'5 b' V. Qass i^ i V ^ Book. -X^ A XiBTTER Jlddressed to Martin Van Buren, President of the United States, in answer to the late attack upon the Navy, by the Official Organ of the Government. Sir • I have read with astonishment and indignation the late libel and calumny of the Globe upon the character and standing ot the navy that noble arm of our national defence. My astonish- ment is not that the official organ of the Government should origi- nate and circulate such a base tissue of falselioods— tor of its fitness for any low purpose, and its utter recklessness of principle, I have long been persuaded— but that the whole article should be so much at variance with all the messages of the late Executive, as well as the diflferent communications from the late heads of the Navy De- partment upon the same subject. No act of inconsistency, however, of the present party now in power should excite my wonder or call forth an expression of surprise, as their whole course, since they have had the management of the affairs of state, has been entirely opposed to their precepts when candidates for public favour. But, 811% I am proud to perceive that this foul-mouthed slander has found but little favour with the people and press generally. The odium and contempt which it has vainly endeavoured to fix upon our gal- lant navy have but recoiled upon itself, and it is now writhing under their effects. It is not my purpose to attempt to repel any of the infamous and degrading charges which they have impudently and wantonly advanced. The character, the honour, the deeds of noble daring, of this high-minded and chivalric body, are too well known and hTghly appreciated by the American people to be tarnished by the filthy outpourings of this foul vehicle of slander. I shall merely notice some of its more opprobrious epithets and comparisons, and may, perhaps, allude to and rebut one or two of the graver asser- tions ; before doing which, however, I will briefly give my reason for addressing this letter to yourself. You have adopted "the max- ims and principles" of your illustrious predecessor, pledged your- self to follow in his footsteps, and will consequently do as he did— take the responsibility of the acts and doings of the different De- partments, more especially Blair's, as this seems to receive more of the executive attention and supervision than any or all of the others ; nothing, at least, can appear in its venal and prostituted columns, without being written, dictated, or sanctioned, by the Executive. The " whole" navy has been the object of this slander and abuse. Old and meritorious officers have been abused, insulted, and vilified, and the faults of the few have been made to attach to the many. 2 ' It has been charged upon this gallant corps, " that there is a totaJ want of the esprit du corps, without which there is nothing high or ennoblincT in the profession of arms." Grant this for the sake of argument, (which by no means do I,) to whom are blame and cen- sure attributable 1 and who should receive condemnation at the hands of the public 1 The officers of the navy, or those who have had the control and management of it ? Certamly the latter as in Iheir hands has it f\dlen to its present ebb ; for its condition when the present partv came into power was sound, efficient, and well organized— admUted to be so by the present dynasty, who were the celebrated reformers of that day. It was the pride, boast, and ornament of the country, and to be one of its members was consid- ered a sufficient passport to the very best society of the day. In tho^e davs reputation and f\ime were gained by merit and service, not by cringing servilitv to the party in rule, for such was not then the order of the day. 'But how sadly has this once high-minded and honorable corps fallen since then ! It seems by your own showin^T that they have not been exempt from the corrupting influ- ences ol'the infected atmosphere at Washington ; and, as there can be no effect without a cause, there must be a reason for it. Is it to the force of example in other Departments, or to a new one in their ovtu " If to either, the present administration is unquestiona- bly the source of the evil. It is attributable to the weakness, inefficiency, and disgrace, with which the Department has been conducted. New rules and regulations have been introduced, and old, ffood, and well-tried ones dispensed with. But, in spite ol all this, the navy has remained unshaken and true to herself ; and it was for this very reason— because she would not bow the knee to Baal— that it has become the object of executive animadversion, and