PR 4572 .C69 S4 Copy 1 ';f) (1^ cl) (J A) I I (i (!) ) ^ QOS'O3Q0aQC?> 3 OG O ' d ' OOOQ fl^S G'Q.02jOQ ' jOQ>'OQ>0 ', A Cl\ristmas Carol in Five Staves. DRAMA'riZED FRo:\r Charles Dickens' Celebrated Christmas Story, By CHARLES A. SCOTT. NEWARK, N. J. : NEW JERSEY SOLDIERS' HOME PRINT. 1877. * ^' P Q ||) V 4!/ i $ ^^Ol^f) ^df(OOG^^:" A Cl\ristmas Carol in Five Staves. DRAMATIZED FROM Charles Dickens' Celebrated Christmas Story, By CHARLES AL SCOTT. -♦-♦-^ NEWARK, N. J. LDIERS isn. NEW JERSEY soldiers' HOME PRINT. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the j-ear 1877, () (;) By ChaPvLes A. Scott, () K in tlie office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. ^3 ^) All Rights Reserved. Q T?ds edition is limited, a7id is printed for the convenience of re- '!> ^! hearsal, to enable the owner to make such alterations ^') (k as may seem judicious. ^ ) jiO o J rt>. CHABACTEIiS. Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserlj' broker Frederick Merr}', u uephew to Scrocge. . . i3c b Crater it, clerk to Scrooge Ghost oj Jacob Marify, dead seveu years Spirit of Christmas I'ast SjJirii oi Chi-istmas Present i\ir. Ihou as Topper Mr. Henry Sn .pper Mr Bamef '""^ | Philanthropic citizei s. . . . Ptter Cratchit.. . . . Little Cratchit Tiny Tim Scrooge's lormer self Mr. Stev. ns Mr. Jones ilr. Fatehin Mr. Snn liter Mr. Eedface Mr. Kemper Mr. Fezziwig. Scrooges lormer master Mr. James Badger Dick Wilkii_s, Fezziwig's apprentice. Old Joe, a pawnbrokt r Mr. Shroud, an uud rtaker Old Brldhead, the tiddler The Lamp Lighter First M,.n Second Man Iguoranct The bey with the turke}^ Scrooge's business friends. Thomas, a servant Mrs. Belle Ken per, Scrooge's first and last love . Mrs. Fredeiick Merry j Miss Julia Kemper her daughters Miss Sarah Kemper j Mrs. Ci at chit, a devoted wile Belinda Cratchit , ~ ■, , her c augnters her daughters,. Martha Cratchit Mrs. Caroline Badger Mrs. Mar gle, a laundress Mrs. Dilber, a char- woman Mrs. Fezziwig, a worthy n ation Clara Fezziwig Emma Fezziwig Little Fanny Scrooge Want Six or eight children for tableaux. y^^ By a distribution of two or tiiree characters to ore person, the peice can be periormed by fifteen males and nine females. COSTUMES. Scrooi/e. First di'css : Brown Quaker- cut coat Avaist- co t and pants. Dark overcoat. Low-ciowned, broad-brimmed hat. BLick silk stock and standing- C'.)llar. Eald wig with tufts of white hair on each side. Smooth face. Second dress : Dressing gown, cotton night-cap and slippers. F'red. Merry. First dress : Walking suit, overcoat, black silk hat. Black silk stock and standing colhir. Side whiskers. Second,. dress : Dress suit J^ob Cratchit. Long-tailed business coat of common ma- terial, much worn, and buttoned up to the neck. Woolen pants and waistcoat of check pattern. Col- ored scarf and standing collar. Large white com- forter. Narrow-rimmed silk hat, old style and the worse for wear. Smooth face. Ghost of Marley. Drab cut-away coat and breeches. Low-cut single-breasted vest. RufQed shirt. White neckcloth. Drab leggings. Gray, long-haired wig. with queue. Shaggy eyebrows. Spirit of Christinas JRast. White tunic trimmed witli flowers. Fleshings. Jeweled belt around waist. Long white hair hanging loose down neck and back. Jeweled star for forehead. White conical hat, very high, carried under the arm. Smooth, pale face — no wrinkles. Wand of holly. Spirit of Christinas Present. Green robe bordered with white fur. P'leshings. Trunks. Brown hose. Dark- brown curls.^ IloUy wreath for the head. Mum ford. Overcoat. Under suit of the period — 1840. Black silk hat. White neckcloth and standing collar. Gray, long-haired wig. Smooth face. Spectacles. Barnes. Blue cloth over and under coats. Black silk hat. Black silk stock and standing collar. Iron- gray sliort-hiired wig. Mutton - chop whiskers. Walking stick. CaSTJT,IES. V T-)pper and Snapper. Dress suits of the period — 1840. Peter Cratchit. Jacket or short coat. Very hirge stand- ing' collar and neckerchief. Little Cratchit. Calico shirt. Short trousers. Shoes and stockings. Apron. Tlnj Thii. Same as Little Cratchit, with the addition of a jacket. Scrooges former self. First dress ; Cutaway coat. Knee breeches. Second d'-ess : Cape coat. Hessians. Ignorance and Want. Clad in rags Fleshings. Old Joe. Gabardine or long-skirted coat. Shaggy wig and beard. Old smoking cap. Mrs. Cratchit. Plain black or brow^n dress. Cap and apron. 3£rs. Merry, KeinpQ,r and Misses Kemper. Handsome house dresses *of the period. Misses Fezzkolg. Low-necked dresses with short sleeves. Mrs. Badger. Plain walking dress. Bounet and shawl B SCEJfEB Y, FUBMITURE and PROPERTIES. ACX I. SCENE I.— Scrooge & Marley's Counting House, 1st g. backed by an interior 2d g. Set fire-place — painted grate fire l. Window in flat l. c. Double doors in flat, thrown open, r. c. Scrooge's desk and chair near window — ruler, pens, ink and paper on desk. Bob Cratchit's Desk in inner room in sight of au- dience. Lighted candles on both desks. Scuttle of coal near fire place. Clothes hooks on flat for Scrooge's hat and great coat. Coal shovel for Bob to enter with. Subscription list for Mumford to enter with. P^^' Clear stage of desk, chair and scuttle. SCENE II. Scrooge's apartments 3d or 4tli g. Door L. c. and window e c. in flat, backed by a street scene. Small grate fire and mantel l. 2. Old-f shioned clock and two plaster casts on mantel. Door r. 2. Table l. c. Lighted candle, spoon, basin and writing materials on table. Saucepan of gruel on hob. Two easy chairs near fire place. Lights down. Fender at fire. Ringing bells of place. Scrooge's hat and coat hung on the wall. Chain made of cash boxes, keys, padlocks, ledgers, deeds, purses, etc., for ghost to enter with. Toothpick for Scrooge to show. Trap ready for ghost to disappear. ACT 11. SCENE I. — Scrooge's bed room 1st g.* Chimney c, with painted coal tire. Door l. c , window r. c. Trap near hearth for Spirit of Christmas past to enter. Small four-post bedstead with cm-tains l. Bureau or waslistand r. o SCENERY, FUR^"ITUEE, PEOPEELTES. VII SCENE II. — An old schocl room 31 g. Door l. c, and •window R. c. in Chair at window. A stuffed p::rrot on stand near e. 3. Two or three school desks, a platform and desk for the master ; books for 3^_.nng Scrooge. SCENE III.— A wareroom, full depth of stage. An ele- Tabed platform, centre of flit, for the fiddler. Old- fashioned arm chair at l. 2, for Mrs Fezziwig. SCENE lY. — Plain room, 2d g. No properties. SCENE Y. — Drawing room, 5th g., trimmed with ever- greens. A Christmas tree, trimmed and lighted, n.u.E. Ornaments on mantel. Fireplace l. Suit of parlor furniture. Centre table c. Toys for children — doll and doll's dress for Belle. Trap ready for spirit to disappear. ACT ISI. SCENE I — A room in Scrooge's house, 1st g. Flat painted to show game, poultry, meats, etc. Torch, shaped like a cornucopia for Spirit of Christmas Present. SCENE II. — Bob Cratchit's home — Plain room 4th g. Dcor E. and l. c, backed by kitchen flit. Dresser and crockery c. of flat. Fireplace l. u. e. Saucepan of potatoes on fire; six wooden or cane-seat chairs ; a high chair for Tiny Tim. Large table c. ; white table-cloth ; large bowl on side table r. ; three tum- blers and a custard cup without a handle. Nuts, apples and oranges on dressar. Small crutch for Tiny Tim to enter with. Goose on dish for Peter to enter with. SCENE III. — A street mansion with lighted windows showing shadow of a groujD inside, ist g.. Snow. Torch and ladder for lamp lighter. SCENE lY. — Drawing room 4th g. Ai'ch 3d g. Hand- some suite of furniture. Large table r. Sideboard with wine and glasses at flat c. Piano l. 2d e. Coffee-urn and cups on small table, r. 3d e. Piano- stool, music stand. Sheet music on piano. Salver for waiter. VIII SCENEPiY, FUrtNITUKE, PPtOPERTIES. AC'S IV. -Scrooge's bed room 2d g. as in scene 1, —Street -1st g. Snuff-box for Snuffer to enter SCENE I.