Gass T^- L^ Book^jJii) Raleiflb^s Only Department Store Trustworthy j^oods only, at uniformly right prices. All articles guarantw^d as ri'present(>d. :: :: :: :: One price to all and that the lowest. :: :: :: :: :: Monej' refunded to all dissatisfied buyers. :: :: ;: Courteous treatment to all. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Experienced salespeopUi iu every department. :: Buying in large quantities and direct, saves for you the middleman's profit. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Reducing prices without reducing qualities. :: :: Modern .store .Service anil K(|uipnu'nt. :: :: :: :: Vou'll Find tbc Store a$ 6ood a$ J1dvertiscd««c miiiVi!^ttiiAx,iA^<^^^^v.iiiiZ■■\k Oj :a. blL ^ ^ ^ . iLiIl]iii„i[dl]i„ ,i,iUl;i.. ,..Uli„„i' Jl Hill Illll illlli.J ^ EDGAR E. ELLINGTON, Mgr. WALTER J. WYATT. WYATT & ELLINGTON MAMUFACTUKEES OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER Flooring, Ceiling, Weatherboarding, etc., Sash, Doors, Blinds, Windotc and Door Frames, Mouldings, Mantels, Turned Work, and All Kinds of Building Material. SHINGLES AND LATHS. WRITE FOR QUOTATIONS. OFFICE AND SHOP: 120 South West Street, ^ ^ ^ Raleigh, North Carolina. Interstate Phone 332. . 4lHm»lllll itll i"!'!^ !ii ]illl|..illl hi,iljllliii,iiljliiliiiiiljll!li Illlliii.ill lillmiililli Mnljli ^lii„.ilillmillll[lli, .iili:ii,niljiLllliiiilil ilk. ^? H.J. BR OW N COFF IN HOUSE TABLISHED i JOHN W. BROWN, Nos. 207, 209, 211 DAT Cli^U tsJ C SOUTH SALISBURY STREET, KALtlOM, IN . i^. Undertaking, embracing Embalming and services at burials, con- ducted in the most improved manner, by skilled and attentive opera- tors. Particular attention given the embalming of bodies for trans- portation. Coffins, Caskets and Burial Cases of every grade constantly in stock; also Robes for malt- and female, Burial Shoes, etc. Prompt attention to all calls, day or night, either in the city or county. Belt, Phone 336, Rai.etgh and Interstate 142. f ^||l i" l H fl i l' ^H f! »'"i fl lli"l l1TP yillfli Iflili'lf! ilflii'llfli"iiiyii|f'i"ilfli "llf""'llf Ilfl"i'illf' flii'-llfliiiilllffl ff" ERKATA. Page 49, twentj'-fifth line, for 1796, read 1896. Page 111, second line, for " Rev." read Mr. Page 115 (fourth paragraph) the name of Jas. Lawrence should be among the survivors mentioned. Historical Raleigh FROM ITS foundation IN 1792 descriptive, biographical, educational, indus- trial, religious REMINISCENCES REVIEWED AND CAREFULLY COMPILED Kutered according to Act of Congress in tbe Year 1902, by M. N. Amis, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. By IMOSKg! >r . AMIS of the Raleigh Bar, Author of Amis's N. C. Criminal Code and Digest. 1902 Two Coptee Recsivro SEP. '^P 1902 Cryamtmr EHTHV Ct.ASS'^ XXa No. 3) ? T ? ^ COPY 8. REPORT OF CONDITION dbe Commercial and jfarmcrs Banb^ OF RALEIGH, N. C. At Close of Business April 30, 1902. RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts «398,599.46 Overdrafts 3,627.23 North Carolina 4 per cent Bonds 30,000.00 Banking House and Fixtures 18,702.48 Other Real Estate 13,958.31 Cash Due from Banks 90,084.02 Cash Items and Checks _„ 3,816.93 Cash on hand - 43,128.63 $601,917.06 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in '..-_-_$100,000.00 Surplus B^ind — - 25,000.00 Net Profits 2.5,202..33 DEPOSITS: Individual Deposits ?431,940.44 Bank Deposits 18,751.46 Cashiers' Checks 1,022.53 $4.51,714.73 S601.917.06 .1. .1. THOMAS, President. B. S. JERMAN, Cashier. A. A. THOMPSON, Vice-President. H. W. JACKSON, Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS. .1. J. THOMAS, President. ALF. A. THOMPSON, ol' .lohnson & Thompson. Cotton E.xporter.s. CAREY J. HUNTKIt, Siipt. Union Central Life Insurance Co. • R.«B.i..<3f 'J'hos. H. Rriggs & Sons, Hardware. MT|,>>»IJI.A' I*'. Hlhb.of J; R. Ferrall & Co., Grocers. .IAA.V: S*HF,Pllfcflf>, o'f Shepherd and Shepherd, Attorneys at Law. HENRY A. LONDON, Atlornev at Law, Pittsboro, N. C. .UNa*W»5=>5=> Our Prices are Right Call and See Us 10 E. MARTIN STREET JAMES I. JOHNSON, Opp. Postoffice, ?y RALEIGH, N. C. KEEPS A FIRST-CLASS PHARMACY IN EVERY RESPECT SFF-.CIAL ATTKJN^TIOIN" TO AIAII. ORI^J^RS. ALSO MANUFACTURER. AND PROPRIETOR OK A]SrTICEJ^HAT.ATXxI^E THE WONDERFUL HI5ADACHE AND NEURALGIA CURE. 25 and 50c. a bottle. FORMATION OF WAKE COUNTY. 1 "As he is a bad man who is ashamed of an honest parentage be- cause it was poor and liumble, so he is no better who is ashamed of his country because its history records few or none of the bloody triumphs of ambition, but tells the simple story of a people's unob- trusive progress in civilization and homely comfort.", — Dr. Francis L. Hawks, North Carolina's famous historian. The county of Wake, in which the capital of North Carolina is situate, was formed in 1771, from portions of Cumberland, Orange and Johnston — chiefly from the latter. The act of the Colonial Assembly author- izing the establishment of the new county was ratified in 1770, but was not to take effect, however, until March 12, 1771. The first term of court began June 4th of that year. The first sheriff was Michael Rogers, grandfather of the late Mrs. Dr. F. J. Haywood. The first sheriff after the organization of the city of Raleigh (1792) was Richard Banks. "act for the erection of wake county and ST. MAR- GARET'S PARISH. "Whereas, the large extent of said counties of John- ston, Cumberland and Orange renders it grievous and burthensome to many of the inhabitants thereof to attend the courts, general musters, and other public meetings therein : "Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assem- bly, and by the authority of the same, that from and after the twelfth day of March next after the passing of this act, the said counties of Johnston, Cumberland and Orange be divided by the following lines, that is to say, beginning at Edgecombe line on Mocosin Swamp, 12 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. W. e. THOMAS prescription 2)ruoi3i8t 2145 Halifax Street, RALEIGH, N. C. A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF ^resb 2)rufls and goilet articles CARRIED IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES. Prescription Department IS THE OBJECT OF OUR SPECIAL CAPE. DAY OR NIGHT. .^.^.^Mail Orders Receive^ Prompt Attention.^^^* HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 13 a mile above James Lea's Plantation, running a di- rect line to Neuse River, at the upper end of John Bedding-field's Plantation ; then to David Mimm's mill and Tanner's old mill, then the same course continued to the ridge which divides Cumberland and Johnston counties; then a straight line to Orange line, at the lower end of Richard Hill's plantation, on Buckhorn ; then the same course continued five miles ; then to the corner of Johnston County on Granville line; then with the same line and Bute line to Edgecombe line, and along Edgecombe line to the beginning ; be thence- forth erected into a distinct county and parish by the name of Wake County and St. Margaret's Parish." This act was ratified January 26, 1771, by the Gen- eral Assembly, which sat that year in New Bern. A copy of the charter of the county may be found recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court. It is signed by Wm. Tryon, the Colonial Gov- ernor, and executed at New Bern the 22d dav of May, 1771. The following is a literal copy of the order directing its registration : Wake Sepr Inferior Term, 1771. Wake County — Present His Majesty's Justices. 'Twas then Or- dered, that the within Charter of Wake County be Recorded, which was done accordingly this twelfth Dav of Sepr., 1771, in Book A and pages 4, 5 and G. Test : JNO. RICE C. I. C. The county was named for Royal Governor Tryon's wife, whose maiden name was Wake, though some au- thorities claim it was so designated in honor of Esther Wake, a sister of Ladv Trvon. 14 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. JAS. BOYLAN J. B. PEARCE C. McKIMMON \!| BOYLAN. PEARCE I CO. I i 206AND208 ik FAYETTEVILLE STREET, 71' RALEIGH, N. C. >J Always the Latest Styles at Lowest PricesSaj&j&. M) \f Send for Samplesjigij&Ji-.'&Ji.j&.j&j&j&j&.j&.j&jg i.JijiS.ji&.Ji. Wj S^. .# SI, .ocP' 3 p SI/ HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 15 The county seat of Wake was originally Blooms- bury. This name was adopted evidently because such was the title of the homestead of Col. Joel Lane, who was the owner of vast estates in this vicinity. Blooms- bury was situated at what is at present the western terminus of Hargett street, on Boylan Avenue, and embraced the lands now owned by the Boylan and Snow families. Wheji the county was organized, and Bloomsbury became the county seat, a court-house was accordingly erected. This was a log building, which stood on the hillside in front of Col. Lane's residence. Subsequently, and until 1792, the county seat was known as Wake Court House. The residence of Joel Lane is still standing on Boy- lan avenue, near West Hargett street, facing east. It has been the property of the Boylan family since it was purchased by Wm. Boylan, nearly a century ago. Except the double-slanting roof and dormer windows, there is now nothing in its exterior to indicate its co- lonial origin, for the building has had many material repairs, especially' on the interior. The fireplaces, originally, were evidentl}- extremely large, as may be judged from the base of the chimneys, one of which is built at the end and on the outside of the house, and suggests that the pieces or "sticks" of wood used for fuel were at least five feet in length. One of the mantels is colonial in style, being five or six feet above the hearth, while the locks on the doors are of antique pattern and of great strength. At this season (mid- summer) the building and its environments — situated as they are in the background of a beautiful lawn, arched above with the thick foliage of towering oaks, with here and there a magnolia, roses and other shrub- bery' — present a most picturesque scene. In an open field, about thirty-five feet south of Mor- gan street and near Boylan avenue on the east, under ir> HISTORICAL RALEIGH. i BiGS I mi RALEIGH, N. C. HARDWARE Lime Cement Plaster Sash Doors Blinds Guns Loaded Shells Gypsine, Jap-a-Lac Lava Floor Paint Stains Enamels P. C. Paint White Lead Oils Best Goodss.Lou}est Pricess^Square Dealing HISTORICAL KALKKill. 17 18 HISTUKICAL RALEIGH. fjOHN S. PESCUD," I Ipbarmaciet, I NO. 12 W. HARGETT STREET. I EVERYTHING FRESH IN MEDICINE AND OF SIIINDIIRD QOflLIIY. OOP ER BROS., NORTH CAROLINA iiiiliiiiiiiiiili) idliiiiiiiiiiiii iilii liiii.iMiiliii iilii [liiiiiiiiiiiliiiiii .iiili iiliiiii,.)[iiiiii,iiiiiliiii,iiiijliii.iiiiiiliiii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiliih.iiiiiiii.i,4iii|||| HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 21 This was at the residence of Mr. Mordecai, on the northern limits of the city, to which were invited every one of consequence hereabouts and all the kins- people of the Lanes and Mordecais far and near. It is said to have been the most brilliant and elaborate affair ever known in the histor^^ of the capital. Among others present, and who were descendants of Joel Lane, were members of the following families: Devereuxs, McCuUers (John Joseph Lane McCuUers, father of Mr. Chas. E. and Dr. Joseph McCuUers), the late Col. L. D. Stephenson, Matthew Stephenson, Aus- tin Jones, and a great many others whose names are not now recalled. The living descendants, now in this vicinity, of Henry Lane, are Mrs. Margaret L. Little and five sons ; Miss Martha Mordecai, Mrs. Mary W. Turk and two children ; Mrs. Ellen Mordecai, her son S. F. Mordecai and his eight children; Mrs. Margaret Devereux and daughters — Mrs. J. J. Mackay and five children, Mrs. J. W. Hinsdale and five children, and Misses Annie and Laura Devereux. Capt. J. J. Thomas, Dr. D. E. Everett, Joseph G. and Jno. W. Brown are also descendants of Col. Lane. The late W. H. Holleman was Col. Lane's great- grandson. Mrs. Margaret E. Rowland, of Middle Creek Township, and mother of J. T. and Eev. Chas. H. Rowland, is also lineally descended from Col. Lane, whose son James was Mrs. Rowland's great-grandfa- ther. Mrs. Lydia Brown, mother of Messrs. Jno. W. and Joseph G. Brown, was a granddaughter of James Lane. Mrs. Phil. Thiem, her sons and daughters — one of the latter being Mrs. Walter Woollcott; Mrs. John Bedford; Miss Janie Brown; ^Irs. Richard Young, her sons and daughter; tlie children of the late Nat. 22 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. BOBBITT-WYNNE DRUG CO., (INCORPORATED ) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS. Dealers in All kinds of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Sundries and Seeds. ©ur prescription Department ie Complete, We are Lieutenants to your Physician. We obey his Orders Implicitly. Remember this is the only drug Store THAT NEVER CLOSES. You can find us wide open night and day, and that necessarily makes us carry everything fit to smoke. ALL PHONES 109. Corner Fayetteville and South Market Streets, RALEIGH, N. C HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 23 L. Brown, aiid Mrs. W. M. Browu, her sons and daughters — are also descendants (through their mother and grandmother, the late Mrs. Lydia Brown), of James Lane. Other descendants of the historic Lanes are Messrs. Thomas J. Stephenson and his brothers, David, James M., Lonnie D., Jr., Nathaniel R., Ralph Lane, and sis- ters, Sallie E. and Julia V. Stephenson — sons and daughters of the late Col. L. D. Stephenson — all of Middle Creek Township, this county. Mr. Chas. E. McCullers, of Raleigh, has in his pos- session a powder-horn and mahogany walking-cane, with the name of "Joseph Lane" carved on each, the lettering being still quite distinct. The following are the names of some of the inhabi- tants of Wake as far back as the Revolution, and as these names are borne by many families still living here, the latter are doubtless the descendants of these original residents : Aycock, Bunch, Atkins, Blake, Seagraves, Yates, Yarborough, Barbee, Barker, Bel- vin, Chavis, Whitehead, Whitley, W^oodard, Utley, Terrell, Dunn, Earp, Ferrall, High, Hinton, Savage, Taylor, Strickland, Hood, Joyner, Lane, Martin, Pool, Rigsby, Speight, Rand, Tate, Tucker, Walton, Bryan, Ashley, Powell, Phillips, Peebles, Bledsoe, Banks, Col- lins, Pope, Pullen, Mooneyham, Holleman, Horton, Hutchiugs, Heartsfield, Hayes, Cole, Chappell, Cooper, Ellis, Dodd, Edwards, Goodwin, and of course a great many otliers. "No other community in the United States," said Capt. S. A. Ashe, in his Memorial Address, on the 10th of May last, "is so completely and thoroughly the development of local influences as are the people of North Carolina. Since the Revolution we have had no considerable accessions of population from abroad. Our people to-day are descendants of the 24 HISTOIUCAL RALEIGH. DOBBIN & FERRALL. AT TUCKER'S STORE 123 and I2S Fayctteutlle street Dr^ Goods of all Kinds and Kindred Wans, Raleigh's ^preseniative Dry Goods Store* We always have in stock what 3-011 want and what you can not find elsewhere, and w-e always sell better ofoods at lower prices than any other store. Since we started in business ours has been the leading Dr\- Goods House of Raleigh, but not content with merely a local trade, we began, years ago, a policy of ex- pansion that should place us side by side with the greatest department stores in the country. Our growth, though very rapid, has been along conservative lines, and oiir store is now not only the recognized trade center of all the territorN^ adjacent to Raleigh, but likewise of all North Carolina. Our success is founded upon the principle of straigh forward dealing and exact truthfulness in stating the merits of the goods offered, and always .selling the best goods at the lowest prices. :: :: :: :: DOBBIN & FERRALL. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 25 men and women who came here when our woods were unbroken forests, who first cleared these fields, estab- lished their homes in the wilderness a,nd subdued these native wilds to the use of man. Their past then is our past. As we constitute North Carolina to-daj, our forbears constituted it in their time and genera- tion; and we are but the natural growth developed under the influences that surrounded them." SITTINGS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Without attempting to give the reader any account of the sittings of the General Assembly — whether Royal or Proprietary — in ante-revolutionary times, his attention is directed to the sessions of this body during the Revolution. These were affected to a con- siderable extent by the exigencies of war. Those in 1777 and the first session of 1778, as well as the first of 1780, were held in New Bern. The second session of 1778, the second of 1780, and those of 1782 and 1783 were at Hillsboro. The third session of the Gen- eral Assembly of 1778, which met in January, 1779, was at Halifax, as was likewise the second session of 1779. The first of 1779 was at Smithfield. The first of 1781 was in Wake County, at the Lane homestead. One was appointed for Salem, but a quorum did not attend. After the Declaration of Peace, the sessions of 1784 were, the first at Hillsboro, and the second at New Bern, as was also that of 1785. That of 1787 was at Tarboro. Those of 178G, 1788, 1789, 1790 and the first session of 1793 were at Fayetteville. Those of 1791, 1792, and the second session of 1793, held in June, 1794, were in New Bern. 26 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. Booksellers and Stationers « « RALEIGH. AN. C. Cargest and Oldest Book and Stationery Store in tl>e State f& « «: founded in 1867 /^UR personal attention given all orders for any and everj^thing in our line of business. Our policy of promptness, ac- curacy and reasonable prices have won us custom- ers in all parts of the United States. Your orders are solicited. :: :: I ALFRED WIUUIAMS & COMPANY f HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 27 LOCATION OF A PERMANENT CAPITAL. The General Assembly of 1787, sitting at Tarboro, in providing for calling a convention to consider the adoption of the Constitution of the United States, re- commended the people of the State to "fix on the place for the unalterable seat of government." The Convention, which met at Hillsboro in 1788, resolved that "this Convention will not fix the seat of government at one particular point, but that it shall be left to the discretion of the Assembl^^ to ascertain the exact spot, provided always, that it shall be within ten miles of the plantation whereon Isaac Hunter now resides, in the county of Wake." In 1791 an act was passed by the General Assembly to carry the ordinance of 1788 into effect. It was provided that nine commissioners be appointed to lay off and locate the city within ten miles of the planta- tion of Isaac Hunter, in the county of Wake, and five persons "to cause to be built and erected a Statehouse sufiioiently large to accommodate with convenience both Houses of the General Assembly, at an expense not to exceed ten thousand pounds." This historic tract of Isaac Hunter lies about three and a half miles north of our city, on what was once the great road from the North to the South by way of Petersburg, Warrenton, Louisburg, Wake Court House to Fayetteville, Charleston and other points. This act provided for one commissioner from each of the eight Judicial Districts, and a ninth from the State-at-large. The following were elected : For the Morgan District, Joseph McDowell, the elder; Salis- bury District, James Martin; Hillsboro District, Thomas Person; Halifax District, Thomas Blount; Edenton District, William Johnston Dawson ; New 28 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. ♦ ♦ Cbe People's Popular, Pusbing, Progressive Photographer ♦♦ **nof bow Cbeap, but bow Good and Up=to=Date/' i& « l^emember It Pays to 6et the Best HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 29 Bern District, Frederick Hargett; Fayetteville Dis- trict, Henry William Harrington; Wilmington Dis- trict, James Bloodworth ; State-at-large, Willie Jones. Willie Jones, of Halifax, was the leader of the anti- Federalists, a member of the Provincial Congress at New Bern in 1774, and chairman of the Committee on Safety in 1776. He refused to accept a seat in the Constitutional Convention of 1787 at Philadelphia, and led the party in the State Convention of 1788 op- posed to the adoption of the Federal Constitution. He eventually removed to Wake County, and bought the plantation now owned in part by the St. Augus- tine Normal School. It was on this place he was buried, but there is now no stone to mark the spot. Frederick Hargett was for many years Senator from Jones. James Martin was a colonel of militia in the Revo- lution, and participated in winning the victory of Moore's Creek Bridge and Guilford Court House. The deed from Joel Lane for the land purchased for the capital was to James Martin in trust for the State. Thomas Blount, of Edgecombe, had been a Revolu- tionary officer. He was the same year elected to the National House of Representatives, and afterwards represented Edgecombe in the State Senate. Thomas Person, of Granville, was a general of mi- litia in the early Revolution, and afterwards repre- sented his county in the General Assembly. He was a benefactor of the University, and in his honor the county of Person was named. James Bloodworth, of New Hanover, had often rep- resented his county in the General Assembly. He was a son of Timothy Bloodworth, a gunmaker, and was afterwards Speaker of the House of Commons, a delegate from North Carolina to the Confederate Con- 30 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. ZACHARY MANTEL CO, SUCCESSORS TO n HEADQUARTERS FOR liardwood IllaiitelSt Ciles and Grates If you are in need of anything in our line, we shall be glad to figure on your requirement.s. Just think, A Nice Cabinet Mantel, Plain Oak, Polish Finish, for $8.50, with Mirror 14x24. ZACHARY MANTEL CO.. 108 W. MARTm ST., RALEIGH, N. C. HISTORICAL UALEIGH. 31 gress, a representative in the Congress of the Union, and a United States Senator. Col. Joseph McDowell, the elder, of Burke, was dis- tinguished for his services in the Revolution, and for being a leader of the Anti-Federalist party in the west, opposing, in the Conventions of 1778 and 1789, the proposed immediate and unconditional ratifica- tion of the Federal Constitution. William Johnston Dawson, of Chowan, w^as a mem- ber of Congress and a man of great influence in the Albemarle country. Henr}^ William Harrington, of Richmond, was an oflflcer in the Revolutionary struggle. He was a mem- ber of the Legislature and famed as a planter of immense estates and baronial style of living. The following were chosen as the Building Commit- tee Richard Benehan, of Orange; John Macon, of Warren ; Robert Goodloe, of Franklin ; Nathan Bryan, of Jones, and Theophilus Hunter, of Wake. Jas. Iredell, of Chowan, who was a member of the Convention, introduced the ordinance locating the seat of government in the county of Wake. The first to suggest "Raleigh'' as the appropriate designation for the future capital was Governor Alexander Martin. Jas. Iredell afterwards had the distinction of being honored with a seat on the bench of the United States Supreme Court, and is to be distinguished from Jas. Iredell, his son, who was Governor in 1827, and at the time of his death, at an advanced age, a resident of Raleigh. The location of the county seat was entrusted to seven commissioners, also appointed by the General Assembly, viz : Joel Lane, Theophilus Hunter, Hardy Sanders, Joseph Lane, John Hinton, Thomas Hines and Thomas Crawford. The commissioners for build- 32 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. Suits $25 to $75 Trousers $8 to $15 High Class Tailoring Fayetteville Street HISTORICAL RALEIGH, 33 ing the court-house and jail were Joel Lane, James Martin and Theophilus Hunter. As the first court-house in Raleigh was not erected till about 1800 (and that on Fayetteville street, where the present temple of justice stands), the building at Bloomsbury, or Wake Court House, erected for a court-house in 1770, continued, it seems, to be used as such for several years after the city was organized. The new court-house was on the Fayetteville street site — rectangular, of wood, of the shape of the old- fashioned country meeting-house. This was sold about 1835, and removed bodily to the southeast cor- ner of Wilmington and Davie streets, and was for a long time a family residence. It was afterwards con- ducted — first, as a boarding-house, by the Misses Pul- liam, and then as a hotel by Geo. T. Cooke, and known as Cooke's Hotel. The structure which re- placed the one removed was of brick, and erected in 1835. This was remodeled in 1882, and constitutes the present court-house. Reverting to the commissioners and to their duty in planning the city, in addition to their authority to select the site within the ten-mile limit, they were directed to purchase not less than six hundred and forty nor more than one thousand acres, and to lay off a town of not less than four hundred acres. The main streets were required to be ninety-nine feet, the remainder sixty-six feet wide. Twenty acres or more were to be allotted for public squares. The commissioners were to be allowed twenty shil- lings (or two dollars) per day and expenses. On Tuesday, the 20th March, 1792, there assembled at the house of Isaac Hunter five of the nine commis- sioners, viz., Frederick Hargett, of Jones; William Johnson Dawson, of Chowan; Joseph McDowell, of Burke; James Martin, of Stokes; Thomas Blount, of 34 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. ^*^^. I ROBERT SIMPSON,'* fXS CORNER HILLSBORO AND SALISBURY STREETS, \f/ ^iS RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA ^1 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA t /|\ A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT ^1/ f lperfmne8» C oHet Brtkles, etc« J /|S Also Wm. Simpson's Popular Remedies — w I /fe Catarrh Cream ^{^ llfvcr ipills, etc. ^j^ f w «/ HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 35 Edgecombe. They did not organize, but adjourned at once to the house of Joel Lane, at Wake Court House. On the next day they began their work by viewing the lands which had been offered to them as suitable sites. On the 22d they were joined by Willie Jones, of Halifax. The tracts offered to the commissioners, and which they were eight days riding over, not stopping for Sunday, were those of the following-named owners: Nathaniel Jones, Theophilus Hunter, Sr. ; Theophilus Hunter, Jr. ; Joel Lane, Henry Lane, Isaac Hunter, Thomas Crawford, Dempsey Powell, Ethelred Rogers, Michael Rogers, Hardy Dean, John Ezell, John Hin- ton, Kimbrough Hinton, Lovett Bryan, and William Jeffreys. On the 27th of March, the commissioners took a sec- ond view of the lands of Joel and Henry Lane. On Thursday, the 20th of March, the commissioners proceeded to organize themselves into a board, choos- ing unanimously as chairman Frederick Hargett. They then proceeded to ballot for the place most proper to be purchased. Only three obtained any vote. John Hinton's tract on the north side of the Neuse, near ]\Iilburnie, received three votes; Joel Lane's tract at Wake Court House received two votes ; and Nathaniel Jones' tract, near Cary, received one vote. 80 there wns no choice. On Friday, March 30, a second ballot was taken, with the result that Joel Lane's tract at Wake Court House received five votes and the Hinton land but one vote. The quantity purchased was the maximum allowed by the law, one thous.uid acres. The price was thirty shillings, or |3, for the "woodland and fresh grounds," and twenty shillings per acre (|2) for the old-field. One-fourth of the tract, after being cleared and culti- vated, was abandoned because exhausted, and rated at 36 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. Mechanics a nb Tfnvestors lanion A MORTGAGE INVESTMENT COMPANY CHARTERED MAY, 1893 «.««**« Operated and Managed by JOHN C. DREWRY, President. J. S. WYNNE, V.-President. B. S. JERMAN, Treasurer. GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary J. N. HOLDING, Attornej'. C. G. LATTA and W. S. PRIMROSE, Directors The object of the Company is to provide a plan by which wage- earners and others can make monthly saving deposits, that will be available at any time, if needed, and which, at certain dates, will be returned with profits. The second object is to furnish the money by which families can be aided in owning homes, on the monthly payment plan. This Company has had fine success, and during the past eight years, it has aided more than four hundred men and women to save and invest Seventy-five Thousand Dollars, of which amount about Twenty Thousand Dollars has been advanced to the Certificate holders to aid them in times of financial difficulty. The Company has aided about Two Hundred families to own their homes, giving them one hundred months in which to repay the loan. The Company issues two kinds of Certificates. One Certificate requires the monthly payment, or deposit, of Eighty Cents for each One Hundred Dollars named in the Certificate, for a period of one hundred months. This is the Wage-earners Savings Bank Certificate. The other is a Full Paid Investment Certificate of |ioo, to which is attached twenty coupons, payable in June and December. This Cer- tificate is sold for I90 cash, and furnishes a si.N; per cent investment, free of tax, which is paid by the Company. All Certificates are fully secured by First Mortgage on Residence Property, and form one of the safest investments. GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary, 22 Pullen Building, Raleigh, N. C. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 37 only two-thirds the value of land covered by the origi- nal forest growth. The price of the whole was £1,378, or |2,756 — £1 at that time being the equivalent of but |2, instead of |5, as now. The surveyor employed was William Christmas, State Senator from Franklin County, who agreed to accept in full compensation for his services, including six copies of the plan of the city, four shillings, or forty cents currency, for each lot. As there were 276 lots, his pay amounted to |110.40. PLAN OF TME CITY. The work of the survey occupied four days. The plan was adopted on the 4th of April, 1792, the com- missioners assigning names to the public squares and streets. They gave the name Union to the Capitol Square, which is nearly six acres in extent. Four other squares, of four acres each, they called in honor of the first three Governors of our State under the Constitution of 177G, and of the Attorney-General, viz. : Governor Caswell, Nash, Burke, and Attorney- General Moore. Caswell Square is the site of the In- stitution for the Blind; Nash is opposite the Union Depot, on the east; Burke, the site of the Governor's Mansion ; Moore is in the southeastern portion of the city, and bounded by Wilmington, Martin, Hargett and Person streets. In naming the streets, the commissioners first hon- ored the eight judicial districts into which the State was divided, viz. : Those of Edenton, New Bern, Wil- mington, Hillsboro, Halifax, Salisbury, Fayette- ville and ]\f organ. The street leading from the centre of Union Square, perpendicularly thereto toward the north, was called Halifax street; that to the east New 38 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. jiliiMuIiuiuAiii. Up = to = Date Undertakers and Cmbalttiers ^ CO., RALEIGH, N. C. HISTORICAL KALKUai. 43 The plan was not, however, a perfect rectangle. Be- tween Lane and North streets, at the northeast and northwest corners, were left out three lots of one acre each, and between Lenoir and South streets, at the southeast and southwest corners, were left out three lots of one acre each, or a total of twelve acres. There were, therefore, onl}' ten lots fronting on North and ten fronting on South street. All the public squares are four acres each, except Union, which is about six acres. All the private squares are four acres each, except those along Hills- boro street and New Bern Avenue on both sides, those along Halifax and Fayetteville streets on both sides, and those along North, East, South and West streets (within the original corporate limits), which are not, mathematically speaking, squares, but rectangles of two acres each. The acres as laid out by surveyor Christmas were each 208 2-3 feet square ( the true acre), but the conventional acre of 210 feet square has been adopted practically. This departure and the variation of the compass since have caused consider- able confusion in the boundaries of lots and streets. The city, as thus laid off, contained 400 acres, ar- ranged in five squares of four acres each, and 270 lots of one acre each. Joel Lane deserved the honor of having a street named after him, not only because he was the owner of the site, but because of his military services as colo- nel of militia, and his representing the county of Wake in the Colonial Assemblies, the State Con- gresses and the State Senate, and whose ancestors had been useful citizens in the Albemarle countrs' and then in Halifax. The grandsons of his brother Jesse Lane became eminent in distant States. General Jo seph Lane was Federal Senator from Oregon, and can- didate for the Vice-Presidency on the Breckinridge 44 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. I I lohn C. Dretoru, I i RALEIGH, N. C. s» ...State Hpent... 7T% t 1 The Best, Largest and Strongest Life and * Fire Insurance Companies Represented. .\5aSi.5a v HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 45 ticket; George W. Lane was District Judge of the United States for Alabama. Joel Lane's de- scendants, through his son Henry — two of whose daughters married the eminent lawyer, Moses Morde- cai — are still among us. One of these is Samuel P. Mordecai, Esq., of tha Raleigh Bar, who properly ranks with the ablest lawyers in the State. The plan of the city thus laid out and adopted by tlie General Assembly continued unchanged for over sixty years. The area was one square mile, but by the acts of the General Assembly of 1856-'57, the corpor- ate limits were extended one-fourth of a mile each way. Within this new part other streets have been opened : In the eastern part Swain street, after Da- vid L. Swain, who held the posts of legislator. Solici- tor, Judge, Governor, and President of the Univer- sity; Linden Avenue, a fancy name; Watson, Hay- Avood and Elm streets; Oakwood Avenue. West of the capitol, Boylan AA'enue, after William Boy- Ian; Saunders street, after Bomulus M. Saunders, long a public servant as member of our General As- sembly' and of Congress, Judge, and Minister to Spain. North of the capitol are Peace street, after William Peace, a leading merchant for many years, and after whom Peace Institute is named ; Betts street; Johnson street, after Albert Johnson, connected with the Ra- leigh and Gaston Railroad from its completion to a few years ago as superintendent of shops and superin- tendent of the road; Polk street, after Gol. William Polk; and Tucker street. South of the capitol are Smithfield street, after the town of Smithfield; Can- non street, after Robert Cannon, once a leading citi- zen and owner of the land through which it runs; Bat- tle street, after Hon. Kemp P. Battle, Professor of History, University of North Carolina; Manly street, after Charles Manly, Governor, and for many years 46 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. Ullllmi llJIiiMirllillimllMl llIlliiiiljiLlI ijl lllll ill: ill llli blniMllllllmillilliiiillllyiMillllllllim JOLLY & WYNNE JEWELRY CO. 128 FAYETTEVILLE STREET lewelers and (Opticians Fine lUatcb and Jewelry Repairing If there is anything the matter with your eyes or your glasses, let us make them right. No charge for examination. :; :: :: :: :: Jolly & Wynne J euielry Co. i ii i inf ii ' iii lf i""ipi' i in n i ip i i i i ii ii|p i i iiii f| iiiiii |fp i ii iii !f iiMi !f i fi imi;piiiiiyiiiii piiiii| ||i i i iiiii i| pii i iii ||p iimi| |; iiM i ii l| |i i i i i iipi i i iii i| HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 47 identified with the University as its Secretary and Treasurer ; Fowle street, after our distinguislied Gov- ernor, whose sudden death was such a shocl^: to our State; Blake street, after the late John C. Blake; Pugh street, after John Pugh Haywood ; Worth, Hun- ter, Jenkins, Railroad, McKee, Canister and Grape streets. FIRST SALE OF LOTS. The same commissioners who located the city made the first sale of lots, one acre each. The square on which Dr. Hogg lives, bought by General Davie, brought |254 — the two lots fronting on Wilmington street, |60 each ; the two others on Blount street |66 and |68 respectively. The lot (No. 211) on Avhich the Supreme Court and Agricultural Buildings are situ- ate brought |263. At this sale. Treasurer John Hay- wood — grandfather of Mr. Ernest Haywood — pur- chased the site on which the latter now resides (on New Bern Avenue), and in 1793 erected thereon the house Avhicli has been the residence of the Haywood family to this day. Raleigh is situated about the centre of the State, and is in latitude 35 degrees 47 minutes north, longi- tude 78 degrees 48 minutes west, a little to the north- east of the geographical centre of the State. It is lo- cated in a gently-rolling region of the oldest Lauren- tian system. Average temperature: Spring, 58.7; summer, 77.6 ; autumn, 61.0 ; winter, 43.2 — comparing favorably ' with Los Angeles, ^lexico, Naples and Rome. During the Civil War it was designated by a board of euiiiient surgeons, appointed to select sites for hospitals, as one of the several sites in the State most suitable for that purpose, because of its remark- able salubrious climate, combining as far as possible all influences conducive to eouvalescence of invalids 48 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. I^otcl Dorsett FAYETTEVILLE STREET 4 «| RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. CENTRALLY LOCATED «? NEWLY ,,- FURNISHED ,ir The best Two Dollar hotel in the State, Best table, best rooms, best service, and the most courteous consideration for guests and visitors. : : : : : : : : : : W. L. DORSETT 5. 