FINEGAN'S SCHOOL LAW FOURTEENTH EDITION Class Book J COPVRIGHT DEPOSfT. A TEXT BOOK NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW INCLUDING THE REVISED EDUCATION LAW, THE DECISIONS OF COURTS AND THE RULINGS AND DECISIONS OF STATE SUPERINTENDENTS AND THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION PREPARED FOR THE USE OF CITY AND SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS, NORMAL SCHOOLS, TRAINING CLASSES, TEACHERS BY THOMAS E. FINEGAN, A. M, Pd. D., Litt. D., LL. D. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT-LAW rORMERLY DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK; APPOINTED SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, JUNE I, IpIQ. FOURTEENTH EDITION REVISED TO JANUARY I, 1922 ALBANY, N. Y, MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY, INCORPORATED 192 1 Copyright, 1902, By THOMAS E. FINEGAN Copyright, 1907, 1908, 1910, 1913, 1914, By MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY Copyright, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1921, By MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INCORPORATED OCT 26 mi 0)C!,A630010 PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE FOURTEENTH EDITION. The Fourteenth Edition of this work has been rewritten and revised to January i, 1922. Important amendments have been enacted since the publica- tion of the Thirteenth Edition. Article 43-B of the Education Law, known as the law in relation to a retirement fund for public school teachers, has been entirely rewritten. The Teachers' Salary Law, establishing minimum salaries for teachers in the cities of the State and providing for salary increases in school districts outside of cities, has been generally amended. Amendments have been made to the State Tuition Law, the City School Law, and many others which are carefully noted in this edition. A new chapter has been inserted relating to the Rehabilitation Law. PREFACE TO FOURTEENTH EDITION. Nineteen years ago the first edition of this work was edited and published. Since that time there has been a great expansion in what is generally recognized throughout the country as a legitimate field of work for a public school system. The larger social outlook possessed by the people and the new community interests now centering in the schools have placed larger demands upon the public school system and upon the officers and teachers, in the various parts of the State, who administer and operate such system. To meet these new demands there have been modifications of existing statutes and the enactment of new statutes. In the 14th edition of this work the author has endeavored to express in plain terms the meaning of the statutes which regulate the operation and administration of the public school system. The author's years of service to public education in New York State gives him an earnest desire to make this volume of the greatest possible service to the teachers and school officers of the State. T. E. F. September i, ig2i. CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER I University of the State of New York i-ii V. CHAPTER II State Education Department 12-18 CHAPTER III President of the University and Commissioner of Education 19-34 CHAPTER IV Rural School Supervision 25-38 CHAPTER V Duties of Supervisors, Town Clerks, County Treasurers, District Attorneys, and County Judges in relation to school matters... 39-46 CHAPTER VI School Districts 47-62 CHAPTER VII District Meetings 63-70 CHAPTER VIII Voters at School District Meetings — Qualifications, Challenges, etc 71-74 CHAPTER IX Common-school District Officers 7S-8l CHAPTER X Common-school District Officers (continued) 82-88 Trustees, Powers a-nd Duties. CHAPTER XI Common-school District Officers (continued) 89-95 Clerk, Collector, Treasurer, Librarian. vii Viii CONTENTS PAGE CHAPTER XII Union Free-school District Officers 96-iOS CHAPTER XIII Board of Education — Union Free-school District — Powers and Duties 106-116 CHAPTER XIV Assessment and Collection of District Taxes I17-131 CHAPTER XV School Buildings, Sites and Bonds : I32-147 CHAPTER XVI State School Moneys 148-160 CHAPTER XVII Courses of Study — Subjects Included — Physiology and Hygiene — Humane Treatment of Animals and Birds — Instruction in Patriotism and Citizenship 161-167 CHAPTER XVIII Industrial Education 168-174 CHAPTER XIX Textbooks, Arbor Day, Flag Law and Savings Banks 175-182 / \ CHAPTER XX Compulsory Education — Employment of Children — Vacation Permits — Illiterate Minors 183-198 CHAPTER XXI School Census 199-202 CHAPTER XXII Medical Inspection, Vaccination, Physical Training 203-212 CHAPTER XXIII Contracts for Education of Children, Transportation of Children, State Tuition, Academic Instruction 213-217 CONTENTS IX PAGE CHAPTER XXrV Special Classes for Mentally Retarded — Physically Defective — Orphan Schools — Sta-te Institutions for Deaf and Dumb and for the Blind 218-225 CHAPTER XXV School and Public Libraries 226-228 CHAPTER XXVI State Scholarships 229-236 CHAPTER XXVII State Normal Institutions 237-244 CHAPTER XXVIII Teachers' Training Classes, Training Schools 245-249 CHAPTER XXIX Teachers' Qualifications, Certificates, Contra-cts, Powers and Duties 250-275 CHAPTER XXX Retirement of Teachers 276-281 CHAPTER XXXI City School Systems 282-312 CHAPTER XXXII City School Elections 313-320 CHAPTER XXXIII Appeals to the Commissioner of Education 321-326 CHAPTER XXXIV Rehabilitation of Physically Handicapped Persons.,...*;........... 327-328 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW CHAPTER I UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK [Article 3] The first educational institution created by the State was the "Regents of the University of the State of New York", which was estabhshed by the Legislature in 1784. This institution was therefore estabhshed within a few months after the treaty of peace between Great Britain and the United States had been signed. This institution is one of the most unique of the educational insti- tutions in the country. The history of its growth and development is one of unusual interest and is based upon the growth and develop- ment of the nation itself. It was the intention of the State in founding this institution to make it the directing and controlling power in the building and development of the State's educational system. The great purpose of the leaders of public affairs in the State in founding this institution was not attained, however, until after the institution had been in existence for nearly one hundred and thirty years. The name of this corporation was changed by the legislature in 1889 to " University of the State of New York ", and the University was placed upon a permanent foundation when the people of the State, by popular vote, adopted the State constitu- tion of 1894. This constitutional provision, the powers of the Regents under the provisions of the unification act of 1904 and the general powers conferred upon that body in the education law enabled the Board of Regents to make the University of the State of New York the administrative body which should exercise the powers of the Education Department. Under ordinances adopted by the Board of Regents on July 2nd, 1913, the University of the State of New York thus became the controlling body in the admin- 2 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW istration of all the educational affairs of the State and then became what its founders intended it should be when the State established it in 1784. The provision of the constitution is as follows : Article IX Regents of the University. — § 2. The corporation created in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-four, under the name of The Regents of the University of the State of New York, is hereby continued under the name of The University of the State of New York. It shall be governed and its corporate pov^^ers, which may be increased, modified or diminished by the Legislature, shall be exercised by not less than nine regents. Controlling Body. — The Regents are the controlling or govern- ing body of the University. Chief Functions. — The chief powers of the University are to administer the functions of the Education Department and to charter and inspect educational institutions, confer degrees, deter- mine value of credentials, the value of institutions not in the University according to its standards, prescribe examinations for its secondary institutions which shall be a suitable standard of graduation therefrom and of admission to college, and to super- vise entrance rec|uirements to the learned professions, and the licensing and practice of such professions. Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor. — The chancellor is the presid- ing officer of all meetings of the Regents and of the convocation. He confers degrees authorized by the Regents, and fixes the time and place of all special meetings of the Regents. When the chancellor is unable to perform any or all of his duties, they are performed by the vice-chancellor. Charter Educational Institutions. — The Board of Regents has authority to incorporate any university, college, academy, library, museum, or other institution or association for the promotion of science, literature, art, history, or other department of knowledge under such terms as the law provides. The Regents may also, in their discretion, issue provisional charters, they may change the name of institutions which have been chartered, and they may, for valid reasons, suspend or revoke any charter which has been granted. The Regents are also empowered to remove any trustee of a corporation created by them for misconduct, incapacity, neglect of duty, or where it appears to their satisfaction that the corporation has failed or refuses to carry into effect its educational purposes. UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 3 They may also amend the charter of any institution under their supervision. No institution of higher education may be incorporated by the Regents until such institution has been inspected by some officer of the University and approved by the Regents. The buildings, furniture and equipment must meet the Regents' requirements. Licenses of Schools, etc. — No person, firm, corporation, asso- ciation or society shall conduct, maintain or operate an}'- school, institute, class or course of instruction without having been granted a license issued under rules prescribed by the Regents of the University. No license shall be granted for any such purpose where it shall appear that the instruction proposed to be given includes the teaching' of the doctrine that organized governments shall be overthrown by force or unlawful means, or where it shall appear that such school, institute, class or course is to be conducted in a fraudulent manner. Licenses shall not be required for the public schools of the State nor for educational institutions which are now (Sept. i, 1921) or may hereafter be incorporated by the University or admitted to membership in the University ; nor shall such license be required of schools now or hereafter established and main- tained by a religious denomination or sect well recognized as such ; nor shall such license be required for classes conducted by fraternal orders duly incorporated under the laws of the State, which have for their purpose solely the instruction of their mem- bers in the ritual of such orders. The Regents may revoke a license issued to a school, institute, class or course after due opportunity to be heard. The action of the Regents in refusing to grant a license or in revoking a license is subject to review by certiorari in the supreme court. Degree-Conferring Institutions. — No individual, association, corporation, or institution can legally confer degrees in this State unless express provision granting this power is given by a charter granted either by the State Legislature or by the Regents. No institution or association can transact business under, or assume in any way, the name of university or college without permission from the Regents. No institution can be authorized under the University law to confer degrees unless it has resources of at least $500,000. Crimes Under University Law. — Counterfeiting any credential issued under the seal of the University or making any unauthor- ized alteration in such credential is a felony. Any one personating another by attempting to take an exam- ination in his name, or procuring a person thus falsely to per- sonate another, or attempting in any way to obtain a record of 4 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW having passed a Regents' examination in violation of the Uni- versity regulations, or to obtain a credential issued by the Regents, and based upon an examination or course of study which he has not actually passed or completed, is guilty of a misdemeanor. A person who aids or abets another in such vio- lation is likewise guilty of the same crime. A person who has in his possession previous to an examination the question papers to be used in such examination when not contained in their sealed wrappers or who sells or offers to sell a Regents' cjuestion paper in advance of an examination is guilty of a misdemeanor. A person who fraudulently issues a Regents' credential, or who falsely represents himself as having received a degree or cre- dential, or who appends without proper authorization to his name the letters representing any degree conferred by the Uni- versity, is also guilty of a misdemeanor. University Credentials of High School Grade. — These creden- tials are the qualifying certificates, and the diplomas. Eight years of preacademic preparation or its equivalent is the pre- requisite to the preliminary professional and all equivalent cer- tificates. The qualifying certificates are the law student, medical student, dental student, optometry student, veterinary student, chiropody student, oral hygiene student, pharmacy student, and nurse student and the cjualifying certificates for admission to the examinations for certified public accountants and certified short- hand reporters and architects. Preliminary Certificates. — A preliminary certificate is issued to any person who passes Regents' examinations in writing, read- ing, spelling, elementary English, arithmetic, geography and elementary United States history with civics. Count. — The term " count " represents one year's work of one hour per week on one subject. A subject pursued five periods per week for one year represents five counts. Academic Diploma. — This diploma is issued on the completion of a four-year high school course, for which seventy-two academic counts will be required, of which sixteen must be in English, eight in history and at least ten each in science and mathematics. The minimum passing mark for this diploma is sixty per cent for students pursuing regular courses in approved schools. An academic diploma may also be granted to any pupil who has passed the examinations required for a college entrance diploma at an average standing of not less than 70 per cent, but who for some other reason has failed to qualify for the college entrance diploma. Academic Diploma in Classical Subjects. — This diploma, which indicates the completion of a four-year high school course, shall be issued to pupils in recognized high schools who earn 72 academic counts as follows : English, 16 counts ; Latin, 20 UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 5 counts; a second foreign language (three years), 15 counts; history, 5 counts; science, 5 counts; mathematics, 10 counts; electives, i count. This diploma will also be given to pupils who have earned in Regents examinations the counts required for the college en- trance diploma in arts, including four years of Latin, with a passing mark of 60 per cent or more, but who for some other reason have failed to obtain the college entrance diploma. No diploma of graduation shall be granted after June, 1918, without evidence that the pupil to whom it is granted has com- pleted the course of instruction outlined under the title " Civics " in the Syllabus for Secondary Schools, or its equivalent. Academic Diploma in Commercial Subjects. — This diploma, which represents the completion of a four-year high school course, shall be issued to pupils in approved high schools who earn ^2 county prescribed as follows : English (first three years), 12 counts; science, 5 counts; mathematics (algebra or geometry), 5 counts; history, 10 counts; elective subjects, 14 counts; and who have passing marks averaging at least 75 per cent (average to be computed on relative count value of subjects), in the fol- lowing subjects: business English, 4 counts; commercial arith- metic, 5 counts; business writing, 2 counts; commercial geog- raphy, 2^ counts ; and either bookkeeping 2, 10 counts, and commercial law, 2^ counts; or shorthand 2, 10 counts, and type- writing, 2^ counts. Academic Diploma in Vocational Subjects. — This diploma, which indicates the completion of a four-3'ear high school course, shall be issued to pupils in recognized high schools who earn 72 academic counts, who meet the regular requirements for the academic diploma, as follows: English, i^ counts; science, 10 counts; mathematics^ 10 counts; history, 8 counts; and obtain at least 25 counts for the successful completion of approved courses in vocational subjects. In computing the counts for the academic diploma in vocational subjects, agricultural biology, agricultural physics, agricultural chemistry, household physics and household chemistry may be applied tovv-ard the science requirement. College Entrance Diplomas and Certificates. — College entrance diplomas, which are issued in arts, in science or in engineering, and whose requirements are substantially the same as the en- trance requirements of the colleges of the State, are designed to guide preparation for and to facilitate admission to college and to constitute, in part, the basis for awarding the University scholar- ships, and will be given only to pupils of the registered secondary schools in this State who take the usual oath of allegiance to the State of New York and to the United States and file the same, together with their respective prinicipal's certificate of their good moral character, with a written application for such diplomas by O NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW the fifteenth of the month of July next succeeding the completion, within six years from their enrolment which may be at the begin- ning of any half year, of at least four full school years of time, or of a longer period if the pupils choose, of approved study in such schools, who have earned in Regents examinations, with passing marks averaging at least 75 per cent, the respectively prescribed counts. But such pupils who have earned the required counts for college entrance diplomas, and have otherwise qualified there- for, may, upon their principal's certification of exceptional train- ing and ability, receive such diplomas after three and one-half years of such study. The specific requirements in Regents' counts may be ascertained by communicating with the President of the University at Albany, N. Y. New Requirements. — A new rule, making only one form of college entrance diploma instead of the three forms mentioned above and materially changing the examination requirements, will go into effect in 1921. The new requirements in the exam- inations are as follows: 1. The candidate for a college entrance diploma must ofifer evidence that he has satisfactorily completed a four-year sec- ondary course approved by the Board of Regents. 2. He must pass a comprehensive examination in each of the following three subjects: a English (four years). b Latin or Greek, or French, or Spanish, or German (three years). c Mathematics (two and one-half years) (intermediate algebra and plane geometry). And in a fourth subject chosen from the following: d History (one year). e Physics, or chemistry (one year). / A second foreign language (two years). 3. He must obtain an average rating in all of at least 75 per cent, with a minimum passing mark of 60 per cent for any paper. 4. The five examinations must be taken in three consecutive examination periods. This new rule becomes effective for the college entrance diplomas issued in' 1921. But pupils who shall have passed prior to January i, 1921, any of the Regents examinations re- quired for the college entrance diploma under the former rule may, up to July i, 1922, complete such requirements either under the former rule or under the new rule as may be pre- ferred in any case. Music Diploma. — This diploma, which indicates the completion of a four-year high school course, shall be issued to pupils who earn y2 academic counts, as follows: Musical instruction (4 years), 20 counts; music practice (credit, If course is ap- UNIVERSITY OF TPIE STATE OF NEW YORK 7 proved, allowed on certificate of principal. Two hours' practice a week for a school year entitles to i count), i8 counts; English (4 years), i6 counts; a foreign language (2 years), 10 counts; history, 6 counts; electives, 2 counts. Counts for music practice shall be given only to pupils of accredited academic schools after the course has in each case been approved by the Department. A course in music practice will not be approved unless it extends over at least three years of the course and not more than 6 counts will be allowed for music practice during any one year. No credit will be allowed for music practice for any particular pupil until the examination in chorus singing and rudiments of music has been passed. A pupil who obtains the specified counts for an academic diploma may offer music for not more than 24 of the remaining 28 counts. Advanced Diploma. — This diploma provides for all academic courses longer than the regular course covered by the academic diploma above. It is issued only to those who have earned any academic diploma and eighteen, thirty-six or fifty-four, etc., counts in addition. On its face are specified the total counts, its name being determined by the highest multiple of eighteen. The above diplomas will be issued on the following basis : 1. A diploma based upon a minimum passing mark of sixty per cent in each subject except that in the case of the academic diploma in commercial subjects a standing of seventy-five per cent must be obtained in certain subjects. 2. A diploma, with credit, to be issued to students who attain a standing of seventy-five per cent or more in subjects aggre- gating forty academic counts. Advanced diplomas will be issued in like manner if five-ninths of the counts required are secured with the same minimum per cents. 3. A diploma, with honor, to be issued to students who attain a standing of ninety per cent or more in subjects aggregating forty academic counts. Commercial Credentials. — State Coimnercial Certificate. — This credential shall be granted to those who pass the Regents exam- inations (at not less than 75 per cent) in the following subjects based on the secondary syllabus : bookkeeping 2, commercial arithmetic, commercial law, business English, and business writing, provided the time requirement in each subject has been substantially met either in a high school or registered business school. State Shorthand Certificate. — This credential will be granted to those who pass the Regents examinations (at not less than 75 per cent) in the following subjects based on the secondary syllabus : shorthand 2, typewriting, business writing, and business English, 5 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW provided the time requirement in each subject has been substan- tially met either in a high school or registered business school. Qualifying Certificates are certificates giving evidence that the holder has such academic education as is required by lav^ or Reg-ents ordinances for admission to the study of the various professions and for admission to certain professional and tech- nical schools and to the examination for certified public account- ants and certified shorthand reporters. These certificates are issued only for the purposes specified. Medical Student Certificates, — A medical student certificate may be secured after January 1, 1919, by presenting evidence of the satisfactory completion of two years of college work covering not less than 6o semester hours in an approved col- lege of liberal arts and science after the completion of an approved high school course or its equivalent as shown by exam- inations conducted by an examining board or by an examiner approved by an authorized accrediting agency. The two years of college work must include : Chemistry 12 semester hours, of which 4 must cover organic chemistry Physics 6 or 8 semester hours Biology 6 or 8 semester hours English composition and litera- ture 6 semester hours The applicant must also present evidence that at the time when his collegiate study was begun he had fully met the requirement exacted for matriculation by the college which he attends. Cer- tification to this effect must be made by the proper authority of the college when application for the certificate is made. It is to be especially noted that the applicant for this certificate must have completed his full secondary education or the equiva- lent prior to the time his collegiate study is begun. The entrance requirement which a medical school may exact may be in excess of the State requirement for a medical student certificate. It is, therefore, advisable for an applicant to inquire of the medical school which he contemplates entering what re- quirement must be met for admission. The medical student certificate may be obtained only as herein specified and the cer- tificate may no longer be earned by taking Regents examinations. Medical Student Certificate for Admission to the Study of Osteopathy. — The Regents rule relative to the issuance of this certificate reads as follows : Prior to January i, 1926, a medical student certificate for admission to a school of osteopathy may be secured by present- ing evidence of a general education equivalent to eight years of elementary preparation and an approved college entrance four- year high school course. UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Q The sciences, physics, chemistry, and biology are not required but are recommended. The requirement is therefore the same as the requirement for the law student certificate. Law, Veterinary, C. P. A, and C. S. R. Qualifying Certificates. — Each of these qualif3nng certificates may be secured in any one of the following ways : 1. On evidence of the completion of the freshman year in a registered course of any college. This means a course leading to a degree such as B. A. or B. S. 2. On evidence of the satisfactory completion of a four-j^ear course in an approved high school or the equivalent. 3. By meeting- the requirement for an academic or college entrance diploma. 4. By passing within six successive years Regents examina- tions aggregating 72 counts at a minimum of 75 per cent in the following subjects: a. Required, 56 counts : English, three years, 12 counts ; English, fourth year, 4 counts; any second-year foreign language, 10 counts ; elementary alge- bra, 5 counts ; plane geometry, 5 counts ; two of the three sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, 10 counts; American histoiy, 5 counts; modern history i, or modern history 2, or social science (civics and economics), 5 counts. b. Electives, 16 counts : An additional second year of a foreign language, namely, Latin second year, Greek second year, French second year, German second year, Spanish second year, Italian second year, or Hebrew second year, 10 counts; physics, 5 counts; chemistry, 5 counts; biology, 5 counts ; physical geography, 5 counts ; intermediate algebra, 2 counts; advanced algebra, 3 counts; solid geometry, 2 counts; plane trigonometry, 2 counts; modern history i. 5 counts; modern history 2, 5 counts; economics, 2^ counts; civics, 2^^ counts; commercial arithmetic, 5 counts; bookkeep- ing I, 5 counts; bookkeeping 2, 5 counts; shorthand, 100-word test, 10 counts ; drawing, 6 counts. The president of the University may, under extraordinary conditions, in his discretion, waive the time limit within which the certificate may be earned. 5. By evidence of one or more years of high school work (each year of such work being equivalent to 18 counts) supplemented by special Regents examinations at 75 per cent in each subject sufificient to miake a total of 72 counts. Candidates for qualifying certificates by this method are to be advised upon presenting evidence of high school work in what subjects it shall be neces- sary for them to take examinations to complete the requirements. Dental Student Certificate. — The requirement for this certifi- cate is the same as the requirement for the law student certificate, 10 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW except that evidence must be submitted showing the satisfactory completion of a one-year course in an approved school in each of the following sciences: Physics, chemistry, biology, or in lieu thereof, the passing of each of these sciences at 75 per cent or above in Regents examinations. Under no circumstances is this certificate issued unless the science requirement has been met in full. Under no circumstances may the prospective dental student begin his course in dentistry until he has fully met this prelim- inary education requirement. An applicant for this certificate must present evidence that he is seventeen years of age or over not later than the May preceding the opening of the term when his dental study is to be begun. After January i, 1921, a dental student certificate may be secured upon the presentation of satisfactory evidence of the completion of one year of work in physics in an approved high school, and in addition one year of instruction in an approved college of liberal arts and science after the completion of an approved four-year high school course based upon eight years of elementary preparation. The year of college instruction shall be not less than three year-hours (six semester hours), each, of English, of biology, of chemistry, and six year-hours of elec- tives from the following: A modern foreign language, mathe- matics, history, technical drawing, shop practice. After January i, 1926, a dental student certificate may be secured upon the presentation of satisfactory completion of two years of instruction in an approved college of liberal arts and science after the completion of an approved four-year high school course based upon eight years of elementary preparation. The content of the course shall be a year of instruction, of not less than three year-hours (six semester hours), each, of Eng- lish, of biology, of chemistry, of physics, and electives sufficient to make up a full complement of work for the student during his two years of college study. Optometry Student Certificate. — This certificate may be secured after January i, 1920, in one of the following ways: 1. On evidence of the satisfactory completion of four years of approved high school work, or the equivalent. 2. By passing at 75 per cent or above in each subject Regents examinations aggregating 72 counts. Up to and including the Regents academic examination in September, 1919, this certificate may be issued upon the satisfac- tory completion of the equivalent of two years of approved high school work, or 36 counts earned in Regents examinations passed at 75 per cent. The applicant for this certificate should not fail to remember that the certificate must be earned before beginning- the first UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK II year in a registered optometry school or before beginning the second year of study in the office of a registered optometrist. Pharmacy Student Certificate. — This certificate may be secured by passing in Regents examinations at 75 per cent or above in each subject, any subjects given in such examinations aggregating 30 counts or by presenting evidence of study deemed by the Regents to be the equivalent. This equivalent must be the satisfactory completion of at least two years of approved secondary school study. The applicant for this certificate should remember that it may be issued on 30 counts only when the counts are earned entirely in Regents examinations passed at 75 per cent. Chiropody Student Certificate. — A chiropody student certifi- cate may be secured by completing two years (after October i, 1919, three years; October i, 1921, four years) of high school work ; or by earning 36, 54 and ^^2 counts, respectively, in Regents examinations at 75 per cent or above. Nurse Student Certificate. — This certificate may be secured in either one of the following ways : 1. On the evidence of the satisfactory completion of one year of approved high school work or the equivalent. 2. By passing at 75 per cent or above in each subject Regents examinations aggregating 18 counts. REVIEW QUESTIONS What was the first educational institution created by the State? When was it created? Trace its development historically. What change was made in the organization in 1889? In 1894? In 1904? In 1913? What are the chief powers of the University? What officers has it? What are their duties? What is the authority of the University in relation to institutions which have been chartered? What authority has the Uni- versity in the matter of licensing schools, institutes, etc.? Upon what grounds may such licenses be revoked? What steps are necessary before an institu- tion may be chartered? What institution may confer degrees? What pro- hibition is made by law in relation to institutions using the name college or university? Before an institution can be authorized under the University law to confer degrees what must its resources be? What act under the University law is a felony? What acts are misdemeanors? Name the credentials issued by the University. What is a pass card? What is meant by the term count? What is a preliminary certificate? An academic diploma? What must candidates do to obtain a medical-student, dental-student, or a veterinary-student certificate? A law-student certificate? Other certificates? CHAPTER II STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT [Article 2] Historical Sketch. — The Department of the State Government which is charged with the supervision of all public education is now called the University of the State of New York. It is located in the State Education Building at Albany. This institution was established by act of the Legislature in 1784, and since that date there has been a department or departments of the State Govern- ment under diiTerent names which have been charged with the function of administering the educational interests of the State. The Unification Act of 1904 created the Education Department. By Regents' ordinance adopted in 1913, power was conferred upon the University of the State of New York to administer the powers and functions of the Education Department. The University of the State of New York is, therefore, charged with the general management and supervision of all public schools and educational institutions and of all general educational work of the State. Maintenance of Schools — Constitutional Provision. — The Constitution contains but one provision in relation to the main- tenance of a public school system. This provision is a clear, simple mandate which requires the Legislature to provide for the main- tenance and support of a system of free common schools wherein all the children of the State may be educated. The language of the Constitution is as follows : Article IX Common Schools. — Section i. The Legislature shall provide for the maintenance and support of a system of free common schools, wherein all the children of this State may be educated. The University has been organized and its work classified as follows : 12 STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT I3 BOARD OF REGENTS General Powers. — The Board of Regents has, subject to the laws of the State, legislative control over the Education Depart- ment and State educational policies and such board also exercises all the powers of the University of the State of New York. It approves all appointments made by the Commissioner of Education, and fills an}/ vacancy that may exist in the office of Commissioner of Education. It gives direction to the work related to admission to the learned professions, to the management of the State library and the scien- tific work of the State, and to other educational work sustained by the State outside of teaching institutions. Number, — The law provides that there shall always be three more regents than there are judicial districts in the State. As there are nine judicial districts at present, there must be twelve regents. Election. — One regent is chosen on joint ballot of the assembly and the senate during the second week in February each year. Term. — As one regent is chosen each year and as the number of regents is twelve, the term of a regent is twelve years. Vacancies — How Filled. — If a vacancy on the Board of Regents occurs in a judicial district which should still have a representative on the Board of Regents and there shall be at the time of such vacancy a district not represented on such board, such vacancy must be filled by the election of a regent residing in such unrepresented district. If a vacancy in the office of regent occurs for other cause than expiration of term of office, such vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term by the legislature if it is in session, and if it is not in session such vacancy shall be filled at the session of the legis- lature immediately following. President of University and Commissioner of Education. — The President of University and Commissioner of Education has executive direction over the afifairs of the Education Department and is the general advisory and supervisory officer of the entire State educational system. Chapter III of this work is devoted exclusively to his election, powers, duties, etc. Deputy and Assistant Commissioners of Education. — There are three assistant commissioners of education. These assistant 14 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW commissioners exercise the functions of the Commissioner of Edu- cation in their respective fields, under his general direction. The Commissioner of Education has designated the Counsel of the Uni- versity as Deputy Commissioner of Education. These officers are officially designated r.s follows : Deputy Commissioner and Counsel, Assistant Commissioner and Director for Professional Education, Assistant Commissioner for Secondary Education and Assistant Commissioner for Elementary Education. Chiefs of Divisions. — The Regents on the recommendation of the Commissioner of Education classifies the administrative and e--cal work of the Department into divisions. The Commissioner of Education on approval of "the Regents appoints a chief or director in charge of each division. Chiefs or directors of divi- sions are directly responsible to the Commissioner of Education. There are eleven of these divisions. Director of State Library. — This division has charge of the State Library, and the library school. The State Library was established in 1818. It was placed under the trusteeship of the various State officials. In 1844' it was placed under the custody of the Regents of the University, and in 1899 was made a part of the University. Director of State Museum. — The work of this division em- braces investigations in natural science, the economic and indus- trial applications of such science, and the State Museum. It also embraces the work of the State geologist and paleontologist, the State botanist. State entomologist, mineralogist, zoologist and archeologist. Director of Vocational and Extension Education. — This divi- sion has general charge of all branches of industrial education, including trade schools, industrial schools, courses in home- making and in agriculture. This division has charge of rehabili- tation and Americanization. Division of Archives and History. — The office of the State Historian is a part of the Education Department and the duties formerly devolving on that officer are now performed through this division. The division created by the Legislature of 191 1 and known as the " Public Records Division " was abolished by the Legislature of 1915 and the functions of that division were merged with the Division of History. STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 1$ Director of Examinations and Inspections. — This division has charge of all examinations conducted by the Education Department and also has supervision of the inspection of the educational insti- tutions of the State. The work of the Examinations Division and the Inspections Division was coordinated by action of the Board of Regents in April, 1915. The propriety of holding Regents examinations was first sug- gested in 1828. It was not, however, until June, 1864, that regula- tions were prescribed for holding examinations in preliminary subjects. The first examination was held in June, 1865, and included the subjects of arithmetic, geography, grammar, reading, writing, and spelling. In 1878, examinations were established in 20 advanced academic subjects. The number of subjects has gradually increased until it is now more than 100. (a) Lazv Examinations. — Examinations for admission to the bar are conducted by a State board of examiners under the direction of the Court of Appeals. The Department has nothing to do with these examinations. Law students, before entering upon the study of law, must offer certain preliminary educational qualifications prescribed by the Court of Appeals. The examinations by which these qualifications are determined are under the direction of the Department. It is also authorized to accept the completion of certain higher courses of study as a substitute for these examina- tions. (b) Medical Examinations. — A certain amount of general edu- cation is required of all persons beginning the study of medicine. The University has supervision of the preliminary medical-student examinations, and is also the sole authority to issue licenses for the practice of medicine in the State. The examinations for candi- dates who desire to practice medicine are under the direction of boards of medical examiners appointed by the Regents. The mem- bers of these boards are leading physicians from various parts of the State. Since 1890 the authority to indorse diplomas or licenses of physicians from other States or countries has been vested in the Department. Previous to this date such authority was possessed by each of the medical colleges of the State. (c) Other Professional Examinations. — This division has charge also of the examinations for candidates who desire licenses to practice dentistry, pharmacy, optometry and veterinary medicine in the State, and also to practice as public expert accountants, or l6 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW architects, or who desire to become registered nurses. All licenses of this kind are issued by the University. {d) Teachers' Examinations. — This division also has charge of all teachers' examinations held in the State. These embrace train- ing school, training class, examinations held by district superintend- ents, and those for special and for life State certificates. {e) Other Examinations. — This division has charge of competi- tive examinations on which State scholarships in Cornell University are awarded and examinations in agriculture for persons desiring to qualify for the office of district superintendent. Administration Division. — This division has general super- vision of the internal workings of the Department subject to the orders of the Commissioner of Education. It has general charge of the mails, express matter, documents and printing, purchase of supplies, finances of the Department, and has direct supervision over the employees connected therewith, and such other employees of the Department as are not under the direction of some superior officer. It is also the duty of this division to see that expenditures are made in accordance with the requirements of the appropriation bills. It also receives all fees, has charge of all expense accounts, and pays Department salaries. This division is also charged with the duty of obtaining from all educational institutions in the State and all school districts such reports as they are required by law to make to the University or to the Education Department. It tabulates such reports and prepares general statistics on our educa- tional system. It makes all legal apportionments of State funds to the public schools of the State and to all other educational institutions entitled thereto. Attendance Division. — This division has the general super- vision and enforcement of the compulsory education law and the census laws. Library Extension Division. — This division includes all agencies for the promotion of educational advantages for the assistance of those unable to attend the usual teaching Institu- tions. The means employed in the extension of this work embrace summer schools, vacation schools, evening schools, correspondence schools, lecture courses, study clubs, reading circles, etc. The supervision of the incorporated public libraries of the State is under the direction of this division. It also has STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT I7 charge of the traveling libraries. The work relating to educa- tion for ad Lilt illiterates is connected with this division. School Buildings Division. — At present this division is charged with the inspection of school buildings and sites, and the approval of plans and specifications for repairs to school buildings and the construction of new buildings. Law Division. — This division interprets the school law and all other statutes related in any way to the educational work of the State. It has direct charge of all contested appeals and presents them in proper form to the Commissioner of Education for deter- mination. It looks after the form and legality of charters issued by the Board of Regents and the interests of the Department in any litigation in the courts when the Department is thus involved. School Libraries Division. — This division has charge of all matters- pertaining to public school libraries and of the relation which such libraries bear to the instruction given in the schools. Visual Instruction Division. — This division has general charge of the collection of material for giving instruction by means of pictorial or graphic representation in geography, history, science and kindred subjects and of the distribution and loaning of such material to the communities, schools and other institutions entitled to receive the same. Creation or Abolishment of Divisions. — By concurrent action of the Regents and the Commissioner of Education the Department is divided into divisions. By similar action a new division may be created or an existing division abolished. Appointment of Officers of Department. — All officers of the Department are appointed by the Commissioner of Education subject to the approval of the Regents. Removals and Suspensions. — The Commissioner of Education with the approval of the Regents may remove at his pleasure any officer or employee of the Department. When the Regents are not in session he may suspend during his pleasure without salary any officer or employee until the adjourn- ment of the succeeding meeting of the Regents. State Education Building. — The education building is exclu- sively set apart under the law for the use of the Education Depart- ment. The Regents and the Commissioner of Education are given power to assign the rooms in such building to the various divisions, officers and work of the Department. l8 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW Misdemeanor Falsely Representing Education Department. — It is a misdemeanor for a firm, agent or other person engaged in selling, publishing or manufacturing books, charts, apparatus or any other school supplies to falsely represent to any school officer or teacher that he is an agent or representative of the Education Department, the Regents, the Commissioner of Education or any other school officer. REVIEW QUESTIONS What constitutional provisions is there in relation to the maintenance of a public school system? Give a brief statement of the supervision exercised by the State over Educational affairs. What power has the Board of Regents over the Education Department? Who is the chief officer of such Depart- ment? How many assistant commissioners are there? State their title. What is the general duty of each? How is work of the Department classi- fied? What is the duty of the director of the State library? When was the library established? When was it placed under the direction of the Regents? When was it made a part of the University? What is the chief work of the State museum? State in general terms the work of the adminis- tration division. Attendance division. Library extension division. Exam- inations and inspections division. When were Regents examinations first suggested? First given? State the various purposes for which examinations are held. What is the chief work of the law division? School libraries division? Visual instruction division? How are divisions created or abolished? How are the officers of the Department appointed? How may an officer be removed? How may an officer be suspended? Under whose direction may rooms of the State education building be assigned? For what use is such building exclusively set aside? What prohibition is there as to falsely representing the Education Department, etc. What is the penalty? CHAPTER III PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY AND COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION [Article 4] Historical Sketch. — On June 19, 1812, the Governor of the State approved an act entitled "An Act for the EstabHshment of Common Schools." This act is the law which is regarded as the permanent foundation of the school system of the State. It pro- vided for a state supervisory school officer to be known as " Super- intendent of Common Schools." This was the first provision made by any state in the Union for a state supervisory school officer charged with the general administration of a state school system. Gideon Hawley of the City of Albany was chosen by the Council of Appointment to fill this office on January 14, 1813, and served in such capacity until February 22, 182 1. Superintendent Hawley during the eight years he served the State as its common school superintendent built an enduring foundation upon which the present school system of the State was established. On February 22, 1821, he was removed from office by the appointment of another person to succeed him through action of the Council of Appointment. The reason for his removal was purely political. The action of the Council of Appointment in removing the chief educational officer of the State for a purely political reason, even in that early period, caused such general indignation throughout the State and was so resented by the people that within less than two months from the date of such action the Legislature abolished the office, and the powers and duties of such office were conferred upon the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State served ex-officio as superintendent of common schools from April 3, 1821, until April 8, 1854, when the first State Superintendent of Public Instruction assumed the duties of his office. Chapter 97 of the Laws of 1854 created such office. The office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction was con- tinued until April i, 1904, when the Unification Act went into 2 19 20 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW effect. Under the provisions of that act, the office of Commissioner of Education was created and the first Commissioner assumed the duties of his office April i, 1904. On July 2, 1913, by action of the Regents of the University, the office of President of the University and Commissioner of Education was created. It will thus be observed that the administration of public school work has been under the direction of four State supervisory school officers, as follows : From January 14, 1813, to February 22, 1821, the Superintendent of Common Schools; From February 22, 1821, to April 8, 1854, the Secretary of State, who was ex-officio Superintendent of Common Schools ; From April 8, 1854, to April i, 1904, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction ; From April i, 1904, to July 2, 1913, the Commissioner of Edu- cation ; Since July 2, 1913, the President of the University and Commis- sioner of Education. Mode of Election. — Under the law of 1904 the first Commis- sioner of Education was elected by joint ballot of the senate and assembly. The provisions of that act have now 'been incorporated in the Education Law and under this lav/ any vacancy in the office of Commissioner of Education must be filled by appointment by the Board of Regents. Term of Office. — The term of office of the first Commissioner of Education was six years. Since the expiration of the first six years, or since April i, 1910, the term of office of the Commissioner of Education has not been a fixed period, but such commissioner now serves during the pleasure of the Board of Regents. Eligibility. — The public officers' law of this State provides that all State officers shall be at least twenty-one years of age, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the State. The Education law modifies the public officers' law by providing that such Commissioner of Education may or may not be a resident of the State. Removal. — The Commissioner of Education may be removed at any time by the Board of Regents for cause. Salary. — The salary of the Commissioner of Education has been $10,000 per year since 191 1. It was fixed at this amount by PRES. OF UNIVERSITY AND COM. OF EDUCATION 21 the appropriation bill of 1910 and also by actions by the Board of Regents. Powers and Duties. — The powers and duties of the Commis- sioner of Education are so numerous that it is not practicable to consider them, except in a general way. For the specific duties of the commissioner in relation to any branch of work the chapter on such work should be consulted. The duties of the commissioner are executive and judicial. His more important powers and duties are as follows : Chief Executive Officer. — He is the chief executive officer of the State system of education and is required to enforce all the general and special laws relating to the educational system of the State and to execute all educational policies determined upon by the Board of Regents. General Supervision. — He has general supervision over all the public schools, normal schools, industrial schools, training schools, teachers' training classes, and libraries in the State. Indian Education. — He is charged with the duty of providing for the education of the Indian children in the State, and is directed to apportion an equitable amount of public money to Indian schools. Deaf and Dumb and Blind Institutions. — He also has supervision over all institutions in the State for the instruction of the deaf and dumb and blind, and is required to report annually to the State Legislature in relation thereto. He also appoints State pupils qual- ified under the law to all these institutions excepting the Institution for the Blind in Batavia. Trustee, etc. — He is cx-officio a trustee of Cornell University, and upon the results of competitive examinations appoints annually 150 State scholars to that institution, who are entitled to free tuition. He also annually appoints 750 State scholars in the several colleges and universities in the State, and awards the scholarships recently provided for soldiers, sailors and marines. (See L. 1919, ch. 606.) Visual Instruction. — He is authorized to collect material and make all necessary arrangements and contracts to provide instruc- tion by means of pictorial or graphic representation in geography, history, science or kindred subjects. This instruction may be gi^-en in the schools, institutions and organizations under the supervision of the Regents. This material may also be loaned to artisans, mechanics and other citizens of the several communities of the State. Inspection of Schools. — He shall cause all schools and institu- 2.2 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW tions under the statutes relating to education to be examined and inspected and to advise and guide all school officers in relation to their duties and the management of such institutions. A staff of inspectors is employed for this purpose. Annual Reports. — He is to prepare an annual report which must be submitted over the signatures of the chancellor of the University and the Commissioner of Education to the State Legislature show- ing the condition of the common schools in the State and of all other schools and institutions under their supervision and subject to their visitation, and to include in such report those recommenda- tions upon school work, which in their opinion, will promote the advancement of public education. Supervision of Examination and Certification of Teachers. — He is to prescribe the regulations under which district superintendents may issue teachers' certificates; to issue life State certificates to those who have passed the examination required by law ; to issue college graduates' certificates to those who meet the requirements for such certificates ; to issue such other certificates as the rules require ; to endorse under such regulations as he may adopt State certificates and normal-school diplomas issued in other States ; and to issue temporary licenses for a period not to exceed one year for any supervisory district or city or any school district in the State. Revocation, of Certificates. — For sufficient cause, he may revoke any State normal-school diploma, State certificate, college-graduates' certificate, school commissioners' certificate or other certificate issued in this State. He may also revoke his indorsement of any normal-school diploma or State certificate issued in another State. Prepare List of Normal Graduates. — He is required under law to keep in his office an alphabetical list of all persons who receive normal-school diplomas from the normal schools of the State. Remove School Officers. — He may, for valid reasons, remove from office any district superintendent, member of a board of edu- cation, or other school officer. He may also withhold the salary of a district superintendent and may remit it at his pleasure. Administer Affidavits. — He may take affidavits and administer oaths in any matter relative to school affairs. Prepare Registers, Blanks, etc. — He is charged with the duty of preparing such registers, blanks, forms, regulations, etc., as may be needed in transacting all business relating to the public-school system. PRES, OF UNIVERSITY AND COM. OF EDUCATION 23 Enforcement of Compulsory Education Law. — He is also charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of the Compulsory Education Law. Physical Education. — He is charged with the duty of supervising the enforcement of tih.e Physical Education Law. Arbor Day. — He has authority to provide for the proper observance of Arbor Day and Flag Day by the public schools of the State and is required to designate Arbor Day by proclamation. Apportionment of School Moneys. — He must apportion as directed by law the State school moneys, and may withhold for just cause part or all of the money due any school district, town, or city in the State. Decide Appeals. — He must hear and decide all cases of appeal, when prop- erly brought before him by aggrieved parties, from the action of school officers or school meetings. Issue StaySj Orders^ etc. — He may, upon application in due form, issue an order restraining school officers from performing any of the duties con- ferred upon them. He m.ay also issue orders directing school officers to perform any of their duties which they may have refused to perform. School Libraries. — He has general supervision of all the school district libraries in the State, and approves the books which are purchased with public money to be placed in such libraries. He also apportions library money to school districts as directed by law and prescribes regulations undei which the books of school libraries may be loaned. Hold Property in Trust. — He may hold in trust for the benefit of the common schools of the State, or for the schools of any portion of the State, real or personal estate which may be granted in any manner for such pur- pose. He also has supervision of any trust fund held by trustees for school purposes, and must require them to report regarding its condition and income at such times and in such form as he deems advisable. (Article 19.) Normal Schools. — He appoints members of local boards of normal schools, appoints pupils to such schools and determines the requirements for admis- sion. He determines the number o^f teachers to be employed in such schools, and approves their appointment and the amount of their salary. He is also authorized to establish courses of instruction for the preparation of teachers to instruct illiterate minors. (See L. 1918, ch. 4I2.) May Appoint Teachers and Open Schools in a City or School District. — • When the local authorities of any city or school district neglect or refuse to appoint teachers, janitors, etc., and also neglect or refuse to open the schools of a city or school district the State Commissioner of Education may appoint such teachers, janitors, etc., and open and manage such schools. October 4, 1897, State Superintendent Skinner exercised this power in the city of Water- vliet and his action was sustained by the Supreme Court. (For a full dis- cussion of this power see pages 118^125, vol. 1, Annual Report of State Superintendent of Public Instruction for 1897.) Instruction of Adult Illiterates. — Under the provisions of Laws of 1919, chapter 617, city authorities, boards of supervisors, and village and town boards are authorized to make appropriations to aid and promote the exten- sion of education among such illiterates and non-English speaking persons within their jurisdiction. Under Laws of 1920, chapter 851, the Commissioner 24 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW of Education is authorized and directed to establish and provide for the maintenance and conduct of courses oi study or training in State normal institutions and in colleges and universities and other educational institutions, and in connection with other educational agencies for the purpose of training teachers in principles and methods of instruction, and to give them knowledge to fit them to instruct foreign-born and native adults and minors over sixteen years of age in evening, extension, factory, home and community classes. Such courses must continue for a period of not less than one year. Under Laws of 1921, chapter 327, the Commissioner of Education or the board of education or trustees of any city or school district may provide for the establishment of courses of study and schools in connection with factories, places of employment, etc., for the benefit of foreign-born and native adults and minors over sixteen years of age, which courses sh^Al include instructions in English, historj^ civics, and other subjects tending to promote good citizenship and to increase vocational efficiency. If the board of education or trustees of a city or school district shall employ teachers properly qualified as provided by law to give such instruc- tion, the Commissioner of Education shall apportion to such city or school district an amount equal to one-half the salary paid to each of such teachers, but not to exceed one thousand dollars for each teacher so employed. Regulations. — The Commissioner of Education may prescribe any reason- able regulations for the government of the common schools which do not conflict with the laws and policy of the State. (184 N. Y. 421.) REVIEW QUESTIONS What was the title of the office of the first State supervisory school officer? When was the office created? How was such officer chosen? When was the office abolished? To whom were the duties of the office then transferred? Why? For what period did such officer act in this capacity? When did the first State Superintendent of Public Instruction assume the duties of his office? When was the office of Commissioner of Education created? How was the first Commissioner chosen? How are vacancies to be filled? What is the term of office? Who are eligible to the office? How may he be removed? What is the salary? What is the two-fold character of the duties of the State Commissioner? What are his general duties? What is his duty in relation to Indian schools? Deaf and dumb and blind institutions? Cornell University? Visual instruction? Inspection of schools, etc.? Annual reports? Examination and licensing of teachers? Revoking certificates? Lists of normal school graduates? Removing school officers? Administering affidavits? Preparing registers, blanks, etc.? Enforcing the compulsory education law? Arbor day? Apportionment of school moneys? Appeals, stays, orders, etc.? School libraries? Holding property in trust? Normal school boards? Under what conditions may the State Commissioner appoint teachers, etc.? State fully the powers of the Commissioner respecting the instruction of adult illiterates and minors of sixteen years of age. CHAPTER IV RURAL SCHOOL SUPERVISION [Article 14] Historical Development. — -The act of 1795 creating the school system of the State provided that the electors of each town should elect at their annual town meetings, from three to seven commis- sioners of schools. These officers had supervision of the schools under their jurisdiction, and the distribution of vState money appro- priated for the support of schools. During the first year after the passage of this act, the supervisor, the town clerk, and the assessors of each town performed the duties of commissioners of schools. These commissioners received no compensation for their services. In 18 12 the number of town commissioners was fixed at three for each town by the State Legislature. These officers were to be chosen as before by the people at annual town meetings, and were to receive a salary fixed by the people at the annual town meetings. To them were given the superintendence and management of schools, and they wei-e authorized to divide the towns into school districts. The same act provided that the people should select at the annual town meeting, a number of persons, not to exceed six, who, with the commissioners, should be inspectors, and these inspec- tors were required to inspect schools and to examine and license teachers. This plan continued until 1841, when the number of town inspectors was fixed at two. In 1 841 the office of Deputy Superintendent of Common Schools was created by the State Legislature. Each county was entitled to one deputy, and counties having more than 200 schools were entitled to two deputies. These officers were appointed by boards of super- visors for their respective counties, and the term of office was two years. Their duties were to visit and inspect the schools under their jurisdiction, and to examine and license the teachers employed therein. In 1843 the title of these officers was changed to County Superin- tendent of Common Schools, and increased powers were given them. The right to hear appeals was given to county superintendents in that year, and all appeals were brought before these officers for determination before they could be taken to the State Superintend- ent of Common Schools. These officials were entitled to two dollars per day for each day necessarily devoted to their work, but they could not receive an amount to exceed five hundred dollars per year. In 1847 the State Legislature abolished this office. In 1843 the offices of town commissioners and town inspectors were abolished by the State Legislature, and a new officer known as the Town Superintendent of Common Schools was created. These superintendents were elected by the people at the annual 25 26 - NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW town meetings. Their term of office was one year, and they received a salary of one dollar and twenty-five cents per day for actual time necessarily devoted to their work. To these officers were given the general supervision of schools, and the other duties which had been exercised by town commissioners and inspectors. Upon the abolishment of county superintendents in 1847, the duties of town superintendents were largely increased, and the duties of these officers from that year until 1856 were quite similar to the duties conferred upon school commissioners. Upon the creation of the office of school commissioner in 1856, by chapter 179 of the laws of that year, the office of town superintendent was abolished. The office of school commissioner was abolished by chapter 607 of the Laws of 1910 and the office of district superintendent of schools created. These officers entered upon the discharge of their duties January i, 191 2. SUPERVISORY DISTRICTS Territory Embraced — Number of. — All territory of the State outside of cities and school districts of five thousand population or more which employ a superintendent of schools must be divided into supervisory districts. The law establishes 208 of these dis- tricts and apportions them among the counties of the State as follows : a. Hamilton, Putnam, Rockland, Schenectady, each one ; b. Chemung, Fulton, Genesee, Montgomery, Nassau, Schuyler, Seneca, Yates, each two ; c. Albany, Columbia, Cortland, Essex, Greene, Livingston, Niagara, Orange, Orleans, Rensselaer, Schoharie, Suffolk, Sullivan, Tioga, Tompkins, Warren, Wyoming, each three ; d. Broome, Clinton, Dutchess, Franklin, Herkimer, Lewis, Madison, Monroe, Ontario, Saratoga, Ulster, Washington, Wayne, "Westchester, each four ; e. Allegany, Cattaraugus, Cayuga, Chenango, Erie, Onondaga, Oswego, each five ; f . Chautauqua, Dealware, Jefferson, Otsego, each six ; g. Oneida, Steuben, each seven; h. Saint Lawrence, eight districts. How Organized. — In a county entitled to two or more super- visory districts the school commissioner of each school commis- sioner district and the supervisor of each town in such county were required to meet at the county seat on the third Tuesday in April, 191 1, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon and divide such county into the number of supervisory districts to which it was entitled under the law. In the formation of such districts no town could be divided. The law directs that the territory of such districts shall be compact and contiguous and formed as nearly as possible on the basis of an equal division of the territory and the number of school districts. Call and Organization of Meeting. — The county clerk of each RURAL SCHOOL SUPERVISOR 2/ county entitled to two or more supervisory districts was required to give ten days' notice in writing to each supervisor and school com- missioner of such meeting. The county clerk was also required to call the meeting to order at the proper hour. The school commis- sioners and supervisors present were required to elect from their number a chairman and a clerk. Record of Proceedings. — The clerk of such meeting was required to deposit with the county clerk a copy of the proceedings of such meeting. Such copy must have been certified by the chair- man and the clerk. The county clerk should immediately upon receipt of such proceedings have filed a certified copy thereof with the Commissioner of Education. SCHOOL DIRECTORS Number of. — There shall be two school directors for each town. When and Hov^^ Chosen. — Each town included within a super- visory district shall have two school directors who shall serve for terms of four years each. The school directors who are in office when this act takes efifect shall continue in office until their successors are chosen as provided by law. School directors shall be elected at the town meetings held in the years next succeeding the expiration of the terms of the school directors in office when this act takes effect, and one director shall be elected at the town meeting held in every fourth year thereafter. Such directors and their successors in office shall serve for terms of four years each to commence on the first day of January following their election. Such directors shall be elected in the same manner that town officers are elected at town meetings held under the provisions of the town law, and the provisions of the election law relating to the nomination and election of such town officers shall apply to the nomination and election of such directors. (L. 1920, chap, 285, in effect April 21, 1920.) Filing Certificates of Nomination. — Under the election law the certificates of nomination of school directors must be filed in duplicate. One certificate should be filed with the town clerk and one with the county clerk in all counties except Erie and in that county with the commissioner of election. Notice of Election. — The notice of the election of school di- rectors must be given by the county clerk and not by the Secre- tary of State. The Attorney-General has held that school directors are to be voted for at a general election, and that the county clerk must give the notice of election under authority of section 293 of the election law. Ballots. — The election law makes different provisions for the printing of ballots for town officers elected at a general election in even numbered years and in odd numbered years. The names of school directors must therefore be printed as follows : I. The names of candidates for school directors who are to be elected in an even numbered year in towns holding their town meetings at the time of the general election should be printed with 28 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW Other town officers to be voted for and upon a separate ballot. In such towns the ballot containing the names of candidates for town officers, including school directors, should be separate from the ballot containing the names of candidates for county and State officers. 2. In towns which hold their town meetings at a time other than the time of the general election, the names of school directors must also be printed upon a separate ballot. 3. When school directors are to be elected in an odd numbered year, there should be but one ballot and the names of such directors should be printed on the same ballot as the names of candidates for other officers voted for in such town at the general election of that year. This rule applies to the election of school directors in 191 5 and 1917. When separate ballots are required, the town clerk must provide them. Term of Office. — All directors shall serve for a period of four years from January i following their election. Oath of Office. — All persons elected or appointed to this office are required to take the oath of office prescribed by the State Con- stitution before entering upon the discharge of the duties of the office and not later than thirty days after their election. This oath may be taken before a justice of the peace or a notary public, and it must be filed in the office of the town clerk of the town. Vacancies. — -This office may be vacated (i) by filing a written resignation with the town clerk: (2) by removing from the town; (3) by death. If a town fails to elect a director a vacancy shall be deemed to exist. Filling Vacancy. — A vacancy in the office of school director shall be filled by the town board of the town in which such vacancy exists. Salary. — Each director shall receive two dollars per day and his necessary traveling expenses. The town board is required to audit the same. DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT How Chosen. — A district superintendent is chosen by the school directors of the towns comprising a supervisory district. These directors meet as a board and each director is entitled to one vote. The election shall be by ballot and the person receiving a majority of all votes cast shall be elected. Meeting of Directors. — The board of school directors shall meet at ii o'clock in the forenoon on the third Tuesday in June, 1916, and every fifth year thereafter to elect a district superintend- ent of schools. The clerk of the board should give each director ten days' notice in writing of the hour, date and place of meeting. Proceedings of Meeting. — Within three days after the close of a meeting: of a board of directors the clerk of such board shall RURAL SCHOOL SUPERVISOR 29 file with the county clerk a copy of the proceedings of such meeting certified by himself and the chairman. Certificate of Election. — The county clerk on receiving official notice of the election of a district superintendent of schools should deliver to the person elected a certificate of election attested by his signature with the seal of the county. The county clerk should also transmit to the Commissioner of Education a duplicate of such certificate. Failure to Elect a District Superintendent. — The law govern- ing the election of district superintendents pro">ndes that if the directors fail to elect a district superintendent of schools before the first day of January following the date on which the meeting to elect the superintendent is held, and a vacancy exists in such office, the county judge shall appoint such superintendent, who shall serve until the board of directors shall fill such vacancy. The question has been raised in some districts where the board failed to elect a superintendent as to whether or not the superintendent in office should hold over or a vacancy existed which the county judge should fill by appointment. The law specifically provides that a dis- trict superintendent of schools, unless removed, shall hold office until his successor is chosen and Cjualified. If a board of directors fail to elect a district superintendent the superintendent then in office under this provision of law is what is known as a hold-over officer. This contention is also sustained by the provision which confers upon the county judge the power to appoint a superintendent in case no election is reached, as this particular subdivision of the law contains the expression " and a vacancy exists in such office." Since the law provides that a district superintendent shall hold office until his successor is chosen and qualified, it must be held that no vacancy exists which the county judge may fill by appointment. The provision of law conferring upon a county judge the power to appoint a district superintendent if a board of directors failed to elect and a vacancy existed in that office was intended to meet a situation which might have occurred at the first election of district superintendents. There were at that time no district superintend- ents in office. The office of their predecessors — that of school commissioner — was abolished under the terms of the law creating district superintendents. If a board of directors failed to elect by January ist following the date set for a meeting for that purpose it would occur that there was no supervising school officer in such 30 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW district. To meet this situation it was provided that in such case the county judge might appoint. It has been held, therefore, that the power conferred upon a county judge to appoint was Hmited to tlie first election. Vacancies. — The office of district superintendent of schools shall be vacant upon : 1. The death of an incumbent. 2. His removal from office by the Commissioner of Education. 3. His removal from the county. 4. His filing in the office of the clerk of the county his written resignation. 5. His acceptance of the office of supervisor, town clerk, or trus- tee of a school district. 6. His failure to take and file the oath of office as provided in this article. Filling Vacancy. — A vacancy in the office of district super- intendent shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by the board of school directors. Upon direction of the Commis- sioner of Education the clerk of the board of school directors must call a meeting of such board to fill such vacancy. All provisions of law in relation to the election of a district superintendent for a full term including notices, filing proceedings, etc., apply to the election of a superintendent to fill a vacancy. Deputy Superintendent. — When a district superintendent enters military service the school directors are required to appoint a deputy who shall possess all of the powers of the superintendent. (See L. 1918, ch. 107.) Term of OfBce. — The term of office of district superintendents elected in 1916 and every five years thereafter shall be for five years and their terms of office shall begin on the first day of August following their election. The object of this arrangement is to have the term of a district superintendent begin at the beginning of a school year and terminate at the close of a school year. A district superintendent unless removed holds office until his successor is elected and qualifies. Qualifications of District Superintendents. — i. To be eligible to election to the office of district superintendent of schools a person must be at least twenty-one years of age, a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State, but he need not be a resident of the supervisory district for which he is elected at the time of his election. Such superintendent must, however, become a resident of the county containing the district for which he has been elected RURAL SCHOOL SUPERVISOR 3 1 on or before the date on which his term of office begins. Failure to acquire such residence will be deemed a removal from the county. No person shall be ineligible on account of sex. 2. In addition thereto he must possess or be entitled to receive a certificate authorizing him to teach in any of the public schools of the State without further examination and he shall also pass an examination prescribed by the Commissioner of Education on the supervision of courses of study in agriculture and teaching the same. The holder of a normal school diploma issued by one of the State normal schools of this State, a diploma issued by the New York State College for Teachers, a college graduate certificate, or a life State certificate satisfies the requirement of the law in relation to a teachers' certificate. 3. A district superintendent who is removed from office shall not be eligible to election to such office in any supervisory district for a period of five years. Not to be Interested in Certain Business or to Accept Rewards, et cetera. — A district superintendent of schools shall not : 1. Be directly or indirectly interested otherwise than as author in the sale, publication, or manufacture of school books, maps, charts, or school apparatus or in the sale or manufacture of school furniture or any other school or library supplies. 2. Be directly or indirectly interested in any contract made by the trustees of a school district. 3. Be directly or indirectly interested in any. agency or bureau maintained to obtain or aid in obtaining positions for teachers or superintendents. 4. Directly or indirectly receive any emolument, gift, pay, reward or promise of pay or reward for recommending or procuring the sale, use or adoption or aiding in procuring the sale, use or adoption of any book, map, chart, school apparatus or furniture or other supplies for any school or library or for recommending a teacher or aiding a teacher in obtaining an appointment to teach. Not to Engage in Other Business. — A district superintendent of schools shall devote his whole time to the performance of the duties of his office and shall not engage in any other occupation or profession. Such time as shall not necessarily be devoted by a district superintendent of schools to the performance of the clerical and administrative work of his office shall be devoted to the visita- tion and inspection of the schools maintained in his supervisory 32 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW district. A district superintendent must under this requirement of the law devote his time to the supervision of his schools as exclu- sively as a superintendent of a city or to the same extent that a teacher devotes her time to her school. Removal of District Superintendent From Office. — The Com^ missioner of Education may, by an order under the seal of the Education Department, remove a district superintendent of schools from office whenever he is satisfied that such superintendent : 1. Has been guilty of immoral conduct; 2. Is incompetent to perform any official duty ; or 3. Has persistently neglected or wilfully refused to perform any lawful duty imposed upon him. Must Take Oath of Office. — A district superintendent of schools before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office, and not later than five days after the date on which his term of office is to commence, shall take the oath of office prescribed by the constitution. Such oath may be taken before a county clerk, ■ a justice of ^the peace, or a notary public and must be filed in the office of the clerk of the county. Salary. — i. Each district superintendent shall receive an annual salary from the State of eighteen hundred dollars, payable monthly by the Commissioner of Education from moneys appro- priated therefor. Increase in Superintendent's Salary. — The law authorizes the supervisors of the. towns comprising a supervisory district to increase the salary of a district superintendent by the adoption of a resolu- tion to that eft'ect. When such action is taken by the supervisors of the several towns of the supervisory district, the resolution should be filed with the clerk of the board of supervisors and a duplicate thereof filed with the county treasurer. It then becomes the duty of the board of supervisors to levy against the taxable property of the towns comprising the supervisory district an amount to pay the increase authorized in the salary of such superintendent. The failure of the board of supervisors to take such action is pi'oper ground for instituting a writ of mandamus. The courts have held that in such cases the board of supervisors must, within a reasonable time, convene and levy a tax against the towns com- prising the supervisory district, for the purpose of paying such salary. (See People ex rel. Wingate v. Board of Supervisors, Schenectady County, 79 Misc. 641.) RURAL SCHOOL SUPERVISOR 33 Expenses. — The Commissioner of Education shall quarterly audit and allow the actual sworn expense incurred by each district superintendent of schools in the performance of his official duties, but the amount of such expense allowed shall not exceed in any year six htmdred dollars. Such expenses shall be paid by the Commissioner of Education from moneys appropriated therefor. Printing and Office Supplies. — A board of supervisors may authorize by resolution an expenditure to meet expenses of printing- incurred by a district superintendent for official matters, or of the purchase of necessary office supplies. The county is not liable for expenses for either of these purposes unless the board of super- visors first passes a resolution authorizing- expenditures for such purposes. Salary May be Withheld. — The Commissioner of Education may, whenever he is satisfied that a district superintendent of schools has persistently neglected to perform an official duty, with- hold payment of the whole or any part of such superintendent's salary as it shall become due and he may also withhold any sum to which such superintendent shall be entitled for expenses and the amount thus withheld shall be forfeited ; but said commissioner may in his discretion remit such forfeiture in whole or in part. Performing Duties of Another District Superintendent. — A district superintendent, when requested in writing by a superintend- ent of an adjoining district, may perform any of the official duties o£ the superintendent of such adjoining district. Upon an order from the Commissioner of Education, he must perform such duties. Powers and Duties. — A district superintendent is the super- visory school officer for his district. (For the specific duties of a superintendent in relation to any branch of school work, consult the chapter on such subject.) The more important powers and duties of this officer are as follows : S'uperz'ision. — One of the most important duties of a superin- tendent is that of supervision. He is required by law to visit and examine all the schools and school districts in his jurisdiction. It is his duty to advise teachers in relation to their methods of teach- ing and the management and discipline of their schools. He is charged . with recommending to teachers and boards of education courses of study and such changes in the general management of schools as will best promote educational interests. He should see 7 34 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW that the grounds and outbuildings are in proper condition, and that the school is equipped as required by law to perform the best work possible. Establish District Boundaries. — When the records of school dis- tricts are defective and not properly filed in the offices of town clerks, or when the boundaries of school districts are indefinite or in dispute, it is the duty of the district superintendent having jurisdic- tion, to establish such boundaries and to see that proper records thereof are filed in the town clerk's office. In order to do this, a superintendent may employ surveyors to estabhsh lines, prepare maps, etc., and any expense necessary for this purpose is a charge upon the town in which the district or districts affected are located. May Order Repairs. — When, in the opinion of a district superin- tendent, it is necessary for the health or comfort of pupils to make repairs or alterations to a school-house or outbuildings, he i.- . direct the board of education of the district or town to make such repairs or alterations at an expense not to exceed $200. The board of education, however, may vote an additional amount. il'fav Order Furniture Supplied. — AMien, in the opinion of a superintendent, the furniture in a schoolroom is unfit for use and not worth repairing, or when the supply is insufficient, he may direct the board of education of the district or town to provide new furniture at an expense not to exceed $100. Order Nuisance Abated. — A superintendent may also direct the board of education of any school district or town to abate any nuisance in or upon the premises under the jurisdiction of such board in any school district. May Condemn School Building. — A superintendent has the authority, when in his opinion a schoolhouse is unfit for use and not worth repairing, to issue an order to the trustee or board of education having jurisdiction condemning such school building, and to direct in such order the amount necessary, in his judgment, to erect a building suitable for the needs of the district. Previous to 1897 a school commissioner could not exceed $800 in his estimate of the amount necessary for the erection of a building. The Legis- lature of that year amended the law by removing this limit and leaving the amount to the discretion of the commissioner. A district superintendent has the same discretion. Examine and License Teachers. — It is the duty of district super- intendents to conduct examinations for teachers' certificates, under RURAL SCHOOL SUPERVISOR 35 such rules and regulations as shall be prescribed by the Commis- sioner of Education, and to license those who are found to be qualified under such regulations. Revocation of Certificates. — A district superintendent may annul any teacher's certificate, normal school diploma, State certificate, or college-graduate's certificate, for immoral conduct on the part of the holder of such certificate. Since the passage of the Consolidated School Law of 1894 a school commissioner has not had authority to revoke a certificate upon any other ground than that of immoral conduct and this restriction applies to a district superintendent. Administer Oaths, etc. — A district superintendent may administer oaths or take affidavits in all matters relating to school work, but without charge or fee. Take Testimony in Appeals, — When directed by the Commis- sioner of Education, a district superintendent must take and report to him testimony in any appeal case. A superintendent has the authority to issue subpoenas and compel the attendance of witnesses. A failure to obey such subpoena subjects the oflfender to a fine of $25. Reports. — A district superintendent is required by law to obtain reports from the boards of education of towns and of all school districts not under the township law within his jurisdiction and to file an abstract of such reports annually with the Commissioner of Education. He is also required to submit reports from time to time to the Commissioner of Education, giving such information relative to the schools in his district and such suggestions upon the educational work of the State as the Commissioner shall request. Subject to Regulations of Comm,issioner of Education. — A dis- trict superintendent is subject to such rules and regulations as the Commissioner of Education shall from time to time adopt. Appeals from a district superintendent's acts and decisions may be taken to the Commissioner of Education. Call School Meetings. — A district superintendent may, in certain cases, call annual and special school meetings, and must call the first school meeting in a new school district. (See chapter on school meetings.) Rooms for Examinations. — A district superintendent can require the board of education of any school district or town to furnish him with a suitable room or rooms in school buildings for the pur- 36 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW pose of holding any examination appointed under the direction of the Commissioner of Education. Dividing Territory into School Districts. — A district superintend- ent has the authority under the law to alter or dissolve school dis- tricts. .He must, of course, take action of this kind strictly in ac- cordance with the terms of the law. Appointment of Trustees and Members of Boards of Education. — A district superintendent is authorized by law to fill a vacancy in the office of trustee and member of a board of education by appoint- ment, when such vacancy has existed for thirty days or more. Recommend Appointment of Nortnal School Pupils. — He has the power to recommend to the Commissioner of Education for appoint- ment as pupils in the State normal schools such persons as are qualified and as, in his judgment, would become successful teachers by receiving a normal school training. Apportion School Money. — He is required to apportion the State school moneys to the various school districts under his supervision as directed by law. Assemble Teachers. — To assemble all the teachers of his district by towns, or otherwise, on days other than legal holidays when schools are not in session for conference on the course of study, counsel and advise on discipline and school management and for the discussion of school problems for the promotion of the educa- tional interests of the districts. Meetings of School Officers. — To liold meetings of members of boards of education and other school officers to advise and counsel them in relation to their duties and particularly in relation to the repair, construction, heating, ventilating and lighting of school- houses and improving and adorning the school grounds. To advise such boards in relation to the employment of teachers, the adoption of text-books and the purchase of library books, school apparatus, furniture and supplies. Inspect Training Classes. — To inspect the work done in a train- ing class maintained in his district and to report to the Commissioner of Education on the efficiency of the instruction given and observa- tion and practice work of the members of such class. REVIEW QUESTIONS What provision did the act of 1795 contain relative to the election of commissioners? What were the duties of these officers? Who performed REVIEW QUESTIONS 37 the duties of these officers during the first year after the passage of this act? What compensation did commissioners receive? What change did the act of 1812 make in relation to the number of these commissioners? What compensation was provided? How fixed? What new office did this act of 1812 create? What was the duty of these inspectors? What change was made in the number of inspectors in 1841 ? When was the office of deputy superintendent of cormnon schools created? How many deputies did each county have? How were they appointed? What were their duties? What change was made in the title of this office in 1843? What provision was made by the act of 1843 in relation to appeals? What compensation was paid these officers? When was this office abolished? When were the offices of commissioners and inspectors abolished? AAhat new offices were created in this year? How were these officials chosen? For what period? What salary was paid them? What were their duties? Describe their duties between 1847 and 1856? When were these offices abolished? Why? What is the term of office of school directors? How may the office be A^acated? How may such vacancy be filled? What salary does a director receive? What territory is divided into supervisory districts? How many districts are authorized? How are they distributed? How organ- ized? When? How is meeting called for such purpose? What disposition is made of the proceedings of such meetings? How many school directors in each town? How chosen? When? How nominated? How are nomination certificates filed? Who gives notices of election? State the two cases when the ballot containing the names of school directors must be a separate ballot from that containing names of candidates for State and county officers. When printed on same ballot? How is a district superintendent chosen? How many votes is each director entitled to? When is the first meeting of such directors? Who calls such meeting? How is a board organized? When does such board meet to elect a district superintendent? What notice of the meeting is required? What becomes of the proceedings of such meetings? Who issues a certificate of election? li a board fails to elect a superintendent, how is such officer chosen? Mention six ways in which the office of district superintendent may be vacated? How is a vacancy in such office filled? What is the term of the first superintendents chosen? What the term thereafter? What is the object of this arrangement? What qualifications are specified for this office? How does removal from such office affect the qualifications of the officer removed? What prohibitions does the law prescribe as to the business interests of a district superintendent? What is the requirement of the law in relation to the work a superintendent may engage in? Who may remove a district superintendent? State three grounds for removal. When must a super- intendent take the oath of office? Who may administer it? What salary is paid a superintendent? Who pays this salary? How may the salary be increased? What provision is made to meet the expenses of a district superintendent? Who may withhold a superintendent's salary? For what 38 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW When may a superintendent perform official duties for the superintendent of an adjoining district? When must a superintendent perform such duties? What are the duties of a superintendent in relation to supervision? In establishing boundaries? Whom may he employ for this purpose? To whom is such expense chargeable? When may a superintendent order repairs on building? To what amount? When may he order furniture purchased? To what amount? When may he order nuisances abated? When may he condemn a school house? What amount may he direct to be expended to erect a building in the place of the one condemned? What change was made by the Legislature of 1897 in relation to the amount a commissioner could direct to be expended? What discretion has a superintendent? What is his duty in relation to examination and licensing of teachers? What certificates may a superintendent revoke? Upon what ground? May he revoke a certificate upon any other ground? What oaths or affidavits may he administer? Is he entitled to fees for such service? When may he take testimony in appeal cases before the State department? What special authority has he in such cases? What reports is he required to obtain? What reports must he make? To what regulations is he subject? To whom may appeals from his acts and decisions be taken? What school meetings may he sometimes call? What accommodations can he require for examinations? What power has he to divide the territory of his district? When may he appoint a trustee? What are his duties in relation to normal school pupils? State moneys? When may he assemble the teachers of his district? The school officers? What is his duty in relation to training classes? CHAPTER V DUTIES OF SUPERVISORS, TOWN CLERKS, COUNTY TREASURERS, DIS- TRICT ATTORNEYS, AND COUNTY JUDGES, IN RELATION TO SCHOOL MATTERS SUPERVISORS [Article 13] Trustees of Gospel and School Lands. — Supervisors are made the trustees of gospel and school lands. Annual Return o£ School Money. — Each supervisor must make a return in writing on the first Tuesday of February in each year to the county treasurer, showing the amount of money in his hands for teachers' salaries and the districts to which such money belongs. After such date he should not pay out any of such money until he receives the next certificate of apportion- ment from the school commissioner. Disbursement of School Moneys. — It is the duty of super- visors to pay upon the order of the trustees of a district, or a majority of them, any money in his hands belonging to such district and applicable to the payment of teachers' salaries, or for tuition and transportation of pupils. The order upon the supervisor must show that the person to whom such money is payable was a duly qualified teacher, and must also show the dates between which such teacher was employed. If such funds are to be used for the payment of tuition and transportation of pupils the order should set forth that fact. Payment to Collector or Treasurer. — Whenever the collector or treasurer of a district shall present to a supervisor a copy of the required bond which such collector or treasurer has executed, certified by the trustees, the supervisor shall pay to such collector or treasurer all the moneys in his hands due such district that may be applied upon the payment of the salaries of teachers. Payment of Moneys Due to Union Free School Districts. — A supervisor, upon the order of a board of education of a union 39 40 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW free school district, should pay to the treasurer of such district all moneys due it for salaries of teachers. Accounts of Receipts and Disbursements. — A supervisor should keep a correct account of all moneys received and dis- bursed by him, and should make a report thereof, with proper vouchers, to the town board at its annual meeting. Record of Receipts and Disbursements. — A supervisor is authorized by law to purchase, at the expense of the town, a blank-book in which he shall make a record of school moneys received or paid out, stating from whom and for what purposes they were received, and to whom and for what purposes they were paid. This record should be delivered to his successor in office. Filing Statement of Accounts. — Within fifteen days after the term of office of a supervisor expires he should make a correct statement of the school moneys received and disbursed by him, and should file such statement or report in the town clerk's office, and should notify his successor in office that he has made and filed such report. To Obtain Funds from Predecessors. — When a supervisor has given the bond required by law to the county treasurer, he should take a certificate or statement from the county treasurer showing that such bond has been given. He should also obtain from the town clerk a copy of his predecessor's report. He should then present to his predecessor in office such copy and the certificate of the county treasurer showing that he has exe- cuted the recjuired bond, and should demand all school moneys in the hands of such predecessor in office, which money should he paid upon such demand. Recovery of Penalties and Forfeiture. — It is the duty of the supervisor, when such duty is not imposed upon other officers by provisions of law, to sue for and recover all penalties and for- feitures provided for by the education law. After deducting his expenses he should report the balance to the district superintendent. Formation and Alteration of School Districts. — When re- quested to do so, a supervisor may act as a member of the local board to consider the wisdom of forming new school districts or changing the boundaries of districts already formed. He cannot act in this capacity unless properly requested, and cannot be DUTIES OF SUPERVISORS, ETC. 4I compelled to act when requested. In such matters he may act at his own discretion. For this service supervisors are entitled to $1.50 per day, which is a charge upon their respective towns. Fix Valuation of Property. — The supervisors of the towns in which a school district is located shall,- when properly requested to do so, determine whether the assessments made upon certain property in such towns are equitable when compared with each other. If in any case they find that the assessments are not equitable they may determine the relative proportion of taxes that ought to be assessed, and if the}^ are unable to agree upon this, they may call a supervisor from an adjoining town, and a majority shall have power to determine such proportion. For this service supervisors are entitled to three dollars per day, which shall be a charge upon their respective towns. (See chapter on " Taxes.") Fees for Paying Out School Money. — The Legislature of 1904 amended the town laAv by providing certain fees to be paid a supervisor for services and including the paying out of school moneys. A supervisor is entitled to a fee of one per-centum on all school moneys paid out in accordance Avith the provisions of the education law. He is not entitled to such fee on any money paid his successor in office. TOWN CLERKS [Article 12] Preserve Records. — It is the duty of a town clerk to preserve carefully all books, papers, and records deposited or filed in his office and relating to the schools of the town of which he is clerk. Any loss or injury to such documents should be reported imme- diatel}^ to the supervisor of the town. Record of Apportionment. — Each supervisor deposits with the town clerk the certificate of apportionment for his town, which certificate he should record in a book provided for that purpose. He should also immediately notify trustees that the supervisor has filed such certificate. Obtain Reports of Trustees. — It is the duty of the town clerk to see that all trustees within his tOAvn file in his office an annual 42 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW report as required by law. Such reports are to be delivered by the town clerk to the district superintendent upon his demand. Report List of Officers to District Superintendent. — It is also the duty of a town clerk to report to the district superintendent a list of officers and their post-office addresses for each school district in his town as such lists are provided him by school district clerks. Distribution of Documents. — It is the duty of the town clerk to distribute to the trustees of the school districts in his town all books, blanks, or circulars forwarded to him by the Commis- sioner of Education or the district superintendent for such distribution. The documents which a town clerk is usually requested to deliver are the annual reports of the Commissioner of Education, the school registers, blank reports for trustees, and Arbor Day programmes. He should also deliver any other document placed in his hands by the district superintendent for that purpose. Record of Annual Accounts. — He should record the annual account of receipts and disbursements of school moneys made to him by the supervisor and should also record the action taken by the town auditors on such account and on the vouchers accompanying it. When the Commissioner of Education re- quires it, he should furnish him a copy of such account. Final Accounts. — A town clerk should record in the same book in which he records the annual accounting of a supervisor, the final accounting of school moneys by the supervisor, and he should deliver a copy of such final accounting to the supervisor's successor. Filing Treasurer's Certificate. — A town clerk should receive and record, from an outgoing supervisor, the certificate of the county treasurer showing that the bond of such supervisor's successor has been executed and approved. Records of Districts. — He should receive, file, and record all descriptions of school districts and their alterations and all other papers and proceedings relating to school matters which are delivered to him by the district superintendent. Assist in Formation of Districts. — A town clerk may become a member of a local board to pass upon an order issued by a district superintendent to change the boundaries of a school DUTIES OF SUPERVISORS, ETC. 43 district or to form a new district. He may act in this capacity when requested to do so by the trustees of a district in his town to be affected by an order of the superintendent, but not other- wise. He may act at his pleasure in regard to attending the meeting of a local board for this purpose, but he cannot be com- pelled to attend. The law leaves his attendance optional. For service in this capacity a town clerk is entitled to $1.50 per day, which is a charge upon his town. Preserve Records of Dissolved Districts. — A town clerk should receive and preserve all books, papers, and records of a dissolved school district that are deposited in his office as the law directs. File Bond of Collector. — A town clerk should receive and file any bond given by a collector of any school district in his town, and enter memorandum of the same in proper book. He is entitled to a fee of twenty-five cents for every such bond filed. (Sec, 252.) Payment and Expenses. — For any service performed by a town clerk in discharging the duties above mentioned, for which no fee is provided by law, he is entitled to the same compensation as he would receive for performing similar services for the town, and it should be audited by the town board as a charge upon the town. All disbursements in postage, express charges, etc., are a charge upon the town also. COUNTY TREASURER Annual Report to Commissioner of Education. — On the first of October of each year, a county treasurer should report to the Commissioner of Education the amount of money received by him from the academic and library funds, the amount paid to each city, school district and academy and the amount in his hands, if any, unclaimed by any such city, district or academy. Require Bonds of Supervisor. — As soon as the county treas- urer receives the district superintendent's certificate of appor- tionment, he should require the supervisor of each town in his county to execute a bond with two or more sureties in double the amount of school money to be respectively paid to each of such supervisors. Whenever a supervisor is required to furnish a bond in the penalty of double the amount of moneys apportioned or to be received, and such supervisor furnishes the bond of a surety or bonding company authorized by law to transact business in the State and to execute such bond, the penalty thereof may be fixed at the amount of moneys so apportioned or to be received, in lieu of the double penalty prescribed. Whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of supervisor and such vacancy is supplied, the person chosen to fill such 44 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW vacancy should be required by the county treasurer to give a bond in like manner as supervisors regularly elected, in double the amount of school moneys in the hands of the former super- visor. Should Sue Bond. — If the condition of the bond of any super- visor should be broken, the county treasurer should sue the bond in behalf of the town and pay the money recovered to the successor of the defaulting supervisor. Payment of School Moneys. — After a supervisor has given a bond approved by the county treasurer, such treasurer should pay such supervisor the amount of school money due his town as shown by the superintendents' certificate of apportionment. Payment of Unpaid Taxes. — Whenever a collector is unable to collect the school-district tax upon any real estate and the matter is properly presented to the county treasurer, it is his duty to pay such tax from the contingent fund and to report the facts to the board of supervisors of the county. (See chapter 15.) DISTRICT ATTORNEY Fines from Prosecutions. — The district attorney should prose- cute all persons guilty of misdemeanors in relation to school affairs, as required by law, and should report annually to the board of supervisors all lines collected as the result of such prosecution, and all such money received by him should be imme- diately paid to the county treasurer. (Sec. 851.) Adjust Costs.