«J»iMttlQ«iQ«i«KiWKiC«il^^ Ilie Book of Elizabethan Verse Classics L&o.^ Book '-^"^ GoipghtN"- COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. The Book of Elizabethan Verse The Book of Elizabethan Verse Chosen and Edited with Notes by William Stanley Braithwaite With an Introduction by Thomas Wentworth Higginson ^^W'^iufi'Mdaa^'' ^390 Boston HERBERT B. TURNER & CO. 1907 .37 qo.f Copyright, 1906 By Herbert B, Turner & Co. Copyright, igoj By Herbert B. Turner & Co. All Rights Reserved UBRARY of CONGRESS Tw Cooic$ Received JUN 7 \9or iLASS C^ XXC, No. COPY B. Published November, igo6 Second edition. May, 1907 COLONIAL PRESS Electrotyped and printed by C. H. Simonds & Co. Boston, U. S. A. DEDICATED TO IN RECOGNITION OF A LONG LIFE SPENT IN THE SERVICE OF HUMANITY AND LETTERS Out of the conquered Past Unravtshahle Beauty; Hearts that are dew and dust Rebuking the dream of Death; Flower of the clay down-cast Triumphant in earth's aroma; Strings that were strained in rust J -tremble with Music's breath! Wine that was spilt in haste Arising in fumes more precious; Garlands that fell forgot Rooting to wondrous bloom; Youth that would flow to waste Pausing in pool-green valleys — And Passion that lasted not Surviving the voiceless Tomb! Arthur Upson. INTRODUCTION This book furnishes^ if I am not mistaken^ the largest and therefore most valuable collection yet printedy on either side the Atlantic Ocean, of the poetry of the great Elizabethan period in England. This alone should make it a work of much value for use in all those colleges and high schools where the worth of the best literature is habitually appre- ciated. Were it only for the service of such institutions the very best poetry of every epoch ought to be collected bodily and not merely selected, as if by samples. Few indeed are there among the teachers of such schools who will not find in this volume, as I have found, many poems of striking value and interest which have escaped all their previous reading. The sonorous epithet of " Elizabethan '* is commonly ap- plied to the epoch to which this volume is substantially con- fined. Tet It will always remain doubtful how far the school of poetry here represented ought justly to bear that great queen s name. That she had some knowledge of Latin and Greek we know, and that she spoke several modern languages with some degree of ■p.uency. It has however, -been justly INTRODUCTION clatmed by one of the most accomplished of Englishwomen^ Mrs. Anna "Jameson^ that her Majesty was " much fonder of displaying her own name than of encouraging the learned." Indeedy the same impression of her is rather confirmed than otherwise by the extravagant flattery pronounced on the queen by one who was in some respects the best critic of his day, Puttenham, the author of the " Arte of English Poesie." He assures us that the queen s " learned, delicate, and noble muse easily surmounteth all the rest that have written before her time or since, for sense, sweetness and subtilitie . . . even by as much oddes as her own excellent estate and degree exceedeth all the rest of her most humble vassals." The slight- est glance at her Majesty's so-called poetry will dispose of all such flattering criticism, while on the other hand the mere names of such writers as Shakespeare, Bacon, Sidney, Ra- leigh, Hooker, Spenser, Marvell, Herrick, and the rest stand out as memorials of an intellectual group which must have been greatly self-sustaining and by no means the outcome of any mere patronage. What it is which provides at irregular intervals of human history such rare intellectual groups, we cannot tell; and De Quincey seems hardly extravagant when he likens them to earthquake periods or equinoctial gales, things inscrutable and wondrous. It is hardly necessary to point out that INTRODUCTION England has had later intellectual periods^ equally well de- fined y if not collectively quite so great; those, for instance, represented by the names of Burns and Byron, of Coleridge and Wordsworth, of Tennyson and Browning. Even America IS now old enough to look hack on two marked epochs, the one represented by Cooper and Irving — writers of prose only — the other by Emerson and Longfellow. The utmost that can be done for these exceptional combinations ts to study them while they still flourish, and do justice to them when they have passed by. Tet all other such groups are unquestionably dwarfed by the wealth and variety of the Elizabethan period ; and it is to this theme accordingly that the present volume IS devoted. Thomas Wentworth Higginson. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION In the second edition of this Anthology the editor has availed himself of suggestions by the professors of English in many of our leading universities which will tend to greatly increase its value, which, with much satisfaction to both the publishers and the editor, has been acknowledged by the sympathetic reception which greeted its publication. In accordance with these suggestions there has been sup- plied in place of an index of poems by numbers, an index of titles under authors with short biographies of each. A glossary has also been added. In some instances slight changes have been made in the text. Where these have occurred, it has been due to a question of accuracy in the original versions or to later alterations by editors, with a view to rendering six- teenth-century meaning understandable to the point of view of the present day. I hereby acknowledge my obligations for these suggestions and for encouraging words of praise to Prof. William Hand Browne, of Johns Hopkins University, Prof. William Lyon Phelps, of Tale University, Adele Lathrop, of Wellesley College, Prof. Felix Schelling, of the University of Penn- sylvania, Prof. Brander Matthews and Prof. Curtis Hidden Page, of Columbia University, Prof. Richard Burton, of the University of Minnesota, Prof. W. H. Schofield and Prof. C. T. Copeland, of Harvard University, William Dean Howells, John Russell Hayes, and others. W. S. B. New Tear's Day, 1907. PREFACE It has been my purpose in compiling this hook to do, what I marvel has not long ago been accomplished — that is, to make a single-volume anthology that would contain the best verse of the Elizabethan Age, whose limits I have set from the publica- tion o/Tottel's Miscellany, 1557, to the poets born as late as the eighteenth year of the seventeenth century. While these dates are the indicative horizon lines of the opening and close of the period, the selections are really chosen from the contributions of one hundred and seventy-one years ; for as we ken that mysterious pathway up which the sun creeps towards dawn, and meditate the solemnity of the woods lying behind the sun- set, so here have we caught those early pipings which set the key for the noonday's golden chorus, and made a nest to give its faint and dying echoes a home after sunset. Milton, I have not included, for in my judgment his muse is not Elizabethan, though something more that was strong and independent enough in its genius to create a neiu dawn out of the Elizabethan nightfall. The one pre-eminent poet he remains, without the ensemble of a great contemporary and succeeding group of singers, from the sixteenth century to the births of Blake and Burns, dates after which, for another cen- tury, the soul of English poetry was indigenous to mountain peaks. Unlike Mr. Quill er-C ouch's purpose stated in the Preface to his Golden Pomp, my aim has been both to instruct and please ; and this I had hoped to accomplish without being PREFACE scholastic in any sense of attempt at chronological order of authors^ or by adjusting single poems to complement any fact of historical significance. It being true as has been said by a contemporary critic^ that the Age was one when verse was ** used as speech^ and becomes song by way of speech^* there could be nothing better than its poetry as an expression of its manners^ morals^ religious aspirations, national and domestic life, vices, virtues, and the temper of the personal attitude. Soldiers and sea-faring adventurers, courtiers and ambassadors, barons and commons, tavern-vagabonds and play-actors, all wrote verse as the familiar and divine gift of some beneficent god on Parnassus who made the English his chosen people of melody. The world was fresh and young; the West passage to India was still a virgin route, and the chemical forces of nature were unleashed to the utility of man. Beauty and won- der came out of the re-awakened consciousness of the Italian Renaissance; the dim mysterious continent below the sunset filled the dreams in English minds with daring and bravery ; at home were pageants and masques, and a Sovereign who, gracing them with her presence, exerted a subtle influence and power which her subjects from court to hut acknowledged in prayer, praise, and devotion; there was personal and family honour to be cherished and preserved; and women filled mens hearts with a madness for possession as if their lips had tasted the wondrous apples of the Hesperides. And in their doing of these things the desire and the deed were intense. Emotion without any system of psychology went straight to the goal of expression; and out of emotion, thought was born, growing to a marvellous philosophy in Shakespeare, sound ethics in Fulke Greville, and sublime morality in Samuel Daniel. And to these qualities of a universal humanism the period contributed the classicism of Greece and Rome in a sort PREFACE of Hedonism of intellect in Jonson; a riotous Paganism of senses in Lodge and Fletcher; a Platonism of spiritual inter- pretation tn Spenser and his great schoolmen Drayton and Browne; and tn Campion and Herrick a richy ripe lyric utterance which still remains something quite better in sub- stance, form, and expression than any art except that of Shelley. In grouping the poems I have followed roughly a general scheme; not too closely nor with the absolute formality of a flower-shop. I have preferred instead, to come out of a prodi- gal and fragrant field with an armful of flowers with perfumes and colours arranged by kind, indifferently, to give something of Nature's variety. With Spenser, in all but one instance, the original spelling has been retained since inflection and colour are so intricately woven in the woof of the older fashion of words. With very few exceptions I have been particular to give each poem without omission of stanzas or lines ; especially has this been so in cases where longer verses have been " fashioned " by former editors to give the lyric form and quality, and depleted of fine lines and single stanzas which will be met with here as new to many readers. In making the selections my method was, first to read through the works of the poets in their own editions as far as accessible. Of course no one working in the poetry of the period could hope to do the work half well without the valuable contributions of Mr. Bullens Lyrics from the Elizabethan Song Books. The reader as well as the editor owes to Mr. Bullens patient and scholarly researches through the collec- tions of public and private Manuscripts an infinite debt of gratitude. As it is impossible to indicate acknowledgment of each poem which owes its discovery and publication to his loving and tireless labours, I wish here for all, to express my PREFACE obligation to him. When the numbers were chosen I con- sulted the Anthologies. To Mr. Qutller-Couch' s Golden Pomp / am indebted for Howell's poem ' Of Misery ' on page Sl^^ ««^ Wis dome's ' A Religious Use of Taking Tobacco' on page 547, both of which I had not met with elsewhere. While in my selections I was indepen- dent of the anthologies, I must still accredit to them assistance which I gladly acknowledge in collating the text of different versions, and for many valuable suggestions in punctuation which in a book of this sort is of infinite concern. My obliga- tions are thus rendered to Mr. Quiller-C ouch's Golden Pomp and The Oxford Book of English Verse, the late Mr. Palgrave's Golden Treasury {First Series), Dr. Hannah's The Courtly Poets, Dr. Arber's British Anthologies ( Wyat and Surrey, Spenser, Shakespeare and Jonson), Mr. Bul- lens reprints of England's Helicon and Davison's Poeti- cal Rhapsody, Professor Felix E. Schellings A Book of Elizabethan Lyrics, and Arthur Symons' Sixteenth Cen- tury Anthology, for which I am indebted to Mr, S. C. Williams, Literary Editor of the Boston Advertiser. I wish also to tender my thanks for personal assistance and suggestions to Mr. V. Stanley Millikin, to Mr. Burton Kline, and to Mr. Arthur Upson, who read the pages and gave me valuable information for the notes; and to Mr. Thomas Wentworth Higginson, who read the proofs of the entire book and whose wise counsel and encouragement was always generously given. Boston, August 17, 1906. The Doubt ^]^E doubt of future foes Exiles my present joy, And wit me warns to shun such snares As threaten mine annoy. For falsehood now doth floWy And subject faith doth ebb. Which would not be if reason ruled. Or wisdom weaved the web. But clouds of toys untried Do cloak aspiring minds, Which turn to rain of late repent. By course of changed winds. The top of hope supposed The root of ruth will be, And fruitless all their graffed guiles. As shortly ye shall see. Then