- act 2. SCENE II with. SCENE III. — Pawn shop 3d g. Doors r. and l. c. in flat- Table d, four common chairs ; a smoky oil — lighted, and a piece of white chalk on table. Bundle of bed curtains — same as on Scrooge's bedstead — blankets and shirts for Mrs. Mangle to enter Avith. Bundle of under-clothing, towels, sheets, sugar-tongs, tea-sjDOons and old boots for Mrs. Dilber to enter with. A package containing a seal, pencil-case, pair of sleeye-buttons and scarf pin, for Shroud to enter with. Purse of coins fcr Old Jce. SCENE lY. — Street — exterior of Scrooge and Marley's 1st G. Windew^ l. c. No properties. SCENE V. — Bob Cratchet's honiv-^ — same as scene 2, act, 3. Table c., candles end work-basket on table. Book for Peter on tible ; calico or muslin for Mrs. Cratchit a,nd Belinda to sew. ACT V. SCENE I. — Scrooge's apartment, as in scene 2el act 1st. No additional properties. SCENE II. — Street — exterior of Scrooge's house 1st g. Brass knocker on the eloor. Turkey for boy to enter with. SCENE III. — Drawing room srme as scene 4, act 3. Handkerchief for Ered to blinelfold. OLD SCROOGE. STAYE ONE. SCENE I. — Christmas Eve. Counting hmise of Scrooge S Marley. Set fireplace with small grate fire l. Centre door in fi^at, throvni open^ sho'iring a small inner chamber and desk, at which JBoh Cratchit is discovered seated, endeavoring to warm his hands over the candle. Small desk., l.c, at ichlch Scrooge is discovered busy at figures. Enter Bob Cratchit, from inner roorn, vnth coal shovel, going toward fireplace. Scrooge. And six makes twenty-eight poiuids, four sliill What do you want in here ? Bob. My fire is nearly out, sir, and I thought I would take one or two lumps of coal, and — Scro. You think more of your personal comforts than you do of yoiu" business and my interest. Bob. The room, sir, is very cold, and I — Scro. Work sir, work ! and I'll warrant that you'll keep warm. If you persist in this wanton waste of coals, you and I will have to part. {Bob retires to his desk, puts on his w>hite comforter, and again tries to warm his hands. Scrooge resuming). Four shillings and nine- pence — Enter Fred'' k Merry, c, d., saluting Bob as he passes him. Fred. A Merry Christmas, uncle. God save you. Scro. Bah ; humbug. 10 OLD SCROCGE. [aCT 1. Fred. Christmas a Iminbug*, uncle ! You don't iiieaii that, I'm sure ? aScto. I do. Merry Christmas ! A\^hat right ha\e y(>u to be merry ? What reason have you to be merry ? You're poor enough. Fred. Come then. AVhat right have you to be dismal ? What reason have you to be morose '/ You're rich enough. Scro. Bah; humbug. Fred. Don't be cross, uncle. ^cro. What else can I be when I live in such a worLl of fools as this ? Merry C\iristmas ! Out upon Merry Christmas ! What's Christmas-time to you but a time for paying bills without money; a time for iinding yourself a year older, but not an hour richer ; a time for balancing your books and having every item in 'em through a round dozen of months presented dead against you? Li I cculd work my will, every idiot who goes about with '• Merry Christmas' on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his neart. He should, Fred. Uncle ! IScro. {sternly). Nephew, keep Christmas in your own w^ay, and let me keep it in mine. Fred. Keep it ! But you don't keep it. Scro. Let me leave it alone, then. Much good may it do you. Much good it has ever done you. Fred. There are many things from which I might have derived good, by wliich I have not profited, I dare say, Christmas among the rest. But I am sure I have ahvays thought of Christmas-time, when it came round — apart from the veneration due to its sacred name and origin, if anything belonging to it can be apart from that — as a good time ; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time ; i\vd only time I know of, in the long calender of the year, when men and woman seem by one consent to oj^en their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow-passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys. And, therefore, uncle, though it has never 2:)ut a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe that it has done me good, and (rill do me good ; and I say, God bless it. {Cratehit applauds, hut observing Scrooge, endeavors to he intent on something else.) fcCEXE I.] OLD SCEOOGE. 11 Scro. (to J)ob). Let me lier.r another sound from yoic, andyon'll keep your Christmas by Icsing your situation! {^lo I'V^d). You're quite a powerful speaker, sir, I won- der you don't go into Pi.rliament. F'red. Don't be angry, uncle. Come, dine with us to- n_'):'i'cw y IScro. I'd see you in blr.zes first. Fred. But why? Why J (Scro. Why did you get man*ied ? Fred. Because I fell in love. Scro. Because you fell in love ! The only one thin g in the world more ridiculous than a merry Chriittmas. Good afternoon. Fred. Na}^ uncle, but you never came to see me be- fore that happened. WLy give it as a rers-^n for not coming now 'i Scro. Good afternoon. Fred. I want no!:hirg irrm you; I ask nothing of you ; why cannot w^e be inends ? Hero. Good afternoon ! Fred. I am sorry, with all my heart, to find jmu so resolute. AVe have never had any quarrel, to wliich I have been a party. But I have made the trial in homr;g3 to Cliristmas, and I'll keep my Cnristmas humor to tne last. So a Merry Chi-istmas, uncle. Scro Good afternoon ! {As Fred goes out he exchanges greetings irlth JBoh.) Fred. A merry Christmas. J3ob. The same to you, and many of them. Scro. There's another fellow, my clerk, with fifteen shillings a week, and a wife and family, talking about a Merry Christmas. I'll retire to the lunatic asylum. Enter Mr. Mumford and Mr. J3arnes iHth subscription book and paper^ ushered in by Bob. 3Ir. 3Iuniford. Scrooge & Marley's, I believe {^referr- ing to paper). Have I the pleasure of addressing Mr. Scrooge, or Mr. Marley? Scro. Mr Marley has been dead these seven years. He died seven years ago this very night. Mr. M. We have no doubt his liberality is well rep- resented by his surviving partner. [Presents list. 12 OLD SCROOGE. [aCT I. Scrooge frowns, shakes his head, and returns it.) At t lis I'estive season of the year, Mr. Scrooge, it is more than usnally desirable that we should make some slight proyision for the poor and destitute, who suffer g-i-eatly at the ■oreseiit time. Many thousands are in want of common necessaries ; hundreds of thousands are in want of ( ommon c 3mforts, sir. tScro. Are tliera no prisons ? 3Ir. M. Plenty of prison^. AV/'o. And the union work-houses — are they still in operation ? J/r. M. They are. I Avish I could say they were not. Saro. The tread-mill and the poor law are in full vigor, then? Mr. 31. Both very bury, sir. Sch. Oh ! I was afraid from what you said at first that something had occurred to stop them in their useful course. I'm very glad to hear it. J/"/'. 31. Unier the impressivjn that they scarce' 3^ fair nisa Christian cheer of mini or b^dy to the multitude, a few of us are enieavorhig to raise a lunil to buy the poor s )me meat auvl chink, and means of warmth. We chose this time because it is a time, of all otliers, when want is keenly felt, and abundance rejoices. What shall I pub you down for. Scro. Nothing. 31 r. 31. You wish to be anonym jus % Scro. I wish to be left alone. Since you ask me what I wish, gentlemen, that is my answer. I don't make merry myself at Christmas, and I cn't afford to make idle people meriy. I help to support the establishments I have mentioned : they cost enough, and those who are badly off must go there. 3lr. B. Many can't go there; and mary vrould rather die. Scro. If the}^ had rather die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population. Besides, excuse me, I don't know that. 31r. B. But you might know it. Scro. It's not my business. It's enough for a man to understand his own business, and not interfere with other people's. Mine occupies me constantly. Good after- noon, gentlemen. SCENE II.] OLD SCROOGE. • 13 Mr.M. It is useless, we mcy as well withdraw, {Exeunt. As thay go out Jiob is seen to hand thein money. \ ( Yoice at door r. smging. ) God bless Yon. merrv pfentlemeii, Md.y uothing 3'ou dismaj' — Scro. (^Seizes rider and makes a dash at the door.) Bcgjne! Ill have none of your carols here. [Makes sign to Jjob, tcho extinguishes his candle and 2^uts on his hat and enters. ) You'll want all day to morro^y, I su}i- pose ? Bob. If quite convenient, sir. iScro. Its not convenient, and its not fair. If I w^as to stop half-a-crown for it you'd think ^''ourgelf ill-used, I'll be boiuid? [Bob smiles faintly.) And yet you don't think me ill-used when I pay a clay's w^agcs for no work. Bob. It's only once a year, sir. Scro. A poor excuse for picking a man's pocket every twenty-fiu-li of Deceinber. {Buttoniiig up his great coat to the chi^i.) But I suppose you mu5^t have the whole day. Be here all the earlier next morning. (Exit c.) Bob. I will, sir. You old skinfimt. If I had my way, I"d give you Christinas. I'd give it to you this way {Dumb show of pummelling Scrooge.) Now for a slide on Cornhill, at the end of a lane of boys, twenty times, in honor of Christmas Eve, and then for Camden Town as hard as 1 can pelt. {Exit c, with sliding niotio7is, clos- ing doors after him. ) SCENE II. — Scrooges apartments. Grate fire., l. 2, Wi7idoiv, R. c. Boor, l. c. in fiat. Table., l. 4. Spoon and basin on tahle. Saucepan on hob. Tvk) easy chairs near fire. Bights doron. {Scrooge in dressing gown and night-cap , discovered, -"-ith candle, searching the room.'] Scro. Pooh ! pooh ! Marley's dead seven years to night. Impossible. Nobody under the table, nobody under the couch, nobody in the closet, nobody nowhere {Yawns). Bah, humbug! {Bocks door r. and scats him- self in easy chair; dips gruel from saucepan into basin, and takes ttoo or three spoonsful. Ya ij7is and composes himsel^for rest.) D 14 OLD SCPtOCGE. [act I. [^One or tv:o stanzas of a Christm is carol 'may he suruf outside, at the close of n Inch a general ring>7ig of bells C/iotiCo, succeeded hg a clanking noise oj' c/iai'n.