Library of Congress. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Chap - SHELF- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY — OF — A LA BAM A. EUGENE ALLEN SMITH, Ph. D., State Geologist REPORT ox THE CAHABA COAL F.I ELD, BY JOSEPH SQUIRE, M. E.. Assistant in Charge of Cahaba Field. WITH ON THE Geology of the Valley Regions Adjacent to the Cahaba Field BY EUGENE A. SMITH. With 31 Figures in the Text, 7 Plates, and a Map of the Cahiba Field and Adjacent Regions. MONTGOMERY, ALA.: THE BROWN PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS AND BINDERS. 1890. %^ ^ ^^;:^^ /:) INTRODUCTORY LETTER. To His Excellency, Thomas Seat, Governor of Alabama : Sir: — I have the honor to transmit herewith, a report on the Cahaba Coal Field, bj Joseph Squire. In his letter of transmittal, Mr. Squire has given a short account of the man- ner in v/hich the map was first begun, and has come finally to be published by the Survey. From this sketch it will be seen that the map and report are the result of more than thirty years work on the part of Mr. Squire, and, at the very low estimate of $1,500 a year, for the compensation of the geologist and for the making of the tests of the seams, they represent an expenditure of at least $i5,000 ; the cost of the Survey has been only about one seventh of that sum; the difference has been given to the State by Mr. Squire and those for whom he made the explorations. I think we should not lose sight of these facts. To make the map more complete as to the parts not occupied by the Cahaba Field, I have added the colors showing the distribution of the Geological Formations in the adjacent valley regions, and have appended to Mr. Squire's report, by way of expla- nation of these colors, a short account of the lithological and other characters of these different geological formations, together with such other matter as seemed necessary to ac- count for the present attitude and positions of the strata of these formations in the valleys. In 1875, 1876, and later in 1882, I have published maps and descriptions showing in a general way, the structure of these valleys, but in the pres- ent work, on so much larger scale than any of the previous ones, there was the necessity for much greater detail, and this needed amount of detail concerning the distribution of the various formations, their limits towards each other, and the geological structure, has come chiefly from the notes of Mr. McCalley, who has devoted the greater part of the last three or four years to the examination of this and the other parts of the State occupied by the rocks of the older forma- tions. The work of Mr. A. M. Gibson in Murphree's Val- ley, has also been of great service as affording the clew to certain types of geological structure, as will be seen in the body of the report, I have been somewhat at a loss to determine the best way of exhibiting the distribution of the surface beds of the Tuscaloosa formation in the lovvtr part of the area shown on the map. These beds overlie the older formations in patches, whose exact outlines could not possibly be deter- mined except by instrumental survey, the cost of which would have been out of all proportion to the importance of the information thus to be gained. It must therefore be understood that the map does not pretend to show the exact position and shape of all these overlying tracts— and the absence of definite dotted outlines is intended to indicate this — but only to express the general fact that the Creta- ceous beds overlie, and in places completely hide from view, the older geological formations. Where it has been possi- ble to ascertain with certainty, or with a high degree of probability, the distribution of these underlying formations in spite of the covering of Cretaceous, as is easily the case with the Coal Measures, we have so marked it ; but in the valley, where several geological formations occur in narrow belts, it has often been quite impossible to trace the contin- uity of these belts, and thus to determine the structure, hence the unsatisfactory condition of the lower part of the map. In time, and with more numerous observations, we shall probably be able to briug order oat of this present confusion. Of other work completed or in progress in this part of the State, the following statement will not be here out of place. Mr. McCalley has been engaged for several years upon the examination of the coal of the Plateau region of the State, and of the valleys along which the older geological formations of the State are exposed. The greater part of this matter is already written up and ready for the printers, and all of it will be ready before the the end of the winter. The Plateau region includes all that part of the Coal Measures in which the coal seams lie high upon the mountains, and well above the general drainage of the country, and occupies parts or all of the following coun- ties: Madison, Jackson, DeKalb, Marshall, Morgan, Blount, Etowah. The valley region includes the Tennessee valley, the val- ley of Blount Springs and immediate valley of the Tennes- see river above Guntersville, Murphree's Valley, Wills' Val- ley, Jones' and Eoups' Valley, and Cahaba Valley, and the great valley of the Coosa, embracing all the region between Lookout Mountain and the Coosa Coal Field on the west, and the hills of Clay and Cleburne counties on the east. In these are exposed the older geological formations, and in them occur the beds of red and brown iron ore which have played so important a part in the industrial history of the State. In my biennial report to the present General Assem- bly I have spoken more specifically of the several reports now ready for the printers upon these districts. Some years ago, the United States Geological Survey un- dertook, in the interest of the State Survey as well as that of the United States, an investigation, the chief object of which was to make a carefully measured section of a belt about twenty miles wide, extending across the valley region of Alabama. After consultation, we selected a line running northwest and southeast, near the end of Lookout Mountain at Gadsden, as the central line of this section or belt. The investigation was to determine accurately within this nar- row belt, the thickness of the strata of the several forma- tions there occurring, together with the variations in the lithological characters of the rocks from place to place, and to determine the geological structure. This particular belt was selected for the reason that all the older geological formations of the State are exposed here, and the geological structure is about as complicated and diversified as it is anywhere else. The results of this work, which was finished this fall, are embodied in a report by Mr. C. W. Hayes of the U. S. Sur- vey, illustrated by a map and several geological sections. This report will be published as a document of the State 8 Survey, for which it wag specifically prepared, some time during the fall or winter. It gives me pleasure to acknowledge still further, the obli- gation of this Survey to Maj. J. W. Powell, the Director of the U. S. Geological Survey, for the very efficient aid which he has also given us in the investigation of the geology of the southern part of the State. Mr. L. C. Johnson, of the National Survey has spent several months during the past year in field work and in the preparation of a report upon some of the newer formations of Alabama. This report was much needed to make complete the account of the geology of the southern part of Alabama, begun by Mr* Johnson and myself jointly in 18S3. The publication of this report has been delayed for two reasons — 1st, that we might have a suitable map to illustrate it, and 2nd, that this sup- plementary work might be done. The report upon the useful and noxious plants of the State — the timber trees, grasses and other forage plants, weeds, &c., promised by Dr. Charles Mohr of Mobile, has not yet been prepared, because of the illness of the Doctor, but I am glad to be able to say that we shall probably get this most useful report some time during the coming year. Mo one in the country, north or south, is so well fitted for this task as is Dr. Mohr. Since the publication of the last report of the Survey, the following assistants have been employed upon the work of the Survey : Prof. Henry McCalley, in examination of the iron ore regions of the State ; Mr. Joseph Squire, upon the map and report on the Cahaba Coal Field ; Mr. A. M. Gib- son, upon the examination of Murphree's Valley, and upon parts of the Coosa Valley ; Mr. J. L. Beeson, upon the chem- ical analyses, which are to go with the Cahaba Coal Field report, and with the report on the iron ore region. It has been found necessary for Prof, McCalley, who has heretofore had charge of the chemical work of the Survey, to devote his time to field work, and the preparation of his reports thereon, and Mr. Beeson was employed to make the analyses during the past year, but arrangements have been made by which Dr. Wm. B. Phillips, Prof, of Chemistry and Metallurgy at the University of Alabama, will hereaf- ter be in charge of this work. In addition to these assistants who have been employed by the Survey, we have had aid from the U. S, Geological Survey, as already indicated above, in the work of Mr. C. W. Hayes and his assistants, who have spent several seasons in making the measured section spoken of, and in that of Mr. L. C. Johnson, who has devoted to our work about six months of the past year. Mr. T. H. Aldrich continues as a volunteer, his study of our Cretaceous and Tertiary fossils, and Mr. D. "W". Langdon has given about two weeks of his time to us recently. The topographic work of the U. S. Gdological Survey in our State is going on, and will, in the next three or fours years, have been extended over the entire area of the War- rior Coal Field, and we shall then have a good topographic map on the scale of about two miles to the inch, upon which to show the geology of this region. These topographic maps will make admirable base maps for the illustration of the detailed geological work which the Survey now proposes to undertake, and electrotype reproductions of the plates of these maps will be furnished to the State Survey at the cost of making the same. I have the honor to be. Yours most respectfully, EUGENE A. SMITH, State Geologist. ILLUSTRATIONS. Fig. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Section of the Mammoth Seam, Henryellen Basin. . Poole Seam, " Little Pittsb'gh Seam, " Helena or McGill" " Pump Seam, " ' Eureka Co.'s Slope Seam, Acton ' Acton Seam, " * AVadsworth Seam, Helena ' Buck Seam, Black Shale Seam Little Pittsb'gh Seam, Helena Se im. . 26 . 29 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 36 . 43 . 43 . 50 . 51 . 52 . 53 . 54 . 57 . 57 . 58 Wadsworth and Whetrock Seams, Cahaba Basin . . 66 Wadsworth Seam, Eureka Basin 71 Helena Seam, Dry Creek " 77 Gould Seam, Gould Basin 81 Helena Seam, LoUey Basin 86 " ". " 86 Moutevallo Seam " " 87" Black Fireclay Seam, Lolley Basin 88 Monte vallo Seam, Montevallo " 93 Helena Seam, Overturned Measures 98 Shaft " " " 98 Clark Seam, Dailey Creek Basin 107 Gholson Seam, " " " 107 (< (I (< u i( 107 Thompson Seam, Blocton Basin 114 V Plate 1 Lancashire method. Endless wire rope haulage, Plan and Section to face 120 2 Method of working steep dipping seams, to face 122 3 Diagram of Slope Tram and ground plan of Slope and room roads, to face 124 12 Plate 4 Section along the Slope and across the Room entrances, to face 126 5 Section along the Room roads and across the Hoisting Slope to face 126 6 Section N W and S E from the Warrior to the Coosa Coal Field, to face 162 ^ 7 View of Coal Seam with Cambrian Limestone overlying it, to face 169 Map of Cahaba Coal Field and adjacent regions, in pocket of cover. PART I. KEPORT ON THE CAHABA COAL FIELD. — BY — JOSEPH SQUIRE. CONTENTS. Page Letter of Transmittal 1 Chapter I. General Description of the Cahaba Field 3 II. The Henryellen Basin 20 ni. The Acton Basin 39 IV. The Helena Basin 47 V. The Cahaba Basin 61 VI. The Eureka Basin 68 VII. The Dry Creek Basin 74 VIII. The Gould Basin 78 IX. The Lolley Basin 83 X. The Montevallo Basin 90 XI. The Overturned Measures 95 XII. The Daily Creek Basin 103 XIII. The Blocton Basin Ill XIV. On Mining Methods 118 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. Helena, Ala., July 30th, 1890. Dk. Eugene A. Smith, State Geologist. Sir — I have the honor to transmit herewith my report upon the Cahaba Coal Field of Alabama, with map, A few words respecting the development of the map. into its present form may not be out of place. The first begin- nings of the map were made by me in 1859 or 1860, while in the employ of the Alabama Coal Mining Company, when a fairly correct map of the Montevallo basin was made and the outcrop of the Montevallo seam traced by means of transit and chain. A few years later, under the auspices of the Montevallo Coal Mining Company, these surveys were extended beyond the Montevallo, into the Dailey Creek and Lolley basins. After this, in the years 1867-8, the surveys were still further extended and details worked out as a pri- vate enterprise at the joint expense of Dr. I. T. Tichenor and myself. In 1869-70 the central part of the field, including the Helena, Eureka, and part of the Lolley basins, was explored by me for Daniel Pratt and H. F. DeBardeleben. In 1874: for Mr. T. H. Aldrich my explorations were extended from the Montevallo over parts of the Dailey Creek and Lolley basins, and more recently over a good part of the Blocton and Dry Creek basins. In 1883, I undertook to make for the State survey, a re- port and map of the Cahaba field. During the period from 1859 to 1883, we had as above described acquired some pretty accurate, though disconnected knowledge of different parts of the Cahaba field, especially of its lower part; since 1883 our work has been to fill in the gaps and work out the details between these different parts of the field, to connect them together and to trace out from one end of the field to the other, the outcrops of the seams and to reveal the com- 1 2 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. plicated structure of the field as a whole, and as the out- comej^of this work we have the map iu its present form. It will, however, not be amiss to say, that durinji; this period fiom 1883 to the present time, only about three years' work has been done at the expense of the State, the remaining time having been occupied in surveys and explorations in this field for individuals and companies, with the under- standing, however, that the results of these surveys should eventually be turned over to the State to be used in the preparation of this map and report. The two, who have in this way contributed most largely to this work, are Truman H. Aldrich and Henry F. DeBardeleben. It would be im- possible to overestimate the public spirit and liberality of men who thus freely present to the State for the benefit of all, tlie information acquired at great expense to them- selves. In the report, I have not gone into much detail iu the de- scription of the different parts of the field, for the reason that the map is constructed to show as nearly as possible, every thing that we know concerning the Cahaba field. Very respectfully, Joseph Squire. CHAPTER I. THE CAHABA COAL FIELD. The Cababa Coal Field is part of the great belt or Car- boniferous measures that comraeDces near the south boun- dary line of the State of New York, and continuiufT south- westward, passes through the States of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Eastern Kentucky, East Tennessee, and through the north half of Alabama. The Warrior Coal Field is to the northwest of it, and the Coosa Coal Field is to the east or southeast. Springville is near the northwest corner, Montevallo is near its south- east corner, and Scottsville is near its southwest corner. Along its northwest side and north end, it is bounded by the Sub-Carboniferous measures; these, and the Silurian and Cambrian beyond, separate it from the Warrior Coal Field. On its southeast side it is bounded by the great "fault" that separates it from the Cambrian measures ; these and their overlaying Silurian and Sub-Carboniferous measures, separate it from the Coosa Coal Field ; all along its south end it is bounded by a "fault" that separates it from a belt of Cambrian and Silurian measures that inter- vene between the Carboniferous and the "Drift" measures to the South. This fault is the continuation of that just mentioned. It is a common saying that the whole world is akin ; this saying will apply to our Coal Measures in Alabama. The main characteristic rock formations of the Cahaba Coal Measures are the same as those both of the Warrior and the Coosa Field. By first examining the rocks of the lower half of the Millstone Grit at Brock's Gap (this belongs to the Cahaba field), then examine the base of the Millstone Grit immediately South of Pkeid's Gap Station (this belongs to the Warrior field), then go out on the Columbus //Vc/-/es slpt^ 2 J=-EET COfJL [Helena seam in S. W. % of S. W. }£, in section 2, township 20, S., range 3, W.: rate of dip 30""]. S PN DSTO N e: G-RITTY SLRTEi ^ Feet 3 Jnches CO/fL 3 Inches SL/7TJE: 1 Foot S Inches CO R L 1 Foot SLFfTE 2 Feet COfl L Bottom SLfJTE or f^/RE-CLffy 58 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. [Helena seam in N. W. }.i of S. W. }i, in section 3, township 20, S., range 3, W. : rate of dip 46°]. R5f-EEf /I if^cHES COftL 6 //Vc//es SL/fT^ BojTorn sLfTfE: The coal of the Helena seam ranks very high as a domes- tic coal, and it is used at present by the Eureka Company for their coke ovens near Helena and their smelting fur- naces near Oxmoor, ten miles North of this basin, the large lumps being sold mostly for domestic purposes. The di- vided condition of the Helena seam is again seen about six miles south of this point in the Dry Creek basin and the Lolley basin ; for description of which, see chapters on those basins. From the Helena seam going southeastwards, you pass over ninety-four feet of measures, mostly coarse grey and yellow sandstone and slaty sandstone, forming the high cliff on the south side of the creek opposite the rail- road trestle. This brings you to a thin seam of eight inches that outcrops at the pier at southeast end of bridge 72, also in the lane opposite the spring house on the Squire place. This is the uppermost seam outcropping in this basin. Con- tinuing southeastwards, passing over a hundred feet of coarse red and yellow sandstone, containing a large number of calamites imbedded in the sandstone in a vertical position as they stood when growing, you will arrive at the great boundary fault separating the Cambrian from the Carbon- iferous measures, in the grove of willows at the double rail- road culvert about three hundred yards north, 73^ west, from the Helena depot; the culvert carrying the drainage in CAHABA COAL FIELD : HELENA BASIN. 59 the valley south of it to Buck Creek. At this point the fault vertical coal measures are only a few feet across, but north of this at the southeast end of the horizontal section across this basin from "1" to "J," the fault vertical coal measures are more extensive. The direction or strike of the seams and rocks in this basin, along the South and North Alabama Railroad, is about northeast and south- west. The direction of dip about southeast. The rate of dip varies, and is as follows : In this basin along the South and North Railroad, at tbe Wadsworth seam, close to railroad, the dip is 42° ; at the Pump seam the rate of dip is 40° ; at the Blackshale seam, close to rail- road, the rate of dip is 38° ; at the Smithshop seam on rail- road, the rate of dip is 32° ; at the Conglomerate seam the rate of dip is 29^, and at the Helena S3am the rate of dip is 28°. The basin is drained by the tributaries of the Cahaba river, Buck Creek making a deep cut through the basin at the south end. The surface area of the Helena basin is two and a half square miles, and its seams, counting all work- able coal over two feet in thickness, and to a depth of 2,900 feet, contain 45,000,000 tons (of 2,000 pounds) of coal, mak- ing no allowance for waste in mine pillars, or loss in min- ing. In the foregoing computation I have included the south end of the basin on both sides of the South and North Railroad, though since the recent opening up of the new railroads Helena & Blocton, the Brierfield, Blocton & Birmingham, and the Gurnee & Bessemer, and the Anniston, Syllacauga & Shelby, the said south end has become of more value for manufacturing sites than for mining pur- poses. The following analysis of the coal from the Blackshale seam, near Helena, was made by Dr. Otto Wuth, of Pitts- burg, from a barrel full of coal from a channelled section of the seam : Water 21 Bitumen 33 . 29 Fixed carbon 64 10 Ash 2.34 Sulphur 0.07 60 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. The following analysis of the coal from the Wadsworth seam, near Helena, was made by Dr. Otto Wuth, of Pitts- burg, Pa., from a barrel full of coal from a channelled sec- tion of the seam : Water 42 Bitumen 31 . 97 Fixed carbon 63.99 Ash 3.09 Sulphur 0.53 CHAPTER V. THE CAHABA BASIN. The Cahaba basin is situated west and northwest of the Helena basin, the interior fault vertical coal measures sep- arate the two. It is bounded on the southeast side by the interior fault, on the southwest end by the Gould basin, on the northwest side by the sub-carboniferous measures of Shades Valley, and on the northeast end by the Acton basin. The bound- ary of the basin is as follows : Commencing on the South and North Alabama Railroad, about forty yards south of bridge 70, or Carr bridge, thence southwest along the edge of the fault measures, leaving the Holt house to your right, continuing southwest along the edge of the interior fault, passing close by the northwest corner of section 16, through the middle of section 17 to the middle of the southwest quarter of section 17, thence northwest, crossing Cahaba river and following up Lainey branch to its head, near the northwest corner of section 7, thence over Shades moun- tain to the base of the Millstone Grit, thence northeast along the base of Millstone Grit through section 6, crossing the South and North Alabama Railroad at Brock's Gap, near the middle of section 32, continuing on northeast to that part of section 28 opposite the head of Bailey's branch, thence southeast down Bailey's branch, crossing the Cahaba river in the south end of section 34, to the vertical coal measures of the interior fault, thence southwest along the northwest edge of the interior fault to the point of be- ginning on the South and North Alabama Railroad, near the Holt house. The principal wagon road of this basin is the one formerly called the Montevallo and Elyton road, where, thirty-five years ago, Jemison and Powell used to run their stage coaches, but like the coaches, the road is now very much 62 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. neglected and out of common use. Said wa,^on road crosses the Cahaba river at the Lacey Ford, passing under the high railroad trestle in section 5, crossing Shades mountain at Brock's Gap, thence on by Oxmoor to Elyton and Birming- ham. On the top of Shades mouutain, two other roads branch from this, one going southwest on the top of the mountain towards Gurnee and Blocton, the other one takes a northeast course on the top of Shades moiintain and leads to the Morrow orchard, Howell orchard, the Earnest vine- yard and the Hale place. Both these last mentioned roads follow along close to the edge of the basin, the roads being but a short distance above the base of the Millstone Grit. The length of this basin is about three and a half miles from the southwest end to the northeast end, by an average width of two miles, and it contains an area of seven square miles. The amount of good, workable coal in it, in seams' over two feet in thickness, amounts to 23,000,000 tons (of 2,000 pounds), at a depth of not over 2,200 feet ; in this computation there is no allowance for loss in pillars or waste in mining ; about three-fourths of the above 23,000,- 000 tons are very good coking coals, furnished by the Gould, and Cahaba or Wadsworth seams. The Cahaba basin is drained by the Cahaba river and its tributaries. Buck creek, Bailey's branch, Black creek, Mar- tin's branch, Lainey branch and others. The prominent ridges of this basin are Shades mountain on its northwest side, then Pine ridge, near and parallel to the last mentioned, and Red or Chestnut ridge, near and parallel to the other two. The South and North Alabama Railroad Vertical Section, and the Helena Horizontal Section on the accompanying map, give the relative positions of the seams of this basin ; also the form of the basin and its rela- tions to the interior fault and the Helena basin. The hori- zontal section, showing both basins, is taken along the line shown on map from "I" to "J," said line crossing the South and North Alabama Bailroad very near the slope of the South Birmingham Coal and Iron Company, at Sydenton. The rocks of this basin can be seen to the best advantage along the South and North Alabama Railroad. Commenc- ing at the northwest end of the Brock's Gap cut, the lower CAHABA COAL FIELD : CAHABA BASIN. 