I [V Collins Family* T C 1\ t CAPT. GEORGE K. COLLINS. No. 385. 3t fauf ^ucJJb «£/& {>k- Inez Crumb Velenea Crumb Charles Stanbro Gertrude Stanbro Alicia Gorton Hoxie Stanbro Delight Stanbro John Johnson Zada Johnson Fay Johnson J. Collins Stanbro Phebe Stanbro Charles Fisk Saretta E. Fisk Morris Newton M. Jennie Newton C. Frank Foster Arlovina Foster W. C. Clinton Minnie Clinton Lewis Clinton George K. Collins S. Hamilton Randallsville Brook tie Id N. Brooktield Earlville Clinton Svracnse a a : x > W K - — ■~ 5 COLLINS FAMILY. HENRY COLLINS, Starchmaker, born in England in 1606, came from London in the Ship "Abigail " June 30, 1635, with his wife, Ann, born 1605, four children and five servants, and settled on Essex street in Lynn, Mass., where he remained until his decease, February 20. 1687, age 81 years. Children : 2 Henry, Jr., born 1630, married, and had six children recorded in Lynn. 3 John, born 1632, married Abigail Johnson, of Lynn, Mass. 4 Margery, born 1633. Nothing known of her. 5 Joseph, born 1635. He may have been born on the way over ; married, and had seven children recorded in Lynn. In Hutton's Original List, &c. , page 07, and in Drake's Re- searches, &c, page 35, appears the following : "Vltio Jnnij, 1635. Aboard the Abigail, Robert Hackwell Mr p cert from the Minister of Stepney pish of their conformitie : 1 that they are no snbsedy men. Yeres STARCHMAKER HENRY COLLINS 29 VXOR ANN COLLINS 30 Children — Henry Collins 5 Jo. Collins 3 Margery Collins 2 Servants — Josua Griffith 25 Hugh Alley 27 Marv Roote 15 Jo. Coke 27 Geo. Bnrdin 24 " The following is taken from Newhalls' History of Lynn, Mass.: Page 151 — "Henry Collins was a starchmaker and lived in Essex street. He embarked in the Abigail, of Loudon, 30 June, 1635. In 1639 he was a member of the Salem Court. He was born in 1606, and was buried 20 February 1687, at the age of 81. His wife, Ann, was born in 1605. His children were Henry, born 1630; John, born 1632; Margery, born 1633; and Joseph, born 1635, and his descendants remain." Page 171— "1637 — A town meeting was held this year in which Daniel Howe, Richard Walker and Henry Collins were chosen a committie to divide the lands, or as it was expressed in the records: 'To lay out ffarmes. ' The land was laid out in those parts of the town best, adapted for cultivation, and the wood lands were reserved as common property, called the 'Town Common', and was not divided until sixty-nine years afterwards. " In a list of names, about one hundred in number, recorded in the town records in the year 1638, which follows the above extract, appears the following: "Henry Collins up-land and meadow 80 acres and ten." The ten acres was a separate allotment, and was undoubtedly his village or town lot where he resided. Other references to the name of Henry Collins in the public records COLLINS FAMILY of Lynn show rh;it he was a man of importance in that community, was frequently called upon to perform duties of public trust and confidence, and sometimes acted as an advocate in court trials. A. Chalk ley Collins of Great Barrington, Mass., in a letter dated Aug. 16, 1900, says: "Henry Collins belonged to the Parish of Stepney in the eastern part of the present city of Loudon and worshiped in the Old Parish Church at that place. This Parish Church of Stepney, ded- icated to Saint Dunstan, is the oldest in East London, and one of the oldest in all London. Before Dunstan re-built the church in the tenth century there was a Saxon church there dedicated to all saints. The present church was huilt in the time of Edward IV, 1471-1483, a few relics of the previous church being preserved. According to the church records several of the children of Henry Collins were baptized in this church, among whom was his son John ( our ancestor) at the age of eight days on January 82, 1631. Henry's place of abode is recorded in this record as Tatcliff Highway, and his business that of a starchmaker. His wife. Ann. died at Lynn. .Mass.. probably in 1690, as her will dated in 1690 was probated in that year." II. JOHN COLLINS, (second son of Henry and Ann) born in England in 1632 and lost by shipwreck at sea with his son John in 1679, married Abigail Johnson, daughter of Richard Johnson, at Lynn. Mass.. and by her had the following children, all born at I. vnn, twelve of whom survived him : 6 Mary, born Nov. 26, 1656, died Feb. 27, 1657. 7 John, born Dec. 17. 1657. died Dec. '_>7. 16."">7. 8 Samuel, born May 19, 1659, he married Hannah and had chil- dren, one of whom, Samuel. Jr., went to Newport, R. L, where his descendants remain. Samuel and Samuel, Jr., were Quakers. 9 Abigail, horn March 23, 1661. 10 John, (2d) born Sept. 10, 1662, he was lost at sea with his father in 1679. 11 Joseph, horn June 6. 1664. 12 Elizabeth, horn April 8, 1666. 18 Benjamin, born Sept. 1!'. 1667. 14 Mar>, 1 2d i horn Feb. 20, 1670. IB Daniel, horn March S, 1671, died 1718, m. Rebecca Clement Dec. 13, 169:1 16 Nathaniel, horn April 1. 1672. 17 Hannah, horn April 26, 1674. 18 Sarah, horn Dec. 28, 1675, died June 6, lf.it'.. 19 lois, horn May 1'-', 1677. 'JO Alice, horn April 80, 1678. 1\ William, horn June 28, lf.79. This William, after the death of his father in 1679. was renamed by his mother John by which name he was ever afterwards known. In Newhall's History ..I' Lynn appears the following : Pag.- 151— "John Collins, son of Henry and Ann, was lost by ship- wreck in 1679. His wife, Abigail, survived him and to her administra- tion was granted in .Tnne. 1680. His estate was valued at £365, Is. 6d. THIRD GENERATION He left twelve children, several of whom were quite young. A sou. Samuel, had a good trade of a gunsmith." Page 291 — "The first monthly meeting of the Society of Friends in Lynn was held at the house of Samuel Collins on the 18th of July, 1690. There were but five Lynn men present." Page 305— Among a list of names returned of Quakers in Lynn for the year 1703 appears the names of "Samuel Collins, Samuel Collins, Jr., and John Collins." Page 154— "Richard Johnson came over in 1630 and lived with Sir Richard Saltonstall at Watertown. He was admitted Freeman in 1637. He came to Lynn the same year and settled as a farmer on the eastern end of the Commons. He died in 1666, age 54 ; his children were : Daniel, Samuel, Elizabeth, and Abigail. Abigail married a Collins and Elizabeth a Tolman. His descendants remain. His estate was appraised a t £368, 7s, 6d. ' ' Page 185 — "Thomas Farrar for a second wife married Abigail Col- lins March 3, 1681; his first wife, Elizabeth, died January 8, 1680. He died February 23, 1694; he was a farmer and lived on Nahant street. in Lynn, Mass. Hi- was accused of witchcraft in 1692." 21 III. John ( Wm. ) Collins, (John, Henry ) born in Lynn, Mass., June 28, 1(179, died in Charlestown, R. I., 20th day, 10th month, 1755, married at Lynn, Mass., January 13, 1703-4, Susannah Dag- gett, daughter of William and Rebecca Daggett, born at Saco, Me., 1685, died at Charlestown, R. I., 14th day, 1st month, 1753, and by her had the following children : 22 Rebecca. 23 Hezekiah, born Aug. 18, 1707. died Oct. 10, 1775, m Catherine Hosena Gifford Nov. 6, 1735. 24 Sarah, born June 18, 1709. 25 Jedediah, born Nov. 5, 1711, married Hannah Worden Aug. 13, 1736, at S. Kingston, R. 1. 26 Lydia. 27 John, born March 21, 1716 (O. S. ), married Mehitable Bowen March 15, 1744. 28 Ebenezer. 29 Benjamin. 30 Samuel, Struck overboard at Egg Harbor and drowned Aug. 13, 1753. 31 Abigail. John Collins, Sr. , was one of six persons who May 22, 1710, pur- chased 3,000 acres of wild land in what is now the northeastern part of the town of Hopkinton, R. I. He was a Quaker. Of Susannah Daggett, his wife, Irish, in his history of Richmond, R. I., tells this story : (page 92) "When a small child she was taken to the wigwam of an Indian chief by his squaw who found her lost in the woods. Late at night the chief returned home and told the squaw of a plan adopted to extermi- nate the whites. She cautioned him saying there is a little pale face sleeping in a bed of skins in the wigwam. The chief then told her the Id COLLINS FAMILY child must die, to which site remonstrated, saying that she had promised to take her home in the morning. The chief passing a firebrand over the Cace of Susannah and observing no signs of consciousness spared her life and sin was able afterwards to give her friends timely warning and thwart the plans of the Indians." 2:5 IV. Hezekiah Collins, (John, John, Henry) born Oct. 18, 1707. died al Hopkinton, R. 1.. Oct. 10, 1775, married at Westerly, R. I., Nov 6, 1735, by Samuel Wilbur, J. P., Catherine Hosena Gifford, born .linn- 1">. 1718, died at Hopkinton .May 13, 1801, age 83 years. Their children, born al S. Kingston and Hopkinton, were: 32 Mary, born Sept. IT. 1736. 33 Joseph, horn April 39, 1738, m. Bathsheba Hoxie March 8. 17C4. 34 Hezekiah, born Dec. 11, 17*.!, in. 1765 Rhoda Rieketson. settled in Dntchess County, N. Y. 35 Joshua, born Dec. 5, 1741, m. Mary White at Hopkinton Feb. 7, 1771, settled in Dntchess Comity, N. Y. :j<; Ruth, born Jan. 22, 1744, in.' William White at Hopkinton April 5, 1780. :S7 Catherine, born May 27, 1747, in. (1) Lebbeus Sweet, March 11, 1770. (2 1 Benjamin Hoxie, Feb. 7. 1782. 38 Samuel, born Ang. 1, 174'J, died July 29, 1811. 39 Jabe/, born Dee. 24. 1751. m. Sarah . 40 Susannah, born April 14, 175:!, m. Fones Gardiner March 28, 1 7 Ti». Hopkinton. 41 Nathan, born Jan. 4, 1756, m. Cynthia Foster. 12 Hannah, born April 24, 1 758, died 1759. 48 Hannah, (2) born July 4. 1760, in. Joseph Cole at Hopkinton Nov. 17, 1780. The town of Hopkinton, R. I., was taken from Westerly April 4. Hezekiah Collins living at that time within the bounds of the new town and a Freeman of the old. his name was placed on the list of voters of Hopkinton and he was elected at the first meeting of the newly organized town one of the town Councilmen, one of the Overseers of the Poor, one of the committee appointed to treat with the old town in a division of town liabilities and properties, and also elected as one of the Deputies to represent the town of Hopkinton in the General Assembly (or Cotirt) held for the Colony of Rhode Island at Newport. He was town Moderator for the years 17l>4 and 17G5. 27 IV. John Collins, (John, John, Henry) born March 21. 171(1 CO. Si, died Ocl 1. 1778, age 63 years, Quaker Preacher, bom in Charlestown, R. I., and afterwards resided in Stonington, Conn., and buried with his wife in the Friends Burial Yard at Hopkinton, R. I. He married March 15, 171-1. Tlehitable Bowen, born at Rehoboth, Mass . Aug. 22, L725, daughter of Daniel and Mehitable (Chaffee) Bowen (Mehitable, Daniel. Richard, Richard, Richard). Their FOURTH GENERATION. 11 children, first six horn in Charlestown, R. I., and the last three in Stonington, Ct., were : 44 John, born April 2, 1745, married (1) Mary Elizabeth Smith, ami (2) Elizabeth Morey. 45 Susanna, born Feb. 5, 1T4T. 46 Amos, born July 16, 1749, married Thankful Clarke Aug. 10, 1767, at Hopkinton, R. I. 47 Benjamin, born Sept 5, 1751. 48 Samuel, born April 24, 1754, died June 3, 1779. buried in Friends Yard, Hopkinton. 49 Sarah, born Dec. 6, 1756; family tradition says she came to Brookfield with her brother Stephen. 50 Abigail, born April 6, 1760. 51 Stephen, born Feb. (i, 1763* 52 Ruth, born July 20, 1765. This John Collins, head of the foregoing family, was a Quaker preacher of great power and influence and ministered over the Friends Church of Richmond, R. I. , of which he was one of the first trustees, and afterwards of the church of the same sect situate one mile west of the village of Hopkinton. He and his wife, Mehitable, were married in ac- cordance with the forms of the society of Friends. In the Friends re- cord of their marriage his wife is called Elizabeth, but in all subsequent mentions of her name in the same record she is called Mehitable, the name given her in the record of her birth at Rehoboth, Mass. In " Westerly and its Witnesses," published in Providence, R. I. ,. ' in 1878, Frederic Denison, the author, in speaking of John Collins at page 1 '■'<] . says : "Oneof the first distinguished speakers ill the Hopkinton meeting was John Collins. Concerning him a testimony was issued by the Month- ly Meeting in 1780 from which we present an extract: He was born in the town then called Westerly (now Charlestown) Dec. 12, 1716, of believing parents, and when almost twenty-four years of age was con- vinced of the blessed truth and became zealous and circumspect in life and conversation and for truth's sake took up the cross and denied him- self of his former pleasures and delights. It was not long after his con- vincement before his mouth was opened to a public testimony, wherein although for some years he had but few words in meeting, yet his ap- pearance was both acceptable and edifying to Friends, and as he proved himself faithful and diligent in the gift bestowed npon him the Lord was pleased to enlarge it so that he became an able minister of the Gospel. ' He was an eminent minister and for many years sat at the head of New England Yearly Meeting. ' He was much engaged and took much pains in endeavoring to have the Africans or negroes freed from slavery and often testified against that wicked practice.' He died in Stonington, Conn., Oct. 1, 1778. His name is a precious legacy to Friends. " TfcAmong the first colonists who came to Brookfield for settlement in 1791 or 2, probably the latter date, was Stephen Collins, who is supposed to be Stephen Collins, (51) born February 6, 1763. In Mason's history of Chenango and Madison county, page 527, appears the following: "Stephen Collins settled on Beaver Creek about one and one-half miles south of Clarksville where widow Wheeler York now lives, and where ,._> COLLINS FAMILY he Boon after coming to Brookfield built a grist mill which he sold at an early date to Daniel White from whom it was long known as White's mill. " Mr. Collins after selling the mill property removed to the hill on the same farm and continued to reside there until his death ; he and his two wives were buried on this farm. His daughter, Nancy, who married Ellis Morgan, both of whom died in town, was the only one of his children who remained here." The following is the inscrip- tion upon the tombstones at the graves of Mr. Collins and that of his two wives, which are in an enclosed but badly neglected private burial vard on the farm upon which he in life resided and where he died: "In Memory of Stephen Collins, Died Oct. 7, A. D. 1834, age 72 years. "Edith' wife of Stephen Collins, Died April loth. A. D. 1813, age 51 years." "Chlotilda, wife of Stephen Collins, Died July 24. A. D. 1840. age 68 years. " In the last Will of Chlotilda Collins, the last wife of Stephen Collins, recorded and probated in Madison County, she mentions her son, Russel S. Kendall, and her four step-sons. Benjamin, Stephen, Jr., John B. and Arnold Collins, sons of "my husband Stephen Collins." V. Joseph Collins, (Hezekiah, John, John, Hemy) bornJune 18, 1738, at s. Kingston, R. I., died at Hopkinton, R. I., Sept. 26, 1827, (Quaker) married at Hopkinton, March 8, 17G4, Bathsheba Hoxie, daughter of Solomon and Mary Hoxie, born July 14, 1740, and died January '27, 1*23. Their children, all born in Hopkinton. were : 53 Hezekiah, born Jan. la. 17K5, married Mary Hoxie Dec. 20, 1787. ■54 Solomon, born March 17, 1766, married Sarah Perry March 8, 1792. 55 Joseph, Jr., horn Oct. 8, 1707. married Hannah Sheffield at Hopkinton Feb. 5, 1789. 56 William, horn Jan. 10, 1770, married Anna Fish, N. Providence, Oct. 5, 1795. 57 Beriah, born Jan. 25, 1772, m. Alice Fish Dec. 5, 179:-!. 58 Mary, born May 1, 1774, m. her cousin, Isaac Collins, March 15, 1792. 59 Peter, born Feb. 1, 177t5, m. his cousin, Deborah Collins, Nov. 12. L807. 60 Catherine, born July 6, 1778, died Aug. — . 1779. 