1> u .^ t ;-—-»—-. a: ^**** H \ T HE rOME CONCERT JWj^ MARY D. BRINE, and Joys for Wee Girls and Boys," " Papa's Little Daughters," " Four Little Friends," " Hither and Thither," Etc. PHOTO-ENGRAVED FROM THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. Illuminated in Walrr Color j fy tkr A Mthor NEW YORK: CASSELL & COMPANY, Limited, 739 & 74i Broadway. i'iONi i5 Vv-a THE HOME CONCERT, 7VW.MARY D/ BRINE, NEW YORK: CASS ELL & COMPANY, Limited, 739 & 741 Broadway. r "~ waswn-- j M DUNHAM. i5r Of cA^Usyw ail zicuf-Tmyi^oAX khol* oLcJL d 1/tZZtjU Owj ksyvOsv oi _ /w^vuv wdkj vsmAJLol sal . CJ/LoX^Mj (tv^cJLjIqLl^camJa $$1 to ^^'f / ^ C ^^ oJ ^~ < ^ i ^^ Ltd Hlq'')*sZ, CKW-tA/ Ko*-o(~JKa*us^ CUvOWc V UjUn^yy^d Qa.ejt o-CvUa, rujULsi, V^/t/Vte k£JXAJt~ . 'a. £J^,Joyv cfww 'hJxJjLs QuuloJ. CfCuPotAju^j oJ^jl l-a-LA, U> S'-G.e, •. Qfty hJLfi^J- ttdx^Uyy. eyiAA.y>}hji, ^w^ mU^ta ,^L . r f \AJ)1/VLA-fi^J Q_CLAA^ ykjL ycuuxA^, r/y^eS-fu eZuZt; y&JL.ou^ tee, , Jnrvrw )^Q^CkZCd Ufti , u<0 <)^^>^Z^ Q^uU ^Xuam^ . 1 i '<^hy O^eXAj ww4 k Ajl(UL> Ouuuo*. 9**4/ ' * CtAA-o/ ' 7^£s V / - ^Zoj THE HOME CONCERT. Well, Tom, my bov, T will sav good-bye! I've bad a wonderful \ isit lure ; Enjoyed it, too. as well as I might \|i hi from all that my heart holds dear. Maybe I've been a trifle rough — " A little awkward " — your wife would say. And very likely I've missed the hint Of your city polish, day by day. But somehow, Tom, tho' the same old roof Sheltered us both when we were boys, And the same dear mother-love watched us both, Sharing our childish griefs and joys; N el you are almost a stranger now. Your ways and mine are as far apart As tho' we never had thrown an arm Around each other with loving heart. Your city home is a palace, Tom ! Your wife and children are fair to see ; n't breathe in the little cot The humble home that belongs to m, . And I am lost in your grand, large I And dazed with the wealth on everj side ; And I hardly know my brother. Tom, In the midst of so much stately pride. Yes ' the concert Teas grand last night, The singing splendid ' but. do you know \1 1 heart kr-pt 1. iiiging the e\cnnlg through For another concert— so sweel and low It wouldn't plea-- the,.,, ver be true. I shul my eyes in the hall la< (F01 the clash of the musii And ■ lost to rm Km 1. ng rest her little < And soft an I sweet as the music fell From the mother's lips I could hear the coo Ol u,\ baby girl, as with drowsy tongue She echoed the song with " goo-a-goo." Together they sang — the mother and babe, My h it' and child - bj the 1 ottage doot Aye, that is the concert, brother Tom. Mv ears are aching to hear once more. So now good-bye ! and 1 wish you well. And many a year of wealth and gain : )",>/< were born to be rich and gay, /am content to be poor and plain. I lack to my country home With a love that absence has strengthened, I'.ni k to the concert all my own, Mother's singing, and baby's coo. Mary D. 1