dazzled eyes with pride. Which great ambition blinds. Shall be unsealed by worthy wights. Whose foresight falsehood finds. THE DOUBT The daughter of debate, That eke discord doth sow. Shall reap no gain where former rule Hath taught still peace to grow. Mo foreign banished wight Shall anchor in this port; Our realm it brooks no stranger s force; Let them elsewhere resort. Our rusty sword with rest Shall first his edge employ. To poll their tops that seek such change And gape for future joy. Queen Elizabeth Aubade nPHE lark now leaves his wat'ry nest, -^ And climbing shakes his dewy wings. He takes this window for the East, And to implore your light he sings — Awake, awake ! the morn will never rise Till she can dress her beauty at your eyes. The merchant bows unto the seaman's star. The ploughman from the sun his season takes; But still the lover wonders what they are Who look for day before his mistress wakes. Awake, awake ! break thro' your veils of lawn ! Then draw your curtains, and begin the dawn ! Sir W. Davenant Dawn TI^LY hence, shadows, that do keep -*- Watchful sorrows charmed in sleep ! Tho' the eyes be overtaken. Yet the heart doth ever waken Thoughts chained up in busy snares Of continual woes and cares : Love and griefs are so exprest As they rather sigh than rest. Fly hence, shadows, that do keep Watchful sorrows charmed in sleep. J. Ford THE BOOK OF Matin-Song "pACK clouds, away, and welcome, day ■*- With night we banish sorrow. Sweet air, blow soft; mount, lark, aloft To give my Love good-morrow ! Wings from the wind to please her mind. Notes from the lark I'll borrow: Bird, prune thy wing, nightingale, sing; To give my Love good-morrow! To give my Love good-morrow Notes from them all Til borrow. Wake from thy nest, robin red-breast, Sing birds in every furrow, And from each bill let music shrill Give my fair Love good-morrow! Blackbird and thrush in every bush, Stare, linnet, and cocksparrow. You pretty elves, amongst yourselves Sing my fair Love good-morrow; To give my Love good-morrow. Sing, birds, in every furrow. T. Heywooa 4, Song to Apollo OING to Apollo, god of day, ^^ Whose golden beams with morning play And make her eyes so brightly shine, Aurora's face is called divine; Sing to Phoebus and that throne Of diamonds which he sits upon. ELIZABETHAN VERSE lo, paeans let us sing To Physic's and to Poesy's king! Crown all his altars with bright fire, Laurels bind about his lyre, A Daphnean coronet for his head. The Muses dance about his bed; When on his ravishing lute he plays, Strew his temple round with bays, lo, paeans let us sing To the glittering DeHan king! J. Lyly Hark, Hark ! the Lark TTARK, hark! the lark at heaven's gate sings, ■■- '*■ And Phoebus 'gins arise, His steeds to water at those springs On chaliced flowers that lies; And winking Mary-buds begin To ope their golden eyes : With everything that pretty bin. My lady sweet, arise: Arise, arise. W. Shakespeare 5. The Love Call Phyllida. r^ORYDON, arise, my Corydon ! Titan shineth clear. Corydon. Who is it that calleth Corydon ? Who is it that I hear ? THE BOOK OF Phyl. Phyllida, thy true love, calleth thee, Arise then, arise then, Arise and keep thy flock with me ! Cor. Phylhda, my true love, is it she ? I come then, I come then, I come and keep my flock with thee. Phyl. Here are cherries ripe for my Corydon; Eat them for my sake. Cor. Here's my oaten pipe, my lovely one, ^ Sport for thee to make. Phyl. Here are threads, my true love, fine as silk, To knit thee, to knit thee, A pair of stockings white as milk. Cor. Here are reeds, my true love, fine and neat. To make thee, to make thee, A bonnet to withstand the heat. Phyl. I will gather flowers, my Corydon, To set in thy cap. Cor. I will gather pears, my lovely one. To put in thy lap. Phyl. I will buy my true love garters gay For Sundays, for Sundays, To wear about his legs so tall. Cor. I will buy my true love yellow say, For Sundays, for Sundays, To wear about her middle small. Phyl. When my Corydon sits on a hill Making melody — Cor. When my lovely one goes to her wheel, Singing cheerily — ELIZABETHAN VERSE PhyL Sure methinks my true love doth excel For sweetness, for sweetness, Our Pan, that old Arcadian knight. Cor. And methinks my true love bears the bell For clearness, for clearness. Beyond the nymphs that be so bright. PhyL Had my Corydon, my Corydon, Been, alack ! her swain — Cor. Had my lovely one, my lovely one. Been in Ida plain — PhyL Cynthia Endymion had refused. Preferring, preferring My Corydon to play withal. Cor. The Queen of Love had been excused Bequeathing, bequeathing My Phyllida the golden ball. PhyL Yonder comes my mother, Corydon, Whither shall I fly .? Cor. Under yonder beech, my lovely one, While she passeth by. PhyL Say to her thy true love was not here: Remember, remember. To-morrow is another day. Cor. Doubt me not, my true love, do not fear; Farewell then, farewell then ! Heaven keep our loves alway. Anon. THE BOOK OF 7. Summons to Love pHCEBUS, arise! -*- And paint the sable skies With azure, white, and red; Rouse Memnon's mother from her Tithon's bed. That she thy carriere may with roses spread; The nightingales thy coming each-where sing; Make an eternal Spring ! Give life to this dark world which lieth dead; Spread forth thy golden hair In larger locks than thou wast wont before, And emperor-like decore With diadem of pearl thy temples fair: Chase hence the ugly night Which serves but to make dear thy glorious light — This is that happy morn. That day, long-wished day Of all my life so dark, (If cruel stars have not my ruin sworn And fates not hope betray). Which, only white, deserves A diamond for ever should it mark. This is the morn should bring unto this grove My Love, to hear and recompense my love. Fair King, who all preserves. But show thy blushing beams, And thou two sweeter eyes Shalt see than those which by Peneus' streams Did once thy heart surprise. Nay, suns, which shine as clear As thou when two thou did to Rome appear. 6 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Now, Flora, deck thyself in fairest guise* If that ye, winds, would hear A voice surpassing far Amphion's lyre, Your stormy chiding stay; Let Zephyr only breathe. And with her tresses play. Kissing sometimes these purple ports of death, — The winds all silent are, And Phoebus in his chair Ensaffroning sea and air Makes vanish every star: Night like a drunkard reels Beyond the hills, to shun his flaming wheels: The fields with flowers are deck'd in every hue. The clouds with orient gold spangle their blue; Here is the pleasant place — And everything, save Her, who all should grace. W. Drummond 8. On a Fair Morning /'~\N a fair morning, as I came by the way, ^^ Met I with a merry maid in the merry month ot May; When a sweet love sings his lovely lay And every bird upon the bush bechirps it up so gay: With a heave and a ho ! with a heave and a ho ! Thy wife shall be thy master, I trow. Sing, care away, care away, let the world go ! Hey, lustily all in a row, all in a row. Sing, care away, care away, let the world go! Anon, 7 THE BOOK OF g. Stay, O Sweet O TAY, O sweet, and do not rise ! ^-^ The light that shines comes from thine eyes; The day breaks not: it is my heart, Because that you and I must part. Stay! or else my joys will die. And perish in their infancy. Tis true, 'tis day : what though it be .? O, wilt thou therefore rise from me 1 Why should we rise because 'tis light ? Did we lie down because 'twas night ? Love, which in spite of darkness brought us hither, Should in despite of light keep us together. Light hath no tongue, but is all eye. If it could speak as well as spy. This were the worst that it could say : — That, being well, I fain would stay, And that I lov'd my heart and honour so. That I would not from him, that had them, go. Must business thee from hence remove ? Oh, that's the worse disease of love ! The poor, the fool, the false, love can Admit, but not the busied man. He, which hath business, and makes love, doth do Such wrong, as when a married man doth woo. y. Donne 8 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 10, The Night Is Near Gone TTEY! now the day dawis; -*- -*- The jolly cock crawis; Now shroudis the shawis Thro' Nature anon. The thissel-cock cryis On lovers wha lyis : Now skaillis the skyis; The nicht is neir gone. The fieldis ouerflowis With gowans that growis, Quhair lilies like low is As red as the rone. The turtle that true is, With notes that renewis, Her pairty pursuis: The nicht is neir gone. Now hairtis with hindis Conform to their kindis, Hie tursis their tyndis On ground quhair they grone. Now hurchonis, with hairis, . Aye passis in pairis; Quhilk duly declaris The nicht is neir gone. The season excellis Through sweetness that smellis; Now Cupid compellis Our hairtis echone THE BOOK OF On Venus wha waikis, To muse on our maikis, Syne sing for their saikis — " The nicht is neir gone ! '^ All courageous knichtis Aganis the day dichtis The breist-plate that bright is To fight with their fone. The stoned steed stampis Through courage, and crampis, Syne on the land lampis: The nicht is neir gone. The friekis on feildis That wight wapins weildis With shyning bright shieldis At Titan in trone; Stiff speiris in reistis Ouer corseris crestis Are broke on their breistis: The nicht is neir gone. So hard are their hittis, Some sweyis, some sittis, And some perforce flittis On ground quhile they grone. Syne groomis that gay is On blonkis that brayis With swordis assayis : — The nicht is neir gone. A. Montgomerie ELIZABETHAN VERSE //. Spring's Welcome "\ 1^ THAT bird so sings, yet so does wail ? ^ ^ O 'tis the ravish'd nightingale. fug, jugy jugy jug, tereu! she cries, And still her woes at midnight rise. Brave prick-song ! Who is't now we hear ? None but the lark so shrill and clear; Now at heaven's gate she claps her wings. The morn not waking till she sings. Hark, hark, with what a pretty throat Poor robin redbreast tunes his note; Hark how the jolly cuckoos sing Cuckoo! to welcome in the spring! Cuckoo! to welcome in the spring! r Lyly 12. Spring OPRING, the sweet Spring, is the year's pleasant king; "^ Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring, Cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing — Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo ! The palm and May make country houses gay, Lambs frisk and play, the shepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay — Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo! THE BOOK OF The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit. In every street these tunes our ears do greet — Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo ! Spring, the sweet Spring ! T. Nashe I J. Whilst It Is Prime lIj^RESH Spring, the herald of love's mighty king, ^ In whose cote-armour richly are displayed All sorts of flowers the which on earth do spring In goodly colours gloriously arrayed, — Go to my love where she is careless laid Yet in her Winter's bower not well awake: Tell her the joyous time will not be stayed Unless she do him by the fore-lock take: Bid her therefore herself soon ready make To wait on Love amongst his lovely crew: Where every one that misseth then her make Shall be by him amerced with penance due. Make haste therefore, sweet Love, whilst it is prime, For none can call again the passed time. E. Spenser 14. Description of the Spring , Wherein each thing renews^ save only the Lbver " I ^HE soote season, that bud and bloom forth brings, ^ With green hath clad the hill and eke the vale: The nightingale with feathers new she sings; The turtle to her make hath told her tale. ELIZABETHAN VERSE Summer is come, for every spray now springs: The hart hath hung his old head on the pale; The buck in brake his winter coat he flings; The fishes fiete with new repaired scale. The adder all her slough away she slings; The swift swallow pursueth the flies smale; The busy bee her honey now she mings; Winter is worn that was the flowers' bale. And thus I see among these pleasant things Each care decays, and yet my sorrow springs. Earl of Surrey IS' Short Sunshine TIj^ULL many a glorious morning have I seen ^ Flatter the mountain tops with sovran eye, Kissing with golden face the meadows green. Gilding pale streams with heavenly alchemy; Anon permit the basest clouds to ride With ugly rack on his celestial face, And from the forlorn world his visage hide. Stealing unseen to west with this disgrace. E'en so my sun one early morn did shine With all-triumphant splendour on my brow; But out, alack! he was but one hour mine, The region cloud hath masked him from me now. Yet him for this my love no whit disdaineth; Suns of the world may stain when heaven's sun staineth. W. Shakespeare 13 THE BOOK OF i6. Beauty, Sweet Love, Is Like the Morning Dew OEAUTY, sweet Love, is like the morning dew, -'-^ Whose short refresh upon the tender green Cheers for a time, but till the sun doth shew, And straight 'tis gone as it had never been. Soon doth it fade that makes the fairest flourish, Short is the glory of the blushing rose; The hue which thou so carefully dost nourish. Yet which at length thou must be forced to lose. When thou, surcharged with burthen of thy years, Shalt bend thy wrinkles homeward to the earth. And that, in Beauty's Lease expired, appears The Date of Age, the