61 Joshua, born June 1, 17*0, m. at Charlestown, R. I., March 24, 1814, Mary Cross ; they were father and mother of James C. Collins, the well-known attorney of Providence, R. I. Hezekiah, Solomon and Joseph, Jr., the three eldest sons of Joseph and Bathsheba (Hoxie) Collins, settled in Brookfield, in the De Lancy i Moscow i neigborliood. William settled first in Albany County, then in Oneida County near (Jtica, and finally in Smyrna, Chenango County. N. Y.. where lie died. Beriah, Mary and Peter remained in Rhode' [gland, and Joshua moved to the town of Pomfet in the State of Connecticut. The entire family were Quakers and affiliated with that sect, and most of the family records are preserved by its descendants in the old way by the use of numeral even to this day. FIFTH GENERATION. 13 34 V. Hezekiah Collins, (Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) born Dec. 11, 1739, settled in Unionvale, Dutchess Co., N. Y., married 1765 Rhoda Ricketson, born Aug. 8, 1748, and by her had the following children, born in Dutchess Co., N. Y. : 62 Catherine, born 1767, married Zalmriah Flagler. 63 Meredith, born 1768, married General Barker. 64 Mary, born 1770, married David Arnold. 65 Lydia, born 1772, married Martin Doughty. 66 Elizabeth, born 1774, married Mr. Manny of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 67 Phebe, born 1776, married Jacob Doughty. 68 Rhoda, born 1777, married Morton De la Vergne. 69 Ricketson, born 1779, married Elizabeth Robinson. 70 Martha, born 1781, married Gnrline Ackerman. 71 Ann, born 1784, married Dr. Borrows. 72 Gilbert, born 17S6. married Snsan Bogarl. 73 George, born 1788, married Elizabeth Borden. 74 Lancelot Wendel, born 1792, died unmarried. 35 V. Joshua Collins, ( Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) born in Hopkinton, R. I., Dee. •">. 1741, settled in Dutchess County, N. Y., married in Hopkinton, R. I., Feb. 7, 1771, by Elder Joshua Clarke. nary White and by her bad the following children, the first five in Hopkinton and the last three in Dutchess County : 75 Henry, born (Jet. 15, 1772, m. 1796 Catherine Cox of Rhinebeck. Farmer. They had three children who resided in Chatham, Colum- bia County, "N. V.: John Cox born 1798; Maria born 1808; and Simpson born 1810. 76 Martha, born Aug. 13, 1774, m. 1808 Minard Velie, stock raiser, Lagrange. They had eight children : Hannah Maria; Minard; Joshua C; George; Serena; Wellington M., resides at Tulan, California ; Cordelia, and Susan Jenette. 77 Hezekiah, born April 21, 1776. He married and supposed to move to Otsego County, N. Y., where he had at least two children: Martin H. and George. 78 Oliver D., born Dec. 14, 1777, m. 1804 Sally Ward at Pleasant Valley, N. Y. Merchant. They had nine children : Walter; John W.; Martin W., moved to St. Louis, Mo. ; Sally Ann; Oliver D. Jr.; Velie M.; Caleb A.; Alice; and Rebecca. 79 Joshua, born Sept. 4, 1779, d. Aug. 27, 1841, in Illinois, m. 1809 Mar- garet Rovve. 80 Gideon, born 1781, m. 1803 Tabitha Sweet of Lithgrow, Columbia County, N. Y. , moved to Franklin County, N. Y. They had six children : Zada; Catherine; Adeline; Susan; George; and Albert. 81 Susan, born 178t, m. 1804 Caleb Angevine, stock dealer in New York City. They had nine children : Jonathan; Margaret; Emeline; Joshua; Catherine; Eupheme; Susan; Caroline; and Virginia. 82 Martin W., born May 22, 1788, d. Oct. 1, 1876, in Washington, Dntchess County, N. Y., m. Nancy A. Forman of Washington Hoilow, Dntchess County, N. Y., March 6, 1813. 14 COLLINS FAMILY 39 V. Jabez Collins, ( Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) bora Dec. 24, 1751, married Sarah , and by her had the following children, born in Hopkinton, It. I.: 88 Gifford, born July 25, 1776, died March 10, 1872, m. Aug. 21, 1800, Anna Weaver, daughter of Zebulon and Dorcas. (See this family continued in Appendix, i 84 Dinah, born Oct. 17, 1777, married Asa Sisson May 27, 1818, at Hopkin- ton (Friends). 85 lewis, horn March 7, 1779, m. (1) Lydia Kenyon Dec. 5, 1811, and (2) Lvdia F. Collins May 3, 1836. 80 Sarah C, born Oct. 14, 1780, died Sept. 19, 1827, Jamestown, married Joseph Green April 38, 1834. s: Catherine, horn April 21, 1783, married William Earle Sept. 22, 1829. 88 Susannah, horn March 17, ITS."), died February 17, 1812. 89 Martha, born Aug. 12, 1787. 41 V. Nathah Collins, (Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) bora January 4, 1756, married Cynthia Foster and by her had the fol- lowing child : 90 Nathan, Jr., born Sept. 12, 1783, m. Tabitha Popple, daughter of George Popple of Richmond, R. I., April 12, 1804, at Hopkinton, R. I. 44 V. John Collins, i John, John, John, Henry) born in Charles- town, II. 1 . , April l.">. 1745, and died in North Stonington, Conn., Oct. 1. 1843, aged98years. He married first Mary Elizabeth Smith, and second, Elizabeth Morey, at Hopkinton, R. I., Oct, 19, 1705. He ami his second wile and two id' his children are buried in a private cemetery west id' the village of Hopkinton and near the state line between Rhode Island and Connecticut, He had in all fourteen children, all horn in Hopkinton. seven by the first wife and seven by the second, as follows : 91 Marv, horn Nov. 30. 1769, m. Nathaniel Briggs at H. Aug. 27, 1793. i Block bland. ) 92 John, horn April 19, 1771, d. in Brookfleld, N. Y. , Sept, 14, 1844, m. at Brookfleld Lucj Burdiok Dec. — , 1796. 93 Mehitable, horn Nov. 19, 1773, m. Frederick Franklin May 29, 1796, at Block Island. 91 Stephen, horn June IS, 1776. 95 Samuel, horn Aug. 8, 1780. 96a Daniel, born Dec. 13. 1781. 90b fbenezer, born . 90c Elizabeth, burn Sept. 29. 1796. Residence of John Collins (No. 44), of Hopkin- ton, R. I., and supposed birthplace of John Collins, of Brookfleld, N. Y., No. 92. FIFTH GENERATION. 15 96d Sarah, born February 22, 1798. 96e Thomas, born February 9, 1800. 96f Benjamin, born Oct. 13, 1802. 96? Anna, born March 18, 1804. 96h William, born March 1, 1806. 96i Amos, born March 5, 1808. Mr. Peleg Kenyon, of Hopkinton, R. I., in a letter dated Janu- ary 27, 1901, says : "Uncle John Collins with his wife, Elizabeth, and two of their chil- dren, Benjamin and Anna, were buried in a neglected burying ground situate very near the line between Connecticut and Rhode Island on the R. I. side. The place is overgrown by bushes and briers, without slate or marble, name or date to distinguish one grave from another. The house which he builded in the days of early manhood is standing about one-quarter of a mile from us in very good repair and is occupied by my son, George F. Kenyon, and family." 4(5 V. Amos Collins, (John, John, John, Henry) born July 16, 1749, at Gharlestown and died in Stonington, Conn., May 22, 1796, married at Hopkinton Aug. 10, 1767, Thankful Clarke, born Nov. 9, 1748, died July ■".•), 1831, both buried in Friends Yard at Hopkin- ton, R. I. Their children, all born at Stonington, except Abel and Ruth, who were born at Hopkinton, were : 97 Timothy, born May 25, 1768, died March 25, 1776, buried in Friends Yard, Hopkinton. 98 Abel, born May 2, 1770, married Mary Wilbur Oct. 14, 1790, at Hopkin- ton. 99 Isaac, born Dec. 13, 1771, married Mary Collins of Joseph and Bath- sheba March 15, 1792. 100 Amos, born Feb'y 20, 1773, at Stonington, Connecticut, m. Mary Peck - - ham Feb'y 16, 1804. 101 Susanna, born March 12, 1775. 102 Lydia, born April 29, 1778, m. John Wilbur (Quaker Preacher) Oct. 17, 1793. 103 William, born March 26, 1780, died May 11, 1785, buried Friends Yard, Hopkinton. 104 John, born Nov. 19, 1781, married Eliza Perkins of S. Kingston, R. I., Oct. 25, 1809. 105 Ruth, born May 2, 1784, m. John H. Kenyon Nov. 8, 1804, Friends ch., Hopkinton. 106 Hannah, born Aug. 29, 1786, married William Earle Oct. 28, 1812. 107 Nancy, born May 2, 1789, died Sept. 11, 1790, buried Friends Yard, Hopkinton. Frederic Denison, in Westerly and its Witnesses, at page 132, speaking of John Wilbur, says : "Among the last honored ministers of this meeting was the uni- versally beloved John Wilbur. He was born in Hopkinton, July 7, 1774. While a young man he was often engaged successfully in teaching school. 16 COLLINS FAMILY He was a youth of exemplary deportment and religiously inclined from early life. In 1793 he was married to Lydia Collins. He first appeared in the ministry in the thirty-sixth year of his age, though he was ap- pointed an elder in 1798. In 1812 he was officially acknowledged by monthly and quarterly meetings. In 1824-5 he traveled through various parts of New England, and in 1827 visited the State of New York. From 1881 to 1883 lie visited and spoke in England. From 1840 to 1844, and indeed ever after, he bore testimony against the so-called Gurney schism. In 1852-3 he traveled in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York. A second tour was made to England in 1853-4. Ardently at- tached to the principles of the Society of Friends, his life was one of incessant labor, and his ministry was of much power though insufficient to stay the tide of innovation upon the faith of Fox and Barclay. He had power also with bis pen and his correspondence was extensive. Through his influence the Hopkinton meeting was divided and his fol- lowers wen- called Wilburites. The Gurueyites, being in the majority, retained the meeting house at Hopkinton, its properties and records, but the dissenters soon built another near the old: this was in 1848. "The good and faithful John Wilbur, honored by all who knew him. as mature in virtues as in years, died May 1. 1856. and was buried in the Friends graveyard in Hopkinton." r>:; VI. Hezekiah Collins, (Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) born January 15, 17(>">. in Hopkinton and died at an early diiie in Brookfield, X. Y., married at Charlestown, 1!. I., Dec 20, 1787, Hary Hoxie, of Stephen, Jr., born Dec. 8, 1769, and by her had the following children, the first three in Hopkinton, H. 1.. and the balance in Brookfield : 108 Catherine, born January 24, 1789. married Yeomans York.* 109 He/ekiah, born Dec. 10, L790, d. Aug. - — , 1804, married Hannah Ingham .Ian. 29, 1815. (Sec this family continued in appendix], lio Elizabeth, born Aug. 26, 1792. 111 Bathsheba, born Dec. 21, 1794. 112 Ho\ie, born Nov. 7. 1796, married II) Deborah Kenyon and (2) Mary Hannah Smith 111! luke, born July 26, 179S, married Elizabeth Foster May 13, 1841. 11 I Davis, born July 28, 1800. 115 Miriam, born Aug. 25, 1802, married Charles Foster. 116 Ruth, born April 26, 1801, married Sept. 23, 1824, Thomas B. Hibbard. 117 Mary, born June 17. 1811, died unmarried. 'Yeomans York, (James, .lame.-, Thomas, Bell) born March 1. 1770, died May •_':;. 1861, married I 1 ) June Hi, 1791, in Stonington, Conn., Prudence Chapman whodied May!), 1792, (2) April 1.".. 1794, Amy Rogers, and (3) April 13, 1814. Catherine Collins, above mentioned, who died Aug. 7, is~7. Mr. York had in all nine children, the first by his second wife, Amy, and the last eighl by hi- last wife, Catherine, as follows : Thomas H., b. June 6, 1795, died Sept, 23. 1840, Lelen C, b. Jan. 31, SIXTH GENERATION 1815, m. Feb. 13, 1842, Mary Louisa Brown ; lewis t., b. .Time 7, 1816, dead: Lodowick C, b. Deo. 22, 1817, m. Aug. IT. 1845, Frances D. Col- lester; Warren D., b. April 3, 181!); Marv Prudence, b. March 27, 1821, she married (1 ) Alanson Davis, and (2) Harvey Holmes; Welcome D., b. Aug. 19, 1822, d. Sept. 24. 1871, his widow, Lucia A. Brigham. now resides at Pawtucket, R. I.; William D., b. June 7, 1825; and Albert A., li. Nov. 15, 1827. ( The record of this family was received after this work was ready for the press and too late to incorporate it in proper form. A continuance of the York family will be found in the Appendix, which see i. I See Wheeler's History of Stonington, page 696, etc. ). 54 V|. Solomon Collins, (Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) born March 17. 1766, in Hopkinton, R. I., ami died in Brookfield, X. Y., Oct. 1"), 1823, married March 8, 1792, Sarah Perry, daugh- ter of Stephen and Elizabeth (Borden) Perry, born Aug. 25, 1766, died May 25, 1832, and by her had the following children, tin- first born in Stonington, the next four in Hopkinton, tin' next two in Dutchess County, X. Y.. and the last two in Brookfield ; 118 Elizabeth, born Dec. 8, 1792, at Stonington, married Jonathan Teft. Nov. 17, 1811. He died in Elgin, 111., 1856, (See continuance of Teft Family in Appendix). 119 Solomon, born Aug. is, (796, died S. Hamilton, N. Y. , May 24. 1835, married Anna Dunn Jan. . 1820. 120 Hezekiah, born Sept. 27, 17!is, died Plaintield, Ind., m. (1) Miss Kenyon. daughter of Thomas. (2) Miss Bowne, and (3) Mary Underbill. 121 Dr. Stephen Perrv, horn June :i. 1800. He settled first as a physician in New Woodstock, Madison County, N. Y. . but is supposed to have died in Michigan. 122 Sarah, born July 22. 1802, died at Elgin, 111., married Isaac West. 1211 Dr. Nathan, horn Aug. 6, 1S04. He settled first as a physician in I >■■ Ruvter, Madison Co., N. Y., hut died at St. Charles, 111. 124 tmma, born Aug. 2::. L806, died Oct. 26, 189a, at Elgin, 111., married James K. Larkin March 9, 1825. 125 Martha, born July 4, 1809, died at Elgin, 111., married Truman Gilbert. 126 Anna, born July 13, 1812, died in Kansas, married Thomas Mitchell. 55 VI. Joseph Collins, Jr., (Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) born Oct. 8, 1767, died at Brookfield, X. Y, April , 1824," (Quaker) married at Hopkinton, 1!. I.. Feb. Y ITS'.i, Hannah Sheffield, born Dec. 15, 1770, died at Brookfield April 1. 1836. Their children were (First ten born in Hopkinton and the other two in Brookfield i ; 127 Joseph, third, born Feb. 13, 1790, died March 16, 1881, m. Susanna Goldsmith Nov. 4. 1818. is COLLINS FAMILY. 128 Beriah, bora March 25, 1792, d. 1879, in. Lydia Jaqnays, born Feb. 15, 1790. 129 Sheffield, bom July 24, 1793, died at Brookfield, N. Y., Jan. 23, L824, married Eliza Knowles, she died West. He was a merchant and hotel keeper in Clarksville. N. Y. 130 Job Scott, born Dec. 25, 1794, m. Ruth Hall at Madison, N. Y., Oct. 7. INI i. 131 Hannah, bcrn Aug. 22, 1796, died Oct. 9, 1824, married Jonathan Jaqnays. 132 Rhoda, born Ang. 19, 1798, d. 1849, married Peleg Stanbro of Homer, N. Y. 133 Bathsheba, born June 5, 1800, married Nathaniel Smith of Smyrna, N. Y. 134 Elizabeth, born March 24, ISO'.', died at 11 years, buried on Beriah Collins' farm, Brookfield. N. Y. 135 Peter, born May 16, 1804, d. 1876, married 1825 Sarah Hall, both died Iowa Falls. 136 Obediah, burn Ang. 16, 1807, died Hopkinton, buried in Friends Yard March '.'. 1808. 137 Joshua, horn June 9, 1809, married Almira Button of Brookfield, N. Y. 138 Marv, born July 2:S, 1813, married Albert Button of Brookfield, N. Y. She died at Iowa Falls, la. Joseph Collins is said to have been a man of unusual strength and power, standing 6 feel and 7 inches in his stockings. He died in Brook- field. us also did his two eldest sons. Joseph, Jr., and Beriah, the former at the age of '-'1 years and the latter at 87. Sheffield was scalded to death in the potashery at Clarksville by falling into a kettle of boiling potash; the other sons died out of Brookfield, the adopted home of their parents. Mrs. I.. M. Hammond, in her History of .Madison County published in 1872, says : "In the west part of the town of Brookfield (directly west of Clarksville) a number of Quakers settled, prominent among whom, were: Joseph Collins, Jr., Solomon and Hezekiah Collins, Mr. Shef- field, Gideon and Thomas Kenyon and James Larkin. The three sons of Joseph Collins, Jr. — Job, Peter and Joshua — and Albert Button (who married Marv Collins, a daughter of Joseph Collins. Jr..) built up a place culled Moscow, now DeLancy. The Collins brothers were saddlers and harness makers. Peter Collins built a tavern. Albert Bntton built a store, and Job and Joshua Collins had a nnmber of shops for the several trade- of harness and saddle making, and wagon making and blacksmithing. For about ten years a considerable business was done at Moscow; hut near the year 1830 these proprietors desiring a location where better facilities in the form of water power and easier aocess to large business centers were ottered, sold out, moved away and the abandoned village soon decayed. Some of the best of the deserted buildings have 1 n converted into farm houses upon the very good farms m the neighborhood. "The Quakers had a large society in this locality which was con- aected with that of the town of Madison. For many years their meetings were held at the house of Thomas Kenyon. About 1820 their house of worship was huilt and was well filled with worshippers at all their meet- ings for about twenty-five years, Heath then began to decimate the aged > - S3 FN — F d O 30 COLLINS FAMILY lattei place one year they moved to a farm lying between the village of New Hartford ami TJtioa ami there their youngest son was born in Feb., 1819. The first summer at that placi — that of 1816— was distinguished as the coldest ever known in those parts. In the spring of 181!) the family again moved to another farm two and one-half miles west of New Hartford village, and three years afterwards, in the spring of 1822, We found ourselves on a hill farm in the town of Smyrna, Chenango County, where my parents remained until their decease." .17 VI. Beriah Collins, (Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) born January 25, 1772,-died at Foster April 6, 1864, married Dec. •"), 17!)