Ig f 1 General Catalogue OF Kenyon College Gambier, Ohio The Franklin Printing & Engraving Co. Toledo, Ohio. INTRODUCTORY. THE General Catalogue of Kenyon College now issued is the first in many years, and is necessarily very incomplete. No register of matriculates who were not graduated having ever been prepared, the difficulty of securing their addresses has been very great, and the infor- mation even about graduates is full of gaps and inaccuracies. This Catalogue is, therefore, submitted to the Alumni and friends of Kenyon merely as a proof sheet for correction. It will be a great favor if all who can correct errors or suppl}' omissions will communicate their information to the President of the College, and if Alumni will notify the College authorities of changes of address. It is purposed hereafter to publish a General Catalogue at regular and frequent intervals, but accuracy cannot be attained with- out the co-operation of the Alumni and their friends. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Constitution of Kenyon College - 5 Rules Governing the Election of Alumni Trustees loa Register for 1899-1900 1 1 Alumni Associations, 1899 - — -- 20 Alumni and Matriculates of the Collegiate Department... 25 Alumni and Matriculates of the Theological Depart- ment — 79 Honorary Degrees 95 Valedictorians and Honor Men -102 Former Members of the Board of Trustees — 109 Former Members of the Faculty - 116 CONSTITUTION OF KENYON COLLEGE. Amended 1898. ARTICLE I. The Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the Diocese of Ohio, do hereby estabhsh a Seminary for the education of Ministers of the Gospel in said Church, and also a College, for general instruction in Literature and the Arts, with the necessary Preparatory Schools; such Insti- tution to be founded upon donations made, and to be made, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and in America, for that purpose. Said Institution to be known by the name of Kenyon College, in accordance with the original act of incorporation of December 29, A. D. 1824, and the order of Court changing the name thereof. ARTICLE II. The said Institution shall consist, first, of a Theological School; second, of a Collegiate School; third, of a Prepara- tory School, and such other schools as may be established by the Board of Trustees. Appropriate degrees may be conferred by the Faculties of the several Schools, respec- tively. ARTICLE III. The said Institution shall be established by the Conven- tion of the Diocese, at such place within the same as shall be consistent with the deed of donation, executed by the Bishop of Ohio, in England, on the 27th day of November, 1823. k'ENYON COLLEGE. ARTICLE IV. The direction and management of said Institution shall be vested in a Board of Trustees constituted according to the provisions of this and the following articles. The Bishops and Bishops- Coadjutor, if there be such, of all dio- ceses within the State of Ohio, and the President of the Institution, shall be ex-officio members of the Board. There shall be, also, other Clerical and Lay Trustees as follows, to-wit: Four Clerical and four Lay Trustees, who shall remain in office, in the first instance, two of them, to-wit : One Clergyman and one Layman, for the term of two, four, six, and eight years, respectively, and thereafter their suc- cessors shall hold their offices for the term of ten years, respectively. Said Clerical and Lay Trustees shall be mem- bers of the Protestant Episcopal Church. All vacancies that shall occur in said number shall be filled by the Board ; provided, that such vacancies shall be so filled as to give, so far as' practicable, an equal number of such Trustees to each of the Dioceses in the State of Ohio. And the Board of Trustees may, in its discretion, declare the office of any Trustee so chosen for ten years, to be vacated, whenever, having been duly notified, he shall have failed to attend a meeting of the Board for two consecutive years. Provided, that nothing herein shall be construed as to remove from office any member of the Board of Trustees as now consti- tuted. ARTICLE V. There shall be also six additional members of said Board, to-wit : Three Clerical and three Lay Trustees, to be chosen in equal numbers by the Conventions of the Dioceses in the State of Ohio. The term of office of said Trustees shall be for three years, or for a shorter period in case of an election to fill the vacancies occurring before the expiration of a full term. kENYON COLLEGE. 7 In case either of the Dioceses in the State of Ohio shall hereafter be divided, then, as to said last mentioned six Trustees and their successors, all vacancies that shall occur thereafter shall be so filled as to divide said last mentioned six Trustees, as nearly as may be, equally between and among all the Dioceses in the State of Ohio, in the order of seniority. But if said Dioceses shall increase to four or more, then each of said Dioceses shall be entitled to a rep- resentation of two Trustees in said Board, which shall be ipso facto enlarged to that extent for such purpose. Said Trustees shall be elected by the Conventions of said Dioceses by ballot, or in case the Convention of any such Diocese shall at any time adjourn without filling a vacancy which it may have the right to fill as aforesaid, then, and in all such cases, vacancies may be filled by the Convention of the Diocese in which said Institution may be situated; provided, that nothing herein shall be so construed as to remove from office any member of the Board of Trustees as now consti- tuted. ARTICLE VI. Every Trustee elected under Articles IV and V of this Constitution, shall be a citizen of Ohio; and if such Trustee shall, during the term for which he was elected, cease to be a bona-fide resident of the State, his office shall be thereby vacated, and his place shall be filled as in other cases. And no officer of the Institution, except the President, shall be eligible to said Board. ARTICLE VII. Six additional Trustees may be elected by the joint vote by ballot, under rules and regulations prescribed by the Board of Trustees, of the Alumni of the Theological School, the Alumni of the Collegiate School, and, after the gradu- ation of their respective classes, of matriculates of either of said schools; each of such six Trustees to be a graduate 8 KENYON COLLEGE. of at least three years standing of the Collegiate School or of at least three years standing of the Theological School; provided, that at least two of said Trustees shall be gradu- ates of the said Theological School. Two of said six Trus- tees shall be so elected annually ; and the term of office of said Trustees shall be for three years, or for a shorter period in case of filling vacancies occurring before the expiration of the full term. Provided, that nothing herein shall be so construed as to remove from office any member of the Board of Trustees as now constituted. ARTICIvE VIII. The Bishop and Bishop-Coadjutor of any Diocese outside the State of Ohio may become members of the Board by filing with its Secretary a w^ritten acceptance of an offer by the Board of such membership. And, upon such acceptance by its Bishop, one additional Trustee may be appointed, for the term of three years, by the Diocesan Convention of such Diocese. Eleven Trustees shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE IX.' The Bishops in the several Dioceses in Ohio, having jurisdiction, shall bear an equal relationship to the Board of Trustees; and shall each hold the office of President of the Board, for one year, in rotation. In the absence of all such Bishops, the senior Bishop present shall preside; and, in the absence of all the Bishops, a President pro tern, shall be chosen. The Bishop and Bishop-Coadjutor of any one , Diocese shall, both being present, have but one vote. ARTICLE X. The Board of Trustees shall have power to constitute Professorships and Faculties, and to appoint and remove a President of said Institution and Professors, and to pre- KENTON COLLEGE. 9 scribe courses of study, to make all rules and regulations and statutes, which may be necessary for the government of the Institution, and to secure its prosperity; provided, that all such rules, regulations, or other proceedings shall forever be in conformity to the doctrine, discipline, consti- tution and canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, and in respect to the Theo- logical School, to the course of study prescribed, or to be prescribed, by the Bishops of the said Church, and subject to the provisions of Articles XI and XII of this Consti- tution, and provided, also, that no course of study shall be prescribed for the Theological School without the assent- thereto of a majority of the Bishops of the Dioceses in Ohio. ARTICLE XI. If at any time the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, shall, by resolutions entered in their journals, declare any rule, regulation, statute or other proceedings of the Board of Trustees hereby constituted, to be contrary to the doctrine, discipline, constitution and canons of the Church, to the course of study prescribed by the Bishops, such rule, regu- lation, statute, or other proceedings, shall thenceforth cease to have effect, and shall be considered as abrogated and annulled. ARTICLE XII. The Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, shall, individually, and any two or more of them, be visitants of the Institution to take care that the course of discipline and instruction be conformable to the preceding provisions. And it shall be lawful for any one of the Bishops aforesaid, at any time, to institute, in his owm name and character as Bishop, any legal process to enforce and secure the administration of the Institution, according to the foundation herein prescribed. 10 KENYON COLLEGE. ARTICLE XIII. The direction of the religious services and the oversight of all other spiritual interests of the Institution are com- mitted to the Bishops in the State of Ohio, who shall, for this purpose, be considered as special visitors of the Insti- tution; provided, that nothing in this article shall be so construed as to interfere with the canonical authority of the Bishop in whose Diocese the Institution may be situated. The present property and funds of the corporation shall continue applicable only to such uses and purposes as were lawful and appropriate prior to the change of the name to "Kenyon College." ARTICLE XIV. This Constitution may be amended by the concurrent vote of a majority of the Board of Trustees, resident in the State of Ohio, of a majority of the Bishops in the Dioceses in Ohio, having jurisdiction, and of a majority of each of the Conventions of said Dioceses ; provided, that no altera- tion or amendment whatever be made in this Constitution, whereby the funds of the Institution, raised in England, be appropriated to any other use than the education and theo- logical instruction of students for the ministry in the Pro- testant Episcopal Church. This proviso, however, does not preclude the lawfulness and constitutionality of establishing a College, and making provision, so far as practicable, for the admission of other students, at their own expense, to the benefit of a College education. KENVOX COLLEGE. VOa RULES GOVERNING THE ELECTION OF ALUMNI TRUSTEES. I. The election shall be held annually, in the afternoon of Commencement Day in Ascension Hall, or any other hall or place on the Hill designated by the President of the Alumni Association, notices of which shall be posted near the Middle Path during the day of such election. II. At the annual election the ballots shall specify the names of the candidates required to fill the Alumni's quota and the terms for which they are to be elected. III. The chairman of the Alumni meeting shall appoint two or more Inspectors of Election, whose duty it shall be to receive and count the ballots and report the results in compliance with these regulations. IV. Each ballot shall be signed by the voter and may be delivered to the Inspectors by hand, or may be sent by mail. A ballot sent by mail must be accompanied by such certificate as will enable the Inspectors to identify the sender as a qualified voter. V. A ballot shall not be rejected by the Inspectors for informality in the mode of sending it, if the Inspectors are satisfied from the best of evidence attainable that said ballot has in fact been made by the legal voter whose ballot it is claimed to be; but this rule shall not be construed to sanc- tion voting by proxy nor to legalize a ballot not signed by the voter himself. VI. The Inspectors shall receive the ballots and shall count them as soon as a reasonable opportunity to vote has been given all matriculates present. 10/:> KENYON COLLEGE. VII. If at any balloting there shall not be a majority of votes cast for one of the candidates for the' designated term, then another ballot for such term shall be taken, at which the persons who received the two highest numbers of votes at the last balloting shall be candidates and be credited the number of votes sent by letter, and unrevoked, which each received at the former balloting; provided that the ballots sent by letter of any who is present shall not be counted in any except the first balloting, but such person and all other matriculates present shall be permitted to vote in person ; and provided, also, that other nominations be made a'^ter the first balloting, but no balloting shall be valid unless the whole number of ballots counted shall equal thirty. VIII. The Inspectors shall make a certificate of the result, specifying the names of the persons voted for and the number of votes received by each at the final balloting for any term, and shall deliver to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees the said certificates. IX. The Secretary of the Alumni Association, before May I St of each year, shall mail to the address of each matriculate of the Theological and Collegiate School who are entitled to vote a notice stating the number of members of the Board and the terms for which they are chosen at the next election, and inviting nominations of candidates for the various terms to be filled. On the 15th of May, or within a day or two thereafter, the said Secretary shall mail to the address of said matriculates a list of the names of persons nominated, stating the number of votes each has received, designating the term for which he received them, and inviting a second ballot confined to the candidates for whom the three highest numbers of nominating votes for any particular term have been cast. On the ist day of June, or within a day or two thereafter, the said Secretary KENYON COLLEGE. lOt shall mail to the address of each of said matriculates a notice giving the names of the candidates in the last nominating ballot who have received the two highest numbers of votes for any particular term, stating the number of votes each of these nominees has received, and that these names consti- tute the candidates for their respective terms to be balloted for at the balloting of the election for that year, subject to Regulation VII. X. In case of the resignation of any member of the Board of Trustees elected under Article VII. of the Consti- tion, such resignation shall be tendered to and acted upon by the Board of Trustees, whose Secretary shall notify the President of the Alumni Association, and upon the accept- ance of the resignation of any such member, or upon the death of any member elected under said section, a vacancy in such office shall be declared to exist by such President, and a successor shall be elected to fill the unexpired term caused by such resignation or death, at the time of, and so far as practicable, according to the regulations for holding the annual elections under said Article. Provided that the inability because of lack of time to follow any of the nomi- nating steps under Regulation IX. .shall not invalidate an election under Regulation X. REGISTER KENYON COLLEGE 1 899- 1 900 12 . KENYON COLLEGE. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Ex-Officio. THE RT. REV. BOYD VINCENT, D. D., Bishop Coadjutor of Southern Ohio, {President for the Year.) THE RT. REV. WILLIAM A. LEONARD, D. D., Bishop of Oliio. THE REV. WILLIAM FOSTER PEIRCE, A. M., L. H. D., President of Kenyon College. Permanent Members Elected Under Constitution, Article VIII. THE RT. REV. CORTLANDT WHITEHEAD, D. D., Bishop of Pittsburg. THE RT. REV. JOHN HAZEN WHITE, D. D., Bishop of Michigan City. THE RT. REV. LEWIS W. BURTON, D. D., Bishop of Lexington. THE RT. REV. WILLIAM E. McLAREN, D. D., Bishop of Chicago. THE RT. REV. GEORGE W. PETERKIN, D. D., Bishop of West Virginia. THE RT. REV. THEODORE N. MORRISON, D. D., Bishop of Iowa. KENYON COLLEGE. 13 Elected by the Board of Trustees, Under Article IV. Term Expires. The Rev. Cleveland K. Benedict, Glendale —..1901 Mr. D. B. Kirk. Mount Vernon _ 1901 The Rev. A. B. Putnam, Mansfield - 1905 Charles E. Burr, LL. D., Columbus -- 1905 The Very Rev. Charles D. Williams, Cleveland --1907 The Hon. Albert Douglass, Chillicothe 1907 The Rev. John H. Ely, College Hill 1909 Mr. Samuel Mather, Cleveland - 1909 Elected by the Conventions of the Dioceses of Ohio and Southern Ohio, Under Article V. Term E.xpires The Rev. F. W. Bope, Zanesville - - .1900 Mr. John S. Ringvvalt, Mount Vernon 1900 The Rev. A. L. Frazer, Youngstown. - 1901 Mr. E. M. Wood, Dayton ..- -. 1901 The Rev. John Hewitt, Columbus - 1902 Judge U. L. Marvin, Akron 1902 Elected by the Alumni, Under Article VII. Term. Expires. The Rev. David H. Greer, D. D., New York City 1900 Florien Giauque, LL. D., Cincinnati .1900 The Rev. Wm. Thompson, Pittsburg, Penn .1901 James H. Dempsey, Esq., Cleveland— -—.1901 The Rev. Chas. S. Aves, Norwalk. : .._-1902 The Hon. T. P. Linn, Columbus — 1902 Elected by the Conventions of Dioceses Outside Ohio, Under Article VIII. Term Expires. The Rev. William Edward Rambo, (Pittsburg), Brownsville, Penn - - 1902 The Rev. Robert Grattan Noland, (Lexington), Covington, Ky. .1902 The ^ev. Peter Clark Wolcott, (Chicago), Highland Park, 111. 1902 14 KENYON COLLEGE. OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND GOVERNMENT. THE REV. WILLIAM FOSTER PEIRCE, A. M., (Amherst), L. H. D., (Hobart), President. Spencer and Wolfe Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy. THE REV. EDWARD C. BENSON, A. M., (Kenyon), D. D., (University of the South), LL. D., (Nashville). Emeritus Professor of the Latin Language and Literature. THEODORE STERLING, A. M., M. D., LL. D., (Hobart), Peabody Professor of Mathematics and Civil Engineering, and Dean of the Collegiate Department. THE REV. HOSEA WILLIAMS JONES, D. D., (Kenyon), Eleutheros Cooke Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Church Polity, and Dean of the Theological Seminary. THE REV. JACOB STREIBERT, A. M., Ph. D., (Hamilton), Griswold Professor of Old Testament Instruction. LESLIE HOWARD INGHAM, A. M., (Dartmouth), Bowler Professor of Physics and Chemistry. THE REV. CHARLES L. FISCHER, A. M.. D. D., (Trinity), Bedell Professor of New Testament Instruction. HENRY TITUS WEST, A. M., (Oberlin), Professor of Modern Languages. THE REV. DAVID FELIX DAVIES, A. M., D. D., (Marietta), Milnor and Lewis Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Moral Theology and Christian Evidences. KENYOX COLLEGE. 