Kalends of our Death — But ah ! no more ! — this must not be foretold, For women grieve to think they must be old. S. Daniel 77. When Daffodils Begin to Peer "\ 1 /"HEN daffodils begin to peer, * * With heigh ! the doxy over the dale. Why, then comes in the sweet o' the year; For the red blood reigns in the winter's pale. The white sheet bleaching on the hedge. With heigh ! the sweet birds, O, how they sing ! Doth set my pugging tooth on edge; For a quart gf ale is a dish for a king. 14 ELIZABETHAN VERSE The lark that tirra-lirra chants, With heigh ! with heigh ! the thrush and the jay, Are summer songs for me and my aunts. While we lie tumbling in the hay. W. Shakespeare i8. Fair Is My Love for ApriVs in Her Face T^AIR is my love for April's, in her face : -*- Her lovely breasts September claims his part, And lordly July in her eyes takes place. But cold December dwelleth in her heart; Blest be the months that set my thoughts on fire, Accurst that month that hindereth my desire. Like Phoebus' fire, so sparkle both her eyes. As air perfumed with amber is her breath. Like swelling waves, her lovely breasts do rise. As earth her heart, cold, dateth me to death: Aye me, poor man, that on the earth do live. When unkind earth, death and despair doth give] In pomp sits mercy seated in her face. Love twixt her breasts his trophies doth imprint, Her eyes shine favour, courtesy, and grace, But touch her heart, ah that is framed of flint ! Therefore my harvest in the grass bears grain; The rock will wear, washed with a winter's rain. R. Greene 15 THE BOOK OF ig. To Aurora f~\ IF thou knew' St how thou thyself dost harm, ^-^ And dost prejudge thy bHss, and spoil my rest; Then thou would'st melt the ice out of thy breast And thy relenting heart would kindly warm. O if thy pride did not our joys controul, What world of loving wonders should'st thou see; For if I saw thee once transformed in me, Then in thy bosom would I pour my soul; Then all my thoughts should in thy visage shine. And if that ought mischanced thou should'st not moan Nor bear the burthen of thy griefs alone; No, I would have my share in what were thine. And whilst we thus should make our sorrows one, This happy harmony would make them none. W. Alexander^ Earl of Stirling 20. Aurora /^ HAPPY Tithon ! if thou know'st thy hap, ^-^ And valuest thy wealth, as I my want. Then need'st thou not — which ah! I grieve to grant- Repine at Jove, lulled in his leman's lap: That golden shower in which he did repose — One dewy drop it stains Which thy Aurora rains Upon the rural plains. When from thy bed she passionately goes. Then, wakened with the music of the merles. She not remembers Memnon when she mourns: That faithful flame which in her bosom burns From crystal conduits throws those liquid pearls: i6 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Sad from thy sight so soon to be removed, She so her grief delates. — O favoured by the fates Above the happiest states, Who art of one so w^orthy well-beloved ! W. Alexander^ Earl of Stirling '/. To Meadows "X/'E have been fresh and green, ^ Ye have been filled veith flowers, And ye the walks have been Where maids have spent their hours. You have beheld how they With wicker arks did come To kiss and bear away The richer cowslips home. You've heard them sweetly sing. And seen them in a round : Each virgin like a spring, With honeysuckles crowned. But now we see none here Whose silvery feet did tread And with dishevelled hair Adorn'd this smoother mead. Like unthrifts, having spent Your stock and needy grown. You're left here to lament Your poor estates, alone, R. Herrick 17 THE BOOK OF 22, The Primrose A SK me why I send you here This Sweet Infanta of the year ? Ask me why I send to you This Primrose, thus bepearl'd with dew f I will whisper to your ears: The sweets of love are mix'd with tears. Ask me why this flower does show So yellow-green, and sickly too ? Ask me why the stalk is weak And bending, [yet it doth not break] ? I will answer: — These discover What doubts and fears are in a lover. T. Careiv or R, Herrick 23, To Violets Tl WELCOME, maids of honour, * You do bring In the Spring And wait upon her. She has virgins many, Fresh and fair; Yet you are More sweet than any. You're the maiden posieSj, And so graced To be placed Tore damask roses, 18 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Yet, though thus respected, By-and-by Ye do die, Poor girls, neglected. R. Herrich Perigot and Willie^ s Roundelay TT fell upon a holly eve. Hey ho, hoUidaye ! When holly fathers wont to shrieve, Now gynneth this roundelay. Sitting upon a hill so hye, Hey ho, the high hyll ! The while my flocke did feede thereby. The while the shepheard selfe did spill: I saw the bouncing Bellibone, Hey ho, Bonibell ! Tripping over the dale alone: She can trippe it very well; Well decked in a frocke of gray, Hey ho, gray is greete ! And in a kirtle of greene saye. The greene is for maydens meete. A chapelet on her head she wore, Hey ho, chapelet ! Of sweete violets therein was store, — She sweeter then the violet. THE BOOK OF My sheepe did leave theyr wonted foode, Hey ho, seely sheepe ! And gazd on her, as they were wood, — Woode as he, that did them keepco As the bonnilasse passed bye. Hey ho, bonilasse ! She rovde at me with glauncing eye, As cleare as the christall glasse: All as the sunnye beame so bright, Hey ho, the sunne beame ! Glaunceth from Phoebus face forthright, So love into my hart did streame : Or as the thonder cleaves the cloudes. Hey ho, the thonder ! Wherein the lightsome levin shroudes. So cleaves thy soule asonder : Or as Dame Cynthias silver raye Hey ho, the moonelight ! Upon the glyttering wave doth playe: Such play is a pitteous plight! The glaunce into my heart did glide. Hey ho, the glyder ! Therewith my soule was sharply gryde Such woundes soone wexen wider. Hasting to raunch the arrow out. Hey ho, Perigot ! I left the head in my hart roote: It was a desperate shot. ELIZABETHAN VERSE There it ranckleth ay more and more, Hey ho, the arrowe ! Ne can I find salve for my sore: Love is a cureless sorrowe. And though my bale with death I brought. Hey ho, heavie cheere ! Yet should thilk lasse not from my thought: So you may buye gold to deare. But whether in paynefull love I pyne, Hey ho, pinching payne ! Or thrive in welth, she shalbe mine. But if thou can her obteine. And if for gracelesse griefe I dye, Hey ho, gracelesse griefe ! Witnesse, shee slewe me with her eye : Let thy follye be the priefe. And you that sawe it, simple shepe. Hey ho, the fayre flocke ! For priefe thereof my death shall weepe, And mone with marry a mocke. So learnd I love on a hollye eve, — Hey ho, holidaye ! That ever since my hart did greve: Now endeth our roundelay. E. Spenser The Blossom (~\^ a day — alack the day! — ^-^ Love, whose month was ever May, Spied a blossom passing fair Playing in the wanton air: 21 THE BOOK OF Through the velvet leaves the wind, All unseen, 'gan passage find; That the lover, sick to death. Wished himself the heaven's breath. " Air," quoth he, " thy cheeks may blow; Air, would I might triumph so! But, alas, my hand is sworn Ne'er to pluck thee from thy thorn: Vow, alack, for youth unmeet; Youth so apt to pluck a sweet. Do not call it sin in me. That I am forsworn for thee; Thou for whom Jove would swear Juno but an Ethiope were; And deny himself for Jove, Turning mortal for thy love." W. Shakespeare 26. To Blossoms TIJ^AIR pledges of a fruitful tree, -"- Why do ye fall so fast ? Your date is not so past But you may stay yet here awhile To blush and gently smile. And go at last. What ! were ye born to be An hour or half's delight. And so to bid good night ? *Twas pity Nature brought you forth Merely to show your worth And lose you quite. 22 ELIZABETHAN VERSE But you are lovely leaves, where we May read how soon things have Their end, though ne'er so brave: And after they have shown their pride Like you awhile, they glide Into the grave. R. Herrick 2y. The Blossom T ITTJ^E think'st thou, poor flower, -^^ Whom I have watched six or seven days, And seen thy birth, and seen what every hour Gave to thy growth, thee to this height to raise, And now dost laugh and triumph on this bough, — Little think'st thou That it will freeze anon, and that I shall To-morrow find thee fall'n, or not at all. Little think'st thou, poor heart. That labourest yet to nestle thee. And think'st by hovering here to get a part In a forbidden or forbidding tree. And hop'st her stiffness by long siege to bow, — Little think'st thou That thou, to-morrow, ere the sun doth wake, Must with the sun and me a journey take. But thou, which lov'st to be Subtle to plague thyself, wilt say — " Alas ! if you must go, what's that to me ? Here lies my business, and here will I stay: 23 THE BOOK OF You go to friends, whose love and means present Various content To your eyes, ears, and taste, and every part: If then your body go, what need your heart ? '* Well, then, stay here: but know When thou hast said and done thy most, A naked thinking heart, that makes no show, Is to a woman but a kind of ghost; How shall she know my heart ? Or, having none, Know thee for one ? Practice may make her know some other part, But take my word, she doth not know a heart. Meet me in London, then. Twenty days hence, and thou shalt see Me fresher and more fat, by being with men, Than if I had stay'd still with her and thee. For God's sake, if you can, be you so too : I will give you There to another friend, whom you shall find As glad to have my body as my mind. y. Donne 28. Corinna's Maying /~^ET up, get up for shame! The blooming morn ^^ Upon her wings presents the god unshorn. See how Aurora throws her fair Fresh-quilted colours through the air: Get up, sweet slug-a-bed, and see The dew-bespangled herb and tree ! 24 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Each flower has wept and bow'd toward the east, Above an hour since, yet you not drest; Nay ! not so much as out of bed ? When all the birds have matins said, And sung their thankful hymns, 'tis sin. Nay, profanation, to keep in, Whenas a thousand virgins on this day Spring, sooner than the lark, to fetch in May. Rise, and put on your foliage, and be seen To come forth, like the spring-time, fresh and green, And sweet as Flora. Take no care For jewels for your gown or hair: Fear not; the leaves will strew Gems in abundance upon you: Besides, the childhood of the day has kept. Against you come, some Orient pearls unwept. Come, and receive them while the light Hangs on the dew-locks of the night. And Titan on the eastern hill Retires himself, or else stands still Till you come forth ! Wash, dress, be brief in praying : Few beads are best when once we go a-Maying. Come, my Corinna, come; and coming, mark How each field turns a street, each street a park, Made green and trimm'd with trees! see how Devotion gives each house a bough Or branch ! each porch, each door, ere this. An ark, a tabernacle is. Made up of white-thorn neatly interwove. As if here were those cooler shades of love. 25 THE BOOK OF Can such delights be in the street And open fields, and we not see 't ? Come, we'll abroad: and let's obey The proclamation made for May, And sin no more, as we have done, by staying. But, my Corinna, come, let's go a-Maying. There's not a budding boy or girl this day But is got up and gone to bring in May. A deal of youth, ere this, is come Back, and with white-thorn laden home. Some have dispatch'd their cakes and cream, Before that we have left to dream: And some have wept and woo'd, and plighted troth, And chose their priest, ere we can cast off sloth: Many a green-gown has been given. Many a kiss, both odd and even: Many a glance, too, has been sent From out the eye, love's firmament: Many a jest told of the keys betraying This night, and locks pick'd : yet we're not a-Maying Come, let us go, while we are in our prime, And take the harmless folly of the time ! We shall grow old apace, and die Before we know our liberty. Our life is short, and our days run As fast away as does the sun. And, as a vapour or a drop of rain, Once lost, can ne'er be found again, So when or you or I are made A fable, song, or fleeting shade, 26 ELIZABETHAN VERSE All love, all liking, all delight Lies drowned with us in endless night. Then, while time serves, and we are but decaying. Come, my Corinna, come, let's go a-Maying. R. Herrick 2g. On a Bank as I Sat A -Fishing " I ^HIS day Dame Nature seemed in love; -■- The lusty sap began to move; Fresh juice did stir th' embracing vines, And birds had drawn their valentines; The jealous trout that low did lie Rose at the well-dissembled fly; There stood my friend, with patient skill Attending of his trembling quill. Already were the eaves possess'd With the swift pilgrim's daubed nest; The groves already did rejoice In Philomel's triumphing voice; The showers were short, the weather mild. The morning fresh, the evening smiled; Joan takes her neat-rubbed pail, and now She trips to milk the sand-red cow; Where for some sturdy football swain Joan strokes a syllabub or twain; The fields and gardens were beset With tulip, crocus, violet; And now, though late the modest rose Did more than half a blush disclose. Thus all looked gay and full of cheer To welcome the new-liveried year. Sir H. Wotton THE BOOK OF JO. Fhyllida