L46 II ^ MANUAL OF THE Pennsylvania Society PURPOSE TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP SKETCH OF THE SOCIETY CHARTER CONSTITUTION LIST OF MEMBERS PUBLICATIONS New York The Pennsylvania Society }903 MANUAL OF THE Pennsylvania Society PURPOSE TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP SKETCH OF THE SOCETY CHARTER CONSTITUTION LIST OF MEMBERS PUBLICATIONS New York The Pennsylvania Society 1903 THE LIBRARY OF CONGReSS, Two Copies Recaivoc) APR 9 1903 , Copyrignt Entry CLASS CI/ XXc. No. COPY B. REPRINTED FROM THE YEAR BOOK OP THE SOCIETY FOR 1903. Copyright, 1903, by Barr Ferree, Secretary. '\ -b The Council of the Society, 1902- 1903 THE PRESIDENT. Right Rev. Henry C. Potter, D.D., LL.D., D.C.L. the vice-presidents. Andrew Carnegie, First. Allan C. Bakewell, Second. J. Hampden Robb, Third. James Gayley, Fourth. the chaplain. Rev. Loring W. Batten, Ph.D. THE secretary. Barr Ferree, No. 7 Warren Street. the treasurer. John A. Hiltner, No. 271 Broadway. the directors. for one year. for two years. William Bispham, David Bovaird, Jr., M.D., John R. Dos Passos, William Harrison Brown, Harry L. Horton. Henry F. Shoemaker. FOR three years. Henry F. Davison, Thomas E. Kirby, John Markle. The Committees, 1902- 1903 annual dinner. James Gayley, Chairman, Richard Theodore Davies, Thomas A. Gillespie, James Kerr, James R. Magoffin, Horace Moran. membership. William Harrison Brown, Chairman, Charles M. IIoc.an, John A. Hiltner, John Marklk, Frank Northrop, Milton C. Roach, Rev. Dr. John A. Paxton, James A. Wright. publication. Henry F. Shoemaker, Chairman, David McNeely Stauffer, William Potts. ANNUAL sermon. J. Hampden Robb, Chairman, S. Carman Harriot, David B. Duncan. social meeting. Thomas E. Kirby, Chairman, David L. Corbett, Dr. T. Passmore Berens, Charles MacVeagh, Ernest D. Haas. annual meeting, Robert C. Hill, Chairman, Col. Jasper Ewing Brady, John F. Fairlamb, Thomas Bakewell Kerr. library. William L. Findley, Cpiairman, Dr. Edgar Dubs Shimer, Samuel Q. Brown, William H. Raser, W. H. Fleming, ♦Isaac Myer. auditing. George Batten, Chairman, F. Howard Hooke, Henry C. Robinson. historical prize. Rev. Dr. L. W. Batten, Chairman, William Potts, Barr Ferree. ♦Deceased. f I 4 '- •ONEPTOGA WAGOX. Purpose of the Society To cultivate social intercourse among the members and to promote their best interests ; to collect historical material relating to the State of Pennsylvania ; and to keep alive its memory. Terms of Membership The active membership may include any person who is a native or the descendant of a native of the State of Pennsylvania, or who has been a resident of the State for a continuous period of seven years. The non-resident membership may include any person residing in Pennsylvania, or born therein, or who has been a resident thereof for seven consecutive years, and resides more than fifty miles from the City of New York. The annual dues for active members are $5.00 per year and for non-resident $2.00. The entrance fee for either is $5.00. Proposals for membership must be made by a member of the Society and duly seconded by another member, and should be sent to the Secretary, Mr. Barr Ferree, 7 Warren Street. SOCIETY BUTTON. Publications of the Society Dinner Prcigraninie, Organizing Dinner. Dinner Programme, First x'\nnual Dinner. Dinner Programme, Second Annnal Dinner. Dinner Programme, Third Aiuiual Dinner. Dinner Programme, Fourth Annual Dinner (out of print). Constitution and List of Members, 1899. Purpose of the Society and Programme, 1900-1901. First Annual Dinner (Speeches, etc.). Year Book (I), 1901. Year Book (II), 1902. Price, to members, 50 cts.; to non-mem- bers, $1.00. Year Book (III), 1903. Extra copies to members, $1.00: to non- members, $2.00. Manual, 1903. Souvenir Plate (Third Annual Dinner), $1.00; boxed for ship- ment, $1.30; carriage extra. Souvenir Coffee Spoon, in sterling silver; price to subscribers to the Fourth Annual Dinner, $1.00; to non-subscribers, $1.25. Society Button. In blue enamel and silver gilt, $1.50; in blue enamel and gold, $4.50. Photograph of Portrait of William Penn, presented by Andrew Carnegie, 25 cents. Bulletin of the Society, first issue, June, 1902. Published occa- sionally. Free to members. No charge is made for unpriced publications, some copies of which may still be had by members desiring to complete their files of the Society's records. The publications may be obtained from the Secretary. ARMS OF PENNSYLVANIA. Sketch of the Society The Pennsylvania Society originated at a meeting held in the Waldorf-Astoria on March i6, 1899. The Ohio Society had courte- ously placed its rooms at the disposal of the gentlemen interested, who included Messrs. William B. Boulton, Joseph A. Goulden, H. L. Horton, Severo Mallet-Prevost. Barr Ferree, Rev. Dr. S. D. Mc- Connell, H. Harrison