-*l, AJice Fish, id' Artemas ami Anna, of Foster, born at Prudence [sland Aug. 8, 177-'!. and by her had the following chil- dren born at Foster. 1!. I. : 150 Lvdia F., born Aug. :'.(), 1794, married Lewis Collins Dec. :;. 1836. 151 Ruth, born May (>, 1796. [52 Peleq, horn Mav 17, 1?'.)*, married Mary R. Smith of Situate Aug. 23, is.' I. 153 Anna, horn Aug. 20, 1800. 154 Sarah, born Dec. '.'T. 1802. 155 Matilda, born March 18, 1805, married Mr. Harkness and died in Ohio. 156 Mary, horn July 31, 1807, died June ;,. 1826. 151 Harriet, horn Jan. 15, 1810. 158 William Henrv, born July 30, 1812. 59 VI. Peter Collins, (Joseph, Hezekiah, John. John, Henry) born Feb. 1. 177H. in Hopkinton and died Aug. 18, 1839, married Nov. 12, 1807, Deborah Collins, daughter of Abel and Mary, born Sept. 30, 1791, and died Nov. 26, 1857, and by her had : 159 Peter Hovie, born June ■">. 1809, dead, married Ruth Ann Collins 160 Mary D., horn Dec. 25, 1810, died July 9, 1873. 161 Hannah Dennis, horn Aug. 16, 1812, died Mav lit, 1842 162 Abel I., horn Mav 12, 1814, dead. 168 Joseph W., born Aug. '.'4. 1816, dead. 164 Anna Maria, horn March 21, 1821, died unmarried at VVoodville Junc- tion. Washington County, R. I. 165 Edward William, horn April 16, 1826, dead. 61 VI. Joshua Collins. .Vltnl, Hezekiah, John, John, Ih in;. in. rn in Hopkinton, R. I.. June 1. 1780, died Feb. -Jii' I860 married March 24, 1814, al Charlestown, R. I.. Mary Cross', horn Oct. -'n. 1789, and by her had the following children : SIXTH GENERATION 21 166 Mary Ai:n, born Dec. 28, 1814, died in Pawtucket, R. I., married Isaac C. Kenyon April 4, 1844, two daughters. 167 Sarah Wilbur, born Aug. 27, 1816, died in Cranston, R. I., married S. A. Larkin, one son and one daughter. 168 Martha Caroline, born April 6, 1818, died in Coventry, R. I., at 17 years. 169 William Penn, born April 1, 1820, died in Mukwonago, Wis., married Mary Cassey, left two sons and two daughters, son, Lindley Collins, a lawyer in Milwaukee, Wis., and son, W, P. Coliins, Jr., a lawyer recently settled in Colorado. 170 Charles Henry, born Oct. 10, 1822, died in Rockland, Mass., married Rebecca Pool, one son and one daughter, the former a teacher in the Boston Public Schools. 171 James Cross, born May 10, 1826, attorney-at-law, North Providence, R. I., married Mary E. Angell, he has three children, one daugh- ter ami two sons. 172 Catherine Matilda, born Sept. 4, 1828, resides in Brooklyn, Conn., married Joseph Spauldiug. 73 VI. George Collins, (Hezekiah, Hezekiah, John, John, 11. in v) born 1788. married Elizabeth Borden and by her had the following children born in Dutchess County, N. Y. : 173 Phefoe, died in infancy. 174 Phebe, (2d) married ( 1 ) Isaac Ackerman, and (2) Willis Case. 175 Emeline, burn in Unionvale, N. Y., April 22, 18115, married Henry Livingston Campbell. 79 VI. Joshua Collins, (Joshua, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) born Sept. 4, 177'.), d. Aug. 27. 1841, married Feb. , 1809, Hargaret Rowe, b. Oct. 27, 1790, d. Sept. ::, 1839, and by her had the following children : 176 Theron, b. March 13, 1810, m. Jan. 2:5, 1834, Garritia Van Dalfsen. 177 Philip, b. Jnlv 31, 1812, m. Aug. 31, 1845, Ann Stuart. 178 Margaret, born March 1, 1815, d. Jan. 10, 1855. 179 Georqe, b. Feb. 20, 1817, in. Jnlv 20, 1850, Anna M. Gleason. ISO Jeremiah, b. Sept. 19, 1820, m. Nov. 16, 1853, Widney. 181 Joshua, b. Sept. Ill, 1820, in. Aug. 28, 1845, Harriet Cryder. 182 Catherine E., b. Oct, 29, 1823, d. March 10, 1846. 183 Edward, b. April 30, 1829, d. Sept. 27, 1839. 184 Franklin, b. Jan. 30, 1835, d. March 22, 1845. 82 VI. riartin W. Collins, (Joshua, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) 1>. in Dutchess county, N. Y., May 22, 1788, and died in Washington, same county, Oct, 1, 1S76, married March 6, 1813, COLLINS FAMILY Nancy A. Forman, of Washington Hollow, Dutchess Co., N. Y., and by her had the following children : L8S .loshu.i, b. Jnlj LO, 1814, m. Isabella Johnson. No Issue. Minister. P. O. Wappingers Falls, Dutchess Co., X. V. 186 Isaac F., b May •">. 1818, m. Phebe J. Holmes. 181 Man Ann, b. Jan. 12, L820, m. 1840 William H. 6urne\, .if New York City. Thej have two children : trances ami Mary. iss Rhoda, l>. March li, 1822, living in 1898, unmarried. 85 VI. Lewis Collins, (Jabez, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) born March 7. 1779, died June 11. 1848, married (1) Dec. 5, 1811, Lydia Kenyon, who died April 13, 1834, age 58 years, and (2) Lydia F. Collins, daughter of Beriah and Alice ( Fisk) Collins, of Foster, N. Y.. May 3, 1836. The latter died Jan. 5", 1862. The children of Lewis (all by firsl wife) were: 189 Udia W., born Aug. 21, 1812, died Jan. 3, 1833. I'.mi Man D, born June 25, 18J4, died March 29, 1815. l'.U Sarah 4nn, born April 2, L816, died Aug. 10, 1853. 192 Elizabeth N., born Nov. 6, 1817, died Jan. I. 1840, m. Wm. F. Brown Oct. ;. 1839. i Friends). 193 George lewis, born Dec i 1820, died Aug. 10. 1853. m. Laura S. Capron I let. 27, 1848 I Friends). 194 Charles Gilbert, horn .Inly 4. 1828, in. Sarah S. Knowles March 10, 1859. (Friends). DO VI. Nathan Collins, i Nathan, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) I) Sepl 12, 1793, dead, m. Tabitha Popple, daughter of George Popple, of Richmond, It. I . al Hopkinton, Ft. [., April 12, 1804, and by her had the following children : Deborah. 196 Hannah, m. George Burlingame at Warwick. R. I., Sept. 16, 1S4T. 191 Welcome, in. 1 Sally Palmer, ami (2) Artemisia Kenyon, all dead. 198 tAnthia. L99 ( liristopher r., m. Nov. 30, 1836, Clarissa Lewis. She was horn May 20, 1818, ami d. Ma\ 23, 1897. 200 George I., m. i 1 i Avis Wilbur, and (2) Susan E. Going. Mired, b. March T. 1817, m. Susan Green. 202 Willard W., born Nov. 11, 1824, d. Sept. 19, 1897, m. (l)Nov. 16,1845, Alil.v B. Kenyon. She died and he m. (2) Harriet E. Kenyon Jan 1 1. 1849, the lain t died Sept. :;. 1894 203 Gideon I., m. Abby .1 Noyes. U'J. VI. John Collins, (John, John, John, John, Henry) burn HOME OF JOHN COLLINS. OF BR< >< HvFIELD, N. Y. ami Birthplace of Dr. John Collins, of Spafford, N. Y. SIXTH GENERATION 23 April 19, 1771, at Hopkinton, R. I., died at Brookfield, N. V.. Sept. 14. 1S44. (Farmer) married al Brookfield, X. V., Dec. . 1796, Lucy Burdick, daughter of Thompson and Tabitha (Wilcox) Burdick, born Dec. 1. 1779, died at Brookfield, X. Y., Aug. 20. 1833, both buried at Unadilla Forks, X. Y. Their children, burn at Brookfield, X. Y.. were : 204 Lucy, bom Aug. 30, 1798, died Oct. IT. 1798. •,'05 Pollv, born Oct. 20, L799, died unmarried Aug. 9. 1ST.",, at Unadilla Forks. N. Y. 20(1 Betsey, horn April 12, 1801, died May ■,'. 1843, at Frankfort, N. Y.. m. Wm. Palmeter net. 12, 1829. They had one daughter, Lucv M., born March ?, 1838, m. Gillespie Collins. 207 Oliver, bom Aug. s, 180??" died in Ohio. m. Sarah Noel. Three children, two sons and a daughter. 208 John, M. D., horn Feb. 10, 1804. died Aug. 15, 1853, m. Mary A. Ronndy April 4. 1832. 201) Akin, born April 111, ISO?, died March 2* 1811. •210 Nancy, horn May 27, 1809, died April 16, 1875, in. Wm. W. Lewis March 4. 1830. They had one son, Martin Alyin, born June 26, 1831. Ex- press agent at Utica, N. Y., died Dec. 18, 1886. Married, but no issue. 211 William, born June 1, 1811, died March 5, 1878, at Unadilla Forks, N. Y. He m. Ill Esther Spicer, (2) Susan Crandall, and (3) Emetine Knapp, and had two children: Gillespie E., born June 28, 1844, died Dec. 30. 1893, m. his cousin. Lucy M. Palmeter; ami Ettie, born May 29, 1869, she is married and has one daughter, Gillespie was by the first wife and Ettie by the second, no issue by third wife. 212 Henry, born July 14. 1815, killed by Rebels m war times in Missouri, in. Lncinda Wheeler at Brookfield. X. Y. Lett issue in tile West, i See Appi ndix ). 213 Lydia Ann, born Aug. 15, 1820, died in Niles. Mich., m. (1) John Orton. ami (2) Elihn Fisher. 214 Samuel, born March 17. 1822. and died West. m. Mary Yaw at Brook- In 1,1. He left one son. Charles Collins, P. O. Niles. Mich. its VI. Abel Collins, (Amos, John, John, John, Henry) horn May 2, 1770. aid Sept. 17. 1835, married Oct. 14, 1790, liary A. Wilbur, .laughter of Thomas and Mary, horn Nov '4. 1772, died Feb. 20, 1858, buried at Hopkinton, I!. I. Their children, horn at Stonington, < !unn. . were : 215 Deborah, born Sept. 30, 1791, died Nov. 26, 1857, married Peter Col- lins Nov. 12, 1807. 216 Ira, born .March 3, 1793, dieil March 10. 1793. 21? Phebe, born Aug. 25, 1794, married Job Munroe Nov. 25, IMS. 218 Mary Wilbur, horn June 7. 1791',. died Aug. 17, 1861. 219 I imothy Clarke, born Jan. 4, 1799, died May 5, 1867, m. Mary Ann Gardiner Oct. 10, 1823. 220 Abigail, born March 12, 1801, died July 0, 1834. 221 Amos, horn March 8, 1803. He was known as the " Rural Bard." 24 COLLINS FAMILY 222 Thankful, born March 8, 1803, m. John Spencer March 2, 1848. i Friends i. 223 Gulielma, born June 82, L805, died Julv 4, 1845. 224 Abel F., born Jan. 22. I SOU, married Electa Jane Collins. 99 VI. Isaac Collins, M. D., (Amos, John, John, John, Henry) bom Dec. 13, 1771, died at Hopkinton, R. I., married March 15, 1792, his cousin, Hary Collins, daughter of Joseph and Bathsheba (Hoxie) Collins, born May 1. 1774, and died at Hopkinton, Dec. •"!, 1863, and by her had the following children, the first five born in North Stonington, Conn., the others in Richmond, R. L : 225 William, born May 31, 1793, died State of New York, Aug. 17, 1832. 226 Nancy, born 1704, died in Hopkinton Dec. 7, 1879. 227 Thankful, born Aug. 31, 1795, married Peleg Kenyon March 3, 1814, (Friends). *}£<■ 2. 7 /fj'2- 228 Amos, born March 29, 1797, died in Westerly May 3 2 , 179 - 7 . 220 Marv, burn March 23, 1700, died in Hopkinton Mav 9, 1853. 230 Isaac, born Dec. 20, 1800, died Oct. 15, 1880, m. Rachel Kenyon Feb. 18, 1828 (Friends). 231 Catherine fliza, born Jan. 28, 1803, m. John H. Knowles Oct. 4, 1827, (Friends). 232 Joseph, born Dec. 27, 1805, died Ang. 12, 1874, in N. Y. State. 233 [phraim C, born April 12, 1807, d. Richmond, m. Mary Foster April 6, 1836. (Friends). 234 Bathsheba, born , died Oct. 8, 1847. 235 Dr. John W., born Ang. 15, 1811, died Oct. 5, 1873, at Becket, Mass. 230 Charles Willetts, born Mav 22, 1813, died in Richmond, R. I. 237 Thomas J., born March 7, 1816, died May 6, 1896, at Hopkinton, R. I., unmarried. 100 VI. Dr. Amos Collins, (Amos. John, John, John, Henry) horn Feb. 20, 177-".. died at Stonington. Conn., married Feb. 16, 1804, at Bopkinton, 1!. I., Mary Peckham, of Robert and Temperance, hnni Nov. I'll. 1783, she was buried on her father's farm. Their children were : 238 Mariah Alma, born at Hopkinton. Feb. 23, 1805. 230 Ames Micajah, horn July 30, 1812. Mr. Collins, win. was a physician ami surgeon, represented the town of Hopkinton as Deputy in the General Assembly of Rhode Island for tile years IS03 to 1807, inclusive. 112 VII. Hoxie Collins, (Hezekiah, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, SEVENTH GENERATION 25 John, Henry) 1). Nov. 7, 1796, in Brookfield, and d. in Brookfield, N. Y., Jnlv 14, 1873, married (1) Deborah Kinyon, b. May 9, 1800, died March 30, 1860, (both buried in Quaker Yard in Brook- field I, and (2) Mary Hannah Smith, b. Jan. 3, 1831, living in 1899. Mr. Collins was a fanner by occupation and a Quaker in religious faith. His children were all by his first wife save the last who was by his second wife ; they wire : 340 Gideon K., b. July 27, 1821, dead, m. Lanra Denison, no issue. '241 Naomi J., b. May 14, 1823, dead, m. Gideon Hoxie. They had three children : Marv, Eliza and John. 242 Eunice G., b. Aug. 20, 1825, dead, m. James Crumb. They had four children: Francis, Marion, Ho\ie, and Norman. 243 Marian E., b. May in, 1827. dead. 244 Hannah C-, b. June 1, 1829, living in 1899 in Iowa, m. Henry Hinklev. 245 Phebe D., b. Dec. 27, 1830, m. William Penn Stanbro. They have had six children : Elmer, Ouane, Jennie, William, I ran!., and a baby, all dead save William and Frank. 246 John W., b. Jan. 24, 1833, dead. 247 Amos M., b. Feb. 21, 1836, dead, m. Lucy M. Jackson, had one child now death 248 Stephen H., b. Feb. 24, 1838, dead, m. Louisa Keith. They have had five children: Marie, William, Fannie, Charles, and Ellen, all living save Marie who is dead. 249 Eliza B., b. Jan. 26, 1840, dead. 250 George E., b. Dec. 15, 1841, P. <). Randallsville, N. Y. , in. Rosalia D. Wightman. 251 Clara, m. Orson Hodges; she was a daughter of Mr. Collins by his second wife. 116 VII. Thomas B. HibbarJ, h. Sept. 17. 1806, in. Sept, 23, 1824, Ruth Collins, | Hezekiah, Joseph. Hezekiah, John, John. Henry) b. April 26, 1804, d. Oct. 9, 18"47, and by her had I he follow ing children : 252 Hezekiah W., I>. June 17, 1825, m. Elizabeth Maine. They reside in Tennessee. 253 Lois B., b. March 16, 1828, d. May 6, 1829. 254 Mary C, b. Oct. 2, 1829, m. Albert Denison, she died in Minnesota. Her daughter, Eliza Palmer, resides in Brookfield, N. Y. 255 Harriet E., b. June 19, 1S32, d. Dec. 16, 1847. 256 John N, b. Oct. 6, 1833, m. (1) Delia Smith. They had one child. Merton G, horn May 5, 1866. First wife died Sept. 11, 1883, and he to. (2) Clara A. Balrymple Oct. 28, 1887, by her he had one child. Otto Merrell, b. May 10, 1891. His second wife died March 4, 1892. 257 Stephen H , b. Sept. 22, 1835, resides at Parkers Prairie, Otter Tail Oo. , Minn. 258 Phebe Roxy, b. Sept. 22, 1835, resides in Brookfield, N. Y. , twice m. and now a widow, two children. 259 Henry W., b. Feb. 19, 1838, d. Jan. 17, 1865, in the army, war of 1861. 260 Cyrus D., b. Dec. 25, 1839, ni. Louisa Stephens, no issue, resides in Hubbardsville, N. Y. 26 COLLINS FAMILY 261 George F., b. Sept. 22, 1844, he is married and has children— resides at Friable, Nevada, P. O. Goryville, Nevada. 262 Catherine R., b. Aug. 11, 1847, d. Dec. 22, 1847. 119 VII. Solomon Collins, (Fanner) (Solomon, Joseph, Ileze- kiah, John, John, Henry) born Aug. 18, 1796, atHopkinton, I!. I., and died at South Hamilton, X. V.. May 24, 1835, married Jan. , 1820, Anna Dunn, daughter of John and Ruth (Record) Dunn, born Aug. 17, 1792, died Oct. 25, 1869, and by her had the following children : 263 Solomon Burden, born Aug. 7, 1821, died June 17, 1837. 264 Sally Bailey, born May 16, 1823, died Fell. 2, 1824. 265 Mary Ann, born Nov. 3, 1824, died Nov. 4, 1869, married LeRoy Larkin March 13, 1855. 2(56 Eliza, born June 16, 1827. died Aug. 14, 1851. 267 Maria, born May 27, 1830, married Alvin Miles Newton Feb. 22, 1850, P. O. Elgin, 111. 268 Kuth Olivia, born < >ct 26, 1833, married Jerome Holmes March 18, 1855, P, O. South Hamilton, N. Y. 124 VII. James K. Larkin, married March 9, 1825, Emma Collins, (Solomon, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, flenrv) born Aug. 2.'