^oV v*^!^^ ^^^'^ --^ ^,' ■^' ^- ' A v^^ 'bV" % ^-^..^^ .'^cK^-o x/ /^ife\ ^^^.^^'/^ ^^.^^ °- s**.-i-;^-.\. >°*.-;S^-.*=o ./\.>;^^k-.V . o°*..:a^-/oo _..'^ ,-i c »*'% • • * • > J-^ «■ ^ BIRDSEYE VIEW OF THE CITY F NEWARK. Looking Southwest. j^c kr^ovVled ginei^ts. Photographs for this work by L. Schill, J. Rennie Smith, A. Valentine and Teush. Engravings, with a few exceptions, by Photo- Engraving Co., Moss Engraving Co. and Hagopian Photo-Engraving Co., of New York. The historical part of the work was written by Samuel J. Macdon.^ld, and the compositions on manu- facturing industries by M. H. C. Vail. The ink used is " Fine Wood Cut," manufactured by Frederick H. Levev Co., 59 Beekman Street, New York. , , The paper is loo lb. "Woodcut," made expressly for the book by M. Plummer & Co., New York. Design for cover by A. Schlueter & Co. Composition and presswork by Wm. A. Baker. Binding by F. Enderlin & Son. NEWARK, N. I. ILLUSTRATED. A Souvenir of the City and its Numerous Industries. PRKSKNTING IN A COMl'ACT FORM A BRIEF HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE SKTTLHMFNT, CRoW-ni AND FITIRE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMKRCIAL IMPORTANCK OF THE CITY OF NEWARK, AND CONTAINING PROFUSE ILLUSTRATIONS OF ITS GREAT FACTORIES, BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCES, VARIOUS POINTS OF INTEREST, PORTRAITS OF PROMINENT CITIZENS, ETC. DE^^K iXKO BY PETER I LliAWY. ISSUED BY AI'PKOVAI. ()F THH BOARD OF TRADE. PUBLISHED BY WM. A. BAKER, NEWARK, N. J., n^ / 9 ^ 1893, BY PETER J. LEARV. Board of Trade of the City of Newark OFFICERS FOPv THE YEAR 1893. Pll'Sl'tiill/, Vice-Presidents Secretary, Treasurer. . SAMUEL ATWATER. ELIAS S. WARD, JOHN B. STOBAEUS, S. S. SARGEANT. P. T. OUINN. JAMES E. FLEMING, DIRECTORS- A. B. TwiTCHELi,, James A, Cue, J.\mes S Hu;i;nc, S. J. Meekek, Wii.li.\-M A. Ure, Rii.i'.y W. Bumi, Geoki^e W. WiEnKNM.wEU, R, G, Salomon, A. E. Selioer. COMMITTEES STANDING COMMITTEES. Ariut RATION — Franklin Murphy, Ben- jamin Atha, Joseph Coult, Samuel C. Howell, James W. Miller. Trade and MANrFAcriREs — E. L. Phil- lips, George B. Jenkinson, Jr., Thomas B. Hagstoz, Louis Plaut, Frank Kellogg, G. Willis Peters, Samuel Froelich, Franklin Conklin, Charles Joy. TRANsroRTATioN AND Rau.roads — John L. Armitage, Edward Balbach, D. T. Campbell, R. Wayne Parker, C. Feigen- span, E. G. Heller, Henry Merz, C. T. Williamson, George Brown, J. Miller Roe, George E. Halsey. River and Navigation — A. B. Twitch- ell, John H. Ballantine, Joel W Hatt, George B. Swain, James S. Higbie, L. L. Carlisle, Walter Tomkins, Edward Balbach, Viner J. Hedden. Internal I.mprovemeni s — L. Spencer Goble, George B. Jenkinson, Franklin Murphy, Edward Schickhaus, Edward O. ICeasbey, O. C. Woolson, Hugh Smith, Robt. F. Maier, John L. Meeker. Lecislation — Elias S Ward, Joseph Coult, Gottfried Krueger. M. T. Barrett, Cyrus Peck, P. T. Ouinn, A. F. R. Mar- tin, C. S. Stockton, Harrison VanDuyne, A. A. Smalley. SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Frelinohuysen Monument (appointed to secure the erection of a suitable monu- ment to the memorj' of the late F. T. Frelinghuysen) — Theodore Runyon, An- thony O. Keasbey, John F. Dryden, George S. Duryee, John A. Gifford, Thomas T. Kinney, J. Frank Fort, Eugene Vanderpool, R Wayne Parker, Robert F. Ballantine, George A. Halse)\ Franklin Murphj', Edw. Kanouse, Ed- ward Balbach. Fire Limits and Building Laws — Wm . A. Ure, James S. Higbie, R. P. Conlon. George A. Hall, C. L. Whitfield, Wilbur A. Molt, Edward Heyden. PuiiLic Park Question — Cyrus Peck, Stephen J. Meeker, Elias S. Ward, A. O. Keasbey, A. B. Twitchell, S. S. Sar- gcant, Thomas S. Henry, James E. Fleming, Edward Schickhaus, G. W. Wiedenmayer. MEMBERS. Aiha, U. H. Arbuckle, James N. Armitaffe, John L. Atha, Benjamin Atwater, Samuel Ballantine, Robert F. Ballantine, John H. Ball, James T. Balbach, Edward Barrett, Michael T. Barnard, L. R. Bailey, Henry E. Banister, James A. Bond, Riley W. Bowers, James Brown, George Buerman, August Buchanan, Paul Beck, Theodore E. Brown, Gilbert C. Bonnul, Charles I. Brientnall, J. H. H. Bippart. Achille Butterworth, James Colycr, Joseph Colyer, John Conklin, Edward L. Conklin, Franklin Curtis. William H. Campbell, D T. CarhufF, Ellis R. Carlisle, Lewis L. Cl^irk. William Clark. William Campbell Clark, J. William Chapman, Herbert W. Carrington. Edward M. Conk, George W. Colton, Charles A. Cory, James M. Coe! James A. Coc. Theudoi f Compton, Charles W. Contrell, lolm P. Conlon, Redmond P. Coult, Joseph Crcssy, Thomas Crane, Edward N. Davis, yimon Doreinus, Elias O. Doremus, H. M. Doremus, Wilbur Doolittle, Henry N. Drake, Elkanah Dryden, John F. Durvee, George S. Durand, Wickliffc B. Dieffenbach, R. G. P. Davidson, John Dunn, Edward Eberhardt, H. E. Eagles, Alexander Farmer, W^illiani C. Fearey, Frederick T. Feigenspan, C. Fleming, James E. Fort, J. Frank Froelich, Samuel Gordon, William E. Gilmour. L. D. H. Gray, George R. Greenfield, William G. Gifford, John A . Goble, L. Spencer Gray, Theodore Griffith, T. W. Halsey. George A. Halsey, George Everett Halsey, Silas C. Hall, George A. Harris, F H. Hays, James L. Haiick, Peter Henslcr, Joseph Hedden, Viner J. Heller, E. G. Heinish, Rochus Henry, Thomas S. Holbrook, A. P. Horn, Theodore Hopper, B W. Hinvell, Samuel C. Howell, N. P. Higbie, James S. Hill. Charles E. Hyatt. John W. Hagstoz, Thomas B. Hatt. J. AV. Heyden, Edward Higginson. George Hill, William Hodge. James Hartshorn, E. F. lUingsworth, John 111, Dr. Edward J. Jelliff, John Jenkinson, George B. Jenkinson. G. B. Jr. Jepson, H. E. Jov, E. Luther Jube, John P. Johnson, Theodore F Jacobi, A. W. Joy, Charles Jost, Edmund Kirk, William H. Kinney, Thomas T. Kinsev, Moses Krueger, Gottfried Kalisch, Samuel Kisling. E. J. Kuser. John L. Kanouse. Edward Keasbey, A. Q. Keasbev, Edward Q. Kellner; William H. Klotz, Samuel Kellugg, Frank Keer, Frederick Lawrenz. Dr. Charles Larter. Frederick H. Lehman, Charles A. Lowy, Philip Lelong, Louis Lebkeucher, J. A. Lindsley, J. H. Linihan, William J. Matthews, Charles B. Miller, Francis L. Meeker. John L. Maedonald, Samuel J. Michael, Oscar Merz, Henry Mott, Wilbur A. Martin, A. F. R. Jlaicr, Robert F. Mayo, Benjamin J. Meeker, StepliL-n J. Miller, James W. Milne, Alex. Mullin, Michael A. Murphy, Franklin Mundv, Henrv H. Olds, Franklin M. Ogden, William W. Parker, Cortlandt Parker, R. Wayne Parker, Robert M. Palmer, Theodore G, Phillips, Edward L. Plum, Stephen H. Peck, Cyrus Palmer,' Arthur W. Plaut, Louis Peters, G. Willis Quinn, P. T. Raymond, (Jeorge B. Regan, Thomas J. Reillv, Patrick Reilly, James E. Richardson, Christopher Roberts, Chri.stopher Ross, P. Sanford Romer, C. W. A. Runyon, Theodore Riker, Chandler W'. Roemer, William Rothschild. Abram Roe, J. Miller Reeve, George W., Jr. Sargeant, S. 8. Say re, James R., Jr. SaionKm, R. G. Schickhaus, Edward Scheuer, Simon Selhv, William Seitz. Cai-1 F. Schwerin. Morris Schuetz, Frederick A. Seliger, Alfred E. Smallev Andew A. Smith, E. Fayette Stumpf, Jacob L. Schultz, Herman Smith, Hugh Smith. William Mackin Southard, Dr. Lott Stapff, Julius Stobaeus, Jhon B. Stockton, C. S. Sutpheft. C. Edgar Smith, George L. Salomon, W. J. Swain, George B. Titus, William Tompkins, William L. Tomkins, Walter Thomas, Lemuel Twitchell, A. B. Unger. Herman Cre. William A. Vanderpool, Eugene Van WMnkle. Abram Vandeveer, J. Warren Van Duyne, Harrison Van Horn, Amos H. Voigt, Beda Ward, Elias S. Ward, Dr. Leslie D. Weston Edward Weidenmayer, Geo. W. Wilkinson, Frank A. Walsh, John Wilkinson, (ieorge W'hitfield, Charles L. W^;.olson, O. C. Wheeler, Charles W. Williamson, C. T. Williams, George A. Wi-htman, D. C White, Nathaniel H. I XTI'^OnilGTIOX. II IC desii^ner, m the- prnjection nt this work, had in view a volume which should j^jive the country, at an important time in its industrial affairs, some idea of the relation which Newark bears to the manufactiinng world. The Columbian World's Fair was then being actively canvassed, and it was thought essential that the volume should be in time for that important industrial event. A Newark mechanic himself, he felt a personal pride in designing and producing something that would bear inspection and warrant approval. How well he has succeeded must be left to the judgment of the manufacturers of Newark, and those allied with her industries. In the prosecution of the work there have been impediments not within the control of the designer, and there were vexatious delays which were unavoidable. That the project has been carried to completion must be credited to the generosity of the business men of Newark, without whose material assist- ance the work could not have been finished. The work presents a clear and complete view of the City of Newark, as it e.\ists to-day, in all Its vast and varied interests and industries. A brief historical sketch of the city is given, and an account of the humble origin and surpassing growth of the manu- facturing industries which have made the city great, wealthy and famous ; but the chief purpose of the work is to reverse the ordinary methods of history, and dwell more largely upon the Present, with its powers and possibilities, than upon the dim and meager details of the Past. From this view of the Present may be gathered, it is believed, some slight idea of the vastness and the glory of the Future. THE INDEX QENERAL DIVISIONS. 8 OF MaNI'- Intkoijictoky, Historical ; Gkowti factories, - - - 9- TnE City of Newark To-Day, 24 County Institutions & Offices, 44 United States Offices, - - si- Educational Institutions, - 55- Churches, Hospitals, Etc., - GG- 77 Industries and Miscellany, - S3-2S0 INDE^ TO SUBJECTS. Introductory. Title Page, - - - i Board of Trade, - - - 2 Introduction, Table of Contents, National, State and City Govern- ment, 1S93, 3 4-7 Historical. The Early Pioneers, Governor Carteret and the In- dian Deed, List of the Inhabitanis from Branford, Designating the New Town Newark in the Early War Times, Political Incidents, The Revised Charter, and Divis sion by Wards, The Church History of the Town, The College of New Jer.sey, Rise and Growth of Manufactures in Newark, The City Government. Introductory, The Mayor and Common Council, The Aldermen in 1S92, Various Boards, Commissioners, etc., and heads of City De- partments, Court Officers, Bridges, over the Passaic, Board of Health, - Police Department, Fire Department, County Offices. Judges, Sheriff, Clerk, Prosecutor, Surrogate, Register and Au- ditor, - - - 44- Board of Freeholders, and Asy- lum for the Insane, - - 47- 1 1 12 '3 14 15 16-19 ;i-23 24 26 United States Offices. Internal Revenue Department, Post Office. 51- 53- 27 29 32 34 40 43 Educational. Public School Commissioners, Newark Technical School, Lafayette Street School, Newark Academy, St. Benedict's College, St. Vincent's Academy, St. Mary's Academy, Newark Business College, New Jersey Business College, Coleman National Business Col- lege, Eighteenth Avenue School, St. John's School, St. James' School, - 55 -57 57 58 59 60 61 61 62 63 64 65 69 Churches, Hospitals and Char- itable Institutions. Franklin Street M. E. Church, - 72 First Presbyterian Church, - iS-19 Park Presbyterian Church, - 66-67 St. James' R. C. Church. - 70-71 St. John's R. C. Church, - - 68-69 Charitable Institutions, - - 73-77 City Hospital, - - - 27, 75 St. James' Hospital, - - 71 St. Barnabas Hospital, - - 74 St. Michael's Hospital, - - 7,1 German Hospital, - - 75 Krueger Pioneer Home, for Aged Men, - - - - 76 industrial, etc. Academies, Architects, B Bag Fr;imes, Bicycles, Boiler Makers, Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, Brass Foundries, Britannia Ware, Brush Making, - 175, Breweries, - Builders, Button Hooks, c Carriages, Carriage and Wagon Springs, Carriage and Wagon Wheels, Coal and Wood, Chemical Works, - 59-61 36-24S 170 266-267 163 103-107 149-162 152 176, 19S 242-24S I go, 207 '77 192 161 200 23S-240 164-165 D Draughting, Electrical Appliances. Electric Cars, 13S 1 1 i-i 14 224-225 E.xpress Companies Electric Fixtures, Electric Lighting, - Embroidering, - Enameling, Engraving, PAGE 220-222 211 166-167 210 - 13S 136-137 K File JIanufacturers, - 15S-159 Fancy Goods and Noveltv Manu- facturers, - - 170, 193 G Gas Companies, Gas Fixtures, - Grey Iron Castings, Harness Manufacturers, Hat Manufacturers. Hat Blocks, Horse Collars, Insurance, Life, Iron Foundries, Iron, Malleable and Grey, Jewelery, J L Newspapers, N O Oil Cloth Manufacturers, 1 • Painting, - Patents, Pianos, Photography, Photo Engraving, Platinum Refining. Printing, R Railways, Electrical Railways, Rivets, - Real Estate, 230-233 211 155 log i7g 182-183 no 227 155 145 115-128 Leather Manufacturers, - Lead Pipe, Letter lS: Document Files, Lumber, - S3-102 176 191 1S5 WL Machinery, etc.. Mechanical Engineer, - 143-150 138 7S-80 178 20S 172 266 229 271 270 130 253 224 225 215- -219 141 234 237 TABLE OF CONTENTS. HAtit Saddlery Hardware-. i68, 171 Saw Making. 146 Sewing Machines. 2C6 Shade Rollers, icp Shears and Scissors, I4<^, Shirts, 176 Shipbuilding, iSi Silversmiths, 124.133 Smelting and Refining. 129 Sportsmen's Goods. Steel Works, Stone Works, - 201- Steam Gauge, Movements and Counters, T Trunks and Bags. - 212 I : Ultramarine Blue, Undertakers, - - 255 loS 158 -208 154 Ifto 25S w Wagon Builders, Watch Cases and Material, Wood Working, - iSo, Window Shades. z Zinc and Iron Works, 1S5 PAGE IS6, 222 I22-I2S 187-191 26 1 14-' LIST 01 1 I.I.I A Alsdorf & Co. . Alvin ilanufacturing C" Asylum for the Insane, Atha & Hughes, Atlantic Window Shade Co . Baker & Co., - Baldwin Homestead, Baldwin, Jos. , cV Co. . Banister Co. , James A. 1 Barnett. Oscar. Bea, John, - Benfield, Thomas. Bippart & Co., Blackwood A: Coykendall, Blanchard. Bro. \- I.ane, Boyden"s Iron Foundry-, 1826, Boyden's Statue, - - - Boyden's Locomotive, built 1S3.S, Broad street. North from Market, Broad street. South from Market, Broad street, looking North. Browe & Son, Wni.. - Brown's Shipyard, Brown & Co., George, Burrouijhs, Charles, c Carter, Sloan & Co. , - Cashion & Flynn, - Central Stamping Co . Chapin Hall Lumber Crj 1 Chajjuian. Herbert W.. Citizen's Gas Light Co. , - 2 City Hall, - - City Home, City Hospital, - Clayton & Hoff Co., - Clawson, H. T., - Clinton Avenue and High Street, Cody, David. Coleman National Business Col- lege, ... Compton, Charles W.. Conroy & Wey ranch. Court House, Cooper & Co., Charles, Crescent Watch Case Co., Cummings Bros., Currier & Sons, Cyrus n Daily Advertiser, - Day & Clark, - Delaney & Son. 1).. Demerest & Co., N. J., Devlin, F. & H. J., Dixon & Co. , William - Dixon. Ldward I' Dixon A.- Rippel. ;i"i\'.\'ri( )XS. 19S- |.;4-135 4S 17S 261 130 21 "71 -104 "4.=; 1 10 124 121 26-, 81 23 275 40 'M 1-1 201 '77 173 1 .88-189 »44 232-233 25 26 75 260 150-151 16 259 255 93 44 164-165 123 96 M3 73 116 161 109 1O2 175 H c. Edge Co. . The W Fly iV Sanford, Engelberger & Barkhorn, Esse.x Engraving Works. Engine Company, No. 5. (Fire Department.) Eye and Ear Infirmary, Free Public Library. Fairmount Cemetery Entrance. Fairmount Cemetery View, Feigenspan, Christian 246- Finler, Frederick Finter&Co., Foster Home Goertz & Co. , Aug. - - 170 Gould & Eberhardt, - - 145 (Jroupof Leatlier Manufacturers, S3 I 1 Hagopiaii l^liolii Kiigravmg Co., 270 Harrisim, C. H. & J. D. - 86 Hart.shorne, Stewart 192 Hauck & Co., Peter - 245 Havell, George - 241 Heinisch's Sons Co. , 146 Headley & Son, Wm. (). - 214 Heller & Brothers, - - 15S-159 Heller & Merz Co., The - - ifw Hensler Brewing Co., Joseph 243 Herman & Co., J. F. - 1S2-183 Howell &Co., T. P. - - 84 Home for Aged. Little Sisters of the Poor, - - - 77 I Irvington Smelting and Refining a<;k PAGE 176 Lentz Company. The A. - 107 199 Lehigh A- Wilkesbarre Coal Co., 238 Lincoln Park and Washington St. 15 Lyon & Co.. L. J. - 163 1 1 '1 M ' ~7 Mahcr A- Flockhart, - 155 140 Market street. West from Bro ad. 273 Mayer & Son M. - 204 43 Mayors of Newark, (Past) 279 Meeker Homestead, 21 Meier, Joseph - 99 Merchants Express Company, 220 77 Mullen, M. A. - 25S 277 Munn, F. W. - 259 257 Muller & Schmidt, 268 24"' Mundy, Jos. S. 148 i;j Murray, C. C. 256 N Newark in i-i/i. 10 Newark in 1S40, - - 11 Newark Views, 17 Newark Views, 277 Newark Map, - 280 Newark Bird's Eye View, (Inset) Newark Academy, - - 59 Newark Blue Stone Co. , - 202-203 Newark Business College, - 62 Newark Electric Light and Power Co. 166-167 \v orKS, J 129 Jackson Awning Co., 265 Johnston & Murphy, - - 105-106 Jones & Co., Phineas - 200 ost, Edmund - 149 \ oy & Seligcr, Co. , 193-195 K Krementz & Co, - 117 Krueger Brewing Co., The Gott- fried 242 Krueger's Pioneer Home, for Aged Men, - 76 L Landmarks, - 20-21 Lefort, H. G. - 128 Lelong & Bro., Louis - J31 t Newark Embroidery Works, - 210 Newark Evening News, - 79 Newark (ias Light Co., - 230-231 Newark Rivet Works, - 141 Newark Watch Case Material Co. 126-127 New Jersey B-asiness College, 63 New Jersey Zinc and Iron Co., - 142 Neider & Co., John - - 102 Nenninger, Oscar A. - - 132 Nobs, Charles - - 125 o Ohl & Haefner, - - 147 Ohl & Co., George A. - 223 Old Settlers Monument, - 19 Old Synagogue, - - - iii Oppel's Sons, Charles - 1S4 Osborne Co. , C. S., - - 169 Osborn Manufacturing Co. . J. K. 262 Park Place and Military Park, - 12-13 Pennsylvania avenue Residences, 234 Penn. R. R., Market St. Station, 215-217 Police Squad, First Precinct, 35 Police Squad, Second Precinct, - 37 Police Squad, Third Precinct, 38 Post Office, - - - 53 Powers & McGowan, - - 208 Progress Club, - - - 271 Prudential Insurance Co., - 227 NEWARK, N /., ILLUSTRATED. O Ouimby &• C'l , W. Fred - K Real Estate, A. J. Cless. Real Estate, John M. Pjiiniett, Reilly, John Reilly, James Reilly Bros. , - Residence of Elias G. Heller. Residence of John J. Heller, Residence of William Clark, Residence of Andrew Albright, Residence of A. Glutting, Residence of Alfred Lister, de- ceased. Residence of Richard E. Cogan, Residence of George A. Ohl, Residence of Charles Nobs, Residence of Charles \V. Comp- ton. R. C. Boice Coal Co., Richardson Saw Works, Riley-Klotz Manufacturing Co The Ripley & Sons, David Robertson &• Leber, Rosnagel Co., Rus.sell, C. M The ig6- 235 234 92 205 206 i?9 159 -11 276 276 274 274 274 239 146 197 I So 131 Sasnger Hall, - Salomon's, R. (!. Schaeffer, F. A. Scheller, George A. Schmidt & Son, Schmitt & Co., F. J. Schuetz,&- Son, Charles Siedenbach, M.- Simon & Bros., Edward Smith, Hugh Smith & Sons, L M. Springfield avenue. Star Heel Plate Co., - State Banking Company. Star & Co., W. L. Steam Yacht Duplex, Steffens & Co., A. T. Stone, Thomas and G. M. Strauss, Moses P.^GE 269 190 249 gi 9S 120 1S5 147 IlS S9 88 94 224 209 226 174 181 168 136-137 95 Toler, Sons &■ Co. Town Talk, John ilb- 157 So P.^GE Traud, Alexander - - 153 Trier, Reuben - - 87 Tucker Letter and Document F'ile Company, ■ - 191 u Ultramarine Blue Works, - 160 United States Credit System Co. , 22S-229 w Washington Place and Washing- ton Park, - - - 51 Washington Street and Park, 14 Weston Electrical Instrument Co., - - - 111-114 Weston's Private Labratory, - 112 Weidenmayer's Newark City Brewery - - - 244 Winters, C L, - - - no Witzel cV Co , H. P. - - 97 V Yates, Wharton & Co., - 179 z Zahn Leather Co., The William loo-ioi Zusi, Edward 162 A Alsdorf, E Astley, William C. Atwater, Samuel - Baker, Henry R. Baker, S. R. Baker, Wm. A. Baldwin, A. A. Baldwin, Joseph Banister, James A Barkhorn, Wm H. Barr, Thomas C. - Barrett, Michael T. - Bassett, Allen Lee Bein, E. J. Bell, John S. - Bertram, John J. - Bippart, A. Blanchard, Noah F. Boyden, Seth Brady, Rev. J. Boyd, Bradley, Daniel Brown, William H. Brown, George C Cahill, Owen A. Cashion, Richard Cavanagh, Thomas l-". Chapman Herbert W. Christie, James Clark, A. Judson, Sr.. Clark, A. Judson, Jr , Clark, J. II. Clark, William A. Clark, Jacob Clark, Joseph Clawson, H. T. Clawsou, C. C. Clayton, C. C. Cody, Rev. P. Cogan, Richard E, Coleman, Henry Compton, Chas. W. Condit, H. C. 42 Si 41 80 So 1S9 171 104 1S7 224, 49 Si 191 28 50 121 86 86 72 139 .237 201 47 90 51 144 30 27 . 191 3S 56 207 58 >50 150 260 71 45 64 255 191 LIST OK HORTRAITS. V\(.V. Conroy, John F. - - 93 Conklin, Edward L, - - 53 Connolly, Arthur - - - 23O Contrell, John P. - - 56 Corbitt, Michael - - - 39 Corbitt, William - - 32 Corish, Patrick H. - - 210 Courleander. B. Jr., - - 217 Coulter, W. F. - - - 263 Crane, Elvin W. - 44 Crane, S. O. - - - 192 Craig. A, K. - - - 139 Cummings, Bernard - - 96 Cummings, John ■ - 96 Cummings, James - - 96 Currier, Cyrus, vSr., - - 143 Currier, Osceola - - - 36 D Daly, Dr. J. J. - - 52 Daly, William P. - - . - 39 Dejong, Solomon ■ - 46 Delaney, Daniel - - 161 Delaney, John M. - - - 161 ' Demarest, N. J. - - 109 Demarest, Daniel - - 109 DeVausney, Marcus L.. - - 43 Dill, Dr. D. M. - - 52 Dilly, Henry - - -36 Dixon, Edward - ■ 176, 19s Dixon, William - - - 175 Dougherty, Henry J. - - 65 Drake, Oliver - - - 172 DuBois, J. A. - - - 267 Duncker, Frederick N. - 253 Dunn, Edward • - - 33 Dusenberry, John B. - - 45 E Eastwood, Evan - - - 120 Edge, William C. - ■ 119 Egbert, William V. - - 210 Ely. John II. - - - 34 Euderlin, Fredinand - - 264 Enderlin, Fredinand, Jr. - - 264 '1 English, Dr. Thomas Dunn - 47 1 Engelbergcr, Fred ■ - 1S7 Faitoute, J. B. Farrand, S. A - Feigenspan, Christian Fiedler, William H. F Finter, Frederick Finter, Frederick - Finter, William F. Fleming, James E. Flockhart, James - Fly tin, Thomas Freeman, William H. French, Rev. J. Clemment Furman, John A. - o Gallacher, Thomas Geissele, Hugo J. Gerth, Theodore J. Gleason. H. P. Gless, A. J. Glori, Charles - Goble, William li Goertz, August Grebe, Ferdinand Gwinnell, John M. H Hagstoz, T. B. Hall, George A. - Harrison, J. D. Ilauck, Peter - Haussling, Jacob Havell, George Hayes, Howard W. Haynes, Mayor Jose])h E. Heath, John J. Heinkel, George Heller, EHas M. Heller, Frederick - Henderson, Joseph Hensler, Joseph Herman, J. F. Hine, Edwin W. Hines. A. R. Hinckley, Livingston S. 82 P.XGE 252 59 24S 22S 152 1 86 186 ,238 155 90 57 67 34 252 45 197 106 235 39 207 170 261 253 122 86 245 44 24: 3S 25 loS 30 :9.15s 160 31 243 I S3 46 254 4S TABLE or CONTENTS. Holbrook, Alexander V Ht7,. Samuel Kraemer. Dr. C. II. Krutt.sehnilt. Ci. A Kubler, Albert I Kruej;er, (iotlfried. Krueger, John F. Krueger, Gottfried C. 253 Miller, Phillip - 50 Milne, Alexander .24S Moran, James - 2 \ '■ Morrison, W. " Morns. William F "4 MuUer. Charles 3' Mullin, Peter M. 2S Mulvey, Martin. 57 Mundy. Joseph S. SO Murray. C. C. =4^ I --4 <'5 106 141 I'M 5' 49 16S i7f. 4'J 42 41 7.S 121 1^4 '•■5 "4T 140 242 242 Lacey, Samuel P. - 253 Landmesser. Charles i<3 Large, George H. - 47 Larue. George H. -'* Lawshe. Lewis 11 221 Lawshe. Theodon -21 Leary. Cornelius - -!'> Lefort, Henry - 12-' Leibe, Henry L. i.U Lenz. August - 107 Linnett. Thomas. J'- - 176 Lister, Alfred 2~2 Little. Henry M. - 13S Loeffler, Henry - '37 Long. Charles K. 2(J(J Lovecraft, F. A. 122 Lowy, Philip M 2^ Macknett, Morris ). - 211 Maher, lidward - 3<>. 155 Mathews, Charles H. - 220 Maxwell. C. W. - 202 Maver. M. 204 Mayer. M. - - 204 Maybaum. L. 22.S McDonald, J. K. 122 McCJlynn, Hugh 57 McGregor, Austeii H. 219 McGregor, John - 21S McKittrick. James G. 54 McManus, Andre\ ■J. 39 Meier. Joseph 99 Merz. Henry 160 Miller. C. T. . f>3 X Xadler. Dr. Henry G. Xeider. John Nichols. Thomas Xi.liv Charles &■ Sons o 1 1 I, Dunor. William 1". Ohl, George A. 0|)i)cl, August T < )ppel. Berthold O'Rourke. William J Otis, William F. - Otto, John 1 • Park. Charles Pell. Charles II. Pell.). Frank D. - Pemberton, Samuel II. Pfeil. Charles Philijipson. Julius. I'lumb, D. S. - Poels. Rev. J, P Pollock. Thomas II Powell. Joseph Price. Louis M. Prieth. Louis A ( ) yuinn, P. T Rabenstein. George Rabone. William L. Reillv. James. Rcillv. John Reill'y. John K. Reilly. Thomas Ripley, David Richardson, W. S. Rittenhouse. Stacy P. Roden. Dr. Ilugh'p. Roder. Paul w! Rodrigo. John A Roth. Dr. Philli]. Roos, T. Rork, S E. Runyon. O E. Rutan. Mellville M Russell. Charles .M. Ryno. Watson Schaeffer. F. A. Schaeffer, II. P. Schalk. Herman Scheller, George A. Schickhaus, Edward Schmidt. Ferdinand Schmidt. Henry A. Schraitt, F. J. ' Schill, Otto K. Schlesinger. Louis Schlueter. Albert - Schuetz, Charles Schuetz, Frederick A Seliger. Alfred E. Silverberg, Isaac L. Sippel, August A. 126 ■-'■4 251 l< < • 4: 02 I4S 256 3' 40 "17 125 12 I 122 236 240 lyo 3' 98 9S 28 120 4' 1S5 185 14S 254 237 '37 IlS 1 iS '94 Smalley, Andrew A. Smith Harry W. - Smith, James R. Smith. J. Rennie - -Smith, James T. Smith, Samuel A. - Smith, Thomas - Smith, Hugh - Smith, L. M. \- Sons Sommer, J. L. Stappf. Julius Steadman, Albert Stoliaeus, John B Stonaker, E. H. Stone. George M. Stone, Thomas Strahan, John W. Strauss, Moses - Suthpen. Dr. J. S '-4 1-4 Taylor, George If ?4 Taylor, John Terrill, Charles A. -50 Theberath, Charles M. Thorn, John B. 1 1<> 1 72 Thome. Joseph Titus Dr. William 21 ••( 2'- Titus, George M. - Toler, John Townsend, Isaac W. II 1 Trefz, Charles 1 = ! Trier, Reuben - 1 7r Trippe, Joseph IC. Tucker, W. II. I 3^ TurnbuU. Alexander 4- 21(. 82 I I L'lrich, Benedict Ulrich. Peter Utter, William F. 50 54 20^ Utter, J Norris \"an Horn, Amos H. 1)2 \'an Ilouton, James 11. 2' t' i 2o(. 1 >'i 1 27 Van Xess, Benjamin II. \'an Steenberg, William Vogel. Aloys Vogt, Beda \'olz, Christian w Wangner, William Wakenshaw, William - Ward,KIiasS. Ward. William - Wegle. John Wester. Edward Westervelt. John E. Weston. ICdward Weyrauch. (jcorge Wharton, John Wheeler. Frederick M. Whitehouse, Edward A Wiedenmayer. George C. Wiedcnmaycr. George W. Wiener, Oscar Wilson. William H. - Williams. S. M. Winner, W, W. Woodruff, E. B. Woodward. A. H. - Witzel. II. P. Yates, H. J. Young, John F Zahn, William Zeh. Dr. C. M. Zipf. Arthur Zusi, Edward Y Z I'.VOt 233 211 217 271 88 45 50 ss 94 177 226-228 loS S2-164 25S 1 30 136 36 54 1S9 240 174 273 254 42 I :- ")' 192 34 53 '52 269 41 40 207 140 2.(0 257 34 251 ,S2 251 250 170 20S 1 12 93 '70 244 244 J71 252 2ig 62 25s 202 '»7 '79 29 100 NflTiONHL, State hnd City Gove ENT W^/^/W®/®/ Pkesiuent lii- TiiK United States, . ViCE-PkESIDKNT I)K TIIK UNrTEl) SlAlES, Uniiei) Stales Senaihus euum Ni;u Jersey, MEMiiEK or Congress ekom Nkuauk, Governor of New Jersey. Mayor oe Newark, President oe the Cummhn Couniti., City Ci.euk, .... GROVER CLEVKLAND ADLAI STEVENSON \ JOHN R. Mcpherson ( JAMES SMITH, Jr. liR. TH(.).\IAS DUNN ENGLISH GEORGE T. WERTS JOSEPH E. HAYNES JOHN F. MAHAN WILLIAM E. O'CONNOR SXAMUING COiVIIT'rKKS OK COMMON COUxXCIL KOl-i l«y; (Last, vnder the old System.) pi'iKince — Aid. Furman, Johnson, Gocller, Larue, Diisenberry, Harngau, Fitzsimnions. Sh'ff/s and Highways — Aid. Stainsby, Fitzsimmons, McCor- mack, Lynch, Parker, Henderson, Burgesser, Huegel, Ryno, Arnold. Larue. Hausman, Roehrich, Ulrich, Wangner. Sewers and Drainage — Aid. Huegel, Kane, Seller, Ely, Smith, Roehrich, Bioren. Police — Aid. Lynch, R)'no, Burgesser. pire Department — Aid. Kane, Olvaney, Ely. Poor and A/tns — Aid. Olvaney, Furman, Stainsb)', Lynch, Dusenberr}-. Public Lighting — Aid. Ryno, Seller, Stainsb)-, Arnold, Larue. Public Markets — Aid. Henderson, Johnson, (Joeller, Kane, Furman. Public Grounds — Aid. McCormack, Smith. Hausman. Public Buildings — Aid. Burgesser, Harrigan, lUrich, Lynch, Kane. Public Health — Aid. Seller, Schacfer, Wangner. Public Schools— Md. Gocller, Parker, Ely. Public Baths — Aid. Roehrich, Hausman, Larue. Printing — Aid. Larue, Dusenberry, Fitzsimmons. Statio7icry — Aid. Ely, Parker, Olvaney. Licenses — Aid. Fitzsimmons, Ryno, Seller. Legislation — Aid. Harrigan, Johnson, Henderstm. Assessments — Aid. Parker, Goeller, Freiensehner. Elections — Aid. Schaefer, W'angner, Harrigan. Crosswalks — Aid. Wangner, Smith, Furman. Railroads and Franchises -Aid. Dusenberry, Roehrich, McCor- mack. City Home.—WA. Smith, Shaefcr, Huegel. Water Supply — Aid. Johnson, Furman, Schaefer, Bioren, Bur gesser. Bridges — Aid. Ulrich, Wangner, Henderson. Hospitals — Aid. Ely, Hausman, Schaefer. Wharves— PAA. Bioren, Smith, Heller. Sidewalks — Aid Heller, Hausman, Olvaney. CITY OF^KICERS. City Counsel William P.. Guild Assistant City Counsel Samuel J. Macdonald City Attor?iey James A. Dempsey Comptroller . . James F. Connelly City Clerk William E. O'Connor Assistant City Clerk . . Peter J. O'Toolc Auditor of Accounts . . .Fernando C. Runyon Receiver of Taxes Martin Issler City Suri'cyor Ernest Adam Superintendent of Fire Depa) tment William C. Astley Chief Engineer of Fire Department Robert Kiersted Superintendent of Fire A larni A. Bosch Overseer of the Poor William A. Baldwin Clerk of Centre Market George Hermon Judge of First Precinct Court Howard W. Hayes Judge of Second Precinct Court Redmond P. Conlon Judge of Third Precinct Court Frederick Preisel Superintendent of Police William H. Bro\Yn Chief of Detectives Henry Hopper Police Surgeon J. Henry Clark Building Inspector D. H. Boughner Meter Inspector August T. Schneider Keeper of Public Clocks Charles Freeman License Inspector James Fleming Excise Inspector George Rabenstein Sealer of Weights and Measures H. F. (leisheimer Health Officer Dr. Charles Lehlliach Superintendent if .{tins House . ... Frederick Nolan Alms House Physician ...Dr. C. L. Bradin Superintendent of Lighting ... .Joseph Samuels President Board of Education James L. Hays Superintendent of Public Schools.. ... ..William N. Barringer Superintendent of Public Whar'i'es W^illiam Corbitt Siipt. Street and Water Commissioners Charles Marsh Meat Inspector Martin Runge Milk Inspector Henry Negels Janitor City Hall J. R. Brad.shaw Board oj Assessment and Revision of Taxes— V\\\X\\) Lowy. Marcus S. Richards, Paul W. Roder, Owen F. Conlon, R. Heber Breintnall, and John J. Berry, Secretarj^. Commissioners of Adjustment of Newark Taxes — Harrison Van Duyne, James L. Hays, Theodore Hewson. Commissioners of the Sinking Fund — Robert F. Ballantine, Frederick Frelinghuysen, Frederick H. Teese, Mayor and Comptroller, E.K-officio. Board of Street and Water Commissioners — Dr. Hugh C. Hendry, President ; Thomas Harlan, Ferdinand A. Hahn, Reuben Trier, Samuel Klotz. Trustees of City Home — Mayor Joseph E. Haynes, President ; H. T. Dusenberry, Treasurer ; C. M. Harrison, Secretary and Superintendent; George W. Vernet, J. B. Richmond, M. D., Dennis F. Olvaney, E. W. Crane, E J. Ill, M. D. Board of Fire Commissioners — Edward Shickhaus, President ; James Van Houten, Henry E. Baker, Hugh Kuinard, and H. H. Brown, Secretary. Board of Police Commissioners — John Strahan, President; Henry Dilly, Osceola Currier, Edward Maher, Joseph M. Cox, Secretary. Board of Excise — Herman Schalk, President ; Peter Grace, A. Jenkinson. ^ii^^v >r^^ r>"-2-- HISTORICAL. OL' R 'I'liwiic ii])i>n ye Pasaick River," which is to (lav the j^rt-at mamifacturinjjcityof Newark, was nf)t foiindetl by manufacturers or mechanics, but by farmers. The little company of " planters," as they styled themselves, who voyaged hither from the province of Connecticut, DJcctcd nothing more ambitious than a plantation, use the lanjcuaKe of the time, where they mijjht reap the harvests and gather the fruits of indeix;ndence. and "provide for their outward comfortable subsistence and their souls" welfare." The point on the Passaic at which they dropped anchor must at that time have presented a marvelously pictur- escjue appearance. The river was then, in very truth, a sylvan stream. Us sinuous course rambled, as it were, throujjh the deep woods, which, but for its silver trail, had been well-nigh pathless. Above the landing place of the pioneers it emerged into the open, and revealed the gentle slope of its sf>uthern bank, which rose in a succession of leafy terraces crowned by the more thickly wooded hills beyond. To the east lay a broad expanse of meadow land, losing itself in marsh as it ncared the bay the voyagers had just left behind. Mere were meadow and upland, valley and hillside, a fertile soil, abundance of water, good climate, the promise of sure and rich rewards for their labors. It was almost an ideal spot for the projected plantation, and here, accordingly, the adventur- ous planters brought their voyage to an end. They came, these good men of New England, not seeking an asylum for religious liberty, but rather a stricter habitation than that from which they had come forth. Their discontent at home had been rather political than religious. Upon the restoration of Charles II. he had granted a new charter, by which the colonies of Xew Haven and Connecticut had been consolidated into one prov- ince. The laxity of the restoration period was not wanting in the new charter. The government of the province and its various settlements was no longer confined to the saints exclusively, but political privileges and a voice in affairs were extended to the ungodly and unregenerate. This to the more pious ones was an abomination and offense. As no good could eome of remaining under so ungodly a dominion, the good people of Milford, Bran- ford and Guilford determined to make the only effective protest open to them. They sought a new home where they might lonnd such a |)iousIy governed community as Hod would approve and bless. Their ideal was a sort of theocracy, modeled as nearly as might be on Mosaic lines, in which God should be the Ruler and the saints the instruments of His will. Their first efforts to obtain a new settlement were made as early as November, 1661, in which month they opened negotia- tions with Peter Stuyvesant, Governor of the New Netherlands, for permission to locate in his province. The negotiations were neces- sarily slow, but seem to have dragged needlessly, and finally were almost practically abandoned, when the grasping and enterprising spirit of the English government at home put an cmi)luitic ])eriod to all treaty with the sturdy Stuyvesant, and opened up a new avenue for those who wished to leave Connecticut behind. Uetermined to oust the Dutch from the New Netherlands, Charles II. made his royal charter granting that province to his brother James, Duke of York. Immediately a small fleet was sent to America to put the prince into formal possession of his new province. The slow and sleepy Hollanders, lazily luxuriating in the rich town of New Amsterdam, were suddenly surprised and awakened b\- the appearance in the bay in the summer of 1664 of the English fleet. The English demand for immediate surrender found poor Stuyvesant utterly unable to defend himself, and finally, on August 27, 1664 (O. S.), a formal surrender of the New Netherlands was made. But the avaricious Duke, eager to profit by his brother's princely gift, did not wait for possession to parcel out his new province. On June 23 and 24, 1664. he made grant to John, Lord Berkeley, and Sir George Carteret of "All that tract of land adjacent to New England, and lying and being to the westward of Long Island and Manhattan Island, and bounded on the east part by the main sea and part by Hudson's River ; and hath upon the west Delaware Bay or River ; and extending southward to the main ocean as far as Cape May, at the mouth of Delaware Bay ; and to the northward as far as the northernmost branch of the said bay or river of Delaware ; which is in 41 degrees and 40 min- utes of latitude and crosseth over thence in a straight line to Hudson's River in 41 degrees of latitude ; which said tract of land is hereafter to be called Nova Ca.-saria, or New Jersey," etc., etc. The new proprietors lost no time in taking possession of their territory. They appointed Philip Carteret, brother of Sir George, NEWARK, X. /., ILIA'STRATED. its (iovernor, ;ind placed in his hands a cimstitution fur the gov- ernment of the territory. These preliminaries arranged, Governor Carteret set sail for New Jersey, and arrived at his new domain in August, 1665. Soon after he .sent messengers into New Eng- land to make known the concessions of the " Lords proprietors," and to invite settlers to take up lands in New Jersey under the very liberal terms set forth in thf>so remarkable and advanced articles. Here was the opportunity long sought for by the discontented ones of Milford, Branford and Guilford, and they made haste to embrace it. The men of Milford appointed a committee to visit the new province and learn if the glowing representations made of it were true. Their committee came, saw the country, inter- viewed the Governor, and returned to report favorably all they had seen and heard. The necessarjr grant was obtained from Governor Carteret, and in the Spring of 1666 the first little band of settlers, numbering about thirty persons, set out from Milford for the new bareing a west line fur the south bounds, which said great crekeis commonly called, and known by the name Weequachick, on the West Line backwards in the Countr)', to the foot of the great mountaine called Watchung, being as is Judged about seven or eight miles from Pesayak towne : the said mountaine as Wee are Informed, hath one branch of Elizabeth towne River running near the above said foot of the Mountaine ; the bounds Northerly, viz. : Pesayak river reaches to the Third River above the towne, )-e river is called Yauntakah, and from thence upon a North West line to the aforesaid Mountaine." The consideration given the Indians was complex and character- istic of the parties and the time. It is thus set forth in the deed : " Fifty double-hands of powder, one hundred barrs of lead, twenty Axes, twenty Coates, ten Guns, twenty Pistols, ten Kettles, ten Swords, four blankets, four barrels of beere, ten paire breeches, fifty knives, twenty howes, eight himdred and fifty fathem of wampun, two Ankors of liquers eing or to be," etc., etc. This accord and agreement being reported to the men of Bran- ford, they, in their turn, held a meeting October 30, 1666, and adopted and subscribed the following minute : OCTOIIER 30, 1666. " At a meeting Touching the Intended design of many of the inhabitants of Branford, the following was subscribed : " ist. That none shall be admitted freemen or free Burgesses l)i-ut.. 1-2-. within our Town upon Pasaick River in the Province E.tad., t8-ii. of Xew Jersey, but such Planters as are members of Ucut., 17-15. some or other of the Congregational Churches, nor shall any but such be chosen to Magistry or to Carrj- on any part iL-rem. 36-21. "^ Civil Judicature, or as deputies or assistants, to Such was the simple but rigid faith of the Branford pioneers, and such was their pious and watchful care, that the faith once delivered to the saints, as they believed, should be preser%'ed in its pristine purity. Their watchful and uncompromising piety found full accord with the settlers who had preceded them, and a holy joy filled the breasts of the " present inhabitants." Upon the reception of this minute and accompanying letters from the inhabitants of Branford, the settlers held a meeting in Xoveniber and assented to the stipulations of the Branford men, and at a subsequent meeting held June 24, 1667, they indorsed upon the Branford minute their acceptance of its terms, as follows : " And upon the Reception of their Letters and Subscriptions the present Inhabitants in November following declared their con- sents and readiness to do likewise ; and at a meeting the twenty- fourth of the ne.\t June following, in 1667, they also subscribed with their own Hands unto the two fundamental agreements Expressed on the other side their names, as follows : =rii^ia^ faftJS ^•o 1 • -i y< have power to Vote In establishing Laws, and making or repealing them, or to any Chief Military Trust or Office. Nor shall any but such Church Members have any vote in any such elections ; Tho' all others admitted to be planters have Right to their proper Inheritance, and do and shall enjoy all other Civil Liberties and Privileges, According to all Laws, Orders, Grants, which are or hereafter shall be made for this Town. " 2d. We shall, with Care and Diligence, provide for the main- tenance of the purity of Religion professed in the Congregational Churches. Whereunto subscribed the Inhabitants from Branford : " Jasper Crane, Abra Pierson, Sam'l Swaine, Lai RA.NCE Waru, Tho .MAS Bi.ACTHi.v. SaMI EL Pn M, JosiAii Ward, S AMI EL Rose, Thomas Pierso.n, John W.\rde, Joh.n Catllvg, Richard Harrison, Ehenezer Can field, John Ward, Senior, Ed. Ball, John Harrison, John Crane, Thomas Huntington, Delivered Crane, Aaron Blacthlv, Richard Lairance John Johnson, Thomas ^^ LvoN." •Jf / A. j.. I.\ 1^4 >. RoilERT TrEAIT, OllADlAH BrIEN, Matthew Camiiei.d, SaMI EL KrrCHELL, Jeremiah Pecke, Michael Tompkins, SiEPHEN Freeman, Henry Lvon, John Browne, John Rogers, Stephen Davis, Edward Rigs, RollERT KircHELL, bis J. B. -^ Brooks, "^ mark his Robert v Lvmens, mark hia Francis 1 Linle, mark Daniel Tichenor, John Baildwin, Sen., John Bauldwin, Jinr., Jona. Tompkins, George Day, Thomas Johnson, John Curtis, El'HRAM Bi RWEI.L, bi> Rohert k, Denison, mark N.vthaniel Wheeler, Zachariah Burwell, William Camp, Joseph Walters, Robert Daglesh, Hai'ns Albers, Thom. Morris, Hlgh Roberts, Eph'm Pennini;ton, Martin Tichenor, John Browne, Jr., Jona. Seargeant, Azariah Crane, Samuel Lyon, Joseph Riggs, Stephen Bond," A'/:ii. I A'A\ .y. y., //./.r.svA'.i/A/). U will he noticed that the signatures of " the present inhabi- tants " number forty-one, showing that if the pioneer bark in May, 1006, bore only about thirty persons, as all the historians agree, to the new plantation, the colony had in its first year of existence grown amazingly. Each signer doubtless was the head of a family, and if these families averaged only three persons beside the head, then the population of the colony in June, 16O7, must have num- bered about 164, a fivefold increase in one year. It is probable that the new settlement was at first named Mil- ford, although no name at all ajjpears in the earlier documents and records of the town. It is said by the historians of the town that on the arrival of the settlers from Branford the name Milford was dropped and the name of Newark conferred on the new town, in honof of frauds perpetrated at the polls. Newark did not, however, lose the county seat. A distinguished and public-spirited citizen, Judge Pennington, presented a site within its limits for new county buildings, and these were built and finished in the year 1S12. The growth of the town naturally rendered the old government by town meeting inconvenient and insufficient. Agitation was begun in 1S32 looking toward the incorporation of the town as a city, and for its more easy and efficient government. Finally, in 1836, the Legislature passed a charter for the city of Newark, which was adopted by a popular vote of the citizens at an election held for the purpose, and in the month of April, 1S36, the citv VIEW OX WAMIIM I'AKK A\!i W A>lll M, I I iN JEET. of wealth by industry, frugality and thrift, worshiped God and were content. One of the most exciting events in the history of the town sub- sequent to the Revolution was the election in 1807 to decide whether the county seat should be continued in Newark or should be removed to some other site, its principal rival being the am- bitious and jealous town of Elizabeth. An act of the Legislature was passed providing for the submission of the question to a vote of the people of the county. February 10, 1S07, was fixed for the first day of the election, which was to continue three daj-s. Single women and widows were permitted to vote. Despite the religious character of the people of both communities, the election seems to have been characterized by every species of fraud and corrup- tion. Ballot-box stuffing, repeating and impersonation ; every description of fraud was practiced by j^oung and old women and men. A sufficient idea of the character of the election may be gathered from one fact alone. The total vote cast in Newark was 5,03g; the entire population of the town, as shown bv the government was fully organized, with William Halsey, Mayor; Oliver S. Halsted (afterward Chancellor of New Jersey), Recorder ; Joseph N. Tuttle, Clerk ; William A. Meyer, Treasurer ; Elias H. Van "VA inkle. City Surveyor, and James Keene, Street Commis- sioner. Since its incorporation the city of Newark has advanced with rapid and unceasing strides. Its population in the intervening half-century has multiplied tenfold ; its manufactures have in- creased marvelously, not only in volume but also in diversity ; its prosperity has been sound and healthy as well as vast, its periods of depression few and brief. It has achieved a position in the very first rank of the manufacturing cities of the world ; its situ- ation and facilities are unequalled ; its reputation for quiet and order and its credit are unsurpassed ; for healthfulness as a dwell- ing place, for moderation in its taxation, for educational, religious and social advantages, it is all that can reasonably be desired. Resting upon so broad, firm and unyielding a foundation, its con- tinued prosperity is assured. NEWARK, X. /.. [I.LISTRATRD. 'S THE CITY GOVERNMENT. THE first government of Newark was essentially religious. It was a combination of the theocracy of the Jews with the demt)cratic town meetinjj of Xew Ensjland. All affairs of the set- tlement were conducted, all officers and magistrates chosen, by the entire body of citizens in town meetinii; assembled ; which was democracy, pure and simple : but, in the " fundamental agree- ments," citizenship and suffrage were restricted to the saints : "none shall be admitted freemen ♦ * » but such Planters as are members of some or other of the Congregational churches, nor shall any but such Ije chosen to Magistracy * * * * nor shall any but such Church Mcmliers haye any \'ote in any such election." Here was the most complete union of church and state eyer established since the Mosaic dispensation, and this and allow the unsanctified to come in and have a voice in tlic government. The government of the town by town meeting continued in full force, without any change, until 1S33 when, by act of the Legislature, the town was divided into four wards, known, re- spectively, as the " North," " South," •' East " and " AVest " wards. The town government by wards continued for three years longer, until, in 1S36, a charter was granted by the State and the town became a city. This charter was soon found to be inadequate, and supplement after supplement was obtained from the Legis- lature until their number became inconveniently large and confus- ing. Accordingly, in 1854, the Common Council appointed three commissioners to revise and codify the charter and the sujiple- VIKW ON l,I.M.I>l..N l'.\Kk .\.M> \S .\SHI-\I.'I llN MKhfcl. continued in its complete integrity until March i. 1677, when it is refolded that " It is voted as a Town Act that all and every Man that improves Land in the Town of Newark shall make their appearance at Town Meetings, and there attend to any Business as shall be profKJsed as any of the Planters do." Again on October 2, 1683, " It is agreed by vote that all and every Person possessed of Lands in the Town of Newark shall have their Names put into the List to be called at Town Jleetings, from Time to Time." The reason for thus relaxing the stringency of the " funda- mental agreements " and allowing the profane to come in and join \vith the saints in the direction of the temporal affairs of the town seems to have arisen from the carelessness and negligence of the saints themselves. Suqjrising as it may seem, it was difficult to get them to attend to their solemn duties and to exercise their high privileges. Even the imposition of fines for non-attendance at town meetings or for dilatoriness did not seem to arouse the saints to the importance of their political privileges, and finally, only eleven years after the settlement of the town and the solemn signing of the " fundamental agreements," it became necessary, to insure the proper conduct of public affairs, to open the doors ments thereto. These commissioners submitted their draft of the revised charter to the Common Council in February, 1S55. It was then considered carefully by a joint committee of the Common Council, and of the citizens, and amended by them in several im- portant particulars. After much consideration and many delays the revised charter received the sanction of the Legislature, and was approved by the executive of the State March 20, 1857. Under the revised charter the government of the city was vested in a Mayor and a Common Council, or Board of Aldermen, consisting of two aldermen chosen by the citizens of each ward, the number of wards at the time of the adoption of the revised charter being but eleven. In addition to the Common Council, a Board of Education was provided for, which was to have entire charge and control of the public schools of the city, but subject to the Common Council in the matter of appropriations. The gov- ernment established by this charter was verj- simple, and was soon found insufficient for the rapidly growing needs of the city. In 1859 a supplement was passed establishing the office of Re- ceiver of Taxes, and also providing for a Sinking Fund to meet the city's bonded indebtedness as it should fall due. In iSfjo the i6 NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. city was authorized to purchase the property, rights and franchise of the Newarlv Aqueduct Company, and the Newark Aqueduct Board was established for the management and control of the water siipply of the city. In iS60 the Board of Assessment and Revision of Taxes was constituted for the more systematic and effective assessment of taxes. This board continues to be of the same number, duties and powers as when iirst established, but its members are now all appointed by the Mayor. In 1S73 the De- partment of Finance was established, the chief officer of which to be Comptroller of the city. This department remains substantially the same in scope and powers as originally constituted. A Board of Excise Commissioners was established in 1S75, and this board also remains, as to authority and jurisdiction, substantially as at first constituted. In 1S91 the most sweeping and far-reaching change in the city government was proposed by an Act of the Legislature providing for the appointment in each of the cities of the first-class (Newark and Jersey City), of a Board of Street and Water Commissioners. This board, it is provided in the law, shall be composed of five members and is clothed with very extensive powers. It is to have entire control and management of the Water Department, the Street Department, all sewers and drains, in short, all the public works of the city. Proceedings have been begun and are still pending in the Supreme Court to test the constitutionality of the act constituting this board, and it is practically at a stand until the decision of the court shall be announced. Since the foregoing was written, the Supreme Court has decided the act constituting the Board of Street and Water Commissioners to be constitutional, and the board has assumed and exercises all the powers conferred upon it by the new law. The other departments of the city government are the Health Board, which, under recent legislation, has very extreme powers ; the Tnastees of the City Home, a reform school for boys and girls ; the Trustees of the City Hospital, and the Trustees of the Free Public Library, a most excellent institution which is giving unqualified satisfaction. VIEW OX CLIXTOX AVEXUE AXD HIGH .STREET. THE CHUHCH HISTORY OF THE TOWN. THE historian of Newark must needs give much attention and devote considerable space to the history of the churches of the city. So closely, as has already been shown, were the temporal and spiritual interests of the town interwoven and almost identi- fied, that the one cannot be traced and set forth without following and displaying the other. In the infancy of the town the two were twins, fond, affectionate and constant in their companion- ship. It was many years before one outstripped the other in physical growth and found his attention and his activities absorbed by his rapidly growing prosperity and possessions, and the devotion of the two loving twins became formal and strained if not altogether cold and lifeless. The history of the church in Newark antedates that of the town by more than a score of years. It really begins in Branford, in 1644, when it had "its proper organic origin" — as good Doctor Stearns styles it. The Rev. Abraham Pierson, the first pastor of the church, came to Boston from England in 1639. He was born in Yorkshire — in what j-ear is uncertain — and was graduated at the LTniversity of Cambridge in 1632. After being ordained — episcopally, it is supposed — and preaching a few years in his native country, he decided, for reasons now unknown, upon emi- grating to New England and casting in his lot with the Puritans there. He joined the church at Boston, and appears to have been stationed immediately, or very soon thereafter, at Lynn. In 1640 some of the residents of Lynn, "finding themselves straitened," as the quaint language of the time puts it, determined to remove to less "straitening" habitations. They removed to the east end of Long Island, and there founded the town of South- ampton. They had been organized as a church before leaving Lynn, and had chosen Mr. Pierson as their minister, and he, NEWARK, X. /., ILLUSTRATED. 17 therefore, accompanied them to their new settlement. But in the year 1644 he and some of his flock, being dissatisfied because their little colony was placed in the jurisdiction of Connecticut, removed to the town f)f Branford. Here he organized a new church, embracing inhabitants of Branford with others from AVeathersfield, who united with them, and here the church history of the church of Newark really begins ; for when, in 1667, the people of Branford resolved to join those of Milford in their " towne upon the Pasaick," they took with them their pastor and their entire church organization. Dr. Steams, the historian of the " First Church," says : " Indeed, the old church in Branford, organized there twenty years earlier, was probably transported bodily, with all its corporate privileges and authorities. Its old / forth upon a new, and it since has proved, by far the largest por- tion of its career." Mr. Pierson was a strong as well as godly man. His influence upon the new community was very great and largely determined its character and career. He was a learned man, still fond of books and study in these wilds. His library numbered four hun- dred and forty volumes, a goodly library for the most refined centre of the New World, and of magnificent proportions for a clearing in the woods. Earnest, eloquent, godly, patient and devoted, he was beloved and esteemed not only by his own little flock, but also by all the great and strong leaders in New England. The elder Winthrop spoke of him as a "godly learned man ; " and Cotton Mather, in his pedantic, but quaint and ])icturcsquc \ VIEWS IK XF,\V.\KK. LOOKINT. NORTH, E.VST, SOCTH AND WEST, FROM THE PRVDEXTI.M- RUILDING pastor was conveyed hither at the expense of the town ; its deacon continued his functions without any signs of reappoint- ment ; its records were transferred, and it immediately com- menced ' church work,' and its pastor was invested with his office and salary on the new spot without any ceremony of organization or installation. It is true that several of its members were left behind, but they no longer claimed to be a church ; and hence there was; no church in Branford after the removal, till a new one was organized there several years subsequent. The settlers who came hither from other towns probably transferred their ecclesi- astical relations to this pre-existing organization, and the church of Branford, being thus transplanted to a new locality, and having received an accession of new constituent elements, became, after the example of the church in Hartford and several others in New England, the First Church of Newark, and thereupon started style, wrote of him : " 'Tis reported by Pliny, but perhaps 'tis but a Plinyism, that there is a fish called Lucerna, whose tongue doth shine like a torch. If it be a fable, yet let the tongue of a minister be the moral of that fable. Now such an illiiniinating tongue was that of our Pierson." The church thus transplanted from Branford to Newark was settled in the Congregational order, " and that of the most primi- tive and distinguishing type," adds good Doctor Stearns. It was not until 1716, or a few years later, that the church united with the Presbytery and became in form of government and in spirit Presbyterian. The first steps toward building a meeting-house for the little congregation were not taken until September 10, 166S, more than two years after the settlement of the town. On that date the town voted to "build a meeting-house as soon as may be," and XF.U'ARK, X. /., riLUSTRATRD. appointed a committee of five men " with full power for the man- agement of the building." The building wim of very modest proportions, 36 feet in length, 26 feet in breadth and 13 feet be- tween the joints, "with a lenter to it all the length which will make it thirty-six foot square," and j-et it was more than a year and a half after the town had resolved to build it that it began to approach completion. So great an undertaking for the good, pious souls was it to provide even so humble a temple for their weekly worship of their g^eat Creator. Twelve years after the settlement the Rev. Abraham Pierson closed his earthly career, and was succeeded by his son as pastor of the little flock. He was faithful and well-beloved, strong and influential with his people, and yet, whether from the carelessness and thoughtlessness of the good people, or for some less discredi- table reason, " no record tells us and no stone points out precisely in what spot his honored bones rest." The Rev. Doctor Stearns has drawn a most vivid, breathing picture of the little congregation assembled in their little house of worship, and the temptation to em- bellish these pages with it is too strong to be resisted. •' Let us now cast a glance," he says, ' ' upon the little as- s e m b 1 y as they were when the ap- purtenances of the house of worship were completed and the settlement in the full tide of its youthful pros- perity. We will select for the pur- pose the year 16S2, and take some bright Sabbath morning early in June, when the strawberries are red among the green grass, the birds singing in the meadows in a full chorus, and the apple blossoms scarcely yet fallen in the orchards. * * * On the west side of Broad street * * * * » ^nd nearly opposite the site of the present First Presbyterian Church, with an irregular marshy pond e.xtending nearly to ilarket street on the northeast, and a few graves marking a small burying-place on a little eminence not far in the rear, stood a low and somewhat singular-looking wooden edifice, without chimney or cupola, spreading out to the breadth of thirty-six feet square on the ground, and almost six- teen feet high in front beneath the eaves, and somewhat less in the rear ; the roof sloping down the back side near to the ground, and covering an appendage called a ' lenter,' or lean-to, ten feet wide, after the manner of some of the old farmhouses, of which remnants may still be found in the country. There it stood, with the gable ends north and south, and the broadside ' nigh front- ing on a square with the street,' in the precise spot which Mr. Pierson, the elder. Deacon Ward and Mr. Treat had assigned for it. It is OUR FIRST MEETING-HOUSE— the place of worship and the place of business — the theatre of all important transac- tions, civil, military and religious, in the town of Newark, during INTERIOR VIEW. KIRST rRESBVTERI.\N CIRRCH, DIRINO CE.N'TEXXIAL CELEHRATIOX, 1891. its first forty years of existence. There the townsmen, ' after lecture,' held their regular stated meetings, and there, on any alarm, the brave soldiers of the little commimity assembled with their arms at beat of drum to defend their homes and altars, their little ones and their wives. And now we notice two rudeh" con- structed appendages at two corners of the sacred edifice. They are called, in military phrase, " flankers," made with palisades or sharpened stakes, driven near together in the ground and so placed that the soldiers, sheltered behind them, command the sides of the house in every direction. They were constructed in the year 1675, when the Philips war was raging in New England, and the terror of Indian butcheries, so appalling to the people of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut, could hardly fail to have communicated an alarm to their friends and relatives, even in this distant settlement. The house itself, as we shall see on entering it, has been fitted for defense, for at the same period the town gave orders to have it lathed and the walls ' filled with thin stone and mortar as high up as the girts ' — a work on which all the men of the town above sixteen years of age, in companies of twelve, each day wrought in their turns, carrying their arms with them as did the Is- raelites when they rebuilt their tem- ple, to be ready against sudden surprises. The house of God was thus the house of refuge for the peo- ple : and there, had the savage foe burst upon them , would the women and children of the town have assem- bled for protection, close by God's holy altar. ****** The holy morning has now dawned. Nearly opposite the church stands the residence of the late senior pas- tor, now occupied, we may presume^ by his aged widow with her two younger sons, Theophilus and Isaac. ***** w\ along, up and down the street, stand on either side, at regular intervals, the quiet homes of the planters, and everywhere through the open windows may be heard the voice of prayer and psalm-singing at the domestic altar or the low hum of youthful voices studying or reciting the much-prized catechism. ■ ' The hour of public worship now approaches, and the deep tones of the village drum, beaten along the broad, grassj- street by one of the young men, gives the signal to make ready. It beats again ; and now, the doors opening, out come in everj^ direction the grave fathers and mothers of the community, the sturdy sons and comely daughters, with the cheerful and yet sober little ones, all in their best attire, and such as never sees the light except on Sabbath days and for the sake of decency in God's worship. Down the cross-streets, and some on horseback from the far-distant mountain, where the settlement was alreadv extending itself, they pour along in pleasant family groups and meet a united community at the house of prayer." A/-:i\ARK. X. /.. ii.r.rsrRATr.D. t9 1791 1891 TIIKRE VIEWS OK lilt HKsl I'RESIIVI BRIAN Clll Ri II. But there was not always peace and k)ving brotherhiMxl amon^j the pious worshipers. Even as early as the pastorate of Rev. Abraham Pierson's son and successor dissensions began, which finally culminated in Mr. Pierson's withdrawal from his charge and removal to Connecticut. On the institution of Yale College, a few years later, he was appointed its Hrst rector, or president, and held this office until his death, in 1707. It was in the year 1676, during the pa.storate of Rev. John Priidden, the younger Pierson's successor, that the separate title of the church to the " parsonage lands " was first set up, a title that has occasioned continual disputes and litigations ever since. In that year, under authority of an act of the (iencral Assembly, a warrant was taken out for the survey of two hundred acres of land and meadow for the purposes of a parsonage, and "also so much ;is shall be convenient for landing places, schnstituted into a regular Baptist church, and were soon incorporated, assuming the name of the First Baptist Church of Newark. Their first meeting-house, situated on Academy street, was dedicated September i6th, 1S06. In iSoS, the number of Methodists in the town having reached fourteen, they determined upon building a Methodist meeting- house, and the following year their modest place of worship, called Wesley Chapel, was dedicated. This was situated upon or near the site of the present Halsey Street Methodist Church. The fii^st Catholic parish in the town was regularly organized in 1S24, and was styled St. John's. St. John's Church was erected I'I.umh; homemti.au, i;k<>mi anh NEWARK, X. /., TI.T.USTRATED. The First Congregational Cluuxli was the outgrowth and successor of what was at its institution styled " The First Free Church in Newark," which was organized May 22d, 1S34, by forty persons who left the First Presbyterian Church for this purpose. There are now in the city of Newark twenty (20) Presbyterian churches, of which one is especially for colored people and three for Germans ; two (2) United Presbyterian ; seven (7) Reformed (Dutch) ; two (2) Congregational ; fifteen (15) Baptist ; twelve (12) Episcopal ; one M) Reformed Episcopal; Eighteen (iS) Melh- ndist Episcopal ; one (i) Methodist Protestant ; tliree 13) Lutheran : one (i) Universalist : two 2) Swedenborgian ; twenty (20) Roman Cath- olic ; and four (4) Jewish Synagogues ; besides nine (g) independent bodies, and eleven (11) missions. There being, in all, one hundred and seven (107) churches and synagogues in the city. These are almost witliout exception active, vigorous, healthy and MF.EKER HOMESTEAH, SUPPOSED TO BE THE OLDEST i.AN-MAKK IN NLw jERSEV. flourishing bodics, Stimulating the hearts on the site of the present St. John's Church, but was a very small and minds of their various parishes, inculcating and distrib and modest edifice, being, we are told, " no largtr than a large uting charity and disseminating secular as well as religious sitting chamber." learning. THE RISE AM) (iROWTH OF MAXLI ACTLKES IN XEU ARK. IT has already been stated that the settlers of Newark were n00 j6 43,000 " Q,900 26,150 78,480.00 I 17 324 tons 6o<) '• : 1,360 lbs. 14,372.00 3.338.00 3»t 36.00 15,00000 ^350.00 1 If 529.00 15000 00 ii.S46.00 I .' v'.OO ','•"1.00 .