called forth the curses and execrations of that spothss organ, the Globe. Yes, sir, amidst the many temptations to which they have been exposed-the honors paid them at court, and favor shown them— there has been too much spirit and independence m the naval corps to be reduced from the high and enviable stand which thev have always occupied, to the condition of fawning sy- cophants and pliant tools. It was this firm and laudable resistance to encroachments upon their rights and long-established usages that invoked the executive displeasure, and the wrath of the vie and polluted Globe. It is true that some of the officers have strayed fVom the path of duty, honor, and fame, by the glitter of reward ana promise of promotion : but I am pleased to say that these are few, and these few are those who were exculpated by the Globe in, the charge it made upon the whole body. 3 The be next part of the libel which I shall not.ce is ^h«\«h^;g ^^S J^^^^^- cers wi.^. a '\'u.posilion to skulk from Uuty," as " lazy louts. " hangers on?" -'^V. nng'tca campaigners," and '• blood-sucker, at the publ.c Treasury. • . "/HI answer the charge by asking a question. If such be Navv f Tonoti.-L -1 ccnaive at, or correct abuses ? I he tault. it there be any, is lieve. '• Other instances, connected with the Be- mere oe ^uy ,„,.^ ^ comparisons and epithets are Kw n'd^d^ ig- ...otici > ny other fv ay than by giving thein a Dlace in o^er to ehow the io.l-. ^d unworthme.s of the source from whenL they emanated, ii.t v .• , the charge : I deny U eTept so far as relates to the exploring . And here, instead of skulkinc from, tliey manfully and openly r.u v •'<> clnly. And why did thev refuse ? Because it was so miserably m. - -■' •• oecause such new rules and regulations were introduced in sekcuu^ '""wL'!; render it justly obnoxious to all high-minded ami honorable .. Whe. it vv^s fir t set^on foot, the hearts of the oldest and best of the se I ea high in anxious expectancy of the appointment to its command , .11 were ready to volunteer, for it was then understood that none b«. ■ teers would be appointed. But the arrangement was soon succeedeu ; anoaJr regulation which soon brought the expedition into disrepute- that of a commander selecting his own officers. So that, ins ead of officer. Isk ng serrc'from the SecreW of the Navy, they were -1-^-g ^^ from a post captain : and in consequence, in the language of an office of the naC " misrule, confusion, and mismanagement stalked forth with gian strides The once popular South Sea expedition w^ now rendered odou 'to the officers^, 'fhrough the nrismanagement of the Navy De- nartoent, it had become a by-word and reproach upon the navy ; and w^en the country, impatient bf its protracted delays, was informed that he expedition wl^ at length upon the eve of sailing, it was suddenly left withouTa commander ; and the Secretary with one hundred captains and commanders subject to his orders, reported that he could not get one to go It this time the control of the expedition was transferred to another, and the belief was indulged that he would restore it to its former favorable standing ; and many officers, whose glorious deeds have won for them an imperishable name, and now occupy the bnghtest pages in the anna s ot our country, were waiting, with a modest forbearanse and decorum, which those in power could not value or appreciate,) to be appointed to its com- mand. But they had not kissed the foot, and hence were less fortunate than those who were less worthy. A junior lieutenant, who had no claim to the appointment but a base servility to the ruling clique, and what is so heartily execrated by the Globe, " a campaign at Washington of six or seven long years, and who had scarcely seen twelve months' sea ser ice in as many years,' was, contrary to law and usage, ifted over tl- head-f laborious and deserving officers. It was doings of this kind, sir which rendered the expedition so odious and unpopular witn the navy. And ,ow was the requisite Bumber of officers obtained at last ? By assurances I ad iBcreasr of afaiy. T:^ ^ tpraoise of ^ainr ; i^d, »ore:-f-. 'iiir?: fnta aaMH^ the Taarp-'-Jjaea ^i W^sc:- was die csBse, ibe pnaecaBoe. of «^ vkicA was Bade isr Htt potpK^' * tBCch. 3S die oonse ^ ^ or* r- . kind I rd St - — ^ .^ JX t- ^ ra&s ooz. - ^ *: V •MSeueui^ !■ 1 5t woJd zxx i eee ixi - IsaaMmam . ^lexeepiienUe part of ihe libel, a^c Kate a few R tS coaclade vtot I have to saj ap: » at ;^ a. The c:^ . ~ rets ■^ had adafled die Bazianai: c^fes of «ake?