corinth, Mississippi, and he transferred his headquarters on the 17th to Savannah on the Tennessee river, where he found an army of 38,000 men encamped on both sides of the river. He immediately mobilized the force on the west bank of the river near Pittsburg Landing with the right resting on Shiloh church, making a line of battle nearly three miles in length. Here he was directed to await the arrival of General Buell's army, 40,000 strong, who were moving through Tennessee by forced marches. On April 6, 1862, the Confed- erate army, under General A. S. John- ston, made an early morning attack on the right of Grant's line and drove it back, following up their success all along the line. About noon General Johnston was killed, and General Beauregard took the command. With the aid of the gun- boats in the river, Grant was enabled by falling back to the river to withstand the the onslaught of Beauregard's troops until Buell came up in the evening, when the fortunes of war turned in favor of the Federal army, and the Confederates fell back upon Corinth. There they en- trenched and maintained their position till May 29, when Beauregard evacuated the place and retreated southward along the line of the Mobile & Ohio railroad. General Halleck took command of the Federal army in person on April n, and Grant became second in command, in 52 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY charge of the right wing and reserve. The army had been reinforced to about 100,000 men, officered by Thomas, Pope, Buell and McClernand, and the Confed- erates were 70,000 strong and entrenched. An advance on Corinth was begun April 30, 1862, and on May 30 the place was found evacuated, and Grant moved his headquarters to Memphis, Tennessee. On July 11, 1862, Halleck was appointed gen- eral-in-chief of all the Federal forces ; on July 15 Grant returned to Corinth as commander of the Army of the Tennes- see, and on October 25 he was made com- mander of the Department of the Ten- nessee, including Cairo, Forts Donelson and Henry, Northern Mississippi, and Kentucky and Tennessee west of the Tennessee river. On September 19-20, 1862, the battle of Iuka was fought, and on October 3-4 the battle of Corinth, where the Confederates were repulsed with great loss, and on the 5th the battle of the Hatchie River took place, which still further demoralized the Confederate forces, and Grant pursued the retreating army into Mississippi. On November 4, 1862, he seized Grand Junction and La Grange, on the 13th the cavalry occupied Holly Springs, and on December 5 Grant reached Oxford. On the 8th he ordered Sherman to take transports down the Mississippi to co-operate in the attack on Vicksburg, and on December 20 the Con- federates recaptured Holly Springs, where the Federals had a large supply of stores. This determined Grant to abandon the land expedition, and he took personal command of the expedition down the Mississippi, establishing his headquarters at Memphis, January 10, 1863, and on the 29th with 50,000 men, in co-operation with Admiral Porter's gunboat fleet of 280 guns and 800 men, and with the army of General Banks, who was ascending the Mississippi from New Orleans to capture Port Hudson, he began the investment of Vicksburg, with the purpose of besieging the city from the high ground to the east of the place. He constructed a canal across the peninsula to open a line for supplies, but was detained by high water and constant breaking of the levees. He next undertook to turn the Mississippi from its course by opening a new chan- nel to the Red river, but this plan, too, was abandoned. He then determined to run the batteries of Vicksburg and ferry the army across the river thirty miles south of Vicksburg, and march to the rear of the city by way of Port Gibson. He drove General Bowen, the Confed- erate commander, out of the place, routed his army, captured 650 prisoners, took possession May 1, 1863, entered Grand Gulf on the 15th. Pemberton was at Vicksburg with 52,000 men, Joseph E. Johnston at Jackson with an equally effective army, and Grant placed his force between the two armies and determined to prevent their concentration. He de- feated Johnston at Raymond, May 12, 1863, captured the city of Jackson on the 14th, and attacked Pemberton at Cham- pion's Hill on the 16th, defeating him and causing a Confederate loss of 4,000 killed and wounded, besides 3,000 prisoners and 30 guns. He carried Big Black River bridge, May 17, where he captured 1,757 prisoners and 18 guns, and on the 18th drove Pemberton's army within the works at Vicksburg. The siege began May 23, and by June 30 the Federal army had 220 field guns in position and 71,000 troops who, besides conducting the siege, had to defend their rear against the army of Johnston, work night and day in mining the enemy's works, and meet the con- stant assaults in front and rear. Gen- eral Pemberton surrendered July 4, 1863, with 31,600 officers and men, 172 can- non, 60,000 muskets, and quantities of ammunition. On the fall of Vicksburg, Port Hudson surrendered to General 53 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Banks, and the Mississippi river was opened to the Federal army. Grant was made a major-general in the regular army, and Congress voted a gold medal to him, and its thanks to him and his army. He proposed to the government that he move on Mobile, but was over- ruled, and his army was divided up to re- inforce Banks and Schofield, and for use in Kentucky. He then visited New Or- leans, where he was injured by a fall of his horse. On recovering from his injury he returned to Vicksburg, and on Octo- ber 6, 1863, was directed to send what force he could to Chattanooga to co- operate with Rosecrans, and to report at Cairo to take command of the Military District of the Mississippi. He reached the place October 16, and on October 23, 1863, assumed command of the army at Chattanooga, and concentrated his troops around the place. The same day he as- saulted the enemy's lines, continued the assault on the 24th, and on the 25th re- pelled the lines and drove the Confed- erates out of Tennessee, after capturing 6,442 men, 40 pieces of artillery, and 7,000 stand of small arms. He was in Knox- ville, Tennessee, December 25-28, and then went to Nashville, where he estab- lished his headquarters, January 13, 1864. On March 1, 1864, General Grant was nominated by President Lincoln for lieu- tenant-general, the rank having been re- vived by Congress, and on March 2 the appointment was confirmed by the Sen- ate. He arrived in Washington, D. C, on the 8th, and there first met President Lincoln on the 9th, and received from him his commission. He was given com- mand of the entire Federal army, March 12, 1864. and established his headquarters at Culpeper, Virginia, on the 26th. He planned a vigorous and continuous move- ment against the armies of the Confed- eracy wherever stationed, and assigned Sherman to move against Johnston, Banks to operate against Mobile, Sigel against Breckinridge, Butler against Rich- mond from the south of the James, and Meade to cover Washington and assume the offensive against the army of Lee — all to move May 4, 1864. Grant fought the battle of the Wilderness, May 5-6-7. On the morning of the nth he sent to Washington the famous sentence: "I pro- pose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer," and from this time there was continuous fighting between the two armies, Grant directing the Federal move- ments day by day, until April 7, 1865, when Grant sent a note from Farmville to Lee, asking for the surrender of his army. On the morning of the 8th Lee sent his reply that, while his cause was not hopeless, he would be pleased to learn the terms proposed. Grant replied that he would insist on but one condition, that the men and officers surrendered should be disqualified for taking up arms until properly exchanged. Meanwhile the Sec- ond and Sixth Corps were pursuing Lee's troops in full retreat on the north side of the Appomattox, and Sheridan, Ord and the Fifth Corps were equally active on the south side to prevent Lee from escaping toward Lynchburg. Toward midnight, on the 8th, Grant received a note from Lee proposing a meeting at 10 o'clock the next morning, the Qth, to make terms that might lead to peace. Grant replied that he had no authority to treat on the subject of peace, but that if the South would lay down their arms, such an act would save thousands of lives and hundreds of millions of prop- erty, and do much toward hastening the event. Lee's advance reached Appomat- tox Court House early in the morning of April 9th, and Ord, Sheridan and Grif- fin reached the same point at the same time, and Lee attacked the Federal cav- alry, but finding infantry also on his front, he sent in a flag of truce with a 54 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY note to General Grant asking for an inter- view. This note was received while Grant was on the road approaching Ap- pomattox Court House, and he replied that he would move forward and meet the Confederate leader at any place he would designate. The reply from Lee led Grant to a house in the village where, on the afternoon of April 9, 1865, the terms of surrender were drawn up by General Grant and accepted by General Lee, after a conference of three hours. The army of 28,356 men were paroled and afterward 20,000 stragglers and deserters came in and were also paroled. Grant promptly suppressed all demonstration of rejoicing on the part of the victorious army on the field and on April 10th started for Wash- ington to hasten the disbanding of the armies and stop needless expense to the government. He left Washington to visit his family on the morning of April 14, and consequently was not in the city on the night of the assassination of the President, and the attempted assault on members of the cabinet. He went to Ra- leigh, North Carolina, upon learning of Sherman's unacceptable terms for the surrender of Johnston's army, and, after consulting with General Sherman, allow- ed that commander to renew negotiations and receive the surrender in modified terms, April 26, 1865, when Sherman paroled 31,243 of Johnston's army. Gen- eral Canby captured the defences of Mo- bile, Alabama, April 9, and the city was evacuated on the nth leaving 200 guns and 4,000 prisoners, after 9,000 of the garrison escaped. Wilson's cavalry oper- ating in Alabama captured Selma on April 2, Tuscaloosa on the 5th, occupied Montgomery the capital on the 14th, cap- tured West Point and Columbus, Georgia, on the 16th, and Macon, Georgia, surren- dered on the 21st. The command of Kirby southwest of the Mississippi sur- rendered on the 26th, and the Rebellion was ended. The people of the whole country were anxious to see and do honor to the hero of Appomattox, and he visited the north- ern states and Canada in June, July and August, 1865, and was everywhere re- ceived with civic, military and social honors. The citizens of New York City welcomed him in November by a ban- quet and reception in which the enthusi- asm knew no bounds. In December he made a tour of the southern States, and his observations made the basis of the reconstruction laws passed by Congress. He defended the rights of paroled mili- tary officers of the late Confederacy against the action of the United States courts in cases of indictment for treason, and claimed that the conditions of sur- render placed such officers outside the jurisdiction of civil courts. In this he opposed the administration, and when it became a personal matter between him- self and the President, he declared his intention to resign his position in the army if the armistice granted by him should be disregarded by the courts or the President. This decision resulted in the abandonment of the position taken by the executive and judicial branches of the government. He visited Buffalo, New York, in June, 1866, and there took effective measures to stop the invasion of Canada by Fenians, accredited citizens of the United States in sympathy with Irish patriots. On July 25, 1866, he was made general of the United States army, a grade higher than had ever before ex- isted in America, and created by Act of Congress as a reward for his services in the suppression of the rebellion. Presi- dent Johnson, in his official position of commander-in-chief of the army, ordered General Grant to proceed on a special mission to Mexico and subsequently to 55 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY the far west, both of which orders Grant disregarded as not included in his duties as a military officer, and not suggested for the benefit of the army of the coun- try, but made in a spirit of pique because he had refused to approve the policy of the President toward the south. On March 4, 1867, the Thirty-ninth Congress, in order to protect General Grant in his action, passed an act providing that "all orders and instructions relating to mili- tary operations shall be issued through the general of the army," and further provided that the general of the army should "not be removed, suspended or re- lieved from command or assigned to duty elsewhere than at the headquarters at Washington, except at his own request, without the previous approval of the Sen- ate." The clause was attached to the army appropriation bill, which received the signature of the President under pro- test against this clause. The Attorney- General declared the clause unconstitu- tional, and the President undertook to send out this opinion to the district com- manders through the Secretary of War. who refused to distribute the opinion, and the President issued it through the Adjutant-General's office. General Sheri- dan, in command of the Fifth Military District, sought the advice of the general of the army, who replied that a "legal opinion was not entitled to the force of an order," and therefore he was at liberty "to enforce his own construction of the law until otherwise ordered." and in July Congress passed an act making the orders of district commanders "subject to the disapproval of the general of the army." In this way Grant became superior to the President in shaping the affairs of reconstruction in the southern States, and the President met the situation by re- moving General Sheridan immediately after the adjournment of Congress, and appointing General W. S. Hancock in his place. Subsequently some of the orders of Hancock were revoked by the general of the army, and this caused some bitter- ness between the two officers, which, however, was not lasting, as when Con- gress undertook to muster Hancock out of the United States service for his acts in Louisiana, Grant opposed the measure and it was defeated, and he soon after recommended Hancock to promotion to the rank of major-general in the regular army, and secured his appointment. On August 12, 1867, President Johnson sus- pended Secretary of War Stanton and appointed Grant secretary ad interim. Grant protested against this action, but retained the position until the Senate had refused to confirm the suspension, Janu- ary 14, 1S68, when Grant informed the President that he could not hold the office in opposition to the will of Con- gress, and General Thomas was appoint- ed in his place. The Republican National Convention of 1868 on its first ballot unanimously nominated General Grant for the Presi- dency, and in his letter of acceptance he made use of the famous words: "Let us have peace." In the general election in November, 1868, the electors on his ticket received of the popular vote 3,015,071 to 2,709,615 for the Democratic electors and on the meeting of the electoral college in 1869 he received 214 votes to 80 for Horatio Seymour, three States (Missis- sippi, Texas and Virginia) not voting. He was inaugurated the eighteenth Presi- dent of the United States, March 4, 1869. He called to his aid as executive advisors, Elihu P>. Washburn, of Illinois, as Secre- tary of State, and on his resignation the same year to accept the mission to France. Hamilton Fish, of New York; George S. Routwell, of Massachusetts, as Secretary of the Treasury ; John A. Rawlins, of Illi- nois, as Secretary of War, and on his death. September 9, 1869, William W. 56 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Belknap, of Iowa; Jacob D. Cox, of Ohio, as Secretary of the Interior, and on his resignation in December, 1870, Columbus Delano, of Ohio; Adolph E. Borie, of Pennsylvania, as Secretary of the Navy, and on his resignation, June 22, 1869, George M. Robeson, of New Jersey ; John A. J. Creswell, of Maryland, as Post- master-General ; and Ebenezer R. Hoar, of Massachusetts, as Attorney-General. and on his resignation, June 23, 1870, Amos T. Akerman, of Georgia, and on his resignation, December 14, 1871, George H. Williams, of Oregon. Presi- dent Grant advocated in his inaugural address the speedy return to specie pay- ment, and Congress passed the act on March 18, 1869, which was a pledge to pay the debts of the United States in coin unless the obligation expressly stipulated to the contrary, and in accordance with his views as expressed in his annual mes- sage to Congress a bill was passed and approved July 14, 1870, authorizing the funding of the public debt at a lower rate of interest, through the issue of $200,- 000,000 of bonds at five per cent., 300,- 000,000 at four and a half per cent., and $1,000,000,000 at four per cent. His In- dian policy was shaped to the end of civilizing the savages with a view to their ultimate citizenship, and his policy while not always successful introduced human- ity and justice to take the place of brute force. He favored the annexation of Santo Domingo, and recommended the adoption of the fifteenth amendment to the constitution of the United States. He also advanced the principles of civil serv- ice reform in the civil administration, ap- pointing a commission which recom- mended competitive examinations, and it was put in operation June 1, 1872, but failed to be effective at the time on ac- count of opposition from Congress. On May 4, 1872, he issued a proclamation ordering all unlawful armed bands to dis- perse in the states in which conflicts be- tween the white and colored races were rife, and said that he would "not hesitate to exhaust the powers vested in the exec- utive, whenever and wherever it shall be- come necessary to do so for the purpose of securing to all citizens of the United States the peaceful enjoyment of the rights guaranteed to them by the consti- tution and the laws." As the proclama- tion was disregarded he issued a further warning October 12, and on the 17th sus- pended the writ of habeas corpus in parts of North and South Carolina, and after a few vigorous prosecutions of offenders the outrage ceased. The famous treaty of Washington, made May 8, 1871, by a high joint commission, by its terms re- ferred the claims of the United States against Great Britain growing out of the operations of the Confederate cruiser "Alabama," to a court of arbitration held in Geneva, Switzerland, and in Septem- ber, 1872, awarded to the United States $15,500,000, which was paid in full. This was largely the result of the policy of President Grant and his secretary of state, and was the beginning of a friendship between the two English-speaking na- tions of the globe that suggested arbi- tration as an acceptable substitute for war in the settlement of disputes between equally intelligent nations. President Grant's first administration left him some enemies in the Republican party, who classed his actions as imperial and his measures as arbitary. This disaffection resulted in the calling of a national con- vention at Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1872, under the name of "Liberal Republicans," and the nomination of Horace Greeley for President. The convention claiming to be regular met at Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania, June 5, 1872, and renominated Grant and approved of his administra- tion. In the election in November, 1872, he was re-elected, receiving of the popu- 57 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY lar vote 3,597,070 to 2,843,079 for Horace Greeley, and in the electoral college of 1873 he received 286 votes to 42 for Thomas A. Hendricks, 18 for B. Gratz Brown, 2 for Charles J. Jenkins, and one for David Davis, the 14 votes of Arkan- sas and Louisiana not being counted by reason of charges of fraud and illegality. In making up his cabinet he continued the portfolio of state in the hands of Ham- ilton Fish ; gave the treasurership to Wil- liam A. Richardson, of Massachusetts, who had been assistant secretary under Secretary Boutwell through his first ad- ministration, and on his resignation in 1874 to accept a seat on the bench of the L'nited States Court of Claims, to Ben- jamin H. Bristow, of Kentucky, and on his resignation in June, 1876, to Lot M. Morrill, of Maine ; the portfolio of war was left with William W. Belknap, of Iowa, and on his resignation, March 7, 1876, was transferred to Alphonso Taft, of Ohio, and on his transfer to the attor- ney-generalship, to James D. Cameron, of Pennsylvania; the portfolio of the in- terior was continued in the hands of Co- lumbus Delano, of Ohio, until 1875, when he resigned, and it went to Zachariah Chandler, of Michigan ; the naval port- folio was continued with George M. Robe- son, of New Jersey ; the postmaster-gen- eralship with John A. J. Creswell, and on his resignation, July 3, 1874, it was tem- porarily filled by Assistant Postmaster- General James W. Marshall, of Virginia, and permanently later in the same year by Marshall Jewell, of Connecticut, and on his resignation in 1876 by James N. Tyner, of Indianapolis, former assistant postmaster-general ; and the attorney- generalship was continued by George H. Williams, of Oregon, until May 15, 1875, when he resigned to practice law, and was succeeded by Edward Pierrepont, of New York. The second administration of Presi- dent Grant was marked by the passage of the resumption act and the detection and punishment of the prominent United States officials conspicuous in the forma- tion of a ring designed to enrich the mem- bers under cloak of their official positions and by wrongfully using the name of the President. His words, "let no guilty man escape," rang the death-knell of the ring. He attended the inauguration of Presi- dent Hayes, March 4, 1877, and at once withdrew to private life. On May 17, 1877, he set sail with his wife, his son, Frederick Dent Grant, and a private sec- retary, for his memorable tour of the world, and was received with distin- guished honors by the chief ruler of every country visited. The record of his tour was preserved by John Russell Young, who accompanied him through most of his tour and published "Around the World with General Grant, 1877-79" (two volumes, 1880). In 1880 he visited Cuba and Mexico, and returning to the United States, went with his family to his old home at Galena, Illinois. The Repub- lican National Convention of June, 1880, assembled at Chicago, Illinois, presented his name as a candidate for the Presi- dency, and for thirty-six consecutive bal- lots his name was recorded as having re- ceived from 302 to 313 votes, standing in almost every vote 306, and the num- ber was attached to his loyal friends, who after the convention caused an iron medal to be cast with the legend, "Loyal 306," as a souvenir of the event. It is not known that General Grant was in any way a party to this struggle, and the only suggestion came from his lips after he returned from his tour, when he spoke of the superior insight that the intercourse with the chief rulers of the world gave to a man entrusted with the administra- tion of governmental affairs. He sup- ported the candidacy of James A. Gar- field. On December 25. 1883, he received ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY such injuries to his hip from a fall on the ice as made him permanently lame. He became a silent partner in the banking firm of Grant & Ward in New York, his son, Frederick Dent Grant, and Ferdi- nand Ward being the active partners. In this business he not only invested all his savings and those of other members of his family, but when he was appealed to for further funds he borrowed $100,000 from William H. Yanderbilt on his per- sonal credit. The entire sum was lost through the dishonesty of Ward, whose will dominated the concern, and who was found to have absorbed most of the capi- tal and to have traded in imaginary gov- ernment contracts which he represented as obtained through the influence of Gen- eral Grant. When the end came, the Grant family were all bankrupt, and the greatest general of his age and the twice chosen President of the United States was obliged to depend on money thrust upon him by his friends, and to give up his swords, medals and other evidences of the esteem of the peoples of the globe, a sacrifice voluntarily made by him to secure a debt of honor. Mr. Vanderbilt subsequently returned these priceless souvenirs to Mrs. Grant, who made them the property of the nation by depositing them in the National Museum at Wash- ington, D. C. In 1884 he was attacked by a disease which proved to be cancer at the root of the tongue, and. knowing that his days were numbered, the heroic in- valid accepted the suggestion of an enter- prising publisher, and set out to write his "Personal Memoirs," in which he told the story of his life down to the close of the war. This work was done between February 27, 1885, when he signed the contract with the publishers, and July 21, 1885, two days before his death. His widow received as a copyright from the sale of this remarkable book over $500,- 000, and before the general died he knew that the proceeds from his work had already put his family beyond the dan- ger that threatened the closing years of his life. The government also tardily came to his aid, and on March 4, 1885, Congress created him a general on the retired list, thus restoring him to his for- mer rank, with full pay. His last days, spent at Mt. McGregor, near Saratoga, New York, were anxious ones for the family gathered in the Drexel cottage, and for the nation watching with the fam- ily the news of his death, which came Thursday morning, July 23, 1885. His funeral was most imposing and was at- tended by 12,000 United States soldiers in uniform ; representatives from every State, and, in fact, from every nation ; the chiefs of the departments of the Federal government ; the ranking officers of the army and navy; 18,000 veterans of the Civil War, north and south, mingled ; and representatives from both houses of Con- gress. The two ex-Presidents, Hayes and Arthur, were present. His remains were committed to a tomb in Riverside Park, on the banks of the Hudson river, in New York City, and a grateful public through a popular subscription erected on the spot an appropriate monument, the corner-stone of which was laid by President Harrison, April 25, 1892, and the casket containing the dust of the great commander was deposited in its final resting place April 29, 1897, when the completed monument was dedicated. He received the honorary degree of Doc- tor of Laws from Bowdoin and Union col- leges in 1865, and from Harvard in 1872. See "Military History of Ulysses S. Grant from April, 1861, to April, 1865," by Adam Badeau (three volumes, 1867-68) ; "Life of Gen. U. S. Grant," by Gen. James H. Wilson and Charles A. Dana (1868) ; "Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, writ- ten by himself" (two volumes, 1885-86) ; General Grant in "Great Commanders" 59 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY series, by James Grant Wilson (1897) ; and "General Grant's Letters to a Friend" (1897). He married, August 22, 1848, Julia, daughter of Frederick T. Dent, and a sister of Captain Frederick T. Dent, a classmate at West Point. He died at Mt. McGregor, near Saratoga, New York, July 23, 1885. FRANCIS, John Morgan, Journalist, Diplomat. John Morgan Francis was born in Prattsburg, New York, March 6, 1823; son of Richard and Alary (Stewart) Francis. His father was a midshipman in the British navy, whose admiration for America was so great that he re- signed his commission, emigrated from Wales to the United States about 1795, and first settled near Utica, New York, and became an American citizen, mov- ing later to Steuben county, and locating at Prattsburg. Joseph Stewart, his grandfather on the maternal side, served in the American army from the begin- ning to the end of the Revolution, and was present at the execution of Major Andre, the spy, near West Point, in 1780. John Morgan Francis was the twelfth of thirteen children, and in 1838, when in his fifteenth year, he entered the office of the "Ontario Messenger" at Canan- daigua, New York, where he served until 1843. Later he became assistant editor of the "Wayne County Sentinel" of Pal- myra ; of the "Rochester Daily Adver- tiser," and in 1846 of the "Troy North- ern Budget," a Democratic paper of which he became joint proprietor and sole edi- tor. He supported the candidacy of Tay- lor and Fillmore in 1848, and in 1849 joined Henry O'Reilly, proprietor of "The Advertiser," Rochester, New York, in his telegraph enterprise. He was next em- ployed as editorial writer on the "Troy Post" and on the "Daily Whig." He founded the "Troy Daily Times," June 25, 1851, and for forty-six years continued as its editor-in-chief and senior proprietor, making it one of the leading Republican journals of the State, with a circulation as large as that of any newspaper in the State, outside of New York City. In 1S67-68 he was a member of the State Constitutional Convention. In 1871 Pres- ident Grant appointed him United States Minister Resident to Greece, and he re- mained at Athens for three years, when he resigned, November 17, 1873, and made a tour of the world with his wife. In 1881 he was selected by President Garfield for United States Minister Resi- dent to Belgium, but before the name was presented to Congress the President was killed. In 1882 he was appointed by President Arthur, United States Minis- ter Resident to Portugal, and in 1884 was promoted Envoy Extraordinary and Min- ister Plenipotentiary to Austria-Hungary. He resigned and returned to America in 1885, on the accession of President Cleve- land, and resumed his editorial labors on the "Troy Daily Times." In 1893 he was one of fifteen prominent citizens nomi- nated by the Republican State Conven- tion for delegates-at-large to the consti- tutional convention provided by law to be held the following year, all of whom were elected, Mr. Francis receiving the largest vote cast for a delegate-at-large. He took a very active part in the proceedings of the convention, which was in session in the capitol at Albany throughout the en- tire summer of 1894, and he was influ- ential in shaping many of the sections of the revised constitution which was sub- mitted to the people and adopted by a large vote in the November election of that year. He was chairman of the com- mittee on bill of rights, and the second member of the committees on cities and civil service. The arduous labors of Mr. Francis in the constitutional convention 60 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY undoubtedly led to the breaking down of his health and the illness which termi- nated fatally. For many years prior to his death, his son, Charles S. Francis, had been asso- ciated with him in conducting the "Troy Times," holding an equal partnership, the firm name being J. M. Francis & Son. During that period Charles S. Francis had the active management of "The Times." and became sole editor and pro- prietor upon his father's death, which occurred at his residence in Troy, New York, June 18, 1897. GOULD, Jay, Noted Financier. Jay Gould was born at Stratton's Falls, near Roxbury, Delaware county, New York, May 27, 1836, son of John Burr and Mary (More) Gould, and a descend- ant of Abraham Gould, a lieutenant-colo- nel in the Continental army, Fourth Con- necticut Regiment, who was killed when Tryon made his raid on Danbury ; and also a descendant of Major Nathan Gould, who emigrated from England to Connec- ticut in 1646, and was one of the nine- teen signers of the petition for the Con- necticut charter. John Burr Gould was the first white male child born in Dela- ware county, New York. Jason, afterward Jay Gould, was edu- cated at the district school and at Hobart Academy. When fifteen years old, he was a clerk in a tinshop in Roxbury, and when sixteen a partner and manager of the business. Meanwhile he studied sur- veying and civil engineering, deriving his instruction from books without the aid of a master. His father sold his farm and became a clerk for the son, who engaged to survey Ulster county, and who was promised twenty dollars per month for his services, but his employer failed to pay him, and he completed the work and sold it for $500. He then sold his tinshop and removed to Albany, where he can- vassed the legislature for the contract of surveying the State, but was unsuccess- ful. He then undertook the work him- self, employing men to survey the various counties. He wrote histories of Ulster, Sullivan and Greene counties and from the sale of his books and maps accumu- lated $5,000. With this money he joined Zadock Pratt in establishing a tannery in Pennsylvania, the place becoming known as Gouldsboro, where a postoffice was established, and Mr. Gould, then twenty years old, was made postmaster. He also became the largest stockholder and a director in the bank at Strouds- burg. In 1859 ne bought out Pratt's in- terest and sold it to Charles L. Leupp & Company for $80,000. This led to a law- suit and dispossession proceedings ac- complished by force, and Mr. Gould be- came sole owner. He then sold the tan- nery and removed to New York City, where in 1862 he was married to Helen Day, daughter of Daniel G. Miller, of the grocery firm of Philip Dater & Company, and through his father-in-law he engaged in speculation in railroad stock. He bought the entire issue of the first mort- gage bonds of the Rutland & Washing- ton railroad at ten cents on the dollar, and soon afterward, with Russell Sage, of Troy, took up the Rensselaer & Saratoga railroad. Making considerable money, he bought the stock of the Cleveland & Pitts- burgh railroad at sixty-five and sold it at one hundred and twenty. He lost some money in Union Pacific, but made mil- lions in Missouri Pacific, and soon after obtained control of the Erie railway, be- coming its president and a partner in a series of questionable transactions with James Fisk, Jr. This introduced him to the legislature of New York, to Supreme Court judges, and to association with William M. Tweed, the financial and rail- 6i ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ioad magnate of the time, and Mr. Gould retired from the presidency of the road with a colossal fortune. This was largely augmented by the transaction in gold in which President Grant's brother-in-law, Corbin, was a prominent factor, and this incident was the inauguration of private and public dinners given to executive offi- cials by the holders of large interests subject to official action, and resulted in the great panic in Wall street known in the history of finance as "Black Friday," September 24, 1869. He then became in- terested in the American Telegraph Com- pany, with which organization he laid an Atlantic cable, broke down the rates of the monopoly, the Western Union Tele- graph Company, and thus forced an amal- gamation of the two, with Mr. Gould as a chief stockholder. He afterward be- came largely interested in the Wabash, the Kansas Pacific, the Union Pacific, the International & Great Northern, the Man- hattan Elevated, the St. Louis, the Iron Mountain & Southern, the St. Louis & Southwestern, and the Texas Pacific rail- roads, and at the time of his death his railroad holdings were estimated at $75,- 000,000. His wife died January 13, 1889, and left six children, four boys and two girls. George J., Edwin, Howard and Frank be- came the owners of the railroad properties of their father, held positions as directors and officers in many of them, and proved themselves able business managers. Helen Miller retained possession of the city and country homes of her parents, and devoted her life to charity, which she personally dispensed ; she married, Janu- ary 22, 1913, at Tarrytown, New York, Finley J. Shepard. Her sister Anna was married to Count de Castellane of France. The children of Jay Gould gave to the village of Roxbury, New York, as a memorial to their father, a church edi- fice costing about $150,000, and which was dedicated October 13, 1894. Jay Gould died in New York City, December FISH, Hamilton, Legislator, Diplomat, Statesman. Hamilton Fish, one of the important men of the Civil War period, and a man of great intellectual and personal worth, was born in New York City, August 3, 1808; son of Colonel Nicholas and Eliza- beth (Stuyvesant) Fish. He was gradu- ated at Columbia University in 1827, and studied law, and was admitted to the bar. In 1834 he was defeated with the Whig ticket as a candidate for the State As- sembly. In 1842 he was elected a repre- sentative to the Twenty-eighth Congress from the Sixth New York District, de- feating John McKeon, Democrat. He was an unsuccessful candidate for re-election in 18^4. In 1846 he was the unsuccess- ful Whig candidate for Lieutenant-Gov- ernor, but was elected to that office in 1847 to fill trie unexpired term of Lieu- tenant-Governor Addison Gardiner, re- signed. He was elected Governor of New York in 1848, and in 185 1 to the United States Senate as successor to Daniel S. Dickinson, Democrat. In the Senate he strenuously opposed the repeal of the Missouri Compromise and in 1856 aided in the organization of the Repub- lican party. On retiring from the Senate, March 4. 1857, he resumed the practice of law in New York City. He visited Europe with his family, 1859-60. He advocated the nomination of William H. Seward for the Presidency in i860; but cordially sup- ported Abraham Lincoln in the Presi- dential canvass, and from 1861 upheld the Union cause with voice and purse. He was a commissioner with Bishop Ames, appointed by Secretary of War Stanton, in January, 1862, "to relieve the 62 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY necessities and provide for the comfort of Federal soldiers in Confederate pris- ons," and the refusal of the Confederate governors to receive the commissioners except for the purpose of arranging for a general exchange, resulted in the sys- tem of exchange soon after adopted. On March u, 1869, Mr. Fish became Secre- tary of State of the United States in Pres- ident Grant's cabinet, to succeed Elihu B. Washburn, appointed United States Minister to France, and he held the posi- tion up to the close of President Grant's second term, March 3, 1877, and in Presi- dent Hayes's cabinet up to the 12th of March, when William M. Evarts was called to the office. He originally sug- gested the joint high commission to ar- range the differences with Great Britain in 1871, of which he became a member, and plenipotentiary to sign the treaty set- tling the Alabama claims and the north- western boundary question with Great Britain the same year. In November, 1873, he negotiated the settlement of the / 'irginius question with the Spanish min- ister at Washington. Governor Fish was a trustee of Colum- bia College, 1840-93, and chairman of the board, 1859-93 ; president of the general society of the Cincinnati, 1854-93; chair- man of the Union Defence Committee, 1861-65; president of the New York His- torical Society, 1867-69; trustee of the Astor Library, and one of the original trustees of the Peabody Education Fund, appointed by the founder. Mr. Fish be- queathed $50,000 to Columbia College ; $5,000 to St. Luke's Hospital, and $2,000 to the Bellevue Training School for Nurses. He received the honorary de- gree of Doctor of Laws from Columbia in 1850, from Union in 1869, and from Harvard in 1871. He was married, in 1836, to Julia, daughter of the Hon. John Kean, of New Jersey. She died in 1887, leaving three sons — Hamilton, Nicholas and Stuyve- sant ; and four daughters, who married, respectively, William E. Rogers, Colonel Samuel N. Benjamin, the Hon. Hugh Oliver Northcote, of England, and Sid- ney Webster. He died at Glen-Clyffe, near Garrison-on-Hudson, New York, September 7, 1893. BARNARD, Frederick Augustus, Distinguished Educator and Author. Frederick Augustus Porter Barnard, a distinguished educator whose great abil- ities made him a principal factor in the large development of Columbia Univer- sity, was born at Sheffield, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, March 5, 1809, son of Robert Foster and Augusta (Por- ter) Barnard. He was graduated from Yale College in 1828, and at once entered upon edu- cational work. He taught in a grammar school in Hartford ; was tutor in Yale College, and a teacher in the Asylum for Deaf Mutes at Hartford, and in the New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb. From 1837 to 1848 he was Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in the University of Alabama, and afterwards Professor of Chemistry in the same institution. In 1854 he was ordained to the priesthood of the Protestant Episcopal church. He was made Professor of Astronomy and Mathematics in the University of Mis- sissippi, and two years later he was elect- ed president and chancellor. Upon the threatened outbreak of the Civil War he went to Labrador to observe the esclipse of the sun, and in 1862 journeyed to the southern hemisphere to carry out astro- nomical researches. In 1862 he was ap- pointed director of the printing and litho- graphing of the maps and charts of the Coast Survey, which office he held until 1864, when he was chosen president of ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Columbia College, in New York City. In 1867 he was United States Commissioner to the Paris Exposition, and on his return he published a valuable "Report on Ma- chinery and the Industrial Arts." He was again commissioned to the Paris Ex- position of 1878. President Barnard transformed Colum- bia College into one of the great univer- sities of the United States. The Law School, the School of Mines, the School of Political Science, and the Barnard Col- lege for Women, were housed and almost founded through his exertions. The wide range of his scholarship admirably fitted him to sympathize with the many depart- ments of a great university, and, in addi- tion to the schools already established by his influence, at the time of his death he was planning for a School of Letters and Philosophy. He also originated a sys- tem of the teaching of the deaf and dumb. He was editor-in-chief of "Johnson's Cy- clopaedia," many articles on the exact sciences and mathematics being from his pen. President Barnard won many scien- tific honors. He was one of the original incorporators of and foreign secretary to the National Academy of Sciences from 1874 to 1880; president of the American Meteorological Society, also of the Amer- ican Association for the Advancement of Science, of the board of experts of the American Bureau of Mines, of the Amer- ican Institute, and also an honorary cor- respondent to many foreign scientific associations. In 1855 Jefferson College, Mississippi, conferred upon him the de- gree of Doctor of Laws ; Yale College conferred the same degree in 1859; the University of Mississippi gave him the degree of S. T. D. in 1861, and in 1872 the University of the State of New York that of L. H. D. He published a "Treatise on Arithmetic" (1830) ; one on "Ana- lytical Grammar" (1836) ; "Letters on Collegiate Government" (1855) ; "A His- tory of the United States Coast Survey" (1857) ; "Recent Progress of Science" (1859); "The Metric System" (1871) ; "Mono-Metallism, Bi-Metallism, and In- ternational Coinage" (1879) ; "Two Papers on Academic Degrees" (1880) ; "Imaginary Metrological System of the Great Pyramid" (1884), and "Theory of Magic Squares and of Magic Cubes" in National Academy of Science (1888). Professor Barnard died in New York City, April 27, 1889, and is buried in the old cemetery at Sheffield, Massachusetts. BADEAU, Adam, Soldier, Author. General Adam Badeau's fame princi- pally rests upon his three volume "Mili- tary History of Ulysses S. Grant," which, from its first publication, has been recog- nized as not only a very complete narra- tive of the military career of the great commander, but also as the fullest and most complete history of the Civil War. The entire work was written, so said a capable critic, "with that soldierly re- spect for high qualities which is the first characteristic of a good military history." It is painful to record that in the produc- tion of this admirable work, were in- volved financial difficulties which seri- ously clouded the friendly relations of author and subject. Adam Badeau was born in New York City, December 29, 1831. He was edu- cated by private tutors and at a boarding school in Tarrytown, New York. As a young man he served as a clerk in the New York Street Department, and dur- ing the same period wrote essays and dramatic criticisms for "Noah's Sunday Times," which were afterwards put into book form under the title of "Vaga- bondia." In 1862 he entered the military service as aide-de-camp on the staff of General Thomas W. Sherman, serving at 64 iS*/cyns. Cocwdo ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY New Orleans, and in the investment and siege of Port Hudson, on the Mississippi river, where he led an assault upon the Confederate works and was severely- wounded. In March, 1864, Badeau be- came military secretary to General Ulysses S. Grant, on the personal recom- mendation of that officer's adjutant-gen- eral, General John A. Rawlins. Badeau served in that capacity, in closest rela- tionship with General Grant, from the beginning of the Wilderness campaign until March, 1869, nearly four years after the close of the war, at first with the rank of lieutenant-colonel and afterward of colonel of volunteers, and being retired as captain in the regular army and brevet brigadier-general. Soon after General Grant entered upon the Presidency, General Badeau was sent to London as secretary of legation, serv- ing as such from May to December, 1869. Early in the following year he was made bearer of government dispatches to Madrid, and in May was returned to Lon- don as Consul-General, and served in that capacity until September, 1881, except- ing the years 1877-78, when, under leave of absence he accompanied General Grant on his journey around the world. Mean- time he had declined proffered ministerial appointments to Brussels and Copen- hagen. For two years beginning in May, 1882, he was Consul-General at Havana, resigning that post because of differences with the Department of State. Soon after retiring from the diplomatic service, General Badeau entered upon an engagement to assist General Grant in the preparation of his personal memoirs, his duties being mainly those of an aman- uensis. When General Grant's health be- gan to fail, Badeau demanded a certain monthly stipend, also a share of the profits arising from publications. Gen- eral Grant, regarding this as practically a demand that Badeau should perform N Y-Vol 11 — 5 all the literary work and that he himself (Grant) should appear as the author, pro- tested in a severe letter, and dismissed Badeau from his service. After the death of General Grant, Badeau made certain demands upon the estate, based upon the prior arrangement with General Grant, and the disputed claim was settled by General Frederick D. Grant at the sum of $10,000. General Badeau now devoted himself to writing for magazines and newspapers, principally upon his personal experiences and observations at home and abroad. Continuous application impaired his eye- sight seriously, and successive operations for cataract undermined his physical strength. He finally succumbed to apo- plexy, dying March 19, 1895, at Ridge- wood, New Jersey. Besides the works previously mentioned, he published "Con- spiracy : a Cuban Romance" (1885); "Aristocracy in England" (1886); and "Grant in Peace, from Appomattox to Mt. McGregor" (1887). HALLECK, Henry Wager, Civil War General-in-Chief. Major-General Henry Wager Halleck was born in Westernville, New York, January 16, 1815. He was a descendant of Peter Halleck (or Hallock), of Long Island, 1640, and of Henry Wager, an early settler of central New York. He was a student at Union College, Schenectady, New York, and was gradu- ated from the United States Military Academy in 1839, third in a class of thirty-one. He was commissioned sec- ond lieutenant in the Engineer Corps, and was retained at the academy as As- sistant Professor of Engineering. On July 28, 1840, he was transferred to the Board of Engineers, Washington, D. C, as assistant; was engaged on the forti- fications in New York harbor, 1840-47, 65 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY and during that period visited Europe on a tour of inspection of public works. He was promoted to first lieutenant in 1845, and in 1847 was ordered to California as engineer for the western coast. He sailed on the transport "Lexington," and land- ed at Monterey, California, which he made a military base by fortifying the port, and which also became the rendez- vous of the Pacific squadron. He ac- companied several expeditions ; was chief of staff to Colonel Burton, and took part in various skirmishes in Lower California in November, 1847; commanded the vol- unteers who marched to San Antonio, and on March 16, 1848, surprised the Mexi- can garrison ; engaged in a skirmish at Todos Santos, March 30 ; and aided Com- modore Shubrick, U. S. N., in the capture of Mazatlan, of which place he was for a time lieutenant-governor. He was brev- etted captain to date from May 1, 1847, for "gallant and meritorious services" in these engagements. He was military secretary to the military governors, Ma- son and Riley, and was commended for "great energy, high administrative qual- ities, excellent judgment and admirable adaptability to his varied and onerous duties." He was a member of the con- vention that met at Monterey, Septem- ber 1, 1849, t0 Ir ame a constitution for California, wrote the instrument, and re- fused to represent the State in the United States Senate, preferring to continue his service in the army as aide-de-camp on the staff of General Riley. He was in- spector and engineer of lighthouses, 1852- 53; a member of the board of engineers for fortifications on the Pacific coast, 1853-54; was promoted captain of engi- neers, July 1, 1853, and resigned from the army, August, 1854, to become head of a law firm in San Francisco, with large landed interests in the State. He was director-general of the New Almaden quicksilver mines, 1850-61 ; president of the Pacific & Atlantic railroad from San Jose to San Francisco, 1855-61 ; and major-general of the State militia, 1860- 61. The Civil War having broken out, at the urgent recommendation of General Scott, he was commissioned major-gen- eral in the United States army, to date from August 19, 1861. He was made commander of the Department of Mis- souri, which embraced western Kentucky, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri and Arkansas, with headquar- ters at St. Louis. He brought to this position a military training and experi- ence that in three months placed the Fed- eral army in possession of all the terri- tory under his control, save southern Missouri and western Kentucky, and then, with the aid of the gunboat flotilla of Admiral Foote and the army of Gen- eral Grant, he directed the military oper- ations that resulted in the capture of Forts Henry and Donelson ; the posses- sion of Bowling Green, Columbus, and Nashville ; of New Madrid, Columbus and Island No. 10 on the Mississippi, and of the whole of Missouri and northern Ar- kansas, establishing the Federal army on a line extending from Chattanooga to Memphis. The departments of Kansas and Ohio were placed in his department March 11, 1862, and the whole became known as the Department of the Missis- sippi, which included the territory be- tween the Alleghany and Rocky moun- tains. After the battle of Shiloh, Gen- eral Halleck personally took the field and moved against Corinth, which had been fortified by the Confederate army, and on reaching the place, May 30, it fell into his hands without an assault, the enemy having evacuated the place. He directed the pursuit of the fleeing Confederates, General Pope following up the direct re- treat, while General William T. Sherman marched to Memphis, already captured by the gunboats before his arrival, and 66 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY General Buell marched against Chatta- nooga. General Halleck held the forti- fications at Corinth, repaired railroad communications, and prepared to operate against Vicksburg, when on July 23 he accepted the appointment, made by Presi- dent Lincoln, as general-in-chief of the armies of the United States, with head- quarters at Washington, D. C. General Halleck at once ordered the withdrawal of General McClellan's army from the Peninsula, and his letter to that commander under date of October 28, 1863, was the only official explanation of the removal of McClellan from the com- mand of the Army of the Potomac, No- vember 7, 1863. When General Grant was made lieutenant-general, March 12, 1864, under a special act of Congress cre- ating the rank for him, General Halleck was made chief-of-staff, and continued in Washington until April 19, 1865, when he was transferred to Richmond, Virginia, as commander of the Military Division of the James. His orders to the officers in command of the forces operating in North Carolina against the army of Gen- eral Joseph E. Johnston, "to pay no re- gard to any truce or orders of General Sherman respecting hostilities," and "to push onward regardless of orders from any one except General Grant and cut off Johnston's retreat," caused a breach in the long existing friendship between the two commanders. On August 30, 1865, he was transferred to the command of the Military Division of the Pacific and on being relieved by General George H. Thomas was transferred to the Military Division of the South, with headquarters at Louisville, Kentucky, March 16. 1869. He was elected Professor of Engineer- ing in the Lawrence Scientific School of Harvard University, in 1848, but declined the appointment. Union College con- ferred upon him the honorary degree of Master of Arts in 1843, an d that of Doc- tor of Laws in 1862. He delivered before the Lowell Institute, Boston, Massachu- setts, in the winter of 1845-46, twelve lec- tures on the science of war, which were published as "Elements of Military Art and Science" (1846, 2d ed. 1861), and this work became the manual for volunteer officers of the Civil War. During his seven months' voyage to California around "The Horn," he translated Baron Jomini's "Vie Politique et Militaire de Napoleon," which he published in 1864. He also published: "A Collection of Min- ing Laws of Spain and Mexico" (1859); a translation of DeFooz on "The Law of Mines, with Introductory Remarks" (i860) ; and "International Law on Rules regulating the Intercourse of States in Peace and War" (1861), condensed and adapted to use in schools and colleges (1866). He died at Louisville, Kentucky. January 9, 1872. COX, Samuel Sullivan, Distinguished Statesman and Orator. Samuel Sullivan Cox was born at Zanesville, Ohio. September 30, 1824 His grandfather was General James Cox. of Monmouth, New Jersey, a soldier in the Revolution, who fought in the battles of the Brandywine, Germantown and Monmouth. Mr. Cox's father was Eze- kiel Taylor Cox, a prominent Democrat, and in 1832-33 a member of the Ohio Senate, who in 1818 married the daugh- ter of Samuel Sullivan, State Treasurer of Ohio, after whom he named his son. Samuel S. Cox, after studying in the public schools of Zanesville, Ohio, en- tered the Ohio University, at Athens, and afterwards Brown University, Providence Rhode Island, where he was graduated in 1846. Having determined to adopt the law as his profession, Mr. Cox went to Cincinnati, and entered the office of a Mr. Worthington, and from that time until 67 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY 1851 devoted himself to his legal studies. In the latter year he crossed the ocean and traveled in Europe, and on his return published a description of his tour under the title of "The Buckeye Abroad." Mr. Cox had natural gifts in the direction of literature, and even while in college he was able to assist in maintaining himself by his literary work, besides obtaining prizes in classics, history, literature, and political economy. In 1853 he went to Columbus, Ohio, where he assumed the position of editor of the "Ohio States- man," and from this time forward inter- ested himself in political affairs. It was shortly after this period that the sobriquet of "Sunset" Cox began to be applied to him. The occasion for this was an article he wrote entitled "The Great Sunset," and in which occurred the following pass- age : What a stormful sunset was that of last night! How glorious was the storm and how splendid the setting of the sun! We do not remember ever having seen the like on our round globe. The scene opened in the West with the whole horizon full of golden inter-penetrating lustre, which covered the foliage and brightened every bough in its own rich dyes. The colors grew deeper and richer until the golden lustre was transformed into a storm-cloud full of finest lightnings, which leaped in dazzling zig-zags all over and around the city. The wind arose in fury. The tender shrubs and giant trees made obeisance to its majesty — some even snapped before its force. The strawberry beds and grass plots "turned up their whites" to see Zephyrus march by. Then the rains came, and the pools and gutters filled rapidly and hurried away; the thunders roared grandly, and the fire-bells caught the excitement and rang with hearty chorus. The South and the East received the copious showers, and the West at one time brightened up into a border-line of azure worthy of a Sici- lian sky. This brilliant style of writing was a new feature in Ohio journalism, and, as the title "Sunset" chanced to agree with Mr. Cox's two initials, and as the article in question achieved a wide newspaper popularity, he was ever after alluded to in the press as "Sunset" Cox. From his entrance into journalism and political life, Mr. Cox was a Democrat. In 1855 President Pierce offered him the position of secretary of legation at the American Embassy in London. He de- clined this position, but afterward accept- ed that of secretary of legation at Lima ; Peru ; but on his arrival at the Isthmus of Panama, while en route there, was seized by an attack of the local fever and was obliged to return home ; whereupon he resigned the office. In 1857 Mr. Cox began his long period of legislative serv- ice, having been elected to Congress on December 7th from the old Licking- Franklin district of Ohio. It happened that his speech on the Lecompton (Kan- sas) Constitution was the first delivered in the new hall of representatives in the capitol at ^'ashington, on the day when it was first occupied for legislative busi- ness, December 16, 1857. In the debate on the important questions under consid- eration Mr. Cox soon made an impression upon the house. His active mind and keen foresight anticipated the possible consequences of raising a sectional issue, and from this time forward he used his best efforts to accommodate the ques- tions at issue, and provide, if possible, for a peaceful solution of them. During the administrations of Presidents Bu- chanan and Lincoln, including the stir- ring years of the Civil War, Mr. Cox was three times elected to Congress from Ohio. During the war he sustained the government by voting for money and men to prosecute it, although he not in- frequently differed from the policy of the administration. In 1863 Mr. Cox was the Democratic candidate for speaker of the House of Representatives, in opposition to Schuyler Colfax ; but as the Repub- lican party was in the majority in the 68 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY house, he was defeated. In 1865 ^ r - Cox published a volume entitled "Eight Years in Congress," in which he presented his observations and experience while a member of the House of Representatives up to that time. He was defeated in his district in Ohio for re-election in the same year. He had by this time obtained a national reputation, not only as an able represent- ative in Congress, but as a brilliant, humorous and popular speaker. He fore- saw that Ohio was destined to soon be- come a permanently Republican State, and, wishing to live where his own party held the supremacy, in 1866 he changed his residence from Ohio to New York City. The wisdom of this was made ap- parent by his election in 1868 to the Forty-first Congress as a representative from New York City. In 1869 Mr. Cox paid another visit to Europe, during which excursion he traveled through Italy and northern Africa. He busied himself in writing during his tour, and on his arrival in London on his way home, published an account of his journey en- titled "A Search for Winter Sunbeams," and which was afterward reprinted in the United States. In 1870 he ran against Horace Greeley for Congress, defeating him by about one thousand votes. Two years later he was defeated by Lyman Tremain for Congressman-at-large ; he was, however, elected to the same Con- gress to fill the vacancy caused by the death of James Brooks. From this time forward down to the day of his death, Mr. Cox was re-elected continuously as a member of Congress from the city of New York. At the opening of the Forty- fifth Congress, in 1877, he was once more a candidate for the speakership, and al- though he was never elected to that posi- tion, his knowledge of parliamentary law and his appreciation of the amenities of legislative intercourse, made his services extremely valuable, and he frequently served as speaker pro ton. During the Forty-fifth Congress, Mr. Cox took upon himself by special resolu- tion the work of the new census law, which he successfully advocated, being also the author of the plan of apportion- ment adopted by the house. The ability with which he handled this important matter drew from General Francis A. Walker, the distinguished statistician and economist who superintended the tenth census, a graceful and most flattering public testimonial. In his treatment of legislative questions Mr. Cox was a close student of every subject which would throw any light upon it. He always aimed at obtaining for the people of the United States the widest liberty of indus- try, trade and self-government. He was the introducer and champion for many years of an important bill concerning the Life-saving Service, and finally witnessed its passage, and also introduced and car- ried through a bill for the protection of immigrants, and for the inspection of steamships, which put an end to many scandalous abuses. His work in Con- gress also brought about the raising of the salaries of letter-carriers, and the granting them a vacation without loss of pay — an accomplishment which made the letters-carriers of the country his friends for all time. During all the long period in which Mr. Cox was a metropolitan congressman, he took a prominent part in almost every important debate which occupied the attention of the house, sus- taining the interests of the city of New York by every means in his power. He opposed high tariff and monopolies. He served on important special committees of the house, such as the one appointed to investigate the doings of "Black Fri- day," and the one on the Ku-Klux-Klan troubles. Mr. Cox was for many years a regent 69 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY of the Smithsonian Institution. In the summer of 1881 he made his third trip to Europe, during which he visited Hol- land, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Turkey, Egypt and Greece. One of the first acts of President Cleveland on taking his seat in the Presidential chair in 1885, was to appoint Mr. Cox Minister to Turkey, which resulted in the most happy man- ner. He made a very favorable impres- sion upon the Sultan, and during his stay in Turkey was successful in clearing up several diplomatic complications. He re- signed, however, at the end of one year, and, at the close of his embassy, both Mr. and Mrs. Cox were decorated by the Sul- tan. On his return to the United States he was re-elected to Congress. Besides the works previously mentioned, he pub- lished : "Puritanism in Politics" (1863); "Why We Laugh" (1876) ; "Arctic Sun- beams" (1882); "Orient Sunbeams" and "The Three Decades of Federal Legisla- tion" (1885). His death was felt as a national loss. It occurred just after his return from a visit to the four new States of the Northwest, which, in Congress, he had been largely instrumental in creating The strain of his long journey, with its sightseeing and public speaking, proved to be more than his constitution could bear, and he died at his residence in New York, No. 13 East Twelfth street, Sep- tember 12, 1889. He was married in early life to Julia Buckingham, of Muskingum, county, Ohio. SCHOFIELD, John McAllister. Distinguished Civil War Soldier. General John McAllister Schofield was born in Chautauqua county, New York. September 29, 1831. His father, a clergy- man, removed to Bristol, Illinois, when the son was about twelve years of age, and in 1845 to Freeport, in the same State. In June, 1849, young Schofield entered the United States Military Academy at West Point, from which he was gradu- ated in 1853, seventh in the same class with McPherson, Sheridan, Sill, Terrill, Tyler and Hood, all of whom became general officers in the Union army dur- ing the Civil War, except the last named, who served in the Confederate army. July 1, 1853, he was made brevet second lieutenant of artillery, serving at Fort Moultrie, South Carolina, and August 31, 1853 ; promoted to second lieutenant of the First Artillery, stationed in Florida, 1854-1855. From November 19, 1855, until August 28, i860, he was on duty at the West Point Military Academy as act- ing assistant, and then as assistant Pro- fessor of Natural and Experimental Phil- osophy. While on leave of absence for one year, he held the chair of Professor of Physics at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, but when the Civil War began he waived the remainder of his leave, and was made mustering officer of Missouri troops, April 20, 1861, serving one month. By permission of the War Department he accepted the commission of major of the First Regiment Missouri Volunteers, April 26th, and on May 14th he received the rank of captain in the First Artillery of the regular army, remaining, however, with the Missouri troops. As chief-of-staff to General Nathaniel Lyon he participated in the battle of Wilson's Creek, Missouri, August 10th. In the fall of the same year he was charged with the conversion of the First Missouri Infantry into an artillery regiment, and with Bat- tery A, hastily forwarded from St. Louis, took part in the battle of Fredericktown. Missouri, October 19th. On November 2 1 st he was appointed by the President brigadier-general of volunteers, and on the 26th he received a similar commis- sion from the governor of Missouri in the Missouri State militia, with orders to 70 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY organize and equip a force of ten thou- sand men to be at the service of the Fed- eral government, within the limits of the State, while the war should last, and which should relieve the main armies for service in more important fields. From February 15th till September 26, 1862, he was thus engaged, commanding the Dis- trict of the Missouri. From the last date until April, 1863, he organized and com- manded the Army of the Frontier in the southwest part of the State and in north- west Arkansas, driving the Confederates south of the Arkansas river, having been made major-general of volunteers No- vember 29, 1862. For about one month, April 20th till May 13, 1863, General Schofield commanded the Third Division of the Fourteenth Army Corps (Army of the Cumberland), but was assigned to the command of the Department of the Missouri, May 13, 1863, and retained it until January 31, 1864, sending troops to assist General Grant in the capture of Vicksburg, operating successfully to ob- tain possession of the line of the Arkan- sas river, and clearing the State of guer- rilla and border war. By request of General Grant, January 31, 1864, General Schofield was assigned to command the Department and Army of the Ohio, the last consisting of the Twenty-third Corps, numbering 13,559 men, and twenty-eight guns, with about 4,000 cavalry, forming the left wing of General William T. Sherman's army in Georgia. With this force he took part in all the battles and operations of the en- tire Atlanta campaign, viz. : the demon- stration at Buzzard's Roost Gap, the bat- tles of Resaca and Dallas, the movement against and engagements near Lost Mountain, the action of Kulp's Farm, the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, the passage of the Chattahoochee river, and the bat- tles near and siege of Atlanta, ending in the capture of that city September 2, 1864. In October, 1864, General Scho- field was sent by General Sherman to Tennessee, to the assistance of General George H. Thomas, commanding the troops in the field opposed to General Hood, from November 3d till December 1st. Falling back and skirmishing from Pulaski to Columbia, and from the latter place to Spring Hill, he finally gave bat- tle at Franklin, November 30th, and re- pulsed the enemy's largely superior force with a loss to them of 1,750 killed, 3,800 wounded, and 700 prisoners, while the total loss of the Federal forces was only 2,300. General Schofield also participated in the battle of Nashville, December 15th and 16th, and was engaged in the pur- suit of Hood's army until January 14, 1865, which terminated the campaign. His commission of brigadier-general in the United States army was dated from the battle of Franklin, and March 13, 1865, he also received the rank of brevet major-general in the regular army, for "gallant and meritorious services" in the same battle. To co-operate with General Sherman's army on the Atlantic coast after its famous "March to the Sea," the Twenty-third Army Corps, commanded by General Schofield, was transported in fourteen days, with all its material, from Clifton, Tennessee, to Washington, D. C, and by February 8, 1865. reached North Carolina. Fort Anderson was taken Feb- ruary 19th ; Wilmington, February 22d ; and Kinston, March 8th-ioth, a junction being effected with General Sherman at Goldsboro, North Carolina, March 22d. At the surrender of Johnston's army at Durham Station, April 26th, General Schofield executed the military conven- tion of capitulation, receiving the arms and paroling prisoners. He remained in command of the Department of North Carolina until June 21st. After the war, he visited Europe on a special mission 7i ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY relative to the occupation of Mexico by French troops. From August 16, 1866, till June, 1868, he was in command first of the Department of the Potomac, and then of the First Military District of Vir- ginia, as constituted under the reconstruc- tion laws. On June 2, 1868, he was ap- pointed Secretary of War by President Johnston, retaining the office under Pres- ident Grant until March 14, 1869, and March 4th of the same year he was made major-general. From March 20, 1869, till May 3, 1870, he was in command of the Department of the Missouri, and from the last date to July, 1876, of the Military Division of the Pacific ; the period from December 30, 1872, to April, 1873, being spent on a special mission to the Hawaiian Islands. Until January 21, 1881, he was superintendent of the Mili- tary Academy at West Point. For a few months thereafter he commanded the Division of the Gulf, spending the year subsequent in travel in Europe, October 15, 1882, he again commanded the Mili- tary Division of the Pacific, and Novem- ber 1, 1883, he succeeded General Sheri- dan in command of the Military Division of the Missouri, with headquarters at Chicago. Illinois. From April 2, 1886, he commanded the Military Division of the Atlantic, and August 14, 1888, on the death of General Sheridan, was assigned by President Cleveland to command the United States army, with headquarters at Washington, D. C. In addition to his military services in the field, General Schofield presided over important boards of officers, notably that of 1870, which adopted the "Tactics," soon after adopted for use in the army and the Fitz-John Porter board of 1878. He was later under Act of Congress ex- officio president of the board of ordnance and fortifications. He died in 1906. PAULDING, Hiram, Distinguished Naval Officer. Hiram Paulding, son of the famous John Paulding, one of the captors of Major Andre, was born December 11, 1797, near Peekskill, New York, and died October 20, 1878. He was brought up on his father's farm, and led the usual life of a country boy, laboring on the tarm in the summer and attending school in the winter, until he attained his four- teenth year, when Mr. Pierre Van Cort- landt, then a member of Congress, sent to the father a midshipman's commis- sion for Hiram. Young Paulding, on receiving the ap- pointment, September 1, 1811, was placed in charge of a certain Master Gib- bons, an Irish exile, for the purpose of receiving instruction in mathematics and navigation ; but the next year, as soon as war with Great Britain was declared, his studies were brought to a close, and he was ordered to join Commodore Chaun- cey's squadron on Lake Ontario. His journey northward in the summer of 1812 was an eventful one, he making the trip from New York to Albany in an oyster schooner, and from thence to Utica in a lumbering old stage. He had at the latter place met a good natured drum major bound to Sackett's Harbor, and the two joined the regiment of Colo- nel Tuttle, which was making a forced march to the frontier. The regiment reached Sackett's Harbor just in time to repulse a raid of the Canadian forces, which had landed in that vicinity, and voung Paulding's endurance and pluck made a favorable impression upon Colo- nel Tuttle and his officers. Reporting to Commodore Chauncey, he soon saw some stirring service. He was soon transferred to the "President." on Lake Champlain, the flagship of the squadron of Master 72 vbjtto^-S4c&r^i>ox*£- jN-istOs***' acot^uoC^va^ ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Commandant Macdonough, an officer of great spirit and experience, who had fought side by side with Decatur at Tripoli. But the years 1812-13 were not fortunate ones for the American flotilla. Two of the latter were captured after a sanguinary contest, and the third was soon blockaded in Burlington Bay by the British squadron, Macdonough having but one vessel, originally a transport, to oppose to the enemy's power on the lake. Being a man of indomitable energy, he set to work and during the winter of 1813-14 succeeded in building another fleet. Two new. vessels were built, other lake craft purchased and adapted to the service, and by September 3, Macdon- ough found himself with his improvised squadron anchored in Plattsburg Bay, where he was joined by the bark "Eagle," which had been built with unexampled rapidity. Paulding participated in the numerous skirmishes which our seamen had with the enemy, both on land and on water, before the completion of the new flotilla, and thus became inured to tne vicissitudes and dangers of war. About the same time the British army, admir- ably equipped, and nearly 12,000 strong, appeared before Plattsburg, held by General Macomb with less than 1,500 men. Their object was to penetrate if possible as far as Albany, and the control of Lake Champlain thus became a mat- ter of vital importance. One of the American gunboats, in opposing the march of the British troops, became dis- abled, and, with some of the cutters of the squadron. Midshipman Paulding, now attached to the "Ticonderoga," was sent to tow her to a position of safety. This, his first responsible service, he ac- complished in the midst of a gale and under a heavy fire, with great difficulty and some loss of life, the results, how- ever, being satisfactory to his superiors. Sir George Prevost, the commander of the British forces, now merely awaited the arrival of Commodore Downie's squadron to make a combined land and water attack on the Americans. Finally it arrived, September nth, Sunday morn- ing, and shortly after the fleet rounded Cumberland Head, with true British pluck, it steered boldly for the Amer- ican anchorage. A light breeze set in, and soon the hostile squadron was with- in range of Macdonough's broadsides. Though greatly superior in force, the enemy was completely routed, and, at the close of the engagement, of the sev- enteen British flags which had previously been displayed, not one was to be seen. The British flagship "Confiance" lost in killed and wounded, out of a crew of 300, no less than 124 men, including the Commodore. The flagship of the Amer- ican squadron, the "Saratoga." lost fifty- seven in killed and wounded out of a crew of 212. All the enemy's large ves- sels were captured, some row-galleys, which had previously struck their colors, only escaping because there was not a mast in the American flotilla which would bear the pressure of canvas, so riddled were they by shot. On this memorable occasion young Paulding, though only seventeen years of age, was entrusted with the duties of a lieutenant, on board the "Ticonderoga." This ves- sel bore the whole brunt of the attack of the British row-galleys, and its crew fought nobly. Paulding, who had charge of the second division of great guns, was not conscious at the close of the long and bloody contest that he had performed anv very special service, and his gratifi- cation may be imagined when in the evening he overheard his commander say to one of his officers, "that youngster Paulding is a brave little fellow." The consequences of the battle were immedi- ate and important. Sir George Prevost beat a hasty retreat, abandoning much 73 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY of his heavy artillery and stores, and from that moment until the close of the war the frontier was clear of the enemy. Upon the declaration of peace, Pauld- ing joined the squadron of Commodore Decatur, fitted out to demand redress of the Barbary powers for their insults to the American flag, and June 17-19, 1815. he participated in the capture of the Al- gerine vessels "Masora" and "Estedio." The "Masora" was fought singlehanded by the "Guerriere" of forty-four guns, under the immediate command of Com- modore Decatur, she being the flagship of the squadron. The action took place off the Cape de Gait, in Spain, and resulted in the capture of the two vessels, the "Masora" being a line-of-battle ship of sixty-four guns, under command of the Algerine High Admiral Hamida. The squadron soon appeared before Algiers, and forced the Bey to terms. Thence it proceeded to Tunis on a similar mission, and the result was a complete subjuga- tion of the Bey, who became a firm friend of the United States. The success of this expedition was doubtless due in large measure to the prestige won by our navy in the war with Great Britain in 1812, a prestige towards the winning of which Paulding's gallant conduct in the battle of Lake Champlain had in no mean degree contributed. From 1816, when he became a lieutenant by promotion, until 1818, when he joined the "Mace- donian," he was not particularly active. During the following three years he made a cruise in the Pacific, and had the good fortune to witness one of the most daring exploits in naval warfare — the cutting out of the Spanish frigate "Es- merelda" by Lord Cochrane, from under the batteries of Callao Castle, Peru. On his return to the United States in 1821, Paulding procured a leave of absence for eighteen months, which he employed in study at the Military Academy of Cap- tain Partridge, in Norwich, Vermont. His forethought enabled him to take tank with the best informed men in the navy. In the autumn of 1822, Paulding joined Commodore Porter's squadron for the suppression of piracy in the West Indies, serving as first lieutenant of the "Sea Gull," the first steamer ever used for war purposes, which had originally been a Jersey ferry-boat, and was the cause of a good deal of merriment ; but Porter rigged her as a galliot, and with her battery of three guns she rendered good services in Cuban waters, though it was predicted by many that she would founder in the first gale she encountered. In 1824 Paulding was ordered to the frig- ate "United States," and made a cruise of nearly four years in the Pacific, perform- ing while there the important service of conveying dispatches from Commodore Hull to the camp of Simon Bolivar, the "Liberator." In the performance of this duty he traversed a belt of wild arid and mountainous country, making a journey of nearly fifteen hundred miles on horse- back. An account of his adventures, under the title of "Six Weeks in the Camp of Bolivar," was published on his return to this country. While on duty on the "United States," in 1826, Pauld- ing volunteered to go on the schooner "Dolphin" to the savage Mulgrave Islands, in search of the American muti- neers of the whaler "Globe." The "Dolphin" was commanded by Lieuten- ant John Percival, better known in the navv as "Mad Jack." Among the mid- shipmen was the late Rear-Admiral Charles H. Davis, who related an act performed on this expedition by Lieu- tenant Paulding, which he said was the boldest he had ever witnessed. With only a cutter's crew, he landed in face of a mob of infuriated savages, several hun- 74 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY dred in number, armed with clubs and spears, and, while holding a parley, sud- denly seized his man and rapidly march- ed him to the boat, a cocked pistol at his ear. So taken aback were the natives by his audacious conduct that, although friendly to the mutineer, they made no attempt at recapture until it was too late. A very interesting account of this cruise was published by Paulding in New York, in 1831. The preface is so quaint and humorous as to show that he possessed much of the wit that distinguished the author of "The Dutchman's Fireside" — James K. Paulding, afterward Secretary of the Navy. When the "Dolphin" re- turned to the coast of South America, Paulding rejoined the frigate "United States" and in 1828 found himself again in New York. From 1830 to 1844, though constantly employed at sea, his life was comparatively uneventful. For two years he served in the Mediterranean, on the frigate "Constellation," and in the same waters commanded the schooner "Shark," from 1834 to 1837. In February of the latter year he reached the rank of commander, and for three years served in that capacity on the "Levant," in the West Indies. In 1841, for the first time in thirty years, he was assigned to shore duty as executive officer of the New York Navy Yard, under Commodore James Renshaw. Promoted to a captain- cy in 1844, he was ordered to the East Indies in command of the "Vincennes," of twenty guns. This cruise lasted three years, and proved the most dismal of his life, for, while in China, dysentery broke out among the crew and a large number of them succumbed to its fatal effects. The return of Commodore Biddle to the United States left Captain Paulding in command of the Asiatic squadron, a position wherein he displayed zeal, dis- cretion and entire devotion to his coun- try's interests. Returning home, after a brief respite he was given the command of the "crack" frigate "St. Lawrence" of forty-four guns, and entrusted with a diplomatic mission to the north of Eu- rope. The French revolution was at its height at this period, and its influence penetrated the remotest corners of Eu- rope. This, probably, made the cruise the most interesting that Paulding ever took in his life. Our government was desirous of aiding the German Confeder- ation to establish a navy, and, while at Rremerhaven, several young Prussians were received on board the "St. Law- rence" to be instructed in nautical science. Captain Paulding was treated with the utmost courtesy by the King of Prussia and Prince Adelbert, the German admiral, being invited to visit Berlin, where he was handsomely entertained at the royal palace, and presented to the members of the German Parliament at Frankfort-on-the-Main. He returned home in 1851, and assumed command of the Washington Navy Yard, where he remained three years. At the expiration of this period, he was appointed to the highest position in the gift of the govern- ment, the command of the West India squadron. On December 8, 1857, he ar- rested Walker, the fillibuster, with all his men, at Greytown, Nicaragua, and sent him to the United States for trial. The republic of Nicaragua, whose soil Walker was alleged to have violated, hastened to tender Paulding its thanks, and presented him with a large tract of land and a magnificent jeweled sword, which present Congress by special act allowed him to accept in 1861. Presi- dent Buchanan did not, however, approve of Paulding's course, and he was accord- ingly relieved from his command, having been at the head of the squadron nearly three years. 75 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY The three years from 1858 to 1861 Paulding spent in comparative inactivity, but on the breaking out of the Civil War he was detailed by President Lincoln to assist Secretary Welles in the Navy De- partment, with the rank of commodore. Among the many onerous duties devolv- ing upon him was the destruction of the Norfolk Navy Yard. His conduct in this matter was much criticized, but received the entire approval of the President and Secretary of the Navy. In September, 1861, he served as a member of the board to examine the plans of iron-cased ves- sels, and upon its recommendation that wonderful invention of Ericsson, the "Monitor," was constructed. Shortly after this he was ordered to the command of the New York Navy Yard, the most important station the government pos- sessed. His duties here were extremely arduous, but, although in his sixty-fifth year and technically on the retired list, he displayed an energy and foresight that aided materially in the final success of the Union. It was entirely due to his foresight that the "Monitor" was so speedily equipped for service and enabled to confront and disable the Confederate ram "Merrimac," in March, 1862, and thus arrest her destructive career. In July, 1862, the grade of rear-admiral was created, and President Lincoln directed the appointment of ten of the most dis- tinguished retired officers of the navy to that grade. Hiram Paulding was one of the ten upon whom the honor was con- ferred, and, having survived all his com- rades, was at the time of his death the senior rear-admiral in the navy. During the draft riots in New York City in 1863, Admiral Paulding was largely instru- mental in preventing the destruction of public and private property From 1866 to 1869 he was governor of the Naval Asylum in Philadelphia, and in 1870 was assigned to the merely nominal duty of port admiral at Boston. This position he relinquished in 1871, after which he resided quietly on his farm at Lloyd's Harbor, on Long Island Sound, where he led a peaceful, happy life, surrounded by his children and grandchildren. In 1814 Congress voted him a sword for gallantry on Lake Champlain, and King Victor Emanuel, of Italy, conferred upon him the equestrian order of St. Maurice, whose acceptance Congress authorized, but he rarely displayed it, and probably few of his neighbors at Lloyd's Harbor knew that an Italian knight resided among them. During his long and event- ful life, Admiral Paulding always acted with ability and discretion, having ever in view the public good. Many anecdotes are related illustrating his kindness of spirit. His officers and men universally admired and respected him, and, though a man of most positive views and char- acter, he probably never had an enemy in the service during his long connection with it. The Captain-General of Cuba declared him to be the most distinguish- ed naval officer in bearing whom he had ever seen in the port of Havana. Of stalwart frame, he combined with dig- nity of mien the greater dignity of intel- lect, and although a strict disciplinarian, his kind, benevolent manner irresistibly attracted all who came in contact with him. For many weeks previous to his death he had been gradually failing. All his comrades in the exciting events of 1812-15 had preceded him, and he often felt a sense of loneliness of which he wearied and to which death afforded a welcome relief. Brave, honest and pa- triotic, he will always have a foremost place in the hearts of his countrymen, and take rank with the most celebrated naval heroes of the age. 76 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPin PARKER, Willard, Distinguished Medical Scientist. Willard Parker was born at Hillsbor- ough, New Hampshire, September 2, 1800. From an ancestry of English Pur- itan stock he inherited a strong physical constitution, as well as sound mental capacity for the laborious and useful life that lay before him. When he was five years old his family moved to Chelms- ford (now Lowell), Massachusetts, and there the lad worked on his father's farm until he was nineteen. During the latter years of this period he taught a district school, and so earned the money to take him to Harvard College, from which he was graduated A. B. in 1826. It was the wish of his parents and of himself that he should enter the ministry, but fate de- cided otherwise. The story reminds one of Nathan Smith's awakening. While Parker was in his freshman year, his chum was brought low by a strangulated hernia, which the efforts of a neighbor- ing physician failed to reduce. John C. Warren was sent for, and his diagnosis, as well as the facility with which he re- duced the obstruction, so impressed young Parker that he resolved to devote his life to the study and practice of medi- cine. His first advantage was in obtain- ing (1827) the position of house phy- sician at the United States Marine Hos- pital, in Chelsea, Massachusetts, where he served two years under S. D. Town- send. Later he was a pupil of John C. Warren, and upon the creation of the office he was appointed (February 26, 1829) house-pupil at the Massachusetts General Hospital, having secured his medical degree from Harvard College meantime, graduating M. D. in Febru- ary, 1830. Though Parker was not yet thirty years of age, he had already established a reputation as a lecturer. Accordingly, he was invited in the summer of 1829, a year before his graduation, to deliver a course of lectures on anatomy in the Medical School at Woodstock, Vermont. This he did in the winter following, and was appointed Professor of Anatomy in the Vermont Medical College. In 1830 he was also elected to the Professorship of Anatomy at the Berkshire Medical Institution. He lectured twice daily at Berkshire, and in 1833 the chair of sur- gery was added to his previous appoint- ment. In 1836 he was offered the Pro- fessorship in Surgery at the Cincinnati Medical College. There he taught for one term, and then went to Europe for study in London and Paris. Upon returning to America, Parker was given the chair of Clinical Surgery in the College of Physicians and Sur- geons in New York, where he worked for the next thirty years of his life (1839- 1869), and where his work and his ac- complishments were brilliant and un- usual. His rise in his profession seemed instantaneous and complete. He was immediately recognized as a teacher and surgeon of a high order, and his bold operations and distinguished talents soon placed him in the foremost rank. He was a man of high character and broad public spirit. Parker's far-seeing mind appreciated early the deficiencies in the method then employed for teaching sur- gery, and upon his acceptance of the Pro- fessorship of Clinical Surgery he set about making better use of the oppor- tunities offered in a large city. Not hav- ing a hospital service, he visited daily with his students the two city dispen- saries, and gradually succeeded in ob- taining material sufficient for demonstra- tion before the class at the Medical Col- lege, then located in Crosby street, New York City. The anatomical rooms were 77 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY utilized for the teaching of clinical diag- nosis, and later for the performance of operations illustrating the cases from the dispensaries. Thus grew up a method of holding those "clinics" which are now a factor in medical education. Such work stamped Parker as a resourceful teacher. In 184? Parker became asso- ciated with James R. Wood in reorgan- izing the City Alms House and develop- ing it into Bellevue Hospital, under a board of governors. Parker and Wood were made the visiting physicians. He was also one of the founders of the Acad- emy of Medicine, and was its president. The Health Department of the city was notoriously inefficient, and this ineffi- ciency the Academy of Medicine set out to correct. Under Parker's initiative they brought about the formation of a board of health. Long afterwards a trib- ute to its founders was thus expressed: "This board has inspired most of the legislation upon hygiene, reforming our building laws, giving us improved sew- erage, checking the adulteration of food ; demonstrated the necessity of pure water, and proper ventilation in all parts of our dwellings; it has fought manfully for the preservation of our public parks, the lungs of the city; it has stimulated tree planting, and aided in beautifying the city in a variety of ways." In 1856 Parker was appointed surgeon to the New York Hospital. In 1865 he was ap- pointed successor to Valentine Mott as president of the State Inebriate Asylum at Binghamton, the first establishment ever founded for the treatment of drunkenness as a disease. Princeton College conferred upon him the degree of LL. D. in 1870, at a time when he was consulting surgeon to the New York Hospital, Bellevue Hospital, St. Luke's Hospital, Roosevelt Hospital, Mt. Sinai Hospital, and Emeritus Pro- 78 fessor of Surgery at the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons. In addition, he had been Professor of Anatomy at Geneva College, and Professor of An- atomy and Surgery at Colby University. During his active career, Parker con- tributed a great deal to the advancement of surgical science. He was the first to suggest the condition which is known as "concussion of the nerves," as distin- guished from concussion of the nerve centers — a state previously mistaken for an inflammation ; he introduced cystos- tomy for the relief of chronic cystitis; he was one of the first to operate for ap- pendicitis, as we recognize it today ; he introduced the division of the sphincter of the rectum near the coccygeal attach- ments, and the widening of the denuded surface in the operation for repair of lacerated perineum. As a teacher Parker had a high reputation. With a fine per- sonal presence and a rare courtesy, he won the regard of his pupils. By his direct and lucid manner he made each step of an operation plain ; and he con- stantly impressed upon his students, both by his own methods and by his dis- course upon the practice of others, the value of simplicity and common sense in operating and in general treatment. His countenance was characterized by a freshness and vigor which showed in his every action the possession and advan- tages of a sound physique. The Willard Parker Hospital in New York was erected and named in honor of this man who did so much for medical education. He died in New York, April 25, 1884. LESLIE, Frank, Noted Publisher. Frank Leslie was born in Ipswich, England, March 29, 1821. His real name was Henry Carter, and he was the son of ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Joseph Carter, well known throughout England for his extensive glove manu- factory. The latter designed to bring up his son so that he could succeed him in business, and accordingly gave him the benefit of a careful education, and when he was seventeen years of age, placed him in a wholesale drygoods house in London. The boy, however, had from an early age evinced a strong artistic talent, and before he left school had be- come proficient in the use of both the pencil and the graver. On arriving in London, he soon began to make sketches, and some of these he sent to the "Lon- don Illustrated News," which had then recently begun publication. These sketches, he signed "Frank Leslie," adopting the nom dc plume in order that his family and friends should not know what he was doing. His efforts were well received, his sketches being promptly accepted, and he decided to give up the drygoods business, and accordingly made application at the office of the "News" for a position. He was placed in the en- graving department, and before he was of age was superintendent of it. He studied the different branches of the business, besides becoming an expert en- graver on wood. While engaged on the "News," he formed the idea of emigrating to Amer- ica, and starting an illustrated paper. In 1848 he arrived in New York, and thence went to Boston, where he was first em- ployed on "Gleason's Pictorial." Re- turning to New York, he obtained by legislative act the right to use the name of Frank Leslie in business, doubtless with some foreshadowing in his mind of its possible employment in the future at the head of an illustrated paper or maga- zine. He became superintendent of the engraving department of the "Illustrated News," a pictorial paper published by Moses Y. Beach. In 1854 he began the publication of a periodical called "The Gazette of Fashion," on his own account, with the small capital which he had ac- cumulated. This became immediately popular, and was soon followed by the issue of the "New York Journal." On December 14, 1855, appeared the first number of the new illustrated paper bear- ing the title "Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper." Among the first illustra- tions in this paper were those represent- ing the Arctic explorations of Dr. Kane, and the World's Fair in the Crystal Palace. London. From the beginning of the Civil War, Mr. Leslie had a corps of correspondents and artists employed, and kept them scattered all over the country, illustrating the battles, marches, sieges, and other incidents of the great struggle, which were afterward gathered together and published in two large folio volumes, under the title "The Soldier in our Civil War." During this period his paper be- came extraordinarily successful, reaching a very large circulation. Mr. Leslie was the first to introduce into his engraving department a method of speedily execut- ing the work on his illustrations. His process consisted in dividing the block into a great many different parts, each of which was given to a separate work- man to execute, by which means he was enabled to reproduce scenes and occur- rences and publish them in his news- paper in the shortest possible time. One such case occurred in regard to the great prize-fight in England between Tom Sayers and John C. Heenan, the latter being a native of Troy, New York, but known as the "Benicia Boy," from his having first displayed his prowess as a pugilist in Benicia, California. When the fight was about to take place, Mr. Leslie sent over his most expert artists, and sketches were made of the scene. 79 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY taken on the spot, and as quickly as pos- sible after the fight was over, the artists took steamer for America. While on board the ship the drawing was made upon wood, to represent a double-page cartoon of the prize ring and its sur- roundings, while the fight was in prog- ress. The block was made up of thirty- two different sections joined together, and immediately on the arrival of the steamer in New York a different en- graver was put on each section. The re- sult was that the illustration was com- pleted and the paper, with a full account of the occurrence and this startling double-page cartoon, was on the streets long before any advancement in that direction had been made by rival news- papers. Mr. Leslie's establishment grew in im- portance with the growth of his business. For a long time he published ten differ- ent illustrated papers and magazines from his large building in Pearl street, but eventually removed to a fine marble structure in Park place, where all the processes of his vast business were car- ried on, Mr. Leslie employing several hundred persons in the different depart- ments of his establishment. He had gradually added to his first publications, "The Ladies' Journal," "The Boys' and Girls' Weekly," "Chimney Corner," "Boys of America," "Pleasant Hours," "The Budget of Fun," "The Jolly Joker," "Chatterbox," "Illustrated Almanac," "The Sunday Magazine," and the "Pop- ular Monthly." He became very wealthy, and owned a beautiful country-seat call- ed "Interlaken," on Saratoga lake, where he had terraced grounds, fine gardens, kept a steam-yacht, and entertained on a magnificent scale. In New York, he lived in the former residence of William M. Tweed, in Fifth avenue, and on a scale of corresponding affluence and lib- erality. The result of this was that in the time of financial stringency, coming on in 1877, he was unable to meet his engagements, and made an assignment. He continued to direct the work of his establishment, however, for the benefit of his creditors, who were represented by Isaac W. England, the publisher of the New York "Sun." Mr. Leslie was a prominent Free Ma- son, and a member of the Lotos, Manhat- tan and New York Jockey clubs. As early as 1848 he received from the Amer- ican Institute the medal for perfection in wood engraving. In 1867 he was sent as a commissioner to the Paris Expo- sition, in the department of fine arts, and was personally presented by Napoleon III. with a gold medal for his services as a juryman. In 1876 he was president of the New York State Centennial Com- mission. During the same year he enter- tained at his country home the Emperor and Empress of Brazil. Mr. Leslie had remarkably fine artistic taste and appre- ciation, and possessed a thorough knowl- edge of every detail of his business. He was greatly liked and admired by all in his employ, or who had dealings with him. He was personally a most agree- able and courteous gentleman, and was a most pleasant social companion. He died January 10, 1880. Mr. Leslie was twice married. By his first wife he had three sons, all of whom were, previous to his failure, engaged with him in the publishing business. He married, late in life, the former wife of E. G. Squier, at one time United States Minister to Peru. She survived him, and carried on the business of the house, which she reduced materially from time to time by disposing of various of the publications. 80 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY FOSTER, Henry Allen, Lawyer, Jurist, Legislator. Henry Allen Foster was born in Hart- ford, Connecticut, May 7, 1800. In early life he removed with his parents to Caze- novia, New York, and in the common schools of that place obtained a practical education which prepared him for an ac- tive career. Later he became a clerk in the office of David B. Johnson, under whose excellent preceptorship he pursued a course of study in law, and was ad- mitted to the New York bar in 1822. He early evinced a keen interest in poli- tics, advocating the principles as laid down by the Democratic party, and in 183 1 he was elected to serve in the State Senate, his term expiring in 1834; he was again elected in 1841, and served until 1844, and in 1836 was elected to represent New York State in the Twenty-fifth Con- gress (1837-39). On November 30, 1844, he was temporarily appointed to the United States Senate, as successor to Silas Wright, Jr., who had resigned to be- come Governor, and he continued a mem- ber of the upper house until January 18, 1845, when he was succeeded by John A. Dix. He was a delegate to the Na- tional Democratic Convention of 1848 that nominated Lewis Cass for President, and in 1863 he became a Supreme Court Judge for the Fifth District, serving as such until 1869, meriting the approval and approbation of his constituents and the community-at-large. He possessed considerable talent, as evinced in his posi- tions of legislator, judge and lawyer, in all of which he gained an enviable repu- tation, and he continued in the active practice of his profession up to within a few years of his death. Of the combina- tion of Democratic leaders known as the "Albany Regency," he was the last sur- viving member. He was a member of the board of trustees of Hamilton College, N Y— Vol 11—6 1836-89, and the honorary degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by that institution of learning in i860. He served as vice-president of the American Colon- ization Society. Judge Foster made his home at Rome, New York, for many years prior to his death, which occurred there on May 12, 1889. HARRIS, Townsend, Diplomatist. Townsend Harris, the first United States minister to Japan, was born in Sandy Hill, Washington county, New York, October 3, 1804, son of Jonathan Harris, grandson of Gilbert and Thank- ful (Townsend) Harris, of Ticonderoga ; New York, and a descendant of Welsh ancestors, who emigrated to America with Roger Williams. His maternal grand- father, John Watson, served with Gilbert Harris in the Continental army under General Gates. The early ancestors set- tled first in Massachusetts and later gen- erations settled in Ulster county, New York, and thence to Essex and Washing- ton counties. Townsend Harris was educated partly by his mother, a woman of noble char- acter and stately presence, and partly at the district school. In 1817, when only fourteen years of age, he removed to New York City, and there became a clerk in a drygoods store, and a few years later his father and elder brother removed to New York and the three organized the business of importing china and earthen- ware. After the great fire in New York in 1835, when their store was blown up with gunpowder to prevent the spread of the flames, the business was reorganized as John & Townsend Harris, and it so continued until 1847, in which year Town- send Harris disposed of his interest in the same. He then purchased a half in- terest in a vessel bound for California. 81 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY He sailed around Cape Horn to Califor- nia, touching at points in South America, and at San Francisco he purchased the other half of the vessel and projected a trading voyage to China and the Dutch and English Indies. In 1848 he sailed as supercargo on one of his own vessels to the South Pacific ocean, visiting all the Asiatic countries on the Indian ocean. For five years he continued in commercial voyaging, and his journal notes his Christmas as follows: 1849, at sea in the North Pacific ocean ; 1850, at Manila ; 1851, at Pulo-Penang; 1852, at Singa- pore; 1853, at Hong-Kong; 1S54, at Cal- cutta; 1855, at Ceylon; 1S56, in Japan. He was acting vice-consul for the United States at Ningpo, China, in 1854, and on March 24th of that year wrote to Secre- tary Marcy setting forth the capabilities and importance to the United States of the island of Formosa as a coaling station and depot, and proposed that the United States acquire the island by purchase. He was summoned to the United States by the Secretary of State, and on his way visited India, the Red Sea, Egypt, Alex- andria, Gibraltar, London and Liverpool, and arrived in New York on July 27, 1855 On August 4th he was appointed consul- general to Japan, to make a treaty with that government, then first visited by Commodore Perry, and he was also en- trusted by President Pierce to make a commercial treaty with the kingdom of Siam. His appointment as the first com- missioner to Japan was made upon the joint recommendation of William H. Seward and Commodore Perry. He per- sonally purchased the presents sent to the respective rulers. He left New York, October 17, 1855, arrived at Penang, January 19, 1856, where the non-arrival of the "San Jacinto" with his secretary and the rest of his suite kept him waiting seventy-six days, and he reached Siam, April 4th, where he concluded the treaty. He left Bangkok, on May 31, 1856, and on August 25, same year, in company with Commodore Perry, he was received by the governor and vice-governor of Shi- moda. He subsequently visited Yeddo, and after two years' residence and numer- ous interviews, much opposition and many vexatious delays, the written prom- ise of the Yeddo government was gained February 17. 