/ /Iftonep VI ' ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Squabs BY J. C. LONG and G. M- BRINTON. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. WASHINGTON, D. C, GEORGE E. HOWARD & CO., PUBLISHERS. C ' ^. COPYRIGHTED AND PRINTED GEORGE E. HOWARD & CO Washing-ton, D. C. \.-" ^v/LiVLU* 'b'^VV-V^j CONTENTS. Part i — J. C. Long. Introductory ..... Breeding- Houses .... Breeding Stock ..... Distinguishing Sex Food and Feeding .... Water Salt Nesting Material .... Manure ...... Breeding and Management . Dressing Squabs for Market Shipping and Selling Diseases of Pigeons Canker Cholera . ^gg Bound Enteritis Going Light Roup Small Pox Sudden Colds Wing Disease . Worms Douglass Mixture Part ii.— G. H. Brixton Introductory Breeding Houses Buying- Stock Best Varieties to Breed Food and Feeding Salt .... Breeding and Management Dressing Squabs for Market Shipping and Selling . 7 10 25 31 33 37 39 40 43 45 51 55 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 65 72 73 74 78 79 82 83 National Message Holder for Homing Pigeons 86 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Fig. 1. Aviary on Barn . . . . .11 Fig. 2. Aviary on Roof of House ... 12 Fig. 3. House for Fifty Pairs of Pigeons . 13 Fig. 4. Ground Plan of House for 400 Birds . 14 Fig. 5. Perspective View of House for 400 Birds 15 Group of Homers ....... 17 Fig. 6. Double House 20 Fig. 7. House Suitable for Small Yard . 21 Fig, 8. Arrangement of Nest Boxes . . .22 Fig. tJ. Plan of Completed Nest ... 22 Fig. 10. Arrangement of Perches . . .23 Fig. 11. Plan of Perch 24 Blue Check Homer ....... 29 Fig. 12. Mating Pen 32 Fig. 13. Covered Feed Box . . . . .34 Fig. 14. Feed Hopper ..... 34 Fig. 15. Grit Box 36 Fig. 16. Drinking Fountain .... 37 Fig. 17. Drinking Fountain . . . .37 Fig. 18. Wire Covered Drinking Pan . . 38 Fig. 19. Bathing Tub . . . . . .38 Fig. 20. Bathing Tub 39 White Homers ........ 41 Peeper, One Day Old ...... 46 Squeakers, Ten Days Old . . . . .47 Squealers, Three Weeks Old .... 48 Pair Blue Runts 53 White Duchesse ....... 67 Pair Blue Dragoons ....... 75 NATIONAL MESSAGE HOLDER FOR HOMING PIGEONS. Fig. 1. The Holder 86 Fig. 2, Showing Holder Attached to Bird's Leg 87 Bird With Holder, Readv for Flight ... 88 Part I. INTRODUCTORY. /^^^HE gastronomic qualities of the young- of the £ \ genus Cohimba have long been known and ^^J^ recognized, but their scarcity and consequent high price have always prevented their being plentiful, and a common article of food. Of late years attention has been directed to raising them in large quantities, but the lack of knowledge as to how to proceed has deterred mau}^ from attempting the ex- periment, and turning their attention in this direction. It is for the purpose of aiding and enlightening such novices that this work has lieen prejiared. As an adjunct to the raising of poultry, small fruits, market gardening and general farming, this in- dustr}^ offers great inducements, as the percentage of profit for the amount of capital invested is large, de- pending, of course, much on the amount of attention given to it, and the adaptalulity for the work of the one having it in charge. Hundreds have attempted it and met with disappointment, simply from the fact that the}' had nothing to guide and encourage them in the wa}' of written experience. It should be com- menced by the inexperienced in a small way until thoroughly' understood, when they can branch out to an almost unlimited extent. But one should under- stand before beginning, that it is a business that needs constant attention, and not one that will take care of 8 itself. The breeder and his birds must know each other, and, as far as such a thing is possible, be in perfect harmony. He must watch his matings to see if the)' agree, and are both attentive to their duties, to see if they are prolific, good feeders and nurses, and true to one an- other. If there is a lack of attention to one another and a seeming preference for other mates, such pairs should be separated and remated with those of their choice. If certain pairs prove to be bad feeders and nurses, they should be discarded and replaced by others ; for it is all important that 5'our stock should be made up of careful and attentive feeders, as it is only from such parents that 3'ou can expect quick growth and maturity, a feature most desirable in commercial squab raising. It will take time to regulate and establish a satis - factor}' breeding stud, but in this time 3'ou are learning the principles necessary to success and which will eventually enable 3'OU to come out a winner. Do not let first disappointments discourage 5'ou, but keep per- sistently at it, stud3'ing j'our birds, and learning lessons from 3'our failures. I would advise beginning with ten or twelve pairs and practicing with them until 5'ou understand the work and then increase your numbers graduall}^ In this way j-ou do not over- burden yourself with care, and gradually' grow into the business. Commencing in this small way you can easilj' give it up if 5'ou find the work distasteful to 3'OU, and, on the other hand, if agreeable it is eas)' to in- crease 3'Our stock and enlarge your accommodations. Too man}' court failure by branching out too ex- tensively at first, before they have had anj^ experience and hav^ learned what it is necessarj' to know to be successful. The hints contained in this book are such as hav^e been suggested by long experience in this line of work, and any one carefuU}^ following them will b? at least fairly successful in breeding squabs for market or private use. The numerous illustrations which have been intro- duced in this edition will be invaluable to the novice and of much assistance even to the experienced breeder. It has been the aim in preparing this manual to make it a complete illustrated guide and it is believed that none who study the various chapters with care can fail to achieve success in practical pigeon culture. J. C. Long. Kit \U BREEDING HOUSES. X makincr preparations for squab raising, the first and one of the most important consider- ations is the location of the breeding establish- ment. This should be so situated as to be warm in Winter and not excessivelj- hot in Summer, and above all things where it will be free from damp- ness. For this reason a southern exposure is the best, and if sheltered from the north and west winds, which are those most to be dreaded in the Winter, so much the better. An expensive structure is not a necessity-, although if an entire new building is constructed a certain amount of attention should be given to neatness of appearance, a feature that will not be regretted when finished and ready for ocoupanc}'. Many may not want to go to the expense of erecting a building purposely for breeding, and having barn room ma}- prefer to partition off a portion for the purpose. This can readily be done, although if on an upper floor, entails a greater amount of work in caring for the birds than if nearer the ground. If the upper floor of a barn be used, an aviarj^ or flight should be constructed, as shown in Fig. 1 . This flight is essential for keeping the birds healthy and giving them outdoor exercise and fresh air. Such a flight is inexpensive to build, being made of a light framework and covered with one-inch 11 FIG. 1. mesh wire. Fig. 2, shows an excellent plan for con- structing an aviarj' on the roof of a house, when pigeons are kept in an upper or garret room. If the ground floor be used the southern exposure should be selected, the apartment well provided with light, and made, as far as possible, rat and mice -proof. This can be done by making all joints tight, b}- tinning around the lower portion of the partitions and either making a concrete floor or filling in between the joists on which the floor is laid, with gravel, slag, or cinders. Rats cannot work in such material and keep away. Partitions should be made either of tongued and grooved boards well seasoned, or twelve -inch boards well battened and seasoned. This prevents draughts and aids in keeping the room warm in Winter, a con- dition much to be desired if squabs are to be raised at 12 FIG. 2. that season , which is the time when they are dearest and consequently bring the best prices. If it is necessary to erect a building let the sills be laid near the ground on flat stones and then fill in between t,he sleepers, as I have before described, either with cinders, slag, or gravel. If not possible to procure these, then raise it about a foot from the ground, on posts or stone piers, which will allow of space for a cat to move around in and keep the rats away. By boarding up on the sides in Winter and banking with sawdust or turf, leaving a small opening at one end for the cat, it will be warm and dry. For such a building use hemlock or spruce joist, and good seasoned pine lumber tongued and grooved, or with straight edges so that it can be battened. Boards should be sixteen feet long and one inch thick, and if attention is to be paid to neatness dressed on the outside at least. Joist should be of two by four stuff, sixteen feet long. B}^ cutting these in two, making one length eight, and a half feet for the front, and the other seven and a half feet for the back, there will be no waste, and it will give the roof all the pitch necessary to shed water well. The roof can be made of ordinary roofing boards and covered with three-ply tarred roofing paper or felt, which, although it costs a little more at first, is the most economical in the end. If this is then given a good coating of roofing paint, or cement, it will last 13 for years. If shingles are to be had at a low price there can be no better roof if well laid. To secure a house cool in Summer and warm in Winter, it should be ceiled or plastered inside, but as this entails more expense than most people like to incur at first, if the building is lined on the north and west sides with two- ply felt roofing paper it will add to its warmth. If it is also used overhead, it will be an advantage, adding to the warmth in Winter and making it cooler in Summer. The floor should be made of tongued and grooved flooring, of such a quality as builder can afford. The front should be provided with large windows about six feet apart, and in size about three by six feet. This will give plenty of light, and sunlight in the Winter when the birds are confined to the house by snow and'«'cold weather. Windows should be made so as to slide to the side, that they may be opened and FIG. 3. 