Suplee, Henry R. Towne, Robert C. Ogden, Horace See. Henry Galbraith Ward, and George W. Wickersham. At this meeting the plans for a State Society were fully discussed, and a Committee, composed of Messrs. Robert C. Ogden, Horace See and Barr Ferree, was appointed to draft a preliminary circular and undertake the active work of organization. So modest were the beginnings that the first circular issued by the Committee stated that a permanent organization would be effected when fifty names had been secured. The time appeared ripe for the launching of a successful Society. More than twice the desired fifty names were quickly secured ; plans for an organizing meeting and dinner were swiftly formulated, and April 25th — hardly more than six weeks after the preliminary meeting — was set as the date for 8 THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY perfecting a permanent organization. The circular announcing the arrangements for this meeting and dinner carried no less than one hundred and fourteen as the number of organizing members. Many new names were received daily, and the Menu of the Dinner in- cluded a list of one hundred and thirty-seven ; some later names brought the total to one hundred and forty-five as the final list of organizing members. On April 25, 1899, an organizing meeting was held at the Wal- dorf-Astoria, a Constitution was adopted, and officers were elected. These included President, Bishop Potter ; Vice-presidents, Henry R. Towne, Henry Galbraith Ward, Richard E. Cochran, and Horace See; Chaplain, Rev. Dr. S. D. McConnell ; Secretary, Barr Ferree ; Treasurer, Joseph A. Goulden ; and members of Council, Robert C. Ogden, William Bispham, H. L. Horton, Severo Mallet-Prevost, William B. Boulton, Andrew Carnegie, Allan C. Bakewell, R. Grier Monroe and H. Harrison Suplee. Mr. Horace See, chairman of the Organizing Committee, presided at the meeting and at the dinner, which was given the same evening in the small ballroom of the hotel. The speakers included the Hon. James M. Beck, of Philadelphia; Mr. F. James Gibson, representing the Canadian Society of New- York, who brought words of friendly greeting from sister societies, and Messrs. Severo Mallet-Prevost, Henry Robinson Towne, Fred- erick W. Holls, D.C.L., Henry Galbraith Ward, and the Rev. Dr. John F. Carson, all members of the newly-organized Society. The company dispersed at a late hour, and with much enthusiastic satis- faction in the new organization. The First Annual Dinner was held on October 31st of the same year, that being the nearest available date to the anniversary of the landing of Penn on the shores of the Delaware. The growth of the Society had been rapid, and the Dinner was given in the Astor Gal- lery of the Waldorf-Astoria. Mr. Henry Robinson Towne, First Vice-President, presided in the absence of Bisliop Potter, who was then engaged in making a tour around the world. The speakers in- cluded the Hon. C. W. Stone, M.C., the Hon. J. L. M. Curry, Mr. Tunis G. Bergen, President of the Holland Society, Hampton L. Carson, Esq., Frederick Perry Powers, Esq., the Rev. Dr. S. D. McConnell, and John Drew, Esq. The Menu was decorated with a drawing of Father Penn presenting an infant — the new Society — to Father Knickerbocker. For the second year Bishop Potter was re-elected President ; THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY 9 Robert C. Ogden, Frederick W. Holls, Alfred C. Barnes and Henry F. Shoemaker, Vice-Presidents; Rev. Dr. George M. Cliris- tian, Chaplain ; Barr Ferree, Secretary ; John A. Hiltner, Treasurer ; and William Bispham, John R. Dos Passos, and H. L. Horton, Mem- bers of Council. The Second Annual Dinner was held in the same hall, and like the first, created unbounded enthusiasm among the members and guests present. December 12, the anniversary of the ratification of the Na- tional Constitution by the Constitutional Convention of Pennsyl- vania, had now been chosen as the permanent date for the Dinner. Bishop Potter presided, and the speakers were the Hon. James M. Beck, of Philadelphia ; the Hon. James A. Beaver, former Governor of Pennsylvania and the Judge of the Superior Court; the Hon. Samuel W. Pennypacker, President of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Mr. Andrew Carnegie, the Rev. Cyrus Townsend Brady, of Philadelphia, and the Rev. Dr. John R. Paxton. Elab- orate souvenir-menus were di^stributed, and a special souvenir of the Liberty Bell, modeled for the Society by Mr. Charles Albert Lopez, the sculptor. The second annual election brought Bishop Potter a third time to the Presidential chair ; Robert C. Ogden, Andrew Carnegie, Severe Mallet-Prevost and Charlton T. Lewis, Vice-Presidents; Rev. Dr. George T. Purves, Chaplain ; Barr Ferree, Secretary ; John A. Hilt- ner, Treasurer; and David Bovaird, Jr., M.D., William