< sr Caa it be fciaiiJili , sir, datp v yaar iMBye -^ : Jd na ] aB| ^f i i B% ii i i jom u ae U ^em. baB ef re e^ bat fiA. aad bas vo^ : ^■^ MaiBe '. is afll ia BKXkm, so starfe s^fettadvaB, 5-: a,ffaaft,iBaiaoiDeBter with r.famy and disgrace all those who occupy the place in society which yo*' ouce did. But it is well known in the South, that a negro, acting in th© capacity nf an overseer, always shows less mercy to his fellow-negroeS than a white driver, and delights to inflict punishment upon them, in orde^ to show his authority and consequence. Those conversant with history know that when a weak and wicked man is elevated to power, he will always abuse the trust reposed in him, and become a tyrant, if the people will permit it. Such poor misguided wretches always become insufferably proud and overbearing. But, sir, the mechanics of th's country can look down with scorn and indignation, in ihe pride of conscious honesty, on such spoil-pampered aristocrats, who have grown fat and insulting upon the offals of the public Treasury. They know you, sir, and have put a jnark upon you ; and through the ballot-boxes, at the cominsr elections, will let you know that vou are not to indulsre in vour invective at their expense. ' ^ LUCY KENNEY. "Washiz^gtox, September 1838. The following letter, ftom a distinguished friend, is here appended, as well for the edilication of your excellency, as lor the gratification of my whig friends throughout the country ; My Dear Madam : It affords me great pleasure to comply with your request for me to give you my opinions concerning your "pamphlet ;" for the gift of which you will please accept my warm thanks. To all that you have written, I say. Amen and Amen. Napoleon expelled Madam de Stael from his empire for her political sins ; but it will be impossible for Martin to banish you from his republic. Shun Van But en as the dominant spirit of political hell ; but court Clay, as the anxiously looked for restorer of potiiical heaven. Frown upon fanatic abolitionists as public demons. TTiey do not know that slaves in the South are better clad and fed, more happy, and lees burdened, t'lan paupers in the North. Restore the United States Bank, as the best patron of the " Ameiican system" of industry. Jackson pulled her down ; not because she was unfaithful to her charter, but because she refused to be made the political machine of his party. In conclusion, it will be as easy for you to remove Van Buren from the presidential chair, as for you to place Clay in his stead ; and the whig-s will deifv you. WM. DARLINGTON. Jliss Lucy Ktnncy. Perhaps it may not be uninteresting to your excellency to be informed that, at the Mechanics' celebration in Philadelphia, (cobblers, tinkers, and all,) of the event of the resumption of specie payment, it was declared that the publications of Lucy Kenney had revolutionized the State of Penn- sylvania, and would in the end, make Clay the President of tfie United Slates. LUCY KENNEY. A SATIRE. Being a rejoinder to a reply by Mrs. E. Runnelh to my letter in vindi- cation of the Navy. I have been induced, after much persuasion and hesitation, to make the following remarks, thereb}' violating a determination long since made, and by which, I trust, I have always been governed, never to be drawn into a controversy with any one whose place and standing in socieiy did not command the notice and attention of the respectable and intelligent portion of the community. But, it having been intimated that my silence may be misconstrued, 1 have, upon reflection, thought it advisable to give publicity to the reasons why I have remained silent since the publication of an answer to my lastjletter, and \vhy,'in future, 1 shall preserve the same silence towards any^production of this highly-gifted and talented authoress and biographer : the first and chief of which is, that I would compromise my own dignity as much by condescending to notice this fair and notorious lady, as by refusing to notice him and those whose cause she espouses. — As regards this particular publication, however great be my disposition to answer it, it is almost impossible to indulge it, for, with the perusal of such a tissue of nonsense, I never but once before liad my patience so tasked, and that was in reading the Life of this very distinguished charac- ter; however, as I have been roluctantly compelled to say so much, 1 will say a few words upon this reply to my letter to Mr. Van Buren. — The whole force of her remarks (if in the fertile imagination of any, they can be supposed to contain force) is directed against the United States Bank, an insiiiution respecting which, in my letter (to which hers is in- tencfed as an answer) I said not