63 part of the Millstone Grit formation can be seen beneath tbe Brock seam ; it has a light bluish tinge The Brock seam is about one and a half feet thick, the coal being of inferior quality at this point ; after passing over forty feet of measures, the Millstone Grit being here of a faint bluish tinge, you come to the seven inch seam ; passing over this you will then arrive at the lower part of the two hundred feet of Millstone Grit, you will perceive it here loses its bluish tinge and becomes of a white or grey color, though weathering white ; the white pebbled conglomerate is im- bedded in this heavy ledge, and though the pebbles in places may not be visible for some distance, they always re-appear again. In general, these pebbles are easily noticed in the Millstone Grit of nearly all our Alabama coal measures. This heavy layer of Millstone Grit forms the shield of Shades mountain, which is the highest in the basin. Crossing over the mountain, in the valley between it and Pine Ridge, you pass over a hundred feet of gritty slate, which you will distinguish from the slate around the Gould, by its containing a greater abundance of rusty part- ing and bedding planes than the Gould slate does ; this slate is of a dirty greenish color. Above this slate is a bluish laminated sandstone . You next arrive at the Mill- stone Grit of Pine ridge, which can be seen in the railroad cut, locally named the "Teague Cut" in this part of Pine ridge ; passing through this you come in sight of the high trestle that stands over the outcrop of the Gould seam and its surrounding slates ; you will notice that the gritty slates around the Gould seam are lighter in color than those be- tween Shades mountain and Pine ridge; over the Gould seam is a ledge of yellow and pink sandstone which will help you to locate tbe seam in almost any part of the Cahaba Coal Field, and over this sandstone is another im- mense bed of gritty slate. Between said tritty. slate and the Millstone Grit of Chestnut ridge, is a ledge of about twenty feet of blue-black slate, quite dififerent from the blue laminated sandstoae under the Millstona Grit of Pine ridge. This slate is another guide in identifying and locating the Gould seam. Overlying the blue-black slate is the Mill- stone Grit of Chestnut ridge ; this is the upper layer of m 64 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. Millstone Grit, and one of its peculiar features is its assum- ing a more red or pinkish tinge than the layers of Shades mountain and Pine ridge ; it has the same peculiarity in the Warrior Field, which can be noticed along the South and North Alabama Railroad, south of Reid's Gap. Above the Millstone Grit of Chestnut ridge, and both above and below the Nunnally seam, most of the sandstones have a pinkish tinge at their outcrops ; this is a characteristic of this part of the measures. After passing over two hundred feet of measures above the Harkness seam, you will arrive at the lower edges of another great landmark and characteristic rock, the one hundred foot ledge of the blue micaceous sandstone ; a close examination of this ledge will aid you in any investigation of the same series of measures in other parts of the Cahaba Coal Field, (also in Warrior and Coosa Coal Fields.) Passing over this hundred foot ledge, you will find that the sandstones above it are more micaceous than they are below it ; these overlying sandstones acquire a new feature which attaches to most of the ledges immedi- ately below and above the Wadsworth seam — that is, their becoming concretionary, and resembling, when broken the layers or skins of a halved onion ; but the great guide to the identification of the seams in this part of the coal measures, is the large ledge just mentioned of blue micaceous sand- stone. The guide to the identification of the Wadsworth seam is the two to six inch ledge of pale blue or green block sandstone, which underlies the Wadsworth at a varying distance of from forty to ninety feet. Leaving the Wads- worth seam and continuing southeast, after passing over one hundred feet of measures, you will find a sandstone tbat is remarkably concretionary in places, but immediately above the Wadsworth is a coarse sandstone that shows very red at the surface. Ascending in the measures to a point one hundred and twenty feet above the Wadsworth seam you will arrive at a hard micaceous grey sandstone con- taining a thin ten inch seam ; a.t one hundred and seventy- five feet above the Wadsworth is another thin seam of about twelve inches ; about two hundred feet above the Wadsworth is a fossiliferous grey sandstone; about two hundred and fifty feet above the Wadsworth is a massive CAHABA COAL FIELD: CAHABA BASIN. 65 grey sandstone ; above this you will find the Coke Oven seam, and forty-four feet above it the Shute seam, but I do not consider that there is a sufficient area of the two last mentioned seams in this basin to justify preparations for extensive working. On the northwest side of the Cahaba basin, the rate of dip is very regular, varying from about 15° to 20° ; on the southeast side of the basin the rate of dip is much more steep, being mostly from 25° up to 75*^. The Gould seam and the Wadsworth seam are the two principal working seams in this basin, both making a first- class coke ; the coke from the Gould seam used to be con- sidered by the foundry men of the State as the best coke that they could get. The South Birmingham Coal and Iron Company are working the Wadsworth in this basin at Sydenton, by means of a slope driven down southeastwards from the northwest outcrop. The above mentioned slope, if continued on to the lowest part of this basin, will drain an immense area of the Wads- worth seam. This basin has the great advantage of having the Louisville and Nashville Company's main line (S. and N. A. R. R.) running through the middle of it. An analysis of the coke recently made from the Wads- worth mine, in the South Birmingham Coal and Iron Com- pany's slope at Sydenton, in this basin, gave the following results : Analysis of Coke made from the Wadsworth Seam by Alfred Brainerd, of Birmingham, Alabama. Moisture 100 Volatile 2.050 Fixed Carbon 90.183 Sulphur 0.617 Ash 7.050 100.000 Condition : Good color, ash brick red, specific gravity 1.763. This is a first rate coke, and one of the best in the South- ern States. 6 66 GEOLOGICAL SURTEY OF ALABAMA. The Whetrock seam, or under-seam of the Wadsworth, is thin at this point. The following i^ a section of the Wadsworth and Whet- rock seams in the Cahaba basin, the Wadsworth being the upper, and separated from the Whetrock by forty feet of measures : [Wadsworth and Whetrock seams, at the Carr & Davis slope, in N. W. y^ of N. W. }/i of section 0, township 20, S., range 3, W.; direction of strike N., 15° E. from the true meridian, direction of dip S., 75° E., rate of dip 16°]. 30 ^ECj COfffiSE: s/^/Josj-o/Vs 3f££f 3 if^c/-/£:s ttY' s^/^T'^ C 0/7 /=r s £• S /f/^o s 7-c»//£. Since the above section was made the South Birmingham Coal and Iron Company, who have bought the property as stated above, have driven the slope further down in the basin and I am informed they found the Wadsworth much thicker than three and a quarter feet. The Gould seam, I consider after examining it at different points, will average three feet in thickness in this basin ; it is an easily mined coal and has a good roof ; I have always found it in this basin a solid seam, without any serious layers of slate in it, though I have seen it in the Coosa field with a twelve inch layer of slate in the middle of it. The Gould seam in the Cahaba field bids fair to be worked ex- tensively in the future for the purpose of making a superior quality of coke. The Soutli and North Vertical Section and the Helena Hori- zontal Section (from "I" to "J") on the accompanying map, CAHABA COAL FIELD : CAHABA BASIN. 67 will show the seams of this basin and their relative posi- tion. The Wadswoith seam in this basin was mined near the railroad bridge during the war by Woodson & Gould, and by various parties since. Immediately after the war, William Gould opened a drift on the Gould seam at a point about a mile southwest of the high trestle where the Gould outcrop crosses the South and North Alabama Railroad ; from this point he supplied the foundaries of Alabama with a superior coke for their cupolas. For analysis of the Wadsworth coal, see chapter on the Helena basin. CHAPTER VI, THE EUREKA BASIN. The Eureka basin lies southwest of the town of Helena, the north end of it being about half a mile southwest of the Helena depot, on the South and North Alabama Railroad- It is bounded on the north by the Helena basin, on the southeast by the great boundary fault separating the Car- boniferous from the Cambrian measures, on the south by the Beaverdam fault, separating it from the Dry Creek basin, and on the northwest side by the interior fault vertical measures. The following is a description of its boundary : Com- mencing at the great boundary fault on the east side of the coal field at a point about half a mile southwest of the South and North depot at Helena, thence south by a few degrees west, along the boundary fault leaving Hillsboro fifty yards to your right, leaving R. T. Duunan's house about a quarter of a mile to your left, continuing along boundary fault until you get nearly opposite Mrs. Peel's house, thence westerly along the Beaver Dam fault, mostly along Beaver Dam Creek, to the half mile post of the south side of section 25, township 20, range 4, west ; this brings you to the southeast boundary of the Interior fault meas- ures; thence northeast along the southeast edge of the In~ terior fault, leaving Lainey Ford sis or seven hundred yards to your left, continuing on northeast until you arrive oppo' site the half-mile post on the east side of section 17, town- ship 20, range 3, west ; thence southeast to the point of commencement. Your last course will be nearly parallel with the public road, the road being south or southwest of it. This basin is drained by the Cahaba River and Beaver Dam Creek and their branches. The most prominent ridge in this basin is the one that CAHABA COAL FIELD : EUREKA BASIN. 69 begins to become high close to Hillsboro, (formed by the roof rock of the Helena seam,) from thence continuing southwest almost over the synclinal of the Eureka basin ; this ridge is generally called the Hillsboro Divide, the gorge of Beaver Dam Creek cutting through it. Quite a number of other smaller ridges run parallel with it — the Conglomerate ridge and others. The length of this basin is three miles, by an average width of one and eight-tenths miles. Its area is five and four-tenths square miles, and it contains, in seams of over two feet in thickness, and less than three thousand feet in vertical depth, 83,000,000 tons of workable coal, (2,000 pounds,) without making any allowance for loss in pillars, or waste in mining. The form or strike of the measures and coal outcrops in the ends of this basin is quite in contrast to what is seen at the ends of the other basins in this coal field, viz : The measures at the north end are part of them bent sharply around at an acute angle ; those at the south end are bent around forming a clearly defined right angle or very near it ; the other basins show the measures and outcrops bend- ing around more gradually, some of them forming a half circle or fishhook shape. The lowest seam in this basin workable by slope, is the Wadsworth, the Nunnally seam being too close to the interior fault to allow of it being reli- able. The next workable seam above the Wadsworth is the Buck, then immediately above the Buck seam is the Black- shale ; both these seams are close to the Helena and Gur- nee branch of the Birmingham Mineral Railroad ; above these seams and to the southeast of them are the Little Pittsburg seam, the Conglomerate seam, and the Helena seam. The Eureka Company are now working the Helena seam in this basin by means of a slope driven down from the outcrop to the southeast ; said slope is driven down to the synclinal of the basin and is now ascending the opposite dip. The workings in this slope prove the Helena seam to be a good seam of an average thickness of four feet of solid coal, with no slates or impurities except that about two or three inches of the middle of the seam is rather bony ; even 70 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. this burns to an ash along with the other without fail. The coal of this seam ranks high as a domestic coal, but it is now used by the Eureka Company for the purpose of coke- making at their ovens on their branch railroad ; said ovens are between the Birmingham Mineral Blocton branch and the Eureka Company's Branch Railroad about a quarter of a mile from Tacoa Station, on the South and North Ala- bama Eailroad. The Eureka Company apply the coke to iron smelting at their Oxmoor furnaces, six miles south of Birmingham. The Eureka Company's Branch Railroad extends from Tacoa depot, on the South and North Alabama Railroad, to their No. 2 slope, in the Eureka basin, a distance of about two miles. The coke ovens and the houses of the miners are on this branch railroad, between the Louisville and Nashville Company's main line and slope No. 2. The rate of dip of the measures of the Eureka basin is mostly from 28° to 42°; the exceptions are, the very steep dips on the southeast side of the basin, approaching to the vertical, and the measures of the synclinal which flatten up to a rate of dip as low as 2" or 3°. The seams of this basin are mostly of good quality ; the Wadsworth, a seam of three feet to three and a half feet, yields a very good coking coal, is easily mined, has a good roof, and in the Bee Hive oven makes a first-class coke. The Buck is a seam averaging about four feet, is a good coal, and will also coke. The Blackshale, a seam of three to three and a half feet, is a very pure, clean seam, makes a good domestic and steam coal, and has a good, hard, safe roof. The Little Pittsburg, a seam of two and a half to three feet, holds an excellent quality of coal for domestic use, but I do not know whether it will make a good coke or not — it is a good steam coal. The Conglomerate seam is also a good coal of from three to five feet in thickness, but liable to layers of smut in the interior of it, so closely re- sembling coal that none but an expert can well detect it. The Helena is a very good seam of about four feet in thick- ness, and is also used largely for coking purposes. The following is a section of the Wadsworth seam in this basin : CAHABA COAL FIELD : EUKEKA BASIN. 71 Wadsworth seam in S. W. ^ of N. E. J4, in section 20, township 20, S., range 3, W : rate of dip 38°]. Sr^^T Z //^c^eis C0/1L Boj-fo/^ SL'/^ys: Eor the relative position of the seams of this basin, see the South and North Vertical Section and the Helena Hori- zontal Section from "I" to "J" on the accompanying map. The only method of working the seams of this basin hitherto practised, has been the method largely used in Pennsylvania of working the coal "on the run," that is, by driving the slope down in the direction of the dip, then driving the gangways horizontally from it, working the rooms up the rise at right angles from the gangways, allow- ing the coal to run down the room of shutes by its own gravity into the mine cars, a method well suited to all our seams that have a rate of dip of over 40°: (instead of a slope, a drift or vertical shaft can be used.) (a). (a) Thirty years ago Ihe writer worked a seam near Montevallo, having a rate of dip of 65° by the same method, and found it suited that rate of dip the very best, but owing to the very steep dip I was compelled to have the miners keep their shutes full up to their "room breasts" to prevent the pulverization of the coal by flinging it violently down an empty or partly empty shute ; the coal was loaded in the mine cars at the bottom sufBcienlly fast, to give the miners working room at the top of the room shnte ; the run of the coal was checked by curving the bottom of the shute a little, and by using short poles or planks whenever the mine car was full. Very little shovelling was necessary to load the mine cars; part of the room was posted off and lagged for the slate gob ; sometimes the coal would scaffold or lodge a consider- able distance up the shute, but a shot gun loaded with large buckshot and fired up the shute would loosen it, it being entirely too dangerous for a man to ascend the shute to loosen it. 72 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. For all dips of 40"^ and upwards, the writer considers the above naethod the best, but whenever the rate of dip be- comes low enough to prevent the coal descending the shute of its own accord, then it is not feasible to keep the shute full of coal up to the room breast. The following four analysis of coal from the seams of the Eureka basin were made by Dr. Otto Wuth, of Pittsburg, Pa , each sample was a barrel full of coal obtained by cut- ting a channelled section with a pick through the whole seam : Helena Seam Coal. Water 23 Bitumen 32.53 Fixed carbon 61 . 26 Ash 5 . 85 Sulphur 0. 13 Conglomerate or Thompson Seam Coal. Water 30 Bitumen 31.36 Fixed carban 65 . 45 Ash 2.81 Sulphur 08 Little Pittsburg Seam Coal. Water 18 Bitumen 32.69 Fixed carbon 63 . 40 Ash 3.52 Sulphur 0.21 Moyle- Seam Coal. Water 17 Bitumen 31.49 Fixed carbon 60.60 Ash 7.56 Sulphur 0. 18 The two following analysis were made by J, L. Beeson, from samples obtained from a channelled section of the two seams named : No. 1. — Helena seam, from the Eureka Company's slope in northern part of S. 29, T. 20, K. 3, W. No. 2. — Wadsworth seam, from Smith slope of the Eureka Company, S. 20, T. 20, R. 3, W. CAHABA COAL FIELD : EUREKA BASIN. 73 No. 1. No. 1. Moisture 1.669 30.541 54 879 12 911 1.098 Volatile matter 34.670 Fixf'd carbon 59 . 632 Ash 4 600 Sulphur in coil Sulphur in coke. . . . 100 000 1.141 .790 100.000 1 275 .821 Per cent of sulphur in coke 1 6(>6 1 278 CHAPTER VII. TBE DRY CREEK BASIN. The Dry Creek basin is situated three or four miles south- west of Helena, and northeast of Gurnee. It is bounded on the north by the Eureka basin, on the east by the great boundary fault that divides the Cambrian from ti^e Carbon- iferous measures, on the south by tlie Piney Woods fault and anticlinal that separate it from the Lolley basin, on the southwest it is bounded by the interior fault vertical coal measures. The boundary of the Dry Creek basin is as follows : Commencing at a point about two hundred yards northeast of Lacey depot, on the Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham Railroad, and going thence along the Piney Woods fault, almost due west, for about two miles ; thence along said fault at a bearing of about south 68^ west, to the southwest corner of section 15 ; thence northwest to the southeast edge of the interior fault near the northwest corner of sec- tion 16, township 21, range 4 west ; thence northeastwards along the southeast edge of the interior fault to the half mile post on the south side of section 25, township 20^ range 4 west ; thence nearly east, or about south 83'^ east, along the Beaver Dam fault to that part of the boundary fault in section 33, township 20, range 3 west, nearly oppo- site the Mrs. Peel house; thence south by a few degrees west along the boundary fault, passing close by the south- west corner of section 33, leaving the Mrs. Draper house a lew yards to the right, passing close by the middle of sec- tion 5, then curving around with the boundary fault a little more eastward, to the point of beginning at the boundary fault two hundred yards northeast of Lacey depot. This basin is drained by the Cahaba river and its tribu- taries, Beaver Dam Creek, Dave Redding Creek, Peel's Creek, Buzzard Creek, Piney Woods Creek, and Dry Creek. CAHABA COAL FIELD : DKY CREEK BASIN. 75 The most prominent ridge in this basin is the high ridge over the synclinal of the basin near the southwest corner of section 5, township 21, range 3 west ; in this high ridge is seen the roof rock of the Montevallo seam ; I saw the out- crop of said seam i'j the bank of Dry Creek twenty years ago, but it is now covered up by the wash from the hill. Another prominent ridge in this basin is that known as the "Divide," and it is formed of the roof rocks of the Hel- ena seam, running parallel with the outcrop of said seam from Piney Woods Creek to near the northeast corner of the basin. This ridge, after it leaves the Stinson place, near Piney Woods Creek, runs northeast for about four miles, theii turns nearly east to the edge of the coal field opposite the Fountain Wyatt and Mrs. Peel farms. This basin is five and a half miles in length by an aver- age width of two miles and two-tenths. It contains a sur- face area of twelve and one-tenth square miles, and con- tains in workable seams of two feet and upwards in thick- ness 202,000,000 of tons of coal, (2,000 pounds,) without making any allowance for loss in mine pillars, or waste in mining ; this amount of coal is within a limit of 4,300 feet in vertical depth. The wagon roads of this basin are the two Lindsey roads (made by James Lindsey); one of them runs from his place in the northeast corner of section 3, township 21, range 4 wej-t, bearing southeast through the south half of the basin and joins the Helena and Montevallo wagon road at the Mrs. Lacey place and the Carroll place. The other Lind- sey road leaves the Lindsey farm and runs northeast along the strike of the seams to Helena. Another wagon road leaves the Helena and Montevallo road at the Mrs. Peel place and the Fountain Wyatt place, and follows along the top of the Divide ridge down to Piney Woods Creek — this road leads to Gurnee. Another wagon road leaves the William Lacey place in 'Possum Valley and following along the edge of the basin leads to the Ryan place on the "Divide," in the southwest corner of the basin. The Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham Railroad ex- tends along the south boundary of the basin for a distance of about five miles. 76 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. The Blocton Branch of the Birmingham Mineral Eailroad passes through the western portion of the basin for a dis- tance of five miles, extending on to Gurnee, and, having a lease from the Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham Road from Gurnee to Blocton, the same road is enabled to con- nect with Blocton. The principal workable seams of this basin are the Buck seam, Blackshale seam, Conglomerate seam, Helena seam, and the Montevallo seam. The Shute and the Coke seam are in workable condition southwest of this in the Dailey Creek basin, but in this basin, a thorough test along their outcrops will have to decide their condition for mining pur- poses. The rate of dip of these measures in this basin varies from 2^ or 3^ in that portion south of Dry Creek, to 80^ at the south edge of the basin next to the Piney Woods fault. The measures on the west or northwest side have an inter- mediate rate of dip between the dips of the two previously mentioned points. The South, and North and the Dailey Greek Vertical Section and the Dry Greek Horizontal Section from "K" to "L," on the accompanying map, show the relative position of the seams of this basin. There has been no mining done in this basin except a lit- tle outcrop coal dug for blacksmith purposes by the farm- ers in the neighborhood, no underground work has been done in any part of it up to this date. There is an immense amount of coal nearly level in this basin with the advantage of two recently constructed rail- roads, now nearly finished, running through and alongside of it — the Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham on the south edge of it, and the Birmingham Mineral in the northwest portion of it. This basin has been a wild, sparsely settled country up to about twelve months ago ; two years ago no one lived in the interior of the basin ; at that time the only settlers about it were Mrs. Draper and her son, D. D. Draper, Herve and Burt Carroll on the east boundary of the basin, Columbus Benton on the north boundary, and James Lindsey on the western boundary of the basin. This basin bids fair to become the scene of busy mining opera- tions in the near future. CAHABA COAL FIELD : DRY CREEK BASIN. 77 The following is a measured section of the Helena seam at its southern outcrop in section 12, the measures here having a very steep rate of dip : [Helena seam in section 13, toivnship 31 S., range 4 W.; direction of strike N. 65° E., S. 65° W. magnetic; direction of dip N. 25° W.; rate of dip 80° from horizontal. /^ooj- V/fZcf^Ef. Oooo OofrL ^///C/^£S Qooo GO/JL CHAPTER VUl. THE GOULD BASIN. The Gould basin is situated to the north of Gurnee, to the southwest of Helena, and on the northwest side of the Cahaba Coal Field ; it is bounded on the southeast side by the Interior fault vertical coal measures, on the northeast end by the Cahaba basin, on the northwest side by the Sub- Carboniferous measures of Shades Valley, on its southwest end by the Blocton basin. The following is a description of the boundary of said basin : Commencing on the northwest edge of the Interior fault vertical measures, near the mouth of Lainey Branch ; thence northwest along Lainey Branch to the base of the Millstone Grit at a point a half a mile northeast of Genery's Gap where the Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham Rail- road cuts through Shades Mountain; thence southwest along the base of the Millstone Grit, crossing the Brier- field, Blocton and Birmingham Railroad at the northwest end of the Genery Gap Railroad cut in Shades Mountain ; continuing on southwest along the base of the Millstone Grit, Shades Yalley being in plain view, leaving the Richard Tyler house and the Squire John Harmon house to your left ; from opposite the John Harmon house your course will be more westward, (about 70° west,) continuing along the base of the Millstone Grit, crossing Shades Creek a short distance below the mouth of Roup's Creek, leaving Kimbrall's Mill to your right, until you arrive at a sharp bend in Shades Mountain in the south end of section 3, township 21, range 5 west ; from this point southeastwards along the wagon road that leads from Booth's Ferry to Roup's Iron Works, crossing Shades Creek near Shades Creek church, leaving the Miller farm and the flat measures of the Blocton basin to your right ; crossing the Cahaba River at Booth's Ferry near the mouth of Lick Creek'; a OAHABA COAL FIELD : GOULD BASIN. 