and Cory don TN the merry month of May, -*■ In a morn by break of day Forth I walk'd by the woodside Whenas May was in his pride; There I spyed all alone, Phyllida and Corydon. Much ado there was, God wot ! He would love and she would not. She said, never man was true; He said, none was false to you. He said, he had loved her long; She said. Love should have no wrong. Corydon would kiss her then; She said, maids must kiss no men Till they did for good and all; Then she made the shepherd call All the heavens to witness truth Never loved a truer youth. Thus with many a pretty oath. Yea and nay, and faith and troth, Such as silly shepherds use When they will not Love abuse, Love, which had been long deluded, Was with kisses sweet concluded; And Phyllida, with garlands gay, Was made the Lady of the May. N. Breton 28 ELIZABETHAN VERSE J/. Song oj the May OISTER, awake! close not your eyes! ^^ The day her Hght discloses, And the bright morning doth arise Out of her bed of roses. See the clear sun, the world's bright eye, In at our window peeping. Lo, how he blusheth to espy Us idle wenches sleeping ! Therefore awake! make haste, I say, And let us, without staying. All in our gowns of green so gay Into the Park a-Maying! Anon. J2. My Fair A-Field OEE where my Love a-Maying goes *^ With sweet dame Flora sporting! She most alone with nightingales In woods delights consorting. Turn again, my dearest ! The pleasant' st air's in meadows ; Else by the rivers let us breathe, And kiss amongst the willows. Anon. 29 THE BOOK OF 33. The Merry Month of May TS not thilke the merry month of May, ■*' When love-lads masken in fresh array ? How falls it, then, we no merrier been, Ylike as others, girt in gaudy green ? Our blanket liveries been all too sad For thilke same season, when all is yclad With pleasaunce; the ground with grass, the woods With green leaves, the bushes with blossoming buds. Young folk now flocken in everywhere To gather May buskets and smelling brere; And home they hasten the postes to dight. And all the kirk-pillars ere day-light. With hawthorne buds and sweet eglantine, And garlands of roses and sops-in-wine. E. Spenser 34. May-Song /^ THE month of May, the merry month of May, ^-^' So frolic, so gay, and so green, so green, so green ! O, and then did I unto my true love say. Sweet Peg, thou shalt be my Summer's Queen. Now the nightingale, the pretty nightingale. The sweetest singer in all the forest choir. Entreats thee, sweet Peggy, to hear thy true love's tale: Lo, yonder she sitteth, her breast against a brier. 30 ELIZABETHAN VERSE But O, I spy the cuckoo, the cuckoo, the cuckoo! See where she sitteth; come away, my joy: Come away, I prithee, I do not hke the cuckoo Should sing where my Peggy and I kiss and toy. O, the month of May, the merry month of May, So frohc, so gay, and so green, so green, so green i O, and then did I unto my true love say. Sweet Peg, thou shalt be my Summer's Queen, r. Dekkei j^. Lovers Emblems "\TOW the lusty spring is seen; -^ ^ Golden yellow, gaudy blue, Daintily invite the view: Everywhere on every green Roses blushing as they blow. And enticing men to pull. Lilies whiter than the snow. Woodbines of sweet honey full: All love's emblems, and all cry, *' Ladies, if not plucked, we die.'^ Yet the lusty spring hath stay'd; Blushing red and purest white Daintily to love invite Every woman, every maid : 31 THE BOOK OF Cherries kissing as they grow, And inviting men to taste, Apples even ripe below, Winding gently to the waist: All love's emblems, and all cry, ** Ladies, if not plucked, we die." 7. Fletcher 36, A Round IVJOW that the Spring hath filled our veins ''■ ^ With kind and active fire. And made green liv'ries for the plains. And every grove a choir: Sing we a song of merry glee. And Bacchus fill the bowl: I. Then here's to thee; 2. And thou to me And every thirsty soul. Nor Care, nor Sorrow e'er paid debt, Nor never shall do mine; I have no cradle going yet. Not I, by this good wine. No wife at home to send for me No hogs are in my ground. No suit in law to pay a fee, — Then round, old Jockey, round ! 32 I ELIZABETHAN VERSE All Shear sheep that have them, cry we still, But see that no man 'scape To drink of the sherry, That makes us so merry. And plump as the lusty grape. W. Browne jy, Ralph, the May-Lord T ONDON, to thee I do present •*-— ' The merry month of May; Let each true subject be content To hear me what I say : For from the top of conduit-head, As plainly may appear, I will both tell my name to you, And wherefore I came here. My name is Ralph, by due descent, Though not ignoble I, Yet far inferior to the flock Of gracious grocery; And by the common counsel of My fellows in the Strand, With gilded staff and crossed scarf, The May-lord here I stand. Rejoice, oh, English hearts, rejoice! Rejoice, oh, lovers dear ! Rejoice, oh, city, town, and country. Rejoice eke every shire ! 33 THE BOOK OF For now the fragrant flowers do spring And sprout in seemly sort, The Httle birds do sit and sing, The lambs do make fine sport; And now the birchen-tree doth bud. That makes the schoolboy cry; The morris rings, while hobby-horse Doth foot it feateously; The lords and ladies now abroad, For their disport and play, Do kiss sometimes upon the grass, And sometimes in the hay. Now butter with a leaf of sage Is good to purge the blood; Fly Venus and phlebotomy, For they are neither good ! Now little fish on tender stone Begin to cast their bellies. And sluggish snails, that erst were mewedc Do creep out of their shellies; The rumbling rivers now do warm, For little boys to paddle; The sturdy steed now goes to grass, And up they hang the saddle; The heavy hart, the bellowing buck. The rascal, and the pricket. Are now among the yeoman's pease, And leave the fearful thicket; And be like them, oh, you, I say. Of this same noble town. And lift aloft your velvet heads, And slipping off your gown, 34 ELIZABETHAN VERSE With bells on legs, and napkins clean Unto your shoulders tied, With scarfs and garters as you please, And " Hey for our town ! " cried, March out and show your willing minds, By twenty and by twenty, To Hogsdon, or to Newington, Where ale and cakes are plenty; And let it ne'er be said for shame. That we the youths of London Lay thrumming of our caps at home, And left our custom undone. Up then, I say, both young and old. Both man and maid a-maying. With drums and guns that bounce aloud. And merry tabour playing ! Which to prolong, God save our king. And send his country peace. And rout out treason from the land ! And so, my friends, I cease. F. Beaumont 38, An Ode IVJOW each creature joys the other, ■^ Passing happy days and hours; One bird reports unto another In the fall of silver showers; Whilst the Earth, our common mother. Hath her bosom decked with flowers. 35 #4 THE BOOK OF Whilst the greatest torch of heaven With bright rays warms Flora's lap, Making nights and days both even, Cheering plants with fresher sap; My field of flowers quite bereaven. Wants refresh of better hap. Echo, daughter of the air. Babbling guests of rocks and hills, Knows the name of my fierce fair. And sounds the accents of my ills. Each thing pities my despair, Whilst that she her lover kills. Whilst that she — O cruel maid ! — Doth me and my true love despise, My life's flourish is decayed. That depended on her eyes : But her will must be obeyed, — And well he ends, for love who dies. S. Daniel Sg, Under the Greenwood Tree Amiens sings: T TNDER the greenwood tree. Who loves to lie with me. And turn his merry note Unto the sweet bird's throat, Come hither, come hither, come hither: Here shall he see No enemy But winter and rough weather. 36 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Who doth ambition shun, And loves to Hve i' the sun, Seeking the food he eats. And pleased with what he gets. Come hither, come hither, come hither; Here shall he see No enemy But winter and rough weather. Jaques replies: If it do come to pass That any man turn ass. Leaving his wealth and ease A stubborn will to please, ^ Ducdame, ducdame, ducdame: Here shall he see Gross fools as he. An if he will come to me. W. Shakespeare 40. Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May /'"^ATHER ye rosebuds while ye may, ^-^ Old Time is still a-flying: And this same flower that smiles to-day To-morrow will be dying. The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun, The higher he's a-getting. The sooner will his race be run. And nearer he's to setting. 37 THE BOOK OF That age is best which is the first, When youth and blood are warmer: But being spent, the worse, and worst Times still succeed the former. Then be not coy, but use your time, And while ye may, go marry: For having lost but once your prime You may for ever tarry. R, Herrick 41, Philomela A S it fell upon a day -^^^ In the merry month of May, Sitting in a pleasant shade Which a grove of myrtles made, Beasts did leap and birds did sing, Trees did grow and plants did spring; Everything did banish moan Save the Nightingale alone: She, poor bird as all forlorn Leaned her breast up-till a thorn, And there sung the dolefull'st ditty, That to hear it was great pity. Fie^ fie, fie I now would she cry; TereUj Tereul by and by; That to hear her so complain Scarce I could from tears refrain; For her griefs so lively shown Made me think upon mine own. < ELIZABETHAN VERSE Ah! thought I, thou mourn'st in vain. None takes pity on thy pain: Senseless trees they cannot hear thee, Ruthless beasts they will not cheer thee: King Pandion he is dead, All thy friends are lapp'd in lead; All thy fellow birds do sing Careless of thy sorrowing: Even so, poor bird, like thee, None alive will pity me. R. Barnfield 42, A Nosegay SAY, crimson Rose and dainty Daffodil, With Violet blue; Since you have seen the beauty of my saint. And eke her view; Did not her sight (fair sight !) you lonely fill, With sweet delight Of goddess' grace and angels' sacred teint In fine, most bright ? Say, golden Primrose, sanguine Cowslip fair. With Pink most fine; Since you beheld the visage of my dear. And eyes divine; Did not her globy front, and glistening hair, With cheeks most sweet. So gloriously hke damask flowers appear. The gods to greet ? 39 I THE BOOK OF Say, snow-white Lily, speckled Gilly-flower, With Daisy gay; Since you have viewed the Queen of my desire, In her array; Did not her ivory paps, fair Venus' bower, With heavenly glee, A Juno's grace, conjure you to require Her face to see ? Say Rose, say Daffodil, and Violet blue, With Primrose fair. Since ye have seen my nymph's sweet dainty face. And gesture rare. Did not (bright Cowslip, blooming Pink) her view (White Lily) shine — (Ah, Gilly-flower, ah Daisy !) with a grace Like stars divine ? y. Reynolds 4J. The Shepherd'' s Holy day 1 Nymph. nPHUS, thus begin the yearly rites ^ Are due to Pan on these bright nights; His morn now riseth and invites To sports, to dances, and delights: All envious and profane, away. This is the shepherd's holyday. 2 Nymph. Strew, strew the glad and smiling ground With every flower, yet not confound; 40 ELIZABETHAN VERSE The primrose drop, the spring's own spouse, Bright day's-eyes and the Hps of cows; The garden-star, the queen of May, The rose, to crown the holyday. 3 Nymph. Drop, drop, you violets; change your hues, Now red, now pale, as lovers use; And in your death go out as well As when you lived unto the smell: That from your odour all may say, This is the shepherd's holyday. B. Jonson 44. To Phyllis J the Fair Shepherdess 1\ /TY Phyllis hath the morning sun, ^^ ^ At first to look upon her; And Phyllis hath morn-waking birds Her risings for to honour. My Phyllis hath prime-feathered flowers That smile when she treads on them; And Phyllis hath a gallant flock That leaps since she doth own them. But Phyllis hath so hard a heart, Alas that she should have it. As yields no mercy to desart. Nor grace to those that crave it. Sweet sun, when thou look'st on. Pray her regard my moan; Sweet birds, when you sing to her. To yield some pity, woo her; 41 THE BOOK OF Sweet flowers whenas she treads on, Tell her, her beauty deads one, And if in life her love she nill agree me. Pray her before I die she will come see me. T. Lodge 4S. The Beggars' Holiday /'"^AST our caps and cares away: ^^ This is beggars' holiday ! At the crowning of our king. Thus we ever dance and sing. In the world look out and see, Where so happy a prince as he ? Where the nation live so free, And so merry as do we ? Be it peace, or be it war. Here at liberty we are. And enjoy our ease and rest: To the field we are not pressed; Nor are called into the town. To be troubled with the gown. Hang all officers, we cry. And the magistrate too, by! When the subsidy's increased, We are not a penny sessed; Nor will any go to law With the beggar for a straw. All which happiness, he brags. He doth owe unto his rags. J. Fletcher 42 ELIZABETHAN VERSE /J.6, Young Love \ 'THELL me where is Fancy bred, -*- Or in the heart or in the head ? How begot, how nourished ? Reply, reply. It is engendered in the eyes; With gazing fed ; and Fancy dies In the cradle where it lies : Let us all ring Fancy's knell : I'll begin it, — Ding, dong, bell. — Ding, dong, bell. W. Shakespeare ^7. God LycEUs^ Ever Young /^^OD Lyaeus, ever young, ^-^ Ever honour'd, ever sung, Stain'd with blood of lusty grapes. In a thousand lusty shapes Dance upon the mazer's brim, In the crimson liquor swim ; From thy plenteous hand divine Let a river run with wine: God of youth, let this day here Enter neither care nor fear. J. Fletche 43 THE BOOK OF 48. What Is Love? nPELL me, dearest, what is love ? -*- 'Tis a lightning from above; 'Tis an arrow, 'tis a fire, *Tis a boy they call Desire. 