14 1 1 I 1 " "■ 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 " 1 1 1 1 1 "* NESTS NESTS NESTS NESTS - 1 WINDOW WINDOW «: o WINDOW 1 i WINDOW 1 AVIARY AVIARY L J AVIARY 1 AVIARY \ _._ ___--J FIG. 4. closed as necessity requires. Size of lis:hts about seven by nine, and if covered with wire netting there is less liability of breakage. Ideas vary as to size of house, but one fourteen by sixteen feet floor surface, as shown in Fig. 3, with the heights as before mentioned front and back will ac- commodate about fifty pairs comfortably. As necessity requires this can be added to indefinitely. But rooms accommodating 100 birds, with communication between each room, I believe to he better than one long room, say to accommodate 1000 birds, as with so many in one room there is bound to be discord. Fig. 4, shows ground plan of a house suitable for 400 birds. This house is fifty -six feet long and sixteen feet wide and is divided into four separate rooms, each being fourteen by sixteen feet in size. It is reallj" four houses joined together like the one shown in Fig. 3. The plan shows arrangement of interior, and location of nests. Fig. 5, is perspective view of the plan. If it is desired to commence with a few, a house to suit 16 the convenience can be erected. In constructing a house for commercial purposes the door should be made wide enough to admit a wheelbarrow, as there are many times when it will be an advantage to use one inside of the building. Attached to the house on the south side, should be an area or space for the birds to fly in, and have exercise in the open air. This can be made as large as capital will allow and the height of the building, eight and one -half feet. It should be surrounded and covered with wire netting of one -inch mesh, as it prevents the ingress of rats and sparrows, both of which devour the grain, and are in every way objectionable. The framework can be made of an}' light material supported on chestiuit or cedar posts. Around the run about six feet from the ground should be placed six- inch fence boards, with an occasional one running across from side to side. These are for resting-places for the birds when not on the wing, and will be found to be preferred by them to resting on the ground ex- cept when scratching for food or gravel. The openings for birds to gain access to the area or yard should be about six inches wide and six feet long about four feet from the floor. The door or shutter to these should be hung on hinges on the lower edge, and made to open outwards, on to brackets properly arranged so that when open this door can answer as an alighting -board when ])irds desire to enter the house. Cords can be so arranged as to close this door at night and at other times when necessary, without entering the building, as in all flocks there are some birds so timid that they fi}' to the yard as soon as any one enters the apartment. Besides this main opening one or two smaller open - GROUP OF HOMERS. 19 ings can be made six feet from the ground, four inches wide by five inches high, and these arranged with what are known as bolting wires, which are wires so arranged as to swing inwards, and permit any belated bird to enter, and yet when once inside prevent its getting out again. They should be supplied with a small shelf or alighting -board on the outside. The main exits need also an alighting -board or shelf on the inside about five to six inches wide, which can be sta- tionary. To prevent rats, mice, and other vermin from enter- ing the house through these openings, tin or sheet -iron should be tacked to the building, covering a space two feet below, one foot above, and one foot on either side of the openings. This prevents their getting a foot- hold, and while they might readily climb up the boards or battens, when they strike the smooth surface of the tin they ease their hold and fall to the ground. Along the front of the house and about one foot be- low the roof, on the eight and one -half foot side, cut openings one foot square and eight feet apart, with a key -hole or compass saw. Tack on the top of the pieces of board that come from these openings, strips of leather, replace the pieces and fasten the strip of leather to the remaining portion of the board. Cover the opening on the outside with wire netting to pre- vent the birds from fiying through. Arrange this with cords to raise or lower at will, and you have a small hanging door that can be used as a ventilator on hot da^'S and nights, or at any time when necessary. Should it be thought best to have it closed through cold weather a button placed at the bottom will hold it firmly in place. Such a house as I have described can be neatly 20 FIG. 6. painted, whitewashed, or covered with tar cement, which, although not very ornamental, is warm and cer- tainly water-proof. All doors should have spring at- tachments to them so that they will close of their own accord when any one passes through and thus prevent the birds flN'ing out. A good plan for a double house is shown in Fig. 6. This house may be built any size desired, according to the number of birds to be kept, Init it is not advisable to have the rooms larger than fourteen by sixteen feet each. This house has the double -pitched roof, which may be covered with shingles or tarred paper as may be preferred. Such a house will be found very cheer- ful and room}' for the birds to breed in, besides pre- ■renting a very ornamental appearance. There are many persons living in cities and sub- urban places, with back yards as the onlj^ places where a pigeon -house could be built. Such persons can, with small expense, keep pigeons for pleasure and profit. In Fig. 7, is shown an excellent plan for a 21 house in the back yard. The size of the house and aviary will, of course, depend on the size of the yard and the inclinations of the builder. The house should be built snug and tight, rat -proof, and in the farthest end of the yard. Having prepared the outside, a few hints as to inside arrangements will be in order. In each house there should be a space partitioned off at the entrance, large enough to hold a few barrels for feed and such imple- ments as may be needed in cleaning, and when the building is enlarged to accommodate more birds, this store -room can be increased according to requirements. The nests or breeding -boxes, as shown in Fig. 8, should be made by erecting boards fourteen inches wide and reaching to the roof on the side opposite the windows, and about seven feet high on the ends of the room. Between these upright pieces should be placed one -inch boards fourteen inches wide, of such length as FIG. 22 FIG. 8. Space will admit (after taking out the feed -room) twelve inches apart. This will give a series of six shelves. These shelves should be divided into spaces b}^ partitions of fourteen -inch boards, placed twenty inches apart from center to center. This will make a little room or box fourteen b}' ninteen and one -half by twelve inches. This should be again subdivided b}- partitions twelve inches high and nine inches wide, thus dividing the larger room into two smaller spaces. In front of these spaces place a strip four inches wide, so arranged as to be easih' removed, and there is a breeding - room with two nests, and a walking -board about five inches wide. Fig. 9, shows the nest completed. With such an arrangement each pair of birds has an apartment to itself with two nest -boxes so that, as is frequently the case, if the hen FIG. 9. 23 desires to make another nest before- the first pair of young are ready to be taken away, she can go into the second apartment and lay and sit iindisturbed. By making nests in this way the pairs are prevented from quarreling, and interfering with one another, and by making the narrow strip in front of the nests mov- able, they can be easily cleaned. Unless it is necessary to utilize every foot of space the opening under the lower shelf need not be par- titioned off. By having a wire framework made to fit the front of each space 3'ou can confine a pair of birds to its own apartment if necessary to do so, until the}' are wonted and settle down satisfied. B}' a proper arrangerae'nt of cleats, all these shelves and partitions can be made movable, so as to be taken down entirely without drawing a nail, when the general times for a thorough cleaning come around. Such a building as here described can be continued to any length desired, but my experience teaches me that it is best to keep the breeding stock in colonies of about one hundred instead of one long building accommodating five or six hundred. These hints as to construction can be varied and ap- plied by the breeder according to convenience of lo- cation and to suit his circumstances and requirements. FIG. 10. 