!, L806, in Dutchess Co., N. V.. and died in Elgin, til., Oct. 26, 1893, and by her had the following children : 269 Emily Louisa, b. Jan. 12, 1826, died Nov. 16, 1859, married N. N. Bull, May 9, I860. They had two children : Mary, b. Aug. 9, 1851, died April 26, 1897; and Henry, burn April 15, 1855, married (3) May 2, 1888, Mary Ella Keedwell, who died Sept. 19, 1884, and (2) Aug. 15, 1887, Mary Eloise Deitz Rockwell, and have one child, Ella Deitz Bull, bom Aug. '-'it, 1891. Henry Bull is a member of the firm of Carr & Ball, Clothiers, P. < >. Oneonta, N. Y. ) •.'70 Solomon henvon, born May 20, 1827, died March 17. 1891. 271 Aldrich, born Dec. l'7, 1828, m. (let. 2'.'. 1854, Lucelia Cheesebro, P. O. Plainfield, Iowa. 272 Mary Ann. born .Ian. IS. 1831, died Nov. 30, 1884, m. March 16, 1853, John II. Delanoy. His P. < >. Elgin, ill. 273 Sarah C, born Aug. 15, 1832, m. Oct. 12, 1853, Earl Hall, P. O. Fort Soott, K;ill~:is. 274 Eli/.i I., burn Dee. 22, 1835, in. Oct. 12, 1853, John Bassett, P. O. ElRin. 111. 27.". James Perry, 1 1 in Nov. 3. 1S:',S, died Oct. 5, 187C. 276 Richard, born Mareli 28, 1840, m. (1) Eliza Miller Oct. 16, 1867, (2) Sarah . Resides in Iowa. 277 Nathan II.. bom May 20, 1842, m. Maria Rese Aldrich March 5, 1867. 1' i >. Plainfield, Iowa. OLD QUAKER CHURCH AT HOFK1NTON. R. I. SEVENTH GENERATION 27 278 Florentia E., born Sept. 25, 1845, m. Timothy C. Ryan Oct. L869. P. O. Elgin, 111. 279 Abel Leonidas, born Sept. 11, 1847, m. Caroline Annette Combs April 5. 1870. 127 VII. Joseph Collins, (Joseph, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) horn in Hopkinton, R. I., Feb. 13, 1790, died in Brook- field, X. Y.. March Hi, 1881, married Nov. 4, 1818, Susanna Gold- smith, horn Feb. li>. 1787, died at Brookfield, X. Y.. Jan. 15, 1864, and by her had at Brookfield, X. Y.. the following children : 280 Dorcas G., horn May 5, 1825, unmarried P. O. Brookfield, N. Y. 281 Kezia, born Sept. 17, 1826, died Oct. 19, 182R. 12S VII. Beriah Collins, (Joseph, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) horn March 25, 1792, in Hopkinton, R. 1., and died in Brookfield, X. Y., in 1879, (Fanner) married Lydia Jaquays, born Feb. 15, 1790, died at Brookfield, X. Y., and by her had the follow- ing children, born in Brookfield, X. Y. : 282 Rhoda, born Aug. 29, 1812, married Henry Crumb. 283 Sennah, born Aug. 13, L815, died young. 284 Gulia, born Nov. 11, 1817, d. June 3, 1900, married Francis Crandall April 13, 1837. 285 Hiram, born Jan. 2f>, 1820, married Maxamilla Bentley. She was b. June 15, 1816, and died Dec. 21, 1899. 286 Amos, horn March 11, 1822, died young. 287 Sophronia, born April 17. 1824, married Noyes Palmer. 288 Beriah, born Aug. 9, 1826, died Sept. 4, 1S90, married Jane Waldron. 289 Lydia, born Aug. 22, 1829, died unmarried. 129 VII. Sheffield Collins, (Joseph, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) born at Hopkinton, R. I., July 24, 1793, died at Brookfield, X. Y., Jan. •_'•'!, 1N'24, Merchant and Hotd Keeper at Clarksville, X. Y., married Eliza Knovvles, of Smyrna, X T . Y., died out West, and by her had at Brookfield, X. Y., the following children : 290 Mary, m. Henry Knowles, went West. 291 Lydia, m. Henry Scarritt, of Smyrna, and d. in Lebanon, Madison Co., N. Y. 292 Hannah, married Paul Westcott, and moved West. 293 Ann Maria, m. William Wilbur, of Smyrna, N. Y. Sheffield Collins in connection with his other business ran a Potash- 28 COLLINS FAMILY ery at Clarksville ; he lost his life by falling into a kettle of boiling lye in this ashery. After his deoease his widow and four daughters moved to the village of Smyrna, N. Y., where she married James Scarritt, a Rev- olutionary soldier ; the husband of her daughter, Lydia, was a grand- son of lier second husband, James Scarritt. In Mason's history of Chenango and Madison comities, published in 1880. Sheffield Collins is mentioned among the early merchants at Clarksville in the town of Brookfield. His store was built by Reuben Leonard, and was afterwards used as a shoe shop. He din business as a merchant at Clarksville from a very early date down to the time of his decease, and also kept a Pot- asher'y and' a hotel— the latter afterwards kept by Henry Keith. At that time (18X0) tlie sign of "S. Collins" was still remaining on the store kept by him. Mr. Collins was town clerk of Brookfield for the year 1S23. 130 VII. Job Scott Collins, (Joseph, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) Quaker, horn at Hopkinton, R. I., Dec. 25, 17'.»4, died at Utiea, X. Y., Dee. 5, 1869, buried in Friends Yard at Hopkinton, It. T., Harness Maker and Saddler, married at Madison, X. Y.. Oct. 7. 1*17, Ruth Hall, died at Clarks Falls, New London Co.. Conn.. .Tan. 11, 1875, in her 80th year, and was buried in Friends Yard, Hopkinton, 1!. I. Their children were: 21U Electa Jane, married at New Hartford, N. Y., her cousin, Jan. 11. 1844, Abel Francis Collins, three children. (See under his name i. 895 Dr. Clarkson Thomas, died in Great Harrington, Mass., in 1881. mar- ried at Nantucket Nov. 6, 1844, Lydia Coffin, and by her had: Charles G., born Aug. , 1845. died in a few days; and blenville, horn July 16, 1847. The wife and whole family are now deceased. Dr. Collins resided at (treat Barrington, Mass., where he built a sanitarium now called the "Collins House " and used as a summer hotel. 296 Dr. Chalkley, born Jan. 10, 1826, and died of cholera in New York City Aug. 18, 1849. Job S. Collins first carried on business as a saddler and harness maker in connection witli his brothers, Peter and Joshua, at DeLancy (Moscow) in the town of Brookfield; from there he moved to the village of Smyrna, N. Y., and finally removed to Utica, N. Y. , where he died; at Ins own request be was buried at Hopkinton, R. I. 132 VII. Peleg Stanbro, 1.. at Stonington, Conn., March 28, 1790, and died at Brookfield, X. Y . March 2, 1878, married Rhoda Col- lins, (Joseph, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John Henrv) b. atHopkin- ton, R. I., Aim. lit. 1798, died al Brookfield Dec. HI. 1849, and by her had the following children, the first four horn in Homer, X. Y.. and the balance in Brookfield, X. Y. : SEVENTH GENERATION 29 297 Peleq, Jr., b. Feb. 12, 1817, d. Oct. 13, 1893, m. Bathsheba Kinyon Dec. 5, 1841. She d. in 1888. 298 Rhoda Jane, b. Oct. 19, 1818, d. Feb. 15, 1839. 299 Hannah Serene, b. July 7, 1820, d. Oct. 15, 1863, m. Austin Pudney Jan. 21, 1838. 300 Joseph Collins, b. May 6, 1822, m. (1) Jane F. Pnrdie Feb. 17, 1846, (2) Phebe Foster Dec. 3, 1887. 301 Joshua Thomas, b. Jnne 2, 1824, m. Sarah Baldwin March 23, 1847. 302 Mary Ette, b. July 5, 1827, d. Nov. 2, 1884, in. John W. Jennings Feb. 22, 1849. He died April 28, 1892. 303 William Penn, b. Oct. 15, 1829, d. June 16, 1898, m. (1) Phebe D. Col- lins Jan. 1, 185'.'. she died 1871, (2) Esther Palmeter Dec. 4, 1872. 304 Stephen Hoxie, b. April 17, 1836, in. ( 1 ) Sarah Madison in 1854 and (2) Delight Madison in 1855. P. O. Brookfield, N. Y. 133 VII. Nathaniel P. Smith, h. in Vermont Dec. 7, 1707, mar- ried Bathsheba Collins, (Joseph, Joseph, Ilezekiah, John, John, Henry) born June 5, 1800, in Hopkinton, R. I., and d. June 29, 1862, in Smyrna. X. Y.. and by her had the following children, the two first born in Brookfield and the balance in Smyrna, X. Y. : 305 Harriet, b. Feb. 21, 1820, d. Jan. 22, 1S95, m. Alexis L. Hemenway, b. in Sherburne, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1819. 306 Susannah, b. March 22, 1821, d. Oct. 12, 1899, m. William Northrup. 307 Jane Ann, b, July 13, 1822, d. Sept. 7, 1862, in Smyrna. N. Y., un- married, graduate of Albany Normal School and a Teacher. 308 Henry, 1). May 18, 1825, m. Sarah Jane Hunt and moved to Mus- catine, Iowa. 309 Charles, b. Feb. 18, 1827, m. Elizabeth Bourne, both dead, daughter, Libbie Wells, resides in Mitchell, Neb., and granddaughter, Etta Burns, in Smyrna, N. Y. 310 George Eox, b. May 17, 1829, m. Martha Briggs (one child) P. O. Smyrna, N. Y. 311 Mary Hannah, b. Jan. 3, 1831, m. (1) Joseph Porter, (2) Hoxie Collins, son of Hezekiah and Mary, (3) Collins Jaquay, son of Jonathan and Han- nah, and (4) Jason Crandall. Her last husband now dead and she living in 1899. One child, Clara, by Hoxie Collins, who m. Orson Hodges. 312 John Collins, b. July 14, 1833, d. Sept. 30, 1867, m. Catherine Carpen- ter in N. Y. Citv. one child. 313 Nancy, b. April 14," 1835, and died in two weeks in Smyrna, N. Y. , April 28, 1835. 135 VII. Peter Collins, (Joseph, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) horn in Hopkinton, R. I., May 16, 1804, died at Iowa Fallsl876, married 1825 Sarah Mall, born Nov. 15, 1803, died Iowa Falls 1870, and bv her had the following children : 30 COLLINS FAMILY 314 Joseph, born March 17, 1827, died 1830. 315 Thomas E„ born May 5, 1829. 316 Hannah E., born Dec. 20, 1831, died 1888. 317 Amelia J., born Nov. 28, 1835, died 1866. 318 Mahlon Day, born Aug. 13, 1838, married Ketnrah A. Williams Sept. 24, 1857. 319 Henry H., born July 31, 1842, died 1843. 320 Huldah, born Feb. 11, 1844, died 1857. 321 Anna F., born April 7, 1816, died 1873. 137 VII. Joshua Collins, (Joseph, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) b. in Brookfield June 9, 1S09, died in Iowa Falls, Iowa, married Jan. 3, 1826, Almira Button, of Brookfield, b. 1S07, died at Iowa Falls, Iowa, and by her had the following children : 322 Joshua Albert, b. Dec. 4, 1828, in. Belle Couenhoven Sept. 24, 1867. P. O. Iowa Falls, Iowa. 323 Nelson, b. Jan. 29, 1831. 324 Joseph, b. Oct. 6, 1833. Joshna Collins was a saddle and harness maker by trade and in con- nection with his brothers, Job and Peter, carried on that business at DeLancy (Moscow) in the town of Brookfield. About 1830, or a little later, he moved from Brookfield to Smyrna, N. Y. , and subsequently to Iowa Falls, Iowa, where he died. 148 VII. Isaac B. Collins, (William, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) born at New Hartford, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1815, living 1899 in Norwich, N. Y., married March 10, 1839, Susan Holley, died Dec. 30, 1889, and by her had the following children : 325 Mary Ann, born Nov. 25, 1839, married David H. knapp 1860. Now re- siding in New York City. They have two children : Charles H., of Tacoma, Washington, married Sept, 1898 ; anil Susie B., married Henry C. Rydell, P. O. Asbury Park, N. J. (3 children, all boys. ) 326 Charles A., P. O. Norwich, N. Y. , married Sarah Byington at Fayette- ville, N. Y. She died about 1885, he has two children: Charles H., married Grace E. Gibbs of Norwich, N. Y. , Jan. 17, 1894, and has one child, Bessie Sarah, born July 26, 1897, P. O. Norwich, N. Y. ; and Mary S., unmarried. 327 Henry D., born Oct. 31, 1852, died April 28, 1853. Isaac B. Collins was brought up on a farm and followed the occupa- tion of farming summers and teaching school winters until 1851. He then moved into the village of Smyrna, N. Y., and changed his summer occupation to that of carpenter and joiner, continuing school teaching winters as formerly. In 1838 he was elected by his townspeople school inspector, a position which he held with that of town superintendent ISAAC B. COLLINS. No. 14s. SEVENTH GENERATION 31 of schools which took its place until 1845, and was then promoted to county superintendent of schools, an office which he held for one term. In the spring of 1867 Mr. Collins moved from Smyrna to the village of Norwich, the county seat of Chenango county, N. Y. , where he now resides. Since coming to the latter place he has varied his former oc- cupation by accepting employment as mail route agent for about three years on the railroad leading from Cortland to Norwich, and for a like period of time as assistant in the county clerk's office at the place of his residence. 159 VII. Peter Hoxie Collins, (Peter, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) born June 5, 1809, married Ruth Ann Collins, born June 12, 1814, and by her had the following children born at Hop- kinton, R. I. : 328 William Thurston, horn Aug. 19, 1848, died June 1, 1895, m. Josephine R. Rathbone, daughter of Clark Rathbone. 329 Jamas Robinson, born Aug. 3, 1850, dead. :i:«> Anna Elizabeth, born Aug. 2, 1858, died Nov. 26, 1878, married Fred- erick Angustus Dalton Aug. 9, 1877, Hopkinton, Friends. 172 VII. Joseph Spaulding, (Cyril, Stephen, Jedediah, Samuel, John, John, Edward) born at Plainfield, Conn., Oct. 26, 1817, d. Dec. 19, 1889. He resided at Brooklyn, Conn., from marriage until 1858, then removed to Pomfret, Conn., and remained until I860, when he returned to Brooklyn, Conn., married Catherine Matilda Collins, ( Joshua, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) and by her had the following children : 331 tura Emma, b. June 29, 1856, unmarried, resides at Brooklyn, Conn. 332 William Penn, b. Dec. 13, 1857, m. and resides in Connecticut, has one son. 333 Martha Jane, b. April 22, 1859, m. Thomas Congdon Bradford April 6, 1884, 3 children. 334 George Edwin, b. Feb. 7, 1864, resides with his mother in Connecticut, unmarried. 17(5 VII. Theron Collins, (Joshua, Joshua, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) b. March 13, 1810. Married Jan. 23, 1834, Garritia Van Dalfsen, and by her had the following children : 335 John, b. Oct. 19, 1834. 336 George W., b. June 26, 1837. 32 COLLINS FAMILY 337 William H., b. Dec. 24, 1838. 338 Edward B., b. Jan. 23, 1841. 339 Mary E., b. Dec. 6, 1842. 340 Margaret A., b. Dec. 24, 1844. 341 Catherine E., b. April 15, 1847. 342 Sarah Jane, b. Aug. 18, 1849. 177 VII. Philip Collins, (Joshua, Joshua, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) b. July 31, 1812, married Aug. 31, 1845, Ann Stuart, and by her had the following children : 343 Eranklin, b. Aug. 16, 1846, rl. Jan. 6, 1851. 344 Margery E., b. Nov. 16, 1848, d. Jan. 23, 1851. 345 Margaret A., b. Aug. 31, 1852. 346 Philip H., b. June 21, 1854. 347 Josephine I., b. Feb. 15, 1858, d. May 13, 1865. 348 Lettie M., b. Feb. 15, 1858. 349 Sila A., b. July 23, 1860. 350 Daniel E., b. July 31, 1862, d. March 4, 1863. 170 VII. Qeorge Collins, ( Joshua, Joshua, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) b. Feb. 20, 1817, married July 2Q, 1850, Anna H. Qlea- son and by her had the following children : 351 Charles, b. Mav 19, 1851. 352 Philip, b. Nov. 6, 1852. 353 Franklin, b. March 29, 1854. 354 Elum A., b. Dec. 29, 1862. 355 Baron S., b. April 30, 1872, d. Oct. 10, 1890. 180 VII. Jeremiah Collins, (Joshua, Joshua, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) b. Sept. 19,1820, married Nov. 16,1853, Widney, and l>y her had the following children : 356 Joshua R., b. Nov. 13, 1854. 357 Hannah Mary, b. Mav 15, 1857, d. May 13, 1881. 358 Oscar E., b. Aug. 3, 1860. 181 VII. Joshua Collins, (Joshua, Joshua, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry; b. Sept. 19, 1820, married Aug. 28, 1845, Harriet Cryder, and by her had the following children : MARTIN W. COLLINS AND DAUGHTERS. No. 367. SEVENTH GENERATION 33 359 Virginia, b. Sept. 3, 1846. 360 Mary M., b. Aug. 9, 1849, d. March 13, 1851. 361 Sarah Ann, b. Dec. 28, 1852, d. April 3, 1886. 362 Cryder, b. April 15, 1855. 363 Harriet, b. Mav 28, 1857. 364 Joshua E., b. Oct. 7, 1859, d. Oct. 26, 1891. 186 VII. Isaac F. Collins, (Martin, Joshua, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) 1>. Mav 5, 1818, resided in Poughkeepsie, X. Y., in L898 at 78 vears, married March 27, 1839, Phebe J. Holmes, h. in Pleasant Valley, X. Y., Aug. 10, 1822, died March 1(3, 1895, and by her had the following children : 365 Isaac H., b. Jan. 26, 1840, and died June 9, 1846. 366 Mary Ann, b. Oct. 20, 1847, d. Dec. 12, 1871, married James Hogan of Rhinebeck, N. Y. 367 Martin W., b. Oct. 14, 1848, married (1) Sept. 19, 1870, Mary kirby, and (2) Dec. 20, 1877, Emily M. Foster. He is in the Marble and Granite business, firm of VanWyck & Collins, P. O. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. He has two children: Martha Foster, b. April 29, 1890, and Ruth Mar- tinie, b. March 11, 1893. 