^ Enter Jacob 3Ia>ley^s ghost, e., with chain made cf cash-boxes, keys, padlocks, ledgers, deeds, purposts, etc. Hair twisted uprigtil on each side to represent horns. M^hite bandage around javs. Scro. It's humbug still! I won't believe it. \_J^a}ise, during which Ghost approaches the opposite side of the mantel. ~\ How now. What do you Wi.nt with me "? Ghost. Much. Sc7'o. Who are you? Gho. Ask me who I was. Scro. Who icere you then ? You're p^rticulLr, for a shade. Gho. In life I was your prrtner, Jacob M^rc3\ Scro. Can you — can you bit down"? Gho. I can. )Scro. Do it, then. Gho. You don't believe in me ? Scro. I don't. Gho. What evidence do you require of my I'eality be- yond that of your senses 't Scro. I don't know. Gh>. Why do ycu doubt your senses? Scro. Because a little tlnng affects them. A slight disorder of the stomach makes them cheats. Y"ou may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of an under-done potato. There's more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are. You see this tooth-pick? Gho. I do. Scro. You are not locking at it. Gho. But I see it, notwithstanding. Scro. Well ! I have but to swallow this, and be for the rest of my days persecuted by a legion of gobblins, all of my own creation. Humbug, I tell you ; humbug. {Ghost rattles chain, tukes bandage ojf jaois, and drops loicerjaic as far as 2')ossible.) Scro {Jhtrays signs of fright.) Mercy ! dreadful apparition, wh}'" do you trouble me ? Gho. Man of the worldly mind, do you believe in me, or not ? ^OZ^E 11.] OLD SCROOGE. 15 /Scro. I do. I must. But wliy do spirits walk tlie earth, aud why do they come to me ? G/io. 1 1 is required of every man that the spirit with- in him should walk abroad among his fellow men and travel Liv and wide, and if that spirit goes not forth in l;j-A if i"^' '^'~>ndemiied to do so after d..e?.th. Xt is doom.ed to wander through the world — oh, woe is me — and wit- ness what it can not share, buit migl^t have shared on earth, tui'ned to happiness. \^/Shakes chain and wrings his hands.] tici'o. You are fettered ; tell me why ? Gho. I wear the chain I forged in life ; I make it link by link and yard by yard. I g rded it on of my own free will, and of my own free vriii I wore it. Is its j^attern strange to you ? Or vrould. you know the weigat and length of the strong coil you bear yourself. It was full as heavy and as long as this seven Christmas-eves ago. You have labored on it since. It is a pondrous chain! Scro. Jacob, old Jacob Marley, tell me more. Speak comfort to me, Jacob. GJio. I have none to give. It comes from otht^r re- gions, Ebenezer Scrooge, and is conveyed by other min- isters to other kinds of men. Nor can I tell you what I would. A very little more is rdl that is permitted to me. I can not rest, I can not stay, 1 can not linger anywhere. My spirit never walked beyond our counting house, mark me ! — in life my spirit never roved beyond the nar- row limits of our money changing hole ; and weary jour- neys lie before me. Scro. You must have been very slow about it, Jacob. Gho. Slow ? jScro. Seven years dead. And traveling all the time. Gho. The old time. No rest, no peace. Incessant tortures of remorse. Scro. You travel fast ? Gho. On the wings of the wind. Scro. You might have got over a great quantity of ground in seven years, Jacob. Gho. {Clinking his chain.) Oh! captive, bound and double-ironed, not to know that ages of incessant labor by immortal creatures ; for this earth must pass into eter- nity before the good of which it is susceptible is all de- veloped. Not to know that any Christian spirit working kindJy in its little sphere, whatever it may be, will find IG OLD SvTOOGE. [aCT I. its iLortal M.fe loo short fc?^ its vast ir.ea.ns of r.sefu'neLf- xSot to kilGV* liuit B.U S;>dCfc; vi rei^'icL tjtii iiiuko aiiit il.i-; J.<.-i' cue iiie's OT!pcrtuniiy mifenseci. Yet, sucli wcs '.:. 01:, such was I ! Jacc.'b. G/io. En;-iness! [^icrbiglug his hands and sitalchiff cJtain.'] Mtinkind was iv-y bu8iiiess. The coniniLn wei fare was idj business. Charity, mercy, forbearance and beneYolence vfcre all my business. Tiie dealings of n y trade were but a di'op of waiter m the comprehensivo ocean of my business. [^Ilolds up chain at arm\^ lenr/llt- and drops it.'] At thi3 time of tlie rolling* year 1 i'uli;". r most. AVhy did I walk thrcuiii'li croAvds of leiiow ijein.»;s with my eyes turned down, and ncyer raise tbem, to thnt blessed Star which led the wise men to a poor aboile. Were there no poor housos to which its light would have conducted rne^ Hear me ! my time is nearly g"jne. /Scro. 1 will ; but don't be hr.rd upon me. Don't be fljwery, Jacob, pray. Gho. How it is that I appear before you in a shape that you can see, I may not tell. I liPtA^e sat invisable be- side you many and many a doy. That is no light part of my penance. I am here ta-night to warn you that you have yet a chance and hope of escaping my fate. A chance and hope of my procuring. Ebenezer. ^cro. You were aiways a good friend to me. Thank 'cr. Gho. Y"ou will be haunted by thi*ee spirits. /Scro. Is that the chance and hope you mentioned, Jacob ? Gho. It is. aSW'o- I — I think I'd. rather not. Gho. Without their vih-its you can not hope to shun the pcath I tread. Expect the first to-morrow, when the bell tolls one. >Scro. Couldn't I take'em all at once, and have it over, Jacob ? Gho. Expect the second on the next night at the same hour. The third on the night following, when the last stroke of twelve has ceased to vibrate. Look to see me no more ; and look that, for your own sake, you remember what has passed between us. [^Ghotit re^ylaces bandar/e around Jaws, rises, loinds chain about his arm. SOEXZ I.] OLD SCROOGE. 1*7 ?n iVc.'i ba-Jc-nard to vycmlo-in, hechoning Scrooge, uiho rises a h'i folhjDS. As soon as Ghost walks through vnndoim^ 'io'i'."Ji op ins for hbn^ he 7notlo?is for Scrooge to sto2), atd dlsap273ars th^\)ugh trap. IVindoio closes as before. CrRTAIN. STATE TWO. SCENE I. — Scrooges bedroom. A small, four-post bed- stead loith curtains at Ij.k., bureau n. e. JBell tolls ttrelve. Scrooge pulls curtains aside and sits on side, of bed. Touches spring of his repeater., which also strikes twelce. Scro. AViiy, it isn't po^isiblo that I can have slppt thron,o:h a whole clay, and far into another night. It isn t possible that anything- has happened to the sun, and this is twelve o'clock at noon. ( 77ie Spirit of C/wistmas Past rises from the hearth as Scrooge fnishes his Speech. ) Scro. Are jou the Spirit, sir, whose coming was fore- told to me '/ Soirit. I am. A'^ro. Who, and what are you? Spir. I am the ghost of Christmas Past. Scro. Long past /^ Spir. No ; your past. Scro. 1 beg vou will be covered. Spir. What ! would you so soon put out, with world- ly hands, the light I give ? Is it not enou;h that 3^ou are one of those wliose passions made this cap, and force me tlirou h whole trains of j'cars to wear it low upon my brow r* X"/Y>. 1 hive no intention of o£fendit,g you. May I ma>e bold to enquire what business has brought yoM here ? Sp 'r. Your wel fa re. S'l'o. I am much obliged, but I think a night of un- broken rest would be more conducive to that end. ;V;>/>. Your reclamation, then. Take heed! observe E 18 OLD SCEOCGE. [aCT II. tlie shadows of tlie past, and profit b^ llio recollectiuii oi' til cm. iScro. What would you have mc do? ISpir. Remain where 30U ire, while meraorj iccalls the past. SCENE II. — llie spirit vmves a 'iraiul. the scei.e cpeiti^ and display.