'Tis a grave. Gapes to have Those poor fools that long to prove. Tell me more, are women true ? Yes, some are, and some as you. Some are willing, some are strange, Since you men first taught to change. And till troth Be in both, All shall love, to love anew. Tell me more yet, can they grieve ? Yes, and sicken sore, but live. And be wise, and delay, When you men are wise as they. Then I see. Faith will be. Never till they both believe. J. Fletcher 4p. Advice to a Girl IVTEVER love unless you can ^ ^ Bear with all the faults of man 1 Men sometimes will jealous be. Though but little cause they see, 44 ELIZABETHAN VERSE And hang the head as discontent, And speak what straight they will repent. Men that but one Saint adore Make a show of love to more; Beauty must be scorned in none, Though but truly served in one: For what is courtship but disguise ? True hearts may have dissembling eyes. Men, when their affairs require. Must awhile themselves retire; Sometimes hunt, and sometimes hawk, And not ever sit and talk : — If these and such-like you can bear. Then like, and love, and never fear! jT. Campion SO. Madrigal "VT'E bubbling springs that gentle music makes -*- To lovers' plaints with heart-sore throbs immixed, Whenas my dear this way her pleasure takes, Tell her with tears how firm my love is fixed; And, Philomel, report my timourous fears, And, Echo, sound my heigh-ho's in her ears : But if she ask if I for love will die, Tell her, *' Good faith, good faith, good faith^ — not I ! ' Anon. 45 THE BOOK OF 5/. Cherry-Ripe " I ^HERE is a garden in her face ^ Where roses and white lihes blow; A heavenly paradise is that place Wherein all pleasant fruits do flow. There cherries grow that none may buy, Till " Cherry-ripe " themselves do cry. Those cherries fairly do enclose Of orient pearl a double row, Which when her lovely laughter shows, They look like rose-buds filled with snow; Yet them nor peer nor prince may buy, Till " Cherry-ripe " themselves do cry. Her eyes like angels watch them still; Her brows like bended bows do stand. Threatening with piercing frowns to kill All that attempt with eye or hand Those sacred cherries to come nigh Till " Cherry-ripe " themselves do cry. T. Campion 52. The Passionate Shepherd to His Love f^OyiE live with me and be my Love, ^^ And we will all the pleasures prove That hills and valleys, dales and fields, Or woods or steepy mountain yields. 46 I • ELIZABETHAN VERSE And we will sit upon the rocks, And see the shepherds feed their flocks By shallow rivers, to whose falls Melodious birds sing madrigals. And I will make thee beds of roses And a thousand fragrant posies; A cap of flowers, and a kirtle Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle. A gown made of the finest wool Which from our pretty lambs we pull; Fair-lined slippers for the cold, With buckles of the purest gold. A belt of straw and ivy-buds With coral clasps and amber studs: And if these pleasures may thee move, Come live with me and be my Love. The shepherd swains shall dance and sing For thy delight each May morning: If these delights thy mind may move. Then live with me and be my Love. C. Marlowe SJ. The Nymph's Reply TF all the world and love were young, "*- And truth in every shepherd's tongue, These pretty pleasures might me move To live with thee and be thy Love. 47 THE BOOK OF But Time drives flocks from field to fold; When rivers rage and rocks grow cold; And Philomel becometh dumb, The rest complains of cares to come. The flowers do fade, and wanton fieldr To wayward Winter reckoning yields: A honey tongue, a heart of gall, Is fancy's spring but sorrow's fall. Thy gowns, thy shoes, thy beds of roses, Thy cap, thy kirtle, and thy posies. Soon break, soon wither — soon forgotten, In folly ripe, in reason rotten. Thy belt of straw and ivy-buds. Thy coral clasps and amber studs, — All these in me no means can move To come to thee and be thy Love. But could youth last, and love still breed, Had joys no date, nor age no need, Then those delights my mind might move To live with thee and be thy Love. Sir W. Raleigh S4' The Message 'VTE little birds that sit and sing Amidst the shady valleys. And see how Phyllis sweetly walks Within her garden-alleys; ELIZABETHAN VERSE Go pretty birds, about her bower; Sing pretty birds, she may not lower; Ah, me ! methinks I see her frown ! Ye pretty wantons warble. Go tell her through your chirping billsj As you by me are bidden. To her is only known my love Which from the world is hidden. Go pretty birds and tell her so, See that your notes strain not too low, For still, methinks, I see her frown; Ye pretty wantons warble. Go tune your voices' harmony And sing, I am her lover; Strain loud and sweet, that every note With sweet content may move her: And she that hath the sweetest voice, Tell her I will not change my choice; Yet still, methinks, I see her frown ! Ye pretty wantons warble. O fly ! make haste ! see, see, she falls Into a pretty slumber ! Sing round about her rosy bed That waking she may wonder: Say to her, 'tis her lover true That sendeth love to you, to you; And when you hear her kind reply, Return with pleasant warblings, T . Heywooa 49 THE BOOK OF 55, Corydon's Song A BLITHE and bonny country lass, -*- ^ Heigh ho, the bonny lass ! Sat sighing on the tender grass, And weeping said, " Will none come woo me r A smicker boy, a lither swain, Heigh ho, a smicker swain ! That in his love was wanton fain. With smiling looks straight came unto her. When as the wanton wench espied. Heigh ho, when she espied ! The means to make herself a bride, She simpered smooth like bonnybell: The swain that saw her squint-eyed kind, Heigh ho, squint-eyed kind ! His arms about her body twined, And " Fair lass, how fare ye, well ?" The country kit said, " Well forsooth, Heigh ho, well forsooth ! But that I have a longing tooth, A longing tooth that makes me cry.** "Alas!" said he, "what gars thy grief.? Heigh ho, what gars thy grief?" " A wound," quoth she, " without relief : I fear a maid that I shall die." " If that be all," the shepherd said, " Heigh ho," the shepherd said, 50 ELIZABETHAN VERSE " I'll make thee wive it, gentle maid. And so recure thy malady." Hereon they kissed with many an oath, Heigh ho, with many an oath, And 'fore God Pan did plight their troth. And to the church they hied them fast. And God send every pretty peat. Heigh ho, the pretty peat! That fears to die of this conceit. So kind a friend to help at last. T, Lodge ^6. A Ditty A yTY true-love hath my heart, and I have his, ^'-"^ By just exchange one for another given: I hold his dear, and mine he cannot miss. There never was a better bargain driven : My true-love hath my heart, and I have his. His heart in me keeps him and me in one. My heart in him his thoughts and senses guides: He loves my heart, for once it was his own, I cherish his because in me it bides: My true-love hath my heart, and I have his. Sir P. Sidney 51 THE BOOK OF 57. Wooing Stuff TJ^AINT Amorist, what! dost thou think ■*- To taste love's honey, and not drink One dram of gall ? or to devour A world of sweet and taste no sour ? Dost thou ever think to enter The Elysian fields, that dar'st not venture In Charon's barge ? a lover's mind Must use to sail with every wind. He that loves, and fears to try, Learns his mistress to deny. Doth she chide thee ? 'tis to shew it That thy coldness makes her do it. Is she silent ? is she mute ? Silence fully grants thy suit. Doth she pout, and leave the room ? Then she goes to bid thee come. Is she sick ? Why then be sure She invites thee to the cure. Doth she cross thy suit with No ? Tush, she loves to hear thee woo. Doth she call the faith of man In question ^ Nay, she loves thee than; And if ere she makes a blot, She's lost if that thou hit'st her not. He that after ten denials Dares attempt no further trials. Hath no warrant to acquire The dainties of his chaste desire. Sir P. Sidney 52 I 4 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 5<5*. The Lover's Theme PAIN to content, I bend myself to write, ^ But what to write my mind can scarce conceive: Your radiant eyes crave objects of delight My heart no glad impressions can receive: To write of grief is but a tedious thing. And woeful men of woe must needly sing. To write the truce, the wars, the strife, the peace. That Love once wrought in my distempered heart. Were but to cause my wonted woes increase, And yield new life to my concealed smart : Who tempts the ear with tedious lines of grief, That waits for joy, complains without relief. To write what pains supplanteth others' joy, Therefore is folly in the greatest wit: Who feels may best decipher the annoy: Who knows the grief but he that tasteth it ? Who writes of woe must needs be woe-begone, And writing feel, and feeling write of moan. To write the temper of my last desire. That likes me best, and appertains you most: You are the Pharos whereto now retire My thoughts, long wand'ring in a foreign coast: In you they live, to other joys they die. And, living, draw their food from your fair eye. THE BOOK OF Enforced by Love, and that effectual fire Tfiat springs from you to quicken loyal hearts, I write in part the prime of my desire, My faith, my fear, that springs from your desarts: My faith, whose firmness never shunneth trial; My fear, the dread and danger of denial. To write in brief a legend in a line, My heart hath vowed to draw his life from yours; My looks have made a sun of your sweet eyne. My soul doth draw his essence from your powers: And what I am, in fortune or in love. All those have sworn to serve for your behove. My senses seek their comforts from your sweet; My inward mind your outward fair admires; My hope lies prostrate at your pity's feet; My heart, looks, soul, sense, mind, and hope desires Belief and favour in your lovely sight: Else all will cease to live and pen to write. T. Lodpe Sg. Olden Love-Making TN time of yore when shepherds dwelt ^ Upon the mountain rocks. And simple people never felt The pain of lover's mocks; But little birds would carry tales 'Twixt Susan and her sweeting, And all the dainty nightingales 54 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Did sing at lovers' meeting: Then might you see what looks did pass Where shepherds did assemble, And where the life of true love was When hearts could not dissemble. Then yea and nay was thought an oath That was not to be doubted, And when it came to jaith and troth We were not to be flouted. Then did they talk of curds and cream, Of butter, cheese and milk; There was no speech of sunny beam Nor of the golden silk. Then for a gift a row of pins, A purse, a pair of knives. Was all the way that love begins; And so the shepherd wives. But now we have so much ado, And are so sore aggrieved. That when we go about to woo We cannot be beheved; Such choice of jewels, rings and chains, That may but favour move, And such intolerable pains Ere one can hit on love; That if I still shall bide this life 'Twixt love and deadly hate, I will go learn the country life Or leave the lover's state. 1>^. Breton 55 THE BOOK OF 60. True Love 'T^URN all thy thoughts to eyes, ^ Turn all thy hairs to ears, Change all thy friends to spies And all thy joys to fears: True love will yet be free In spite of jealousy. Turn darkness into day, Conjectures into truth, Believe what th' envious say, Let age interpret youth : True love will yet be free In spite of jealousy. Wrest every word and look, Rack every hidden thought. Or fish with golden hook; True love cannot be caught: For that will still be free In spite of jealousy. T . Campion 61. The Complete Lover TIj^OR her gait, if she be walking; ^ Be she sitting, I desire her For her state's sake; and admire her For her wit if she be talking; Gait and state and wit approve her; For which all and each I love her. 56 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Be she sullen, I commend her For a modest. Be she merry, ? ^ For a kind one her prefer I. Briefly, everything doth lend her So much grace, and so approve her, That for everything I love her. W. Browne 62. His Supposed Mistress TF I freely can discover -^ What would please me in my lover, I would have her fair and witty. Savouring more of court than city; A little proud, but full of pity; Light and humourous in her toying; Oft building hopes, and soon destroying; Long, but sweet in the enjoying. Neither too easy, nor too hard : All extremes I would have barred. She should be allowed her passions. So they were but used as fashions; Sometimes froward, and then frowning. Sometimes sickish, and then swowning. Every fit with change still crowning. Purely jealous I would have her; Then only constant when I crave her, 'Tis a virtue should not save her. Thus, nor her delicates would cloy me. Neither her peevishness annoy me. B. Jonson 57 THE BOOK OF d>j. A Lover^s Question A /["AID, will ye love me, yea or no ? ^^ ^ Tell me the truth, and let me go. It can be no less than a sinful deed, Trust me truly, To linger a lover that looks to speed In due time duly. You maids, that think yourselves as fine As Venus and all the Muses nine. The Father himself, when He first made Man, Trust me truly. Made you for his help, when the world began, In due time duly. Then sith God's will was even so. Why should you disdain your lover tho ? But rather with a willing heart Love him truly : For in so doing you do but your part; Let reason rule ye. Consider, Sweet, what sighs and sobs Do nip my heart with cruel throbs. And all, my Dear, for love of you. Trust me truly; But I hope that you will some mercy show In due time duly. ■Anon^ ELIZABETHAN VERSE 64, Rosalind's Madrigal T OVE in my bosom, like a bee, ^ — ' Doth suck his sweet: Now with his wings he plays with me. Now with his feet. Within mine eyes he makes his nest, His bed amidst my tender breast; My kisses are his daily feast, And yet he robs me of my rest: Ah! wanton, will ye? And if I sleep, then percheth he With pretty flight, And makes his pillow of my knee The livelong night. Strike I my lute, he tunes the string; He music plays if so I sing; He lends me every lovely thing. Yet cruel he my heart doth sting: Whist, wanton, still ye! Else I with roses every day Will whip you hence. And bind you, when you long to play, For your offence. I'll shut mine eyes to keep you in; I'll make you fast it for your sin; I'll count your power not worth a pin. — Alas! what hereby shall I win If he gainsay me ? 