24 Perches should be scattered around the house in all available places for the birds to alight upon. These perches ma}' be built in various waj'S, according to the individual taste^ as shown in Figs. 10 and 11. After the interior is satisfactorih' fitted up, and before the breeding stock is admitted, if given a thorough coat of whitewash with a tinge of blue in it, the appearance will be much improved. When persons desire to keep a few pigeons to raise squabs for family use, the same rules will apply as for constructing apartments for commer- cial purposes. In man}' localities where it is desirable to raise squabs in Winter, the breeding room must be artificially heated. This can be done b}' stoves, or with a regular sj'stem of steam heating. The temperature needs to be kept just so that water will not freeze, and that the young will not get chilled when left uncovered bj' the old birds. If the room is kept too warm it will enervate the breeding birds, be likeh^ to cause them to cast their feathers, and cause results entirelj' contrar}- to what is desired. Unlike fanc}- pigeons, squabs raisers want to be induced to bring out as many as possible during the Winter months, as this is the time for best prices, and whatever course is best to bring about such results is the one to adopt. FIG. 11. BREEDING STOCK. <^|^a^' e:- .ess in th equently 3'ou want few visitors and r — es. If you ^- " ":e pairs in y Ije quarrel- :er remove ; others, for the3' wi!; re harm ::-a:- ^oo^-. e . ''^ *^ -—■—--- ^ :-. squabs themselves. . :ed over even,- day, and the ofiai gathered up and saved. When a p^ - - '•-••*". one nest clean f^ "■■': *:'r' — -rhly, a: vdust. If 5-0U': ;. _ . .v- dust : :ne. Watch cioseij' for lice, es- 50 pecially during the Summer, and if j'ou see anj^ indi- cations around the cracks of the partitions or else- where, give them a dose of kerosene oil; this will quickly dispose of them. By having; a squirt -can j'ou can easily inject the oil into anj' crack or opening, and it is sure death to insect life, while the odor does not seem to have any bad effect on the pigeons. Move quietly about the room and 5-our birds will soon learn to know 3'ou and have no fear of j'ou. \ii \\t \U m T \h \ DRESSING SQUABS FOR MARKET. ^^W'N dressinof squabs for market it is important to Mm kill them at about the time thej^ have reached II the best market condition, which is just about four weeks as a rule, although some parents will feed their j-oung better than others, and in twenty - five days have them as forward as they would be in twenty -eight daj'S under other care. But while four weeks is about the usual time, if not well developed, that is, if the abdomen has not become firm and hard, they had better be left a week longer, and such birds wall be found to have gained more in that additional time. ■' After a little practice the breeder can tell, almost at a glance, whether the squab is in proper condition to kill. What is wanted is large, fat squabs, and about the time they start to leave the nest is the time they attain this condition. A careful supervision will enable one to tell what pairs have their j'oung in proper con - dition. They should be collected the afternoon of the da}- before they are to be killed, and put in boxes, so that their crops will be emptied of all food at the time of killing. This is important, as the birds look bad and do not keep so well if food is left in their crops after being killed. But the crop can be emptied by squeez- ing out the grain with the fingers, in case it is not pos- sible to collect all yjw want to ship the daj- before, but 52 this adds much to the work and should be avoided if possible. When ready to kill take the squab in the left hand, holding the wings and the feet together in a firm grasp, the head between the thumb and fore -finger, then in- sert the blade of a sharp penknife into the mouth, sever the jugular vein at the back of the head, drop the head and the blood will readily flow out of the mouth. As soon as the blood has ceased to flow, commence plucking the feathers, beginning with those of head and tail, as birds pick easier at this time than at any other, everj^thing seeming to relax, and for this reason squabs should onl)'- be killed as they are want- ed for picking. Take only a few feathers at a time so as to avoid tearing the skin. It is tedious business at first, but practice will soon make perfect. Even the most expert will, once in a while, tear the skin, it is so tender, but as far as possible it must be avoided, as it injures the appearance of the squab, and detracts from its selling qualities. A good picker will pick from seven to eight pairs an hour. Some have a record as high as twelve and fourteen, but very few can work as fast as this, and seven pairs an hour is considered good work. After the squab is picked clean, throw it into cold water, slightly salted, and leave it in about thirty minutes. This takes out the animal heat, plumps them up, and makes them appear lighter colored than if left as they come from the picker. When the half- hour is up, take them from the water, wash all dirt from their feet, and blood from their mouth and head, fold the wings nicely across the back, tie the two inside legs together of a pair, always putting squabs of same size and fatness together, and they are ready for packing. M\!m-^ lilli'iiPi PAIR BLUE DRAGOONS. 55 When ready to ship squabs to market, divide them up in the box or boxes, so that all the largest and fin- est lay together on the top of the box, Shipping: ^^^^^ ^jj ,j^^ poorest at the bottom. If your stock is properly looked after there will not be many poor ones. In cold weather, it is only necessary to pack in neat, strong boxes, in layers, breast down. Six layers is enough, as too many are apt to flatten down and take away that plump, round appearance, that goes so far toward making them at- tractive and salable at good prices. The boxes should not be tight, but open just enough to let a little air in. In Summer put a good layer of ice in the bottom of the box, then put in your squabs, and on top of them, for the last layer, put cracked ice again. The ice melting and the water trickling down between the birds keeps them nice and cool until they get to their desti- nation. Naturally the box for Summer use needs to be tighter than that for cold weather. In looking for purchasers for squabs you will find, if you can give a steady supply week after week, there will be no difficulty in obtaining the best class of cus- tomers — private parties, hotels, and fine restaurants. Make the best arrangements you can with them as to prices and number they will take for the season, and then aim to retain their custom by supplying only the best. All game stores handle squabs, but the best paying trade is private families, who will take one or two pairs every week the year round and at a fair price. In the markets you can also sell at all times but not at such good figures. Try to get every private family you can, as you get the best retail price from them. Find out what they have paid and what they will pay and arrange accordingly. If you live so far from a 56 large citj^ that j'ou can not look up j^our customers, it would often pay to advertise that families will be sup- plied on demand. Or j^ou could consign 3'our stock to a good, reliable commission house, which will often obtain very fair prices for you. The best location, however, for a squab raiser is near enough to a large cit}^ to be able to get in once a week, to look after sales, customers, and other details. If 3'ou have only a few pairs each week, they can easil}^ be put in a canvas case or basket and carried along with j-ou as desired. As to selling price, that depends on the size and con - dition of squabs, and season of the 3'ear, from the poorest, thin little things in Mid -summer at twenty cents a pair (that no man who pretends to raise Squabs for profit would ever send to market) to the extra large fat squabs, that retail in Mid -winter all the way up to $1 a pair. Of course, wholesale prices would be from ten to twenty per cent, less than these prices, on the same birds. A successful squab raiser ought to l)e able to retail squabs at an average of sixty cents a pair the year round. This is for strictl}' first-class birds. What few second-grade squabs he would have to sell ought to average forty cents per pair the year through, but these last should be ver}^ few in number only from young breeders. With good management a good pair of breeders ought, at a low calculation, to clear $1 a yes.v, often more, seldom less. The manure and feathers when properly cared for will raise this average five to ten cents a pair, so that if you have five hundred breeding pairs, you could reasonably expect to realize a profit of at least $500 a year, or $1,000 on one thousand pairs, and in that ratio according to the number of pairs j-ou keep. 57 Good breeders will lay from six to eight pairs of eggs a year, but it is verj^ few that will hatch all the eggs, or raise all the young that are hatched. If they would all do this, there would be few better pajnng invest- ments. The estimate of profit made does not include cost of labor. To conclude, any one who decides to embark in the business of squab raising must conduct it on business methods, giving it personal attention, having regular times for feeding, cleaning, and collecting the squabs, learning the peculiarities of his birds, and treating them so as to gain their confidence, discarding such as prove quarrelsome or bad nurses, and watching at all times for opportunities to secure stock that shall give size and quality to his flock. Experience will teach him many lessons not contained in this little book, but if what has been written proves of benefit to the reader, the object aimed at, thyt of aiding the beginner in his first endeavors in squab raising, will have been accomplished and the l)Ook have fulfilled its mission. •^^yt^ DISEASES OF PIGEONS. mo matter how careful you may be, in all col- lections of pigeons, especially large ones^ there will be some that suffer from the dis- eases peculiar to the species. Of these I can only speak in a general way and treat of the most common, for it does not pay a squab breeder to devote much time to the sick. It is better to remove them at once, and replace them with others, for even if cured it may be a long time before they get into good breed- ing condition again, and the time and attention given them could more profitably be given to the well. Among the most common ailments are canker, cholera, egg bound, enteritis, going