368 Peter H., b. Aug. 6, 1850, d. Feb. 15, 1855. L93 VII. George Lewis Collins, ( Lewis, Jabez, Hezekiah, John, John, Henrv ) horn Dec. 31, 1820, married at Providence, R. I., Oct. 27, 1848, Laura S. Capron, horn July 8, 1823, and by her had the following children : 369 George Lewis, born Feb. 10, 1852. 370 Eliza, born Jan. 8, 1855. 371 Laura, born Oct. 20, 1858. 1<>4 VII. Charles Gilbert Collins, ( Lewis, Jabez, Hezekiah, John, John. Henry) horn July 4, 1828, married March 10, 1859, ( Friends) Sarah S. Knowles, of John and Catherine E., and by her had the following children : 372 Gilbert Lewis, born Aug. 31, 1860. 373 Mary Lydia, born Dec. 15, 1862. 374 Catherine Elvira, born May 26, 1865. 202 VII. Willard W. Collins, (Nathan, Nathan, Hezekiah, John, 34 COLLINS FAMILY John, Henry) b. Nov. 11, 1824, d. Sept. 19, 1897, married (1) Nov. 16, 1845, Abby E. Kenyon, and (2) Jan. 14, 1849, Harriet E. Kenyon, died Sept. 3, 1894, and had the following children, the first by his first wife and the balance by his second wife : 375 Stephen W., b. Jan. 31, 1847. 376 Jane F., b. March 10, 1851, m. tewis E. Nye, March 9, 1879, anil had two children: Thomas Willard, b. July 11, 1881 ; and H. Mood, b. July 31, 1884, P. O. Hope Valley, R. I. 377 Henry H., b. Oct. 2(i, 1853. 378 Harriet t., b. July 14, 1861. 379 Nathan J., b. Oct. 4, 1867. 207 VII. Oliver Collins, (John, John, John, John, John, Henry) Farmer, b. in Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1805, d. in West Lodi, Seneca Co., Ohio, Dec. 14, 1805, m. Sarah Noel h. Sept. 24, 1806, d. Sept. 9, 1876, and by her had the following children, born near West Lodi, Seneca Co., Ohio : 380 Andrew Perry, b. Aug. 20, 1835, m. Sarp.h Elizabeth Blair, of Solomon City, Kan., March 26, 1868, P. O. 1416 Highland Ave., Salina, Kan. 381 Sylvester Wellington, b. Dec. 10, 1837, m. ( 1 ) Allie Ann Stewart, March 15, 1860, she d. Feb. 26, 1865, and he m. (2) Aug. 3, 1866, Safronia Adeline Boyd, b. March 8, 1845, d. Oct, 18, 1896, P. O. Solomon City, Kan. 382 Loretta, b. — , d. at Republic, O. , ni. King Lemuel Stewart, of Bloomville, O. 208 VII. John Collins, M. D., (John, John, John, John, John, Henrv) born Feb. 1(1, 1804, in Brookfield and died in Spafford, N. Y., Aug. 1"), 1853, married at Spafford, N. Y., April 4, ls:;2, Mary Ann Roundy, daughter of Capt. Asahel and Hannah (Weston) Koundy, born Jan. 31, 1813, and living in 1899, at tin 1 age of about 87 years. Mr. Collins was a graduate Hamilton Academy and Cas- tleton Vermont Medical College in 1829, moved to Spafford in 1830, where he practiced his profession until his decease; Ids children, born in Spafford, were : 383 Albert, born April 1, 1834, died April 12, 1834. 3S4 Lucy, born May 27, 1835, died June 8, 1836. 385 George knapp, born April 15, 1837, married Catherine Sager at Syra- cuse, N. Y., June 9, 1858. 386 Charles, born Dec. 14, 1841, died July 5, 1843. 387 Henry, born March 10. 1S44. died March, 1844. 388 John Asahel, born July 17, 1845, d. Aug. 15, 1900, U. S. Mail Clerk, P. <). Syracuse, N. Y. , married Eliza Button, at South Onondaga, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1862, two sons, Charles and Edwin, the latter, only, sur- viving. SEVENTH GENERATION 35 389 Edwin, born March 19, 1847, died July 22, 1849. 390 Frank, born April 27, 1850, Bookkeeper, P. O. Syracuse, N. Y, mar- ried Julia Holzer, at Syracuse, N. Y. , Jan. 22', 1874, one daughter, Lillie Frankie, graduate of Vassar College, married Caleb C. Brown, Merchant, Syracuse, N. Y. The following is taken from a more extended biographical sketch printed in the excellent Centennial history of Onondaga county by Gen. Dwight H. Bruce : "Dr. John Collins was the fifth child in a family of eleven children, nine of whom arrived at maturity, who were born unto John Collins and Lucy Bnrdick, his wife, of Brookfield. His boyhood was spent on the farm of his father in Brookfield and was subject to all the hardships and deprivations of pioneer life, yet with indomitable pluck and persever- ance he was able to acquire an excellent education for his time and far above the average of the community in which he lived. Like many other young men he taught school winters to obtain the means to meet expenses of a higher education. He was graduated from Hamilton Academy, and subsequently from Castleton, Vermont, Medical College in 1829, and settled inSpaflord, Onondaga Comity, N. Y. , in 1830, where he acquired a wide professional business which continued without in- termission down to the time of his decease, August 15, 1853. He was one of the leading physicians of the county during his career and a promi- nent member of the Onondaga County Medical Society. He was a fine botanist, knew the medical properties of almost all varieties of plants, and while he was an old school practitioner by education and precept he was ever ready to try and test the efficacy of new remedies or new modes of practice commending themselves to his good judgment and quick perception. During the latter part of his professional career the prin- ciples of Hahnemann having found favor with some of his patients he was quick to discover what was good in this mode of practice and was able to administer to those who were desirous of that mode of treatment. There being no lawyers residing within the field of his labors he was often called upon by his clientage to serve them in the preparation of their deeds, bonds, mortgages, contracts, leases and wills, which his superior education had so well fitted him for drafting. He was never an aspirant for office and was loth to accept public preferment when offered, yet for several years he was school inspector and superintendent, and for many years postmaster, because the first was agreeable to his tastes and the latter involved no part of his personal attention, the duties being per- formed by his wife. He was one of the founders of the Methodist Episcopal church at Spafford, was one of the first to espouse the cause of temperance, and generally supported and advocated any good and worthy cause which he believed would advance the moral interest and material welfare of his townspeople. Dr. Collins at an early day joined the Onondaga County Medical Society and was generally respected by his fellow practitioners for his social and professional attainments. After a lapse of nearly half a century his name is still treasured in nearly every household embraced within the scope of his labors with affection- ate regard. He married Mary Ann, daughter of Captain Asahel Ronndy and sister of Prof. Charles O. Roundy, the first principal of the Syra- cuse High School; she survives and resides in Syracuse, N. Y. They had eight children, of whom two are living: Capt. George K. Collins, a prominent lawyer in practice at Syracuse, who served as Captain in the 149th N. Y. Vols, during the War of the Rebellion, and Frank Collins, both of Syracuse. N. Y. 36 COLLINS FAMILY 210 VII. Timothy Clarke Collins, (Abel, Amos, John, John, John, Henry) horn at Stonington, Conn., Jan. 4. 1701), died May 5, 1867, married Oct. 10, t823, Mary Ann Gardiner, born Nov. 15, 1 s()0, died Nov. 19, 1863, and by her bad the following chil- dren, born at North Stonington, Conn : 391 Mary Ann, born Dec. 24, 1825, died Feb. 19, 1847, m. Nathaniel Hawkes, Jan. 29, 1856, Hopkinton, Friends. 392 Abel Clarke, born Aug. 17, 1828, married Mary Tabor. 393 Peleg G., born Ang. 17, 1828, married Mary W. 394 Hannah Clarke, born Oct. 15, 1831. 395 John, born April 23, 1836, died Feb. 29, 1847. 224 VII. Abel Francis Collins, (Abel, Amos, John, John, John, Henry) born Jan. 22, ISO!*, at Stonington, Conn., d. 1886, married at New Hartford, N. Y., Jan. 11,1844, Electa Jane Collins, born .it New Hartford, N. Y, Aug. 22, 1818, died in 1896, and by her had the following children : 396 Francis Wendall, born June 2, 1845, d. 1887. He left a widow and two sons, Francis Winfield and Glenville A. Collins. 397 Clarkson Abel, born Dec. 16, 1853, Lawyer, 99 Nassau St., N. Y. city, m. Letta I. Loomis, of New Haven, Conn. They have three children: Clarkson A., Jr., Elliott and Ruth Collins. 398 Abel Chalkley, born March 27, 1857, Lawyer at Great Barrington, Mass., m. 1890, Sarah D. Sheldon. They have three children: Shel- don C, Theodore A., and Frederick S. Collins. Electa Jane Collins, after her marriage to Abel Francis Collins, went to reside with her husband at his home on a farm in North Stonington, Conn., which had been in the Collins family for many years, and is now owned by their sons. She was a Recommended Minister in the Society of Friends. Occasionally in her lifetime she visited her old home in Utica, N. Y. , and sometimes at Hamilton and Brookfield, where she en- joyed meeting her relatives and friends, and where she occasionally held religious meetings. She died in Great Barrington, Mass., in 1896. 230 VII. Isaac Collins, ( Isaac, Amos, John, John, John, Henry) born Deo. 20, 1800, died at Richmond, R. I., Oct. 15, 1880, Presi- dent of town council <>f Richmond, in 1S7B, married Feb. 13, 1823, Rachel Kenyon, of George and Rachel, and by her had the follow- ing children, born at Richmond, 1!. I. : 399 George W., born April 15, 1824. 400 Gilbert, born Oct. 1, 1826, died Nov. 14, 1826. EIGHTH GENERATION 401 Charles R., born Oct. 6, 1830, died March 7, 1831. 402 William C, born Oct. 20, 1832. 403 Mary E., born May 12, 1836. 233 VII. Ephraim C. Collins, (Isaac, Amos, John, John, John, Henry) born at Richmond, R. I., April 12, 1807, died there, mar- ried April 6, 1836, Hopkinton, Friends, Mary Foster, and by her had at Richmond, R. I., one child ; 404 Thomas Foster, born June 6, 1837. 250 VIII. George E. Collins, ( Iloxie, Hezekiah, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) b. Dec. 15, 1841, P. 0. Randallsville, N. Y., in. July 7, 1862, kosalia D. Wightman, and by her had the follow- ing children : 405 Lillian D., b. May 16, 1863, died March 29, 1864. 406 beorge H., b. Jan. 13, 1865, d. July 4, 1887. He resided in Oxford, N. Y., and was drowned in Chenango River, while bathing, m. Minnie Hall. She died June 27, 1894. They had two children: Walter G. and Shirley H. 407 Alettie F., b. March 10, 1868, m. William W. Seabury. They had one child, hirkland E., who died in infancy. 408 Inez B., b. Jan. 31, 1876, m. Clarence Crumb. They have two children: Euelma I. and Kenneth C. 265 VIII. LeRoy Larkin, Farmer, married March 13, 1855, Hary Ann Collins, (Solomon, Solomon, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) horn Nov. 3, 1824, died Nov. 4, 1869, and by her had the following children : 409 Solomon Collins, born April 23, 1857, P. O. East Hamilton, N. Y., m. Jan. 13, 1892, Cora M. Davis. 410 Emily Lucy, born July 23, 1860, P. O. East Hamilton, N. Y. , unmar- ried. 411 Ellie Oriella, born Nov. 13, 1862, P. O. East Hamilton, N. Y. , unmar- ried. 412 Anna Eliza, born Dec. 17, 1864, married George Stanton Carpenter, Dec. 17, 1890, P. O. Earlville, N. Y. 2C>7 VIII. Alvin Miles Newton, married Feb. 22, 1850, Maria Collins, (Solomon, Solomon, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, 38 COLLINS FAMILY Henry) horn May 27, 1830, P. 0. address Elgin, 111., and by her had the following children : 413 Frank D., b. Jan. 16, 1853, soldier Spanish War, Co. E, 3d 111. Vols., Clerk, P. O. Elgin, 111. 414 Willis H., b. Dec. 22, 1857, Moulder by trade, Foreman Foundry Elgin Mfg. Co., P. O. Elgin, 111. 415 Lillis A., b. Dec. 22, 1857, Teacher in Primary Department Public Schools in Elgin, 111. 416 Mary S., b. Nov. 5, 18(53, Student in Music, d. in 18815, age 23 years, (5 months. The following is taken from a letter concerning this family : "Frank D. Newton, after spending about 12 years in Greeley, Colo- rado, returned to Elgin in 1892, enlisted in Co. E, 3d 111. Vols., Spanish American War, went through the Porto Rican campaign and re- turned to Elgin in November, 1899. He is now a clerk in an Elgin store. Willis H. Newton, by trade a moulder, is foreman of the Foundry Department of the Elgin Manufacturing Company. Lillis A. Newton is, and has been for nine years, a teacher in the Primary Department of the Elgin Public Schools. The years 1880-87-88, she spent teaching in the Tahlequah Academy in the Indian Territory, a Mission School sup- ported by the Baptist denomination. Mary S. Newton, who was a stu- dent in Music, died in 188(5, at the age of 23 years and six mouths. " 268 VIII. Jerome Holmes, married March IS, 1855, Ruth Olivia Collins, (Solomon, Solomon, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) horn Oct. 26, 1833, 1'. 0. South Hamilton, N. V., and by her had the following children : 417 Emma Eliza, born March 20, 1859, P. O. Sonth Hamilton, N. Y. 418 John Cook, born Sept. 18. 1862, P. O. Independence, Iowa, m. Trancelia Rogers. They have six children : Arton Clarence, Hiram I eRov, Allison Jay, Charles Edwin, Ralph Ora, Ruth Maria. 419 Clarence Edwin, born Jan. 18, 1875, P. O. South Hamilton, N. Y. , married Sept. 13, 189(5, Alice Belden, and by her has two children: Viola Mary, b. July 3, 1897, and Donold Guyi b. Dec. 31, 1899. VIII. Henry Crumb, married Rhoda Collins, ( Beriah, Joseph, Jr., Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henrv) horn at Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1812, and by her had : 420 Beriah H., born Jan. 25, 1834, married his cousin, Esther E. Crandall, born Jan. 20, 1838, P. O. Hamilton, N. Y. Their children were Francis H., born Nov. 16, 1858, died May 8, 1891, married Ida May Hubbard, who died Oct. 28, 1891, leaving one child, Jennie May, born Nov. 1*5, 188(5; and Rhoda Jane, born July 28, 1861, died June 21, 1869. 421 Daniel Truman, married Ann E. Green. They have one child, Milley S. MRS. EMILY SARETTA FISK. No. 427. EIGHTH GENERATION 39 2S4 VIII. Francis Crandall, married April 13, 1837, Gulia Col- lins, (Beriah, Joseph, Jr., Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) horn at Brookfield, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1817, d. at Poolville, N. Y., June 3, 1900. and by her had the following children : 422 Esther E., married her cousin, Beriah H. Crumb, P. O. Hamilton, N. Y. They have hart two children, see 420. 423 Electa, married John Beekman. They have one child, Minnie, who mar- ried Eugene Beekman, and has one child, Clara. 424 Marion, married Amelia Crandall. They have two children: Chaunty and Henry, the latter married Nettie Burdick. 285 VIII. Hiram Collins, (Beriah, Joseph, Jr., Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) born Jan. 26, 1820, P. O. East Hamilton, X. Y., married April 9, 1 S4J, at Brookfield, Haxamilla Bentley, horn June 5, 1816, died Dec 21, 1899, and by her had : 425 Lydia Lucelia, born April 27, 1843, married Hewitt Shepard, P.O. Sher- burne, N. Y. 426 Mary Jane, horn July 25, 1845, married Morris Newton, P. O. Earl- ville, N. Y. 427 Emily Saretta, born May 20, 1847, married Charles Eisk, Sept. 13, 1805, at Waterville, N. Y., by Elder Wm. Clark. They have two chil- dren : Cora L., born June 16, 1866, married March 16, 1887, Ingham H. Birdsall, (farmer) at Utica, N. Y., by Elder Ballon, they had one sou, Harry, born Sept. 30, 1888, drowned in Chenango river, June 30, 1898; aud Clara J., horn Nov. 18, 1878, married Oct. 7, 1897, Henry W. Gorton, at Norwich, N. Y. , by Rev. E. J. Klock, they have one child, Alice Marguerite, born Aug. 27, 1898. 428 Henry H., born June 19, 1850, married Velona Burdick, P. O. E. Hamil- ton, N. Y. They have two children: Bessie and Ernest. 429 Lewis M., born April 18, 1856, unmarried, P. O. East Hamilton, N.Y. 287 VIII. Noyes Palmer, married Sophronia Collins, (Beriah, Joseph, Jr., Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) horn April 17, 1S'_»4, and by her had : 430 Edgar, married Edith , and by her had one child, a boy. 431 Elma, unmarried. 288 VIII. Beriah Collins, (Beriah, Joseph, Jr., Joseph, Hezekiah, 40 COLLINS FAMILY John, John, Henry) horn Aug. 9, 1826, died Sept. 4, 1890, married Jane Waldron, and by her had : 432 Charles F., born July 24, 1857, P. O. South Hamilton, N. Y., marrierl Clara Reese, and by her had four children: Perry W., born May 14, 1885, Nina May, born Mav 16, 1889, Clinton F., born May 1, 1894, and Ellen Louise, born Feb. 27, 1897. 