a word. This digression, however, is excusable, it happening in one of the sex whose exclusive attention it is almost impossible to give to any subject save one, and that presenting itself at a time of life long since passed by my honorable disputant. How- ever, as I am always disposed to do justice to merit, even though it should be in adversary, I am constrained to acknowledge notwithstanding what I have just said, that her remarks havg not been without effect. The bank has fell the blow, and could scarcely withstand its force ; it is now totter- ing under it, and only remains to receive another from the same source in order to completely prostrated and overthrown. Upon tiie arrival of this production in Philadelplua, which was sent to the monster, Nicholas, post-haste, by some of his friends in Washington, who felt a great appre- hension concerning the well-being of the bank after reading it, a messen- ger was immediately despatched to the several directors, requesting them to meet in their banking-room to take into consideration some mode in which to meet this able and argumentative document, which so much threatened to annihilate the existence of the bank. Several plans were proposed and discussed; but the only one engaging their attention was the practicability of enlisting the services of this very lady to prop up their falling fortunes which she had just been engaged hi balterhig down, each one present feeUng himself incompetent to the task ; and it was unani.xiously conceded that this must be the most effectual mode of prevenlmg the downiall ot the bank, if thev could but succeed in employmg her aid ; but many doubted its feasibililv— some upon the ground of her purity of purpose and the impossibility of her being bought up, and others the amount re- quired to do so, as no doubt her pen had been well gdded in a golden stream that flows profusely from a certain Department. These objections were well weighed and considered ; when it was determined by the mea- are majority of one vote, to abandon the idea ; the others believmg it would be better to risk a refusal and consequent exposure than to abandon them- selves to the tender mercy of the public without this strong arm of reason to shield and' protect them, their motto being " No venture no have " And I am persuaded, if the majority had^been gifted with the faculty of prescience, and could have foreseen the consequences of this letter, (to them so much dreaded,) they would have united to a man, and proffered the whole surplus of the bank to obtain her valuable services, even though there was held out but the faintest prospect of success. It is said that " honesty is the best policy,^, and I must confess that, after reading her reply to my letter, at- though the remarks of a personal nature applied to myselt were not characteristic of the chaste and immaculate person from whom they came, I was almost compelled to forget my own wrongs and the severe castigation she gave me, and from the, fullness ot my heart, cry out, Amen, amen! My natural generosity oi soul prompted me to it, and I should doubtless have given utterance to mv feelings, but for that innate craving and selfish passion wmch seems incorporated with my very existence, and to which every other feeling and passion is subject— that passion which is led by the dazzle and glitter of filthy lucre, the profligate source ot vice and corruption. Ah ! money, money, how many sins you wdl have to answer for ! At your shrine, how many distinguished and favored friends of the present administration, with whose success the author has identified herself, have fallen martyrs, and the tair places their names once occupied upon the standard of honor ana distinction now so many black spots held out as beacons to deter others, who may be so unfortunate as to possess the same propen- sity from like transgression. But at the same time, as every evil has its good, I must forget this old friend in whose acquaintance, I so much delight, although at times he has been quite retractory and turned his back upon me, for he has some very commendable and good traits of characetr, the most prominent of which are sin- cerity and firmness of attachment. When all others have deserted vou, he remains firm and unwavering; and at such times, if you have or can get his acquaintance, lie exerts a powerful and peculiar influence in regaining the snniles and favors of his lost friends, or acquiring new ones; and for this very quality, though it be unsup- ported by others, I am determined never unceremoniously to cut his acquaintance, but clinch his hand so long as he extends