Class r j] Book. _i GoRvrightN? COPYRIGHT DEPOSnv z No. 38. English Classics I i i SI I IS 1 1» & CAVALIER POETS p_— _ ^ NEW YORKs Clark cfe Mayi^ard, Publishers, 734 Broadway. L. J ''-^»P^M jiilnior Clasd Historj pf the tjnlited, States. Illustrate^i^ith Ireds of portraij^, yiews, maps, etc. 272 pages. t6mo. fl Grammar School History pf the United States. Ann sfi^d'illiiitrated with numerous portraits' and views, and with more than *fjfe|j^^ j|^ of which are colored. 340 pp. i6mo. .'i Jt 'Popular School History of the United States, in which are in- ;u$^^d as a part of the narrative selections from the writings of eminent |j(toerican historians and other AmericaU writers pf -note. Fully illustratecj t^-f^ti^ maps, colored and plain; portraits, views, etc. 356pp. i2mo,' r^ '*ji'> A Manual of General History. Illustrated with numerous; cn- ilgraviiigs and with beautifully colored maps showing the changes in th^ ;ppliiical divisions of the world, and giving the location of important pjace^ ; '^^|2i^ppj* i2mo. ^ i :v| - I^viiew Manual of General History, with particijlar attention jt^ ; •.Anient and Modem Civilization. With numerous engravings and colote4 4;mkps.f i6qo pp. i2mo. Also, in tviro, parts. Part I. Ancient IJiSTjpRYJf j \3pb.pp; 'jRart II. Modern History:; 300 pp. |^ V;' A Schobl History br"Eligland. Illustrated with numerous engrav- r ^i^ig^ ai>d with colored maps showing the geographical changes in the cbun^^ ^;it|^\^t;xiifferent periods. 332 pp. i2mo. ' . :; ^ : Ai School History of France, Illustrated with numerous engravfngSi I yic^l^ied and uncolored maps. 373 pp. i2mo. * S^I^istory of Rome. Amply illustrated with maps, plans, and engrav- ingi, 543 pp. By R. F. Leighton, Ph. D. (Lips.). ^ f *, ill; ^ ■ ^ Etehool History of Greece. 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By Brainerd Kellogg, A.M., Pro- fessor of the Endish Language and Literature in the Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute, and author of "A Text-Book on I^hetoric," *' A Text-Book on English Literature/' and one of the authors of Reed & Kelloffg's "Graded Lessons in English," and *' Higher Lessons in English." 33mo, flexible, cloth. The text of these plays of Shakespeare has been adapted for use in mixed classes, by the omission of everything that would be considered offensive. The noties have been especially selected to meet the requirements of School and College students, from editions edited by eminent English scholars. We are confident that teachers who examine these editions will pronounce them better adapted to the wants, both of the teacher and student, than any other editions published. Printed from large type, bound in a very attractive cloth binding, and sold at nearly one-half the prlee of other School Editions of Shakespeare. m K / \ P'N ?•)