5. 5^ 5^ Proprietor. W. W. NEWMAN 5. 5. 5. 5. Manager. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 49 and health of attendants. The fine old trees which were spared by the original settlers, but rapidly dis- appearing with city improvements, gave it the sobri- quet of the "City of Oaks." At the southeast corner of the Capitol Square it will be observed there are three large stones set in the earth, being about four feet apart, and all aparently three feet in height. Between two of these stones, and nearly level therewith, is another though smaller stone, into which is cut a cross mark, representing the points of the compass. The question is frequently asked concerning the significance of these stones and mark. The answer is found in the above reference to the longitude and latitude of the city. This was offi- cially determined many years ago under direction of the United States Geodetic Survey, and these stones were then erected to mark the spot from which the officials took their reckoning. The altitude of Raleigh is 3G3 feet, denoted by an in- scription on a small copper plate, set in the corner- stone of the capitol, on the north side of the building. This was authorized by the United States Geological Survey, which, through its Engineer, Mr. W. Carvel Hall, obtained permission from Governor Carr, in 1796, to make a permanent record of this fact in the manner above mentioned. THE FIRST STATEHOUSE. The proceeds of the sale of 1792 were used in build- ing the first Statehouse. The more ambitious term "capitol" was not adopted until 1832. In November, 1794, the General Assembly met in it for the first time. Richard Dobbs Spaight was then Governor. He was killed in a duel eight years thereafter by John Stanly. .■)() HISTORICAL RALEIGH. ESTABLISHED 1875 miif||piiniiipiiiii| Walter Woollcott RALEIGH NORTH CAROLINA The Oldest Dry Goods House in Raleigh We keep full stock Dry Goods, Shoes and Millinery. :: :: :: :: :: :: Out-of-town business receives prompt attention. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: J&. ^ Institutions furnished at Low Prices j& Ji J blniilllllllii:ii^l|iiii[liIllli,iillilllliiiiHji[liiKiill|iiinllll llI[)li,iiillillii,.iilil)li i ,.ilJll ilJlll IllllliNiiilll illllMMililllli.iiiiJll) llliiiiilil llilllmilllllliliil^ It icill gioe us I jl p ^' #;'■ pleasure to — r— fi_n_n--fi_ examine your j ^ drauDings and t to furnish ^^ terms. :: :: :: J. T. Jones Sheet Meted Works, RALEIGH, N. C. Slate. Tirv and Iron Roofers and Manufacturers of HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 51 The old Statehouse was smaller than the present structure, but the arrangement of the interior said to be about the same. The exterior was very plain. It was built of brick, made at the State brick-yards, which were situated on the northwest and southwest corners of Harrington and Hargett streets. These sites had been reserved for that purpose at the origi- nal sale of lots. It was intended that the Statehouse (as it was then called in the act of Assembly — a name taken from the United States of Holland) should front toward the east — "Orientalization" at that time being all the fashion. It was therefore built so as to look down New Bern Avenue in one direction, and Hillsboro street towards the west. This was continued when the present stone structure replaced the old. The same supposed necessity to front towards Jerusalem, says Dr. Kemp Rattle, prompted the eminent French engineer, with the assent of Washington and other great oflQcers, to plan the city of Washington with the capitol looking eastward. As there was no other public hall in the city, it is said the authorities were generous in opening the passages of the Statehouse below and halls above for Fourth of July dinners, theatrical performances, balls, and for religious services of all denominations. In 1819, five commissioners were appointed to sell all the public lands remaining unsold, except a tract not exceeding twenty acres, to be reserved for the rock quarry, and except the reserv^ations at the corners of the city. The "Mordecai Grove," as it was called for many years, northeast of the city limits, owing to the spirited competition between Moses Mordecai, the successful bidder, and Col. William Polk, brought the unheard of price of -f 100 per acre. The lots near the city on the east and southeast averaged about |50 per 52 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. Jot\i\ F^. bail Dealer irv f lirr\itUr^ ai\A. 1^0113^ f lin\i3l\ii\g No. 117 EAST IVIARTIN SXFiEEX. Cash and Installment House. M. BOWES A. T. KUESTER. y Repairing of Gas and Oil Motors Promptly Attended to. .%> 5u S=> .\ 5» 206 South Salisbury Street. RALEIGH. N. C. Globe Clothing House CORNER WILMINGTON STREET AND EXCHANGE PLACE OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSE, fine 1figady=ma(lc Mzn% youth's and Cbiidrcn's Ciotblnfi^ Sample and Unioti-madc Shoes a Specialty. ■■« Hats, Gent's Furnishings, etc., J. M. KOHN, alicays on hand. * 'proprietor. HISTORICAL UALEIGH. 53 acre. The proceeds of this sale were directed to be used in improving the Statehouse. The improvements were designed by and executed under the supervision of Capt. William Nichols (who had been recently appointed State Architect), and completed early in the summer of 1822, He was a skillful and experienced artist, and made the public greatly his debtor for decided impulse given to archi- tectural improvements throughout the State, in pri- vate as well as in public edifices. The construction of the dome, the erection of the east and west porti- coes, the additional elevation and covering of stucco given to the dingy exterior walls, the improvement of the interior, and especially the location of the statue of Washington, from the chisel of Tanova, di- rectly under the apex of the dome, converted the renovated capitol into a sightly and most attractive edifice. There were but few of the better class of travellers who did not pause on their passage through Kaleioh to behold and admire it. ERECTION OF THE GOVERNOR'S "PALACE." The main body of the six hundred acres of land, re- tained after the first sale, lay to the east of Raleigh. There were fragments lying to the south, west and north of the old corporate limits. For the purpose of providing better accommodations for the Governor, who liad occupied a plain residence of wood on the lot where the National Bank of Raleigh now stands, the General Assembly of 1813 ordered the sale of those portions described as (extending from Sugg's branch on the southeast of the city, all south around the Pal- ace lot and west to the extreme northwest of the city, comprising about one hundred and eighty-four acres. 54 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. r^art-War^ r\ar^War^ Qo. SUCCESSORS TO JULIUS LEWIS HARDWARE CO. Distributing Agents gj|^f g,||jj^p ^^^ ^^^ j||g(| gfj^p^ ^^^^^ p^|j^^^_ BEST ON EARTH. All-Right Cook Stoves, the same your mother used, better than ever. Your mouey back if goods not exactly as represented. EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. J. B. GREEN &> CO. Groceries, EAST HARGETT STREET, RALEIGH, N. C. Agents SOVEREIGN JAVA AND MOCHA COFFEE. THREE DRUGSTORES The OLDEST Drtig Store in Raleigh is KING'S, corner of Favetteville and Hargett Streets. The NEWEST r5rug Store in Raleigh is KING'S, near A. and M. College. The BIGGEST Drug Store in Raleigh is KING'S, corner Martin and Wilmington Streets. Take your choice. At either store you get prompt service, reasonable prices and "King Quality. " W. H. KING DRUG CO.. Raleigh, N. C HISTORICAL RALEIGH. OO The prices paid were low, for the reason that the War of 1812 was then raging. Eight acres at the foot of Fayetteville street were reserved for the Governor's residence. Other reservations were the Rex Spring, near the Raleigh and Gaston depot, the spring near the Governor's Mansion, and that near the Colored Deaf and Dumb Institution. At this sale, John Rex, the philanthropist, bought for |481 fifteen and a half acres of land in the south- west part of the city, afterwards devised by him, with other property, for a hospital for the sick and afflicted poor of the city. The proceeds of sale were devoted to the building, under the superintendence of one Talder, as architect, of the Governor's "Palace," at the foot of Fayetteville street, which was afterwards, in 1876, sold to the city of Raleigh, and the brick composing it used in the construction of tlie Centennial Graded School. Al- though outwardly plain and inwardly uncomfortable, it was considered grand on account of the magnitude of its halls and chambers, and was, therefore, in imita- tion of Tryon's residence, in New Bern, styled "The Palace." The first occupant was Governor William Miller, of Warren. Until 1794 the Chief Executive was not required to reside in Raleigh, but in that year the General Assem- bly required Ashe and future Governors to spend at least six months within its limits, exclusive of the time occupied by the General Assembly, and ordered that they should advertise the period of their sojourn in all the gazettes of the State. Four years later, in 1798, when Davie was Governor (doubtless with his approval, as he had purchased eligible Raleigh lots), an act was passed requiring the Governor to make the city of Raleigh his "place of common residence." Whenever he should leave his home for over ten davs 56 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. PATRONIZE Watson's Photograph Gallery Satisfactory Results. Special Efforts to Please Every Patron. W. C. McMACKIN, V. S., MEMBER OF THE NORTH CAROLINA VETERINARY AND MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, RALEIGH, N. C OFFICE AND HOSPITAL, J 10 SOUTH SALISBURY STREET. TELEPHONE 214D. O. G. KING, Pharmacist CORNER WILMINGTON AND HARGETT STREETS, Only the Purest Drugs DAT CI/^U XT /^ and Chemicals employed. K A L, t Hj rt , IN. v_,. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. O i he must give notice by advertisement in the gazettes, and his private secretary was required to keep the Executive office open during liis absence. BURNING OF ThiE STATEHOUSE. On the morning of a bright summer day, the 21st of June, 1831, the citizens rising from their breakfasts were startled with the cry of "Fire!" Volumes of smoke were seen issuing from the ventilators under the roof of the capitol. As the tire descended from the roof, where it had been kindled by the carelessness of a workman, there was ample time for saving most of the State papers, but all the acts of Assembly were destroyed. In the excitement, although there were numerous willing hands, their strength could not be organized for removing the ponderous Washington statue. It is said old citizens never forgot their hor- ror as they gazed on the beautiful marble, wliite hot and crumbling, among the forked tongues of flame, then shattered into fragments as the blazing timbers fell. Portions of the statue, including the body and some of the pedestal, are now preserved in the State Museum. This statue was of Carara marble, and was brought by water to Fayetteville, and thence by mule power to Ealeigh. It is said to have been escorted into the city in grand style by the "Ealeigh Blues," the first military company organized at the capital. The magnificent oil painting of George Washingtoii which now hangs on the eastern wall of the House of Representatives, was in the burning building, and the only valuable that was rescued from the flames. 5 58 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. EXCELLENT TASTE SHOWN IN THE SELECTION OF MEANS AN ATTRACTIVE HOME. There are hundreds of such homes in North Carolina which have been furnished b}' us. Such taste and discrimination does not neces- saril}' mean a large outlay of money, for we have Furniture designed after the time of Sir Walter Raleigh down to the most modern, at moderate as well as at high prices. It's the knowing Where to Buy! If you visit our store You Will Know ! Mail Orders promptly attended to. •Koyall & ffiorden jfurnlture Co., CJRNER WILMINGTON AND HARGETT STREETS, RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 59 The liaudsoine bronze statue of Washington, which stands at the south front of the capitol, was erected in 1857. Other monuments are the speaking bronze statue of Zebulon V. Vance, unveiled August 22, 1900, the cost of which was |7,000, and the Confederate Monument, erected in 1895, costing |28,000. From the time of the burning of the old till the erec- tion of a new capitol, the sessions of the General As- sembly were usually held in the Governor's "Palace." THE NEW CAPITOL. The narrow escape from losing the archives of the State, experienced in the burning of the first capitol, determined the leaders of public opinion to provide the present noble fire-proof structure of granite. There was formidable opposition to a liberal appro- priation. A convention was expected to be called in order to secure changes in the Constitution, and the effort to have the seat of government at another point was resumed. Tradition says that Haywood, at the junction of the Cape Fear and Haw, lacked only one vote to defeat Raleigh. The record does not support this, as the bill to appropriate |5(),000 for rebuilding on the old site passed by 73 to 60 in the House and 35 to 28 in the Senate. In considering the amount it should appropriate for rebuilding the capitol, the General Assembly at first thought 150,000 quite sufficient, and that was the amount appropriated. The commissioners having charge of the erection of the building, soon discovered this amount would barely pay for the completion of the foundation alone. They accordingly expended the entire sum, although apparently there was no warrant of law for so doing. HoAvever, the act granting the (io HISTORICAL RALEIGH. B. W. UPCHURCH'S MODERN CASH GROCERY THREE STORES IN ONE AND THE MOST ATTRACTIVE IN THE CITY HotbJng but tbc Best good$ B>atic!led. We invite you to call. ]\Iail Orders promptly filled. Ask for our weekly price list — the " HUSTLER." No. 15 E. Hargetx Street, KALEIGH, N. C. HISTORICAL UALKKJII. Gl appropriation was construed in favor of their action, and sufficient additional sums, amounting in the ag- gregate to $530,G84.15, appropriated to complete one of the most imposing edifices of the kind to be found anywhere, at that time at least, in the United States. Two architects were consulted — William Nichols (who repaired the old building in 1820) and Itliiel Town, of New York. The latter acted for a short while as the chief director, but soon his services were dispensed with and the work was left to W. S. Drum- mond. Col. Thomas Bragg, father of Governor Bragg, and David Baton, superintendents of different branches. Baton was the chief draughtsman. Of the skilled laborers emploved from time to time sonip sp^- tled in Raleigh, and their descendants are among our best citizens. William Stronach, father of Messrs. A. B., Frank, and the late Geo. T. and Wm. C. Stronach, was the contractor for the foundation. The late Batrick Mc- Gowan, at that time working at his trade as a stone- mason, was also engaged on the work. Silas Burns, ^A'ho for many years was the proprietor of the onlv foundry here, was later given tlie contract for con- structing the iron fence. This last was removed in 1898, and now encloses the old City Cemetery. Mr, Burns was the father of Mrr,. Jno. W. Cole, now living in the northern suburlis of Raleigh. The new building was completed in 1840. It is 160 feet in length from north to south, by 140 feet from east to west. The whole heiglit is 97 1-2 feet in the centre. The apex of pediment is 64 feet in height. The stylobate is 18 feet in lieight. The columns of the east and west porticoes are 5 feet 2 1-2 inches in diameter. An entablature, including blocking course, is continued around the building, 12 feet high. (>2 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. ^iiiiiilJillliiiiil UlliiMiililllniiiilllLiimnliil)iiMiillll)i lllLliiiiiiiJill lyllliiHiililllimiiUIlliiiiiilJllliiiiiiylDiMiiii ijlliiniiiillnniiiJlllii.iiiyll Ijliliimillliiiiiilfe. George N. Walters ► liflRIli iRfliWI TM No. 115 Fayctteoille Street, RALEIGH, N. C '"T"'T" T' T' T" T" f " TT"!-^'" T'" T'" T'" T' ' T H f' T " T ' " T '" i j ""f i "'i T|^ 31 YEARS IN THE SAME BUSINESS «| IN THE CITY OF RALEIGH «? EDWARDS (^ BROUGHTON Pnntets Binders | mm. Blank Book Itianufaetunrs 1 1 From the beginning doing flrsUclass work, witti special ^ attention to quick delivery and entire satisfaction. ^ fleg'-We are still on hand to serve all who may want any kind of printing or binding HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 63 The columns and entablature are Grecian Doric, and copied from the Temple of Minerva, commonly called the Parthenon, which was erected in Athens about 500 3^ears before Christ. An octagon tower sur- rounds the rotunda, which is ornamented with Gre- cian cornice, etc., and its dome is decorated at top with a similar ornament to that of the Choragic Mon- ument of Lysicrates, commonly called the Lanthorn of Demosthenes. Governor Swain, who was then Chief Magistrate, laid the corner-stone on July 4, 1833. Note. — In tlie preparation of some of thf^ forei^oing articles tlie author lias availed liiniself of the several vpry able aud interesting papers heretofore publisinMl from the pen of Hon. Kemp P. IrJattle, to whom he desires, in this manner, to return thanks for the per- mission granted. FIRST CITY GOVERNMENT. The first act for the government of the cit^- was passed February 7, 1795. The act did not vest the control of the city with its citizens. Seven ap- pointees of the General Assembl3% styled Commission- ers (the usualname for public agents appointed for special purposes) were vested with the government for three years. When their term was about to ex- pire in 1797, it was renewed. In 1801, there was a similar renewal, and three others were appointed "as additional and permanent Commissioners." Only in case of death, refusal or resignation could the citizens have a vote to fill the vacancy. Tliese Commissioners were vested with the right to make laws for the gov- ernment of the city, and also to choose an Intendant of Police, charged with the execution of the laws, and also a Treasurer, out of their number, to hold office for one year, and a Clerk to hold during good behav- 64 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. THAT TRADE-MARK ON EVERY BAG GUARANTEES SATISFACTORY RESULTS 15 BRANDS For all Crops. Soils and Conditions. WRITE us OR ASK YOUR DEALER FOR TESTIMONIALS SOLD EVERYWHERE PHOSPHATE AND FERTILIZER RA^LEIGH, ISr. C. IIISTOUU'AL KALKKJH. 65 ior. The Intendant held his office indefinitely, as did the Commissioners. None of these officers were re- quired to be residents of the city, and some of them are known not to have been such. Raleigh, therefore, for the first few years of its life was very far from be- ing free. No evil, however, resulted to the people from this long withholding of their freedom, because the Commissioners were men of wisdom and fairness. They were John Haywood, Dugald McKeethan, John Marshall, John Rogers, John Pain, James Mares and John Craven, who were properly the first City Fa- thers. Those added in 1797 were Joshua Sugg, Wil- liam Polk and Theophilus Hunter. John Rogers was a member of the Legislature from Wake, and was a non-resident. Joshua Sugg, William Polk and The- ophilus Hunter, though owners of lots in the corpor- ate limits, did not reside therein. John Haywood, who was elected by them "Intend- ant of Police," was the first chief executive officer. It was not until 1803, eleven years after the sale of lots, that, in the judgment of the General Assembly, the city was sufficiently populous to supply officers whose homes must be in the city limits. A regular charter was granted. The Commissioners, seven in number, as well as the Intendant of Police, were to be elected by freemen having the qualification of residence and of owning land within the city. Free negroes were included among the freemen. The name of Mayor was not adopted until 1856. The name Commissioners gave way to the word Alder- men in 1875. The Commissioners claimed the right to force the citizens to patrol the city at night, distributing them for the purpose into twenty classes of six each, one of the number being cax)tain. When the public mind was disturbed bv frantic terrors of insurrections 66 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. among the slaves, as it was during the alleged insur- rection headed by Frank Sumner in 1802, and the Nat Turner atrocities of 1831, there was no difficulty in procuring efficient action by this unpaid police. But in tranquil times the penalty of one dollar fine for non-attendance, authorized in 1814, became necessary. It was the fashion, however, to avoid the penalty by hiring substitutes, some men almost making a living by taking the places of sleep-loving principals. Slaves not on their owners' premises v/ere required to have Avritten "passes," as they were called, after a designa- ted early hour of the night, on the penalty of receiving a whipping for the lack thereof, and also of being locked up if their behavior led to suspicion or crime. The adventures of the night-watch and their morning report were a notable part of the gossip of the com- munity. There were no policemen or day watchmen at all, one man, called the constable, being regarded sufficient to keep order during the day. The city comprised but three wards until the Gen- eral Assembly of 1874-'75 divided it into five. This continued until 1895, when it was changed to four. The following have been the chief officers of th(i city, either as Intendants of Police, or Mayor, as the case may be : John Haywood, Wm. White, Wm. Hill, Dr. Calvin Jones, John Marshall, Jno. S. Kobeteau, Sterling Yancey, Joseph Gales, Weston R. Gales, Wm. C. Carrington, Thomas Loring, Wm. Dallas Haywood, Wm. H. Harrison, C. B. Root, Wesley Whitaker, Joseph W. Holden, John C Gorman, Jo- seph H. Separk, Basil C. Manly, W. H. Dpdd, Alf. A. Thompson, Thos. Badger, W. ^1. Russ. A. M. Powell is the present incumbent. John Haywood (father of the late Dr. E. Burke Haywood) was the only Intendant elected by the Commissioners. Tlie first Intendant to be elected, bv HISTOllICAL RALEIGH. 67 the people was Win. White, who was chosen to that office in 1803. He was born in 1762, died in 1811. Wm. Hill was the next incumbent, and was born in Siirrv County in 1773 ; he died in 1857. EARLY INhjABlTANTS. •'They who have no reverence and affection for the memory of their ancestors can make no just claim to tlie remembrance of. posterity." Among the most illustrious men of Raleigh's early history who honored it with their residence, and gave to the city and State the benefit of their wise counsel, and whose descendants are living among us now, were, Jas. F. Taylor, elected Attorney-General in 1825; Joseph Gales, founder of the Raleigh Register; Wm. Boylan, editor and publisher of the Minerva; Moses Mordecai, a distinguished lawyer, who died at the early age of twenty-nine years ; John H. Bryan, who represented this district in Congress in 1823; R. M. Saunders, a distinguished lawyer and statesman, who died in 1860 ; AYm. H. Haywood, elected United States Senator in 1842; Geo. E. Badger, Secretary of the Navy in 1842; Wm. Hill, Secretary of State; Maj. Chas. L. Hinton, and many others whose names are not now recalled. Joseph Gales became an inhabitant of Raleigh when the place was but seven years old. He came here in 1799 from Sheffield, England, and established the Raleigh Register, which was continuously published for more than sixty ycnirs. After the death of Joseph Gales the paper was published by his son Weston R., and later by a grandson, Seaton Gales. Joseph Gales was for many years State printer. He established the first paper-mill in this section, on Rocky Branch, thence removed to Crabtree Creek. In politics he 68 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. belonged to the dominant party, the Republican, and when that was disrupted in Jackson's time he be- came a Whig. Joseph Gales had the distinction of being the first to practice stenography in the United States, and was the first official stenographer to re- port the proceedings of Congress. He died in 1842, aged eighty years. The name of no man is more honorablj^ connected with Raleigh's early history than that of William Bo3'lan, who came here the same ,year as did Mr. Gales. Mr. Boylan was from New Jersey, coming to North Carolina in 1791, when he located at Fayetteville, Vvhere, with his uncle, Abraham Hodge, he published, in 1796, the Fayetteville Minerva. After his removal here in 1799, he continued the publication of the pa- per, which advocated Federalist principles. Mr. Boy- lan was often a Commissioner of the city, and was at one time President of the State Bank. He was an active promoter of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, and at one time its president. A man of the highest integrity, kind hearted and generous, his hand was always open to deserving charity. A large number of his descendants are living among us to-day. He was born in 1777 ; died 1861. It has been said that it was Mr, Boylan who intro- duced the cultivation of cotton in this county. How- ever that may be, in this connection the following, with reference to the cotton-gin and baling of cotton in this State may prove interesting: Eli Whitney, the inventor of the cotton-gin, "cotton- machine," or "saw-gin," as it was then called, passed through Raleigh early in 1802, on his way from Charleston, S. C. (where he had been a school teacher, and had invented the cotton-gin) to his home in Con- necticut. It seems that the art of baling cotton was then in its infancy, for it was said that "Mr. Whitney HISTORICAL RALEIGH. . 69 is in expectation of soon bringing forward an im- proved plan of packing cotton, which shall comprise an incredible quantity of cotton within a very narroAV compass, and thereby make the cotton much easier of transportation than at present." With reference to this cotton-gin, the General As- sembly, the same j-ear — after considering "that the cultivation of cotton is increasing in this State, and from the invention and use of the saw-gin, likely to become a valuable staple article of exportation" — en- acted that "the State of North Carolina do purchase from the said Miller and Whitney (the former being the owner of a one-half interest in the patent with Whitney, the inventor) the patent right to the mak- ing, using and vending the said new invention of a ma- chine for cleaning cotton from its seeds, commonly called a saw-gin, on the terms and conditions herein- after mentioned — that is to say, that there shall be laid and collected by the State of North Carolina, on each and every saw-gin which shall be used in this State, between the passing of this act and the first day of April next, a tax of two shillings and six pence upon every saw, or annular row of teeth, which such gin may contain, and a tax of two shillings and six pence for each and every saw, or annular row of teeth, which shall be used in said gins, in each and every year, for the term of five years thereafter." The amounts collected for the years 1802 and 1803, under the provisions of this act, were directed to be paid to said Whitney and Miller as the price of the patent right agreed upon between them and the State. The tax collected for the five years thereafter was, of course, appropriated by the State — for the encourage- ment, perhaps, of the cotton industry! How loug this continued to be the law must be left 70 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. to conjecture, as no record of any further legislation on the subject is found. One of the earlier "City Fathers" was William Polk, always called Col. William Polk, who built what was a grand residence in those days just out of the city limits, fronting Blount street. Later, in 1872, this house, after being owned by Hon. Kenneth Rayner for many years, was moved to one side to al- low for the extension of Blount street, and is some- times called the Park Place. William Peace was another of the earlier citizens. He and his brother Joseph, under the firm name of W. & J. Peace, opened a mercantile business on Fay- etteviJle street almost as soon as the city was founded, and so continued for many years. Because of his large contribution to the founding of Peace Institute, this widely and favorably known institution of learn- ing is named in honor of his memory. William Peck was also one of the early settlers, and conducted a store at the southeast corner of the Cap- itol Square. His son, Louis Peck, was his successor in business at the same stand. He died several years ago. John Rex, the founder of Rex Hospital, was one of the earlier citizens. He was said to be a grave, sedate, quiet, retiring, modest man, and accumulated a hand- some fortune, which he bequeathed to the endowment of the hospital here bearing his name. He died in 1839, aged seventy-four years. David Royster was also among the earlier residents, coming to Raleigh from Mecklenburg County, Va., in 1801. His business was that of a cabinet-maker, which he conducted for more than sixty years, on the cor- ner of Hargett and Blount streets. He was a man of sterling character, and held high in public esteem. His death occurred in 1865, when in his eightv-ninth HISTORICAL RALEIGH. TL year. Cue of his sons is ^Ir. David L. Royster (fa- ther of Mr. Vitruviiis Royster, the efflcient assistant in the Superior Court Clerk's office), who has been identified with Raleigh a lifetime, and at one period was a leading building contractor. In this city he has been a man of considerable influence. Miss Susie P. Iden, of Raleigh, an interesting and promising young writer of fiction, is a granddaughter of Mr. Royster. Another son of David Royster was the late Jas. D. Royster, a man of superior ability, also prominently identified, in his time, with the city and its interests. The older citizens remember him as a man upon whose judgment they could safely rely, and in matters of public interest his opinion was always valuable. He was the father of Dr. Wisconsin I. Royster, whose eminence as a physician, as well as a man of profound learning, is as wide as the State which delights to claim him as its worthy son, and the grandfather of Dr. Hubert Royster, who enjoys the enviable distinc- tion of being one of the most skillful surgeons and capable physicians ever in practice at the capital. The first numl)er of the Raleigh ^far made its ap- pearance in October, 1S08. Messrs. Jones and Hen- derson were the publishers. This journal, under the control of various managements, had a useful career for more than forty years. ^Ir. Wm. IM. Brown, now seventy-seven years of age, served liis apprenticeship in this office, which he entered in 1840. At this early period (1808) there were yet but few business houses. Thos. Rurch, John Scott, Robert Cannon, Robert Callum, and Wm. Shaw were the lead- ing merchants. The j^opulation Avas then less than one thousand. James McKee and Lewis & Muse opened business a year or two later. All the stores were then on Favetteville street and built of wood. 72 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. Tlie town continued, to jog along for a full decade, when it is found that John Stewart, James Coman, the Shaws, J. S. Kobeteau, J. D. Newsom, Alfred Jones, K. & W. Harrison, Eichard Smith, B. B. Smith, and S. Birdsall had joined the mercantile ranks. Among these was Ruffln Tucker, father of the late Major R. S. Tucker, who began life a clerk in the store of Southv Bond in 1815 at a salary of |25 per year. In 1818, in connection with his brother, Wm. C. Tucker, (who was a printer, and had worked for Col. Henderson, in the office of the Raleigh Star), he opened a store, with a cash capital of $125, in a frame building of moderate dimensions on the site of the store now so ably conducted by Messrs. Dobbin & Ferrall. In 1829 Wesley Whitaker was manufacturing pianos on East Ilargett street. W. C. & R. Tucker had dissolved co-partnership by mutual consent, and each brother was prosecuting a successful business on his own account. The first millinery store was then being conducted by ^ilrs. Andrews, while E. P. Guion, at the Guion Hotel, was advertising that he would ''accommodate boarders for |120 a year." Mrs. An- drews was the mo,thor of the late Ralph Andrews. John J. Briggs, father of the late Thos. H. Briggs, became identified with Raleigh in its early history, both industriallv and religiouslv. He was a leadinsr builder, and prominent as one of the founders of the Baptist church. Jacob Johnson should be remembered, too, for he was the trusted janitor of the Bank of the State, and conspicuous in the history of Raleigh because the father of a President of tlie United States — Andrew Johnson. John SteAvart is said to have been among the first iiierchanls in Raleigh. He married Hannah Paddi- HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 73 son, and many of their descendants are living among us now. Among these are Miss Susan Stewart, (the only surviving child), now seventy-five years of age; Miss Hannah Coley, Mrs. Walter Edwards, Mrs. W. H. Billings, and Messrs. Seymour and Chester Whit- ing, who are the grandchildren of John and Hannah Stewart. Hannah Paddison's mother, when a widow, married Peter Casso, the hotel keeper. When Presi- dent Johnson was born his father was an hostler at Casso's hotel, and Mrs. Casso gave the name of An- drew to the uew-born child. W. H. Williams, in 1812, kept an apothecary (as drug stores were then termed, after the custom in England), and advertised that he ^'solicits a continu- ance of public patronage, either in the common way of making an apothecary of one's stomach, or upon the new plan of no cure no pay," and adds, that "the hon- est, temperate and industrious poor would be granted favors if desired." Randolph Webb's apothecary was established about 1820, on the corner of Fayetteville and Hargett streets. Subsequently the proprietors were Alfred Williams and Dr. P. J. Haywood. During the con- tinuance of this firm, in 1830, Mr. J. Rufiiu Williams, then a youth of sixteen years, entered the store as clerk, continuing as such for several years, until 1840, when he became one of the proprietors with his brother and Dr. Haywood. This business had the longest existence of any firm ever established in Ra- leigh. Mr. Williams is still living, eighty-two years of age. He retired from business several years ago. The present proprietors are W. H, King & Co. J. J. Christophers, who was born in 1803, in his life- time was a man of much prominence and usefulness. He filled the office of City Clerk for a great number 6 74 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. of years, and at one time was the owner of an entire square of real estate in the eastern part of the city. He lived to be ninety-one years of age. Edmund B. Freeman, for thirty-seven years Clerk of the Supreme Court, was an early resident of the capital. He was a native of Massachusetts and born in 1796. His first wife was a sister of Albert Stith, & merchant of Raleigh in the forties. Mr. Freeman was a grandfather of our efficient and popular City Clerk, Mr. Ham Smith. Jacob Marling was another earl}^ resident. He had some local celebrity as a portrait and landscape painter. A specimen of his work is now in the State Library, loaned for exhibition by Dr. F. J. Haywood. It is a representation of the capitol as it Avas previous to its destruction by fire in 1831. The Haywood resi- dence at the head of Fayetteville street is also repre- sented in the picture. Mrs. Marling kept a millinery store on Fayetteville street, in the building occupied by A. D. Royster & Bro. In the entire history of Raleigh it would be difficult to think of a man who, in his day, was more identified with the general welfare of the people, or who contrib- uted more to their substantial good, tlian the late Dr. F. J. Haywood. He was born in Raleigh in 1803. In the practice of his profession he became one of the most eminent physicians in the State. His character and ability as a medical man was no greater, however, than that which he sustained in his private relations, for in these he was distinguished as one who revered the golden rule, and who never turned a deaf ear to the cry of the distressed, from whatever source it was heard. He married in 1831 IMartha Helen Whitaker. She passed away on the 22d of July, l!t02. She had many warm friends, especially among the older inlial> tants. At her death she was ninety-one years of age. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. (.) AY. T. Bain, whose name is so prominently associa- ted with Masonic history, was also intimately con- nected with the early times of Raleigh. A man of purer heart and more charitable disposition our peo- ple had never known. He was born in 1793, and died in 1807 — aged seventy-four years. The late Donald W. Bain was his honored son. DR. V. .1. HAYWOOD, Died in 1S80; aged seventy-six years. Frank 1*. Haywood, wlio passed away in 1900, be- fore liis dcatli was Bah'igirs oldest inliabitant. lie was l)orn here in 1810, and was one of Dr. McPheeters' pupils at the Raleigh Academy, the only school here in the early part of the century. IMr. Haywood was a gentle and kind-liearted man, and beloved by a wide circle of friends. J. C. S. Lumsden for many years before his death (which occurred but recently), was prominently iden- 76 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. tified with the biisiiiess history of Ealeigh. (Some time before the Civil War he opened a store of small dimensions on the Hillsboro road, jnst outside the city, and in 1873 resumed business on Fayetteville street, conducting the same successfully until his death in 1901. He had been alderman and held other positions of honor and trust. Mr. Lumsden was the father of Mr. Chas. F. Lumsden, our present efficient and very popular City Tax Collector. Few men ever lived in Raleigh for whom the people had higher regard than ^Iv. Ralph Andrews, or "Un- cle Rafe," as he was familiarly called. He was a blaclvsmith by trade, and for many years before his deatli had conducted a siiop on South Salisbury street. Retiring and modest in disposition and gentle in man- ner, there were none but could claim ''Uncle Rafe" as their friend. He died the present year (1902), aged seventy- four years. ^Ir. Andrews Avas a brother of Wm. Andrews, one of the old-time constables of Ra- leigh. E. D. Haynes, a most worthy and industrious man, at the time of his death, in 1891, had been a resident for more than sixty years. He was a cabinet-maker, his first work being Avith the late H. J. Brown, who conducted a business of that character. ]\[r. Haynes was a good citizen, a very superior mechanic, and a liigli-toncMl, honorable gentleman. Some men are forgotten as soon as they die — others leave evidences of good deeds, which continue to grow in the affections of tlie people as time passes. Of tlie latter class was J. Stanhope PuUen, who was born here in 1822. During this good man's life he did as much, if not more, to make Raleigh the beautiful and lovely city that it is to-day than any other of its citi- zens. He was one of the foremost promoters of the late improvements in the northeastern part of the HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 77 city, gave to Raleigh tlie beautiful park that bears his name, and was a liberal contributor to many of the schools, charitable institutions and churches in the city. The good deeds of Mr. Pulleu live after him, and his memory will be perpetuated in the history of the capital of his native State. He died in 1895, aged seventy-three years. The valuable citizen is he who makes the greatest impress for good upon the community in which he lives. Thomas H. Briggs, who died in 1886, at the age of sixty-five, was one of those whose enterprise as a citizen and kind deeds as a Christian man entitle him to the fond remembrance of our whole people. Mr. Briggs was for many years the leading contractor and builder of Raleigh — first on his own account, and for many years as the leading member of the firm of Briggs & Dodd. For several years before his death he conducted with much success a hardware business, on Fayetteville street, in which he was succeeded by his sons, Thos. H. Briggs, Jr., and Jas. A. Briggs, who are now its proprietors, under the name and style of T. H. Briggs & Sons. OLDER LIVING INHABITANTS. Among the older living inhabitants must be men- tioned Mr. Jno. R. Taylor, who was born in 1817, and has lived here eighty-three years — since he was two years of age. He remembers well Andrew Johnson, the tailor President. jNIr. Taylor is still living, though his eyesight has all bat failed. He has always been a man of high integrity, and at one time was one of property and influence. Mr. W. A. Taylor, the well known Favetteville street tailor, is his eldest son. 78 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. Few men have been more identified with Raleigh's early history than Mr. W. M. Brown, who is now sev- enty-seven years of age. He was born here in 1825, in a log cabin which stood on the northeast corner of Morgan and Person streets. In those days framed buildings were luxuries. Mr. Brown was but a lad when the capitol was being erected, and worked at the old rock quarry in the eastern part of the city, helping the stone-cutters by running errands. Later he learned the art of printing. His father was Neal Brown, a boyhood friend of Andrew Johnson. Mr. Brown is a man of high character, of unassuming manner, and held in high esteem by a wide circle of friends. In connection with Mr. W. M. Utley, in 1879, he established the Evening Visitor. For some time he has been in feeble health. Mr. J. Rufdn Williams is another of the older resi- dents. He came to Raleigh in 1836. (A more ex- tended notice of Mr. Williams will be found in the reference to early inhabitants.) One of the best-known men to the older inhabitants of Raleigh is Dr. Thomas D. Hogg. He has been the pioneer in many useful enterprises inaugurated here and in the State, although some of them he did not carry beyond the experimental stage. Doctor Hogg is thoroughly familiar with a great many scientific subjects, of a practical nature, and takes the keenest interest in all the great economic questions or prob- lems of general importance. In aiding the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company at a critical period, and performing a like service for the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company, he rendered the State val- uable services. The same is true of his connection with the erection of the Central Hospital for the In- sane and of the duties discharged by him as an inspec- HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 71) tor of the North Carolina Railroad. Dr. Hogg is now seventy-five years of age. No man in Raleigh's history has been more essen- tially identified with its people and their interests than Mr. Chas. B. Root, who has been a resident since 1837. After a brief residence he embarked in the jew- elry and watchmaking business, which he conducted very successfully until 18G0,when he then retired from trade. He married in 1848 Miss Anna F. Gales, daugh- ter of Weston R. Gales, and granddaughter of Joseph Gales, founder of the Raleigli Register. Mr. Root has filled many places of honor and trust, among them the presidency of the Raleigh Gas Works, to which posi- tion he was elected in 1860. For several terms he has been alderman, and during the Civil War was Mayor, during which time he refused to accept any compensa- tion whatsoever, choosing rather — be it said to his great credit — to devote the same to benevolent objects and purposes. No man has ever lived among us who was more beloved by our whole people than Charles B. Root. He is now eighty-three years of age, and for one of his years remarkably vigorous. One of the oldest native-born citizens, and who is yet abiding with us, is Richard Bullock Seawell, now eighty-four years of age. He is the youngest son of Henry Seawell and Grizzelle Hinton Seawell, and was born in the house now owned by Dr. Hogg on the northeast corner of Wilmington and Lane streets. May 26, 1818. He engaged extensively in agriculture the greater portion of his life, but becoming embar- rassed by the results of the Civil Wnv, he surrendered his vast estate to the payment of debts and lias since resided in the city. He has been intimately associa- ted with many of the historical events of Raleigh. His faculties are remarkably vigorous for one of his advanced age. 80 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. Our venerable aud esteemed townsman Mr. W. C. Upeliurcli is another citizen of the olden time. He came here in 1833 — nearly sixt^^-nine years ago, and shortly thereafter opened a grocery store on Hargett street near Wilmington, which he conducted with suc- cess during his whole business career, until five years ago. In the early part of his business life he was in copartnership with the late W. H. Holleman. He is now in the eighty-ninth year of his age. Mr. Up- church has sixty-seven living descendants. One of these is Mr. B. W. Upchurch, a grandson, who is a prominent Hargett street grocery merchant. Major Moses A. Bledsoe has been a resident of Ra- leigh since 1840, coming from Franklin county in that year. He married a Miss Hunter, a descendant of Theophilus Hunter, and before the Civil War was a man of much property and influence. He is now in the eightieth year of his age. Major Bledsoe and the late W. W. Vass were clerks, late in the thirties, in the store of John Eaton, in Henderson. Mr. E. B. Thomas, who has been an inhabitant for half a century, is a native of Wake, and came here first as a teacher of the Western Ward common school. No community was ever blessed with a more honora- ble citizen and devoted Christian, nor one more faith- ful in all his relations of life. He is the father of Mr. W. G. Thomas, proprietor of the Northside Phar- macy. Mr. Thomas is now eighty-one years of age. Mordecai B. Barbee, Hugh W. Earp, Wm. A. Lamb, survivors of the Mexican War, are others who must be numbered with the older inhabitants. Mr. Barbee has resided here for half a century, coming to Raleigh from Chatham, the county of his birth, in 1852. For many years he was in the coach-making business, but for a quarter of a century past has been the leading Justice of the Peace of Raleigh. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 81 Mr. Earp was born here, and is now more than eighty years of age and quite feeble. He has been always noted for his modesty, integrity, and fulfilled all his relations of life with fidelity. In earlicn" life Mr. Earp was a shoemaker by trade. He stood high among his craftsmen, and had always the good will of his numerous customers and the public. Mr. Lamb, the remaining survivor mentioned above, well known as a worthy mechanic, has always stood well with his fellows, and been properly regarded as a man of superior skill in his trade. He is now sev- enty-four years of age. FIRES AND FIRE ENGINES IN RALEIGH'S EARLY HISTORY. In the settlement of all communities, which are at first but mere villages, the dwellings and places of business are nearly always of wood. Many fires must necessarily be experienced before more durable and pretentious buildings are erected. Raleigh was no exception to this rule, but her citizens prepared themselves for such emergency by purchasing, in 1802, the first fire engine they had ever seen. There was not then a pump in the city, and in case of fire entire dependence was upon the wells, of which "not one in four was supplied with buckets." Such was the comment made by a newspaper of that period. The en- gine referred to was bought by voluntary contribu- tions. It employed sixteen hands, throwing eighty gal- lons per minute one hundred and thirty-two feet, and cost |374. Eleven years later the city bought a new en- gine, and in 1821 the first regular fire company was organized. Six years before this an abortive attempt to supply the city with water was made. A water- 82 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. wheel, A\'orked from a pond in front of the Insane Asylum hill, made by damming Rocky Branch, forced the water to the top of a water-tower on a hill in the southwest part of the city, whence it flowed by gravity to Hargett and along Fayetteville street. There was no filtration. The water was delivered at intervals through wooden spouts. The engineer was Samuel Lash, of Salem, an ingenious mechanic. The pipes were of wood. They became frequently- clogged with mud, and often burst with the pressure. The citizens living on the streets not benefited became clamorous against the taxation levied for repairs, and the scheme was abandoned. Street Commissioner Blake, wiiile excavating on Fayetteville street a few years ago, dug up several pieces of this pipe, the inside diameter of which was about three inches. On South Saunders street, near Cabarrus, a section of this pipe may also be yet seen, imbedded in the earth as it was originally eighty-seven years ago. The first great fire on record was in 1816, on the east side of Fayetteville street, extending from Martin to Hargett, and thence nearly to Wilmington street. In 1821 a second fire broke out near the site where the Market House now stands, consuming the east side of Fayetteville street north, above Hargett, as far as where Dobbin & Ferrall's store now stands, and east to Wilmington street. In 1831 another fire occurred ; this was on the site of the present Market House. In tlie same year all the buildings on the west side of Fayetteville street, from Morgan to Hargett, with the exception of that next to Morgan street — the Dr. Fabius J. Haywood residence, but then occupied by the Newl)ern Bank — were swept away. This was kin- dled by an iiKciidiary, Benjamin F. Seaborn, a clerk HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 83 of IJichard Smith, who endeavored by arson to hide the crime of theft. Smith was Register of Deeds, and twenty registry books were destroyed with his store- house, causing much confusion of titles in our county. Seaborn was hung for his crime. Another fire brolce out in 1841, in Depkin's shoe shop, on Fay ett evil le street. The flames swept down Hargett street until checked within one house of Wil- mington street. The weak hose of the engine burst soon after it was brought into action. The water flowed on the ground, and mixing with red clay formed a plastic material, which the ready-witted firemen gathered by handsful and bucketsful, and dashing it against the walls of a threatened store, formed a non-conductor, impervious to heat. The fire was extinguished, and the grateful citizens dubbed this heroic band as the "mud company," and this well- earned name stuck fast up to the day of its dissolution. OLD-TIME STREET CARS. The Raleigh Experimental Railway was the first attempt at a railroad built in North Carolina. It was finished January 1, 1833. It was a cheap strap-iron tramway, costing |22.50 per mile. It was the sugges- tion of Mrs. Sarah Polk, widow of Col. Wm. Polk, and the mother of Bishop Polk. She was the principal stockholder, and the investments paid over 300 per cent. Capt. Daniel H. Bingham Avas the engineer, an accomplished scholar who taught a military school in the old Saunders house, on Hillsboro street, who was assisted by two of his advanced students, Dr. R. B. Haywood, of this city, and Col. Wm. ;M. Abbott, of Mississippi. The road ran from the east portico of the capitol to the Rock Quarry, in the remote eastern 84 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. portion of the city. It was constructed principally for the purpose of hauling stone to build the present capitol. A passenger car was placed upon it "for the accommodation of such ladies and gentlemen as de- sired to take the exercise of a railroad airing." RELIGIOUS. For a long time after the foundation of the city the people worshipped in the Statehouse or courthouse. The great Methodist Bishop Asbury held a "big meet- ing" in the former place in 1800. In 1805 or 1806 William Glendenning, a native of Scotland, removed to Raleigh and established a gro- cery store on Newbern Avenue opposite the present Episcopal Rectory. He had been a preacher of the Methodist Episcopal Church, but seceded with James O'Kelly. He built the first church in the city, on Blount street, between Morgan and Hargett, and called it Bethel. He became insane and was called the "Crazy Parson," and, of course, made little re- ligious impression on the community. The first Methodist church built in Raleigh was constructed of hewn logs, and stood in Joel Lane's woods on what was then Halifax road, about where Col. Heck's residence now stands, on Blount street, -and was called Asbury Meeting House. Bishop As- bury was probably the founder of this church, in 1784, as he travelled frequently into North Carolina, and Wake Court House was an important point. In 1811 the Methodists had finished their church, the first erected after the organization of the city, on the lot donated by Willie Jones, of Halifax, and bought by him at the sale of 1792. This cliurch Imving been destroyed by fire in 1839, HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 85 another was erected in 1841. Benj. B. Smith, Ra- leigh's leading- merchant, contributed three hundred dollars toward this object. This church was removed a few years ago to give way to the present imposing edifice. It has a" seating capacity of eight hundred. Mrs. Badger, the mother of the late George E. Badger, was a prominent member of this church after coming here in 1820 from Newbern, and often led in prayer, or "prayed in public," as it was called. x\mong the early pastors were Bennett T. Blake, John Kerr, John T. Brame, John E. Edwards, R. O. Burton, Wm. E. Pell, Joseph H. Wheeler, L. L. Hen- dren, N. F. Reid, John S. Long. Of those who were prominently connected with the church in its earlier days were Miss Emma Hunter, Miss Louisa Hill, Mrs. Sarah McCauley, Misses Susan and Emma White, Mrs. Eliza Lemay, Mrs. Lu- cinda Tucker, Henry J. Brown, Mrs. Lucy Evans, Rev. Thos. J. Lemay, L. W. Peck, S. H. Young, O. W. D. Hutchings, Jno. C. Palmer, Mrs. Ann R. Lipscomb, Henry Porter, Mrs. Elizabeth Busbee, Jno. Myatt, Miss Priscilla McKee, Eldridge Smith. The Baptists were next to organize a congregation. This was in 1812, and a church building of an humble character was erected on Moore Square, or in what was then known as the Baptist Grove. The bell was of the size and sound of those generally in use by to- bacco factories. In this Grove the founders of the First Baptist church worshipped. There is high au- thority for the statement that the members were ac- customed each to take a tallow candle to this humble building in order to produce a "dim, religious light" (so conducive to spirituality, it was thought) for ser- vices at night. The membership of the church, says Mr. W. C. Upchurch, was never more than eighteen — seven males and eleven females. Of the former there 86 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. were Madison Royster, Jas. Nunn, J. D. Briggs, Mark Williams, and W. C. Upchurch; the late Mrs. Alfred Williams was among the female members. About 1835, owing to differences of opinion among the members, dissension arose, and' a new and better edifice was accordingly erected at the southeast cor- ner of Wilmington and Morgan streets. The pastors of this church, in the order named, were Revs. Amos. J. Battle, Louis Dupree, T. W. Toby, J. J. Finch, G. W. Johnston, T. E. Skinner. In 1858 the present imposing First Baptist Church was erected. Rev. Dr. T. E. Skinner, one of our most distinguished theologians (who is yet living and much beloved by all) was the first pastor. The late Rev. Dr. T. H. Pritchard was another of the early pastors. Among the members of this church in the old days were, Mrs. Alfred Williams, Miss Lucinda Briggs, P. F. Pescud, J. J. Biggs, Miss Sallie Towles, M. B. Royster, Jas. D. Royster, Lynn Adams, W. D. Wil- liams, Caswell Lee, Jas. D. Nunn, Jordan Womble, Jr., Robert Jones, Miss Selina Jenkins. A prominent feature of the Sunday School of this church is the Infant Class, which numbers one hun- dred and sixty-five. The class was organized in 1865, with but twelve pupils. Dr. W. I. Royster was the first teacher in charge. It is now conducted by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dodd and Miss Elizabeth Briggs. In 1874 a few members of this church, led by Messrs. N. B. Broughton and J. S. Allen, organized a new con- gregation, and purchased on Swain street a house of worship and denominated it the Second Baptist Church. The congregation assumed in a year or two such proportions that it became necessary to secure a more commodious structure, and a site was accord- ingly purchased on^the corner of Hargett and Person streets, upon which was erected the present edifice, HISTORICAL UALKKUI. 87 88 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. known as the Tabernacle Baptist Church. Its seat- ing capacity is about one thousand. The Sunday School is the largest in the city and its fame in this department of religious work extends throughout the countr^^, due, in a great measure, to the zeal and pop- ularity of Mr. N. B. Broughtou, known throughout the State as foremost in all that makes for the ad- vancement — moral and material — of the people. Steps were taken to organize an Episcopal Church in Raleigh about 1820, Rev. John Phillips, of Calvary Church, Tarboro, being missionary in charge. In 1822 a vestr}^ was elected, consisting of Chief Justice John Louis Taylor, Wm. H. Haywood, and Dr. Bur- ges. A wooden church was built in 1829, It was situated a little nearer Edenton street than the pres- ent beautiful edifice known as Christ Church. About 1845 or 1846 the stone church was erected under the supervision of Mr. Upjohn, the leading ecclesiastical architect of the country. The first Rector was Rev. John Ravenscroft, who died in 1830. He was suc- ceeded by Rev. Geo. W. Freeman, who resigned in 1840, when Rev. Richard S. Mason, a man of great learning, was elected, who ministered to the congrega- tion until his death in 1874. The original vestrymen of the church were, Jno. Louis Taylor, Dr. Burges, Wm. H. Haywood, Jr. The prominent communicants in early times were, Gavin Hogg, Duncan Cameron, Thos. P. Devereux, Geo. E. Badger, Chas. L. Hinton, Chas. Manly, Geo. W. Mor- decai, Jno. H. Bryan, R. M. Saunders, Jas. McKim- mon, Wm. H. Battle, Thos. D. Hogg, Kemp. P. Battle, Wm. E. Anderson, R. H. Battle, P. A. Wiley. Until 1827 the Sunday schools of the several churches were united in one, which was known as the Union Sunday School. The late Miss Lucinda Briggs HISTORICAL KALEIGH. 89 represented the Baptist denomination. A more ear- nest and faithful disciple of Christianity this city has never known than Miss Lucinda Briggs. She died at an advanced age a few years since. Two daughters of Dr. McPheeters represented the Presbyterian and Miss Louisa Hill the Methodist denomination. Web- ster's blue-back speller was one of the books used. The first Presbyterian congregation in llaleigh was organized in ISOG. The first regular pastor was Rev. William Turner, of Virginia, his Elders being Judge Henry Potter, William Shaw, and Thomas Emons. The religious services were held in the hall of the House of Commons. The first church was erected in 1817, and Rev. Wm. McPheeters became the first pastor. Rev. Drury Lacy was long a pastor, occu- pying the pulpit of his church for eighteen con- secutive 3'ears. Rev. J. M. Atkinson was also one of the pastors. Mr. Lacy was the father of Mr. B. R, Lacy, our widely-popular State Treasurer. The pres- ent handsome edifice was erected in 1899 ; it has a seat- ing capacity of one thousand. The following were among the prominent members of this church in its early history: H. D. Turner, S. W. Whiting, Wm. Peace, Jesse Brown, Chas. Dewey, John Primrose, J. M. Towles. At this time there are in Raleigh eighteen white and a similar number of colored churches. Of the white, eight are Baptist, one Catholic, one Christian, three Episcopalian, four Methodist, and one Presbyterian. The colored are: Baptist, seven; Christian, two; Con- gregational, one; Episcopal, one; Methodist, six; Presbyterian, one. The first Young Men's Christian Association in Raleigh was instituted in 1859, with H. P. McCoy as president, and W. J. Young as secretary. The object 7 90 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. of the organization was said to be "to visit the sick, administer to the wants of the needy, establish Sun- day Schools, distribute tracts," etc. The first Mass ever celebrated in Raleigh was by the Rev. Father Peter Wheelan, about the year 1832, in a boarding-house kept by Matthew Shaw, a Presby- terian. A Catholic church was built here in 1834, at a cost of |800. It was dedicated by Bishop England, in 1835, who often said Mass and preached therein. In 1859 the building which had been the Baptist church, corner of Morgan and Wilmington streets, was purchased, and in 1860 formally dedicated by Bishoj) Lynch, of Charleston. The first pastor was Rev. J. V. McNamara, who was installed in 1869, until which time the church had been served by missionary priests. The present church edifice is on the corner of Hillsboro and McDowell streets, and was pur- chased in 1875, at a cost of |13,000. The pastor is Rev. Thomas. P. Cxriffin. EARLY HOTELS. OR TAVERNS. The hotels, or taverns, as they were formerly called., ^ere of a primitive nature. In 1803 Henry H. Cook advertised that at "Wake Old Court House, about a quarter of a mile of the Statehouse, he can accommo- date ten or twelve gentlemen with board during the session of the General Assembly, and will take a few horses to feed at 2s. 6d. a day." In the same year the "Indian Queen," kept by Cap- tain Scott, was advertised as the best hotel in the city, "with thirteen rooms, nine of which have fire-places." This was on the site of the present Federal Courthouse and Postoffice. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 91 Peter Casso, in 1804, opened a hotel on Fayetteville street. This was on the site of H. T. Hicks's Phar- macy. The proprietor advertised that "Northern and Southern stages leave his door three times a Aveek." On the first of July, 1812, Charles Parish opened a new hotel and called it the Eagle. This was on the site now occupied by the State Agricultural Building. It was of three stories, and the same which was after- wards known as the Guion Hotel. With the excep- tion of the Statehouse, this was the first brick build- ing erected in the city. The following was the proprietor's announcement to the public : "Charles Parish informs his friends and the public that his tavern is now open for the reception of trav- ellers and boarders in the new three-story building north of the Statehouse and fronting Union Square. The house is spacious, completely furnished, and the stables equal to any. For a well-supplied table (served from a neat and cleanly kitchen), luxuries of the rooms, beds, attendance, etc., it is determined that this tavern shall excel any in the Southern States." ''N. B. — An ice-house and bathing-rooms will l>e constructed by next season." The ice-house and bathing-rooms wcav ])robably the earliest introduction of these luxuries among the growing refinements of the city. John Marshall and John Mares had also opened hotels, or taverns. These were framed V)uildings. In- deed, f(U' thirty years after the foundation of tlie city (1792 until 1822) there were but four brick struc- tures. These were the Eagle Hotel, the Bank of New Bern (the Dr. Fab. Haywood residence at the head of Fayetteville street), the Presbyterian Church, and the Register printing office. The Governor's "Palace" was of brick, but this was beyond tlie limits of the citv. 92 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. THE BIRTH-PLACE OF PRESIDENT. No man known to the history of any people ever rose, perhaps, to such distinction from so humble a beginning as Andrew Johnson, better known as the tailor President, He first saw the light of day in Raleigh, on the 29th of December, 1808. At the age of ten years he was apprenticed to Mr. Jas. Litchford (grandfather of Messrs. James and Henry Litchford) to learn the trade of a tailor. B(^fore his term of ap- prenticeship expired he resolved to seek a field of use- fulness elsewhere. He and Neal Brown, the latter also a young man (and the father of Mr. W. M. Brown) were intimate friends, and to Neal, Andrew confided his intention of "running away" from his em- ployer. Brown agreed to assist him in doing so. To that end he carried his friend Andrew's luggage, or carpet-sack of his meagre belongings to a safe dis- tance on the road outside of town in order to facilitate the latter's escape. Johnson journeyed on foot from here to Laurens Court House, S. C., where he fol- lowed his trade for two years. There he became en- gaged to be married to the daughter of a gentleman of wealth and position, but was refused her hand because of his poverty. He returned to Raleigh in 1826, but after remaining here but a few months, went to Green- ville, Tennessee, where he was married. Up to this time he knew nothing of writing or arithmetic; his wife, however, sedulously labored to instruct him in those branches of rudimentary education, and with success. In 1S29 he became an alderman ; in 1880 Mayor ; in 1835 he was sent to the Legislature. Here he made his maiden speech on pul3lic affairs. In 1841 he was elected to the State Senate, and in 1843 he was first chosen as a Representative in Congress. In this position he served until 1853. He was twice HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 93 elected Governor. In 1857 he was sent to the United States Senate for a full term, ending in 1863. And finally, after filling almost every official position in the gift of the people, he became President of the United States, which last position he obtained, how- ever, Iw the occasion of Lincoln's death while in office. The house in which this remarkable man was born is still in existence, though in a bad state of decay. It is situated on East Cabarrus street, between Wilming- ton and Blount streets. The double-slanting roof indicates that it was erected at a period when the colonial style of architecture was yet in vogue. For a long time it has been occupied by colored people. EDUCATIONAL. The Ealeigh Academy, inaugurated in 1802, was a corporation chartered in that year, and was situated in what was then called Burke's Garden, otherwise known as Burke Square — the site of the Governor's Mansion. The Trustees were John Raven, Wm. White, Sherwood Haywood, Theophilus Hunter, John Ingles, Nathaniel Jones, Matthew McCullers, Wm. Hinton, Simon Turner, Samuel High, Joseph Gales, John Marshall, Wm. Boylan, Henry Seawell. The school was for both young men and young ladies. Great stress was laid on Latin and on the training of the boys, while the education of the girls was confined to tlie English branches. The Ixtys were instructed as if they were designed for one of the learned profes- sions. The girls were educated to be good spellers and readers, to be well acquainted with geography, and their hands were trained to be able to use deftly the needle. Many of them, too, learned to play on the 94 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. piaDo or guitar under a music teacher of reputation, an Englishman named Thomas Sambourne. In 1810 Rev. Wm. McPheeters, of Virginia, a young minister of the Presbyterian Church, was elected by the Trustees of the Academy not only to teach but to be "Pastor of the City." He was described as a man of learning and of the strongest character, of great personal magnetism, and an admirable teacher, kind to all, but inflexibly severe to offenders.. His school was patronized, it was said, from all parts of the South — from Virginia to Louisiana. He preached most acceptably in the Statehouse until 1817, when the Presbyterian church was erected. He gave up the Academy in 1826. In 1837 he spent a year in Fayetteville in charge of a large female seminary, and resigned on account of failing health. For the same reason he declined the tender of the pres- idency of Davidson College. He returned to Raleigh, and died in 1842. There was said to be no more influ- ential man in the State than Dr. McPheeters. St. Mary's School, for young ladies, was founded in 1842, by Rev. Aldert Smedes, who had rare qualifica- tions for this work. He was a man of big brain and great heart. During the privations of the great Civil War, and in the troublous years afterwards, the doors of his school were kept open, even when he was suffer- ing a pecuniary loss. His benefactions in the way of free tuition and board on credit, at all times liberal, were in those days princely. There is no calculating the amount of his influence in the thousands of homes adorned by his pupils all through the Southern States. The buildings of this school were erected in 1832, as a school for boys, but failed, in 1838, for lack of proper support. The present Rector is Rev. Theodore D. Brattoii. Joshua Lumsden, (referred to luore fullv else- HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 95 where) taught a school for boys. The late Thos. H. Brings was one of his pupils. Mrs. Martiodale's school for boys and girls will be remembered pleasantly by many of her old pupils. She was a very thorough teacher and a good discipli- narian. Her school was on the corner of Morgan and Person streets. ^liss Eliza Hill conducted a school of like character in the old Masonic Temple. This was a two-story frame building which stood <>n the corner of Dawson and Morgan streets. Kev. Drury Lacy also had a superior school for boys. In 1840 Messrs Gra^^ and Dorratt opened their *'North Carolina Classical, English and Mathematical Institute" near the capitol, and the same year Silas Bigelow established a school for young men. Jefferson Madison Lovejoy, or "Old Jeff," as his boys called him, was the last of the old-time schools for males. This school was established in 1842, and became famous as one of the best institutions of learn- ing, of its kind, in the State. Many of those who were his pupils are to-day among the most prominent and influential men of the city. The school was on the site of the (xovernor's Mansion, and was conducted with much success until the close of the Civil War. Among those now living among us who were pupils of Mr. Lovejoy were Hon. John Nichols, ex-Mayor Thos. Badger, Dr. F. J. Haywood, Jr., Messrs. Jos. A. Hay- wood, Clias. McKimmon, and others. The common school or "old-field free school," as it was sometimes termed, is referred to elsewhere. It may Ix^ here stated, however, that while the ed- ucation of the masses did not escape the attention of the founders of our State government (for we find a provision to this effect in the Constitution of 177G), yet it was not until 1852 that anything like a 96 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. working system of public education was adopted. Calvin H. Wiley was made State Superintendent. Late in the forties the Sedgwick Female Seminary was opened. It was situated on Halifax, between North and Johnson streets, on the lot now occupied by the residence of C. C. McDonald. The seminary was under the superintendence of ]Mrs. Finch, wife of Rev. Joseph J. Finch, who was at that time pastor of the Baptist church. After the death of Mr. Finch, which occurred in 1850, Mrs. Finch Avas assisted in conducting the school by Rev. G. M. L. Finch and a corps of able teachers, who instructed in all the branches usually taught in seminaries. The follow- ing are the names of many who were pupils of this school, some of whom are still living. Many of these, having married, of course now bear other names : Vir- ginia Gorman, Sallie, Julia, Annie and Martha Litch- ford ; Mary and Annie DeCarteret ; Ellen, Hattie and Joanna Johnson; Julia Hutchings, Marianna Hill, Maggie and Sarah Outlaw, Geneva