light, roup, small pox, sudden colds, wing disease, and worms. Canker is an evil that the squab raiser has sometimes to contend with. The cause of it is often ascribed to impure air and water, but as it makes its ^^* appearance in flocks that have the best of care, this evidently is not the true cause. It is diph- theritic in its nature, and the symptoms are high fever, congestion, and swelling of the blood-vessels of the throat, accompanied by little white ulcers, which, if neglected, spread very rapidly all over the interior of the mouth and throat. Like roup it usually makes its appearance in cold, damp weather. When a squab once becomes affected old and young should be at once taken 59 from the breeding room and the apartment they occu - pied disinfected. The old birds should be examined, and if found with canker in their mouths it should be removed and the canker spots painted with a solution of lemon juice and suo:ar. Powdered burnt alum is also good to apply. The young birds can be treated in the same way, but if the canker has spread much about the mouth it hardly pays to spend much time over them. The old birds need to be thoroughly cured before turning back into the breeding room. A small piece of alum in the drinking water of the old birds will aid in the cure, and if the whole flock is threatened a piece in the different drinking vessels for awhile will act as a preventive. Cholera usuall}^ attacks pigeons in hot weather, and can generally be attributed to improper food, new wheat, musty corn, foul screenings, or im- * pure water. It is accompanied by a watery diarrhea of a greenish color. The plumage is dull and the bird mopes and soon loses its strength. Change its food and place a little prepared chalk in the water. I have found a lump of quick lime about the size of a walnut placed in a two -gallon vessel of water to be a check to the discharges. Hens, especially young ones, often have trouble in voiding or passing their eggs. Frequently the first egg will be voided all right, and the hen " * on the following day give evidence of distress sometimes entirely losing the use of her legs and unable to stand. By taking her in the hands, and feeling of the abdomen, the egg can generally be located, and when convinced that this is the cause of the trouble nature needs to be assisted. One way to do this is after rubbing the passage with vaseline or 60 Sweet oil, introducing the finger as far as possible, at the same time being careful not to break the egg, hold- ing her abdomen over steam, not so hot as to scald, but so as to thoroughh^ warm and relax the parts as much as possible. After a few minutes of such treatment as this, put her in a quiet pen and unless a very stubborn case she will soon pass the egg. Some at the same time as treating with the steam, give the hen a small quantity of molasses internally. Inflammation of the bowels, or enteritis as it is called, is the result of a chill and the S5'mptoms are a P , , "puffed-up" condition of the feathers, mop- ing, and a bloodj^ discharge of mucus. Place the bird in a warm place and give a few drops of paregoric two or three times a da3^ " Going light," the term used among pigeon fanciers for atrophy or wasting, is a condition in which the bird gradually grows thinner and thinner, and is a form of consumption. While I do not consider it contagious, it is best to remove the sufferer from the rest, for no ^^ . bird with any form of disease should be al - T . < , n lowed to remain in the breeding room. It is usually accompanied by diarrhea, the dis- charges clinging to the vent, fouling the plumage and presenting a disgusting appearance. If you see a bird with its plumage discolored, its motions uncertain, its eye dull, catch it, and you can soon determine bj^ feeling of it, whetheritis"goinglight" ornot; for its breast -bone will be prominent and its natural plumpness gone if affected by this disease. I have found an almost certain remedj', if taken in the early stages, to be plucking out its en- tire tail. Then by using one or two cod liver oil cap- sules and a grain of quinine dail}^ and feeding a little hemp seed with its other food, it will, by the time its 61 tail has grown again, be entirely recovered. But it will be a long time if a hen before she will be in laying condition, and the question naturally arises, is it profitable to wait for recovery and also give the time necessary to attend to it while sick ? Roup is a disease of a catarrhal nature, affecting the mucous membranes of the nostrils, head, and throat, and is usually accompanied by a profuse dis- ^* charge of sticky mucous matter from the nos- trils, which, if the disease is neglected, become very offensive. It is very contagious, and should be check- ed as soon as it makes its appearance by removing the sufferers to a distance, as if left to fly around they would soon contaminate the most of the flock. It seems to be miasmatic in its nature, as it makes its ap- pearance suddenly, sometimes affecting a number at once, and when they have been in no way exposed to its influence. Sudden changes of temperature with damp and chilly conditions are particularly favorable to its appearance. On the first indication of difficult Iweathing give a pill, about the size of a medium -sized pea, of butter and black pepper, equal parts, and swab the throat with a solution of chlorate of potash. Should there be a discharge of mucus, wash the nos- trils and inside of the mouth with a solution of perox- ide of hydrogen ; this is said to be a sovereign remedy for roup. Dry quarters, protection from draughts, and an occasional use of a disinfectant will do much to keep this scourge at ba3^ A disease that sometimes makes its appearance in large flocks of pigeons, and quite contagious, is known as small pox. It comes in the form of Small Pox. g^^^jj g^^^g ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ .^ j^^j ^^ take its course spreads over the head and neck, form- 62 ing one large mass of scabby sores. L/ii its first ap- pearance isolate the afflicted ones, and touch the sores with a solution of blue vitriol. A few applications will generally check its tendency to spread. In cases of sudden cold, or where a tonic seems to be necessary, a one -grain pill of quinine, and a capsule of cod liver oil, given twice a day, will be found to have good results. Especially is this the ouooen C-olos. ^^^^ during the molting season where a bird does not seem to shed well and is drooping. It is a trying time for all pigeons and unless in robust health the process will be slow. As thej^ do not usually breed while molting, it is an advantage to have it over as soon as possible, and consequently pigeons should be kept in good, health}' condition and encouraged to shed as rapidly as is consistent with good health. A little stimulating food, such as hemp and canary seed, is good at such times. Wing disease is a stiffening of the joints of the wings, caused b}' the formation of a tumor at this point, -^. and no doubt arises from a strain, or injury Disease. ^^ ^ blow. It first appears as a small, in- flamed spot, and if neglected, grows larger and larger, until finallj- it hardens, fills with a 3'ellow cheesy matter, which after a time breaks the skin and protrudes, increasing in size daily, until it eventually weakens the bird so much that it dies. If 3-ou notice one of your birds that seems to have difficulty in fl}-- ing, and drags one wing on the ground, examine it and you will, no doubt, find the wing-joint inflamed. Place it in the hospital that should be attached to every breeding -house, rub it well with strong spirits of cam- phor twice dail}', or paint with iodine, and you will, if 3"ou have discovered it in time, no doubt effect a cure. 63 Sometimes even thouo:h you may relieve the inflamma- tion and apparentlj' cure the disease, the wing- will re- main stiff. This, while it renders the bird in a meas- ure helpless and unsightl3s does not injure it as a breeder, for it will still continue to la3% sit, and feed; but on account of its being unable to fly it nnist, of necessit}s make its nest on the floor. Worms sometimes prove troublesome to pigeons. The pigeon has a varying appetite, and while it maj^ .^ seem to eat and drink, does not appear to be doing well. If watched carefullj^ the worms will appear in their dung, and when it is determined that this is the cause, give a piece of garlic about the size of a medium white bean every morning, and watch the results ; or a small pill of powdered areca nut and butter, for two or three days, followed by a capsule of castor oil. I have alwaj^s found the garlic to be an effective cure. A small piece of gum aloes, about the size of a Canada pea, will also be found effective, all to be given before the bird is fed in the morning. What is known as the Douglass Mixture added to the drinking water, in proportion of a tablespoonful to a pint of water, is a good tonic for all ii», f^ times. The mixture is made by dissolving one -half pound of green copperas in two gallons of water, adding to it one ounce of sulphuric acid. This, if placed in the drinking vessels occasion - ally during the molting season, will be found to assist molting and keep the strength of the bird from dimin- ishing. Part IL INTRODUCTORY. »#y,^ AVIXG felt the need of proper advice for the l|^ successful breeding of squabs for market, 11%^ and knowing that hundreds of others like m^'self have suffered loss and disappoint- ment in their first efforts, have prompted me to write these hints. Squab raising is, when ])roperl3' managed, undoubt- edlj^ one of the best pa^'ing businesses that can be started with a comparatively small capital ; the percent- age of ]irofit on the capital invested is very large, everything being considered. It can be carried on in connection with the poultry business very nicely. The care and housing of pigeons and poultry differ con - siderably . A larger number of pigeons