Harrison Brown and Henry F. Shoemaker, Members of Council. Dr. Purves having died before the date set for the Sermon, he was suc- ceeded by the Rev. Dr. John F. Carson, of Brooklyn. The Third Annual Dinner, which was attended by nearly four hundred members and guests — for the Society had grown rapidly in the three years of its existence — was held in the Billiard Room of the Waldorf-Astoria, which had been entirely cleared and set apart for its use. Bishop Potter was unavoidably absent, and in his stead Mr. Robert C. Ogden, the First Vice-President, presided. The speakers were the Hon. W. U. Hensel, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, former Attorney-General of the State; the Hon. William Travers Jerome, District- Attorney-elect of New York; Francis A. Lewis, Esq., of Philadelphia ; the Hon. Alton B. Parker, of Albany, Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals of New York, and Augustus Thomas, Esq., President of the Missouri Society. The souvenirs w^ere his- toric plates, designed and made expressly for the Society, having in 10 THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY the centre a copy of the Penn portrait presented to the Society by Mr. Andrew Carnegie, and surrounded with reproductions of his- toric buildings and places in Pennsylvania. The next annual election made Bishop Potter President for the fourth time; Andrew Carnegie, Allan C. Bakewell, J. Hampden Robb, and James Gayley, Vice-Presidents; Rev. Dr. L. W. Batten, Chaplain; Barr Ferree, Secretary; John A. Hiltner, Treasurer; and Henry P. Davison, Thomas E. Kirby, and John Markle, Members of Council. The Fourth Annual Dinner, of which a full record is presented elsew^here, was by far the most brilliant of the dinners of the Society. The festival was held in the grand ballroom of the Waldorf-Astoria, and was participated in by a company of four hundred and seventy- five gentlemen, with many ladies in the upper boxes. The room was beautifully decorated with greens and flowers, and above the table of honor the word PENNSYLVANIA blazed in electric lights. The dinner opened with a procession of the President and invited guests, with the historic flags that formed so beautiful and so unique a feature of the dinner. Bishop Potter presided, and the speakers comprised the Right Rev. Alexander Mackay-Smith, Bishop Coad- jutor of Pennsylvania; the Hon. John Patton, former United States Senator from Michigan, a Pennsylvanian by birth; Mr. George F. Baer, and the Rev. Dr. John R. Paxton. The souvenirs were ster- ling silver coffee spoons, designed for the Society by Horace Moran, and miniature imitation coal-hods covered with anthracite coal, in which the ices were served. Before the speaking, Bishop Potter announced the presentation of the flags, which were brought before the table of honor and created much enthusiasm as their names and those of their donors were announced. A unanimous vote at the dinner authorized the incorporation of the Society. The Dinner of the Society is the chief festival of the year, but it by no means exhausts its activity. In 1900 the custom of an annual Sermon, to be preached by the Chaplain, was instituted. The Rev. Dr. George M. Christian, the Chaplain of the year, preached a ser- mon in his church of St. Mary the Virgin, in West Forty-sixth Street. In 1901, the Rev. Dr. John F. Carson, who was elected Chaplain in place of the Rev. Dr. George T. Purves, who died before he was able to fulfill his promise to preach, held the annual services in the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, which was courteously placed at the use of the Society for this purpose. The sermon for THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY ii 1902 was preached by the Chaplain, the Rev. Dr. Loring W. Batten, in St. Mark's Church, of which he is rector. Annual meetings and social meetings, to the latter of which the ladies have been welcomed guests, complete the list, the aim of the Society being to carry out four public events each year, namely, the Sermon, the Annual Dinner, the Social Meeting, and the Annual Meeting. In addition to these meetings the Society has undertaken the accumulation of a Library of Pennsylvania books, and while the amount available for purchases has been small, an excellent begin- ning has been made, and a number of valuable gifts received from members and others. In 1901 the Society began the publication of a Year Book of Con- temporary History and Patriotism for Pennsylvania. The previous publications had been limited to accounts of the Dinner proceedings and a record of the membership. It was felt that something more than this might be done. This Year Book aims to summarize each year the record of historical and other matters relating to Penn- sylvania which appear to be worthy of permanent