15 CHARLES HENRY ADAMS WAGER, A. B., (Colgate), Ph. D., (Yale), Mcllvaine Professor of the English Language and Literature. BARKER NEWHALL, A. M., ( Haverford ) , Ph. D., (Johns Hopkms), Professor of the Greek Language and Literature. JAMES BYRNIE SHAW, Sc. D., (Purdue), Instructor in Mathematics. THE REV. FRANKLIN SMEDLEY MOORE. A. M., (Hobart), Chaplain. GEOR(JE BKtELOW SCHLEY, Laboratory Assistant in Physics. WALTER JAMES MORRIS, Laboratory Assistant in Chemistry. HARRY NEVILLE HILLS, A. M., (Kenyon), Regent of the Military Academy. C. N. WYANT, (University of Virginia), Regent of the Military Accademy. Masters at the Military Academy. J. B. (xREENE,A.M., (St. John's) Head Master. COL. HENRY T. THOMPSON. A. B., (Union) __ .Commandant. HERBERT F. WILLIAMS, A. B., KENNETH BEAL. A. B., HUGH S. MITCHELL, A. B., LESTER B. JONES, A. B., LEONARD K. SMITH, A. B., HENRY T. TANNER, A. B. 16 KENYON COLLEGE. COLLEGE STUDENTS. Senior Class. Eugene Frederick Bigler - Mount Vernon. James Vinton Blake.. ....Akron. Arthur Wiley Davies - Gambler. Walter Philo Doolittle Gambler. Clarence Herman Foster ...Elyria. Henry Goodman Grler ...Steubenville. Thomas Eccleston Hayward.. '- Decatur, 111. Simeon Arthur Huston Hartwell. Warren Howard Mann Gambler. Thos. Guthrey Clifton McCalla .....Mount Vernon. John Benjamin- Myers..— Hartwell. Raymond Terry Sawyer ^ Cleveland. Rufus Southworth.. Salem. Carl Andrew Squire ...— ...Cleveland. Arthur Gwatkin Stiles Richwood. Josephus George Tilton Bangs. Junior Class. Eugene Stolt Ballard New York, N. Y. Lloyd Albert Grigsby .....Circleville. Marcus Moses Gunlefinger .Warren. Roy Cool Harper Zanesville. Jay Alvin Higbee — Toledo. Charles Frizzel Magee Findlay. Edward John McCutcheon Lancaster. Charles Sumner Owen.. _. Mount Vernon. George Frederick Russell Gambler. Arturo Vall-Spinosa. Ponce, Porto Rico. Arthur Rowland Williams Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. William Edward Wright, Jr — Big Rapids, Mich A'/'SM'O.V COLLEGE. 17 Sophomore Class. Arthur James Aubrev. Arthur Tipton Bagley Joel Kell Brandon..— Bates Gilbert Burt John Kitteridge Coolidge Wilbur Love Cummings Richard Grey Cunningham Edgar Felix Davies Arthur Lorin Devol Elroy Leander Farquhar ;..... James Elliott Farquhar . Convers Goddard Albert Gallatin LiddelL Paul Mortier Lybarger Walter James Morris Alonzo Ferris Nichol .. Edward James Owen Clarence Chancy Park . Dwight Lowell Parsons Edward Allen Rodgers George Bigelow Schley Otis Alexander Simpson James Franz vSkogland James Garfield Stewart Brent Mcllvaine Tanner (Jeorge Burton Voorheis James Oliver Wallace Edgar Benjamin Wertheimer Franklin Guernza Workman Orlin W^orkman... Howard Buttles Wright Voungstown. -- — -Zanesville. Chicago, 111. Ironwood, Mich. Cincinnati. Springfield. Gambler. Gambler. Gambler. Gambier. Gambier. -Zanesville. - Pittsburg, Penn. - Gambier. — r- - Lima. Granville. Canton. Mount Vernon. - Kent. -- - .Youngstown. Indianapolis, Ind. -Toledo. Wellington. Springfield. New Orleans, La. -Toledo. Pittsburg, Penn. ...Newport News, Va. - Danville. ...Danville. Akron. Freshmen. Royal Hunt Balcom Jackson, Mich. Corline Oga Beum Danville. James Dale Bradfield .. Danville. Ralph Butler ......_... ...Sandusky. Kitto vStanley Carlisle .....-._ Gambier. Theodore Mithoflf Cartmell ., Lancaster. Lyle-Tate Paul Cromley.. , Mount Vernon . 18 KENYON COLLEGE. John Francis Cuff --- - - .....Napoleon. George Davidson -.. - --- - -Kansas City, Kan. William H. Eisenmann..- .- - -- --- ...Jamestown. Thomas Jewett Goddard ...Zanesville. Charles Clark Hammond Steubenville. Roy Hunter -..-. -— - -- -Danville. Walter Scott Jackson - - Lima. Martin Sylvester Kelly ..-.....- - ..Mount Vernon. William Garfield Koons - ......Mount Vernon. Clifford Lybarger ..-.. ....Gambier. Walter Sapp Miller - -.. - - .....Danville. Cameron Swazey Morrison - Davenport, la. Rufus Ralph Munger - - — - Geneva. Allan Franklin Muter - Youngstown. Henry William Prior ...Cuyahoga Falls. Howard Clark Rose - East Cleveland. Francis Carl Smallman - - .Wauseon. Arthur Leslie Van Horn ...Centerburg. Hugh Fleming Van Nest, Jr .....Jackson, Mich. Frederic Lewis White.. -- ....Gambier. Karl Dayton Williams...... 1 - .....Monroeville. William Nelson Wyant Canton . Special Students. Russell Kirby Caulk ..-St. Michael's, Md. Walter Thomas Collins .Chicago, 111. Edgerton Fillmore - Zanesville. J. C. Ingham St. Louis, Mo. Francis Mcllwain.. Peninsula. Edward Tunmore. ......Toledo. Lawrence Robert Wright .-. Gambier. k'ENVON COLLEGE. 19 THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS. Seniors. Charles E. Byrer, A. B .-Southern Ohio. Arthur Dumper, A. B _. _ .'...Ohio. William A. Grier, B. S... Ohio. Edwin B. Redhead, A. B. ._ Ohio. Charles S. Reifsnider, A. B... .....Ohio. Herbert Stocks, A. B _ .....Ohio Middle Class. Charles W. Cook Western Texas. Jay Johnson Dimon, A. B. ; .Ohio. William Martin Sidener, A. B Ohio. Charles Wesley Spicer, A. B.... .....Southern Ohio. William A. Stimson.... Ouincy. Juniors. Charles Clinch Bubb, Jr., A. B ...Ohio. Charles P. Burnett Ohio. Louis E. Daniels..... _. Spokane. Frank Roudenbush, A. B ...Western Michigan. Special Student. Frank R. Jones „ ....Oklahoma. 20 KEN YON COLLEGE. KENYON ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS. THE GENERAL ASSOCIATION. President. WILLIAM P. ELLIOTT, ESQ., 70, Chicago, 111. First Vice-President. THE RT. REV. JOHN HAZEIST WHITE, D. D., 72, Michigan City, Ind. Second Vice-President. GEORGE JONES PEET, ESQ., '65, New York, N. Y. Third Vice-President. JAMES KILBOURNE JONES, ESQ., '58, Columbus. Secretary. FRANCIS WHARTON BLAKE, M. D., '80, Columbus. Treasurer. THE VERY REV. HOSEA WILLIAMS JONES, D. D., 70, (Bexley), Gambler. Necrologist. THE REV. PROF. EDWARD C. BENSON, D. D., LL. D., '49, Gambier. Executive Committee. The President, The First Vice-President, The Secretary, The Second Vice-President, The Treasurer, Harry Neville Hills, '77, Gambier. KENVON COLLEGE. 21 THE ASSOCIATION OF NORTHERN OHIO. President. THE HON. A. J. RICKS, '65, Cleveland. First Vice-President. J. M. HENDERSON, ESQ., '62, Cleveland. Second Vice-President. JAMES LAWRENCE, ESQ., '71, Cleveland. Secretary and Treasurer. ALFRED H. GRANGER, '87. Chicago, 111. Historian. THE REV. JOHN SKILTON, '88, Ogontz, Penn. Executive Committee. J. H. Dempsey, Esq., '82, F. H. Ginn, Esq., '90, The Rev. E. S. Barkdull, '95, L. M. Snyder, Esq., '85, William M. Raynolds, Esq., '73. 22 KEN YON COLLEGE. THE ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAI. OHIO. President. COLONEL JAMES KILBOURNE, '62, Columbus. Vice-President. JOHN B. DESHLER, Columbus. Secretary and Treasurer. FRANCIS W. BLAKE, M. D., '80, Columbus. Executive Committee. The President, A. N. Whiting, '60, The Secretary, Albert Douglass, Esq., '72, D. B. Kirk, Esq., '69. THE ASSOCIATION OF CINCINNATI AND VICINITY. President. THE REV. JOHN H. ELY, '71, College Hill, Hamilton County. Vice-President. N. L. PIERSON, '80, College Hill, Hamilton County. Secretary and Treasurer. JOHN D. FOLLETT, Esq., '93, Clifton, Cincinnati. kENYON COLLEGE. 23 THE ASSOCIATION IN THE EAST. President. THE REV. DAVID H. GREER, D. D., '66, 342 Madison Avenue, New York City. Vice-Presidents. COL. JOHN J. McCOOK, '66, 120 Broadway, New York City. FRANCIS B. SWAYNE, 97 Broadway, New York City. THE REV. WILLIAM B. BODINE, D. D., 4025 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Secretary. FRANCIS T. A. JUNKIN, '84, 11 Jackson Street, Chicago, 111. Executive Committee. The President, Col. J. E. Jacobs, '58, The Vice-Presidents, Grove D. Curtis, '80, The Secretary, John Brooks Leavitt, '68. 24 KENYON COLLEGE. THE ASSOCIATION OF CHICAGO. President. HENRY J. PEET, '70, 1103 Ashland Block, Chicago, 111. Vice-President. THE REV. GEORGE B. PRATT, '62, San Juan, Porto Rico. Secretary and Treasurer. FRED. W. HARNWELL, '89, 33 Portland Block, Chicago. Executive Committee. Martin A. Mayo, '85, Charles M. Poague, '78, Earnest A. Oliver, '83. Alumni and Matriculates COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT 1826-1899 26 KENYON COLLEGE. 1829. *The Rev. Alfred Blake, A. M. (1832), D. D. (1874). Died Janu- ary 30, 1877, Gambler. *James Balloch Chase, A. M. (1845). *The Rev. Samuel Chase, A. M., D. D. Died January 15, 1878, Robin's Nest, 111. *The Rev. George Denison, A. M. (1832). Died 1861, Keokuk, la. *The Hon. Philander Chase Freeman. Died April 22, 1871, Clare- mont, N. H. *Burwell B. Sayer. 1830. *The Rev. Henry Caswell, A. M. (1833), D. D. (1854). Died De- cember 17, 1870, Franklin, Penn. *William S. Drummond. Died 1831, Steubenville. *James Hunter. *The Rev. Alexander Norris. Died 1840. 183I. *David C. Biggs. *The Rev. John Hill Drummond. Died December 28, 1878, New York, N. Y. The Rev. James C. Wheat, A. M. (1846), D. D., Lynnwood, Va. 1832. *The Hon. David Davis, LL. D. Died June 26, 1886, Blooming- ton, 111. *James Denison, A. M. (1852). *John L. Miner. Died August 30, 1877, Cincinnati. *The Rev. Dexter Potter. Died April 1, 1881, Cambridge, Mass. 1833- *The Rev. Sherlock Anson Bronson, A. M. (1836), D. D. (1848), LL. D. (1885). Died March 7, 1890. *William B. Hooke. *The Rev. Richard K. Meade. Died November 17, 1892, Char- lottesville, Va. *The Rev. Lancelot B. Miner. Died May 29, 1843, in Africa. KENYON COLLEGE. 27 * Judge Edward M. Phelps. *The Rt. Rev. Joseph Pere Bell Wilmer, D. D. Died December 2, 1878, New Orleans, La. 1834. *The Rev. Norman Badger, A. M. (1837). Died June 3, 1876, Fort Concho, Tex. *John Blackburn. *William J. Edmondson Tuck, A. M. (1845), M. D. Died 1860, Memphis, Tenn. *Thomas P. Harrison, M. D., A. M. (1860). *The Rev. Thomas E. Locke. Died May 12, 1897, in Virginia. *The Rev. Francis H. McGuire. Died 1866, Mechlenburg, Va. Francis B. Meade, Millwood, Va. *Joseph C. Weatherby, M. D., A. M. (1846). 1835. *Judge Joseph S. Davis. Died December 21, 1884, Mount Vernon. John B. Foster, A. M. (1838), M. D., Athens, Tenn. *The Rev. William Hodges, A. M. (1838), D. D. (1860). Died April, 1881, West River, Md. *The Rev. John G. Maxwell, A. M. (1846). Died 1867, Philadel- phia, Penn. *William Byrd Page, M. D. Died February 18, 1877, Philadelphia, Penn. *The Rev. Robert Doyne Shindler, A. M. (1852). Died August 25, 1874, Nacogdoches, Tex. *John H. Smith, M. D. *The Rev. George Wells. Died 184—. Non-Graduates. *John Bond. *Alfred Emerson. *RufusKing, LL. D. (1877). Died 1893, Cincinnati. * James S. McCaleb. *The Rev. Cleland Kinloch Nelson, D. D. Died October 29, 1890, Louisville, Ky. *Robert S. Reeder. *Jonathan J. Slocum. *The Rev. John T. Towles. Died April 16, 1885. 28 KENYON COLLEGE. 1836. ^William A. M. Brooke, A. M. (1839). Died April 10, 1840, Mount Vernon. *The Rev. Richard T. Brown, A. M. (1839). *George E. Hogg. Died May 23, 1893, Brownsville, Penn. *Francis K. Hunt. Died April 2, 1879, Lexington, Ky. *Charles E. Johnson. Died 1837. *The Rev. William H. Kinkle. Died March 2, 1867, Lynchburg, Va. *The Rev. Edwin N. Lightner, A. M. (1839). Died June 12, 1881, Riverside, Penn. *Charles B. Mallett. Died July 7, 1872, Fayetteville, N. C. ^Asaph L. Mehurin. Died 1838, Vicksburg,' Miss. *Robert Moore. *The Rev. Peter S. Ruth, A. M. (1839). Died July 9, 1894. Non-Graduates. *John Anistake. *Homer Anderson. *Alexander St. Clair Boys. ■*Richard L. Brown. Thomas J. Claggett. *Francis H. Hooke. *Henry D. Kendall. *John Lewis. *Nicholas S. Malbone. *Thomas A. Marshall. *A. T. McClintock. *William Mills. *James B. Minor. *William B. Smedes. *Henry Woods. 1837. *Prof. Samuel H. Burnside. Died 1852, Marshall, Tex. *Fenton M. Craighill. *The Hon. Henry Winter Davis. Died December 30, 1865, Balti- more, Md. *The Rev. Charles Edward Douglass, A. M. (1842). *The Rev. Stephen Griffith Gassaway, A. M. (1840). Died Feb- ruary 15, 1854, St. Louis, Mo. KENYON COLLEGE. 29 *The Rev. John Henshaw, A. M. (1840). Died 1846, Noxubie County, Miss. *John Howard, A. M. (1859). Died May 9, 1878, Dayton. *The Rev. Rudolphus K. Nash, A. M. (1854). Died March 7, 1889, Zanesville. ^Horace Smith, A. M. (1840). *Thomas Sparrow, A. M. (1840). Died August 7, 1871, Columbus. *The Rev. John Ufford, A. M. (1840), D. D. (1870). Died June 19, 1881, Delaware. *The Rev. John A. Wilson, A. M. (1840), D. D. (1878). Died May 7, 1885. Non-Graduates. Isaac J. Allen. Henry P. Ames. William W. Backus. John D. Caldwell, Cincinnati. James G. Calender. *Lieut. Herman Canfield. Killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Abel A. Case. Anson Clark. Sheldon Davis. George B. Dunkel. William H. Food. David B. Gill. Abraham E. Gwynne. Charles A. Harper. Sabin Hough. *Judge Rollin C. Hurd. Died February, 1874, Mount Vernon. Andrew R. Jackson. John Locke. John L. Marye. Harrison McMurtrie. Henry C. Middleton. *The Rev. Solon C. Putnam. Died 1839, Granville. James G. Ship. Henry B. Swearingen. Thomas L. Waddill. Allen E. Wolcott. Hiram L. White. 30 KENYON COLLEGE. 1838. Andrew E. Douglass, A. M. (1841), 9 East Fifty-fourth Street, New York, N. Y. *Luke R. Douglass, A. M. (1843). Died November 7, 1863, Chil- licothe. William H. Johnson. *William Richards. Died August 5, 1899, Washington, D. C. Henry Livingston Richards, A. M. (1841), Blockhouse Terrace, Winchester, Mass. Non-Graduates. Henry W. Aydelott. Gen. Ralph Pomeroy Buckland. Thomas T. Castelman. John Davis. Thomas Davidson. The Rev. Werter R. Davis, D. D. *Col. Samuel K. Dawson, U. S. A. Died April 17, 1889, Orange, N. J. *The Rev. Joseph Hunter. Died April 1, 1882, New York, N. Y. Harpur Michell. William Michell. *The Rev. William H. Moore, D. D. Died July 15, 1892, Green- wich, Conn. *The Rev. Cyrus Munson. Died 1848, Meriden, Conn. Thomas C. Thornton. Charles C. Townsend. 1839- *The Rev. William Fagg, A. M. (1842). Died 1860, LaGrange, Tenn. *Charles Gibbs, A. M. (1842). *The Rev. Samuel L. Johnson, A. M. (1842). Died December 24, 1848, Indianapolis, Ind. *John Knox, A. M. (1844), M. D. *Ebenezer S. Lane, A. M. (1842), M. D. *The Rev. Milton C. Lightner, A. M. (1842). Died July 1, 1880, Oakland, Cal. *John W. Marsh. *Charles M. Nichols. KENYON COLLEGE. 31 *Absalom Ridgeley. nVilliam McK. Scott, A. M. (1842). *Hanson T. Wilcoxon, A. M. (1847). Died 1858, Baltimore, Md. Non-Graduates. Bela B. Adams. William li. Buffiiigton. Abner L. Cass. "* Abel Clarke. Matthew Comstock. *The Rev. Robert L. Elder. Died August 30, 1850, in Michigan. William Giles. Thomas Gore. Robert P. Hunt. Joseph W. McCorkle. John K. Miller. LeDenison Shoemaker. *The Rev. Albert P. Smith, D. D. Died March 14, 1882, Cazeno- via, N. Y. John C. Smith. *George B. Sturges. Died 1839. David M. Wilt. Francis A. Worthington. Douglass Wright. 1840. *Richard S. Killin, A. M. (1843). Died 1853, Baltimore, Md. ^Justice Stanley Matthews, LL. D. (1877). Died March 22, 1889, Washington, D. C. *Abraham Baldwin Norton, A. M. (1843). Died Santa Fe, New Mexico. *The Hon. A. Bannhig Norton, A. M. (1843). Died 1890, Mount Vernon. *Charles R. Rhodes, A. M. (1858). Died September 12, 1887, Marietta. The Rev. William Speer, D. D., Washington, Penn. *The Rev. Edward W. Syle, A. M. (1843), D. D. (1876). Died 1882. *Mandeville Thum, M. D. Died March 10, 1862, Nashville, Tenn. *Prof. John C. Zachos, A. M. (1843). Died 1896, New York, N. Y. 32 KENYON COLLEGE. Non-Graduates. Edward Adams. John G. Camp, Jr. John W Dashiell, M. D., Princess Anne, Somerset County, Md. Henry J. Eager. Francis T. Fry. William W. Hollister. Robert Jones. *Fitch J. Matthews. John J. W. Payne. William A. Russell. John B. Taylor. James L. Woodville. 184I. ' *Ethan Allen, Jr. Died December 26, 1S71, Quincy, 111. The Rev. Henry Calhoun, Mansfield. *Douglass Case, M. D. Died August 19, 1860, Cleveland, nvilliam Dewalt. Died 1843, Canton. Milton Elliott, Astoria, Ore. *Ira Darwin French. Died Cincinnati. *The Rev. WiUiam Clarke French, A. M. (1844), D. D. (1875). Died August 18, 1893. The Rev. Richardson Graham, 2226 Orthodox Street, Philadel- phia, Penn. *Edwin Butler Hale. Died August, 1892. Sidney C. Long, 305 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Md. *Franklin B. Sain. Died 1841, Norwalk. *The Hon. Rowland E. Trowbridge. Non-Graduates. *Albert B. Buttles. Died 1870, Columbus. Judge Jerome Buckingham, Newark. Henry T. Fay. Jacob J. Green. Edward A. Gouse. William James. James H. McGruder. Alexander K. Marshall. Gabriel Moore. David C. Reed, KENYON COLLEGE. 33 Richard Ridgeley. The Rev. John M. Todd, Allen's Fresh, Charles County, Md. William Trowbridge. 1842. The Rev. J. Milton Boyd, Washington C. H. The Hon. Guy M. Bryan, Galveston, Tex. \ Leander Comstock, Twenty-third Avenue and Maple Street, Mil- waukee, Wis. *Hugh Hamilton. *Rutherford Burchard Hayes, A. M. (1845), LL. D. (1868), Presi- dent of the United States. Died December, 1892, Fremont. *The Rev. Ovid A. Kinsolving, A. M. (1845), D. D. (1883). Died November 8, 1894, Halifax C. H., Va. *Patterson Reece, A. M. (1845). Died January 23, 1855, Dayton. The Rev. Joash Rice Taylor, A. M. (1845), Saugatuck, Mich. Judge William F. Turner. Non-Graduates. George M. Burnside. Edward T. Kellogg. Alvin B. Lamb. George W. Mason. Winthrop H. Phelps. *Dudley Woodbridge Rhodes. Died April 1, 1894, Delaware. 1843. *The Rev. Charles Ferris Lewis, A. M. (1846). Died September 14, 1874. *Jesse McHenry. *The Rev. George Thompson, A. M. (1846). Died November, 1854. Non-Graduates. *Havens Cowles. Died 186 — , Kenosha, Wis. D. Meade Creighton. N. P. Willis Doddridge. William C. Hedges. *Werter W. Madeira. Died January 19, 1868, Chillicothe. The Rev. Joseph W. Mcllyaine, Chazy, N. Y. William Miller. Samuel C. Pilkington. 34 KENYON COLLEGE. 1844. *William Rodolph Bowes. The Rev. John Boyd, D. D. (1866), Marietta. *Prof. Benjamin Locke Lang, A. M. (1846). Died April 5, 1885, Ottumwa, la. *Joseph W. Muenscher, A. M. (1848) . Died July 30, 1849, Sandusky. Non-Graduates. William C. Bache. Hezekiah Claggett. George L. Curtis. *The Rev. Molcolm Douglass. Died September 25, 1887. John Humrickhouse. Charles R. Johnson. Col. John Sanford Mason, U. S. A., Steubenville. Samuel W. McDowell. Reuben H. Meriweather. Jenkin W. Morris. John Stone. B. C. Woodward. 1845. *The Rev. Hiram N. Bishop, A. M. (1848), D. D. Died August 31, 1868, Paris, France. Jacob A. Camp, A. M. (1848), 163 Dodge Street, Cleveland. *The Rev. Charles H. Cooley, A. M. (1848). *The Rev. Thomas S. Goodwin, A. M. (1848). .*John A. Little, M. D., A. M. (1848). Died January 13, 1877, Del- aware. *Linton W. Pettibone, A. M. (1848). Died Delaware. James M. Smith, 34 Central Avenue, Dayton. Non-Graduates. John L. Cochran. Alexander McNickle. Thomas Means. John Monypenny. Paul H. Otey. Dabney C. Riddick, Landon Rives, KENYON COLLEGE. 35 George Stacker. Albert Stringer. John Winston. 