1858, and the treaty signed July 29, 1858, by which Japan was opened to the world. On January 7, 1859, Presi- dent Buchanan nominated and the Senate confirmed his appointment as Minister President of the United States to Japan. On June 30 the consulate was removed from Shimoda to Kanagawa, and the American flag was hoisted July 1, 1859. At Yeddo the American Minister held his position alone amid murders, assassina- tions and incendiarisms, after all his col- leagues had retired to Yokohama, and on January 14, i860, his interpreter and pri- vate secretary, Mr. Heusken, was murder- ed. At his suggestion, a Japanese em- bassy of seventy-one persons headed by Shimmi left for the United States by way of San Francisco to exchange ratifications of the treaty which had been signed by the Mikado in 1868, and to obtain a fresh copy of the Perry treaty. On July 10, 1861, Mr. Harris sent his resignation to President Lincoln, which was reluctant- ly accepted, October 21, 1861. Before leaving Japan he gave $1,000 for the erec- tion of the American Union Church at Yokohama, built in 1875, and standing on the old Perry treaty ground. After wel- coming his successor, Robert H. Pruyn, he spent some time in travel in Asia and Europe, and then settled in New York City. He received from Queen Victoria a gold watch studded with diamonds, in recognition of the assistance he had given to the British minister to Japan. Mr. Harris was a member of the Board of Education of New York City for 82 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY several years, and president of the board, 1846-47. He was one of the prime movers in founding the Free Academy, afterward the College of the City of New York, and he was also one of the founders of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. He was a member of the Volun- teer Fire Department and of the State militia. He was brought up in the Pres- byterian faith, and later joined the communion of the Protestant Episcopal church. He was a member of the Union and other clubs, and learned societies of Europe and America. He was a man of wide culture, of sterling integrity, of great moral strength, and of singularly pure character. He never married. He died in New York City, February 25, 1878. LEFFERTS, Marshall, Inventor, Soldier. Marshall Lefferts was born in Bedford District, Brooklyn, New York. January 15, 1821, son of Leffert and Amelia Ann (Cozine) Lefferts, grandson of John L. and Sarah (Cowenhoven) Lefferts, great- grandson of Rem and Ida Cowenhoven, and a descendant of Leffert Pieterson van Haughwout, of Holland, who settled in Flatbush, Long Island, New York, before 1688. Marshall Lefferts received his educa- tion in the Brooklyn public schools. He became a civil engineer, and subsequently an importer and manufacturer of galvan- ized iron ware. He joined the Seventh Regiment, National Guard State of New York, in 185 1, and in the following year was made its lieutenant-colonel, and suc- ceeded Abram Duryee as colonel in 1859. In response to Lincoln's call for troops to defend the national capital in 1861, the Seventh Regiment was the first New York regiment to march to the front, Colonel Lefferts transporting it by boat to Annapolis. Maryland, and marchin: thence across the State to Washington, the march being attended with consider- able hazard. After thirty days' service the regiment returned home, and in 1862 and again in 1863 ne ^d the regiment in emergency service at critical periods of the Civil War. While in Frederick, Mary- land, in 1863, Colonel Lefferts was made military governor of the city. The regi- ment was recalled to New York in July, 1863, to protect the city from rioters who, in resistance to the draft for military serv- ice, had held the citizens and their prop- erty at their mercy for two or three days. The presence of the Seventh Regiment and its steady and determined march through the streets aided the authorities in gaining control of the rioters, and in the restoration of order. Lefferts resigned the colonelcy of the Seventh Regiment in 1865, declined the position of brigadier- general of militia, and accepted the com- mand of the veteran corps of the Seventh Regiment. He furnished the first zinc plated wire which came into general use as rustproof. He early recognized the commercial pos- sibilities of the telegraph as invented by Morse, and was a director and president of the companies first organized in New York and New England between 1849 and i860. He perfected and patented a system of automatic transmissions, and his invention was purchased by the American Telegraph Company, which employed him as electrical engineer and consulting engineer. He devised the in- strument to measure the distance to de- fects in wires used in the transmission of messages, and made it possible to raise and repair broken submarine cables. The American Telegraph Company consoli- dated with the Western Union Telegraph Company in 1866, and in the following year Mr. Lefferts resigned his position as electrical engineer of the Western Union, and organized the Commercial News De- 83 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY partment of that company. In 1869 he was made president of the Gold and Stock Telegraph Company, which company in 1871 purchased the Commercial News Department of the Western Union, and he became president and manager of the combined interests. While accompany- ing his military corps to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to attend a Fourth of July parade in connection with the Centennial Exhibition, he died suddenly on the cars near Newark, New Jersey, July 3, 1870. Mr. Lefferts was married, June 4, 1845, to Mary, daughter of Gilbert and Ann (Raymond) Allen. RICHARDSON, Albert Deane, Journalist, Author. Albert Deane Richardson was born in Franklin, Massachusetts, October 6, 1833, son of Elisha and Harriet (Blake) Rich- ardson, and grandson of Timothy and Julia (Deane) Blake. He was reared on a farm, and his education was obtained in the public schools and at Holliston Academy, where he edited the academy paper and contributed both prose and verse to the "Waverly Magazine" and other Boston publications. He taught school two terms in Medway, Massachu- setts, and in 1851 went to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he taught for a short time in a district school before engaging in journalistic work on the "Pittsburgh Journal." He also attempted some dra- matic writing at this time, several of his farces being purchased by Barney Wil- liams, and he also appeared a few times on the professional stage. He removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1852, where he was local editor of "The Sun," and correspondent for several news- papers. In 1853 he went an a journalistic trip to Niagara Falls and there formed the acquaintance of Junius Henri Browne, who became his life-long friend. He was subsequently detailed to report the cele- brated "Matt Ward" trial in Kentucky, the sale of his published report exceeding twenty thousand copies. In 1854 he was employed on the "Cincinnati Union- ist." and afterward edited the Cincinnati "Columbian," declining its entire manage- ment in 1855. In 1857 he went to Kan- sas, and there participated in the exciting events of the anti-slavery agitation, which he graphically described in a series of letters to the "Boston Journal," and he also served as secretary of the territorial legislature. In 1859 he joined Horace Greeley and Henry Villard in a journal- istic expedition to the gold fields of Pike's Peak, in Colorado, and later in the same year he journeyed on horseback through the southwestern territories, visiting the Cherokee and Choctaw reservations, and sending periodical descriptions of his travels to the "New York Sun" and other newspapers. In i860 he made a second trip to Pike's Peak as special correspon- dent of the "New York Tribune," in com- pany with Colonel Thomas W. Knox, with whom he established and edited the "Western Mountaineer." He traveled through the southern states as secret cor- respondent of "The Tribune" in 1860-61, and afterward accompanied the army as a war correspondent. On May 3, 1863, with Junius H. Browne, also of "The Tribune," and Colburn, of the "New York World," he joined the party of thirty-four men who attempted to pass the Vicks- burg batteries on two barges lashed to a steam-tug. They were captured, and held prisoners for twenty-two months at Salisbury, North Carolina, being in six other southern prisons, but finally escap- ed, and after a journey of four hundred miles reached the Federal lines at Straw- berry Plains, Tennessee, in 1865. Dur- ing his imprisonment his wife and infant son. had died, and he himself had con- tracted pneumonia, and was obliged to 84 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY visit California for the benefit of his health in the spring of 1865 and again in 1869. He subsequently resided in New York City, but made frequent visits to other cities of the north, delivering lec- tures on his war experience. He was the author of: "The Field, the Dungeon and the Escape" (1865) ; "Beyond the Missis- sippi" (1866) ; and "Personal History of Ulysses S. Grant" (1868). He was mar- ried in November, 1869, while on his death-bed, to Abby, daughter of William Sage, of Manchester, New Hampshire, and after his death his widow published a collection of his fugitive writings, en- titled "Garnered Sheaves" (1871), to which she prefixed a biographical sketch of the author. Mr. Richardson died De- cember 2, 1869, his death being the result of a shot received while in "The Tribune" office, November 26, 1869, inflicted by Daniel MacFarland. SPINNER, Francis Elias, U. S. Treasurer During Civil War. Francis Elias Spinner was born in Ger- man Flats, New York, January 21, 1802; son of John Peter Spinner. His father was a Roman Catholic priest who became a Protestant and came to America, be- coming pastor of Reformed churches in New York State. The son engaged in business at Herki- mer, New York. He early became active in the state militia, entering the service as a lieutenant, and in 1834 had risen to the rank of major-general. Pn 1839 he entered the Mohawk Valley Bank of which he subsequently became president. He serv- ed in the naval office of the New York customs-house from 1845 to J 849- He was a Free-soil Democratic representative from New York in the Thirty-fourth Con- gress, 1855-57, and a Republican represen- tative in the Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth Congresses, 1857-61, serving on several important committees, and on the special committee appointed to investigate the Brooks-Sumner assault. He was appoint- ed United States Treasurer by President Lincoln, at the instance of Secretary Chase, March 6, 1861, and held the posi- tion through successive administrations until June 30, 1875. He was the first person to employ women in government service, and his unique signature became well-known on the various issues of greenbacks. He died in Jacksonville, Florida, December 31, 1890. McCLOSKEY, Rt. Rev. John, First American Cardinal. John McCloskey, cardinal, and second Archbishop of the Diocese of New York, was born at Brooklyn, New York, March 20, 1810. His parents were natives of Derry county, Ireland. He was baptized in St. Peter's Church, one of the two Roman Catholic churches then in New York City. His father dying when he was ten years old, the care of his educa- tion was left to his mother, who, having ample means, gave her son every educa- tional advantage. He was prepared for college in the New York City parochial schools, and was then sent to Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, Maryland, and after a brilliant college career he was graduated with high honors in the class of 1827. Having decided to enter the priesthood, he at once began his theo- logical studies, and on January 9, 1834, at the age of twenty-five, was ordained a priest in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Mott street, New York. He was granted the privilege of continuing his studies for two years at the College of the Propaganda, Rome, at that time a mark of great favor. He sailed for Europe in November, 1834, and remained abroad for three years, trav- 85 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY eling through France and the different countries of Europe after completing his course at the Propaganda. Upon his return to America, he was appointed pastor of St. Joseph's Church, New York City, a position which he held for seven years. In 1841 Bishop Hughes appointed the talented young priest presi- dent of St. John's, College, Fordham. He subsequently resumed the rectorship of St. Joseph's Church, and on March 10, 1844, was consecrated Bishop of Axieren, and coadjutor to Bishop Hughes, with right of succession. He meanwhile con- tinued his pastorate at St. Joseph's, and in 1847, when the see of Albany was created, was placed in charge of the new diocese, which then contained only forty churches and a few priests. When he was called to the archiepiscopal see of New York, seventeen years later, there were one hundred and thirteen churches in the diocese, eight chapels, fifty-four mission stations, eighty-five missionaries, three academies for boys and one for girls, six orphan asylums, and fifteen pa- rochial schools. As bishop he introduced a number of religious orders, prominent among which were the Jesuits, Oblates, Franciscans, Capuchins, Augustinians, Sisters of Mercy, and Sisters of St. Joseph. He founded the Theological Seminary at Troy, and erected St. Mary's Cathedral at Albany. In 1851 he went abroad, where he was received with marked distinction, especially by Pope Pius IX. Upon the death of Archbishop Hughes in 1864, Bishop McCloskey suc- ceeded to the archbishopric of New York, and was installed on August 21st of that year. The see then included New Eng- land, New Jersey and New York. Arch- bishop McCloskey was in disposition and character entirely unlike his illustrious predecessor. He was able to reap the results of the controversial administra- tion of Archbishop Hughes, without con- tinuing the controversies, and his own administration was like oil on the troubl- ed waters. "He was never hasty or im- prudent in his public life, but ever silent, persevering, gracious, winning, and final- ly triumphant. He had the bearing of a prince, was a ripe scholar, and a bold and devoted churchman. His eloquence was of a tender, deeply religious kind, uttered with fervid sincerity, and in language at once simple and elegant. He was a man of energy and of sleepless vigilance in the discharge of his duties, which he perform- ed in the most unostentatious manner. He provoked no conflicts, offered no opinions, but with humility and prayerfulness toil- ed on in the sphere of his own duties." He was of a delicate but commanding physique, and had a countenance which, with its broad, high forehead, was strong- ly expressive of amiability and benevo- lence. He was energetic in the adminis- tration of his diocese, was particularly active in the building of the Catholic Protectory in Westchester, erected not only many handsome churches, but the Institute for Deaf Mutes at Fordham, homes for destitute boys and girls in con- nection with St. Stephen's and St. Ann's churches, and the Foundling Asylum ; and established orphan asylums and homes for aged men and women through- out the city of New York. He especially devoted himself to the completion of the cathedral begun by Archbishop Hughes, to the interior arrangements of which he gave his personal supervision. Archbishop McCloskey attended the Vatican council in 1869, serving on the committee on discipline. In 1874 he again went abroad, principally to look after the construction of altars, statues, stained windows, and interior decorations for the cathedral, to which he contributed $30,000 from his private fortune. On March 15, 1879, he was elevated to the dignity of cardinal, in the consistory then held at 86 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY the Vatican, being the first American pre- late to be thus honored. On April 27, of the same year, the ceremony of investing him with the insignia of his new office was performed by Archbishop Bayley of Baltimore, before the very altar at which he had been ordained a priest and con- secrated a bishop. He continued the ac- tive administration of his diocese until 1880, when, on account of failing health, he requested that Bishop Corrigan, of Newark, be appointed his coadjutor, with right of succession. Cardinal McCloskey attended the conclave which was held at Rome in 1878, to elect a successor to Pius IX, and on May, 1879, dedicated the new St. Patrick's Cathedral. In January, 1884, the golden anniversary of his elevation to the priesthood was celebrated, and on this occasion the clergy of his diocese present- ed him with an address which read : "Fifty years ago there were in this city but six churches ; now there are sixty. There were then but twenty priests in the diocese ; now there are three hundred and eighty. At that time there were in the whole United States only nine bishops ; now there are fifty-nine. Then there was but one archbishop ; now there are eleven, one of whom has been raised to the great senate of the Universal Church." Cardinal McCloskey's declining days were marked by the same tranquillity that had characterized his entire life. After his death, his body was with appro- priate ceremonies deposited in the vault under the sanctuary of St. Patrick's Ca- thedral. At that time the New York "Sun" said of him editorially: "His learn- ing, his piety, his humility, his truly Christian zeal, earned for him universal respect which will be today manifested as his body is carried to the tomb. The first American cardinal has died at a time when all Christians are ready to honor his memory as that of a man who has done measureless service in the cause of religion, good morals and humanity * * * Protestants and Catholics will join in sincerely mourning the first American cardinal as a Christian hero lost." Cardinal McCloskey died October 10, 1885. HAMILTON, Schuyler, Soldier, Civil Engineer. Schuyler Hamilton was born in New York City, July 25, 1822, son of John Church and Maria Eliza (Van den Heu- vel) Hamilton ; grandson of General Alex- ander and Elizabeth (Schuyler) Hamil- ton ; and great-grandson of General Philip Schuyler. He was graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1841, and en- tered the army as second lieutenant in the First Infantry, serving on the plains. For a time he was at West Point as as- sistant instructor of tactics. He served in the Mexican war. where he was bre- vetted first lieutenant for gallantry at Monterey, September 21-23, I '^4°. an d where he received a ball in his abdomen, was left on the field for dead, but revived and fought through the battle. He was brevetted captain for gallantry, August 13, 1847, a t Nil Flores, where he was severely wounded by being run through with a lance, which passed entirely through his body and left lung, in a hand- to-hand combat with a Mexican lancer. He was promoted to first lieutenant in March, 1848; was acting aide to General Winfield Scott, 1847-54. and resigned from the army May 31, 1855. at San Fran- cisco, California. When the Civil War broke out, he marched as a private in the Seventh Regi- ment, New York State Militia, and went with that organization to the defence of Washington. He offered to pledge him- self for canteens and haversacks furnished the regiment, and paid for their transpor- 87 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY tation. He afterward served on the staff of General Benjamin F. Butler ; was later appointed military secretary with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, United States Army, on the staff of General Winfield Scott, serving from May 9, 1861, until he retired, November 1, 1861, and in that capacity he was instrumental in prevent- ing the murder of certain Confederate prisoners of war captured on the battle- field of Bull Run, July 21, 1861. He was thanked for this service by the President, in the presence of General Scott and members of the cabinet, but no publicity could prudently be given to the service at the time. He was appointed additional aide-de-camp to General Scott, with the rank of colonel and served from August 7 to November 12, 1861, when the aides were disbanded. He was then made as- sistant chief of staff to General H. W. Halleck with rank of colonel, accom- panied that officer from New York to St. Louis, and was promoted brigadier-gen- eral of volunteers, November 12, 1861. He was with Grant's army operating in western Kentucky and Tennessee, and suggested to General Pope the canal to cut off the enemy's position at Island No. 10, and in the assault on that island and New Madrid he commanded a di- vision. He was promoted to major-gen- eral of volunteers September 17, 1862. for meritorious services at New Madrid and Island No. 10, and had accepted his pro- motion in good faith, thus vacating his commission of brigadier-general of volun- teers, which had been confirmed by the Senate, when he was seized with swamp fever and incapacitated from active serv- ice. He soon after received a letter from General Halleck demanding his resigna- tion, under the rule that no officer unable to take the field should be named to the Senate for confirmation, and, after con- sulting with General Scott, he resigned in February, 1863. He is credited with mak- ing possible the capture of Island No. 10, called by the Confederates the "Thermo- pylae of America," and thus opening the Mississippi ; with suggesting the name of William T. Sherman to General Scott for a place on the list of the regular army in 1861 ; and with prevailing upon General Halleck to appoint General Grant to the command of the army to operate against Forts Donelson and Henry. He was an executor of the last will and testament of General Winfield Scott. In June, 1871, he memorialized the Secretary of War with a view to being restored on the army list as lieutenant-colonel and colonel United States Army, by virtue of his commission as military secretary and ad- ditional aide-de-camp with these ranks, and he continued his petition December 11, 1886, to the Secretary of State and to the Congress of the United States to have his record as an army officer corrected, but without avail. He was hydrographic engineer for the Department of Docks, New York City, 1871-75. He published: "History of the American Flag" (1853); and "Our National Flag the Stars and Stripes, its History in a Century" (1877). He died in 1903. DWIGHT, Theodore William, Educator, Author. Theodore William Dwight, was born in Catskill, New York. July 18, 1822, son of Dr. Benjamin W T oolsey and Sophia Wood- bridge (Strong) Dwight, and grandson of President Timothy and Mary (Woolsey) Dwight, and of the Rev. Joseph and Sophia (Woodbridge) Strong. He was graduated at Hamilton College in 1840, studied law at Yale, 1841-42, and received his master's degree in 1843. He was a tutor at Hamilton College, 1842- 46; Professor of Jurisprudence, Civil and Political Economy and History, 1846-58, and trustee of the college, 1875-92. He G'licodotc SO. =-Uvs:iaut ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY removed to New York City in 1858, and was Professor of Law in Columbia Col- lege, 1858-78 ; Professor of the Law of Contracts, Maritime and Admiralty Law, 1878-92; dean of the law faculty, 1864-91, and member of the University council, 1890-91. As he was not willing to con- form to the Harvard plan of study intro- duced by Professor William A. Keener and indorsed by President Low and the trustees, he resigned in February, 1891, as dean of the Law School, and was made Professor Emeritus, Professor Keener succeeding him as dean. He was a mem- ber of the New York Constitutional Con- vention of 1867 ; of the Commission of Appeals formed in 1874 to share the labors of the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, and served until the close of the commission in 1875. He was vice-president of the State Charities Aid Association, 1873 ; president of the Prison Association, 1874; a member of the Ameri- can Geographical Society ; and first vice- president of the New York Bar Associa- tion. In 1869-71 he lectured at Cornell University, where he was elected non- resident Professor of Constitutional Law, and he lectured at Amherst College, 1870-72. He was associate editor of the 'American Law Register," and in 1886 was counsel for five Andover theological seminary professors, charged with hetero- doxy. He received the honorary degree of LL.D. from Hamilton and Rutgers in 1859. from Columbia in i860, and from Yale in 1892. He published : "Argument on the Ross Will and Charity Case" (2 vols., 1863) ; "Trial by Impeachment" (1867) and "Influence of the Writings of James Harrington on American Political Institutions" (1887). He prepared in association with Dr. Enoch C. Wines "Prisons and Reformatories in the United States" and edited "Maine's Ancient Law" (1864). He died in Clinton, New York, June 28, 1892. SICKLES, Daniel Edgar, Distinguished Civil War Soldier. General Daniel Edgar Sickles, soldier and lawyer, was born in New York City, October 20, 1825, son of George G. and Susan (Marsh) Sickles. He was gradu- ated at the University of the City of New York in 1846, studied law, and was ad- mitted to the bar in 1846. Three years later he was elected a member of the New York State Legislature, and in 1853 was appointed corporation attorney for New York City. In the same year he resigned and went to London, England, as secre- tary of the American Legation, James Buchanan being minister at the time. Upon his return he was chosen a member of the New York Senate in 1856, and was elected to Congress in 1857, where he served on the committee on foreign affairs, and at the expiration of his term was reelected. When the Civil War began, he raised the Excelsior Brigade in New York City, and was commissioned colonel of one of its five regiments, later he was commis- sioned brigadier-general of volunteers, and commanded a brigade under General Hooker. He fought at Williamsburg May 5, 1862; Fair Oakes, May 31-June 1, 1862 ; and Malvern Hill, and saw severe service in the Seven Days battle before Richmond. He rose rapidly to division and corps commander, and was promoted to major-general of volunteers, Novem- ber 29, 1862. He took part in the battles of Antietam and Chancellorsville. and in the battle of Gettysburg the brunt of the Confederate attack on the second day was borne by his corps, which held the ridge between Round Top and the Peach Or- chard on the Emmitsburg road. After hours of terrific fighting and a most des- perate resistance, in which he lost a large portion of his command in killed and wounded, and was himself so terribly 89 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY wounded in the leg that it had to be am- putated, he was compelled to fall back. General Longstreet, whom Grant has ranked with Lee in ability, led the charge against Sickles ; and Hood, more impetu- ous than Jackson, moved beside Long- street in the attack on Little Round Top. Writing of Gettysburg, under date of September 19, 1902, General Longstreet said: My Dear General Sickles: on that field you made your mark that will place you prominently before the world as one the lead- ing figures of the most important battle of the ( ivil War. As a northern veteran once re- marked to me: "General Sickles can well afford to leave a leg on that field." I believe that it is now conceded that the advanced position at the Peach orchard taken by your corps and under your orders saved that battlefield to the Union cause. It was the sorest and saddest reflection of my life for many years, but to-day I can say with sincerest emotion that it was and is the best that could have come to us all. North and South, and I hope that the nation reunited may always enjoy the honor and glory brought to it by that grand work. Gettysburg won for him the Congres- sional Medal of Honor. Notwithstanding the loss of a leg. General Sickles con- tinued in active service until 1865, when he was sent on a special mission to South America ; and he was not mustered out of the volunteer service until January I, 1868, after having been colonel of the Forty-second Infantry Regiment in the regular army since July 28, 1866. In 1869 he was placed on the retired list by Presi- dent Grant, with the full rank of a major- general in the regular army. For gal- lantry at Fredericksburg and Gettysburg he was made brevet brigadier-general, and brevet major-general on March 2, 1867. General Sickles was entrusted with command of the Military District of the Carolinas from 1865 to ^67 , and rendered valuable service in the cause of recon- struction. In 1869 President Grant ap- pointed him United States Minister to Spain, and upon his return from that country in 1873 he devoted himself to re- organizing the New York. Lake Erie & Western Railroad Company, and took up the practice of the law in New York City. He was Emigration Commissioner in 1887 ; sheriff of New York county in 1890 ; and was elected to the Fifty-third Con- gress in 1892. He was married twice, and had a son and a daughter. He died in New York City, May 2, 1914. BONNER, Robert, Founder of New York Ledger. Robert Bonner, for many years a promi- nent story paper publisher, was born near Londonderry, Ireland, April 28, 1824, of Protestant ancestry. He began his business career as a printer's apprentice in the office of the "Hartford Courant," and in 1844 became assistant foreman and proofreader on the "New York Evening Mirror." With his earnings he purchased in 185 1 a small sheet called the "Mer- chants' Ledger," and, converting it into a family story paper, changed its name to the "New York Ledger." His methods of advertising were unique and ingenious, and these, together with the good taste displayed in the selection of the literature with which he filled his columns, soon won for the paper an un- precedented popularity. Edward Everett, Horace Greeley, Henry Ward Beecher, Longfellow, Bryant, Charles Dickens, James Parton, Fanny Fern, Alice and Phoebe Cary, and Harriet Beecher Stowe, were among his corps of contributors, and the sums paid for articles were liberal in the extreme. Dickens received $5,000 for his "Hunted Down", a story which ran through three numbers of the paper; Ed- ward Everett received $24,000 for a series of articles ; and Henry Ward Beecher was paid $30,000 for his novel, "Nor- 00 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY wood." Mr. Bonner gave large sums of money to the many charitable and edu- cational institutions in which he was in- terested, Princeton College being among the beneficiaries. He gave to Rev. Dr. John Hall's church $100,000, and to Henry Ward Beecher, to liquidate the mortgage on his home in 1859, $10,000. A connois- seur in the matter of horses he purchased many famous trotters, and withdrew them from the race course at an expense to himself of over $500,000. his purchases including Dexter, Pocahontas, Edwin Forrest, Rarus, Maud S. and others. He died in New York City, July 6, 1899. BARLOW, Francis C, Civil War Soldier. General Francis Channing Barlow, was born in Brooklyn, New York, October 19, 1834, son of Rev. David Hatch and Almi- ra (Penniman) Barlow, and a descendant of James Penniman, a graduate of the University of Cambridge, England, who emigrated to Braintree, Massachusetts, in 1631. His father was a Unitarian minister. He received liberal education, and was graduated at Harvard College in 1855, the first in his class, having become a student there in 185 1. In the fall of 1855 he came to New York City, where he resided con- tinuously until his death, except during his military service in the Civil War. He studied law in New York City, meanwhile becoming an editorial writer for the New York "Tribune." When the war broke out he enlisted, April 19, 1861, as a pri- vate soldier in the Twelfth Regiment, New York State Militia, a three months' regiment, commanded by Colonel Daniel Butterfield. His regiment went at once to Washington for the defense of that city, and on May 3, 1861, Barlow became first lieutenant of its Company F. He came home with it. and was duly muster- ed out in August. 1861. In the succeed- ing October he was commissioned lieu- tenant-colonel of the Sixty-first Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, and left with it for the front in November. He was promoted to colonel of his regiment in April, 1862; on September 19th of the same year, two days after the battle of Antietam, in which battle he was wound- ed, he was promoted to brigadier-general of United States Volunteers. At An- tietam, he was wounded after his com- mand had captured two sets of Confeder- ate colors and three hundred prisoners. He recovered from his wound in time to take part in the battle of Chancellorsville, May 2, 1803, where he commanded a bri- gade in the Eleventh Army Corps. He was wounded and taken prisoner on the field of Gettysburg, July 1, 1863, his name being among the first in the lists of the leaders reported by the Confederates as killed. He was left in the town when the enemy retreated. Following Gettys- burg came an exchange, a long waiting for recovery, and participation in the campaign of the Wilderness and the movements "by the left flank" of the Army of the Potomac, through Spottsyl- vania. North Anna. Cold Harbor, and across the James to Petersburg. In the spring of 1864 General Barlow was made commander of the First Division of the Second Army Corps, and served through- cut the campaign of that year, down to the latter part of August, when illness obliged him to take leave of absence. The brevet of major-general of volunteers was conferred upon him in August, 1864, and early in 1865 he was assigned to the com- mand of the Second Division of the Sec- ond Corps, and retained it until the end of the war. At Spottsylvania, General Barlow stormed the Confederate works, capturing three thousand prisoners, in- cluding Generals Ed. Johnson and G. H. Steuart. 9i ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY After the war he took up his residence in New York City. In 1865-67 he was Secretary of State of New York, and in May-October, 1869, he was United States Marshal for the Southern District of New York, having been appointed by General Grant. He was elected Attorney-General of New York in 1872, and afterwards re- sumed the practice of law in New York City. He was one of the founders of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York in 1871, the first organization of its kind. In the same year he began the attack upon Fisk, Gould and David Dud- ley Field, their counsel preferring formal charges against the latter, which serious- ly involved Judges Cardozo and Barnard, and resulted in their impeachment. Dur- ing his term as Attorney-General, 1872- Ji„ he directed the prosecution of Tweed and his associates, and for the successful outcome of these proceedings the cause of good government will ever be indebted to General Barlow. He was, however, not renominated to office ; indeed, his lofty sense of duty and out-spoken denuncia- tion of frauds of all kinds were considered an indication of woeful lack of that "tact" which the successful politician should possess. He displayed the same spirit when, in 1876, he was one of a committee sent to investigate the question of alleged election frauds in Florida, his political popularity being then by no means in- creased by his faithful statements of the exact truth. But General Barlow held even party success secondary to truth. From that time he continued law prac- tice in New York City, where he was identified with all movements for political reform. General Barlow married (first) in 1861, Arabella Griffith, of New York City ; mar- ried (second) in 1867. Ellen, daughter of Francis George Shaw, also of New York. Two sons, Robert Shaw and Charles Lowell, and one daughter, Mrs. Pierre Jay, survived him. His first wife was agent for the Sanitary Commission in the field during the Civil War, and died from disease contracted in the performance of her self-imposed duties, July 27, 1864. A window in Memorial Hall, Harvard Col- lege, is dedicated to Phillips Brooks and his class-mate, Francis Channing Barlow. General Barlow died in New York City. January n, 1896. CORRIGAN, Rt. Rev. Michael A., Roman Catholic Prelate, Rt. Rev. Michael Augustine Corrigan, third Archbishop of the Archdiocese of New York, was born in Newark, New Jersey, August 17, 1839. His parents, Thomas and Mary (English) Corrigan, were natives of Leinster, Ireland. His father, being in possession of a compe- tence, determined to give his son a liberal education, a determination to which his mother, a woman of fine intelligence and rare energy and strength of character, was largely accessory. She chose for his preliminary instruction St. Mary's Col- lege, Wilmington, Delaware, at the time conducted by Vicar-General Reilly, and in that institution the young student re- mained for two years, when he was sent to Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, Maryland. From the beginning of his collegiate instruction, young Corrigan took the lead in his classes. While in his junior year at St. Mary's he made a tour of Europe with his sister, a young lady of remarkable piety, who greatly influenced his after career. He completed his course of studies at Emmitsburg in 1859, and de- cided to enter the priesthood. Having come to this conclusion, he went to Rome and became one of the twelve students with whom the American College in that city was opened. He made such rapid progress in his studies that he won a number of medals in the competitions, 92 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY which were not only for the American College, but free to the students of the Propaganda and the Irish and Greek colleges. He was especially noted for scrupulous obedience, for his industry and close application, and for his personal consideration for those about him. He finished his course in 1864, passing a rig- orous examination and obtaining the de- gree of D.D., but on the 19th of Septem- ber, 1863, a year before this, he was ordained in the church of St. John Later- an by Cardinal Patrici, thus becoming a priest a year before the close of his theo- logical studies, the privilege being grant- ed to him as a reward for the excellence of his conduct while in that institution. In July, 1864, Father Corrigan sailed for the United States, and on arriving in New York was appointed by Archbishop Bayley to the Professorship of Dogmatic Theology and Sacred Scripture and the directorship of the Ecclesiastical Semin- ary of Seton Hall College, of which at that time Bishop McOuaid was president. Soon after, Father Corrigan was made vice-president of the institution, and in 1868, upon the appointment of Bishop McQuaid to the newly created see of Rochester, Father Corrigan, although then hardly twenty-eight years of age, was appointed by the archbishop to be president of the college, which was one of the foremost of the Catholic educa- tional institutions in the United States During the absence of Archbishop Bayley at the Vatican Council of 1870, Father Corrigan occupied the offices of adminis- trator and vicar-general of the diocese, and when, in 1873, the Archbishop was transferred to the see of Baltimore, thus becoming primate of America, upon his earnest recommendation Pius IX. ap- pointed Father Corrigan Bishop of New- ark, and he was consecrated on May 4 of that year in the old St. Patrick's Ca- thedral by the late Cardinal (then Arch- bishop) McCloskey. In his new office, Bishop Corrigan exhibited powers which speedily gained for him the admiration and respect not only of the people of his diocese but his ecclesiastical superiors. Deeply interested in reformatory and in- stitutional work, establishments of the greatest importance to the welfare of the people about him soon began to rise, almost as if by magic. He dedicated more than half a hundred new churches and gave them pastors, and consecrated the cathedral. He kept a watchful eye over the welfare of Seton Hall College, of which he continued to be president until 1876; founded a number of religious communities ; established a reformatory for boys and refuge for misguided women, and a general asylum for the orphans of his diocese. Bishop Corrigan introduced into New Jersey the Jesuits and the Do- minicans, and founded the Convent of the Dominican Nuns of the Perpetual Adora- tion. On September 26, 1880, Bishop Corrigan was made coadjutor, with the right of succession, to Cardinal McClos- key, Archbishop of New York, under the title of Archbishop of Petra, and there- after nearly all the practical work of the archdiocese fell to his hands. By this time the Catholic schools of New Jersey had increased to one hundred and fifty, having nearly thirty thousand pupils, with one hundred and fifty churches and one hundred and seventy-two priests. Archbishop Corrigan was now the young- est archbishop, as he had been the young- est bishop, in the Catholic church in America. From the beginning of his ec- clesiastical career, honors had fallen to him in a way that was most unusual, except in the case of gray-haired and time-honor- ed priests. None of these, however, had changed his manner or course of conduct from the modest and unassuming habit he had adopted at the beginning. In 1884 Archbishop Corrigan was summoned to 93 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Rome, and represented New York in the plenary council called to advise the Holy Father. On October 10, 1885, the death of Cardinal McCloskey made Archbishop Corrigan metropolitan of the diocese of New York, and by a special act of courtesy he was permitted to perform the acts of his office immediately on his ac- cession thereto, instead of waiting, in ac- cordance with the usual custom, for the pallium, which he did not receive, in fact, until early in 1886. A profound scholar. Archbishop Corri- gan, although not a great orator was a most agreeable preacher, and never failed to impress his hearers, while never re- sorting to any of the customary rhetorical means for gaining and holding their atten- tion. Meanwhile his office was conducted under conditions and circumstances the reverse of peaceful, being not infrequently disturbed by the most bitter and difficult internal dissensions. Through all of these, the archbishop, with remarkable tact and judgment, managed to steer his course in a way to gain the respect even of his opponents, and those who disliked his public attitude as a member of the Ca- tholic hierarchy in America. On Septem- ber 21, 1888, Archbishop Corrigan cele- brated the twenty-fifth anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood, in the cathe- dral on Fifth avenue. New York. He died in 1902. LOSSING, Benson John, Historian, Artist. Benson John Lossing was born in Beekman, New York, February 12, 1813, a descendant of early Dutch settlers who located in the Valley of the Lower Hud- son. His father, who was a farmer, died in 1814, when he was one year old, and his mother, who was a farmer's daughter, died when her son was in his twelfth year. They were members of the Society of Friends, and the boy w r as brought up in that faith. Young Lossing attended school for a short time, but being early thrown upon his own resources, owing to the death of his parents, he engaged in farm work, and so continued until he was about fourteen years of age, when he was apprenticed to a watchmaker and silversmith at Pough- keepsie, New York. During the period of his apprenticeship he omitted no oppor- tunity for study, and thus became well informed, and qualified to write articles for a local newspaper, which were gladly accepted. At the age of twenty he was taken into partnership with his master, being then an expert in his particular line, but in 1835, less than two years after- ward, he became the joint proprietor and editor of the Poughkeepsie "Tele- graph." the leading weekly newspaper in Dutchess county, New York. The year following he and his partner began the publication of the Poughkeepsie "Casket," a literary journal, and he maintained his interest in both publications until 1841. In order to illustrate the journal, Mr. Lossing studied wood engraving in New York City for a short time, and later be- came a skillful and leading practitioner of that art. In 1838 he became editor and illustrator of "The Family Magazine," the pioneer illustrated periodical in the United States. In 1843 ne entered into partnership with William Barritt, and until 1868 they conducted the largest wood-engraving business in New York City. From 1845 to ^5° he conceived and executed "The Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution," published by Harper & Brothers (30 parts. 1850-52), visiting the historic localities, writing the text for the work, making the drawings on the wood, and doing considerable of the engraving. In 1868 he retired to a farm in the vicinity 94 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY of Dover Plains, New York, and devoted himself to historical research, and was a member of seventeen societies, historical, antiquarian and literary. He was made an honorary life member of the Metro- politan Museum of Art, New York City, in 1844. He received the honorary degree of Master of Arts from Hamilton College in 1856 and from Columbia in 1869, and that of Doctor of Laws from the Univer- sity of Michigan in 1872. Besides numerous illustrated contribu- tions to American and foreign periodicals, chiefly on the history and legends of the Hudson river, he edited and annotated "The Diaries of Washington" (1859); "Recollections and Private Memoirs of Washington" by G. W. P. Custis (i860) ; and compiled, with Edwin Williams, "The Statesman's Manual" (4 vols., 1868). He was the author of a large number of books, mostly of a biographical and his- torical character, which acquired a wide- spread popularity, among the more im- portant of which are: "History of the Fine Arts" (1840); "Lives of the Presi- dents" (1847) ; "Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-six" (1847) ! "Lives of Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott" (1847) ; "The New World" (1847) > "Biographies of the Signers of the Declaration of Independ- ence" (1848); "History of the United States" (1854) ; "Our Countrymen" (1855); "Mount Vernon" (1859); "Life of Philip Schuyler" (2 vols., i860) ; "His- tory of the Civil War" (3 vols., 1866-69) ; "Home of Washington" (1867) ; "Vassar College and its Founder" (1867) ; "The Hudson River" (1867) ; "Pictorial Field- Book of the War of 1812" (1868) ; "Mary and Martha Washington" (1868); "Two Spies : Nathan Hale and John Andre" (1886); "The Empire State" (1887). At the time of his death, which occurred at Dover Plains, New York, June 3, 1891, he was still vigorously engaged in his literary work. BOSS, Lewis, Astronomer. Lewis Boss was born in Providence, Rhode Island, October 26, 1846, son of Samuel P. and Lucinda (Joslin) Boss, and a descendant of Peter Boss, who settled at Newport, Rhode Island, previous to 1650. He acquired his preliminary educa- tion in the Lapham Institute of North Scituate, Rhode Island, and at a school in New Hampton, New Hampshire, and this was supplemented by a course at Dart- mouth College, from which institution he was graduated in the year 1870. His first employment was in the Department of the Interior at Washington, D. C, where he served for two years, and was then appointed astronomer on the United States northern boundary commission, in which capacity he served' four years. In 1876 he was appointed director of the Dudley Observatory at Albany, New York, and in 1904 he was still holding the same position a period of twenty-eight years. He observed the total solar eclipse in 1878 from a station at West Las Ani- mas, Colorado, under the auspices of the United States government. In 1882 tin- government placed him in charge of a part)- sent to Santiago de Chile to observe the transit of Venus, and in the spring of that year, in competition with one hun- dred and twenty-five others, he won the Warner prize for the best essay on comets. This essay has been translated into the principal European languages and published in every popular journal of as- tronomy in the world. In 1883 Professor Boss was appointed superintendent of weights and measures for New York State. His most important undertaking at the Dudley Observatory was the zone work under the auspices of the International Astronomical Society, in which thirteen of the leading observatories of the world cooperated, the object being to measure 95 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY and accurately record the positions and motions of all stars down to the ninth magnitude, that is, a magnitude sixteen times fainter that the faintest star visible to the naked eye. He also completed observations for a catalogue of 10,000 stars in a portion of the sky not accessible to European observers ; a catalogue of the principal standard stars, and also the speed and direction of 15,000 faint stars. He was financially assisted by the Bache fund of the National Academy of Sciences, a liberal grant from the Carnegie Institu- tion, and private contributions. He pub- lished a number of astronomical papers, in one of which (1899) he maintained that the sun is one of the stars in a gigantic cluster, one of the clusters composing the milky way, and upon this subject he was considered an authority. For many years h e supplied the earliest information upon the orbits of comets after their discovery. In 1877 the degree of Master of Arts was conferred upon him by Dartmouth Col- lege, and Union University conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Laws in 1902. Dr. Boss was a member of the Fort Orange Club, the National Academy of Sciences, the Astronomische Gesell- schaft, Leipsic, a foreign associate of the Royal Astronomical Society of London, and corresponding member of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Dr. Boss was married in Washington, D. C, December 30, 1871, to Helen M., daughter of William Hutchinson, well- known in the early history of Kansas. They were the parents of four children : Bertha, Benjamin, Helen and Gertrude. Dr. Boss died in Albany, October 5, 1912. SAGE, HENRY W., Friend of Education, Philanthropist. Henry Williams Sage, a liberal bene- factor of Cornell University and other educational institutions, was born in Middletown, Connecticut, January 31, 1814, eldest child of Charles and Sally (Williams) Sage, the latter a sister of Hon. J. B. Williams, of Ithaca. His father was shipwrecked on the Florida coast in 1838, and was murdered by Indians. He was a descendant of David Sage, a native of Wales, who settled in Connecticut as early as 1652. Henry W. Sage began his schooling in Bristol, Connecticut, and continued it in Ithaca, New York, to which place his par- ents removed when he was thirteen years old. He was disappointed in his expecta- tion of entering Yale College, but in Ithaca he began the study of medicine, which he was obliged to abandon on ac- count of ill health. He then entered the employ of his uncles, Williams & Brothers, prominent merchants and large shipping agents, owners of transportation lines on the Hudson river, Erie canal, and New York lakes. In 1837, in his twenty-third year, he became proprietor of the business. In 1854 he purchased a large tract of timber land in the neighbor- hood of Lake Simcoe, Canada, where he manufactured lumber on a large scale. Soon afterward he also engaged in busi- ness with John McGraw, and at Winona, Michigan, erected a lumber manufactory which was regarded as the largest in the world. In 1847 ne was elected as a Whig to the New York Legislature. In 1857 he removed to Brooklyn, New York, where he resided until 1880, and during which time his marked force of character and great ability brought him into prominence among its leading citizens. He was a close friend of Henry Ward Beecher, and the great preacher, in all his difficulties, rested upon no heart with more intimate and tender affection and confidence than upon that of his parishioner, Henry W. Sage. In 18S0 he returned to Ithaca, where he died, September 17, 1897. Mr. Sage's immediate interest in Cor- 96 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY nell University began in 1870, when he was elected to the board of trustees, and in which his membership continued until his death, he having been president of the board since 1875. Recognizing in the new institution an opportunity of realizing a deeply cherished purpose, that of promot- ing the higher education of woman, he had previously, and when residing at a distance, given the endowment which formed the Sage foundation for the educa- tion of women, and erected the Sage Chapel, which was subsequently endowed by his son, Dean Sage, constituting a per- manent fund for the promotion of the moral and religious life of the university. During a quarter of a century his noble personality made him the central figure in the labors of maintaining the univer- sity and extending the sphere of its useful- ness. Mr. Cornell's great plan, conceived in a spirit of unsparing self-sacrifice and maintained with great resolution, had not yet been realized, and the institution was nearly on the point of failure when the founder passed away. The necessities of the university had almost compelled the sacrificial relinquishment of large land holdings in Wisconsin, when Mr. Sage's masterly management averted the im- pending disaster, and in eight years the university's future was secure, and it was enabled to greatly extend its advantages. Mr. Sage's personal gifts evidenced a wise purpose to aid the university when aid was most needed, and would serve it best. These included $266,000 to the Sage College for Women ; $200,000 to the Sage School of Philosophy, and $50,000 for the Susan Linn chair; to the Univer- sity Library $260,000 and an endowment of $300,000; to the Museum of Classical Archaeology, $20,000; $11,000 for the erection of a residence for the Sage Pro- fessor of Philosophy ; and $30,000 toward paying off a floating indebtedness. On January 31, 1894, the university cele- N Y-Vol 11 — 7 brated Mr. Sage's eightieth birthday, and his last gift, that of the Museum of Classi- cal Archaeology, was dedicated. The faculty, trustees and other friends as- sembled at the home of the munificent donor, but the occasion was recognized throughout the land, and among the appreciative messages received were tele- grams from President Cleveland, Govern- or Roswell P. Flower, and many other distinguished men. To Mr. Sage was pre- sented a magnificent vase of solid silver, the presentation address being made by General Stewart L. Woodford. Other benefactions of Mr. Sage in- cluded the endowment of the Lyman Beecher lectureship on preaching, at Yale University ; the building and endowment of several churches and schools, and a public library at West Bay City, Michi- gan. After his death, his residence, valued at $80,000, together with an endowment of $100,000, were given to Cornell Uni- versity for a students' hospital, by his sons, Dean and William H. Sage. ANDERSON, Martin B., Scholar, Orator, Educational Executive. The University of Rochester, founded in 1850, now a leading institution of higher education in the State, was singu- larly blessed in securing, at its inception, and retaining for nearly forty years at its head, Martin Brewer Anderson, a great teacher and executive ; and Rochester was equally fortunate in the possession, for the same period, of a citizen who notably stimulated its activities, enlightened its thought and appreciated its morale. Viewed from whatever angle, Anderson was a great man — as versatile as pro- found, as wise as energetic. He was born of Scotch-Irish lineage, at Brunswick, Maine, February 12, 1815. De- termined upon obtaining a liberal educa- tion, his progress therein was somewhat 97 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPH\ interrupted by the demand of manual labor upon his time ; for he was early thrown upon his own resources for mak- ing his way in life. He was not among the precocities in letters. He did not, like John Stuart Mill, read Creek and Latin at four years old ; but with an intense thirst for knowledge, he studied diligently and systematically, mastering thoroughly all preliminary courses, and, while a boy, thought as a man. Among the impulses of his intellectual pursuits, was his asso- ciation with men of mature age in a so- ciety for the discussion of questions re- lating to politics and current topics of interest, an influence not without effect upon his trend as a teacher and his per- suasion as a publicist. He had, even be- fore entering college, become an omnivo- rous reader and acquired a taste and talent for public speaking. At the age of twenty- one, he matriculated at Waterville Col- lege (now Colby University) a Baptist institution, of which church he was a communicant. In college, he gained a high reputation for sustained industry, thoroughness of research and breadth of knowledge, especially in philosophy and the sciences. He was graduated with honor in 1840. He spent the ensuing year in the Theological Seminary at Newton. Massachusetts, occasionally preaching. In the fall of 1841, he was appointed tutor in Latin, Greek and mathematics at his aima mater, and, in 1843, assumed the chair of rhetoric, also instructing in Latin and history and delivering lectures on the origin and growth of the English lan- guage, said to be the first course on that subject in an American college. He married August 7, 1848, Elizabeth Martin Gilbert, of Brooklyn — a wedded union of forty years of mutual trust and helpfulness, she of refined mien and gentle courtesies. In 1850, he became editor-in-chief of the New York "Re- corder," a weekly Baptist organ. His articles were distinguished for vast erudi- tion, signal vigor of thought and felicity of expression, and frequently by keen con- troversial skill. He ever maintained a lively interest in the journalistic profes- sion, as writers on the Rochester press testify affectionately to the constant coun- sel and encouragement he bestowed upon them. In 1853 ne was called to the presidency of the University of Rochester, thus far without a head. Professor Asahel C. Ken- drick, the accomplished Grecian, having filled the position pro tempore. He came to the place with rich credentials as an educator and administrator, the unani- mous choice of the trustees and with much of popular acclaim. He was, how- ever, confronted with the difficulties always attendant upon the upbuilding of a new institution of learning, under the voluntary system, aggravated, in this in- stance, by the friction in the Baptist de- nomination as to whether Madison (now Colgate) University should be abandoned in favor of the new foundation — settled by additional beneficences from the Colgate family and the maintenance of the older, while the newer institution was compelled to "go it alone." Under these circum- stances, President Anderson, with con- secrated purpose, superb executive ca- pacity, vigorous health and kingly, well- nigh gigantic, presence, became the chief architect of the University of Rochester, building from the bottom. He demon- strated himself immediately as a financier of the first order, enlisting prominent capitalists in its behalf. Among those who tendered liberal subscriptions, the names of Hiram Sibley (library and cabi- nets), John B. Trevor (president's house and general endowment), John H. Deane, John F. Rathbone, John D. Rockefeller, William Kelly, Rezin A. Wight, Jeremiah Millbank, Charles Pratt and Mortimer F. Reynolds are recorded ; and throughout, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY its monetary affairs have been sedulously and sagaciously promoted and supervised. While the university was yet young, and still under Baptist control, it became distinctly non-sectarian in its administra- tion, Jews, Catholics and Free-Thinkers being as cordially welcomed to its privi- leges as they who were immersed, the general catologue bearing on its pages the names of many men of these various creeds who have become renowned in business, the professions and public life. Anderson stood, as Roger Williams so stood, two centuries before, for the abso- lute divorce of church and state — the spiritual church and the secular state. He even opposed the reading of the Bible in the public schools as in violation of this principle. He stood also for the integrity of the American college against multiple elective curriculums and the confusion of degrees. He approved two parallel courses — the humanities and the sciences — insist- ing that the diploma of Bachelor of Arts should crown the one and that of Bache- lor of Science the other — that each should mean what it said. He believed that the college should have its distinctive place in a rounded scheme of education. He never viewed the appellation of "Univer- sity'" to his institution with complaisance, and would have preferred to have it called a college simply, as it really was and is, to-day ; but, during his tenure, cabinets of geology and mineralogy, chemical labo- ratories and an art gallery, were estab- lished, and post-graduate scholarships in the departments of political economy and of constitutional law and the history of politics awarded to successful compet- itors. As a teacher, he was an inspiration. His own chair was that of intellectual and moral philosophy, but he taught, as occa- sion offered, along many lines and treated many themes — history, constitutional law, political economy, social science, jurispru- dence and art. His talks to his students on current events and topics were a marked feature of his administration — familiar conferences, which left them in- formed on world affairs and tendencies of thought and activities, interspersed with ethical suggestions as to the direction and conduct of their lives. His chief pur- pose in this, as in all his teaching, was "character-building," which, with the "personal equation," immediate and con- stant, it must be admitted, can be more intelligently and successfully accomplish- ed by the smaller, rather than by the larger, institution, as it was so exempli- fied by Dr. Anderson and the singularly well-equipped and faithful faculty associ- ated with him. As himself said in an im- pressive farewell to one of the earlier classes : "I have sacrificed my literary am- bition ; I burnt my bridges behind me when I came to Rochester and put my life into the work of this college ; you are my epistles of peace, to be known and read of all men." And they, who sat at the feet of the master, responded nobly to his ministrations. It may well be doubted that there has been a president of any American college — "the small college" as he was pleased to call it — who has been more admired, revered and loved by his pupils than Martin B. Anderson, or a body of alumni who have shown more esprit de corps within college walls or proven themselves, in their subsequent careers, more "worthy of their day and gener- ation." The radiating influence of the university has been of lustrous nature, and peculiarly so upon the community from which the larger proportion of its students has been drawn, many of whom have returned thereto to exalt its intel- lectual and purify its moral tone. And upon that community, and the State as well, he has left an enduring impress. He was a superb orator; of sinewy Eng- lish phrase, of robust argument, of schol- 99 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY arly exposition, frank, earnest and clear, not especially ornate, but, when thor- oughly aroused, of intense emotion, even passionate appeal. During the Civil War, he was ardent and arduous for the Union cause, writing editorials, delivering speeches persuading enlistments, and ful- filling humane offices. He devoted him- self to the philanthropies of his period and to efforts in behalf of good govern- ment and the welfare of the common- wealth. He was an efficient member of the State Board of Charities from Decem- ber 6, 1867, until May 11, 1880, contribut- ing valuable reports to the Legislature, among which were those upon "Out-Door Relief" and "Alien Paupers;" and one of the Commission of the State Reservation, at Niagara, from May 2, 1883. until May 11, 1888. Of international repute as a political economist, he was an honorary member of the Cobden Club of England. He was also the first president of the board of trustees of the Reynolds Library. He was laureated LL.D. and L.H.D. oy several American universities. He was ever ready to lend a helping hand to any cause tending to increase the sum of human happiness and the well-being of society. In 1887 he resigned the presi- dency of the University and soon went South for the benefit of both his own and his wife's health — in each case unavail- ing. Mrs. Anderson died at Lake Helen, Florida, February 22, 1890, and he follow- ed her two days afterward. Their remains were brought to Rochester, and a double funeral, with much manifestation of the public sorrow, was held at the Second Baptist Church, Augustus H. Strong, D. D., president of the Theological Semi- nary, and David Jayne Hill, D. D., presi- dent of the University Seminary, officiat- ing. They are buried side by side in Mount Hope Cemetery, on the lot owned by the University. BURDEN, Henry, Inventive Genius. The Burdens of Troy descend from Scotch ancestors. While little more than a century has elapsed since the first of their line arrived in the United States, the history of Troy would lose some of its most interesting and valuable pages should the achievements of the Burdens be omitted or stricken out. Henry Bur- den was a wonderful genius, and prob- ably the industry he founded has added more material wealth to the city than any other that is confined to one family. His sons, equally talented and enterprising, carried along the work begun by the father, to whose memory the huge mills by the side of the Hudson stand as endur- ing monuments. Among the hills stands a beautiful stone church, and on a tablet set in the interior is displayed the follow- ing inscription : "Woodside Memorial Church, dedicated to the service of the Triune God, has been erected to the mem- ory of Helen Burden by her husband, Henry Burden, in accordance with her long cherished and earnest desire, 1869." After the death of Henry Burden, the generous giver of the church, his surviv- ing children erected to his memory the attractive manse on the west side of the church. They also built the stone chapel on the east side, used by the Sunday school, which bears a tablet inscribed: "Woodside Chapel erected A. D. 1833 by Margaret E. Proudfit, James A. Burden, I. Townsend Burden, in memory of their children." Thus the Burden memory is enshrined amid the beautiful hills and along the great river near Troy by blazing furnace and smoking shaft, and by temple of worship and hymn of praise. Silent today and motionless hangs the great "Burden wheel," but the wheels it caused to revolve set in motion still other wheels, 00 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY and gave impetus to Troy industries that will forever endure. Henry Burden, son of Peter (2) and Janet (Abercrombie) Burden, was born near Dunblaine, Scotland, April 22, 1791. He was reared on his father's farm, and educated in a school of engineering. He was of an inventive and mechanical nature, and some of his earlier inven- tions were for improved agricultural im- plements, and were used on his father's farm, also a water wheel. He came to the United States in 1810, with letters of introduction to Stephen Van Rensselaer, John C. Calhoun, Wil- liam C. Preston and Thomas H. Benton. He settled in Albany, where he had a foundry and built a flouring mill. In 1822 he became superintendent of the Troy Iron and Nail Factory Company, and henceforth Troy was his home and the seat of his wonderful activity. He patent- ed in 1825 a machine for making wrought iron nails and spikes, and in 1836 a ma- chine for making horse shoes. These in- ventions largely increased the production of his company. In 1834 he modified his first patent, and secured another to make countersunk spikes to fasten flat rails of iron to wooden ones, these forming the tracks for the first railroads of the United States. In 1835 his wonderful machine for making horseshoes was put in opera- tion. By changing some of the parts of the countersunk spike machine he secured a machine for making hook-headed spikes to fasten "T" and "H" rails together, then beinning to supersede flat rails for rail- road tracks. In 1839 he devised the celebrated '"Burden's rotary concentric squeezer" for the compression of balls of puddled iron into blooms, which the United States Commissioner of Patents declared was the first truly original and most important invention affecting the manufacture of iron up to that time. This machine came into general use in Europe and America. In 1843 he constructed a machine that in two movements shaped into horseshoes bar iron delivered from the rolls without heating. In 1835 he be- came half owner of the company's stock, and in 1848 became sole owner and pro- prietor of the Troy Iron and Nail Factory Company. In 185 1 he constructed the im- mense overshot water wheel, figuratively called the "Niagara of water wheels," sixty feet in diameter and twenty-two feet wide, which furnished the power of twelve hundred horses to that part of his plant called the "upper works." This wheel is yet preserved at Troy, although not in use, and is one of the points of in- terest daily visited by tourists. In 1857 he so improved the horseshoe machine that it cut, bent and forged each piece into a perfectly shaped shoe in one move- ment. During the Civil War the govern- ment took possession of the Burden Works, retaining Mr. Burden in the man- agement. Although it taxed his every resource he kept the horses of the United States army supplied with shoes, and it may be said that the Confederate cavalry made frequent raids on the Union army wagon trains, and secured vast quantities of the Burden horseshoes. The right to use these valuable machines was pur- chased by the governments of England, France, Germany and Russia, who thus supplied their cavalry horses with shoes. The firm of H. Burden & Sons was form- ed in 1864, after the death of Henry Bur- den, the two brothers, James Abercrom- bie and I. Townsend, conducting it under that name until June 30, 1881, when the Burden Iron Company was incorporated. These works are still in successful opera- tion, and constitute one of Troy's most important industries. Henry Burden was greatly interested in steam navigation, and at one time con- templated the formation of a company to navigate the Atlantic with vessels of a 101 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY tonnage and speed then unheard of, but "Burden's Atlantic Steam Fury," as named in the prospectus, did not material- ize. He was interested in all worthy en- terprises, gave freely to charity, and was one of Troy's most valued citizens. He died in Troy, January 19, 1871. He married Helen McQuit, a most devoted Christian woman to whose memory he erected Woodside Memorial Presbyterian Church. JOHNSON, Benjamin P., Lawyer, Man of Enterprise. Benjamin Pierce Johnson, son of Dr. William (2) and Dolly (Ainsworth) John- son, was born at Canaan, Columbia county, New York, October 30, 1793, died at Albany, New York, April 12. 1869. He prepared for college in a school at Lenox, Massachusetts, and entered Union College, Schenectady, New York, in 1810, where he was graduated, class of 1813. He prepared for the practice of law at Hamilton and Hudson, New York, was admitted to the bar in 1817, and became a well-known and prominent lawyer and public official of Rome, New York. He received the degree of A. M. from Hamil- ton College in 1820. He was elected to the New York State Legislature from Rome in 1827, and was reelected in 1828- 29. In Albany he found himself among old friends. DeWitt Clinton, his warm personal friend, was in the governor's chair, Elisha Williams (regarded as the most prominent jury lawyer in the State), under whom he studied law a few years before, was in the Assembly, Erastus Root was speaker; Millard Filmore, Ben- jamin F. Butler, John Van Buren, and other gaints were also in the House; while in the Senate were Silas Wright, Peter R. Livingston, Ambrose L. Jordan, John C. Spencer and others whose names are not forgotten in New York history — with such men, Colonel Johnson was per- sonally popular, his genial manners, free- dom from party rancor, accurate memory, abundant anecdote and ready humor mak- ing always a desirable associate whether on legislative committees, or in the social gatherings then so frequent in Albany during legislative sessions. After the close of his political career in 1829, he re- turned to Rome and resumed his profes- sional career. He began to be interested in agricul- ture, and purchased a farm, operating it more for experimental than money-mak- ing purposes. As he became more in- terested in farming and farmers, he saw that great good would come from an active, progressive agricultural associa- tion. In 1841 he was chosen vice-presi- dent of the reorganized and rejuvenated State Agricultural Society. He became deeply interested, and during 1842 wrote a great deal for the columns of the "Cen- tral New York Farmer," also the "Albany Cultivator." In 1844 he was correspond- ing secretary, and in 1845 president of the society. He was now a very busy man. His legal practice in the various courts was large, he did a large collecting busi- ness, was school commissioner, receiving and disbursing public money, was a farmer and breeder of fine "short-horns," editor and agricultural writer, and was much in demand as a public speaker on politics, temperance, and other topics of the day. In 1846 he became involved in financial difficulty. In 1847 ne was a P~ pointed secretary of the State Agricul- tural Society, and took up his residence in Albany. He gave up all other business and devoted himself solely to the develop- ment of the agricultural interests of his State, and became an oracle to the great mass of farmers of the State with whom he came in contact. The society's office became the depository of every fact, sug- gestion, product or invention, connected ENCYCLOPEDIA OE BIOGRAPHY in any way with agriculture or the do- mestic arts. He traveled and spoke con- stantly. The management of State fairs was reduced to a perfect system, becom- ing a model for other States. He was an organizer of the United States Agricul- tural Society in 1852, and one of its vice- presidents for many years. In 1850 he was chosen secretary of the committee appointed to represent the United States at the Crystal Palace World's Exhibition held in London, England, 1851. It was at this exhibition that American agricultural and harvesting machinery first came into world notice and carried away all honors in their class, and the Yankee yacht "America" captured the "Blue Ribbon of the Seas." Colonel Johnson, who had been appointed by Governor Hunt "to represent the interests and honor of the State of New York," was on the ground and rendered invaluable aid to American exhibitors, returning home in September, 185 1, after a visit to France, where he was presented with the medal of membership in the French Agricultural Society. From 1851 to 1861 he was indefatigable in the work of the society. In 1853 he took a large share in the national exhibition at the New York Crystal Palace. In the same year he became a trustee of the State Agricultural College. He was ap- pointed by President Lincoln, in 1862, commissioner from the United States to the international exhibition again held in London. The Civil War being in pro- gress there were but ninety-five Ameri- can exhibitors, eighty-three of them being awarded prizes. Colonel Johnson soon after his return from abroad lost his wife, which with other family bereavements and old age, which was creeping on, broke down his health, and he was gradually relieved from the more arduous duties of secre- tary. In 1868 he attended his last meet- ing with the society, and on April 12, 1869, he passed quietly away. Says a contemporary: "He was the States best servant ; never a man served the people to higher results of value and received so little for it." When in his thirty-second year, Colonel Johnson experienced a change of heart on religious matters under the preaching of the evangelist, Charles G. Finney, and soon afterward made a public profession of his faith and joined the Presbyterian church in Rome. He became a prominent speaker at re- ligious gatherings, took an active part in the establishment of Sunday schools and temperance societies, and was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Oneida. For some time he supplied the pulpit of the Second Presbyterian Church of Rome until a regular minister could be installed. He never again regularly occupied a pul- pit, but was always a most efficient lay- man. He was a strong anti-slavery man, and loyally supported the Union. He gained his military title of colonel during the War of 1812. but never saw active service. lie was fond of telling his mili- tary experiences, relating them with great gusto and humor. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to Rome Lodge. He married (first) Decem- ber 11, 1820, Ann McKinstry, of Rome, who died January 28, 1837. He married (second) at Sherburne. New York. March 1. 1838. Mary, born February 15, 1808. died December 1. 1X62, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Foote) Adams. HARTLEY, Robert M., Philanthropist. Robert Milham Hartley, son of Isaac and Isabella (Johnson) Hartley, was born in Cockermouth, England, February 17, 1796, and died in New York City, March 3, 1881. He was but three years of age when he was brought by his mother and uncle, 103 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Thomas Hartley, to join his father in New York. His childhood was spent in Sara- toga and Montgomery counties, New York, where he received his early school- ing. He grew up under the guidance of a Godly mother whose gentle teachings had their result in his later life. He was taught the business of his father and was well equipped for the duties of a woolen manufacturer. He was not a natural busi- ness man ; his nature was spiritual, and his ambition was for the ministry. Guided by his father's wishes, however, he remained in business with and near him until he was twenty-three years of age. At that time he entered Fairfield Academy, intending to prepare for the ministry, but his health failing, was obliged to give up his dearest wish and returned to business life. He later located in New York City, in the dry goods business, and that was his home until death. His after life was devoted to his Master's service, and, although in a different way, it was work for humanity that he could not have done had his min- isterial ambition been gratified. He be- came widely known as a Christian philan- thropist and was untiring in his work for the poor and afflicted. He was the col- league and coadjutor of those wealthy men who were always ready to supply the funds needed to carry forward or consum- mate his benevolences. He was vitally associated with several institutions, but his best service was given to the one that lay nearest his heart, "The Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor." He was one of the founders and was the most important officer of this association from 1843 until 1876. He was the founder of the New York City Temperance So- ciety and its secretary for nine years. He founded the Working Men's Home, the De Milt Dispensary, the Juvenile Asylum. the Society for the Ruptured and Crip- pled, and the Presbyterian Hospital. He published many articles and essays on re- ligious, sanitary and scientific subjects. He was ruling elder of the Broome Street (afterward Madison Square) Presbyteri- an Church. He was a man of the deepest piety, and most gentle, loving and sympa- thetic nature. He was most happy in his married and home life. He married, Sep- tember 12, 1824, in New York City, Cath- erine, daughter of Reuben and Abigail (Wilsev) Munson. LOOMIS, Arphaxad, Lawyer. Legislator, Author. Arphaxad Loomis was born in Win- chester, Connecticut, April 9, 1798, son of Thaddeus and Lois (Griswold) Loomis, grandson of Ichabod and Mindwell (Lewis) Loomis, and of Phineas and Lois (Hurlburt) Griswold, and a descendant of Joseph Loomis, the immigrant. When Arphaxad Loomis was four years of age his parents removed to Salisbury, New York, where his father was for many years a justice of the peace, and assistant justice of the Herkimer County Court. During his early life Arphaxad Loomis attended the district school, acquiring thereby a practical knowledge of the rudi- ments of education, in the meantime as- sisting with the work of his father's farm, in this manner building up a strong con- stitution. In 1812, when only fourteen years of age, he began to be self-support- ing, accepting a position as teacher in the district school for the winter months, and so continued for a period of thirteen years until 1825. and in the meantime for six years from 1812 to 1818 attended Fair- field Academy during the summer months, thereby gaining a knowledge of the higher branches of study. Having decided upon the profession of law as his life work, he pursued a course of study along that line, and was admitted to the bar in 1825. He then located in Sacket Harbor and en- gaged in the active practice of his pro- 104 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY fession, remaining for two years, and then removed to Little Falls where he was en- gaged in a successful practice until 1885, a period of almost sixty years. He was also active in the politics of his adopted State, being chosen for offices of trust and responsibility. He was surrogate of Her- kimer county, 1828-37; a member of a commission to investigate the policy, labor and discipline in State prisons, in 1834; a Democratic Representative in the Twenty-fifth Congress, 1837-39; a mem- ber of the Assembly from Herkimer county, 1841-43; a member of the State Constitutional Convention of 1846, and a commissioner to revise the code of prac- tice in 1847. His defective hearing alone prevented his appointment to high judi- cial stations. He was the author of: "His- torical Sketch of the New York System of Law Reform" (1879). Mr. Loomis married, in 1832, Ann, daughter of Dr. Stephen Todd, of Salis- bury, New York. The death of Mr. Loomis occurred in Little Falls, New York, September 15, 1885, at the advanced age of eighty-seven years, after an active and useful career. SAMMONS, Simeon, Soldier, Government Official. Colonel Simeon Sammons, son of Lieu- tenant Thomas and Mary (Wood) Sam- mons, was born on the Sammons home- stead farm, near Johnstown. New York, May 23. 181 1. He was educated in the district school, and for a year and a half attended Johns- town Academy. ' After leaving school he returned to the farm and was engaged the remainder of his life in its management, except when occupied in the public serv- ice and when away during the Civil War. He was not lacking in the military ardor of his ancestors. At the age of eighteen vears he enlisted in the Thirtv-seventh Regiment, Eleventh Brigade, Fourteenth Division, New York Infantry, as ensign, appointed by Governor Throop, March 3, 1829, was promoted lieutenant, then cap- tain, and Governor Marcy commissioned him major, August 23, 1837, and the same year lieutenant-colonel. Governor Sew- ard appointed him colonel of the same regiment. He was the means of effecting several important reforms in the service. In 1841 he resigned, but his wishes were refused. He continued his farming opera- tions uninterruptedly until July 9, 1862, when he received a colonel's commission from Governor Morgan, with orders to establish a camp at Fonda, New York. Before sunset thirty men were engaged in the erection of barracks, and the next day officers were enlisting and examining re- cruits. August 29, 1S62, the One Hun- dred and Fifteenth Regiment, with full ranks, under command of Colonel Sam- mons, was marching toward the seat of war. They were at once brought face to face with war's stern realities. Dr. Sut- ton, the surgeon, wrote: "In thirty days the 115th Regiment have slept on their arms ten nights ; under the open Heaven 16: six nights in the cars and six in tents." For three days our command of one thousand and twenty-two men per- formed picket duty on twenty-one miles of railroad ; had four or five skirmishes with rebel cavalry ; fought one day be- hind breastworks ; endured a siege of four days, and finally surrendered to Stone- wall Jackson and were paroled. We marched one thousand five hundred miles in thirty days with the loss of but one man. The regiment saved its flag, and a year later vindicated their honor and proved their worth at the battle of Olus- tee, Florida, February 20, 1864. Colonel Sammons' regiment was posted on the right and bore the brunt of battle, suffer- ing terribly in killed and wounded. Cap- tain Vanderveer, whose body was return- 105 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ed to Fultonville, New York, was a vic- tim. Captains Ballou, French and Smith were wounded. First Lieutenant James H. Clark was wounded, and on his return from the war wrote the history of the "Iron Hearted Regiment." Colonel Sam- mons, mounted on a fine horse, recently presented to him by the non-commissioned officers and privates of the regiment, was wounded in the ankle. General Seymour, the Union commander, wrote : "Colonel Sammons behaved like one of the heroes of old and he has my respect forever." His wound, not properly treated until sixteen days later in New York, caused his return to his home, where it soon healed under proper care. He returned to his regiment, which was with the Army of the Potomac under General Grant, and engaged in the siege of Petersburg. After the explosion of Burnside's mine, the regi- ment bore a prominent part in the battle of Cemetery Hill, where he was shot through the body. The wound was not fatal, but ended his military career. He retired to the old farm, where he died March 19, 1881. Colonel Sammons was a Democrat, and frequently called to public office. He was supervisor of the town several years. He represented Montgomery county in the Legislature in 1865 ; was chairman of the Montgomery County Democratic Commit- tee ; delegate to the National Union Con- vention in Philadelphia, and to Democratic National Convention in New York in 1868. In 1870 he was appointed harbor master of the port of New York, serving two years. While in the Legislature he championed the bill making free the bridge across the Mohawk river at Fonda. He was frequently president of the Mont- gomery County Agricultural Society, and gave freely of his time and means to all public enterprises. He married Barbara, daughter of Henry and Magdalene (Cline) Gross. MUNSELL, Joel, Journalist, Publisher, Author, Joel Munsell, son of Joel and Cynthia (Paine) Munsell, was born at Northfield, Massachusetts, April 14, 1808. No one ever has or can gain a greater height of lespect in Albany than Joel Munsell achieved by his own efforts and in his own quiet, painstaking, laborious way, as historian, genealogist and publisher. He was unpretentious in his manner of living, and retiring of nature ; withal his fellow citizens considered him in their front rank. His parents had gone from Hartford, Connecticut, to Northfield before his birth, and it was at that place he spent the first seventeen years of his life, attending the local school of the town and also assist- ing his father in his trade of wheelwright. But it was in 1825 that his natural bent was given free rein, when he became an apprentice in the printing office of the "Franklin Post and Christian Freeman," published at Greenfield, nearby. In De- cember of 1826 he had changed to another office in the village ; but his next em- ployer, John Denio, took him to Albany in May, 1827, to be his clerk in a book store. He preferred, at that time, to be engaged in the making of books rather than the selling of them, and secured em- ployment on the "National Observer," published by Solomon Southwick. Janu- ary 1, 1828, found him a journeyman printer two days of the week on the "Ma- sionic Record" and also helping Mr. Denio at spare moments. Meanwhile he was printing, editing and distributing from door to door his own news sheet, "The Albany Minerva." of which he is- sued eight numbers. He now devoted much time to collecting papers and bind- ing them, doing job work for various newspapers, and was away some time seeking journeymen in Northfield, Hart- 106 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ford and New Haven. With a little spare time at the latter place, he attended lec- tures and read useful works in science and literature. In 1834 he was associated with Henry D. Stone in the publication of "The Micro- scope," and this lasted three years, when he had saved a sufficient sum to enable him in October, 1836, to open for himself a job printing office, at No. 58 State street. He had at last found his true bearings, where his skill and intelligence might ex- pand as he desired they should, and as a result "Joel Munsell, the printer," became known all over the United States. It is peculiar that in becoming, through his printery, the friend of the historian, stu- dent, genealogist and chronicler of events, he was to reap so great a success that everything put forth by his shop trebled in value as time went on, and by 1900, or hardly a score of years after his death, such volumes as he had issued at a dollar had increased in value to from three to eight dollars. In the year 1900 his "Mem- oirs of Madame Reidesel," printed in or dinary fashion and bound plainly in cloth, could not be secured to supply the de- mand of the trade at eight dollars, and one of the volumes of his "Collections" was quoted locally at twenty-five dollars. This shows with what perspicuity he selected works for publication, which many another would have deemed unimportant. A list of the books and pamphlets issued from his press would make a volume in itself, and had he lived to reap the bene- fits of his phenomenal advance in trade, he would have bequeathed riches to his family. The first work compiled and published by him was called "Outlines of the His- tory of Printing," issued in 1839. But it is as a historian of the city that Albanians look up to him. He is remembered by everyone as the greatest recorder of local events, and were it not for his patient efforts, but poorly remunerated, there would be a dearth of printed material about the past of Albany. At this day it is an ambition of every household to pos- sess a set of his ten little volumes inscrib- ed "Annals of Albany," which he began in 1849 an< i completed in 1859. The text runs as a diary and carries the readers back a hundred years by the compilations therein under the caption, "Notes from the Newspapers." His "Collections on the History of Albany," four volumes, were issued between 1865 and 1871, and every- body wonders how he found the time to prepare them in conjunction with the work of his printery. They are exceed- ingly valuable for reference and are fre- cmently quoted. Another similar work and monument to his industry is "The Every Day Book of History and Chro- nology," compiled by him, and published in two i2mo. volumes in 1843. Beginning with that year he prepared and issued an- nually "Webster"s Annual Almanac," started in 1784 by Charles R. Webster, continued to the present, since his father's death, by Charles Munsell. Many of his publications were put forth at a pecuni- ary loss to him ; but he never refused to print what appeared to him to be a valu- able manuscript because of a forecast "it wouldn't pay," and this unselfish zeal has led to the preservation of an abundance of historic material now of rare value. Mr. Munsell's endeavors in the field of local journalism include "Albany Min- erva," 1828; a daily campaign paper edited by the Hon. Daniel D. Barnard, 1840; "The Lady's Magazine" and "The North- ern Star and Freeman's Advocate," in 1844: "The Spectator," edited by Rev. Dr. William Buel Sprague, in 1845 ; "The Guard." an Odd Fellows' paper, edited by C. C. Burr and John Fanner; and at vari- ous times, "The New York State Me- chanic," "The Unionist," "The State Reg- ister," "The Typographical Miscellany," 107 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY "The New York Teacher," "The Morning Express" and "The Daily Statesman." He also took great interest in and for three years published "The New England Historic-Genealogical Register," of Bos- ton. He published ten volumes of valu- able historical matter in limited editions upon excelllent paper, quarto size, en- titled "Munsell's Historical Series." Mr. Munsell was a founder of The Al- bany Institute, constant in attendance, reading before that body a number of papers of great concern, and was through forty years its treasurer. During forty- three years he was a faithful supporter of the Lutheran church and its trustee for over twenty years. He was affectionately liked by all associating with him. In stature he was slight, and in expression decidedly cheerful, although possibly he enjoyed no other pleasures than his ardu- ous work. In conversation he frequently was jocose and facetious. His manner was always quiet and unobtrusive. He was made an honorary member of many societies, each of which bodies sent dele- gates to attend his funeral, when worn out by excessive and constant work he ceased from his labors. He died January 15, 1880, at his residence, No. 59 Lodge street, Albany, New York. Joel Munsell married (first) at Albany, New York, June 17, 1834, Jane Caroline Bigelow, born in 1812, died in Albany, June 17, 1854, by whom four children. Married (second) at Albany, September 11. 1856, Mary A. Reid. born in 1822. daughter of Alexander Reid, of Montreal, Canada, bv whom six children. WAKEMAN, Abram, Lawyer, National Legislator, Abram Wakeman, son of Jonathan and Clara Wakeman, was born May 24, 1824, in Greenfield, Connecticut. He was one of the contemporaries of William H. Sew- ard, Thurlow Weed, Horace Greeley, Henry J. Raymond and Preston King, in the organization of the Republican party. Much of his early life was spent on a farm. He attended the school founded by Timothy Dwight at Fairfield, who later became president of Yale University. At fourteen he started out to make his own living, teaching school at Rochelle and Lockport, New York. He studied law with Capron & Lake, at Little Falls, go- ing to New York in 1846, where he was admitted to the bar and became a partner of Horace Holden, taking an active part in politics and supporting the Whig party. In 1850 he was elected from the fifth ward a member of the Legislature and reelected in 1851. He distinguished himself in his successful efforts to secure a revision of the public school laws. He also sup- ported Hon. Hamilton Fish in his election to the United States Senate. In 1854 he was elected as alderman from the twelfth ward on the Reform ticket. In 1856 he was a member of the Republican National Convention, and a member of the national committee from his State during twelve succeeding years. He was elected to Con- gress in 1856. He was a candidate of the Free Soil and American parties that later merged into the Republican party. He continued the practice of law, his firm being Wakeman, Latting & Phelps, with offices at 59 Fulton street. Mr. Phelps, the junior partner, was minister of the United States to the Court of St. James during President Cleveland's first admin- istration. Mr. Wakeman attracted the favorable attention of Mr. Lincoln during the campaign of i860. They became warm personal friends and remained so until the death of Mr. Lincoln. At the out- break of the Civil War Mr. Wakeman raised a regiment of volunteers, the Eighty-first Pennsylvania, and was ap- pointed its colonel, but at the request of President Lincoln he resigned in favor of 108 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY his friend, Colonel Miller, who was killed in a small skirmish on going to the front. President Lincoln and Secretary Seward wished him to accept the ministership to the Court of St. James, but he found the expenses connected with the honorable office would not admit of it. He became postmaster of New York City. His outspoken Union ideas made him a mark for many dangers. It was through his efforts that a plot was dis- covered to destroy the city. Suspecting some correspondence that was passing through the mails, he seized the same and through the assistance of a cypher expert the plot was revealed. During the draft riots he remained at the post office, send- ing to the navy yard and obtaining arms, and garrisoned the building. Arrange- ments were made with the "Evening Post," who had offices opposite, that in case of an attack, steam from the boilers was to be thrown on the mob. In the meantime his own residence in Eighty- seventh street, situated on his property which covered the entire block from Fifth to Madison avenues, was destroyed by the mob, including his private library, then one of the largest in the city. For several days he was unable to find trace of his family, who had escaped to Astoria, Long Island. As postmaster he reorgan- ized the service and established the dis- trict stations and letter collection boxes. During President Lincoln's second term he was made Surveyor of the Port. The pride of his later life was that he had re- tained the trusted friendship of Lincoln, Seward and Reed. After his retirement from politics he organized the Bay Ridge and Manhattan Beach road, and was in- terested in developing Coney Island. In 1864 he purchased the General Orville Clark place at Sandy Hill, which has re- mained in the family ever since. He was married twice. His first wife and daughter, Rosamond, were burned in the Cambridge apartments, New York City, March 7, 1883. The courage dis- played by Rosamond YYakeman at this fire was most heroic. After assisting the old nurse (who had been in the family for over thirty years) to escape, and believ- ing her mother following, she discovered her mistake when they had reached the street, and she at once returned in the face of certain death, and both were lost. Abram Wakeman died at his residence, 46 East Twentieth street. New York. June 29, 1889. FRUYN, John V. L., Lawyer, National Legislator. John Van Schaick Lansing, LL.D., (known as John V. L. Pruyn), youngest child of David and Huybertie (Lansing) Pruyn, was born in Albany, New York, June 22, 181 1, died at Clifton Springs, New York. November 21, 1877. He had a most brilliant and useful career in both public and professional life, being skilled in the law. He was State Senator, a member of Congress, and Chancellor of the University of the State of New York. He was of the best Dutch ancestry. His maternal grandfather, Christopher Lan- sing, was quartermaster of General Schuyler's regiment in the Revolutionary War, and a man of high character. On the maternal side he descended from the Van Schaicks. Yates, Bogarts, Van Slich- tenhorsts, Verplancks and Schuylers. On the paternal side he also descended from the Bogarts, Verplancks and Schuylers, as well as from the Groesbecks and Van der Poels. His great-grandmother, Huy- bertie Yates, mother of Christopher Lan- sing, was a sister of Hon. Abraham Yates, mayor of Albany from 1790 to 1796, whose fidelity to the principles of Jefferson pro- cured for him the name of "the Demo- crat," and who wrote the famous political articles signed the "Rough Hewer." A 109 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY direct though somewhat remote ancestor was Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst, of Nykerk, in Gelderland, who was appoint- ed in 1646 during the minority of the young patroon, director of the Colonie of Rensselaerwyck, president of the court of justice, and general superintendent, with full power to manage the Van Rensselaer estate. John V. L. Pruyn's character was moulded by his most excellent mother, and one of the beautiful features of his life was his devotion to her. John V. L. Pruyn received his early education in private schools, and entered the Albany Academy in 1824, where he completed a full course of study. The noted Theodoric Romeyn Beck, M.D., LL.D., was principal of the academy dur- ing the years he spent there. Immedi- ately after leaving the academy he enter the law office of James King, at that time one of Albany's most prominent lawyers, later a regent of the University of New York, and who in 1839 became chancellor. Mr. Pruyn became his private and con- fidential clerk and remained as such several months after being admitted to the bar. He was admitted as attorney in the Supreme Court of New York and a solicitor in the Court of Chancery, Jan- uary 13, 1822. This latter court admitted him a counsellor, May 21, 1833, and the Supreme Court on January 17, 1835. While still a young lawyer he was counsel for some of the parties to the famous "James Will Case," which gave him both reputation and experience. In 1833 he formed a law partnership with Henry H. Martin, who had been a fellow student in the office of Mr. King. The firm name was Pruyn & Martin. On May 27, 1833, he was appointed by Governor Marcy an examiner in chancery, and February 10, 1836, a master in chancery. Three days later Chancellor Walworth designated him as injunction master for the third circuit, all highly responsible positions. which showed how he had gained the con- fidence and respect of those in authority. February 21, 1848, he was admitted to practice in the United States Supreme Court at Washington, and April 9, 1856, to practice before the United States Court of Claims. In 1853 he had practically withdrawn from the practice of his pro- fession, politics and corporation service taking his entire time. In 1851 he became a director of the Albany City Bank and subsequently vice-president. In 1851 he formed a law partnership with John H. Reynolds (Mr. Martin, his former part- ner, having been appointed cashier of the Albany City Bank), one of the most bril- liant lawyers of the day. The partner- ship continued until 1853, when Mr. Pruyn's railroad relations became so im- portant that he could not longer give the law his personal attention. In 1835 he was chosen counsel and a director of the Mohawk & Hudson Rail- way, the first railway successfully operat- ed in America. In 1853 steps were taken to amalgamate the various railway corpo- rations (about ten in number) between Albany and Buffalo into one corporate body. Mr. Pruyn in person concluded the proceedings and drew up the "consoli- dation agreement," in some respects the most important business document ever drawn in the State. The new corporation was the New York Central Railroad, and he was chosen secretary, treasurer and general counsel. He continued in this capacity and also a director of the road until 1866, when the Corning manage- ment was voted out by the Vanderbilts. He had now acquired a comfortable com- petence and henceforth devoted himself to other and more congenial pursuits. He was deeply interested in political science, though not in the vulgar sense a poli- tician. He was a Democrat of the "old school." When the Civil War broke out, he at once ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY took sides with the government, and did all a conscientious citizen should do to honor and defend the constitution. At the fall election of 1861 he was elected State Senator. He accepted the nomina- tion upon the express condition that neither he or any of his friends should be called upon to contribute a single dollar to control the vote of any elector. At the close of one of the sessions of the Legis- lature, he gave the salary of a year to the poor of Albany. At about this time a law was passed at the instance of James A. Bell, Mr. Pruyn and a few others, for the building of the new state capitol. By the laws of 1865 a commission was created for this purpose, Mr. Pruyn being one of the commissioners, and continuing as such until 1870, when the board was re- organized, largely, it is said, in the in- terests of the friends of the New York City political ring headed by "Boss Tweed." Air. Pruyn, not being in har- mony with this element of his party, was dropped from the commission. A great deal that was meritorious in the original plans of the Capitol was due to the efforts of Mr. Pruyn and the Hon. Hamilton Harris, an associate member of the com- mission. These two worked side by side, and had their wishes been more closely followed the defects in the building would have been fewer and much money saved the State. Mr. Pruyn was particularly well informed on light and ventilation, and to his energy is due the central court of the building. This he had to fight for, with the assistance of Mr. Harris, as well as for other necessary features of the building. From 1865 to 1870 these two men worked to the best of their ability for the interests of the State. The first stone of the new building was laid on July 7, 1869, by Mr. Pruyn in the presence of Governor Hoffman, the State officials, and a few friends. A feature of the deco- ration of the "famous staircase" is a head of Mr. Pruyn carved in stone. He was a representative in Congress from the Albany district twice; first in the Thirty-eighth Congress (1863-65), elected as successor to Erastus Corning, resigned, and again in the Fortieth Con- gress (1867-69). He served upon the im- portant committees on ways and means, claims, Pacific railroads, joint library and foreign affairs. In the Thirty-eighth Congress his most noted speeches were made in opposition to the confiscation act, against the currency bill, and upon the abolition of slavery. In the Fortieth Con- gress his principal speeches were on the treaty-making power, under the Alaska treaty with Russia, on construction, on diplomatic appropriation, the resumption of specie payments and against the im- peachment of President Andrew Johnson. In this Congress he was chosen a regent of the Smithsonian Institution, in con- junction with the Hon. Luke P. Poland and James A. Garfield, then a member of Congress from Ohio, later to die by the assassin's bullet while President of the United States. Mr. Pruyn was in many respects the most efficient representative that Albany has ever sent to Washington. He was possessed of most remarkable ex- ecutive ability, while his extensive knowl- edge and elevated views of public affairs gave him weight and position. Although not rated an orator, he was an effective speaker. "His style of language and manner was simple, vigorous and correct, while his reasoning was sound and just." Although eminently fitted for public life, he will be best remembered for his work in the more congenial fields of philan- thropy and education. In 1831 he was elected a member of the Albany Institute, which he served in all capacities includ- ing the office of president, which he filled capably from 1857 until his death. The ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Albany Institute, although not organized until May, 1824, is in reality one of the oldest literary and scientific societies in the State, being the combination of the '"Albany Lyceum of Natural History" (founded in 1823) and the "Society for the Promotion of Useful Arts," which was founded in 1804 as the legitimate successor of the "Society for the Promo- tion of Agriculture, Arts and Manufac- tures," organized in the city of New York (then the State Capitol) in 1791. In the cause of education, Mr. Pruyn did a noble work. On May 4, 1844, at the age of thirty-three, he was appointed by the Legislature a regent of the Univer- sity of the State of New York, and on January 9, 1862, was elected chancellor to succeed Hon. Gerrit Yates Lansing, LL.D., deceased. He was a regent for over thirty years, fifteen of which he was chancellor, the highest educational office in the State. The University of the State of New York was established by the Leg- islature first in 1784, but substantially as it now exists in 1787. Alexander Hamil- ton was one of the committee who drew up the Act of 1787. The University, like those of Oxford and Cambridge, is one of supervision and visitation rather than one of instruction. There are twenty-three regents, the presiding officer of the board being the chancellor, who is the head of the unversity, which includes under the visitation of the regents twenty-three lit- erary colleges, twenty medical colleges, schools of science, three law schools, and about two hundred and forty academies and academical departments of Union schools. The regents also have the care of the state library and the State Museum of Natural History. When he became chancellor Mr. Pruyn threw his whole soul into the work. The cause of higner education was not in its most flourishing condition, hut he gave it a quickening impulse. The University convocation was organized, the system of preliminary and higher academic examination was in- stituted and a broad foundation laid for greater usefulness. At Hamilton College he founded the Pruyn medal for the best oration in the senior class, relating to the duties of the educated citizen to the State. He was president of the board of trustees of St. Stephen's College at Annandale, an institution founded by Mr. and Mrs. John Bard for training young men, chiefly for the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal church. As a member of the "Associa- tion for the Codification of the Law of Nations," he offered at the Hague meet- ing in 1875 resolutions of thanks for courtesies received, speaking in English, French and finally in Dutch, the language of his ancestors, for which he was loudly applauded. In 1876 the board of commis- sioners of state survey was organized and he was chosen president. This was really the last public position to which he was called. In 1871 he was appointed by President Grant a member of the centen- nial commission, but resigned before 1876. He was corresponding member of the New York Historical Society, an honor- ary member of the Wisconsin Historical Society, a resident member of the Ameri- can Geographical and Statistical Society, a life member of the Young Men's Asso- ciation of Albany, a member of the Liter- ary Fund Society of London, of the Union and Century clubs of New York, and of other societies. He received the degree of Master of Arts in 1835 from Rutgers College and in 1845 from Union College, and that of LL.D. in 1852 from the University of Rochester. During the latter years of his life he gave nearly all his time to public service, and that too without compensation, although entitled by law to the reimbursement of his ex- penses he steadily declined to take it. His religious life was remarkably happy. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Originally an officer of the Second Re- formed Dutch Church, in which he had been reared, the latter half of his religious life was given almost wholly to the Prot- estant Episcopal church, of which he be- came a communicant. He was a vestry- man of St. Peter's Church, Albany, early known as "Queen Anne's Chapel in the Wilderness." His views were essentially broad. He was a warm admirer of Dean Stanley, and a personal friend of Bishop Doane, to whom he suggested the form of prayer now in use in the diocese of Albany for the government and State Legislature, and for a collect for the new year. Despite his love for the Episcopal church, he never lost sight of his early religious training, but made it his custom to annually take part in the New Year services of the Dutch church. He was a man of cultivated taste, had traveled ex- tensively, and had a large circle of friends abroad as well as at home. His preemi- nent characteristic was justice. He was always gentle and never spoke ill of any- one. "He had not an enemy in the world" was true of him. He led a life of personal purity and integrity, unsullied by even a rumor to the contrary. After his death on November 21, 1877, resolutions of sympathy were passed by the bodies with which he had been connected and by many others upon which he had no claim. His funeral took place on the afternoon of Friday, November 23, 1877, from St. Peter's Church, Albany, in the presence of the Governor, the State officials, re- gents of the University, and a large as- semblage of friends. The flags upon the public buildings were at half mast, and many of the public offices closed during the funeral services. He is buried in the Albany Cemetery, beneath the shadow of a simple granite cross, suitably inscribed. Mr. Pruyn married (first) October 22, 1840, in Albany, Harriet Corning Turner, born June 18, 1822, second daughter of H Y-Vol H-8 ] Thomas and Mary Ruggles (Weld) Turner, of Troy, New York. She was a lineal descendant of the Rev. Thomas Weld, who emigrated from England in 1632 and became pastor of the First Con- gregational Church in Roxbury, Massa- chusetts. Mrs. Pruyn died March 22, 1859. In St. Peter's Church a beautiful memorial window is dedicated to her memory and that of an infant daughter. Erastus Corning, eldest son of John V. L. Pruyn, was born August 24, 1841 ; passed several years under the tuition of the Rev. Mr. Calthrop at Bridgeport, Connecticut, and subsequently a student at Princeton University and at Trinity College, Cam- bridge, England ; he was appointed con- sular agent of the United States at Cara- cas by Hon. William H. Seward, Secre- tary of State, and was the acting minister of our government there during the Vene- zuelan revolution of 1868. He received special commendation from the State De- partment for his services at that time. In 1871 he went to Teneriffe, one of the Canary Islands, where he died at Orotava. February, 1881. John V. L. Pruyn was married (second) September 7, 1865, at St. Peter's Church, Albany, by the Rt. Rev. Horatio Potter, D.D., LL.D., D.C.I., Oxon, Bishop of New York, to Anna Fenn Parker, born at Delhi, New York, March 26, 1840, eldest daughter of Hon. Amasa J. Parker and his wife, Harriet Langdon (Roberts) Parker, of Albany (see Parker VII). Two children were born of this marriage. Mrs. John V. L. (Anna F. Parker) Pruyn, spent the greater part of her life in Albany. She was a woman of vigorous mental powers, of broad culture and of extended travel. She was deeply interested in Albany affairs where her house was a center of wide hospitality. Generous by nature, she gave liberally of her means both to public and private charities. The Pruyn public library in Albany was a gift from Mrs. Pruyn and 13 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY her family in memory of her husband. She died at her summer home in Matta- poisett, Massachusetts, October 7, 1909. Two daughters, Mrs. William Gorham Rice, of Albany, and Mrs. Charles S. Hamlin, of Boston, survive her. MORGAN, Lewis H., Ethnologist, Archeologist. Lewis Henry Morgan, esteemed by scientists as among the great — perhaps, the greatest — ethnologists of his time, was born at Aurora, Cayuga county, Novem- ber 21, 1818, the ninth child and seventh son of the Hon. Jedediah Morgan, by his second wife Harriet, daughter of Samuel Steele, of Hartford, Connecticut. He was of Puritan stock, pardonably proud of his lineage, descended paternally from James Morgan, who migrated from Wales to Roxbury, Massachusetts, in 1636, and maternally from John Steele, who came from England, in 1641, to what is now Cambridge, the seat of Harvard University. In the maternal line, the blood of the "Mayflower" also coursed his veins, his great-great-grandfather, Samuel Steele, having married in 1680 Mercy, the granddaughter of Governor William Bradford, of Plymouth. James Morgan married in Roxbury, August 6, 1640, Margery Hill and, ten years later, removed to Pequot, now New London, Connecticut, and there the Morgan family abode for five generations. Thomas Mor- gan, the grandfather of Lewis, following in the wake of the New England exodus succeeding the close of the Revolution, settled in Scipio, Cayuga county, in 1792, at the age of fifty. Jedediah, his son, re- sided mainly in Aurora, was of competent estate, highly respected in the community and represented the seventh district in the State Senate, — 1824-26, — dying a year before the expiration of his term, when Lewis was in his eighth year. The house in which Lewis was born is still standing and is occupied by a professor at Wells College. Lewis, having received an excellent preliminary training, entered Union Col- lege, was a member of the Kappa Alpha fraternity and was graduated, with honor, in 1840. He studied law, was admitted to practice, settled in Rochester, was for a time a partner with George F. Dan- forth, a college classmate, afterward a judge of the Court of Appeals, and soon secured a lucrative and honorable prac- tice, continued for the ensuing decade. At the end thereof, however, business en- gagements and scientific studies caused him to withdraw from the profession. In 1855 he became interested, first as legal adviser and then as stockholder, in the projected railway from Marquette, Michi- gan, to the south shore of Lake Superior and in the development of the iron mines in the region, from which he derived a considerable income. But it is to his labors in anthropology that Morgan owes his widespread fame. Living near to the Cayuga and not re- mote from the Onondaga and Seneca res- ervations of the Iroquois, his attention was turned early to the study of Indi- an life ; and it is of interest to note the probable cause of his interest therein. "On his return (to Aurora) from college he joined a secret society, known as the 'Gordian Knot,' composed of the young men of the village. Chiefly by his in- fluence this society was enlarged and re- organized and became the "New Confed- eracy of the Iroquois." It held its coun- cils in the woods at night. It was found- ed upon the ancient confederacy of the Five Nations, and its symbolic council fires were kindled upon the ancient terri- tories of the Mohawks, the Oneidas, the Onondagas, the Cayugas and the Sene- cas. Its objects were to gather the frag- ments of the history, institutions and 114 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY government of the Indians, and to en- courage a kinder feeling toward them. A friend writes that "many of its members have since become distinguished in vari- ous walks of life, but upon none of them was its influence so persuasive and so permanent as upon Mr. Morgan." It gave direction to his thought and stimu- lus to his energies. In order that it might be in conformity with its models, he visit- ed the tribes in New York and Canada, even then remnants, but retaining, so far as they were able, their ancient laws and customs. These he investigated and soon became deeply interested in them. On his removal to Rochester his studies of Indian institutions were continued and, in 1845, he attended day after day a grand council of the Indians at the Tonawanda reservation ; and in April of the same year went to Washington to plead in behalf of the Indians against the great injustice done them in taking away some of their lands. While on this journey he attend- ed a meeting of the New York Historical Society, of which he had been elected a member, and read his first public paper on the subject, referred to in the Proceed- ings of the Society as "An essay on the constitutional government of the Six Na- tions of Indians." Thereafter the pursuit of knowledge of the aboriginal habitat and history, tra- ditions and institutions, beginning with those of the Iroquois, the most intelligent and powerful federation of Indians on the continent, extending through the range of American tribes and culminating in the most important revelations and dis- coveries. In 1847 he published fourteen "Letters on the Iroquois," addressed to Albert Gallatin, LL.D., in the "American Review" under the nom dc plume of "Shen- andoah." These were followed by several reports to the regents of the university upon Indian remains in this State, on the "Fabrics of the Iroquois;" and in 1851 appeared his volume on the "League of the Iroquois," which at once attracted general attention and gave its author a high place in the world of letters and science. He had been, October 1, 1847, adopted into the Hawk gens of the Sene- cas and given the name Ta-ya-da-wah- kugh (one lying across, or a friendly com- municant between the white and red races). Ten years later, at the Montreal meeting of the "American Association for the Advancement of Science" he read a paper on "The Laws of Descent of the Iroquois" which furnished the basis of one of the most important generaliza- tions in relation to American ethnology. By further visitations and researches among the Ojibways he found that their system of kinship was substantially the same as that of the Iroquois ; and his con- clusions were embodied in a paper read before the academy entitled "A Conjec- tural Solution of the Classificatory Sys- tem of Relationship," February 11, 1868. In this year he also produced "The Ameri- can Beaver and his Works," which was without the range of his special studies, but with a possible hint thereof in the communal life of the beaver and his in- genuity as an earth builder. It was re- ceived by foreign scholars with high ad- miration, was translated into various languages, and gained for him honorary membership in several scientific societies. In 1870, he published, under the aus- pices of the Smithsonian, his great vol- ume on "Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family" contain- ing, as himself says, "the systems of re- lationships of four-fifths numerically of the entire human family." From 1869 to 1876, he contributed a number of papers to the "North American Review," — the "Seven Cities of Cibola," "Indian Migra- tions" and the "Houses of the Mound Builders" being among them. Probably the paper of 1876, entitled "Montezuma's 15 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Dinner," is the most characteristic of what has been called the "Morgan School" of ethnology. In it he showed that the commonly received statements relating to the Aztec civilization were founded on misconceptions and exaggerations, and that the Mexican confederacy, reviewed in the light of knowledge derived from a study of the social and tribal institutions of the Indians of America, would be found to form no exception to the democratic, military and priestly government found- ed on the gentile system common to the American tribes (Putnam). In 1877, he issued his illustrious work, "Ancient So- ciety," with the subordinate caption of "or Researches in the Lines of Human Progress from Savagery, through Bar- barism to Civilization" — the leading monument of his genius — the grand sum- ming up of many years of industrious labor and deep thought. In this, he shows how all the blessings of morality, liberty, society, industry and civilization and even all free institutions, have been developed through regular stages from a few germs originally planted in the soil of the human mind, far back in the pre- historic ages; proves that, with occa- sional retrogressions, there has been a constant growth in these respects, so that it is no longer an insoluble problem how a people can pass out of savagery and barbarism into civilization. Yet I doubt not thro' the ages one increasing purpose runs, And the thoughts of men are widen'd with the process of the suns. As this is written (March, 1916) when the world is lapped in the blood of the innocents, and furious savagery, fed by science, asserts its sway, one is tempted to wonder if this supreme scientist would consider the present time a retrogres- sion. "Ancient Society" is Morgan's work of superlative renown, investing its 116 author with fellowship in numerous learned societies and the acclaim of the scientists of two continents, which still abides "opening up," as it does, in the words of William Henry Holmes, curator of the National Gallery of Art, "of a vast new field of research of which the world had no previous knowledge, and the appli- cation of the remarkable insight into human affairs thus gained in the classi- fication and logical arrangement of the whole subject-matter of anthropology." The last work of Morgan was his "Houses and House-life of the American Aborigi- nes," which illustrates and verifies his conception of the organization of primi- tive society of the early and middle stages of barbarism. In 1873, Morgan received the degree of Doctor of Laws from his alma mater. In 1880, he was president of the "Ameri- can Association for the Advancement of Science." Politically a Republican, he was an Assemblyman in 1861, and a Sen- ator in 1867 an d '68. In both these ca- pacities, he was distinguished as the foe of all vicious measures, and his name was unsullied even by the insinuation of cor- rupt or undue partizan inclination. He was the founder of the exclusive, local, literary club, popularly known as the "Pundit," including the best scholarly and professional talent of the community, and before it he read many of his papers subsequently published. In 1851, he mar- ried Mary E., his cousin, and daughter of Lemuel Steele, of Albany. The loss of two fair daughters, in 1862, turned his thought to the cause of higher education for women, and his will provided for the erection of a Woman's College in Roches- ter upon the decease of his wife and son. His entire property, estimated at $70,000, is now resolved into an endowment of the co-educational department of the univer- sity. The university also has in its keep- ing his oil protrait, magnificent library, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY curious relics, valuable papers and exten- sive correspondence. His home was one of genial but unaffected hospitality, whither many of those eminent in letters and science wended their way. Some- what reserved in his bearing, he was, from his stores of knowledge, an illumin- ating and fascinating conversationist. He was honorable in public, and virtuous and beloved in private life. He died at his home in Rochester, December 17, 1881, in the sixty-fourth year of his age. His wife survived him less than two years, also be- queathing her separate estate to the higher education of women. Both lie in Mount Hope Cemetery. There is as yet no full biography of Lewis H. Morgan, but notable tributes to his memory are the address at his funeral by the Rev. J. H. Mcllvaine, D. D., his intimate friend and pastor for many years ; the sketch by Putnam, "Proceedings of the American Association of Arts and Sciences," vol. xvii, May, 1882, heretofore referred to; and the memoir by Holmes before the National Academy of Science, November 20, 1907. His bibliography will be found in the "League of the Iroquois" edition of 1904. MYER, Albert James, Soldier, Author of Signal Service. General Albert James Myer, whose services in his particular field to the United States army were of inestimable value, was born in Newburgh, New York, September 20, 1827, son of Henry Beek- man and Elinor Pope (McClanahan) Myer ; grandson of Simon Johnson and Cornelia (Thorn) Myer, and of Robert and Elinor (Baird) McClanahan, and a descendant of Jan Dircksen and Tryntje Andriesse (Grevenraet) Myer, who emi- grated from Amsterdam to New Amster- dam previous to 1652. He was graduated from Hobart Col- lege, Bachelor of Arts, 1847, Master of Arts, 1850, and from Buffalo Medical Col- lege in 1851. He entered the United States army as an assistant surgeon in 1854, and served in Texas from that year to 1857. During 1850-60 he was on spe- cial signal service, and while so engaged he devised a system for signalling mes- sages with accuracy and rapidity for many miles, by means of flags by day and torches by night, this marking the beginning of a service that was carried to great efficiency during the Civil War. He was made major and signal officer in i860, and saw duty in New Mexico and against the Indians. At the outbreak of the rebellion, he was placed on duty at Fortress Monroe, where he organized and commanded the camp for signal service instruction, and served on the staff of General Benjamin F. Butler, later being an aide to General McDowell, and taking part in the first battle of Bull Run. As chief signal officer on the staff of General George B. McClellan, he established camps of instruction for signalmen, or- ganized signal parties, and introduced the signal service at the Naval Academy at Annapolis. He commanded the signal service of the Army of the Potomac in the Peninsula campaign of 1862, and in that year was brevetted lieutenant-colo- nel and colonel for gallant and meritori- ous services at Hanover Court House and Malvern Hill. He was promoted to full colonel in March, 1863, and until Novem- ber of that year was in charge of the main signal system service office at Washing- ton City, and introduced the signal sys- tem in the Military Academy at West Point, and was head of the central board of examination for admission to the signal corps of the army. He was on reconnois- sance duty on the Mississippi river be- tween the mouth of the Ohio and Mem- phis, Tennessee, from December, 1863, to May, 1864, and from that time until the 17 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY end of the war was chief signal officer of the Military Division of the Mississippi. As a member of General Canby's staff he participated in the capture of Fort Gaines, Alabama. On March 13, 1865, he wasbre- vetted brigadier-general in the regular army for distinguished services in organ- izing, instructing and commanding the signal service of the army, and for special service in October, 1865, when the post of Allatoona, Georgia, with General Sher- man's vast supplies, was saved from cap- ture through the aid of his flag signals — the incident memorialized in the popular evangelistic hymn, "Hold the Fort." Gen- eral Myer was made chief signal officer of the army on July 28, 1866. On Novem- ber 1, 1870, in an experiment in tele- graphing and signalling the approach and force of storms, he made his first ob- servations and which were received at twenty-four widely separated stations at 8.25 o'clock a. m., and a week later he telegraphed his first storm warning to the stations which he had established on the Great Lakes. He represented the United States at the International Congress of Meteorologists at Vienna in 1873, and at the Meteorological Congress in Rome in 1879. Between these years, in 1875 he had established a daily international bul- letin and in 1878 a daily international chart in connection with the Signal Serv- ice Bureau ; and also a system of day and night signals for navigation, and a sys- tem of reports for the benefit of farmers and of interior commerce. In recogni- tion of his services, he was made a briga- dier-general in the regular army in 1880. In 1872 Hobart College conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Laws, and Union University that of Doctor of Phi- losophy in 1875. General Myer was the author of "Manual of Signals for the United States Army and Navy" (1868). He died in Buffalo, New York, August 24, 1880. MARSHALL, Elisha G., Civil War Soldier. Colonel Elisha Gaylord Marshall, a sol- dier of the Civil War, and a principal figure in one of the bloodiest affairs of that period — that of "the crater," at Petersburg, Virginia — was born at Se- neca Falls, New York, January 26, 1829. After graduating from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1850, he was commissioned second lieutenant and assigned to the Sixth Infantry, and for eight years saw service in Utah, Cali- fornia and New Mexico. On the out- break of the Civil War in 1861, he was promoted to captain, and placed on duty at Rochester, New York, as mustering and disbursing officer. In April, 1862, he accepted the colonelcy of the Thirteenth New York Regiment, was engaged in the Peninsular campaign under McClelland, and was brevetted major for conspicuous gallantry at the battle of Gaines's Mill. Later he was engaged in the battles of Manassas and Antietam, and Fredericks- burg, his conduct in the latter engage- ment