— When the amount claimed by district officers for defending actions and proceedings in behalf of a district is disputed by such district and the county judge is debarred from acting, such claim, when presented in due form, must be adjusted by the district attorney. COUNTY JUDGE Adjust Costs. — When the officers of a school district have brought or defended an action or proceeding in behalf of such district hy instruction, and the amount claimed by such officers for costs and expenses is in dispute, and when such officers have brought or defended an action or proceeding in behalf of a district ■without instruction, and the district meeting refuses to allow the claim presented by such officers for costs and expenses and the REVIEW QUESTIONS 45 matter is properly presented to the county judge, he should give such officers and district a hearing, examine into the facts of the case, and decide what amount should be allowed such officers, if ar^y. The amount allowed by a county judge for costs and dis- bursements cannot exceed thirty dollars. A county judge cannot adjust a claim for costs and expenses incurred in bringing or defending appeals before the Commissioner of Education, but only in an "action or proceeding," in court. (Sec. 860; 31 Misc. 590.) REVIEW QUESTIONS Of what school property are supervisors trustees? What annual return of school moneys must supervisors make? When and to whom is such return made? When may supervisors pay out such mone3's after a return has been made? Upon whose order should a supervisor pay the money in his hands for the payment of teachers* wages? What two facts should such order show? When should a supervisor pay to a collector or treasurer of a district the money due their district for teachers' wages? What dis- position should a supervisor make of the money in his hands, for teachers' wages and library purposes, belonging to union free school districts? To whom should the supervisor make a report of the school moneys received and disbursed by him? What record of school moneys should a supervisor keep? What should he do with this record? What statement • should a supervisor file in the town clerk's office? When? To whom should he send notice that such report has been filed? State what is necessary to qualify a supervisor to obtain funds from his predecessor in ofifice. What is the duty of a supervisor relative to penalties and forfeiture under the consolidated school law? In what manner may a supervisor assist in the formation or alteration of school district boundaries? Has he authority to act if not requested to do so? Can he be compelled to act in such capacity? To what compensation are supervisors entitled to for such service? When may supervisors deter- mine upon the equitable assessment of property? When may the super- visor of an adjoining town assist in such matters? What compensation does he receive for this service? What is the general duty of a town clerk relative to preserving school district records? What record of a supervisor's certificate of apportion- ment should a town clerk make? What officers' reports must he obtain? What must he do with such reports? What report must he make to the district superintendent? What is his duty in relation to distributing docu- ments? What is his duty in relation to records of annual accounts? Final accounts? Treasurers' certificate? Records of boundaries of districts? When may he assist in forming a new school district or in changing the boundaries of a district? Can he act if not requested? Can he be com- pelled to act? What compensation does he receive? What is his duty in 46 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW relation to records of dissolved districts? In filing bonds of treasurer or collector? To what compensation is he entitled? How is such compensation paid? When must a county treasurer report to the Commissioner of Education? What must such report show? What is his duty in relation to requiring bonds of supervisors? When should he sue the bondsmen of a supervisor? When should he pay school moneys to supervisors? When should he pay uncollected taxes on real estate to a school district collector? What is the duty of the district attorney in relation to fines and prose- cutions? In adjusting costs? When may the county judge adjust costs of district oflficers defending an action or proceeding for or against the district? What amount may he allow? May he adjust costs incurred in an appeal to the Commissioner of Education in an action or proceeding as defined by the Civil Code? CHAPTER VI SCHOOL DISTRICTS "- [Article s] Number of Districts. — For the school year ending July 31, 1920, the number of school districts in the State, not including cities, was 10,137. The number differs from year to year as new districts are formed and others abolished. Origin of District System. — The school act of 1795 provided that the inhabitants of a town might associate together for the purpose of establishing and maintaining schools. Schools were maintained under this plan until 1812, when the law was changed by the school act of that year providing that the town commis- sioners should divide their respective towns into a suitable and convenient number of districts which should be numbered. The first act providing for union free schools was passed in 1853, and was incorporated into the Consolidated School Act of 1864. The object was to create strong schools by uniting weak ones, and thus bringing more pupils and property to the support of a single school. Division of Territory. — The law provides that all territory of the State must be divided and included in school districts. If there is territory in a supervisory district not included in some school district, it is the duty of the district superintendent hav- ing jurisdiction to divide such territory and order that it be included in the school districts to which it properly belongs. Constitutional Provision. — Section i of article 9 of the State constitution requires the State legislature to provide for the maintenance and support of a system of free common schools wherein all the children of the State may be educated. School District.' — A school district is a subdivision of a town or city which is under the management and direction of officers who are required to maintain a free public school in and for such district as the law directs. Classes of Districts. — Under the education law school districts are known as city school districts, union free-school districts and common-school districts. 47 48 . NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW City School Districts. — Each cit}- in which the school district boundaries are coterminus Avith the city boundaries is declared by statute to be a city school district. In each city where the school district boundaries are not coterminus with the city boundaries the school district which contains the whole or the greater portion of the inhabitants of the city is the city school district of such city. Union Free-School Districts. — Union free-school districts are the districts organized as such under the provisions of the educa- tion law, or under special acts of the State legislature. These districts are governed by a board of education. Common-School Districts. — All school districts in the State which are neither city nor union free-school districts are common-school districts. In the place of a board of education a common-school district has a sole trustee or a board of trustees. Joint Districts.— Joint districts are school districts lying in two or more towns or supervisory districts. Public School.— A public school is a school which is free to all the children of school age residing in a district or city, and sup- ported by public taxation. Common schools and union free schools are public schools. Farm School. — The board of supervisors in a county, outside of the city of New York, may organize a farm school for the pur- pose of giving instruction in the trades and in industrial, agricul- tural and home-making subjects. The cost of maintenance is a county charge. (For details of the statute, see article 22-a of the Education Law.) Camp Schools. — The law now authorizes the maintenance of camp schools to afford educational facilities for the children of laborers who may be employed in large construction works, such as reservoirs, public highways, power plants, etc. These are special schools, and the details of the law are not given here, but may be found by consulting article 6-a of the Education Law. School Year. — The school year begins on the first day of August and ends on the thirty-first day of July following. Who May Attend School. — All persons over five and under twenty-one years of age are entitled to attend the public school of the school district or city in which such persons reside, the full period for which such public school is in session, without pav- SCHOOL DISTRICTS 49 merit therefor. Such has been the law since the passage of the free-school act in 1867. (Sec. 567.) Children over four years of age are entitled to attend a kindergarten maintained in the dis- trict in which such children reside, without charge. (Sec. 311.) Attendance of Non-resident Pupils. — Non-resident pupils may upon the written consent of the trustees of a district or a majority of such trustees be admitted to the public school of such district. The trustees determine the conditions upon which non-resident pupils are admitted and the amount of tuition which must be paid. Whenever the parents or guardians of non-resident pupils are taxed on property owned by them and located in the district in which such non-resident pupils attend a public school, the amount of such tax paid must be deducted from the tuition charged. (Sec. 567.) Attendance of Indian Pupils. — When a school district con- tains an Indian reservation on which a school for Indian children is maintained, the Indian children of such reservation are not entitled to the school privileges of the- district in which such reservation is located and cannot be legally admitted to the public district school without the consent of the Commissioner of Education. (Sec. 943.) Description of Districts. — There should be on file in the town clerk's office a complete description in metes and bounds of each school district of his town. The districts of a town should also be numbered consecutively. In a town in which twelve school districts are located, such districts should be numbered from one to twelve, inclusive. If any of the districts of such town should be abolished, the districts should be renumbered by the district superintendent so as to make the numbers consecutive. For example, if district No. 8 should be abolished. No. 12 should be changed to 8, and the districts would then be numbered from I to II inclusive. Formation and Dissolution of Joint Districts. — When the best interests of public education will thus be conserved, a school district may be formed from the territory of two or more super- visory districts by the joint action of the district superintendents having jurisdiction or a majority of them. A joint district may also be dissolved. This requires, how- ever, the joint action of the superintendents of the supervisory 50 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW districts in which such joint district is located. The proceedings are the same as those given under "Alteration of School Dis- tricts " in this chapter, except that all orders must be signed jointly by the superintendents, or a majority of them. Alteration of Joint District by Special Meeting. — When a majority of the superintendents of the supervisory districts in which a joint district is located fail to attend a joint meeting of such superintendents regularly called for the purpose of altering or dissolving such joint district, the superintendent or superintendents attending such meeting, or any one of them, may call a special meeting of such district to determine whether it shall be dissolved or altered. The decision of the meeting on such question is as valid as though made by the superintendents. Dissolution of Districts. — A district superintendent has au- thority to dissolve any school district under his jurisdiction for valid reasons except a union free-school district whose boundaries are coterminous with the boundaries of an incorporated village or city. His action in such cases is subject to appeal to the Commis- sioner of Education. The territory of such district or districts, if more than one is dissolved, must be annexed to adjoining districts or must be created into a new district. This action may be taken without the consent of the trustees of the districts affected. It must be understood, however, that this action can be taken only when a district is dissolved and its territory is annexed to another district or districts or used to for-m a nezu district. Call of Meeting to Form Union Free-School District. — The trustees of any school district should issue a call for a special meeting of the district, to determine upon organizing a union free-school district, when requested to do so by fifteen persons who are qualified voters in such district. This request should be a written statement asking for such meeting, and addressed to the trustees. Meeting of Two or More Districts. — When it is desired to unite two or more districts to form a union free-school district, fifteen qualified looters of each district must sign a request for a meeting; and when the trustees receive such request, they should issue a call for a joint meeting at some convenient place within such districts. Notice of Meeting. — Within ten days after the trustees have received such request, they should give notice of a meeting to SCHOOL DISTRICTS 5 1 be held at some suitable place in the district. The notice should also state on what day and hour the meeting will be held. The date chosen must be not less than twenty nor more than thirty days from the date on which the notice is given. When the trustees refuse or fail to give notice of the meeting the Commis- sioner of Education may direct any resident of the district to give such notice. Method of Giving Notice. — In a district whose boundaries correspond in whole or in part to those of an incorporated village in which there is published a daily or weekly newspaper, the notice of such meeting may be given by posting copies of such notice in at least five conspicuous places in the district twenty days previous to the date of the meeting, and by publishing such notice once a week for three successive weeks in all papers pub- lished in such district. Personal service of notice of meeting is not required when notice is published in a newspaper. In any other district notice shall be given by posting copies in five conspicuous places in the district and by delivering a copy of such .notice or so much thereof as relates to the time, place and object of the meeting to each qualified voter in the district, at the place of his residence at least twenty days previous to the date of such meeting. When two or more school districts are involved in these pro- ceedings, notices must be given in each district. Failure to Notify all Voters. — A failure to notify all voters of this meeting will not render the proceedings illegal unless it can be shown that such failure was willful and fraudulent. Expenses of Notices. — All reasonable expenses for publishing such notices of meetings in newspapers are a charge upon the union free-school district, when it is organized. If such district is not organized, these expenses must be paid by the persons who signed the request for such meeting. No compensation is allowed for personal service of notice. Procedure of Meeting. — A meeting duly convened for this purpose shall organize by electing a chairman and a secretary. The next proposition to come before the meeting should be a resolution or motion to form a union free-school district. If the number required by law are present, a vote may be taken on this proposition. The meeting may adjourn from time to time by a majority vote, but not for a longer period than ten days. If the 52 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW meeting should take affirmative action and vote to organize a union free-school district, the next step would be to elect trus- tees. The election of trustees is treated in the chapter on boards of education. Number Required at Meeting. — If the meeting consists of one district only, fifteen qualified voters must be present to vote on the proposition to organize a union free-school district; and if two or more districts are involved, there must be at least fifteen qualified voters present from each district, and a majority of those present and voting will decide the question. Filing of all Papers and Proceedings. — When affirmative action has been taken by a district on this question, copies of the request for such meeting, and of the call for and notice of such meeting, and of the minutes of the meeting, all duly certified by the chairman and secretary, must be filed with the tov\m clerk of the town in which the district is located, with the district super- intendent having jurisdiction, and with the Commissioner of Education. Failure to Organize. — If the resolution to organize a union free-school district should be defeated, no further business can be transacted, except to vote to reconsider the resolution or to adjourn ; nor can a meeting to consider such question be called again within one year. Annexation of Common-School District to a Union Free- School District. — A district superintendent may dissolve one or more common-school districts on the written consent of the trus- tees of all the districts concerned and annex the territory to a union free-school district, when such districts adjoin and when the boundaries of such union free-school district do not corre- spond to the boundaries of an incorporated village or a city. Alteration of Boundaries of a Union Free-School District by District Superintendent. — A district superintendent has the authority to alter the boundaries of any union free-school district whose limits do not correspond to those of an incorporated village or a city, in the same manner that common-school districts are altered. A district superintendent may alter the boundaries of a union free-school district having a population of five thousand or more and employing a superintendent of schools, provided the written approval of the Board of Education of such district and SCHOOL DISTRICTS $3 the written approval of the board of the other district affected thereby have been obtained. Dissolution of Union Free-School District. — When a meeting, regularly convened, organizes a union free-school district, such district cannot be dissolved w^ithin one year from the first Tuesday in August following the date on which it was organized. But any union free-school district which has been established for one year or more may be dissolved by a special meeting of the district with the approval of the district superintendent. A meet- ing for this purpose should be called by the Board of Education when an application therefor is presented to them, signed by at least fifteen resident taxpayers of the district. Action of Meeting. — The vote of a district meeting on this question should be taken by recording the ayes and noes ; and to receive favorable action, the proposition to change from a union free-school to a common-school district must receive a two-thirds vote of the legal voters present and voting on the question. AVhenever the question fails to receive a majority vote, no further meeting for a similar purpose can be held within three years from the date of the meeting at which such vote was taken. Approval of District Superintendent. — Whenever a district takes favorable action upon the proposition, it is the duty of the Board of Education of such district to present to the district superintendent having jurisdiction, certified copies of the call for and notice of such meeting and of the proceedings of the meeting. If the district superintendent approves the action of the district meeting, he should file a certificate to that effect with the Board of Education. But the change of such district to a common-school district cannot go into effect until the day preced- ing the first Tuesday of August next following. Disapproval of District Superintendent. — If the district super- intendent having jurisdiction should refuse to approve the action of a meeting in voting to change from a union free-school district to a common-school district, no meeting can be held in such district for a like purpose within three years from the date on which the meeting was held at which such vote was taken. Conditional Approval of District Superintendent. — A district superintendent may make his approval of such proceedings upon the condition that the district which has been greatly benefited 54 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW by consolidation in the way of buildings, improvements of site, etc., shall pay an equitable sum to each of the other districts into which the district will be divided. Division of Dissolved District. — The district superintendent having jurisdiction has the authority to divide the territory of a union free-school district which has been dissolved as described in this chapter into common-school districts, and whenever a union free-school district which was established by the consoli- dation of two or more districts shall be dissolved, the district superintendent may divide such territory into districts to corre- spond, so far as practicable, to the districts which had been consolidated. Transfer of Academies to Former Trustees. — When a district so dissolved shall contain an academy which was converted under the law into the academic department of the union free- school of such district, the Board of Education must transfer such academy to a majority of the surviving resident former trustees or stockholders, upon their application. Disposition of Money on Hand. — Whenever a union free- school district shall be thus dissolved and there shall be any money in the hands of the treasurer of such district, such money should be equitably apportioned among the school districts into which the union free-school district has been divided. When the treasurers or collectors of such districts are elected and have qualified, the money should be paid to them. Annual Meeting of Districts thus Formed. — The annual meet- ing of the districts thus formed from the territory of a dissolved union free-school district shall be held the first Tuesday in August which occurs after such districts have been formed. The electors of the districts thus formed shall elect district officers at such annual meeting in the manner required by law. Notification of Commissioner of Education. — Whenever a meeting of a union free-school district has been duly convened and has voted to dissolve such district, and this action of the meeting has been approved by the district superintendent, copies of the call for and the notice of such meeting, and of its proceed- ings and their approval by the district superintendent, all duly certified by the board of education, should be forwarded to the Commissioner of Education. SCHOOL DISTRICTS 55 Appeal to Commissioner of Education. — Any person feeling aggrieved by the action taken in any of the proceedings in such cases may bring an appeal to the Commissioner of Education, who has power to decide the matter, and his decision is final. Division of Union Free-School District which Contains Two Incorporated Villages. — Sections 130-134 inclusive of the edu- cation law formerly provided for the division of a union free- school district within which there shall be territory of two or more incorporated villages. So much trouble occurred under the operation of this law that these sections were repealed by the Legislature of 1911. Property of Dissolved Districts. — When two or more dis- solved districts are thus consolidated into one, the new district succeeds to the right of the property possessed by the districts from which it was formed. When the territory of a dissolved district is attached to other districts, the supervisor of the town in which the schoolhouse of such dissolved district is located should sell the property of such dissolved district at public auction. He should give at least five days' notice of such sale by posting a notice in three or more public places of the town in which such district is located, one of which must be posted in the district so dissolved. The supervisor should deduct from the receipts of such sale all expenses. He should then use the remainder to pay the debts of the district. If there is a remainder after paying such debts, the supervisor should apportion it among the owners of taxable property in the district in proportion to their respective assess- ments on the last assessment rolls of the town, and should pay such money accordingly. Outstanding Moneys of Dissolved Districts. — The supervisor of the town within which the schoolhouse of a dissolved district is situated has authority to receive, sue for, and collect, in his name of office, any money due the district from its former officers or from any other person. Application of Such Money. — The supervisor should deduct from any moneys thus received all costs and expenses of collec- tion and report the balance to the district superintendent. The district superintendent should apportion such balance equitably among the districts to which the parts of such dissolved district 56 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW were annexed. The district meeting of each district receiving such money should direct for what purposes it should be used. Adjustment of Affairs of Dissolved Districts. — After a dis- trict has been dissolved it continues to exist in law for the pur- pose of providing for and paying all its just debts. For this purpose its trustees and other officers continue in office ; the district may hold special meetings, elect officers to fill vacancies, and vote taxes ; and the inhabitants of the district and its officers may transact any other business necessary for the adjustment of such debts. Records of Dissolved Districts. — The district superintendent, or if a joint district, the superintendents, should direct the clerk or other person who may be in possession of all books, papers, and records of the district to deposit such books, papers, and records in the town clerk's office of the town in which the school- house of such dissolved district was located. The superintendent should file a copy of the order served on the district clerk or other person with the town clerk. A failure on the part of a district clerk or any other person to comply with the order of a superintendent in this matter is punishable by a fine of $50. Methods of Alteration. — In altering the boundaries of any school district there are two methods of procedure. One is ZLHth the consent of the trustees of the districts affected, the other is zvithout the consent of such trustees. It is impossible to change the boundaries of one district with- out changing the boundaries of at least one other. If territory is taken from one district it must be added to another. There will, therefore, always be at least two districts affected when a question of alteration of boundaries is involved. Action w^ith Consent of Trustees. — A district superintendent should always, if possible, obtain the consent of the trustees of all districts to be affected when he decides to alter the bound- aries of a district. This consent should be in writing and should state definitely what changes are to be made. A description of the districts as they shall be after the proposed changes are made should be incorporated in the written consent of the trustees. The Commissioner of Education has held that in a district having more than one trustee a majority vote at a meeting regularly SCHOOL DISTRICTS 57 called shall be considered the action of such board. The consent of the trustees of all districts having been obtained, the superin- tendent may issue an order making the alterations, and must file a copy thereof with the town clerk of the town in which such districts are located, and if such districts are located in two or more towns, a copy must be filed with the town clerk of each of such towns. The order should state definitely what changes are to be made and must recite that the consent of the trustees of each district has been given. These consents should be attached to and form a part of the order of the superintendent. The superintendent should also file a copy of such order with each district clerk of the school districts affected. The Commissioner of Education has held that a trustee can- not consent to transfer his own land from one school district to another. Action Without Consent of Trustees. — This procedure is more complicated than the former. When the trustees of any one of the districts affected refuse to consent to the proposed alteration the superintendent must follow out each step provided by statute. He may make the order and file it with the town clerk of the town in which the districts are located. This order is known as the preliminary order, and must recite the refusal of the trustees of any district or districts so refusing, and the superintendent must direct that the order shall not take effect as to the dissent- ing district or districts until a day named therein, and not within three months from the date of such order. Within ten days after filing such order the superintendent must give at least one week's notice in writing to the trustees of all the districts affected by such order, that, at a specific time, and at a place in the town in which one of the districts to be affected is located, he will hear the objections which may be offered to the proposed alteration. This notice must state that an order of alteration has been issued, and a copy of such order must also be inserted in the notice. Local Board. — Upon the request in writing of the trustees of any district affected, the supervisor and town clerk of the town or towns in which such district wholly or partly lies may be associated with the superintendent upon the hearing of objec- 58 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW tions to his preliminary order. No supervisor or town clerk can act in this capacity who has not been requested to do so. And such supervisor and town clerk must present such request, with proof of service of the same, to the superintendent, at the time and place fixed for such hearing, to establish their jurisdiction to act. The supervisors and town clerks thus requested to act and the superintendent, form the local board to hear and deter- mine upon the merits of the objections ofifered to the proposed changes. If a supervisor or a town clerk should be associated with a local board without being requested by the trustees of the district, any decision of such board determined by the votes of such supervisor or town clerk would be declared void by the Commissioner of Education upon appeal to him in due form. If a district has more than one trustee, a request for a super- visor or town clerk to act in conjunction with the superintendent must come from a majority of such trustees ; such request hav- ing been decided upon at a regular meeting. Town officers are not required by law to attend such meetings. Trustees are authorized to request them to attend; but there is no authority to compel their attendance. If any of these officers who are entitled to act as members of a local board should fail to appear at the hearing, the superintendent and those super- visors and town clerks entitled to become members of the board, who do appear, may proceed with the hearing and render a decision thereon. If all supervisors and town clerks entitled to become members of such board should fail to appear at the hear- ing, the superintendent may proceed without them and decide on the merits of the objections offered. But if the superintendent should not attend and if the town officers should attend, they would not have the authority to proceed, and the preliminary order issued by the superintendent would become void. In a case of this kind proceedings could be renewed if desired. A local board has power to adjourn from time to time, but such adjournments cannot extend the date of the hearing beyond the time designated in the preliminary order when such order shall take effect. At the hearing before the local board those interested who are opposed to the order of the superintendent may present their SCHOOL DISTRICTS 59 evidence and arguments against the wisdom of the proposed changes, and those in favor may also present evidence and argu- ments in support thereof. After all evidence and arguments have been presented, the board must decide b}^ vote either to affirm or vacate the order of the superintendent. Each member of the board is entitled to a vote, and a majority desides the action to be taken. If the board decides to vacate the order of the commissioner, the matter is ended and the changes cannot be made. An appeal from such decision may be taken to the Commissioner of Education, who may affirm, modify, or vacate such order. A record of the action of the board must be filed in the town clerk's office. If the board votes to confirm the order of the superintendent, a final order must be made by the superintendent and members of the board, directing that the alterations be made. This final order must recite the first order and all the proceed- ings taken thereafter, including the action of the local board. Consolidation of School Districts. — The law authorizes the voters of two or more districts to convene in a joint meeting for the purpose of determining whether or not such districts shall be consolidated into one. The object of this statute is to enable several weak country districts to unite into one strong district so that more pupils, more taxable property, and more public money may be brought to the support of a single school. The theory is that one strong school may be maintained at less expense than three or four separate schools, and that better school facilities may be pro- vided. The law encourages districts to consolidate by providing that when two or more do determine on consolidation, the enlarged district shall receive in public money from the State an amount equal to that which would be apportioned to the several districts in the aggregate on the present basis of apportionment. The law defines a regular method of procedure in such matters, and this procedure must be strictly followed. Notice of a meeting for this purpose must be given as provided in the law, and copies of such notice, of the proceedings of the meeting, and of the order made by the district superintendent 6o NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW must be filed in the office of the town clerk of the town in which such districts are located. After the order of formation is duly executed by the district superintendent, such superintendent shall, if the districts con- solidated are common-school districts, prepare a notice describ- ing the enlarged district, and designating the time and place for holding the district meeting to elect school district officers. The officers chosen at such special meeting serve until the first Tuesday of May next thereafter, when officers should be elected at the annual meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Educa- tion Law. (See sections 130-134, Education Law.) In furtherance of the general policy of strengthening the schools and providing better school facilities the Legislature has provided for the establishment of Central Rural Schools (see article 6-B of the Education Law, added by L. 1914, ch. 55) and Central High-School Districts (see article 6-C of the Education Law, added by L. 1917, ch. 137). REVIEW QUESTIONS What is the number of school districts in the State? What is the law in relation to the division of all territory in the State? What are the three classes of districts? When was the district system first inaugurated? How? What change was made in 1812? When were union free schools authorized? Define each. What is a public school? What are the limits of a school year? Who are entitled to attend a public school? For what period may such persons attend? When was the free-school act passed? Who may attend a kindergarten? How may non-resident pupils be admittL-J to school? Who determines the conditions upon which they are admitted? What is the law in relation to charging such pupils tuition? What is the law regulating the attendance of Indian pupils upon a public school? Where should a description of each school district be filed? What should be the character of this description? How should districts be numbered? When may a joint district be dissolved? How? When may the boundaries of a joint district be altered by a special meeting? How is such special meeting called? When may a school district be dissolved by a superintendent without the consent of the trustees of such district? Who calls the meeting for the organization of a union free school district? When? How should this request be made? How should the request be made when two or more districts are to be united? When such request is properly presented to the trustees what should they do? What facts should the notice contain? At what time after the notice has been given must the REVIEW QUESTIONS 6l meeting be held? How may the meeting be called when the trustees refuse to give the required notice? What is the method of giving notice in a district whose botmdaries cor- respond in whole or in part to those of an incorporated village in which there is published a daily or weekly newspaper? When is a personal service of notice not required? What method of giving notice in all other districts must be pursued? How must notice be given when two or more districts are involved? What should all notices state? What is the effect of a failure to notify all voters? How are the expenses of publishing notices, etc., paid? If the district is not formed, how are they paid? Can compensation be allowed for personal service of notice? How does the meeting organize? What is the next proposition to come before the meeting? When may a vote be taken on this proposition? How may the meeting adjourn? For what period? H affirmative action is taken on the proposition, what is the next step to be taken? When one district is involved how many voters must be present in order that a vote may be taken? How many voters must be present when two or more districts are involved? What vote determines the question? When affirmative action is taken what papers must be filed? With what officials? If the proposition to organize is defeated, what fui-ther business may be transacted? When may another meeting to consider the matter be called? When may trie district superintendent annex the territory of a common- school district to a union free-school district? A district superintendent may alter the boundaries of what union free-school districts? After a union free-school district has been organized what time must elapse before it can be dissolved? How may a union free-school district which has been established for more than one year be dissolved? How is such special meeting called? When should it be called? How should the vote on this question be taken? What vote is necessary in order to change to a com- mon-school district? When a proposition to change from a union free- school district to a common-school district is defeated, what period of time must elapse before another meeting may be called to consider such propo- sition? What must be done with all papers in the proceedings when a union free-school district votes for a change? What should the superin- tendent do if he approves the change? When does the dissolution go into effect? If the superintendent fails to approve such action, when may another meeting for the same purpose be held? When may a superintend- ent make his approval conditional? What is done with the territory of a union free-school district when such district has been dissolved? When a district is thus dissolved and it had contained an academy which was con- verted into an academic department of such union free-school district, what must the board of education do with such academy? When a district is thus dissolved and there is any money in the hands of the treasurer of such district, what disposition must be made of such money? To whom should it be paid? When does the annual meeting of the districts formed from such dissolved district occur? What papers relating to such dissolution must be filed with the Commissioner of Education? What appeal may be taken in these matters? 62 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW When two or mort dissolved districts are consolidated into a new district, what becomes of the property of such dissolved districts? What becomes of the property when such districts are attached to other districts? What notice of such sale must be given? How are the expenses of such sale met? What disposition is made of the remainder of such fund? How may the outstanding money of a dissolved district be collected? What is done with money thus collected? What is the duty of a district superintendent in relation to such matters? What powers does a dis- solved district possess as a district? What disposition should be made of the books, papers, and records of a dissolved district? Who should direct this? What is the penalty for failing to comply with this direction? What are the two methods by which a school district may be altered? If the boundaries of one district are changed, what must follow? In what form should trustees' consent be given? What is done after the consent of the trustees is given? What must be done with the superintendent's order? What facts should the order of the superintendent recite? With whom should copies of such order be filed? Can a trustee consent to transfer his own land from one district to another? By whom is a preliminary order issued to change the boundaries of a district when the trustees will not consent to such change? Where must such order be filed? What must it show? When must it take effect as to the dissenting districts? What notice must the superintendent give to the trustees dissenting to such changes? What must such notice con- tain? What officers may be associated with the superintendent at the hear- ing upon such order? Can these officers act if not requested by the trus- tees? What must these officers do to establish their jurisdiction to act? What would be the effect if either of these officers should act without being properly requested to do so? Can these officers be required to act in this capacity? If only part of the officers requested to act in this capacity should appear at the hearing, what should be done? If none of such officers requested should appear, could the superintendent legally act in their absence? If the superintendent should fail to appear and the other officers should appear, what could be legally done? Can this board adjourn? For what period? What should be done at the hearing? What must be done with the records of the proceedings? If the affirmative action is taken on the original order, what is the next step? What must the final order contain? CHAPTER VII DISTRICT MEETINGS I. FIRST MEETING IN NEW DISTRICT [Article 7] By Whom Appointed.— When the order forming a new school district goes into effect the district superintendent having juris- diction must appoint a time and place for holding the first district meeting for the purpose of effecting a district organiza- tion. Notice of Meeting. — The district superintendent must prepare a notice which shall state the time and place at which the meeting will be held and the object for which it is called. This notice should be explicit in this respect and state that the meeting is called to elect officers, vote taxes, and transact any other business permitted by law. The notice must also include a description of the boundaries of the district, which must be the same as that contained in the order forming such district and must be given in metes and bounds. This notice should be delivered by the district superintendent to some taxable inhabitant of the district, who is directed to serve such notice upon every qualified voter residing in the district for which the meeting is to be held. Service of Notice. — It is the duty of the person receiving this notice to notify every qualified voter of the district of such meet- ing by delivering to him a copy of the notice of such meeting. If any resident of the district is absent from home, a copy of that part of the notice relating to the time, place, and object of the meeting should be left at the place of residence of such person. This notice must be served on the voters of the district at least six days, previous to the date of the meeting, exclusive of the day of service. Return of Notice. — The person serving such notice should make a return to the district meeting showing in what manner each inhabitant of the district was notified. This is done by furnishing a list of names of those who were personally notified of the meeting and another list of those for whom the notices were left at their places of abode. These lists should be endorsed 63 64 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW upon the back of the notice of such meeting and signed and verified by the person who served the notice. It should then be presented by such person to the district meeting and filed with the records of the district. The object of this return is to show that the meeting was regularly called and to establish its juris- diction in the event of any dispute arising. If a return is not made, it will be presumed that the meeting was regularly called, unless the preponderance of evidence should show otherwise. Penalty for Refusing to Serve Notice. — Any taxable inhabitant of such district, when requested in due form to serve the notice of such meeting, who refuses or neglects to do so, forfeits the sum of $5 for the benefit of the district. Powers of Such Meeting. — The first meeting of a new district, when regularly called, possesses the powers of an annual meet- ing and may transact business that might properly come before an annual meeting. Failure to Hold Meeting. — WhencA^er the time fixed for the first meeting of a new district shall have passed and such meet- ing shall not have been held, the superintendent may, in his dis- cretion, appoint another time for such meeting by delivering another notice, as in the first case, to some taxable inhabitant of the district. A superintendent is not required to call a second meeting. He may act as he deems it expedient under the circum- stances. Unless in the opinion of the superintendent it is neces- sary for the consideration of important business before the date of the annual meeting, a second meeting should not be called. 2. SPECIAL MEETINGS By Whom Called in Common-School District. — The call for all special meetings in a common-school district should be issued by the trustees of the district. When the office of trustee is vacant the district clerk should issue such call, and when the offices of trustee and clerk are both vacant, the district superin- tendent having jurisdiction may, when it is shown to his satis- faction that conditions demand it, issue a call for a special meeting. Method of Calling in a Common-School District. — There are two methods by which special meetings may be called in a com- mon-school district. The voters of a district may at any annual DISTRICT MEETINGS 65 meeting adopt a resolution prescribing the method by which notice of special meetings shall be given. Such resolution and such method of calling special meetings provided thereby shall remain in force imtil modified by some subsequent annual meet- ing. This method must be such that the notice may reasonably be expected to reach every voter of the district. Publishing notices in a paper published in the district or posting' notices for a reasonable time in conspicuous places in the district, has been held to meet the requirements of the law. When the annual meeting fails to provide a special manner of giving notice of special meetings, the method provided by statute must be pursued. The district clerk, upon the request of the trustee or trustees of the district, must serve notice upon each of the qualified voters of the district at least six days, exclusive of the day of service, before the date of such special meeting. If there should be a vacancy in the office of district clerk, or if the clerk should refuse to act, a trustee of the district or some taxable inhabitant, upon order from the trustees of the district, must serve the notice of special meetings. If the offices of trustee and clerk are both vacant, the district superintendent may direct some inhabitant of the district to serve the notice of special meetings. Notice of Special Meeting in Union Free-School District. — The notice of all special meetings should be given by the Board of Education and in the same manner that notice of annual meetings is given. The notice of such meetings may be signed by the president and the clerk of the board, but this must be done under the direction of the board. The notice should state explicitly when and where the meeting- will be held and the purpose for which it is called. Service and Return of Notice. — The method of serving notice for special meetings on the inhabitants of a district is the same as that outlined in this chapter for serving notice for the first meeting- of a district. The same method of procedure in making a return of service of notice should also be followed. Penalty for Refusing to Serve Notice. — Any taxable inhabi- tant of a district who refu-ses to serve a notice of special meet- ing when legally requested forfeits the sum of $5 for the benefit of the district. 66 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW Power of District Superintendent to Call Special Meetings. — It will be observed from the preceding paragraphs relating to special meetings that a district superintendent may call and give notice of special district meetings for any school district under his jurisdiction when the offices of clerk and all trustees for such district are vacant. Failure to Notify all Voters. — If the failure to notify all voters of a district meeting can be shown to be wilful and fraud- ulent, the proceedings will be declared illeg-al upon appeal in proper form to the Commissioner of Education. If such omis- sion of notice appears accidental or if the presence of the person failing to receive such notice would not change the result of the action of such meeting, or if such person attended the meeting, the proceedings will be declared legal. All matters of this char- acter in dispute should be presented to the Commissioner of Education in the form of appeals. Powers of Special Meetings. — The only business which can be considered at a special meeting is that for which the meeting was called and which was designated in the notice of such meeting. The only purpose for which a special meeting in a union free- school district whose boundaries are the same as those of a city or an incorporated village are for the authorization of improve- ments to school property as provided in section 467 and the issuance of bonds therefor, or such other purpose as the charter or special act of a city or village may particularly specify. 3. ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETINGS Notice in Common-School District. — The district clerk should give at least five days' notice of an annual meeting by posting notices thereof in at least five public places. A failure to give such notice would not invalidate the business transacted at an annual meeting, as the law fixes the date and all persons entitled to vote at such meetings should know when they are to be held, without receiving notice. Notice in Union Free-School District. — The clerk of a union free-school district who is the clerk of the Board of Education should give notice of the annual meeting by publishing the same in two newspapers in the district, weekly for four weeks im- DISTRICT MEETINGS d'J mediately preceding the date of the annual meeting. If there are not two newspapers published in the district, then such notice should be printed in one paper. If no newspaper is published in such district, then such notice must be posted in at least twenty conspicuous places for at least twenty days before the time of such meeting. These notices, and all other notices and reports required to be published in newspapers shall be printed at the rates prescribed for legal notices. If the publishers refuse to print such notices at the rates so prescribed the notices may be posted in lieu of such publication. Date. — I. The annual school meeting of such common-school district must be held on the first Tuesday of May of each year. 2. The date fixed by law for the annual meeting of a union free- school district whose boundaries do not correspond to those of an incorporated village or a city, is the first Tuesday of May also. The Board of Education of such district may adopt a resolution fixing the time of the annual meeting as the first Tuesday in August. In a union free-school district whose boundaries do coincide with the limits of an incorporated village or a city no annual meeting is held. The election of officers in such districts occurs at the charter election and the usual business of the district is transacted by the Board of Education. Hour. — Unless a previous annual meeting has fixed some other hour, the meeting should be held at 7 130 o'clock p. m. Place. — The annual meeting must be held in the schoolhouse of the district unless otherwise voted by the district. If the dis- trict has two schoolhouses, the meeting should be held in the one generally used for that purpose. The trustees, however, may designate the other schoolhouse. A district may vote at an annual meeting or a special meeting called for that purpose, that future meetings shall be held at some other place than the schoolhouse. If the district has no schoolhouse, the meeting must be held at some place designated by the trustees. Failure to Hold Annual Meeting. — If the date of the annual meeting has passed and such meeting has not been held in a certain district, the trustee or clerk of such district should call a special meeting to transact the business of the annual meet- ing. If the trustees or clerk of such district should fail to call such special meeting within ten days after the date fixed by law for holding the annual meeting, the district superintendent having jurisdiction over such district may order any resident of such school district to give notice that such meeting will 68 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW be held. This notice must be g"iven in the same manner as notices of special meetings. The district officers should make to such meeting the reports required to be made at annual meetings. A failure to make such reports subjects district officials to the same penalty that is imposed for a failure to report at annual meetings. Officers elected at such meeting are entitled to serve until the date of the next annual meeting or until their successors have been elected and have qualified. Notice of Adjourned Meeting. — When any meeting of a dis- trict has been adjourned for more than one month, the clerk of the district must post notices of the time and place of such adjourned meeting in at least five of the most public places in such district and at least five days previous to the time appointed for such meeting. Legislative Body of District. — The electors of a school dis- trict, when assembled in a meeting regularly convened, consti- tute the legislative body of such district and may transact any business relating to the school afi^airs of such district which is permissible by statute. As special meetings are called to trans- act special business, the annual meeting of a district is the one in which nearly all the routine business of a district is transacted. The more important matters coming before an annual meeting as provided by law are as follows : Powers and Duties of Annual Meetings: 1. To select a presiding officer, to be known as chairman, and in the absence of the district clerk to select a clerk pro tempore. 2. To elect district officers for the ensuing school year. 3. To determine by majority vote by ayes and noes whether a district officer shall be chosen to be known as treasurer. 4. To name the amount of the bond which the collector and the treasurer must give to the district for the faithful perform- ance of the duties of their respective offices. 5. To vote a tax upon the taxable property of the district to purchase, lease, or improve the schoolhouse site or to enlarge the site already owned by the district. Also to vote a tax to hire or purchase rooms or buildings for school purposes and to keep them in repair. To vote a tax to build schoolhouses and to supply them with necessary furniture, fuel, etc. REVIEW QUESTIONS 69 6. To vote a tax not to exceed $25 in any one year for the purchase of school apparatus, such as maps, globes, blackboards, etc., and for the purpose of supplying text-books and other school supplies for the use of the poor scholars of the district. 7. To vote a tax for the establishment, maintenance, support, and increase of a school library, and to purchase a bookcase. 8. To vote a tax to supply a deficiency caused by a failure to collect a former tax, also for the purpose of providing a record book for the district. 9. When district officers have lost or embezzled any of the funds of a district, the annual meeting may vote a tax upon the district to replace such funds. 10. The annual meeting may also vote a tax upon the district to meet the expenses incurred by the district officers in defending suits or appeals in the district's behalf and also in prosecuting suits or appeals in its behalf, when directed. 11. The district may also vote a tax to pay teachers' wages as they become due, and to pay any judgment obtained from a competent court by a teacher for teacher's salaries. 12. An annual meeting may direct the trustees of a district to insure in any insurance company created under the laws of this State, or authorized to do business in the State, the school buildings, furniture, apparatus, etc. The voters of a district not maintaining an academic depart- ment may, at the annual meeting, designate the academic school or schools where instruction shall be given the academic pupils of the district at the district's expense. Method of Voting. — All questions involving the expenditure of money or the levying of a tax upon a district must l^e hv ballot, or by a vote of the ayes and noes, which must be properly recorded. REVIEW QUESTIONS Who appoints the first meeting in a new district? When? Who prepares the notice? What should the notice show? What is done with such notice? Who serves it? Who designates the person to serve it? Upon whom must such notice be served? How should such notice be served? How should such notice be served upon persons who are absent from home? When must such notice be served? How should a return of service of notice be made? What should be done with such return? Why? What is the penalty for refusing to serve such notice? What powers does such meeting possess? If the time for holding such meeting has passed and the meeting has not been held, what should be done? Who usually calls special meetings? When may the district clerk? The district superintendent? Commissioner of Education? How many methods of calling special meetings are there? Describe each. What is the method yo NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW of service of notice of such meeting? What notice is required in a union free-school district? Of the return of service of such notice? What is the penahy for refusing to serve such notice? What is the effect of a wilful failure to notify all qualified voters of such meetings? What if such failure were accidental? What if the presence of those who were not notified would not change the result of the action of a meeting? How should disputes of this kind be settled? What business can be transacted at a special meeting? What notice of annual meetings must be given in a common-school dis- trict? In a union free-school district? Does a failure to give such notice invalidate a meeting? When does the annual meeting occur? At what hour? At what place? May it be held elsewhere? When? If the annual meeting is not held on the date fixed by law, what should be done? What business should be transacted at the meeting when called? For what period do the officers elected at such meeting serve? What notice must be given of a meeting adjourned for more than one month? What is the legislative body of a school district? What power has an annual meeting in relation to selecting a chairman? A clerk pro tempore? District officers? District treasurer? What is the duty of a district meeting in relation to the bond of treasurer or collector? Name the various purposes for which a district meeting may vote a tax? What direction should an annual meeting give trustees in relation to the insurance of property? How must a vote involv- ing expenditure of money be taken? CHAPTER VIII VOTERS AT SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETINGS — QUALIFICATIONS, CHALLENGES, ETC. [See Sections 203, 204 and 205] Note. — The qualifications of voters in union free-school dis- tricts are the same as those of voters in common-school districts. No distinction is made by law between the qualifications of voters in these two classes of districts or in the penalty for illegal vot- ing. Under the provisions of the Education Law, there are four classes of persons entitled to vote at school district meetings in this State. These classes are clearly defined in a circular letter issued by the Education Department, as follows : Who Are Voters. — Four classes of persons are entitled to vote at school district meetings. All voters must have the following general qualifications: General Qualifications 1. A citizen of the United States. 2. Twenty-one years of age at least. 3. A resident within the district for a period of at least thirty days next preceding the meeting at which he or she offers to vote. Any person who possesses the above general qualifications and any one of the four special qualifications is entitled to vote: Special Qualifications 1. One who owns or hires, or is in the possession under a contract of purchase of real property in such district liable to taxation for school purposes. 2. One who is the parent of a child of school age, provided such child shall have attended the district school in the district in which the meeting is held for a period of at least eight weeks within the school year preceding such school meeting. 3. One who, not being the parent, has permanently residing with him or her a child of school age who shall have attended the district school for a period of at least eight weeks within the school year preceding such meeting. 4. One who owns any personal property assessed on the last preceding assessment roll of the town exceeding fifty dollars in value, exclusive of such as is exempt from execution. Women possessing any of the above qualifications are entitled to vote. 71 72 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW Both parents are entitled to vote when they have a child or children who attended school in the district eight weeks during the year preceding such meeting. But one such person, however, can vote where the right to vote depends upon their having children not their own residing with them, and that person must be the head of the family. Residence. — A person to become a resident of a school district must actually reside in such district for a period of at least thirty- days immediately preceding any annual or special meeting held in such district. Challenge of Voter. — No person can take part in the trans- action of any business of a district meeting who is not a legal voter at such meeting. The right of any person to vote at a school district meeting cannot be questioned or challenged by any person except a duly qualified voter. When a person offer- ing to vote at a district meeting is challenged by a qualified voter, the chairman of such meeting should require the person thus challenged to make the following declaration : " I do declare and affirm that I am and have been for the thirty days last past an actual resident of this school district and that I am qualified to A'ote at this meeting." Any person who shall make such declaration is entitled to vote upon all propositions which arise at such meeting. A person thus challenged who refuses to make such declaration should not be permitted to vote upon any ques- tion before the meeting. Neither the district meeting nor the officers of such meeting have authority to pass upon the qualifi- cations of any voter. Even if the officers of such meeting knotv the declaration made by a person challenged to be false, they cannot refuse to accept his vote. The proper course to pursue is to accept such vote, and proceed against the offender as the law provides. Penalty for Illegal Voting. — A person who has been chal- lenged at any school district meeting and who willfully makes a false declaration of his or her right to vote at such meeting, is guilty of a misdemeanor which is punishable by fine or impris- onment or both. A person voting at any school district meeting who has not been challenged and who is not a qualified voter at such meet- ing, forfeits the sum of ten dollars, which should be sued for by the supervisor of the town for the benefit of the school district. VOTERS AT SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETINGS "J^ Under the Penal Law a person not qualified who knowingly votes or offers to vote, or who makes a false declaration when challenged at any school district meeting, is guilty of a misde- meanor. Decisions of Education Department.— The State Superintend- ents of Public Instruction and the Commissioner of Education have established the following rulings, which govern questions at the present time involving these points of law : 1. An alien is not a legal voter at a school district meeting, although he may reside in the school district, own lands in the district, or have children of school age residing with him who attend school in the district. 2. The proceedings of a school district meeting carried by illegal votes will be set aside on appeal to the Commissioner of Education. 3. When the illegal votes cast at a school district meeting would not change the result of any of the proceedings of such district meeting, the proceedings will not be set aside. 4. The chairman of a school district meeting is entitled to vote upon all questions coming before the meeting for determina- tion. 5. The chairman of a school district meeting is not entitled to cast the deciding vote in case of a tie, if he has already voted on the question. 6. A man is not entitled to vote on account of the qualifications of his wife, nor is a woman entitled to vote upon the qualifica- tions of her husband. 7. The law does not declare the amount of real estate which a person must own or rent to entitle such person to vote at a school district meeting. 8. The residence of a person must be bona fide to entitle such person to vote at a district meeting. 9. Prima facie, the place where a person lives is deemed his residence. 10. Where a person removes from one place to another with an intention of making the latter his perm,anent residence, that place immediately becomes his residence. 11. No person can vote upon any proposition before a district meeting who is not a qualified voter. 74 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW REVIEW QUESTIONS Is there a difference between the qualifications of voters in common- school districts and those of the voters in union free-school districts? Is there in the penalty for illegal voting? Into how may classes may the vot- ers of school district meetings be arranged? What are the qualifications of the first class? Second class? Third class? Fourth class? Can a person vote at a school district meeting if such person is not a resident of the district for which the meeting is held? State each of the four qualifications which a voter must possess. Can women possessing any of the four qualifications vote? Which of these four qualifications apply to married people? Which to single people? Who may vote on the qualifications of the second class, father or mother? Explain who are entitled to vote on the qualifications of the third class? What is a " residence." Who may challenge the right of a person to vote at a district meeting? What declaration must a person challenged make? What is the effect of a challenged person's making such declaration? A refusal to make such declaration? Can the officers of a district meeting pass upon the quali- ficationtions of a voter? Even if the officers know that a false declaration has been made, can they refuse to accept the vote of the person who made it? What course may be pursued in such case? What is the penalty for making a false declaration regarding the right to vote? What is the penalty for illegal voting at a district meeting when the voter has not been called upon to make a declaration? Can an alien vote at a school meeting if he possesses all other qualifica- tions of voters? What action may be taken upon any proceedings of a district meeting carried by illegal votes? If the illegal votes cast do not affect the result of any proceedings, what is the ruling of the Commissioner of Education? Upon what questions may a chairman of a meeting vote? Can a chairman cast a deciding vote in case of a tie if he has already voted on the question? May a man vote on qualifications possessed by his wife? May a woman vote on the qualifications of her husband? Does the law fix the amount of the real estate a person must own or rent to qualify him to vote? Explain the rulings of the Commissioner of Edu- cation as given in numbers 8, 9, and 10 of this chapter. CHAPTER IX COMMON-SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS [Article 8] Officers of Common-School Districts. — The officers of a com- mon-school district are a trustee or trustees (as determined by the district), a clerk, a collector, a librarian, and a treasurer when the district has decided to elect such officer. TRUSTEE Eligibility. — To be eligible to the office of trustee a person must possess tzuo distinct qualifications. He must be a qualified voter of the district, and must also be able to read and write. A woman possessing these qualifications is eligible to hold the office of trustee. Prohibitions. — Trustees are prohibited from holding the office of district clerk, collector, treasurer, or librarian ; also from holding the office of district superintendent or supervisor. A trustee accepting any of these offices would upon the acceptance of such other office vacate the office of trustee. A person hold- ing the office of clerk, collector, treasurer, or librarian who should accept the office of trustee would also, upon the acceptance of the office of trustee, vacate such other office. Election. — The election of trustees must take place at the annual meeting in all districts. The election must be by ballot and the trustees must supply ballot-boxes for this purpose. The district meeting must by some method appoint two inspectors of election. This may be done by adopting a motion to instruct the chairman or clerk of the meeting to appoint such inspectors. A motion or resolution might be adopted naming two inspectors. The district meeting might also pursue any other method in selecting the inspectors. In all cases the election must be by ballot. Even if the name of but one person is presented to the district, the election of such person, to be legal, must be by ballot. The votes cast for trustee must be deposited in the ballot-box provided for that purpose. 75 76 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW The inspectors should report the result of the vote to the chair- man, who should announce the result to the meeting, and the person receiving the majority of all votes cast is duly elected. In cases where the election was not by ballot, the Commis- sioner of Education has held, when such cases were duly pre- sented to him upon appeal, that such elections were void and has ordered that new elections be held in such districts. The ballots used in school district elections must be printed or written, or partly printed and partly written, and must con- tain the name of the person voted for and the title of the office. The names of all officers to be elected may be on one ballot, as TRUSTEE John Jones CLERK William H. Smith COLLECTOR George Brown The district clerk should keep a poll-list showing the names of all persons whose votes are received. Term of Office. — The term of office of a sole trustee is one year, and one year as defined by the school law means from August first to July thirty-first following. The full term of a joint trustee is three years. In districts having three trustees these officers are called joint trustees. The term of office of trustees chosen at the first meeting of a new district expires on the thirty-first day of July succeeding the date of such meeting and the date of the annual meeting. Number of Trustees in a Common-School District Determined. — At the first annual meeting held after the formation of a new district, the electors of such district shall determine by resolution whether such district shall have one or three trustees. A major- ity of those present and voting shall decide the question. If the district should decide to elect three trustees, the electors present at the meeting should proceed to elect three trustees for terms of one, two, and three years, respectively. The ballots cast for these trustees should designate for which term each is elected. At each succeeding annual meeting thereafter, one trustee should COMMON-SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS jy be elected for three years to succeed the trustee whose term of office will expire at such time. Until further action .is taken by a district at an annual meeting its decision to have three trustees or one, as the case may be, shall remain in force. Reduction of Number of Trustees. — In a district having three trustees, the electors of such district may, at any annual meeting, by resolution, decide to reduce the number of trustees of such district from three to one. The votes of a majority of those voting are sufficient to adopt such resolution. When a district decides to change to one trustee, no trustee should be elected for such district until the term of office of each trustee has expired, and thereafter at each annual meeting but one trustee should be elected, until different action is taken by some future annual meeting. Increase in Number of Trustees, — In a district having but one trustee, the electors may at any annual meeting, by resolu- tion, increase the number of trustees for such district from one to three. The vote necessary to adopt such resolution is two-thirds of the legal voters present and voting at such annual meeting. Upon the adoption of a resolution to make such change in the number of trustees, the annual meeting should proceed to elect three trustees in the same manner as when the first annual meet- ing of a district decides to elect three trustees, and as described in this chapter. Thereafter, at each annual meeting, but one trustee should be elected for a term of three years to succeed the trustee whose term of office expires at that time. Notification of Election. — It is the duty of the district clerk, or of the person who acts as clerk of the district meeting, to notify in writing all persons elected to any office immediately after such election. Acceptance and Refusal of Office. — The presence of any per- son at a district meeting which elects him to a district office is deemed sufficient notice to him of his election. All persons elected to district offices are deemed to have ac- cepted such offices unless within five days after having received notice of such election they shall file with the district clerk a written refusal to accept. Failure to Elect Trustees at Annual Meeting. — If an annual meeting, or the meeting of a district which elects its officers on 75 • NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW the Wednesday following the annual meeting, should be held without electing trustees, the trustees continue in office until their successors have been elected or appointed. Resignation.— i. A trustee may resign to a district meeting. 2. He is also deemed to have resigned if he files a written resignation with the district superintendent and such superin- tendent indorses thereon his approval and files the same with the district clerk. Vacancy in Office. — The office of trustee may be vacated by death, by removal from the district, by incapacity, by refusal to serve, by resignation or by removal from office by the Commis- sioner of Education. A trustee who publicly declares that he will not accept or serve in the office, or who refuses to serve, or who neglects to attend three successive meetings of the board of trustees of which he has been duly notified, vacates his office by refusal to serve, unless he renders a good and valid excuse therefor to the other trustee or trustees. Removal from Office. — The only person authorized to remove a trustee from office is the Commissioner of Education. Such commissioner may remove a trustee for either of the following causes : 1. The wilful violation or neglect of duty under the education law or any other act pertaining to common schools. 2. The wilful disobedience of any decision, order, or regula- tion of the commissioner. All proceedings in cases of this kind must be brought before the Commissioner of Education by petition in the form of appeals asking for the removal of the trustee. Supplying Vacancy. — Whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of trustee it may be filled by a special meeting of the school district, duly called, in which the vacancy exists. If such vacancy is not filled by a special meeting within one month from the date on which it occurred, the district superintendent of the supervisory district in which the school district is located may appoint some eligible person to fill such vacancy. The person selected by a district meeting to fill such vacancy may COMMON-SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS 79 serve for the balance of the unexpired term, but when appointed by a district superintendent such trustee may serve until the date of the next annual meeting of the district. Filing Appointment — Notice. — Whenever a district super- intendent appoints a trustee to fill a vacancy, such appointment must be in writing- and must be filed by the superintendent in the office of the district clerk. Upon receipt of such notice of appointment the district clerk should immediately serve a copy upon the person appointed. Penalty for Refusal to Serve or Neglect of Duty. — Any duly qualified person elected or appointed to the office of trustee, who refuses to accept the office, forfeits the sum of $5. Any duly qualified person elected or appointed to the office of trustee, who has not refused to accept but who neglects to per- form the duties of the office, forfeits $10. Acceptance of Resignation. — Whenever the trustee of any district files his written resignation with the district superin- tendent having jurisdiction, and the district superintendent files such resignation and his acceptance thereof with the district clerk, the filing of such resignation and acceptance is a bar to the recovery of either penalty mentioned in the preceding para- graph. Neither can the penalty be recovered if such resignation is made to, and accepted by, a district meeting. Board o£ Trustees. — The trustee or trustees of every school district are constituted a board of trustees and are, under the law, corporate bodies. This applies to districts having- one or three trustees, whichever the case may be. Whenever the term " board of trustees " is used in this work it may be applied to a district having a sole trustee as well as to those having more. Corporate Bodies. — As boards of trustees are corporate bodies under the law, it is necessary to have a clear idea of the mean- ing of that term. A corporate body consists of one or more natural persons, established by law, usually for some specific purpose, and continued by a succession of members. (Bouvier's Law Dictionary. Hold Property as a Corporation. — Boards of trustees may hold as a corporation any property vested in or which may at any time be transferred to the trustee or trustees of a district for the use of such district. 8o NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW Powers of Sole Trustee. — A board consisting of a sole trus- tee has all the powers that a board of three trustees possesses. It is also subject to the same duties, liabilities, and penalties that are conferred or imposed by law upon a board of trustees or a majority of them. Action of Board, How Determined. — As the trustees of a dis- trict form a board, any business transacted by them must be at a meeting of such board, duly convened. If two members of a board of three trustees attend a meeting of such board regu- larly called, and if the third member, having been notified, fails to attend, any act, order, or decision agreed upon by such two members is as valid or binding as though such action had been agreed upon by all members of said board. If all three members of such board were present, and any two members thereof should agree upon any proposition before the board, the action taken would be valid and would be considered the action of the board. The minutes of tlie meeting shall recite the action or vote of each member, and such minutes, when showing that two mem- bers or a majority reached a conclusion upon any order, act, or motion, are proof of the action of such board. Meetings of Board. — A board may fix a time at which it will hold regular meetings, and any member of a board, by giving at least twenty-four hours' notice, may order a special meeting of such board. Trustees May Act When Vacancies Exist. — When there is one vacancy in the office of trustee in a district having three trustees, the remaining two trustees may exercise any powers vested in the board and are subject to all the duties and liabilities of three trustees. If two vacancies should exist on such board of trustees, the remaining member would be subject to the same duties and liabilities and could exercise the same powers as the three members, and as though such remaining trustee were a sole trustee. Special Meeting to Fill Vacancy. — Whenever a vacancy exists in a board of trustees, the remaining trustees should immediately call a special meeting of the district for the purpose of filling such "vacancy. REVIEW QUESTIONS 8l REVIEW QUESTIONS What are the officers of a common-school district? Wbat two qualifi- cations must a person possess to be eligible to the office of trustee? What women are eligible to this office? What offices are trustees prohibited from holding? What would be the effect if a trustee should accept such offi.ce? When are trustees elected? How must such officers accept such office? How must such officers be voted for at school meetings? How are ballot- boxes supplied? How are inspectors of election chosen? Describe the process of voting for a trustee at a district meeting. How may an illegal election be set aside? What kind of ballots must be used? Who keeps the poll-list at a district election? What is the term of office of a trustee? What is one year m this mean- ing? What is the term of a joint trustee? What is meant by a joint trus- tee? How is the number of trustees for a district determined? Describe the process of election where a district decides to elect three trustees? At elections thereafter, how many trustees are elected and for what period? Describe fully how a district having three trustees may change to one. From one to three. Who should notify a trustee of his election? How? What is considered a notice of election? When are officers deemed to have accepted ? What is the ruling of the State Department in relation to trustees of dis- tricts in which an annual election did not occur? In what ways may the office of trustee become vacated? How may a trustee vacate his office by refusal to serve? Who may remove a trustee from office? For what rea- sons? How must such proceedings be brought? How may a vacancy in the office of trustee be filled by election? By appointment? When a vacancy is filled by election, for what period is a trustee chosen ? For what period when appointed? How is the appointment by a district super- intendent made? Where is it filed? What action must the district clerk take? What is the penalty lor refusing to accept me office of trustee? What is the penalty in cases where trustees do not refuse to accept, but refuse or neglect to perform their duties? What is a bar to recovery of penalty in either case? Explain the application of the term "board of trustees." What is a corporate body? What power have boards of trustees to hold property? What power have sole trustees? Explain fully how the action of a board is determined. What should the minutes of meetings of a board show? When are regular meetings of a board held? When may special meetings be held? In case of a vacancy on a board of trustees, what powers do the remaining trustees possess? In case of two vacancies, what power does the remaining trustee posssess? When a vacancy on a board exists, what action should be immediately taken by the remaining members? CHAPTER X COMMON-SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS — (Continued) TRUSTEES, POWERS AND DUTIES [Article lo] The trustee of a school district is its most important officer. He is the executive officer of the district and has the general management of its affairs. He should execute such official acts as the law directs and should carry into effect instructions received at a district meeting, provided they do not conflict with the school law or with the authority vested in him by virtue of such law. The important powers and duties of trustees as defined by law are as follows : Special Meetings. — To call special meetings when circum- stances require it. Notice of Meetings. — When there is no clerk of the district, or when the clerk is absent, is unable to act, or refuses to act, the trustees may give notice of special, annual, or adjourned meetings. Tax-Lists and Warrant to Collector. — Whenever a district meeting has voted a tax, or whenever a tax is authorized by law, it is the duty of the trustees to make out a tax-list for such tax and annex thereto their warrant directed to the district collector, for the collection of the taxes included in such tax list. To Purchase or Lease Schoolhouses, Sites, etc.— When directed by a district meeting, trustees may purcliase or lease a site or sites for school buildings. They may also, when directed by the district, build or purchase a schoolhouse or schoolhouses. They may also hire rooms or buildings for school purposes. Fuel and Furniture. — Trustees should also furnish school- houses, rooms, or school buildings with necessary fuel, furniture, school apparatus, heating apparatus, and appendages; and they may pay the expense thereof when such expense is not more than $50 in any one year, without a vote of the district. The district m'ay vote an additional amount for this purpose. Custody of Property. — Trustees are the custodians of the prop- erty belonging to the district; such as schoolhouses, sites, and appurtenances thereto. 82 COMMON-SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS 83 Insurance of School Property. — To insure the school build- ings, furniture, apparatus, etc., in some company created under the laws of this State, or authorized to do business in this State and to raise the premium to pay for such insurance by a tax upon the district. Insurance of Library. — It is also the duty of trustees to insure the school library in such a company in an amount fixed by the district and to raise the premium by a district tax. Employment of Teachers. — It is the duty of trustees to con- tract with all teachers employed in the district ; to determine the- number of teachers to be employed ; and to determine their com- pensation, term of service, etc. A district meeting cannot by resolution restrict the power of a trustee in this respect. A trustee cannot legally employ a teacher who is not qualified under the law. Removal of Teachers — For reasons approved by the Com- missioner of Education the trustees of a district may dismiss a teacher. Rules and Course of Study. — It is the duty of trustees to establish courses of study, and rules for the government and discipline of the school. This must not be interpreted as mean- ing that trustees have the power to prescribe the method of imparting instruction, as this is a right vested solely in the teacher. Trustees are also required to make provision for teaching the effects of alcoholic drinks, stimulants, and narcotics upon the human system. Payment of Teachers' Salaries. — Trustees may draw orders upon the supervisor of the town or upon the collector or treas- urer of the district for the payment of teachers' salaries from the public money received from the State for that purpose. When this money is insufficient, trustees may raise the remainder by a tax upon the district. May Levy in Advance for Teachers^ Salaries. — When there is no public money due a district or in the hands of district officers, and when no money has been raised by local taxation for the payment of teachers' salaries, and when a district meeting has not voted a tax therefor, the trustees may levy and collect, in advance, a tax sufficient to pay the salary of the teachers em- ployed for the then current school year. 84 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW To Provide Toilets, etc. — It is the duty of a board of trustees to provide suitable toilets for the district in the manner required by law, and it must keep them in a clean and wholesome condition. A failure to do this is sufficient cause to remove a trustee from office and to withhold from the district its share of public money. When a district is unprovided with suitable toilets, trustees, upon direc- tion from the district superintendent having jurisdiction, or from the Commissioner of Education, must install the same. Repairs to Schoolhouses, Staircases, etc. — It is the duty of trustees to keep all school buildings, furniture, and apparatus in proper repair and to make them reasonably comfortable for use. They may expend each year for this purpose, without a vote of the district, an amount not to exceed $50. Trustees are also required by law in all districts throughout the State, except the city of New York, to provide stairways con- structed on the outside of all school buildings that are more than two stories high, with suitable doors connecting therewith from each story above the first. Trustees are directed to provide these stairways, without a vote of the district, at a reasonable cost, which shall be raised by tax as other taxes upon the district are raised. May Abate Nuisances. — When they are so directed by the district superintendent, it is the duty of trustees to abate any nuisance in or upon the school premises. Clean Rooms — Employ Janitors, etc. — Trustees should see that the schoolroom is always reasonably clean, and should pro- vide pails, brooms, and other implements necessary for such purpose. It is also the duty of trustees to employ a janitor to build fires, sweep and otherwise clean the school-rooms, and to do the janitor work generally in and about the schoolhouse. They may pay a reasonable compensation for such services with- out a vote of the district, and may raise such money by tax in the same manner as other district taxes are raised. Purchase of School Apparatus, Account Books, etc. — The trustees of a district may expend, without a vote of the district, for a dictionary, maps, globes, or other school apparatus, a sum not to exceed $25 in any one year. They may also provide blank-books in which to record their accounts and in which to make a record of all business transactions of the district. COMMON-SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS 85 Trustees May Establish Temporary or Branch Schools. — Whenever it is established to the satisfaction of the trustees of a district that it is necessary to form a branch school in the dis- trict for the purpose of placing within the reach of a portion of the children of such district the school advantages to which all children are entitled, said trustees must establish such tempo- rary or branch school. If a portion of a district is so remote from the schoolhouse that the children of such locality are un- able in inclement or winter weather to attend the regular school, without suffering unreasonable inconvenience or hardship, it has been held by the Commissioner of Education that such a state of affairs is sufficient ground for creating a branch school. Or if the rooms of the school building are overcrowded and insufficient for the accommodation of all children of school age, it is a proper reason for establishing- a temporary school. The trustees, under either of the above conditions, must hire and furnish suitable rooms in which to maintain such branch school, with proper accommodations, and all expenses incurred are a charge upon the district. This power to establish a tem- porary or branch school is vested in the trustees without a vote of the district ; but in exercising this power they must use proper discretion and be warranted under the circumstances to establish such school. May Raise any Legal Tax. — When authorized by law or when directed by a vote of the district meeting to incur any expense for the district, trustees have the power and it is their duty to raise any such amount by tax in the same manner as if a specific sum had been voted by a district meeting. Use of School Building. — The trustees of a district may per- mit the use of the school building, when it is not in use for school purposes, for the purpose of giving and receiving instruction in any branch of education, learning and the arts, and for any other purpose specifically provided in section 455 of the Education Law. (See discussion post, p. 145.) The use of the school buildings for religious or other purposes is a different proposition. In cases of this kind it has been a ruling of the State Department, to which all State Superintend- ents and the Commissioner of Education have adhered, that, where no objection is raised, the schoolhouse may, in the discre- 86 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW tion of the trustee or trustees, be used for such purposes ; but when any of the taxable inhabitants of a district object to the using- of the schoolhouse for religious services, Sunday-school, lodge or society meetings, etc., the trustee or trustees have not the authority to permit the schoolhouse to be used for such pur- poses. Where a schoolhouse is given for such use, upon appeal in due form to the Commissioner of Education, the trustees of such district will be restrained from permitting the schoolhouse to be used for such purposes. Trustees Shall Keep Accounts. — Trustees are directed by law to procure a blank-book in which they shall keep a correct account of all moneys received or disbursed by them, and of all orders drawn upon the supervisor, collector, or treasurer. Trustees Must Make Annual Reports to District. — Trustees are rec[uired by law to make a written report to the annual meeting of the district. This report must cover all official busi- ness transacted by them during the year. It must show the amount of money the district received from the State, the amount of money raised by tax upon the district, and the amount re- ceived from all other sources. It must also contain a detailed statement of all money paid out, to whom paid, and the purposes for which it was paid. Trustees Must Make Annual Report to District Superin- tendent. — Trustees are required by law to make an annual report on the first day of August to the district superintendent in writ- ing", and in the form prescribed by the Commissioner of Educa- tion. Blanks are provided for this purpose and the report must include such general statistics as the Commissioner of Education requires. If the district is a joint district, trustees must make a report for each of the counties in which the district is located. This report must be filed with the town clerk of the town in which the schoolhouse is located. Trustees Must Pay Balance to Their Successors. — A trustee should pay immediately, upon the expiration of his term of office, to his successor, all moneys in his hands belonging to the district. Refusal of Trustees to Render Account. — Any trustee who shall willfully neglect or refuse to make an annual accounting forfeits any unexpired part of his term of office and becomes liable to the trustees of the district for any money of the district in his possession. It is the duty of the trustees to sue such REVIEW QUESTIONS 87 former trustee for such moneys, and when it is recovered to apply it for the use of the district. Certain Acts of Trustees Misdemeanors. — Any trustee or trus- tees who shall give an order upon the supervisor of their town, or the collector or treasurer of their district, for payment of teachers' salaries when there is not sufficient money applicable thereto in the hands of such officers is guilty of a misdemeanor. A trustee who appropriates public money for the payment of the salary of a teacher who is not legally qualified is also guilty of a misdemeanor. Moneys a Trustee May Receive. — A trustee has no authority to receive or hold any of the public money apportioned to his district by the State, nor to receive or hold any of the money raised by local tax upon the district. This money must be re- ceived and held by the officers designated by law for that pur- pose, and paid by them upon the orders of the trustees. A trustee may receive money from the sale of real or personal property of the district, from insurance due the district, from bonds of the district issued and sold by him, from tuition fees, and from other sources. When a district has a treasurer who has given sufficient bond, all such moneys received by the trustee should be immediately paid over to the treasurer. Liabilities of Trustees. — Trustees are responsible to their dis- tricts for any loss which the district sustains through their care- lessness or neglect. Interest in Contracts Prohibited. — A trustee must not be personally interested in any contract which he makes in behalf of the district. REVIEW QUESTIONS Who is the most important officer of a school district? Why? What acts should he execute? What is his duty in relation to special meetings? When may trustees give notice of school-district meetings? What is the duty of the trustees in relation to tax lists and warrants to collectors? When may trustees purchase or lease a site ? When may they purchase or build a school-house? What amount may they expend for fuel, heating apparatus, school apparatus, furniture, etc., without a vote of the district? Who is the custodian of school property? What is the duty of trustees in relation to insuring property? What is the duty of trustees in regard to insuring libraries? What is the duty of trustees in relation to employing teachers? When may a trustee remove a teacher? Who may establish 88 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW rules for the discipline and government of a school? Who can determine how such rules shall be enforced? Whose duty is it to provide courses of study for schools? By what orders may trustees pay teachers? When may trustees levy a tax in advance for teachers' salaries? For what period in advance may the salary of teachers be raised by tax? :\Iay a trustee raise such money without a vote of the district? What is the duty of trustees in relation to the erection and care of water- closets? What is the penalty for a failure or refusal to comply with this provision? What amount may be expended by trustees in erecting such buildings? Who should keep school buildings in repair? What amount may be expended without vote of the district? What is the requirement in relation to staircases for school buildings? When should trustees abate nuisances? What is the duty of trustees in relation to cleaning rooms and employing janitors? What amount may trustees expend for a dictionary, maps, globes, or other school apparatus? When may trustees establish temporary or branch schools? For what purposes may trustees permit the use of school buildings? What is the rule relative to the use of school buildings for religious or similar purposes? What record of accounts must trustees keep? To whom must trustees make reports? What must these reports show? With whom must the report to a district superintendent be filed? What should trustees do with district funds in their possession upon the expiration of their term of office? What is the penalty for a refusal of a trustee to render an account as required by law? What acts of trustees are misdemeanors? What moneys has a trustee no right to receive? What money may a trustee receive? What should he do with such money? For what are trustees responsible to their district? What prohibition does the law make as to contracts? CHAPTER XI COMMON-SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS — (Continued) CLERK, COLLECTOR, TREASURER, LIBRARIAN Genera! Provisions [Articles 8 and 9] Eligibility. — To be eligible to hold the office of clerk, collector, or treasurer of any common-school district a person must be a resident of the district and qualified to vote at its meetings and must also be able to read and write. Women possessing the above qualifications are eligible to these offices the same as men. These officers are prohibited from holding the office of trustee. If a person holding- one of the above offices should accept the office of trustee, he would vacate the office held at the time he accepted the office of trustee. Term of Office. — The term of office of clerk, collector, or treasurer is one 3'ear, and in a new district the term of office of these officers elected at the first meeting- expires on the thirty- first day of July succeeding- the date of such meeting and the date of the annual meeting. Election. — These officers must be elected by ballot at the annual meeting in the same manner that trustees are elected, and that is described fully in the chapter on trustees under the head- ing " Election." Notice of Election. — If any person elected to the office of clerk, collector, or treasurer should be present at the meeting at which such election occurred, his presence at such meeting is considered sufficient notice of his election. The clerk of the dis- trict, or the person acting as clerk, should immediately notify in writing" the persons elected to these offices, of their election, and unless a written refusal to serve is filed by such persons within five days from, the date on which they received notice of such election, they are deemed to have accepted the office to which they were elected. 