can be raised sue - cessfullj^on the same amount of ground than chickens. The following remarks are based entirely on personal experience as well as that of others who are engaged largely in the business in this- section of the country, (vicinity of Philadelphia.) A much longer account might have been written, but life is short and the get- ting at the main points of most value to the breeder in the briefest possible way has been my chief aim, and I recommended this work to all intending breeders of squabs, hoping that it will be of material benefit and be the instrument of assisting them to success. G. H. Brinton. MONEY IN SQUABS. /^ifc^HHRE are many different styles of lofts and / \ bouses, but I have come to the conclusion that ^^ir the one best adapted for the purpose is the one described below. Houses for raisino: squabs should always be built on the ground, as con- siderable time and labor will be saved in feeding; and watering; besides, I am of the opinion that birds thrive better when they are on the ground than when confined exclusively to the loft or an elevated avairy. TT The house is easier to clean and the expense is less than if the house were built two stories high. If one has room in a barn loft and no place else, it is, of course, possible to raise good squabs there, but whenever possible I would advise the house be built on the ground ; especiall}^ is this the case when large numbers of birds are kept. The carrying of water and feed up one or more flights of stairs at feeding time is laborious. To construct a breeding-house, procure good hem- lock sheathing boards, twelve inches wide, sixteen feet long, and one inch thick. Use two by four hemlock scantling, sixteen feet long, and the cheapest matched flooring. The building should stand seven feet at rear in the clear, inside, and eight feet at the front, inside, and should be fifteen feet from front to rear, over all. Straight sides and ends, roof slanting one foot from 66 front to rear. The front should have three by six feet windows, at intervals of six or eight feet, extending to within one foot of the floor. This will give light when the birds are confined to the house on account of inclement weather. All windows should be made to slide sideways inside the building, and should be kept open in hot weather. The house should face the south, or south-east. Such a house may be extended indefi - nitely to accommodate the number of birds to be kept. A house fifteen feet square would hold comfortably sevent3^-five pairs of birds. In front of the house should be the wire -netted run or aviar5^ extending twenty to thirty feet deep and eight feet high. A bottom board twelve inches wide should extend around the enclosure and light lumber should be used for the balance of the framework, with as few posts as possible for center supports. Around the run, about six feet from the ground, six -inch fence boards should be placed for walks or perches for the birds. Thej^ should have free flight through the center of the run as much as possible. One -inch mesh is the best to use, as it will keep out rats and English sparrows. The door to the squab -house should be wide enough for a wheelbarrow to be gotten through to remove the manure, etc. The opening for the birds to get into the aviary should he in the center of the building, about four feet from the ground, and should be about six inches wide, six feet long, with a drop -board same size hung on puUej'S, or so arranged that it can easilj'- be raised or lowered at will bj^ cords extending to the outside of the wire run, so that the drop can be let down at night without going into the building. There are alwa3's some birds in a large flock that are wild and fl}^ into the 3'ard the moment the}^ hear the door open. WHITE DUCHESSE. 69 A perch about eight or ten inches wide should ex- tend along the whole bottom of the opening, on which the birds may alight. Tin or sheet iron, covering a space of two feet below the opening and a foot above, and extending a foot on either end, will prevent mice and rats from entering easily, as they have difficulty in obtaining a foot -hold on the tin. The house and roof should be thoroughly covered with two-ply tar roofing paper, well put on and covered with slag cement. The front of the house, facing the j-ards, may be weather- stripped and painted, if preferred. It is very import- ant to give the tar paper the coating of slag cement as soon as put on, to protect it from the action of the weather. A coat of slag (tar) cement over the building, put on once a year, will preserve it for years in good condition. All doors should have spring hinges so that the}^ will keep shut when not in use. Along the front of the house, about eight feet apart and two feet below the roof, cut out with compass saw a board one foot square, saw the top across, then nail on stout pieces of boot or other leather for hinges, then saw bottom and sides, and 3'ou have a small swinging -door ventilator to be used only in hot weather. Tack on some wire netting inside, so that the birds will not fly in and out, and during hot weather these ventilators will prove of great advantage. In Winter these ven- tilating doors should be nailed shut and a piece of heavy paper tacked over the inside to prevent draughts. Having described the outside of the breeding -house and the yard, we will new look to the arrangement of the interior. When you enter from the outside door you should have a small wire partition separating a small room from the main room, to be used as a feed -room. In a building fifteen by forty feet, a space three feet 70 wide would be sufficient. In this apartment is stored in barrels the feed, salt, oyster shell, grit, tobacco stems, squab boxes, baskets, tools, etc., read}- for im- mediate use. In a small house it would not be nec- essary to have this space, as the barrels could be set in any convenient space inside, but when from three to five thousand birds are kept, it is, of course, necessary to have the stores near at hand and convenient to use. When a large number of birds are kept, a small room about fifteen feet square with a stove in, should be attached to the house for use in picking squabs and for storage. Directly facing the outside door should be the door leading from the feed -room into the nest- ing-room, so that a barrow may be wheeled from one room to another. The nesting -room in a house fifteen feet wide may be any length up to say forty feet, which should accommodate about three or four hundred pairs of birds. If the house be one hundred and twenty feet long, it should be divided into three or more apartments, wire netting partitions being all that is necessary to separate the rooms. Spring doors should be used in each of the par- titions. The room should be lined with nesting - boxes, excepting where the doors, windows and venti- lators are, the nests to extend from the floor upward six feet, making five nests in each division, as the floor is not intended to be used to nest on, although the birds will occasionally use it for that purpose. The nest -boxes are made by erecting twelve -inch wide boards, six feet high, set on ends, leaving a space of twelve inches between each two boards, all around the whole room, excepting at windows, etc., as before mentioned. These boards are secured at the bottom by nailing to the floor and at the top by laying a 71 twelve -inch board over all, making a walk on top for the pigeons. ^ Then take twelve -inch boards and cut off in pieces one foot square, five for each division in the house; in a forty -foot house, allowing for windows, etc., it would take about three hundred and fift}' pieces, which makes about three hundred and fifty nests to a forty -foot house, accommodating three hundred pairs of birds. Having the three hundred and Mty pieces of board, one foot square, next cut from three -inch stripping three hundred and fifty pieces, twelve inches long, and nail these pieces to each piece of twelve -inch board ; nail to the side of the board, at the end, so that the two boards together, representing the bottom of the nest, will be twelve inches square one waj^ and four b}'' twelve inch end, that is, the three -inch strip- ping and one inch of end of board. A lot of stripping one inch square, or one-inch -square pickets may be used. These should be cut up into twelve -inch lengths and nailed to the sides of the divisions as cleats, com- mencing about one foot above the floor and leaving about eleven inches between each piece on the division board. In this way five sets of strips are put in each division; the nest-boards will then slide in, resting in these cleats like a drawer. Kach nest can readily be lifted out to be cleaned or changed at any time. All nests should be interchangeable so that it does not matter if the same one is not put back. This is, I con- sider, by far the best arrangement for breeding nests that is in use at the present time. Many advocate the use of nest -pans, etc. I have used several different kinds, but I find nothing is so good in the long run as these board nest -boxes, besides being more economical, a very important point to most breeders. I might say that when it is not convenient to build an entire new 72 house, the general plan of house herewith described ma}^ be used, by fitting up nests inside, making wire runs outside, windows and ventilators, etc. In many places an old chicken -house can be transformed with- out much trouble or expense into a very good squab - house. The first and most important fact I wish to impress in regard to buj'ing stock is to bu}- from a man who , makes a business of breeding pigeons. Plenty q ^1 ^ of such men advertise in, the pigeon and poul- try papers. It means everj'thing to the be- ginner to get good birds to start with. Do not bu}- old birds that have been bred for years with very little vitality and breeding power left in them. They will, of course, disappoint, and no doubt lead j^ou to give up the idea of squab raising with disgust. Good breeders to start with insure success. By good birds I mean strong, health}^ thoroughbred birds, of good size, and from one to three years of age. Do not buy 5-oung birds four or five months old, as they will disappoint as much as those that are too old, as it takes them so long to start breeding, and they do not generally raise their first two or three hatchings with much success. Birds from one to one and a half years old are decidedly the best for breeders. A pigeon will breed well vintil it is eight or ten 3'ears old, as a rule. The number of pairs to start with depends entirel}' on the amount of room that is intended to be given them. If the intend- ing breeder has had no experience with pigeons it would be we A to buj^ ten, or not more than twentj^-five pairs to start with. Experience will be gained and additions to the flock maj^ be made as rapidl}^ as your knowledge increases. By keeping your pigeons band- ed 5'ou can keep a record of each bird, which is very 73 advantageous in lireeding pigeons for squal)S ; some squabs breeders claim it is more troul)le than it is worth, but I believe in having them banded whenever possible, and have found the record thus kept of untold value to me in the business. I will not attempt to go into details of description of the various kinds of pigeons, but will onl}" speak of _^ TT . , those breeds we kiuna are good for the Best Varieties t ■ ^ ^^ t^ ■> ^^ , o J purpose. 