■ V 5' JO ou 7,650.00 27,750.00 3'> "00.00 It wnll be seen from tins table that the boot and shoe industry was then, as it had been for many years, easily chief in the town, and justified the draftsman of the map of Newark, published in iSofi, who drew the effijf>-of a shoemaker in one corner of his map. Accordinjj to his statement •• one-third of the inhabitants are con- stantly em]iloyed " in the manufacture of 1>ixjLs and shoes. The ne.xt opportunity afforded for obser\-ing the industrial growth <)f the town is found in the town census taken in 1S26 by Isaac Nichols, assessor. Me reports the number of industries and the industrial ])o])ulation as follows : " Three Iron and Bra.ss Founderies. twelve workmen: one Cotton Factor)-, SIX workmen : three Tin and Sheet Iron Factories, nine workmen : one Coach Spring Factor)-, ten workmen ; one Choco- late and Mustard Factory, eight workmen ; one Tobacco Factory, thirteen workmen ; one Look in.g-G lass Factor)-, four workmen one Soap and Candle Factory, four workmen ; one Eastern Pot- ter)-, three workmen ; one Rope Walk, two workmen. " Besides these, three Distilleries, two Breweries and two Grist Mills. The number of hands em])loyed not given. •' All those employed in trades and other branches are enume- rated as follows : Shoemakers 685 Carriage-makers 64 Trimmers 48 •' Painters 21 " Smiths 77 Carpenters 89 Chairmakers 79 Hatters 70 Curriers 61 Saddlers 57 Masons 46 Coach Lace Weavers 36 Cabinet-makers 35 Tailors 35 Jewelers 22 Blacksmiths ,5, 19 Planemakers. . . ... 17 Tanners 17 Silver Platers 15 Bakers 15 Carters 12 Saddle-Trcc-raakers 12 Mouse Painters and Glaziers 10 Wagon Workers ,s Trunkmakers 7 Coopers 7 Stonecutters 6 Lastmakers 6 Butchers :; Ploughmakers 4 Pumpmakers i Morocco Dressers 3 Brushmakers 3 Gunsmiths 2 Watch and Clock Makers ... 2 Tallow Chandlers i Lockmakers i Printers 7 Mr. Nichols enumerated the population of the town as 8,017, and it will be seen from his table that about 1,700, or more than twentv per cent of the whole number were actively engaged in manual labor, speaking w-ell for the industry and thrift of the community. In 1836, the year of the incorporation of the town as a city, a census was taken by the direction of the Common Council. The rapid growth of the town in the preceding ten years was shown by the enumeration of the population at this census at 19,732, an increa.se of almost 150 per cent. In connection with this census. Dr. Jabez G. Goble prepared the following exhibit of the indus- tries of the city, which, he says, "is believed to be essentially correct," and " will exhibit a general view of the business of the city, the greater portion of which consists of its own manufac- tured articles." Boot and Shoe Jlanufacturer.s. This branch of trade has always been very extensive Hat Manufacturers ' Carriajies of every description— omnibu.ses, railroad cars. Jtc. Some" of these establishments are very larKc Saddles, harness, whips, &c Clothin>j busincs.s — manufactured for the Southern markets TanninK and Currvinj^ The principal portion of this business is done in the Swamps in Market street Coach-axles, springs, door-locks, brass mountings, &c Coach-lacc, tas.sels, fringe, &c Oil-silk, patent leather, malleable iron, cver.v variety of casting used by coachmakers, machinists, &c. The ctillection cons'ists of more than 1,000 plain and ornamental patterns now in use Cabinet dti Jewelry dt> Frunk and Chair do Silverplatin^ do Sa.sh and Klind do Coal Trade. This business has been extensive the f)ast year 1 other manufacturers, comprising many diflFcrenl branches, mav be fairlv estimated at....' Employed. Amount. 010 $1,533,000 1,055,000 8,7 590 1,002,000 885,500 1.59' 840,000 150 899,200 220 112 250,000 80,000 "2.'i ■45 225,060 180,000 100 106 225000 90,000 100 100,000 107 70000 200,000 $8,124,790 In 1861 the value of the manufactured products of the eity had swelled to the sum of over $23,000,000. The Civil War scarcely in- terrupted the industrial activity and prosperity of the city, which was kept busy during the entire period of its continuance in manufacturing for the Union armies small arms, accoutrements, saddlery, harness, clothing, &c., &c. But the close of the war witnessed a wonderful increase of prosperity, and the growth of the city's manufactures was marvelous, both in volume and variety. So v:ist and varied became the products of the city's teeming brains and skilled hands that the idea occu.-red to a few enterprising and far-sighted citizens of still further advancing the city's business and manufacturing interests by giving an ex- hibition of all its varied manufactured products. After an agita- tion lasting some time, the idea finally crystallized into action, and the " Industrial Exhibition " was opened in the old Rink build- ing, on Washington street, on August 20, 1S72. The exhibit was confined entirely to goods of Newark manufacture, and proved a complete triumph for its projectors. Six hundred and ten exhibi- tors were represented, althou.gh no premiums had been offered and no extra inducements held out to prevail upon them to exhibit their products. The exhibit was a eimiplete surprise, not only to the city itself, but to the entire country. Visitors came from far and near, and the President of the United States himself honored the exhibition with his presence and praise. (Jther dignitaries fol- lowed in his train, and no less than 130,000 citizens thronged through its gates during the fifty-two days they were kept open. In spite of financial depressions and commercial panics, the city has continued, with but slight interruption, to enlarge its industrial borders and multiply its products during the nearly a score of years since the holding of the Industrial Exhibition, which was in 1S72 its wonder and its boast. THE FIRST LOCOMOTIVE USED IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEV ; ULILT BY SETII BOVDEN, IN 1838, FOR THE MORRIS & ESSEX R.\II.RO.^|). THE CITY OF NEWARK TO-DAY. AVING made an effort in the pre- ceding chapters of this work to set forth simply and briefly the ear- lier history of the city of Newark from its settlement to the present time, it will be the purpose of I the following pages to exhibit and illustrate the city as it is to-day — its government, its public insti- tutions and charities, its schools and academies, its churches, its homes, its manufactories and work shops — in short, all the varied ac- tivities, interests and enterprises which make it a great, busy and flourishing manufacturing city, the proud home and splendid embodiment of intelligence and industry. The city is finely situated on the steel high roads between the great cities of New York and Philadelphia, and on the Passaic River. Its transportation facilities by railroad and water are un- equalled. It is less than thirty minutes from the city of New York by rail, and about an hour by water. Five railroads and trains innumerable each day, transport its passengers and its goods to and from the great metropolis, and to and from all the countries and cities of the world. The territorial jurisdiction of the city embraces an area of i8 square miles. Its improved streets aggregate a length of 194 miles, of which 53 miles are paved, and its sewers a length of i)S}4 miles. It has a combined area of 76 acres in parks. And it now has a supply of water which for purity, wholesomeness, sweetness and abundance, is absolutely imequalled. As the birds-eye views of the city reproduced in this work show, the large territory embraced within the city's limits is well built upon, but not overcrowded. The salt marshes or meadows in the southeastern portion of the city, are as yet sparsely occupied by either dwellings or factories, but even here business and manufacturing enterprise is draining and reclaiming the marsh, and buildings and dwellings are multiply- ing. The innumerable factories in the city are almost without excep- tion well and strongly built, finely ventilated and lighted, and are excellent examples of factory and mill architecture. The dwell- ing houses evince the prosperity and thrift of the inhabitants, who as a rule are well and comfortably housed, while many of the larger dwellings, as the illustrations of the handsome homes of the city given in this work will show, are models of comfort, con- venience and beauty. The population of the city, according to the United States cen- sus of i8go, was 181,518. But according to a census taken by the city authorities a few months later it was 193,055. It is more than probable that the latter figures are the correct ones, as the city census was taken by tax assessors familiar with every locality and with almost every inhabitant in their respective districts. At the present time it is probable that the population of the city exceeds 200,000, as the growth of the city in every direction since the United States and the city censuses were taken has been marvelously rapid. In 1890 a grand total of 1,554 new buildings were erected within the city limits, of which 1,238 were dwellings; while in i8gi, the number of new buildings was dotibtless equally large if not larger. As these new buildings are, almost without exception, occupied immediately upon their completion, these figures show a large increase in the popidation of the city within the last year and a half. The future growth and prosperity of the city is assured, and will be continuous, steady and vast. New manufacturing indus- tries are constantly being attracted to the city by its magnificent facilities for production and transportation, the reasonable prices and rents asked for lands and factories, the low tax rate and the jierfect police and fire protection which the city affords. And with this constant accession of new industries and enterprises, comes a vast and steady- flowing stream of workmen and their families, certain of employment, present comfort and future competence. In addition to all these, there is a large overflow every year from the city of New York of those who look for cheaper and quieter homes than the great metropolis can furnish. Moreover, the industries of the city are so diversified that no depression in any one industry can materiallj' interfere with the general growth and prosperity of the town. Altogether, it seems safe to predict that the cit)' of Newark will at no very distant day be the largest and most flourishing manufacturing city in the United States, if not in the world. The city is both well and cheaply governed. The tax rate for the year 1891 was only $1.82 upon each $100 of assessed valuation, .veii:^a'a; x. /., illustrated. 25 and this included the county as well as the city rate. The assessed valuation of property within the city for taxable pur- poses was in 1S91 as follows : Real estate $ 88,729,950 Personal properly 25,265,475 Making a total of ..$113,995,425 I \\ II \ 1. 1.. which was an increa.sc over the a.ssessed valuations for 1889 of $11, 790, 821. The credit of the city can scarcely be surpassed. The management (i. Hei.i.ek, gth. Ale.xander H. Joiinsdn, loth. Geor<:e H. Larle, nth. John A. Firman, I2th. WlEEl AM Hakri(;an, 13th. Peter Ulrich, 14th. William Stainsbv, 15th. Dennis F. CIevanev, James Fitzsimmi>ns. w \ i son r\ no. J.VMEs A. Arnold. Terence SiMitii. John Haisman. FKEDERUK IJ. RoERIl.ll. Ferdinand Freiensehner. Frederick F. Bioren. WiMIAM W.\N(;NER. The most powerful of these commissions is the newly-created " Board of Street and Water Commissioners," appointed by the Mayor, under authority of an act of the Legislature passed in 1891. The first members of this board, appointed by the Mayor in the spring of 1891, were James Smith, Jr., Dr. Hugh C. Hendry, Thomas Harlan, Reuben Trier and Ferdinand A. Hahn. The board was organized by the election of James Smith, Jr., to be its president, and Enos Runyon its clerk ; Charles Marsh, superin- tendent of works, and Edward L. Price, counsel. The powers of this new board are very sweeping. It is " to lay out, open, grade, alter, vacate or change the lines of streets," &c. ; "to pave, re-pave, repair, improve or clean streets," &c. ; "to make any street, highway or sewer constructions," Src; "to control and regulate the use and occupation of the streets, &c.; remove by contract ashes, si>n ci.xkk, by the Mayor. Its duties are to make all assessments of all prop- erty within the city for ta.xable purposes, to keep proper records thereof, to revise the same whenever necessary, and to hear and determine all appeals from citizens in matters of taxation. The present members of this board are Philip Lowy, Henry (J. Darcy, Marcus S. Richards, Paul W. Roder and Owen F. Conlon. The Secretary of the Board is John J. Berrv. The Commissioners of the Sinkiog Fund are Robert F. Ballantine, Frederick Frelinghuysen, Frederick H. Teese, and the Mayor and Comptroller exofficio. The Sinking Fund is intended to meet the various issues of city bonds as they respect- ively fall due, and these Commissioners have charge of the investment of the funds intrusted to their charge until such times as they are needed for the purpose of meeting and retiring bonds. The Board of Excise Commissioners have charge of the grant- ing of licenses for the sale of spirituous and malt liquors and wines within the city limits. They are at present, Herman Schalk, Abraham Jenkinson and Peter Grace. The Health Department is possessed, under recent legislation, of very ample powers for the care and protecticm of the public health of the citv. The present members of the Board of Health are Tyler Parnily, Dr. H. C. H. Herold, Dr. Charles M. Zeh, Alexander H. Johnson, Moses Strauss, William B. Guild, S. S. Sargeant, Edward Dunn and Dr. F. B. Mandeville. The Health Officer is Dr. Charles Lehlbach, Jr. The Trustees of the City Home are the Mayor, e.x-offtcio, Augustus Dusenberry, Dr. John B. Richmond, Dennis F. Olvaney, Elvin W. Crane, Dr. Edward J. Ill and George W. Vernet. The City Home is a reformatory institution for wa)-ward and truant children, and its discipline is intended to lead them back and accustom them to walk in ways of usefulness and sobriety. ■R. ,\ND A. JID.SON tl..MEL, ALl'EKMAN. iiTH WAKii. liENEDR r l_LKi>_H. Ai-DLKMAN. i;lH WAKl'. NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. HtNK\ '.. NADI.EH. AI.PLKMAN. 4! II HAKl' years later, in 1880, it was replaced by a handsome iron bridge, erected by the two counties jointly at a cost of Siis.'xxi. The " Plank road ' bridge, as it is commonly culled, crosses the river at the foot of Ferry street. It is still the property of the Newark Plank Road Company, and toll is exacted by that com- pany of those who cross it. It is used verj- largely by teamsters passing between Newark and New York, and it is imly a question of a ver)- short time when it must be purchased by the two counties of Essex and Hudson, replaced by a substantial iron structure, and made free. It is not now a credit to the ci:v. JO>EI'll r. IIEM.EK;!,;.. .v.. Li■.^A^•. 4III WARD. although it is undoubtedly highly profitable to the company owning it. The second free bridge crosses the river at the foot of Clay street, connecting Newark with the township of Kearny. It was built by the two counties of Essex and Hud-son at an expense of S75.n municipal affairs, cannot fail but be convinced that our police force is insufficient in numliers for so large a city. He can only hope that in the very near future this deficiency shall be supplied, and in the meantime congratu- late himself and the city upon the hearty, enthusiastic and efficient services rendered by these gallant guardians of the public safety. Under the charter of the city, the Common Council was given the right " to establish, organize and control a day and night police, and to regulate and define the manner of their appoint- ment and removal, their duties and their compensation." This ixiwer the Common Council employed to establish the Police Department and, mainly through its Police Committee, to regu- late it. Appointments to the force being in the hands of the Aldermen and the Police Committee, and there being no restric- tions upon the power of the Common Council to remove from the force for political or other reasons, it came about naturally that appointments were often the rewards of party service, and removals the penalty of adhering to the vanquished party. This condition finally l>ecame notori i^ivcn the entire cuntrol of the Police Department, and the power of appointment thereto and removal therefrom. Removals, however, were only to be made for j;ood cause and after trial, and never for political reasons. This act was adopted m Newark by an almost unani- mous popular vote. The result of this wise lejjislation has been the almost, if not entirely, complete emancipation of the Police Department of the city from the shackles of partisanship, and a gradual and steady improvement in the discipline and efficiency of the force. Officers and men now realize that their term of office does not depend upon the favor or displeasure of some petty ward " boss," or upon the strength and reach of their political " pull," but solely upon their ca|)al>ilities and their fidelity to duty. They are therefore, u]X)n their good behavior. They have the time and the confidence in the permanency of the terms of their offices to study the responsibilities and duties of their respective positions, and to consider how the efficiency and the discipline of the department may be elevated and improved. It is safe to say that no thoughtful citizen, however strong a partisan politically, would now have the old methods of control of the Police Department reinstated. The State Legislature of 1S91 passed an act providing for the appointments of Superintendents of the Police Departments in cities of the first class in the State, meaning Jersey City and Newark. The act provided for the appointment of such n >^ iasnlr^ 9p7 •-« » • mm\ ^-'^ .A_iit: Uj/* A.v< I l'()LICE SQUAD. 38 NEWARK, X. /, ILLUSTRATED. FIRST CRIMINAL COURT JUDGE HOWARH W. IIAVl ^ rOLICE SURGF.OX J. 11. I l.AKK. Superintendent by the Mayor of the city, and that when have charge and command of the Police Department respectively appointed he should hold office during good behavior, and be of such city, above and superior to all the other officers thereof, removable " only for cause after trial.' Such Superintendents. Under the authority of this act, the Mayor appointed ex-Sheriff under the direction of the Police Boards of such cities, were to William H. Brown, the genial and popular president of th; Joel GKUL'l' ul' IHK THlkl) PRECIXCT HOLICE SljUAD. XEUARK. \. /, ILLLSTRATED. 39 CAPTAIN MK.IIAKL COKHITT. CAI'TAIN ANIIKKW J. M MANUS. Parkt-r Associati'm, Supcrinuinicnt tnr the Pdicc Department. This gentleman was widely and well known ihrimghnut the city, of excellent standing and reputatinn. and consequently the Superintendent was well received by the citizens at large. According to the annual report of the Board of Police Commis- sioners to the Common Council for the year iSiji. bearing date January i, 1S92, the number of men constituting the police force at that date was two hundred and forty-eight, and all other officers and employees of the department fifteen, making the total strength of the department, including the Board of Commis- sioners, two hundred and sixty-three. Not a very imjjosing or extravagant array surely, for a city containing a population of two hundred thousand. 01 this number ninety-five are made up of Commissioners, officers, detectives, employees, '•cliancenien" and detailed men, leaving the number of patrolmen only one hundred and sixty- eight. This is manifestly an insufficient number of men to properly patrol and guard the city. A city of the large area and great population of Newark should properly have twice that number. The members of the Board of Police Commissioners for the year 1892, are John W. Strahan. Henry Dilly, Edward Maher, and Osceola Currier. The President of the Board is Commis- sioner Strahan and the Secretary Joseph M Cox. Connected with the Police Department are three Police Courts, now known, by authority of an act ])assed by the Legislature of CAPTAIN WILLIAM P. DALY. CAPTAIN CHARLES GLORI. 4° NEWARK, X. /., ILLUSTRATED. HEN.IAMIN H. VAN NESS, FOLICE JUSTICE, 1S90. JOHN A. ROliRIGCi, I'OLICE JUSTICE, iSqo. 1S92. as the First, Second and Third Criminal Courts. Howard Preisel of the Third. The clerks of these Courts are John J. W. Ha^-es, a counsellor at law, is Judge of the First Criminal Bertram, William Lomax, Jr., and John P. Fannan, of the First, Court, Redmond P. Conlon of the Second, and Frederick C. Second and Third, respectivel)-. - -a. VIHW (IX I'.Ril.M) STRKKT LMOKIXd SDl'l'll lUll.M .M.XRKET STREET. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. i > IIK.NKV K. IIAKEK. I'RESIIieNT. I-.IIWAKD SCIi:CKIIAl ? -:->^ IHl-: liOARD OK KTRE COM M I tSSIO.N i: K>> •'<- < > HIGH KINNARU. u M. n. VAN Ilia 1 Lis. 42 NFJVARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. WILLIAM C. ASTLEY, SUPERINTENDENT EIRE DE I'ART.MEXT. THE KIRE DEPARTiVIEMT. EVERY citizen is justly proud of the Fire Department of the city. In respect to discipline, efficiency, promptitude, ardor and fidelity, it is not surpassed by any fire department in any city. It is sufficient evidence of the competence and efficiency of the city's fire department to adduce the fact that for many years the city has not suffered from any large or extensive fire, although there have been many fires which would unquestionably have developed mto vast conflagrations had they not been promptly and skillfullj^ combatted and checked. An alarm of fire being given, firemen and engines are at the spot almost with the suddenness of a fair\^ tale, not only to check and extinguish the fire, but also to protect and save surrounding property. The report of the Superintendent of the Fire Department, Mr. William C. Astley, bearing date Januarj? i , i S92 , shows that at that date the total manual force of the department was one hundred and thirty-eight men. The apparatus in use by the department KI.'IiLKl KlLRMLAIi, CHlhl TIRE DEPARTMENT. consisted of nine second-class steam fire engines, three third-class steam five engines, twelve four-wheeled hose wagons, tenders to steamers, three four-wheeled hose carriages, tenders to steamers, one aerial hook and ladder truck, two trestle, side hook and ladder trucks, three chemical engines, seventeen wagons for use of officers and for exercise of horses and one two-wheeled gig. The department also has reserve apparatus as follows : Two second- class steam fire engines, four four-wheeled hose carriages and one trestle-side hook and ladder truck. L.JLls .\L PRICE, DlaTKlCT ENGINEER. ISAAC W. TOWNSEND, BUILDING INSPECTOR. iSqi. A'FJVARK, A'. /.. ILLUSTRATED. 43 ADAM BUSCH, SUIT. HKE ALARM TELEI'.K AI'H. MARCUS L. DEVOURSNEV, EX-COMMISSIONER FIRE DEI'ARTMKNT. The cost of maintaining the Kire Departmunt during the year iSgi was S175.171.S8, certainly not an extravagant sum for a city as large as Newark. The members of the Board q>s is independ- ent of the Fire Department, but may properly be mentioned here as part of the fire-fighting force of the city. It was organized twelve years ago by the L'nder- writers' Protective Association, to protect and save from fire and water, as far as possible, property and goods which might otherwise be entirely or partly ruined. The citizens of Newark can feel that the money they expend in the maintenance of their Fire Department is not wasted or thrown awaj-. They get their money's worth every day. There are fires, indeed, still occurr- ing, but they are fought and ex- tinguished so promptly that the consequent damage is simply trifling where, but for the skill and efficiency of the firemen, it would certainly be enormous. Too much can scarcely be said of the dangers often undergone in the discharge of their duties by firemen. Their devotion to duty in emergencies is never measured by the size of their pay but only by the necessity of the case. Not until some fireman loses his life in the discharge of his duty, does the careless public awaken to a sense of the dangers of their calling and the heroism they display. But every day without blare of trumpet or blazon of fame, equally heroic deeds are done bv these brave and fearless men. ENGINE COMPANY NO. 5, PROSPECT STREET. COUNTY INSTITUTIONS AND OFFICES. LTIIOUGH the pride of the ordinary Newarker cannot point admiringly or with exviltant finger at the ancient pile known as the Essex County Court House and its Hall of Records close 1)V, he can boast with- out fear of gainsayi n g the fact that as pure and well learned a judiciary hold courts in the one, and as wide awake and far-seeing a recording corps keep the records in the other, as can be found in any shire town in the State or Nation. In the Court house are the business offices of the several county officials, as well as the Circuit Court, and various County Court and Grand Jury Rooms. The Supreme Court Judge presiding in this Judicial District is the Hon. David A. Depue, who holds court in the south room, and has done so for the past score of years and upwards, and so well is he liked personally, and so eminently distinguished, and so evidently just and fair are his decisions, that he is very likely to remain upon the bench as long as his faculties hold and life lasts. In the north room sits Judge Andrew Kirkpatrick amid his associates. Judges Michael J. Ledwith and Carl F. Buttner, the one sttting upon the right and the other upon the left, and often helping the Judge to unravel some very knotty skeins of criminal or business justice. On entering the building the visitor is ushered into the offices of the popular County Surrogate, John B. Dusen- berry, whose father, the late lamented Henry T. Dusen- berry, was at one time County Clerk of Essex county. His assistants are Charles D. Hennion, C. Harry Guild, John J. Berry, Jr., and Miss Helen W. Van Ness. (_)n the opposite side of the corridor are the offices of the High Sheriff, Mr. Jacob Haussling, who is one of the most deservedly popular and efficient .sheriffs with which Essex county has been so liberally blessed in the past. His Under Sheriff, George M. Titus, was a rising young lawyer, who was fast winning laurels in his profession, but forsook them for the time being in order to help his friend Haussling adminis- ter the affairs of his high office. Sheriff Haussling has been peculiarly successful in the selection of his constabulary assistants. TRT lim sE. JACOB H.iUSSLlNG, SHERIFF. ELVIN W. CR.\XE, I'LELIC PROSECUTOR. XEU'ARK. X. /., ri.I.l'STRATED. 45 '■^ — 1.JTJ— SAMUEL A. SMITH, lolNrV CLEKK. Ji>IIN II. mSENHEKKV, SLKRliOATK On the same rtoor to the rear is fouml the office of the Clerk of <>l the County Auditor. Mujjo J (ieissele, and County Collector the County, Samuel A. Smith. One of Mr. Smith's predecessors Thomas J. Regan, polite and painstaking gentlemen with whom in this office was his father. Dr. William A. Smith, who has it is a pleasure to transact business. They are assisted in the lately departed this life full of honor and years. performance of their duties by Mr. Harry Housel, who has filled On the same floor, in the southeast corner, are found the offices his pi>sition acceptably for several years. ■• .C- 1 . , -1!;;^ IP #^NiM M^ y" V f- IT, RICIIAKD E. COGAX, REGISTEK. HUGO J. CEISSELE, COLXTY ACUITOR. 46 NEWARK, X. /., ILLUSTRATED. GEORGE M. TITUS, UNDER SHERIFF. On the same floor are also found the offices of the County Prosecutor, Elvin W. Crane, and his assistant, Louis Hood Next to and opening out of the Prosecutor's office is the Grand Jury room, where during each of the three stated terms of court held every year, twenty-three good men and true are gathered to khutx w. hine, ex-mii;riff. hear complaints, investigate the acts of wrongdoers, and find bills of mdictment against criminals and others. Timothy E. Scales is the popular and painstaking Clerk of the Grand Jury. The visitor is next ushered into the Hall of Records. On ascending the first short flight of stairs he finds double doors opening into the Hall of Records, where Richard E. Cogan pre- sides over the great volumes containing the public records of the county. Here goes on in a silence almost painful the work of recording the records as well as the recording of deeds, mortgages and other paper records of titles. CORNELIUS LE.VRV, FREEHOLDER \1i\> PRES'T ESSEX COUNTY RO.\D BOARD. SOLOMON DE JONGF., FREEHOLDER. NEWARK. X. /, rTJ.rSTRATED. 47 OWKN A. CAHILI., FREEHOLDER. Astcnding to the third storj' the hall is reached where the Board of Chosen Freeholders hold their monthly eonclave and lesnslate for the county. The Board formerly consisted of forty members but a recent law reduced the number to ten. Dr. Tiesler. of Orange, is Director, Joseph Atkinson is Clerk, and Fred. W. Stevens is Counsel of the Board. The Board is at present com- f)osed of the ff)llo\ving members: Patrick Lupton, J. J. Berry, Ellis R. Carhuff. Solomon Dejonge, John Scanlan. Thomas W. Kinsey, Owen A. Cahill. Cornelius Leary. Charles Winckler. James Peck. HEIER M. MLI.LIN, KKEEHOLDER, (DECEASEM.) The Freeholders are selected from the seyeral Assembly districts in the county, the same as members of the State Legis- lature, and conduct the general business of the county, which is principally carried out by committees who report through the Chairman at the Board meeting, held once a month. DR. THOMAS DU.NN ENGLISH, REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS. GEORGE H. LARGE, INTERNAL REVENUE COLLECTOR. 48 A-/':ir.lA'A\ A'. /., ILLUSTRATED. •m- The public institutions are the Ci)unty Penitentiary at Cald- well, the County Jail in Newark, and County Retreat or Insane Asylum on South Orange avenue. The Penitentiary is under the care of Warden John Murray, who is held responsible for the administration of the prison affairs. The committee having the care of this institution visit it twice every month. The County Jail is under the care of Jail Warden McMonagle, who takes his orders from the Prison Supply Committee, who meet twice a month at the Jail and Penitentiary. The Insane Asylum is under the care of the Committee on Lunacy of the Board of Freeholders. The Physician and Super- intendent is Dr. Livingston S. Hinrklej-. There are nearly five hundred patients in this institvrtion. A visitor to one and all of these county resorts of the sick and unfortunate is at once struck with the high degree of neatness and order seen everywhere, and the deep interest taken in the welfare of patients or prisoners is abundantly manifest to the most casual observer. But not until the Egytian pile at the head of Market street has gone the way of all things which have had their day, and a new Court House has been built, worthy in all respects of the great and growing county of Essex, will the smile of satisfaction light up the faces of a progressive people who have been striving for years to induce the Board of Freeholders to wake from their lethargy and build a new Court House. The Essex Countv Insane Asvlum. DURING the year of 1S71 there was only one State Asylum for the Insane, that of Trenton. The county of Essex maintained there no patients. The report was received by the Board of Freeholders to the effect that the Asylum there was so crowded that but few, if any more, patients could be received. The State Asylum at Morris Plains though nearly completed, was far from that point at which the)- could receive patients, so the question of obtaining an entrance to asylums in other States was discussed, and overtures were made to the authorities at Ward's Island, Blackwell's Island, New York, and as far away as the State Asylum at Vermont, without success. The Committee on Lunacy of the Board of Freeholders at that time were David J. Canfield, Wm. M. Freeman, Wm. Gorman, Melancthon Smith and Wm. Cadmus. In January, 1872, this committee reported that the exigencies of the situation required immediate relief, and in February they recommended to the Board to lease the property bounded by Camden and Bank streets and Fairmount avenue, and to erect suitable pavilions thereon for the temporary care of the insane. In 1872 the Lunacy Committee erected buildings ai: a cost of 815,600 on the above site, which were opened for the reception of patients Aug 27, 1872. Fifteen patients were transported from the State Asylimi at Trenton, and nineteen were received from the Newark Almshouse. Major John Leonard was appointed LIVINGSTON S. HINCKLEV, .\I. D., SUPERINTENDENT OE THE ESSEX C( UNTY .\SYLUM FOX THE INSANE. jV£II'.4A'A-, .v. /., ILLUSTRATED. Mil 11 AKI. T. llAKRtTT, STATE aENATuK. >.KOKl.l. iV. kKICIUM, AS9LMK1.V.MAN. warden, and Dr. J. A. Cm.t.^ u.i^ elected to the position of physician. In 1S73 the asylum contained sixty patients. In 1S73 the Committee on Lunacy, composed of I). J. Canfield, Wm. Cadmus. Dr. David S. Smith. Ira II. Smith. D. M. Skinner and the director, Kdgar Farmer, reported t 1 the Hoard the necessity of procuring a permanent site for the erection of an asylum for future needs. July y, i,S74, various sites were reported to the Board for selection. During this year it was found necessary to enlarge the Camden Street Asylum at an expense of S7.000 to accommodate the number applying for admission. l.KUNAKK KALISCll, AaSEMHLy MAX. joiix XEiiiER. as.si:mi:lvman 5° XEU'ARK, X. J., ILLUSTRATED. GEORGE RABENSTEIN, EX-ASSEMBLYMAN. llInMAS SMITH, ASSEMBLYMAN, COMMISSIONER TO COLUMBIAN EXHIBITION. For the next two years matters progressed slowly in this ques- asvlum. The committee on site, after examining seven sets of tion, public sentiment being thoroughly weighed, and the Board plans, finally reported favorably upon the present one in iSSo. after ntmierous discussions, finally in 187S, when the Camden In :May, 1SS3, the Lunacy Committee reported 333 patients street register indicated that 200 patients were being cared at Camden Street Asylum and presented the overcrowded condi- for, decided to push the matter of building a permanent CHARLES TREFZ, EX-ASSKMBI.VMAN. JOHN J. BEKTRA.NL EX-ASSEMBLVMAN. NFJrARK. X. /., ILLUSTRATED 51 ll|MMA> K. IWANACII, ASSKMKl.VMAN. AI;NLK KAL1---11. '-■'LNsl-l.uK-A 1-l.AU. tion. recommending that addition be made to accommodate lOo more without delay. The new building had thus far cost S56.oo>rKI(K. EDWARD L. CONKLIN, POSTMASTER. WILLIAM K. UTTER, ASSISTANT POSTMASTER. 54 XEir.AJiK, A\ /. ILLUSTRATED. \V. F. OTIS, SUPT. NEWsI'Al'KR DEPARTMENT. GEORGE TAVLOR. SUPT. REGISTRY IIEPARTMENT. recognized and provided for by the Federal Government, which has never been ver}- generous to this rapidly growing city. The present Postmaster of the city is Edward L. Conklin, who was appointed to this office in October, 18S9, by President Harri son. He has been very painstaking and faithful in the perform ance of his duties, and is always alive to the growing needs of. the department under his supervision, and to the wants of the large and busy community transmitting mail matter through his office. The financial matters pertaining to the office are ably taken care of by his assistant, William F. Utter, and as he had long experience in the Post-Office, he is well qualified to assist the Post- master in the management. The carriers' department is in charge of William .Saul as Superintendent, an old and tried employe, and one who knows what a carrier ought to do and how the cit}- should be served. The clerks are in charge of William F. Otis, as Superintendent. He also has charge of the newspaper and periodical matter, and to him is due the methods used to bring the clerks up to a better or more proficient standard in the distribution of such matter. The mailing department is presided over by James G. McKittrick, an old railway Post-Office clerk. His experience is of great benefit to the clerks, to whom they look for instructions. George Taylor is Superintendent of the registry- department, a position he has held fourteen }-ears. William L. Rabone is clerk in charge of the stamp depart- ment, and owing to the immense business done there, he has to be exceedingly careful and energetic. Mr. Conklin is tf> be congratulated on having such an efficient corps of employes. WILLIAM L. RAHONE, CHIEF STAMP CLERK. JAMES G. MC KITTKICK, SUPT. DELIVERY DEPARTMENT. NEWARK'S EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. HE city of Newark is abundantly supplied with schools, public and private. Its tree public school system is probably equal in etTiciency to that of any city in the United States, and its standard is among the highest. The pupil in the public schools, entering at the most elcmen- tixry grade, is led on by easy and almost imper- ceptible stages, until he is either prepared for college, or for business life in case he does not desire academic training. Thoroughness is the inspiration and the aim of the system, and the watchword of the teachers. It is intended that the pupils shall know perfectly, from root to branch, such subjects as are taught in the schools, and such is the discipline and efficiency of the system that even the dullard and the laggard cannr)t but choose to learn. The public school system is very near to the hearts of the people of Newark, who are watchfully jealous of their rights and of the integrity and efficiency of the system. And their jealous care and watchful anxiety is naturally represented in the Board of Educa- tion, whom the people elect as their trustees to manage and direct the schools. This board is at present composed of thirty mem- bers, A list of the Commissioners is herewith given. They GROUP OF PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDINGS. 56 KE]l\-iKK, X. A, fl.l.rSTRATF.D. JOHN P. CliNlUl'-I.L, ;>Llii Lt-)A1M1SSIUNER. HENRY C. KI.EMM, SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. are : Henry J. Anderson, John P. Contrell, Charles Hood, William Johnson, Samuel H. Baldwin, Charles M. Russell, Charles F. Kraemer, Miles F. Quinn, John H. Manning, James P. McKenna, John B. Oelkers, John A. Loftus, Peter O'Brien, Matthew H. Thornton, Willam A. Clark, John E. Jones, William H. Dobbins, Joseph S. Vinson, Hugh McClynn, John O. Hunt, Peter J. Bab- cock, Edward H. Hamill, James Mullin, Henry C. Klemm, Gott- fried Joithe, George Saupe, L. Eugene Hollister, James L. Hays, Ferdinand Heichemer, Joseph S. Sutphen. The President of the Board of Education is ex-Senator James L. Hays ; Secretary, Mr. P. Lyndon Bryce ; Assistant Secretary. Mr. Elwood I. Shurts ; Superintendent of Erection and Repairs, William M. Freeman. The Board appoints a Superintendent of Public Schools who exercises a constant daily supervision over all the public schools in the city. This position has been ably and faithfully filled ior years by William N. Barringer, Pd. D. Each school is directly managed by a principal, who superintends and directs the subor- dinate teachers, and whose duty it is to report to the Superin- tendent and the Board any irregularity that may occur, and to suggest whatever improvements may be necessary or useful to the school under his charge. This constant supervision and un- wearying watchfulness ensure the maintenance of a high standard in the schools and keep them abreast of the progress of the time. The city expended for the maintenance of the public schools in the )'ear iSgi, 8461,385.46. The number of children enrolled was 25,757, and the average daily attendance was 17,678. In addition, there was an enrollment of 3,451 in the public evening schools, WM. \. CI..\HK, SCHOOL CO^L^^SSIONER. CH.ARLES HOOD, SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. NEWARK. N. /., ILLUSTRATED. 57 HLl-.H Mt I.I.VXN, SCHOOL COMMI- Wll.l lAM II. IKKIMAN, SI I'ERINTKNDKNT (IK KKl'.MKS. making the total enrollment amount to 2ii,2oS. The number of teachers empluyetl was, male, 35: female, 414: total 441J. The city owns 37 school buildings and rents 5, affording accommoda- tion for 439 class rooms, and a total seating capacity of 23.500. Additions are being constantly made to the accommodations, by the erection nf new buildings and of additions to those already built. The endeavor being to ktep pace as near as possible with the rapidly growing educational needs of the city. The Newark Technical School is the outgrowth of the Hoard of Trade, and was organized in 1SS4. The present ofiicers are President e.v-ojfficio (Jov. Letm Abbett ; Vice-president, James L. Hays : Secretary, William N. Harringer, Treasurer, Moses Bigelow ; Trustees, Augustus F. R. Martin, ("icorge H. Phillips, Edward Weston and George H. Ketchem. The object of this school is. as its name imi)lies, to gis-e practical instruction in the mechanical arts. The private schools and academies in the city are numerous ;ind excellent. 1>R. J. S. SUTPHEN, SCHOOL CO.MMISSION KK. JOHN o. IIINI, SI IK.nl ( l IMMJSSIONER. 58 .XE ll'ARK. X. J. , 1 1. LI \S TRA TED. Lafayette Street School. THE history of the Lafayette Street Public School runs parallel with the historj' of the Fifth Ward. The territory lying east of the Pennsylvania Railroad, then the New Jersey Railroad, was constituted the Fifth Ward of the city of Newark in 1S4S, and at that time embraced all the territory now contained in the Fifth, Tenth and Twelfth Wards of the city. In the same summer the Common Council purchased three tracts of land which com- pose the present site, at a total cost of $2,333, and contracted for the erection of a two-story brick building for a school, at an additiimal cost of 85,000, making the entire cost 87,333. On July 3, 1849, Samuel W. Clark was appointed principal of the male department, and Miss Mary Ward principal of the female department. The school was opened for the re- ception of scholars on the 27th of July in the same year. It was conducted on the Lancastrian plan, one master having sole charge of the department. The teaching was in great part done by the older and more advanced L.^FAVETTE STREET I'LHLIC SCHOOL. pupils, who themselves received instruction from the principal. Here were gathered in the male department 265 of the neighbor- hood, including many of the then famous " Rock Boys," a gang of hoodlums that terrorized that portion of the city. In April, 1S57. Mr. S. W. Clark was transferred to the South Market -Street School, then just completed, and Joseph Clark was transferred to the charge of this school from the Lock Street School in the Seventh Ward . In 1S62-63 an addition was erected on the rear and the Primary School, heretofore located in LTnion street, was transferred to this buikhng. About the same time the three departments were consolidated under the direction of the male principal. In 1S77, iSSi and 1SS4, still further additions were made to the building, which now contains sixteen rooms, and seats 800 pupils, while the valuation has gone up from 87,333 to 850,000 at the present time. It is one of the most convenient of the school buildings of the city. From among its pupils are many who have occupied positions of trust and honor, and who are now found among our most esteemed citizens. Principal Joseph Clark was born in Sj'racuse, New York, of New England ancestry. He received his education in the Fayetteville Academy, an institution of considerable note in that part of the State. He came to Newark in the fall of 1848. In 1S51 he was appointed as assistant teacher in the Lafa\-ette -Street Public School. In 1S54 he was promoted to the principalship of the Lock Street (now WicklilTe) School, and in 1S57 he was transferred to the Lafayette Street Public School, where he still presides. During his long service in the schools of the city he has been closely identified with the interest of that portion of the city, and has been a prominent factor in the lives and character of a large number of those who are now our respected and influential citizens. He has been prominently connected with the Sixth Presbyterian Church, and in the Sunday-school and Church has always taken a prominent place. SEI'll LT AKK, rRINCII'AI.. X/:irARK. X /., ILLUSTRATED. 59 NEWAKK ACAIiKMV. llll.H \Nli HII.I.IVM STKK^;l^^. THE NEWAKIv ACADEMY. IN the year 1792 a number of the citizens of Newark formed an association for the puqxise of establishing a school which sh'nilcl meet the wants of the village and the surrounding com- munity. Having agreed upon a plan, they purchased a piece of ground on the corner of Broad and Academy streets, where the post-office now stands. In the erection of this building St. John's Lodge of Master Ma.sons united, in consideration of enjoying forever the exclusive use of its third and uppermost storj'. Among the means used to raise money for the new school was a lottery authorized by the Legislature for that purpose, and among the subscriptions to the stock of the new enterprise was a negro slave, " James," who sold for forty pounds. In 1795 the contributors were chartered as a stock company, the stockholders binding themselves by their charter never to divide any profits, but to devote all proceeds to the further development of the school. The Academy acquired a wide reputation for thoroughness and efficiency, and was continued in the same building with varying fortunes until 1855, when the property was sold to the United States fiovernment for a Custom House and Post-office. The price received for it was $50,000, of which amount Sio.ooo was awarded to St. John's Lodge of Free Masons. Two years later the trustees of the Academy purchased the property of the Wesleyan Institute, bounded on three sides by High, William and Shipman streets, where the school has since been located. The school was opened in its new quarters in 1S57, under the charge of Rev. V. A. Adams, as principal, who resigned in 1859, and was succeeded by Mr. S. A. Farrand, who remained in charge until 1865, when it passed into the hands of Mr. C. M. Harrison, who. a few years later was succeeded by Mr. C. M. Uavis and >lajor Hopkins associate principals. In 1875 Mr. Farrand was again invited to take charge of the school, and since that time it has remained under his able management, the number of pupils at the present time being 240. The course of study in the Newark Academy, beginning with the primary English studies, covers a thorough preparation for college, for the scientific school or for business life. The present Board of Trustees (1S91) is as follows ; Samuel H. Pennington, M. IJ., Charles G. Rockwood, Frederick W. Ricord, A. M., Horace N. Cougar, Laban Dennis, M. IJ., Horace Ailing, William Rankin. Jr.. M. I)., George W. Hubbell, A. M., William T. Carter. 6o NEU-ARK. X. /., ILLUSTRATED ST. BENEDICTS COLLEOE FOR fourteen hundred years the Benedictines have figured prominently in the history of the world as missionaries, civilizers and educators. St. Augustine, the first Archbishop of Canterbury, and St. Boniface, who converted the Germans to Christianity, were Benedictines. The Danes, the Poles, the Dutch and the Bohemians were evangelized by members of the same order. During the first thousand years of its existence — from the fifth to the fifteenth century — it gave to the church -4 popes and 200 cardinals : it had seen 7,000 archbishops of its lineal descendants of the " famous Monks of the West," engaged, as their fathers have been for over 1,400 years, in tilling the soil, teaching the rude and ignorant useful trades, accustoming the idle and roving to profitable industry, building schools and colleges for the education of all, but especially for the higher education of the children of the poor. In this chain of Benedictine abbeys and colleges, St. Mary's Abbey and St. Benedict's College, of Newark, forms a not un- distinguished link. Here, as it is and has been in all places and ST. BEXEDICT'.S COLI-E(;e, HIGH -STREET. rule, and 14,000 bishops. In England the Benedictines occupied 113 abbeys and cathedrals, including Westminster Abbey and many others almost equally famous. In Scotland they numbered among their monasteries lona, Lindores and Melrose. At one time the sum total of their houses footed up the magnificent sum of 15,000, so many refuges of art and letters, where, protected by a religious halo, their inmates kept alive the sacred lamp of literature, when outside their walls the world was given up to rapine and civil war. A(ter centuries of decline, our own age has witnessed the marvelous rejuvenation of this ancient order. It is rapidly regaining its lost ground in Europe, and off -shoots of the parent tree have been planted in the virgin soil of Australia and New Zealand. In the United States there is not a section, east, west, north or south, without its large abbeys and numerous dependent priories. From New Hampshire in the East, to Oregon in the West ; from the hyperborean regions of Minnesota to the sunny clime of Florida, there is scarcely a State or Territory without its times since the foundation of the order, the school or college is. inseparable from the abbey. While a large amount of public and private ceremonies and prayers is included in the duties of a monk, it is also the aim of the " learned Benedictine " to be a man of science, a scholar and a schoolmaster. St. Benedict's College has been before the public now almost a quarter of a century — 1S6S to 1892 — and has conscienti'jusly and unostenta- tiously striven to carry into efl^ect the intention of its founders. While instructing, with a preference, in those branches which pertain to a liberal education, the knowledge of which is indis- pensable to those who wish to enter the ranks of the clergy or embark in any professional career, it has not neglected the needs- of those whose circumstances or inclinations induce them .to prefer the commercial to the classical course. By all means in its power, it seeks to make its pupils Christian gentlemen, serviceable to their fellowmen, lovers of their country and faith- ful to their God. XElV.-iRK. X. /., II.I.VSTRArED. 6i ST. VINCENTS ACADEMY, WALLACE PLACE. WAKRKN. CAKINET AND IIKICR STREETS. ST. \INCh:xr>i ACADEfvlV. THIS institutiiin, founded in 1.S69 by the Most Rev. Bishop Ba)-ley for educatiimal purposes, is under the patrona^je of the Rt. Rev. Bishops of Newark. The location is upon very high g^f)und and is unsurpassed for healthfuhiess. It is easy of aeee.ss ; the Bank Street and the Littleton Avenue horse-cars pass the Academy to and from the main depot, Market street, of the Penn. R. R. in Newark. It offers superior attractions to parents who desire to give their children a useful as well as thorough education ; and it will be the constant endeavor of the Sisters to instill into the minds of their pupils, princii)les of virtue and religion ; to accustom them to a polite and amiable deportment, as well as to habits of order and neatness. The present large and extensive building, erected in 1SS8, is furnished with all the modern improvements requisite in a thorough course of study. Ample ground has been reserved exclusively for the necessary out-door exercise of the pupils ; besides, when the weather permits, they are obliged to take, daily, about an hour's walk, accompanied by one or more of the Sisters. ST. XIARY S ACADEMY. ST. MARYS ACADEMY was at first known as the " Ward's Estate," and was pur- chased in 1859 by Rt. Rev. J. R. Bayley, first bishop of Newark. It was occupied by the Sisters of Charity, as their Mother House, till they removed to Madison, N. J., in 1861. After this the building was used as St. Mary's Orphan Asylum till 1865, when the Orphanage at South Orange was ready for the orphans. In the fall of 1865 St. Mary's Academy was opened. Part of the building was at this time a hospital. St. Michael's Hospital was not in existence then. In 1874 the old "^Vard Mansion" was razed, and the present beautiful building was erected in its stead. St. Mary's Academy has ever stood among the first in the city, regarding numbers and success of its pupils. '.v.i>Hl.Ni.lO.\ A.ND liLliECKER STREETS. A-EWARK. y. /., ILLUSTRATED. M]rrriiHHK_N.J THIS institution was founded by Prof. Martin Mulvey, A. M., in I SS I, to carry out an idea to which he had given much study and thought. This idea is that a business school should be a reflex of business life ; that the practice of business is just as important to students as the practice of book-keeping, and that the two should go hand in hand from the beginning to the end of the course. The college is located at Nos. 215 and 217 Market street, (Centennial Buildings.) All Actual Business, therefore, is the motto of the school, and a proof of the wisdom of its founder in adopting that motto is the fact that other leading schools throughout the country are follow- ing suit, and the time will certainly come when all business schools worthy of the name will embrace the same idea. Like all institutions destined to survive the Newark Business College encountered great difficulties in its infancy, but_ its principle was right and it was bound to prevail, so that now it is firmly established on a sound fianancial basis, and it has a prom- ising future of good works before it. XEll'ARK, X. /., ILLUSTRATED. NKW JKKSf.V HLSIXESS (.< H.l.KCiE Nkw Jkwsev Lousiness Couukge. FV.W citifs have educational institutions of a higher character than are to be found in Newark, and where they are conducted by better informed or more thorough, competent teachers. Especially is this so in regard to the schools where mercantile and business education in general is taught. These institutions are termed Business Colleges, and are conducted for the special purpose of fitting young men and women for business and clerical life. Among the most popular and best patronized of these colleges is the New Jersey, at 764 and ■;(>(> Broad street, of which Prof. C. T. Miller, a thoroughly competent educator is the proprietor and principal. Such a remarkable aptness has Prof. Miller shown for fitting young men and women for business pursuits that thousands who have had the benefit of his instructions are uow engaged in successful business or are filling responsible positions as book-keepers, accountants.'secretaries. clerks, salesmen, etc., not only in Newark but in the principal cities and towns throughout the country. The New Jersey Business College was established in the fall of 1S74. with the enrollment of a very small number of pupils, when Prof. Miller began his business life, and now his college has a standing equal to any Business College in this country, and has an enrollment of more than three hundred and fifty pupils annually. At each of its succeeding commencements many of its students go forth from the college halls bearing the parchment of honor and diploma f)f fitness to ^uphold the business industries of the citv, state and country. The course of study is of the most thorough and systematic character, embracing as it does, book-keeping in all its details, theoretical and practical. Business penmanship likewise under the direction of accomplished penmen, is made an important feature. Type-writing is also taught. That the Business College of to-day is an important factor in furthering the business interests of the community, is a fact that needs but the stating to prove its truthfulness, as is seen every day. The time was when merchants educated their own help. but now they demand efficiency when employing. The faculty of the college is made up as follows : C. T. Miller, principal and lecturer on book-keeping, actual business, correspondence, commercial law, petmianship, arith- metic, etc. L. L. Tucker, teacher of book-keeping, commercial law, coi- respondencc, penmanship, arithmetic, etc, C. D. Clarkson and A. L. McClosky. teachers of actual practice, arithmetic, correspondence, commercial law, penmanship, etc. J. A. Beccher, Ksq., (of the Newark Bar), lecturer on commer- cial law. C.ustavus Fischer, A. M., teacher of ticrman. Miss >[amie E. Uolan, teacher of phonography. No other school in the city is so advantageously located. .Ml the street car lines but one, pass tlic door, or are less than a block away, and all the principal depots arc within short walking distance. In the immediate vicinity are the leading banks and insurance companies of the city, and the principal business houses are close at hand. The Board of Trade of Newark occupies a portion of one of the College buildings. It is believed that the presence of so many and such important interests cannot but have a beneficial influence. m <:. T. .MI[.[.EK. rKlll'KIETOK AND i'KINX'IPAI,. 64 x/-:irARk\ .v. y., illustrajed. rt.-. . tj^-A't'r:: VIEW OX BKOAl) SIRKKT, 1A)0KIXG NORTH. ANT) SHOWING Col-KNUN NATIllNAl. lusiNEss coi.i.Kf;i; building. THE COLEMAN BUSINESS COLLEQE. THK in; and few tliat wh name iif Cok-nian is an ever familiar one in the banks, iuranee and business oflices throughout the city and State, men as educators deserve a better need of praise than ich falls to Mr. Coleman from the lips of thousands of IIENKV COI.EMAN, I'RESIDEXT OE CCU.E.MAN COI UEr.E. business men who are recipients of his faviu's in the young men and women whom he has educated and who are holding- important positions as secretaries, accountants, book-keepers, clerks, etc. To Henry Coleman has licen imparted that peculiar gift by nature which is vouchsafed to few, that is the faculty of inspiring others with the belief when teaching that he not only has a per- fect knowledge of what he proposes to teach, but knows just how to impart it to others. More than thirty years of his life has been sjient in imjjarting business learning to that cla.ss of our young people who \ears ago would have spent c|uite treble the time in getting the like inform- ation by practice behind the counter, close applied desk work, and bitter hours of disappointing toil. Prof. Coleman stands at the head of (me among the largest and best Business Colleges in the country. It is located at S32 to S42 Broad street, in elegantly fitted up rooms in what are known as the Central Railroad Buildings. The College bears his own name, and here gather during each year hundreds of pupils who are in pursuit of busi- ness learning. In carrying on the College he is assisted by a eorjw of teachers, all of whom he has drilled in his own peculiar methods, that his ideal institution may be kept up to its high standard and fully abreast of the times. It has all the necessary books and papers, and all the i)araphcrnalia of a first-class Business College. It is just such institutions as this over which Prof. Henry Coleman presides, which has given the city of Newark its advanced place as an educational centre. Young men or women who have cither a business, mechanical or seientilic turn of mind, can now find in this rapidly growing city and its wonderfully attractive environments as fine oppor- tunities as any place offers in the country in which to get an education. A place in which are the homes of the greatest of the world's electricians, and where are located the workshops for the construction of the births of their marvelous genius. XFJIA/^K, X J ILLi STRAYED. Public ScHot)US. «5 T' M I E public schools are open to all. Xo distinction is made in birth, place or station, race or color. High and low, rich and poor, black and white. are alike invited to come and partake of the rich educational feast kept continually spread in all sections of the city, in the very best public school build- ings ever erected, and supplieil with a full corps of carefull\ selected teachers and assis- tants. These schools are under ihe control of the Board of l-ducation. who are selected I'rom among the people of the several wards for their peculiar adaptability for the position. I )n the selection of men for positions of School Comniis- siimer there is in all probability a greater care exercised than for membership in any of the other governmental and executive bodies of the city. This is as it should be, for there is no position that a man can be called on to fill requiring a better judgment or more decidedly careful reasoning or acting. Nor are there any with I'K ^M\K1^■.^KK\^\I^K, >in< • MMI^:^I^»^^ H. |-Kl>< il- \l. Ml' NK\ J, I'l results more far-reaching. Either munity, has no institution so grave exercise of its fraternal care for its unstinted hand through the State purpose of paying the teachers and ter months to keep the buildings future citizens of the city, State it seems that there should be those recipients of the blessings (lowing and such it is regretful to state is of the children is compulsory, the those who refuse its far reachinp Few likenesses in this bonk will of Stacy B. Rittenhouse, who repre- Second ward, for four years, during the conduct of public school atTair^ portant committees of the Board. School was erected in 1S71, and LIi.H I l-l*:* HI .V\1.,\L1. i'Ll.LlL jt-lIIH'l.. for the weal or the woe of a com- an influence. The State, in the children, supplies the money with Hoard of Public Instruction for the I^roviding the fuel in the cold win- warm, in which arc gathered the and Republic. Mow passing strange who stoutly object to being the from these educational institutions, the fact and although the education law compelling the attendance of and beautiful benefits needs change, be recognized more easily than that sented the old Tenth, now the which time he was very active in and served an some of the most ini- The Eighteenth Avenue Public opened the same year, as a pri- mary school, under the principalship of J. Ward Smith. It comprised eight classes and with the Morton Street School was equal to the demands of the ward. At present, with a registration of 1,284 as per last report, it is but one of four populous schools, the Morton Street, Monmonth Street and Waverly Avenue schools, which are taxed to their utmost, to meet the requirements of the wonderful growth in population of the old Nineteenth ward. In 1873, the school was enlarged by the addition of a great " T," which extended to and fronted on Elizabeth avenue. It was then made an intermediate school with seventeen classes. Principals Schulte, Maclure and Kennedy were successively in charge until iSSS, when Prin- cipal Dougherty, of the Walnut Street School, the present in- cumbent, was made its princi- pal. Under his management it was advanced to the grade of grammar school, and it now numbers nineteen classes. It opened as a night school in 189 1. ST.\CV B. RITTKXIIOISF Ilk. 1 \-\ j, J \NLS, n< II MMl^^h iNI K. 66 NEWARK, X. /„ ILLUSTRATED, F'A.RK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. DURING the year 1S4S, sixty-one members of the First Presbyterian Church organized a reHgious society under the style of the " Park Presbyterian Church of Newark, N. J." The first pastor of the church was the Rev. Ansel I). Eddy, D. D. Among the original and charter members are the names of many who are well known in this city, as Stephen Dodd, James H. Clarke, Humphrey B. Dunham, Richard Hall, Maria E. and Sarah E. Searing, George C. Dodd, Edward A. and Amanda Crane, Ezra Bolles, Benjamin F. Harrison, Charles D. Crane and many others. Among its earliest elders were Stephen Dodd, Otis Boyden, October 6, 1S74. Dr. De Veuve resigned the pastorate in March, 1879. In iSyg a unanimous call was e.xtended to Rev. J. Clement French, D. D., who had been pastor of the Central Congrega- tional Church of Brooklyn for fourteen years, and of the West- minster Church of that city for five years. Dr. French was installed as pastor of Park Church in October, 1S79. At that time the membership was 164. From the first the seating capacity of the edifice was too small for the attendance. In 1SS4 it became absolutely necessary to- enlarge the building. On Sabbath morning, April 20, $iS,ooo- PARK PRESBYTERUN CHURCH, BELLEVILLE .4VENUE .\ND KEARNY STREET. Richard Hall, David C. Dodd, Terah Benedict, Lewis C. Grover, Stephen R. Grover and William Ashley, The session, in later years, has included Francis K. Howell, James S. Higbie, Stephen J Meeker, Dr. Edward P. Nichols, Elbert H. Baldwin, Edwin J. Ross, Joseph A. Hallock, Albert T. Freeman, James Mawha, William J. Rusling, Aaron King, Alexander Beach, Edward N. Crane, Elias F. Morrow, Edward E. Sill, Edward B. and George H. Denny, Hugh Haddow, Alvah W. Osmun and others. Rev. Dr. Eddy was succeeded in the pastorate by Rev. Henry A. Rowland, D. D., Rev. James G. Hamner, D. D., Rev. Joel Parker, D. D., Rev. Prentiss De Veuve, D. D., the last named of whom was influential in securing the removal from Park street to the present site of the church, m Belleville avenue corner of Kearny street. The corner stone of the new building was laid May 22, 1S72. The dedication sermon was by Rev. William Adams, D. D., were subscribed for this purpose, afterwards more. Work was at once begun. The chapel, Sunday-school rooms and the rear of the auditorium were taken down. On April 20, 1SS5, the church building increased in its seating capacity to about Soo, and changed in all its interior architecture and adornments, a new chapel. Sabbath-school rooms, primary department room, Bible class rooms, study and other necessary apartments, were complete and dedicated on the evening of that day. In the autumn of 1S86 it was resolved to extend the work of the church in some portion of the city more greatly in need of evangelical labor. Careful survey of adjacent territory resulted in selecting the neighborhood of the stone quarries, on Mt. Prospect hill. On the evening of October S, 1SS6, the first neighborhood prayer-meeting was held at the house of Mrs. Sarah Phillips, No. 200>^ Parker street, with an attendance of thirty. Weekly NEWARK. X. r . ILLUSTRATED. 67 HI Ki II. I "KM K IKl I K\ 11 \ M ■ k K \ K N i > 1 K 1 1 1 . meetinjfs were held in private houses, with constant increase of numbers and interest, until it became necessary to rent a small public hall on Bloomfield avenue. This place soon proving inadequate to the need. Park Church built and furnished, free from debt, and at an expense of $5 .000, a jiretty little chapel on Aqueduct street. It was dedicated Thursday, Nov. 17, 1887. Prayer-meetings were held regularly, and preaching ser\'ices occasionally, until in iSSS. it was decided by the session that the chai)el work required more constant attention and labor. This work was given to Mr. Alfred Nicholson, of the Senior Class at Princeton, who is now the installed pastor of the churcl*, which was duly organized under the style of " North Park Presbyterian Church," in October, iSgo. It is still receiving some aid from the parent church, but is at present moving towards a change of site and the erection of a much larger and more elegant edifice on Parker street. The membership of Park Church, at the time of the organiza- tion of " North Park," was between .