59 THE BOOK OF What if I beat the wanton boy With many a rod ? He will repay me with annoy, Because a god. Then sit thou safely on my knee; And let thy bov/er my bosom be; Lurk in mine eyes, I like of thee; O Cupid, so thou pity me. Spare not, but play thee! T. Lodge 65, What Wight He Loved CHALL I tell you whom I love? *^ Harken then awhile to me; And if such a woman move. As I now shall versify. Be assured, 'tis she or none That I love, and love alone. Nature did her so much right As she scorns the help of art; In as many virtues dight As e'er yet embraced a heart: So much good so truly tried. Some for less were deified. Wit she hath without desire • • To make known how much she hath ; t And her anger flames no higher Than may fitly sweeten wrath. Full of pity as may be, Though, perhaps, not so to me. 60 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Reason masters every sense, And her virtues grace her birth. Lovely as all excellence, Modest in her most of mirth Likelihood enough to prove Only worth could kindle love. Such she is : and, if you know Such a one as I have sung, Be she brown, or fair, or so That she be but somewhile young, Be assured, 'tis she, or none That I love, and love alone. W. Browne 66. It Was a Lover and His Lass TT was a lover and his lass, With a hey, and a ho, and a hey nonino. That o'er the green corn-field did pass. In the spring time, the only pretty ring time, When birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding; Sweet lovers love the spring. Between the acres of the rye, With a hey, and a ho, and a hey nonino. These pretty country folks would lie. In the spring time, the only pretty ring time. When birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding; Sweet lovers love the spring. 6i THE BOOK OF This carol they began that hour, With a hey, and a ho, and a hey nonino. How that a Hfe was but a flower In the spring time, the only pretty ring time, When birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding; Sweet lovers love the spring. And, therefore, take the present time With a hey, and a ho, and a hey nonino. For love is crowned with the prime In the spring time, the only pretty ring time, When birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding; Sweet lovers love the spring. W. Shakespean dy, A Roundelay Between Two Shepherds ' I ^ELL me, thou skilful shepherd swain, ^ Who's yonder in the valley set } O, it IS she, whose sweets do stain The Itly^ rose, the violet! Why doth the sun against his kind Stay his bright chariot in the skies ? He pauseth, almost stricken blind With gazing on her heavenly eyes. Why do thy flocks forbear their food, Which sometime was their chief delight ? Because they need no other good That live in presence of her sight. 62 ELIZABETHAN VERSE How come these flowers to flourish still, Not with'ring with sharp Winter's breath ? She hath robb'd Nature of her skill, And comforts all things with her breath. Why slide these brooks so slow away, As swift as the wild roe that were ? 0, muse noty shepherd, that they stay. When they her heavenly voice do hear. From whence come all these goodly swains, And lovely girls attired in green ? From gathering garlands on the plains To crown our fair the Shepherds' Queen. The sun that lights this world below. Flocks, flowers, and brooks will witness bear; These nymphs and shepherds all do know That it IS she is only fair. M. Drayton Hey^ Down a Down ** J TR T^ down a down!'' did Dian sing Amongst her virgins sitting; *' Than love there is no vainer thing. For maidens most unfitting." And so think I, with a down, down, derry. When women knew no woe. But lived themselves to please, Men's feigning guiles they did not know, — The ground of their disease. 63 THE BOOK OF Unborn was false suspect; No thought of jealousy; From wanton toys and fond effect. The virgin's life was free. " Hejy down a down ! " At length men used charms To which what maids gave ear, Embracing gladly endless harms Anon enthralled were. Thus women welcomed woe Disguised in name of love, A jealous hell, a painted show: So shall they find that prove. ^^ Hey, down a down!*' did Dtan singy Amongst her virgins sitting; " Than love there is no vainer thing. For maidens most unfitting.'' And so think /, with a down, down, derryf Anon, 6p. Carpe Diem /^ MISTRESS mine, where are you roaming ? ^-^ O, stay and hear! your true-love's coming, That can sing both high and low: Trip no further, pretty sweeting; Journeys end in lovers meeting. Every wise man's son doth know. 64 w ELIZABETHAN VERSE What is love ? 'tis not hereafter ; Present mirth hath present laughter; What's to come is till unsure : In delay there lies no plenty; Then come kiss me, sweet-and-twenty ! Youth's a stuflp will not endure. IV. Shakespeare 70. Madrigal "DROWN is my love but graceful; ^-^ And each renowned whiteness, Matched with thy lovely brown, loseth its brightness. Fair is my love, but scornful; Yet have I seen despised Dainty white lilies, and sad flowers well prized. ^ ■^ ' t^ Anon, 7/. Know, Celia, Since Thou Art So Proud T^^NOW, Celia, since thou art so proud, 'Twas I that gave thee thy renown. Thou hadst in the forgotten crowd Of common beauties lived unknown, Had not my verse extolled thy name. And with it imp'd the wings of Fame. That killing power is none of thine; I gave it to thy voice and eyes; Thy sweets, thy graces, all are mine; Thou art my star, shin'st in my skies; 65 THE BOOK OF Then dart not from thy borrow'd sphere Lightning on him that fixed thee there. Tempt me with such affrights no more, Lest what I made I uncreate; Let fools thy mystic form adore, I know thee in thy mortal state. Wise poets, that wrapt Truth in tales. Knew her themselves through all her veils. T . Careu /2. The Kiss THAT joy so soon should waste! Or so sweet a bliss As a kiss Might not for ever last! So sugared, so melting, so soft, so delicious. The dew that lies on roses, When the morn herself discloses. Is not so precious. O, rather than it would I smother, Were I to taste such another; It should be my wishing That I might die kissing. O B. Jonson yj. Gratiana Dancing OHE beat the happy pavement — "^ By such a star made firmament. Which now no more the roof envies! But swells up high, with Atlas even. Bearing the brighter nobler heaven, And, in her, all the deities. 66 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Each step trod out a Lover's thought, And the ambitious hopes he brought Chained to her brave feet with such arts, Such sweet command and gentle awe. As, when she ceased, we sighing saw The floor lay paved with broken hearts. R. Lovelace 7^. In Praise of Two T^AUSTINA hath the fairer face, -■- And Phyllida the feater grace; Both have mine eyes enriched : This sings full sweetly with her voice; Her fingers make as sweet a noise: Both have mine ears bewitched. Ah me! sith Fates have so provided. My heart, alas, must be divided. yS' Fair and Fair (Enone. TIj^AIR and fair, and twice so fair, -*- As fair as any may be; The fairest shepherd on our green, A love for any lady. Paris. Fair and fair, and twice so fair. As fair as any may be; Thy love is fair, for thee alone And for no other lady. (Enone. My love is fair, my love is gay. As fresh as bin the flowers in May, 67 THE BOOK OF And of my love my roundelay, My merry, merry, merry roundelay, Concludes with Cupid's curse, — ** They that do change old love for new, Pray gods they change for worse ! " Amho simul. They that do change old love for new Pray gods they change for worse! (Enone. Fair and fair, and twice so fair, As fair as any may be; The fairest shepherd on our green, A love for any lady. Paris. Fair and fair, and twice so fafr^ As fair as any may be; Thy love is fair for thee alone And for no other lady. (Enone. My love can pipe, my love can sing, My love can many a pretty thing. And of his lovely praises ring My merry, merry, merry roundelays. Amen to Cupid's curse, — ** They that do change old love for new Pray gods they change for worse ! " Amho simul. They that do change old love for new Pray gods they change for worse. G. PeeU yd. A Pastoral of Phyllis and Cory don /^N a hill there grows a flower, ^-^ Fair befall the dainty sweet ! By that flower there is a bower. Where the heavenly Muses meet. 68 ELIZABETHAN VERSE In that bower there is a chair, Fringed all about with gold; Where doth sit the fairest fair, That did ever eye behold. It is Phyllis fair and bright, She that is the shepherds' joyj She that Venus did despite. And did blind her little boy. This is she, the wise, the rich, And the world desires to see; This is ipsa quae the which There is none but only she. Who would not this face admire ? Who would not this saint adore ? Who would not this sight desire, Though he thought to see no more? O, fair eyes! yet let me see, One good look, and I am gone; Look on me, for I am he. Thy poor silly Corydon. Thou that art the shepherd's queen, Look upon thy silly swain; By thy comfort have been seen Dead men brought to life again. N. Breton 69 THE BOOK OF "/J, Radagon in Dianam TT was a valley gaudy-green, -*- Where Dian at the fount was seen; Green it was. And did pass All other of Diana's bowers In the pride of Flora's flowers. A fount it was that no sun sees, Circled in with cypress-trees, Set so nigh As Phoebus' eye Could not do the virgins scathe, To see them naked when they bathe. She sat there all in white, Colour fitting her delight: Virgins so Ought to go, For white in armoury is plac'd To be the colour that is chaste. Her tafF'ta cassock might you see Tucked up above her knee, Which did show There below Legs as white as whales-bone; So white and chaste were never none. Hard by her, upon the ground, Sat her virgins in a round, 70 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Bathing their Golden hair, And singing all in notes high, " Fie on Venus' flattering eye ! " Fie on love ! it is a toy ; Cupid witless and a boy; All his fires, And desires. Are plagues that God sent down from high To pester men with misery." As thus the virgins did disdain Lovers' joy and lovers' pain, Cupid nigh Did espy. Grieving at Diana's song, Slyly stole these maids among. His bow of steel, darts of fire. He shot amongst them sweet desire, Which straight flies In their eyes. And at the entrance made them start, For it ran from eye to heart. Calisto straight supposed Jove Was fair and frolic for to love; Dian she Scaped not free. For, well I wot, hereupon She loved the swain Endymion; 71 "1SI THE BOOK OF Clytie Phoebus, and Chloris' eye Thought none so fair as Mercury: Venus thus Did discuss By her son in darts of fire, None so chaste to check desire. Dian rose with all her maids, Blushing thus at love's braids: With sighs, all Show their thrall; And flinging hence pronounce this saw, " What so strong as love's sweet law ? " R. Greene '^8. Philomela's Ode That She Sung in Her A rhour OITTING by a river side, *^ Where a silent stream did glide, Muse I did of many things. That the mind in quiet brings. I 'gan think how some men deem Gold their god; and some esteem Honour is the chief content That to man in life is lent. And some others do contend, Quiet none like to a friend. Others hold there is no wealth Compared to a perfect health. Some man's mind in quiet stands^ When he is lord of many lands; 72 ELIZABETHAN VERSE But I did sigh, and said all this Was but a shade of perfect bliss; And in my thoughts I did approve Naught so sweet as is true love. Love 'twixt lovers passeth these, When mouth kisseth and heart grees, With folded arms and lips meeting. Each soul another sweetly greeting; For by the breath the soul fleeteth. And soul with soul in kissing m.eeteth. If love be so sweet a thing, That such happy bliss doth bring, Happy is love's sugared thrall; But unhappy maidens all, Who esteem your virgin's blisses Sweeter than a wife's sweet