79 few yards farther brings jou to the Interior fault vertical coal measures ; tbence northeastwards along the northwest edge of the vertical measures of the Interior fault, crossing Cahaba river again in the southwest corner of section 17, township 21, range 4 west ; continuing along the edge of said fault, crossing Ward's Creek, Shaw's Creek, mouth of Hurricane Creek, the two Sandstone branches; crossing Trigger Creek and continuing on to opposite the mouth of Lainey Branch, the point of commencement; this point is about three-quarters of a mile northeast of Lainey Ford. The Gould basin is drained by the Cahaba river and its tributaries — Shades Creek, Hancock Creek, Ward's Creek, Shaw's Creek, Hurricane Creek, Little Sandstone Branch, Big Sandstone Branch, Trigger Creek and Lainey Branch. The most prominent ridge in this basin is Shades Moun- tain ; at the southwest end of this basin it is named Sand Mountain. The next one in size and prominence is the one next to Shades Mountain on its southeast side ; running parallel with it. This is called Pine Ridge in the northeast end of the basin — but is named House Mountain in the mid- dle of the basin, and Hurricane Ridge in the southwest end of the basin. The next one in size and prominence is Red Ridge. This one, on the South and North Alabama Rail- road, is called Red or Chestnut Ridge, and contains the upper measures of the Millstone Grit formation. These three ridges just mentioned are all parallel with one another from one end of the basin to the other. At the southwest end they become broken. There are other ridges of less prominence, mostly running parallel with those above mentioned. All these ridges are cut by some of the smaller creeks and branches, except Shades or Sand Mountain ; this mountain is cut through only in one place, that is at the southwest end of the basin where Shades Creek cuts a eap in it, in its course from Shades Valley to Cahaba river. The length of this basin is nine and three-quarter miles by an average width of two and two-tenths miles, and it contains a surface area of twenty-one and a half square miles. It contains in seams of two feet and upwards of workable coal, 77,000,000 tons (2,000 pounds), within a 80 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. limit of 2,500 feet in vertical depth ; in this computation no allowance is made for loss in pillars, or waste in mining the coal. The principal wagon roads in this basin are the Tusca- loosa and Columbiana road — this road enters the southwest end of the basin near Shades Creek church, and continues along the foot of the southeast side of Eed Kidge nearly all the way to Lainey Ford where it leaves the basin. The next wagon road in importance is the one at the southwest end of the basin leading from Booth's Ferry to Tannehill Station, on the Alabama Great Southern Railroad. Another wagon road connecting Brock's Station with John Har- mon'a place and Kimbrall's Mill, leads along the top of Shades Mountain from near Brock's Gap to John Harmon's, there it descends the north side of the mountain and leads to Kimbrall's Mill in Shades Yalley. Another wagon road leaves the Columbiana and Tuscaloosa road, where said road intersects Hurricane Creek, follows up the side of Hurricane Creek passing close by Lindsey's old mill and gin joining the road on the top of Shades Mountain at Rich- ard Tyler's. Another wagon road leaves the Tuscaloosa and Columbiana road two or three hundred yards southwest of Lainey Ford, passes through the Horton and Doss places, then through Genery's Gap to Bessemer and Birmingham. The Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham Railroad enters the basin at the north end of sec' ion 9, township 21, range 4 west, follows up Ward's Creek, passing through gaps in Red Ridge and House Mountain or Pine Ridge ; then pass- ing through the deep cut in Shades Mountain at Genery's Gap; thence across Shades Valley passing through Spark's Gap in Red Mountain and on to Bessemer and Birmingham over the Alabama Great Southern Railroad. This part of the Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham Railroad extends from Gurnee to its junction with the Alabama Great South- ern at a point about three miles southwest of Bessemer. In its course it passes over the outcrop of the Gould seam. The most important and valuable seam in this basin is the Gould seam ; it extends the whole length of the basin. A few years ago, J. L. Davis made a series of tests along the outcrop for about six miles in this basin, and as a result CAHABA COAL FIELD : GOULD BASIN. 81 of said tests, reported that the average thickness of the Gould seam was about three feet. This seam has the repu- tation of making a coke equal to the Pocahontas, for iron smelting purposes, and it can be easily mined ; probably in the future it will supply a good part of the demand for a superior coke. Twenty years ago it had the best reputation of any in the State, as making a good cupola or iron foun- dry coke. The Gould seam in this basin is not yet mined, as the Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham Railroad is not yet completed, so at present there are no facilities for ship- ping it from this basin. That part of this seam next to the South and North Alabama Railroad is so divided up by rival ownerships that there is little possibility of its being mined there until some of the owners either form a combi- nation or solidify the tracts by purchase, thus making the tract area of fair working size. The next seam in extent in this basin is the Nunnally seam, which the tests in this locality find to contain two feet nine inches of coal ; still, a more thorough test along the outcrop may prove it to have a slightly larger or smaller average thickness. This basin has also a limited amount of the Wadsworth seam, with an average thickness of three feet three inches. This is a first-class seam for iron manu- facturing purposes. The following is a section of the Gould seam : [Gould seam in N. W. ^ of N. W. \^, in section 24, township 20 S., range 'S^£:£:y of Cfooo co/=tL The Bovili and North Vertical Section, and the Dry Creek 6 82 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. Horizontal 8(ction from "K" to "L," on the accompanying map, will give the relative position of the seams in this basin ; the Dry Creek Horizontal Section showing the form or structure of the basin and its connection with the Sub- Carboniferous and the Interior fault vertical measures. The rate of dip of the measures of this basin varies mostly between fifteen and twenty-two degrees, and in some localities considerably more ; the dip is nearly every- where towards the southeast. There has been no mining hitherto in this basin as above stated, as it is only recently that railroads have begun to be constructed here. This, though, will soon be a thing of the past, for at present a great number of loud reports like the discharge of distant cannon can be heard daily and hourly made by the blasting operations going on in the construction of the Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham Railroad through this basin. Note. — I have the information from a source that appears to be trustworthy, that in S. 12, T. 20, R. 4 W, in Genery's Gap, the Brock seam has been exposed in the railroad cut, and shows a thickness of four feet. E. A. S. CHAPTER IX. THE LOLLET BASIN. The Lolley basin is situated to the east of Gurnee, to the southwest of Helena, and to the northwest of Montevallo ; it is bounded on the north by the Piney Woods fault and Dry Creek basin, on the east by the great boundary fault, on the west by Dailey Creek basin and a portion of the Montevallo basin, on the south by the Montevallo basin and the anticlinal between it and the Lolley basin. The following is a description of the boundary of the Lolley basin: Commencing at a point about two hundred yards northeast of Lacey depot on the Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham Railroad ; thence along the Piney Woods fault almost due west for about two miles along the fault thence along the said fault at a bearing of about S. 68° W., to the southwest corner of section 15, township 21, range 4 west ; thence south and southeastwards up Jesse's Creek to the southeast corner of section 35, township 21, range 4 west; thence almost due east along the anticlinal between the Lolley and Montevallo basins to opposite Dog- wood Grove Church on the east edge of the boundary fault ; thence northwards along the west edge of the boundary fault, passing to the left of Mayline depot, continuing along the boundary fault to the point of commencement near Lacey depot. This basin is drained by Piney Woods Creek, Beaver Dam Creek, Shoal Creek, King's Creek, Jesse's Creek, and Lick, or Big Creek. The most prominent ridge in this basin is the "Divide,'' mostly called Pea Eidge, that separates the waters drain- ing into the Cahaba river from those draining into Shoal Creek or Little Cahaba river ; this divide commences west of the Mayline depot and southwest of the Lacey depot on the Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham Railroad, and con- 84 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. timies southwestwards dividing the drainage as aforesaid, down to where the Little Cahaba river joins the Big Cahaba river in Bibb county; this high and prominent ridge has been the great obstacle to the construction of a straight line of railroad through this part of the Cahaba Coal Field, the bend of the Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham Railroad at Lacey depot became a necessity in order to obtain easy grades. This ridge is made by the Montevallo Conglom- erate. The next prominent ridge is the one south of Piney Woods fault, commencing at the east edge of the coal field opposite William Lacey's farm and continuing westwards for four or five miles on the south side of Piney Woods Creek. There are also a number of irregularly formed ridges besides- the above in other parts of the basin. There are no public roads in this basin ; vfhat wagon roads there are in it, are better fitted for oxen than any other animals. The principal road in the basin is the one that leaves the Montevallo and Elyton road at William Lacey's and follows the top of the high ridge south of Piney Woods Creek, and leads on to the Henrj' Clark house ; thence to the Anderson Allen house, here making a turn south and going to Newton Lolley's place, continuing on to the Bethel church on the Montevallo and Boothtown wagon road. The next wagon road in importance is the one lead- ing from William Lacey place to Elias Walker's place, pass- ing Dustin Dean's place and Isaac Walker's place on the way, then, at Elias Walker's branching off, one prong lead- ing to Dogwood Station, the other to the Montevallo and Boothtown road at the Mrs. Lucas place, and to Bethel church by Newton Lolley's. These are all rougn roads, and will not admit of hauling heavy loads along them, There are other roads to which the name of trails would be most appropriate, one going down Piney Woods Creek bank to the old Ptyan place, another to the Henry Lee place, another to the Henry Lolley old place ; these are partly grown up, and they are barely safe to venture along with a vehicle. The Elyton and Montevallo wagon road is a pub- lic road; it follows along the east boundary of this basin in 'Possum Valley but outside of the basin, passing close by OAHABA COAL FIELD : LOLLEY BASIN. 85 Wilderness church, the Reneau place, Columbus Harper's, and the William Lacey farm. The Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham Railroad fol- lows close along the eastern and northern boundaries of this basin, joining the Birmingham Mineral at Piney Woods Station and Gurnee Station, there connecting with Blocton and Bessemer and Birmingham, and the Birmingham Min- eral Railroad to Helena and Birmingham ; the south end of said road connects with the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad at a point one mile southwest of Monte- vallo. The length of the Lolley basin is five and a quarter miles by an average width of three and fourteen hundredths miles ; its surface area is sixteen and a half square miles. The amount of workable coal it contains, in seams of two feet and upwards in thickness, and within a vertical depth of 4,400 feet, is 357,000,000 tons (of 2,000 pounds). This computation makes no allowance for loss in pillars, or waste in mining. The lowest workable seam outcropping in this basin is the Gholson ; it outcrops in a few places along the Piney Woods fault, but in most places along this fault the seam is down in the fault. I have made a slight effort to cut its outcrop in that locality, but lack of time prevented me giv- ing it a thorough test along the outcrop. This is an excel- lent seam with a good sandstone roof, in places having a thin layer of compact slate at the top of it ; and it will aver- age in thickness, in my estimation, four feet of good coal without slate partings. The next seam above this and out- cropping farther south, is the Little Pittsburgh, then above this and underlying the Conglomerate, is the Thompson or Conglomerate seam, then still farther southward is the out- crop of the Helena seam, of which the following is a meas- ured section : 86 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. [Helena seam in section 18, tovmsMp 21, range 3 W.; direcUon of strike N. 75° E.; S. 75° W. magnetic; direction of dip S. 15° B. magnetic; rate of dip 38°]. 6/McfJi:s &/iiTTy' slflf^ co/^ypW'? dossils BfJEEj' 2 //^•://es Sooo COflL 3 //\/c//£^S hr/-//-r/6/-/ Si./T/-E /fa<}j- S/s i/i'c/-f£:5 Gooo CO/9L J /^ooT ///Vc//' CO/7L As will be seen the Helena has two thin layers of slate in it. The Helena seam has higher rate of dip here than it has further west, but is thicker at this point, having four feet eight inches of coal. The following is another section of the Helena seam with a less rate of dip : [Helena Seam in Section 13, Toiunship 21 S., Range 4 W.; direction of strike N. 41° E.; direction of dip S. 4'J° E.; rate of dip 13°.] / r^ -yy /o //^c/^je s C O/J L / /,a/c// SLfjTe: // //^C.f^ES f^OOtD CO/7L 3 .'/•/«:-//£- s 0/=l L The next seam of workable thickness outcropping above this, and farther south is the Yeshic seam. While I have not seen this seam more than two and a half to three feet : — — - — ■-- . ^B nn iiiiiiil ^^^^^^ ^B ■ — - - — j ~ — CAHABA COAL FIELD : LOLLEY BASIN. 87 thick in this basin, yet in the Dailey Creek and Blocton basin it becomes four to five feet in thickness. The next workable seam outcroppinfj; still farther south, in this basin is the Montevallo seam ; this seam is thicker here than its average thicknsss in the Montevallo Basin. The following is a measured section : [Montevallo Seam in section 34, township SI S , range 4- W.] o o/\/(f I o/v7£r/?/i ys: ----^^^ ^^-rsiry s/7/yos/-o//£ 2 /,v'c/-/£rs ^/v/^ij-e: aLfrj-£ J /-'aoj- Co/=il. Above the Montevallo there are nearly five hundred feet of conglomerate interlarded with sandstones and slate. In this conglomerate formation, there are four seams of coa!, all of them either too thin or too impure to be workable. The first one, the "Air-shaft Seem," is about one hundred feet above the Montevallo ; the next one above this is the Black Fireclay seam of which the following is a measured section : OO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. [Black Fireclay Seam in the N. W. corner of section 35, township 21 S., range 4 W.; rate of dip 2°.] L fljvi //V/riSD S/^jM D 5 Top/e 2 //^C/^ES SOfJ WkJ/JE 5LflT£ 5 //^c/^ss sorr cofiL ^/Vc// BL/^c/^ SLATS /foor COffL 9 irJc^ E^ Co/fL ■^ir^cHes Co/lL The next seam above this is the Stine seam ; the top seam is the Luke seam, which can be seen above the Big Fall on Davis' Creek, at one of my test drifts made before or about the beginning of the late war ; the roof is a thick ledge of conglomerate. A peculiar feature marks that part of the Cahaba Coal Field having the Montevallo seam underneath it, viz : the ground is covered with scattering pebbles where the con- glomerate measures come to the surface ; where the sand- stones outcrop an absence of the pebbles will be noticed through a belt or strip of country until the nest ledge of conglomerate with its pebbles come to the surface. This is the case over a large area of the Lolley basin. The outcrop of the Montevallo seam on the accompanying map will show its limit. There is another, and in places, a thick ledge of conglom- erate over the Thompson seam ; it shows plainly on the surface, but this must not be confused with the conglomer- ate above the Montevallo, as it is a long distance underneath the Montevallo seam. There is another thin ledge of con- glomerate still below the above, this one is near the lower bench of the Mammoth seam, or Clarke. This will not cause confusion in this basin as it is close to or in the Piney Woods fault. The conglomerate formation above the Montevallo seam, has the purest springs of free stone water in the territory where they come to the surface, of any in this section of country. Wherever it forms^the surface rock, its topography being high or rolling, it is remarkably healthy, probably more so than any other part of the State. For a more de- tailed statement or description of these ledges of conglom- CAHABA COAL FIELD : LOLLEY BASIN. 89 erate, see the section given in the first chapter. For the relative position of the seams of this basin, see the Dailey CreeJc Vertical Section, and the Dri^ Creek Horizontal Section, from "K" to "L," on the accompanying map. The rate of dip of the measures of this basin varies from fifty degrees on its north edge, next to the Piney Woods fault, to one or two degrees at the synclinal south of the Elias Walker place. At a point at about half a mile east of the Elias Walker house Lick Creek falls about one hundred feet vertical over a perpendicular cliff of conglomerate ; this is known in the settlement near as the "Big Falls." There has been no mining done hitherto in this basin ; the country is sparsely settled, about two years ago six families were all the inhabitants it then had ; they were Elias Walker and his son Isaac Walker, Newton Lolley, Anderson Allen, Henry Clark, and a well respected colored man named Dustin Lee and his family. The Lolley Basin is healthy but not well adapted for farming purposes, except along the creek bottoms. My first examination of this basin was made in 1860, when I was employed by the Alabama Coal Mining Com- pany to make a preliminary survey of their lands in this basin, and to make a more thorough survey of their lands in that portion of the Montevallo Basin which was then tapped by their branch railroad. CHAPTER X. THE MONTEVALLO BASIN. The Monteva]lo Basiu is situated to the northwest of Montevallo, and to the southeast of Guruee. It is bounded on the north by the Lolley Basin, on the east by the great boundary fault that separates tlie Carboniferous from the Cambrian measures, on the southeast by the Overturned measures and the fault separating them from the Montevallo Basin, on the southwest and west by the Dailey Creek Ba- sin, and on the north by the Lolley Basin. The following is an outline of the boundary of the Mon- tevallo Basin : Commencing at a point three hundred yards southeast of the Baker Mine entrance, at that part of the boundary fault where the fault immediately north of the "Over-turned measures" intersects it, thence south twenty- two degrees west, along the fault between the Over-turned measures and the Montevallo Basin a distance of one and three-quarter miles, to a point where that fault intersects Little Mayberry Creek ; thence in a northwestwardly direc- tion along the anticlinal, crossing Walker's Camp Branch, Jim's Branch, and Big Mayberry Creek, to the northwest corner of section 15, township 22, range 4 west; thence due north along the section line on the west side of sections 10 and 3, to the southwest corner of section 34, township 21, range 4 west ; thence due northeast to the northeast corner of said section 34 ; thence southeastwardly up Jesse's creek to the southeast corner of section 35, township 21, range 4 west ; thence nearly due east along the anticlinal between the Lolley Basin and the Montevallo Basin to nearly oppo- site Dogwood Grove Church at the east edge of the boun- dary fault, leaving the Davis Creek Falls to your right and the Ed. Davis' house to your left, to a point about three hundred yards southeast of Baker Mine, the point of com- mencement. C AH ABA COAL FIELD : MONTEVALLO BASIN. 91 This basin is drained by King's Creek, Davis' Creek, Little Mayberry Creek, Walker's Camp Creek, Jim's Branch, Big Mayberry Creek, Lovelady Branch, Savage Creek, Rocky Branch and Jesse's Creek. The highest and most prominent ridge in this basin is Pea Ridge (formed by the Montevallo conglomerate), a high ridge, flat in places, that divides the waters draining into Little Cahaba River, and those draining into the Big Cahaba River ; it is irregular in shape, becoming high between the head waters of the creeks and branches that drain it. Its altitude above Shoal Creek is over 400 feet in places. There are various other ridges also due to the Montevallo conglomerate, between the head waters of Big Mayberry Creek, Jim's Creek, Little Mayberry Creek and Davis' Creek that are in vertical height above Shoal Creek over three hundred feet of barometrical measurement. The re- markable feature of these ridges, is the immense amount of conglomerate pebbles scattered over the ground, where the difi"erent layers of the great Montevallo conglomerate (above seam of same name) crop out at the surface ; all of the high lands underlaid by this Montevallo conglomerate are remarkably healthy. The principal wagon roads of this basin are the Monte- vallo and Boothtown or Gurnee road ; the Columbiana and Booth's Ferry road ; the Aldrich and Blocton road ; the road from Bethel Church along Pea Ridge ; and the Aid- rich and Dogwood Grove road ; besides these there are various other roads partly grown up with undergrowth, and former roads that are now used as cattle trails or bridle paths. Of railroads in this basin, the Brierfield, Blocton, and Birmingham railroad runs close along its eastern edge, with stations at Dogwood and at Aldrich ; the Montevallo Coal and Transportation company have a short line of railroad running from their slope in the Montevallo seam, in the southeast quarter of section 24, township 22, range 4 west, and joining the Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham rail- road a short distance south of Aldrich depot ; these are all the railroads connected with the basin at present. This basin is four and one-tenth miles (4 1-10) in leogth, 92 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. by an average width of three and three tenths (3 3-10) miles, and contains a surface area of thirteen and eighty-six hund- redths (13 86-100 square miles. The amount of workable coal it contains in seams of two feet and upward in thickness, is 300,000,000 of tons (of 2,000 pounds,) without any allowance being made for loss in pillars or waste in mining. The lowest workable seam outcropping in this basin is the Montevallo seam ; it is also the highest outcropping workable seam in the basin. There are six other seams out- cropping in this basin besides the Montevallo seam, two below and four above the Montevallo, but all six are either too thin or too impure to be workable. My examinations and tests of the most of these thin seams were made twenty- eight years ago ; I have tested the others at various times since. My tests in the two below the Montevallo were made on Walker's Camp Branch ; the Air Shaft seam was tested near the Baker mine ; the Black Fireclay seam test is on the headwaters of Jesse's Creek ; my tests on the Stine seam and the Luke seam were made on Davis' Creek ; the only ■workable seam discovered yet, outcropping in the Monte- vallo basin is the Montevallo seam : this seam was dis- covered and mined three or four years before the beginning of the war. The writer mined this seam on a lease from the Alabama Coal Mining Company and Montevallo Coal Company in 1859, shipping by what is now known as the East Tennes- see, Virginia and Georgia Railroad to Talladega and Selma, thence by Alabama river to Montgomery and Mobile. It was then considered the best domestic coal mined in the State. In fact, up to January, 1860, it was the only coal in the State that was shipped to market by railroad. The average thickness of this seam is from two and a half feet to two feet nine inches. The following is a section of it : CAHABA COAL FIELD : MONTEVALLO BASIN. [Montevallo seam in S. E. '4 of S. W. i4, of Kcclion 34, township 2.i S., range 4 W]. COi^CfLo}vj£fip-j-E %^ s/J//DSjro//£-$ .... '.- ' 1 ri^^ '7-f.cjr/- W/^iy-/s/-/ gL/jj^ °f^ f ^°/^T 6 //yc/^Es Of sf^iJr Zf££f9//yc/^£S qoOD CO/71. 6,f£r£f BOJYOM sL/Tj-E eif/C^ElS CO/=/L 4-f£Ej- sL/^te: The method of mining it is, first use a light mining pick and pick out the whole or part of the smut above the coal, then blast the coal out with powder or wedge it up with hammer and wedges. When blasted without first using the pick, the coal is more shattered and the amount of slack is increased. For relative positions of the seams in this basin see the General Vertical Section and Montevallo and Blocton Hori- zontal Section from "M" to "N" on accompanying map. It will be seen by these sections that all the other work- able seams of the Cahaba Coal Field are in this basin and underneath the Montevallo seam, so that the portion of this 94 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OP ALABAMA. basin that has the Montevallo seam under its surface, con- tains all the workable seams of the Cahaba Coal Field. The rate of dip of the measures of this basin, varies from 9° to flat or level measures in the synclinal part of the basin ; a large area along the synclinal of this basin is per- fectly level. For a distance of about two miles west and northwest of Aldrich depot on the Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham Bailroad, the Montevallo seam has been worked by various companies in the past thirty-four years ; at present the only parties engaged in mining it are the Montevallo Coal and Transportation Company, of which William F. Aldrich is president, and James L. McConaughy, secretary and treas- urer. They have a good mi; e opened on the seam by slope, and are well able to supply the present demand for Monte- vallo coal. The 500 feet of measures above the Montevallo seam are a series of conglomerate ledges interlarded with pebbly sandstones and with sandstones. About the middle of these measures there is a fifty feet layer of dense conglomerate; this forms several "falls" on the creeks and branches of the Montevallo and Lolley basins ; the four thin seams "Air Shaft," "Black Fireclay," "Stine," and "Luke" are imbedded in the above mentioned 500 feet of measures. The layers of conglomerate vary in thickness and posi- tion; the plate next above the Montevallo seam is at places close down on the seam, while at other places it is 35 to 40 feet above it. Analysis of coal fi^om the Montevallo seam, from Montevallo Coal and Transportation Companfs slope, Aldrich, Ala., hy J. L. Buson : Moisture 1.858 Volatile matter 36.592 S^!^.*:^'^°!':.'.'.'.:'.'.;:.'.:.'