^oo and 900. About i;o members were dismissed to form the new organiza- tion. The pew rentals of Park Church exceed Sio.ooo annually. The Sabbath-school is limited only by the size of its accommr- dations. A vigorous society of Christian Endeavor has been in existence for more than two years. The pastor has been, and still is, the president of the Essex County Christian Endeavor Union, having upon its roll between fifty and sixty societies, and over 4,000 members. He is also vice-president of the New Jersey State Union, with over 30,000 members. In connection with his other work he also edits and publishes a little church jiaper, called " The Park Presbyterian Church Recorder," which is not only a complete weekly compendium of all the events and interests of the church, but contains briefest notes, comments, items of general information, and choicest extracts from the prose and poetry of the world. It is now in its sixth volume. The Ladies Aid (Home Mission) Society sends valuable boxes of clothing annually to needy ministers and their families, besides other helpful work. The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society aids in the support of a missionary in China. The Young Ladies' Floral Society supplies the pulpit with floral decorations every Sabbath in the year. A flourishing circle of King's Daughters is doing constant good to the poor and needy. Dr. French is still the pastor, having completed his thirteenth year of .service last October, iS>2. REV. J. CLEMENT FRENCH, D. O., r.\STOR. 68 NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. ST. JOHN S K. CHURCH, THIS unpretentious, yet beautiful edifice, located on Mulberry street, is a land mark, standing in an atmosphere of inter- esting memories. Its architect was the Very Rev. Patrick Moran, who was also the architect of St. Patrick's Cathedral and St. Peter's, of Belleville. It consists of the original .church with a facade designed by Father Moran and the whole structure is built of Newark brown stone from the old quarry on Eighth avenue. It is a pity that the data of the early history of this church are meagre, as it is the cradle of Catholic worship, not only in the city of Newark, but in the State of New Jersey. A rude hickory cross about six feet high, unstripped of its bark, surmounted the gable of the original structure and was the first emblem of salvation reared in this State, spreading its arms to all. The superstructure of the altar, is almost a fac-simile of the facade and is m heavy gilt. The windows are of rich stained glass, with centre pieces of full length figures of saints. This glass has been for years the admira- tion of all people of artistic taste, who have visited the church, and was for several years the envy of all the other churches of the city. In the south tower are hung a chime of bells whose mellow notes have reminded many a worshiper of the famous bells of Shandon. In 1824, the Rev. Gregory B. Pardow. of New York, organized under the patronage of St John, the association of Catholics who founded St. John's Church. It was designated St. John's Roman Catholic Society, of Newark, N. J. The first trustees w-ere Patrick Murphy, John Sherlock, John Kelly, Christopher Rourke, Morris Fitzgerald, John Gillespie and Patrick Mape. Previous to the building of St. John's Church, the Catholics of Newark had met for divine service at a house on Mulberry street, occupied by one Charles Durning. The trustees set about erecting a suitable place of worship. Ground was purchased on Mulberry street and the erection of the church was begun in 1827. When the foundation was laid the trustees found that their funds were exhausted and they decided to have a committee wait on the Rev. Dr. Power, of St. Peter's Church, New York, to ask him to assist them in their work by delivering a lecture in Newark, for the benefit of the struggling parish. He cheerfully consented, and advised the committee to have the lecture early and well advertised. As there was no public hall in the town at the time, the committee w^ere at a loss to proceed. This quandary was answered by the vestrymen of old Trinity Church in the park. At the suggestion of Rev. Dr. Power the com- mittee had called upon them to ask the use of the church for the lecture. After due consideration the vestrymen unanimously granted the request of the committee without charge. On the appointed evening the lecture was given to a large audience which filled the church and was about three fourths non-Catholic, as at that time the Catholic population was very small. The proceeds netted over three hundred dollars, quite a sum of money to realize from such an occasion in those days. The liberal and generous action of Trinity has been and always will be remembered by the Catholic citizens of Newark. But through the baseness of one individual the money was lost to the young parish. The treasurer of the committee proved himself a veritable Judas, by making ofl: with the entire receipts and he was never heard of again. Let him be nameless. Under the un- tiring zeal and energy of Rev. Father Pardow the building was finished and dedicated to divine service in 1S2S. In the dedication ceremonies the Very Rev. Dr. John Power, who repre- sented Rt. Rev. Bishop Dubois on the occasion, officiated. The cost of the building exceeding the esti- mate by a considerable sum, it was judged advisable to put the pews up at auction. The first pew to the right of the middle aisle brought forty-two dollars and the other pews brought smaller, but respectable sums. By this sale a handsome fund was realized and some of the more urgent bills of contractors paid. But there was still a large balance of indebtedness unpaid, and general stagnation of busi- ness ensuing, the trustees found themselves unexpect- edly called on for payment and the church in danger of being sold. In this emer- \ii 1 i;i i;kv '\k\v.\, i:.. gency good Bishop Dubois NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. 69 came to the rescue. Through his friend Bishop Brute he secured a loan from the association for the propagation of the faith, with which the claims were paid, and from that time, 1829, St. John's parish prospered. The Rev. Gregory B. Pardow, the founder of the church, labored faithfully with the parish for eight years, and through his energy, tact and zeal, insured its success. He was followed by the Rev. Matthew Herard. October 7, 1832^ and the Rev. B. Rafferty, October 13, 1833. On November 3, 1S33, the Rev. Patrick Moran was appointed pastor. He was eminently fitted for the place. He possessed good judgment, a refined and correct taste, and an educated mind. Under his man- agement the affairs of St. John's advanced rapidly, dis. pite the panic of 1S37, and the sterling qualities of their pastor continued to win for the congregation the confi- dence of their non-Catholic neighbors. Father Moran soon had a library of 850 volumes in circulation. He organized church societies, literary, temperance and benevolent associations. He erected a school house and arranged for the free instruction evenings of such as could not attend the day school. But his chief source of pleasure and pride was in his Sunday-school, which he raised to a high degree of excellence. Connected with the Sunday-schcjol was a teachers' association, which was a model of its kind. Prior to the erection of the See of Newark, then com- prising the entire State, New Jersey had formed part of the Diocese of New York. The late Most Rev. James Rosevelt Bayley, D.D., Archbishop of Baltimore, was appointed first bishop of the new diocese, and one of his first acts was to select Rev. Patrick Moran, of St. John's, to be his vicar-general. After the death of Vicar-general Moran, which occurred July 25, 1866, the following were successively rectors of St. John's Church: Rev. James Moran, nephew of the deceased rector, November, i86f> ; Rev. Louis Schneider, November, i3()7 ; Rev. Thomas M. Killeen, who built the new rectory adjoining the church, November, iSfiS, and did much for St. John s ; -1. JOHN'S .SCIIOOI., ML'l.KKRKV STKKil. Rev. Patrick Leonard was rector in December, 1S78. Rev. Louis • lambosville, who personally and with great care and labor re-wrote the church's records of births and marriages from the foundation to his time, and who was the second incumbent to die (January, 1892) ; Thomas E. Wallace, administrator, from January, 1S92, to February 27, 1S92, and February, 1892, Rev. J. P. Poels, the incumbent. The assistant rectors were Rev. Fathers Guth, 1837; Farrell, 1838; Bacon, 1838; Donahue, 1845; Hanahan, 1846; Callan, 1848; Senez, 1849 ; Conroy, 1852 ; McGuire, 1S53 ; Tubberty, 1854 ; Casted, 1858; McCloskey, 1S60 ; Byrne, 1861 ; Moran, 1863; Wiseman. 1867 ; Rolando, 1S67 ; Xardiello, 1S76 ; Whelan, 187S ; Corrigan, 1S79 ; White, 1882 ; McGahan, 1S92, and John A. Fanning, D. D., at present. Rev. Father Poels, who is now rector of St. John's, is a man of great executive ability, and most zealous ; and people who love the lirst Catholic church of Newark and cherish its memories, may rejoice that the parish has come under his care, for it already shows many signs of improvement and of renewed life. His administration has already been signalized by a marked advancement of church affairs and an entire renovation of the church property. The history of St. John's is in very fact the history of Catholicity in New Jersey. The "mother of all the churches " of the diocese, from her sanctuary have gone forth several zealous and exemplary mission- aries to propagate the faith, and among these may be mentioned Most Rev. Michael Augustine Corrigan, D. D., Archbishop of New York ; the late Very Rev. James H. Corrigan, for several years vice-president of Seton Hall College ; Rev. George W. Corrigan, of Paterson, and the Rev. Martin O'Connor, of Peoria, 111. 70 NEWARK, a: /, ILLUSTRATED. ST. JAMES' CHURCH. ONE of the very siiccessful parishes of the Roman Catholic Church is that of St. James, over which the Reverend P. Cody presides, was founded in 1S53, from territory situate in what was then the Fifth, Tenth and Twelfth wards of the city of Kewark. The church buildings are the finest in the city, are constructed of brown stone quarried from the hills near by, and prepared for the foundation walls and superstructure by Newark mechanics and skilled laborers. The large block of ground, upon which the beautiful church, hospital and school buildings stand, at the corner of Lafayette, Madison, Jefferson and Elm streets, was purchased by Father Senez, who was pastor of St. Patrick's at that time. This was in April of 1S54. On the igth of the following June, the Rev. Father B. F. Allaire, a son of the noted Brooklyn foundry man, having been placed in charge, the corner stone of the church was laid with very imposing ceremonies by the late Right Rev. Bishop Bayley. On the 17th of August, the same year. Rev. James Callan was appointed to the pastorate and on the 5th of November, the building of brick, two stories high was ready for occupancy, the lower story for church and devotional services and the upper for school purposes. Father Callan was a man of much culture, a fine orator and rhetorician, full of energy and untiring in his devotion to the work of the church. In 1861, Father Callan was transferred to Paterson. He had done a most meritorious work during his administration of the affairs of his charge and left the church clear of debt and prosperous. He afterwards met with a tragic death while traveling on a steamer between San Francisco and Sacra- mento, California, the boiler of which exploded and claimed this eloquent divine as one of its victims. The parish grew rapidly and when the Reverend Father John M. Gervais, who had been the assistant at St. Patrick's for two years previous came into St. James' as his successor, he found the accommodations entirely inadequate for the largely increased number of people who gathered there. Father Gervais was a man of strong character and was the possessor of all those characteristics which go so far toward makingthe true shepherd. Full of zeal for good works and for the growth and prosperity of his new undertaking, he set about the giving of fuller and better accom- sr. JAMKS' K. C. CHLKCH, l.AF.^VL 1' 1 1, .-, 1 Kbl, 1 . ST. J.\MKS' M.1HIOL, L1„M AND .MAl>lsuN MKbET. modations to his rapidly in. creasing flock of parishioners and worshipers. In July, 1S63, Bishop Bayley, in the presence of a vast congregation of his parishioners, laid the corner stone of the new projected brown stone church building, 70x160 feet in dimensions and with such unwavering deter- mination did he. Father Ger- vais, push the work. Such handsome sums of money did his magnetism draw to the cause, and with such readiness did all his parishioners respond to clarion calls, the handsome and imposing church structure was ready for dedication and' on the 17th da^' of June, 1S66, in the presence of one of the largest congregations ever as- sembled in that section of the city, the dedicatory services were conducted by Bishop Bayley. The late Alderman Nicholas Moore will be remem- bered for his generous contri- butions and his final munificent bequest to the parish. So un- tiring was the zeal of Father NEli:4RK, X. /., ILLUSTRATED. ST. JAMES HOSPITAL, KI.M ANIi JKFKERSO.'J STREET, Ger\-ais, and with such a mighty spirit and deter- mined purpose did he enter into his work of increas- ing the strength of his parish, that ever\-thing went forward as if there were, indeed, no obstacles to overcome. Often could Father Gervais be seen help- ing on the construction with his own hands. Like many another he overworked, and on the 24th of July, 1872, Father Gervais went to his reward. After the death of this combination mar\-el of priestly force and progress, with the strength of a giant, and the tenderness of woman, and a child-like simplicity, it was decided to drop out of his purposed buildings and improvements, the great iron convent, two hundred feet square, and carry to completion the hospital alone of the great structures he had planned to build on the same block with the church and school. The munificent bequest of Nicholas Moore had been used in the construction of the fine brown stone hospital building, which at the time of Father Gervais' death had only reached the heigth of its first story. His assistant. Rev. M. E. Kane, took charge of the parish work until the appointment of Rev. P. Cody, in Januar)', 1873. the pastor who has devotedly conducted the good work ever since. Under the guidance of this faithful priest the unfin- ished buildings have been pushed forward to com- pletion, and all the parish work has been conducted in accordance with the verj- best and most approved methods and accepted ideas. Father Cody has com- pleted the tower of the church with the spires and minarets, and has had placed in the tower a beautiful chime of bells, ten in number, the larger weighing over three thousand pounds. The stone building which he has completed is now occupied as the rectory, and the parish schools and convent for the sisters and the hospital. The school is under the care of the sisters of charity, and competent male teachers are err- ployed for older pupils, and both departments are in e.xcellent condition. The hospital, with accommodations for 100 patients, is ready for occupancy and will fill a long felt want in this section of the city. The parish contains between five and six thousand souls. There are four regular church services and masses on Sunday. The church has a seating capacity of about 1,500, and is furnished with one of the best organs in the State of New Jersey and is supported by a volunteer choir of sixty voices. The young men of the parish have a fine building of their own on Ferrj- street. They have a membership of 150. The purpose is athletic and social. Father Cody looks after the educational interests of his parish witli great care and has obtained results which are indeed remarkable. The merits can best be judged by comparison. In the spring of 1S73, there were 250 children in the school, ^^^^^i^l^^ X which Father Cody increased to Six) in the fall. He placed the sisters in ^^■^^^T_^^^^^^ \ charge of the girls and employed a competent male principal for the older boys /^Sr ' ^^ \ and at once made the schools free. They now number 1,200 pupils. He also S^' \ \ established a school in St. Thomas' building. Chapel street, near the steel wBt'- \ \ works, and when that portion was set off as the parish of St. Aloysius in wf:- 1 \ 1S79, it had a flourishing free school of 4o(j. St. James has ever been ready to extend a helping hand to weaker parishes or those in trouble or straitened circumstances. It will be remembered to the everlasting credit of Father Cody and the parishioners of St. James', that when the Orange parish was involved, they came to their rescue with a magnificent donation of five thousand dollars, giving immediate relief, which acted as an incentive to other parishes and churches to assist and resulting in the saving of this church edifice. Indeed, St. James is one of those parishes, and Father Cody is one of those pastors, who live by the golden rule and never let " the left know what the right hand doeth." The beautiful photo pictures and pen sketches of this, one among the grandest church plants in America, which so graphically speak for the reality in this book of our latest day art treasures as seen on the pages thereof, cannot but be satisfying to all who have an eye for the beautiful and good. The brick building, corner Lafayette and Madison, was the first constructed, is still standing and is occupied as a parish hall in which enter- tainments are held, and contains a fine large room in which the parish circulating library is shelved. This library contains more than 1,500 volumes of well selected books and is largely read. The several societies connected with the church have their meeting rooms in this friendly old structure, and it holds a warm place in the affections of the people, many of the older members of the parish looking upon it as a true friend of their youth and as one of the land Rtv. 1'. cuDv, KtcToR. marks of their journey now drawing to its close. ' 72 NEWARK, A'. /.. ILLUSTRATED. Franklin St. M. E. Church -.:€■*"' INTERIOR VIEW FRANKLIN STREET MKTIIODli-l EITSLOI'AL CIILRCH. FRANKLIN STREET METH- odist Episcopal Church is one of the venerable institutions of Newark. It is the oldest Methodist Episcopal Church in the city save one. It will soon have attained its three score years — years of many vicissitudes and victories. These victories were neither architec- tural, ritualistic nor artistic. They were of an infinitely higher order. The}' were victories in the realm of thought, feeling and character. Achievements that dealt rather with the soul than the body ; with the real self rather than the seem- ing self. Many thousands have been turned from death to life ; from woe to joy, in this historic fortress of Methodism. Many look down from their abodes in heaven upon this church as the blessed place where they received the re-birth which fitted them for fellowship with their Father and their God, and which through his maturing love, has prepared them for their present abodes of blessedness. But not only have the soul-saving ministries of Franklin Street Church prepared many who have gone up, but many who have gone out. Occupying a central location, she has sent her streams of converts to every Methodist Church in Newark. There is not a Methodist Church in this city but would be shorn of much of its strength if the help that Franklin Street in this way has given, were withdrawn. Franklin Street M. E. Church has been favored with the pastoral services of some of the most magnificent men in Methodism, as the mighty WilHam P. Corbit, the noble and eloquent Dr. Bartine; the sweet singer of Israel. James O. Rogers, and others of kindred excellence, and, while appreciating the eloquence and magnetic gifts of these men, yet it is pleasant to be able to truthfully state that for great congregations ; for the noble ability and loyal working power of her rapidly increasing membership, this church was never up to what she is now. The fact is, the evening congregations, as a rule, are so large as to raise the inquiry, " Oh, where shall there be room for all who want to hear." There is considerable serious quiet pondering going on as to how to enlarge the build- ing to a capacity of 3,000, and so found a great Methodist people's church in Newark. If some rich citizen should have wisdom enough to lay up a quarter of a million in heaven by way of Franklin Street Church, the burning problem would be solved. Newark would be benefited and the giver would be that much richer forever. There are several factors contributing to the unprecedented success at the present time. The church has been renovated, recushioned and electric lights put in ; a new series of specially selected hymns of the finest that can be found, are published annually ; the audience rooms are clean, cozy, airy, warm and inviting ; the singing is pro- nounced the best. Then comes the organizer of these factors of force into their present aggressive and captivating form, the Pastor himself- lie is probably the most talked of preacher in Newark, because he strikes fearlessly at modern iniquities, and lives for the people of these times and this place. Paradoxical though it may seem, he is one or the most conservative and yet one of the most progressive of men. His liberal education and world-wide travel give him a view of things and men, and motives, and principles, that are comprehen- sive and quite peculiar to himself. He stands for essentials but tears down obstructions. He pursues his own diplomacy and calls no man master, although he consults with his official brethren. "The Scengerfest Sermons " and " The Repulse of Anti-Christ" are speci- mens of his clean-cut, fearless oratory. He is a man of the people, and when roused in their behalf in the pulpit, he springs on his victim like a lion rushing on the prey. In response to his sympathy and uncompromising loyalty to their cause, they crowd his church to feel the warm glow of his heart. Men who will go nowhere else, hear him gladly, and so hundreds have been lifted to a new- life by his ministry, while thousands upon thousands have been lifted to nobler habits of thought, feeling and action. He has had invitations to large, rich and influential churches outside of his Con- ference, but on account of the opportunity accorded of doing good to the people of Newark, he clings to Franklin Street Church with the love of a David for a Jonathan. He puts old things in new ways. He appears in his pulpit like a new man with a new message, pouring reasons for its acceptance in so fast from all directions that resistance finally becomes impossible. He will not acknowledge anything worthy in himself, but affirms that all his successes are the fruits of the Holy Ghost. The prayers of all the saints are requested for continued blessings in unstinted measure upon the Pastor and People of Franklin Street Church. REV. JAMES BOYD RRADV, H. I>., D. D., I'h. D. , I'ASTOK. CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. <«/ V-' CITY in the world can pre- sent a cleaner record than this centre of multi- tudinous indus- tries, when duty to the sick and the afflicted is pre- sented for considera- tion. When the call for relief comes up from the unfor- tunate, the poor, the sick, or atflicted, however feeble the tone, it is not only quickly heard, but immediately heeded. While the people of New- ark have had the opportunity to study charity in all its beautiful details and tender bearings, they have taken ad- vantage at every turn to put that theory learned into practice. The lessons acquired m the schools of good fellowship, love and duly, have been but the sowings prior to the reaping, and the ingathering of a bountiful har\-est. No pleasanter task has it been our lot to perform than this, of placing upon the record the beautiful deeds of the Little Sisters of the Poor. These eminently pious and holy women never slacken in their efforts to i<\ «• II litHINi; CEXIKNNI.AI. CEl.KHK.M lU.S, relieve the distressed and suffering ; feed the hungry, succor the destitute, clothe the naked, and like the fire-tly, whose bright flashes lighten the nights, these devoted women are flittering everj'where, dispensing their benizens of love. These humane people began their charitable work in 1S7S, with the special object in view of founding a home and providing relief for the old, destitute and sick of both sexes. The home which they have provided for the aged, who through sickness or the infirmities of age, are unable to provide for themselves, and where they are kindly cared for and made comfortable in their old age, is an imposing brick structure, large enough to comfoitaVily hold two hundred. This building, within the walls of which is found so much of comfort for the old and afflicted, is seen in the lower left hand corner of the beautiful full page combination illustration accompanying this article. The Little Sisters of the Poor are now deeply in debt, but they trust in God and the well-known liberality of the benevolent population of New- ark and the State of New Jer- sey to help them in their charitable undertaking. They are always pleased to meet visitors, but they prefer their coming from 2 to 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The Roseville horse cars pass the door. Few among the public insti- tutions of Newark do a more thoroughly good and benefi- cient work, or one more lasting than the Free Public Library, which has its home in the build- ing known as Park Hall, situ- ate on West Park street, the same having been remodeled to suit the conveniences of the library trustees and the housing VI ovsus cinRcM. ^^ '^s "'^'^ literary treasures. IN rKKIoR \1F.W 74 NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. ST. iMIClIAKI, o IXIoI'UAL, If it were one thing more than any other which demon- strated the growing independ- ence of Newark, and the wonderful self-reliance which she has been showing of late, it would be the large number, growth and grandeur of her eleemosynary institutions. Her close proximity to New York city acted as a stay to her pro- gress in the establishment of such institutions, the doors of those of the great commercial metropolis of the western world, standing wide open to pass. Among the first to cast away from these sisterly leading strings was St. Michael's Hos- pital, which is but little more than a quarter of a century old, but had already to its credit on January i, iSgo, 23,890 patients treated. St Michael's Hospital is the largest in the city, is centrally located at the corner of High street and Central avenue, it has 300 beds and all the necessary accessories and paraphernalia of a first-class hospital. While the hospital is under the protection of a board of directors at the head of which is Bishop Wigger of this diocese, the insdtution is managed entirely by the Sisters of the Poor, of St. Francis, twenty-three in number, at the head of whom, as superior, is Sister Ephrem. As the thousands who have felt the effect and enjoyed the blessings of their beneficiency and care, a more devoted and holier set of women are nowhere to be found. In the recep- tion of patients and in their care and treatment no distinctions are made. The medical gentlemen connected with St. Michael's Hospital are Dr. William Pierson, medical director ; Dr. Joseph C.Young, Dr. H. C. H. Herold, Dr. J. Few Smith. Dr. James T. Wright- son, Dr. Charles D. Bennett, Dr. Robert L. Burrage, Dr. George O'Gorman. Dr. Joseph C. Young, is president of the medical board. The house staff consists of a corps of nine medical gentlemen. Connected with St. Michael's are four special departments, where dis. eases pertaining to each class have special care and treatment. Dr. T. F. Sutphen is at the head of the eye and ear ; Dr. Joseph Few Smith, the derraatological ; Worthington Pinney, D. D. S., the dental departments. The consulting surgeons of the women's hospital branch are Drs. Pierson, Holden, 111 and Ballery, with assistants Drs. Charles I. Ill, W. E. Carroll and Emil Guenther. The manner of building of St Michael's Hospital can be seen by a reference to the beautiful picture herewith shown. The Hospital of St. Barnabas was the first working hospital established in New Jersey under legislative authority. The work was begun in 1S65, in a small house on Wickliffe street, and the hos- pital was incorporated February 13, 1867. The incorporators were Bishop William Henry Odenheimer and the rectors and certain laymen of the several Episcopal churches of the city. The charter de- clared the purpose of the incorporation to be the care, nurture and maintenance of sick, infirm, aged and indigent per- sons, and of orphans, half orphans and destitute children, the providing for their temporal and spiritual welfare, and the providing or erecting a suitable building or buildings. In 1867, it received the gift of a building on the site where St. Stephen's Church now stands, at the corner of Elizabeth and Clinton avenues, and in 1870, the trus- .sr. i;.\RN.Mj.v=. ii.jsrii.\L, corner high and mo.n'tgomerv streets. tees purchased the house and land on NEU\UiK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. 75 Hiiii mil CITY HOSPITAL, COHXKH C.\M[1EX AXIi NINTH STREETS. the corner of High and Montgom- ery streets, and on this property the work has been carried on ever since. In 18S5, the greater part of the present large brick building, shown in the illustration, was erected at a cost of over S40,o• hj^^^^i^^ recent origin /^f C^^Mr^ ' ' "■ 3 s not - *^^" until the year iS68 that the first steps toward its organiza t i o n were taken. Kebruary 20th, of that year, a call was issued to the merchants and manufacturers of the city to attend a meeting, to be lield in the old Librarj- building. on Monday, February 24th, at 7.30 !■. M., " to consider the propriety of organizing an association or Board of Trade in this city." In ])ursuance of that call only sixteen gentlemen assembled. These were : (General X. X. Halstead. James R. Sayre, Jr.. Henry \V. Duryee. Henry Hill. Moses Bigelow, Thomas \V. I.)awson. C Harrison Condit, George Peters. William H. McClave. Isaac fJaston. I'hineas Jones, Orson Wilson. <;. X. Abeel, S. R. W. Heath, Thomas Sealy and William II Camp. (Jeneral Halstead was chosen chairman, and Colonel Abeel secretary of the meeting. The following^resohitions were presented by Mr. Hill, duly seconded and unanimrms- Iv carried : •• R e so iTcii. that we do here- by organize our- selves into a Board of Trade in the city of Newark." C o m ni i Itees were appointed on constitution and by-laws, on nermanent or- ganization and on permanent headc|uarters. On the 17th of March, 1S6S, a meeting was held to com- plete the organ- ization, and a committee was appoint ed to 11 om i nate offi- cers. The elec- tion was held .March 21st. and i3rTiJija/ni:;( >Eill liOVI'l iiv Till-; iiu.uiii ALLli.N LKI. llASSF.-n , PRKSIDKX I . the following gentlemen were elected unanimously: President. Thomas \V. Dawson; Vice-presidents, General X. X. Halstead. M OSes Bigelow, Theodore P. Howell ; Secretary, Col. Gustavus N . Abeel; Treasurer, Isaac Gaston ; Directors, George Peters, S. R. W. Heath, Orson Wilson, Peter II. Ballantine, William H. Camp, William H. McClave, Thomas Sealy, William M. Force and Herman Schalk. The following year the Board of Trade was incorporated by an act of the Legislature of Xew Jersey. Since its organization the Board has always been active in all matters and measures likely to etfect and advance the best inter- ests of the city. As far back as 1.S73 it began to advocate the obtaining of a new and better water su])ply for the city, and it has been largely in.strumental in securing the s])lendid supply of pure water in which the city now rejoices. The Board of Trade began the agitation which finally aroused the citizens to the necessity of a free ])ublic library, and culminated in the establishment of a library which is the city's joy and pride. It was also mainly instrumental in raising a fund to endow and carry on the Technical School which has alieady demonstrated its v.aluc ,-ind importance in the industrial prog- ress of the city. By the Board s energetic action and advocacy a n appropria- t i on was se- cured from Con- g r e s s for the erection of a n e w Unit c d Stales Custom House and Post- Otficc building worthy of the growing size and importance of the city. It is also largely due to this Board that the railroad fares between Newark and Xew York were reduced. One of the first things taken up by the new body after s.vmuki. .\iuATr:i<, iiusr \ icjK-rui;suii;xT. 82 NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. JOHN H. STOHAEUS, SiiCOXD VICt-PKESIliEX I . Its organization was the i m- provement o f the navigation (if the Passaic River. In 1868 a memorial was sent to Congress asking for an app ropriation for that pur- pose, and in 1S74 the Board liad the pleasure nf listening to a report on the manner in « hich the river was being dredge d and dj'ked by the United States L-orps of engi- neers, under (leu. John New- ton. In 1S84 it sent another petition to Con- gress for the continuation of those improvements, and several appropriations have since been made for that purpose mainly through its instrumentality. The Board's solicitude for the promotion of the city's water commerce is seen in the active part it took in the attempt to build a ship canal between Newark and New York. An effort was made to secure an appropriation from Congress, but it failed, and eventually the project was abandoned. The river to this day receives great attention from this body of business men ; any obstructions in its channel are reported by it to the proper authorities as soon as known of. The Board in the first year of its life induced the New Jersey Railroad Company to lengthen the span of its draw-bridges over the river so as to leave a space of 70 feet in width for the passage of boats and ships. It has since fought successfully against the practice of the railroad c o m- panies to close the draws in the winter for repairs at such dates as they pleased and for as long as they pleased. Now each bridge is closed at a stated date and for a stated length of time. Indeed, with- o u t dwelling longer upon de- tails, it may be safely said that the B o a rd of Trade has been energetic, e n- I-. T. C.1LINN, SECRET.4KV. thusiastic and active in every movement to- wardiniproving the city's ad- vantages a n d resources, i t s m anu f acturcs a n d its c o ni- merce. The B o a r d has now a mem- bership of over two hunc'rjd, and includes among its num- bers all of the most prominent and progressive manuf acturers, merchants and pr of essi on;il men in the city. It ought, in the future to be a potent, if not principal factor in the city's advance ment and prosperity, and its past achievements should be eclipsed. The monument of Seth Boyden, Newark's greatest mechanic, in Washington Park, was erected by the efforts of this Board, at once an ornament and a monument to its own public spirit. This statue was modeled by Karl Gerhardt, of Hartford, Conn., and is a work of art of w-hich any city may be proud. But aside from its aesthetic value, it is the first public monument ever erected to the honor of labor in this or any other country. The Board of Trade, its meetings as well as its publications, have been the influential medium through which Newark and its commercial advantages have developed into metropolitan greatness and success. Early it saw its opportunity, and it is to be congratulated upon its achievements. The present ELI.\3 S. W.MiD, THIKU VlCE-rRESIDENT . the the are officers of Board for year 1892 as follows : President, Allan Lee Bassett ; Vice- p residents, John B. Sto- baeus, Samuel Atwater, Elias S. Ward ; Sec- ret ary, P. T. Quinn : Treas- urer, James E. F lem ing ; Di- rectors, Samuel S. S arge an t , William A. Ure, George A. Wil- liams, George W. Wieden- m ay e r, A. B. Twitchell, R. G. Salomon, Riley W. Bond. James Hodge, A. E. Seliger. J.\MES E. KLEMING, TRE.\SUKER. THE LEATHER INDUSTRY. fJi^f^- y H E pioneers of Newark were evidently believers yy _^^~^ in the maxim. •' There's nothinj; like leather," ^B W^^ • and their faith has been justified. The leather jfl F»Q business has been one of the chief factors of '^^^ 4t_/ ^^^ greatness of the city. It has already been • fjf shown how the first tannery in the town was ^J ^ established by Azariah Crane, in the year 1698. iP^ #\> near "the watering place for cattle," and how ^^ the necessary land was given him " so long as he doth fiillow the Trade of tanning." More than twenty years prior to this time, in the year ifi7f), a " Sealer "tanner)" of which there is any record or mention, is that established by Azariah Crane in 1698. Figures are not forthcoming to show the progress of the leather industry during the first century and a half of the town's existence. But in the year iSio we find, by the United States census for that year, that the town turned out $451,970.00 worth of leather and leather products. In the year 1S30 there were thirteen tanneries in the town, with an aggregate capital of S78.ooo.oo. The value of the leather turned out by them in that year was $503,000.00. This did not include products manufac- tured from leather. In the vear 1S35 the value of the leather GKUIP OF LEATHER MANUFACTURERS. of Leather " was appointed " for this Town," "according to the order of the General Assembly," and it has been argued thence that leather was made in the town prior to the year 1676, but it is probable that what leather was made was simplj' home- tanned, and that merely the surplus over what was needed for home consumption was offered for sale. This appears the more likely from the fact that the preamble of the Act of the General Assembly, ordering Sealers of Leather to be appointed, recites that complaints had been frequently made that leather sold in the province had been insufficiently tanned. It was evidently home-made, amateurish work. But at all events the first product of the town was 8889,200.00, an increase of more than seventy-five per cent, in five years. The following year, 1836, a census w-as taken by the city authorities, and from it we find that the value of the leather product was $899,200.00. We also find that the manufacture of boots and shoes gave employment to 734 persons, and turned out a product valued at 81,523,000.00 ; and that the manufacture of saddles, harness, whips, &c., gave employment to 590 persons, with an output valued at 8885,500.00. By the year i860 the number of tanneries in the town had increased to thirty, with an aggregate capital of 81.025,300.00, employing 1,064 men, and with an output valued at $2,880,022.00. 84 A'EII'.IA'A'. .V. /, ILLUSTRATED. * r ^ ..ii t- <^ •'^t T.P. HOWEI.L cV: CO., -MURRIS CAXAL, XEW. WIL.SEV AXl) XUTJIAX STREETS. In the year 1870 there were forty-five tanneries, and the total output was valued at $5,998,361.00 In the year 1880 the number of leather manufacturing houses was only thirtj'-nine, but the total value of their output was $10,442,092.00, or almost double that of 1870. At the present writing the United States census for the j-ear 1890 of the manufacturing interests and products of Newark has not been published, so that it is impossible to give any figures for that year. The most remarkable branch of the leather industry in Newark is the manufacture of patent and enameled leather. The father of this industry here was Seth Boyden, whose name is so memor- able in the industrial history of the city. His sales of patent leather in the year 1S24 amounted to $9,703.06. In the year 1S40 two houses were engaged in the manufacture of patent leather, with a total production of $18,229.17. In 1S50 the number of patent leather tanneries had increased to four, and the value of their output had swelled to the sum of $216,666.67. I^i 1870 the number of these tanneries was fourteen, and the value of their production 82,999,180.00. The next decade does not show as great a relative increase in the trade, for which, no doubt, the long financial depression from 1S73 to 187S was responsible. In 1880 the total output of the patent leather tanneries was $3,480,- 981.67, an increase, however, during the decade of over thirteen per cent. During the year ending June 30, i88g, the total value of the production of patent leather had grown to the vast propor- tions of $5,567,575.00 ; number of tanneries twenty-three. T. p. HOWKLI., FOINDF.R. T. F". HOWELL cS: CO. IX I S40 the late Theodore P. Howell laid the foundations of the great leather industrial establishment which occupies several acres of ground on the Morris Canal, New, Wilsey and Nutman streets, which is in all probability the greatest tanning and currying establishment in many respects in the world. Mr. Howell not only found time to superintend his great tanneries in Newark, but also had an immense slaughtering establishment in New York City, where he had a quarter of a million beeves dressed under his immediate care in order to avoid the cuts, bruises and scarifications which nearly ruin so many hides from carelessl}^ dressed beeves. The establishment has been carried on since the death of Mr, Howell in 1878, by his sons Henry C, and Samuel C. Howell. both of whom are worthy representatives of their illustrious father. Under their care the business has gone steadily forward till this year, 1892, when it requires such an array of figures as follows to represent its greatness, viz : 40,000 hides of beeves, 150,000 skins of sheep, 10,000 skins of mountain deer and 10,000 skins of calf, are yearly turned mto leather, requiring the labor of quite six hundred skilled workmen. The output of this house has a vahie of more than a million of dollars annually. NEIVARK. X. /.. //./.rsTA'.l /•/■:/). 85 BLANCHARD, BFO. LANE. & hAc^i WE present herewith an illustration of the establishment of Blanchard. Bro. & Lane, on the block bounded by Bruen, Hamilton and McWhorter streets, also a portrait of its founder, Noah F. Blanchard. The name of Blanchard is closely mterwoven with the patent leather indus- try of Newark, the four brothers, Noah F. . David O., Samuel F. and Charles C, having been all brought up as tanners and japanncrs of leather. Newark being the central point of this industry, they removed here from the East early in the forties, and soon became noted for their skill in and knowledge of this busi- ness, to which they have devoted their energies. I n i860 the oldest brother, Noah F., started the business which has since developed into an immense establishment, the name of which is known wherever the article of patent leather is used. The year following, Mr. P. Van Zandt Lane joined the Blanchard brothers. NOAH K. BI-ANCMAK[), KOIM.I K. ever been to maintain the high standard Newark leather has in the markets of the world. BLANCHARD, BRO. * I.ANE, BKUEN, 1IA.MILTOX AXU MC WHORTER STREETS. uniting his business and financial knowledge with their practical oversight of the manufacturing department, and he now occupies the position of head of the corporation in which the firm was merged after the death of the founder, whose sons now occupy the practical position held by their honored father. The present officers of the company are P. Van Zandt Lane, president ; Theodore C. E. Blanchard, vice-president ; Matthew T. Gay, treasurer ; Leno.K S. Rose, secretary, and Fred. C. Blanchard, superintendent. The goods of this company find markets in all parts of the world, their production being used by the carriage, harness, upholstery and shoe trades, their reputation being of the highest grade. Gold medals and diplomas were received by them for their exhibit at the International Leather Exposition in Berlin in 1877, and at the late Paris Universal Exposition, and their efforts have 86 NFAVAKK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. C. H. & J. D. HARRISON. The Inventor of Patent Leather TH E extensive tanneries of C. H. & J. D. Harrison occupy a large plot of gi'ound bounded b}- New York avenue, McWhorter and Garden streets, but a few yards from the tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad. These immense tanneries now, in 1892, have an output of several hun- dred thousand dollars. This firm allows no hides to go into their vats except fri ni the backs of steers fat- tened for market, and consequentl)- the brands of leather which they turn out are very popular in the marts of trade. The Harrison brands of coach, carriage, saddle and harness leathers are of the very finest quality, as we'.l as the fancy leather in colors, the book-binding, the traveling bag and belt leathers, all of which are popular and find a ready sale. While the Harrisons have never allowed their business to suffer in consequence, thej' have found time to act the part of a worthy citizenship and have served the people in official capacities, John D. having been made Sheriff of Essex county, and Charles H. elected to the Legislature. John D. is now president of the Security Savings Bank and of the Newark Electric Light and Power Co., and the Domestic Sewing Machine Co., and is connected with other financial and business institutions. I SETH EOVLiEN", INVENTOR OF PATENT LE.^THEK, AS t h e wayfarer passes along Broad street and his eye casual- ly turns to the "westward, he sees the monument erected in lasting bronze to the memory of the aproned mon- arch, Seth Boyden, one of the greatest geniuses in mechanism that the world has ever produced. Seth Boyden ! What a simple name, but what a fame ! The world is full of monuments erected in honor of war- riors, statesmen and eminent divines. Cities almost everywhere have de- lighted to honor their noted dead, but it was left to the city of Newark, in the State of New Jersey, to honor the mechanic and inventor. It was left to Newark to pay the just tribute to the man who built the first locomo- tive, the inventor of patent leather and malleable iron. In honor of Seth Boyden, whose genius in mechanics and invention contributed bej'ond measure to the upbuilding of the great industrial city of Newark, and laid the foundation for the great leather industries carried on here, there stands and will stand as the ages flit by, the monument of honor, which, if the passerby will stop to contemplate, will teach such lessons of love and generosity as will continue so long as life lasts. C. H. i- J. D. HARRISUX, NKW Vi JRK AVEXUE, MlWHDKTER .VNl) l...\Klii:x >rkl,KTS. NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. «7 g i ■ I i i j I v^^.. REIBKN TRIKR. JlcWHORTER AND KINNICV STRKETS. REUBEN TRIER. THERE arc eighty-seven firms engaged in manufaeturing leather within the boundaries of the city of Newark, which turn out such an enormous quantity of leather as would startle any who had not made themselves acquainted with the facts in all their various forms as they exist at the present time. The united productions of these great industrial concerns are dis- tnbuted throughout the cities of the United States, and quite a large percentage exported to other countries. The illustrations on this page represent the works of Mr. Reuben Trier, manufac- turer of patent and enameled leather. The plant was founded in 1S82, situated on McWhorter and Kinney streets, and though young in years, comparatively, makes a showing worthy of high commendaticm. The house is a leading one in its line of trade, and its founder and conductor, Mr. Reuben Trier, ranks among the prominent and able representatives of the patent and enameled leather industry of Newark. Mr. Trier is himself a practical tanner, and a gentleman of wide experience and acknowledged skill in the leather trade, in the successful prosecution of which he has displayed in a marked degree the sterling qualities and progressive enterprise that characterizes the prosperous manufacturer. The tanneries of Mr. Trier cover nearly the entire block fm McWhorter street, between Oliver and Kinney streets. They are equipped with all the latest and very best improvements known to the trade. In the conduct of his tanneries the proprietor gives steady employ- ment to nearly one hundred skilled workmen in tl.e various departments, and judging from the progress made in the past decade the necessity will soon exist for an enlargement of the plant and for an increase in the number of hands. The products include all brands of patent and enameled leather, and the finer grades of furniture leather, this latter being a specialty of the firm, all of which find a ready sale in the cities of this country. The house is well and favorably known, and its founder is one of the most successful representative leather manu- facturers o£ the city. Mr. Trier is not only a successful business man, but is one of those men who has a strong hold on the confidence and afTections of the people, and has often been called upon to fill places of public trust and honor. He has represented his Assembly district in the State Legislature for three successive terms to the satisfac- tion of his constituents. Jlr. Trier is now a member of the Board of Works. XEIIJA'A'. X. /. ILLl'STRATEJ). f» -fs HUGH SMITH, CENTRAL AVKNTE, BLKKCKER, HOVT AM) LOCK STREKTS. HUGH SMITH. A MONG the numerous tanneries which have contributed to make the city of Newark, X. J., the centre of the patent and enameled leather indus- try of the Uni- ted States, and perhaps of the world, are the works of Mr. Hugh Smith, located on Cen- tral a venue, Bleecker, Hoyt and Lock streets. These tanneries stand d e s e r V e d 1 V hijjh. Starting in 1862, with a capital of less than two hun- dred dollars this jjublic spirited and enterpris- ing citizen has Ijuilt up a busi- ness of large ^^ ■^ -'^ jjroportions for the manufacture of the celebrated "iHirham Brand" of patent enameled and fancy colored leather of every descr i p ti on, which are sold from his own of- fice without the aid of a single salesman, thus making their own market and c om m an ding the highest pri- ces. Mr. Smith is ably assisted by his two sons Jlessrs J. T. and H.E,Smith. For s e v e r a 1 years much of the responsi- ble detail work of the establish- ment has fallen to the hands of these represen- tative young businessmen. ja.ml. r. s.umh. AEirARK, X. /., n.T.VSTRATED. 89 M. SIEDEIMBACH. THE city of Newark. N. J., favored as it undoubtedly is by location and natural advantages, combined with the push and enterprise of its citizens, has steadily advanced in wealth, influence and prosperity, until at the present time it stands unrivaled as a manufacturing centre amongst the great cities of the American Union. In the pursuit of manufacturing industries, •■there is no city in the United States that surpasses it in the numerous variety of its industries." Hence, that particular interest which has contributed so much toward accomplishing this grand result, must necessarily be a vastly important one. Such of this city and its busy artisans. The superior advantages afforded by the location of the city for the cheap and rapid acquirement of raw material, together with the abundance and cheapness of jjower, both water and steam, gave the industry an impetus in the outset, which has never lagged up to the present time. Among the large establishments now devoted to the con- duct of this branch of industry is that of Mr, M. Siedenbach. The extensive tanneries of Mr. M. Siedenbach, corner of Summer and Seventh avenues are noted for their production of the various grades of bag, trunk, case, pocket-book, bookbinders M. SIEDENBACH, SUMSIER AXD .SKVKNTH AVENL'KS. to-day is the leather industrj' with millions of dollars invested, emplo)-ing as it does thousands of skilled citizen mechanics, and with inumerable kindred interests dependent upon it. Nearly two centuries ago the first leather factory or tannery was erected in April, ifigS, in what was then called the Swamj), now Market street, by Azariah Crane. Since then the leather business has been an almost indispensable adjunct to the manufacturing interests of the city. What the cutlery industrj- is to Sheffield, England : the iron interest to Pittsburg; or the grain interest to Chicago, so the leather interest may be said to stand in its rela- tion to the welfare and importance of Newark, being by far the most largely represented of any of its industries. In 1818 the manufacture of patent and enameled leather was introduced by Seth Boyden, who is the author of numerous useful and valuable inventions which have contributed in no small degree to the fame and furniture leather, in all colors. The plant is one of the most complete in the city, being well equipped with all the latest and most improved machinery throughout. Mr. Siedenbach uses only cow-hides which are handled from the raw or salted state, the tan- ning and finishing being all done on the premises and under his own personal supervision. The "Seal Brand" of this house is well and e.xtensivelj- known in all the markets of the United States, and are exported to Canada, South America and the States of Europe. The success of Mr. Siedenbach is due largely to the careful attention which he devotes to the business and his complete understanding of the wants of the trade. He is very particular as to the minutest details of filling and shipping orders, and thus he has gained the good will of the trade, with a bright promise of its retention. 9° NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. CASHIOX & FLYNN, CHAPEL bTREET. CASHION & KLYNN. THE business of this flourishing young firm had its foundation laid in 1882. In a small way Richard Cashion and John B. Flynn, two enterprising young men who had served appren- ticeships, opened business, but their knowledge of tanning in all its branches was such a helpmeet that they soon established themselves (although the older tannery men dubbed them " the boys,"' ) it was not long before they reached such an advanced state as to need enlarged quarters, and they increased their advantages accordingly. Their establishment is on Chapel street, and has a capacity of several hundred thousand dollars. The beautiful engravings of their buildings, as illustrated herewith, show very truthfully where their specially popular brand of patent enameled furniture and hat leather is made. They employ about seventy-five men and turn out two hundred and fifty hides a week. ^^^^H^ ^ 191 H^^^HI RICHARD CASHION. THOMAS FLV.NN. NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. 91 R. G. SA.LOMON, \\ f % WW iiilii ^11 I'll I MIllSl^ 1 tiijii the infinite variety of its leather pro- ductions The Hamburgh Cordovan Tanneries of R. G. Salomon have few- equals and no superiors. These great tan- neries over which Mr. Salomon presides with masterly genius and marvelous suc- cess, had their foundations laid in 1S77 in an unpretentious little place, where he labored himself and gave employment tR nearly two centuries the art of tan- ning and currying leather in all its various forms has been one of the staple industries of Newark, N. J. Ever since the establishment of the first tannery at the " swamp " or " watering place " on Market street in 169S. the business has steadily increased and wonderfully improved. Men of remarkable talent have been identified with this line of business, and the official records of the United States patent office at Washington unfold the stories of their achievements in the way of devising new methods, new processes, and new ]>ro- f promise, as the home of men; where manu- facturing should be carried on. He had not looked up to the mighty Alp on Alp, nor seen them glinted over with the sun's evening adieu in finely spun lines of purple and gold, for the last time without lamenting his long delayed thought of tearing himself away from the land of his birth and the home of his fathers. The sound of the hammer, the purr of the wheel, the puff of the steam engine, as they came up from the cities and villages of his own native land, had little other purpose than to hurrj- him on in bid^ling adieu to home and Fatherland to seek his fortune in the new world, far away toward the setting sun, where his mind's eye lx;held the mK 1 • STREE'l . alone in the business until iSSi, when his brothers John and Bernard took an interest, when the firm of B, Cummings &■ Bros, was organized. They are each practical tanners, having learned the art in detail, thus becoming experts in the business, and it can now be said, if long and faithful apprenticeship, supplemented by years of practical experience in the leather industry, directed b)- more than ordinary intelligence and tact, is worth anything as an introduction to public favor, then the hou e of B. Cummings & Bros, is surely entitled to such favor. The fact that this house turns out a thoroughly good article has been long established, the personal oversight wliich the members of the firm give to the business, and the watchful care and over- sight which they give the manufacturing processes in all their stages making it quite impossible for an inferior or damaged article to come out of their vats or from off their finishing tables. Their factories being fitted up with all the latest improvements in the art of tanning, and being fully equipped with all the latest improved necessary appliances, and having in their employ a large corps of .skilled workmen, leather bearing the imprint of fine workmanship and the stamp of hands that are skilled, is the result. This house manufactures the finest grades of furniture, grain, bag, pocket-book, and an almost endless variety of fancy colored leather, all of which is noted for its superior quality and finish. In few markets do the leathers of B. Cummings & Bros, need an introduction. They have become so well-known that goods bearing their stamp have only to be seen to be appreciated, and find a ready sale in all the markets of the United States and Canada. The success which has marked the career of this firm is another of the demonstrations of the fact that it pays always to be well up in the theor}' of your adopted profession before attempting to practice it. NEU.tRK, X. J , ILLUSTRATED. 97 ■ ■ « V ■ j^" ' 3 3jj '^.., 0r^ Hi ill II. I'. VVITZEL COMPANV. WRIGHT STREET AM) AVENUE A. H. P. WITXEL COMPANV. THE foundation of Newark's greatness as a manufacturing city was laid in the tanning of hides and the making of leather. From the beginning, this industry has seemed to draw the most active and business-like men. as well as the thoroughly skilled mechanics and artisans around its. in many respects, unin- viting exterior. The reason for this lies in the fact that the great incentive which draw men on : the rich results, were ever present. Whether the purity of the water and high quality of the aiaterials used has done its part, results alone can tell. The facts are before us that no set of men can make a better .showing on the tax books of the assessor than can those engaged in the manu- facture of the great staple — leather. Among the nearly one hundred firms engaged in this branch among the thousands of Newark's teeming industries, is that of The H. P. Witzel Company, who carry it on extensively in the capacious factory buildings photographs of which grace this page. This factory was established in 1S71), and has now been run- ning most successfully for nearly a decade and a half of years. Mr. H. P. Witzel, who honors the concern with his name, and is president of the company, is a thorough tanner, and takes pride in his art, never ceasing to labor for its exaltation by turning out the ver)' finest leather that human ingenuity can produce. Close application to business, deep study and painstaking care has pro- duced such results, which, when studied with care by others, redound to his credit and make him an authority. In iSSq Messrs. August Loehnberg and Uaniel Kaufherr were admitted as partners in the concern, and thus bringing to the conduct the industry, genius, talent and business acumen which soon confirmed the promises which Mr. Witzel saw in the proposed combination and enlargement. But many a brilliant promise has been nipped in the bud, and so it proved to this firm when the apparent certainty of an early future of success in business was checked by fire, when on Dec. 25, 1890, the entire plant was destroyed. Nothing daunted by this catastrophy, however, the go-ahead firm which knew no such word as fail, set to work immediately to clear away the charred remains of the debris out of the energy of years of labor, and began the construction of larger, better, more modern and convenient buildings in which to rebuild the stricken industry, and in a marvelously short period of time the wonderfully capacious and convenient buildings now occupied by the firm, and which the photographer's artist has transferred so truthfully to these pages, were ready to receive all the very latest and best improved labor and time-saving furniture and machinerj- necessarj- for carrying on the manufacture of leather. The fire tfmk ]ilace on the 25th of December, iSgo, and the new factories, to take the place of the old, were ready August i, iSgi. On the 21st of May, 1S92, the company was incorjiorated with Herman P. Witzel as president, Daniel Kaufherr as vice-president, and August Loehnberg as treasurer. Located on Wright street and Avenue A, convenient to railroad facilities, where an easy and cheap transportation of the raw material and finished produc- tions are enjoyed, this prosperous firm carry on their growing business, making all kinds of patent and enameled leathers for domestic and exjwrt trades. The tanneries of this firm also make a fine grade of fancy morocco finish leather for upholsterers' use, which finds a ready sale wherever there is a demand for this line of leather productions. Into the vats of this industrial establish- ment 250 hides find their way each week, which are put through the various manipulations found necessary by the nearly fifty busy workmen engaged in converting them into the various grades of patent enameled, fancy morocco finish, and other grades and brands of leather made in the tanneries of this firm of H. P. Witzel Company. II. r. WITZEL. 98 NEWARK, X. /, ILLUSTRATED. K. A. SCHA.KKF~ER. THE best indication of the increasing business of the leather trade of Newark is to be found in the way in which the leading houses are increasing their facilities, in order to keep pace with the growing demand made upon them. Among the many enterprising firms en- gaged in the leather interests of the city that of F. A. Schaef- fer is worthy of special men- tion. The business, the works of which illustrate this page, was established in 18S7, located at Nos. 57 and 59 Bergen street. The firm manufactures every description of bag, book, furni- ture, gimp, cord, fringes and fancy colored leather, which is unexcelled by any other house engaged in the same industry. The output consists chiefly of fancy trunk, book and binding- leather, which finds a ready sale in the leather markets of the United States and Canada. The firm's customers are per- manent ones, which is a sure proof of the superior quality of their productions and the liberal and honorable character of the firm's transactions. F. A. Schaeffer is at present engaged in manufacturing a special brand of embossed furniture leather, which enjoys the exclusive distinction of being so made that the colors will not rub off like those heretofore placed in the market, making the firm's brand the most desirable that the trade can purchase. And thus it is that in all the markets in this country where leather is bought and sold, and in many of those across the ocean, the special brands made by F. A. Schaeffer find a ready sale. The factory is four stories, 50x100, with an L extension 25x50. A force "of seventy-five men is steadily employed, from which F. \. SCH.\EFFER, 57 & sq F.ERGEN STRF.ET, fact some idea may be had of the extent of the output. It is a novel sight, truly, that one will witness within the walls of the several large buildings which Mr. Schaeffer uses in the conduct of his growing business. Men (mostly stalwarts) stripped to the buff, look spectre-like as they move amid the steam rising from the hot liquor charged with tannin filling the great vats, carrying the hides from one to the other, where they are treated to baths in the process of converting them into leather ; or as they stand at them and ply the currier's knife to clear the hide from all the flesh and extraneous matter, thence to the drying frame, thence to the branding and general artistic departments where the finishing touches are put on in converting hides into leather. SLIiAEt I- t-.K. II. V. .•>L11.\EFFLK. NEWARK, X. J , ILLUSTRATED. 