89 go NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW Penalty for Refusing to Serve. — Any qualified person elected or appointed to the office of clerk, collector, or treasurer, who files a refusal to serve, forfeits $5 ; and any such person elected or appointed to any such offices, who does not file a refusal to serve, but who neglects or refuses to perform the duties of the office to which he was chosen, forfeits $10 and vacates the office. Bar to Recovery of Penalty. — Whenever a person elected to the office of clerk, collector, or treasurer shall file with the dis- trict superintendent having jurisdiction his resignation of such office and the district superintendent shall accept it and shall file such resignation and his acceptance thereof with the district clerk, such action is a bar to the recovery of any penalty for refusal to serve. Vacancies. — i. A collector or treasurer vacates his office by not executing, as required by law, a bond to the trustees, and where these offices become vacant for this or any other cause, or where there is a vacancy in the office of district clerk, such vacancies may be supplied by appointment by the trustees of the district. The persons appointed to fill these vacancies may serve in such offices until the next annual meeting of the district and until other officers are elected and assume their duties. 2. Such officers may resign at a district meeting. They may also file a resignation with the district superintendent. If such officer approves the same in writing and files the resignation and his approval with the district clerk the officer is deemed to have resigned. Filing and Notice of Appointment. — Whenever an appoint- ment to fill a vacancy in the office of the clerk, collector, or treas- urer is made by the trustees of a district, such trustees should immediately file such appointment with the district clerk, who should immediately notify the person appointed of his appoint- ment. Removal from Office. — For sufficient reasons the Commis- sioner of Education may remove a clerk, collector, or treasurer from office. The proceedings are the same as in the removal of a trustee. CLERK Duties. — I. The clerk should keep a correct record of the proceedings of all district meetings, and record in a book pro- COMMON-SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS 9I vided for that purpose by the district a copy of all reports of the trustees to the district superintendent. 2. He should give notice as required by law of all special meetings called by the trustee, and give notice also of the annual meeting. When the office of trustee is vacant, it is the duty of the clerk to call special meetings. He should also give notice of adjourned meetings as required by law. 3. He should immediately, upon the election or appointment of any district officer, notify such officer of his election or ap- pointment, and should also report the names and addresses of such officers to the town clerk of the town in which the school- house of the district for which such officers are chosen, is located. For a failure to file such notice, a penalty of $5 may be imposed for each and every such neglect. 4. He should notify trustees of every resignation filed by the district superintendent. 5. He is required to preserve all records, books, and papers belonging to his office and to deliver them to his successor in office. For a refusal or neglect to do this he is subject to a fine of $50 for the benefit of the district, which fine is to be recovered by the trustee. 6. Whenever a school district is dissolved he should deposit the records, books, and papers of such district in the town clerk's office, as required by the order of the district superintendent. 7. When required to do so by the board of trustees, he should attend their meetings and keep a record of the proceedings of such meetings in a book provided for that purpose. 8. He is also required by law to keep all books and papers of the district that are in his possession open to the inspection at all reasonable hours of any qualified voter in the district, and to permit such voter to make copies of any such papers or records. 9. He is required to notify the county treasurer of the name and address of the persons elected as district treasurer and collector. COLLECTOR Bond. — Before receiving a warrant for the collection of taxes, a collector should execute and deliver to the trustees a bond with one or more sureties and in a sum fixed by the district, or when the district fails to fix an amount, in such sum as the trus- 92 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW tees shall name. The trustees upon approving such bond should file it with the town clerk of the town in which the district is located. * Duties. — It is the duty of the collector to collect the taxes included in any tax-list for the district when directed to do so in the warrant of the trustees of the district ; if the district has a qualified treasurer, to pay the taxes collected to such treasurer, and if the district has no treasurer, to dislDurse the money col- lected upon the order of the trustee of the district. The trustee of any district which has not a treasurer may direct that the collector of such district shall disburse the school moneys apportioned to the district by the State for the payment of teachers. After a collector executes a bond to the trustees, with two or more sureties approved by them for double the amount of the sum last apportioned to the district, such collector may receive from the supervisor of the town the moneys in his hands belong- ing to the district and applicable to the payment of the salaries of teachers. The collector should then disburse such money upon the order of the trustees. The bond should be approved by the trustees and filed in the ofiice of the town clerk. Penalty for Neglect of Duty. — A collector is responsible to the district for any loss it meets through his negligence in failing to collect any tax which might have been collected within the limit prescribed by the warrant. Fee.— A collector is entitled to a fee of one per cent on all moneys voluntarily paid to him within thirty days from the date on which he gives notice that a tax-list has been issued, and on all moneys paid after that time he is entitled to five per cent. (See section 426.) * The warrant of trustees, return of collector, and all matters pertaining to the collection of taxes is treated fully in the chapter on " School-District Taxes." COMMON-SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS 93 TREASURER Determination of District to Elect Treasurer. — The qualified voters of a district may decide by a majority vote at any annual meeting, or at a special meeting called for that purpose, to elect a treasurer of the district. Upon such determination, the district meeting may proceed to elect by ballot a treasurer, who may hold such office until the next annual meeting or until a successor is chosen and has qualified. Treasurer's Bond. — Within ten days after his notice of elec- tion, the treasurer should execute and deliver to the trustees of the district a bond in the sum fixed by the annual meeting or such sum as the trustees require, which should be at least double the amount of money such treasurer will receive, with at least two sureties approved by the trustees. When the bond is prop- erly executed and approved by the trustees in writing, it should be filed with the district clerk. Whenever a treasurer is required to furnish a bond in the penalty of double the amount of moneys apportioned or to be received, and such treasurer furnishes the bond of a surety or bonding company authorized by law to transact business in the State and to execute such bond, the penalty thereof may be fixed at the amount of moneys so apportioned or to be received, in lieu of the double penalty prescribed. Duties of Treasurer. — The treasurer is the custodian of all moneys belonging to the district. After the treasurer has qualified by executing his bond, the trustees should pay to such treasurer all moneys of the district in their possession derived from any source whatever. The collector of the district should pay over to the treasurer all moneys collected by him under any tax-list and warrant issued by the trustees. The treasurer is also authorized to receive and has power to demand and receive from the supervisor of the town in which his school district is located, all money in such supervisor's hands and belonging to such district. The treasurer is to disburse the money held by him and belong- ing to the district, upon the order of the trustees of the district. The treasurer must also report to the trustees, when they re- quire it, the condition of the treasury, and must also make a detailed report at the annual meeting covering all business trans- acted by him for the district during the year. 94 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW LIBRARIAN The subject of librarian is treated fully in the chapter on " School District Libraries." REVIEW QUESTIONS Who is eligible to the office of district clerk? Collector? Treasurer? Are women eligible to these offices? What office are these officers pro- hibited from holding? What would be the effect if a person holding one of these offices should accept the office of trustee? What is the term of office of each of these officers? What is the term when elected at the first meeting of a new district? When are these officers elected? How must these officers be elected? Who should notify these officers of their election? What will be considered a notice of election? What must these officers do if they do not desire to accept? What is the penalty for refusing to serve in either of these offices? What is the penalty for neglecting or refusing to serve in either of those offices without filing a refusal to serve? What is a bar to the recovery of a penalty in either of these cases? What is the result of a failure of the collector or treasurer to execute a bond as required by law? How may a vacancy in the office of district clerk, collector, or treasurer be filled? For how long does a person appointed to fill a vacancy in any of these offices serve? When an appointment is made by a trustee, what should be done with such appointment? How may these officers be removed from office? What is the duty of a district clerk in relation to proceedings of district meetings? In relation to notice of meetings? Notification of election or appointment of officers? Reporting list of officers to district superintendent? What is the penalty for a failure to file such report? Whom should he notify of the resignation of school-district officers? What is his duty in relation to the books, papers, and records of the district? What is the penalty for a failure to do this? What is his duty in relation to the records of dis- solved districts? In relation to proceedings of meetings of the board of trustees? In relation to inspection of district records? What must the collector do before he can enter upon the discharge of his duties? How many sureties must be given to his bond? In what amount? Who should approve such bond? Where should it be filed? What is the collector's duty in relation to taxes? What should a collector do with the money collected? What district may direct that the collector shall disburse the school money received from the State for teachers' wages? REVIEW QUESTIONS 95 When may a collector receive from a supervisor the money due his district? For what is a collector responsible to the district? To what fee is he entitled? How may a district determine to have a treasurer? What bond must a treasurer give? In what amount? What is done with such bond? What is the general duty of this officer? From what three sources may he receive money for the district? How should he disburse the money of the district? What reports must he make? CHAPTER XII UNION FREE-SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS [Articles 9, 10 and 11] Board of Education — Number. — The number of members on a board of education in each union free-school district cannot be less than three, nor more than nine. The voters of the district at the meeting at which the first election occurs should decide on the number to be elected. Date of Election. — The election of members of a board of education in a union free-school district whose limits do not cor- respond with the limits of an incorporated village must be held on one of three dates, as follows : 1. At the annual meeting- on the first Tuesday in May. 2. At the annual meeting on the first Tuesday in August in cases where the date of such annual meeting has been duly changed as hereinbefore explained. 3. On the Wednesday following the date of the annual meet- ing in districts having more than 300 school children where action has been taken at the annual meeting fixing such date for the election as hereinafter explained. The election of trustees in a union free-school district whose boundaries do coincide zvith those of an incorporated village must occur on the date of the annual charter election of such incor- porated village. The trustees in these districts should be elected in the same manner as the other ofiicers of such incorporated village are elected. The ballots used in such election must be separated from the ballots for the other officers to be chosen at such election and must be endorsed " School Trustees." Method of Election. — These officers must be chosen by ballot. The ballots may be printed or written or partly printed and 96 UNION FREE-SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS 97 partly written. Ballot-boxes should be provided for the purpose. Inspectors should be chosen by the meeting, who should receive all the ballots, deposit them in the ballot-boxes, and, after the polls have closed, canvass the votes and announce the result. The candidate receiving a majority of all votes cast is duly elected. Classification of Trustees. — When a union free-school district is organized, the officers chosen at the first election shall be divided into three classes to be known as the first, the second, and the third class. The first class shall hold office for one year from the next annual meeting, if the district is one whose bound- aries do not coincide with those of an incorporated village or a city; and if the district is one whose boundaries do so coincide, then such first class shall hold office for one year from the date on which the next annual charter election of such incorporated village or city occurs. The second and the third class shall like- wise hold office for two and three years respectively from these dates, according to the boundaries of the district. Term of Office. — After the expiration of the term of office of trustees elected at the first meeting of a union free-school district newly organized, the term of office of trustees of such district is three years from the date of their election. A year in this sense means from the first day of August to the thirty-first day of July following. Trustees Form a Board of Education. — The trustees of union free-school districts constitute the boards of education for those districts. The board of education of a district is known and designated as the " Board of Education of district number of the town of . " Eligibility of Trustees. — In order to be eligible to hold the office of trustee, or to become a member of a board of education in a union free-school district, a person must be a citizen of the United States, and a voter of the district in which such person is elected, and must also be able to read and write. Women possess- ing these qualifications are eligible the same as men. Not more than 98 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW one member of a family can serve on a board of education in any district at the same time. A district superintendent or supervisor is not eligible to be a member of a board of education. Hence, if a member of a board of education should accept either of these offices he would thus vacate his office as such member. Vacancies — How Filled, etc. — Vacancies in boards of educa- tion in any union free-school district may occur by death, by resignation, by refusal to serve, by removal from district, or by removal from office. When a vacancy does occur from any of these causes, the board of education should fill such vancancy at once by appointment. If the board of education should fail to fill such vacancy within thirty days from the date on which it occurred and if such vacancy is not filled by special election of the district within that time, the district superintendent having jurisdiction may appoint a qualified person to fill such vancancy. The Commissioner of Education has the authority to order a special election to fifl a vacancy in a board in any district, and when such special election has been ordered, the vacancy shall not be supplied in any other manner. Removal from Office. — A board of education has the authority to remove any member of the board for official misconduct. The member charged with such conduct should be furnished with a written copy of specific charges, at least ten days before the date fixed for the hearing. The accused member should also be allowed a fair and impartial opportunity to refute the charges preferred agajnst him. A member of a board of education may also be removed by the Commissioner of Education for sufficient cause. In this procedure also, the accused member must receive notice of the charges standing against him and must have a fair chance to refute or disprove them. A willful failure to perform any duty required of him by the Commissioner of Education or a lack of proper diligence in obeying an order of such Commissioner, or any other willful violation or neglect of duty is sufficient cause for removal from office by such Commissioner. Boards Bodies Corporate. — All boards of education are cor- porate bodies, and all school districts municipal corporations. Annual Meetings of Boards of Education. — The annual meet- ing of a board of education of a union free-school district whose UNION FREE-SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS 99 boundaries do not correspond to those of an incorporated village, is held on the first Tuesday in AugT^st of each year, except in districts in which the annual meeting is held on the first Tuesday in August, in which case the annual meeting of the board of education of such district shall be held on the second Tuesday in August. But the annual meeting of a board of education of a district whose boundaries correspond to those of an incorporated village is held on the first Tuesday following the date on which the annual charter election of such village is held. Boards Select Their President. — At the first meeting of a board of education and at each annual meeting thereafter, such board shall elect one of their number president. Appointment of Clerk of the Board. — The board of education of a district whose boundaries do not coincide with those of an incorporated village may appoint one of their number, or some other qualified voter of the district, who is not a teacher employed therein, clerk of the board of education. The clerk must perform the clerical work of the district and of the board, and is entitled to the com- pensation fixed by the district meeting. If the district meeting fails to fix the compensation of the clerk, the board of education should fix it. If a vacancy occurs in the office of clerk, such vacancy may be supplied by appointment by the board of education. In a union free-school district whose boundaries coincide with' those of an incorporated village, the clerk of such village usually acts as clerk of the board of education. Appointment of Treasurer and Collector. — The board of edu- cation of a union free-school district whose boundaries do not cor- respond to those of an incorporated village, has authority to appoint a district treasurer and a collector. These officers hold their ap- pointments subject to the pleasure of the board. The treasurer is to hold and disburse upon the orders of the board the moneys of the district. The collector should collect the taxes on all tax-lists placed in his hands for that purpose and pay over such money to the treasurer. In a district whose boundaries do coincide with those of an incorporated village, the treasurer and the collector of such village act as the treasurer and the collector of such district. Bonds of Treasurer and Collector. — The treasurer and the collector shall each within ten days after written notice of their lOO NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW appointment, and before entering upon the discharg-e of their duties, execute and deliver to the board of education in the amount which such board may require, a bond with proper pen- alties and sureties for the faithful discharge of their duties. Failure to Execute Bonds. — If either the treasurer or the col- lector should fail to execute the required bond within the speci- fied time, the office becomes vacant and the board should fill it by appointing another person. Librarian. — Boards of education have authority to appoint from time to time such librarians as in their judgment are neces- sary to take proper care of the libraries of the district. Who May Vote for Officers in Union Free-School Districts. — Where no provision is made by special enactment, the general law defines the qualifications of voters at union free-school dis- trict meetings. (See chapter on "Qualifications of voters.") Persons coming within these provisions may vote for officers at elections in these districts. Changing Number of Trustees. — i. If fifteen resident tax- payers of a union free-school district whose limits correspond to those of an incorporated village petition their board of education for a special meeting to decide to change the number of members of such board such special meeting must be called at least 30 days prior to the annual charter election. If the proposition to in- crease the number of members is adopted, such additional mem- bers shall be elected at the next annual election. If the propo- sition to decrease the number should be adopted no member shall thereafter be elected until the number of members is less than the number determined upon at such special meeting. 2. In a union free-school district whose boundaries are not coin- cident with those of an incorporated village the board of educa- tion must include in its notice of the annual meeting a statement that the proposition to increase or to decrease the number of trus- tees will be voted upon at such annual meeting if fifteen voters of the district file a request therefor with such board. If the board fails or refuses to give such notice, it may be given in the UNION FREE-SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS lOI manner directed by the Commissioner of Education. The ques- tion cannot be legally voted upon unless the notice is given. If it is decided at the annual meeting to increase the number of trustees, the meeting should elect the additional number agreed upon and divide such number into classes whose terms ex- pire in one, two and three years respectively. If it is decided to decrease the number of such trustees no trus- tee shall be elected until the number is reduced to that deter- mined upon at the annual meeting. ELECTION OF OFFICERS IN UNION FREE-SCHOOL DISTRICTS HAVING MORE THAN 3OO CHILDREN Action of District. — The education law provides that in a union free-school district having more than 300 children of school age, which fact must be shown by the last annual report of the board of education to the district superintendent, a majority of the qualified voters at any annual meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose, may decide by vote to be ascertained by tak- ing and recording the ayes and noes, that the election of trustees shall be held on the W^ednesday next following the date fixed by law for holding the annual meeting of such district. Until such decision of the district shall be changed, the time for holding the election of officers of such district shall occur on such Wednesday, between the hours of twelve o'clock noon and four o'clock p. isi., and the trustees may by a resolution extend the time of such election until sunset. When Notice is Required. — When the holding of such elec- tion is to be at some place other than the public schoolhouse, the trustees shall give notice of the place at which the election is to be held, at least one week before the time for holding such elec- tion. This notice must be given by publishing the same in some newspaper of the district or by posting it in three conspicuous places in the district. The election of members of the board of education in these districts must not be confounded with the annual meeting. The annual meeting of such districts must occur on the first Tuesday in I02 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW May in each year, as required by law, unless the date for the annual meeting has been duly changed to the first Tuesday in August as hereinbefore explained. All the business of the district to be transacted at the meeting of such district must be transacted at the annual nieetmg. The election of members of the hoard of educa- tion only, must occur on the Wednesday folloiving the annual meeting and no other business can be transacted at that time. Inspectors of Election. — The board of education shall act as inspectors of election. If a majority of the members of the board should not be present at the time the polls should open, those members present may appoint any of the legal voters of the district who are present to act as inspectors in the absence of the members of the board. If none of the members of the board are present at the time the polls should open, the legal voters present may choose three of their own number to act as inspectors. Record of Voters. — The clerk of the board of education is required by law to keep a record in a book provided for that pur- pose of the names of all voters who deposit their ballots at such elections. Refusal to Keep Record. — Any such clerk who shall refuse to keep such record or who shall neglect to perform his duties in this respect shall forfeit a sum of twenty-five dollars, to be sued for by the supervisor of the town. Challenge of Voters. — Any qualified voter at such elections may challenge the right of any person to vote whom he has rea- son to think is not entitled to vote at such election. Any person thus challeneged must make the following declaration before his ballot can be accepted: " I do declare and affirm that I am and have been for thirty days last past an actual resident of this school district and that I am legally qualified to vote at this election." UNION FREE-SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS IO3 Upon a challenged party's making such declaration, the inspectors of election must accept his ballot. Penalty for Illegal Voting. — Any person, who, being chal- lenged, shall willfully make a false declaration of his right to vote, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person not legally qualified who shall vote at such election or district meeting, without being chal- lenged, shall forfeit the sum of ten dollars, to be sued for by the supervisor of the town for the benefit of the school or schools of the district. Ballot-Boxes. — The board of education should provide at the expense of the district suitable ballot-boxes, in which the ballots of voters shall be deposited. Ballots. — These officers must be elected by ballot. The ballots used must be either printed or written, or partly printed and partly written. Canvass of Votes. — The inspectors shall count the votes cast, after the polls have closed. If the number of ballots exceeds the number of names on the poll-list kept by the clerk, the inspectors shall withdraw ballots enough to make them correspond. The in- spectors shall then count the votes and announce the number cast for each candidate. Those receiving a plurality of the votes cast, are elected to the various offices for which they received votes. The clerk should make a record of the result announced by the inspectors. Special Election. — Whenever the time passes on which an election should be held, without the election's taking place, the board of education may call a special meeting for such election. If the board fails to call such election within ten days after such time has passed, the district superintendent having jurisdiction, or the Commissioner of Education, may order any inhabitant of the district to give notice of a special meeting for such election. This notice must be given by being published in two newspapers of the district once each week for four weeks, and if two newspapers are not published in the district, but one is, the notice may be published in such paper. If no paper is published in the district, then such notice must be posted in at least twenty of the most public places in the district at least twenty days prior to the date on which the meeting is to be held. Terms of Officers Chosen at Special Election. — The officers chosen a such special election shall serve for the same length of I04 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW time as if chosen at the annual meeting, and until their successors shall have been elected and qualified. Settlement of Election Disputes. — All disputes relating to the regularity of these elections and to any acts of the inspectors or clerk should be referred to the Commissioner of Education for settlement. His decision in such matters is final. Limitation of These Provisions.— These provisions do not apply to union free-school districts in cities, nor to any union free- school district whose boundaries coincide with those of an incorpo- rated village. Xor can such provisions apply to any union free- school district organized by a special act in which the time , and method of electing officers in such district shall be fixed by a special provision which differs from the general law. Nor do these pro- visions apply to any of the union free-school districts of the coun- ties of Sufifolk. Chenango, Warren, and St. Lawrence. The elec- tion of officers in any union free-school district of any of these counties, whose boundaries do not coincide with those of an incor- porated village must be held on the date of the annual meeting. REVIEW QUE.STIOXS How many members on a board of education in a union free-school dis- trict? How is the number determined? On what three dates may the election of members on a board education in union free-school districts whose boundaries do not coincide with the boundaries of an incorporated village or a city occur? When in districts whose boundaries do thus coincide? In the latter case how are such trustees elected? What is the requirement relative to ballots? In all cases how must trustees be chosen? What kind of ballots must be used? How are inspectors chosen at such election? What are their duties? How should the first trustee of a union free-school district be classi- fied? For what period does each class hold office? What is the regular term of office? What is one year in this meaning? What constitutes a board of education? How is a board of education named? Who are eligible to membership on a board of education? Are women eligible? When? How many members of a family may serve on the same board? Is a district superintendent eligible? A supervisor? If a member of a board of education should accept either of these offices, what would be the result? How may vacancies on a board occur? When a vacancy does occur how should it be filled? Who may order a special election to fill such vacancy? If it is not filled b}^ the board of education within thirty days and if a special meeting is not called within that time, how may such vacancy be filled? For what reasons may a board remove any of its members? What are the proceedings in such cases? What privileges should be allowed the REVIEW QUESTIONS IO5 accused member? By what other authority may a member of a board be removed? What are considered sufficient causes for removal? What are the proceedings in such cases? When is the annual meeting of a board of education held? What is the exception to this date? How is the president of 3 board of education chosen? When? How is a clerk chosen? What are the qualifications of a clerk? What are a clerk's duties? Who determines the compensation of a clerk? Who is clerk of the board of education of a union free-school district whose boundaries coincide with those of an incorporated village or a city? How is a treasurer chosen in a district whose boundaries do not coincide with those of an incorporated village or a city? A collector? AVho are eligible to these offices? For what period are they appointed? What is the duty of the treasurer? Of the collector? What bond must each of these officers give? Within what period? For what amount? What is the effect if these bonds are not given? How are such vacancies filled? What is the duty of a board in relation to librarians? Who are entitled to vote for officers in union free-school districts? Explain fully how "the number of trustees may be changed in each class of union free-school districts. What union free-school districts may elect officers on the Wednesday fol- lowing the annual meeting? When? Between what hours must such election occur? Until what time may the election be extended? Where is such election held? When may it be held elsewhere? What notice must be given of such change of place? What business only can be transacted at such election? When must the annual meeting of such district be held? Who act as inspectors at such election? li a majority of the board are not present at the opening of the polls, how are such A-acancies filled? If none of the members of the board are present, how are inspectors chosen? What poll-hst should be kept? By whom? What is the penalty for refusal to serve in this capacity? Who may offer a challenge at such election ? What affirmation must the challenged person m.ake? Upon his making such affirmation what must the inspectors do? What is the penalty for making a false declaration? What is the penalty for illegal voting when not challenged ? How is such fine col- lected? For what purpose should it be used? By whom should ballot-boxes be supplied? How must officers be elected at these elections? What kind of ballots may be used? Describe how the votes cast should be counted? When should a board of education call a meeting for a special election? When may a district superintendent order such election? The Commissioner of Education? What notice must be given of such election? For what period are the officers elected at such special meeting chosen? How are all disputes relating to such elections settled? To what districts do not these provisions for election of officers apply? CHAPTER XIII BOARD OF EDUCATION, UNION FREE-SCHOOL DISTRICT POWERS AND DUTIES [Article ii] Adopt By-Laws for Its Government. — A board of education has legal authority to adopt such by-laws and rules for its gov- ernment as it shall deem necessary to discharge properly the duties imposed upon it by law. Adopt Regulations for Schools. — A board has authority also to adopt such rules and regulations as it shall deem wise and necessary for the promotion of the educational interests of the district, for the preservation of order and discipline in the schools, and for the protection of the district's property. While a board has authority to adopt general rules to govern a school and to aid in the discipline thereof, such authority must not be construed as giving the board absolute power to control the discipline and order of the school. General rules may be adopted by the board, but the teacher is the authority to execute such rules, and may determine a mode of punishment not in con- flict with the rules of the board. A teacher has authority also to establish such rules for the preservation of order as are not in conflict with the rules adopted by the board. Courses of Study. — It is the duty of boards of education to arrange courses of study for the schools under their jurisdiction, to determine in what manner pupils shall be graded or classified, and to determine the basis upon which pupils shall be promoted from grade to grade, or from one department to another depart- ment. By special provision of law, boards of education are required to provide for instruction in physiology and hygiene, with special ref- erence to the effects of alcoholic stimulants and narcotics upon the 1 06 BOARD OF EDUCATION — POWERS AND DUTIES 107 human system, and in the humane treatment and protection of birds and animals. Prescribe Text-Books. — They are to prescribe the text-books to be used in the schools under their charge, and to require a uniformity in the use of such books. They shall also furnish text-books to poor pupils out of any moneys provided for that purpose, and free text-books for all pupils when funds have been voted therefor. Purchase Sites. — When directed to do so by a district meet- ing, boards of education should purchase a site or sites or an addition to a site or sites for schoolhouses. Erect and Repair Buildings. — They should construct a school- house or schoolhouses when directed to do so by a district meeting, and should keep the school buildings in good repair. Purchase Furniture, Apparatus, etc. — A board of education has the authority to purchase all necessary furniture, apparatus, fuel, and other necessaries, and to keep the furniture and apparatus in good repair. May Hire School Rooms and Furnish Them. — When the rooms in a schoolhouse are overcrowded and the capacity of a schoolhouse is insufficient to accommodate all the pupils, or when the schoolhouse has been injured or destroyed in any way so as to render it unfit for use, the board of education may hire suitable rooms in which to conduct the school, and may fit up and furnish such rooms in a suitable manner, for the purpose of conducting school therein. Insure School Property. — The board should insure all school buildings and appendages thereof owned by the district, the furni- ture and apparatus, and the hbrary, in a company created under the laws of the State or authorized to do business in the State. The board has power to raise the premiums by tax upon the district. Custody of Property. — The custody and possession of all public school buildings, sites, lots, furniture, books, apparatus and all school property, and the title to the same are vested, in union free-school districts, in the board of education in each of such districts. For any and all purposes this property is exempt from taxation. May Sell Property and Exchange Real Estate. — When a board of education is so authorized by the qualified voters of any district, it may sell at such price and upon such terms as directed, any I05 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW former lot or site and any real estate the title of which is vested in the board, and any buildings or appurtenances thereon. The board has authority also to convey any such property by deed and to execute the same, which may be done by a majority of the mem- bers of the board or by some officer or member of the board duly empowered by the board to make such conveyance. Any money realized from the sale of such property must be applied by the board as directed in a resolution by the voters of the district. The board may also, when so directed, exchange any real estate belonging to the district for the purpose of improving or changing the schoolhouse site. May Hold Real Estate in Trust. — A board of education may take and hold any real estate for the use of the schools or any department of the schools of their district, transmitted to the district by gift, grant, bequest or devise; or any gift, legacy, or annuity given or bequeathed to said board. Such board must apply the same, or the interest or proceeds thereof, as directed by the donor or testator. Control of Schools. — Boards of education of union free-schools have in all respects the superintendence, management, and control of such schools subject to the supervision of the Commissioner of Education. In such control and management a board must be governed by law, and by the general powers given the Commissioner of Education. Establishment of Academic Department. — The power to establish an academic department is vested in the board of educa- tion. This may be established whenever the board deems it neces- sary. Such department must be approved by the Board of Regents. Admission of Non-Resident Pupils to Academic or Other Departments. — The admission of non-resident pupils to the academic or other departments shall be under the regulations adopted by the board of education, and the fee to be charged such students for this privilege shall also be regulated by the board. Whenever the parent or the guardian of non-resident pupils shall be taxed for school purposes, because of property owned by either of them and assessed in the district at which such non-resident pupils attend school, the amount of tax thus paid must be deducted from the tuition fee to be paid. Colored Schools. — A board of education has authority under the law to maintain a separate school for colored children when BOARD OF EDUCATION POWERS AND DUTIES 109 authorized by a vote of the district. No person may be excluded from a public school on account of race or color. The maintenance of these schools is, therefore, unnecessary. (For history of legis- lation on this subject, see loth edition of this work.) Employment of Teachers. — It is the duty of a board to employ all teachers required for the schools under their jurisdiction and the departments thereof. Such teachers must be legally qualified, as required by law. No teacher who is related by blood or mar- riage to any member of a board can be employed as teacher by such board, except upon the consent of two-thirds of the members of the board, and the fact of such consent must be determined at a board meeting and entered on the proceedings of the board. It is the duty of each board at the time of employment to deliver or cause to be delivered to each teacher, a written contract, signed by the members of the board or by some person duly authorized to represent the board. This contract should express the terms of agreement between the board and the teacher, and should be explicit as to the amount of compensation, term of employment, the times when salary shall be paid, and the grade of teaching or department in which the teacher is to be employed. The salary must be paid under the law as often as at the end of each calendar month of the term of employment. Boards are also directed to pay the wages of teachers out of money appropriated for that purpose. Removal of Teachers. — A board of education cannot remove a teacher during his or her term of employment except for neglect of duty, incapacity to teach, immoral conduct, or other cause approved by the Commissioner of Education. May Fill Vacancies on Board — May Remove Members. — The board of education may fill any vacancy which may arise on such board. A board may also remove any of its members for official misconduct. But first, the board must serve on the member thus charged, a copy of the written charges, which must be specific; and this copy must be served on such members at least ten days before the date fixed for the hearing. The accused must also be allowed a full and fair opportunity to refute the charges thus made. Water-closets, Stairways, etc. — It is the duty of a board of education to provide two suitable and convenient water-closets for each of the schools under its charge, as required by law, and the board must keep them in a clean and wholesome condition. Any tax involved for this purpose may be levied and assessed upon the no NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW district without a vote at a district meeting. (See chapter on " Sites and school buildings.") The board shall also cause to be erected and maintained on the outside of all school buildings which are more than two stories high, proper stairways with doorways leading thereto from each floor above the first, for use in case of fire. The tax for this purpose may likewise be levied by the board without a vote of the district. General Powers and Duties. — By provision of law, boards of education possess all the powers and privileges and are subject to the same duties in relation to common schools or common-school departments in any union free school in said district which are possessed by the trustees of common schools or to which such trus- tees are subject under the school law and which are not inconsistent with the provisions of law governing union free schools. When an academic department has been established by a board, the board possesses the same powers that are held by the trustees of academies. Board May Appoint Superintendent of Schools. — In any union free-school district which has a population of four thousand five hundred or more, the board of education may appoint a superin- tendent of schools. The population of such district shall be ascertained by an enumeration of the inhabitants therein under the direction of the Commissioner of Education ; the expense of such enumeration shall be a charge upon the district. Such super- intendent shall be under the direction of the board of education and the board shall prescribe his duties and fix his compensation. He may be removed from office by a majority vote of the board. A district thus employing a superintendent is entitled to receive from the State, in its apportionment of the State school moneys, the additional sum of eight hundred dollars. Record of Proceedings. — Boards are required to keep an accurate record of all of their proceedings in books provided for that purpose, and these records must be open to the inspection of qualified voters of the district at all reasonable hours. Must Publish Statement of Receipts and Disbursements. — Boards of education are required by law to publish each year during the month of July a full, complete, and detailed account of all moneys received by the board or by the treasurer and of each item of purchase or expense and the amount thereof. This must be published in a newspaper printed in the district; but if no news- BOARD OF EDUCATION POWERS AND DUTIES III paper is printed in the district, the statement must be posted in at least five pubHc places in the district. Board Should Report Estimated Expenses. — The board should report to the annual meeting an estimate in writing of the money needed for school purposes for the ensuing year. This report should state the purposes for which the money will be needed and the amount for each of such purposes. Such statement could also be presented at a special meeting called for that purpose. Vote on Taxes for Such Estimate. — In a union free-school district whose boundaries do not coincide with those of an incorpo- rated village, the annual or special meeting, upon receiving such estimate, should vote upon levying taxes to meet such estimated expenditures. If demanded by any voter, a separate vote should be taken upon each item. The meeting may increase the amount for any item, and may decrease the amount for any item, except for teachers' wages and contingent expenses. Board May Levy Tax Without Vote. — If a meeting should neglect or refuse to vote the estimated amount for teachers' salaries, the board, after applying all available funds therefor, may levy a tax upon the district for the balance of the money needed, without a vote of the district to authorize it. The same action may be taken by the board on the amount estimated for contingent expenses. Settlement of Disputes on Contingent Expenses. — All dis- putes that may arise as to what contingent expenses are, should be referred to the Commissioner of Education whose decision is final. City or Village Authorities May Levy Tax. — Boards of educa- tion in union free-school districts whose boundaries coincide with those of an incorporated village, should prepare a written state- ment, addressed to the corporate authorities of such village, show- ing the amount of money necessary for teachers' wages and for the ordinary contingent expenses of the district. The statement should be specific, showing the several items and the amount of money therefor for which it is proposed to make an expenditure. The corporate authorities, upon the receipt of such statement, should levy a tax upon the real and personal property of their village, in the same manner that taxes are levied for the expenses of the municipal government, and for the same amount that the board of education set forth in their statement as necessary for school pur- 112 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW ; poses. Such corporate authorities have no discretion in the mat- ter whatever, but are required to levy such tax. Whenever the voters of such union free-school districts shall have decided at a special meeting, duly convened, to expend any amount for a new site, an addition to the present site, or for the erection of school buildings, or for apparatus or fixtures, or for any other purpose for the welfare of the school system of such district, the said corporate authorities must also raise such amount by tax in the same manner as for any other corporate purpose. Regular Meeting. — Boards of education are required by law to hold regular meetings at least once each quarter, and they may hold them oftener. The meetings of a board shall be public and any legal voter of the district may be present. Boards may, however, hold execu- tive sessions, and at such sessions only members of the board or those invited by the board shall be present. Visitation of Schools. — Boards shall appoint from their mem- bers visiting committees, w^hose duties shall be to visit the schools and departments under their supervision at least twice each quarter and to present a report to the board at its next regular meeting after any such visits have been made. Money to be Held by City or Village Treasurer. — All moneys raised for the support of union free schools in any incorporated village, or apportioned to such schools from the income of the literature, the common-school, or the United States deposit funds, or from any other source, must be paid into the treasury of such village. This fund must be kept by the treasurer separate from all other funds in his possession. The treasurer is also required to give such additional security for the safe keeping of this money as the corporate authorities may require. How Money Shall be Disbursed. — Before any of such money shall be disbursed the board of education must pass a resolution directing what amount shall be expended and the purpose or pur- poses for which it shall be used. Upon such resolution of the board, drafts shall be drawn by the president and countersigned by the secretary or clerk. These drafts should show the purposes for which the money is expended. Moneys to be Held by Treasurer of Board. — All moneys raised in a union free-school district whose boundaries do not coincide with those of an incorporated village, and all moneys appor- tioned to such districts from any fund or source shall be paid to the treasurer of the board of education. Disbursement of Such Moneys. — Moneys in these districts shall be disbursed in the same manner as they are by treasurers of incorporated villages. BOARD OF EDUCATION POWERS AND DUTIES II3 Supervision of Commissioner o£ Education. — The Commis- sioner of Education has general supervision of each and every union free school and all its departments. He also has general supervision of boards of education and their management of the school system. Boards to Make Reports. — On the first day of August of each year every board of education must file with the town clerk of the town in which the schoolhouse of its district is located, a report to the Commissioner of Education for the school year ending July 31st preceding. The report should include all information required by law and all that the Commissioner of Education shall require. Boards of education must also, upon the request of the Commissioner of Education, make a special report to him on any designated subject relating to the condition of their school or schools. The board is required to publish once in each year dur- ing the month of July in at least one public newspaper printed in the district a full and detailed account of all moneys received by it or the treasurer of the district for its use and of all moneys expended, giving the items of expenditure in full. If no paper is published in the district the board shall publish such account by posting copies in five public places in the district. The pro- visions of L. 1921, ch. 284, require that this report, when pub- lished in a newspaper, be printed at the rates prescribed by laAv for the publication of legal notices. If the publishers refuse to print for such rates, publication in the ncAvspaper so refusing may be omitted and the notices posted in lieu of such publication. Board of Education May Adopt an Academy as an Academic Department. — If an academy exists in a district organized as a union free-school district, the board of education, if directed by a vote of the district to do so, may adopt such academy as the academic department of the union free-school district. Consent to such transaction must, of course, be obtained from the trustees of such academy. The trustees of such academy, when they have given such consent, should pass a resolution declaring their office as trustees vacant. A certificate to the effect that such resolution was adopted should be signed by the officers of the board of trus- tees of such academy and filed in the office of the clerk of the county in which such academy is located. After these various steps have been taken such academy becomes the academic de- partment of such union free school. Board May Lease an Academy. — The board of education of a union free-school district, with the approval of the Commissioner of Education, may adopt an academy as the academic department thereof, and contract for the instruction therein of pupils of academic grade, residing in the district. The academy thereupon becomes the academic department of such union free school, and the district is entitled to the same rights and privileges, is subject 114 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW to the same duties, and the apportionment and distribution of State school money shall be made to it, as if an academic depart- ment had been established in such school. Expenses of Representatives of Boards of Education to Attend Educational Meetings is Not a Proper Public Charge. — In July, 1899, "the clerk and two members of the board of education of the city of Syracuse attended the annual meeting of the 'National Ed- ucational Association at Los Angeles, Cal. These representa- tives attended under direction from the board of education. Their legitimate expenses in attending this meeting were audited by the board of education. An action was brought by a taxpayer of the city of Syracuse to restrain the board of education from paying these expenses. The Supreme Court held that such ex- penses were not a proper public charge. An appeal was taken from the action of the court to the Appellate Division. This court for the fourth department affirmed the action of the Su- preme Court. There is no doubt but that the ruling of the court in this matter applies to the powers of each board of education in the State. (52 App. Div. 579.) Issue Certificate of Indebtedness. — When taxes have been levied by a district, but not collected, the board of education of a district may borrow money to an amount not to exceed the amount of such uncollected taxes for the purposes of meeting the expenses of the current fiscal year. This money may be bor- rowed by issuing certificates of indebtedness which must be signed by the president and clerk of the board. Such certificates must be payable within the current fiscal year or within nine months thereafter. They shall bear a rate of interest not to exceed six per cent. Night Schools. — A board of education may establish night schools free to all residents of the district. A person over twenty-one years of age is therefore entitled to attend a night school when one has been established, without the payment of tuition. They may also prescribe courses of study therein. Under the provisions of chapter 409 of the Laws of 1918 night schools must be established and maintained for at least seventy- five nights during the school year in each district where twenty or more minors between the ages of sixteen and twenty-one years are required to attend school or where twenty or more persons over the age of sixteen years make application therefor. Kindergartens. — A board of education may establish kinder- gartens which shall be free to all resident children of the district between the ages of four and six years. Medical Inspection. — The board of education of each union free-school district is required to employ, at a compensation to be agreed upon by the parties, a competent physician to make inspec- tions of pupils attending the public schools in such district. REVIEW QUESTIONS Il5 Such board may also employ one or more school nurses, who must be registered trained nurses and authorized to practice as such. The expense of such medical inspection is a charge upon the district. The chapter on medical inspection treats this siibject fully. REVIEW QUESTIONS How are rules for the government of a board of education adopted? What regulations may a board adopt for schools? Explain the relation of a teacher to such regulations. Who is the proper authority to adopt courses of study for union free schools ? Who determines how pupils shall be graded, classified and pro- moted? In what subject are boards of education required by special provision of laiv to provide for instruction? What authority has a board of education in determining the text-books to be used in their school? When may a board provide text-books for pupils? When may a board purchase a site? Erect buildings? Repair buildings? Purchase furniture or apparatus? Hire school-rooms and furnish them? What is the duty of a board in relation to insuring property? How may premiums for such insurance be raised? Who is the custodian of the prop- erty owned bj^ a union free-school district? What does such property in- clude? Is such property subject to taxation? When may a board sell real property of the district? How is title to such property transferred? What disposition must be made of the money thus realized? When may a board exchange real estate? What power has a board relative to holding property in trust? What general control of schools under its jurisdiction has a board of edu- cation? By what authority is the control of a board limited? Who deter- mines the conditions under which non-resident pupils are admitted? What is the law relative to tuition of such pupils in cases where their parents or guardians are taxed for school purposes? When may separate schools for colored children be employed? May colored children be excluded from a public school? By whom are teachers employed? What prohibition is there relative to the teachers that a board may employ? What is the law relative to the contract between teachers and board? What should such contract express? For what causes may a board remove a teacher? What power has a board of education to fill a vacancy on such board? What power has a board to remove any of its members? What is the duty of a board in pro- viding water-closets and in keeping them in proper condition? What in relation to outside stairways? What general powers of trustees of common- school districts are conferred upon boards of education? What powers of trustees of academies? When may a board of education appoint a superintendent of schools? How is the population of such district determined? By whom are the duties of such superintendent prescribed? How may he be removed from office ? What amount is such district entitled to receive from the State for employing such superintendent ? ii6 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW What records are boards required to keep? Who may inspect such records? State fully what is required of boards relative to publishing receipts and dis- bursements. What estimates are boards required to present to annual meet- ings? What action should be taken upon such estimate at a district meeting? What estimates may be reduced? What estimates cannot be reduced? What estimates may be increased? If a district meeting should refuse to vote a tax for teachers' salaries, what action may a board take? What in case of contingent expenses? How may disputes relative to contingent expenses be settled? When should a board of education present an estimate to the corpo- rate authorities of a city or village? For what should such estimate be made? What is the duty of such corporate authorities when such estimate is properly presented to them? What is the duty of such corporate authorities when the district has voted an expenditure for sites or buildings? What meetings must boards of education hold? How often? Must these meetings be public? What are executive meetings? What provision should a board make for visitation of schools? Who holds the school funds in a imion free-school district whose boundaries coincide with those of an incorporated village or a city? How must the funds of such district be kept? What additional security must such treasurer give? How are the funds of such district disbursed? Who holds the funds of a union free-school district whose boundaries do not coincide with those of an incorporated village or a city? How are such funds disbursed? What supervision has the Commissioner of Education over union free- schools? Over boards of education? What reports are boards of education required to make? When? To whom? Where should each report be filed? What information should it contain? When may an academy be adopted as the academic department of a union free school? State fully what steps should be taken in proceedings of this kind. When may a board lease an academy and its site? What is the rule in relation to the payment of expenses of members of boards of education while attending educational conventions ? Explain the authority of a board of education to issue certificates of indebtedness. Who may establish night schools? Who is eligible to attend? Who possesses the power to establish kindergartens? What is the power and duty of the board with respect to the employment of a medical inspector? School nurse? When may a board of education authorize the medical inspection of children in attendance upon schools ? CHAPTER XIV ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF DISTRICT TAXES [Article 15] Assessment of Taxes by Trustees. — It is the duty of the trus- tees to assess upon the taxable property of the district all taxes voted by a district meeting for the current school year and to make out a tax-list immediately therefor. A tax voted for the ensuing school year should be assessed and the tax-list therefor issued within thirty days after August first following. The courts of the State have held, however, that the law in this respect is only directory and that the trustees may issue a tax-list and warrant after the expiration of thirty days from the date the tax was voted. In assessing a tax voted by the district, trustees may also assess at the same time a tax which they are authorized to assess without a vote of the district and may include two or more taxes in one tax-list. A tax-list is not complete until it has passed from the trustees to the officer whose duty it is to collect it, and any time before its completion it may be altered and amended by the trustees. Chapter 502, Laws of 1902, provides that any town in St. Lawrence county may adopt a uniform system of taxation for school purposes at a biennial town meeting. The details of the law may be found by consulting the session laws of 1902. Chapter 293, Laws of 1920, provides that in Sufifolk county the trustees or board of education of a school district may borrow money on temporary loans in anticipation of taxes levied in such district, for the purposes for which such taxes are levied, but shall not borrow in excess of the amount of such taxes. Such loans shall be payable out of the taxes on account of which they are made, and in no case shall interest run on any such loans after such taxes are collected. Heading on Tax-List. — The law directs that trustees shall prefix to each tax-list a heading showing the purpose for which the different items of the tax are raised. Any tax-list not con- taining this heading will upon appeal be set aside by the Com- missioner of Education. The details of each item need not be set forth. If an item is for repairs, it is sufficient to state, " For repairs on schoolhouse, $25.00," and it is not necessary to give each item included in such repairs. Form of Tax-List. — In making out a tax-list trustees should rule the necessary columns to give the information required in 117 Il8 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW the form recommended by the State Tax Commissioners to town- collectors. The following form is recommended : 1. The first column should contain the names of all the persons and corporations liable to taxation in the district. 2. The second column should show the number of acres of land to be taxed to each person or corporation, and should contain a description o'f the property taxed. 3. The third column should give the assessed valuation of such land. 4. The fourth column should give the full value of all the taxa- ble personal property of each of the persons or corporations named in the first column. 5. Value of special franchise. 6. Valuation of taxable rents reserved. 7. The total tax assessed against each individual or corpora- tion. Trustees cannot place upon a tax-list the uncollected taxes of some former tax-list. They cannot increase the assessment upon the property included in a tax-list to make up a loss caused by a failure to assess property upon a former list. If property is omitted from a tax-list and the mistake is not discovered until the taxes are collected and the warrant is returned, it is too late to remedy the mistake. Apportionment of Taxes Upon Real Estate. — Trustees must apportion district taxes upon all real estate within the boundaries of the district, except that which is exempt by law from taxation. Such property must be assessed to the person or corporation owning or possessing it at the time the tax-list is made out. Real Estate Lying in One Body but in Two or More Dis- tricts. Lands lying in one body but located in two or more school districts, and occupied by the same person either as owner or as agent for the same principal or tenant under the same land- ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF DISTRICT TAXES IIQ lord, if assessed as one lot by the town assessors, are taxable in the district in which the occupant of such lands resides. In cases of this kind four conditions must be found to exist m order to authorize an assessment of the entire property in that district in which the occupant resides. These are: First. The land must lie in one body. It is not sufficient that such lands shall be joined by a mere point. There must be an actual line of contact. Second. The title of such lands must be vested in the same per- son. If there is a joint ownership of such lands, they cannot be assessed under this provision. Third. The occupancy of such lands must be determined. The whole body of such land must be occupied by one person. This person must be either the owner of such lands or the agent or tenant of one and the same landlord. Fourth. The lands must have been assessed as one lot on the last assessment roll of the town after revision by the assessors. All lands of this description which do not comply with the four provisions above given, must be assessed for their respective por- tions in the district in which such parts are located. Assessment of Vacant Land. — When any real estate within a district so liable to taxation shall not be occupied and improved by the owner, his servant or agent, and shall not be possessed by any tenant, the trustees of any district, at the time of making out any tax-list by which any tax shall be imposed thereon, shall make and insert in such tax-list a statement and description of every such lot, piece or parcel of land so owned by nonresidents therein, in the same manner as required by law from town assess- ors in making out the assessment-roll of their towns ; and if any such lot is known to belong 'to an incorporated company liable to taxation in sucih district, the name of such company shall be specified, and the value of such lot or piece of land shall be set down opposite to such description, which value shall be the same I20 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW that was affixed to such lot or piece of land in the last assess- ment-roll of the town ; and if the same was not separately valued in such roll, then it shall be valued in proportion to the valuation which was affixed in the said assessment-roll to the whole tract of which such lot or piece shall be part. A collector cannot levy upon and sell the personal property of the owner of non-resident land. But if the owner of real estate in any school district improves and occupies such land himself, or causes it to be improved or occupied by an agent or servant, such owner, in regard to the liability of such property to taxation, is considered a taxable in- habitant of such district. In this case a collector could seize and sell the personal property of the owner of such estate for the amount of school taxes. If such real estate is occupied by tenants or sub-tenants they are the proper persons to whom such property should be as- sessed, and not the owner thereof. If such tenants improve the land, although they do not reside on it, they are considered under the law taxable inhabitants of such district. Assessment of Bank Stock. — A board of education should include in its tax-list real property owned by a bank or banking association organized under the laws of the State or of the United States and located in its district. However, the stock of such bank and the bank's personal property should not be included in such tax list. Bank stock and the personal property of a bank is assessed by the board of supervisors for all State, county,' city, village, town and school district purposes. A bank is required to pay a tax of one per cent on the value of its stock to the county treasurer of the county in which the bank is located. No deduc- tion can be made on the value of this stock because of the per- sonal indebtedness of the owners of such stock. The tax must ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF DISTRICT TAXES 121 be paid on or before the thirty-first day of December annually. It is immaterial where the holder of bank stock may reside. Such stock is assessable in the tax district in which the bank is located. The value of a share of bank stock is determined by adding- together the amount of the capital stock, the surplus and the undivided profits and dividing this sum by the number of shares of such bank. Under an amendment to section 24g of the Tax Law (L. 1917, ch. 494), the board of supervisors of the several counties of the state are required to ascertain the aggregate assessed valuation of taxable property in each of the several town, city, village, school and other special districts in their counties in which the shares of stock of banks and banking associations shall be taxa- ble. The proportion of the tax upon bank stock to which each of such districts shall be entitled shall be ascertained by taking such proportion of the tax upon the shares of stock of banks and banking associations taxable in such districts as the aggregate assessed valuation of the tax district shall bear to the aggregate assessed valuation of all the town, city, village, school or other special districts in which such shares of stock are taxable. Spe- cial provision is made in respect to the banks located in the city of Buftalo which for the purpose of the distribution of the tax under the above section are to be considered as if the city of Buflfalo were not a part of Erie county. The clerks of the several cities, villages and school districts to which any portion of the bank tax is to be distributed under this section are required to report annually to the board of supervisors under oath on or before the first of each year the aggregate assessed valuation of each city, village or school district as shown by the last assess- ment roll. 122 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW Taxes on Personal Property. — The provisions of the Tax Law now exempt intangible personal property and personal prop- erty of manufacturing and mercantile corporations from local taxation. Property Exempt from Taxation. — Under the tax law the fol- lowing property is exempt from taxation and cannot be assessed for school purposes : 1. Property of the United States. 2. Property of the State of New York except wild or forest lands in the forest preserve or other property which special acts make assessable in certain school districts. 3. Property of a municipal corporation held for public use and situated within the corporation, including real property held or used for cemetery purposes. 4. Property exempt by law from execution other than an exempt homestead. The tax law specifically provides that real property purchased with the proceeds of a pension shall be assessable for school purposes. 5. The real property of a corporation or association organized exclusively for the moral or mental improvement of men or women^ or for religious, bible, tract, charitable, benevolent, missionary, hos- pital, infirmary, educational, scientific, literary, library, patriotic,^ historical or cemetery purposes, or for the enforcement of laws relating to children or animals, or for two or more such purposes, and used exclusively for carrying out thereupon one or more of such purposes, and the personal property of any such corporation shall be exempt from taxation. But no such corporation or association shall be entitled to any such exemption if any officer, member or employee thereof shall receive or may be lawfully entitled to receive any pecuniary profit from the operations thereof, except reasonable compensation for services in effecting one or more of such purposes, or as proper beneficiaries of its strictly charitable purposes ; or if the organization thereof for any such avowed purposes be a guise or pretense for directly or indirectly making any other pecuniary profit for such corporation or association, or for any of its members or employees, or if it be not in good faith organized or conducted exclusively for one or more of such purposes. 6. Real property not exceeding in value $15,000 of an incorpo- rated association of volunteer firemen when such property is used exclusivelv bv such association. ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF DISTRICT TAXES 123 7. The real property of an agricultural association permanently used by it for exhibition grounds. 8. The dwelling houses and lots of religious corporations while actually used by the offtciating clergymen thereof. The total amount of such exemption of any one religious corporation shall not exceed $2,000. 9. The real and personal property of a minister of the gospel or priest of any denomination being an actual resident and inhabitant of this State, who is engaged in the work assigned to him by the church or denomination to which he belongs, or who is disabled by impaired health from the performance of such duties, or over sev- enty years of age, and the property of the widow of such minister while she remains such and is an actual resident and inhabitant of this State, but the total amount of such exemption on account of both real and personal property, shall not exceed fifteen hundred dollars. 10. Household furniture and personal efifects to the value of one thousand dollars. Valuation of Property. — Trustees and boards of education, in making out a tax-list, must ascertain the valuation of taxable property so far as possible, from the last assessment-roll of the town after such roll has been revised by the assessors. Reduction of Valuation. — The valuation of any property shall not be reduced from that given in the town assessment-roll, unless the persons claiming such reduction file a written notice of such claim with the trustees before the tax-list is completed. When such claim is duly filed and it appears that the property in question has diminished in value since the last assessment-roll of the town was made, or it appears that an error has been made by the town assess- ors, it is the duty of the trustees to ascertain the true value of such property. The law provides that they shall give notice to the inter- ested parties and proceed in the same manner as town assessors. If, in the judgment of the trustees, such claim is valid, they should reduce the valuation of the property and make out their tax-list. Such tax-list should be left with one of the trustees or at some place where interested persons can inspect it for at least twenty days from the date on which the notice of the completion of such tax-list is given. The notice of the completion of such tax-list and of the original assessment must be posted in at least three public 124 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW places in the district. When the valuation of property is reduced the interested parties are all the tax-payers of the district. Assessment of Property by Trustees, — When any taxable property of the district is not included in the assessment-roll of the town, it is the duty of trustees to place such property on the tax-list of the district and give it a valuation, or if any property shall have increased in valuation since the last assessment-roll oi the town was revised, it is the duty of trustees to give such property an increased valuation. In either of these cases, trus- tees shall serve a notice of their action on the person so assessed : it is not necessary to post notices in the district. Equalization of Valuations Within Joint Districts. — When a district embraces parts of two or more towns the trustee, trus- tees, or board of education of such district may upon their own motion and shall upon the written request of three or more per- sons liable to pay taxes upon real property in such district secure from the last completed town assessment-rolls a statement of the assessed valuation of each parcel of real property and of all per- sonal property subject to taxation for school purposes in such district and shall deliver such statement to the district superin- tendent of the supervisory district in which the schoolhouse oi such district is located. Such district superintendent shall imme- diately secure from the State Tax Commission a statement of the rates of equalization fixed by the Commission for the towns in which such district is situated and shall determine the full valu- ation of the real property of each part of a town included in such district by dividing the total assessed valuation of such real prop- erty in such part of a town by the rate of equalization fixed b}' the commission for such town and shall add to such full valuatior the amount of all assessments of personal property liable to tax- ation for school purposes in such part of a town. Such district superintendent shall also determine what proportion of any tax thereafter to be levied in such district for school purposes shall be levied upon each part of a town included in such district by dividing the sum of the full valuation of real property and the assessed valuation of personal property in such part of a town by the total of all such full valuations of real property and assessed valuations of personal property in such school district. Such proportions should be expressed in the nearest exact hundredths and the trustee or trustees of such school district shall thereafter levy such a proportion of any tax to be raised in the district upon each part of a town included in such district as shall have been determined by the district superintendent until a new determina- tion shall have been made in accordance with the provisions of the Education Law. Apportionment of Valuation of Railroad, Telegraph, Tele- phone, Water Pipe Line or Gas Companies and of Special Fran- ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF DISTRICT TAXES I25 chises Between School Districts. — It is the duty of the assessors of a town in which a railroad, telegraph, telephone, water pipe line or gas company is located to apportion the value thereof between the several school districts through which it extends. Such ap- portionments shall be entered by the assessors in the appropriate column of the assessment-roll and a certificate thereof signed by the assessors or a majority of them shall be filed with the town or city clerk within five days thereafter, and thereupon the valuations so apportioned shall become the valuations of such property in such districts for the purpose of taxation for the ensuing year. It is the duty of the town clerk to furnish the trustees of the districts interested a certified statement of the valuations appor- tioned. If the assessors refuse to make such apportionment, the supervisor of the town must make it either upon the request of the trustee of a district or of the corporation assessed. (Article 2, Tax Law.) A Person Working Land on Shares. — A tenant working land and paying a share of the produce as rent is liable to taxation for school purposes on such land. In all cases of doubt it is safer to assess taxes to the owner of land than to the tenant. A Person in Possession Under Contract. — Any person in pos- session of real property under contract for the purchase thereof is liable to taxation for school purposes in the district in which such property is located. Tenant's Tax Chargeable to Landlord. — A person who is tenant at will or for three years or a shorter period of time, and who pays a tax upon the real estate of which he is in possession, for the purpose of purchasing a site for a schoolhouse, or for pur- chasings building, or repairing a schoolhouse, or for suppl3nng the necessary fuel and appurtenances, may require the owner of such real estate to refund the amount paid for such taxes. The owner of such real estate could not be compelled b}^ the tenant to pay such tax if he had made an agreement that such tenant should pay the tax. Exempt from Taxation for Building a Schoolhouse. — Any tax- able inhabitant of a district shall be exempt from taxation for the purpose of building a schoolhouse in the district in which he re- sides, under the following conditions : Such inhabitant must have been set off from some other district without his consent, within four years previous to the assessment of such tax and such in- habitant must have paid within that period in the district from which he was set off a tax for building a schoolhouse in such other district. A voluntary contribution toward building a school- house is not a tax. If such inhabitant was set off from a district zvith his consent, he is not exempt from the taxation in question. Warrant for Collection of Taxes. — The warrant for the collec- tion of a district tax should be issued by the trustees and signed 126 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW by them or a majority of them. A warrant may be signed with or without seal. It is the official document which gives the collector authority to collect all taxes included in the tax-list. The warrant confers upon a school-district collector the same powers that are conferred upon town collectors by the warrant of the board of supervisors. Delivery of Warrant. — A warrant for the collection of any tax voted by the district must not be delivered to the collector until the thirty-first day after the tax is voted. A warrant for the collection of a tax which trustees are authorized to raise without a vote of the district may be delivered to the col- lector whenever it is completed. Trustees should take a written receipt from a collector for every tax-list and warrant delivered to such collector. Strch receipt should show the date on which the warrant is returnable and the amount to be collected. Notice of Receiving Taxes. — As soon as the collector receives a warrant for the collection of taxes, he should post notices in at least three public places in the'district — one of these notices must be on the outside of the front door of the schoolhouse — stating that such warrant has been received by him and that during the ensuing thirty days from the date of such notices he will receive all taxes voluntarily paid to him. If there is any assessment on the tax-list against a railroad com- pany or against any canal or pipe line company, the collector must notify such company either personally or by mail at least twenty days before the expiration of the thirty days above mentioned. If a collector fails to give such notice, he will be entitled to receive only one per cent fees for the collection of such taxes. This notice may be filed, in the case of a railroad, with the ticket agent of such railroad nearest the district in which such tax is assessed, and in the case of a canal or pipe-line company, with the president, secre- tary, or general division superintendent or manager of such company. If the tax of any non-resident is more than one dollar, the col- lector should give like notice to such nonresident, if his post-office address is known to the collector or if the collector can ascertain what such address is from the trustees or the clerk of the district. Notice of Assessment and Tax to Railroad and Other Com- panies.~A collector within five days after receiving a tax or ASSESSMENT AND COLLEQTION OF DISTRICT TAXES 127 assessment-roll should deliver to the county treasurer a statement showing the name of every railroad, telegraph, telephone, electric light or gas company appearing on such roll, the assessment of real and personal property against such company and the amount of tax. The county treasurer should then notify the ticket agent or manager of any such railroad, telegraph, telephone, electric light or gas com- pany at the station nearest to the office of such treasurer of the receipt of such statement and the amount of tax to be paid by such company. Such Companies May Pay Tax to County Treasurer. — A rail- road, telegraph, telephone, electric light or gas company may pay its school tax, within thirty days after receiving notice that such tax has been levied, to the treasurer of the county but must add a fee of one per centum to the amount of such tax. A railroad company may pay its tax direct to the collector of a district. Company's Failure to Pay Tax Within Thirty Days. — If such railroad, telegraph, telephone, electric light or gas company fails to pay its tax within thirty days, the county treasurer should notify the collector of the school district. It is then the duty of the col- lector to proceed to collect such tax with five per centum thereon. A collector cannot legally proceed to the collection of such tax pre- vious to the receipt of such notice from the county treasurer. County Treasurer Must Pay Funds to the Collector. — The county treasurer should pay any tax paid to him by any such com- pany to the collector of the district by which such tax was levied, together with the one per cent fee collected on such tax. Renewals of Warrants. — If any of the taxes on a tax-list are not paid previous to the expiration of the trustees' warrant, the trustees may renew such warrant and allow the collector additional time to collect such unpaid taxes. This renewal should be indorsed upon or attached to the original warrant and should state the period of time for which it is issued. A warrant may be renewed more than once, but the approval of the supervisor of the town in which the district is located is necessary. Where such approval is not obtained, a warrant can be renewed only once. Amendment or Correction of Tax-List. — Whenever the trus- tees discover that an error has been made in the tax-list, such tax- list may be amended or corrected upon application to the Commis- sioner of Education. The application should state the exact facts lO 128 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW relative to such error, the date of the tax-hst, and the number of the district and the name of the town in which such district is located. Filing Tax-List and Warrant. — Within fifteen days after any tax-list and warrant has been returned by a collector to the trus- tees of a district, such trustees should deliver such tax-list and warrant to the town clerk of the town in which the collector resides. Trustees May Sue for Tax. — When any tax on a tax-list has not been paid, either by an individual or a corporation, within the time permitted by the warrant or the renewal of a warrant, the trustees may in their name of office sue such individual or corpo- ration for such unpaid taxes. Trustees May Sue Collector's Bond. — For all forfeitures to which a collector is liable and for all money which he may neglect or refuse to pay to his successors in office, or the treasurer of the district, the trustees may sue the bond of such collector. Collector's Return of Unpaid Taxes. — The law provides that a collector shall make a return to the trustees of all unpaid taxes on real estate and upon nonresident stockholders in banking- associations organized under the laws of congress. This return must be made at the time the collector returns his warrant to the trustees. A copy of that part of the assessment-roll unpaid must be made by the collector, and he must make an affidavit before some person authorized to administer oaths that the taxes named in such copy are unpaid, and that after diligent efiforts he ha.5 l)een unable to collect the same. After a collector has pursued this course, the trustees should credit him with the amount of such unpaid taxes, and thus relieve him from the liability result- ing from negligence in collecting. Trustees' Certificate to County Treasurer. — As soon as the trustees of any district receive such return from a collector, they should compare it with the original tax-list, and if they find it to be a true copy, they should attach thereto their certificate show- ing that they have made such comparison and that they find such return correct. The trustees should then transmit the return of the collector of such unpaid taxes, together with the collector's affidavit and their certificate, to the county treasurer. Collection of Such Unpaid Taxes. — The county treasurer should present to the board of supervisors of the county the collector's return of such unpaid taxes, the collector's affidavit, and the cer- tificate of comparison by the board of education ; and such board REVIEW QUESTIONS 129 of supervisors should thereupon assess the amount of such unpaid taxes, with seven per cent of such sum in addition thereto, upon the very same property upon which the board of education originally assessed the tax. If such taxes are then paid, a return should be made to the county treasurer. If these taxes should not be paid, the county treasurer should render an account thereof to the State Comptroller, and that officer should sell the land on which such taxes are assessed as the law directs. Any person against whom such unpaid taxes stand may volun- tarily pay such tax, with five per cent in addition thereto, to the county treasurer, any time before the board of supervisors have directed that such tax be levied. Payment of Such Unpaid Taxes by County. — The county treasurer upon receiving the required papers to be filed with him, should pay to the collector of the district in which such taxes were levied the amount of such unpaid taxes from the contingent fund or money raised for the purpose of paying such taxes. If there is no contingent or other fund available for this purpose at the time of levying such unpaid taxes, the board of supervisors shall pay to the district the amount of such taxes which has been relevied. Collector's Receipt. — The tax law requires a school district collector to give a written or printed receipt to each person paying a tax. This receipt must show the date of payment, name of per- son, description of property, amount of tax, date of delivery of assessment roll. The trustee must supply the collector with a book of receipts in form approved by the State Tax Commissioners. In issuing such receipt the collector must fill in the blank stubs the essential facts called for in the receipt. REVIEW QUESTIONS Who is charged with the duty of making out a district tax-hst in a union free-school district? A\'hen should a tax-list for a tax voted by such dis- trict be made out? What have the courts ruled on this question? What taxes ma}- a board include in one tax-list? When is a tax-list complete? When may a tax-list be altered? Explain the nature of the heading which should be prefixed to a tax-list. Into how many columns should a paper on which a tax-list is made be ruled? State the information which should be given in each column. Have boards the power to include in a tax-list the uncollected taxes of a former tax-list? Have they the power to assess upon property a tax to meet a loss caused by a failure to assess property on a former tax -list ? When can the omission of a board to assess property be corrected? 130 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW Upon what real estate must boards assess district taxes? To whom should such property be assessed? What is the law relative to asessing real estate lying in one body but in two or more districts? What are the four questions to be determined in these cases? How must such lands be assessed when they do not comply with these provisions? What is non-resident land? How should such land be assessed? State fully how it should be placed upon the tax-list? How should it be described? Can a collector legally sell the per- sonal property of the owner of non-resident land for a tax on such land? When a non-resident owns real estate in a school district and when he im- proves such property himself or causes it to be improved by an agent, what is his liability for taxes ? When such property is occupied by tenants or sub- tenants, to whom should it be assesed? What property owned by a bank or banking association may be taxed? May bank stock be taxed? Explain how a bank pays its school taxes. What personal property should be assessed by boards for district taxes? How is the valuation of property ascertained by boards? State ten classes of property exempt from taxation for school purposes. Have boards the power to reduce the valuation of property? What must a person do who desires the valuation of his property reduced? What is the duty of boards when such claim is filed? H a board at' any time changes the valuation of property, what should such board do? What notice of completion of tax-list must be given? When the valuation of property is reduced who are inter- ested parties? What is the duty of boards in relation to real property of the district not found on the town assessment-roll? What is their duty in re- lation to property that has increased in value since the last town assesssment- roll was revised? What is their duty in relation to personal property not on the town assessment-roll? What notice should be given in any of these three cases when property is assessed by a board? Wlio determines whether the property of a district located in two or more towns is equitably assessed? When is a district superintendent required to act in this capacity? Explain how the apportionment of values is made in the case of certain corporations. When is a tenant liable for taxes on land? In cases of doubt, to whom should such land be assessed? Who is liable to taxation for real property which is in the possession of a person under a contract of purchase? Under what conditions and for what taxes may a tenant require his landlord to refund the amount of taxes paid by such tenant? Under what conditions is a taxable inhabitant of a district exempt from taxation for building a schoolhouse? What is a board's warrant? How is it issued? What authority does it give a collector? When may a warrant for a tax voted by the district be legally delivered to the collector? When may a warrant for a tax which boards are authorized to levy without a vote of the district be delivered to the collector? What general notice of a warant for taxes should a collector give? Where should such notices be posted? What special notice should be given to a railroad company or a canal or pipe-line company? How should such notice be given? How would a failure to give such notice affect REVIEW QUESTIONS j3i the collector? What special notice should be given to non-residents? What notice should be given to the county treasurer? Explain the two ways in which a railroad company may pay its tax. How should such notice be given? May a warrant be renewed? By whom? In what manner? May a warant be renewed more than once? In what manner? When may a tax-list be amended or corrected? By whom? What should the application for this purpose show? May boards sue for a tax? When? For what causes may a board sue a collector's bond? What should a board do with a tax-list and warant returned by a collector? To whom should a collector make a return of unpaid taxes? When should such return be made? How should it be made? What effect does such re- turn have upon the liability of the collector? Upon receiving such return, what action should a board take? What should the county treasurer do to place the matter properly before the board of supervisors? What action should be taken by the board of supervisors? If these taxes are then paid what should be done with the amount paid? If these taxes are not paid, what action should be taken by the county treasurer? What should the comp- troller then do? How may this amount be collected? When may it be voluntarily paid? From what fund should the county treasurer pay such tax? To whom? If there is no such fund how is such tax paid? CHAPTER XV SCHOOL BUILDINGS, SITES AND BONDS [Article i6] SITES Designation of Site. — A site for a schoolhouse can be desig- nated at a special meeting of the district. A special meeting must be duly called for that purpose. A written resolution in which the proposed site is described by metes and bounds must be adopted by a majority vote of the qualified voters present and voting. The vote upon such resolution must be by taking and recording ayes and noes or by ballot. A record of such vote must be made. A district, at a special meeting, may designate two or more sites with the approval of the district superintendent having jurisdiction. The notice of such special meeting must state the proposed number of sites that will be voted upon. Improvement o£ Site. — The voters at a school district meet- ing ma}' vote to improve the site or sites of such district or they may vote to enlarge such site or sites. Tax for Site. — The voters of a school district may vote a tax to purchase, lease, and improve the sites of such district. This tax must be levied and assessed in the same manner as taxes for other school purposes. Change of Site. — The legal voters of a district may by a majority vote at a special meeting called for that purpose, adopt a written resolution designating a new site and describing it by metes and bounds. The vote on such resolution must be by bal- lot or by taking and recording the ayes and noes. Acquisition of Sites. — Where the owners of land will not con- sent to the sale of such lands for sites for school buildings, such lands may be acquired without their consent under the provisions of the Condemnation Law. 132 SITES, SCHOOL BUILDINGS, BONDS, ETC. I33 The following property cannot be taken by this method with- out the consent of the owners: 1. A homestead occupied as such by the owner. Except such portion thereof as may appear to the Court to be unnecessary for the reasonable use and enjoyment thereof. 2. A garden, orchard, or any part thereof, not within a city which has existed for a period of one year prior to the beginning of the condemnation proceedings. 3. A yard or inclosure, or any part thereof, necessary to the use or enjoA^ment of buildings. 4. Fixtures or erections for the purposes of trade or manufac- ture which have existed for a period of one year prior to the beginning of the condemnation proceedings. 5. Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall not be construed as prohibiting the acquisition by condemnation of the whole of a city or village lot together with the erections and improvements thereon. Sale of Former Site. — Whenever the site of a schoolhouse is changed as provided above, the legal voters of the district at a special or an annual meeting duly convened may, b}^ a majority vote, direct the sale of the former site and the buildings thereon at such price and terms as they deem proper. Transfer of Title. — The trustees or a majority of them, when so directed by a district meeting, may execute a deed transferring the interest and title of the district to such estate, and such deed is valid and binding. Bond and Mortgage or Other Security. — Whenever a district meeting directs that credit may be given to the purchaser of such property for any portion of the amount paid therefor, the trustees have authority to take in their corporate name security by bond and mortgage or otherwise, as they shall deem best. The trus- tees hold such security as a corporation and should account therefor to their successors in office and to the district in the same manner as they are now required by law to account for moneys received by them. Trustees in their official capacity may sue for and recover the moneys due and unpaid upon any security so taken by them or their predecessors. Disposition of Proceeds. — The proceeds derived from the sale of such property must be applied on the expense of procuring a new site, of removing or erecting thereon a schoolhouse, and of improving and furnishing the site, the schoolhouse, and their appendages, so far as may be necessary. If a surplus should remain, it should be devoted to the purchase of school apparatus 134 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW or used for any other support of the school, as the voters at an annual meeting- may choose to direct. Designate Sites Without Vote of District. — In a district con- taining 5,000 or more inhabitants the board of education may without vote of the district designate a site or sites, or an addi- tion to a site or sites. SCHOOL BUILDINGS Location of Schoolhouse. — The law provides that no school- house shall be erected so as to stand upon the division line of any two towns. Repairs of Schoolhouse. — It is the duty of the trustees of a district to keep the schoolhouse in proper repair and reasonably comfortable for use, and for that purpose they may expend fifty dollars each year without a vote of the district. When the sum of fifty dollars is not sufficient to put a school- house in proper repair, and the district has not voted to make any expenditure for repairs, the trustees should apply to the dis- trict superintendent for an order directing- them to make the necessary repairs. A district superintendent has authority to direct that repairs to the extent of two hundred dollars shall be made, when in his judgment he deems it necessary. A district superintendent may issue this order without application from the trustees. When the order is issued it should state the character of the repairs to be made — whether new seats, a new roof, or anv other improvement. As a trustee may expend only fifty dollars without a vote of the district, and as a district superin- tendent may direct trustees to expend only two hundred dollars, it is advisable, when two hundred and fifty dollars is insufficient to make the necessary repairs or to put the building in proper condition, for the trustees to call a special meeting of the district for the purpose of voting an expenditure for additional repairs. There is no limit put upon the amount which a district meeting may vote for repairs. When a district meeting votes an appro- priation for repairs, it should direct the nature of such repairs. It is the duty of trustees to make such repairs as are directed either by a district superintendent in his order or by a district meeting. For a failure to do this, a trustee may be removed from office. SITES, SCHOOL BUILDINGS, BONDS, ETC. I35 Tax for Erection of Schoolhouse. — The qualified voters, at an annual school meeting or at a special meeting called for the purpose, may vote a tax for the erection or repair of a school- house. There is no limit in regard to the amount which a district may vote for this purpose. When a district refuses to vote an appropriation sufficient to make any necessary repairs to the schoolhouse, the relief of any aggrieved person residing in the district is to bring an appeal to the Commissioner of Education, who may order the district to make necessary repairs. Approval of Plans. — No schoolhouse shall hereafter be erected, repaired, enlarged or remodeled at a cost to exceed $500 in any school district or in any city of the third class until the plans and specifications for the same have been submitted to the Commis- sioner of Education and his approval indorsed thereon. The Commissioner of Education is prohibited from approving plans which do not provide : a. At least fifteen square feet of floor space and two hundred cubic feet of air space for each pupil to be accommodated in each study or recitation room therein. b. For assuring at least thirty cubic feet of pure air every minute per pupil, and c. The facilities for exhausting the foul or vitiated air therein shall be positive and independent of atmospheric changes. d. All halls, doors, stairways, seats, passage-ways and aisles and all lighting and heating appliances and apparatus arranged to facilitate egress and afford adequate protection in cases of fire or accident. e. All exit doors shall open outwardly, and shall, if double doors be used, be fastened with movable bolts operated simulta- neously by one handle from the inner face of the door. f. No staircase shall be constructed with winder steps in lieu of a platform but shall be constructed with straight runs, changes in direction being made by platforms. No door shall open im- mediately upon a flight of stairs, but a landing at least the width of the door shall be provided between such stairs and such doorway. Under this law the Commissioner of Education has adopted the following regulations : 136 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW The plans and specifications must be submitted in duplicate, the original set to be returned after the indorsement of approval, the duplicate to be retained on file at this Department. The plans and specifications must show in detail the ventila- tion, heating- and lighting of the building. The contract should include a guaranty that the system of ventilation described will provide at least 30 cubic feet of air every minute for each pupil. It will be necessary to give the size of windows, distance from top of window to ceiling and number of panes in sash. At least 15 sc[uare feet of floor space and 200 cubic feet of air space for each pupil to be accommodated in each study or recita- tion room must be provided. In this connection it will be neces- sary not only to state the size of the rooms (length, breadth and height), but also to give the number of individual desks to be placed in the room. The plans and specifications must clearly show that proper provision is made in all respects " to facilitate egress in cases of fire or accident and to afiford requisite and proper accommo- dations for public protection in such cases." The windows in all study rooms and recitation rooms should l)e so arranged that the main light will come from the pupils' left and the supplemental light from the rear. The windows should be grouped together as nearly as -possible on the pupils' left so .that the light ma.y be massed, thereby furnishing a com- paratively even distribution of light and minimizing areas of light and shadow. The windows should extend as near to the ceiling as the prin- ciples of construction will admit and should be without transoms or unnecessary frame work. Any considerable area on the side to the left of the pupils that is Avithout window surface should be opposite the space in front or in the rear of the pupils' desks. The ratio of window surface to floor surface should be one to five. If the main light comes from the north or from a side of the building which is well shaded, the ratio should be one to four. As far as possible the rooms and windows should be so ar- ranged that the aisles may run the long way of the room. In the primary grades the blackboards should be placed 26 inches from the floor, in the intermediate grades 30 inches and SITES, SCHOOL BUILDINGS, BONDS, ETC. 137 in the grammar grades 36 inches. Each blackboard should be provided with a trough at the bottom, which should have an open woven wire cover on hinges. Special cloakrooms should be provided which should be thor- oughly heated and ventilated. A soft color should be used in finishing the walls — a light greenish gray. The ceiling should be white. The window shades should correspond in color with the walls. Payments by Installments. — When a school district has voted a tax for the erection of a schoolhouse, it may by a majority vote at any meeting regularly convened, decide to raise the amount thus voted, by installments. The vote on the question must be by ballot or by taking and recording the ayes and noes. When such action is taken by a district, it is the duty of the trustees to raise by tax such installments and the interest there- on, as they become due, in the same manner as other school taxes are raised. The last installment cannot be extended beyond twenty years from the date on which the vote was taken in a common-school district, but there is no limit in this respect in a union free-school district. No tax voted by a district meeting' or other competent authority in any such city or school district exceeding the sum of five hundred dollars, shall be levied by the trustees until the Commissioner of Education shall certify that the plans and specifications for the same comply with the provisions of this law. Notice of Tax Proposed for School Buildings. — No vote to raise money by tax to purchase a new site or to change or add to the present site, or to build a new schoolhouse, can be taken at a district meeting in a union free-school district unless notice that such proposition will be presented, specifying amount of tax and object thereof, has been given by the board of education in the same manner as the notice of an annual meeting is given. In a common-school district the notice of special meeting must be given in the manner hereinbefore explained. Vote on Expenditure of Money. — On all propositions arising at such meetings involving an expenditure of money or author- izing a tax levy, the vote must be by ballot or by taking and recording the ayes and noes. Rescinding Vote or Reducing Amount. — No vote requiring money to be raised can be rescinded nor can the amount voted 138 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW to be raised be reduced at a subsequent meeting-, unless it is an adjourned meeting or a meeting called for such purpose. If it is a meeting called for such purpose, notice must be given in the manner in which all notices for annual and special meetings are given. The notices must state that the proposed reduction or the proposition to rescind the vote authorizing such money to be raised will be voted upon. May Borrow Money and Issue Bonds. — Whenever an annual or a special meeting of a union free-school district votes a tax to be collected in installments for the purpose of building a new schoolhouse or for repairing or enlarging the schoolhouse of the district or for the purchase of a new site or an addition to the present site, the trustees or boards of education are authorized by law to borrow the money necessary at a rate not to exceed six per cent., and to issue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness therefor. The bonds shall be paid at maturity and shall not be sold below par. In districts having an aggregate valuation of real property of five hundred thousand dollars or over, no bonds shall be hereafter issued which make the total bonded indebted- ness, at any time, exceed fifteen per cent, of the aggregate assessed valuation of the real property within the bounds of the district, unless the resolution authorizing the issue and sale of such bonds, in excess of such amount, shall be adopted by a vote of two- thirds of the qualified electors present and voting on such reso- lution at the meeting called for such purpose. Sale of Such Bonds.