^ a dlUqyldat'td scfwol-rocm. I owitg /Scrooge discovered seated at a icliido"- , reading. Scro. {Tremhllng) Good heavens! I -was a hey! It's the old school ; and it's the Christmas 1 was leit alone. iSjjlr. You remember it ? IScro. Yes, yes; 1 "know ! I was reading' ill about Ali Babi. Dear old honest Ali Baba. And Valentine and his Avild brother, Orson ; and the hultan's g-roi m turned upside down by the (Jeni. Served him right, J 'm glad of it; what business had he to be married to the Princess! \^Tn an tarnetst aiul ejiCitid mwhner, a')id volet let'ccen iaughmg a)Ld cryingr\ Tliere s the parrot : green body and yellow tail, with a thing like a lettuce growing out of the top of his head ; there he is! Poor Robin Ciusoe, where you been, Robin Crusoe? Thtre goes Friday, running for his life to the little Creek. Halloo! Hoop! Halloo ! \_Chao}glng io a plt'>ful tone, In allusicn to his forniCr se/^*.] Poor boy. Sjnr. Strange to have forgotten this for so many years. )Scro. {Pidthfg his hand in his pod et and dryiiuj Ids eyes on his ci'ff) I wish — but it's too late now. tSplr. AT hat is the matter? K^cro. Kothiig; nothing. There was a boy sing;ing a Christmas carol at my door, last ni<. ht, I should like to have given him something, that s all [_Young iScrooge rises and walks up and dovn. Door opens and Fanny Scrooge darts in and puts her arms about his*neck and kisses him.'] Fanny. Dear, dear brother ! I have come to bring you home, dear brother. {Clapping her hands and laughing gleefully.) To bring \ou home, home, home I Young 8. Home, little Fan f Fan. Yes! Home for good, and all. Home for ever SCENE III.] OLD SCEOOGE. 19 and ever. Father is so much kinder than he use to be, that home is like He..veii. He spoke so gently to me on(^ dear night when I was going to Led, that I was not afraid to ask him once more if you might come home; and he said yes, >ou should; and sent me in a coach to bring you. And you're to be a man, and never to come back here ; but first we're to be together all the Christ.nas long, and have the merriest time in all the world. Young S. You're quite a woman, little Fan ! \^She claps lier hand.-i and la'cy/m, tries to touch his head, hut being too little, langhs again. /S'ands on tip-''oe h> em- brace him , and in childish eagerness and glee, drag.s him vyillingly toinards the door. J^xeunt.'] Voice [outs'cW]. Brinj- down Master Scrooge's box, there. \_Scene Closes.'] fSplr. Alwaj^s a delicate creature, whom a breath might have withered. But she had a laroe heart. jScro. So she h d. You're right. I will not gains y it, Spirit. Lord forbid. ^27lr. She died a woman, and had, as I think, children. jSero. One child. ^Spir. True ; y^ur nephew. /Scro. \_un asily']- Yes. Sjyir. Let us see another Christmas. ( Waves wand.) SCENE III. — Fezzliclgs Ball, full depth <{f stage, rep)- resentlng a loareroom. Fezziiaig and Mrs. Fezzhvig L., the former standing and clapping his hands, and the latter seated in an ar^n-chair, 77ia'nlfesting de- light. Old bald-headed fddler, on an elevated seat, at the back. Dick Wilkins, with tico Miss Fezzi- icigs, foricard to right and back. Scrooges for- mer self advances and retires to the partners., loith fancy steps : hands around; right and left ; ladies change ; balance; pjronienade Other characters to fill up the picture. Laughter and inerriment to follow Scrooge's speech. Spir. Do you know it ? Gho. Know it! I was apprenticed here. Whj'-, its old Fezziwig. Bless his heart; its Fezziwig alive again, 20 OLD SCROOGE. [aOT II. and Mrs. Fozziwii:^, too. Dick Wilkiiis, to be suro, with Fezziv^ig's two daughters. Blcs^ mo, yes. " There he is. He was vcr;rmuch attached to me, was Dick. Poor Dick. And see me, cutting- the pigeon-wing. Dear, dear, dear ! {Dance conies to an end amid geneixil hilarity and merriment, and the scene closes in.) Spir. A small matter to make these siljy folks so full of gratitude. Scro. Small ! AVhy, old Fezzivv'ig was one of the best men that ever lived. He neyer missed giving his em- ployees a Christmas ball. » Spir. AYhy, is it not ! He spent but a few pounds of money — three or four pound^, perhaps — . Is that so much that he deserves vour prpjse? Scro. It isn't that, Spirit. He had the power to ren- der us ha-ppy or unhapp}^ ; to mike our services light or burdensome; a pleasure or a toil. Say that his power lives in words and looks ; in things so light and unsig- nificant that it is impossible to add and count 'em up ; what then? The happiness he gives is quite as great as if it cost a fortune — oh, dear. Spir. What is the matter? Scro. l^otliing, particular. Soir. Something, I think. Scro. No, no. I should like to be able to say a word or t^^o to my clerk, just now, that's all. Spir My time grows short, lel^us hurry on. Do you remember this? ( Waves wand.) SCENE lY. — /[ room. .Enter J3Glle and Scrooge'' s former self., at twenty-f'ije yeirs of age. Scro. It is Belle, as sure as I am a living sinner. Belle. It matters little to you. To you very little. Another idol has disj^laced me ; and if it can cheer and comfort you in time to come, as I would have tried to do, I have no just cause to grieve. Young S. What idol has displaced you? .Belle. A gulden one. Young S. This is the even handed dealing of the world. There is nothing on which it is so hard as pov- erty; and there is nothing it professes to condemn with such severity, as the pursuit of wealth. Jielle. You fear the world to much. All 3^our other SCENE IV.] OLD SCROOGE. 21 hopes have mergad into the here of bemg beyond the chance of its sordid repicach. I have seen your nobler aspirations fall olif one by one, nntil the master passion gain, engrossBs tou. Have I not? YoyMff S. What then? E'/di if I have grown ro much wiser, what then % I am net changed toward you, {She sha'^es her head.) Am 1 1 Belle. Our contract is an old one. It was made when we were both poor and content to be so, imtil in good season, we coidi improve oui- worldly fortune by our pa- tient industry. You are changed. When it was made you were another man. Young S. I was a boy. Belle! Your own feeling tells you that you were not what you are. I am. That which promised happiness w^hen we were one in heart is fraught with misery now thit we are two. How often and how keenly I have thought of this, I will not say. It is enough that I have thought of it, anl can release you. Young S. Hcive I ever sought release? Belle. In words : no, never. Young S. In what, then ? Belle. In a changed nature; in an altered spirit ; in another atmosphere of life ; another hope as to its great end. In everything that made my love of any worth or value in your sight. If this had never been between us, tell me, would you seek me out and try to win me now ? Ah, no ! Young S. You think not? Belle. I would gladly think otherwise, if I could; Heaven knows. When I have learned a truth like this, I know how^ strong and irresistible it must be. But if you were free to-day, to-morrow, yesterday, can even I believe that you would choose a dowerless girl — you, who, in your very confidence with hsr, weigh everything by gain; or chosing her, if for a moment you were false enough to your one guiding princiiDle to do so, do I not know that your repentance and regret would surely follow? I do; and I release you, with a full heart, for the love of him you once w^ere. {He is about to speaJc, but with her head turned from him she re.mmes.) You may--the memory of what is past half makes me hope you will- have pain in this. A very, very brief time, and you wdll dismiss th3 recollection of it, gladl}^, as an unprofitable F 22 OLD SCROOGE . [aCT II. dream, from which it ^^appened well that yoti aw )\i2. May you be happy in the life yju have chosen. Fard well. \_J^.vit.2 Young jS. {Folloicing) Belle, Belle! Hear mj. Let me explain. \_J^xit.'] \_Scene Closes.'] Scro. SjDirit, show me no more ! Condnct me home. AVhy do yon delight to torture me ? jSiyir. Oh, mortal, what a treasure didst thou cast away. She, whom you resigned for paltry gold, became the happy wife of your former schoolmate, Kemper. One shadow more. Behold now tie tender mother of smiling children, in their joyous home — a liome that might have been your own. Sero. No more I no more ! I don't wish to see it. iSpir. Behold. ( Waves Wand.) SCENE V. — Dravnng room. Six or eight children, of various sizes, in groiqjs, playing with toys. A Christmas tree, trimmed and lighted. Mr. and 3Irs. Kemper seated at table ; their daughter Belle seated at Jire, dressing a doll for one of the girls. Mr. K. Belle, I saw an old friend o! j^ours this after- noon. Mrs. K. Who was it? Mr. K. Guess ? Mrs. K. How can 1 1 Tut, don't I know {laughingly), Mr. Scrooge? 