1846. *The Rev. Andrew D. Benedict. Died October 4, 1874, Racine, Wis. *E. Milton Buckingham, M. D. *George W. Jones. The Rev. Thomas B. Lawson, D. D., Columbus, Tex. *John A. McDowell, C. E. The Rev. Rodney S. Nash.^A. M. (1849), Springfield, Mo. *Edmund C. Smith. Died November, 1846, Cincinnati. Non-Graduates. *William H. Beaumont. *John Cooley Buckingham. Died May, 1846. William H. Delano. Henry Douglass. Edgar Hinton. Levi H. Kilbourne. The Rev. Dewitt Clinton Loop, 1405 North Mound Street,- Balti- more, Md. Jacob M. Macon. Johnson McFarland. ^Senator Daniel S. Norton. Died July 14, 1870, Washington, D. C. Abraham Philips. Daniel H. Quin. Peter C. Quin. Joseph M. Steiner. Robert Stewart. Francis E. Walker. Benjamin R. Wilson. 1847. *John L. Bryan, A. M. (1854). Died 1857, Columbus. *Levi Buttles, A. M. (1850). Died June 11, 1891, Gambler. *Samuel B. Darst. Died 1850. *Benoni Elliott. Died August 12, 1859, Lexington, Ky. Alexander W. Griffith, A, M. (1850), Farm Ridge, La Salle County, 111, 36 KENYON COLLEGE. Alfred M. Hoyt, A. M. (1850), 1 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Manuel May, A. M. (1850), Mansfield. *Hugh F. McWilliams. *The Rev. George F. Richards. Died May 29, 1851, Ashtabula. Solomon Noble Sanford, A. M. (1850), 1931 Barnard Park, Los Angeles, Calif. *William Bond Wood. Died September 20, 1875, Wabash, Ind. Non-Graduates. *Judge John Adams. Died, Mount Vernon. Harrison H. Dodd. John H. Franklin. Joel W. Garrett. *James Breading Hogg. Went down with Steamer "Arctic," 60 miles off Cape Race, September 27, 1854. S. Henry Orton. Stephen S. Perry. *The Rt. Rev. Sylvester H. Rosecrans. Died October 20, 1878, Columbus. James B. Stockton. Nathaniel Tyler. — 1848. *Martin Andrews. *The Rev. Columbus S. Doolittle, A. M. (1857). Died, Mansfield. *Joseph D. Ebersole. Died 1851, Erie, Penn. John W. F. Foster, Athens, Tenn. *Asahel B. Gray, A. M. (1851). Died 1852, Belleville. William G. LeDuc, A. M. (1851), Hastings, Minn. *Joseph Lindley, A. M. (1851). *Sherman J. Patrick. Died 1898, Norwalk. *The Hon. William King Rogers. Died August 5, 1893, Columbus. *Wimam J. Scott, A. M. (1851), M. D., LL. D. (1889). Died May 5, 1896, Cleveland. The Hon. David Turpie, Indianapolis, Ind. Non-Graduates, Peter D. Ankeny. Volney D. Brownell. J. Cowan. KENYON COLLEGE. 37 Grafton D. Dorsey. *Baldwin Gwynne. *Orville Johnson, M. D. Died in Wisconsin. Joseph F. Smith. 1849. *R. C. Anderson. Died January 10, 1878, Dayton. The Rev. Prof. Edward Caswell Benson, A. M. (1852), D. D. LL. D., Kenyon College, Gambier. *Hunter Brooke, A. M. (1852). Died 1890, Cincinnati. The Rev. Richard L. Chittenden, A. M. (1853), Paradise, Penn. *Robert S. French, A. M. (1852). Died June 17, 1883, Gambier. Peter Neff, A. M. (1852), 361 Russell Avenue, Cleveland. *The Rev. Daniel Risser, A. M. (1852). Died 1866, Columbus. William H. Scott, 46 West Nineteenth Street, New York, N. Y. *Stephen B. Sturges. Died December 19, 1897, Brooklyn, N. Y. The Rev. George E. Thrall, A. M. (1853). ^Leonard Whitney, A. M. (1852). Died, Washington, D. C. Non-Graduates. Samuel Bacon. Frank Doherty. Stafford Graham. James C. Irvine. W. Vitts James Johnson. Thomas Ewing Miller, Columbus. *Charles W. Parker. Died, Mansfield. Walter M. Smallwood. 1850. William H. Bowers, A. M. (1854). Judge Moses Moorhead Granger, A. M. (1853), 110 Main Street, Zanesville. Emory W. Muenscher, A. M. (1853), C. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. *Henry Clinton Pinney, Columbus. Abner Starkey. *The Rev. George Augustus Strong, A. M. (1853), L. H. D. (1888), 5 Brewster Street, Cambridge, Mass. The Rev. Jesse B. Thomas, D. D., Newton Centre, Mass. 38 KENYON COLLEGE. Non-Graduates. *The Rev. Richard Gray. *John J. Jones. Charles D. Martin, Lancaster. William B. McKennon. *John Meacham. *Gen. Nelson B. Sweitzer. Died 1898, Washington, D. C. 185I. Edwin Hodges Grant, M. D., Anacostia Heights, D. C. *Lewis S. Lobdell. Died 1897, Wakefield, La. *William Humrickhouse. Died May 5, 1895, Coshocton. *Etherington T. Spangler, A. M. (1854). *Seneca B. Thrall, A. M. (1855), M. D. Died January 20, 1888, Ottumwa, la. *The Hon. John Woodbridge. Died August 19, 1876, Chillicothe. Non-Graduates. Augustus Beyer. Edward Cass, M. D., Dresden. James O. Cole. Charles H. Gilbert. *John Hazlett. Died from wounds received at Murfreesboro, June 7, 1863. Charles Lynde. Richard Lynde. Samuel Kendrick. Robert M. Marshall, Washington, Ky. *Thomas L. Pierce. *William Brese Russell. Died May, 1883, Mount Vernon. Daniel Wilson. *Charles Worthington. Died in Mexico. 1852. H. S. Bell, 1216 Carondelet Street, New Orleans, La. The Hon. John S. Brasee, A. M. (1882), Lancaster. *B. W. Clark. *The Rev. Charles W. Fearns, A. M. (1857). Killed November 19, 1863, Knoxville, Tenn. KENYON COLLEGE. 39 *The Rev. John Hochuly. Died May 26, 1893, Fairfield, la. *The Rev. Henry Hobart Morrell, A. M. (1857), D. D. (1877). Died January 2, 1889, Wheeling, W. Va. The Rev. James Trimble, A. M. (1855), Shell Lake, Wis. Non-Graduates. *Abner L. Andrew-s. Died 1897, Columbus. Eliphalet F. Andrews, Washington, D. C. Henry L. Chittenden, Columbus. Frank Eells. *Charles Hanna. Died October, 1848. S. J. Hubbell. L. Jones. James Lobdell. Benjamin Ludlow. *George W. Pearce. William A. Procter, Glendale, Hamilton County. 1853. *The Rev. Henry Durant Lathrop, A. M. (1856), D. D. (1870). Died December, 1898, St. Helena, Calif. *The Rev. Henry G. Perry, A. M. (1856). Died January, 1899, Chicago, 111. *A. H. Spangler. Died December 29, 1878. The Rev. Homer Thrall. *Charles Tudor Wing, A. M. (1856). Died May 28, 1888. Non-Graduates. *D. M. Begges. *Charles Griswold Boalt. Died November, 1897. J. C. Caffee. A. B. Coco. A. H. Cleveland. J. T. Coleman, Vicksburg, Miss. J. F. Everett. Thomas Marshall. Richard Morris, Terre Haute, Ind. Col. Charles Parrott, Columbus. W. H. Pugh, 44 Barr Street, Cincinnati. S. Rogers. 40 KENYON COLLEGE. Walter M. Smith, Newark. Joseph McD. Sullivant, Alvanna Ranch, Skiddy, Morris County, Kan. *George Wood. Died 1897, New York, N. Y. Horace Wright. R. B. Wright. 1854. *Leighton Brooke. *James Norris Gamble, A. M. (1857). *The Rev. Moses Hamilton, A. M. (1857). Died December 17, 1898, Bellevue. Charles Hervey James, A. M. (1859), D. D. S., Cincinnati. Non-Graduates. George R. Bearss, Peru, Ind. John T. Beecher, Sandusky. Dwight W. Benton. William J. Boardman, Washington, D. C. *L. G. Delano. Died 1895, North Bloomfield. *George W. Gregg. William H. Harris. William Huggins. *C. D. Jones, U. S. A. Killed in battle against Indians. William Kinney, Portsmouth. John H. Lamon, Baton Rouge, La. Picket E. Latimer, Norwalk. William H. Marble, Newark. *William B. Marfield. Died, Circleville. Wesley Owens. John E. Ray. *Judge J. Overton Reamey. Died November, 1873, Columbus. Peter Richards, Lodi, Wis. Alvin Romeig. *Samuel Mustard Sargent, M. D. Died 1893, in CaHfornia. Franklin Underwood. George Varner. William S. Wing, Gambler. KENYON COLLEGE. 41 1855. *Matthew Page Andrews. Died March 7, 1878, Shepherdtown, W. Va. ^Raymond Wheeler Hanford. Died, Danville, 111. Joseph Hart Larwill, C. E., Guthrie, Okl. *James McAboy LeDuc. Died August 25, 1857, Hastings, Minn. *William Renick Madeira. Died June 15, 1899, Cincinnati. The Rev. Henry Hays Messenger, A. M. (1858), Summit, Miss. The Rev. David Brainard Ray, A. M., 114 East Ninety-third Street, New York, N. Y. Non-Graduates. *B. J. Brice. Died 1866, Dresden. *The Rev. Pendleton Brooke. Died March 24, 1897, in Missouri. Thomas M. Green, Maysville, Ky. *Charles E. Griffith. Died July 4, 1874, Wheeling, W. Va. *Edwin T. Marble. S. D. Miller. 1856. David DeForrest Benedict, A. M. (1859), M. D., Norwalk. George Thomas Chapman, A. M. (1859), LL. D. (1889), 290 Pearl Street, Cleveland. George Fielding Dawson, Lake Maitland, Orange County, Fla. *The Rev. Richard Leo Ganter, A. M. (1859), D. D. (1882). Died March 26, 1893, Akron. John Eldon Hamilton, LL. B., Morrisburg, Ontario, Canada. Thomas Meeker James, A. M. (1859). Orren Smith Penny, A. M. (1859) , Conshatta, Red River Parish, La. *Col. James Tuttle Sterling, A. M. (1859) . Died November 2, 1899, Grosse Isle, Mich. Frederic Devoo Tunnard, A. M. (1859), Baton Rouge, La. William Henry Tunnard, Shreveport, La. Non-Graduates. B. J. Brown, Menominee, Mich. *B. V. Caffee. *Benjamin Clark Cutler. Died 1866, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Henry Woodward Donsey, M. D., Washington, D. C. 42 KENYON COLLEGE. W. T. Early. *Cincinnatus Mortier Morrison. Died 1875, Springfield, 111. Charles H. Muenscher, Sandusky. Molcolm Patrick, Norwalk. 1857- *Bela Andrews. Died August 11, 1892, Osco, 111. *Thomas Blake Brooke, A. M. (1860). Died 1861. William Henry Bryan, 1520 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. The Rev. C. George Currie, D. D., 1014 St. Paul Street, Balti- more, Md. The Hon. Henry Heber Denison, 312 Security Building, St. Louis, Mo. *The Rev. William Fulton, A. M. (1860), D. D. Died December 4, 1877, Salisbury, Md. The Rev. Richard George Holland, Kent, England. *The Rev. James Edward Homans, A. M. (1860) Died August 2, 1882, Manhasset, N. Y. *John Grant Leithead, A. M. (1860). Died September 29, 1865, Brownsville, Penn. Joseph Grafton Lothrop. *The Rev. John Winspeare McCarty. Died May 12, 1867, Cincin- nati. *Thomas Harfield Macoughtry. *William Irvin Wolfley, M. D. Died 1892, Beltsville, Md. Non-Graduates. A. T. S. Barnitz. Thomas Erskine Bassett. The Hon. Horace Jared Canfield, Andover, Mass. Gov. William Slow Irwin. John Johnston. Eugene Aiken Osborne, 78 Lasalle Street, Chicago, 111. John J. Piatt, care George C. Shaw, 53 Pickering Building, Cin- cinnati. George Everett Remington. *John Wadhams Russell, M. D. Died June, 1871, Mount Vernon. Isaac Meason Sowers. George Ashman Torrence, Connellsville, Penn. KENYON COLLEGE. 43 1858. *Lieut. Henry Mortimer Blackaller, A. M. (1861). Died July 12,- 1867, Galveston, Tex. *The Rev. John M. Burke. Killed in battle of Staunton Bridge, June 24, 1864. ^Robert Bedell Burton. Died May 2, 1878, Cincinnati. *The Rev. Alexander Forbes Dobb, A. M. (1868). Died Novem- ber 20, 1869, Lexington, Ky. The Rev. Frederick Morland Gray, A. M. (1884), 6 South Hawk Street, Albany, N. Y. The Rev. Wyllys Hall, A. M. (1861), D. D. (1880), San Rafael, CaHf. William W. Hays, A. M. (186S), M. D., San Luis Obispo, CaHf. *The Hon. Frank Hunt Hurd, A. M. (1861). Died July, 1896, Toledo. Jesse Elliott Jacobs, Manufacturers' Record Building, Baltimore, Md. James Kilbourne Jones, A. M. (1862), 334 East Town Street, Columbus. *The Rev. John Newton Lee, A. M. (1862), D. D. Died Septem- ber 1, 1899, Waukegan, 111. *Robert Lurkins, M. D. Died from wounds received at Pittsburg Landing, 1862. Henry S. Mitchell, Norwalk. *Warren Munger, Jr. Died May 27, 1894, Dayton. The Rev. John Franklin Ohl, A. M. (1861). Pomeroy. Lewis Paine, A. M. (1862), Pomeroy. The Rev. William Thompson, 110 Cliff Street, Pittsburg, Penn. Non-Graduates. Flamen Ball, Jr., Room 1010 Wyandotte Building, Columbus. Marshall Beam, Mount Gilead. Charles Mcllvaine Burr, Worthington. Cornelius Thomas Gallaghan. *Charles Henshaw Fitch. Died 1875, Louisville, Ky. Alexander Graham. *John Green. Died 1897, St. Louis, Mo. *John Fiddler Miller. *Robert Percy Muenscher. Died 1863. *Barry Taylor. 44 KENYON COLLEGE. 1859. George Smith Allan, D. D. S., 51 West Thirty-seventh Street, New York, N. Y. The Rev. William Bower, A. M. (1862), 330 South Thirteenth Street, Philadelphia, Penn. The Rev. William Henry Dyer, A. M. (1862), Pasadena, Calif. *George Howard Fay. Died 1862, Cplumbus. The Rt. Rev. William C. Gray, D. D. (1881), Orlando, Fla. ^Charles Bierce Guthrie, A. M. (1862). Died September 19, 1879, Titu&ville, Penn. The Hon. James Kent Hamilton, Hotel Madison, Toledo. The Hon. James Denton Hancock, Franklin, Penn. The Rev. John Vaughan Hilton. *Matthew Hodkinson, A. M. (1863). Died February, 1872, Cin- cinnati. *John A. J. Kendig, A. M. (1872). Died January 10, 1895, Chi- cago, 111. The Rev. James Hervey Lee, A. M. (1862), Manhattan, Kan. *The Rev. Henry Agar Lewis, A. M. (1862). Died January 17, 1866, Dresden. Charles Otis Little, A. M. (1862), Delaware. *William F. McCarty. Died 1868, Cincinnati. William Smedes Marshall, Church and North Streets, New York, N. Y. *Edward Hanson Mayo. Died April 14, 1880, Indianapolis, Ind. *The Rev. Charles E. Mcllvaine, A. M. (1862). Died February 22, 1876, Towanda, Penn. *Gen. John Grant Mitchell. Died November 5, 1894, Columbus. The Rev. Calvin Clark Parker, A. M. (1862), 3827 Baring Street, Philadelphia, Penn. *Judge Timothy Henry Rearden. Died May, 1892, in California. Robert Clinton Smith, 3441 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Penn. Robert N. Smith, A. M. (1862). *George D. Stroud, A. M. (1865). Died 1890, Philadelphia, Penn. *Edward Starr. ^Benjamin Franklin Strader. Marcus Abisha Woodward, LL. D. (1898), 432 Diamond Street, Pittsburg, Penn. *The Rev. Charles Huntington Young, A. M. (1862). Died May 23, 1883, Worthington. KENYON COLLEGE. 45 Non-Graduates. * William Walker Anderson. Died 1896. *Charles Anthony Bronson. Died June 12, 1866, Hastings, Minn. *Ralph Boughton Buckland. Died, Fremont. *Benjamin William Dudley. Died 1884, Lexington, Ky. W. Tyler D. Harn. *The Rev. Richard Holden. Thomas Gaines Kennedy. Henry F. Paden. *Alfred Humphrey Pease. Died July 13, 1883, St. Louis, Mo. *William Collins Raynolds. Died June 6, 1897, Chicago, 111. The Rev. Walter Scott, Bristol, Ind. John Sherman. *Jeremiah Clement Springer. James Pullen Stephens, 230 Greenwood Avenue, Trenton, N. J. George Swift, Palmyra, Mo. *Franklin Thornton. Died 1860. Jacob Strader Vough, Washington, N.J. i860. *George Stone Benedict. Died February 4, 1871, New Hamburg, N. Y. *Henry Whitehouse Chipman. Died July 7, 1880, Chicago, 111. The Rev. Joseph Witherspoon Cook, Greenwood, S. Dak. James Lewis Daymude, A. M. (1866), Boston, Mass. Spencer Franklin. Samuel Griffin, Bedford City, Va. John Arunah Harper, Bank of Pittsburg, Pittsburg, Penn. *The Rev. Henry Martin Hervey, A. M. (1863). Died September 1, 1875, Newark. Robert McNeilly, A. M. (1863), M. D., 311 West Nineteenth Street, New York, N. Y. *The Hon. John Norris. Died January 19, 1877, Columbus. Joseph Packard, Jr., A. M. (1867), 806 St. Paul Street, Balti- more, Md. Charles Matthews Sturges, 1315 Chamber of Commerce, Chicago, 111. *The Rev. John William Trimble. Died February, 1896, New York, N. Y. The Hon. Matthew Trimble, A. M. (1863), LL. B., 1320 Rhode Island Avenue, Washington, D. C. 46 KENYON COLLEGE. Augustus Newton Whiting, A. M. (1863), Third Street, Columbus. *Zenas Fiske Wilber. Died December, 1889, Denver, Col. Non-Graduates. Samuel Squire Boone, Honolulu, H. I. *Kent Jarvis Chase. Died November 24, 1879, Massillon. Julius Adams Coleman, Troy. William F. Davidson. The Rev. Samuel Hugh Davis, Kearakekua, Kona, H. I. Leon Orlando DeLisle. *The Rev. David Doremus. *William S. Dunn. James Todd Hampton. Charles Boreland Hart. John Howard Jacobs, Fort Wayne, Ind. *John Dodson Kinney. Died 1884, in Arkansas. *Stephen Satterly L'Hommedieu. Died July 14, 1883, Riverside. *John J. Moorhead Liggett. *John Lamson Litton. James Charles Mulcahy, Holly Springs, Miss. Charles James Shackleford. *Catharinus Justus Springer. Killed in the Civil War. *Oscar C. White. *Henry Clark Winslow. Died 1877, Buffalo, N. Y. l86l. The Rev. Royal Blake Balcom, Jackson, Mich. Prof. Thomas Brown, A. M. (1866), Muscatine, la. Jesse Thomas Burr, Society for Savings Building, Cleveland. Samuel Marmaduke Dinwiddle Clark, Nashville, Tenn. *Murray Spurzeim Davis, A. M. (1865). Died July 25, 1877, San Francisco, Calif. *John Morton Dillon. Killed in the Civil War. *Alfred Edgerton Fillmore. Died October 6, 1870, Zanesville. *The Rev. Otho Huddlestone Fryer, A. M. (1866). Died 1868, Cornwall, Penn. *George Gamble, M. D, Died June 26, 1868, London, Eng. *The Rev. Matthew .Matthews Gilbert, A. M. (1864). Died 1866, Wellsville. Emanuel Kaforth Grabill. William Wurtz Lathrop, 123 Washington Avenue, Scranton, Penn, KENYON COLLEGE. 47 *Albert Bronson Payne. Died July 23, lS3i, Nashville, Tenn. *The Rev. Erastus Owen Simpson, A. M. (1866). Died August 6, 1882, Philadelphia, Penn. Maj. Thomas Mackie Smith, U. S. A., Adjutant-General's Office, Washing.ton, D. C. *Elisha Warfield Tarlton, U. S. A. Died 1895, Frankfort, Ky. George Taylor. Bezaleel Wells, 39 New England Building, Kansas City, Mo. George Burton Wilson, Batesville, Ark. *The Rev. Yung Kiung Yen, A. M. (1869). Died June 20, 1898, Shanghai, China. Non-Graduates. *Rufus Lord Aver. Died on Hospital Ship "Matilda," August 2, 1864. Stephen Cooper Ayers, M. D., 14 East Seventh Street, Cincinnati. Albert Cole Bearss, Peru, Ind. William Anderson Bullitt. *John Sherman Delano. Died July, 1896, Chicago, 111. *William Neil Denison. William Charles Ellis, Merchant Exchange Building, St. Louis, Mo. The Rev. William Vondersmith Fetwell. William B. Fulwiler. George Jameson. *Ensign Charles D. James. Died 1861, Philadelphia, Penn. Frank Howe Kelly, Blackstone Building, Cleveland. *Orlando Metcalf Loomis. *James Lyon. Died 1896, Oswego, N. Y. Alfred McClure. John Norris. The Rev. Daniel C. Roberts, D. D., Concord, N. H. Royal Douglas Robinson. William Henry Oviatt. Joseph Wadman Smith. George Washington Thomas, 4039 Lake Avenue, Chicago, 111. 1862. The Rev. Prof. Alexander Vinton Griswold Allen, D. D. (1878), 2 Phillips Place, Cambridge, Mass. The Rev. Henry Leonard Badger, A. M. (1866), Olympia, Wash. The Rev. Alfred F. Blake, A. M. (1865), Carthage, Mo. 48 KENYON COLLEGE. The Rev. James Alexander Brown, Gallon. Ulysses David Cole, A. M. (1866), Rushville, Ind. *Henry L. Curtis, A. M. (1871). Died March 28, 1897, Mount Vernon. The Rev. John Andrew Dooris, 623 North Leffingwell Street, St. Louis, Mo. The Rev. William D'Orville Doty, A. M. (1872), 4 Arnold Park, Rochester, N. Y. George Ernst, Belmont, Nye County, Nev. *The Rev. William FI. DeL. Grannis, A. M. Died January 8, 1881, Havana, Cuba. *Joseph Stibbs Harter. Killed in barracks, August 20, 1863, Cin- cinnati. Col. James T. Kilbourne, Columbus. Charles King, M. D., Newark. Allen Napier, A. M. (1869), Greene, N. Y. Charles Forrest Paine, M. D., Troy, Penn. *01iver Hazzard Perry, M. D. Died February 17, 1873, Hopkins- ville, Ky. *The Rev. William M. Postlethwaite, A. M. (1865). Died West Point, N. Y. The Rev. George Buffett Pratt, A. M. (1888), San Juan, Porto Rico. *John R. Vance. Died 1898, Marshall, Mo. *Matthew Lewis Wilson. Died January' 14, 1867, Martinsburg. The Rev. William Edward Wright, Geneva. Non-Graduates. *Edward Bates. Died May 13, 1860, Gambler. *The Hon. J.J. Bond. Died February, 1895, Annapolis, Md. John Thomas Bond, St. Leonard's P. O., Calvert County, Md. Henry M. Bronson, 227 North Tennessee Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Maj. Frederick Cunningham Crawford, 111 North Seventh Street, Terre Haute, Ind. *John Crowell. Died, Glenville. The Rev. Solomon Frances Dunham, Ph. D., Albion, N. Y. Jacob Corwin Hansel. John Moreland Henderson, 511 Cuyahoga Building, Cleveland. *Virginius Ingraham. Killed at sea in New York harbor, 1860. Julian William Irvine. *John L. Johnston. Died December 8, 1867, Toledo. John Johnson, 487 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111, KENYON COLLEGE. 