1 consider the Duchesse the best breed for squab raising, when ever3'thing is considered. It is a large bird and the squabs are larger and finer looking than those of the Homer of Dragoon. Of course, some Duchesse pig- eons are much larger and finer birds than others for the purpose, but I am speaking of them as a class. Thej^ are more domestic than the Homer and are fully as good breeders and feeders, so far as ni}' observation goes, and I have lired a great many of them and have seen others who have done equall}' as well. Color does not, in my opinion, make much difference with them, but the lightest colored birds should be l)red when possible. Some exceptions are taken to the Duchesse on account of its feathered legs ; this ma}' be remedied by crossing wnth the Homer, Runt, or Dra- goon. The working Homer, as found almost every- where, is a splendid breeder and feeder. Fine large birds of this varietj' can be selected that will give ex- cellent satisfaction. They also do well crossed with the Duchesse or Dragoon. The Dragoon is the next best bird and almost equal to the Homer as to breeding and feeding qualities. It is also a fine show bird and isdes - fined to be one of the most popular show birds in America. Runts are used to advantage bj^ squab breeders, and when crossed with the Homer make large -sized squabs. 74 The food for breeding birds consists chiefly of good, sound red wheat. Some squab breeders say that they can use good screenings with as good re- Food and ^^^j^^ ^^ sound wheat. Thev claim the birds reeding'. find a variety of different seeds in the screenings that make them appetizing and that the squabs fatten more readily upon them. But ni}- ex- perience differs from this. I cannot believe that it pa3-s as well to bu3' screenings as it does good wheat, even if the price is more for the latter than the former. There is no waste whatever in feeding good wheat, while there is considerable loss in screenings from the refuse that the birds will not eat. Next in imj^ortance to good wheat is good, dr5^ cracked corn. This must not be bought in too large a quantitjs owing to its quick absorption of dampness from the air and liabil- ity to mould, therel)y destroying its value as food for pigeons at once. It should l^e kept in the driest corner you have and well protected. It should be cracked very coarse, as the finer it is cracked the more loss there is in feeding. A medium -sized grain of corn cracked in two pieces is about the right size. These foods, wheat and corn, are the two staples of food year in and year out. Three feeds of wheat to one of corn should be the proportion for feeding. They should not be fed mixed. Corn may be fed for a week and then wheat for three weeks, or it may be given three feeds of wheat and one of corn. Hemp seed should also always 1 e kept on hand for sick or rundown birds, and once a month give a feed of hemp seed to all, although it is not necessary to do this where hemp seed appears too costly. Canadian peas are excellent food for fattening squabs. No green food is necessary at anytime, al- though lettuce is sometimes given. Stale bread is very (I|H|||,V|||',I/1III PAIR BLUE RUNTS. 77 good for a relish occasionally, and the birds will apj^re- ciate it verj^ much. In feeding breeding birds a large part of the food is frequently wasted by giving more at one time than the birds will clean up. Birds feeding their young should be fed twice a day, the first time as soon after daylight as possible, the second time about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, giving the old birds time to fill their young before dark. Just as much feed should be given as the birds will clean up. This can readily be ascertained by measuring the amount in a bucket for a few morn - ings. If at the second feeding there still remains some of the morning feed reduce the amount until just what is nicely cleaned up is used. Of course, the same number of birds will eat considerably more at one time in the month than another, depending on the number of squabs thej^ are feeding. All this must be looked after closely by the breeder. The best feed-troughs are constructed of twelve -inch boards, from six to twelve feet in length, and putting on sides and ends of three -inch stripping. This will make a low, flat box two inches deep inside. As many troughs may be made as are necessary for the number of birds in the house. One board twelve inches by twelve feet would do for a forty -foot house, although two would be bet- tzT. In long, low boxes should be plentj' of grit at all times; finely ground oyster shells are also very good. A number of different kinds of grit are advertised. A heap of fresh sharp sand should always be near the feeding -troughs. This must be renewed frequentl3s especiall}^ in the Winter season w^hen the birds can not get on the ground outside. Should there be a chance to get some old mortar from a building, or from a heap of mortar left over by masons, it can be used to 78 good advantage the same as sand, and is far better, but it must be pounded up fine and not left in large lumps. Salt is of the utmost importance to pigeons. A very good way to feed salt is to get it in ten -pound bags, pour sufficient water over it to wet thoroughly ^ * and put it in an oven and bake it for a day. It will bake hard, j-et still be softer than mineral salt. Should the birds l)e fed as much soft salt as the^^ would eat, it would kill many, as they would eat too much. I have always used mineral salt in my own houses in large lumps, as it can be bought readil}^ at anj' store, and I think it will generalh' give satisfaction ; but salt thej' must have at all times to thrive best. Three or four lumps as big as a cabbage-head in a fortj'-foot house would be about right. When I say a forty -foot house I mean, also, a house with about six hundred birds. Tobacco stems, to be had at any cigar manu- factory for the hauling away, or at most a trifling cost, should be placed in a pile in one corner of the floor looseh', not too man}' at one time, bat renewed fre- quentl}', so that the birds may have free access to them for the purpose of Iniilding their nests. No other ma- terial ought ever to be u.sed or placed within reach of the birds, as the tobacco aids very largely in keeping awa}^ lice, the great pest of the pigeon breeder. Last, but not least, is the water question. Pigeons, to do their best, should have an abundance of pure water for drinking and bathing. Water -boxes, two by four feet and six inches deep, with board covers, are found a very good method to water pigeons. The cover should be movable and contain about five circular holes, five inches in diameter. These covers keep the birds from defiling the water to a large extent, and twice each 79 week the covers should be removed and the birds be permitted to bathe. It is important that birds should have a bath more frequently in warm weather than during- Winter; the bath being an effectual way of get- ting rid of vermin. These boxes should be thoroughly cleaned out each time after the ])irds bathe, and filled up with fresh water, sufficient boxes being used to suppl}^ the wants of the birds. Large tin pans about eighteen inches in diameter and four inches deep, cleaned and filled daily, with no cover, are also used, but having no cover they require more attention. In extremely cold weather hot water should be used suffici- ent to take the chill off. I believe this will pay for the extra trouble, as Winter is the time above all others that the birds .should be doing their best, being the season of high prices. If your pigeons are already mated, so much the bet- ter; if not, select the cocks and hens that 3'ou wish to mate together and put each pair in a Breeding: and ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ twelve l)y twenty -four inches Managfement. . , ,...., . , ,, with a separating division in-the middle, one bird in each end. Have division made of wire netting so the birds can see each other and "talk the matter over." After keeping them this way for three or four daj^s slip out the division and let the birds to- gether. As a usual thing they will mate up and you will have no further trouble with them. They can then be turned loose in the house. It is always a hard job for the beginner to distinguish the cocks from the hens, but a little practice helps wonderfuU}^ in this matter. Cocks as a rule are larger than hens, and in flirting with the hen he will turnaround "all the way" fre- quently, but one rarely sees a hen turn all the way around while cooing and making love to her lord and 80 master. The. best way is to watch them in their atten- tions to each other, and when you see one bird chasing the other from perch to perch, up and down and all around, you may know that the one doing the chasing is the cock bird, and that likely they are ready to nest. A hen lays but two eggs at a sitting, and usually one day intervenes between the laying of the two eggs. In case you find a nest, however, with four eggs in, you may also find another nest with only one egg in. In that case you would be able to put one of the four in it, providing, of course, that 3^ou knew the hen with one egg had laid a sufficient length of time, say three days, to show that she was not going to lay another. In fact, you could easily mark one end with a lead pencil, so that in case another egg was laid j'ou could remove the one you had put in. Never try to make one hen hatch more than two young, as it will inevitably result in loss. If she does feed them all, at least one, and probably two, will be so poorly fed that they will not amount to anything. Sometimes' you will find that where there are only two squabs, one seems to thrive and the other gets along poorly. In such a case take the poorly -fed one to an- other hen that has only one squab of nearly the same size, and you will find they will both come along all right. If a pair nest and have no eggs, watch the birds carefully and after giving them a fair chance, separate them and give the cock another hen, as the one is no doubt l)arren, and will do no good as a breeder. Pigeons should be kept in a good, tight house, as warm as it can be made without using arti- ficial heat. Keep the house as clean as possible at all seasons, but especially in hot weather, as the more manure there is in a house the faster the lice seem to 8i breed. If you find that in spite of keeping the house clean and giving the birds plenty of water to bathe in, the lice multiply, something should be done at once to kill them out. I have tried several methods. ■ The best and surest is to get a small watering-pot with a fine sjjray, fill it with coal oil and give the perches, empty nests, corners, etc., of breeding-house a liberal dose. It will not hurt the birds and is sure death to the lice. Fine air-slacked lime scattered around is also good. Thousands of young birds are killed every Summer by not keeping the lice under control in houses and lofts. The birds being young do not know so well how to bathe and free themselves of these pests, and they seem to droop from day to day, growing weaker, until finally they die. Coal oil has never killed nor in- jured a squab or pigeon for me, and I have tried it time and again with best results. As to diseases I will not say much. If you have a bird that gets down off the perch and droops around, take it out immediately, put it in the "hospital," which should be a small separate loft or large box, where such birds can be kept warm and dry. Then give it plenty of hemp seed, clean water, sand, and a few dry bread crusts. Watch the bird carefully for a week or ten da^^s. If 3^ou see no improvement and can not find out the particular cause of the ailment, chop its head off. It is the best cure in such cases. Of course, if one were breeding fancy, high -class pig- eons they could nor afford to do this so readily ; but a squab breeder, with probably one hundred birds to a fancier's one, cannot afford to devote too much time to an}' single bird. Some pigeons get a wing disease; the wing droops down and drags on the floor and the bird is hardly able to fly. In such cases pull all the 82 feathers from around the joint. If swollen, paint with tincture of iodine every other da}' for a week. If not swollen, hold the joint in cold water for say five min- utes every day for a week, and keep the bird in a box so that it will not attempt to ^y. If it does not then improve, chop its head off. Canker is a bad disease, but not prevalent enough to cause serious uneasiness to a squab breeder. It shows itself by a lump forming in the throat, resem1)ling cheese. It is an inherited disease, and I think as a rule I would kill the old bird that has it., as it is not a good thing to have in your stock. In dressing squabs for market the}' should be killed at four weeks old. Some parents will feed their 3'oung ^ better than others and in twentj'-five £ 1171 1 ^ davs have them as forward as they for Market. "^ , , , • • , , would be in twenty -eight daj's. JNIy rule has always been to go through the house and ]Mck out the ones that seem to be about right, which will generall}' be just as the}' first start to leave the nest. After a little practice one can tell almost at a glance whether the squab is sufficiently filled out to kill. What is wanted is large, fat squabs. They should be collected the afternoon of the da}' before they are to be killed and put in boxes, so that their crops wall be emptied of all food at the time of- killing. This is im- portant, as the birds look bad and do not keep so well if food is left in their crops after being killed ; but the crop can be emptied by squeezing out the grain with the fingers, in case it is not possible to collect all the day before ; but this adds much to the work and is en - tirely unnecessary. I use the common killing -knife, but a good, sharp penknife will answer the purpose. The jugular vein should be cut just back of the head. 83 The squab should be held for killing in the left hand, the ends of the wings and the legs together in a firm grasp, leaving the head hanging down so that the ]:)lood will readil}^ flow out of the cut. Another person should hold the beak of the squab, when convenient, as it is easier that wa3^ Squabs should be picked while warm, as it is much easier done then than after allowing them to get cold, and for this reason the squabs should be killed just as wanted. It seems rather tedious at first to ]uck a squab, as one has to l)e careful not to tear the skin, and the pin -feathers are often hard to get out, but after a little practice it will seem much easier. One man who picks from one hundred and fifty to two hundred pairs per week told me that he could pick fourteen squabs clean for market in one hour, but that twelve was his usual number. I never could equal that, but no doubt it could be done. After you have your squab picked clean throw it in ice-cold (or spring) water and leave it in about thirty minutes. This takes out the animal heat and they will keep longer and better. They will also look better as the water seems to plump them out. Now take out the squab and wash off all dirt from feet and blood from around head, fold the wungs nicely across the back, tie the two inside legs of a pair together, ahvaj'S putting squabs of about the same size and fatness together, hang up and the}^ are read}^ to ship. When ready to ship squabs to market divide thenl up in the box or boxes so that all the largest and finest lie together and all the poorest ones Shipping: and ^ themselves. Bv so doing you can Sellma:. , • ' .1 I ^ get better prices, on the average, but 5'ou will not have man}- very poor ones if the}' are properly looked after. In cold weather it is merely 84 necessary to pack in good, strong boxes, letting a little air in, layer upon layer; pack in boxes holding about six layers, as too many are apt to flatten out of shape and take away that plump, round appearance that goes so far toward getting good prices for them. In Sum- mer put a layer of ice in bottom of box, then put in your squabs, and on top of them, for the last layer, put cracked ice again, then the ice melting atid the water trickling down between the birds keeps them nice and cool. In looking for purchasers for squabs you will find if you can give a steady supply week after week, there will be no difficulty in obtaining the best class of customers — private parties, hotels, and fine restaurants. Make the best arrangements you can with them as to prices and numbers they will take for the season, etc. All game stores handle squabs, but the best paying trade is private families, who will take one or two pairs every week the year around and at a fair price. In the markets you can also sell at all times, but not at such good figures. Try to get every priv^ate family you can, as you get the best retail price from them. Find out what they have paid and what they will pa3^ If you live so far from a large city that you can not look up such customers, it would often pay to advertise that families will be supplied, etc., and a good commission house will often obtain ver}' fair prices for you. The best location, however, for a squab raiser is near enough to a large city to be able to get in once a week to look after sales, customers, etc. If 3'ou have only a few each week, say one or two dozen pairs, they can easily be put in a canvas case and carried along with you to be delivered as desired. As to selling price, that depends on the size and con - dition of squabs and season of the year; from the 85 poorest, thill little things in Mid -summer at twenty cents a pair (that no man who pretends to raise squal)S for profit would ever send to market,) to the extra large fat squabs that retail in Mid -winter, all the way up to $1 a pair. Of course, wholesale prices would be from ten to twenty per cent, less than these prices on the same birds. A successful squab raiser ought to be able to retail squabs at an average of sixty cents a pair the year round. This price is for strictly first-class birds ; what few second-grade squabs he sells ought to average forty cents a pair the year through, but these last should be very few in number, only from young breeders, etc. With good management a good pair of breeders ought to alwaj'S clear $1 per year, often more, seldom less. The manure should always figure in the profits at the rate of at least five cents a pair a year. So that if you have five hundred ])airs of breeders you could reasonably expect, with good management, to realize a profit of $5U0 in one 5^ear, or $1,000 on one thousand pairs, and in that ratio according to the num- ber of birds you breed. This rate of profit, however, does not include cost of your own labor. 