3Tr. K. Mr. Scrooi>-eitwas — your old sweetheart {laugh- ing). I passed his ofiice window, and as it was not shut up, and he had a candle inside, I could scarcely help see- ing him. His partner, old Jacob Marley, lies upon the point of death, I hear. And there he sat, alone. Quite alone in the world, I do believe. Mrs. K. Poor old man. \_8cene ClosesP\ Scro., Spirit {in a broken voice)., remove me from this place. Sp)ir. I told you these were shadows of the things that !aJi:N£ I.] OLD SCROOGE. 23 ]iiv8 been. That tliey are wliat tliey are, do not blame nie. S'To. I am to blame for what tliey are, and now that I Bed what they might have been, I am more wretched than evdr. Kemove me! I can not bear it. {Turns itpoi^ the spirit, and struggles vith it.) Leave me I Take me back! Haunt me no longer! [Seizes the extm-^ (julsher-G'.q), j»J>resse6* it down, while spirit sinks throiigh trap, and disappears. When trap is replaced, Scrooge reels to the bedstead, apparently exhausted, and with the cap grasped in his hand, falls asleep.) CURTAIN. STxVYE THflEE. SCSXS T. — Adjomlng room in Scrooge's house. Flat to represent piles of turkegs, geese, game, poultry, Joints of meat, suckingpigs, strings of sausages, oysters, mince pies, plum-puddings, pears, appdes, oranges, cakes and bowls of punchy also holly, nils- tleto and ivy. The Spirit of Christmas Present r. \_a giant'], discov- ered holding a glow I Jig torch — shaped like a cornucj- 2)la, to shed lis llgJit on Scrooge's entrmice. S^jir. Come in ! TJnter Scrooge, timidly, l. S2n7'. Come in, and knovv^ me better, man. You have never seen the like of me before. Scro. Never. Spir. H-Lve never walked forthwith the 3^ )unger mem- bers of my family, meaning — for I am very young — my elder brothers, born in these later years ? Scro. I don't think I have. I am afraid I have not. Have you had many brothers. Spirit ? Splr. More than eighteen hundred. Scro, A tremendous family to provide for. Spirit, conduct me where you will. I went forth last night on compulsion, and I learned a lesson which is working now. 24 OLD SCEOOGE. [aCT III. To-nig-lit, if jcw auglit to teach me, ^et me profit by it. /Sjnr Tcu'^li ir^y robe, and remember wo are in- visible, and miab.e to man-fjst our presence to thofre witli whom we come in contict. Loose rob your hold, lest you should lose yourself. \_SxGunt l.j SCENE 11.— Bob CraMiiU home. 31rs: Cratchit dis- covered laying cloth., Belinda assisting her. JSloMer I*eter Crctchit bloiclng the fire. 3Trs. C. What has ever ,c;'ot y )nr precious father, then? And yriT brother, Tiny Tim! And Martha warn't as late last Christmas Day by half an hour? Enter Zfittle Cratchit and Martha. Door in flat. Little G. Here's Martha, mother! Here's Martha Hurrah ! Oh, Martha, there's such a big goose at the bakers, next door. I smelt it cooking, Mrs. C. Why, bless your he^.rt juive, my dear, how late you are! {Kissing her and taking off her bonnet aoid shaid. ) Martha. We'd a deal of work to finish up last night, and had to clear awoy this morning, mother. Mrs. C. AVell, never mind, so long as yon are come. Sit ye dovvui before the fire, ni}' dear, and have a warm. Lord bless ye. Zittle C. No, no I There's father coming. Hide, Martha, hida. {Martha gets behind the door.) Enter Bob Cratchit %inth Tiny Tim on his shoidder and little crutch in his hand. Spirit and iScrooge fol- lowing, coming dovn front, and obseri:- ing with interest all that passes. Bob. AVhy, where's our Martha? {Looking around a7id putting Tiny Tim dovn.) lAttle C Come, Tiny Tim, and see the pudding boil. \_Exeunt children.'] Mrs. C Not coming. Jiob. Not coming! not coming, on Christmas Daj^? Mar. {Running into his arms.) Dear father ! I could not see you disappointed, if it were only in joke. Bob. {Embraces her.) You're a good girl, Martha, SCENE I.] OLD SCROOGE. 25 till a great comfort to us ail. {Commences to mix a bowl of ^^K'iich.) 3L's. C. And how did little Tim behave? J3ob. As good as gold, and better. Somehow he gets thoiigiitfrJ, sitting by him.seif so much, and thinks the strangest things yon ever heard. He told me, coming home, that he noped the people saw him in church, be- cause ne was a cripple, and it might be pleasant to them to remember upon Cnristmas Day, who made lame beg- gars walk and blind men see. Tiny Tim is growing strong and hearty. Enter Little Cratchit ayid Peter Cratchit toith the goose, followed by Tiny Tun. Little G. Hurrrh ! Hurrah ! Here's Peter with the ^ goose. Tiny Tim.. Hurrah ! {Children plci'ie chairs around the table; Bob puts Tiny Tim in a high chair beside him., and Peter on his le-^'t, facing front., Belinda and TAttle Cratchit opposite. Mrs. C. and Martha at the end of the table. Bob carves and serves the goose, 3Irs. C. the gravy and mashed po- tatoes^ and Martha the apple-sauce.) Little C Oh! oh! Look at the stuffing. Tiny T. Hurrah ! Bob. I don't believe there ever was such a goose as this cooked. It's more tender than a woman's love, and only cost two and sixpence. A Merry Christmas to us all, my dears. God bless us. All. God bless us. Tiny T. God bless us every one- Scro. Spirit, tell me if Tiny Tim will live ? 82yir. I see a vacant seat in the poor chimney-cor- ner and a crutch without an owner carefully j^reserved. If these shadows remain unaltered by the future, none other of my race will find him here. What then ? If he be like to die, he had better do it, and decrease the sui* plus population. Scro. {Hangs his head.) My very words. jSpir. Man — if mm you be in heart, not adamant — forbear that wicked cant until you have discovered what the surplus is, and where it is. Will you decide what 26 OLD SCROOGE. [aCT III. men shall live, what men shall die. It mry be, in the sight of Heaven, you are more worthless and less lit to livo than millions like this poor man's child. Oh, Heaven ! to hear the insect on the leaf pronouncing on the too much life among his hungry brothers of the dust ! 3Irs. C Now, Martha and Belinda, change the plates, while I bring the nuts, apples and oranges. J^ob. {Hisliig and plac'uig the punch-bod on the table ) Here is what will remind us it is Christmas. [Fills three tumblers and custard-cup vnthout a handle^ and 2>f^sses them to 3Irs. C, Peter and 3lartha.) I'll give yen Mr. Scrooge, the founder of the feast. 3Irs. C. The foundt r of the feast, indeed ! I wish 1 had him h:re, I'd give him a piece of my mind to feast upon, and 1 hope he'd have a good appetite for it. Bob. My dear, the children ! Christmas Day. 3Irs. C. It should be Christmas Day, I am sure, on wdiich one drinks the health of such an odious, stingy, hard, unfeeling man as Mr. Scrooge. You know he is, Robert. Nobody knows it bttter than you, poor fellow. J^ob. My dear, Christmas Day. 3Irs. C. I'll drink his health for your sake and the day's, not for his. Long life to him. A Merry Christ- mas and a Happy New Year ! He'll be very merry and very happy, I have no doubt. All. A Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. tScro. Spirit, take me away. I see the very mention of my name casts a gloom on what, were it not for me, would be a very hapj^y party. /S^^^V. Wait ; they will soon put the memory of you aside, and will be ten times merrier than before, ahd Tiny Tim will sing. Scro. No, no ; take me hence. {As they retire tovmrd the door, the S2nrit shakes his torch toivard the parti/, which restores good humor.) Jjittle G. Oh ! we forgot the pudding ! All. The pudding ! the pudding ! {Ijaughter and confusion.) SCENE III. — A street. 3Iansion iclth lighted win- dovn, shoioing shadoio of a group). Sounds of music mside. SCENE III.] OLD SCEOOGE. 2t JSiitcr Spirit and Scrooge l. A lamp-lighter inlth torch and ladder r ; as he j^asses them, the spirit toaves his torch, and the lamp-lighter exits singing a carol. J^ titer ttvo 7)ie?r, quarreling. First Man. But, I know better, it is not so. Second Man. It is so, and I will not submit to con- tradiction. {Spirit leaves his torch over them.) First Man. Well, I declare, here we are, old friends, quarreling on Christmas Day. It is a shame to quarrel en Christmas Day. Second Man. So i^ is a shame to quarrel on this day. God love it, so it is ; come, and if we are not merry for the rest of it, it shall not be my fault. \_Exeunt.'