.':;.::::: ^t-mII ^oke 61.550 100.000 Sulphur in coal 1.726 Sulphur left in coke 1.156 Per cent, of sulphur in coke 1.878 CHAPTER XI. THE OVEETURNED MEASURES. The Overturned Measures are situated to the west of Montevallo and to the northwest of Brierfield depot and rolling mills. The Overturned Measures are bounded on the north by the fault that separates them from the Montevallo basin and Dailey Creek basin ; on the east by the great boundary fault that separates the Carboniferous and Cambrian meas- ures ; on the south by the same great boundary fault that follows along the south edge of the Cahaba Coal Field. The following is a rough outline of the boundary of the Overturned Measures : Commencing at the great boundary fault about three hundred yards southeast of the Baker mine entrance ; thence southeastward along the fault that separates the Overturned Measures from the measures of the Montevallo and Dailey Creek basins, about two and a half miles ; thence along the fault nearly due west about three and a half miles to the middle of section 5, township 24, range 11 east ; thence southwestward along said fault to the half mile post on the south side of section 15, township 24, range 10 east, (this point is at the south boundary of the coal field;) thence eastwardly and northeastwardly along the boundary fault to the southwest corner of section 5, township 24, range 12 east, (this point is nearly opposite Thompson's mill on Shoal Creek;) thence along the bound- ary fault nearly due north, to the point of commencement, three hundred yards southeast of the Baker mine entrance. The Overturned Measures are drained by branches run- ning into Shoal Creek ; by Little Mayberry Creek, Big May- berry Creek, east prong of Four Mile Creek, west prong of Four Mile Creek, Alligator Creek, and some small branches running into Little Cahaba river. The most prominent ridge in the Overturned Measures is the Conglomerate ridge, immediately south of and parallel 96 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. with the fault that separates the Overturned Measures from the Montevallo and the Dailey Creek basins ; there are other ridges of lesser prominence between the outcrops of the seams and following; parallel with them, but they are not so continuous as the Conglomerate ridge near the north edge of the Overturned Measures. The principal wagon roads in the Overturned Measures are as follows : the road leading from Montevallo to the old shaft ; the road leading from the Irish Pit to Thompson's Mill; the road leading from the Irish Pit to Peter's Mines ; the road leading from Pea Ridge to Potts' Tan Yard and to Peter's Mines ; the road leading from the Rainey slope to Montevallo ; the road leading from Berea Church to the Brierfield Coal and Iron Company's Smelting Furnace. Of railroads in the Overturned Measures the Brierfield Coal and Iron Company's Branch Railroad runs through a portion, connecting the company's coal mines, (known in the neighborhood as Peter's Mines), with the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad ; the Brierfield, Blocton, and Birmingham railroad runs along the east end of the Over- turned Measures ; the branch railroad of the Montevallo Coal and Transportation company also runs through a por- tion of the East end of the Overturned Measures, connect- ing their slope in the Montevallo seam with the Brierfield, Blocton, and Birmingham Railroad. Twenty-nine years ago a branch railroad extending from what is now called Birmingham Junction Depot, out to the "old office," and from there was connected by tram-road with the "old shaft" or slope in one of the Overturned seams. The tram-road and a portion of said branch rail- road are now abandoned. The Overturned Measures are ten and a quarter (10^) miles in length by an average width of about one mile ; the surface area is ten and a quarter square miles. The amount of workable coal in seams of two feet and upwards in thickness in the Overturned Measures, is 167,000,000 of tons (of 2,000 pounds) with a vertical depth of 4,500 feet. The conglomerate and the seams outcropping immedi- ately south of it, viz : the Dodd seam, Cooper, Shaft, Beebe^ OAHABA COAL FIELD : OVERTUENED MEASURES. 97 and the Cannel seam are all overturned ; they all outcrop on Little Mayberry Creek and on the Big Mayberry Creek. The four hundred feet of conglomerate and sandstones next the fault, forming the north boundary of the Overturned Measures, is a part of the top or cap rock of our Alabama Coal Measures ; this is the lower part of the great Monte- vallo conglomerate. In examining all the above mentioned seams, the bottom slate was found to be on top in every case. a. The angle or rate of dip of these seams, varies from fifty- six degrees at the Cannel seam, to sixty degrees at the Cooper seam. I have examined these measures closely along their outcrops for over seven miles, and find them overturned the whole of that distance. The best point for examination of this portion of the Overturned Measures, is on Little Mayberry Creek about five hundred yards west of the old shaft or slope. The old shaft or slope was worked by the Montevallo Coal Mining company twenty-nine years ago, under my superintendence ; I had then an excellent opportunity to obtain a thorough knowledge of that part of the Overturned Measures. The Little Mayberry Creek at this point cuts in a direct course through the steep dipping measures that contain the above mentioned seams. The relative position of these seams is as follows : Commencing at the " fault" on Little Mayberry Creek, where you can put one foot on the Over- turned Measures, dipping at a rate of sixty degrees, and the other foot on the flat measures of the Montevallo Basin dipping only two or three degrees ; thence southward down the creek, passing various ledges of conglomerate inter- larded with sandstones on the way, a distance along the surface of three hundred and ninety feet (390) ; you have now passed over three hundred and thirty-eight (338) feet in thickness of measures. This brings you to the Dodd seam, and you have just passed over three hundred and thirty-eight feet of the lower part of the Montevallo con- glomerate. The Dodd vein is the Montevallo seam. Con- tinuing down the Little Mayberry Creek seventy-three feet a See Chapter I, and Introductory Chapter for further mention of the reversal of the strata. 7 98 GEOLOGICAL 8UKVEY OF ALABAMA. farther, passing over sixty-three feet in thickness of meas- ures, you arrive at |the Cooper seam, which is the under seam of the Montevallo. (This underseam is exposed in the Dailey Creek Basin at a point three miles northwest of where it intersects Little Mayberry). Continuing on down the creek a distance of three hundred and twenty feet, the rate of dip being sixty degrees all the way from the "fault," you pass over since leaving the Cooper, two hundred and eighty (280) feet in thickness of measures, and have arrived at the Helena seam, of which the following is a section. [Helena Seam in section 1, township -'4 N., range 11 E. Rate of dip 65°] Oz/^ct/ES COPL S> if^cf^ES COflL Continuing on down the creek one hundred and forty-two (142) feet farther, passing over one hundred and twenty- four (124) feet in thickness of measures, you arrive at a ledge of conglomerate, (the previous four hundred and sixty- seven (467) feet in thickness being nearly all sandstone) ; thence down the creek a distance of two hundred and twenty-five (225) feet, passing over one hundred and ninety- seven (197) feet in thickness of measures, you arrive at the Shaft seam, of which the following is a section. [Shaft Seam in section 1, toivnship 24 N., range 11 E. Rate of dip 65°] / JO 5 fESJ- f/pE-CLfty 5 r£^^T ^ //^C//£S GOOD CO/7L Z/^EEJ SL/7TE sfi/\lD syo/^E. CAHABA COAL FIELD : OVEBTURNED MEASURES. 99 Continuing on down the creek seventy- three feet farther, passing over sixty-three feet in thickness of measures, you arrive at the "Three Feet Seam ;" continuing on down the creek, a distance of three hundred and thirty-six (336) feet, you pass over two hundred and eighty-eight (288) feet in thickness of measures, and arrive at the Beebee seam ; thence down the said Little Mayberry Creek, square across the measures a distance of five hundred and twenty-nine (529) feet, passing over four hundred thirty-eight feet in thickness of measures, you arrive at the Cannel seam. The rate of dip of the rocks you have passed over are as follows : at the conglomerate between the "fault" and the Dodd seam the rate of dip is sixty-one degrees ; at the Helena, sixty- one degrees ; at the Shaft seam, sixty degrees ; at the Bee- bee seam, fifty-nine degrees ; and at the Cannel seam, fifty- six degrees. The average thickness of the above mentioned seams, as evidenced by the tests made, are as follows : Dodd, 4 to 6 feet. Cooper, 2% feet. Shaft seam, 4 feet. Three Feet, 2% to 3 feet. Beebee, 3 feet. Cannell, 3 feet, part of it bony. For relative position of the seams of the Overturned Measures, see the Liitle 3Iayberry Creek Vertical Section on the accompanying map. The seams near the south bound- ary of the Overturned Measures have been worked for sev- eral years by the Brierfield Coal and Iron Company at what is known as Peter's mines ; these seams have a south or southeast direction of dip, the same as the Dodd, Shaft, Beebee, and Cannel seams, on Little Mayberry Creek. The company sunk two slopes on the Lemley or B. seam, and from the bottom of this slope they tunnelled to the 0. or "Cubical vein," and to the D. or "Figh seam ;" they also tunnelled southwards to the A. seam, and hoisting the coal from all of them at the B. slope in the Lemley seam. My examination of these seams was made in 1859, when I gave to the B. seam the name of "Lemley," part of it being then 100 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. owned by an old planter named Mennis Lemley, living on the plantation just south of it ; I gave the C. seam the name of "Cubical seam" on account of its having a cubical frac- ture; and named the D. seam "Figh seam," in remembrance of my friend George M. Figh, who died in Dallas, Texas. In passing through by Peter's mines slope in April, 1890, I noticed that the B. slope was stopped. I do not remember whether my examination of these seams in 1859 decided the question as to whether they were overturned ; that is, the bottom slate on top like the Dodd, Cooper, Shaft, Beebee, and Cannel seams, or not.a There is a thin seam between the B. and C. seams of about two to two and a half feet in thickness, that has never been worked. At the boundary fault, south of Peter's mines, there is an outcrop on Shoal Creek in section 12, township 24, range 11 east, that bends over and forms a complete arch, plainly to be seen exposed on the bank of the creek thirty-one years ago ; it may be covered up now by the falling in of the creek bank. This is one of the seams of the boundary fault measures. If the Figh, Cubical, Lemley, and A. seams are not overturned with the bottom slate on top like the Dodd, Cooper, Shaft, Beebee, and Can- nell seams on Little Maj^berry Creek, then there must be a fault between the two series of seams. I have not seen any surface evidence of any fault between them, more than tht; "hitch" in the measures about the middle of section 12, forming a slight zig-zag in their outcrops. The first mining done in the "Overturned Measures" was by the Alabama Coal Mining Company in or about the year 1857, when they opened a series of "drifts" on Little May- berry Creek, in the Cooper seam, the Shaft seam, and Bee- bee seam ; then in the year 1859, the company sunk a slope on the Shaft seam to a depth of about 160 feet along the slope, the seam having a rate of dip of 60° to 61°. The company obtained a hoisting engine and boilers from Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, the cylinder of which is now in the scrap pile at the Shelby Rolling Mill, Helena. About alt seems most probable that these seams also are overturned, for at Thompson's Mill, a quarter of a mile south of the L-mley seam, occurs the instance of a coal seam with Cambrian rocks immediately above it, shown in the illustration given in the introductory chapter. E. A. S. CAHABA COAL FIELD : OVERTURNED MEASURES. lOl this time the company acquired some new stockholders and changed the name of the firm from Alabama Coal Mining Company to Montevallo Coal Mining Company, but I do not remember the exact date of the change. The company found it necessary to bring men from Penn- sylvania to fit up the engine and hoisting machinery; one of them, John Hartley, an Englishman, was brought to build the engine bed and boiler masonry.6 Some machinists also came at the same time Hartley did. The company had gotten the slope sunk by means of horse power to the depth of 160 or 165 feet, and had driven the gangways out one or two hundred feet previous to my taking charge as superintendent of the company's works, obligating myself to keep the underground surveys ad- vanced up to the full progress of the work at the end of each month, and furnish the company with a geological map showing the seams on their property, which was done under some difficulties.c The aforesaid hoisting engine, boilers, and machinery from Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, was the first steam power machinery for hoisting coal ever used in Alabama. The stockholders of the company who first commenced to use the aforesaid hoisting machinery, were Col. John S. Storrs, of Montevallo, president of the company ; Judge Cooper, of Lowndes county ; Dr. Miller, of Wilcox county ; Alexander White, of Selma and Talladega ; Gen. C. Robin- son, of Lowndes or Wilcox counties, and John R. Keenan, of Selma, Ala., etc. These were the principal stockholders when the machinery was obtained. A little later on ex-Gov. T. H. Watts, George M. Figh, Benjamin B. Davis, and Dr. L T. Tichenor, all of Montgomery, became stockholders in the Montevallo Coal Mining Company, so it will be seen tiHartley, soon after his arrival, told me he ha,d been advised to bring a bowie knife and carry it with him all the time he was here ; after en- joying a good laugh at his expense for his causeless fears, I advised him to keep away from bar rooms and grog shops, and bury that knife until he started back to Pennsylvania. cMy first map presented to the board of directors showing the out- crop of the Montevallo seam, near where the mining is now going on, as shown on the accompanying map, was made on strong brown paper, called cotton paper, as it was mostly used to wrap up cotton samples iUt 102 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OP ALABAMA. that tlie first efforts at the scientific mining of coal with steam machinery in Alabama were made by men mostly from the "Black belt" portion of the State. Analysis of Coal from "^." Seam of the Brierfleld^ Bihh County, Ala., hy J. L. Beeson. Moisture 2.265 Volatile matter 57.130 Fixed carbon.... 37.407J ^^^^ 40 g05 Ash . . 3.198) 100.000 Sulphur in coal 1.158 Sulphur left in coke.. .487 Per cent, of sulphur in coke 1.198 CHAPTER XII THE DAILEY CEEEK BASIN. The Dailey Creek basin is situated to the east and north- east of Blocton, to the west and northwest of Montevallo> and to the southwest of Helena, Gurnee being in the north end of this basin. It is bounded on the northwest by the "Interior fault" and the Blocton basin, also by a portion of the Gould basin ; on the north and northeast by Dry Creek basin and Lolley basin, on the east side by the Montevallo basin, and on the south side by the "Overturned Measures" and the "South boundary fault." The following is a description of the boundary of the Dailey Creek basin : Commencing at the gap in the Con- glomerate ridge where the Little Mayberry Creek cuts through it, at the fault where the flat measures and the "Overturned" measures come close together, thence north- westwardly along the anticlinal to the northwest corner of section 15, township 22, range 4 west, thence due north along the section lines on the west side of sections 10 and 3, to the southwest corner of section 34, township 21, range 4 west; thence northeast to the northeast corner of said section 34 ; thence northwestward down Jesse's Creek to the southwest corner of section 15, township 21, range 4 west ; thence northwest to the southeast edge of the Interior fault vertical rocks near the northwest corner of section 16, township 21, range 4 west ; thence southwestward along the southeast edge of the Interior fault leaving Boothtown to your left ; thence close by Cadle Station, crossing the rail- road at this point, close by the Gardner old mine ; continu- ing close along the edge of the Interior fault to the edge of the coal field at a point about a quarter of a mile west of the southeast corner of section 17, township 24, range 10 east ; thence eastward along the boundary fault ; after ad- vancing two hundred yards you will pass close by the left 104 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. side of the Joseph Lightsey house ; continuiBg along the boundary fault, crossing Cahaba river about two hundred yards above the "boat landing" to the half mile post on the south side of section 15, township 24, range 10 east ; thence northeastwards to the middle of section 5, township 24, range 11 east ; thence eastwardly along the line of fault forming the north bourdary of the "Overturned measures" to the Little Mayberry Creek, at a point about 700 yards to the northwest of the old Shaft seam slope, this being where the rocks of the Montevallo basin and the Overturned meas- ures come together, the point of commencement. The Dai!ey Creek basin is drained by the Cahaba river and its tributaries : Jesse's Creek, Rocky Branch, Lick Creek, Savage Creek, Lovelady Branch, Glade Branch, Hud- gin's Creek, Swep Branch, Thrasher's Field Branch, Stone Coal Branch, Dailey Creek, Short Creek, Big Lick Creek, Beech Camp Branch, Pine Island Branch, Big Ugly Creek, Little Ugly Creek, Four Mile Creek, and Alligator Creek, the last two emptying into Little Cahaba River, all the others drain into the Big Cahaba river. The most prominent ridge in this basin is Pea ridge, and its continuation southwest, forming the "divide" between the waters of Little Cahaba river and the Cahaba river. This "divide" forms a broad, high ridge for a length of about nine miles in this basin; its full length is much more, as it continues northeast nearly to Lacey Station, at the head of Piney Woods Creek. Its full extent is from near Lacey Station to the forks of the Big Cahaba and Little Cahaba rivers. On the northwest side of this ridge the waters drain into Big Cahaba river, and on the southeast side the waters all drain into the Little Cahaba river. This ridge or "divide" has an altitude in places of 400 feet above the river. The next most prominent ridge is formed of the roof rock of the Gholson seam. The roofs of the Coke seam and the Thompson seam both form high ridges in portions of this basin. Of the wagon roads of this basin the principal one is the Montevallo and Tuscaloosa, or Booth's Ferry road ; this is a county road, on which vehicles can be used. Another CAHABA COAL FIELD : DAILEY CKEEK BASIN. 105 wagon road leads from the Aldrich mines near Montevallo to Blocton, going by Berea cliurcb and crossing the river at Lily Shoals. Another wagon road leads from Berea church to Potts' Tan yard. Another wagon road leads from Peter's mines to the James Rich ford on Cahaba river. Two railroads enter this basin at its north end, the two uniting near Gurnee or between Gurnee Station and Piney Woods Station ; one of the railroads is the Birmingham Mineral Railroad, extending from the Louisville and Nash- ville Company's main line at Helena, to its junction with the Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham Railroad, near Gurnee. The other road is the Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham Railroad which extends from Birmingham Junction Station near Montevallo, to Gurnee and Blocton. These two railroads have been recently constructed and are both now completed and in running order. The Birmingham Mineral Railroad Company have a lease from the Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham Railroad Company, enabling them to run their trains clear through from Helena to Blocton. The Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham Railroad Com- pany are now building a railroad from Gurnee to Bessemer and Birmingham; the whole line being now constructed under contract let to Aldrich, Worthington & Co., railroad contractors. Two years ago, and prior to the construction of these railroads, the Dailey Creek basin did not have a population of more than an average of one family to the square mile, but since that, the Excelsior Coal Company have opened their two new slopes, and miners with their families have gone to live near the mines. The population has thus in- cceased to ten times what it was two years ago. The Dailey Creek Basin has a length of thirteen miles by an average width of three and two-tenths miles, and con- tains a surface area of forty-one and a half square miles ; it contains of good workable coal in seams of over two feet in thickness, and within forty-five hundred feet in vertical depth seven hundred and seventy-one millions of tons, (771,000,000— of 2000 lbs.) In computing this estimate of amount of coal in the basin I have made no allowance for loss in pillars, or waste in mining. 106 GEOLOGICAL SURYEY OF ALABAMA. The lowest workable seam outcropping in this basin is the seam known as the "Big Vein." This seam is the Wadsworth of the South and North Alabama railroad. Near Boothtown it runs into the vertical measures of the "Interior Fault." Its thickness in the south end of the basin is eight feet in the aggregate ; a part of this, though, is impure and shaly, but probably four feet of good coal can be gotten out of it. The most workable seam is the "Clean Coal Seam," which is only two and a half feet in thickness. The next work- able seam above this is the "Beech Tree seam," of three feet in thickness of good coal ; the "Half Yard coal" comes in between the two last mentioned seams. A short distance above the Beech Tree seam is a thin seam of six inches ; this, with the "Clean Coal," "Half Yard" and "Beech Tree," forming a group of four seams between the Big Vein and Coke seam. Between this group and the Coke seam, is a thin seam that becomes sixteen inches thick in places. Then above this is the Coke seam. This seam near Dailey Creek, ranges from three to three and a half feet in thick- ness, and is a good coal, making an excellent coke. There are two thin seams a few inches thick above the Coke seam, but the next workable seam is the Clark seam, which, when discovered thirty years ago, was named the "Spring vein." The Clark varies in size from two and a half to four feet in thickness, and is of very good quality. Above the Clark, a varying distance of from ten to a hundred feet is the Ghol- son seam ; this is a remarkably good seam of solid coal, varying from four to five feet in thickness with a good sand- stone roof. From my remembrance of measurements made in the old Ghplson mine twenty-five years ago, when the mine was still open, the average thickness of the seam through the mine was five feet. When the Gurnee workings have advanced to flat part of the basin, the Excelsior company will have an excellent seam, with a good roof and an immense area of flat or level measures to work in. The following are measured sections of the Clark and Gholson seams ; CAHABA COAL FIELD : DAILEY CREEK BASEST. 107 [Clark Seam in section 16, toionshrp ^1 S., range 4 W. Rale of dip 16°] l^S/7 f CO/}/fS£ s/i/\/o SJO/\/e I INCH CO flL 7 irJct^es sLftTC Fi^i^: cL/i/ OFf BOTTOM sl/\TE [Gholson Seam in section 21, township 21 S. range 4 W. Rate of dip 1G°] ^/^jt^/- goOD Co/\l ^fjD B or Toy sl/iy-e: [Gholson Seam in section 12, township 22 S., range 5 W. Direction of Strike, N. 34° E. Direction of dip, 56° E. Rate of dip 9°] f^/lf^o S/^/Vo STOf^E 5 FEE J" gooD co/^L eoTfoy sI/^-t£ The next seam of workable size is the Middle Vein, of two and a half feet in thickness. This is the "Little Pitts- burg Seam" of the South and North Alabama railroad. Above the "Middle Vein" are two thin seams, representing the "Quarry seam" and the "Smithshop seam" of the South and North Alabama railroad company. Above these is the 108 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OP ALABAMA. Thompson or Conglomerate seam, varying in size in this basin, from three to six feet. A short distance above this seam is a ledge of conglomerate that is fifty feet thick in places, bat in other places, only a few feet. The next seam above this is the Helena ; this seam in this basin varies in size from one and a half to four feet, and in some places is divided up into tvs^o or three benches, with slates interven- ing. The next seam above this is the Yeshic seam ; a seam that is generally four to five feet in thickness ; its condition is mostly impure in this basin. The next workable .^eam above this is the Monte vallo seam of two and a half to four feet in thickness. For sections of this seam, see the chap- ters on the L'llley Basin and Montevallo Basin. This seam has about the best reputation for a good domestic coal, of any in the State. The outcrop of it can be seen beneath a ledge of conglomerate on a branch, a few hundred yards south of Antioch Church ; the branch empties into Savage creek. The four thin seams above the Montevallo seam are the "Air Shaft seam," "Black Fireclay seam," "Stine seam," and the "Luke seam ;" none of them are workable, and they vary so m thickness and amount of impurities, that they are not worth the reader's attention, though a section of the "Black Fireclay seam" can be found in the chapter de- scribing the Lolley Basin. The measures of the north end of the Dailey Creek Basin, dip towards, and are connected with the Lolley and the Montevallo Basins. The largest and most important of the seams of the Lolley and Montevallo Basins can be worked by slopes driven down from their outcrops in the Dailey Creek Basin. The anticlinal between the Lolley and Mon- tevallo Basins appears to be pointing in the direction of Jesse's Creek ; the lower rate of dip than usual in the lower part of Jesse's Creek is probably due to the said anticlinal. For relative position of the seams of this basin, see the Dailey Creek Vertical Section, and the Blocton and Monte- vallo Horizontal Section from "M." to "N." on the accompany- ing map. The rate of dip of the measures in this basin, varies from forty-five degrees at the Big Vein, to ten or fifteen at the Gholson seam, down to one or two degrees or flat, at the OAHABA COAL FIELD : DAILEY CREEK BASIN. 