* — In a union free-school district whose boundaries do not coincide with those of an incorporated village or a city, the board of education of such district shall give notice of the time and place of the sale of such bonds, at least ten days prior to the date of such sale. This notice may be given by being published twice in each of two newspapers of the district, if there are two, and in one paper, if there is but one. If no news- paper is published in the district, then a notice of such sale must be^posted in ten of the most conspicuous places of the district, at least ten days previous to the sale. The trustees having charge of the issue or payment of such bonds are required to make an annual report thereof to the clerk of the board of super- visors of the county in which the district is located, on or before the first day of November. In a union free-school district whose limits do coincide with those of an incorporated village or a city, such bonds must be prepared by the board of education and signed by the president and the secretary of such board and delivered to the treasurer of such incorporated village or city and countersigned by him. The * For procedure relative to legalization of bond issues by court proceeding, see Article 2-a of Municipal Corporations Law, and to the registry of bonds, see sections 10 and n of the General Municipal Law. SITES, SCHOOL BUILDINGS, BONDS, ETC. I39 treasurer of such village or city shall give notice of the time and place of the sale of such bonds in the same manner as it is re- quired that boards of education of districts whose limits do not coincide with those of an incorporated village or a city shall give such notice. The proceeds of the sale of these bonds must be paid into the treasury of such incorporated village or city to the credit of the board of education of such district. The general municipal law relating to the sale of municipal and school bonds was amended by chapter 534 of the Laws of 191 7, as follows : All bonds hereafter issued by any municipal corporation, or by any school district or civil division of the State, shall be sold, in the case of a city of the first class as required by its charter or by any special act under which such bonds are issued, in the case of a city of the second class as required by section sixty-one of the second class cities law, and in all other cases at public sale not less than five or more than thirty days after a notice of such sale, stating the amount, date, maturity and rate of interest, has been published at least once in the official paper or papers, if any, of any such municipality, provided that if there is no official paper, then such notice of sale shall be published in a newspaper published in the county in which such bonds are to be issued, or a copy thereof shall be sent to and published in a financial news- paper published and circulating in New York city. Validation of Bonds. — The procedure in the issuance of such bonds is technical and a statutory process and each step outlined in the statute must be complied with. Very often the notices of school meetings and the other papers prepared in the proceedings leading to the issuance of such bonds are defective. In many cases these papers are not prepared by lawyers and it often occurs that, after bonds have been sold, the attorneys representing the purchaser of such bonds discovers defects in the procedure under which the bonds have been issued. This has necessitated a legalizing act by the Legislature. It was frequently necessary to wait several months for the Legislature to convene before the sale of the bonds might be finally closed out and funds obtained for the erection of the building. To avoid such delays and to provide an effective, inexpensive 140 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW method of meeting such situations power has been conferred upon the Commissioner of Education to adjudicate all cases of this kind and to make an order ratifying and confirming all acts and proceedings which may be necessary to cure any defect existing in the proceedings leading up to the authorization, sale and issuance of such bonds. This act provides that any inter- ested party may present the question to the Commissioner of Education. A board of education, a qualified elector, a taxpayer, the purchaser of bonds, or any person who may hold such bonds, may present the matter to the Commissioner of Education for the purpose of having any defect which may exist in the pro- ceedings cured, and the sale and issuance of such bonds legalized and validated. The Commissioner of Education is given broad powers in these matters. If he finds on investigation of a case which has been properly presented to him that the requirements of the statutes have been substantially complied with and that there has been a fair expression of the will of the qualified voters of the district or town and that the action taken was not aflfected or prejudiced by the defects in the law or the failure to give required notices, the Commissioner of Education may make an order ratifying and confirming the proceedings and determining that there has been a substantial compliance with the statute. Under the terms of this law the decision of the Commissioner of Education in such proceedings is final and conclusive, and not subject to revicAv by the courts. CONDEMNATION OF SCHOOLHOUSE Order, — When in the judgment of a district superintendent the schoolhouse of any district under his jurisdiction is wholly unfit for use and not worth repairing, he may issue an order con- demning such property and he should fix a time therein when such order shall go into efifect. The superintendent should also direct in such order the expenditure of an amount which in his judgment is necessary to erect a schoolhouse for the accommo- dation of the children of such district. Service of Order. — The superintendent must immediately serve such order upon the trustee of the district and transmit a copy thereof to the Commissioner of Education. SITESj SCHOOL BUILDINGS, BONDS, ETC. I4I Trustees Should Call Special Meeting. — Immediately upon being served with a copy of such order, the trustees should call a special meeting of the district for the purpose of considering the question of building a schoolhouse. The legal voters at such special meeting have power to deter- mine the size of the building and the material to be used, and to vote a tax to build the same. The district meeting may also decrease the estimated amount of the superintendent for the erection of such building twenty-five per cent., and the district may also increase the amount estimated by the superintendent. Failure of District to Vote Tax. — When a district fails to vote a tax to build a schoolhouse, within thirty days from the date on which the first meeting for considering the question was held, the trustees have power, and it is their duty, to contract for the erection of such building and to levy a tax to pay for the same. This tax shall not exceed the estimate of the superintendent and shall not be more than twenty-five per cent, less than such estimate. Insurance of Buildings. — The trustees of a school district should insure the buildings of the district. Their duty in this matter is explained in the chapter on Trustees; powers and duties. It is also the duty of boards of education to insure the buildings of union free-school districts. (See chapter on Boards of Education ; powers and duties.) Sale of Buildings. — When a school district decides to build a new schoolhouse, the district meeting should direct what dis- position should be made of the old building. This is usually done by directing the trustees to sell it at public auction. The district meetings may, however, direct some other course to be pursued. The school buildings may be sold when a district has been dis- solved. (See chapter on School Districts.) The school buildings of a district may also be sold when the site of the district buildings has been changed. Stairways Outside of Buildings. — It is the duty of trustees or boards of education of all school districts outside of the city of New York to provide stairways on the outside of all school buildings that are more than two stories high, with suitable doors connecting therewith from each story above the first. These 142 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAVv^ may be built without a vote of the district, at a reasonable ex- pense, which is chargeable to the district the same as other taxes; Such stairways shall be kept in good order and free from ob- struction and should not be bolted or locked during school hours. Out-buildings. — It is the duty of school districts to provide out-buildings on the school premises. The law provides that these buildings shall be as follows : 1. They must be suitable and convenient. 2. There must be two, and they must be entirely separated from each other. These two closets may be under one roof and over the same vault. 3. They must have separate means of access, and the ap- proaches thereto must be separated by a substantial close fence, at least seven feet high. 4. They must be kept in a clean and wholesome condition. A failure on the part of trustees to comply with these pro- visions is sufficient reason for removing them from office, and for withholding from the district its share of public money from the State. Trustees are personally responsible to the district for any loss in this respect through their negligence. Any expense incurred by the trustees of a common-school dis- trict in providing and maintaining these out-buildings when ap- proved by the district superintendent may be raised by tax with- out vote of the district. A board of education may meet such expenses by payment from contingent fund or by tax upon the district or city without authorization by the voters thereof. The Board of Regents has prescribed the following regulations to govern the maintenance and construction of toilets : Outdoor Closets. — It is fundamentally important that all schools in city, village and country be provided with suitable toilet facilities. They cannot be suitable unless they are sani- tary, and experience has demonstrated beyond the possibility of contradiction that the old type of outdoor watercloset, or earth closet, is not sanitary or decent, but to the contrary is a constant menace both to health and morals. As every boy and girl under the tutelage of the State is entitled alike to all essential safeguards, this statement necessarily applies SITES, SCHOOL BUILDINGS, BONDS, ETC. 143 to all schools reg-ardless of size or location. The claim that the old type of outdoor closet has served all purposes of the district for generations and is therefore acceptable and suitable is with- out weight. To the contrary, experience with it in the past con- clusively proves that it is wholly unfit and unsatisfactory. The public school surely ought not to be the last institution to make progress, and particularly in matters afifecting the comfort, health and lives of the children who, obedient to the laws of the State, are in attendance therein. The excuse that a district cannot afford such improvements is an argument in favor of consolida- tion in such a case, in order to form a district that can afford to provide the facilities that are unmistakably essential to the pupils' welfare. Regulations. — From what has been said, it is manifest that the only remedy for the outdoor closet is to abolish it. With that end in view and to insure in its place suitable and adequate facilities, the following regulations have been adopted. 1. Approval of plans for the construction of new school build- ings and for the remodeling of old buildings cannot be given until provision is made for an approved system of sanitary closets. 2. All public schools must be provided with approved closet facilities before September i, 1918. 3. Whenever it becomes necessary for a district to provide new toilet facilities before the expiration of the time limit established, such facilities must be of approved type. The following types are approved to meet varying conditions: 1. A flush system. When water and suitable sewerage are available, schools will be expected to install this system. 2. A dry closet system. 3. A chemical system. 4. The L. R. S. type, described in PubHc Health Bulletin 51, published by the United States Treasury Department and issued by the Government Printing Office in 1914. 5. The type where water-tight nonabsorbent receptacles, easily removable, are provided and clean dust or ashes is supplied and scattered freely over the excreta whenever the closet is used. The use of this type is restricted to isolated rural districts with small enrollment and low valuation, and special permission must be secured in every case. 144 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW In all types the following conditions must be met: a. The closet or toilet must be in a room attached to and made a part of the school building. b. The wall and ceiling of this room must be constructed and finished in like manner as other rooms of the building. c. The urinals must be constructed of noncorrosive, nonab- sorbent material. d. In all cases the rooms must be well lighted and ventilated. e. Toilet paper, wash bowl or basin and towels (paper towels) must be furnished. f. Toilet rooms must be heated in all cases where it is practica- ble to do so. g. Before constructing sanitary closets, a simple sketch of the rooms and approaches and a description of the closet must be submitted to the State Department of Education for approval. In the last three types named, the following additional condi- tions must be met : a. Receptacles must be of ample capacity and must be of non- corrosive and nonabsorbent material. b. Provision must be made for the ventilation of receptacles by means of ventilators extending through the roof. c. There must be a thoroughly ventilated approach leading to the closet from the coat room, corridor or hallway of the building. d. All receptacles must be of a type to be emptied outside of class rooms, recitation rooms, hallways and toilet rooms, and the construction must be such as to facilitate this process. e. The vaults must be tight so as to render the entrance of flies, mosquitoes and other insects absolutely impossible. f. Seats must be hinged and made to close automatically. Plumbing. — i. Plumbing must conform to local ordinances where such are in force. Where none exist, commonly accepted standards as exemplified in city ordinances shall govern. 2. When no sewerage system is available for use, an applica- tion must be made to the State Department of Health for ap- proval of a sewage disposal plant, as that department has exclus- ive jurisdiction over the disposition of sewage. 3. In other than rural communities, both local and general vents must be provided. 4. One seat should be provided for every twenty-five girls and SITES, SCHOOL BUILDINGS, BONDS, ETC. I45 one seat and one urinal for ever}^ forty boys, or a combination seat and urinal for every twenty-five boys. Both seats and uri- nals should be separated into compartments. Absorbent or cor- rosive materials cannot be approved for use in the construction of urinals. Use of School Buildings. — i. The use of a school building in a district or city must be granted for holding any examination or institute appointed therein by the Commissioner of Education. No charge can be made for the use of such building for these purposes but a reasonable allowance may be paid for lighting, heating and janitor service. 2. When a building is not in use for school purposes it may be used on approval of the board of education by persons desiring to give or receive instruction in any branch of education or learning or in the science and practice of music. (See also chapter lo, powers and duties of trustees.) 3. The most comprehensive law enacted in any State in relation to the use of schools, grounds and buildings was enacted by the Legislature of New York in 1913, and amended in 1917. This law confers upon local school authorities the power to employ persons to supervise and conduct athletic, play-ground and social center activities when authorized by a district meeting. Regularly employed teachers may be paid additional compensa- tion for services rendered in supervising and conducting- these activities. This law further provides for the use of schoolhouses and grounds outside of school hours. Under these provisions of the law school grounds and buildings may be used for social, civic and recreational meetings and entertainments and other uses per- taining to the welfare of the community in general. These meet- ings must be open to the public, and no fee may be charged unless the proceeds are to be used for an educational or charitable purpose, or for organizations of veterans of the military, naval and marine service of the United States. Upon petition of twenty-five or more citizens of a city, union free-school district or town, the board of education is required to organize and conduct community centers for civic purposes and civic forums to promote and advance principles of Americaniza- tion. Funds must be provided by local authorities for the main- tenance of such centers or forums and such authorities may pre- 146 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW scribe rules to make the same self-supporting. Such centers and forums must at all times be under the control of the board of education and must be nonexclusive and open to the public. (L. 1917, ch. 214.) It should be understood that under this provision of the law, school property is not open to the use of a religious denomina- tion, a fraternal, secret or other exclusive society or organization. A district meeting, or, in cities, a board of education possesses the power to authorize the use of school buildings for political meetings, and for polling places for primaries and general elec- tions. Under a recent amendment to the Election Law a school building shall be designated for election purposes provided such use does not interfere with its customary use and provided the school building is so situated as to be convenient to the electors residing in the election district. Sale of Liquors Prohibited Near Schoolhouses. — Traffic in liquor is prohibited in a building, yard, booth, or other place which shall be on the same avenue or street and within 200 feet of a building used exclusively as a schoolhouse. The measure- ments must be taken in a straight line from the center of the nearest entrance to the building used for such school to the center of the nearest entrance to the place in which such liquor traffic is desired to be carried on. This prohibition, however, does not apply to a place which on the 23d day of March, 1896, was law- fully occupied as a hotel, or in which the traffic in liquors was lawfully carried on or which was in process of construction. (Subdivision 2 section 2^^^ Liquor Tax Law.) REVIEW QUESTIONS What meeting can decide upon a site for a schoolhouse? How must such decision be determined? What must the resolution contain? How must the vote be taken? What record must be made? May a district designate more than one site? What must the notice of a special meeting state? How can the site of a school district be improved or enlarged? At what meetings? What tax may a district vote in relation to sites? Is there a limit to the amount that can be voted? How is such tax levied and assessed? How may the school site of a district be changed? What property cannot be taken for a site? What disposition is made of the old site and jjuildings of a district when a change of site has been legally made? How may the title of the district of such property be transferred? When may bond and mortgage be given to protect districts? How is such security held for the district? How may the unpaid money due the district be collected? What disposition must be made of the proceeds of -the sale of such property? When may a board designate a site without vote of the district? REVIEW QUESTIONS 1 47 What prohibition is there in relation to the location of a schoolhouse? Whose duty is it to keep the schoolhouse in reasonable repair? How much may such officer expend therefor without a vote of the district? Can the district vote a larger amount? If fifty dollars is insufficient and the district has not voted an appropriation, how may the trustee obtain authority for making the needed repairs? What amount may a district superintendent order a trustee to expend? How does a district superintendent give author- ity to his order? In what particulars should this order be specific? Is there a limit to the amount a district may vote for repairs? When a district superintendent has ordered repairs to school buildings or a district ."'as voted repairs, what is the duty of the trustee? What is the penalty for a failure to do this? What amount may a district vote for erecting a schoolhouse? What limit is there to the amount of tax which a district can levy for this purpose? What action is necessary in order to levy a larger amount? What plans of school buildings must be approved? By whom? State the prohibitions as to approval of plans. When may a district erect a schoolhouse and pay therefor by installments? How must the vote be taken? Hov/ must a tax for such installments be raised? For what period may the payment for the last installment b£ made? How may a vote authorizing such tax be repealed? By what method may bonds be issued for this purpose? What restriction is placed upon issuance of bonds in certain districts? What limit is placed upon the rate of these bonds? What restriction is placed upon the sale of these bonds? What notice of the sale of such bonds must be given? What report of payment, etc., must be made by the trustees? To whom? When? When may a district superintendent condemn a school building? How? What estimate in regard to the expenditure in erecting a schoolhouse should the order of the district superintendent contain? Upon whom must the district superintendent serve such notice? What is the duty of trustees when served with such notice? What power has a meeting in relation to such matters when regularly called? May the district decrease the estimate of the district superintendent? By what amount? May the amount be increased? How much? Within what period should a district vote to build? What is the duty of the trustee if the district takes no action within that time? What tax in this case may a trustee levy without a vote of the district? What are the duties of trustees of common-school districts in rela- tion to insuring school buildings? What of boards of education of union free-school districts? Name three cases in which school buildings may be sold. What is the method of procedure in each case? What is the duty of school officers in relation to building stairways on the outside of school buildings? What are the requirements for out-build- ings in school districts? When a district fails to vote an appropriation for the purpose of making proper repairs, what amount may the trustee expend? What is the penalty for a failure on the part of the trustee to comply with the law? What is the loss to the district? The responsibility of the trustee to the district? When a district has no out-buildings, what amount may jhe trustees expend for their erection? Upon whose order? For what purposes other than school may school buildings be used? CHAPTER XVI STATE SCHOOL MONEYS [Article i8] Common-School, Literature and the United States Deposit Funds. — The capital of the common-school fund, the capital of the literature fund, and the capital of the United States deposit fund shall be respectively preserved inviolate. The revenue of the said common-school fund shall be applied to the support of the common schools; the revenue of the said Hterature fund shall be applied to the support of academies ; and the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars of the revenues of the United States deposit fund shall each year be appropriated to and made part of the capital of the said common school fund. Article IX, section 3, State Consti- tution. [Section i of article IX of the amended constitution of 1846, without change.] The manner of the disposition of the common-school fund is left to the Legislature. (Dallas v. Fosdick, 40 How. Pr. 249, 252.) But the Legislature cannot appropriate therefrom for the construc- tion of an astronomical observatory (People ex rel. v. Allen, 42 N. Y. 404) ; nor for the benefit of a normal school. (Gordon v. Cornes, 47 id. 608.) The words " common schools " as used in this section mean such schools as are open to all, and not confined to any class. (People v. Board of Education, 13 Barb. 400; People ex rel. v. Crissley, 45 Hun, 19.) No Aid in Denominational Schools. — Neither the State nor any subdivision thereof, shall use its ])roperty or credit or any public money, or authorize or permit either to be used, directly or indirectly, in aid or maintenance, other than for examination, or inspection, of any school or institution of learning wholly or in part under the control or direction of any religious denomination, or in which any denominational tenet or doctrine is taught. Article IX, section 4, State Constitution. Different Funds. — There are different sources from which money has been derived by the State for the support of the public 148 STATE SCHOOL MONEYS 149 school system. These sources are the common-school fund, the United States deposit fund, and the free-school fund. These funds, together with the literature fund, are known under the Finance Law as the Education Fund. The Common-School Fund. — Upon the recommendation in a special message of Governor Morgan Lewis to the State Legislature in 1805, an act was passed which created this fund. It provided that " The net proceeds of five hundred thousand acres of the vacant and unappropriated lands of the people of this State, which shall be first sold by the Surveyor-General, shall be and are hereby appro- priated as a permanent fund for the support of common schools." The act also provided that no distribution should be made until the annual revenues of the fund amounted to fifty thousand dollars. This revenue was not realized until 1815, when the first distribution was made. This fund was apportioned among the counties of the State on the basis of population, and each county was required to raise by taxation an amount equal to the amount received from the State. The revenue derived from these two sources constituted the State school moneys for the payment of teachers' salaries. When this amount was insufficient to pay the salaries of teachers, the balance was raised by rate bills. In 1805, when this fund was originated, its capital was nearly fifty-nine thousand dollars ; but in 191 7, it had increased to over four million seven hundred sev- enty-three thousand dollars. Out of the revenue of this fund the Legislature annually appropriates for common schools one hundred and seventy thousand dollars. The United States Deposit Fund. — On June 23, 1836, congress passed an act providing for the distribution of the surplus revenues which were held in the United States treasury at that time for safe- keeping among the various States. Of this distribution New York received about $4,000,000. It must be understood that this fund was not given or loaned to the State, but was simply placed in its possession for safe-keeping. The United States government could recall this money, but probably it never will. LTnder a provision of the State Constitution, New York is required to keep the amount of this fund equal to the amount which was originally deposited. In 1837, by an act of the State Legislature, this fund was distributed among the counties of the State on the basis of population. It was placed in the hands of two loan commissioners in each county, who were appointed by the Governor, to be loaned by them in their 150 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW county upon bond and mortgage with interest. From the income derived from this fund, there was appropriated by the State Legis- lature in 1838 for the support of common schools, the sum of $165,000. This sum was annually appropriated by the Legislature until 1 88 1, when the appropriation was reduced to $75,000, owing to a reduction in the revenue. This reduction in revenue was caused by a depreciation in the property on which investments from this fund had been made. Since 1881, the Legislature has annually appropriated from the revenues of this fund $75,000, and this sum becomes a part of the State school moneys and is used for the sup- port of the public schools. The Free-School Fund. — The amount appropriated annually by the Legislature for the support of common schools is discretion- ary but as the law specifies the amount of a supervision, district and teachers' quota the Legislature must appropriate an amount suf- ficient for this purpose or assume the responsibility of changing the basis of apportioning school funds. The first State tax levied for this purpose was under the authority of an act passed in 185 1, providing for the sum of $800,000. This amount has been gradu- ally increased. The greatest increase was in 1867, the year in which the rate-bills were abolished, when the Legislature increased the amount to be raised from a tax of three-fourths of a mill on each dollar of valuation, to one and one-fourth mills on the dollar. It was the intent of the Legislature when this increase was made, to supply funds, which, combined with the revenues of the common- school fund and the United States deposit fund, would be sufficient to support common schools in most of the school districts of the State for at least twenty-eight weeks each year. The amount of money realized from these sources soon proved insufficient, in many cases, to support the schools the required time, and the deficiency has been raised by local taxes upon school dis- tricts. During the school year ending July 31, 1918, the entire cost for maintaining and supervising the public school system of the State, including all expenditures for normal schools and other insti- tutions under the supervision of the Commissioner of Education, except colleges and universities, was $93,106,337.02; and of this amount $6,812,000.02 were received from State funds, $71,797,- 882.55 were raised by local taxes upon the property of school dis- tricts and cities, and $14,496,454.45 were derived from other sources. The amount previously raised by direct taxation was known as STATE SCHOOL MONEYS 151 the free-school fund, but since the amount for this purpose has been appropriated from State funds obtained from indirect taxa- tion the Legislature has not denominated it the free-school fund, but has appropriated this money for the support of common schools. Gospel and School Lands, — The origin of these lands may be traced back to an act passed by the State Legislature, May 10, 1784. This was an act to provide for the settlement of the waste and unappropriated lands of the State. It was intended to include 'all of such lands located within the boundaries of the State. The act provided that such lands should be divided into townships of six miles square, as nearly as possible, and that in each of such townships 300 acres of land should be set apart for the use of a minister of the gospel, and 690 acres for the use of a public school or schools. On May 5, 1786, the State Legislature passed another act regulating the sale of the unappropriated public lands of the State, and providing that the Surveyor-General should mark out in each township laid out, one lot for the support of the gospel and schools, as nearly as possible in the center of each township, and that such lot should not be sold, but reserved for and applied to promoting the gospel and the public school or schools in such township. Under the provisions of this act, each lot was to contain 640 acres, or as nearly that amount as possible. On February 25, 1789, the Legislature passed another act regulating the sale and disposition of lands belonging to the State, and providing that town- ships should be divided into lots containing 250 acres of land or as nearly that amount as possible, and that one lot should be reserved as nearly in the center of each township as possible, for the support of the gospel, and that another lot should likev/ise be reserved for the support of schools in such township. Subsequent acts of the State Legislature provided that the annual rents and profits derived from these lots set apart for school purposes, should be distributed among the schools in each town employing teachers approved by the proper authority, in proportion to the aggregate attendance of pupils in their respective schools. The sale of the gospel and school lands has been directed by the State Legislature, and the proceeds derived therefrom authorized to be used for the benefit of the pub- lic schools in the towns in which such lands were located. Literature Fund. — The first act creating this fund was passed in 1786. This act provided that unappropriated lands of the State should be sold by the Commissioners of the Land Office, and the 152 - NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW funds used for the promotion of literature in the State. The revenue derived from the sale of lands under several subsequent acts was added to this fund. Revenue derived from arrears of quit rents in 1819, from the sale of land belonging to the canal fund in 1827, and from the United States Deposit Fund in 1836, was also added to this fund. The income derived from this fund is apportioned from the general fund for educational purposes. The capital of this fund is $284,201.32. State School Moneys Defined. — The amount appropriated by the State Legislature from the common-school fund and from the United States deposit fund, the literature fund, together with the amount appropriated from the other revenues of the State and formerly known as the Free School fund, constitute the State school moneys. These funds are apportioned as follows : State Tax for Schools. — Since the enactment of the teachers' salary law of 1920 the Legislature has each year authorized, for the support of common schools, a direct tax of one and one-half mills on each dollar of real and personal property of the State subject to taxation. The main purpose of this act is to aid in the payment of the salaries of teachers employed in the schools of the State. Supervision Quotas to Cities, Villages and Districts Employing Superintendents. — Every city in the State and every union free- school district in the State having a population of 4,500 or more — which employs a superintendent of schools, is entitled to receive $800. This money must be used for the support of the public schools of such city or union free-school district. No city or district is entitled to this allowance unless a competent person is employed as superintendent, who shall give his time exclu- sively to the general supervision of the public schools of such city or district. This appropriation is known as a supervision quota. Enumeration of Inhabitants. — A union free-school district, claiming a population of 4,500 and employing a superintendent, is not entitled to any allowance in the first instance until an enumeration of the inhabitants of such district has been made which shall show the population thereof to be at least 4,500. The expense of taking such enumeration is a charge upon the district in whose interest it is made, and must be paid upon the certificate of the Commissioner of Education. In a union free-school dis- trict whose boundaries are coterminous with the boundaries of an incorporated village and last federal or State census of such village may be used. District and Teachers' Quotas. — A district or city, to be entitled to a district quota, must have had school taught therein STATE SCHOOL MONEYS 153 hy a duly licensed teacher (or by successive duly licensed teachers) for at least one hundred and eighty days, inclusive of legal holidays, and exclusive of Saturdays. Attendance at teachers' conferences held within the county by the district superintendent, not exceeding six days during the year, may also be included. It is unlawful to count any Saturday as a part of the one hundred and eighty days of school required, and it is also unlawful to have school in session on a legal holiday, except general election day, Lincoln's Birthday and Washington's Birthday.* For every additional duly licensed teacher (or successive duly licensed teachers) employed the required time of one hundred and eighty days, the district, city or orphan asylum shall be entitled to one teacher's quota. The amount of a district quota is as follows : Each district having an assessed valuation of $20,000 or less, $200 ; each dis- trict having an assessed valuation of $40,000 or less but more than $20,000, $175 ; each district having an assessed valuation of $60,000 or less but more than $40,000, $150; each district having an assessed valuation greater than $60,000, each orphan as3'lum having a school conforming to the regulations governing the public schools system and each city of the State, $125. Each Indian reservation receives a quota of $150 for each teacher em- ployed therein for a period of thirty-two weeks or more. The amount of a teacher's quota for each city and district is $100. Additional teachers' quotas are provided by section 491-a of the Education Law, as amended by L. 1920, ch. 680; L. 1921, ch. 584. This section provides as follows: In addition to any other apportionment or quota provided for in this article, to be applied to the payment of teachers' salaries, the Commissioner of Edu- cation shall apportion and pay annually, at the same time and in * Legal Holidays. — The following days are legal holidays in this State: January i — New Years Day. February 12 — Lincoln's Birthday. February 22 — Washington's Birthday. JNIay 30 — Memorial Day. July 4 — Lidependence Day. First Monday in September — Labor Day. October 12 — Columbus Day. First Tuesday after first Monday in November — General Election. Last Thursday in November — Thanksgiving Day. December 25 — Christmas Day. The first Thursday in June in each year, except in those years when the first Thursday in June occurs in the same week with Memorial 'Day, and in such years the second Thursday in June is known as Anniversary Day, and celebrated in commemoration of the organization of Sunday Schools, and is a holiday in all public schools in the borough of Brooklyn, City of New York. If a legal holiday occurs on Sunday, the day following is observed and considered in all respects as a legal holiday. 154 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW the same manner as public school moneys are apportioned and paid under this article, or prior thereto in the discretion of the Commissioner of Education, to each city school district and to each common or union free-school district, from moneys appro- priated for the support of common schools, for each teacher employed in the school or schools of such district who shall have taught during the period required by law, as follows: (a) In cities of the first class containing a population of over 1,000,000, $600. (b) In cities of the first class containing a population of less than 1,000,000; in cities of the second class containing a popu- lation, according to the federal census of 1920, of over 150,000; in a city school district in a city of the third class adjoining a city of the first class containing a population of less than 1,000,000; and in cities of the second and third classes in a county adjoin- ing a city having a population of over 1,000,000, which county has a population of over 300,000, $550. (c) In other cities of a population of 50,000 or more and in union free-school districts wholly situated within such cities, $450. (d) In other cities of a population of less than 50,000 and in union free-school districts authorized by law to have superin- tendents of schools, $350. (e) In other union free-school districts maintaining academic departments, $350. (f) In each other school district employing more than one teacher, $300. (g) In each other school district employing but one teacher and having an assessed valuation exceeding $100,000, $200. (h) In each other school district employing but one teacher and having an assessed valuation of $100,000 or less, $200, and in addition thereto the sum of $3 for each entire $1,000 that the assessed valuation of such districts is less than $100,000. The number of additional teachers' quotas to Avhich a district may become entitled is based upon the number of teachers em- ployed the preceding school year. The condition upon which this quota is apportioned is that the district has complied with the law governing the amount of the teachers' salaries. In cities and union free-school districts maintaining academic de- partments salary schedules are required to be adopted, and filed, for approval, with the Commissioner of Education (see chapter 31, post). In other districts the law requires that a salary of at least $20 a week be paid to the teacher. If the teacher is paid at such rate for a school year of less than forty weeks the addi- tional teacher's quota is reduced proportionately. Under L. 1921, ch. 327, the Commissioner shall apportion to a city or school district which establishes courses of instruction STATE SCHOOL MONEYS 1 55 or study and schools in connection with factories, places of em- ployment, etc., for the benefit of foreign born and native adults and minors over sixteen years of age, and which employs for such purpose duly qualified teachers, an amount equal to one- half the salary paid to each of such teachers but not to exceed $1,000 for each teacher so employed. The distinction between a district quota and a teacher's quota should be clearly understood. An examination of section 491, Education Law, may give a clearer understanding. When two or more districts are consolidated, the consolidated district is entitled to receive a c[uota equal to the aggregate amount of the quotas paid to the several districts before consolidation. When a school district is divided into portions, which are annexed to other districts, the district quota of such district, based upon the assessed valuation of the taxable property within the bounds of the district at the time of division, shall be appor- tioned among such other districts in the proportions, respec- tively, that the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the annexed portions bears to the assessed valuation of such prop- erty in the district so divided. Training Class Quota. — A school maintaining a training class under the regulations of the Department is entitled to a quota of $700. Such school would also be entitled to include in the num- ber of teachers reported to the Department as employed 180 days or more the training class teacher and would be entitled to a teacher's quota of $ioo for such teacher, and an additional teacher's quota as above stated. Industrial Education Quota. — There is appropriated to each city and school district maintaining a general industrial school, unit trade and technical school, part-time or continuation school, practical arts or homemaking school, evening vocational school or school of agriculture or mechanic arts, and employing a duly cjualified teacher whose time is exclusively devoted to such work, a sum equal to two-thirds of the salary paid to such teacher, but not exceeding $1,000; and for each additional teacher so em- ployed a sum equal to one-half of the salary of such teacher but not exceeding $1,000. (See section 605 of the Education Law, and Chapter XVIII, post.) Director Agriculture Quota. — A city or school district which employs a director of agricultural education under the rule of the Regents is entitled to a quota of one-half the salary of such director, but not exceeding the sum of $600. Physical Education Quota.— A city or district is entitled to a quota of one-half the salary paid to each teacher or supervisor of physical education who is employed in such city or district in 156 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW accordance with Regents rules. The amount of each quota shall in no case exceed $600. Additional Apportionment to Cities, Academic Departments and Libraries. — To each city, union-school district, and non- sectarian academy, for each year of academic instruction main- tained therein up to and including the fourth year of high school work, $200. To each nonsectarian private academy for approved books, reproduction of standard works of art and apparatus an amount equal to the amount raised from local sources but not to exceed $250. To each city for approved books, reproduction of standard works of art and apparatus an allowance not to exceed $18 and two dollars additional for each duly licensed teacher employed therein for the legal term and $250 for each academic department. To each union school district maintaining an academic depart- ment for approved books, reproduction of standard works of art and apparatus an allowance equal to the amount raised from local sources but not to exceed $268 annually and two dollars addi- tional for each teacher employed in the district for the legal term. To all other school districts for approved books, reproduction of standard works of art, geographical maps and a globe an allowance not to exceed $18 annually and two dollars additional for each duly licensed teacher employed in the district for the legal term. The amount of tuition paid by the State for nonresident tuition in high schools or academic departments is $50 per year for not less than thirty-six weeks. (See chapter 2t,.) Similar tuition may be paid high schools and academic departments for instruc- tion of nonresident pupils attending from military reservations located within the boundaries of the State but under the juris- diction of the United States. Where pupils may be more conveniently instructed in the academic department of a school located in another State, simi- lar nonresident tuition may be paid to such school outside the State as is paid to schools in the State for nonresident pupils. After the payment of the above allowances the balance shall be divided among the several academies maintaining academic departments, other than high schools and academic departments maintained by cities and union free-school districts, on the basis of aggregate days' attendance of academic pupils therein. Application of State School Funds. — All moneys apportioned to a school district or city by the Commissioner of Education as described in the preceding paragraphs, must be used by such district or city for the payment of the salaries of duly licensed teachers employed in such district or city, or for tuition and STATE SCIiOOL MONEYS 1 57 transportation of pupils. It is a misdemeanor for school authori- ties to use this money for any other purpose. Allowance to Excluded Districts. — When a school district has been excluded from participation in any apportionment by fail- ing to make a report required by law or by failing to comply with any other provision of law or with any regulation of the Commissioner of Education which he has authority to adopt, he may, in his discretion, when it shall be shown to his satisfaction that such omission was accidental or excusable, allow such dis- trict an equitable apportionment. If the apportionment was made by the Commissioner of Education, he may cause an equitable apportionment to be allowed such district to be paid out of the contingent fund ; and if the apportionment was made by the district superintendent, he has authority to direct him to apportion such allowance to the district at the next annual apportionment. Such allowance must be in addition to any apportionment to which such district may then be entitled. May Withhold School Moneys. — The Commissioner of Edu- cation may withhold the school money due a district or city for wilful violation of a provision of law or a regulation of the Department, He may also withhold one-half the money due a city, town or district for failure to enforce the compulsory edu- cation law. May Direct Payment of Quota When Teacher Was Not Qualified. — Where a teacher has been employed who was not duly qualified, the Commissioner of Education may, in his dis- cretion, upon the recommendation of the district superintendent having jurisdiction over the district in w^hich such teacher was employed, excuse the default and direct the apportionment of public moneys to such district. May Reclaim Moneys Apportioned. — Whenever money shall have been apportioned to a county, part of a county, or school district to which it was not entitled, and when such money shall not have been expended, the Commissioner of Education may reclaim such money or excess by directing that such money shall be paid by any officer in whose hands it may be, into the State treasury. Such money when reclaimed shall be credited to the free-school fund. If such money shall have been expended so that it shall be impracticable to reclaim it, the Commissioner of Education shall deduct such amount from the portions of the county or district which received it, in his next annual apportionment. Supplemental Apportionment. — Whenever a school district or county shall have received by apportionment a less sum than it is entitled to, the Commissioner may make a supplementary apportionment to make up such deficiency, which apportionment 158 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW shall be payable out of the contingent fund. If this fund is not sufficient for the purpose, the Commissioner shall supply such deficiency in his next annual apportionment. Certificate of Apportionment. — As soon as possible after the Commissioner of Education has made an annual apportionment, he should file with the county clerk, the county treasurer, the district superintendents, and the city treasurers or chamberlains, of every county and city of the State, a certificate of apportion- ment for their county or city. When the Commissioner makes a supplemental apportionment, he should file a certificate of such apportionment with the county clerk, the county treasurer, and the district superintendents of the county in which the school- houses of the district are located. When School Moneys are Payable. — One-half of the school moneys are payable on or before the first day of March and the remaining part on or before the fifteenth day of May in each year. Apportionment by District Superintendent. — The district superintendents of each county are required to apportion on or before the fifteenth day of February in each year, the district, teachers' and supervision quotas. To Set Apart District Quotas. — The district superintendents should first set apart to each school district under their jurisdic- tion the district and teachers' quotas apportioned to such districts by the Commissioner of Education. They should also set apart to each school district which did not share in the apportionment of the previous year, such sum as the Commissioner of Education shall have allowed it. Unexpended Moneys in Hands of Supervisors. — District superintendents should obtain from the supervisor of the town a report of the unexpended moneys which were in his hands on the first Tuesday of February, and which were applicable to the pay- ment of teachers' wages. The amount in each supervisor's hands is charged as a partial payment to his town on the amount due that town for district and teachers' quotas. Apportionment of Fines Held by County Treasurer. — The district superintendents should also obtain from the county treas- urer a report of the amount of money paid to him from fines and penalties or obtained from any other source for the benefit of the schools of any town or for any district in the county. If any such money has been received by the county treasurer for a school dis- STATE SCHOOL MONEYS 158a trict it shall be set aside by the superintendents and credited to such district. If such money has been received for the schools of a town, then it shall be placed to the credit of such town and shall be apportioned to school districts of such town with the other school moneys belonging to the town, and shall be used to pay the salaries of teachers. Superintendents' Certificate of Apportionment. — After having completed their apportionment, superintendents should make and sign two certificates showing the amount apportioned to each school district and part of a district, also the towns in which the districts are located and the source from which each item was derived. One of these certificates should be immediately filed with the county treasurer and the other with the Commissioner of Education. Superintendents' Certificate to Supervisors. — The superin- tendents should immediately after making an apportionment file with each supervisor, in their respective districts, a statement showing the amount apportioned to each town and the portions which such supervisors should pay to each school district or part of a district. Filing Certificate of Apportionment. — Upon receipt of the superintendents' certificate of apportionment, supervisors should make a copy thereof for their own use, and each should file the original in the town clerk's office of his town. Correcting Erroneous Apportionment. — The Commissioner of Education is required to correct any error made by himself or a district superintendent. If a district has not been paid its full share of funds the Commissioner of Education may apportion to such district from the contingent fund any balance to which it is entitled. If a district has been paid too much the Commissioner of Education should deduct from its next apportionment such sum as will properly correct the error made. Districts Entitled to Share in Apportionment. — No district is entitled to share in the apportionment of school moneys unless the trustees' report for the preceding- school year shows that a school was maintained in the district and taught by a qualified teacher for at least i8o days, inclusive of legal holidays, and of 158b NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW attendance upon teachers' conferences - — which shall not exceed six days. Payment of School Moneys to Supervisors. — After the super- visor has given the required bond and the county treasurer has received the school money from the State Treasurer, such money is paid by the county treasurer to the supervisors of his county, who disburse it as required by law. The county treasurer pays direct to city treasurers and to treasurers of union free-school dis- tricts having a population of 5,000 or more. For further information, see chapter on " Supervisors, County Treasurers, etc." Distribution of State Revenues Derived from Tax on Manu- facturing and Mercantile Corporations and Personal Income Tax to School Districts. — Under amendments made to the Tax Law by the 192 1 Legislature, school districts now share in the distribution of certain State revenues. Upon the distribution of the revenues collected from the tax on manufacturing and mercantile corporations the entire allot- ment of any town paid to the supervisor shall be further distrib- uted by him as follows : One-third shall be apportioned among the several school districts in such town in the proportions that the total amount of the assessed valuation of all the real prop- erty of such corporations in each of said school districts, respec- tively, or part thereof in such town, bears to the aggregate assessed valuation of all the real property of such corporations in the entire town, as the same appears upon the last preceding town assessment-roll. Upon the distribution of the revenues, derived from the per- sonal income tax, to any town the supervisor shall distribute not to exceed one-third of such allotment to such town among the several school districts in the town in the proportions that the assessed valuation of the real property of each of such school districts, respectively, or part thereof in such town as the same appears upon the last preceding town assessment-roll bears to the aggregate assessed valuation of the real property of the entire town. But the amount so distributed to any school dis- trict for any one year shall not exceed one-fourth of the amount raised by taxation in such school district for school purposes during the preceding year. REVIEW QUESTIONS I59 REVIEW QUESTIONS What is the constitutional provision in relation to certain funds? What prohibition in relation to State aids? Name three sources from which the State has derived revenue for the support of the public school system. What is the Education Fund? When was the Common School Fund created? What led to its creation? How was it created? When was the first distribu- tion made? What was the amount of the revenue of this fund at that time? Upon what basis was it apportioned? What were counties required to do to participate in the distribution of this revenue? For what was the money derived from these two sources used? When this amount was insufficient to pay the salary of teachers, how was the balance raised? What was the capital of this fund in 1805? In 1917? What amount does the Legislature annually appropriate from this fund for common schools? When was the United States Deposit Fund created? By what body? How was it created? What amount did New York State receive? Was this fund given or loaned to the State? Could this money be recalled? What provision does the State constitution make in relation to this fund? What disposition was made of this money in 1857? What officers have charge of this money? How are they chosen? What do they do with this money? In 1858 what amount from the revenue of this fund was appropriated by the State Legislature? For what period was this amount appropriated? What amount has been appropriated since 1881 ? How is the amount appropriated now used? What caused the reduction in the revenue from this fund? What is the Free-School Fund? How is the amount annually appro- priated determined? When was this fund created? What amount was appropriated that year? In what year was the increase greatest? Why? What increase was made? What was the evident intent of the Legislature when it made this increase? Does the fund do this? How is the deficiency raised? What was the cost of maintaining the school system of the State in the year ending July 31, 1918? Flow was this money raised? Explain the origin of Gospel and School lands. How was the revenue derived from this source used? Trace the origin and purpose of the Hterature fund. What constitute the State school moneys? What is the authorized amount of State tax for schools? Upon what basis is an apportionment made to cities and villages fci supervision? For what purposes must this money be used? What is neces- sary to entitle a city, village or district to an allowance for a superintendent ? What is a supervision quota? When is an enumeration of the inhabitants necessary? How is the expense of an enumeration paid? Under whose certificate? When does the Commis- sioner of Education make the apportionment? What are district quotas? What are teachers' quotas? Upon what basis are district quotas appor- tioned? What entitles a district to a district quota? May legal holidays be included as any part of the 180 days that schools are required to be taught in order to entitle a district to a quota? May Saturdays? May a school be lawfully in session on a legal holiday? Name the legal hoHdays in this State. When is a district entitled to more than one quota? How many l6o NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW quotas may a district receive? On what basis are quotas apportioned to cities? What is the basis of apportionment to a consolidated district? What is the amount of a training class quota? What is the amount of a quota for a school maintained under the industrial education law? What is the basis of apportionment for a director of agriculture? Of physical training? What additional quota is apportioned each city, town or union free-school district for an academic department? What apportionment to a non-sectarian academy? To a city for approved books ? What additional apportionment is made to union f ree-schocl districts for books? What to other districts? What apportionment is made non- resident tuition? For attendance? For what purpose must school moneys apportioned by the Commissioner of Education be used? What is the penalty for using them otherwise? For what reasons maj^ a school district be excluded from participating in an apportionment? How may an allowance be made in such cases? If the apportionment has been made, how may the allowance be made? When maj"- the Commissioner of Education withhold the money due a district or city? What portion may be withheld from a town? When? What authority has the Commissioner of Education in cases where a district or town is not entitled to a quota by reason of having employed an unqualified teacher? How may that which has been wrongly apportioned be reclaimed? What disposition is made of such money when recovered? H such money has been expended and cannot be reclaimed, what should be done? What is done with the money thus deducted? What is the remedy when a school district has not received its just appor tionment? What if this fund is insufficient? With what officers should the Commissioner of Education file a certificate of his annual apportionment? What certificate should he file of supplemental apportionments? When does the law provide that school moneys shall be pa3'able? To whom? When do district superintendents apportion school money? What moneys should they first set apart? How do district superintendents ascertain the amount of unexpended moneys in the hands of supervisors? What is done with this money? Are these moneys returned by supervisors? How are such cases adjusted? How do superintendents ascertain the amount of fines and penalties? How should records of these matters be kept? How should such moneys be apportioned? What certificate must the superintendents file with the county treasurer and the Commissioner of Education? What statement should a superintendent file with supervisors of the towns of his district? What should supervisors do with such statements? How may an erroneous apportionment be cor- rected? What school districts are entitled to share in an apportionment? What districts are not? From whom does the county treasurer obtain the school money? To whom does the county treasurer pay it? What does that officer do with it? To what extent do school districts share in the disposition of State revenues derived from the tax on manufacturing and mercantile corporations? Personal income tax? CHAPTER XVII COURSES OF STUDY, SUBJECTS INCLUDED, ETC. PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE HUMANE TREATMENT OF ANIMALS AND BIRDS INSTRUCTION IN PATRIOTISM AND CITIZENSHIP [Articles lo, ii and 26-260] Authority to Adopt Courses o£ Study. — Under the education law the authority to prescribe courses of study for common- school districts is given to the trustees of such districts. The authority to prescribe courses of study for union free- school districts is given to boards of education of such districts. Subjects That Must be Included in Such Courses. — There is no direct provision of law naming the subjects that shall consti- tute courses of study prepared by trustees and boards of educa- tion. The only express provisions of law requiring that any sub- ject shall be taught are those requiring that physiology and hy- giene with special reference to the effects of stimulants and nar- cotics shall be taught in all public schools, physical education, instruction relative to the humane treatment and protection of animals and birds, and instruction in patriotism and citizenship. The Compulsory Education Law provides that the children who are required by that law to attend upon instruction shall be taught in English in the branches of reading, spelling, writing, aritkmetic, English language, geography. United States History, civics and hygiene. The trustees of each district must include in its course of study these subjects and in addition thereto the subject of physi- ology and hygiene as required by law, courses of instruction in patriotism and citizenship, physical training and the care and protection of animals and birds ; and such subjects must be taught in all public schools. Other Subjects Maybe Included. — Trustees and boards of edu- cation have the authority to include in their course of study other subjects not named in the preceding paragraphs. In arranging 161 l62 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW such courses they should exercise proper discretion. If trustees abuse the power granted them in this respect and include subjects not practical and not for the best educational interests of the dis- trict, an appeal should be taken to the Commissioner of Educa- tion, who has the authority to order that such subjects shall not be included in a course of study. Authority of Teachers. — A teacher has no authority in arrang-- ing courses of study and cannot direct what studies shall be pur- sued. This is a matter resting solely with the board of education. Trustees and boards of education generally refer to teachers the preparation of courses of study. Authority of Parents.— Parents cannot direct what subjects shall be included in a course of study or what subjects their children shall pursue. When a child is admitted to any public school such child must pursue the course of study prescribed by the legal authorities of such school. PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE [Article 26] Character of Instruction. — The law provides that the nature of alcoholic drinks and other narcotics and their effects on the human system shall be taught as thoroughly as other subjects are taught in all schools under State control or supported in whole or in part by the public money of the State. Such instruction must also be given in schools connected with reformatory institutions. This instruction must be given in connection with the various divisions of physiology and hygiene. Who Shall Receive Instruction. — The pupils in all schools described in the preceding paragraph who are below the second year of the high school and above the third year of school work, counting from the lowest primary, but not including the kinder- garten, or who are in corresponding classes in ungraded schools, must study and must be taught this subject from suitable textbooks. All pupils who come within these provisions must be supplied with suitable textbooks. All pupils in the three lowest primary school years, not including kindergarten, must receive oral instruction. Period of Instruction. — The official ruling on the subject has always been as follows: COURSES OF STUDY 163 All pupils above the third year or grade, and below the second year of the high school, must study the subject from suitable textbooks for not less than three lessons a zueek for ten or more weeks, or the equivalent of the same in each year. This requires thirty lessons during the school year, which may be given at any time in the discretion of the local school authori- ties. Any plan may be adopted which will complete thirty lessons within the school year. Where there are nine or more years below the high school, the instruction may be omitted above the eighth year and below the high school. Note. — All pupils in the lowest three primary (not kindergarten) school years shall be instructed in this subject orally for not less than two lessons a week for ten weeks or the equivalent of the same in each year. This requires twenty lessons during each school year, arranged in the discretion of local school authorities. Textbooks. — All textbooks used must be graded to the capaci- ties of fourth year, intermediate, grammar, and high school pupils, or to corresponding classes in ungraded schools. For students be- low the high-school grade, all textbooks must give at least one-fifth their space, and for pupils of the high-school grade, not less than twenty pages, to the " nature and effects of alcoholic drinks and other narcotics." This subject must be considered in connection with each division of physiology and hygiene. Pages in a separate chapter at the end of a book cannot be considered in determining the minimum pages which a book must contain. A textbook which does not comply with these provisions cannot legally be used. Regents' Examinations. — All Regents' examinations in physi- ology and hygiene must include a proportionate number of questions on the nature of alcoholic drinks and other narcotics and their effects on the human system. Instruction in Normal School and Training Classes. — All normal schools and training classes in the State must give proper time and attention to the best methods of teaching this subject. Duty of Teacher. — It is the duty of every teacher to teach this subject as required by law, and the Commissioner of Education, on satisfactory evidence that any teacher has willfully refused to teach the subject, is required to revoke the license of such teacher. No teacher can receive a certificate to teach who does not pass a satisfactory examination in the subject and the best methods of teachinsf it. 164 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW Apportionment of Public Money. — Before any city can receive any of the public money of the State, the superintendent of schools of such city must file an affidavit with the city treasurer or chamberlain, and a copy thereof with the Commissioner of Educa- tion, that he has made an investigation into the facts and that to the best of his knowledge and belief all the provisions of this law have been complied with in the schools under his supervision. A similar affidavit must be made by the president of the board of education of each union free-school district and by the trustees of each common-school district and filed with the district super- intendents having jurisdiction before the schools under the control of such boards shall be apportioned public money. Duties of School Officers.- — The law directs that local school authorities must provide the necessary facilities and a definite time and place for this branch in the regular courses of study. Under this provision of law the Commissioner of Education has ruled that where school patrons are unable or unwilling to buy necessary text-books the local authorities may purchase such books at the expense of the district. Withholding Public Money.— Where it is established to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Education, upon appeal, that any city or school district has failed to comply with the provisions of this law, he is required to withhold the public money of such city or district until it meets the requirements of the law. [Article 26-ib] Humane Treatment and Protection of Animals and Birds. — I. Boards of education in cities, union free-school districts and towns are required to include in their courses of study provision for instruction in the humane treatment and protection of animals and birds and the important part they play in the economy of nature. 2. The Board of Regents is required to prescribe the period of time which shall be devoted to instruction in such subject each year. Instruction in such subject may be correlated with instruc- tion in literature, reading, language, nature study or ethnology. 3. If the instruction required under this law is not given the public money of the district, city or town may be withheld. COURSES OF STUDY, ETC. 165 [Article 26c] Courses of Instruction in Patriotism and Citizenship. — In or- der to promote a spirit of, patriotic and civic service and obliga- tion and to foster in the children of the State moral and intellect- ual qualities which are essential in preparing to meet the obliga- tions O'f citizenship in peace or in war, the Regents of the Uni- versity of the State of New York shall prescribe courses of in- struction in patriotism and citizenship, to be maintained and fol- lowed in all the schools of the State. The boards of education and trustees of the several cities and school districts of the State shall require instruction to be given in such courses, by the teach- ers employed in the schools therein. All pupils attending such schools, over the age of eight years, shall attend upon such instruction. Similar courses of instruction shall be prescribed and main- tained in private schools in the State, and all pupils in such schools over eight years of age shall attend upon such courses. If such courses are not so established and maintained in a private school, attendance upon instruction in such school shall not be deemed substantially equivalent to instruction given to pupils of like age in the public schools of the city or district in v/hich such pupils reside. This article also provides that the Regents of the University of the State of New York shall determine the subjects to be included in such courses of instruction in patriotism and citizen- ship, and the period of instruction in each of the grades in such subjects. They shall adopt rules providing for attendance upon such instruction and for such other matters as are required for carrying into effect the objects and purposes of this article. The Commissioner of Education shall he responsible for the enforce- ment of this article and shall cause to be inspected and supervise the instruction to be given in such subjects. The Commissioner may, in his discretion, cause all or- a portion of the public school money to be apportioned to a district or city to be withheld for failure of the school authorities of such district or city to provide instruction in such courses and to compel attendance upon such instruction, as herein prescribed, and for a noncompliance with the rules of the regents adopted as herein provided. (L. 1918, ch. 241.) l66 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW The requirements relative to physical training are treated in a later chapter. Religious Exercises in Schools. — Religious exercises of any character cannot lawfully be conducted in any public school. No pupil can lawfully be compelled to remain in school during a religious exercise, nor can a pupil be compelled to take part in any religious exercise. No part of the time prescribed for a public school to be in session can lawfully be devoted to religious exer- cises of any kind. Reading the Bible or repeating a prayer is a religious exercise. These statements are based upon the uniform rulings and decisions of the State Superintendents of New York State, and the Commissioner of Education. In many cases all the patrons of a school are willing that re- ligious exercises should be held. In any such case, it has been the policy of the Education Department not to interfere in any way with the holding of such exercises. Where a portion of the patrons of a school desire the o'bserv- ance of religious exercises and pupils assemble in the schoolroom previous to the regular hour for opening school, and no objection is made by any taxable inhabitant of the district, such exercises may be conducted, provided all pupils are permitted to act their pleasure in regard to attendance thereon, and, provided the exer- cises are not continued beyond the hour at which the school should regularly convene. Whenever any dissensions would arise from conducting religious exercises on this plan, such exer- cises should not be held. REVIEW QUESTIONS Who have the authority to adopt courses of study for common-school districts? For union free-school districts? Does the law provide vi^hat subjects shall be taught in common schools? What subjects must be taught? What subjects does the compulsory education act provide shall be taught to children who are required to attend upon instruction? What subjects, then, must be included in courses of study? In what schools must such subjects be taught? May other subjects be included? What is the remedy if trustees include subjects unreasonable, impracticable, etc.? What authority have teachers in arranging courses of study? What authority have parents? Can parents direct what subjects their children shall pursue in a public school? In what schools must the subject of physiology and hygiene be taught? What is the provision of law relative to teaching about alcoholic drinks? What pupils must study the subject in graded schools? In ungraded schools? REVIEW QUESTIONS 16/ What about kindergarten pupils? Wtiat pupils must use text-books? What pupils must receive oral instruction? What period of instruction from text- books must each pupil receive? What is the official ruling on this question? What is the ruling relative to oral expression? How must text-books be graded? What portion of text-books for pupils below the high school grade must be given to this subject? For pupils above the high school grade? How must matters relating to this subject be distributed in text-books? What is the law relating to pages on this subject which are put at the end of a book? What are the requirements in relation to Regents' examinations? CHAPTER XVIII INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION [Article 22] (As Amended by Laws of 1919, Chapter 531) Vocational Schools in Cities. — Under the Industrial Educa- tion Law the board of education of any city may estabHsh, acquire, conduct and maintain as a part of the pubHc school system of such city the following: 1. General industrial schools in communities of less than twenty- five thousand inhabitants open to pupils who have completed the elementary school course or who have attained the age of fourteen years ; and 2. Unit trade and technical schools open to pupils who have attained the age of fourteen years or who have completed the elementary school course or who have met such other requirements as the Commissioner of Education may have prescribed ; and 3. Schools of agriculture, mechanic arts and homemaking, open to pupils who have completed the elementary school course or who have attained the age of fourteen, or who have met such other requirements as the local school authorities may have prescribed; and 4. Practical arts or homemaking schools open to pupils who have completed the elementary school course, or who have attained the age of fourteen years, or who have met such other requirements as the Commissioner of Education may have prescribed. Special requirements may be prescribed for courses conducted in com- munities of less than twenty-five thousand inhabitants. 5. Evening vocational schools in which instruction shall be given in the trades and in industrial, agricultural ard homemaking sub- jects, and which shall be open to pupils over sixteen years of age, who are regularly and lawfully employed during the day and which provide instruction in subjects related to the practical work carried on in such employment ; but such evening vocational schools pro- viding instruction in homemaking shall be open to all women over sixteen years of age who are employed in any capacity during the day. Part-Time or Continuation Schools. — The board of education of each city and of each school district in which there are twenty or more minors above the age of fourteen years and below the age of eighteen years, who are not in regular attendance upon instruc- tion, shall establish and maintain part-time or continuation schools or classes in which such minors shall receive instruction. Such schools or classes may be established in public school buildings, 168 INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION . I&9 in Other buildings especially adapted for their operation, in manu- facturing or mercantile establishments and in factories. Such schools or classes, wherever they are established or maintained, shall be under the control and management of the board of education and shall be a part of the public school system of the city or district which maintains them. Courses of study in private or parochial part-time or continuation schools or classes which meet the require- ments of the statutes and the regulations prescribed thereunder may be approved by the Commissioner of Education and, when thus approved, attendance thereon shall be accepted for that required under this article. Such part-time or continuation schools or classes shall be main- tained each year during the full period of time which the public schools of a city or district are in session. The sessions of such part-time or continuation schools or classes shall be on the regular scItooI days and for as many hours between the hours of eight o'clock forenoon and five o'clock afternoon as shall be necessary to provide the required instruction for such minors who reside in said city or district. The courses of study in such part-time or continuation schools or classes shall be approved by the Commissioner of Education and shall include among other spbjects instruction in American history, the rights and obligations of citizenship, industrial history, economics, the essential features of the laws relating to the indus- tries taught, and shall also include such other subjects as will enlarge the vocational intelligence of such minors. The board of education of each city and of each such school dis- trict shall make necessary arrangements to begin to operate and maintain such part-time or continuation schools or classes, on the opening of the public schools in September, nineteen hundred and twenty, and shall annually thereafter in September open and main- tain additional schools and classes so that by the opening of the public schools in September, nineteen hundred and twenty-five a sufficient number of such schools shall have been established as to afiford the required instruction under this article to those minors who are required to attend such schools or classes. Each minor under the age of eighteen years, who is not in regular attendance upon a public, private or parochial school or who is regularly and lawfully employed in some occupation or service, unless such minor has completed a four-year secondary course of mstruction approved by the Regents of the university, shall attend a part-time or continuation school or class in the city or district in which such minor resides or may be employed. Such attendance shall be for not less than four hours per week and not more than eight hours per week for each week which such school or class is in session except that the school authorities may, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Education, permit any such minor I/O NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW to increase the number of hours per week of required attendance and decrease the number of weeks of required attendance. Such minor who is temporarily out of regular employment or service shall attend such school not less than twenty hours per week. The attendance upon a part-time or continuation school or class shall be between the hours of eight o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon. I The Commissioner of Education shall make a survey of each city or district to ascertain the industrial, commercial, economic and social needs of such city or district and the benefits and opportuni- ties to be afl^orded through the establishment of such part-time or continuation schools or classes to the community and to those who are required to attend such schools or classes. The industrial com- mission and the Commissioner of Agriculture shall co-operate with the Commissioner of Education in making such survey. The Regents of the university shall establish regulations to govern and regulate the administration of such part-time or continuation schools or classes and the attendance of minors thereon. To meet local necessities the board of education of each city or school dis- trict may establish regulations but such regulations shall not con- flict with the regulations adopted by the Regents. The parent, guardian or other person having the custody or control of a minor who is required under the provisions of this article to attend a part-time or continuation school or class shall cause such minor to attend such school or class. A parent, guardian or other person who refuses or fails to comply with this provision of the law shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be subject to a fine of not more than one hundred dollars or by imprison- ment for not more than ten days, or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. Any minor under seventeen years of age who fails to attend upon in- struction as defined by this article shall be subject to the pro- visions of section six hundred and thirty-five of the Education Law. Any person, firm or corporation employing a minor between the ages of fourteen years and eighteen years shall permit the attendance of such minor upon a part-time school or class whenever such part-time school or class shall have been estab- lished in the city or district where the minor resides or may be employed, and upon the termination of employment of any such minor the employer shall return within three days the employment certificate of such minor by mail to the school authorities, and a person, firm or corporation employing a minor over fourteen years of age and less than eighteen yea.TS of age contrary to the provisions of this article shall be subject to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars and not more than INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION I7I one hundrea dollars for each offense or by imprisonment in the city or county jail for not less than five days and not more than ten days, or by such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. A person, firm or corporation, which has in its employ a minor who fails to attend a part-time or continuation school or class as required herein, shall immediately discontinue the services of such minor upon receiving from the school authorities written notice of the failure of such minor to attend such part-time or continuation school or class, and a person, firm or corporation violating this pro- vision of law shall be subject to a fine or fifty dollars for each offense. The board of education of each city or district having a popu- lation of five thousand or more inhabitants is hereby required to enforce the provisions of this law and the Commissioner of Edu- cation is hereby charged with the duty and vested with necessary authority to supervise the enforcement and administration of this act. If the authorities of such a city or school district fail or refuse to provide the necessary funds for the establishment and main- tenance of such part-time or continuation schools or classes as are required under this law, the city or district shall forfeit from the funds due such city or district from the State for school purposes an amount equal to that which is estimated by the board of educa- tion as necessary to properly operate and maintain such schools or classes. The public or State funds thus forfeited by such city or district shall be apportioned by the Commissioner of Education to the board of education of such city or district for the purpose of maintaining such part-time or continuation schools or classes and the board of education of the city or district receiving such funds shall apply the same toward the maintenance of such schools or classes and in payment of the expenses incurred thereby. Industrial, Agricultural and Homemaking SchoolSo — The board of education of any union free school district shall also estab- lish, acquire and maintain general industrial schools, unit trade and technical schools, schools of agriculture, mechanic arts and homemaking, and practical arts or homemaking schools and evening vocational schools for like purposes whenever such schools shall be authorized by a district meeting. The trustees or board of trustees of a common school district may establish a school or a course in agriculture, mechanic arts and homemaking, when author- ized by a district meeting. The board of education of a city, town or union free school district, not maintaining a school of agriculture, mechanic arts and homemaking, may employ a director of agri- culture. The boards of education or trustees of two or more dis- tricts or towns may by joint contract employ such a director and determine in such contract as to the portion of the compensation which is to be paid by each district. The qualifications of a person employed as such director shall be prescribed by the Commissioner 172 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW of Education, as provided by law in respect to teachers employed in public schools of the State. Advisory Boards. — The board of education shall appoint an advisory board of five members representing the local trades, industries, and occupations. In the first instance two of such mem- bers shall be appointed for a term of one year and three of such members shall be appointed for a term of two years. Thereafter as the terms of such members shall expire the vacancies caused thereby shall be filled for a full term of two years. Any other vacancy occurring on such board shall be filled by the appointing power named in this section for the remainder of the unexpired term. It is made the duty o£ such advisory board to counsel with and advise the board of education in relation to the powers and duties vested in such board under this law. Authority of the Board of Education. — The board of educa- tion in a city or in a union free school district in which city or dis- trict a general industrial school, unit trade or technical school, a school of agriculture, mechanic arts and homemaking, or practical arts or homemaking school, or a part-time or continuation school, or an evening vocational school is established as provided in this article, is vested with the same power and authority over the management, supervision and control of such school and the teachers or instructors employed therein as such board now has over the schools and teachers under their charge. Such boards of education shall also have full power and authority : 1. To employ competent teachers or instructors. 2. To provide proper courses of study. 3. To puchase or acquire sites and grounds and to purchase, acquire, lease or construct and to repair suitable shops or buildings and to properly equip the same. 4. To purchase necessary machinery, tools, apparatus and sup- plies. State Aid.— The Commissioner of Education in the annual apportionment of the State school moneys shall apportion therefrom to each city and school district for each general industrial school, unit trade and technical school, part-time or continuation school, practical arts or homemaking school or evening vocational school, maintained therein for thirty-six weeks during the school year and employing one teacher whose work is devoted exclusively to such school, and having an enrolment of such number of pupils as may be required by the Commissioner of Education and maintaining an organization and a course of study, and conducted in a manner approved by him, a sum equal to two-thirds of the salary paid to such teacher, but not exceeding one thousand dollars. He shall also apportion in like manner to each city, union free school district or common school district for each school of agri- culture, mechanic arts and homemaking, maintained therein for INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION 1 73 thirty-six weeks during the school year, and employing one teacher whose work is devoted exclusively to such school, and such number of pupils as may be required by the Commissioner of Education having an enrolment and maintaining an organization and course of study and conducted in a manner approved by him, a sum equal to two-thirds of the salary paid to such teacher. Such teacher may be employed for the entire year, and during the time that the said school is not open shall be engaged in performing such educational services as may be required by the board of education or trustees, under regulations adopted by the Commissioner of Education. Where a contract is made with a teacher for the entire year and such teacher is. employed for such period, as herein provided, the Commissioner of Education shall make an additional apportion- ment to such city or district of the sum of two hundred dollars. But the total amount apportioned in each year on account of such teacher shall not exceed one thousand dollars. The Commissioner of Education shall also laiake an additional apportionment to each city and union free school district for each additional teacher employed in the schools mentioned in the pre- ceding subdivisions of this section for thirty-six weeks during the school year, a sum equal to one-half of the salary paid to each such additional teacher, but not exceeding one thousand dollars for each teacher. The Commissioner of Education shall also apportion in like man- ner to each city, town and school district employing, or joining in the employment of, a director of agriculture, as authorized by section six hundred and two of this chapter, and establishing, main- taining and conducting an organization and course of instruction in such subject, approved by the Commissioner of Education, a sum equal to one-half of the salary paid to such director by such city, town or district, or by two or more of such towns or districts, not exceeding in each year the sum of six hundred dollars, for each director employed. Where the apportionment is made on account of a director employed by two or more towns or districts, it shall be apportioned to such towns or districts in accordance with the pro- portionate amount paid by each of such towns or districts under the contract made with such director. The Commissioner of Education, in his discretion, may appor- tion to a district or city maintaining such schools or employing such teachers for a shorter time than thirty-six weeks, or for a less time than a regular school day, an amount pro rata to the time such schools are maintained or such teachers are employed. This section shall not be construed to entitle manual training high schools or other secondary schools maintaining manual training depart- ments, to an apportionment of funds herein provided for. Any person employed as teacher may serve as principal of the school in which the said industrial or trade school or .course, or school or course of agriculture, mechanic arts and homemaking, is maintained. 174 ^'EW YORK SCHOOL LAW All moneys apportioned by the Commissioner of Education for schools under this article shall be used exclusively for the payment of the salaries of teachers employed in such schools in the city or district to which such moneys are apportioned. Annual Estimate and Appropriations. — The board of educa- tion of each city and the board of education or trustees of each school district which maintains a general industrial school, unit trade or technical school, school of agriculture, mechanic arts and homemaking, part-time or continuation schools, practical arts or homemaking schools or evening vocational schools, shall include in its estimate of expenses pursuant to the provisions of this chapter the amount that will be required to maintain such schools after applying toward the maintenance thereof the amount apportioned therefor by the Commissioner of Education. Such amount shall thereafter be levied, assessed and raised^ by tax upon the taxable property of the city or district at the time and in the manner that other taxes for school purposes are raised in such city or district. Courses in Schools of Agriculture for Training of Teachers. — The State schools or agriculture at Saint Lawrence University, at Alfred University and at Morrisville may give courses for the training of teachers in agriculture, mechanic arts, domestic science or homemaking, approved by the Commissioner of Education. Such schools shall be entitled to an apportionment of money as provided in section six hundred and five of this chapter for schools estab- lished in union free school districts. Graduates from such approved courses may receive licenses to teach agriculture, mechanic arts and homemaking in the public schools of the State, subject to such rules and regulations as the Commissioner of Education may prescribe. Smith-Hughes Vocational Law. — This is a law enacted by Congress and provides for federal grants for vocational education in the several States of the Union. One of the main purposes of this act is to bring cooperation between the States of the Union and the nation in the promotion of vocational education. It is proposed that under this law the national government shall ap- propriate for the year 1917-1918 $1,700,000, to be apportioned among the several States of the Union. On the basis on which it is proposed to make these appropriations the amount appro- priated for the year 1925-26 by the United States would be $7,200,000. These appropriations are made for four specific pur- poses, as follows: INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION 174a 1. Toward the salaries for teachers of agriculture. 2. Toward the salaries for teachers of trade and industrial schools. 3. Toward the training of teachers for vocational work. 4. An annual appropriation of $200,000 each year for the fed- eral board which is charged with the administration of this work. The maximum appropriations are to be reached in 1925-26, and thereafter the appropriations will annually be the amount fixed for these )^ears. These amounts are as follows : For the purpose specified in paragraph i — $3,000,000 2 — $3,000,000 3 — $T ,000,000 4 — $ 200,000 In order that a State may participate in this appropriation of federal funds the Legislature of the State is required to 1. Accept by legislative act the provisions of the federal bill. 2. Accept by legislative act the benefits of all the funds, or of such fund as the State desires to use. 3. Establish a State board of control. 4. Designate the State Treasurer as custodian of the fund. The Legislature of the State of New York in 1917 enacted a law designating the State Board of Regents as the State board of control to cooperate with the federal board of control, and the Legislature also formally declared in this same law its desire to accept the benefit of all the funds and purposes for which appro- priations are made. The State Treasurer, as required under the federal act, was designated as the custodian of the fund. The federal board has been organized and has assumed the administration of this important function of public education. The work which a State is doing either in the training of teach- ers or in the courses of instruction which are being given in trade and industrial schools, agricultural schools, and in training teachers for vocational work, must be approved by the national board. The advanced work which the State of New York is now doing in all these lines should be sufficient guarantee that the courses given in the several cities in New York will be approved and ihe State receive a large benefit from this fund. 174b NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW REVIEW QUESTIONS What vocational schools may a city board of education, establish? When must a board of education establish a part-time or continuation school? What pupils are required to attend such school? Where may part-time or continuation schools or classes be established? How long must such schools or classes be in session? Who approves the courses of study? What subjects must be included in the course of study? When must a board of education arrange to begin to operate and maintain a part-time or continuation school? State the required number of hours of attendance per week. What is the duty of the Regents respecting the establishment of regulations to govern such schools and the attendance of minors? What is the penalty for the failure of a parent or guardian to require regular attendance? State the duty of an employer with respect to permitting attendance in such schools or classes; the penalty for failure to perform such duty. What penalty may be imposed upon a city or district for failing or refusing to provide necessary funds? When may the board of education of a union free school district establish industrial schools and schools of agriculture, mechanic arts and homemaking? What authorities have power to employ a director of agriculture? State the provisions of the law affecting the appointment of an advisory board. Define the authority of the board of education over such schools. Give the provisions for State aid. What is the federal vocational law? What is its purpose? What amount was appropriated by Congress in 1917? What amount does the bill call for in 1725-26? Name four specific purposes for which this money was appro- priated. Name the maximum amount to be appropriated for each of these purposes. Name the four conditions which a State must satisfy to be entitled to share in such funds. What action did the Legislature of New York take in 1917? CHAPTER XIX ■*TEXT-BOOKS, ARBOR DAY, FLAG LAW, SAVINGS BANKS [Articles 25, 27, 29] Adoption of Text-Books. — In union free-school districts and cities, boards of education or bodies performing the duties of boards of education, constitute the proper authority to determine and adopt the text-books that shall be used in the schools under their jurisdiction. In common-school districts, text-books for use in such schools must be designated by the legal, voters of each of such districts at an annual meeting. The votes of two-thirds of all the legal voters present and voting at such meeting are necessary to adopt any text-book. As the law provides that the adoption of text- books in a common-school district shall be at an annual meeting, such action cannot be taken at a special meeting. Change of Text-Books. — After a text-book shall have been regularly adopted for the schools of a union free-school district or city by the board of education of such district or city, or by any other body performing the duty of such board, it is unlawful for such board to supersede the books thus adopted by any other book within a period of five years from the date on which such books were adopted, except by a three-fourths vote of the mem- bers of such board. In a common-school district, after a text-book has been regu- larly adopted it cannot lawfully be superseded within a period of five years, except upon a three-fourths vote of the legal voters of such district present and voting at an annual meeting. After a text-book regularly adopted has been in use in a union free-school district or city for five or more years, such book may be superseded by another book, by a majority vote of the mem- bers of the board of education having jurisdiction. In a common- * See Chapter 653, Laws of 1913, as to special act authorizing uniform text-books for St. Lawrence county. 