\ Scro. Spirit, is there a peculiar flavor in what you sprinkle from your torch? Spir. There is. My own. Scro. I notice that you sprinkle it to restore good humor, and over dinners. Would it apply to any kind of dinner on this day? Spir. To any kindly given. To a poor one most. Scro. Why to a poor one most? Sp)ir. Because it needs it most. Enter Ignorance and 'Want; approaching the Spirit, they kneel at his feet. Scrooge starts back apjpjalled. Spir. Look here! oh, man, lock here! Look! look dovfii here. Behold, where graceful youth should have filled their features out and touched them with its fresh- est tints; a stale and shriveled hand, like that of age, has pinched and twisted them and pulled them into shreds. Where angels might have sat enthroned, devils lui'k and glare but, menacing. No change, no degrada- tion, no perversion of humanity, in any grade, through all the mysteries of wonderful creation, has monsters half so horrible and dread. Scro. They are fine-looking children. Spirit, are they yours % Spir. They are man's. And they cling to me, ap- j^ealing from their fathers. This boy is Ignorance, this girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree ; but most of all, beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is doom, unless the writing be erased. 28 OLD SCROOGE. [aCT III. Deri}'- it, great city. Slander those who tell it ye. Ad- mit it for 3'our factious purposes, make it worse, and abide the end. iScro. llav(? tliey no refuge or resource/' iSpi/r. Are tiiere no prisons? Are there no work- houses? ticro. My ver}^ words, again. iScro. Begone ! hideous, wretched creatures, your habitation should not be in a Christian land. {Ignorance and Want slouch ojf.) Let us proceed, time is pissing, and mj life is hastening to an end. iScro. Are spirit's lives so short'/ ^Spir. My life on this globe is very brief It ends to- night. jScro. To-night ? /Sjoir. To-night, at midnight. [Exeunt.) SCENE IV. — Draiolng room. Mr. and Jlrs. Fred IMtrry, Jliss Julia Kemper , Miss Sarah Kemper y Mr. J horn as Topiper, Mr. Henry jSnapper., discov- ered seated around the desert table. tSercant serving cojf^e. All. [Laughi}ig ) Ha, ha! ha, ha, ha, ha! Kn.ter Spirit and Scrooge, l. Fred. He said Christmas was a humbug, as I live. All. Ha, ha! Ha, ha, hi, ha! Fred, lie believed it, too. Mrs. M. More shame for him, Fred! Fred. He's a comical old fellow, that's the truth ; and not so pleasant as he might be ; however, his olfenses carry their own punishment, and I have nothing to say against him. ^[rs M. I'm sure he's very rich, Fred. At least you alwa3's tell me so. Fred. "What of that, my dear. His wealth is of no use to him. He don t do any good with it. He doiitmake himself comfortable with it. He hasn't the satisfaction of tliinking — !ia, ha, ha, ha ! — that he is ever going to bene- fit us with it Mrs. M. I have no patience with him. Julia. Neither have I for such a stingy old wretch! SCENE IV.] OLD SCROOGE 29 Fred Oh, I have. I am sorry for In'in ; 1 conldii'tbo angiy wilh liiiu li'i trioa \S\\ , suflLns by his ill Wiiiijisi:' llinisjlf, always. Here he takes it into his head to dis- like us, and ho won't come and dine with us. What s the • conse(|!UM]ep "^ TTa do*) t h>«'^ ntufdi of a dinner. J//-0'. M. Indeed, I think he los:s a very good dinner. S trah. A much betti.'i- one than he could have served up in his old dingv^ chambin's Fred. Well, I'm ver glail to hear it, because? 1 haven'i, great faith in these yonn ; househeepers. What do yoti say. Topper.^ Topper. A bachelor like niTself is a wre!;ched outcast, and has no riglit to express an opinion on such an impor- tant subject 3irs. M. Do go on, Fred. He never finislies what he begins to say. lie is sncli a ridiculous fellow Fred. I was ouly going to say, that the consequence of our uncle ta^iin^ a disli e to us, and not making merry with us, /.s', as I thin , th t lie loses some pleas mt mo- ments, which could do liini inj h rin. J am sure he loses pleasanter companions th n he finds in his own thoughts, either in his moldy old office or his dusty chambers. I mean to i^'ive him the same chance every year, whether he likes it or not, for I pity him. He may rail at Christ- mas till he dies, but he can't help thinking better of it — I defy him — if he finds me ::oing there, in good tem- per, yenir alter vear, and sa ing, Jncle Scrooge, I wis^i yo T A M,u-ry Christmas . nd A Happy New Year ! If it only puts him in the vain to leave his poor clerk fifty^ pounds, tJiais something ; and I think I shook him yesterday. — Come, let us have some music. Here, Thomas, clear away. \^All rise and go to the piano. Walter clears table dur- ing the singing ofaChristmas carol or ariy selected piece.'] Fred. We must not devote the whole evening to mnsic. Suppcsa we have a game? All. A^n-eed. Spir. Time flies ; I have grown old. We must hasten on. aS'?'-^. No, no ! One half liour. Spirit, only one. Fred. I have a new^ game to propose. S%rah. What is it ? Fred. It is a game called Yes and No. I am to think H 30 OLD SCROOGE. [aCT IIT. of somethin:^ and you are all to p-uoss what it is. I ;nn thinking of an animal, a live animal, rather a disa<;ree- able animal, a saA^age animal that growls and grunts s* m j times, and talks sometimes, and lives in London, rnd walks about the streets, and is not made a show of, f nd is not led by anybody and doii't live in a menagerie, rai.l io not a horse, a cow or a donkey or a bujl. There, now. guess? Mrs. Jj '. Is it a pig? Fred. No. Julia . Is it a tiger? Fred. No. Topper. , Is it a dog ? Fred. No. Sarah. Is it a cat? Snapper. It's a monkty. Fred. No. 3Irs. M. Is it a bear ? Fred. No. Jidla. I have found it out ! I know what it is, Fred ! I know what it is ! Fi ed. What is it ? Jidia. Its your nncle Scro-o-o-oge ! Fred. Yes. All. Ha, ha, ha! ha, ha, ha! Mrs. M. It is hardly fair, you ought to have said yes, when I said, it's a bear. Fred. He has given us plenty of m.erriment, I'm sure, and it would be ungrateful not to drink his health. Here is some mulled wine ready to our hand at the moment ; and when you are ready I say uncle Scrooge ! [Servant brings wine fo^m-ard.) All. Well ! Uncle Scrooge ! Fred. A Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to the old man. He wouldn't take it from me, but may he have it, nevertheless. Uncle Scrooge ! All. Uncle Scrooge, uncle Scrooge ! {Scrooge seems to make efforts to reply to the toast, v'hile sjnrit drags him away.) CURTAIN. S^-JJS I-II.] OLD SCROOGE- 31 STATE FOUR. SCENE I. — Scrooge s chambers. Scrooge discovered upon his knees. Siro. Can this be tlio Spirit of Christmas Future that I see approaching ? shrouded in a black g irment, which conceals its head, its form, its face, and leaves nothing* visible save one outstretched hand. I am in the presence of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. It points on- wird with its hand. You are about to show me the shad- ows of things that have not happened, but will happen in the time before us. Is that s ), Spirit ? {^lllses and stands trembling .) Ghost of the Future, I fear you more than any sj^ectre I have seen ; but as I know y crar purpose is to do me good, and as I hope to live to be another man from what I was, I am prepered to bear you company, and do it with a thankful heart. Will you not speak to me? It will not speak. The Land points straight be ore us. Lead on! Lead on! The night is waning fist, audit is precious tim3 to me, I know. Lead on, Spirit. {S'rrooge crosses stage., as if foil ov^ in g Spirit to tor- mentor entrance^ and remains wlille the scene changes.) SCENE II.— .d Street. Scro. Ah, here comes Stevens and there Jones. I have always made it a p^int to stand well in their es- teem — that is in a business point of view. Enter 3Ir. Stevens e. and Mr. Jones l., meeting. Stevens. How are you? Jones. Pretty well. So Old Scratch has got his own, at last, hey ? Stev. So I am told. Cold, isn't it? Jones. Seasonable for Christmas-time. You're not a skater, I suppose? Stev. No, no. Something else to think of. Good \_JExeHnt in opposite directions.'] 32 OLD SCROOGE. [.VCT IV. Scro. Ah, here are more of my ol.l bii-i:iess frien.lF;; the Spirit uiiovti iiiu lu hear vvh^Lt tiiey sij. Enter Mr. Fatchln, Mr. Snuffer and Mr. Bed face.. Mr. F. No : I don't know miichabcub it, either way; I only know he's dead. Mr. R. When chd he die? 3Ir. F. Last night, I beheve. Mr. IS. Why, what was the matter with him ? ( Takes snuff' out of a large snuff-box.) I thorght he would never die. 3Ir F. I did not take the trouble to inquire. 3//. 