99 JOSEPH N/IEIER. THE immensity of the manufact- uring interests in Newark and the diversity of the productions of the constantly increasing number of establishments, which are con- tinually demanding an increasing amount of supplies, will of course, stimulate production. In the single article of leather belting alone, the manufacture and consumption is simply wonder- ful in amount and startling in character, it requiring the output of more than one great tannery to meet the demand for leather suit- able for converting into machinery belts. Thus it is that another great industry has resulted from the demand for a larger and better su])- ply of leather belting One of the concerns devoted to the manufact- ure of leather belting is that of Joseph Meier at 291 Market street, where many skilled workmen are employed. \'ery great and radical changes have been made of late years in the art of belt making, and this has been brought about by the intrDduction of electricity, which requires a much better belt than was in use heretofore and which could not be made with the hides tanned at present. Steers which furnished the hides in former years were left till they reached the ages of from seven to ten years before they were slaughtered. This addition to their years made the shoulder parts heavier and the hides larger, and more parts could be utilized than at the present day. Since the large packing houses josBPii Mr.n K. MEIER'S PATENT FRICTION WIIKKL. of this country have found that it does not pay to allow a steer to get beyond three years to get profitable beef, therefore it is that excellent belting leather is obtained from the light hides of the yf)ung steers, and much less of the hides can be used. The improved methods used by Mr. Meier in the industry of belt making does away with the use of the shoulder parts, cut from the skins of older steers and formerly used for making what is known as the "long lap" belting, and only the best parts from the hides of young animals are used in the manufacture of the "short lap," which is universally recognized as the best ever made. In proof of the well recognized merits of the belting turned out of the establishment of Mr. Joseph Meier, it is only necessary to take a look into the great electrical plants and factorys where it is in use Thus in Newark his belts are running in the New Jersey Zinc and Iron Company's works, the Newark Electric Light and Power Company, the Celluloid Manufacturing Com- pany, the Clark Mile End Spool Thread Company, and by Hallan- tine it Co , and many others, while in New York four belts of his peerless production, making 350 feet in length, and of the startling width of four feet and four inches, is now running in the U. S. Illuminating Co. , and in the Equitable Building on Broadway there are in daily use all the belts for their immense electric light plant. Besides the conduct of the business of manufacturing belting in all its grades, Mr. Meier has found time to give play to the bent of his genius in other lines and has invented and placed upon the market what is called Meier's Patent Friction Pulley, and means of transmitting power, which has proved a contri\ance of great beneficence and wonderful utility. Wherever Mr. Meier's Pully has been used the voice of commendation is loudlj' heard in its praise. In its adoption for the transmission of power it meets three very desirable ends, viz : First, the saving of space, as will be seen at a glance by the observer, from fifty to seventj-- five per cent, of room is saved ; second, in saving power ; third, in saving journals and lubricants. In the saving of power Mr. Meiers' wonderfully unique contrivance transmits the power from the driver to the driven, and reduces the consumption of lubricants to the mininum. Mr. Joseph Meier has offices also at 32 and 34. Ferry street. New York, as well as at 2yi Market street, Newark, N. J. NFJVARK, N /., ILLUSTRATED. VVII.UAM ZAUN, PRESIDENT. CHARLES MULLER, SEC.REIARV . THE WILLIAM ZAHN LEATHER COMPANY. IN THE very roomy looking and comfortable quarters repre- sented in the photograph of the buildings on the opposite page, are housed the tanning and currying industry of the William Zahn Leather Company. The plant is located at Nos. 309 to 327 Academy street, and at Nos. 197, 199 and 201 Norfolk street, while their handsomely fitted up offices are at No. 325 Academj- street. What made the building up of this great industry possible, and at the same time giving it such an impulse as to challenge the admiration of the enterprising and thoughtful, everywhere ■within the reach of its influence, was the genius of William Zahn, who invented several methods of tanning Dongola kid, and had the same patented in the United States of America, and in Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, England, Belgium, Austria and Italy as well. Among experts in leather, and leather manufacturers in general, the product turned out of the Zahn tanneries it is seen that all the finer elements and none of the coarser are contained in the output ; and receiving the plaudits of those who know a good thing when they see it, and who spurn the word jealousy, standing ever ready to say to their fellows who win success in any and all lines, "well done!" In the manufacture of the Dongola kid, none but the very best material and cleanest substances are used, and all the skins which it is designed shall be used in the manu- facture of this one desirable brand of kid leather undergo the most careful inspection by old experienced men, who make the inspection, and should they find a single small cut on what is otherwise a perfect skin, it is thrown out and passed over to some other tanning establishment for conversion into a cheaper leather. The William Zahn Leather Company does a large business, which had a modest beginning, but the very excellent management of the concern, joined with the marvelous skill of Mr. Zahn, it has grown to its present proportions, and now employs a large capital as well as a large number of thoroughly well skilled curriers, who manipulate the skins, that in the trade throughout the city of Newark they are recognized as master workmen. This leather finds a ready sale in all the markets of the United States and Canada, and not a little of their product is shipped across the Atlantic, where it gets the first call and commands the largest and best prices which will satisfy the makers here. Mr. Zahn is a practical as well as a thoroughly scientific man, and fully ver.sed in all matters pertaining to the business. He spends much of his time in the factory and oversees all the various departments. He is assisted by Mr. Charles Muller, the secretary of the company, a thoroughly competent and able co-worker. The firm employ only mechanics who are masters of the various branches of the tanning trade. The scientific and chemical department is imder the exclusive management of Messrs Zahn and Muller, thus maintaining and preserving the excellency and far-famed reputation of the products of the William Zahn Leather Compan)-. The latest addition to the company's immense plant, which is shown on the opposite page, is the chemical laboratory, which is situated on Academy street adjoining the office building of the company, and is under the management of an eminent chemist, a gradtiate of one of the famous universities of Europe. Mr. William Zahn is an honorary member of the " Academic Paris- ienne des Inventeurs," and was awarded the grand diploma of the Academic in 1S92, and also received the gold medal for the most improved scientific process of acid tanned leather. Owing to the rapid growth of the business, and the increased demand for the superior quality of Dongola kid manufactured by the com- pany, which goes out under the name of " Pioneer Kid," (Mr. Zahn being the pioneer of this method of tanning leather). In 1S91 the popularity of this brand of leather had become so great it became necessary, in order to meet the rapidly growing demand throughout the country, to have greatly increased facilities for its manufacture, and the William Zahn Leather Company was organized and incorporated under the laws of the State of New Jersey to meet it. Prior to this time Mr. Zahn had conducted the business exclusively, and had everything done under his own immediate supervision. The company, as at present constituted, consists of Mr. William Zahn, President ; Mr. M. F. Zahn, Treas- urer ; and Mr. Charles Muller, Secretary, NEWARK, N. /., JLLUSTRATED lOI « a! < o A o X NF.WARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. THE LEATHER SUM\4ED INDUSTRY UF". IF, TO the writer of Illustrated Newark, there is vouchsafed by the proprietors, managers, conductors, operators and work- men engaged in moving onward all the others of the multi- tudious industries gathered round this great central figure, the pleasant reception, and courtly treatment which is indeed akin to friendship, old and long matured, which has been extended by the leather men and the representatives of this leading industry, we shall be engaged in the pleasant task of picking sweet flowers from the field of duty, and regaling ourself with luxuries which we knew to be extant, but felt were beyond reach, and only to be worshipped from afar. With our first knowledge of tanners and tanning, came testimonies of love, forbearance and ideas of courtley welcome to visitors. Did not the courteous Simon throw wide open the portals of his house which stood by the sea side (and he was a tanner) to the despised fisherman, and set such an example of a pleasant reception and courtesy extended to strangers, that set all heaven aglow and started the Angelic messengers forward on that errand of love which is girdling the world ? r It having been the happy lot of the editor to meet and do business with tanners in sev- eral parts of the country, and never having come in contact with one who could not be classed as a gentleman, it then did not create surprise when visiting the great leather manu- facturing establishments of Newark to find that the leather men were gentlemen, and many of them so truly old- fashioned as to be the duly accredited disciples of the ancient "Simon, the Tanner," who had dug his lime pits, reared his drying sheds and set up his beam, and in short established his plant for the manufacture of leather, close by the Mediteranian sea-side in the far away Judian land. J""^ mi m ,< ,-. ..... km> Like man)' another, our knowl- edge of the extent and greatness of the industry of leather makers was extremely limited, but as the facts accummulated and the data were filed and the figures rolled up into the totals, and the magnitude of the industry began unfolding and the work of measuring began, our wonder grew apace, and as the evidence of the greatness was presented in the number of establishments, the amount of capital invested in plant, material, machinery and mechines and the labor employed, m the language of Goldsmith, "Still our wonder grew," that such a mighty concentration of industrial wealth and grandeur should be so near and play such on important part in the manufacturing drama, and so very little of it be seen and less understood. In considering the figures here presented, in totals, it must be remembered that they were collected during 1S90, and for nearly two years have been in the collectors hands and now during the closing hours of 1S92, given to the public for the first time, as follows, viz : Number of establishments engaged in the manu- facture of leather, 50 ; capital employed, $5,052,687 ; total value of plant, §2,429,495 ; value of land, $500,300 ; buildings, $678,307 ; machinery, tools and implements, $435,321 ; live assetts, $2,643,- 292 ; raw material, $539,106 ; stock in process and finished pro- duct, $i,26S,6So; cash bills and accounts receivable, and all sundries not elsewhere reported, $835,506 ; aggregate of wages paid, $1,534,779; average number of hands employed during the year, 2,303 ; of these there were males above 16, 1,754 I females above 15 years, 2 ; children, 4 ; piece workers, 543. The aggre- gate of cost of materials used, $4,712,662 ; divided as follows, viz : principal materials, $4,503,157 ; fuel, $57,137 ; mill supplies, ; all other material, $152,368 ; miscellaneous aggregate, $230,104 There were reported as expended for rent, $29,240 ; power and heat, $600 ; taxes, $27,948 ; insurance, $25,173 ; repairs, ordinary, of buildings and machinery, $35,599 ; interest on cash used in business, $35,621 ; all sundries not elsewhere reported, $75,923 ; aggregate value of goods manufactured, $7,619,667. All other products including receipts from custom work and repairing, $711,419. That these figures have been largely supplemented since they were compiled in i8go, is evidenced in the preceding pages. The facts therein pre- sented, where it is shown that several new factories have been started and old ones enlarged, giving increased capacit}^ and requiring a large number of employees, for their conduct, is conclusive proof that the industry of tanning has been mater- ially advanced since the census of 1890. The history of the world is filled with the recorded deeds of heroic men who have won honors on bloody fields, but the pages of Illustrated Newark is the place for recording the names of men whose genius and foresight has made Newark great. The Howells. Smiths, Halseys, Harrisons, Strausses, Rileys, Triers, Crockers, Salo- mans, Me3-ers, Witzels, Sieden- bachs, Quimby, Lentz, Blan- chard & Lane, Conroy & Weyrauch, the S chaffers, Nieder and Pfeil, the Langs. Zahn and MuUer, and those grand men of the early age of this giant industry, Azariah Crane and Seth Boy- den, with nearly 100 others, who have contributed and who are now aiding in the great MKK. 1 AM. .\\ 1.:%. K . work of placing Newark in the fore front of manvifacturing cities of the world, and the imperishable renown of her leather industries. JOHN NIEDER & CO. IN ILLUSTRATING the various interests which have con- tributed to make the city of Newark the leading centre of the leather industry of the United States, and perhaps of the world, attention is directed to the enterprising firm of John Nieder & Co., manufacturers of book binders and pocket book brands of leather. The works are located on Emmet street and Avenue C, near the Emmet street station of the Pennsjdvania railroad. The firm consists of Mr Jonn Nieder and Mr. Martin L. Pfeil, two young and enterprising Newarkers, whose achievements as leather manu- facturers are highly creditable to their push, enterprise and business ability. The plant herewith given from a photograph is admirably fitted up with every improvement known to the trade, and its products are well and favorably known throughout the country for their superior quality and finish, consisting of book binders and pocket book makers, leather of every description and color. Mr. Nieder has ably represented the citizens of his ward and district on several occasions in the board of education and in the State legislature. THE BOOT AND SHOE INDUSTRY. . I, WAYS ready to learn, and apt to fashion, and having in view comfort and fine lines of beauty, the shoemakers of Newark early gained a reputation as perfect fitters, and their successors held it close and made it lasting, so that wherever Newark made footwear is seen it carries with it a model for perfect fit, elegance and comfort for others to pattern after. Among no class of our manufacturers does their exist a more kindly feelinir. and the tie that binds is strong and enduring ; between employer and employee there has ever been a community of interest, and whatever tended to the welfare of one had the trend toward the best interest of the other Among the larger number of men who have risen from the '• seat." to the station of a '" boss," there is a community of feeling which finds its way among the members (if teams and becomes an incentive to study and practice, to watch and to learn that they too may be ready to step into the rich places when time or accident shall have made a vacancy. It is an old Franklintonian saying, and one often rehearsed in the presence of the thriftless and the patrons of idleness and those of a roving dispositi the builders of footwear since they seldom change, but clinging to the old, old calling you will alwavs find the shoemaker at hi-; " 1;i>it " and " best." JAMKS A. BA.NISTEK CO. THE manufacture of boots and shoes for men's wear, ranks among Newark's leading industries, both as to quantity and the superior quality of a large percentage of the product. So decidedly is this the case, that in every leading city and town in the United States. Newark shoes are carried by those dealers who cater to the most fastidious custom trade. No one house has contributed so largely to this result as that of James A. Banister Co. This establishment was founded in the year 1S45, by Isaac Banister, father of the president of this com- pany, who was a thoroughly practical shoemaker, being brought up to the trade from his infancy by his father, who was also a shoemaker. The desire of the house always has been to make only the best goods, and taking the best custom made shoes as their models, they have sought to imitate them in style, fit and wear- ing qualities. How well they have succeeded, is evidenced by the position the house occupies in the trade after an experience of forty-five or forty-si.\ years. James A. Banister became a partner with his father in :S52, under the firm name of Isaac Banister & Son, the senior retiring in 1S57. and the business was continued by James A. Banister until 18(15, when Lyman S. Tichenor became associated with him. and the firm became Banister & Tichenor, and continued J.AMES A. B.AKISTER CO., WASHINGTON STREET. 104 NEU-.IRK. X. /.. ILLUSriiATED. so until the death of Mr. Tichenor, which occurred in iSSi. From this time till January i, 1S92. James A. Banister was sole proprietor. On the first of January, 1892, the firm was incorporated under the name of James A. Banister Com- pany, and without any change in the general management — all the stockholders (James A. Banister, John W. Denny, James B. Banister and George A. McLcllan) having been connected with the business for several ^-ears in the same capacities they now hold. On account of a strict adherence to the original policy, marke dout by the concern at its start, of making only the best goods, the business has grown to be one of the largest in the United States, and its products are recognized as the standard for the highest excellence in the trade. The factory now occupied by the James A. Banister Co. , is located on Washington street, very near the centre of the city, and was erected in 18S8 by Mr. Banister, with a special view to the necessities and conveniences of his largely growing business. It is a four story brick building, 2S0 feet long with a front- age of 35 feet, thoroughly' lighted on all sides. Its ventilating and sanitary conveniences are of the latest and most approved construc- tion. The building is heated by steam in every part. The factory JAMES A. BANlSlKk. hJUK UK.'AKf.ME.STS I.V JAMEj .A. BAMSlliK CO.,;SHOE .MANUFACTORY. is sujjplied with a large engine and boiler, sufficient for furnishing abundance of power and heat to the premises, and is provided with all the necessary and most improved machinery for the production of first- class work. The first requirement sought of any machine, which it is proposed to introduce into the factory, is that it shall do its work equal to the old- fashioned hand manner of doing things, and no machine is used that does not come up to that standard. Mr. Banister has always taken first-class premiums wherever he has exhibited his work in competition with others, and had a medal and diploma given him at the Vienna Exposition in 1S73, an award of merit and medal from the Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1S76, and a medal from the New Orleans Exposition, 1SS4-S5. XEUARK, N. J. ILLUSTRATED. >o5 JOHiNSTON & N^URPHY. NO one branch of the industrial pursuits which have made the city of Newark celebrated all over the world as a manu- facturing centre, has done more in the upbuilding of her greatness than the industry of bixit and shoe making. These great establish- ments, scattered as they are all over her territory, are nearlv, or quite, a half hundred in number, giving employment at fairly remunerative wages to thousands of ojieratives who can^- on the work of converting the leather made in her own tanneries into foot wear for the millions, and no industrial centre can boast of workmen better skilled. Very few. mdeed, of the industries carried on in Newark, employ a larger number of men. women, and children than that of boot and shoe making. It is not alone in the large factories that we find this industry progressing. In many a garret and basement cord-waining teams can be seen at their work and often while one JOHNSTON a MURPHY, LINCOLN STREET. of the number reads from a book, phamphlet or paper his com- panions ply their vocation, listening attentively to what is read and then all will discuss very understandingly points held forth in the matter read, as well as all the leading questions of the times. No class of mechanics are more quietly/lisposed, or give less trouble to their employers; or are possessed of a larger fund of informa- tion; or grasp the leading questions of the times more readily than the shoemakers. It was the great Benjamin Franklin who bestowed upon these sons of toil the distinguished title " Garret Philosophers," in consideration of their achievements in learning, gained during the hours of toil, their work being of that character which does not require any great amount of either mental or physical strain, and thus he maj- study himself or listen to the reading of others, or whistle or sing all in good time with the rat- tat-tat of his hammer, as he drives a nail here or drives a nail there Very few of the industries carried on in Newark use a larger capital, and to a better advantage, or turn out a product of greater value, than do those who follow the business of convert- ing leather into boots and shoes for both gentlemen's and ladies wear. Newark made boots and shoes, early in the century, gained a repute for beauty of finish, stylishness of pattern, high order of workmanship, which have been held against all competitors, and all over the world to-day the footwear bearing the tra TklMENT Co., Cok.SKK WILI.I.VM .\N1) SHIPll.W .STKKKTS. measurements of the forces he is dealing with. Mr. Weston's work in this field has resulted in the production of numerous measuring instruments which are remarkable for the ease with which they can be used and for their accuracy. In iSSS, a company Avas organized for the manufacture of these various electrical measuring instruments, and to-day these instruments are the fecognized standards of the world, and are used in every civilized land. The company engaged in exploiting his inventions in this field is known as the Weston Electrical Instrument Company, and its shops are already the largest and finest equipped in the world. These shops, where the electrical wizard himself may be found, are situated on the south side of William street, near High, and are worth a visit to all, and more especially to the scientifically inclined. One of the red letter days of the writer's life was spent its place in turn in the delicate spring answering to the electrical touch and correctly measuring volts or indicating ami^eres. The two more important departments of the great factory are those of drawing and testing. In the first, the ideas of Mr. Weston find their place on sheets of drawing paper and here employment is given to six assistant draughtsmen, and this year's work will amount to 2,000 sheets. From here the idea or invention goes on from department to department, till it becomes the perfected machine and has reached the testing room and is tested, and if right, approved. The institution, though young in years, requires nearly 200 expert men and women for its conduct. No hours can be more agreeably or profitably spent than in the workshops and laboratories, where electrical instruments are made and electrieitv is dealt with. 114 NEWARK. N. /., ILLUSTRATED. The beautiful photos which grace these pages and which the Weston's w.irk is done, and his apron laid aside for the last time, artist has so faithfully portrayed, will show, along with this short may the record of his mighty achievements be transferred to resume of his inventions, life and work, what an integral part of imperishable bronze, and the statue to his memory take its place Newark's electrical industries is the result of the genius and in the sight of generations to come. By the side of the statue efforts of Edward Weston. erected to the memory of Seth Boyden, the mechanic, may stand When the time comes (may it be long delayed) when Edward that of Edward Weston, the electrician. INTERIOR VIE\V,S OK THE WESTOX ELECTRICAL IXSTRUMEXT CO. L.\BOR-\TORY. l'K-\L(.ll t INi_r L>t;p.\RTMEX'l . In ' >. I m Si4iii..j^ ^cy^ -■ "'^ ' :■:■'-^s».|^.,„— TooL DEP.\RT,MENT. .ASSEMBLING DEP.\RT.\IENT. M.VNLl- ACTUKI.N'G DEl'.ARTMEXT . .MILLING DLl'.^KT.MEN 1 . THE JEWELRY INDUSTRY. KN search with infinite toil for the precious stones and glittering gems which nature has hid away in the cracks and crevices of the rock and amid the sands of the far-away Afri- can, South American or Gongoldian mines, and when he has found the sparkling diamond, ^^^ little cares where it will go, nor what manipula- tions it must undergo, his ambition, as a rule, stops with the ducats his find will put in his purse, while the buyer must needs look up a lapidary whose genius and skill will bring out the beauties and fit it for the markets of the world. In its journeys from hand to hand, from place to place, in search of the artist's skill, it in all probability finds among the goldsmiths, jewelers and lapidaries in the city of Newark artists to vie with any in the known world. The virgin gold of the California mines, and the silver from Colo, rado and Nevada, have their part to play, and as they pass the deft fingers of the Newark jewelers such changes are wrought as would startle and surprise the alchemist who labored for ages on and on only to fail in the accomplishment of the one grand object sought, viz. the conversion of the baser metals into rich and shining gold. Had the great minds in the pa.st, which had the alchemistic trend of thought which led them into dark crevices and hidden recesses, but worked in the open daylight, following such lines as our skilled artists, goldsmiths, silversmiths and jewelers work on to-day, instead of failures and disappointment marking their career they might have exclaimed " Eureka ! 1 have found it I " and been the originators ot such a grand indus- try as would have shed a halo of lustre around their names and established a fame lasting with time. CAWTKK, SLOAN .•<: CO. AMONG the nearly one hundred firms engaged in this jiopular branch of industry, none has taken a higher stand or watched its growth more closely than Carter, Sloan & Co., whicli came into existence November i, 1S41, under the firm name of Pennington, Carter & Dorenius, each individual name of which having a fame co-existant with the rise and progress of Newark to the high standing of her manufacturing greatness to-day. Their factory was first established on Broad street, just below Green, but very soon after Aaron Carter, Jr., bought out his partners, a.ssociated others with him in the business, and removed CARTER, SLOAX & CO., MULBERRY AND EAST PARK STREETS. ii6 A'£n:i A'A'. N. J, ILLUSTRATED MKLTING AND ROLLING UEFAKTMENl, UAV & LLAKK. to a little factory on Green street near Broad. In consequence of increasing business the more capacious building at the corner of Park and Mulberry streets, was purchased, and in July, 1853, the jewelry manufacturing establishment of the firm was moved to these new and more commodious and convenient quarters. The firm name at that time was Carter, Pierson & Hale. It is not out of place in this connection to mention the interesting fact that the power made use of by the firm at this time was derived from the engine built by the illustrious mechanic and inventor, Seth Boyden, which had been used in the machinery exhibit at the World's Fair building, known as the old New York Crystal Palace. In 1S73 the increasing demands of the firm's growing business made it necessary to enlarge their factory, and exten- sions were built on both Park and Durand streets, making the building a square letter U, a speaking photo of which our artists have transferred to these pages. On January i, iSSi, the present firm name of Carter, Sloan & Co. was adopted. They have one of the most complete plants for the manufacture of gold jewelry in this country, which includes all the improved devises in labor-saving machinery, enabling the firm to employ, as they have for many years, more hands in the manufacture of solid gold jewelry exclusively, than does any other manufacturer in this country, England, France or German)', as far as any record is attainable. At the present time there are at least two men actively employed in the factory who came with the original firm as apprentices over fifty years ago, when the business was organized. In this grand old factory have been trained many of the most MAIN JEWELRY DEPARTHEN 1 , UAV .t CLARK. successful jewelry manufacturers in Newark, as well as in many other branches of business, who have from time given up their positions to organize a business of their own. The members of the firm as at present organized, are Aaron Carter, Jr., of Orange, N. J.; Augustus K. Sloan, of Brooklyn. N. Y.; Courtland E. Hastings, of New York City ; George R. Howe, of East Orange, N. J.; William T. Carter, of Newark, and William T. Gough, of New York City, while Aaron Carter, Jr., has remained the honored head of the firm during all the changes of the fifty years now closing. He has taken no active part in the business for the past twenty years. DAY & CLARK. THE really useful men of Newark are those who have lent a helping hand in the development of its manufacturing interests and aided in fostering those branches of trade for which the city is now widely noted. In no branch of skilled industry perhaps in the world, has more rapid advances beeti made than in the jewelers' art, and the industrial pursuits of a kindred nature. In former years, especially for the finer and more artistic productions in these lines, the American people were compelled to look to European countries for their jewelry supplies, but to-day American jewelry as produced in Newark, stands unrivalled in excellence of workmanship, beauty of design and cost of man- ufacture, by the best goods made in foreign countries. A prosperous, popular and thoroughly responsible firm devoted to this important line of industrial pursuits in the city of Newark, and well worthy of more than passing mention in these pages, is 'A\' .S; CLARK. XEUAJiK, X. /., ILLUSTRATED. that of Messrs. Day & Clark, manufacturing jewelers, located at the southwest corner of Marshall and Halsey streets. The business was established in the present century, and has developed a large and influential trade with some of the leading houses in this city and throughout the entire country. Their products embrace everj-thing in the line of solid gold hairpins, bracelets, brooches, necklaces, charms, chatelaines, lockets, collar and cuff buttons, scarf and lace pins, studs, gold mountings for diamonds and other rare and precious gems, etc. A specialty is the manufacture of novelties of rare and unique designs in solid gold, all of which are made by thoroughly skilled artistic work- men and guaranteed to be as represented, while the prices are very reasonable. The members of the firm are wide-awake, enterprising and courteous Newark gentlemen, reliable, honorable KREXIENTZ vS: CO, AT TlIK South-west corner of Chestnut and Mulberry streets, the firm of Krementz & Co., carry on their extensive jewel- ery manufacturing business. They occupy the greater part of the large four story brick buildings, having a frontage of 1S5 feet on Chestnut and 55 feet on Mulberry street, also the rear extensions. Our artist has given a faithful portrayal which has been transferred to these pages. The business was commenced in iS6ij, in a comparatively small way by Messrs. George Krementz and J. A. Lebkuecher, and the same parties with the able corps of assistants which they have gathered about them still carry it on, and have enlarged it to its ]ircscnt proportions. Messrs. Krementz & Co., manufacture a KREMENTZ & CO., COR.VER .MLI.HKRK V .\ND CII ESlXt T .STREETS. and prompt in their dealings, and justly merit the success they have achieved. A visitor to this great industrial centre could not spend a few hours to better advantage than in taking a look through this or some other representative jewelry manufacturing establishment, under the special guidance of one of the polite gentlemen of the proprietorship, any of whom would be glad at any time when not otherwise specially engaged, to show them the interesting parts of the business of manufacturing the jewelry seen almost everywhere as filling the show cases and safes of the retailers, or in wear by the thousands they meet on the street or at social gatherings. The premises utilized are spacious and commodious, comprising several depart- ments, four of w-hich our artist has given faithfully a portrayal of on these pages from photographs. They are admirably fitted up with all the latest improved machinery and appliances for busi- ness and manufacturing purposes. large line of jewelery, [irincipally for ladies wear, and their pro- ductions have attained a high reputation with the trade through- out the country. One of the specialties manufactured by this firm we shall not fail to mention, and that is the " Krementz one piece collar button." the invention of Mr. Krementz, which has become the standard collar button of the country, and which is largely exported to Europe. As a mark of the progress in the art, this button now made of a single piece of metal without seam or joint w-as formerly made of several pieces soldered together, any one at all acquainted with the manipulation of metal will see at once the superiority of this button, the metal having suffered nothing of the annealing effect of the soldering process of the old method, with the consequent softening which must eventually follow. The business offices and salesrooms of this company are at 182 and 1S4 Broadway, corner of John street, New York city. NEWARK, lY. /., ILLUSTRATED. CHARLES SCHUEXZ eS: SON. AS WE turn back the pages of Newark's industrial historj', in our search after truth and data from which to formulate matter which will not only be read with interest, but will furnish such a regarnering of facts as well, from which future search- ers may draw as from a spring of sweet waters, almost every page is found dotted over with facts and figures in regard to those interests w-hich have their foundations in the manufacture of jewelry. As we have only to do with those engaged on general lines thereof, in this article, and at this time, it will be our purpose to show how large a part this industry has played in the upbuilding of Newark's greatness, as a manufacturing and business city, and what a bright prospective it presents for its future. Calling the atten- tion of the reader to the part being enacted b)- Charles Schuetz & Son, among the man- agers of the nearly one hundred establish- ments, which are co-workers in this special branch of industry, we open up a very inter- esting and not unprofitable study. The plant which has been gathered at No. 211 and 213 Mulberry street, will compare very favora- bly indeed, with any other in the city of Newark, selected and arranged for the manufacture of jewelry in a great variety of styles, lines and patterns. As the growth of the jewelry industry has been phenomenal for the past two decades we may assuredly look during the present, for a continu- ation just as great, and doubtless it will be greater still in the next decade. One fact in connection with the jewelry manufacturing industry in the city of Newark is especially notable, and that is while there is a pleasant rivalry among them, there is no perceptible attrition or jealousy, and taking them together they are indeed one family having one common interest, and in the continued growth and enlargement of the jewelry manufacturing interests equally interested and in a healthy onward and upward career for the city wherein are the homes of their skilled workmen and in the rapid growth thereof, for the happiness and prosperitv of CHARLES SCHUETZ & SON, 211 & 213 MUL KERRY STREET. employee, as well as employer. The career of the firm of Charles Schuetz & Son, now of No. 211 and 213 Mulberry street is in brief. Mr. Charles Schuetz, the senior member of the firm, was born in Germany, from whence he came in 1851, settling in this city and residing here ever since. Mr. Fred. A. Schuetz, the junior member, is a native of this city, attending and gradu- ating from the Green Street German and English School and the Newark Academy. The firm was established in 1S76, origin- ally locating in Crawford street, from whence removal was made in 1SS2, to the present eligibly located premises embracing two floors, each 30 x 100 feet in dimensions, equipped with every convenience and facility for the successful prosecution of the business. Employment is given to a force of seventy- five hands in the manufacture of every description of fine gold jewelry, the establish- ment having a deservedly high reputation for the superior quality of its productions. Only expert workmen are employed, and the most careful supervision is maintained over every detail of manufacture so as to secure the highest grade of excellence. The business has grown from its inception, and the firm has deservedly commended itself to the favor and confidence of the trade. This is only another of the many examples which Newark presents in this line of industrial pursuits, where thrift follows close on the footsteps of a watchful care of the minutest detail of a great business. A visit to the factory of Charles Schuetz & Son would convince the most exacting, after a moment's con- templation of the methods pursued, that the firm not only know how do business, but at the same time do it, in a way that is strict, but pleasing. When the roll of business success in this field where, if the term may be used, such a wonderful conglom- eration of industries exist the name of Schuetz will be found written well up towards the head. Another proof in demonstra- tion of the fact, that success follows fast where brain and brawn join hands in the race for the victors palm. CH.\RLES SCHUETZ. FREDERICK A. .SCHUETZ. X Ell' ARK, X. /., I l.Ll'SrRArED. The W. C. Edge Co. T HE artist who made the photo subject, as any one will see at a glance, as he turns the pages of Newark Ii.i.istratei>, and stops for a moment to study the finished picture as the engraver has so nicely and so expressively made its transference to the plates used in printing it here. Few plates pre- sented surpass this, which is in- deed, an elegant representative figure of the original. In these buildings are arranged the plant of the jewelry manufacturing industry conducted by The \V. C. Kdge Co., of which Mr. William M. Clark is president. Mr. Charles Edge, vice-president, Mr. W. C. Edge, treasurer, and Mr. Walter Edge, secretary. While it is say- ing nothing in derogation of the hundreds of artists, inventors and mechanicians whose wonderful mastery of the mechanics' arts, it is due that more than a passing notice should be given in this arti- cle to Mr. William C. Edge, who has won not only a lasting fame for himself, but has done so much, and perhaps more in the la.^t decade toward the upbuilding of Newark's industrial greatness than manv men, who are more pretentious, engaged in like pursuits. Not unlike the great majority of our great inventors, mechanics and artists, it hasn't been all smooth .sailing with the subject in hand. The ups and downs in his life have not been a few. In smoky London where he was born, he learned the jewelrj- trade with his father, and later was employed by several large jewelry firms in that great leading city of the old world's indu>tries. In 1865 Mr. Edge came to America, where better opportuni- WILLIAM C. EriGE. ties offered for the pursuit of his calling. He first obtained employ ment of Chatelin & Spence, of New York, where he introduced what is now called satin finish. After a short period he came to Newark and entered the employ of Durand & Co., where he remained for several years, becoming acquainted with the new world methods. After this he started business for himself and on his own account supplying the large New York dealers. This had not been going on long when, through the machinations of a gentleman who had worked himself into Mr. Edge's good graces, becoming his partner, proving false, and finally compelling him to return to the bench. After working at the establishment of Miller Bros., where he intro- iluced the method of turning over the edge of pins ear-rings, etc., now so common in collar buttons, he commenced business again, and later joined hands with Smiley & Dorrance. This firm after- ward became known as W. C. Edge & Sons, but lately was incorpor- ated under the New Jersey State laws as The W. C. Edge Company. This company is known and patronized throughout the United States as well as abroad, and are manufacturing goods under the protection of the patented inventions of W. C. Edge, but now the company's property. Woven wire fabrics of 14 carats fine, are a principal feature of their industry-. They also show a handsome line of other work in pure gold. This wire.is also used in various weaves for saddlery hardware, upholstery work, fancy ornaments, dog collars, etc., etc. The latest inventions are " Edge's Excelsior Rein Holder," and patent "Aluminum Horse Shoe," which are a -success. Being one of those undaunted spirits who never say fail amid the most 'trying ordeals, he kept working, and while others of his associates were spending their time where pleasure rules the hour, he was engaged in the more profitable employment of delving deep after hidden mysteries and unravelling the skein of the mysterious, around which are gathered so much of that undiscovered in the realm of science and art. Not so much was the searching of his busy mind engaged in the work of discovering new principles, but in the work of applying old ones in new ways. NEWARK. A\ /, ILLUSTRATED. DESIGNED BV EASTWOOD S: PARK, MANUFACTURING JEWELERS, MARSHALL ANIJ CKAWFOKL) STREETS. QEORGE A. SCHELLER. EASTWOOD & PARK. IN A town in which the manufacturei- of jewelry is on a phenomenal scale and has great weight in determining the general activity, it would be the natural inference that there should be found individual experts in the business, men who have all the technique of the various branches of the jewelers' art at their fingers ends, and who can and do outclass the then wonder- ful workers of olden days. An example of such a one is found in Mr. George A. Scheller, of 290 Market street, near Pennsyl- vania railroad depot. Mr. Scheller is one of those rare men, who can take the raw material and make a watch from beginning to end ; artistic worker in chains and rings, in setting of diamonds and other precious stones, and in solid gold and silver work. With the accomplishments of the thorough artisan, Mr. Scheller combines the taste of the artist, and is withal a scientifician in the matter of time, so that he has become to Newark its se.xtant and chronometer. Naturally he is highly regarded in both industrial and social circles, and his highest testimonial is his success. His handiwork is all over the city, and many a watch that guides the move- m e n t s of million- aires, business men o r mechanics c o m e s to hi m when occasion demands for his professional scrutiny. Mr. Scheller makes a specialty of Ameri- can watches, and car- ries a fine line of jewelry. He is authority on diamonds and other precious stones. IT IS noteworthy to record the advances made by young and enterprising firms engaged in business pursuits, which, by their incessant and ever-ready efforts, have made their calling a success. One young firm who creditably represents the jewelry trade by their enterprise, is that of Messrs. Eastwood & Park, whose elegant design is herewith given. The works, situated corner Washington and Crawford streets, are tastefully fitted up with the necessary machinery, appliances, tools, etc The unrivaled and beautiful designs manufactured at their works have made the firm popular and have brought to them a notable line of customers. BIPPART & CO. (}EORGE A, SCHELLER. AMONG the prominent firms who have won honor and distinc- tion in the jewelry trade may be mentioned that of Bippart & Co., whose beautiful design forms the illustration on the opposite page. The works, on the corner of Mar.shal and Halsey streets, established in 1SS5, are admirably equip- ped with every con- venience and improve- ment known to the jewelers' t r a d e. A large number of skilled artists and mechanics are con- stantly employed i n designing and manu- facturing the elegant and useful novelties in gold and diamond jewelry for which the firm of Bippart & Co. is so well and exten- sively known through- out the leading cities of the United States and Canada. suoi' and salesroom of george a. scheller. NEWARK, iX. /, ILLUSTRATED 121 DESIGN- OF KIPPAkT & CO., MANVFACTCRIXG JEWELERS, MARSHALL AND HALSEY STREETS. NEWARK, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. THE ESSEX WATCH CASE CO. THERE are perhaps no articles of American manufacture in which there has been a greater reduction in the cost, than that of watches and watch cases. But a few years since a gentleman's gold watch, of fairly good quality would cost not less than Sioo, and at the present time a fine article can be purchased for half that amount, and even less. This change is brought about, not only by the decrease in the cost of manufacturing by improvements in machinery, but also by the improved methods of construction. Especially is this noticeable in the manufacturing of watch cases. The old method of making a gold watch case of sufficient strength to retain its shape, and withstand the wear and tear required of it, must have a large percentage of precious metal stored away out of sight beneath the surfaces, where it is of no manner of use, except for the additional strength imparted by its presence ; or, on the other hand, if the metal is not placed there, the result is a weak, flimsy shell of a covering to the movement that is soon bent out of shape, admitting dust and dirt which soon ruins the watch. The Essex Watch Case Co. was organized in the fall of iSS6. with the following officers : George Courvosier, president ; Timothy Scales, secretary ; James H. Fleming, treasurer and general manager, and in March, iSSg, the entire business was purchased from the original stockholders by a syndicate consisting of T. B. Hagstoz, F. A. Lovecraft, J. E. McDonald and S. E. Rork, who at the present time occupy the respective offices as above, Mr. Alexander Milne being one of the principal stockholders and promoters of the enterprise. This concern is the pioneer of this industry in Newark, and is now manufacturing watch cases which are marvels of beauty, strength and economy. The first of these three great features in the class of articles produced, is arrived at by superior workmanship, and the second by constructing watch case parts, consisting of three separate and distinct plates of metal as follows ; On the outside a heavy plate of solid 14-kt. gold of sutficient thickness to allow of being engraved or carved, and to withstand the wear for the length of time of the average life of man ; this is backed up by a second plate of hard, rich composition metal to give it strength, which is covered with a third plate of solid 14-kt. gold to prevent oxydiza- tion ; thus forming by the union of the three parts one homogen- eous plate of metal out of which the watch cases are constructed. These cases are known as gold filled or stiffened. Watch cases produced in this manner are far superior to the solid gold, except in instrinic value, on account of their great durability. The popularity of these goods is such, on account of their great strength, that the thin flimsy unserviceable solid gold cases have been forced from the market ; and being as handsome as the solid gold and costing very little more than silver cases, the latter are rapidly being replaced by them. These watch cases are made in plain polished, satin finished, engine-turned, chased or engraved, raised colored gold orna- ments, enameled and stone or diamond set, in fact every style in which solid gold cases are made. The unprecedented growth of the Essex Watch Case Co. is the best evidence of the great merit in the goods produced by them. Having commenced business on the third floor of the Barrett- Brown building, corner N. J. R. R. avenue and Hamilton street, in September 1S86, with about a dozen hands, has steadily grown until in January, iSgo, they were compelled to move to the large new building, Nos. 47, 49, 51 Chestnut street, where are now employed over 100 hands, and considerably over 100 cases are produced each working day, and before the end of 1893, will have manufactured over ico.ooo cases. AEllARK, N. /,, ILLUSTRATED. THE CKEtSCEXr W.ATCH CA.SE CO. AMONG the industries carried on in the city of Newark that conducted by the Crescent Watch Case Company is worthy of special mention. A visit to the great buildings, a very striking photo engraving of which may be seen on this Jiage, where this essentially new branch of her industrial pursuits are carried on in Newark, fills the visitor with the conviction that the end of her industrial progress is not yet, and that the trend which set in years ago still continues Newarkward, as one after another of the teeming manufacturing industries of the country find their way hither, so much nearer di>es the mf)dest city on the Passaic become the manufacturing centre of the Western continent. It is enough to say, that the goods manufactured by the Crescent Company great buildings in which it is housed are situate on North Thir- teenth street and the Montclair branch of the D. L. &: W. Railroad, between Fifth and Sixth avenues. The readiness with which the railroad granted the Crescent company a siding of more than a quarter of a mile, in order to give them the absolutely necessary freighting facilities, proves very conclusively that the managers of the railroad know a good thing when they see it. Situate on the high grounds of the northerly section of Newark, known as Roseville, the watch case factory of the Crescent com- pany is picturesque indeed, and clearly shows just what it is, the most extensive of its kind in this country, if not in the world. This industry was started in 1SS2, as the Chicago Watch Case Company. In 1SS5 they removed to Brooklyn and became the Crescent. In i^'ii the plant, machinery, etc., was transferred to -"J^- oP'» "' ''[i.LL^ L •> 1 — 1 (f' ''« Q tt( -*l t^l '0 % il'-^' CRESCENT \V.\TCH C.\SE COMPANY. (•=, have a reputation for purity and excellence unexcelled. With one of the best plants for the business in the world, with all the latest improved labor-saving machinery and mechanical devices for doing the work in the best possible manner, and with a large corps of skilled artists selected after severe and critical trial, it is little wonder that such a desirable success is attained. Among the many industries carried on in Newark, there are few indeed, where the inventifms of the genius of her mechanics has a better display of results than can be seen in the manufacturing of watch cases at the Crescent. The rapid growth of their busi- ness has few precedents, and they now meet the markets of the world in the great variety of cases they present, and their ready sale is an unrefutable evidence of their merit. No citizen having the material interests of Newark in view, and the casual visitor as well, should fail to take a long look at the elegant plant of the Crescent in which is carried on the watch case industrv. The TO NORTH THIRTEENTH .STRKET. Newark and incorporated, with Walter H. Fitzgerald, as president ; Irving Smith, vice-president ; A. M. Crommelin, treasurer ; C. L. B. Crommelin, secretary, and August lleucke, superintendent. The richness, strength, durability and beauty of style and finish of the watch cases which this establishment turns out, are marvels among the marvelous. A firm and unalterable determi- nation from the start to use nothing but the best and purest among materials, to employ artists of the highest order and workmen of skill and character, they have bxiilt upon a founda- tion that knows no shaking, an industry of grandeur and promise, and which stands forth in its beautiful proportions a model for the world. The product of the Crescent, with the capacity of a thousand skilled operators, reaches into the millions of gold filled and solid silver watch cases of an endless variety of styles and patterns. The watch words of the Crescent are reflected from every watch case turned out in their purity and beauty. 124 NRWAliK, y. /., ILLUSTRATED. THON^AS BENFIELK). AS acomniunity we are distinctly a practical, common-sense and productive people, and our efforts are devoted almost wholly to manufacturing a wide and varied assortment of articles of utility and luxury, and forwarding many of them to distant climes and countries. Goods of Newark manufacture may be foimd in all the great markets of the world, and in these peaceful pursuits many men have not only reached affluence, but have also achieved a world-wide reputation through the excellence of the wares they have produced. Of this latter class none are more worthy of mention than Mr. Thomas Benfield, of Woodside, an excellent likeness of whose model factory is presented on this page. In some respects this is only for the class of work done, but also for the comfort and well being of the employees, which has been made a special feature. Mr. Benfield very sensibly believes that if an employer provides reasonable, cleanly pleasures for his hands and a comfortable place in which to enjoy them, it is not likely that they will squander their money in saloons, but in a majority of cases will become respectable and good citizens, and acting upon that belief this liberal and kindly employer has placed in his factory for the use of his men, reading rooms, billiard and pool rooms, and other social pleasures, with which to cultivate their minds or pass, their leisure moments pleasantly. In spite of his kindly heart and his efforts to better the condition of those whom he employs, Mr. Benfield is a shrewd and far- sighted business man, as is amply proved by his successful and PLANT OF THOMAS BENFIELD, .SUMMER AVENUE. without exception the finest factory building in this, a city of factories. Its dimensions are 165x135 feet. It is in its interior plan and fittings that its owner has displayed that intelligence and taste that make it a model building, and one for manufacturers who intend erecting factories and workshops to pattern after. It is located at the corner of Summer avenue and Halleck street, in that portion of the city known as Woodside, and is a handsome and striking brick structure three stories in height and was erected at a cost of between sixty and sixty-five thousand dollars. It stands upon a site, the dimensions of which are 200 x 300 feet, and it will thus be readily seen that if at any time more room is required, and it is probable that that point will be reached in the near future, there is ample land upon which to add extensions or erect additional buildings. In every respect it is most thoroughly equipped and fitted, not enviable business career. He began the manufacture of watch cases in 1SS2, at the corner of Gold and Beekman streets. New York city, as a member of the firm of Benfield & Tissot, and the business prospered from the beginning. Four years later the firm removed to the corner of Barclay and Washington streets. New York, and still it grew. In iSSS Mr. Benfield purchased Mr. Tissot's interest, and in July, 1S90, he began the erection of the splendid factory shown in the accompanying illustration. In addition to the business of manufacturing watch cases, Mr, Benfield is a large stockholder in the Wymble Manufacturing Company, silversmiths, whose work is very superior, and whose goods have a world-wide reputation, and also in the Benfield & Milne Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of enameled letters and signs. All of these industries are housed in buildings shown in cut. -V£II.IA'A', .V. /., ILLUSTRATED. CHARLES KOBS. AMONt; the vast number of peculiar manufactures which characterize industrial Newark, none can claim more deser\'ed attention than the making of solid hollow gold, silver, copper, brass and composition wire. It has a deep interest for the student of precious metal working, and it was in Newark that the art attained its highest development. Twenty-five years ago Mr- Charles Nobs was devoting his attention to it, and his was the pioneer plant in this business. Now the product of the establish- ment which that gentleman and his two sons have built up, at Nos. 6i and 63 Mulberry street, and No. 24 Boudinot street, is famous wherever there is a manufacturing jeweler. It is a wonderful business, this working up of precious metals for utilitarian purposes, and some of the re.sults are incredible to ments follow in rapid succession, and rich new products are presented as the cycles of time move on. The manufactory is very complete in detail of equipment. The large slide valve engine which operates the machinery, was built by Hughes & Phillips, also of Newark. The machinery for wire making and bringing other material to perfection, is profuse and varied. The expert operators of the machines are of both sexes, a battalion of the best class of workers to be found in any branch of industry, and the highest commendation of their skill is the excellent repute in which their handiwork is held. Every consid- eration in the conduct of the concern gives way to the essential point of quality. This is not only the desideratum, but the absolute demand. CHARLES NOBS, MULBERRY AND BOUDINOT STREETS. one not thoroughly informed. To say thit a tiny block of gold may be drawn out to a thread fine as the fibre of a silk-worm, so fine as to be almost indistinguishable to the unaided eye, seems like an appeal to the credulous, but it is done every day at this establishment and not considered extraordinary. And this is but one of many curious examples in gold and silver wire-making for which the concern is noted. To achieve this and other peculiar- ities of the manufacture of gold and silver wire, demanded a knowledge of metallurgy, an insight into mechanical i>rinciples, and a keen brain to devise the intricate machinery, upon which successful results depend, is not the work of a day nor a decade. It was the outcome of deep, patient, well-directed thought, and a capacity for discovering the correct means to reach a desired end. It IS the story of every brainy craftsman who, knowing what is wanted, with clear head and dogged determination, sets himself about the act of solving the problem. Thus it is that improve- While the manufacture of solid hollow gold and silver wire is a prominent feature of the establishment, the principal products of the factory consists of watch case materials used by watch case makers such as crowns, pendants, bows, joint case pins, watch case springs, antique crowns and antique pendants. With these, as with all else that the factory makes, reputation depends on worth. It is a reputation honorably won, deservedly held, and bej'ond peradventure, lo be maintained as long as the establishment is under the control of the brains and energy that made it. The beautiful photos which illustrate the plant where the industry of this enterprising company is carried on, give a speaking representation of the external, and somewhat of the internal appearance of the factories where they turn out their rich products for the markets of the world and the delectation of the admirers of the beautiful, everywhere. 126 NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. Newaki-c Watch Case Material COMPANV. IN CALLING attention to the industrial pursuits which are carried on in the city of Newarli, the upgrowth of which in manufacturing great- ness has left her with few peers, when the extent of her territory and population are considered. With a little more than 2co,ooo people within her bounds, she outstrips all competitors with the exception of the two great commercial cities, New York and Philadelphia, which have more than a million each, and in the special branch which is now under consideration, she leaves even these big sister cities out of sight in the race. Indeed, all the watch case material manufactured on this Western Continent is made in the factories of Newark. The stem winding apparatus which takes the place of the old obsolete key in every American made watch, is turned out of Newark factories. It is not surprising that New- ark should hold the industry of watch case material manu- facturing, when she has in the VORKS (IF THE NEWARK W.\TCH CASE MATERIAL CO, WARD AND MECHANIC STREETS. ALEXANDER MILNE, PRESIDENT. thousands of her happy homes the skilled artisans domiciled so necessary to run the machinery, and whose skillful hands handle the tools. It is passing strange too, that the writer should have the opportunity of recording the fact, that almost the entire product of the watch case material is used up, on this side of the ocean, and that the factories engaged in this work are concentrated within the corporation limits of the city of Newark, and it naturally follows, and as a matter of course becomes very much of an item, in the grand integral part of the whole of her manufacturing greatness. Considering its late introduction, as it seems but yesterday when it was first introduced, and then on so small a scale, it appears that the influence of magic might assuredly have been at work. While the output of this great industrial establishment is con- sumed very largely right here at home, each one of the many necessary little articles having some absolute qualification for meeting certain ends, in the successful conduct of the sister industry of watch case making. Yet other centers of industr)- are not averse to purchasing the surplus from Newark's watch case material manufacturers, which carries with it in the trade mark it bears, the very highest qualities of perfection. The beautiful illustration showing the goods manufactured by this firm, as is easily seen in the line of a division of labor and specialties. With the growth of the watch-making industry of the United States, and more especially the stem-winding watch, it became absolutely necessary that there should be a special business, having for its purpose the furnishing of the stem- winding attachment to those engaged in the manufacture of watch cases. Prior to 1S74, when this company commenced to NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. 127 manufacture these articles, they were all imported direct from the Swiss manufac- turers, as all stem- winding watches were made in that countrj'. The president, Alexander Milne, of this company, being a jeweler, and \v i d e- awake and alert, saw the opportunity to start the business here. His first move was to associate him- self with a Swiss who had some practical experience in the watch-case line. The necessary tools and costly machinery which were indispen- sable adjuncts, were soon collected, and it was not very long be- fore the case-makers were purchasing their stem-winding crowns and other necessary material right here at home. There was no more going abroad, for the progressive spirit of a thorough- going Newark mechanic had made it unnecessary- through his genius applied. Although the beginnings were small, less than a half dozen men being employed, yet the growth of the indus- try has been phenomenal, and the company now have in their emplf)y nearly one hundred men. S. RICH.\KI>SON, TKF.ASLREK. UESICNS OF TIIK NKW.XKK W.\TCII-CASE CO.MI'AXV. In the person of \V. S. Richardson, the treasurer of the company. President Milne has a helpmeet indeed, his clear, keen eye takes in at a glance every move of man or machine, and his excellent judgment gives warrant of successful manage- ment and the best of results. It is plainly due to the efforts of this company, and especially of President Milne and Treasurer Richardson that Newark has become the centre of the watch-case manufacturing industry of America. Por years they have persist- ently championed the cause. No claim is made that the beautiful photo engravings of this company which adorn these pages is placed there for advertising purposes, but only that the public may be made to fully under- stand the variety and scope of the work done by this companv. They also have invented and are now manufacturing an article called " The Aja.\ Watch Protector." desli^iuvl to prMtect watcbes from magnet- /^»^ ism, and also from the daily wear and tear caused by fric- W//l J)/ tion in the :J7^ Um pocket. They have been obliged to insti- tute se ver ;i lawsuits to pr^ tect their intc: ests. BecaujM.