preservation, while making full record of the Society's work. Perhaps no undertaking of this organization has met with more signal success or won wider appreciation. Governor Beaver wrote of the first issue: 'Tt is a most interesting contribution to the his- tory of Pennsylvania. I sincerely hope you may be able to continue the originality and value of these yearly publications." The Rev. Dr. Robert Ellis Thompson, President of the Central High School of Philadelphia, wrote : "It is exceedingly interesting." Judge Pennypacker declared : "You are to be congratulated upon the ap- pearance as well as upon the value of the publication." Mr. E. A. Weaver, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of the Revolution, wrote : "It is a book which fairly bristles with informa- tion relating to Pennsylvania ;" and many others expressed them- selves in a similar manner. The Year Book not only enables the Society to present itself as engaged in valuable work, but it is work no other organization is doing. Moreover, the Year Book is a valu- able medium of exchange with other societies, and is a ready means of adding to the Society's Library. A record of the Society's work would be incomplete that did not make mention of the fine oil copy of the portrait of William Penn. made from the original in the possession of the Historical Society of Pennsvlvania by Miss Carol H. Beck, and presented to the Society 12 THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY by Mr. Carnegie. It is hung behind the table of honor at the din- ners, and was first used in this way at the Third Annual Dinner. The collection of fac-similes of historic flags of national or Penn- sylvania significance, gifts of various members, is described else- where in this volume. With amembership of more than five hundred persons as a record of four years' work, the Society may well congratulate itself on being established on a firm foundation. Its activities are directed in cer- tain well-defined directions, each having a special usefulness of its own, and each bringing it greater fame and broadening its influence. Its avowed purpose to keep alive the good name of the State of Pennsylvania is a notable one, and it bespeaks the co-operation of the sons of Pennsylvania in furthering its ends. Membership, December 31, 1902 Resident Members 408 Non-Resident Members 127 Total 535 Certificate of Incorporation WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being persons of full age, all citizens of the United States of America, and a majority of whom are also residents of the State of New York, constituting a majority of the Council, the same being directors of the Pennsylvania Society of New York, an unincorporated Society, desiring to incorporate pursuant to Section 5 of the Membership Corporation Law, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, as follows : THAT such Society was organized for the purpose of cultivat- ing social intercourse among its members, to promote their best interests, to collect historical material relating to the State of Penn- sylvania, and to keep alive its memory in New York. THAT the regular meeting of such Society was held on the I2th day of December, 1902. THAT a notice of the time and place of said meeting, and that the proposition of incorporating would be considered thereat, was served upon each member of such Society, whose residence or Post Office address was known, at least thirty days before such meeting, either personally or by depositing it in the Post Office, postage pre- paid, addressed to such member at his last known Post Office address. THAT a copy of such notice is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate. THAT at such meeting, the Council of the Society was duly authorized by the unanimous vote of all the members of such Society present and voting at such meeting, to incorporate such Society in pursuance of Section 5 of the Membership Corporation Law, under Article II. of such charter, with the corporate name of The Pennsyl- vania Society, as more fully appears by the certificate of the Chair- man and Secretary of the meeting hereto annexed and filed herev/ith. AND WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, acting under and by virtue of the authority and directioj:is contained in the aforesaid resolution, 14 THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY and desiring to form a membership corporation pursuant to Article II. of the Membership Corporation Law, do hereby make, sign, ac- knowledge and file this certificate for such purpose, as follows : 1. Tlie name of the proposed corporation is THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY. 2. The particular objects for which the corporation is to be formed shall be to cultivate social intercourse among its members, and to promote their best interests ; to collect historical material re- lating to the State of Pennsylvania, and to keep alive its memory. 