it. — Nevertheless, if any thing could have induced me to disregard his favors, it would have been this very answer to that letter, which contributed so much towards our intimacy of acquaintance. But aside from the bank, the writer attempts to answer one of my charges — that of gross mismanagement in fitting out the ex- ploring expedition ; and after charging me with ignorance upon the subject, very candidly acknowledges herself so, and wisely leaves it to others more able than herself to rebut. Before doing so, she remarks, " No doubt every measure was adopted to carry it through with wisdom, honor, and safety, [would that they could adopt some measures to become more wise — then most probably some of the subjects which the lady suggests as being more suitable to my sex would engross much of that time which I conceive it is now my duty to give to these stumblers and experimenters,] as it was their interest to do so." Yes, it would be to their interest to adopt mea- sures to carry out their measures with wisdom ; but this is the very something which it is necessary to have in order to adopt proper measures. It is wisdom which dictates proper measures ; but measures born and nurtured in the very lap of ignorance and im- pudence cannot be productive of much good or conducted with wisdom, so long as they are intrusted to the' care of those with whonj they originated, and should any good result from them, it would be by accident, and not the consequence of wcll-matur6d plan and design. As another inducement that these ^.measures should be well matured and properly considered before their adop- tion, she says, with them rested the responsibility. I ask what res- ponsibility? The responsibility of this act and measure; and it was for this very responsibility that I thought proper to hold them up, in all their blackness and depravity, to the contempt and scorn of the public. In this very same sentence, she says, " to err is hu- man to forgive divine;" the first half of which remark is fully ex- emplified in the case of the individuals whom she has undertaken to defend ; but the latter part, although one of the noblest attributes, does not belong to the American people when they find their ser- vants guilty of culpable neglect and mismanagement. And, as the honorable lady's bosom seems to be the seat of such patriotism, I am astonished to find her possessed of so much mercy and charity when the dearest institutions of her country for which she pro- Sse" so much regard, are assailed and that ^ by those to wh^^^^^^ guidance they bad been intrusted. I will here state lor hei intor malion and that of others, that I shall in future expose abuse and ruptio:f wherever I may find it in any of the departments or m any public servants, but only m those, which I conMdei to be the nronertv of the public and responsible to the public property oi uit. puuu ^ reflected upon the humble - "? Mr' r, £en A greLr S could not have been uttered; ongu) of Mr. Van Baren. ^greater , .^ ^^.^^ ^^^^ ^ .^ sa.Sr ; o^tt'ed.' "iMvitl th^e^be fouifd that, instead of saj.ng aught Snst that condition in life from which Mr.^Van Buren sprung,! upbraid- Sri for attempting to cast reproach upon that very ^ondm^.; remark^ Jno- that he should not forget from it he himself arose. It was introaucea u's 'eaking of the blessings of the institutions of our country, which gave to none office or distinction on account of wealth or name, but openea ike theToad of preferment to the poor and ^^^^ -^^^^^^t^L^pr s'en birth, and the high ; that they recognized no d'^\^f^^^7J ^^ fj^^^^^^^^^^ incumbent of the executive chair would be elsewhere than ^^^^^^ ^e now s and that I thought it ill became him to turn around and attempt to brand with infamy those who occupied the sau.e place in soctety that he once did and for no other reason than that of occupancy. . In another part of her reply, she charges me with contradicting in one part o my leuer that which I said in another, in attributing in one Ke he ^attack upon the navy to the President, and in another to Uie Globe. When speaking of the Globe, my readers, at least all butThostof the mo^t limffed comprehension, understoom^^^^^^^ meaning the whole clique of those who conduct it te. editoml , and him whose views in particular it ^P^^^^V ^, "f^^^jf V^/ji^J^'i" ,^ stated that, although he might not have .^^^''"^^".