winning for him the brevet of lieu- tenant-colonel. He left the volunteer service in May, 1863, and was returned to his former duties at Rochester. On January 4, 1864, he was again commis- sioned colonel of volunteers, assigned to the Fourteenth Regiment New York Heavy Artillery, and commanded a bri- gade in the Fourth Division, Ninth Corps, under General Grant, in the campaign against Richmond, participating in the battle of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Tolopotomy, and at Cold Harbor. He commanded a brigade in the battle of the Petersburg Crater, June 17-18, 1864, where he greatly distinguished himself, and was severely wounded. In July fol- lowing, during the siege, he led the main assault on the 30th, and after holding the crater nearly all day was taken prisoner, 118 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY and held by the enemy until the close of the war in April, 1865, when he was placed on duty at Washington. For his services at Petersburg he was brevetted colonel, and brigadier-general for gallant and meritorious services during the war. On August 16, 1865, he was mustered out of the volunteer service, and until March, 1866, was on recruiting duty. He was promoted to major in the regular army in 1865, and in 1866-67 was commander at Fort Union, New Mexico. He was re- tired with the rank of colonel, September 11, 1867. The story of his conduct at Petersburg is thrillingly told by Major W. N. Powell, U. S. A., in volume IV of "Battles and Leaders of the Civil War." Colonel Marshall died in Canandaigua, New York, August 3, 1883. FRANCIS, Joseph, Inventor of Life-Saving Apparatus. Joseph Francis, whose inventions have been of invaluable worth to life-savers on the shores of the world, was born in Boston, Massachusetts, March 12, 1801. He developed a peculiar skill as a boat builder, and when eleven years old ex- hibited his handiwork. In 1819 he was the prize winner for a fast row-boat ex- hibited at the Mechanics' Institute Fair, Boston. When he attained his majority he established a boat-yard in New York City. He built wooden life-boats for the United States ships "Santee" and "Ala- bama" at the Portsmouth navy yard, but won his greatest reputation as designer of life-boats, life-cars and surf life-boats adopted by the Life-Saving Service and constructed from iron. At that time, in 1842, only wooden boats were suppsed to be practicable. His metallic life-car was built at his own expense, and furnished to the life-saving station at Squan Beach, New Jersey, the crew saving two hundred of the two hundred and one persons on the "Ayrshire," which was wrecked on the beach in January, 1850; and during the first four years, 1850-53, of the use of his life-boats, two thousand one hundred and fifty lives were saved. His inventions were adopted by the governments of every civilized nation in constructing life-saving apparatus, steamships, floating docks, har- bor-buoys, pontoon bridges and wagons and other marine devices, from corrugated sheet-metal. The sovereigns of Europe recognized his genius long before the United States Congress honored him, and in 1842 he was presented with medals and diplomas by the life-saving societies of France, of England, and of the Im- perial Royal European Society. He re- ceived a gold snuff box set in diamonds valued at seventeen thousand five hun- dred francs from Napoleon III. in 1856, and was made a Knight of St. Stanislaus in 1861. The Congress of the United States recognized his "life-long services to humanity and his country" in March, 1887, and in August, 1888, ordered a special gold medal to be struck and pre- sented to him as "the inventor and framer of the means for life-saving service of the country." President Harrison presented the medal, which cost three thousand dollars, April 12, 1890, when Mr. Francis was in his ninetieth year. He published "Life-Saving Appliances" (1885). He died at Cooperstown, New York, May 10, i893- BEECHER, Edward, Educator, Clergyman. The Rev. Edward Beecher was born at East Hampton, Long Island, New York, August 2/, 1803, the second son of Rev. Lyman and Roxana (Foote) Beecher. He prepared for college under his father's care, and was graduated from Yale Col- lege in 1822, after which he pursued his theological studies at Andover, Massachu- 119 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY setts, and at New Haven, Connecticut. In 1825 he was tutor in the Hartford High School and at Yale College. All through his life he was a practical advocate of physical culture, and while at college he wrote an article on "The Duty of an Equit- able Culture of all the Powers," a strong plea for healthy college sports, published in the "Christian Spectator." He began his career as minister at the Park Street Congregational Church in Boston, in 1826, and continued in that pastorate until 1830, when he became first president of the Illinois College at Jack- sonville, Illinois. After fourteen years service in that capacity he returned to Boston in 1844 and entered upon the charge of the Salem Street Church, which he retained until 1855, when he accepted a call from the Congregational church at Galesburg, Illinois, where he remained until 1870. He was a Professor of Bibli- cal Exegesis for several years in the Chicago Theological Seminary. In 1872 he went to Brooklyn, New York, to assist his brother, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, in the management of the "Christian Union," and purposed to retire perma- nently from the ministry. He had been a contributor to periodicals for many years, and editor-in-charge of the "Con- gregationalist" for half a dozen years. Throughout the Tilton scandal he stood by his brother, watching the case with the utmost vigilance, and by his very presence sustaining the courage of the defendant. In 1885 he assumed charge of the Congregational church at Park- ville, near Brooklyn, continuing his resi- dence in the city and making daily visits to his parish. He was run over by a rail- road train while returning from a week- day service, and one leg was so crushed that it had to be amputated. He entirely recovered from the shock and the opera- tion, despite his advanced age, he being at the time eighty-five. The degree of D. D. was conferred upon Mr. Beecher by Marietta College (Ohio) in 1841. His best known works are: "The Conflict of Ages," and "The Concord of Ages," in which he announces the view that man is in a progressive state — the present life being an outcome of a former one, and the preparation of another life after death. Evil, however, will continue in the future life, and the struggle be- tween it and good will still go on until some far-off future, when evil will be finally subdued, and universal harmony be forever established. The utterance of such radical views in regard to the future life necessarily made a profound impres- sion upon the thought of the day, and aroused much comment. His publications include : "Address on the Kingdom of God" (1827) ; "Six Sermons on the Nature, Importance and Means of Emi- nent Holiness throughout the Church" (1835) ; "Statement of Anti-Slavery Principles" (1837) ; "History of the Alton Riots" (1838); "Baptism; Its Import and Modes" (1850) ; "The Conflict of Ages" (1853) ; "The Concord of Ages" (i860) ; "History of Opinions on the Scriptural Doctrines of Future Retribu- tion" (1878); and "The Papal Conspir- acy" (1885). He died at his home in Brooklyn, New York, July 28, 1895. ANDREWS, Stephen P., Philosopher, Author. Stephen Pearl Andrews was born at Templeton, Massachusetts, March 22, 1812, son of Elisha Andrews, a clergy- man. He was educated at Amherst Col- lege, studied law with his brother at New Orleans, Louisiana, and engaged in prac- tice there, when he became first counsel for Mrs. Myra Clark Gaines in her famous suits. He was an ardent advocate of abolition, and in 1839 removed to Texas with the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY avowed purpose of laboring for the over- throw of slavery in that State. He con- ceived the idea of raising sufficient money to purchase all the slaves in Texas and thus free them, and in 1845 visited Eng- land in the hope of procuring financial assistance. He was gifted with oratorical powers of a superior order; and so ably did he present the cause in which his whole heart was enlisted that British capitalists and statesmen looked upon the project with favor, and would have sup- ported it financially had not the fear of difficulty with the United States deterred them. Upon his return to America, Mr. Andrews joined the Abolitionists at Boston. While in England he had be- come interested in phonography, and came to be active in introducing the system of phonographic reporting in America. Removing to New York in 1847, ne published, in cooperation with A. F. Boyle, a series of phonographic text- books, and edited two journals, the "Anglo-Saxon," and the "Propagandist," which were printed in phonetic type, and devoted to phonography and spelling re- form. He was the originator of a system of philosophy which he called "Integral- ism," and of a universal language which he called "Alwato." While still a young man he claimed to have discovered a unity of law in the universe, and on this his system of philosophy and language was based. The elements of his philoso- phy were published in a work entitled "Basic Outlines of Universology." Accord- ing to his system, a radical adjustment of all forms of belief, all ideas, all thought, was possible. He was a pioneer in the field of social science, and was regarded as a leader of radical thought on social questions. He instituted a series of con- ferences known as the "Colloquium," for the interchange of religious, philosophical and political ideas between men of widely diversified views, and he was for many years a member and vice-president of the Liberal Club, of New York, and a mem- ber of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and of the American Ethno- logical Society. He was a thorough Greek and Latin scholar, was master of Hebrew, Sanskrit and Chinese, and had more or less intimate knowledge of thirty-two additional languages. He published "Dis- coveries in Chinese ; or, the Symbolism of the Primitive Characters of the Chinese System of Writing as a Contribution to Philology and Ethnology, and a Practical Aid in the Acquisition of the Chinese Language" (1854); and a new French instructor, introducing a novel method of teaching the French language; "Com- parison of the Common Law with the Roman, French or Spanish Civil Law on Entails and other Limited Property in Real Estate" (1839) ; "Cost, the Limit of Price" ( 1 85 1 ) ; "The Constitution of Government in the Sovereignty of the In- dividual" (1851) ; "Love, Marriage and Divorce, and the Sovereignty of the In- dividual", a discussion by Henry James, Horace Greeley and Stephen Pearl An- drews, edited by S. P. Andrews (1853) ; "Constitution, or Organic Basis of the New Catholic Church" (i860) ; "The Great American Crisis" ; "An Universal Lan- guage" ; "The Primary System of Uni- versology and Alwato" (1871) ; "Primary Grammar of Alwato" (Boston, 1877) ; "The Labor Dollar" (1881) ; "Elements of Universology" (1881); "Ideological Etymology" (1881) ; and "The Church and Religion of the Future" (1885). He died in New York City, May 21, 1886. McALPINE, William Jarvis, Civil Engineer. William Jarvis McAlpine was born in New York City, April 30, 181 2, son of John and Elizabeth (Jarvis) McAlpine, grandson of Captain Donald and Eliza- ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY beth (Storer) McAlpine, and a descend- ant of Bishop Jarvis, of Connecticut, and of the Scottish Kings of Clan Alpine. He attended school at Newburgh, New York, and at Rome, New York, and studied civil engineering with John B. Jarvis, on the Carbondale railway in Pennsylvania, 1827-30. He was assistant to Mr. Jarvis on the Mohawk & Hudson River railroad and on the Schenectady & Saratoga railroad, 1830-31 ; and resident engineer on the Chenango canal, 1832-34. He was in charge of surveys for the en- largement of the Erie canal from Little Falls to Albany, 1835-36; and chief engi- neer of the eastern division, 1836-44. In June, 1845, he left the employ of the State to accept the position of chief engineer in the construction of a dry dock at the United States Navy Yard, Brooklyn, New York, a work of great magnitude and ex- traordinary difficulty, which he success- fully accomplished. He designed and superintended the construction of the original water works at Albany, New York, and at Chicago, Illinois, 1850-54. He was State Engineer and Surveyor, 1852-54; State Railroad Commissioner, 1855-57; acting president and chief engi- neer of the Erie railway, 1856-57, and chief engineer and vice-president of the Galena & Chicago railroad, 1857. He was chief engineer of the Third Avenue bridge across the Harlem river, 1860-61 ; general superintendent of the eastern division Ohio & Mississippi railroad, 1861-64; and chief engineer of the Pacific railway, 1864-65. He visited Europe in 1866-67. He was consulting engineer for the Clifton suspension bridge, Niagara Falls, 1868, and of the water works of various cities, including New Bedford, Massachusetts, 1868-75. He superintended the construction of the capitol at Albany, New York, 1873, and constructed its foun- dation. The Danube Navigation Com- pany adopted his plans for the improve- ment of the rapids of the Danube river, Austria, at and about the "Iron Gate." He was engineer of the Department of Parks, New York City, 1879-80; chief and consulting engineer of the Washington Bridge, New York, 1885-88; and promi- nently connected with the water supply and rapid transit improvements in New York City, 1888-90. He was elected a member of the Ameri- can Society of Civil Engineers, February 3, 1853, being the seventeenth on its list of membership ; was its president, 1868- 69, and an honorary member, 1888-90. He was the first American citizen to re- ceive honorary membership in the Insti- tution of Civil Engineers (London), in 1867, and he received from that institu- tion the Telford medal in 1868. He was a member of the Australian Society of Engineers and Architects, of the promi- nent scientific societies of the United States, and of the New York Chamber of Commerce. Among his forty-three printed papers are reports of his various works as mentioned above, and of: "Gal- veston Harbor," "The Foundations of Washington Monument," and "The Puri- fication of the Basin of the Harbor of Baltimore." His last work was "A Trea- tise on Modern Engineering." He died at New Brighton, Staten Island, New York, February 16, 1890. COCHRANE, John, Lawyer, Soldier, Political Leader. General John Cochrane was born in Palatine, Montgomery county, New York, August 27, 18 13, son of Walter D. and Cornelia W. (Smith) Cochrane, and grandson of John and Gertrude (Schuyler) Cochrane, and of Peter and Elizabeth (Livingston) Smith. His pa- ternal grandfather was surgeon-general ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY and military director of hospitals during the Revolution ; his paternal grandmother was the sister of Major-General Philip Schuyler ; his maternal grandfather was a well-known judge, and the father of Gerrit Smith, Abolitionist ; and his ma- ternal grandmother was a daughter of Colonel James Livingston, of Revolution- ary fame. John Cochrane was graduated from Hamilton College in 1831, studied law, was admitted to the bar, and practiced his profession at Oswego, Schenectady, and in New York City. In 1853 he was appointed Surveyor of the Port of New York by President Pierce. He was a Representative in the Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth Congresses, 1857-61, serving in the latter as chairman of the committee of commerce. In i860 he was appointed by President Buchanan a member of the board of visitors to West Point. On June 11, 1861, soon after the outbreak of the rebellion he was commissioned by Secre- tary of War, Cameron, to recruit and command a regiment of volunteers to serve during the war, and left New York for Washington with the regiment August 27, 1861. On November 21 he was commissioned colonel of the First United States Chasseurs, with rank from June 11, and on July 19, 1862, was made brigadier-general of volunteers. He served in General Couch's division of the Army of the Potomac in the battles of Fair Oaks, Malvern Hill, Antietam, Wil- liamsport and Fredericksburg, and on February 25, 1863, resigned on account of physical disability. In 1864 he was nomi- nated at Cleveland, Ohio, by the Inde- pendent Republican National Convention as Vice-President of the United States, with General John C. Fremont for Presi- dent. He was Attorney-General of New York, 1863-65 ; and president of the Com- mon Council of New York City, 1872. He was chairman of the New York delegation to the Liberal Republican Na- tional Convention, at Cincinnati, in May, 1872, where he was chiefly instrumental in the nomination of Horace Greeley for the presidency. He was chairman of the New York City memorial committee of the Grand Army of the Republic for Decora- tion Day, 1875 ; and was grand marshal of Decoration Day procession, 1879. He was a member of the Common Council of New York City in 1883, and chairman of a committee of that body and of the New York Chamber of Commerce and of the New York Historical Society, to arrange for the celebration of the centennial anni- versary of the evacution of New York by the British, November 25, 1783, and was grand marshal of the day. In 1889 he declined the United States mission to Uruguay and Paraguay, tendered by President Grant, and the same year was second in command in the centennial cele- bration of the inauguration of General Washington as President. As an orator, General Cochrane made many memorable speeches in 1858, on transferring to the custody of Virginia the remains of James Monroe, fifth President of the United States ; at the great mass meeting in Union Square in 1861, at the Astor House, New York, on the occasion of a serenade to Secretary of War Cameron, November 4, 1861, in which he was the first to advo- cate arming the slaves as a military neces- sity ; and in camp near Washington, when visited by Secretary of War Cameron, November 13, 1861, in which he repeated his demand for arming the slaves^ and which called forth orders from the Con- federate commanders not to take Colonel Cochrane prisoner, but to shoot him in battle. He was elected a member of the Society of the Cincinnati in 1857, and in 1897 was made president of the New York State Society. He was a member 123 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY of the New York Chamber of Commerce; of the St. Nicholas Society ; of the New York Historical Society ; a sachem of the Tammany Society ; chairman of Tammany Hall general committee ; a member of the Military Order in the State of New York of the Loyal Legion of the United States, and president of the New York Com- mandery ; a member of the Society of the Army of the Potomac ; of the Sons of the Revolution ; and of the Grand Army of the Republic. He died in New York City, February 7, 1898. MATHER, Frederick, Pisciculturist. Frederick Mather was born in Green- bush, New York, August 2, 1833, son °* Joseph and Chianna (Brockway) Mather, of Lyme, Connecticut, grandson of Joseph and Zelinda (Goold) Mather and of Elijah and Abigail (Hall) Brockway, and a de- scendant of the Rev. Richard Mather, of Toxteth Park, England, who settled in Dorchester, Massachusetts, 1635, died there in 1669, and was the father of the Rev. Increase Mather and grandfather of Cotton Mather. He was educated at Albany, New York, and in 1854 he went to Potosi, Wisconsin, having become interested in the Potosi lead mines. He hunted and trapped in the Bad Axe country, in Wisconsin, for several years, and was interpreter of the Chippewa language to the government survey in northern Minnesota. He served under General James Henry Lane during the Kansas disturbances in 1853-55, and was one of Jennison's famous "Jay- hawkers." At the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted in the Federal army as a private in the One Hundred and Thir- teenth New York Volunteer Regiment; was promoted to first lieutenant in 1864, and was commissioned captain in the Seventh New York Artillery Regiment, serving until the close of the war. He was elected a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. In 1868 was employed as a clerk in the livestock yards near Albany, New York. Later he pur- chased a farm at Honeoye Falls, New York, and devoted most of his time to the science of fish culture. Upon the found- ing the United States Fish Commission in 1872, he was engaged to hatch shad for the Potomac river ; was appointed assistant to the United States Fish Com- mission in 1873 ; matched the first sea- bass and graylings in 1874; established hatcheries at Lexington and Blackburg for the State of Virginia, in 1875, and during the same year he succeeded in transporting salmon eggs to Germany by means of a refrigerator-box of his own invention. He also invented a conical apparatus which greatly facilitated the hatching of shad and other spawn, and hatched the adhesive eggs of the smelt in 1884, although all previous attempts had failed. He was fish editor of "The Field," Chicago, Illinois, 1877-80, and of "Forest and Stream," New York City, 1880-1900. In 1882 was sent to Roslyn, Long Island, to hatch salmon for the Hudson river. He was superintendent of New York State commission station at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, 1883- 95 ; and inaugurated the hatching of cod- fish, lobsters and other marine forms. He had charge of the American exhibit at the Fisheries Exhibition in Berlin, Ger- many, in 1880. He received medals and testimonials from many scientific so- cieties of Europe, and a personal gift from the Crown Prince of Germany ("Unser Fritz"), of a gold medallion with the royal portrait. He was widely known by his lectures on "Fish and Fisheries," and "The Army of the Potomac," and was the author of "Ichthoyology of the 124 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Adirondacks" (1886) ; "Modern Fish Cul- ture" (1900) ; "Men I have Fished With" (1897) ; "In the Louisiana Lowlands" (1900) ; "My Angling Friends" (1902). He was married (first) in 1854, to Eliza- beth MacDonald, who died December 20, 1861. He was married (second) in 1877, to Adelaide Fairchild. His surviving child, Sophia, became the wife of Bleecker Sanders, of Albany, New York. He died at Lake Nebagomain, Wisconsin, Febru- ary 14, 1900. GEORGE, Henry, Political Economist. Henry George was born in Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania, September 2, 1839, the eldest son of Richard Samuel Henry and Catharine Pratt (Vallance) George, and grandson of Captain Richard George, who had been brought from England when a child and was a sea captain from Philadelphia and suffered imprisonment by the British in the War of 1812. The father of Henry George was a book pub- lisher. Henry George attended the Protestant Episcopal Academy and also the Phila- delphia High School, which he left in 1853 to go to work. In 1855 he shipped as a boy on the ship "Hindoo" to Mel- bourne and Calcutta and back to New York, consuming fourteen months in the voyage. He then learned the printer's trade, and in 1858 he worked his way around Cape Horn to California as ship's steward on the United States light-house tender "Shubrick," and there joined a party for the Frazier river, British Columbia, to dig gold. The excitement subsided soon after he reached Victoria and he did not attempt to go up the river to the mines, but returned to San Fran- cisco in the steerage. He worked as a printer, and in a rice mill, and soon after joined the Typographical Union. He next started the "Evening Journal" in partnership with five other printers, but was forced out by adversity, the war open- ing and the paper having no telegraphic service. He was later a compositor on the "Sacramento Union." In 1865, Henry George, while still setting type and at times suffering extreme proverty, began to write for the public press, at first under a pen name. When President Lincoln was assassinated he wrote an anonymous letter to the editor of the "Alta-Californian," on which he was en- gaged as a compositor, and was surprised to see its appearance in the editorial columns the following day. Soon after- ward he was engaged as special reporter on a newspaper, "The Times," and within a few months was chief of staff. He now began to study the tariff ques- tion, and was converted to the theory of absolute free trade. He went to New York by the overland route in 1868 to establish a press service for the San Francisco "Herald," but failed on ac- count of excessive telegraph charges, which led him to draw up and give to the press a vigorous protest against the tele- graph monopoly. In 1869 he wrote an article on the anti-Chinese question in California for the New York "Tribune." at the instance of John Russell Young, its managing editor. This was probably the first article upon that subject printed on the Atlantic coast. John Stuart Mill wrote him a congratulatory letter, and the article otherwise attracted wide at- tention, especially on the Pacific slope, where his advocacy of Chinese exclusion pointed out away to escape the threatened competition. He returned to California in 1869 with a commission to act as cor- respondent of the "Tribune," which com- mission Mr. Young's successor promptly repealed. He then took charge of the 125 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY "Sacramento Reporter," and, on its for- mation into a stock company, Mr. George was given, besides a salary, one-quarter of the shares. When the Central Pacific railroad purchased the paper Mr. George retired from its editorship, as he would not edit a paper for a monopoly. How- ever, though deprived of his paper, he was not to be silenced, and he issued a pamphlet supporting the candidature of Governor Haight for reelection, and op- posing the Central Pacific's efforts to get another subsidy ; and, though Haight was defeated, such was the influence of the pamphlet that no subsidies were after- ward granted to railroads in California. The growth of poverty side by side with the rapid strides in industrial prog- ress, as witnessed by him in the east dur- ing his visit there, attracted his attention, and in 1871 he wrote a pamphlet, "Our Land and Land Policy: National and State," in which he first advocated the raising of all revenue by placing the whole burden of taxation upon the value of land, including improvements; argu- ing that this value, which the economists call "economic rent," springs entirely from the community at large, and should there- fore go to the community for common purposes. In 1872, with two partners, he estab- lished the San Francisco "Evening Post," the first penny paper on the Pacific coast. The venture proved a success, and through money voluntarily loaned by Senator John P. Jones, a perfecting press was purchased in Philadelphia, the first used in California. In August, 1875, the partners established a morning paper, the "Ledger," with an illustrated Sunday edition, also a pioneer movement. The failure of the Bank of California and a local panic affected the prosperity of the paper, and, Senator Jones' notes becom- ing due, he took the paper, and Mr. George and his partners retired. Mr. George stumped the State for Tilden and Hendricks in the campaign of 1876. Governor Irvin appointed him inspector of gas meters, which position he held from 1875 to 1879, and while he was thus employed he was enabled to write his celebrated book, "Progress and Poverty." In 1879 he sent the manuscript of this book to New York, but it was refused by every publishing house. He then accepted the offer of his former partner, William M. Hinton, to print an edition, Mr. George assisting in its composition. The author's edition, selling at three dollars per copy, paid for the plates, and the following year D. Appleton & Company, of New York, printed an edition from the plates, bringing it out in January, 1880. It at first had little sale, but the news- papers at length noticing it, the sales began to increase, and in 1882, being put in twenty-cent library form in New York and in six-penny form in London, it had a run in both countries that not only sur- passed all other economic works ever printed, but outstripped the popular novels. This brought the author little more than fame, however, as he had sacri- ficed his copyright to the end of ensur- ing for the book a wide reading. In the New York mayoralty campaign in 1886, Mr. George made a remarkable although unsuccessful canvass, receiving sixty-eight thousand votes, while Mr. Roosevelt received sixty thousand four hundred and thirty-six, and Mr. Hewitt ninety thousand five hundred and fifty- two. In 1881 Henry George went to Great Britain as a special newspaper cor- respondent, and took an active part in the Land League agitation, being arrested twice as a "suspect" while in Ireland. He subsequently made several lecturing tours through Great Britain. In 1887 he started a weekly newspaper, the "Stand- 126 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ard," in New York, and in the fall of that year was a candidate for Secretary of State, but was defeated. He advocated the adoption of the Australian ballot sys- tem, and found a firm disciple of his single tax theories in Father McGlynn, of St Stephen's Roman Catholic Church, whose friendship for the political re- former cost Father McGlynn his parish and a temporary excommunication by Archbishop Corrigan, but he was restored by the Pope, through the influence of Monsignor Satolli. Mr. George sup- ported Grover Cleveland each time he ran for the presidency, and William J. Bryan in 1896. In the political contest for mayor of Greater New York, Mr. George was again the candidate of the laboring classes under the part)- name of Jeffer- sonian Democrats. He carried on an aggressive canvass which overtaxed his strength, and a few days before the elec- tion he died suddenly of apoplexy at his hotel. His son, Henry George, Jr., was placed upon the ticket in his stead, but he could not command his father's prob- able vote. Mr. George's funeral was one of the largest ever accorded to a private citizen and the laboring classes were his conspicuous mourners. In 1861 he was married to Annie C. Fox, a native of Australia, who had come with her parents to California. She was a Roman Catholic, but as the season was Advent, and it was a runaway match, they were married by a Methodist min- ister; the marriage was, however, sanc- tioned at Sacramento soon after by the Rev. Father Nathaniel Gallagher. Henry, the eldest son of Mr. George, was born in Sacramento, November 3, 1863. and Rich- ard, the second son, who became a sculp- tor, was born in San Francisco, January 27, 1865. After the death of Mr. George, a public subscription for the widow, be- ing opposed by her, a few friends and ad- mirers of the dead man privately made up and presented a small fund ; and a monu- ment designed by his son, Richard, was erected by the voluntary contributions of other friends, through one of the New York newspapers, over his grave on Ocean Hill, in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York, and was unveiled on Decoration Day, May 30, 1898. The published works of Henry George include: "Progress and Proverty" (1879) ; "The Irish Land Question" (1881) ; "So- cial Problems" (1884) ; "Protection or Free Trade" (1886) ; "The Conditions of Labor: An Open Letter to Pope Leo XIII" (1891) ; "A Perplexed Philosopher" (1892) ; and "The Science of Political Economy," which he had practically finished at the time of his death, and which was afterward published. Henry George died in New York City, October 29, 1897. VANDERBILT, Cornelius, Man of Large Affairs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, who displayed masterly abilities in the establishment and conduct of transportation lines both on land and sea, was born in Port Richmond. Staten Island, New York, May 27, 1794, son of Cornelius and Phoebe (Hand) Van- derbilt. His first ancestor in America, Jan Aertsen Ven der Bilt, emigrated from Holland, and settled on a farm near Flat- bush, Long Island, New York, about 1650. His father removed to Stapleton, Staten Island, and Cornelius attended the com- mon schools and worked on the farm until 181 1, when, with one hundred dollars bor- rowed from his mother, he purchased a boat and engaged in ferrying the laborers at work on the government fortifications between Staten Island and New York. In 1815 in partnership with his brother-in- law, Captain John DeForest, he built the *7 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY schooner "Charlotte," and in 1817 became captain of a steamboat plying between New York and Philadelphia on the canal. He removed to Elizabethport, and later to New Brunswick, where he conducted the hotel in connection with the steamboat, and in 1827 leased the Elizabethport and New York ferry, which he successfully managed. He gradually extended his operations, and came to be the foremost of his day in water transportation. He established steamboat lines on Long Island sound and on the Hudson river, and in July, 185 1, established a route to San Francisco via Nicaragua. In 1853 he sold his steamers to the Nicaragua Transit Com- pany, and in 1855 established a line of steamers between New York and Havre. In May, 1862, when the government was in need of fast steamers for cruising the Atlantic in search of Confederate com- merce destroyers and blockade runners, he offered to sell to it the "Vanderbilt," the fastest steamer afloat, which had cost him $800,000 and when the Navy Depart- ment hesitated to make an offer for the vessel, owing to the fact that the ma- chinery was placed above deck, he sug- gested in a letter to W. O. Bartlett dated May 14, 1863, that Commodore Robert F. Stockton, retired, and two active com- manders in the United States navy, deter- mine a valuation, adding: "If this will not answer, will the government accept her as a present from their humble servant?" He received no reply to his communica- tion, and subsequently, when long-range cannon came into use, the government ac- cepted "the gift." In 1864, when the State Department, through J. C. Derby, dis- patch agent to New York, delivered to Mr. Vanderbilt a resolution which had been passed "presenting the thanks of Congress to Cornelius Vanderbilt for a gift of the steamship 'Vanderbilt,' " ap- proved, January 28, 1864, by President Lincoln, Speaker Colfax and Vice-Presi- dent Hamlin, Mr. Vanderbilt, after care- fully reading the resolutions, is reported to have said, "Congress be ! I never gave that ship to Congress. When the government was in great straits for a suit- able vessel of war, I offered to give the ship if they did not care to buy it; how- ever. Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Welles think it was a gift, and I suppose I shall have to let her go." The gold medal ordered to be struck to "fitly embody an attestation of the nation's gratitude for the gift" was delivered in 1865. Mr. Vanderbilt sold all his steamboat interests in 1859, when sixty-five years of age, and engaged in speculation in Wall street, purchasing shares in the New York & Harlem and New York & New Haven railroads at low prices. He successfully operated a corner in Norwich & Wor- cester railroad stock ; was elected presi- dent of the New York & Harlem railroad in 1863, and in 1864 managed a corner in the stock of the Hudson River railroad, uniting it with the Harlem railroad. In 1867 he became president of the New York Central railroad, and in 1869 of the consolidated New York Central & Hudson River railroad. He placed one thousand miles of track ; established new fast trains ; built new stations ; adopted a four- track system ; and made the railroads under his control one of the great trunk line systems of the country. He en- deavored to corner the stock of the Erie railway, and thus gain complete control of the railroad system, in the State, but failed, and the road passed into the hands of Jay Gould and James Fisk, Jr. In 1868 he organized and consolidated his rail- road interests between New York and Chicago. He was also interested in the Western Union Telegraph Company and other valuable stocks, and at the time of 28 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY his death, his fortune was estimated vari- ously at from $60,000,000 to $100,000,000. He gave $50,000 for the property and buildings of the Mercer Street Church, which became the Church of the Strangers, New York City, and presented the same to the Rev. Dr. Charles F. Deems, in trust, and soon after, probably through the suggestion of Dr. Deems and Bishop McTyeire, he founded the Vanderbilt University at Nashville, Tennessee, at a cost of $1,000,000, which gift was liberally supplemented by gifts from his son and grandsons. Mr. Vanderbilt was married (first) in 1813, to Sophia Johnson, who died in 1868; he was married (second) in 1869, to Frances Crawford, of Mobile, Alabama. By his will he bequeathed to his eldest son, William Henry Vanderbilt. nine-tenths of his entire fortune, leaving $11,000,000 to the latter's four sons, and $4,000,000 to his own daughters. In selecting names for a place in the Hall of Fame for Great Americans, New York University, Octo- ber, 1900, the name of Cornelius Vander- bilt (1794-1877), was one of the six named in "Class B, Business men," and re- ceived twenty-nine votes, the largest num- ber in the class. He died in New York City, to which he removed in 1813, Janu- ary 4, 1877. CULLUM, George W., Military Engineer, Author. General George Washington Cullum perhaps the most distinguished mili- tary engineer of the Civil War period was born in New York City, February 25, 1809, son of Arthur and Harriet (Sturges) Cullum, and grandson of Arthur and Re- becca Cullum. He was graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1833, the third in his class, and was N Y— Vol 11 — 9 1 29 assigned to the engineer corps by reason of his high standing. He was successively promoted, reaching the rank of captain July 7, 1838. His first engineering service was in the construction of government works at New London, Connecticut, and Boston, Massachusetts. He organized pontoon trains for use in the Mexican War, and was instructor of practical mili- tary engineering at West Point from 1848 to 1855. He then superintended govern- ment works at New York City, Charles- ton, South Carolina ; New Bedford, Mass- achusetts ; Newport, Rhode Island ; and New London, Connecticut, 1S55-61. He was ordered to Washington, April 9, 1861, as aide-de-camp to General Winfield Scott, then commander-in-chief of the army, and was promoted to major of engineers, August 6, 1861. Upon the resignation of General Scott, October 31, 1861, Major Cullum was made brigadier-general of volunteers, and assigned to duty as chief engineer of the Department of the Mis- souri. On November 18, 1861, he was made chief of staff to General H. W. Halleck, commanding the Department of Missouri. Here his chief found him invaluable in directing engineering operations on the western rivers, preparatory to offensive operations into Kentucky and Tennessee, in order to throw the Union forces be- tween the eastern and western armies of the Confederacy. He commanded at Cairo, Illinois, at the junction of the Ohio river with the Mississippi, and directed the construction of the works in the siege of Corinth, and accompanied General Hal- leck to Washington, July 23, 1862, when that officer was made general-in-chief of the United States armies Here he was employed in inspecting and studying for- tifications, and examining engineering de- vices, and served on various engineer boards. He also served on the United States Sanitary Commission, 1861-64. In ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY 1864 when Nashville became a base of operations for the western army in the campaign against Atlanta, he projected the necessary fortifications. On Septem- ber 8, 1864, he was ordered to West Point as superintendent of the Military Acade- my. He received brevets, March 13, 1865, as colonel, brigadier-general and major- general in the regular army, for meritori- ous services during the war, and was mus- tered out of the volunteer service Septem- ber 1, 1866. He left West Point, August 28. 1S66, and served on various boards for national defence. 1867-74. On January 13, 1874, he was retired from active service on account of age, and thereafter devoted himself to literary, scientific and military study. He was vice-president of the American Geo- graphical Association, 1874; president of the Geographical Literary Society, 18S0- 92, and a member of various other organi- zations including the Century Association and the Union Club of New York City. He prepared "A Memoir of Military Bridge with Indian Rubber Pontoons" for the United States army in 1847-48. He published a translation of Duparcq's "Ele- ments of Military Art and History" (1863) ; "Systems of Military Bridges" (1863); "Sketch of Major-General Rich- ard Montgomery of the Continental Army" (1876); "Campaigns and Engi- neers of the War of I8i2-I5"(i879) ; "His- torical Sketch of the Fortification De- fences of Narragansett Bay since the Founding in 1638 of the Colony of Rhode Island" (1884) ; and "Biographical Regis- ter of the Officers and Graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, from its establishment, March 16, 1802, to 1890, with an Early History of the United States Military Academy" (3rd edition, 3 vols., 1891). He was married, September 23, 1875, to Elizabeth, daughter of John C. Hamilton, and widow of General Henry Wager Hal- leck. In conjunction with his wife, Mr. Cullum gave to the New York Cancer Hospital, New York City, $200,000, and made liberal benefactions to other chari- ties. By his will he bequeathed over a quarter of a million dollars to the United States Military Academy, to build the fine memorial hall, now known by his name. He died in New York City, February 29, 1892. DRAPER, John W., Scientist, Antlior. John William Draper, one of the fore- most scientists of the day, was born at St. Helen's, near Liverpool. England, May 5, 181 1, son of the Rev. John Christopher and Sarah (Ripley) Draper. He attended a Wesleyan academy at Woodhouse Grove, and in 1829 studied chemistry at the University of London. Before the Revolutionary War, some of John W. Draper's ancestors on his mother's side had emigrated to America, and had founded a small Wesleyan community in Virginia. Subsequently others of the family had joined them, and, after the death of his father in 1829, John W. Draper was urged by these relatives to go to America. Accordingly, in 1832, he settled in Christianville. Mecklenburg county, Virginia. His sister. Catherine, gave lessons in music and painting, and thus enabled him to take the course of lectures in the Medical school of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, from which he was graduated in 1836. Before the ter- mination of his medical course, his ex- periments resulted in the discovery that gases pass more or less rapidly, in some cases, instantaneously, through barriers such as bubbles or membranes "having no proper pores." This showed that what had been known as "endosmosis" was a process not confined to liquids, and eluci- dated the method of the oxygenation of 30 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY the blood. He made this discovery the subject of his graduation thesis, which was published by the faculty, and at once attracted the attention of the scientific world. He continued his experiments, and contributed papers on their results to the principal scientific journals of America. He explained by practical dem- onstration the circulation of the sap in plants and of the blood in animals, as be- ing- results of osmotic action. In the year of his graduation he became Professor of Chemistry and Physics at Hampden-Sidney College, Virginia. He resigned his chair in 1838 to accept that of Chemistry^ and Physiology in the Uni- versity of the City of New York, which position he held until his death. In 1841 he was instrumental in founding the Uni- versity Medical College, in which he was Professor of Chemistry until 1881. and chief executive officer, 1850-73. From the time of his taking his chair he continued his scientific investigations, and in 1844 published a volume entitled "ATreatise on the Forces that Produce the Organization of Plants," in which he combated the ex- istence of the so-called "vital force" of physiologists. In 1839 Professor Draper made the first daguerreotype of the moon, one inch in diameter, and which led to his later greatly enlarged lunar photographs, which at the Centennial Exposition, in Philadelphia, awoke the surprise and admiration of the world. He associated himself with Pro- fessor S. F. B. Morse, then a portrait painter in the University building, in carrying on the experiments which re- sulted in the invention of the electric tele- graph, aiding that inventor in the con- struction of the batteries and other appa- ratus. He daguerreotyped the prismatic spectrum, in 1842, and the diffraction spec- trum in 1843. In the latter year he also invented a chlor-hydrogen photometer and a ferric-oxalate photometer. Investi- gating the phenomena of the solar spec- trum, he doubled the number of dis- covered lines. In 1847 he studied the phenomena of incandescence, and ascer- tained that it is only the spectrum of a gaseous body that shows lines at all, thus anticipating Kirchoff's conclusions by thirteen years. In 1848 he made a spec- trum analysis of various flames, proving that of whatever origin, they yield all the colors of the spectrum. The finest tele- scopes failed to resolve many of the nebu- la? into distinct points of light ; astrono- mers had been puzzled as to the explana- tion of this ; but Dr. Draper"s discoveries in spectrum analysis showed that if the spectrum of an irresolvable nebula con- sists of bright lines, it is a gaseous body; if on the other hand the spectrum is con- tinuous, that body is an incandescent solid ; thus affording means of inferring the constitution of the remote heavenly bodies. He was the first to make micro- scopic photographs, in 1853. In 1872 he experimented on the distribution of heat and chemical force in the solar spectrum. In 1875 for his "Researches in Radiant Energy," Professor Draper was awarded the Rumford gold medal by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was a member of very many scientific societies, including the National Academy of Sci- ences, the American Philosophical So- ciety, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Academia dei Lincei of Rome, and the Physical Society of London. The College of New Jersey con- ferred upon him the degree of LL. D. in i860. His bibliography, comprising books, scientific memoirs, lectures and addresses, includes ninety-two titles, as listed in Pro- fessor Barker's memoir of Professor Dra- per, read before the National Academy of Sciences. Among them are : "Elements of Chemistry," by Robert Kane ; Ameri- can edition edited by J.W. Draper (1842) ; "A Treatise on the Forces which Produce 31 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY the Organization of Plants" (1844) ; "Text-Book on Chemistry" (1846) ; "Text- Book on Natural Philosophy" (1847); "Human Physiology — Statical and Dyna- mical" (1856) ; "History of the Intel- lectual Development of Europe" (1862) ; "Thoughts on the Future Civil Policy of America" (1865) ; "A Text-Book on Physi- ology" (1866) ; "History of the American Civil War" (3 vols., 1867-70) ; "History of the Conflict Between Religion and Sci- ence" (1874) ; and "Scientific Memoirs, Being Experimental Contributions to a Knowledge of Radiant Energy" (1878). Dr. Draper married, in 1831, Antonia Coetana de Paiva Pereira, daughter of Dr. Gardner, of Rio Janeiro, attending physician of Dom Pedro I., Emperor of Brazil. Her mother was the daughter of Senor de Paiva Pereira. of Portugal, whose great-grandfather was captain of Vasco de Gama's ship when he circumnavi- gated Africa in 1497. Dr. Draper died in South Boston, Massachusetts, August 5, BELMONT, August, Financier, Diplomat. August Belmont was born in Alzey, in the Palatinate Rhenish Prussia, Decem- ber 6, 1816. His father was a wealthy landed proprietor, and gave his son an ex- cellent education. The boy, when he was fourteen years old, went into the service of the Rothschilds at Frankfort-on-the- Main, beginning without a salary, and his first duties being to sweep out the offices. Under the tutelage of the princely bankers he developed a remarkable aptitude for financial affairs, and after three years he was transferred to the branch house at Naples, where he successfully carried on important negotiations with the papal government. He gave his leisure time to studying paintings in the galleries and palaces of Naples. After remaining in Naples three years, he went to Havana to look after the Rothschilds' interests in Cuba, and from Havana he went on to New York City to assume charge of the interests of the Rothschilds in America, and established himself in business as a banker. In 1837 Mr. Belmont rented a small office in Wall street, and laid the founda- tion of the banking house of August Bel- mont & Company. He was then twenty- one years old, with six years business ex- perience, and a boundless ambition. He met with rivalry and opposition, but as his bills of exchange were on the Roths- childs, he maintained his stand. He be- came a naturalized citizen of the United States, joined the Democratic party, and voted for Polk and Dallas in 1844. In the same year the Austrian government ap- pointed him consul-general of that empire for the United States, and he held this post until 1850, when he resigned, owing to his disapproval of the manner in which Austria treated Kossuth and the Hunga- rians. He was sent to Holland in 1853 as Charge d'Affairs, and the next year was appointed resident minister by President Pierce, and made for himself a reputation as a diplomat by securing to the United States the privilege of sending consuls to the colonies of the Dutch East Indies. At the close of President Pierce's administra- tion Mr. Belmont returned to New York City. During the controversy that preceded the Civil War, Mr. Belmont counselled peace and compromise. He was a dele- gate to the National Democratic Conven- tion, at Charleston, in i860, and there sup- ported Senator Stephen A. Douglas, for the presidential nomination, later he was elected chairman of the National Demo- cratic Committee by the convention that met at Baltimore and nominated Douglas and Johnson. He declared that the elec- tion of Lincoln was no excuse for dissolv- 32 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ing the Union, and he used all his in- fluence with the moderate statesmen of the Southern States, begging them not to follow the example of South Carolina ; he also proposed compromise measures to the Republican leaders. When Fort Sum- ter was fired upon, Mr. Belmont became as strongly interested in prosecuting the war as he had previously been in en- deavoring to prevent it. He aided in re- cruiting the first German regiment in New York, and on May 15, 1861, pre- sented it with a flag. In opening the Democratic National Convention of 1864, he spoke strongly in favor of a change in the administration, but even more strongly in favor of prosecuting the war for the maintenance of the Union. Mr. Belmont continued as chairman of the Democratic National Committee after the campaign of 1864, and opened the conven- tion of 1868 which nominated Seymour and Blair. In 1872, when Horace Greeley, the nominee of the Liberal Republicans, was accepted by the Democrats as their candidate, Mr. Belmont resigned from the committee and retired from active political life, and thereafter gave his principal at- tention to literature and art. In 1850 he expended $200,000 for a collection of paintings by old Dutch and Spanish masters. Early in his residence in New York, Mr. Belmont was the challenged party in a duel brought about by his championing a lady, an entire stranger, in whose behalf he resented a real or fancied insult. Duel- ling was then in fashion, and Belmont ac- cepted the challenge. He was wounded in the left leg below the knee, and his op- ponent was shot through the heart. The young banker, in 1849, was married to the innocent cause of the duel, Caroline Sli- dell Perry, a daughter of Commodore Matthew C. Perry, and niece of Commo- dore Oliver H. Perry, the hero of Lake Erie. They had four sons: Perry, August, Oliver Hazard Perry, and Raymond ; and one daughter, who married S. S. How- land. He died in New York City, Novem- ber 24. 1890. DALY, Charles P., Lawyer, Jurist. Charles Patrick Daly was born in New York City, October 31, 1816, the son of a master carpenter who emigrated from Omagh, in the county of Tyrone, Ireland, in 1814, and settled in New York City. He was educated in a parish school, and upon the death of his father came to the United States, settling in Savannah, Georgia, where he served as a clerk. Be- coming discontented by reason of ill treat- ment, he shipped before the mast and fol- lowed the sea for three years. Upon re- turning to New York he became ap- prenticed to a quill manufacturer, and while serving his time devoted his even- ings to study. His connection with a de- bating society led him to form the ac- quaintance of William Soule, a well- known lawyer, who induced him to take up the study of law, offering him a clerk- ship in his office and a salary of $150 the first year. Within three years he passed a successful examination and, the seven- year rule being suspended by the court, he was admitted to practice in 1839 and formed a partnership with Thomas L. Mc- Elrath, afterward a partner with Horace Greeley in the founding of the New York "Tribune." In 1843 Mr. Daly was elected to the State Assembly, and he declined a nomi- nation as representative in the Twenty- ninth Congress, in the following year. The same year he was appointed judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and was suc- cessively reappointed as his own successor until 1846, when the position was made elective and the voters continued him on the bench. In 1857 he was elected first 133 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY judge, and in 1871, when the term was lengthened to fourteen years, all parties placed his name on their respective tickets and he was unanimously elected, and served until 1885, when he was obliged to retire under the law of age limit. He served as Chief Justice of the court dur- ing the last twenty-eight years of his serv- ice. The bench and bar of New York made the occasion of his retirement a public ovation, and presented him with appropriate resolutions and the gavel he had so long wielded, encased in gold and duly inscribed. Upon retiring from the bench he established himself in chambers and had a large and lucrative practice. He was a firm friend and judicious ad- visor of the Lincoln administration during the Civil War, and was consulted on im- portant legal state matters, including the rendition of Mason and Slidell, the Con- federate Commissioners, who had been taken from a British vessel by Commo- dore Wilkes. He was lecturer on law in Columbia College, 1860-75 ; president of the American Geographical Society from 1866; an honorary member of the Royal Geographical Society of London, England, of the Berlin Geographical Society, and of the Imperial Geographical Society of Russia, and aided efficiently in promoting exploration and polar research. He was also a member of the New York State Constitutional Convention of 1867; of the New York Historical Society ; of the Philosophical Society of Pennsylvania ; of the Century Association, and of St. Patrick's Society, of which he was presi- dent for many years. In 1895 he was chosen to respond on behalf of the dele- gates to the address of welcome to them by the president, the Duke of York, at the opening of the World's Geographical Con- gress at London, England. In i860 Columbia College conferred upon him the honorary degree of LL. D. He published "Historical Sketch of the Judicial Tribunals of New York from 1623 to 1846" (1855) ; "History of Natu- ralization and of Its Laws in Different Countries" (i860) ; "Are Southern Priva- teersmen Pirates?" (1862) ; "Original His- tory of Institutions for the Promotion of Useful Arts by Industrial Exhibitions" (1864) ; "When was the Drama Intro- duced in America" (1864) ; "Reports of Cases in the Court of Common Pleas, City and County of New York" (13 vols., 1868- 87); "First Settlement of the Jews in North America" (1875, revised 1893); "What We Know of Maps and Map Mak- ing before the time of Mercator" (1879) ; "The History of Physical Geography; and The Common Law ; its Origin, Sources, Nature and Development, and What the State has done to Improve Upon It" (1894). He died at Sag Harbor, New York, August 19, 1899. BERGH, Henry, Philanthropist, Henry Bergh, who built an enduring monument to his name as founder of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, was born in New York City, in 1823. His father, Christian Bergh, a native of Germany, was a ship- builder, and for many years in the service of the government. He died in 1843, leav- ing three children, amply provided for. Henry Bergh entered Columbia College, but before his course was finished, deter- mined on an extended foreign tour, and spent five years in travel in Europe. In 1862 he became Secretary of Legation to Russia, and afterward Acting Vice-Con- sul. The severity of the climate obliged him to resign his position, and he again devoted his means and leisure to travel, seeking more temperate regions both in Europe and the East. Cruelties to ani- mals, witnessed by him in his travels, and especially during his residence at St. 134 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Petersburg, first suggested his philan- thropic mission on behalf of the dumb brute. During a visit to England, he sought the acquaintance and assistance of Lord Harrowby, who was then president of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. On his return to the United States he determined on devoting the remainder of his life to the interests of the dumb creation, and upon his labors in behalf of that part of created life obliged to yield to man's superior rule, rests his honored reputation. He was alone, but in the face of indifference, and combated by opposition and ridicule, he began the organization of the society which came to be recognized as one of the most beneficent movements of the age. He not only devoted to the cause he had espoused his talents as a speaker and a lecturer but as a worker, whether in the street, defending horses from inhuman treatment ; in the court room, invoking the aid of the law ; or before the legisla- ture, seeking legal enactments ; he stood without an equal. An act of incorpora- tion for his society was secured April 10, 1866. in the Legislature of New York, and Mr. Bergh became its first president. The association began its work of develop- ment, and in a few months was in a flourishing condition financially, its first valuable property being the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Bergh. Branches of the society were established and now exist in every part of the United States and Canada. In many cities its officers are constituted special policemen, with authority to arrest any person found practicing cruelty of any kind toward any member of the brute creation. Every moral agency — social, legislative and personal — is employed; points of vital concern to health as well as to humanity are touched ; the transporta- tion of cattle, the purity of milk, the times and manner of slaughtering for the mar- ket, the care of horses and other beasts of burden, the abolition of live birds from shooting matches, the breaking up of cock- fights and dog-fights. By an ingenious invention, Mr. Bergh substituted an arti- ficial for a live pigeon as a mark for the sportsman's gun, and it is in almost uni- versal use by gunners — a thin, hollow disc of clay, which is sprung from a trap and in its passage through the air imitates the flight of a bird. In 1871. a Parisian and a typical miser, Louis Bonard, who occu- pied, in squalor and wretchedness, an obscure room, sent for Mr. Bergh. The old man made his will, when it was re- vealed that he had property to the value of $150,000, all of which was devised to Mr. Bergh's society. A shabby and dusty trunk was filled with gold and silver watches in alternate layers, together with a large quantity of jewelry and diamonds. This singular bequest enabled the society to greatly enlarge its work. During 1873, Mr. Bergh made a lecturing tour through the west, spoke before the Evangelical Alliance and Episcopal Convention, and was the means of having a new canon confirmed, giving authority to clergymen of the Episcopal church to preach a ser- mon at least once a year on cruelty and mercy to animals. Mr. Bergh neither sought nor received salary ; his private income being ample for his needs ; he de- voted his entire time and energies to the work of "speaking for those who could not speak for themselves." In 1886, thirty-nine States of the American Union, with Brazil and the Argentine Republic, had enacted laws similar to those which Mr. Bergh procured from the Legislature of New York. His work did not stop in caring for dumb beasts ; in 1874 he rescued a little girl from inhuman treatment, and the act led to the founding of a society for the prevention of cruelty to children. As an author, Mr. Bergh wrote several 135 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY plays, and published "The Streets of New York," a volume of tales and sketches ; "The Portentous Telegram," "The Ocean Paragon," and "Married Off." He died in New York City, March 12, 1888. EMERY, Charles E., Civil Engineer. Charles Edward Emery was born at Aurora, New York, March 29, 1838, son of Moses Little and Minerva (Prentiss) Emery, and a direct descendant of one of the original proprietors of the plantation of Contoocook, Massachusetts. His im- mediate ancestor settled in Newbury, Massachusetts, in 1775. He was educated at the Canandaigua Academy, New York, worked at mechani- cal engineering in the local railroad shops, and also studied law with a view to be- coming a patent lawyer. In June, 1861, he entered the United States navy as third assistant engineer of the "Richmond," and took part in blockading duty with the Gulf Squadron, and in various engage- ments at Pensacola with Forts St. Philip and Jackson, and in the capture of New Orleans, Vicksburg, and Port Hudson. He was promoted in June, 1863. and took part in the blockade off Charleston, South Caro- lina, on the "Nipsic," and in 'June, 1864, was ordered on duty to the Novelty Iron Works, New York, on United States navy steam expansion experiments. In 1869 he retired from the navy and conducted a series of experiments for the Novelty Iron Works on stationary steam engines, the results of which were subsequently pub- lished in book form by Professor W. P. Trowbridge, under the title "Condensing and Non-Condensing Engines." He was superintendent of the American Institute Fair in New York in 1869, and was con- sulting engineer and chairman of the ex- amining board of the United States Coast Survey and United States Revenue Ma- rine, 1869-91. In 1874, as a member of a joint board of engineers, — Charles H. Lor- ing representing the navy, and Mr. Emery the treasury, — he conducted a series of ex- periments to determine the relative value of compound and non-compound engines, the results of which were at the time the only reliable data extant and were pub- lished in technical literature and text- books throughout the scientific world. He was one of the judges of the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia, in 1876, on engines, pumps and mechanical appli- ances, and associate to the committee on musical instruments, electrical and other scientific apparatus. The Centennial Com- mission awarded him a medal, and in 1879 the University of the City of New York conferred upon him the honorary degree of Ph.D. In 1879 he became chief engineer and manager of the New York Steam Heating and Power Company. He was re- tained by the Edison Electric Light Com- pany, the Pneumatic Dynamite Gun Com- pany, and the city of Fall River as consult- ing engineer, and on his report the mill owners of Fall River and the city entered into a novel compromise whereby the city received water from the Watuppa ponds in consideration of the abatement of taxes on water power. In 1886 he was ap- pointed non-resident professor of engi- neering at Sibley College, Cornell Uni- versity. In 1887 he opened an office in New York as a consulting engineer and engineering expert, and became connected with a large number of important patent litigations as expert. In 1888 he became consulting engineer for the New York and Brooklyn Bridge. In 1889 the Insti- tution of Civil Engineers of Great Britain awarded him the Watt medal and Tilford premium for an approved paper. In 1892 he was appointed one of the commis- sioners in the matter of the purchase of the Long Island Water Supply Company by the city of Brooklyn, and of the Skane- 136 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ateles, New York, and of the Newark (New Jersey) water condemnation cases. He then took up the subject of elec- tricity, and in 1893 was appointed one of the judges of dynamos and motors at the World's Fair at Chicago, Illinois. In 1895 he was elected chairman of the committee to revise the code for steam boiler trials, adopted in 1884 by a committee of which he was also a member. At the time of his death he was engaged upon the final re- vision of the code, upon the Bound Brook (New Jersey) flood cases, the Holyoke (Massachusetts) water-power assessment cases, and the city of Worcester (Massa- chusetts) water condemnation cases. He was a member of all the American engi- neering societies, the British Institution, fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. He was also a member of the Society of the Sons of the Revolution and the Mili- tary Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. He was married, August 6, 1863, to Susan S., daughter of the Hon. Essex Rid- ley Livingston. He died in Brooklyn, New York, June 1, 1898. CHAPIN, Edwin H., Leader for Social Betterment. The Rev. Edwin Hubbell Chapin, whose name is commemorated in that beautiful charity, the Chapin Home for Aged and Indigent Men and Women, was born in Washington county, New York, Decem- ber 29, 1814. During his boyhood his parents removed to Burlington, Vermont, and he obtained an excellent education in the schools of that city. Later he re- moved to Troy, New York, where he pur- sued a course of study in law, after which he took up his residence in Utica, New York. At Troy, having decided upon a minis- terial instead of a legal career, he accepted a position as editor of a periodical publi- cation established in the interests of the Universulists, in whose faith he had become interested. During his leisure periods he devoted his attention to the study of theology and ecclesiastical his- tory, and was ordained a Universalist clergyman in the year 1837. His first pastorate was in Richmond, Virginia, and at the expiration of three years he was called to a pastorate in Chaiiestown, Massachusetts, which he served faithfully for six years. In 1847 he was associated with Hosea Ballou in ministering to the congregation of a Universalist church in Boston, but the following year was offered the pastorate of the Fourth Universalist Church of New York City, which he ac- cepted, and which pulpit he filled until the close of his life The church at that time was in the neighborhood of the City Hall, but this site not being perfectly sat- isfactory to the parishioners, and not prov- ing adequate to accommodate the increas- ing number of people who came to hear Mr. Chapin preach, they secured the building known as the Dusseldorf Gallery, on Broadway, near Bleecker street, where Mr. Chapin preached to large audiences, and proved a wonderful power for good. A number of years later another removal was necessary, owing to the fact that at every service people were standing, un- able to secure seats, and in 1866 the con- gregation removed to the Church of the Divine Paternity, at Forty-fifth street and Fifth avenue, where Dr. Chapin continued to preach until his death. As an author, he possessed powers that distinguished him from other preachers, and his sermons evidenced intellectual study and culture. He was eloquent, bril- liant and forceful, possessed the magnet- ism that drew men to him, and was an ac- tive factor in the saving of many souls. As a citizen, he was public-spirited and pro- l 37 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY gressive, and was a keen and interested worker in various undertakings of a be- nevolent, patriotic or religious character. He was a member of many important so- cieties and public organizations, a trustee of Bellevue Medical College and Hospital, and for a long time editor of the "Christian Leader." He published a number of works, including the following: "Hours of Com- munion" (New York, 1844) ; "Discourses on the Lord's Prayer" (1850) ; "Char- acters in the Gospels" (1852) ; "Moral Aspects of City Life" (1853) ; "Discourses on the Beatitudes" (1853) ; "True Manli- ness" (New York, 1854) ; "Duties of Young Men" (1855) ; "The Crown of Thorns — A Token for the Suffering" (i860) ; "Living Words" (Boston, 1861) ; "The Gathering, "which was the memorial of a meeting of the Chapin family (Spring- field, Massachusetts, 1862). A most beauti- ful charity, the Chapin Home for Aged and Indigent Men and Women, reared in his memory, became a monument to the esteem and honor in which he was held. His death occurred in New York City, December 27, 1880, his health having been feeble during the latter years of his life. DURYEE, Abram, Civil War Soldier, Municipal Official. General Abram Duryee born in New York City, April 29, 1815, came of soldierly stock. His father and two uncles were officers in the United States army in the war of 1812, and his grandfather was a soldier in the war of the American Revolution, and one of the prisoners confined for a time in the old sugar house on Liberty street, when New York was in possession of the British. Abram Duryee received a high school education, engaged in business, and be- came wealthy through dealing in ma- hogany. When eighteen years old he joined the One Hundred and Forty-sec- ond Regiment New York State Militia, and in 1838 transferred his membership to the Twenty-seventh (afterward Seventh) Regiment. In 1849 ne na< i risen from pri- vate to the rank of colonel of the Seventh Regiment, which position he held for fourteen years, commanding the regiment in five desperate riots. He was wounded in the Astor Place riot, and his prompt action suppressed a serious outbreak, but not without the loss of some lives. In 1861 he was among the first to re- cruit volunteers for the suppression of the rebellion and as early as April had raised the Fifth Regiment New York Volunteers ("Duryee's Zouaves") within a week. He at once led his command to the front, participating in the first important battle of the war at Big Bethel, Virginia, June 10, 1861. After the disastrous defeat, he superseded General Pierce as com- mander of the brigade. He was commis- sioned brigadier-general of volunteers in August, 1861, and was in command of his brigade at Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, the second Bull Run, and Chantilly. At South Mountain and Antietam he commanded Ricketts's division, when General Ricketts succeeded Hooker in command of the corps. After this he was absent for a time on furlough, and on re- turning to the army he resigned in Janu- ary, 1863, upon finding an officer of in- ferior rank assigned to his command, and his request for reinstatement not re- garded. At the close of the war he was brevetted major-general of volunteers for distinguished services. He was aifter- ward elected colonel of the Seventy-first Regiment, National Guard State of New York, and brigadier-general in command of the Fourth Brigade, New York State Militia, but declined both commissions. He was appointed Police Commissioner of New York in 1873, and commanded the police force in its action against the as- sembled communists in Tompkins Square ,38 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY in 1874, when they were driven from the public streets and subsequently thor- oughly quelled. He was dock-master, 1884-87. His pen- sion of thirty dollars per month granted by the Federal government was increased by act of Congress to one hundred dollars per month in February, 1890. He was a member of the New York Historical So- ciety, and of the St. Nicholas Society. He died in New York City. September 27, WORDEN, John L„ Hero of the Monitor-Merriniac Battle. Admiral John LorimerWorden, of naval fame during the Civil War, was born in Mount Pleasant, Westchester county. New York, March 12, 1817. At the age of seventeen he was appointed midshipman in the United States navy, and ordered to the sloop-of-war "Erie," on the Brazilian station ; in September, 1837, was trans- ferred to the Mediterranean squadron ; and in December, 1839, was sent to the naval school at Philadelphia. July 16, 1840, he was promoted to passed midship- man and sent to duty in the Pacific squad- ron, and after two years passed a like period on duty at the New York and Washington navy yards. In August, 1846, he was promoted to master, and in November following to lieutenant, and served again on the Pacific coast until 1850. From that time until the breaking out of the Civil War, he was on sea serv- ice and on duty at the New York navy yard. On April 6, 1861, he reported to the Navy Department and asked for active sea service. He was at once sent over- land with dispatches for Captain Adams, in command of the fleet off Pensacola, and on his return was captured by a party of Confederates near Montgomery, Ala- bama, and held prisoner until November 14, 1861, when he was paroled. He was later exchanged at Norfolk, Virginia, and as soon as his health would permit, his confinement having left him very poorly, he reported for duty. On January 13, 1862, he was assigned to Ericsson's "Monitor" (sarcastically called a cheese- box on a raft), just then completed. He was allowed to select his crew from the "North Carolina" and "Sabine;" and, without taking time to drill the crew at the guns or to become familiar with the working of the turret, he put to sea, March 6, 1862, and sailed to Hampton Roads, in tow of a large tug. Arriving at Hampton Roads as the "Congress" was burning, he reported to Captain Marsten, and, in spite of orders to sail to Washing- ton went to the aid of the "Minnesota," which was hard aground off Newport News. At seven-thirty in the morning the Con- federate iron-clad "Merrimac" and her consorts started for Sewall's Point for the "Minnesota." The "Monitor" got under way, steered direct for the enemy in order to hold him away from the "Minnesota," and, making no attempt at the wooden vessels, ran alongside of the "Merrimac." The pilot-house from which Worden commanded his vessel was a square iron structure, so small as to ac- commodate only three men ; the com- mander, pilot and quartermaster. It was on the deck, directly in front of the turret, thus preventing firing ahead ; and was connected with the turret by a speaking tube, which was destroyed early in the action, thus making communication be- tween the commander and the executive officer difficult. Worden fought at close quarters, maneuvered his boat skillfully, availed himself of all the advantages he possessed, and at one time hauled off to allow the turret to- replenish its supply of shot. Worden then renewed the engagement, and fought his vessel until a large shell, 39 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY striking the pilot-house and exploding, blinded him. He was cared for by the physician on the "Monitor," and was sent to Washington, D. C. Although the "Merrimac" was not destroyed, she was roughly used, and the ability of the "Monitor'' to cope with her prevented her prosecuting the campaign that had been planned. Worden was received as the popular hero; he was given a vote of thanks by Congress on July n, 1862, and the following day was promoted to com- mander. Captain Worden gradually recovered his sight, and in January, 1863, was assigned to the command of the "Montauk," a boat of the "Monitor" type, but of improved pattern, with which he joined the South Atlantic squadron under DuPont, who was planning an attack on Charleston. In order to ascertain the ability of monitors to withstand the fire of land batteries, DuPont ordered Worden to attack Fort McAllister, on the Great Ogeechee river, below Savannah. On January 27, 1863, Worden steamed up the river, anchored and fired upon the fort four hours, until his ammunition was exhausted. The trial was successful as far as showing the in- vulnerability of the boat, but the slight amount of damage done to the fort was disappointing. The Confederate steamer "Nashville," designed as a commerce des- troyer, was at this time hiding in the Ogeechee river, awaiting an opportunity to run the blockade. When the "Mon- tauk" sailed up the river, she withdrew out of range, but on February 27, Worden discovered her to be aground, and the fol- lowing morning, steaming up under the guns of the fort, fired across a neck of land, and although continually under fire from the fort, he caused the explosion of the magazine of the "Nashville" by his shells, and withdrew uninjured, until running into a torpedo, he blew a hole in the bottom of the "Montauk." The boat was later repaired, and took part in Du- Pont's attack on Charleston, April 7, 1863. On February 3, 1863, he received another vote of thanks from Congress, and was promoted to captain. Worden was on duty at New York, 1S63-66; served on the Pacific squadron, 1866-67 > was P ro_ moted commodore, May 27, 1868; was superintendent of the Naval Academy, 1870-74; was promoted rear-admiral, No- vember 20, 1872 ; commanded the Euro- pean squadron, 1875-77; 'and was retired, with the highest sea pay of his grade, at his own request, December 23, 1886. He died in Washington, D. C, October 18, BRACE, Charles L. Philanthropist, Newsboys' Friend. Charles Loring Brace, who was deeply interested in all philanthropic movements, but who believed that the most fruitful field in which the reformer and philan- thropist could labor was among the chil- dren of the poor, and whose interest in the problem to which he devoted the best efforts of his life was awakened some- what by chance, was born at Litchfield, Connecticut, June 19, 1826, son of John Pierce Brace, principal of the Hartford Female Seminary, and afterward editor of the Hartford "Courant," one of the oldest and best of New England journals, which reached its highest reputation under his management. It was said of John P. Brace that few men of the time exerted a wider influence than he in all that was best in the lives of American women. Charles Loring Brace was graduated at Yale College in 1846, at the age of twenty, studied theology at the Yale Divinity School and at the Union Theological Seminary, and entered the ministry. Four years after his graduation, when twenty- four years old, he made a pedestrian tour in the company of Frederick Law Olm- sted, afterward the eminent landscape architect, through Great Britain and Ire- 140 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY land, and visited Paris, Belgium, and the Rhine, and under the title of "Walks and Talks of an American Farmer in Eng- land," an account of this journey was published by Mr. Olmsted. Mr. Brace spent a winter in study in Berlin, and afterward visited Hungary. He was the first American to pass through the in- terior of that country, and he had an ex- perience in the course of his visit which proved embarrassing. Arrested on sus- picion of being a secret agent of the Hungarian revolutionists in America, he was imprisoned, and it was only by acci- dent that he was able to communicate with the American charge d'affaires at Vienna and procure his release. On a journey which he afterward took through Switzerland, Italy, England and Ireland, he began a special study of the conditions of the masses in European countries and of the schools, prisons and reformatory institutions. Returning to the United States when he was twenty-six years old, his attention was called to the miserable condition of the poorest classes in the city of New York, especially the immigrants, and, in cooperation with Mr. Pease, Mrs. Olin and others, set out to aid them. Five Points was then the most degraded dis- trict of the city ,and good work was done there by Mr. Brace and his associates. He also labored among the prisons, hos- pitals and almshouses, on Blackwell's Island, where the criminal and unfortu- nate were sent. It was not long, how- ever, before he discovered that much of the work among the adults was hopeless, and that little could be accomplished of permanent benefit to New York in any labor which did not especially include the children of the poor. Among the children he believed the most effective work could be done, and he joined with others in forming the Children's Aid Society. This was in 1853, when he was twenty-seven years old, and he was made the secretary and principal executive officer. A year later he founded, outside of this society, the first newsboys' lodging house in America, which, in fitting memory of its founder, is known as the '"Brace Memorial Lodging-House." Through the means of the Children's Aid Society up to the time of his death, seventy-five thousand home- less, friendless children had been trans- planted from the streets of New York to homes in the far west ; three hundred thousand children had been trained in its industrial schools ; and in its lodging house for boys, and girls' temporary homes, two hundred thousand boys and girls found a refuge, and were helped to employment and homes. In 1S56 Mr. Brace attended the International Conven- tion of Children's Charities in London, and made a third visit to Europe in 1865, to investigate the sanitary methods of the great cities. His fourth visit was as a del- egate to the International Prison Con- gress, which met in London in 1872. During all the subsequent years of his life he maintained his interest in philan- thropic endeavor, while traveling much and writing many books, namely: "Hun- gary in 1851" (1852); "Home Life in Germany" (1853) ; "The Norse Folk" (1857) ; "Short Sermons to Newsboys" (1861) ; "Races of the Old World" (1863) ; "The New West" (1868); "The Danger- ous Classes of New York, and Twenty Years' Work Among Them" (3d. ed., 1880) ; "Free Trade as Promoting Peace and Good-will Among Men" (1879) ; "Guesta Christa, or, a History of Humane Progress under Christianity" (3d. ed., 1885), and "The Unknown God" (1889). He died at Campfer, Switzerland, August 11, 1890. Shortly after his death an endowment fund, in connection with the Children's Aid Society, was estab- lished to his memory, known as the "Brace Memorial Fund." 141 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY BLISS, George, Jr., Lawyer, Litterateur. George Bliss, Jr., was born in Spring- field, Massachusetts, May 3, 1830, son of George and Mary S. Bliss. His father and grandfather were prominent lawyers of western Massachusetts. George Bliss, Jr., received his early edu- cation at home and at Harvard College, from which he was graduated in 1851. During his college course he was associ- ated with David A. Wells in the publica- tion of the "Annual of Scientific Dis- covery" and of "Things not Generally Known." After his graduation he spent two years in Europe, studying at the University of Berlin and in Paris, and traveling through Sweden, southern Ger- many, Switzerland, northern Italy, Spain and Portugal. Returning home, he studied law in Springfield, Massachusetts, and at the Harvard Law School, then entering the office of William Curtis Noyes, in New York, and in the following year was admitted to the bar. During 1859 and i860 he was private secretary to Governor Morgan, of New York, and in April, 1861, was made a member of his staff. In 1862 he was appointed Paymaster-General of the State, with the rank of colonel. In the same year, as captain in the Fourth New York Heavy Artillery, he was de- tailed to duty on the staff of Major-Gen- eral Morgan, commanding the Depart- ment of New York. In 1862 and 1863 he organized, under authority of the Secre- tary of War, the Twentieth. Twenty-sixth and Thirty-first regiments of United States Colored Troops, representing in this service the Union League Club of New York, which was primarily the instrumen- tality through which they were recruited. In 1866 he became the attorney of the Metropolitan Board of Health and Metro- politan Board of Excise, of New York, and, with Dorman B. Eaton, as counsel, carried to a successful issue the litigation as to the constitutionality of the boards, and to enforce the acts creating them, the final decisions in both being reached only in the Court of Appeals. Pending the litigation in the excise cases, hundreds of injunctions were granted in the Common Pleas Court alone. On January 1, 1873, he was appointed United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, which position he held for more than four years. Notable among the important cases during this period were the Robert Des Anges and Lawrence conspiracy cases. In 1881 and 1882, under appoint- ment of President Garfield, he was the active counsel of the government in the trial at Washington of the celebrated "Star Route Cases," involving many fraudulent mail transportation cases. His associate counsel were Richard T. Mer- rick, Benjamin Harris Brewster and Wil- liam W. Ker. The cases were twice tried in Washington before a jury, each trial occupying from four to five months. In the first, though some of the minor ac- cused were convicted, the verdict was un- satisfactory and was set aside by consent ; the second trial resulted in an acquittal, procured, in the opinion of the prosecu- tion, by unprofessional means, and the law upon which the prosecution was based was subsequently affirmed by the Supreme Court of the United States. The trials put a final end to a system of frauds by which the government was robbed of many millions of dollars. Mr. Bliss published three editions of the "Law of Life Insurance," and four editions of the "Annotated New York Code of Civil Procedure," which has be- come the standard authority on that sub- ject. At one time he contributed to the "North American Review," and was for many years a newspaper writer, chiefly on political subjects. He was brought up a Presbyterian, but became a Unitarian, 142 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY and subsequently a Roman Catholic. In 1895 ne was decorated by Pope Leo XIII. with the order of St. Gregory the Great in recognition of his services in defending the Roman Catholic charitable institu- tions before the New York Constitutional Convention of 1894. He died at Wake- field, Rhode Island, September 21, 1897. HACKETT, James Henry, Actor. James Henry Hackett was born in New York City, March 15, 1S00. His father was a native of Holland, who had been a lieutenant in the life-guard of the Prince of Orange, and his mother was a daughter of the Rev. Abraham Keteltas, a New York clergyman. He fitted for college at a Long IsIanQ academy, and in 1815 entered Columbia College, where he remained but a year, leaving to study with a New York lawyer. In 1819 he was married to Katherine Duf- field Lee-Sugg, an actress, and a daughter of an English ventriloquist. Miss Lee- Sugg at the time was playing at the Park Theatre in New York City. After her marriage she retired from the stage and removed with her husband to Utica, New York, where for several years he engaged in business on a large scale, having a branch in New York City, and finally failed. This failure caused Mrs. Hackett to return to her profession, and she re- appeared at the New York Park Theatre on February 27, 1826, as the countess in "Love in a Village." Mr. Hackett, having a fondness for the drama, applied to the management for a trial as an actor, and on March 1, 1826, he made his debut as Justice Woodcock in "Love in a Village," a benefit to Mrs. Hackett. His second appearance, in which he made his first great hit, was as one of the Dromios in Shakespeare's "Comedy of Errors" in October, 1826, John Barnes playing the twin brother, his imitation of Barnes' voice and mannerisms being so nearly perfect, that the audience were un- able to tell them apart. He next appeared in the title role "Sylvester Daggerwood," and introduced in the part successful im- personations of Charles Mathews, Ed- mund Kean and other actors. In Novem- ber, 1826, his success became assured by his impersonation of a Yankee and a Frenchman. In December he sailed for England, and on April 6, 1827, appeared at the Covent Garden Theatre, London, as Sylvester Daggerwood, playing the part as he had played it in New York. His success was indifferent, though his imitations were commented upon as good. Before returning home he made his suc- cess substantial by playing the whole character of Richard III. in imitation of Edmund Kean. In 1830 Hackett joined for a short time with Thomas S. Hamblin in the management of the Bowery Thea- tre, and subsequently managed the Chat- ham Street Theatre. In 1837 he managed the National Theatre in New York, and was lessee and manager of the Astor Place Theatre at the time of the Mac- ready riot. He introduced to the United States the Italian singers Grisi and Mario at Castle Garden in 1854. As a star actor he toured season after season, and made a number of visits to England. He was married a second time, March 27, 1864, to Clara C. Morgan. His last public engage- ment was previous to 1871. His best known characters were Falstaff, which he first played May 13, 1828; Rip Van Winkle, first played in April, 1830; Mor- bleau in "Monsieur Tonson" ; Solomon Swop in "Jonathan in England" ; Colonel Nimrod Wildfire in "Colonel Wildfire" ; Monsieur Mallett and Dromio. He died at Jamaica, Long Island, New York, De- cember 28, 1871. 143 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY DUYCKINCK, Evert A., Editor, Author. Evert Augustus Duyckinck was born in New York City, November 23, 1816, son of Evert Duyckinck, bookseller. He was graduated at Columbia College in 1835, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1837. After a year spent in Europe, he returned to New York determined to adopt a literary profession, having already been an acceptable contributor to the "New York Review." In 1840, in com- pany with Cornelius Mathews, he estab- lished "Arcturus," a monthly periodical which they continued for two years and in which he published a series of articles entitled "Authors at Home and Abroad." From 1847 to 1853, m conjunction with his brother, George Long Duyckinck, he edited and conducted "The Literary World," which they founded and devoted to reviews of books, art and literature. In 1854, with his brother, he began the publication of "The Cyclopaedia of Ameri- can Literature," completed in two vol- umes, giving a comprehensive list of American authors, with selections from their writings, portraits, and fac simile autographs. This was revised in 1865. He was a trustee of Columbia College, 1874-78. As a member of the New York Historical Society he read before that body "Memorials of Francis L. Hawks, D.D., LL.D." (1867-71); "Memorials of Francis T. Tuckerman" (1872) ; and "Me- morials of James W. Beekman" (1877). He read before the American Ethnolog- ical Society: "Memorial of Samuel G. Drake" (1876) ; and prepared a "Memorial of John Wolfe" (1872). He published: "Wit and Wisdom of Sydney Smith, with a Memoir" (1856) ; "Willmot's Poets of the Nineteenth Century" (American edi- tion, 1858) ; "Irvingiana" (1859) ; "His- tory of the War for the Union" (1861- 65); "Memorial of John Allen" (1864); "Poems Relating to the American Revolu- tion, With Memoirs of the Authors" (1865) ; "Poems of Philip Freneau" (1865); "National Gallery of Eminent Americans" (1866) ; "History of the World," etc. (1870) ; "Biographies of Eminent Men and Women of Europe and America" (1873-74). He died in New York City, August 13, 1878. William Allen Butler read a bio- graphical sketch of Mr. Duyckinck before the New York Historical Society (1879), and the Rev. Dr. Samuel Osgood pub- lished a memoir of him (1879). SELDEN. Samuel L., Jurist, Samuel Lee Slden was born at Lyme, Connecticut, October 12, 1800, son of Joseph Selden. He studied law with his brother-in-law, Joseph Spencer, at Roch- esterville, New York, and was admitted to the bar in 1825, entered into partner- ship with Addison Gardiner, and soon acquired a large practice. In 1830 he served as justice of the peace, and in 1831 was elected first judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Monroe county, and, after leaving the bench, he held the office of clerk of the Eighth Chancery Circuit of the State for many years. In 1847 he was elected to the bench of the Supreme Court, being the first elec- tion under the constitution of 1846. Under his jurisdiction the construction of the code was fixed, and a system of judicial law molded which has penetrated every part of the country where the New York practice has been adopted. In other States the opinions of Judge Selden are quoted by counsel and judges with re- spect. He and his brother were the earliest to aid in the establishment of the electric telegraph lines. Subsequently, he acquired a large interest in the House 144 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY patent, and joined with others in estab- lishing the New York and Mississippi Valley Printing Telegraph Company in 185 1, which was afterwards consolidated with the Erie and Michigan Telegraph Company, under the title of the Western Telegraph Company. In 1856 he was elected a judge of the Court of Appeals, in which he was at once received as an acknowledged leader, and he served as Chief Justice of the State in 1862. The rapid and enormous growth of the State during his life had brought about such changed and changing conditions of the complex civilization which was being constructed, that the law questions in- volved in litigation were frequently novel and intricate. No man on the bench or at the bar understood this better than Judge Selden, if any did as well, and he took a very prominent part in the deci- sions of the Court of Appeals on the law of corporations and other commercial law, forming a body of jurisprudence which is everywhere respected. He was married, in July, 1831, to Susan M. Ward, of Genesee county, and had two sons, who died in infancy. The degree of LL. D. was conferred upon Judge Selden by the University of Rochester in 1856. He died in Rochester, New York, Sep- tember 20, 1876. PRATT, Charles, Philanthropist. Charles Pratt was born at Watertown, Massachusetts, October 2, 1830, son of Asa and Eliza (Stone) Pratt, grandson of Jacob Pratt, of Maiden, Massachusetts, and a descendant of Richard Pratt, who emigrated from Essex, England, to Amer- ica and settled at Maiden, Massachusetts. He attended the academy at Wilbraham, Massachusetts, for one year; and in 1849, at the age of nineteen, engaged as a clerk M Y— Vol 11—10 in a paint and oil store in Boston. He afterward became a member of the firm of Raynolds, Devoe & Pratt, in New York City. He purchased the oil department of the business, and subsequently built a petroleum refinery at Greenpoint, New York, where he manufactured Pratt's Astral Oil, under the firm name of Charles Pratt & Company, which later became the Pratt Manufacturing Company, and was finally absorbed by the Standard Oil Company, in which he was a director and officer. He was an earnest advocate of advanced and technical education. He was a trustee of Adelphi Academy, in Brooklyn, New York, from 1867 to 1891, and president of its board of trustees for twelve years; and in 1886 contributed to the institution $160,000 for a new build- ing. He founded the Pratt Institute at Brooklyn in 1887, established as an indus- trial, manual and training school; built the tenement known as the "Astral," its income to be used for the benefit of the institute ; and left an endowment of $2,- 000,000 at his death. The administration of the Institute was continued by his sons, Charles Millard Pratt, George D. Pratt, Herbert L. Pratt, John T. Pratt and Frederic B. Pratt, who constituted a board of trustees. In an address made on Founder's Day, in 1891, he said: "The giving that counts is the giving of one's self." His many charities included the establishment of the Asa Pratt fund for a free reading room in Watertown, Massa- chusetts, in memory of his father; and his large contribution to the erection of the Emmanuel Baptist Church of Brook- lyn, New York, of which he was a mem- ber. Mr. Pratt was twice married ; first, in 1854, to Lydia Ann, daughter of Thomas Richardson, of Belmont, Massachusetts, by whom he had one son, Charles Mil- lard, and one daughter, Lydia Richard- 45 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY son. Mrs. Pratt died in 1861, and Mr. Pratt married (second) in 1863, her sis- ter, Mary Helen Richardson, by whom he had five sons and one daughter. Mr. Pratt died in New York City, May 4, CURTIS, George William, Author, Lecturer, Politician, Reformer. Eminent as a man of letters and emi- nent as a politician, George William Cur- tis is preeminent as the "scholar in poli- tics" — each informing and exalting the other. He was born in Providence, Rhode Island, February 24, 1824, the second son of George and Mary Elizabeth (Burrill) Curtis, his lineage not being of the usual Puritan type, "but of the smaller gentry of New England 'whose conformities to the orders and discipline of the Church of England' was duly acknowledged. The men of this class had independence and self-reliance in plenty ; were full of re- source, quick of wit, eager to seize every opportunity ; resolute, even daring ; faith- ful to duty — good as friends, formidable as foes. It was a good stock. In his life some of these qualities reappear" ("Cary's Life," page 4). Henry Curtis, his Amer- ican paternal ancestor, came over in 1635, and George Burrill, the maternal, a few years later. His grandfather, James Bur- rill, was Chief Justice of Rhode Island and United States Senator, an opponent of the Missouri Compromise, and a man of marked ability and high character. His father, removing to New York (1839) and later becoming president of the Bank of Commerce, was of excellent business talents, of sound political and refined lit- erary taste, kind to his children, but solic- itous as to their manners and morals. He made his residence in Washington Place, then the most desirable residence quarter in the city, still the abode of some of the best "old families." His first wife died when George was but two years old and, in 1835, Mr. Curtis married a daughter of Samuel W. Bridgman, of Providence, of whom James Burrill Curtis, the elder brother of George (our "Cousin the Cur- ate," of "Prue and I"), thus writes: "She was a woman of much good sense and practical energy, of strong and generous sympathies and of high public spirit and piety ; and she added to these things lit- erary cultivation decidedly above the average. She wrote with ease, whether in letters or other compositions, a full, graceful, flowing, delightful English style. She once wrote to us in high girl- ish spirits that she believed she loved her ready-made children the best." Within such benign domestic environ- ment Curtis was reared, and he inhaled the air of freedom upon the ground where Roger Williams, fleeing from the perse- cution of the Puritan theocracy, founded a commonwealth whose cornerstone was the principle of the utter divorce of Church and State. Curtis was not a col- lege-bred man, but his education was cer- tainly more than equivalent to that which he could have obtained from the curriculum of any American college of the day. His early schooling, glimpses of which are disclosed in "Trumps," was at Jamaica Plain, near Boston ; and then, after a year under a private tutor and another in a mercantile house in New York, he became, at the age of sixteen, with his elder brother James, a pupil at Brook Farm, where a bright body of thinkers, in communal life, made a brave, but vain, attempt to better the social and elevate the intellectual order, by combin- ing philosophy and the plow, poetry and the wash tub. It had withal an admira- ble teaching force, with George Ripley, afterward the accomplished literary edi 146 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY tor of the New York "Tribune," at its head, and liberal courses of study. Cur- tis studied diligently, applying himself especially to German, agricultural chem- istry and music. There also he heard the brilliant talk of Margaret Fuller, and marveled at the weird conceits of Hawthorne ; and thither came as vis- itors and, in part, as instructors, "the sage of Concord," with his pearls of wisdom, and the gentle hermit of Walden Pond unfolding the secrets of the woods and fields; and there, doubtless, Curtis first aspired to authorship, but as yet without definite plans leading thereto. Succeeding the Brook Farm experi- ence, came an interval of pleasure and of much reading at home. He was in the heyday of youth and, with his brother, both with superb gifts of face and form and conversational grace, became a social lion, feted and feasted in the most select social and musical circles. "My days," he writes, "I pass in my room, reading Goethe's 'Wilhelm Meister' and Novalis. With Burrill, I read 'Agricultural Chem- istry' and 'Practical Agriculture.' Next week, with mother, we shall begin the Epistles and Gospels. Apart from these more strictly studies, I am reading Shakespeare, Beaumont and Fletcher, Massinger, Ford, and smaller poets." In August, 1845, ^ e started on a memorable pilgrimage, entering the old world by the Gibraltar gateway, landing at Marseilles, and thence ranging historic ground, in leisurely fashion, for four years, every- where catching the local coloring; the first winter being spent in Rome, where he perfected himself in the Latin tongues ; the second in Berlin, where he enrolled in its university ; the third in Paris ; and the fourth on the Nile and in Palestine, meanwhile writing regularly to the "Courier and Enquirer" and the "Tri- bune" — observant reporting, without rhe- torical embellishment. He made ac- quaintance with the Brownings, Thack- eray, and other literary lights, who con- fessed their liking for the gifted and genial young American ; and from things new and old, grave and gay, his plastic mind received impressions, revealed in the reveries of the "Howadji" and the reminiscences of the "Easy Chair." In 1850 he left Europe, which he never re- visited, although two Presidents tendered him high diplomatic missions. He returned to New York to make literature his profession, his first regular employment being as the musical and dramatic critic of the "Tribune;" for his pen, as yet, ran mainly along esthetic lines ; and he drew the pleasing sketches of watering places that were subsequently collected in book form as "Lotus Eating." He also supplied airy fancies for the "Knickerbocker." In 1851, "Nile Notes" appeared, and was soon followed by the "Howadji in Syria." The one has cer- tain verbal redundancies and affectations, from which the other is measurably free, but each is fine in temper, delicate in sen- timent, rich in scholarship, and limns with photographic fidelity the languor of the orient. He was, at the first, enticed by the opulence of his vocabulary, but he speedily gained poise, eliminated excesses from his style, and resolved it into a dic- tion as chaste as it is fascinating. In 1853, "Putnam's," the second of magazines of the newer era, "Harper's" having pre- ceded it by three years, was started, and Curtis was enlisted in its service. Intel- lectually, it was a credit to periodical literature. Financially, it was unfortun- ate. When a crisis in its affairs was reached in 1857, Curtis was a special busi- ness partner. His personal fortune was swept away, and, in addition, there were obligations, which, although not legally bound, he assumed, to whose discharge 147 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY he devoted years of unremitting toil, applying thereto nearly all the receipts from his Lyceum lectures. When he step- ped from the platform, in 1873, the bur- den had been lifted. He rarely ascended it again for pay. This is an interesting episode in his career, the vindication of a nice sense of honor, finding its counter- part only in the settlement of Sir Walter Scott with the creditors of Ballantyne and Company. To "Putnam's," Curtis gave some of his choicest work, including "Homes of American Authors," the "Poti- phar Papers," and "Prue and I." The homes are those of Emerson, Longfellow, Bancroft and Hawthorne, in all of which he was a welcome guest. The "Potiphar Papers" is a keen inspection of the frivol- ities and pretensions of "our best society." Too truthful for irony, it is too kindly for contumely. It is the philosopher in dress coat, who has the entree of the circle, quizzing its foibles, and not the cynic in hair cloth, railing at its exclusive- ness. It is cleverly written and furnishes in "the Rev. Cream Cheese," at least one of the noted characters in fiction. "Prue and I" is as lovely a bit of sentiment and lambent humor as there is in the lan- guage, justifying the encomium of Law- rence Hutton, who says : "It is Addison with a warmth and humanness that Addi- son never knew. It is Lamb, with a grace and delicacy that Lamb's time did not bequeath to him. It is Sidney, with the lightest modern touch and a new learned simplicity. It is the sweetest, gentlest, serenist, loftiest, most cultured of scholars, who, in the homely guise of this modest clerk, enchants the reader with his airy fancy and rich imagination." Mr. Curtis married, Thanksgiving Day, 1856, Anna, daughter of Francis G. Shaw, of Staten Island — a happy union and a delightful home on the island to the end. Some years later, he made a summer home in Ashfield, among the hills of Western Massachusetts, drawn thither in part by the prior going thereto of Charles Eliot Norton, his dearest friend, for many years. In October, 1853, Curtis began to write for the "Easy Chair" in "Harper's Monthly," and from April, 1854, until the summer of 1892, it bore his individual stamp. In 1863, he was installed as editor of "Harper's Weekly" and continued such for thirty-eight years. Curtis's weekly articles, models of a perspicuous style, were able, candid and dispassion- ate in their treatment of public questions, were widely quoted, and were cogent in their influence upon public opinion, more cogent than the utterances of any Amer- ican journalist, with the exception of Greeley. The "Easy Chair" is one of the fairest products of modern literature. How pure, how fresh, how exhilarating it is! To how many hearts has it appealed as "guide, philosopher and friend !" How varied its themes, how catholic its vision, how radiant its spirit. It is the consum- mate flower of expression. It is already a classic. Curtis had a voice as well as a pen. It was a voice of surpassing richness and exquisite melody. In tone and compass it was music's self, varying, to suit the thought, from the strain of the flute to the ring of the trumpet and the peal of the organ. His very presence was in itself a charm — of manly, yet graceful form, with head of noble cast, features finely chiseled, and eyes of bluish-gray at once placid and piercing. His initial theme was on "Contemporary Art in Europe." Another was on "Gold and Glitter in America," a sequel to the "Poti- phar Papers ;" and still another, which seems as introspective as descriptive, obeying in its composition the injunc- tion of Sidney's muse, "Look in thy heart ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY and write ;" for who can doubt the soul of Curtis was as knightly as that of Sidney. But soon his discourse ran in deeper and broader channels. The gravest issues of national honor and human freedom were at stake. The Puritan spark in Curtis was fanned into flame and glowed and blazed and burned. In 1856, his plea was on "The Duty of American Scholars to Politics and the Times." In 1857, it was on "Patriotism." In that year also it was on "Fair Play for Women ;" in 1838 on "Democracy and Education ;" in 1859, it was on the "Present Aspect of the Slav- ery Question," and this was delivered in "the City of Brotherly Love," amid the tumult of the mob and at imminent peril of personal violence ; but it was delivered. When the war was on — when the tre- mendous issues of national integrity and national dissolution, of human rights and human bondage, were transferred from the forum to the arbitrament of the sword, the speech of Curtis had clearer vision and more earnest purpose. It even thrill- ed with the pathos of his own trials, for his step-brother fell at Fredericks- burg, and two of his kinsmen by marriage, "curled darlings of Harvard," but pala- dins of patriotism, had glorious death at the front, one of whom still has honor for the supreme beauty of his sacrifice. Curtis talked of "National Honor," of the "Good Fight," and, as the climax of his deliverances, of the "Way of Peace" — of "Peace with Honor," and as embracing fullest guarantees of freedom. He was also heard at patriotic anniversaries, at the college commencements, and in polit- ical assemblies. He even indulged in practical politics. He did not shrink from the caucus, and the caucus honored "Honestus." For twenty-five years he was chairman of the Republican committee of his county, fre- quently a delegate to State conventions. several times the chairman thereof, and, from i860 until 1884, was a delegate to nearly every national convention of his party. He made the "hit" of the conven- tion at Chicago when, in a stupor of timid- ity, it had defeated the proposal of Joshua R. Giddings to incorporate in the plat- form the preamble to the Declaration. He rose, blazing with indignation, and with clarion call renewed the motion, chal- lenging the representatives of the party of freedom, meeting on the borders of the free prairies, in a hall dedicated to the ad- vancement of liberty, to reject the doc- trine of the Declaration of Independence affirming the equality and defining the rights of man. He swept the convention upon a wave of enthusiasm, and his reso- lution was adopted unanimously amid deafening cheers. He favored the nomi- nation of Seward as the "logical" stand- ard bearer, but cordially supported Lin- coln in the canvass, who trusted Curtis implicitly throughout his tenure. Curtis stoutly sustained the President's policies, notably the prudent delay in the issue of the Emancipation Proclamation, against the pressure of the extreme radi- cals ; and as delegate to the convention of 1864 he was a prominent advocate of Lin- coln's renomination, doing splendid serv- ice for his reelection, both on the stump and in "Harper's," meanwhile running for Congress in a district hopelessly Demo- cratic. In 1865 his name was proposed for United States Senator by many friends, but upon a suggestion to him that he should engage in a combination to de- feat Conkling, the terms being that, upon which, either himself or Judge Noah Davis should prove the stronger candi- date, their forces should unite, he declined absolutely to enter the lists. In 1866 he was chosen a delegate-at-large to the Con- stitutional Convention and served faith- fully in that body, his principal work 149 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY being as chairman of the education com- represented. To this Curtis acceded, in mittee and his star speech on "Woman Suffrage," already alluded to. In 1868 he was nominated as a Presidential elector, but as Seymour carried New York, he did not have the privilege of casting a vote in the college for Grant. Upon the death of Henry J. Raymond, June 18, 1869, Curtis was tendered the editorship of the New York "Times," a flattering offer, which he felt constrained to decline. The story of this declination, as related by Curtis to the writer, is exceedingly interesting, as revealing the honorable relations existing between the Harpers and himself. Upon its receipt, he informed Mr. Fletcher Har- per thereof. Mr. Harper, in brief, told Curtis that the offer was a flattering one, involving as it did a more instant, if not more commanding, influence upon public opinion, but also a very considerable in- crease of salary above that he was receiv- ing from the Harpers, but without the slightest suggestion of an increase upon their part, advised Curtis to take suffi- cient time to think the matter over care- fully before making his decision. This Curtis did and, after mature considera- tion, determined to decline, informing Mr. Harper to that effect ; whereupon the lat- ter expressed his gratification and said that hereafter his salary would be the same with the Harpers as that which the "Times" had proffered. In September of the same year, he was nominated by accla- mation for Secretary of State, an honor which he also appreciated, but declined largely upon prudential considerations. In 1870, he was chairman of the Re- publican State Convention, and his speech was received with exceeding favor, with wild enthusiasm. Whereupon he was approached by one of the party managers who asked him if he would accept the nomination for Governor, and pledging him the support of the faction that he good faith, although he did not desire the distinction, premising that his name should be presented fairly and honorably, if at all. It was, however, presented per- functorily, and that by a Manhattan dele- gate, not of the best character, either mentally or morally. The promised vote was not accorded Curtis ; apparently the proffer was made solely to shelve Greeley, a formidable candidate; and General Woodford, who had been Lieutenant- Governor, and not without claims, by reason of distinguished partisan and patriotic service, was preferred. The trick was a dirty one, and hurt Curtis bitterly, possibly accentuating his inde- pendence of party shackles, which later became pronounced. In 1872, with some misgivings, he refused to identify him- self with the Liberal Republican move- ment, and supported the reelection of President Grant. In 1876, as a delegate to the Cincinnati Convention, he favored the selection of Bristow, but on the de- cisive ballot voted for Hayes, and was a firm upholder of his administration. In May, 1877, the President, through Secre- tary Evarts, offered him the choice of the chief European missions, expecting that he would take the English, but he felt that his civic duty forbade his acceptance. In 1879, he "bolted" the candidacy of Cornell for Governor, identifying himself with an organization of "Independent Re- publicans," that polled some 20,000 votes. In 1880, he was against a third term for Grant, and cordially supported Garfield. In 1882, he again asserted his independ- ence by refusing to support Charles J. Folger for Governor, whom he personally esteemed highly, in that the Federal administration had unduly interfered in the canvass by the abuse of patronage, and for certain other unseemly, if not corrupt, methods employed in Folger's 150 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY behalf. In 1884, Curtis was a delegate to the Republican National Convention, at Chicago, his choice for President being Senator Edmunds. He opposed the adop- tion of a resolution to the effect that every delegate was "bound in honor to support the nominee," whoever it might be, his voice ringing as it had twenty-four years before, in the same place, for the sanctity of the Declaration, as he affirmed, "A Republican and a free man, I came to this convention, and by the grace of God a Republican and a free man will I go out of it." The resolution was withdrawn. He refused urgent appeals to second the motion to make Blaine's nomination unanimous and did not vote upon it. "Harper's Weekly" promptly condemned the action of the convention, and Curtis was at once recognized as the leader of the insurgents, popularly known as "Mugwumps." They were sufficient in number to turn the scale, especially in the pivotal State of New York, and, succeed- ing one of the bitterest campaigns in our political annals, Cleveland, the Demo- cratic candidate, was elected. The cam- paign involved much impugnment of the motives of Curtis, and of detraction and scurrility by a partisan press, which either misapprehended or malignantly abused him ; and, though the issue was a pain- ful one to him, he rose superior to ignor- ance and insult, maintaining his high ideals and intrinsic purity. He had re- ferred the case for decision to the court of conscience, and from that august tribunal there was no appeal, and, it may be added, he retained the respect and trust of en- lightened Republicans who knew and loved him; even of those who differed from him and grieved sincerely at his alienation from the party he had nobly served, who would not believe that it had been prompted by mean or mercenary considerations. Thenceforth he was an Independent in name, as well as in fact. He supported Cleveland for reelection in 1888, mainly upon the economic issue, and partly for what the President had done for civil service reform. Of reform in civil service, Curtis was the most conspicuous and serviceable champion. Early enlisting in the move- ment for the abolition of the spoils sys- tem, he was chairman of the commission, appointed in 1871, to rectify the rules for admission to the public service, and did searching and heroic work as such, the regulations, fundamentally that of com- petitive examinations, it adopted, being formally promulgated a year later. His labors to advance the reform, both by pen and voice, were prodigious and inces- sant, and to him must be largely credited all that has been accomplished in its be- half. In August, 1881, the National Civil Service Reform League was formed at Newport, of which he was made president and so continued until his death, his last public utterance being his annual address before that body. In the ripeness of his years and the fullness of his fame he was — January 30, 1890 — elected chancellor of the Univer- sity of the State of New York. It was the fitting crown of his lettered life. He was at the time the senior regent and had acted four years as vice-chancel- lor. In the line of chancellors, which George Clinton heads and which includes the names of Jay and Tompkins, Stephen Van Rensselaer and Pruyn, Upson and Reid, none were worthier of the place than he, as none had more discriminating perception of its importance, nor did it finer service than he during the brief period he was permitted to grace it. The stately oration, at the centennial of the university, in 1884, and his address at the convention in 1890, are luminous reviews of the history and presentation of the objects and jurisdiction of the institution. He was one of the earliest members of 151 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY the Century Association, and used to say playfully that the only office he really aspired to was as president of that club. Early in May, 1892, he was taken serious- ly ill and, after long and acute suffering, he died at his home on Staten Island, Au- gust 31, 1892. When one, who has been esteemed great, in art, or letters, or statesmanship, dies, speculation busies itself as to the durability of his fame. Will he be for- gotten, or will his be One of the few, the immortal ones That were not born to die. Nothing can be more misleading than contemporary verdicts upon literary pro- ductions. One age rejects what a preced- ing age cherishes, and one rescues from neglect that which the other condemns. Shakespeare and Milton had new birth, and the dust of the dark ages was thick upon Horace and Virgil. The lesser dramatists of the Elizabethan era ex- pected to live, and the wits of Grub street thought to destroy Pope. We still expect that George William Curtis will live in the lines he has written, that the "Easy Chair" will be a delight to the coming generations, that "Prue and I" will be perused at the firesides of the newer time, and that his addresses — his splendid tributes to the memory of Burns and Bryant and Sumner and Phillips and Lowell — will be read hereafter with the appreciation with which we scan those of Sheridan and Burke, of Henry and Web- ster; but we know he will be immortal in the principles he advocated, in the reforms he vindicated, in the work he did for good government and education, in his gentle life, an ensample to follow, virtues to emulate. C. E. F. It is proper to say that much of the foregoing sketch consists of excerpts from the commemo- rative address delivered by the writer before the Regents of the University, December 14, 1892. HUNTINGTON, Frederic Dan, Scholar, Author, Prelate. In sketching a life, brilliant in intellec- tual gifts and beautified by spiritual graces, we linger, at the outset, in con- templation of the virtues and the estate that were its inheritance. The story is one of Puritan stock, un- mixed with alien blood ; of forbears of the "Mayflower", in 1620, and of the "Mary and John", which landed at Dor- chester, ten years later; of liberty loving folk with Hooker, at Hartford ; of the founders of Norwich and Hadley towns ; of stout arms which felled the woods and pious souls who kept the faith ; of patriot guns in King Philip's War, in French in- vasion of the Champlain, in Revolution against the British crown; of soldiers of the Cross as well ; of intermarriages with the landed gentry of New England — Wol- cotts, Trumbulls, Throops, Metcalfs, Whitings, Pitkinses, Porters, Phelpses ; of hearthstones and homesteads ; of goodly acres and seemly hospitalities; of manly work and womanly worth ; of all that was best of Puritan muscle, mind and breeding. In 1752, Moses Porter, having married Elizabeth, daughter of Nathaniel and granddaughter of William Pitkin, of Hartford, the progenitor of the family in this country, fashioned a landed estate which President Dwight. in his "Travels," describes as the most desirable posses- sion of the same kind and extent within his knowledge. It is situated two miles north of "Old Hadley" in that fair and fruitful valley, through which the Con- necticut curves in broad and placid stream before it narrows between the hills at the south. Through a century's growth, Hadley had become a model New England village, with its one wide street, elm embowered, its central slip of green 152 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY where cattle grazed, its spacious door- yards, its comely dwellings, its "meeting house", of strict "Covenant" keeping, its town hall for freemen. There were abid- ing memories of hardships and heroisms — of pioneer toil and adventure, of con- flicts with beasts of the forest, of Indian atrocities and brave defense against them, and most vivid of all, of the savage as- sault upon a worshipping congregation and the sudden coming to their relief and rallying of the regicide, Goffe, who, for years, with his companion general, Whal- ley, of Cromwell's army, had been secret- ly harbored in Parson Russell's house, and who, when the murderous band was routed, vanished as mysteriously as he had appeared. For a full century, the Porters had been earnest Christians and public spirited citizens of Hadley. John Porter was an early colonist. His son, Samuel, the first male child born in Hadley, was a justice of the peace — then an honorable distinc- tion — and his son, a second Samuel, accu- mulated a fortune of £10,000 as a trader. Their residence had all been on the village street; but, in 1752, when the security of the region had seemingly been assured, Moses, fourth in the line of descent, built a mansion and laid out his land in a sheltered intervale, two miles north of Hadley, and there, with the enlargements of the house and increase of acres, the generations that succeeded him passed their days righteously and prosperously. Thence, in 1755, Moses Porter, yet in the flush of young manhood, marched as cap- tain of a company of militia and, in Sep- tember, fell at its head gallantly at Crown Point, leaving his wife to manage the estate for forty-three years, and a daugh- ter, Elizabeth, who was married, June 14, 1770, to Charles Phelps. He was a de- scendant, in the sixth generation, of Wil- liam Phelps, immigrant in the "Mary and John," a representative from Dorchester in the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, a resident of Windsor and one of eight who had charge of Hartford colony, before legislative government was estab- lished, and later assistant to the governor in the general assembly ; and in the fourth generation of Nathaniel, a founder of Northampton. Charles studied law and began its practice in Northampton, but, upon his marriage, settled in "Elm Val- ley," as the Porter estate was known. Dur- ing his administration its boundaries were enlarged, its buildings improved, its re- sources wisely developed and its commer- cial value materially appreciated ; and there, January 1, 1801, his daughter, Eliz- abeth Whiting, was married to the Rev. Dan Huntington, of pure Puritan lineage, a graduate, with first honors, from Yale, in 1794; tutor both at Williams and Yale, pastor of the Congregational church in Litchfield; a teacher in Middletown, and latterly, having identified himself with the Unitarian departure, was without pastoral charge, contenting himself, as occasion offered, with preaching to scat- tered congregations of the "Liberal Chris- tian" order. Upon the death of Mr. Phelps, in 1816, he settled in "Elm Val- ley" of which his wife was possessed ; and there, May 28, 1819, Frederic Dan Huntington, their seventh son and the youngest of their eleven children, was born. Reared in a region where the aspect of nature is peculiarly inspiring, and which became his life-long delight ; in a home of close family affection, with choicest literature spread, and of high intellectual ideals, where Puritan principle, purged of Puritan bigotry, prevailed, and love of God, unvexed by fear, abode ; with the gracious presence of the mother, of whose piety, despite her proscription by Ortho- dox edict, he says, in later years, that 53 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY "in depth, consistency, vigor, fervor and practical force, it surpassed any piety I have ever known ; it was too pure, heaven- ly, to be associated with any sectarian name or persuasion." Apt in study and early appreciating its responsibility, his education in the ele- mentary branches was at home, under the competent instruction of his parents ; his secondary courses were had in the Hop- kins Academy, at Hadley, .nillj ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Two years subsequently, he settled in the far south, for the practice of his profes- sion, at Key West, Florida, which was his home for twenty-six years thereafter; and was soon appointed, by President Jackson, United States district-attorney for the South District of Florida. A few years later, President Van Buren com- missioned him as United States District Judge (territorial) ; and when Florida was admitted into the Union (1845) President Polk made him United States Judge of the State, which position he held until 1863, when ill health caused him to resign. His judicial record was an ex- cellent one and through all the trials of the first part of the Civil War, Judge Marvin maintained a Union Court in the midst of a rebellious people. The State had seceded, but the flag of the republic floated over his temple of justice. In 1863, he came north, but in 1865 was sent back to Florida by President Johnson as provisional governor, and, during the six months of his incumbency he materially aided in the reconstruction of the State government. Then followed the carpet- bag regime, during which he resolutely opposed the ballot for the colored race. He was elected United States Senator by the whites, but, because the blacks had not been permitted to vote, another elec- tion was ordered, the Judge declining to be a candidate. In 1846, he had married Harriet N. Foote, of Cooperstown, who died within a few years. In 1867, he married Mrs. Eliza Riddle Jewett, the widow of a son of Judge Freeborn G. Jewett (q. v. Jewett sketch) and shortly after moved to Skane- ateles, occupying the Jewett homestead until his death. For thirty-five years he was honored and revered by the citizens of the village, the "best loved man in Skaneateles" says his biographer (Les- lie's "Skaneateles") "a jurist of distinc- tion, a churchman of devout faith, a stu- dent of history and theology, interested in public affairs, a good citizen, a party man, yet one who put his sense of duty so far above party that after voting for every Democratic candidate for president from Jackson to Cleveland, he disavowed Bryan," voting twice for McKinley. Even as a nonogenarian, his mind was uncloud- ed to the last, and his reminiscences of the great men with whom he had associated were singularly vivid and entertaining. His wife died in 1901 ; but he remained a year longer physically, as well as intellec- tually, vigorous, until an attack of pneu- monia, ended his valuable life July 9, 1902, some three months succeeding his ninety- fourth birthday. SMITH, Gerrit, Orator, Reformer, Philanthropist. The ancestors of Gerrit Smith, great reformer and philanthropist, were Hol- landers, the American branch of the fam- ily settling in Greenbush, Rockland coun- ty, where his father, Peter Smith, was born, November 15, 1768. After a mer- cantile clerkship, a partnership with John Jacob Astor, in New York City, and the acquirement of a considerable fortune in the fur trade, he made immense invest- ments in real estate, mainly in Central New York, becoming the largest land- owner in the State, his holdings being estimated at over a half million acres. Succeeding residences at Utica and else- where, he laid out and named the village of Peterboro and the town of Smithfield, where he erected his mansion, became the magnate of the section, and served as county judge from 1807 until 1823. He married, February 5, 1792, Elizabeth, daughter of Colonel James Livingston, of Montgomery county, and a second cousin of the chancellor. Their second son, Ger- rit, was born in Utica, March 6, 1797. 