11. What has he done with his money ? Mr. F. I haven't heard {yauming) ; left it to his com- pany, perhaps. He hasn't left it to me. Tr at all I know. l^Lll laugh.) It's likely to be a very cheap funeral, for upon my liiv. I don't know of ar y body to go to it. Sup- pcS3 we make up a party and volunteer ? Mr. R. I don't mind going if a lunch is pro vi led. I must be fed if I make one. i^All laugli.) Mr. F. Well, I am the most disinters s!:ed, after all, for I never wear blackg loves and I never eat lunch. 'But I'll offer to go, if anj^ body else will. When I come to think of it, I am not at all sure tli; t I wasn't his most particular friend ; for we used to stop and speak wiien- ever we met. 3Ir. S. 1 would volunteer, but that I hive another little matter to t. ttend to that will prevent me. However, I have no objections to joining you in a drink to his memory. Mr. R. I am with you. Let us adioarn to the punch bowl. \_Exeunt.'] Scro. To whc m can these allusions refer ; Jacob M;U' ley has been dead these seven years, and sure'y those wnom I have considered my best friends would not spe.'ik of my de .th so unfeelingly. I suppose, however, that these conversations have some latent moral fo.* my own improvement, f.nd as 1 have now resolved upon a change of life, 1 shall treasure up all I see and hear. Lead on, Shadow, I follow! {Crosses to the opposite entrance and remains,) SCZNii; III.] OLD SCROOGE. ' 33 SOENE III.— Interior' of a junk or pmm-shop. J'.nter Old Joe, v.shering in 31rs. Marujle, Mrs, JJilher a) id Mr. /Shroud, door in flat. Old Joe. Yen couldn't h five met in a letter pkce; come in. You were made free here long ago, you know, and tile other two ain't strangers. Stop till I shut the door of the shop. Ah! how it skritk^s! Tiiere isn't such a lUsty bit of metal in the ] Uce as its own hinges, i believe, and I'm sure there's no Fuch old bones here as mhie. Ha, ha! AVe're ail suit9.ble to cur calling, we're well matched. Come, come! we are at heme here. [Trims smoky lamp at table.) 3/rs. 31. AVhat odds, then ! What odds, Mrs. Diiber? [T/iroirs her bundle on tlie floor and sits on a stool, rest- ing her elbows on her knees.) Every person has a right to take care of themselves. He always did. 3Irs. D. That's true, indeed ! No man cared for him- self more than he did. Mrs. 31. AVhy, then, don't«stand staring as if you was afraid, w^oman ; who's the wiser ? We're not gomg to pick holes in each ether's coats, I suppose ? 3Tr. Shroud. No, in:leed ! We snould hope not. Mrs. 31. Very well, then ; that's enough Who's the w^orse for the loss of a lev tilings like these? Not a dead m ;n, I suppose. 3'[r. S {Laughing.) No, indeed. 3Irs. 31. If he wanted to keep 'em after he was dead, the wicked old Screw, why wasn't he natural in his life time 't If he had been, he'd have had somebody to look after him when he was struck with death, instead of l^^ing g.:spiug out his last there, alone by himself. 3Ir.^. J). It's the truest word ever w^as spoke. It's a judgment on him. 3Irs. 31. I wish it w^as a little heavier judgment, and it should have been, you may depend upon it, if I could have laid my hands on anythirg else. Open that bundle. Old Joe, and let me know the value of it. Speak out plain. I'm not afraid to be the first, nor afraid to let them see it. We knew pretty well that w^e were helping ourselves, before we met here, I believe. It's no sin. 'Open the bundle, Joe. 3Ir. iS. Oh, no ; we don't mind showing what w^e have. I 34 OLD SCROCGE. [aCT IV. Here, Joe, value these. (Mrs. D. and Mr. S. lay t/ie>r packages on the table and -Toe proceeds to examhiethcm ) Joe. ( Chalking the ^figures on the v:all as ht names them.) A seal, eight shillings ; pencil-case, three and tix pence ; pair of sleeve-l)Uott)ns, live and four-pence : scar''- pin, nincpencc. Nine and four, thirteen, and pix. i*^ n'nc- teen — seven. One and five's six, and thirteen is, and eight makes seventeen. Tiiat's j^our account, and I wouldn't give another sixpence if I was to be boiled for it. Who's next? 3Irs. D. I hope you'll be more liberal with me, Mr. Joe. I'm a poor, lone widow, and it's hard for me to make a living. 'Toe. I always give too much to the ladies. It's a weakness of mine, and (hit's the way I ruin mysel . Un- der-clothing, sheets, towels, sugar-tongs ; ^hese tea-spoons are old-fashioned, and the boots won't bear mending. One pound six, that's your account. If you nsked me another penny, and made it an open question I'd repent of being liberal, and knock off half-a crown. 3Irs. M. Now, undo my bundle, Joe. Joe. (Opjening bundle.) What do you call this ? Bed curtains ? Mrs. M. Ah! {Laughing.) Bed curtairs. Joe. You don't mean to say you took 'em down, rings and all, with Old Scrooge lying there? J//%9. 31. Yes 1 do. Why not? Joe. You were born to make your fortune, and you'll certainly do it. 3Irs. 31. I certainly shan't hold my hand, when I can get anything in it by reaching it out, for the sake of such a man as he was, I promise you, Joe. Don't droj:) that oil uj^on the blank at, now. Joe. His blankets ? 3[rs. 3f. Whose else's do you think ? He isn't like.^y to take cold without 'em, I dare say. Joe. I hope he didn't die of anything catching. Eh? {Stop2)lng his fork and looking ^-. And so have I, often. Bd. And so have I. Mrs. (J. But he was very light to carry, and his father loved liim so, that it was no trouble; no trouble. And there is your fathei" at the door. Enter Boh (yratchit. Bilhida o/j. It's ju:-t as likely as not, one of t'-ese days; though there's plent/ of time for that, my deai'. But, however and whenever we part from one gnother, I am sure we shall none of us forget poor Tiny Tim, shall wei* 01' this fii'st parting that there was among us r* A/j. Never, father. Jjod. And I know, J know, my dears, that when we recollect how patient and how mild he was— although he Avas a little child — we shall not quarrel easily among our- selves, and forget poor Tiny Tim in doii.g it. All. No. never, father. {All rise.) I)ob. I am very happy. I am very happy! [Kisses 31 rs C, Belinda. Yoiuie/ 0. and shaken IuukIs irith Peter.") Spirit of Tiny Tim, thy childish essence is from CURTAIN. STAVK FIVK. SCIjNE Ti.~ kScrooge\H chamber. Scrooge discovered on his knees at the easg chair. Srr(\ Spii-it! Hear me! I am not the man I was. I will not be the man J must h ve been, but for this intercourse. Why have shown me all that you have, if I am ])ast all hope? Good Spirit, your nature intercedes for me, rnd pities me. Assure me that I yet ma}'- change the shadows \o\\ have shown me, by an altered life. s-r^rsr.] old soR-^OGts. 39 YoT' ]rv\\ trembles. I will honor C/iri^tmis in my heiio, anl try to keep it all the yaxr. I will live in the Past, the Present and the Future. Tne spirit-4 of all t'lree sh ill strive within m ^ I will n )fc shut out the les.s- (ms that theyteich. On! tell me I mi-y sponge away theshal)w.s of the fntnre. ((rmsps the e%^y ch/ilr in JiAS a-fniij, (U if str;A,jgllii'j to d.italn it.) I) ) not g ), I cntreit y.)U. It shhnks. it his collapsBl, it his d win lie i d >wi iii:3 an easy eh lir. Yasl my own chiir, my own room and best— in I hippiest of all— my own before me to mike am 3n Is in. Oh, Jaoob Mirley, H3aven and th3 Christ n IS time be praised f.n- this! I say it on my knees, o'd Jioob : on mykn^^s! {Rises and goes and opem door r., 21 e ) Tiiey are not torn down — !]he be 1 cnvfciin^ are not torn d)wn, rings and all. They are there— I am here — ^bhe shalows of the things that wonld hive b3en, may be dispelled. They will be ; I know they will! {O )ywn^)ices to dress himself , piMlng eueri/thlnj on inroti'j, etc.) Idoi't kn^w to do! {Lvighiyig and crt/'iag.) T am as light as a feather; I am as happy as an angel; lam as merry as a school boy; lamas giddy as a drnnken mm. A Marry Caris':aais to erery 1)ol7! A Hippy New year to all the world! Hilloo here! Waoon! HiUoi! [Dcinclng a'td capering aroiDid the room.) There's the saniepin thit the grnel wis in; there's the door by which the Gaost of Jacob Mirley en- terel; there's the corner {polntln.g into aljolning room) where the Ghost of Christmis Past sit. It's all right; it's all trna ; it all happened. Ha, hi, hi! {Li'ighlng heartily.) I don't know what day of the month it is. I don't know how long I've been among the Spirits. I don't know any thing. I'm quite a biby. Never mind; T don't care. Id rather be a baby. Hiloo! Avhoop ! Hilloo here! ( Bells or chimes commences to ring. Goes to loindou- and opens it.) No fog, no mist; clear, bright, joviil, cold; cold, piping for the blood to dince to; golden sunlight, heavenly sky ; sweet, fresh air; merry bells. Oh, glorious! glorious f {Looking out of windoo.) Hey ! yon boy in y.)ur Sunday clothes, what's to-day? F7> ice o lA.fs ide . Eh ? l^^ro. Wnat's to day, my line fellow'? Voice outside. To-day ! why. Christmas Day. S?.ro. It's Christmas Day ; I haven't missed it. The Spirits have done it all in one night. They can do any 40 OLD SCROOGE. [aC'T V. tiling th(3' Ik.'