EE-UNION •OF THE 28th 4 147tli Reoiiiients. Pennsylvania Volunteers, Philadelphia, Nov. 24th, 187 I Glass. Book. ,nx ■2 £M. ^ PJ "T^ t/ *7^ ^^Z *:^( u/. -• # » ■ t ' V -^ » •, » • e ^ * « r"^ ^Sn> .^« ^ \ •■•4 #•%%-•. . % > ^ >.&\ (7 h RE-TTNION OY THK 28tli i 147tli Regiments, Pennsylvania Voxunteers, Philadelphia, Nov. 24th, ,yi^^ f^ f^.^ir^ <^^ 187 1. PAWSON & NICHOLSON, PHILADELPHIA: 1 872. ^ 5.t i Printed for private distribution by W. W. Bates & Co. Upon the 24:th of November, 1871, :\ re-union oC tlie 28tli and 147 Regiments, Pennsylvania Volunteers, was held at the St. Lawrence Hotel, in the City of Philadelphia, Major Gen. Hector Tyndale, presiding ; after effecting an organization by the election of President^ Major Gen. John W. Geary. Yice Presidents, Major Gen. Hector Tyndale, Brig. Gen. Ario Pardee, Brigadier Gen. John H. Flynn. Secretary, Lieutenant Colonel John P. Nicholson. Assistant Secretaries^ J. K. Pryor, Jos. L. Cornet, Thos. Armer, Sergt. E. M. Eby, Thos. Duffy. Sergt. H. M. Quirk, Corf. Wm. P. Roberts, Jr. Corp. John Mills. Treasurer, Cart. W. J. Mackay. Executive Committee, Col. Jas. Fitzpatrick, Capt. Caleb Greenawalt, Col. H. E. GooD:\rAN, M. D. Capt. Joseph W. Hammer, Capt. Jacob P. Kreider, Lieut. Calvin Pardee, Lieut. G. W. H. Calver, M.lJ. Lieut. Aaron Lazarus, Lieut. Chas. W. Chapman, Lieut. Henry Hoffer, GusTAvus Hartley, Lieut. John Gorman, Capt. A. E. Colgan. AS OFFICERS TO SERVE FOR THE ENSUING YEAR. The adoption of a ('Onstitutiou and By-Laws, and de- toriniiiiiii:' tliat tlic next rc-unioii sliould be lield at Ilazelton, Luzerne County, November 24tli, 1872, tbe members proceeded to Independtjnce ILall, wliere the Mayor of the City, Hon. D. M. Fox, welcomed them. Upon the eonclusion of the ceremonies the members proceeded to Belmont Mansion, I^'airmouut Park, where a bancpiet had been prepared, over which, the President, Major Gen. ^ >.#\ #^i^