- of the popular- ity of the article it has been in- fringed upon, and an inferior imitation palm- ed off on the too credulous public. AJAX WATCM I i NEWARK, X. J.. ILLUSTRATED. CROWN DEPAkTHKNT, HENRY G. LEFORT. looL [itlAK IMt.N 1, UKNRV G. LEKORT. H. G. LEFORT. IN NO city of the United States (and few in any other part of the world) IS the industry of watch case material manufacturing carried on except in Newark. This industry in former years had its home in Switzerland, away over the waters of the great seas among the might}- Alps on Alps, where liberty was born. Indeed, it was not till within the last few decades that the Western world felt the full impulse of ihe mighty throb which sent the manu- facturing of watches, watch cases, and all the materials necessary in the outfitting of a lady or gentleman with an elegant watch, to the shores of America. And what more natural, where the business of making the fine wheels, the nimble spring, the delicate pointers and beautiful dials, and finall)- or last, though not least, the manufacture of the cases of unapproachable beauty to enclose the "works" in, came to America, and came to stay, that the sister industry of the making of watch case materials, a branch so eminently necessary to put the finishing touches on, should HENRV G, l.EKORT. gradually lose its attachment to the home of its parents and come to America too. It is not sc long ago but what many, now in the full vigor of life and active yet in business, can remember when the stem-winding watch attachment was born, and it is safe to say that if the great industrial city of Newark was not the place wherein it was born, it had its christening here, and soon it became an industry of such promise, under the careful handling of the deft fingers of Newark makers, that the man, woman or child who carried a watch must needs have one that had this superb attachment originall)-, or which had been transformed into a " stem winder," and it must be Newark-made at that. The business was initiated by Mr. Henry Lefort, in 1872, who associated with him two other gentlemen, under the firm name of Lefort, Milne & Jourdan. This was but shortly after the event of the introduction into the best watch society of the stem-winding apparatus, and its coming into general use. The compan\- began business in a small waj-, as the demand was limited. It was a young industry and it required rather more than the average amount of business courage to start it, and acumen to conduct it successfully. It had its tutelage away up on the top floor at the corner of Columbia and Elm streets, in a room about thirty feet wide by sixty long. The j-oung industry was in the right hands. The skill to manufacture, and the brains to present the goods made a combination which was sure to win, and soon the demand for the excellent goods made became so general that more goods and greater facilities for their manufacture was the pressing need. To meet these necessities the firm packed up their machinery and tools and marched them away to the "Coe" building, on Marshal street. In 1S76 the firm dissolved, and Mr. Lefort and his son, the present proprietor, who had gained an insight into the busi- ness, contintied to carry on the establishment. So rapidlj- did the business develop under the excellent reputation their products were gaining wherever watches were made, they were forced to move again, and into still more commodious and advantageous quarters, which were found in the three-story brick building, at 60 and 62 Arlington street. Here successes followed in rapid succession until 1890, when Mr. H. G. Lefort purchased the machinery, tools and good will from his father and removed to the present admirably fitted quarters 78 to 80 Mechanic street. Here Mr. H. G. Lefort, the proprietor and manager, who had thoroughly mastered the business m all its details, turns out an elegant class of thoroughly artistic goods in the line of watch case materials and kindred articles, and controls a large share of the very best trade. The reader's attention is here called to the beautful half-tone photo-engravings of very striking interior views, which show all that IS possible to bring out of the amount of machinery and tools it requires, and the number of people necessary to ha"ndle them in the work of making watch case materials and products of a kindred nature. NEU'ARf:. y. /.. J /.LUSTRA TED. 129 The Irvinotom Smeltino and Refinino Works. DEEP down in mother earth are the vaults of nature where she carries on her alchemistic works with might and main, turning out the beautiful virgin gold, bearing no stamp of a burthensome or detractive alloy and hiding it away in the rock's deep cre\-ice, thus forging a bright link in her great endless bind- ing chain. Not unlike the workshops of men which seek aggre- gation, hard-by the weaker sister, shimmering silver, is poured from crucibles heat with volcanic tire, to percolate in its most insinuating way, down deep among earth's foundation boulders of granite or gypsum. So hand in hand these precious metals wait, becoming more ductile and immeasurably deep refined till some accidental spark reaches the magazine, where nature has stored her compressed gases and, where explosives are refined, when through cavern's deep and dark roll sounds mightier by far than the deep mouthed thunder, or aught else which can com- pare with this earthquake or volcanic roar. Seeking a mighty expanse wherein to vent its despairing wrath the foundation rocks are ruthlessly torn, and gathering with mighty sweep the melted fragments and with the output of years. Ixjrn from broken crucibles and torn furnaces, the diamond stone, and the precious metals, sending them with one con- vulsive effort surf ace ward. Away up and up and on and on through the outlet chim- neys and ven- tive flues, na- ture sends forth the gold to seek the waters of some babbling brook to cool its burning, by the fire that is not consuming, de- posi ti n g it where men who are seekers may find. The silver too, for a lower state inclined lingers by the way, and forgetful of the influence that was hurry- ing it on, stops and nestles in crevices of the deep, dark, rocky mine, creeping into "pockets" of granite, where the ferret-like mercury fearless of the granite mills sullen grinding, grapples it in amalgam. Just how the skilled chemist of nature organizes and handles the wee bits, which we call the precious stones, the rarest of which is the diamond, which the wizards among men have decided is naught but pure carbon, we wot not ; but this is vouched to us that with ag^eat deal of searching in the far away South American, African or Gtmcoldian mines men find them. But few in number, and yet fewer are the humans which have enough of the precious, of the gold or silver to buy them. That no small share of the wealth of the nations lies hidden in the dust beneath our feet is being demonstrated daily. In this statement, of course, reference is had to one great elementary, or rather foundation article, which has time and again been in the hands of the people and by the force of circumstances, or through manipulations, scientific, or otherwise, returned to the dust from whence it came, in the mediums presented in the old oaken, pine, red wood, spruce, or hemlock floors, quietly and uncomplain- ingly beanng their burden, but growing rich all the same, as the weight of years grows heavier and heavier by the lapse of time, and under the tread of many busy feet, forcing its shining grains close down for keeping company with the lost which may be found again. Where in the manipulations of the precious metals in the manufacture of jewelrj-, watches, etc., quite a large percent- age escapes by accident in various ways and in carelessness of handling, and finds its way into the dust heaps where it is carried with the sweepings, the floors, of course, clinging to its share with great tenacity as now and then a sequel proves. In great jewelry and other establishments where more or less milling is carried on, notwithstanding the great care exercised in sweeping up refuse and floor dust, much often remains in crack and crevice and beneath the innocent looking hemlock sliver. Men of genius for years sought out plans for the recovery of the precious stuft', finally success crowned the efforts and to-day the industry of smelting and refining is a leading one. In the beautiful illus- tration on this page is presented a photographic view of the great industrial establishment of tilorieux & Woolsey, in which is carried on the business of smelting and refining. These works are situate near the prosperous suburban village of Irvington, and are peerless in elegance of construction and convenience. This company which is one of the leaders in this branch of industry have their offices at 912 Broad street. The exceedingly happy results of one of their latest business transactions and successful operations has given them a wonderful busi- ness promin- ence, that largely supple- mented their already envia- ble reputation for perspicuity, honesty and trustfulness among the j e w e 1 e rs and business men of the country. The works of this company being among the largest and best appointed of any in the United States, giving them facilities which few in the business could control and, having demonstrated a superior excellency of method in the conduct of their business, when the great watch case concern of Robins & Appleton decided to confine their industry to the manufacture of watch movements solely, the contract (which proved a monster one) of tearing down the old buildings in New York city, in which they had carried on the business of watch case making for many years, under the title of the American Waltham Watch Case Company was awarded to them. The whole thing was brought to their factories in Newark, where they burned, smelted and refined the same. The wonderful success which resulted having been the great newspaper theme and talk of the people for months, it was con- sidered worthy of introduction here since they paid to the Ameri- can Waltham Company, out of the proceeds a nugget of pure gold worth S66.o, a truly handsome amount of the precious yel- low dust to be found hidden away in the wonderful pile of rich debris from an old dilapidated, used up (apparently) worthless, good for nothing, lot of factory buildings. This is only another proof of the fact that these gentlemen have the genuine stamp of the true American spirit. Besides being successful business men and conductors of one of Newark's greatest industries, they have time to take part in public affairs, with credit to their constituency. PLANT OF CLORIEUX 4 WOOLiEV, IRVIXTO.V, S. J. 130 NEWARK. X /., ILLUSTRATED. THE REFININO OR PLATINLJM. THE city of Newark can claim the distinction of being the only city on this continent where this industry is carried on. Platinum, while not as -well known as many other of the metals, occupies a very important position in the arts and sciences ; in fact, many chemical operations could not be carried on and many delicate electrical appliances could not be manufactured without it. The increased demand for this metal has probably marked the advance of civilization fully as much as any other metal. The Ural Mountains furnish about So per cent, of the crude product of the world. It is shipped direct from the mines to Baker & Company, of this city, who are the only refiners of that product on this continent. The refining process includes not only the tation, and so on. It is one of the most malleable and probabljr the most ductile metal known, as it is possible to draw a naked wire down to one thousandth of an inch in diameter. The use to which this wire is put is usually for fuses in dynamite cartridges, and by a little different process of drawing, a wire very much finer can be obtained, known as spiderweb wire, which is used as the cross lines in the theodolite, and also for the meridians in the telescope. Platinum sponge, as is well known, possesses the peculiar property of uniting oxygen and hydrogen gas, and this property has been put to some practical use in the construction of electric cigar lighters, etc. The space is too limited here, nor is it desirable to enter upon PLANT OF BAKER & CO., PLATINUM REFINERS, 408-414 N. J. R. R. AVENUE. separatie carried on we know the examiners and readers must be wonder- fully elated, and rise from their sittings satisfied and contented. Not this alone, but he must feel that he has learned some lessons in the history of Newark, Xcw Jersey, on the Pa.ssaic river, that he never knew before. If in the presentation of this work to the world we have done nothing more than brint; before them the realization to the full of Xew ark's real greatness in shadow only, as tht beautiful photographic views loom up befori^ them, we shall be content. Among the thousands which speak in vol- umes of her praise for the good work already done, we present the industr)- of smelting and refining as conducted by Lelong & Bro., durin.i; the past thirty-five years in the great brick buildings, on Halsey, Marshall and Xevada streets. A very fine idea of the greatness and grandeur of this concern where such a rich, rare and extensive business is carried on under the immediate supervision of Mr. Louis Lelong, his brother Alexander and Mr. Charles J. Dega\Te can be had by a careful examination of the plates presented here. This firm is extensively and favorabh- known throughout the United States, Canada, Central America and Mexico. ROBERTSON ^S: I^EBER. OV THIS page is seen a beautiful half-tone picture of the separating room which is truly representative of the industrial concern carrying on the important business of refining at Xo. 13 and 15 Franklin street, by Robertson \- Leber. The firm began the business of refining, assaying and smelting gold, silver and platinum in 1SS9, and are thoroughly, well and favora- bly known throughout the United States and Canada. The members of the firm are young and enterprising men and are representatives of that cla.ss who earn success by first gaining a knowledge of their elected business undertaking. I-\TERI'>K \Ii;W OK ROBEKl; NEWARK, X. /, ILLUSTRATED OSCA.R A. NENNINGER. SCi OVERCROWDED has the city of Newark become, with its growing industries in its more central portions, that many very large establishments have erected their plants far out in the suburbs. Such has been the case with the concern of Oscar A. Nenninger, in which is carried on the business of gold and silver refining, sweep smelting, etc. To procure the necessary ground room whereon to erect the buildings for the housing of his machinery, furnaces, smelting pots, materials, and all the paraphernalia for the conduct of his business, Mr. Nenninger's footsteps turned northward, to the region where the beautiful Passaic is crossed by the New York & Greenwood Lake Railroad, and near where the Second river empties into the stream as it winds its lovely way among the green hills, which grasp its smiling waters in tender embrace as they run rippling on toward the great ocean. The plot lies quite near the river, on Passaic avenue, in the region formerly known Oscar A. Nenninger, as well as being a thoroughly practical business man, and an adept at the work of wringing success from the grasp of apparently unyielding difficulties, is a man of science, and all along, during the years of his successful conduct of hi.s industry of gold and silver refining, assaying, and smelting high grade gold and silver ores, and jewelers' sweeps, he has opened up a new specialty in nickel refining. After years of study and patient experiment, he succeeded in the work of refining the utile, rich and beautiful metal known as nickel, which in this age of the world is so largely used in plating and taking the place of silver in many great industries. Just how- large a debt of gratitude the world owes Oscar A. Nenninger for his discovery of a cheap and easy method of refining nickel, will never be known, as he cheerfully gave the long days of his labor and toil, and followed the bent of his genius, far away into the small hours of the early morning, so many, many times, as he REFINING WORKS OF OSCAR A. NENNINGER, RIVERSIDE AVENUE AND THE P.VS.SAIC RIVER. as Woodside, but now passes under the name of North Newark. There the huge furnaces of peculiar shape send forth the curling smoke indicative of the burning processes going on below, and burning out every vestige of impurity, converting the refuse into ashes, cinder and smoke, and melting the precious metals down which lie hidden therein. The molten mass, gathering into shining grains of yellow gold, shining nickel and sparkling silver bars as rich and pure as the original ore gathered from far-away Australian or Californian mines. As well as the smelting, Mr. Nenninger carries on the refining of the precious metals. This is an industry which tends largely to the aggrandizement of Newark, and many of her wide-awake go-ahead men have not only found wealth in its conduct, but pleasure as well, and have succeeded by their marvelous skill and indomitable energy in carrying the business to a high grade of success. Some of the most extensive plants in the city are given over to this business of smelting and refining. The business con- ducted by Mr. Oscar A. Nenninger, in the commodious buildings, a speaking likeness of which our artist has transferred to these pages from sketches taken on the spot, was founded in 1SS3, by Mr. Nenninger, and has had a remarkably successful career. pursued his ideal into the furnace and smelter by way of experi- ment, without expectation of fee or reward. That he is reaping a rich reward from the addition of this specialty — the refining of nickel — to his old-established industrial pursuits, is a fact that can- not be gainsayed. No one will deny but that it is well deserved. In all probability there are few industries which give a better return, nor are there many which require an outlay greater in securing it, than that of smelting and refining, and the sister industry of assaying the precious metals, gold, silver and nickel. Although the latter is seldom reached, and more seldom finds a place in the conduct of the manufactures a.id arts than this cit)', where such a mighty variety of productions spangle the city over and over with the richest and rarest, and the costliest and cheapest in the long range of productions which are the output of the genius of the greatest number of skilled workmen that have known concentration in any other one given place. The amount of capital is quite fabulous that is necessary to bring these workmen up to the point of output, as the result of a conversion of their study and labor, and the readiness with which those who hold the capital, put it forth, and uncomplainingly accept the resultant profit or loss, is highly commendable. NEirA/^K, N. /„ ILLUSTRATED. 133 \A/M. A. SCHENCK & CO. THE wonderful work of the transformations and transmutations of the precious metals carried on in the industrial concerns of the city of Newark, is a subject of a startling nature to the average casual obser\-er, but when studied in its detail and minutia becomes of the deepest interest to the closest student. First in the amount of the precious stuff handled, in the multitudinous processes carried on, and second in the almost infinitessimal variety, styles, makeups and patterns of the articles of ornament, virtue and necessity, into which they are converted by force of the manipulations through which they pa-ss and the cunningness of the devices which the ingenuity of our mechanics bring to bear on the machinery- and machines, which so willingly a.ssist their deft fingers in the almost magical work of their conversion. In this article we shall only have to do with beautiful silver, the weaker sister of the beguiling gold, which ranks among the richest of nature's outputs from her won- derful crucibles. Althought it is found but sel- dom near the surface of mother earth, ever so rich in her treasures. 1> u t generally a w a y d e e j) down the virgin ore is found nestling close in the loving em- 1) r a e e of its granite founda- tions awaiting the attack of the miner with drill and blast, and daring hand forcing it into the bucket of ascent to reach the surface, where in the embrace of the ruthless crusher it is torn asunder and brought in contact with the insidious mercurj' and sparkling electro magnetic current, which catches up with nimble fingers the bright grains and hands them over to take their place in the line of march of the industries next to gold. So plentiful is silver when compared with gold, so great a value is not fixed upon it. The compara- tive cheapness and beauty of silver has had verj' much to do with its utility, and thus its adaptation follows to a great variety of purposes of ornamentation and usefulness, where the more expensive gold cannot be applied with advantage. Like many other industries which have their abiding place in Xewark workshops, so the manufacturing of useful and almost indispensable articles from silver has grown to such an extent, that Xewark now claims to be the main centre for manufacturing silver products. Prominently among the number engaged in the conversion of virgin silver into articles of commerce, is the enterprising young firm of William A. Schenck & Co., which carries on a silver industry at the north-west corner of Washington and Crawford HhN< K v ' great, and is increasing daily. The parties conducting this industry are young and as the results prove, full of enterprise. THE ART OF ENGRAVING. 'ERHAPS there is not within the wide domain of industrial activity to-day in the United States any branch of art in which a higher degree of technical skill is displayed, than in the line of business devoted to the engraving of rolls for printing calicoes, satinets, silks, oil cloths and kindred articles, and for embossing textile fabrics, paper, rubber and metals, and may be added also, in few has there been made such notable progress of late years. The advance made in this direction during the past quarter of a century or so in this country, is of a very marked and gratifying character. In this connection special mention should be made of the wideh- known and flourishing firm of engravers, Thomas and George M. Stone, Newark Engraving "Works, which enjoys the distinction of being the oldest, leading and best equipped establishment of the kind in the United States, having since the inception of the enter- prise thirty-five years ago maintained a record of steady and substantial progress, while its products are in steady and extensive demand, not only throughout the entire Union, but also Mexico, South America and Canada. The premises occupied were built by them in the year iSSS, and are supplied with ample steam power and are completely equipped in every respect with the most improved machinery, aj^pliances and appurtenances known to the art, while employment is afforded upwards of fort)--five expert workmen, designers, engravers and skilled hands. The work turned out here is A i in every feature, in design, execution, finish and effectiveness, while the patronage of the firm is fully commensurate with the capacity of the works, and the name and standing of the concern. After long experimenting the}- have been successful in putting in a gas hardening or anneal- ing furnace, which is, in every respect, a safer and cleaner process. Messrs. Stone do the greater part of the engraving that is done for the calico, silk, satinet and oil cloth printers throughout the country, for whom the)- do the fine designing and engraving, which is instrumental in producing the printed goods of various kinds and stj-les, which are so pf>pular everywhere and the hand- somest work of this kind that has ever been seen comes from this establishment. The work on some of the rollers used for emboss- ing cloth, velvet, satin, paper, rubber, zinc, brass and other sheet metals is most elaborate in character, and dies of all sorts are made for striking off buttons, bangles and various kinds of jewelry work. Rolls are made from the most diminutive size up to those weighing over a ton. Latel)- the firm has been doing a great deal in getting up rolls for oil cloth manufacturers, some of the patterns requiring as manj- as six rolls to complete them. Rolls have also been made which enable leather manufacturers to imitate alligator and seal skins that any one but an expert would pronounce them to be the genuine skin. The satisfactorj- result from these rolls was obtained only after years of experi- menting, as it was a very difficnilt matter to get an exact seal impression. The firm is now ab e to produce an imitation of any seal skin desired. It is also at these works that the rolls are made which are used in printing or embossing the celebrated Lincrusta-Walton, which is used so much for decorating the interiors of our fine buildings, state rooms of steamships, parlor XEUAKK, y. /., ILLUSTRATED. 137 tars, etc. The largest rolls ever made as well as the finest have been prochiced by the Messrs. Stone. It would be hard to enumerate the many purposes for which thev have made rolls at different times. .\. SCHI.ITKTISK & CO, THE man who has the patience, and is endowed with a mind succeptible to such impressions as will tit it by education to guide the arms, hands and fingers, into the skillful ways for the manufacture of medallion heads, portraits, figures and all kinds of dies and tools for jewelers and fancy brass work, celluloid and hard rubber dies, embossing dies for stationers, steel stamps, seal presses, hat tip dies, cV-c, is an artist indeed, and a child of genius, and such an one is Albert Schlueter, and as is his partner Henry Loeffler. The business now conducted so skillfully by the wizard-like Schlueter, was started in iSSi by Mr. H. Fiedler, who carried it on till iSSf), when Mr. Schlueter took hold, and Mr. Loeffler two years later. Albert Schlueter is in love with his art. and per conseciuence the work turned out from the establishment of A. Schlueter & Co. is all of a very high character, and is in demand everywhere that first-class goods find a market. This company keep a number of skilled artists at work in the commodious and well-arranged establishment, as shown on this l)age. by an engraving made from a sketch from the pencil of our artist, which is located at 363 Market street, near the P. R. R. Depot. They make a specialty of medallion heads, portraits, figures and all kinds of die sinking and jewelers' tools as well. An order left with Albert Schlueter & Co. will always be a welcome guest, and its filling will be but the occupation of the time between now and imme- diately. W(lKk^ UK lllo>. Ji (ii;0. M. ST(JNK. KSCiKAVKKS, IIAMIl.TnX ANIJ M Wll^K I IK >l KKI I > DESIGN OF K. SCIILIETER Sc CO., ENGR.WEKS, MARKET STREET AND RAILROAD PLACE. .58 XEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. EXAMELEK. \\. UUlHLEIN, ENGKAVEK. JOSEl'H I'OWELL. H. BUCHLEIN. AMONG the jewelry industries carried on in this city, the art of enameling forms a most important part in the decoration of jewelry and watch cases. Prominently engaged in this art stands Mr. Joseph Powell, whose portrait is herewith given. This gentleman conducts the business of enameling at No. 12 Green street, where he devotes his entire attention to the beauti- ful art of decorating and painting in enamel on every description of article in solid silver and silverware in plain and fancy colors. THE designing and manufacturing of seals for societies, cor- porations and notary publics, the designing, engraving and die sinking for jewelers, and ornamental brass work, also for leather and paper embossing, is one of the numerous industries for which the city is noted. Mr. H. Buchlein, whose portrait illustrates this page, engaged in the business twenty years ago, and from his workshop have come some of the finest specimens of badges, and society insignia, known to the trade. His factory is located on the third floor of 7S7 Broad street. ] le is a practical mechanic in the manufacturing of marvels in this line, prompt and reliable in all his business relations and deserves the success with which he has met. HENKV M. LITTI.E. AMONG the numerous industries carried on in a great manu- facturing city like Newark, there are to be foimd thousands of expert mechanics upon whose skill and experience many of them in a greater or less degree depend. There are perhaps but few engaged in the profession of consulting mechanical engineer- ing and draughting, who have won a higher reputation for all round expert work than Mr. Henry M. I,ittle, whose portrait forms one of the illustrations herewith given. This enterprising citizen and mechanic is well and favorably known in Newark, he having been identified with the silk factory on Bank street for a number of years. He is now a resident of Wabash, Indiana. That growing Western city is a fine field in which Mr. Little will find a wide range for the exercise of his versatile engineering talents. Like many another Newarker who has gone forth to other fields, we opine that the same success which so eminently marked his career in the practice of his profession here, will follow him there. He was long a familiar figure about the silk works on Bank street, and he has left not a few monuments of his engineering skill, and his business tact and energy as well, in the great brick building known as the Newark City Silk Mills. For many years Mr. Little had the entire control and management of the same. EXK^' M. Ell ri>:, IIKAL '.H l>MA\. NEWARK, X. _/., ILLUSTRATED, 139 TAHI.K CI.OTH DKSICX HV A K. CKAIO, ENGRAVER. KAII.KOAI* AVKNVK AN'I) KAST I'AIR STREET. '^r-^^^^^x^^W^ I : K.X 1 JlvKV is: CKAK B&H-(i^') THIS firm was organized in 1S.S3, and is composed of Messrs. Daniel Bradley and Andrew K. Craig, each of whom are practical mechanics in the engravers art, and were among the first to produce successfully, colored patterns for oil cloth printing, on which they retain a monopoly, due perhaps, to their superior work- manship, and have produced the largest engraved rolls now in use. The engraving of rolls for embossing sheet metal, paper, leather, etc., forms a large part of their trade, throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. Rolls for printing silk, plush, calico, satinet, wall papers, etc., make up the balance of their out put. Many of the best acknowledged patterns have been engraved by this firm. The machinery used is first-class, and the works are equipped with every improvement known to the trade, and none but the best expert work- men are employed. In the illustrations herewith given is a beautiful engraved table cloth and photos of the yourg and Enterprising proprietors. 14° NEU-ARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. INTERIOR VIEW OF THE ESSEX ENGRAVING WORKS, No. 12; AND 127 N J. R. R. AVENCE, THE engraving industry as carried i>n in the city of Newark has in all probability at the hands of no individual or company, a fairer exposition than from these of Vogel & Kubler, who do a large business as engravers to oil cloth, calico, paper and satinet printers, also rollers for the embossing of plush paper, rubber, leather and all sheet metals, under the firm name or title of the Essex Engraving Works, located at 125 and 127 New Jersey Railroad avenue, between Green and Elm streets. This engraving business was estab- lished in iSSS, by the head of the present firm, Mr. A. Vogel and Mr. Albert J. Kubler. The truly marvel- ous success which has followed the career of this firm is only another demonstration of the w e 1 1-k n o w n fact, which long ago passed into the field of adage, "That honesty is the best policy." From the very be- .ginning the firm prospered, and liow the industrv which had a very modest beginning, has its plant housed in the ALOYS VOGEL. cxtcnsivc and im- posing buildings, of which a faithful representation of the interior is presented on tliis page, through the instrumentality of our artist's pencil, who so faithfully photographed them, and the engraver who fashioned the plates for this beautiful picture. Few industries among the thousands which have their homes in this busy city on the Passaic, have had such smooth sailing as this one over which Mr. A. Vogel presides. A stranger may be pardoned for asking, why is this? When the answer would come up in ready response. Mr. Vogel is an artist himself and knows all about the biisiness, and it is quite natural to believe that he knows just what he is about all the while, and can see quite readily how to avoid the rocks upon which the business might strand were not the helm of the good ship in such wise, quick and clear discerning hands ''. Whenever t h c rollers they manu facture arereqired, the firm is already so well and favora- bly known and the goods which are the output of their industry have been so well tested, they find a ready sale at very remunerative rates. The dimen- sion of the build- ings are 40 by 75 '^^t- .\li!i:rt j. kukler. NEU.IRK, X J., ILLUSTRATED. 141 XEWARIv RIVET WORKS. NOTHING leads to a greater degree of surprise and wonder to the investigator of the extent and variety of the industries tarried on in this great manufacturing centre, than that of rivet making. This industry occupies a most important place in the aggregation, it acting as feeder to many other things. No manufacturing establishment where iron-hooped barrels, casks, etc., are turned out, and no steam boiler works can well be run without the aid of the inseperable and indispensable rivet. out by the millions, is an industry which was established in 1S74, and is located on Monroe street, covering the large plot of ground extending from No. 13S to 146. The business offices of the company are at No. J46. Mr. W. F. Harris is president, and W. W. Trimpi secretary and treasurer, the company being incorporated. Probably no manufacturing establishment in the city has a plant selected with greater care, and their machines, tools, lathes, furnaces, etc., many of the former being automatic. I !.- J i ■ i 111 NEWARK RIVET WORKS, MONROE STREET. Many an establishment which carries a high head, would be brought low were the supporters of the rivet withdrawn To little purpose would boiler-makers turn Ihe great sheets of rolled metal into cylinder shapes, or drill the holes, small and great, along the borders, without the ready rivet to hold the first in shape, and fill the latter in carrying out their purpose to build a boiler. Few industries, indeed, carried on in Newark come into greater prominence or demonstrates more clearly the great fact of the dependence u])on one another, or upon each other to a greater or less degree, than this of rivet making. From the institution, photographic views of which are seen on this page, rivets of every style, make and description, are turned being of the very best for the purposes for which they are designed and used. Besides the millions of rivets made of iron, copper and brass, and the celebrated Norway iron rivets, black, coppered and tinned, which this company are daily turning out, they also manufacture large lines of sheet metal goods, escutcheon pins, jjipe umbrella ferules, baby carriage hubs, bolts, etc. Their goods as well as finding a ready sale at home, where much of their output is consumed, find anxious buyers and satisfied consumers in all the large cities of this country. A large number of mechanics and laborers are given constant employment in the conduct of this useful branch of the manifold industries carried on In Newark. 142 NEWARK, A". /. ILLUSTRATED. KEVV JERSEY ZINC AND COMPANY. AMONG the thousands of industrial establishments in the city of Newark, the one that is peerless stands on the plot, or rather covers, the broad acres lying on Chapel street and Passaic avenue, the Morris Canal and the Passaic River, and is known as the New Jersey Zinc and Iron Company. On the territory bounded as above, this company (recognized as the oldest in the city), has erected a plant of exceedingly great value, consisting of more than a score of great brick structures with their mighty draft chimne)-s reaching heaven- ward. Smoke stacks huge and tall, gives to the beholder as he looks at its pillars of smoke ever curling upward from furnaces whose fires burn night and day and seldom go out, and when night shuts down the glow of the burning gas at the chimney tops sending a lurid glare over and around the city, an appearance of weirdness that is truly startling. Gray with age many of the buildings are, and the walls are covered with soot and dust. As a visitor enters the great gates, thrown wide open for his reception, the rattle and bang of busi- ness turmoil smites his ear and the smell of the burning that seldom knows quenching, salutes his olfactorys. On all sides are seen huge piles of virgin ore from the mines, and heaps of coal towering like young mountains each awaiting its turn, later to be consumed in the furnaces furnishing the heat for melting and smelting, the other to be cast into the cupolas or smelting pot. An army of woi'kmen stripped to the buff, flit like spectres to and fro before him, bent to the work at wheeling the laden barrow, or bear- ing the heavy burden, their muscles standing out like huge knots on arms, breast and shoulder, the dust mingling with sweat, bursting from every wide open pore, giving their faces, bronzed with health and e.xposure a semi-sav- age look, which belies the good-natured and happy hearts palpitating in many bosoms or streaking their faces with the grime made ghastly b)^ the strange outer covering. Night and day these works are run by two gangs of managers, overseers and laborers. When the bell taps or whistles blow one set or gang departs for rest, sleep and refreshment, while another takes their place, and thus it is that the fires are kept burning, the melting and smelting never ceasing e.xcept on Sabbath day. The ore for reduction is brought by canal, river and rail from their own mines in Sussex county, and is converted into oxide of zinc and spelter, articles of great utility and necessity in the world's operations, and is everywhere in demand and finds a ready sale in the markets. The companj' turns out a high grade iron called spregelersen, a greatly prized article of com- merce, which is possessed of such excellent qualities and is such a high grade of purity as to be in great demand for its marvelous utility. That the reader may gain a better understand- ing of the extent of territory occupied for the housing of the plant of the company and exten- sive character of the works, the artist has here presented views which give a representation which is indeed a speaking likeness and worthy of a careful study, but while it detracts nothing from the wonderful skill displayed by the artist IRON in their transference to these pages, to say that the works of the New Jerse}- Zinz and Iron Company must be seen on the spot, like the Falls of Niagara, to be appreciated, the plant of the com- pany growing in greatness while you gaze, while the falls grow in grandeur as you linger and contemplate. More than 400 skilled workmen and laborers are given constant employment, while there is an output annually of several millions of value of zinc and iron productions. Mr. William Hardenbergh superin- tends all the operations of the company, and is indeed the right man in the right place. z r. Z d o c V. 'J. > r. XEUARK, N. /., II.I.L'STRATED. 143 MALill.\hK> i'i.ANT Dl- >. VKL.-. Cl KKIKK iV- Sl).\.-5, KAll.KoAH I'l.ACK, COMMERCIv AXI) MAkKlil .sIKEETS. CYRUS CUKRIER cV: SONS. THE illustrations herewith given the oldest, and perhaps most successfully conducted ff>r upwards by Messrs. Cyrus Currier & Sons, founders. The business was establi ent site by the honored father of the tors, in March, i"^42. Its founder. represent one of useful, industry t)f half a century machinists and slied at the [ires- ])resent proprie- whose photo is }{iven below, came of New England Revolutionary stock, on lioth the maternal and paternal sides. His grandfather, Nathaniel Currier, held a commission as major under King George the III, and upon the commencement of revolu- tionary- troubles cast his influence with the patriots, and in 1773 was elected by his fellow townsmen of Salisburg. Mass., to represent them in the Congress at Watertown. He enlisted in the Continental army and was made a captain. Miirris Currier, the father of the subject of this sketch, was identified with a number of useful industries, such as nail, chain and anchor forges, and saw- mills, and was a pioneer in the manufacture of woolen goods. Before engag- ing in business for himself, Mr. Cyrus Currier was associated with the now illustrious Seth Boyden, and performed a large share of the mechanical work on the locomotives Orange and Essex for the Morris and Essex Railroad. These engines revolutionized the construction of locomotives. He also had charge of the first steam fire engine stationed in New York. This engine not onl3' had steam pumps, but was propelled by steam. In 1849 he took the Overland Route to California, and among many other other incidents of the trip, he traded a mule team with Brigham Young on the Rocky Mountains, and he built the first sawmill that was put up in the California Red Woods. United States Senator Leland Stanford's stock farm is now watered by the brook which supplied water for the boiler. What was at that time a wilder- ness of immense red wood trees is now occupied by fruit farms. During the more than fifty years since the business was established, there have been several partners, and for many years previous to the admission of his sons as partners, he conducted the business alone. The policy of the concern has ever been to conduct a general business in the line of machinery and castings, and at the same time to manufacture several special- ties, which constituted a backbone to rely on. At one time this shop produced nearly all the machinery used in the manufacture of hats, and they made jewelers' machinery a specialty for several years, Paper-making machinery has always been a specialty of the firm, and in this line they own and control several valuable patents. They have given particular attention to some branches of the leather business, and have made radical changes in the machinery for the manufacture of enamel cloths. A great amount of experi- mental work has been done in their factorj^, and many inventions have been made useful by them which otherwise would have been of no value. CVRLS CURKIEK, FOLXDtR. '44 NEWARK, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. INTERIOR VlliW OK HKRHERT W . CHAP.MAN-.S MACHINE WORKS, MULBERRY STREET. HERBERT W. CHAPMAN, BUILDER of bank iKitf engravers' machinery, engraving machines for calico and satinet printers, patent foot presses for jewelers or sheet metal workers, high speed simple, compound and triple expansion engines for steam yachts and launches, etc. This business was estabHshed in 1S72, for the manufacture of jewelers' tools and special machinery for the manufacture of novel- ties, etc. In the year 1877, the line of machinery for bank note and other engravers was introduced, and is still continued as one of the principal manufactures. The building of fine compound and triple expansion engines for marine purposes is another addition to the regular line of machinerj- built by this house. In this connection the reader will be interested in glancing at the beautiful photo illustrations, which have been so successfully trans- ferred to these images, in which the artist, with the true magic of his art has given such an excellent idea of the extent, and somewhat of the intricacy of the machinery and tools necessary to be employed in turning out the various lines of machinery built at this establishment. These works are located at Nos. 227, 229 and 231 Mtilberry street. HERBERT W. Cn.VI'M.iN'. NEWARK, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 145 OOULU & KLJLCKHA.KUT. THE & extensive works of Gould Eberhardt on New Jersey R. R. avenue are the outgrowth of an industry founded more than half a century- ago by Mr. Gould, the senior member of the present firm. The founder of this most important industry and one of Newark's most honored and highly respected citizens is a native of Paterson, N. J., and a skilled mechanic of more than ordinary ability, who started in Newark with one of the first steam engines, brought into the city, on the Ran- kin property near the old pond, at High and Market streets, and although he has passed the allotted term of four score years, he is still in good health and enjoys the result of well-earned prosperity. Established m 1833, in a room 16 X 16 feet in dimensions, what was then known as the Heden- berg works, from this small begin- ning has grown the present exten- sive business, with a trade extending to all parts of the civilized world. The active management of the entire concern for the past twenty years or more has devolved upon his partner, Mr. Ulrich Eberhardt, a native of .Switzerland, who served his apprentice- ship with Mr. Gould, and has been identified with the works as apprentice, foreman and partner for about thirty-five years, and who is now owner of the works. The premises occu]5ied have a frontage on New Jersey Railroad avenue, extending from No. 1)5 to in, inclusive, upon which is ■erected a commodious four story building 35 x 150 in dimensions, GOILD » EBERHARDT, gs TO iii NEW JRKSKV KAIl.KOAH AVENLE. with an annex 51 x 35 feet, a foundry building 50 x 60 feet, and a pattern storage 40 x 50 feet, having a frontage on New Jersey Railroad avenue, Green street and Bruen street. The leading products of this extensive establishment comprise fine grades of first-class, entirely automatic machinists' tools, special machinery and general machine work of the most a Ivanced ideas of construction, lathes, planers, slottcrs, Eber- hardt's patent gear cutters (which have created a new field with manufacturers all over the world) the latter machine being used universally for cutting the electric car motor gears. Milling machines, power, drop and lever presses, steel plate print- ing presses, which do the work more perfectly than hand work, some twenty-five of these being in use by the United States Government at the Kureau of Engraving and Print- ing Washington, D. C, also by the Canada Bank Note Co., and other governments. Also build bank note engravers trans- fer presses and calico j^rinters' engravers' lathes. Oscar Barnett. THE i givei illustration herewith OJC.\R BARNETT, HAMII.P JRTER AND ERLEN STRti.l.- Barnett's malleable and grey iron works, located on Hamil- ton, McWhorter and Bruen streets. The business was established in 1845, by Stephen D. Barnett, father of the pres- ent proprietor. The principal market for the goods manufact- ured extends over the United States and Canada, while some are exported to England and South America. 146 NEJVAJiK, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. KK'HARD.SOX SAW WORKS, RIVKR STRIiHl'. RICHARDSON BROTHERS. R. HKIXISCH'S SONS CO. GO WHERE he will, the reader meets with saws made in Newark and bearing the well-known and popular stamp of the Richardsons. These great saw works began their career under the guidance of the men whose honored name they bear, by filing and repair- ing the saws of other manufacturers, not being able at that early day to control capital enough to manufacture, themselves. It was not long before their tact, diligence and experience began to tell, and the extent and scope of their works began extending under the influence of capital, which had accepted this field for invest- ment. The mechanical skill, honesty and integrity of the Rich- ardsons turned out such a high grade of saws that the product needs but bear their trademark to find a ready sale. The capital now used by the company, which was incorporated in iSgo, aggregates the enormous sum of $400,000, held by thirt}-- three stockholders, employing 200 skilled workmen, who ttirn out yearly thousands of the finest saws ever made. Hon. George A. Halsej- is president; S. S. Battin, vice-president; Hamilton Dis- ton, treasurer, and F. B. Earle, secretary. The tone and solidity of the great concern is readily seen in the honored names of its officers. The beautiful photograph here seen gives a striking view of the great buildings in which the company's saw-making plant is concentrated and housed; but how little can be realized of the extent of the mighty industry car- ried on within, in man- ufacturing from the finest plates of the very best steel saws of a great variety of forms, shapes and sizes, to be used for all manner of work where this ' ' tool of genius " the separa- ting saw, is required by the ten.s of thous- ands of operatives all over the country. To get a full understand- of the grandeur of this saw making inst- tution one must make a visit of inspection through it. AS EARLY in the century as 1S25, Robert Heinisch began the industry of making scissors in the city of Newark. A thorough knowledge of his business, and a settled determination that no policy of his should control Robert Heinisch but the one founded on the old adage that " honesty is the best policy," this course soon found the road to success and competency by the way of honest goods of high grade. The fine temper of the goods turned out by Mr. Heinisch soon gave them a reputation which created a demand that needed a more extensive plant for manu- facturing so as to meet it. Orders from all over the country, where the Heinisch shears for tailors, seamstresses and clerks were used, came pouriug in. In iSg2 the sons became the success- ors, and a little later they were organi2ed into a company under the New- Jersey State Laws, with R. Heinisch, president; R. E. Heinisch, secre- tary, and D. W. -Van- Tine, Treasurer. A beautiful photo illustra- tion of their works ap- pears on this page. R. HEINISCH'S SONS CO., BRUCE STREET, CORNER THIRTEENTH AVENUE. NEWARK, X. /., ILLUSTRATED. DESICN OF OHL & HAEFNER. OHL & HAEKNKR. THK al>ove cut represents the founders of the firm of Ohl & Ilaefner. who, engaged in the manufacture of machinery at Xos. 9 and 15 Ailing street, Newark. N. J., by conducting their business on strictly honest and business principles, have built Tip a trade second to none in their line in this town. This firm attributes its success mainlv to the fact that thev refrained from making a specialty of any one or other kind of machinery. Although they hold several valuable patents of their own, they are at all times ready to manufacture or improve the inventions of others. Besides this they do a large jobbing business, always having lirst-class help to do their work, which varies from the most delicate dies and tools, to presses, engines and a large variety of ordinary and special machinery of ihe heaviest and most approved type. DESIGN OF F. J. SCH.M1TT & CO. F. J. SCHMITT & Co. TIMS tirni, although estab- lished only about two years ago, is at present con- ducted by Frank J. Schmitt and Gus. A. Kruttschnitt, and in this short time they have enjoyed a large and growing patronage from all the leading jewelrj- houses in Newark and vicinity. They haveadded new lines of manufacture to the large variety of jewelers' and silversmiths' machinery, which they now make. They are the sole manufacturers of the Vaughn Patent Power Hammer used largely for forging pur- poses. One of the latest branches they have added to this line is the manufacture of pearl button machinery in every variety. Their business is in- creasing very rapidly, and in the fall of 1891 they were forced to add a new addition to their factorj- in order to be able to fill orders more promptly, and the indications are they will soon have to add more room. 148 NEWARK, N. /, ILLUSTRATED. SFPEErPPPaBFIlEP T I M t3 E: N Ci I N lliBJi l[|lt£!{!|!£ PiR!lTFFtil.£rtl,FE ENGINE WORKS OF JOSEPH S. IIUNDY, PROSPECT STREET. JOSEPH S. MIJXIJV. JOSEPH S, ML'NDY, mechanical engineer and manufact- urer of hoisting engines, Prospect street, Newark, N. J., was born in Rahway, in April, 1S4.7. His father, Henry E., was born 1816 and died 1S78, and married Frances Crowell, by whom he had eight children, seven boys and one girl. His great grandfather was a soldier in the Federal army during the revolutionary war, and was engaged in the famous charge JUSEI'II S. MUN1>V. from the Cedar Grove swamp between Perth Amboy and Rahway against the Tories. His grandfather, Henry, was a carriage manu- facturer, and was one of the first promoters of the New Jersey Rail- road and Transportation Co. , now part of the grand trunk line of the Pennsylvania railroad. Joseph S. Mundy received his education in a district country school during the winter months, working on his father's farm during the balance of the year, untill 1866, when his father removed to Newark, where Joseph S., went to work to learn the stone cutter's trade. His mind leaned toward mechanics and not being contented with the trade he started to learn, he shortly after apprenticed himself, in August 1S66, with Dutton & Wilson, machin- ists, at 83.00 per week ; where showing so much interest for his employers, that before the year had elapsed he was advanced to S7.50 per week. In the spring of 1S6S this firm dissolved, and he engaged with the Hick's Engine Co., as journeyman. In the winter of 1869, he left the Hick's Engine Co., and enga.eed with Messrs. Horton & Kent, successors to Messrs. Dutton & Wilson his former employers. Shortly after this, Horton bought out Kent's interest in the business, when Joseph S., went into partnership with Horton, on borrowed capital, the firm being Horton & Mundy, and in the Fall of 1S70, he bought out the entire business, his father furni.shing the money. During this time he studied hard, also doing the work of three men, working from seven in the morning until ten at night, in order to make a success of his business. In 1871 he began to make sketches and plans of a friction drum hoisting engine. Not having any money to complete his invention with, until 1873, when he made his first complete machine, altering and changing the entire mechan- ism three times, after which it proved to be the most complete and best known device for pile driving and hoisting every produced, and was therefore patented by him in 1875. Thousands of his engines have been supplied to bridge builders, railroad contractors, railroad companies, dock builders, quarries and mining companies. His works now cover nearly two acres of groimd, with all the latest improved class of machinery, with an area of 150,240 square feet of working room. Joseph S. married Mary E. Hallenbeck, daughter of William H. Hallenbeck, of Hudson, N. Y., in 1873, by whom he has had one son born to him. He is a Knight Templar, Mason, also a member of the Imperial Ancient Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine , Mecca Temple, New York. In the winter of 1S68 he joined the Second Reformed Church, of Newark, and has always been an ardent church worker. NEWARK, X. /., ILLUSTRATED. EDMUND JOSX. 149 THE illustrations on this page represent the works of Edrnvind Jost, machinist, brass founder and finisher, located at Xos. 350 and 352 Plane street, between William and Market streets. The business was established in 1S70, bv the present projirietor, who is a practical mechanic, with considerable experience in the art of con- structing philosophical, mathematical and optical instruments. The works are equipped with every improvement for the manufacturing of special machinery and brass work required in the construction of experimental and patented novelties, for steam, water, gas, oil, chemical, electrical, and every description of interchangeable pro- ducts. Electricity is the motive power employed in running the wonderful lathes, drilling, shaping, planing and turning machines screw cutting and milling tools, etc. Employment is found for up- wards of fifty skilled mechanics, who are constantly engaged in sup- plying the steadily increasing demands of the trade. The brass foundry, located in tlie rear of the main factory, is capable of pro- ducing all kinds of brass and composition castings, and is a model in itself. The products are principally noted for superior workman- ship and adaptation to the purposes for which they are designed, and are largely consumed by the trade throughout the principal cities of the United States Mr. Edmund Jost is well known, and has the confidence of the various trade representatives, and is esteemed as an enterprising and successful manufacturer and an upright citizen, whose business has been made successful by the close personal attention given to the intricate work intrusted to his care. I-.DMUND JOST. KXTERIOR AND INTERIOR VIEWS OF EDMUND JOST'.S M.\CHINE .SHOP AND FOUNDRY, PLANE STREET. 15° NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. T H. T. CLAW^SON. 'HE inventor is to the mechanic art what the poet is to litera- ture ; each in his way presents the subhmity of thought. The illustrations given on this and the opposite page truthfully repre- sent an industry which has in a large degree contributed to make the city of Newark celebrated all over the world. In reviewing the numerous interests of the city, the inventor proves an important feature, for it is to his skill and brains that the genius of a country is most clearly exhibited, especially from a practical point of view. In this connection, the house of H. T. Clawson and C. C. Clawson, in- ventors and manufacturers of auto- matic package filling machines and slot machines, is worthy of mention. The works are located at No. 21 Hackett street, adjoining the famous Hedenberg Works. Mr. C. C. Claw- son's famous package filling machine is one of the great labor-saving ma- chines of the age. With them he can accurately weigh and put in packages any material, such as rice, coffee, starch, shot and the like, forty packages per minute, which are carried off upon an endless belt. He makes twenty-four different kinds, adapted to various articles. He is also the inventor of the musical weighing machine, a machine which weighs a person accurately, prints the exact weight upon a card with the date, deposits the printed card upon a small table to receive the same, and at the same time plays a beautiful tune; the scale and all the apparatus connected with it are set in motion by dropping a " nickel " in the slot. It is a very ingenious piece of workmanship. From this invention and fr.im his automatic fortune-telling machine, which is also opera- '~^' WORKS OF H. T. CL.^WSON, HACKETT STREET. ted by dropping a "nickel" in the slot, have sprung the swarm, of small imitators. The soothsayers of the past would turn green with envy if the}' could know that a fortune could be told by dropping a " nickel " in the slot. H. T. Clawson and C. C. Clawson, father and son, in them are united business shrewdness and inventive genius. Their names have reached every city in the United States and are becoming familiar in foreign countries. Mr. C. C. Clawson is president of the Clawson Slot Machine Company, a corporation which has be- come successful in handling slot machines invented by its president. H. T. CLAWSON, MANUFACTURER. C. C. CLAWSON, INVENTOK. NEWARK, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. INTKKICR \IKWS; OK H. T. CI.AWSO?^ S KACTtiRV. I'AINTINC. tlEPARTMENI . ADJLSTINi; KOll.M. TESTING UEIAKTMENT. PKINTINC liKl'AK IMEXT. MACHIXERV DEPARTMENT. SCALE DEPARTMENT. 152 NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. KKKDKICK FINTEK. krederiok: kinxer. IN THE unpretentious frame structure at the corner of Thomas and Goble streets, with main entrance at 176 Thomas street, is conducted an industry which has given to the now aged Frederick Finter both fame and competence. Although the genial proprietor, whose excellent photo likeness is seen alongside the home of his industry, is silvered with age, he wears his years as though the burthen was light, and continues to give his per- sonal attention to his business of manufacturing Britannia vrare just as he did thirty-five years ago. WORKS OP" FREDRICK UNIKR, CORNER TH0M.\S .\ND OUBLE SIREEIS. He early learned what has taken many good men a life time to learn and that was, that the man who devotes his talents and gives his entire attention to one pursuit, meets a surer success and better return. His chosen industry was that of manufactur- ing Britannia ware of the higher grades in a great variety of styles and patterns for a multitude of purposes, and fine glass trim- mings, and has made one branch of it a specialty, viz : druggists, chemists and glass manufacturers' ware of every style, pattern and make in use anywhere. TRIPF-E & UTTER. THE immense quantities of acids, chemicals, dye stuff's, machinery oil and manufacturers supplies, which the firm of Trippe & Utter handle at their stores at the corner of West Kinney and Beecher streets, would be indeed surprising if it was not that the close association of such surprising mercantile interests did not appear to overcome their greatness with a close familiarity. JOSEIMl E. TRIrl'K. J. NORRIS UTTER. NEWARK, N. y., ILI.USTRArF.D. 153 IKUN ^•'l MiKI \SIi MM IIINK. WdKKS nK Al.EXANllKK THAI |P, KAST FEKKV. MAIN AMI ST. KHANCIS STUKETS ALEX.\X1)HK rKAi;n. THE industry conducted with so much success by Mr. A. Traud at the junction of Ferry, Main and St. Francis streets, justly takes rank anion;.; the most prosperous in the city of Newark. A glance at the buildings in which his multiple jndustr)- of machinery building, iron founding, pattern making, drawing, etc., will satisfy the most exacting, that the proprietor is not only a great mechanic, but a successful business man as well. Not content with all these various lines represented at his factorys, he has just completed extensive arrangements for carry- P.AG AND SATCllF.l, >ST OF ALEXANDER TRAUD, i- ing on the business of bag frame manufacturing on Main street adjoining his foundry and machine shops. While engaged in turning out finished machinery of almost every description and tilling orders for castings, models and preparing drawings, his ever fertile mind is working out some new idea and forging plans by which to not alone puts ducats in Alexander 'fraud's purse, but help his brother manufacturers in the conduct of their business by the transference of surplusage of his skill and genius to their work shops. Like hundreds of other men of push and enterprise, Alexander Traud early discovered the fact that NeAvark had more and better facilities for the successful conduct of indus- trial pursuits than any other city in the land. Among its advantages for the conduct of his business was easy of access, close to the best markets of the world, to buy and sell in, to jirocure the raw material and market the finished ])roduct, with railroads, river and canal, to give cheap freightage and rapid and safe cartage, the best of mountain spring water, capital at hand to borrow from liberal men and banks for deposit and credit and plenty of mechanics, artists and skilled laborers ready at call. So painstaking and careful have the manufacturers of the class to which Alexander Traud belongs, been, in estab- lishing and maintaining an excellent name and keeping untarnished the well-earned fame of Newark-made goods that wherever the output from its factories go, they meet a ready demand and sell quickly. Aggregation has been the watch word, and thus it is that the industries go hand in hand and the will being of one class, means the success of all. The business was established in 1S76 and at once took a high stand among the sister indus- tries, with an extensive plant, excellent machin- ery and a large corps of mechanics and artists, success has crowned his eff(_)rts, and now with the addition of the new bag frame industry a wider field is opened up and the promise made of a more abandant prosperity. 154 NEWARK, A" /., ILLUSTRATED. D. S. PLUIVIB. THIS business was started in iSSi by Messrs. George E. Hart and D. S. Plumb, under the firm name of Hart & Plumb, the intention of the projectors being the manufacture of the finer grades of clocks in competition with goods of the best foreign makers. The first articles produced by the firm were small carriage, or hand traveling-clocks with movements enclosed in glass cases having solid metal corners, tops and bases in gold finish, and with the regular outside leather case. These clocks were pronounced equal to the foreign made, and met the demands of dealers in this line, but it was soon found that outside of New York, and one or two of the larger cities of the country, the demand of the finer grades of clocks, in any style, was much less than the manufac- turers had been led to believe, and this, together with the fact that foreign manufacturers made considerable reductions in prices as soon as thej- learned of a successful attempt having been made in this country to produce the goods, led the firm to make this work secondary to orders for clock work specialties, which from time to time had been offered to them by various American manufacturers. Mr. Hart retired from the business late in 1882, accepting the position of mechanical superintend- ent of the Waterbury Watch Company, and Mr. Plumb continued the business alone. Since M r. Hart's retirement Mr. Plumb has had con- nected with him at differ- ent times, Mr. George E. Marcus, now of the New York jewelry house of Jacques & Marcus, and Mr. George B. Webb, the well known mechanical expert, now with Messrs. W y c k o ff , Seamans & Benedict, manufacturers of the Remington Stand- ard Type-writer. To define more partic- ularly the specialty met by this business, mention may be made of the manufacture of steam gauge movements and counters for water, gas and electric meters. These mechanisms require for their manufacture special machinery, and as they are often delicate in construction, demand for best results, special training of workmen. Unless wanted in very large quantities the makers of the machines or instruments in which these parts — or more properly special instruments in themselves — are to be used, do not find it advisable to undertake their manufacture, and are glad to place their orders elsewhere at satisfactory prices, with the assurance of good results. Many thousands of movements, parts of movements, &c., are made annually to meet this demand, which is a continually increasing one, and it is the policy of the business to make anything in this direction for other manufactur- ers, from a few wheels, pinions or racks, to orders for thousands of the same, or for the completed movements in large or small quantities, finished and ready for adjustment to the particular mechanism they are to be connected to. In the line of intricate mechanical instruments, which goods are delivered in their finished condition by Mr. Plumb, prominent mention may be made of cyclometers, used for recording the distances traveled by bicycles. Owing to the growing popularity of the wheel the demand for these instruments has increased from year to year, until at times, the facilities of the business in this direction have been severely taxed to meet the orders. These instruments early in their manufacture, were found to be more exacting in their requirement than was expected, inasmuch as the vibration of the bicycle, shocks and jars from stones, rough roads, &c., had a tendency to throw out of adjustment the delicate parts of the instrument. For this reason but few of the various designs patented have been found serviceable, and of the four standard patterns now on the market, Mr. Plumb is the manufac- turer of three, the goods being made to the orders of the com- panies owning or controlling the patents. In addition to the manufacture of the articles named above, may be mentioned adding machines, odometers, registering mechanism, special devices for optical instruments, devices for the measurement of lenses, and general fine metal work. MA HER & KLOCKIHART. THI t DESIGN OF D. S. PLUMB E lower section of the city east of the Pennsylvania Railroad, is steadily advancing as a manufacturing centre. Here are situated many of the largest plants in the city, prominent among them being the large iron foundry of Messrs. Maher & Flock- hart, (formerly JIaher, Robinson & Flockhart,) at the corner of Polk and Clover streets. Like many of the large industrial establishments for which Newark i s noted, this firm had a very humble beginning. In May, 18S2, they rented a small building on Polk street, and with the assistance of o n e e m- ployee, commenced the manufacture of grey iron castings. Being practical men and thoroughly con- versant with the foundry business, they soon established a repu- tation for making heavy and light machinery castings of a superior quality. The result was that their business increased to such an extent that each year saw an addition to their plant, until every available foot of ground was occupied. In 1SS9 they purchased a large plot of land bounded by Polk and Clover streets, and the New Jersey Central Railroad, upon which they erected a brick building 80.X200, with additional buildings for boiler and engine rooms and pattern shop, which forms the illus- trations herewith given. In i8gi they again found it necessarj- to increase their capacit\'. and erected a building 65x85 for the man- ufacture of light castings exclusively. They now employ over 100 men, the majority of whom are skilled mechanics. Being progressive business men as well as thorough mechanics, they have their foundry equipped with all the latest improved cupolas, power cranes, and every appliance to facilitate the manufacture and handling of castings. Mr. Maher has served si.x years as a member of the Board of Education, and is at present a member of the Board of Police Commissioners of the citj" of Newark. NEWARK, X. /., ILLUSTRATED. ilAVAKIi MAMKk. JAMES F1.I>CKHAKT. 