167 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Gerrit's education was pursued in the academy and at Hamilton College in Clin- ton. He was graduated from the college with the valedictory oration in 1818. "As a youth," says Frothingham, "he was re- markably handsome in person. His man- ners were open, his bearing was cordial, his action graceful and winning. His popularity was universal and the social turn of his disposition carried him into the games, entertainments, collegiate and extra-collegiate amusements of his com- panions. He was gay and sportive, but never vicious, or in the vulgar sense 'wild.' He was an innocent, joyous youth, not averse to noisy but harmless pranks, having no prejudices against a game of cards, but rather a passion for them. He himself records, 'it was my unhappiness and wickedness to belong to a club of card players ;' his nickname was 'Old Mariner, and that he played cards for stakes on Sunday.' * * * The son of a rich man, he dressed carefully, lived well, and was becomingly free in expense ; but it is not in the memory of his mates that he spent money in harmful dissipation of any kind." While in college he wore the "broad Byron collar," turned over the col- lar of his coat, and he did so to the end of his life — a peculiarity that few men could have carried through all the changes of fashions in men's dress, without exciting derision or caricature, but which seemed fitting to the grandeur of his form and bearing and the nobility of his face and head. He was twice married, first, in Jan- uary, 1819, to Wealthy Ann, only daugh- ter of Dr. Azel Backus, first president of Hamilton College, who died seven months thereafter ; and, second, in Janu- ary, 1829, to Ann Carroll, daughter of Colonel William Fitzhugh, then of Liv- ingston county, with whom he lived con- genially and happily to the end. He designed to enter the legal profes- sion, but domestic events changed his career. His mother died the day after his graduation, and that loss and sorrow broke the spirit and heart of his father. The following year, when Gerrit was twenty-two years of age, his father turned over to him, the favorite, trusted son, his whole estate, real and personal, amount- ing to about $400,000 — a princely fortune for the day — a portion of it in trust to be applied by him as directed. That de- termined the career of this brave, ac- complished, genial, handsome, ambitious young man. He was thenceforth to be a man of business, bound to the cares of a great estate and the management of vast and important affairs. And right royally did he justify his father's faith in his integrity — for every trust was faith- fully, even generously, executed — and the faith, as well, in his business ability, for he became one of the most sagacious and ablest business men in the country ; and he never was guilty of making and en- forcing a hard bargain upon the plea, "this is business." He made large sums of money and, as the world knows, gave magnificently, not in ways to gain per- sonal honor, but to help the needy and suffering, white and black, the hungry of all lands, to charities of all sorts, to edu- cational institutions, to temperance re- form, to the ballot for women, but, above all, to the cause of freedom for the slave. Such an example of business ability and benevolence combined was in his day un- paralleled. Possibly that example has been one of the most productive results of his life, wrought out in lives influ- enced by him. Gerrit Smith, at an early period, was not without political ambition. The high- est honors were within his reasonable hope. His great wealth, his splendid talents, his grand presence, made him prominent at the outset. He was viewed 168 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY as a "bright, particular star" in the politi- cal firmament. In 1824 he first partici- pated in general politics, attending the State convention which nominated De- Witt Clinton for his third term as Gov- ernor. In 1828 he was a member of the convention to nominate presidential elec- tors favorable to the reelection of Adams and wrote its address. In 1831 he was an unsuccessful candidate for the State Sen- ate. Had he remained in politics, affili- ated with the Whigs, there was no prefer- ment that would not been bestowed upon him gladly, but he relinquished political ambition to devote himself to the emanci- pation of the slave — a cause then in its incipiency, only a small band of earnest agitators — "fanatics," as they were called — being enlisted in its behalf. He had, for a time, been associated with the American Colonization Society and con- tributed largely to its support, but with- drew from it, November 24, 1835, declar- ing that he was brought to this determi- nation, earlier than he expected, by the recent increase of his interest in the American Anti-Slavery Society, this step being materially induced by certain dra- matic incidents preceding it. In the fall of 1831 a meeting of the friends of the slave in the Baptist church in Syracuse, at which Gerrit Smith was present, was violently assailed by a mob and obliged to repair to Fayetteville to finish its business. An anti-slavery con- vention to form a State society was held at Utica, October 31, 1835. A mob in- vaded the assembly and demanded that it should disperse. Mr. Smith, a specta- tor, but not a member, made an impas- sioned plea for the freedom of discussion, but declared that he was "no Abolition- ist." The convention was broken up vio- lently and its members assaulted shame- fully. These acts and the malignant spirit of slavery, even in the North, then made manifest, fired the soul of Gerrit Smith with irrepressible indignation and filled him with horror. He invited the convention to adjourn to Peterboro, his own village home, where it assembled the next day, and where he spoke words which thundered and echoed throughout the land, portending the doom of slavery — words, too, of consecration to the cause of the black man which were never to be retracted, receded from or forgotten to the day of his death. From that day for- ward he was an "Abolitionist," with all his might and mind and with all the effi- ciency which his great wealth and abil- ities gave him. He believed in moral power, in the ultimate victory of true principles, if only they can be brought home to the minds and conscience of men. His attack upon slavery, there- fore, was through intelligence and con- science. He cared little or nothing for political action or agencies at this period. Agitation, discussion, presentation of the vile sin of slavery — the moving of the conscience — this was what he trusted would bring about a public sentiment that in the end, somehow — he did not try to say how — would overthrow slavery ; but when the end came it was, as he for many years had predicted, "through blood." As to methods, he was at one with the Abolitionists of the Garrison and Phillips school. They, however, believed and taught that the federal constitution was a pro-slavery instrument, "a covenant with death and an agreement with hell" — re- fusing to vote or take office under it, or resort in any manner to political action ; and they denounced bitterly all Abolition- ists who disagreed with them on these points. They were also pronounced dis- unionists. Gerrit Smith, on the other hand, contended vigorously that "the constitution is an anti-slavery instru- ment and needs but to be administered 69 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY in consistency with its principles to effectuate the speedy overthrow of the whole system of American slavery ;" and he opposed dismemberment of the Union, clinging to the South to save it from self- destruction. He was the founder of the "Liberty" party, at a convention of anti- slavery men in Arcade, Wyoming county, in January, 1840, its motto, formed by him, being "vote for no slaveholder for civil office — nor for any one who thinks a slaveholder fit for it;" and he was its candidate for Governor that year. In 1S44 the party polled a sufficient vote in the State to tip the scales in favor of Polk, a result seemingly as illogical on its part as it was fateful in the history of the Republic. In 1S47 there was a split in the political abolition forces, and the "Liberty League," with Gerrit Smith as its leader, came into being, and, eking out an existence, from time to time nomi- nated Smith for President. In 1858 a "State Mass Convention" gave him his second nomination for Governor, and, notwithstanding that he led "a forlorn hope," he made a spirited canvass, travel- ling some four thousand miles and con- tributing liberally to a campaign fund, but received but about four thousand votes. His only public preferment oc- curred in 1852, when as an "Independent" he was elected to the Thirty-third Con- gress by an overwhelming plurality — a striking testimony of the esteem in which he was held by his immediate constitu- ency, accompanied with something of curiosity as to what he would accomplish. In Congress, while entertaining and con- tracting personal friendships even with slaveholders, he enunciated fearlessly and freely the views he had uniformly pro- claimed, but the routine and the late hours, to which he was subjected, bore severely upon him, and he resigned his seat, August 7, 1854. It is not probable that his course and influence had any marked effect upon the progress of the anti-slavery movement. He had already done splendid service in quickening the conscience of the Na- tion upon the platform, where he had been a new and grander Apollo, earnest to his very lips and finger tips, profoundly wrapped up in his argument and his de- sire to convince and to win men to the standard of righteousness — conscious, no doubt, of his superb strength. As an orator he had the signal advantage of a magnificent personal presence, a large form, a notable head, a face to win favor, a dark eye with an eagle's piercing glance, but lighted up with the mellow, loving look of a great soul, a majesty impres- sive without words, as of a born king of men. His voice was deep, full and strong, with an indescribable melody and rich- ness and under perfect control. He never attempted flights of rhetoric as such. He talked ; but his talk was oratory, some- times persuasive and argumentative, and sometimes like the mighty rush of a tor- rent in its denunciation. His manner was always dignified. His gestures were graceful, large, and free like himself. Rarely was there ornament in his ad- dress ; never wit nor humor, but always the clear, close statement, the thought carrying everything before it. He hewed to the line and his hearers always knew where the line was. His home in Peterboro was a large square, frame house, with columns in front, a broad central hall from front to rear, the library in front on the left and the draw- ing-room to the right. The grounds (some thirty acres) surrounding it were well kept, with gardens and lawns and many trees, and in the rear ran a pebbled stream. The spacious mansion was in fact as well as in name, "Liberty Hall," wherein an abounding hospitality was 170 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY dispensed. Thither came the representa- tives of, or at least sympathizers with, the reforms he advocated, some notable in talent and conspicuous in position, many truly great men and noble women ; also came the hair-brained cranks who clutch the margin of a movement for reform and tend to make it ridiculous — came with their carpet bags and camped in this com- fortable home, never turned away, never treated with discourtesy, however erratic or beggarly in sense or brazen in impor- tunity. This invasion was a weighty burden upon Mr. Smith's hospitality and a serious disturbance of his family life ; but this grand gentleman, this courtly knight, bore it all serenely. Righteous indignation, pardonable rudeness, another as good a man as he might have shown — not he. Once, indeed, patience ceased to be a virtue, even with him. A particu- larly persistent, long-haired, wild-eyed visitor had stayed on from week to week, with no signs of going away before the proper time for his burial. One morning at family prayers, this long-time and un- invited guest being present, Mr. Smith gently invoked in his prayer the petition : "Lord, bless our friend, who is to leave us this day." He departed, carpet bag and all, before evening. Gerrit Smith's home was also a station of the under- ground railroad. When the South seceded and the Civil War was on, Gerrit Smith — uncompro- mising Abolitionist as he was — saw where the duty of the hour lay, and sup- ported the government by every means in his power, spending money, making speeches and appeals to suppress the in- surrection. He thought Lincoln "too slow," but a great, good man, and was patient with him in solving the vital problems imposed upon him. At a war meeting in Peterboro, April 27, 1861, he said : "The end of American slavery is at hand. That it is to end in blood does not surprise me. For fifteen years I have been constantly predicting that it would be. The first gun fired at Fort Sumter announced the fact that the last fugitive slave had been returned." He uttered also these words, significant of his spirit : "A word in respect to the armed men who go South. Slavery, which has in- fatuated her, is the crime of the North, as well as the South." To Chief Justice Chase he wrote in 1864: "We must deal with the South in the spirit of impartial justice. We must also deal with her in a spirit of great generosity and love." And it is to be remembered to his lasting honor, that when Jefferson Davis, the arch rebel whom the North hated most, had been lying in prison for fifteen months, without trial or attempt at trial, this great-souled philanthropist went upon the bond to release him, insisting that he should have a speedy trial or be admitted to bail. Gerrit Smith spoke and voted for Lincoln at his second election and for Grant at each of his — the second time to the intense displeasure of his old friend and co-laborer, Charles Sumner, with whom he had an unhappy corres- pondence on the subject. Gerrit Smith was an earnest Christian. A Presbyterian by training and public profession, he broke from his own church and all denominational churches, because, as he believed, they were untrue to the cause of the slave ; but still he held to the Sermon on the Mount and whatever changes of theological belief he experi- enced — and it is difficult to determine what his theology really was — he was always a devout Christian in heart and life. He held that sectarianism was un- christian, that the Christians of a locality constitute the church of that community, and he built a church edifice in his vil- lage, gathered about him those who be- ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY lieved with him, and called the little com- pany "the Church of Peterboro," wherein he often officiated. He believed that "politics," meaning thereby the promo- tion of anti-slavery, temperance, and other reforms fundamentally affecting human welfare, and dealing with sin, pub- lic and private, was a part of the religious life and he "preached politics" on Sunday. He cut loose from so many traditional ideas and beliefs that it is no wonder that in the judgment of thoughtful men he sometimes wandered into the visionary and impractical. In the last analysis, he was a Jeffersonian Republican, holding that the State should not do for the in- dividual that which he could or should do for himself. Thus he was against governmental ownership of public util- ities, even of the post office. His philos- ophy, if it should be called such, was simple enough, after all, and many men acknowledged its justice and soundness in the abstract, who refused to agree with him in its application. To those who knew him or shall truly know what man- ner of man he was, it is his childlike sim- plicity of faith and trust in the divine goodness and righteousness and his en- tire consecration to its commands ; his life of devotion to his fellow men ; his character in all its completeness and sweetness ; his unminded goodness in every phase of his life; the inherent grandeur of his manhood — the man him- self — these it is, which will keep his memory green ; and the greatness of his goodness, if not his teachings, will be an inspiration: to a more conscientious citi- zenship and more worthy living while that memory survives. Gerrit Smith died December 26, 1874, leaving his wife, who died in 1875. They had five children, of whom only two sur- vived them — Elizabeth, widely known as a philanthropist and reformer, the wife of Colonel Charles D. Miller, of Geneva; and Greene, exceptionally bright, but whose career was not commensurate with his talents. Both have now passed away. NOTE. — Abridged from address delivered by Hon. A. Judd Northrup before Onondaga His- torical Society, May 9. 1902. KING, John A., Agriculturist, Legislator, Executive. John Alsop King, twentieth Governor of New York, was born in the city of New York, January 3, 1788, the eldest son of Rufus King, the great statesman and diplomat (q. v. sketch of Rufus King). To his children, of whom there were many, Rufus King bequeathed fair estates, but, what is better, high talents — rivalling in this regard the Adams line — of which John A. inherited a goodly share. John A. received his elementary edu- cation at select schools in the city, but accompanied his father to England, when the latter was first commissioned as Minister to the Court of St. James, and was, with his brother Charles, afterward president of Columbia College, enrolled as a student in the famous training school at Harrow. There he maintained an excellent standing in the classics, but also became a leader in all the physical exercises of the institution and was, therefore, very popular with his compan- ions, forming friendships with Lord Byron, Sir Robert Peel, the Duke of Devonshire and others of like standing. The effects of his physical culture lasted through his life. John Stanton Gould in his eulogium before the New York State Agricultural Society relates that "after he had passed his seventieth birth- day, in presence of many of his brethren of the executive committee, he put his hand on the top of a fence and vaulted over it with the agility of a boy, playfully 172 ^^k a. «&. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY reproaching his companions for their laziness in climbing over it." After he had passed the grades at Harrow, he transferred himself to a finishing school in Paris, where he perfected himself in French and the physical sciences, then much neglected in the great schools of England, and, with the prestige of his parent and his own attractiveness, had ready access to the polished society of the Napoleonic empire, then at the summit of its power and glory ; and he also gave much attention to governmental history and political questions, confirming prin- ciples to which he had already inclined, at home. Returning to his native country, he studied law assiduously, was admitted to the bar in 1809 and, for a time, engaged in successful practice. In 1810, he mar- ried a daughter of Cornelius Ray, a wealthy gentleman of the city, and the union thus formed blessed his life. — Opposed, like the majority of Federalists, to declaring war against Great Britain in 1812, when it was actually on, he sought and obtained a commission as lieutenant in a company of Hussars, which served as the body-guard of Governor Tomp- kins, and faithfully served in the field until the end, when he returned to civil life. His professional career had been serious- ly disturbed by his military duties and, with a decided liking for rural pursuits, he purchased a farm in the vicinity of that of his father at Jamaica and cultivated it for a livelihood. He was a real laborer in his fields, not a "gentleman farmer" merely. There was no agricultural work that he was not skilled in. He plowed and sowed and reaped, rose early and labored late, led the mowers in the har- vest field, mended his fences, put up his outbuildings : and, at the time, being of moderate means, made his farm pay. He was also a noted fox-hunter, an intelligent breeder of horses and, for many years, president of the local jockey club. And thus passed — 1815-1825 — what he was wont to call the happiest years of his life. Predicated on his heredity, he became interested early in politics and was in the habit of addressing his fellow citizens, at their primaries and conventions, upon topics of public interest and political duty, and developed a style of speaking earnest, eloquent and impressive ; but he spoke in the decadent era of his party and within an environment adverse to the principles he enunciated. Nevertheless, he was sent to the Assembly in 1818 and reelected in 1819 and 1820; and, in 1823, was elected to the Senate, from the first district, serv- ing a single year. This period of his legis- lative service was distinguished by a sturdy advocacy of the system of internal improvements, making some of his finest forensic efforts in its behalf, and in the main promoting the political preferment of DeWitt Clinton as the foremost cham- pion of the policy indicated. In 1825, upon the designation of his father as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary to Great Britain, John A. King accepted the office of secretary of legation under him, principally out of filial devo- tion for the aged diplomat, whose health was then declining. After a year spent in this capacity, he was appointed Charge d'Affaires pending the arrival of Envoy Barbour. Rufus King died in the spring of 1827. His eldest son, desiring to perpetuate the homestead, purchased it from the other heirs and settled thereon, where he con- tinued to reside until his death. For forty years, he cultivated the land, but having more ample means at his com- mand, did not engage so exclusively in manual work, as he had done earlier, although he carefully superintended and made the fine estate a paying proposition 73 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY as well as the hospitable home of a cul- tured gentleman. He bred fine herds of cattle and catered to the daily needs of the metropolis by vending fruits and vegetables. He connected himself with agricultural societies and was active in promoting their interests. He was presi- dent of the Queens county and State societies, and vice-president of the United States Agricultural Society, at different periods, especially prominent and useful in the State body. Meanwhile, he did not lose his interest in politics. He was returned to the As- sembly in 1831, 1837 and 1839. He iden- tified himself with the Whig party in its incipiency. He was a member of the National Convention that nominated General Harrison and, although originally preferring Clay, to whom he was warmly attached, voted for Harrison, apprehen- sive that Clay could not be elected. In 1848, he was elected to the Thirty-first Congress, and, therein gave evidence of his sincere anti-slavery convictions. His speeches were frequent and impact with force and eloquence. During his term the compromise measures of 1850 were passed, King being conspicuous in his opposition thereto, especially to the Fugi- tive Slave bill, which he deprecated and fought with all his might. He was a member of the National Convention that assembled in Baltimore in 1852 and nominated General Scott for the presi- dency. As a "conscience Whig," in the consultation relative to the platform, he advocated taking the highest ground on the slavery issue, and resolutely contend- ed against the incorporation therein of an approval of the fugitive slave law — the declaration which sounded the death knell of the Whig party. On the roll call, there were sixty-six votes in the negative, all from the north, one-third of them being from New York, King, of course, includ- ed. In the fusion of the Republican and Whig parties at Syracuse, in 1855, King was president of the Whig Convention and labored effectively to promote the union. He was a delegate to the Repub- lican National Convention, at Philadel- phia, a vice-president and, with Chief- Justice Hornblower, of New Jersey, the committee to escort General Lane, of Indiana, to the chair. He was the favor- ite candidate of the New York delegation for the vice-presidency, but promptly insisted that his name should be dropped in favor of Dayton, who was nominated. His bearing on the occasion smoothed the way for his own nomination for Governor in the fall of the same year. He took his seat as chief magistrate of the Empire State, January 1, 1857. the duties of which he discharged with firm- ness, wisdom, sagacity and utter integ- rity, no grave questions of State policy being raised during his administration. To the causes of popular education and internal improvements he was supremely devoted. The trend of his thought upon national issues is well set forth in these characteristic words toward the close of his annual message : The great principle at issue in the last elec- tion, and which it so triumphantly vindicates, lies at the root of our free institutions and is alike the concern, and should be equally the share, of all citizens who rightly estimate these institu- tions. No mere party questions could call forth so deep an interest and so significant and deci- sive a vote throughout the length and breadth of the State; and I venture to believe that I do not mistake its importance, nor your convictions respecting it, when I assume as its deliberate and irreversible decree that so far as the State of New York is concerned, that there shall be henceforth no extension of slavery in the terri- tories of the United States. This conclusion I most unreservedly adopt, and am prepared to abide by it, at all times, under all circumstances and in every emergency. 74 DANIEL BUTTERH ELD M AJ ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY He retired from the chief magistracy bearing with him the cordial esteem of the people for the urbanity of his manner — courteous alike to the lofty and the lowly — his fidelity to principle, and his enlightened and upright administration. He was privileged as president of the New York Electoral College, in i860, to cast his ballot for Abraham Lincoln. He was a delegate to the Peace Convention of 1861, wherein he did all that he could do honorably to avert the appeal to arms ; and throughout the war his loyalty to the Union, as evidenced by word and work and purse, was of the marked character consistent with his lifelong record as a patriot. He was an early member of the New York Union League Club, and its tribute to his worth, at his death, is singu- larly affectionate and appreciative, as is also the address of the Hon. John Stan- ton Gould before the State Agricultural Society, already alluded to. His death was sudden. On the Fourth of July, 1867, he attended the celebration of the Jamaica Literary Union, apparently in his usual good health, was much interested in the exercises, and toward the close was invited to speak. While addressing the audience, he was observed to give evi- dence of illness, and was unable to con- tinue his remarks. He was stricken with apoplexy. He was borne from the stand insensible, and though he recovered his consciousness, he gradually sank until the afternoon of the seventh, and then passed peacefully away. It was the first attack of sickness he ever experienced. BUTTERFIELD, Daniel, Soldier, Scholar, Orator. Daniel Butterfield was a born soldier, and at this time, when "preparedness" is the slogan of the Republic, it is to be emphasized that he was semper paratus whenever duty bade him. Militant blood ran in the Butterfield lineage for many generations. The family line is traced to its arrival in England from Normandy in the twelfth century. In 1316 John de Buteville was the possessor of the lord- ship of Cheddington in Bucks. The name Botevyle occurs in the Battle Abbey roll ; and its succeeding gentry, with various spelling, has honorable record in civil and military life for centuries. Benjamin Butterfield, the ancestor of the American branch, settled at Charlestown in Massa- chusetts Bay, in 1638, removed to Wo- burn, and in 1643 was made a freeman. Two years later he was listed as a tax- payer. In 1654 he purchased a large tract of land in the town, subsequently incor- porated as Chelmsford, and remained there, a leading citizen of the colony. General Butterfield's great-grandfather, Timothy, saw service in the Revolu- tion ; his kinsmen James, Jonas and Thomas were lieutenants in New Hamp- shire and Vermont regiments, and his ma- ternal grandfather, Gamaliel Olmstead, enlisted in the Connecticut Continental Infantry for three years, with honorable discharge at the end of the period. John Butterfield, the father of the general, was a great "captain of industry." Born in Berne, Albany county, on the Van Rens- selaer Manor, November 18. 1S01, he early established himself in Utica, where he acquired a large fortune, and was identified conspicuously, both as founder and executive, with the Overland Stage and the American Express companies and the various magnetic telegraph lines ulti- mately consolidated in the Western Union. He was active in furthering the progress of the city, and, although uni- formly declining political preferment, ac- cepted, as a Republican, a term as mayor in 1865. He possessed indomitable will and foresight in encouraging enter- prises of ever increasing scope and mag- nitude. He married, in February, 1822, '75 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Malinda Harriet Baker, by whom he had nine children. He died November 14, 1869. Daniel (Adams) Butterfield, the third son, was born in Utica, October 31, 1831. His father, recognizing his promise, cheerfully furnished him the means for acquiring a liberal education. He was prepared for college at private schools and the Utica Academy, and was gradu- ated from Union College in 1849, at the age of eighteen, having maintained an ex- cellent standing, especially devoting him- self to studies and outside reading pro- ductive of a generous culture. His genial bearing and gracious offices endeared him to his mates, and he had a certain dash and audacity in sports, presaging his future career. He ever held his college associa- tions in tender memory and did much to enhance the interests of his alma mater. In 1892 he was honorary chancellor of the university and delivered a memorable ad- dress at the commencement, when he re- ceived the degree of Doctor of Laws. In 1892 he established a three years' course of thirty lectures, ministered to by men eminent in letters, science, the arts, pro- fessions and politics, each with his special theme, but all with the fundamental thought of the value of a close relation between the scholastic and the practical world by which both profit. In 1895 tn ' r " teen of these addresses were published in a handsome octavo volume, with the title of "The Union College Lectures — Butter- field Course." In 1895 he was elected president of the General Alumni Associa- tion and in 1899 became an alumni trus- tee. After his graduation he pursued, for a time, the study of the law. but being too young to be admitted to practice, made an extensive tour of the West and South, its first portion being through the great lakes and the then almost unbroken forest of Minnesota territory, trying to the cour- age and strength of a youth of nineteen years ; and the latter, down the Mississippi to New Orleans, fortifying his anti-slavery convictions, analyzing social and political conditions, there obtaining and clearly foresaw the irresistible conflict between the sections, returning to his home, as he afterward declared, to perfect himself in military art so that when the emergency arose he would be ready to meet it — at once the prophet and the patriot. Not long after the completion of his journeyings, he removed to New York and, relinquishing the law, upon the con- straint of business, he became the general superintendent of the eastern division of the American Express Company and was thus principally engaged until the out- break of the war ; but, true to his purpose, he entered, after having been a private in the Utica Citizens' Corps, the Seventy- first Regiment, in the metropolis, as a captain on staff duty ; was soon elected major, and subsequently promoted to lieutenant-colonel. From that regiment, he was chosen, without the least solicita- tion on his part, colonel of the Twelfth militia. A close student of tactics, an accomplished drill master, a courteous commander, although a strict disciplin- arian, he signally commended himself to the officers and men under him, and to the State military authorities. When Sumter was fired upon, he was ready, al- though the regiment had been reduced in numbers. In a single day, he enlisted 800 men, filling the complement, and on April 21, 1 86 1, was in Washington with his command. Within two months, it was fully uniformed and equipped and thor- oughly drilled, General Scott then at the head of the army, much impressed by its splendid appearance, speaking of it as "closely resembling a regiment of regulars." Thenceforth, Butterfield ap- pears as one of the bravest, most useful and brilliant officers of the Union forces. His promotion was as rapid as his service 176 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY was great. He was commissioned briga- dier-general of volunteers September 7, 1861 ; major-general, November 29, 1862; colonel Fifth Infantry, U. S. A., July I, 1863; brevet brigadier-general, March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious service in the field during the war" ; and brevet major-general the same day "for gallant and meritorious service in the field, dur- ing the war." The Congressional "Medal of Honor" was awarded General Butter- field, September 26, 1892, on account of special gallantry in action at the battle of Gaines Mills, "where he seized the colors of the Eighty-third Pennsylvania Infan- try Volunteers, at a critical moment and, under a galling fire of the enemy, led the command," and where he was wounded. General Butterfield participated in all the campaigns and nearly all the engage- ments of the Army of the Potomac. He commanded the first division of the Fifth Army Corps in November, 1862, and, on the sixteenth of the same month, assumed command of the corps, until December 24 when he was assigned as chief-of-staff to General Hooker, in which capacity he remained until General Hooker, after Chancellorsville, was relieved by General Meade June 28, 1863, who requested Gen- eral Butterfield to remain with him, which he did until he was severely wounded at Gettysburg. Receiving a furlough, July 6, he recovered from his wound suffi- ciently to report for duty August 22, and was temporarily assigned to help General Hooker in making up the reports of the Rappahannock operations, and later was again designated as chief-of-staff to Hooker, commanding the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps, and was with him during the movements at Wauhatchie, Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge and Ringgold. Early in April, 1864, General Butterfield became commander of the Third Division of the Twentieth Corps, Army of the Cumberland. During Sherman's Atlanta N Y-Vol 11-12 campaign, Hooker received orders to at- tack Johnston's right flank at Resaca, and he detailed Butterfield to make the charge, a brilliant exploit, the Confeder- ates being routed and the division cap- turing the first colors and guns lost by Johnston in that memorable campaign. Butterfield continued to engage in skir- mishes and battles from Dallas to Kene- saw, but was obliged, June 29, 1864, some weeks before Atlanta was taken, to obtain a leave of absence upon the surgeon's cer- tificate of disability. Upon recovery, he was assigned to court-martial and special duties, aided General Butler in taking all necessary precautions to prevent riots in New York, pending the presidential cam- paign, and was not again in active war command. He was mustered out of the service as major-general of volunteers, August 24, 1865, returning to his rank as colonel in the regular army. He remained in the army, with routine peace duty, until the death of his father devolved upon him the care of a large estate, and he resigned his commission April 26, 1869. He, however, accepted at the hands of President Grant the head- ship of the United States Sub-Treasury, June 23, and occupied it until November — the only civil office he ever held. The remainder of General Butterfield's life was passed in association with exten- sive business enterprises, in the enjoy- ment of a fine fortune, liberally dispensed for philanthropic and patriotic objects, in elegant homes in New York City and at "Cragside," his country estate at Cold Spring, on the Hudson, where treasures of art and letters were accumulated, and refined hospitalities were extended, in travels abroad both for research and pleasure in timely essays in the press, and frequent addresses, political, military and historical, and with much of public recog- nition due to his merits both as a soldier and scholar. In the summer of 1870 he 177 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY visited Europe, and while there he made an exhaustive investigation of the Lon- don and Paris postal systems, resulting in an elaborate report to Postmaster-General Creswell and in the adoption of certain reforms therein suggested. General But- terfield lost his wife June 4, 1877, whom he had married twenty years previously, his only son, a charming boy of four years, having died in 1861. In 1886 the general made a second voyage to the Old World, and while there married, in St. Margaret's Church, London, September 21, Mrs. Julia Lorillard Jones, of New York and Cold Spring who, for the ensuing fifteen years, was his loving and helpful consort, a charming hostess, sympathetic with his cultured tastes and pursuits. They were the recipients of many attentions in the higher social circles of the countries trav- ersed, the General having a flattering audience with Napoleon III. at a review of imperial troops, and renewing his acquaintance with the Orleans princes, formed while they were officers in the Army of the Potomac; the Compte de Paris, in turn, being treated with marked civilities by General Butterfield on his visit to the United States in 1890, being entertained in the New York and "Crag- side" residences, and being honored at a magnificent banquet at the Plaza, Octo- ber 20, tendered by his comrades in the Union army, including Gnerals Sher- man, Schofield, Sickles, Slocum, Keys, Howard and Franklin, all of whom made speeches, the Prince, with an especially feeling address, in response to his intro- duction by General Butterfield, who pre- sided. Among other notable entertain- ments at "Cragside" were those to Prince Tharak Sahib of India, and to the Grand Duke Michailovitch, a cousin of the Czar of Russia, Admiral Kusnakoff and other Russia naval officers. General Butterfield was grand marshal of the Centennial Celebration in New York in May, 1889, and at the dedication of the New York State Monument at Gettysburg, July 2, 1893. He was instru- mental in raising several regiments for the Spanish-American war, and in distrib- uting flags and patriotic literature to the schools of Porto Rico, and personally pre- pared a brochure, compiled in English and Spanish, entitled "Constitution of the United States (abbreviated) with some information as to the National and State Governments, Schools," etc. At his resi- dence, 616 Fifth Avenue, a handsome sword, the gift of many admirers, was presented by Governor Roosevelt to the late Commodore Philip. General Butter- field presided at the convention of the National Guard, held at Tampa, Florida, in February, 1899, and, at his instance, a plan was formulated and presented for the enrollment of the National Guard of the various States as a national reserve — his thought of "preparedness" again. He presented and had placed in the cemetery of the battlefield at Fredericksburg a stately monument, in memorial of the Fifth Army Corps, appropriate ceremo- nies being had at its corner-stone laying and dedication. These incidents, out of many, are instanced as indicative of the patriotic sentiments and associations of the General in peace, as they had so strik- ingly been illustrated in his military career. As previously mentioned, General But- terfield was an orator of high attainments and was frequently in request during his later years. His speech was scholarly, of fine rhetorical quality, eloquent without undue ornateness, and singularly perti- nent to the occasions at which it was employed. The following may be cited as particularly noteworthy: Oration at Cold Spring, July 4, 1885 ; lecture on St. Brendin's Voyage, before the New York Gaelic Society, April, 1892; oration on "Character and Duty" (the honorary 178 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY chancellor's oration already instanced) at Union College, June 22, 1892; address to the Third Brigade Association, Wash- ington, September 21, 1892; "Russia As It Is," before the Sigma Phi Society, New York, April 9, 1894; oration at Ogdens- burg, July 4, 1894; address at the dedica- tion of the Herkimer Monument, Novem- ber 12, 1896; address at the reunion at Chattanooga, September 18, 1895 ; address at the Fishkill Monument Dedication, October 14, 1897; address at Cornell Uni- versity, Founder's Day, January 11, 1898; address at Presentation of Flag to Colum- bia University, May 7, 1898; "What Shall Our Colonial Policy Be?" — address to the Society of Colonial Wars, New York, November 30, 1898; remarks on his pre- sentation to the Cullum Memorial Hall at West Point of the portrait of General George Washington, May 30, 1900. Early in April, 1901, General Butter- field sustained a stroke of paralysis on his right side, in New York. Two months later he was taken from his city home to "Cragside" and there, after a gradual de- cline, he died July 17. The funeral serv- ices were held at West Point, the proces- sion being formed in front of the chapel, the General's old regiment, the New York Twelfth, having the right of line. Other organizations parading were Lafayette Post, Grand Army of the Republic, (of which he had been commander); mem- bers of the military order of the Loyal Legion and of the Army of the Potomac, Academy Cadets, etc. He is buried at West Point, an especially chaste and stately monument of marble marking his resting place. FISKE, Willard, Librarian, Linguist, Benefactor. There is a current postulate, practically tantamount to a proven proposition, that to be a finished scholar is to be confined to a specialty — that, with many lines of research attempted, superficiality in each must ensue. Be this as it may, every rule has its exceptions ; and the career of Wil- lard Fiske is cited as a notable one in this regard ; for, accomplished as librarian, lin- guist and bibliophile, he was also compe- tent to meet specialists in many depart- ments of knowledge on their own ground. Willard Fiske, christened Daniel Wil- lard (Daniel being dropped in later years) the son of Daniel H., was born in Ellis- burgh, Jefferson county, November II, 1831. With early signs of precocity, his preliminary schooling was pursued in the schools of his native town, and at the age of fifteen he entered Hamilton College and for the ensuing two years was recog- nized as an especially bright scholar, with a decided inclination toward modern lan- guages. He was a member of the Psi Upsilon fraternity, and was ever devoted to its interests, writing a number of its songs — its poet laureate, so to speak. He left college largely because of straitened means, at the close of the sophomore year, and went to Syracuse, whither his par- ents had removed. For a time he was employed in clerical capacities. The way being provided, he entered the Univer- sity of Upsala, near Stockholm, Sweden, where he became imbued with a lifelong devotion to Norse literature and began the collection of Icelandic books. Re- turning to America, in November, 1852, he was employed from 1853 until 1859, as assistant librarian of the Astor Library under the great librarian, Joseph G. Cogswell, its first superintendent. It was a fine training for the young bibliophile and he as finely utilized it. Taking up chess as a recreation, he became in due time an expert, historian and authority of the game, founding the "Chess Monthly," which he edited from 1857 until i860, lat- terly in conjunction with Paul Murphy. In 1859, succeeding two years after the 79 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY establishment of the American Chess Congress, he published the first volume of its transactions, including an American chess bibliography. In i860, he was sec- retary of the American Geographical So- ciety and the next year secretary to Min- ister Motley at the Austrian court. Re- turning again to America, he spent a few years in journalistic work upon the Hart- ford "Courant," of which Joseph R. Haw- ley was editor, and the Syracuse "Jour- nal," then under the control of Carroll E. Smith. In 1868, he made a tour of Europe, as companion and tutor of Bar- rett R. White, a young gentleman of Syracuse, and cousin of Dr. Andrew D. White, a lifelong friend of Professor Fiske. While thus engaged he was called, at the instance of President White, who was thoroughly acquainted with his qualifica- tions, to the chair of North European lan- guages, and librarian of the newly found- ed Cornell University. As a teacher, he was eminently success- ful, imbuing the students with enthu- siasm in his courses — German, Swedish and Icelandic — and conspicuously win- ning their affection as a man. As a libra- rian he ranked with the foremost in the land, and may fairly be regarded as the creator of the Cornell library, now among the largest and richest of its kind, but five institutions of its order excelling it in number of volumes, and none in their choice character. His ideal of a univer- sity, was that of a reference library. That policy was steadily pursued by him, some- times under trying conditions, resulting in the acquisition of many libraries from the shelves of distinguished scholars or bestowed by princely donors — his own gifts being among the most unique and costliest. In 1874, incited by his interest in Iceland's millenial celebration, he organized a movement, which resulted in a large gift of books to the Icelandic libraries, but it was not until 1879 that he made his first visit to that far northern island. His personal attention was given, not alone to the selection of books, but also to the care of the library through competent assistants, and to the needs of readers, indicating sources of culture and methods of research to its patrons. He popularized as well as created the library by his initiative, his incentive and his courtesies. He was throughout respected by his associates in the faculty and loved by the students, living contentedly on a somewhat slender salary, although Cor- nell was more liberal in this regard than many of her sister universities. His pri- vate rooms were much visited, and his personality was charming in its inform- atory quality, yet modest bearing. In the government of the university he did not favor severe discipline, believed in placing students wholly upon their own honor, leaving serious infractions of the law to be dealt with by the civil rather than the scholastic authorities. Until 1880, he had lived in bachelor state ; but, July 1 of that year he married at the American legation in Berlin, Presi- dent White, at the time, being Minister Plenipotentiary, Jennie, daughter of John McGraw, a wealthy capitalist of Ithaca and an almoner of the University, then recently deceased. They made an ex- tended tour of Europe, but Mrs. Fiske's health was in decline and, after a winter in Egypt, they returned to Ithaca, where she died September 30, 1881. By her will, after providing generously for her husband and relatives, she bequeathed the residue of her estate to the University library. Unfortunate misunderstandings in regard to this disposition arose be- tween the executors and Professor Fiske, coupled with criticism on their part of his conduct of the library. He resigned as librarian, in 1883, and acting upon the advice of legal friends, who pointed out 180 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY that the charter of the University forbade its receipt of the bequest, a suit was begun in his name for annulment thereof. It inspired a great deal of excitement in University circles and in articles pro and con in the press. The decision was in his favor and the residuary estate was divided among the heirs, Professor Fiske receiv- ing a large portion. En passim, the legis- lature repealed the restrictive clause in the charter. If his was a moral mistake, he made ample amends in his own will, the bulk of his estate being bequeathed to the library, his inclination and his wife's wishes being fulfilled. Meanwhile, he had taken up his resi- dence in Florence, and eventually pur- chased the Villa Lander, teeming with memories of the English essayist. And there he passed most of the remainder of his days, beneath the sunny skies, within the exuberant foliage, near the re- nowned galleries and the splendid libra- ries stored with classic and medieval lore, amid congenial circles of artists and lit- terateurs and gentle folk — the ideal life of the scholar with abundant means to grat- ify his tastes. There he studied and wrote in many tongues (he is said to have read at least a score of languages and to have spoken fluently at least half that number, recalling the legendary equipment of Mezzofanti); there he entertained Amer- ican friends and continental savants ; thence he made numerous trips in search of rare editions and curios; and there he stored, for the time being, his rare edi- tions and precious relics. In 1891, a visit to the Engadine region yielded a boun- teous gathering of quaint Rhaeto-Ro- manic literature — over a thousand vol- umes — which he presented to Cornell University. Two years later, he gave it some of his wonderful gleanings in the Dante field, and by his will the whole, totalling 7,000 volumes. He accompanied this with a scholarly treatise on the "Dante Catalogue," (compiled by Theo- dore Woolsey Koch) from which we can- not avoid quoting a passage illustrative of the facility of Fiske's English style and, mildly humorous, testifying to the pas- sion of the collector : In April, 1892, while searching for Petrarch books in the shop of an Italian dealer, I came across a time-worn copy of the third and last edition of the Divina Commedia, which bears the date of 1536, and which is by no means of over- frequent occurrence. It turned out to have an interest all its own, for on its arrival at Ithaca it was found to contain several living and labor- ing specimens of that destructive little animal, the book-worm, traces of whose active hostility to letters are so often visible in old books, but which is seldom caught at its toil. * * * Sev- eral months, however, elapsed before I decided to add, in a systematic way, some works on Dante to the library of which I had been the earliest keeper. Perhaps this determination was the outcome of a sudden remembrance of the limited literature relating to the great poet (of whose greatness by reason of my residence in Italy, I was daily reminded) heretofore accessi- ble to the professors and students of Cornell. So in February, 1893, being at Naples, I began by sending home a few volumes — less than a dozen, I think, my intention limiting itself, at that time, to the acquisition of some three or four hundred of the most useful texts, volumes of comment and biographical works. The accomplishment of even this restricted scheme was delayed by an attack of pneumonia, a little while after, at Palermo, and it was not until May that I began to give much attention to my new task. I then wrote from Florence to my friend and successor as librarian, Mr. Harris: I am sending the Library some packages of Dante books — partly the spoils of my own shelves, partly taken from the antiquarians here and elsewhere. I don't stop to bind them — which can be done hereafter — because of the lack of time and strength. There will, of course, be some duplicates, partic- ularly as I don't know exactly what you at present possess. My idea is, if it seems good to you, that the Dante books you already have, and those now sent you, should be entered in one of your early bulletins so as to form a basis on which to build. At any rate, this will give you a start in the way of a Dante collection. But my ambition shortly took a broader range; the charm of the chase took possession of me and it ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY was impossible to escape from its grasp. For the book collector, like the gambler and the miser, is the slave of his passion. With the former he feels that, at any moment, luck may- place in his hands a great prize; why should his search slacken until that happy moment arrives? When it does come he is quite as eager for another stroke of good fortune, and quite as willing to wait and work for it. And again, as with the miser, it gratifies him to see his treas- ures accumulating — to know that to-day he is richer by a score of volumes than yesterday; and in my case the books I was looking for turned up with a readiness which surprised me, and, in general, at prices which made hesitation unnecessary. Why should I withdraw too hastily from a sport so full of zest? My gift of such a considerable collection to Cornell University was thus really the result of my unwillingness to refrain from a delectable self-indulgence, or, in other words, of my inability to avoid temptation and free myself from the enthralling spell of bibliomania. This robs the giver of any special credit and renders gratitude unmeet. One might as well laud — or thank — the prodigal spendthrift for the sums he expends on his rounds of dissi- pation. For man)- years, even before he went to Italy permanently, he was engaged in collecting Petrarchcana, the mass of which — 4,000 volumes — he also gave to the Cor- nell library. It is said to be the finest of its kind. His Icelandic collection, num- bering 10,000 volumes, also went to the same beneficiary. His repeated visits to Egvpt revealed to him another field of activity, and for a number of years he devoted much time and money to the task of perfecting and popularizing what he termed "An Egyptian alphabet for the Egyptian people" based upon Spitta's sys- tem of transcription, in the course of which he made a very complete collection of the literature of transcription. His old interest in chess also revived, and he busied himself in preparing a work enti- tled "Chess in Iceland and Icelandic Lit- erature," with historical notes on other table games. In July, 1904, he attended the celebration at Arezzo of the sixth cen- tenary of the birth of Petrarch. Thence he proceeded leisurely westward into Germany, meeting there a friend who was returning with him to Florence, when death overtook him at Frankfort, Septem- ber 17. His body was brought to Ithaca, where the funeral rites were had, the authorities and students of the University uniting in the sad services, and many tributes were paid to his memory. He rests in Sage Chapel. The bulk of his fortune — some $500,000 — was bequeathed to the library in which he lived so long and which he loved so dearly. BLATCHFORD, Samuel, Jurist. Samuel Blatchford, eminent for nearly thirty years as a judge in the Federal Courts, was born in the City of New York, March 8, 1820, the son of Richard M. Blatchford, a distinguished lawyer of the metropolis and minister to Italy, and of Julia Ann (Mumford), an exceptionally gifted and charming woman, a famous belle of New York. Marked talents and social graces were his by inheritance ; and his father, a man of large wealth, as well as of political influence, afforded him all the advantages requisite for the acquire- ment of a high education and social attraction. Intellectually he was a hard worker from the start. After the requisite preliminary training, he entered Columbia College and was graduated therefrom in 1837, with honor. He immediately began the study of the law, of which he was in after years to become an authoritative interpreter ; but, in 1839, he was for a time diverted from it by being made the private secretary of Governor Seward, to whom he had commended himself. In this office he served ably and discreetly during the administration of his chief. Such time as he could command, con- sistently with his official duties, was 182 WILLIAM A. WHEELER, MALONE Vice-President U. S.. 1877-1881. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY given to his chosen profession, and he was admitted to the bar in New York City in 1842, and in 1845 became a counselor of the Supreme Court and was invited by Governor Seward, then in extensive prac- tice, to partnership with him. Accord- ingly, he removed to Auburn and the part- nership was consummated, Christopher Morgan being also a member of the firm, Blatchford soon taking high rank as a lawyer in Central New York. So highly was he esteemed that he was nominated for justice of the Supreme Court in 1851, by the Whigs, but the factional disturb- ances in that party, consequent upon President Fillmore's attitude on the com- promise measures, caused its rout in the State, and Blatchford, with the -est of his ticket, suffered defeat ; but the compli- ment of the nomination of a young law- yer, but thirty-one years of age, is signifi- cant of his standing at the bar and his qualification for the bench. Doubtless, had he remained in Auburn, judicial or political preferment would soon have been bestowed upon him, under more favor- able auspices. Desirous, however, of extending his professional activities, Blatchford re- turned to New York City in 1854, and established the firm of Blatchford, Seward (Clarence A. Seward, a nephew of the Governor) and Griswold, with which the elder Blatchford was also associated as counsel. The firm soon became promi- nent in commercial and legal circles, securing a large and lucrative clientage, and particularly distinguishing itself in practice before the United States District and Circuit courts. Blatchford's success in this respect led to his investment with judicial functions which, for many years, he admirably discharged. He was com- missioned. May 3, 1867, by President Johnson, judge of the United States Court for the Southern District of New York, from the District Court he was promoted, March 4, 1878, to the Circuit Court. In both these judicatures, involving, as they do, intricate issues of marine law, marine insurance, patent law, admiralty and in- terstate law, he evinced profound knowl- edge and discrimination of these ; and his decisions are regarded as authoritative, rarely reversed by the ultimate tribunal. He was exalted to a seat in the Supreme Court of the United States by President Arthur, March 22, 1882. Judge Blatchford's career on the local Federal Bench won for him an enduring reputation as one of the greatest, if not the greatest, of Amer- ican admiralty judges. Among the celebrated arguments heard by him were those on the let- ters patent for insulating telegraph and cable wires with gutta-percha, and as to whether a common carrier knowingly carrying an infring- ing patent article for purposes of ultimate sale could be made liable as a wrong-doer. He set- tled the legal status of the proposed Brooklyn bridge as a structure to be built over navigable waters. On the Supreme Court bench, perhaps, the most elaborate opinion rendered by him was that in the case of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company vs. Miller, holding that the company was bound by a new provision of a new State constitution that imposed fresh burdens, not contemplated by its charter, and that a com- pany's right of exemption from future legisla- tion, in order to hold good, must be expressed in the original charter. Judge Blatchford, during his long service on the bench in New York, enjoyed the highest respect and, indeed, the affection of the entire profession. He was sometimes called Chester- field of the bench, because of the exceeding grace and courtesy of his judicial bearing and his scrupulous observance of all the amenities. — (McAdam "History of the Bench and Bar of New York," Vol. I, page 264). He died at Newport, Rhode Island, July 7. 1893. WHEELER, William A., Parliamentarian, Statesman. William Almon Wheeler was born in Malone, New York, June 30, 1819, the son of Almon Wheeler, a pioneer of Northern 183 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY New York and a lawyer of distinction, who, however, left no estate except a mortgaged homestead. The story of Mr. Wheeler's youth would be but a repeti- tion of that of so many other eminent Americans — arduous labor at a tender age to discharge his heritage of debt, to contribute to the support of the widowed mother and orphaned sisters, and to earn an education. Having worked his way through Franklin Academy, Mr. Wheeler entered the University of Vermont, but eye trouble compelled him to withdraw without having been graduated. Return- ing from Burlington to Malone, he en- tered upon study of the law, was duly ad- mitted an attorney and counselor, and practiced successfully for a dozen years or more. Even after business affairs and politics commanded his attention almost exclusively, he was often consulted on intricate questions by other attorneys and close friends, and was deemed one of the soundest and safest counselors in North- ern New York. Mr. Wheeler became town clerk almost at once upon attaining his majority, then town superintendent of schools, and in 1846, by appointment, district attorney. In 1847 he was elected to the latter office on a union ticket headed by a Democrat for county judge. When he became the Whig nominee for the Assembly in 1849 that association led to the unfounded charge that he had changed his politics. He was, however, elected, and reelected the year following. In his first term he evinced so great legislative aptitude, and came to be so respected for wise and prudent judgment and for alert grasp of public questions, that admirers proposed him for the speakership the next year, but he had early pledged his support to Henry J. Raymond, and refused to be himself a candidate. Though the prefer- ment was not sought by him, he was nevertheless singled out for the floor leadership, and for a merely second-term member received the very unusual honor of assignment to the chairmanship of the committee on ways and means, the duties of which he met with signal ability, and to the pronounced satisfaction of hi> party colleagues. More than any other member, he brought about the election in 1851 of Hamilton Fish as United States Senator. Refusing a third term, Mr. Wheeler entered the business of banking as cashier of the old State Bank of Malone, a con- nection which was continued for twelve years. In 1853 he became trustee for the mortgage bondholders of the Northern railroad, which made him virtual man- ager of the road for thirteen years, when, upon the order of the Supreme Court in a proceeding which he did not contest, he retired, and by judicial approval and direction turned over the property to in- terests which had acquired a majority of the stock, and which had sought vainly for years to force him out. When he did retire, it was upon his own terms, ap- proved by the court, one of which was that he receive his salary to the end of the term for which he had been appointed trustee, and another that a passenger sta- tion to cost forty thousand dollars be erected at Malone. In 1857 Mr. Wheeler was elected to the State Senate as a Republican. He had been active in organizing the Republican party in Franklin county in 1855, and was the first candidate of that organization to receive a majority in the county. The majority was only twelve, but all of the rest of the ticket was beaten. His memo- rable service in the Assembly six years earlier, and the reputation which he had won in the meantime as a lawyer, a keen business manager and a sagacious and trustworthy politician, caused him to be 184 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY chosen president pro tempore of the Sen- ate, a distinction almost or quite un- paralleled considering that he had never had previous service in the body. A re- nomination for the Senate was declined, and in i860 he was elected to Congress from the Essex-Clinton-Franklin district, serving with usefulness though not con- spicuously, and giving an unswerving support to all war measures and to the general policies of President Lincoln. From the capital, when Congress was in session, he was watchful of all of the vol- unteer organizations in the field from Northern New York, relieving the priva- tions of the men, and obtaining promo- tions where they were deserved, and when at home between sessions, and after his term had expired, for the remaining years of the war, was unceasingly active in forwarding the business of recruiting and stimulating popular support of the L'nion cause. In 1867 Mr. Wheeler was elected a dele- gate-at-large to the constitutional conven- tion of that year, and became its presi- dent, materially adding to his reputation as a parliamentarian. The next year and then successively until 1876, he was re- turned to Congress by the St. Lawrence- Franklin district, serving with statesmen and intellectual giants who included James G. Blaine, George F. Hoar, Henry G. Dawes, Benjamin F. Butler, Clarkson N. Potter, James B. Beck, Samuel J. Ran- dall, and Alexander H. Stephens — a nota- ble body. While Mr. Wheeler's part was less manifest to the general public than that of some others, it was not less formu- lative and controlling. His work was largely in the quiet of committees and conferences, respect for his judgment and disinterested sincerity, together with the personal liking entertained for him by his colleagues, both Democrats and Repub- licans, giving him an influence second to none. Nearly everybody called him "Father" Wheeler, and sought his advice upon most important measures. Often when a vote was about to be taken there would be a group of members gathered at his desk, and it is not to be doubted that the quiet talks there had determined more votes than all preceding debate combined. He seldom spoke except upon bills under his immediate charge that had been reported from his committees, and then his statement and argument were always lucid and cogent, and commanded close attention. As a parliamentarian he ranked with the best that Congress has ever known. As chairman of Pacific rail- roads in 1S69-72, Mr. Wheeler accom- plished a great work along lines where suspicion was apt to be provoked and where opportunities were present for en- richment, and did it without a breath of scandal attaching to him. In 1874, when dual legislatures in Louisiana disputed regularity and legit- imacy, Mr. Wheeler initiated as a mem- ber of a Congressional investigating com- mittee the so-called Wheeler compromise, by which order was restored in the State. Before unfolding his plan to Louisiana parties, he outlined it to President Grant, who listened, but vouchsafed neither in- terest nor approval. After waiting patiently for some expression of opinion by the President, and none being offered, Mr. Wheeler withdrew in anger, and with the determination that his shadow should never again darken the doors of the White House while General Grant occu- pied it. But the next morning the Presi- dent sent for him, and stated that after having taken time to think the matter over he was convinced of the feasibility and justness of the plan, and that the whole power of the government should be employed to carry it through. It suc- ceeded. Mr. Wheeler did not know until 185 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY months afterward that when he started for New Orleans to unfold his proposition there and urge its adoption, President Grant had given General Sheridan direc- tions that no effort was to be omitted to protect him against every possible dan- ger, and that federal soldiers were to be continually near to interpose between him and rough characters who the Presi- dent thought would not hesitate to take his life if they could do it secretly. In 1876 Mr. Wheeler was regarded by many as a possible nominee for the presi- dency, and his selection was urged in some quarters. But he himself never took the matter seriously, and, though not actually in favor of Senator Conkling, ad- vised that he be given the New York delegation without opposition. When Mr. Hayes was named for first place, New York was looked to as the natural and advisable State to furnish the candi- date for the vice-presidency, and Mr. Wheeler was the State's choice. There is no occasion here to argue the merits of the disputed result of the election, but it would be improper not to say that Mr. Wheeler fully believed that his title to the office was unquestionable, and that the decision which gave it to him was "as righteous as an edict of God." Besides the public offices held by Mr. Wheeler, the governorship of New York was in effect declined by him in 1872 because he thought his means insufficient to meet the expense attendant upon incumbency of the office, and in 1879, when Senator Conkling urged him to give countenance prior to the State convention to the move- ment for the nomination of Alonzo B. Cornell, with significant suggestion that if he would take such course it must surely make him United States Senator in 1881 — the suggestion amounting in the circumstances to a promise of suppor f — he rejected the overture because he re- garded Mr. Cornell's nomination as un- wise, and also because the proposition carried the appearance of bartering a pub- lic trust. The same proposition came to him again in 1880 as an inducement to him to favor the nomination of General Grant for President for a third term, and was declined by telegraph, with his de- cision based not upon hostility to the nomination, but upon aversion to bar- gaining in such a matter. In 1881, when Senators Conkling and Piatt resigned in anger as a protest against the appointment of William H. Robertson over their remonstrance to be collector of the port of New York, and then sought reelection, in the weeks of deadlock that followed, Mr. Wheeler was the leading candidate against Senator Conkling, but refused to go to Albany in his own interest or to do anything for himself, until towards the end he ac- cepted an invitation to visit the capital for a conference with Governor Cornell, the conrlusion of which was that at the opening of the then ensuing week the Governor should announce himself a can- didate against Senator Piatt, with in- dorsement of Mr. Wheeler for the other place. It was believed that this combina- tion would assure success, but before it could be announced, President Garfield was shot, and Governor Cornell withdrew from the arrangement. Even then many of those who were on the inside in the contest had no doubt that Mr. Wheeler might still have been elected if he had consented to certain conditions. Refus- ing to tie himself in any way, he was beaten. Thereafter he had no active par- ticipation in politics except quietly in home matters. Mrs. Wheeler, who was the daughter of William King, and whom he had married in 1845, had died in 1876. Their union was childless, and Mr. Wheeler had no close relative in the 186 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY world. He died June 4, 1887, after years of suffering from neuralgia and other painful ailments, the immediate cause of death having been softening of the brain. Generosity was as natural to Mr. Wheeler as breathing, and was regularly and frequently exercised. No subscrip- tion paper was ever presented to him for a cause that he thought worthy, that he did not sign in so large an amount as almost shamed the solicitor to accept. Nearly every church in Malone was the recipient of gifts from him, ranging from hve hundred dollars each to ten thousand dollars. For a long time he gave also a thousand dollars annually to missions. Auburn Theological Seminary received three thousand dollars from him, and a gentleman whom he employed shortly be- fore his death to arrange and classify his cancelled checks informed me that for many years it had been his practice to send twenty-five dollars to every church from which any sort of appeal for aid reached him, regardless of denominat : on or location. There were scores of such checks, and as many to societies in the middle or far West as in New York. His benefactions to individuals, and particu- larly to young men seeking education, were innumerable, and must have aggre- gated a great sum. His estate amounted to only about eighty thousand dollars, and with the exception of a few personal bequests, totaling less than ten thousand dollars, all went to home and foreign mis- sions. Mr. Wheeler had great magnetism; the clasp of his hand was warm and winning, and even his casual greeting a pleasure to be sought and remembered. As a public speaker he lacked the rhythm and finish of expression, as well as the spontaneous outpouring of thought, that we associate with real oratory, and yet he was one of the most popular, persuasive and force- ful men on the stump that it was ever my fortune to hear, while in conference he was emphatic and dominating to a degree. Concerning any serious question, he was always tremendously in earnest, which was one of his elements of strength. Nevertheless, when a plan of action was under consideration, though he was a radical in principle, he was usually con- servative (or ought we to say timid?) in counsel. He himself would have said that he was merely cautious. In all affairs of State and national politics, at least, he ex- emplified an unbending conscientiousness and fidelity to the very highest stand- ards and ideals, and so squared his con- duct. If I were to pronounce an opinion con- cerning him as a politician in the broader field, it would be that he lacked aggres- siveness and courage — which, perhaps, is explicable in part by his morbid and per- sistent belief during the last twenty years of his life that his health was precarious, and would break utterly if he were to engage strenuously in any undertaking. To such a degree did this feeling abide that more than once he would have re- signed his seat in Congress, and, as he believed, returned to Malone to die, had it not been for the influence of his wife and the pressure of friends. Possibly it was this element of apprehension that caused him to be passive in the fight against the nomination of Mr. Cornell for Governor in 1879, which he might easily have prevented. But he would not even request the St. Lawrence delegates to vote against Mr. Cornell, though they offered to do so if he should ask it. Bit- terly inimical to Senator Conkling's polit- ical leadership, he nevertheless chose to content himself with sneering at it, and refrained from openly challenging it. As a legislator, there must be great respect for his aptitude, abilities and high pur- 187 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY poses. To command the leadership of his party in the Assembly while yet a young man, and serving only his second term ; to be chosen president pro tempore of the Senate in his first term ; and to win in Congress a leading place among such men as composed that body in his time, admits of no conclusion but that he had more than ordinary talent and force of character. Greatness in the degree or of the kind that distinguished Seward, Sum- ner, Thaddeus Stevens and others of the giants who were in public life during and immediately after our Civil War, he may have lacked, but his usefulness and influ- ence within his sphere was hardly less than their, while, as regards the cleanli- ness and incorruptibility of his service, no one surpassed him. Frederick J. Seaver. WHITE, Horace, Journalist, Author. Horace White, formerly editor-in-chief of "The Evening Post," and vice-presi- dent and president of the New York Even- ing Post Company, was for many years one of the leading journalist of this coun- try, and an authority on financial subjects. Other editors of less genuine worth have attained greater fame than Mr. White, and, by reason of more striking personal- ity or larger fields of activity, have left a deeper immediate impress on their gener- ation. But among those who knew him, probably no other editor was so steady and powerful an influence for sound, honorable journalism. Mr. White was one of the last of the famous group of New York journalists which included Charles A. Dana, Whitelaw Reid, and several others, and was a personal friend of Abraham Lincoln. Mr. White was reared under the teach- ings and example of sturdy ancestors of New England blood, and he exemplified in marked degree those qualities which led people to cross a wide ocean and locate in a wilderness because of their princi- ples. The earliest ancestor of the branch of the family here under consideration of whom there is definite information was Thomas White, who came to this country from England in 1642. Benjamin White, youngest son of Joseph and Lucy White, great-great-great-grandson of Thomas, was born in Templeton, Massachusetts, July 3, 1783, baptized July 27, 1783, in Templeton, and shortly after attaining manhood settled in Bethlehem, New Hampshire, where his death occurred August 31, 1820. He married Betsey Wilder, born in 1791, in Massachusetts, daughter of Willis and Relief (Wheelock) Wilder. Willis Wilder was baptized De- cember 5, 1756, in Leominster, son of Jo- seph and Elizabeth (Hayward) Wilder, of Lunenburg, a descendant of Thomas (2) Wilder, the American immigrant. He married, December 20, 1778, in Lancaster, Relief Wheelock, and four of their chil- dren were baptized in that town, Septem- ber 25, 1785. Subsequently he resided in Templeton, whence he removed in 1796 to Bethlehem, New Hampshire, and there passed the remainder of his days. Dr. Horace White, son of Benjamin and Betsey (Wilder) White, was born in Bethlehem, New Hampshire, in 1810. After attendance at the schools of his native town, he pursued a course of study in medicine, received his degree of Doctor of Medicine from Dartmouth College, and practiced his profession successfully, first in Colebrook, New Hampshire, where he resided until 1837, then in Beloit, Wiscon- sin, whither he removed, and where his death occurred in the year 1843, at the early age of thirty-three years, in the very prime of manhood. He was well and favorably known among his profes- sional brethren, and was an active, public- spirited citizen. In 1833 he married Eliz- 188 /V^r^c.^ fJ^ltX*- ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY abeth McClary Moore, born in Bedford, New Hampshire, in 1808, daughter of William Moore, a soldier in the War of the Revolution. Horace (2) White, son of Dr. Horace and Elizabeth McClary (Moore) White, was born in Colebrook, New Hampshire, August 10, 1834. He was reared in Be- loit, Wisconsin, whither his parents re- moved when he was three years of age. He prepared for college in S. T. Merrill's school at Beloit, and graduated from Be- loit College in 1853, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and in 1906 Brown University conferred upon him the honor- ary degree of Doctor of Laws. His first newspaper experience was with "The Chi- cago Evening Journal," of which he soon became city editor. In 1857 he joined the staff of "The Chicago Tribune," of which he was editor, 1864-1874, and one of the principal owners when he severed his con- nection with the paper in the latter year. He early made his influence felt in the city of Chicago, and he brought to New York City the continental view of affairs, not always found on the Atlantic sea- board. The interest of the entire coun- try, rather than that of any particular community or section, was ever upper- most in his mind. In 1883 Mr. White came to New York City and joined the staff of "The Evening Post" as an edi- torial writer. Later he became editor-in- chief and head of the company, retiring on January 1, 1903, and from that time until his death he resided quietly at his home, No. 18 West Sixty-ninth street. During these years his writings on finan- cial subjects had brought him prominence and he was regarded as a leading author- ity on such matters. And while what he wrote about finance was best known as his own, the sturdy common sense and fairness which he brought to bear on most problems of his day were the outstanding characteristics of the man that made him a vital factor in newspaper making. Car- ing little or not at all for the great-editor journalism of his active days, he strove with unflagging earnestness and courage to get at the truth, regardless of tempo- rary consequences. A free trader by in- stinct and training, he was not afraid to face and acknowledge the facts, notably those brought out in the infancy of the American tin-plate industry, that served the cause of protection. A man of power- ful convictions, he was able to see and appreciate merits in the personal objects of his criticism. Mr. White's specialty was political economy, and he was an expert writer on the money question and on banking. He used his forceful pen to combat all financial delusions, notably the greenback movement and the free-silver movement. The effectiveness of his writ- ings was due largely to the clearness and simplicity of his style, and to a remark- able facility in homely illustration which made his point clear even to the most un- informed reader. Joseph C. Hendrix, a representative banker, bore testimony to Mr. White's accomplishments in these words : There has never been such turbulent economic thinking in the course of the world's history as that which we have known in the past two generations. * * * First, the question of the greenbacks; then, in all its collateral issues, the depreciated silver dollar, then international bimetallism, and various suggestions of ratios, until finally the victory was won in behalf of the gold standard, bringing us into relation with all of the civilization of the earth; and throughout all these days we had the patient schoolmaster, who, without harangue, without any attempted eloquence, sat upon his editorial tripod, and attacked one fallacy after another as it made its appearance in public debate and public discus- sion and saw the full effulgence of the victory, and did not once say "Throw a rose at me." It has been my fortune to know of the value of this gentleman's work, and to be able to measure it. It is my privilege and my honor to be able here, in behalf not only of the bankers of New York, but in behalf of the bankers of i8y ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY the United States, to testify (turning to Mr. White) to your splendid services in the final establishment of the gold standard in this coun- try. Mr. White was the author of various standard works, including "Money and Banking, Illustrated by American His- tory," first published by Ginn & Company, Boston, Massachusetts, 1895, and which reached its fifth edition in 1912 ; a transla- tion from the Greek in two volumes of "The Roman History of Appian of Alex- andria," published by the Macmillan Com- pany, 1899, and republished in the Loeb Classical Library, and "The Life of Lyman Trumbull," published by Houghton-Mif- flin Company, 1913. In addition, Mr. White was the editor of Bastiat's "Sophis- tries Economiques," published in 1876, and Luigi Cossa's "Scienza delle Finanze," published in 1889. In 1909 Governor Hughes appointed Mr. White chairman of the New York State Commission on Speculation and Commodities, and he served with distinction during the life of the commission. Mr. White was a mem- ber of the Century, Republican, Univer- sity and City clubs, and of the Sons of the American Revolution. Mr. White married (first) April 19, 1859, at New Haven, Connecticut, Mar- tha Hale Root, daughter of David and Mary (Gordon) Root. He married (sec- ond) February 4, 1875, at Chicago, Illi- nois, Amelia J. MacDougall, daughter of James T. and Abby (McGinnis) Mac- Dougall. Children, born of second mar- riage: Amelia Elizabeth, August 28, 1878; Abby MacDougall, March 10, 1880; Mar- tha Root, March 10, 1881. Mr. White died September 16, 1916, at his home in New York City, mourned not only by his immediate family, but by all with whom he was brought in contact, whether in public or private life. The funeral services were conducted in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine by the Rev. Robert Ellis Jones, canon of the Cathedral, and the interment took place in Graceland Cemetery, Chicago. LOW, Seth, Louder in Civio and Educational Affairs. Seth Low, formerly mayor of New York City, died at his country home, Broad Brook Farm, near Bedford Hills, New York, September 17, 1916. Twice mayor of the city of Brooklyn, to which office he was elected on the Independent and Republican tickets, mayor of New York, 1901-03, being elected on the Fu- sion ticket, and for eleven years presi- dent of Columbia University, Mr. Low was prominently identified with New York affairs for more than thirty years. In addition, he was nationally prominent as an educator and in offices to which he was appointed by various presidents. Mr. Low was born January 18, 1850, in Brooklyn, New York, son of Abiel Abbot and Ellen Almira (Dow) Low. His ancestors were among the earliest settlers of Massachusetts, his grandfather, a Harvard student, coming to New York City in 1828. His father, who was presi- dent of the Chamber of Commerce, 1863- 66, founded a great business here in tea and silk, and at one time had more than a dozen clipper ships engaged in the China trade. Seth Low attended the Brooklyn Poly- technic Institute, and in his sixteenth year entered Columbia College, from which he was graduated four years later, at the head of his class, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. During his last year in college he attended lectures in the Co- lumbia Law School, but did not complete the course. Immediately after gradua- tion, Mr. Low made an extended trip abroad, from which he returned to be- 190 ■ r /A^ir \ ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY come a clerk for his father's firm, A. A. Low & Brothers. He was admitted to partnership in the firm in 1875, and upon the retirement of his father in 1S79, he was among the partners who succeeded to the business, which was finally liqui- dated in 1887. Meanwhile he had become a member of the Chamber of Commerce, in which he soon became useful, fre- quently serving upon important commit- tees, and at times delivering addresses which commanded attention. At the age of thirty he began to take an active inter- est in Brooklyn politics, organizing in 1880 the Young Republican Club, which supported the candidacy of Garfield and Arthur, and materially reduced the usual Democratic majorities of Brooklyn. Mr. Low won more than a local celebrity as a public speaker during this campaign, and from the first identified himself with re- form movements, becoming a . stalwart opponent of machine methods and politi- cal corruption. Despite his youth, there- fore, it was a natural selection when one year later he was taken up as the reform candidate for mayor of Brooklyn. He was triumphantly elected, and, as the re- sult of a highly successful administra- tion, marked by various salutary reform measures, among which was that of com- petitive examination for appointment to municipal positions, he was reelected in 1883, leaving the office in 1886 with a national reputation as a practical reformer and exponent of honest municipal admin- istration. After his retirement from his second term as mayor, in 1887, Mr. Low again visited Europe, where he spent several years in travel. In 1890 he was called to the presidency of Columbia College (of which he had been a trustee), in succes- sion to Dr. F. A. P. Barnard, and which position he occupied with distinguished usefulness until 1901, when he left it to become mayor of the City of Greater New York. Immediately upon taking up his duties as president of Columbia College, he began to infuse new life into that ven- erable institution, and his entire manage- ment was marked by most wise judg- ment. The several instructional depart- ments which had been maintained inde- pendently of each other were organically united and brought under the control of a university council created for that spe- cific purpose. In the following year the old historic College of Physicians and Surgeons was brought within the univer- sity corporation, and the School of Mines was broadened into the Schools of Ap- plied Science. The university had been so expanded by the year 1S92 that the old buildings had become inadequate, and a change of location was determined upon. A committee recommended the site of the old Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane, on the Morningside Park Heights, valued at more than two million dollars, which amount was paid by the year 1894 — a result in large measure due to the persistent interest of President Low — and seven and a half million dol- lars were expended in the erection of the new buildings. The efficiency of the uni- versity was further enhanced by the establishment of the Columbia Union Press, for the publication of historic and scientific documents, after the manner of the Oxford Clarendon Press of England. President Low's benefactions during this period were most princely. He gave to the university, in 1894, the sum of ten thousand dollars for the endowment of a classical chair in honor of his former teacher, Professor Henry Drisler ; in 1895 he gave a million dollars for the erection of the new university library ; and in recognition of his munificence the trus- tees established twelve university scholar- ships for Brooklyn boys, and twelve in 191 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Barnard College for Brooklyn girls, be- sides establishing eight annual university scholarships. In 1896 President Low gave ten thousand dollars to Barnard Col- lege, and five thousand dollars to the New York Kindergarten Association. In the meantime he was busy with varied benevolent and charitable labors. In 1893, during the cholera epidemic, he rendered useful service as chairman of a committee appointed by the New York Chamber of Commerce to aid the authori- ties in precautionary measures, and the quarantine camp established at Sandy Hook by the national government was named Camp Low in his honor. In 1894, in association with his brother, Abbot Augustus Low, he built and presented to the mission station of the Protestant Episcopal church in Wu Chang, China, a completely equipped hospital for the use of the mission, and named in memory of their father. In 1901 Mr. Low resigned from the presidency of Columbia University, but continued as a trustee until July, 1914, when he ended his connection with the board, after serving for thirty-two years. In 1897 Mr. Low entered politics in New York City, at which time he was selected by the leaders of the reform movement to head the municipal ticket for mayor. The Republicans, however, placed a ticket in the field, and the reform party was defeated by Tammany. In spite of his defeat, he continued his work for reform,, and then, in 1899, President McKinley appointed him one of the dele- gates from this country to the Peace Con- ference at The Hague. He took a promi- nent part in the deliberations of this body, and his services were highly commended by its president. In 1901 Mr. Low again ran for mayor in the reform movement, and was elected by a large majority, which position he held for two years, fully sustaining his reputation as an executive, governed by the highest possi- ble standards. After his retirement from that high office, he busied himself with personal affairs, giving a large share of his attention to benevolent and charitable causes, which always commanded his interest. Mr. Low was prominent as an arbitrator in labor questions, and held a number of quasi-public offices. In No- vember, 1914, President Wilson appointed him one of the commission of three to investigate the coal strike in Colorado. In the same year he was elected president of the Chamber of Commerce, in which he was especially active after the outbreak of the European war. He was chairman of the board of trustees of Tuskegee In- stitute, and identified with several other institutions. Mr. Low was interested in several cor- porations. He was president and a direc- tor of the Bedford Farmers' Cooperative Association, and a trustee of the Carne- gie Institution of Washington. In addi- tion he was president of the Archaeologi- cal Institute of America ; the Geographi- cal Society of New York, having suc- ceeded Charles P. Daly in 1900; a mem- ber of the New York Academy of Politi- cal Science ; president of the American Asiatic Society, and of the National Civic Federation. He was a member of the New England Society and the Society of Mayflower Descendants, and belonged to the Century, City, Republican, Down Town, Authors', Barnard and Columbia University clubs of New York, and the Hamilton Club of Brooklyn. He received the degree of Doctor of Laws from Am- herst College in 1889; from the Univer- sity of the State of New York, from Har- vard University, from the University of Pennsylvania, and from Trinity College, in 1890; from Princeton University in 1896; from Yale University in 1901 ; and 192 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY from the University of Edinburgh, Scot- land, in 1910. Mr. Low married, December 9, 1880, Annie Wroe Scollay Curtis, of Boston, daughter of Justice Benjamin Robbins Curtis, of the United States Supreme Court. At the time of his death, public ex- pressions of sorrow were many and fer- vent, and the press of the city gave an unusual amount of space to editorial notices of this sad event. At a joint meet- ing of the Board of Aldermen and of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment the following preamble and resolution, presented by the president of the Board of Aldermen, was adopted: Seth Low, ex-Mayor of the City of New York, is no more. Divine Providence has called him from his earthly career, leaving behind a record of integrity, devotion to duty and faithfulness to all the claims which public life made upon him. A foremost citizen, great public character and in the public life of the city of New York a lead- ing force, he will be missed. During his ex- tended period of service he took a most useful and active part in the affairs of the city, State and nation, to each of which he gave uninter- ruptedly and unstintingly of the talent and genius with which nature had freely endowed him. Resolved, That in the death of the Honorable Seth Low, the city of New York, the State and the nation have suffered an especial and very great loss. In him was recognized one of the country's greatest and most conscientious public servants. In commenting on the death of Mr. Low, Mayor Mitchel said : Seth Low was an exceptionally useful citizen. He was always ready to give his effective help to any movement which affected the welfare of this city. During his term as Mayor he accomplished things upon which his successors in the city government have been building ever since. This administration especially is grateful to him for his cooperation with it. To me per- sonally his death is a very great loss, for I always found him a strong and courageous friend and a valued counsellor. Through his death the cause of non-partisan- ship in city government loses its most distin- guished advocate. Not alone is this city indebted to him for his work as a pioneer non-partisan Mayor, but the movement for non-partisan municipal administration throughout the country has been profoundly influenced by his efforts. At this time of labor unrest it is especially fit- ting that attention be called to Mr. Low's con- tribution to the cause of industrial peace through the method of arbitration. Labor and capital found in him a just judge and the public interest a devoted champion. Theodore Roosevelt expressed sorrow concerning the death of Mr. Low as fol- lows : Seth Low was a man of high attainments, a man who rendered distinguished service to his fellow men. He was a most potent factor in the fight for good government. I deeply mourn his death. WERNER, William E., Jurist. Throughout the wide range of Judge Werner's professional fame, his memory will be revered because of his learning in the law, his wise discretion as a magis- trate and his courage and independence in the performance of the highest judicial duties — the interpretation of the State's fundamental law. These aspects of his remarkable career are a cherished testi- monial to the opportunities of American democracy, and to the realization of a series of such opportunities by a youth who was poor in all else but heart and mind. In them Rochester has its share of pleasure and pride, for it was there that the foundations of the career of Judge Werner were laid, and from there that he was preferred to his last and highest judicial distinction. But when all is said of the eminence and fame of William E. Werner as a lawyer and judge, when full account is taken of his unique and inspiring advance, N Y— Vol II— 13 193 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY through patience, industry and self-denial, from humble to lofty estate in his pro- fession, there still remains something un- said, for Judge Werner enjoyed in rare measure the respect, the esteem and the admiration of the citizens of Rochester. The fact is even more patent and im- pressive that he was held there in a deep and enduring affection that owed nothing to his professional talents or achieve- ments. He was loved for himself, as a friend, a companion, a welcome partner in happiness and a comforting sharer in sorrow. Men of great gifts and accom- plishments found pleasure in his society, and among his friends there were many of these. But it was his fortunate en- dowment to be happy and to be able to share happiness alike with those who had much in intellectual treasure to give, and with those who had little or none. Mod- est, simple, genuine, always and alto- gether true, he "sat an equal guest at every board," and in the rich glow of his companionship every other guest became a friend. William E. Werner was born in Buf- falo, New York, April 19, 1855, died in Rochester, New York, March 1, 1916, son of William and Magdalina Werner. He was early left an orphan and although he attended public schools in Buffalo until fourteen years of age, he at the same time was obliged to earn and provide his own means of living. He was not a strong boy, and after an attempt at learning the molder's trade, sought employment on a farm near Buffalo, hoping to build up a stronger physique in the purer and healthier surroundings of a farm. He worked for board, clothing and the privi- lege of attending district school during the winter term for one year, and did improve greatly in health and strength, also developing during the school term an intense purpose to in some way secure a eood education. He returned to Buffalo and began contriving ways and means by which he might support himself and ad- vance in mental acquirement at the same time. For several years he worked in the tin-stamping mill of the Sidney Shepard Company, taking evening courses at the Bryant & Stratton Business College in bookkeeping and commercial law, admis- sion to the Mechanics' Institute giving him access to the library of that institu- tion, a privilege freely used. He next secured a position as clerk and book- keeper with L. Holzburn & C. Laney, wholesale grocers, continuing self-educa- tion during the years till 1877, when he located in Rochester for the purpose of reading law. In June, of that year, he became a student in the law office of Wil- liam H. Bowman, studied under him one year, then transferred to the office of D. C. Feely. In the summer of 1879 ne was appointed clerk of the Municipal Court, there win- ning a host of friends among the lawyers and business men who appreciated his efficiency. In 1880 he reached the goal of his boyish ambition and was admitted to the bar, being then twenty-five years of age. He had financed his own education, earned his own living, and if ever a man had risen from lowly position through his own unaided efforts, it was he. He had won all the preliminary skirmishes in the battle of life, and immediately upon his admission to the Monroe county bar in 1880 he resigned his clerkship in the Mu- nicipal Court and threw himself into the competitive struggle for position at that bar. He joined forces with Henry J. Het- zel, and as Hetzel & Werner the firm quickly sprang into prominence, a fact largely due to Mr. Werner's eloquent and forcible presentation of their cases to juries. He had taken an active part in local politics as a Republican and already established a reputation county-wide as an eloquent speaker. 