109 synclinal east of Berea Church ; most of the southeast side of the basin is fiat or nearly flat. The first mining done in this basin was during the war between the States, by refugees from Mississippi and else- where. They were Brooks and Gainer, mining close to where Gurnee now is. Kogers ; Carter ; Gholson & Co. ; Herndon, and Thompson. They hauled their coal in wagons to the nearest point on the Selma, Rome and Dalton Rail- road. The coal was used by the Confederate Government at the arsenal at Selma. The seams worked by them were the Clark seam, the Gholson seam and the Thompson seam. These three seams were all they mined in this basin ; their method of mining was by "drift," and horse power slopes ; none of them used steam power in any shape. The dis- tance from their mines to the railroad was by the wagon road about twelve miles, and with a team of four mules and wagon, they hauled a ton per day to the railroad per each team ; this was counted a day's hauling. None of them advanced their mine workings very far from the outcrop, their principal work being hauling the coal and keeping their long wagon roads in hauling con- dition. All of these mines stopped when the war ended ; the refugees then, with one or two exceptions, went back to their former homes. Since that time the mines have been abandoned and grown up with briars, till about January, 1889. From this date railroads have been built, connecting this region with Montevallo and Selma, Blocton, Bessemer and Birmingham, and with Helena, Montgomery and the Gulf, and, by means of the steam colliers now running from Pensacola, with Havana and all the coal markets in the Gulf of Mexico. The contrast between the appliances and methods of min- ing used in the basin twenty-five years ago, and those used at present, is very great. Since January, 1889, the Excelsior Coal Company have sunk two large slopes on the Gholson seam ; one of them, No. 1, or Gurnee Slope, is now down eight hundred feet ; these slopes, if continued on in the direction they are now being driven, will penetrate an immense region of flat, or 110 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. nearly level seams, sufficient to furnish continuous work for several generations of miners. Analysis of coal from the Gholson Seam, Slope No, 1, Gurnee, Alabama, by J. L. Beeson. Moisture 1.589 Volatile matter 35 760 Fixed Carbon 58.871J, ^^^^ g^ T.51. Ash ... J.780J 100.000 Sulphur in coal 1.547 Sulphur left in coke 781 Percentage of sulphur in coke 1.249 CHAPTER XIII. THE BLOCTON BASIN. The Blocton basin is situated to the south and southwest of Bessemer, to the southeast of Woodstock and Vance's, to the north of Centreville, to the west of Aldrich and Montevallo, and to the southwest of Gurnee, Blocton oc- cupying the middle portion of the basin. This basin is bounded on the north by the Gould basin, on the northwest by the Sub-Carboniferous measures, at the visible portion of the southwest end it is bounded by a large deposit of "Drift measures" overlying and completely hiding the Carboniferous from sight, on the south it is bounded by the great boundary fault, and on the southeast side it is bounded by the Interior fault vertical coal meas- ures, beyond which is the Dailey Creek basin. The following is a description of the boundary of the Blocton basin : Commencing at the northwest edge of the Interior fault opposite Booth's Ferry in the south half of section 19, township 21, range 4 west; thence northwest along the Booth's Ferry and Tannehill wagon road, to the sharp bend in Sand Mountain in the south half of section 3, township 21, range 5 west ; thence northwest along the base of the Millstone Grit nearly one mile, to where Sand Mountain makes another sharp turn ; thence southwestward along the base of the Millstone Grit of Sand Mountain; the red fossiliferous ore cropping out about half a mile to the right. Then crossing the Cahaba Coal Mining Com- pany's Railroad at "Thrasher's Mill," on the township line, between townships 21 and 22, and continuing along the base of the Millstone Grit, crossing Hill's Creek about three- quarters of a mile northwest of Randolph's Mill, and cross- ing Schultz's Creek at Burt's Mill ; thence along the base of the Millstone Grit to the half mile post on the south side of section 22, township 24, range 8 east. To the southwest 112 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. of this the Carboniferous is completely covered with drift. Thence southeast to the half mile post on the west side of section 6, township 23, range 9 east ; thence northeastwards along the boundary fault, crossing Schultz's Creek about a quarter of a mile north of the wagon road bridge ; passing Schultz's Creek church about 700 yards to the north of it, and continuing on along the boundary fault to a point two hundred yards west of Joseph Lightsey's house in the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 20, township 24, range 10 east; thence northeastwards along the northwest side of the vertical measures of the "Interior fault," crossing the railroad about half a mile southwest of Cadle Station, and crossing the Cahaba river near the half mile post at the south side of section 2, township 22, range 5 west ; continuing northeastwards along the northwest edge of the Interior fault vertical measures to opposite Booth's Ferry, in the south half of section 19, township 21, range 4 west, the point of commencement. The Blocton basin is drained by the Cahaba river and its tributaries, Shades Creek, Cane Creek, Little Cane Creek, Bear Branch, Big Ugly Creek, Little Ugly Creek, Caffey's Creek, Turkeycock Branch, Lick Branch, Green Branch, Pratt's Creek, Stone Quarry Branch, Hill's Creek, Schultz's Creek, and Haysop Creek, the waters of all these creeks and branches finally reach Cahaba river. It is along the valley of one of these creeks (Cafifey's Creek) that the Cahaba Coal Mining Company built their railroad, enabling them to open up their mines in this basin; this was the easiest route by which they coald get railroad access to the seams in this basin, though the engineering difficulties of the route brought the cost of their nine miles of railroad up to over $160,000. The most prominent ridges of this basin are Sand Moun- tain, formed of the lower portion of the Millstone Grit, ex- tending all along the northwest side of the basin, though it is a little broken at its southwest end. The next ridge in prominence is the ridge formed of the roof rock of the Underwood or Thompson seam. This basin, like all other parts of the Cahaba Coal Field, is not well provided with good wagon roads. The principal CAHABA COAL FIELD : BLOCTON BASIN. 113 ones in the basin are the Woodstock and Biocton road, the Blocton and Pratt's Ferry road, (this is what the settlers designate as the new cut,) the Blocton and Centreville road, the Blocton and Gurnee road, the Woodstock and Centre- ville ri)ad, the Tuscaloosa and Pratt's Ferry road. Booth- town and Greenpond road, Blocton and Shades Creek church or Helena road, and the Scottsville and River Bend road. The railroads in this basin are the Cahaba Coal Mining Company's Railroad, connecting their Blocton mines with the Alabama Great Southern Railroad at Woodstock, and with the Blue Creek extension of the Birmingham Mineral Railroad at the Blocton Junction depot near Woodstock. There is another railroad recently completed that enters the basin from the east side, coming from Montevallo to Gurnee, and from Gurnee to Blocton, constructed by the Brierfield, Blocton and Birmingham Railroad Company over the Gurnee and Blocton portion of which the Birm- ingham Mineral Company have a lease or right to run their trains to Blocton, from their Helena and Gurnee branch. This gives the Blocton basin connection with the Alabama Great Southern Railroad, the Birmingham Mineral system, and Louisville and Nashville Company's main line, and the East Tennessee, Yirginirt and Georgia main line by means of the Selma, Rome and Dalton Division, which are three of the most important mineral railroads in the State. The Blocton basin is eighteen miles in length by an aver- age width of five and a quarter miles. Its surface area is ninety-four and a half square miles, and it contains, in seams of workable coal of two feet and upwards in thick- ness, and within 3,800 feet of vertical depth, 567,000,000 of tons (2,000 pounds.) I have made no allowance in this computation for loss in pillars or waste in mining. The western edge of the basin is disturbed by three nar- row faults or fractures of the measures ; they do not make much showing on the surface, but they cause the measures in their vicinity to be irregular, and will not be considered worth working while there is such a vast area of almost level or flat measures in the basin proper, to the east of them, and containing the same seams. 8 114 GEOLOGICAL SUKVEY OF ALABAMA. The Gould seam outcrops in these disturbed measures^ but the lowest workable seam outcropping in the regular or flat portion of the basin, is the "Wadsworth, which shows two feet nine inches at the surface outcrop and will prob- ably prove to be three feet of good coal at some distance underground; the next working seam above this is the Beechtree seam. This seam, a few miles to the east near Dailey Creek, is three feet in thickness and of good qual- ity. The next workable seam above this is the Coke seam, this one also near Dailey Creek, is three feet in thickness of good coal, with a good roof and has excellent coking qualities. The next workable seam above this is the Wood- stock or Gholson seam ; in this basin it averages from three to three and a half feet of solid coal of good quality for coke making, and locomotive or domestic purposes ; it has a good roof, and around Blocton there is a large area of it nearly level. The next workable seam in this basin above the Woodstock is the Underwood or Thompson seam ; this seam contains a solid bench of five and a half feet of good quality well suited to coking, steam, or domestic purposes^ The following is a section of it: [Thompson seam, in section 21, township 22, S., range 5, TF.]; ssssssssssssssss S/lfVOS^O/V£ Sl/tJ-E ^ // ffJcf/£S bo/Jy sLflTS 10 //■/€//£ S SMUT ■5/^E€T QOOD COflL ^ fjf\£ cLftV The Helena seam is the next workable seam above the CAHABA COAL FIELD : BLOCTON BASIN. 115 Thompson; it shows only two feet in thickness at the out- crop on the hill above the No. 2 slope in this basin. It may be larger in other parts of the basin, though the evi- dence elsewhere testifies to its gradually reducing in size towards the southwest end of the Cahaba Coal Field. In places through the field it is liable to be divided up into two or three benches, with slate intervening ; in the Eureka basin it is solid. For relative position of the seams in this basin, see the Blocton Vertical Section, the General Vertical Section, and the Blocton and Ilontevallo Horizontal Section, on the accompany- ing map : The following two analyses of the coal of the Woodstock seam, were made by Porter & Going, Cincinnati, Ohio : Sample Sample No. 1. No. 4. Moisture 1.45 1.40 Volatile 32.21 34.05 Fixedcarbon 61.83 60.30 Sulphur 1.10 114 Ash 3 41 3.11 100.00 100 00 The following two analyses of the coal of the Underwood seam were also made by Porter & Going, Cincinnati, Ohio : Sample Sample No. 2. No. 3. Moisture 1.70 1.50 Volatile 32 21 30.95 Fixedcarbon 60.02 61.72 Sulphur 82 1.13 Ash 5.25 4.70 100.00 100.00 The following analysis of the coke from th? Underwood coal was made by Alfred Gaither, Chemist, Philadelphia, Pa.: Volatile 4.508 Fixed carbon 87 . 607 Sulphur 745 Ash 7 . 140 100.000 The following analysis of the coke from the Woodstock 116 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. and Underwood coals mixed, was made bv chemist of the Talladega Iron and Steel Company : Moisture 700 Volatile 925 Fixed Carbon b8 358 Sulphur 1.217 Ash 8 hOO 100 000 The following analysis of the coke from the Woodstock and Underwood coals mixed, was made by John Fulton, General Manager of the Cambrian Iron Company, Johns- town, Pa., from samples taken from twenty-four ovens : Moisture 08 Volatile 1.11 Fixed carbon liO.48 Sulphur 83 Ash 7 50 100 00 The disturbed measures next to the northwest edge of the Blocton basin have a varying rate of dip of from six degrees to sixty degrees. The main part of the basin is nearly flat, the rate of dip varying from one degree up to fifteen de- grees. The synclinal of this basin is wide and flat, and ex- tends from the northeast end to the southwest end. Around the Cahaba Coal Mining Company's mines the synclinal becomes divided by an anticlinal that shows itself between No. 1 and No. 2 mines, into two synclinals, extend- ing for several miles in both directions. These synclinals are wide and almost flat, and embrace a large territory of nearly level measures. The inclination or fall of the syn- clinal line, of this basin, is from the northeast end to the southwest end. The base of the Millstone Grit, measured from a given datum line, has a lower altitude at the south end of both the Cahaba and Warrior Coal Fields, and a higher altitude at the north end of both Coal Fields than at any other point ; consequently the large Montevallo Con- glomerate, the cap rock of our Alabama Coal Measures, is visible at the surface at the south end of both coal fields, which can be seen at the shoals in the Warrior River be- tween Tuscaloosa and Northport, and in the Montevallo C AH ABA COAL FIELD : BLOCTON BASIN. 117 Basin over the "Aldrich Slope," The base of the Millstone Grit showing itself in the tops of the mountains where the measures have a very light dip, at the north end of both coal fields, more especially the Wearior. Prior to 1884, there had been no mining done in this basin ; in that year, the Cahaba Coal Mining Company first began to sink their Slopes and construct their nine miles of railroad from Woodstock, on the Alabama Great Southern, to their mines ; though they have now in this basin nearly twenty miles of railroad of main line, branches, and sidings ; they have increased their mine openings until they now have ten mines opened up in this basin, mostly slopes, the others are vertical shafts and drifts , their output has in- creased at about the same speed as the Pratt Mines, did in the same space of time after first commencing. This company have some 450 coke ovens of the bee-hive pattern, well constructed, and with the latest improvements. They are intended to supply the furnaces at Anniston with coke. The coke is of excellent quality. CHAPTER XIV. ON MINING. In our methods of mining the coal seams of Alabama, where the rate of dip is less than ten degrees, we have adopted for the past thirty or forty years, the cars and sys- tem very generally used along the Monongahela River, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania, and for seams having a rate of dip of from twenty-five to sixty degrees, we have adopted the meth- ods generally used at the Anthracite Mines in Pennsylvania. For distinction we will name the first one the "Mononga- hela Method," and the other the "Anthracite Method," and for the rates of dip above mentioned, they are the best methods known, but they do not work well in seams having a rate of dip between ten and twenty-five degrees. In seams having a rate of dip from forty to sixty degrees, it has been our custom to drive the rooms square off from the gangway, up the "rise" of the seam, and have the coal to run down the shute into the tram at the bottom of it; with this rate of dip the shute does not require planking at the side or bottom to make the coal run, and by keeping the shute full, except three or four feet working room at the "breast of the room," there is very little coal lost by pul- verizing in its descent down the shute, as by that method it descends by slow settling in proportion as it is allowed to run into the trams at the bottom; this method miners designate as "working it on the run." In seams of from thirty to forty degrees rate of dip, the miners are compelled to plank the sides of the shute to some extent, in order to enable the coal to slide down with- out assistance. In seams of from twenty-five to thirty de- grees the coal will not descend in the shute unless the sides of the shute are partly planked, and the bottom covered with sheet iron. In working our seams, having a rate of dip of ten degrees or under, with the Monongahela ton car we are compelled to drive our rooms diagonally to the di- MINING. 119 rection of the gangway, unless the rate of dip is less than four degrees, in that case the rooms may be driven "square up the pitch." For seams of from sixty to twenty-five de- grees and from ten degrees to flat or level, the Anthracite and Monongahela methods suit very well, but for seams having a rate of dip of from ten to twenty-five degrees, they ■entail an additional expense in getting the coal to the gang- way ready for hoisting; for convenience we shall name this rate of dip the "medium dip." It has been hitherto our practice to adopt the "Mononga- hela Method" with ton trams, where the rate of dip is from ten to seventeen degrees, driving the rooms diagonally from the gangway, and have the miners bring their loaded cars down to the gangway, go back empty handed and have the trammer to take the empty cars up to the room breast by mule power; or else have the miner to go through the heavy strain of pushing the empty car up by hand. The mule power method, though necessitating two journeys along the room road, to accomplish the output of one car of coal, is the most satisfactory to the miner and most economical to the mine proprietor; iu making a fair count of the cost of each method, the man power is certain to cost the most. In mining thin seams, small light cars are often used, that can be pushed up the room by man power with less strain to the miner than when using the one ton car. I have often used this method myself, and in all probability the Monte- vallo Coal & Transportation Co., are now using it, still it is glaringly evident, that man power applied to its utmost strength, is the costliest method of moving coal from the "room breast" to daylight. In mining seams of from seventeen to twenty-five de- grees rate of dip, it has generally been our practice to adopt the "Anthracite Method," and either plank the bottom and lower part of the sides of the "shute," or plank and sheet iron the bottom. In this case, even with these aids, the coal will not run of its own accord, consequently it requires to be pushed down the length of the shute by the miner or the assistant trammer. When the room is worked up a con- siderable distance from the gangway, this becomes a costly method of moving the coal from the "room breast" to day- 120 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. light. I have given considerable attention in the past thirty years, to the difficulties encountered in conveying the " medium dip" coal from the "room breast" to daylight; twice in this period I have tried to solve the problem, by devoting several months to the examination of the meth- ods used in the "medium dip" seams of England, Scotland, and Wales. I also made a further effort on the Continent, but my knowledge of German and French was so limited, as to prevent my discussing the matter satisfactorily with ^he managers in charge of the works. As the result of these efforts I have been brought to suggest and recommend some (at least to me), new methods, though not an entire "cut and dried" solution of this problem, ready to apply to our Cahaba seams. The trams or mine cars used in Europe are, in nearly every case, smaller than ours; the reason for making them so, in most cases, is an effort to reduce the enormous first cost of their deep shafts, by having a small shaft area, thus leaving but a small space for their mine cars or cages and pumpway; their small mine cars also suit the large number of boys they have employed in their mines. It would be bad policy for us to adopt their small cars in the Cahaba Field, as we have no very deep pits to sink, and our per- centage of boys employed is very much smaller than theirs, also our miners are accustomed to handling one ton cars, or cars having a capacity approaching a ton. I have also ex- amined the methods of mining the "medium dip" in other places where opportunity offered, finally arriving at the conclusion that our best policy is Uj hold on to our one ton cars, and work the "medium dip" seams horizontally. The most improved method of tramming and removing the "medium dip" coal, that has come under my observation, is that mostly used in the county of Lancashire, England. The diagram opposite is the ground plan showing endless wire rope haulage, and section of it, and I shall designate it as the ''Lancashire Method." It must be borne in mind, however, that in that county the system of "underground wire rope haulage" is in almost universal use. This "Lancashire method," is an application of the "endless wire rope haulage"; the slope is double MINING. 121 tracked, the endless rope ascending up the middle of one track and going down the middle of the other. The room roads connecting with the slope on each side, are opposite each other; and in both tracks there are level spaces oppo- site the room entrances, to facilitate the pushing the mine car under the rope towards or from either track. The method of hitching the mine car to the wire rope is by means of two chains (one at each end of the car) re- sembling our trace chains, only with shorter links is the hitch to the rope is made in the same time (about one second), that the other end of the chain is hooked to the end of the mine car. In hitching to the wire rope they give the end of the chain a sharp swing around the rope, and after the hook has made two rounds, th'^y catch the hook with the other hand and put it over the chain. When the slope is made down the "dip," then full cars are hitched to the ascending rope, but when the slope is made up the rise of the coal, then the full cars are hitched to the descending rope. The system is used for lowering loaded cars to a lower gangway, and for hoisting them to a higher gangway, and it works well at either, and by this method in circumstances that suit it, coal can be conveyed a given dis- tance underground at less cost than by any other appliance. The Laiicashire method just suits their mine cars ; their endless ropes have a continuoas steady motion of 1 1-4 to 2 1-2 miles an hour without stopping the whole day ; every miner is trained and able to push his car under the rope, and have it under way, without interfering with the car following after it. Our cars are so much heavier than theirs that it would probably be impossible for one man to push them under the rope and hitch them quickly enough to keep them out of the way of the following cars. I am uncertain about the possibility of using the above described method with one of our one ton cars, so shall leave it to time, or some of our enterprising mine operators to decide its feasibility with the mine cars are now in use here. An ither system of mining the "medium dip" seams, or, more correctly, a combination of different and various methods now in successful operation in many old established 122 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. mining districts, is, in my judgment, superior to any other method for seams having a dip of from 10 to 25 degrees from the horizontal : it is the best suited to our seams, our mine cars, to our miners, and to our "pillar and room" habits of working ; and, as it is a combination of methods partly used in one, and partly in other districts, we shall designate it as the " Combination method." In this method, the system of conducting the underground workings is, to have but one single track slope driven in the direction of the dip. This we will name the drainage slope ; the pumps being in a narrow air-way at one side of it. By this slope all the coal within its jurisdiction or territory will be drained, and it will also be the medium through which the coal and slate of the adjoining gangway end hoisting slope must be brought to the surface. All work in this system will be driven either horizontally or directly up the rise of the coal, (excepting the draining slope.) The diagram opposite gives an outline of this system of working. A pump and air-way is driven up at one side of the drainage slope, and hoisting slopes are driven up at suitable distances on each side of the drainage slope. In order to avoid the expense connected with long underground haulage, the rooms are all driven horizontally or nearly so, the grade of the room tracks must be laid to the proper inclination, by means of a tapering grade stick, with glass level im- bedded in plaster of Paris, and adjusted to a three-eights grade (or 3-8ths of an inch to the hundred inches), or to such grade as the size and style of wheel used in mine cars may require. The drainage slope will require coal pillars large enough for its permanent security. With this method a room can be advanced 150 yards with no more outlay of strength and muscle to deliver the coal a-.d secure an empty car, than will be required to advance a room 150 feM diagonally up our "medium dip" seams, or in other words the miner can push his full car out, and return with the empty 150 yards, at less cost and exertion, than would be expended in the same work through 150 feet in the diagonally driven room up the pitch of our medium dip seams. MINING. 123 The grade stick can be so adjusted that the same muscular strength will be rexuired to push the full car down, as to push the empty car up, the only trouble being to put the grade stick on the track when laying it, and support or lower the ties until the bubble sets right. On the diagram the distance.