kisses. No such quiet to the mind. As true love with kisses kind. But if a kiss prove unchaste. Then is true love quite disgraced. Though love be sweet, learn this of me: No sweet love but honesty. R. Greene 7p. The Nightingale nPHE Nightingale, as soon as April bringeth ^ Unto her rested sense a perfect waking, While late-bare Earth, proud of new clothing, springeth, Sings out her woes, a thorn her song-book making; 73 THE BOOK OF And mournfully bewailing, Her throat in tunes expresseth What grief her breast oppresseth For Tereus' force on her chaste will prevailing. O Philomela fairy O take some gladness That here is juster cause of plaintful sadness! Thine earth now springs y mine fadeth; Thy thorn without^ my thorn my heart invadeth. Alas ! she hath no other cause of anguish But Tereus' love, on her by strong hand wroken, Wherein she suffering, all her spirits languish. Full womanlike complains her will was broken. But I, who, daily craving. Cannot have to content me. Have more cause to lament me. Since wanting is more woe than too much having. O Philomela fatr^ take some gladness That here is juster cause of plaintful sadness! Thine earth now springs y mine fadeth; Thy thorn withouty my thorn my heart invadeth. Sir P. Sidney So. Lovers Witchery MY bonny lass, thine eye, So sly, Hath made me sorrow so; | Thy crimson cheeks, my dear, So clear, Have so much wrought my woe; 74 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Thy pleasing smiles and grace, Thy face, Have ravished so my sprites. That Hfe is grown to nought Through thought Of love, which me affrights. For fancy's flames of fire Aspire Unto such furious power As, but the tears I shed Make dead The brands would me devour, I should consume to nought Through thought Of thy fair shining eye, Thy cheeks, thy pleasing smiles, The wiles That forced my heart to die; Thy grace, thy face, the part Where art Stands gazing still to see The wondrous gifts and power, Each hour. That hath bewitched me r. Lod 75 THE BOOK OF 8i. Now What Is Love? IVJOW what is Love, I pray thee, tell ? ^^ It is that fountain and that well Where pleasure and repentance dwell; It is perhaps the sauncing bell That tolls all into heaven or hell: And this is Love, as I hear tell. Yet what is Love, I prithee, say? It is a work on holiday. It is December matched with May, When lusty bloods in fresh array Hear ten months after of the play: And this is Love, as I hear say. Yet what is Love, good shepherd sain ? It is a sunshine mixed with rain. It is a toothache or like pain, It is a game where none hath gain; The lass saith no, yet would full fain: And this is Love, as I hear sain. Yet, shepherd, what is Love, I pray ? It is a yes, it is a nay, A pretty kind of sporting fray, It is a thing will soon away. Then, nymphs, take vantage while ye may: And this is Love, as I hear say. 76 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Yet what is Love, good shepherd, show ? A thing that creeps, it cannot go, A prize that passeth to and fro, A thing for one, a thing for moe. And he that proves shall find it so; And, shepherd, this is Love, I trow. Sir W. Raleigh My Ladys Hand r\ GOODLY hand ! ^-^ Wherein doth stand My heart distraught in pain; Dear hand, alas ! In little space My life thou dost restrain. O fingers slight ! Departed right. So long, so small, so round; Goodly begone. And yet a bone. Most cruel in my wound. With lilies white And roses bright Doth strain thy colour fair; Nature did lend Each finger's end A pearl for to repair. 77 THE BOOK OF Consent at last, Since that thou hast My heart in thy demesne For service true On me to rue, And reach me love again. And if not so. There v^ith more woe Enforce thyself to strain This simple heart, That suffer'd smart. And rid it out of pain. Sir T. Wyat 8j. Cherry-Ripe /^HERRY -RIPE, ripe, ripe, I cry, ^-^ Full and fair ones; come and buy. If so be you ask me where They do grow, I answer: There Where my Julia's lips do smile; There's the land, or cherry-isle, Whose plantations fully show All the year where cherries grow. R. Herrick 78 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 84. A Double Doubting T ADY, when I behold the roses sprouting, -'— ' Which clad in damask mantles deck the arbours, And then behold your lips where sweet love harbours. My eyes present me with a double doubting: For viewing both alike, hardly my mind supposes Whether the roses be your lips, or your lips the roses. Anon. U 8^. Love Guards the Roses of Thy Lips OVE guards the roses of thy lips And flies about them like a bee; If I approach he forward skips. And if I kiss he stingeth me. Love in thine eyes doth build his tower, And sleeps within his pretty shrine; And if I look the boy will lower. And from their orbs shoot shafts divine. Love works thy heart within his fire. And in my tears doth firm the same; And if I tempt it will retire, And of my plaints doth make a game. Love, let me cull her choicest flowers; And pity me, and calm her eye; Make soft her heart, dissolve her lowers; Then will I praise thy deity. But if thou do not. Love, I'll truly serve her In spite of thee, and by firm faith deserve her. T. LodfTi THE BOOK OF 86. Lips and Eyes T OVE for such a cherry lip -*— ' Would be glad to pawn his arrows; Venus here to take a sip Would sell her doves and team of sparrows. But they shall not so; Hey nonny, nonny no ! None but I this lip must owe; Hey nonny, nonny no ! Did Jove see this wanton eye, Ganymede must wait no longer; Phoebe here one night did lie, Would change her face and look much younger. But they shall not so; Hey nonny, nonny no ! None but I this lip must owe; Hey nonny, nonny no ! T. Middleton 8y. Passions of Desire TTOW shall I then gaze on my mistress' eyes ? ^ -^ My thoughts must have some vent, else heart will break. My tongue would rust, as in my mouth it lies, If eyes and thoughts were free and then not speak. Speak then ! and tell the passions of desire, Which turns mine eyes to floods, my thoughts to fire. Anon. 80 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 88. Song T'X /"HO hath his fancy pleased * * With fruits of happy sight. Let here his eyes be raised. On Nature's sweetest Hght; A hght which doth dissever And yet unite the eyes, A hght which, dying never, Is cause the looker dies. She never dies, but lasteth In life of lover's heart; He ever dies that wasteth In love his chiefest part: Thus is her life still guarded In never-dying faith; Thus is his death rewarded, Since she lives in his death. Look then, and die ! The pleasure Doth answer well the pain : Small loss of mortal treasure Who may immortal gain ! Immortal be her graces, Immortal is her mind; They fit for heavenly places — This, heaven in it doth bind. But eyes these beauties see not, Nor sense that grace descries; Yet eyes deprived be not From sight of her fair eyes — Si THE BOOK OF Which, as of inward glory They are the outward seal, So may they live still sorry. Which die not in that weal. But who hath fancies pleased With fruits of happy sight, Let here his eyes be raised On Nature's sweetest light ! Str P. Sidney Her Eyes 'pRETTY twinkling starry eyes, -*- How did Nature first devise Such a sparkling in your sight As to give Love such delight As to make him, like a fly. Play with looks until he die ? N. Breton po. To Dianeme O WEET, be not proud of those two eyes "^ Which starlike sparkle in their skies; Nor be you proud that you can see All hearts your captives, yours yet free; Be you not proud of that rich hair Which wantons with the love-sick air; Whenas that ruby which you wear. Sunk from the tip of your soft ear. Will last to be a precious stone When all your world of beauty's gone. R. Herrick 82 ELIZABETHAN VERSE gi. Then Love Be Judge " I ^HOSE eyes that set my fancy on a fire, ^ Those crisped hairs that hold my heart in chains, Those dainty hands which conquered my desire. That wit which of my thoughts doth hold the reins : Then Love be judge, what heart may there withstand Such eyes, such head, such wit, and such a hand ? Those eyes for clearness doth the stars surpass. Those hairs obscure the brightness of the sun, Those hands more white than ever ivory was, That wit even to the skies hath glory won. O eyes that pierce the skies without remorse ! O hairs of light that wear a royal crown ! O hands that conquer more than Caesar's force 1 O wit that turns huge kingdoms upside down! Anon. g2. To Celia T^RINK to me only with thine eyes, -*-^ And I will pledge with mine; Or leave a kiss but in the cup And I'll not look for wine. The thirst that from the soul doth rise Doth ask a drink divine; But might I of Jove's nectar sup, I would not change for thine. I sent thee late a rosy wreath. Not so much honouring thee As giving it a hope that there It could not withered be; 83 THE BOOK OF But thou thereon didst only breathe And sent'st it back to me; Since when it grows, and smells, I swear, Not of itself, but thee! B. Jonson gj. A Miracle OEHOLD a wonder here! ^^ Love hath received his si^htl Which many hundred year Hath not beheld the light. Such beams infused be By Cynthia in his eyes, As first have made him see. And then have made him wise. Love now no more will weep For them that laugh the while! Nor wake for them that sleep, Nor sigh for them that smile! So powerful is the Beauty That Love doth now behold. As Love is turned to Duty That's neither blind nor bold. Thus Beauty shows her might To be of double kind; In giving Love his sight And striking Folly blind. 84 ELIZABETHAN VERSE g4. On the Excellence of His Mistress nPHOSE eyes that hold the hand of every heart, -"- That hand that holds the heart of every eye, That wit that goes beyond all nature's art, The sense too deep for wisdom to descry: That eye, that hand, that wit, that heavenly sense Doth shew my only mistress' excellence. O eyes that pierce into the purest heart! O hands that hold the highest thoughts in thrall ! O wit that weighs the depth of all desart! O sense that shew the secret sweet of all ! The heaven of heavens with heavenly power preserve thee, Love but thyself, and give me leave to serve thee. To serve, to live to look upon those eyes. To look, to live to kiss that heavenly hand, To sound that wit that doth amaze the mind. To know that sense, no sense can understand, To understand that all the world may know, Such wit, such sense, eyes, hands, there are no moe. N. Breton 95. For Pity, Pretty Eyes, Surcease T^OR pity, pretty eyes, surcease ■*- To give me war, and grant me peace. Triumphant eyes, why bear you arms Against a heart that thinks no harms ? 85 THE BOOK OF A heart already quite appalled, A heart that yields and is enthralled ? Kill rebels, proudly that resist; Not those that in true faith persist, And conquered serve your deity. Will you, alas ! command me die ? Then die I yours, and death my cross; But unto you pertains the loss. T. Lodge p6. Bright Star of Beauty To the Lady L. S. T)RIGHT star of beauty, on whose eye-lids sit -^-^ A thousand nymph-like and enamoured graces, The goddesses of memory and wit. Which in due order take their several places; In whose dear bosom, sweet, delicious Love Lays down his quiver, that he once did bear; Since he that blessed paradise did prove, Forsook his mother's lap to sport him there. Let others strive to entertain with words, My soul is of another temper made; I hold it vile that vulgar wit affords. Devouring time my faith shall not invade: Still let my praise be honoured thus by you. Be you most worthy, whilst I be most true. M. Drayton 86 ELIZABETHAN VERSE gj. What Poor Astronomers Are They "X "X THAT poor astronomers are they, * ^ Take women's eyes for stars ! And set their thoughts in battle 'ray, To fight such idle wars; When in the end they shall approve, 'Tis but a jest drawn out of Love. And Love itself is but a jest Devised by idle heads, To catch young Fancies in the nest, And lay them in fool's beds; That being hatched in beauty's eyes They may be fledged ere they be wise. But yet it is a sport to see, How Wit will run on wheels; While Will cannot persuaded be, With that which Reason feels. That women's eyes and stars are odd And Love is but a feigned god. But such as will run mad with Will, I cannot clear their sight But leave them to their study still, To look where is no light. Till, time too late, we make them try, They study false Astronomy. Anon. 87 THE BOOK OF g8. Willing Bondage T TER hair the net of golden wire, "*- ^ Wherein my heart, led by my wandering eyes So fast entangled is that in no wise It can, nor will, again retire; But rather will in that sweet bondage die Than break one hair to gain her liberty. Anon. gg. What Guile Is This? ^"X THAT guile is this, that those her golden tresses ^ ^ She doth attire under a net of gold ; And with sly skill so cunningly them dresses. That which is gold or hair may scarce be told ? Is it that men's frail eyes, which gaze too bold, She may entangle in that golden snare; And, being caught, may craftily enfold Their weaker hearts, which are not well aware ? Take heed, therefore, mine eyes, how ye do stare Henceforth too rashly on that guileful net, In which, if ever ye entrapped are, Out of her bands ye by no means shall get. Fondness it were for any, being free. To covert fetters, though they golden be. E. Spenser TOO. Upon Julia'' s Hair Filled with Dew "T^EW sat on Julia's