49 Ludlow Ap Jones, Clinton, Ark. *Ralph Keeler. Drowned off Cuba, 1873. Theodore H. Kellogg, M. D., Riverdale, New York City, N. Y. *Byron Hector Kilbourne. Died August 24, 1897, North Lake, Wis. Arthur Magill Kinzie, 217 Schiller Street, Chicago, 111. Edward Augustus Kitzmiller, care P. Duff & Sons, Pittsburg, Penn. Edward Law, Evansville. Ind. Daniel Linder, 992 West Van Buren Street, Chicago, 111. George Edward Mann, Galveston, Tex. *George Gordon Maxwell, M. D. Died 1866, Philadelphia, Penn. John Downing Murphy. Oronhyatekha, M. D., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. *George William Shanklin. Died February 6, 1897, Washington, D. C. John Gilbert Shanklin, Evansville, Ind. Marcus James Stamp, Atlanta, Ga. Joseph Rockwell Swan, 75 Genesee Street, Utica, N. Y. * Walter Scott Stark. The Rev. Thomas Oakley Tongue, 817 C Street, S. W., Washing- ton, D. C. Philemon B. Van Trump, Yelm, Wash. 1863. The Rev. Samuel Herbert Boyer, A. M. (1866) , 1033 Snyder Avenue, Philadelphia, Penn. *Joseph Everett Conover. Died, Oil City, Penn. The Rev. Edward Dolloway, 813 Twelfth Street, N. W., Washing- ton, D. C. Richard B. Marsh, Peoria, 111. Charles Drake McGuffey, A. M. (1870), 14 Oak Street, Chatta- nooga, Tenn. The Rev. William Ridgeley Powell, 483 Davis Street, Portland, Ore. Thomas David Rafter, Butler, Mo. The Rev. George Charles Rafter, Cheyenne, Wyo. James A. Searight, A. M. (1866), Uniontown, Penn. *Edwin Lamson Stanton, A. M. (1869). Died August 29, 1877. 1864. *The Rev. George Bosley. Died June 23, 1898, Boardman. The Rev. Percy Browne, 30 Millmont Street, Roxbury, Mass. John Lewis Brown, Aberdeen, S. Dak, so KENYON COLLEGE. The Rev. George Galen Carter, A. M. (1867), D. D., 84 Green Street, Hudson, N. Y. Charles Thomas Dobb, A. M. (1868), 356-358 Front Street, Mem- phis, Tenn. *The Rev. William W. Farr, A. M.- (1870), D. D. (1879). Died April 7, 1883, Boston, Mass. ^William O'B. Fullerton. Died . *George Gallagher, A. M. (1867). Died June, 1894, New York, N. Y. The Rev. Simeon Cochran Hill, Mount Airy, Philadelphia, Penn. Frank Winfield Hubby, 851 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland. The Rev. William H^^de, Weymouth, Mass. Samuel Marfield, A. M. (1888), Lenoir City, Tenn. *John Henry Putnam, A. M. (1867). Died March 18, 1879, Topeka, Kan. Maj. Ernest Howard Ruffner, U. S. A., 121 Franklin Street, Buf- falo, N. Y. The Rev. Amos Skeele, 131 Jefferson Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. *Henry Kirke White, A. M. (1867). Died April 13, 1869, Gambier. Non-Graduates. The Rev. Daniel Goodwin Anderson, Great Barrington, Mass. James Sabine Blackaller, Gallipolis. *Charles Boerstler. Died 1883. George Joseph Boving. Frederick Stephen Burrows, 901 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburg, Penn. John Morris Butler, Shoemakertown, Penn. Archibald Campbell Murray, M. D., Mount Vernon, N. Y. *Robert Bethell Claxton. Died May 5, 1879, Philadelphia, Penn. Casper William Dean. *William Crane Eaton. Duvall Harrison. Robert Lewis Harrison. Ebenezer B. Hayes, Dallas, Tex. Shrewsbury D. Hurst, Versailles, Ky. John Nelson Jacobs, East Riverside, Penn. *Oscar D. Kelton. Killed at Germantown June 10, 1864. John Lenox Kirby. *Rufus King. Died 1878, Cincinnati. *James C. Leeke. Killed before Petersburg. Robert Lemert, Dresden. The Rev. Charles E. Logan, Philadelphia, Penn. KENYON COLLEGE. 51 Maj. James M. Marshall, U. S. A., Vancouver, Wash. Capt. Henry B. Mears, U. S. A., Adjutant-General's Office, Wash- ington, D. C. Burton C. Mitchell, Chickasha, Indian Territory. Maj. Charles G. Penney, U. S. A., Adjutant-General's Office, Wash- ington, D. C. Richard Alsop Pomeroy, New Iberia, La. *George Walcutt Richards. William Haniford Sanborn. Henry S. Sherman, 933 Prospect Street, Cleveland. Edgar Sharpe. William W. Taylor, Rookwood Pottery Company, Cincinnati. Louis Terry, Seattle, Wash. Carnel A. Warfield, Lexington, Ky. *Pliny Edward Watson. Died, Toledo. James Lee Wells, Tax Commissioner, Liberty Street, New York, N. Y. John Osborn Weeks. Frederick Hosmer Wilson, 278 Buena Vista Street, Newark. *David Milton Zeller. Died February 21, 1884, Lebanon. 1865. Upton Clarence Blake, Cedar Rapids, la. Charles Edward Burr, A. M. (1873), LL. D. (1896), Columbus. George Coburn, A. M. (1868), 343 West Twenty-first Street, Balti- more, Md. The Rev. Daniel Webster Coxe, A. M. (1868), Alden Station, Penn. The Hon. Thaddeus E. Cromley, A. M. (1868), Ashville. George Jones Peet, 35 West Thirty-third Street, New York, N. Y, *Henry Brown Rogers, A. M. (1872). *Clifford Beakes Rossell, C. E. The Rev. George Henry Smith, A. M. (1868), Plymouth, Conn. *John Kimble Woodward. Died August 15, 1887, Wilkesbarre Penn. Non-Graduates. *John Creighton Ball. George W. Bever, Cedar Rapids, la. George Henry Davis, Mankato, Minn. *Thomas Guion. Died January 5, 1865, Gambier. 52 KENYON COLLEGE. L. Chapman Haughawout, Trinity Church, Pittsburg, Penn. John Milton Hughes, 630 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. *Rollin C. Hurd, Jr. Died 1866, Mount Vernon. The Rev. Samuel P. Kelly, 501 North Sixty-fifth Street, Philadel- phia, Penn. Wilber Clay Lothrop, 1622 Araxahoe Street, Denver, Colo. Chester A. Moss, Sandusky. *Edwin Doane Moore. Died May 30, 1885, Circleville. *James Sager Norton. Died September, 1896, Chicago, 111. Judge Augustus John Ricks, 1065 Prospect Street, Cleveland. *William Marshall Scott. Died in College. George Shaffer, Hamilton. The Rev. Albert Whitcomb Snyder, Elmhurst, N. Y. Henry Rice Stout, M. D., Jacksonville, Fla. *Nathan Thompson. Drowned in Lake Erie, 1863. Charles Stewart Tripler. . *Henry Percy Ufford. Died 1885. James Moore Viers, 279 Walnut Street, Chicago, 111. Henry M. Weaver, Mansfield. The Rev. Charles A. Wenman, Brooklyn, N. Y. George Boerstler Brasee, Lancaster. 1 866. *George Pendleton Bowler, A. M. (1873). Died March 24, 1878, Paris, France. Nathaniel Pendleton Dandridge, A. M. (1873), M. D., 422 Broad- way, Cincinnati. James Burleigh Graham, A. M. (1869), Mount Vernon. *John Parkin Holloway. Died May 18, 1867, Cincinnati. The Rev. John Godfrey Jones, A. M. (1870). The Rev. Henry Christian Mayer, A. M., 3618 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Penn. Col. John James McCook, A. M. (1869), 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. *The Rev. Stephen McNulty. Died April 29, 1882, New York, N. Y. *The Rev. James K. Mendenhall, A. M. (1872). Died February 22, 1897, Parkersburg, Penn. The Rev. Charles Henry Tucker, A. M. (1872), Put-in Bay. KENYON COLLEGE. S3 Non-Graduates. Samuel Winning Boyd. *George William Burnet, M. D. Died March 26, 1876, Springfield, 111. ^Frederick Samuel Eagle. Died 1866". Lynn V. Newton. Edmond Norton, Stock Exchange Building, Chicago, 111. The Rev. Thomas May Thorpe, New York, N. Y. George Ross Wells, Nevada Block, San Francisco, Calif. The Rev. David A. Bonnar, Vineland, N. J. *Morton E. Brasee. Died June 21, 1870, Lancaster. John Henry Carpenter, 9 Irving Place, Chicago, 111. Alpheus Evans Clarke, 63 Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J. *William Armstrong Connolly. George Hedford Dunn, Greensburgh, Ind. George Ewing Farrington, Terre Haute, Ind. Walter Sidney Felton. Amherst E. Franklin, Circleville. *The Rev. John Langley Green Fryer. Died September 22, 1865, Rochester, N. Y. *The Rev. Augustus Beebee Gilbert. *James Magill Hurd. Died 1894. Charles H. Mendenhall, Parkersburg, Penn. Charles Stewart Medary. Warren Guice Mobley. Edward Thomas Moore. *William Prior Payne. Died of disease contracted in the war, October 2, 1867, New Orleans, La. *The Rev. John Thomas Protheroe. Died August 4, 1891, Denver, Colo. The Rev. WilHam Wallace Rafter, 22 West Fourth Street, Dun- kirk, N. Y. Alphonso David Rockwell, M. D., 357 West One Hundred Six- teenth Street, New York, N. Y. *M. Colegate Shoemaker. Died April 8, 1885, Oxford. *Jacob Stamp, M. D. Died April 14, 1877, Mount Vernon. Charles Steese, Massillon. *Eben Perry Sturges. Died May 22, 1882, Cincinnati. Edmond Taylor, Jr. Charles Gilbert Thompson. *Charles Trimble. Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Byford Twyman, Louisville, Ky. 54 KENYON COLLEGE. The Rev. Edward Warren, Gladstone, Mich. Bainbridge Henry Webb. Charles C. Wheat. *John Wool Wheeler, M. D. Died January 21, 1884, Cleveland. 1867. The Rev. Richard Julius Adler, Green Island, N. Y. The Rev. John Henry Burton, Cupola, Chester County, Penn. *The Rev. Carlos Enrique Butler. Died April 25, 1894, Fort Meade, Fla. The Rev. James Caird, A. M. (1888), Troy, N. Y. The Rev.' Edward Bentley Church, A. M. (1870), 1036 Valencia Street, San Francisco, Calif. John Dawson Critchfield, A. M. (1870), Mount Vernon. George Gillespie Dickson, New Carleton Hotel, San Diego, Calif. The Rev. Samuel Johnson French, A. M. (1871), Greensboro, Md. *John S. C. Green, M. D. Died November 9, 1872, Berlin, Ger- many. George Alexander Hogg, Pittsburg, Penn. *Henry Preston Kelley. Died September 27, 1876, Cincinnati. Louis Carroll McAfee, A. M. (1871), C. E., Nevada Building, San Francisco, Calif. *Thomas A. McBride, M. D., A. M. (1884). Died at sea, 1886. The Rev. Isaac Newton Stanger, D. D., 4708 Kingsessing Avenue, Philadelphia, Penn. The Rev. V. P. Suvoong, Shanghai, China. Davidson King Wade. Non-Graduates. William Meade Brooke, AUendorf, la. Charles George Buckingham, Boulder, Colo. Charles Gallagher, Steubenville. Curtis Gilbert Hathaway. *David Hayes. Died 1872, Dayton. John Beard Jackson, 6842 Penn Avenue, Pittsburg, Penn. William Henry Lowe, Brilliant. Maj. Lewis William Marshall, U. S. A., 1637 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, 111. The Rev. Charles Henry Mead, Peekskill, N. Y. *Frederic Henry Medary. Died July 2, 1883, Columbus. Edward W. Reynolds. *John Noble Trevitt. Died 1870. KENYON COLLEGE. 55 1868. The Rev. Hiram Payson Barnes, Dresden. Joseph Kerr Cass. *William G. L. Cheesebrough. Died May 1896, Detroit, Mich. William T. Pitt Cook, A. M. (1871), Sandusky. Charles Bartlitt Cowan, A. M. (1871), Georgesville, Franklin County. The Rev. John Gregson, A. M. (1871), Wiscasset, Me. *Henry Clay Hart. Died January, 1897, Brooklyn, N. Y. The Rev. Edward Duncombe Irvine, A. M. (1871), Carrolton, 111. George Herbert Kellogg, 330 Pine Street, San Francisco, Calif. John Brooks Leavitt, A. M. (1871), LL. D. (1896), 111 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Wallace W. Lovejoy, M. D., A. M. (1887), Congregational Theo- logical Seminary, Oakland, Calif. John M. McDonald, Helena, Mont. The Rev. George Nelson Meade, Gilbertsville, N. Y. Wooster Beach Morrow, A. M. (1871), 947 Chateau Avenue, Cin- cinnati. Edwin Richard Proctor, Washington C. H. Albert Ruth, Knoxville, Tenn. Lyme Starling Smith, Hillsboro. Albert Bliss Strong, A. M. (1874), M. D., 533 North Monroe Street, Chicago, 111. *Howard Hoit Weaver. Died August, 1868, Buffalo, N. Y. *Neville P. Whitesides. Died January 7, 1895, Kansas City, Mo. Charles G. Wilson, A. M. (1871), Gardner Building, Toledo. Non-Graduates. *Robert Moore Agnew. Charles Henry Browning. Philander F. Chase, 10 Pacific Avenue, Chicago, 111. Kimble P. Cullen, 23-25 West Fourth Street, St. Paul, Minn. William Harrison Donaldson. John Briggs Gest, Periu Building, Cincinnati. S. Ringgold Huyett, 241 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111. Charles T. Mayo, 31 Montcalm Street, West, Detroit, Mich. Frank Shaw Nicholson, Stevens Point, Wis. *George Smith Trimble. Died March 20, 1879, Hillsboro. 56 KENYON COLLEGE. 1869. The Rev. Henry J. Camp, A. M. (1872), Fallbrook, Calif. -E. Jay Cooke, Schuylerville, N. Y. David Willis Cox, A. M. (1872), Madisonville. William Francis Garrett, Philadelphia, Penn. Florien Giauque, A. M. (1873) LL. D. (1898), Carlisle Building, Cincinnati. Albert Leicester Hayden, A. M. (1882), Unity Building, Chicago, 111. Desault Badlock Kirk, Mount Vernon. Judge Charles Djalma Leggett, Fairfield, la. The Rev. Albert Burnet Nicholas, A. M. (1872), Guthrie, Okl. *James Busby Norris, A. M. (1872), M. D. Died September 9, 1878, Memphis, Tenn. Samuel W. Probasco, Lebanon. The Rev. Albert Bronson Putnam, A. M. (1872), Mansfield. Charles Webb Sadler, Sandusky. *Howard Persifor Smith. Died February 14, 1872, York, Penn. The Rev. Charles Milnor Sturges, A. M. (1872), St. Augustine, Fla. Thomas Jackson Thompson, M. D., Clifton, Staten Island, N. Y. The Rev. Theodosius Stevens Tyng, A. M. (1878), Osaka, Japan. Charles Henry Wetmore, A. M. (1872), 457 East Broad Street, Columbus. Non-Graduates. *James C. Acheson. Archibald Crary. Walker McD. Dorsey, Piqua. The Rev. George H. Kirkland, New Berlin, N. Y. Ebenezer Lane, 152 Lasalle Street, Chicago, 111. Edward R. Lang, M. D., Cove, Union County, Ore. Elisha Mills, Croswell, Mich. The Rev. Charles Edward Milnor, 120 South Seventeenth Street, Philadelphia, Penn. WiUiam Vincent Shaffer, M. D., Middletown. Leonidas Simonton, Lebanon. *The Rev. Frank Smith. Died May 23, 1879, Buffalo, N. Y. The Rev. Thomas A. Stevenson, Port Allegheny, Penn. W. Mervin Wolcott, Southern Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. William Cary Stewart, Honolulu, H. I. KENYON COLLEGE. 57 1870. The Rev. John Greenwood Bacchus, 239 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. George Wyllis Cass, 100 Washington Street, Chicago, 111. Frank Compton, A. M. (1873), 39 Woodruflf Place, Indianapolis, Ind. The Rev. Louis DeCormis, A. M. (1884), D. D., Columbia, Penn. William Peebles Elliott, 100 Washington Street, Chicago, 111. Henry Johns Peet, 1103 Ashland Block, Chicago, 111. *Parden Cook Rickey. Drowned July 15, 1872, in Oneida Lake, N. Y. Robert Calloway Soaper, Henderson, Ky. The Rev. Charles Tullidge Stout, A. M. (1887), M. D., Traverse City, Mich. George Penny Webb, Newark. Harry Eugene Wilson, Dubuque, la. John Scott Wilson, A. M. (1873), 322 California Street, San Fran- cisco, Calif. Russell Jones Wilson, A. M. (1873), 202 Sansome Street, San Francisco, Calif. Non-Graduates. William M. Baxter, 95 West Main Street, Knoxville, Tenn. Livy B. Boyd, Hillsboro. George R. Butler, Sandusky. Jordan P. Hart. Isaac H. Harter, Canton. Frank H. Hosmer, 78 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Cornelius Alexander Kelley. The Rev. Robert A. McElhinney. John H. Morton, Glenwood Springs, Colo. Charles L. Pinney, Dublin. James White Richey, Kansas City, Mo. The Rev. Bernard Schulte, 100 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Penn. *John E. Sherman. Died 1889, Washington, D. C. Charles A. Stillwell, Fresno, Calif. John W. Smith, 122 Water Street, Cleveland. *John Randolph Tomlinson. Died 1867, while a student. 58 KENYON COLLEGE. 1871. Edson Black Cartmell, Lancaster. *William Marshall. Harrison, A. M. (1874). Died April 9, 1896, Philadelphia, Penn. William Lawrence, Zanesville. James Lawrence, Blackstone Building, Cleveland. John Millard Lee, M. D., Pittsburg, Penn. The Rev. Hugh McGuire, City Hospital, Blackwell's Island, New York, N. Y. Enrique Ciriaco Miller, 17 Meridan Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Charles W. Tyler, A. M. (1874), World Building, New York, N.Y. *The Rev. George Washington Williams. Died April 6, 1897, Washington, D. C. Darwin Stanton Wolcott, Sewickley, Penn. Non-Graduates. George Alfred Baxter, M. D., Chattanooga, Tenn. Louis T. Baxter, 33 Park Street, Nashville, Tenn. Guy Buttles Case, M. D., 106 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland. Thomas G. E. Clarke. Judge Eli Pinney Evans, 242>^ South High Street, Columbus. Frank Lorenzo Hall, 30 Broad Street, New York, N. Y. Charles Livingston Hubbard, Sandusky. The Rev. William Mortimer Hughes, Morristown, N. J. Joseph Henry Hull, M. D., Washington, la. *Hector Augustus Mithoff. Died 1893, Lancaster. Milton Peters. George Proctor. Waterson S ho waiter. New York, N. Y. ^Albert Buttles Smith. Died August, 1891, Geneva, N. Y. Dudley Wetmore Smith, 51 Forest Avenue, West, Detroit, Mich. William Redwood Smith, 326 Commercial Street, Atchison, Kan. Charles Frederick Southgate, Auditorium Hotel, Chicago, 111. James S. Thatcher, C. E., Dallas, Tex. *Zachary Taylor Tibbatts. Died April 10, 1870, Jones Station, Penn. George Brent Vallandingham. Henry Clay Whitcher, 693 Third Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Francis Evans Wing, 18 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. Charles Norton Wright, 229 Sixteenth Street, Toledo. KENYON COLLEGE. 59 1872. Leonard Blake, 2909 West Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Charles Estabrook Bronson, M. D., Treasury Department, Wash- ington, D. C. The Hon. Albert Douglas, Chillicothe. *Willison Bowers French. Died August 6, 1893, Philadelphia, Penn. The Hon. Talfourd Park Linn, Wyandotte Building, Columbus. John DeWitt Hart McKinley, A. M. (1878), 151 East Broad Street, Columbus. Percy Proctor, 351 Walnut Street, Cincinnati. Andrew Lewis Ralston, A. M. (1878), Columbus. William Henry Strong, A. M. (1880), care Inter Ocean, Chicago, 111. The Rt. Rev. John Hazen White, D. D. (1895), Michigan City, Ind. Non-Graduates. *Irvin Fenner Applegate. Charles Hildreth Blair, 49 Broadway, New York, N. Y. John Locke Bracken. The Rev. John Lightner Egbert, 28 IngersoU Grove, Springfield, Mass. Gustavus Florence. ^Thomas Hanna. Died 1895, Cincinnati. Raymond Holmes, 606 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, Calif. James Bower Johnston. John Davies Jones, M. D., 113 Broadway, Cincinnati. *Thomas Worthington King. Drowned, 1898. John Speece Marfield, Chillicothe. The Rev. James Bank Meade, Chambersburg, Penn. Frederick Augustus Otte, Shelbyville, Ind. 1873. Charles Henry Buchanan, 197 Forty-first Street, Chicago, 111. The Rt. Rev. Lewis William Burton, A. M. (1886), D. D. (1896), Lexington, Ky. *Judge John M. Critchfield. Died 1893, Mount Vernon. Judge Frank Kershner Dunn. *Charles Updike Fosdick. Died September 3, 1876, Cincinnati. William Matthews Raynolds, American Trust Building, Cleveland. 60 KENYON COLLEGE. John Barnett Sherwood, Stevenson Building, Indianapolis, Ind. George Franklin Southard, 25 Boulevard Hausmann, Paris, France. The Rev. Langdon Cheves Stewardson, Lehigh University, South Bethlehem, Penn. Non-Graduates. George Beatty, Steubenville. Edward Williams Bonynge. Samuel Davies. John G. Deshler, Columbus. *Albert Frederick Doddridge. Died 1871, Chicago, 111. *Devotion Carnot Eddy. Died 1877, Chicago, 111. *William Moore Ferguson. Died 1877, Cincinnati. George Wesley Heistand. *Brockaway Kinney. Died 1893, Nebraska City, Neb. Louis Kossuth McGrew, Honolulu, H. I. The Rev. Stewart Means, 315 Orange Street, New Haven, Conn. Francis Mortimer Quig. William Arthur West, Bellefontaine. 