1/6 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW school district, after a text-book, regularly adopted, has been in use for five or more years, it may be superseded by another book, by a two-thirds vote of the legal voters of such district present and voting at any annual- meeting. Penalty for Violations. — Any person or persons guilty of a violation of the provisions stated in either of the foregoing para- graphs, is liable to a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $100 for each offense. Fine, How Collected. — r\ny taxpayer may sue any person guilty of a violation of these provisions before a justice of the peace. Such fine, when collected, should be paid to the collector or treasurer of the district in which such violation occurred, and used for the benefit of the schools of such district. Supplying Pupils with Text-Books. — A meeting of a union free-school district may vote an appropriation for supplying indi- gent pupils with text-books. When such action is taken by a district meeting, it is the duty of the board of education to pro- vide books for such pupils. Free Text-Books. — A majority of the legal voters of a union free-school district may decide to supply the pupils of such dis- trict with free text-books. This question may be voted upon at a special meeting regularly called, or at an annual meeting when notice has been duly given that such vote will be taken. The vote must be by the ayes and noes and must be duly re- corded. When the voters of a district have decided to furnish pupils free text-books, the board of education of such district must supply all pupils within ninety days with free text-books. The board of education has authority to prescribe regulations for the care, use, and distribution of books. Rental or Sale of Text-Books.' — Under the provisions of chap- ter 379 of the Laws of 191 8, in the several cities and union free- school districts of the State, boards of education or other school authorities may purchase text-books and supplies and either rent or sell the same to the pupils attending the public schools in such cities and union free-school districts upon such terms and under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by such boards of education or other school authorities. Text-Books Containing Seditious or Disloyal Matter. — " No text-book in any subject used in the public schools of the State TEXT-BOOKS, ARBOR DAY, ETC. I77 shall contain any matter or statements of any kind which are seditious in character, disloyal to the United States or favorable to the cause of any foreign coantry with which the United States is now at war. A commission is hereby created, consisting of the commissioner of education and of two persons to be desig- nated by the regents of the university of the state of New York, whose duty it shall be on complaint to examine text-books used in the public schools of the state, in the subjects of civics, eco- nomics, English, history, language and literature, for the purpose of determining whether such text-books contain any matter or statements of any kind which are seditious in character, disloyal to the United States or favorable to the cause of any foreign country with which the United States is now at war. Any per- son may present a written complaint to such commission that a text-book in any of the aforesaid subjects for use in the public schools of this state or offered for sale for use in the public schools of this state contains matter or statements in violation of this section, specifying such matter or statements in detail. If the commission determine that the text-^book against which com- plaint is made contains any such matter or statements, it shall issue a certificate disapproving the use of such text-book in the public schools of this state, together with a statement of the rea- sons for its disapproval, specifying the matter found unlawful. Such certificate of disapproval of a text-'book, with a detailed statement of the reasons for its disapproval, shall be duly for- warded to the boards of education or other boards or authorities having jurisdiction of the public schools of the cities, towns or school districts of this state, and after the receipt of such certifi- cate the use of a text-book so disapproved shall be discontinued in such city, town or school district. "Any contract hereafter made by any such board of education or other school authorities for the purchase of a text-book in any of such subjects, which has been so disapproved, shall be void. Any school officer or teacher who permits a text-book in any of such subjects, which has been so disapproved, to be used in the public schools of the state, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor." (See L. 1918, ch. 246.) 178 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW ARBOR DAY [Article 29] History, — Arbor Day in New York was created by chapter 196 of the Laws of 1888 and has been observed annually by the public schools of the State from that date. Since the establish- ment of this day the school children have planted on the school grounds of the State about 200,000 trees and many plants and shrubs. Arbor Day originated in Nebraska in 1872. and is now observed by every State in the Union. State Tree, — In 1899 the vote of the school children of the State for a State tree resulted in the sugar maple's receiving a majority of all votes cast. Since that time the sugar maple has been considered the State tree. State Flower, — In 1890 State Superintendent Draper requested the school children of the State to vote on Arbor Day for a State flov\^er. One hundred and thirty different varieties received votes, and 318,079 votes were cast. The golden-rod received the greatest number of votes cast, 81,308, while the rose received 79,666 votes. As no flower received a majority of the votes cast, and as the vote for the golden-rod and the rose was so evenly divided, Superintendent Draper requested that a vote be taken on these two flowers on Arbor Day in 1891. This vote was taken, with the result that the rose received 294,816 votes and the golden-rod 206,402. The rose is therefore considered our State flower. New York was the first State in the Union to take action toward the establishment of a State flower. Best American Nature Poem. — On Arbor Day of 1891 the teachers of the State, in response to a request of the State Super- tendent that they express their choice by vote for the best Ameri- can poem on nature or trees, selected Bryant's Forest Hymn by a majority of 156 votes. Bryant's Thanatopsis was second choice. Date.— Arbor Day occurred for many years on the Friday fol- lowing the first day of May. In 1916 the law was amended by providing that the date of Arbor Day should be fixed by procla- mation of the Commissioner of Education. TEXT-BOOKS, ARBOR DAY, ETC. 179 Duty of School Authorities. — The law makes it the duty of the school authorities of every public school in the State " to observe this day properly by assembling the pupils in the school building or elsewhere for the purpose of holding, under the general direc- tion of the city superintendent or district superintendent, exer- cises which shall tend to encourage the planting, protection, and preservation of trees and shrubs, and an acquaintance with the best methods to be adopted to accomplish such results." Program of Exercises. — The Commissioner of Education is required to prepare a program of exercises and instruction for use in the public schools on Arbor Day and to cause the same to be distributed throug'hout the districts of the State. Distribution of Program. — It is the duty of district superin- tendents and city superintendents to provide each of the schools tinder their supervision with as many copies of the program pre- pared by the Commissioner of Education as may be available. District superintendents may deposit with each board of educa- tion the programs for the schools under the direction of such board, and it is the duty of such board to deliver such programs to the teachers in charge of the schools. FLAG LAW [Article 27] The Legislature of 1895 passed an act making it the duty of the school authorities of each school district and city in the State to supply a United States flag, flag-staff, and other neces- sary appliances for each of the schoolhouses under their super- vision. This flag should be displayed upon or near the school- house during school hours and at any other time when so directed by the school authorities. In cities and union free-school districts this duty rests with boards of education, and in all other districts with the trustees of such districts. This matter is not left to the discretion of these officers, as the law is mandatory and a failure to comply with its provisions is sufficient cause for removal from office. If a school-house is not supplied with a flag and the necessary appliances, or if such flag and appliances have been lost or l80 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW destroyed, the trustees or board of education of the district or city in which such schoolhouse is located should purchase a flag and appliances and levy a tax upon the district for the expense of the same. School authorities may pursue this course vv^ithout being directed to do so by a district meeting. The Commissioner of Education is required to prepare for the use of the public schools of the State a program providing for a salute of the flag at the opening of each day of school and to provide for such other patriotic exercises as he may deem to be expedient. He is also required to provide for the observance of Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Flag Day, and other similar legal holidays. To meet this demand an unsually attractive and interesting volume on the history of the flag has been issued and a copy placed in every schoolhouse in the State. SCHOOL SAVINGS BANK [ Section 279 — Banking Law] General Statement. — The Legislature of 1904 amended the banking law by authorizing school savings banks in the public schools of the State. This action was necessary in view of an opinion of the State Attorney-General, in order to legalize a growing practice in many schools intended to inculcate principles of thrift and economy at an early period of the child's life. Who May Collect Money. — The principal of any school in the State or a superintendent of schools, or any other person designated for that purpose by a board of education, may col- lect from pupils once a week or from time to time small amounts of savings. How Deposited.— Such savings shall be deposited on the day collected by the person making such collection in a savings bank of the State. Such deposits must be to the credit of the re- spective pupils from whom it was collected. If the amount col- lected at any one time shall be insufificient for the opening of REVIEW QUESTIONS l8l individual accounts, it shall be deposited in the name of the prin- cipal or superintendent in trust and to be transferred to the credit of the respective pupils to whom it belongs when the amount is sufficient for that purpose. Data to be Furnished Bank. — Principals or superintendents must furnish banks in which such deposits are made a list of the names of such depositors, their ag'es, signatures, addresses, place of birth, parents' names, and any other data required by- such banks. Penalty for Violation of this Law. — For the purposes of this law it is lawful to use the terms " School Savings Banks," or " System of School Savings Banks " in circulars and otherwise, but for a violation thereof a penalty of $ioo is imposed for each offense and for each day such offense is continued. REVIEW QUESTIONS By what authority are text-books adopted in union free-school districts? In cities? In common-school districts? What vote is necessary in com- mon-school districts? When can such vote be taken? After a text-book has been adopted in a city or union free-school district, how may such text- book be changed within a period of five years? After a period of five years? In a common-school district how may a text-book be changed within a period of five years after its adoption? After a period of five years? What is the penalty for violation of these provisions? How may such fine be collected? For what should it be used after it is collected? May a union free-school district supply pupils with text-books? When? How is it done? When was Arbor Day created? How? Where did the day originate? When? What is considered our State tree? How was it determined? What is considered our State flower? How was it determined? Give the history of the vote on this question? What was the result of the final vote? What has been decided to be the best American poem on nature? How was this decided? When does Arbor Day occur? What is the duty of school authorities in relation to Arbor Day? Who prepares the program of exercises? How are such programs distributed? How is the expense of carrying out the provisions of the law met? State the provisions of the flag law of 1895 relative to supplying school 1 82 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW districts with a United States flag. When should the flag be displayed? Where? Upon whom does the provisions of the law fall in union free- school districts? In all other districts? Are its provisions left to the dis- cretion of school authorities? What is the penalty for failing to comply with its provisions? If a district has not a flag and appliances, who should purchase one? If a flag and appliances have been destroyed, who should replace them? Is a vote of the district necessary in either case? CHAPTER XX COMPULSORY EDUCATION EMPLOYMENT OF CHILDREN VACA- TION PERMITS ILLITERATE MINORS [Article 23] The Act of 1874. — On May 11, 1874, the State Legislature passed a Compulsory Education Law, which went into effect January l, 1875. The burden of enforcing the provisions of this act was placed upon trustees, and penalties for its violation or failure to enforce were not provided. Little attention was given to the measure, and it was never enforced to any extent in any part of the State. After remaining a dead letter upon the statute books for twenty years, the act was superseded by chapter 671 of the Laws of 1894, which was incorporated in the Consolidated School Law and is now article 23 of the Education Law. A law taking effect September i, 1904, provides for the compulsory education of Indian children on the Indian reservations. This law is modeled after the general Compulsory Education Law and is quite similar to it in all respects. For the detailed pro- visions of this law, see article '^J of the Education Law. Terms Defined. — The terms " school authorities " and " person in parental relation to a child " occur so often in this measure that a complete knowledge of their meaning is necessary, in order to have a clear understanding of the provisions of this law. " School Authorities," means the trustees or board of education, or corresponding officers, whether one or more, and by whatever name known, of a city or school district, however created. "Persons in Parental Relation to a Child."' — This term means those persons who have the lawful care, custody, and control of children. The term includes parents, guardians, or any other persons standing in such capacity, whether one or more. Who Shall Attend Upon Instruction. — i. Every child within the compulsory school ages, in proper physical and mental con- dition to attend school, residing in a city or school district having a population of four thousand five hundred or more and employ- ing a superintendent of schools, shall regularly attend upon instruction for the entire time during which the schools of such city or district are in session as follows: (a) Each child between seven and fourteen years of age. (b) Each child between fourteen and sixteen years of age not regularly and lawfully employee^. 183 184 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW 2. Every such child, residing elsewhere than in a city or school district having a population of four thousand five hun- dred or more and employing a superintendent of schools, shall attend upon instruction during the entire time that the school in the district shall be in session, as follows : (a) Each child between eight and fourteen years of age. (b) Each child between fourteen and sixteen years of age not regularly and lawfully engaged in any useful employment or service. (c) The period of which any such school shall be in session shall not be less than one hundred and eighty days of actual school. Where Children May Attend Upon Instruction.^ This law does not prescribe that children shall attend public schools. It provides that they shall attend upon instruction. Such attendance upon instruction may, therefore, be in a public school, a private school, or at home. Character of Instruction. — When children attend elsewhere than at a public school, the instruction given must be substan- tially the same as that given to children of like age in the public schools in the city or district in which such children reside. The number of hours' attendance shall be the same as that required in the public school of the district in which such children reside. No greater allowance for holidays, vacations, etc., shall be made upon such attendance than is allowed in the public schools of the district in which such children reside. Duty of Parents, Guardians, etc. — The law makes it the duty of every parent, guardian, or other person standing in parental relation to a child or children between the ages of seven and six- teen years, to require such child or children to attend upon in- struction as required by law, provided such child or children are in proper physical and mental condition to attend school. A child within the prescribed ages shall be deemed in proper physical and mental condition to attend upon instruction unless a certificate shall have been issued by the school authorities that the child is not in proper physical and mental condition to so attend. No physical condition which is capable of correction shall avail as a defense under the provisions of this article unless it shall be made to appear that all reasonable measures for the correction of the condition and the suitable instruction of the child have been taken. At the time a child of school age begins to attend upon instruction at a public school or elsewhere, the person in parental relation to such child shall submit to the school authorities or to the- person having control or charge of the instruction of such child, as evidence of age, a duly attested transcript of the birth certificate filed according to law with a COMPULSORY EDUCATION, ETC. 185 registrar of vital statistics or other officer charged with the duty of recording births; or a passport, or a duly attested transcript of a certificate of baptism showing the date of birth of such child. In case no acceptable documentary evidence of age as above required can be produced by the person in parental relation to the child he shall then make an affidavit showing that such required documentary evidence cannot be produced. Such affi- davit shall contain the date and place of birth, and the present residence of such child, which affidavit must be taken before an officer of the board of education duly designated for the pur- pose, and who is authorized and required to administer such oath, and such other oaths as may be necessary, and who shall not demand or receive a fee therefor. Such affidavit shall be filed with the school authorities, and a duly attested transcript thereof shall be furnished upon request to the person in charge of the instruction of such child. Upon request of the school authorities the board or depart- ment of health shall furnish a duly attested transcript of the birth certificate filed according to law of a child seeking admis- sion to school. Such transcript shall be written in ink or type- written and shall be kept on file by the school authorities until the child leaves school to take up employment or becomes eigh- teen years of age. (See L. 1921, ch. 386.) Parent or Guardians Guilty of Misdemeanor, etc. — Any parent, guardian, or other person in parental relation to a child or children, who fails to require them to attend upon instruction as required by law is guilty of a misdemeanor. For the first offense, a fine not exceeding $5 or imprisonment for five da3^s may be imposed. Each subsequent offense is punishable b}^ a fine not to exceed $50, or by imprisonment not to exceed thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. No provision having been made by this act as to what should be done with a fine in this case, the same should be disposed of as are other fines imposed and collected by courts as provided in sections 726 and 727 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. School Record Certificate. — i. A school record certificate shall be issued to a minor entitled thereto as follows: (a) To a minor between fourteen and fifteen years of age who is a graduate of a public elementary school or parochial school or other school in which the subjects enumerated in section 620 of the Education Law are taught as therein required or who holds a preacademic certificate issued by the Regents and who has attended upon lawful instruction for not less than one hun- dred and thirty days in any of the following periods of twelve months: (i) That between his thirteenth and fourteenth birth- days ; (2) That next preceding graduation ; (3) That next pre- ceding his application for the certificate. l86 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW (b) To a minor between fifteen and sixteen years of age who has completed the work prescribed for the first six years of the course of study of a public elementary school, or a parochial school, or a school of equal rank in which the subjects enumer- ated in section 620 of the Education Law are taught as therein required and who has attended upon lawful instruction in the twelve months between his thirteenth and fourteenth birthdays or in the twelve months next preceding his application for said certificate for not less than one hundred and thirty days. (c) To a minor between sixteen and seventeen years of age irrespective of his educational attainments and attendance upon instruction. (d) Any portion of the one hundred and thirty days' attend- ance required for the issuance of a school record certificate lacking at the time application for its issuance is made shall, if made up of regular attendance within ninety days thereafter, be regarded as attendance within the prescribed period. 2. The person issuing a school record certificate shall certify the date of birth of the minor, his plaqe of residence, the names of the persons in parental relation to the minor and the other appropriate facts set forth in items a and b above as shown by the school records ; but in the case of a minor between sixteen and seventeen years of age, he shall then certify under those items the grade or class reached by the minor ; if, how- ever, such a minor is not in attendance upon instruction, or if this and other required information is not readily obtainable then thereupon issuing the school record certificate shall certify the same facts as determined to the best of his ability. 3. School record certificate shall be issued only by the fol- lowing persons : (a) In a city of the first class by the principal or chief execu- tive officer of a school. (b) In a city or school district having a population of four thousand five hundred or more and employing a superintendent of schools, by the superintendent of schools. (c) In all other school districts by the principal teacher of the school. (d) During the months of July and August, and at other times in extraordinary and emergency circumstances by one or more public school officials deputized in writing by the superintendent of schools. The school record certificate shall be granted on demand to any minor lawfully entitled thereto. Issuance of Employment Certificates, Vacation Employment Certificates, Newsboy Permit Badges. — i. Employment certifi- cates, vacation employment certificates and newsboy permit badges shall be issued only by the following officials: In cities and school districts having a population of four COMPULSORY EDUCATION, ETC. I87 thousand live hundred or more by the superintendent of schools ; elsewhere by the district superintendents ; pro- vided that the superintendent of schools or district super- intendent may authorize and deputize in writing one or more public school officials other than attendance officers to act in his stead as employment certificating officers in accordance with the regulations of the commissioner of education. The number of persons so deputized as employment certificating officers shall not exceed the proportion of one for each half million of the population or fraction thereof of a city or district. 2. An employment certificate shall be issued for a minor be- tween fourteen and seventeen years of age who is entitled thereto in accordance with the following procedure: (a) Such minor shall obtain a school record certificate from the principal or chief executive officer of the school which the minor attends or as otherwise provided : (b) He shall present to the examining officer of the board or department of health, to be known as the age and health certifi- cating officer, the application of the parent, school record certifi- cate, evidence of age, and if the minor is between fourteen and sixteen years of age he shall also present the statement of the prospective employer and shall then obtain from the age and health certificating officer a certificate of physical fitness. (c) He shall then present all the foregoing papers to the em- ployment certificating officer who shall issue the employment certificate if such papers are found to be satisfactory. 3. The parent, guardian or custodian of the minor shall make personal application for the issuance of a school record certificate. If between fourteen and sixteen years of age the minor shall obtain a statement signed by the prospective employer, or by his duly authorized representative, stating that he expects to give the minor present employment and setting forth the character of such employment, and the number of hours per day and per week which the minor will be employed. 4. The minor shall then present the papers prescribed in para- graph six of subdivision two of this section to the age and health certificating officer for examination and approval. When these papers have been approved, a medical officer of the board of health shall then make a thorough physical examination of the minor, and if the medical officer shall find that the child has reached the normal development of a child of his age, is in sound health and physically fit to perform the work he intends to do, he shall then issue to the minor a certificate of physical fitness, stating these facts. If the minor be found to be physically unfit or if the proofs of age submitted by him be unsatisfactory, the age and health certificating officer shall reject the applicant and shall notify the employment certificating officer of this action loo NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW and of the reason therefor and shall return the papers forthwith to such person. 5. The minor shall then present the papers approved by the age and health certificating officer to the employment certifi- cating officer who shall examine, approve and file the same. The employment certificating officer shall also test the minor, if he is under sixteen years of age, as to his ability to read and write correctly simple sentences in the English language and shall, after making such examination, sign and file in his office a statement that the minor can read and write correctly simple sentences in the English language, together with the sentences written by such minor, constituting the test so given. If the papers enumerated above are approved, and if the minor who is under sixteen years of age shows that he is able to read and write correctly simple sentences in the English language, the employment certificating officer shall then issue to the minor an employment certificate. If these papers are not approved or if the minor who is under sixteen years of age is unable to read and write correctly simple sentences in the English lan- guage, the employment certificating officer shall reject the appli- cant and notify the person issuing the school record certificate, stating the reason therefor, and shall return the school record certificate to the person who issued it. 6. An employment certificate shall be signed in the presence of the officer issuing the certificate by the minor for whom it is issued. It shall also contain the name and address of the prospective employer and shall state the nature of the work which the minor expects to perform and it shall be valid only in the hands of the employer therein named. Any employed minor between fourteen and seventeen years of age required to obtain an employment certificate and who is seeking new employment shall obtain a new employment certificate and shall be entitled thereto upon the return to the employment certifi- cating officer of the old employment certificate and if the minor is between fourteen and sixteen years of age upon the presenta- tion to such officer of a statement from the prospective employer as hereinbefore provided. 7. The evidence of age shall show that the child is at least the age required for the issuance of the school record certificate and such evidence shall be as follows: (a) Birth certificate; passport or baptismal certificate. A certificate transcript of the birth certificate filed according to law ; a duly attested transcript of a certificate of baptism or a passport showing the date of birth of the child. (b) Other documentary evidence. If the child appears to the age and health certificating officer to be of the required age and none of the papers mentioned in the preceding subdivision can be COMPULSORY EDUCATION, ETC. 189 furnished but other satisfactory documentary evidence of age can be produced, such officer shall present. to the board or department of health a statement signed by him showing such facts together with such evidence. The executive officer of the board or depart- ment of health may accept such documentary evidence as suffi- cient as to the age of such child and a record therefor shall be entered on the minutes of the board at its next meeting. (c) Physicians' certificates. If the child appears to be of the required age, the age and health certificating officer may receive an application signed by the child's parent, guardian or custodian for physicians' certificates as herein provided. The application shall be on file for not less than sixty days and shall contain : (i) The name, the place and date of birth and the present resi- dence of the child; (2) such further facts as may aid in deter- mining the child's age. If within such period no facts appear to contradict any material statement of such application, the officer shall direct the child to appear for physical examination before two physicians designated by the board of health. If the physi- cians certify in writing that they have separately examined the child and that the child is at least of the required age, such cer- tificates shall be sufficient evidence of age. If their opinions do not concur the child shall be examined by a third physician, and the concurring opinions shall be accepted as evidence of age. (d) The age and health certificating officer shall require evi- dence of age in the order designated in subdivision one of this section and shall not accept the evidence permitted by paragraph b or c of said subdivision unless he receives and files in addition an affidavit of the child's parent, guardian or custodian, stating that no evidence specified in the preceding paragraph or para- graphs can be produced. Such affidavit shall contain the name, place and date of birth and residence of the child and shall be acknowledged and sworn to before the age and health certificat- ing officer, who shall not demand or receive any fee for adminis- tering the oath. 8. Record of physical examination. A medical officer of the board or department of health shall make a thorough physical examination of every child before the issuance of a certificate of physical fitness. He shall record the result and such other facts concerning the child's physical condition and history as the com- missioner of education may require on blanks furnished by him and shall sign the record so made. 9. Vacation employment certificate. The requirements and procedure for the issuance of a vacation employment certificate shall be the same as those for the issuance of an employment certificate except that the minor shall not be required to obtain a school record certificate. A vacation employment certificate shall be valid only in the hands of the employer therein named. 190 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW 10. Newsboy permit badge, (a) A newsboy permit badge shall be issued only on the personal application of the principal of the school the boy attends when the schools are in session and the certificate of such principal that the boy is of normal development and physically fit for such employment and is twelve years of age or upwards as shown by the school records, or if the schools are not in session upon the certification of the employment certificating officer. Such certificate shall be duly filed with the employment certificating ofificer. (b) The newsboy permit badge shall be conspicuously worn wherever the boy to whom it was issued is engaged in the work it authorizes him to do. (c) Such permit badge may be revoked for cause by the em- ployment certificating officer. 11. Any person who makes a false statement in or in relation to any employment certificate as to any matters required by this act or in any affidavit, record, transcript or certificate therein provided for, is guilty of an offense, punishable in each case by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than sixty days, or both such fine and imprison- ment. (See sec. 631 of the Education Law, as amended by L 1921, ch. 386.) Employer Must File Employment Certificate and Return Cer- tificate to Employment Certificating Officer. — The employer of any minor between fourteen and seventeen years of age in a city or district shall keep and shall file in the place where such minor is employed, the employment certificate or vacation em- ployment certificate of the minor if such minor is required to obtain such an employment certificate under the provisions of section six hundred and twenty-six of the Education Law. Upon the termination of employment of any such minor the employer shall return by mail within three days the employment certifi- cate or the vacation employment certificate to the employment certificating ofificer. Unlawful Employment of Children. — It is unlawful, when at- tendance upon instruction is required, to employ in any business or service whatsoever, 1. A child under fourteen years of age. 2. A minor between fourteen and sixteen years of age or, after September i, 1921, in a city having a population of five thousand or more, a minor between sixteen and seventeen years of age, who does not at the time of employment present an employment certificate issued according to law. It is unlawful, when attendance upon instruction is not re- quired, I. To employ in any business or service, except as hereafter COMPULSORY EDUCATION, ETC. I9I stated, a child under fourteen years of age or a minor between fourteen and sixteen years of age who does not at the time of employment present a regular employment certificate or a vaca- tion employment certificate issued according to law. However, a vacation employment certificate shall be valid only for employ- ment on days when attendance upon instruction is not required, and only in or in connection with employment in a mercatile establishment, or business office, or in outdoor work. 2. To employ in the sale or distribution of newspapers, peri- odicals or magazines or to permit to be employed or engaged in such employment a boy under twelve years of age, a girl under sixteen years of age, or a boy between twelve and six- teen years of age who does not possess a newsboy permit badge issued according to law and not revoked. No such boy shall engage in or be employed in such sale or distribution before six o'clock in the morning nor after eight o'clock in the evening. When attendance upon instruction is not required the above provisions shall not apply to the employment of children over twelve years of age in farm service or outdoor work not con- nected with or for a factory or other establishment specified in the Labor Law and not prohibited or regulated by the Penal Law. Penalty for Unlawful Employment. — Any person, firm, or corporation or any officer or employee acting therefor who em- ploys any child or minor in violation of the compulsory attend- ance law, and any person in parental relation to a child or minor included by the provisions of such law who does not cause him to comply with such provisions, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and the punishment for a first offense shall be a fine of not more than fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than ten days; for a second and each subsequent offense, a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, or by im- prisonment for not more than thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. In case the person in parental relation to such a child or minor establishes to the satisfaction of the court that the child or minor is beyond his control, such child or minor, in the dis- cretion of the school authorities, may be proceeded against for violation of the Compulsory Education Law. Record of Attendance by Teachers, — The teacher of every public school is required to keep an accurate record of attend- ance of all children between the ages of seven and sixteen years. This record must show the attendance each day by the year, month, day of the month, and day of the week, and the number of hours thereof each day. Teachers of private schools are also required to keep such record of attendance. A record of attend- 192 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW ance upon instruction must also be kept of children who do not attend public or private schools, but who are instructed at home. These records must at all times be open to the inspection of an attendance officer or other person appointed by the school authorities of the city, district or Commissioner of Education. Teachers must also answer all reasonable inquiries relative to such records. A wilful refusal or neglect to answer any such inquiry is a misdemeanor. It is important that all records of attendance shall be kept with great care, as in cases taken to the courts the school register will be the principal documentary evidence as to the attendance of pupils. A duly attested transcript of the record of attendance and ab- sence of a child which has been kept by a teacher, as provided in section six hundred and twenty-nine of the Education Law, shall be accepted as. presumptive evidence of the attendance of such child in any proceeding brought under the provisions of this article. (See L. 1919, ch. 232.) Attendance Officers. — In each city, and in each union free- school district or common-school district, including in whole or in part an incorporated village, the school authorities of such city or district shall appoint as many attendance officers as such board shall deem necessary for the proper enforcement of this attendance act. Such board may also at any time remove such attendance officers. Boards must also fix the compensation of these officers, define their duties, and establish rules and regula- tions for their guidance. The supervision and enforcement of this act is placed in the hands of the superintendent of schools in such cities and districts. The town board of each town must also appoint as many at- tendance officers for their town as, in the judgment of such board, shall be necessary for the proper enforcement of this act. The jurisdiction of such officers extends over all districts except those mentioned in the preceding paragraph. A town board in appointing attendance officers cannot limit the jurisdiction of such officers to specific school districts. The town board shall fix the compensation of such officers, which shall be a town charge. Attendance officers appointed by town boards must be ap- proved by the district superintendent having jurisdiction. A district superintendent may also remove an attendance officer. If non-resident pupils are tardy or absent, school authorities should report the same to the school and attendance officers of the district in which such non-resident pupils reside. All pupils are subject to the authority of the school officers and attendance officers of the district in which they reside. Arrest of Truants. — Attendance officers have authority to ar- COMPULSORY EDUCATION, ETC. I93 rest at any time, without warrant, any child between seven and sixteen years of age who is then a truant from instruction upon which such child is lawfully required to attend. In case any child is thus arrested, the attendance officer must forthwith take such child to his teacher; or in case the child is an habitual truant, the officer must take him before a police magistrate, who may commit him to a truant school or to some similar institution. After each arrest it is the duty of the at- tendance officer to report the disposition made by him of the child, to the school authorities of the district where such child was required to attend school. A truant officer in the performance of his duty has the author- ity to enter during business hours a factory, merchantile or other establishment and examine the employment certificates and registry of children employed therein. Attendance officers are also vested with the powers of peace officers for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of the Edu- cation Law relative to the unlawful employment of children. Truant Schools. — The school authorities of any city, tOAvn or union free-school district may establish schools or set apart separate rooms for children who are habitual truants, or who are insubordinate while in attendance, or who are irregular in their attendance ; and they may provide for the confinement, mainte- nance, and instruction of such children in such schools. If the school authorities of any city, town or union free-school district do not establish a truant school, they may make a contract with any other city, town or school district having a truant school, for the confinement, maintenance, and instruction of their truant children. Commitment. — When the persons in parental relation to a child give their written consent, the school authorities or the superintendent of schools may commit such child to a truant school ; or in a private school, an orphans' home, or similar insti- tution controlled by persons of the same religious faith as the persons in parental relation to the child, for a period not to exceed two years. No child can be committed after he is seven- teen years of age. If the persons in parental relation to the child refuse their 194 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW consent, the child may be proceeded against as a disorderly per- son, and, upon conviction, must be sentenced to be confined and maintained for the remainder of the current school year either in a truant school or in a private school, an orphans' home, or similar institution. An habitual truant or a child who, being subject to the com- pulsory education law, has been lawfully suspended or expelled from school, and is not receiving equivalent instruction else- where, is declared to be an ungovernable child. Any such child may be apprehended by a truant officer of the school district or city where the child resides, or by any peace officer, and brought before a police magistrate having jurisdiction. Notice shall thereupon be given to the child's parent, guardian, or other per- son standing in parental relation to the child, and upon the sub- mission of satisfactory proof that the child is an habitual truant or that, being subject to the compulsory education law, he has been lawfully suspended or expelled from school and is not receiving instruction elsewhere, the magistrate may commit such child to a truant school maintained by such district or city, or, if no such truant school is maintained, to a private school, orphans' home, or other similar institution if there be one, controlled by persons of the same religious faith as the persons in parental relation to such child, which is willing and able to receive, con- fine and maintain such child for a reasonable compensation. No person convicted of crimes or misdemeanors other than truancy may be committed to any truant school. No truant may be committed to a penal institution. Expenses of Commitment — Where Chargeable. — The city or district employing a superintendent of schools must pay the expense attending the commitment and cost of maintenance of any child committed by them to a truant school. In all other cases such expense and costs are a county charge. Industrial Training. — In every truant school established in- dustrial training must be furnished. Excuses for Absence and Tardiness Required. — The State Commissioner of Education has ruled that the person in parental relation to every child subject to the provisions of the compulsory COMPULSORY EDUCATION, ETC. I94a attendance law may be required to furnish a satisfactory explana- tion for absence or tardiness, and has held that sickness of the child, sickness in the family requiring the services of the child for a day or two until other help may be obtained, severe storm or impassable roads, contagious disease in the family or the community where child resides, days set apart for religious observance, or death in the family, shall be deemed the only ordinary excuse for such absence or tardiness. Assistants. — The Commissioner of Education has authority to appoint as many inspectors for the enforcement of this law as he shall deem necessary provided the Legislature has made pro- vision for the payment of their salaries. The attendance division has general charge of this work. Withholding State Funds. — The Commissioner of Education has authority to withhold one-half of the public school money from any city or district which wilfully omits or refuses to enforce the provisions of this act. Before this power is exer- cised, due notice must be given to such city or school district authorities. When such city or district complies, within a period of twelve months after such money was withheld with any pro- Vision of law Avhich may not have been enforced, and for non- compliance with which any money, has been withheld, the Com- missioner of Education shall pay over to the authorities of such city, town or district the amount so withheld. EMPLOYMENT OF CHILDREN IN STREETS [Article 22-A of the Education Law as added by L. 1921, ch. 21 ; formerly Article 15 of the Labor Law.] Authority to Enforce. — The police officers, and the attendance officers appointed by the board of education, in cities of the first, second and third class are peace officers under this article and are charged with the duty of its enforcement. Prohibited Employment of Children in Street Trades. — No boy under twelve and no girl under sixteen years of age has a legal right in any city of the first, second or third class to sell or 194b NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW expose or offer for sale newspapers, magazines or periodicals in any street or public place. No boy under fourteen years of age has a legal right to sell or expose or offer for sale such articles unless he has received a permit and badge authorizing him to engage in such employment. No boy having such badge can be employed in such business before six o'clock in the morning or after eight o'clock in the evening. Issuance o£ Permit and Badge. — Such permit and badge are issued by the superintendent of schools of the city or school dis- trict in which such child resides, or by such other officer of the board of education as such board may designate. The applica- tion for such permit and badge must be made by the parent, guardian or other person having the custody of the child desir- ing it. If the child has no such relative the application must be made by the child's next friend, being an adult. Before an authorized officer issues such badge he must have received, examined and placed on file in his office satisfactory proof that such boy is of the age of twelve years or upv/ards. He must also have a written statement of the principal or chief executive officer of the school which such boy is attending, that he is an attendant at such school, that he is of the normal development of a boy of his age and physically fit for such employment and that he approves of the granting of such permit and badge to such boy. List of Boys Receiving Permit and Badge. — Principals and chief executive officers of schools must keep a complete list of all children in their schools to whom a permit and badge have been issued. Contents of Permit and Badge. — The permit must show the date and place of birth of the child, the name and address of its parent, guardian, custodian or next friend as the case may be. It must describe the color of hair and eyes, the height and COMPULSORY EDUCATION, ETC. I94C weight, and any distinguishing facial mark of the boy receiving it. It must also state that the preliminary papers requisite to its issuance have been duly examined and filed and that the boy named in such permit has appeared before the officer who issued it. The badge shall bear on its face a number corresponding to the number of the permit and the name of the child. The boy must write his name on the reverse side of the permit and badge in the presence of the officer issuing it. Regulations Concerning Badge and Permit. — The badge must be worn conspicuously at all times by the boy while so working and he shall exhibit the same upon demand at any time to any police or attendance officer. No badge or permit may be trans- ferred. All permits and badges expire annually upon the first day of January. The color of the badge must be changed each year. No permit or badge is valid except during the period in which the proof and written statement requisite to its issuance shall remain on file nor are they authority beyond the period fixed therein for their duration. Summer Vacation Permit. — Section 140 of the Labor Law regulates the issuance of summer vacation permits. For Whom Issued. — A child between fourteen and sixteen years of age may be employed during July and August in a city or village, in or in connection with a mercantile establishment or business office, if his prospective employer obtains a summer vacation permit. When to be Issued. — A summer vacation permit shall be issued and forwarded by mail to the prospective employer by an officer authorized to issue employment certificates : (a) upon compli- ance with the provisions of sections 132 to one 137 of the Labor Law, inclusive, except that in place of a school record there shall be filed a certificate of attendance issued in the manner provided I94d NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW in section 135 and showing that the child has regularly attended the public schools or schools equivalent thereto or parochial schools for not less' than one hundred and thirty days duringthe twelve months next preceding his fourteenth birthday or the application for such permit; and (b) upon the receipt and filing of a statement signed by the prospective employer or his author- ized agent, showing that he will give the child present employ- ment, and the character of the work to be performed. Contents. — In addition to the contents prescribed for an em- ployment certificate, the summer vacation permit shall differ in size and color and shall contain the name of the employer, the address at which the child is to be employed and shall'bear across its face the following words in red ink : " Summer vacation permit — good only- from Just first until August thirty-first, inclusive." Return of Permit. — An employer shall return by mail a sum- mer vacation permit to the issuing officer within three days after its receipt, if the child for whom it was granted is not employed; or within three days after termination of the employment ; or within three days after August thirty-first if the child is em- ployed until then. New Permit. — A child whose summer vacation permit has been returned may have a new permit issued to a prospective employer upon presentation of a statement from the latter as hereinbefore provided, and after a re-examination showing the child to be physically fit to perform the work for which the new permit is requested. Preservation of Permit. — The board or department of health shall file and preserve for one year, each summer vacation permit returned to it. COMPULSORY EDUCATION, ETC. 195 Attendance of Illiterate Minors. — Under the provisions of chapter 415 of the Laws of 1918, illiterate minors between six- teen and twenty-one years of age are required to attend upon instruction. This chapter added a new section to the Education Law, which reads as follows : § 637. Attendance of Illiterate Minors. — i. Every minor, be- tween sixteen and twenty-one years of age, who does not possess such ability to spreak, read and write the English language, as is required, for the completion of the fifth grade of the public or private schools of the city or school district in which he resides, shall attend some day or evening school or some school main- tained by an employer as hereinafter provided in subdivision six of this act, in the city or district in which he resides throughout the entire time such school is in session ; provided that no such minor be required to attend, if the commissioner of health, or the executive officer of the board or department of health of the city, town, village or district, where such minor resides, or an officer thereof designated by such board, department or commissioner shall deem such minor to be physically or mentally unfit to attend. 2. Any minor subject to the provisions of this section, who willfully violates any provisions of this section, shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding five dollars. 3. Every person having in his control any minor subject to the provisions of this section shall cause such minor to attend a school as hereby required ; and if such person fails for six ses- sions within a period of one month to cause such minor to so attend school, unless the commissioner of health or the executive officer of the board or department of health of the city, town, vil- lage or district where such minor resides or an officer thereof designated by such board, department or commissioner shall cer- tify that such minor's physical or mental condition is such as to render his attendance at school harmful or impracticahle, such 196 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW person shall, upon complaint by a truant officer and conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than twenty dollars. 4. Whoever induces or attempts to induce such minor to absent himself unlawfully from school or employs such minor except as is provided by law, or harbors such who, while school is in session, is absent unlawfully therefrom, shall be punished by a fine or not more than fifty dollars. 5. The employer of any minor subject to the provisions of this section shall procure from such minor and display in the place where such minor is employed the weekly record of regular at- tendance upon a school and it shall be unlawful for any person to employ any minor subject to the provisions of this section until and unless he procures and displays said weekly record as herein provided. It shall be the duty of the teacher or principal of the school upon which he (such minor) attends to provide each week such minor with a true record of attendance. 6. Any employer may meet the requirements of this act by con- ducting a class or classes for teaching English and civics to foreign- born in shop, store, plant or factory, under the supervision of the local school authorities, and any minor subject to the provisions of this act may satisfy the requirement by attendance upon such classes. Certificates of Principals or Teachers. — Certificates issued by any principal or teacher of schools as to the attendance or non- attendance of any person who should attend such school shall be presumptive evidence of the facts therein stated. (Added by L. 1919, ch. 303.) REVIEW QUESTIONS When was the present compulsory attendance law enacted? What com- pulsory act preceded this? Why was it not enforced? Define "school authorities," "persons in parental relation to a child." Into how many classes in respect to age may children be arranged who are required to attend upon instruction? Define each class. Why is the term "attend upon instruction" used instead of "attend school?" What period of instruction is required of each class? What must be the character of the attendance? When must children between 14 and 16 years of age attend upon instruction? Must the attendance be at a public school? Where may it be? Where children are instructed elsewhere than at a public school, what must be the character of such instruction? The daily period of instruction? What about allowance of holidays, etc.? REVIEW QUESTIONS I97 What is the duty of persons in parental authority? When is a parent or guardian guilty of a misdemeanor? What is the penalty for the first offense? Each subsequent offense? When fines are collected to whom should they be paid? What must a school record certificate show? By whom is it issued? When is a boy entitled to a vacation employment certificate? By whom are such certificates issued? How must such certificate be filed? When is it unlawful to employ children under 14 years of age? By whom must a certificate of attendance be signed? What is the penalty for unlawful employment of children? What record of attendance must teachers keep? What must such record show? Are the teachers of private schools and those employed in homes of children required to keep such record? To whom should this record Le open to inspection? What is the penalty imposed upon teachers who refuse to answer reasonable inquiries relative to such records? For what school districts do the school authorities appoint attendance officers? How many may they appoint? Who determines the compensation of such officers? By whom may they be removed? Who is charged with the duty of enforcing the law in such districts or cities ? For what districts may town boards appoint attendance officers? How many? Who fixes their compensation? What is their jurisdiction? May town boards in appointing such officers limit their jurisdiction to certain school districts? Are trustees eligible to hold this office? Who may remove these officers from office? What authority have attendance officers to arrest truants? When a truant is arrested what must the officer do with such truant? After such arrest what report must the attendance officer make? To whom? How may truant schools be established? What three classes of pupils may be confined in such schools? What power have school authorities to contract for the confinement and maintenance of tru- ants? With the written consent of the parents or guardian, where may a truant be committed? When the person in parental authority refuses to consent, what action should be taken? What persons cannot be committed to truant schools? When is the expense of such commitment a city or village charge? When a county charge? What instruction must be given in all truant schools? What is the ruling of the Commissioner of Education as to what con- stitutes a satisfactory excuse for absence or tardiness? What help may the Commissioner of Education employ to assist in enforcing this law? When may the Commissioner of Education withhold public money from a district? What portion may be withheld? What action must be taken first? When must the Commissioner of Education pay over moneys thus withheld? Who are charged with the duty of enforcing the law relative to employ- 198 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW ment of newsboys? What are the prohibitive ages of employment? On what conditions may a boy between 12 and 14 years of age be employed? Between what hours can he not be employed? By whom are permits and badges issued? By whom must the application be made? What written statement must be first obtained? Who is required to keep a list of boys receiving them? State fully contents which permit must contain. Badge? For what time are permit and badge valid? On what date do they expire? State fully the other regulations concerning them. What are vacation permits? To whom and under what circumstances issued? What provision is made for the instruction of illiterate minors? What attendance is required? Penalties? CHAPTER XXI SCHOOL CENSUS [Article 24] Bureau in New York City. — In a city having a population of 1,000,000 or more there shall be a bureau of compulsory educa- tion, school census and child welfare. Said bureau shall consist of a director, an assistant director, a chief attendance officer, and such other supervisors, attendance officers, enumerators, clerks and other employees as may be necessary to carry out the pro- visions of articles 22, 23 and 24 of the Education Law, and to perform other and related duties imposed by the provisions of any other statutes or requirements of the board of education. Attendance officers and supervising attendance officers of every grade shall be appointed from eligible lists prepared in the same manner and by the same authority as are eligible lists for teachers and subjects likewise to the provisions of section 872 as to tenure of office ; but an eligible list for attendance officers in existence when this act takes efifect shall be exhausted before nominations are made from an eligible list subsequently estab- lished. Those persons who as the result of appointment or assignment are serving in any of the positions hereinbefore described when this act goes into efifect shall hold their respective positions during good behavior and efficient and competent service and shall not be removable except for cause after a hear- ing by a majority vote of the board of education. The director of said bureau shall have power to commit and parole truant and delinquent children in the manner provided by section 635 of the Education Law but this authority may be delegated in his absence or disability as the board of education shall provide. The superintendent of schools shall have general supervision of the bureau of compulsory education, school census and child welfare. 199 200 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW Census Board in Buffalo and Rochester. — The mayor, the superintendent of schools and the pohce commissioner, or the officer performing the duties similar to those of a police co'm- missioner, constitute a permanent census hoard in the cities of Buffalo and Rochester. Officers of Such Board. — The mayor is the chairman of such board. The board also has the power to appoint a secretary and such clerks and other employees as may be necessary and to fix their salaries. Census Required. — The census board is required to prescribe regulations to make effective the census law and under such regulations the police commissioners were required to cause a census to be taken in their respective cities during the month of October, 1909. The census boards are required to obtain through the police force the residences and employments of all persons between the ages of four and eighteen years and to report thereon fro'm time to time to the school authorities of their respective cities. After the census of October, 1909, was taken it became the duty of the census board to cause the same to be amended from day to day. It is the duty of the police to report daily, precinct by precinct, changes of residence which occur among the children between the ages of four and eighteen. The police should likewise report daily the names and addresses of all children between such ages who move into the city. The census board should therefore always have on file in its office a complete list of the names, addresses, occupations and persons in parental relation, of all persons between the ages of four and eighteen. While the law makes it the duty of the police to make daily reports and to take the permanent census required under the law, the census board may employ such enumerators or other help as may be necessary to carry into effect the pro- visions of the law. It should also be understood that while parents are required to report certain data to the police a failure on the part of parents to make such report does not relieve the police or the census board from obtaining this data. The burden of the enforcement of this law is placed primarily upon the census board, and also upon the police, and this board and the police must obtain all information necessary to keep the census properly revised from day to day. Parents Required to Report. — A person in parental relation SCHOOL CENSUS 201 to a child is required to report at the police station house of the precinct in which he resides the following: 1. The name of each child, its residence, the na-me of the person in parental relation thereto and the name and location of the school such child is to attend at least two weeks before such child becomes of the compulsory school age. 2. The facts relating to the removal of a child of compulsory- school age from one school to another, for any cause whatever, and of a child going to work in accordance with the provisions of the labor law. 3. The change of residence of a child from one police pre- cinct to another and such other facts relating to such child as required by the two previous subdivisions. 4. The residence of a child between four and eighteen who moves into such city and such other facts relating thereto as the census board may require. Census in Cities o£ the Second and Third Class. — Under an amendment to the census law by the Legislature of 19 17 the school authorities of cities of the second and third class are no longer required to take a census of the children of the city every four years. This amendment to the Education Law provides that the board of education of each city of the second class and of the third class shall constitute a permanent census board. This board is required to take a census of all children between the ages of four and eighteen years of age in its city. This census must be amended from day to day so that there shall always be on file in the office of said board of education a complete, up-to-date census, including all the census information required of cities of the first class and such additional information as the board of education may require under its regulations. The board of education of these cities becomes a permanent census board and is required to establish a census bureau. The board must appoint such directors, clerks, enumerators, attend- ance officers, etc., as may be necessary to keep an up-to-date census as required under the law. School Census in School Districts. — The trustee or board of trustees of every school district shall annually on the thirtieth day of August cause a census of all children between the ages of five and eighteen to be taken in duplicate in their respective school districts, and one copy thereof filed with the teacher on the first day of school and the other copy filed with the district superintendent on or before the fifteenth day of September. Such census shall include the information required from cities as provided in this article. (See L. 1919, ch. 100, amending § 6^2 of the Education Law.) 202 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW Withhold Information or Giving False Information. — A parent, guardian, or other person having the control of a child between the ages of four and eighteen years who withholds o-r refuses to give information in relation to such child as required under the census law, or a parent, guardian or other person in custody of a child who gives false information in relation thereto is liable to a fine not to exceed twenty dollars and imprisonment not to exceed thirty days. Expenses of Census. — The expense involved in taking a census required under this law is a charge upon the city, town or school district for which it is taken. It is the duty of municipal author- ities to appropriate or set apart sufficient funds for this work. The census board in a city should file annually with the proper municipal authorities an estimate of the amount required for such work. A board of education should include in its annual budget a sufifiicient amount for this purpose. REVIEW QUESTIONS ■ How is the census board for New York City organized? Who are eligible to the office of director or assistant director? What are their terms of office? What powers has the bureau? State fully the powers and duties of the bureau for New York City. Who constitute a census board for Buffalo and for Rochester? Who is chairman of the census board? What other officers does such board have? How are such officers chosen? Who fixes their salaries? What regulations may such board prescribe? In what year was a complete census to be taken? What officer was charged with this duty? What information is the census board required to obtain? Through what officers is this information obtained ? To whom must the census board make reports? Explain how the census of 1909 is to be amended. What is the duty of the police in this respect? What should the census office always contain? Must the census board rely solely upon the police to do the work required? If parents fail to perform their duty, what is the duty of the census board? To whom must parents make reports? State the four points upon which they must report. How is the board constituted? What are the powers and duties of such board? Who are required to take a census in school districts? How often? On what date? With whom are copies of census filed; when? What informa- tion must be obtained? What penalty is prescribed for refusing to give or withholding any information required, or for giving false information? Who pays the expenses incurred in taking this census? How are the funds obtained in a city? In a school district? CHAPTER XXII MEDICAL INSPECTION, VACCINATION, PHYSICAL TRAINING, [Article 20-A] MEDICAL INSPECTION General.— The Legislature of 1913 enacted a medical inspec- tion law, which applies to each school district and city of the State, except cities of the first class. Under the terms of this act, the power to superintend and direct the medical inspection in pu'blic schools is the school authorities. The health authorities no longer possess jurisdic- tion in relation to this subject. The law is mandatory, and makes it the duty of boards of education and trustees to appoint necessary medical inspectors and nurses, and to see that this law is properly enforced. Medical Inspectors. — Persons appointed medical inspectors under this law must be physicians, licensed to practice in the State, and who have had at least two years such practice. A medical inspector for a district outside a city is not required to be a resident of suoh district. The nurses authorized under this law must be registered nurses, and licensed to practice as such. The law requires the board of education of each city to appoint at least one medical inspector, and such additional inspectors as may be necessary for the proper enforcement of the law. Such 203 204 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW board may also appoint as many school nurses as may be necessary. In a union free-school district the board is required to appoint one medical inspector. If such district has a population which exceeds 5,000, the board may appoint as many additional in- spectors as are necessary to perform the work. The board may also appoint such number of nurses as may be necessary to do proper follow-up work and otherwise supplement the work of the medical inspector. Health Certificate. — When school opens, or within thirty days thereafter, each pupil may present a health certificate issued by a physician of the parents' selection. If such certificate is not pre- sented within this time, the principal teacher should notify the parents of those pupils who have failed to present such certificate that if a certificate is not furnished within an additional thirty days, at the expiration of such period an examination of the pupils will be made by the medical inspector. If a pupil fails to present the health certificate within this time, the medical inspector should then make an examination of the pupil. This health certificate must be issued by a physician licensed to practice medicine in this State, and on an examination made by such physician not more than thirty days prior to the date when the certificate is presented at school. These certificates should be retained in the school building until the close of school at the end of the school year, and should then be filed with the district clerk. In cities such certificates should be filed with the Superintendent of Schools. The expense of the examination of a pupil when made by the family physician must be paid by the parent, and may not be made a charge against the city or district. When the examina- tion is made by the medical inspector, no charge may be made against the parent. MEDICAL INSPECTION, VACCINATION, ETC. 20$ The law provides that a parent may waive his rights to furnish a health certificate, and in such case the medical inspector having jurisdiction may make the required examination without waiting the sixty days required under the law. Eye and Ear Tests. — The school authorities are required to make a test of the eyes and ears of each pupil at least once a year. These tests should be made under the general guidance of the medical inspectors and nurses, but teachers may be called upon to assist. Pupils who present health certificates are not exempt from these tests by the school authorities. When an examination of the eyes or ears of a pupil discloses a defect in these organs, such additional tests should be made from time to time as the pupil's condition may require. Medical Treatment for Children. — When an examination of a child by a medical inspector reveals a defect or disability which is an impediment to the normal or physical development of such child, the principal, or teacher, of the school should notify the parent of this defect or disability. It is then the duty of the parent to provide the relief or treatment which the child should receive. If the parent fails to provide such relief or treatment, or if he is not financially able to supply such relief or treatment, it then becomes the duty of the school authorities to provide the relief or treatment at the expense of the city or district. School authorities should insist in every case thaj; a parent, if possible, shall provide such treatment as his child requires. The school authorities should know in every case where assistance is given that the parent is positively unable to meet the expense himself. A medical inspector should not incur any expense in providing medical relief or treatment for a child, until an appropriation for such expense has been duly authorized by the school authorities of the city or district. These authorities may provide for meeting this expense from the contingent fund, or any general funds which have not been authorized for a specific purpose. A medical inspector cannot furnish pupils relief or treatment, and receive compensation therefor, and a medical inspector should not refer children needing relief or treatment to any particular physician, but parents should always be advised to take their chil- dren to their family physicians for such treatment as may be needed. 206 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW Exclusion of Pupils from School. — Whenever a pupil in a public school shows symptoms of smallpox, scarlet fever, measles, chickenpox, tuberculosis, diphtheria, influenza, tonsilitis, whooping- cough, mumps, scabies, trachoma, or other communicable disease he must be excluded from the school. The school authorities should immediately take such pupil to his home in a safe and proper conveyance, and should immediately notify the health officer. A pupil who has been absent from school because of illness, or for unknown cause, may not be admitted to school again until he presents a certificate from the health officer, family physician, or the medical inspector. Teachers, Janitors and School Buildings. — The law requires the medical inspectors to examine all teachers and janitors employed in the public schools. It further provides that such inspectors shall examine all school buildings. Teachers and janitors may present a health certificate, in which case they are exempt from the examination by the medical inspector. Penalty.— The law makes it the duty of the Commissioner of Education to enforce the provisions of the medical inspection law, and he may, in his discretion, withhold public money from a district, town or city which wilfully refuses or neglects to enforce this law. VACCINATION [Chapter 49, Public Health Law, as amended by Laws of 191S, Chapter 133] The Court of Appeals of this State has declared that part of the public health law relating to the vaccination of children constitu- tional. This law applies to cities as well as school districts. The Supreme Court of the United States also held that the Massachusetts law, which is similar to the New York law, was not an infraction of the United States Constitution. Opinion by Justice Harlan, February 20, 1905. Unvaccinated Children Not Entitled to Attend School in Cities of the First or Second Class. — No child or person who has not been vaccinated shall be admitted or received into any public school in a city of the first or second class. School authorities are required MEDICAL INSPECTION, VACCINATION, ETC. lOJ to enforce this provision of the law. While the enforcement of the law is under the supervision of the school authorities it is incumbent upon the health authorities to provide, at the expense of the city, for vaccination of all pupils in attendance upon the schools whose parents or guardians do not provide vaccination. Enforcement of Vaccination Law in Cities of the Third Class and in School Districts. — Vaccination is not to be enforced against school children in cities of third class or in school districts, unless the State Commissioner of Health certifies in writing to the school authorities in charge of any school in such territory that smallpox exists in such city or district, or in the vicinity thereof. When the Commissioner of Health issues such certificate it is the duty of the school authorities to exclude from school all children who do not furnish a certificate to the effect that they have been successfully vaccinated with vaccine virus or that an examination of the child furnishes evidence by scar of a successful previous vaccination. The enforcement of this law is placed upon the school authorities. It is the duty of the local board of health, how- ever, when school authorities are enforcing this law, to provide for the vaccination of all children whose parents or guardians do not provide such vaccination. Expense of Vaccination. — The expense incurred in the vaccination of pupils under health authorities is a charge upon the municipality in which the child or person vaccinated resides. Method of Vaccination. — Only licensed physicians may per- form vaccination, and the operation must be in such manner only as the State Commissioner of Health prescribes. Certified Vaccine Virus. — A physician is prohibited from using vaccine virus unless the same is produced under a license issued by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States and is accompanied by a certificate of approval of the State Commissioner of Health. The approval of the Commissioner of Health will spec- ify the period of time within which such vaccine virus may be used. It may not legally be used after that period. Report of Vaccination. — The Commissioner of Health is re- quired to prepare blank forms on which every physician performing vaccination shall make a report to the Commissioner within ten days after performing such vaccination. This certificate must in- clude the full name and age of the person vaccinated ; if the person vaccinated is a minor, the name and address of his parent ; date of 208 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW vaccination; date of previous vaccination; name of maker of vac- cine virus, and lot or batch number of same. PHYSICAL TRAINING General Provisions. — The Legislature of 1916 enacted a physical training law requiring that all children in attendance on the elementary and secondary schools above the age of eight years shall receive as a part of the prescribed course of instruc- tion such physical training as the Regents of the University shall require. This instruction must cover a period of at least twenty minutes in each school day. The Regents are given general power to prescribe regulations to govern the course of study and the qualifications of teachers. Powers of Boards o£ Education. — The board of education of each city and union free-school district regularly employing twenty or more teachers is required to employ one or more teachers qualified and duly licensed to give instruction in physi- cal training. The law further confers upon trustees and boards of education of two or more districts the poAver to jointly employ a teacher for this purpose. In every other district in the State instruction in physical training must be given by the teachers regularly employed to give instruction in other subjects unless a special teacher is employed for the purpose. Private Schools. — The provisions of this law apply to private schools as well as to public schools, and all pupils over eight years of age in attendance on private schools must receive the same instruction in physical training that pupils receive in the public schools. If such instruction is not provided in private schools, children in attendance on such schools are not to be deemed as receiving instruction, under the compulsory education law, substantially the equivalent of the instruction given in public schools. State Aid. — The State is required to apportion to each district, town or city employing a teacher of physical training an amount equal to one-half the salary paid such teacher, provided that in no case shall the amount exceed $600. Teachers. — No teacher may be employed to give instruction in physical training or to supervise such instruction who is not certified under the rules of the Regents. Use of Armories. — The physical training may be given, when practicable, in any armory of the State where such armor}^ is within convenient distance from the school, and at such times and in such manner as not to interfere with the regular military uses of such armory. The commanding ofificer in charge of any such armory shall, upon application made by any board of edu- REVIEW QUESTIONS 209 cation or trustees of the several cities and school districts within the State, permit access to any such armory for this purpose. REVIEW QUESTIONS When was the medical law enacted? To what sections of the State does it apply? Who are charged with its enforcement? Who have no responsi- bilities in its enforcement ? Is the law mandatory ? What are the qualifi- cations of a medical inspector? Must such inspector be a resident of the city in which he is employed? A union free-school district or town? What qualihcations must a nurse possess? What number of inspectors must be employed in each city? How many nurses? How many inspectors in a union free-school district? How many nurses? What is the requirement in relation to appointment of medical inspectors in a town? Nurses? When must pupils present a health certificate? What notice is required? When may a medical inspector examine a pupil? By whom is a health certificate issued? What should be done with such certificate? When must a parent meet the expense of an examination of his child? When not? May a parent waive his right to furnish a health certificate? What follows? How ■often must the eyes and ears of a pupil be tested? By whom are such tests made? Who may assist? Does the presentation of a health certificate exempt a pupil from a test of eyes and ears? When should additional tests of these organs be made? When important physical defects are discovered, what action should school authorities take? What is then the duty of parents? When should school authorities provide relief for defects of children? What precaution should be taken? Has a medical inspector authority to incur expenses in such matters? When may he? May a medical inspector receive compensation from parents of children for the treatment of such children? What advice should a medical inspector give children or their parents about consulting physicians? When should a pupil be excluded from school? When a pupil is afi^ected with a contagious or infectious disease, what should be done with such pupil? How may a pupil who has been absent from school by illness be admitted to school again? What is the law in regard to the examination of teachers, janitors, etc.? State the provisions of the vaccination law as it applies to cities of the first class. To cities of all other classes and school districts. Who is required to enforce the vaccination law? In cities of the first class, who meets the expense of children vaccinated by public authorities? In other cities and in school districts? Who may vaccinate? How must the operation be per- formed? What vaccine virus may be used? For what period of time? What report is required? When was the physical training law enacted? To what children does it apply? What is the minimum instruction required? Who is charged with the general administration of such law? "Who prescribes courses of study? Regulations? What local school authorities are required to enforce the physical training law? Who must employ teachers in a city? Union free- school district? What power has the Commissioner of Education to direct the employment of teachers? To what extent does this law apply to private schools? How does a failure to provide such instruction affect a private school? What financial aid is given by the State to aid in the enforcement of this law? What teachers may be employed to give instruction in physical training or to supervise such insitruction? CHAPTER XXIII CONTRACTS FOR EDUCATION OF CHILDREN TRANSPORTATION OF CHILDREN STATE TUITION ACADEMIC INSTRUCTION [Article 21] Contracts Between Districts for Education of Children. — Any school district, by a majority vote of the qualified voters present and voting, may direct the trustees of such district to contract with the trustees or boards of education of any district or city for the education of its children. Such contract shall be for such period as agreed upon and shall not exceed one school year. This contract must be written and in the form prescribed by the Commissioner of Education. It should be certified by the trus- tees of each of the districts, or, if either of the districts has a board of education, by the secretary of such board, and filed Avith the Commissioner of Education. Such contract is not binding upon either party until it is approved by the Commissioner of Education. Whenever the period of time for which a district contracts for the education of its children or such period together with the time school is actually taught in said district shall amount to 180 days and the contract shall include all the children of school age in such district, such district shall be entitled to receive the apportionments of public money it would receive if it maintained school. No school district operating under the contract system may receive a greater apportionment than the excess of the total expense incurred in payment of tuition and transportation of pupils over the amount of a tax of one-half of one per cent on the assessed valuation of the district as shown by the report of the trustee to the district superintendent. When a district maintains a school and in addition thereto makes a contract for the education of at least twelve of its chil- dren, such district is entitled to its district quota, and also to a teacher's quota if the expense under such contract, including transportation of pupils, equals or exceeds a teacher's quota. When the amount is less than a quota a like amount will be apportioned the district. 210 CONTRACTS FOR EDUCATION OF CHILDREN 211 Transportation of Pupils. — When the voters of any school district meeting have authorized a contract with the school authorities of any city or other school district for the education therein of its cliildren of school age, they may also authorize a tax to pay the expenses of conveying the children of such district to the schools of the city or school district with which such con- tract has been made. When such contract has been made the trustees of a district may use any portion of the district quota to pay for the education of such children under the terms of such contract, and also for the expenses of the transportation of such children. If any of the children of school age in a district live so remote from the schoolhouse therein that they are practically deprived of school advantages during any portion of the school year, the voters at a district meeting may provide for the transportation of such children from their homes to the schoolhouse of the district. The expense therefor may be met by a district tax, or it may be paid out of the district quota apportioned the district. Parents Not Entitled to Compensation for Conveying Pupils. — To vote compensation to a parent from the public funds for tak- ing his child to and from school was not intended under the contract law. Payment to a parent for conveying his children to school comes dangerously near being an improper considera- tion to influence his vote in favor of the contract system when it might be more desirable to maintain a home school. A school district should maintain a home school unless it clearly appears that the district is too weak financially and numerically to do so. Even then it should be clearly shown that the educational facilities of the district will be improved by contracting, and that it may be done without imposing undue hardships upon the chil- dren required to attend school under such contract. Beyond that the intent of the law in providing for transportation was that it should be regular and daily; that individual parents should not derive pecuniary advantage from it ; and that nothing should be left to parental convenience or caprice. The general rule should be that one person of proper character, furnishing suitable accommodations, should' be regularly employed, and the contract for transportation should be awarded, after oppor- tunity for competition, to the most reliable party who will fur- nish the best transportation at the lowest cost to the district. (Com'r Draper, No. 5219, October 31, 1905.) The Commissioner of Education will not approve a contract for the education of children when it is shown that the distance such children must travel to attend school is so great as to prac- tically deprive them of school privileges, until transportation is provided for such children. 212 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW STATE TUITION FOR NON-RESIDENT PUPILS IN ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS [Section 493] Object. — The object of this law which has caused so muck discussion is to bring within the reach of every boy and girl in the State a complete academic education. Approved Schools. — No school can receive tuition from the State for the attendance of pupils under this act unless such school is approved by the State Education Department. To be approved a school must maintain a satisfactory course of study, sufficient teaching force, adequate equipment, and suitable school building facilities. Schools Entitled to Compensation. — To entitle a school to receive compensation for the instruction of non-resident pupils, such pupils must have been in regular attendance in the academic department thereof for a period of not less than eight weeks, and they must reside in districts of the State not maintaining an academic department. Pupils Who May be Admitted. — All pupils residing within the State and in districts not maintaining an academic depart- ment may be admitted into any of the approved schools by pre- senting to the local authorities a Regents' preliminry certifi- cate. Students possessing equivalent qualifications covering ele- mentary work will be admitted after their credentials have been approved by the State Education Department. The holders of uniform teachers' certificates meet the requirements. Pupils are not required to attend the school nearest their residence, but may attend any approved school where the school authorities admit them under this act. Pupils residing in districts which maintain less than a four years' course may be admitted to schools of higher grade after completing the course of study prescribed for the school of the district in which they reside. City and union free-school districts shall not refuse to receive non-resident academic pupils for instruction without valid and sufficient reasons therefor, nor shall excessive sums be charged for the instruction of such pupils. All acts of the board of education or CONTRACTS FOR EDUCATION OF CHILDREN 213 Other district officers relating to such pupils and the tuition charged for their instruction are subject to review by the Com- missioner of Education. A school is not required to furnish non-resident students with free text-books or any other accommodation not fairly included under the term tuition. Tuition Not Chargeable for Certain Students. — An approved school receiving non-resident pupils under this act will not be entitled to tuition for members of teachers' training schools or training classes. The State will not pay the tuition of non- resident pupils in attendance on any department or grade below the academic department. Compensation. — A city or union free-school district maintain- ing an academic department is entitled to $50 per year for at least thirty-six weeks' instruction or a proportionate amount if for eight weeks or more for each non-resident academic pupil attending the academic department of such school from districts not maintaining such academic departments. Pupils residing in districts not maintaining a four-year cur- riculum may be included in this apportionment after having completed the course of study prescribed for the school in the district in which they reside. When Greater Amount May be Charged. — No charge for the instruction of a non-resident academic pupil in excess of the $50 quota shall be made by any district or city maintaining an academic department unless it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that the tax rate for school purposes of the city or district receiving the non-resident academic pupil is equal to or in excess of the tax rate for school purposes of that district from which such non-resident pupil comes ; or that the instruc- tion of such non-resident pupil adds to the total cost of instruc- tion of academic pupils in such city or union free-school district a sum in excess of such quota. Liability of District for Excess Charge; Designation of Academic School. — The tuition charged, if any, in excess of the aforesaid State tuition, is declared a charge upon the district from which the non-resident academic pupil attends, subject, however, to the right of such district to designate the academic school or schools where instruction shall be given at the district's expense. Such designation shall be made by each school dis- 214 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW trict at the annual district meeting. This designation may be reviewed upon appeal to the commissioner of education in the event the parent or guardian of such pupils deem themselves aggrieved thereby. In case any school district shall fail to make such designation at the annual school meeting the district super- intendent of schools in the supervisory district in which such district is located may make such designation subject to review on appeal by the Commissioner of Education. State Tuition on Account of Academic Pupils from Contract- ing Districts. — Whenever a district contracts with another dis- trict or a city and such district or city maintains a high school or an academic department, and whenever the expense of the tuition and transportation for the pupils of said district shall exceed the sum of the public school money of the district and the amount of a tax of one-half of one per centum on the assessed valuation of the district, the tuition of the academic pupils attending such high school or academic pupils from such con- tracting district may be paid by the State as provided in other cases, and subject to the same conditions. Academic Pupils Instructed Outside of State. — Where a dis- trict is so situated that its academic pupils can be more con- veniently instructed in the academic department of a school located in another State, the Commissioner of Education is authorized to make the same apportionment to such district, annually, to be applied in payment of the tuition of each such academic pupil so instructed outside the State, as he shall be authorized by law to make for the instruction of academic pupils within the State, and upon the same conditions. Academic Pupils from Military Reservations. — An apportion- ment is made for the instruction of each non-resident pupil attending an approved academic department from military reservations located within the boundaries of the State of New York but under the jurisdiction of the United States, in the same amount and upon the same conditions as for other non-resident academic pupils. REVIEW QUESTIONS Under what circumstances may a jontract be made for the instruction of the children of a school district in the schools of another district? Who makes such contract? By whom musit it be approved in order to be valid? CONTRACTS FOR EDUCATION OF CHILDREN 2 1 5-2 1 7 May a district contract for the instruction of a part of its pupils? For how many pupils must such contract be made in order to entitle the district to a teacher's quota? When may trustees contract for transportation of pupils? May parents receive compensation for carrying their own children? What is the object of the law granting a State apportionment for the instruction of non-resident academic pupils? To what schools and under what circumstances is State tuition paid? May schools charge tuition in excess of the State tuition? How must the excess tuition be paid? CHAPTER XXIV SPECIAL CLASSES FOR MENTALLY RETARDED PHYSICALLY DEFEC- TIVE ORPHAN SCHOOLS STATE INSTITUTIONS FOR DEAF AND DUMB AND FOR THE BLIND CHILDREN MENTALLY RETARDED Enumeration of. — ■ It is the duty of the board of education of each union free-school district and city to take an enumeration of all the children residing in such district, town, or city, who are in attendance upon the public school therein and who are three years or more retarded in mental development. Special Classes for. — The board of education of each district or city in which there are ten or more children of such retarded development is required to establish special classes, which shall not contain more than fifteen pupils, for the education of such children. The instruction provided in these classes must be adapted to the mental attainments of such children. As many classes shall be maintained as are necessary to provide adequate education for all children of this type. Classes Maintained by Contract. — In a union free-school dis- trict or city in which there are less than ten children of this type the board of education is authorized to contract with another dis- trict or city which has established classes for such type of children. Regulations. — The Commissioner of Education is authorized to prescribe regulations to govern the enumeration of such chil- dren, and the classes which are to be maintained for their instruction. State Aid.— No special aid is provided by the State to assist communities in meeting the special needs of this type of children. Each teacher employed in a special class of this kind will entitle the district or city in which she is employed to the usual teacher's quota. PHYSICALLY DEFECTIVE CHILDREN [Article 39-A] Enumeration of.— It is the duty of the board of education of each union free-school district and city to take an enumeration of the physically defective children residing in the district or city over which such board has jurisdiction. This enumeration must include all children who are under the age of eighteen years, 2X8 SPECIAL CLASSES FOR MENTALLY RETARDED, ETC, 219 and who are deaf, blind, or so crippled or otherwise physically defective as to be unable to attend upon instruction in regular classes maintained in public schools. Special Instruction. — It is the duty of the boards of education of a school district or city in which there are ten or more such physically defective children to establish such special classes as may be necessary to provide instruction adapted to the mental attainments and physical conditions of such children. Provided, however, that in each city or union free-school district in which schools for the deaf, blind, crippled or otherwise physically defective now exist or may hereafter be established, which are incorporated under the laws of the State and are found by the board of education to be adequate to provide instruction adapted to the mental attainments and physical conditions of such chil- dren, the board of education shall not be required to supply additional special classes for the children so provided for. The board of education of such cities or union free-school dis- tricts is authorized and empowered to contract with such schools for the education of such children in special classes therein. (See L. 1918, ch. 378.) It is contemplated under this law that there should be ten pupils of the same type in order to require a board of education to establish a special class. If there are ten deaf children a spe- cial class should be established for children of this type. If there are ten ©r more blind children a class should be established for children of such type. If there are ten or more crippled children a special class should be organized for such children. The in- tention of the law is that a room should be set apart in the school building or in such number of school buildings as may be neces- sary to accommodate the number of children in the district or city, and to make such classes reasonably accessible to the children from all parts of the city. Classes Maintained by Contract. — When there are less than ten children of either of the above types residing in a district or city a board of education may contract for the education of such children with a board of education of another district or city in which special classes have been organized for the instruction of children of such type. Regulations.— The Commissioner of Education is authorized to prescribe regulations to govern the enumeration of such chil- dren, and the classes which are to be maintained for their instruction. State Aid. — No special aid is provided by the State to assist communities in meeting the special needs of this type of children. Each teacher employed in a special class of this kind will entitle the district or city in which she is employed to the usual teacher's quota. 220 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW ORPHAN SCHOOLS [Article 35] The schools of all the incorporated orphan asylum societies in this State, except those in the city of New York, are subject to the rules and regulations of the common schools of the city or district in which such societies are located, but such schools are under the immediate management and direction of such societies. These schools are entitled to participate in the apportionment of the school moneys in the same manner and to the same extent, in proportion to the number of children educated therein, as are the common schools in the districts in which such societies are located. The presiding officer of each asylum maintaining a school must make an annual report to the Commissioner of Education, showing the number of pupils therein, the studies pursued by them, the time devoted thereto, and the manner in which public funds apportioned it have been expended. INDIAN SCHOOLS [Article 37] General Statement. — There are eight Indian reservations in this State. On these reservations thirty-three Indian schools are maintained, in which are employed thirty-six teachers. These res- ervations are located as follows : Name of Reservation. County of Location. Allegany Allegany Cattaraugus Cattaraugus and Erie Onondaga Onondaga Poospatuck Suffolk St. Regis Franklin and St. Lawrence Shinnecock Suffolk Tonawanda , Erie Tuscarora Niagara Duty of Commissioner of Education. — The Commissioner of Education is charged with general supervision of the Indian schools. He should ascertain the needs and character of the education of the various Indian bands in the State, and provide schools in such places as he deems necessary. He employs all necessary teachers, truant ofificers, and other assistants and employees and fixes their SPECIAL CLASSES FOR MENTALLY RETARDED^ ETC. 221 salaries. He erects school buildings when funds are appropriated therefor. Co-operation of Indians. — The Commissioner of Education is charged with obtaining the co-operation of the several bands of Indians in supporting the schools established for their benefit. He is required to visit their reservations, or delegate some representative to visit them, to discuss means of improvement and education with them in public assembly and to induce them, if possible, to donate land, material, labor, and public funds for the erection of suitable buildings. Protection to Title. — When any of the Indian land shall have been given for occupancy or use for school purposes the right or title of Indians to such land should be protected. The right of the State to remove or otherwise dispose of all improvements made at the expense of the State should be reserved in all contracts. Annual Appropriation. — For the purpose of executing the provisions of law relating to Indian schools, the Legislature makes an annual appropriation. This money is paid by the State Treas- urer on the warrant of the Comptroller to the order' of the Com- missioner of Education, from time to time, as such money is needed. Special appropriations from the general fund are some- times made by the Legislature for repairs and improvements on the school property of reservations. Vouchers and Receipts. — The Commissioner of Education is required to file in his office vouchers and receipts for all expend- itures made under the provisions of this chapter. Report to Legislature. — The Commissioner of Education is required to report annually to the Legislature the condition of Indian schools. DEAF AND DUMB AND BLIND INSTITUTIONS [Article 38] Duty of Commissioner of Education. — All institutions for the instruction of the deaf and dumb and blind, and all other similar institutions incorporated under the laws of this State are under the inspection and supervision of the Commissioner of Education. He should ascertain the expenditures of each institution, the system of instruction pursued therein, and the condition of the lodgings and accommodations of the pupils. 