^ between the hoisting slopes are spaced in pannels of 900 feet, but that distance can be lengthened or shortened to suit the locality and the seam. Tie method of working "medium dip" seams, has less amount of narrow work to a given acreage of coal than any other method yet made known, excepting the "long wall" method, and before we can adopt the latter, we must reduce the size of our cars, and train and discipline our miners to work under a "sagging" roof, and if the "long wall" is the "withdrawing" kind, we must lay tracks along the "face or breast." The hoisting power at the top of each hoisting slope, can be either steam or electric motor connected with a central dynamo. If steam is used, the water would probably have to be piped from the drainage slope. The long underground haulage is one of the chief draw- backs to our "medium dip" seam mining; in some districts the usual way to curtail that expense is to establish the un- derground wire rope haulage system. In the "combination method" the car bodies are strongly made wooden boxes of rectangular shape, of one ton capacity. These are de- tachable from the trams or trucks. In the rooms, the trams consist of a flat platform resting on the trucks, and of a size sufficient to hold a single car body. In the hoisting slope, the "hoisting" or "slope" tram consists of a long iron frame work on trucks, on which are constructed four steps or scaffolds, so arranged with reference to the slope of the track, as to have the floors of these platforms level at the steepest part of the slope. On each of these platforms is placed one of the detachable car bodies above referred to. The Diagram following p. 124 shows the construction of the "slope tram" with a car body resting on each of the four platforms, with ground plan of slope and room roads; also longitudinal cross sections of slope, showing hoisting tram. The miner takes the empty mine car body from the "slope tram" and replaces it with a loaded or full one, signals to 124 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. the engineman to hoist away, and goes back to his room with the empty car to get another car load, thus requiring only one trip to deliver a one ton car of coal. The "emp- ties" are taken from the "slope tram," and the full car bodies placed upon the same, by means of an iron post crane placed at the angle of the room road. At this point the slope pillar, instead of coming out to an angle, is cut away sufficiently to give space called a "siding" (but which has no side track), for the empty car to be swung from the slope tram and held suspended out of the way, while the full car body is being placed upon the slope tram, after which the empty is swung still further around and lowered upon the platform of^the room truck, from which the loaded car has just been removed. This necessitates at each room entrance, two cranes (upon a swivel post). The crane for the empty car body being of a lighter construction and placed on the upper side of the post; that for the loaded car, heavier and on the lower, or room entrance side. [See Diagrams, one opposite, and two followiug p. 126.] From the end of each of the cranes there is suspended by a swivel joint in the centre, a light beam of the length of a car body. This beam has a small pulley at each end, over which passes a wire cord terminating in a hook and fastened at the other end to run- ning nuts on a double screw, actuated by a crank, on the same principle as the screws of the log carriage of a circu- lar saw. This arrangement is for raising and lowering the car bodies. The screw for the "empties" is coarser, giving a a more rapid lift, than that for the loaded cars. The second diagram opposite p. 126, shows the arrangement of the screw threads and crank for raising the mine car body from the room tram or from the slope tram. A catch lever is arranged at the side of the slope track opposite the room road, to ena- ble the miner to stop the "slope tram" at either one of the four platforms or scaffolds on which the mine cars rest in their transit up or down the slope. The mine car body is raised up from the tram truck, or up from the "slope tram" by means of a screw, which the miner turns by a crank as above described; the screw, when rotated, pulling a light wire cord above described sufficient to raise the car body a few inches, by a few turns of the crank; the crane is then MINING. 125 swung around and the mine car body let down by means of the same screw either on to the room tram or on the "slope tram." In this method the engineman alone takes the place of all the trammers who, in other methods, are employed in bring- ing coal from the rooms or "breasts." In this method of minintr the "medium dip" coal, there is a less amount of narrow work in the form of gangways and air courses, than in any of the usual methods; there is a much lighter force of trammers needed, and especially there no coal rakers, killing time in the shutes, in their dallying efforts to get the coal down the shutes to the gangway. If the Pit Head Frame and loading shute and screws are properly arranged, the "medium dip" coal can be mined by this method at a very little if at all higher cost than the coal of the Hat seams. The preceding diagram shows a sec- tion along the hoisting slope, giving an outline of the "slope tram," with form of the platforms or scaffolds for holding the mine car bodies; also a ground plan of the hoisting slope with its connecting room roads, and sidings for empty mine cars; also the position of the iron post cranes for re- ceiving and delivering the mine cars. The first duty of the miner on arriving at the slope from his room with his full mine car, is to signal to the engine- man by means of the annunciator, that his number requires the "tram slope" with empty car, and is ready to deliver a full car; the engineman's duty, after acknowledging receipt of this order, is to signal back to the number at which he intends to stop his "slope tram," that he is going to stop at that point. As the slope tram nears this place the en- gineman causes it to move slowly in order to give the miner the opportunity of seeing which platform of the tram holds an empty car body, and of stopping it, by throwing up his catch lever, so as to bring this platform and empty car body exactly opposite his room track. He then removes the empty, and puts on the full car body and signals to the en- gineman to hoist away. He then swings the empty car around upon the room tram, pushes it back to the breast to be loaded again. The signals between the miner and the engineman must be the "electric," each miner having a wire 126 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. to himself, with an electric light at each crane during work- ing hours. The ends of the room tracks must be curved up so as to prevent the mine car from ever running into the slope. The first diagram opposite shows a section along the slope, and across the room entrances and the entrance to two rooms. In this method the amount of work necessary to fit up the post crane and make the siding, is not half that required to open a room and put in a switch in the ordinary level gangwa3\ To fit up the post crane, all that is required is to dig a hole in the roof sufficiently deep to hold the head of the post and prevent its slipping, then dig another hole exactly under that one (by a plumb line), in the bottom slate, put in place the post which is of iron and in two parts fitting one into the other by a screw, and turn it after the manner of a jackscrew, until it presses sufficiently against roof and floor to prevent its moving. The remainder of the work consists in digging off the corner of the slope pillar sufficiently to make room for the empty car to stay out of the way of both slope track and room track. The scaffold in the siding is not absolutely necessary, but a light one there would enable the miner to have an extra empty car. The end of the mine car body must have two hitching or hooking places, one at its top edge of the car for the miners use, the other about the middle of the end of the car for the top or bankman to hook to for dumping the coal on the screen. This method has the great advantage of allowing the mine car wheels to be fastened to the axle in both slope tram and mine cars. There are no curves to go around, therefore no slip of wheels; mine cars with wheels fastened to the axle, the axle itself rotating, will last proba- bly twice as long as those that are loose and have the axle bolted to the bottom of the cars ; they also run much lighter and keep the proper gauge much longer. The second dia- gram opposite, giving a section along the room roads and across the hoisting slope, shows the arrangement of the screw threads and crank for raising the mine car body from the tram truck or from slope tram. In this method the Engineman must have in front of him (with the end towards him, and its lower edge about eight r>i H Co h o ^ ^ ^ r^ ■i O .^ ^ ^S ^ o MINING. 127 feet above the floor), a cast drum with large thread or spi- ral cast on it, with the numbers of the different rooms in large figures painted on the spiral, so that the pointer will show him the exact place to a few inches, where his ''slope tram " is, in order that he may run slowly when ap- proaching the entrance to a room where he is to stop for a loaded car to be added ; this cast drum must have a geared connection with the hoisting-drum shaft. The Engineman must also have the number of the rooms close to his hands, so that he can arrange them in the order in which the calls from below are made, and remove them as the orders are filled. The collection of wires extending from the Engine- man to the entrance of each room, must be bundled or twisted together and wrapped with thin sheet lead or tarred cloth, to prevent corrosion from exposure to dampness. In this method the wire rope has no sharp corners or small pulleys to drag around, and will consequently escape the breaking and tearing of wire strands so common where the ordinary hoisting rope drags the mine cars out of the gang- ways. To facilitate the quick delivery of the loaded cars at the top of the slope, the upper part of the slope track, (that portion next the large rope sheave), must be double tracked and be movable, so that the full cars when they arrive there, can be pushed to one side, the same motion bringing the track with slope tram containing the empties in line with the slope, so that the engineman is not delayed, but can let down the emptv cars while the top men are emptying the full ones. Three tracks of wide guage are requisite for the screening and loading shute, one for "lump" or "run of the mine," one for "nut and slack," and one for slate. If this method, with the necessary machinery, were in com- mon use, it is probable that it would be used for "medium dips," of even from five to thirty degrees. In cases where the dip of the seam is irregular, and becomes too flat to allow the "slope tram" to descend and overcome the drag of the rope, a light tail rope would have to be used. In this method the "long wall system" could be used to some extent, but considering that we use a ton tram mostly, and a kind of room track, different from that usually employed 128 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMaV. in long wall mining?, and that our miners are mostly accus- tomed to the '"pillar and room" system, it is probably best to adopt it only where the roof is good, the floor not too soft and apt to "swell up," and where there is abundance of hard gob material to give some support to the roof. In Warwickshire, England, they mine their medium dip coal (from fifteen to twenty degrees), by the "long wall drawing method; a full description of which is given by William S Gresley in the Engineering and Mining Journal of August 17th, 1889, and I have no doubt but that it is the most im- proved method of mining the medium dip seams now in use in Warwickshire, and that it suits their condition of mining matters, is very evident. In the first place, they have to go to their boundary to commence the withdrawal of the coal, while in our case, most of our mine proprietors know that even their grandchildren will never extend their underground workings to their boundaries; in the second place, their small square sided mine cars can be taken be- tween the props and the face of the coal, much more readily than our cars of the Monongahela pattern; in the third place their room tracks have a sawed flat tie, of one and a quarter inch thickness, with the ends of the rails locking into one another, and with holes in the ties that keep their rails in guage, so that they can move their tracks along the breast, while we are knocking out the wedges, or drawing the spikes of ours. While in Europe, some ten years ago, the underground system of wire rope haulage received my attention, and I devoted several months to a thorough examiiiation of the various methods of using it, and found its greatest develop- ment in the Wigan district of Lancashire, England. It was no new experiment to them, as several of the mine superin- tendents informed me that they had abandoned the use of pony or mule and trammer, twenty years previous to the time of my examination, or now a generation ago. The proprietors and managers showed me ropes that they were using then, that they had been using constantly under- ground the thirteen years prior to that, the rope still good. Their underground haulage ropes are made of steel wire, with a hemp core. In one pit that had a regular output of MINING. 129 800 tons per day, they had but one mule or pony in the pit at any time, and it was in charge solely of the repair man, t,o haul about their props and repair material. The mine proprietors informed me that, if they were to fall back to the old style of pony (or mule) and trammer to haul their coal to the pit bottom, that it would ruin their business, for they could not compete in that case with their neighbors using the underground wire rope haulage. They had passed the experimental stage long ago, knew at a glance the kind of pulley or sheave, in their great variety, that was essential to enable the rope to work well in the thousand and one difficult localities of their gang- ways and slopes. They have a large number of variously shaped pulleys, and modify their methods of using their wire ropes to suit the varying circumstances that surround them. They have two methods of conveying the power down their pits to their systems of wire rope haulage : the one in most general use is compressed air from air com- pressors at the top, to compressed air engines near the bottom of the pit; the other method is to have a steam engine at the pit top, geared as to give a slow motion to a large broad grooved sheave, having two or three wraps of the rope around it. This is carried down the pit to the pit bottom, and from thence to the various parts of the pit, where the power is needed ; this rope is driven at a speed of 1 1-4 to 1 1-2 miles per hour ; this manner of conveying the power suits the endless rope the best, while the compressed air engine suits the "tail rope method," or any style where quick motion is required. The leading systems in use mostly are : The Endless Kope System. The Tail Eope System. The Simple Engine Plane or Slope. The Gravity or Self-Acting Plane or Slope (called when the rope is endless, an "endless jig.") These systems are all modified to some extent to suit the varying circumstances. The endless variety of their appli- ances to prevent their ropes from rubbing, convinced me that they paid close attention to wear and tear of their underr 9 130 GEOLOGICAL SUBYET OP ALABAMA. ground ropes, some of which are over two miles in length. Their endless ropes run slowly; 1 1-4 miles per hour is deemed best, 2 1-2 miles per hour being their highest speed. Their common hoisting speed in pits of a quatter of a mile vertical depth, is one minute for the quarter of a mile; this includes the slow run near top and bottom ; one of their tail rope trains of about ten cars, passed me in one of their gangways at a speed of ten miles per hour; this rather surprised me, but I was more astonished on noticing that the boy in charge of the train was stretched out at full length on top of the last mine car, his head and back not over a foot from the roof; his only chance to stop the train was to jerk the signal wire at the side of the gangway, the engine being a half mile away. I was informed by the mine managers that ten miles per hour was the ordinary speed of their "tail rope trains" in the middle of the haul. Yet with ail the advantages and economy of the system of underground wire rope haulage, the lack of machinery and appliances, the absence of labor skilled and trained to handle and use it, will no doubt cause our mine managers to hesitate considerably before adopting it, but should any of them decide to adopt it, their best plan would be to go and see it in operation, examine the different systems, and study the various changes made in the use of the applianc3s to suit the different conditions and circumstances, then make arrangements to secure the machinery and appliances as needed, in the section of country where wire rope haulage is well understood and extensively used; then begin with the simplest and easiest form of wire rope haulage and increase gradually as the laborers become more skilled and trained. To begin to adopt it in its more complicated forms, perhaps might result in failure and disaster. For conveying power to the "tail rope system," or any other quick motion system of underground haulage, where it is a long distance from day- light, the dynamo, electric wire and electric motor is supe- rior to compressed air or any other method, and more economical. The electric wire will yet supply with power all mining pumps and wire rope haulage systems, that are situated a long distance from daylight. MINING. 131 Instead of copper wire, iron rods of 5 or 6 times the sec- tional area of the copper wire, will answer equally as w«ll or better, for conveying power underground. For conveyance of power from the surface to endless rope systems that are not very distant from daylight, the rope itself, driven by a steam engine at the surface, and moving at the rate of 1^ miles per hour, is the cheapest and most economical conveyance of power to underground haul»g«. There is nothing more certain than that in the future, wire rope haulage power and the electric power, will be used extensively in underground mining operations. It may be safer to be wary and move cautiously in their adoption, in- creasing their use gradually, still it is only a matter of time as to their general adoption. In the gangway of our Cahaba Field mines, the overhead electric wire would be too dangerous if not insulated. In fact all electric wires of high voltage placed in mines should either be insulated, or placed in narrow channels so that there would be no possible chance of the minor coming ia contact with them. The storage battery with electric motor (thus doing with- out wires), is the best and safest mathod of underground electric haulage in gangways that are level, or nearly so. In conveying power to pumps or drills, there is no neoM- •ity for using any but insulated wires. PART IL GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE AND DESCRIPTION OF THE YALLEY REGIONS ADJACENT TO THE CAHABA COAL FIELD. — BY — EUGENE A. SMITH. CONTENTS. I. — Origin of the Rocks of the Cahaba Coal Field and adjacent Regions, and the Agencies which have brought them into their present position Page 137 II. — Classification of these Rocks, and their distinguishing Char- acters Page 146 III. — Distribution of the Rocks of the diflFerent Geological Forma- tions in the Valleys bordering the Cahaba Coal Field. Page 159 L ORIGIN OF THE ROCKS OF THE CAHA.BA COAL FIELD AND ADJACENT REGIONS, AND THE AGENCIES WHICH HAVE BROUGHT THEM INTO THEIR PRESENT POSITIONS. The map and sections of Mr. Squire exhibit the structure of the Cahaba Field in sufficient detail, but a few words ex- planatory of the relations of this field to the others, and to the valleys lying between them seem to be required. It is the commonly received opinion among geologists, and an opinion capable of demonstration, that the older stratified or bedded rocks of the Appalachian region of the United States, in which is included Cahaba Coal Field and the regions above alluded to, were formed partly out of the detritus of a previously existing land mass lying to the east- ward of the present shore line of the Atlantic ocean, and partly out of the calcareous and siliceous matters accumu- lated through the agency of living organisms, in the depths of an inland sea which formerly occupied the position of the greater part of the present United States. This detritus, washed down by rains and transported by rivers, was finally spread upon the floor of this inland sea. Naturally by far greater part of this land waste would be deposited close to the shore line, while only the finer sediments such as silt and mud would be held in suspension long enough to be carried far out to sea and be deposited there, and in the clear and moderately deep waters of the sea at a distance from the shore would flourish the corals, and other organ- isms that formed the limestones and part of the chert or siliceous matters. If the floor of this interior sea remained stationary while receiving these sediments, it is easy to see that it would very soon be silted up by the washings from the land, and that no great thickness of variety in the sedi- ments would be seen at any one place ; we should not find, 138 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF AT,ABAMA. for instance, alternations of limestone with sandstones and conglomerates, while, in point of fact, the sediments which make the rocks of these older formations are many thousand feet in thickness and consist of sandstones, conglomerates, shales, and limestones in many alternations. All this is clear demonstration that the floor of the sea did not remain stationary during this period, but subsided, — at least to the extent of the thickness of the sediments accumulated upon it, — not steadily and continuously, but with many pauses of downward movement, alternating even with movements in the opposite direction, which went so far at times as to bring parts of the sea bottom above the water, and to afford the requisite conditions for the accumu- lation of those immense beds of vegetable matter that con- stitute the seams of coal. In the manner above sketched, there were accumulated upon the floor of the interior sea, and in the marshes and peat bogs of the land, and in the estuaries of the rivers, during a period of whose duration we have no means of making a definite estimate, beds of gravel, sand, mud and limestone, and coal beds, of varying thickness according to position ; from 40,000 feet near the margin of the sea where the greater part of the land waste was deposited, to 4,000 feet further out to sea where the materials deposited were mainly calcareous and siliceous. These beds contain the remains of the animals and plants that flourished upon the land or in the waters of the ocean during the period of their accumulation, and when consolidated and elevated above sea level they constitute the rocks of the various geological formations. These rocks and their contained organic re- mains, have been objects of study and investigation among geologists for many years, and as one of the results of these investigations, thev have been classed together into a num- ber of great groups having certain common characteristics of mineral composition and fossils. The names of these great geological groups or formations beginning at the lowest and proceeding upwards, are Cambrian, Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous. The maximum thickness of the rocks of these formations, as they are displayed in Alabama, may be approximately given as follows : Cambrian 10,000 feet ; VALLEY REGION ; ORIGIN OP THE ROCKS. 139 Silurian 5,000 feet ; Devonian 100 feet ; Carboniferous 6,600 feet, making in all not less than 21,600 feet. We must next endeavor to explain how these beds have been elevated above the sea so as to become a part of the dry land, and how they have been brought into the positions which they now occupy. As originally deposited, we may infer that they were spread out upon the floor of the interior sea in sheets or strata, which, allowing for the slopes and inequalities of the sea bottom, and the greater thickness of the deposits near the shore, were in approximately horizon- tal position, and if they were brought up above sea level by some gradual and uniform motion of elevation, we should have a condition of things such as prevails in the lower part of this State, in the territory made by the newer formations Cretaceous and Tertiary, viz., the beds thus elevated would be nearly he rizontal, but with a slight slope or dip towards the sea, or towards the northwest ; there would be no mountains or great inequalities of surface except such as might be produced by the erosion of rains and running waters, and at any one place only a very few feet in thick- ness of strata could thus be exposed. We also see to the northwest of the region with which we are here concerned, in Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, and beyond, approxi- mately level or horizontal strata into which erosion has cut only a few hundred feet, aud exposed only a few hundred feet of the uppermost beds. On the other hand, we notice running diagonally through the upper half of Alabama and thence northeabiward through the other States to Canada, a belt of country perhaps to 150 to 200 miles in width, the strata of which are seldom in horizontal or even approxima- tely horizontal posi tion. They are inclined to the horizon at varying angles, bpi ng sometimes even perpendicular ; their outcropping edgt-s may be followed for many miles in a northeast direction ; the lines of outcrop of the edges of diflferent beds are approximately parallel with each other, and by crossing over these outcrops in a direction at right angles to their trend, i. e., from southeast to northwest, we may pass in succession over the strata of the whole series of geological formations from Cambrian up to Coal Measures, and all within the distance of a few miles. A 140 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. further inspection of these rocks will show us that they have not only been tilted up but have been crushed together, and folded in a very complex way, and that rocks which are widely apart in the geological scale, are often found in direct contact. We shall see, moreover, that these disturbances are more profound along the southeastern part of this belt, and constantly diminish in intensity as we go northwest- wards, so that the strata even in the northwestern part of this State, are thrown very little out of their originally horizontal position. It is evident therefore, that the strata of this region have been subjected to the action of some other force than one by which they were merely gradually elevated, and that whatever may have been the origin and nature of this force, it was much more pronounced in its effects along the southeastern border of the disturbed region, than further to the northwest. The same pecularities of structure and attitude charac- terize the rocks of the whole Appalachian region from Ala- bama to New York and beyond, and these matters have been closely and carefully studied by many of the best geologists of the country, the brothers Rogers, Safford, Lesley, Dana, and others ; most of the peculiarities of Ap- palachian structure have been described, and satisfactory explanations of the approximate causes of these peculiari- ties have been given. No one who will carefully examine the positions of the various rocks exposed, for instance, in Jones' valley, can fail to see that these rocks have been pushed up, in such a way as to cause their broken or exposed edges to trend 'or run in the general direction of the course of the valley, i. e., northeast and southwest, and that most of these rock ledges show a dip or slope towards the southeast. This position of originally horizontal beds could be brought about only through the action of some force coming either from the southeast or from the northwest, and compressing them to- gether in that direction into much narrower limits than they originally occupied, and this compression into narrower limits could take place only by the strata being thrown into a series of wrinkles or folds, or by their being rent apart and one side slipped up over or past the other. There are VALLEY REGION ; ORIGIN OF THE ROCKS. 