300 VIII. Joseph Collins Stanbro, (Rhoda, Joseph, Joseph, Heze- kiah, John, John, Henry) l>. in Homer, N. Y., May Oliver Edwin, b. April 6, 1869, entered Kansas Wesleyan University in 1886, and graduated class 1892, B. A. degree, three years later re- ceived degree M. A. In 1891 represented College in State Oratorical contest. After graduation engaged in public school work in Colorado. He m. June 6, 1895, Maud Schultz, b. Dec. 6, 1866, at Salina, Kan. Since been engaged in school work, Colorado, and now Sec. Board of Education at Colorado Springs. They have two children: Dell Margarete, b. Feb. 11, 1898, and Alexander Palmer, b. June 24, 1899, P. O. Colorado Springs, Colorado. 456 Sarah Edith, b. Nov. 19, 1870, entered Kansas Wesleyan University at Salina, Kansas, in 1886, graduated in class of 1892, degree B. A., and received degree of A. M. , in 1895. After graduation taught school one year and m. Aug. 23, 1893, George James Hagerty, A. M. , a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University, and at that time Profes- sor of Ancient Languages in Kansas Wesleyan University. Prof. Hagerty has since been elected President of the latter University and is now, 1900, absent on leave, traveling in Europe, accom- panied by his wife, who is giving attention to art painting. Their address, after June, 1900, will be Salina, Kan. They have one child, Horace Huston, b. at Lucerne, Switzerland, Aug. 17, 1899. 457 Albert Noel, b. Dec. 13, 1872, entered Kansas Wesleyan University, 1888, but left school, on account of ill health, after sophomore year, and spent next three years on the farm, then spent one year in a drug store in Abilene, Kan., after which he entered the St. Louis School of Pharmacy and received degree of Ph. G. , in 1898, now druggist at 5049 Page Ave. , St. Louis, Mo. He m. Sept. 28, 1899, Harriet May Thompson, A. M. , teacher of Modern Languages at Kansas Wesleyan University. She was b. in Iowa, March 23, 1871. 458 Frank Newton, b. Nov. 18, 1874, unmarried, entered Kansas Wesleyan University in 1890, but left school after the Junior year. He spent one year in R. G. Dun's Commercial Agency and in newspaper work and is now in charge of his father's farm, near Solomon City, Kan., P. O. Solomon, Kansas. 159 I ni-i>ii, i May, b. Aug. 10, 1876, entered Kansas Wesleyan University in 1889, graduated with degree of A. B., m. June" 29, 1898, Clarence Henry Mattson, b. April 6, 1872, son of a Methodist Minister of N. W. Kansas Conference. They have one child, Walter Archibald, b. June 30, 1899. 460 Ruth Emily, b. Dec. 16, 1883, unmarried, educated in the public schools of Salina, Kansas, and is now, 1900, a student in the literary and musical department of the Kansas Wesleyan University, P. O. 1416 Highland Avenue, Salina, Kansas. Hon. Andrew Perry Collins was reared on his father's farm, near West Lodi, Seneca Co., Ohio, and received a common school education and later attended the Seneca Co. Academy at Republic, O. In 1856 he en- tered the Freshman class of the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, O. Graduated from the latter with the degree of B. A., in 1860. Three years later he was given the degree of A. M. In the fall of 1860 he be- gun teaching at Burnsville, Miss., but came north in 1861 and taught school near Niles, Michigan. This occupation was interrupted by his enlistment in Co. K, of the 12th Mich. Infantry, war of 1861. At the organization of the Company he was elected and commissioned 1st Lieu- HON. ANDREW PERRY COLLINS, No. 380. EIGHTH GENERATION 43 tenant, in which capacity he served at the battle of Pittsburg Landing, as a member of Prentiss 1 Brigade. He was made prisoner on that occa- sion and not exchanged until six mouths aud twelve days thereafter. After exchange he served in the battles of Vicksburg, Miss., and Little Rock, Ark., and participated in other smaller affairs. In 1864 he was appointed Assistant Ordinance officer and assigned to the staff of Maj. Gen. C. C. Andrews, commanding 2nd Div. , 7th A. C. , where he re- mained until mustered out by expiration of his three years' service, at Devalls Bluff, Ark. Soon after he engaged in merchandising at Natchez, Miss., where he remained two years. In 1866 he located on his farm of about 1,000 acres, near Solomon City, Kan., but has recently removed to his town residence, 1416 Highland street, Salina, Kansas, still supervising the management of his extensive farm. Since settling in Kansas, 1868 to 1872, he has been Superintendent of Public Schools; 1883 to 1887 he was a member of the House of Representatives of the Kansas Legislature ; for about ten years he was a member of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture ; has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Kansas Wesleyan University since 1886, and was President of the Board for four years. Mr. Collins was a member of the General Con- ference of the M. E. church and attended a meeting of that body at New York City in 1888. Mr. Collins' children have all enjoyed unusual fa- cilities in obtaining an education, but take pride in the fact that they were all reared on a farm and obtained their rudimentary education in the public schools of their native place, Solomon City, Kansas. 381 VIII. Sylvester Wellington Collins, (Oliver, John, John, John, John, John, Henry) born near West Lodi, Seneca Co., Ohio, Dee. 10, 1837, died Nov. - 18, 1900, Farmer, in. (1) March 15, 1860, Allie Ann Stewart, of Bloomville, Seneca Co., Ohio. She died Fob. 26, ISO"), and hem. (2) Aug. 3, 1866, Safronia Adeline Boyd, 1>. March 8, 1845, died Oct. IS, 1896, at Solomon City, Kansas. Mr. Collins has had six children, one by the first wife and five by the second, the first horn in Ohio and the balance in Kansas, as follows : 461 FugeneM., b. June 8, 1863, d. Nov. li), 1863. 462 lura Alberta, b. Aug. 1, 1870, received an Academic, education in the Kansas Wesleyan University, was employed for one year as stenog- rapher in office work and married Aug. 20, 181)7, Orestis Easton Hopkins, who received an Academic education in the Kan- sas Wesleyan University, and later graduated from the Law De- partment of the University of Michigan. He was b. Dec. 1, 1868. 463 Lena Eugenia, b. Dec. 12, 1874, single, graduate of Kansas Wesleyan University with degree of A. B., P. O. Solomon City, Kansas. 464 Herbert Boyd, b. July 31, 1878, unmarried, educated in common schools and in Solomon City High School, studied medicine one year and enlisted 18'.I8, in 22nd Kansas Infantry, Spanish and Am- erican War, and mustered out, in 1899. Soon after he enlisted in U. S. Hospital service and assigned to duty on U. S. Cruiser, De- troit, where, he is now in service. 465 John Raymond, b. Dec. 25, 1881, unmarried, attended public schools, Solomon City, and is now on his father's farm, at latter place. 466 Ross Logan, b. June 6, 1883, died Dec. 29, 1887. 44 COLLINS FAMILY Sylvester Wellington Collins was reared on his father's farm, near West Lodi, Seneca Co., Ohio, and after receiving a common school edu- cation attended the Seneca Co. Academy at Republic, Ohio. He then spent several years teaching and afterward purchased and operated a portable steam saw mill. He then enlisted in the 29th Ohio Infantry, war of 1861, and served in Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia and South Carolina. In the latter state he was taken sick, sent to hospital and mustered out for disability. In 1868 he settled on a large farm, now owned and operated by him near Solomon City, Kansas, P. O. Solomon City, Kansas. 3S2 VIII. King Lemuel Stewart, of Bloomville, Seneca Co., Ohio, married Loretta Collins, (Oliver, John, John, John, John, John, Henry) h. near West Lodi, Seneca Co., Ohio, died at Repub- lic, Ohio, and by her had the following children : 4(!7 Ella May, m. (1) Mr. Shockey and (2) Herman Zepernick, and resides in California. 468 Warren V., received a common school education and then attended a commercial school at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. , m. Esther Westfall, of the latter place. They have had one child, Warren V., who died in Los Angeles, Cal. 469 Eva Dell, received common school education and Academic education at Green Springs Academy, became a teacher in Ohio and later in Abilene, Kansas, married a Mr. Wills at the latter place and set- tled in Portland, Oregon. 470 Vinnie E., born at Republic, Ohio, and received a common school education at that place, m. Charles Rosenfelt and now resides on a farm near Republic, Ohio. 385 VIII. Capt. George K. Collins, (John, John, John, John, John, John, Henry) Attorney at Law, P. O. Syracuse, N. Y., b. at Spafford, New York, April 15, 1837, m. at Syracuse, N. Y., June '.), LS5S, Catherine Sager, daughter of Jacob and Rebecca Smith (Grote) Sager, b. in Albany County, N. Y., Feb. 16, 183(3, and by her had the following children, born at Syracuse, N. Y. : 471 Daniel Gott, b. April 19, 1859, d. Jan. 25, 18*51. 472 Katharine Mary, b. May 26, 1861, unmarried, educated in the public schools of Syracuse and the Syracuse High School, after gradua- tion took a post-graduate course and commenced teaching in 1882 in the Syracuse public schools, a vocation which she still pursues. She is Secretary of the Onondaga Chapter of the D. A. R. , resid- ing at home. 473 Grace Virginia, b. March 15, 1863, unmarried, educated in Syracuse public schools and Syracuse High School, after graduation took a post-graduate course and commenced teaching in 1883 in Syracuse public schools, where she still remains, residing at home. 474 Helen, b. May 8, 1865, unmarried, graduate of Syracuse High School, Mrs. Catherine Sager Collins, No. 38.5. M5#'*:' •*»• A Collins Family — Nos. 472-3-4-5-6. Children <>f the Author. "Tat." Mis* Katharine Wolcott Wiard, No. 475 Clara Bessie Collins Teall and Daughter, Elizabetl No. 476. EIGHTH GENERATION 45 and after graduation took a special course in the musical depart- ment of the Syracuse University, residing at home. 475 Flora Belle, b. Feb. 16, 1869, graduate of Syracuse High School, and after graduation took a special course in the musical department of the Syracuse University, m. April 4, 1893, Wm. Wolcott Wiard, Sec. and Assistant Manager of Syracuse Chilled Plow Co. , P. O. Syracuse. They have one child, Katharine Wolcott, b. Feb. 81, 1897, ("Tat.") 476 Clara Bessie, b. Aug. 31, 1872, educated in Syracuse public schools and Syracuse High School, also took special course in musical de- partment Syracuse University, m. Wm. Sumner Teall, Secretary Sanderson Steel Co., Syracuse, P. O. Syracuse, N. Y. They have one child, Elizabeth Sumner, b. 1900. 477 Daisy May, b. Dec. 8, 1875, d. Feb. 26, 1879. Captain Collins was mustered into the service of the United States Sept. 18, 1862, as First Lieutenant in Co. I, 149th Regt. N. Y. Vol. Inft. , in the war of 1861, served for a period of nearly two years and was brevetted Captain at the close of the war for meritorious services. He participated in all the battles, skirmishes and marches of the regi- ment both in the Army of the Potomac and the Army of the Cumber- land up to the time of his discharge, excepting the battle of Ringgold, from which he was prevented by injuries received in battle a few days previous. Among the engagements and campaigns in which he saw ser- vice were Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wauhatchie and Lookout Moun- tain. He was twice wounded, first at Chancellorsville and again at Lookout Mountain ; the latter was the occasion of his discharge, which occurred April 24, 1864. He was admitted to the bar of the state of New York soon after his discharge from the Army of the United States, and soon after to the District Court of the United States and the Depart- ment of the Interior, and is now engaged in active practice of his pro- fession at Syracuse, N. Y. He is Past Commander of Root Post, G. A. R. ; Past President of Central N. Y. Microscopical Club; Member of the National Microscopical Society; for fifteen or sixteen years he was Grand Treasurer of the Royal Arcanum for the state of New York ; he is a Companion of the Loyal Legion, New York Commandery; he is the author of the history of his regiment, entitled, "Memoirs of the 149th Regt. N. Y. Vol. Inft., 3d Brig., 2 Div., 12th and 20th A. C. ;" is a member of Central New York Genealogical Society, and a member of the Sons of the American Revolution. Captain Collins' father, who was a physician and surgeon, died while residing at S.nafford, a small country village, when the subject of this sketch was sixteen years of age and a country boy living on a farm. A few months afterward Captain Collins, accompanied by his mother and two infant brothers, moved to the city of Syracuse and commenced the struggle of life under very discouraging circumstances, working alter- nately at whatever he could find to do and going to school until the spring of 1858 when he was graduated from the Syracuse High school, then considered an excellent educational institution. He then entered the law office of the well-known firm of D. and D. F. Gott at Syracuse, as a student, but his labors were soon interrupted by the event of the Civil War and his admission to the bar was delayed until about 1866. Whatever success the Captain may have achieved at the bar, or other- wise, he owes to himself and the indomitable pluck and perseverance inherited from an excellent father and mother. He has never professed religion in the general accepted interpretation of that term, still he has 46 COLLINS FAMILY generally attended the M. E. church, of which his parents were mem- bers, and among other church offices was at one time Superintendent of the Sabbath school connected with that society. In habits of mind in relation to religions subjects Captain Collins has a strong penchant to many of the characteristic tenets believed in and adhered to by his Quaker ancestors, for whom he cherishes a devout attachment. 392 VIII. Abel Clarke Collins, (Timothy, Abel, Amos, John, John, John, Henry) born at North Stonington, Conn., Aug. 17, 1828, married Mary Tabor, born Oct. 11, 1835, and by her had the following children : 478 Francis Wendall, born Feb. 6, 1845. 479 Alice Victoria, born Sept. 17, 1855. 480 Mary Anna, born Dec. 13, 1864. 481 Mary Anna, (2) born April 18, 1877. 482 Frances Winfield, born Dec. 12, 1878. 393 VIII. Peleg Q. Collins, (Timothy, Abel, Amos, John, John, John, Henry) born at North Stonington, Conn., Aug. 17, 1828, mar- ried Mary W. , born June 2, 1826, and by her had : 483 Hannah Clarke, born July 1, 1852. 484 Charles Atherton, born Sept. 30, 1853, died Dec. 23, 1854. 485 Alfred Gardiner, born March 18,1855. 486 Ella Winslow, born April 11, 1857. 487 Mary Winslow, born Dec. 16, 1858. 488 Lillian Gardiner, born May 3, 1862. 489 Sarah Stanton, born Mav 25, 1864. 490 Peleg Clarke, born Dec. 14, 1868. 409 IX. Solomon Collins Larkin, (Farmer) (Mary Ann, Solo- mon, Solomon, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) born April 23, 1857, P. O. East Hamilton, N. Y., married Jan. 13, 1892, Cora n. Davis, and by her had the following children : 491 Mary Theresa, born Jan. 27, 1893. 492 Richard Berry, born Oct. 5, 1894. 493 Edward LeRoy, born Jan. 21, 1897. 494 Willie Warren, born March 5, 1898. 495 Harold Collins, born Oct. 15, 1899. 433 IX. Thomas P. Stanbro, (Joseph, Rhoda, Joseph, Joseph, NINTH GENERATION 47 Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) b. in Brookfield, April BO, 1847, P. O. Brookfield, m. in Brookfield, Sept. 30, 1868, Harriet York, b. Oct. 26, 1850, and by her had the following children : 496 Ora M., b. May 18, 1872, in. Curtis U. Rhodes, Aug. 14, 1895, P. O. Poolville, N. Y. They have one daughter, Marguerite C, b. Sept. 24, 1898. 