15 222 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW He should ascertain by comparing these institutions with similar institutions whether improvements in instruction and discipline can be made. For this purpose he may appoint persons to visit these institutions. He should also suggest to the directors of these insti- tutions and to the State Legislature those improvements and changes which in his judgment are deemed wise. All the powers of regula- tion, supervision and control exercised by the State Board of Charities over the New York State School for the Blind at Batavia have been transferred to the Commissioner of Education. Annual Report. — The Commissioner of Education is required to make an annual report to the State Legislature on all matters relating to these institutions; particularly to the condition of the schools, the improvement of the pupils, and their treatment in respect to board and lodging. Eligibility of Appointments of Deaf and Dumb Persons. — A deaf and dumb person to receive an appointment as a State pupil to an institution for the deaf and dumb must possess the following qualifications : Such person must be upwards of twelve years of age and have been a resident of the State for one year immediately preceding his or her application for admission to such institution; or, if a minor, the parent or parents, or if an orphan, the nearest friend must have been a resident of this State for one year imme- diately preceding the application for an appointment as a State pupil. Upon the application of a parent, guardian or friend of a deaf- mute child residing in this State and between the ages of five and twelve years, the overseer of the poor or the supervisor of the town in which such child may be, is required to place that child in one of the institutions named in section 978 of the Education Law. The child must be maintained in that institution at the expense of the county at the same annual per capita rate as is paid by the State of New York for the support and instruction of State pupils in said institutions. If the director of the institution to which the child is committed finds that the child is not a proper subject to remain in said institution, the institution is not required to continue to care for the child. Eligibility of Blind Persons for Appointment as State Pupils. — All blind persons of suitable age (no specific age required by law) who possess the same qualifications in regard to residence as deaf and dumb candidates, may be appointed State pupils as follows: All those who are residents of Nassau, New York, Kings, Queens, Suffolk, Richmond, Westchester, Putnam, and Rockland shall be appointed to the Institution for the Blind in New York city. SPECIAL CLASSES OF MENTALLY RETARDED 223 Those residing in all other counties in the State should be appointed to the Batavia institution. By Whom Appointments are Made. — Appointments of State pupils to any of these institutions, except the Institution for the Blind in Batavia, are made by the Commissioner of Education upon application. In making such appointments the Commissioner of Education may impose the condition, in the case of parents or guardians or friends who have sufficient means^ that some portion of the expense of educating and clothing such pupil shall be borne by the parent, guardian or friend. The Commissioner also has the authority to modify such conditions whenever he deems it wise to do so. Appointments to the Batavia institution are made by the board of trustees, an.d must be approved by the county judge or county clerk of the county or the supervisor or town clerk of the town or the mayor of the city in which the applicant resides. Support of State Pupils. — A State pupil appointed to any of these institutions must be provided with board, lodging, and tuition. The deaf and dumb institutions and the blind institutions are en- titled to receive such sum for each pupil to be paid quarterly as the Legislature appropriates. State pupils who are children of indigent parents or guardians are supplied with clothing by the counties from which they are appointed. The treasurer of each institution should present a bill showing the number of pupils and the time each pupil attended, to the State Comptroller for audit and payment. This bill must be signed and verified by oath of the president and secretary of the institution. The bill is paid by the State Treasurer on the warrant of the Comptroller. Term of Instruction. — The regular term of instruction for each pupil is five years, but the Commissioner of Education may extend such time not to extend three years. He may also extend the term to cover three years of instruction beyond the elementary course. Regulations for Admission of Pupils. — The Commissioner of Education may establish regulations to require the admission of pupils at these institutions at regular periods. The Legislature of 1897 authorized the Albany Home School for the Oral Instruction of the Deaf to receive deaf and dumb persons who are eligible to appointment, and who are more than twelve 224 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW years of age. The Commissioner of Education is also authorized to make appointments to this institution. County Must Supply Clothing. — If a parent or guardian of a State pupil in any of the institutions for the deaf and dumb is unable to furnish such pupil clothing, the board of supervisors of the county from which such pupil was appointed must raise each year for each of such pupils the sum of $50 for supplying clothing to such pupils. Payment for Aid to Blind Pupils Attending College. — The trustees of any college, university, technical or professional school located in this State, authorized to confer degrees except an insti- tution for the instruction of the blind, may designate blind students in attendance upon such institutions who are residents of this State as fit persons to receive special aid in doing the work required in such institution. Persons may be employed to read to such blind students from the textbooks or pamphlets used by such students in their studies at a compensation of $300 per year. The treasurer of any of such institutions after the beginning of a school year may present to the State Comptroller a verified state- ment showing the number of blind students regularly matriculated and working for a degree. No other student can be included. The Comptroller will issue his warrant and thereon the State Treasurer will pay to the treasurer of such institution the amount to which the institution is entitled. The trustees of the institution will then disburse the moneys for the purposes aforesaid. Instruction for Blind Babies, etc. — The Commissioner of Education may in his discretion appoint children twelve years of age and under as State pupils in one of the homes for blind babies and children maintained by the International Sunshine Society, Brooklyn Home for Blind, Crippled and Defective Children and the Catholic Institute for the Blind. AVhen these children are thus appointed to one of these homes the home receiving them is entitled to the same compensation that other institutions receive which may accept State blind pupils. REVIEW QUESTIONS Who is required to make an enumeration of mentally retarded children? What children must be included? When must special classes be established? How manj'? What type of instruction must be provided? When may a board of education provide for the instruction of such children by contract? REVIEW QUESTIONS 225 Who is authorized to prescribe regulations governing the subject? What aid is given by the State? Who is required to make an enumeration of physically defective children? What children must be included? What instruction must be provided? What is the interpretation of this law? When may classes be maintained by contract for these children? What power has the Commissioner of Education in such matter? What State aid is provided? How are the schools of the incorporated orphan asylum societies related to the pubHc school system? To what public money are they entitled? What report must be filed with the Education Department? What is the duty of the Commissioner of Education in relation to Indian schools? When may he cause school buildings to be erected on Indian reservations? What co- operation of the Indians should he enlist? What protection to title should be given to Indians when their land is used for school purposes? What right should be reserved to the State? What amount is annually appro- priated for this purpose? How is this money paid? What is done with the vouchers and receipts ? What reports must be made in relation to Indian reservations? What jurisdiction has the Commissioner of Education over deaf and dumb and blind institutions? What knowledge of the work of these institu- tions should he possess? What report in relation to these institutions must be made? Who are eligible to appointment as State deaf and dumb pupils? Who are eligible to appointment as State pupils to blind institutions? By whom are these appointments made? In making these appointments what conditions may the Commissioner of Education impose? How are these State pupils supported? To whom are bills for these expenses presented? In what form? By whom are they paid? What is the regular period of instruction? What extension may be granted? Who adopts the regulations for admission of these pupils? What institution was authorized by the Legislature of 1897 to receive deaf and dumb pupils for instruction? When must a county provide pupils with clothing? Explain the conditions under •which payments will be made by the State to assist blind pupils in attendance upon college. CHAPTER XXV SCHOOL AND PUBLIC LIBRARIES [See Article 44] Apportionment of Library Moneys. — On account of the unificatior< act it became desirable to unite the hbrary funds which had heretofore been distributed by the two former educational de- partments. The Legislature, therefore, now makes but one appro- priation for school libraries. This appropriation is for an amount equal to that given the two old departments and the method of distribution is such that a school may draw from this fund as much money as it was allowed heretofore from both funds. The method of this apportionment will be found in the article which treats of school moneys. The method of distributing the money is as follows : An apportionment is made on or about the first of each month based on the applications received during the previous month. This apportionment is certified to the Comptroller. The State Treasurer upon the warrant of the Comptroller pays to each county treasurer, excepting in the counties comprising the city of New York, an amount equal to that apportioned to all of the schools in his county. The Commissioner of Education then certifies to the county treasurer the schools to which money is due and the amount due to each. Upon receipt of this certificate from the Commissioner of Education the county treasurer pays the allotment to each of the schools entitled to receive the same. In the city of New York all money due the city is paid to the city chamberlain and all money due to private academies is paid directly to the treasurer of the academy. Commissioner of Education Has General Supervision. — The Commissioner of Education has power to establish, modify, or abolish any regulation for the expenditure of school library money and the administration and care of school libraries. All provisions of law and rules of the Commissioner of Education for the man- agement of district libraries shall apply to the management of school libraries until modified as directed by law. 226 SCHOOL AND PUBLIC LIBRARIES 22^: Expenditure of Library Money. — No part of the library money of a district — either that raised by the district, apportioned from State funds, or received from any other source — shall be used for any other purpose than for the purchase of books, apparatus, or reproductions of standard works of art, and such books must be approved by the Commissioner of Education before being purchased. Commissioner May Withhold Money. — The Commissioner of Education may withhold from any city or district its share of public school moneys, for expending library money for any other purpose than the purchase of approved books, or for any other willful neg- lect or violation of law or of the regulations which the Commis- sioner has adopted. Librarian. — The board of education of a union free-school district and also the board of trustees of a common-school district shall appoint as librarian one of the teachers in the employ of their district. Such librarian and trustees or board of education, as the case may be, shall be responsible for the safekeeping and care of the books in the library of their district. They shall annually, and oftener if called upon, make a report as the Commissioner of Edu- cation shall direct concerning such library. If a board of educa- tion in a union free-school district fails to select a librarian, the teacher of English in such school becomes the librarian. If such district employs a librarian meeting the qualifications prescribed by the Commissioner of Education, the district is entitled to receive an additional teacher's quota from the State. If a librarian is not appointed in a district which is not a union free-school district, the principal teacher becomes the librarian. Use of School Library. — A school library is not intended to be a circulating library. It must be kept in the school building at all times and it forms a part of the school equipment. Pupils, school officers, teachers and other residents of the district, however, may, when the rules of the Commissioner of Education permit, bor- row any book in said library not needed for reference in the school- rooms. Such persons may not borrow more than one book at a time nor keep such book more than two weeks. Books of Which Library Shall Consist. — School libraries shall consist of reference books to be used in the school-room, suitable supplementary reading-books for pupils, books relating to the branches of study being pursued in the school, and pedagogic books for the assistance of teachers. The Commissioner of Education 228 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW will not approve a list including several copies of a textbook upon any subject for the use of pupils. This would really be furnishing free textbooks, which is not permissible. Books May be Transferred to Free Library. — The board of education in any city or union free-school district or the electors of any other district by legal vote duly approved by the Regents may give to any free library any of the books or other public school library property not required in the school library. The free library must, however, be registered by the Regents and be situated in the city or district. Thereafter the school authorities or body making the transfer are relieved of all responsibility per- taining to the property transferred. Such city or district may also aid by tax or in any other way in the establishment of such free public library. REVIEW QUESTIONS How is library money now apportioned? By whom? On what basis? When? How does the money reach the county treasurer? The school districts? For what purpose must library money be expended? What books may be purchased? What is the penalty for expending library money for other purposes than for books approved by the Commissioner of Education? What for failing or refusing to comply with the regulations of the Commis- sioner of Education? By whom is the librarian of a union free school appointed? Of a common school? Who must be selected librarian in either case? Who is responsible for the care and safe-keeping of a library? What reports must be made to the Commissioner of Education? May a school library be used as a circulating library? Where must the library be kept? Who may borrow books from such library? When? For what period? How many books at one time? Of what books must such library consist? May duplicate textbooks be purchased for pupils? Why? To whom may the library of a city or a union free-school district be trans- ferred? Upon what conditions must such transfer be made? By whom is such transfer made? When may a common-school district make such trans- fer? What aid may a city or a school district give to the establishment of this project? What approvals to such transfers should be obtained? What is the effect of such transfer? CHAPTER XXVI STATE SCHOLARSHIPS — IN CORNELL UNIVERSITY — IN OTHER COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES FOR SOLDIERS, SAILORS, MARINES AND TRAINED NURSES INDUSTRIAL TEACHERS' SCHOLARSHIPS IN CORNELL UNIVERSITY [Article 40] Origin. — In 1862 Congress passed the National Land Grant Act, under the terms of which each State received thirty thousand acres of pubHc land owned by the United States, for each repre- sentative that she had in Congress. This land was donated by the national government to the States and Territories of the Union for the purpose of establishing colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts. New York State received by this Act nine hundred ninety thousand acres of land. The State Legislature of 1863 enacted a law providing that the revenue derived from the sale of this land should be given, under certain conditions, to the author- ities of the People's College at Havana. The authorities of this college failed to meet the conditions prescribed by the Act of 1863, and the Legislature of 1865 provided that the revenue derived from the sale of this land should be given to the authorities of Cornell University. This Act of 1865 provided, among other conditions, that Ezra Cornell should contribute- unreservedly $500,000 to the authorities of Cornell University, and that the University should receive annually one State scholar free of tuition for each assembly district in the State. As Mr. Cornell contributed the amount speci- fied, the revenue derived from the sale of this land was donated to the University. The amount realized by the State from the sale of this land was $688,576.12. The Legislature of 1895 enacted a law providing that this money should be placed under the control of the State, and that the State should pay annually to the trustees of Cornell University five per cent upon this fund. The University, therefore, receives annually $34,428.80. The State scholars in the University who receive free tuition include about one-seventh of the entire number of students attending the University, and the Univer- sity receives from the State only $34,428.80, while the entire cost of maintaining the University is about one million dollars annually. 229 230 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW Number of Scholarships. — The act creating State scholarships in Cornell University provided that such scholarships should be awarded annually for each Assembly district in the State. At this time there are 150 Assembly districts, and this is the basis on which appointments are now made. Each scholarship is valid for four years, and as 150 appointments are made each year, the State has 600 State scholars in Cornell University at all times. How Awarded, — Appointments to State scholarships are made by the Commissioner of Education, upon the result of com- petitive examinations held for that purpose. Albany county has three Assembly districts and is entitled to three State scholarships. The names of candidates who take the examination for this county are arranged in the order of their merit, which is determined by their standing in the examination. The first three on the list are assigned to the scholarships for Albany county, irrespective of the Assembly districts in which they reside. The same course is pur- sued in assigning appointments to all other counties. No person can be considered in awarding these scholarships who did not attend the required competitive examination. Competitive Examinations. — These examinations are held on the first Staurday in June of each year at the county seat of each county in the State. The district superintendents and the city super- intendents jointly conduct the examination for their respective counties. These examinations are under the supervision of the Commissioner of Education, and the questions used in such exam- inations are prepared under his direction. The subjects in which candidates are examined are designated by the president of Cornell University. These may change from year to year, but the general scope of the examination for each year may be obtained by writing the Education Department for the annual circular issued from that office. Eligibility. — To be eligible to enter a competitive examination candidates must be at least sixteen years of age at the beginning of the college year next after date of examination, must be residents of the State, and must have been in attendance upon some public school or academy of the State for at least six months during the year immediately preceding the date on which such competitive examination is held. A pupil who has been in the military or naval service of the United States during the year immediately preceding such examination may enter the same although not in attendance upon instruction in the common schools or academies of the State for the required period of six months. Attendance upon an institu- tion registered as an academy under the regulations of the Uni- versity of the State of New York meets the requirements of the law. Candidates must attend examinations in the county in which STATE SCHOLARSHIPS 23I they actually reside. Students of either sex are eligible to these scholarships. Entrance Examinations, — All candidates who receive appoint- ments, but who do not hold credentials to admit them to the Univer- sity, are required to take the regular entrance examinations at the University. A failure to take this examination or to obtain a standing therein satisfactory to the University authorities for- feits all right to the scholarship. Vacancies. — If a vacancy occurs in a State scholarship, it is the duty of the president of the University to notify the Com- missioner of Education of such vacanty. The Commissioner of Education should then assign to such vacant scholarship the person standing highest on the eligible list of candidates for the county to which such scholarship belongs. If there should be no person on the eligible list for such county, then the Commissioner of Education should appoint the person standing highest on the eligible list which is made up from all the counties of the State. The person receiving such appointment is entitled to the priv- ileges of such scholarship for the remaining period of the four years for which it was granted. Scholarship Privileges. — The holder of a State scholarship is entitled to free instruction in any department of the University for a period of four years. Leave of Absence. — If a State scholar shows to the satisfac- tion of the president of the University that it is necessary for him to leave the University to earn funds with which to meet his liv- ing expenses while attending the University, the president may, in his discretion, grant such leave of absence, and such State scholar will then be allowed six years from the date of entrance in the University in which to complete the course. Under the provisions of chapter 76 of the Laws of 1918 every person who shall have entered the military or naval service of the United States since April sixth, nineteen hundred and seven- teeen, or who shall hereafter enter such service during the pres- ent war, and who at the time of such entrance shall have a state scholarship in Cornell University and was exercising- the rights and privileges thereunder or held such scholarship under a leave of absence granted pursuant to subdivision six of section ten hundred and thirty-seven of the education law, may reassume 232 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW such scholarship and exercise and enjoy all the rights and privi- leges thereunder, at any time within one year after the termination of such war. IN ALL COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Number. — Under the provisions of sections 70—77 of the Education Law as amended by L. 1913, ch. 292, five State scholar- ships are awarded annually to each county for each of the Assembly districts therein. A county, therefore, having four Assembly dis- tricts would be entitled to .receive twenty scholarships. The law further provides that at no time shall there be more than twenty scholarships established and maintained for each Assembly dis- trict, and at no time shall there be more than three thousand such scholarships for the entire State. As there are one hundred fifty Assembly districts, and each district is entitled to five scholarships annually, each Assembly district has twenty State scholars, and there are three thousand such scholars for the entire State. One- fourth of this number leave the college annually now, as they have completed their courses, and their places are taken by the new scholars who are annually appointed. The State will therefore con- tinue to have 3,000 State scholars in attendance upon the colleges and universities of the State. This limitation of State scholarships does not apply to scholarships which may be created by revenues or income of trust funds, gifts, devise or bequests. Scholarship Fund. — A fund is created by the Legislature known as the scholarship fund of the University of the State of New York. This fund shall consist of the following: a. All money appropriated to such fund by the Legislature. b. All money which may hereafter be given by gift, grant, devise or bequest, for the payment of such scholarships, and all income or revenue derived from any trust created for the same purpose. The Regents of the University, or the Commissioner of Education, may be the trustee to receive funds of this kind. How Scholarships Are Awarded. — Each year in the nioiitb. of STATE SCHOLARSHIPS 233 August the Commissioner of Education is required to prepare from the records of the Education Department a list of the names of all pupils of each of the counties of the State who are citizens and who become entitled to college entrance diplomas under Regents rules during the preceding school year. This list must also show the average standing of the pupils in the several sub- jects on which each of such diplomas was issued. The Commissioner of Education is required to appoint an- nually, in the month of August, for each county of the state those pupils residing therein who are citizens and who become entitled to college entrance diplomas during the preceding school year. Such appointments must be made in the order of the merit of such candidates as shown by the list prepared under the condi- tions stated in the above paragraph. The Commissioner of Education is further required to make another list of the names of pupils on the lists for the several counties who were not appointed to scholarships in the county of their residence. The names of these pupils are arranged upon a State list in the order of their merit and determined upon their average standings on the several county lists. As unclaimed vacant scholarships occur in any county of the State such vacancy shall thereafter be filled by appointment from this State list. Vacant Scholarships. — A pupil Avho is entitled to a scholarship and is notified thereof must accept the same within thirty days after being notified. The court has held that a student in attend- ance upon a high school, who is entitled to a college entrance diploma under Regents rules, is not thereby entitled to receive an appointment to a scholarship, but that such student must make written application for a college entrance diploma within the time limit specified under Regents rules. The court refused to direct the Commissioner of Education to include in the list of persons entitled to scholarships the name of a student who had earned a college entrance diploma, but who 234 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW had failed to make application therefor as required under Regents rules. (Carnes v. Finley, 98 Misc. 390.) Failure to file such acceptance vitiates the right to receive such scholarship. Failure to comply with the rules of the Regents forfeits a scholarship. A scholarship may also for proper cause be revoked and a vacancy thereby occur. When a vacancy occurs in a county the pupil from that county standing next high- est on the list is entitled to be appointed to such vacancy. If the vacant scholarship is not claimed by a resident of the county in which the vacancy occurs, or if there be no resident entitled to appointment in the county, the vacancy is filled by making ap- pointment from the State list in the order in which the candidates are arranged thereon. But under the provisions of chapter 257 of the Laws of 1918 a pupil entitled to a college entrance diploma under Regents' rules who failed to apply therefor within the time required by such rules to entitle him to a scholarship, and a pupil whose name would have been included in the list of names of candidates to be considered in the award of scholarships as provided herein except for errors or inadvertencies in the preparation of such list may apply to the Regents of the University for a scholarship and if it shall appear to the satisfaction of the said Regents that there was reasonable cause for the failure of such pupil to apply for such college entrance diploma as required by Regents' rules, or that an error or inadvertency occurred in the preparation of the list of candidates for such scholarships and it shall appear that except for such failure, error or inadventenc}^ the applicant would have received a scholarship, the Regents may award a scholar- ship to such pupil and such scholarship shall be issued and pay- ments shall be made thereon out of moneys available therefor in the same manner as other scholarships are issued and paid. Scholarship Certificate. — A pupil, notified of his right to a scholarship, who accepts the same, is entitled to receive from the STATE SCHOLARSHIPS ^JD Commissioner of Education a scholarship certificate setting forth such right. Revocation of Scholarship. — The Commissioner of Education is authorized to revoke a scholarship. After such scholarship is revoked the holder thereof is entitled to no further rights therein. A vacancy also exists which may be filled as provided under the Scholarship Law. A scholarship may be revoked for failure to comply with Regents' rules in respect to the use of such scholar- ships, for failure to observe rules, regulations or conditions pre- scribed by a college in relation to the students attending the same, or for suspension or expulsion from college, or absence therefrom without proper leave. Rights Under Scholarship. — The holder of a scholarship is entitled to attend any college or university in the State approved by the Regents for a period of four years, and may pursue any course of instruction given in such college or university except professional instruction in law, medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, or theology. Each State scholar is entitled to receive $ioo each year for a period of four years, to aid him in the completion of a college education. This amount is paid in two equal payments of $50 each. One payment is made on the first day of October and the other on the first day of March. These payments are made upon vouchers, or evidence showing that the persons holding such scholarships are in attendance upon an approved college and com- plying with such other regulations as the Regents have prescribed. State Scholarships for Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Trained Nurses. — Four hundred and fifty State scholarships are estab- lished for the benefit of resident soldiers, sailors and marines who shall have served as such in the army, navy or marine corps of the United States in the world war and been honorably dis- charged from such service, trained nurses wnth a similar record of service and who shall have or acquire the necessary quali- fications as to secondary or other preparatory education to be required by the Commissioner of Education under rules and regulations to be established by him. Each of these scholarships entitles the holder to his tuition, in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars per year, in any college, university, normal, technical or trade school of his selection, located within the 236 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW State, such tuition to be paid by the State together with an addi- tional sum of one hundred dollars per year for the maintenance of the holder of each of such scholarships while in attendance upon instruction under such scholarship ; provided, however, that no such annual payment shall be made to the same individual for a period longer than three years. INDUSTRIAL TEACHERS' SCHOLARSHIPS Number. — The Commissioner of Education is authorized to award, within the appropriation made for such purpose, indus- trial teachers' scholarships, under rules and regulations of the Regents of the University of the State of New York, which shall entitle the holders thereof to receive from the State the sum of not more than fifteen hundred dollars each for the maintenance and support for the term of one year while in attendance upon the vocational department of a State normal school or schools. Eligibility. — Only such men as shall possess satisfactory edu- cational qualifications in the opinion of the Commissioner of Education, and who have had at least five years of successful experience in a trade, industrial or technical occupation, shall be eligible to receive such scholarships. REVIEW QUESTIONS Explain fully the origin of State scholarships in Cornell University. How many scholarships are awarded each year? By whom are appointments to these scholarships made? Explain fully how they are made. Explain fully how the competitive examinations are conducted. Who are eligible to enter these examinations? Where must candidates attend examinations? What is the ruling in relation to State scholars taking entrance examinations at the University? Explain how vacancies are filled in the University. What privileges does a scholarship confer? By whom may a leave of absence be granted to a State scholar? For what purpose? How many State scholarships are awarded annually in each county? What limitation is there placed upon the number of scholarships? Of what does the scholarship fund consist? Explain how scholarships are filled. When are appointments made? By whom? How may a scholarship be vacated? How are vacancies filled? What entitles one to a scholarship certificate? Who may revoke a scholarship? On what ground may one be revoked? What rights as to college attendance does a scholarship confer? As to funds? How many industrial scholarships may be awarded? What entitles one to industrial scholarship? CHAPTER XXVII STATE NORMAL INSTITUTIONS [Article 32] Historical Sketch. — There are ten State normal schools in the State and one State normal college. Their location and the dates on which they were established and opened are as follows : Estab- LocATiON lished Opened State College for Teachers 18,44 1844 Brockport 1866 1867 Buffalo 1867 1871 Cortland 1866 1869 Fredonia 1866 1868 Geneseo 1867 1871 New Paltz 1885 1886 Oneonta 1887 1889 Oswego 1863 1863 Plattsburg 1889 1890 Potsdam 1866 1869 The Legislature of 1917 authorized the establishment of an addi- tional State normal school in Westchester county. A site has been secured in the city of White Plains. The first .school at Albany was simply an experiment and was only temporarily established. It was made a permanent institution in 1848. In 1890, this school was changed to the State Normal College and in 1914 to State College for Teachers. Since the establishment of these institutions about 30,000 students have been graduated therefrom. They are now attended by about 10,000 pupils annually and maintained at an annual expenses of nearly one million dollars. The value of the property of these schools is more than $3,600,000. The Object. — The acts creating these schools state their estab- lishment to be " for the instruction and practice of teachers of common schools in the science of education and the art of teaching." 2Z7 2Z^ NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW How Establisheed. — Normal schools are established by special act of the State Legislature. There is no general law providing for their creation. How Governed, — The Commissioner of Education has general supervision of these schools. Each school, however, has a local board, whose members are appointed for life by the Commissioner of Education. As vacancies occur, either by death or resignation, they are filled by appointment by the Commissioner of Education. The local board must consist of not less than three and not more than thirteen members. (The board of trustees of the State Col- lege for Teachers consists of five members.) The number on each board varies, ranging from six to thirteen. The present policy is to maintain boards of seven. Members of a local board can be removed by the joint action of the Commissioner of Education and the Chancellor of the University of the State of New York. A majority of the members of a local board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. Powers and Duties of Local Board. — i. The local board is re- quired to establish rules and regulations for the general government of the school under its direction subject to the approval of the Com- missioner of Education. 2. The local board is required to make an annual report in such form and giving such information as the Commissioner of Education shall direct. This report is submitted to the State Legislature through the Commissioner of Education. 3. Local boards are the custodians of the buildings and grounds of their respective schools and of all other property of the State pertaining thereto. 4. Local boards are authorized to appoint special policemen to protect the buildings and grounds and to preserve peace. These officers have power to arrest offenders. 5. It is the duty of local boards to supply these schools with necessary equipments and supplies. 6. Local boards may, with the approval bi the Commissioner of Education, accept for the State money or property of any kind to be used for the general support of these schools as may be prescribed by the instrument making the gift. 7. Local boards employ and contract with the teachers employed in their respective schools. 8. A local board has power to dismiss pupils. STATE NORMAL INSTITUTIONS 239 Principal. — The principal is the chief executive officer for the board and has the immediate supervision of all work pertaining to the management of the school and the instruction given therein. Powers and Duties of Commissioner of Education.— The Commissioner of Education is directed by law to appoint members of the local board, he determines the number of teachers to be employed and the amount of compensation to be paid them, he approves the appointment of teachers, and also prescribes the courses of study. He is also empowered to prescribe the conditions upon which pupils will be admitted to these schools, and to determine the num- ber which may be admitted to each institution. Admission of Pupils, — To be admitted to a normal school, candidates must be at least sixteen years of age and must receive an appointment from the district superintendent of the supervisory district or from the superintendent of schools of the city in which such candidates reside. Candidates must present a diploma of graduation from the four-year course prescribed by the Commis- sioner of Education for admission to normal schools and city train- ing schools under the provisions of section 551 of the Education Law. Candidates, twenty-one years of age, who have had two years of high school work, or its equivalent, and in addition thereto have taught two years, will be admitted to the normal school on the understanding that they must complete the high school course in addition to the professional course before they shall be graduated. Graduates of training classes who entered the class upon an aca- demic diploma and who have taught one year since graduation from the training class may complete the professional course in the normal school in one year if they possess the required aptitude for training. Privileges of Pupils. — Residents of the State regularly ad- mitted to a normal school cannot be charged tuition and cannot be charged for the use of books or apparatus. Pupils, however, are chargeable for books lost by them or damaged while in their possession. Dismissal of Pupils. — The local board may dismiss pupils for disorderly or immoral conduct or for neglect or inability to perform their work, or for a failure to comply with the regulations of the school upon which they are in attendance. 16 240 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW Non-Resident Pupils. — Pupils who are not residents of the State may be admitted to these schools upon paying such tuition as the Commissioner of Education shall prescribe, which is $20 per term. Indian Pupils. — The State Treasurer is authorized to pay on the warrant of the State Comptroller to the Commissioner of Edu- cation such sum as may be appropriated for the support and educa- tion of Indian youth in the State normal institutions. These pupils must be selected by the Comimissioner of Education from the several Indian tribes in the State so as to distribute such selections equitably among these tribes. They must not be under sixteen years of age, and they are not entitled to more than three years' education in such school. The local board is made the guardian of such pupils while they are in attendance upon such institution, and such board is authorized to pay the necessary expenses of such pupils, from the funds provided for such purpose. Courses of Study. — Each of the normal schools has a two- years' professional course. The course is practically the same in all the schools. Some also have a special kindergarten and primary course. These courses are prescribed by the Regents of the Uni- versity. Special courses in kindergarten, domestic art and science and other vocational courses are given in these schools. Diplomas. — The Commissioner of Education prepares diplo- mas, which are granted to those who complete a course of study in these institutions. These diplomas are signed by the Com.missioner of Education, the chairman and secretary of the local board, and the principal of the school. State College for Teachers diplomas are signed by the Commissioner of Education, and the President of the college. Such diplomas entitle their holders to teach for life in the pubHc schools of the State. They may be revoked by the Com- missioner of Education for cause. The diplomas show the course of study which was pursued. Application of Tuition. — Local boards could formerly expend the tuition received from any department of their respective schools for apparatus, furniture, repairs, insurance, improvements upon the grounds or buildings, or for ordinary current expenses. It is now paid into the State treasury but is appropriated by the Legis- lature to the schools which collected it. Local Authorities May Insure Normal School Property. — The authorities of each city or village in which a State normal school is STATE NORMAL INSTITUTIONS 241 located may insure the real and personal property of such school when the State refuses to keep adequate insurance on such prop- erty. Such insurance must be in the name of the State, and any money obtained therefrom must be used to repair or replace the property damaged or destroyed. Application of Insurance Money. — Whenever money is realized from insurance of the property or buildings of normal schools, such money must be deposited by the company in which such property is insured in a bank designated by the State Comp- troller. It must be placed to the credit of the local board of such school and kept as a separate fund. Such money may be imme- diately used by the local board of the school to which it belongs upon the approval of the Commissioner of Education, to repair or replace in whole or in part the property damaged or destroyed. Academic Departments. — In some normal schools, academic departments are maintained by- the State for the benefit of the localities in which such normal schools are located. Children of school age residing within the bounds of such localities are entitled to attend such schools. This is done in consideration of certain privileges conferred upon such school by these localities at the time such normal schools were created. Non-resident pupils can- not lawfully be permitted to attend the academic departments of these schools. Removal of Teachers. — The principal and any teacher em- ployed in a normal school may be removed upon joint action of the local board and the Commissioner of Education. The initiatory steps in these proceedings should be taken by the local board. In June, 1880, Superintendent Gilmour demanded the resignation of Principal Hoose, of the Cortland normal school. Principal Hoose refused to resign. In July, Superintendent Gilmour withdrew his approval of the appointment of Principal Hoose and appointed another principal, whom the local board would not approve. The case was taken to the courts, and in April, 1882, the Court of Appeals decided the case in favor of Principal Hoose and the local board, on the ground that joint action of the board and Superin- tendent was necessary to remove the principal, and that the Super- intendent did not possess the power of removal. The Court of Claims in 1884, awarded Dr. Hoose payment in full for his salary, except for the time he was elsewhere employed. 242 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW between the beginning of the litigation and the decision of the Court of Appeals. (People ex rel. Gilmour v. Hyde, 89 N. Y. 44-) Special Powers for Fredonia School. — The practice depart- ment of the Fredonia normal school is treated as a union free- school district. Jamaica School. — This school was established in 1893 and opened in 1897. It was transferred by chapter 524, Laws of 1905, to the control of New York city. RETIREMENT OF TEACHERS [Article 43a] In 1910 the Legislature enacted a law providing for the retire- ment of teachers employed in State institutions. It was the first law of this character enacted in the history of the State. It applied to teachers employed for a certain period of time in a college, university, school or institution maintained and sup- ported by the State and to teachers in schools for the deaf and dumb and blind receiving pupils whose instruction and support were paid for by the State. It applied particularly to the teachers employed in the State normal schools. By the provisions of chapter 568 of the Laws of 1921 the teachers employed in the State College for Teachers and the State normal schools are to be considered as teachers subject to the provisions of article 43b of the Education Law which relates to the retirement of teachers employed in the several school districts of the State. The retirement law of 1910 for teachers employed in State institutions was repealed by this law except as to employees now covered by it. As to these, the repeal takes effect July i, 1925. The pensions of all pensioners drawing pensions under the provisions of the repealed retirement law on REVIEW QUESTIONS 243 June 30 o£ the year in which such law is repealed are to be con- tinued and paid. REVIEW QUESTIONS Mow many normal schools are there in the State? When was the first one established? Where? When was it made permanent? What change was made in this school in 1890? In 1914? How many persons have been graduated from these institutions? What is the annual attendance? What does it cost annually to maintain them? What is the value of their property? What is the object of these institutions? How are they established? Who has general supervision of these schools? What local authority has supervision of these schools? How is the local board chosen? For what period? Who is the executive officer of the board? Of how many members does the local board consist? How may members of this board be removed? What is the board in charge of the State College for Teachers called? Of how many members does it consist? What are the duties of the local board in relation to establishing regulations? In sub- mitting reports to Legislature? In caring for buildings and other prop- erty? In appointing special policemen? In supplying schools with equipments? In accepting gifts made to the schools for the State? In employing teachers? In dismissing teachers? State fully the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Education. Who may be admitted to these schools? By whom are appointments made? By whom approved? What certificates of proficiency are accepted? To what privileges are pupils entitled? Who may dismiss pupils? For what reasons? Upon what conditions are non-resident pupils admitted? Who are non-resident pupils? What amount is the State Comptroller authorized to pay each year for the support and education of Indian youth in these schools? How many of such youth may be educated from such fund? How are they chosen? What must be their age? How many years may they attend these schools? Who is made guardian of these pupils? What amount may be expended each year upon these pupils? What courses of study do these schools have? Are these courses uni- form? By whom are they prescribed? Who receive diplomas from these schools? By whom are such diplomas prepared? By whom are they signed? What privilege do such diplomas confer? For what may they be revoked? 244 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW How may tuition money be expended?? Where must money derived from insurance be deposited? What application may be made of such money? What are academic departments in these schools? How were they created? Who may attend these departments? Can non-resident pupils be admitted? How may a teacher be removed? Give details of the case relating to the removal of Principal Hoose, of Cortland. CHAPTER XXVIII teachers' training classes, training schools teachers' training classes [Article 31] Historical Sketch. — Training classes were organized in the academies as early as 1821. In 1827 the Legislature increased the amount of the literature fund, and one of the purposes for such increase as specified in the law was to " promote the training of teachers." In 1834 an act was passed providing for the organiza- tion of Teachers' Training Classes. They were under the super- vision of the Board of Regents from that year until 1889, when their supervision was transferred by an act of the Legislature to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Object. — Teachers' Training Classes are organized to give in- struction in the science and practice of common-school teaching to persons who desire to become teachers in the public schools of the State. These teachers are trained generally for the rural schools. Institutions Which May Organize Them. — Academies and union free schools are the only institutions in which these training classes may be organized, and only such of these institutions as the Commissioner of Education designates. So many of the old acad- emies have been merged with the public school system that these classes are now maintained in union free-school districts only. How Such Institutions are Designated. — The Commisssioner of Education has authority, by law, to adopt regulations by which institutions desiring the appointment to organize training classes must be governed. (As these regulations may be changed at any time by the Commissioner of Education they are not given in this work, but may be obtained from the University upon application.) The regulations are submitted by him to the Board of Regents for approval. An institution desiring an appointment to instruct a class should obtain a blank application from the Commissioner of Education, 245 246 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW supply the information called for in such blank, and then file it in the State Department at Albany. This application, properly filled out, should be filed not later than May ist, and appointments made on such applications are for the school year beginning on the first day of August following. From the applications filed the Com- missioner of Education selects those institutions which are the best equipped for the work and the selection of which will distribute such classes throughout the supervisory districts of the State so as to give equal advantages, as far as possible, to the people of all parts of the State. The number of appointments which may be made for any year is a matter of discretion on the part of the Commissioner of Education, but cannot exceed 115. Number of Pupils in Class. — No class can legally be formed with a membership of less than ten or more than twenty-five. Period of Instruction. — A class cannot legally be organized for a shorter period than thirty-six weeks, and it is within the authorit}^ of the Commissioner of Education to require a longer period. Under this authority the Commissioner of Education re- quires the organization of a class to be for two terms of not less than eighteen nor more than twenty weeks each. The Commis- sioner has also established a regulation requiring the amount of instruction in these classes for each day to consist of five periods of forty-five minutes each in addition to the observation and prac- tice teaching required. Tuition. — No pupil admitted to these classes and remaining therein the period required under the regulations of the Commis- sioner of Education can lawfully be charged for such attendance. A non-resident pupil who is a member of a training class and who leaves such class within the prescribed period without the consent of the Commissioner of Education may be charged tuition by the school authorities of the district in which such training class is organized, at the rate charged non-resident pupils who are in at- tendance upon such school but who are not members of a training class. Compensation Allowed. — An institution maintaining a training class of not less than ten pupils regularly organized and conform- ing to the regulations prescribed by the Commissioner of Education is entitled to receive $700 from the State. The teacher employed for training class instructor may also be reported for a teachers' quota and thus entitle the district to an additional $100. In case TEACHERS TRAINING CLASSES, ETC. 247 a pupil has not been in attendance the required period, or a class has not been held for the full period of thirty-six weeks or there have been less than ten members in attendance upon such class, the Commissioner of Education may, in his discretion, make such allowance as he deems advisable, not to exceed $700, to the institution in which such class was instructed, notwithstanding its failure to maintain the training class with the required num- ber of members and for the term prescribed. This money is paid by the State Comptroller on the certificate of the Commissioner of Education to the district entitled to receive it. The money is then the property of the district and may be used for school purposes as the district directs, except that such money cannot be paid as extra compensation to a teacher or teachers who receive a fixed salary. Training Class Fund. — The amount of this fund is determined annually by the Legislature. The Legislature appropriated for 1918-1919 $90,000 from the free school fund for the support of these classes and training schools. Of this amount $36,033 was paid for maintenance of training classes and the balance of $53,967 to cities for support of training schools. Duties of District Superintendents. — District Superintendents are directed by law to visit and inspect training classes, to advise and assist principals in the organization and management of such classes, to conduct examinations for such classes as directed by the Commissioner of Education and to issue certificates in the form prescribed by the Commissioner of Education to those members of classes who have met the requirements of the law and the regu- lations of the Commissioner of Education. Requirements for Admission. — To be eligible to be received in membership in a teachers' training class, an applicant must have completed the equivalent of at least three years' approved work in a high school. Announcement was made that in 1918 the require- ments for admission to such classes will be advanced to graduation from an approved four-year course, but these advance requirements will not go into efifect until further notice. Training-class Certificates. — A training-class certificate issued between January i, 1896, and August i, 1905, is valid for three years and entitles its holder to teach in any public school, during its validity, in the commissioner district for which it is issued. Upon its expiration it may be renewed for a period of five years wthout further examination. It must also be indorsed by any district su- 248 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW perintendent in the State, when presented to him for that purpose. These certificates issued after August i, 1905, entitle their holders to teach in those schools only which do not maintain an academic department. A holder of a training class certificate who is also a high school graduate and who has taught successfully for three years since completing the training class course, may receive a form of training class certificate which will entitle her to teach in the grades of a school which maintains an academic department. Upon their expiration they may be renewed for a period of five years, provided the holder thereof has taught successfully three of the five years for which the certificate was issued. Regulations for Classes. — To the Commissioner of Education is given the authority to establish regulations, for the instruction and management of training classes, to prescribe the course of study for such classes, and to determine the conditions upon which pupils will be admitted to such classes. No person can receive a certificate who is under the age of eighteen years, and as pupils are required to be under instruction in a training class one year, candidates for membership in such classes must be at least seventeen years of age. (Complete regulations may be obtained upon application to the Commissioner of Educa^ tion.) CITY TRAINING SCHOOLS [Section 794, Article 31] Any city in the State, or any district of 5,000 or more population in the State, employing a superintendent of schools, may establish and maintain schools or classes for the professional training and instruction of teachers for not less than two years. The law also provides that no person is eligible to membership in one of these training schools or classes who has not been graduated from a high school or academy having a three years' course of instruction approved by the Commissioner of Education, or from some other institution of equal or higher rank. The Commissioner of Education may prescribe higher qualifications and he has exer- cised this discretion by providing that all persons admitted to training schools shall have completed an approved four years' academ-ic course. The course of study of such training schools or classes must also be approved by the Commissioner of Education. The Commissioner of Education is also authorized to apportion to each city maintaining a training school or class under the pro- REVIEW QUESTIONS 249 visions of this law and the regulations which he prescribes the bal- ance of the annual appropriation for training classes and training schools after apportioning the training classes the amount to which they are entitled. This balance must be apportioned ratably ac- cording to the aggregate attendance of the pupils regularly admitted to such training schools. teachers' institutes [Article 30] Origin. — The first teachers' institute in this State was held at Ithaca in April, 1843. It was in session for two weeks and was attended by twenty-eight teachers. The Superintendent of Tomp- kins county had charge of it and obtained assistants to conduct it. It received no aid from the State. The propriety of establishing this institute was decided upon in October, 1842, at the Tompkins County Teachers' Association. The work was successful and popu- lar, and other counties soon followed the same plan. In 1847 the Legislature appropriated $60 for the aid of each institute held in the State. As the Legislature makes no appropriation for institutes they have been discontinued. The conferences of teachers held by district superintendents supersedes the institute's work. REVIEW QUESTIONS How early were training classes maintained in the academies? What significance has the year 1827? What is the object in organizing training classes? When was the first act creating them passed? Who had supervision of them? What change was made in 1889? In what institutions may they be organized? By whom are these institutions designated? Explain how these appointments are made? What restrictions are placed on the number of pupils which may be in a class? What period of instruction is required? What period for each day? Are members of these classes charged tuition? What exception is there to this rule? What compensation is allowed an institution for maintaining one of these classes? How is this money ob- tained? What appropriations are made for this work? What equitable allowance may be apportioned for maintaining a training class? What are the general duties of a district superintendent in relation to these classes? Explain fully the value of a training class certificate. By whom are regula- tions governing training classes prescribed? What is the minimum age limit for admission to these classes? Explain the provisions of section 551 of the Education Law relating to training schools and classes in cities and villages employing a superintendent. Explain the method of appropriating State funds for these purposes. CHAPTER XXIX teachers' qualifications, certificates, contracts, powers AND duties [Article 20] Who Are Legally Qualified to Teach. — No person is legally qualified to teach in a public school in any supervisory district who does not hold either a state certificate, a college graduate's certificate, a normal school diploma, an equivalent certificate, a temporary license, a school commissioner's certificate or a district superintendent's certificate. To be legally qualified to teach in a city, or village of 4,500 population or more, a person must hold one of the first four certificates above named or a certificate issued by the school authorities of the city or village in which such person desires to contract. On and after January i, 1922, no teacher may be employed in the public schools of a city, union free or common school district who does not hold a certificate from the Commissioner of Edu- cation to the effect that such teacher is a person of good moral character and that he has shown satisfactorily that he is loyal and obedient to the government of the State or of the United States. A certificate authorizing a person to teach may be revoked by the Commissioner of Education on the ground that such person is not of good moral character, or if it shall appear that such per- son has, while a citizen of the United States, advocated, either by word of mouth or in writing, a form of government other than the government of the United States or the State, or that such person advocates or has advocated a change in the form of gov- ernment of the United States or of the State by force, violence or any unlawful means. Age of Teachers. — No person can legally be licensed to teach in a public school of this State who is not at least eighteen years of age and a citizen of the United States. State Certificates. — These certificates have been issued by either the State Superintendent of Public Instruction or the Com- missioner of Education since 1875, upon examination only. Their holders ar« legally qualified to teach for life in the public schools of the State without further examination. Previous to 1875, these certificates were issued by the State Superintendent upon recom- mendation. No examinations w^ere required. Such certificates confer the same rights upon those holding them as State certifi- cates issued since 1875. Candidates must pass the required exam- inations and must have taught successfully for three years, to be eligible to receive one of these certificates. 250 TEACHERS QUALIFICATIONS, ETC. 25 1 College Certificates. — A certificate, valid for three years in all schools, will be issued to any graduate of a college approved by the State Commissioner of Education, who shall have completed therein a course in education under the regulations of the State Education Department. On evidence of three years' successful experience in teaching a permanent certificate will be issued. A certificate, valid for two years, will be granted to a graduate of an approved course in an approved college. If during this term the holder shall pass an examination in psychology, history of education, the principles of education and methods of teaching, the certificate will be renewed for one year. At the end of three years' successful experience in teaching, a college graduate cer- tificate will be issued, valid for life, and in any school or depart- ment of a school in the State. Normal School Diplomas. — These diplomas are issued by the normal school authorities to students who have completed one of the prescribed courses of these schools. Such diplomas legally qual- ify those who hold them to teach for life in the public schools of the State without further examination. Uniform Certificates. — These certificates were issued by school commissioners under such regulations as the Commissioner of Edu- cation prescribed.* This class of certificates now in force are issued by district superintendents and are rural school renewable certifi- cates, training-class certificates, and special certificates known as drawing, kindergarten, vocal-music, elocution, commercial, manual training, physical training and domestic art or science. First Grade. — Such of these certificates as have already been issued are valid for either five years or ten years and upon the expiration thereof they may be renewed, without examination, by a district superintendent, for either five years or ten years, accord- ing to the period of time for which such certificates were originally issued. This renewal depends, in the case of five-year certificates, upon the holder thereof having taught three years during the life of the certificate and, in the case of the ten-year certificates, upon the holder thereof having taught at least five years during the life of such certificate. These certificates are valid in the supervisory district fer which they are issued and upon indorsement by the superintendent having jurisdiction they become valid in any super- visory district of the State. * The regulations under which these certificates are issued may be obtained at any time from the Education Department. 252 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW Training Class. — These certificates are issued to those who complete one year's work in a training class under the supervision of the Education Department for three years and are renewable for five-year periods. Training School Certificates. — These certificates are issued for three years by city superintendents to those who complete a course in a training school. They are renewable for ten years without examination, and district superintendents are required to indorse them. Rural School Renewable Certificates. — These certificates are issued by district superintendents for a period of three years and are valid in school districts not maintaining academic departments. These certificates may be renewed by district superintendents for a period of ten years, provided the holder thereof has taught suc- cessfully for two of the three years for which the certificate was issued. Drawing Certificates. — These certificates are issued to special teachers of drawing. They entitle those holding them to teach drawing only. A person who holds a drawing certificate and a general certificate of any grade may teach drawing and do general teaching also. Drawing certificates are valid for three years, and m.ay be renewed without examination for a period of five years in the same manner as first-grade certificates are renewed. Kindergarten Certificates. — The holders of these certificates are entitled to teach kindergarten only. The holder of a kinder- garten certificate, however, who also holds another certificate per- mitting general teaching, is not debarred from teaching under such other certificate. These certificates are valid for three years, and may be renewed for five years. Vocal-Music Certificates. — These certificates are issued with- out examination, are valid for three years, and may be renewed. A candidate to receive a certificate of this kind must show to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Education that she has re- ceived sufficient professional training in vocal music and has had sufficient experience in teaching the subject, to be well qualified to receive such certificate and that she completed a high-school course or its equivalent. Other Certificates. — In addition to the above-named certifi- cates, an equivalent certificate may be issued to a person who has completed the equivalent of four years' academic training and two TEACHERS QUALIFICATIONS, ETC. 253 years' professional training, but who may not possess a diploma which is indorsable under Regents rules. There are also special certificates issued which authorize the holders thereof to teach elocution, domestic art, domestic science, physical training, manual training, stenography and typewriting, and commercial subjects. The requirement for one of these cer- tificates is the completion of a four years' academic course or its equivalent, and a two years' professional course in the special line which the certificate covers. Vocational teachers' certificates are also issued under conditions specified in Regents rules. Academic Certificates. — These certificates are issued by dis- trict superintendents for a period of two years, are limited to schools approved by district superintendents and are not valid in schools which maintain an academic department. But one certifi- cate will be issued to the same person, and such certificate may be extended one year by eighteen credits earned in the examinations for State certificates or by a summer course, but may be indorsed by district superintendents. To receive such certificate a candidate must hold a Regents' academic diploma and must have completed a summer course at a normal school. General Certificates. — A State certificate, a college-graduate certificate, a normal-school diploma, a training-school certificate, a professional certificate, a training-class certificate and a first-grade certificate, may be regarded as general certificates to distinguish them from special certificates. These general certificates state that their holders are properly qualified and are entitled to teach in the public schools. Such certificates do not restrict their holders to 253a NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW the teaching of any particular subject. A special certificate does so restrict, as, for instance, a drawing certificate entitles its holder to teach drawing only. The holder of any one of these general certificates may, therefore, teach any special subject, as drawing or kindergarten, without holding a special certificate. Temporary Licenses. — The Commissioner of Education may, in his discretion, issue a temporary license, valid in a school dis- trict, a supervisory district or a city for a period not to exceed one year, whenever in his judgment it is necessary or expedient to do so. Employment of Teachers in Cities and Districts of 4,500 Population. — On January i, 1897, the provisions of chapter 1031 of the Laws of 1895 went into operation. These provisions are now incorporated in section 551 of the Education Law and relate to primary and grammar scliool teachers, but do not apply to teachers of any other grade. Teachers who were employed under a valid contract at the time this law went into operation may be continued in the service, even if they do not possess the qualifi- cations prescribed by this law. But all teachers who have been employed since January i, 1897, or who shall hereafter be em- ployed in any primary or grammar school in a city or district of 4,500 or more in this State authorized to employ a superintendent of schools must possess one of the three following qualifications: First. — Such teacher must have completed a course in one of the State normal schools of this State or in any approved college, prescribed by the Commissioner of Education, or must hold a life State certificate issued by a State Superintendent of Public Instruction or by the Commissioner of Education. teachers' qualifications, etc. 253b Second. — Such teacher must have had at least three years' ex- perience in teaching and must possess a certificate issued by the proper local authorities. Third. — Such teacher must have graduated from a high school or academy, or some other institution of equal or higher rank, having a course of study of a least three years, which is approved by the Commissioner of Education. Such teacher must also have completed subsequent to such graduation a course of not less than two years in a school or class for the professional training of teachers, and must hold a certificate issued by the proper local authorities. Such professional course must also be approved by the Commissioner of Education. These requirements now apply to districts of 4,500 population or more. Refusal to Issue Certificates. — A district superintendent may refuse to issue a certificate to a person who has passed the required examination, if a valid reason is assigned for such refusal. In cases of this kind, the aggrieved party may appeal to the Com- missioner of Education from the action of the superintendent in refusing to issue his certificate. If in the judgment of such com- missioner the reasons given by the superintendent are valid, such superintendent will be sustained in his refusal to issue such certifi- cate, but if the Commissioner of Education does not consider the superintendent's reasons valid, he will direct such superintendent to issue the certificate. Immoral character or lack of ability to govern or manage a school has been held to be a valid reason for withholding a certificate. Superintendent Not Required to Place Certain Names on an Eligible List. — The board of education of New York city 254^ NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW directed Superintendent Maxwell to place upon the eligible list for appointment as teachers of the graduating classes in elementary schools in all the boroughs except Brooklyn a large list of teachers holding licenses No. i and No. 2. Superintendent Maxwell brought an appeal to the Commissioner of Education praying for an order setting aside the resolution of the board of education which directed him to place the names in question upon the eligible lists. The legal right of Superintendent Maxwell to institute such appeal and the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Education to hear the same was attacked in the courts by the board of education. The case went to the Court of Appeals and that body decided against the board of education on both of its contentions. The court held that Superintendent Maxwell could -legally appeal to the Commissioner of Education for the determination of the questions involved and that, it was the duty of the Commissioner of Education to hear and determine such appeal. (People ex rel. Board of Education v. Finley, 211 N. Y. 51-58.) After hearing the case Commissioner Finley held that the action of the board was illegal and ordered that such action be vacated. (Maxwell v. Board of Education, 3 State Dept. Reports, 539.) Indorsement of Certificates by the Commissioner of Educa- tion. — The Commissioner of Education may in his discretion indorse State certificates issued in other States, or normal-school diplomas issued by the authorities of normal schools of other States. When such certificates are indorsed by the commissioner they have all the force and effect of State certificates and normal school diplomas issued by the proper authorities of this State. Indorsement of Certificates by District Superintendents. — TEACHERS QUALIFICATIONS, ETC. 255 District superintendents are required under the regulations pre- scribed by the Commissioner of Education to indorse first grade, training-class and special certificates issued under the Department regulations, or to assign valid reasons for refusing to do so. AVhen such certificates are indorsed by another superintendent they have the same value in the district of the superintendent who indorsed them as in the supervisory district for which they were originally issued. The Commissioner of Education holds that the holders of cer- tificates which district superintendents are required under his regulations to indorse are legally qualified to contract to teach in any supervisory district in the State. After making a contract in a supervisory district other than the one for which a certificate is valid, the holder of such certificate should present it for indorse- ment to the superintendent having jurisdiction over the district for which such contract was made. If a superintendent refuses to indorse such certificate, its holder may appeal from the action of the superintendent to the Commissioner of Education, who will determine upon the validity of the reasons assigned by the super- intendent in refusing his indorsement. (No. 4888.) Payment of Unqualified Teachers. — No part of the school moneys apportioned to a school district can be applied to the payment of the salary of an unqualified teacher. Nor can the salary of an unqualified teacher be collected by a tax upon the district. Any trustee who applies such money or who directs or consents to the use of such money contrary to these provisions, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Any fine imposed therefor must be for the benefit of the common schools of the district. Any trustee or trustees who employ unqualified teachers are personally responsible to such teachers for their salary. A trustee or trustees who willfully employ a teacher not legally qualified may also be removed from office by the Commissioner of Education. Revocation of Certificates.— There are two authorities by either of whom teachers' certificates may be revoked, namely, the Commissioner of Education and a district superintendent. The Commissioner of Education may revoke a certificate of any grade 256 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW by whomsoever issued, for all reasons on which such action may be legally taken. Since the enactment of the Consolidated School Law of 1894, school commissioners have had authority to revoke certificates on the ground of immoral conduct only and district superintendents possess this power. On this ground a district superintendent may revoke a State certificate, a normal-school diploma, a college-graduates' certificate, or a certificate issued by any district superintendent in the State. Whenever charges have been preferred to a district superin- tendent against the moral character of a teacher, it is the duty of the superintendent to furnish such teacher a copy of these charges and also to notify the teacher of a time and place at which a hearing will be given thereon. At this hearing the evi- dence in support of such charges must be presented, after which the accused is entitled to present evidence to disprove such charges. The accused is also entitled to be represented by coun- sel. When a certificate issued by the Commissioner of Educa- tion or a normal-school diploma is revoked by a superintendent on these grounds, the superintendent should immediately file with the Commissioner of Education a notice of such action. A district superintendent cannot revoke a certificate for de- ficiency in scholarship or for inability to manage or govern a school. These are questions which the superintendent should have determined before issuing a certificate. The issuance of the certificate presupposes that proper investigation has been made in regard to the candidate's qualifications, and that such qualifications have been found to be satisfactory to the superin- tendent. The only authority to revoke a certificate on this ground is the Commissioner of Education. There are two ways of disposing of an inefficient teacher. One way is to establish such inefficiency to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Education, upon direct appeal for that purpose in due form. The Commissioner of Education will then revoke the certificate of such teacher. The second method is for the board of trustees to dismiss the teacher. Then, if the teacher appeals from the action of the board, the Commissioner of Edu- cation becomes the judge of the validity of the grounds upon which the board based its action. The charge of inefficiency must in this case, also, be proved to the satisfaction of the Com- teachers' qualifications, etc. 257 missioner of Education. If proved, he will sustain the action of the board. A certificate should not be revoked for immoral conduct which occurred previous to the issuance of the certificate if such con- duct was known to the official who issued the certificate at the time he issued it. Charges of immoral conduct against a teacher must be definite and specific so that the accused will know with just what acts he is charged. A superintendent has no power to place the holder of a certificate upon trial on general charges of immoral conduct. The Education Law provides that certificates may be revoked for the following specific causes : 1. Failure to attend teachers' institute as required by law. 2. Failure to complete an agreement to teach a term of s(!hool without assigning a valid reason. 3. Immoral conduct. In cases which have come before the Commissioner of Educa- tion upon appeal it has been held that certificates may be revoked for a teacher inflicting upon a pupil unreasonable, unnecessary, and cruel punishment, and also for intemperance upon the part of the teacher. Superintendent Draper held that the severe penalty of revok- ing a certificate should not be imposed except for a cause suffi- ciently grave to justify a permanent prohibition of the right to teach. (No. 3572.) In an appeal case decided by Superintendent Skinner the broad and reasonable principle was maintained that the general con- duct of a teacher should be such as to inspire the fullest confi- dence of parents, and that when the acts and general conduct of a teacher were such as to produce the opposite result, such teacher was unfit to be permitted to remain in the teaching service. (No. 4644.) The revocation of a certificate terminates any existing contract between the holder of such certificate and a trustee or trustees. Who May Contract. — Any person can enter into contract to teach a public school who holds a legal certificate of qualification, is at least eighteen years of age and is a citizen of the United States. 258 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW Contracts with Minors. — A minor may contract with a board of trustees to teach a public school. A minor making such con- tract must complete the term of contract, and for a failure to do this without a valid reason, such minor's certificates may be revoked. Under the general law of contracts, a minor would not be responsible to a board of trustees for any damage claimed by reason of such minor's failing to comply with the terms of his contract. Contracts with Married Women. — The Domestic Relations Law gives married women the right to make contracts and to receive compensation thereon. By Whom Employed. — Teachers must be employed by the trustees of the district or by the board of education. A school district meeting cannot direct what teachers shall be employed. This is a power to be exercised solely by the trustees or by a board of education. Employment of Relatives. — No person related to one or more of the trustees of a common-school district by blood or marriage can be employed by such trustees unless such action is approved by two-thirds of the voters of such district present and voting at an annual or a special meeting of the district. In a union free-school district no person can be employed by a board of education who is related by blood or marriage to any member of the board, except by a two-thirds vote of such board, and such vote should be entered upon the proceedings of the board. When a teacher, who is a relative of a trustee of a common- school district or of a member of a board of education, has been employed under the approval of such district or such board as stated above, and the same trustees or board of education desire to employ such teacher for the next ensuing year, it is not neces- sary to obtain a second approval of such district or board. (D. 4588.) Period of Employment. — A trustee or trustees cannot employ a teacher for a shorter period than ten weeks, except to fill out an unexpired term. Nor can a trustee or trustees contract with a teacher for a longer period of time than that for which such teacher's certificate of qualification is valid. All contracts must teachers' qualifications, etc. 259 be for a specific time. A trustee cannot legally employ a teacher for " as long as her work is satisfactory." The sole trustee of a district may not contract for the employ- ment of a teacher for a period extending beyond his term of office. A teacher employed contrary to these provisions has no claim against the district for salary, but she may enforce the contract against those making such contract as individuals. Form of Contract. — Trustees are required to make and deliver to each teacher employed a zvriticn contract. This contract must be signed by the trustee or trustees or some person authorized by said trustee or trustees to represent them. This contract should show the agreement between the trustees and teacher in relation to the period of employment, the amount of compensation, and when the same shall be payable. It is also advisable to state in the contract whether the teacher is to be employed in a primary or grammar department, or to perform work along special lines, or to act as the principal. A verbal contract the terms of which can be proved is binding and can be enforced. It is advisable, however, for trustees to issue written contracts and for teachers to insist on receiving them. The burden of establishing a verbal contract is generally on the teacher. In a district having more than one trustee, the contract must be made by a majority of such trustees and at a meeting regu- larly held. The contract is not legal if the consent of the trustees is obtained separately and not at a meeting properly convened. A contract made by on trustee when duly authorized to act as the agent of the other trustees of the district is binding. When Compensation is Due. — Teachers can require trustees to pay them as often at least as at the end of each calendar month of the term of employment. A contract cannot legally be made providing that a teacher shall not be paid until the end of the term. A contract providing that a teacher shall not be paid as often as at the end of each calendar month is not binding, and such teacher can insist upon payments being made at the end of each calendar month. There Is no legal objection to a contract which provides that a teacher shall be paid oftener than at the end of each month. The Legislature of 1919 added a new section 491-a to the Educa- tion Law, providing that : The trustees or board of education in each school district except a city school district, shall increase the salary of each teacher employed in such district at least one hundred dollars in advance of the salary paid the teacher employed at the time of the passage of this act. Such increased salary shall become effective for the school year beginning August i, 1919, and continue annually thereafter. 26o NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW (At the close of this chapter the form of contract prepared by the Education Department is given. Any other good form may be used.) Orders on Supervisors and District Collector or Treasurer. — The law provides that trustees may issue orders on the super- visor of the town and on the collector or treasurer of the district in payment of teachers' salaries. The law also makes it a mis- demeanor for a trustee to issue an order on any of these officers unless there are sufficient funds in the hands of such officer to pay the same. Teachers are therefore required under the law to accept such orders properly issued in payment of their salaries. A teacher is not, however, required to accept a check from a supervisor, collector, or treasurer. These officers are required to honor such orders by paying the money thereon. Payment When School is Closed. — Whenever school is closed by proper authorities during a term for which a teacher has been engaged and the teacher is thereby restrained or prevented from teaching, such teacher is entitled to full compensation for the time school is thus closed. Cases of this kind arise when a school is closed by the school authorities or the health authorities, owing to the prevalence of a contagious disease, or when the schoolhouse has been destroyed by fire or otherwise. Trustees of rural schools often direct that schools shall be closed for a day for funerals and other occasions, and in all such cases the teachers employed in such schools are entitled to full compen- sation for such time. When a trustee refuses to pay a teacher for such time, the remedy for the teacher is to appeal in proper form to the Commissioner of Education. Dismissal of Teachers. — A teacher cannot be dismissed during a term of employment except for reasons which the Commis- sioner of Education would consider sufficient if brought before him upon appeal. Breach of contract, neglect of duty, immoral conduct have each been held to be sufficient reasons. Chapter 416 of the Laws of 1917 provides that a person em- ployed as superintendent of schools, teacher or employee in the public schools, in any city or school district of the State, shall be removed from such position for treasonable or seditious words or acts while holding such position. Whenever a teacher is dismissed by a board of trustees with- teachers' qualifications, etc. 261 out sufficient cause, he should hold himself in readiness to com- plete his contract and should make all reasonable efforts to do so. Under these circumstances a teacher would be entitled to full compensation for that portion of the term for which he was employed, but during which he did not teach owing to his being- dismissed. If a teacher acquiesces in the action of a board of trustees in dismissing him, he is not entitled to compensation for the portion of the term which he failed to teach on account of such dismissal. A board of trustees may dismiss a teacher without cause upon paying such teacher full compensation for the whole period for which such teacher was employed. The teachers' remedy in these cases is to be found either in the courts or in an appeal to the Commissioner of Education. The latter is preferable. The appeal may be for a reinstatement in the position from which the teacher was dismissed or for the payment of salary for the time the teacher was deprived from teaching. Teacher's Absence to Become a Mother Not Sufficient Ground for Dismissal. — Several married women who are teachers in New York city were absent from duty for various periods to give birth to children. Charges were preferred against these teachers for neglect of duty. The formality of trials before the board of edu- cation was observed, the charges sustained and the teachers re- moved. Appeals were brought to the Commissioner of Educa- tion and that officer reversed the board of education in its action ; held that the teachers were improperly removed and directed the board of education to reinstate such teachers. In determining one of these cases Commissioner Finley stated the following: Married women teachers under the rules and practice of the board may be, and are, employed. Women teachers, under the decision of the Court of Appeals, may not be dismissed on aC' count of marriage after entering the service. The question now asked is : May the board dismiss a married woman teacher for that which is the lawful, natural consequence of marriage and its social sanction? Such answer as the highest court gives to this question on its legal merits is to be found in the following quota- tion from the dissenting opinion of the chief justice of the Court of Appeals in this very case : " Maternity requiring occasional 262 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW absences at periods of childbirth is a natural consequence of the employment of potential mothers as teachers. If the Legislature had regarded this consequence as detrimental to the welfare of the schools, it would certainly have guarded against it by a pro- hibitory enactment. We find no such prohibition in the law or in any duly authorized rule or regulation of the board of educa- tion adopted pursuant to law. =!<*>:= The reasons for and against the employment of young mothers as public school teach- ers, set out in this record in the majority and minority reports of the committee on elementary schools of the board of education, are appropriate for the consideration of the law-making power, but do not concern the courts. The question which we are called upon to decide in this proceeding is whether the specific accusation upon which the relator has been dismissed from her position, to wit, ' absence for the purpose of bearing a child,' con- stitutes neglect of duty within the meaning- of section 1093 o^ the Greater New York Charter. I agree with the learned judge who heard the case at the Special Term (Mr. Justice Seabury) that it does not." (People ex rel. Peixotto v. Board of Education, 212 N. Y. 463 ; Matter of Peixotto, 4 State Dept. Reports, 596.) Dismissal for Concealment of Facts.— Where a teacher con- ceals a fact for the purpose of deceiving a board of education and the knowledg-e of such fact would have prevented her employ- ment, such action on the part of a teacher is sufficient ground for dismissal. Where a rule of the board of education prohibited the employment of married women as teachers in the schools and a woman otherwise eligible to appointment but is married, pur- posely fails to disclose such fact because it would prevent her appointment, and accepts an appointment, is guilty of gross mis- conduct and may be dismissed. (Matter of Artman, 4 State Dept. Reports, 627.) Dismissal for Marrying. — The Commissioner of Education has held that where a teacher makes a contract with the Board of Education for the year and such contract contains a provision to the effect that if the teacher married during the year, the contract should terminate, that the contract is valid and binding. This contract was made under an ordinance enacted by the council of the city pursuant to a law conferring that power upon the coun- cil. This teacher married during the year, but concealed this teachers' qualifications, etc. 263 fact from the board of education. She continued to be known during the entire year under her maiden name. She signed the payroll and received her salary monthly under such name. Later the facts in the case became known and charges were preferred against her and she was dismissed from the service. On an appeal to the Commissioner of Education, that officer held that the regulation was made under due authority of law, that the teacher voluntarily entered into a contract containing a special provision that such contract should be terminated in case she did marry. The Commissioner of Education declined to reinstate her and held that the school authorities acted wholly within their powers. This case must be distinguished from the mother-teacher cases in New York city and other cases in that city. The teachers in New York city have had permanent tenure for years, and the charter of the city specified four grounds upon which teachers might be dismissed ; marrying during her employment as teacher was not enumerated as one of the four grounds of dismissal in New York city. Record of Attendance. — It is the duty of teachers to keep a record of attendance of all pupils in the school register provided for that purpose. This record must be kept as required under the directions given in the register which is prepared under the supervision of the Commissioner of Education. It is important that these records shall be kept accurately, as they form the basis for apportioning part of the State school moneys and are also important in connection with the enforcement of the compulsory- attendance law. Teachers are responsible for the safe-keeping of these records and should deliver them upon the close of their term of engage- ment to the clerk of the district or board of education. Veriiication of Records. — Teachers are required to make affi- davit to the correctness of the register kept by them. This affidavit may be taken by the district clerk and without charge. A teacher is not entitled to receive pay for any time taught until affidavit is made to the correctness of the register for the period for which payment is made. Rules and Regulations for Teachers. — A board of trustees may prescribe general rules for the management of the school. When 264 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW such rules have been adopted, it is the duty of teachers to enforce them, and so far as they affect the teachers themselves to comply with them. The members of a board of trustees have no author- ity to enter the schoolroom to direct any of the work in progress or to direct the method of enforcing the rules of the board. This power rests solely with the teacher. School Hours. — - The school law does not define the hours that shall be devoted to school work. Custom has fixed the hours from 9 A. M. to 12 M. and from I p. M. to 4 P. M. An inter- mission of ten or fifteen minutes is given each half-day session. The board of trustees of a district may, however, designate other hours during which the school shall be in session. If these hours are reasonable, it is the duty of teachers to conduct school during the hours designated. If unreasonable hours are desig- nated by a board, the Commissioner of Education may, upon appeal in due form, modify the hours fixed by such board. Closing School. — A teacher has no authority to close school on any school day without the consent of the board of trustees. A teacher who does close school on a school day without such consent is guilty of a breach of contract, and may be dismissed by the board. The consent of trustees is not necessary in order to close school on a legal holiday or a general election day, or for the purpose of attending a teachers' institute, as required by law. In case the trustees desire that school shall be in session on General Election Day, Washington or Lincoln's Birthdays, they should so notify the teacher. Janitor Work. — Neither teacher nor pupil can be compelled to do the janitor work of the school building. If the contract between the teacher and the trustees provides that the teacher shall perform this work, then it becomes the duty of the teacher to do it upon the ground that she has consented to do so by special agreement in her contract. A teacher who voluntarily does this work is not entitled to compensation for performing it. Enforcement of Payments. — A teacher may bring an action in court for salary due him which has not been paid. This method is expensive and requires more time than teachers can generally give for the adjustment of such cases. The more inexpensive way and the method by which adjustment can be reached in the shortest period of time is to appeal in due form teachers' qualifications, etc. 265 to the Commissioner of Education, who has power to direct such' pa3^ments and to enforce his decision. Wearing Religious Garb. — -There is no statute law in this State regulating the dress which shall be worn by teachers. Tl:ie general influence upon the school system of teachers wearing a religious garb has been brought by appeal before the State Department in two cases. In March, 1887, on an appeal from the action of the board of education of Suspension Bridge, Super- intendent Draper ruled as follows : " The wearing of an unusual garb, worn exclusively by members of one religious sect and for the purpose of indicating membership in that sect by the teachers in a public school, constituted a sectarian influence, which ought not to be persisted in. The same may be said of the pupils address- ing the teachers as " Sister Mary," " Sister Martha," etc. The conclusion is irresistible that these things may constitute a much stronger sectarian or denominational influence over the minds of children than the repetition of the Lord's Prayer or the reading of the scriptures at the opening of the schools, and yet these things have been prohibited whenever objection has been offered by the rulings of this 'Department from the earliest days, because of the purpose enshrined in the hearts of the people and imbedded in the fundamental law of the State, that the public school system shall be kept altogether free from matters not essential to its primary purpose and dangerous to its harmony and efficiency." (D. 3520.) In deciding an appeal from the action of the Board of Educa- tion of West Troy School District (now WatervHet), involving the same point. Superintendent Skinner held as follows : I therefore concur in the opinion of my predecessor in ofiice, viz., that the teachers in the public schools of the State ought not to wear the dis- tinctive garb of any religious denomination, order, sect, or society, but ought to dress in the usual costume worn by men and women generally; and that any other costume or usage is inimical to the best educational inter- ests of the locality and should be discontinued by direction of the local school authorities whose duty it is to so administer the trusts reposed in them as to bring about the very best results with the least irritation, and in harmony with the spirit of the section of the organic law herein quoted. The school best does this which avoids any reference directly or indirectly to any particular denomination, sect, or order, both in the construction of the buildings used for school purposes and in the dress worn by the teachers employed therein. To those not satisiied with this complete and actual severance of secular and religious instruction, the private school is open. I also decide that it is the duty of the respondents to require the teachers employed by them to discontinue the use in the public school room of the distinguishing dress or garb of the religious order to which they belong. (D. 4516.) 