94 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY The next four years, 1880-84, were spent in successful practice and a brilliant career rit the bar was foreshadowed, when he was named for the office of special county judge by the Republican county conven- tion. At the November election, 1884, he was chosen county judge by a majority of seven thousand over an opponent who the previous year had been defeated for district attorney of Monroe county by but one hundred votes. He took his seat, one of the youngest judges in New York State, but soon established a reputation for sound judgment, legal learning, fair- ness and strict devotion to duty which won, not only professional, but public confidence. In 1887 he was reelected without opposition, his opponent with- drawing from the contest a few days prior to the election. In 1889, having served five years as special county judge, he was elected county judge, nominated by the Republican and endorsed by the Democratic conventions, a tribute to his worth and popularity seldom bestowed. His administration of the office was popu- lar and satisfactory. He possessed in a high degree the quality that is known among lawyers as "the judicial mind." While upon the county court bench, Judge Werner was dignified, without affecta- tion ; accommodating, yet impartial ; pa- tient, yet firm. Out of the court room he was one of the most approachable of men. Always courteous as presiding judge in the court of sessions, Judge Werner was brought into close contact with many whose lives had been embittered and sad- dened by the criminal tendencies of rela- tives and friends. These poor unfortu- nates always found a friend in Judge Werner, who was always ready to assist and advise them as far as he could con- sistently with the performance of his ju- dicial duties. To those who followed Judge Werner and his record during the preceding ten years, it was not strange therefore that when by the death of Justice Macomber a vacancy was created upon the Supreme Court bench Judge Werner became the recognized candidate of many lawyers and a large majority of the people for judicial prominence. Almost immediately following the appointment of Judge Yeo- man to fill the vacancy for the year, the canvass of the county was commenced by the friends of the two judges. The con- test promised to be spirited, but after a few of the primaries were held in June, it was predicted that Judge Werner would easily carry the county. This prophecy was more than fulfilled, for after the votes were counted, it was found that he had succeeded in carrying every one of the thirty-nine towns and wards in Monroe county. As a natural consequence the other counties, which conceded the right of Monroe county to name the candidate, followed her example, and the result was shown in the unanimous nomination of Judge Werner in the convention of 1894. Judge Werner took his seat on the bench of the Supreme Court, January 1, 1895, holding court in the eight counties of the judicial district. In the higher courts he showed the same characteris- tics, combining judicial knowledge with courtesy, until he became as popular in the seven rural counties as he was in the towns of Monroe county. He made hun- dreds of warm friends in the districts who then felt a personal interest in his still higher promotion to the Court of Appeals. Judge Werner was assigned frequently to work in New York City, which enabled him to widen his acquaintance and made him as well known to the bar of the metropolis as to the local bar. In 1900 Governor Roosevelt designated Judge Werner as an Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals, stating that it was 195 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY a well-earned recognition of the services he rendered as presiding justice at the sessions of the special grand jury which indicted violators of the election law of New York City in the election of 1899. In November, 1904, Judge Werner was nominated for the office of Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals on the Re- publican ticket, and endorsed by the Democrats. He was elected for the full term of fourteen years. He was the Re- publican candidate for Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals in the election of November, 1913. He was defeated by a plurality of little over one thousand votes by Judge Willard Bartlett, of Brooklyn, who was the Democratic and Independ- ence League candidate. During the last year of his life Judge Werner spent but little time on the bench, owing to a weakened physical condition. The winter of 1914 he partly spent in Florida, returning to again sit upon the bench of the Court of Appeals on his birthday, April 19. During the summer of 191 5 he spent a month in Canada, but in October he had become so weakened that his physicians resorted to blood transfusion, his brother and daughters volunteering for that service and later students from Rochester Theological Sem- inary. But the fiat had gone forth and a few months later the just and upright Judge, the loving husband, father and friend, closed his earthly career. Judge Werner held life memberships in Rochester Lodge, No. 660, Free and Ac- cepted Masons ; Hamilton Chapter, No. 62, Royal Arch Masons ; Monroe Com- mandery, No. 12, Knights Templar; was a member of Aurora Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the National Geo- graphic Society, the Fort Orange Club 'of Albany, the Society of the Genesee, the Genesee Valley and Rochester Country clubs, and was an elder of the Third Pres- byterian Church. He was also secretary and a director of the Stecher Lithographic Company, director of the German-Ameri- can Insurance Company and the Reynolds Library, and a trustee of the Security Trust Company. Judge Werner married in Buffalo, March 7, 1889, Lillie Boiler, who survives him with three daughters— Clara Louise, Marie and Caroline — residing at 399 Ox- ford street, Rochester. Judge Werner's career at the bar and on the bench of the various county and State courts was long and highly honor- able. He came to his judicial work when comparatively a young man, but was versed in the intricacies of the law, as he had been taught at the feet of the most eminent disciples of Blackstone and Coke that the State has ever produced. In addi- tion to profound knowledge of the law, he brought to his judicial work an endow- ment of sterling integrity the lack of which in the judicial office cannot be compensated by even the highest tech- nical knowledge. As a man and a citizen Judge Werner was singularly approachable, and he had hosts of warm personal friends. He had an old-fashioned but courtly manner, which made him a delightful companion, and endeared him to all with whom he came in contact, and there are no men in any community who have stronger or more constant personal friends. As a law-giver he ever maintained the dignity of the judicial office ; and throughout his career upheld unfailingly its best tradi- tions. More than that, by his example and his precepts he did much to inspire in the minds of the people that respect for courts of justice, and that popular confi- dence in the righteous administration of the laws, which form, the cornerstone of the institutions of a free people. His opinions are distinguished not alone for 96 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY their learning, but also for the lucidity of their expression. He was the master of an English style, pure, graceful and tell- ing. He had the literary touch, and was the orator par excellence on many lettered and patriotic occasions ; and the honored guest at many banquets at which he shone "a bright, particular star." As a man, Judge Werner's personality was portrayed by the Monroe county delegate who put him in nomination for Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals : The candidate for chief judge I have the honor to name represents my ideal of a judge. He is not an intellectual prodigy, but just a harmo- nious blending of the human and the intellectual, a union of discretion and firmness, a combina- tion of strength, moderation, learning and indus- try. That is a fair picture of William E. Werner. Tempered by the fires of early adversity, de- prived in childhood of his parents, and tried in the school of experience, he has stood that test in one judicial office after another. He comes from the heart of the people. His early strug- gles against poverty have been to him a finer inheritance than wealth. He knows the value of character and friendship and has proved his right to both. Among the public tributes paid the de- parted jurist, the following display the general feeling toward him at the time of his death. At the opening of the Court of Appeals, Chief Judge Willard Bart- lett, speaking of the death of Associate Judge William E. Werner, said : We meet to-day in deep sorrow. Our beloved and admired senior associate, Judge William E. Werner, of Rochester, died in that city this morning. He had endured a long illness bravely and patiently. The loss which his death inflicts upon the pub- lic service of the State at this time is great, indeed. It will always be a source of satisfac- tion to me, that, nothwithstanding our rivalry for promotion in 1913, no shade or shadow ever came between us; and that no one has assisted me more warmly or heartily or unselfishly than William E. Werner in bearing the burdens and discharging the responsibilities of my present office. In accordance with precedent, the court will adjourn over the day of the funeral to enable his associates to attend the services. His associates in the Court of Appeals were too overcome with emotion to dis- cuss the death of their colleague, but resolutions of respect were adopted. In the Assembly, Majority Leader Adler and Minority Leader Callahan spoke feelingly of the merits of Judge Werner. The As- sembly then adjourned in his honor. Sen- ator Argetsinger and Majority Leader Brown, of the Senate, also expressed re- grets in feeling terms and the Senate also adjourned. In Supreme Court, Justice Benton responded to a suggestion of At- torney Eugene J. Dwyer, and ordered that a memorial to Judge Werner be spread on the court records. He said in part : "He achieved much for the cause of justice. His life was filled with honors justly earned." In county court, Judge Stephens paid tribute: "His career furnishes an illus- tration of what may be accomplished by industry and fidelity to a purpose ; these brought to him the high place of honor that he held, and his kindly personality won for him a warm place in the hearts of all with whom he came in contact." Former Court of Appeals Judge Vann said: "In the death of Judge Werner the bench has lost an able and accomplished jurist, the State a public-spirited and use- ful citizen. Judge Werner was a clear and original thinker, an indefatigable worker and a careful student. He had an unusual facility of expression and his opinions rank among the best, both for their soundness of reasoning and their literary style. Ease in writing sometimes leads to careless thinking, but he always considered what he wrote so carefully 197 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY that neither he nor the court had to re- tract obiter statements made by him. At such a time one thinks more of the quali- ties of the heart than of the head. He was a delightful companion, an agreeable associate, a lovable friend, a manly man." Nathan L. Miller, also a former judge of the Court of Appeals said : "His opinions will be read and studied by the bar for generations. His warm heart and noble nature endeared him to all who had the privilege of association with him." Jus- tice William S. Andrews, of Onondaga county, said : "He was an able and effi- cient judge and one of the strongest mem- bers of the Court of Appeals. His death is a great loss to it and to the bar of the State." Justice Leonard C. Crouch, of Syracuse, said: "Judge Werner's death deprives the State of one of its ablest jurists. His opinions, particularly in more recent years, have been models of legal reasoning and pure, concise Eng- lish." Rev. Charles C. Albertson said: "We grieve with you the loss of a noble, Christian gentleman." From hundreds of men, eminent in the professions, in business and in public life came similar expressions, a general and genuine wave of appreciation and regret. PECKHAM, Rufus W., Congressman, Lawyer, Jurist. Rufus Wheeler Peckham was born at Rensselaerville, Albany county. New York, December 20, 1809, fifth son of Peleg and Desire (Watson) Peckham. The first American ancestor, John Peck- ham (died 1681), was married to Mary Clarke ; their son John (born 1645, died 1712), was married to Sarah Newport; their son Benjamin (born 1684. died 1761), was married to Mary Carr, Sep- tember 23, 1708, and their son Benjamin (born 1715, died 1792), was married to Mary Hazard, March 2, 1737, who be- came the grandmother of the subject of this sketch. Peleg Peckham, a farmer and a man of great integrity, removed to Otsego county, near Cooperstown, New York, early in the nineteenth century. Rufus W. Peckham attended Hartwick Seminary and Union College, where he was graduated in 1827. He then removed to Utica and read law in the office of G. C. Bronson and Samuel Beardsley, sub- sequently Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of New York. Mr. Peckham was admitted to the bar in 1830, and entered into partnership with his brother George, in Albany, New York. In 1839 he was appointed by Governor Marcy district attorney of the county of Albany, in which capacity he served until 1841. He was elected to the Thirty-third Congress in 1852. On the expiration of his term he resumed practice in Albany, taking into partnership Lyman Tremain, his brother George having removed to Milwaukee in the interim. In 1859 he spent a few months in European travel, and upon his return was elected a Justice of the Su- preme Court. At the close of his judicial term of eight years, Judge Peckham was reelected, no opposing candidate being named. In 1870, before the expiration of his second term, he was elected to the bench of the Court of Appeals. On No- vember 15, 1873, accompanied by his wife, he sailed for Europe on the steamer "Ville du Havre," for the benefit of his health, intending to spend the winter in Southern France. He was destined, how- ever, never to reach that destination, as the English iron ship "Loch Earn" col- lided with the "Ville du Havre" on No- vember 22, which sank within twelve minutes after she was struck, Judge and Mrs. Peckham being carried down in the vortex. Just before the ship disappeared he said to his wife, "If we must go down, Q8 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY let us die bravely" — probably his last words. His first wife, Isabella Adaline, daugh- ter of the Rev. Dr. William B. Lacey, rector of St. Peter's Church, Albany, New York, to whom he was married in 1832, died in 1848. In February, 1862, he mar- ried (second) Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Israel Foote. He had three sons. PATTON, Rev. William, D. D., Author, Prominent in Religious Organiza- tions. The name of Patton is written in old deeds Patten, and the family, originally from the south of England, is of con- siderable antiquity. An old parchment deed in the possession of an English fam- ily of the town states that "in the six-and- twentieth year of Henry VI., William Patten (alias Waynflete. from a town in Lancashire where he was born), was son and heir of Richard Patten and eldest brother of John, Dean of Chichester." He was consecrated Bishop of Winches- ter, made Lord Chancellor of England, and was the sole founder of Magdalen College, Oxford. Colonel Robert Patton, who was born in Westport, Ireland, in 1755, and died in New York City, January 3, 1814, was brought to America at the age of seven years, and resided in Philadelphia. In October, 1776, he enlisted as a private in the Revolutionary army, was taken pris- oner by the British, and confined for some time in New York City. After his liberation he rose to the rank of major, and served under Washington and Lafay- ette ; he was later promoted to a colo- nelcy. He was an original member of the Society of the Cincinnati. In 1789 he was appointed by Washington, postmas- ter of Philadelphia, that office then being the most important in the country, and served continuously for nearly twenty years, when he resigned and went to New York City. He was intimate with Presi- dent Madison, who offered him the post- master-generalship, which Patton de- clined, being unwilling to remove his family from a Free State to a slave-hold- ing community. One of his chief char- acteristics was his strict integrity. When postmaster he would not appoint any of his sons to a clerkship, and on his resig- nation he strictly enjoined them not to apply to be his successor, saying that the office had been long enough in his family, and should now go to another. When war was declared in 1812, and a government loan, which everyone prophesied would prove a failure, was placed on the market, he went at an early hour on the first day and subscribed $60,000, asserting that if his country should be ruined his property would then be valueless. Colonel Patton married Cornelia, daughter of Robert and Jemima (Shepard) Bridges. The latter was a son of Edward Bridges and Corne- lia Culpeper, and through this line Mrs. Patton was connected with Lord Thomas Culpeper. second colonial governor of Virginia. Through the same line the de- scent is also traced from Oliver Crom- well. Rev. William Patton, D. D., son of Colonel Robert Patton. was born in Phil- adelphia, August 23, 1798. He was gradu- ated at the Middlebury (Vermont) Col- lege, in 1818. and at Princeton (New Jer- sey") Theological Seminary two years later. He began his labors as city mis- sionary in New York, and organized the Broome Street (known as the Central) Presbyterian Church, with four members and which under his pastorate grew to be one of the largest and most influential churches in New York. He was ordained as pastor by the New York Presbytery in 1822. He solicited and personally con- tributed the money for building the church edifice. The Madison Avenue 199 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Presbyterian (Dr. Parkhurst's) Church, and the Fifty-seventh Street Presbyterian Church are the outgrowth of the Broome Street Church. He was one of the organ- izers of the American Home Missionary Society, in 1826, and assisted in organiz- ing the Third Presbytery of New York in 1831. He resigned his charge of the Broome Street Church in 1834 to accept the secretaryship of the American Educa- tion Society. In 1836 he received the honorary degree of D. D. from the Uni- versity of the City of New York, in the founding of which he took an active part. He severed his connection with the Amer- ican Education Society in 1837 and in October of that year was installed as pastor of the Spring Street Presbyterian Church. He was the founder of the World's Evangelical Alliance, and at- tended the organizing convention. He was the founder of the New York Union Theological Seminary, having first pro- posed its establishment, and raised three- fourths of the $75,000 first contributed for its support. He acted for many years as one of its directors, contributing liberally to its funds, and serving without pay as Professor Extraordinary of Homiletics, Pastoral Theology and kindred studies. He made fourteen visits to Europe be- tween 1825 and 1879. He was an earnest opponent of slavery, and was for forty years a member of the executive com- mittee of the American Home Missionary Society. His views on the subject of temperance were equally radical. In the pulpit he was characterized by his strong grasp upon his subject, his simplicity, di- rectness and freshness. Dr. Patton was a man of great individu- ality and power. Anecdotes are abun- dant to-day of his strength as a preacher and his rare gift of humor and geniality in conversation. He had a commanding presence, and an original way of enforc- ing the truth which gave his sermons a staying quality. He remained with the Spring Street Church until October 29, 1847, and then accepted the pastorate of the Hammond Street Congregational Church, which had been gathered and organized by his personal friends. He remained until 1852, then retiring from pastoral work, and removed soon after- ward to New Haven, Connecticut, where he devoted his time to literary and occa- sional ministerial work. Besides editing President Jonathan Edwards' work on re- vivals, and Charles G. Fenney's "Lec- tures on Revivals" (London, 1839), and "The Village Testament" (New York, 1835), and assisting in editing "The Christian Psalmist" (1836), he published "The Laws of Fermentation and the Wines of the Ancients" (1871), "The Judgment of Jerusalem Predicted in Scriptures, Fulfilled in History" (Lon- don, 1879), "Jesus of Nazareth" (1878), and "Bible Principles and Bible Char- acters" (Hartford, 1879), besides writing many pamphlets on various subjects. In 1833 he took an English commentary called "The Cottage Bible," and so recast, changed, enlarged and improved it as to make it substantially a new work, and issued it in two royal octavo volumes. Over 170,000 copies of this most useful family commentary have been sold in this country. Rev. Dr. Patton died in New Haven, September 9, 1879. His wife, Mary Weston, born in Waltham, Massachu- setts, March 6, 1793, was the daughter of Zachariah Weston, born in Lincoln, Mas- sachusetts, March 8, 1751, a descendant of John Weston, of Salem, Massachu- setts, born 1631, died 1723. Dr. Patton was largely indebted for his success in his great life work to the prudent coun- sels and hearty sympathy of his wife, whom he married soon after reaching his majority, and to whom his accomplished son, Rev. William Patton, D. D., Presi- ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY dent of Howard University, Washington City, owes no little of his eminence as a man and a minister. A brother of Dr. Patton was the late Robert B. Patton, Professor of Greek in the New York Uni- versity. CHURCH, Sanford E., Lawyer, Jurist. Sanford Elias Church was born at Mil- ford, Otsego county, New York, April 18, 1815, son of Ozias and Permelia (San- ford) Church. His father removed to Munroe county in 1817. where the son grew to manhood. His early education was received at the Henrietta Academy, and during the winter months he taught school, pursuing the study of law in the office of Josiah A. Eastman, at Scottsville, New York. In [S34. removing to South Barre, he en- tered the employ of the county clerk, a physician, under whom he studied medi- cine for a time, but turned again to the profession of law. About a year later he was admitted to practice in the Court of Common Pleas, and, entering the office of Judge Bessac, he still further prosecuted his legal studies, and was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court in 1841, and became the partner of his former instruc- tor. In 1844 he allied himself with Noah Davis, and when Mr. Davis was ap- pointed judge of the Supreme Court in 1858, a partnership was formed with John G. Sawyer. In 1865 he formed the firm of Church, Munger & Cook, of Rochester, New York. He was active in politics during the early part of his career, being elected to the Assembly in 1841, and re- ceiving the appointment of district attor- ney in 1846, to which office he was elected under the new constitution for a term of three years, in the fall of the same year. He was elected Lieutenant-Governor in 1850, and served until 1855. Two years later he was elected comptroller of the State, and in 1867 was sent as a member at large to the Constitutional Convention of that year. Upon the organization of the new Court of Appeals, in 1870, he be- came the Democratic candidate for Chief Justice, and in the following election re- ceived a majority of 87,000 votes over his opponent, Judge Selden, thus eclips- ing all previous records in New York State. Politically he was of the same school as William L. Marcy and Silas Wright, and judicially his opinions, though not brilliant, were distinguished for their solidity. His manner towards attorneys was alike courteous to humble and eminent. He was married, at Barre Center, New York, 1840, to Ann, daughter of David and Abigail Wild, and had two children. He died at Albion, New York, May 14, 1880, four years from the end of his term as Chief Justice. WOOD, Fernando, Political Leader. Fernando Wood, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 14, 1S12, came of Quaker origin. Having received a good practical education he settled in New York City while yet a boy, and began to study business in a shipping merchant's office. Before he was twenty-one years of age he had already gained quite a repu- tation as a writer and speaker. In 1839 he was made chairman of a young men's political club, and in 1840 was elected a member of Congress on the Democratic ticket, and served two years. During the next seven years, until 1850, he was en- gaged in business and with such success that he was able to retire with a compe- tence. In 1850 he was nominated for the may- oralty of New York, but was defeated by a combination of Whigs and Know-Noth- ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ings, but was elected in 1854, and re- elected in 1856. It was in the latter year that an attempt was made in the Legisla- ture to place the New York City police under State control. This effort was an- tagonized by Mayor Wood, with the re- sult of a serious riot. At the next elec- tion Mr. Wood was defeated, but he was reelected in 1859. After this Mr. Wood served twelve years in Congress. His relation to Tammany was most peculiar. He received his first election as mayor of New York as its nominee, but after his reelection he was thrown over by Tam- many, chiefly through the machinations of the "Hardshells," who had been brought into it by the consolidation of 1856. Wood now organized Mozart Hall as an opposition society, and with its as- sistance succeeded in inflicting upon Tammany in 1859 a disastrous defeat, and once more putting himself at the head of the city government. So fierce had been the Wood and anti-Wood fight in Tammany, that the Democratic voters had elected two general committees, each claiming to be the regular Tammany Hall committee. Mozart Hall passed away in a few years, after Wood had lost his in- terest in it, but was followed by the Mc- Keon Democracy, Irving Hall, Apollo Hall, the Citizens' Association, and other societies, all of which fought Tammany. At this time Tammany contained such men as Lorenzo B. Shepard (grand sa- chem in 1855), Robert J. Dillon, Augustus Schell, Charles P. Daly (afterward Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas), Smith Ely, Jr. (afterward mayor of New York), C. Godfrey Gunther (afterward mayor of New York), John J. Cisco, and many others of the most respected and wealthiest citizens. In the mayoralty contest of 1859. Fernando Wood, as the candidate of Mozart Hall, polled 29,950 votes ; Havemeyer, the Tammany candi- date, polled 26,918; and Opdyke, the Re- publican candidate, 21,417, this showing that the Democrats held five-sevenths of the vote in New York. In 1861 the vote between Tammany and Mozart Hall, the former nominating Gunther and the latter Wood, was so close as to give the mayor- alty to Opdyke, Republican, by a small plurality. It was not until 1865, when John T. Hoffman was nominated by Tam- many and elected, that the organization once more united all the offices under its control, including the mayoralty, the common council, the board of supervi- sors, the street, health, market, police, and educational departments. The vote by which Hoffman was first elected was, Tammany (Hoffman) 32,820; Republi- can (Marshall O. Roberts) 31,657; Mo- zart Hall (Hecker) 10,390; McKeon De- mocracy (Gunther) 6,758. After Fernando Wood left Tammany and set up for himself, the old organiza- tion was broken up into rings, which worked through the factions above named, to the injury of the political system of the Democratic party in New York. Among their leaders was Isaac V. Fowler, who exercised great power about 1857, and who was grand sachem of Tam- many in 1859-60. He was appointed post- master of New York, and while holding that official position was discovered to have committed a defalcation, and fled the country, this being almost the first instance of this character in the official history of New York. It is said of Fer- nando Wood that, while holding the posi- tion of mayor, he inspired the Democracy of the city with a spirit of activity it had never before known. His power and in- fluence over men was extraordinary, and few dared openly to oppose him, yet eventually the opposition which gathered around his political pathway was of a character to daunt the most courageous. He died in Washington City, February ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY WARREN, Gen. Gouverneur K., Distinguished Soldier. General Gouverneur Kemble Warren was born at Cold Spring, Putnam coun- ty, New York, January 8, 1830. Enter- ing the United States Military Academy in 1846, he was graduated in 1850, was assigned to the topographical engineers, and was employed in surveys on the lower Mississippi in 1850-54; and in 1855- 59 in the west, as chief topographical en- gineer on General William S. Harney's staff, and in the preparation of railroad maps in Dakota and Nebraska. He was the first explorer of the Black Hills. His account of previous "Explorations in the Dakota Country'' appeared in two vol- umes, 1855-56, and that of his own work in reports published in 1858 and later. In 1859 ne became Assistant Professor of Mathematics at West Point and was serv- ing in that capacity at the outbreak of the Civil War. In May, 1861, he accepted the lieuten- ant-coloncy of the Fifth New York Vol- unteers (Zouaves), and in August was commissioned colonel. At the battle of Big Bethel, June 10th. he remained on the field to bring off the body of Lieutenant Greble. After serving before Yorktown, he was given command of a brigade in Sykes's division of Porter's corps, on the right of the Army of the Potomac. In that campaign he took part in various battles, was slightly wounded at Gaines's Mills, lost half his regiment at Antietam, and was made brigadier-general of volun- teers on September 26, 1862. He was en- gaged under General Pope at Manassas, and under General Burnside at Fred- ericksburg. On February 2. 1863, he was placed on Hooker's staff as chief of topo- graphical engineers, and June 8th was appointed chief engineer of the Army of the Potomac. At Gettysburg, on July 2, 1863, he occupied and defended Little Round Top, the key to the Union posi- tion. In August he was commissioned major-general, dating from Chancellors- ville, May 3d. On October 14th he re- pulsed General A. P. Hill at Bristoe's Station, and was highly praised by Gen- eral Meade for "skill and promptitude." At Mine Run, November 30th, he used his discretion in not carrying out a move- ment ordered by Meade, and was ap- proved for so doing. From the reorgan- ization of the army in March, 1864, he had command of the Fifth Corps, and led it in the bloody actions of the Wilder- ness, Cold Harbor, etc. He had the con- fidence and affection of his men, and his courage and ability were beyond cavil ; but Sheridan, who disliked his habit of thinking for himself, obtained from Grant authority to remove him on occasion, and exercised it (alleging delay or failure to cooperate) at Five Forks, April 1, 1865. He was sent to Grant, who placed him in command at Petersburg. He gave up his volunteer commission May 27th, having been made captain in the regular army in September, 1861, and major in June, 1864, and having received in succession all the brevets up to major-general, but he never forgot the disgrace of his displacement. A painful controversy ensued ; he de- fended his conduct in a pamphlet printed in 1866, and asked for a court of inquiry, which in 1879 acquitted him of most of Sheridan's charges. He never left the army, conducted various surveys, and reached the grade of lieutenant-colonel in 1879. He was a member of the A. A. A. S. from 1858, of the National Academy of Sciences from 1876, and of other learned bodies. He died at Newport, Rhode Island, August 8, 1882. Six years later his statue was unveiled on the scene of his exploit near Gettysburg, and a replica was placed near the entrance to Prospect Park, Brooklyn, New York. EXCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY FENTON, Reuben E., Governor, Statesman. Reuben Eaton Fenton was born at Car- roll, Chautauqua county, New York, July i, 1S19, son of George W. Fenton. He was educated in the district school and Fredonia Academy and studied law in Jamestown, New York. In 1839 he established himself as a country mer- chant, and proved very successful, after- wards adding to his business that of a dealer in lumber. His lumber operations proved very profitable, he personally con- ducted his first raft of timber, which cost him his first thousand dollars, down the Ohio to Maysville, Kentucky, where he sold it at a large profit. Fie soon had the reputation of being one of the most successful operators in lumber in his region, and attained the rank of a finan- cial leader among the business men of his community. He was popular as a citi- zen, and held among other offices that of supervisor of the town of Carroll, 1846- 52. and was colonel of the One Hundred and Sixty-Second Regiment, New York State Militia. In 1859 he was elected to the State Assembly as a Democrat. He was a representative in the Thirty-third Congress, 1853-55, and being bitterly opposed to slaver)', he voted against his party on the Kansas-Nebraska bill. This action cost his reelection in 1854, but in 1856 he was elected to the Thirty-fifth Congress by the new Republican party, and he was reelected to successive Con- gresses, including the Thirty-eighth, serv- ing until 1865. While in Congress he espoused the cause of the veterans of the War of 1812, and carried through the house a bill for their relief. He advocated the cheap postage system, the regulation of emigration, the extension of invalid pensions, and the repeal of the fugitive slave law; and he opposed the invasion of Kansas, the bounty bills, and the pay- ment of Confederate losses during the Civil War. On committee work he was noted for his exceptional industry and judgment. During the rebellion he sup- ported the government with voice and vote. In 1862 he was proposed for the Republican nomination for Governor, but declined ; however, he accepted the honor two years later, and was elected, defeat- ing Governor Seymour and running far ahead of his ticket. At the end of his term he was reelected by an increased majority. He was recognized as a politi- cal power throughout the country as well as in his own State ; and his name was mentioned in connection with the presi- dency, and the Republican State Con- vention which met at Syracuse in that year unanimously declared him to be the choice of the Union party in New York for Vice-President. In 1869 Governor Fenton was chosen by the Legislature to be Senator of the United States for the term of six years ending March 3, 1875, succeeding Edwin D. Morgan, and on en- tering the Senate he was almost instantly recognized as one of its most prominent members. Giving his principal attention to matters of finance, his speeches on tax- ation, the currency, the public revenue, the public debt and cognate subjects, gave evidence of his superior statesman- ship, and attracted national attention. He was active in his censure of the "moiety system" which prevailed in the customs department, making comparison between that and the corrupt and oppressive periods which existed under the French monarchy. After his retirement from the Senate in 1875, M r - Fenton held no public office, except in 1878 when he was appointed chairman of the commission to take part in the International Monetary Conference at Paris, on returning from which, in 1879, he resumed his residence at James- town, New York. He was president of 204 f J I K & 7/ /icff/f'ji (). ./'rj 2 Jefferson avenue, Rochester, New York, May 9, 1909, lack- ing but four days of completing his seventy-sixth year. He was brought to this country when a child, obtained a good common school education and learn- ed the stone cutters' trade. In youthful manhood he lived in Ithaca, New York, and there made a close friend of Ezra Cornell, founder of Cornell University, who greatly admired the intelligent, warm-hearted young man. Mr. O'Con- nor v/as then engaged in quarry contract- ing work, and also being a skilled me- chanic he was of great assistance to Mr. Cornell when he began the erection of the university buildings. Mr. O'Connor also did a great deal of the stone work on the original buildings and some of them yet stand as monuments to his skill and thor- oughness as a builder. After the first buildings were completed and ready for use, Mr. O'Connor enrolled as a student and completed a two years' course. After leaving college he returned to his quarry and contract work as though he had never left it. During his residence in Ithaca he was school commissioner and council- man. In 1878 Mr. O'Connor responded to a call from Waterloo, New York, to associate with Rev. Louis A. Lambert in editing the "Catholic Union and Times." A few years later the office of publication was moved to Rochester and Mr. O'Con- nor came with the paper as managing editor. He practically built St. Patrick's Cathe- dral in Rochester. The original contrac- tor, after finishing the foundations, left the city and Mr. O'Connor completed the building. It was during this period and later that the "Hexagonal Club" flour- ished. About 1884 he was appointed chief clerk at the weigh lock and in that quiet position lived a contented, happy life with his work, his beloved books and congenial companions. At one time he was Demo- cratic candidate for State Senator, his opponent being Senator Cornelius R. Par- sons. He was a communicant of the Roman Catholic church and a member of the Cathedral parish from the time the Cathedral was erected. When he was borne to his last resting place, it was from the Cathedral doors, the building whose erection he supervised. Mr. O'Connor married, September 4, 1875, Adelia Lewis, of Syracuse, who sur- vives him, with four children : Mrs. Cath- erine Church, Elizabeth, Agnes, and Joseph Lewis O'Connor, who has been engaged for some years in the promotion and management of theatrical (road) companies ; he was a graduate of the University of Rochester, class of 1908; member of Theta Delta Kappa, member of White Rats of America, a theatrical social order ; has written numerous plays and poems and inherits his father's gift of letters; married, in 1913, Gertrude Kirksmith, of Kansas City, Missouri. RITTER, Frank J., Business Man. Germany has furnished to this country many men who rank among our best citi- zens, men who would be willing to sacri- fice their lives, if necessary, in the preser- vation of American principles, who have proven themselves worthy of citizenship, and among this class was the late Frank J. Ritter, president of the Ritter Dental Manufacturing Company, one of the lead- 255 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ing industries of Rochester. He was born in Astheim, Germany, December 19, 1844, died at the General Hospital, Rochester, New York, April 21, 1915, following an operation for appendicitis, and his remains were interred in Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, New York. He was a son of Joseph Ritter, who was a very prominent man in Germany, who served as burgomas- ter for many years in the city of Astheim. Frank J. Ritter was reared and edu- cated in his native land, remaining there until he attained early manhood, when he came to the United States, arriving in New York City, where he secured em- ployment, remaining there a few years. From New York he removed to Amster- dam, New York, and finally settled in Rochester, where he spent the remainder of his days, becoming widely known in business circles. He there began the manufacture of parlor furniture in a factory on North Water street, this prov- ing a successful undertaking, he being a man of business acumen, keen discern- ment and practical ideas. In 1887 he devoted his attention to another line of business, establishing the Ritter Dental Manufacturing Company, making dental chairs and other appliances used by den- tists, and was equally successful in this enterprise, in due course of time Ritter dental products being shipped to every part of the world, they having a reputa- tion for a high standard of excellence and durability. The first factory was situated on the river flats below the Smith Street Bridge, and in 1908 the modern factory on West avenue was erected to meet the requirements of the rapidly increasing business. The company gave employment to a number of skilled operatives, and thus was the means of adding to the population of the city, and under the wise guidance of Mr. Ritter, who was an ideal employer in every respect, the business expanded from year to year. His promi- nence as a business man was proven by the fact that he was chosen on the direc- torate of the Lincoln National Bank, in which capacity he served for many years. The only public office he ever held was that of park commissioner, to which he was appointed in 1905 and which he held until the board recently was legislated out of existence. He possessed many ex- cellent characteristics, among which were a ready sympathy with those in distress, a whole-hearted interest in mankind in general and a mind filled with practical thoughts, and by the exercise of these was helpful to man}', and he was also esteemed and honored by all with whom he was brought in contact, whether in business or social life. Mr. Ritter married (first) in 1874, Eliza- beth Fertig, of Rochester, New York. She died in 1897. They were the parents of two daughters: Adelina, (Mrs. Shum- way), of Rochester, who is the mother of two children, Helen Elizabeth and Frank Ritter Shumway ; Laura A. Ritter. Mr. Ritter married (second) in 1907, Sophia E. Schuknecht. Mrs. Ritter, in memory of her husband, has founded and endowed a home for the aged and an orphan asylum. At a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lincoln National Bank, held in April, 191 5, the following tribute to the memory of the late Mr. Frank J. Ritter was adopted: The Board of Directors of the Lincoln National Bank has heard the sorrowful news of the death of Frank J. Ritter. Associated with us as friend and fellow member for many years, we have highly appreciated his loyalty, broad vision and sound judgment which had ripened in the course of a long, eventfrd and successful business career. Modest and quiet in his demeanor he was a strong character, precise in his obligations and faithful in his friendships. It is with deep sorrow that we must record his death and we will sadly miss him from among our midst. Let this minute be entered on our records and a copy sent to the stricken family. 256 <-"H. //■ /• r 1/ s r/ / / r/ ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY York City, whence he was graduated at the age of twenty years. He at once located in Rochester and until his death was prominent in the business life of that city. Early in his business career he made the acquaintance of Thomas A. Edison and through him became interested in Mr. Edison's new discovery of incandes- cent globes for lighting by electricity. He became deeply interested and with clear foresight at once realized the vast field the invention opened to capital. He organized the Edison Electric Light Company, the first company of its kind in Rochester, secured franchises, and as director, secretary and manager success- fully controlled the company until its merger with the present lighting and railway interests. These incandescent globes introduced by Mr. Brewster were the first used in the city. He was active in the affairs of the Niagara Gas & Elec- tric Company, and for eight years was the efficient president of the company, but in 1903 disposed of his interests. For several years he was director of the Federal Telegraph & Telephone Company of Buffalo, and was closely identified with other important Rochester enter- prises including the Vogt Manufactur- ing Company, the Judson Pin Company, and the Judson Power Company. In all these his strong administrative power and business strength were amply demon- strated and no enterprise with which he was connected but profited through his ability. He was a long time member of the First Baptist Church, and was a member of its board of trustees for many years. While in no sense a "club man" Mr. Brewster was a member of the Genesee Valley and Rochester Country clubs and of the Republican Club of New York City. Social and genial in nature he made many friends and thoroughly enjoyed the society of his fellow-men, but his country home in North Carolina and his city home in Rochester were chosen resorts in which he spent his hours "off duty." Death came to him after a brief illness and now after life's "fitful fever," he sleeps in Mount Hope Cemetery. Mr. Brewster married Harriet J., youngest daughter of Junius and Lavenda (Bushnell) Judson, whose splendid lives are recorded elsewhere in this work. Mrs. Brewster inherits the womanly charms and graces of her sainted mother, with the strong characteristics of her honored father. She is a social leader and in church and charity bears the part the Judsons have ever borne. At her beautiful home in Rochester with her only daughter, Gwendolen J. Brewster, she dispenses a charming hospitality. The culture that comes from education and travel in many lands is hers and in the daughter's personality the sterling Judson traits are perpetuated. HARRIS, Edward, Lawyer, Man of Affairs. The profession of the law, when clothed with its true dignity and purity and strength, must rank first among the call- ings of men, for law rules the universe. The work of the legal profession is to formulate, to harmonize, to regulate, to adjust, to administer those rules and prin- ciples that underlie and permeate all government and society and control the varied relations of men. As thus viewed there attaches to the legal profession a nobleness that cannot but be reflected in the life of the true lawyer who, conscious of the greatness of his profession and honest in the pursuit of his purpose, embraces the richness of learning, the profoundness of wisdom, the firmness of integrity and the purity of morals, to- N Y— Vol 11—18 273 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY gether with the graces of modesty, cour- tesy and the general amenities of life. The late Edward Harris, a veteran lawyer of Rochester, New York, was certainly a type of this class of lawyers, and as such he stood among the most eminent mem- bers of the bar in the State. His was a noble character, one that subordinated personal ambition to public good, and sought rather the benefit of others than the aggrandizement of self. Endowed by nature with high intellectual qualities, his was a most attractive personality. With- out the advantages which arise from high educational training in early youth, and the still further benefits of a college course, Mr. Harris rose through his per- sonal ability which lifted him above all disadvantages. Edward Harris was born in Morton Corbit, Shawbury, Shropshire, England, March 24, 1835, an ^ died after an illness of a few hours' duration at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William E. Sloan, No. 125 East avenue, Rochester, New York, September 16, 191 1. His parents, Henry and Ann (Webb) Harris, were English tenant farmers, descended from that sturdy English yeomanry which has been noted in the history of that country. His early life did not differ from that of other boys in his class, but he early showed his determination to make his way in the world by his earnest desire to acquire an education, which he accomplished by walking each day to Grinshill, a small village three miles away from his home, and there attended the public school, a course he pursued diligently until he was fifteen years of age, when the oppressive Corn Laws of England, combined with other circumstances, made it necessary for the family to retrench in various ways. In family council it was decided that it would be worth while to investigate conditions in the New World, and accord- ingly, in 1849, Joseph Harris, an elder brother of Edward Harris, and James Harris, a cousin, were sent to America to make personal investigation. Upon their arrival in New York they heard much in favor of the agricultural advan- tages offered by the western section of the State, and at once took the packet up to Albany, and thence traveled by rail- road to Rochester, where they found conditions even better than had been represented to them. The eloquent reports they despatched to their home decided Henry Harris to come to America with his family, which he did in 1850, bringing eight of his ten children, his son Joseph having preceded him as above stated, and one son remaining in England. They sailed from Liverpool in the schooner "London," making the voyage to New York in exactly one month, which was an excellent record for that period. In a letter written by Edward Harris, and which is still one of the prized pos- sessions of the family, he recounts some of the incidents of this voyage, among these being the fact that they were obliged to act as their own commissary department, the ships of that day sup- plying bare transportation and nothing else. They spent no time in the city of New York, where they were landed at the old Castle Garden, later the scene of the triumphs of the celebrated Jenny Lind, and now converted into use as the New York Aquarium, but made the jour- ney to Rochester as quickly as the travel- ing facilities of those days would permit. Upon their arrival at Rochester they were met by the son and nephew, and they and their baggage were loaded on hay racks and driven to a point near the location of the present Snow estate, near Gates, and there Henry Harris bought a small farm. Edward Harris worked on the farm for one year, then commenced to work inde- 274 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY pendently to make his fortune, being well equipped for this undertaking by having a sound mind in a sound body. It is but nautral that he should seek his fortune in the nearest town of importance, Roches- ter, and his subsequent career amply proved the wisdom of this decision. After considerable search he found employment in the office of Henry Ives, an attorney of growing reputation. The duties of Edward Harris were to sweep out the office, and keep it in proper order, and to run errands for which he received the magnificent compensation of one dollar per week and the privilege of spending his spare time in reading law. That he wasted no moment in idleness is shown by the fact that at the end of six years the ambitious office boy had become a practicing attorney, while he still retained his connection with his first employer. The very difficulties with which he had been obliged to contend had developed in him a power of concentration which enabled him to accomplish apparent wonders, and this was soon recognized throughout the city. He was elected counsel for the Rochester Savings Bank in 1870, and in 1879 was elected attorney of the bank to succeed Isaac Hill. Each year brought additional success and achievements of more note and greater importance, so that his fame as an attor- ney became a widespread one, no longer confined to local matters. He was made attorney for the New York Central Rail- road Company, of which one of his sons, Albert H. Harris, is now general counsel and vice-president. Mr. Harris formed a partnership with his son, Albert H., in 1882 under the style of Harris & Harris. Daniel M. Beach and Edward Harris, Jr , were admitted to membership in the firm on the first day of January, 1905, and in the spring of that year Albert H. Harris became general attorney of the New York Central Railroad and removed to New York City. On the first day of March, 1907, James S. Havens was admitted to partnership and the firm name changed to Harris, Havens, Beach & Harris. Willis A. Matson and Samuel M. Havens became members of the firm on the first day of April, 191 1, and the partnership thus constituted continued to Mr. Harris' death. Mr. Harris was honored and respected by his associates in all classes of society, and many were the tokens of varied character presented to him. At the annual dinner of the board of trustees of the Rochester Sav- ings Bank, held at the Genesee Valley Club, January 16, 1910, a magnificent silver loving cup was presented to Mr. Harris in commemoration of his election as a member of the board forty years previously. Until within a few hours of his death Mr. Harris attended to his business affairs as usual, his death being caused by paralysis of the throat. Mr. Harris married, in i860, Emma Louise Hall, who died November 27, 1905, a daughter of the Rev. Albert Gal- latin Hall, at that time pastor of the Third Presbyterian Church. He is sur- vived by two daughters, Elizabeth H. Brewster and Emily H. Sloan, of Roches- ter; and three sons, Albert H., of New York ; Francis J., of Canandaigua ; and Edward, Jr., of Rochester; two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Ives and Mrs. Harriet Turner, 'of Rochester; and many grandchildren. Many were the resolutions tendered and the editorials printed in memory of Mr. Harris, but the limits of this article will not permit the reproduction of all. Those submitted will, however, show the con- sensus of public opinion. At a meeting of the Rochester Bar As- sociation, held to take action on the death of Mr. Harris, Justice Nathaniel Foote said in part : 275 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Mr. Harris has been for some years the Nestor of our bar. A premonition of his physical trouble which caused his death led him some three or four years ago to withdraw from the more active duties of his profession, and to limit his work to consultation with his partners and clients, and to the supervision of a part of the work of his office. He gave up almost entirely the trial of cases and the argument of appeals in which he had been so active and successful throughout his long and distinguished career. This was by advice of his physician, and the wish of his family and associates. He retained, how- ever, to the last his mental vigor unimpaired. His death is especially sad and impressive to me, not only because I esteemed him as a friend and greatly admired his unique and unusual ability as a lawyer, but he was almost the last survivor of those in active practice at the time I became a member of this bar in 1874. Mr. Harris' eminently successful career at the bar affords a striking example of what may be ac- complished in our profession by industry and in- tegrity, without the aid of a superior education, or the help or influence of relatives or friends. Mr. Harris had the advantage of physical health, and a mind adapted to grasp and apply readily legal principles and rules, otherwise his success was due entirely to his unaided efforts, and to the high character which he had and which he de- veloped in his daily life. Mr. Harris was greatly trusted by his clients, so much so, that I presume it may be said that the importance and value of the interests en- trusted to him by his clients to safeguard and defend, were perhaps greater in the aggregate than to any one of his contemporaries at this bar. He had peculiar and unusual ability to put what he had to say or write into the smallest number of necessary words, and thus his pleadings, con- tracts and briefs were models of clear, accurate and concise statements. This but reflected the clearness in his own mind of the essentials of the matter he was to deal with, obtained by long study and investigation. He was also a great authority and expert upon real estate titles in this region, and his work in detecting and correcting defects in the records of titles, has been of the highest importance and value to the present as well as future owners. Our County Clerk's office contains, and will pre- serve a record of so much of the work of his long years of practice at this bar. The validity of a great number of real estate titles depends upon the accuracy and intelligence with which that work has been done. I think all will agree that none has surpassed, and few have equalled, the high grade of his work of this kind. It was a work of great importance and value to his clients for whom it was done, but it does not stop there. It will be of value to all future owners of the property. The bar and this community have suffered a very real and distinct loss in the death of Edward Harris. Few are competent to fill his place and do his work as well as he did it At the meeting of the trustees of the Security Trust Company, held Monday, September 18, 191 1, the following resolu- tions were unanimously adopted : In the death of Edward Harris the State and this community have sustained a great loss. Among the strong and progressive men of this city he was a tower of strength. In the legal profession which he so signally adorned, he en- joyed a State-wide reputation for preeminent ability, and high ideals which earned for him the admiration, respect and love of his associates at the bar and of the judges of our courts. As a modest and tolerant Christian gentleman he was a fine type of all that is best in the church to which he gave his unwavering faith and steadfast service. In common with our fellow-citizens, we shall sorely miss him in all the manifold and in- fluential relations which he bore to this commu- nity. To this institution, and to us, his associates in the conduct of its affairs, his death is an im- measurable loss which can be but feebly expressed in words. As one of the founders of the Security Trust Company, as member of the Board of Directors from the day of its organization, and as its presi- dent since 1895, he was a constant and leading factor in its growth and development His fine sense of honor, his genius for practical affairs, his unflagging zeal and untiring energy, his wise counsel and uniform courtesy, were to us a never failing inspiration. He was our guide, counsellor, and friend. His vacant chair will be filled, but the place which he found in our hearts will ever be sacred to his memory. He is gone but not dead, for to live in hearts we leave behind, is not to die. '6 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY LINN, Samuel H., Successful Physician. The career of Dr. Samuel H. Linn, of Rochester, New York, was one of honor- able achievement and stirring interest. A graduate of both dental and medical colleges, he was a veteran of the Civil War which for four years raged in the United States, and a member of the Masonic order, holding the highest attainable degree. One of Rochester's most emi- nent physicians, Dr. Linn passes into history as one of the most able men of his day and generation. Length of years in which to labor for humanity's cause were vouchsafed him and until the very end of his years, seventy-three, he remained at his post. Eighteen of those years were spent in Russia in professional work and in the clinics of St. Petersburg (Petro- grad), Vienna and other cities he acquired a wonderfully comprehensive knowledge of medicine. The high honors he acquired in Free Masonry were capped by the thirty-third degree, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, which was conferred upon him while abroad, the American Con- sistory at that time not having the authority to confer the highest of all Masonic degrees. That honor came to him unsolicited as it does to all its holders, being conferred solely in recog- nition of "distinguished services rendered the order." Dr. Linn was a son of Hugh Linn, who was born in County Clare, Ireland, in 1818, married in Manchester, England, Mary Chadwick, of Dublin, Ireland, later coming with her to the United States and settling in Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania, where he died at the age of eighty- two years He was a prominent member of the Masonic order for half a century, and was also a well known member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Hugh and Mary (Chadwick) Linn were the parents of six sons and two daugh- ters : William, now a resident of Phil- adelphia ; Samuel H., of further mention; Thomas, now a physician of Nice, France ; Hugh J., now a physician of San Fran- cisco, California; Benjamin F., deceased; Matthew, deceased; Jennie, deceased; Mary A., now Mrs. Adams, of Philadel- phia. Samuel H. Linn was born at Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania, September 26, 1843, died at his home, No. 243 Alexander street, Rochester, New York, February 26, 1916. He was educated in Philadel- phia schools and began the study of dentistry, but the outbreak of the Civil War changed his plans for a time, he enlisting in the United States navy. He saw severe service in regular and special lines, being at different times assigned to the United States war vessels, "Hartford," Admiral Farragut's flag ship, the war tug "J. E. Bagley," the "Aries" and the "Mackinaw," on duty in Albemarle Sound, Mobile Bay, in the North Atlantic, the South Atlantic and West Indian waters. He was one of the party of volunteers to accompany Lieutenant Cushing in his daring and successful raid to destroy the Confederate ram, "Alber- marle." He was honorably discharged and mustered out of the service, June 1, 1865. After his return from the war he entered the School of Dentistry, Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, whence he was graduated D. D. S., class of 1866. He then went abroad, locating in St. Peters- burg, the capital of Russia, where he practiced his profession for eight years very successfully, being court surgeon- dentist to the court of Alexander III. He spent three years in medical study and in hospital work in Vienna, Paris and London, returning to the United 277 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY States in 1877. He then entered the med- ical department of the University of Pennsylvania, and in 1878, received from that institution his degree, M. D. The same year he returned to St. Petersburg, where he continued in medical practice for ten years. He was very highly regarded in the Russian capital, both as dentist, during his first eight years, and as a physician during his last sojourn of ten years. In 1888 he returned to the United States and located in Rochester, New York, where he continued in medical practice until his death in 1916. He con- ducted a general practice and was subject to call at any hour until about 1906, when he notified all his patients that henceforth he would only treat patients at his office. He was highly regarded as a skillful physician, and was an honor to his pro- fession, both as practitioner and as a con- tributor to its literature through the medical journals and published works. He was the translator of De. E. Doyen's work, "Technique Chirurgicale," a volume of six hundred pages, a most valuable addition to medical literature, its author, an eminent French physician. He was a member of the Monroe County Medical Society, the New York State Medical Society, the American Medical Association, and the Philadelphia Acad- emy of Medicine. During his eighteen years residence in Russia, he visited the United States every year, making a record of having crossed the Atlantic forty times. He had a large acquaintance, both Amer- ican and European, numbering among his friends men of highest eminence, both in the professions and in official life in both continents. He ever held his comrades of the army and navy in the highest esteem and was associated with them in membership in C. J. Powers Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and William T. Sherman Command, Union Veterans Union. He was made a Mason in early manhood, holding all degrees of both the York and Scottish Rites and was a mem- ber of all the various bodies of the order, lodge, chapter, council, commandery, shrine and consistory. The thirty-third and final degree in the Scottish Rite was, as previously stated, conferred upon him during his residence abroad. He was also for a long time affiliated with the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Dr. Linn married, in 1886, Edith Lenore Willis, only child of the late distinguished Dr. Frederick Llewellyn Hovey and Love M. (Whitcomb) Willis, mention of whom is made elsewhere in this work, who survives him with two sons : Dr. Willis Linn, of Rochester, and B. F. Linn, of Corning, New York. Mrs. Linn is a talented writer of verses and has contributed a great deal to current liter- ature. Her poem, "Restless Heart, Don't Worry So," has been translated into French, Russian and German, and is widely circulated in England and the United States and is set to music by three different composers. She has also pub- lished several books of verse. BAKER, Charles Simeon, Civil War Veteran, Lawyer, Legislator, In the death of Charles Simeon Baker, which occurred in Washington, D. C, April 21, 1902, the city of Rochester and the State of New York lost a man of the highest integrity, of lofty ideals, of unassailable character, whose aim and purpose was the uplifting of humanity and the betterment of mankind, especially in the community in which he resided. Charles Simeon Baker was born in Churchville, Monroe county, New York, February 18, 1839, the youngest son of James and Catherine (Gaul) Baker, his father a carriage manufacturer, who came 278 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY from England at an early date. Charles S. Baker attended the school in the vicin- ity of his home, in 1854 continued his studies by becoming a student in the Caryville Collegiate Seminary, and the following year became a student in the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary in Lima, New York. During the winter of 1S57- 58 he served in the capacity of school teacher in Leroy, New York, and in the spring of 1858 removed to Rochester, New York, and having determined to follow the profession of law as his lifework, he placed himself under the preceptorship of Messrs. Danforth and Terry, with which firm he remained until his admission to the bar in December, i860. He opened an office in Rochester for the active prac- tice of his profession, later having as his partner, John H. Jeffries, and sub- sequently entered into partnership with his son, William J. Baker, his office at the time of his death being in the Powers Block. He was a man of ability and tire- less energy, which, coupled with his high character, won for him merited distinc- tion in his chosen profession. He pre- pared his cases with great thoroughness and care, and his legal knowledge was manifest in the strong presentation of his cause before the courts. At the beginning of hostilities between the North and South, at the first call for volunteers by President Lincoln, Charles S. Baker offered his services to the gov- ernment, enlisting in April, 1861, as a member of Company E, Twenty-seventh Regiment New York Infantry, and he served for one year. He was appointed to the rank of first lieutenant and the first battle in which he participated was the first battle of Bull Run, in which he was so disabled as to necessitate his return home. He then resumed the prac- tice of law, which line of work he fol- lowed until the time of his death. In due course of time Mr. Baker be- came recognized as one of the distin- guished members of the Republican party of New York. In youth, as in maturer manhood, his broad and sympathetic nature led to his cordial identification with the party in its struggles to prevent the further extension of slavery and enlarge the area of freedom. He gave careful and deliberate study to the ques- tions and issues of the day, and was an active factor in the councils of his party. He served in various capacities, namely : As president of the Board of Education, placing the Bible in the schools ; as school commissioner for two terms ; as a member of the New York State Assembly during the years 1879, 1880 and 1882; member of the State Senate during the years 1884 and 1885 ; as member of the Forty-ninth, Fiftieth and Fifty-first Con- gresses in Washington, being elected by large majorities. He served upon some of the most important committees in the House of Representatives, especially dis- tinguishing himself as chairman of the committee on commerce when six new States asked for and gained admission to the Union. He performed effective work in securing pensions for worthy veterans or the widows and orphans of soldiers, and in this labor of love no politics, creed or race entered, the preference being given to the poor and needy. He pos- sessed in large degree the gift of initia- tive, hence was largely instrumental in pushing forward the legislation which established the State railroad commission at Albany, and in Washington, as in Albany, was deeply interested in the transportation question and was the author of a bill creating the interstate commerce commission. The States of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington and Wyoming gave public acknowledgement of their indebt- 279 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY edness to him for their admission into the Union when in 1890 he traveled through the West, being everywhere enthusias- tically received and entertained. Mr. Baker was a prominent member of the Free and Accepted Masons, having been one of the organizers of Corinthian Lodge of Rochester, which he served as worshipful master for two years, and equally prominent in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Loyal Legion, and George H. Thomas Post, Grand Army of the Republic, in this connection keeping in touch with his old army comrades, many of whom he assisted in material ways. He was an active and consistent member of the Central Presbyterian Church in Rochester, and at the time of his death was serving in the capacity of elder. He was an earnest Christian, whose life was actuated by high and honorable principles and who at all times lived in conformity with his professions. Mr. Baker married, June 22, 1861, Jane E. Yerkes, a native of Rochester, New York, daughter of Silas A. Yerkes, who removed from Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania, to Rochester, New York, in 1820. Children : Charles A., a resident of Washington, D. C. ; Leigh Yerkes, a prac- ticing eye specialist of Washington, D. C. ; Cornelius B., engaged in the banking business in Kansas City, married a daugh- ter of ex-Governor Morrill, of Kansas ; William J., an attorney with offices at No. 31 North Fitzhugh street, Rochester; Harold H., a practicing physician of Rochester ; a daughter, died in infancy. Leigh Y. and Harold H. are graduates of the University of Michigan. Mr. Baker was a faithful and loving husband, a kind and affectionate father, deriving his greatest pleasure at his own fireside. At the time of his death resolutions of sympathy and respect were passed by the different lodges with which he was con- nected ; the Alumni Association of Liv- ingston Park Seminary, which his wife attended in girlhood ; the Infants' Sum- mer Hospital, to which he had been a generous contributor ; the Board of Supervisors and the Board of Education, while hundreds of letters were received by the family. All contained an expres- sion of appreciation for the rare beauty and strength of his character and the great usefulness of his life. At a meeting of the members of the Monroe County Bar held to take action on the death of Mr. Baker it was said: As a lawyer he was well read, skillful and adroit. His office was a model of method, order and neatness. It was as an office lawyer that he excelled. The antagonisms, the contentions, the contradictions, the disputes, the personalities, the ill temper and the friction which sometimes ac- company a litigated practice had no charms for him. His superiority was seen in his office when in personal contact with his clients and his asso- ciates at the bar. The courtesy with which he treated everyone was one of his marked char- acteristics. He did not encourage needless litiga- tion. He sought to harmonize differences, to bring men together and took the broadest view of his duty toward his clients. No one who came into connection with him as a lawyer failed to honor him for his broad spirit, for his firm in- tegrity and for his elevated conception of the trust reposed in him as an attorney and counselor. As a friend he knew no faltering. Those who knew him well, who were admitted into the inner circle of his life, came to see in him noble quali- ties of mind and heart, which will always cause them to remember the man, Charles S. Baker, with affectionate regard. The "Rochester Democrat and Chron- icle" said of him : Mr. Baker was of notable and impressive phy- sique. Large and commanding in stature, with a face in which sagacity, benevolence and kindli- ness were singularly blended, with a manner at once both dignified and genial, he was sure to attract attention in any company. He not only made friends, but held them to him by the com- pelling power of genuine sympathy and helpful- 280 } a , fj-^j^jL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ness. It is doubtful if, when he was at the height a man to his fellows and bind him to them of his congressional career, any man in Washing- ton had more personal friends, of all parties throughout the country, than he. Stanch as the stanchest in his republican principles, he never permitted his partisanship to interfere with his personal relations, and when the democracy was in control of the executive and legislative branches of the government Mr. Baker could, without compromising his republicanism, secure as many favors at Washington as if he had been a democrat. He enjoyed the confidence and re- spect of President Harrison and had an intimate personal as well as political friendship with Presi- dent McKinley. One who knew him well wrote : In all the multiplied activities of his fruitful life his energies, means and influence were always thrown upon the side of justice, mercy, truth and righteousness. The wealth of his great nature and the genial companionship of his warm, generous heart drew to him the rare and sweet friendship of many who took high rank in the various departments of church, state and litera- ture, as well as others closely identified with the financial growth and prosperity of our great country. He allowed no differences of creed or party to mar these friendships but took the best of each life that touched his own. Conspicuously useful as he was in public affairs, it was as hus- band, father, brother and friend, within the cheery and sacred precincts of his own home, that the rare sweetness and all embracing love of his large and noble nature were most richly bestowed. One who knew him well said : His parents bequeathed to him the riches of virtuous training and example, a happy tempera- ment, high aspirations, untiring energy and a love of righteousness for its own sake. The fruitage of these qualities during all his years brightened, stimulated and blessed not only his own life but the lives of a great multitude of his fellows, brought into close or even casual relationship with him. SCHOEFFEL, Francis Anthony, Civil War Veteran, County Official. The long years of the life of Colonel Francis A. Schoeffel were filled with activity and usefulness such as endear with no common ties. All men respect and honor a man who gives of his all in defence or support of a principle, and such sacrifice was Mr. Schoeffel's when he went to the front in the Union army. Likewise is homage paid one who administers a public office with courage and fidelity, lofty ideals, and such admin- istration was a part of Colonel Schoeffel's record as sheriff of Monroe county. But to define the causes that made Colonel Schoeffel a man loved and admired wherever known is a task that could never be accomplished. Others have possessed sterling characters, have lived uprightly, and wrought usefully, and still have been denied the measure of public esteem that was accorded him. His qual- ities were those of the heart, and from a heart filled with fraternal love and good will went forth the appeal of personality and character that men could not resist. Colonel Schoeffel was a resident of Rochester at the time of his death, that locality also having been his birthplace, Greece, Monroe county, where he was born, being later incorporated within the city of Rochester. He was born July 20, 1834, and after a general education specializing in mechanical study and pur- suits, and for many years was employed as master mechanic in the great locomo- tive manufacturing works in Schenectady, New York. The outbreak of the Civil War found him, a young man of twenty- five years, among the first to offer his services to the Federal government, and he was commissioned captain of Company E, Thirteenth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry. He enlisted in April, 1861, and with his regiment went at once to southern battle fields, his first promotion coming the following year, when he was raised to the rank of major. In numerous of the important engage- 281 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ments of the first two years of the war he bore an able part, and after the battle of Gaines' Mill, in which he was wounded in the leg, he received his second promo- tion within the twelve month, becoming lieutenant-colonel of the Thirteenth. When his regiment was mustered out of service in 1863 Colonel Schoeffel returned to his duties and responsibilities at home, bearing with him an honorable name and record as soldier and pafriot. Upon the restoration of peace he was active in the organization of the Grand Army of the Republic, State and National, and until his death found many of his pleasantest associations and comradeships among his companions-in-arms of other days. He was a member of Peisner Post, partici- pated as a leader in its activities, and when death claimed him it was his fel- low-members of this organization who performed the ceremonial rites over his remains, bestowing upon him the honors and tributes that only one soldier can render another. In all the life of his city Colonel Schoef- fel had the interest of the loyal, progres- sive citizen, and it was this alert citizen- ship that caused the leaders of the Demo- cratic party in Monroe county to name him as the party candidate for sheriff. The lot of former Democratic candidates in the district had usually been ignomin- ious defeat, and it is worthy testimony of the esteem in which he was held that he carried a decisive victory for his party in 1881. In office he fulfilled the high expec- tations entertained by all, and his administration was clean, business-like, and above-board. Upon retiring from the sheriff's office Colonel Schoeffel accepted the commission as assistant superintend- ent of streets of Rochester, and in his new post showed the same zeal and ability that made his former service conspicuous, giving to highway problems his thought, time and energy. Until his death he was connected with the highway department as assistant superintendent, serving his city faithfully and well. While perhaps the strongest asso- ciations of fraternity and fellowship that bound Colonel Schoeffel to his fellows were those he enjoyed as a member of the Grand Army, the Masonic and Odd Fellows orders also received his loyal support, and in the former he held the Knights Templar degree. In religious belief he was a Universalist. His death occurred August 13, 1908, and his com- rades of the "Old Thirteenth" drew up and placed upon the minutes of the Peis- ner Post this resolution : Resolved, That in the death of our late com- mander, Colonel F. A. Schoeffel, this organiza- tion has lost its most generous, efficient, and brave commander. In the trying hours of battle he stood bravely at his post, never faltering under the most trying circumstances and performing his every duty nobly. We sincerely regret his de- parture from our midst, never to return. To his family we extend our earnest sympathy in the hour of their deep affliction. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be placed in the archives of this organization and that a copy be engrossed and sent to the family. He married, August 15, i860, Sarah Cawthra, and had seven children, of whom five are now living: George B., Major Francis H., Captain John B., Susan Blanche (Mrs. Frederick A. Frost, of Rochester, one son, Donald Schoeffel Frost) ; and Margaret Eliza- beth. Two of his sons have served under the flag he fought to save and in the United States army have added to the militarv fame of the name of Schoeffel. LODER, George Franklin, Valued Citizen of Rochester. With the passing away of George Franklin Loder, August 8, 191 5, Roches- 282 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ter loses a valued citizen and the Masonic order mourns a well beloved brother, who, for half a century, in lodge, chapter, commandery, and shrine, subordinate and grand, had been a bright and shining light. It was his pride to relate that for forty years he had not missed attendance at a regular conclave of Monroe Com- mandery until the winter of 1914-15, when confined in the hospital undergoing treat- ment for the disease that caused his death. To "Shriners" he is known as one of the fathers of their order, and to the members of Damascus Temple, Roches- ter, as the founder of that temple and for many years its potentate. To the Masonic order at large he was known as a manufacturer of regalia and uniforms, and as a loyal brother. Other orders claimed his interest, but to Masonry he was particularly devoted, belonging to all bodies of both York and Scottish Rites. The military spirit was strong within him and prior to the Civil War he was an officer of Rochester's noted military organization, the City Light Guards. He was a veteran of the Civil War and the military branches of the fraternal orders had for him a strong attraction. For many years he directed the drills of Damascus Temple Patrol and designed uniforms for many organizations. The uniformed political clubs, a feature of olden time campaigns, also attracted him, and in 1880 he was commander of Rochester's campaign clubs; in 1884 was brigadier-general of the two regiments of plumed knights ; and from 1888 captained Company A, Boys in Blue. He always retained a warm interest in his comrades in arms, and in Grand Army circles was well known. He is remembered by the older citizens of Rochester as the efficient superintendent of the carriers and city delivery at the post office, 1874 to 1884, and as a leading worker in the ranks of independent voters. But it was as a fraternity man that he was best known, and when his body lay in state in Gothic Hall at the Masonic Temple, guarded by Templars from Monroe Commandery, many hundreds of his brethren from the local Masonic bodies and from other orders paid their last mark of respect to their honored brother. He was borne to the grave by the first six line officers of Monroe Commandery marching to the dolorous strains of the "Dead March," played by the Knights Templar band, and in the funeral procession were his comrades of Rochester commanderies, representatives of the Grand Command- ery of the State of New York, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine headed by their poten- tates, members and officers of Genesee Falls Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, in full regalia, and members and officers of the other Masonic bodies of the city. At Gothic Hall and at the grave the services were in charge of Monroe Com- mandery, and the beautiful Knights Templar burial service was never more impressively given. Highest Masonic honors were accorded the dead brother, so long and so prominently connected with the order. It had been his dying wish that Rev. Arthur W. Grosse, pastor of the First Universalist Church, of Rochester, officiate at the funeral service, and although absent from the city Dr. Grosse returned in response to a telegram and fulfilled his comrade's wish. He sleeps in Mount Hope Cemetery. George Franklin Loder was born in Irondequoit, New York, September 21, 1842, died in the Homoeopathic Hospital, Rochester, August 8, 1915, son of Daniel P. and Eliza (Cross) Loder. When a child he was brought to Rochester by his parents and there he obtained his education in public school No. 14 and in Satterlee's Institute. His first work as a wage earner 283 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY was as newsboy for the Rochester Demo- crat and Chronicle companies, and he later learned the roofer's trade under John Siddons. He worked at his trade until 1862, then enlisted, leaving for the front, August 29, 1862, as first lieutenant of Company F, One Hundred and Eighth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry. He served until January, 1863, then was stricken with an illness that sent him to the hospital. Later he was "invalided" home and for the following fifteen months was under the constant care of a physi- cian. He was variously employed until 1874, then was appointed by Postmaster Daniel T. Hunt superintendent of mail carriers and city delivery. He held this position ten years, retiring to engage in the manufacture of regalia and equipment for fraternal and uniformed organizations, and continuing in this business, with offices in the Reynolds Arcade until his death. He was peculiarly fitted for his business and became well known all over the United States. He not only made but designed many society uniforms, the badges, emblem, and regalia of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine being of his design. The official emblem worn by every "Shriner" was designed by Mr. Loder, the only change being in substituting a scimitar above the tiger claws instead of a golden bar. He was "made a Mason" in Genesee Falls Lodge, April 14, 1866. He was greatly impressed with the beauty of the Masonic ritual, took an early and deep interest in the work, and beginning at the bottom held in succession every office in the lodge, serving as master in 1871, 1888, 18S9, 1890, and 1893. He saw his lodge grow, in part through his influence, until it became the largest in the world, and in the nearly half a century of his Masonic life he never sundered the mem- bership, being at death a trustee. By virtue of his office as master he became a member of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York in 1871, and in 1873 an( * 1874 was district deputy grand master. From "Blue Lodge" Masonry Mr. Loder passed to capitular Masonry, becoming a Royal Arch Mason of Hamilton Chap- ter, December 16, 1869, serving that chap- ter as trustee for thirty-seven years. He then had conferred upon him the degrees of Cryptic Masonry by Doric Council, Royal and Select Masters, and in 1869 applied for and received the degrees of Templar Masonry in Monroe Command- ery. He was an enthusiastic Knights Templar and took a leading part in com- mandery work. In 1875 he was elected eminent commander, and for many years was captain-general, also serving as recorder. For a score of years he trained Monroe Commandery Drill Corps and led them through the intricately fascinating manoeuvers that made them famous at State and Triennial Encampments of the order. In later years he presided at the reunions of the old drill corps, and in the funeral procession, directly in front of the body of their dead leader, marched mem- bers of the original drill corps, those who served under him during the years 1877 to 1880. The new drill corps of the com- mandery, as a mark of respect to the old veteran, conferred upon him the honorary title of inspector-general, and gladly sought his advice and counsel. On be- coming eminent commander in 1875 he became by right a member of the Grand Commandery of the State of New York, where he quickly began his upward march to the highest honor. Each year he was advanced in rank until in 1892 he was elected grand commander of Knights Templar in the State of New York, having held every subordinate office. He never lost his interest in Templar Masonry and in June of his last summer on earth he 284 <4. /r Carrie E. Reeder, of Rochester, New York, who survives him. Mr. Miller died at his late residence, No. 325 Oxford street, Rochester, August 19, I9 J 3- During his residence in Rochester he contributed to the strength of its citizen- ship, abounded in good works, and his untimely death, at the age of forty-nine years, was deeply regretted by all with whom he was brought in contact, either in business or social life. He was an excellent business man and left to pos- terity, in the form of the Kee Lox Manu- facturing Company, an enterprise of great merit that stands as a monument to his memory. AVERELL, William Holt, long Time Resident of Rochester. Liberally educated and a man of broad culture, strong and forceful in character, true to every trust reposed in 290 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY him, loyal to his friends and steadfast in his fidelity to any cause he championed or to any principle he espoused, William Holt Averell during the thirty years of his residence in Rochester, New York, won the highest respect of that com- munity and left the impress of his dis- tinctive personality upon his time. By birth and descent he inherited a legacy of good blood, and to the virtues of his sires he added the personal traits that so blended with those of inheritance as to form a perfect character. William H. Averell was born in Mor- ristown, New Jersey, August I, 1849, died in Rochester, New York, October 13, 1904, son of William John Averell, born in Ogdensburg, New York, and Mary Lawrence Williamson, his wife. William John Averell, a banker and gentleman farmer of Ogdensburg, New York, hav- ing extensive landed interests largely in Lawrence county, New York, was a descendant of an old Colonial family early seated at Cooperstown, New York. Mary Lawrence Williamson was a descendant of an influential early New Jersey family, granddaughter of Matthias Williams, a graduate of Princeton College and a lead- ing lawyer of his day. Her father, Jona- than Dayton Williamson, was a graduate of the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, an officer of the navy, and died at Havana, Cuba, where he was buried. William H. Averell obtained his early education in Ogdensburg schools, passed to Northampton Preparatory School, thence to Yale University, whence he was graduated with honors, class of 1872. After graduation he joined his father in Ogdensburg and aided in the conduct of the latter's bank for two years. In 1874 he located in Rochester, organized the Furnaceville Iron Company, and was connected with that company for several years in official capacity. He later be- came a partner in the wholesale grocery firm, George C. Buell & Company, a con- nection that existed until his death. He had other important business interests and was a director of the Genesee Valley Trust Company. He was one of the progressive men of his day, yet conserv- ative, well balanced, and sane in all his business operations. He won public esteem and by sheer force of character became a leader in the mercantile world. At Yale he was a member of the noted senior society, Scroll and Keys, and in Rochester was an honored, active member of the Genesee Valley and Country clubs. He was fond of open air sports and recreation, thoroughly enjoying the opportunities afforded by these clubs, as well as of others to which he belonged in Northern New York. He was a member of the Sons of the Revolution. He had little taste for public life, but was deeply interested in all that concerned the public welfare and exercised all the rights per- taining to American citizenship. He was an Independent in politics, and in relig- ious conviction a vestryman of St. John's Church, later of St. Paul's. Mr. Averell married, June 13, 1878, at Rochester, Mary Bloss Buell, daughter of George C. Buell and Elizabeth Bloss, his wife. Children : William Holt (2), born in Ogdensburg, May 13, 1879, gradu- ate of Yale University, class of 1900, two years with the Great Northern railroad, eight years with the Southern Pacific railroad, and for the past five years general superintendent of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad ; Elizabeth Buell, asso- ciated with Mrs. John W. Anderson, of the Arden Studios, New York City; Ruth, married Dwight R. Meigs, head master of the Hill School, Pottstown, Pennsylvania. 291 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY CURTIS, Eugene Thomas, Man of Affairs, Philanthropist. One of Rochester's native sons, Eugene Thomas Curtis, in his useful life, his business connections, and his philan- thropic work, was an honor to the city of his birth. A veteran of the Civil War, it was not until after his return from the army that his active connection with the "Union and Advertiser" began, but from 1865 until his death in 1910 he held close relations with that newspaper, for several years and until his death being president of the corporation owning and publishing it. Kindly-hearted and benevolent, he engaged in many forms of philanthropy, but his especial interest was young men. He was one of the organizers of the Boys' Evening Home maintained by the Unitar- ian church, and from its foundation in 1889 until his death was its efficient president. He acquired large business interests in his native city and left an honored name in the commercial world. Eugene Thomas Curtis was born in Rochester, October 25, 1844, died at his home, No. 95 South Fitzhugh street, May 7, 1910, son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Gurney) Curtis. He obtained his early and preparatory education in the public schools of Rochester, and after graduation from the high school entered Williams College in 1861. He continued in the college throughout his freshman and sophomore years, but in his junior year he left college and enlisted in the Union army. He served until the close of the war, then returned to Rochester, which city was ever his home. Some years later Mr. Curtis and several other students who had left the college to enter the army were awarded their degrees by the college authorities. In 1865 he entered the office of the "Union and Advertiser" and for several years was engaged with that company exclusively. He then became a member of the shoe manufacturing firm, Curtis & Wheeler, continuing for many years head of that firm. When the Union and Advertiser Company became a corpora- tion Mr. Curtis was elected president and held that office until his death. The paper prospered under his business guidance and is now the leading afternoon daily paper of the city. Mr. Curtis was a direc- tor of the Rochester Trust & Safe Deposit Company, director of the Monroe County Savings Bank, and had other important business interests. He was an active member of the Unitarian church and for fifteen years served as president of the board of trustees. He was deeply inter- ested in the Boys' Evening Home of the church, which he served for twenty-one years as president. His prominence as manufacturer and publisher was officially recognized by the Chamber of Commerce in 189 1 by his election as president of that body. He was also deeply interested in the work of the Mechanics' Institute of Rochester, and held active membership in the G. H. Thomas Post, Grand Army of the Republic. Mr. Curtis married, October 4, 1866, Sarah L. Thompson, daughter of Na- thaniel and Julia (Harvey) Thompson, natives of Rochester, who survives him (a resident of Rochester) with her two sons, Gurney T., a resident of Rochester, married Alice Peck, two children, Helen Gurney, and Edward Peck; and Joseph, a resident of Rochester, married Grace Hastings, of Rochester, one child, Kath- leen Hastings. MILES, Franklin, Retired Business Man. Many years have come and gone since the advent of the Miles family, of which Franklin Miles, of Rochester, New York, 292 3\. ^ ^_^v>«v. /hn ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY was a worthy representative, in this sec- tion of the country, and the earlier members of the family were among those brave and sturdy pioneers to whose un- daunted zeal and energy the earlier pros- perity of this country is due. The parents of Franklin Miles, William and Catherine (Emmert) Miles, lived in Victor, Ontario county, New York, for a time, then in Maryland, Otsego county, New York, which had been the birthplace of the father. Franklin Miles was born in Bloomfield, New York, February 12, 1832, and died in Rochester, New York, August 2, 1907. He acquired what was considered a good, practical education in those days, in the common schools in the vicinity of his home, and lived with his parents until he had attained the age of eighteen years. He then determined to branch out for himself, and for the purpose of carrying out this idea, took up his residence in Rochester, with which city he was iden- tified from that time forth. His business for a long time was that of a contractor and builder, and he was thus practically engaged in the growth and development of the city. Subsequently he became associated with his brother in the manu- facture of sashes, doors and blinds, the style of the firm being W. E. & F. Miles, and this industry was successfully car- ried on until 1899, when Mr. Miles dis- posed of his interest in the enterprise, and retired to the comfort and ease of private life, undisturbed by business trials and responsibilities. While the firm had the usual amount of business competition to contend with, they had no difficulty in holding their own, owing to the reliability of their methods of doing business and the excellent quality of the materials they used. Early in their affairs they made it a rule never to sacrifice quality of material or workmanship in order to gain addi- tional profit, and the wisdom of this method soon became apparent in increas- ed orders and the steady continuance of their trade even when others were strug- gling from the effects of panicky years. The men in his employ regarded Mr. Miles in the light of a fatherly friend rather than as an employer, and they were ever given the maximum wages, a consid- eration which is so frequently lacking. Not long after the outbreak of the Civil War, Mr. Miles enlisted in the Thirty-third Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry, and when his term of service expired in this, he at once reenlisted, becoming a member of the Forty-ninth Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, and remained in service until the close of the war. In political matters, as in every other field, Mr. Miles was a man who preferred to form his own opinions rather than have them formed for him, consequently he was an Independent, and thinking he was best serving the interests of the com- munity by devoting his time and atten- tion to furthering its commercial and industrial prosperity, he never evinced any desire to hold public office. Mr. Miles married (first) in 1854, Sarah Fay, whose death occurred in 1871 ; he married (second) in 1876, Agnes E. Crowner. While prominent and influen- tial in the business world, Mr. Miles was of a quiet and retiring disposition socially, and found his greatest pleasure within the home circle. He ever believed that integ- rity and straightforward dealing ought to go hand in hand with success, and his own life record is ample verification of this belief LUDINGTON, Ira Millard, Prominent Railroad Contractor. Among the representative citizens of Rochester, New York, who, by their honorable exertions and moral attributes 2 93 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY have carved out for themselves friends, affluence and position, and by the strength and force of their own characters overcame obstacles which, to others less hopeful and courageous, were apparently insurmountable, the name of Ira M. Ludington, who died January 27, 1910, must ever appear as a synonym for all that is enterprising and progressive in citizenship. Endowed with a many- sided mental equipment, combined with an energy and an enthusiasm which made him a tireless and effective worker, he gained a success in life which cannot be measured by financial prosperity only. He is a descendant of English ancestors. The name of Ludington is of English origin, derived from a parish at one time called Lydington, in Northamptonshire, as first mentioned in Domesday Book, when it was a part of the Bishopric of Lincoln. It has since been set off to the county of Rutland. The chief seat of the family seems to have been in the Eastern Midlands, though families of the same name appear in the counties of Lincoln, Rutland, Leicester, Huntingdon, North- ampton, Warwick and Worcester. There is a credible tradition that in the Third Crusade a Ludington was among the fol- lowers of Richard, Coeur de Lion, and that afterward, when that adventurous monarch was a prisoner in Austria, he sought to visit him in the guise of a pal- mer, in order to devise with him some plan of escape. Because of such loyal exploits he was invested with a patent of nobility, and with the coat-of-arms of the family : Pale of six argent and azure on a chief gules a lion passant and gar- dant. Crest : A palmer's staff erect. Motto: Probum non pcnitet. Robert Lud- ington, gentleman, was a merchant in the Levantine trade, and also made a pil- grimage to Palestine. He died at Worces- ter, England, in 1625, at the age of sev- enty-six vears. The exact degree of rela- tionship between him and the American immigrant is not known, but there is rea- son to believe they were of the same family. Ira M. Ludington was born in Sulli- van county, New York, April 3, 1849, and died suddenly at his home, No. 237 Rutgers street, Rochester, New York, January 27, 1910. For many years he was prominently identified with railroad enterprises, his first work in this field being the construction of the New York & Oswego railroad in 1867, and he sub- sequently became roadmaster of this line. The construction firm of D. C. Jackson & Company offered him the position of superintendent, and he entered upon the duties of this office in 1877. The third and fourth tracks of the New York Cen- tral, from Lyons west, were laid under his personal supervision, and in 1878 he superintended the construction of the Rochester & State Line railroad, now known as the Buffalo, Rochester & Pitts- burg railroad. From 1890 to 1893 he superintended the construction of the On- tario, Carbondale & Scranton railway, now the New York, Ontario & Western, from Hancock, New York, to Scranton, Pennsylvania ; from 1893 to 1898 he held the office of general manager of the Rochester & Irondequoit railway, build- ing the Summerville Electric Line and also the East Boulevard during this time. He established himself in the railroad contracting business independently in 1898, and constructed the Rochester & Sodus Bay Trolley Line complete; he also constructed that part of the Green- wich & Johnsonville railroad from Green- wich to Schuylerville, New York ; forty miles of double track work of the New York, Ontario & Western railroad, in Sullivan, Delaware and Chenango coun- ties ; built State highways in Orange 294 (< Zvoct&cm A ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY county ; had State contracts at Medina and Lockport ; constructed an electric railroad from near Syracuse to Skanea- teles ; and during the four years prior to his death built the Rochester, Syracuse & Eastern Electric Line from Lyons to Auburn and from Port Byron to Peru. Those competent to judge always gave his work highest praise. Mr. Ludington married, February 7, 1871, Mary R. Weed, daughter of Samuel B. Weed, of Ulster county, New York, who survives him, as do his sons, Claude and Ira, who are president and treasurer and vice-president of the I. M. Luding- ton's Sons, Inc., respectively, carrying on the business founded by their father, and now engaged in many large contracts. Also a granddaughter, Norma Ludington Wynan, a grandson, Charles Ira Luding- ton, and a sister, Mrs. Jennie Weed. His religious affiliation was with the Church of the Epiphany. Mr. Ludington was a member of the Masonic fraternity, in which he had risen to the rank of a Shriner. In any and every relation of life he was a most independent and de- pendable man, strong in his convictions, looking to no man to outline for him any course of reason or action, and failing in no trust or responsibility that fell upon his shoulders. He was a man to be trusted and looked up to , adhering un- falteringly to whatever he believed to be right, so fearless in defense of his honest convictions that he awakened the respect of even those who opposed him. JUDSON, J. Lee, Extensive Manufacturer. J. Lee Judson was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, July 14, 1847, son OI Junius and Lavenda (Bushnell) Judson, mentioned in this work. When four years of age, his father located in Rochester, New York, and there his entire life was spent. He was educated in public and private schools, and in early life he became his father's assistant in his manufacturing business. He gained a thorough train- ing in the business methods of the day, and this combined with inherited ability and energy amply equipped him for his life work. He became a power in the manufacturing field, and in 1896, when his father passed away, the son became head of the Judson Companies, the Jud- son Governor Company, the Judson Pin Manufacturing Company and the Judson Power Company, of all of which he was the executive head until his death. He formed his first connection with the Rochester public utilities upon the organ- ization of the Edison Electric Company, and he was a member of the first board of directors, and became its president. In 1892 a merger was effected of the Brush Electric Light Company, the Rochester Electric Light Company, the Edison Electric Company, the Rochester Gas Company and the Citizens' Gas Com- pany, the resultant combination being known as the Rochester Gas and Electric Company. Mr. Judson was chosen presi- dent of this corporation, which position he held until his death, October 5. 1901. While closely identified with many great Rochester interests, his connection with that company during the first nine years of its existence was most valuable and far- reaching in its results to Rochester. One result which he sought in that connection was the utilizing of the great power of the Genesee river with its three falls within the city limits. Although this power in New York State is second only to that at Niagara Falls, it was then little used. His well thought out theory was that this great flow of water could be conserved, regulated and tempered by a series of low dams in the river from Rochester to a 295 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY point south of Mt. Morris, thus securing a steady flow during the periods of low stages of water in the river. With this in mind, he gradually acquired for the Rochester Gas and Electric Company nearly ninety per cent, of the water rights in the Genesee river within the city, also dams and water powers in the Genesee river and its tributaries, which gave that company eighty per cent, of the rights in the river and on the watershed north of Mount Morris, including the outlet at Silver Lake. He did not live to see the completion of his great plans, but he did accomplish so much that only a few days before his death he confided to a friend with satisfaction that thus far the success of his plans had entirely met his expecta- tions. He was closely identified with the Rochester banking corporations, and was influential in their management. He was vice-president of the Fidelity Trust Com- pany, trustee of the Security Trust Com- pany, trustee of the Rochester Trust Company, and a director of the German American Bank. The foregoing were the chief business interests of a strong man fortified with an inflexible will and an integrity of purpose that gave him an unusual power. There was no subter- fuge possible in dealing with him, for his sturdy honesty courted and required fair- ness. He was courageous ; he could not be frightened or coerced into any course which varied a hair's breadth from his standards of right. As a result of such methods, he left the interests he repre- sented and so successfully conducted until his death upon a sure foundation. In a most unostentatious way, Mr. Jud- son gave largely to institutions of charity and philanthropy. He was a member of the board of trustees of the University of Rochester, and just before his death was elected a vice-president. His religious convictions were deep and abiding, and in his daily life he was ever guided by those convictions. He was a member of the Second Baptist Church, and served long as president of its board of trustees. He gave to university and church valu- able service, and when a trust was ac- cepted he gave to that trust his best efforts. Though many years have passed since J. Lee Judson died, his memory is cher- ished in loving remembrance, not alone by the family he so dearly loved, but by all those who came in contact with him in the different walks of life. J. Lee Judson married Mary C. Mack, who survives him, with five children, namely: i. Marie L., became the wife of Harry Palmer Rusling, a banker of Lawrenceville, Tioga county, Pennsyl- vania, January i, 19x13. 2. Junius R., a graduate of Yale College, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and of Har- vard Law School, from which he gradu- ated in 1901 ; he entered the Rochester Gas and Electric Company at time of his father's death and continued with the same as secretary until 1904 ; since that time has engaged in the practice of law at Rochester, New York ; he is a member of the Genesee Valley Club, University Club and the Country Club ; married, February 17, 1906, Bessie Fearey, of Bos- ton, Massachusetts, daughter of Thomas H. Fearey,, and they have one son Thomas Fearey. 3. Grace A. 4. Joseph- ine L., became the wife of George N. Shafer, president W. E. Pruden Hard- ware Company, New York City, January 1, 1909. 5. Marjorie Elizabeth, who died April 12, 1908. Lee Mack Judson, the eldest son, had passed his preliminary examinations pre- paratory to entering Yale College in the class of 1897, when in the summer of 1892 he v/as drowned while spending his 296 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY vacation at Blue Mountain Lake in the Adirondacks on the 25th of July. He was a student, athletic in his diversions and was popular with his schoolmates and teachers. By his death, a life of great promise was suddenly ended. GRAVES, Lorenzo S., Leading Manufacturer. Lorenzo S. Graves, who is now num- bered among the honored dead, and who for many years was a leading manufac- turer and one of the most prominent resi- dents of Rochester, came to this city in 1858. He was afterwards connected with several of the leading productive indus- tries here and finally established the Graves Elevator Company, which later became the Otis Elevator Company, with which business he was associated until 1900. He achieved such a goodly measure of success that his methods are of interest to the commercial world and in an ana- lyzation of his life work it will be found that he based his business principles and actions upon the rules which govern in- dustry and strict, unswerving integrity. A native of Massachusetts, Mr. Graves was born in Southboro, July 18, 1831, his parents being Watson and Fanny (Dench) Graves, the latter a descendant of old Revolutionary stock. The father was born and reared in Southboro, Massa- chusetts, and while a young man he learned the boot and shoemaker's trade, following the same at Southboro during the early part of his life. He then re- moved to Ashland, Massachusetts, where he lived retired during his later years. His widow afterward made her home with her son and while visiting her daughter in Newark Valley she passed away. In taking up the personal history of Lorenzo S. Graves we present to our readers the record of one who for many years figured prominently in connection with the industrial development of the city. He acquired his preliminary educa- tion in the public schools of Ashland and Andover, Massachusetts, and completed his studies in the school at Amherst, Mas- sachusetts. He was living in Worcester, that State, at the time of his marriage to Eliza G. Coffin, an old schoolmate. Her father, Captain Moses Coffin, of Nan- tucket, Massachusetts, was a sea captain and master of vessels. After leaving the sea he settled in Willimantic, Connecti- cut, where he was employed in the first paper mill in the United States. Subse- quently he removed to Ashland, Massa- chusetts, where he resided until 1851, when he became a resident of Springfield, Vermont, where both he and his wife passed away. Their daughter, Eliza G., became the wife of Lorenzo S. Graves and unto this marriage were born two sons, Edward, who died in infancy, and Fred B., who married Frances Oswald. He was for years superintendent and manager of the Otis Elevator Company, but is now retired. Mr. and Mrs. Graves also reared an adopted daughter, Ida L., who is now the wife of Charles H. Chase, a nursery- man residing at No. 4 Winthrop street. In early manhood Lorenzo S. Graves learned the shoemaker's trade with his father, making as high as twelve pairs of boots per day, so expert had he become at hand labor. Upon his removal to Rochester in 1858 he began working as a shoemaker in the employ of a Mr. Church- ill. After a brief period, however, he turned his attention to teaming, and a little later, in i860, he gave to the world as the result of his inventive genius and study the Graves sole cutter, a machine for cutting leather soles. He then began the manufacture of the same, his factory being located on Mill street. He also en- gaged in the manufacture of paper cutters 297 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY and shoe machinery and was very suc- cessful in both lines, continuing the busi- ness for a number of years and winning a creditable place as a substantial repre- sentative of commercial interests here. At length he decided to engage in the building of elevators and the Graves Ele- vator Company was formed, and the pres- ent large factory now operated under the name of the Otis Elevator Company was erected at Nos. 198 to 210 Commercial street. From the beginning the enter- prise grew rapidly until several hundred men were employed on the construction of all kinds of passenger and freight ele- vators which were shipped to every sec- tion of the country. This became one of the largest productive industries of the city. It was developed along progressive, modern business lines, not only meeting but anticipating the needs of the trade in this direction, and Mr. Graves continued at the head of the concern until 1901, when he sold his interest to the Otis Com- pany, at which time the firm name was changed to the Otis Elevator Company, of which the son was the efficient superin- tendent and manager for many years. The father then retired to private life. He was always a very busy man and in his earlier years his evenings were devoted to study and investigation, especially along architectural lines. His experi- ments resulted in inventions which gained for him a prominent place in the busi- ness world. He certainly deserved much credit for what he accomplished and justly earned the proud American title of a self-made man, for he had a capital of but a few dollars when he and his wife arrived in Rochester. The years passed and his industry and ability made him one of the well-to-do citizens. His suc- cess may be ascribed to his positive, determined pursuit of business and to the fact that he was a man of unflinching commercial integrity. After retiring from the field of manu- facture Mr. Graves, accompanied by his wife, traveled quite extensively, visiting many points of interest in this country and also making three trips to Europe. They likewise visited the Holy Land and various sections of Asia and South Amer- ica. Mr. Graves was always deeply inter- ested in historic research, and during their travels he and his wife gathered many interesting relics of all kinds in various parts of the world, Mrs. Graves now having in her home two large, fine cabinets well filled with shells, stones and other interesting relics of their trips. In his political views Mr. Graves was a stalwart Republican who took much in- terest in the party and its growth. He was frequently solicited by his friends to become a candidate for office but always refused. He built a large and beautiful residence at No. 257 Lake avenue, where his widow yet resides. There in the spring of 1903 he became ill and his death occurred April 21, 1905. Mrs. Graves be- longs to the Central Presbyterian Church. Theirs was a most congenial married life and the very close companionship made the death of the husband an almost un- bearable blow to Mrs. Graves. His loss was also deeply felt throughout the city where he had resided for more than forty- five years — honored as one of its leading business men and prominent citizens. He was one of the ablest and best known manufacturers of Rochester, was genial in manner, and though his time was largely occupied by the details of exten- sive business interests, he always found time and opportunity to devote to those of his friends whose calls were purely of a social character. He was a thorough exemplification of the typical American business man and gentleman. 