156 NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. JOHN TOIvER, SONS iS: COMPANY. IN 1832, John Toler, a lad of seventeen years, came here from Ireland. He had no acquaintances in this country and little money, but a good deal of pluck and perseverance. He at once apprenticed himself to learn the brass finishing business. After perfecting himself in that line he started the business of pattern making in New York city. After working at that business for some time he became conscious that there was an opening for something that promised better. Having been engaged by some of the better class of cabinet makers, such as Pottier & Stimars, of New York, and the old and respectable house of John Jelliff & Co., of this city, and others, who found much difficulty in getting casters to suit them, (nearly all the cabinet hardware being at that time imported from England and France), conse- quently in the year 1S44 he established himself exclusively in the caster business, his machinery consisting of a single lathe, made with his own hands and a vice, and had continued with varying success to 1861, when he with others, were called by the Government for aid in her struggle for life. The Montgomery Guards, of which he was the captain, volunteered to a man to go to the field. In three months he became major of the regiment. A year and a half afterwards he was honorably discharged an invalid. After many months of nursing he regained health enough to return to his workshop, business being then, as all know, in a very bad condition, and while absent in the field others with plenty of capital had started in the business. But not disheartened, and buoyed up by the encouragement given by his old customers, he started in with renewed vigor and determi- nation to get at the head of his industry, as the old saying is, to " make a spoon or spoil a horn," and his factory to-day on Adams street, shows what well-directed efforts, perseverance and energy can accomplish. He at once took in as partner Mr. Joseph 111, who had been his foreman for years. He then built a factory on Adams street, and next added an iron foundry, to enable him to make his own castings. He next extended his iron foundry, making it 200x53 feet, and continuing to extend until last year, when the only available lot to be obtained was covered by a first- class building 100x65 feet, thus covering from Nos. 108 to 122 Adams street, and Nos. 125 to 127 Jackson street. The machinery is moved by a loo-horse power boiler, built by Lyon &■ McCabe, and a 6S-horse power engine built bj- Cyrus Currier & Sons, both of this city. When the facts recorded in this article are read and digested, it would be hard to believe that the readers would not, one and all, call down benisons of blessings on the heads of the gallant Major Toler and his able associates who carry on this industry of caster making in all its peculiar ways. No lady in the land who touches with dainty fingers the shining mahogany bureau, glossy rosewood piano, or tete-a-tete, or handy stand, to change their place in boudoir, parlor or sitting room, or moves it easily or noiselessly over the carpet of softest wool, on casters of wood, copper, brass, bronze, metal, or either enriched with a plating of nickel, silver or gold but have reason to thank the genius who makes the task so light. Far greater cause has the good house- wife for rejoicing over the good work accomplished by Major Toler and his son, and their helpmeets indeed the venerable Joseph 111, who came into the Major's employ in 1S53, aud became his partner in 1S64, and his son Henry, who began unraveling the intricacies of the caster business as an apprentice in 1S76. So thoroughly had the son mastered the trade, and such rare business precocity had he developed, that in iSSg, in recognition rL.\XT OF JOHN Inl.KK, SONS & CO., ADAMS AND JACKSON STREETS. NEWARK. N. /, ILLUSTRATED. 157 of the same, his father transferred his entire interest in the concern to him, the son becoming the partner in place of his father, and assuming the general management of the great and growing mdustry, and has continued to fill the place with honor to himself and credit to the concern ever since. To return from this pleasant digression, far greater still, the toiling thousands of servant girls who would be compelled in these days of bureaus large and bedsteads strong, to perform herculean feats of strength were it not that such wonderful success attends upon this branch of Newark's industrial pursuits. Not one half the strength, energy or patience is required to be expended by either class, the high, low, rich or poor, since the artistic contrivances in the labor-sa\-ing casters, which are manufactured by the millions by this company, and find their way under the bedsteads, bureaus, dressing cases, tables, pianos, stands and chairs, causing them to actually spin around the rooms of comfortable cottages or great palaces, and with so great in ease that it might almost truthfully be said that they were under the control of their beck and will. When the head of the concern came back from war more than a quarter of a century ago, in casting about for .i >;nit,ilile calling In iSSg the company was organized and incorporated under the laws of New Jersey, assuming the title of John Toler, Sons & Company, with John Toler president, and Henry III secretarj^ and treasurer. Their manufacturing establishment is located from 106 to 122 Adams street, and from 123 to 125 Jackson street, between Ferry and Lafayette streets, in this city. They carry on the industry of manufacturing casters and rollers, and so thoroughly well known are they, and so honorable have been all their transactions in the past, their goods find a ready sale all over the United States and the British Dominion at the North, while at the same time large quantities are shipped abroad to meet a rapidly increasing demand for Newark manufactured goods away over the great sea. The constantly increasing demand for the goods manufactured in this Toler establishment has made it necessary to add to its capacity from time to time, until the present, where they give steady employment to a large corps of working men, women and boys, many of the former, from absolutely necessary reasons, being skilled mechanics and e.xperienced workmen. Of course the amount of capital employed growing larger as the business developed, until at this time it has assumed such proportions as \ JOHN mi.KR. upon which to build an industry which would last with life, he found that nothing promised better and so he fixed upon his old caster or roller making, into which he at once put his whole energies, and has continued the business ever since with his sons and company. The industry being of that character requiring immense buildings in which to house the plant and machinery'. The photo views of the works of this great and growing industry on preceding page, though they do not show their full extent and proportions as do some of those industries which look much more pretentious but fall far behind in the value of their output. The Major, though his recollections are bright, would hardly recognize some of his output of 1844, when he first began manufacturing casters for tables and chairs, such marvelous changes have been wrought, not alone in the increased richness and value of casters made, but also in their beauty and utility, much of this having been brought about by the ingenuity of himself, and several patents having been awarded to him by Uncle Sam, who is never, or seldom, if ever, slow to recognize talent in any of his children, and extend a just recognition of their successful inventions, ever standing ready to throw around them the aegis of his love and the protecting arms of his power. iiKXKv 11,1.. would have been truly startling a few years earlier. Such of the readers of Newark Ii.i.istr.m kd, who are otherwise interested than in the marvellous growth of this great metropol- itan industrial city, and desire to study the exact causes which have led to such a development, and have revealed unto them the correllation of forces which compelled the aggregation here, will refer to the illustrated price list of furniture casters, which the company issued in 1893. In this neatly arranged catalogue thousands of which are found on merchants' desks, in counting rooms and manufacturing establishments all over the world. have said in the plainest possible words, " We manufacture the best class of goods that it is possible to make for the least possible money, and our industry is conducted on the highest principles of honor. We have had nearly a half century of experience, and have not failed to profit by it." With the amplest facilities themselves, and with all the assistance which in obedience to the laws governing manufacturing interests arise from congregation, it requires only a watchful care to have their beautiful industry continue to lead the world, and have the neighboring industries which live and thrive at their doors, echo the response. So say we all. '5'^ NEW AI^K. K. /., ILLUSTRATED. HELLER & BROS. THE most useful tool in the world is acknowledged to be the file, and the purposes to which it is adaptable embrace, not only the requi r e m e n t s of the skilled mechanic, but the wants of almost every individual inhabitant. In early days crude files were constructed from the dried skin of a pecu- liar fish ; ne.xt they were made from copper and used in working the soft metals, iron was next substituted, and this was finally replaced by steel, which metal is unsur- passed for the purpose. At the present time fully ninety per cent of all the files consumed are not only cut, but entirely manufactured by machinery. The file of the present day made by machinery surpasses in every respect those made by the old and less progresive method. One of the most enterprising firms engaged in this industry is the firm of Heller & Bros., of Newark, N. J. These gentlemen manufacture every description of files and rasps, running in size from two to thirty inches, and in grade of cut, from twelve teeth to the inch, up to the number so large that the teeth become so fine that they are undetected by the naked ej'e, yet will with- stand the most severe test. The business of the above firm was started in Newark in a very small way by Elias Heller, Sr., in 1S36, the trade being entirely with the consumers of this city and the surrounding towns. The panic of 1S3S, having compelled him to give up his business in Newark, he removed to West Orange, but owing to li.lA.-, ... iiLi.; Ll^ IlIKD'S EVK VIKW OF HKl.LER .>i l,ROTIIEKS' KTI.E .\NI) STEEl, WORKS. the remoteness of this place as a business centre and his inability to increase the business to any extent while dealing with the con- sumers e.\clusively, very little, if an}', progress was made until 1S66, when his three sons, Elias G., Peter J., and Lewis B., took hold of the business and located at the corner of Mechanic and Ward streets, Newark, and by their energy and push the busi- ness commenced to thrive They at once sought to increase the business by soliciting trade from jobbers and dealers in the hard- ware trade throughout the United States and Canada, thus meeting with no end of opposition from both dealer and con- sumer as they were greatly prejudiced against American files and rasps, claiming that the home goods could not be made as the English files and rasps which at this time had the market of this country, but by perseverance and hard work, introducing here and there, the firm began to prosper as the consumers began to realize that the Americans could make as good a file or rasp as the Englishmen. In 1S72 Lewis B., withdrew from the firm and in 1S74, owing to their limited quarters in the city, they removed their plant to the corner of Mt. Prospect and Verona avenues. With the new works and improved machinery the quality of the goods was still further improved, but owing to the fact that they were compelled to buy their steel they did not get as good results as they wished for, as first-class steel is one of the essen- tials in the manufacture of a good file or rasp, so in 1S80 they erected a steel plant for the manufacture of steel for their own use and now they get the best results attainable in their line as shown by their steadily increasing trade. On account of poor health, Peter J. was compelled to retire from the firm in 1881, thus leaving Elias G., who, with two other brothers, George E. and John J., and a brother-in-law, Ernest A. Geoffro)' all of whom had been in the employ of the firm for many years, assumed Peter J.'s interest thus constituting the present firm. In 1SS4, owing to their great success with horse rasps, they undertook the manufacture of Farrier's tools and to-day they can offer the public the most complete line of rounding, turning, hand and driving hammers, pincers, nippers, hoof parers, tongs, sledges, etc., to be found in the country. A bird's eye view of their immense works is herewith given from a sketch drawn on the premises by an eminent artist from the Moss Engraving Company of New York. No work would be complete, especially if the industries are under consideration without a few words being said in regard to what the Heller & Bros, have accomplished, and much less so if it were an illus- trated one and did not give such a suberb picture of their great factory buildings as appear on this page of Newark N. J., Illuj- TK.viEi). That the factories of the Heller & Bros., erected by this NEWARK, A'. /., ILLUSTRATED. ■59 enterprising firm on the large plot of ground adjoining the Xew York and Greenwood Lake railroad, in the northern part of Newark, are of truly representative character, needs but be seen to verify the declarations. A few hours cannot be more profitably spent by the visitor, be he in pursuit of pleasure or on business bent, than in looking over the plant of Heller & Brothers, where a large coq>s of skilled mechanics are constantly employed in the manufacture of the great variety of blacksmiths' tools for which they are noted all over the countr)'. As helpmates to their artists, the Hellers have provided for their assistance the very best and latest improved machinery turned out by the world's work shops, in order, that in their turn, they may manufacture for blacksmiths and farriers, tools and instruments which are not only made of the very best material, but so elegantly finished and artistically burnished as to make it a real pleasure for the blacksmith's strong arms to handle them. The Hellers owe very much of their high standing as business men and the world-wide reputation of their manufactured goods, to the fact, that they have used from the beginning of their industrial career, only the very best grade of clay crucible cast steel in their manufacture. The brothers have given to the making of this clay crucible steel their own personal care and supervision, thus procuring the much to be desired uniformity of quality, as well as the high grade of steel so important in the manufacture of their ever reliable files and tools. The constantly increasing demand for the tools which the Hellers have made the past thirty-five years, is prima facia evidence that g «.. Ilh I ll'.K. driving and Heller's own pattern of driving hammers ; fanicr's pincers, nippers and hoof parers, etc., in the long stretch of buildings so faithfully portrayed here from sketches made on the spot. As the interested visitor, under the chaperoning of one of the brothers or a painstaking employer, passes from department to department and from room to room and is shown their special- ties in the several stages of their progressivencss from the plain bar of steel or bit of hard wood, to the perfected instrument of tempered steel with polished handle, finished and packed for market, and going fcjrth to meet the constantly increasing demand of users and consumers on the iron and hardware dealers in the cities, towns and villages all over the United States and the Canadas, European and Asiatic countries, the great Rus- sian Empire, the Empire of Japan, far away Australia and the islands of many seas. Hard by the factory buildings and on beautiful plots of ground, the Hellers have built their domiciles and comfortable homes for themselves and families. The house of Elias G. Heller occupies the Vilock of ground on Elwof>d avenue, between Highland avenue and I'arkcr street. The house of John J. Heller is beautifully situated on the corner plot of Mt. Prospect and Verona avenues. The grounds of both residences are fitted up very artistically and are kept in the orderly way befit- ting to the dwelling places of gentlemen, who make business a pleasure and homes a sacred retreat. Here, on the piazza of either, one can stand as Washington once did, on these same grounds, and view the land- scape o'er, since their location is fixed where the eye can take in with one sweep the tall spires of Xew York city. Staten Island, the Narrows, Newark bay and the Atlantic Ocean. No plot or spot of ground being high enough, ex- cept the top of Orange mountains, to open up such a vista over which Liberty Enlightening the World presides. As well as being thorough business men, the Hellers have acted their part as representive citizens. The head of the firm has represented his ward as alderman for several years and is prominently identified with all its local business, financial and improvement associations. i6o NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. THE HELLKR & BIRD'S EYE VIEW MERZ CO. OF THE HELLER PROMINENTLY connected with the numerous interests which have contributed in placing the city of Newark in the honored position it now occupies among the manufacturing cities of the American union, stands the ultramarine blue works of The Heller & Merz Co. The industry was established with two small furnaces on River street, in 1S69. The remarkable and steady growth of the business is mainly due to the push and energy of the men who for the past quarter of a century have devoted the best years of their lives to the study and perfection of this article of varied use, an article made on this continent only by this firm. It is due to their enterprise that such an industry was established here and Newark chosen, of all the length and breadth of the New World, as its locale. In 1S72, the company looked for more extensive quarters. These were found at Hamburg Place, where they purchased ten acres of ground on which have been erected sixteen buildings to date. In iSSo the firm connected with their rapidly growing business the manufacturing of aniline colors, the most important being fuchsine, eosine, blue, rose, bengal brown, oi-ange, yel- low, etc. The illustrations convey to the reader a birdseye view of the immense plant. The ultramarine build- ing is 225x200 feet, from which is ship- ped to the various cities of the union an output of thirty thousand hundred weight annually. The " ball blue " building is 100 x 75 with a capacit}', ac- cording to quality made, of from five to ten thousand pounds daily. The works are equipped with every im- provement. Three power- FREDERICK HELLER, IDECEASED.) ful engines with 375 horse power combined, and 44 boilers of 100 horse power each, drive the immense machinery required to work 168 wet mills, 18 furnaces, and 10 dry mills, necessita- ting the employment of over 100 workmen. The Central railroad has a siding 3,000 feet long, connecting the works with their main line. In 18S5 the entire works were completely destroyed by fire, and yet, without the interruption of business for a single day, the buildings and machinery were replaced within six months. Everything connected with the plant was put in order, and the old industry opened up under a new impulse on a grander scale In 18S9 Mr. Heller died, leaving the care and responsibility of conducting the business to his partner, Mr. Henry Merz. Few men, indeed, are endowed with the peculiar faculties necessary for the conduct of such an industry as this one described. The continuing of the great work of manufactur- ing, where the results are onl^- reached through science applied, without a break or ruffle, when bereft of his main support when such a tower of strength as Frederick Heller, had fallen by his side, speaks its own words of praise in a language not to be misinterpreted or m i s - understood. A few hour could not be more pleas- antl}', and we may say more profitably spent, than in looking over this great establish ment, a strikingly beautiful andtruth- ful representation of which is seen in the illustration on this page, as well as the photos of Mr. Frederick Heller, deceased, and Mr. H e n r y Merz. The story of Newark's features as a manufacturing cen- tre is a fact that has never yet been mi than half told. IlENRV MERZ. NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. i6i IJ. OKLA.XV tS: ^-iOX. THE spring manufacturing busi- ness of Daniel Delany & Son was started in a small way in iS6i, by D. & P. Delany. That the business prospered was to be expected, since those who were en- gaged in it were practical mechan- ics as well as careful business men, and had learned to know a bar of steel from a fiddle string before it went into one t)f their furnaces for the white-red heat, or into the •C(K)ling trough. Upon the death of Peter Delany in iS65,an open- ing was left ff)r Daniel Delany's son, John M., who came into the firm with his father, who had suc- cessfully continued the busines.-^ .alone until January, 1S92, when the firm became Daniel Delany A.' Son. Along with his father's me- chanical abilit}' and extensive practical experience, the young man brought an excellent business education, a firm determination to prove himself a helpmeet indeed to his father, he also brought a level head and strong physic|ue to meet all engagements and over- tome obstacles. A visit to their factory, where are turned out coach, dray, carriage and wagon steel springs, of all sizes, grades, styles and finish, and for a great variety of purposes, indeed, every kind of steel spring in use can l>e seen in course of •construction except those used on locomotives and railroad cars. Under the guidance of the polite senior member of the firm, the writer was ushered into the steel room and given an insight into the business. Here great piles of steel rolled for the purpose, are seen waiting a turn for the hungry maw of the great steam shears. L\KkI\i;E ANli \V\(;i>N STKIXC. WOKKS Ol' 11. DEI. ANY .t SON. whicli clip the bars into ])icccs of the desired lenglli; next the pieces were passed through the great rolls, which shapes them for the close calculating punching machine, which forces the necessary holes in the "leaves;" the "leaves" then visit the beading and slotting machines, where with one heat the slots are sawed and the beads run; then they pass to the fitters, where they arc made ready for their contact with great grindstones, and for feeling the touch of the finisher. JOHN .\l. liKl.ANV. liANlKl. UEl-ANV. l62 NElFAJiK, N. /, ILLUSTRATED. EDW^ARD ZUSI. "HE subject of this sketch was born in Newark in 1S50, and after receiving a limited public school education he went to work in a brass foun- dry on Mechanic street, at the age of eleven. In I S 7 o , h e 1) o u g h t the small fciundr\' that he went to work in as a boy, which under his supervision has grown to be to day beyond dispute the foremost and largest ibbing brass foundry in this city. He found it necessary at this time in order to keep pace with the growth of his establishment to acquire an education, which he obtained by attending the evening sessions of a business collage. The line of castings are too varied to enumerate, including the very smallest kind of work and some of the largest in all kinds of metals, such as pure copper, brass, composi- tion, white metal, German silver and alumium. The accompanying cut of his four story brick building, built by him in 18S9, will give an idea of the extent of his business. This sketch is a striking illustration as to what it is possible for a bare- footed Newark boy to do at home. The secret he claims to be honesty, hard work, pluck and strict attention to business. KDWAKLI ZUM. K. 0<: H. J. DEX'LIX. N INTELLIGENT citizen will dispute the assertion, that the city of Newark, N. J., is first amongst the cities of the union in the variety of her industries, the push and enterprise of her manu- facturers have made it so, and to them the credit is justly due. In FACTORY OK KliWARD ZUSI, 80 MECHANIC STREET. FACTORY OF F. S U, J. 1 EVI.IN, EI.M STREET, HETWEEN ADAM AND VAN HLRKN STREET. glancing carefully over the different trades we find among the enter- prising brass workers of the city, Messrs. F. & H. J. Devlin, brass founders, whose factory is repre- sented in the illustration on this page. These gentlemen are practical men in their trade and are noted through- out the country for their antique designs in furniture ornamentation. They manufacture every descrii^tinn of brass composition and metal cast- ings, and for light or heavy machin- ists' brass work they are unrivaled. Their products reach the principal cities of the country and Mexico, and the firm makes a specialty of mi.xing metals for the trade. These New- arkers are generous, enterprising and progressive business men, and have built up an honorable trade by their fair, straight system of business. XEUARK. \. /., ILLUSTRATED. •f\5 1.. J. I.VOX^ & C()M1'.\.N\ THE manufacture of steam boilers is doubtless the noisiest business in the world, and it is a thousand chances to one that the man who listens to the interminable bang, bang the rattle and batter of hammers, rivets, and the resonant " titito- witz " given out by the great sheets of copper, steel or sheet iron for a single decade of years will find that he has lost much of that acuteness of hearing for which he had been celebrated, but yet it is one of those necessary industries upon which so many others hang, and so important is it that boiler making shall be conducted that giKid men and true must be at helm. Such are L. J. Lyons & Co.. who have been engaged in the perilous work of making steam boilers for nearly half a century. they also build revolving barrels, tanks, dryers and a great variety of other such goods as are consumed in the conduct of neighbor- ing industries, machinery making and a great variety of manu- facturing establishments. The boilers which L. J. Lyons & Co., turn out have a reputation as broad as the land they live in, and when one of their boilers is set up in an establishment there is a confidence in its strength and utility, which drives away fear of any weakness which were it otherwise might lead to disastrous results. The scrupulous care which is exercised while the boiler is being constructed, and the careful inspection the iron and rivets have undergone and when the finished product is turned out and sent away to its destination, give positive evidence that l'l,.\ST o|- I. J. LYONS \ i(>. I OMMERCE AND CAKAL STREETS. Not unlike many others among our representative business men they began business in a small way. having laid their foundations on solid ground, with honesty as the corner stone and integrity to cap it they have reared a suf>erstructure in business achieve- ments unexcelled. To be sure they have made a great deal of noise in the conduct of their business, but it has been done with- out bluster or show. That the reader may be convinced of this, he has only first to scan with care the photo view on this page, and then visit the large concern at Commerce and Canal streets, where the immense business of boiler making is carried on. Here it is that the plant of L. J. Lyons ic Co.. is so modestly housed, which consists of all the verj- best and latest improved machinery and appliances, and where a large corps of experi- enced mechanics and careful workmen are employed in the making of steam boilers, of all grades, of all sizes and an immense variety of patterns in order to meet the mighty demand for their excellent productions. As well as the thoroughly rivetted boiler to hold the giant steam and check its rantings the boiler, be it large or small, will remain unshaken under tlie pressure and strain which it will be called upon to bear. It may be truly said that the industry of boiler making as carried on by this well-known and highly responsible firm has played a verj- important part in the history of Newark's manufacturing great- ness. Thousands of boilers have been wheeled away from their factory, some of them as large as a small house, yet we have to hear of the first accident which can be chargeable to faulty con- struction, or baseness of material used or which can in any way be brought to the doors of L. J. Lyons & Co. Such in brief is the record which this firm, which is composed of Messrs. L. J. Lyons and Owen McCabe. who are well-known in the boiler industry of the city of Newark, and are esteemed as honorable citizens has to present. For years their works have had all they could do to fill orders, so confiding has the public become in the honesty, integrity and high order of workmanship of this old and reliable firm, they know that the order has only to be left and the work will be done, and well done. 164 NFAVARK, N. J . ILLUSTRATED Charles Cooper iS: Co. WOJl THE illustrations on this and the follow- ing page represent the works of Charles Cooper & Co. , manufacturing chemists. They are situated at the South end of Newark, between VanBuren, San- ford, Clifford, South and Thomas streets and Bay avenue. Three city blocks are covered with their extensive manufacturing establishment, known to the Newarker as " The chemical works," to the trades as Charles Cooper and Company's laboratories for the manufacture of fine chemicals. Being located on the Pennsylvania rail- road, Waverly and Passaic division, the bulk of the goods as well as raw materials is handled by the trains of that company and but few have an idea of the extent of busi- ness, which is carried on from this point of the old tenth ward throughout the United States, and foreign countries. When Mr. Charles Cooper in 1S57, com- menced to manufacture a few chemicals for photographers, he occupied one floor in Chatham street, New York, and employed five men. When after thirty years of activity he retired from business the present large works had grown from the modest nucleus in Chatham street, and now ranks first among chemical manu- facturing firms. On January i, 1S67, the pre.-ient senior partner, Mr. Jacob Kleinhans had joined hands with Mr. Cooper and a few years later Mr. John B. Stobaeus entered the firm. By that time the young house had outgrown its Chatham street shell and the extended business de.nandecl better fa'jilities. After a most careful consideration the firm decided to put up a new factory in Newark, N. J., having in view the excellent rail- road facilities and the growing industrial prosperity of that city. At the same time, the office and ware houses were moved to its present location, the five story brick building. No. 194 Worth street. New York, under the charge of Mr. Kleinhans and Mr. Cooper (the latter retired in 1SS7) with a staff of about thirty men, tending to the rapidly growing commercial part of the firm, while Mr. John B. Stobaeus assumed entire charge of the manufactur- ing department. The present immense establishments were AT WEWaJEEK:, I!STEr5<)r JKiRSEY'. erected to keep up with the demands made upon the New York house from all parts of the world. Eight large boilers transform the energy of the black diamonds of Lehigh Valley into heat and motive power, and about 200 men, with a staff of chemists, engineers and electricians, are busy, to produce the great variety of goods, of which a glance over the firms price list will convey an idea to the reader. The works, mostly brick structures, are steam heated and have electric lights throughout, a net work of steam, water and air pipes facilitate the carrying on the chemical processes for pro- duction. Huge Corliss engines furnish the power, superheated steam is the source of heat, 'and powerful air blowers are employed for ventilation as well as for the smelting furnaces. The goods produced in the establishment may be grouped according to their use by the various industries. PiroTOGR.\PHv. — A full line of chemicals for this art, up to the latest improvements and novelties in printing and developing. Headquarters for nitrate of silver, gold preparatians and refining photographers' waste. All kinds of collodion and all grades of soluble cotton, sulphurous acid, sulphite, bi-sulphite and meta bisulphite of soda and pottassium. JACIIli KLEINHANS. JOHN 1-. STOHAEIS. NEWARK, X. /., ILLUSTRATED. ■65 Mktai. Gim)I>s and Pi.AiiNi;. — Suiphuric acid of all strengths, nitric acid free of impurities, nickel anodes free of iron and cop- per, gold and silver anodes ; a full line of nickel, copper, mercurj', silver, gold, platinum preparations for platers use. bisulphite soda, epsom salt, citric, chromic acid, acid for dipping, cyanide of potassium. C. P. and comm., sulphide of potassium. Mi.NKKAi. Watkk Ma.mi'aiti rers ani> DRri;c:isrs— All prepara- tions for artificial mineral waters in a chemical pure state, oil of vitriol, chemically pure acids, epsom salts, free of chlorine, liquefied carbonic acid in steel cylinders. Complete outfits for mineral water manufacturers. Bkfwkries. — Anhydrous ammonia, aqua ammonia. Complete outfits for treatment of beer with liquefied carbonic acid, bi-sulphite of lime solution for disinfecting. Gi.a.ss Sii.vKREKs. — Chemically pure ammonia, nitrate silver, citric and tartaric acids, cryst and fused, etc. Varmsk MA.NiK.vtTiREKS. Soluble cotton ether, methvl, ethyl. ture is about i,(xx) pounds. One cylinder is sufficient to empty 50 to 100 kegs of beer, according to their distance from the dis- pensing faucet. The apparatus consists of a reducing valve, bracket, wrench, twelve feet of rubber tubing, copper wire, two vent valves and one cylinder carbonic acid, and costs S35. Extra cylinders are S12 each, and SS are allowed for returned empties, making the gas S4 net per cylinder. The firm pay railroad freight both ways, and willingly give a thirty days' trial, with the under- standing that the gas thus used, is paid for. Among the advan- tages of the liquefied carbonic acid gas are the following ; The l)eer retains its effervescence, refreshing taste and wholcsomeness to the last drop, even if on tap for weeks. Flat beer will improve while on tap. No bad air from cellar or bar-room is admitted into the cask, as is done by air and water pumps. The contents of the cask can be used to the last drop. Under carbonic acid pressure, beer leaves no settlings in the conducting pipes. Ice is saved, as by the transition of the litiuid carbonic acid into gas CII.\K1.E.S COOl'lCR A: CO., KKW OIEMIC.VL lU'II.DlNllS. (.\C1I) WOKK.S.i propyl, amyl, alcohol, amylacetate, fusel oil, bi-sulphide of carbon, hydrocarbons, borate of maganese, gums, resinates, etc. Jkwei.ers and assavers. — Bone ash, borax in all forms, soda ash, fluoric and white acids, all mineral acids, parting acid, nitrate of soda and potass, refining of jewelers clippings and waste. The firm is the largest house in the United States for soluble cotton, ether and alcohols, liquefied carbonic acid, nitrate of silver, anhydrous ammonia, aqua ammonia, bi-sulphide of carbon and every description of anodes. One of the leading specialties is liquefied carbonic acid gas, the firm being the first to produce this article in the United States on a commercial scale. It is used for carbonating water (soda water) and for drawing lager beer and other malt beverages, and the firm offers to the trade the simplest and cheapest contrivance to draw beer under carbonic acid gas pressure. They furnish lique- fied carbonic acid gas absolutely pure, in steel cylinders, tested to 4,000 pounds while the actual pressure, in average tempera- cold is produced. The largest cask can be used without any danger of the beer becoming flat. The expense for gas is fully repaid by the greater number of glasses drawn from a keg which is under carbonic acid pressure ; practical experience having taught that from one to two gallons more can be drawn from a half barrel under carbonic acid pressure, than with any of the old methods. Stock ale and porter kept under carbonic acid pressure improve materially. The apixiratus does not require any attention, nor does it get out of order. Another specialty made, is anhydrous ammonia of superior grade, last year's products having an average of 99 90-100 per cent, of N. H.-' gas, or only one-tenth of one per cent, non-volatile matter. A large stock is carried, from which the trade is supplied at shortest notice and at most favorable rates. Messrs. Kleinhans and Stobaeus are natives of Germany, and are widely known and very highly and deservedly esteemed by the citizens of Newark, alike in business and social circles, having come here thirty-nine years ago, and enjoy the confi- dence of the entire community. i66 NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. THE NEWARK ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY. BUT few years have passed since the great Franklin solved the problem of electricity, and opened the way for a line of illustrious successors to build up an institution, at the head of which stands this subtle agent which is revolutionizing the methods of communication, propelling machinery and lighting the world. The first fruit of the great discovery of the fact that the bright flashes of light- ning playing along the summer cloud, could be utilized to man's help, and the world's purposes, was made fully apparent through the genius of A. Morse, in the click of the telegraph, which his master mind evolved to startle the nations. Next came forth the wonderful fact from the workshops and laboratories that the bright flashes could be so subdued as to give a steady bright light to take its place by the side of that grand old illuminator of the years, which had been wrung from the finest of the Pennsylvania coal mines. Last though not least of the purposes to which this wonderful agent was next applied was the propulsion of machines and machinery through the medium of those wonderful evolutions of genius, the motor and dynamo. Hardl}' a single decade of )-ears has passed since the bare possibilit)- of lighting a city or dwelling with electric lights, was mooted, yet to- day, as the shades of night shut down the highways and byways, the boudoir and parlor are made as light as day, and all over the progressive world the buzz of the dynamo is heard and the electric motor is per- forming its wonderful work. All this has been made possible by men of capital, who dared to risk it in upholding the work of genius. Among these who led oif with better spirit and with a greater readiness to do and dare in a work of progress, that had within it the element of helpful- ness, that needed but the application of that indom- itable spirit of push which is the birthright and possession of so many of Newark's business men. It was right here in the city of Newark where the evolvements in electrical science were made, and where its application to the many uses and purposes to which it is applied, had their first culmination, and the full realization of the grandeur of the industry which has led to its development and general adoption for lighting and power purposes. The Newark Electric Light and Power Company, which takes a leading position in this industrj', was organized in iSSo, and incorporated January 20, 1S81. The first plant was begun late in the same year and business started in the spring of 18S2. The first lights were run from the Weston factory at Orange and Plane streets until the completion of its station No. i, located at No. 25 to 33 Mechanic street. After the business had gotten fairly started, this plant became inadequate to its demands, so that additions were made and in spring of 1887, the building was enlarged, which more than doubled its capacity. This station has a frontage of 125 feet on Mechanic street and is 95 feet deep and has a capacity of 1,000 horse power. Horizontal tubular boilers and Corliss engines are used. In September 1SS9, this company acquired control of the Newark Schuyler Electric Light Company which was then oper- ating a plant at rear of S05-S13 Broad street. The steady increase in the amount of business soon brought these stations to a crowded condition, so that further extensions became necessary and the company began to look about for a suitable location where the necessarj- space could be obtained, so that, if it seemed advisable, its entire plant could be consolidated in one. THE ELECTRIC I.IGHTINT, PI,.\NT ON MECHANIC STREET. With this end in view, negotiations were entered into and in May iSgo, the company secured a desirable piece of real estate lying between the Pennsylvania railroad and the Passaic river, adjoining the city dock. In June, this company bought out The Thomson-Houston Electric Company, which was operating at rear of no Market street. Work was begun in the autumn of that year on a new station on the property just purchased. This station was started early in 1891. The building covers go x 130 feet and is fireproof throughout. The machinery used is of the most modern types, the boilers being of the Morrin's climax and engines of Mcintosh & Seymour, Ball and Westinghouse makes. Condensing apparatus was furnished by Conover and Worthington. Additional engines, boilers and machinerj- have since been added making present capacity of this plant 2,500 horse power. The property has a frontage of 350 feet each on River and Pennsj-lvania railroad, and will provide sufficient room for a plant of more than four times the capacity of the present one. Negotiations are under way for the purchase of additional apparatus which will be added as the needs of business require. The Newark Electric Light and Power Company was originally started as a sub-company of The United States Electric Lighting Company, and a large number of the same gentlemen were interested in both concerns. In consequence of this close connection, the Newark Companj- began operating under a XEirARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. .67 license from the latter cimipany, and the entire electrical equip- ment of the Mechanic Street Station, as at first installed, was of the United States system. The Newark Company was also appointed agent for part of New Jersey for this system, and through it numerous small isolated plants were installed for lighting factories and other buildings After several years experience, however, it was shown that some other systems could be used to good advantage, so that it was decided to terminate the license with the United States Electric Lighting Company, and to use whatever apparatus that Thomson- Houston systems for arc lighting, are now most extensively used. This company started business with an authorized capital of $200,000, but same was increased in 1890, to $500,000 and in 1802 to Si .000,000. These increases in capital were made to provide for the purchase of the other companies mentioned, to retire a bonded debt which existed, and to provide for the pur- chase of a new plant and extensions of lines, etc. The first president was Mr. Theodore JIacknet. He was suc- ceeded by Mr. George B. Jenkinson, who in turn gave place in THE I:LECTRIC UGHTING plant OM the PASSAIC RIVER. seemed best. In consequence of this change the alternating system of incandescent lighting was put in, and as this proved superior to the old, or direct current system, it was adopted, and all incandescent lights were changed to this system, which not only gives a steadier and more even light, but requires smaller wires to transmit current for same, and permits of lighting at much greater distances. The Company is now lighting the village ot Irvington in this manner— a distance of over four miles from its stations — and is prepared to furnish light to other neigh- boring towns within a similar radius. The Westinghouse alternating for incandescent, and the December, 18S7, to the present incumbent of that office. The officers and directors of 1S93 are as follows : John D. Har- rison, president ; Philip N. Jackson, vice-president and mana- ger; Samuel S. Dennis, treasurer ; Abram C. Denman, secretary; Dudley Farrand, assistant secretary ; and John J. Gaflfney, superintendent. DiKF.ci'OKs.— Thomas T. Kinney, William M. Clark, Abram C. Denman, Samuel S. Dennis, F. .S.Douglass, Charles H. Harrison, John D. Harrison, George W. Hebard, F. Wolcott Jackson, Philip X. Jackson, Samuel Klotz, Gottfried Krueger, B. M. Shan- ley, James Stokes, and Dudley Farrand i68 NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. A T. STEFFENS & CO. TH E saddlery hardware industry of Newark is justly recognized to be among the most stable of any city in the world. The reputation of the firms who are engaged in the trade is tried and trust. worthy, while the volumes of this business and the large amount of capital handled by manufacturers, jobbers a n d dealers, invariably with the result of honor, at once serves as a complete endorsement of the integrity of the men who are engaged in the mdustry. The firm of A. T. Steffens & Co. succeeded the business established by Kelh- & Petry in 1S75. It consists of Messrs. August T. Steffens, Joseph O. Amberg and Jacob I. Amberg. These citizens give their per- sonal attention to the manufac- ture of a general line of sad- dlery hardware, nickel, brass, and imitation rubber goods, and make a specialty of pro- ducing iron gig and coach hames, for which the house is generally noted throughout the States. EDW^ARD JK. W^HITEHOUSE. THE enterprise of her citizens in manufacturing pursuits has been most beneficial to an industrial community like that gathered in the city of Newark. In this connection attention is T. STEFFENS S: CO., 260-266 MORRIS .WEXUE. called to Mr. Edward A. Whitehouse, saddlery hardware manu- facturer, whose striking photo forms one of the illustrations here- with given. This enterprising citizen commenced business in a small way, with but one workman to assist him, in i8S8, and at present is able to turn out of his entensive workshop, located at Nos. S3 and 85 Mechanic street, large consignments of the finest grades of harness mountings, with a general line of saddlerj- hard- ware. Mr. Whitehouse is a practical mechanic CIAV.VRD .\. VVIIITEHUUSE. .\lt.\.\l K,\.\>. NEWARK, X. /, ILLUSTRATED. A.UAM IvAAtS. 169 THE nianufactiiring of fine harness ornaments, letters, mono- .icrams, etc., is one o£ the noted industries of the city, and ■has been so for nearly a century. Mr. Adam Kaas, whose portrait is shown on the opjjosite page, is a worthy representative of the trade, and has been engaged in the business for twenty- five vears. His factorv is located at No. 2.S0 Jfarket street. Mr. Kaas is an ornament maker by trade, and he is noted principally for the fine grade of goods which he is able to produce. In this line he has but few rivals. The products of his factory reach the leading cities of the country, and have won for him a large and lucrative business. THE C. S. OSBORNE CO. THE C. S. OSBORXE COMPANY was established in 1S26 by Joseph English ; succeeded by \Vm. Dodd & Co, in 1856 ; C. S. Osborne in 185S ; C. S. Osborne & Co. in 1S61, and by C. S. Osborne & Co., incorporated, in 18S9, with C. S. Osborne as president, and Walter D. Osborne as treasurer. Through the untiring efforts of its managers, and principally through Mr. C. S. Osborne, the business has grown marvellously, so that this house is the largest of the kind in the world. They manufacture saddlers', harness makers' and carriage trimmers' tools, and their tools are in use in every country on the globe. It is the rule of this house to employ the most skilled labor, and to use the best materials only in the manufacture of their products. In addition to this, their dealings with their customers have been so satisfactory and agreeable that it has won for them a greater and better reputation in the trade than any house in its line of business. NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. AUG. GOERTZ & CO. THE manufacture of brass and metal goods and kindred articles constitutes one of the great branches of industrial pursuits for which the city of Newark is widely noted, and it may also be observed in this connection, that as yet, this branch of trade is confined to a few enterprising houses, prominently among whom may be mentioned the firm of August Goertz & Co., whose works are herewith given in the beautiful illustrations, which are taken from nature by the powerful eye of the photog- rapher's camera. The industry was estab- lished in i8Si by August Goertz, Edward Wester and Edward Knecht, in a very small way with a limited capital, and by push and enterprise, with unrivaled workmanship, the struggling firm soon built up a flourishing trade, which has continued to grow apace until at the present writing — 1892— it has attained most substantial proportions. The works, located at Nos. 27S to 2S4 Morris avenue, near South Orange avenue, are admirably equipped with all the latest and most improved machinery and appliances adapted to the manufacturing of every description of purse, bag and pocket- book frames, from the cheapest to the most costly grades of copper, nickel, silver and gold plate, aluminum, etc. Also every kind of fancy metal goods, trimmings and novelties, for which the house is so famous. The firm employs 250 hands and make a specialty of gold and silver artistic designs that are noted for their quality and workmanship. Many of them which are now being produced were designed and patented by Mr. Goertz in person, and are worthy of special mention on account of their beautiful and delicate shades. The output of the firm commands AUGl'ST GOKKIZ. iLl'WAKIt WESIKR, AUG. GOEKTZ «: CO., 27S— .284 .MOKklb AVENUE. a ready sale throughout the cities of the United States and Can- ada. The present firm is composed of Messrs. August Goertz and Edward Wester, Mr. Knecht having died in 1890. The former devotes his energies to the outstde affairs of the company, and the latter, Mr. Wester, superintends the manufacturing depart- ments at the works. The success attending the firm is due in a great measure to the special and careful attention given to all orders, always quoting the lowest possible prices consistent with the character of the workmanship and the quality of material. The firm, by reason of its unexcelled facilities, is now in a position to offer the most liberal inducements to the trade. Parties unacquainted with the manipulations of metals can hardly realize the fact of the stupendous changes through which they are forced to pass in bringing up the cold hard pro- ducts of the mine from the state of nature to the conditions they must reach before conver sion by chemical changes and artistic touches into articles of utility. Probably no one agency goes farther in rendering metals made use of in manufacturing articles for man's purposes and the world's uses, than that of heat or fire, since nearly all are forced to pass through this great leveling, purifying element. The ever startling processes, as witnessed by the novice as he walks with fear and trembling through the great factories where the work is going on, causes a twinkle of merriment to lay around the eye of the artizan, which is ever on the alert as the acts of manufacturing pass before his educated gaze, the least variation from the true line of which is caught at a glance. Even his ear, educated to the sounds proceeding from furnace or pan, recognizes the still small voice speaking the word of warning from the fiery depths of the roaring furnaces, of prepar- ations or purification, when the baser parts are cleansed away, departing as dross, while the pure moulten metal flows into cunningly pre- pared moulds fashioned by delicate fingers in sand from the low ground of " succoth " (per- haps) arranged to receive it. NElfARK, A'. J , ILLUSTRATED. JOSEPH BAUDVVIX & CO. FOR many years the saddlery hardware industry- has been one of the most important trades carried on in the city of Newark. Few persons glancing through the pages of this illus- trated work stop to consider what a mighty change has been wrought in the past half a century. The development of the city's industries has been above the ordinary progress and advancement of the nineteenth century, and especially does this assertion apply to the enterprise displayed in the manufacturing pursuits. Revert back to the year 1S46, and how few of the many present enterprises held sway or existed. Yet there were some, a notable example of which is the old established and time- honored house of Messrs. Joseph Baldwin & Co. No. 254 Market street. This business was established in 1S46, by Alexander Barclay and Joseph Bald- win, under the firm name of Alexander Barclay & Co. , who were among the pioneers in the saddlery and coach hard- ware trade in the town, which, as many of the older residents remember, was located on Fair street, near Broad. At that tim.e the oldest house in the business w a s Mr. Stephen B. Sturges and Mr. Seth Boy den, whose factory was on Mulberry street, near Boudinot street. This was at that time the most noted house in the town where many prominent Newark manu- facturers learned the trade. Since that date building improve- ments have erased many of the old landmarks, but the prominent career of the firm of Joseph Baldwin & Co. has, to an extent, per- petuated the early view in the memory of many. In 1864 Alexander Perry Baldwin succeeded his father in the management, and Mr. David Martin, a brother-in-law, and an enterprising gentleman of wide business experience, was admitted to partnership, under the old time-honored name of Joseph Baldwin & Co. The plant and a phr)to of its founder is herewith given in the illustrations so truthfully displayed on this page. The house has been so long and successfully engaged in manu- facturing saddler}- hardware, including a line of bits, spurs and chains, that its products in this line are the recognized standard of the trade, and are used by the leading turfmen of the country. JOSKl'H BAI.nWlN, Kil .\UtK. OSCAR -WIENER. FEW men have done more in all probability to uphold and retain the saddlery hardware manufacturing industrj- in the city of Newark than the gentleman whom we have now under consideration— Oscar Wiener, Esq.,— a speaking photograph of whom may be seen on this page. He began the industry in 1859, and has continued to conduct it ever since with a success of which any man may well feel proud. His factories are located at Nos. 87 and 89 Mechanic street, on the very spot where, in the smallest kind of a way, he began what has grown up under his own personal tutelage, care and management, an industry which B.XLnWIX )S CO., ^54 MARKET STRKKT. is probably superior to anything in the line carried on in the city of Newark, and perhaps in the United States. Out of his factory go a class of goods of such a high character that they have only to be appreciated, and make their own market wherever saddlery hardware is sold or consumed. Oscar Wiener is thoroughly well known throughout the city and State, and has a high standing among the fraternal beneficial associations of the same, being a worthy representative, and wherever known is highly respected. OSCAR WIp;XER. .VEIIA/^A', A'. /., ILIUSTRATED. CHARLES H PELL. OLIVER DRAKE. DRAKE & CO. THE practice of patent law is ably represented in the city of Newark by the firm of Drake h Co. , whose offices are located at No. 789 Broad street. As attorneys and solicitors of American and foreign patents, and as experts in patent causes, this firm have an established reputation and the most extensive practice of any others in their profession in the State of New Jersey. The senior member of the firm, Mr. Oliver Drake, established himself here in the practice of his profession in 1S64, and in 1879 the present firm was organized by the admission to partnership of Mr. Charles H. Pell. No firm stands better before the United States Patent Office, or can secure fairer treatment by its officials. The importance which attaches to the patenting of inventions in this country is evidenced by the fact that during the existence of this firm the number of patents issued by the U. S. Patent Office has increased from about 41,000 in 1S64, to 470,000 at the present time, Feb. 23, iSg2. and New Jersey stands near the head of the list in respect to the number of inventors and patentees. The members of the firm are recognized as able, scientific and successful attorneys and experts, and possess every possible facility for conducting every branch of patent law under the most favorable auspices and upon the most satisfactory terms. Their practice relates to the preparation of specifications and drawings, to the making of preliminary examinations as to the patentability of an invention, and to the preparation and filing of applications for patents, reissues, designs, trademarks and labels, and to every item of service necessary to the successful prosecution of the inventor's application down to the time the patent is granted and issued by the office. They have clients in ail parts of the United States, and many of the leading manufacturers of Newark employ their services exclusively. Mr. Drake is a native of New Jersey, and one of the best known patent attorneys in the country. Mr. Pell was born in New York, and combines with Mr. Drake to- form a firm, popular with all and sound to the core. THE CEXXR.A.L ST^AMRINO CO. THE Central Stamping Company is the largest and oldesf establishment of its kind in the United States. It has several large manufactories, employing many hundreds of operatives. The Newark branch (shown upon the opposite page) has been in existence some fifty years, and produces a vast amount of sheet-metal wares for household, farm and dairy use. It has been identified closely with the growth of Newark, and it has contributed no small part of our growth and prosperity. The offices are situated at Nos. 23 and 25 Cliff street. New York, with which all the factories are connected by telephone. Our townsman, Jlr. George W. Ketcham. is secretary and treasurer, as well as one of the Directors of the Central Stamping Company. He is well known in Newark, having serve! the city as School Commissioner, Councilman and as a Member of Assembly, in all of which capacities he devoted himself to the extension of public improvements. He was the originator of the present bountiful water supply, having in the spring of 1SS9. while a meml)er of the Council, introduced the resolution which culminated in the joint action of the Common Council and the Aqueduct Board. NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. "73 174 NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. W.^LTER L. STvXRR. THE name of Walter L. Starr is at present connected with the manufac- ture of hardware specialties, into which line of business he has recently entered. The industry is located on Passaic avenue, near the Paterson depot of the Erie Railroad in this city. The plant is shown in the illus- trations on this page. Mr. Starr is perhaps one of the oldest citizens of Newark, who was formerh' identified with the saddlery hardware trade, especially the close plating branch of the industry, from which he has severed his connection to enter upon the manufacture of several hardware specialties. CHA.RLK^s Xr. Theberath. THE city of Newark, New Jersey, has attained the peerless position it now occupies among the great Industrial cities of the American Union, mainly through the enexcelled quality of its manufactured pro- ducts. There are but few, if any known markets in the world, but what have received consignments of one kind or another, that have been produced in some of the numerous plants erected by its enterprising ciiizens. In this connection Mr. Charles M. Theberath, a photo of whom is given herewith, is worthy of special mention. This energetic and public spirited citizen, having been identified with the manufacturing of fine harness mountings during the past thirty years, and has with honor ably represented his fellow citizens in the Board of Freeholders, for eight years in the Common Council, and also as a delegate to the Chicago Convention, and on the electoral ticket of Essex countj' in 1880, and also as trustee of the City Home. WALTER L. STARR X CO. AUOUST BUERMAiNN. THE saddlery hardware interests of the city have been prom- inent among her industries during the past century, and have more than held their own in the trade markets of the countrj-. This is due largely to the push and enterprise of the men who have in the past, and are now engaged in the trade. The house over which Mr. Buermann presides was established in 1846, and is located at Nos. 37 and 39 New Jersey Railroad avenue Its products consist of Californian, Mexican and South American bits, spurs, stirrups, etc., which are noted all over the Western continent for their design and workmanship. The only medals and diplomas were awarded to August Buermann, on bits and spurs, b)- the Centennial Commission, Philadelphia, 1876, and at the World's Industrial Exposition, New Orleans, 1SS4-5. ^B^* . ^ In • ^^^^^B ' " ^^^^^^^B^ - CiiAKI.L? M. IllEBERATH, Al.\iUST liLtR.MAN.N. NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. '75 INrEKIOR VrEVV, U'll.l.lAM DIXON * CO., BRUSH MANLFACTIRERS. WILLIAM mxON CON. THOMAS LINNEXT, Jr. DURING the past thirty-five years the brush industry of the city has been honorably represented by Mr. Edward Dixon, whose photo forms an ilUistration on this page. This enterprising citizen established the bu,siness in a small way, in 185S, and is at present at the head of the brush manufacturing firm known as Dixon & Rippel, located at No. 50 Market street, where brushes of ever)- description are produced from the best material, and finished in a style that is creditable to the trade of which Mr. Dixon is a •worthy representative. Tiio: KRAXIv IvEULOGG. THE Essex Lead Works, Frank Kellogg, proprietor, manufac- turers of lead pipe and sheet lead, and dealers in plumbing and sanitary goods, was established by the present proprietor twelve years ago. It was then, and is still, the only manufac- turing plant of its kind in this State. The premises occupied are situated at Nos. 45 and 47 Mechanic, between Broad and Mulberry streets, Newark, N. J. The building is of brick and stone, 40x100 feet, and four stories high, and contains warerooms and factory. The plant is thoroughly equipped with every facility needed in the business, including a 100 horse power Babcock and Wilcox boiler and engine. This house makes a specialty of lead pipe and sheet lead, but they carry a large stock of plumbing sani- tary goods, as also gas and steam- fitters' and machinists' supplies. MAS LINXETT, Jr. , was born in Newark, New Jersey, ne 2g, 1S54. After graduating from our public schools he entered the employ of J. H. Kirkpatrick. then a leading shirt manufacturer, in whose employ he learned the business. In 187S he formed a partnership with Charles B. Jolley, under the firm name of Jolley & Linnett, at 165 Market street, in a back room and with about a half dozen operators. In 1S82 the interest of Mr. Jolley was bought out b)- Mr. Linnett, and the firm of Thomas Linnett, Jr., & Co. was formed, with Mr. Charles P. Marsh as the junior member. The)- extended the business so that they required the btiildings Nos. 165 and 167 Market street, occupying five floors. In iSSS they remov-ed to Nos. 45 and 47 Mechanic street. Mr. Louis Marbe was then admitted to the firm, under the name fif Linnett, Marbe & Co., which continued until January iSi)o, when the interest of the part- ners was bought out by Mr. Linnett, who continued the business under the name of Thomas Linnett Manu- facturing Company. The business was incorporated August :o, 1S91, under the laws of Massachusetts, with a paid-up capital of $25,000. The following gentlemen are officers of the company : Thos. Linnett, Jr., president; Jos. D. Ward, secretary ; Frank Coenen, treasurer. A factory 50x100 feet, three stories high, was built at Adams, Mass , where 200 hands find employment. The office is retained at No. 44 Mechanic street. Newark, N. J. XEllARK, y. y., ILLUSTRATED, 1/7 MACIIINI-: SHOP OF L'HAKI.KS BCRROUCiHS, TO COMMEKCK STREKT. CIIAKI.KS HLIKROI •< rHS. MR CHARLKS BURROl'C.HS started in the machine bHsi^e^s in September 1S75, and in 1SS4, his increasing business com- pelled him to erect his present shop at Xos. 141 to 149 Commerce street. The building as shown in the above cut is a two story brick structure, the main floor being used by the office in front and the extreme rear by engine rtxini and blacksmith department. The centre or main lloor is occupied by the heavy machinery, the second floor for the lighter machines and for special work requiring a cer- tain amount of privacy. Adjacent to the main building he also erected a two story brick building which is used only for the storage of patterns. Mr. Burroughs has not neglected any opportunity to provide himself with the latest improved machinery, and at present there is not a shop in the state that is better ecpiiijped for his line of work. Among his specialties are hydraulic presses of any dimensions and dumps of ail descriptions, screw presses, dies or models. He also makes a specialty of designing and manufacturing all kinds of machinery. J. L. SOIVIMER. Pearl street in the city of Ne.vark. The excellent photo of Mr. Sommei- ton"-; one of the illustrations on this page. LIKE the refreshing shower of a hot summer afternoon, starting into new life the parched earth and causing vegetation to leap for joy under its influences, so came the little button hook, bringing benizens of comfort to fair women and thankfulness to strong men. Its precious influence for good was immediately felt everywhere, while this is but one among the many thousands of useful inventions which are the fruit of the genius of Newark men and mechanics, its manu- facture along with other novelties in wire, opens up a wide field of industry. Among those engaged in the manufacture of the labor saving, time utilizing and patience soothing button hook, is J. L. Sommer, Esq., whose establishment is located at Nos. 14. 