497 Charles 0., b. Jan. 27, 1874, m. Gertrude Crumb, daughter of Hoxie, Feb. 14, 1896. They have one son, Walter L., b. April 1, 1897, P. O. Brookfield, N. Y. 436 IX. Lelen Alonzo York, b. Feb. 13, 1846, P. O. N. Brook- field, N. Y., m. Feb. 24, 1868, Louisa Arzelia riemenway, ( Har- riet, Bathsheba, Joseph, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) b. April 7, 1844, and by her had the following children b. in Brook- field : 498 Harriet Louisa, b. Fob. 6, 1869, m. Waldo E. Fanlkner, May 10, 1899. She is a graduate of the Oneonta Normal School and a teacher. 499 Lelen Alexis, b. May 30, 1870, m. Anna Jane Brand, May 10, 1899, she «-as I). March 21, 1880. 500 Fritz Elera, b. June 12, 1871, m. Florence Cornelia Davis, Jan. 11, 1899, she was b. April 7, 1876. 437 IX. Barillion Healey, 1>. March 20, 1842, d. July 12, 1899, married at Smyrna, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1878, Esther Jane riemenway, (Harriet, Bathsheba, Joseph, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) b. April 6, 1845, and by her had the following children : 501 Frank, b. April 6, 1879, d. April 9, 1881. 502 Mary £•> b. May 20, 1880, d. April 29, 1881. 503 Nellie, b. Feb. 18, 1882, d. April 18, 1883. 504 Charles E., b. Feb. 27, 1884. 439 IX. John D. Frair, married at Smyrna, N. Y., July 3, 1866, Mary Bathsheba riemenway, (Harriet, Bathsheba, Joseph, Jo- seph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) b. March 28, 1849, and by her had the following children : 505 Frank A., m. Mabel S. Clarke, Oct. 12, 1892, at Sherburne, N. Y. 506 Fred M., m. Ida Mclntyre in Sherburne, N. Y. , Nov. 27, 1895. 507 William J., m. Addie E. Sonle in DeRuyter, N. Y., May 9,1896. 508 Mary A., m. Ovid K. Horton, Sept. 33, 1897, in Smyrna, N. Y. 509 Jesse 0., d. in Smyrna, N. Y. , March 1, 1882, age 6 months. 48 COLLINS FAMILY 506 X. Fred M. Frair, (Mary, Harriet, Bathsheba, Joseph, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) married in Sherburne, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1895, Ida Mclntyre, and by her had the following chil- dren : 510 Helen E., b. May 13, 1897. 511 Marion G., b. May 1, 1899. 508 X. Ovid K. Horton, married at Smyrna, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1897, Mary A. Frair, (Mary, Harriet, Bathsheba, Joseph, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) and by her had the following chil- dren : 512 Jessie E„ b. June 13, 1898. 513 John Ezra, b. Oct. 28, 1899. APPENDIX. Received too late to classify in regular order. 118 VII. Jonathan Teft, d. 1866, married Nov. 17, 1811, Eliza- beth Collins, (Solomon, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) b. at Stonington, Conn., Dec. 8, 1792, and died at Elgin, 111., Aug., 1856, and by her had at Lebanon, N. Y., the following children : 514 Dr. Joseph, b. Aug. 29, 1812, d. Aug. 26, 1888, m. 1834, ( 1 ) Emeline Gilbert, she d. in Aug. 1844, she had one daughter, Mrs. Julia Martin, who d. in Topeka, Kansas, 1895, leaving five children. Joseph then m. (2) Mrs. Lovinia Ormsby, she d. 1898, leaving one son, Dr. Leslie, the latter married and has children, his eldest daughter m. in January and died on Feb. 1, 1900. 515 Maria, b. Jan. 23, 1814, d. March — , 1858, m. 1830, Mr. Mann, now dead. They left three sons. 51fi Amos, b. Aug. 28, 1815, P. O. Nora, Neb., m. Sept. 1840, Margaret Culvert, who d. 1870, leaving one son. 517 Jonathan, Jr., b. Jan. 22, 1817, Farmer, residing at Elgin, 111., m. 1841, Delinda West. They have one son and one daughter. Jonathan is also a veterinary surgeon. 518 Dr. Erastus, b. Dec. 27, 1818, d. in Topeka, Kansas, in 1880, m. 1844, in Hamilton, N. Y. , Rhoda Kenyon, she is also dead. They left two sons, both physicians. APPENDIX 49 519 Louisa, b. Jan. 30, 1821, P. O. Elgin, 111., 396 DnPage St., m. Sept. 30, 1840, Person C. Gilbert, he d. 1895, he was a farmer. Their only son died in 1862 in the army. One daughter, Mrs. Mary G. Martin, resides with mother, Elgin, 111. 520 Eli Alonzo, b. March 5, 1823, d. March — , 1890, Farmer, m. T. E. Hewitt, who d. 1896. 521 Thomas Wilbur, b. Oct. 30, 1824, Parmer, P. O. Elgin, 111., m. (1) June — , 1853, Emily Jolles, who d. 1809, leaving three sons and a daughter, he m. (2) Fanny Gould, d. 1894. 522 Sarah Minerva, b. Oct. 11, 1826, d. Sept. 11, 1852, m. 1852, A. Hewitt, and left one son, Charles A. Hewitt, jeweler in Neligh, Neb. 523 Solomon Perry, b. July 18, 1828, drowned July 23, 1865, m. 1858, Mary VanWie, and left three daughters. 524 Emily Elizabeth, b. Sept. 13, 1830, P. O. Albuquerque, New Mexico, m. William Hardin, he is dead, she has three children: Charles, Etta and Minnie. 525 Electa Ann, b. May 11, 1833, d. Dec. 3, 1835. 526 Rhoda Jerusha, b. Aug. 6, 1835, P. O. Elgin, 111. , m. C. B. Hanley, Farmer, who d. in 1894, she has three children : Edward, Alia and Irene. 527 Susan Almeda, b. Sept. 26, 1837, d. May — , 1843. 108 Vlll. Lelen Collins York, (Catherine, Hezekiah, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) married Hary Louisa Brown, h. Feb. 24, 1823, and by her had the following children : 528 Lelen Alonzo, b. Feb. 13, 1846, m. Feb. 24, 1868, at Smyrna, N. Y, Louisa Arzelia Hemenway, (see paragraph 436 ante for record of this family. ) 529 Mary Sabrina, b. Dec. 13, 1847, m. Dec. 15, 1872, James Burke, b. Jan. 29, 1851, P.O. Oxford, N. Y. They have three children : Daniel WyEtte, b. Dec. 5, 1873, in New Berlin, N. Y., lawyer, P. O. 44 Pine St., N. Y. City; Rev. Alfred Richard, b. June 27, 1875, in New Berlin, N. Y, minister, P. O. Port Crane, Broome Co., N. Y. ; and Mabel Blanch, b. April 12, 1886, in Oxford, N. Y. 5291., Mahlon Day, b. Jan. 27, 1858, m. Jan. 8, 1891, E. Ruth DeForrest, b. * Oct. 18, 1861. 530 Esther Elorinda, m. Oct. 13, 1872, Warren Belden. They have three children: Mary Alice, b. Feb. 17, 1877, m. Sept. 13, 1896, Clarence E. Holmes (see paragraph 419); Nettie Eveline, b. June 9, 1883; and Clarence Warren, b. Nov. 26, 1887. 531 Jared fitch, b. Feb. 23, 1860, m. April 10, 1882, Annie 0. Smith, b. Oct. 27, 1856. They had four children: frank Day, b. Jan. 21, 1883; Verne Belle, b. Oct. 20, 1888 ; and Neta Violet and Neva Louisa, b. Nov. 14, 1892. 532 Evaline francena, b. in Brookfield, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1864, m. Feb. 21, 1SS4, at Brookfield, Earnest Robert Hunt, b. in Delhi, Del. Co., N. Y., July 24, 1860. They have four children, the first born in Maple Grove and the balance in Morris, N. Y. : Clarence Lee, b. Nov. 18, 1887; Lynn Deforest, b. March 19, 1892; Maud Mary, b. Sept. 10, 1895; and Edwin Dwight, b. Oct. 27, 1896. 50 COLLINS FAMILY 108 VIII. Lodowick C. York, (Catherine, Hezekiah, Joseph, Heze- kiah, John, John, Henry) h. in Brookfield, N. Y., Dee. 22, 1817, P. 0. 231 W. Hancock Ave., Detroit, Michigan, married Aug. 17, 1845, Frances D. Collester, b. Dee. 18, 1826, at Madison, N. Y., and by her had the following children : 533 Vroncelia A., b. June 4, 1847, at Brookfield, m. Sept. 4, 1864, Rev. John S. losliii- They have four children : Eveline A., b. July 28, 18(17, m. Dec. 28, 1892, Hon. W. E. Snell, and have two children: Dorothy, b. July 4, 1894, and Rosamond, b. Jan. 9, 1899; Charles S., b. Feb. 21, 1870, m. June 1, 1899, Miss Stringer; Ida I., b. March 28, 1872, m. June 18, 1886, Claude VanTyne, they have one child, Evelyn Isabelle, b. July 25, 1899; and Robert B., b. March 7, 1889. 534 DelosC, b. May 26, 1850, at Brookfield, d. Nov. 1, 1864. 535 Bertrand D., b. Sept. 7, 1852, at Brookfield, m. Sept. 29, 1880, at Brighton, Mich., L. B. Fonda. 536 Francis L., b. at Ontonagon, Mich., March 9, 1861, m. Sept. 6, 1883, at Brighton, Mich., Mary O.Albright. Thev have four children : hate Ethel, b. Sept. 27, 1885; Satie Frances, b. Oct. 8, 1891; John Francis, b. June 11, 1895, and died same day; and Leila Dorothea, h. Feb. 16, 1898. 83 VI. Gilford Collins, (Jabez, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) born July 25, 1776, in Hopkinton, R. I., first settled in Dutchess Co., N. V., and finally in Laurens, Otsego Co.. in the same state, he died March 10, 1872, at Thorntown, Boone Co., Indiana, he mar- ried Aug. 21, 1800, Anna Weaver, daughter of Zehulon and Dorcas Weaver, she was born Nov. 1, 177X, and died at Thorntown, Ind., Nov. 28, 1863, and by her had the following children : 537 Meribah, b. July 25, 1801, m. Nov. 7, 1821, Henry Smith, b. April 12, 1794. 538 Lydia, b. Nov. 14, 1803, m. Jan. 2, 1834, Daniel Peckham, b. 1799. 539 Rowland R., b. Aug. 30, 1805, in Dutchess Co., m. Jan. 2, 1834, Mary Cornell, b. June 9, 1807. He resided in Hamilton, N. Y., and after- ward in Boone Co., Ind., he had a son, Rowland D., b. Aug. 19, 1857. 540 Cynthia, b. March 23, 1807, m. Jan. 5, 1831, Gideon Cornell, b. Nov. 1, 1802. 541 Susan, b. Jan. 26, 1809. 542 Mary B., b. March 14, 1811. 543 Lewis G., b. April 5, 1813, m. Aug. 22, 1844, Sarah David. 544 Gulielma, b. April 16, 1815, m. Nov. 20, 1837, Dilhvyn Cornell, b. April 22, 1812. 545 Deborah, b. May 21, 1817. 546 Jabez, b. Sept. 21, 1819, m. Jan. 18, 1849, Lois E. Hoxsie. 547 Catherine, b. Aug. 28, 1822, d. at Morris, Otsego Co., Feb. 20, 1861. APPENDIX 51 537 VII. Henry Smith, b. April 12, 1704, married Nov. 7, 1821, Heribah Collins, (Gifford, Jabez, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) b. July 25, 1801, and by her had the following children : 548 Charles Collins, b. 1822, m. Olive Pollard. They have had six children: Edgar Adelbert (dead), George Gilbert, Judson, Charles Collins, Mary and Carrie. 549 Lydia, b. 1824. 550 Sarah Ann, b. 1836, m. Isaac Thomas Lamb. 551 Edwin Potter, b. 1828, m. Mary Howland, they have two children: Jabez Collins, m. Belle Donnely, (4 children); and Mary, unmarried. 552 Frances Cynthia, b. 1832, m. Rinaldo Pollard. 553 Eli/a Meribah, b. Jan. 3, 1842. VIII. Isaac Thomas Lamb, married Sarah Ann Smith, (Meri- bah, Gifford, Jabez, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) l>. 1X26, and hy her had the following children : 554 Meribah, b. April 25, 1845. 555 Ellen, b. July 15, 1848, m. Andrew Church, they have one son, Fred T., b. April 4, 1871. 556 Charles Wort, b. Jan. 10, 1856. 557 Edwin Henry, b. Feb. 7, 1861, m. and has two sons, Erford, b. May 8, 1886; ami Chester, b. Jan. 29, 1897. 552 VIII. Rinaldo Pollard, married Frances Cynthia Smith, ( Meribah, Gifford, Jabez, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) b. 1832, and by her had the following children : 558 Emma, b. 1857, m. May 5, 1892, John McKenzie, they have two chil- dren : Douqlas John, b. April 15, 1894; and Zeta, b. Jan. 24, 1896. 559 Libbie, b. 1859, m. Feb. 1, 1882, E. P. Sutphen, he is dead, one son, Earl Francis, b. Jnne 6, 1884. 560 Collins Lyon, b. 1864, m. 1885, Anna M. Adams, they have 4 children: Henry Lyon, b. 1887; Mildred, b. 1889; Esther Frances, b. 1894; and Rowland Collins, b. 1896. 561 Henry W., b. 1867, m. Lizzie Donnovan, March 1892, they have two chil- dren : Bessie, b. Jan., 1893; Irene, b. 1897. 562 Hattie, 1). 1869, m. April 19, 1888, John W. Clarke, they have two chil- dren : Almira Frances, b. April 18, 1889; and Pauline Hattie, b. April, 1891. 563 Olive, b. 1869, d. 1872. 52 COLLINS FAMILY 109 VII. Hezekiah Collins, (Hezekiah, Joseph, Hezekiah, John, John, Henry) bom Dec. 10, 1700, d. Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. — , 1864, married Jan. 29, 1815, Hannah Ingham, born May 10, 1796, (1. 1858, and by her had the following children : 564 William, b. Nov. fi, 1815, m. Esther Maxson, March 3, 1838. 565 Gamaliel, b. April 17, 1817, d. April 11, 1893, m. Fanny Miranda Dye, Jan. 15, 1843. 566 Rhoda Hoxie, b. May 11, 1819, d. Sept. 12, 1899, m. Charles W. Rogers, Jan. 5, 1840. „ ,_ „, , 567 Rowland Davis, b. Dec. 16, 1820, d. Jan. 16, 1857, m. Elizabeth Clark. 568 Emily, b. Oct. 21, 1822, d. May 30, 1896, m. Joshua Barton Randall, Oct. 23, 1842, an Att'y at Law, who died in Syracuse, N. Y. They had one son, Capt. Welcome B., who was also an attorney, and died in Syracuse, N. Y. , leaving a widow, Gertrude S. 569 Theodocia, b. Nov. 25, 1826, m. Delos T. Pierce, Feb. 1, 1848. 570 Mirriam, b. July 15, 1830, d. Aug. 17, 1881. 212 VII. Henry Collins, (John, John, John, John, John, Henry) b. July 14, 1815, d. Aug. 9, 1864, at High Point, Mo., was m. (1) April 13, 1843, to Lucinda Wheeler, New York state, b. Aug. 8, 1824, d. Dec. 18, 1856. To this union were born : 2 Henry A. Collins, b. April 1, 1845, New York state, removed to Henry county, 111., served in the Union Army, came home sick, later went to Florida for his health, d. Feb. 18, 1886, buried at Lake Butler, Bradford county, Florida. 3 Lucy N. Collins, b. June 25, 1850, at Niles, Mich. 4 John 0. Collins, b. Jan. 29, 1853, at Wilmington, 111. 5 Charles P. Collins, b. Sept. 19, 1856, at Wilmington, 111. Henry Collins, m. (2) April 13, 1858, to Caroline S. Frazier, b. Jan. 22, 1828, d. May 6, 1900. To this union were born : 6 Ann E. Collins, b. April 24, 1859, at Jefferson City, Mo. 7 Mary Jane Collins, b. July 11, 1861, at Jefferson City, Mo. 8 William Sherman Collins, b. Mar. 25, 1865, at Wilmington, III. Lucy N. Collins, m. Mar. 25, 1868, to Sylvester McKee, at Kankakee, 111., soon after removed to Kansas, P. O. Simpson, Kan. To this union were born : 9 Emory McKee, b. Mar. 18, 1869, at Kankakee, 111. 10 Flora Bell McKee, b. April 4, 1870, at Sidney, Iowa, d. Aug. 20, 1890, at Simpson, Kan. APPENDIX 53 11 Harvey Leroy McKee, b. Mar. 21, 1876, at Simpson, Kan. 12 Edna H. McKee, b. Feb. 8, 1880, at Simpson, Kan. 13 Kate A. McKee, b. Sept. 23, 1886, at Simpson, Kan. John O. Collins, was m. to Louisa C. Hough Dec. 2, 1873, at Niles, Mich., I'. 0. now Naomi, Mich. To this union were horn : 14 Lillie E. Collins, b. Sept. 10, 1874, at Niles, Mich. 15 Warren N. Collins, b. Jan. 10, 1876, at Niles, Mich. 16 Loyd D. Collins, b. Sept. 24, 1878, at Niles, Mich. Charles P. Collins, was m. to Harriet Keetle May 23, 1886, at Piedmont, Colorado, P. 0. Oshkosh, Wis. To this union were horn : 17 James Henry Collins, b. April 24, 1887, at Ridgeway, Col. 6 Ann E. Collins, was m. to Q. W. Sharp Nov. 4, 1874, at High Point, Mo. To this union were born : 18 Sarah C. Sharp, b. Aug. 24, 1876, at High Point, Mo. 19 Preston H. Sharp, b. April 25, 1878, at High Point, Mo. 20 Charles S. Sharp, b. Sept. 1, 1880, at High Point, Mo., d. Sept. 14, 1880, at High Point, Mo. 21 Joseph W. Sharp, b. Mar. 26, 1882, at High Point, Mo. 22 Maud M. Sharp, b. Mar. 10, 1883, at High Point, Mo., d. Sept. 3, 1898, at High Point, Mo. 23 Mary E. Sharp, b. Mar. 6, 1885, at High Point, Mo. 24 James R. Sharp, b. Sept. 21, 1887, at High Point, Mo. 25 Bessie L. Sharp, b. Feb. 9, 1889, at High Point, Mo. 26 John B. Sharp, b. Dec. 26, 1891, at High Point, Mo. 27 Amelia E. Sharp, b. Aug. 22, 1893, at High Point, Mo. 28 Lola f. Sharp, b. May 6, 1897, at Higli Point, Mo. nary Jane Collins, was m. to W. J. Phillips Aug. 12, 1880, at High Point, Mo., present P. O. High Point, Mo. To this union were horn : 29 John Elmer Phillips, b. May 14, 1881, at High Point, Mo. 30 Alonzo L. Phillips, b. Aug. 24, 1882, at High Point, Mo. 31 Uora Ella Phillips, b. Jnne 24, 1884, at High Point, Mo. 32 Charles J. Phillips, b. Feb. 27, 1887, at High Point, Mo. 54 COLLINS FAMILY 8 William S. Collins, was m. to Sarepta Phillips Feb. at High Point, Mo. Sarepta Phillips, b. Sept. 30, 1871. union were born : 33 Leonia Ethel Collins, b. Feb. 24, 1890, d. Mar. 24, 1890. 34 Gladys Collins, b. Aug. 1, 1894, at High Point, Mo. 35 Henry Sherman Collins, b. Aug. 16, 1899, at High Point, Mo. 20, 1889, To this 9 Emory McKee, was m. to Mary D. Dec. 17, 1873, at Scottsville, Kan., d. 1898. To this union were born : 36 Lillie Edith McKee, b. Dec. 12, 1896. Krenkle Mar. 11, 1896, b. Simpson, Kan., Nov. 10, 18 Sarah C. Sharp, was ra. to A. S. Osburn Aug. 16, 1S95. S. Osburn d. at Assumption, 111., 1899. INDEX Containing Christian Names of Persons Bearing the Surname of Collins. " I," Refers to Introduction. Figures Refer to numbers of the Paragraphs. Abel 98 AbelChalkley 398 Abel Clarke 392 Abel Francis 294, 224 Abel T 162 Abigail 9 Abigail 31 Abigail 50 Abigail 220 Adeline 80 Albert 80 Albert 383 Albert Noel 457 Alfred 201 Alfred Gardiner 485 Alettie F 407 Alexander Palmer. .455 Alice 20 Alice 78 Alice Victoria 479 Alvin 209 Amelia J 317 Ames Micajah 239 Amos 46 Amos , . . . .100 Amos 221 Amos 228 Amos 286 Amos M 247 Andrew Perry 380 Ann 71 Anna 126 Anna 153 Anna Belle 452 Anna F 321 Anna Maria 164 Anne Elizabeth 330 Ann M 143 Ann Maria 293 Arnold 51 Baron S 355 Bathsheba Ill Bathsheba 133 Bathsheba 234 Benjamin 13 Benjamin 29 Benjamin 47 Benjamin 51 Beriah 57 Beriah 128 Beriah 288 Bessie I Bessie 428 Bessie Sarah 326 Betsey 200 Caleb" A 78 Catherine 37 INDEX 55 Catherine 60 Catherine 62 Catherine 80 Catherine 547 Catherine 87 Catherine 108 Catherine E 182 Catherine E 341 Catherine Eliza 231 Catherine Elvira. .. .374 Catherine Matilda. . . 