86 The national Dl cssajc H older FOR HOMING PIGEONS. /^■B^HE use of Homing Pigeons as messengers £ \ over land and water is graduall}' increasing ^ 1 in this countr}', due to the practical appli- ^^i^ cation of the wonderful homing instinct of these birds . Their great usefulness for con - vej'ing messages has been demonstrated in man}' ways, especially when no other means of communication are available. The United States Government has mes- senger pigeon stations at all the principal navy-j^ardsof the Atlantic Coast and at Mare Island, Cal., which are extremely successful. The various coast and trans- atlantic steamship lines use Homing Pigeons to convey messages over the water, and the Chamber of Com- merce at San Francisco has established a messenger pigeon ser\'ice between San Francisco and the Far- allone Islands, with a view of utilizing Homing Pigeons for convening weather reports and shipping news. Many progressive newspapers have established lofts of Homing Pigeons for carrying news and report- ing the events of the day. Messenger pigeon service is being utilized to good advantage for professional and business pnrposes, affording a means of communication that could not be had otherwise. Homing Pigeon fanciers are training their birds for business as well as for fancy purposes, by conveying news from one point to another. These winged messengers are bred by the thou - sands each year, and their wonderful records of flights are evidences of their fig. i. worth for fancy and practical purposes. The Holder. The old way of carrying a message in a quill fastened to the tail-feathers of the bird, has been ver^' unsatis- factory, and is now a thing of the past. Genius has 87 given a modern method for sending messages safely by Homing Pigeons. The National Message Holder (patented) as shown in Fig. 1, is the best thing that has been invented for this purpose, being the only safe, reliable, and satisfactory method in vogue for sending messages by Homing Pigeons. The National Mes- sage Holder is thoroughly cover- ed by patents in the United States and abroad. It is made of alumi- num, and weighs only 10 grains, is water-tight, and can be fastened to a bird's leg (see Fig. 2. ) in a second instead of minutes as by the old way. It does not impede the flight of the bird and cannot be lost bj^ the dropping of the tail-feathers, as was often the case when the old- style quill was used. The National Message Holder is used exclusively in the United States Messenger Pigeon Service, being highly endorsed by those in charge of the various stations. Every flyer of pigeons who has used them is loud in praise of their value to the fraternity'. To the racing fancier, the National Message Holder will prove a boon, and will save much worry, time and ex- pense of telegrams, by receiving the time of liberation by the bird itself with a certified message from the liberator, which cannot be contested. Again, lost birds can be easily identified as the Holder can be per- manently attached to the bird on its record flights, with the owner's name and address, aud other instructions written on the blauk. Showing- Holder Attached to Bird's L,eg-. 88 Some Advantages of the National Messag:e Holder, It is cheap. It is water-tight. It does not come off. It is not noticed bj- the bird. It does not irritate the bird. It can be worn over and over again. It does not impede the flight of the bird. It can be worn permanently bj- the bird. It affords a sure means of identitication. It saves money, worry, and loss of time. It can be fastened and unfastened in a second. It is as light as a feather, weighing only 10 grains. It is used exclusively by the United States Government.- It is used and endorsed bj' the most prominent flyers of pigeons in the United States and abroad. 89 TESTIIVIONIALS. Please send nie one dozen National Message Holders for Homing- Pigeons. They are just the thing. — Dr. G. H. Stone, Savannah, Ga. I have used one of your National Message Holders in several instances from business to communicate with my wife at home, attaching the Holder to one of my birds on liberating, and find it a remarkable success. — Geo. G. Hallock, Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y. The National Message Holder is, without a doubt, the very best means to carry the message. I have considered no other way simply because I believe this Holder superior to any. I leave the Holder attached to the leg long enough so that the bird will not stop to pick at it when you wish the bird to carry a message. Birds that are intended to bring me inessages from nay patients will have a Holder attached and ready at all times. — Dr. Arnold, Elizabeth, Ills. A foreign correspondent writes : "The National Message Holders which'you sent me are a great success and answer all the requirements. They do not inconvenience the pigeons in the least, either at rest or on the wing, and the biixls hardly notice them when attached to their legs on account of their wonderfully light weight, {only ten grains). The birds do not peck at them, as they used to do with the old goose-quills, to try to work them off. Messages were frequently lost by the birds succeeding in loosening and pulling off the old message quill fastened to the tail-feathers. The new message holder, which is fastened around the leg by means of a clasp, is perfectly secure, and being water- tight, keeps the message intact. Another great advantage is the facility and rapidity with which messag^es can be sent. With the old goose-quill holder it took from three to five Diiniitcs to fasten the message on the tail-feathers, with the aluminum holder it takes from three to live sccouds only, and a large number of pigeons can be forj\'arded with messages in a verj- short time 63' means of this clever device." PRICES: Single Holders, 15 cents each prepaid. In lots of 10 or more, 12 '2 cents each prepaid. We furnish the National Messenger Pigeon Service blanks in books of 50 for 25 cents, books of 100 for 35 cents. Address all orders and make all remittances payable to George E. Howard «Ss Co. 504 nth street N. W., Washington, D. C, 90 THE FEATH ERMM A National 3Iouthly Journal Devoted to Poultry and Pigeons. ppnFii<;Fiv ILLUSTRATED, The Pi6eor» Departmen t The " Pijreon Department" of The Feather has always been appreciated by fanciers of pijsreons. The contributors to this department are of the oldest and most competent writers on pitjeon topics in this country. Mr. Lonsr, who has it in charge, has been for years a leading- judge. He has g-uided this department since the commencement of The Feather and has done everything- to give it the high standing it now has. Some very valuable articles are now- being prepared for publication in the " Pigeon Department," and our pigeon readers will enjoy a treat not heretofore had. Many practical articles will be published, and the pijblishers hope to have each issue a gem in journalism. Unlimited time and expense have been given to the preparation of its articles, and it is believed that better or more practical ones have never been published. The Feather pub- lishes the very best of matter, and its illustrations are numerous and original. It gives its readers the cream of the poultry and pigeon topics of the literarj- world. Subscriptions... Subscriptions may begin at any time. The price of a yearly subscription is 50 cents, but by VetBrning the enclosed coupon to Pigeon Fanciers and 25 cents you get a yearly subscription at half price, besides a copy of The FE.4THER Companion AXi) Dikectoky. Don't delay sending in your subscription to QEORQE E. HOWARD & CO., 504 nth Street N. W., Washington, D. C. "Eaton Loft Record" .♦Homing Pigeon Races The most complete thin>; ever gotten up. EVERY BREEDER AXD FLYER OF H03IING PIGEONS,.. Should have one or more copies of it. It is endorsed and praised by all who have it, becatise it tells plainly the record of every mile you have flown. BY ITS rSE YOU CAN TELL AT A GLANCE: Number of Birds Entered Each Race; Position in Each Race; Returns and Losses; Birds Taken Off; Late Returns; Weather Conditions; ■ and Date and Time of Liberation. This valuable chart will be sent to any address on receipt of 5 cents, or three copies for 10 cents. Address QEORaE E. HOWARD & CO., 504 nth Street N. W., Washington, D. C. 91 EMPORIUM of PETS Headquarters for all kinds of... Fancy Poultry, Fancy Pigeons, Swans, Pheas- ants, Canaries, Parrots, Mocking-birds, Cages, Seeds, Gold Fish, Globes, Aquariums, Plants, etc. Monkej's, Dogs, Cats, Squirrels, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs and other Pet Animals. My specialty is seiiiQg first-class Homing Pigeons at $1.00 a pair. Send for the largest and most complete Illnstrated Free Catalogue. LUW. O. oGllllllQ, Washington", d!c." .Sole .Vgent for Prairie State Incubators au. cans 81.00; one Case of two dozen 1-11). cans JS4.00. Aleuts.. ^ ^ ^^^,j^ Wanted. ^ -^/ ^^^^^^^ CHICK MANXA. If you feed it to your younti- chickens, you can raise 90 per cent, of your production up to maturity. Price, 10c. per lb.; 5-lb package 40c.; 15-lb. pacltage sSl.lO. NOTICE.— We are the sole Ajjrents for New York City and vicinity for LA3IBEKT'S DKATH TO LICE. POWDER AND OINXnENTS. Large stock always on hand for immediate shipment- •» . OUR IMMENSE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE. It tells you what you want in the line of General Supplies and for successf nl Poultry Raisin}.'-. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Address— Excelsior Wire & Poultry Supply Go. 28 Vesey St., NEW YORK CITY. Wm, V. RUSS, Prop. JUL 7 189€ IWM ^ OF CONGRESS ^02 864 agJ> -1'''^