1874. Prof. John G. Black, A. M. (1884), D. D., Wooster University, Wooster. The Rt. Rev. Francis Key Brooke, A. M. (1882), Guthrie, Okl. William Thomas Colville, A. M. (1879), Carbondale, Penn. Richard Clough Flournoy, Sioux City, la. The Hon. Charles Modinet Ingraham, Kansas City, Mo. Grayson Mills, Sandusky. Charles Tappan, A. M. (1879), Helena, Mont. Joseph Richard Turney, Marion. The Rev. Henry Davy Waller, Flushing, N. Y. Non-Graduates. The Rev. Fletcher Clark, 1411 North Eighteenth Street, Philadel- phia, Penn. *Edward Charles Cox. Died April 13, 1872, Gambler. William Creighton, Los Angeles, Calif. Robert McFarland, Zanesville. *Marius George Stearns. Died 1876. Dwight Stone, Jr., Goldman, La. KENYON COLLEGE. 61 1875- The Rev. Norman Nash Badger, Worthington. Edward Gilpin Johnson, 3 Waverly Place, Milwaukee, Wis. • Frank Hardwick Morrison, Cranford, N. J. Robert Miller O'Ferrall, M. D., Piqua. Frederick Tomlinson Feet, Tacoma, Wash. The Rev. William Wordsworth Taylor, A. M. (1884), Episcopal Hospital, Philadelphia, Penn. William Franklin Webb, A. M. (1884), Newark. Non-Graduates. John Graham Dun, Neil House, Columbus. Evan Edmunson Gwynne. George Helen. Hosea Williams Hills, Berkshire. Louis L'Hommedieu, F'ourth and Main Streets, Cincinnati. Harold Halsey Smith. Peter Wilson Strader, Fair Haven, Wash. *Charles Augustus Van Duzen. *Warren Piatt Watrous. Drowned on a filibustering expedition to Cuba, 1897. 1876. The Rev. Charles S. Aves, Norwalk. *John Charles Dunn. Died October 5, 1897, East Toledo. The Rev. RoUa Dyer, Dayton, Ky. Charles Clement Fisher, Marion. James M. Greenslade, A. M. (1884), Lima. The Rev. RichariMansfield McGuffey, A. M. (1895), Newtown, N. Y. The Rev. Paul Sterling, Melrose, Mass. Frank Pope Wilson, A. M. (1888), 2218 Clay Street, San Fran- cisco, Calif. Non-Graduates. *Charles Catlin Damarin. Died December 24, 1888, Portsmouth. Samuel Miles Johnson, 112 Market Street, Portsmouth. Capt. Charles Winder Mason, U. S. A., Adjutant-General's Office, Washington, D. C. Harry McFarland, Pittsburg, Penn. The Rev. Tandy C. Rucker, Cleveland. 62 KENYON COLLEGE. *Louis Mealy Schaefer. Died, Canton. Kuah Ah See. Ngan Zu Soong. He»ry Clay Thompson, Hillsboro. 1877. Blake Axtell, M. D., Painesville. Capt. Harry Coupland Benson, U. S. A., A. M. (1887), The Pre- sidio, San Francisco, Calif. Robert Woods Colville, M. D., Mount Vernon. Lorin Hall, A. M. (1882), M. D., Portsmouth. Harry Neville Hills, A. M. (1886), Gambler. The Rev. Henry Deane Page, Nanjemoy, Md. Frank Fillmore Roberts. Non-Graduates. Abraham Fen ton Burrows. Charles Whitefield Coons, Canton. *Charles Bush Dun. Died August 13, 1881, Huntsville. Charles B. Ellis, Great Falls, Mont. Albert Tracey Johnson, Portsmouth. Albert Lawrence, St. Clairsville. *Lieut. John Sanford Mason, U. S. A. Carey Rees Montgomery, M. D., 1362 Highland Street, Columbus. Robert Bruce Montgomery, Columbus. Henry Robert Stanbery, Zanesville. John Eliot Sturges, Mansfield. *Tullius Aiken Thayer. Died August 29, 1878, Cincinnati. *Walton Caldwell Tidball. Died 1894, Brooktyn, N. Y. Thomas King Wilson, Chillicothe. 1878. *Howard Mulman Adae. Died February 11, 1893. Chester Field Adams, A. M. (1882), 1056 North Emporia Street, Wichita, Kan. The Rev. Henry Dameral Aves, Houston, Tex. The Rev. Hezekiah Usher Monro, Newton Lower Falls, Mass. Charles Martin Poague, Chamber of Commerce, Chicago, 111. The Rev. Cassius Marcus Roberts, A. M., (1895J, Massillon. The Rev. Henry Herbert Smythe, Falmouth, Mass. William Thomas Wright, M. D., Denison, la, KENYON COLLEGE. 63 Non-Graduates. George Ferdinand Klock, 26-28 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia Penn. William Jefferson Lhamon. Benjamin Franklin Stoner, Weyer's Cave, Va. Mountford Samuel Wilson, San Francisco, Calif. 1879. Judge John Jay Adams, A. M. (1889), Zanesville. The Rev. Isaac Tomlinson Bagnall, Xenia. Alfred Crayton Dyer, Kinsley, Kan. Jacob Drennan Early, Terre Haute, Ind. Justin Julius McKenzie, M. D. Willis Munro Townsend, Zanesville.. Non-Graduates. Horace Carlton Ayers, Gambier. Simon Augustus Colwill, Gambier. Hervey Pettit Johnson. Edward Parrott Matthews, Dayton. Samuel Hutchinson Nicholas, Coshocton. Henry Harvey Reese, 76 Monroe Street, Chicago, 111. Frank Sawyer, 172 East Main Street, Norwalk. Jackson Whipple Showalter, Georgetown, Ky. 1880. Francis Wharton Blake, M. D., A. M. (1887), 187 East State Street, Columbus. The Rev. Asahel Amos Brasee, East Mauch Chunk, Penn. Samuel Herbert Britton, M. D., Marion. Charles Franklin Colville, M. D., Mount Vernon. Grove Daniel Curtis, 444 East Fifty-seventh Street, New York, N. Y. The Rev. Abner Lord Frazer, Youngstown. William Drake Hamilton, M.D., 142 East Long Street, Columbus. Charles Page Peterman, M. D., 809 Green Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Newbold LeRoy Pierson, College Hill, Cincinnati. The Very Rev. Charles David Williams, D. D. (1899), Trinity Church, Cleveland. Thomas Stokely Wood, First National Bank Building, Duluth, Minn. 64 KENYON COLLEGE. Non-Graduates. Angus W. Dun, London. William Stokely Lloyd. George Mason, Catlettsburg, Ky. William Montgomery, The Richelieu, Columbus. J. W. Wigton. 1881. Joseph Pancoast Coates, Ph. B., Portsmouth. Warwick Miller Cowgill, M. D., Paducah, Ky. John Edwin Franks, Station A, Cincinnati. Henry Sellers Gregg, 136 Linden Street, Minneapolis, Minn. Theodore Murdock Livesay, King Building, Columbus. The Rev. Thomas Carter Page, A. M., (1890), Cambridge, Md. The Rev. Charles Toms AUison Pise, Marietta, Ga. Non-Graduates. Richard Lee Allbritain, 127 Warren Street, Columbus. Gwynne Andrews, Columbus Club, Columbus. Arthur DeWitt Coe. Alfred Downs, Lexington, Ky. William Henry Galway. Israel Henry Karcher, 4216 Wyahnsing Street, Philadelphia, Penn. John Poyntz Nelson, Austin, Tex. Charles Meagher Pepper. The Rev. Sherwood Roosevelt, 23;^ Second Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Guy Sterling (Sterling & Sterling), Salt Lake City, Utah. Otis K. White. 1882. George Frederick Anderson, Sandusky. John Trafford Brasee, Lancaster. Ernest Stanley Cook, Franklin Avenue, Cleveland. James Howard Dempsey, Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland. Irving Bedell Dudley, Albemarle Hotel, San Diego, Calif. William Robert Mahaffey, Ph. B., Lima. Reuben Broadus Miller, Williams Street, Covington, Ky. *William Clark Pennock, Ph. B. Drowned July 17, 1899, near New Castle, Ind. Edwin Frazer Wilson, M. D., A. M. (1889), 230 East Long Street, Columbus. KENYON COLLEGE. 65 Non-Graduates. Levi Lewis Hatton Austin, Spitzer Building, Toledo. John Augustine Benedict, Athens, Ga. Meigs Bland, Weston, W. Va. John Bland Brannon, Weston, W. Va. Matthew Edwiston, Jr., Weston, W. Va. Richard Hoffman Harrison. Burgess Lee McElroy, Mount Vernon. John Calmer White, Newark. Francis George Willard, Topeka, Kan. 1883. William Addison Child, Ph. B., A. M. (1886), Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. William Weston Hearne, Linwood. Andrew L. Herrlinger, Ph. B., Wiggins Block, Cincinnati. Thomas Barrette Wright, M. D., A. M. (1895), Circleville. Non-Graduates. Charles Wilson Adams, Pennsylvania & Ohio Fuel Company, St. Paul, Minn. Robert Finlay Chenoweth, London. Charles Sumner Crawford, Carnegie Building, Pittsburg, Penn. James Robinette Crawford, M. D., Brownsville, Penn. John Kerr Crawford, Franklin, Penn. W. Darr. *Enos Erskine Foreman. George Douglas Grasser, Newark. Charles Sumner Hamilton, M. D., Columbus. Homer Ward Harper, Painesville. *Robert McChord Harris. Died April 8, 1887. Fabius Anderson Harrison, Lexington, Ky. *Frank Jones. Elliott Marfield, Perin Building, Cincinnati. Clitus Harry Marvin, Urbana. Ernest Allen Oliver, 4452 Vincennes Avenue, Chicago, 111. Charles Benjamin Shaffer, Franklin, Penn. Lora Woods Stockwell. Charles Jacob Suhr, Norwalk, 66 KENYON COLLEGE. Albert Antonio Taltavall, Pennsylvania Railroad, Philadelphia, Penn. Frank Lucian Tillinghast, Clearwater, Kan. James Bacon Wilcox, Columbus. 1884. The Rev. George Augustine Benedict, Cartersville, Ga. Richard Bury Bloodgood. Joshua Douglas, Ph. B., Fischer Building, Chicago, 111. J. Edward Good, Ph. B., Akron. Francis Thomas Anderson Junkin, A. M. (1897), 11 Jackson Street, Chicago, 111. Samuel Willoughby Taylor, Ph. B., Santa Anna, Calif. The Rev. Irving Todd, Ph. B., A. M. (1898), Bethany College, Topeka, Kan. Charles Wardlow, Ph. B., 116>^ South High Street, Columbus. Non-Graduates. *William Mather BoUes, Jr. Died May 13, 1892, Chicago, 111. Davis'Carnel, Cincinnati. Charles Laurence Cole, Jr., 323 Jackson Street, St. Paul, Minn. *Wirbur Garrett Conover. Died, Piqua. Benjamin Franklin Crofoot, Painesville. The Rev. Frank Elmer Edwards, Morristown, N. J. Albert Wilson Hayward, Cherry Vale, Kan. *H. Seymour Hicks. Died 1896, Salt Lake City, Utah. Wells Augustus Hutchins, Jr., Portsmouth. Daniel Webster Loney, M. D., Olena. Josiah Kingsley Ohl, Atlanta, Ga. Harry Curtis Plimpton, 326 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Ichiji Sano, Tokio, Japan. George Hunter Smith, Chillicothe. Dwight Enoch Sapp, Mount Vernon. Clinton Preston Sinks, care Emerson McMillin, 40 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. Daniel Stahl. Newcomb Butler Thompson, 125 East Second Street, Cincinnati, Fred Wasson. Marcus Tullius Cicero Wing, Findlay. *Warrington Karthaus Warwick. Died 1897, Massillon. KEN YON COLLEGE. 67 1885. Alva Henry Anderson, Shelby. Ernest Milnor Benedict, Cedartown, Ga. Edward Vance Bope, Findlay. John Adolph Fritsch, 158 East Second Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Orion Boyd Harris, Sullivan, Ind. George Clarence HoUoway, Los Angeles, Calif. Charles Edward Milmine, Produce Exchange, New York, N. Y. The Rev. Roger Hanson Peters, Indianapolis, Ind. John Franklin Smith, Findlay. Alonzo Mitchell Snyder, Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland. William Tappan, care Ginn & Company, Boston, Mass. George William Dorman Webster, Geneva. Non-Graduates. Sidney Arthur, S45 Greenup Street, Covington, Ky. William Herbert Bell, M. D., Cincinnati. G. C. Buntin. John Robert Cunningham, Terre Haute, Ind. Harry S. Dowling, Toledo. Samuel S. Early. Carl Hardy, care George Hardy, Deshler Bank, Columbus. Winfield Scott Johnson, Van Wert. Edward M. Mancourt, Columbus. David L. Marvin, Akron. Martin A. Mayo, Howland Block, Chicago, 111. Franklin M. Ohl, care Valentine Company, Toledo. Orestes Fremont Phillips, Medina. Warren Edward Russell, Massillon. George Spitzer. R. B. Wincoop, Crestline. John Cassell Williams, Washington, D. C. 1886. Clifford Lincoln Sherman Ayres, Drake Coal Company, Cleveland. The Rev. Prof. Henry Edward Chase, Nashotah, Wis. Hugh Barrett Clement, Ph. B., 23 Pulaski Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. The Rev. George Clark Cox, 2 Rue Gevray, Geneva, Switzerland. Arthur Stanhope Dudley, Ph. B., Lansing, Mich. Charles Probasco Harnwell, Little Rock, Ark. 68 KENYON COLLEGE. Non-Graduates. Marcus Frederic Bates, Henry Holcomb Bennett. *Walter Wood Brown. Edward Lawrence Case, Smedley Manufacturing Company, Du- buque, la. Francis Harlan Dickeson. Edward M. Fullington, M. D., Marysville. Hibbard Jewett Gebhart, Dayton. William Ellsworth Grant, Mount Vernon. Joseph Ellsworth Higby, Chillicothe. Henry Reuben Parker. William Wirt Peabody, Jr., Madisonville. Harry Lardner Sterrett, Post Office Drawer 87, New Haven, Conn. Samuel Bradstreet Timmonds, Portsmouth. *Benjamin Head Warder. Died March, 1897, Springfield. 1887. The Rev. Cleveland Keith Benedict, Glendale. Curtis Claypoole, 1050 North High Street, Columbus. The Rev. William Herbert Dewart, 126 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. Robert Matthew Greer, Ph. B., Mount Vernon. Lawrence Berus Hancock, 295 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Ralph Sheldon Holbrook, Gardner Building, Toledo. George Arthur Reid, Bastrop, La. Walter Wright Scranton, Ph. B., Knoxville, Tenn. Hugh Sterling, Ph. B., 9350 North Second Street, St. Louis, Mo. Charles Huntington Young, Chamberlain, S. Dak. The Rev. James Henry Young, Troy. Non-Graduates. *Frederick Piatt Benedict. Died March 11, 1885, Norwalk. Kenyon Bronson Conger, Akron. George Strain Cox, Terre Haute, Ind. Henry Carr Ferris, Toledo. Alfred Hoyt Granger, The Temple, Chicago, 111. Harry Saiger Griffith, Mount Gilead. William Otis Harlan. Harry Newton Hill, 965 EucHd Avenue, Cleveland. William Walter Lanthurn, Little Rock, Ark. KENYON COLLEGE. 69 William Wallace Lowrey, Journal Building, Indianapolis, Ind. John Madeira, Gilsey House, Denver, Colo. Harry Murphy, care Murphy, Hibben & Company, Indianapolis, Ind. Philip Dewis Seasongood, Third Street, Cincinnati, Evan Brown Stotsenburg, New Albany, Ind. Harry Browne Swayne, 111 State Street, Chicago, 111. John Ayers Strutton, Norwalk. Charles E. TuUer Dublin. Tecumseh Sherman Walcutt, 30 East Town Street, Columbus. William White,. Cynthiana, Ky. Henry Curtis Devin, Ph. B., A. M. (1893), Mount Vernon. Walstein Failing Douthirt, Ph. B., 40 Wall Street, New York, N. \ . The Rev. George Fiske Dudley, A. M. (1893), 3012 Thirteenth Street, Washington, D. C. Guy Despard Goff, Milwaukee Club, Milwaukee, Wis. Cliflford Alfred Neff, Society for Savings Building, Cleveland. George Henry Prince, 632 East Twenty-eighth Street, Los Ange- les, Calif. The Rev. John Davis Skilton, Cheltenham Academy, Ogontz, Penn. Henry Bedinger Swearingen, A. M. (1893), Arlington Hotel, Memphis, Tenn. ^Charles Avery Tappan, Ph. B. Died June 22, 1897, Steubenville. *Robert Chochung Woo. Died 1895, Shanghai, China. Non-Graduates. Willis Swanner Anderson, M. D., Shelby. Frank Herschel Briggs, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Harry Currington Daly, M. D., Gibsonton, Penn. Addison Clarence Dickinson, Mount Vernon. Eben Theran Fuller, Dublin. Albert Halstead, Springfield, Mass. The Rev. Douglas I. Hobbs, Little Rock, Ark. *John Edward Jewett. Died 1887, Dayton. Samuel Percival Johnson, Portsmouth. *Charles Fremont McCann. Died 1897, Bellevue. William Moerlein, Moerlein Brewing Company, Cincinnati. Oscar Wort Newman, 32 West Second Street, Portsmouth. 70 KENYON COLLEGE. Charles Steinford Pearson. Bernard Van Horn Schultz, 307 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. John Grant Swearingen, Circleville. John Frederic Trimble, 2049 Portland Avenue, MinneapoH^, Minn. Charles William Whitney, Jr. Albert Condon Whittaker, WheeHng, W. Va. Points Siching Yen, Shanghai, China. .1889. The Rev. Charles Henry Arndt, Christ Church, Germantown, Penn. Charles Henry Bemis, Ph. B., Carlisle Building, Cincinnati. Frank Sanford Curtis, 1116 Fifteenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Henry Jacob E berth, 408 Winthrop Street, Toledo. , Frederick William Harnwell, Ph. B., Portland Block,. Chicago, 111. The Rev. Gibson William Harris, One Hundred Fortieth Street, and St. Ann's Avenue, New York, N. Y. David Feldman Kronacher, Ph. B., U. S. Cruiser "Brooklyn." The Rev. Edward Thomas Mabley, Paoli, Penn. George Dudley Young, Ph. B., Kansas City, Mo. Non-Graduates. *William Alvin Byran. Died 1897, Melbourne, Australia. Alexander L. Crawford, Terre Haute, Ind. *Charles Herbert Grant. Died January 1, 1898, Mount Vernon. John Chauncy Hoffman, St. Paul Building, Cincinnati. *Harris.Dickey Huston. Harry Jay McGugin, Gambler. Henry Hubbard Peachey, M. D., Loveland. Frederick William Prince. Alexander Stewart, Beresford Avenue, Cincinnati. Thomas Townsley Swearingen, 322 East Scott Street, Columbus. Harry Clark Wing, Union Furnace. 1890. William Budd Bodine, Jr., 4025_ Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Penn. Frank Hadley Ginn, Ph. B., Society for Savings Building, Cleve- land. tCENYON COLLEGE. 71 Sherman Moorhead Granger, A. M. (1893), 11 Waverly Place, New York, N. Y. Wilbur Edward Irvine, Ph. B., Springfield. Henry Lincoln McClellan, Ph. B., A. M. (1893), Pennsylvania Military College, Chester, Penn. The Rev. William Edward Rambo, Brownsville, Penn. Robert Sterling (Sterling & Sterling), Salt Lake City, Utah. John Francis Wilson, Napoleon. The Rev. Lee Huntington Young, A. M. (1893), Chadron, Neb. Non-Graduates. Gavin Hamilton Harris, Bucyrus. William Chase Hildreth, Kansas City, Mo. Hamilton Eugene Hoge, Kenton. Charles Kearns, Eighth and Madison Avenues, Covington, Ky. Harry Abram Lozier, Jr., 1129 Case Avenue, Cleveland. Leon Enoch Strieker, Tiffin. Yeatman Wardlow, M. D., Columbus. *William Edmund Wilson. 189I. The Rev. Owen John Davies, Haddonfield, N. J. William Hahn Foley, A. M. (1894), Lincoln, Neb. RoUin Barnard Hubbard, Ph. B., Evansville, Ind. The Rev. Joseph S. Motoda, A. M. (1893), Tsukiji, Tokio, Japan. Non-Graduates. David Charles Anderson. *William Robert Gill. Died January 25, 1897, Cleveland. Theodore Herbert Gould, London. James Pardee Reed, Marion. Jesse Siddall Reeves, Richmond, Ind. Charles Atwater Ricks, Standard Oil Building, Cleveland. Albert Lee Thurman, Rich Street, Columbus. Robert John Trimble, D. K. E. Club, New York, N. Y. George Miller Urquhart. *James Percival Walker. Died 1898, Gambler. Frederick D. Wilkerson, Ohio Steel Company, Youngstown. James Edward Wilson, Sedalia. 72 KENYON COLLEGE. 1892. Guy Hamilton Buttolph, A. M. (1897), Box 336, Guayaquil, Ecua- dor. Henry Wright Buttolph, A. M. (1895), Fitzgerald Building, Indian- apolis, Ind. William Pearce Carpenter, 310 Walnut Street, Cincinnati. The Rev. Louis E. Durr, Dresden. William N. Kennedy, 95 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Paul Morrison, M. D., Martin's Ferry. The Rev. Charles Thomas Walkley, Palmyra, N. Y. Lewis Caleb Williams, A. M. (1899) , Cheltenham Academy, Ogontz, Penn. Non-Graduates. Milton B. Craighead, Richmond, Ind. Leo S. Ganter, Muncie, Ind. William A. Knotts, Kansas City, Mo. *Edward F. Lanehart. Died 1891, Gambler. John C. Loomis, Tiffin. Charles M. Stamp, Mount Vernon. William S. Walkley, M. D., Pittsfield, Mass. *George S. Wetmore. 1893. *Erastus Burr Cochran. Died May, 1896, Los Angeles, Calif. John Dawson Follett, 41 East Fourth Street, Cincinnati. The Rev. John Orson Miller, Silver Cliff, Colo. ^Robert Jesse Watson. Died January, 1899, London. Benjamin Heber Williams, Monroeville. Frank Andrew Yauger, A. M. (1896), Rock Creek. Non-Graduates. Earl Daniel Babst, 80 Griswold Street, Detroit, Mich. The Rev. Frank William Bope, Zanesville. Everett Grove Decker. The Rev. Alvah William Doran, 2226 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, Penn. Alvin Emile Duerr, 8 South Twelfth Street, Philadelphia, Penn. John C. Underwood, Cardington. KENYON COLi^EGE. 73 1894. William Buchtel Beck, Ph. B., 636 West Market Street, Akron. Alexander Hamilton Commins, Akron. James Frederick Doolittle, Cheltenham Academy, Ogontz, Penn. The Rev. William Russell McKim, Huntington, Neb. Walter M. Paazig, Ph. B., Hunt's vStation. Clay Varner Sanford, Third and Race Streets, Cincinnati. Non-Graduates. Eugene Brooks Douthirt, Occidental Hotel, Indianapolis, Ind. Harry K. Harkness, 55 Fifty-third Street, Chicago, 111. Edmond E. Neff, El Paso, Tex. Edward M. Phelps, M. D., St. Marys. Charles H. Post, Salt Lake City, Utah, Ralph Curtis Ringwalt, Law School, Harvard University, Cam- bridge, Mass. *Norman L. Ranck. Drowned December, 1892, Gambler. Lieut. R. P. Reifenberick, 16th U. S. Infantry, Manila, Philippine Islands. John J. Shaffer, London. 