266 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW On May 15, 1897, Superitnendent Skinner directed the Board of Education of Watervliet to notify and require all teachers employed in that city and wearing a religious garb to discon- tinue the use of such garb. The board was also directed, in case any such teacher should refuse or fail to comply with such re- quirement, to dismiss such teachers from employment in the public schools of the city of Watervliet. An order was also issued by the State Superintendent prohibiting the County Treas- urer from paying the money apportioned to this city until di- rected to do so by the Superintendent. (D. 4546.) The Court of Appeals held that the decision of the State Superintendent on this question was in effect a regulation which he was authorized to make and that the prohibitive order was in accord with the public policy of the State as declared in sec- tion 4, article 9 of the Constitution. (184 N. Y. 421.) When Teacher's Illness Prevents Teaching. — Whenever a teacher under contract is unable to teach by reason of illness, such teacher should report the fact of such illness to the trustee or trustees. These officers may, if they desire, employ a sub- stitute teacher during the ihness of the regular teacher. Such regular teacher has no voice in determining who the substitute teacher shall be. This is a question to be determined solely by the trustees. If the illness of a teacher is continued for a long period, and there is not reasonable hope of sufficient recovery to enable such teacher to resume teaching, the trustees may inform such teacher that the contract has been declared void by her inability to perform her part of it. The trustees may then employ another teacher, and if the teacher dismissed feels ag- grieved, she may appeal from the action of the trustees to the Commissioner of Education. Authority Over Pupil. — There is no provision in the edu- cation law defining the authority which a teacher has over the pupils under his charge. The decisions of the courts and the rulings of the Commissioner of Education are, that the authority of the teacher over pupils is the same as that of a parent over a child, or as it is usually expressed, that a teacher stands in loco parentis to his pupils. The authority of the teacher begins at the time the pupil arrives upon the school grounds, teachers' qualifications, etc. 267-268 extends to the close of school, and continues until the pupil has left the school grounds. Cases maj' be cited in which the courts have held that the authority of the teacher extends beyond these limits, and that the pupil is accountable to the teacher for his conduct on the way to and returning from school, and even elsewhere, when such conduct has a direct bearing upon the discipline and general welfare of the school. These are not, however, recent decisions, and are not safe guides for teachers of the present time. A modern view of courts and of departments having judicial powers to restrict the authority of the teacher over the pupil to the time between the arrival of the pupil upon the school grounds and his departure therefrom. The superin- tendents of this State and the Commissioner of Education have taken this view. Superintendent Draper held that the authority of the teacher was not absolute during the noon recess, and that a pupil possesses a legal right to leave the school grounds during the noon recess with the consent of his parents. (D. 3698.) The right of a teacher to detain a pupil after school hours is questionable. Where a parent objects to such detention, a teacher should not insist upon it. The authority of the teacher, however, is restricted by the rules and regulations of a board of education or a board of trustees. Where a board of education or a board of trustees has prescribed regulations to govern the discipline of the school it is the duty of teachers to keep within the bounds of such regulations. Suspension of Pupils. — There is no provision of law defining definitely the right to suspend a pupil from attendance upon school. This subject has been a question for the judicial consideration of State superintendents and of the courts. The present compulsory education act has so modified this question as to change materially former rulings relating thereto. We shall not therefore discuss these former rulings, but shall consider the ques- tion in its present aspect. The trustee or trustees of a district is the proper authority to suspend pupils. A teacher does not possess this authority. A teacher may, for proper reasons, dismiss a pupil for the day, but not for a longer period. When a pupil is dismissed for a day, the teacher should at the close of school on such day report the facts in the case to the trustees. A board of trustees has the power to prescribe regulations for the government of the schools under their management, and such board may therefore prescribe regulations govern- ing the suspension of pupils. If in such rules a board designates specific offenses for which a pupil may be suspended, and such rules also provide that for such offenses a teacher may suspend a pupil, the teacher has the power to enforce such rules and suspend the offender. State Superintendent Skinner held that pupils between the ages of eight and sixteen years who are required to attend upon instruction cannot be suspended from a public school for a longer period than ten days, unless the trustees provide a place at which such pupil may receive instruction equivalent to that required under the compulsory education act. " Public opinion supports the theory that schools are established for the purpose of educating children, and that for grave causes only will school authorities be warranted in denying them the privilege of attendance thereon. Expulsion of Pupils. — ' A board of trustees is the proper authority to expel a pupil from attendance upon a public school. A teacher does not possess this authority. A pupil required to attend upon instruction under the compulsory attendance act cannot be expelled from a public school unless the school authorities provide a place where such pupil may attend upon such instruction. A pupil having a contageous disease is not in a proper physical condition 269-270 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW to be required to attend upon instruction, and may, during the continuance of such disease, be denied school privileges. To permit such pupil to con- tinue in attendance upon school would expose other pupils to the dangers o£ such disease. Incorrigible pupils and pupils whose moral senses are so depraved that their association with other pupils would contaminate such pupils may be expelled from public schools. If such pupils are between eight and sixteen years of age and are required to attend upon instruction under the com- pulsory attendance act, they should • be proceeded against as disorderly persons. Corporal Punishment. — There is no direct statute enactment regulating the right of a teacher to inflict corporal punishment. The Penal Law pro- vides that it shall not be unlawful for any parent, guardian, master, teacher, or the authorized agent of a parent, in the exercise of a lawful authority, to restrain or correct his child, ward, apprentice, or scholar, provided the force or violence used is reasonable in manner and moderate in degree. Under the provisions of the Education Law, a board of trustees of a com- mon school district, or a board of education of a union free school district, possesses the authority to prescribe rules and regulations for the government of a school. When a board of trustees or a board of education adopts a regulation providing that corporal punishment shall not be inflicted, a teacher has no legal authority to resort to that mode of punishment. If a board of trustees or a board of education should adopt a regulation of this kind, and a teacher, in violation thereof, should inflict corporal punishment upon a pupil, such teacher would be subject to dismissal. In the absence of a regulation of this kind having been adopted by a board of trustees, a teacher may, under the protection of the Penal Law, inflict corporal punishment, providing such punishment is reasonable and moderate in degree. In inflicting this mode of punishment, a teacher should give full consideration to the gravity of the offense, the general effect of such offense upon the school, the temperament and the other physical con- ditions of the pupil. Cases of school discipline are rare in which teachers should finally resort to this extreme if not barbarous mode of punishment. Control of School Papers, Athletics, etc. — It is within the legal power of school authorities to control the management and publication of papers published by the pupils of a school as a school paper. Commissioner Draper held in September, 1904, in the Monticello case, that a publication standing for a school and appealing to the constituency of that school on that ground is not a private or personal affair but a public affair, and as such is subject to the school authority of the district which it represents. The Commis- sioner also sustained the principal and the board of education in suspending a pupil in charge of a school paper who refused to be governed by the rules prescribed by the school authorities to govern the management of such paper. (See decision 5142 — Report for 1905.) School authorities undoubtedly possess the same supervision over school organizations of a literary character or over those for the purpose of promoting athletics. teachers' qualifications, etc- 271 fire drill. [Article 28] Duty of Principal, etc. — Each principal or other person in charge of a public or private school or other educational insti- tution, having more than one hundred pupils, is required to instruct and train such pupils by means of drills, so that in any sudden emergency these pupils may be able to leave the school building in the shortest possible time and without con- fusion or panic. These drills or dismissals must be held as often as at least once each month. Penalty. — Any principal or other person failing to perform the duty required in above paragraph is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable at the discretion of the court by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars. Such fine must be paid to the pension fund of the local fire department where there is such a fund. Duty of Board of Education. — The board of education of any city or district to which this act applies, or any other body having control of the schools to which this act applies, must have a copy of the act relating to fire drills printed in a manual or hand-book prepared for the guidance of teachers. Constitutional Oath of Teachers. — Chapter 574, Laws of 1917, requires every employee of the State, or any of its civil divisions, to take and file a constitutional oath. The language of the oath is so broad that it includes teachers, superintendents and other employees of the school system. The law provides that all employees of the ■ State and each of its civil divisions, except the labor class, shall take and file such oath within thirty days after the act took effect. Failure of such employee to take and file such oath terminates his employment until such oath shall be taken and filed according to law. This law became eflfective May 19, 1917. All teachers and superintendents therefore who have not taken the constitutional oath should take it at once and such oath should be filed with the clerk of the board of education. 2']2 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW TEACHER'S CONTRACT I, , of , county of , a duly qualified teacher, hereby contract with the board of trustees of District No , town of , county of , to teach the public school of said district for the term of consecutive weeks, except as hereinafter provided, commencing , i , at a weekly compensation of dollars and cents, payable at the end of each thirty days during the term of such employment. Four per cent, of the amount of each order or warrant issued in payment of the compensation required to be paid hereunder shall be deducted as provided by article 43 B of the Education Law relative to the State Teachers' Retirement Fund. And the board of trustees of said district hereby contract to employ said teacher for said period at the said rate of compensation, payable at the times herein stated. Said board of trustees reserve the right to provide for a vacation or vacations of not more than weeks in the aggregate during said term, which vacation shall not count as part of the term of service above referred to. Dated , i .,Teacher. Trustees. This contract should be executed in duplicate and one copy thereof given, to the teacher and one retained by the board. REVIEW QUESTIONS What certificate must a teacher hold to be qualified to teach in a super- visory district? In a city? How old must a person be before being eligible to receive a teacher's certificate? How are State certificates issued? What rights do they confer? Explain the difference between those issued pre- vious to 187s and those issued since that date. What are college graduates' certificates? What rights do they confer? Who are eligible to receive them? What are normal school diplomas? What rights do they confer? What are commissioners' uniform certificates? Name the certificates issued under the uniform system. _ Who are eligible to receive first-grade certificates? For what period are they valid? For how long may they be renewed? Who are eligible to receive a training class certificate? Explain their value. Explain the value of kindergarten certificates. Vocal music certificates. Elementary and aca- demic certificates. When may a kindergarten teacher teach kindergarten and do general teaching also? A music teacher teach vocal music and do other teaching also? By whom may temporary licenses be issued? For how long? Are superintendents required to issue certificates to candidates who have passed the required examination? What are valid reasons for refusing to do so? What remedy has the aggrieved party? What certificates of quali- fication may the Commissioner of Education indorse? What is the effect of such indorsement? What certificates are superintendents required to indorse? When may a superintendent withhold his indorsement? What is the effect of such indorsement? What is the ruling of the Commissioner of Education in relation to the right of a teacher to contract who holds a certificate subject to indorsement? What is the remedy for a person hold- ing such certificate when a superintendent refuses to indorse it? What moneys cannot be applied toward the payment of an unqualified teacher? REVIEW QUESTIONS 2/3 If a trustee appropriates these moneys for the payment of an unqualified teacher, what is the penalty? Who are responsible to such teachers, when employed, for their salaries? What is the penalty for wilfully employing an unqualified teacher? What authorities may revoke a teacher's certificate? What certificates may the Commissioner of Education revoke? A district superintendent? Upon what grounds may the Commissioner of Education revoke a certifi- cate? For what one cause may a district superintendent revoke a certifi- cate? \\ hat is the duty of a district superintendent when charges against the moral character of a teacher have been presented to him? To what rights is a teacher thus charged entitled at a hearing? Why cannot a dis- trict superintendent revoke a certificate for deficiency in scholarship or for inability to govern or manage a school? Who is the only authority to revoke a certificate upon these grounds? Explain fully each of two ways of disposing of an inefticient teacher. Can a certificate be revoked for immoral conduct previous to the date of issuance of such certificate, and when such conduct was known to the otficial at -the time he issued such certificate? What must be the character of charges preferred against a teacher? Can a teacher be placed on trial for general charges of immoral conduct? For what three causes does the education law provide teachers' certificates may be revoked? For what causes have State Superintendents held certificates may be revoked? What did Superintendent Draper hold in relation to revoking a teacher's certifi- cate? What effect does the revocation of a teacher's certificate have upon an existing contract? Who may contract to teach? May a minor contract? Is a minor required to complete a term for which contract has been made? Under what pen- alty? Is a minor subject to suit for damages for failing to complete a contract? May married women contract? By whom are teachers employed? Can a district meeting direct what teachers shall be employed? When may the trustees of a common-school district employ a relative? Of a union free-school district? In either case may the same trustees or board employ such teachers the next ensuing year without second approval of district or board? What is the shortest period for which a trustee may employ a teacher? When is the limitation as to the period of time for which a teacher may contract? May a trustee employ a teacher for "as long as her work is satisfactory?" May the trustees of a common-school district contract for a period beyond the current school year? What remedy has a teacher employed contrary to the above provisions? What contract should be given to each teacher? By whom should it be signed? What essential facts should such contract contain? Is a verbal contract binding? Must a contract be made at a meeting of a board? When is a contract made by one member of a board of two or more trustees bind- ing? How often can teachers insist upon receiving their pay? Is a con- tract providing that the salary of a teacher shall not be paid until at the end of the term legal? If such contract is made, how often may a teacher insist upon being paid? May a legal contract be made providing a teacher shall be paid oftener than monthly? Upon what officers may trustees issue orders in payment of teachers' salaries? Why these officers? May they issue orders for an amount greater than that held by such officers? What is the penalty for a violation of this provision of law? Under what conditions may teachers receive com- pensation for time during which school is closed? Give illustrations coming within these provisions. What is the teacher's remedy in cases of this kind when trustees refuse to pay for such time? What is the law regulating the dismissal of teachers? What reasons have been held to be sufficient? What should a teacher do when dismissed by a board of trustees in order to be entitled to his compensation for the full period of his contract? What would be the legal effect if a teacher 274 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW should acquiesce in such dismissal? When may a trustee dismiss a teacher without cause? In these cases in what two ways mav a teacher seek relief? Which is preferable? What relief may be requested? What record of attendance are teachers required to keep? How must such record be kept? Why is this an important record? Who is respon- sible for the safe-keeping of the register? To whom should the register be delivered after a term of school is closed? What records must the teacher verify? Who may administer this oath? When must a teacher verify this record? Who is the proper authority to prescribe rules for the government of a school? When such rules have been adopted what is the duty of the teacher in relation thereto? May trustees enter a schoolroom and direct the enforce- ment of such rules? Does the law define the school hours? What are the usual hours? May other hours he fixed? Who possesses the authority to fix these hours? If unreasonable hours are designated what is the relief? May a teacher close a school for any period without the approval of the trustees? What is the effect upon contract of closing school without such consent? Is this consent necessary to close school on a legal holiday or for attending an institute? Is a teacher required to do the janitor work? A pupil? When may a teacher be required to do this work? Why? Is a teacher entitled to compensation for voluntarily performing this work? In what two ways may a teacher bring an action in a court to enforce payment of salary? Why are these methods objectionable? What other method may be pur- sued? Why is this preferable? Is there a provision of law regulating the garb which shall be worn by teachers? When and in what case was this question passed upon by Superintendent Draper? What was his decision in the matter? When did Superintendent Skinner pass upon the question? In what case? What was his decision? What further action in this case did Superintendent Skinner take on May 15, 1897? When a teacher under contract is unable to teach by reason oi illness what should she do? Who may select a substitute teacher, if one is desired, during the illness of a teacher? Has the regular teacher any voice in the employment of such substitute? Under what conditions, in a case of this kind, may a trustee declare a teacher's contract void? What remedy has a teacher for unfair treatment in such cases? What is the general ruling in relation to the authority of a teacher over a pupil? Define the limits of a teacher's authority. What extreme views have courts taken on this question? Are these decisions safe guides for the present? What is the modern view of courts, and of judicial depart- ments upon this question? What has been the uniform ruling of the State 'Department? Explain the ruling of Superintendent Draper in relation to the authority of a teacher over a pupil during the noon recess. The right of a teacher to retain pupils after the regular school hours. How is the authority of a teacher restricted in this matter? What legal effect has the regulations of a board of trustees upon the teacher's power? To what schools do the provisions of section 551 of the Education Law relate? How did this law effect those who were employed at the time it went into operation? When did it go into operation? Name each of _ the three qualifications, one of which must be possessed to be employed in a school under this law? By what authoritv has the subject of suspensions of pupils been consid- ered? What has changed rulings on this subject? Who -is the proper authority to suspend a pupil? May a teacher dismiss a pupil? For what period? What should a teacher do in such case? When may a teacher suspend a pupil? What is the ruling on suspending pupils between eight and REVIEW QUESTIONS 275 sixteen years of age? What is public opinion on the theory of the establish- ment of sohools? Who possesses the authority to expel a pupil? How does the compulsory attendance act effect the expulsion of pupils? Why may a pupil having contagious disease be expelled? What other pupils may be expelled? How should they be proceeded against? Discuss the right of a teacher to inflict corporal punishment. What is the duty of principals in relation to fire drills? What is the penalty for violation of this law? What is the general rule controlling school papers, athletics, school societies, etc.? CHAPTER XXX. RETIREMENT OF TEACHERS [Article 43-B] Historical Statement. — The Legislature of 191 1 enacted a retirement law applicable to all teachers and principals of the State who were not already subject to the provisions of a local retirement law. The law was also made applicable to all super- intendents employed in cities and in union free school districts having a population of five thousand or more, and to district superintendents. Chapter 503, Laws of 1920, repeals the enact- ment of 191 1 and substitutes for it 'an entirely new law. This law took effect on August i, 1921. The law applies to all teachers of the State, and the term " teacher " includes the regular teacher, the special .teacher, school librarian, physical training teacher, principal, vice-prin- cipal, supervisor, supervisory principal, director, superiritendent, city superintendent, assistant city superintendent, district super- intendent, school commissioner and other members of the teach- ing or professional staff of any class of public school, voca- tional school, truant reformatory school, parental school or any class of schools within the State of New York, including schools on the Indian reservations conducted under the direction of the education department and whose expenses are paid by the State. No person may be deemed a teacher, however, who is not so emploved for full time outside of vacation periods. The word " teacher " also includes any person employed in the State Edu- cation Department who, at the time of entering such employ- ment or within one year prior thereto was a teacher, or who is engaged in the department in the performance of duties per- taining to instructional service. The retirement board is given authority to determine on questions of doubt in relation to what constitutes a teacher. Retirement Board. — A retirement board is established, con- sisting of seven members. One member must not be an em- ployee of the State, and must be an executive officer of a bank authorized to do business in the State. This member is elected by the Regents of the University for a term of three years. The Commissioner of Education shall also appoint two administra- tive officers of the school system of the State, one to serve for two years and one to serve for three years. Members of the retirement board created under the act of 191 1 are administra- tive officers of the school system. The Comptroller of the State 276 RETIREMENT OF TEACHERS 277 may act as one of the board, or such Comptroller may appoint some other person who shall serve until that person's successor is appointed. The members of the retirement system are enti- tled to elect three members of the board from among- the mem- bership of the retirement system. One of such members is to serve for one year, one for two years, and one for three years. The election at which these members are chosen must be held at twelve o'clock noon on the Monday immediately preceding Thanksgiving, and in the same city in which the New York Teachers' Association is held. If such convention is not held during that week, the election shall occur in the State Educa- tion Building at Albany. For information as to details of the election, etc., section 1104 of the Education Law should be consulted. As vacancies occur on the board by expiration of term they shall be filled for periods of three years. A vacancy occurring within the term of an appointed member shall be filled for the unexpired term by the appointment of a successor in the same manner in which the person whose term is unexpired was chosen. If a vacancy occurs in the term of an elected member it shall be filled until the next annual convention of delegates by the Commissioner of Education. When the annual convention of delegates convenes, such vacancy shall be filled for the unex- pired term. This board is made responsible for the general administra- tion and the responsibility of the retirement system. The board is authorized to establish rules and regulations for the adminis- tration and transaction of its business and for the control of funds created under the law. The business of the board may be legally carried on by those members elected by the Board of Regents and appointed by the Commissioner of Education and the State Comptroller until the election of three members of the board by the members of the retirement system. The board is required to hold an annual meeting in the Educa- tion Building at Albany on the second Wednesday in January, and stated meetings at the same place, at least once in each three months, as determined by the regulations of the board. Members of the retirement board are required to take the constitutional oath of office and file the same in the office of the Secretary of State within ten days after their appointment or election. A majority of the members of the board shall consti- tute a quorum for the transaction of business. The members of this board serve without compensation, and they may be reim- bursed from the expense fund for all actual necessary expenses and for any loss of salary or wages that they may suffer through serving on the retirement board. Officers of Board. — The retirement board is authorized to elect 278 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW from its membership a president and a vice-president. It also has power to employ a secretary and to secure the services of such technical and administrative employees as may be necessary for the transaction of the business of the retirement system. The retirement board is authorized to fix the compensation of all persons employed by it. The counsel of the State Education Department is the legal advisor of the board. Custody of Funds. — The State Treasurer is made the cus- todian of the funds of the retirement system. Disbursements from this fund may be made by the treasurer only upon authori- zation by the retirement board by resolution duly adopted at a meeting of the board by majority of its members. The State Treasurer is required to give additional bond for such sum as the Governor may from time to time fix as guaranty for the faithful performance of his duties as custodian of the fund. The treasurer is required to make annual report of the funds in his custody. He is also required to collect interest on all retire- ment funds as the same becomes due and payable, and also the principal of such funds, and to deposit the same when collected to the credit of the retirement system. Investment of Funds, Interest, Accounts, etc. — The retire- ment board is made the trustee of the funds established by the Retirement Law, and such board is also authorized to determine from time to time what moneys belonging to the retirement system shall be invested. The retirement funds may be invested in those securities only in which the trustees of the savings banks of the State may invest the moneys in such banks. When the board determines on the investment of its moneys or upon the conversion or sale of its securities it shall, by resolution adopted by a majority of the board, direct the treasurer to invest such moneys or to convert or sell such securities. Members or Employees Not to Be Interested. — No member or employee of the retirement board shall be directly or indi- rectly interested in the gain or profits of any investment made by the board, nor can any such person receive pay or emolument for his services except the regular compensation paid to him by the State. Such persons are also prohibited from borrowing any of these funds or depositing or using such funds for personal purposes in any way whatever, nor can such person become an endorser or surety of any funds loaned or borrowed by the board. Powers and Duties of Retirement Board. — i. Must keep an individual account with each member showing the member's contribution and the interest accumulations thereof. 2. Must provide for keeping such data as may be necessary to prepare mortality and service tables and for other actuarial affairs. It may in its discretion prepare actuarial tables for its use. At least once within the first three years of the operation RETIREMENT OF TEACHERS 279 of the law and every five years thereafter through competent actuarial services it must prepare a report showing present and prospective assets and liabilities of all funds. 3. It must publish annually a report showing the condition of various funds and certifying to the accumulated cash and securi- ties of the funds. 4. The records of the board shall be open to public inspection. 5. It is required to prescribe rules and regulations under which information shall be given by teachers in the service, new entrants, and for verification of statements made by such teachers. Teachers* Statement. — i. Each teacher in the service is re- quired to file a detailed statement of her service in this State or other States rendered prior to August i, 1921. In this state- ment all such facts must be given as the retirement board requires. 2. Each teacher entering the service is also required to file a detailed statement of service as a teacher in this State or other States rendered prior to the time he so entered the work. This statement shall show the number of years on account of which he desires to contribute and such other facts as the retirement board may require. The retirement board is required to issue to a member who files the required statement a prior service certificate certifying to the aggregate length of such prior service of the teacher and to the aggregate length of such service outside the State. In such prior service certificate, a present teacher shall be credited with all service as a teacher prior to August i, 1921, and with all service not exceeding ten years in a similar capacity in other States. A new entrant shall be credited with all service as a teacher not exceeding ten years rendered before entering the service and with such service in a similar capacity outside the State for which he desires to contribute. The amount of such service credited together with the service credited as a teacher may not, however, exceed ten years. 3. A prior service certificate shall, under the rules of the board, be final and conclusive for retirement purposes unless modified for retirement purposes. Application for modification must be made within one year after the issuance of the certificate. The retirement board may correct any error or fraud which is made in the issue of such certificate. If membership in the teaching service discontinues, the retirement certificate becomes void. Should the person holding such certificate again enter the teach- ing service, he is required to enter as a new entrant, subject to the provisions of section 1109-a. 4. The service credited to a member on retirement shall consist of his service as a teacher since he became a member and 28o NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW such service as is certified for him in the prior service certificate which he holds. Superannuation Retirement. — (i) Retirement upon a super- annuation allowance shall be made under the following conditions : (a) A member who has completed twenty-five years of total State service and who has attained the age of sixty, or a member who has completed thirty-five years of total service may retire from service if he files with the retirement board a statement duly attested setting forth at Avhat date subsequent to the exe- cution and filing thereof he desires such retirement and if during the year immediately preceding the filing of such statement he shall have been a teacher. The retirement board shall retire said member as of the date so specified by the member or as of such other time within thirty days thereafter as the retirement board may find advisable. (b) Any member who has attained age seventy may oe retired at his own request or at the request of his employer if he or his employer files with the retirement board a statement duly attested setting forth at what time subsequent to the execution and filing thereof retirement is desired, and if during the year immediately preceding the filing of such statement he shall have been a teacher. The retirement board shall retire said member as of the date so specified or as of such other time within thirty days thereafter as the retirement board may find advisable. (2) Upon superannuation retirement a member shall receive a superannuation retirement allowance which shall consist of: (a) An annuity which shall be the actuarial equivalent of his accumulated contributions at the time of his retirement, and (b) A pension of one-quarter (>^) of his final average salary or if his total service is less than twenty-five years, a pension of one one-hundredth (i/ioo) of his final average salary multiplied by the number of years of total service, and (c) If the member be a present teacher, a further pension of one one-hundred and fortieth (1/140) of his final average salary multiplied by the number of years of total service certified on his prior service certificate, and (d) A further pension, of such amount as shall be required to bring the total retirement allowance of members within twenty- five or more years of State service up to $400 per annum. Disability Retirement. — (i) Retirement on account of dis- ability shall be made under the following conditions: A mem- ber who has completed at least fifteen years of total State service may be retired on account of disability either upon the applica- tion of his employer or upon his own application or that of a person acting in his behalf, if during the year immediately pre- ceding his application, he shall have been in the service of the RETIREMENT OF TEACHERS 28 1 State as a teacher and if the retirement board, after a medical examination of said member, made at the place of his residence within the State or other place mutually agreed upon, b}^ a physician or physicians designated by said board shall determine upon the basis of a report submitted by said physician or physi- cians that the said member is physically or mentally incapaci- tated for the performance of duty and that said member ought to be retired. (2) On retirement for disability, a member shall receive a superannuation retirement allowance if his State service is twenty-five or more years and he has attained age sixty or if his total service is thirty-five or more years ; otherwise, he shall receive a disability retirement allowance which shall consist of: (a) An annuity which shall be the actuarial equivalent of his accumulated contributions at the time of his retirement; and (b) A pension of one-fifth (1/5) of his final average salary, with the exception that in no case shall the rate of such pension exceed four-fifths (4/5) of the rate of pension to which he might have been entitled had retirement been deferred until the age of seventy as provided under paragraph b of subdivision i of sec- tion 1 109; and (c) If he be a present teacher, a further pension of one one- hundred and fortieth (1/140) of his final average salary multi- plied by the number of years of total service certified on his prior service certificate. (3) Once each year during the first five years following the retirement of the teacher on a disability allowance the retirement board may, and upon his application shall, require any disability beneficiary to undergo medical examination by a physician or physicians designated by the retirement board, said examination to be made at the place of residence of said beneficiary or other place mutually agreed upon. Should any disability beneficiary refuse to submit to a medical examination, his retirement allow- ance shall be discontinued until his withdrawal of such refusal, and should such refusal continue for one year, all his rights in and to his pension shall be forfeited. (4) Should the physician or physicians designated by the re tirement board report and certify to the retirement board that such disability beneficiary is engaged in or is able to engage in a gainful occupation paying more than the difference between his retirement allowance and his final average salary, and should the retirement board concur in such report, then the amount of his pension shall be reduced to an amount which, when added to the amount earnable by him, together with his annuity shall equal the amount of his final average salary. Should his earning capacity be later changed, then the amount of his pension may be further altered ; provided, that the new pension shall not 28ia NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW exceed the amount of the pension originally granted nor an amount which when added to the amount earned by the bene- ficiary, together with his annuity, equals the amount of his final average salary. A beneficiary restored to active service at a salary less than the final average salary or upon the basis of which he was retired shall not become a member of the retire- ment system while receiving a reduced pension. (5) Should a disability beneficiary be restored to active service at a salary as great as his final average salary, his retirement allowance shall cease, and he shall again become a member of the retirement system, and his annuity reserve shall be trans- ferred from the annuity reserve fund to the annuity savings fund and credited to his individual account as a part of his accumu- lated contributions in the latter fund, and he shall contribute to the said fund thereafter in the same manner and at the same rate as he paid prior to his disability. His prior service certificate on the basis of which his service was computed at the time of his retirement shall be renewed and shall again be in full force and efifect, and in addition, upon his subsequent retirement, he shall be credited with all his service as a member subsequent to the period covered by his prior service certificate. Withdrawals and Death Benefits. — Benefits upon withdrawal and death shall be payable as follows: (a) A member who withdraws from service or ceased to be a teacher for any cause other than death or retirement shall be paid on demand the accumulated contributions standing to the credit of his individual account in the annuity savings fund. (b) Should a contributor die before retirement, his accumu- lated contributions shall be paid to his estate or to such person as he shall have nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the retirement board. Optional Allowances. — At the time of his retirement, any member may elect to receive his benefits in a retirement allow- ance payable throughout life or he may on retirement elect to receive the actuarial equivalent at that time of his retirement allowance in a lesser retirement allowance, payable throughout life with the provision that: Option I. If he die before he has received in payments the present value of his retirement allowance as it was at the time of his retirement, the balance shall be paid to his legal representa- tives or to such person as he shall nominate by written designa- tion duly acknowledged and filed with the retirement board. Option 2. Upon his death, his retirement allowance shall be continued through the life of and paid to such person as he shall nominate by written designation duly acknowledged and filed with the retirement board at the time of his retirement. Option 3. Upon his death, one-half of his retirement allowance RETIREMENT OF TEACHERS 28lb shall be continued throughout the life of and paid to such person as he shall nominate by written designation diily acknowledged and filed with the retirement board at the time of his retirement. Option 4. Some other benefit or benefits shall be paid either to the member or to such person or persons as he shall nominate provided such other benefit or benefits, together with the lesser retirement allowance, shall be certified by the actuary to be of equivalent actuarial value to his retirement allowance and shall be approved by the retirement board. Benefits to Participants in Old Retirement Fund. — All annui- ties of annuitants on the rolls of the retirement fund on the thirty-first day of July, 1921, shall be paid thereafter from the pension accumulation fund created by this article. The amount of the annuity of any annuitant on the rolls of such retirement fund, at such time, who retired on a full annuity shall be not less than one-half of his final average salary, and not less than $400 per annum ; nor shall the allowance of any annuitant on such roll retired for disability be less than a proportionate amount of such minima based on the annuitant's years of service. Funds Enumerated. — The funds created are : (a) The annuity-savings fund. (b) The annuity reserve fund. (c) The pension accumulation fund. (d) The pension reserve fund, and (e) The expense fund. Annuity Savings Fund ; Contributions and Payments. — The annuity savings fund shall be the fund in which shall be accumu- lated the deductions made from the compensation of contribu- tors. Contributions to and payments from the annuity savings fund shall be made in the following manner : (i) Each employer shall deduct from the compensation of each contributor on each and every payroll of such contributor for each and every payroll period subsequent to the date upon which such contributor became a member an amount equal to four per centum of such contributor's earnable compensation. But no employer shall make any deduction for annuity purposes from the compensation of a member who has completed at least thirty-five years of total service, or who has attained the age of sixty and completed at least twenty-five years of total State service, if such member elects not to contribute. (2) In determining the amount earnable by a contributor in a payroll period, the retirement board may consider the rate of compensation payable to such member on the first day of the payroll period as continuing throughout such payroll period, and it may omit deductions from compensation for any period less than a full payroll period if a teacher was not a contributor on the first day of the payroll period, and to facilitate the making of 28lC NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW deductions, it may modify the deduction required of any con- tributor by such an amount as shall not exceed one-tenth of one per centum of the compensation upon the basis of which said deduction is to be made. (3) In addition to the deductions from compensation herein- before required, any contributor may redeposit in the annuity savings fund by a single payment an amount equal to the total amount which he withdrew therefrom as provided in this article, or he may deposit therein by a single payment an amount com- puted to be sufficient, together with the retirement allowance otherwise provided, to provide for him a total retirement allow- ance of one-half of his final average salary upon superannuation retirement. Such additional amounts so deposited shall become a part of his accumulated contributions. (4) The accumulated contributions of a contributor returned to him upon his withdrawal or paid to his estate or designated beneficiary in the event of his death as provided in this article shall be paid from the annuity savings fund. (5) Upon the retirement of a contributor his accumulated contributions shall be transferred from the annuity savings fund to the annuity reserve fund. Annuity Reserve Fund; Pension Accumulation Fund. — (i) The annuity reserve fund shall be the fund from which shall be paid all annuities and all benefits in lieu of annuities. (2) The pension accumulation fund shall be the fund in which shall be accumulated all reserves for the payment of all benefits with the exception of the annuities proAaded by the accumulated contributions of members. Contributions to and payments from the pension accumulation fund shall be made as follows : (a) On account of each teacher who is a member of the retire- ment system there shall be paid annually beginning with the first day of August, 1921, into the pension accumulation fund by em- ployers, a certain percentage of the earnable compensation of each of such members of the retirement S3^stem to be known as the " normal contribution " and a further percentage known as the " deficiency contribution." The rates per centum of such contributions shall be fixed on the basis of the liabilities of the retirement system as shown by actuarial valuations. Until the first valuation, the normal contribution shall be two and six- tenths per centum of the members' salaries and the deficiency contribution shall be two and five-tenths per centum of members* salaries. (b) On the basis of regular interest and of such mortality and other tables as shall be adopted by the retirement board, the actuary engaged by the retirement board to make each valuation required by this article during the period over which the de- ficiency contribution is payable, immediately after making such RETIREMENT OF TEACHERS 28ld valuation, .shall determine the uniform and constant percentage of the earnable compensation of the average new entrant, who is a contributor, which if contributed on the basis of the compensa- tion of such contributor throughout his entire period of active service, would be sufficient to provide at the time of his retire- ment the total amount of his pension reserve. The rate per centum so determined shall be known as the " normal contri- bution " rate. After the deficiency contribution has ceased to be payable, the normal contribution shall be the rate per centum of the earnable salary of all contributors obtained by deducting from the total liabilities of the pension fund the amount of the funds in hand to the credit of that fund and dividing the re- mainder by one per centum of the present value of the prospec- tive future salaries of all contributors as computed on the basis of the mortality and service tables adopted by the retirement board and on the basis of regular interest. The normal rate of contribution shall be determined by the actuary after each valu- ation and shall continue in force until a new valuation and certification. (c) Immediately succeeding the first valuation made subse- quent to August I, 1921, the actuary engaged by the retirement board shall compute the rate per centum of the total compensa- tion of all contributors during the preceding school year which is equivalent to four per centum of the amount of the total pen- sion liability on account of all contributors and beneficiaries not dischargeable by the aforesaid normal contribution made on account of such contributors during the remainder of their active service. The contribution derived by deductions at the rate per centum, so determined or at a rate increased therefrom as here- inafter provided shall be known as the " deficiency contribution." (d) The total amount payable annually by all employers into the pension accumulation fund shall be certified by the retire- ment board to the Commissioner of Education and such amount shall equal the sum of the rates per centum known as the normal contribution rate and the deficiency contribution rate of the total compensation earnable by all contributors during the preceding school year, provided that the amount of each annual deficiency contribxition shall be at least three per centum greater than the preceding annual payment. The aggregate of all such payments by employers shall be sufficient, when combined with the amounts in the pension accumulation fund, to provide the pen- sions payable out of the fund during the year then current, and if not, the additional amount so required shall be collected by means of an increased contribution which shall continue in force for the period of one year, anything to the contrary notwithstanding. (e) The deficiency contribution shall be discontinued as soon 28ie NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW as the accumulated reserve in the pension accumulation fund shall equal the present value, as actuarially computed and ap- proved by the retirement board, of the total liability of such fund less the present value, computed on the basis of the normal con- tribution rate then in force, of the normal contributions to be received on account of teachers who are at that time contributors. (f) All pensions with the exception of those payable to new entrants shall be paid from the pension accumulation fund and benefits provided under section 1109-d shall be paid from the pension accumulation fund. (g-) All the moneys and securities to the credit of the retire- ment fund on the first day of August, 1921, shall be paid by the State Treasurer into the pension accumulation fund. (h) Upon the retirement of a new entrant, an amount equal to his pension reserve shall be transferred from the pension accumulation fund to the pension reserve fund. Pension Reserve Fund. — The pension reserve fund shall be the fund from which shall be paid the pensions to new entrants on account of which reserves shall be transferred from the pension accumulation fund. Should any disability pension payable from said fund be cancelled, the pension reserve thereon shall there- upon be transferred from the pension reserve fund to the pension accumulation fund. Should the pension of a disability bene- ficiary be reduced as a result of an increase in his earning capacity, the amount of the annual reduction in his pension shall be paid annually into the pension accumulation fund during the period of such reduction. Teachers' Contracts Subject to Retirement Law. — Every teacher contracting to teach in the State is deemed under the provisions of this act to consent and agree to any deductions required under this law from her compensation and to all other provisions of the law. It also becomes the duty of the board or other officer employing a teacher to inform all teachers whom he employs at the time of such employment of the duties and oblio^ations of the teacher in connection with the retirement system. Certifying Teachers. — In September of each year it is the duty of each board to certify to the retirement board the names of all teachers to whom the retirement act applies. Additional reports RETIREMENT OF TEACHERS 28lf may be required at any time by the board. Each board is also required on the first day of each calendar month, or at other periods if requested by the retirement board, to notify such board of the employment of new teachers, removals, withdrawals and changes in salary of the members occurring within the month. Collection of Contributions. — Each board is required to cause to be deducted from each and every payroll the contribution which each person is required to make whose name appears upon such payroll. Each board shall certify on each payroll to the treasurer or other proper officer of the board a statement as voucher for the amounts deducted. The treasurer or other proper officer of each board is required to deposit with the secre- tary of the retirement board each month the amount designated in the voucher of such board contained on the payroll filed with the treasurer. The method of transmitting such amounts may be regulated by the rules of the retirement board. File Certificate With the Commissioner of Education. — The retirement board is required to annually prepare and certify to the Department of Education a total amount necessary to be paid by all employers for the ensuing fiscal year to the pension accumulation and expense funds. Commissioner Certify to Comptroller. — The Commissioner of Education is required to mclude in the certificate of State funds apportioned by him to each county for the support of common schools a statement showing the amount which each board is required to contribute under this law. Comptroller Transfer Funds. — i. The Comptroller is re- quired to issue his warrant to the State Treasurer directing such officer to credit to the pension accumulation fund and expense fund, respectively, from the appropriation for the support of common schools, the amount which the Commissioner of Edu- cation certifies should be paid by each board as contribution under the provisions of this act. 2. The Comptroller is also required, in issuing his warrant to the State Treasurer for the payment of the amount which em- ployers are required to contribute, to deduct an amount equal to that which employers contribute from the funds apportioned for the support of common schools. 3. Boards of education are authorized under the law to include 28lg NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW in their tax levy such amount as may be necessary to annually meet the amounts which they are required to pay into the State treasury for this purpose. General. — The provisions of the act relating to the discontinu- ance of local district pension systems and of transfer of contri- butions between retirement systems is technical, and is not given in this work. When discontinuance is contemplated, the State retirement board should be consulted fully before taking any steps in relation to the matter. The same procedure should be followed by a contributor who may at any time desire to with- draw from the retirement system. Annuities Exempt, at cetera. — Any right accrued or accruing to any person under the provisions of the retirement law and any moneys in the various funds created thereunder are exempt from State and municipal taxation, and also are not subject to execu- tion, garnishment, attachment or any other process whatsoever. They are also unassignable except in accordance with the pro- visions of the retirement law. False Statements or Fraud. — Any person who makes a false statement or vv'ho shall falsify or permit to be falsified any record in relation to the retirement system, or who shall attempt to defraud such system, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Errors Corrected. — Should any change or error in records result in any employee or beneficiary receiving either more or less than such beneficiary should receive such error may be cor- rected by the retirement board. Law Constitutional.— The Appellate Division of the Third Department of the Supreme Court has determined that the law providing for a teachers retirement fund is constitutional. The teachers of the city of Yonkers voted under the provisions of the State Teachers Retirement Law to abandon the local City Re- tirement Law and come under the provisions of the State law. The State retirement fund board took such formal action as the law required to accept the teachers of Yonkers, but the officials of that city in charge of the local fund declined to pay over to the State the local funds, as required under the State law. The Ap- pellate Division also held that the provision of the State law to the efifect that whenever two-thirds of the teachers of any county, cit}/ or district having a local or special act petition to come RETIREMENT OF TEACHERS 28 1 h under the provisions of the general act, the State board may issue an order dissolving the local organization and bringing all the teachers of such county, city or district within the operation of the general law, is constitutional. (Bristol and Others v. Board of Trustees of Yonkers Public School Teachers Retirement Fund, etc., 173 App. Div. 545.) CHAPTER XXXI CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS [Article 33-A] General Statement.— This chapter is the first general law enacted in New York State for the regulation and management of the school systems of the several cities of the State. By this law about two hundred fifty special laws, including chapters in city charters, and containing about six hundred pages of printed matter, were repealed. One act of twenty-four pages was substituted for these several special laws. The provisions of this law apply to each city in the State. Board o£ Education.-— Under the terms of this law a board of education is established for each city of the State. The educational afl^airs of the city are placed under the control and management of such board. The name under which these officers are known is members of the board of education. Qualifications of Members. — - No person is legally qualified to hold the office of member of a board of education in a city who is not a citizen of the United States and who has not been a resident of the city for which he is chosen for a period of at least .three years immediately preceding the d-ate of his election or appointment. Number o£ Members. — i. A board of education in a city must have at least three members and may not contain more than nine members. Each city having a board of education of more than three members and not more than nine members is to continue to have such number of members on its board as such board contained immediately preceding the date when this law became operative. This law went into efl'ect June 8, 1917. 2. The law provides that in a city of one million population or more the board of education shall consist of seven members. There is but one such city in this State, namely, New York. The board of education in such city, at the time the act went into eft'ect, con- tained forty-six members. By the provisions of this law the num- ber of members on that board is reduced to seven. 3. In a city in which the number of members exceed nine, such number must be reduced to nine. In a city in which such members are appointed by the mayor, that official should have appointed a new board of nine as soon as the ncAV law went into effect. In a city in which such members are elected no new members should be elected as vacancies occur until the number is reduced to less than nine. 4. Whenever a new city is created by the Legislature the board of education, or boards of education, in charge of the educational aft'airs of the several districts, which are included within the limits of such city, are to continue to operate the schools until the first Tuesday in May following the date on which such city is estab- lished. Thereafter such city is to have a board of education to consist of five members. 4-a. In each city of the State in which, under the laws relative 282 CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 283 to members of the board of education or school commissioners, in existence prior to June eight, nineteen hundred and seventeen, it was provided that such members or commissioners comprising the board of education of such city shall be, in part, appointed by the common council of such city, and, in part, elected by the qualified electors of commissioner districts into which such city is divided, the members or commissioners comprising such board of education shall continue to be appointed by the common council, or elected by such commissioner districts, in the manner and for the terms prescribed by such laws, and so much of the said laws as pertains to the number of members of the board of education of such city, the division of the city into commissioner districts, the election of commissioners or members of the board by the qualified electors of such districts, and the appointment of other members or com- missioners for the city at large by the common council of such city, shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding the provisions of the section hereby amended. The provisions of article seven-a of this chapter, as added by chapter seven hundred and ninety-one of the laws of nineteen hundred and seventeen, which pertain to the date of school elections in cities, qualifications of electors, the places of holding elections, notices of elections, the preparation of poll lists and the correction thereof, the inspectors of election and the organization of the boards of inspectors in election districts, the nomination of candidates for members of the board and the ballots containing the names of such candidates, the conduct of elections, the canvass of votes, return to the board of education and declaration of results, and the use of voting machines, shall apply, so far as may be, to the election of the members of the board of education in such city by the qualified electors of commissioner districts established as provided by law. (Subd. added by L. 1919, ch. 106.) How Chosen. — It was not the purpose of this law to change in any way the method by which members of boards of education were chosen in the several cities of the State at the time the law became operative. The law provided therefore that in each city the method by which members of a board of education had been chosen should be continued in that city. Members of boards of education in the several cities of the State were chosen by the following methods : 1. By appointment by the mayor. 2. By election at a special school election held at a time other than the general or municipal election. 3. By election held at the time of either the general or the munici- pal election. 4. By election in certain union free-school districts at the time of the annual school election held on the first Tuesday in August. 5. In one city, Buffalo, the members of the board of education are to be appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the council. In all cities except New York the members of the board of edu- cation are to be chosen from the city at large. Provision is made 284 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW by which in the city of New York two members shall be' chosen from the borough of Manhattan, two members from the borough of Brooklyn and one each from the boroughs of The Bronx, Queens and Richmond. Term of Office — When Appointed or Elected. — i. The full term of office of a member of a board of education in the city of New York is seven years ; in the cities of Albany, Oswego and Troy, six years ; and in all other cities of the State, five years. 2. The first board of education appointed under the provisions of this act, in the city of New York, is to be appointed on the first Wednesday in January, 1918. In appointing these members the mayor shall designate them for terms so that the term of one mem- ber shall expire on the first Tuesday in May of each of the follow- ing years: 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, and 1925. In 1919 and thereafter the mayor will annually appoint one member of the board of education for a "term of seven years. 3. The first board of education to be appointed in the city of Buffalo under the provisions of this law is to be appointed on January 15, 1918, and these members are appointed so that they shall serve for terms of one, two, three, four, and five years respec- tively from the first Tuesday in May, 19 17. 4. In the cities in which the number of members on the board exceeded nine, and the members of such boards are appointed by the mayor, the terms of all such members terminated on June 8, 191 7, and the mayor of the city was required to appoint a new board of nine members. In appointing such members the mayor was required to name two to serve until the first Tuesday in May, 1918; two to serve until the first Tuesday of May, 1919; two to serve until the first Tuesday in May, 1920; two to serve until the first Tuesday in May, 192 1 ; and one to serve until the first Tuesday in May, 1922. As their terms expire the mayor shall fill the vacan- cies caused thereby for terms of five years. 5. In the cities in which the number of members on a board of education exceeds nine and the members of such board are chosen by the people at an election, no vacancy should be filled until the number of members on such board is less than nine. When the terra for which a member of a board of education was elected prior to June 8, 19 17, expires, such member continues to serve until his successor is chosen and such successor cannot be chosen until the first Tuesday in May following. Vacancies. — i. (a) When vacancies occur in a board of edu- cation by expiration of term, prior to the first Tuesday in May, 1921, in a city in which the members of such board are elected at the annual school election held on the first Tuesday in May, such vacancies shall be filled for such terms that the terms of one- fifth, or as near as may be, of all the members of such board shall expire on the first Tuesday in May, 192 1, and annually thereafter. (b) Where such vacancies have been filled by appointment by the mayor since June 8, 19 17, or shall be hereafter so filled, the CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 285 mayor shall designate the terms for which such persons so ap- pointed are to hold office so that the terms of one-fifth, or as near as may be, of the members of such board shall expire on the first Tuesday in May, 1921, and annually thereafter. (c) The persons so elected or appointed shall take office imme- diately thereafter, except as otherwise provided in the City School Law. (See L. 1918, ch. 252.) 2. When a vacancy occurs other than by expiration of term in a city in which the members of a board of education are elected by the people the mayor of the city should fill such vacancy by appointment until the next election occurs at which members of a board of education may be elected. Such vacancy should then be filled for the balance of the unexpired term. 3. When such a vacancy occurs in a city in which the members of such board are appointed by the mayor, such vacancy should be filled by the mayor for the unexpired portion of such term. Meetings of Board. — i. The annual meeting of each board of education must be held on the second Tuesday in May. 2. Regular meetings of the board must be held at stated times fixed by the board. These meetings must be held as often at least as once each month. The board may determine by regu- lation to hold such meetings oftener. 3. The board may hold special meetings and must prescribe a method by which such meetings may be called. Special meet- ing-s must, therefore, be called by the method prescribed by the board. Powers and iJuties of City Board of Education. — The law confers specific powders and duties upon the board of education. Such board is the governing body of the schools of a city. The intention of the law is to confer upon a board such broad general powers that it may do anything necessary to provide the educa- tional facilities for the city which the people of such city desire. The law confers the following general powers upon a board of education : 1. To perform any duty imposed upon boards of education or trustees of common schools under this chapter or other statutes, or the regulations of The University of the State of New York or the Commissioner of Education so far as they may be applicable to the school or other educational affairs of a city, and not incon- sistent with the provisions of this article. 2. To create, abolish, maintain and consolidate such positions, divisions, boards or bureaus as, in its judgment, may be necessary for the proper and efficient administration of its work ; to appoint a superintendent of schools, such associate, district and other superintendents, examiners, directors, supervisors, principals, teachers, lecturers, special instructors, medical inspectors, nurses, auditors, attendance officers, secretaries, clerks, janitors and 286 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW other employees and other persons or experts in educational, social or recreational work or in the business management or direction of its affairs as said board shall determine necessary for the efficient management of the schools and other educational, social, recreational and business activities ; and to determine their duties except as otherwise provided herein. 3. To have the care, custody, control and safekeeping of all school property or other property of the city used for educational, social or recreational work and not specifically placed by law under the control of some other body or officer, and to prescribe rules and regulations for the preservation of such property. 4. To purchase and furnish such apparatus, maps, globes, books, furniture and other equipment and supplies as may be necessary for the proper and efficient management of the schools and other educational, social and recreational activities and in- terests under its management and control. To provide text- books or other supplies to all the children attending the schools of such cities in which free text-books or other supplies are law- fully provided prior to the time this act goes into effect. 5. To establish and maintain such free elementary schools, high schools, training schools, vocational and industrial schools, kindergartens,* technical schools, night schools,* part-time or continuation schools, vacation schools, schools for adults, open air schools, schools for the mentally and physically defective children or such other schools or classes as such board shall deem necessary to meet the needs and demands of the city. 6. To establish and maintain libraries which may be open to the public, to organize and maintain public lecture courses, and to establish and equip playgrounds, recreation centers, social centers, and reading rooms from such funds as the education law or other statutes authorize and the State appropriates for such * Chapter 409 of the Laws of 1918 regulates the establishment of night schools and kindergartens, as follows : Kindergartens; night schools. The board of education of each school district and of each city may maintain kindergartens which shall be free to resident children between the ages of four and six years. Night schools wherein the common branches and such additional subjects as may be adapted to students applying for instruction are taught on three nights each week, for two hours each night, shall be maintained by the board of eduaction : 1. In each city of the first class throughout the duration of the day school term. 11-1 2. In each city of the second class on at least one hundred nights. 3. In each city of the third class on at least eighty nights. 4. In each city not subject to the foregoing provisions in each school dis- trict where twenty or more minors between the ages of sixteen and twenty- one years are required to attend school, or where twenty or more persons over the age of sixteen years make applications for instruction in a night school, for at least seventy-five nights. All night schools shall be free to all persons residing in the districts or city. CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 28/ purposes, and from such other funds as may be provided therefor from local taxation or other sources. 7. To authorize the general courses of study which shall be given in the schools and to approve the content of such courses before they become operative. 8. To authorize and determine the text-books to be used in the schools under its jurisdiction, but in a city having a board of superintendents, the books thus authorized and determined shall be from lists recommended by such board. 9. To prescribe such regulations and by-laws as may be neces- sary to make effectual the provisions of this chapter and for the conduct of the proceedings of said board and the transaction of its business affairs, for the general management, operation, con- trol, maintenance and discipline of the schools, and of all other educational, social or recreational activities and other interests under its charge or direction. 10. To perform such other duties and possess such other powers as may be required to administer the affairs placed under its control and management, to execute all powers vested in it, and to promote the best interests of the schools and other activities committed to its care. It will be observed that under the foregoing provisions of law a board of education has very broad powers. It may create such organization for the management and operation of the school system as in the judgment of the board may be necessary. It may change such organization from time to time by abolishing unnecessary posi- tions, by creating new positions and by consolidating positions, boards, bureaus, etc. Contracts. — i. A board of education is prohibited from making a contract for the construction, alteration, or remodeling of a school building, or for the purchase of sites, furniture, or equipment unless such board shall have duly advertised for estimates. The contract in each case must be awarded by the board of education to the low- est responsible bidder furnishing such security as the board of edu- cation may require for the proper performance of the terms of such contract. 2. A board of education is also prohibited from incurring a lia- bility or an expense chargeable against the funds under its control or the city, for any purpose whatever, in excess of the amount ap- propriated or available therefor or otherwise authorized by law. Local School Boards. — i. New York city was divided into local school board districts under the provisions of its charter. Such districts are continued under the present general law. No other city has such districts. The board of educaiton is given the power to modify the boundaries of such districts, to consolidate two or more districts and to establish new districts. 2. Each of these districts has a local school board of five mem- bers. The members of these boards are appointed by the president 288 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW of the borough in which the district is located. In addition to these five members the board of education must designate one member of the board of education as member of such board. The superin- tendent of schools must assign one district superintendent to advise such boards. 3. The full term of a member of a local board is five years. Members in office on June 8, 191 7, when the city law went into effect, serve out their terms of office. A vacancy on such board is filled by the borough president for the unexpired term. 4. The law specifically confers upon these boards the following duties : 1. To visit the schools in its district at least once each quarter. 2. To make recommendations to the board of education with respect to matters affecting the interests of the schools. 3. To transfer teachers from school to school, within the juris- diction of a local board district under such regulations as the board of education may prescribe. 4. To excuse absences of teachers under regulations prescribed by the board of education. 5. To hear charges against teachers or principals as the regula- tions of the board of education prescribes. 6. To perform such other duties as the regulations of the board of education impose upon such local boards. 7. To prescribe by-laws regulating the exercise of the powers and duties of such local district board. Such by-laws, of course, must not conflict with the by-laws of the board of education. 8. To elect a secretary and to prescribe his duties. The board of education is required to provide for the expenses of such local board and a place for its meetings. The secretary of such board may administer oaths and take affidavits in all matters pertaining to the affairs of the schools in his district in which a local board has power to act. For such pur- pose a secretary possesses the power of a commissioner of deeds. The secretary is entitled to receive no fee or other emolument. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS BOARD OF SUPERINTENDENTS Term. — i. The law fixes a term of office for superintendents in cities of the first class only. Under former statutes the superintend- ents of the three cities of the first class were the only superintendents in the State who had a fixed term. In one of these cities, the term was four years, in another, five years, and in the third, six years. In the present statute the term of the superintendent in a city of this class is fixed for a period of six years from the date of his appointment. The first class cities are New York, Buffalo, and Rochester. 2. The term of office of a superintendent in each of the other cities of the State is during the pleasure of the board of education. CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 289 3. Each superintendent in ofifice when the new law went into effect is to serve out the term for which he was chosen. Removal. — A superintendent in the three cities for which a fixed term is prescribed may be removed for cause only. In such cases definite charges must be preferred against the superintendent; a hearing must be accorded him with the right to appear by counsel and witnesses. The action of a board in removing a superintendent before the expiration of his term of office is reviewable on appeal, by the Commissioner of Education. In each of the other cities a superintendent may be removed at the pleasure of the board. Resignation. — A superintendent may vacate his position by filing his written resignation with the board of education. Eligibility. — No person is eligible to the position of superin- tendent of schools who does not possess one of the following quali- fications : 1. A graduate of a college or university approved by The Uni- versity of the State of New York, and has had at least five years' successful experience in the teaching or in the supervision of public schools since graduation ; or 2. A holder of a superintendent's certificate issued by the com- missioner of education under regulations prescribed by the Regents of The University of the State of New York, and has had at least ten years' successful experience in teaching, or in public school administration, or equivalent educational experience approved by the Commissioner of Education. Powers and Duties. — The present law is the first general act in this State which confers definite professional powers upon a city superintendent of schools. The law provides that a superintendent shall perform certain fixed functions, and no other official in the school system may perform these duties. Very many of these duties may be amplified under regulations of the board of educa- tion. The law specifically provides that a superintendent of schools shall exercise the powers which are conferred upon him, subject to the by-laws of the board. This provision of law may not be construed to mean that a board of education may defeat the purpose of the law by prescribing unreasonable rules, which shall nullify the law, or prevent the superintendent from performing those official functions which are generally recognized in educational work to be the functions of a city superintendent and which the law intended such officer should exercise. The board of education may, however. 290 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW enact any reasonable by-law to make more effective the work of the city superintendent and to enable that officer to perform the duties in behalf of the school system which the enactment of this law intended the city superintendent should perform. The law confers the following powers and duties upon the super- intendent : 1. To enforce all provisions of law and all rules and regulations relating to the management of the schools and other educational, social and recreational activities under the direction of the board of education, to be the chief executive officer of such board and the educational system, and to have a seat in the board of education and the right to speak on all matters before the board, but not to vote. 2. To prepare the content of each course of study authorized by the board of education, but in a city having a board of superintend- ents the content of each of such courses shall be prepared and recom- mended by the board of superintendents, submitted to the board of education for its approval and, when thus approved, the superin- tendent or board of superintendents, as the case may be, shall cause such courses of study to be used in the grades, classes and schools for which they are authorized. 3. To recommend suitable lists of textbooks to be used in the schools, but in a city having a board of superintendents such board of superintendents shall recommend to the board of education such lists. 4. To have supervision and direction of associate, district and other superintendents, directors, supervisors, principals, teachers, lecturers, medical inspectors, nurses, auditors, attendance officers, janitors and other persons employed in the management of the schools or the other educational activities of the city authorized by this chapter and under the direction and management of the board of education ; to transfer teachers from one school to another, or from one grade of the course of study to another grade in such course, and to report immediately such transfers to said board for its consideration and action, but in a city having a board of super- intendents such transfers shall be made upon the recommendation of such board ; to report to said board of education violations of regulations and cases of insubordination, and to suspend an asso- ciate, district or other superintendent, director, supervisor, expert, principal, teacher or other employee until the next regular meeting CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 2gi of the board, when all facts relating to the case shall be submitted to the board for its consideration and action. 5. To have supervision and direction over the enforcement and observance of the courses of study, the examination and promotion of pupils, and over all other matters pertaining to playgrounds, medical inspection, recreation and social center work, libraries, lectures and all the other educational activities and interests under the management, direction and control of the board of education, but in a city having a board of superintendents rules and regulations for the promotion and graduation of pupils shall be made by such board. 6. To issue such licenses to teachers, principals, directors and other mem.bers of the teaching and supervising staff as may be required under the regulations of the board of education in cities in which such board requires its teachers to hold qualifications in addition to or in advance of the minimum qualifications required under this chapter. In a city having a board of examiners, such licenses shall be issued on the recommendation of such board. 7. In addition to the foregoing powers and duties, the superin- tendent of schools must perform any other power or duty required of him through the by-laws of the board of education and which are not inconsistent with provisions of law. ASSOCIATE SUPERINTENDENT BOARD OF SUPERINTENDENTS General Provisions. — The present law continues that provision of the former law regulating the school system of the city of New York which established a board of superintendents. Associate su- perintendents are appointed by the board of education without the recommendation of the superintendent of schools. The board of superintendents consists of the superintendent of schools, who is chairman of such board, and the eight associate superintendents of that city. An associate superintendent must possess the same qual- ifications which are prescribed for a superintendent. The term of office of an associate superintendent is six years. The associate superintendents in office on May 8, 1917, the date when the city school law went into effect, are continued in office until the expiration of their terms. An associate superintendent may also, like a city superintendent, vacate his office by filing a written resignation with the board. Associate superintendents must per- 292 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW form such duties as the by-laws of the board of education require in addition to serving as members of the board of superintendents. The law confers the following specific powers and duties upon a board of superintendents : 1. Prepare and recommend the content of each course of study. 2. Cause courses of study, which have been properly authorized and adopted, to be used in grades, classes and schools for which they are intended. 3. Recommend to the board of education suitable lists of text- books. 4. Recommend to the superintendent of schools tne teachers to be transferred from one school to another school or from one grade of the course of study to another grade in such course. 5. Prescribe rules for the promotion and graduation of pupils. 6. Recommend for probationary appointment, to the board of education, district superintendents, directors, supervisors, principals, teachers and all other members of the teaching and supervisory staff except associate superintendents and members of the board of examiners. 7. Recommend to the board of education the discontinuance of the services of a district superintendent, director, supervisor, prin- cipal, teacher or any other member of the teaching or supervisory staff, who has been appointed on probation but whose work is so unsatisfactory that he should not be permitted to complete his pro- bationary period. 8. Report in writing to the board of education, recommendations for the permanent appointments of those persons who have served probationary periods and have been found to be competent, efficient and satisfactory. 9. Recommend to the board of education the academic and pro- fessional qualifications required for each kind or grade of license and to also recommend the kinds and grades of licenses which shall be required to enter the teaching service as principal, branch-princi- pal, directors, supervisor or teacher of special branches, head of department, assistant or any other position on the teaching staff. It will be observed from the foregoing duties exercised by the board of superintendents that the intention of the law is to confer upon the board of superintendents of the city of New York, certain professional functions which, in the other cities, are exercised by the superintendent of schools. CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 293 Assistant, District and Other Superintendents. — i. In addition to a city superintendent of schools and associate superintend- ents in the city of New York, the law authorizes the board of education of each city to create such assistant, district, or other superintendents as may be necessary for the proper super- vision and management of the schools of the city. These super- intendents are appointed by the board of education for a pro- bationary period. This period may be fixed by the board for not less than one year and not more than three years. Any time during this probationary period such superintendents may be re- moved by the board of education on the recommendation of the city superintendent, but in the city of New York removal in such case must be on the recommendation of the board of superintend- ents. At the termination of the probationary term of service, the superintendent of schools and in the city of New York the board of superintendents is required to make a report to the board of educa- tion upon the work which these officers have performed. If that report certifies that these officers have been found competent, ef- ficient, and satisfactory, they become permanent officers in the school system and may thereafter be removed for cause only. 2. The law provides that persons serving in such positions when the present act went into effect, June 8, 1917, who had served the full probationary period or had rendered satisfactorily an equivalent period of service, shall thereafter hold their positions during good behavior and efficient, competent service. They may not be re- moved except for cause, after hearing, and by a majority vote of the members of the board of education. Under this provision of law the district superintendents of the city of New York have a permanent tenure and in this respect are on the same basis as direct- ors and grammar and high school principals in such city. Board of Examiners. — New York city must have a Doard of examiners consisting of seven members. Each other city may create a board which has sufficient work to justify the establish- ment of such board. No member of a board of examiners may serve as a member of the teaching or supervisory staffs of the city. Members of a board of examiners are appointed by the board of education. Members appointed to the board of examiners must serve the probationary period fixed by the board of education. This period may be not less than one year and not more than three years. Members of such board in office on June 8, 1917, who had 294 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW rendered satisfactory service for a period of time equivalent to the probationary period prescribed by the board of education are entitled to hold their positions during good behavior and competent and efficient service. A member of such board may be removed for cause, but must be granted a formal hearing. A majority of the members of the board is necessary to effect a removal. The law specifies that a board of examiners shall perform the following duties : 1. To hold examinations whenever necessary. 2. To examine all applicants for positions in the school system of the city, except examiners, who are required to be examined or to have their names placed upon eligible lists in order to be eligible for appointment to such positions. 3. To prepare all necessary eligible lists. 4. To employ temporary assistance when necessary at such com- pensation as the board of education shall determine. 5. To perform any other duty required by the board of educa- tion. TEACHING STAFF Who Are Included. — Under this heading may be included elementary school teachers, vocational school teachers, industrial school teachers, high school teachers, training school teachers, special teachers, school principals, special teachers and supervisors and directors. How Appointed. — All members of the teaching staff are ap- pointed by the board of education on the recommendation of the superintendent of schools. In New York city the recommendation must be by the board of superintendents. In Buffalo and in New York city all members of the teaching staff, except a principal of a high school, a principal or teacher of a training school or a director of a special branch, must be appointed from the first three on an eligible list. A board of education of any other city may prescribe rules requiring appointments to be made from eligible lists estab- lished under the rules of such board. Eligible Lists. — i. In a city in which the law requires an eligible list, as in Buffalo and New York, such list must be pre- pared by the board of examiners. In any other city in which an eligible list is required under the regulations of the board of edu- CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 295 cation such list must be prepared as the regulations of the board direct. 2. Eligible lists may not be merged and one list must be ex- hausted before nominations are made from a list estabhshed at a subsequent date. No eligible list, except the eligible list for prin- cipals, shall remain in force for a longer period than three years. Eligible lists in force June 8, 1917, are in no way affected by the new city school law, 3. No person may be placed upon an eligible list who does not satisfy the requirements of the law as to academic and professional qualifications and such further requirements as the Commissioner of Education may prescribe. The board of education of a city may also prescribe additional or higher qualifications for the teach- ers to be employed in its city. Certificate or License. — In addition to such certificate as the State law or the regulations prescribed by the Commissioner of Education requires, a teacher must also obtain the kind and grade of license prescribed under the regulations of the board of educa- tion. The superintendent of schools recommends to the board of education the kind and grades of licenses which shall be required for each position in the teaching staff of the city. He also recom- mends the academic and the professional training which shall be prescribed for such positions. In the city of New York such recommendations in relation to the kind and grades of licenses and the academic and professional training must be made by the board of superintendents. A person employed in a position for which a license is required who does not possess the appropriate license has no claim against the city or the board of education for salary. The board of education in prescribing the kinds of certifi- cates and grades thereof and the academic and. professional quali- fications must be governed by the law in reference to such matters and by regulations on the same subject which have been prescribed by the Commissioner of Education. Term of Employment. — i. In the first instance members of the teaching staff are appointed for a probationary period. The board of education of each city should fix such period by the adoption of a by-law. That period may not be less than one year and not more than three years. In prescribing such by-law the board of education in a city in which the members of the teaching staff have not had a permanent tenure should specify what pro- 296 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW bationary period the members of such staff who have been in the service of such city shall serve before having permanent tenure. After serving that period all members of the teaching staff have permanent tenure. 2. A member of the teaching staff may be discontinued at any time during his probationary period by the board of education upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools. In the city of New York such recommendation must be made by the board of superintendents. 3. The superintendent of schools is required to make a written report to the board of education on each member of the teaching staff who has completed a probationary period recommending for permanent appointment those who have been found competent, efficient and satisfactory. In the city of New York such recom- mendations must be made by the board of superintendents. Upon presentation of such report to the board of education the persons named therein shall be entitled to hold their positions during good behavior and efficient and competent service. Thereafter they are removable for cause only and after a formal hearing. A majority vote of the members of the board is necessary to remove a teacher. Salary. — No change whatever was made by the city school law in the salary of the teaching force. Under its provisions the salaries of all teachers and of all other members of the teaching staff were to continue to be regulated as such salaries were regu- lated under previous laws. The salaries of all teachers who are employed in cities are now regulated by the provisions of the Teachers' Salary Law, Educa- tion Law, article 33-b, as added by L. 1919, ch. 645 ; and amended L. 1920, ch. 680; and L. 1921, ch. 120. The provisions of this statute are as follows : Powers of Board of Education as to Salaries. — The board of education of each city of the State shall adopt by-laws fixing the salaries of the superintendent of schools, associate, district or other superintendents, members of the board of examiners, if any, directors, inspectors, supervisors, principals, teachers, lecturers, special instructors, and of all other members of the supervising and the teaching staff. Such by-laws shall establish uniform schedules of salaries for all members of the supervising and teaching staff in each city. The salaries and salary increments so fixed for principals and teachers by the by-laws of the board of education of each city, on and after January first, 1920, shall be not less than those prescribed in the following sections of this article. CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 296a Salaries in Cities of the First Class Having a Population of One Million or Over. — The schedules adopted by the board of education, in a city of one million inhabitants or more, shall not discriminate between the salaries and salary increments of mem- bers of the teaching staff in such schools because of the sex of said members, notwithstanding any provision of the charter of such city inconsistent herewith. On and after August i, 1920, such salaries and increments shall be not less than those pre- scribed in the following schedules: A. Elementary Schools Schedule A-i. All teachers of kindergarten to six-b classes: First year, not less than one thousand and five hundred dollars ; annual increment, not less than one hundred and twenty-five dol- lars ; number of annual increments, not less than eleven. Schedule A-2. All teachers of seven-a to nine-b classes : First year, not less than one thousand nine hundred dollars ; annual increment, not less than one hundred and fifty dollars; number of annual increments, not less than nine. Schedule A-3. All teachers of special subjects in the day ele- mentary schools and all teachers teaching classes in such schools, for which a special license is required, same as Schedule A-2. Schedule A-4. Assistants to principal (heads of departments) : First year, not less than three thousand four hundred dollars ; annual increment, not less than one hundred dollars ; number of annual increments, not less than two. Schedule A-5. Principals of day elementary schools, and heads of model schools ; principals of schools for the deaf, for the crippled; principals of continuation, prevocational, parental, or probationary schools; principals of intermediate (junior high) schools : First year, three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; annual increment, two hundred and fifty dollars; num- ber of increments, four. Schedule A-6. Teacher clerks : First year, twelve hundred dollars ; annual increment, one hundred dollars ; number of increments, six. B. High Schools and Training Schools Schedule B-i. Assistant teachers, including teachers of cook- ing, sewing and physical training, model teachers and critic teachers: First year, one thousand nine hundred dollars; annual increment, one hundred and fifty dollars ; number of annual increments, twelve. Schedule B-2. First assistants : First year, three thousand two hundred dollars; annual increment, two hundred dollars; number of annual increments, five. 296b NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW Schedule B-3. Clerical, laboratory, library and placement and investigation assistants : First year, one thousand four hundred dollars; annual increment, one hundred dollars; number of an- nual increments, ten. Schedule B-4. Principals of training and high schools having twenty-five or more classes : First year, five thousand five hun- dred dollars; annual increment, two hundred and fifty dollars; number of annual increments, two. The board of education of such city shall adopt schedules and schedule conditions to become efl:ective on and after the first day of August, 1920, which schedules and schedule conditions shall fix the compensation or salaries of the members of the teaching and supervising stafifs, as specified and required in the foregoing schedules, and shall also fix the compensation or salaries of all other members of the teaching and supervising staffs and of other employees of the board of education, whether on a per annum or on a non-per annum basis, including, in addition to those falling within the foregoing schedules, the superintendent of schools, all associate, district or other superintendents, mem- bers of the board of examiners, assistant examiners, directors, assistant directors, inspectors, supervisors, special instructors, special teachers, administrative assistants, clerical assistants, librarians, attendance officers, secretaries, auditors, clerks, teacher clerks and all officers and employees of said board of education, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary con- tained in the charter of such city or in any act relating to such city or in any general, special or local act. The schedules and schedule conditions so to be adopted, fixing the salaries of such members of the teaching and supervising stafifs and other em- ployees as do not fall within the foregoing schedules, shall pro- vide that on and after the first day of August, 1920, the compen- sation, salaries and salary increments to be paid to each of said persons shall be not less than the compensation or salaries fixed for each of said persons by the schedules and schedule con- ditions adopted by the said board of education as filed w'ith the Commissioner of Education prior to the first day of April, 1920, plus the following amounts: not less than thirty per centum of all compensation or salary of each of said persons, as so fixed in such schedules and schedule conditions, if such compensation or salary earnable during any one year does not exceed two thou- sand dollars ; not less than twenty per centum of the compensa- tion or salary of each of said persons, as so fixed in such schedules and schedule conditions, if such compensation or salary earnable during any one year exceeds two thousand dol- lars, but does not exceed four thousand dollars ; and not less than ten per centum of the compensation or salary of each of said persons, as so fixed in such schedules and schedule conditions, if CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 296c such compensation or salary earnable during any one year ex- ceeds four thousand dollars. Any provision in any schedule or schedule condition which postpones the full operation of said schedules beyond the first day of August, 1920, shall be of no effect and any provision of law which authorizes such postpone- ment beyond the first day of August, 1920, is hereby repealed and the compensation, salaries, and salary increments in the schedules to be adopted pursuant to the provisions of this act shall become fully operative and shall be paid on and after said first day of August, 1920, subject, however, to provisions of law relating to approval of service as satisfactory. C. Colleges On and after the first day of June, 1921, the compensation and salaries of the officers of administration and instruction and other employees of any public institution of higher learning, con- ferring degrees and subject to the provisions of this law relative to colleges, and in which the compensation and salaries of such persons are paid directly or indirectly out of the moneys appro- priated by the board of estimate and apportionment or like financial authority of such city of one million inhabitants or more, shall not be less than those prescribed in the following schedules: Schedule C-i. Fellows: Minimum of five hundred dollars per annum and maximum of one thousand dollars per annum. Schedule C-2. Tutors : Minimum of one thousand dollars per annum and maximum of two thousand dollars per annum. Schedule C-3. Clerical, library, laboratory and investigation assistants : Minimum of one thousand four hundred dollars per annum and maximum of two thousand four hundred dollars per annum. Schedule C-4. Instructors : Minimum of two thousand dollars per annum and maximum of three thousand five hundred dollars per annum. Schedule C-5. Assistant professors and the secretary to the president or the secretary of the college : Minimum of three thousand dollars per annum and maximum of four thousand five hundred dollars per annum. Schedule C-6. Associate professors : Minimum of four thou- sand five hundred dollars per annum and maximum of five thou- sand five hundred dollars per annum. Schedule Q-y. Lecturers : Minimum of two thousand dollars per annum and maximum of five thousand dollars per annum. Schedule C-8. Curator and auditor: 'Minimum of four thou- sand dollars per annum and maximum of six thousand dollars per annum. 2g6d NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW Schedule C-9. Professors : Minimum of five thousand dollars per annum and maximum of eight thousand dollars per annum. Schedule C-io. Dean of a faculty; librarian, and secretary of a faculty: Minimum of two hundred dollars per annum and maximum of five hundred dollars per annum in addition to the salaries of their instructional ranks. Schedule C-ii. The president: Minimum of ten thousand dollars per annum and maximum of twelve thousand five hun- dred dollars per annum. Schedule C-12. Services on an hourly basis of compensation : Persons appointed by the trustees to positions in the evening and summer session with compensation on an hourly basis, shall be compensated for each hour of such service at a rate not less than one one-thousandth of the annual salary for their respective grades as established in accordance with the provisions of the other schedules herein. Schedule C-13. Other positions: The compensation, salaries and salary increments of employees of such institutions of higher learning, appointed by the trustees to positions other than those designated in the foregoing schedules, shall be not less than those that have been or may be fixed and adopted by the board of education of such city pursuant to the provisions of chapter 680 of the laws of 1920, for civil service employees other than executive officers performing like service under said board of education. The board of trustees of each such institution of higher learn- ing shall adopt schedules and schedule conditions to become effective not later than the first day of June, 1921, which schedules and schedule conditions shall fix the compensation or salaries of the members of the teaching and supervising staffs and other employees according to the provisions of this sub- division, but they shall not include in such schedules and schedule conditions any provision which postpones the full opera- tion of such schedules beyond the first day of June, 1921. The said trustees shall make appointments to the various grades and positions provided for in the schedules herein authorized and they shall, at such times as they may elect, make promotions from grade to grade, grant salary increments which they may legally establish within the minimum and maximum limits of the various schedules adopted by said trustees, and appoint persons to temporary or part time service. The said trustees shall make up their pay-roll budgets in amounts sufficient to cover com- pensation for all persons appointed by them, at rates in accord- ance with the provisions of this subdivision, and a reserve sum upon which to draw for* the compensation of minor, temporary employees ; but in making their appointments and in preparing the salary budgets of their institutions, they shall not, without CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 2966 the consent by majority vote of the board of estimate and appor- tionment or like financial authority of said city, in any one year : (a) include a total sum for incumbents under Schedule C-9 in excess of twenty-five per centum of the total salary provision in said budget for all incumbents under Schedules C-i to C-ii, both inclusive; (b) include in the salary budget an item in excess of one thousand dollars to be used to pay for the services of persons appointed to temporary, minor positions. The board of estimate and apportionment or like financial authority of such city shall, in addition to providing and making appropriation for all other requirements of such institution of higher learning, appropriate annually and at other times when necessary an amount or amounts sufficient to pay the salaries fixed in accordance with the provisions of this subdivision, and shall pay such salaries to the persons employed in such institutions. The trustees of said institution shall apply all amounts so appropriated solely for the payment of salaries fixed as herein provided to persons holding positions in such institution. The provisions of this subdivision shall be carried into full force and effect notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in the charter of such city or in any act relating to such city or in any general, special or local act ; and any provision of law which authorizes the postponement of the full operation of the salary schedules provided in this subdivision, beyond the first day of June, 1921, is hereby repealed and the compensation, salaries and salary increments in the schedules adopted as herein provided shall become fully operative on and after the first day of June, 1921, subject, however, in each case, to provisions of law, if any, relating to approval of service as satisfactory. No present salary shall be lowered by the operation of this subdivision. Special Provisions as to Certain High Schools. — In a city of the first class having a population of one million or more in- habitants, the board of trustees, officers, or bodies having appro- priate jurisdiction shall adopt schedules and schedule conditions to become effective on and after the first day of August, 1920, fixing the compensation or salaries of principals, assistants, teachers, instructors, clerical assistants and all perons employed in the management, administration or supervision of a high 2g6i NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW school or a model school in said city, in which high school or model school the compensation or salaries of said persons are paid directly or indirectly out of moneys appropriated by the board of estimate and apportionment or like financial authority in said city, and in which the minimum curriculum or course of study is established or is subject to approval by the board of education of said city or by the Board of Regents of the State of New York, and which is maintained in every respect as a public high school or model school. Such schedules shall pro- vide for compensation, salaries and salary increments to be paid to each of said persons which shall be not less than those fixed and adopted by the board of education of said city pursuant to the provisions of this act, for principals, teachers, instructors, clerical assistants and employees performing like services in the high schools and model schools under the jurisdiction of said board of education. The board of estimate and apportionment or like financial authority of such city shall, in addition to any other appropriation provided for by law for such school, appro- priate annually for such school an amount sufficient to pay the increases in salaries provided for in this section, and the money so appropriated shall be used for the payment of said increases in salaries. Salaries in Cities of the First Class Having a Population of Less Than One Million. — In a city of the first class having a population of less than one million the board of education shall adopt schedules and schedule conditions to become effective on and after the first day of August, 1920, which schedules and schedule conditions shall fix the compensation or salaries of the members of the supervising and teaching staff in said city. The schedules and schedule conditions so to be adopted shall provide that on and after the first day of August, 1920, the annual com- pensation or salary paid to each member of the supervising and teaching staff in said city shall be not less than four hundred dollars in advance of the compensation or salary fixed in the schedules adopted by said board of education prior to and in effect on the first day of March, 1920, as the same shall appear in the schedules filed in the office of the State Commissioner of Education, provided that on and after said first day of August, CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 296g 1920, the minimum compensation or salary paid to any member of the supervising and teaching staffs in the junior high schools of said city shall be not less than one thousand six hundred dol- lars per annum. The schedules and schedule conditions so to be adopted shall provide further that on and after said first day of August, 1920, the annual increments in each and every schedule which has a fixed minimum compensation or salary and a maxi- mum compensation or salary, shall be not less than one hundred dollars nor less than one-eighth of the difference between such minimum compensation or salary and that maximum compensa- tion or salary to which a member of the supervising and teach- ing staff employed under such schedule shall be automatically carried. Nor shall the number of said annual increments in any schedule be less than eight. Salaries in Cities of a Population of Fifty Thousand and Less Than One Hundred and Fifty Thousand. — On and after the first day of August, 1920, the salaries and salary increments of mem- bers of the supervising and teaching staff in cities of a population of fifty thousand and less than one hundred and fifty thousand, and the salary and salary increments and contracts for compen- sation of members of the supervising and teaching staff of union free school districts located wholly within the boundaries of such cities, shall be not less than those prescribed in the following schedules: A. Elementary Schools Schedule A-i. Teachers of kindergarten and first to eighth year classes: First year, one thousand one hundred dollars; number of annual increments, not less than eight. B. High Schools Schedule B-i. Teachers : First year, one thousand three hun- dred dollars; number of annual increments, not less than eight. Salaries in Cities of a Population of Less Than Fifty Thou- sand. — On and after the first day of August, 1920, the salaries and salary increments and the contracts for compensation of members of the supervising and teaching staff in cities of a popu- 2g6h NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW lation of less than fifty thousand, and in union free school dis- tricts authorized by law to have superintendents of schools, shall be not less, nor provide for less, than those prescribed in the following schedules : A. Elementary Schools Schedule A-i. Teachers of kindergarten and first to eighth year classes : First year, one thousand dollars ; number of an- nual increments, not less than eight. B. High Schools Schedule B-i. Teachers: First year, one thousand one hun- dred and fifty dollars; number of annual increments, not less than eight. Salaries in Union Free School Districts. — On and after the first day of August, 1920, the salaries and salary increments and the contracts for compensation of members of the supervising and teaching stafif in union free school districts having an academic department or high school approved by the Commis- sioner of Education, other than those provided for in the preced- ing section, shall be not less, nor provide for less, than those pre- scribed in the following schedules : A. Elementary Schools Schedule A-i. Teachers of kindergarten and first to eighth year classes: First year, eight hundred dollars; number of an- nual increments, not less than eight. B. High Schools Schedule B-i. Teachers: First year, nine hundred dollars; number of annual increments, not less than eight. The board of education in each city of the State shall fix the salaries and annual salary increments of all members of the supervising and teaching stafifs and of all principals, teachers, supervisors or other employees, whose salaries are not fixed by the provisions of this act. The board of education in each city CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 296! may also, in its discretion, increase the minimum salaries and salary increments of any members of the supervising and teach- ing staffs or other employees, whose salaries are not fixed by the provisions of this act. Salaries and Increments. — i, A member of the supervising and the teaching staff in such schools serving under a schedule which provides for annual increments shall receive for any given year of service the salary and the increment provided in said schedule for the year which corresponds to his year of service, unless his services for the year immediately preceding have been declared by a majority vote of the board of education or board of superintendents of a city, to be unsatisfactory, after opportunity to be heard. 