298 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY LIKLY, William Charles, Successful Manufacturer. For half a century the name of Likly has stood as a synonym for reliability, energy and progress in Rochester's busi- ness world and wherever the manufac- tured products bearing the name are sold. Founded by the father and continued by his sons, the house of Henry Likly & Company — now the Henry Likly Com- pany — manufacturers of trunks, traveling bags and other leather goods, became one of Rochester's representative commercial houses, owned and managed by the founder and his son, William C. Likly, both men of sterling character, masterly ability and executive strength, true types of the men who have made Rochester famed as a great manufacturing and busi- ness centre. Although but forty-eight years of age when his earthly career ended, William C. Likly was president of one of the largest companies of its kind in the entire world, a company with which he had been associated from his twentieth year and was not only the executive head but was thoroughly familiar with every detail of the large manufacturing plant operated by the Henry Likly Company and had personal knowledge of every phase of manufacture from bench to fin- ished product. Founder and son, now both passed to the spirit land, were men actuated by most worthy motives, and controlled by the highest principles, both were honored and respected in life and truly mourned in death. Henry Likly, the father, was born in Perth, Canada, January 18, 1836, died in Rochester, New York, December 12, 1897. He came to Rochester with his widowed mother in the spring of 1848, and after securing a good public school education entered the employ of A. R. Pritchard, a manufacturer of trunks and traveling bags, a business he had established in Rochester in 1844. Henry Likly served a full term of apprenticeship, becoming an expert maker and designer of trunks and traveling bags. So valuable did he eventually become to the business, that he was admitted to the firm on January 1, 1848, the new firm name A. B. & T. H. Pritchard & Company. In 1871 further changes were made, the firm then becom- ing A. B. Pritchard & Likly, and so con- tinuing until Mr. Likly and his brother- in-law, W. D. Callister, purchased the Pritchard interest and as sole owners con- ducted the business under the firm name, Henry Likly & Company. They developed a very large business as manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers, Mr. Likly con- tinuing the active head until his death. A Republican in politics and deeply inter- ested in public affairs, he never accepted public office although often urged to do so, believing he could best serve his adopted city in a private capacity. He was a charter member of Corinthian Lodge, No. 805, Free and Accepted Ma- sons, and a past noble grand of the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows. He lived a life of usefulness, lived it in honor and passed the name of Likly to his sons un- sullied by any unworthy act of his. He married, in 1861, Helen E. Callister, who bore him two sons, William Charles, of further mention, and Henry, born March 12, 1870, and all his mature life associated with his father and brother in business. William Charles Likly, eldest son of Henry and Helen E. (Callister) Likly, was born in Rochester, March 31, 1867, died in his native city, at his home, No. 95 Merriman street, September 7, 1915. He attended the grammar and high schools and the Free Academy of Roches- ter, and after graduation at the age of seventeen years, entered the employ of the Traders' National Bank as messen- 299 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ger. He remained with that institution for one year, then spent another year in the service of the old Union Bank. In 1887 he became associated with his father and until the latter's death in 1897 was his trusted and valued assistant. He then be- came head of Henry Likly & Company and until his own death, eighteen years later, was the impelling, directing force that kept that company in the front rank in trunk manufacture. While the busi- ness was started by Mr. Pritchard in 1844, it was brought to its present immense proportions by Henry and William C. Likly, whose ambition was not only to rank with the largest, but with the best, most reliable trunk and traveling bag manufacturers, an ambition realized by both father and son. When it is known that in one year 1,500,000 feet of lumber was used in the making of trunk boxes alone and that the output exceeded 30,000 trunks and bags in the same year, some idea of the magnitude of the business of Henry Likly & Company may be gained. William C. Likly was president and treas- urer of the Henry Likly Company from its incorporation until his death, and in addition to the responsibilities of that position was president and treasurer of the William D. Callister Realty Company, treasurer of the Henry Likly Realty Com- pany, director of the Genesee Valley Trust Company and director of the Traders' National Bank, the last named institution, the one with which he began his business career as a lad of seventeen years. In all the foregoing responsible positions Mr. Likly evidenced the strength of his business ability, the breadth of his vision, the depth of his con- victions and the height of his devotion to the truest principles of fair dealing, up- rightness and integrity. The Henry Likly Company was built upon character and as the foundation so the entire structure. No name is more widely known among dealers in their specialties in the United States and none is held in greater respect. And as William C. Likly received the name from his father so he passed it to his son "unsullied by any unworthy act of his." Although devoted to his business inter- ests, Mr. Likly realized that there were other obligations of life to be met and in meeting them he filled all the require- ments of good citizenship. He enjoyed the companionship of his fellow-men and was associated with them in church, club and fraternity. He was a member of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church, Cor- inthian Lodge, Free and Accepted Ma- sons, the Genesee Valley, the Rochester, Whist, Rochester Country and Oak Hill Country clubs, taking an active interest in all. A Republican in politics, he never sought or accepted public office, but was a supporter of all movements that prom- ised progress or improvement. Thus his life was passed in honor and in useful- ness. He was laid at final rest in Mount Hope Cemetery. Mr. Likly married, September 12, 1893, Nancy B. Watts, of Rochester, daughter of Frederick Bakus Watts, born in Rochester, and Katherine (Drummond) Watts. Mrs. Likly survives him with two children : Henry Kenneth, now (1916), a student at Cornell University, and Helen Catherine. ARCHER, George Washington, Lender in Business, Political and Social Circles. Leadership in more than one line is sel- dom vouchsafed to an individual, but the late George W. Archer aided largely in molding public thought and opinion in business, political and social circles. En- dowed by nature with strong mentality, 300 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY he carefully prepared for every duty that devolved upon him, and with a sense of conscientious obligation met every re- quirement and responsibility. An upright manhood, and a strong desire for the ad- vancement and upbuilding of the con> munity wherein he resided, were the ele- ments which made him honored and re- spected by all with whom he was brought in contact. George W. Archer was a native of Rochester, New York, born February 8, 1837, son of John and Elizabeth Archer, and a descendant of an English ancestry. John Archer was a native of England, from whence he emigrated to this coun- try in 1831, locating at first in New York City, where he remained for three years, devoting his attention to the business of contracting and building, and then be- came a resident of Rochester, which in that year became an incorporated city, and he there continued his business of contracting until 1857, when he retired from active business pursuits. His death occurred in the year 1873, aged seventy years. Among the children of John and Elizabeth Archer were : Robert W. ; George W., of whom further; Mrs. Mary A. Copeland and Mrs. Joseph A. Coch- rane ; John W. George W. Archer attended the public schools of Rochester, and completed his studies at Eastman's Business College, from which institution of learning he was graduated. At the age of seventeen he began his business career, learning the trade of carpenter in his father's shop, and upon the retirement from business of his father, in 1857, entered the employ of his brother, Robert W. Archer, who had pur- chased the patent of a dental chair. Later he became a bookkeeper at Petroleum Center, Pennsylvania, in which capacity he served until June, 1864. He then be- came the proprietor of a machine shop at Tar Farm on Oil Creek, Pennsylvania, which he conducted until 1868, success crowning his efforts, and in that year, owing to the illness of his brother, he re- turned to Rochester, and assumed the management of his brother's business, the manufacture of dental and barber chairs, and so continued up to the time of his retirement from business, a few years prior to his death. The business was con- ducted under the firm name of R. W. Archer & Brother until 1873, when the senior partner died, and George W. Archer continued in the business alone until January 11, 1881, when he admitted his brother, John W. Archer, to a partner- ship, under the firm, name of George W. Archer & Company, which style was in effect until January 1, 1884, when the Archer Manufacturing Company was in- corporated with George W. Archer as its its president. The business increased in volume and importance year by year, as- suming large proportions, ranking among the leading industries of the city of Rochester, giving employment to many hands. Being a man of good business ability, keen foresight and great resource- fulness, he widened the scope of his ac- tivities by engaging in other lines of endeavor which yielded him large re- turns for labor expended. He was largely interested in oil production in Pennsyl- vania ; from 1882 to 1884 he was president of the Rochester Gas and Electric Com- pany, of which he had previously served as treasurer ; was president of one of the suburban roads ; was vice-president of the Rochester Pullman Sash Balance Com- pany; treasurer of the Vulcanite Paving Company, and a member of the direc- torate of various enterprises of the city. Mr. Archer was a staunch adherent of the principles of the Democratic party, on which ticket he was elected alderman, serving from 1881 to 1884. In 1886 he 301 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY was a candidate for mayor of Rochester on the same ticket, but was defeated by Cornelius R. Parsons. He took an active interest in public affairs, and in the man- agement of these he displayed the same qualities that made his business career so successful. Mr. Archer derived consider- able pleasure from his interest in horses and horse racing, he serving for many years as president of the Rochester Driv- ing Park Association. He was a starting judge of marked ability, and often served in that capacity at meets of importance, and when Rochester had a place in the Grand Circuit, the meets in that city ranked among the best in the United States. Mr. Archer was the owner of horses for a number of years, and the teams he drove in Rochester, before the days of the motor car, were something to compel the admiration of lovers of fine horseflesh. He was a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity, and the Gene- see Valley and Rochester Whist clubs. Mr. Archer married, September 14, 1865, Augusta McClure, who survived him. Mr. Archer passed away at his late home, No. 83 St. Paul street, Rochester, June 11, 1911, aged seventy-four years. Thus ended a long, active and useful life, which left an impress for good upon all who came within the circle in which he moved. WOODBURY, Willis E., Successful Business Man. When Mr. Woodbury returned from Colorado in 1882 he was a young man of twenty-five, possessed of capital, experi- ence, strong business ability and an am- bition towin a name in thebusinessworld. How well he succeeded in that ambition, the firm of W. E. Woodbury & Company, of which he was the head from its founda- tion, with its chain of grocery stores in several New York cities, must be the an- swer. From Puritan and Huguenot an- cestors he inherited his rich store of en- ergy and talent but he drew so heavily upon his physical resources that five years prior to his death he was an invalid and forced to retire from business. He was a true son of Rochester, edu- cated in her schools, one of the builders of her commercial greatness, and with the exception of five years spent in Colorado, his years, fifty-eight, were passed in the city of his birth. He descended paternally from Jonathan Woodbury, who came from England to Massachusetts, in 1624, and maternally from John Boughton, a French Huguenot, who came in 1635. His father, Daniel A. Woodbury, born in Vermont, was an engineer, located in Rochester, founded and conducted the Woodbury Engine Company, for many years, was a partner with his son in W. E. Woodbury & Company for thirty years, but not active in business for several years preceding his death. In early man- hood he married Minerva C. Boughton, born in New York, who bore him four children, all now deceased. Willis E. Woodbury, son of Daniel A. and Minerva C. (Boughton) Woodbury, was born in Rochester, June 23, 1857, died at his home, No. 344 Lake avenue, in his native city, January 14, 1916. He was educated in Rochester public schools, was engaged with his father, owner of the Woodbury Engine Company, for a time, but at the age of twenty years he went to Colorado, spending five years in Lead- ville, connected with the silver mining in- terests of that mountain city. He was in the West from 1877 until 1882, then re- turned to Rochester, shortly after found- ing the grocery firm of W. E. Woodbury & Company, his father joining with him in the enterprise. He succeeded with his single store in Rochester and soon a 302 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY branch store was started, then another and another, until his chain numbered ten stores in different parts of the city. Branches were then established in Elmira, Batavia and Geneva, all owned by W. E. Woodbury & Company and under the direct management of W. E. Woodbury, the founder and head. Fourteen stores were included in this large enterprise, all operated under a safe, conservative policy, and transacting daily a vast volume of retail grocery trade. Mr. Woodbury de- veloped a wise executive ability, which, coupled with his sound judgment, cau- tious yet not timid policy, rendered the house one of the strong and prosperous mercantile enterprises of Rochester. With his own private business well sys- tematized and controlled, he gradually ac- quired other interests, and at the time of his retirement in 191 1 he was a director of the Genesee Valley Trust Company, a director of the Traders' National Bank, and vice-president of the E. M. Upton Cold Storage Company. He was highly regarded in mercantile and financial cir- cles, and was very popular socially. Up- rightness and integrity marked his course through life and the success he won was fairly earned. He utilized the possibilities his judgment and foresight pointed out, and not only brought prosperity to his own door, but added to the welfare and upbuilding of his city. His genial, social, friendly nature won him a host of friends, and his manly qualities retained them. In political faith he was a Republican, but extremely independent in his political action. He was a member of Lake Ave- nue Baptist Church, and aided in the good works of his denomination. His clubs were the Genesee Valley, Rochester Coun- try, and Rochester Whist. He was a member of the Society of Founders and Patriots, and took an active interest in all the organizations to which he be- longed. Mr. Woodbury married, November 10, 1884, Mamie C. Christian, daughter of Peter and Anna Christian, of Rochester, who survives him residing at the beauti- ful family home, No. 344 Lake avenue. She has two daughters : Minerva C, mar- ried Chauncey C. Woodworth, and has a son, Chauncey C. (2), and a daughter, Barbara R. Woodworth ; Evelyn M., re- sides with her mother. WARNER, Andrew Jackson, Leading Architect and Builder. In 1849 there came to Rochester, New York, from "the land of steady habits," a lad of sixteen years who was destined to leave a distinct impress upon the archi- tecture of that city, to add to its artistic beauty and to the strength of its citizen- ship. This lad, Andrew Jackson Warner, was born in New Haven, Connecticut, March 17, 1833, died in Rochester after an illness of four years, September 4, 1910. He was of early New England descent, son of Amos and Ada (Austin) Warner, his father a farmer, his grandfather a soldier of the Revolution serving under General Washington. Andrew J. Warner spent his early life in New Haven, obtaining a good educa- tion in the public school. At the age of sixteen he came to Rochester where he had an uncle, Merwin Austin, an archi- tect, who took the lad into his office. He continued under his uncle's instruction for seven years, receiving little salary but de- veloping decided talent in designing and draughting. At the end of seven years he asked for increased salary and on being refused, left the office proposing to start in business for himself, not disheartened at all by his uncle's prophesy that he would 303 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY "starve to death." He soon secured a foot- hold, his skill, willingness and persever- ance winning him friends and at first, small commissions. As he grew in years and experience, greater opportunities came to him and the time arrived when he was recognized as the leading architect in all Western New York. He did a very large business, employing many men, and as an honorable reliable superintendent and builder gained a reputation in keep- ing with his skill as a designer. He made architecture his deep and constant study from mechanical and artistic standpoints, harmonizing his designs with the location to be occupied, its purpose intended and the materials to be used in its construc- tion. He had the highly developed faculty of visualizing a projected building before a line was drawn, but so thoroughly did he study a location that, after the material to be used was decided upon, a vision of the building arose in his mind and from that time it was but a matter of architec- tural detail. Every important building that he ever erected seemed to exactly fit its location, to harmonize with its sur- roundings, to be built of the proper ma- terial to bring out its best features, and of a design strictly appropriate to the pur- pose for which it was intended. He was master of the different orders of architec- ture, and of the period styles of residence construction and of interior design and furnishing, the latter a branch in which many architects are weak. Among the famed buildings in Roches- ter that he designed, planned and superin- tended, the best specimens of his art and skill are found in the Brick Church, First Baptist Church, First Presbyterian Church, Powers Block and Hotel, Ellan- ger and Barry Building, Wilder Building, City Hall, Second Court House, Entrance to Mt. Hope Cemetery and Lyceum Thea- tre. He was an untiring worker, at his office day and night, wholly devoted to his busi- ness, suffering nothing to interfere with the prompt fulfilment of his engagements. His artistic soul delighted in harmony in all things, thus music was a great pleasure. He was of a social, friendly nature and found enjoyment in the society of his Ma- sonic brethren at such hours as he allowed himself "off duty." He belonged to Val- ley Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons ; Rochester Chapter, Royal Arch Masons; Cyrene Commandery, Knights Templar, and in the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, and attained the thirty-second degree. He was a Unitarian in religious belief, but took little interest in politics and no part in public life. He retired from business about ten years prior to his death. But the name he bore and the reputation he gained is worthily upheld by his son, J. Foster Warner, now Rochester's leading architect. Andrew J. Warner married, March 22, 1855, in the old Foster home, 91 Frank street, Rochester, Kate Foster, daughter of Jonathan Foster, born in Hillsboro, New Hampshire, July 14, 1801, and his wife, Huldah (Griffin) Foster, born July 17, 1802, at Pittsford, New York. Mrs. Warner's father was a prominent citizen and a pioneer of Rochester. On first com- ing to Rochester Huldah Griffin forded the Genesee at the point where the old jail stood near the present site of the Erie Railroad Station. Andrew J. and Kate (Foster) Warner were the parents of four children, two dying in infancy. Their eldest son, William Amos, was born De- cember 27, 1855, the youngest son, J. Foster, May 5, 1859. Mrs. Warner sur- vives her husband with whom she cele- brated her "Golden Wedding" and five succeeding anniversaries of their wedding day, residing in the old home, 37 North Washington street. She has two grand- sons, Andrew Jackson and John A. War- ner. 304 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ASHLEY, Egbert Fairchild, Fire Underwriter and Insurance Expert. While Mr. Ashley during his more than thirty years of business life spent in Rochester, New York, gained high repu- tation as a fire underwriter and insurance expert, a line of business activity to which his life was exclusively devoted, he was equally well-known and highly regarded for his fine personal qualities, his activity in church affairs and his charities. Genial and lovable in nature he made many warm friends and numbered his intimates among the best people of his city. Although born beyond the confines of the United States, he was of American ancestry — his grandfather a member of Congress from New York — and when but an infant he was brought by his parents to Ogdens- burg, New York, that state ever after- ward being his abiding place, and from 1872 until his death in 1907 Rochester was his home. He began his business career as a clerk, became a partner in the same business, later became sole owner and left to posterity the record of a successful business life and an example of Christian living worthy of emulation. His grandfather. Judge Henry Ashley, was born in the state of New Hampshire, later became a resident of Dutchess county, New York, where he attained eminence as a lawyer, jurist and states- man, representing his district in Congress during the years 1825-26. Clarence Ash- ley, son of Judge Henry Ashley, was born at Catskill, New York, married at Odgens- burg, New York, Emily Frances Fair- child, also born in New York, and at the time of the birth of his son was living at Brockville, Canada. A few months later he moved to Ogdensburg, thence to Bing- hamton. New York, there engaging in the hardware business until 1872 when he located in Rochester, his home until death. Egbert Fairchild Ashley, son of Clar- ence and Emily Frances (Fairchild) Ash- ley, was born at Brockville, Canada, Janu- ary 8, 1856, died at his home in Rochester, September 16, 1907, death resulting from injuries received when thrown from his carriage a year earlier. When he was a few months old his parents moved to Odgensburg, New York, thence to Bing- hamton, where he attended public schools until 1872. In thatyear the family moved to Rochester where he completed his studies at the Satterlee private school. In 1874, being then eighteen years of age, he en- tered business life as clerk to Mr. Ray- mond, who conducted a fire insurance agency in Rochester. He remained with Mr. Raymond in clerical capacity for ten years, mastering every detail of the busi- ness and developing strong ability as an underwriter. In 1884 he was admitted to a partnership in the agency and so con- tinued until 1891 when death dissolved the association that had existed for seven- teen years. Mr. Ashley purchased from the Raymond heirs their interest and con- tinued the business until 1906 under his own name. In that year the agency had assumed such large proportions that Mr. Ashley — who had no sons — placed it upon a permanent basis by incorporation as the Egbert F. Ashley Company, but retained control as its executive head. The acci- dent which eventually caused his death occurred the same year and closed his connection with a business with which he had been identified for thirty-three years. As a business man he held a high position and there was no phase of the fire insur- ance business of which he was not master. Upright and honorable he was implicitly trusted, many important firms and corpo- rations committing to him the sole control of their fire insurance department. Mr. Ashley was a long time member of Christ Protestant Episcopal Church N Y— Vol 11—20 305 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY and active in parish affairs. His sympa- thy with those in misfortune led him into active charitable work, and at the time of his death he was treasurer of the Home for the Friendless. He was a member of the Masonic order, belonging to Frank R. Lawrence Lodge, Free and Accepted Ma- sons. His clubs were the Rochester, the Genesee Valley and the Rochester Coun- try. In political faith he was a Republi- can, but although strong in his party fealty he was not an active worker, nor did he ever seek or accept public office. Mr. Ashley married, December 26, 1889, Elizabeth, daughter of William and Mary (Hunt) McConnell, of Rochester. The father was a native of Scotland, came to New York at six years of age, settled in Rochester, New York, died in his eighty- seventh year. Mrs. Ashley survives her husband and with her only child, a daugh-> ter, Mary Frances, born March 15, 1892, resides at No. 24 Hawthorn street, Roches- ter. Both are member of Christ Protes- tant Episcopal Church. Mr. Ashley is also survived by a brother, W. Osborne Ashley, now president of the Egbert F. Ashley Company, the largest insurance agency in Rochester. KIMBALL, William S., Honored Business Man and Humanitarian. William S. Kimball, deceased, one of the foremost business men of Rochester and the friend and associate of many of the eminent citizens of New York, passed away March 26, 1895, leaving behind a record which is an honor to the history of the State of New York. Others have figured more prominently before the public in winning military and political distinction, but William S. Kimball, through his private business affairs and the efforts which he put forth directly for the benefit of the city, greatly promoted its upbuilding and improvement. He stood, however, for intellectual and aes- thetic culture, for humanitarianism and benevolence, and as the years rolled on their course and were added to the cycle of the centuries each one was filled with successful accomplishments and good deeds that indicated that, while not with- out that laudable ambition for advance- ment in the business world. Mr. Kimball also possessed the thorough understand- ing of its principles and its possibilities that led him to aid his fellowmen and work for individual character develop- ment, for civic virtue and for national progress. Although the life record is ended, the full value of his work cannot be estimated until interests with which he was connected have reached their full measure of possibilities for good. William S. Kimball was a native of Boscawen, New Hampshire. At the usual age he became a student in the district schools in his home locality and he entered business life when a youth of fifteen as an apprentice in the Lawrence Locomo- tive Works, where he thoroughly ac- quainted himself with the machinist's trade. Anxious, however, for further edu- cational privileges, for he had come to a realization of the value of mental dis- cipline, he entered school at Derry, New- Hampshire, later studied at Andover, Massachusetts, and completed a course in mechanical drawing and engineering in the Troy Polytechnic Institute. He was now well qualified for the active, onerous and responsible duties of life and became employed in the rebuilding of locomotives in the railroad repair shops in Concord, New Hampshire. He thus added to his theoretical training broad practical experi- ence, and gained a thorough and practical knowledge of locomotive engineering. On resigning that position Mr. Kimball came to Rochester, and upon the outbreak 306 / 1 1 frr /// ■^■An^r,// Tfcimfeirll, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY of the Civil War was appointed master mechanic in the navy, being attached to the South Atlantic squadron under Ad- miral Dupont at Port Royal, South Caro- lina. There he was detailed to repair the machinery of transports and gunboats and under his supervision were employed a force of one hundred mechanics on the reconstruction of two old Nantucket whalers, the "India" and the "Edward." Mr. Kimball resigned his position in the navy in 1863 and from that time forward was connected with the tobacco trade in Rochester. He was the founder and pro- moter of the Kimball Tobacco Works, one of the largest concerns of the kind in the country, in which connection he gained a world-wide reputation. He also became vice-president of the American Tobacco Company and developed his business interests in that line until he be- came one of the foremost representatives of the tobacco trade in the United States. Not alone to this line did Mr. Kimball give his time and energies, for he figured in connection with the management of various important financial and corporate interests. He was president of the Union Bank, vice-president of the Security Trust Company, a trustee of the Rochester Sav- ings Bank and president of the Post Ex- press Printing Company. He was like- wise a director of the Rochester Railway and the Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Railroad Company. His judgment was sound, his discrimination keen and his sagacity far-reaching. Many interests and measures which had no moneyed interests for Mr. Kimball also received his cooperation and the benefit of his judgment and management. He had a ready sympathy and a wide charity. Too broad-minded to limit his belief by any creed or dogma, he recognized man's obligations to his fellowmen and withheld his support from no plans for the amelio- ration of the hard conditions of life for the unfortunate. He acted as president of the City Hospital and also of the State In- dustrial School, and was much interested in the great sociological problems which bear upon the evolution of the race in its intellectual and moral progress. He was a lover of art, and the beautiful at all times appealed to him. He acquired re- nown almost equal to that which he gained in business in bringing together a large and valuable collection of orchids which was long recognized as one of the choicest in the country. He also collected an extensive library and a very fine art gallery, embracing numerous works from the most famous artists of the world. He died in the prime of life, passing away at Virginia Beach, Virginia, March 26, 1895. The "Post Express" said of him: The death of William S. Kimball, of which in- telligence has just come, must be regarded not simply as a private loss, but as a public calamity. Probably no other man was ever so closely identified with the various social, business, charit- able and educational interests of a community as Mr. Kimball has been identified with those of Rochester. He was a man of great wealth, but what was much rarer, a man who believed in putting his wealth into full activity and throwing his personal energy into every movement for the public good. He was the first to be asked where a contribution was needed, where help in the shape of an investment was sought, where indi- vidual prestige was required. He was in the full vigor of manly strength, in the full flush of rational enjoyment of life — eager as a boy in the pursuit of new interests, and satisfied as a boy in the practice of old pastimes. His alertness and gayety were unfailing; and his frankness, cour- tesy, and good nature were such that his mere presence was enough to win popularity. As a business man he was fertile in resource and un- tiring in effort; but not less characteristic was his enthusiasm in the matter of recreation. He made the wisest choice in his methods of rest and relaxation. He loved the sea and spent much of his spare time beside it; he loved the woods and was an indefatigable sportsman. As a natural consequence he loved nature and was deeply 307 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY learned in much of the lore of forest and stream. Even when most earnestly at work in the estab- lishment of his great manufacturing business, he devoted himself to the culture of orchids, and be- came an authority on them as well as on other flowers. In the search of greater leisure he had gathered a magnificent gallery of choice paint- ings. It is sad to think of a man with so many capacities for what is fair in the world, so many opportunities to be useful, so prompt a disposition to active effort for what is good, cut off, so sud- denly, from light and life and the affection of friends and family. KIMBALL, Harold Chandler, Prominent Man of Affairs. Harold Chandler Kimball, late of Rochester, New York, was a man in whom business ability and strong intellectual force were combined with broad humani- tarianism. At all times he was correct in his valuation of the worth of an individual or a situation, whether it concerned busi- ness interests or public life, and his labors were of a character which made him a valued element in the growth and de- velopment of Rochester, while his sterling characteristics endeared him to those with whom he came in contact. He did not seek in foreign fields the position for busi- ness advancement, but in his own com- munity so directed his labors that he be- came known as one of its most substantial citizens. His interests were broad, and in his entire nature there was nothing nar- row or contracted. Harold Chandler Kimball, son of Wil- liam S. Kimball, one of the prominent tobacco manufacturers in the United States, was born in Rochester, New York, March 5, 1861, and died of pneumonia at the Rochester General Hospital, February 1, 191 1. After an excellent preparatory education, he matriculated at the Univer- sity of Rochester, from which he was graduated in the class of 1882, the degree of Bachelor of Sciences being conferred upon him. While attending the univer- sity, he was a member of Psi Upsilon and Phi Beta Kappa fraternities. Upon the completion of his university career he be- came a member of the firm of William S. Kimball & Company, retaining his con- nection with it until shortly after its ab- sorption by the American Tobacco Com- pany, in 1890. He then became actively interested in other enterprises, one of these being the construction of the Chamber of Commerce Building, which he completed in 1894, and the last few years of his life were largely devoted to its management. Among the activities with which Mr. Kimball was prominently iden- tified was the Post Express Printing Com- pany, of which corporation he was the secretary. He was a trustee of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce; a trustee of the Rochester General Hospital ; vestryman of St. Paul's Episcopal Church ; a member of the board of directors of the Mechanic's Institute ; member of the Society of the Mayflower Descendants ; Transportation Club of New York ; Uni- versity Club of New York; Society of Colonial Wars; Genesee Valley Country Club of Rochester; Rochester Athletic Club ; Rochester Whist Club ; Frank R. Lawrence Lodge, Free and Accepted Ma- sons ; Hamilton Chapter, Royal Arch Ma- sons ; Monroe Commandery, Knights Templar; and The Protectives. Music and books were the favorite forms of recreation of Mr. Kimball, and in connec- tion with this it may be said that he was a most accomplished musician. For a number of years he had been the organist of St. Andrew's Church, and the follow- ing incident will give a clue to the char- acter of the man : One day it was noticed that he came slightly late to the morning service, but he went quietly to his place at the organ, and conducted the musical portion as usual. Later it was noticed that 308 ^j¥^tau~&& ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY his eyebrows had been burned from his face, and it was then found out that he had that morning gone with the Protec- tives to fight a fire and with his ac- customed bravery and forgetfulness of self had fought the hot blaze until his eye- brows were scorched from his face. He had said nothing of this to any of his church associates. Mr. Kimball married, in 1889, Martha Whitney Pond, daughter of Charles F. Pond, at one time comptroller of Roches- ter. She was at her husband's bedside when he passed away, but their two sons, the one a sophomore at Harvard Univer- sity at the time, and the other a student at St. George's School, at Newport, Rhode Island, could not reach their father's deathbed in time to see him before he died. Few deaths of prominent men in Rochester in recent years have evoked so many and such heartfelt expressions of sorrow as that of Mr. Kimball. This was not alone due to his leading position in the social and business life of the commu- nity, but to his winning personality. He was essentially a quiet and reserved man, but with a wonderful gift of true sympa- thy and kindness that endeared him to his employes and to all others who came in contact with him. Much of his time dur- ing the last years of his life had been de- voted to the management of the Chamber of Commerce Building, and the board of trustees of the Chamber of Commerce, and the employes of the building held a special meeting in memory of Mr. Kim- ball, and adopted suitable resolutions, a copy of which was presented to the be- reaved family. Mr. Kimball had scarcely reached the prime of life, and judging from what he had already accomplished in various directions, it was to be confidently expected that the city would have been a great gainer by his further activities had he been spared. LOWE, Samuel H., Public Spirited Citizen. In the death of Samuel H. Lowe, of Rochester, New York, the community sustains a loss which can scarcely be overestimated. His individuality was so indelibly imprinted upon the thought and development of the city, that it not only commanded the respect of those with whom he was associated, but gained for him the warmest personal admiration and the stanchest friendships. His heart and mind were both deeply concerned with the affairs of life, with the interests of humanity, and with those problems which have a bearing upon the welfare of the race. No subject was too lofty or too small to gain his interest, as long as he felt that he was serving for the welfare of the greatest number, and he gave free expression to his thoughts and ideas. In many instances he received kindly letters of appreciation, in many other instances, alas! only ingratitude was the return. It is almost impossible to place a correct value upon the life and works of Mr. Lowe. It is well known that he was a man of influence in the city, but influence is an intangible thing and scarcely to be measured. He belonged to that class of men who wield a power that is all the more potent from the fact that it is moral and is exercised for the public weal and and not for personal ends. Regarded as a citizen and in his social relations he belonged to that public spirited, useful and helpful type of men whose ambitions and desires are centered and directed in those channels through which flows the greatest and most permanent good to the greatest number. Samuel H. Lowe, son of George Lowe, was born in Flushing, Long Island, De- cember 13, 1840, and died at his home in Rochester, New York, No. 77 Mason street, July 25, 191 1. After an excellent 309 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY preparatory education he became a stu- dent at the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, at Lima, and would doubtless have been graduated from that institution with honor, had not an attack of typhoid fever been the cause of his abandoning his studies. At an early age he had affiliated with the Methodist church, labored ac- tively in its interests, and was in his early manhood when he was licensed to preach. Not long after his marriage Mr. Lowe received a call to the Charlotte Methodist Church, and served there effici- ently for a period of two years, after which he removed to Rochester, in 1870, and was identified with the interests of that city from that time until his death. He at once entered upon his career as a newspaper man, a field in which he was to earn such well merited success. His first connection in this direction was with the old "Evening Express," now the "Post-Express," for which he wrote edi- torials of exceptional ability, which greatly raised the standing of the paper. His ambition, however, would not permit him to rest here. In association with Samuel D. Lee and several others, he founded, August 5, 1879, "The Morning Herald," in which project he was the leading spirit, and was chosen to be the editor-in-chief, a post for which he was eminently fitted. The paper was pub- lished in Smith's Arcade for about two and a half years, then removed to its present quarters in Exchange street. For the fifteen years immediately preceding his death, Mr. Lowe was editorial writer on "The Democrat and Chronicle." One of the greatest pleasures of Mr. Lowe was the art of photography, in which he had by far outstripped the ranks of a mere amateur, many of his pictures showing the artistic ability and the finished work of the professional photo- grapher. One apartment in his home was fitted up as a dark chamber, as Mr. Lowe preferred to do every step of the work with his own hands. An especially fine set of views was taken while he and his wife, in company with former Congress- man Charles S. Baker and his family, were in California, after an interesting trip across the continent. Music was an- other art which had great charm for Mr. Lowe, and he was an accomplished per- former on the violin, commencing its study after he had passed the half century mark in life, and so earnest was he in his pursuit of this study, that he had suc- ceeded in mastering the most difficult compositions. His interest in religion and all matters connected with it was an unceasing one. He was a member of the First Methodist Church of Rochester for twenty years, and he was the starter of a mission in the northwestern part of the city which became Glenwood Church in 1891. Mr. Lowe was a charter member of this, a member of the first board of trustees, and remained continuously a member of that church, and later of Grace Church, which was a merger of Glenwood and Hedding churches. For a number of years he served as president of the Glen- wood board of trustees, always was a teacher in its Sunday school, and in recent years had had charge of the Bible class for women. He was generous and de- voted in his support of Grace Church, when it was weak, was one of the three to decide whether it should be continued or not, and was a member of the building committee which had in charge the erec- tion of the present fine edifice. Mr. Lowe married, in 1868, Harriet C. Ellis, daughter of William and Lydia (Manning) Ellis, of Rochester, who sur- vives him, as do several nieces and nephews. The death of Mr. Lowe was an unexpected one, and a great shock to all. He had not been feeling well for a few 310 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY days, but had apparently recovered, when a stroke of apoplexy cut off his earthly career. The limits of this space would not permit a reproduction of even a com- paratively small number of the numerous testimonials which were printed and ten- dered in memory of Mr. Lowe, but it seems fitting that at least two should be appended. Justice Arthur E. Sutherland said: Samuel Halsted Lowe was one of the truest gentlemen I ever knew. His death is a great loss to this community, and a sad bereavement to many friends. To know him was to love him. He was a strong and brave man, a man of prac- tical affairs and yet of sensitive nature. As an editorial writer he had a style that was known for the purity and charm of diction which char- acterized it. He was one of the earliest residents of the section of the city where he lived, and took great pride in the growth of that northwestern section. Rev. Earl D. Shepard, pastor of Grace Church, spoke of his influence as a Chris- tian and a man, and said in part: He was a Christian man — a man in its best sense, and a Christian in its true sense. His char- acter was transparent, thoughtful, sympathetic, kind and generous. His life was both a tribute and a witness to God— a tribute because he paid his homage, and his worship to God. His belief in the vital and fundamental doctrines of the Christian religion, his lifelong devotion to the cause, the truth and righteousness in all their rela- tions, bear witness to the depth of his personal tribute to God. In his life work this aim was conscientiously followed. His pen was wielded for moral uses, and in the pages of a great daily paper exercised wide influence. Another great daily paper of which he was one of the founders, has borne generous acknowledgment of the in- fluence of his early impression upon, and his con- tinual high service in that field. With constant fidelity he sought to do his life work well, and in the solemn waiting of such an hour as this, those who knew him best, are of one accord, that he well achieved life's high success. His life was one of unending devotion to the ministry of God. At first a minister of the Gospel, and later by carrying into secular life that devotion to high ideals and that noble use of his editorial pen which characterized his life work. His influence was always for the best, and those who were fortunate enough to be numbered among his friends, cannot but feel at this time a sense of great personal loss. THOMPSON, William Little, Expert Lumberman and Manager. The successful man is found not alone in public life or in the professions, nor is he always in the public eye, but often in a quiet and unobtrusive way manages large interests and conducts weighty en- terprises veiled from the general view. Such a man was William Little Thomp- son, expert lumberman, manager and ex- ecutive. He was a resident of Rochester from 1897, in charge of the land, lumber and mining interests of Hiram Sibley. He held no public offices but by his business associates he was known as a man of quiet, forceful manner, strong character, and extraordinary ability. He had the happy faculty of attracting and retaining friends and was most highly regarded by all who came under the charm of his per- sonality. William L. Thompson was born in Oakland county, Michigan, November 22, 1857, died in Rochester, New York, May 30. 1915, after a long illness. He was the son of Orange S. Thompson, a prominent Michigan lumberman, and Helen (Ham- lin) Thompson, his wife, both representa- tives of old and eminent families. Until the age of sixteen years he attended school, but his father's death in 1873 com- pelled him to forego further school life, self-study and experience completing his education. His first position in the busi- ness world was as bookkeeper in Saginaw, Michigan, with the Hiram Sibley Lumber Company. He advanced rapidly, became an expert in timber values, and until 1890 was extensively engaged in purchasing 3" ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY and selling pine forests and timber lands. In 1890 he organized the Panther Lumber Company, of West Virginia, in which Mr. Sibley held the controlling interest, and in 1894 Mr. Thompson was sent to Pan- ther to take charge of the lumber and mining interests of the company. He spent three years in Panther, then in 1897 came to Rochester as manager of all the large Sibley interests. In addition to the duties this position involved he was in- terested in other activities and bore many responsibilities. He was one of the in- corporators of the McKinley-Darragh Mining Company, controlling silver mines in the Cobalt regions, Canada, and at the time of his death was treasurer and a director of the company. He was also a director of the Panther Lumber Com- pany, director of the Sibley Coal and Coke Company, of West Virginia, and held large interests in many Rochester busi- ness enterprises. Mr. Thompson was a member of the Michigan National Guard in 1880. He was an Independent in poli- tics, never an office seeker, although deeply concerned in all that affected the public weal. Genial and social, he en- joyed the pleasures of club life, holding membership in the Genesee Valley and Oak Hill clubs, of Rochester. He was also a member of the Masonic order, be- longing to a Saginaw, Michigan, lodge. Mr. Thompson married, in Saginaw, Louise C. Simoneau, daughter of Leander and Zoa (Toronjeau) Simoneau. Chil- dren : M. Louise, George Lee, Hiram W., born January 8, 1890, died March 1, 1905 and Bettie. Mrs. Thompson survives her husband, a resident of Rochester. FITZ SIMONS, Michael H., Man of Affairs, Public Official. During a career of signal activity and usefulness the late Michael H. Fitz Sim- ons did much to further the industrial, civic and economic progress of the city of Rochester, New York, of which he was one of the most honored sons, and in his influence in promoting the varied affairs of the section was both potent and far- reaching. He stood as a type of the stead- fast, honorable and upright business man, and of the loyal and public-spirited citi- zen, and his fine intellectual powers in- creased materially his usefulness and prestige as one of the noble workers of the world. The entire course of his life was dominated by a high sense of duty that prompted him to tender his services in support of every righteous cause that was brought to his attention. He was long a prominent and influential citizen of Rochester, and maintained an inviolable hold upon the respect and esteem of all who knew him. A man of firm convic- tions, broad-minded, keen and distinct in- dividuality, he made his life count for good in all its relations, and in this bio- graphical and memorial history touching those who have contributed conspicu- ously to the upbuilding of New York in manifold ways, it is most consonant that a tribute of some length be paid Mr. Fitz Simons. Michael Fitz Simons, his father, was the overseer of the estate of Gravel Mount, and when this was sold, he estab- lished himself in business as a miller. Later he removed to Rochester, New York, where he erected a stone residence on Plymouth avenue. He married Alice Tumulty. Michael H. Fitz Simons was born in Castletown, County Meath, Ireland, July 27, 1838, and died in Rochester, New York, at No. 565 Lake avenue, March 23, 1907. He was about nine years of age when his parents took up their residence in Rochester, New York, and with that city he was closely identified throughout the remainder of his life. He acquired his 312 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY educational training in Public School No. 3, and he was still very young when he associated himself with his brother, the late General Charles Fitz Simons, of Chi- cago, forming a partnership which en- gaged in the marble and monument busi- ness on State street, near Center street. He became the sole owner of this enterprise when his brother became a participant in the Civil War as a member of a cavalry troop which he himself organized. He sold this business in 1876, devoting his time and attention to real estate matters, in which he achieved eminent success. In connection with this he became inter- ested in building operations, carried these on on an important scale, and instead of having a contractor as a middleman, su- perintended all the various stages of con- struction personally, thus assuring him- self of the solidity of the structures. These manifold business activities did not, however, prevent him from devoting a considerable share of his time to the more ornamental pursuits of life. He devoted many hours to the study of philosophy and higher literature, and in connection with this pursuit was chosen a member of the board of trustees of the Rochester Athenseum, before he had attained the age of thirty years. He was president of the Athenaeum twice, and presided at the lec- tures which were given by men who had achieved prominence in that time. Dur- ing the progress of the Civil War the lec- tures were delivered in the old Corinthian Hall, and among the eminent speakers heard there were Wendell Phillips, George William Curtis, and others equally prominent. Mr. Fitz Simons was a Shake- spearean scholar of high attainments, and when the Rochester Shakespeare Club was organized by Dr. Holland in 1865, he became a member of this organization and was affiliated with it until the time of his death. His dramatic talent was of an unusually high order, and had he chosen to devote his talents to this field, he would undoubtedly have ranked with the best interpreters of Shakespeare and other classical writers that the world has ever produced. It was one of the pleasures of his large circle of friends and acquaint- ances to listen to his recitals of the lead- ing parts in Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Mac- beth, etc. He was a man who thoroughly realized the value of time, and for this reason never wasted a moment. It was this trait that enabled him to devote a portion of his time to the public affairs of the city, and he was a factor to be reckoned with in the political life of his day. The Second Ward elected him, as school commission in 1875, and during the second year of his period of service he was elected president of the Board of Education. He was then elected by the same ward as a member of the Common Council, served from 1877 to 1881, and then resigned. While a member of this honorable body he served as chairman of the finance committee, an office the duties of which are now performed by the comp- troller of the city. So highly appreciated were his services in this office, that the Democratic party nominated him for the office of mayor of the city, but the Repub- lican party was numerically too strong. He purchased the Crittenden home in 1877, at the corner of Oak and Erie streets, used this as his residence until 1904, when he removed to No. 565 Lake avenue, where his death occurred. During his term of service as alderman he was the organizer of the first "clean government" movement. Unlike the majority of poli- ticians, he was scrupulously honest and devoted himself to the interests of the city, without the shadow of a selfish mo- tive. His unflinching and unvarying in- tegrity naturally raised up a host of ene- mies for him, but he had the support and 313 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY appreciation of all right minded and right thinking men, and the mental strength and stamina to uphold his ideas of what was right and fitting according to his way of thinking. Much was done to oppose the carrying out of the projects he had in view, but where it was a question of the good of the community, he went on his way despite opposition, and considered the attacks made upon him, as a result of his straightforward methods as compli- ments of the highest order of merit. Mr. Fitz Simons married, January 20, 1869, Caroline Seeley Leary, daughter of the late Daniel and Caroline W. Leary. They became the parents of children as follows : Curtis, a resident of Rochester, married Mildred Englehart ; Frances, liv- ing with her mother, was a kindergarten teacher in the public schools for a period of ten years ; Walter Roy, of Rochester, married Frances Welton ; Alice, living at home; Edith, Mrs. Walter Vernon Ris- ing, of Rochester ; Augusta, Mrs. Homer B. Bendict, of Brockport ; Charles Alvin, married Alice G. Swartout ; Portia L., Mrs. Ernest M. Goold, of Albany ; and one deceased. BRAGDON, George Chandler, Poet and Editor. The life of the late George Chandler Bragdon, of Rochester, New York, was crowned with the honor and respect of all, and with a success which was achieved by his sterling qualities of mind, and a heart true to every manly principle. He never deviated from what his judgment indi- cated to be right and honorable ; he never swerved from the path of duty; and his high purposes and upright life have caused his name to be placed on the roll of the honored dead of the city of Roches- ter. His success resulted from continued and unremitting and conscientious effort, and by this means he attained a leading place among the representative men of his city. George C. Bragdon was born in Rich- land, Oswego county, New York, April 29, 1832, and died in Rochester, New York, August 7, 1910. His education, which was an excellent one, was acquired at Mexico Academy and Union College, and upon its completion at the last mentioned institu- tion, he engaged in the profession of teaching, with which he was identified for a number of years. The field of journal- ism next engaged his attention. The first daily paper published in Watertown, New York, was edited by him. He was the proprietor and editor of the Adams "Vis- itor," for a time and subsequently founded "The Ithacan," which became a powerful and influential journal under his able management. His connection with other publications was a wide one, and he was at different times either editor or member of the staff of "The Watertown Post," "The Oswego Times," "The Oswego Palladium," "The New York Financier," - "The Utica Herald," "The Dansville Ad- vertiser," "The Rochester Union and Ad- vertiser," and "The Rochester Post Ex- press." His style of writing was a cultivated one and was marked by a sincerity and vigor characteristic of the man in all he undertook. It is doubtful if any other man in the county ever prosecuted anv subject with the vim and energy that Mr. Bragdon put into any matter that he took up. He was untiring in season and out of season, by day and by night, and had he put the same power into any business project, he would undoubtedly have made a profound impression ; his hard and un- ceasing labors on ordinary occasions would have sufficed to move mountains. He would at times concede that his efforts were largely wasted, but on the next occa- sion, when vigorous writing was demand- ed, he would be just as insistent and ag- 314 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY gressive, absolutely fearless in the ex- pression of his opinions. No one ever challenged his devotion and sincerity; he was always single hearted and honest. In later years he contributed liberally to newspapers and magazines, articles and essays of a philosophical and specu- lative tendency, and in a volume of poems "Undergrowth," he showed poetical abil- ity of a high order. His poems show a tenderness of thought and a facility of rhyme and expression which compare favorably with the best we have in the English language. Sincerely believing the teachings of Emerson, he followed in the footsteps of that sage. He was one of the first theosophists in the city of Rochester, and was an active member of this society, remainng so until his last ill- ness compelled him to give up all outside duties. Mr. Bragdon married, March 22, i860, Katherine E. Shipherd, and they had two children: May and Claude Fayette. His life was devoted to his family, his friends, to young men who start out dependent on their own efforts, and to those principles which he believed to be right. His un- swerving purpose, his unquestioned fidel- ity, and his unchanging will commanded the highest respect of all. He was a leader in the cause of liberty, of freedom and of progress, and his hearty coopera- tion was ever given to that which tended to elevate mankind. He belonged to that class of men who wield a power that is all the more potent from the fact that it is moral rather than political, and is exer- cised for the public weal and not for per- sonal ends. Regarded as a citizen and in his social relations, he belonged to that public spirited, useful and helpful type of men whose ambitions and desires are cen- tered and directed in those channels through which flow the greatest and most permanent good to the greatest number. GRANT, Wilbur Samuel, Manufacturer, Inventor. The late Wilbur S. Grant, of Rochester, was a man whose marked characteristics were kindness of heart, courtesy and busi- ness strength. For years his name was intimately associated with business and financial affairs. Well educated and well bred, he stood as a high type of American manhood and chivalry, being courteous, refined and popular. Wilbur S. Grant was born in Richmond, Indiana, October 28, 1872, son of George Huntress and Mary Isabelle (Blanchard) Grant. The former is deceased, but the latter is living at the present time (1915). His father was a prominent and influential manufac- turer of Indiana, and was for many years engaged in the manufacture of school, church and bank furniture, being an in- ventor of note in this line. In the public schools of his native city Wilbur S. Grant mastered the common branches of learning and qualified for en- trance into Earlham College, from which he graduated with the class of 1892, and then went to Wabash College, but owing to the death of his father, left before grad- uating to engage in business. In 1895 he came to Rochester, New York, which was his home and the scene of his useful labor until his death, which occurred in Roches- ter, Minnesota, March 1, 1915, five days after being operated upon. His first busi- ness connection in Rochester was with the Taylor Brothers Company's ther- mometer works. He was also with the National Cash Register Company, and in newspaper work for a time, but in 1902 he became associated with the Rochester Folding Box Company, one of the impor- tant manufacturing enterprises of Roches- ter, and acted as secretary and treasurer, as well as manager of this large concern, the growth and success of which was 315 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY largely attributable to his efforts and wise business and executive management. He was also connected with the financial and banking history of Rochester as a mem- ber of the board of directors of the Union Trust Company and the following resolu- tions were passed by the board at the time of his death: A deep shadow is cast on our Board by the death of our esteemed and honored friend, Wilbur S. Grant, who died in Rochester, Minnesota, on March first, nineteen hundred and fifteen. Of splendid physical proportions, he was good to look upon; in his business relations he was pru- dent but forceful, keen and tenacious, upright and safe. In his relations to his fellows he was genial, kind, endearing. His membership in this Board was valuable and helpful. We shall miss him, but remember him with high regard and great satis- faction. Fred W. Zoiaer, President, Blake S. Raplee, Secretary. Mr. Grant's social nature found expres- sion in his membership in the Genesee Valley Club, being chairman of the house committee ; the Rochester Club, the Oak Hill Country Club, the Rochester Coun- try Club, and the Gun Club. He served as chairman of the Greens Committee and as a member of the board of managers of the Rochester Country Club. He was an active and helpful member of the Third Presbyterian Church. In politics he was a Republican, but never sought nor de- sired public office. At a regular meeting of the board of managers of the Genesee Valley Club, on March 6, 191 5, this memorial was unani- mously adopted : "It is with the deepest regret that we record the decease of our beloved fellow member of this board, Wil- bur S. Grant, whose kindly presence won our affection, and whose efficient aid in the affairs of the Club commanded our grateful esteem." Signed, Joseph Hunn, President. Mr. Grant married, October 10, 1905, Amy Richardson Mayo, daughter of Wil- liam Franklin and Rachel Clarissa (Han- over) Mayo, of Maine and Massachusetts, respectively, resident of Boston for many years, he engaged in the wholesale shoe and rubber business, largest in Boston. Mrs. Grant survives her husband, with their two children, Rachel Hanover, born December 15, 1906, and George Huntress, born May 16, 1909. As a husband and father he was loving and deeply loved, of domestic tastes, devoted to the welfare of his wife and children and counting no effort or sacrifice on his part too great if it would promote their best interests. He passed away March 1, 1915, at the age of forty-two, leaving to his family the reward of well directed labor, but more than that, the priceless heritage of an untarnished name. Those who knew him best and were most familiar with his nature, rich in its kindly sympathy and generous spirit, may well echo the words : "He was a Man. Take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again!" The following lines very aptly describe him: "Mild and gentle as he was brave — When the sweetest love of his life he gave To simple things. Thy harp of life was tuned to Charity: Blind justice swept its strings in harmony With rare fidelity: and love of Man The theme that filled thy soul with melody! True to thy God, thy Family and thy Friends." 3l6 MANDERY, Joseph J., Pioneer in Automobile Industry. A native son of Rochester, New York, Mr. Mandery spent his entire life in his native city. He is credited with being one of the first men in this country to engaged in the exclusive sale of automo- biles, and during his connection of over twenty years with that business was ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY agent at different times for twenty-five different makes of motor cars, steam, elec- tric and gas propelled. He was but thir- teen years of age when he entered busi- ness life as his father's assistant, and for the following thirty-six years he was closely identified with the business inter- ests of Rochester. From 1894 until 1915 he was engaged in the sale of automobiles without other connections, being at the time of his death head of the Mandery Motor Car Company, located in the beau- tiful building at East avenue and Mat- thews street, erected by Mr. Mandery in 191 1 and first occupied in February, 1912. He was a man of fine business ability and in all his undertakings successful. Joseph J. Mandery was born in Roches- ter, New York, July 20, 1866, died in his native city August 18, 1915. He attended St. Joseph's Parochial School until he was thirteen years of age, then began business life as clerk for his father, a dealer in masons' supplies at No. 158 North ave- nue. He continued as his father's assist- ant for several years, and on coming of age was admitted to a partnership. After the death of the senior Mandery, Joseph J. closed out the business and later opened a shop for the sale of bicycles and bicycle accessories at No. 93 Main street, East. With the coming of the horseless carriage Mr. Mandery saw with clear vision the great possibilities and future of the busi- ness and at once formed a connection with the Hitchcock Manufacturing Company, making several sales. That company, however, failed in their deliveries of satis- factory cars, and in 1896 Mr. Mandery obtained the Rochester agency for the American Electric Company, of Chicago, but, that company also failing in their promises, he severed his connection. In 1899 he obtained an agency from the Lo- comobile Company, said to have been one of the first concerns to make actual deliv- ery of a satisfactory motor car. He was the first agent for Locomobiles in Roches- ter, and with that car created a demand in Rochester for an auto car. He was later and at different times agent for the sale of the Winton, Mobile, Oldsmobile, White Steamer, Pierce, Peerless, Gasmo- bile, Searchmont, Columbia, Studebaker, Baker, Covert, De Dion, Orient, Buck- board, United States Long Distance, Hoffman, Ford, Franklin, Elmore, Fiat, Lansden and Matheson cars. In 1904 he secured the agency for the Packard car, his location then being No. 158 South avenue. In 191 1 he began the erection of a suitable house for the Mandery Motor Car Company, and in February, 1912, moved to the present fine structure occu- pied by the Company, corner of East ave- nue and Matthews street, where he con- tinued head of a large and prosperous business until his death. His business covered the entire automobile field, the company being at the time of Mr. Man- dery's death agents for the sale of the Packard and Dodge gas driven cars, the Selden truck, and Ohio electric cars. He was reliable in his dealings with manu- facturers and users and held the entire confidence of his business associates and the public. He was a devoted member of St. Jo- seph's Roman Catholic Church for many years, but in his later years was a parish- ioner of the Church of the Immaculate Conception. He was one of the organ- izers and first president of the Catholic Young Men's Association, belonged to Branch No. 81, Catholic Mutual Bene- ficial Association, and to Rochester Coun- cil, Knights of Columbus. He took active interest in the Chamber of Commerce as a member and bore his full share in all movements inaugurated by that body. His clubs were the Rochester and the Rochester Ad. 317 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Two weeks prior to his death Mr. Man- dery returned from Clifton Springs, where he had spent the summer endeavor- ing to regain his health, seemingly much benefited, but the improvement was more apparent than real. His funeral was largely attended by delegations from the various organizations of which he had been a member, by representatives of the Packard and Dodge Brothers Companies, and by his many friends. After Solemn High Mass at the Church of the Immac- ulate Conception he was laid at rest in the cemetery of the Holy Sepulchre. Mr. Mandery married, September 2. 1891, Ida C. Hart, who survives him, re- siding at the family home, No. 92 Plym- outh avenue, Rochester. Children: Irene, Alexander, Raymond, Alice, Marcella, Irma, William, Lucile and Madeline. FULLER, Joseph B., Enterprising Business Man. The department of biography is crowd- ed with the lives of men distinguished in war, science, literature and the profes- sions. All the embellishments of rhetoric and the imagination have been employed to captivate, stimulate and direct in these "upper walks of life," the youthful mind and ambition of the country. The result of this system is manifest, and by no means fortunate. The ranks of the pro- fessions are filled to overflowing. To in- still into the minds and hearts of the young respect for great attainments, rev- erence for great virtues, and to excite to generous emulation by holding up, as ex- amples for admiration and imitation, the lives of the wise, the great and good, is commendable and right. But the field of example should be extended ; the lessons of industry, energy, usefulness, virtue, honor, the true aims of life and the true sources of happiness, should be gathered and enforced from all the various prov- inces of labor. The path of labor and use- fulness should be indicated as the high- way of honor. One who has walked in this path, and has achieved distinction in the world of floriculture, is the late Jo- seph B. Fuller, of Rochester, New York, one of the best known seedsmen of the country. The family name of Fuller signifies one who thickens, bleaches, cleanses or whitens cloth at a mill, a clothier. The Fuller arms: Argent, three bars gules, on a canton of the second a castle or. Crest: A dexter arm embowered, vested argent, cuffed sable, holding in the hand proper a sword of the first, hilt of pommel or. Motto : Semper paratus. This is the form commonly adopted by the families in this country, being the one employed in the Isle of Wight. The bar is one of the honorable ordinaries representing a belt of honor given for eminent services. The canton is a subordinate ordinary, repre- senting the banner given to knights-ban- neret. There are to be found at least seven distinct immigrants by the name of Fuller who came to this country early in the seventeenth century, and founded families here. Edward and Samuel Ful- ler, brothers, came to America in the "Mayflower," in 1620, landing at Plym- outh, Massachusetts. They were sons of Robert Fuller, a butcher, of Norfolk coun- ty, England. Both signed the celebrated "Compact," which was drawn up in the cabin of the "Mayflower," just prior to the landing at Cape Cod. Joseph B. Fuller was born in Brooklyn, New York, October 31, 1827, and died at his home, No. 104 Meigs street, Roches- ter, New York, February 16, 1910. When he was three years of age his family re- moved to Rochester, making the trip by way of the Erie Canal, and in that city he received his educational advantages, in 3i8 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY schools which were exceedingly primitive manner. Mr. Fuller came to the rescue, when compared with those of the present and although it was years since he had day. When he was fourteen years old, stood at the case, he set all the type for he was apprenticed to learn the printing this work of more than one hundred and trade under the late Henry O'Reily, and fifty pages, a remarkable achievement for subsequently found employment on the staff of "The Genesee Farmer," of which the late James Vick was the proprietor, and the late Patrick Barry, the editor. There he remained for a number of years, a feeling of mutual esteem and admira- tion existing between him and Mr. Vick, which was fostered by the love both entertained for nature, and especially the culture of flowers. It was no difficult matter to persuade him to engage in the seed business, and in 1863 he entered the employ of Mr. Vick, and this association with the Vick firm was continued with- out any practical interruption until the health of Mr. Fuller became so seriously impaired that he was obliged to abandon active work. He was a man of much executive ability and initiative, and the development and growth of the Vick busi- ness is largely due to his efforts. His knowledge of his occupation was a most thorough one, and in connection with it he had made an exhaustive study of bot- any, which greatly facilitated matters. He was a very thorough business man, and was constantly experimenting, and in this manner achieving new results, and mak- ing the name of Vick more famous. As an example of the benefit derived from his exhaustive study of botany, we men- tion the following incident. He was a member of the Rochester Academy of Science, and devoted much attention to the botanical section of this society. In 1896, when the Academy published a list of the plants to be found in Monroe coun- ty, it was not possible to find a composi- tor sufficiently familiar with botanical terms to set up the list in a satisfactory a man of his years, as well as from a typo- graphical standpoint. His authority was considered supreme on all botanical ques- tions, and his loss is apparently irrepara- ble. The experience of Mr. Fuller was of a wide and varied character, abroad as well as in his native land. While in Europe in 1888 Mr. Fuller was invited by Messrs. Carter, Dunnett & Beal to inspect their trials of peas. His opinion regard- ing the quality of one especial variety was asked, and he replied : "It's a daisy." This piece of American slang apparently made a deep and lasting impression on his hearers, for some years later, this variety was placed on the market under the title of "Carter's Daisy," and its excellent qual- ities amply demonstrated the accuracy of the opinion expressed by Mr. Fuller. He was a member of the Rochester Volunteer Fire Department, and a very active one in his earlier years ; Valley Lodge, No. 109, Free and Accepted Masons ; and Hamil- ton Chapter, No. 62, Royal Arch Masons. Mr. Fuller married Harriet M. Kelley, in 1861, and of this union there were six children : George Francis, deceased ; Wil- liam J., S. Gertrude, Frederick F., Harriet E. and Harry A. Mr. Fuller was simple and unassuming in manner, and opposed to ostentation of all kinds. Those with whom he was brought into contact had the highest appreciation of his sterling qualities, and his own genial nature rec- ognized and appreciated the good in others. Home and friendship were sacred ties to him, not merely empty names, and he found his chief recreation in the domes- tic circle. 319 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY WEST, Jonathan Burns, Inventor, Manufacturer. It may be truthfully said that the lives of our selfmade men furnish a more satis- factory and practical illustration of "his- tory teaching by example" than any other to which the attention of our young men can be directed. The gifts of men are in- finite in variety and degree, but the rarest is the faculty for hard work. Jonathan Burns West was richly talented with a constructive and inventive genius of a high order, but it was his persistent ap- plication, his tenacity, his courage, that made his talent count. His was a most commendable career, not only by reason of the splendid success he achieved, or owing to the fact that his enterprises af- forded employment to many workmen, but also because of the straightforward honorable business policy that he ever followed. Jonathan Burns West was born in Lakeville, New York, April 30, 1833, and his death occurred in Rochester, New York, October 22, 1900. During his child- hood he devoted his time between attend- ing school and working out ideas, which came to him naturally, he possessing a fertile and ingenious mind, this trait being encouraged in every way possible by both his parents and his instructors. In early manhood he invented an automatic broom handle machine, also a water meter, the patent of which he sold in France. Sub- sequently, in 1870, he invented the first machine for setting tires cold and named his invention the "West Tire Setter," and to him is due the distinction of having built the first automobile in Rochester, a most notable achievement. In 1894, during a trip in Europe, he found many new ideas relative to the automobile, which he utilized to good advantage upon his return to his native land, perfecting his own machine, and which he used in the building of others for delivery pur- poses. Among his minor inventions is that of a screw driver, a machine for em- broidering and a needle for the same pur- pose. He disposed of his patents most advantageously, principally in the cities of the Old World, this necessitating many trips abroad, during which times he gained considerable valuable knowl- edge which aided him greatly in the working out of his ideas. His business, which he established on a substantial basis, was, just previous to his death, merged into a stock company, his wife, to whom he attributed a great part of his success, owing to the help and en- couragement she gave him, being inter- ested in the same, and at the present time (1915) serving in the capacity of president of the company. Mr. West was a member of the Chamber of Commerce for a number of years. Mr. West married Cornelia Grenelle, a native of Saratoga, New York, the cere- mony being performed by the Rev. Dr. Shaw. Mrs. West is a member of the Brick Church (Presbyterian), joining the same in early life, and has always taken an active part in the work of the various societies connected therewith. Mr. West also attended the same church, contribut- ing generously toward its support. Mr. West was fortunate in the companion- ship and comradeship of a wife who ever encouraged him in all his undertakings, who cheered him when difficulties threat- ened. She is a modest, unassuming woman, one who is adorned with all the Christian graces. Her nature is essen- tially charitable and kindly and she re- joices in the opportunity of doing good to others, in fact few women so fully realize the responsibilities of wealth or are so little influenced by self-interest in admin- istering to the needs of others as Mrs. 320 (kv^ -fctrH+^t f(f)2 l88 5> and l886 - and was a leader of his party in the ward for many years. He was a member of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church, and was an active church worker. He was ever ready with a helping hand and had many friends. He was a good business man, upright in character, a lover of home and there spent his hours of leisure. Mr. Mandeville was not a man of robust constitution, but possessed an indomit- able will and long after health demanded his retirement he fought off his ailments and remained at his post. He bore a part in the upbuilding of a great city, and to him and his contemporaries Rochester owes a debt of gratitude, for they bore the burden and heat of the day during a period that was not as rosy as it is to-day. In the successes of the present, the men of to-day should hold in grateful remem- brance, those of the past, who believing in the future of Rochester laid the founda- tion for its greatness. He was married, February 27, 1862, to Sarah Yeomans, daughter of Eliab and Phebe Yeomans, of Walworth, New York. Mrs. Mandeville is still a resident of Rochester. She has no children. YAUCK, Melville Arlington, Inventive Artist. When Melville A. Yauck, of Rochester, passed from earthly view, that city lost an upright, talented citizen, and the photographic world a man who had con- tributed largely to its development. When he produced Artura paper he delivered the professional photographer from the bond- age of sunlight and made one of the most important and permanently valuable con- tributions to the materials used in the art of photography. He was a man of strong character and high principles, pos- sessing pleasing personal qualities that endeared him to a wide circle of friends. He was a close observer and clear thinker, having an infinite capacity for painstak- ing, exacting labor. Sterling was his character, very fine grained, with the tenderness and sweetness of a woman, yet with a strong will and determined spirit that never yielded to failure. After years of toil his dreams were realized, and at his beautiful home at the corner of East avenue and Arnold Park, presided over by his wife, a woman of personality equally charming, he was enjoying the rewards of success when stricken with a fatal illness that quickly ended his earthly career. Mr. Yauck was of German descent, son of Rev. Martin and Melvina (Althen) Yauck. Rev. Martin Yauck was born 323 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY near Schwenningen, a village of Wurt- temberg, Germany, circle of the Black Forest, at the source of the Neckar river, August 27, 1845. When a lad of tender years he was brought to the United States by his parents, spending his youth in Rochester, where he obtained his pre- paratory education. He then entered Northwestern College, Naperville, Illi- nois, and in 1870 was ordained a minister of the Evangelical Association at Lafarge- ville, Jefferson county, New York. From that time until he received the Divine approval, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord," on December 17, 1885, he was engaged in ministerial work, having stated pastorates. For four years prior to 1870 he had been preaching under lesser authority, serving on the Mohawk, Jeffer- son, and Oneida circuits in New York during the years 1866-67-68 and 69. In the last named year he was preaching at West Sand Lake and was there stationed after his ordination in 1870. In 1871 and until 1873 ne was stationed at Dunkirk Mission ; in 1874 at Lockport ; in 1875 until 1877 at Utica Mission ; in 1878 until 1880 at Albany; in 1881 at Herkimer; in 1882 and 1883 at St. Paul's Church, Buffalo. In 1884 his health failed and he was without an appointment until his death. He was one of the originators of the illustrated Lord's Prayer and Ten Commandments, a lithograph in ten colors, which hangs in thousands of homes throughout the United States. The original painting, two feet six inches by three feet eight inches, may be seen in the Sunday-school room of Calvary Evangel- ical Church, in Rochester. Rev. Martin Yauck married Melvina, daughter of Philip and Christina Althen. She was born at Lyons, New York, March 6, 1849, died at Rochester, March 21, 191 5. They were the parents of four children, Mel- ville Arlington, William Percival, de- ceased ; Edwin C, vice-president of the Haloid Company, of Rochester; and Agnes, died in infancy. Melville Arlington Yauck was born at West Sand Lake, New York, May 16, 1870, died at Rochester, February 18, 1914. He was educated in public schools, but the death of his father in 1885 com- pelled him to leave school and to begin his own battle of life. He early developed decided artistic talent and when thrown upon his own resources began learning the art of engraving on wood. He did not long continue his first efforts, how- ever, as he made the acquaintance of W. J. Lee, a photographer of Rochester, and entered his employ. This was in the day of wet plates and collodion papers, when the photographer coated his paper early in the morning of the day he intended using it. But a spirit of investigation and experiment had been developed, and after learning the rudiments of the art young Mr. Yauck became filled with an enthusi- asm for research and experiment that never forsook him and that was finally to result in the discovery of one of the greatest gifts that has ever been bestowed upon the photographic profession. Where ever he lived he had a little dark room, and there he spent every spare hour, mastering by self study the chemistry of photography and the various processes by which pictures are made by that art. After attaining a degree of proficiency that made his services valuable he went to Michigan, where he was employed in a studio, thence to Cleveland, where he conducted a photographic supply business and did finishing for amateurs. In 1890 he located in Albany, New York, where, until 1894, he conducted a studio. He then formed a connection with the Baker Art Galleries, of Columbus, Ohio, one of the leading studios of the United States. 324 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY While there he painted special back- grounds for a series of art figure photo- graphs that was copyrighted and had a very large sale. From his first days in the studio he had been interested in tint- ing photographs, and with his great natural talent it was inevitable that as he progressed in art he should develop into a portrait and landscape painter. His work attracted much attention and favor- able comment at the exhibitions held by the art clubs of which he was a member. Among notable canvases that bear the imprint of his genius is a portrait of President McKinley, that hangs in the State Capitol at Columbus, Ohio. At different times during his career Mr. Yauck had seen collodion and gela- tine printing-out papers made success- fully and marketed. In using these papers, however, the photographer was dependent on bright daylight to do his printing, and Mr. Yauck reasoned that if a paper that would yield equally good results could be produced, one that would print by artificial light, fame and fortune awaited the inventor of such a paper. It was not a new thought, as many scien- tific men were endeavoring to work out the problem. During the years Mr. Yauck was with the Baker Art Galleries he spent his evenings and far into the small hours of the morning in his laboratory at his home making emulsions, having in his wife an able, valued assistant. In fact, it was her help, her confidence in ultimate success, and her encouragement that lightened the many disappointments he endured and that held him to persevering effort. Finally the goal was won and their work was crowned with success by the perfecting of a paper that would print by artificial light and faithfully reproduce all the gradations in a negative, yielding as soft and perfect a print as the daylight printing papers. This paper he named "Artura," and to make and market it he organized the Artura Photo Paper Com- pany of Columbus, Ohio. Many were the obstacles and discour- agements that yet beset his path, not the least of which was the prejudice and con- servatism of professional photographers. But this, too, in time, was overcome, and the paper became very popular and reached an immense sale, supplanting to a large extent the printing-out papers that up to that time had been in use. In the fall of 1909 the Artura Photo Paper Com- pany was sold to the Eastman Kodak Company, and Mr. Yauck returned to Rochester to supervise the manufacture of Artura paper. For five years there- after he lived to enjoy the legitimate fruits of his long years of toil and in the beautiful home now occupied by his widow he catered to the demands of his artistic nature to the fullest extent. The hospitality of his home was unbounded, and with a grace and charm possessed by host and hostess alike, their friends were made welcome. Mr. Yauck married, June 16, 1889, Minerva Florence, daughter of George Yeldhan, of Geneva, Ohio. To them one son was born, Daniel Althen Yauck, who married Adelaide Parnell, of Rochester. CORNWALL, John Byron, Public Spirited Citizen. The Cornwall family was founded in America by Sergeant William Cornwall, who was sergeant-at-arms and one of the sixteen body guards of Charles I. He came to this country from England early in the seventeenth century and received a grant of land in Connecticut for his serv- ices as an Indian fighter. For a time he lived in Massachusetts and there his wife died, in Roxbury, 1633. In May, 1637, he was one of a company of seventy-seven 325 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY men who fought in the Pequot War and was one of seventeen that escaped death in action. In 1638 he was sent with others to purchase land in the vicinity of Strat- ford, Connecticut, from the Indians. In 1639 he appears as the owner of a house and sixteen acres of land at Hartford, Connecticut, being one of three out of forty who owned land and cattle. He married again in 1639 and in 1650 moved to Middletown, Connecticut. In 1666 he was granted land at Hartford and at Middletown, owned a house and home lot of ten acres, his combined holdings in both places totalling nine hundred and three acres. In 1667 he was freed from the payment of certain taxes, while in Middletown his was the fifth largest assessment. He represented Middletown in the Colonial Legislature in 1654, 1664, and 1665, and also served as constable. In 1668 he joined the church, and in 1674 made his will, still on file in the probate court at Middletown. He was one of the earliest settlers there, and died in 1678, being there buried. He had three sons, and their descendants have ever since been prominent, twenty-two of the name serving in the Continental army. The line of descent to John Byron Cornwall, of Rochester, is through Wil- liam (2), eldest son of Sergeant William (1), the founder; his son, Andrew (1) ; his son, Andrew (2); his son, Andrew (3); his son, Amos (1) ; his son, Amos (2) ; and his son, John. Amos (2) Corn- wall was the first of his line to settle in Rochester, New York, coming with his two sons, John and George, and a daugh- ter. Amos (2) Cornwall was a hatter and furrier, and a prominent member of the Masonic order. His son, John Cornwall, was born in Rochester, and for a time he remained his father's assistant. Later John and his brother, George, located in the oil fields of Pennsylvania and there prospered. Afterward he moved to New York City, where he remained until 1867, then returned to Rochester, where his father, Amos Cornwall, died April 16, 1868. John Cornwall owned valuable Rochester property, including the Crystal Palace block. He married Margaret Von Schuyver, whose father located in Roches- ter in 1820. They were the parents of a son, John Byron, and a daughter, Eliza- beth. John Byron Cornwall, son of John and Margaret (Von Schuyver) Cornwall, was born May 4, 1848, in Rochester, New York, and died May 25, 1903. He was a large property owner. He was a strong supporter of the Young Men's Christian Association. He married Anna Van Valk- enburg Gardinier, of the Mohawk Valley, daughter of Cornelius Gardinier, a for- warding merchant of New York City. He was prominent in the Republican party, intimately associated with William H. Seward, Thurlow Weed, and other great leaders of the party. He was an Erie canal commissioner and was widely men- tioned for Governor. His wife, Catherine (Groat) Gardinier, born in Montgomery county, New York, was a descendant of early Dutch settlers of the Mohawk Val- ley. Mrs. Anna V. V. (Gardinier) Corn- wall survives her husband, a resident of Rochester, her home No. 267 Oxford street. Byron Edward Cornwall, son of John Byron and Anna V. V. (Gardinier) Corn- wall, was born February 12, 1867, died May 10, 1913- He married Florence Maxon, of New York, and left a son, Edward Floyd Cornwall. YOUNG, Jacob J., Manufacturer, Public Official. Prominent among the business men of Rochester was the late Jacob J. Young, who for almost three decades was closely 326 y////fj ^y y ///;////$-' ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAl'IIV identified with the history of the city as a representative of one of its most important business interests. He was a man of keen discrimination and sound judgment, and his executive ability and excellent management brought to the concern which he controlled a large degree of success. The safe conservative policy which he inaugurated commended itself to the judgment of all and secured to the company a large and increasing patronage. Jacob J. Young was born in Rochester, New York, September 24, i860. He attended the public schools of his native city, acquiring a practical education which qualified him for an active business career. His first employment was with his father, Frederick Young, who was a manufacturer of wagons, plows, etc., and a resident of Rochester for many years. Later Jacob J. Young became connected with iron companies, and by applying himself assiduously to his duties was advanced step by step, attaining the position of superintendent of a large plow works, in which capacity he was serving in 1888. the year in which he engaged in business on his own account. He estab- lished the J. J. Young Wrought Iron Works in Rochester, which continued in successful operation under that style until 1905, when the business was incorporated under the name of Young's Wrought Iron Works, he serving as president and treasurer until his death, and at the present time (1915) the business is being conducted by his sons, William J. and Howard J. Young, and is in a flourishing condition. Mr. Young had the contract for the steel work on many of the promi- nent buildings in Rochester, including the Eastman Building, and also the steel work on the Riverside and Catholic cemeteries. In 1899 rie was elected, on the Republican ticket, school commis- sioner for the Sixth Ward of Rochester, his term of service being satisfactory to all concerned. He was a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Mr. Young married in Rochester, New York, October 19, 1882, private wedding, Holy Redeemer Church, Mary A. Hetzler, daughter of George and Matilda (Nold) Hetzler. Mr. Young was a member of Salem German Evangelical Church of Rochester and his wife was a member of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, and the children were brought up in the faith of their mother. Children : 1. William J., born July 31, 1884, aforementioned as his father's successor and president of the company; married Clara Vogel, of Rochester ; children : William L. and Norbert Henry. 2. Oscar J., born Sep- tember 14, 1886, a resident of Detroit, Michigan. 3. Howard J., born November 30, 1891, aforementioned as his father's successor and secretary of the company ; married Irene Armitage, of Rochester ; one child, Virginia. Mr. Young's death occurred in his native city, October 8, 191 1 (after an operation in the General Hospital) in the prime of life, at the age of fifty-one years. His untimely death was deplored by his numerous friends, which included many prominent resi- dents of Rochester, all of whom estimated him at his true worth. His life was manly, his actions sincere, his manner unaffected, and his example is well worthy of emula- tion. TUMILTY, James Patrick, Author, State Legislator. There are few men who attained to a higher plane of popularity and success than James P. Tumilty. A fine orator with a splendid voice and presence he became a power in politics and won his way to legislative honors, and as a busi- 327 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ness man he was very successful, using his means generously in charity and benevolence. His wit, good humor and fine character won him a host of friends among all classes and even from those opposed to him politically. Among his warm, personal friends was J. Sloat Fas- sett who sat with him in the State Legis- lature, fighting him politically, but there learning to admire and respect. Other close friends were ex-Mayor Werner, Mr. James Buckley, Sol Weil and a host of men well known and of humbler degree. James P. Tumilty was born at the family residence in St. Paul street, Rochester, January 7, 1851, and died in his native city, May, 191 1, only son of Patrick and Mary (McGraw) Tumilty. His father was born in Bristol, England, of Irish parentage, his mother in County Down, Ireland. Patrick Tumilty was a sea-faring man in his younger years, coming as a young man to Rochester where he became interested in the manu- facturing of gas, holding a financial inter- est and responsible position in the company. He died at the early age of thirty-seven years. His wife, Mary (McGraw) Tumilty, was related to the McVicker family of New York. James P. Tumilty was educated in the public schools and after graduation spent several years in Liverpool, England, where he added to his mental equipment a course in a business college, graduating in 1870. He was there interested in liter- ary and dramatic work and associated in this country and England with Holmes Grosvenor. After his marriage in 1875 he came with his bride to Rochester where as real estate dealer, contractor and builder he was very successful. With an inborn love for politics and with a personality that quickly brought him recognition he became eventually one of the able leaders of the Democratic party in Rochester. He represented his ward for three consecutive terms on the Board of Supervisors and there made so favorable a record for efficiency that he was sent to the State Legislature. He served one term in the Assembly during President Cleveland's first administration and took prominent part in committee and floor work. As a contributor to the col- umns of the "New York Herald" and other newspapers and through the authorship of several books, Mr. Tumilty won literary distinction. His style 'was easy and enter- taining, his subjects carefully treated, his logic unanswerable. He had great power over an audience and in his own cam- paigns was difficult to beat. He did valiant service for his party "on the stump," in council and with personal influence among the voters. He was highly respected and admired, his manly qualities attracting to him and holding many close friends. He was not a club man and had few interests save those mentioned, his home and family ever holding his closest devotion. He was a communicant of the Roman Catholic church but broad-minded, having no quarrel with those of opposite belief. In fact broad-mindedness and public spirit were dominant characteristics of his nature. Mr. Tumilty married, in Liverpool, England. November 12, 1874, Mary J., daughter of John and Dorothy Davies, of English and Welsh ancestry. She sur- vives her husband with five children: Mary. Lawrence, Frank, Edmund and Monica. Her eldest child Patrick and a daughter Geraldine are deceased. CHASE, Lewis, Pomologist. There have been no startling chapters in the life history of the late Lewis Chase, of Rochester, New York, yet it contains 328 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY lessons well worthy of emulation, show- ing that by faithful performance of the duties of each day, and by the intelligent direction of effort, both success and an honorable name may be won. His family is an old one in. this country, and has included many notable representatives. The first of the name in this country was a preacher-farmer, of the stock of the sturdy New Englanders. The family is said to be of Norman origin. In the old English records it is spelled Chaace and Chaase, but in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries it received its present form. The arms of the family are : Gules four crosses, flory, two and two, or, on a can- ton azure a lion passant of the second or. Crest : A demi-lion rampant or, holding a cross of the shield gules. Motto: Ne cede inalis. Lewis Chase was born at Chase Mills, Maine, January 22, 1830, and died at his home, No. 4 Winthrop street, Rochester, New York, September 5, 191 1. He ac- quired his education in his native town, and there, in 1857, he became associated in business with his brothers, Ethan A. and Martin Van B., when they started a nursery. All had had considerable experi- ence as agriculturists, and after making a success of their enterprise in Maine, they looked about for other fields to conquer. In 1868 Lewis Chase, accompanied by his brother, Ethan A., came to Rochester, New York, leaving Martin Van B. in charge of the Maine industry. The busi- ness was first conducted as Chase Bros., of Rochester. In that year they turned their attention to managing traveling agents for the business from the office, rather than the employing of local men in the various fields, as heretofore, enjoy- ing the distinction of being the first in the world to do this, and in this field they were eminently successful, as their con- stantly growing enterprise amply testi- fied. Martin V. B. Chase retired from the business in 1878, when the two brothers, Lewis and Ethan A., took charge of the management. The firm was incorporated under the style of Chase Brothers Com- pany, at which time Lewis Chase, owing to the executive ability he had displayed, was elected president of the company, and remained the incumbent of this office until his lamented death. Ethan A. Chase sold his interest in the corporation in 1895, removing to California at that time, and Lewis Chase was left as the sole original member of the firm. He was a member of the American Pomological Society, and of a number of organizations of a similar nature. During his lifetime he was affili- ated with the Universalist and Unitarian churches, contributing liberally both of his time and means to the work connected with each, and was also helpful to many private individuals, being always ready and willing to assist in time of need, giv- ing in such an unostentatious manner that few realized the extent of his benevo- lences. He derived considerable pleasure from the reading of good books, Dickens being his favorite author. Mr. Chase married, at Sydney, Maine, September 6, 1855, Elvina G. Dyer, who died May 5, 191 1. Of the five children born of this union two died in infancy, those now living being: Charles H., Mrs. William Pitkin, and Mrs. Ada Dudley, who is an authoress of note, having writ- ten many books and contributed numer- ous articles, stories, poems, etc., to the leading magazines. She is also very active and helpful in the cause of suffrage, serving in the capacity of press chairman of the Seventh Campaign District during the 191 5 New York Woman Suffrage campaign. Mr. and Mrs. Chase were also greatly interested in the suffrage move- ment, being actively affiliated with the same, and opposed to war and the war 329 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY spirit. Mr. and Mrs. Chase also had ten grandchildren and two great-grandchil- dren. Mr. Chase was recognized as a forceful factor in commercial circles, and pos- sessed the spirit of determination and adaptability which not only enabled him to carry forward to successful completion whatever he undertook but also to shape means and methods to his own ends. He had earned for himself an enviable reputa- tion as a careful man of business, and in his dealings was noted for his prompt and honorable methods, which won him the deserved and unqualified confidence of his contemporaries. CHASE, Benjamin E., Enterprising Citizen. The life record of the late Benjamin E. Chase, of Rochester, New York, forms an important chapter in the history of that city, for he was closely associated with business interests there which promoted the welfare of the community, and at the same time he displayed such splendid traits of character as to make his memory a hallowed one. His enterprise, diligence, and the careful direction of his business affairs, had brought him financial inde- pendence, but the evening of his life found him still active and interested in business affairs. While all his fellow citizens recognized in Mr. Chase those sterling traits of character which ever command respect, the real depth and tenderness of his nature was best displayed at his fire- side. Benjamin E. Chase, eldest son of Stephen C. and Laura A. (Wiggins) Chase, was born in Floyd, Oneida county, New York, August 2, 1843, died in the Stern Hospital, New York, from the after effects of an operation, March 27, 1915, and his remains were interred in a ceme- tery in Oneida, New York. He acquired what was considered a sound and prac- tical education in those days, in the com- mon schools in the vicinity of his home, and graduated from the Eastman Busi- ness College of Poughkeepsie, New York, his leisure time being spent in farming. Upon the completion of his education, he found employment as a clerk in a store, and was identified with positions of this kind until 1865. By this time he had acquired an excellent knowledge of busi- ness methods, and proceeded to establish himself in business independently, a very wise step, as was later proved. He con- tinued in business alone until 1870, when he associated himself in a partnership with C. W. Chappell, in Oneida, in the clothing business, the name of the firm being Chase & Chappell. Until 1880 Mr. Chase resided in Oneida, active in its business affairs, and during this period he was one of the organizers of Chappell, Chase, Maxwell & Company, casket manufacturers. So well recognized was his ability in various directions that he was chosen president of the village of Oneida, an office from which he resigned when he removed to Rochester in 1880. From the organization of the National Casket Company, he served as treas- urer of the concern, whose headquarters were in Rochester, and was the incum- bent of this office until his death. He had many other connections with enter- prises in the East, and had large interests in California and other Western States. He was honored with election to the office of treasurer of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce, was the first incumbent of this office, and held it for almost a quarter of a century. His club affiliations were with the following: Genesee Valley, Country, Adirondack League, Caledonia Fishing, California, of Los Angeles, and the Genesee Club of New York City. At 330 ytcr^e^^ /i/C^Crqyc^^^^ ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY the time of his death, Mr. Chase was president of the Central and East Side banks ; and a director of the following named companies: The Pfaudler, New York Telephone, General Railway Signal, New York and Kentucky, and the Roches- ter Trust & Safe Deposit Company. He is survived by his wife, Jessie Walcott (Tuttle) Chase, and a stepson, Donald Stewart Tuttle, a graduate of Cornell University, standing at the head of his class. The family residence is at No. 10 South Goodman street. Many resolutions were passed at the time of the death of Mr. Chase, and among them was the following, by the board of directors of the Rochester Trust & Safe Deposit Company, at a special meeting, held March 29, 1915 : It is with profound sorrow that the members of this Board have learned of the death of Ben- jamin E. Chase. In our association with him for many years, we have learned his sterling qualities as a man, and appreciated highly his wise counsel and untiring efforts for the welfare of the insti- tution. As a member of this Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee, he was always earnest in the discharge of his duties and willing to accept the responsibilities which went with those positions. His unvarying kindness and geni- ality endeared him to us personally. In the thirty-five years of his residence in this city he had won a commanding place in its business life. His ability and high character have been recognized by other financial and industrial institutions of this city, which have called him to places of great responsibility. The death of such a man, in whose probity and loyalty to duty so many have trusted, is a serious loss to the com- munity. It is ordered that the secretary spread upon our minutes these words in tribute to his memory, and a copy of it be transmitted to his family, with the assurance of our sincere sympathy. ROGERS, Hosea, Sea Captain. The history of a nation is nothing more than a history of the individuals compris- ing it, and as they are characterized by loftier or lower ideals, actuated by the spirit of ambition or indifference, so it is with a State, county or town. Success along any line of endeavor would never be properly appreciated if it came with a single effort and unaccompanied by some hardships, for it is the knocks and bruises in life that make success taste so sweet. The failures accentuate the successes, thus making recollections of the former as dear as those of the latter for having been the stepping-stones of achievement. The career of Hosea Rogers, late of Rochester, New York, but emphasizes the fact that success is bound to come to those who join brains with ambition and who are willing to work. The Rogers family is one of the old ones of Massachusetts, and Ezra Rogers, father of Hosea Rogers, came from that State to Monroe county, New York, about the year 1810 At that time the section was wild and unsettled, and Mr. Rogers, with the assistance of his children, culti- vated what in the course of time became a fine farm. Not having registered this by a deed, however, he was later deprived of its possession, although he had made many improvements upon it. and the property was sold. He purchased an acre and a half on Norton street and there erected a house which was more in con- formity with improved and changed con- ditions. The first dwelling which he occupied in Monroe county was but one story in height, almost square in outline, and the building materials were hewn logs, the cracks between these being stuffed with small sticks and clay to keep out the cold and rain. It was lighted by two small square windows, which were glazed, but as these gave but insufficient light, the heavy door of rough boards was always left open unless the inclemency of the weather prevented this. This only means of securing the house against un- welcome intrusion was by means of a 331 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY wooden latch and a string, which passed out through a round aperture just below the latch, and when visitors were not wanted this string was drawn in as an indication of the fact. From this means of fastening doors we have the expression so frequently heard when inviting well liked guests, "My latch string is always out for you." The little cabin was heated by means of a huge fireplace, the fire in this frequently replacing candles, and the floor was of split logs until a rough floor- ing of pine boards was laid in later years. Mr. Rogers was a cabinetmaker by trade, and after he had lost possession of his land he built a small shop in which he followed this trade with the assistance of his sons. He commenced the manufacture of chairs, his sons doing the initial work by felling the forest trees, and hewing them into transportable shape, and Mr. Rogers used a small foot lathe. He dis- posed of his product in Canada, and not long after his return to New York he died and the support of the family rested on the shoulders of the elder children. Mr. Rogers was a man of prominence in the community, and was deacon of the First Presbyterian Church in that section, this being located in that part of the city now- known as Carthage. He married Betsey Beckwith, while still living in Massachu- setts, and their children in the order of their birth were: Diodat, Betsey, Ezra, Carolina, Hosea. Hosea Rogers was born on the present site of the Delos Polly House, on North St. Paul street, Rochester, New York, January 17, 1812, and died in Ironde- quoit, December 14, 1904. He was scarcely more than an infant when the War of 1812 broke out, and during this disturbed period, when the British fleet appeared at the mouth of the river, the men would seize their arms and start for the lake, while the women and children fled to the woods, which were thick and impenetrable. Game was plentiful, even so late as when Mr. Rogers was old enough to go hunting, and bears would make occasional and unwelcome visits to the farmyard, and help themselves to the stock found there. There was but little opportunity for obtaining even a meager education in that time. However, the settlers were determined that their chil- dren should obtain some educational advantages, and they accordingly engaged a young lady teacher, who "boarded around'' among the parents of her pupils. The first school sessions were held in the home of Mr. Rogers, and he made the best use of these limited opportunities, and supplemented this early training by keen observation all through his life. The outdoor life he led also gave him a fine constitution which well fitted him for the strenuous work of his latter life. Until his fifteenth year he was raised by his elder brothers, and then for a period of ten years was a sailor on the Great Lakes, commencing at the bottom of the ladder, and by well directed ambition rising to the position of master of a vessel. His brothers built and operated the first ves- sel which ran between Rochester and Chicago, and he was given charge of this as captain in 1834. In his youth there were no steam tugs to tow vessels in windless waters and it was seldom a vessel could sail up or down the Genesee river without assistance from the shore. At first they were towed up and down the stream by men who walked in the Indian path, later the men were replaced by cattle on the tow path. Mr. Rogers frequently walked over this trail with the vessel's cable over his shoulder, and he saw perfect marvels developed in naviga- tion. About 1825 his brothers built the schooner "Jeannette," at Carthage Land- ing, and it was one of the first vessels to 332 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY pass from Lake Ontario into Lake Erie in the spring of 1830, Mr. Rogers then being before the mast. In 1831 his brothers built the "Aurora Borealis," of which he became captain in the spring of 1832 ; he was afterward in command of the "Indiana," and in the fall of 1833 he took charge of the "John Grant," these two vessels being also the property of his brothers. In speaking of those days Mr. Rogers once said : In the fall of 1833 I took charge of the "John Grant" and I shall never forget my last voyage that season. We came down from Toronto the 12th of November in a pretty heavy gale which carried away my spanker boom ; in the afternoon I ran into Charlotte for repairs. Happening to meet my brother, Diodat, on the pier he immedi- ately put in a new spar and I left port about sun- down with a fair wind, which soon began to in- crease. By ten o'clock we had our hatches bat- tened down and every loose thing on deck was swept overboard. The gale became terrific and we hardly expected to outlive it. Suddenly there was a cry that the heavens were falling as the great dome above us was filled with shooting stars. We had no intimation of the auroral dis- play and coming as it did at an hour when every nerve was strained and every sense alive to the dangers of the elements, the scene was particu- larly impressive. The shower lasted several hours, if I remember correctly, but at no instance during its occurrence did I dare cease my vigil- ance and the exercize of my greatest skill to keep the vessel in her course. We battled with the elements and watchd the unprecedented fall of stars until the morning of the 13th when daylight ended the wonderful display. An early trip was also made to Chicago by Captain Rogers by way of the lakes, from Buffalo; at that time Chicago was but a frontier town, old Fort Dearborn commanding the mouth of the creek. In 1836 Captain Rogers bought a farm of eighty-five acres in what is now the town of Irondequoit, soon afterwards settled on this and made it his home until his death, with the exception of two years still spent as the captain of a vessel. He became interested in the building of sailing vessels, a line of industry for which his past experiences had well fitted him. In all he built fourteen vessels, some at Charlotte and others in Ohio and Michigan. The business interests of Rochester also claimed a share of his time and attention until January 1, 1902. In 1896 he became identified with the Phelps & Rogers Lumber Company, on Warehouse street, and when the concern was incorporated in 1901, Captain Rogers was elected president, and remained the incumbent of this office until his resigna- tion from it, January I, 1902, although his connection with the company remained in force until his death. He was the owner of the site occupied by the lumber yard, and of a large quantity of other real estate in the city. Until the last the powers of his mind and body remained vigorous, and he attended to the cultivation of his farm in addition to the collecting of rents and other business matters. In his political opinions he was a Democrat, but never had time nor inclination for the holding of public office, although he was always a leader in furthering any project which tended to the improvement or development of the city. His religious affiliations were with the Presbyterian church, of which he was a member. Captain Rogers married (first) in Octo- ber, 1837, Polly Van Dusen, who died January 25, 1871. He married (second) May 1, 1873, Mary J. Lyon, of Albion, New York, who died May 25, 1875. He married (third) February 2, 1876, Asenath Scholfield, of Port Colborne, Canada, a daughter of James Scholfield, collector of Port Colborne for thirty-three consecutive years, and who died in 1889; and a granddaughter of John Scholfield, a native of England, who was a farmer by occupation, a veteran of the War of 333 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY 1812, and who died in 1866. Mrs. Rogers is living in the old home, a beautiful estate of one hundred and eighty acres just outside the city limits of Rochester. By his third marriage Captain Rogers had children: 1. Polly M., now Mrs. George B. Hunt. 2. William H., of the Genesee Lumber Yard ; married Carrie D. Rollison ; lives in Rochester, New York. 3. Mrs. Mary Sheber. 4. Luella A., now Mrs. Walter H. Tyler, of Saugatuck, Michigan. 5. Ezra S., who married Louise C. Reeves ; lives at Irondequoit, New York. 6. Alida J., Mrs. Walter E. Camp- ing, of Elizabeth, New Jersey. The his- tory of Captain Rogers is interwoven with that of Rochester and its development, as he was one of the first white children born in its precincts, and had never severed his connection with it. No breath of suspicion ever assailed his honorable name, and he stood as a splendid type of the honorable, reliable and successful man, the public-spirited citizen and the loyal and trustworthy friend. WING, Halsey R. and Walton S., Representative Citizens. On the just administration of the law depends the very life of the nation. In no walk of life, commercial or professional, are the wickedly unscrupulous and the un- swervingly incorruptible brought into such universal contact. But luckily, though per- version of the letter of the law is not unusual, neither is its honest administration. The carrying out of the law in its highest and best form, the tempering of justice with mercy for the greatest good of the greatest number, that divine gift in the power of all those who rise to prominence in the realm of jurisprudence, is as exalted as it is exacting. The true jurist must possess faculties of the highest order, a mentality keen and quick, an integrity unimpeach- able, and a sympathy with human nature incapable of being dulled by the constant contact with crime and cunning in both criminal and civil law. In his long and honorable connection in forensic circles, either actively or making his influence felt as a silent power work- ing unceasingly for the good of the com- munities in which he lived, the career of Halsey Rogers Wing was exemplary and spotless, absolutely above reproach. His death in Glens Falls on January 26, 1870, was a cause of wide spread and genuine grief among the citizens of that city, who recognized in his loss the loss of one whose life has been one of service and benefit immeasurable in its midst. Halsey Rogers Wing, son of Daniel W. and Rhoda A. (Stuart) Wing, was born at Sandy Hill, New York, July 9, 1809. As was rather unusual in that day, every educational opportunity was offered the boy. He first attended the Academy at Lenox, Massachusetts, later going to Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. Early in life he showed a decided prefer- ence for the law and chose it finally as his life work, going to Middlebury College in Vermont, from which he was graduated in 1832. In 1834 he was admitted to the bar. His rise to popularity and his fitness for the office brought him the election to the office of district attorney of Albany county, New York, in 1834. In this ex- acting and extremely difficult office he fully justified the expectations of those who had elected him and added greatly to the reputation which he was gradually building for himself. The following year he moved to Brockport, Monroe county, New York, and then to Buffalo, where he formed a law partnership with Judge Frederick O. Stevens. In 1841 Mr. Wing removed to Glens Falls and entered upon what proved to be a very diverse and active career. Politically he was always 334 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY an active and highly respected Democrat. His energies, though from this time on not always directly connected with the law itself, were bent to lines of effort which are but branches of it. In 1843, so assured had his standing in the estima- tion of his fellow citizens become, he was appointed to the post of county superin- tendent of schools. After holding succes- sively the offices of justice of the peace and inspector of schools he was signally honored by the office of first judge of the county, a tribute to the esteem in which he was universally held and also to his abilities. After acquitting himself with great distinction in this post of public trust, he retired from the professional world entirely and devoted his time to commercial pursuits. Realizing the enormous potentialities of the vast, primeval forests of the north- ern part of the Empire State, Mr. Wing now devoted his time and interests to the lumbering business. In 1851 he became a partner in the Jointa Lime Company. In 1852 he bought out the interests and be- came sole proprietor of the lumbering business and extensive mills of Abraham Wing. Later on, as the business in- creased, Mr. Wing entered into partner- ship with Isaac J. Lewis, who attended solely to the legal affairs of the firm. He later became a member of the Glens Falls Company. Because of his keenness in business affairs he was sought in all en- terprises of such a character as to demand the calm and excellent judgment of a man of affairs. He was a member of the Glens Falls Transportation Company, and also a director in the Glens Falls National Bank and the Glens Falls Insurance Com- pany. As a truly public-spirited citizen he was always interested in the educa- tional opportunities which the community offered to its youth, and at the time of his death was a trustee in the Glens Falls Academy. Mr. Wing throughout his life- time was connected with the Presbyterian church, and at the time of his death was one of its trustees. He had been in- terested in social uplift also and had served as president of the Young Men's Christian Association. On August 31, 1835, Mr. Wing married Harriet N. Walton, daughter of General E. P. Walton and Prussia (Persons) Wal- ton, of Montpelier, Vermont, a sister of the Hon. E. P.Walton. Among their chil- dren was Walton Stuart Wing, born July 29, 1837, a brief sketch of whose life is appended hereto. Walton Stuart Wing was born in Buf- falo, New York, the oldest son of Halsey Rogers and Harriet N. (Walton) Wing. When he was but a small boy his parents moved to Glens Falls, where he received his early education, which was continued at Montpelier, Vermont. Shortly after- ward he started in business, at first in New York City where he received much of the training in business affairs which in after life made him one of the foremost merchants of Glens Falls. He was very successful in New York, and on his return to Glens Falls engaged in the line of busi- ness in which his father had at one time been actively interested. His life was molded on somewhat the same lines as was his father's, a prominent and useful career, and he held many positions of public honor and trust. Mr. Wing was for a number of years identified with the Glens Falls National Bank. He was a staunch Democrat, as was his father. He was representative of the high type of citizen who is always active in the best interests of his city and country. As a merchant Mr. Wing was highly respected for his clean business dealings and fair- ness, though no more highly respected than he was loved and honored by his many friends- 335 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY On July 9, 1868, he married Helen M., daughter of Isaac and Laura (Shay) Davis. Mrs. Wing's father was distin- guished for valor in fighting in the War of 1812. Their children are: 1. Edgar Henry, who resides in Glens Falls, and who married Helen Murray, daughter of Nelson H. and Sarah (Canfield) Murray ; the children of this marriage are Helen Florence, Laura Murray, Louise Angela, Walton Stuart, died in infancy. 2. Hal- sey Keenan, died July 9, 1882. 3. Leroy Chapin, who lives in Glens Falls. 