1895. The Rev. George Parkin Atwater, A. M. (1899), Akron. Albert James Bell, M. D., Mount Auburn, Cincinnati. Edward B. Braddock, Little Rock, Ark. Walter David Braddock, Palatine Hotel, Newburgh, N. Y. Dick Clippinger, 1317 Washtenaw Avenue, Ann Arbor, Mich. Arthur Dumper, Bexley Hall, Gambier. Charles Pennebaker Mottley, Bowling Green, Ky. Lou Angus Sanford, Third and Race Streets, Cincinnati. Asa Raymond Williams, Monroeville. The Rev. George Frederic Williams, Tiffin. Non-Graduates. Frank W. Alden, 84 Washington Avenue, Newport, Ky. Elmer W. Armstrong, Monroeville. Charles F. Baldwin, 825 Congress Street, Chicago, 111. Robert L. Baer, Bucyrus. Albert G. Davis. The Rev. George Lyford Freebern. The Rev. Thomas Robert Hazzard, Sidney. Harry William Jewell, Centerburg. 74 KENYON COLLEGE. 1896. Oscar Sherman Adams, B. S., Centerburg. The Rev. Charles Wilson Baker, Conneaut. Herbert Arthur Sarber, B. S., Wauseon. Levi Hahn Burnett, Ph. B., 5532 Howe Street, Pittsburg, Penn. George Luther Clark, Lytle. George Henry Eckerle, B. S., Xenia. Charles FoUett, 41 East Fourth Street, Cincinnati. The Rev. Robert Bonner Bowler Foote, Cincinnati. The Rev. Robert LeRoy Harris, 527 Crittenden Avenue, Toledo. Howard Hollenbach, B. S., Lakewood, N. J. John Jay Hyatt, Ph. B., Jelloway. Henry Clinton Jacobs, Ph. B., Gambier. Harris Hartwell Kennedy, Zanesville. William Canfield Lee, Manhattan, Kan. John O'Fallon Little, care Percy Smith Lithographing Company, Pittsburg, Penn. Joseph John McAdoo, care Safe Deposit Trust Company, Pitts- burg, Penn. Edgar Gilbert Martin, B. S., Norwalk. Martin Myers, Zanesville. Edwin B. Redhead, Bexley Hall, Gambier. John A. Sipher, Medical School, Western Reserve University, Cleveland. The Rev. Albert Neilson Slayton, Ph. B., A. M. (1899), Colum- bus. Harold Stiles, Ph. B., A. M. (1899), Galena. Manley Hawn Thompson, Zanesville. The Rev. David Wilson Thornberry, Dennison. Edgar Jones White, Ph. B., Gambier. Herbert Frith Williams, Kenyon Military Academv, Gambier. Earle R. Wilson, Marion. Non-Graduates. Charles Roland Cary, 52 East Elizabeth Street, Detroit, Mich. Edward M. Gould, 813 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. William Joseph Haworth, Crestline. Oscar A. Knox, Cuyahoga Falls. Benjamin P. McDonald, Fort Scott, Kan. George S. May, Defiance. William Pate, Jr., Gale and Congress Avenues, Cleveland. KENYON COLLEGE. 7^ Henry Stanbery, M. D., Pomeroy. Carl Y. Semple, Guertie, Indian Territory. William A. E. Thomas, Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn. Charles Valores Webb, Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, Penn. Harry H. Wolf, Muncie Land Company, Mnncie, Ind. Charles Chevrier Wright, Akron. 1897. The Rev. Arthur Hubert Brooke, Gladstone, Mich. Augustus? James Commins, Akron. Robert Crosser, Law School, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati. Clarence Eugene Doan, East Cleveland. Daniel LeBaron Goodwin. . William Alfred Grier, B. S., Bexley Hall, Gambler. Non-Graduates. Willard C. Armstrong, Mount Vernon. Howell North Baker, 1405 Fourth Street, San Diego, Calif. Arthur A. Billman, Cuyahoga Falls. Fred R. Byard, Warren. Luman R. Campbell. Herbert C. Davis. Newton H. Guise. Frank H. Hawley, Hawley House, Cleveland. William C. Henderson, East Cleveland. Charles M. Hubbard, Hartford City, Ind. John N. Kendig, M. D. George Karl Kunst, Weston, W. Va. *Albert Wilson Laughlin. Died, Barnesville. Renssaeler H. Long, Centerburg. The Rev. Edward Grant McFarla#d, Coshocton. Harry Barber Sawyer, 54 Streator Avenue, Cleveland. Charles Waite Phellis, Mechanicsburg. Arthur Bull Sullivan, 584 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. William D. Van Voorhees, Centerburg. Thomas Cadwallader Welch, Athens. The Rev. Alfred James Wilder, Cincinnati. 76 KENYON COLLEGE. 1898. William Hamilton Clarke, Mount Vernon. Jay Johnson Dimon, Bexley Hall, Gambler. George Todd Irvine, New York Military Academy, Cornwall-on- Hudson, N. Y. Charles Abram MacNish, Box 993, Pittsburg, Penn. Albert Columbus Delano Metzger, Ph. B., Gambler. James Allen Nelson, Ph. B., University of Pennsylvania, Philadel- phia, Penn. Charles Shriver Reifsnider, Bexley Hall, Gambler. Harry Blaine Shontz, Washington, D. C. William Martin Sidener, Bexley Hall, Gambler. Constant Southworth, Salem. Philemon Beecher Stanbery, Jr., Law School, University of Cin- cinnati, Cincinnati. Herbert Stocks, Bexley Hall, Gambler. George Reagh Warnman, Ph. B., Gambler. Daniel'Fred Williams, 952 Prospect Street, Cleveland. Non-Graduates. Clarence Hamilton Alden, 84 Washington Avenue, Newport, Ky. William Dominick Blake, Carthage, Mo. George Wellington Boulger, Greenville, Penn. Washington Beach Clark. David Hogg Grosser, Salineville. George Willis Dunham, East Cleveland. The Rev. James Hallett Herendeen, Buffalo, N. Y. Harry J. Sharp, London. George Alvin Straw, Carey. Thomas Odiorne Youtsey, Newport, Ky. 1899. William John Barrett, Harvard-^ University, Cambridge, Mass. Charles Clinch Bubb, Jr., Bexley Hall, Gambler. Charles Ransom Ganter, Law School, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Leo Weldon Wertheimer, Ph. B., Law School, Columbia Univer- sity, New York, N. Y. Dayton Albert Williams, Monroeville. Frank Gerard Wright, 877 Hutchins Avenue, Avondale, Cincinnati. KENYON COLLEGE. 11 Non-Graduates. Dwight Norton Denslow, Muncie, Ind. Thomas Jenkins, Bexley Hall, Gambler. Frederick Benjamin Schneerer, Norwalk. Russell Rice Taylor, Saugatiick, Mich. Wallace Hubbard Watts, General Theological Seminary, Chelsea Square, New York, N. Y. George Cruse Wright, 877 Hutchins Avenue, Avondale, Cincinnati. Alumni and Matriculates THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT I 826- 1 899 80 KENiON COLLEGE. 1828. • *Nathan Stem. Died 1859, Norristown, Penn. 1829. *James McElroy, A. M. (1829), D. D. (1868). Died June 21, 1880, Oakland, Calif. 1830. *John J. O'Brien, D. D. (1858). Died 1864. 183I. *Henry Caswell, D. D. (1854). Died 1870, Franklin, Penn. (Ken- yon, 1830). *George Dennison. Died 1861, Keokuk, la. (Kenyon, 1829). '1832. fAlvah Guion. Died 1872, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1833- *Henry S. Smith. Died 1872, Clermont, Vt. 1834. Heman Dyer, A. M. (1836), D. D., 2 Bible House, New York, N. Y. 1835. *Sherlock Anson Bronson, D. D. (1848). Died March 7, 1890. (Kenyon, 1833). Non-Graduates. *Albert Bledsoe. *Samuel Buell, D. D. Died December 30, 1892, New York, N. Y. Joshua T. Eaton. *Abram Edwards. Mansfield French. KENYON COLLEGE. 81 1836. •*Nelson E. Spencer. 1837- *Norraan Badger, Chaplain U. S. A. Died 1876, Fort Concho, Tex. (Kenyon, 1834). *Alfred Blake, D. D. (1874). Died January 30, 1877, Gambler. (Kenyon, 1829). *Thomas B. Fairchild. Died 1879, Cuyahoga Falls. *Richard Gray. Died September 14, 1880, Cincinnati. *William F. Halsey. Died October 15, 1882, Radnor, Penn. *John Sellwood. Died August 27, 1892, Milwaukee, Wis. *James Bonnar. Non-Graduates. *Henry Bollman. *William Caird. *Anson Clarke. *John G. McElhinney. Died August 4, 1895. Matthew Fontaine Maury. 1838. John Foster, M. D., Athens, Tenn. (Kenyon, 1835). *Charles C. Townsend. Died 1872. ^George B. Sturges. Died 1839. *John Ufford, D. D. (1868). Died June 19, 1881, Delaware. (Ken- yon, 1837). *The Rev. John A. Wilson, D. D. (1878). Died May 7, 1885. (Kenyon, 1837). Non-Graduates. *Samuel H. Buraside. Died 1852, Marshall, Tex. (Kenyon, 1837). Benjamin Emmons. 1840. *Stephen Griffith Gassaway. Died February 15, 1854, St. Louis, Mo. (Kenyon, 1837). *John Henshaw. Died 1846, Noxubie County, Miss. (Kenyon, 1837). 82 KENYON COLLEGE. *John Jay O'Kill. *John Sandels. Died 1874, Mansfield, La. *David W. Tolford. Died 1877, New York, N. Y. Non-Graduates. Charles S. Johnson. 1841. *W. W. Arnett. Died April 21, 1859, Cumberland, Md. *Robert S. Elder. Died August 30, 1850, in Michigan. *Richard S. Killen. Died 1853, Baltimore, Md. (Kenyon, 1840). *Joseph S. Large. Non-Graduates. Samuel L. Johnson. William Lumsden. Haman Russ. 1842. *William Fagg. Died 1860, Lagrange, Tenn. (Kenyon, 1839). Moses Hoge Hunter, Berkeley Springs, W. Va. Henry L. Richards, Bloch House Terrace, Winchester, Mass. (Kenyon, 1838). 1843. *Levi L. Holden. Died April 30, 1894, Williamsburg, Kan. *Albert T. McMurphy. Died 1878, West Vincent, Penn. 1845. Joash Rice Taylor, Saugatuck, Mich. (Kenyon, 1842). Non-Graduate. *Charles G'ibbs. (Kenyon, 1839). 1846. *Charles Avery, D. D. Died March 6, 1897, Salem, Mass. *William Clotworthy. Died 1855, Noxubie County, Miss. *John Wesley Cracraft, D. D. Died October, 1899, Saratoga, N. Y. KEN VON COLLEGE. 83 George W. DuBois, D. D., Essex, N. Y. *Charles E. Lewis. William Miller, Hot Springs, Ark. Oliver Taylor, Orange Park, Fla. *George Thompson. Died 1854. 1847. *Rodolphus K. Nash. Died March 7, 1889, Zanesville. (Kenyon, 1837). 1848. *Andrew D. Benedict. Died October 4, 1874, Racine, Wis. (Ken- yon, 1846). *Hiram N. Bishop, D. D. Died August 31, 1868, Paris, France. (Kenyon, 1845). *Thomas S. Goodwin. (Kenyon, 1845). ^Elijah W. Hager, D. D. Died July 7, 1880, Chicago, 111. Rodney S. Nash, Springfield, Mo. (Kenyon, 1846). *John Cotton Smith, S. T. D. Died January 9, 1882, New York, N. Y. 1849. *Edward H. Cumming. Died January 1, 1889. *George Johnson. Died 1849, Gambler. , Non-Graduates. Solomon Noble Sanford (Layman), 1931 Barnard Park, Los Angeles, Calif. (Kenyon, 1847). 1850. *Benjamin Austin. Died December 18, 1854, Amesbury, Mass. John Boyd, D. D. (1866), Marietta. (Kenyon, 1844). *Erastus A. Strong. Died 1866, Gambier. Non-Graduates. George E. Thrall. (Kenyon, 1849). 84 KENYON COLLEGE 1852. *Columbus S. Doolittle. Died, Mansfield. (Kenyon, 1848). *Mark R. Jukes. Died August 2, 1854, Maumee. *David C. Maybin. James G. Pattison, M. D. *Daniel Risser. Died 1866, Columbus. (Kenyon, 1849) . 1853- Edward C. Benson, D. D., Kenyon College, Gambler. (Kenyon, 1849) . *Thomas Corlett. Died August 29, 1889, Cleveland. Francis Granger, 115 Fifteenth Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Joseph E. Ryan, East Des Moines, la. *Noah Hunt Schenck, D. D. Died Jantxary 4, 1885, Brooklyn, N. Y. James Trimble, D. D., Shell Lake, Wis. (Kenyon, 1852). 1854. Peter Neff (Layman), 361 Russell Avenue, Cleveland. (Kenyon, 1849) . *Nicholas C. Pridham. Died 1872, Baltimore, Md. 1855. *John Hochuly. Died May 26, 1893, Fairfield, La. (Kenyon, 1852) . *Henry Hobart Morrell, D. D. (1877). (Kenyon, 1852). Non-Graduates. John Trimble, Jr., D. D., 3009 Q Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C. 1856. *John P. Curran. Died 1862. *Charles W. Fearns. Killed November 19, 1863, Knoxville, Tenn. (Kenyon, 1852). *Moses Hamilton. Died December 17, 1898, Bellevue. (Kenyon, 1854) . *PeterH. Jeffreys. Died 1875, Newport, Ky. Warren Hastings Roberts, Kingsville. KENYON COLLEGE. 85 1857- *John Harman C. Bonte, D. D. (1881). Died December, 1896, Berkeley, Calif. Charles George Currie, D. D., 1014 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Md. (Kenyon, 1857). nVilliam Fulton, D. D. Died 1877, Salisbury, Md. Benjamin T. Noakes, D. D. (1886), Bolton Avenue, Cleveland. Non-Graduates. Richard L. Chittenden, Paradise, Penn. (Kenyon, 1849). George W. Pepper. 1858. Cornelius S. Abbott, Belleville, N. J. Henry Hays Messenger, Summit, Miss. (Kenyon, 1855). 1859. nVilliam J. Alston. Died 1874, New York, N. Y. *Richard Leo Ganter, D. D. (1882). Died March 26, 1893. (Ken- yon, 1856). William C. Gray, D. D. (1881), Bishop of Southern Florida, Orlando, Fla. (Kenyon, 1859). *John W. Griffin. Died 1867. *Richard Holden. *John Winspeare McCarty. Died May 12, 1867, Cincinnati. (Ken- yon, 1857). Non-Graduates. Pere Wilmer. i860. Frederick Morland Gray, 6 South Hawk Street, Albany, N. Y. (Kenyon, 1858). Salmon R. Weldon. Non-Graduates. George Hubbard. George Thomas Chapman (Layman), 290 Pearl Street, Cleveland. (Kenyon, 1856). William Vondersmith Fetwell. 86 KENYON COLLEGE. James Jamieson, Urbana, Md. *John Leithead. Died September 29, 1865, Brownsville, Penn. (Kenyon, 1857). i86i. John Creighton, Blackstock, Ontario, Canada. Wyllys Hall, D. D. (1880), San Rafael, Calif. (Kenyon, 1858). John Franklin Ohl, D. D. (1879), Pomeroy. (Kenyon, 1858). - *William King Rogers (Layman). Died August 5, 1893, Colum- bus. (Kenyon, 1848). Samuel Sidney Spear, Wareham, Mass. Non-Graduates. *John M. Burke. Killed in Battle of Staunton Bridge, June 24, 1864. (Kenyon, 1858). *John Newton Lee, D. D. Died September 1, 1899, Waukegan, 111. (Kenyon, 1858). *Robert Lurkins, M. D. Died from wounds received at Pittsburg Landing, 1862. (Kenyon, 1858). Richard Reynolds. William Henry Tunnard, Shreveport, La. (Kenyon, 1856). 1862. *Henry Mortimer Blackaller. Died July 12, 1867, Galveston, Tex. (Kenyon, 1858). William Bower, 330 South Thirteenth Street, Philadelphia, Penn. (Kenyon, 1859). Richard S. Cooper, Inverary, Canada. William Henry Dyer, Pasadena, Calif. (Kenyon, 1859). John Ireland, Eckley, Penn. George H. Jenks, Madera, Calif. *Henry Durant Lathrop, D. D. (1870). Died December, 1898, St. Helena, Calif. (Kenyon, 1853). James Hervey Lee, Manhattan, Kan. *Henry Agar Lewis. Died January 17, 1866, Dresden. (Kenyon, 1859) . Edward Softly, Leamington, Canada. Alvin Emile Tortat, 3927 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, Penn. William Turner. *Charles Huntington Young. Died May 23, 1883, Worthington. (Kenyon, 1859). KENYON COLLEGE. 87 Non-Graduates. John K. Dunn, 323 Ord Street, Kansas City, Mo. *William F. McCarty. Died 1868, Cincinnati. George Keys. 1863. John Griffith Ames, 1600 Thirteenth Street, Northwest, Washing- ton, D. C. Edward Ashfield. *Charles N. Chevrier. Died November 13, 1872, Swedesboro, N. J. Herman L. Duhring, D. D., 411 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Penn . *Charles E. Mcllvaine. Died February 26, 1876, Towanda, Penn. (Kenyon, 1859). *WilIiam C. Mills. Died January 20, 1892, San Francisco, Calif. William H. Nelson, D. D., Shepherdstown, W. Va. *Erastus Owen Simpson. Died August 6, 1882, Philadelphia, Penn. (Kenyon, 1861). Non-Graduates. John Boyle. Richard Gray, Jr. Charles Higbee, Pelhara, N. Y. Calvin C. Parker, 3827 Baring Street, Philadelphia, Penn. (Ken- yon, 1859). 1864. John Aspinwall, 17 Dupont Circle, Washington, D. C. William Budd Bodine, D. D., 4025 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Penn. Abbott Brown, 59 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. Thomas Burrows, Rondout, N. Y. Charles I. Chapin. Joshua Cowpland, Jr., Ward, Penn. Josiah F. Curtis, New Madrid, Mo. *Matthew Matthews Gilbert. Died 1866, Wellsville. Benjamin Hartley, Aspen, Col. William Augustus Holbrook, 57 Hancock Street, Boston, Mass. John Mills Kendrick, D. D., Bishop of New Mexico and Arizona, Phoenix, Ariz. 88 KENYON COLLEGE. Charles E. Murray, D. D., 1015 Washington Street, Wilmington, Del. John F. Woods, Motindsville, W. Va. - Non- Graduates. Octavius Applegate, Keene, N. H. Joseph C. Cox. Charles J. Hendley. 1865. John Andrew Dooris, 623 North Leffingwell Street, St. Louis, Mo. (Kenyon, 1862). *William Dymond. Died January 22, 1870, New York, N. Y. Edward Hubbell. William R. Powell, 483 Davis Street, Portland, Ore. William H. H. Ross, Minneapolis, Minn. William R. Woodbridge, Port Henry, N. Y. Non-Graduates. Alexander Vinton Griswold Allen, D. D. (1878), 2 Phillips Place, Cambridge, Mass. (Kenyon, 1862). William Edward Wright, Geneva. (Kenyon, 1862). 1866. Samuel Herbert Boyer, 1033 Snyder Avenue, Philadelphia, Penn. (Kenyon, 1863). David H. Greer, D. D. (1881), 342 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. *William M. Postlethwaite, D. D. Died 1897, West Point, N. Y. (Kenyon, 1862). Non-Graduates. *J. E. Conover. Died, Oil City, Penn. (Kenyon, 1863). J. W. McGregor. 1867. Henry Leonard Badger, Olympia, Wash. (Kenyon, 1862). Alfred F. Blake, Carthage, Mo. (Kenyon, 1862). *Carlos Enrique Butler. Died April 25, 1894, Fort Meade, Fla. (Kenyon, 1867). KENYON COLLEGE. 89 William Hyde, Weymouth, Mass. (Kenyon, 1864). Joseph S. Jeackes. *William S. Langford, D. D. Died 1897, New York, N. Y. l868. Royal Blake Balcom, Jackson, Mich. (Kenyon, 1861). ^George Bosley. Died June 23, 1898, Boardman. (Kenyon, 1864). John Godfrey Jones. (Kenyon, 1866). Non-Graduates. Robert Charles Booth, 10 West Thirty-eighth Street, New York, N. Y. Arthur Lawrence, D. D., Stockbridge, Mass. 1869. *James T. Franklin. Died April 14, 1882, Erie, Penn. Wilfrid Hine Dean, Bridgewater, Conn. William J. Petrie, 5475 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, 111. *Charles Arthur Rand. Non-Graduates. Edward Bentley Church, 1036 Valencia Street, San Francisco, Calif. (Kenyon, 1867). *John Parkin HoUway. Died May. 18, 1867, Cincinnati. (Kenyon, 1866) . Henry Christian Mayer, 3618 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Penn. (Kenyon, 1866). *James Kleiner Mendenhall. Died February 22, 1897, Parkersburg, Penn. (Kenyon, 1866). Charles Henry Tucker. (Kenyon, 1866). 1870. Hosea Williams Jones, D. D. (1884), Bexley Hall, Gambler. William Lucas, Fresno, Calif. ^Wallace M. Probasco. Died 1877, Massillon. 90 KENYON COLLEGE. 1871. John H. Ely, College Hill, Cincinnati. Stephen W. Garrett, London. Edward Buncombe Irvine, CarroUton, 111. (Kenyon, 1868). Augustus R. Keiffer, Bradford, Penn. Robert A. McElhinney. Albert Burnet Nicholas, Guthrie, Oklahoma. ^ (Kenyon, 1869). Non- Graduates. Petrus Holmquist. Albert Ruth. 1872. Charles G. Adams, Hanford, Calif. Henry J. Camp, Fallbrook, Calif. (Kenyon, 1869). David Wyllis Cox, Madisonville. (Kenyon, 1869). ^Joseph E. Julian. Died September 7, 1892, Leesburg, Fla. Albert Bron.son Putnam, Mansfield. (Kenyon, 1869). Charles Milnor Sturges, St. Augustine, Fla. (Kenyon, 1869), 1873- *Cyrus Stearns Bates, D. D. Died April 19, 1896, Cleveland. Edson Black Cartmell (Layman), Lancaster. (Kenyon, 1871) 1878. Norman Nash Padger, Worthiogton. (Kenyon, 1875) 1880. Non-Graduates. W. W. Fellows. Edward L. Kemp, Medina. Ralph E. Macduff, Flint, Mich. Henry Deane Page, Nanjemoj^, Md. (Kenyon, 1877). KENVON COLLEGE. 91 iSSi. Non-Graduates. Sanford Taylor Brewster, Corning, Calif. Sherwood Roosevelt, 23% Second vStreet, Brooklyn, N. Y. William Tilly Whitmarsh, Episcopal Rooms, Omaha, Neb. 1882. Lewis Brown, Battle Creek, Mich. James Henry Davet, Zellwood, Fla. Clarence Croft Leman, Gainesville, Fla. Non-Graduates. George Rogers, Ridgway, Penn. Henry Herbert Smythe, Falmouth, Mass. (Kenyon, 1878). Samuel T. Street. 1883. Henry D. Aves, Houston, Tex. (Kenyon, 1878). George B. Van Waters, East Portland, Ore. Non Graduates. William Montgomery Brown, D. D. (1898), Bishop of Arkansas, Little Rock, Ark. Edward DeSeebach Juny. 8 East Franklin Street, Baltimore, Md. William Henry Osborne, Lansing, Mich. Augustine Prentiss, Victor, Col. Benjamin Piatt Runkle. 1884. Charles David Williams, D. D. (1899), Cleveland. (Kenyon, 1880). 1885. Rolla Dyer, Dayton, Ky. (Kenyon, 1876). Non-Graduates. Charles Toms Allison Pise, Marietta, Ga. (Kenyon, 1881). Car}' Breckenridge Wilmer, Price Hill, Cincinnati. 92 KENYON COLLEGE. 