3. The territory in which the operations of the corporation will be principally conducted, is the State of New York, in the United States of America. 4. The principal office of the corporation will be located in the City of New York, in the State of New York. 5. The num.ber of its directors shall be seventeen. 6. The name and place of residence of persons to be its directors until the first annual meeting, and some of whom are to continue thereafter for the terms of office for which they have respectively been elected by The Pennsylvania Society of New York, the aforesaid unincorporated association, are as follows : Henry C. Potter, 113 West 40th St., New York City. Andrew Carnegie, 2 East 91st St., New York City. Allan C. Bakewell, 479 Fifth Ave., New York City. J. Hampden Robb, 23 Park Ave., New York City. James Gayley, 71 Broadway, New York City. Barr Ferree, 7 Warren St., New York City. John A. Hiltner, 271 Broadway, New York City. Rev. L. W. Batten, 232 East nth St., New York City. H. L. Horton, 66 Broadway, New York City. William Bispham, 66 Broadway, New York City. John R. Dos Passos, 18 East 56th St., New York City. William Harrison Brown, 377 Broadway, New York City. Henry F. Shoemaker, 71 Broadway, New York City. David Bovaird, Jr., 126 West 58th St., New York City. Henry P. Davison, 2 Wall St., New York City. Thomas E. Kirby, 6 East 23d St., New York City. John Markle, Jeddo, Pa. THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY 15 7. The date for holding its annual meeting shall be on the third Tuesday of the month of April. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have made, signed, acknowl- edged and filed this certificate in duplicate. Dated New York, January, 1903. Henry C. Potter, H. L. Horton, Andrew Carnegie, William Bispham, Allan C. Blackwell, John R. Dos Passos, J. Hampden Robb, William Harrison Brown, James Gayley, PIenry F. Shoemaker, Barr Ferree, David Bovaird, Jr., John A. Hiltner, Henry P. Davison, L. W. Batten, Thomas E. Kirby, John Markle. (Here follow notarial acknowledgments and affidavits of offi- cers of the Society relative to the adoption of the resolutions referred to in the certificate.) I hereby approve of the foregoing certificate and of filing thereof. Edw. Patterson, Justice Supreme Court, State of New York. ARMS OF PENNSYLVANIA. Constitution Adopted April 25TH, 1899. ARTICLE I. NAME. This organization shall be known as THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY. ARTICLE II. OBJECT. . Its purpose shall be to cultivate social intercourse among its members and to promote their best interests, to collect historical material relating to the State of Pennsylvania and to keep alive its memory. ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP. Section i. There shall be three classes of members: Active, Non-Resident, and Honorary. Section 2. Any person who is a native or the descendant of a native of the State of Pennslyvania or who was a resident of Penn- sylvania for a continuous period of seven years, may be admitted as an Active Member. THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY 17 Section 3. Any person residing in Pennsylvania, or born therein, or having been a resident thereof for seven consecutive years and residing elsewhere than in the city of New York, and not within fifty miles thereof, may be admitted as a Non-Resident Member. Section 4. Honorary Members shall be persons whose achievements have added fame to the State of Pennsylvania ; they shall be elected by the Council, but they may not vote nor hold office in the Society. ARTICLE IV. GOVERNMENT. Section i. The Government of the Society is vested in the President, four Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Chaplain, and nine Directors, to be termed the Council. The officers shall be chosen annually ; the full term of office for each Director shall be three years, the allotment of the members of the first Council to the several classes and terms to be by lot. The Council may fill vacancies occur- ring in its body until the annual meeting next thereafter. Section 2. The Council shall appoint from its own number or from the Society at large the committees needful for the business of the Society, and it may declare and fill vacancies at any time in any committee. ARTICLE V. OFFICERS. Section i. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Society and of the Council, and give the casting vote, in case of tie. He shall, with the Secretary, sign all written contracts and obliga- tions of the Society, and be ex-officio a member of all committees. Section 2. In the absence of the President one of the Vice- Presidents shall preside at the meetings of the Society and of the Council and perform the duties of the President. Section 3. The Secretary shall keep a true record of all meet- ings of the Society and of the Council ; shall keep a correct roll of the members of the Society; shall notify each of his election and fur- nish him with a copy of the Constitution ; shall issue notices of all meetings of the Society and of the Council ; shall conduct the corre- i8 THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY spondence of the Society; be a member ex-officio of all Committees, and, with the President, sign all written contracts and obligations of the Society. Section 4. The Treasurer shall receive the funds of the So- ciety and disburse them under the direction of the Council. His re- ports and accounts shall be audited by a Committee of three, to be appointed by the Council. Section 5. The Chaplain shall perform the religious duties cus- tomary at the meetings of the Society, promoting by his counsel and advice harmony and good will among the members. Section 6. Officers of the Society, members of the Council and members of the Committees shall hold in office until their successors shall respectively have been chosen. ARTICLE VI. DUES. Section i. Each Active Member of the Society shall pay to the Treasurer an entrance fee of five dollars and annual dues of five dollars. Section 2. Each Non-Resident Member of the Society shall pay to the Treasurer an entrance fee of five dollars and annual dues of two dollars. Section 3. Organizing members and members elected within one year after the adoption of this Constitution will be admitted without the payment of the entrance fee. Section 4. Any member failing to comply with the require- ments of the Constitution shall be deemed to have resigned his mem- bership, and his name may be dropped from the roll by order of the Council. ARTICLE VII. MEETINGS. Section i. The annual meeting of the Society for the election of officers and members of the Council, and the transaction of other business, shall be held on the third Tuesday of the month of April. THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY 19 Section 2. Meetings of the Society may be called from time to time by vote of the Council. Special meetings may be called by the President on request of three members of the Council, or on the written request of ten members of the Society Fifteen shall form a quorum. Section 3. The Council shall meet from time to time as it sees fit, and hold its annual meeting immediately after the adjournment of the annual meeting of the Society. Five members shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VIII. ELECTION OF MEMBERS. All members shall be elected by ballot by the Council. ARTICLE IX. RESIGNATIONS. All resignations shall be made in writing to the Secretary, to be acted on by the Council ; but no resignations shall be accepted until all indebtedness to the Society of the resigning member shall have been discharged. All interest in the property of the Society per- taining to members resigning, or otherwise ceasing to be members, shall be vested in the Society. ARTICLE X. AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Council, approved by a majority vote of the Society at a meeting ; two weeks' notice in writing to be given to the members of the Society. ARTICLE XI. BY-LAWS. By-Laws not in conflict with this Constitution may be adopted, repealed or amended by a majority vote of the Council, approved by a majority vote of the Society present at any meeting. List of Members Hon. George Bcthune Adams. Col. H. C. Alleman. Thomas Allen, 3rd. James H. Alexander. Rev. Reese F. Alsop, D.D. John D. Archbold. Augustus N. Arms. George Curtis Austin. Wallace P. Bache. William C. Baird. William J. Baird. James H. G. Baker. Col. Robert B. Baker. Z. T. Baker. Col. Allan C. Bakewell. L. Grant Baldwin, M.D. George Grey Barnard. Gen. Alfred C. Barnes. Edward Barr. Thomas C. Barr. George Batten. Joseph Z. Batten. Rev. L. W. Batten, Ph.D. Turner A. Beall, Park E. Bell. Robert D. Benson. W. S. Benson. T. Passmore Berens, M.D. John E. Berwind. Edward R. Biddle. William C. Biddle. Lawrence Wharton Bickley. W. H. Birchall. William Bispham. Joseph Blascheck. Clarence Augustus Blood. H. C. Blye. George C. Boldt. Alfred P. Boiler. William B. Boulton. David Bovaird, Jr., M.D. W. H. Boyd. Col. Jasper Ewing Brady. Rev. Cyrus T. Brady, LL.D. John H. Brearley. Wilmer A. Briggs. Henry Bright. Charles Maybury Brooks. Dickson O. Brown. Harry Oliver Brown. Samuel O. Brown. W. H. Brown. William Harrison Brown. William Sanderson Brown. Joseph B. Bruner. John K. Bryden. C. W. Buchholz. Clark Burnham, M.D. Joseph H. Campbell. Andrew Carnegie, LL.D. William E. Carnochan. Samuel Carpenter. Rev. John F. Carson, D.D. Charles Stewart Carstairs. Edwin E. Cassell. Clemens J. Caughey. Rev. Geo. M. Christian, D.D. Edward