141 many reasons for the conclusion that the force in question came from the southeast rather than from the northwest, one of these reasons among many, as already said, being that the intensity of the disturbance constaLtly diminishes as we go from southeast to northwest. The varying degree of deformation of the strata by vary- ing amounts of compression can be imitated on a small scale and illustrated by pressing together sheets of cloth of clav or other plastic material. If we place on a table a number of sheets of flexible cloth piled one upon the other like the sheets in a pad of paper, and fixing one edge of this pad, push or slide along the table the opposite edge towards the fixed edge, we shall see that a number of wrinkles will be at once formed across the sheets of cloth at right angles to the direction of the com- pression. If we continue to press the edges of the sheets towards each other, the arches will rise higher and higher, and begin to lap over in one direction, which, in the majority of cases, will be the direction towards which the shoving force acts. In a few cases the troughs will be shoved under the arches and the folds will lap over in the opposite direction. Now, if we study closely the folds or wrinkles into which the strata of the region about which we are now writing have been thrown, we may easily recognize the very same arrange- ment. There are simple folds or arches, with almost equal slope on each side of the crest line, but these are rare ; there are folds in which the arches have been pushed over towards the northwest, making the slope on that side steeper than on the southeast, these are very common; there are folds which have been pressed together so that the two sides are about parallel, and then lapped over to the northwest, these are also very common. On the other hand we find folds in which the troughs have been shoved under the arches so as to cause the steeper slope to be on the southeast side, and when this movement has gone on far enough the arches have the appearance of having been lap- ped together and pushed over towards the southeast by a force acting from the northwest; these cases are by no means so common as the others, yet we see in Murphree's Valley 142 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. and a few other places good illustrations in point After the folds have been pressed together and lapped over to one side, no further yielding to the compressing force can take place except by the giving way of the strata and the sliding of one part over the other, in other words, by the breaking apart and piling up of the beds. Now when a break occurs in a fold of the usual type, i. e., one which has been pushed over to the northwest, it is along the crest of the arch where the strain has been greatest, and the southeastern side slipa- up over the northwestern. Faults of this kind are usually designated as thrust faults, and the displacement sometimes goes so far as to shove a great body of strata over other beds for many hundreds of feet, and in some countries for miles even. In folds of the other class named, i. e. where the troughs have been shoved under the arches, the break oc- curs near the bottom of the trough, and the strata on the southeast of the line of fault are slipped under those on the northwest. The general effect of this kind of slip or fault is the same as if the compressing force had come from th& opposite direction and had produced a thrust fault of the ordinary kind. These are also thrust faults, but to dis- tinguish them from the normal type of thrust faults they^ might perhaps be called reversed thrust faults. In Mar- phree's valley and west of McAshan mountain, we have fine illustrations of this type of structure. In all these thrust faults we have either the older beds slipped up over newer ones, or newer ones shoved under the older, in either case brinaiiig about a reversal of the natural arrangement. But there is another kind of reversal. We have seen that all our Alabama thrust faults are, in their origin, folds in which the strain of the compression has been carried bejond the limits of endurance of the strata, and hence when the break occurs along the crest of an arch of the typical sort, the gently sloping beds of the over-riding side will slip up over the steeply inclined or even overturned edges of the beds of the overridden side, the inclination of the edges of this side depending upon the degree of overpush or over-lap of the fold, and it may be quite possible that in the movement of tne one series of beds over the other the edges of the underlying series may by friction be bent still further in the VALLEY REGION ; ORIGIN OF THE ROCKS. 143 direction of the thrust. In this way the upturned edges of the overridden side may be carried beyond the perpendicular and be actually reversed. Instances of this kind are com- mon enough ; the cross section given on another page shows it, particularly on the southeastern border of the Cahaba field, and on that of the Warrior field. In a similar way, when the break occurs near the bottom of a trough that has been shoved under an arch, the edges of the under-shoved set will be bent or turned back more or less, and this also may go so far as to cause a reversal. We see this along the eastern edge of Murphree's Valley almost its entire length. So far as I know, all the Alabama thrust faults have highly inclined or overturned strata on one side of the faults, and these vertical or reversed beds will be on the northwest or southeast side of the fault according to the character of the fault, whether a typical or a reversed one. In the great majority of cases the vertical or overturned strata are on the northwest side, for the reason that the great majority of the faults are typical ones. Usually the upturned edges occupy only a narrow belt, because part of them are generally below the surface, in the fault, and covered by the overriding measures ; but we have one maguificeut example of the reversal of a great series of beds, in the overturned measures of the lower part of the Cahaba field, west of Montevallo, for here is a strip of the Coal Measures, two miles wide and six or seven miles long, pushed over beyond the perpendicular to an angle of 60°, and at the border of this strip we have the instance of the complete overturning of the measures and the gliding of the Cambrian strata over them, described in detail in another place and illustrated by a photographic view. The folds above spoken of are not symmetrical waves with crest and trough of equal width, but, as may be seen by any map of the Appalachian region, consist of rather narrow crests, with wide troughs between, in which the strata aie either approximately horizontal or only slightly undulating. These troughs, or the most important ones, with raised edges and with the strata sloping from each 'side towards the central line {synclinal), are the coal fields, which have to 14.4 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. greater or less extent resisted the denudation which carried away so much material from the intervening crests. It may be asked why the strata along the crests of the folds were so much more completely removed than from the troughs. One reason of this may be found in the fact that the strata along the crests would be more or less torn and disrupted from the strain of the folding, while those of the troughs would be more or less compacted by compression. This, along with other causes, has led to the formation of anticlinal valleys, that is, of valleys which have been eroded out of the tops or crests of anticlinal folds, and of this character, more or less masked by faults, overlaps, and other complications, are the valleys above named which border the Cahaba field. In all these valleys, the strata were raised up first into ridges with perhaps originally somewhat equal slope both ways, northwest and southeast from the central line {anticlinal); with increase of pressure the folds were pushed over towards the northwest ; com- pressed together and lapped over to the northwest ; broken apart and slipped ; and finally by erosion, worn down into valleys in which now only the projecting edges of the strata are seen. These, by their relative position, give us the clew to the structure. When the strata were thrown into waves by the compressing force above spoken of, the crests of these waves were raised much above the level of the in- tervening troughs, and when, by subsequent denudation these arches were worn down to the general level or nearly to it, the lower strata of the arches were uncovered and ex- posed to view, usually in the form of projecting ledges in the case of the harder rocks, and of trenches in the case of the softer and more easily eroded ones. In this way the strata of the different geological forma- tions down to the lowest, have come to occupy the surface in these valleys, usually in strips or belts which run ap- proximately parallel to the length of the valley, and which, in consequence of the anticlinal structure are normally duplicated, though as a result of faults they sometimes ap- pear only once in a section across the valley, and sometimes where, as in Jones' Valley, the structure is a double anti- clinal combined with faults, they are repeated a third time. VALLEY REGION; ORIGIN OF THE ROCKS. 145 Illustrations of all three of these cases will be given in the special description of the valleys. It seems hardly necessary to state in so many words that the strata of our different Coal Fields as well as of the geo- logical formatiots that underlie them, were from their very mode of origin continuous, and that their present separa- tion has come about through the foldings, faults, and denu- dations, which we have been describing. We might infer that after the strata had been thus brought up and added to the land area, their subsequent history would be merely a record of gradual degradation and level- ing down by erosion. But we have evidence in the lower part of the region shown on this map, that after this part of the State had been elevated and undergone the changes mentioned and attained almost its present configuration, it was in part again submerged below the water level, and was overspread by the washings from that part which remained above the water. Only in this way could the great beds of sand, clay, and pebbles which cover so much of the area in the lower portion of the map, have been deposited upon the ridges and the valleys of the old land surface. This sub- mergence happened during the period termed by geologists the Cretaceous, which is comparatively modern as contrasted with the age of the formations above named. From the distribution of these beds we can see that the shore line during this time of partial submergence ran in a curve stretching from the northwestern part of the State to near the middle, at Columbus, Ga. To the west and south of that line the land sank below the water, while it remained above water to the east and north. And still later, almost in modern times, geologically speak- ing, when the dry land area of Alabama had attained its present extent, and the surface had by long continued denuda- tion acquired almost its present configuration, our State was again below water, receiving deposits of pebbles, sand and mud, which in the upper part of the State have since been in great measure been washed away again, but patches of which still remain often upon the summits of the highest hills. In the lower half of the State these deposits have lu 146 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. been much less completely removed, but remain to form th& great bulk of the soils of that section. Of these later movements, it is not our intention to speak except in so far as may be necessary to explain the presence of these overlying surface beds which in places hide the formations with which we are now more particularly concerned. II. CLASSIFICATION OF THESE KOCKS ANI> THEIR DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERS. With this sketch of the manner in which the sediments were accumulated and afterwards brought up above sea level and into the positions in which they are now found, we may go on to speak of the distinguishing characters of the rocks with their contained fossils, of each of the great groups or formations Cambrian, Silurian, Devonian, and Car- boniferous, and to note the minor subdivisions into which they may be conveniently arranged for purposes of study and description here in Alabama. It would lead us too far to undertake to speak of the characteristic fossils of each of these formations, except to say that they are more unlike the forms of the present day, the further we go back in the geological scale, and the re- semblance to living plants and animals becomes more and more pronounced as we approach the top of our geological column; but in all cases, in the formations with which we are concerned in the present report, the resemblance of the fossils to living forms is rather remote. This has led to the grouping of the four formations above named into one division which has been called Paleozoic (Ancient Life), in allusion to the want of resemblance to modern forms. Except at a very few horizons, fossils are not abundant in our Alabama Paleozoic rocks, and rarely come under the notice of the ordinary observer, yet to the student of geology they are of the very greatest value since by means of them it becomes comparatively easy to determine the relative ages of the different formations containing them, when the stratigraphical relations of these rocks are not readily made out. As an illustration of this I might say that there are VALLEY REGION ; CHARACTERS OF THE R0CK3. 147 many places in Alabama, and particularly in the region covered by this map, where the rock beds have been com- pletely overturned, so that the older beds are on top of the younger. It would often be impossible to determine the relative ages of these rocks by their physical characters, and' where they have been overturned their relative position would of course, be absolutely misleading if we judged by tne stratigraphical position alone; but as each of these great- divisions has its characteristic fossils, these become in many cases our safest, and sometimes our only trustworthy guides in determining the age of the rocks in which they are im- bedded. Since all these rocks have been formed either out of the^ detritus or waste of previously existing land masses (con- glomerates, sandstones, grits, shales and slates), or through the agency of living organisms, (limestones, flinty or cherty matters, and coal and all forms of bituminous matters), one- would naturally think that it would be impossible to dis- tinguish one sandstone or one limestone from another, or in other words to distinguish one of our geological formations from 'another by its lithological or rock characters. As- a matter of fact, however, the field geologist, after a very few weeks or months of practice, learns to distinguish the different formations by their rocks, and hence the lithologi- cal characters are of almost equal value with the fossils in classifying our rock formations, and inasmuch as the fossils are nowhere very abundant, in the great majority of cases we make use of the lithological characters alone in studying and identifying the different geological formations. It is easy to see that it is nearly impossible to describe the rocks of these older formations in terms which will en- able the inexperienced observer to identify them, yet a short account of the prevailing characteristics of the rocks is nec- essary to the full understanding of the description of their distribution in the valleys. It must, however, be constantly borne in mind that the characters of the rocks of all these formations vary with the geographical locality, they being generally coarser in texture and more siliceous towards the east than further west. Thus in the Cambrian formation- there are in the Coosa Valley beds of immense thickness of 148 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. a coarse grained sandstone or conglomerate, which in the yallejs further westward, such as Cahaba Valley and Jones' Valley, are wholly wanting. So also the shales of the same formation are sandier in composition in the Coosa Valley and more calcareous in the two other valleys named. THE CAMBRIAN. — The rocks of this formation are con- glomerates, sandstones and shales in the Coosa Valley region, and shales and shaly limestone in the valleys which occupy part of the area of this map. The maximum thick- ness may be put at 10,000 feet, but this great thickness is seen only in the eastern part of the Coosa Valley, while in Jones' Valley the thickness is probably less than half the above. The sub-divisions of the Cambrian which we recognize in Alabama are, in ascending order, as follows : the Coosa Shales, the Choccolocco or Montevallo Shales, and, interbed- ded with the last named, the Weisner Quartzite. Coosa Shales. — In the valleys here described the rocks are, commencing with the lowest, thin-bedded limestones with clay seams between; usually very greatly contorted and tilted at high angles. Where these rocks come to the surface there results from their decomposition a very stiff calcareous clay soil. These lauds being very level and hence badly drained, are not much cultivated, and in Ala- bama are generally known as "Flatwoods." The town of Bessemer is upon one of these "Flatwoods" tracts, and similar areas may be seen between Bessemer and Birming- ham, and northeast of Springville towards Gadsden, and in the immediate valley of the Coosa River up to and beyond the line between Alabama and Georgia. The shaly lime- stones that give rise to these "Flatwoods," we have called Coosa Shales. Montevallo S holes.— Aho\e these Coosa Shales we find a con- siderable thickness of sandy shales of a great variety of col- ors, such as olive, green, brown, chocolate, yellowish, etc. The original material was a calcareous shale, but at the outcrops the calcareous matter has mostly been pretty thoroughly leached out, and only the more siliceous parts left. These shales crumble up in places into small fragments about the size and shape of shoe-pegs. Sometimes they are more VALLEY REGION; CHARACTERS OF THE ROCKS. 149 tough and hard, and, especially towards the east, assume gradually the characters of the semi-crystalline rocks, and it is capable of demonstration that some of the partly crystalline slates of the eastern part of the Coosa Valley are only the changed or metamorphosed representatives of this division, which has been called the MoatevaVo or Choccolocco Shales from the characteristic occurrences in those localities. In Jones' and Gahaba Valleys these do not play a very important part except in the lower part of the Cahaba Valley from Centerville up to Moiitevallo. Be- yond this limit they outcrop only in narrow and compara- tively unimportant belts. In the upper part cl the Monte- vallo Shales we find beds of blue limestone and gray dolomite which are often difficult to distinguish from similar rocks occurring in the nest ovei'lyiug formation. In fact the line between the Shales and the Knox Dolomite is, so far as Alabama is concerned, rather an arbitrary one. Weisner Quartzite. — In the Shales above described and most commonly in their lower parts, are found in the eastern part of the Coosa Valley great beds of quartzite and conglomerate many hundred feet in thickness, but often of very limited extent geographically. The quartzites always form high and rugged mountains sometimes stretching for miles in an unbroken range, but as often forming detached and isolated peaks, rising suddenly out of the plains and as suddenly sinking down to the same level. The "Mountain" near Columbiana, the Kahatchee Hills, Alpine Mountain, Mount Parnassus at Talladega, Cold Water Mountain and Blue Mountain near Anniston, L idiga Mountain above Jackson- ville, Weisner Mountain east of Jacksonville, are instances of occurrences of this quartzite. The Weisner Mountain above named has been best studied, and its stratigraphical relations to the Coosa, Shales and to the Choccolocco Shales, most clearly made out, for which reason we have ii3ed the name Weisner Quarbdte to designate this member of our Cambrian, which occurs interpolated in the Shales as local masses of lenticular shape and often of very great thickness. Prof. Safford, of Tennessee, has given the name Chilhoivee to similar great masses of sandstone and quartzite occurring 150 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. in that State apparently below the Shales above named, which he designates as the Knox Shale and Sandstone. In Ten- nessee the distinction between the shale and the sandstone member of the Knox Group, can be consistently followed out, but it does not seem practicable in Alabama to separate the two, for beds of tolerably massive sandstone occur at many horizons, interbedded with the shales. So also, for the reason that in Alabama the great masses of quartzite do not occur at the base of the shales, nor apparently, at &nj definite horion in the same, we have not used Professor Safford's name Chilhowee to designate the rock. Similarly it appears necessary to adopt a distinct name for the thin- bedded limestones with clay seams, of our "Flatwoods," since they play a very subordinate part if they occur at all in Tennessee. As above intimated, the Weisner Quartzite makes no show iu any of the region covered by this map, and it is mentioned here only to give completeness to our enumeration of the Cambrian rocks. THE SILURIAN.— We have not yet in Alabama found it practicable to arrange our Silurian strata in more than three principal divisions, which, beginning at the lowest and com- ing upwards, are as follows : Knox Dolomite, Trenton or Pelham Limestone, and Red Mountain or Clinton. Knox Dolomite. — This name has been given by Dr. Saf- ford to a series of rocks occurring in the vicinity of Knox- ville, Tennessee, and, inasmuch as the rocks of this horizon in Alabama are identical with those described by him, we have retained the name in the Alabama Survey. This is one of the most important and widely spread of our older geological formations and its characteristic rocks are magne- sian limestones or dolomites, sometimes quite pure, but more often impregnated with siliceous matter. This sili- ceous matter is sometimes found as a sandy impurity in some •of the dolomites, upon the weathering of which it becomes quite prominent. For this reason, many of the dolomite beds of the lower part of the Knox Dolomite, when exposed to the weather, show a rougb sandy surface, marked by shal- low cracks running in every direction as if the rock had been hacked with some cutting instrumeat. These purer and sandy dolomites, together with some beds of tolerably pure VALLEY REGION ; CHARACTERS OF THE ROCKS. 