16 and iS J, 1.. SCIMMIK. 178 NEWARK. X. /., ILLUSTRATED ATHA & HUGHES. ONE of the most useful and highly important industries successfully carried on for the past forty-two years in the city of Newark, is that of the enameled carriage and table oil cloth business established by Mr. Andrew Atha in 1S50. For many years no country outside of Europe could produce a perfect article of enameled carriage and table oil cloth, from ihv fact that artisans skilled in that line of work were to be fouml only in foreign lands. But this art, like various others, coniineil as they were to the country of kings, has graduall}? crept over the water, and at the present writing the city of Newark is known all over the world through the unrivaled brands of enameled carriage and table oil cloth produced in her factories, and by her enterprising manufacturers. For many years past the city has been the centre of the trade throughout the Union, and here, as in but few other cities of the world, does one dis- cover such ample resources, combined with practical experience and unflagging energy. The illustrations herewith given will convey to the mind of the reader some idea of the extent to which this industry is canned on by Messrs. Atha and Hughes. The immense works are located on the block bounded by Sussex avenue. Orange, Nesbit and Newark streets, and are the largest in the United States. Their history like many other industries which have made the city celebrated in the manufacturing markets of the world is brief. In 1S50, Mr. Andrew Atha commenced the business only from humble beginnings, by industry, perseverance and prudent management the business was soon placed on a firm footing, and early assumed a leading position in the enameled carriage and table oil cloth trade. In 1870, Mr. George H. Hughes became associated with Mr. Atha, and from this time forward the busi- iW^A .^%.M BIRD S EYE VIEW OF ATH.\ & HUGHES OIL CLOTH WOKKS. ness of the firm has steadily grown to the present immen.se pro- portions. In iSf)o, the firm w^as merged into a corporation with the following officers : President, George H. Hughes ; vice- president, Benjamin Atha ; secretary and treasurer, B. H. Atha. The industry founded nearly half a century ago has won a reputation that is both commendable and enviable for the push and enterprise of the men who have been shrewd promoters of those inventions and improvements, that have enhanced the numer- ous industries for which the city of Newark, of which they are worthy representatives, is now celebrated throughout the known world. The company maintains a commodious and well regulated salesroom at No. iii Duane street. New York city. The trade- mark of this house is known in every part of the world where oil cloth is used. OF ATHA & HUGHES' WAREROOMS AND OFFICES, NEWARK, N. J. NEWARK, y /., ILLUSriiATED. '79 Yates, Wharton & Co. TillC orijjinal firm of Yates, Wharton & Co., was formed in 1S57, by Mr. Henry J. Vates and Mr. John Wharton under the name of Yates & Wharton, both of whom at that early period had become noted in the trade, for knowledge and skill in the manu- facturing of fur hats. In 1863, the style of name was changed to Yates. Wharton & Co., Mr. William I). Yocfjm having l)een admitted to the co-partnership and attending to the New York salesroom, with which he had l)een connected as salesman. In 1S83, Mr. William L). Yocom having withdrawn. Mr. Charles A Wliarton and Mr. Robert Clark, Jr.. were admitted to the firm, as it is now constituted. Mr. Henry J. Yates born in New York city. Uecemlier 9. iSnj, learned hatting with William Rankin to 1S43, associated with Mr. I'. W. Vail in firm of Vail and Yates to 1857, firm of Yates & Wharton to 1863, firm of Yates, ^Vharton & Co., to date. He has never sought office, but served as alderman, and for two terms as mayor of Newark, and is director in several corporations. Mr. John Wharton, was born September 25, 1825. He has held no public office, but has devoted his time to the manufacturing department of the business with great success, overcoming difficulties and improving methods of manufacture. Charles A. Wharton and Robert Clark, Jr., are young men in their prime, holding no position of public prominence, but attend- ing to the details of the business with energj- and success. The firm has safely passed through all the industrial depres- sions and financial trials of the past thirty years, being controlled by a careful and conservative administration, close supervision of details and systematic mangemcnt. The plant is complete in its arrangement and will produce 150 dozen hats per day, their product consisting of men's medium and fine grades, of fancy colors and best workmanship, nothing being allowed to go from the factory if deficient in any part of its VATES, WMATON .t lO., HAT MANUFACTURERS, 142 lo 156 COMMERCE STREET. manufacture. Their market is mostly domestic embracing the United States, including the Pacific coast and Canada. They employ 300 hands in the sevi ral processes of manufactur- ing and have a merited and well earned rcinilation for just and fair dealing with their employees, their working people invaria- bly returning to their employ after trying other places for comparison of earnings ; and all differences have been amicably settled without recourse to industrial war. Employers and employees have steered clear of the tracks of strikes as the captain and his good sailors avoid the track of the destructive simoon. To maintain the stronghold (m the hatting industry which Newark held for years before and at the time of the war, has required no little skill and acumen upon the part of those who were interested therein. That hatting is a roving industry can be said truthfully and not to its very great disadvantage either, it apparently being outside of the old Franklintonian theory of the rolling stone gathering no moss, for wherever this industry of hatting is carried on prosperity generally smiles, even on what are called • Buckeyes." m.-ir.y \\x :s ^^Mll• \A.Ki). JUST about where the New Jer- sey Zine Works now stand, about thirty years ago. David F. Brown began the industry in a small way of boat building and established Newark's first ship yard. He soon thereafter removed to the spot whence the smr)ke rises from the great forges and cupolos of the Atha & lUings- worth steel works, from thence to to the present location at Brown street and Lister avenue, where his successor, the present proprie- tor, Kdward (i. Brown, has estab- lished a marine railway and has gathered around it all the various paraphernalia of boat and ship building. Not a little very inter- esting history clusters around this family of Browns. David F., the father and prede- cessor of the present proprietor, was a son of Noah Brown, of the firm of A. & N. Brown, shipbuild- ers, who constructed the fleet of war vessels with which Commo- dore Perry immortalized his name on Lake Erie. It was this same firm who built the first steamboat, the Robert Fulton, and moulded up the rounded forms r/f Ericson's mighty monitor which beat the Merrimack and saved the I'nion. Mr. Brown now employs from twenty to fifty men as circum- stances demand in the building of all kinds of boats and vessels for sail or steam, .sailers, lighters, yachts, etc. He also con- ducts a large business in flag poles and (lag pole ornaments. i.istf.k avi.xue. another blithe little monitor such as his ancestors built under the eye of the great Ericson, it is well-known that he has the !S. CHA? THE millions of cigars made annually in the United States require boxes in which to pack them, and this branch of the industry affords employment to thousands of working people throughout the country. Our thriving city of Newark possesses the leading steam cigar box manu- factory of the state, that of Charles Oppel's Sons, situate at Nos. 54 and 56 West street, which is here- with shown in the half tone engraving presented. The busi- ness was inaugurated in 1S64, by the late Mr. Charles Oppel, and in 1SS6 his sons, August T. and Rerthold, assumed control. They have met with gratifying success, and the business is to-day in a flourishing condition. The machinery and general appoint- ment of the factory are all of the latest and most improved order which greatly facilitates opera- tions, and large orders are filled on short notice. A large assr)rt- ment of labels of the most artistic designs are always in stock, be- sides, a complete line of cigar manufacturers' supplies, such as gum, ribbon, knives, cigar boards, cutters, revenue books, color marks, etc.. also numerous other articles that are a necessity to the cigar maker. The factory covers an area of 50x40 square feet, which is barely suflficient to accommodate the number of men and women constantly employed. All their affairs are under the personal supervision of both members of the firm, who are recognized by the trade as energetic business men, and all work done is of the neatest and most perfect standard that it is possible to obtain. A gratifying proof of the popularity of the firm is the number of patrons it can claim in all parts of the United States and Canada, who are able and willing to testify to the merit of its productions. Like everything else in the manufacturing line that N e w ark undertakes, that is as sure to go to the front as the magnetic need- le to the pole. It needs no re- hearsal of the m a n y demon- s t r a t e d in- stances of this fact, but they may be seen on all sides by the most careless of observers who will permit his attention for a single moment to rest upon re- sults, as the)' stand out so prominently as A-rcusT T. oi'i-Eu not to be mis- !1! SONS, CIGAR "BOX NTANUF'RS. ^ ." ';^a| .^' \.^. 1 ^]^ ,* \ CIIAKI-ES lU'I'KL'S .^ONS, CIO.^R liOX M.\NUl'.\rTL"REKS, 54 .VXD 56 WKST STREKT. taken. What can be said of the other manifold industries carried on in the city of Newark can the same be said of cigar making and the manufacturing of supplies for the trade. To the latter we have only to do in this article, and in calling the attention of readers to this branch of industry, the first move will be for him to take a look at the engraving on this page, which is a faithful representation of the .structure in which the industry of Charles Oppel's Sons is hou.sed and where they carry on the cigar makers' supply manufacturing business, and make every neces- sary article called for by the trade. The growth of the business carried on by Charles Oppel's Sons, of manufacturing cigar boxes, and cigar makers' supplies, points with unerring exactness to the growth of cigar manufacturi n g not alone here in Newark, but in other cities a n d to w n s where there is a demand f o r their goods and whence they are shipped to meet it in large quantities throughout the year. Some- thing of the magnitude o f this industry can be seen from the extent of the output of the O p p e 1 s alone and yet they are but one of the many. dertholo opi-ei.. NEWARK, X /., //.LUSTRA TED. i«S SCHMini' c*i: iON. TO just such institutions as this over which the Schmidt's preside, father and son, is Newark indebted for her phenominal growth and material great- ness. Without the assistance of the steam saw and planing mill establish- ments the city would make but an ordi- nar\- showing. This house, now so well and favor- ably known, began its career nearly forty years ago. Mr. Schmidt had been educated to the business and had early been impressed with the one grand desideratum in wood workmg, that his timber must be thoroughly seasoned before using. When a piece of board went under his planers, or timber into his lathes, it was well dried, hard and elastic, with a fiber as straight as the bow wood of the native Indian. As his business grew and the want of assist- ants came upon him he employed none but skilled workmen and the latest and liest improved wlant of machines, machinery and wood working tools as are to be found in any industrial establishment in the countiy. The factory buildings of this firm which have a truthful illustra'.ion on this page are very capacious, and have steadily progressed as the increase of business demanded. The manufact< ry building is a three storj- brick structure 5o.\So feet, giving a floor room in each story of 4,000 square feet. Along with this they have quite extensive yard room for storing timber and lumber, and yet the demand comes up for still more room than can be commanded from plots Nos. 20 and 22 Broome street. The great variety of styles, forms, patterns and shapes of wood articles which come forth from the doors of their factory would create something of amazement in the mind of any one unaciiuainted with the wood working industry. The firm makes a specialty of carpenters' sawing and turning, and among the multitudinous products may be mentioned. columns balusters, line and iiitching posts, circular moldings and scores of articles in a great variety of patterns are reckoned among the output. Strangers have been known to stand for hours in the presence of one of their turning lathes while the expert turner dexter- ously fashions the article of beauty or utility, close watching him as he guides the sharp tool over its swift flying form of seasoned wood of oak, niahogancy, rose wood, pine, hemlock or whatever kind of wood the heart of the operator may be for the time inclined to use for the purpose intended or to fill an order. The buzz, upright and scroll saws, the planers and moulders as handled by this firm have done their part in the the revolution in house trimming in the last half century. It is surprising, indeed, how beautifully many of these machines, automatic to a great extent, walk through the timber boards and planks placed before them, and it does seem as though by and by they would begin to talk, yes in their own peculiar way they do even now speak a language that is easily interpreted by the manu- facturer and banker, and we opine as the years go by and the wealth of the capitalist unfolds more and more clearly to the view of the genius of inventions, and the guardian and key holder of the still hidden mysteries of mechanics and mechanisms is forced to listen to the persistant appeals to unlock the inner doors of this inner safe and set free for the uses of man the new, which per- chance, may be old, that the great evoUitioHs now in jMogress may startle the world in novelty, value and golden purpose. As the great procession of the industry moves on caparisoned in the finished harness of novelty and usefulness, the acclaim of the great cloud of witnesses will continue to swell in long continued shout, •• well done." till the culmination of voice and sound reach the car of the genius holding by the bridle of persistance the latest and newest of the released, fnmi the great closet of hidden mvsteries as another of the world's greatest inventions. IMlnr ,'i: Sll.\, SAW, rUNK \Nli n KXING Mil. I.. 1 i KDIXAND .*. SCHMIDl. ME^R^' .\. st:iiMH>r. i86 NEWARK. X. /., U.F.USTRATED. KINTER & CO. 'M.Kl.S^ b I KK1/1>^ WHILE the industry of wagon making is in the same line rea ly with that of carriage manufacturing, there is yet a mighty difference, and the best explanation thereof which we are able to make in the short space allotted in this work, is that the wagon is made for business and the carriage for pleasure. Now while this state- ment will not bear too close a scrutiny, it is near enough to the fact for all practical, as well as our own purpose, since in this article we have to do with the industry as applied to the making of both heavy and light farm and brewery wagons, light and heavy drays, carts and business vehicles generally, which is conducted extensively in Newark, not alone in a production for home sale service and consumption, but for outside markets as well. Mr. Frederick Finter, one of the oldest and most respected German citizens, was born in Ger- man)-, June S, 1S14. He arrived in Newark, N. J. in 1834, and devoted himself to the business of wagon making. When he came here there were only five German families in this city. He climbed up the ladder with a sturdy determination which brooked no failure, and as a result of his industry and perseverance he was able, along with six other wagon-makers, to begin business in 1848, at the corner of Hamilton and' Bruen streets. Step by step he went on increasing his knowledge and extending his efforts until finally he became sole proprietor of the large business which has since been carried on under his personal supervision up to a few months before he died, which was May i, 1SS5. He employed very few helpers when he commenced business for himself and depended largely on his own educated arras and hands to push his steadily growing industry. The successful results which followed his efforts show how faithfully he worked and what an imdomitable spirit of determination he brought to bear in the consummation of his ideal project, of building up a great business upon such solid and enduring founda- tions as would be as lasting as the wagons he was engaged iri building. The founder of this now enormous wagon manufacturing industry was one of those sturdy characters, who was not content to scan the present with his clear eye, but was ever peering away into the future and endeavoring so far as possible to reach out for new ideas to build the very best he knew, and with this end in view he made wagons better and better as the years went on, but never so far as he could divine did he build " better than he knew." When the time came that this father of one of Newark's important industries, and one who had laid the foundations in such, of the virtues that should make them enduring as time itself and had cemented it with his own good name, should lay aside his apron and tools for the last time, he could turn the institution over to his son, that he might continue its conduct under the name of its founder. After the death of Mr. Finter, his son William F. Finter, took full control of the business and, as it increased, year by j'ear, and the factory became too small to meet the requirements of the trade, he purchased the ground in iSr)i, at the corner of Market and Congress streets and erected one of the finest and most complete wagon factories in the State. He is a thorough mechanic, having learned the trade with his father before he took charge of the business. As the reader turns the pages of this New,\rk, N. J., Ilhstr.ated, and art treasure, and reads the shorl and succinct histories of the several industries, there are few who will find that the illustration speaks a better language than that representing the great establishment of Finter & Co., on this page, one of the oldest in its line in Newark, and conducted by his son. Thousands of busi- ness houses all over Essex county and the State of New Jersey, have abundant reason for apprecia- tion of the good work done by this company of wagon builders. For nearly a half century the name of Finter branded on a wagon has been .accepted as the sign of its high quality in the state of New Jer- sey. If the plain, substantial, honest- made wagons built by Finter & Co.. of Newark, New Jersej', don't stand forth as an exhibit from among the thousands which will undoubtedly occupy a large space in that great World's Fair in Chicago, then will full justice not be done toward the wagon- making branch of Newark's indus- trial pursuits. Should the wagon-making industry be properly represented in the great Columbian show, a high grade premium will doubtless go to that wagon which has pinned to its body or axle the plate of Finter & Co., makers, Newark, N. J. FREDERICK TIN IKK. ImINDEK. J WILLIAM F. KINTER, AEUARK, X. J , Jl.LUSTRATKD. 187 A I'.AKKIIORN. HiiWARl' .\ X 1 1 Mi:RlKK STKKKTS, AN'l) ANM) SPKIXGFI 1:1,1 ) AVKNIIC. KXGKI.UKKCJiEK «& BAKKHOKX. G ICTTIXG nght down to solid facts it will be found that among those industries which tend most to the maintain- ance of the high character which Newark is celebrated for, in its buildings wherein is domiciled the capitalist and workman alike, is that of door, sash and blind, frame, bracket and that of general light wood working, as also that of the factory buildings which rear their loft) heads far above their less pretentious neighbors. This branch of the wood working industries carried on in this city must needs take the lead of all others, so far at least as its output is designed for home consumption, unless we make an «xception of the saw mill and carpentery, than to the former must be rightfully awarded the first place or real initiative, unless we are permitted to follow the wood- man into the depths of the forest to see him bury the bit of glittering steel into the giant oak, cloud sweeping pine or deep sighing hemlock. While there are nearly, or quite a half hundred of great establishments where the buzz saw and planers by the scores are kept running like the flash of the light- ning and where hundreds of men and boys are kep' busy, yet there never seems to be an over supply. All the product from these great establishments which is not caught up and consumed by the home builders finds a ready sale in the markets of the world, and indeed, quite a large percentage of the output goes direct from mills to shipboard for exportation. Among the great concerns engaged in the manufact- ure of doors, door frames, window sash and frames, brackets, moldings, etc., is that of Kngelberger & Bark- horn, who have their plant house! in the great buildings erected for the purpose on the corner of Howard and Mercer streets, with warerf>oms at 305, 307 and 309 Springfield avenue. The beautiful illustration here seen gives but an introduction to what the concern in reality is. This industrial business was begun early in the fifties by the Augster Bros., they being succeeded by Engelberger & Barkhorn as now constituted. It was in the year iSSi, a little more than a decade of years ago. when the young firm with a capital all told, of less than three thousand dollars, flung their business banner to the breeze and at this writmg they stand at the head of this particular branch of Newark's industries. They have all the latest and best improved machinery and give employinent to nearly one hundred skilled workmen, and in 1S92 their output of manufactured dfmrs, sash, blinds, frames, etc., had a value of nearly a quarter of a million dollars. The partners are Newarkers and men of standing. Mr. Engelberger not only handles the plank himself, but sees to it that his workmen do their share, while Mr. Barkhorn keeps his eye on the ledger and bank account. They are successful, and the secret lies in the fact that, they have run the business and have never |)ermilted the business to run them. MESSERS. E.N'GELBEROER .\Nli BARKHOR.N'. iS8 NE]1'ARK, X. /., ILLUSTRATED. .MILL AND UII'ICIC ol- CUAIM.N HALL LUMHER COMPANY. CHAPIN HA.I^L LUMBER COMP^NV TO OUR readers who have had no real experience with lumber, the magnitude of the interest as conducted in Newark, is startlinsr and even to those who have, the experience that all men All along the Passaic, from the point where the city rests from who themselves are built of the right material must have had in the work of crowding the salt meadows back on the sea, to Second erecting a house to put the bird of a wife in when they catch her, river, and even on up through Belleville, great heaps like young: UPPER DOCK AND YARDS OF CHAPIN HALL LUJIBER COMPANY. XEIVARK, A. J., ILLiSTKATED. iSy mountains o f pine, hemlock, spruce and oak lumber greet the eye of the passer-by. The toot of the horn of the helms- man of the "sailer" laden deep with lum- ber from the far away Southern pine lands, or the shrill whistle of the little tug, with its monster barge in tow, and the creak of the Dpening draw, is music to the ear of the scores of great saw and planing mills which line the river bank, and never seem to get enough to satisfy their hungry " maw.' Not alone can the river Ijegin to supply enough for the demand of the hundreds of merchants engaged in the rich industry, but they must needs call upon the seven great railroads to roll into the Newark lumber market thousands of carloads as helpmeets in the herculean work of keeping up with the yearly increase of consumption, and yet there is a constant cry for more I more ! Few cities in the I'nited States can show a lumber and timber record with taller columns of figures to represent them than can New Jersey's metrojiolitan city, Newark. Not alone in the amount of timber and lunil)cr which Newark requires for her own marvellous growth and upbuilding, does she excel, but has to her credit a large supply trade in manufacturing articles turned out of her great mills, which are kept busy the year round. One of these establishments which surely had a happy run of success, is that of the Cha|)in Hall Lumber Company, whose LOWER Dix K, SIIEliS AND VAKD Ol I HAIMN MAI.l. LUMBER COMTANV. great mdls are situated at Fourth avenue ami Ogden street. These are three stories high, and cover a plot of ground 100x200 feet in area, a beautiful and truthful engraving of which is seen on the page opposite. But this shows but a tithe of the great yards in which this enterprising company stores immense quantities of North Carolina pine, cypress and white pine, which lies here undergoing the seasoning process, for future conversion into doors, sash and blinds, llooring, mouldings, siding, packing boxes, etc., their sheds and store house containing a large stock nuinii- factured for future or immediate delivery. This company has several large plants, one in particular, at the foot of Oriental street, on the I'assaic river, is worthy of special mention, as well as the immense parent liuiUling represented in the illustration with its engine and Ixiiler house extensions. Of late an immense impetus has been given to the lumlxr industry by the popular Building and Loan Associations, which are shedding abroad a boundless good to the men of moderate means in aiding them to build homes of their own. JOIIX 'lV\YI,OK. Tl I V. city of Newark will, pcrhajis, in a few brief years embrace all the territory now lying between the Ilackensack river and the Orange .Mountains Mr. John Taylor, whose photo forms one of the illustrations herewith given, has been connected with the wood-sawing and planing industry of Newark for the past twelve years. There are but few men of his years who have sawed up or planed more lumber for carpenters' use than he has in the time during which he has been identified with the business. T h e plant i s located in the famous " Phce- nix Works," rear of No. 256 Market street. Mr, Taylor is well known in the trade and social circles of the city, as an upright b u s i- ness man and energetic citi- zen, and is a worthy r e p r e- sentative of the wood - workers of Newark. JOHN lAVI.OK. ALFRED A,. BALUWIN. THK steady growth of the manufacturing and commercial plants, which adorn every section of the city, are monu- ments to the most free and enterprising ])eople the world has ever seen. In the industry of wood-turning. Mr, Alfred A. Baldwin, whose photo contributes to illustrate this page, is well and favorably known among the carjienters an builders Newark This enter prising citi- zen devotes his energies to the turn- ing of balu- sters, and newel posts, of every description, and wood- t u r ning in general. Since 1876 he has conducted the business at the well know " Phoeni.x Works rear of No. 256 ket street. A. A. EALWVIN igo NEWARK, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. C. M. RUSSELL. II NEWARK as it is, gives very few points to show what it has been, it being largely the growth of the last fifty years. Still there are a few buildings standing that go back in their history to colonial times, and give a fair representation of the taste and ability of their age. At that time very little aid was had from trained architectural work, and the preten- tious buildings of that period, and in fact, for a long time after, were the work of skilled carpenters or masons. Great credit is due them for what they achieved, and as history repeats itself, so architecture returns once and again to the best and most refined works of other times. We are only sorry that this spirit and taste does not always hold true, for there came a time in the history of our city when utility and the mighty dollar became dominant, and to this is due the sameness and lack of beauty of a large part of our city. We are only sorry that the sub- stantiality of the work was not as bad as the taste, in that case we might hope for a new outfit for so prominent a place as the corner of Market and Broad streets for instance. But to such training as this can be traced the foundation for the exceptional ability of the building tirades of the city of Newark. Her architects are the equals of any, her building firms have an unrivalled reputation both at home and abroad. The fact that almost all of the work done is by contract proves their fairness and reliability. On this page the illustrations represent the old and time honored industry of Mr. Charles M. Russell, located at Nos. 3S and 40 Crawford street. Mr. Russell, the proprietor, is the suc- cessor to the firm of Russell iS: Sayre, whose business was estab- lished in 1876, and continued uninterrupted until 1891, when this successful partnership was disolved, Mr. Sayre retiring to enter other business. In this factory can be seen the machinery that enables the modest house of to-dav to be finished far better than ,r L! T?! 11^ in ^ jh -ji !«.«**>'" C. M. RUSSELL. RL'SSELL, BUILDER, 38 .^.ND 40 CR.\WKORD STREET. costly mansions of times gone by, almost everything in the build- ing trade is here produced, work is given to a large force of men, and the facilities for trades, etc., equal to any other. It addition to the necessary machine work for their own busi- ness, they do all kinds of mill work, sash, blinds, doors, mouldings, etc., for the trade, personal attention is given to every part of the work, and a specialty is made of odd furniture, glass fittings, etc. At the corner of Washington and Kinney streets is the lumber yard annex of this business, where an assortment of everything for the retail trade is kept. Mr. Russell is a practical mechanic himself, a native of Morris county, he came to this city at the age of 17, was an apprentice in the shop of Mr. Ezra Reeves, Mr. E. R. Carhuff being foreman at the time, just after completing his apprenticeship, he with some half dozen others of the same shop enlisted in the service of his country. Mr. Russell joined the old city battalion and spent some time in drilling in the old burying ground under Captain Kinney, he was finally mustered into Co. K, Second Regiment, New Jersej' Volunteers. After an honorable term of three years service the survivors of this regiment were mustered out. Mr. Russell resumed his trade, and after several years was taken in as partner by his old employer, Mr. Ezra Reeve. After entering into business with his nephew, Mr. Sayre, as before stated, their work extended to all parts of the country and city, several fine churches and many of the finest residences were erected by them. Mr. Russell is a member of Garfield Post, G. A. R., is one who takes a great interest in the welfare of the city, and at present is a mernber of the Board of Education. The career of such a man is but a representation of what our American citizenship can do for those who are energetic and enterprising. The art of building is the oldest of all the arts, and while perhaps not as honorable as some of its sister arts, yet it is full as important, the spirit of architecture has shaped the destiny of nations, with its advance we may see the growth and increasing wealth of every nation that fostered it, wi h its decline how quick the fall. It is largely educational. A mind growing in an environment of taste and refinement will become the intelli- gent citizen. In our country w-e do not see the grand specimens of architecture such as are seen in the older countries, they have had their use no doubt, but here we do not wish to see the grand cathedral, while perhaps under its shadow a hovel, the home (can we call it home ?) of an honest family. Philanthrop)- should not spend its time and money in fostering pauperism, but build beautiful homes for the poor, and rent and sell them reasonably. A'Ell'ARK, A. /., ILLUSTRATED. 191 Tl-ckek Letter ot Document Kile Co. AyUliSTIOX long since settled in favor of Newark, is the fact that in no place of equal population, are there so many men of real inventive genius, so many men whose evolvements have gone farther towards the mechanical, scientific and artistic revolution, which has not only startled the world by the brilliancy of the marvellous achievements in the past, but has kept them on the qui vive of expectancy for inventions still more startling, and the record has kept unfolding, while the face of the present, all wreathed in smiles of satisfaction, has been kept true, but just such a one as has brought down showers of rich blessings upon his head and put money in his purse. Xo greater boon has ever been conferred upon business and professional men, clerks, correspondents, and indeed everybody who ever received a dozen letters or a thousand, or as many papers or other documents of any name or nature, than this William H. Tucker did when his fertile brain gave birth to this wonderful piece of ingenuity simplified, known as the Tucker Letter and Document File, and the Automatic Suspension Cabinet, in the compartments of which they can all be filed away for future reference. Some of the grandest inventions ever patented have long laid V9? bright by the hope of grander things in the future. .Some of these have flashed upon the world like comets in the midnight sky, with their brilliant train of meteoric attendants, to have a brief and showy existence, then to pass away forever. Others, coming forth in the nick of time, have pa.ssed the ordeal of years of trial riding triumphant over all obstacles, and taking their place in the people's favor and been accepted as standards in their line. Thus has it been with the invention of William H. Tucker, a Jerseyman and Newarker to the manor-born, who when he heard the clarion call of his country in the hour of her danger, went forth to fight her battles as a soldier, and stood side by side with hundreds of brave comrades who gave their life a ransom, while he returned to shower blessings on the people. In his patented Letter and Document File, a simple contrivance it is dormant for the lack of development, but a better fortune has waited upon this, which has fallen into the hands of men who do not allow anything to sleep or slumber that they have to do with. The company engaged in the work of the manufacture of these almost human ofllice and business men's necessities, was organized in 18S7, with H. C. Condit as president, E. P. Backus, treasurer, A. Judson Clark. Jr., as secretary, and E. J. Bein, superintendent. with the patentee, a large stockholder. The beautiful illustration seen on this page speaks of the merits of this wonderfully unique invention, in a language not to be misinterpreted or misunderstood, and even so in the photos of the officers, there is in every face that look of a determined purpose and remarkable will power seen at a glance in the likeness of the successful business man. 192 A'EU'.iRK, X. J. ILLUSTRATED. Stewart Hartshorne. AMONG the inventions which are tlie outputs of the genius of New- arlc men, there are few, if in- deed any, which have added more to the real comfort and pleasure of the housekee per and uses of the people in gen- eral, than the marvellous patent roller of Stewart Harts- horne, the great m anufacturing es t ablishment of which is seen on this page, and is conduct- ed by himself. WORKS OF SIEWART n.\RTSUORNE, SH.\DE ROLLER MANUF.^CTURER, H.iRRISON', N. J. SAMUEL O. CRAXE. ALEXANDER TIJRNBULL. IN 1S37, Samuel C). Crane, whose photo is one of the illustrations on this page, came to Newark with the object in view of making this growing industrial centre his home. Even at that early day, Newark had a name and fame which was far-reaching, and there were few places that were better known for the great variety of its manufacturing interests. Mr. Crane had already learned the carriage-making calling, and at once went to work at his trade, and kept his eye open for business chances for himself. After three or four \-ears he opened up the industry of bending woodwork for carriage builders. Indeed he was the founder of that branch of Newark's varied industrial pursuits. After con- ducting the business for some years, he was joined by a Mr. Bedford, and the firm became Bedford & Crane. He then became interested in the quarry business with George Brown. In 1S62 he sold out to A. G. Wheaton and return- ed to his old carriage or wheel - making business in con- n ec ti on with George Neefus. After several other successful changes Mr. Crane, though now well up in years, is e n- gaged in intro- ducing Wil- son's, a t h o r- o u g h 1 y good and popular, fire escape, with a view of organ- izing a stock company for its m an u f ac ture and sale. OX THIS page may be seen the photographic likeness of Alexander Turnbull, deceased, who was for man}- years connected with the carriage making industry of the city of Newark. He was really an expert carriage maker, having learned his trade in his father's workshop. The industry which he con- ducted was established by his father, Mr. James Turnbull. in 1S19. For nearly half a century this princely man was honored and respected, and few men were more deeply mourned when he died. /* { \ Pl*5^- % I ^ ■^^ "^r^ i"^^5M| ^^^^^^^^^^B^ ■!t - ■*T.-^ ^^^■^^^^^^^^^^H^Hr ^" \LI-..X.\N|iEK TLKXHLLL, (DECE.XSED). NEWARK, N. /, ILLUSTRATED. 193 JOY & SELIGER CO. FEW industries carried on in the city of Newark have so many really satisfying attractions as that conducted by the enter- prising young men, Charles Joy and Alfred E. Seliger, in the elegant buildings covering the plot of ground extending from Nos. 53 to 57 Xew Jersey Railroad avenue, a beautiful illustration of which appears on the pages of this work. They conduct the business of manufacturing novelty goods from aluminum, white metal and brass, into an immense variety of styles, classes and patterns of goods, for an almost multitudinous number of pur- department of the well-known Riley & Osborn Manufacturing Company. Into the business they brought but little capital, but had what served them perhaps far better, plenty of pluck and vim, and a full up and running over measure of determination to win. Brawn aud brain were their active and reserve forces, and as the happy result shows, both were used to e.xcellent purposes. But their's was a notable example that in business all is not fair sailing; the craft may be gliding along before the fair and favoring breeze, the sails swelling in such a beautiful and satisfying way 9 °^^°^^ '•j^-- poses, consisting in part of evcrj-lhing in the toilet line, a great variety of millinery goods, photo frames of many styles and patterns, ornamental mirrors, photograph and other albums, photo frames, patented elastic belts for both ladies and gentle- men, fancy metal cases and bo.xes of every description, and many other articles in the fancy goods line. The legal style and title of the conductors of this industry is the Joy & Seliger Company, of which Charles Joy is secretary and treasurer, Alfred E. Seliger is president, and Charles Henry Batkin, superintendent, with J. H. Dreyfuss. chief of office. The Joy & Seliger Company began the manufacture of novelties in 1S90, Charles Joy and Alfred E. Seliger joining hands in the purchase of the plant of the Newark Fancy Goods Manufacturing Company. It was the first business venture of the young men. Mr. Joy left the teller's window of the Manufacturers' National Bank, and Mr. Seliger the post of manager of the fancy goods but there are hidden rocks and shoals beneath the calmest of seas Their gallant industrial ship was heavily laden with goods for the holiday trade, and under full sail to meet the markets of the world, wide open to greet them, when the cry of fire in the old Walsh building, where they were located, compelled them to suddenly tack ship and seek another harbor, trans-ship their plant and set sail anew. The bud of promise which was opening up so beautifully for its future (wonderful) fruition was checked for a while, but with such spirits at the helm, and on the bridge, it didn't take long to conclude the purchase and fit for their purpose their present imposing, capacious and convenient quarters. With that quick perception for which they are noted, they saw in the building at the^orner of New Jersey Railroad avenue and Hamilton street just what they wanted, and unhesitatingly purchased it and began the work of refitting for the purpose of carrying on their growing industrj- within its walls. By working 194 NEW ARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. double gangs of men, and pushing it night and day, the remodel- ing went on as if by magic, and in a very much shorter time than would seem possible, the beautiful structure, a photo engraving of which is here presenied, was ready for occupancy. In fitting vip the building they have spared no pains or necessary expense, and it is safe to say, considering all things, that in its sanitary and heating arrangements, and for convenience in all respects, and for the comfort of the employees, it has few if any superiors. Our artist has done a superb piece of work in the photo engravings of Mr. Joy on the left and Mr. Seliger on the right, surrounded by representations of samples of their novelties in such manufactured products in all their elegance. With such consummate skill is ihe arrangement made, and so evidently careful in every detail has the artist been, that the picture as a whole is worthy of the very all appliances, the fruit of the genius of the best mechanics in the country, to assist them, it is quite impossible to meet the great demand, and in order to increase the supply, they have already in contemplation a very great enlargement of their new works, and of course this means an expansion of business and a large increase in the number of employees, so the point of success which they may finally reach is hardly conceivable. When the fortunate readers of this art treasure, known as Newark, N. J., Illustrated, casts his eyes over the illustrations, and sees the faces of the managers of this novelty industry, they will naturally wish to become better acquainted with the men and their history. That they may not be altogether disappointed, a short sketch for their perusal is herewith given. Charles Joy, the secretary and treasurer, is the son of Charles DESIGN OK JOY-.SELIGER CO. highest commendation. Altogether the new building of the Jo)- & Seliger Company is a model of completeness and commodious- ness, and does great credit to their pluck and enterprise. They deserve a trade that will make even their present almost unlimited facilities seem inadequate, and it is earnestly hoped that they will get it. Such a phenomenal success as has marked the career of this young firm, is indeed remarkable. It is intensely pleasant to record the fact, that in less than three years the output of their industry in the exceeding beauty, high quality and attractive appearance of their goods, is giving them the call in the markets of the world. Such a universal demand is creating everywhere, they find it difficult, even with their corps of from 135 to 150 em- ployees, and the finest automatic machinery, stamps, dies and Joy, who died in 1S73, and a brother of the late Colonel Edmund L. Joy. His a Newarker to the manor born, and is now, in 1893, about thirty-two years old. He was educated in the Newark Academy, under Dr. S. A. Farrand, graduating from that insti- tion in iSSS, and is now the president of the Acadamy Alumni Association. After leaving the academy he entered the Manu- facturers' National Bank as a subordinate clerk, where he remained tinder the instruction of Gen. Plume, soon rising from one grade to another, till he became the paj-ing teller, which post he resigned on going into business for himself. Besides keeping a close watch over the minute details of his manufacturing business, he acts the part of a good citizen by doing his share in the several lines. His honored father was long a deacon in the First Baptist Church, which is now the Peddie Memorial, and Charles is the NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. '95 IHK Jl>V .t SELl' Sabbath-school superintendent, having been his on-n unanimously elected successor from year to year for eight years. The school numbers about 600 pupils, all of whom love and respect their superintendent. It will be remem- bered that Mr. Joy is the Sunday-school superintendent who, while looking into the muz/le of a pistol, plucklly drove out the Sabbath-breaking Sunday- school disturbing rowdy who came into his school some years ago with intent, as he said, to do it up. but was fortunately done up himself by Superintend- ent Joy, who promptly ejected him Mr. Joy is also a member of the Board of Trade, and takes great interest in the affairs thereof. He is a niembu: and sergeant of the justly celebrated Essex Troop, and isn't afraid that his friends shall see that he takes pride in his military skill and soldierly bear- ing, and is also major of the popular Frelinghuysen Lancers. Alfred E. Seliger, the president of the Joy & Seliger Company, is a Prussian by birth, and has been in the business since boyhood. He is a thorough mechanic, both practical and theoretical : a graduate of the high technical School of Leipsic and Montjoie on the Rhine. After working for a while in Berlin. Eupen, Hanover and Goettingen. like many of his brothers, he bade adieu to the fatherland and turned his face toward the setting sun. On his arrival in this land of promise he stopped a short time in Baltimore, then came to New Vork, where he obtained employment at once a< superintendent of the fancy goods department of the Berlin &• Jones Envelope Company. After this he stopped a few years with the Elliott Manufacturing Company, as manager. Better advantages offering, he accepted a position as manager of the fancy goods department of the then well-known Riley & Osborn Manufacturing Company, and came to Newark. His early career and the ease with which he obtained employment in a strange land and among strangers, gives a notable demonstration of the great value of a technical education to a young man starting out in the world. Thrice armed is he who is well grounded in the theory of his calling. While Mr. Seliger keeps the business close in hand, scrutinizing every detail with untiring care, and with a push and vim which is a part of his strong but elastic nature, lie keeps the fire of business success brightly burning. Like his partner he has a social good nature, and loves his lodge, for he is a bright Mason and well up in the workings of the mystic art. He is a director ui the Board of Trade, an institution which he delights to honor, all the workings of which he studies with much interest. He is also president of the Columbus Market Company of New Vork. While Mr. Seliger, as it is easily seen, is a very busy man, he never forgets his soldierly instincts or martial bearing, or that he is a Prussian. That he may keep bright the memory of Moltke and Kaiser William he is a member of the popular Essex Troop, and is an ex-caplain of Company G, Eleventh Regiment, Xew Vork State Militia. Charles Harry Batkin, the polite and efficient superintendent, is a native of Birming- ham, England, and has been a member of the firm from the beginning, and upholds his part right manfully. The members of the firm are all gentlemen, and it is pleasant to meet either of them in their elegantly fitted up offices, whether for business or to have a little chat. As they Hit through the factory and are always busy as busy can be, they never are in such a great hurry that they haven't a moment for the amenities. Besides the home offices at the works in New Jersey Railroad avenue, from N'os. 53 to 57, they have extensive salesrooms at No. 634 Broadway, New York, and at Nos. 133 to 13; Wabash avenue. Chicago, and at No. 13 Wellington street. East, Toronto, they maintain their extensis-e Canadian sales establishment. Thus from these storehouses and salesrooms of the output of the Joy & Seliger Company of Newark, N. J., go forth to meet the demands the trade of the world. I Ilk J. .vs. uOl.tMllUS CLOCK. ihi'8^^?;Tr- ,; '^; :"pii^' THE JOY .■!; SELIGKK LAUlbs bfcLi, f.A i t,:-. i ;-.o. igi.ijS? AND NO. 200.561. THE JOV & SELIGER HAIRI'IN BOX. WORLD'S FAIR TRI.VKET BOX, I'AT. JAN. 10, 1893. 2213. 196 A-EU-ARK. X. /., ILLUSTRATED. The RlLEV-lvLOTZ \lA.IS:tJKA.CTUKIMG Co. ABOUT the year 1853, Mr. John M. Riley came to this country from England. In 1S57 he began manufacturing in a small way, satchel and trunk hardware, and other small articles from metal, in the basement of the Kremlin Building, Broad streeet, opposite William. A short time afterwards he moved to the Franklin Building, corner High and Mill streets ; from there he moved to North Broad street, thence to Essex street, and from there to the Hedenberg Works. In 1S6S, whilst manufacturing in Mechanic street, he was burned out. During that same year, Mr. P. P. Lynch, an employee of Mr. Riley, was admitted to partnership, and the firm became Riley & Lvnch, and so continued until the death of Mr. Lynch in 1883. Riley-KIotz Manufacturing Co., a company of which our city may justly be proud. The purchasers entered into possession of the property on the gth day of March, iSgi. The officers of the com- pany are Samuel Klotz, president ; Thomas Nichols, vice- president ; William M.Clarke, treasurer; Theodore J. Gerth, secretary ; B. J. Riley, superintendent. A number of the leading business men and capitalists of Newark are among the stockholders. The directors are Samuel Klotz, William M. Clarke, Thomas Nichols, Theodore J. Gerth, Edward H. Duryee, John D. Harrison, Lewis J. Lyons, William H. Davol, Carl A. Leh- mann, Thomas J. Regan and Bernard J. Riley. The capital stock is $200,000 The new firm recognizing that to Mr. J. M. Riley, more than to any one else, was due the fact that the business had grown from WORKS OF THE RII.EY-KLOTZ M.^N'UF ACTURIXG CO., No. ,^ AND ,., MULBERRY STREET. After the fire in 186S, they moved to Division place, occupying a portion of the building now occupied by the present company. On the death of Mr. Lynch, the firm was changed to Riley & Osborn, and so continued until it was merged into a stock com- pany, under the title of the Riley-Osborn Manufacturing Co , and continued as such, growing to immense proportions, until January, i8gi, when, owing to dissensions between partners, the entire concern was thrown into the hands of a Receiver, Hon. J. Frank Fort having been appointed such by the Court of Chancery, on petition of the partners, January 16, iSgi. On the 14th day of February, William M. Clarke, Thomas Nichols and ISIajor Samuel Klotz, three well-known business men of Newark, made a proposition to the Receiver, to purchase the entire plant, real estate, tools, stock and machinery. The propo- sition was accepted by the Receiver, and the Chancellor con- firmed the sale. Thus came into existence what is now the nothing to a great industry, retamed the old gentleman in their employ in an advisory capacity. The buildings occupied by the company are located at Nos. 1 7 and 19 Mulberry street, and 8. 10, 12 and 14 Division place, having a frontage of 40 feet on Mulberry street, and a depth of 100 feet on which there is a si.x-story brick building, one of the best constructed manufacturing buildings in the ci y of Newark. They have a frontage on Division place of 100 feet, and a depth of 123 feet, which is entirely covered with a four-story brick building, except a small court in the centre. The entire factory is equipped with the best machinery that can be secured for the purposes for which they are used. It is claimed that over $300,000 have been invested in tools and machinery alone. The total floor space of the factory is more than 75,000 square feet. It would be impossible to numerate even a small portion of the .XEUARK. X. /.. ILLUSTRATED. 197 Bait •*>f?Sr»-, ^ n^ WORKS OF THE RILEV-KLOTZ MAXCFACTl'RIMO CO, NOS. 8, lo, u AND 14 DIVISION' PLACIC. articles made by this company. It is claimed that the numbers run to over seven thousand. They make bag and satchel frames and trimminjjs and trunk hardware, metal campaign goods of every description, toilet and manicure sets, all sorts of metal fancy goods and novelties, military and society goods : sample case and trimmings, album and Bible clasps and mounts, fancy box handles, hinges and ornaments, ladies' belt buckles and OFFICERS OF THE RILF.V-KI.OTZ M.WL FACTURIXG COMI'.^NV. trimmings, metal buttons and cloak clasps, millinery ornaments, fancy brass ornaments for mounting. Specialties in fancy stationers' goods, match holders, thermometer stands, smokers' sets, whisk broom holders and handles ; fine lamps and bronzes, fine art metal goods in cast brass and bronze, musical metal goods, band lamps and cornet mutes, metal dog collars and dog collar trimmings, bridle front chains and bands ; hardware specialties, pocket, hand and dark lanterns, metal numbers and letters, the Star patent oiler and engineer's lamp, in short, anything or practically everything that may be made from metal. The new firm have been very successful, and to-day the busi- ness stands as one of the greatest industries in the city of Newark, employing when in full operation, between three and four hundred people, and paying in wages more than $125,000 per annum. Their goods are sold throughout the entire United States and Can- ada, and markets have been lately reached in some foreign countries. The New York store is at No. 529 Broadway, corner Spring street. 198 NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. DIX.ON vS: RIPF'EL. THERE is perhaps no one interest in Newark to-day which has shown such a healthy and continued growth as the brush business. The manufacture of high grade brushes constitutes a very important industry. The establishment of Dixon & Rippel is not only the most prominent, but is also the oldest established in this city. In the year 1S57 this house was founded by Mr. Edward Dixon, the senior partner of the present firm. In 1866 he admitted Mr. "SV. Di.xon to partnership, and the firm became known as E. & W. Dixon. In 1S91 the above firm dissolved and Mr. Edward Dixon continued the business under the name of Newark City Brush Manufactory. A few months later Mr. Albert A. Rippel was admitted to partnership and the firm became known as Dixon & Rippel. Mr. Edward Dixon, the founder of the firm, is an old citizen of Newark. He is a practical brush maker, and has been actively identified with the brush business in this city since 1S52. The old sign (Newark Brush Factory) can still be seen on top of the factory building, at Nos. 50 and 52 Market street. Mr. Albert A. Rippel, the junior partner, is a native of Newark, and has been actively identified with the brush industry since iSSo, having grown up in the business from boyhood. He represents •what is called young blood in business, and since his connection the firm has experienced a continued increase in business. He is one of the few men who are to-day called successful salesmen. The high grade brushes manufactured by this firm are fast becoming celebrated for their superior construction, durability and practical working qualities. Always using the best materials, and combining the highest mechanical skill with thorough experience, they feel confident in claiming to produce the best brushes in the market. This firm enjoys the distinction of carrying on a general brush manufacturing business. They are not confined to any one particular branch, but manufacture everything in the line. Their trade in consequence mXIJN" i- RIPTEI.'S r.KUSH WOKK.S, CljKNtK MARKKT ANLi PLANE MKll 1- EDWARD DIXON. ALBERT A. RIPPEL. NEWARK, X. /, ILLUSTRATED 199 is very large, and extends all through the United States and Canada. Mr. Rippel personally attends to the business on the road, and also directs the movements of other salesmen which the firm employ. The firm occupies the entire building at No. 30 Market street, and also part of No. 52. It is four stories in height. The salesroom and office occupy the first floor. The second floor is the stock room. The third floor is the jeweler brush department. The entire upper or fourth floor is devoted to the general manufacture of brushes. They also occupy a floor with power in the Hedenberg Works, where all the boring, sawing and woodwork is done. Every facility is em- ployed pertaining to the business, and the ser\-ices of about thirty-five to forty workmen are required. They are the sole manufacturers of the Dixon & Rippel Patent Leather Varnish Brushes, standard numbers 30 and 70. The line of goods manufac- tured embraces brushes for jewelers, silversmiths. I.NTBRIUK VltW, OKKICK AND S.\1.ESKOO.\1 . I.STERIOR VIEW, MAIN BKLSII MAKI.NG DEI'ARTJIE.NT. men of quick business energy, and have a practical knowledge of the business they are engaged in. They have a high reputation for honesty, and fully merit the confidence which is continually being placed in them. The stamp of Dixon i: Rippel on a brush is of itself a sufticient guarantee of its superior workmanship and cjuality. The illustrations on these two pages will convey to the reader a general idea of this imijortant industry-. The cuts represent only a small part of their plant, which is now being operated to its fullest capacity. The firm contemplate making extensive improvements in the near future, which will enable them to largely increase their business. Employing every facility pertaining to the busi- ne.ss, it is not surprising that the firm should have a national reputation, and should hold an enviable record in connection with^their prompt, accurate and satisfactory dealing. The photographs of the proprietors will be readily recognized as represen- tative business men of Newark, who have the interest and general welfare of the city at heart. dentists, platers, watchcase makers, metal workers, leather workers, hatters, oil cloth, saddlery hardware, shade-cloth and wall paper manufacturers, in fact everything in the shape of brushes used in a manfacturing business. The firm has also added what is called a paint line. It embraces brushes for painters, vamish- ers, kalsominers, paper hangers and artists. The success attained in this line is remarkable. The firm now claim to produce brushes which are superior to any in the market in this line. They constantly have on hand a large stock of manufactured brushes from which consumers can select. All orders which have to be made up specially are promptly attended to, and filled as soon as possible. The stock and variety of household and toilet brushes on hand is also large. The firm does both a wholesale and retail business, and con- sumers find it to their advantage to deal with them. Messrs. Dixon & Rippel are both gentle- ixti;kiu.< view, bokini;, sawin(; ash wuoiuvukk uepaklsien r. 200 NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. FHIXE.A-S JOXES tS: COMl'AXV. PRIOR to 1S40 all carriage wheels were made by hand by the carriage makers of the country, without the aid of any machinery whatever, the spokes being shaved out by hand, the hub morticed by hammer and chisel, and in fact, the whole wheel constructed in so slow and laborious a manner that a single set was considered an entire week's work for one man. In the year 1840 S. G. Reed, of Worcester, Mass., established a factory on a small scale for the manufacture of wheels as a separate and distinct industry. He employed only one man and an apprentice. This apprentice, named E. J. Whittemore, learned the trade thoroughly and came to Elizabethport in 1855 with his brother, O. A. Whittemore and Phineas Jones, and they, under the firm name of Whittemore & Jones, established a wheel manufactory, which was the first in New Jersey. In 1S56 the Messrs. Whitte- more retired, and Mr. Jones conducted the business successfully alone until 1S60, when Mr. William H. Baldwin was admitted, and the firm name was changed to Phineas Jones &- Co., as at present constituted. In i860 the business was removed to Newark, and in 1864 their present buildings were purchased, which have been enlarged and extended as the increase of business required, until they are at present extremely spacious as shown by the above illus- tration. From the commencement of business the principle of the house has been to make the best constructed wheel possible, and to do this by the aid of improved machmery and skill and care of manufacture. Phineas Jones was a natural mechanic, and much of the wheel machinery in use to-day was first conceived by him. The firm of Phineas Jones & Co. enjoy the reputation of making the best wheel in the world, and this reputation extends not only throughout the entire United States, but also into Canada, England, France, Germany and Australia. It is a reputation built up and maintained by the greatest perseverance, and has been and will be most zealously guarded. The reputation of the Jones wheel is of such magnitude, and is so universal, that it is an acknowledged fact among the carriage trade that a vehicle will sell easier and for a larger price, if the salesman can assure his customer that the Jones wheel is under the same. For the protection of the buyers of carriages, the house many years ago adopted a distinctive style of number, which is stamped on the face of the hubs of every set of wheels they manufacture. These numbers are composed of straight lines only, without curves, and they appear only on the genuine Jones wheels. The first grade wheel made is also stamped "Jones' Best," for the further protection of the buyer. Phineas Jones, the founder of the house, died April 19, 1S84. During his life he was extremely popular with all those with whom his business brought him in contact. He was prominent in public and political life, having represented his district in the State Legislature during 1874 and 1875, and in 1880 he was elected to Congress from the 5th Congressional District of New Jersey, and declined a renomination only on account of failing health. In the city'of Newark no one was more highly respected than he, and his death was universally regretted. The firm at present consists of Mr. William H. Baldwin, who has been with the house since 1859, and Mr. Henry P. Jones, the eldest son of Phineas Jones, who was admitted in 1875. The efforts of these gentlemen have been directed toward further increasing the high reputation already earned, and that they have done this is shown by the fact that their business is larger and the quality of work produced higher than ever before. Their annual production is about 20,000 sets of wheels, which are shipped to all parts of the world. A striking peculiarity of the house, and which will serve better than any other to illustrate the business methods and character of the firm, is the long term of service of the men employed. Many have been with the house for twenty-five 3-ears, and a few for thirty-five years. Father and son are often seen working side by side. iVElVARK. N. /., ILLUSTRATED. Works ok r.KOKHK HKoWN ,v to , llT SI'ONI. ( ON IKAC 1 OUS, -.111 TO ->ril PASSAIC STRICKT. OKORGE UKOW.N & CO. TllIC above cut represents the street front of the stone-cutting ])lant of Messrs. George Brown & Co.. and is the largest and l)est equipped in the city, and in fact there is no stone-cutting plant in the counlr/ which is ss well arranged as this for doing work quickly and well. The business was started in 1S50 by Mr. George Hrown, corner Market and Ward streets, and has occu- pied the present location for about twenty years. The yards are entirely under cover, and extend from Passaic street to the Passaic River, where the rough stone is discharged from vessels by a large steam crane on the dock. The entire yard is traversed by two traveling steam cranes, seventy foot span, and capable of carrying a weight of fifteen tons to any part of the works. ^^. \ \ * _, -.1 *fn£c ■ ^ T \ GEORGE BROWS. The yards being entirely covered, work is carried on contin- uously without regard to weather, thus enabling this firm to push ahead with their contracts and have the stone stored dry, ready for prompt delivery. The machinery consists, in addition to the steam crane, of gang and rip saws, planing machines, rubbing beds and turning lathes, in fact everything necessary to carry on this business as required by these pushing times. As samples of the kind of work which is entrusted to the firm of George Brown .