2. The salary, including the annual increment, to which a present member of such teaching staff shall be entitled under any salary schedule existing on the date of the passage of this act, shall not be reduced by reason of the operation of the schedules of salaries set forth in this article, or by reason of any other pro- vision contained in this article. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article boards of education in cities located in a county having a population of over four hundred thousand and adjoining a city having a population of one million or more shall fix the minimum salaries and not less than eight annual increments of the supervising and teaching staff in said cities and file the same with the Commissioner of Education as provided in this act. The minimum salaries so fixed shall not be less than those paid in said cities at the time of the passage of this act. 3. The schedule of salaries provided for in this act shall take effect and become operative as follows : a. In all cities having a population of less than one million, on the first day of January, 1920. b. In a city having a population of one million or more, the board of education shall pay to each member of such supervising and teaching staff, until and including May 31, 1920, a salary which shall be at a rate not less than that which said member was receiving on the thirty-first day of December, 1919, and in 296J NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW addition thereto one-third of the difference between such salary to the said thirty-first day of May, 1920, and the amount of salary to which said member would be entitled for the period expiring on the said thirty-first day of May, 1920, under the schedules and schedule conditions made in conformity with the provisions of this article. From and after June i, 1920, the board of education shall pay to each member of such teaching and supervising staff, a salary which shall be not less than that to which such member is entitled under the schedules and schedule conditions made in conformity with the provisions of this article, and on and after such date the said schedule and schedule conditions shall be in full force and efifect. Schedules to Be Filed. — A copy of the schedules and schedule conditions approved by the board of education of each city to- gether with a copy of such changes in schedules and schedule conditions as are made in conformity with this article, certified by the secretary of the board, shall, within thirty days after the adoption thereof, be filed in the office of the State Commissioner of Education. Other Employees. — All other employees not included in the supervisory or the teaching staff, such, for instance, as school nurses, medical inspectors, clerks, auditors, janitors, et cetera, are appointed by the board of education subject to the provisions of the by-laws of such board. Under the provisions of chapter 496 of the Laws of 1918 the board of education in a city having a population of 100,000 or more has power to establish a retirement system for all civil employees permanently employed by the board other than superintendents and teachers who may be retired under other laws. Officers, Teachers, et cetera, Continued. — i. Each person hold- ing an office or position in the schools of the city on June 8, 1917, when the new city law went into effect, is expressly continued in such ofBce or position. Each board or bureau legally established and in operation on the same date is also expressly continued. Each such person is continued in the office or position or board or bureau for the period of time for which he was appointed. A board may, for cause and after a hearing, remove a person from the position which he holds. A board is also given the power to abolish un- CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 297 necessary positions or offices and to consolidate offices, positions, bureaus, boards, etc. 2. When a board of education abolishes an office or position and creates a new position or office for the performance of duties simi- lar-'to those performed in the office or position abolished, the per- son holding such position or office at the time it was abolished must be appointed to the new office or position without reduction in salary or increment. The person in such position at the time it was abol- ished is entitled to the new position if his record has been one of faithful, competent service. 3. If an office or position is abolished, or if it is consolidated with another, and a new position is not created, the person filling- the position at the time such position was abolished or consolidated is entitled to have his name placed upon a preferred list of eligible candidates. Such person is also entitled to appointment to an office or position similar to the one which he filled at the time his office or position was abolished, without reduction in salary or increment, provided his record had been one of faithful, competent service. The names of persons holding offices which have been abolished shall be placed upon a preferred eligible list in the order in which their services are discontinued. Bonds of Employees. — i. In certain cities of the State the board of estimate and apportionment possessed authority under previous laws to require certain officers and employees in the school system to give bonds for the faithful performance of their duties and for funds held in their custody and for the financial protection of the city. In certain other cities not having a board of estimate and apportionment the body of officers performing the duties performed hy such board of estimate and apportionment possess the power under former laws to require such bonds. In such cities this body or officers may continue to require bonds of such employees. 2, In all other cities of the State the board of education may require such of its employees as it deems necessary to give bonds. The board may also determine the amount of such bond. 3. The premiums on the bonds of all such employees must be paid by the city. SITES Authority to Purchase. — A board of education, except in certain cities, is authorized to purchase sites or additions to exist- 298 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW mg sites or real property for other educational purposes. The exception to this general rule is in cities of the second class in which the common council, the board of estimate and apportionment, the board of contract and supply, and the commissioner of public works, or other city officials, or any one of such officials had the legal authority under the law in force before the enactment of the new city school law to purchase real property for educational needs, in which case such officials will continue to exercise the same power m the purchase of school sites and property for other school pur- poses. In no case, however, may a school site or an addition to a school site be purchased unless such site is designated by a majority vote of the board of education. Even in cities in which one or more of the municipal officers or boards above enumerated have the power to purchase land for school sites, such land may not be purchased by these officers for that purpose until the site is approved by the board of education. 2. When it is necessary to purchase a school site, an addition to a school site, or to obtain land for a playground or recreation center, or to purchase real property for any other purpose authorized un- der the education law, a board of education is authorized to take options on property desirable for such purposes. Before a board of education may take title to property for such purposes, it must adopt a resolution stating the necessity which requires the pur- chase of such property and describing the property by metes and bounds. The board of education must also make an estimate of the funds necessary to purchase such site. If money is available which may be used for the purchase of such property, the trans- action may be closed, the property acq\iired and paid for. If funds are not available for the purchase of such property, the required amount may be included in the next annual budget of the board of education. The board may also include such amount in a special budget if such special budget is issued. The board of education, before acquiring title to real property for any of the purposes enumerated in this paragraph, must, of course, act within the limi- tations above specified in those cities in which municipal officers exercise the authority to purchase real property for educational needs under statutes in operation previous to June 8, 1917. CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 299 SCHOOL BUILDINGS Authority of Board of Education, — A board of education has authority to repair, remodel, improve, or enlarge school buildings or other buildings used for educational purposes and under the control and management of such board. A board of education also possesses the authority to purchase school buildings and to con- struct new buildings. A board must exercise this power within the limitations expressed in the law. The limitations in these respects are similar to the limitations of the power of the board in acquiring real property for sites and other school purposes. If the common council, the board of estimate and apportionment, and the board of contract and supply, and the commissioner of public works^ or other city officials, or any one or more of such officials in a city of the second class possess the authority to exercise any of these powers in relation to school buildings under the statutes in force previous to June 8, 19 1 7, such municipal officers have the right to continue to exercise such powers. 2. A board of education is the authority to determine the neces- sity for additional school buildings or the repair or improvement of existing buildings. When additional accommodations of this char- acter are needed, the board of education should adopt a resolution specifying in detail the necessity for such accommodations and making an estimate of the amount of funds necessary for such purpose. The expense incurred may be paid from the funds avail- able for such purposes. If no funds are available for such pur- poses, the amount may be included in the next annual budget. The board may include such amount in the special budget if one is issued. In a city in which any one or more of the muicipal officers or boards above enumerated have the power to erect school buildings, remodel them, etc., no such building may be erected or remodeled or en- larged until the plans and specifications therefor are approved by the board of education. Under the provisions of the new city school law ordinary repairs to school buildings in all cities of the State are under the direction of the board of education, and such repairs should be made by the board of education and not by munici- pal authorities. 3. In the city of Buffalo the board of education may in its dis- cretion adopt a regulation providing that plans and specifications for the construction of new buildings shall be delivered to the council, 300 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW and such council may in its discretion award a contract for the erection of such building under the same terms and conditions that contracts in that city are awarded for the construction of municipal buildings. Title to Property. — When a board of education purchases real property for school purposes it should take title to such property in the name of the city, or it may take such title in the name of the board of education of the city of Condemnation of Property. — When a board of education or municipal officers authorized to acquire property for school pur- pose are unable to agree with the owners of such property on the price thereof, such property may be taken for this public purpose in various ways. It may be taken under the provisions of the con- demnation law, or it may be taken as real property is taken for other public purposes under the provisions of the city charter or the provisions of any special statute authorizing proceedings to acquire title by right of eminent domain. In those cities in which the common council, the board of contract and supply, or other city officers or body possessed the legal authority previous to June 8, 1917, to acquire title to real property for school purposes, such officers or body continue to exercise these powers under the present law. Sale of School Property. — When a school site or a school build- ing or other real property used for educational purposes and under the control and management of a board of education is no longer needed for educational purposes, the board of education should notify the common council, and in a city having no common coun- cil the board of education should notify the council or the com- missioner of the sinking fund. The common council, the council, or the commissioners of the sinking fund, as the case may be, have the authority and it is their duty to sell or dispose of such properly in the same manner as such bodies are authorized to sell or dispose of other real property owned by the city. The proceeds of -the sale of such real property should be credited to the funds under the control and adnimsitration of the board of education unless the practice in a city, under previous statutes, required other disposi- tion of such funds. In certain cities the law required the proceeds of the sale of such property to be credited to the sinking fund estab- lished in such city. In such cities the proceeds of the sale of such property must continue under present law to be paid into the sink- CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 3OI ing fund. In the city of Buffalo the council may by resolution authorize the use of the proceeds of such sale for other municipal purposes, and in a city having a board of estimate and apportion- ment such board may also by resolution authorize the use of the proceeds of the sale of such property for other municipal purposes. TAX ELECTION The law authorizes a tax election in a city having a population of less than 75,000. The board of education may call such elec- tion by giving notice thereof as notice is required under the provisions of the Education Law for an annual school election. The purpose of this election is to permit the qualified voters to determine whether or not an expenditure in excess of $25,000 for the construction of new buildings, for repairing and remodeling existing buildings, or for the purchase of sites, addition to sites, or other real property for educational purposes shall be made. The provisions of law governing annual school elections, ap- pointment of inspectors, notices of meetings, qualifications of voters, challenges, hours for keeping polls open, penalties, can- vass of votes, filing returns, furnishing ballots, etc., must apply to and govern the tax election in a city, except one in which the election of members of the board of education is held at the gen- eral or municipal election. In such a city the law applying to and governing such general or municipal elections shall apply to and govern such tax elections. This tax election may be called even if there has not been included in the annual estimate an item for this specific purpose. The object of this tax election is to give the people of the city the opportunity to determine whether or not such appropriation shall be made. If favorable action is taken on the proposition the amount authorized to be expended must be included in the estimate and also in the budget. On the request of the board of education, the common council of the city of Poughkeepsie may call and hold a taxpayers' elec- tion to vote on the question of issuing bonds of the city for any of the purposes specified in paragraph c of subdivision i of sec- tion 871 of the Education Law. ANNUAL ESTIMATE BUDGET BONDS, ETC. I. In enacting the provisions of the city school law relating to financing school systems, preparing budgets, collecting taxes, etc., it was not the intention to change the existing practice in any city in the State. It was the intention to so word the language of this law that in cities where municipal ofificers exercise authority in determining the amount of funds to be used for school purposes, they shall continue to exercise those powers, and that boards of 302 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW education having independent power in raising funds for school purposes should continue to exercise such powers. The one excep- tion to this general principle was in the case of the city of New York. The law was intentionally framed to confer upon the school board of that city the power to obtain sufficient funds for the general operating expenses of the school system irrespective of the action of municipal officers. 2. The board of education of each city in the State is required to prepare an annual estimate of the funds which such board deems necessary for the maintenance and operation of the school system for the current or ensuing year. In the city of New York this estimate must be filed on or before the first day of September. In all other cities of the State such estimate must be filed at the same time and in the same manner as the departments or officers of the city government are required to file their estimate for city depart- ments or city officers. 3. The law divides the purposes for which a budget shall be pre- pared into three general subjects. In the first is to be included what may be called the salary schedule or personal services ; in the second are to be included the funds which are necessary for inci- dental and contingent expenses for the operation of the school system ; in the third are to be included such items as are necessary for remodeling or enlarging buildings, construction of new iDuildings, purchase of real property, etc. The exact language of the law is as • follows : a. The salary of the superintendent of schools, associate, district or other superintendents, examiners, directors, supervisors, princi- pals, teachers, lecturers, special instructors, auditors, medical in- spectors, nurses, attendance officers, clerks and janitors and the salary, fees or compensation of all other employees appointed or employed by said board of education. b. The other necessary incidental and contingent expenses includ- ing ordinary repairs to buildings and the purchase of fuel and light, supplies, textbooks, school apparatus, books, furniture and fixtures and other articles and service necessary for the proper maintenance, operation and support of the schools, libraries and other educational, social or recreational afifairs and interests under its management and direction. The provisions of this section in regard to the purchase of light shall not apply to a city having a population of one million or more. CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 3O3 c. The remodeling or enlarging of buildings under its control and management, the construction of new buildings for uses authorized by this chapter and the furnishing and equipment thereof,- the purchase of real property for new sites, additions to present sites, playgrounds or recreation centers and other educational or social purposes, and to meet any other indebtedness or liability incurred under the provisions of this chapter or other statutes, or any other expenses which the board of education is authorized to incur. ACTION ON ESTIMATE 1. In a city which had, according to the State census of 1915., a population of less than 50,000, the estimate of the board of educa- tion must be filed with the clerk of the common council. The com- mon council in such cities, with the exceptions which are hereafter stated, is required to include in its next annual tax and assessment roll of the city the amount stated in this estimate as necessary for operating the schools, and to collect such amount in the same man- ner that other city taxes are collected. 2. In certain cities of the State the law authorized the assessment and collection of school taxes in a separate assessment roll, separate and distinct from the tax roll for other municipal purposes.* In such cities the board of education will continue to assess and collect its taxes for school purposes as in former years. In a city in which the school district and the city boundaries are not coterminous the board of education issues a separate tax list and collects its taxes for school purposes. If the boundaries are later made identical the taxes must then be raised by the city at the same time and in the same manner that city taxes are raised. 3. If the amount called for in the estimate for the remodeling and enlarging of buildings, construction of new buildings, furnishing and equipment of buildings, purchase of real property, etc., as enumerated in subdivision C of section 877, is in excess of $25,000, in a city having a population of less than fifty thousand, either the common council or the board of education may call a tax election and permit the voters of the city to determine whether or not the proposition for the expenditure of such sum shall be raised by one tax upon the property of the city or whether it shall be raised in installments and the funds provided by the issuance of bonds. In a city of this kind, where the board of education is appointed or * Under chapter 484 of the Laws of 1918, the city of Lockport is to have a school tax and assessment roll entirely separate and distinct from the annual city tax and assessment roll, but the taxes shall be collected at the same time and manner as other city taxes. 304 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW elected at a general or municipal election, the vote upon such propo- tion must be at either a general or municipal election. In other cities of this class such vote may be at a general or special school election. 4. (a) If a common council possessed the power under former statutes in a city of the third class to determine the amount of funds which shall be appropriated for the support and maintenance of pub- lic schools, such common council may continue to exercise the same power over the estimate submitted to it for school purposes. (b) There is a provision in the city school law to the effect that nothing in that act shall be construed as conferring upon the com- mon council of a city power or authority in determining the amount of tax to be raised for school purposes which the statutes in exist- ence prior thereto did not confer upon such common council. 5. (a) If a mayor possessed the power under previous statutes to veto items in a school estimate, or to reduce items, or to take any other action in connection with the estimate for school purposes, the mayor is to continue to exercise such power. (b) In cases where the mayor may reduce or eliminate an item in the estimate, he is required to return such estimate to the board of education and must state his reasons for the action taken. This statement must be filed by him within ten days after receiving the estimate. The board of education may then reconsider the estimate and, by a three-fourths vote, restore the items either reduced or eliminated by the mayor. The restored items must then be included in the tax levy of the city for school purposes. 6. (a) The board of estimate and apportionment in certain cities of the second class possessed power under previous statutes to determine the amount of funds which should be appropriated for the support and maintenance of schools. These cities are Albany, Binghamton, Schenectady, Syracuse, Troy and Yonkers. The same authority was conferred under previous laws upon the board of estimate and apportionment of the city of Rochester. This practice is continued in such cities under the present law. The estimate of the board of education in these cities must, therefore, be filed with the mayor. The mayor must then place such estimate before the board of estimate and apportionment at the same time and in the same manner that estimates from the city departments or officers are placed before such board of estimate and apportion- ment. The estimate then becomes a part of the general estimated CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 305 expenses for the operation of all city affairs and is subject to the same consideration, action, and procedure as the estimates of other departments. The board of estimate in such cities niay increase, diminish, or reject any item contained in said estimate except for fixed charges for which the city is liable. When the estimate is adopted by the board of estimate and apportionment, that body must file it with the common council. (b) The question is naturally raised as to what is meant by " fixed charges for which the city is liable." Bonds issued for school purposes may mature, and an item included to meet the pay- ment thereof is, therefore, properly in the estimate of the board of education. This is a fixed charge for which the city is liable and which the city has already authorized. The board of estimate and apportionment could not reduce or eliminate this item. In some cities a salary schedule has been adopted, and teachers have in all cities permanent tenure. Provision must be made for the salary of these teachers. In such cases the board of estimate and apportion- ment may not reduce the amount included in the estimate of the board of education for salaries of teachers. There are many other items of this kind which are liabilities already incurred, either under the statute, or by action of the school authorities or the municipal authorities pursuant to provisions of law, and in such cases the board of estimate and apportionment have not legal power to reduce or eliminate these items. 7. In the other cities of the second class not included in paragraph 6, the board of education is required to file its estimate with the mayor. The common council and the mayor of the city have not authority to reduce any of the items in this estimate. The amount of such estimate must be included by the common council in the tax and assessment roll of the city ; such amount must be collected and placed to the credit of the board of education. The law provides, however, that a tax for new construction or any of the purposes specified in paragraph c of subdivision i of section 877 shall be levied payable in installments and that bonds shall be issued as pro- vided in the city school law. 8. In the city of Buffalo the estimate must be filed with the ofiticer authorized in that city to receive department estimates of the city. This estimate is acted on by the city officer and the council in the same manner and with the same effect as city department estimates. The common council has discretionary power to include in the 306 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW budget a sum for the construction of new buildings, the remodel- ing, repairing, and enlargement of existing buildings, addition to sites, playgrounds, recreation centers, and any other educational purpose. The council must include the sum which has been author- ized for any of these purposes by a tax election. After the budget has been properly adopted the council shall include the amount thereof in the tax and assessment roll of the city, and such amount must be collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes of the city are collected, and the amount collected for educa- tional purposes must be placed to the credit of the board of education. 9. (a) The estimate for the city of New York must be filed with the board of estimate and apportionment. The board of education in its estimate of school funds may include an amount equivalent to or less than four and nine-tenths mills on every dollar of assessed valuation of the real and personal property in the city liable to tax- ation. The board of estimate and apportionment has no discretion in considering the estimate of the board of education for this amount. An amount equal to this tax on the property of the city must be included in the budget for the city of New York. The board of education, however, may include an amount for school purposes in excess of such rate. On this amount the board of estimate and apportionment has discretionary power. It may, or may not, allow such excess amount. It may allow only part of such amount. Any amount called for in the budget beyond the rate of four and nine- tenths mills is subject to the same consideration and action by the board of estimate and apportionment, the board of aldermen, and the mayor, as that taken upon the departmental estimates of the city. The board of estimate and apportionment in the city of New York is authorized, however, to make additional appropriations for educational purposes beyond the rate of four and nine-tenths mills or in addition to the estimate submitted by the board of education. (b) The school funds of the city of New York are divided into two parts and known as the general school fund and the special school fund. The general school fund consists of moneys raised for the payment of the salaries of persons employed in the super- vising and teaching staff, including the superintendent of schools, the associate, district, and other superintendents, members of the board of examiners, attendance officers, supervisor of lectures, lec- turers, and director and assistant director of the division of refer- CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 307 ence and research. The general school fund must be raised in bulk and for the city at large. The special school fund includes all moneys not comprised in the general school fund as above outlined. (c) There is a special provision in the law which confers upon the board of education of the city of New York the power to admin- ister all moneys appropriated or available for educational purposes in that city. This power, however, is subject to the provisions of law relative to the audit and payment of salaries and other claims by the department of finance. 10. In certain cities of the State the former statutes provided that the amount appropriated for the support and maintenance of public schools of the city should not be less than a per capita sum specified therein. This sum was based upon the number of pupils enrolled in the public schools. In all such cities the amount included in the estimate of school expenditures under the present law shall not be less than the per capita sum specified in such previous laws. SPECIAL ESTIMATE To meet emergencies which may arise, a board of education may submit a special estimate to obtain funds to meet extraordinary expenses. This special estimate must contain a full statement of the reasons why such estimate is submitted and the necessity there- for. The same method of procedure must be followed in the con- sideration and adoption of such estimate in the several cities of the State as is followed in such cities in the consideration and action upon the regular annual estimates. The common council is author- ized to make appropriations requested in the special estimate of a board of education. BORROWING FUNDS FOR SCHOOL NEEDS 1. In a city of the third class the common council may temporarily borrow the amount appropriated for school purposes on city cer- tificates of indebtedness by the issuance of revenue bonds or other municipal bonds. Such certificates or bonds shall be payable at such time and in such manner as are provided by general laws or the city charter for other certificates of indebtedness or revenue bonds. 2. In a city of the second class the board of estimate and appor- tionment may borrow funds under the same procedure as in cities 308 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW of the third class. In the city of Buffalo funds for such purpose may also be borrowed by the council of that city. CUSTODY OF SCHOOL FUNDS 1. The law contemplates that all moneys intended for the sup- port and maintenance of schools shall be paid into the city treasury, credited to the board of education, and used for the purposes for which they were raised. 2. The only authority to disburse such funds is the board of education. These funds may be paid upon written orders drawn on the city treasurer or other fiscal officer of the city. The orders must be signed by the superintendent of schools and the secre- tary of the board of education unless other officers are authorized to sign orders by the board of education. These orders must be numbered consecutively and they shall specify the purpose for which the funds are drawn and the person or corporation to whom such funds are payable. 3. The law prohibits the city treasurer or other officer having the custody of these funds to permit their use for any purpose other than that for which +hey are lawfully authorized. These funds shall be paid out on the audit of the board of educatian and the counter-signature of the comptroller, and in a city having no comptroller, by an officer designated by the officer or body hav- ing the control of the financial affairs of such city. 4. The board of education may make such classification of its funds and accounts as it may desire for its own use. It must also make such further classification of the funds under its control and disbursement as the comptroller of the city or the other officer or body having general control of the financial affairs of such city shall require. The board of education must also furnish such information in relation to these funds and their disbursement as the comptroller or financial officer of the city requests. ISSUANCE OF BONDS 1. In the city of New York the board of estimate and appor- tionment may in its discretion annually cause to be raised such sums of money as may be needed for the construction of new buildings, the remodeling or enlarging of existing buildings, the acquisition of new sites, additional sites, or real property for other educational purposes. This money must be raised in the manner provided in the charter of the city of New York for rais- ing money for such purposes. 2. In the city of Buffalo the council may, by vote of four-fifths of its members, authorize the issuance of bonds to meet the expense of the construction, improvement, and equipment of school buildings and the purchase or acquisition of school sites, CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 309 the expense of which has not been included in the budget. These bonds shall be issued in such amounts and payable at such times and places and bear such rates of interest as the council may determine. The interest shall not exceed six per centum per annum, and it shall be paid semi-annually. Such bonds shall not be issued for more than fifty years from their date and shall not be sold for less than their par value and accrued interest. Such bonds must be made payable in equal proportions during the number of years for which they are issued. These bonds must be sold by the authorities of the city in the same manner that bonds for other municipal purposes are issued and sold. The proceeds of the sale of such bonds must be paid into the city treasury and credited to the board of education. As these bonds mature the authorities of the city must include in the tax levied and assessed on the property of the city the amount necessary to pay such bonds and interest thereon. 3. In the cities of the second class and in the city of Rochester the common council and the board of estimate and apportion- ment has the power to determine upon the necessity of issuing bonds for the construction of new buildings, repairing and re- modeling of existing buildings, acquisition of sites, addition to sites and real property for other educational purposes. The municipal authorities are required to issue such bonds when these bonds have been authorized. 4. In all other cities of the State when the common council or voters of the city authorize an appropriation to be raised by a tax in installments for the construction of new buildings, repairing and remodeling existing buildings, for school sites, addition to sites, or the acquisition of real property for other educational purposes, city bonds shall be issued in the same manner and under the same provisions as bonds are issued by such city for other purposes. 5. In a city in which the baundaries of the school district or districts are not coterminous with the city boundaries, and in the city school district of Jamestown, taxes may be raised in install- ments and district bonds issued for any of the purposes enume- rated in paragraph c of subdivision i of section 877 of this chapter, in the manner provided and under the conditions pre- scribed by the Education Law for the levy and collection of taxes in installments and the issue and sale of bonds of union free school districts. All bonds of the union free school district of the city of Jamestown, as so designated by chapter 279 of the Laws of 1887 issued by the Board of Education of such district under the provisions of such act prior to June 8, 1917, and not outstanding shall be the bonds of the city school district of the city of Jamestown, and shall not be reckoned as a part of the city debt. 3IO NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW REVIEW QUESTIONS State the general change recently made in the law regulating city school systems. What is the controlling body of a city school system? Who is eligible to hold such office? How many members must a city board of education contain? How many members on the board of education in New York City? How is a board having more than nine members reduced to the required number? What is the requirement for cities hereafter organ- ized? Explain fully how members of a board of education are chosen in different cities. In what city may they be chosen from a subdivision of a city? Why? What is the term of a member in the City of New York? In Albany? Troy? In the other cities of the State? When is the first board to be appointed in New York? By whom? How are the terms of the members of the first board designated? When is a board to be appointed in Buffalo? How is a board reorganized in a city having more than nine members and such members are appointed by the mayor? How is a board reorganized in a city having more than nine members when the members are elected? How are vacancies filled which expire other than by expiration of a term in a city in which members of the board are elected? How are such vacancies filled in a city in which the members are appointed by the mayor? When is the annual meeting of the board? How often must regular meetings be held? How may special meetings be held? What is the general inten- tion of the law in conferring power on the board of education? Specify ten general powers and duties of the board of education? What general power is given the board in relation to the school organization? Specify two limitations to the power of the board in awarding contracts. What city has a local board school district? AVhat organization has that district? How is such organization created? Specify eight powers and duties of such local board. How are the expenses of this board met? What special function has the secretary of the board? In what city is a fixed term given superintendents? What is the term of office in other cities? How may a superintendent be removed? How may one resign? What qualifications must a person possess to be eligible to the office of superintendent? What limitations are placed upon the powers and duties of the city superintendent? Specify seven general powers and duties conferred by law upon a city superintendent. Explain the organization of the board of superintendents in New York City. Specify nine powers and duties conferred by law upon a board of superintendents. Compare the functions of such board with the functions of a city superintendent. What additional powers must such board exercise? What other superintendents may be provided for a city school system? How? What probationary term must such superintendent serve? How may such superintendent be removed? What is the tenure of office of such superintendent? What city must have a board of examiners? How many members on such board? How are such members appointed? What restriction is placed upon such board? What probationary term must they serve? What is their tenure thereafter? Specify five powers and duties of such board. Who are included under the term "Teaching Staff?" How are members of such staff appointed? What is the requirement in New York City? In Buffalo? How is an eligible list established? May such list be merged? For what period of time is such list valid? Who is entitled to be placed upon such list? What certificate or license must each hold? Who prescribes the minimum requirements? By what methods are additional qualifications prescribed? What is the REVIEW QUESTIONS 3II probationary term of employment? By whom fixed? How may a member of such staff be dismissed during probation period? Thereafter? By what method does a member of such staff receive permanent appointment? How is the salary regulated? What other employees may the system contain? What is the requirement as to a person holding a position on June 2, 1917? How may such person be removed? What is the requirement when a person is removed? What eligible list is created? When is a person entitled to be placed upon such list? What employees are required to give bonds? When are such bonds prescribed by the municipal authorities? When by school authorities? Who has authority to purchase sites? What limitation is there to this authority? What is the procedure when a site is necessary? How may funds be obtained for the purchase of the same? Who has the sole authority to designate sites for school buildings in a city? What authority has the board of education over the construction, repair and remodeling of school buildings or other buildings under their control? What exception is there to this general power? Explain fully who determines the need of new school buildings? Repairs to buildings? What is the procedure? How are funds obtained? Who possesses the authority to make ordinary school repairs? By whom must all plans and specifications for the repair, improve- ment or construction of school buildings be approved? What discretionary power has the board of education in the City of Buft'alo on the construction of school buildings? Who takes title to property for school purposes? By whom may property be condemned for school purposes? Explain the different processes? Who has authority to sell school property? Explain the process in different cities? Who may call a tax election? When? For what purpose? How? What law controls the election? What was the general intent in arranging the financial control of city school systems? Who prepares the estimate? When? With whom must it be filed in New York City? In other cities? Name the three general outlines under which the estimate is classified? What may be included in the c class? In the b class? In the c class? What action is taken on such estimate in cities having a population of 50,000 or less? In what cities may a separate independent tax list be issued? What special action may be taken on an estimate in excess of $25,000? What power has a common council over such estimate? Is it the intention of the law to give such body increased powers? What power has the mayor in certain cities? How must the mayor proceed to exercise such power? What body has power over the appropriations in certain cities of the second class? Name these cities? Explain the procedure in such cases? What is meant by "fixed charges for which the city is liable?" Give illustrations. What action is taken in other cities of the second class on such estimates? Explain the procedure in the City of Buffalo. Explain the requirement in the City of New York? What divisions are made of the New York City school funds? Define each. What is the requirement as to a per capita fund in certain cities? When may a special estimate be submitted? How? How may cities of the third class borrow funds for school needs? A city of the second class? Who is the custodian of city school funds? By whose order 312 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW may such funds be disbursed? What is the procedure? What is the limita- tion as to the use of such funds? What classification must a board of education make of its funds? How may additional funds be raised in New York City for the construction of buildings, etc.? How may bonds be issued in Buffalo? How may bonds be issued in cities of the second class? In the third class? CHAPTER XXXII CITY SCHOOL ELECTIONS [Article /-a, Chapter 791, Laws of 1917] To What Cities Applicable. — In those cities of the State in which members of the board of education are elected by the quali- fied voters at a special election such election must be held as pro- vided in this chapter. Cities which elect the members of their board of education at either the general election or a municipal elec- tion do not hold their elections in accordance with these provisions. Those cities in which the school district extends beyond the bounda- ries of the city and who hold their election at the time of the annual school election in union free school districts in the month of August are not required to hold their elections in accordance with these provisions. Date o£ Annual Election. — The annual election in all cities to which the provisions of this chapter apply shall be held on the first Tuesday in May in each year. Polls Open. — The law requires that the polls of such election shall be open from 12 o'clock noon until 8 o'clock in the evening. Election Districts. — On or before the first day of April, 1918, the board of education of each city to which this law applies is required to adopt a resolution dividing the city into school election districts. Each school election district shall contain not more than 1,000 qualified voters. Such districts shall be so arranged, if pos- sible, that there shall be a schoolhouse in each of such school election districts. The resolution designating these districts should accurately describe the boundaries of such districts by streets, alleys and highways. When possible to do so the boundaries of a school election district should include one or more of the regular election districts of the city. The districts thus formed shall continue in existence until modified by resolution of the board of education. Where Election Shall Be Held. — All school elections, so far as possible, shall be held in a public schoolhouse. If there is a school election district in which there is no schoolhouse the board of edu- 313 314 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW cation shall by resolution designate some other building where the election in such district shall be held. Notice of Election. — The board of education must give notice of the annual school election. This notice may be given by publishing the same at least once each week for four weeks preceding each election in at least two newspapers published in the city. The notice must state the day of the election and the hours during which the polls will be open. This notice should also accurately describe the boundaries of the school elec- tion districts into which the city is divided. It should also name the school house, or other place in the city, where these elections will be held. The notice should state at what place the poll lists prepared by the clerk of the board of education are on file and that the same may be examined at the office of the clerk of the board or the superintendent of the city. Qualifications of Voters. — A person shall be entitled to vote at a school election in such city who is: 1. A citizen of the United States. 2. Twenty-one years of age. 3. A resident within the election district for a period of thirty days next preceding the election at which he offers to vote; and who in addition thereto possesses one of the following four quali- fications : (a) Owns or hires real property in such district or is in the possession of such property under a contract of purchase, as- sessed upon the last preceding assessment-roll of the city, or (b) Is the parent of a child of school age, provided such child shall have attended the public schools in the city in which the election is held for a period of at least eight weeks during the year preceding such election, or (c) Not being the parent, has permanently residing with him a child of school age who shall have attended such public schools for a period of at least eight weeks during the year preceding such election, or (d) Owns personal property, assessed on the last preceding assessment-roll of the city, exceeding fifty dollars in value, exclu- sive of such as is exempt from execution. No person shall be deemed to be ineligible to vote at any such election, by reason of sex, who has the other qualifications re- quired by this section. In any school district whose boundaries are coterminous with the boundaries of the city, any person shall be permitted to vote at any such election in the school election district within which he resides on the date of the election, provided he shall have been a resident of the city school district for the period of thirty days next preceding the date of the election, and provided he shall possess the other qualifications which entitle him to vote at a school election. Poll List in Cities of Over 50,000. — The clerk of the board of CITY SCHOOL ELECTIONS 315 education is required to prepare a poll list for each school elec- tion district in a city having a population of over fifty thousand on or before the first day of April in each year. This list shall con- tain the names of all persons residing in such district who are qualified to vote for the office of members of the board of educa- tion at the ensuing election. The names on this list must be arranged alphabetically by their surnames and their place of residence by street or number of each person must also be given. If the residence may not -be given so specifically, there must be some description accurately locating the place of residence of each person. In each city of the State having a population of fifty thousand or less by the last preceding census any person possessing quali- fications which entitle him or her to vote at a school election may vote at any such election held within his school election district without any previous registration or poll listing. Poll List Filed. — This poll list must be filed in the office of the clerk of the board of education, or some other accessible place designated by the board of education. Arrangements must be made so that such list may be examined by any person interested therein during the office hours of the clerk of the board for thirty days preceding the annual school election. It must also be open to examination from four to eight o'clock in the evening of each Friday and Saturday of the four weeks immediately preceding the election. The clerk of the board, or some person designated by the board, shall be present at the office of the clerk at such hours and shall permit such list to be examined by the public. Additional Names Placed Upon List. — If a person whose name is not upon the list appears before the clerk of the board of educa- tion and files a written statement with such clerk, giving in such statement his name, residence, occupation, the school election district in which he resides, and specifies the qualifications which entitle him to vote, such clerk must place his name upon the poll list. Transfer of Name to Poll List of Another District. — If the name of a qualified voter appears upon the poll list of a school election district and such voter is a resident of another school election district, such voter should make a written statement setting forth such facts, showing his correct residence and his name. Thereupon the clerk should strike his name from such poll list and place it upon the proper poll list. Revision of List — Challenges to be Received. — The clerk of the board of education, or other person designated by the board, must on the Monday preceding the annual election correct and re- vise each of the duplicate poll lists for the several election districts of the city by striking therefrom and inserting in their proper places the names of persons who have filed the statement above required. Such clerk shall also receive challenges, which may be made in writing, by any qualified voter against the right of any 2l6 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW person on such poll list to vote at the election. Such clerk shall also indicate on such poll lists the persons whose qualifications as voters have been challenged. Filing Corrected List. — The revised and corrected poll list must be filed in the office of the clerk of the board of education. Such board shall cause a copy of the list of each election district to be delivered on the day of the election, before the opening of the polls therein, to the inspectors of each district at the place where the election in such district is to be held. Blanks, etc. — It is the duty of the board of education to furnish all necessary blanks to enable voters to prepare any of the statements required in connection with their right to vote, the district in which they reside, and on which written challenges may be made. \ Appointment of Inspectors. — At least ten days prior to each school election the board of education shall designate three qualified voters of each school election district to act as inspectors of election. The clerk of the board of education is required to give a written notice of appointment to the persons so designated. If a person appointed an inspector refuses to accept such appointment, or fails to serve, the board may appoint a qualified voter of the school election district to fill the vacancy. Additional Inspectors. — When the board of education believes that existing circumstances require the services of additional in- spectors such board may appoint not to exceed two additional inspectors of election for each election district. Organization, of Inspectors. — Before opening the polls in a school election dsitrict the inspectors must organize by electing one of their number as chairman and one as poll clerk. Compensation. — Each inspector is entitled to receive for his services a compensation of $3, to be paid out of the school funds in the same manner as other claims against the school board are audited and paid. Nomination of Candidates. — Candidates for members of boards of education in cities shall be nominated by petition directed to the board of education. Such petition must be signed by at least thirty persons qualified to vote at school elections in the city. The petition must also contain the names and residences of the candidates to be voted upon at the election, and such petition must state whether such candidates are nominated for full terms or for unexpired portions of terms. These petitions must be filed with CITY SCHOOL ELECTIONS 317 the clerk of the board of education at least ten days before the day of the annual election. Ballots. — Printed official ballots containing the names of candi- dates nominated shall be provided by the board of education. These ballots shall show whether the candidates are nominated for full terms or for unexpired terms. The names of candidates must he arranged alphabetically according to their surnames. Blank spaces must be provided so that voters may vote for candidates who have not been nominated. The form of the ballot must con- form substantially to the form of ballot used at general elections. The expense of the preparation of such ballots must be met by the board of education. Instructions as to the marking of the ballots and the number of candidates for which a vote is permitted must be printed on the ballots. These ballots must be delivered to the inspectors in each election district on the day of the annual election. The number of ballots printed must equal at least the number of qualified voters in the district. Failure to Use Official Ballot. — If official ballots are not fur- nished as required in the foregoing paragraph and the election is otherwise held, such election need not be declared invalid or illegal because the ballots used did not conform to the above requirements ; provided, however, the intent of the voter may be ascertained from the use of the irregular or defective ballots and such use was not fraudulent and did not substantially affect the result of the election. Use of Voting Machines. — In a city in which voting machines are used at general or municipal elections it shall be legal for the board of education of such city to authorize the use of such machines at the school election. When machines are thus used the law regu- lating the use of machines at a general or municipal election shall apply to and govern the use of such machines at the school election. Conduct of Election. — School elections must be conducted so far as may be possible in accordance with the provisions of the law governing general elections. It is the duty of the board of educa- tion to provide ballot boxes for each school election district. Two boxes should be provided — one to contain the ballots voted, and the other to contain the rejected or defective ballots. The board of education should also provide booths, and voters should be required to enter such booths for the purpose of marking their ballots. The ballots presented to the inspector must be folded so as to conceal the names of the candidates voted for. All persons entitled to vote, 2l8 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW who are in the place where the election is held, shall be required to cast their ballots before the polls are closed. Inspectors must keep the poll list containing the name and address of each qualified voter voting either for candidates or upon other propositions before the election for consideration. Challenge of Voters. — All persons named upon the poll list as having been challenged prior to the day of election must also be challenged at the election before they are given ballots to vote. A qualified voter of the school election district may challenge the right of a person to vote at the time he requests a ballot. Any per- son thus challenged must be afforded the opportunity to make the oath prescribed in section 216 of the Education Law. If a person challenged so swears or affirms, his vote must be received. If he refuses to so swear or affirm he shall not be given a ballot or per- mitted to vote. Penalty for Falsely Swearing or Illegally Voting. — i. A per- son who wilfully swears or affirms falsely as to his right to vote at a school election after being challenged, is g'uilty of perjury and may be punished in accordance with the provisions of the penal law for the commission of such crime. 2. A person who is not qualified to vote at a school election, but who shall vote at such election, although not challenged, is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than $25 or by imprisonment of not less than thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Canvass of Votes. — i. As soon as the polls of the election close the inspectors must count the ballots which are in the box, without unfolding them. The number of ballots found in the ballot box must be compared with the number of persons recorded on the poll list as having voted. If the number of ballots exceed the number of names on the poll list such ballots must be replaced, without being unfolded, in the ballot box from which they were taken. Such ballots must then be thoroughly mingled in such box and one of the inspectors designated by the board shall then publicly draw out a sufficient number of ballots so as to make the number of ballots left in the box equal to the number of names on the poll list. The ballots which are drawn out shall not be unfolded, but shall be placed in an envelope, which shall be sealed, and indorsed with a statement of the number of such excess ballots and signed by the CITY SCHOOL ELECTIONS 319 inspector who withdrew such ballots. This envelope must then be placed in the box for defective ballots. 2. The inspectors shall then count the votes cast for each candi- date and shall keep a tally list of the same. Such inspectors shall also make a statement showing the names of the candidates receiving votes and the number of votes cast for such candidates. They shall also make a statement containing the number and a description of the ballots which are declared void and also the number of wholly blank ballots which are cast. These statements must be signed by the inspectors. The ballots which are declared void and not counted shall be enclosed in an envelope which shall be sealed and indorsed and signed by the inspectors. This envelope must be placed in the ballot box containing defective ballots. 3. After the inspectors have thus counted the ballots and pre- pared their statements the ballots shall be replaced in the ballot box. Each box shall then be securely locked, sealed^ and deposited by an inspector chosen for that purpose with the clerk of the board of education. The unused ballots shall be placed in a sealed package and returned by an inspector designated for that purpose to the clerk of the board of education at the same time that the ballot boxes are delivered to him. The statement of the canvass of the votes shall also be filed with the clerk of the board of education on the day following the annual election. Canvass by Board of Education. — The board of education is required to meet at its usual place at 8 o'clock on the evening of the day following an election. Such board should forthwith exam- ine and tabulate the statement of the results of the elections in the several election districts. The board should also canvass the returns as contained in such statements and determine the number of votes cast for each candidate. Thereupon the board shall declare the result of the canvass. The candidates receiving a plurality of the votes cast respectively for the several offices shall be declared elected. The clerk of the board of education shall record the result of the election as announced by the board. Notice to Candidates of Election. — The clerk of the board of education shall within twenty-four hours after the result of the elec- tion has been declared by the board of education serve written notice, either personally or through the mail, upon each person declared to be elected a member of the board of education. 21 320 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW REVIEW QUESTIONS To what cities of the State does the city school election law apply? To what cities does it not apply? What is the date of the annual city school election? During what hours must the polls be open? Into what districts must a city be divided? When? How many? How must such districts be arranged? How must such districts be defined? How may they be modified? Where must school elections be held? Who must give notice of annual election? How? What information must it contain? What qualifications must a person possess to be entitled to vote at such election? Who prepares a poll list? When? What must such list contain? How must the names be arranged? Where must it be filed? When? Who may examine it? When? What arrangements must be made therefor? In what way may the name of a person omitted from such list be placed on it? How may a name be transferred from the list of one district to that of another? Who revises the list? How? How may challenges be made previous to the day of election? What must be done with the corrected list? When, where and by whom are such lists given to inspectors? When and by whom are inspectors of election appointed? How many? By whom are thej^ notified? How are vacancies filled? Under what conditions may additional inspectors be ap- pointed? How do they organize? What compensation do they receive? Explain fully how a candidate may be nominated for office. Describe fully how ballots must be prepared. To whom are they delivered? When? By whom? How many must be printed? What effect will the failure to use official ballots have upon an election? When may voting machines be used? How must the election be generally conducted? What ballot boxes must be furnished? By whom? Must booths be provided? How must a ballot be folded? W^ho are entitled to vote after the hour set for closing the election? Who may challenge the right of a person to vote? Is a written challenge deposited with the clerk of a board of education sufficient? May a person vote whose name is not on the poll- list? How? What must a challenged person do in order to vote? What penalty may be imposed upon a person who falsely swears in his vote? What penalty may be imposed upon a person who is not legally qualified to vote but who votes and does not swear in his vote? Who canvasses the votes? Describe the method fully. What statements must inspectors make? What must be done with these statements, tally sheets, etc.? Explain fully what must be done with the ballots after the canvass is completed by the inspectors. What canvass must the board of education make? When? What declara- tion should it make? What record must be made? Who notifies the persons elected at such election? How? CHAPTER XXXIII APPEALS TO THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION [Article 34] Who May Appeal. — Any person considering himself aggrieved under the provisions of this title of the Education Law may bring an appeal to the Commissioner of Education for judicial determina- tion. Action Appealable. — Any action of a school district meeting, of a board of education, of a supervisor in relation to school moneys, of a district superintendent or other officer relating to the estab- lishment, dissolution, consolidation, or modification of school dis- tricts, or an apportionment of school moneys, or the action of any of the foregoing concerning any other matter under the education law, or pertaining in any way to the school system, may be reviewed by the Commissioner of Education on appeal to him in due form. Judicial Authority. — The Commissioner of Education is an executive officer, and is also charged with the performance of duties which ai:e judicial in character. The administration of the school system through local officers and the action of district or town school meetings give rise to numerous questions which must be settled by some judicial authority. It is important that these numer- ous questions shall be settled at an early date and with the least expense possible. To meet this situatioij, the State Legislature has conferred upon the Commissioner of Education the power to hear and determine questions of this kind in the same manner that they are heard and determined by courts. Many appeals are decided by the commissioner each year, and since vesting this power in the chief officer of the education system over 11,000 appeals have been decided by him. Powers of Commissioner. — Under this title of the education law the Commissioner of Education is given power to regulate the practice under which appeals shall be brought under his juris- diction. He may render a decision on the law and the facts sub- mitted and make any order necessary to give force and effect to his decision. 321 322 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW Decision Not Reviewable. — The decision of the Commissioner of Education on an appeal brought before him by an aggrieved party from any decision made by a district or town school meeting, by any district or town school officer, by a supervisor in relation to payment of school moneys, or an appeal brought before him by any other official act or decision pertaining to the school system of the State, is final and conclusive and cannot be reviewed by any court. Decision Reviewable. — An original application to the Com- missioner of Education to act in a case where no action has been taken before, is not an appeal to the Commissioner of Education from any decision of an officer or body. It is a direct application to the commissioner to exercise a power which is original and not appellate. An application, therefore, to the commissioner to remove a trustee of a school district is not an appeal in the sense in which this term is used in the education law. The action of the commis- sioner in a case of this kind was held to be reviewable by the courts. (159 N. Y. 162.) The law was amended in 1910 providing that the Commissioner of Education could institute such proceedings as the education law authorizes and that his decision in any such proceeding or in any case brought to him for determination on petition or appeal should be final and not subject to review. The decision of the commis- sioner therefore in a case where he acts originally would seem to be final and not reviewable by the courts. Section 890 of the Education Law permitting appeals to the State Commissioner of Education and making his decision on such appeal final and conclusive is constitutional and valid. The purpose of this statute is to put all controversies over school matters in his charge and to remove them, as far as practicable, from the courts, and hence, a decision of the State Commissioner of Education on an appeal from an order of consolidation is not open to review in the courts. (See Bullock v. Cooley, 225 N. Y. 566-) Rules of Practice. — The Commissioner of Education has pre- scribed the following rules to govern the practice on appeals : 1. Form of appeal. An appeal must be in writing, addressed " To the Commissioner of Education," stating the grounds upon which it is taken, and signed by the appellant or appellants. The appeal must be verified by the oath of the appellant or appellants. When the appeal is made by the trustees of a district, it must be signed by all the trustees, or a reason must be given for the omission of any, verified by the oath of the appellant or of some person acquainted with such reason. 2. Service of appeal and papers. A copy of the appeal, and all the statements, maps and papers intended to be presented in support of it, with the affidavit in verification of the same, must be served on the officer or officers whose act or decision is com- plained of, or some of them; or if it be from the decision or pro- APPEALS TO THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION 323 ceeding of a district meeting^ upon the district clerk or one of the trustees, whose duty it is to cause information of such appeal to be given to the inhabitants who voted for the decision. 3. Manner of service. Such service must be made by deliver- ing a copy of the appeal to the party to be served personally, or, in case he cannot be found in the supervisory district in which he resides, after due diligence, by delivering and leaving the same at his residence, with some person of suitable age and discretion, between 6 o'clock in the morning- and 9 o'clock in the evening. 4. Affidavit of service. Immediately after the service of such copy the original, together with an affidavit proving the service of a copy thereof and stating the time and manner of the service and the name and official character of the person upon whom such service was made, must be transmitted to the Education Department at Albany. 5. Time of perfecting appeal. Such original appeal and all papers, etc., annexed thereto, with proof of service of copies, as required by rules 3 and 4, must be sent to the Education Department within 30 days after the making of the decision or the performance of the act complained of or within that time after the knowledge of the cause of complaint came to the appellant, or some satisfactory excuse must be rendered in the appeal for the delay. If an answer is received to an appeal which has not been transmitted to the Department, such appeal will be dismissed. 6. Answer ; when to be made ; verification ; service. The party upon whom an appeal shall be served must, within 10 days from the time of such service, unless further time be given by the Commis- sioner of Education, on application, answer the same, either by con- curring in a statement of facts with the appellant or by a separate answer, and of all affidavits, papers, maps, etc., in support thereof. Such statement and answer must be signed by all the trustees or other officers whose act, omission or decision is appealed from, or a good reason, on oath, must be given for the omission of the signa- ture of any of them. Such answer must be verified by oath and a copy thereof and of all the statements, maps, papers, etc.. intended to be presented in support thereof, served on the appellants or some one of them, in like manner as is provided in rule 3 for the service of a copy of an appeal 7. Submission of answer to department. Immediately after the service of a copy of such answer and the statements, papers, etc., 324 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW presented in support thereof, the original answer and papers, etc.^ together with an affidavit of the service of such copy and stating- the time and manner of the service and the name and official character of the person upon whom such service was made, as hereinbefore provided for the service of a copy of an appeal, must be transmitted to the Education Department at Albany. 8. Reply, replication or rejoinder. No reply, replication or rejoinder shall be allowed, except by permission of the Commis- sioner of Education ; in which case, such reply, replication and re- joinder must be duly verified by oath, and copies thereof served on the opposite party. Immediately after the service of such copy, the original, together with an affidavit of such service, and stating the time and manner of the service, and the name and official character of the person upon whom such service was made, must be trans- mitted to the Education Department at Albany. 9. When oath not required. So far as the parties concur in a statement, no oath will be required to it. But all facts^ maps, or papers, not agreed upon by them and evidenced 'by their signature on both sides, must be verified by oath. 10. Who may answer appeal. When any proceeding of a dis- trict meeting is appealed from, and when the inhabitants of a dis- trict generally are interested in the matter of the appeal, and in all cases where an inhabitant might be an appellant had the decision or proceeding been the opposite of that which was made or had, any one or more of such inhabitants may answer the appeal, with or without the trustees. 11. Appeals in relation to alteration, formation or consolidation of districts. Where the appeal has relation to the alteration or formation of a school district, or the consolidation of two or more school districts, it must be accompanied by a map, exhibiting the site of the schoolhouse, the roads, the old and new lines of districts, the different lots, the particular location and distance from the schoolhouses of the persons aggrieved, and their relative distance, if there are two or more schoolhouses in question. Unless excused by the commissioner there shall also be presented a list of all the taxable inhabitants in the district or territory to be affected by the question, showing in separate columns the valuation of their prop- erty taken from the last assessment roll, and the number of children between 5 and 21 belonging to each person_, distinguishing the districts to which they respectively belong. APPEALS TO THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION 325 12. Stay of proceedings. An appeal, of itself, does not stay proceedings. If the party desires such stay he should apply for it by petition, stating the facts upon which such stay should be made, duly verified. The Commissioner of Education will grant a stay, or not, as in his judgment it may be proper, or may subserve the interests of either party or the public, and may direct a copy of the petition to be served on the opposite party, and a hearing on both sides before deciding upon the application. 13. Affidavit of verification. The affidavit of verification, re- quired by these rules to an appeal, answer, reply, replication and rejoinder, must be to the effect, that the same is true to the knowl- edge of the affiant, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. 14. Oaths. All oaths required by these rules may be taken before any person authorized to take affidavits. 15. Papers to be legibly written. All appeals, petitions and other papers therein must be fairly and legibly written ; and if not so written, may, in the discretion of the Commissioner of Educa- tion be returned to the parties. 16. Names of parties or attorneys to be indorsed on paper. When any party, appellant or respondent, is not represented on the appeal by an attorney, the name of such party, with the names of the district, town and county and his post-office address must be indorsed upon each paper of the party so represented, filed in the Department on such appeal ; and, when represented by an attorney, the name of such attorney, with the name of the distrist, town and county affected and his post-office address, must be so indorsed upon each paper of the party so represented, filed in the Department on such appeal. 17. Oral argument; briefs. Submission of appeals may be made upon the papers filed therein, with or without oral argument, or the filing of briefs, as the Commissioner of Education, upon application, may determine. Arguments and hearings in appeals and other proceedings pending before the Commissioner of Educa- tion may be held before the Deputy Commissioner of Education, when authorized by the commissioner. 18. Decision. The decision of the Commissioner of Education in every case will contain the order, or directions, necessary and proper for giving effect to his decisions. 326 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW 19. Decision to be filed. A decision upon an appeal will be forwarded by the Commissioner of Education to the clerk of the school district in which the appeal arose, or to the town clerk of the town, when the appeal relates to the alteration of a district in which the order appealed from is filed, whose duty it will be to file the same in his office as a public record. 20. Records and reports. The Commissioner of Education will, in his discretion, in the determination of an appeal, take into consideration any official records or reports on file in the Education Department and relating to the issues involved in such appeal. REVIEW QUESTIONS Who may appeal to the Commissioner of Education? What actions are appealable? Why was judicial authority conferred on the Commissioner of Education? What general power has the Commissioner in such matters? Are his decisions reviewable? Give in substance case 159 N. Y., 162. How was this affected by the amendment of 1910? What additional power was given the Commissioner of Education in 1910? CHAPTER XXXIV REHABILITATION OF PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED PERSONS, [Article 47, Chapter 760, Laws of 1920] Who is Physically Handicapped? Any person having a physi- cal defect or infirmity, if congenital or if acquired by accident, injury or disease, who is totally or partially incapacitated for remunerative occupation is a physically handicapped person. Rehabilitation. — Rehabilitation is treating a person who is physically handicapped so as to render him fit to engage in a remunerative occupation. Limitation of Law. — The provisions of the Rehabilitation Act of 1920 do not apply to aged or helpless persons requiring cus- todial care, to blind persons under the care of the State Commis- sion for the Blind, to a person confined in a correctional or penal institution or any State institution, to a person who is epileptic or feeble minded, to persons of the age of fourteen years and under or to any other person who, in the judgment of the Com- missioner of Education, may not be susceptible of rehabilitation. State Advisory Commission. — The law has established an ad- visory commission for the rehabilitation of persons physically handicapped, which is composed of the Commissioner of Educa- tion, the Commissioner of Health and a member of the State Industrial Commission, to be designated annually by the Gov- ernor. Any member of the commission is authorized to desig- nate an ofBcer in his department to represent him on the com- mission. The Commissioner of Education is the chairman of the com- mission, and he must designate the officer of the education department who is charged with the administration of the Re- habilitation Law to serve as the secretary of the commission. Powers of Commission. — The commission possesses the fol- lowing powers : 1. To prepare a plan for co-operation between the Industrial Commission and the Department of Education. This plan must be submitted to the Industrial Commission and to the Board of Regents. 2. To arrange any differences that may arise between parties with duties under the Rehabilitation Act. 3. To arrange for such therapeutic treatment as may be neces- 327 328 NEW YORK SCHOOL LAW sary for the rehabilitation of a physically handicapped person who is registered with the Education Department. Such treat- ment may not, however, be provided for persons who are enti- tled to such treatment under the Workmen's Compensation Law. 4. To provide maintenance cost during the actual training of physically handicapped persons properly registered for rehabili- tation. The expense of such maintenance may not exceed ten dollars per week and the period for which it may be provided shall not exceed twenty weeks. This period of time may, how- ever, be extended on unanimous vote of the commission. Per- sons entitled to maintenance under the Workmen's Compensa- tion Law may not receive maintenance under this commission. 5. To arrange a plan for co-operation between the Bureau of Employment of the Labor Department and the Department of Education in securing employment for handicapped persons. 6. To make necessary rules and regulations for carrying out the provisions of the Rehabilitation Law. Education Department. — The Education Department must cause its representative to examine each person who makes ap- plication or who is reported to it as a physically handicapped person. The representative of the department is required to make a report, and the department must then determine whether the person is susceptible of rehabilitation. The department is required to counsel those who are physically handicapped in relation to the selection of a suitable vocation and an appro- priate course of training. The department is also required to promulgate plans for beginning and executing the work required under the Rehabilitation Act. The department is further re- quired to arrange special courses in the public schools of the State in selected occupations for physically handicapped persons, to arrange with private or commercial institutions for training courses in selected occupations, to arrange with any public or private establishment or any employer for such courses, to arrange for social service, for the visiting of physically handi- capped persons anrl their families during the period of treatment and training, to gi re advice in general in relation to the matters pertaining to rehabilitation, to procure and to furnish at cost to such persons artificial limbs and other orthopedic and prosthetic appliances. Federal Act — The Legislature provided by this act for the acceptance of the provisions of the Federal law relating to the rehabilitation of physically handicapped persons and made an appropriation of seventy-five thousand dollars therefor. INDEX. PAGE Academic instruction, liability of district for 213 Academies transferred to trustees 54 Administration division 16 animals and birds 164 Appeals to commissioner of education 321-326 Arbor day: date of 178 duty of school authorities ; 179 history of 178 nature poem 1 78 program for 1 79 state flower 178 state tree 178 Athletics, control of 270 Attendance division 14 Blind institutions 221 Board of education: academic department, establishment of 108 admit non-resident pupils 108 adopt by-laws, regulations 108 annual meeting 98 appoint clerk 99 appoint collector 99 appoint superintendent no appoint treasurer 99 changing number of 100 city and village authorities levy taxes ill contingent expenses, how settled in control schools 108 corporate body 98 courses of study, provide for 106 custodian of property 107 disbursement of money by 112 election of 96 election of, in districts having three hundred children 101-104 eligibility 97 employ teachers < 109 erect and repair buildings 107 expenses of members of boards attending educational meetings.. 114 329 330 INDEX Board of education — - Continued. page fill vacancies in board 109 furniture and apparatus, purchase of 107 general powers and duties no hold real estate in trust 108 insure school property 107 issue certificate of indebtedness 114 keep record of proceedings no levy tax without vote in may adopt an academy as an academic department 113 may hire school rooms and furnish them 107 may lease an academy 113 meetings of 112 money to be held by city or village treasurer 112 number of 96 prescribe textbooks /' pul; lish statement of receipts and disbursements no printers' fees 113 remove members of board 98 remove teachers 109 report to commissioner. 113 report estimated expenses .• in select president of 99 stairways, etc 109 sites, purchase of 107 taxes in term of 97 textbooks, prescribe 107 vacancies, how filled 98 visitation of schools by 112 waterclosets log who may vote for 100 Bonds: bond and mortgage or other security 133 of employees 297 issue of 138 sale of 138 supervisors 40 treasurer and collector 93, 99 validation of 13O Branch schools ; 85 City school elections: additional inspectors 316 additional names placed upon list 315 appointment of inspectors 316 ballots 317 blanks, etc 316 canvass by board of education 319 INDEX 331 City school elections— Continued. page canvass of votes 318 challenge of voters 318 compensation. . . 316 conduct of election 317 date of annual election 313 election districts 313 failure to use official ballot 317 filing corrected list 316 nomination of candidates 316 notice of election 314 notice to candidates of election 319 organization of inspectors 316 penalty for falsely swearing or illegailly voting 318 poll list 314 poll list filed 315 polls open 313 qualifications of voters 314 review questions 320 revision of list — challenges to be received 315 to what cities applicable 313 transfer of name to poll list of another district 315 use of voting machines 317 where election shall be held 313 City school systems: action on estimate 303-307 annual estimate, budget, bonds, etc 301 assistant, district and other superintendents 293 associate superintendents — board of superintendents 291 general provisions 291 board of education 282 contracts 287 how chosen 283 local school boatrds 287 meetings of board 285 number of members 282 powers and duties of board 285 as to salaries 296 qualification of members 282 term of ofiice (when appointed or elected) 284 vacancies 284 toard of examiners 293 borrowing funds for school needs 307 custody of school funds , 308 general statement 282 issuance of bonds 308 review questions 310-312 332 INDEX Other employees 296J salary schedules 296-296J term of employment 295 who are included 294 Commissioner of education 11, 17-22 administer affidavits 20 annual reports 20 arbor day 23 apportionment of school moneys 2^ chief executive officer 19 deaf, dumb and blind institutions 19 decide appeals 23 election of 18 eligibility. . , 18 enforce compulsory education law 23 enforce physical education law 23 examination of teachers 20 general supervision 19 historical sketch 17 hold property in trust 23 illiterates, instruction of adult 23 Indian education 19 inspection of schools 19 issue stays, etc 2;^ list of normal graduates 20 may open schools when authorities refuse to do so 23 normal schools 23 INDEX 333 Commissioner of education— Continued. page powers and duties 19 prepare registers, etc 20 prescribe regulations 22 removal of 18 remove school officers 20 revocation of certificates 20 salary. 18 school libraries 2;^ term of office 18 trustees, etc 19 Compulsory education: attendance officers 192 attendance of illiterate minors I95 certificates of principals or teachers 196 character of instruction 184 commitments, expenses of I94 definition of terms 183 duty of employer 190 duty of parents, etc 184 employment of children in street trades I94a-i94d employment certificates 186 excuses for absence and tardiness 194 industrial training I94 inspectors of I94a misdemeanor of parents, etc 185 number days' attendance required 184 penalty for unlawful employment 191 permits and badges 186, 194b record of attendance by teachers 191 school record certificates 185 state funds withheld I94a summer vacation permits I94C the act of 1874 183 truants, arrest of 192 truants, commitment of i93 truant schools I93 unlawful employment of children 190 where children may attend 184 who shall attend upon instruction 183 Continuation schools 168 Contracts (see under Teachers* qualifications, etc.). Contract system 210 Corporal punishment 269 County judge 44 334 INDEX County treasurer: page make annual report to commissioner of education 43 payment of school moneys 44 payment of unpaid taxes 44 require bonds of supervisor 43 should sue bond 44 Courses of study: agriculture. , , . 168-174 authority to adopt 161 authority of parents 162 authority of teachers 162 animals and birds, humane treatment of 164 in normal schools 240 industrial training 168-174 patriotism and citizenship .- 165 physical training 208 physiology and hygiene 162 religious exercises 166 subjects that may be included 161 subjects that must be included 161 Deaf and dumb institutions 221 Deputy commissioner of education 13 Director of vocational and extension education 14 Director of examinations and inspections 15 Director of state library 14 Director of state museum 14 District attorney 44 District superintendent: administer oaths 35 appoint trustees and members of boards of education 36 apportion school moneys 36 assemble teachers 2>^ call school meetings 35 certificate of election 29 condemn school buildings 34 deputy superintendent 30 divide territory into school districts 36 establish district boundaries 34 examine and license teachers 34 expenses of 2i failure to elect 29 filling vacancy 30 how chosen 28 inspect training classes 36 meeting of directors 28 meetings of school officers 36 not to be interested in certain business, etc 31 INDEX 335 District superintendent — Continued. page not to engage in other business 31 oath of office 32 order furniture supplied 34 order nuisance abated 34 order repairs 34 performing duties of another superintendent 33 powers and duties 33 proceedings of meeting of directors 28 qualifications of 30 recommend appointment of normal pupils 36 removal from office 32 reports 35 revocation of certificates 35 rooms for examinations 35 salary of 32 salary may be withheld 33 subject to regulations of commissioner 35 supervision 33 take testimony in appeals 35 term of office 30 vacancies 30 Equalization of valuations in joint districts 124 Examinations and inspections division 15 Federal act, rehabilitation 328 Fire drills 271 Flag law 179 Free tuition law 212 Gospel and school lands 151 Holidays (legal) 153 Indian schools 220 Illiterate, instruction of adult 23 Illiterate minors, attendance of 195 Industrial education 168 advisory boards 172 board of education, authority of 172 annual estimate and appropriation 174 industrial, agricultural and home-making schools 171 industrial teachers' scholarships 236 part time or continuation schools 168 attendance upon 169 duty of parents, employers 170 state aid 172 training of teacher in schools of agriculture 174 vocational schools 168 Janitor's work 264 Kindergarten 114, 286 ;iS^ INDEX PAGE Law division 17 Libraries : apportionment of money 226 books may be transferred to free library 228 commissioner may withhold money 227 expenditure of money 227 general supervision of 226 librarian 1 1 1, 227 use of library 227 Library extension division i6 Licenses of schools 3 Literature fund 151 Medical inspection. 203-206 Meetings in union free-school districts: date of 67 notice of 66 powers of annual and special meetings 66, 68 special meetings 65 Moneys (see School moneys). Newsboys : permit, badge, etc 186, 194a Night schools: establishment of 114, 286 Normal schools: academic departments 241 application of insurance money 241 application of tuition 240 commissioner of education, powers and duties 239 courses of study 240 diplomas. ■ 240 historical sketch 237 how established 238 how governed 238 insurance of 240 local board, powers and duties 238 principal of 239 pupils, admission of. 239 pupils, dismissal of 239 pupils, Indian 240 pupils, non-resident 240 pupils, privileges of 239 ■ removal of teachers — the Hoose case 241 teachers' substitutes 243 teachers' retirement 242 their object ^37 Orphan schools , , 220 INDEX 337 PAGE Patriotism and citizenship 165 Physically handicapped persons 327 Physical training 208-209 Physiology and hygiene requirements 162 President of university 19-24 (See Commissioner of education.) Publication of notices and reports, fees for 67, 113 Pupils : expulsion of 269 mentally defective 218 physically defective 218 punishment of 269 right to attend school 48 suspension of 268 qualifying certificates 8-1 1 teachers, authority over 266 transportation of 211 Regents: board of, etc 13 election powers, etc 13 number 13 term 13 vacancies 13 (See University of the State of New York.) Rehabilitation 2)^^ Religious exercises in school 166 Religious garb 265 Rural school supervision: district superintendent 28-37 historical development 23 school directors 25-28 supervisory districts 24-25 Retirement of teachers 276-281 Salaries: teachers in common school districts 154 Salary schedules: for teaching staff of city schools 2g6-2g6h. in union free-school districts 296h Scholarships (see State scholarships). Schools: attendance of non-residents 49, 212 closing of 264 commissioner may open 23 common 48 for deaf and dumb and blind 221 for Indians 220 ^^8 INDEX Schools — Continued. page for orphans 220 licenses of 3 public. , 48 school register 191, 263 union free 96-1 1 5 who may attend 48 School buildings, division 17 School buildings: condemnation of 140 erection of 135 insurance of 141 outbuildings 142 payments by installments 137 plans, approval of 135 repair of 134 sale of 133, 141 sale of liquor near, prohibited 146 stairways, outside of 141 tax for erection of, in union free-school districts 137 use of 145 (See City school system.) School census: bureau in New York 199 boards in Buffalo and Rochester 200 bureau in second and third-class cities 201 census required 200 expenses 202 in school districts 201 officers. . 200 parents to report 200 withholding information 202 School directors: ballots 27 filing certificates of nomination 27 filling vacancy 28 meeting of 28 notice of election 27 number of 27 oath of office 28 proceeding of meeting 28-29 salary 28 term of office 28 vacancies. . 28 when a-nd how chosen 27 INDEX 339 School districts: page action of meeting in dissolving union free-school district 53 adjustment of affairs of dissolved districts 56 alteration of boundaries of union free-school district 52 alteration of district .' 56 alteration with consent of trustee 56 alteration without consent of trustee 57 approval of district superintendent 53 attendance of Indian pupils 49 attendance of non-resident pupils 49 camp schools 48 city school districts 48 classes of districts 47 common-school districts 48 conditional approval of dissolution of union free-school districts. 53 consolidation of school districts 59 description of districts 49 disapproval of dissolution of union free-school districts 53 disposition of money of dissolved district 54 dissolution of union free-school districts 53 division of dissolved districts 54 division of territory 47 farm school 48 formation and dissolution of joint districts 49 joint districts 48 notify commissioner of dissolution of union free-school district. . 54 number of districts 47 origin of district system 47 outstanding funds of dissolved district 55 public school ,. 48 school district 47 school year 48 union free-school district 48 School hours 264 School libraries division 17 School moneys: additional teachers' quota 153 agricultural quota IS5 aid to denominational schools prohibited 148 academic quotas, 156 allowance to excluded districts ; IS7 application of state funds 156 apportionment on attendance 156 apportionment of fines 158 apportionment of library money 156 certificates of apportionment filed 158a superintendent's certificate of apportionment 158a 340 INDEX School moneys — Continued. page superintend'fent's certificate to supervisors 158a common school fund 149 constitutional provisions 148 corporation tax revenues, distribution to school districts is8b correcting erroneous apportionment iS8a different funds 148 districts entitled to share in apportionment 158a district quota set apart » . . . 158 district and teachers' quotas 152 enumeration of inhabitants for supervision quota 152 filing certificates of apportionment 158a free school fund 150 gospel and school funds 151 income tax reveinues, distribution to school districts iS8b industrial education quotas ISS literature fund 151 moneys apportioned may be reclaimed 157 payments of quota on unqualified teachers 157 payments of school moneys to supervisors 158b physical education quota I55 state funds withheld I57 state school moneys defined 152 supplemental apportionment I57 supervision quotas 152 tax for schools 152 training class quotas I55 unexpended moneys in hands of supervisors 158 United States deposit fund I49 when payable 158 School papers, control of 270 School savings banks 180, 181 School year 48 Sites: acquisition of 132 change of 132 designation of 132 for union free-school districts 134 improvement of 132 sale of 133 tax for 132 transfer of title 133 Smith-Hughes law, provisions of 174 State advisory commission 327 State education building 17 INDEX 341 PAGE State education department 12-18, 328 assistant commissioners 13 chiefs of divisions 14-17 commissioner of education 13, 19-24 deputy commissioner . . . 13 falsely representing, etc 18 historical sketch 12 State scholarships: Cornell scholarships 229-231 industrial teachers' scholarships 236 other scholarships 232-235 soldiers, sailors, marines, and trained nurses 235 State historian 14 Supervisors: accounts of receipts and disbursements 40 annual return of school moneys 39 disburse school moneys 39 fees for paying out school money 41 filing statements of accounts 40 fix valuation of property 41 formation and alteration of school districts 40 obtain funds from predecessor 40 payment to collector or treasurer 39 records of receipts and disbursements 40 recover penalties and forfeitures 40 trustees of gospel and school lands 39 Supervisory districts: call and organization of meeting 25 how organized 25 number of 24 record of proceedings 25 territory embraced 24 Taxes: amendment of tax list 127 apportionment on personal property 122 apportionment on real estate 118 apportionment of valuation of railroad, telegraph, telephone, etc.. 124 assessment of 117 assessment of bank stock 120 assessment of non-resident real estate 119 assessment of property by trustees 124 assessment of real estate lying in one body 118 trustees may sue collector's bond 128 trustees may sue for tax 128 collection of unpaid 128 exempt from taxation for school building 125 342 INDEX Taxes — Continued. page filing tax list and warrants 128 form of heading for tax list 117 form of tax list 117 notice of receiving taxes 126 on land worked on shares 125 on property in possession under contract 125 payment of unpaid taxes by county 129 property exempt from taxation 122 receipt collectors 129 return of collector on unpaid 128 tax of tenant chargeable to landlord 125 valuation equalized by supervisors 124 valuation, how reduced 123 valuation of property 123 warrants for collection of '. 125 warrants, renewal of 127 Teachers' conferences 36 Teachers, qualifications of, powers and duties, etc. : age of 250 authority over pupil 266 certificates: academic 253 college graduate 251 drawing 252 first grade 251 general 253 indorsement by district superintendent 254 indorsement by commissioner of education 254 kindergarten 252 normal school diplomas 251 refusal to issue 253 revocation of 255 rural school 252 state 250 temporary license 253a training class 252 training school 252 uniform 251 vocal music 252 closing school 264 constitutional oath, must take 271 contract, form of 259, 272 contracts with minors 257 contracts with married women 257 contracts with relatives /. . . 257 dismissal of 260-262 INDEX _ 343 Teachers, qualifications of^ powers and duties, etc. — Continued. page duty in relation to fire drills 272 employment of, in cities 253a enforcement of payments 264 loyalty certificate 250 motherhood, absence for 261 must accept orders on supervisors and collector or treasurer 260 ■must keep record of attendance 263 must verify register 263 payment of unqualified 255 payment when school is closed 260 period of employment 257 rules and regulations for 26s verification of records '. 263 wearing religious garb 265 when compensation is due 259 when illness prevents teaching 266 who are legally qualified to teach 250 who may contract 257 Teachers' retirement 276-281 Teachers' training classes: admission requirements 247 compensation allowed 246 designation of institutions for 245 duty of district superintendent in relation to 247 historical sketch 245 institutions which may organize them 245 number of pupils in class 246 object of 245 period of instruction 246 quota 155 regulations for classes 248 training class certificates 247 training class fund 247 tuition 246 Teachers' training schools 248 Textbooks: adoption of 175 change of 175 fine, how collected 176 free textbooks 176 penalty for violations 176 rental or sale of 176 seditious or disloyal matter 176 supplying pupils with 176 344 INDEX Town clerks: page assist in formation of district 42 file bond of collector 43 file treasurer's certificate 42 final accounts 42 obtain reports of trustees 41 payment and expenses of 43 preserve records 42, 43 record annual accounts 42 record of apportionment 41 records of districts 41, 43 Transportation of pupils 211 Tuition for academic pupils 212-214 Union free-school districts: (See Board of education, School districts. School buildings and sites, Taxes.) University of the State of New York: chancellor and vice-chancellor 2 charters educational institutions 2 chief functions 2 constitutional provisions 2 credentials of 3-1 1 crimes under university law 3 degree conferring institutions 3 historical sketch i licenses of schools 3 Vaccination 206 Visual instruction division 17 Voters : challenge of 72 decision of education department in relation to 73 penalty for illegal voting 72 qualifications 71 residence of 72 women, right to vote 71 (Total number of pages, 370.) LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 312 185 4