1886. Arthur B. Howard, Jackson, Miss. Non-Graduates. Richard Mercer, Grand Junction, Colo. 1887. Asahel Amos Brasee, East Mauch Chunk, Penn. (Kenyon, 1880). Non- Graduates. Abner Lord Frazer, Youngstown. (Kenyon, 1880). Douglas I. Hobbs, Little Rock, Ark. John L. Holah. Edwin Stoner Hoffman, Hornellsville, N. Y. 1889. Henry Edward Chase, Nashotah, Wis. (Kenyon, 1886). James DeBeavers Kaye, Ironwood, Mich. James Henry Young, Troy. (Kenyon, 1887). 1890. Albert E. Hall. 189I. Joseph H. Motoda, Tsukiji, Tokio, Japan. (Kenyon, 1891). John C. Loge. 1892. C. Fred Brookins, Station E, Cleveland. George Sherman Burrows, Lockport, N. Y. Colwort K. P. Cogswell, Washington, Penn. Howard M. Ingham, Jefferson. Harold Morse, 101 Twenty-sixth Street, Chicago, III. KENVON COLLEGE. 93 William Edward Rambo, Brownsville, Penn. (Kenyon, 1890). James Sheerin, 10 Horatio Street, New York, N. Y. Orville E. Watson, Trinity House, Cleveland. Lee Huntington Young, Chadron, Neb. (Kenyon, 1890). 1893. Dwight Benton, Jr. (deposed). Allan L. Burleson, San Antonio, Tex. Owen J. Davies, Haddonfield, N. J. (Kenyon, 1891). William John Hawthorne, Wheaton, 111. William H. G. Lewis, Oberlin. Cassius Marcus Roberts, Massillon. (Kenyon, 1878). Townsend Russell, Sheepshead Bay, N. Y. 1894. Frank William Bope, Zanesville. Louis E. Durr, Dresden. George Lyford Freebern. George William Preston, Springfield, 111. Charles Thomas Walkley, Palmyra, N. Y. (Kenyon, 1892). Non-Graduates. Edwin A. Moore (Layman). 1895. Edward S. Burkdull, Trinity Church, Toledo. Edward S. Doan, Bellevue. John A. Howell, Erie, Penn. 1896. John F. Cadwallader, WaynesviUe. ' J. Louis P. Clarke, Findlay. Elmer E. Esselburne, East Cleveland. Jay C. Hathaway, Canton. Ernest V. Shayler, Sandusky. Isaac D. Shlemon, Columbus. Alfred J. Wilder, Cincinnati. George Frederick Williams, Tiffin. (Kenyon, 1895). 94 KENYON COLLEGE. Non- Graduates. James J. Herendeen, Bufifalo, N. Y. John Orson Miller, Phoenix, Ariz. (Kenyon, 1894) R. D. Wolfe (Layman). 1897. Charles Dick Lafferty, Ravenna. Edward Grant McFarland, Coshocton. Non Graduates. Thomas A. Schofield, 942 South Tenth Street, Denver, CoL 1898. George Parkin Atwater, Akron. (Kenyon, 1895) . Charles Wilson Baker, Conneaut. (Kenyon, 1896). Francis Vinton Baer, Mechanicsburg. Charles Frederick Chapman, Riverside, Cincinnati. J. Henry W. Fortescue-Cole, Kenton. Lawrence McKendree Idleman, Norwood, Cincinnati. David Wilson Thornberry, Dennison. (Kenyon, 1896). 1899. Robert LeRoy Harris, 527 Crittenden Avenue, Toledo. (Kenyon, 1896) . Harry St. Clair Hathaway, Euclid Heights, Cleveland. Thomas Robert Hazzard, Sidney. Charles Wesley Naumann, Ashtabula. Albert Neilson Slayton, Columbus. (Kenyon, 1896). KENYON COLLEGE. 95 HONOR/VRY DEGREES. DOCTOR OF LAWS. 1837- Hon. Ebenezer Lane. 1839. Horace Webster. 1843. Joseph G. Swift. 1846. Col. Sylvanus Thayer. 1849. George P. WiUiams. Prof. Edward C. Ross. 1851. Hon. Robert C. Winthrop. Hon. C. G. Memminger. 1852. Richard H. Coxe, Esq. 1854. Hon. Joseph R. Swan. Prof. A. T. Bledsoe. 1857- Prof. James P. Holcombe. Hon. Bellamy Storer. 1858. Hon. William Jay. 1863. John Augustus Nichols. 1864. William Starling Sullivant. 1865. The Rev. Francis Wharton. 1866. Hon. Edwin M. Stanton. 1867 Prof Nathan P. Seymour. 1868. The Rt. Rev. Arthur C. Coxe, D. D. Hon. Rutherford B. Hayes. . Prof. Charles Short. 96 KENYON COLLEGE. 1872. The Rev. Joseph Haven, D. D. 1874. Hon. Morrison Remick Waite. 1877. Hon. John W. Andrews. Hon. Rufus King. Hon. Stanley Matthews. Hon. Columbus Delano. William J. Scott, M. D. George T. Chapman. ■ 1894. Hon. L. Bradford Prince. Henry L. Ranney, Esq. 1896. - Charles Edward Burr. John Brooks Leavitt. Hon. John Sherman. Hon. Henry B. Curtis. Hon. George H. Pendleton. 1898. Daniel Roberts Brower, M. D. Marcus Abisha Woodward. Florien Giauque. The Rev. Sherlock A. Bronson, D. D. 1899. Andrew Squire. DOCTOR OF DIVINITY. 1834- The Rt. Rev. Alonzo Potter. The Rev. John J. Robertson. 1837- The Rev. Benjamin P. Ayde- lott, M. D. The Rev. John L. Stone. 1838. The Rev. John A. Vaughan. The Rev. Edward C. McGuire. 1840. The Rev. John A. Clark. The Rev. James May. KENYON COLLEGE. 97 1841. The Rt. Rev. Alfred Lee. 1842. The Rev. wSamuel Fuller. 1843. The Rev. John T. Brooke. 1847. The Rev. Joseph Packard. The Rev. Clement M. Butler. 1849. The Rev. Robert B. Claxton. The Rev. Joseph Muenscher. 1851. The Rev. Richard Newton. 1853- The Rev. Erastus Burr. The Rev. Wm. A. Smallwood. The Rev. Charles W. Andrews. 1857- 1866. The Rev. John Boyd. The Rev. vS. D. Denison. The Rev. Francis Wharton. 1867. The Rev. Daniel S. Miller. The Rev. Francis M. Whittle. The Rev. William Wickes. The Rev. Lewis Burton. The Rev. James McElroy. The Rev. John Ufford. The Rev. Ozi W. Whittaker. The Rev. R. B. Duane. The Rev. E. B. Kellogg. The Rev. A. Shiraz. The Rev. Henry B. Tullidge. 1870. The Rev. Chauncey W. Fitch. The Rev. Henry D. Lathrop. The Rev. Intrepid Morse. The Rev. Edmond T. Perkins. The Rev. William R. Nicholson. The Rev. Samuel Wainwright. The Rev. William N. Pendleton. 1859. The Rev. Lott Jones. The Rev. E. W. Peet. i860. The Rt. Rev. Alexander Gregg. The Rev. Kingston Goddard. The Rev. William Preston. The Rev. John Melville Martine. 1871. The Rev. J. McLean. The Rev. schewsky S. L J. vSchere- 1872. The Rt. Rev. John Gottlieb Aver. The Rt. Rev. Wm. Hobart Hare. 98 KENYON COLLEGE. 1874. The Rev. Wm. Chauncey Lang- don. The Rev. Alfred Blake. The Rev. James Moore. The Rev. William P. Orrick. The Rev. David H. Greer. The Rev. W. C. Gray. The Rev. J. H. C. Bonte. The Rev. William C. French. 1876. The Rev. Henry F. Darnell. The Rev. Fleming James. The Rev. Henry Purdon. The Rev. Edward W. Syle. The Rev. Thomas S. Yocum. 1877. The Rt. Rev. C. Clifton Penick. The Rev. Henry H. Morrell. 1882. The Rev. R. L. Ganter. The Rev. William S. Langford. The Rev. Edmund Rowland. 1883. The Rev. Ovid A. Kinsolving. The Rev. William N. McVickar. 1884. The Rev. I. Newton Stanger. The Rev. Hosea W. Jones. The Rev. William M. Pettis. 1878. The Rt. Rev. George W. Peter- kin. The Rev. A. V. G. Allen. The Rev. Thomas B. Wells. The Rev. John A. Wilson. The Rev. William H. Neilson, Jr. The Rev. Peter Tinsley. The Rev. Edward A. Bradley. 1879. The Rev. William H. Meade. The Rev. John F. Ohl. The Rev. Nelson S. Rulison. 1880. 'I'he Rev. Reese F. Alsop. The Rev. Samuel Clements. The Rev. Wyllys Hall. The Rev. Charles H. Babcock. The Rev. Benjamin T. Noakes. 18S7. The Rt. Rev. Elisha S. Thomas. The Rt. Rev William Ford Nichols. KENYON COLLEGE. 99 1889. 1897. The Rt. Rev. Boyd Vincent. The Rt. Rev. Robert Atkinson Gibson. 1895. 1898. The Rt. Rev. John Hazen White. '^^^ ^^^- ^"^°^^^ ^- ^^"• The Rt. Rev. William Mont- gomery Brown. 1896. 1899. The Rt. Rev. Lewis William Bur- The Very Rev. Charles David ton. Williams. The Rev. Richard W. Micou. The Rev. George F. Smythe. DOCTOR IN CANON I^AW. 1877. The Rev. Jacob S. Shipman, D. D. DOCTOR OF PHIIvOSOPHY 1878. Sidney A. Norton. DOCTOR OF LITERATURE. 1888 1S96. The Rev. George A. Strong. George C. S. Southworth. 1898. Harold Whetstone Johnston. 100 KENYON COLLEGE. MASTER OF ARTS. 1829. The Rev. James McElroy. 1833- The Rev. Tobias H. Mitchell, M. D. The Rev. Marcus T. C. Wing. 1834. The Rev. Richard H. Phillips. 1836. The Rev. Heman Dyer. 1839. The Rev. John M. Stevenson. 1840. The Rev. Gregory T. Bedell. The Rev. D. Hillhous Buel. Prof. Robert P. Smith. 1842. The Rev. Joseph S. Large. 1843. The Rev. Edward H. Cummings. 1844. The Rev. William H. Lewis. The Rev. Edward Lounsberry. 1845- Ira Warren. Lorin Andrews. The Rev. J. B. Kerfoot. 1849. Thomas Bonsall. The Rev. J. B. Britton. The Rev. Edwin A. Dalr^'mple. The Rev. George Johnson. The Rev. J. Morsell. The Rev. James A. Woodward. 1850. The Rev. E. A. Strong. 1851. E. H. Davis, M. D. Jacob J. Greene. Thomas W. Perry, M. D. The Rev. John Trimble. ■ 1852. The Rev. W. H. Moore. 1853. The Rev. J. W. Cracraft. The Rev. E. B. Tuttle. ■ 1854. William Mitchel. Richard H. Salter, M. D. 1856. The Rev. J. A. Rnssell. The Rev. J. M. Waite. 1857. John S. Brasee. William Cranert. John Hancock. Joseph H. Mcllvaine. KENYON COLLEGE. 101 1858. The Rev. J. H. C. Bonte. The Rev. John Burns. Thomas W. Harvey. The Rev. D. S. Miller. 1859. The Rev. B. T. Noakes. The Rev. W. B. Rally. i860. The Rev. J. W. Griffin. S. F. Newman. 1861. Charles Messner. John Augustus Nichols. 1865. The Rev. John Gottlieb Aver. 1866. Charles A. White. 1867. Charles T. Kellogg. 1869. Alphonso D. Rockwell, M. D. 1870. The Rev. Wm. Yalden Thomson The Rev. J. Philip DuMoulin. The Rev. Alexander Crummell. 1872. The Rev. William Daunt. C. A. Sippi, M. D. 1876. John N. Lewis. The Rev. C. G. Williamson. 1877. Lieut. E. H. Ruffner, U. S. A. John M. McDonald, Esq. 1871. Ralph Keeler. A. M. Vandyke. 1878. The Rev. Cyrus S. Bates. Joseph P. Ross, M. D. 1879. The Rev. Tomas Valdespino. 1881. John A. Harper. G. E. Farrington. The Rev. Stewart Means. 1893. Mr. John B. Jackson. The Rev. Chas. D. Williams, '80. 1895. Prof. H. W. Johnston. 1896. The Rev. H. M. Denslow. 1897. Dr. Guy B. Case. 102 KENYON COLLEGE. VAIvEDICTORIANS OF KENYON COELKGE. 1829. No honors assigned. 1830. No honors assigned. 1831. No honors assigned. 1832. No honors assigned. 1833- Sherlock A. Bronson. 1834 Thomas E. Locke. '1835- WiUiam Hodges. 1836. Peter S. Ruth. 1837- John Uflford. Henry L. Richards. 1839- John W. Marsh. 1840. Edward W. Syle. 1841. Edwin B. Hale. 1842. Rutherford B. Hayes. 1843. George Thompson. 1844. Benjamin L. Lang. 1845- Jacob A. Camp. 1846. Andrew W. Benedict. 1847. Solomon N. Sanford. 1848. Columbus S. Doolittle. 1849. Edward C. Benson. 1850. Moses M. Granger. KENYON COLLEGE. ]03 1851. Etherington T. Spangler. 1852. Henry H. Morrell. 1853- Henry D. Lathrop. 1854. Moses Hamilton. 1855- James M. Leduc. 1856. George T. Chapman. 1857- John W. McCarty. 1858. Frederick M. Gray. 1859. Charles H. Young. i860. Joseph Packard. 1861. William W. Lathrop. 1862. Alexander V. G. Allen. 1863. Edwin L. Stanton. 1864. William Hyde. 1865. George Coburn. 1866. John P. HoUoway. 1867. John H. Burton. 1868. John B. Leavitt. 1869. Charles D. Legget. 1870. George W. Cass. 1871. William M. Harrison. 1872. WlUiam H. Strong. 1873- Lewis W. Burton. 1874. William T. Colville. 104 KENYON COLLEGE. 1875- Robert M. O'Ferrall. 1876. Charles C. Fisher. 1877. Henry D. Page. 1878. William T. Wright. 1879. No honors assigned. 1880. Grove D. Curtis. 1881. No honors assigned. 1882. Ernest S. Cook. 1883. Andrew L. Herrlinger. 1884. Irving Todd. William Tappan. Arthur S. Dudley. 1887. Charles H. Young. John D. Skilton. Henry J. Eberth. John F. Wilson. 1891. Owen J. Davies. 1892. Henry W. Buttolph. 1893. No honors assigned. 1894. Clay Varner Sahford. 1895. George Parkin Atwater. 1896. Oscar Sherman Adams. ' 1897- No honors assigned. 1898. Constant Southworth. 1899. Charles Ransom Ganter. KENYON COLLEGE. HONOR MEN. 105 1844. Benjamin Locke Lang. John Boyd. William Rodolphe Bowes. 1851. Etherington T. Spangler. Edwin Hodges Grant. Louis S. Lobdell. 1845. Jacob A. Camp. James Smith. Hiram N. Bishop. Charles H. Cooley. 1846. Andrew D. Benedict. Rodnev S. Nash.' 1847. Solomon Noble Sanford. 1848. Columbus S. Doolittle. John W. F. Foster. William J. Scott. Joseph D. Ebersole. 1849. Edward C. Benson. Peter Neff. Daniel Risser. Richard L. Chittenden. 1850. Moses Moorhead Granger. Jesse B, Thomas. 1852. Henry Hobart Morrell. John S. Brasee. 1853- Henry Durant Lathrop. Homer Thrall. Henry G. Perry. 1854. Moses Hamilton. Leighton Brooke. James Norris Gamble. 1855- James M. Leduc. Henry H. Messenger. 1856. George T. Chapman. Frederick Devoo Tunnard. 1857- John Winspeare McCarty. John Grant Leithead. Henry Heber Denison. James Edward Homans. 106 KENYON COLLEGE. 1858. Frederick Moreland Gray. John Newton Lee. Warren Hunger, Jr. Wyllis Hall. William Hyde. George G. Carter. W. Percy Browne. Frank W. Hubby. 1859. Charles H. Young. Robert Clinton Smith. James Kent Hamilton. James Harvey Lee. 1865. George Coburn. U. Clarence Blake. Thaddeus E. Cromley. Clifford B. Rossell. i860. Joseph Packard, Jr. Henry W. Chipman. James Louis Daymude. Henry Martyn Hervey. 1866. John P. Hollway. James K. Mendenhall. Stephen McNulty. N. Pendleton Dandridge. William Wurtz Lathrop. Thomas Brown. Murray vS. Davis. Albert Bronson Payne. 1867. John H. Burton. Thomas A. McBride. V. B. Suvoong. Louis C. McAfee. 1862. Alexander V. G. Allen. William E. Wright. Charles F. Paine. Henry L. Badger. 1858. John Brooks Leavitt. Albert Ruth. Wallace W. Lovejoy. Wooster B. Morrow. Edwin R. Proctor. J 863. Edwin L. Stanton. William R. Powell. Charles D. McGuffey. George C. Rafter. 1869. Charles Djalma Leggett. Albert Burnet Nicholas. Florien Giauque. Charles Milnor Sturges. KENYON COLLEGE. 107 1870. George Wyllis Cass. Charles TuUidge Stout. John Greenwood Bacchus. 1871. William Marshall Harrison. Edson B. Cartmill. 1872. William Henry Strong. Willison Bowers French. Talfourd Park Linn. 1873- Lewis William Burton. Frank Kershner Dunn. Charles Updike Fosdick. Langdon Cheves Stewardson. 1874. William Thomas Colville. Charles Modinet Ingraham. 1875- Robert Millier O'Ferrall. Norman Nash Badger. 1880. Grove Daniel Curtis. Charles David W^illiams. 1881. No honors assigned. 1882. Ernest Stanley Cook. Reuben Broaddus Miller. 1883. Andrew L. Herrlinger. William A. Child. Thompson B. Wright. 1884. Irving Todd. Il William Tappan. John Adolph Fritsch. Charles Edward Milmine. Ernest Milnor Benedict. George William Dorman Web- ster. 1876. Charles Clement Fisher. John Charles Dunn. 1877. Henry Deane Page. 1878. WiUiam Thomas Wright. Arthur Stanhope Dudley. George Clarke Coxe. Hugh Barrett Clement. 1887. Charles Huntington Young. James Henry Young. George Arthur Reid. William Herbert Dewalt. Cleveland Keith Benedict. 108 KENYON COLLEGE. 1888. John D. Skilton. Walstein F. Douthirt. Harry C. Devin. Henry Jacob Eberth. George Dudley Young. Edward Thomas Mabley. 1890. John Francis Wilson. Lee Huntington Young. 1891. Owen John Davies. Clay Varner Sanford. 1895. George Parkin Atwater. Arthur Dumper. Oscar Sherman Adams. John A. Sipher. George Luther Clark. Robert B. B. Foote. 1897. No honors assigned. Henry W. Buttolph. Guy H. Buttolph. Constant Southworth. Philemon Beecher Stanbery, Jr. 1893. No honors assigned. Charles Ransom Ganter. Charles Clinch Bubb, Jr. KENYON COLLEGE. 109 TRUSTEES OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AND OF KENYON COLLEGE. Ex-Officio. Rt. Rev. Philander Chase, D. D •--- - -- 1825-31 Rt. Rev. Charles P. Mcllvaine, D. D., D. C. L. (Oxon), LL. D. (Cantab.) .-- -- -- - 1832-73 Rt. Rev. Gregory T. Bedell, D. D - - - -■■ 1860-89 Eli T. Tappan, LL. D - - - 1873-75 Rt. Rev. Thomas A. Jaggar, D. D...- - 1875-89 Rev. William B. Bodine, D. D - -- - --- 1877-91 Rt. Rev. William A. Leonard, D. D - - 1889 Rt. Rev. Boyd Vincent, D. D - - - 1889 Theodore Sterling, M. D., LL. D - - 1891-96 The Rev. William F. Peirce, A. M., L. H. D - 1896 CLERICAL TRUSTEES. 1825-27 Roger Searle. 1825-34 Samuel Johnston. Elected Under Old Constitution. 1825-31 Intrepid Morse, D. D. 1825 Ezra B. Kellogg, D. D. 1826-31 John Hall. 1827-29 Silas C. Freeman. 1828-34 John B. Pausman. 1828-36 Benjamin P. Aydelotte, D. D. 110 KENYOA COLLEGE. 1831-32 Ethan Allen, D. D. (Second term, 1840-46). 183L-40 William Preston, D. D. 1831-37 Alvah Sanford. 1831-40 Marcus T. C. Wing, D. D. 1834-39 Anson B. Hard. 1834-42 Edward W. Peet, D. D. 1836-37 George Denison. (Second term, 1842 49). 1837-40 William Sparrow, D. D. 1837-40 John T. Brooke, D. D. (Second term, 1846-47; third term, 1819-52). 1839-53 William A. Smallwood, D. D. 1810-42 H. V. D. Jones, D. D. 1840-88 Erastus Burr, D. D. 1840-45 Richard Bury. 1842-45 Sherlock A. Bronson, D. D. (Second term, 1817-67). 1845-47 Alexander F. Dobb. 1845-52 James B. Britton. 1847-49 William W. Arnet. 1849-52 John T. Brooke, D. D. (Third term). 1849-55 Joseph Muenscher, D. D. 1852-54 Thomas M. Smith, D. D. 1852-70 James McElroy, D. D. 1853 60 R. Bethell Claxton, D. D. 1854-60 William R Nicholson, D. D. 1855-59 Clement M. Butler, D. D. 1859-62 Alfred Blake, D. D. 1860-62 Kingston Goddard, D. D. 1860-61 John H. C. Bonte. 1861-64 Henry B. Walbridge, D. D. 1862-65 Julius E. Grammer, D. D. 1862-65 Lewis Burton, D. D. (Second term, 1867 71). 1864-66 Samuel Cox, D. D. 1865-67 Joseph H. Rylance, D. D. 1865-68 Henry H. Morrell, D. D. (Second term, 1871-73). 1866-70 Thomas B. Fairchild. 1867-70 C. A. L. Richards. 1868-69 John Boyd, D. D. 1870-73 John Ufford, D. D. 1870-74 Frederick Brooks. 1870-72 William Bower. 1872-76 Thomas S. Yocum, D. D. 1872-72 Charles Breck, D. D. KENYON COLLEGE. Ill Elected Under New Constitution, Article IV. 1873-77 Alfred Blake, D. D. 1875-85 Rt. Rev. Leighton Coleman, S. T. D. 1877-81 Rt. Rev. Nelson S. Rulison. 1882-88 Rt. Rev. E. R. Atwill. 1885-90 S. A. Bronson, D. D. 1888-96 Alfred F. Blake. 1889 Albert B. Putnam. 1889-94 Henry L. Badger. 1890-96 Cyrus S. Bates, D. D. 1895 John H. Ely. 1897 Cleveland K. Benedict. 1897 Charles D. Williams. Elected by the Conventions of the Dioceses of Ohio and Southern Ohio, Under Article V. 1873-76 Rufus W. Clark. 1874-5 John F. Ohl. 1875-82 1. Newton Stanger. 1877-78 Cyrus S. Bates. 1878-81 John W. Brown, S. T. D. 1879-88 Alfred F. Blake. 1881-84 Royal B. Balcom. 1883-84 Rt. Rev. Frank K. Brooke. 1884-92 Y. Peyton Morgan 1884-88 Dudley W. Rhodes. (Second term). 1888-92 Charles L. Fischer. 1889 Rt. Rev. R. A. Gibson. 1891 George F. Smythe. 1896-97 Frank Woods Baker. 1898 Frank W. Bope. 1898 John Hewitt. Elected by the Alumni, Under Article VII. 1873-76 Wyllys Hall. 1873-78 Richard L. Ganter. 1874-82 William W. Farr. 1876-84 Rt. Rev. J. Mills Kendrick. 1882-89 Henry L. Badger. 1884-91 Albert B. Putnam. 1889-94 Henry D. Aves. 112 KENYON COLLEGE. 1889-91 Richard L. Ganter, D. D. - 1891-95 John H. Ely. 1891-97 C. G. Currie, D. D. 1894 David H. Greer, D. D. 1895 Charles S. Aves. 1898 William Thompson. Elected by the Conventions of the Dioceses outside Ohio. 1881-82 Albert B. Putnam. 1881-97 Rt. Rev. R. A. Gibson. 1881-84 William M. Pettis. 1881-84 F. S. Dunham. 1881-84 Rt. Rev. George Worthington, S. T. D. 1882-85 John H. Burton. 1884-92 Reverdy Estell. 1884-87 Joseph S. Jenckes, LL. D. 1884-98 Royal B. Balcom. 1885-86 James A. Brown. 1888-89 E. D. Irvine. 1889-92 J. R. Wightman. 1892-93 George H. Rogers. 1891-95 H. H. Sneed. 1893-94 George Hodges, D. D. 1894-96 J. R. Wightman. 1895-96 Rt. Rev. L. W. Burton, D. D.. 1896-97 Rt. Rev. Cortlandt Whitehead, D. D. 1896-98 E. T. Perkins, D. D. 1896-98 Rt. Rev. John Hazen White, D. D. 1897-98 Lee H. Young. 1898 William E. Rambo. 1898 Robert G. Noland. 1898 Peter C. Wolcott. I,AY TRUSTEES. 1825-27 John Johnston. 1825-31 Bezeleel Wells. (Second term, 1840-42). 1825-26 Charles Hammond. 1825-27 William K. Bond. (Second term, 1834-37; third term, 1842-46; fourth term, 1855-58). 1823-34 Josiah Barber. (Second term, 1840-42.) 1827-31 Jesse B. Thomas. KENYON COLLEGE. 113 1827-32 William Little. 1828-37 John Bailhache. 1831-36 Edward King. 1831-34 Henry Brush. 1831-32 Warren Hunger. 1831-34 Amos Woodward. 1831-39 B. B. Wilcox. 1834-40 J. W. Allen. 1834-39 Benjamin S. Brown. 1836-39 C. P. Buckingham. 1837-40 Ebenezer Lane, LL. D. 1837-40 Israel Dille. (Second term, 1847-49). 1839-42 David K. Este. 1839-43 David Gwynue. 