& Co., we have only to point to the twelve story Prudential palace of industrial insurance, which stands a beacon of ])rosperity in beauty f>f architectural grandeur, the material for which they furnished and placed in the walls. The beauiiful building of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Company, at the corner of li.xchange Place and William street. New York, which they comjjlctcd in the very short period of seventy-two days. To the imposing structure on the corner of Market and Washington streets, which they can point to with equal pride. This building they erected for the United States Credit System Company. They number among the many other .superb structures which stand to their credit, the Buckingham Hotel, the Columbia College buildings, and the General Theo- logical Seminary buildings in New York city, and The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance building, the Clark residence on Mt. Pros- pect avenue, the old Post Office building and the National Newark Banking Company in this city. Also the Paterson Savings Institution in Paterson, N. J. Besides the work of erecting buildings, George Brown &• Co. take in the line of monumental work, and many of the richest monuments of the Newark cemeteries, as well as those of Greenwood, Woodlawn and Trinity cemeteries, in New York, have been turned out by this firm. Among the many beautiful monuments this firm have made and erected are the Firemens' Monument, Mr. William Clark's, Hon. F. T. Frelinghuysen's, Hon. T. B. Peddie's, in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, and Mr. James Smith, Jr's., in the Cemetery of the Holy Sepulcher. So complete are the arrangements of this firm, in every respect, that they are able to turn out work more quickly than any other firm. NEWARK, \. /., ILLUSTRATED. A. H. WOODWARD & CO. THE firm of A. H. Woodward & Co., consisting of A. H. Woodward, of this city, and Charles W. Maxwell, of Pond Eddy, New York, was established by its present proprietors in 1878, for the purpose of quarrying and selling bluestone for street, sidewalk and building purposes. In order to supply the largely increased demand for good sound material, the firm utilized the resources of the Delaware Valley, and quarries were opened along the line of the Erie Railroad, which are prolific in supplying immense quantities of the finest and most attractive grades of bluestone. The principal quarries of the concern are located at Pond Eddv, Pike county, Pennsylvania, also Pond Eddy, Sullivan county, and Deposit, Broome county, New York. An average force of 175 men is employed at these quarries in cutting out and handling the stone which is shipped by cargo and by carload to all points along the Atlantic seaboard. The Newark Bluestone Company dates its inception from March, 188S, when it was founded by A. H. Woodward & Co., in order to facilitate the advancement of the bluestone trade in the city of Newark and suburbs, as well as throughout the State. the rise of water had washed away tlie slight earth covering and it felt the touch of the footstep of the fisherman or hunter in pursuit of fish organic. But the time came when the iron horse had penetrated the wild regions where the rich bluestone lay awaiting his coming. Capital was not long in pointing out the way to the quarry men who stood ready to open the priceless mine, and to-day an industry in the bluestone of the mountains is in the full tide of a prosperous career. Thousands and thousands of cords of great slabs of the precious stuff finds its way over all the great railroads, to the yards of the city, the very choicest of which reach the extensive yards of the enterprising company under consideration, over the Erie Railroad. Here in the great saw mills the monster slabs are torn asunder, passed to the planers, dressers and rubbers, where they are fitted for incorporation with brick, mortar or timber, in the building operations being carried on, or to take their place at the curb and side of the street, where they make the finest and most durable sidewalks in the world. The architect never pleases the fancy better, nor satisfies the eye more readily, than when he turns out a combination in which bluestone is a component part of the building of his work. Bluestone always looks well, whether it be yMMMm. This company became incorporated under the laws of the State of New Jersey, and the officers are A. H. Woodward, president ; C. W. Maxwell, vice-president, and William F. O'Connor, secretary and treasurer. The premises occupied by this company cover an area of 375 x 225 feet, fronting on Passaic street, opposite the Erie Depot, and running back to the Passaic River. The stoneyards and docks are literally covered with all kinds of rough and dressed stone for building purposes. The mills and cutting sheds, located at the north end of the tract, give employment to seventy-five skilled and experienced hands ; and as the buildings are equipped with the best stone-working machinery, operated by steam power, the facilities for producing large quantities of rubbed, sawed, planed and dressed stone are apparent. Among the well-known local buildings supplied with the product of this company, are the Essex County Penitentiary, the American News Company, the Fidelity Title & Deposit Co., Messrs. Wilkinson, Gaddis & Co's. warehouse, Mr. Gottfried Krueger's residence, United States Electric Lighting Company, Mile-End Thread Works, and many public school buildings of this city. The untold wealth which lies buried in the mountain regions of New York and Pennsylvania in the bluestone of nature, is indeed fabulous. For thousands of years it rested untouched, except as here and there along the banks of rushing rivers where in foundation, for trimming, in side walls, or for cap stone, and with the brownstone of the home quarries, pressed brick from Philadelphia, or common reds from the Hudson. Although the bluestone industry is yet in its infanc)% enough has already been done to settle the fact of its superior lasting qualities wherever exposed to the influence of climate and weather, and so far as its qualities of resistance to the tread of busy feet of man or beast is concerned, it is beyond question superior to anything else yet used, and to use an old but trite saying, " it wears like iron." Standing at the gates of the bluestone yards of A. H. Wood- ward & Co., watching for a few moments the unloading of the heavily burthened cars of the Erie, direct from the quarries at Pond Eddy, and the loading of the great dra)-s constantly arriving with the beautifully dressed and polished stone, a wonder came up that would not be satisfied till it had an explanation as to where such immense quantities were consumed. To this the answer came : " Look abroad over the great city of Newark and its surroundings, and away over the State and across the Hudson, at the buildings erecting and the interminable art- work of sidewalks, and away along the seaboard, already in realization of its beauty and endurance, and demanding its consumption." NEW ARK, X. /., ILLUSTRATED. 203 204 NFJIAKK, a: /., JLLUSTKATED. W C 9*. Ut "0^ 'L^L- INTERIOR VIEW OF M. MAYER &.SON, STEAM STONE liKI --^l M. MAYER & SON. TO make a declara- tion is one thing, but to settle a fact is another. Sometimes mistakes are made in the latter owing to difficulties surround- ing, which are some- times left unsettled, since their plain, honest look, too often leads to evidence in- volved being taken for granted without pro- per inspection. In the former, mistakes are unnecessary and un- called for as the fact should stand out in the full blaze of trutli before the declaration is made. In Newark, N. J., Illustrate u, so guarded has been the pencil of the artist and so fortified the pen of the writer by authentication, that no picture or statement has found a place on its pages but what is truthful. Thus, as may be seen at a glance the statements made in regard to the cut stone industry of M. Mayer & Son now under consideration were gleaned on the spot and will stand the test of the most exacting, and bring forth the declaration that not half has been told of the magnitude of M. Mayer & Son's stone industry as conducted by this enterprising and go ahead firm. This business was established in 1S57, by M. Mayer, ,Sr. Shortly after, Mr. J. Martin associated under the firm name of Mayer & Martin. Since the death of Mr. Martin in 1S80, Mr. Mayer, Jr. succeeded and since then the business is carried on under the name of Mayer & Son. This firm handles all kinds of stone produced in the United States and Canada ; also those imported from England, Scotland a n d Germany. Among the buildings erect- ed by this firm are A. T. Stew- art's Memorial Cathedral, ca- thedral schools, Ijishops r e s i- (lence, etc., at (iarden City, L. I.; Cathedral (i the Holy Cross and Church of our Lady of Perpet- ual Help Bos- M. MAVEK, FOUNDER ton,Mass; Syra- J- -^QJI a ^;a .d^ ^- repair their own shoes. Their ex- tensive works are located at Nos. 63 and Si Polk street. W 'kK^ ft i MK SI AK HI 1 i. ICM.K SIRKI: 1 . FRANK U. r^ELLO. CH.\KLES E. LONO. MR. FRANK D. PELLt), whose portrait is herexviih given, is manager of the Metropolitan Manufacturing Company for this city and State, and is one of the foremost men in the install- ment business. He is lenient with good customers, but hard on those who try to beat the company. He is a prominent Mason, is a Knight Templar and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine and a member of other social organizations. MR. CHARLES E. LONG, whose photo, is herewith given has for the past quarter of a century been identified with the F. W. Devoe & Co. Varnish Works, of this city, as superin- tendent. Mr. Long is a veteran of the war for the Union, having served honorably in the gsth New York Volunteers, and is at present a member of Garfield Post, No. 4, G. A. R.. Department of New Jersey. FR.\N"IC I'. riiLl.u. NE]]'AJ^K, N. J. ILLUSTRATED. NEWARK EMBROIDERINQ WORKS. WILLIAM V. EGBERT & CO. FEW industries carried on in the city of Newark require a greater amount of skill than the work of embroidering. In some of the samples turned out by H. Bornemann at his Newark Embroider- ing Works, Nos. 7S lo 84 Shipman street, there is a delicacy of pattern and perfection in figure, style and finish which are indeed charming. We are privileged to show an illustration on this page of Newark, N. J., Illus- TR.vrEU, from which, as a study, many very interesting and instructive facts may be learned, that the reader might otherwise fail to glean from other sources of information. The industry was established ten years ago &nd has grown to its pres- ent large proportions under the push and vim of its present proprietor, who is also the founder, and few among our great manufacturing con- cerns have taken better pains than this, to have the very best of me- chanics and artisans in their employ, to obtam the latest improved and very best machinery as their help meets, and to turn out a higher grade of products to meet the markets of the world and supply the daily mcreasing demand for embroidered goods. Mr. Bornemann has let none of the means pass which he could bring to bear in reaching that desirable end. Among the many classes of goods which may be named as undergoing the metamorphosing process of embroidery there may be mentioned flannels of many grades, velvets, plush, cashmeres, satins and other silk fabrics in many colors, styles and patterns, which space will not permit to mention. Also corner embroidered handker- chiefs in initials or otherwise. O' F THE many products of Newark brains and industry, one of the most important is the manufacturing of machinists' and plumbers' supplies. It has so many branches and ramifications that it offers to a man of a mechanical turn of mind, e.xceptional opportunities for tlie discovery and introduction of important improvements. The house of William V. Egbert & Company has been connected during the past eight years with the manufacturing of machinists' and plumbers' supplies of every descrip- tion. The house has been a promi- nent factor in promoting these industrial pursuits since its establish- ment in 1886. The business has been successfully conducted at Nos. 35 and 37 Mechanic street. A photo of the founder is herewith given. The firm is well-known in the mills, factories and shops of the city, and they have an extensive trade in general supplies. NEWARK EMHKliIDEKING WORKS, SHIPMAN STREET, Patrick H. Corish. IN A letter written home I))- Gov- ernor Carteret, in 16S0, he said, " at Newark is made great quantities of cider, exceeding (in quality) any we have from New England, Rhode Island, or Long Island." The town was then noted for its excellent cider, and the city is still noted not only for its choice cider, but for the superior quality of its manufactured beverages, or " soft drinks " as they are familiarly termed. Among the num- erous mineral water manufacturers, the name of Mr. Patrick H. Corish, is worthy of mention for the delightful, cool and refresh- ing lemon and cream soda, ginger ale, sarsaparilla, birch, rasp- berry, pineapple, etc., for which this enterprising citizen has won a well earned fame. The business is conducted at Nos. 36 and 38 Lexington street, where he has erected an admirably equipped and well arranged plant for the successful carrying on of this important branch of industry. The photo of Mr. Corish is here- with given, and a single glance at which will convince the reflecting that he carries in the lines of his face, that genius and determina t i o n which wins the victoiy in the battle of life, hiiwever great the truths t o unravel, or ob- stacles to over- come. His ([uick compre- hension led him early in his ca- reer to manu- facture nothing but what will bear the test of W1I.I.I\M V. EOIIEK 1. purity. PATRICK H. CORISH. NEWARK, K /.. ILLUSTRATED. \\M. BROWE 8: SON. AT THE top of this page the reader will find beautifully illustrated the interior of the chandelier, gas and electric fix- ture establishment of William Browe & Son, of No. 36 Bank street, near Halsey street, New- ark, X. J. This firm makes a specialty of bronzing and regilding, and contracts for fitting dwellings with electric bells and lights. HARKY W. SMITH. HARRY \V. SMITH, a photo- graph of whom appears on this page, belongs to that class of Newark fellow citizens, who are never content to let their life run along in the f>ld rut, but who have brain matter enough to not only conduct a business successfully, but also to take time to delve deep in the channels of information and go searching among the defiles of the mountains and^in the laybrinthian workshops of nature. A look at his electrical conduit or electro magnetic invention to supercede the cumbersome trolley system of propelling street cars will quickly satisfy, that'the.alchemy of his nature is astir and may yet startle the world. Successful in business. Harry W. Smith now stands at the head of one of Newark's largestmen's furnishing goods, merchandizing and light goods manufacturing establish- ments, which is located at Nos. 202 and 204 Market street. INTKKIOK VIEW OF WII.I.IAM IlKOWK •■(: SOS, ClIVNDELIER, GAS AND El.ECTKlC ri.\TUIJO SIMOX & BROS. THIS firm, whose cuts form the iUustrations on two pages of this work, was founded thirty-five years ago by Mr. Edward Simon, in a small shop on Market street, with but two workmen. Daring the war for the Union his business gradually increased through the great amount of, contract work turned out for the Government. After the war, his brothers, Samuel and William, became associated with him in business under the firm name of Edward Simon & Bros., opening their factor}^ on Fair street. In iS6S Morris Schwerin became a member of the firm. On account of the increase of the industry the firm, in 1S70, built their present plant on St. Francis street, which they have continually increased made of the great heaps of lumber trunk slats, which tower in your presence like young mountains. Second, of what use can such an immense variety of materials of all kinds, seen carefully heaped on all sides, be in the work of manufacturing such simple articles of comfort or luxury par excellence, as are trunks and bags ? And third, how can so much and such a bewildering style, form and shape of machinery be made use of? In answer, it will be said, it is the easiest matter in the world, since everything goes like clockwork ; method predominates in every move in the conduct of the great concern. At the moment when the signal sounds, every operative of the vast swarm is in his place ; the saw wheels until at the present time it occupies thirty city lots, with ten adjoining lots, on which they store their lumber. In 1885 Samuel and William Simon withdrew from the firm, and were succeeded by Morris Schwerin and Edward Simon. In 1S90 Edward Simon died, and since that time the business has been carried on solely by Morris Schwerin. The firm manufactures everything in the trunk and bag line, such as frames, clamps, locks, hinges, etc., and also do all their nickel, gold and silver plating. Their business is very extensive, shipping goods to all parts of the United States, the great South American Republics, Spanish and British possessions, and even to the cities of Europe, where thej' prefer American goods to those manufactured at home. The firm has been awarded gold medals at the Vienna Exposi- tion in 1873, and the Paris Exposition in 1878, and several premiums at the Centennial Exposition. They also manufacture their own trunk boxes, their plant being one of the largest in the line. A visit to the plant of this great manufacturing concern is full of interest. First, you will wonder what disposition can be its way through the board like lightning ; the planer sputters its way along the length of the rough slat, and from bench to bench the torm moves on, from hand to hand, till the finished trunk or bag is in readiness for packing or shipment. As the numbers of finished bags and trunks take their alloted place which the skilled packers know so well where to find, and they always have room for another and another, as in almost endless succession the making, finishing, packing and carting away goes on, the latter accomplished on huge vans, where hundreds, yes thousands, go out daily, piled high behind the patient horses, which, with the ever busy drivers, shippers and handlers start them away to the railways and steamboats on the first stage of their journey to the busy commercial marts of the world. What to the novice would appear, as the van with its towering load moves by, as a single trunk or bag, may be but one of a " nest " of a dozen or more, graded in size from the grandest, huge Saratoga, filled with com- fortable apartments, (with rooms to let) along down to the wee little boxy of a trunk, in which to pack the dolls, fine fixins', etc A'EIFAA'A'. X. /., ILLUSTRATED. TRAVELIIiG HAG. In looking over the finished products as they enter the packing department, where the higher grades are carefully covered with a coarse but soft grade of cloth, to guard against the almost inevitable certainty of destructive marring of the costly leathers with which they are covered, during their transportation to distant places of sale and consumption, the wonder grows as to how it is possible to reach such a rich consummation of results as are so fully demonstrated to follow the track of this industry- as carried on in this great concern of Edward Simon ^- Bros. In timber growing sections of the country, and where sawing mills abound, there are found those which make a specialty of trunk slats, which such great trunk manufacturing establishments as this of Edward Simon & Bros, use sc > largely as to make the supplying of these simple parts a business in itself, yet very indispensable necessities are these to the conduct of the work of trunk making. Although not deeply interested, yet a by-stander, as he sees the great loads of these slats in the rough, pa.ssing into the yards of the company, will be set to thinking where they all come from, as the line of drays and carts, unbroken, moves on. So with the lumber, which goes into the naked boxes or frames, some of which is sawed thin to meet the want in the forest mills, while the larger proportion goes through the sawers and planers in the factory. The call is not alone on the timber land but the rames of our Northern New Jersey, where the iron ore has been pocketed away for centuries, must be called upon for her contri- bution in the cords of hooping materials to keep the parts •.Ml -' -!!■ MTINi . 1. \... together, as also for locks, hinges and nails and multiplicity of other uses to which the iron of the country is applied. Not yet satisfied are the gormandizing propensities of this great industry-, but some of the more than three score tanneries which have their homes, housing and yards in Newark, must be called upon to supply their share of the material, or else there could not, nor would not, be any of the more finished, richer and costlier outputs of the trunk industry carried on. The leather to cover and beautify the larger proportion of the better grades of trunks must be forthcoming, and then to Ije utilized it must pass through the wonderful splitting machines and feel the delicate touches of the embosser, which leaves its artistic evidences where they may be seen and admired as marvellous samples of the handiwork of genius. Not yet has there enough passed in the kaleidoscope of material necessaiT for the trunk's completion, but the brass worker and tack maker must join the procession to complete the line of march in the endless run which the raw material takes in making the journey through all the manipulations in the great Simon trunk manufacturing concern, before reaching its ultima thule in the finished trunk productions, and goes forth to supply the growing demand of the merchant, salesman and consumer. The wonderful success which has followed close upon the conduct of this great trunk and bag manufacturing business is due entirely, since the death of Mr. Simon, to Morris Schwerin, whose genius and tact is everywhere manifest. Large quantities of the trunks and bags which are the output of Mr. Schwerin's factories, go to the g^eat stores at No. 543 Broadway, New York, where he keeps employed a large corps of salesmen and clerks, busy supplying the trade of the world. GENT'S DRESS TRtNK. SOLE 1.EAT1IKK TKU.N'K. 214 NEUWRK, X. /, irj.USTRATKD WILLIAM O. HEADLEY cS: SO>4. IX FEW, indeed, of tlie illustrations which make this book an art as well as business treasure, has the artist's pencil, sup- plemented by the graver's tool, brought out for its pages a more truthful representation of any one amon.g the thousands of Newark's diversified industrial establishments, than in the beau- tiful pen sketch here seen of the great brick structures in which is housed the trunk and bag manufacturing industry of William O. Headley & Son. This property passed into the hands of the present owners and occupants some three years ago, the quarters which the}' then occupied, and which had been the home of the industry for more than a quarter of a century, becoming all too contracted for the rapidly expanding business of the firm of William O. Headley & Son. They must needs have more enlarged quarters to meet the growing demand for the popular brand of goods which they manufactured. After the purchase was made b)' Mr. Albert O. Headley, the present sole proprietor, an immediate renovation and improvement of the old building took place, and an immense new factory building, 80x150, and six stories above ground, with extensive basements and attics, was erected. When all was finished and the great buildings furnished with all the latest and best approved machinery and appliances for the making of trunks and bags, and the entire paraphernalia of the old establishment, which was the result of a more than thirty years' ingathering by the founder of the in- dustry, William O. Head- ley, now deceased, who was a connoisseur, in- deed, in all the machines and appliances which had a tendency to speed the work and add to the qualitj', beauty and util- ity of the trunk and bag industry, was removed to the new home, only a few \-ards away, but over the old familiar Passaic, which had flowed by the east windows of the old building, on its way to the ocean and back again, and which would now flow by the west windows of the new Headlej- factory, in its endless round of ebb and flow. Everything being in readiness, with steam up in the great boilers, made by Lyons & Co., of Newark, and the engine, of one hundred horse power, also of Newark make, the engineer and firemen, and the more than three hundred of skilled operatives, laborers, boys and girls, packers and shippers, are in place when the word is given, and the great engine, like a thing of life, moves off on its endless round of ruthless toil, and the great industry of trunk ancf bag making, peerless in many respects, and with few parallels in the industrial world, is again under way and turning out more than a quarter of a million trunks and finished bags every j^ear, and taking their place in the rapidly flowing streams of supply to keep full the great ocean of demand, and yet never gorging the consumer. Few are they who have in the hurry and scurry of business, or even of those who live a life of pleasure, ever taken a moment to consider the industry of trunk and bag making, its magnitude and bearings, and its great influence on the growth and pros- perity of the city of Newark. The reader of the facts recorded on this page, devoted to the trunk and bag industry' of Newark in general, and of the manufacturing firm of William O. Headley & Son, (Albert O. Headley), engaged therein, in particular, will doubtless awaken to the fact that the trunk and bag industry forms a very important integral part in its manufacturing greatness. W':'0.HeADlfY45oN. TRUNK56BAGSI • WAREROOMS, 588BF10ADWAY, M.Y. since he will find by a cursory examination onh". that there are nearly a score of factories in the city of Newark where trunks and bags are made, of which at least one-half are great concerns alread)-, and all the rest healthy and growing. A few hours cannot be more pleasantly, and we may safely say, more instructively or advantageously spent than while engaged in a tour of inspection through the great rooms in which the trunks and bags are made and wherein is placed such an inter- minable maze of machinery, belts and pulleys, as to keep him on the lookout for his leader and explainer, and out of reach of danger, which seems so suspiciously near on all sides and quite menacing. The great variety and immensity of the number of processes through which the material is made to pass during the various stages which lead up to the perfected trunk or bag, are bewildering indeed, to the novice. As the expert or one that is thoroughly acquainted with or seasoned to the business, who is chaperoning the visitor (for none other is permitted to act in such a responsible place) is smiling over our manifestly evident timidit)-, is fearless amid the rattle of saws and planers, the bang of hammer, the fly of pulleys, or ply of belt, so thick all about us, and so carelessly are they responding to the touch of the great steam engine dispensing its power with might and main in its work of assist- ing the deft fingers of the mechanics engaged in the work of converting the raw materials used in the factory for the upbuild- ing of the finished trunk or traveling bag. Looking at the trunk and traveling bag indus- tries from the standpoint of to-day, the mighty changes which have been wrought would prove startling indeed, to those who have never given a thought to this particular branch of Newark's man- ifold manufacturing pursuits. In the good old days of the long, long ago, the trunk was made by the individual, and a finished production was turned out as the workmanship of a single pair of educated hands. All the parts were manufactured on the spot. In this branch, like all the others, the changes have been the result of steady progress toward which the increasing demand for a greater supply must needs be made to meet. For their efforts in the upholding of Newark's reputation, and for the material aid which Mr. Albert O. Headley (William O. Headley & Son) has given, and the marvellous degree of influence which this house has brought to bear in the upbuilding of her manfifacturing greatness, too much credit cannot be awarded. Ever with an eye single to her greatness as a manufacturing centre, has this house watched every move in the industrial trend. Without these men, men who have ever been ready to defend the honor, growth and prosperity of the oXty of the home of their industry, and in which they have risked capital and personal repute, Newark never could have occupied the proud and leading position among the industrial centres of the world that she does to-day. All honor then to the trunk and bag makers, and the representative men generally, who stand at the head of the many other leading industries which have had their homes and housings erected here through their choice and influence, and may they go on for years m their successful way, adding new lustre to their own names and securing that competence which is ever due to the men of good judgment who have the push and vim, and who never falter in the face of difficulties. XF.UARK. X. /., ILLUSTRATED. "5 RAILROAD XRAXSPORXATION. AS THE hardy old New Englanders pushed their shallops and fiat boats up the Passaic and rested on their oars at the point where now the great Pennsylvania railroad draw-bridge spans its waters, little thought they that such mighty improve- ments as now, not only mark the spot, but extend in almost unbroken lines for miles and miles in all directions, would greet the future. As they doled out in the sternest sense of honor the fuiii pro quo to the Indian for the lands purchased, and when they constructed their first rude homes, they little thought of the magnificence to follow, but like many another they built better than they knew. Every appearance indicates that in laying out the wide and beautiful streets, and in zealously guarding the passengers only), wheeling the wealth of continents and the people of nations to and fro, conferring speed and safety to the former with the addition of comfort to the latter. More than a dozen depots or station houses are scattered all over the city, where the trains stop and start, passengers arrive and depart, giving the very amplest of acconmiodation to everybody desiring to go or come. The old Market street station which was long an eye-sore to Newark's sojourner or traveler, went the way of that at Centre street and like that, a new, attractive, capacious and comfortable building took its place. Our artist has given a striking picture of the same, which we know will be scanned with interest and satisfaction, as it appears in all its architectural beauty and finish as will also the elegant, large and comfortable waiting room ^mwiK^rllK! li.XTlikluu vii;\v .\l,Vlv.V MA 10-; I I X \--VI.\\\NIA 1; the State of New Jersey in an affectionate embrace, aiding her in the development of her natural charms and supplying her with the greatest railroad highway in the world. The far corners of this State, in olden times, were a week's journey apart. Now, through the enterprise of this line of steel, they are less than a day. The produce of the farm, the product of the manufacturer and commodity of the merchant are taken up at their doors and conveyed to the thresholds of those who need them. It is impossible, in the limits of a brief review, to discuss satis- factorily all the potentialties that are operating on behalf of the continued progression of Newark in trade manufactures and population, but that its exceptional transportation facilities have much to do with it. is a self evident fact. The marvelous improvements made in Newark from a railroad standpoint speak eloquently for themselves, yet it is but the beginning of addi- built in the best manner, and being constantly improved under the ceaseless efforts of the operating department ; whose engines are a synonym of stength and power, speed and safety ; whose cars are palaces on wheels, embodying luxury and strength ; whose trains are under the protection of the finest appliances to insure safet}- known to modern railroad science ; whose admir- able passenger service is patronized to the extent of carrying over 78,000,000 passengers per year ; whose freight cars transport more than 122,000,000 tons of freight (more than that carried by the entire Merchant Marine of Great Britain) per annum ; whose management has surprised the world and earned the plaudits of the traveler, bj' providing the finest in appointment, swiftest and best passenger train on the earth, the "World's Greatest Pass- enger Train," the " Pennsylvania Limited." And Newark throbs with the growth of prosperity. xruth-K r . I r I VST RATED 217 ISTKKIOK VIKW ol" THI-: I.A.mi,- -WAITING ROnM, MAKKI. 1 .1. I > I A I !■ r\ I ilK l'l-..\N>\ i,\ AMA KAII.KiiAli. I^. e'OURLA-ENDER. Ji 1\ NICWARK business circles arc tn be found many able, pro- liressive and farsijfhted men. but few more so than Mr. B. Courlacnder. Jr.. the able representative in this city, of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Mr. Courlaendcr is the passenger a^fent of the Long Branch District of the Pennsylvania system, which comprises all portions of New Jersey North of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad, with the exception of Jersey City, Hobokcn and a few stations on the line of the West Shore Railroad, and all reports of passenger business within his district are made tr> him. His office is in Newark, at the corner of Broad and Market streets, and it is the recognized headquarters in this city for information regarding railroad matters. Mr. Courlacnder is a thorough railroad man in every sense of the word, devoted to the interests of the company he represents and extremely popular in in business circles generally. J.\Mi:^S K'. SiMITII. THKRK are but lew citizens in Newark engaged in the indus- trial pursuits who are more highly esteemed for their atten- tion to duty, than our fellow townsman, Mr. James R. Smith, a photo of whom is herewith given. Kor more than half a century this energetic citizen has been connected with the railroad business in various positions, and at present is supervisor of section B of the Pennsylvania railroad. Along the ever busy steel highway of the grand old " Pennsy," from New Brunswick to Jersey City, there are employed many old grey haired veterans, of the war for the Union, into who.sc homes Mr. Smith has sent a ray of sunshine. For several years he has been highly compli- mented by his superior officers, for the admirable and unrivaled condition in which the section of roadbed under his supervision is kei)t, thus maintaining the industrial reputation for which the citizens of Newark have been noted. _' ""X 1 -• ^ -H, N , -♦. ^ ^k B. COUKL.AKNiJtK, Jk. J.XMKS K. SMITH. 2l8 NEWARK, X. /., ILLUSTRATED. CEiNTRA^L RA.ILROAD COMl'A.NV OK XEW JP2RSEV AS EARLV as 1SO3, a movement was started to build a road from Newark to Jersey City. A committee was appointed to promote the movement, among the most active of whom were Isaac Pomeroy, John McGregor, Philetus W. Vail, Thomas Agens and J. E. Gaul. Early in iS64an organization was formed by the election of Isaac Pomeroy as president and J. E. Gaul as secretary. Strenuous efforts were now put forth, and the committee succeeded in interesting nearly all the business men in the central portion of the city, and their numbers grew until over 150 were enrolled. The Legislature was petitioned, and in 1S66 the charter was granted, being approved March I. Courtland Parker, Esq., represented the committee before the Legislative Commit- tee on Railroads as counsel, and J. M. Scovel, then Presi- dent of the Senate, lent valu- able assistance in pushing the bill through. The incorporators, as named b)' the charter, were the Messrs. Cornelius Walsh, A. Hardenburgh, John McGregor, T heodore P. Howell, Edgar B. Wakeman, Job Falkenbergh, John Hall, Theodore Runyon, Benjamin C. Miller, G. Van- Horn, Robert L. Smith, William Keeney, Isaac Pom- eroy, Adolph Schalk, Philetus W. Vail, James W. Durand, Daniel Demorest and George D. Woodruff, all of whom had been more or le.ss active in interesting the people in the project and in keeping it promi- nently before the Legislature, and in securing its passage. Supplements to the charter were passed in 1S67, 1S70 and 1871. Immediately after the granting of the charter, a per- manent organization was formed by the election of Hon. John McGregor president, which position he held until the road formally passed into the hands of the New Jersey Cen- tral Company. The road was opened on July 23, 1S69, though the regular running of trains was not commenced until August 2, when the first schedule took effect with twenty-nine trains each way daily, the first leaving Newark and New York simultan- eously at 5.45 A. M., and the last at 11.45 \\ m Within a short time numerous changes were made in the running of trains in order to meet the wants of patrons. The popularity of this line to New York will be noticed from the fact that beside the trains being enlarged, their number has increased to forty-six each way daily, and in addition thirteen trains each way daily are run between West Side Avenue (West Bergen) and New York. The Elizabeth branch, which connects Elizabeth and Newark, was opened in 1S72, and over this thirty trams each way daily are run, connecting at Elizabethport for Perth Amboy, South Amboy, Matawan, Freehold, Keyport, Red Bank, Long Branch, Ocean Grove, Sea Girt, Lakewood, Manchester, Whitings and Atlantic City : and at Elizabeth for Plainfield, Dunellen, .Somerville Flemington, White House, Lake Hopatcong, Easton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, &c., and at Bound Brook for Trenton and Phila- delphia, and all points on the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad. Although not intended at its inception for a freight road, it was found necessary to embrace this traffic also, and Us success in this line is demonstrated by the e.xtension of its tracks and other facilities to enable it to handle this steadily increasing traffic. A branch has been laid from Brill's Jnnction to the manufactories along the Passaic River, in the lower part of the city, connecting with the works of the New Jersey Zinc and Iron Works, B. Atha CdPt.g.V/ti0PPEI\. iS^^ H0N.Joi+Nl4^(il\EGOR . '^^''^^^—^Sr-^ r^ & Illingworth Steel Works, Lister's Chemical Works, Mapes Co. Works, etc., along the line of this branch at Plank Road a large delivery j^ard is located, tracks have been laid to Butterworth and Judson's works, to The Heller &MerzCo.'s works, and a delivery yard at St. Charles street, near the East Ferry street depot. A receiving and deliverj' yard running from Mulberry street to Ward street, has been opened with entrance from both Mulberry and Lawrence streets, which compares favorably with any yard in the city. Freight is received from and forwarded to every part of the United States and Canada, from Maine to California, and no pains are spared to expedite its movements or accommodate its patrons. The Central Railroad Company of New Jersey was formed in 1849, by the consolidation of the Elizabethtown and Somerville Railroad Co., and the Somerville and Easton Railroad Co., and extended from Elizabethport to White House, and having a steam boat connection between Elizabethport and New York, carrying both freight and passengers. In 1S52 the line was .Xl-:U\4RK. X. /., ILLUSTRATED. 219 extended from While House to Easton and in 1864, from Eliza- bethport to Jersey City. It has since acquired control of the Lehigh and Susquehanna road from Easton to Scranton, the New Jersey Southern road from Sandy Hook to Bay Side, the Free hold and New York road from Freehold to Atlantic Highlands^ besides several shorter, though imjiortant lines and has always been a favorite road with the traveling public. In connection with the Philadelphia and Reading and Baltimore and Ohio railroads it runs the Royal Blue Line, the fastest train between New York and Washington. It also operates in connection with the Pennsylvania railroad, the New York and Long Branch railroad. Austen H. McGregor, a photo of whom is herewith given, is (me of the youngest men at the head of a great mercantile establish- ment in the State of New Jersey. He was boni in Newark, being the only son of the late Judge John McGregor. After completing his educational studies, he entered the clothing business in Newark as the junior member of the firm of McGregor & Co., and on the death of the senior, became the head of that large establishment. Aside from the business under his immediate management, Mr. McGregor has identified himself with the material progress of his native city, and is a stockholder and otherwise interested in some of the most successful mechanical and financial institutions of the city, as well as taking an active part in the political and social affairs of the State. Captain Hopi)er is a Jerseyman, having first seen the light of day away up in Bergen county, on the 15th of May, 1839, and is a Newark'er by choice and .adoption. He began his business career in Newark in 185S, but when he heard the clarion call, like all other true patriots, he was ready to offer his life in his country's cause. In 1S51 he buckled on his sword, and as captain in the gth New Jersey Volunteers, he fought her battles till the close of the war in iSO;. He was then appointed as ticket agent for the Central Railroad Company, at Liberty street. New York. He was then transferred, and for awhile was an e.xtremely popular passenger conductor on the Allentown line, from New York to Harris- burgh. In 1S69 he was appointed general agent of the company at Newark. For nearly a quarter of a century he has filled this position with credit to himself and satisfaction to the company. S. M. WILLIAMS, VICK-l'RKSIDENT, CENTKAL R. OK N. J. AUSTES H. .M'GREGOR. Mr, S. M. Williams, vice-president of the Central Railroad of New Jersey and the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Co,, though born in New York city, has been a resident of New Jersey for the past twenty years, locating in Roselle in 1S72, and may be claimed as a Jerseyman, as his father was born in Sussex county. He began his railroad career in 1865, taking charge of what is now known as the Rumford Fall and Buckfield railroad, in the State of Maine, in the interest of New York capitalists, who acquired control of the property. After re-organizing the above railrr)ad he returned to New York and was, until 1S81, auditor of the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Co., establishing the coal depots in this city, so ably represented by our fellow townsman, Col. J. E. Fleming. In 18S1, Mr. Williams was appointed auditor of the Central Railroad of New Jersey. In 1S82, when the road was first leased to the Philadelphia and Reading Co., he was appointed by Franklin E. Gowan, then president of that company, as assistant comptroller in charge of the lines leased from the Central company. He became prominently known throughout the State in the celebrated suit of iJinsmore against the Reading Company to annul the lease of the Central property, and the Vail suit brought for the same purjmse, being an important witness in both of these cases as well as in the suit of the Reading against the State of New Jersey, growing out of the tax law of 1884, in all of which his ability and thorough knowledge of railroad matters in general were demonstrated. In 1887, when the Central resumed possession of its properties, Mr. Williams was appointed secretary to the receiver and con- troller, managing its affairs during the receivership, and when the company was re-organized in 1S88, continued in the service of the company as controller, until the lease of the road to the Port Reading railroad, in the early part of 1892, when he was appointed vice-president of that company, continuing in the dis- charge of his duties as such, until the courts of New Jersey set aside the lease of the Port Reading Company and directed the Central management to resume control of and operate its own properties, when he was elected vice-president of the Central Railroad of New Jersey and the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Co. , both of which positions he now occupies. NEWARK, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. NlERCHANTs' , Express. FOR a few years, prior to eighteen hundred and seventy, this now great and popular institution had been run in a small way, and did net show even an inkling of what it should be in the future, and it might have continued on its same old rutty way, had not young Charles B. Matthews mightily risked his entire capital and bought out the concern. Mr. Mathews' friends, (and he had many at that early day, for he was a decided friend winner even then, at twenty), thought it a great venture for one so very young to hazard his all. Time has told, in this case as in many another, who was right and who was wrong, presenting but another demonstration of the truthful- ness of the old adage, " nothing ven- tured, nothing had." With the con- cern, consisting of three horses and desk privileges and signs on his hands, Charles B. Matthews threw his business banner to the breeze, with a fixed determination to win the fight, and won it he has, in handsome style. The Merchant's express had been conducted up to this time as a sort of Castle Garden tender and baggage delivery, and had headquarters in Newark and in Church street, near William and at No. 167 Washington street. New York. As its founders had the assumption to name it "The Merchants' Express," Mr. Mathews was not long in determining that in his hands it should right early have a fame worthy its honorable name. That he meant every word of his declaration has abundant proof in the growth of business and its magnificent results. At the end of his first five years he is found with twenty horses, comfortably stalled on New Jersey Railroad avenue in his own capacious stables, all of which are in constant use. The great trucks of the Merchants' Express are rattling over the stony streets and working along through the muddy lanes, called streets, here, there and every- where. The marvellous business tact of Mr. Mathews, and his )■ CHARLES B. M.\THEWS. OFFICE ANn YARDS OF THE MERCHA.VTS' EXPRESS, NO. 44 OLIVER STREET. pleasant affable ways kept up the friend-making business at a rapid rate, and as the popularity of the Merchants' kept even pace, its capacity must needs be enlarged, and we find him at this present, 1S93, with seventy-five horses, and a great steam lighter with all the other necessary paraphernalia for carrying on the great express and transfer business of the merchants. Thus has Charley Merchant, as his intimates delight to call him in honor of his pet institution, which by his energy, perseverance and excellent management he has kept at the head of the line of Newark's progressive institutions, and adding some fresh laurels almost every year to his growing wreath. In 1SS6, he became the'agent for the great Sunset Route of the Southern Pacific Railroad to handle their freight, and to do the collecting at the Newark end of the line. In 1S8S, he added to his list, Mallery's Galveston and Texas Steamship Line ; the Ocean Steamship Company and Central Railroad of Georgia, as also the Virginia, Tenncsee and Georgia Air Line, via Norfolk, Va., and The Clyde Steamship Company; New York, Charleston and Florida Lines, all of which he continues to represent at this time, transferring the freights of the merchants and the output of Newark's great manufacturing establishments to the Erie and the several other railroad depots with his huge drays and vans. To the steamship with his commo- dious steam lighter, he carries machinery and heavy merchandise, without cost to the shippers his quid pro quo coming from the great transportation companies he is representing. While Mr. Mathews still is a very busj- man and keeps an oversight of his immense business, yet, he has eased up very materially from the mighty wrestle and rough and ready willing hand methods he practiced in " ye olden days " when his business was young. The ai'tist who made the sketch, from which the illustration above was taken, was manifestly a man of genius, with such wonderful accuracy of outline and detail has he executed the work. Furthermore he made light the skill necessary to make the plate from, which it was transferred to this page of Newark, N. J., Illustrated. The very excellent and life-like photo of Mr. Mathews seen here, needs no qualification at our hand, any one who has ever seen Mr. Mathews will recognize his genial face at once and will catch the expression which speaks so plainly the word "push." A friendly call in his pleasant office at No. 44 Oliver street, will find him not unwilling to give a few minutes time to your service. NEIV.IKK. .V. /., ILLUSTRATED. lllEulHIKb 1. l,AW.-.MK. LAWSHE'S NEWARK AND NEW YORK EXPRESS. I.I-.XVIS II. LAWSllK, THE express business cf the city is one of the utmost import- ance. Messrs. Lawshe's Newark and New York express is one of the oldest in Newark, which has, during its existence of twenty-eight years, become popular and achieved a most gratify- ing success under the untiring and efficient management of the proprietors, whose portraits ff)rm the illustrations on this page. These enterpri.sing Newarkers have a large number of substantial wagons and some of the finest draught horses in the city. Regu- lar trips are made each day between this city and New Yf>rk and a large business is conducted by the firm, who employ none but careful and reliable drivers. Manufactured goods and mer- chandise of every description are received at their offices or called for and delivered in all sections of the city and country. They receive and send goods and merchandise to all parts of the world through their connections with other reliable lines. MOONEY'S EXPRESS. Rl'-AUICRS of Nkwakk, X. J. h.i.i sru.M i:ii will turn m;iny pages without striking one where the artist has brought a representation of a business in finer detail or more clearly defined lines, than on this where the Newark and New York express of the Mooney's is seen. This illustration speaks a language which cannot be misunderstood. OFFICE AND STABLES OF -MOON'EY'S NEWARK AND NEW YORK EXPRESS. NEWARK, N. /.. ILLUSTRATED. G. A. HALL, I'RESIDE:^ ■ss , 1 -.i^iA- flj: ffl'S'ffiSiS^."^ ; .MACillNlC WORKS OF C.EORGE A. OHL & CO., NOS. 157-161 OKATON STRBET, GEORGE A. OIIL .«<: CO. Gl!;ORr,E A. OHL, was born in Hesscn-Darmstadt, Ger- many, on May 18, 1839, and came to America in 1854, and entered at once upon his apprenticeship as a machinist, with the Van Clief Locomotive Works, Trenton. N. J. In the latter part of 1859, he was engaged by the Newark Machine Company in the manufacture of the Ericsson caloric engine, the Seth Boyden hat machinery and the Ball cracker baking machinery. On .\pril i, i.S^ji.Mr. Ohl connected himself with theHewcs & Phillips Iron Works, this company having the con- tract from the State of New Jersey for transforming 30,000 fiint lock muskets into breech loaders. These guns were designed for and used by the New Jersey soldiers in the late war of the rebellion. In 1S64 Mr. Ohl took charge of the tool department of the same concern, remaining in this position until the death of the late well-known Joseph L. Hewes, October, 1873. Shortly after the death of Mr. Hewes. he established business under the firm name of George A. Ohl & Co., for the manufacture of tools and special machinery. So rapidly did the business increase that in 1879 the firm was compelled to build the large brick shop on Passaic street, adjoining the I ). L. & W. Railroad, where the business of making tools and special machinery was continued On October 12, 1884. the partnership as then con- stituted, expired by limitation. Mr. Ohl continued the busi- ness under the old name of George A. Ohl & Co. , he being the sole proprietor. His shop was then located on the corner of James and Essex streets, where the business was successfully continued for five years. In iSgo, the business was incorporated with a capital of $i(X),ooo, Mr. Ohl being president and manager. Immediately after incorporation, arrangements were made for the erection of the present large plant, forming the illustration, at 157-161 Oraton street, which was started, completed and occupied May i, 1S90. At this writing the business of (Jeorge A. Ohl &■ Co., is taxed to its fullest capacity, in the production of sheet metal workers' tools and special machinery, designed and patented by George A. Ohl. GKOKOr A. 224 NEWARK, iV. J., ILLUSTRATED VIEW ON SPRlN'GFIEl.l) AVENUE SHOWING ELECTRIC CARS. Newark's S freet Car Service THE street railway s\-steiTi of the city of Newark and its vicinity lias been a regular growth during more than thirty years. It has passed through the usual vicissitudes and has now reached a position from which it can be developed and extended in all directions, from Newark as a cen- tre, to meet all the needs of the great population which is to oc- cupy the territory from the Passaic river to the Orange mountains. The earliest charter granted for any hor.se railroad actually con- structed in this territory, was that of the Orange and Newark Horse Car Railroad Company, passed March 15, 1S59. Others had been granted for roads to Springfield, Belleville and Bloomfield, some years before, but no action had been taken under them. In ifsg, the street railroads had been suc- cessfully put in operation in Phila- delphia, and parties from that city took up the enterprise of connecting Newark and Orange. In March, 1S60, charters were granted for the Belleville, Newark and Broad Street Horse-car Railroad Companies. These three charters were such as to lead to a conflict of powers and to throw obstacles jn the way of any uniform system of street travel between Newark and its suburbs. In the same year, i860, a charter was granted for the Newark and Clinton Horse Railroad Company. In the following year, i86i, the charters of the Newark and South Orange Horse-car Railroad Company and the Newark and Irvington Horse-car Railroad Company were granted, and in 1863, another charter was granted for South Orange, and in 1S67 for Bloomfield and Montclair, the latter charters containing power to connect with and run over the city roads to Market street depot upon terms to be agreed on. The Orange and Newark line was first constructed, under many discouragements. The Broad street line was soon begun, and finally the Orange, Belleville and Broad street lines were practically merged and passed under one control. This consolidation, under the name or the Orange and Newark Horse-car Rail- road Company, afterwards passed into the control of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company which owned a majority of its stock. Meanwhile the road to Irvington through Clinton avenue had been built and operated, but was afterwards abandoned. And the lines to Bloomfield and to Irvington, by Springfield avenue, and also the Newark, Harrison and Kearny line had been constructed, and being dependent on the Orange and Newark for access to the railroad depots, they were found to be unprofitable. The Harrison line was abandoned and the Blof)nifield and Irvington lines changed ownership under fore- closure more than once, until they passed into the hands of a few enter- prising men, who placed them both under the charge of Mr. S. S. Battin as president. In 18S4, a complete change took place, which was in fact the foundation of the success of the entire system. It was evident that in order to make any of the roads profitable the three separate organiza- tions must be consolidated and put itnder one control. Accordingly, in 18S4, the parties interested in the Bloomfield and Irvington roads pur- chased the holdings of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in the Orange and Newark companj^ and thus obtained control of all the lines except the Newark and South Orange and that part of the Newark and Elizabeth line, which ran through the city of Newark. In anticipation of a consolidation of all the lines, the charter of the Essex Passenger Railway Company had been obtained, which conferred full power to buy or lease other roads, and to construct lines anywhere in the county with the consent of the public authorities. Under this act a companj- was formed to construct a line from Market street. East of the railroad, through Union, Elm and Pacific streets, and this company at once purchased the abandoned line of the Newark, Harrison and Kearney Company, and formed a continuous line from Harrison over the bridge to Broad street and through Market to Pacific street. Soon afterwards the Essex Passenger Company purchased the entire stock and property of the Orange and Newark and the Newark and Bloomfield companies. The majority of the stock of the Irvington Company was held by the same parties, and it was operated by Mr. Battin as president. Under this consolidation, and the excellent management of Mr. Battin the THOMAS c. BARR, TREsiDENT N. J. TRACTION CO. Company Steadily increased in efficiency. In 1SS9, it became mani- NEW ARK, X. y., ILLUSTRATED. 225 InWKK Mill SK. NKW JKKSEV TRACTION L<1., 1 OKNEK llEliKOKH STREET AND SI'RIXOKIEI.n AVENUE. test that electricity could be used successfully as a motive power for street railways and the Rapid Transit Street Railway Company was formed by other parties. This line had remarkable success. In the latter part of iSSy. Mr. Thomas C. Barr, of Philadelphia, who had proved his capacity as president of two street railroad companies in that city, had his attention directed to the situation of the roads in Essex, Union and Hudson counties, and formed the design of consolidatmg them all under one management as far as possible. Enlisting inrtuential friends in the enterprise and co- operating with some of the gentle- men who owned the Essex Pass- enger lines, he succeeded in the early part of 1S90, in organizing a new company known as the New- ark Passenger Railway Com])any, and by purchase and consolidation under the laws of the State, this company absorbed the whole of the Essex Passenger system. In April, 1890, all these lines were united under the presidency and management of Mr. Barr, with Mr John N. Akarman as general superintendent. Immediately on taking control, Mr. Barr proceeded to equip the Irvington line with electricity and had it in opera- tion as the first electric road in the State, in October, iSip. Soon after this electric line was in operation the Rapid Transit line was finished and the rivalry and clashing of interests led to much diflficuUy, and threatened to embarass both companies in their plans of extension and improvement. But in July, iSi)i, all these difficulties were removed by an arrangement by which the Newark Passenger Company agreed to lease the property of the Rapid Transit Company and assume its liabilities. In the early part of 1S92, the Newark Passenger Company having obtained control of the Rapid Transit lines, used part of them in connection with its Irving- ton line in Market street, to make an electrical line from Llewellyn Park in West Orange, through Orange and East Orange, to Market street station. This was opened on February i, 1892, and proved a great success. Witli a view to reach similar results, by means of extensicms, with electric equipment to Jersey City. Eliza- beth and other towns, and in order to furnish the most efficient means of developing the entire street railway system of the three coun- ties in harmony, a company was formed in 1R92, under the general corporation laws, under the name of New Jersey Traction Company. Its main purpose is to control and extend the lines of the three coun- ties of Essex, Union and Hudson. For this purpose it has leased the entire property of the Newark Passenger Railway Company, including the Rapid Transit Street Railway Company, for 999 years. The lines now controlled by the New Jersey Traction Company are still under the charge of Mr. Barr, as president. Mr. John I. Water- bury, president of the Manhattan Trust Company, is the vice- president, and gives the financial interests of the company his I'oWER HOUSE NEW jEKSEv TRACTION CO., liovD siKEti. special attention. 226 NEir.-IRA', .V. /., ILLUSTRATED The STA.TE Banking. CorvlPAIMY. IT IS scarcely necessary to call the reader's attention to the beautiful illustration on this page, or to say a single word in its praise. Sel'dom is it that the artist who pencils such a difficult piece of work, succeeds in bringing out the fine lines, with pillar and panel all combined, with such exactness and marvellous skill as is seen in the picture on this page of the model banking room of the State Banking Company, situated in the substan- tial four-story brick building at the northwest corner of Market and Halsey streets. This popular institution was organized in 1S71, or little nioi-e than twenty years ago, and under the State banking laws, and is the only bank outside of the National household in the city of Newark. Notwithstanding this fact the institution enjoys a popularity as wide as the State and a patronage from among the bus- iness men thereof, and of which any bank might be proud, which speaks a language in regard to its management and safety not to be misunderstood. The capital stock of this distinctly vState bank is $100,000, which is largely held by men who are leading citizens of German descent. It will be remembered in this connection that nearly or quite one-fifth of the population of this great manufacturing centre is German, among whom are numbered some of our most highly respected and wealthiest citizens, some of whom rank as more than millionaires. Indeed this bank has JULIUS STAFFF, CASUIF.K INTERIOR VIEW OF THE STATE BANKING COMPANY. been officered from its beginning by Germans. Its first president was Mr, F. Reynold, now deceased. He was succeeded by the wealthy Hamburgh Place brewer, Joseph Hensler, Esq., and he in 1S79 by Mr. Edward Shickhaus, of the flourishing pork-packing firm of Shickhaus & Pruden. Judge Gottfried Krueger is vice- president. Mr. George Webner was its first cashier, he being succeeded in 1S76 by the present popular cashier, Ex-County Register Julius Stapff, a remarkably striking photographic like- ness of whom is seen herewith. He has as his assistant cashier William Scheerer, Esq., while the popular e-\-president of the Board of Education of the city is comptroller, with Theodore Horn as notary. Around the officers the stockholders have thrown a cordon of as painstaking and careful set of directors as any bank or other financial institution can boast in the city or State, in the persons of Albert P. Condit, Francis H. Sieger, C. Feigenspan, John M. Mentz, Julius Gerth, E. C. Hay, M. Issler, J. Sturm and C. A. Lehmann, with the officers, all of whom are in the Board. If there is one thing more than another which has caused the adherence of such a large proportion of those who have made their bow to the Board of Directors and officers of the bank under consideration, we should have no hesitancy in saying that it is the genial good heartedness which pervades the whole body, and the halo of unquestioned safety which runs through every fibre of the concern and permeates every man in connection, carrying him to the very pinnacle of determination to hold himself ever ready to shield from harm every individual for whom he has accepted a trust. With such solid financial institutions as this for a basis, and with every one of her sisters as financially firm as the rocks of Gibralter, Newarkers have a right to feel proud and while the men of old P^ssex are glorying over the marvellous growth, pros- perity and mighty extent of her manufacturing industries, peer- less among American cities where population is considered, and marvellous in the world where the skill of her mechanics and artizans are concerned, they must not forget the illumined rays of bright financiering shooting out from our banking institutions, to light the paths of others or to financially enlighten the world. NEllAKK, X. /.. ILLUSTRATED. THE F*RUrj)EXTIA.L IX^SURAXCE; CO^/Il^A^I^■. Tl I E Prudential Insurance Company of America, whose home office building we show on this page, is one of the foremost financial institutions in the city, and in fact, in the country, its phenomenal success having drawn the attention of financiers wherever its operations are known. It began business in 1S76, in this city, its object being to issue small policies ranging in amounts from ten to a thousand dollars, the premiums upon which are paid in small amounts, weekly. This was an entirely new field, so far as this country was con- cerned, and the work of extending its o p e r a- t i o n was necessarily slow, especially as its business was confined to those persons who, be- fore this, had no practi- cal knowledge of life insurance, inasmuch as it had been impossible for them to obtain ]«>li- cies owing to the large premiums required. Con- sequently a good deal of time was expended in educating the masses up to the point where they felt the need of life in- surance. Notwithstanding these drawbacks however, the company at the end of the first year had issued 7,904 policies and obtain- ed a premium income of 814,543. The officers began, and have contin- ued to do business upon a very conserva tive basis, and it was nearly two years before any- thing was attempted out- side of Newark. But at the end of that time it entered other cities in the State, such as Paterson, Jersey City and Trenton. In 1879, it felt warranted in branching out still further and deposited the customary Si(»,ooo with the State Treasurer, thus obtaining the privi- lege of doing business in other States. It then opened offices in New York and Pennsylvania. From that time to this it has gradually extended its operations until now it is doing business in all the principal cities in the North and North, west. It has gained an enviable reputation for fairness and liberality, especially in the matter of paying death claims. It has always been foremost in the matter of concessions to its policj- holders. Its original plan contemplated issuing policies to ever}' healthy mem- ber of a family between the ages of one and seventy, which was a great advance over what had been done previously, since the ordinary insurance companies had confined their dealings entirely to adult male members. It has also, from time to time, granted THE PRUDENTIAL UUILUIXG. other advantages to policy-holders, such as ; Issuing an incon- testable policy : giving dividend additions to its Industrial policies ; issuing paid-up term policies to Industrial policy-holders, and Endowment policies upon the weekly payment plan. At the beginning of 1892, it arranged to give paid-up policies to persons who have been insured for at least five years and are at least eighteen years of age. As soon as the success of the Prudential had been demonstrated, other companies were formed to do the same kind of business, but the Pruden- tial claims to issue the most liberal Industrial policy of any company in America. Its financial standing is unquestioned. Its peculiar success in this direction has been due to the judicious investment of its funds, which has not only been safely, but profit ably done. The officers have always en- deavored, in view of the possibility of the rate of interest decreasing and also knowing that epi- demics are likely to occur, to secure a surplus over and above the reserve required by law. Their new building was comiiletcd and occu- pied by them m May, of iS