Harrison, Helen Battle, Victoria Womble, Laura Bryant, Frances J. Royster. Mr. and Mrs. Finch were the parents of Mrs. Dr. W. I. Royster and Mrs. Dr. Wm. T. Hodge. In 1860 Albert H. Dowell organized a classical school, for boys. The school-house was near the resi- dence of the late Henry Mordecai, just beyond the city limits. Among his pupils were Sam'l F. Mor- decai, Joel Whitaker, Chas. E. Johnson, J. I. Johnson, T. H. Briggs, Jas. A. Briggs, Willis Whitaker, Peter Pescud, Jas. Boylan, Wm. Boylan and J. Pugh Hay- wood. The originators and promoters of the school were Wilson Whitaker and other prominent gentle- men of means. Mr. Dowell is said to have been one of the most thorough and capable teachers of his time. He was the father of Mrs. D. G. Conn, of this city. The Select School for Girls of the Misses Partridge HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 97 (Sophia and Caroline — the latter subsequently be- coming Mrs. Jordan) was opened in 1846. It was held in high esteem, as shown by the liberal patronage it enjoyed for nearly twenty years. The school was situated on East Hargett street, near Swain. The Partridge family were natives of New^ark, N. J., and came to Raleigh but a short while prior to the opening of the school. Mr. and Mrs. John Bobbitt also conducted schools at this period. Mrs. Bobbitt was an aunt of Miss Partridge and Mrs. Jordan, above mentioned, and came here from Louisburg, where she and her husband had been engaged in teaching. After the death of Mr. Bobbitt, his widow assisted Miss Sophia Partridge in the conduct of her school. No institution of learning in Raleigh was ever more favorably known than that of Mrs. Eliza Taylor, who, shortly after the death of her husband (Attorney-Gen- eral Taylor) in 1828, opened a select school for boys and girls on the corner of Hargett and Salisbury streets, which she conducted almost without interrup- tion, for more than forty years. Dr. Thos. D. Hogg. Bishop Beckwith and Mr. A. M. McPheeters were among her first pupils. There are many other people now living in Raleigh who also received from her their early instruction. Among these are Hon. Thos. R. Purnell, Judge of the District Court of the United States, who attended this school for several years im- mediately preceding the Civil War. Judge Purnell is further identified with Raleigh's earlier history by the fact of his relationship with the distinguished Hay- wood family, (Wm. H.,) Gov. Chas. Manly, and Gov. Edward B. Dudley, the last mentioned being Judge Purnell's grandfather. A more historic house and its appurtenances do not stand in Raleigh than those known as the "Old 98 HISTORICAL KALEIGH. Taylor Place," which have been iu the Taylor and Bus- bee families since early in the last century. The house then stood on Hillsboro street, and was owned by Judge Potter, who in 1818 sold it to Col. Jas. F. Taylor. The building was then removed to its pres- ent site. The little "office" on the corner was subse- quently built by the new owner, who used it for a law office. After his death it was occupied by Judge Gaston, who was Mrs. Taylor's uncle and guardian. It was here that this distinguished Carolinian and eminent jurist wrote the renowned poem, which was subsequently set to music, and since known as the "Old North State." This was in 1835. The poem was suggested by Mrs. Taylor, who, having heard her daughter Miss Louisa — then but thirteen years of age — render a song having a particularly pleasing air, thought the music appropriate for a patriotic hymn. This view she communicated to Judge Gaston, who at once complied with Mrs. Taylor's request to write the poem, as above stated. Miss Louisa Taylor was the first to sing the hymn ; she is still living and sings it still. The piano on which it was first played is still in the family. Peace Institute was not opened until 1868, though its erection had begun before the Civil War. This school is at the northern terminus of Wilmington street, and occupies large and well-arranged brick buildings, in an oak grove of about fifteen acres. It is well patronized. The first Principal was Rev. Rob- ert P)Urwell, D.D. Mr. Jas. Dinwiddie is now the President. Shaw University (colored) was opened in 1865. It had its origin in the formation of a theological class of freedmen in the old Guion Hotel (the site of the State Agricultural Building), with Mvx. V\. M. Tup- per and his wife as teachers. Subsequently the school HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 99 was removed to the coi-ner of Jjloinit and Cabarrus streets, and, until 1870, known as the llah'i^h Insti- tute. ]>uihliniis were erected from time to time until 1879, when it was incorporated as 8haw Universitv. The institution has Law and ^Medical Departments, and continues in a prosperous condition. The Presi- dent is Dr. C. F. :Meserve. LAWYERS OF OLD TIMES. One of the tirst practicing- lawyers connected with the history of Kaleigh was Henry Sea well. He was l)()rn in 1774 in ^^\n\t was then Bute (now Franklin) county, and came here in 1800. After serving as At- torney-General he was appointed Judge of the Supe- rior Court, which position he filled Avith great credit, lie was said to be a hnvyer of great ability. His Avife was ^liss Grizelle Hinton, whom he married in 1800. .Air. Ivichard Seawell, of Raleigh, already mentioned, is one of his sons. A contemporary of ]Mr. Seawell was Peter P>roA\ne. who came here in the early part of the last century. He was the owner of the land later pur- chased by Wm. Boylan in the western section of the city. He died in 1838, sixty-two years of ago. ^foses Mordecai was another early att(UMiev. Com- ing to tliis State from New York, he settled in Green- ville, and came to Raleigh about 1 820. He was a jurist of note and an advocate of great ability. He died in 1824. He was the grandfather of Sam'l F. Mordecai, Esq., of Raleigh, one of the State's ablest lawyers, and now Professor of Law of Wake Forest College. Another attorney of distinction was Gavin Hogg. Removing here from Bertie in 1820, he soon had a hu'gc ]u*actice, which, however, was confined to the Supreme and Federal Courts. L.cfC. 100 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. Later attorn ej^s of recognized abilitj' as jurists and advocates were the following: Henry W. Miller, a lawyer of great eloquence; Perrin Busbee, an attorney whose ability and great popularity would have in- sured for him the enjoj'ment of the highest offices in th<:' State, but for his death at an early age, wliich occurred in 1853. Judge P>adger, B. F. Moore and Tlionias J>ragg were trulv ureat lawvers. Tlie first en- W. C. Ul'C'HUKt'H, Oldest living male inliabitant ; aged eighty-nine years. joyed the distinction of being Secretary of the Navy under President Harrison ; Mr. ]Moore devoted his life to liis practice, and accumulated a large fortune; Mr. Bragg became a jurist and statesman of great distinc- tion, and served for awhile in the Confederate States rabin(4. Mr. Badger was born in 1795, died ISHG; .Mr. :M()ore was born in 1801, died 1878. .Tas, F. Taylor was another laAvyer of celebrity. He eraduated at the State UniA'erritv in 1810, and in IllSTOUICAL KALEIGK, 101 1825 was elected Attorney-General. He died in 1828, at the age of thirty-seven years. Hiram W. Husted and G. Wash. Haywood were also lawyers of prominence more than half a century ago. Mr. Hnsted was possessed of fine literary attain- ments. In politics he was an ardent Whig. In 1844 he \\'as the editor of the Clarion., the campaign organ in Raleigh of the Whig party. Mr. Haywood was an able lawyer and a brother of the late Drs. F. J. and E. Burke Haywood. Charles Manly, too, was a lawyer of considerable note. He was elected Governor on the Whig ticket, in 1848, and filled many other offices of honor and trust. William H. Haywood was another illustrious law- yer of early times. He Avas born here in 1801, and in 1822 commenced the practice of his profession, in which he earned great distinction. He was the father of Edward Graham Haywood, a lawyer of eminence. Succeeding these lawyers in order of time were Quentin Busbee, S. H. Rogers, Kemp Marriott, Ed- ward Graham Haywood, Daniel G. Fowle, W. S. Ma- son, A. M. Lewis, R. G. Lewis, R. C. Badger. John Gat- ling, H. A. Gilliam, Geo. H. Snow, Thos. C. Fuller, A. S. Merrimon, W. H. Pace, B. B. Lewis, W. H. Bledsoe, J. E. Bledsoe, Spier Whitaker, R. O. Burton. MASONRY AND ODD FELLOWSHIP. The first Masonic Lodge established in Raleigh was in 1792. It was chartered by the Grand Lodge of the State, which met in Newbern that year — Grand Mas- ter William R. Davie presiding. This Lodge was known as Democratic Lodge No. 21. Its meetings were held at a little hotel located on the corner of 102 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. Fayetteville aud Mor p. m., covering fifty-five miles in fifteen hours. The travelers and mails go- ing further South left Raleigh on Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays at 3 a. m., and were to be in Fayette- ville on the same days at 5 p. m. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 113 EARLY RAILROADS. An}' attempt to record the progress of a citv a cen- tury old which should fail to notice the introduction of travel hy the locomotive would be unpardonable. Therefore some reference to the first railroad with which Kaleigh became acquainted may. it is hoped, prove somewhat interesting. The capital of the State was fifty years ohl before its population had scarcely exceeded two thousand. Being an inland town, and having communication with the outside world only by stage-coaches and like vehicles, this small number of inhabitants were not unreasonable. But with the advent of ISIO signs of better times appeared, for that year witnessed the completion of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad. The northern terminus was first at Gaston, instead of Wel- don, as in later years. The name of Gaston was given in honor of Judge William Gaston. The completion of the road was hailed by a celebration which lasted for three days. From distant counties men, women and children came to see the new wonders — the State- house, the railroad and locomotive. At night the trees of Capitol Square were illuminated with colored lamps, as well also as Fayetteville street. Gorgeous transparencies could be everywhere seen. One was a representation of a locomotive, another of the State- house. The name of the first locomotive was the "Torna- do," which was a one-wheel driver, and without any cab. It reached Raleigh on the 10th of May, 1840. The iron for the track became exhausted when the construction crew were within a few miles of Raleigh, and as the engine was due here on the above date, it ran that distance and safelv into town over the bare 114 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. "stringers." Mr. C. B. Eoot, then but a very young man, had the distinction — together with several other friends — of riding into the city on the tender of the engine, from Crabtree Bridge, three miles distant, where they had gone for that purpose. The name, "Tornado," was evidently not without significance, being probably suggested by the great speed the "machine" could make, the schedule time being eighty-six miles (the distance between Raleigh and Gaston) in twelve hours, provided it could be kept on the sills, or "stringers," as the wooden rails were called. These were from fifteen to twenty feet in length and about eight inches in height, to which were nailed strips or bars of iron. On these the cars ran. These strips were of three separate dimensions : two inches by one-half inch, two inches by five-eighths of an inch, and two and one-fourth inches by five- eighths of an inch. Frequently the locomotive would jump the track as if attempting to take to the Avoods, leaving the train crew helpless until assisted by the neighboring farm- ers and field hands to place it back on the track. Sometimes the passengers would be forced to get out of the coach — one only of which could be drawn at a time — and push the engine up the hill or grading. Mr. Rufus H. Horton (now retired and seventy-six years of age) came on the road as fireman in 1845. His compensation was the munificent sum of six dol- lars per month and "rations." It was a common oc- currence for the engineer to be forced to stop the engine for lack of wood, and to tear down the farmers' fences to get fuel sufficient to get to the next station. The names of other engines were equal 1}^ significant as that of the Tornado ; these were, the Tempest, Vol- cano, Whirlwind, and Spitfire. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 115 "This road," said Turner & Hughes, in their alma- nac of 1841, "is esteemed one of the best in tlie United States." The following are the names of some of the early conductors: J. B. Timberlake, Littleton E. Kiggin, Jeptha Horton, Creighton Williams, Thos. G. Arring- ton, the first and last mentioned yet living. Capt. Timberlake, though more than eighty years of age, is still in railroad service, being the ticket agent for the S. A. L. Railroad at Johnson Street Station. Capt. Arrington yet entertains his numerous friends at the Yarborough House. The oldest man in the service of the company in Raleigh, is Rufus H. Horton, above mentioned. Dur- ing his fifty-six years in Raleigh no one has been more honored by a large circle of friends, nor held in higher esteem, his life and character having been such as to merit all the consideration that he and his numerous friends could wish. He is now seventy-six years of age. Mr. Horton, after serving for two years as fireman, became an engineer. Other old-time engineers were Wortham Newton, Jesse Shaw, Thomas Jenkins, John Cooper, Jno. L. Stone, Alex. Davis, Charles Holleman, Sidney Hin- ton, John Metcalf, Ed. C. White, Jack Sledge, Fab. Beavers, Joe H. Perrs', Jas. Lawrence, Alpheus Fai- son, Mortimer Fleming, John Beckham. Besides Rufus Horton and Jesse Shaw, the two last mentioned are the only survivors. In the machine shops in the earlier periods were Albert Johnson, J. B. Gayle, B. R. Harding, Peter Fleming, Sidney Smethurst, Joseph Jackson, Emery Burns, John Utley, H. Clay Johnson, Augustus Per- due, Frederick Rideout, Ed. C. Lougee, Robert Pace, Josiah Willson, Jas. Hollister, Henry Pace, Wm. Hor- 116 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. ton, Jas. Pace, Joe DeCarteret, J. C. S. Lumsden, Jas. West, A. V. Frost. O. D. Lipscomb, Marshall Betts, Harris Yanghan and Anderson Betts were en- gaged in the carpenters' department. Among the officers of the road, the following have been President : Wesley Hollister, W. J. Hawkins, L. O'B. Branch, Geo. W. Mordecai, Gaston H. Wilder, R. W. Lassiter; Superintendents: P. A. Dunn, S. S. Royster, W. G. Lewis, A. B. Andrews, J. C. Winder. Major W. W. Vass was for nearly half a century the Treasurer. From 1848 till 1851, when the road was owned by the State, he was the President. In the last mentioned year the State disposed of the road to a new organization — the old name of Raleigh and Gas- ton Railroad being retained — and Major Yass was again elected Treasurer. He was a man of honor, and held in the highest esteem whereyer known. He died in 1896. Mr. J, B. Martin, until his resignation in 1901, had seryed in Raleigh as Auditor for the old Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, and later as General Auditor for the Seaboard Air Line S^-stem in Portsmouth, Ya. Be- fore his remoyal to the latter place in 1893, he had been a resident of Raleigh for more than a quarter of a century. Here his life had been one of most faith- ful deyotion to duty, and his character a fit model for rising youth. By integrity, industry, indomitable will, together Ayith fidelity to eyery trust, and fulfilling every obligation to society and to his fellow man, he rose to positions such as are occupied but seldom by men other than those possessing these qualities. Mr. Martin is again a resident of Raleigh, where he is engaged in business enterprises inyolying the exer- cise of the soundest judgment and intelligence of the highest order. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 117 In 1840 the population was but 2,240. Among the tailors was T. R. Fentress, who had a shop where the Dime Savings Bank stands. T. C. Jones was the proprietor of a new house of entertainment at the northeast corner of the Capitol Square. Lawrence & Christophers (the latter the father of Mr. C. D. Christophers) were bakers. John H. DeCarteret had a bookbinderv, the first which Raleigh had felt able to support. W. J. Ramsey had a jewelry store, and Mrs. Martha Ann Ramsey was conducting a millinery store. The Methodist Female Seminary, under the direc- tion of Rev. Bennett T. Blake, was also then in a flour- ishing condition. This was on Hillsboro street, be- tween Dawson and McDowell. Later principals of this school were Rev. D. R. Bruton, Rev. W. E. Pell, Rev. Mr. Christian, and perhaps others. The "Raleigh Guards,'' about this time was the name of a flourishing military company; it was under the command of Captain Lucas. REMOVAL OF THE OLD MARKET. It was about the year 1840 tliat the market was re- moved from Hargett street to its present location. When on that street the structure was but a mere shed. It was situated in the centre of that thorough- fare between Wilmington and Fayetteville streets, facing west, with a narrow driveway on either side, the same as the present market building. Much ex- citement was occasioned by the agitation of the ques- tion of its removal, the saloon keepers and others who had places of business contiguous, naturally fearing 118 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. that such action would bring to them serious business loss. The matter was put to a popular vote, resulting in the defeat of those opposing the removal. The vic- tors desired to celebrate the event, and accordingly or- ganized a torchlight procession, in which a large num- ber of the people joined. On the night of the "jubi- lee," while the procession was passing through Har- gett street, some one threw a stone which struck a member of the saloon faction, whereupon a riot at once followed. Blows with bottles, bricks and sticks were freely exchanged, but with one exception no injuries were sustained. Jack Buffaloe received a slight wound with a knife in the hands of some unknown opponent. The conditions existing about the bar-rooms and in the dens around the old market constituted the prin- cipal reason for the better element of society being anxious for the change. The locality was then called "Grog Alley" — Wilmington street, between Hargett and Martin, was known as "Cologne." Raleigh had no police force at that period, a town constable — who, at this time, was Jas. Murray — being all the protection, in that respect, the city had — the night watch, composed of private citizens, not going on duty till 9 p. m. After the destruction of the old market building on Hargett street, a new one was erected on Fayetteville, and on tlie present site. The structure was a small affair, though it had a hall above for public enter- tainments. It had not, however, any rooms devoted to offices for city officials. Indeed, all the officers the city had, besides the commissioners (as the aldermen were then called), were the mayor, clerk and town constable, the clerk performing the functions of tax- collector. The mayor's office was compelled to do HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 119 duty for this entire business. This was in a small brick structure in the rear of the market, and fronted on Wilmington street. In the rear of this room was the "guard-house," as it was popularly termed. Before the removal of the market from Hargett street, Eldridge Smith, J. J. Christophers and Shad- rach Weddon were the only butchers. It is stated on the authority of one of the older inhabitants that the demand for fresh beef was so meagre, and the popula- tion small, that before the slaughtering of any ani- mals was undertaken, the butchers, from time to time, would call on the people and take their orders, that the former might accommodate the supply of fresh meats to the demand. Among others remembered by the older inhabitants, was W. J. Griflhce, who kept a confectionery shop in a little house, which is yet standing on the corner of Morgan and Salisbury streets. He came here in 1840. He was a devout man, a consistent member of Eden- ton Street Methodist Church, and had many friends. He was the first cand}^ manufacturer Raleigh had ever known. Bartlett Upchurch, in the early forties, came here to engage in the business of coach-making. He estab- lished a shop on East Hargett street, where he con- tinued to the time of his death in 1857. He was a brother of Wm. G. Upchurch. Alfred Upchurch, brother of Wm. C. and Bartlett Upchurch, came later, and after serving an appren- ticeship in coach-making under his brother Bartlett, engaged in business for himself, which he conducted with success throughout the greater part of his life. 120 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. He died a few years ago, at an advanced age. Mr. Up- ehureh represented at one time his ward in the city council. Wiley W. Johnson and Jno. R. Harrison in 1848 had then formed a co-partnership for the manufacture of carriages, buggies and wagons. Their place of busi- ness was at the old Clark Shop, corner of Morgan and McDowell streets. Afterwards Mr. Johnson con- tinued the business alone, on the site of the Trade Building on Wilmington street, and Mr. Harrison had gone into the manufacture of cars for the N. O. Rail- road. His shop was immediately west of West street. Later, Messrs. W. David Williams and N. S. Harp, John O'Rourke and Thomas Jenkins also embarked in the business of coach-making. The late Jas. H. Enniss accompanied Peter F. Pes- cud from Petersburg here in 1844. Mr. Enniss for a long time was a clerk in the store of the Stiths. He afterwards made his home in Salisbury, but returned to Raleigh in 1869, where he resided until his death in 1900. He was a man of very superior intelligence, and for a long time the publisher of the N. C. Al- manac. John R. Whitaker in 1844 had opened a dr^' goods, hardware and grocery store, W. J. Clarke was prac- ticing law, and W. H. & C. Grimme had opened a dry goods and grocery store on the corner of Fayette- ville and Hargett streets. S. W. Whiting (father of Whiting Bros., proprietors of the popular clothing house of that name), was agent of the Aetna Fire In- surance Company. T. H. Snow had then been added to the list of Fayetteville street merchants, and Jas. Litchford and Burbon Smith were conducting a tailor- ing business. C. C. Nelson Avas selling dry goods. The ''Italeigh Fire Company" was organized in HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 121 1844. Two of the officers were C. B. Root, Captain ; William C. Upchiirch, Treasurer. Both of these pub- lic-spirited citizens are yet living. They are referred to more fuUv elsewhere in this work. OLD-TIME COMMON OR "FREE SCHOOLS." While the private schools of Raleigh were, as a rule, of a high order, the "free schools," as the common or public schools Avere sometimes opprobriously termed, were confined to the lower grades of study — reading, writing and arithmetic. The school-houses here were built about 1841, Fayetteville and Halifax streets be- ing the dividing line between two districts. The Eastern Ward school-house was in Moore Square, usually known as the "Baptist Grove" ; the Western, on William Bo^'lan's land, immediately west of the land of Silvester Smith. This latter was abandoned in a year or two, and another built on the southwest corner o'f Cabarrus and McDowell streets, and known as the Gum Spring school. After a few years a third, designed for females only, was built at the northwest corner of the old City Cemetery. The Cabarrus and McDowell street house was sold to the Gas Company in 1858, and another erected in Nash Square. Sub- sequently the school was taught in an old field (on which now stands a block of residences) immediately west of the residence of Mr. C. S. Allen, on West Hargett street. Our venerable and highly esteemed citizen, Mr. E. B. Thomas, now eighty-one years of age, was the teacher for two years or more. The Eastern Ward school, in the "Baptist Grove," was taught by ^Mr. Wm. T. Womble. He now has a private 9 122 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. school, for boys, and uses the "rod," it is said, as freely as in the "good old days." "It was not at all uncommon," says the North Carolina historian, Mr. Stephen B. Weeks, in com- menting on the old-time "free school," "to find the school-houses without ground or loft floors, and with chimneys built of sticks and dirt. Fuel was supplied by brush, which the children were sent out every few hours to gather; and about the fire there was a perpetual scramble for the inside position, while the young men and women and older children ciphered out of doors in the sun, forming very social but not studious little parties on the sunny side of surrounding trees." Continuing, Mr. Weeks says: "The large majority of teachers in- structed only in the elementarj^ branches of spelling, reading, writing and arithmetic. English grammar was not taught, perhaps, in a majority of the schools, and geography, as a general thing, was an unknowu science. The teacher, in most cases a law unto him- self and a neighborhood oracle, knew little of the methods of his brethren in other places, and never re- garded himself as an element of a general system; and his progress was only in the mechanical art of writing. The method of teaching Avas extremely primitive — to look on the book and make a decent droning noise of any kind, not out of the common key, would insure immunity from the all-potent rod. There were no lectures, few explanations, no oral instruction — to get through the book was the great end, and to whip well the paramount means." HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 123 (\ DISTINGUISHED GUEST. No event that had ever occurred in the history of Raleigh was hailed with so much joy, or aroused more enthusiasm, than the visit, in April, 1844, of Henry Clay, the Whig candidate for President. Thou- sands of people came from various i)arts of the State to do honor to the statesman. The hotels were all full, as were the boarding-houses, and more than a thousand persons camped out, in the suburbs "of the city, having journeyed their way to Raleigh in wag- ons — a great number of them many miles — in full ex- pectation of caring for themselves while here in this manner. Four or five acres were closely studded with vehicles of every description, with baggage wag ons and tents of every form and variety. Mr. Clay arrived on the 12th of April, at 7 o'clock in the evening, under escort of a committee who had gone to meet him, accompanied by Capt. Stith's Cav- alry, Capt. Lucas' infantry, and the Committee of Reception. On his arrival here, Hon. Geo. E. Bad- ger delivered an address of welcome, after which Mr, Clay was escorted to the Governor's ''Palace," where he was introduced to the Chief Executive. Later, he was escorted to the residence of Mr. Badger, at whose home he was the guest during his sojourn here. On the next day a procession formed at the Capitol Square at 11 o'clock. It then moved to the Govern- or's "Palace," where Mr. Clay was received in an open carriage, drawn by four gray horses, and escorted to the capitol. Here, after being introduced to the vast assemblage of people present, he delivered an address of two hours length. Then followed a big barbecue at Bennehan's Grove. Mr. T. H. Snow, who was orderly sergeant of the Ra- 124 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. leigli Guards, was chairman of the committee of ar- rangements. (Benuehan's Grove was on the square or block bounded by Morgan, Bloodworth, Blount and Hargett streets.) At night the city was illuminated in honor of this event and a grand display of fireworks was wit- RUFUIS H. HOKKiN. Veteran locomotive engineer; aged seventy-six years. nessed, under the direction of the late Col. W. H. H. Tucker. The next da}^, being Sunday, Mr. Clay attended di- vine worship at Edenton Street Methodist Church. An interesting incident of Mr. Clay's visit was the presentation to him, by Miss Lucilla Harriss, of Gran- ville county, of a beautiful silk vest pattern, ''of her own nuinufacture, from t\w. cocoon to the beautiful HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 125 fabric, with the request that lie should wear it when he shall deliver his inaugural address on the 4th of March, 1845, as President of the United States." Mr. Clay received the vest with many thanks, most heartily and delicately expressed, and said that if he lived and should be the choice of the people for the Presidency, he would be too glad to comply with the request. He then turned and exhibited the vest to the audience, who "applauded in rapturous peals of grat- ulation" — as one enthusiastic supporter of the Whig candidate expressed it. The distinguished guest left Kaleigh Monday for Petersburg, under escort of a special committee from that city. It will be remembered that it was in Raleigh that Mr. Clay wrote the ill-fated letter opposing the annex- ation of Texas to the United States, which it was thouaht defeated him for the Presidencv. Puffin Tucker, in 1S4G was still one of the leading merchants. W. H. II. Tucker, his eldest son, was then received by his father as a partner, and the firm of R. Tucker & Son conducted their affairs with success, until its dissolution by the death of the senior partner on the 9th April, 185i, when W. H. H. Tucker united his two younger brothers, Rufus S. and the late Dr. J. J. W. Tucker, with him, the latter as a silent part- ner, under the name of W. H. & R. S. Tucker. Under this name they continued their pursuits with undimin- ished energy, but with an unavoidable cessation of two years during the Civil War. After the death of the senior partner, W. H. H. Tucker, in 1882, Major R. S. Tucker continued the business until 1883, when he retired, succeeded by ^lessrs. Bovlan, McKimmon, 126 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. Dobbin aud Poe, the new firm retaining the old firm name of W. H. & R. S. Tncker & Co. After several changes in the personelle of the firm, in 1898 W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. dissolved, and the business has since been continued by T. W. Dobbin and Jos. F. Ferrall as Dobbin & Ferrall. Mr. Henry S. Wilton, who died but recently, had moved among us continually for more than half a cen- tury, and at his death was eighty-three years of age. He came to Ealeigh in the early forties. For many years he worked in the car shops of the old Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, where he was engaged as decora- tor of fine coaches at the time when the compau}^ con- structed most of its own property of that character. Mr. Wilton was a man of spotless character, and had many friends. A prominent resident of the old days was Major John Devereux, who was born in Raleigh in 1819. He was a son of Thos. P. Devereux, Esq., and was gradu- ated with distinction at Yale College in 1840. During the Civil War he was Assistant Quartermaster of State troops, and to his skill and energy was due the fact, it is said, of North Carolina soldiers having been better clothed and fed than any others of the Army of Northern Virginia. In early life he married Margaret Mordecai, a descendant of Col. Joel Lane, and a daugh- ter of Moses ]Mordecai,whowas a noted Raleigh lawyer in his day. Major Devereux was an upright man. He died in April. 1893. His widow is yet living, noTV seventy-nine years of age, and much beloved by a widtJ circle of friends. Patrick G. Linehan was another old-time inhabi- tant. He settled among us in 1849. He was one of the sturdiest and most industrious of men, and in his lifetime proved of much usefulness to the people. By HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 127 trade lie was a stone-mason ; he became largelj" inter- ested in quarrying, and was the contractor for the masonry of many important enterprises, principally bridge building on the various lines of railroads in the State. An enduring monument to his skill was the foundation of the present Post Office Building, the corner-stone of which was laid in 1874, on which occa- sion Hon. John Nichols, then Grand Master Mason of the State, conducted the Masonic ceremonies. Mr. W. A. Linehau, of the clothing firm of Cross & Line- han, is Mr. Linehan's eldest son. Mr. Robert Dobbin, the veteran shoemaker, has been a resident for more than half a century. He came here in 1848, since which time he has been one of our staunchest citizens and most honorable men. His first work was for O. L. Burch, who kept a shop on Fayetteville street. Although now seventy-five years of age, Mr. Dobbin still works with that clock-like regularity that has characterized him through life. No better man can any city claim than Robert Dobbin. In 1845 another hotel was added to the numl)er of houses of entertainment. This was the Washington Hotel. It was situated on East Morgan street, on the site now occupied by the shops of Building Con- tractors Bonniwell & Coffey. It was then kept by Alfred M. Lewis, who was afterward succeeded by Frank King, and later by Robert Perry. Subse- quently the house grew into disrepute, and was then known as the "Buttermilk Tavern.'' The Spirit of the Age, n great temperance ])aper, made its appearance in 1848. It was published by Alexander jNF. (lorman, an editorial writer of force and influence. At one time this paper was one of the State's leading journals. The last number was pub- lished in 18G2. Mr. (Jormau died about the close of the war, aged fifty-three years. 128 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. At this period (1848) Oliver and Proctor were con- ducting a tailoring business, and Jas. McKimmon (father of Mr. Chas. McKimmon, of the firm of Boy- Ian, Pearce & Co.), Alexander Creech, T. H. Selby, J. G. B. Roulhac, the Stiths, Samuel H. Young, Henry L. Evans, Heartt & Litchford, John Primrose, Jas. M. Towles, were the leading dry goods merchants. C. B. Root and Palmer <& Ramsay were continuing their jeAvelry business, while Turner & Hughes and W. L. Pomeroy were booksellers. W. G. Lougee (father of the late Louis O. Lougee) was the proprietor of the only tinware business in Raleigh. In 1855 J. P. Adams and Joseph Watson had opened shops for making and repairing shoes. Henry Porter had ceased working at the bench, and was con- ducting a boot and shoe store on Fayetteville street. About this time in Raleigh's historj^ Phil. Thiem came here to make his future home. He opened a confectionery and toy store on Fayetteville street, which he conducted until the breaking out of the Civil War, when he engaged with A. W. Fraps in the manufacture of munitions of war for the Confederate government. In 1864 he married Miss Annie Brown, a daughter of Henry J. Brown. Mr. Thiem was a modest, retiring man, an honorable gentleman, and one whose friends were legion. He was a Mason and Odd Fellow of prominence. He died in 18-9, aged seventy-two years. Silas Burns was the first man to open an iron foun- dry in Raleigh. He came here in the forties, and in. his day proved himself a man of much usefulness to our people. The iron fence, which until of late sur- rounded the capitol, was moulded at his foundry. This, with his extensive machine shops, was on the site of Allen & Cram's shops, who now conduct a similar HISTORICAL RALEIGH, 129 business. Mr. Fleming Bates, now seventy-two years of age, was for a long time, just before the Civil War, a partner with Mr. Burns. The census of 1850 gave the number of inhabitants of Raleigh as only 4,518. This is not strange, for we had no cotton market, and although half a century had elapsed since the invention of the cotton-gin, still only enough of the fleecy staple was grown to supply the demands of the grower. This was made into "homespun'' goods by the use of hand-cards, the spinning-wheel and the loom, which were found in the homes of all thrifty country people. Little wonder then that the population lagged, for it is largely by the growth of cotton and its manufacture that we are now maintained, especially so in the absence of a better market for tobacco. John Malone was at this time a Avell known factor in Raleigh's business affairs, from the fact that he was a colored num and owner of a livery stable, and conducted a hack line to various points. His stables were on the corner of Blount and Davie streets. He was the father-in-law of the late Jas. H. Han-is, th<} colored politician. (q NEW IMPETUS. The decade from 1850 to 1860 was one of the most prosperous since the establishment of the State Gov- ernment at the city of Raleigh. During that period many public enterprises were commenced, and rapid progress in the development in the State's resources had been made. The handsome building for the edu- cation of the Deaf, Dumb and the Blind had been com- pleted and occupied; the Insane Asylum (now the 130 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. Central Hospital for the Insane) had been established and the buildings erected; a fine female school had been established by the Methodists on Hillsboro street; St. Mary's School, which had been in success- ful operation for ten years or more, had been greatly improved; the North Carolina Railroad had been built from Goldsboro to Charlotte, making connec- tion Avith other railroads on the south and east; con- nection had been made with the Wilmington & Wel- don Railroad and the Raleigh & Gaston road by build- ing the connection between Gaston and Weldon; the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad was completed from Goldsboro to Morehead City, thus connecting the Atlantic^ Ocean on the east with the mountains on the west. The North Carolina State Agricultural Society was organized during this decade, and the first State Fair was held in 1853; gas works were estab- lished and Raleigh was first lighted with gas in Octo- ber, 1858; the public school system was thoroughly reorganized, and the first Superintendent of Public In- struction was elected by the Legislature at the session of 1852-'53. Dr. Edward C. Fisher, who was a Virginian by birth, was the first Superintendent of the Insane Asy- lum, and W. D. Cooke the first Principal of the Deaf and Dumb Institution. Dr. Jas. McKee is now the Superintendent of the former and Mr. Jno. E. Ray the Principal of the latter institution. Rev. Mr. Christian was the Principal of the Raleigh Female Seminary. The first President of the North Carolina Railroad was Jno. M. Morehead. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 131 It was in 1850 that Hon. John Nichols came to Ra- leigh from his countrj home near Eagle Rock, in this county. Here he at once engaged as an apprentice in the printing department of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. Subsequently he was the foreman of the office, and later became the Princi- pal of the Institution. In the seventies he was the senior member of the firm of Nichols, Gorman and Neathery, a printing house of Raleigh widely known throughout the State. Mr. Nichols has held many po- sitions of honor and trust, prominent among which have been postmaster of Raleigh and Representative in Congress, in all of which he served with fidelity. He has been a most worthy and useful citizen. Hon. Kemp Plummer Battle was for many years a resident of Raleigh. He came here about the year 1852, and commenced the practice of law, and built up a lucrative practice. Afterwards he was State Treas- urer. When the State University was re-organized, Mr. Battle became its President, and at present he fills the Chair of History, for which he is so eminently qualified. He is a man of fine literary attainments, and few men have contributed more to the history of Raleigh and the State than he. Mr. Battle is a man of high social attainments, agreeable manners, and one of the most beloved men in the State. St. Mary's Seminary (now St. INIary's College) has been noticed at length in considering matters edu- cational. The Raleigh Gas Works were constructed by Messrs. Waterhouse and Bowes in 1858, for the Raleigh Gas Company. INFr. BoAves is still living among us, hon- ored and respected by our whole people. He is now in his seventy-ninth year, yet hale and hearty, and one of the most companionable of men. He is still ac- 132 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. tivel}' engaged in business, being a partner, in the plumbing business, with Mr. Theodore Keuster on South Salisbury street. The late Wm. H. High, who for many years was Sheriff of Wake, was another resident of early times. He was a man much beloved by everybody. Contem- poraneous with Mr. High was Col. W. P. Askew, the late W. H. Holleman and J. W. B. Watson, all of whom were men of property and influence, as were John C. Moore (father-in-law of Col. Askew), the late Jas. M. Harris, Jefferson Fisher, and Col. J. P. H. Russ. All of these were men of prominence in Ra- leigh and Wake County in the fifties. Dr. Richard B. Haywood, in 1850 had joined the ranks of practicing physicians, and before his death was among the ablest practitioners in his profession. At one time he was honored with the Presidency of the State Medical Society. Dr. E. Burke Haywood was also then winning dis- tinction. He soon became one of the most eminent surgeons in the State. Dr. Wm. H. McKee was also in full practice. He was an able phj^sician and distinguished for his benev- olence, which secured for him the love and honor of the needy poor. Another prominent physician at that period, and who was enjoving a good practice, was Dr. Wm. G. Hill. Dr. Chas. E. Johnson had then been a resident of Raleigh live years, coming here from the east, where he had acquired a good practice in Bertie and Chowan counties. He, too, was a physician of distinction, and noted for his charitable disposition. Dr. F. J. Haywood is noticed elsewhere, — among the earlier inhabitants. I HISTORICAL RACEIGH. 13-5 Dr. McKee was the father of Dr. Jas. McKee, Su- perintendent of the Central Hospital for the Insane. Among Dr. Johnson's descendants are Mr. Chas. E. Johnson, of the well known firm of Messrs. Thompson & Johnson, cotton exporters, and Mr. J. I. Johnson^ the prominent Fayetteville street pharmacist. Messrs. Marshall DeLancey, Graham and Sherwood Haywood are among the descendants of Dr. Richard B. Hay- wood. The late Theophilus H. Hill, the famous North Carolina poet, Avas a son of Dr. Hill. Messrs. A. W., Ernest, and Dr. Hubert Haywood are among the de- scendants of Dr. E. Burke Haywood. The surviving children of Dr. F. J. Haywood are Dr. F. J., Jr., Jos. A. and J. P. Haywood. The Yarborough House was not opened to the trav- eling public till 1852 — the need of a swell hotel of this character not hitherto having been felt. In that year, however, a stock company, with a capital of |20,000, was formed, for the purpose of erecting this building. The stockholders were. Major Moses A. Bledsoe, Jerry Nixon, Dabney Cosby and Edward Yarborough. The hotel was placed under the management of the latter gentleman, and for this reason was designated the Yarborough House. ]Mr. Yarborough, prior to this time, had been proprietor of the Guion Hotel (the present Agricultural Building). K. R. Weathers Avas then a large grocery merchant, doing business on Exchange Place. He was a man of piety and charitable impulses, and had a great many friends. At one time he was a man of consider- able means. He was the father of Mrs. J. B. Martin and Mr. K. W. Weathers, of Raleigh, Mrs. Emma Jones, of Kernersville, N. C, and Mr. C. M. Weath ers, of Richmond, Va. Henrv Fendt, so long and well known to our older 134 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. citizens, and yet living, has been a resident for half a centuiy, coming here from Germany in 1852. He first clerked in the confectionery store of F. Mahler, and later worked for Peter Seilig, who kept a small music store in a little wooden building on the site of the Fisher Building. Subsequently Mr, Fendt went into the confectionery business, and for a long time was the only merchant, besides Williams & Haywood, who kept a soda-fountain in the city. M. Grausman became a resident of Raleigh about the 3'ear 1855, and soon became a leading business man. He was a merchant tailor, and had his store on the site now occupied by jNI. M. Smith as a book- store. Mr. Grausman was a man noted for his learn- ing and purity of character, and had many friends. He died in 1892. The sons and daughters surviving him are Dr. Philip Grausman, of New York; Mr. M. Grausman, Mrs. Hannah Rosenthal and Mrs. Helen Elias, residents of Raleigh. HOW THE MILITARY WERE TRAPPED BY (\ HOTEL MAN. The martial spirit of the young men was quite as prominent in ante-bellum days as now. At this pe- riod (1856) two military companies flourished — the "Oak City Guards'' and the "Independent Guards'' — and of one or the other nearly every young man was a member. Shortly after their organization these companies were invited to Haw River (a station on the North Carolina Railroad) by one General Trollin- ger, who had just completed a big hotel at that place, to join in the banquet with which the opening of the HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 135 house was to be celebrated. The boys accepted and went off in high giee. They arrived in proper time and in good shape for the festivities, in which latter they all indulged to a degree. After supper each one of the guests was called upon for one dollar as com- J. KUFFIN Wli^LIAMS. The veteran pharmacist; aged eighty-three years. pensation to the host for his spread, whicli many re- fused to pay. The incident was the occasion of the following rhyme, which was afterwards sung on the streets by every boy in town : "The Independent Guards went off on a spree. Up to General Trollinger's to get their supper free ; When they got their supper they had it all to buy, And had to pay a dollar or ' root hog or die.' " ' 136 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. The first planiug-iiiill Ealeigli had ever known was erected in the hitter part of the fifties by Dr. T. D. Hogg and Robert Haywood. It was situated in the northwest portion of tlie city, near the tanlis of the Standard Oil Company. Until this time all weather- boarding, flooring and trimmings were planed by hand. Briggs & Dodd were soon competitors of this enterprise, and the former, after a year or two, went out of business. Now and then there leaves his rural home some young man, who, recognizing the many advantages for development in a city, not found in a less thickly settled community, comes hither, and by industry and integrity hews his way to the front and leaves his im- press for good on generations jet to come. In 1856 one such as this — then a mere lad — came to Ealeigh. This was Neeclham B. Broughton, whose father died when he was but seven years of age. His widowed mother succeeded to the sole care of seven small chil- dren — four sons and three daughters. Needham was the fifth child, and his mother placed him, in earl}' life, in a printing office to be trained to the art of printing, and how well he learned it results have shown. In 1872 he united with Mr. C. B. Edwards in the establishment of a book and job printing office, which is now one of the largest and most complete printing concerns in the South. In church and Sunday School work Mr. Broughton has no superior. A deacon in the Raleigh Baptist Tabernacle, in all the efforts made b}^ this church to attain its present prominence he has always been in the lead. He is tlie Superintendent of the Sunday School of that church, Secretary of the Bajitist State Convention, Trustee of Wake Forest College and of the Baptist Female University, besides holding many HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 137 other positions of honor and trust. For many years he has stood in the front rank with those who have labored and are still laboring for the moral, relig- ious and educational advancement of our city. But his efforts in this direction have not been confined wholly to Raleigh — other sections of the State, yea, the State itself, have shared the benefits of his zeal and ability, put forth for the furtherance of the xerj best interests of our people. Possessed of strong con- victions, and being a man of undaunted moral and physical courage, he has always planted himself firmly against the evil and in favor of the good. He pursues no temporizing policy — you always know where to find him whenever the forces of good and evil range themselves for battle; with pen and tongue and purse he boldly takes his position, and no soldier performs more valuable service than he for au}^ cause in which he engages. Mr. Richard H. Battle for more than a generation has been prominently identified with Raleigh, having been a resident since 1862, when he was appointed by Gov. Z. B. Vance as his private secretary. Two years later he was appointed to the ofiice of Secretary of State by the same authority, to fill the vacancy occa- sioned by the resignation of Hon. Sam'l F. Phillips. He has filled many other positions of honor and trust, and in them all proved faithful, ^fr. Battle was born in Louisburg in 1835. He married in 1860 An- nie Ruffin, daughter of Hon. Thos. S. Ashe, a lady of rare endowments of mind and person. She died in 1883. One of Raleigh's staunchest inhabitants of more re- cent times was E. F. Wyatt. He came to Raleigli more than forty years ago, and continued here his 10 138 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. residence until his death in 1901. He was a saddler and harness-maker, and under the firm name of E. F. Wyatt & Son conducted successfully a business of this character on East Martin street. Although of unassuming manner and modest disposition, he was a man of exalted character and sterling qualities. At his death he was eighty-one years of age. Mr. Pulaski Cowper, who died some months ago, was one of the prominent citizens of Raleigh. He came here to reside in 1855. He was of a most genial disposition and much beloved by everyone who knew him personally. A man of fine literary attainments, he left many valuable productions of his pen. At the time of his death he was President of the North Caro- lina Home Insurance Company, and theretofore held many other positions of honor and trust. Of those who came among us at this period, and is pleasantly remembered by a wide circle of friends, was Samuel Parish. For some time his business was that of a carriage-painter, but later he opened a busi- ness for house and sign painting. He was a very superior workman and a good citizen. He was the father of Ex-Alderman Walter Parish. Jno. B. Neathery, who died in 1894, had been a resi- dent of Raleigh since 1861, and held many positions of responsibility. He was a man of fine literary attain- ments, and possessed as he was of a fund of wit and humor, his writings were always instructive and en- tertaining. He was one of the most companionable of men and universally popular. He served as county treasurer for several years. Few men were better known than Jno. C. Gorman. He was printer, journalist and soldier. Before his death he had been a member of the General Assembly, Mayor of Raleigh, and was at one time Adjutant-Gen- HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 139 eral of the State. While serving as captain in the Civil War, he wrote many newspaper articles ''from the front," which were pronounced the ecjual of "ivus- sell," the war correspondent of the London Times. No braver man or truer friend has lived in Kaleigh than Jno. C. Gorman. He died in Washington, D. C, in 1892. In 1858 Lynn Adams and Will ford Upchurch were in the grocery business on the south side of Exehaugo Place — Mr. Adams on the site now occupied by tlic store of G. S. Tucker & Co., Mr. Upchurch on the corner where W. H. King & Co.'s drugstore is situated. Mr. Len H. Adams, one of Kaleigli's most highly re- spected citizens and business men, came to the capital at this time and worked in the store of Lynn Adams. Mr. Upchurch and Mr. Lytlh Adams were among the leading merchants in their day. ^Many of their de- scendants are still living among us. Mr. Upchurch was the father of the late jMr. Iv. G. Upcluirch, for a long time the very popular and efficient city auditor. Mr. Thomas Adams, the popular mail -carrier, is a son of Lynn Adams. Isaac Oettinger, one of the most popular and kind- hearted Hebrews who ever lived in Ilaleigh, in 1800 was selling dry goods on Fayetleville street. Later he opened a millinery business, which he conducted very successfully for many years. At this period the post-office was in an old wooden building occupying the site of Rerwanger Bros. Cloth- ing House. The postmaster was Geo. T. Cooke — the clerks, Chas. H. Belvin and the late Thos. Jenkins. Alexander Creech was a prominent merchant of the old times, and a man of great energy and pluck. Starting in 1855 in the dry goods business on small capital, he soon ranked high and was afterwards 140 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. known as the "merchant prince." He was a very friendly man, and would rather suffer imposition than contend with an adversary. Good natured, kind and gentle to everyone, he is pleasantly remembered by a host of friends of the old days. He died in 1894, aged sixty-nine years. Jas. J. Litchford was contemporaneous with Mr. Creech, and at one time was his partner in business. Honest and upright in character, James Litchford was a man who had the entire confidence of all with whom he had dealing. He Avas a prominent Odd Fellow, and for many years Secretary of the Grand Lodge. At his death he was sixty-five years of age. Messrs. Henry E. and Jas. O, Litchford are his only surviving sons. The former is cashier of the Citizens National Bank, and the latter occupies a like position with the Raleigh Savings Bank. Although the population of Raleigh in 1860 was but 4,780, yet the culture and refinements of the capital city seemed to justify the opening of a floral business. This was done by Messrs. Hamilton & Carter, who embarked in this enterprise on the block bounded by Morgan, Blount, Person and Hargett streets. It was a small affair, and suited the times, but bore no com- parison to the establishment of Mr. Steinmetz, which is now conducted so creditably on the northern suburbs of the city. Havens & Andrews were in copartnership as photo- graphic artists, and advertised they were taking a new style of picture known as "the melainotype, for fifty cents upward." Andrews was also a portrait painter of fin(^ talent. Raleigh now enjoyed the distinction of having a "iiiinernl spring." It was in the vicinity of Smith- field and East streets, and was owned by J. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 141 H. Kirkliam. Season tickets sold for three dollars. Of course the water would cure "any disease which flesh was heir to." The enterprise soon failed. J. B. Franklin had found that a new bakery was in demand, and John Maunder was conducting a pros- perous marble yard. Strother & Marcom had opened a printing office exclusively for book and job work, while P. Babcock and L. S. Perry were the only den- tists. The Lawrence Hotel, which had been on the site of the Federal Post OflSce Building, and one of the lead- ing hotels of the city, was destroyed by fire this year. The late Hon. Josiah Turner, of Hillsboro, was in the building at the time, and narrowly escaped with his life. Jas. D. Pullen had opened the Planters Hotel, oa the site now occupied by M. T. Norris & Bro., on Wil- mington and Martin streets, and Jas. Bashford was conducting a carriage-making business on the corner of Morgan and McDowell streets. L. D. Heartt was conducting a dry goods store, as successor to Heartt & Litchford. Williams & McGee (the late Alfred Williams and Thadeus McGee) were also keeping a dry goods store. Their place of business was the house now occupied by Mrs. Fashnach as a jewelry store. Dodd & Scheib had opened a confectionery store on Fayetteville street, where is now kept the Music Store of Darnell & Thomas. 142 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. VISIT OF STEPHEN f1. DOUGLAS. A notable event in the history of Raleigh was the arrival here in August, 1860, of Stephen A. Douglas, one of the four candidates for President of the United States. He arrived on the evening of the 29th, and was met at the depot by a committee and escorted to the Yarborough House, where he was welcomed to our city and State by Hon. Henry W. Miller. On Thurs- day afternoon he spoke from the eastern portico of the Capitol to a large audience. Mr. Douglas had but lit- tle following here, and hence his visit created no en- thusiasm, further than was shown by a great number of people coming out to hear him, because, perhaps, of his renown as a statesman. At this time the "Oak City Savings Bank" was or- ganized, with Dr. T. D. Hogg, President ; Jno. G. Wil- liams, Cashier; Directors, Dr. T. D. Hogg, Quentin Busbee, H. S. Smith, Jno. G. Williams. Mr. C. B. Edwards came to Raleigh about this period, and for many years has been one of its leading business men. His first work here was as an appren- tice in the office of the Church Intelligencer. After finishing his apprenticeship he worked as a composi- tor in a number of other offices until 1872, when he formed a copartnership with Mr. N. B. Broughton, and established a book and job printing establishment, which is now one of the leading enterprises in the city, giving employment to more people than any pri- vate establishment in Raleigh. Mr. Edwards is a prominent Mason and has several times represented his ward as alderman. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 143 All men can not be merchants — there mnst be arti- sans, or mechanics, as well as tradesmen; producers as well as distributors and consumers. Were this not true, houses would not be constructed nor cities built. Thus, in the different periods of our history there came to Raleigh, and also grew up within its borders, mechanics and others who pursued their re- spective vocations, and without whom the city could not have grown and flourished and been the beautiful metropolis it is to-day. Among the representative men of this character have been Jno. G. Briggs, Thos. H. Briggs, David L. Royster, Madison Royster, Ander- son Nixon, carpenters ; C. Kuester, gun and loclv- smith ; John O'Rourke, Jas. Bashford, Bartlett Up- church, Wm. P. Clarke, Jno. R. Harrison, N. S. Harp, W. David Williams, Thos. G. Jenkins, Alfred Up- church, carriage-makers; Henry J. Brown, E. D. Haynes, David Royster and W. J. Thopmson, cabinet- makers; Henry Smith, Mark Williams, bricklayers; W. G. Lougee, tinner ; H. I. Hasselbach, coppersmith ; Silas Burns, ironworker; Joseph Waltering, axe- maker and manufacturer of edge tools; John Maun- der, Wm. Stronach, marble-cutters; Dabney Cosby, architect. The following have been artisans of more recent times, many of whom are still living and ac- tively engaged in business: Marshall Betts, Harris Vaughan, Benj. Park, Jacob S. Allen, Anderson Betts, L. H. Royster, W. Jeff. Ellington, Arthur D. Zach- ary, building contractors; T. F. Brockwell, expert gun and locksmith; H. J. Hammill, plasterer; Jno. J. Weir, F. H. Hunnicut, bricklayers, stone-masons and general contractors; M. R. Haynes, cabinet-maker; Geo. M. Allen, Wm. C. Cram, J. H. Gill, founders and machinists; S. W. Holloway, J. W. Evans, carriage- makers; W. W. Parish, Wm. C. Parish, H. E. Glenn, 144 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. Jesse Williams, H. M. Farnswortli, Win. F. King, C. P. Bullock, W. R. Macy, John Howell, painters; Lon- nie Weathers, Wm. T. Utley, J. C. Ellington, paper- hangers ; T. S. Stevenson, W. J. Young, W. H. Hughes' Jr., Wm. Taylor, M. Bowes, A. T. Kuester, plumbers. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 145 RALEIGH'S BUSINESS MEN— PAST AND PRESENT. Many of our present commercial establishments are located on sites that have interesting history connec ted with them. The earlier mercantile spirits of the capital city dedicated these sites forever to successful commercial and industrial activity. D. C. Murray in 18G0 was one of the leading dry goods merchants. His store was on Fayetteville street, on a portion of the site occupied now by Sher- wood Higgs & Co., than which there is not a more en- terprising firm in the State. A distinguishing feature of this house is the fact that its head is one of the youngest business men of his ranlv to be found any- where. Yet, in quickness of discernment, enterprise and business sagacity, Mr. Higgs has few superiors. His success has been phenomenal. In the conduct of its extensive and elaborate business the firm is as- sisted by a corps of more than forty obliging sales- men and salesladies. The site on Fayetteville street now occupied by Messrs. Dobbin & Ferrall, dry goods merchants; W. H. Hughes, dealer in china, crockery, etc. ; C. P. Wharton, photographer; A. Williams & Co., booksell- ers and stationers, and T. W. Blake, jeweler, was then a vacant lot, afterwards made famous as the spot over which had floated the first secession flag in Raleigh. Messrs. Dobbin & Ferrall are among the leaders in their line, not only here, but in the State. Being the worthy successors of the dry goods business of the his- toric Tuckers, they feel a worthy pride in exerting 146 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. their best energies to maintain the reputation, in all respects, earned by their predecessors, beginning with the city's earliest history and extending through nearly a century. Messrs. Alfred Williams and Edgar Haywood, who compose the firm of A. Williams & Co., are among the leaders in their line in the State. The founder of this house was the late Alfred Williams, who estab- lished the business more than a generation ago, and who was rewarded with much success. The business is now prominently known throughout the State, from every part of which it draws its patronage. Mr. Wil- liams is a grandnephew of Mr. Alfred Williams, the founder, who was one of Raleigh's earliest inhabitants and prominent citizens; Mr. Haywood is a son of the late Dr. E. Burke Haywood, who was one of our most distinguished physicians and eminent sur- geons. The establishment presided over by Mr. Hughes is one of the largest and oldest in this line of trade in the city. This house was established nearly a score of years ago by the present proprietor, who, by his uni- form courtesy and reliable business methods, has secured an enviable patronage. The career of this enterprise has been a record of uninterrupted success. In its highest and broadest sense, Mr. Hughes is a most valuable citizen. He is a Confederate veteran, and Second Lieutenant Commander of L. O'B. Branch Camp. Mr. Wharton is regarded as an artist of rare merit, his skill being rewarded by an extensive and select patronage. An examination of his work reveals the fact that his pictures are executed by the true artist, an easy, graceful and natural pose being always ob- served — results not to be secured except by masters HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 147 of this art. In the excellence of his work he yields the palm to none. There were then no places of business on Fajette- ville street below the court-house and the Yarborough House. Where now stands the Pullen Building, — occupied as law offices by Messrs. Armistead Jones & Son, M. N. Amis, B. C. Beckwith, W. L. Watson, J. N. Holding, J. H. Fleming ; the offices of Dr. D. S. Row- land, the Mechanics and Investors Union, R. G. Reid, J. P., the Morning Post, and the Barnes Printing Co., — was the old Gales residence. The Mechanics and Investors Union is a mortgage investment company, and has for nine years been re- ceiving monthly deposits from our citizens, which money has been invested in the erection of city resi- dences. The company is managed by a boai*d of direc- tors, and George Allen, its Secretary. Mr. Allen was for nearly a third of a centurj^ connected with the business interests of New Bern, but for the past ten years has been one of our active and busy citizens. He is Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, and President of the Board of Trustees for the N. C. Insti- tution for the Deaf and Dumb and Blind. On the opposite side of the street, and below Davie, where Cooper Bros, conduct their marble works, was the residence of Mr. C. B. Root. The gentlemen composing the firm of Cooper Bros, have been identi- fied with Raleigh since 1894. The progress and suc- cess of their business has seldom been eqiialled in this community. This is not surprising wh(Mi it is con- sidered that the members of the firm are men of the highest integrity, business skill, and faithful to every obligation of whatsoever nature. Their business op- erations extend to other States, and orders have of late been received from the West Indies. The hand- 148 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. (some monument erected to the memory of the late J. M. Heck was construe ted by this firm. Mr. W. A. Cooper, the senior member, is also a skillful designer. Where Senator Wm. Haywood's residence then stood, on the corner below, is now the popular Hotel Dorsett. The opening of this house of entertainment was occasioned by the demands of the public, which K. K. THOMAS. Aged eiglity-onc years. had so long required superior hotel accommodations. This is secured at the l)<)i'sett,where the wayfarer is cared for in a manner expcn'ienced only at the best hotels, and on terms such as are but reasonable for high-class entertainment. The house is noted for the courteous consideration of guests and for its excellent service. The proprietor, Mv. W. L. Dorsett, is the youngest hotel man in the South, and one of the most successful. The cuisine is the best. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 149 Jno. G. Williams & Co., at this time, were doing a brokerage business on Payetteville street. This was on the site now occupied by the tailoring business of Mr, ( ieo. N. Walters, who conducts here, in his commo- dious parlors, a business second to none. Commenc- ing this industry here seventeen years ago, by the skill, finish and taste which has characterized his work, he has won a reputation extending throughout the State. The best test of his excellence in this industry are his frequent invitations, from time to time, by prominent artists in his profession, to accept positions of designer and cutter in New York and other leading cities. Mr. Walters is a leading citizen and a Mason of prominence. The site on Hargett street occupied for sixty years by Wm. C. Upchurch, now eighty-nine years of age, and retired, is now conducted by his grandson, Mr. B. W. Upchurch, one of the most enterprising business men of the capital. With much sagacity and business tact he has, within a few years, secured such a share of patronage as should be a source of just pride to anyone, however long in the business. His dealings are honorable to a high degree. The floral business here at that time was scarcely in its infancy, but the establishment of H. Steinmetz is now an enterprise that is in full accord with our growing ])()pulation and the growing refinements of the ca])ital. His establislmient is on the northern suburbs of tl»e city, 1o which a visit is always enjoyed. Under the skillful and artistic management of its pro- prietor, tlie business of Mr. Steinmetz now has a repu- tation extending to every part of North Carolina. This enterprise is a credit to the city, and its proprie- tor a very agreeable man and highly respected citizen. One of the leading and oldest jewelers at this period 150 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. was Ohas. H. Thompson. His place of business was on Fayetteville street, in the store now occupied by the Jollj-Wynne Jewelry Co. This enterprising firm, while satisfying at all times the most exacting and fastidious tastes of a high-class trade, yet caters to the demands of the masses, who are always willing to pay substantial prices for reliable goods. At this house courteous treatment and fair dealing are as- sured, for the gentlemen composing the firm — Messrs. B. R. Jolly, P. M. Jolly, J. S. Wynne and R. S. Wynne — are among our most estimable citizens and honor- able men. The leading confectionery in Raleigh at this time was in an old rickety frame building, on the site of the Raney Library, and which for many years before had served as one of the early taverns of the city. One of the proprietors had been Wm. T. Bain. Besides the Library proper, there is now on this site, and on the first floor of the Library building, one of the handsomest and most tastefully equipped pharmacies in the city or State. The proprietor is Mr. Robert Simpson, whose excellence as a pharmacist is no higher than his value as a man and citizen. These are the secrets of the success of this widely popular es- tablishment. On the west side of Fayetteville street, from Har- gett to Martin, the stores were old framed buildings, occupied by W. G. Lougee, tinner; F. Keuster, gun and locksmith ; I. Hesselbach, coppersmith ; Henry Depkin, shoemaker; Robert Dobbin, shoemaker, and others. Where now stands the National Bank of Raleigh was the site of the first residence erected at the capital for the State's Chief Magistrate. Among the prominent merchants and business men now on other sites below, are Boylan, Pearce & Co., Daniel HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 151 Allen & Co., T. H. Briggs & Sons, the Hart-Ward Hardware Co., Hubert lielvin, the Carolina Trust Company, John C. DreAvry, J. K. Marshall, Carey J. Hunter. The first-mentioned firm is composed of Jas. Bojdan, Chas. McKImmon and J. B. Pearce. islv. Boylan is a descendant of the historic family of that name — William Boylan, its founder, having been one of the most prominent of Raleigh's early residents. Mr. Jas. Boylan has been identified with the dry goods trade for nearly a lifetime. Mr. McKimmon is a son of Jas. McKimmon, who, more than half a century ago, was one of the two leading dr^^ goods merchants of Raleigh, and possesses in an eminent degree that taste and judgment the exercise of which has con- tributed so much to the reputation of this popular dry goods emporium. Mr. J. B. Pearce, another member of the firm, is a gentleman endowed with a superabun- dance of energy, and his many admirable social quali- ties, clear judgment and general business capacity, render him very popular with all classes. The repu- tation of this establishment is co-extensive with the State. The business of the house now controlled b}' T. H. Briggs & Sons was established in 18G5 by T. H. Briggs, Sr. (the father of the present proprietors^^ and Jas. Dodd, who conducted the same until 18G8, when Mr. Briggs became the sole proprietor. In 1871 the sons were made copartners. The firm then be- came T. H. Briggs & Sons. Since the death of T. H. Briggs, Sr., in 1886, the business of the house has been conducted by the sons, Thos. H. Briggs and Jas. A. Briggs, under the style of T. H. Briggs & Sons. In the hardware line this house is arrayed in the front rank, and has reaped that reward it so richly deser^^es. The members are among the city's most substantial citizens and respected men. 152 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. The president of the National Bank of Raleigh is Mr. Chas. H. Belvin. No one who knows Mr. Belvin and has watched his rapid rise from a clerk in the postoffice to the presidency of a bank, can be surprised. Possessed of naturally bright business capacity, his integrity of character, unassuming manner and affa- ble disposition pushed him forward to his present pop- ularity and business position. Mr. Belvin is gener- ally regarded as one of the safest financiers in the State. He is and long has been a steward of the Edenton Street Methodist Church. The members of the firm of Daniel Allen & Co.'s shoe emporium, on Fayetteville street, are among the leading spirits in Raleigh's business circles. The se- nior member, Mr. Geo. E. Hunter, is also a member of the well-known firm of Hunter & Dunn, wholesale grocers, on Wilmington street, and is one of the most thoroughgoing business men in the city. Mr. Allen, the junior partner, is a man possessing the very high- est business qualities, and under his active manage- ment the enterprise has become a leading one at the capital. Mr. Allen is a gentleman of culture and widely and favorably known for his eminent social qualities, which secure for him not only a host of per- sonal friends, but the patronage of an appreciative and discriminating public. In the next building to the above mentioned firm is the merchant tailoring business of Mr. Hubert Belvin, whose push, energy and determination to master his vocation has won for him a patronage of the best class of customers, who desire stylish and perfect fitting clothing. He is a first-class expert cutter, and per- sonally superintends all work turned out from his establishment. The Oak City Steam Laundry, owned and con- HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 153 ducted by Mr. Jos. K. Marshall, is the only real up-to- date industry of the kind in the State, being fitted up with all the latest improved machinery for such work, obviating the use of chemical preparations, which so greatly damage garments. Mr. Marshall's establish- ment uses nothing but pure water and soap, and the improved machinery accomplishes the finest speci- mens of laundrying ever seen in this city. Mr. Mar- shall takes great pride in his business, and spares no expense in turning out high-grade laundry work. The buildings on the east side of Fayetteville street^ below the market, were then likewise of wood. No- where, along the entire lengtli of this street, was there as handsome a building as that in which the Bobbitt- Wynn(^ Drug Co. condnct their extensive business. The stock of this honse is large and contains all the articles that belong to a first-class drugstore. The business is wholesale and retail. The officers of the company are gentlemen of the highest personal integ- rity and widely known for their sterling worth. Mr. J. Stanhope Wynne, the president, not only possesses business qualifications of the highest order, but the interest he manifests in all that make for Raleigh's progress proves him one of the most public spirited men who ever resided at the capital. ^Fr. Wynne was a close relative of the late Stanhope Pnllen and stood near to him in all that touched him deepest. It was this, it is said, that occasioned Mr. Pnllen's mu- nificent gift to the city of the beautifnl park bearing his name. ^Fr. Rawley Galloway, the manager of th(> company, is a pharmacist of fine ability, whose busi- ness acnnien and professional acquirements fit him admirably for liis responsible duties. He is a gentle man of winning personality, and his friends are le- 11 154 HISTORICAL, RALEIGa gion. In the prescription department Mr. Galloway is ably assisted by Mr. Robert 1. Williams — a son of Mr. Ruffin Williams, Raleigh's retired veteran drug- gist. The Carolina Trust Company's Building, on Fay- etteville street, near Martin, is an honor to the city. The business of the company may be classified under four heads — general banking, savings banking, trusts, and safetj' deposits. The savings department is to give security to those saving their money, and interest is paid on money deposited in this branch. The trust feature is that of all trust companies, while in the bur- glar-proof vault are the most approved boxes for the safe depositors. In this building are located the offices of the life in- surance business of Mr. Carey J. Hunter, whose splen- did business qualifications and personal excellencies have so attracted the attention of the public as to draw him into service, officially, with many prominent insti- tutions and enterprises. Some of these are Secretary Board of Trustees of Wake Forest College ; Chairman Executive Committee of Baptist Female University North Carolina ; President Biblical Recorder Co. ; Di- rector Mechanics' Dime Savings Bank ; Director Com- mercial and Farmers Bank; Deacon First Baptist Church ; Director Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Co. ; Director Melrose Knitting Mill; Director Caraleigh Cotton Mills; Director News and Observer Publishing Co. — in connection with his general agency of the Union Central Life Insurance Co. In all these various posi- tions his careful, systematic business faculties make him prominent among his associates at all their meet- ings. An aggressive, yet unassuming gentleman, Mr. Hunter is withal possessed of that magnetism whicli attracts the attention of all who wish a safe counsel- lor, diligent worker and earnest advocate. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 155 One of the old-time inhabitants was C. W. D. Hutchings, who for many years had a harness and saddlery business on the site occupied by the building in which P, A. Watson conducts his photographic gallery. Mr. Watson's determination to deserve the public favor has been rewarded by a liberal share of patronage, and his desire to please, and to execute but the best work, are shown by his popularity both as a man and as an artist. The original proprietor of this establishment was Mr. J. W. Watson, who had the dis- tinction of making the first photograph ever made in the State. P. F. Pescud, one of our leading druggists in ISGO, was continuing his business on Payetteville street. At his death in 1884, his eldest son, John S. Pescud, succeeded to the business, which he is still conducting. His store is now on West Hargett street, near Payette- ville. No one ever engaged in any business in this city who enjoyed in a greater degree the confidence and esteem of all, in whatsoever manner received, than John S. Pescud. He married in 1872 Miss Belle, eldest daughter of Laurens Hinton, of this county. Harry Keim, a typical Dutchman, who introduced lager beer and porter in Raleigh, in 1860 was selling his beverages in a small wooden building wliere now stands the reliable and popular pharmacy of Jas. Iredell Johnson. The business of this old established pharmacy is wholesale and retail, and extends to every portion of the State. The proprietor is a son of the late Chas. E. Johnson, one of Ealeigh's early and eminent physicians, and grandson of Gov. James Iredell, one of the State's early chief magis- trates. At the time herein referred to, the construction of buildings had not reached the excellence to which thev 156 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. have since attained. Much of the beauty of our mod- ern residences is owing to the skill of such enterpris- ing men as Mr. Jno. T. Jones, who has a prosperous slate-roofing business. His office is on South Salis- bury street, near Martin. Mr. Jones, in his line, stands at the head. His perfect reliability in all re- spects has secured the confidence of an appreciative public, and his superior workmanship been rewarded with much success. Among the jewelers of the capital cit^', T. W. Blake occupies a position in the front rank. His stock of goods are of the best quality, while his workmanship is equal to any. His well known integrity insures for customers, at all times, complete satisfaction. Mr. Blake is a leading citizen, a man of sterling qualities, and deservedly esteemed for his Christian virtues. The house-furnishing or furniture business has grown to be of much importance in Raleigh, and that conducted by Mr. J. H. Dail, 117 East Martin street, is reaping merited reward for good management and fair dealing. Mr. Dail is an agreeable man and relia- ble citizen. He has conducted this business for a period of three years, and has the confidence of a large number of patrons. On the north side of Hargett street, between Wil- mington and Fayetteville, the stores were occupied by E. E. Harris, A. Karrar, Jordan Womble, W. C. Up- church, Jas. Rogers, W. H. Holleman and others. Tal- bot Ligon had a small shop where J. B. Green k Co. now conduct their well stocked store of select grocer- ies. In its collection of choice household supplies this firm ranks with the foremost in the city. The firm is composed of Messrs. J. B. and T. E. Green, both of whom are men of energy and enterprise. G. B. Bag- well, Bernard Abt, and E. A. Whitaker then kepi HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 157 grocery stores on the opposite side of this street. There were then no drug stores east of Fayetteville street. The growing demands, however, of an in- creased and varied popuhition induced Mr. O. G. King, several years ago, to open an attractive pharmacy on the corner of Wilmington and llargett streets, where are kept the purest goods and at reasonable prices as can be found anywhere. Mr. King is one of our most substantial citizens, a man of high integrity, and in his profession ranks high. No line of industry is more important to the mate- rial welfare of a community than the furniture busi- ness, and in Raleigh the leaders are the Koyal & Bor- den Furniture Co, Seldom is an enterprise found enjojdng a higher degree of prosperity than is this company. Its members are Messrs. J. L. Borden and George Royall, of Goldsboro, business men of much prominence, who are president and vice-president of the company, respectively; Mr. T. P. Jerman, Jr., sec- retary and treasurer, a gentleman of pronounced abil- ity in mercantile affairs; and Mr. Miles Goodwin, manager, who has proven, during his long connection with the establishment, a most valuable adjunct in securing for it the great popularity it now enjoys. Their commodious establishment is a great credit to the city. Near where Briggs & Dodd then had their planing- mill and shops is now the establishment, on West street, of Wyatt & Ellington, who are conducting a business of like character. The extent of this enter- prise is in proper keeping with tlie constantly growing population of our beautiful metropolis. The mem- bers of the firm are Walter J. Wyatt and Edgar E. Ellington, both of whom are substantial men and occupy favorable positions in industrial circles here 158 HISTORICAL RALEIGE. and iu surrounding country. Their progressive spirit is being rewarded b}' increasing demands for their superior productions. The H. J. Brown Coffin House was established in 1836 by the late Henry J. Brown, who conducted it successfully until his death in 1879. Mr. Jno. W. Brown then became the manager, and under his con- trol the business has been a leading one at the capital. Mr. Brown is a proficient funeral director and skilled embalmer. The establishment is fitted out with the latest improvements in every branch of the business. The H. T. Hicks Drug Co. is among the most promi- nent pharmacies in the city. The business is in charge of Mr. Henry T, Hicks, who has achieved a marked success as a skillful pharmacist. He has brought to the relief of those who suffer from headache his fa- mous cure, "Capudine," one of the most popular pro- prietary medicines on the market. Mr. Hicks is a young self-made man, whose careful business methods and push, energy and integrity of character have brought him success. It is not the business makes the man, but the man who possesses all the qualities of attraction, the clear insight to business, the indefatigable determina- tion to succeed. Such a man makes any business. One of these men is John C. Drewry, who is a leader among insurance men at the capital. Mr. Drewry has all these capabilities, and Raleigh, its internal im- provements, particularly its streets, speak but the result of Mr. Drewry's good judgment and energetic work. He has served the city several terms as alder- man, is Grand Secretary of the Masons, prominent in other fraternal societies, and a brilliant luminary in the social realm. Mr. Drewry's great popularity and familiarity with public interests have drawn him inta HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 159 prominence as a candidate for Representative in the General Assembly from Wake County. He was a few days since nominated for this position by the prima- ries, and this is equivalent to an election. His past record is a guarantee of the valuable services he will render not only the county of Wake, but the entire commonwealth. John Kane then had a liquor shop in a little frame building on the corner where now stands the Citizens National Bank. This institution is built upon a solid foundation. Mr. Joseph G. Brown, its president, and a most modest and unassuming gentleman, has devel- oped most remarkable financial ability, and having filled almost ever}- position from messenger up, now holds the presidency and management of this popular banking house. Mr. Brown is also Treasurer of the City of Raleigh and Vice-President of the State Bankers Association; also steward of the M. E. Church and superintendent of its Sunday School. The Cross & Linehan Co. is composed of ^Messrs Jno. W. Cross, Wm. A. Linehan and P. J. Wray, three young men, who, by their energy, integrity and most excellent business qualities, have builded up per- haps the best arranged and most successful clothing and gentlemen's furnishing business in the State. Mr. Linehan is the eldest son of the late Patrick Line- han, who assisted in the construction of the Federal Post Office Building. The northern limits of the city, at this time, were bounded by North street. Beyond this were few resi- dences, and no pretense to business. The growth of the city has been such that of late years various busi- ness enterprises have been established. Among these is the Northside Pharmacy, which is now conducted by Mr. Wm. G. Thomas. He is a most enterprising 160 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. business man, and his courteous manners, fine busi- ness capabilities, iutegritj and social qualities make his store a most popular one. lie is a son of Mr. E. B. Thonuis, one of our oldest and most esteemed citizens. His goods are of the best, and as a pharmacist his rank is superior. The Zachary Mantel Co., successors to Zacharv & Zachary, 108 W. Martin street, are conducting a most successful business in the furnishing of hardwood mantels, tiles and grates. This is a comparatively new firm in our midst, though the gentlemen comfjos- ing it, by their strict attention to business and liber- ality in their dealings, have struck the channel to pop- ularity. They are rapidly spreading out into larger capacity for the management of their constantly in- creasing trade, their business engagements extending to South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and other South- ern States. The nuinager, Mr. Arthur 1). Zachary, is one of Raleigh's substantial citizens, a man of fine business attainnients, a gentleman of most agreeable and engaging manners, and one with whom it is a pleasure to know and deal. From Johnson's Pharmacy, on Fayetteville street, to the Yarborough House, at tlu^ period mentioned above, was a row of old framed houses, occupied as confectionery shops, law offices, etc. These structures long ago gave way to the present handsome buildings, in whiclj are now conducted various lines of business. Among these is the well known and long established enterprise of Messrs. J. M. Broughton and T. B. Moseley, who, since 1888, have been associated in the business of dealing in real estate. These gentlenum are among the prominent business men of IJaleigh, and have contributed, during their business career, much to the advancement of the citv's interests. In HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 161 persoual integrity and social (inalities they occupy high positions. The business part of the city was then confined mainly to Fayetteville street, no stores having been erected east of that thoroughfare except on Hargett 111; (HAS. !■:. .Ii.llN.Sd.N. Died 1876; aged sixty-three years. street. Where now stands the Farmers and Com- mercial Bank, the dry goods house of Walter Wooll- cott, the clothing establislinient of Whiting Bros., were the premises of Mrs. Kuffin Williams. Mr. Woollcott is the successor of Messrs. Woollcott & Son, who conducted so successfully a dry goods business here for manv years. Mr. William Wooll- 162 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. cott retired from the firm in 1900. The present pro- prietor is one of Raleigh's most prominent citizens, and ranks with the foremost young business men of the city. No enterprise ever established at the capital enjoys the confidence of a wider circle of friends than the dry goods business of Walter WooUcott. The clothing business of Whiting Bros, is the oldest establishment of its kind in the city. Mr. Seymour Whiting has been identified with this branch of business for many years, and with his brother, Mr. Chester Whiting has successfully conducted a large and prosperous trade. There are few visitors to Ra- leigh who do not know and patronize Whiting Bros. The Commercial and Farmers Bank, under the man- agement of Capt. Thomas, must go forward to success, for as cotton broker, wholesale merchant and commis- sion merchant, Captain Thomas developed such excel- lent business capabilities that when this banking house was established he was called by the stockhold- ers to take the presidency. Capt. Thomas is one of our most prominent figures in all the phases of good citizenship and business management. Gathering their materials from Germany, Spain, England, South America, Florida, Tennessee, Vir- ginia and the Great West, the Caraleigh Phosphate and Fertilizer Works manufacture every grade of fer- tilizers demanded by the North Carolina trade. Their business is very successful, due largely to the fact that its management is composed of such energetic and reliable men as J. R. Chamberlain, Ashley Home, S. R. Home, E. C. Smith. F. O. Moring, J.' W. Barber and A. L. Chamberlain. They have a large up-to-date plant, and the fact that a mile of side-track is re- quired around their factory to handle heavy ship- ments, indicates somewhat tlie enormous business HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 163 done. Kaleigh is justly proud of this large industry. The success of this North Carolina enterprise is largely due to the eminent ability and intelligent man- agement of the business of the company by its presi- dent, Prof. J. R. Chamberlain, who has been ably assisted by Mr. A. L. Chamberlain, the secretary and treasurer. Few manufacturing enterprises have been more ably managed in all its departments than the Caraleigh Phosphate Works, of Raleigh. Among the most prominent insurance men in Ra- leigh is J. D. Boushall, whose personal and business qualities attract all who come in contact with him. In the General Assembly of 1899, he was among the ablest representatives of that body ; he also served the city as alderman until his rapidly increasing insur- ance business demanded his entire attention. He is a prominent member of the First Baptist church, and for a long time was the superintendent of its Sunday School. Mr. Boushall is deeply interested in all that concerns the material welfare of the capital city. G. A. Strickland & Co. is a firm of undertakers oc- cupying spacious accommodations in the Trade Build- ing, on S. Wilmington street. The firm is composed of G. A. Strickland and L. W. Duskin. Mr. Strickland is a well and favorably known resident of the capital, while Mr. Duskin is formerly of Seattle, Wash., where for many years he was successfully engaged in the same business now claiming his attention here. These gentlemen are highly capable in every department in their line of industrj^ and those dealing with them will find them courteous and agreeable. The equip- ments of this establishment are the latest and most improved in every detail. Their terms are reasonable, On Wilmington street and Exchange Place J. M. Kohn is a dealer in ready-made clothing, sample shoes^ 164 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. and gents' furnishing goods. He is a polite and cour- teous gentleman, has a corps of obliging clerks, and the excellent quality and low prices which obtain at his store secure for him a popular trade. Since Mr. Kohn has been in business here he has succeeded in building up a most enviable reputation for reliability and fair dealing. His personal friends are many. The Hart-Ward Hardware Co., on Fayetteville street, successors to Julius Lewis Hardware Co., is a business under the management of Messrs John and Frank Ward and Mr. Chas. B. Hart, three of the brightest young business men in Raleigh. Messrs. Ward and Hart have grown up in the hardware busi- ness, and no one who knows them will wonder at their rapid advancement. Their trade embraces the limits of the State and is constantly increasing. W. H. King & Co. conduct two of the largest drug stores in Raleigh. This is the result of the enterprise, zeal, professional eflflciency and excellent business capacity of Mr. W. Henry King, whose popularity in- creases every year. Mr. King has from a clerk risen to the control of two elegantly fitted up drug houses and well merits the large trade he enjoys. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 165 HISTORICAL SCRAPS. For the benefit of those who are accustomed to cry "hard times," and who think there is no time lilve the "good ohl times,-' the following prices of articles of every-day consumption sixty years ago, is appended : The cost of a dozen needles was 25 cents, a silk hand- kerchief (bandana) fl.25, a muslin handkerchief 70 cents, a yard of broadcloth -fT, a pound of pepper 70 cents, a i^air of cotton hose |1.40, one dozen pewter plates |4.50, a pound of Hyson tea .|2.50, a yard of linen 70 cents, a pound of gunpowder .|1, a pound of shot 15 cents. Nails were sold by number, not by the pound, e. g., fifty ten-penny nails 15 cents. Brown sugar was sold at from ten to fifteen cents per pound [there was no white sugar except loaf, which was tweuty-five cents i)er pound] ; Rio coffee was twenty- five cents; flour six dollars per barrel, molasses sixty cents per gallon, and bacon from eight to ten cents per pound. Caudles were five cents each. Lighting by gas was not known here until 1(S5S. The charge was |(I ]3er thousand feet — now it is |2. The last wooden structure on the business portion of Fayetteville street was demolished but a short while since, to make way for the Carolina Trust Building, just completed, adjoining the Tucker Building. TJaleigh duiiug the Civil War had a match factory. Mr. AVilliaiii Siuipsou, the pharmacist, was the pro- prietor. The operatives were boys and girls, which were employed in great numbers. Tn 1801, after the Civil War had begun, A. W. Fraps aud Phil. Thiem, anticipating a great scarcity of leather, because of the closing of the Northern markets to Southern trade, with that foresight and 166 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. sagacity worthy of enterprising business men, opened a factory for the manufacture of wooden shoes. They made two different kinds — one with wooden soles only, the remainder of leather; the other (of boat-like shape) was entirely of wood, except a small flap into which to place the strings. They were lined with cot- ton or felt. It was thought the Confederate govern- ment would place with the promoters of this enter- prise big contracts to supply the soldiers with these shoes, but this was a mistake, and the business was soon abandoned. The same firm continued, however, to manufacture other articles, such as putty, sand- paper, pencils, curry-combs, and many other things for home consumption. A substitute had now to be found also for coffee. To the ingenious mind this was comparatively simple. This substitute consisted principally of potatoes, which were first cut up, dried and then baked and ground. Roasted or parched corn, wheat, rye, barley, etc., were also used by many people. An Irishman by the name of Kelly opened a factory for the turning out of some of this "coffee." Some uncharitable peo- ple said he mixed acorns with the above ingredients. He soon earned the sobriquet of "Coffee Kelly." Messrs. Keuster and Smethurst secured contracts for the manufacture of gun caps, and in 1862 Capt. B. P. Williamson and the late Col. J. M. Heck manu- factured belt buckles and spurs to supply the Confed- erate cavalry. Cartridges, too, were manufactured; the "plant" was at the Deaf and Dumb Institution, and the operatives were the pupils and other boys and girls of the city. Away back in the fifties, in "log cabin and hard cider times," political enthusiasts would sometimes resort to methods in elections that would put to blush many of the tricks and schemes heard of now. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 167 One instance of this character was that of old man Archie Drake, who Ivept a liquor shop on Hillsboro street, near the railroad bridge. On the mornings of election days, after loading up his ''heelers" with a quantity of his liquid goods sufficient to arouse their patriotism (?) he would arrange them into a com- pany, and then, in the centre of the street, single file, they would, to the time of drum and fife, march to the polls in a body. Arriving there, each man would de- posit his ballot under his boss's direction, and then return to the shop to receive the reward of having performed the duty of a patriot ! In those days the law did not require saloons to be closed on election days, as now. No sport was so popular in this State in the good old days as cock-fights. Sometimes it would be an- nounced in the papers and in posters that festivals of this character would be held for tliree days in certain towns. Warrenton and Pittsboro had quite a reputa- tion for furnishing this sport to the public. The stakes were sometimes as high as five hundred dollars. The postage on letters in 1827, and man^^ 3 ears af- terward, was six cents for any distance not exceeding 30 miles; over 30 and not exceeding 80 miles, ten cents ; over 80 and not exceeding 150 miles, twelve and a half cents; over 150 and not exceeding 400 miles, eighteen and throe-fourth cents; over 400 miles, twenty-five cents. In the latter part of 1803, corn meal was selling for |12 per bushel, and bacou at |3 per pound. The per diem of legislators was |() per day, while their ex- penses were not less than |10 per day. Later, in 1864, a suit of clothes would cost a thousand dollars, a bar- rel of flour eight hundred, bacon, a dollar and a half a pound, molasses (home-made) fifty dollars a gallon. Hats sold for three hundred dollars. 168 HISTORICAL liALEIGH. THE DAWN OF A MOMENTOUS ERA. The incidents of May 20, 1801, will remain as per- manent in the history of Raleigh as the granite hall in which they occurred. From that eventful and his- toric day new scenes, new incidents and a dark future wound before our people. It was a turning point in its history. The dark clouds of the approaching storm arose before our j>eople. The following pages will tell of some of the stirring events that lay in the immediate future. North Carolinians, and especially those of Raleigh, are not a mercurial people. They are rather slow to move, but when once aroused, they enter into the cause in which they are interested with an earnestness unsurpassed by any. The exciting times of the latter part of 1860 and early part of 1861, incident to the Presidential election, did not seriously disturb our people, but when it was announced that Fort Sumter had been bombarded they awoke to the necessities of the occasion, and became prepared to bear their part in the conflict that was now inevitable. The Raleigh Register, in its issue of March 6, 1861, referring to Lincoln's inauguration and his policy, said : "For the first time the Federal capital will bris- tle with arms to protect the person of the President from violence, and the property of the Federal govern- ment from seizure and depredation. These will con- stitute most momentous and memorable events throughout coming time." Later the same paper said, in referring to the States that had seceded from the Union : "Just let them alone, and leave them to work out the problem of a separate and independent government, and before Christmas some of them will be glad enough to return to the fold of tlie TTnion. Texas and Florida are not HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 1G9 able to support themselves, much less contribute any- thing to the support and strength of the new Confed- eracy." A month or so afterward the same paper said: "Seven States have left the Union, declaring they will never willingly return to it. We believe that Abra- ham Lincoln is about to wage a war of coercion against these States ; we believe that in this war the remaining slaveholding States will be involved, and we shall be found on the side of the section in which we were born and bred, and in which live our kindred and our friends. If this makes us secessionists then so let us be called." At that time "State's Rights" or secession meetings were being held all over the State. The first official information that a conflict be- tween the North and South would ensue from the elec- tion of Lincoln was by the following telegram from Simon Cameron, Secretary of War of the United States, sent to Governor Ellis : "To J. W. Ellis, Gov- ernor of North Carolina: Call made on you by to- night's mail for two regiuients of military for immedi- ate service." The Governor promptly replied by saying: "I can be no partj^ to this wicked violation of the laws of the country and to this war upon the liberties of the peo- pl(\ You can get no troops from North Carolina." On the ITth of April Governor Ellis issued a procla- mation, in which, after alluding to the foregoing facts, he exhorted "all good citizens throughout the State to be mindful that their first allegiance is due to the sovereignty which protects their honor and dearesi: interests, as their first service is due for the sacred de- fense of their hearths, and of the soil which holds the graves of onr glorious dead." 12 170 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. THE STARS AND BARS UNFURLED. Things were then getting warm, and personal en- counters between champions of secession and "Union men" were common. Later in April a "secession pole" and flag were raised on a vacant lot on Payette- ville street, and was fired upon by a "Union man," which act came near precipitating a riot. Duncan Haywood and Basil C. Manly, both of whom were among the first to manifest their secession proclivities by wearing upon their hats a red cockade — the badge of secession — had gone to this place with a secession or Confederate flag, for the purpose of hoisting it on a pole which had been erected for that purpose. On their arrival, with their friends, they found a number of antagonists, or "Union men," who displayed great opposition to the raising of this symbol of war. One of this number was armed with a shotgun, who avowed his determination to shoot down the flag the instant it Avas raised. The hot-headed secessionists were not to be thus deterred, and proceeded to carry out their purpose. By this time a reckless young fellow, by the name of Tom Yates, had secreted him- self under an old shed near Wilmington street. The flag was hoisted, but no sooner had its folds unfurled, than bang! went Tom Yates's gun. At that moment Wiley Sauls, a daring leader of the "Union men," ad- vanced to the pole, declaring his intention of cutting down the flag. One of those who had been promi- nent in the movement, being equally determined, at this juncture drew a pistol and threatened war upon Sauls and his friends if the emblem of State's rights was further molested. By this time cooler heads had arrived on the scene, and their wise counsel prevail- ing, what had promised a serious riot was averted. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 171 The young men who had shown so much opposition to the secession movement in this and other ways, were afterwards among the first, be it said to their credit, to shoulder their muskets and prove their loyalty to their native land. Many of them are sleep- ing to-day on Virginia's soil. Shortly after the occurrence of the foregoing inci- dent, a large and enthusiastic meeting was held, to which were invited all parties who desired "to unite in resisting the usurper Lincoln," as the newly elected President was termed. Dr. Fabius J. Haywood (fa- ther of Dr. F. J. Haywood, Jr. ) , was made chairman of the meeting, and Mr. 0. B. Root, secretary. At this meeting the reply of Governor Ellis to Lincoln for troops was heartily endorsed. Major A. M. Lewis was the chairman of the committee to draft resolu- tions. The most exciting time ever experienced in Raleigh was on the 20th of May, 1861, the day on which the State severed its connection with the Union by the adoption of the Secession Ordinance. This was done through a State Convention, which had been called for the purpose of considering what should be the atti- tude of the commonwealth with regard to the seces- sion movement, which was rife throughout the South. As soon as the result was announced, one hundred guns were fired in the Capitol Square, and the bells of the city rung, amid the deafening shouts of an excited multitude. The people were wild ! The following is a verbatim copy of the Ordinance of Secession : "We, the people of the State of North Carolina, in convention assembled, do declare and ordain, and it is liereby declared and ordained, that the ordinance adopted by the State of North Carolina in the Con- 172 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. veiitioii of 1789, whereby- the Constitution of the Uni- ted States was ratified and adopted, and also all acts and parts of acts of the General Assembly, ratifying and adopting amendments to the said Constitution, are hereby repealed, rescinded and abrogated. "We do further declare and ordain, that the Union now subsisting between the State of North Carolina and the other States under the title of the United States of America, is hereby dissolved, and that the State of North Carolina is in full possession and exer- cise of all those rights of sovereignty which belong and appertain to a free and independent State." The military spirit of the people was by this time fully aroused. Besides organizations for field duty, a company known as the "Home Guard" was formed, composed of men beyond the age of forty-five, the most active members of which were to patrol the city every night when so directed. However, a communication was sent to one of the papers signed "Lady," saying, "we desire no such company — let them go where they are needed." The editor, after commending the lady's spirit, commented thus : "Nearly every lady in to^^'n was for secession long before the war begun, and now they actually want all the men to leave and go into the field, while they will protect themselves. Hurrah for the ladies of Ealeigh !" PREPARATIONS FOR THE CONFLICT. At the outbreak of the war there Avas organized in Raleigli three companies — one of artillery and two of infantry. Nearly every one who enlisted at that time joined one or the other of these organizations. Still, HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 173 there were some who united themselves with other commands. Their names are herein given, as well as those joining the home companies. Later, in 1862, another company was foi-med here, most of the mem- bers of which had resided in Kaleigh. The following are the names of all the Raleigh boys Avho were in the Confederate service in any ca- pacity — whether as officers or ])rivates — at any time during the war, from tlie firing on Fort Sumter in 18rury Lacy, 43d Reg. ; Lieut.-Col. Ed. Graham Haywood, 7th Reg.; Lieut. Thos. Badger, 43d Reg.; Lieut. Jas. Mc- Kee, 7th Reg. : T. P. Devereux, 43d Reg. EVENTS AT HOME. There was now settled conviclion in the minds of all that war was inevitable, and that although the conflict miglit be brief, yet hardship and deprivation in all probability would have to be endured, not only hj the soldiers in the field but by their loved ones at home. ]\leans were early sought to diminish, as much as possible, this condition, especially in so far as the fam- ilies of the soldiers were concerned. The first action taken in this direction was the holding of a mass 178 HISTOKICAL RALEIGH. meeting, at which resolutions were adopted "instruct- ing the mayor and commissioners to appropriate an amount sufficient to furnish at least the necessaries of life to the needy families of those who may enter the volunteer service from the city, during their ab- sence." Hon. John H. Bryan, Major Moses A. Bled- soe and Rev. T. E. Skinner composed the committee to draft the resolutions. It is not learned what amounts were afterwards realized for this purpose, but, of course, donations were liberal. The battle of Bethel, the first engagement of the war, was fought within a month after the State had seceded from the Union. In Raleigh there was great rejoicing over the news of our victory, announcing "the defeat of 4,500 of Lincoln's hirelings by 1,160 North Carolinians and Virginians," as a current news- paper stated it. This was the battle in which fell the first martyr to the "Lost Cause" — Henry Wyatt, who, although not a Raleigh boy, was a valiant soldier. The two parties at this time — the Democratic and the Whig — were known, the former as the Disunion or Secession party, the latter as the Conservatives. These, though nominally favoring secession, were in reality Unionists. In other words, the Whigs reluc- tantly favored the war, while the Democrats were anx- ious for the conflict. The two leading papers — the Register and the Standard — represented these par- ties — the former the Whigs and the latter the Demo- crats. On one occasion, in 1861, Mr. Jno. W. Syme, one of the editors of the Register, having taken offense at an editorial in the Standard^ challenged its editor, Mr. Holden, for a duel. This was in May, 1861, be- fore the State had formally withdrawn its allegiance to the Union. Mr. Syme, in the note or letter consti- tuting the challenge, said he had found language HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 179 used which was highly offensive to him. He added : "As soon as I can procure the services of a friend you shall hear further from me on the subject." J. W. Cameron was the bearer of the challenge. Mr. Holden, in refusing to accept the challenge, replied : "I do not approve of or practice the code of the duelist. The code of honor is barbarous and un- christian. If I wrong a man I will right him and do him justice. I do not fear you, nor any one else; nor do I, when I know I am right, fear the public opinion which sustains the code of the duelist." This was the last of the matter and no more was heard of it. At this period there were a great many Unionists (as the}^ were called) in Raleigh, and much feeling existed between these and the secession papers, espec- ially the State Journal^ which was extremely violent in its denunciation of Union men. At one time some of these latter had threatened the editor. This reached his ears, and the following are his observations in the next issue of his paper : "A reign of terror on a small scale exists in Raleigh. The people will one day open their eyes to its originators. We have been notified that a body of one hundred men were ready to 'ride us on a rail.' They may do so, but it will be when life is extinct and when we have taken some of them with us to the judgment seat. We defy the whole pack." The news of the Battle of Manassas, which was fought on July 21, 1861, created great joy. One news- paper headed the article announcing the battle thus : "Another great victory ! The plains of Manassas ren- dered immortal ! The great Army of the Potomac routed ! Victory crowns our arms ! The Hessians flee! The Confederates pursue! One hundred and sixty thousand men on the field ! Great slaughter on both sides!" After describing the battle, the paper 180 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. thus expresses its enthusiasm : "This blow will shake the Northern Union in every bone — the echo will reverberate round the globe. It secures the indepen- dence of the Southern Confederacy." Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, of Raleigh, who was then Sur- geon-General of the State, with several of his staif , was at once dispatched to the hospitals near Manas- sas, to render proper assistance to the wounded. Some visible signs of victory soon appeared, for in the early fall of that year more than two hundred Yankee pris- oners passed through Raleigh — "on their way to win- ter quarters in Columbia," as one paper stated. The first Regimental Hospital was organized in May, 1861, by Dr. P. E. Hines, who accompanied the 1st Regiment to Yorktown as its surgeon. The first military hospital for North Carolina troops was established in Raleigh in April, 1861, by Dr. E. Burke Haywood. The memory of this good man is revered b}^ many old soldiers, who were re- lieved of much pain and saved from an untimely death by his great love, skill and sympathy. The hos- pital was subsequently known as Pettigrew Hospital. Mr. W. H. Dodd was for some time hospital steward. SACKING OF NEWSPAPER OFFICES. For more than two years anterior to the period herein mentioned there had not been entire unanimity between the Raleigh newspapers in regard to the pol- icy thought proper for the Confederacy to pursue in regard to the war, the State Journal favoring the "last man and last dollar" course, while Mr. Holden's pa- per, the Standard., insisted on policies of peace on less stringent terms. This was as well known to soldiers HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 181 at the front as to citizens at home, and their disap- proval of siieh policy culminated in disaster to the publication of the paper for some time. The soldiers who sought an expression of their displeasure were members of Col. Wright's regiment, Benning's (Geor- gia) Brigade, and the opportunity was furnished them while being delayed in Raleigh a few hours on their way from Xorthern Virginia to Chicamauga in 1863. On their arrival here, one night in September of the above mentioned year, they soon learned of the situa- tion of the Standard office, when they at once marched in a bod}^ to the object of their violence, and without ceremony proceeded to batter down the doors of the building from which this paper had been published. They grasped everything within their reach, and then the Avork of destruction began. Nothing upon which they could lay their hands was spared from injury. Cases of type Avere emptied on the floor, and many of them flung into the street; the ponderous marble slabs on which lay the pages of set type, ready for the next issue, were turned over, throwing the type into a huge heap on the floor, and kegs of ink turned out or spilt over everything. For some unknown cause the press escaped, perhaps because it was in another part of the building. During this proceeding, Gov. Vance was made ac- quainted with the affair, who lost no time in going rapidly to the scene to avert, if possible, the destruc- tion of the office. He arrived, however, too late, for the soldiers had accomplished their purpose. ^fr. Holden was not without friends and supporters, so on the day following they proposed to be avenged. About nine o'clock in the morning the town bell was heard to rino; visrorouslv, as if for an alarm of fire. Of 182 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. course a great crowd gathered, as usual, at the market- house. On the south side of this, on the site of G. S. Tucker & Co.'s store, was the office of the State Jour- nal. Before the bell had ceased ringing it was ob- served that a scene similar to the one above described was again being enacted in this office — not by sol- diers this time, however, but by "Union men," (or "red strings," as they were sometimes called), and supporters of the Standard's peace policy. The leader of the crowd was Mark Williams, a man of great de- termination, who declared his intention of lending his aid toward meting out to the Journal the same fate as had been suifered by the Standard the night before. No less than forty people, mostly young men, joined in this work of destruction, and but a few minutes were required to show how intense had been their spirit of retaliation. Every case of type was pitched out of the windows, and all the other printing material of every description rendered absolutely worthless. In this instance the printing-press did not escape — it was broken to pieces and so completely de- molished that repair was beyond hope. During this time the police Avere powerless, for, be- sides their numerical weakness, their inability to cope with the mob was augmented by their knowledge of the violent character of the men composing the mob. The Journal did not again make its appearance. The next issue of the Standard was delayed for more than a month. The course of events which now followed until the close of the war, though of vast moment, many of them, to the people of the State and our Southland, yet as they touched not the interests of Raleigh more HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 183 particularly than other sections, to relate them here would be foreign to the scope and purpose of this pub- lication. Therefore, after an account of the closing scenes of the great drama, as witnessed here, and which consisted of the surrender of the city to the Union forces, under General W. T, Sherman, on the 13th of April, 1865; a brief reference to the Confed- erate Veterans ; and the visit of President Johnson to his native city in 1867, our story of Raleigh of the olden times will close. SURRENDER OF RALEIGH TO FEDERAL FORCES. It was not until the arrival of Sherman's 'dvmj in Goldsboro, in April, 1865, and his long halt at that place, for the purpose of refitting and recruiting his exhausted troops, that the people of Raleigh enter- tained any serious apprehensions of being visited by the enemy. JOHNSON'S RETREAT. The surrender of General Lee, which took place on the 9th of April, 1865, rendered it absolutely necessary that General Johnson should retreat as rapidly as pos- sible to Western North Carolina. The news of Lee's surrender reached Raleigh on the 10th, and it was then that our people realized the fact that in our im- mediate vicinity the closing acts of the great drama would take place, and that in all probability "an army of occupation" would be quartered upon us to destroy what little of our substance remained. We were nolt long in suspense. About the 10th of April the ad- vance of Johnson's retreating army entered and 184 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. passed through the citj. It was truly a sad sight ; the band played Dixie, and the worn out veterans seemed to arouse up every muscle to appear in their best plight; their careworn faces, however, told the sad tale, and silently they wended their way westward. They were several days in passing through, and, as the}^ came, the news was communicated that the "Yankees" were near at hand. PREPARATIONS FOR A FOR^^IAL SURRENDER. In the meantime it was considered best that the city authorities should take some steps for the proper sur- render of the city, which Johnson's retreat would nec- essarily leave at the mercy of the enemy. .V meeting of the Board of Aldermen, then called Commissioners, was called, and a committee appointed, consisting of several members of that body and some four or five other citizens. The duties of the committee thus ap- pointed were understood to be somewhat as follows : They were expected to meet the advance of the Federal army a short distance from the city and formally sur- render the same. The particular manner in which the programme was to be carried out was left, to a great extent, to Mayor W. H. Harrison. The night of the 12th of April was one of extreme anxiety. Gen. Wade Hampton with his cavalry force occupied the city, nor did many of them leave until within a few hours of the enemy's approach to the cor- porate limits. Col. Harrison was up the entire night in the discharge of his official duty. It was known that many of Hampton's Cavalry, as was natural un- der the circumstances, were desperate and daring men. and the utmost vigilance on the part of the civil au- thorities was necessary to preserve the peace. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 185 DEPARTURE OF THE COMMITTEE. The morning of the 13th of April was a gloomy one indeed. A steady rain had set in and the sky was draped with black and ominous looking clouds. About sunrise the committee procured a carriage and proceeded out on the Holleman road to a point where it was crossed by the fortifications. The carriage contained, among others, Kenneth Rayner, P. F. Pes- cud. Mayor Harrison, Dr. E. B. Haywood, Alexander Creech and W. R. Richardson, the latter riding on the seat with the driver and carrying a staff to which was attached a white handkerchief to be used as a flag of truce. Arriving at their destination they awaited, amidst a drenching rain, the coming of the enemy. THE '^'YAMvEES" in SIGHT. About 8 o'clock, from the summit of the hill beyond Walnut Creek, near the residence of the late W. H. Holleman, was seen a body of horsemen approaching Suddenly they were observed to halt and one of the foremost leveled a field spy-glass towards the place occupied by the committee. Then it was that Mr. Richardson, who had been assigned the duty of waving the flag of truce, stuck the emblem of peace on the top of the fortification. A few minutes afterward a detachment rode up to the committee, the officer in charge enquiring, ''What does this mean?" Mr. Ray- ner replied that they were a joint delegation of city officials and citizens, who, in the absence of any mili- tary organizations, desired to surrender the city and ask protection for its non-combatants and public and private property. The officer replied that Gen. Kil- patrick alone had authority to arrange terms of sur render. 13 186 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. AN INTERVIEW WITH KILPATRICK. The officer with his escort then returned to the main body of troops, and in a short while Gen. Judson Kil- patrick, the notorious Federal cavalry commander, made his appearance before them. Mr. Rayner stepped forward and said : "This is Gen. Kilpatrick, I pre- sume." "That is my name," replied Kilpatrick, "whom do I address?" "My name, sir, is Rayner — Kenneth Rayner," replied our spokesman, "and 1 have been selected to formally surrender the city of Raleigh to Gen. Sherman's army." Mr. Rayner made an earnest and tender appeal for the protection of the city and her people, at which the committee found it difficult to repress their feelings, and tears moistened the eyes of all. Kilpatrick received the words of the speaker with cold indifference. He said he would pro- tect the lives and property of all who yielded "obe- dience to law and order, but should pursue with re- lentless fury all traitors in armed opposition to the in- tegrity of the Union." The committee then returned to the city. AT THE enemy's MERCY — AN INCIDENT. In a short while after the committee had returned, Kilpatrick's cavalry began to enter the city. Passing rapidly up Fayetteville street towards the capitol, suddenly they came to a check, and at the same in- stant was heard a loud exclamation, "Hurrah for the Southern Confederacy !" accompanied by the report of a pistol in the hands of a Confederate officer, mounted and occupying the middle of the street between what is now Hicks's Pharmacy and the Christian Advocate office. He had fired at Kilpatrick advance. Attempt- HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 187 ing to escape, he was captured and carried before Kil- patrick in tlie Capitol Square. Said tlie orderly having the prisoner in charge to Kilpatrick, "General, here is the man who fired at our advance." "To whose command do you belong?" asked Kil- Patrick. "I belong to Hamilton's Cavalry, and am from Texas," replied the man. "Don't you know, sir, what the penalty is for re- sisting after terms of surrender have been agreed upon?" said Kilpatrick. "I knew nothing about the surrender, and I didn't shoot at anybody." "I understood," said Kilpatrick, "that you are one of these fellows who have been breaking open stores, and committing robbery during last night and early this morning, and your action to-day has endangered tlie lives of many of the citizens of this toAvn; you deserve death, sir. Orderly," he continued, "take this man out where no ladies can see him, and hang him.'' Efforts were made by some of our prominent citi- zens to save the man who was about to yield up his life for an act of folly, but to no purpose — he was taken to the southeast corner of what was then known as the Rayner Grove, beyond the Governor's Mansion, and hung to a tree, under whicli he was buried. His remains were afterwards taken up and deposited near the northwest corner of the Confederate Cemetery. A similar incident, ending more fortunately, soon afterwards took place. Early on the morning of the surrender. Lieutenant James, of the Confederate service, who had been at- tached to the Provost Marshal's office here, while re- turning on horseback from a visit to lady friends in 188 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. the northeastern part of the city, was met by some of Kilpatrick's Cavalry who, observing that he wore the uniform of a Confederate officer, summoned him to surrender. This he refused to do, but endeavored to defend himself by reaching for his pistol. He was, however, overpowered and taken prisoner. This was soon after Kilpatrick had so summarily disposed of HON. N. B. BKOUGHTON. Senator from Wake. the unfortunate Texan. Being also carried before Kilpatrick, the latter, looking the young officer sternly in the face, said : "Who are you, sir?" "My name, sir, is James — Lieutenant James, of the Confederate service," was the reply. "Why are you not with your command? What are you doing straggling about? Are you a spy?" in- quired Kilpatrick. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 189 "I am no straggler or spy either — I am attached to the Provost Marshal's office in this city," answered James. "Ah, indeed," said Kilpatrick, "so much the worse for you, sir; you must have known of the surrender of the city, and yet, as I am informed, joii showed fight when my men attempted to arrest you." "I did not know of the surrender," said James; "I had been visiting, and supposed from the action of 3^our men that a skirmish was going on between your advance and some of General Hamilton's rear. Such being my impression, I attempted to defend myself — I would do so again, sir." "I have just hung a man for an offense similar to yours, sir," said Kilpatrick. "Very well, sir,'' said James, "you have me in your power — you can hang me if you like." As this was said, a thrill of terror ran through the bystanders, for there were numbers of our citizens on the spot, who surely thought that the reply would be an order for another execution. Kilpatrick paused a moment, and looking the young oflflcer full in the face — the latter returning the gaze in a bold and de- fiant manner — answered : "No, I'll not hang you. Orderly," he continued, addressing the man in charge of the squad, "take charge of this young man until further orders." James was taken from the guards and placed in prison. He was released on parole in a few days. 190 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN. News of the assassination of the President was re- ceived here on the 15th of April, 1865, — the day fol- lowing the tragedy. The news spread rapidly among the soldiers of the army as well as among the citizens of the town. As the story spread from mouth to mouth the dimensions of the affair hugely increased, and the perpetrators of the deed were declared to be promi- nent" offlcers of the Confederate Government, acting directly under instructions from President Davis and his Cabinet. Of course there were not wanting those who sought by the most absurd recitals to add fuel to the flames of excitement, in the hopes of exciting the mob element of the Federal army to wreak vengeance upon the inhabitants of the city, and thereby afford an excuse for plunder and other outrageous deeds of vio- lence. In the meantime a few of the citizens endeav- ored to obtain authentic information concerning the assassination from General Sherman, but without avail. A NIGHT OF TERROR. On the 15th, night fell upon our people in a state of the wildest excitement and alarm. All kinds of ru- mors were afloat as to the intention of the army. Crowds of soldiers were to be seen standing at the cor- ners of the different streets, loud in their expressions of indignation, and open in their declarations to have vengeance for what they termed the "rebel murder." It was a terrible time. Many of the citizens petitioned for extra guards. Hundreds of people sat up during the entire night, expecting every moment mob vio- lence. About 9 o'clock additional alarm was created by the alarm of "Are !" Many thought that the work HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 191 of destruction had commenced. Hundreds of citizens repaired to the scene of the flames, but the cause of excitement was happily discovered to be the acciden- tal burning of a deserted workshop in the remote southeastern section of the city. The remaining por- tion of the night passed off in a comparatively quiet manner. It is authoritatively stated that but for the prompt action of Major-General Logan a mob would have sacked the city on the night above alluded to. He had arrived in the city during the day from Morrisville, and was, in the early part of the night, at the house of a well-known citizen, when he was called out by a pri- vate soldier, who told him that a part of his com- mand, encamped near the Insane Asylum, were on their way to the city for the purpose of burning it. He immediately mounted his horse and met the mob at the bridge over Kocky Branch, where with mingled threats and entreaties he dissuaded them from their vile purpose. SHERMAN SUSPENDS A NEWSPAPER. At the time of the surrender of the cit}^, aniong other papers published here was the Daily Progress. After Sherman's occupation this journal was permitted to continue issuing its regular editions. The late Col. W. R. Richardson, of Raleigh ( father of our esteemed townsman, Mr. Walter Richardson), was one of the proprietors. A few days after Lincoln's assassination the paper was seen to contain an article reflecting upon Sherman for allowing private property to be taken for army purposes without compensation. The property alluded to was the residence of the late Dr. F. J. Haywood, at the head of Fayetteville street. 192 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. Early in the forenoon of the same day Col. Richardson received the following note from Gen. Sherman, run- ning somewhat as follows: "To the Proprietors of the Progress: "You are hereby ordered to suspend your paper and report at once to headquarters. (Signed) "W. T. Sherman." Col. Richardson prepared as soon as possible to obey the summons, while, in the language of that gentle- man himself, "the ghost of the unfortunate Texan flitted before him, and the case-mated walls of For- tress Monroe angrily frowned in prospect." Appear- ing before Sherman, the latter said, "So you are an editor?" and continued: "There is one thing I want you newspaper men to understand, and that is, you are not conducting a newspaper in Massachusetts or New York, but in a conquered territory ; and I'll have you to understand that if you can't carry on your pa- pers without reflecting on my army, I am determined that they shall be suspended." An explanation was made by Col. Richardson which was deemed suflicient to excuse him from what Sher- man thought had been almost treasonable, and the Progress afterwards made its appearance as usual. About the 25th of April Gen. Sherman left the army in command of Schofield, and proceeded to Savannah, for the purpose of directing matters in South Carolina and Georgia. Upon his return to Raleigh arrange- ments were made for the disposition of the forces un- der his command. The Tenth and Twenty-third Corps, together with Kilpatrick's Cavalry Division, were or- dered to remain in North Carolina until further or- ders. Most of the remaining portion of the army was 1 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 193 ordered to march to Washington, where a grand re- view took place on the 24th of May. On the 30th of the same month Sherman issued his farewell orders to his troops. RETURN OF THE CONFEDERATE VETERANS. L. O'B. BRANCH CAMP 515 U. C. Y. Officers : A. B. Stronach, Commander. J. S. Allen, 1st Lieut. Commander. W. H. Hughes, 2d Lieut. Commander. J. C. BiRDSONG, Adjutant. R. H. Bradley, R. H. Brooks, Color Bearers. W. D. Smith, Drum Major. Of the large number of officers and men in Raleigh who went forth to battle for victory, all now remain- ing, who reside still in their boyhood home, to tell the story of their struggles, their deprivations, their hopes, their triumphs, and alas ! their defeat, are the following. Most of these are members of the above organization : Jas. D. Newsom, N. W. West, Telfair Hall, J. Pugh Haywood, Jos. A. Haywood, Chas. McKimmon, J. J. Lewis, Chas. W. Beavers, Wm. L. Gooch, Wm. J. Hall, W. Loftin Nowell, David W. Royster, Sim. Smith, Jno. D. Thompson, W, W. Wynne, J. C. Syme, Alfred Lewis, L. M. Greene, C. Hutchings, Mart Thompson, W. D. Smith, Richard Putney, Dr. F. J. Haywood, C. M. Busbee, F. H. Busbee, C. R. Harris, J. C. Mar- com, L. D. Womble, W. B. Royster, A. B. Stronach, W. J. Saunders, Geo. L. Tonnofifski, M. A. Bledsoe, 194 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. Dr. T. D. Hogg, Dr. Jas. McKee, T. P. Devereux, Jno. S. Pescud, M. B. Barbee, D. H. Young, Thos. Badger. " Furl that banner ! True 'tis gory, Yet 'tis wreathed around with glory, And 'twill live in song and story, Though its folds are in the dust. For its fame on brightest pages, Penned by poets and by sages. Shall go sounding down the ages — Furl its folds though now we must." — Ret. Father Ryan, HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 195 MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AFTER THE WAR. As showing the condition of things in city affairs shortly after the termination of the war, the following, it is thought, may prove not uninteresting : W. W. Holden having been made Provisional Gov- ernor on the 29th of May, 1865, by President Johnson, the former, on June 30, appointed W. H. Harrison, Mayor; W. R. Richardson, Treasurer; J. J. Christo- phers, Clerk ; J. J. Betts, Chief Constable. The Com- missioners were : Alexander Creech, C. M. Farris and Parker Overby, representing the Western Ward; W. R. Richardson, H. Mahler and A. L. Lougee, the Mid- dle Ward; N. S. Harp, J. J. Overby and Hackney Pool, the Eastern Ward. At a special meeting of the Commissioners on July 18th of same year, as evidencing the loyalty of the citizens of Raleigh to the United States Government, a resolution was adopted, as follows: "Resolved, That it is the opinion of the Commissioners of the city of Raleigh, derived as well from their personal inter- course as from well accredited reports, that the citi- zens have willingly accepted the terms of peace and restoration to the Union, tendered by the President of the United States, and are now loyal and obedient to the Federal Government." It was not until October, however, that it was learned that we were free from military rule, for on the 10th of that month it was ordered by the Commis- sioners, "that a committee be appointed to wait on the Governor and Provost Marshal and ascertain if the city is turned over to the civil authorities." At the same meeting "W. H. & R. S. Tucker were appointed auctioneers for the city," as was also B. P. Williamson &Co. 196 HISTORICAL EALEIGH. The committee above mentioned, after obeying the instructions of the Board, at a subsequent meeting reported that they had "waited on the Governor, Avho so understands that the city is turned over," etc. At a meeting of the Commissioners on October 25, it was "Ordered : That a captain of the police of the city be appointed, whose duty it shall be to station himself at or near the guardhouse during the night (unless otherwise called off by duty), whose duty it shall be, in case of riot or other disorder, to cause the town bell to be rung, calling the entire police force to repair to the scene of disorder and quell the disturb- ance, and afterwards to repair to their respective beats." On October 28, it was ordained by the Board "that no free person of color shall serve in any storehouse or shop within the corporation where ardent spirits are sold, as tapster or bar-keeper, or in any way assist in the vending of such ardent spirits in such store- house or shop, under a penalty of ten dollars." Three days thereafter the ordinance was repealed. Before 1867 the meetings of the Board of Commis- sioners seemed to have been secret, as it is found by the minutes of the meeting held in January of that year that "it was moved and agreed that the doors of the mayor's office be thrown open to all citizens at the time of the meetings of the Board." As throwing some light on the question of domestic animals running at large, it may be interesting to the average resident of Raleigh to learn that at a meeting of the Board of Commissioners about that time, it was "ordered that the chief of police be allowed two per- sons two days in each week for the purpose of taking up all hogs and goats running at large, and that they be allowed the sum of |1.50 per day each for their ser- vices." HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 197 The city seems to have been pushed for revenue, too, about this time, for a tax of fifteen cents was imposed "on each beef and five cents on each sheep sold on Market Square." A NOTABLE EVENT. The visit of President Andrew Johnson to Raleigh, the place of his birth, on June 3, 1867, was an occasion of much interest, not merely because he was a Presi- dent, but for the additional reason that it was here he was born and from the humblest station in life Lad risen to the most distinguished position in the gift of the people of the United States. The President's visit was occasioned by the comple- tion of the monument that had but a shoxt while be- fore been erected to the memory of his father, Jacob Johnson, who died in 1712, and in response to an invitation hj the city to be present at the memorial exercises to be observed on June 4th, following. The President was accompanied by Secretary of State Seward, whose life had been so seriously at- tacked on the night of President Lincoln's assassina- tion in Washington, and Postmaster-General Randall. The President and party were met at the depot by a large concourse of people, more than two-thirds of whom were colored — the other third being made up of military. State and municipal authorities, and white citizens. Gov. Worth, ExGovernors Graham, Swain, Manly and Bragg, together with Judge E. G. Reade, B. F. Moore, Esq., and Mayor Dallas Haywood, hon- ored the occasion with their presence. Mayor Haywood tendered the hospitalities of the city in a brief address, when the President responded 198 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. by returning his gratification at the kindness of the citizens of his native town, who had known him long- est and best and who thus honored him. After the arrival of the distinguished guests at the Yarborough House, Gov. Worth introduced the Presi- dent from the balcony, to the large audience which had gathered. This was feelingly responded to by Mr. Johnson, who said, among other things, that forty- one years before, poor and penniless, he had left his native town to make his way in the world. He had ever loved his native State, and though she had not been to him a cherishing mother, nevertheless she was his mother. He would not discuss political matters, said he, but invoked all to stand by the Union and the Constitution. Before closing his remarks, he ad- dressed himself to the young men of the city and badi? them labor to make themselves men of learning, dis- tinction and power. On Tuesday the President gave a public reception in the House of Representatives, after which, accom- panied by Secretary Seward, Postmaster-General Ran- dall, the State and municipal authorities, and Ex- Governor Swain (who was orator of the day), he re- paired to the City Cemetery (corner of Morgan and East streets) to witness the memorial exercises at the erection of the monument of his father, Jacob John son. Ex-Governor Swain then delivered the address in the presence of a vast assembly. On the next day the President returned to Wash- ington. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 199 RALEIGH'S CENTENNIAL CELEBRA- TION. In 1892, it was thought eminently fitting that there should be celebrated the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the city of Raleigh. To this end, an ad- dress was printed and sent throughout the State and to a great number of distinguished native North Caro- linians then residing in other States, inviting them to be present on the 18th, 19th and 20th of October, to Join in the festivities. Besides a festival recalling colonial days, and a magnificent pyrotechnic display, there was a grand allegorical and trade procession. Appropriate ser- vices were held in all the churches, but the most elab- orate observance took place at the Church of the Good Shepherd (Protestant Episcopal), in commem- oration of the one hundredth anniversary of the con- secration on American soil of a Bishop of the Protest- ant Episcopal Church. This was at the morning service. At night the service commemorated the Cen- tennial of Raleigh and the quadri-centennial of the landing of Columbus. Hon. Chas. M. Busbee, of Ra- leigh, delivered an able address, as did also Hon. Geo. T. Winston. The most attractive feature of the celebration was the procession, in which were a great number of "floats" or "cars," (as they were called), constructed to represent different historical events, some of which were the following: Sir Walter Raleigh before Queen Elizabeth ; reception of Lafayette in Raleigh in 1825, by Governor Burton. Included in this scene was a faithful representation of Lafayette and Miss Eliza- beth Haywood before Canova's statue of Washington, 200 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. during Lafayette's visit to Kaleigh the above men- tioned year. In the procession also was a fac simile representa- tion of the "Tornado," the first locomotive that came to Raleigh, for the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, with a freight car attached, the original coming here in 1840. One of its first engineers, Mr, Albert Johnson, (now deceased) — was on the "float," and held the throttle as he had of the original engine fifty years before. Another "float" was in commemoration of the services of citizens of Raleigh in the War of 1812. This was represented by five Raleigh gentlemen, whose ancestors, in a direct line, served in that struggle. Four veterans of the Mexican War represented that event, viz., Messrs. Mordecai B. Barbee, H. W. Earp, Wm. H. High and W. A. Lamb. Eight ex-soldiers of the Civil War, attired in the identical grey uniform they had worn thirty years before, honored the mem- ory of the Lost Cause. On Tuesday evening, the 18th, Dr. Kemp P. Battle delivered an historic oration, and on Wednesday night a grand display of fireworks was witnessed at Moore Square by not less than ten thousand people, the fes- tivities of the Centennial occasion closing on Thurs- day night with a magnificent ball at Stronach's audi torium. IIISTOKICAL KAl.KKill. 201 A GLANCE AT RALEIGH OF TO-DAY. THE CITY A CENTRE, FINANCIALLY, INDUSTRIALLY AND SOCIALLY— TME EDUCATIONAL HEART Of THE STATE— ITS REMARKABLE GROWTH AND CONSTANT DEVELOPMENT. IJaldgh was born a State capital. The wise men of the State selected the location when it was a primeval forest because it possessed every natural advantage. There is no finer climate in the world. It was built ill a iiiauiiiHcent natural oak forest. It is on an ele- vation and well drained. It is centrally located, and is surrounded by a fertile section, whose lands are well adapted to diversified agricultur(\ It is the ca|>ital (tf a large and ]»rosperous county, ])eo])led for generations by a fine class of men and A\'omen, noted I'oi' their ]);!triotism and their hospitality. l>orn as the political centre of tlu^ State, many yeai's l»assed before its p(^o])le a])))reciatei'eciate that city growth and manufacturing are synonymous terms. AVithin the ])ast ten or twelve^ years thrcM' large cotton facto- ri(\s and two large knitting mills have been established in addition to other industries that give employment to hundr(^ds of im^i and women. The success of the industries Ihat have l)een establislied has l)een so marked that the establ isliment of otliers is on foot, and on),\- recently the stock Avas subsci'ibed for th(^ es- tablishment of a collar and cuff factory, to lie man- aged by an ex])ei't from Troy, X. Y.. the centre of man- 202 IIISTOIUCAL KALEIGII. ufactiire of collars and cuffs. The spiiit of progress is alive, capitalists at home and abroad have their ej'es upon llaleigh, and the next ten years will witness a development that will double IJaleigh's mannfactnr- ing j)lants. The cotton and tobacco industries are referred to at Icniith hereafter. HON. A. M. I'OWKI.I., .Mavor of Unlrisli. II should be emphasized that Raleigh is the educa- tional centre of North Carolina. Mor<' young men and young women are educated in IJalcigh than in any other city (d" the State, and the fame and patron- age of its schools and colleges are not confined lo State lines. Tt is likewise and nalurally a centre of literary life, embracinii' manv of the first minds in the State and HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 203 attracting hither men of talent in all the professions and callings. In Oakwood Cemetery are monuments erected to the memory of many of the State's distinguished dead, and in Capitol Square within the past few years a magnificent monument has been erected to the mem- ory of the Confederate dead, and a speaking bronze statue of Zebulon Baird Vance, twice a resident of Raleigh while Governor of the State. Soon a bronze statue of Ensign Worth Bagley, a native of Raleigh, the first to give his life for his country in the Spanish- American war, and the only naval officer to be killed in that war, will be placed in Capitol Square. As a resident city, Raleigh is as near perfect as any city could be desired. Its beautiful homes; wide macadamized streets; its well-kept lawns; its three parks in the very heart of the city and its large and delightful park in the western limit; its Raney Li- brary, the pride of the city and the best public li- brary that is to be found anywhere in a city of its size; its elegant club house, a dream of architectural beauty; its numerous social, historical and business societies — all these and others go to make Raleigh a thoroughly delightful residence city. Because of these advantages retired business and professional men have made their homes in the capital city, and it is the home of a multitude of families of men whose busi- ness keeps them on the road. But it is impossible in any brief space to enumerate the advantages that Raleigh offers to home-seekers, business men and manufacturers. Property has never been placed at any speculative values, but can be bought cheaply when the population and advantages of the city are considered. There are many openings for profitable investment. The city is on the eve of its greatest expansion, and within the past five years has 204 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. built more residences and handsome structures than in any previous ten years, and the development is but on its threshold. The line water power on the Neuse, near Raleigh, has been developed, and will furnish power cheaply to factories. This will greatly accelerate the manu- facturing growth. Raleigh's material advancement is at this time more notable than at any previous period. In almost every line of business and commerce, we see marked evi- dences of a rapid, but not mushroom growth. The cotton manufacturing industry shows signs of a steady and safe increase. All the three large cotton mills in Raleigh have been enlarged, the demand for their products necessitating over-time work, and the stock has risen from fifteen to twenty-five per cent in value within the last few years. The two knitting- mills are in a most fiourishing condition also. At the Falls of Neuse, near the city, another large cotton mill has recently been established. At Milburnie, six miles from the city, the superb water-power of the Neuse River is being used by a new electric company, which is transmitting the power to the city for lighting and other purposes. There is great activity and success in all the estab- lished manufactures in Raleigh. All of them are run- ning on full time, some of them over-time, and there are new corporations organized for new manufactur- ing and development which promises big things in the way of adding to Raleigh's manufacturing greatness. Already it has a multitude of small industries which will grow into great ones. The most conspicuous advance in Raleigh is to be seen when we turn to the consideration of the work of the architects and contractors. Ten years ago Ra- leigh had one sole architect, who was not kept busy. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 205 To-daj a dozen expert and experienced graduates of the best schools of architecture have a large clientele, and there is an increasing demand for their profes- sional services. The number of prosperous firms of contractors and builders has increased even more rapidly, and the demand for new factories, new stores and new homes is even greater than the army of con- tractors and skilled mechanics can keep up with. The building of the Baptist Female University, the Capital Club, the Tucker Building, the Olivia Raney Library, the Carolina Trust Company's new building, and the new Presbyterian church marks the departure from a city of small buildings to a metropolitan city. Those buildings set the pace for the new architecture that is transforming Raleigh into a modern city. Raleigh's crowning glory is its educational primacy. The centre of official and political life for generations, it has always been noted for its excellent educational advantages. The youth from all portions of the State have been attracted to Raleigh by its fine schools and colleges. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. With its numerous schools and colleges, Raleigh can well be called an educational center. The graded schools are models of their kind. The North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts has a fine site, just beyond the western corporate limits. The college is of brick, with Wake County granite and Anson brownstone. It has a thorough course, with military features. There is a magnificent new Textile School Building, which cost 120,000, and the new Watauga Hall, which will cost 125,000. St. Clary's School for young ladies, under Episco- palian auspices, is famous throughout the South. It 206 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. is now doing a greater work than ever under the presi- dency of Rev. T. D. Bratton, and its career of useful- ness promises much for the future. Peace Institute, under Presbyterian patronage, is another well-known school for young ladies. It has an able corps of twenty instructors, and its patronage embraces many States. Mr. Jas. Dinwiddle is the President. The Baptist Female University is one of the new in- stitutions of the city, and has been remarkably suc- cessful, having a splendid faculty and possessing every advantage for doing the best work. The Raleigh Male Academy is a splendid school for boys, in its twenty-fourth year. The record of its students in universities and colleges is unexcelled. The aim of this school is to teach its pupils to think and reason for themselves — to give them such mental discipline and training as will be valuable to them in after life. Mr. Hugh Morson is the highly-efiftcient Principal. Shaw University, for colored people, is a huge brick structure. Adjoining is Estey Seminary for females, and near by is Leonard Medical College. There is also a law department. A medical department of the State University has been established in the city, with a faculty composed of the leading physicians and surgeons of the State. The course is two years, and is intended to supplement the regular University course in medicine. Dr. Hu- bert Royster, so eminent for his superior surgical skill, is the Dean. St. Augustine Normal School is a large institution for the education of the colored people. It has many handsome and commodious buildings. There are State schools for the white and colored blind, and the colored deaf and dumb and blind. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 207 Two orphanages have recently been established, one for Methodist and one for Catholic children. The University of North Carolina is twenty-eight miles west of the cit}", Wake Forest College seventeen miles north, and Trinity College twenty-eight miles away. NEWSPAPERS. Raleigh is the newspaper center of the State, hav- ing two large morning dailies, and one evening daily. Here are published the organs of the Methodist, Bap- tist and Catholic denominations. There are two week- lies devoted entirely to farming. BANKS AND BANKERS, The city has five banks, all sound financial institu- tions, as follows : The Citizens National Bank, incor- porated 1870, capital |100,000. The Commercial and Farmers Bank, began business 1891, capital $100,000. The National Bank of Raleigh, incorporated 1885, capital |225,000. Raleigh Savings Bank, commenced business 1887, capital |15,500. Mechanics Dime Say- ings Bank, incorporated in 1895, capital |15,000. Private bankers are Grimes & Vass, Raleigh Loan and Trust Company, and Carolina Trust Company. INSURANCE COMPANIES. The North Carolina Home Insurance Company, of Raleigh, was organized as a fire insurance companv in 1868. The People's Mutual Benevolent Association, of Raleigh, was incorporated in 1897. The People's Benefit and Relief Association, of North Carolina, is a colored institution. The Mechanics and Investors Union is a model building and loan association. 208 HISTORICAL KALEIGH. HOSPITALS AND INFIRMARIES. The State Hospital, on Dix Hill, overlooking Ka- leigh, is an asylum for the insane, accommodating about 400 patients. The Rex Hospital is a public hospital for patients suffering from all except contagious diseases. The North Carolina Soldiers Home has an appro- priation from the State Treasury, and also receives voluntary contributions. St. Luke's Home for Old Ladies is managed by the King's Daughters. Leonard Medical School Hospital, Shaw Univer- sity, is for the colored people. St. Agnes Hospital and Training School for Nurses, is also for colored people. MANUFACTURING AND BUILDING. The following is a partial list of enterprises that have recently been added to the industries and im- provements of the city. The Melrose Knitting Mill, for manufacture of men's underwear; the Williard & Ashe Hosiery Mill, for which a new brick factory has been erected; the Copperville Brick Company, with the most approved steam brick machinery; the electric plant at Milbur- nie, on Neuse River; a large cotton mill at Palls of Neuse, owned in Raleigh; Norwood Cigar Fac- tory; the Pogue plug tobacco factory, in new quar- ters; large additions to the Caraleigh Fertilizer Works; the Cotton-seed Oil Mill; the Caraleigh Ging- ham Mills; the Raleigh Yarn ]Mill, and the Pilot Plaid Mills. The Water Company has greatly enlarged their plant. An entirely new system of works and mains have been put in by the Raleigh Gas and Electric Company, at a heavy cost. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 209 The city of Raleigh rejoices in the completion of the Greater Seaboard Air Line Eaihvay, which places our city on the through route from Boston to Florida ; it also appreciates the advantages of being on the line of the Southern Ixailway system — both giving to our citi- zens the advantages of frequent trains and competi- tive rates. This city now has free rural, as well as city postal deliveries, and with greatly increased business re- ported by the postolfice, banks, manufacturers, mer- chants, and by the real estate, tobacco and cotton op- erators, can confidently anticipate a continued in- crease of business prosperity. The Raleigh Leaf Tobacco Company has been organ- ized within the last few months, for dealing in and manufacturing leaf tobacco. Two warehouses are already in active operation. ELECTRIC RAILWAY AND LIGHT COMPANIES. The Electric City Railroad, run by the Raleigh Elec- tric Company, is about five miles in length. It en- ables passengers to visit all the main points of interest in the city, including the State Capitol and surround- ing State buildings. Governor's Mansion, Pullen Park, Brookside Park, Oakwood Cemetery, and the various schools and colleges. It has lately added to its line and equipment. The Standard Gas and Electric Company and the Raleigh Electric Company supply electric lights to the city, the first company supplying both gas and electricity. There is also an electric fire alarm system. THE TUCKER BUILDING. This imposing and magnificent building is located on the northwest corner of Martin and Favetteville 210 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. streets, facing on Martin street, opposite the post- office. The building is of pressed brici:, is imposing in appearance, pleasing in design, its five stories standing forth a living monument to the memory of Major Tucker, and a credit to the thrift and progress of the capital city. The building is five stories in height, with a frontage of 72 feet on Fayetteville street and 68 feet on Martin street. THE CAROLINA TRUST BUILDING. The handsome office building of the Carolina Trust Company is situated on Fayetteville street, near the postoffice. This company was organized early in the year 1901, and began at once to form plans for the erection of its building, and putting in the most mod- ern equipments for its own banking and trust offices. These are located on the first floor. The upper floors are used exclusively for offices of various professions and different lines of business. On June 13, lfi02, the building was completed for occupancy, and on July 22, the extensive banking ar- rangements and furnishings were finished. The com- pany at once threw open its doors for business. This witnessed a change to meet the financial conditions of the twentieth century and the demands of our citizens for an institution to manage estates in trust and put in active operation the industries that awaited devel- opment. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. The State Capitol is a magnificent building of gran- ite. It is one of the finest specimens of architecture to be found in the country, 140 by 160, and 100 feet high. When it was completed it was the handsomest State capitol building in the United States, and though others have surpassed it in size and modern HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 211 conveniences, it is still a model of architectural beauty. It is a classic structure, with many attrac- tive features, being modelled after the Parthenon, the Lanthorn of Demosthenes, the Ionic Temple on the Illisius, the Octagon Tower of Andronicus, and the Acropolis of Athens. The North Carolina Insane Asylum is 730 feet in length, and has room for about 400 patients. It is situated on Dix Hill, a beautiful site, and is one of the finest institutions of its kind in the country. The North Carolina Institution for the Blind occu- pies Caswell Square. The colored department of this institution is a spacious brick building on the opposite side of the city, and is equipped in every respect for this important service. The State Penitentiary is a splendid building, con- structed of brick, with granite enclosing walls, and was about twenty years in construction. It is a model structure of its kind. The Agricultural Department contains the neces- sary offices, the State Geological Museum ( which also is a museum of the forestry, mines, fisheries, agricul- ture, etc., of the State), the Corporation Commission, and the rooms of the Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. A large addition is now being erected which will greatly increase the attractiveness of the Mu- seum. The Supreme Court and State Library Building fronts Capitol Square. Its exterior is plain, but it is admirably fitted within. The State Library contains 45,000 volumes, and many portraits of citizens emi- nent in every walk of life. The Governor's Mansion is built of brick and mar- ble, and occupies the center of Burke Square. Its hall is adorned with portraits of the Governors. The beautiful marble from the Nantahala, Macon County, 212 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. was used in the construction of portions of the build- ing. The Postofilice Building is a splendid structure of granite, erected at a cost of about half a million of dollars. Wake County Court House is a unique building of brick and brownstone. It is supplied with spacious fire-proof vaults for the safe keeping of records. A statue of Justice ornaments the exterior of the struc- ture. There are five graded school buildings, all splen- didly arranged and furnished for the important uses to which they are put. The Town Hall contains the municipal offices and police headquarters, as well as providing a spacious hall for public meetings, and a market square. An elegant Union railroad passenger station has been completed at a cost of eighty-five thousand dol- lars, and is an adornment to the city. The State Fair Grounds, with spacious buildings and splendid race-course, are located two miles west of the capitol. The Federal and Confederate cemeteries are both on the eastern boundaries. They are well kept, and are adorned with appropriate monuments. CHURCHES. All of the church denominations are represented, and the sacred edifices are of very handsome archi- tecture, adding considerably to the beauty of the city. There are four Methodist, four Baptist, two Episco- pal, one Catholic, one Christian, one Presbyterian, and one Primitive Baptist church, besides other congregations, and not including several colored churches. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 213 CITY GOVERNMENT. The city is splendidly equipped with au ample sup- ply of excellent water, an efficient Board of Health and careful sanitary inspection, a complete sewerage system, a city hospital, a well-fitted up fire depart- ment ; it has an Academy of Music, Metropolitan Hall, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, a Home for Old Ladies and Incurables. PUBLIC ROADS. The people of Raleigh and Raleigh Township real- ize the vast importance of good roads, and much at- tention is being given to the improvement of the pub- lic roads. All of the roads leading out of Raleigh have already been macadamized for about six miles, and the work is being pushed on to the great advant- age of the locality generally and to the enhancement of real estate values. It is only a matter of time when the good roads will penetrate the entire county. This improved condition of our roads is due, mainly, to the genius and untiring industry of Mr. AY. C. McMackin, Superintendent of AVake County Roads. The Good Roads Convention here last February re- sulted in still more active work. IMPORTANCE. Being the State capital, Raleigh is naturally the political centre of the State, and here are held innu- merable important meetings and conventions of all kinds. This fact brings considerable business of every description to the city, and occasions the presence of many strangers almost continually. This gives a somewhat cosmopolitan air to the place, and prevents any appearance of provinciality whatsoever. As the seat of the State government, here are to be seen the State buildings and institutions, including the State- 214 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. house, with surrounding park; the Governor's Man- sion, the State Agricultural Building, State Museum, containing as fine an exhibit of State products as can be found in any State of the Union. The Supreme CHARLES F. LT7MSDEN, City Tax Collector. Court building and State Library, with a large and valuable collection of books and manuscripts, is open free to visitors, and is a place of much interest. RALEIGH CITY GOVERNMENT. Raleigh enjoys the blessing of a good and wise city government. Her Board of Aldermen is presided HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 215 over by a Mayor whose zeal for the public good has won for him the sincere regard of all classes of our people. This officer is A. M. Powell, Esq. The Po- lice Department has for its chief Mr. J. H. Mullins. Mr. Powell was first elected in 1899. He met every expectation of his friends and the public in the dis- charge of his duties, and proved an efficient and faith- ful officer. Neither was any mistake made in electing him for a second term. His good common sense, well- known integrity and uprightness of character, have proven that the possession of these qualities in a judi- cial officer are quite as important in the administra- tion of justice as a knowledge of technical rules of legal procedure. Seldom do the guilty escape, and never do the innocent suffer, when he is in control of affairs. Mr. Mullins is also serving his second term as Chief of the Police Department, having been first elected in 1899. No man occupying a similar position in the State has filled the office with more credit to himself and his constituency than Mr. Mullins. Besides pos- sessing executive ability of a high order, his personal qualities are such as to have won for him the esteem and admiration of all. The city tax-collector is Mr. Chas. F. Lumsden. Rarely does one find such a happy combination of per- sonal qualities and official ability as are possessed by this officer. This is evidenced by his continuance in office, for he is now filling his third term. Mr. Lums- den is a public-spirited citizen, and a man deeply in- terested in all that makes for his fellow-man's wel- fare ; he is a prominent member of the Masonic frater- nity. Odd Fellows, Red ]\ren, and is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Odd Fellows Orphan Home, besides occupying other positions of honor and trust. 216 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. RALEIGH'S WELL-PAVED STREETS. Conspicuous among the acts of the city government during the last few years was the issue of bonds for street improvements. This did more to start Ealeigh forward than anything else in her history. It opened up streets that were hitherto nothing but allej'S, im- proved many of the main thoroughfares and enhanced the value of property all over the city. Those who remember Raleigh before the issue of those bonds can speak eloquently on the tremendous improvement wrought. There were two issues, the first of |50,000 on Octo- ber 1, 1897, at 5 per cent, and the second of |100,000 on July 1, 1899, at 4 per cent. Both these issues were to be redeemed in thirty years. The prices they brought speak of themselves for the citj^'s growth. The 150,000 issue brought |109,327, and the |100,000 issue 1105,525. In 188;) a |50,000 issue of 5's brought onlv 1105.25, and an issue of |50,000 5's in 1890 brought only |103.50. Thus the |100,000 4's in 1899 brought more than the |100,000 5's in 1899 and 1890. As a result of these issues of bonds in 1897 and 1899, Ealeigh has now eight miles of paved and macadam- ized streets, and thirty-two miles of paved and curbed sidewalks. The material used on the sidewalks is brick, Belgian blocks and granolithic pavement. The streets for heavy traffic are paved with cobble stones and the rest with macadam. This movement originated, was agitated and suc- cessfully carried through, principally, by the energy and business ideas of Mr. John C. Drewry, for several years an Alderman and Chairman of the Street Com- mittee. No man who, without compensation, has ac- cepted the position of Alderman, has given Raleigh more valuable service than Mr. Drewry. He is no en- thusiast to spring sensational matters for considera- HISTORICAL UALKKJH. 217 tion, but having accepted the call of his constitueuts to serve the city as representative from his ward, he at once concentrated all his faculties and energies to in- angnrate such improvements as would be permanent. This h(^ thought should be done in permanent street work, and to-day our people are in the enjoyment of thoroughfares comparable with any in the South, and the credit for which is very largely due to the wisdom, persistence and personal supervision of Mr. Drewry. In 1S07 the city took up |40,000 of the funded debt bonds, sixes, and issued f25,(MI() current expense bonds, fives. These sold for |109.45. The 1898 more current expense bonds were issued to take the place of 125,000 fives floating debt bonds. These sold at par on the very day that war was declared with S])ain. That speaks volumes for the city's credit. Under the circumstances it was rather remarkable that they could be sold at all. The amount of the sinking fund on hand March 1st was |40,r)l(K The next bonds due are funded debt bonds, 140,400, at per cent, on July 1, 1907. TWO SURE EVIDENCES. The two best evidences of a city's growing prosper- ity is to be found in its postoflfice receipts and in the deposits in its banks. By this test TJaleigh stands among the first cifies of its po])ulation in the whole country. In 189S the r(M'ei])ts at the Raleigh post- oflfice were less than |30,000. For the year just closed (June 30) tlu^v have risen to over 145,000. Tn the matler of bank de])osits the gain for 1902 over 1892, a period of ten years, was ov(t one hundred ])er cent. Here is the statement of increase: Deposits in 1^02 12,074,027 Deposits in 1892 I,l(i5,(;il 15 218 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. This gain is a fair index of the entire growth of the business and manufacturing expansion of the city. Ten years ago the banks of Raleigh had Capital stock |440,000 Surplus and profits 04,709 Total capital and profits 534,709 Total deposits ten years ago 1,105,011 To-day : Capital stock 455,000 Surplus and profits 242,702 Total capital and profits 097,702 Total deposits now 2,074,027 HISTORICAL UALEIGH. 219 HORACE B. GREASON. Mr. Greason has beeu a resident of Raleigh since 1890. He was born in Stnyvesant Falls, N. Y., in 1859. Later he removed with his parents to Cohoes, in the same State, where he worked to learn the l)usi- IIOKACE H. GKKASON, SuptTinteiidciil Ilulcisli CDtton Mills. ness of cotton millinii'. After remaining at Cohoes for eighteen years — nntil 1881 — he removed to Utica, N. Y., where he was engaged for several years with the Skenandoah Mills. It was there his dnties enabled him to familiarize himself with every detail of the bnsiness. and in 1890 his ])roficiency in this indnstry occasioned the secnrinu of his services bv the Raleigli 220 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. Cottou ^lills. Subsequently, when a vacancy occurred in the position of Superintendent, Mr. Greason was chosen, being- the successful competitor over a large number of others, who were regarded as experts as Avell as himself. In 1881 he was united in marriage to Miss Catherine Grey, of Cohoes, N. Y. Mr. Grea- son is esteemed as one of our su])stantial citizens, and is popular with a wide circle of friends. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 221 OLIVIA RANEY LIBRARY. Soiiicoue has beautifully said: ''Carve your name on hearts, and not on marble ; those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when the mar- ble has crumbled and forget-me-nots have perished.'" To no one in the vast domain of our State could this sentiment be more fittiugly applied than to Richard Beverly Raney, the donor of the Olivia Rauey Library to the white people of Raleigh, for the donation ex- ceeds in beneficence any before bestowed by anyone upon any community in our commonwealth. It was donated by Mr. Raney as a memoriam to his deceased wife, Olivia Cowper Raney, eldest daughter of the late Pulaski Cowper, of this city. The Library was chartered in 1899, and on Febru ary 1, 1900, the site and building, together with nearly six thousand volumes of literature, were conveyed to the Olivia Raney Library corporation. The cost of this gift was over forty thousand dollars — "every available dollar," it was said, "of the owner's means.'* The building is of terra cotta brick, with tile roof, and includes, besides the reading-rooms and book- stacks, parlors for gentlemen and ladies, smoking- room, trustees' rooms, librarians' rooms, drug store, music rooms, and one of the finest auditoriums in this section, the curtain being a fine painting of the Taj Mahal, in Agra, India. The running expenses of the Library are about twital Warehouse is being success- fully uianaged by .Messrs. Canady and Knott, two ex- perienced tobacconists, who recently came to Raleigh from Oxford. HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 225 The Farmers \\'arelioii«e is also being conducted by two most active and successful young warehousemen, Messrs. Cheatham and Mitchell, formerly of Oxford. Mr. R. F. Knott, one of the leading leaf tobacco dealers in the State, has recently moved to Raleigh, and is a most important factor in the re-establishment of our tobacco industry. Mr. C. P. Sellers, formerly of Greensboro, has be- come the Raleigh representative of the American To- bacco Company, and is doing wonders for the Raleigh market. The Imperial Tobacco Company has signified its in- tention of placing a man on the Raleigh market, as well as other leading manufacturers in this country and abroad. The Raleigh market has taken on a new lease of life, and the best evidence of this fact is its large daily sales of the golden weed, the sales in one day during this season having been as much as eighty thousand pounds. 226 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. CAPT. JOSEPH J. BERNARD. Capt. Bernard is, in its broadest sense, a represent- ative man. He has been the incumbent of the office of Kegister of Deeds since February 1, 1101, when he was appointed to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of W. H. Hood. No man who ever occupied this position has exhibited more skill and ability in CAPT. J. J. BERNARD, Democratic nominee for Register of Deeds. the discharge of his duties, or exercised more judg- ment in the convenient arrangement of his office, than has the present incumbent. Among the people of Wake this is common knowledge, as was evidenced by his recent victory at the primaries, and by his nomi- nation for this office for the ensuing term, on August 2, 1902. In 1885, Capt. Bernard was elected bookkeeper of the State Penitentiary, but in 1898 was displaced by HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 227 the Fusion Board under Governor Russell. Since 1877 lie has been a member of the State Guard, and at present is captain of the Raleigh Light Infantry. He is among the progressive, public-spirited young Demo- crats of his county, a man of high integrity, generous impulses and a most charitable disposition. His char- acter is without blemish. Capt. Bernard is a de- scendant of one of the oldest and most highly esteemed Wake county families, being a grandson of Rev. Wm. White, of St. Majry's Township, who, in his life- time, was a man of much influence in his community. Messrs. W. H. Penny and W. H. Hood are Capt. Bernard's efficient and courteous clerks. 22S HISTORICAL RALEIGH. THE COTTON AND GROCERS' EXCHANGE. In 1874 the mercliauts here organized the Raleigh Board of Trade, which a few years later grew into the Cotton and Grocers' Exchange. The object of this association was for the purpose or' uniting the individual efforts of the cotton dealers and grocers of Raleigh, and fostering and maintaiuiiig whatever pertained to the advancement of Raleigh as a cotton market, and of North Carolina as a cotton producing State. The efforts of the Exchange have been wisely direc- ted; the surrounding country has been benefitted as well as the city, and Raleigh has enjoyed for a gener- ation the reputation of being one of the best cotton markets in the State. The quality of cotton grown in this section has no superior in the upland section of the cotton belt. The system of weighing cotton at Raleigh is emi- nently just and fair to all parties; the County Com- missioners elect two of the weighers from among the farmers, and the Cotton and Grocers' Exchange re- commend one, and the County Commissioners elecr him. The cotton is weighed on standard and well- tested scales by sworn and bonded cotton weighers, and by men whose integrity prompts, and whose oatli and bond compel them, to give fair and impartial weights. Under this system but few complaints have arisen ; the buyer knows that he will get what he pays for, and the seller is convinced that justice will be done him. Mill owners generally recognize our weighers' certificates, and complaints from either side are rare. The Exchange has induced the railroad companies to establish conveniences for handling and shipping HISTORICAL RALEIGH. 229 cotton that give the market advantages over almost any interior cotton market in tliis section. l"^)rmerly a large percentage of the cotton sold on this market was exported, but in recent years the es- tablishment of cotton mills at Raleigh and adjacent t«n\us has enabled the farmers to sell their cotton here at very satisfactory prices to State mills. The Kaleigh Cotton and Grocers' Exchange will continue to do all in its power towards maintaining the highest prices for cotton, and it will always try to make IJaleigh the leading interior cotton market of this section. No market has better facilities for stor- ing and handling cotton. It has large and commodi- ous warehouses, and ample funds may be secured from the l)anks for making advances on cotton stored. The l)uyers are prepared to give the highest price for any number of bales that may be offered any day in the year; they can handle to advantage every bale of cot- ton that may be hauled or shipped here. Our mer- chants are, and always have been, reasonable in their charges for handling cotton, and these charges are l)robably less than those of any market where the same advantages are otfered. Besides this, every grower of cotton has the privilege of selling his own cotton from the wagons, thus avoiding any warehouse charges whatever. This custom does not prevail in the larger markets of the South. The cotton men here are auumg our most enterpris- ing and energetic citizens, and have worked year in and year out to establish a market that would meet the demands of our cotton producers. A^^ 230 HISTORICAL RALEIGH. MR. HERBERT E. NORRIS. Wake Comity's Democratic nominee for State Sen- ator is a young man in the full vigor of robust man- hood, a sound thinker, and a ready and logical deba- ter, whose legal attainments have made him a promi- nent figure at the Raleigh Bar. His practical knowl- H. E. XOKKIS, Democratic nominee for Senate. edge of farming, his thorough understanding of the people's needs and wants, his acknowledged ability as a speaker upon the hustings, caused his many friends to urge him into the campaign for State Senator. With a number of aspirants already in the field, when Mr. Norris announced his candidacy all others with- drew, thus gracefully acknowledging him eminently equipped to represent the metropolitan district in the Senate. His unanimous nomination is but the guar- antee of his election. THE END. u u ! 216 Fayetteville Street RALEIGH, N. C. .A' Best Laundr}' in the State. Everything guaranteed. Shirts, Collars and Cuffs a specialt}-. J. K. MARSHALL, PROPRIETOR PHONE 87. .^- 1 Q \«'i icun DEL, roCAT.DIV. SEP 18 1902 SEP. 19 t902 Union Central Life Insurance Company Is the Best Company in the World She is paying to people in North Car- olina larger Annual Cash Divi- dends than any other Company. She has for over 30 years issued Modern Policies so much boasted of by other companies now just issuing them. We give a Double Life - Long Savings, in giving you the Lowest Rate and returning to you the Largest * Cash Dividends. 5=> 5^ Good Agents Wanted g^ 5> Address GARY J. HUNTER. r/» Superintendent Virginia and North Carolina., ^* RALEIGH. N. C. HISTORICAL RALEIGH FROM ITS FOUNDATION IN 1792 DVIOSKS N. AMIS. s4 > ""o^ ^o ^^ SCENE !N COLONIAL TIME3. 1902 EDWARDS i?.- BROUGHTON Printers i n d Binders «4 «? RALEIGH «S *? Citizens IRational Bankt RALEIGH. N. C. Capital, . . . $100,000.00 Surplus, . . . 50,000.00 Profits, . . . 25,000.00 Deposits, . . . 700,000.00 « « « no Ttiterest Paid on Deposits « <& « DIRECTORS : A. B. ANDREWS, R. H. LEWIS, R. H. BATTLE, IVAN M. PROCTER, A. B. HAWKINS, WM. J. ANDREWS, JOS. G. BROWN, JOHN C. DREWRY. OFFICERS : JOS. G. BROWN, President, A. B. ANDREWS, Vice-President. H. E. LITCHFORD, Ciishier. Every legitimate business enterprise encouraged, and every facility extended its patrons, consistent with safe and conservative Banking. Safety Deposit Boxes, for Storage of valuable papers, silver, etc.. for rent on reasonable terms. Jls Chartered in 1820 Ng .—., Assets $60,000,000 $ I lobe I I Jlztna Life Insuramt Compant; i ^ of lyartford. Conn, % fThe Largest Companij in ^ the World Writinq ^ ^ Life, Accident and Health Insurance ^ I Eifery DesiroDie Form of liie, flccineoi ana HeQim insorooce Policies issued. | I Address | |s TKe Company, or J. D. BOUSHALL, Manager, $ /»\ RAI.KIGH, ]Sr. C. 0^ .iiip.iiiiii;yiiiiiti!]yf|iiiiiyi ii i ip ii i ii pii i ii i||1 iiii i | l1t|Iii i i i ip i i ii |i;;||;i ii ii i rp i^ f Cbe 'fflational "Bmh of URaleidbt F«A.LEIGH, N, C Capital Paid in 3225,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits, 100,000.00 Jl Flew Vaults Which is entirely liroproof and btirglar-proof, has been added, the doors controlled by combination automatic and time locks. Safe Deposit Boxes of the very latest desiirn, the convenience of which can not be ap- preciated until tbc> are seen, and all are invited Ui see them. ' The renter of tln^ box has the key, and no one can train access to the contents of the box without' the presence of the renter, and if he should lose his key, the Under could not gain access to the box, the contents of which can be known only to the renter. There is ample room in the boxes for the filing of deeds, valuable papers, wills, bonds, stocks, etc., and perfect Becurity is obuiined for very moderate cost. Directors : CrtAS. IT. Bklvin, F. O. Moring, J. A. Briggs, Jos. B. Batch BLOR, O. M. Busuee, T. B. Ckowder. Cha.s. E. Johnson, W. W. Va.s.s, Jur-iurt Lewis. »»»9»»9»»9»^»»-^d^»d»»»i»»»»99;^»9»»»»»9 t I t % s (A I I I I DANIEL ALLEN egl CO. SHOE STORE Some of the tea- sons why we sell kf mote SHOES than any other Store in Raleigh are- RALEIGH. North CarolinaL. We sell at vsmaller profits. We select Better and Nobbier Styles. We sell nothing but Leather and guarantee every pair. We wait on j^ou courteously. We have the largest stock in the State to select from. We have nothing but New Shoes We buy more Shoes and conse- quently get them cheaper, hence we can sell them cheaper. It costs vou nothing to see them. DANIEL ALLEN & CO. ^ V SHOE STORE V V ^ «i€€