T^AND BAY: ,S /^ ^K POETLAND BAY : PEINTED AND PUBLISHED AT THE "CHEONICLE" OPPICE, 1864. TT DEDICATION. TO THOSE GENTLEMEN Whose Names are mentioned Herein, Together with ALL THE EABLY SETTLEES And the RESIDENTS GENEEALLY OF POETLAND AND THE POETLAND BAY DISTEICT, Is respectfully inscribed by THE AUTHOR PORTLAND BAY. Each has lais talent ; and each talent brings Eesponsibility ; for diflPrent things Our difif rent gifts are needed ; still the aim, Whatever means we take, should be the same, To guard, refine, exalt the social state. Our race to bless, our country elevate. Some fit employment find in deeds of arms. And others in the senate ; I the charms. Unproved, but not contemned, of both forego. And use my pen, well tried, and trusty too. Upon the confines of a spacious bay, The shore inclined to catch the morning ray. Stands Portland ; and Australia's far-stretched coast No seaport town of fairer site can boast, By nature for Australia Felix made The channel of her intercourse and trade. 6 PORTLAND BAY. Time was when to the coast the forest came, And black men ruled with undisputed claim, Save when with neigh b'ring tribes some feud prevailed For lubra stolen or a chief assailed. The Hentys first, as whalers, hither came, Op'ning their way to riches and a name. As squatters next their fortune they essay. And flocks and herds the hills and valleys stray. By their success encouraged, many more With sheep and '