^ ,'^^^^^7^' sanction : and according to the pledge given to ^ °^ ^"^h^^^oo steps of his predecessor, took the responsibility. ^^^^^^7^^°^^'^^'. around that I addressed the letter to him, and, m it, held him ac ?ounlable for the evil doings of his underlings, if, indeed, it was not ^''"irjnl of this pledge reminds me of another portion of the lad^riett?,-, that charging me -ith inconsistency^n ^uppo^^^^^^^^^ General Jackson and opposing the newly-made hero, Mr. Van i5uren, asthe latter pledged ifiLelf^o -^ -^^^^-^^hrmfa sure of mer In my letter I said not a word about any of the measures oi Mr Van Buren, save the one which called forth the romarks; and Tnow ask thL bdy, or others more -^-^^'iVCX Glob^ communication of President Jackson, or in any column of the Globe during his adminislration, one word of reproach upon the character of our navy. If she can succeed in this, I will then confess myself convicted of inconsistency, for the sake of an inducement to make the investigation; fori know well, notwithstanding the lady has been an attentive reader of the Globe, she is as ignorant of what General Jackson said or did, and what has from time to time ap- peared in the Globe, as she is of the subject of which I treated, and to which she has attempted a reply. However, because I was an admirer of General Jackson is no reason that I should be one of Mr. Van Buren ; as the two characters are entirely distinct, the one being honorable and high-minded, the other, low, groveling, and intriguing ; and, the mere fact of his pledging himself to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor, instead of recommending him to my favour, would of itself be sufficient to destroy any favorable opinion I might previously have entertained of him, the sentiment being entirely too cringing and subservient to be entertained, much less proclaimed, by an aspirant to the chief magistracy of this Union. Apart from this, there were many of General Jackson's measures which never received any favor at my hands ; and it is those measures, in addition to others which have been recommend- ed and introduced since his retirement, that have been most perti- naciously advanced and insisted upon by the present incumbent. Even though I approved of all the late President did or recom- mended, I should be very loath indeed to rely on a pledge of Mr. Vnn Buren to move in his footsteps ; knowing as well as J do how little dependence is to be placed upon his words and promises, as his whole life, since he entered upon the field of politics, has been made up of inconsistencies. He has availed himself of every politi- cal hobby upon which there was a prospect of riding into power, looking only to the end, and not regarding the means by which he attained it ; but, as his character in this respect is so well known and understood, I think I would be tasking the patience of my read- ers too much to say any thing more upon this head. The remarks of the lady in speaking of me personally are too highly imbued with the spirit of her character — blackguardism — to receive a comment, and go farther than aught I could say to ac- quaint her readers with the character of the source from whence they came. Before concluding this letter, which already covers more space than I intended it should, I will say a few words upon the subject of democracy, about which the lady, as well as her party, have so ™uch praltle and clatter. There is not a greater piece of humbug- gery now extant than this very same dennocracy. It nneans any thing and ever}^ thing. The most opposite and apparently irrecon- cilibie extrenaes are brought together and made to unite in harmo- ny under its great latitude of interpretation and construction. It is ©ne of the most charitable and accommodating words in our vo- cabulary, having a definition keeping pace with the changes and evolutions of a certain class of men who have thought proper to avail themselves of its charm and enchantment of name, and its facility of transmutation, to carry out their purposes. To-day it means leaving all power in the hands of the people, from whence it came ; to-morrow, concentrating it in the hands of the Executive. One day condemning the interference of officers of the Govern- ment with the freedom of elections ; the next day, recommending such interference as being the only passport to favour and office, and as the only proper means of demonstrating their loyalty and fealty. To-day it means the most implicit obedience in office- holders to the will of their constituents ; to-morrow, any low in- trigue and chicanery, or even violation of oath, to defeat that will. In fine, as I say above, it means any and every thing which will advance or subserve the interest of a particular party, and directly the opposite of what it meant with those with whom it originated. I have now done. Respectfully, LUCY KENNEY. 'X u ,0