172 Centennella 450 Charles I Charles 214 Charles 248 Charles 351 Charles 38(1 Charles 388 Charles A 326 Charles A therton .... 484 Charles F 432 Charles G 295 Charles Gilbert 194 Charles H 326 Charles Henrv 170 Charles R.. .* 401 Charles Willetts 236 Chalkley 206 Chlotilda 51 Christopher F 199 Clara I Clara 311, 251 Clara Bessie 476 Clarkson Abel 397 Clarkson Abel, Jr... 397 Clarkson Thomas. . . .295 Clinton F I Clinton F 432 Cryder 362 Cynthia 540 Cynthia 198 Daisy May ... 477 Daniel 15 Daniel 96 Daniel E 350 Daniel Gott 471 Davis 114 Deborah 545 Deborah 195 Deborah 59, 215 Dell I Dell Margarete 455 Dinah 84 Dorcas G 280 Ebenezer 28 Edith 51 Edith H 446 Edna Pascall 453 Edward 183 Edward B 338 Edward William 165 Edwin 389 Edwin 388 Electa Jane 224, 294 Elliott 397 Eliza 266 Eliza 370 Eliza B 249 Elizabeth 12 Elizabeth 66 Elizabeth 110 Elizabeth 118 Elizabeth 134 Elizabeth N 192 Ella Winslow 486 Ellen 248 Ellen Louise 432 Elum A 354 Emeline 175 Emily 568 Emily Saretta 427 Emma 124 Ephraim C 233 Ernest 428 Ettie 211 Eugene M 461 Eunice G 242 Fannie 248 Flora Belle 475 Frances Winfield. . . .482 Francis Wendall. . . .396 Francis Wendall . . . .478 Francis Winfield. .. .396 Frank 390 Franklin 184 Franklin 343 Franklin 353 Frank Newton 458 Frederick S 398 Gamaliel 565 George 73 George 77 George 80 George 179 George E I George E 250 George F 200 George H 406 George Knapp. . . .385, I George Lewis 1 93 George Lewis 369 George W 336 George W 399 Gideon 80 Gideon K 240 Gideon T 203 Gifford 83 Gilbert 72 Gilbert 400 Gilbert Lewis 372 Gilespie E 211 Glenville 295 Glenville A 390 Grace Virginia 473 Gulia 284 Gulielma 544 Gulielma 223 Hannah 17 Hannah 42 Hannah, 2 43 Hannah 106 Hannah 131 Hannah 196 Hannah 292 Hannah C 244 Hannah Clarke 394 Hannah Clarke 483 Hannah Dennis 161 Hannah E 316 Hannah Mary 357 Harriet 157 Harriet 363 Harriet L 378 Helen 474 Henry 1 Henry, Jr 2 Henry 75 Henry 149 Henry 212 Henry 387 Henry D 327 Henry H I Henry H 319 Henry H 377 Henry H 428 Herbert Boyd 464 Herbert E 448 Hezekiah 23 Hezekiah 34 Hezekiah 53 Hezekiah 77 Hezekiah 109 Hezekiah 120 Hiram 285 Howard Albert 454 Hoxie 311, 112 Huldah 320 Inez B 408 56 COLLINS FAMILY Ira 216 Isaac 99 Isaac 230 Isaac B. 148 Isaac F 186 Isaac H 365 Jabez 39 Jabez 546 James Cross 171 James Robinson 329 Jane F 376 Jedediah 25 Jeremiah 180 Job Scott 130 John 3 John 7 John 10 John 21 John 27 John 44 John 92 John 104 John 208 John 335 John 395 John Asahel 388 John I! 51 John Cox 75 John Raymond 465 John W 78 John W 235 John W 246 Joseph 5 Joseph 11 Joseph 33 Joseph, 3 127 Joseph 232 Joseph 314 Joseph 324 Joseph W 163 Josephine 1 347 Joshua 35 Joshua 61 Joshua 79 Joshua 137 Joshua 181 Joshua 185 Joshua A 322 Joshua E 364 Joshua R 356 Katharine Mary 472 Kezia 281 Lancelot Wendel .... 74 Laura 371 Lena Eugenia 463 Lettie M 348 Lewis 150, 85 Lewis G 543 Lewis M 429 Lillian Gardiner 488 Lillian D 405 Lillian W 444 Lillie Frankie 390 Lindley 169 Lois 19 Loretta 382 Loretta May 459 Lucy 204 Lucy 384 Luke 113 Lura Alberta 462 Lydia 26 Lydia 65 Lydia 538 Lydia 102 Lydia 142 Lydia 289 Lydia 291 Lydia Ann 213 Lydia F 85, 150 Lydia Lucelia 425 Lydia W 189 Mabel W 449 Mahlon Day 318 Maria 75 Maria 267 Marie 248 Mariah Alma 238 Marian E 243 Martha 70 Martha 76 Martha 89 Martha 125 Martha Caroline 168 Martha Foster 367 Margery 4 Margaret 178 Margaret A 340 Margaret A 345 Margery E 344 Martin H 77 Martin W 78 Martin W 367 Martin W 82 M ary 6 Mary 14 Mary 32 Mary 99, 58 Mary 64 Mary 91 Mary 117 Mary 138 Mary 156 Mary 229 Mary 290 Mary Ann 166 Mary Ann 187 Mary Ann 265 Mary Ann 325 Mary Ann 366 Mary Ann 391 Mary Anna 480 Mary Anna, 2 481 Mary B 542 Mary D 160 Mary D 190 Mary F 140 Mary E 339 Mary E 403 Mary Eliza 445 Mary Jane' 426 Mary Lydia 373 Mary M 360 Mary S 326 Mary Wilbur 218 Marv Winslow 487 Matilda 155 Mehitable 93 Meredith 63 Mirriam 570 Miriam 115 Meribah 537 Nancy 107 Nancy 210 Nancy 226 Nathan 41 Nathan, Jr 90 Nathan 123 Nathan J 379 Nathaniel 16 Naomi J 241 Nelson 323 Nina May 432 Obediah 1 36 Oliver 207 Oliver D 78 Oliver D. Jr 78 Oliver Edwin 455 Oscar E 358 Peleg 152 Peleg Clarke 490 Peleg G 393 Perry W I Perry W 432 Peter 215, 59 Peter 135 Peter H 368 Peter Hoxie 159 IKDEX 57 Phebe 67 Phebe 173 Phebe, 3 174 Phebe 217 Phebe D 303, 245 Philip 177 Philip 352 Philip H 346 Polly 205 Ralph P 443 Rebecca 22 Rebecca 78 Reuben 147 Rhoda 68 Rhoda 132 Rhoda, 188 Rhoda 282 Rhoda Hoxie 566 Ricketson 69 Ross Logan 466 Rowland D 539 Rowland Davis 567 Rowland R 539 Roy Vinson 451 Ruth 36 Ruth 52 Ruth 105 Ruth 116 Ruth 151 Ruth 397 Ruth Ann 159 Ruth Emily 460 Ruth Martinie 367 Ruth Olivia 268 Sally Ann 78 Sally Raily 264 Samuel 8 Samuel 30 Samuel 38 Samuel 48 Samuel 95 Samuel 214 Sarah 18 Sarah 24 Sarah 49 Sarah 122 Sarah 154 Sarah Ann 191 Sarah Ann 361 Sarah C 86 Sarah Edith 456 Sarah Jane 342 Sarah Stanton 489 Sarah Wilbur 167 Sennah 283 Sheffield 129 Sheldon C 398 Shirley I Shirley H 406 SilaA 349 Stella Frances 447 Simpson 75 Solomon 54 Solomon 119 Solomon Burden . . . .263 Sophronia 387 Stephen 51 Stephen, Jr 51 Stephen 94 Stephen H 248 Stephen Perry 121 Stephen W 375 Susan 80 Susan 81 Susan 541 Susan 139 Susannah 40 Susanna 45 Susannah 88 Susanna 101 SylvesterWellington 381 Theodore A 398 Theodocia 569 Theron 176 Thomas E 315 Thomas Foster 404 Thomas J 237 Thomas N 141 Thankful 222 Thankful 227 Timothy 97 Timothy Clarke 219 Velie M 78 Velona I Virginia 359 Walter 78 Walter G 406 Welcome 197 Willard W 202 William 21 William 56 William 103 William 144 William, 2 146 William 211 William 225 William 248 William 564 William C 402 William H 337 William Henry 158 William Penn 169 William Penn, Jr. . ..169 William Thurston. . .328 Zada 80 INDEX To Surnames Other than Collins. Refers to Introduction, and Figures to Numbers of Paragraphs. Ackerman, Isaac 174 Gurline 70 Albright, Mary O 536 Aldrich, Maria Rese 277 Angell, Mary E 171 Angevine, Caleb 81 Caroline 81 Angevine, Catherine 8 Emeline 8 Eupheme 8 Jonathan 8 Joshua 8 Margaret 8 Susan 8 58 COLLINS FAMILY Angevine, Virginia 81 Arnold, David (54 Baldwin, Sarah 301 Barker, General 63 Beekman, Clara 423 Eugene 423 John 423 Minnie 423 Bassett, John 274 Belden, Alice 530, 419 Clarence Warren 530 Nettie Eveline 530 Warren 530 Bentley, Maxamilla 285 Birdsall, Harry 427 Ingham, H 427 Blair, Sarah Elizabeth 380 Bogart, Susan 72 Borden, Elizabeth 73 Boss, Solomon B 143, 142 Bourne, Elizabeth 309 Bovvne, Miss 120 Bowen, Mehitable 27 Boyd, Safronia Adeline 381 Brown, William P 192 Bradford, Thomas Cong-don 333 Brand, Anna Jane 499 Briggs, Martha 310 Nathaniel 91 Brown. Mary Louisa 108 Bull, Ella Deitz 209 Henry 269 Mary 269 Nathaniel N 269 Burdick, Lucy 92 Nettie 424 Velona 428 Burke, Rev. Alfred Richard 529 Daniel WyEtte 529 James 529 Mabel Blanch 529 Burlingame, George 196 Burns, Etta 309 Burrows, Dr 71 Button, Albert 138 Almira 137 Eliza 388 Byington, Sarah 326 Campbell, Henry Livingston. .. .175 Capron, Laura S 193 Carpen ter, Catherine 312 George Stanton 412 Case, Willis 174 Cassey , Marv 169 Chandler, Ella I John A I Cheesebro, Lucelia 271 Chapman, Prudence 108 Clarke, Mabel S 505 Thankful 46 Clement, Rebecca 15 Clinton, Lewis I Minnie I W. H I Coffin, Lydia 295 Cole, Joseph 43 Collester, Frances D. ( Appendix) 108 Combs, Caroline Annette 279 Couenhoven, Belle 322 Cox. Catherine 75 Crandall, Amelia 424 Chauncy 424 Electa 423 Esther E 422 Francis 384 Henry 424 Jason 311 Marion 424 Susan 211 Cropsey, Ethelyn Ella 448 Cross, Mary 61 Crumb, Ann E I Beriah H 422, 420, I Clarence 408, I D.Truman 421, I Esther E 420, I Euelma 1 408 Francis I Francis 242 Francis H 420 Gertrude 497 Henry 282 Hoxie 242, I Irene I Inez 408, I James 242 Jennie E I Jennie M 420, I Kenneth C 408 Leon I Marion 242 Millie S 421, I Norman 242 Rhoda Jane 420 Velenea I Cryder, Harriet 181 Culvert, Margaret 516 Daggett, Susannah 21 Dalrymple, Clara A 256 Dal ton, Frederick Augustus 330 Davis, Cora M 409 Florence Cornelia 500 INDEX 59 DeForrest, E. Ruth 529 H Uelancy , John H 272 De le Vergne, Morton 68 Denison, Albert 254 Laura 240 Dix, William R 434 Doughty, Jacob 67 Martin 65 Dunn, Anna 119 Earle, William 87 William 106 Elphie, DeForest I Marie E I Faulkner, Waldo E 4'JS Fish, Alice 57 Anna 56 Fisher, Elihu 213 Fisk, Charles 427, I Clara J 427 Cora L 427 Saretta Emily I Flagler, Zakariah 62 Fonda, L. H 535 Forman, Nancy A 82 Foster, Arlovina I C. Frank I Charles 115 Cynthia 41 Elizabeth 113 Emily M 367 Phebe 300 Mary 233 Frair, Frank A 505 Fred M 506 Helen E 510 Jesse D 509 JohnD 43y Marion G 511 Mary A 508 William J 507 Franklin, Frederick 93 Gardiner, Fones 40 Mary Ann 219 Gibbs, Grace E 326 Gilford, Catherine Hosena 23 Gilbert, Emeline 514 Person C 519 Truman 125 Gleason, Anna M 179 Going, Susan E 200 (ioldsmith, Susanna 127 Gorton, Alice Marguerite 427 Alida I Henry W 427 Gould, Fanny 521 Green, Ann E 421 Green, Susan 201 Grurney, Frances 187 Mary 187 William II 187 Hagerty, George James 456 Horace Huston 456 Hall, Earl 273 Minnie 406 Ruth 130 Sarah 135 Hanley, Alia 526 ('. B. 526 Edward 526 Irene 526 Hardin, Charles 524 Etta 524 Minnie 524 William 524 Harkness, Mr 155 Harrington, Richard 435 Hawkes, Nathaniel 391 Healey, Barillion 437 Charles E 504 Frank 501 Mary E 502 Nellie 503 Hemenway, Alexis L 305 Esther Jane 437 John Alexis 438 Louisa Arzelia 528, 436 Lueinda 435 Mary Hathsheba 439 Susan I'amilla 440 Hewitt, A 522 T. E 520 Charles A 522 Hibbard, Catherine R 262 Cyrus D 260 George F 261 Harriet E 255 Henrv W 259 Hezekiah W 252 John N 256 Lois 1! 253 Mary C 254 Merton G 256 Otto Merrell 256 Phebe Roxey 258 Stephen H 257 Thomas « 116 Hinkley, Henry 244 Hodges, Orson 311, 251 Hogan, James 366 Holley, Elizabeth 146 Susan 148 Holmes, Alice 419, I 60 COLLINS FAMILY Holmes, Allison Jay 418 Arton Clarence 418 Charles Edwin 418 Clarence E 419, I Donald Guy 419 Emma Eliza 417 Hiram LeRoy 418 Jerome 268, I John Cook 418 Phebe J 186 R. Olivia 268, I Ralph Ora 418 Ruth Maria 418 Viola Mary 419 Holzer, Julia 390 Hopkins, Orestis Easton 462 Horton, John Ezra 513 Jessie E 512 Ovid K 508 Hoxie, Bathsheba 33 Benjamin 37 Eliza 241 Gideon 241 John 241 Mary 53 Mary 241 Hubbard, Ida May 420 Hunt, Clarence Lee 532 Earnest Robert 532 Edwin Dwight 532 Lynn DeForest 532 Maud Mary 532 Sarah Jane 308 Ingham, Hannah 109 Jackson, Lucy M 247 Jaquay, Collins 31 Jonathan 13 Lydia 12 Jenks, Merton C Jennings, Floyd Francis Harland John W 30 Nora PelegS William Johnson, Abigail. Fay Isabella 1 John Zada Jolles, Emily 52 Joslin, Charles S 533 Eveline A 533 Ida 1 533 Rev. John S 533 Joslin, Robert B 533 Keedwell, Mary Ella 269 Keith, Louisa 248 Kenyon, Abby E 202 Artemisia 197 Miss 120 Deborah 112 Harriet E 202 Isaac C 166 John H 105 Lydia 85 Peleg- 227 Rachel 230 Rhoda 518 Kinyon, Bathsheba 297 Kirby, Mary 367 Knapp, David H 325 Charles H 325 Emeline 211 Susie B 325 Knowles, Eliza 129 Henry 290 John H 231 Sarah S 194 Lamb, Isaac Thomas 550 Charles Wort 556 Edwin Henry 557 Ellen 555 Meribah 554 Larkin, Abel Leonidas 279 Aldrich 271 Edward LeRoy 493 Eliza 412 Eliza J 274 Ellie O 411, I Emily L 410, I Florentia E 278 Harold Collins 495 James K 124 James Perry 275 LeRoy 265, I Mary Ann 272 Mary Theresa 491 Nathan H 277 Richard 276 Richard Berry 492 S. A 167 Sarah C 273 Solomon Collins 409 Solomon Kenyon 270 Willie Warren 494 Lewis, Clarissa 199 Martin Alvin 210 William W 210 Loomis, Lettie 1 397 Madison. Delight 304 INDEX HI Madison, Sarah 304 Maine, Elizabeth 252 Mann, Mr 515 Manny , Mr 66 Martin, Mrs. Julia 514 Mary G 519 Mattson, Clarence Henry 459 Walter Archibald ' 459 Mayne, Hosea B 434 Jessie M 434 Mclntyre, Ida 506 Miller, Eliza 276 Mitchell, Thomas 126 Munroe, Job 217 Newton, Alvin Miles 267 M. Jennie I Morris 426, I Noel, Sarah 207 Northrup, William 306 Noyes, Abby J 203 Nye, H. Mood 376 Lewis E 376 Thomas Willard 376 Ormsby, Mrs. Lovinia 514 Orton, John 213 Palmer, Edgar 430 Eliza 254 Elma 431 Noves 287 Sally 197 Pal meter, Esther 303 Lucy M 206 William 206 Peckham, Mary 100 Perkins, Eliza 104 Perry, Sarah 54 Pollard, Collins Lyon 560 Emma 558 Hattie 562 Henry W 561 Libbie 559 Rinaldo 552 Pool, Rebecca 170 Popple, Tabitha 90 Porter. Joseph 311 Pudney, Austin 299 Purdie, Jane F 300 Rath bone, Josephine R 328 Reese, Clara 432 Rhodes, Curtis U 496 Marguerete C 496, I OraM I Ricketson, Rhoda 34 Robinson, Elizabeth 69 Rockwell, Mary Eloise Deitz. . .269 Rogers, Amy 108 Rogers, Francelia 4 is Rosenfelt, Charles 470 Roundy, Mary Ann 208 Rowe, Margaret 79 Ryan, Timothy C 278 Rydell, Henry C 325 Sager, Catherine 385 Schultz, Maud 455 Scarritt, Henry 291 James 129 Seabury, Kirkland E 407 William W 407 Seebre, Lettie I William I Sheffield, Hannah 55 Sheldon, Sarah D 398 Shepard, Hewitt 425 Shockey, Mr ... .467 Sisson, Asa 84 Smith, Annie D 531 Charles 309 Charles Collins 548 Delia 256 Frances Cynthia 552 Edwin Potter 551 Eliza Meribah 553 George Fox 310 Harriet 305 Henry 308 Henry 537 Jane Ann 307 John Collins 312 Lydia 549 Mary Hannah . .112 Mary Hannah 311 Mary R 152 Nancy 313 Nathaniel P 133 Sarah Ann 550 Susannah 306 Snell, Dorothy 533 Rosamond 533 Hon. W. E 533 Soule, Addie E 507 Spaulding, George Edwin 334 Joseph 172 Laura Emma 331 Martha Jane 333 William Penn 332 Spencer, John 222 Spicer, Esther 211 Stanbro, Charles I Charles 497 Delight I Duane 245 Elmer 245 62 COLLINS FAMILY Stanbro, Frank 245 Gertrude I Hannah Serene 299 Holard I Hoxie I Jennie 245 J. Collins 300, I Joshua Thomas 301 Margarette Jane 434 Mary Ette 302 Maud I Ora M 496 Phebe 300, I Peleg ...132 Peleg, Jr 297 Rhoda Jane 298 Stephen Hoxie 304 Thomas P 433 Walter L 497 William 245 William, Jr 245 William I William Penn 303 Stephens, Louisa 260 Stewart, Allie Ann 381 Ella May 467 Eva Dell 469 King Lemuel 382 Vinnie E 470 Warren V 468 Warren V., Jr 468 Stuart, Ann 177 Stringer, Miss 533 Sweet, Lebbeus 37 Tabitha \. . . 80 Tabor, Mary 392 Teall, William Sumner 476 Tef t, Amos 516 Electa Ann 525 Eli Alonzo 520 Emily Elizabeth 524 Dr. Erastus 518 Jonathan 118 Jonathan, Jr 517 Dr. Joseph 514 Dr. Leslie 514 Louisa 519 Maria 515 Rhoda Jerusha 526 Sarah Minerva 522 Solomon Perry 523 Susan Almeda 527 Thomas Wilbur 521 Underhill, Mary 120 Van Dalfsen, Garritia 176 Van Tyne, Claude 533 Van Tyne, Evelyn Isabelle 533 Van Wie, Mary 523 Velie, Cordelia 76 George 76 Hannah Maria 76 Joshua C 76 Minard 76 Minard, Jr 76 Serena 76 Susan Jenette 76 Wellington M 76 Waldron, Jane 288 Ward, Sally 78 Weaver, Anna 83 Wells, Libbie 309 West, Delinda 517 Isaac 122 Westcott, Paul 292 Westfall, Esther 468 Wheeler, Lucinda 212 White, Mary 35 William 36 Wiard, Katharine Wolcott 475 William Wolcott 475 Widney, — 180 Wightman, Rosalia D 250 Wilbur, John 102 Mary A 98 William 293 Williams, Keturah A 318 Wills, Mr 469 Worden, Hannah 25 Yaw, Mary 214 York, Albert A 108 Bertrand D 535 DelosC 534 E. Pearl I Esther Florinda 530 Evaline F 532 Francis L 536 Frank Day 531 Fritz Elera 500 Harriet 433 Harriet Louisa 498 Jared F 531 John Francis 536 Kate Ethel 536 Leila Dorothea 536 Lelen Alexis 499 Lelen Alonzo 528, 436 Lelen Collins 108 Lewis C 108 Lodowick C 108 Mahlon Day 529% Mary Prudence 108 Mary Sabrina 529 INDEX 63 York, Neta Violet 531 Neva Louisa 531 Satie Frances 536 Thomas H 108 Verne Belle 531 Vroneelia A 533 York, Warren D 108 Welcome D 108 William D 108 Yeomans 108 Zepernick, Herman 467 GAZETTE TRINT, BALDWINSVILLE. N. Y. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I III 111 MINIM 021 549 439 1