D. Clery. Edward H. Clift. James T. Clyde. THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY 21 Richard E. Cochran. W. A. Coffin. G. Frederic CoUins. E. C. Converse. John C. Cook. Robert Grier Cooke. Harry L. Copeland. David L. Corbett. Charles B. Cox. John Bowes Cox, Oscar A. Craine. Leander H. Crall. George S. Crap. PhiUp W. Crawford. John H. Cuthbert. F. D. Curtis. C. C. Cuyler. George W. Darr. W. A. Davies. Richard Theodore Davies. E. M. C. Davis. Henry P. Davison. James C. Dayton. Edgar Deal. William F. Deibert. Eugene Delano. W. B. Dickson. Charles M. Dimm. S. C. T. Dodd. Lee Wilson Dodd. John R. Dos Passos. John Dougherty. Samuel W. F. Draper. John Drew. George W. Drumheller. James May Duane. William Dulles, Jr. David B. Duncan. Martin H. Earl v. Frederick H. Eaton. John Edmonds. Frank W. Edwards. George H. Emerson. Henry Clay Evans. Elmer O. Evans. Col. J. E. Ewing, Gates D. Fahnestock. John F. Fairlamb. John Barclay Fassitt. Barr Ferree. W. Appleton Ferree. L. P. Feustman. William Edgar Findley. William L. Findley. Hon. Edwin W. Fiske. Henry S. Fleming. William H. Fleming. Charles J. Follmer. Asa Lansford Foster. James Foulke. John U. Fraley. J. F. Frantz, M.D. William C. Freeman. Frederic Gallatin. G. Blake Garrison. Cornelius M, Garrison, James Gayley, O. C. Gayley. Malcolm Gayley. Charles P. Geddes. Charles Donnel Gibson. John H. Gibson. William J. Gibson. Capt. Francis M. Gibson. Manley M. Gillam. Thomas A. Gillespie. Thomas H. Gillespie. 22 THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY Walter R. Gillette, M.D. Samuel L. Good, D.D.S. Col. Joseph A. Goulden. Philander A. Gray. James M. Grimes. Clement Acton Griscom, Jr. Robert Houston Groff. Henry A. Gross. Benjamin Guggenheim. William Guggenheim. Ernest D. Haas. John C. Haddock. Arthur Hagen, Jr. Charles S. Harper. S. Carman Harriot. Joshua A. Hatfield. William L. Hawkins. R. Somers Hayes. Samuel A. Henszey. George Corson Heilner. Frank E. Herriman. George R. Hill. Percival S. Hill. Robert Carmer Hill. John A. Hiltner. A. L. Himmelwright. Nathaniel Potts Hobart. 'Douglas Roseberry Hobart. F. N. Hoffstot. Charles M. Hogan. Hon. Frederick W. Holls, LL.D. F. Howard Hooke. Charles R. Horn. Harry L. Horton. Charles M. Hough. Archibald A. Hutchinson. James B. Irwin. Caleb H. Jackson. Llywellyn Howard Jenks. Charles T. Jenks. Walter S. Johnston. Thomas L. Jones. Jay S. Jones. Thomas F. Keating. Seth L. Keeney. S. M. Keiper. A. E. Kendall. Joseph W. Kennedy. William Kent. Hon. James Kerr. John C. Kerr. Albert Kerr. Thomas Bakewell Kerr. Wihiam Milroy Kinch. Paul S. King. David Bennett King. Hugh D. King. Henry Houston Kingston. Charles H. Kinney. H. A. Kinports. Gustavus Town Kirby. Thomas E. Kirby, J. Parker Kirlin. C. H. Kloman. John Randolph Knapp, M.D. Samuel I. Knight. Winfield R. Koller. Tilghman B. Koons. Rev. G. F. Krotel. Charles L. Lamberton. Howard Lapsley. F. H. Lawrence. William W. Lawrence. Charles M. Lea. T. A. Lenci. Charlton T. Lewis, Ph.D. Henry Albert Lloyd. THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY 23 John W. Loveland. George B. Lupei\ Francis E, P. L} nde. James W. MacBride. J. Gilchrist MacGonigle. Emory McCHntock. Wilham McClure. Rev. S. D. McConnell, D.D., LL.D. Daniel B. McCoy. Harry G. McCully. J. Milford McKee. W. L. McKenna. John McKesson. Charles F. McKim. Glenn Ford McKinney. George G. McMurtry. James P. McQuaide. William T. McVaugh. Charles MacVeagh. Willard B. Mack. Capt. Charles W. Mackey. James R. Magoffin. William Main. Severo Mallet-Prevost. Donald L. Manson. Robert J. Marrin. Charles D. Marvin. J. P. Marshall. John Webster Marshall. J. H. Martin. Edwin K. Martin. Thomas B. Martin. John C. Martin. Adam S. Matheson. Wilbur Knox Mathews. Hon. Robert Mazet. C. B. Mears. Herman Clark Mechling. Richard S. Mercer. Elmer S. Messenger, D.D.S. Orlando Paul Metcalf. Samuel C. Milbourne. Samuel H. Miller. Clyde Milne. Sampson Q. Mingle. Rev. James Clayton Mitchell. Thomas J. Moore. William Douglas Moore. Col. Robert Grier Monroe. Horace Moran. William L. Moyer. Michael Murray. J. A. Myers. Ven. George F. Nelson, D.D. W. F. Newell. Rev. R. Heber Newton, D.D. John Norris. George B. North. Frank Northrop. Charles R. Norman. Walter G. Oakman. Robert C. Ogden, M.A. Hon. Willis L. Ogden. A. F. Old. Clayton W. Old. Capt. Charles D. Palmer. Richard Pancoast. William G. Park. James C. Parrish. Samuel L. Parrish. Henry A. Patten. Henry S. Patterson. Edward Liddon Patterson. Atwood Paxson. Rev. John R. Paxton, D.D. John W. Peale. Rembrandt Peale. 24 THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY William H. Perkins. Ralph Peverley. Hon. George A, Post. Henry A. Potter. Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter. Frank Hunter Potter. William Potts. W. Rockhill Potts. de Veaux Powell. Veryl Preston. Frank J. Primrose. Joseph R. Ouinby. J. H. Ralph. George G. Ramsdell. William Heyl Raser. James Rea. Thomas Blair Rea. Hon. William A. Redding. Col. J. C. Reiff. John C. Reilly. Joseph W. Reinhart. Ralph B. Reitz, D.D.S. W. PI. Richardson. John Stover Riegel. Hon. Bradford Rhodes. Milton Courtright Roach. Hon. J. Hampden Robb. D. I. Roberts. G. Theodore Roberts. S. Raymond Roberts. Henry C. Robinson. John Robinson. R. R. Ross. Francis J. Rue. John B. Russell. Henry Sanderson. William Dunlap Sargent. Marvin F. Scaife. William Schade. Amos L. Schaeffer. James F. Schaperkotter. F. W. Schoonmaker. Sylvanius L. Schoonmaker. William Henry Schoonmaker. Charles M. .Schwab. Isbon B. Scott. Lloyd M. Scott. Horace See. Jacob B. Shale. E. Conway Shaler. Rev. George L. Shearer, D.D. William F. Shick, M.D. Henry L. Shippey. Edgar Dubs Shimer, Ph.D. Henry F. Shoemaker. Henry Wharton Shoemaker. William Sidebottom. Theodore W. Siemon. Robert W. Skinner. W. J. Sloan. William Thomas Smedley. Elliott C. Smith. William Alexander Smith. Frank L. Sommer. Charles H. Spencer. W. A. Stadelman. William A. Stanton. David McNeely Stauffer. Amos Steffee. Prof. J. J. Stevenson, LL.D. James Stewart. Joseph F. Stier. Jam.es N. Stout. C. L. Stowell. J. M. Stradling. PI. Plarrison Suplee. Plorace J. Subers. Joseph S. Taylor, Ph.D. THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY 25 Eversley H. Thomas. Theodore Thomas. Robert Means Thompson. S. S. Thornton. John S. Tilney. Dr. Francis L. Tooley. Henry Robinson Towne. Edward A. Treat. Theodore V. A. Trotter. Edgar A. Ttirrell. Abraham C. Tully. Daniel Ulrich. B. L. Van Schaick. John Brisben Walker. Artemas Ward. Henry Galbraith Ward. Benjamin F. Warren. Bertram H. Waters, M.D. George L. Webb. WiUiam Weis. W. Brenton WelHng. Col. J. HoUis Wells. Blanton C. Welsh. Frank L. Wendell. Alexander P. White. Francis N. Whitney. George W. Wickersham. Clarence B. Wisner. Alan W. Wood. W. H. Woodin. W. H. Woolverton. Walter L. Worrall. Petera B. Worrall. James A. Wright. Charles T. Yerkes. Charles H. Zehnder. William Ziegler. Bernard Zweighaft, M.D. NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. Hartford. Rev. Ernest de F. Miel. Rev. Harrv K. B. Ode. CONNECTICUT. Middletown. Rev. John Binney. D.D. Rev. Samuel Reed CoUaday. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. IVashiiigton. John Franklin Crowell, Ph.D. G. William McLanahan. DELAWARE. WiUnington. Henry B. Thompson. 26 THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY ILLINOIS. Chicago. Robert W. Hunt. NEW YORK. Alexandria Bay. Buffalo. Gilbert T. Rafiferty, T. Guilford Smith. LL.D. Olean. Rev. James V/illiam Ashton, D.D. ENGLAND. Fair ford. Edwin A. Abbev, R.A., LL.D. PENNSYLVANIA. Allentozvn. George T. Ettinger, Ph.D. Allegheny. C. G. Hussey. William R. Thompson. Ashland. William H. Heaton. Benjamin F. Crispen, Jr. Braddock. John Gracey Kelly. Brozvnsville. C. L. Snowdon. Berivick. Bloomshurg. E. S. Tustin. Robert E. Wright. Francis J. Torrance. Benton. John G. McHenry. Clemuel R. Woodin. Bradford. Maj. A. C. Hawkins. Bryn Mazvr. Samuel Rea. Charleroi. K. W. Dalv. THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY Clearfield. 27 Hon. W. D. Bigler. Coiidersport. Luther B. Seibert. Thomas H. Murray. Curivensvillc. Hon. A. E. Patton. Du Bois. M. I. McCreight. Easton. Hon. W. S. Kirkpatrick. Franklin. Harry Lamberton. Col. S. C. Lewis. Samuel G. Allen. Robert McCalmont. James W. Rowland. Hon. Joseph C. Sibley, M. C. Charles Miller. J. Howard Smiley. Gibsonton. T. L. Daly. H. C. Daly, M.D. Edward Bailey. Honesdale. Henrv Z. Russell. John Markle. Harrisburg. Hazleton. Israel Piatt Pardee. Indiana. Hon. John P. Elkin. Jeddo. K if tanning. Henry A. Col well. Greenville. James T. Blair. Charles Duffy. Hunlingdon Valley. S. H. Hicks. William H. Smith. Lancaster. George Luther Fon Dersmith. Charles Allan Fon Dersmith. Manheim. M. G. Hess. 28 THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY Philadelphia. Jolin Burt. Maj. E. H. Butler. Charles S. Calwell. Tion. James D. Campbell. William M. Coates. James I. Comly. .Samuel H. Cramp. Charles H. Cramp. William Disston. Samuel Patterson Ferree. Lincoln Godfrey. Hon. James Gay Gordon. Hon. Lloyd C. Griscom. W'illiam M. Groff. Stanton H. TIackett. Henry S. Hale. WTlliam F. Harrity. Erastus Hill. Frank K. Hippie, LL.D. Samuel Heilner. Alexander Julian Hempliill. Samuel Huckel. Jr. William D. Kelly. I\I. A. Lathrop. Charles John B. Lennig. W. H. Long. James MacAlistcr, LL.D. Richard T. McCarter. D. Levis Moore. John B. Morgan. D. A. Orr. C. Stuart Patterson. Hon. Robert E. Pattison. John C. Perry, Thomas M. Richards. Samuel R. Shipley. Maj. Henry E. Smith. W^ Frederick Snyder. Hon. William S. Stenger. E. T. Stotesbury. Charles M. Swain. W. R. Taylor. George C. Thomas. Hon. John Wanamaker. J. H. Weaver. Harry F. West. F. H. Wigton. John Wyeth. W^ood Yonn