. ()}' (•()iii\s{' tlu'Y can. Oi' cou]-.-;!' tliey can. {./ielff,rn{< to iri}ui()ir.) Haiioo, ny line feli(,\v ! Vcice out fit (Je. Plalloo! Scro. Do you know tlic poulterers in th(.' ucx^ street but one, at the corner I Voice outside. I should hope 1 (li.d, that turkej^ is too large for 3^on to carry ; take a cab, here's the money to pay for it. Knter JJr. and Mrs. Badyer., r. Scro. Why, here comes James Badger and wife, as sure as I live. Good morning ! 'fames. Good morning, sir ! A Merry Christmas to you ! Scro. The same to yow both, and many of them. 3Irs. B. He seems in a good humor, speak to him about it. A'c/v>. Goinsf to churcli. eh? Jmiies. We were going, sir, to hear the Christmas Carols, tut mindful of the obligation resting upon us, which falls due to-morrovr, and of our inability to meet the payment, we ha\ e called to beg your indulgence, and ask for a further extension of time. Aero. Wi y, James, how much do you owe me ? James. Twenty pounds, sir. iScro. How long since ymi contracted the debt? James. Ten years to mo]'row, sir. iScro. Then you have ali-eady paid me over half the amount in interest, which interest has been compounded, and I have, in fact, received more than the principal. My dear fellow, you owe me nothing, just consider the debt cancelled. James. Surely, sir, you cannot mean it. iScr^o. But I do. 3Irs. J>. Oh, sir, how can we ever sufficiently mani- fest our gratitude for such unexpected generosity ? Scro. By saying nothing about it. Remember, James and wife, this is Christmas day, and on this day, of all others, we should do unto others as we Avould have them do unto us. James. May Heaven reward you, sir. You have lightened our hearts of a heavy burden. Scro. There, there ! go to church. James. We shall, sir, and remember our benefactor in our devotions. {Shaking hands. ) I can say heartily a Merry Christmas. Mrs. B. And A Happy New Y^ear. \_Exeunt l.] K 42 OLD 8CROCGE, [acT V. iScro. I guess they are glad, now, that I am ahve, and will be really sorry when I die. Halloo ! Whoo}) ! HJnter Mr. J^arnes, l,., 2)ai>ses across stage; jScroof/e f{,l- lovas and stops him. iScro. My dear sir {taking both his hands), how do you do ? I hope yon succeeded yesterday. It was very kind of ycu. A Merry Chiistmas to you, sir. Mr. B. Mr. Scrooge ? ^cro. Yes. That is my nime, and I fear it may not te i^leasant to you. Allow me to ask your pardon. And will you have the goodness — {/Scrooge whispers in his ear.) 31r. B. Lord blees me — you take my breath awFy. My dear Mr. Scrooge, are you really serious ? Scro. If you please. Not a farthing less. A great many back payments are included in it, I assure you. Will you do me the favor t Mr. B. My dear sir {shaking ha?ids with hini),l don't know what to say to such munili — jScro. Don't say any thing, please. Come and see me. Will you come and see me ? 3Ir. B. I will — with great pleasure. [JtJxlt, r.] A^icro. Thank'er, I am much obliged to you. I thank you fifty times. Bless you ! J^nter Bob Cratchit, r., with Tiyiy Tim on his shohider, Sero. Halloo, Bob Cratchit ! What To yv)u inc^an by coming here ? Bob. I am verj' sorry, sir; I was not coming, I wj)s only passing, sir, on my way to hear the Christnia-; carols. iScro. What right have you to be passing here to re- mind me that it is Christmas? Bob. It's only once a year, sir ; it &hall not be re- peated. iScro. Now, I'll tell you what, my fiiend, I am not go ing to stand this any longer ; and therefore I give you permission to pass my house fifty times a day, if you want to. I give you a week's vacation, without any de duction for lost time. I am about to raise your salary. ( Giving him a dig in the u'alstcoat ; Bob staggers back, and Scrooge follows him up.) A Merry Christmas, Bob ! [jSla2)2^ing him on the back.) A Merrier Christmas, Bob, SCENE III.] OLD Se'IlOOaE. 4'* my good follow, tli :i) I have ever given you for many a year! I'll raise your salary, aiid endeavor to assist 3''our struggling family, and III he Tin y^ Tim's Godlather. Come along, my good fello^v. we'll go to church together, and discuss your affairs on the way, Tii.y Tim, what do you say to that 't Tinii Tlui. I say God bh-ss us, every one. Boh. I would like to sa .' S(nnelhing, sir, but you have deprived me of the power of speech. iScro. Come on, then, we'll talk it ov(3r as we o'o. ^ome, Tiny Tim, and go with your Godfather. {Ta.Me.> Tim on his s/toidder. E.veunt, l.) SCENE III. — Dramhuj Ilooin, In Fred Merri/'ii house. Fi'iiL 3Irs. Fred and Mrs. Kemper dlscorvred seal- ed at table, conrers/nf/^ Fred. Is it possible ! You surprise riie. I never had the least idea that vou had ever nuet Uncle Scrooge, much less that he was an old admirer of yours. Mrs. M. Oh I do tell us all about it, dear mother ; I'm dying to hear it. Mrs. K . Well, you must know, my dear children, tlmt Fanny Scrooge- our nmther, Ki'ed-was m *■ earliest friend and schoolm.kte. and through her I became ac(juaintt'd with her brother — your uncle ; at thattime a noble s[)irited 1)0/, fresh from his studies. Our friendship soo.i ripiMied into love, and a bctrotiial. I cannot describe to you how Jujpp7 and light he rted [ was, and how true and devoted your uncle continued. Our mariiage w s deferred until such time as he should bi' in a position to provide us a suitable houic. After he left Mr. Fezziwigs, where he had served his time, he entered the service of Jac h Marley, -and subsequenilj' became his partner. It was at this time I observed a change in him; he was not less ardent than before, but I soon discovered that avarice had become, the guiding- [Kission (d' his nature, and that our love was subseivient to its iidiuinc(;. Foreseeing that only miser3' could ensue from our union, I released him from the engagement And now after the lapse of many ;^ ears, with the exception of the day, five 3cars ago, wIkmi he attended 3'our father's funeral, we iiave not met or ex.- €hanged a word with each other. Mrs M. Wwi, mother, did vou really love him? 44 ni.D scKooGK. [act v. Mrs. K. I did, niv dear — previous to tlie discovery of the cbaiige in liini Ml 8. M. And did von not sacritice Tour love in re- leasing him ''. Mrs. K. I merely sacrificed mv desires to common sense. Love, to be lasting, must be mutual, t nd if it is not paramount to all other passions, it ends in misery or hate. Hence, being- guided br judgment, 1 suoii found b}^ experience that true love can again exist if worthily bestowed. Fred AYell, dear mother, I agree with j^our estimate of Un(;le Scrooge This is the sixth Christmas Day of our married life, and each Christmas Eve 1 have invited him to come rnd dine with us, but he has nover j'et hon- ored us with his presence, and I suppose he never will. Scro. {Gently openiiuj the door and puttUuj in his head) Fred! may 1 come in 'f (All start and rise, and Fred rushes toirard the door tcith both hern ds extended.^ Fred. Why, I less my snul ! who's that ? l^ero. It's I, your Uncle Scrooge. I have accepted your invitation. Will you let me in ? Fred. Let you in ! [Shaking him heartily by both hands.) Dear heart alive I Whvnot? Welcome! wel- come! My wife, your niece — Yes, j'ou may. {^Scrooge kisses her. ) Our mother. Scro. Bellel Heavens! What shall I do? {AsieJe.) 3Irs. F. I fear that our meeting- will be painful. I beg your permission, my son, to retire. Freel. No, no, no. This is Christmas Day. Everybody can be happy on this day, that desires to be, and I know that vour meeting can be made a pleasant and agreeable one if you both so will it. " Pea e on earth and good will to man," is the days golden maxim Scro. Although somewhat embarrassed, I concur most heartilv in the wise and good-natured counsel of my dear nephew. Never befoie have I experienced the joys com- mon to this day, and never hereafter, while I am permitted to live, shall I miss them. In the past twentv-four hours I have undergone a complete revolution of ideas and de- sires, and have awakened unto a new life. Instead of a sordid, avaricious old man, J trust you will find a cheer- ful, liberal Christian, ever ready to extend to his fellow creatures a Merry Christmis, and a Happy New Year. Fred, Why ! uncle, I wonder //6i< dont go into Pai'lia- SCENE III.] OLD SCROOGE. 45 merit. I could dance for joy. {^Knihr