4. Per- sons Walton, a member of the medical profession and practicing at Canaan, New Hampshire, he married Elizabeth How- land Clark and they have one son, Wal- ton McKie. The Wing family have always held an enviable and high though unassailable place in the life, past and present, of Glens Falls. Through sheer force of ability, stern integrity and worth of character they have won for themselves a place among the first in the annals of the city in which they have been prominent in all efforts for betterment, unselfish in striv- ing after the good of mankind, and un- ostentatious withal. They are a family of that worthy and invaluable old type which gave its sons to the service of country and God willingly, a type which now unhappily is becoming rarer with time. EDWARDS, Isaac, LL. D., Lawyer, Teacher, Author. As an author, member of a learned pro- fession, as professor in the law depart- ment of Union University, as an instruc- tor and a helper of youth and as an up- right man, Isaac Edwards, of Albany, was justly entitled to the high reputation so universally accorded him by those of his generation. Many years ago the question of the improvement of the public schools was a question agitating the public mind in Albany. Mr. Edwards took prominent position in favor of advanced education. His pungent, powerful articles in the "Morning Express" were scattered broad- cast over the city and were important factors in forming the opinion that re- sulted in public school improvement. To the present generation it seems improb- able that there should ever have been opposition to public school education, but there was, and to Isaac Edwards and to men of his stamp, the present efficiency and glory of the public schools is due. As a lecturer in the Albany Law School he was deemed fitted to take the chair left vacant by the death of the eminent Amos Dean. His clearness of diction, his full- ness of illustration and his correctness of definition so commended him to the fac- ulty that he was unanimously elected to the vacant professorship. From that time until his death he was the moving spirit and power of the Albany Law School, delivering about one-half the lectures and presiding at nearly all the Moot Courts. As an author Mr. Edwards held a high rank. His first work upon "Bailments" was published in 1855, and in 1878 the work was revised, portions of it were re- written, later decisions were cited, and new chapters were added. Since the pub- lication of the first edition commercial transactions have been widely extended, business has been enlarged, and many new and perplexing questions have come before our numerous courts for discus- sion and adjudication. The most mark- ed developments have reference to pledges, or collateral securities, transportation and telegraphic messages. Upon these sub- jects the second edition is full and explicit and demonstrates that in this branch of the law Mr. Edwardswas thoroughly informed as to the decisions of the courts. In 1857 336 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY this work was followed by his work upon "Bills and Notes," a second edition of which was published in 1863. The profes- sion concur that they are two of the best books that have been written upon those two branches of the law, and prior to his death they had gone into a second edition. His work, published in 1870, "Factors and Brokers," is an authority in that branch of legal training and in it as in his other books he displayed his deep legal learn- ing and the intense interest he took in elucidating its principles. His estimate of justice and of the law to establish and enforce it can be best expressed in his own words. He says, "Justice being the supreme interest of mankind, the law established to enforce it, is a most worthy object of labor and study. Aside from its value as the meas- ure and conservator of our rights, the law is one of the noblest of the applied sci- ences. It is beneficent in its purpose ; it aims to secure equity between men in their dealings with each other. It lies at the foundation of our system of govern- ments ; it is both a source and a principal of authority in our halls of legislation and in our tribunals of justice. It underlies our institutions and conserves them. It reaches the individual reason and covers with its protecting power social interest and every relation in life. It is the con- science of the state, everywhere present in the manifold activities of her citizens." With such a conception of the principles of the law, he began his work in the Law School in 1867. As a writer he was clear, graceful, concise and dignified. His me- morial of his cousin, Carlton Edwards, written only for private circulation, is a model of what biography should be, while his contributions to the daily press were trenchant, calm and convincing. In politics Mr. Edwards was not a par- tisan, although in early life a Whig and afterwards always supported the Republi- can party. He sought not for public office, neither did he refuse it when offered him. As a speaker he was clear, logical and forcible, using nice distinc- tions and strong illustrations. His early success before the jury and in several political campaigns gave assurance that had he but turned his attention more directly to other branches of his profes- sion he would have taken high rank as an advocate. He early united with the Second Presbyterian Church of Albany and continued a member until the forma- tion of the First Congregational Church in 1850, when he united with that congre- gation. He was a member of the com- mittee of nine persons selected April 29, 1850, to prepare the Confession of Faith, the Covenant and the Ecclesiastical Rules which were later adopted. He was one of the five persons selected a month later to bring together and to organize a Sunday school. On June 28, 1850, he was elected with two others to invite the council by which the church and society was, on July 10th, following, duly organized. He was one of the eighty-one original members of the church, was elected deacon four times, and served eleven years in that position. For many years he taught in the Sunday school, for nine years was a member of the Church Examining Committee, and at his death was president of the board of trustees. He was regular and punctual in his attendance upon public worship, and his words of Christian counsel and prayer were accompanied with a power attesting his conscious sense of a nearness and a oneness with his Master, and an abiding security in his unchanging love. Eminent as he was as a lawyer, teacher and author, his higher virtues were ex- pressed in his manly life. He was a lover of truth, goodness and humanity. He was upright in his life, eminently fair and N Y— Vol 11—22 337 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY just to all, kind and genial, his pleasures simple and refined, and competent to fill high stations he sought the humblest places. With learning to which all bowed in respect he walked humbly before God and man. Isaac Edwards descended from Alexan- der Edwards, a Welshman, who settled in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1640. That line of descent was through the founder's son, Samuel Edwards ; his son, Nathaniel Edwards ; his son, Captain Nathaniel Edwards, an officer in the Colonial and Revolutionary wars ; his son, Isaac Ed- wards, a revolutionary soldier at the age of sixteen years ; his son, John Edwards, who founded this branch of his family in Saratoga county, New York, born in Watertown, Connecticut, died in Corinth, New York; his son, Isaac Edwards, LL. D., to whose memory this tribute of appre- ciation, respect and love is dedicated. Isaac Edwards was born at Corinth, Saratoga county, New York, August 30, 1819, died at Albany, New York, March 26, 1879, second son of John and Sarah (Cooper) Edwards, of New England birth, they coming to Corinth from Watertown, Connecticut. John Edwards, a thrifty, successful farmer, had four sons that it was his desire should succeed him in the same occupation. But Isaac Edwards, as he acquired education, developed an en- tirely different ambition. He studied under a prince of teachers, Professor Tay- lor Lewis, who gave new impulse to his desire for a thorough education and en- couraged him in his ambition to become a lawyer. He worked on the farm and continued his general studies until he was nineteen years of age, then definitely be- gan his life work. He moved to Albany in 1838 and began the study of law in the office of his uncle, James Edwards, who at that time was a law partner of Orlando Meads and conducting an extensive and lucrative practice. As a student he was diligent and attentive, not confining him- self to the mere routine of office duties and studies. He took up logic, political economy, and kindred subjects and thor- oughly fitted himself for success in his profession. He gave four years to prepa- ration and at the July term, 1843, was admitted to the Albany county bar. After admission his uncle, James Edwards, offered him a partnership which was ac- cepted but continued for a short time only, as he preferred the independence of a single office and his uncle had admitted another partner, Samuel Stevens. He soon established a fair practice, had the handling of some large estates and im- portant trusts and in that field proved himself exceedingly capable. His clients, while not numerous, were among the best merchants of the city and he always retained them. His duties became such that he could devote much time to cases as referee and during the last twenty years of his life he heard and decided as many important cases as any lawyer in his section. His eminently judicial mind was adapted to the hearing of long intri- cate cases and was so well balanced that in the weighing of evidence he had few superiors. He was never charged with being influenced by fear, favor or friend- ship in his decisions, but was credited with making absolute justice his sole aim and endeavor. He held membership on the boards of several public charities, was a vice-president of the Albany Insti- tute, member of the Board of Public In- struction, and aside from his loyal devo- tion to the interests of the entire school system and his thorough conviction of its high mission, was heartily in sympathy with the teachers. He was one of the incorporators of the National Savings Bank and one of its trustees, also a member of the board of managers of the 338 c ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Society for the Relief of Orphan and Destitute Children. Mr. Edwards married Anna, daughter of the Rev. William James, who survived him with a son, Henry Ames Edwards, and two daughters, Katherine, deceased, and Elizabeth. Thirty-six years have passed since the career of this great, good man ended. A new generation now treads the halls where he taught, but his memory is there kept green, and to his precepts, his decis- ions and his books, law students are referred as authority on which they can rely. His work for schools, church and charity lives and the world is better that Isaac Edwards lived. EDDY, Royal Jerome, Eminent Physician. The death of Dr. Royal Jerome Eddy in Glens Falls, May 6, 1915, was one of the most deeply felt and widely mourned occurrences in Warren county, New York, from the time of its formation up to the present day. A man whose life has been an uninterrupted devotion to the unselfish service of mankind cannot fail to be a hero among his own people and a great man in the eyes of the world. The divine pity and love in the heart of every true physician brings to the light through its very magnetism the love and appreciation of humanity. It is doubtful if there was ever a physician more truly loved in the circle of his friends and patients, whose name was legion, than was Dr. Eddy. As a physician he stood well in the fore of his profession, the dean of the Warren County Medical Fra- ternity. In the building up of the Glens Falls Hospital, of which he was the founder, he rendered invaluable service, and was in fact a pioneer in that field, obtaining largely through his own efforts the splendid facilities of the institution. To write that Dr. Eddy was a favorite in the city would be hopelessly to under- estimate his popularity. His services were withheld from none, with the result that his life was one of ceaseless and grinding activity. His promptness at any hour of the day or night to hasten to the bedside of the sick, his sympathetic man- ner and kindly, calm nature endeared him to people in all walks of life, and made him beloved by persons in all stations. Royal J. Eddy was born July 16, 1842, in the little town of Winhall, Vermont, the son of Silas and Cynthia (Puffer) Eddy. At the age of five years he was deprived of his mother's care and guid- ance by her death, and by this he was forced into a seriousness beyond his years. When only eleven years old he began to work after school hours and on Saturdays. Despite the handicap of the fact that during the time which he should have applied to his lessons he worked, he was the brightest scholar in the district and at the early age of sixteen was chosen teacher of the school, after the custom of the day which disregarded the years of training which the twentieth century now deems necessary for its educators. After teaching school for several years, he saw the impossibility of his getting ahead and decided to better his education. He worked his way through Burr and Burton seminaries in Manchester, Ver- mont, and following his graduation from the last named went to Middlebury Col- lege where in 1866 he received an A. B. degree. During his college course he was made a member of the Chi Psi frater- nity and delivered the Greek oration on his commencement day. At this time Dr. Eddy decided upon the medical pro- fession as his life work, and after a brief space of time spent at the University of Vermont, he enrolled as a student at the New York College of Physicians and 339 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Surgeons. He also enrolled at Bellevue, which institution he later left, taking his degree of Doctor of Medicine at the University of Vermont. He entered upon his first active prac- tice at Middlebury, Vermont, in 1869, where he wedded Elizabeth, daughter of David B. and Miratte (Gayger) Sanford. Following their marriage Dr. and Mrs. Eddy settled in Bristol, Vermont. Mrs. Eddy had at one time resided in Glens Falls, and realizing that it offered a better field for her husband's efforts than Bris- tol, she induced him to settle there.- Glens Falls owes much to her work in inducing Dr. Eddy to locate in that city in 1871. He transferred his interests whole heartedly to his new home and came eventually to love it above all other places. Almost immediately after his coming to Glens Falls Dr. Eddy started a move- ment for the formation of the Glens Falls Medical & Surgical Society ; and because of his ceaseless effort on its behalf the organization was perfected within a com- paratively short time and Dr. Eddy was honored with its presidency. No greater tribute to his ability as a physician could have been paid than his successive re- election for thirty-five years to the same office. At the end of that time, five years before his death, h.e resigned because of his belief that he could no longer give proper attention to the details of the office and still conduct his practice, which was unusually large, with the activity of his younger years. Despite his resignation as president he still con- tinued his interest in the organization, attending all its meetings and on many occasions delivering addresses of interest and guidance to the younger members of his profession. • The Glens Falls Hospital and the Glens Falls Medical and Surgical Society as long as they exist will stand as monuments to the memory of Dr. Eddy. The hospital was the goal of his ambition for twenty- five years before it became an actual reality. During all that time he worked for it with the zeal of one inspired with an idea which in its consummation will bring untold good. In fact, when the late Mr. S. H. Parks, of Glens Falls, gave his Park street home, now the Nurses' Home, for use as a hospital, he made the statement that Dr. Eddy had done far more than all the others combined to make him see the need for such an institu- tion in the city. Further to assure Dr. Eddy of recognition for his works for all time, Mr. Parks transferred to him the deed of the property on which the hospital now stands and it was Dr. Eddy who transferred the title to the city. At his own expense Dr. Eddy fitted and equipped the operating room, the first in the institution. It is now known as the R. J. Eddy surgical and operating room. His speech at that time of the campaign in this city for funds to finance the hos- pital is regarded on all sides as a master- piece of local oratory, both from the point of view of common sense and eloquence combined. Dr. Eddy was a skilled and finished speaker, having be- sides the knowledge in an unusual degree of the subject on which he was speak- ing, the ability of forcibly presenting his ideas and convictions. In the ranks of the Warren County Medical Society he was a prominent figure, having filled every office practic- ally in its organization, including that of president, which he held for many years. He was a member and at one time held offices in the Tri-County Medical Asso- ciation. In addition to the several high offices with which he was honored by medical societies, Dr. Eddy served as president of the physician's board of the Glens Falls Hospital, of the Pine View Cemetery Commission, and was on many 340 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY occasions elected to office by the alumni of Middlebury College. He served on the Glens Falls Board of Health, and twice delivered the commencement addresses to the graduates of the Glens Falls Hospital Training School for Nurses. He also figured at times in the commencement exercises of the Glens Falls High School. The movement which first won Dr. Eddy the love of Glens Falls was one of the utmost heroism and sacrifice, and shows the character of the man as noth- ing else which might be said or written could do. The movement was made about thirty years ago when a serious epidemic of smallpox was raging through- out the village. A pest house was estab- lished outside the village limits to which those suffering from the disease were taken. Dr. Eddy left his lucrative prac- tice, ostracized himself from his family and went to the pest house. Here, con- stantly in danger of death from the disease, he confined himself with the sick and dying and worked to win back to life and health those who were suffering from the dread disease. Only once or twice did he leave the place, driving to his home and speaking through closed win- dows to his wife and small sons. During his services in the pest house, because of the impossibility of securing adequate aid, Dr. Eddy was at times forced to dig graves and bury the dead. Only by vac- cinating himself every day, which action brought its usually painful results, was he able to withstand the disease. His horse was seized with smallpox and died. This forced Dr. Eddy to destroy the wagon and harness and practically all of his own wearing apparel. He was com- pensated by the city to the extent of five hundred dollars, an amount which hard- ly paid his expenses. It would have been impossible to estimate the good which his services did. His practice was an extremely large one, and because of the general recog- nition of his ability and the excellence of his service, Dr. Eddy had patients throughout the surrounding country. His practice included people in all sta- tions of life, and it is said by those placed in a position to know his private affairs that Dr. Eddy never asked any remuner- ation for a great deal of his work. He consistently refused to discuss financial matters in the home of the sick, his prin- ciple being to let it pass until the health of the patient had been restored. Early in life Dr. Eddy became affiliated with a Masonic lodge in Middlebury, Ver- mont. He always retained his member- ship in this, never transferring to the local lodge because he felt that his prac- tice did not allow him time to attend the meetings. Dr. Eddy's religion was that greatest form of nonsectarianism — love of humanity. He recognized the Protestant and Roman Catholic religions with the tolerance of the erudite thinker, but he identified himself with neither, preferring to live according to his own standards of righteousness, faithful to his Maker and sincere in his love of his fellowmen. He attended no services or fraternal meetings of any kind outside those of the medical societies of which he was a member. All his time beyond that given to his patients was passed in his home, and even there he was always ready to answer a call from the needy. In conjunction with his practice Dr. Eddy was for over forty years medical examiner for the Prudential and Equitable Life Assurance societies. The value and importance to a com- munity of the presence in it of a man of the type of Dr. Eddy cannot be estimated. His services as a citizen are of the high- est order, both in relation to the present generation and to the example which he sets to the coming one. Dr. Eddy was given that great title of love and vener- ation, "the grand old man" of Glens Falls, 341 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY which name is an indication of his stand- ing in the eyes of the citizens of the town to which he gave the best years of his life in service. Nothing but good was ever known or spoken of him. What- ever his faults, they were outweighed a thousand fold by his virtues of heart and mind, his devotion to his home and to the service of humanity. Bow we must to the Divine will — all that can now be done is to pay tribute to the memory of a great physician who honored his pro- fession and was a splendid citizen. Doc- tors who were his associates expressed the sentiment of every physician in the vicinity when they stated that Dr. Eddy's loss to the medical fraternity could not be measured. In their opinion he was the best friend a young physician could have, a man whose advice was often sought and always cheerfully given. Dr. Eddy is survived by his widow, two sons, Sanford S. Eddy, of Glens Falls, and David J. Eddy, of Houston, Texas, and two grandchildren, William Jerome Eddy and Katherine Elizabeth Sanford Eddv. CUNLEY, Court B., Active Factor in Community Affairs. Some men there are whose lives and careers become so interwoven, so to speak, with the lives of the communities of which they are members, whose affairs become so thoroughly identified with the public affairs of their fellow citizens, that to speak of the latter without mention of the former would be to leave out an essential element, a factor without which no proper understanding of them could be had. We are often astonished in examining the records of such men at the amazing versatility displayed by them in their activities, a versatility which enables them, not merely to take part in practically all of the important affairs, but to take part in the capacity of leader, authoritively showing the way to their fellows in a hundred different pathways at once. Such a man was Court B. Cunley, late of Poughkeepsie, New York, who for forty years was one of the most conspicuous figures in the life of the city, playing a most prominent part in its development, and whose death there on June i, 1915, was felt as a loss by the whole community. Born near Hillsdale, Michigan, Novem- ber 13, 1837, Court B. Cunley was a son of Daniel and Sarah Ann (Van Voor- hees) Cunley. The father was a native of Stuttgart, Germany, where he was born June 12, 1801. He served in the German army for five years and then, in 1822, came to the United States and lived in various parts of the country both east and west. For some time his resi- dence was in Fishkill-on-Hudson, New York, and here it was that he met Miss Van Voorhees to whom he was married. It was shortly after this marriage to the lady that Mr. Cunley, Sr., went to Michi- gan, making the trip on a vessel up the Erie Canal and later on the lake of that name. He was the owner of a farm of over three hundred acres at Hillsdale, but shortly after the birth of his son was obliged to return East and eventually to give up farming, because of repeated attacks of fever and ague which pros- trated him and used up his strength. Mrs. Cunley was a member of a very old Holland family in which the line of descent is traced back through many generations, and a remarkably complete record of which is published in a book containing some seven hundred pages. As already stated, shortly after the birth of Court B. Cunley, his father was obliged to remove to the East and here he took up his abode in Fishkill once more, so that it was with this place that the early associations of childhood were 342 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY formed by Mr. Cunley. Here also he attended school, where he proved him- self an apt scholar and gained an excel- lent education, and here he first entered upon his career of business and politics. In the former line he made his beginning by securing a position in the tobacco business of the John Jaycox Company, where he learned the trade in all its details. After remaining in this employ for a short period, he went to New York City and there secured another position in the same line of business and com- pleted his apprenticeship. This period of Mr. Cunley's life was a restless one in some respects and he went to a number of places and engaged in business in each. He returned to Fishkill and there became associated with his former em- ployers of the John Jaycox Company for a time, then went to Red Hook. New York, and once more to New York City. On this occasion he was employed in the New York Customs House and there remained for several years. In the year 1867, however, he made his final move and located at Poughkeepsie, made there his permanent home and entered the tobacco business on his own account. In this enterprise he was highly success- ful and for many years did a most flour- ishing trade. After retiring from the retail tobacco business in 191 2, Mr. Cun- ley still continued the wholesale manu- facture of cigars at his home. No. ~t, Marshall street. He took an extremely prominent part in the general life of the city also and was one of the best known figures in the community. He was also greatly interested in Poughkeepsie real estate and was a large and very success- ful investor, owning many of the most valuable properties in the city. To him the city owed in a large measure the in- stallment of the plant supplying it with electric light and power, of which he was one of the most active promoters, and later served as chairman of the company he had been so largely instrumental in organizing. A man of extremely strong social instincts, he allied himself with many organizations of this nature and with a number of the most prominent fraternal societies. He was a member of the Poughkeepsie Lodge, No. 266, Free and Accepted Masons ; Poughkeepsie Chapter, No. 172, Royal Arch Masons; King Solomon's Council, Royal and Select Masters; Poughkeepsie Command- ery, No. 43, Knights Templar ; Mecca Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, of New York, and had received the thirty- second degree of Masonry in the Aurora Grata Consistory of the Valley of Brook- lyn. Besides these Masonic bodies, Mr. Cunley was the first exalted ruler of the local lodge, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, a member of Fallkill Lodge, No. 297, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the local lodge No. 43, Knights of Pythias. A Methodist Epis- copalian in religious belief, Mr. Cunley was a member of the church of that de- nomination in Poughkeepsie and a liberal supporter of its work. But it was in the realm of politics that Mr. Cunley was best known in the com- munity and his career was a most dis- tinguished one, for years being regarded as one of the leaders of the Republican party in Dutchess county. Upon coming to Poughkeepsie he established his busi- ness as tobacconist in the old store of Rudolph Grimm who had been there in that line from 1835. In 1882 Mr. Cunley removed to his handsome store on Main street, and it was in these two places that the leaders of the Republican party in the State made their informal headquar- ters when they were in Poughkeepsie. The official positions held by Mr. Cunley were in no way commensurate with the influence that he wielded in the party in the county, but he was not ambitious in 343 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY this particular direction. For three years he served as a member of the alms com- mittee in Poughkeepsie and he was also on the water board. He represented the Third Ward of the city in City Council for six years, and in each of these offices did an invaluable work for his constitu- ents and his party. On May n, 1858, Mr. Cunley was mar- ried at Fishkill to Sarah J. Owen, of that city, a daughter of Morgan and Harriet (Rogers) Owen, highly respected resi- dents of that place. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Cunley were six children as fol- lows : Cora Nellie, who died at the age of seven years ; John, who died in infancy ; Frank, married Edith O. Ker- nick, of Poughkeepsie, for some time held the position of private secretary to State Senator Ambler, and now occupies the same post for Judge Morchauser, of Poughkeepsie ; Minnie Van Voorhees, now the wife of Frank W. Brown, who is employed in the Poughkeepsie post- office ; Fred Morgan, who married Mary Egan, of Poughkeepsie, and now holds the post of private secretary to General Alshire of the United States army and is located; in Washington, D. C. ; and Albert B., of Poughkeepsie. Mrs. Cun- ley survives her husband and now makes her residence at the old Cunley home at No. 73 Marshall street, Poughkeepsie. It would be difficult to give an ade- quate idea of the importance of the part played by Mr. Cunley in the affairs of the Republican party in Dutchess county, New York State, by a mere record of the places that he held and the movements with which he was identified ; and, indeed, not only difficult but impossible. As already remarked the official posts that he held were not even suggestive of the extent of his influence or the general recognition of his leadership. It may be said of him that his ambition was a pure- ly impersonal one and consisted only of the desire to serve the cause of the great party in whose principles and policies he so ardently believed. Faithful to its in- terests through some of the most stormy epochs of its history, he was indefatigable in the efforts to insure its success and there were few men in that part of the State who did more to accomplish this end. This was fully recognized by the leaders of the party all over the State and it was always at Mr. Cunley's shop that they held their informal meetings when in Poughkeepsie, those informal discussions and councils in which the policies of the party were really decided, and in which the voice of Mr. Cunley was a weighty one. For many years every moment that he could spare from the absolute neces- sities of business and the hours that he considered as sacred to his intercourse with his family, he devoted to the Re- publican cause. In his private life also, Mr. Cunley's conduct was above reproach and his devotion as a husband and father, his fidelity as a friend, might well serve as models in these most exalted of rela- tions. KURZHALS, Charles August, Successul Business Man. Excluding the Indian aborigines, the population of America is made up exclusively of the peoples of other lands, drawn here, in the comparatively brief period of our history, by the most diverse motives, extending all the way from the desire of religious and political liberty to the hope of material gain. Among the teeming millions here there are indeed the most various elements, each of which has contributed its own qualities to the resultant citizenship. Among the most important of these is the great Germanic factor, the representatives of which have come to these United States in such vast numbers during the latter half of the 344 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY century just passed and the opening years of this, and have leavened the whole of our body politic with those great Teu- tonic virtues of industry, perseverance and the undeviating pursuit of a chosen objective until its accomplishment is assured. In this manner have they con- tributed to raise the tone of our citizen- ship and make it effective in the practical affairs of life. Of this race, although native in the United States, Charles Au- gust Kurzhals was representative of the best type of his fellows, and in his career showed to excellent advantage the traits and virtues already mentioned. Asso- ciated with both New York City and Mount Vernon, he was active in the affairs of both places, and his death on January 25, 1915, removed a valued and prominent citizen from the community. Born in New York City, April 11, 1859, Charles August Kurzhals was a son of German parents who came to this coun- try in their youth seeking the greater op- portunities they had heard of as existing in the great western republic and the demo- cratic institutions that were being battled for even then in the Fatherland. The parents, August and Louise Kurzhals, were of the best type of Germans that were at that time coming to these shores in such great numbers, he being a suc- cessful tailor, who at once engaged in his business in New York, where they set- tled. Charles August Kurzhals passed the years of his boyhood in the city and there received his education at the excel- lent public schools of Brooklyn from which he graduated. Upon completing his studies he entered the tailoring busi- ness upon his own account and pros- pered greatly from the outset. For a number of years he made a specialty of military furnishings and in this line was successful, but he gradually allowed the usual custom tailoring to share his inter- est, and in time this branch of the busi- ness became so large as to claim his whole time and attention. His trade became so great in the course of time that he expanded beyond the limits of his original establishment and opened branch stores in various parts of the city which were equally nourishing. To his ability as a business man, which was unusually great, he added an absolute business integrity, giving only of the very best materials and workmanship to his patrons so that he gained a most enviable repu- tation as a man of his word who lived up to the spirit as well as the letter of his agreement. These qualities in combina- tion are rare and they are the invariable ingredients of a sure success such as that enjoyed by Mr. Kurzhals. Besides his tailoring business he was also inter- ested in real estate in a small degree, and in this line his keen insight into affairs was well shown, his investments being made with the greatest good judgment. For a number of years he lived in the great Bronx section of the city, but five years before his death removed to Mount Vernon and there continued to make his home until the end. Although he was not particularly fond of society and social functions generally, and belonged to no clubs or orders, he was a member for a number of years of the Eleventh Infantry Regiment, New York National Guard, rising in that organization to the rank of lieutenant. He would doubtless have gone higher, for he had a marked talent in military mat- ters, but his business became so exacting at this time that he was obliged to give up his membership in the regiment and devote his time exclusively to private affairs. In the matter of religion Mr. Kurzhals was an Episcopalian and attended St. Paul's Church of that de- nomination in the Bronx and later Trinity Church, Mount Vernon. He was in both parishes devoted to the work of 345 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY the church and liberally supported the various philanthropic movements con- nected therewith. Toward the latter part of his life the health of Mr. Kurzhals be- came very poor and eleven years before his death he was obliged to retire from active business. On June 19, 1881, Mr. Kurzhals was united in marriage with Caroline Bar- dusch, of New York City, a daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Stein) Bardusch, of that place. It has already been remarked that Mr. Kurzhals was a member of no organiza- tions with the exception of the Eleventh Regiment, but it is only correct to say that this was due to no dislike felt by him to the companionship of his fellows of which he was really very fond when divorced from the formal accompani- ments of conventional society. What really prevented him from joining these affairs, besides the exacting nature of his business, was the great love he felt for his home and the pleasure he experienced in the intercourse with his own house- hold. Here it was, by the hearth at home, that his chief happiness lay and he never felt any temptation to seek for recreation elsewhere. He was the most hospitable of men, however, and the welcome that he gave to all who were fortunate enough to enjoy his personal friendship was of the warmest and most cordial type. In all the relations with his fellowmen his conduct was above reproach and he added to the fundamental virtues of sympathy and fidelity so many personal attractions that he gathered about him a large number of the warmest friends who felt as a deep personal loss his untimely death at the age of fifty- six years, and regarded it truly as a most unfortunate cutting short of a career, already most worthy and promising yet more brilliantly for the future. HAND, Samuel, Lawyer and Judge. The bar of Albany county. New York, never experienced a greater loss than in the death of Judge Samuel Hand, a jurist whose thorough training and brilliant attainments have been surpassed by very few lawyers in the history of the country. By his unswerving fidelity to the prin- ciples of the law and his deep regard for the administration of justice, he presented an example of professional probity and devotion worthy of the greatest com- mendation and honor of his associates at the bar ; while by his scholarly attain- ments and accomplishments in the course of his chosen career, he secured the reward of brilliant achievements which adorn the record of his life. His whole career seemed actuated and governed by a controlling spirit of absolute fairness and justice ; and as judge, lawyer, and man, he won the highest regard that it is possible for worthy men to bestow upon one another. Samuel Hand was not a native of Albany county, but was born at Eliza- bethtown, Essex county, New York, May 1, 1834. where he passed the earlier years of his career and first entered upon his practice. He was the son of the Hon. Augustus C. Hand, an ex-justice of the Supreme Court of the Fourth Judicial District of this State, who was elected June 7. 1847, at tne nrst judicial election under the constitution of 1846. At an early age Judge Hand exhibited a remark- able proficiency in his studies, and was only fourteen years old when he entered Middlebury College, Vermont. He re- mained there through his sophomore year, and in 1851 was transferred to Union College, where he was afterwards graduated. At the close of his college career, he entered his father's law office and thor- 346 EXCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY oughly availed himself of its rare advan- tages in preparation for his chosen profes- sion. He was admitted to the bar in May, 1854, and after practicing at Eliza- bethtown for about three years, he removed to Albany. Here he was asso- ciated in partnership with John V. L. Pruyn from October, 1859, until he be- came a member, in 1861, of the law firm of Cagger, Porter & Hand, and was instrumental in its becoming one of the leading firms in the State. It controlled an immense practice as shown by the records of the Federal Courts and the State law reports. In January, 1865, Mr. Porter was appointed judge of the Court of Appeals ; and the firm, was continued under the style of Cagger & Hand until it was dissolved, July 6. 1868, by the death of Mr. Cagger. Mr. Hand then associated himself with Mathew Hale and Nathan Swartz, the firm assuming the style of Hand, Hale & Swartz, and continued doing a very extensive busi- ness as attested by the records of the time. In 1873, Mr. Charles S. Fairchild, subsequently Attorney-General of the State, became a member of the firm which was then known as Hand, Hale, Swartz & Fairchild, and continued in practice until Mr. Fairchild's appoint- ment in the fall of 1875. Two years after this, Mr. Swartz removed to Colorado, the firm continuing as Hand & Hale until 1880, since which time Judge Hand con- tinued alone in practice and handled an immense volume of business. In the meantime, in 1878, he had been appointed judge of the Court of Appeals, which had caused a brief interruption in his previous partnership with Mr. Hale. He carried to the bench the same unwearied indus- try and high ability that had character- ized him at the bar, and the records of his opinions are written with a concise- ness, strength and logic that bear witness to the amount of thought and research which he brought to the practice of his profession at all times. He left the bench of the Court of Appeals on December 31, 1878, and was succeeded by the Hon. George F. Dan- forth. Returning to his practice at the bar, he continued it largely from that time onward in connection with the Court of Last Resort. In the argument of cases his exposition of the precedents upon which he relied, or which were cited by his opponents, was full and minute, and he developed with care and precision the principles upon which they rested. Among the important cases in which Judge Hand took a distinguished part were : The Susquehanna Litigation of 1869-70-71 ; Von Woert vs. the City of Albany, involving thirty cases ; the quo warranto case between Thacher and Judson, rival claimants for the office of mayor of Albany ; the impeachment, in 1879, of John F. Smyth, superintendent of insurance, Judge Hand conducting the prosecution of the case for the people on the retainer of Governor Robinson : the People vs. Belden. one of the most im- portant cases ever litigated in this State, action being brought by it for the recovery of about $400,000. Judge Hand was counsel for the Canal Investigating Commission of Governor Tilden, in 1875- 76. In 1877, he was engaged in the Ele- vated Railroad litigation as counsel for the Metropolitan Railroad, when the con- stitutionality of the Rapid Transit Act was passed upon. In 1884 he was engaged as counsel in the $1,000,000 Water Meter suit, better known under the title of Baird vs. the Mayor of New York. Judge Hand occupied a number of official positions. In the beginning of his career he became attached to the Demo- cratic party and was always one of its warmest supporters, his professional standing and wide political acquaintance entitling him to be one of its leaders. In 347 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY 1863, he was appointed corporation counsel for Albany, and was reelected, continuing in office until 1866, when the control of the city government passed into the hands of the Republican party. During the administration of this office the city, excepting in one instance, paid no counsel fee. In January, 1869, Judge Hand was appointed reporter of the Court of Appeals, serving until March, 1872. The six volumes of his reports during this time are numbers 40 to 45 inclusive. He was compelled to resign this post on account of the great increase in his prac- tice ; and in 1875 was appointed by Gov- ernor Tilden as judge of the Supreme Court for the Third Judicial District, an appointment, however, which he was constrained to decline. After Horatio Seymour declined a nomination as can- didate for the governorship in 1876, tend- ered him by the Democratic State Com- mission, it was the wish of Governor Tilden, then in nomination for the presi- dency, that Judge Hand should be offered the gubernatorial nomination. It was agreed accordingly by the leaders of the party to place him in nomination at a convention which was to be held sub- sequently. Though everything then pointed to the success which crowned the Democratic party that year, Judge Hand, for reasons of his own, declined to become a candidate for the governorship. In November, 1875, in accordance with a resolution of the Legislature, Judge Hand was appointed a commissioner to devise a plan for the government of cities. But Judge Hand's career was not that of a mere lawyer. His acquirements in the field of literature and general knowl- edge were most extensive, and reflected a bright light upon his statesmanship. He was one of the best read men of his age, and owned a valuable private and professional library including many French works of great rarity, so that many persons who were incapable of appreciating his powers as a jurist rend- ered honor to his general scholarship and mental ability. In 1861 he edited notes to the American edition of Philobiblon, written by Debury, Bishop of Durham and Chancellor of England under Edward III. This edition is a carefully revised Latin text, and a translation of three French prefaces of M. Cocheris, a most learned author and editor. The work was published by Joel Munsell, of Albany. On June 25, 1884, the degree of LL. D. was conferred upon Judge Hand by Union College. Not only was he eminent in literature and as a classical scholar, but as a man he was incorruptible and faithful in duty, and won the esteem of all with whom he came in contact in both social and business intercourse. Judge Hand was one of the first vice- presidents of the New York State Bar Association, and was president of that institution in its third and fourth years, succeeding Judge John K. Porter, who was its first president. At the annual meeting of the association in the second year of his presidency, Judge Hand pre- pared and delivered an elaborate and highly commended address. This has been published in the Proceedings of the Association, and extensive extracts from it appeared in the "Albany Law Journal" and other periodicals. Among his honors also was the presidency of the Chi Psi Alumni Association of Northern New York and the Mohawk and Hudson River Valleys. Judge Hand's death occurred at his home in Albany, May 21, 1886. While he was young in years, his work had been so well performed that his life was equal to the longest, full and rounded out to completeness, and at his demise a repre- sentative gathering of lawyers, including 348 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY almost the entire bar of Albany, met to do him honor. Many resolutions were passed and words of the highest com- mendation were uttered by the leading men of the day ; Mr. Tilden, in his mes- sage, expressed the universal sentiment in saying: "The loss of this great lawyer is a calamity to the bar, to the courts, and to the State ; I feel it is a personal be- reavement to myself." Few men of his generation have left a brighter name on the rolls of the legal profession, and the community was over- whelmed by the magnitude of its loss. Everything in his career tended to endear him to the public ; his well known and widely acknowledged ability, his promi- nence at the bar, his uprightness in private life, and the honorableness of his character in every regard. His life may be summed up in twenty years of in- defatigable and effective work ; and through all his career he evinced a marked aversion to pretense of any kind, and to any deviation from the purity and simplicity of tastes which marked him the great man that he was. He was an energetic and influential member of the Young Men's Christian Association and did much to promote the interests of that organization. Judge Hand was married in the year 1863 to Lydia Learned, the ceremony hav- ing been performed by the Rev. Dr. John Campbell of Albany. Mrs. Hand was a daughter of Billings P. Learned, presi- dent of the Union Bank, and a niece of Judge William L. Learned, of the Su- preme Court. Her mother was a Miss Mary Noyes prior to her marriage to Mr. Learned. Judge and Mrs. Hand were the parents of two children : Judge Billings Learned Hand, of New York City, and Lydia, the wife of Dr. Henry Hun, of Albany. LAWYER, Abram Strubach, Representative Business Man. Conspicuous among the many changes that have taken place in the standards and ideals of business during the past generation is that which has occurred in the attitude taken by the great captains of industry and finance regarding them- selves and the function they should per- form in the community. These men of unusual ability a few years back were of the opinion that they were but the leaders of enterprise in which the great rank and file of their fellow citizens were partici- pants, copartners with themselves, to whom they owed the highest consider- ation, and for whose benefit, quite as much as for their own, their great achievements were undertaken. This normal and healthy spirit of cooperation has, however, given place to-day to an- other far less wholesome in which the men of great business power and in- fluence seem rather to regard their inter- ests as quite divorced from those of the other members of the community, and these latter as beings whom it is their prerogative to exploit, even if not actual enemies to be crushed and trampled upon wherever they may come betwixt them and their huge ambitions. As is usual this spirit so adopted by those the com- munity has come to regard as its leaders and representatives, has spread into all ranks and classes until each feels himself the opponent of all others and the present type of cutthroat competition has grown up very inimical to the best advantages of all. As has already been remarked, not so were the successful business men of the last generation, and it is very pleasant to turn back, if only for a moment, to the lives of such men and renew for ourselves the pleasant atmos- phere that surrounded the business oper- ations of those days in which a health- 349 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ful and delightful tradition grew up now, alas ! almost completely lost. Such a life was that of Abram Strubach Law- yer than whom perhaps none who have distinguished themselves in the business and industrial circles of Albany in the past generation were better or more favorably known. He, coming to that city many years ago, by his personal industry and conspicuous talents estab- lished a business house that is to the present day not only a landmark in the city, but through all its long existence a benefit and source of wealth to the community-at-large. Thus it is that his death which occurred there on September 10, 1910, was felt by all who knew him to be a public loss, although those who have succeeded him in the ownership and management of the great wholesale house on Hudson avenue have continued the business along the same lines which he so successfully laid down. Abram Strubach Lawyer, as has al- ready been indicated, was not a native of Albany, but was born in Schoharie, Scho- harie county, New York, March 2, 1849. He was the son of John J. and Maria (Seeley) Lawyer, and comes of an old and highly regarded family of Schoharie county, whose founders were among the early settlers in that region. His earliest education was received in the environ- ment of his own home where a love of study was instilled into his boyish mind, and later at the Schoharie Academy, where he was sent upon reaching the requisite age, and where his schooling was completed. Upon leaving this in- stitution he entered at once upon his business career, in which he was destined to achieve so great a success. His first position was as a clerk in a local mer- cantile house, where he remained for some time and made himself familiar with business methods generally. His ambitions were early awakened, however, and he soon found that his place in the Schoharie house did not offer a wide enough field for his talents and abilities, and accordingly he gave up the position, and with characteristic decision removed entirely from his home surroundings and settled in Albany where he thought to find a larger opportunity. It was in the year 1868 that he came to Albany and he soon secured a place as bookkeeper in a business house in that city where he rendered himself of such value to his employers that he received rapid advance- ment. The intelligence and industry of Mr. Lawyer were supplemented by an equally important quality, that of thrift and economy, which at this time he dis- played to his own great advantage, sav- ing up so much of his salary that it was but a few years before he was able to realize his great ambition and start a business of his own. It was then that the foundations of the great wholesale house, dealing in hardware, paints and mill sup- plies, were laid, the site chosen by him being its present one on Hudson avenue. From that time to his death Mr. Lawyer devoted himself unremittingly to the building up and development of his great enterprise with the result of its complete succeess and his leaving as an inheritance to his family one of the most prosperous and widely known concerns in the city. Besides his great success in business which necessarily brought him into wide prominence in the life of the city, Mr. Lawyer was very active in many other departments of the city's affairs and be- came well known in social circles and possessed an extensive acquaintance in Albany and elsewhere. He was a member of many clubs and was especial- ly conspicuous in Masonic circles and contributed largely to the advance of fraternal life in that locality. He was past master of Temple Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons ; past high priest of 35o ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Capital City Chapter, Royal Arch Ma- sons; a member of DeWitt Clinton Council, Royal and Select Masters ; of Albany Commandery, Knights Templar ; and of Albany Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine; also a member of Clinton Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows, of Albany. On September 30, 1876, Mr. Lawyer was united in marriage with Emma Law- yer, a daughter of George and Catherine (Broman) Lawyer, of Albany, and a descendant on both sides of the house from old Schoharie county families. Mr. and Mrs. Lawyer were the parents of four children as follows : Jennie, now residing at home ; George Howard, who married Beulah Young, of Schoharie, they have one daughter, Jane ; John, who died in infancy ; and Tiffany, now a prac- ticing physician of Albany, married Charlotte Fisher, of that city, who bore him a son of the same name who is also engaged in the practice of medicine. It has already been said that Mr. Lawyer belonged to an older type of business men in whom the sense of re- sponsibility to the community was much more active than it commonly is to-day, but this is not all. Not only was he one of that type, but conspicuous among his fellows for the virtues that they stood for, a man who did not stop at what he conceived to be his duties to his fellows but went out of his way to benefit all that he could. In his family life, as in his business relations, his conduct was above reproach and in both he might well serve as a model for the youth of the community. HILTON, John, Successful Business Man. Among all the many countries whose peoples have come together in this west- ern land and together made up its com- plex population none stands higher, either in the generosity with which she has given of her sons to us or the quality of the element she has thus added to our body politic, than Ireland. Certainly in the number of those that have come here from those green shores she has shown how warm was the hope with which her oppressed sons and daughters looked to- wards a new life in a new home, and not less certainly are we grateful for the splendid virtues the peculiarly Irish qual- ities of courage and light-hearted enter- prise with which the whole great fabric of our citizenship has been colored. From the north of that small but lovely land have come many of our most bril- liant men and much of the best stock that we have in our midst to-day. A fine example of the best type of his country- men was John Hilton, late of Newburgh, New York, whose death there on July 2, 1895, removed from the community one of the most public-spirited and active of its citizens. Born May 16, 1814, in the north of Ireland, Mr. Hilton passed the first six- teen years of his life in the place of his birth. He was one of an able family, a brother, William Hilton, winning dis- tinction as well as himself, and a first cousin being Judge Henry Hilton, of New York City. He was himself of an enter- prising character, and while still a mere lad developed a strong resolution to seek his fortunes in the new and wonderful country, the land of freedom and oppor- tunity of which so many accounts were then in circulation in the old world. Ac- cordingly, when he was but sixteen years of age, he set sail for America and, land- ing in the port of New York, made his way to the then little town of Newburgh, New York. In this lovely locality he remained a number of years and there served his apprenticeship in the mason's trade, which he mastered very fully, be- 351 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY coming an expert in the craft. He then went to New York City, where he worked in his trade under the direction of the best metropolitan builders by whom he was employed. By dint of intelligence, industry and thrift he found himself able to enter the business on his own account and for a time was extremely successful in the city. There were reasons, how- ever, which induced him to return to Newburgh, where he continued to be successful, although there seems to be every reason to believe that his unusual sagacity and business sense would have carried him to far greater heights of achievement had he remained in the metropolitan city than they did in the country town where they had scarcely room for proper expansion. For a time after his return to Newburgh he was employed as a master mason, but with his usual keen foresight he began to invest his savings in real estate, quickly perceiving the opportunity in the increas- ing values of property in so rapidly grow- ing a community. The intelligence he displayed in these operations and the foresight in selecting properties in the most direct line of development began soon to exert a favorable effect upon his fortunes and he began to turn his trade as mason to good account, building upon his developing properties and otherwise im- proving them. These operations became more and more extensive with the growth of the city, his interests correspondingly increasing in the meanwhile, until he came to be regarded as one of the most substantial and influential citizens and business men in the community. One of the first, if not the very first, property purchased by Mr. Hilton, the foundation of his subsequent estate, was the prop- erty at No. 71 Smith street. From this small beginning the estate grew until be- fore his death he was the owner of some eighty-five houses in Newburgh. all with- in the city limits. Some eight or nine years before his death Mr. Hilton retired from the active pursuit of his business and turned over the management of the great property to his eldest son who has since managed it with a high degree of success. Mr. Hilton was a man of strong relig- ious feeling and profound convictions, a Covenanter in belief, and a man who practiced the teachings of his church. He was a member of the First Reformed Presbyterian Church of Newburgh for a number of years and later joined the Westminster Church of that city, of which he remained a prominent member up to the time of his death. Prominent in the work of the congregation, he was a liberal supporter of the philanthropic activity in connection therewith. On April 25, 1865, Mr. Hilton was united in marriage with Anna L. Turner, of Waukesha, Wisconsin, a daughter of William and Margaret (Porter) Turner, old and highly respected residents of that place. To them were born four children who, with their mother, survive Mr. Hilton. They are as follows: 1. William, T., of Newburgh ; married Cath- erine C. Quaide, by whom he has a son, William T., Jr. 2. Robert G., who was a civil engineer, graduate of Yale ; died aged thirty-five years ; unmarried. 3. Bertha, now the wife of Frederick C. Balfe, of Newburgh, and the mother of three children: Harriet H., John H., and Frederick C, all of whom are attending school (1916). 4. John Ralph, a gradu- ate of Yale University, and an attorney of New York ; married Clara Lewis, of Chicago. Mr. Hilton was in the best sense what is most aptly described in the typical American term of "selfmade man." It was through his own efforts that he won his way to success, by dint of enterprise and courage linked to indefatigable in- 352 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY dustry. In all the relations of his life, private as well as those in connection with his business, his conduct was above reproach, displaying at once those more fundamental virtues upon which all worthy character must be based, courage and honesty, and those scarcely less compelling qualities of kindliness and sympathy which, as they are the more purely social in their character, are per- haps the most valued in society. He was possessed of very strong domestic in- stincts which his many duties and obliga- tions prevented him, from indulging to the full extent during most of his life, but during the latter years of his life he suffered from a somewhat depleted health which kept him from active participation in his business and for which he probably regarded it as well nigh a compensation that he had more time to devote to the members of his family and those personal friends who shared the privilege of his intimacy. By all who came in contact with him, whether intimately or casually, he was held in admiration and affection and it was in a large circle of associates that his death was felt as a personal loss. BURNHAM, Cyrus, A Leader Among Men. The upper part of New York State, especially that part north of the Mohawk in which lies Glens Falls, abounds in traditional and historical connections. From this particularly fertile soil may be drawn thousands of interesting memoirs of lives which count in the history of our State and Nation, from the formative period when the Five Nation Indians fought the sure encroachment of the' enterprising and dreaded white man upon their territory up to the present day. The descendants of the pioneer stock which settled this part of the new land, a stock which in any nation must needs be only the best because of the stern and unre- lenting process of elimination through which it passes, still continues to supply our country with much of the material from which she builds her greatness. The men of affairs, the statesmen, the profes- sional men, the successful men in all walks of life, have sprung in the greatest majority from this sturdy, upright and honorable stock. The end and aim of true biography is amply justified in the memorials of these lives. To give the ordinary man Plutarch and to expect him to draw guidance from the biographies embodied therein of the world's leaders, to expect him to glean principles by which he may order his own life, fails as completely in its purpose as setting before an untrained speaker the "Philippics" of Demosthenes with the demand that he produce something like them. Ordinary men are moved to admiration, not imitation by the wonders of the world ; they are awed rather than encouraged. The basic principles guid- ing great lives are as great as the lives themselves. The sun defies the study of all except those provided with the most wonderful of instruments. But its lesser satellites offer to men a wide field of comparatively easy research. Just so the lives of men of prominence around us, not necessarily men of greatness, offer us models for our own lives. Such a life was that of Cyrus Burnham, of Glens Falls, whose death there on March 28, 1858, in the height of a succeessful career and at the zenith of his usefulness as a public citizen, took from the community one of its staunchest friends and bene- factors. Cyrus Burnham was the son of Josiah and Betsey (Hickson) Burnham, emi- grants from England while the fever of colonization was still hot upon the Eng- lish. They settled in Moreau in 1784, Moreau later becoming Queensbury, New N Y— Vol II— 23 353 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY York. Later they moved to what is now Glens Falls and were among the pioneer settlers of that now flourishing city. Josiah Burnham saw active service in the War of 1812, when though still in her infancy America demonstrated once and for all her supremacy on the high seas, and in the Indian war in which his father was an officer. Cyrus Burnham was born on April 15, 1808. He received what meagre educa- tion the public schools of the day afford- ed. At the age of seventeen years his parents lost all of their possessions by fire and it became necessary for him to contribute some share in the support of the family. He entered the lumbering business, starting on a small scale, not greatly productive of gain. Sagacity in business dealings and honesty and fair- ness of methods rapidly increased his holdings, and at a very early age he be- came one of the foremost lumber dealers of Northern New York. In Glens Falls he was associated in business with George G. Hawley in a manufacturing capacity ; later, on realizing the enormous possi- bilities of the lumber trade and also the comparative unwisdom of narrowing his abilities down to one specific line, he entered the wholesale lumber business with Orlin Mead and George Sanford in Albany, New York, in which he was very successful. His success at all lines to which he bent his energies, though well- nigh phenomenal, is not, all things con- sidered, greatly to be wondered at. It has been said that a man gets out of life very nearly what he puts into it. In the case of Cyrus Burnham, his stern integ- rity, keen business perceptions, and high moral principles, brought only the degree of success which they truly merited. But his success was not limited by the neces- sarily narrow lines of trade and commer- cialism. Force and magnetism of per- sonality made him not only honored and respected, but also loved — a leader among men. The number of his friends and ardent admirers and supporters was legion. Though always active in an un- official capacity in the best interests of his city, Cyrus Burnham, up to the year 1850, held no civic position, though many times urged because of his signal fitness for great influence for good in the realm of politics to take offices of public honor. In 1850 he finally yielded to unanimous demand and served in the State Assem- bly, which post heaps upon the incumbent who would acquit himself honorably and well of its duties a task colossal in pro- portions. His career in politics, promis- ing in the extreme, was unhappily very short. On July 20, 1841, Cyrus Burnham mar- ried Sophia Rice, daughter of Julius H. and Rowena (Foster) Rice, of Glens Falls. Mrs. Burnham died on October 2, 1903. Their children were : Cyrus Rice, who died in infancy ; Sophia Rice ; Glen Frederick, died March 8, 1896, aged forty-six years ; and Julius R., died Janu- ary 2, 1891, aged thirty-seven years. Sophia R. Burnham, the only surviving child, now maintains the beautiful home- stead which has been the family dwelling since 1841. She devotes much time to charitable works. Mr. Burnham was connected with many business organizations in Glens Falls in a purely advisory capacity, per- forming his duties in a thoroughly un- ostentatious manner. He was one of the incorporators of the Glens Falls National Bank, of which he remained a director from the time of its incorporation in 1851 until the time of his death in 1858. The cutting short of the all too short span of human life before the allotted three score and ten years have been attained is always sad. But when the life has been one of signal achievement and widespread influ- ence for moral good and civic advance, 354 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY the bereavement mounts to the tragic and becomes great in proportion to the great- ness of the man. In the death of Cyrus Burnham, Glens Falls lost a man of the high type of American citizenship which forms the very sinews of the nation, a type of which any community can ill afford to lose even one representative. BOEDECKER, Hilmer Burton, A Leading Citizen and Business Man. It is always pleasant to observe the reward of merit paid in due season while he whose meed it is is yet of an age to enjoy it, to see industry, courage, enter- prise win to their goal with faculties keen to appreciate the taste of their success. This attractive sight is, perhaps, growing less common to-day as our social fabric becomes slightly less flexible and it be- comes more difficult for the man without a favorable start in life to force his way into the realms of wealth, fortune or power. The past century, however, was the great age for successful youth and if we will but turn to its records we shall see a well nigh infinite number of brilliant successes on the part of those who have seized upon some new opportunity in the world of business and bent their energies to its development. Such was the case with the distinguished gentleman whose name heads this brief article, Hilmer Burton Boedecker, of New York City and Mount Vernon, whose death in the latter place on April 6, 191 1, deprived those places of a leading citizen and a man of the widest public spirit and altruism. Hilmer Burton Boedeckerwas descended from a family that had its origin in Hol- land but had come over to Canada in the person of Henry Boedecker, his father, who resided in Berlin, Canada, being en- gaged in the importation of toys, most of which came from Holland. He was also interested in the great lumber industry of Canada and was successful in both enter- prises. He was married to Augusta Loc- fus, a native of Jamaica. They were par- ents of five children: Hilmer Burton; Herman, who now resides in Tacoma, Washington ; Henry, Adeline and Louise. Hilmer Burton Boedecker was born in Berlin, Canada, March 22, 1859, and there passed the years of his childhood until he was fifteen, receiving the elementary por- tion of his education at the local public schools. At that time his mother died and his father, dropping his business as- sociations and every interest, removed from the town to New York City, bring- ing with him two of his sons, Hilmer Bur- ton and Henry, and the daughters. Hil- mer B. attended the public schools of the city for a number of years and then, with his brother, Henry, entered the new busi- ness that his father had founded in New York City. This was a cleaning and dye- ing establishment, one of the first if not the very first in the city, and from the outset it was a great success. Although the elder man was entirely unfamiliar with this line of business, it prospered from the first and soon became well- known throughout the city. The concern, now known as Boedecker Brothers, dealt with the very best people in the commu- nity and did the best class of work, and it was not long before it began to establish branch houses in other parts of the city, all of which were successful. There were at length three houses in New York, a large one in Newark, New Jersey, and a very prosperous one in Mount Vernon, New York. The company is still in ex- istence and still owned and operated by the Boedecker family. The father, Henry Boedecker, and his two sons, Hilmer B. and Henry, remained in active manage- ment of it until their deaths which took place all within two years of each other. 355 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY They were the successful pioneers in their line in New York and personally remained in the business for some thirty-five years. About the time of the establishment of the office in Mount Vernon, about 1886, Mr. Hilmer Burton Boedecker removed to that town, then no large place, and there made his permanent home. In Mount Vernon Mr. Boedecker was very active, but it was not only in his business that his efforts were expended, for he took a prominent part in the affiairs of the community generally and was ever ready to lend his effectual assistance to any movement that in his judgment promised the advancement of the commu- nity's interest. He was keenly interested in politics and allied himself with the local organization of the Republican party of which he was a member. He remained a staunch supporter of this party's prin- ciples and policies to the end of his life, yet he was no narrow partisan and the good of the community at large was al- ways placed ahead of any party interests by him. Indeed, his lack of partisanship was so marked that it seems remarkable that he should have risen to the position of leader of his ward and held that posi- tion until the end of his life, but his char- acter and personality was such that he was a natural leader of men and others naturally deferred to his prudent but deci- sive judgment. Besides this semi-official post he also held a number of town offices and among them that of coroner of the city of Mount Vernon, in which capacity he had served two years and was still serving at the time of his death. On November 28, 1889, Mr. Boedecker was united in marriage with Charity May Fisher, of New London, Connecticut, and a native of New York City. Mrs. Boe- decker was of both German and Dutch descent, her father, Charles Fisher, hav- ing come from Germany in his youth, while her mother, Charity (Decker) Fisher, was descended from on old family of Holland that had come to this country in the person of Moses Decker. She was one of three daughters, the others being Mrs. James R. Taylor and Miss Nell Fisher, both of Mount Vernon. To Mr. and Mrs. Boedecker was born one son, Hilmer P. Boedecker, a graduate of the New York Nautical School, that was con- ducted for so many years on the old training ship the "St. Mary," which was put out of commission a number of years ago. Hilmer P. Boedecker, after his gradu- ation, served as quartermaster on a num- ber of steamers, but has since settled on a banana plantation in Porto Rico, and has there spent several years. Two daughters are also born to Mr. and Mrs. Boedecker, Elinor and Marian. Mrs. Boe- decker and her children survive Mr. Boe- decker and all of them, save the son, are residents of Mount Vernon. Mr. Boedecker was a man of strong per- sonality and one who of necessity im- pressed himself upon those with whom he was associated. His influence on the busi- ness interests and the general life of his adopted town was a strong one and uni- formly exerted for its good. He was a man of the strongest domestic instincts, finding his chief happiness in the intimate intercourse of his own family by his own hearth, where also he delighted to wel- come those friends who were privileged to call themselves his intimates. In all the relations of life he was of the most exemplary habit, and his career might well be taken as a pattern by the youth of the community. FOSHAY, Frank E., Active Man of Affairs. It is a matter by no means easy to ex- press in concrete terms the actual value and significance of a career, or give a sat- isfactory account of the life of a man who 356 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY has won for himself through the general worth of his character a high place in the regard of his fellows. The impression conveyed in the mere statement that such a one achieved a great success in this or that line of endeavor is apt to be wholly inadequate, even if not actually mislead- ing, since the true accomplishment of a man lies in his relations, man to man, with his associates, in the influence which his character has exerted for good upon theirs, and not in the wealth or station that he may have won or even in the formal honors that the community has conferred upon him. Of course these latter things do all indicate the existence of certain abilities and talents which are very far from deserving contempt, nay, on the contrary, which the world has, and doubtless wisely, singled out for especial rewards and honors in the present epoch, but in the final analysis these are not conclusive of the true worth of an in- dividual, while in all ages and places his influence upon others is the real test. It is the task of the writer of records, there- fore, if he would truly express the lives and characters of those he deals with, to penetrate the exterior and to draw up from beneath into the sight of the world those essential facts and qualities lying there, upon which the whole structure of personality and achievement rests as a pyramid upon its base. How true this is is amply illustrated for us in the case of Frank E. Foshay, the distinguished gentleman whose name heads this brief sketch, and whose death on March 16, 1913, at Ossining, New York, when but thirty-six years of age, deprived the whole community of one who was at all times and in all places an influence for good. Mr. Foshay did, it is true, in the short life allotted him by destiny, win a quite un- usual material success, and had his am- bitions urged him, or time allowed a longer course, would doubtless won a wide public recognition. As a matter of fact, however, it was not the outcome of these matters that gave him the position of esteem that he occupied in the hearts of his associates, but his sterling char- acter for which all men felt an instinctive admiration. Frank E. Foshay was born March 23, 1877, at Ossining, New York, a son of Edwin F. and Mary E. (Thompson) Fo- shay, old and highly respected residents of the village, and there passed his early childhood, gaining his first associations with the place which was to remain his home during the entire period of his brief life. He was educated in the local public schools and later at the Holbrook School and early proved himself an apt pupil, industrious and ambitious to learn. He won the regard of his teachers and at the same time the affection of his fellow stu- dents, and was considered one of the best scholars at the institution during the years that he was there. Upon graduat- ing from the school he turned his atten- tion to the question of a business which he might follow permanently. In the choice of this, he was largely influenced by the fact that his father and grand- father before him had been successfully engaged in an insurance business at Os- sining. So it was that he also took up insurance and added to it real estate operations, in both of which he was emi- nently successful. In a flourishing com- munity such as Ossining, in which the population is increasing, the rising values of property will offer many splendid op- portunities for the investor and it was in his insight into these that the business capacity of Mr. Foshay most conspicu- ously displayed itself. But in spite of his successes in business it was not in this connection that he was best known in the community. He was a 357 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY man of many interests and took an ex- tremely active part in the general life of the place. He was a Republican in politi- cal conviction and was one of the young men of Ossining who might look forward to preferment in his party and to high public office. He had already become a member of the Board of Town Assessors and was still serving most efficiently in that capacity at the time of his death. He was very fond of the society of his fel- lows and one of his strongest tastes was for life in the open air. He was out-of- doors as much as his duties permitted him to be, took part in many athletic oc- cupations and belonged to many clubs existing for this purpose. He was a mem- ber of the Point Senasqua Rod and Reel Club, of the Shattamuc Yacht Club and many others. To all the sports and pas- times he was devoted, hunting, fishing, automobiling, and more than once was he contestant in tests of skill, strength or endurance. He was secretary of the Westchester County Automobile Club and took part in several of the club's hill- climbing contests. In the matter of his religious belief Mr. Foshay was a Metho- dist. He was an active member of the Highland Avenue Church of that denomi- nation, an active worker in its interests and a liberal supporter of its philanthropic undertakings. The marriage of Mr. Foshay to Mar- guerite Hall, of Ossining, took place at that village on June 29, 1904. Mrs. Foshay, who survives her husband and still makes her home in Ossining, is a daughter of Herbert H. and Pauline (Buckbee) Hall, life-long and greatly honored residents of the place. To Mr. and Mrs. Foshay were born two children, Marguerite and Frank E., Jr. The life of Mr. Foshay was one well worthy to serve as a model of good citi- zenship and strong earnest manhood. Possessed of qualities above the average, of an unusually alert and capable mind, of a winning personality, and a practical grasp of affairs, he made himself a con- spicuous figure in the life of the commu- nity. The sterling virtues of simplicity and charity which were the essential fac- tors in his nature were not overlooked by his fellows, however, who admired and hoped to honor him, so that there is little doubt that his career would have been a brilliant one, as it certainly deserved to be, had not his untimely death cut it short in the prime of life. It will be most appro- priate to close these remarks with a quota- tion from the local press, an obituary notice written by one who knew him per- sonally. The "Ossining Register," in the course of this article, said as follows: Deceased possessed a frank, genial disposition and was one of those young men whom it is always the keenest pleasure to meet. He was very popular and well liked by all who knew him and his circle of friends and acquaintances was a wide one He was the soul of honor in all his dealings with his fellow-men, and our town and village has sustained a distinct loss in the un- timely death of this young man, whose life and habits were clean and wholesome, and who was so deeply interested in all things pertaining to the betterment of Ossining and its people. There are all too few young men of the type of Mr. Foshay among our citizens and he will be missed, not only by his sadly bereaved family, but by the community at large. TILLINGHAST, J. Wilbur, Representative Citizen. Among the most prominent business men of Albany, at the close of the last century, was J. Wilbur Tillinghast, who, a native of this city, passed here his whole life, and devoted to its municipal welfare and civic interests the treasure of his long experience and wise judgment in com- mercial affairs. His influence has been felt long after he passed away, and he 3S« >-^vb6/2^^. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY may be reckoned in truth as one of the lasting benefactors of the city of his birth. J. Wilbur Tillinghast was born January i, 1833, in the comfortable surroundings of the paternal home, where his early years received all the watchful care which a loving mother and affectionate family could bestow. After he had received the rudiments of his education in his own home, he was sent to the Albany Boys' Academy as his first school, and there pursued his studies with such diligence that he was graduated from that institu- tion and prepared for his entry upon the battle of life. He began his business career immediately after his graduation, in as- sociation with his father, in whose old established enterprise he proved of the greatest possible assistance. After he had remained for some years in this connec- tion, he became associated with the busi- ness of John Tweddle, whose daughter he married, and continued to devote his time and efforts to the advancement of the malting interests in which his father-in- law was so deeply engaged, until he finally devoted himself exclusively to banking. It is with the banking interests of Albany, therefore, that his name will always be associated by the community in which he labored for so long a time in the establishment and promotion of good government and the loftiest principles of trade. It was in the year 1869 that Mr. Til- linghast was elected as a director of the Merchants' National Bank, of Albany, and the service which he rendered to the insti- tution in this capacity was such that in a very few years he became its vice-presi- dent. In 1880 he became president of the bank, in which important post he con- tinued until his death. Mr. Tillinghast was also vice-president of the Westcott Ex- press Company, and his prudent and ju- dicious guidance of its affairs was no small factor in the success of the com- pany's activities. He was also a director of the Watervliet Turnpike and Railroad Company, and did much to enhance its prosperity. Broad-minded and charitable as he proved himself always to be, Mr. Tillinghast was also appointed a trustee of the Old Men's Home, of Albany, and was able to use his influence for the betterment and comfort of the aged poor who were its beneficiaries and received its kindly shelter. With the keen interest which Mr. Til- linghast had always manifested in art and literature, he became one of the charter members of the Albany Historical and Art Society which embraced in its mem- bership the leading scholars and intellec- tual lights of the city at that time. As one of the directors of the Albany Insur- ance Company, his death was profoundly regretted ; and at a meeting held shortly afterwards, resolutions were passed in tribute to his memory attesting the affec- tionate regard in which he was held by his former associates on the directing board, where, for more than thirteen years, he had served so well and faith- fully. As a trustee of the Albany Savings Bank, Mr. Tillinghast also left behind him the sorrow and esteem of those with whom he had labored so long in the in- terests of that institution, whose welfare he had been so influential in promoting. At a meeting held by the trustees after his death, it was declared that he had brought to the discharge of his responsibilities as a trustee and officer of the bank an un- usually ripe experience, excellent judg- ment, and abilities of a high order in the direction of financial matters. Sincere testimony was borne as to his inspiring and wholly disinterested efforts in regard to the advancement and success of all the business undertakings in which he had 359 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY been concerned ; his zeal for the public welfare, his liberality, and the fine traits of his character as evinced in all the re- lations of life. Mr. Tillinghast's death, which occurred suddenly, on May 26, 1899, at his resi- dence at Menands, was a great shock as well as a grief to his family and friends. He was survived by his widow, who was a Miss Sarah Tweddle, daughter of John Tweddle, a sketch of whom follows in this volume. He left a son, Frederick Tilling- hast, a sketch of whose life is included in this work ; and a daughter married to Harold D. Hills. As a vestryman and afterwards senior warden, Mr. Tillinghast was prominent for many years in St. Peter's Protestant Episcopal Church, and at his death reso- lutions were passed by his associates in the vestry bearing witness to their appreciation of his character and exalted merits. He was no ordinary man ; as strong and virile as were his manly virtues, he blended with them the tenderness and gentleness of a woman, and lived uniformly the life of a Christian gentleman. For more than thirty years, during which he was con- nected with St. Peter's as vestryman and warden, his charities were manifold and his counsel wise, clear-sighted, and sus- taining. TILLINGHAST, Frederick, Public-spirited Citizen. It is in the interest of history and civil- ization to analyze the personalities of those men who achieve prominence in their various environments, and add their quota to the progress of events ; to estab- lish the value of their services, and to de- termine the lesson of their lives. It is therefore in the interests of the commu- nity which he served long and faithfully that mention is here made of the life and work of Frederick Tillinghast, who, whether in the councils of the church or in the directorates of the respective business and charitable corporations with which he was associated, felt it incum- bent upon him always to devote his best endeavors to the discharge of the varied responsibilities that devolved upon him. Mr. Tillinghast was born February 2, 1863, in Albany, the seat of his life's work with its many and varied activities. He was the son of J. Wilbur Tillinghast, mention of whom precedes this in the work. Frederick Tillinghast came thus from a family which for three generations was devoted to the welfare of the county and parish, and he followed in the foot- steps of his forbears in the service which he rendered and the honor which he added to the family name in his useful career. Mr. Tillinghast passed his entire life in the community where he was born, re- ceiving there the rudiments of his educa- tion and later attending the Albany Boys' Academy. Upon his graduation at that institution, he entered Williams' College, where his studies were completed. He then embarked upon his business career, following closely in the footsteps of his father whom he ultimately succeeded in the presidency of the Merchants' National Bank, where for many years he con- tributed to its stability and public useful- ness. Mr. Tillinghast had his offices in the Tweddle Building, in this city. He became a director of the Albany Insur- ance Company on December 18, 1898, suc- ceeding his father whose death occurred on May 26, 1899, and served the board with the same interest and devotion, bringing to it the ideal of faithful service which characterized his life. He gave conscientiously to the company the bene- fit of his broad knowledge, his safe judg- ment, his wise conservatism, and his valu- able experience. His careful adminstra 360 r^^^C^Ss^P^^U^*^-*^ ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY tion of its affairs not only revealed his abilities, but gave evidence of his willing- ness to devote much time and thought to the responsibilities which he felt devolved upon him as a member of the board and a trustee. He was also a trustee of the Albany Savings' Bank and a director of the National Commercial Bank. As one of the younger member of the board of directors of the City Safe Deposit Com- pany, he bore himself with credit, fidelity, and honor, making the use of his name of great value to the corporation whose success depended upon inspiring its pa- trons with a feeling of trust and security. His death was a distinct loss to that in- stitution. He became one of the directors of the Union Trust Company at its organ- ization, giving to that institution the care- ful attention, keen interest, and effort to promote its success which characterized him in all the enterprises with which he was connected. Much of Mr. Tillinghast's time was de- voted to the discharge of administrative responsibilities in several of the largest benevolent institutions in the city. For a period of six years he was treasurer of the board of managers of the Albany Orphan Asylum, and for eleven years was one of its most active and influential members. His duties as treasurer brought him into prominent participation in the administration of the institute, which made large claims upon his attention, and his intimate acquaintance with its affairs placed him in a position where the man- agers came to rely on his valued counsel. His opinion therefore was always of the utmost importance, and was often deci- sive in shaping its policies. His manage- ment of the finances, his business acumen, and his clear judgment were invaluable. His interest did not cease with the simple performance of his duties, for he took to heart the purposes and capabilities of the institution, and when the plan of reorgan- izing and rebuilding was proposed, famil- iarized himself with the best experience and ideas for the care and training of friendless children. As a member of the committee that prepared the designs for the new buildings, he was particularly helpful in planning to meet the conditions and in evolving the system which won such universal commendation. To his careful and conscientious work at that time was largely due the success and renewed life of the asylum at a very critical period of its existence. His valuable suggestions, his kindly criticisms, his readiness to un- dertake even more than his share of the work, added to his high character, splen- did integrity, and consideration of others, won for him the respect and affection of his associates, and rendered very difficult their task to find another equally gifted, devoted, and worthy to succeed him. Mr. Tillinghast became a member of the board of governors of the Albany Hospital on January 25, 1908. His won- derful quality of fidelity, combined with conscientious thoughtfulness and excel- lent judgment, together with his wide ex- perience, were of the greatest value to the hospital in its business operations and ad- ministrative supervision. Mr. Tillinghast was also a member of the board of trustees of the Albany Institute and His- torical and Art Society, of which his dis- tinguished father had been one of the charter members, and became endeared to his associates there in a multitude of ways. Like his father, also, he was long and honorably connected with the vestry of St. Peter's Church, and became its treasurer, thus continuing the traditions of his family in the parish. In his social life Mr. Tillinghast was generous and courteous in every relation- ship, faithful to each duty as it arose, and unsparing of personal endeavor. His life, 36i ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY which almost approached perfection, was ended at the time of its greatest useful- ness to his fellow men. He passed away at his home at Menands, on October I, 1914, and his body was borne to rest, accom- panied by a large gathering of his friends, in the Rural Cemetery of Albany. His wife, who was Miss Carrie Hemenover, of New York City, survived him, as well as a son. Frederick Tillinghast. Chiefly also among those who mourned his loss were his mother, Mrs. J. Wilbur Tilling- hast, and his sister, Mrs. George Long- street, of Auburn. Mr. Tillinghast was a member of several social clubs, among which were the Uni- versity Club, of New York City, and the Fort Orange and Country clubs of Al- bany- He will long be remembered as an ideal friend and companion. Possessed of a kindly heart, a genial nature, and a high sense of honor, he was quiet, unas- suming, and considerate of the views of others and inclined to self depreciation. Through long physical distress he was courageous, and to all men and in all places he was the courteous gentleman. TWEDDLE, John, Prominent Man of Affairs. It is only to be expected that citizens of this great country, born here and passing their youth amid its traditions and patri- otic surroundings, should uphold its honor and promote its civic welfare, but too much cannot be said in praise of citi- zens of foreign birth, grown to maturity in distant lands, who have learned so thoroughly to love and honor the country of their adoption as to make it in truth their home and advance its welfare and interests as though it were indeed the land of their nativity. Mr. John Tweddle, of Albany, was such a citizen, and the re- membrance of the benefits which he con- ferred upon the community in which he dwelled so many years will not soon pass away. John Tweddle was born at Temple Sowerby, Westmoreland county, Eng- land, on February 14, 1798, and died in Albany, March 9, 1875. Orphaned by the death of his father when he was only nine years of age, the boy was early thrown upon his own resources and entered upon the stern battle of life in his tender years. He became apprentice to a wheelwright in Cumberland county, where the rem- nant of his father's family still resided, his mother having married again. Here he continued at his trade until manhood, realizing but meagre gain, so that when he came of age he decided to seek his for- tunes in America, the goal of so many who sought to carve out for themselves a career in life. Having but slender means of his own, he secured a loan of twenty pounds from his step-father ; and it has been said that this is the only borrowed money ever handled by Mr. Tweddle, this being repaid out of his first earnings in America. The ocean trip in those early days was a tedious and precarious one, and it was three weeks before the young emigrant reached these shores. He landed at Phil- adelphia, then a formidable rival of the port of New York, in the year 1819. No opening for his abilities presenting itself in that city, he passed on to West Ches- ter, Pennsylvania, with the intention of following his trade as a journeyman until the opportunity of opening a shop on his own account presented itself. He was soon able to establish himself in this way in an independent business, though upon a very small scale, having a forge, and a blacksmith in his employ. The business prospered, and he soon found himself in possession of a small capital. A brewery being for sale in West Chester, he de- 362 Yr/i/t /ft (f/(/'< ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY cided to buy it, changing his occupation accordingly for one in which he believed that there was chance of greater profit. Though he at first knew nothing of the process of brewing, he soon acquired the necessary knowledge, learning from his own employees after he had made the in- vestment and entered upon the new ven- ture, thus showing the mettle of which he was made. He became foreman, then master, of his own brewery, perfecting his skill and protecting his interests as proprietor, so that for a time he made money rapidly and came to be worth about $20,000 or more. Then he met with reverses and lost all. Burdened by a debt of $7,000, but endowed with courage and youth, he removed to Albany and began business again upon a more modest scale. Renting, in 1847, the malt house of John Taylor, he again became successful, his profits mounting slowly but surely with each succeeding year, so that very soon he owned two large malt houses in Al- bany and two also in New York. He was now a citizen of no little influence and be- came closely connected with the commer- cial interests of Albany, and was well known as a man of spotless integrity faithful in the discharge of corporate trusts. It was to him that the success of the Merchants' Bank of this city was largely due, he having been its president from the date of its organization in 1853 until his death in 1875. He was also prominent in various civic organizations. As president of St. George's Society, he retained a strong bond of sympathy with the residents of English nativity, and by his example and counsel furthered among them a feeling of patriotism for the coun- try of their adoption. He was one of the original and most active members of the Albany Board of Trade, and through this connection he was enabled to exert a strong influence upon the commercial prosperity of the city. In various parts of the city many monuments attest the enterprise and generosity of Mr. Twed- dle. The Tweddle chimes of St. Peter's Church were the gift to that edifice by his family after his demise, and Tweddle Hall was another memorial to his public spirit. This was for a long while a popular place for the assembly of the citizens, and upon the site which it occupied was erected the Tweddle Building, one of the finest busi- ness structures in Albany. Mr. Tweddle was singularly happy in his social and domestic relations, having been an affec- tionate husband and father, and a sym- pathizing and able adviser to all who sought aid of his ripe judgment and wise counsel. By conviction he was a Repub- lican in his politics, but was not actively engaged in public life. Only once, in- deed, was his name mentioned in connec- tion with any official position, this being in 1864, when he was chosen presidential elector, and thus assisted in seating Abra- ham Lincoln in the presidential chair for his brief and tragic second term. Mr. Tweddle was at this time one of the strong supporters of the Union. Mr. Tweddle married (first) Sarah Bell, of Carlisle, England. After her death he married (second) Clara Maria Pulling, daughter of Dr. Pulling, of Amsterdam, New York. He married (third) Frances M. Warren, a descendant of the old War- ren family of New England ; she sur- vived him, as did also six of his children. Mr. Tweddle was for many years a member of St. Peter's Church, serving during most of his connection with the church as vestryman, and latterly as war- den. Prior to his interest in St. Peter's Church, he had worshipped with the con- gregation of St. Paul's when they gathered in the old building in South Pearl street. His death in 1875 cast a gloom over the members and officials of the last church 363 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY with which he had been identified, as well as over all the wide circle of his business friends and associates. He had lived a good and useful life and died past the allotted age, happy in that he had made the world a little better for his presence. SOUTHWICK, Henry Collins, Jr., Well Known Citizen. There is a type of men whose lives are marked by no spectacular achievement, but who nevertheless are silent and powerful factors for good in the life of a community. It is these men who sup- port the burden of the advance of civiliza- tion. Genius makes the spectacular ad- vances, but without the steady, reliable, unfailing backing of the thoughtful, seri- ous rank of citizenry, no stride can be sustained. The achievements of men of this type are not unusual or extraordi- nary, but they are indispensable, an ele- ment without which there could be no permanent success. They are the back- bone of the nation — the solid foundation upon which its greatness is built. These men each do a share of work which is a unit in the whole, like many others ex- cept for that touch of individuality in which one life differs from another of the same type. Henry Collins Southwick was a man whose entire life was devoted to doing good to his family and to humanity. His career was long and useful and his activities in a material way added to the welfare of the city of Albany in which he made his residence from the middle of the last century. Here he established a record for enterprise, public spirit, and open-handed charity which has not been excelled by any other resident in this part of the country. He was a broaden- ing influence for good, a kindly, genial gentleman of the old school. Mr. South- wick was the scion of an old and distin- guished family, many of the members of which have rendered their State and coun- try the full services of patriotic and loyal citizens. He was a son of Henry Collins Southwick, Sr., and was born June 3, 1827, during that formative period in the country's history when the foundations were laid for so much of its subsequent prosperity. As a boy he attended the public schools of his locality. In those days the education afforded was very meagre and inadequate. He attended school until the age of twelve years, when he found it necessary to assume the re- sponsibility of earning his own livelihood. At this early age, with a manly spirit of independence beyond his years, he en- tered the employ of a grocery firm, with whom he spent the first few years of his business life. Mr. Southwick was of a studious and ambitious nature and what leisure time he had was spent in self-im- provement, and more especially in an effort to further his education so that he might rise in a business way. Through hard study he became competent to fill the post of bookkeeper, and left his early position to become associated with his father, who had been appointed canal col- lector. Here his services were of great value and he remained in the canal office as bookkeeper until he saw a better op- portunity with the firm of Monteith & Company, of Albany. He entered their employ as bookkeeper in the canal for- warding office. Here he remained until the year 1856, when he severed his con- nection with the firm and removed to Wisconsin where he established himself in the mercantile business independently. Mr. Southwick remained in the West for several years, and in the year 1859, on the first of January, returned to Albany and entered the service of the State in the auditor's office of the canal department. He continued in the government employ for a number of years, first in the canal 364 ^^c^>-^i^=>^^ ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY department and later on in the depart- ment of labor, rendering invaluable serv- ice and being active in all political move- ments then agitating the State. He thus became active and influential and conse- quently widely known in his locality, and possessed the personal friendship and esteem of many of the statesmen and poli- ticians of the time. Mr. Southwick's long and useful life was brought to a close on December 24, 1906, at the age of seventy-nine years. For several years prior to his death he had been stricken with blindness. His life was full of good deeds and charities toward his fellow men, and he was noted for his activities in the work of the church of which he was a member and trustee for many years. He was one of the chief members of the Tabernacle Baptist Church, and it was due to his generous and untiring efforts for more than a year that the erection of the present structure took place. Through his public life he was distin- guished by his wide sympathies in all fields. He found his greatest happiness in his home and domestic circle, was noted for his hospitality, and found his greatest enjoyment in the entertainment of his friends in his home. In earlier life he had been interested in fraternal mat- ters, and had held membership in various clubs. These he gave up in his latter years, devoting himself more entirely to his home circle and to the church in which he was so active. On April 8, 1850, Mr. Southwick mar- ried Margaret Julia Fraser, a daughter of Hugh and Julia Ann Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. Southwick were the parents of twelve children, three of whom, one son and two daughters, are still living. These are : Harvey J. ; Margaret, the wife of Mr. Horace S. Bull ; and Effie, wife of Mr. Ralph W. Thomas, of Hamilton, New York. The other children were: James B., Harry C, Julia Ann, George Newell, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this work, and the others died in infancy. Mrs. Southwick still resides in the old home at No. 55 Ten Broeck street, one of the most comfortable and homelike of the old homesteads of Albany, where the family have lived for the past fifty years. SOUTHWICK, George N., Public Official. The Southwick family has for genera- tions been closely identified with the pub- lic life of this State and of New England. Its sons have always been prominent in public affairs and in the life of the com- munities in which they have resided, gaining notable successes for themselves and at the same time doing the full duty of American citizens toward the land which gives them their opportunity and fortune. On every hand one finds men whose talents and inclinations fit them preeminently for public service but who shun this duty of patriotism because of the greater pecuniary benefit to be de- rived from the field of business. The country has its statesmen, but it needs in the ranks of its servants and advisors the analytical and trained mind of the busi- ness man to solve the problems which to- day face the nation — the problems within its own borders. The talents of the ordi- nary business man do not run to un- ravelling the intricacies of international law, but rather do they apply to and ex- cel in the management of questions of commence, labor, reform, etc., which agi- tate the public to-day. For men so en- dowed to reject office because of selfish reasons is a blot upon their citizenship. No man can truly uphold the ideals and standards of America, who, being capa- ble, refuses the high honor of office. The Southwick family has always borne with honor its full share in public 365 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY affairs. George N. Southwick, with whom this sketch deals more particularly, for many years the representative of the Al- bany district in Congress, entered public life primarily through his great oratorical ability, and to a well-trained mind which analyzed the national issues over which the great political parties fought. He was a firm believer in the protective tariff, and his effective speeches on that subject when it was the leading national question more than a score of years ago firmly established his reputation as an able speaker and politician. He was a force- ful and pleasing public speaker, an ag- gressive newspaper writer, and a legis- lator of strong influence. His ability was quickly recognized in all of his undertak- ings, and his activities on behalf of those whom he represented united with his qualities of friendship, gave him a com- manding position in public life until his retirement two years prior to his demise. Mr. Southwick was born at Albany on March 7, 1863, and was one of a numer- ous family of brothers and sisters, the children of Henry Collins Southwick and his wife, Margaret Julia (Fraser) South- wick. They were old residents of Albany, where the family had lived since the mid- dle of the last century. A sketch of the life of Mr. Southwick's father, Henry Collins Southwick, Jr., precedes this in the volume. George N. Southwick received his edu- cation in the public schools of his native city, entering the Albany High School in 1876 from Public School No. 6. where he received his earliest instruction. He was graduated in 1879, having taken high rank in his studies. The following year he en- tered Williams College, where he spent four years, graduating in 1884. His abil- ity as an orator was first manifested at college, where he was the Groves prize orator and pipe orator of the class. With the intention of making the law his pro- fession, he entered the Albany Law School in 1884, but finding that a legal course would not be congenial to him, he became a journalist instead, and began his career as a reporter and editorial writer on the staff of the "Albany Morn- ing Express," then under the manage- ment of Addison A. Keyes. Here he did excellent work for four years, his edi- torial articles on the tariff during the Cleveland-Blaine campaign winning him distinction. He was also a legislative re- porter for the "Associated Press" for a period of three years. In the fall of 1888, when Benjamin Har- rison was the Republican candidate for the presidency, Mr. Southwick was one of the campaign speakers. In the latter part of the year, also, he became man- aging editor of the "Morning Express," and the following year exchanged this post for the managing editorship of the "Evening Journal." He was then one of the youngest editors in the State. His knowledge on the tariff question was possibly unsurpassed in the editorial field and this fact added weight to his words both written and spoken. In the Presi- dential campaign of 1892 he was again very active on the stump. In the year 1894 he was himself candidate for Con- gress from the Twentieth District, and won the Republican nomination over Clif- ford D. Gregory, the campaign being one of the most active ever known in this dis- trict. He addressed four or five meetings here during the day, as well as noon day meetings at West Albany, and in the lum- ber district, thus carrying the election. Taking his seat in Congress in 1895, Mr. Southwick at once began to secure legis- lation in favor of Albany county. He secured a law which resulted in the manu- facture of ordnance in the Watervliet ar- senal, and was also instrumental in ob- taining a liberal appropriation for the im- provement of the navigation in the Hud- 366 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY son river. He agitated the question of coast defense, of which subject he made a thorough study, and, interesting the representatives of districts not on the coast, was able to secure an appropriation of eleven million dollars for this purpose. A portion of this appropriation went direct to the Watervliet arsenal, and in this way a great number of workmen were employed there. In the interests of labor Mr. Southwick always manifested a most praiseworthy activity and fought with fine success the plans of Secretary Lamont to reduce the wages in the Watervliet arsenal from $1.50 per day to $1.25, a procedure which Mr. Southwick declared to be "the most despicable piece of economy in the his- tory of the country." During his first term he also introduced a bill to prevent inter-State commerce in prison made articles, which was bitterly opposed, but finally received favorable action. In the spring of 1896 he presided at the State convention which sent delegates at large to the Republican National Convention, instructed for Morton. He devoted a great deal of attention to the currency question, and was an advocate of sound money. In the year 1897 he was appoint- ed by Speaker Reed as a member of the committee on banking and currency. When the cruiser "Albemarle" was pur- chased by the government, it was through the influence of Representative South- wick that her name was changed to the "Albany" instead, in honor of the city of that name. In bringing this about, he had the warm support and cooperation of the then assistant secretary of the navy, Theodore Roosevelt, and the entire New York delegation. In the year 1898 Mr. Southwick suffered defeat in the cam- paign for Congress, by Martin H. Glynn, but in 1900 the situation was reversed, and he was returned by a plurality of 2,456. He resumed his activity in Wash- ington, and secured another appropria- tion for the improvement of the Hudson river channel. Under Speaker Hender- son he served on the committee on Indian territories, and the committee on ex- penditures in the treasury department. He was reelected in 1902, the district then embracing the counties of Albany and Schenectady, and in that year his major- ity was 6,399 over that of the opposing candidate from Schenectady. As chair- man in 1903 of the committee to present a silver service to the cruiser "Albany," Mr. Southwick took part in the presenta- tion ceremonies by the city. In the same year he was named by Speaker Cannon as chairman of the im- portant committee on education, and he also was able to procure an appropriation of thirty thousand dollars in the same session for a site for the new post office in Schenectady. In 1904 he was again nominated for Congress, and elected by a majority of 8,145. He was again chair- man of the committee on education, and was instrumental in securing the passage of a bill incorporating the National Edu- cational Association of the United States. In the same year he secured an additional appropriation of one hundred and sev- enty thousand dollars for the new post office at Schenectady. Deeply interested in the veterans of the Civil War, he prose- cuted many pension claims during the period of his service in Washington, and he was also instrumental in securing fifty- five rural delivery routes which consti- tuted a network of mail communication between the less populous districts of Al- bany and Schenectady counties. In addi- tion, he secured the passage of another appropriation bill in favor of the Schenec- tady post office, bringing the total up to two hundred and ten thousand dollars. In 1908 Mr. Southwick was again elect- 367 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ed to Congress, and served with distinc- tion as chairman of the committee on edu- cation. He retired voluntarily in 1910, not being a candidate again for nomina- tion, though he continued his interest in public affairs until the day of his death, and continued doing good work in the in- terests of many of the projects which had claimed his attention while he was in Con- gress. He became connected with a num- ber of business pursuits and enterprises, and interested himself in transactions in Washington real estate. He also inter- ested himself in literary pursuits, and con- tributed articles to the "North American Review," and other periodicals, taking that interest always in matters of the tariff which had earned for him in youth the sobriquet of the "Boy Tariff Talker," first applied to him, in derision by his op- ponents, and then adopted in admiration by his friends. Mr. Southwick died on October 17, 1912, in Albany, at the old homestead in Ten Broeck street, where he was born, his final illness having been but brief. He was never married. He possessed warm friendships and was a man of social and genial disposition. He was a close friend of the late ex-speaker, Thomas B. Reed, and of Vice-President James S. Sherman, sharing an apartment with the latter in Washington when Mr. Sherman was a representative in Congress. Mr. South- wick was a member of many clubs and social organizations, among which were the Albany, Capital City, Unconditional Republican, and University clubs of Al- bany ; the Tapeworm and Washington clubs of Washington ; and the Williams College Alumni. His fourteen years of service in the national legislature gave him a wide acquaintance, and he was uni- versally regarded as a man of broad views, strong patriotism, high attainment, and enduring accomplishments during the long period of his public service. SEARLES, Charles Edgar, Successful Business Man. It is somewhat trite to remark how the career of each man is determined by the two factors of his personality and en- vironment, how every act and circum- stance, however haphazard and fortuitous it may appear, is really the result of these two elements in their constant action and reaction upon one another. But though this is trite as an abstract proposition, the observation of it as a concrete fact in the life of the individual is never so, and we feel the same vivid interest in it as in the most primitive ages. Perennially fresh and attractive are the developments of the old struggle between the two ele- ments, personality and environment, as we call them to-day, man and destiny, in the phrase of a more romantic time ; at- tractive and full of interest without refer- ence to what names we know them by, and as a matter of fact there is as much to claim our attention in the careers of the successful men of to-day as in the more perilous lives of our ancestors. In such a case as that of Charles Edgar Searles, late of Peekskill, New York, is shown, not inaptly, how strong tastes in combination with a strong will and cour- age can bend the environment to the form desired and mould circumstances to a pre- determined end. Mr. Searles, whose death in Peekskill on June 8, 1915, was a serious loss to the whole community, was a man of strong artistic tastes and aesthetic feelings, to the development of which conditions seemed decidedly un- favorable. So much so that for a time he was engaged in entirely foreign kind of occupation, but through his own persist- ent effort he was finally able to engage in a line consistent with his inclinations. Charles Edgar Searles was a native of Yorktown, New York, born there May 30, 1864, a son of Horace and Susan 368 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY (Farrington) Searles, lifelong residents of that place. The father was engaged in farming not far from the town, and his son experienced all the advantages and disadvantages of a rural upbringing, of which the former may be typified by a robust health and a wholesome outlook upon life, and the latter by somewhat meagre educational opportunities. In the case of Mr. Searles, however, these dis- advantages were neutralized by his taste for the things of culture and beauty which impelled him to do a great deal of read- ing and to supplement at home the studies of the school. His formal education was obtained at the Yorktown public schools, both the grammar and high school. There seemed no possibility at the time of his engaging in any kind of occupation in which he could satisfy his fondness for art, and he turned his attention to engi- neering, for which he displayed a distinct talent. He was employed for a time as engineer on the Croton Dam, then in the course of construction, and there, by dint of the most indefatigable devotion to his work and notable thrift, he managed to put aside a sufficient amount of capital to establish himself in business for himself. This was an opportunity which he did not miss and upon coming to Peekskill he founded a music store there. From the outset he gave the closest attention to his business and in a short time came to be the proprietor of a large and flourish- ing trade. He could work at this with his whole heart as it brought him into contact with the art of which he was fondest, and his success continued undiminished until the close of his life. Besides his business activities, Mr. Searles was a participant in a number of departments of the town's life, and was especially prominent in social and fra- ternal circles. He was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias and held offices in both societies. In politics he was a Re- publican, but never took an active part in local affairs and never sought office at any time. His religious affiliations were with the Methodist church, and he was a faithful attendant at and a liberal sup- porter of the church of that denomination in Peekskill. On April 22, 1893, Mr. Searles was united in marriage with Katherine G. Bailey, of Ossining, New York, a daugh- ter of Henry and Amanda (Jerow) Bailey. Mr. Bailey was a farmer and conducted a successful place in the vicinity of Ossin- ing. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Searles: Grace, Lucy, Henry, Marjorie, Kenneth, Morley. Mr. Searles' devotion to music has al- ready been remarked a number of times, and it certainly deserves a prominent notice in any sketch of his life, as does his fondness in all the arts. He was also a great lover of books and a wide reader, and he gave much of his spare time to this delightful and improving exercise. His instincts were strongly domestic and his greatest happiness was found in his home in the intimate intercourse of family life, or in the pursuit of one of his favorite subjects. He never entirely got over his fondness for the country and an outside existence developed as a boy on the farm, and he devoted a considerable portion of his charming place at Peekskill to cer- tain farmrlike pursuits. Chief among these was the breeding and developing of fancy poultry, and this he turned to more than pleasure, running his chicken coops as a sort of side venture to his other busi- ness. NORMAN, John Amos, Active Factor in Community Affairs. Better and more potent in the long run than any of the influences of material suc- cess is the intangible but very real effect N Y-Vol II-24 369 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY of the virtuous, intelligent man upon the community, better and more potent, be- cause it is at once more vital and more direct. It is not so often made a matter of record as are the achievements of men who have left concrete reminders of their services such as a church, a library, a hos- pital or what not, yet perhaps this is as much due to the difficulty of estimating and comparing or of handling in any way adequately things of so spiritual an essence than from any common disbelief in their power or efficacy. Such was the influence of John Amos Norman, late of New York City and Mount Vernon, whose death in the latter place on June 22, 1912, removed from the community a potent factor in the cause of culture and enlightenment. The native place of Mr. Norman was the romantic and beautiful island of Jer- sey, southernmost of the Channel Islands, in which nature seems to have outdone herself in making prevailing conditions favorable to man. Almost a continuous orchard, with here and there the most picturesque little towns breaking the charming monotony, this miniature State offers many attractions to those who love the rural environment at its best and yet would not cut themselves off too com- pletely from the doings of the great world. For steamers ply constantly between the ports of Sts. Helier and Aubin and Plym- outh, England. Indeed, the people of Jer- sey, besides their apples and their famous dairies, are devoted to the sea and many of their most important industries are connected with it, notably the taking of oysters in the great fisheries thereabouts and shipbuilding. In the island of Jersey, then, Mr. Norman was born November 23, 1841, and among these delightful sur- surroundings his childish associations were formed up to the age of ten years. In 1851 his parents, George A. J. and Mary (LeBrun) Norman, both members of old and honorable English families, came from Jersey to the United States with their son and settled in New York City. Here the lad attended the public schools and obtained an excellent education, his aptness as a student and his honest ambi- tion to learn gaining for him the best that these institutions had to offer. Upon leaving school he turned his attention to the serious business of earning a liveli- hood and secured, while still a mere youth, a business association with one Henry J. Campbell, who was engaged in importing and exporting on a large scale. He was thus employed in 1861 when the long dispute between the Northern and Southern States reached its climax and the Civil War broke out. Mr. Norman, who was then but twenty years of age, hastened at once to the aid of his adopted country to which he had transferred not only his home but his affectionate allegi- ance and for which he felt the sincerest patriotism. This could not have been bet- ter proven than by his prompt readiness to risk his life for the imperiled Union which he did many times in the course of the gigantic struggle. He enlisted in the Ninth New York Regiment, which re- sponded to President Lincoln's first call for recruits and was afterwards changed to the Eighty-third New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment and went through the entire war. He saw a great deal of active service, taking part in a number of diffi- cult campaigns and being present in no less than seventeen pitched engagements. He rose to the rank of lieutenant and re- ceived his honorable discharge. Return- ing to the North. Mr. Norman once more made his home in New York and took up the importing and exporting business, but this time on his own account. He opened an office at Nos. 21-25 State street and 37^ ti/^A^f&tm. /' ' ys L^C ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY there did a large and remunerative trade, living in the Bronx district of the city for a time and later making his home in Mount Vernon, moving to the latter place about twenty years before his death. Although very successful in his busi- ness, an occupation that made exacting demands upon his time and energy, it was not in this department of activity so much as in his participation in the general life of the place that Mr. Norman became a conspicuous figure. He was prominent in social and club circles and belonged to a number of the most important organiza- tions of a fraternal and social order. He was a member of Alexander Hamilton Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and also of the order of Free and Accepted Masons. In the matter of religion, too, he was very active and did his uttermost to aid in its advancement in the com- munity. An Episcopalian in belief, he belonged to the church of St. Ann of that denomination in the Bronx and later to a church of that denomination in Mount Vernon. Of the former he was treasurer for a number of years. In politics he was very active. He was a man of very inde- pendent mind who never took his ideas ready-made from any source and was far too intelligent to be a strict partisan in the political realm. He cast his vote con- sistently for the man or cause he thought best for the occasion or place, without regard for the name attached to them. As a matter of fact, however, he was entirely unambitious in this direction and avoided rather than sought for any political pref- erment. On June 26, 1864, Mr. Norman was united in marriage with Susan Odell, of New York City, a daughter of Adolphus and Mina A. (Forshay) Odell, old and highly respected residents of that place. Mr. Norman was survived by his wife and two children who were born to their union, Adolphus Livingstone and Mary Le Brun, all of whom reside in Mount Vernon. It is such men as Mr. Norman and the other members of his family that form the most valuable and welcome addition to our citizenship from foreign lands ; he was one of four sons, the brothers being George A. J., Jr., Alfred T. and Adolphus P., and it was only the latter, who was too young to bear arms, that did not enter the Union army in the time of the peril of their adopted land. Aside from this splendid act of devotion, they, and espe- cially the Mr. Norman with whom this sketch is concerned, were throughout their careers valuable members of the communities where they resided, always casting their influence on the side of in- telligent progress, always standing for the good cause as they saw it and contri- buting to the welfare of their fellow citi- zens. To such men as these the nation shall always hold out the hand of wel- come, not only for their own sakes, but because of what they shall do, now and hereafter, in their own persons and in those of their children to leaven and keep sweet and pure and strong the mighty mass of men of all races that is here being wrought into a new American race. McKEAN, Henry Melville, Prominent Lawyer. To maintain without blemish the tradi- tions of an old and honorable house and to further by every conceivable effort its name is the sacred trust delivered into the hands of each of its sons. The de- scendants of a house whose name has been one of the foremost in America's great democracy, whose sons have been identified from the very beginning with the best of the ideals and ideas for which these United States stand, finds upon his 371 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY shoulders at the outset of his life a solemn duty — that of never being unworthy of his race or land. But that is negative — there is also a positive duty — to add to, advance and glorify his name, to amplify the tradition to be handed down to pos- terity. The scion of such a house, the happy recipient of such precepts was the late Henry Melville McKean. Henry Melville McKean was a descend- ant of Thomas McKean, who was one of the signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence. He was the son of William H. and Eliza Ward (Pell) McKean. His mother was a direct descendant of Lord Pell, who settled in Connecticut in the early part of the last century. Mr. Mc- Kean was born in Brooklyn, February 23, 1847, and received his early education in the public schools there. He later de- cided to enter the profession of the law and commenced his studies for that pur- pose in the office of R. & William Ingra- ham. He later pursued his studies under that eminent jurist, David Barnett, from whose offices he was admitted to the bar in 1871. His conduct of the first few cases with which he was entrusted was suffi- cient to prove his entire ability to man- age more important litigations, and this becoming recognized, he rose quickly, attaining the envied position of the prom- inent lawyer and attracting some of the most influential concerns of Brooklyn, for whom he afterward acted in a legal capac- ity. Mr. McKean's reputation for legal acumen became widespread and he be- came one of the leaders of his profession in Brooklyn, conducting a practice large and varied in nature. While he devoted the greater proportion of his time to realty affairs, he was perfectly well in- formed on all points of his profession, and his acquaintance with financial and cor- poration law being eagerly and widely conceded. He was noted for his exten- sive and exhaustive knowledge, and his strict integrity and unimpeachable honor in his practice. He was a conscientious attorney, and guarded well the interest of his clients. Mr. McKean's acquaintance with cur- rent happenings and existing conditions was great. He was a man of broad minded, liberal tolerance, such as only one who has studied humanity at first hand can be. Full understanding of the impulses and workings of the human mind is given sparingly. It is not gained through studying one book or many books, but is the result of years of con- tact with the innate goodness, the cupid- ity, the virtues and vices of men. No matter how perfect in detail the statue may be, it fails in its end if it is not life- like. The ability to model convincingly from life comes only after years of earn- est and unremitting study on the part of the artist. The same principle is equally true in the profession of the law. To judge quickly and accurately and to prog- nosticate the workings of the mind is the principal requirement for the success of a lawyer. It is a faculty developed by a course of rigorous training, on the very rigor and persistency of which depends the student's success. To set down at length the broad scope of understanding which was Mr. McKean's is neither possi- ble here nor necessary at any time. The prominence to which he attained in his profession is evidence of this. On February 2, 1871, Mr. McKean mar- ried Carrie A. Holbrook, of Worcester, Massachusetts, whose father and mother were both descendants of Revolutionary families of the old "Bay State." Mrs. Mc- Kean, who resides at No. 133 Rutland Road, Brooklyn, New York, survives her husband. As is the case with every law- yer, the circle of Mr. McKean's acquaint- ance was large, both professionally and 372 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY socially. His disposition was entirely de- void of that touch of cynicism which is so often found in the men who follow his profession. He was of a genial, magnan- imous nature, and of an even temper which quickly endeared him to the people whom he met, making a large percentage of them his friends for life. His death oc- curred on December 8, 1914, and was the cause of deep-felt and earnest regret and sorrow. Mr. McKean was a member of the Mon- tauk Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, the Thirteenth Regiment Veteran Asso- ciation, and the Brooklyn Bar Associa- tion. He was a great lover of nature and devoted much of his spare time to flowers, in the cultivation of which he was deeply interested. He had a great knowledge of horticulture, and his garden was filled with very beautiful varieties of rare flow- ers and shrubs and he liked nothing bet- ter than to delve in it. He was also a music lover, and himself a fine singer. Few lawyers have, during the course of a legal career, been more sought after in connection with real estate matters than Mr. McKean. He had the advantage of long experience, in fact at the time of his death he was one of the oldest practicing law- yers in Brooklyn. This combined with ready tact, quick but trusty judgment and perseverance, rendered his services of ex- . eptional value to large interests. These attributes are calculated to achieve suc- cess in any direction, but particularly use- ful are they in the legal profession, where competition is close, and great concerns require the best talent. Mr. McKean's life was devoted to the purpose of achiev- ing success for himself and bringing honor upon his name. That he fulfilled his aim and goal is evidenced by the fact that there was no more highly respected and honored lawyer in Brooklyn than himself. McMULLEN, Alonzo Thomas, Active Factor in Community Affairs. Very rare it is to find combined in the same personality those qualities which insure great success in material things and make for prominence in the affairs of the world and those, no less definite, traits which impel their possessor toward a certain spiritual achievement so subtle and intangible as to be difficult either to name or describe, but which may be known in its effect of cheering and in- spiring those that come into contact with it and which is never disassociated from the practical charity that relieves the needs of the unfortunate. It is rare to meet with this combination for the simple reason that, although theoretically there is nothing incompatible in their natures, yet as a matter of fact these qualities are apt to destroy and negative each other, since much success in worldly things almost inevitably brings with it a certain cynicism impatient of the more spiritual aspects of life, while on the other hand a close preoccupation with the welfare of our fellows tends to make us forgetful of our own. Occasionally, however, we find the two qualities flourishing side by side in the same personality, the result being almost invariably a character of unusual power, the effect of which in the world of men is a notable one. Of such characters the late Alonzo Thomas McMullen, of Albany and New York City, furnishes an excellent example, a man whose career was at once eminently successful in its worldly aspects and whose influence for good among those with whom he asso- ciated cannot easily be overestimated. His death in New York City on April 7, 1889, was a loss to every community with which he had been identified, but the in- fluence which he exerted is not one to pass. 373 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Born June 19, 1827, in Albany, New York, Mr. McMullen was a son of Thomas and Henrietta (Van Benthusen) McMullen, old and highly respected resi- dents of that city, who during their lives took a very prominent part in the social life of the place. His father's family was of Scottish descent, while his mother was of old Knickerbocker stock, and for many years his ancestors and relatives have taken a conspicuous part in the affairs of the city. In his own generation the name of McMullen was very well known in Al- bany besides the distinction that his own career gave to it, his brother Edgar hav- ing made himself well and favorably known, and his sisters, Emma and Louise, having married Albert P. Stevens and Clarence T. Jenkins, respectively, both men of prominence there. In his youth Alonzo Thomas McMul- len was educated in the Albany Academy and in a school in Schenectady, in both of which institutions he proved himself an apt scholar and won the affection and re- spect alike of his instructors and his fel- low students. His career after leaving school was a varied one for a number of years, but in all the places that he lived and in the various lines of business in which he engaged his record was uni- formly of the highest order and he estab- lished a reputation at once for honesty of purpose and business ability unusual for a young man. Immediately upon gradu- ation, he engaged in a wholesale grocery enterprise in Albany, but although suc- cessful enough, he soon gave this up and came to New York City, where he re- mained for a time. A little later he went to Buffalo, where he became connected with the Great Western Despatch Com- pany in the capacity of manager of the office in that city. Later he returned to New York City, where he had an offer from the Erie & North Shore Despatch Company of a position as construction agent. He was located at the offices of the company at No. 401 Broadway and rapidly rose to a position of great impor- tance and responsibility, being chief clerk and construction agent for upwards of eight or ten years. During this period, however, his health, which had never been robust, grew less and less good, until he was forced to retire from active business entirely about fifteen years be- fore his death. More than in business, however, Mr. McMullen was prominent in the general life of the community, taking part in a great number of important movements undertaken for the advancement of his fellows, and liberally giving of his wealth and effort towards their success. He was a Republican in politics, but did not seek to identify himself with the local organi- zation of that or any party, and avoided rather than sought political preferment of public office of any kind. In his early youth he was very active socially and be- longed to a large number of clubs and other organizations, but as years went by he allowed this association to lapse some- what, especially as he found a great deal to do in connection with the work of his church. While living in the lower part of New York City he attended service at the well known Church of the Strangers, but afterwards, when he made his home in the Bronx, he became a member of St. Paul's Dutch Reformed Church in that district. He was active in both congre- gations and especially in connection with the philanthropic and temperance move- ments connected therewith. On July 2, 1874, Mr. McMullen was united in marriage with Katherine Lohr, of New York City, a daughter of Conrad Charles and Martha (Dietrich) Lohr. Mr. and Mrs. Lohr were of German stock and natives of the province of Hesse-Cassell, 374 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY and Airs. McMullen was one of a family of seven children. To Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Mullen was born one child, Nellie Louise, who became the wife of Richard Henry Fenker, of New York City, and bore him two children, Richard Boyd, born De- cember 15, 1903, died March 14, 1913, and Marjorie Eugenia, born October 21, 1904. The interest taken by Mr. McMullen in temperance matters has already been hinted at, but not sufficiently emphasized, for to this cause he gave a great deal of his attention and time. He first became interested in it during the time he spent in Buffalo, in that and in church and phil- anthropic matters generally, and ever thereafter this interest formed one of the chief elements of his life. He was asso- ciated with charitable works of all kinds, but it was chiefly his private benevolences that occupied him, of which no one will ever know the full extent since he per- formed them in the most quiet manner, obeying the Scriptural injunction not to let his left hand know what his right was doing. He was a man of essential sim- plicity, which expressed itself in many ad- mirable virtues. Not the least of these was the tenderness he felt and was not ashamed to show to his fellow men, more especially those who were in any way un- fortunate, and another equally character- istic was his great love of children, a love that was returned by its objects with the greatest warmth. In personal appearance Mr. McMullen was a very handsome man, with a most impressive and even com- manding manner and bearing, but a nature that won the almost instant affec- tion of those with whom he associated even the most casually. In all the rela- tions of life his conduct was above re- proach and it may well be said of him that the community was made better from his having lived therein. PILLSBURY, Daniel Sargent, Public-spirited Citizen. It is true, what has so often been com- mented upon in regard to a great city like New York, that it act as a mighty vortex and draws unto itself as a center people from a vast surrounding area who hasten to swell its already vast population and increase still further its attractive power. One of the most striking examples of this in the world is the myriads that flow annually from the nations of Europe into the great metropolis of the western world to whose capacity there is no apparent limit. Of course it is true that it is not simply the attractive force of New York that draws all this mighty army of foreigners into its port, for doubtless with the majority of them it is not New York, but America that forms the great magnet of their hopes and desires and causes them to leave their dearest associations, their homes, to seek their fortunes in fresh fields and pastures new. But al- though this be true it remains a fact that once here and within the reach of the great city's seductive current, an enor- mous proportion never extricate them- selves, but make it their permanent earthly home. Another source, which if less conspicuous is probably even greater than the foreign lands in the toll it pays regularly to the city's demands, is the sur- rounding regions of our own country whence a continual stream of humanity moves cityward which, as it reaches its destination, is quickly merged in with the rest of those who form, the great human melting pot. A great deal is said of the ill effects of this tendency upon the coun- tryside, how it takes therefrom many of its strongest souls and bodies and leaves its farms ever more and more lonely and isolated, but surely there is also some- thing to be said upon the other side as to 375 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY how the city is ever rejuvenating its citi- zenship with the fresh, virile blood of the country among whom are often to be found its most able and successful men. Such men, for instance, as Daniel Sar- gent Pillsbury, who, coming from whole- some, hardy New Hampshire, engaged in business in New York, bringing with him the simple and yet shrewd standards of the northern commonwealth, are nothing but a blessing to the city with whose life they cast in their lot. Active for many years in the business world of New York, Mr. Pillsbury made his home in Mount Vernon, where his death occurred on Feb- ruary 13, 1902, removing from the com- munity a broad-minded, public-spirited citizen. Born in East Hampstead, New Hamp- shire, May 5, 1836, Daniel Sargent Pills- bury was a son of Benjamin L. and Mary (Sargent) Pillsbury, highly respected residents of that place. His mother was a native of Amesbury, Massachusetts, and a member of an old English family that had made its home in that State for many years. Mr. Pillsbury spent but a brief portion of his life in his native region, coming as a boy to Bridgewater, Massachusetts, where he received his edu- cation at the excellent normal school which bears the same name. After gradu- ating from this institution, he went tem- porarily to Boston, where he engaged in business for a while, but eventually came to New York City, which became the scene of his business activities for the re- mainder of his life. In New York he established himself in the retail station- ery trade, his store being situated at No. 680 Sixth avenue, and in this venture he was highly successful from the outset. For a time he accepted an offer from a large concern engaged in the manufacture of silver tissue paper to act as its New York agent, and opened an establishment on Maiden Lane. In this also he was successful, and he continued the same up to the time of his death. For a number of years he lived in New York City, but in 1890 he removed to Mount Vernon and thereafter made his home in that attrac- tive city. Besides his business interests, Mr. Pillsbury was active in every movement undertaken for the welfare of the conv munity which appealed to his judgment as wise, and after coming to Mount Ver- non he was prominent in political circles. He was a strong supporter of the Repub- lican party, its principles and policies, and he gave a considerable portion of his time and attention to the advancement of its cause, but he consistently avoided politi- cal preferment of any kind and would never consent to hold public office. Mr. Pillsbury was fond of the comradeship of his fellowmen. provided that it was informal in its character, but he did not enjoy social functions of a conventional kind, nor would he join any clubs or other organizations, preferring to spend his spare time in the midst of his own house- hold or in the society of his more inti- mate personal friends. He was strongly religious, however, and always took an active part in the life of the church, wherever he happened to be located, being a member of the Broadway Tabernacle while still residing in the city and later of the Congregational church in Mount Vernon. Mr. Pillsbury married (second) Mary Fletcher Goldthwaite, of Medford, sec- tion of Boston, on February 4, 1874. She was a daughter of Silas Brigham and Maria (Fletcher) Goldthwaite, who came originally from Northbridge, Massachu- setts, where the Goldthwaite family had lived for many years, it being one of the important English families that had set- tled in that region in early times. Mrs. Pillsbury survives and continues to make her home in Mount Vernon. By a former 3/6 ^r-^c_ ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY marriage Mr. Pillsbury was the father of two daughters : Anne Mary, who became the wife of James Douglass Anderson, lives in London, England, and Mildred Sarah, who became the wife of James E. Brush, of New York City. Mr. Pillsbury's devotion to his family and home has already been remarked and it will serve to stand as an excellent ex- ample of the man's entire character. Into the complex life of the city he trans- planted the simple virtues and tastes of a long line of rural ancestors, virtues and tastes confirmed in his own case by the first few years of his life spent among similar scenes and associations with which they had been familiar. It was not that he did not feel at home in, or sym- pathize with the conditions of his en- vironment, on the contrary he enjoyed them greatly, but merely that certain fundamental simplicities that we are apt to associate with country life and its more primitive occupations never deserted him but always colored his ways to a certain homely tint most attractive and worthy of all praise. His attractions and virtues gathered about him a large circle of de- voted friends who rightly considered him a model of good citizenship and simple straightforward manhood. FORCE, Henry Lyon, Educator and Business Man. From coast to coast the stentorian cry "efficiency" has been taken up and re- echoed throughout the breadth of the land. It is the slogan of every man, whether he be engaged in commercial or professional pursuits, and with it, inseparable com- panions, are "power," "result," and "suc- cess." For a man to have been a success in any walk of life usually insures re- spectful attention to his methods of work and life. The old order changeth, giving place to new. and as in the case of all radical changes it brings in its train the usual complement of evil. The old type of polished, erudite, widely-read gentle- man, the range of whose abilities was widespread and versatile, is passing out, giving place to what is except in the highly developed case an automaton of specialization. Far too often do we find development of some faculty or attribute to the absolute waste or exclusion of others, which in the course of time atrophy from disuse. We find a man whose ability mounts almost to genius in his own line to be an absolute dullard when removed from his own sphere, how- ever brilliantly he may shine therein. Disproving the theory that genius means specialization is the versatility of the great men of the world's history. Julius Caesar, one of the world's greatest mili- tary geniuses, was a man of letters, a student, a statesman and a great law- giver. To trace the career of a man whose keen intellect covered a store of knowledge as comprehensive as it was great, a lifelong student and teacher in one capacity or another is a pleasure not often accorded the biographer in this day. Such a life was that of Henry Lyon Force, a man whose influence for public betterment was particularly great and valuable, and whose death in Newburgh, New York, in the year 1907, removed not only from that community itself but from others, a potential factor in its advance- ment. Henry Lyon Force was born in Cayuga county, New York State, on December 24, 1855, the son of Dr. Daniel A. and Mary (Downer) Force. Dr. Force was originally a native of New Jersey. The Force family are of French extraction and are descended from the famous historical character, the boy Force, one of the nobil- ity who escaped from France at the time of the Revolution in 1789 and took refuge from the violent mobs of the bourgeoisie 377 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY in America. He settled in Louisiana. Mr. Force received his early education in the district schools at Port Byron, his birth- place, and here after evincing mentality of an unusual calibre in one of his age he was given a position as teacher in the local school. At the same time he studied law, as was the custom before the law schools of the country mounted to the prestige which they now hold, in the office of a judge at Port Byron. At the age of eighteen years he removed to Troy, New York, where he taught elocution, and hav- ing definitely decided upon teaching in some form as his life's work he became attached to the Rensselaer Polytechnic School. Mr. Force remained in Troy for some time and then realizing the inex- haustible fund of education and informa- tion that there is in travel, he went West, where he engaged in business. He lived in Chicago and the vicinity of that place for several years, and later returned to Port Byron. During all this time he was study- ing continually. He next left Port Byron to go to Bloomfield, New Jersey, where he entered upon a course of lecture giving. Mr. Force has traveled extensively and lectured on his tours. He was among the first to make use of stereopticon views to illustrate his lectures, when this practice was still in its infancy. Mr. Force came to Newburgh in 1886 and entered the cal- cium light business with a Mr. Kethcurn, of that place. It is unusual that one finds business sagacity coupled with a studious nature. Usually the calm, retiring, intro- spective character of the student is not conducive to successful business ventures. But where in the exceptional cases the cool and trained scholarly judgment is combined with keen business talents the results of the combination are obvious. Mr. Force was very successful in this business and remained in it until one year before the time of his death which occurred on January 7, 1907, in New- burgh. On September 24, 1885, Mr. Force mar- ried Sophia M. Kaupp, of Bloomfield, New Jersey. Her parents were George and Katherine (Hoffman) Kaupp, of Wurtemburg, Germany. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Force are as follows : Dan- iel Augustus, who is in the real estate business in Newburgh, married Ethel Strong and they have one daughter, Mar- garet Helene ; Helen Ward, Frank Ham- ilton, Henrietta Katherine, and Phoebe Downer. Mr. Force was a Mason and a member of the American Reformed Church, which was formerly called the Dutch Reformed. From earliest boyhood until his death he was a deep scholar, in fact retiring about a year or so before his death for the pur- pose of studying. Naturally enough, through his acquaintance with books and his extensive travel, Mr. Force was an interesting and instructive talker and a much sought after-dinner speaker. Per- haps it was because of the fact that all his education was the dearly brought result of his own hard work and self-denial at times, Mr. Force appreciated the comfort, solace and companionship of the world's good books and sought them out. He was extremely well read and had a very retentive memory. Mr. Force was an ac- complished linguist, being well versed in Greek, Latin and Hebrew. His personal- ity was both charming and forceful and he made many lasting friends in his wide travels, although with the characteristic self-sufficiency of the book lover he was reticent and retiring, seeking no friends for the sake of pure companionship, but rather waiting until he had tried his ac- quaintances. He was a man of strong character, honest and upright in the ex- treme, fair and broad-minded as is every true student of life and literature. The 378 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY loss to the community of the type of man of which Mr. Force was so worthy a rep- resentative cannot be overestimated, and its disappearance from our national life except in small minority is almost tragic. In our rush to adopt the new order let us not forget the old, which has demon- strated its usefulness and proven value. RICHTER, Edward A., Hotel Proprietor. The proprietorship of a first-class hotel is a position which brings its incumbent in touch with the best element not only in lis own town but in different parts of the country and even, in some instances, with the world at large. Thus it often happens that friendships are formed between men of widely divergent careers and circum- stances, friendships which are sometimes of life-long duration. This was true of the late Edward A. Richter. proprietor of the old White Plains Hotel and later of another well-known hostelry, and num- bers of his fellow townsmen can abun- dantly testify to the truth of the assertion. Certain it is that no man ever partook of Mr. Richter's hospitality without conceiv- ing for him a feeling of the warmest cor- diality, and equally indisputable is it that no guest ever took leave of him without the wish, and in many cases the deter- mination, to return at no distant day. Edward A. Richter was born May 21, 1863, in Saxony, Germany, and received his education in his native land. In his early manhood a spirit of enterprise led him to emigrate to the United States and for some time he found employment in New York. Circumstances, however, led him in the course of time to remove to White Plains, and here he entered the service of F. Theodore Dall, at that time proprietor of the Union Hotel. Later he was employed by Diedrich Becker in the hotel now conducted by Frank Blumen- thal at the corner of Central avenue and Smith street. After being associated for a time with several others in the hotel business Mr. Richter, feeling himself in circumstances which justified him in act- ing independently, took charge of the old White Plains Hotel which then stood on the site now occupied by the large estab- lishment of the Fowler and Sellers Com- pany. Under Mr. Richter's management the White Plains Hotel was extremely popular, fully meriting its high reputation, a reputation achieved in part by Mr. Richter's excellent business administra- tion and in part by the genial atmosphere which he diffused around him and which caused all his guests to feel thoroughly at home. At the end of an era of well de- served prosperity the ancient hostelry was taken down to make room for the impos- ing brick structure of the present day. Mr. Richter at this time went to Valhalla where, for about eight years, he success- fully conducted a hotel. In February, 191 1, he returned to White Plains and took charge of the house on Martine ave- nue of which he remained, during the closing years of his life, the efficient and popular proprietor. Always public-spirited, Mr. Richter served for many years as a member of the Independent Engine Company, contribut- ing greatly by his energy, sound judg- ment and well-directed efforts to its pros- perity and efficiency. His social disposi- tion as well as the inborn love of music so universal among Germans led him to join the Concordia Singing Society and for several years he served as its secre- tary. He also affiliated with the White Plains Court of Foresters and was a charter member of the White Plains Lodge of Moose. He belonged to the German Benevolent Association of Tarry- town, and was a member of St. Matthew's German Lutheran Church. If it be true that a man's choice of associates throws 379 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY light on his character certainly Mr. Rich- ter's selections harmonize with his per- sonality as known to his townsmen all of whom might, without exaggeration, be termed his friends. Mr. Richter married, in 1899, Mary Franck, who had been the companion and friend of his youthful days in the far-dis- tant fatherland, and who like himself had sought a home in the New World. In after years and amid different surround- ings the old friendship ripened into love and the result was a happy and sympa- thetic union. In the prime of life and in the full tide of activity Mr. Richter's career of useful- ness and benevolence was abruptly ter- minated. On March 27, 1915, he passed away, leaving mourners in every class in the community and in the hearts of his many personal friends a void which could never be filled. Truly has it been said that "there are some men who take pos- session of the public heart and hold it after they have gone." Of no man could this statement have been made with greater and more unquestioned truth than of Edward A. Richter. MATTHIAS, Charles Adolph, Hotel Proprietor. Few citizens of White Plains were more widely known and certainly none was more cordially liked or more deservedly popular than was the late Charles Adolph Matthias, for many years proprietor of the Fuller Hotel and a conspicuous figure in a number of leading fraternal organiza- tions. Mr. Matthias was a resident of White Plains for more than thirty years and in all that concerned the welfare and progress of his home town was character- ized by a laudable degree of public spirit. Charles Adolph Matthias was born June 29, 185 1, in the old city of Hamburg, Ger- many, and it was there that he received the education which was to fit him for the active duties of life. As the youth approached manhood the spirit of adven- ture stirred within him. The New World, with its larger opportunities and its varied and inviting prospects, beckoned to him and he determined to cast in his lot with the multitudes of his countrymen who had made it their home, having found the success which they had felt awaited them. Accordingly, in 1870, being then nineteen years of age, Mr. Matthias embarked for the United States, where he was destined to spend his entire after life and to form the strongest and most enduring ties. His early years in this country were spent in New York and New Haven, but in the latter part of 1879 he came to White Plains, identifying himself at once and permanently with the life of the commu- nity. It was with the hotel business that Mr. Matthias associated himself and the fact that he abandoned it for no other proved his fitness for it. After being em- ployed successively at the Union Hotel, the Gorham Hotel and the old White Plains Hotel he became, in 1888, owner and proprietor of the present Fuller Hotel on Railroad avenue. In this position he made for himself the highest reputation, not only as a business man but also as a citizen. His marked financial success was achieved in an orderly, systematic and law-abiding manner. He was respected as much as he was liked and that is say- ing a great deal. Ruling his house with the utmost strictness he yet won and kept the kindness and good-will of all. Politically Mr. Matthias was a Demo- crat, but the affairs of the organization had few attractions for him. Frequently urged to enter the local political field, he could never be induced to accept any office but that of town auditor. His friendships with men of all parties ren- 380 'ju> Q/T^^^yi^ ? c*^ ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY dered political life distasteful to him. It was, perhaps, in his long connection with the fire department of White Plains that Mr. Matthias gave most notable proof of public spirit. When he first came here the department had been disbanded for a number of years, but on its reorganiza- tion, in 1883, many of the younger men of the village joined it. Some of the older men who had served for long periods in the department were piqued and resolved to organize an independent company. In this endeavor Mr. Matthias gave them valuable assistance and loyal service. In association with others he succeeded in collecting many subscriptions, and it was not long before the Independents had a hand engine and a house on Depot square. To the support of this company he gave of his money and of his time, the mem- bers according him, in their turn, their fullest recognition and appreciation. Every office in their gift they bestowed upon him and in the course of time he passed from the ropes to the position of chief. When at last he wished to retire, the members refused to listen to such a suggestion and his name remained on the roll as long as he lived. The warmly social nature which was one of Mr. Matthias's most marked char- acteristics found expression in his affilia- tions with fraternal organizations. Al- most on his arrival in this place he joined the Concordia Singing Society, a body of Germans which had formerly been banded together under the name of the White Plains Gesang Verein. To this organi- zation he remained loyal all his life, gladly performing the duties of a collector and by his judicious action maintaining a healthy treasury and a never ceasing membership. He was the most genial of companions and at their social functions was the life of the company. With a number of other fraternal orders Mr. Mat- thias was identified. He affiliated with White Plains Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, and also with the social I. D. O., an organization of Masons of all lodges who have an annual frolic. He was a loyal Forester, joining Court White Plains in its early life and devoting himself with unflagging zeal to its good work. Mr. Matthias also affiliated with Hebron Lodge, No. 329, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and was advanced step by step until he received the tribute of the highest office in the gift of his fellow members. Never did he turn a deaf ear to a brother's appeal, nor was he known to fail in the visitation of the sick. Mr. Matthias married, October 20, 1884, Charlotte Eberle, of Mount Vernon, and they were the parents of a daughter who became the wife of Elie Ouimette, of White Plains. Domestic in his tastes, despite his social proclivities, Mr. Mat- thias loved his home and was a most affectionate husband and father. On December 25, 1910, ere he had en- tered upon the period of old age, Mr. Mat- thias passed away, mourned by the whole community in every class of which he numbered friends. Despite the time that has since gone by it is difficult for those who survive him to realize that never more shall they meet his laughing eyes or respond to the greeting of his cordial voice. Representatives of all parties and believers in all creeds mourned for Charles Adolph Matthias. Superior to minor poli- tical and religious differences he regarded only the great fact of human brotherhood, and the memory of such a man is cher- ished in many hearts long after he has passed from earth. NAGENGAST, George, Chief of Fire Department, Fonghkeepsie. There is always to be found matter of interest in the lives and careers of suc- cessful men which makes the perusal of 38i ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY their records delightful to us, even when their success is the result of methods which we cannot admire, or even of such as our consciences must strongly dis- approve. For it is inevitable that the account of the means through which other men have accomplished that which lies so near to the heart of all of us should find an answering emotion, should command the attention of those who also desire to attain to the favor of that fickle goddess, fortune. It may be urged with some justice that this interest has become too dominant in this place and generation, that Americans as a general rule allow it to cloud somewhat their discrimination between right and wrong until they come to the point of admiring success for its own sake without regard to the means by which it was reached. But however this may be, nay, perhaps ever more because it is the case, it admits of no doubt that the records of the men who have won success without the compromise of those ideals of honor and justice which form the very foundations of society afford a subject the most valuable for the study of others, whose interest, if they be not morally oblique, cannot fail to be inten- sified by the fact that here virtue and achievement walked hand in hand. And it may be further claimed that it is only by this alliance with virtue that success can assure itself that permanence that can only spring from the approval and sympathy of one's fellows, and which is its last and crowning value. There are beyond question many men of promi- nence here whose success has not this value, but there are many more with whom it is far otherwise and of these it is the duty of all to perpetuate the mem- ory in every manner possible. Of the latter class was George Nagengast, the successful business man and faithful head of the fire department of Poughkeepsie, New York, whose death there on Novem- ber 30, 1914, was felt as a loss by the en- tire community. In the case of Mr. Na- gengast the gaining for himself of a posi- tion of influence and wealth was in no way incompatible with the great and in- valuable service that he rendered to his fellow citizens in his official capacity and the development of a number of en- terprises which have uniformly advanced the interests of the city. Poughkeepsie was the scene of the lifelong connection with the great work he did in connection with the fire department, and his memory is there held in the highest veneration and respect by all those who knew him or came, even into the most casual contact with him, and by the community at large which feels strongly how great is the debt of gratitude that it owes him. Born June 10, 1852, in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess county, New York, Mr. Nagen- gast was a son of Charles Nagengast, a native of the Kingdom of Bavaria, Ger- many, who came to this country and settled in the city of Poughkeepsie in 1840, where he became connected with the iron industry and had a position as foreman in charge of some great blast furnaces in that place. The son George received his education in the excellent schools of Poughkeepsie, and when only eleven years old obtained a position in a cigar factory there and learned thor- oughly the detail of the tobacco busi- ness, remaining in that employ for up- wards of twenty years. During this time he had received promotion to a respon- sible post in the factory and was regarded as one of the most faithful and efficient members of the force. He had a great ambition, however, to engage in business on his own account and, with this end in view, he saved a large portion of his wages. In the year 1883 he found him- self at length in a position to embark upon an enterprise of his own, and accord- ingly established himself in the meat 382 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY business. From this time onward his career in the business world was a most diversified one and he tried his hand at many lines and was most uniformly suc- cessful. After a short time spent in the meat business, he thought that it would be wise for him to take up the line in which he had gained so wide a knowledge and experience and accordingly worked at the cigar making business, remaining in this line but a few months. He then saw an opportunity to purchase a good hotel which he promptly availed himself of and conducted with a high degree of success the well-known Hudson River House for upwards of eight years. He then sold this place and purchased the larger house known as the International at No. 435 Main street, Poughkeepsie, and there remained for five years longer. Once again Mr. Nagengast changed his loca- tion, this time purchasing the Globe at No. 403 Main street. He continued in this place until a few years prior to his death, when he retired altogether from the hotel business, the Globe now being called the Hector. His*career as hotel man was extremely successful and he seemed to possess all the characteristics necessary to the popular and successful host, and knew well how to make his hostelries appear homelike and informal without subjecting his guests to any of the incon- veniences arising from a lack of discipline or any laxity in the service. He was him- self one of the chief attractions in his houses, everyone feeling him to be a friend who would not desert them in any emergency, and a most witty and congenial companion did they desire it. Of recent years Mr. Nagengast had his attention attracted to the business of trucking and carting and he had engaged in this with great success and was con- tinuing in it at the time of his death. Another interest of his, one of the most important of all, as a matter of fact, \v real estate, in which he had become inter- ested comparatively early in his life and in which he entered more and more deeply as time went on. His keen busi- ness sense and foresight here stood him in good stead and he was extremely suc- cessful in his investments, at the time of his death owning some of the most valu- able properties in the city of Pough- keepsie. While Mr. Nagengast was a staunch supporter of the Republican party and even allied himself with the local organi- zation and aided in the work of advancing party interests, he never had any ambition for political preferment or public office, and avoided rather than sought the same. There was one department of the city's affairs in which he was extremely inter- ested and it is probable that he was better known in his connection with this than in any other sphere of activity. This was the fire department with which he was constantly identified from February 20, 1S71, until his death, and for which he did more than any other single man in the community. When no more than eigh- teen years of age he formed his first con- nection with this body, joining the Niagara Engine Company while he was still employed in the old tobacco factory. Here he quickly took hold of the work and evinced such interest that he soon became foreman and then held the office of treasurer for about four years. He then resigned from this group and joined the O. H. Booth Hose Company and in this also served as treasurer for a number of years. He was extremely active during all this time in arousing and maintaining public interest in the department and served as treasurer for several tourna- ments held by the department which attracted much attention from the public generally. On December 10, 1901. in recognition of his great services, he was elected chief of the fire department and 383 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY served about thirteen years, and after, as before, gave every moment of his spare time to the service of the department. Few men have worked more effectively or conscientiously than did he in this cause and he had the great satisfaction to see it among the finest departments for cities of the size in the country, and of finding himself placed at its head. He was near the conclusion of his sixth term as chief at the time of his death in 1914. On November 2, 1878, Mr. Nagengast was united in marriage with Caroline L. Swartout, a daughter of William and Adeline (Martin) Swartout, of New York State. To Mr. and Mrs. Nagengast were born two daughters, as follows : Araminta H. and Lily May, who with their mother survive Mr. Nagengast and now make their home in the attractive house at No. 45 Catherine street, Pough- keepsie. Mr. Nagengast was a conspicuous figure in the social life of the community, and a prominent member of a number of important fraternal organizations among which should be named the Independent Order of Red Men, Lodge No. 439 ; Lodge No. 275, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks ; and the United Germans of Poughkeepsie. He was also treasurer of the Volunteer Firemen's Mutual Benefit Association, and in that capacity increas- ed the indebtedness of the department to him. After the basic virtue of honesty, strong common sense and an invincible will, the latter tempered by unusual tact and judgment, were the basis of Mr. Nagengast's character and incidently of his marked success in life. Men felt in- stinctively that he was a strong man, a man upon whom they could lean in times of difficulty, and therefore the more will- ingly followed his lead in whatever thing they might be associated with him. They felt also the charm of a warm heart and charitable nature with the result that few men in the community could boast of so large a following of devoted personal friends, or exercised a greater influence in that most direct of ways, the effect of character upon character, of personality upon personality in the common relations of daily life. Of the most versatile talents and the broadest tastes, he was, neverthe- less, able to concentrate with the most single sightedness on whatever he set before him as an objective, thus proving that he inherited characteristic German virtues from his ancestors. Another virtue, doubtless derived from the same Teutonic ancestry, was the strong love of his home, a domestic instinct that found its expression in his intense desire to spend his time by his own hearthstone in the intimate intercourse of his own family. A devoted and affectionate hus- band and father, Mr. Nagengast's conduct in these most close relations was not less exemplary than that in public life. HOWARD, Charles C, A Leader Among Men. We all feel a strong instinctive admir- ation for the natural leader of men, the man who, because of the possession of some quality or other, reaches a place in which he directs the doings of his fel- lows and is accepted of them naturally in that capacity. We all admire him in- dependently of what that quality may be, even if our best judgment tells us that it is by no means praiseworthy in itself, and even if we should resent the exercise of it upon ourselves. When, however, that quality is a lovable one and a man leads in virtue of the sway he holds over the affections and veneration of others, our admiration receives an added power from our approval, and this feeling re- 384 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ceives its final confirmation when the leadership so won is directed solely to good ends. In noting the rise to power and influence of such men it often appears that their achievement is not the result of any faculties which we, as average men, are possessed of, but rather that of some charm the secret of which we have not learned, so easily obstacles seem to be overcome and so completely does every factor appear to bend itself to the fore- ordained event. In the great majority of cases, however, such appearance is entirely deceptive and the brilliant out- come is the result of causes as logical and orderly as any in our most humble experience, of effort as unremitting and arduous as any with which we are familiar. Such in a large measure is true in the case of Charles C. Howard, late of Mount Vernon, New York, whose name heads this brief appreciation, and whose reputation in his home town for success gained without compromise of his ideals is second to none. His rise to a place of prominence in so many departments of the community's life was doubtless rapid, but it was not won without the expendi- ture of labor and effort of the most con- sistent kind, labor and effort which doubt- less felt discouragement and grieved at their own limitations, just as every man experiences in the course of his life. If this were not so how would it be pos- sible to explain the large tolerance, the broad human sympathy and understand- ing which he displayed through all his varied intercourse with his fellowmen, for it is beyond dispute that what we have not ourselves experienced we cannot sympathize with in others. How large this sympathy was and how well judged his tolerance is borne witness to by the general mourning that was occasioned throughout the community by his death which occurred there on January 4, 1916. Born December 3, 1872, in Mount Ver- non, Mr. Howard was the son of George and Joanna (Case) Howard, old and highly esteemed residents of the place. He received his education in the excellent local schools where he proved himself an exceedingly apt pupil and developed a strong taste for studious pursuits which he never outgrew. He also began to exhibit the unusual power of leadership that afterwards marked him, among his fellows, and it was customary, even in boyhood, for him to assume the direction of such sports and pastimes as he and his companions engaged in. Upon com- pleting his schooling, he established him- self as a contractor and builder in Mount Vernon and thus began the career which developed so brilliantly. From the out- set his business prospered and eventually, under his capable management, assumed the very great proportions that it bears to-day. But it was not as a business man that Mr. Howard was the best known in Mount Vernon, although he became very influential in that aspect of the com- munity's affairs. Rather was it as a public-spirited citizen who took a con- spicuous part in every movement of importance for the welfare of the city or any section of its inhabitants. Though a large employer of labor himself, Mr. Howard had the interest of the laborer very much at heart and sympathized with the cause of organized labor to such an extent that he became a member of the Mount Vernon Labor Union and wielded a great deal of influence in the affairs of that body, striving by every means in his power to advance its interests. He was a Republican in politics, but invariably sank partisan considerations into the interests of the community at large and was a strong follower of Fisk during the career of that remarkable man. He was an enthusiastic member of the Clinton Hook & Ladder Company of Mount Ver- N Y-Vol H-25 3S5 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY non and rose rapidly to the position of chief of the whole department there. When the fire department became a part of the city government, Mr. Howard was elected the first commissioner, and it was through his efforts that the new depart- ment was put upon the effective basis that it has ever since enjoyed. Another department of the city's affairs in which Mr. Howard took a prominent part was the educational arrangements, the schools and libraries and various means under- taken to help the child along the difficult pathway of knowledge. He was always keenly interested in the welfare of the children, gave a great deal of his time to this particular matter and served as presi- dent of the Mount Vernon Board of Edu- cation for a considerable period. The Chamber of Commerce of Mount Vernon is an extremely effective body and plays a large and important part in the com- mercial life of the city, and one of its most active members was Mr. Howard, who for a number of years served as its president and through the medium of its activities did much to build up and develop the resources of the city. Among the various institutions of one kind and another with which Mr. Howard was connected should be mentioned the East Chester Savings Bank, of which he was a director. In the matter of his religion Mr. Howard was a Methodist and for many years was a member of the First Church of that denomination in Mount Vernon. He was extremely active in his support of the work of the congregation in the community, particularly in con- nection with its benevolences and philan- thropical movements, to which he gave most liberally both of his wealth and effort. On June 4, 1900, Mr. Howard was united in marriage with Maude Merserau, of New York City, a daughter of Israel Putnam and Armenia (Penrose) Mer- serau, well known residents of that place. A sister of Mrs. Howard is married to Retired Commander William Hugh Mc- Grann, of the United States navy, who is now a member of the well known firm of Kirbin, Woolsey & Hickox, admiralty lawyers of No. 27 William street, New York City. To Mr. and Mrs. Howard was born one child, George Merserau Howard. Mr. Howard is survived by his wife and child, both of whom still make their residence in Mount Vernon. The record of Mr. Howard's achieve- ment is truly an extraordinary one in view of the fact that he was but forty-two years of age at the time of his death. A career begun so brilliantly could not but promise still more brilliantly for the future, and when it was cut so abruptly short, his powers and faculties scarcely having reached their full development, his energy at its prime, his accomplishment but beginning, it came as a terrible shock to all his many friends and associates and was felt as a loss by the community gen- erally. But although the mere record is a remarkable one, it cannot give a fully adequate idea of the place occupied by Mr. Howard in the community. It was not only that he held responsible and important positions at an unusually youthful age, it was not only that he was active in carrying out valuable works, but rather in virtue of a certain vitality in the man which made him seem an essen- tial part of everything he undertook and kept him the virtual leader in a hundred diverse matters. His work in the cause of organized labor affords an excellent example of this and proved him the man of strong and true instincts that he was, making himself the champion of the rights of those who were in the least favorable position to enforce their own. In all the relations with his fellows he took the same generous and altruistic position, the manly position in which 386 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY every man of energy and right thinking might wish to find himself, striving for the common weal with a splendid enthusi- asm and a self-forgetfulness that won the trust of all men. So many were the interests with which he was concerned, so many the movements with which his activities were identified, that no account of the community's affairs in that period would be complete without reference to him, his death leaving a gap which will not readily be filled nor soon forgotten. FORCE, Isaiah F., Manufacturer and Major. Men receive names at birth that are often great misnomers, but Major Isaiah F. Force could not have been more aptly called had his christening been performed at the end of his active life, for whether or not he drew his inspiration from his name there was ever exhibited in his life a force of character that raised him far above the average and constituted him a leader of men. From 1887 until his death, fourteen years later, he was an invalid, almost helpless at times, yet during those years of physical helplessness and suffer- ing he maintained a clear mind and a calm and cheerful spirit, when it would have been so easy to have made life a burden to himself and to those about him. He offered his life to his country and on the battlefields of the South demonstrated the depth of his devotion. He was a success- ful business man, but his business was one easily affected by natural causes and severe losses were often sustained, but these losses were met with the same fortitude that he displayed in his loss of health, and never disturbed him nor caused him to depart from the even tenor of his way. He was a resident of Rochester, New York, from early boyhood, and for fifty- eight years resided on East avenue. In 1870 he built a mansion at No. 100 East avenue, one that when built was con- sidered the very finest in its design, fur- nishings and appointments. There he resided until death, a strong man stricken in his prime. But there was no flaw in his armor. He was an associate of busi- ness men and held their unvarying respect ; a large employer of labor, he won the confidence and love of his men and trouble with them was unknown ; a gallant officer of the Union, he won the admiration of his superiors in rank and from them received merited promotion. In his home life a devoted husband and father, in his friendships loyal and un- flinching, strongest in adversity, and in his citizenship high-minded, patriotic, and public-spirited, he fought a good fight and left an example of courage and fortitude unsurpassed, and was faithful to every trust, perfect in his integrity. Isaiah F. Force was born in Easton, Pennsylvania, November 14, 1833, died in Rochester, New York, July 2, 1901, son of John and Althea Catherine (Farley) Force. When he was a small boy his parents chose Rochester as their resi- dence and there his after life was spent. He was educated in the public schools. He early entered the business world and in 1859 established a plant for the manu- facture of axe handles and truss hoops. When war broke out between the North rind the South the military ardor latent in his blood led to his enlistment, and he went to the front as major of the One Hundred and Fortieth Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry. He was not without military training and preparation for so important a command, for he was a member of the Rochester Light Guards, enlisting as a private, and at the time of entering the United States service was captain of the "guards." Others of his family also served in the Union army, one of them, Major George B. Force, fall- 387 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ing in battle the very day the One Hun- dred and Fortieth New York left for the front. Major I. F. Force saw fifteen months of hard service with his regiment, the One Hundred and Fortieth, then was stricken with an illness that kept him a long time in the hospital at Washington. While confined there he was promoted and commissioned lieutenant-colonel "for gallant and meritorious services," but was not permitted to rejoin his regiment and was "invalided'' home, his military career, much to his sorrow, ended. But this blow he manfully sustained, and in the capacity of a civilian he rendered the Union cause such service as he could. On leaving for the front Major Force had placed the management of his factory in the hands of his father, his capable wife taking charge of the office. On his return he resumed control and added to his manufacturing a department for the sale of hardwood lumber. This depart- ment grew to large proportions and in 1870 a branch was established at New Albany, Indiana, that he continued until his death. From 1901 until 1908 this branch was under the management of Mrs. Force, her son, John W. Force, and Frank Peters, and later the business was disposed of. Besides his large lumber and factory interests Major Force acquired a large barrel and stave manufacturing plant in Detroit, Michigan, and was other- wise associated with business activities. On more than one occasion he sustained severe losses by floods, but these setbacks seemed only to urge him to greater activity. He won prosperity, but it was by sustain- ed, well-directed effort, good judgment, and the application of the golden business rule, honest dealings with all, his sterling integrity knowing no middle ground. Expediency was not a word in his vocabu- lary, a thing was either right or wrong; if right, do it, if wrong, shun it, was his principle, from which he never deviated. To his many employees he was just and kind, many of them remained in his em- ploy many years, and all respected and admired him. He possessed great execu- tive ability and well were his varied inter- ests managed. In 1887 spinal trouble drove him from active business, and thenceforth he was helpless to do other than counsel and advise. He never mur- mured or repined, but with a brave front met his fate. Major Force married, June 9, 1859, Jennie, daughter of John and Ann (Haz- lett) Wright, residents of the north of Ireland. Mrs. Ann Wright died while her daughter was still in infancy, and John Wright with his children came to the United States, locating in Rochester, where he died in 1876, aged eighty-one years. Mrs. Force, educated in the public schools, successfully taught school for two years prior to her marriage, and dur- ing her husband's military life conducted the office department of his business. She survives him,, a resident of Rochester, at No. 123 Barrington street. Children : John W., of Rochester; Gertrude, widov of Harold Bolce; Elmer E., Fred W., George T., the last three deceased. SARGENT, James, Inventor, Successful Business Man. The inevitable law of destiny accords to tireless energy and industry a success- ful career, and in no field of endeavor is there greater opportunity for advance- ment than in that of invention, a profes- sion whose votaries must, if successful, be endowed with native talent, genius of a high order, and singleness of purpose, all of which characteristics were fully devel- oped in the late James Sargent, who was not only a wonderful inventor, but a suc- cessful business man, and who was re- ferred to in other cities as "The Rochester Edison." 388 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY James Sargent was born in Chester, Vermont, in 1824. He spent the early years of his life in his native village, where he received a practical education in its common schools. Later he removed to New Hampshire, and in 1848, the year following his marriage, changed his place of residence to Rochester, New York, and there spent the remainder of his days. Shortly before entering into partnership with Halbert S. Greenleaf, he perfected his time lock, a device which has defied the skill of all safe burglars, this lock being at the present time in universal use. The application for the patent on the Sargent Time Lock was made in June, 1873, and the first lock was made May 26, 1874, when one was attached to a safe in the First National Bank of Morrison, Illinois, where it is still in use. Mr. Sar- gent's experiments connected with lock picking, with which he startled the Treasury Department of the United States government, and a world of bank- ers, financiers and safe makers, would make exceedingly interesting reading. Another of his valuable patents was that of a smoke consumer, which, it is said, pays for itself by the reduction in the amount of coal used. It has been adopted by the government and many large manu- facturing plants. There is also his glass enameled steel tank, which makes it pos- sible to manufacture beer under the vacuum process, from start to finish, within twenty days, whereas the old process in wooden tanks requires at least three months, and is far less sanitary. The Sargent Automatic Railway Signal, warning the approaching train of danger, is also widely known and generally used. These are only a few products of his brain, many others, of equal value and which have proved themselves to be order to benefit mankind. Mr. Sargent was president of the Sargent & Greenleaf Company, manufacturers of locks and keys, their place of business being located on Court street, Rochester, having in their employ a number of skilled work- men, thus making it one of the leading industries of that thriving city. He also acted in the same capacity for the Water- loo Gold Mining Company, Railway Sig- nal Company, the Pfaudler Fermentation Company, and the Association of Sum- merland Island, Thousand Islands. Kind and philanthropic by nature, his interest in worthy charities was active, and his contributions numerous, while he was a staunch supporter of the First Universalist Church and its societies. He was a prime mover in all the work under- taken by this church, his culminating act of generosity coming a few years prior to his death when the expense of several improvements in the church necessitating an outlay of nearly sixty thousand dollars, was all borne by the Sargent family. His worth as a man and a citizen were widely acknowledged, his loyalty and patriotism were marked, and those who knew him best esteemed him for his sterling qual- ities. He was interested in the civic up- building of Rochester, where he resided for more than six decades. He combatted the smoke nuisance, and one of his last acts was to take into the courts his fights against cluttering up the main streets with lunch wagons, obtaining a decision of the court of last resort which compelled them to vacate the streets. He was an extensive traveler, thereby gaining not only rest and recreation, but a valuable fund of knowledge, and nearly all his winters were spent in the South or Far West, thereby escaping the rigorous northern climate. He was a member of labor-saving and sanitary devices, having Valley Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, emanated from his fertile and productive the Royal Arch Masons and the Shrine, mind, which was always on the alert in It was Mr. Sargent's custom to entertain 389 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY his friends each year on his birthday, and the year preceding his decease he gave a party at the Hotel Seneca, and in his after-dinner talk he declared himself in favor of woman suffrage, saying: "No man should have a wife if she cannot be made equal to him 'In all things." Mr. Sargent married, in 1847, in New Hampshire, Angelina Morse Foster, who died after a wedded life of more than three score years. They were the parents of one daughter, Mrs. John W. Force. Mr. Sargent, after an illness of only a few hours, passed away January 12, 1910, at his late home, No. 98 East avenue, Ro- chester. The remains were taken to Buffalo, New York, for cremation, and the ashes repose in Mt. Hope Cemetery. This brief resume of Mr. Sargent's many spheres of activity proved the broadness of his mental vision, and whether con- sidered as employer, business man, in- ventor, churchman, official business asso- ciate or clubman, he was found to be a man true to himself and true to his fel- lows. BUCKMAN, George Rex, Active Man of Affairs. It is seldom the lot of any man to lead so varied and changing a life as that of George Rex Buckman, of New York City, whose death on May 9, 1915, removed from that city a public-spirited citizen ; it is seldom that a man becomes connected with so many important activities and wins so large and well-deserved a repu- tation in them all. From his early youth in Pennsylvania, when he won a name as a skillful inventor, through the long period in which he dwelt in the West and identified himself with the strenuous life of that great region, to the later career in New York City, he displayed a ver- satility of talent, an adaptability of intel- lect that made him a most valued member of each and every community in which he took up his residence. He was the possessor of that rarer and higher type of public spirit that takes an interest in the welfare of his fellows without respect of class or place, so that whether he was East or West, whether he was a member of one of the growing, enterprising conir munities of the great new empire that is now in process of development across the continent, or of those more fixed and in- flexible communities on the Atlantic sea- board, with their hard and fast social and business standards and their barriers be- tween the classes, he was still at work for the betterment of the community-at- large and of all those with whom he hap- pened to come in contact. George Rex Buckman was a native of the little town of Willow Grove, Penn- sylvania, where he was born November 26, 1853, and a son of Albert and Emily (Rex) Buckman. His mother was a woman of remarkable ability and was one of the pioneers in the great women's movement in this country, having been one of the board of managers of the Cen- tennial Exposition at Philadelphia in 1876, in which capacity she was one of the prime movers in the erection of the women's building, where were exhibited the work of women in all parts of the country in every department of activity. The youth of Mr. Buckman was passed in the region of his birth and it was there that he gained his education, attending the local schools for that purpose. He early displayed a remarkable talent for mechanics and desired to follow that branch of applied science as a career. He invented, while still a mere lad of eight- een, a form of lever for controlling the flow of steam in locomotives, which is now in universal use. His health was frail, however, and did not permit him to work with the unchanging energy that his ambition urged him to, and about this 390 %o*ps 92. <%u€&n» ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY period he broke down completely so that he was forced to go West to recuperate. He settled in Colorado Springs, and after a short time spent there as an invalid he began to take part in the affairs of the place. In the short period of his resi- dence there he had already grown to love the place and the life so much more free of conventional restraint than in his native East. He was the possessor of an unusual literary ability and this he turned to the praise of the new home — the Pike's Peak Region as it is called, from the great mountain that dominates the whole surrounding country. It was in the year 1891 that he first became connected with the Colorado Springs Chamber of Com- merce, which prior to that time had spent a somewhat precarious existence in the young community, struggling with finan- cial difficulties and other obstacles. In the year that Mr. Buckman joined it. it underwent a complete reorganization and he was elected its secretary-treasurer, while Judge H. G. Lunt was made presi- dent. It became the object of Air. Buck- man to build up a creditable organization which might play a really important part in the life and development of the com- munity. It was largely due to his efforts that the body survived the many difficul- ties that still confronted it, and made for itself the conspicuous place in the com- munity that it has since enjoyed. The making known of the whole region to the outside world now occupied the attention of Mr. Buckman and it was in this effort that his literary talent came most con- spicuously into play. Indeed the first work of the sort was done by him and consisted of a series of pamphlets describ- ing the climatic and scenic attractions of the country penned by him and published broadcast through the East. The first of these was of considerable length and was devoted more particularly to the city proper. It was entitled "Facts, Medical and General, Concerning Colorado Springs," and was advertised so success- fully in eastern periodicals that over eight thousand copies were distributed in various parts of the country. It was fol- lowed by another smaller pamphlet which reached the great number of forty thou- sand distributed copies. Another, and perhaps the best known of his works in this connection, was that known as "Colorado Springs and Its Scenic En- virons,'' of which more than seven thou- sand five hundred copies were sold at a dollar apiece. Among the important works in which Mr. Buckman was instru- mental in the founding were the great projects of establishing a road communi- cation between Colorado Springs and the thriving mining community at Cripple Creek, across a most difficult mountain region, and the building of the great reservoir for his city at Monument, Colorado. He was also extremely active in the social and religious circles in the western city and was a member of many of the most important clubs and organiza- tions of a similar nature there. At the time of the formation of the El Paso Club Mr. Buckman formed one of its members and was elected to the secretaryship thereof, holding the same for a period of twenty-five years. In religion he adhered to the tenets of the Society of Friends. His first connection with the banking firm of William P. Ronbright & Company, a connection which eventually brought him to New York City to live, was in 1896 when he surrendered his office of secretary-treasurer of the Chamber of Commerce and entered the Colorado Springs branch of that large house. Here he became identified with the bank- ing business and made himself so invalu- able to the central office in New York that when the western branch was finally closed he was called to that city and there admitted as a member of the firm. He 391 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY remained in this connection until within a year of his death and then retired from all active business on account of his fail- ing health. On July 27, 1900, Mr. Buckman was united in marriage with Gertrude Wolffe, of Hagerstown, Maryland, a daughter of Dr. Martin Luther and Elva (Besare) Wolffe. Mrs. Buckman survives her hus- band and continues to make her home in the delightful dwelling at No. 310 West Seventy-ninth street, New York City. The character of Mr. Buckman was of that positive kind that leaves of neces- sity its impress upon any circle into which it comes in contact, an impress, however, that is welcome to those receiving it. He was, as a matter of fact, one of those who lead others in his own way rather than drive them, enlisting by the power of his own enthusiasm the hearts of other men in the enterprises of which he was an advocate. The various communities of which he was a member consequently re- member him with gratitude, but perhaps most of all the strong and virile western city with the character of whose life his own had so much in common. As has already been suggested his talents were of the most versatile nature and his career as banker in New York was as success- ful as his more public activities in the West or his attempts at mechanical in- vention while still a youth in Pennsyl- vania, but there was something especially harmonious in the Colorado life for his temperament which was felt reciprocal- ly by himself and the community. A? witness to this fact, the following quota- tion from the "Colorado Springs Gazette," two days after his death, but a number of years since his ceasing to be a resident of that city, may be cited: Of the men who have lived in Colorado Springs and contributed substantially to its upbuilding there are few who will be remembered longer or by a wider circle of friends than George Rex Buckman, who died in New York last Sunday. It is more than four years since Mr. Buckman changed his residence from Colorado Springs to New York, but it is safe to say he never changed his allegiance. Most of his adult life was spent here, and it was here that he accomplished the work which made the Pike's Peak Region his debtor and attracted attention throughout the entire country * * * Throughout his resi- dence Mr. Buckman was a prominent figure in the social and business life of the city, and his cultural attainments made him a leader in its intellectual life. His visits in later years were occasions that will long be remembered by the many friends who now mourn his passing. SHELLHOOS, George A., Successful Business Man. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which taken at the flood leads on to for- tune." Then justice offers on the scales of the balance, success and failure. These two are invariably pivoted on the same point, and the ultimate outcome of the choice depends upon the keenness of per- ception, strength of will, ability, and persistent pursuit of the sworn objective point. The man who succeeds is the one who has courage to take up work and forge ahead where another man has left off, too great pride to become a failure and too great faith in himself and his abilities to surrender to the pressure brought to bear on him in the crises of affairs which come to every business man. There is something sublime in the cour- age of a man who stakes all on the out- come of a chance where if he ventures nothing he will lose all. But the man with the high type of mentality which recognizes the potentiality of every chance and who utilizes to the good of the greatest number his opportunities, is the man upon whose ability and stability depends the very life of these United States. A worthy representative of this class of men in public life was George A. 392 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Shellhoos, of Newburgh, New York. Because of the fact that he recognized and grasped every business opportunity which presented itself to him, though perhaps it was necessary to sever intimate ties which bound him at the time, Mr. Shell- hoos was a man of an extraordinarily active and quite successful career. George A. Shellhoos was born at Cross River, New York, on June 28, 1872, the son of John and Catherine (Whitman) Shellhoos. He received his early educa- tion, in fact all of the education that he had outside that of the school of life, in the public schools at Cross River, where he remained until he reached the age of fourteen years. Then, experiencing that desire for restless activity and wanting to get started on his career which all boys of active mind do go through, a sort of restless impatience to get out of school and do something, he left his home and went to Norwalk, Connecticut. Here he worked for a Mr. Holmes, who conducted a flour and feed business. After several years in business with Mr. Holmes Mr. Shellhoos lost his health, undoubtedly due to the nature of the business in which he was engaged, and spent about one year in North Carolina regaining it. At the age of twenty-three he returned to the North and spent three years at Saranac Lake, in New York. After he had re- gained his health he went to Shelton, Connecticut, and there engaged in a gro- cery and meat business, of which he was sole proprietor and which after a year he discontinued. His abilities in his line were consider- able, and his personality and character was such that he was offered a position as manager in Stamford, Connecticut, for Armour & Company, the great packers. In this he proved quite successful and in 1900 he was put in charge of that com- pany's organization in Newburgh, New York, which position he held until 1905, acquitting himself ably and honorably of all its duties and retiring. He then returned to his former business, that of the grocery and meat trade, and estab- lished himself in Newburgh. This he controlled for three years. Mr. Shell- hoos was a man of wisdom and judgment, who never hesitated in accepting any chance which fate put in his way for advancing himself. He next went to New Haven, Connecticut, and became manager of the house of H. J. Handy, a wholesale produce company, returning, after his work there was done, to Newburgh, where he again assumed control of his old business which he kept until the time of his death. On March 1, 1904, Mr. Shellhoos mar- ried Elizabeth Corkedale, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Andersen) Corke- dale. Mrs. Shellhoos is a native of New York City, but at the time of her mar- riage was resident in Newburgh. She is a well educated and very widely travelled woman, having travelled extensively through Europe, Turkey and the Holy Land, of which trips she has many rare and beautiful souvenirs. The only child of Mr. and Mrs. Shellhoos is a daughter, Sherrelldein Elizabeth, born May 11, 1905. Mr. Shellhoos was a Baptist, but after his marriage embraced the Epis- copal faith, and became a member of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, of which his wife was a member. He was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He was a Repub- lican, one of that vast number of staunch and unswerving supporters of the right upon whom depends the administration of the laws of the land, one of the great body politic in whose hands is the power of creating and filling as it wills its offices. He held no office at any time during his life, though he was at all times silently Interested in the affairs of the various cities in which he resided. 393 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Mr. Shellhoos was one of those intense- ly active men who are of enormous value to any community. Their energies, con- centrated and directed along worthy lines, are fruitful of untold good. His versatility and the fact that he was thoroughly con- versant with the business world made his advice sought widely throughout the community, where he was highly re- spected. His character and personal attributes were as high and commend- able as his business connections were irre- proachable, and his death in Newburgh on September 20, 1910, caused deep and unfeigned grief. MAPES, Albert W., Active Man of Affairs. To measure with anything approaching accuracy the effect of any man upon the community in which he has dwelt, even when that effect is in the shape of the most concrete and material achievement, is a matter of great difficulty, but when it comes to a like calculation in the case of those whose influence has been exerted in those more spiritual modes of force that we call to mind when we speak of one's character or personality, the task at once rises into the region of the impos- sible and the nearest we can come at an estimate can be expressed only in those vaguest of words, great and little, strong and weak, good and bad. And yet there are very few of us, and they only the most flippant, who will deny the value of such influences and, intangible though they be, refrain from making some sort of reckoning concerning them. And, in- deed, we are justified in this, for however illusive as values these things may be, there are few matters that we feel more directly, that strike us more trenchantly in the very focal point of our conscious- ness than these very facts of the per- sonalities and characters of our asso- ciates so that we may judge well of whether they are great or small, good or bad, although to stretch the tape upon them or to weigh them in the scales is quite beyond our power. It is in these most intangible of ways primarily that the influence of such a man as the late Albert W. Mapes, of Newburgh, New York, was exerted, although in his case there was much of concrete achievement as well, and of him we may state with- out fear of contradiction that the effect of his presence in the community was a great one. His death, which occurred in Newburgh, May 18, 191 1, was felt as a severe loss to the entire community. Born March 23, 1838, in the town of Blooming Grove, Albert W. Mapes was a son of Edward and Deborah (Wood) Mapes, old and highly respected residents of that place. In his childhood he en- joyed the advantage of that training on the farm that has been the cradle of the greatest figures in our history, a training which in the healthy and wholesome work and pastimes, the intimate yet impersonal contact with the elemental facts of nature that it imposes upon those that are sub- jected to it, is, perhaps, the most potent fosterer of the fundamental virtues and strengths that has yet been discovered. Certainly Mr. Mapes always regarded his own debt to it as great, not the least of it being the constitutional health and vigor which it induced and which, coupled with his good habits, rendered him able in after life to resist the usual ailments of men. In the summer his time was spent out-of-doors, either in the sports of child- hood or the lighter labors of the farm, while in the winter he attended local district school. There he proved himself an apt scholar and, taking every advan- tage of the somewhat meagre opportuni- ties offered by the institution, laid a splen- did foundation to the excellent education that was his valued possession. In the 394 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY year 1854, he being then at the age of sixteen, he moved with his family to Newburgh, New York, where he con- tinued his schooling. Newburgh was at that time merely a village, but it was the home of an excellent school known as the Newburgh Academy which drew patron- age from all the surrounding country, and it was here that the lad continued his studies, graduating with the class of 1857. Shortly after this event the late Judge Robert Denniston, a lifelong friend of Mr. Mapes, Sr., exerted his influence in behalf of the young man and secured for him a place as discount clerk in the High- land Bank at Newburgh where he re- mained until March 10, 1862, making him- self of great value to the management of the bank and learning in detail the bank- ing business and mastering very fully for so young a man the financial situation generally. Events had been moving in the meantime which were to entirely change the course of Mr. Mapes' life and draw him into a much larger sphere of action. The Civil War had broken out and involved many changes in the govern- ment's arrangements, not the least im- portant of which was the issuance of the now celebrated "greenbacks" as legal tender and the payment of government employees in that medium. Among the others the men employed in the Brooklyn Navy Yard and numbering at that time some fifty-five hundred men experienced the change. Alfred A. Belknap, the purser of the yard, had always entrusted the actual payment of the men to a certain elderly employee who had grown used to handling the coin necessary in the per- formance of his function, and was some- what confused by the new notes. Mr. Belknap feared that he would be unequal to making the change and cast about for some one to take his place. It happened that while he was still undecided he made a short visit to Newburgh and there met young Mr. Mapes and quickly learned of what an alert and active mind he was possessed and good knowledge of money matters. He quickly formed his decision and offered the position to Mr. Mapes who as quickly accepted it. The satisfac- tion with this arrangement was mutual and shortly after Mr. Mapes was installed in the government's service as paymaster's clerk, the appointment dating from March 10, 1862. In his work in this capacity his large knowledge of accounts was most valuable and made him in turn of great value to his superiors. For a consider- able period he remained in the Brooklyn yard and was then transferred to the United States frigate "Susquehanna," which spent some time in cruising in West Indian waters and was later sent to the Brazil station where it remained two years. On September 30, 1866, after a wide and varied experience of more than four years, Mr. Mapes was honorably dis- charged from the service. For seventeen years after his return to civil life Mr. Mapes remained in New York City engaged in various businesses and uniformly successful in them. In 1883 he returned to Newburgh, however, and there became a member of the firm of Barnes & Mapes, which for a number of years was engaged in business as com- mission merchants and wholesale dealers in provisions. For a time the establish- ment was located on Water street, New- burgh, but in 1890 it was removed to South Water street and in 1890 Mr. Mapes withdrew from the concern, as his health had suffered greatly, since even his rugged constitution was unable to bear the constant work in the confining office rendered necessary by the size and complexity of the business. For a time he gave himself over to the task of regain- ing his health through the pursuit of a less confining life, and with such good success that the close of 1891 saw him 395 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY once more at work and in excellent health. It was now, for the first time, that he came into business association with the Coldwells, father and son, and with them organized the Coldwell Lawn Mower Company, with which his name is most intimately connected. Thomas Coldwell and his son, William H. Coldwell, were the inventors of an improved form of lawn mower and in forming the company called in the skill and business knowledge of Mr. Mapes. To him was given the office of secretary in the newly organized concern and this he held until the time of his death. The Coldwell Lawn Mower Company began its existence on the third floor of the old Bazzoni carriage factory standing at the corner of Broadway and Grand street, the site of the present New- burgh City Hall, but its business rapidly developed and its market extended until it embraced not only many parts of this country but of Europe as well. Later it entirely outgrew its original quarters and a splendid new factory was erected at the corner of Lander and South William streets to which at various subsequent times additional buildings were attached. Mr. Mapes had charge of the New Eng- land and European business of the com- pany and was obliged for a long period to spend from three to five months in Europe each year. The foreign headquarters were in London, and the business done there was an extremely large one. This build- ing having burned, the business bought the old cotton factory on the river front, and one of the last acts of Mr. Mapes was to superintend its reconstruction and the removal to the new site, also to attend to the adjustment of the fire insurance for the burned factory. One feature of which he was very proud was that in that adjustment, with its large business, the claim of the factory and the insurance companies agreed to within fifty dollars. But it was not merely in the realm of business that Mr. Mapes was prominent in Newburgh, as he was associated with many of the most important activities of the city. More important than any other thing in his life was his religion, to which he was always ready to sacrifice any other consideration, his feelings and convictions being of a very profound order. He was affiliated with the First Baptist Church of Newburgh, of which the Rev. Byron N. Hatfield has been the pastor for many years. He was prominent in the work of the church and served in the capacity of church clerk for above twenty-six years and made himself of so much value to the congregation that it was their desire to make him deacon, but this Mr. Mapes declined. Another association of Mr. Mapes was with the Masonic frater- nity, of which he was one of the most prominent members in Newburgh. Mr. Mapes was "made a Mason" in the local Newburgh Lodge, No. 309, Free and Ac- cepted Masons, April 5, 1861, and six years later became affiliated with the Hudson River Lodge, No. 607, Free and Accepted Masons, of Newburgh, and served as its junior warden in 1890. He was also a member of the Highland Chap- ter, No. 52, Royal Arch Masons, and served in that body both as king and scribe, and of the Hudson River Com- mandery, No. 35, Knights Templar. He was a member and the vice-president of the Masonic Veterans Association. On November 7, 1861, Mr. Mapes was united in marriage with Sarah E. Parsons, a daughter of John and Eliza (Bishop) Parsons, highly respected residents of Newburgh. To them was born one daughter, Mary Frances, now the wife of Arthur DuBois, of Newburgh, where he carries on a successful business as drug- gist. Mrs. Mapes survived her husband, making her home in Newburgh until her death, May 2, 1916. The personal character of Mr. Mapes 396 6 02 C/P fy. rsf/s//f. y?fff/ ' 'f ;//,//// ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY was a most admirable one and of a kind to win him true friends and admirers. To the sterling virtues which lie at the base of all character that is worthy, to the qualities of unimpeachable honor and an unusual industry in pursuing his aims, he added a simplicity and directness of out- look rare indeed. He was absolutely un- pretentious both in his manner of living and in his relations with his fellowmen, and his modesty was so great that it with- held him from accepting many offices of trust and honor which his fellows desired to accord him. It is more than ever the duty of those who know such a man to fill up the gap left by his intentional neglect in the meed of praise due to him by his fellows, in order that the fame of his virtues may be spread as far as pos- sible abroad and serve as an example of worthy manhood. CONKLIN, Jacob, Captain of Industry. Among the enterprises of great magni- tude carried on along the west shore of the Hudson river in New York State is that of quarrying. The natural geological formation of the land of that section offers an almost inexhaustible field of trap rock, the quarrying of which is profitable as it is extensive. In the course of the years during which it has been going on the industry has grown to great size, and, as Vermont brings to the mind of the hearer almost subconsciously the word granite, so the west shore of the Hudson has be- come synonymous with its greatest indus- try, quarrying. In studying, or even in passing in rapid survey as must be done here, over the great industries, one finds their histories to be almost entirely con- tained in those of the men, the chosen few, who control them. The success or failure of a business venture, no matter how great or how small its chances at the outset, rests with those who are guiding its course. Achievement is limited by the genius and fitness for their positions of the heads and directors of an effort. A figure of importance, in fact a prime factor in the success and growth of stone quarrying along the Hudson, and more particularly of Haverstraw, was Jacob Conklin. Mr. Conklin was one of the finest and most influential citizens of that town, one of its captains of industry. The Conklin family, members of which have been actively and prominently iden- tified with the vicinity of New York State in which Haverstraw is located for the past six or seven decades, is of Irish descent. They have played parts of weight and importance in the develop- ment and progress of the communities in which they have made their homes. (I) Jesse Conklin, the first of the line here represented of whom we have any information, was a man of public spirit and patriotism. He served on the side of the Union in the Civil War, participating in several battles and engagements. He was a resident of Haverstraw, Rockland county, New York, where he was a well known and highly respected figure in local affairs. His wife, Eliza Conklin, bore him three children : James C, of whom fur- ther mention is made ; Euretta and Cath- erine Ann. Jesse Conklin died about 1873- (II) James C. Conklin, only son of Jesse and Eliza Conklin, was born in Haverstraw, Rockland county, New York, July 28, 1835. He attended the schools in the neighborhood of his home, completing the ordinary elementary edu- cation. He learned the trade of a mason, attaining a high degree of proficiency therein, and devoted the remainder of his active career to building in Haverstraw. He erected many of its buildings, both business and residential, and among those of the latter named class is his own house 397 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY which stands as a monument to his skill and ability in the line of work which he chose. His widow now occupies this house. Mr. Conklin was an active mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal church, in which his wife also holds membership and is keenly interested in the work. Mr. Conklin was a prominent factor in polit- ical circles, but although urged to do so he never accepted public office. He was a Democrat, but was never bound against his good judgment by party platforms. He married, in June, 1856, Sarah E. Tay- lor, who was born near Spring Valley, New York, August 29, 1837, a daughter of Jacob E. and Gertrude (De Baun) Taylor. Mr. Conklin spent all his leisure time in his home, to which he was devot- edly attached, and there dispensed a hos- pitality among his wide circle of friends and acquaintances for which he was noted in the vicinity. He was a gentle- man of the old school, polished, kindly and generous, and his death, which oc- curred at his home in Haverstraw, March 29, 1909, at an advanced age, came as a deeply felt blow to all with whom he was brought in any way in contact. (Ill) Jacob Conklin, son of James C. and Sarah E. (Taylor) Conklin, was born in Haverstraw, Rockland county, New York, on November 30, 1858. He received all the educational advantages which his native town offered, completing his studies in the Haverstraw High School, which at that time was one of the best schools in the country. His first experience in a business line was in the line of telegraph operating. He found this agreeable neither to his tastes nor ambitions and continued at it only a short time. He was anxious to start in busi- ness for himself, and securing a loan of two hundred dollars from a Mr. Murphy, he entered partnership with Wilson P. Foss in the dynamite manufacturing business in Haverstraw. This they con- ducted for a number of years until the factory was destroyed by fire, when the plant was moved to New Jersey, Mr. Conklin still keeping his connection with it. Incident to this a high quality of trap rock was found upon the old manufac- turing site, and Messrs. Foss and Conk- lin in company with some other men interested in the venture formed a com- pany known as the Rockland Lake Trap Rock Company. This soon became an enterprise of considerable size, virtually controlling all the quarries on the Hud- son. The company is in existence at the present time (1916) and their tugs and barges are a familiar sight in all the harbors along the Hudson river. Mr. Conklin was at the head of the business for many years and had complete control of the New York office, making his resi- dence in New York during that time. He amassed a fortune estimated at four mil- lion dollars, the result of unremitting labor in the enterprise, and the devotion of the greater part of his time and strength. In the meantime the dynamite concern was purchased by the Du Pont Company, Mr. Conklin retaining but a slight interest in it, and taking no pan in its operation. Mr. Foss, his original partner, now holds a high office in the Du Pont Company. Mr. Conklin was a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks for some time, and two years prior to his death, which took place in Haverstraw, November 3, 1912, he joined the Order of Free and Accepted Masons. He was a Democrat in political affiliation. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church of Haverstraw, and was actively interested in its work. Mr. Conklin's career, as may be easily judged from the details herein recorded, was full and eventful and gave promise of greater things in the future, which made its cutting short at the age of fifty-four all 398 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY the more tragic. He was a man of genial disposition and kindly, highly esteemed and honored in Haverstraw. MAGEE, Richard James, Educator and Expert Penman. There is none of the professions that does not possess its own great mass of accumulated associations which have grown up into a body of characteristic tradition which surrounds its practice with a sort of atmosphere perfectly definite and, in its own realm, all per- vading, which the votary can no more escape imbibing than an inhabitant of this earth can avoid breathing the cir- cumambient air. For each profession, too, the atmosphere is quite individual and different from those of all the rest. Thus the traditions of law and medicine, for instance, are different, not only in those details in which it is obvious that they must diverge, but in their whole quality and content so that they produce in us distinct mental sensations and emotions. One of the most pleasant of these atmos- pheres, as those who have experienced it can readily vouch, is that which sur- rounds the profession of teaching, and which gives to those who follow it, slowly, almost imperceptibly, but none the less surely, that particular mental quality and balance by which we instinc- tively recognize a teacher. This is not by any means necessarily the same as that which marks a student of the char- acteristic type, retired from the world and living mainly in an atmosphere of books and old research, although as a rule it must contain just enough of this to abstract the subject's attention from the more illusive and ephemeral aspects of the every-day world. The teacher, on the contrary, is rather a man of practical affairs, familiar enough with the actual human qualities to deal successfully with every type of person in that, one of the most delicate of relations, of master and pupil. Such a man was the late Richard J. Magee, of Poughkeepsie, New York, whose death on April 10, 1912, deprived that city of one of its most public-spirited citizens. Richard J. Magee was born April 20, 1848, in Ireland, and came with his parents to this country when an infant. He was a son of Patrick and Ellen Magee, who after a short residence in New York City re- moved to Poughkeepsie, New York, where Patrick Magee conducted a black- smith shop on lower Mill street. In his youth Mr. Magee attended the excellent public schools of Poughkeepsie and there gained a good all round education and proved himself to be an apt student. Even at this age he began to show signs of the talent that he afterwards put to use as his means of livelihood, and was accounted one of the best penmen in the schools which he attended and attracted the attention of the instructors to him by this ability. He was also an excellent athlete and doubtless his splendid, robust health in later years was due to the great amount of time spent by him in the open air in his youth. His especial favorite in the way of pastimes was the national game, in which he excelled to such an extent that he won a considerable repu- tation for himself in this line and played on a number of the strongest clubs in the neighborhood. He was particularly well known as the third baseman on the cele- brated team of the old Union Club of Poughkeepsie. After completing his studies and spending a few years playing baseball and in other hardy sports, Mr. Magee turned his attention to the serious business of life, his great ability as a pen- man suggesting to him that he enter the profession of teaching with this as his particular branch. He experienced no great difficulty in this and became con- 399 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY nected with the Eastman Business Col- lege in Poughkeepsie, where he eventual- ly was given the post of professor of penmanship. After leaving the Eastman Business College, he went to Atlanta, Georgia, with A. R. Eastman, and they conducted a business college in that place. After leaving there he went to Toledo, Ohio, where he formed an association and conducted a business college under the firm name of Dettwiler & Magee, and in 1881 removed to New York City, and for many years was with the Cutler School, a business college. Previous to being with Mr. Cutler he became asso- ciated with Mr. Coleman, also a former Eastman man, formerly of Newark, New Jersey. He lived for a time in New York City, but afterwards returned to Pough- keepsie and there made his home at No. 31 North Clover street, where he finally died. Professor Magee always took an active part in the general life of the community and was a leader in many movements undertaken with the object of improving the condition of the city generally. In religious belief he was a Catholic, a firm adherent to his ancient faith and one of the most conspicuous figures in Catholic circles in the city. He attended for many years the Church of St. Peter, Pough- keepsie, and was one of those appointed to the committee in charge of the cele- bration of the diamond jubilee of the church. He was a fourth degree member of the Knights of Columbus and was ex- tremely active in connection with that body. He was also very prominent in the Aquinas Club connected with St. Peter's parish, and, with the single excep- tion of Father W. J. B. Daly, the assistant rector of the church, probably did more work towards its organization and devel- opment than any other member. On February 13, 1878, Professor Magee was united in marriage with Emma M. Turner, a native of Wheeling, West Virginia, and a daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth (Taylor) Turner, of that place. Mr. Turner was a man of prominence in the southern city and kept a successful store there. To Mr. and Mrs. Magee four children were born, two of whom survive their father. They are Alex- ander T., who married Anna Bolend, of New Haven, and is now the father of three children, and Ellen G., who resides with her mother in Poughkeepsie. Rich- ard J. and Henry are deceased. The character of Mr. Magee was in many respects a most remarkable one and in all respects admirable. He was one of those men who took the precepts of religion to be practical counsels and en- deavored to translate them into the terms of common, everyday existence. Always charitable, he made it at once his duty and his pleasure to turn away from no appeal which he knew to be a sincere one. He was devoted to his family and in all the relations of life did his duty and fulfilled his obligations to his fellowmen. As a result he numbered many among his friends and his death was mourned by a large proportion of his fellow citizens. 400 INDEX ADDENDA McKean, pp. 371, 372, 373. Henry M. McKean was reared in the faith of the Baptist church, of which his parents were members, and attended the Sunday school connected therewith. His marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. Henry M. Gallaher, member of the Nassau Street Baptist Church, of Brooklyn. He was a member of the Geographical Society of Washington, with which he was identified for six or seven years. INDEX Anderson, Martin B., 97 Andrews, Elisha, Rev., 120 Stephen P., 120 Archer, George W., 300 John. 301 Arthur, Chester A., 13 William, 13 Ashley, Clarence, 305 Egbert F., 305 Elizabeth, 306 Henry, 305 Mary F., 306 Astor, John J. (3d), 33 Averell, Elizabeth B., 291 Mary B., 291 Ruth, 291 William H., 290, 291 William J., 291 Badeau, Adam, 64 Raker, Charles A., 280 Charles S., 278 Cornelius B., 280 Harold H., 280 James, 278 Jane E., 280 Leigh Y., 280 William J., 280 Rallou, Charlotte, 240 Jerathmel, 239 Joseph, 238 Theodore P., 238 Barlow, David H., Rev., 91 Francis C, Gen., 91 Barnard, Frederick A., 63 Robert F., 63 Beecher, Edward, Rev., 119 Henry Ward, Rev., 9 Lyman, Rev., 119 Belmont, August, 132 Bergh, Henry, 134 Bigelow, John, 44 Bissell, John, 214 Wilson S., 214 Blatchford, Richard M., 182 Samuel, 182 Bliss, George, Jr., 142 Boedecker, Charity, 356 Elinor, 356 Henry, 355 Hilmer B., 355 Hilmer P., 356 Marian, 356 Bonner, Robert, 90 Boss, Lewis, 95 Samuel P., 95 Bowen, Henry C, 36 Brace, Charles L., 140 Bragdon, Claude F., 315 George C, 314 Katherine E., 315 May, 315 Brewster, Gwendolen J., 273 Harriet J., 273 403 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Harry L., 272 William W., 272 Bridge, Charles, 243 Charles F., 244 Lucy M., 244 Brovver, David, 249 William H., 249 Browning, Eva B., 226 John, 225 John H., 224 Nathaniel, 224 William, 225 Buckman, Albert, 390 George R., 390 Gertrude, 392 Burden, Henry, 100 Peter, 100 Burnham, Cyrus, 353, 354 Josiah, 353 Sophia, 354 Sophia R., 354 Butterfield, Daniel, Gen., 175 Timothy, 175 Chapin, Edwin H., Rev., 137 Chase, Benjamin E., 330 Charles H. 329 Elvina G., 329 Ethan A., 329 Jessie W., 331 Lewis, 328, 329 Martin V., 329 Stephen C, 330 Church, Ann, 201 Ozias, 201 Sanford E., 201 Cleveland, Grover, 40 Richard F., Rev., 40 Cochrane, John, 122 Walter D., 122 Comstock, Cornelia, 209 George F., 208 Conklin, Jacob, 397, 398 James C, 397 Jesse, 397 Sarah E., 398 Conkling, Alfred, 30 John, 30 Roscoe, 30 Cooley, Charles E., 248 George F., 248 Kate T., 249 Cooper, Charles, 235 Daniel M., 235 Delia, 236 Peter, 7 Copeland, Albert E., 289 Clara M., 289 David, 288 Emily S., 289 Esther C, 289 Jennie I., 289 Jonathan C, 288 Cornell, Al6nzo B., 217 Cornwall, Byron E., 326 Catherine, 326 John, 326 John B., 325, 326 William, 325 Corrigan, Michael A., Rt. Rev., 92 Thomas, 92 Cox, Ezekiel T., 67 James, Gen., 67 Samuel S., 67 Craig, Helen M., 270 Joseph, 269 Oscar, 269, 270 Cullum, Arthur, 129 George W., 129 Cunley, Court B., 342 Daniel, 342 Frank, 344 Fred M., 344 Minnie, 344 Sarah J., 344 Currey, Cornelia, 232 Cornelia N., 232 John, 231 Curtis, Eugene T., 292 George, 146 George W., 146 Gurney T., 292 404 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Joseph, 292 Sarah L., 292 Daly, Charles P., 133 Draper, John C, Rev., 130 John W., 130 Du Bois, Arthur, 396 Mary F., 396 Dudley, Ada, 329 Duryee, Abram, Gen., 138 Duyckinck, Evert A., 144 Dwight, Benjamin, Dr., 88 Theodore W., 88 Eddy, David J., 342 Elizabeth, 340 Royal J., 339 Sanford S., 342 Silas, 339 Edwards, Alexander, 338 Anna, 339 Henry A., 339 Isaac, 336, 338 Nathaniel, 338 Emery, Charles E., 136 Moses L., 136 Ericsson, John, 205 Evans, David E., 244 George, 245 Fenton, George W., 204 Reuben E., 204 Field, David Dudley, 5 David D., Rev., 5 Timothy, Capt., 5 Fish, Hamilton, 62 Nicholas, Col., 62 Fiske, Willard, 179 Fitz Simons, Alice, 314 Caroline S., 314 Charles A., 314 Curtis, 314 Edith, 314 Frances, 314 Michael, 312 Michael H., 312 Portia L., 314 Walter R., 314 Flower, Nathan M., 210 Roswell P., 210 Sarah M., 211 Force, Daniel A., 377 Gertrude, 388 Henry L., ^7, 378 Isaiah F., 387 Jennie, 388 John, 387 John W., 388 Sophia M., 378 Foshay, Edwin F., 357 Frank E., 356, 357 Marguerite, 358 Foster, Henry A., 81 Francis, John M., 60 Joseph, 119 Richard, 60 Fuller, Frederick F., 319 Harriet M., 319 Harry A., 319 Joseph B., 318 S. Gertrude, 319 William J., 319 George, Annie C 127 Henry, 125 Richard S. H., 125 Gerling, Jacob, 240 Louisa, 242 Gould, Jay, 61 John B.. 61 Grant, Amy R., 316 George H., 315, 316 Jesse R., 49 Rachel H., 316 Ulysses S., Gen., 40 Wilbur S., 315 Graves, Eliza G., 297 Fred B., 297 Lorenzo S., 297 Watson, 297 Gray, Asa, 3 Moses, 3 405 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Hackett, James H., 143 Halleck, Henry W., 65 Peter, 65 Hamilton, John C, 87 Schuyler, Gen., 87 Hand, Augustus C, 346 Billings L., 349 Lydia, 349 Samuel, 346 Harris, Albert H., 275 Edward, 273, 274 Edward, Jr., 275 Elizabeth H., 275 Emily H., 275 Emma L., 275 Harriet, 275 Henry, 274 Jonathan, 81 Sarah, 275 Townsend, 81 Hartley, Catherine, 104 Isaac, 103 Robert M., 103 Hewitt, Abram S., 215 Hilton, Anna L., 352 Bertha, 352 Henry, 351 John, 351 John R., 352 William, 351 William T., 352 Hooker, Horace, 250 Horace B., 251 Susan, 252 Howard, Charles C, 384 Maude, 386 Hunt, Montgomery, 22 Ward, 22 Huntington, Arria S., 158 Dan, Rev., 153 Frederic D., 152 George P., 158 James O., 158 Tngersoll, John, 38 Robert G., 38 Jenkins, John S., 165 Jewett, Freeborn G., 164 Johnson, Ann M., 103 Benjamin P., 102 William, Dr., 102 Judson, Grace A., 296 J. Lee, 295 Junius, 295 Junius R., 296 Lee M., 296 Marie L., 296 Mary C, 296 Karl, Margaret, 321 Tom, 321 Kimball, Harold C, 308 Martha W., 309 William S., 306 King, John A., 172 Kurzhals, Caroline, 346 Charles A., 344, 345 Lasscell, Adele, 230 Elizabeth, 230 Lilly, 230 Marcia, 230 Ralph, 227 William B., 227 William T., 230 Lawyer, Abram S., 349, 350 Emma, 351 George H., 351 Jennie, 351 John J., 350 Tiffany, 351 Lefferts, John L.. 83 Leffert, 83 Marshall, 83 Leslie, Frank, 78 Likly, Helen C, 300 Henry, 299 Henry K., 300 Nancy B., 300 William C, 299 Lindsley, Dorlissa, 223 Rufus, 221 Smith M., 221 406 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Linn, B. F., 278 Edith L,, 278 Hugh, 277 Samuel H., 277 Willis L., Dr., 278 Loder, Daniel P., 283 George F., 282, 283 Mary U., 285 Nina, 285 Loomis, Ann, 105 Arphaxad, 104 Thaddeus, 104 Lossing, Benson J., 94 Low, Abiel A., 190 Annie W., 193 Seth, 190 Lowe, George, 309 Harriet C, 310 Samuel PL, 309 Ludington, Claude, 295 Ira, 295 Ira M., 293, 294 Mary R., 295 McAlpine, John, 121 William J., 121 McCloskey, John, Rt. Rev., 85 McKean, Carrie A., 372 *Henry M., 371, 372 Thomas, ^72 William H., 372 McMullen, Alonzo T., 373, 374 Katherine, 374 Thomas, 374 Magee, Alexander T., 400 Ellen G., 400 Emma M., 400 Patrick, 399 Richard J., 399 Mandery, Ida C, 318 Joseph J., 316, 317 Mandeville, John, Rev., 323 Sarah, 323 Wesley, 323 Marshall, Elisha G., 118 Marvin, Eliza R., t67 Selden, 166 William, 166 Mather, Frederick, 124 Joseph, 124 Matthias, Charles A., 380 Charlotte, 381 Miles, Agnes E., 293 Catherine L., 269 Cora, 269 Edward B., 269 Franklin, 292, 293 Ruth H., 269 Sarah F., 293 William, 293 William E., 268 Miller, Camilla, 254 Carrie E., 290 Charles A., 254 Cornite, 252 James, 252 James T., 289 Ritchie C, 254 Morgan, Edwin D., 162 Jasper, 162 Jedediah, 114 J. Pierpont, 45 Joseph, 46 Junius, 46 Lewis H., 114 Miles, 45 Nathaniel, 46 Munsell, Jane C, 108 Joel, 106 Mary A., 108 Myer, Albert J., Gen., 117 Henry B., 117 Nagengast, Caroline L., 384 Charles, 382 George, 381, 382 Newman, Evelina E., 234 Henry, 233 John L., 233 Norman, Adolphus L., 371 George A. J., 370 John A., 369, 370 407 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Mary L., 371 Susan, 371 Oaks, George, 286 George J., 285, 286 M. Louisa, 288 O'Connor, Adelia, 255 Francis, 254 Joseph L., 255 Parker, Willard, JJ Patton, Mary, 200 Robert, Col., 199 William, Rev., 199 Paulding, Hiram, 72 Peckham, Peleg, 198 Rufus W., 198 Pillsbury, Benjamin L., 376 Daniel S., 375, 376 Mary F., 376 Piatt, Ella L., 208 Thomas C, 207 William, 207 Porter, Moses, 152 Pratt, Asa, 145 Charles, 145 Lydia A., 145 Mary H., 146 Pruyn, John V. L., 109 Richardson, Albert D., 84 Elisha, 84 Richter, Edward A., 379 Mary, 380 Ritter, Elizabeth, 256 Frank J., 255 Sophia E., 256 Rogers, Asenath, 333 Ezra, 331 Ezra S., 334 Hosea, 331, 332 M ary J., 333 Polly, 333 Polly M., 334 William H., 334 Ross, Peter, 219 Sage, Charles, 96 Henry W., 96 Sammons, Barbara, 106 Simeon, 105 Thomas, 105 Sampson, James, 212 William T., 212 Sargent, Angelina M., 390 James, 388, 389 Schoeffel, Francis A., 281 Francis H., 282 George B., 282 Margaret E., 282 Sarah, 282 Susan B., 282 Schofield, John M., Gen., 70 Searles, Charles E., 368 Horace, 368 Katherine G., 369 Selden, Joseph, 144 Samuel L., 144 Susan M., 145 Seymour, Henry, 158 Horatio, 158 Mary L., 159 Shaw, Emily, 265 James B., 262 James S., 262 Laura, 265 Shellhoos, Elizabeth, 393 George A., 392, 393 John, 393 Sherrelldein E., 393 Shepard, Elliott F., 209 Fitch, 209 Margaret L., 210 Sickles, Daniel E., Gen., 89 George G., 89 Sloan, William E., 274 Smith, Elizabeth, 167 Gerrit, 167 Peter, 167 Southwick, George N., 365, 366 Henry C, Jr., 364 Margaret J., 365 408 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY Spinner, Francis E., 85 John P., Rev., 85 Stanton, Daniel, Judge, 39 Elizabeth Cady, 39 Taylor, Bayard, 26 Charles W., 247 George, 247 George S., 247 Nellie, 247 Thompson, Louise C, 312 Orange S., 311 William L., 311 Tilden, Nathaniel. 23 Samuel J., 23 Tillinghast, Carrie, 362 Frederick, 360, 362 J. Wilbur, 358, 359 Sarah, 360 Townsend, Martin I., 213 Nathaniel, 213 Tumilty, James P.. 327. 328 Mary J., 328 Patrick, 328 Tweddle, Clara M., 363 Frances M., 363 John, 362 Sarah, 363 Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 12, 127 William H., 12 Van Voorhis, Coert A., 257 F ranees A., 258 John, 257 Stevens C, 257 Wakeman, Abram, 108 Jonathan, 108 Warner, Amos, 303 Andrew J., 303 J. Foster, 304 Kate, 304 William A., 304 Warren. Gouverneur K., Gen., 203 Werner, Lillie B.. 196 William, 194 William E., 193 West, l ornelia, 320 Jonathan 11., 320 Wheeler, William A., 183 White, Amelia J., 190 Benjamin, 188 Horace, 188 Horace, Dr., 188 Martha H., 190 Whitman, Walt, 34 Wilder, George, 271 Lillian, 272 Samuel, 271 Willard, Frances E., j,j Josiah F., 37 Simon, Gen., 2,7 Wing, Daniel W., 334 Edgar H., 336 Halsey R., 334 Harriet N., 335 Helen M.. 336 Parsons W., 336 Walton S., 335 Wolcott, George P., 247 Ida J., 248 James F.., 247 Wood, Fernando, 201 Woodbury, Daniel A., 302 Evelyn M., 303 Mamie C, 303 Minerva C, 303 Willis E., 302 Worden. John L., 139 Yauck, Daniel A., 325 Martin, Rev., 323 Melville A., 323, 324 Melvina, 324 Minerva, 325 Young, Howard J., 327 Jacob J., 326, 327 Oscar J.. 327 William J., 327 409 S3 T 7k5 ®