151 blue limestone, occur near the base of the Knox Dolomite, ^nd are very closely related to similar beds of the Shale di- vision already described. On the other hand, the siliceous matter in the upper part of the formation is usually found in masses of chert of concretionary origin impregnating the dolomite, and on the breaking down of these rocks under the action of the weather, the calcareous parts are leached out while the siliceous parts remain usually in the form of angular flinty gravel, which forms the very characteristic ridges of the Knox Dolomite. In the region covered by this map, we have found it convenient to distinguish the area underlaid by the lower and more calcareous part of the formation and that formed by the upper or more siliceous part. In the former, the weathering of the limestones and dolomites has given rise to the formation of gently undulat- ing terranes with a deep red-colored sandy loam soil of more than average fertility, which is the base of the best farming lands in all these valleys. The red lands about Elyton, and in parts of Birmingham, and in the Alexandria Yalley across the Coosa, are good examples. In the upper part of the Dolomite the cherty or siliceous matter is more abundant as a surfctce material than the calcareous, and the country is broken or ridgy, rather than undulating. Some of these flint ridges extend for long distances unbroken. Good examples are the ridges of the North and South High- lands about Birmingham. In fact this angular cherty gravel is found upon all the lands made by the Knox Dolomit?e, but is much more abundant and characteristic in the upper part. The Knox Dolomite contains very few fossils, and these belong to the Lower Silurian horizon of the paleon- tologists, but we have in the chert itself a characteristic by which we can as a rule distinguish it from the chert of other formations, that is, we find in most of it small angular cavi- ties of clearly defined shape which are usually thought to mark the places once occupied by rhombohedral crystals of dolomite, subsequently dissolved out. Prof. Safford was the first to call attention to this mark, which we have found to be an extremely useful one. The Knox Dolomite as well as the upper part of the underlying formation seams to have held originally much ferruginous as well as siliceous matter, 152 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OP ALABAMA. and we find throughout the region formed both by the Dolomite and the upper part of the Shale, beds of the brown iron ore or limonite, which plays so important a part in the economic history of all this region. The iron ore seems to have been derived from these older rocks. As instances of the occurrence of limonite banks connected with the Dolo- mite and Shale, I may mention the Edwards Ore Bank near Woodstock, the mines at Greely and Goethite, in Jones' Valley, and the great beds at Shelby over the Coosa. The great bulk of the brown ores of Alabama is from this horizon. At the top of the Knox Dolomite, and belonging perhaps to the next succeeding division, there is a rather peculiar rock occurring at intervals along Jones' Valley and else- where. It is a breccia made up of angular fragments, chiefly of the chert of the Knox Dolomite, cemented together into a rock which is a good many feet in thickness. This rock, being made of fragments of the Knox Dolomite, is of course younger, though on account of its materials we have usually classed it along with the Knox Dolomite. It is seen in greatest volume in the Salem Hills southwest of Bessemer, but occurs upon the Flint ridge forming the North High- lands at many pionts, e. g. Birmingham and Gate City, and also west of Springville. It has been called the Birming- ham breccia by Mr. Eussell of the United States Survey, and Salem breccia by us in the State Survey. It is of in- terest as showing that a period of disturbance intervened between the time of the formation of the Knox Dolomite and that of the Trenton Limestone. We have not attempted to show on the map the occurrences of this rock. Trenton or Pelham Limestone. — As its name implies, this division is mostly calcareous. It may be perhaps as a maximum, 800 feet or more in thickness, and varies con- siderably in quality, the lower part being ususally impure and shaly, while the upper part is mostly a pure limestone, often used for the purpose of making lime and as a flux in the furnaces. The lower part commonly holds great number of shells of Maclurea magna, which is a characteristic fossil of the Chazy limestone of the New York Geologists. The purer limestone above, is also quite full of fossils, which, as VALLEY REGION ; CHARACTERS OF THE ROCKS. 153 a group, are those of the Trenton limestone of New York. In places, particularly in the region south of the Cahaba Field in Bibb county, the uppermost beds of this formation, above the purer limestone mentioned, are calcareous shales and shaly limestones, often full of the fossil forms known as grapioUtes. Where these thin-bedded shaly limestones oc- cur abundantly forming the surface, cedar glades are quite characteristic. The valley between the Cahaba and the Coosa Coal Fields shows a wide belt of Trenton limestone, which is particularly pure and well developed near Pelham and Siluria in Shelby county, and southwards. Near Pratt's Ferry on the Cahaba, and stretchiug thence northeastward there is another great belt of it, containing some fine mar- bles, which have in a small degree been worked at Pratt's Ferry. For the sake of completeness, I might add that the phase of the Silurian formation to which Prof. Saiford in Ten- nessee has applied the name of jSfashville, has its represen- tative in Alabama though not within the area shown on this map. The Clinton or Bed Mountain Formation. — This is the third and uppermost of the divisions of the Silurian which we make in this State. The mass of the rocks of the Red Mountain are sandstones and shales, which show a great variety of color, yellow, red, brown, chocolate, and olive green, in this respect resembling the Montevallo Shales. Along with these are some calcareous and ferruginous rocks, the latter passing into beds of red iron ore, made up of small flattened nodules, sheU casts, etc., of ferric oxide. In many places, where mining has penetrated the ore bed beyond the reach of atmospheric agencies, the ore is seen to be quite calcareous ; ia fact, a kind of highly ferruginous limestone, which, when used in the furnace, often contains lime enough to flux the ore. At the out- crop the ore is seldom calcareous, though often sandy. So far as I know there has been no very satisfactory expla- nation of the mode of formation of this ore. It is of very variable thickness up to twenty feet, and is in more than one bed. It is a remarkable fact that while near Oxmoor the 154 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. ore is some twenty feet in thickness, just across the Cahaba Coal Field in the Cahaba Valley about six miles distant, the Bed Mountain, or rather its representative, contains no ore at all in the greater part of its length, nor does it seem to contain any of the Clinton rocks. As is well known this formation furnishes the greater part of the material used in our furnaces. In places, the ferruginous limestone of this formation would make a fine building stone, and the same is true of the sandstones. It would be difficult to give the average thickness of the Red Mountain rocks proper, in the region of the present map ; 100 feet might perhaps be a fair average, for the Red Mountain as a topographic feature, is made up of the rocks of different ages, Trenton, Clinton and Sub-Carboniferous, together with the usually very thin black shale of the Devonian. The thickness of the whole Silurian in this part of the State given above as about 5,000 feet, is only an estimate. The true thickness it will be very difficult to determine, especially in the case of the most important member, the Knox Dolomite, since it is in great part made up, so far as surface materials are concerned, of loose fragments of chert in which the bedding planes are seldom to be seen. A greater part of the area of our valleys is held by this forma- tion than by any other, and its importance is still further enhanced by the fact that it is the chief source of the brown iron ores of the State. Many of the noted big springs issue from this formation. THE DEVONIAN.— The only representative in Alabama of this system of rocks, which in the States further north is of great thickness and importance, is a thin bed of Black Shale, averaging perhaps ten or fifteen feet, but being ap- parently absent altogether in some places. A few fossils have been found in it in the Valley of the Tennessee in North Alabama, which serve to fix its position as a member of the Devonian. The shale being soft and somewhat easily eroded, is usually covered aod concealed by the debris of the adjacent rocks, so that it does not commonly come under notice even where it is present. It is of importance chiefly* perhaps, as being the source of some of our best known sulphur springs. The shale usually contains a large amount VALLEY REaiON; CHARACTERS OF THE ROCKS. 155 of pyrite in the form of nodules or kidney- shaped concre- tions, the decomposition of which supplies the sulphur of these springs. In North Alabama the thickness of the Black Shale may go up as high as 100 feet, but so extreme a thickness is rarely seen further south. THE CAEBONIFEEOUS.— This we conveniently divide in Alabama into two parts, a lower, or Sub-Carboniferous^ and an upper or coal bearing part, the true Coal Measures. The thickness of the latter is placed by Mr. Squire at 5525 feet, and the former at 1,200, making a total of between 6,000 and 7,000 feet. Sub- Carboniferous. — Prof. Safford divides this formation in Tennessee into an Upper or Calcareous member, and a Lower or Siliceous one. This division will also apply equally well to that part of Alabama north of the Tennessee river, but to the south, and everywhere in the narrow anti- clinal valleys of the State, this division will not suit, and we are compelled to make a different one. Like Prof. Saf- ford, however, we make a two fold division, the Fori Payne Chert below, and the Oxmoor Sandstone and Shales, and the Bangor Limestone above, roughly corresponding to the divisions of Prof. Safford, with the differences below specified. In the Tennessee Valley, the siliceous member of the Sab-Carboniferous consists of a great series of cherty lime- stones somewhat analogous to the Knox Dolomite, but with the lower part more cherty than the upper. This lower part gives rise to rather poor siliceous soils, and the region of its oscurrence both in Alabama and Tennessee is known as the "Barrens" ; the upper part of the Siliceous member is more calcareous and the soil derived from its disintegra- tion is a red loam of more than ordinary fertility, well known in the Tennessee Valley as making the best farming lands of that section. Here again there is an analogy to the Knox Dolomite, which affords on the one hand rich red loam soils, and on the other poor cherty ridges. The chert of the Sub- Carboniferous is in general very similar to that of the Knox Dolomite, but differs from it in being usually very highly fossiliferous, containing the casts or moulds of shells that have been leached or dissolved out. 15G GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. This character of the Sub-Carboniferous chert, and the presence of the rhombohedral cavities in the chert of Knox Dolomite enable us in almost every case to distinguish be- tween the two. Now, in the anticlinal valleys south of the Tennessee river we find itimpossible to carryoutthis two- fold division of the lower or Siliceous member of the Sub-Carboniferous, for the entire member shows, upon the surface at least, little else than chert, which appears in a mantle of angular frag- ments, covering usually one side of all our Red Mountain ridges, a We have called this the Fort Panne Chert, and it is prob- ably the representative of both the subdivisions of the lower Sub-Carboniferous or Siliceous group, of North Alabama and Tennessee, as long ago conjectured by Prof. Safford. Its thickness is not very great as compared with that of the upper member. The Upper Calcareous member is variable in composition. In North Alabama it is chiefly a limestone called Mountain Limes'one, from the fact that it forms the flanks of most of the mountains in that section that are capped with the Coal Measures, h Within this limestone there is interbedded a layer of sandstone of variable thickness, perhaps 100 feet at a maxi- mum in the Tennessee Valley, while the over and underly- ing limestones are many times that. As we come southward, the sandstone becomes more important, and the lower sec- tion of the limestone appears to give way to, or to be re- placed by, a series of black shales closely resembling those of the Devonian but many times more massive. In many places in the anticlinal valleys, and especially the further south we go, the upper limestone also appears to be want- ing or to be replaced by the shales and sandstones above named. The limestone which comes next below the Coal a We have already adverted to the fact that these Red Mountain ridges are formed of the Clinton, the Black Shale and the Sab-Carboni- ferous chert, and the same structure has been mentioned by Safford as characterizing the Dye Stone ridges of Tennessee. b The name, however, comes from Europe, where it appears jn similar relations to the Coal Measures. VALLEY REGION; CHARACTERS OF THE ROCKS. 157 Measures is well exposed at many places as at Bangor, Blount Springs, and Trussville, where it is very extensively quarried for use as a fluxing material in the furnaces, as it is in part a very pure limestone, but south of the latitude of Birmingham it is very rarely seen, and in its stead we find the black shales mentioned. These shales are often inter- stratified with dark colored limestones and sometimes with tolerably pure limestones, but these are unimportant in thickness as compared with the shales and sandstones. The greater part of Shades Valley is based upon these sandstones and shales, though the limestone appears in several places. The sandstone which in North Alabama lies between the two beds of Mountain Limestone, has a very close resemblance in texture and other characters to the lowermost rocks of the Coal Measures commonly called the Millstone grit, and it makes its appearance in that part of the State either as a bench along the sides of the Cumber- land Mountain spurs, or else as the capping and protecting rock of a detached ridge separated from the Sand Mountain (Coal Measures), by a narrow valley of erosion. In the anti- clinal valleys further south, this sandstone with the litholo- gical characters above named, appears commonly as a distinct ridge running parallel to the escarpment of the Coal Measures, with a narrow valley of shales between. It ap- pears to best advantage on one of the detached ridges above spoken of, near Tuscumbia, at the site of the old college town of Lagrange, and we have often used the name Lagrange Sandstone to designate it; but the name Lagrange has been used to denote an entirely difi'erent formation which has caused us to replace it by the name Oxrnoor, where the rocks are also well exposed, and where the shales are more conspicuous than at Lagrange. Coal Pleasures. — Of these rocks it does not seem necessary to speak in detail, since Mr. Squire has described the Coal Measures of the Cahaba Field, and since the measures of all the Alabama fields were probably once continuous, the description of the rocks of one will answer for all. CRETACEOUS. — In the lower part of the area shown in the map our study of the distribution of the rocks of older 158 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. formations is often very much hindered by the fact that they are more or less completely covered by superficial beds of sand and clay which have been spread over them after they had through the agencies above spoken of, been carved into topographic forms substantially the same as they now ex- hibit. The materials of this later formation are often dis- tinguished by a purple or dark red color, the sands are mostly yellow, and show lines of cross-bedding, the gravels are unevenly distributed, and much less abundant than the sands. The clays as well as the sands with which they are in- ter stratified, are more particularly characterized by the pur- ple color mentioned, but there are many beds of the clay that are light gray and white. In a few places these clays are utilized for making refractory bricks, and the better grades of pottery, as at Woodstock, Bibbville, and Tuscaloosa. With careful selection and manipulation, there is hardly - doubt that these clays will be found suitable for all the uses to which the New Jersey clays are put, since they are es- sentially similar and belong to the very same geological formation. The formation contains a good deal of iron, which appears in the form of sandy and aluminous ores with 25 to 35 per cent, of metallic iron, usually scattered over the summits and along the slopes of the low hills of this region. The per cent, of iron is as a rule too low, and that of the silica too high to permit of these ores being used while we have such an abundance of ores of better grade. POST TERTIARY.— Over the greater part of the State, except perhaps the extreme northeast, we find surface beds of very similar materials to those just described overlying the older formations. From about the limits marked on the map for the Tuscaloosa beds to the extreme border of the State towards the southwestward, we find these later beds occupying the surface, often to the extent of completely hiding the older rocks below, and forming the great bulk of the cultivated soils from the latitude of Tuscaloosa down. The distribution of these later beds within the limits of this map may be considered the same as that shown for the Tuscaloosa, and indeed where one is present the other is also in most cases, the Tuscaloosa below, the Orange Sand, VALLEY REGION ; DISTRIBUTION OF THE ROCKS. 159 as it has been called, above. Until a few years ago, they were univer3ally confounded or at least not distinguished from each other, and the whole of these surface beds were thought to be Post-Tertiary, a confusion that very naturally followed from the great similarity not only of the material but of the mode of distribution, and the stratigraphy. In for- mer reports we have called these Drift beds, but it seems bestto employ the name originally used by Dr. Hilgard to designate them, viz., Orange Sand. In his report Mr. Squire speaks of the Drift beds which cover so much of the Coal Measures of the Cahaba Field in its lower part. These covering beds are in reality both Drift or Orange Sand, and Tuscaloosa. In the coloring of the map it has not been attempted to show the Orange Sand, since its distribution is to all intents and purposes identical with that of the Tuscaloosa formation. III. DISTRIBUTION OF THE ROCKS OF THE DIF- FERENT GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS IN THE VALLEYS BORDERING THE CAHABA COAL FIELD. In the preceding pages we have endeavored to describe in a general way, the foldings, fractures, and displacements which the great rock masses of the Appalachian region have sustained through the action of the lateral pressure to which they have been subjected. This was done for the reason that, without some knowledge of the main types of geological structure prevailing in this region, it would be impossible to account for the present distribution and attitude of rocks of the different geological formations which appear in the two valleys which we shall attempt to describe. We have already referred to the fact that with the flexing of the strata the crests of the arches, being lines of greatest strain were weakened, and fractured, and thus more easily wasted by erosion, and it is not surprising that, in process of time through the action of denuding forces, valleys should come to occupy the places once held by these arches. It is also plain that when the crests of these arches have been carried away by erosion, the remnants of the strata com. 160 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. posing them will be exposed in the valleys in parallel bands, the oldest formation in the central part or axis of the valley, while on each side of this axis, and dipping or sloping away from it in opposite directions (anticlinal), will occur in regular succession, the newer formations up to the highest. Thus, beginning with the Coal Measures on, say, the northwest side of such a valley and crossing it towards the southeast, we should pass in succession over the strata, all dipping to the northwest, of the Sub- Carboniferous Devonian and Silurian to the Cambrian, which, as the lowest* of the geological series, would occupy the central area. Beyond this then would follow, on the other side of the axis of the anticlinal, the same formations, only in the reverse order, and dipping towards the southeast; thus Silurian, Devonian, Sub- Carboniferous, to the Measures of the Coal Field on that side. Now, as a matter of fact, simple, symmetrical, anticlinal structure is rarely seen in any of our valleys, the nearest approach to it in the region here treated of being east of the Blount Mountain, and east of McAshan Mountain, but in both these cases the full series is lacking on one side of the anticlinal, by reason of a second fold or of a fault, as will be seen in the special description given further on. As a rule we find a prevalence of southeasterly dips even on the northwestern side of the anticlinals. This could come about only by the overlap of the fold in that direction and the compressing together of strata so that they all dip the same way; or by an overlapped fold combined with a fault. In the first case we should have a repetition of the strata on each side of the central area, while in the other case only a part of the constituent strata of the anticlinal would appear on one side of the anticlinal, the rest being hidden under the overthrust measures of the other side. A study of the map will show that the last named order of things prevails in the great majority of cases. Before going on to the special description of the valleys, it will be instructive to give a general section across the whole area of the map at a point where the structure is seen in its simplest form. The accompanying diagram showing a cross section from VALLEY REGION ; DISTRIBUTION OF THE ROCKS. 161 the Warrior to the Coosa Coal Field, through Birmingham, exhibits the main types of geological structure occurring in this part of the State, with the exception of those folds •which show a prevailing dip in the northwest direction, of which mention has been made above, and which will be more particularly described in the proper place. It must, however, be borne in mind that the diagram is not intended to give with absolute fidelity the section across the valley along a particular narrow line, but is rather in- tended to give the extremes occurring within somewhat widely separated limits. To illustrate : the red ore of the Clinton formation appears in Little Oak Mountain "i" in one or two places only, in the Cahaba Valley ; and still less frequently, or rather in a much more fragmentary way, does it appear on the flint ridge "a" west of Birmingham ; to the west of the fault beyond Opossum Valley we scarcely ever see so full a series as here shown of the beds between the fault and the Coal Measures in the vicinity of this cross section, though it appears farther to the northeast towards Murphree's Valley. Keeping these things in mind, we shall find the diagram of service. Beginning on the right hand of the diagram we see the Measures forming the northwestern border of the Coosa Coal Field overlooking with a steep face the valley to the northwest, the strata of the field dipping back to the south- east. Going thence to the northwest across the valley, we pass over the beds of the Sub-Carboniferous, Devonian, Trenton, Knox Dolomite, and Cambrian ; all dipping south- east, and all forming the half of a fold or anticlinal uplift. But next beyond the Cambrian we come to the strata of the Cahaba Coal Field, with a vertical dip, and in immediate contact with the Cambrian ; an association of strata which could come only from a break and sliding of the beds on one side of the break upon and over those on the other side. We see here that we have only the one side of a fold, or arch, and that a break has occurred along the crest of this fold, and the southeastern side has glided up over the northwestern side. We also observe that the beds of the Coal Measures adjacent to this break stand at a vertical angle, as a result 11 162 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. of the break and the sliding up of the Cambrian beds. Be- yond this point the strata of the Cahaba Field soon flatten down, and assume a dip to the southeast, these southeast- erly dipping beds taken together with the vertical ones just mentioned, constituting a synclinal basin with its axis verv near to the southeastern edge. The coal beds occurring in the vertical measures are undoubtedly the same as those occurring in the flatter measures just beyond, but we have the authority of Mr. Squire for saying that it is in most cases impossible to correlate the seams in the vertical measures with those that have not been so much disturbed. It is evident from this that the fault has broken up and dis- placed these coal seams so that they do not now occupy their relative positions in every case. As we cross the Oahaba Field we notice that the strata, with local exceptions, have a dip to the southeast, and the prevailing dip shows that the strata are gradually rising into another anticlinal fold which also includes all the underlying formations of Shades Valley, Red Mountain, and of the Birmingham Valley, as far west as the foot of the flint ridge "a" upon which is the cemetery. Here occurs another fault of the same nature as the one first described, except that the amount of the displacement is not by any means so great. At the eastern foot of this flint ridge, we find the strata standing in many places nearly vertical, as they do at the eastern edge of the Cahaba Coal Field. Along this line of fault the Cambrian of the valley lies in contact with the strata of the Knox Dolomite in most places, but an occasional bed of limestone and numerous fragments of red ore containing fossils which belong to the Clinton fauna, show that the Trenton and the Red Mountain or Clinton groups of the upper Silurian formation have not been entirely removed in the erosion of the valley. Beyond the flint ridge just mentioned, we come, in going westward, again to the Cambrian strata, which, in a great measure, form the underlying beds of this second valley known as 'Possum Valley. Across it we come to a third fault which brings this Cambrian formation in contact with overlying beds, such as Trenton, Clinton, Sub- Carbonifer- ous, and Coal Measures ; for the fault does not by any means SKCTION N.W. AND S.E. FROM WARRIOR TO COOSA COAl. FIKM) IN THK VKMMty OF BIRMINGHAM ( nearly alone" line K.K oC map ) showing slruolui'c of Jones' Valley-Cahaba Coal Field -Cfiliaba Valley and pari of Coosa Coal Field iWappiopCoal Held! %()|k>sshiii Vallr ■^ f'oiU Mt'asuii's Oxmoop SiiiulMloiic find Sluilos I . , ,, , .,. .Siil)_(. ai-boiiitrrous I'ossililci'Dus Clierl iI'diI I'.iyiicii [ I 15 lack Shale J)cvoiii.iii IS^'-Sl Kod MoiiittainC Union l^^i Ti*enton Ijinrslonc ■-^-^ - Knox Dolonulc Krd Lands I Coosa VaUi\Y or Klalvvoods sha^v lancstoncs — Cambrian IJr.l Ml SIm(1c.sI| Valley! Cahaba Coal Field Cahaba Valley nOKIZONTAJ, SCAI.I-; •Vi.lli* ixcil TO THK MILK OK I lACII - TOifO I'KKT yKKTiCAr, scAi.K TwicK rill-; hokizontai. ou I INCH =,!r>l'0 KKKT (■., ( oM iv rid a = NoHli Mi>>blaiuls_('