E57D E 510 .T99 Copy 1 i he Tyrant of NEW ■ ORLEANS. A DRAMA. By an Ex-Confederate Officer. ATLANTA, GA. Published by " The Herald'' Publishing Company 1873. \ oft &■ THE IYRANT OF SewSrLEANS^ A DRAMA. By an Ex-Confederate Officer. ATLANTA, GA. Published by " The Herald'''' Publishing Company. 1873- fit? r 7 : Entered, according to act of Congress, in the year 1873, b Y THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. NOTE. The real characters represented in this piece are per- sonally unknown to the Author, and none of them have been consulted by him as to the use of their names. For the liberty he has taken, he craves pardon of such of them as " play the better part." DRAMATIS PERSONS. Major General B. F. Butler, commanding Gulf Dep't. A. J. Butler, brother of Gen. Butler. Col. Geo. C. Strong, A. A. Gen. and Chief of Staff". Capt. Davis, A. A. A. Gen. ; Capt. Brennan, and other Staff officers. Colonel James H. French, Provost Marshal and Chief of Police. Maj. H. C. Whitley, Chief of Detective Police. John T. Munro, Mayor of New Orleans. W. B. Mumford, citizen of New Orleans. Mrs. Mumford, wife of W. B. Mumford. Miss Mumford, daughter of \V. B. Mumford. Mrs. Philips, wife of Philip Philips, of New Orleans. Mrs. Campbell, a Lady of New Orleans. Mr. and Mrs. Martell, of New Orleans. Auguste Beaumont, a wealthy Creole of New Orleans. x Eugene Beaumont, son of Auguste Beaumont. Clarence Rennier, a Confederate Soldier. Belle Beaumont, daughter of Auguste Beaumont. Guards, sentinels, orderlies, citizens, and other attendants. THIS HUMBLE EFFORT Of an inexperienced hand to portray, in the form of the Drama, The character of one who has achieved an UNENVIABLE IMMORTALITY, IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED by the Author, To those who felt most keenly, AND SUFFERED MOST BY, HIS ACTS OF TYRANNY,