1839-41 John Andrews, M. D. 1840-43 Edward Hamilton. 1841-42 John H. Viers. 1842 42 Caleb Howard. 1842-47 Edward H. Gumming. 1842-46 A. P. Prichard. 1843-48 James L. Reynolds. 1843-52 Columbus Delano. (vSecond term, 1858-60). 1843-47 T. W. Rogers. 1846-48 S. W. Pomeroy. 1846-49 Henry Dubois, M. D. 1847-52 M. W. Stamp, M. D. 1848-55 Henry B. Curtis. 1848-55 Joseph R. Swan, LL. D. 1849-66 RoUin C. Hurd. 1849-52 James Hall. 1852-59 Elisha T. Sterling. 1852-54 Nathaniel G. Pendleton. (Second term, 1859-61). 1852-54 Washington Kinney. 1854-61 Lorin Andrews, LL. D. 1854-.55 Rufus King, LL. D. 1855-67 John W. Andrews, LL. D. 1855-77 Kent Jarvis. 1861-73 William Procter. 1862-64 Jonathan N. Burr, M. D. 1864-66 Henry Probasco. 1866-69 William J. Boardman. 1866 70 Matthew G. Mitchell. 114 KENYON COLLEGE. 1866-73 Thomas C. Jones. 1867-72 Moses M. Granger. 1869-89 Augustus H. Moss. 1870-73 William G. Deshler. Elected Under Constitution, Article IV. 1873-79 Morrison R. Waite. 1873 89 Rufus King, LL. D. 1873-88 Moses M. Granger, LL. D. 1879-81 Gen. Wager Swayne, LL. D. 1881-85 Morrison R. Waite, LL. D. 188,S-93 Horace S. Walbridge. 18s8 Charles E. Burr. 1889-96 Columbus Delano, LL. D. 1889-96 Channing Richards. ^ 1893-97 F. B. Swayne. 1897 Samuel Mather. 1897 Desault B. Kirk. 1897 Hon. Albert Douglas. Elected by the Conventions of the Dioceses of Ohio and Southern Ohio, Under Article V. 1873-88 W. J. Boardman. 1855-77 Kent Jarvis. 1873-77 John W. Andrews, LL. D. 1877-78 D. L. King. 1877-80 Judge T. C. Jones. 1S78-81 J. H. Devereux. 1879-84 George W. Jones. 1881-89 Columbus Delano, LL. D. 1884 E. M. Wood. 1888-97 Samuel Mather. 1889-96 George T. Chapman, LL. D. 1896-99 Judge A. J. Ricks. 1898 John S. Ringwalt. 1899 Judge U. L. Marvin. Elected by the Alumni, Under Article VI. 1873-81 Levi Buttle'^. 1873-75 James D. Hancock. 1876-88 Ch.irles E. Burr. KENYON COLLEGE. 115 1881-85 Albert L. Hayden. 1885-94 J. A. J. Kendig. 1889-95 D. D. Benedict, M. D. 1890 T. P. Linn. 1894 D. B. Kirk. 1895-97 Henry L. Curtis. 1897-98 Henry C. Devin. 1898 Florien Gianque, LL. D. 1898 Jatres H. Dempsey. Elected by the Conventions of Dioceses outside Ohio, Under Article VIII. 1881-82 George C. Burgwin. 1881-82 E. A. Ilildreth. 1881-87 J. M. Stevenson. 1881-87 Dr. John S. Irwin. 1881-84 H. P. Baldwin. 1882-92 John B. Jackson. 1882-89 Cruger W. Smith. 1884 Col. James T. Sterling. 1887-96 F. P. Wolc.jtt. 1892-93 Bakewell Phillips. 1893-98 Marcus A. Woodward. 1896-9S Dr. Warwick Cowgiil. 1896-98 Wm. W. Dowry. 116 KENYON COLLEGE. MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY OF KENYON COLLEGE. PRESIDENTS. Seminary and Kenyon College. 1826-31 *The Rt. Rev. Philander Chase, D. D., Founder. 1832-40 *The Rt. Rev. CharlesP. Mcllvaine, D. D., D. C. L., LL. D. 1834-40 *The Rev. William Sparrow, D. D., Vice-President. Theological Seminary. 1825-26 *The Rt. Rev. Philander Chase, D. D. 1840-73 *The Rt. Rev. Charles P. Mcllvaine, D. D., D. C. L. LL. D. 1873-89 *The Rt. Rev. Gregory T. Bedell, Vice- President (1860-73, President) . 1889-91 The Rt. Rev. Wm. A. Leonard. Kenyon College. 1840-44 *David Bates Douglas, LL. D. 1844-45 *The Rev. Samuel Fuller, D. D., Provisional President. 1845-50 *The Rev. Sherlock A. Bronson, D. D. 1850-54 *The Rev. Thomas M. Smith, D. D. 1854-61 *Lorin Andrews, A. M., LL. D. 1861-63 ^Benjamin L. Lang, A. M., Acting President. 1863-67 *Charles Short, LL. D. 1867-68 The Rev. James Kent Stone, A. M. 1868-75 Eli T. Tappan, A. M., LL. D. 1875-76 The Rev. Edward C. Benson, A. M., LL. D., Acting Presi- dent. 1876-91 The Rev. William B. Bodine, D. D. KENYON COLLEGE. 117 Kenyon College Under New Constitution. {Including Collegiate, Theological and Preparatory Departments.) 1891-96 Theodore Sterling, M. D., LL. D., Acting President. 1896 The Rev. William Foster Peirce, A. M., L. H. D. Dean of Bexley Hall. 1891 The Very Rev. Hosea Williams Jones, D. D. PROFESSORS. Joint Faculty of Theology and Arts. 1825-29 The Rev. William Sparrow, D. D., Latin and Greek Lan- guages and Literature; 1830-41, Systematic Divinity; 1834- 40, Intellectual and Moral Philosophy. 1829-34 John Kendrick, A. M., Intellectual and Moral Philosophy; 1834-40, Logic, Rhetoric and History; 1838-40, Greek Lan- guage and Literature. 1829-38 The Rev. Chauncey W. Fitch, D. D., Latin and Greek Languages and Literature. 1830-33 The Rev. George DenLson, A. M., Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. 1830-31 J. W. Farnum, M. D., Chemistry. 1831-36 The Rev. Tobias H. Mitchell, M. D., Chemistry. 1833-46 The Rt. Rev. C. P. Mcllvaine, D. D., D. C. L.. LL. D., Ecclesiastical Polity; 1833-37, Pastoral Divinity. 1833-41 The Rev. Joseph Muenscher, D. D., Sacred Literature. 1833-37 C. P. Buckingham, Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. 1833 David T. Fuller, A. B., Latin Language and Literature (Adjunct). 1836-38 Benjamin F. Bache, M. D., Chemistry. 1837-63 The Rev. Marcus T. C. Wing, D. D., Ecclesiastical His- tory; 1838-45, Latin Language and Literature. 1837-40 The Rev. C. Cotton, D. D., Pastoral Divinity. 1837-40 Robert P. Smith, A. M., Mathematics and Natural Phil- osophy; 1838-40, Chemi.stry. Faculty of Arts. 1840-52 Homer L. Thrall, M. D., Chemistry, Geology, etc. 1840-48 Edward C. Ross, LL. D., Mathematics and Natural Phil- osophy. 1840-45 The Rev. John Sandels, A. M., Latin and Greek Lan- guages and Literature. 118 KENYON COLLEGE. 1840-44 David Bates Douglas, LL. D., Logic and Rhetoric; Men- tal and Moral Philosophy. 1840-43 The Rev. S. L. Johnson, A. M., History and Antiquities (Instructor) . 1842-43 Jaques Francois Chenal, M.-es-Arts, Modern Languages (Instructor). 1844-45 The Rev. Samuel Fuller, D. D., Logic and Rhetoric; Mental and Moral Philosophy. 1845-46 The Rev. Marcus T. C. Wing, A. M., D. D., Latin Lan- guage and Literature (Instructor), 1850-51. 1845-50 The Rev. Sherlock A. Bronson, D. D., Mental and Moral Philosophy ; 1845-47, 1849-50, Logic and Rhetoric. 1845-46 L. W. Davis, A. B., Greek Language and Literature (Pro- visional) . 1846-50 The Rev. Alexander F. Dobb, A. M., Latin and Greek Languages and Literature. 1847-49 The Rev. John T. Brooke, D. D., Rhetoric ; 1851-53, Logic, Rhetoric and Moral Philosophy. 1848-53 The Rev. George Denison, A. M., Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. 1850-54 The Rev. Thomas M. Smith, D. D., Intellectual Philoso- phy. 1850-51 Daniel Risser, A. B., Greek Language and Literature (Assistant Instructor). 1851-60 John Trimble, A. M., Latin and Greek Languages and Literature ; 1860-75, Greek Language and Literature ; (Emeritus) 1875-78. 1852-53 The Rev. John Trimble, Jr., D. D., Latin Language and Literature (Adjunct). 1853-54 M. D. Barry, Mathematics and Civil Engineering (Instruc- tor) . 1853 Samuel St. John, LL. D., Chemistry, Geology, etc. 1854-68 Hamilton L. Smith, A. M., Astronomy, Natural Philoso- phy and Chemistry. 1854-61 Lorin Andrews, LL. D., Mental and Moral Philosophy; 1854-56, Logic and Rhetoric. 1854-55 The Rev. John Stevenson, A. M., Mathematics and Civil Engineering. 1855-67 Benjamin S. Lang, A. M., Mathematics and Civil Engineer- ing. 1855-60 The Rev. Henry D. Lathrop, D. D., Latin Language and Literature (Adjunct). KENYON COLLEGE. 119 1855 J. B. Thompson, A. M., Mathematics and Civil Engineer- ing. 1856-63 The Rev. Francis Wharton, D. D., LL. D., English Liter- ature and History, Logic and Rhetoric. 1860-63 George T. Chapman, A. M., Latin Language and Litera- ture. 1862-63 The Rev. James Kent Stone, A. M., Latin Language and Literature (Assistant); (Professor) 1863-67 ; 1867-68, Mental and Moral Philosophy. 1862-63 The Rev. John M. Leavitt, A. M., English Literature and History (Adjunct). 1863-67 Charles Short, LL. D., Mental and Moral Philosophy. 1867-69 Theodore Sterling, A. M., M. D., LL. D., Mathematics and Civil Engineering ; 1869-96, Natural Philosophy and Chem- istry ; 1891-92, Political Science (Instructor); 1896, Botany and Physiology ; 1896, Mathematics and Civil Engineering. 1867-98 The Rev. Edward C. Benson, A. M., D. D. LL. D., Latin Language and Literature (Emeritus) 1898; 1892-95, Bible History (Instructor). 1868-75 Eli T. Tappan, A. M., LL. D., Mental and Moral Philoso- phy ; 1875-82, Mathematics, Civil Engineering and Astron- omy ; 1876-87, Logic (Instructor); 1882-87, Political Science. 1868-79 The Rev. George A. Strong, A. M., English Literature and History; 1869-79, Rhetoric. 1869 William W. Folwell, A. M., Mathematics and Civil Engi- neering. 1870-72 William Woolsey Johnson, A. M., Mathematics, Civil En- gineering and Astronomy. 1873-78 James P. Nelson, C. E., M. E., Modern Languages (In- structor) . 1874-75 Robert Kidd, A. M., Elocution (Instructor); 1879-81. 1874-75 Justus F. W. Scheffer, A. M., Mathematics, Civil Engineer- ing and Astronomy. 1875-85 Lawrence Rust, A. M., LL. D., Greek Language and Lit- erature. 1875-76 William H. Minnich, A. M., Modern Languages (Instruc- tor) . 1876-80 The Rev. William B. Bodine, D. D., Mental and Moral ' Philosophy; 1885-91; 1882-85, Biblical History and Christian Evidence (Instructor); 1890-91, Logic (Instructor); 1890-91, Political Science (Instructor). 120 KENYON COLLEGE. 1878-80 The Rev. Cyrus S. Bates, A. M., D. D., Mental and Moral Philosophy (Acting); (Professor), 1880-85. 1878-80 William T. Colville, A. M., Modern Languages (Instructor); (Professor), 1881-91. 1880-81 E. De Beaumont, Modern Languages (Instructor). 1880-81 The Rev. John F. Ohl, D. D., English Language and Lit- erature (Instructor). 1881-85 George C. S. Southworth, A. M., Lift. D., English Litera- ture and History; 1881-83, Rhetoric (Instructor); 1885-88, English Language and Literature. 1882-83 The Rev. Flavel S. Luther, A. M., Mathematics, Civil Engineering and Astronomy. 1883-96 Russel S. Devol, A. M., Mathematics, Civil Engineering and Astronomy; 1891-92, Logic and Christian Evidence. 1885-90 The Very Rev. Hosea W. Jones, D. D., History; (Instructor), 1891-92. 1885-91 The Rev. Jacob Streibert, A. M., Ph. D., Greek Language and Literature; 1891-92, Modern Languages (Instructor). 1888-89 Greenough White, A. M., Enghsh Language and Literature. 1889-91 William Clarke Robinson, Ph. D., English Language and Literature. 1890-91 Leslie H. Ingham, A. M., Greek Language and Literature (Instructor); (Professor), 1891-96; 1891-92, Chemistry (Instructor); 1892-96, Physics and Chemistry (Assistant); 1896, Astronomy and Geology; 1896, Natural Philosophy and Chemistry. 1891-92 Charles Frederick Brusie, A. M., English Language and Literature (In.structor) ; (Professor), 1892-94. 1891-92 The Rev. C. Theodore Seibt, S. T. D., Mental and Moral Philosophy (Instructor). 1892-93 The Rev. William Foster Peirce, A. M., L. H. D., History and Economics (Instructor); (Acting), 1893-96; 1892, Men- tal and Moral Philosophy. 1892-93 The Rev. William N. Guthrie, A. M., Modern Languages. 1893-97 The Rev. Charles L. Fischer, A. M., D. D., Modern Lan- guages. 1893-96 The Rev. Herbert M. Denslow, A. -M., Christian Evidence. (Instructor) . 1893-94 William Hahn Foley, A. B., History. (Instructor). 1894-95 John Sieber, A. M., Modern Languages. (Instructor). 1894-95 George Ripley Pinkham, A. M., English Language and Literature; Rhetoric and Oratory. (Instructor). KENYON COLLEGE. 121 1895-96 Henry T. West, A. M., Modern Languages. (Instructor); (Assistant) 1896-97; (Professor) 1897. 1895-97 John Griffith Ames, A. B., English Language and Litera- ture; Rhetoric and Oratory. (Instructor). 1897 C. H. A. Wager, Ph. D., English Language and Litera- ture. 1897 Barker Newhall, A. M., Ph. D., Greek Language and Lit- erature. 1898-99 The Rev. George F. Smythe, A. M., Latin Language and Literature. (Instructor). 1899 Frederic E. Whitaker, A. M., Ph. D., Latin Language and Literature. 1899 James Byrnie Shaw, Sc. D., Mathematics. (Instructor). Faculty of Theology. 1833-46 The Rt. Rev. C. P. Mcllvaine, D. D., D. C. L., LL. D., Ecclesiastical Polity; 1840-47, 1849, 1854, 1860, Pastoral Di- vinity. 1837-63 The Rev. Marcus T. C. Wing, D. D., Ecclesiastical His- tory ; 1846-56, Ecclesiastical Polity. 1842-45 The Rev. John Sandels, A. M., Greek (Instructor). 1842-43 The Rev. Joseph Muenscher, D. D., Hebrew (Instructor). 1843-45 The Rev. Samuel Fuller, D. D., Systematic Divinity; He- brew (Instructor). 1845-50 The Rev. Sherlock A. Bronson, D. D., Hebrew (Instruc- tor); 18G7-72, Ecclesiastical Histoiy ; Ecclesiastical Polity. 1845-64 The Rev. Thomas M. Smith, D. D., Systematic Divinity; 1845-63, Sacred Literature. 1847-49 The Rev. John T. Brooke, D. D., Pastoral Divinity; 1851- 53, 1847-49, 1851-53, Sacred Rhetoric. 1851-56 John Trimble, A. M., Hebrew (Instructor). 1856-63 The Rev. John J. McElhinney, D. D., Ecclesiastical Polity, Sacred Rhetoric ; 1863-65, Sacred Literature ; 1865-70, Sys- tematic Divinity; Hebrew (Instructor). 1860-83 The Rt. Rev. G. T. Bedell, D. D., Pastoral Divinity ; 1885- 88, New Testament Instruction and Pastoral Theology. 1862-67 The Rev. L. W. Bancroft, D. D., Ecclesiastical History. 1863-65 The Rev. Henry Tullidge, D. D., Systematic Divinity. 1865-68 The Rev. Frederick Gardiner, D. D., Sacred Literature. 1870-74 The Rev. Morris A. Tyng, A. M., Bible Literature and In- terpretation. 122 KENYON COLLEGE. 1876-83 The Rev. Fleming James, D. D., Bible Literature and In- terpretation ; 1876-80, Sacred Languages (Instructor); 1880- 83, Liturgiology and Church Polity (Instructor); 1883-85, 1888-89, New Testament Instruction and Pastoral Theol- ogy ; 1885-89, Systematic Divinity, Christian Evidence and Canon Law. 1876-85 The Rev. William B. Bodine, D. D., Homiletics (Instruc- tor); 1876-80, Ecclesiastical History. 1878-83 The Rev. Cyrus S.Bates, A. M., Systematic Divinity; 1880-83, Canon Law (Instructor); 1883-85, Systematic Di- vinity, Christian Evidence and Canon Law. 1878-83 Lawrence Rust, A. M., LL. D., Christian Evidence (Instructor) . 1880-83 The Rev. Abraham Jaeger, D. D., Hebrew (Instructor); Ecclesiastical History; 1883-84, Ecclesiastical History, Lit- urgiology and Church Polity; Old Testament. Instruction. 18S4-92 The Very Rev. Hosea W. Jones, D. D., Ecclesiastical His- tory, Liturgiolog}^ and Church Polity; 1892-93, Ecclesiastical History and Church Polity; 1893, Ecclesiastical History, Church Polity and Canon Law.. 1885-88 George C. S. Southworth, A. M., Litt. D., Sacred Rhe- toric. 1885 The Rev. Jacob Streibert, A. M., Ph. D., Old Testament Instruction. 1889-91 The Rev. C. Theodore Seibt, S. T. D., Systematic Divin- ity, New Testament Instruction and Pastoral Theology (Acting); 1891-92, 1891-93, Dogmatic Theology; 1892-93, New Testament Instruction (Acting); 1893 95, Dogmatic Theology, Moral Theology and Christian Evidence. 1890-92 The Rev. Leigh C. Morgan, A. B., Christian Evidence and Liturgiology. 1893 The Rev. Charles L, Fischer, A. M., D. D., New Testa- ment Instruction; 1896, Liturgiology (Instructor). 1893-96 The Rev. Herbert M. Denslow, A. M., Liturgiology (Instructor) . 1895-96 The Rev. D. F. Davies, A. M., D. D., Dogmatic Theology (Instructor); 1896, Dogmatic Theology, Moral Theology and Christian Evidence. Chaplains. 1856-57 The Rev. Noah Hunt Schenck, D. D. 1858-58 The Rev. J. W. Cracraft, A. M. KENYON COLLEGE. 123 1860-62 The Rev. Samuel Clements, A. M. 1863-67 The Rev. William Newton, A. M. 1867-68 The Rev. Sherlock A. Bronson, D. D. 1871-90 The Rev. William B. Bodine, D. D. 1890-92 The Rev. Leigh C. Morgan, B. A. 1893-96 The Rev. Herbert M. Denslow, A. M. 1896 The Rev. Franklin S. Moore, A.M. (Acting) College. 42 Charles Gibbs. 43 Leander Constock. 48 Andrew D. Benedict. 48 Solomon N. Sanford. 49 Rodney S. Nash. .SO William J. Scott. 52 Francis Granger, A. B. 53 HenryH.Morrell,A. B. 53 James Trimble. 54 B. F. Gibbs, A. M. 55 Henry D. Lathrop, A. B. 58 R. L. Ganter, A. B. 61 Henry M. Blackaller. 68 John Parsons, A. M. 73 Andrew L. Ralston, A. B. 74 Matthew Clarke, A. M. 76 N. N. Badger, A. B. French and German. 1854-55 Morice Adolphe Mot. 1859-61 Charles Messner. 1855-59 William Cranert. 1861-62 Emil Franz Granert. 1892-94 William Hahn Foley, A. B. Tutors of Kenyon 1825-26 G. McMiUen. 1842- 1826-29 M. T. C. Wing. 1843-' 1826 28 William Preston. 1847- 1827-29 John Kendrick. 1848- 1828-30 James McElroy. 1848- 1831-32 D. T. Fuller. 1849-. 1833-34 Samuel Buel. 1852-, 1834-35 Albert T. Bledsoe. 1852-, 1834-35 Sherlock A. Bronson. 1853-, 1835-36 N. E. Spencer. 1853-. 1836-37 J. Williamson. 1854-: 1837-39 John Uflford. 1858-, 1837-38 Stephen G. Gassaway. 1860-( 1838-40 Joha Sandels. 1867-( 1839-40 Rudolphus K. Nash. 1872 ■ 1839-41 Joseph S. Large. 1840-43 Samuel L. Johnson. 1873- 1841-42 Douglas Case. 1875- Greek. 1850-51 C. S. Doolittle, A.B. 1855 56 C. George Currie. 1858-58 John W. Griffin. 1858 59 J. Newton Lee, A. B. 1887-88 Edwin S. Hoffman, A. M. 1894-95 Dick Clippinger. History. 1858.59 John W. Griffen. 1861 62 Henry M. Blackaller. 1859-60 J. Kent Hamilton, A. B. 1867-68 Geo. C. Dickson, A. B. 1860-61 Joseph Packard, Jr. 1868-70 Edward D. Irvine, A. B. 124 KENYON COLLEGE. Latin. 1850-52 Edward C.Benson, A. B. 1858-59 John F. Ohl, A. B. 1855-55 D. Brainard Ray, A. B 1894-95 Arthur Dumper. 1857-58 Geo. T. Chapman, A. B. 1894-95 John A. Sipher (Greek). 1856-57 William Fulton. 1895-96 Herbert F. Williams. Latin and Greek. 1892-93 Guy Hamilton Buttolph, A. B. 1893-94 Thomas Cowden Laughlin, A. B. 1895-96 John A. Sipher. Mathematics. 1855-55 Moses Hamilton, A. B. PRINCIPALS OF "THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 1828-30 George P. Williams, A. M. 1831-31 The Rev. Samuel Chase, A. M. {Senior and Junior, Organized Separately, 1S31-52.) Senior Grammar School. 1531-32 Sherman Finch, A. Ml 1832-37 George P. Williams, A. M. 1836-37 The Rev. N. E. Spencer, A. M. 1837-40 The Rev. John M. Stevenson, A. M. 1840-40 John Kendrick, A. M. 1840-45 The Rev. John Sandels, A. M. 1844-47 B. L. Lang, A. M. 1847-52 The Rev. Norman Badger, A. M. Junior Grammar School. 1831-40 The Rev. Heman Dyer. 1840-45 The Rev. Alfred Blake, D. D. 1840-50 The Rev. Norman Badger. A. M. Worthington Grammar School. 1860-63 The Rev. Peter S. Ruth, A. M. KENYON COLLEGE. 125 Kenyon Grammar School. 1852-53 The Rev. Norman Badger, A. M. 1852-52 John Trimble, Jr., A. M. 1853-53 The Rev. H. M. Morrell, A. M. 1853-62 H. D. Lathrop, A. M. 1862-67 Richard B. Marsh, A. M. 1867-69 Frank M. Hall, A. M. 1S70.-70 Albert Ruth, A. M. 1870-71 John Ogden, A. M. 1876-80 James B. Nelson, C. E., M. E. 1880-83 The Rev. John F. Ohl, D. D., Rector. 1881-82 The Rev. Flavel S. Luther, A. M., Head Master. 1882-83 Harry N. Hills, A. M., Regent. 1883-85 Harry N. Hills, A. M., Rector. 1885-87 Lawrence Rust, LL. D., Rector. 1885-87 Oscar S. Michael, A. B., Head Master. Kenyon Military Academy. 1887-95 Lawrence Rust, A. M., LL. D., Regent. 1887 Harry Neville Hills, A. M., Regent. 1887-88 The Rev. Oscar S. Michael, A. B., Head Master. 1888-90 The Rev. Francis E. Moulton, A. M., Head Master. 1890-97 John C. Flood, A. M., Head Master. 1893-97 Claude N. Wyant, wSuperintendent. 1898 Claude N. Wyant, Regent. 1897-98 J. B. Green, A. M., Head Master. 1898-99 I. L. Winter, A. B., Head Master. 1899 J. B. Green, A. M., Head Master. LIBRfiRY OF CONGRESS 029 949 942 fl ♦