hair, -"-^ And spangled too, Like leaves that laden are With trembling dew: ELIZABETHAN VERSE Or glittered to my sight As when the beams Have their reflected Hght Danced by the streams. R, Herrick 10 1. Daphne IV yTY Daphne's hair is twisted gold, ^^ ^ Bright stars a-piece her eyes do hold, My Daphne's brow enthrones the graces, My Daphne's beauty stains all faces; On Daphne's cheek grow rose and cherry. On Daphne's lip a sweeter berry; Daphne's snowy hand but touched does melt, And then no heavenlier warmth is felt; My Daphne's voice tunes all the spheres. My Daphne's music charms all ears; Fond am I thus to sing her praise, These glories now are turned to bays. J. Lyly 102. The Glove nPHOU more than most sweet glove, ^ Unto my more sweet love, Suffer me to store with kisses This empty lodging that now misses The pure rosy hand that ware thee. Whiter than the kid that bare thee. Thou art soft, but that was softer; Cupid's self hath kissed it ofter 89 THE BOOK OF Than e'er he did his mother's doves, Supposing her the queen of loves, That was thy mistress, best of gloves. B. Jonson 10 J. In Tears Her Triumph OO sweet a kiss the golden sun gives not "^ To those fresh morning drops upon the rose, As thy eye-beams, when their fresh rays have smote The night of dew that on my cheek down flows: Nor shines the silver moon one half so bright Through the transparent bosom of the deep, As doth thy face through tears of mine give light: Thou shin'st in every tear that I do weep; No drop but as a coach doth carry thee. So ridest thou triumphing in my woe : Do but behold the tears that swell in me. And they thy glory through my grief will show: But do not love thyself; then thou wilt keep My tears for glasses, and still make me weep. O queen of queens ! how far dost thou excel. No thought can think, nor tongue of mortal tell ! W. Shakespeare T04. . Simplex Munditiis OTILL to be neat, still to be drest, ^^ As you were going to a feast; Still to be powdered, still perfumed; Lady, it is to be presumed. Though art's hid causes are not found. All is not sweet, all is not sound. 90 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Give me a look, give me a face That makes simplicity a grace; Robes loosely flowing, hair as free: Such sweet neglect more taketh me Than all th' adulteries of art; They strike mine eyes, but not my heart. B. Jonson 10^. Upon Julia's Clothes 'X^T'HENAS in silks my Julia goes, ^ ^ Then, then, methinks, how sweetly flows The liquefaction of her clothes ! Next, when I cast mine eyes and see That brave vibration each way free, — O how that glittering taketh me! R. Herrick io6. Delight in Disorder A SWEET disorder in the dress -^ ^ Kindles in clothes a wantonness: A lawn about the shoulders thrown Into a fine distraction : An erring lace, which here and there Enthrals the crimson stomacher: A cuff* neglectful, and thereby Ribbons to flow confusedly: A winning wave, deserving note, In the tempestuous petticoat: 91 THE BOOK OF A careless shoe-string, in whose tie I see a wild civility: Do more bewitch me than when art Is too precise in every part. R. Herrick loy. On a Girdle npHAT which her slender waist confined ^ Shall now my joyful temples bind; No monarch but would give his crown His arms might do what this has done. It was my Heaven's extremest sphere, The pale which held that lovely deer: My joy, my grief, my hope, my love, Did all within this circle move. A narrow compass ! and yet there Dwelt all that's good, and all that's fair! Give me but what this ribband bound. Take all the rest the sun goes round ! E. Wallei io8. To the Western Wind OWEET western wind, whose luck it is, "^ Made rival with the air, To give Perenna's lips a kiss, And fan her wanton hair: 92 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Bring me but one, I'll promise thee, Instead of common showers, Thy wings shall be embalmed by me, And all beset with flowers. R. Herrick log. Phyllis TN petticoat of green, -*■ Her hair about her eyne, Phyllis beneath an oak Sat milking her fair flock : *Mongst that sweet-strained moisture, rare delight, Her hand seemed milk, in milk it was so white. W. Drummond 110. A Dialogue ** A RT thou that she than whom no fairer is .? -^ ^ Art thou that she desire so strives to kiss ? '* "Say I am, how then .? Maids may not kiss Such wanton-humoured men." " Art thou that she the world commends for wit ? Art thou so wise and mak'st no use of it ? " " Say I am, how then ? My wit doth teach me shun Such foolish, foolish men." Christ Church MS. 93 F' THE BOOK OF ///. Rosalind ^ROM the east to western Ind, No jewel is like Rosalind. Her worth, being mounted on the wind, Through all the world bears Rosalind. All the pictures, fairest lined, Are but black to Rosalind. Let no fair be kept in mind, But the fair of Rosalind. „/ oi i fr, d hakes peare 112. Promised Weal r~\ WORDS, which fall like summer dew on me! ^-^ O breath, more sweet than is the growing bean ! O tongue, in which all honeyed liquors be ! O voice, that doth the thrush in shrillness stain ! Do you say still this is her promise due: That she is mine, as I to her am true! Gay hair, more gay than straw when harvest lies ! Lips, red and plump as cherries' ruddy side! Eyes, fair and great, like fair great ox's eyes! O breast, in which two white sheep swell in pride! Join you with me to seal this promise due: That she be mine, as I to her am true! But thou, white skin, as white as curds well pressed. So smooth as sleek-stone like it smoothes each part! And thou, dear flesh, as soft as wool new dressed, And yet as hard as brawn made hard by art ! First four but say, next four their saying seal; But you must pay the gage of promised weal. Sir P. Sidney 94 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 113. Presents OEE, see, mine own sweet jewel, ^^ What have I for my dading: A robin-redbreast and a starHng. These I give both in hope to move thee; Yet thou say'st I do not love thee. Anon 114. Myra T WITH whose colours Myra dressed her head, -*"' I, that wear posies of her own hand-making, I, that mine own name in the chimneys read By Myra finely wrought ere I was waking: Must I look on, in hope time coming may With change bring back my turn again to play ? I, that on Sunday at the church-stile found A garland sweet with true-love-knots in flowers, Which I to wear about mine arms was bound That each of us might know that all was ours: Must I lead now an idle life in wishes, And follow Cupid for his loaves and fishes ? I, that did wear the ring her mother left, I, for whose love she gloried to be blamed, I, with whose eyes her eyes committed theft, I, who did make her blush when I was named: Must I lose ring, flowers, blush, theft, and go naked, Watching with sighs till dead love be awaked r 95 THE BOOK OF Was it for this that I might Myra see Washing the waters with her beauties white ? Yet would she never write her love to me. Thinks wit of change when thoughts are r.i delight ? Mad girls may safely love as they may leave; No man can print a kiss : lines may deceive. F. GreviUe, Lord Brooke 115. Sweet Robbery ' I ^HE forward violet thus did I chide: ^ Sweet thief, whence didst thou steal thy sweet that smells, If not from my love*s breath t The purple pride, Which on thy soft cheek for complexion dwells. In my love's veins thou hast too grossly dyed. The lily I condemned for thy hand And buds of marjoram had stolen thy hair; The roses fearfully on thorns did stand, One blushing shame, another white despair; A third, nor red nor white, had stolen of both, And to his robbery had annexed thy breath; But, for his theft, in pride of all his growth A vengeful canker ate him up to death. More flowers I noted; yet I none could see But sweet or colour it had stolen from thee. W. Shakespeare 96 ELIZABETHAN VERSE ii6. Boron's Description 0} Samela T IKE to Diana in her summer weed, -*-^ Girt with a crimson robe of brightest dye, Goes fair Samela; Whiter than be the flocks that straggling feed, When washed by Arethusa Fount they He, Is fair Samela; As fair Aurora in her morning-grey, Decked with the ruddy glister of her love, Is fair Samela; Like lovely Thetis on a calmed day, Whenas her brightness Neptune's fancy move, Shines fair Samela; Her tresses gold, her eyes like glassy streams. Her teeth are pearl, the breasts are ivory Of fair Samela; Her cheeks like rose and lily yield forth gleams; Her brow's bright arches framed of ebony: Thus fair Samela Passeth fair Venus in her bravest hue. And Juno in the shadow of majesty, For she's Samela; Pallas in wit, — all three, if you will view. For beauty, wit, and matchless dignity. Yield to Samela. R. Greene 97 THE BOOK OF 7/7. There Is a Lady Sweet and Kind 'T^HERE is a Lady sweet and kind, "*■ Was never face so pleased my mind; I did but see her passing by, And yet I love her till I die. Her gesture, motion, and her smiles. Her wit, her voice my heart beguiles. Beguiles my heart, I know not why. And yet I love her till I die. Cupid is winged and doth range, Her country so my love doth change : But change she earth, or change she sky, Yet will I love her till I die. Anon. 118. Hearfs Hiding OWEET Love, mine only treasure, ^^ For service long unfeigned, Wherein I nought have gained Vouchsafe this little pleasure. To tell me in what part My mistress keeps her heart. If in her hair so slender Like golden nets entwined Which fire and art have 'fined, Her thrall my heart I render For ever to abide With locks so dainty tied. ELIZABETHAN VERSE If in her eyes she bind it, Wherein that fire was framed By which it is inflamed, I dare not look to find it: I only wish it sight To see that pleasant light. But if her breast have deigned With kindness to receive it, I am content to leave it, Though death thereby were gained. Then, Lady, take your own That lives for you alone. Tig. Sirena IVTEAR to the silver Trent ^ ^ Sirena dwelleth; She to whom Nature lent All that excelleth; By which the Muses late And the neat Graces Have for their greater state Taken their places; Twisting an anadem Wherewith to crown her, As it belonged to them Most to renown her. L OF C. A. W. 99 THE BOOK OF On thy bankj In a ranky Let thy swans stng her. And with their music Along let them bring her, Tagus and Pactolus Are to thee debtor, Nor for their gold to us Are they the better: Henceforth of all the rest Be thou the River Which, as the daintiest, Puts them down ever. For as my precious one O'er thee doth travel, She to pearl paragon Turneth thy gravel. On thy hank ... Our mournful Philomel, That rarest tuner. Henceforth in Aperil Shall wake the sooner. And to her shall complain From the thick cover. Redoubling every strain Over and over: For when my Love too long Her chamber keepeth. As though it suffered wrong. The Morning weepeth. On thy hank , . . ELIZABETHAN VERSE Oft have I seen the Sun, To do her honour, Fix himself at his noon To look upon her; And hath gilt every grove, Every hill near her, With his flames from above Striving to cheer her: And when she from his sight Hath herself turned, He, as it had been night. In clouds hath mourned. On thy bank . . . The verdant meads are seen. When she doth view them. In fresh and gallant green . Straight to renew them; And every little grass Broad itself spreadeth. Proud that this bonny lass Upon it treadeth : Nor flower is so sweet In this large cincture. But it upon her feet Leaveth some tincture. On thy bank . . . The fishes in the flood, When she doth angle, For the hook strive a-good Them to entangle; THE BOOK OF And leaping on the land, From the clear water, Their scales upon the sand Lavishly scatter; — Therewith to pave the mould Whereon she passes. So herself to behold As in her glasses. On thy bank . . . When she looks out by night, The stars stand gazing, Like comets to our sight Fearfully blazing; As wond'ring at her eyes With their much brightness. Which so amaze the skies, Dimming their lightness. The raging tempests are calm When she speaketh. Such most delightsome balm From her lips breaketh. On thy bank . . . In all our Brittany There's not a fairer. Nor can you fit any Should you compare her. Angels her eyelids keep. All hearts surprising; Which look whilst she doth sleep Like the sun's rising: ELIZABETHAN VERSE She alone of her kind Knoweth true measure, And her unmatched mind Is heaven's treasure. On thy hank . . . Fair Dove and Derwent clear, Boast ye your beauties, To Trent your mistress here Yet pay your duties: My Love was higher born Tow'rds the full fountains, Yet she doth moorland scorn And the Peak mountains; Nor would she none should dream Where she abideth. Humble as is the stream Which by her slideth. On thy hank . . . Yet my poor rustic Muse Nothing can move her, Nor the means I can use Though her true lover: Many a long winter's night Have I waked for her. Yet this my piteous plight Nothing can stir her. All thy sands, silver Trent, Down to the Humher, The sighs that I have spent Never can number. 103 THE BOOK OF On thy hank. In a rank. Let thy swans sing her. And zvith their music Along let them bring her. M. Drayton 120. Elizabeth of Bohemia 'V/'OU meaner beauties of the night, That poorly satisfy our eyes More by your number than your light, You common people of the skies; What are you when the moon shall rise ? You curious chanters of the wood. That warble forth Dame Nature's lays. Thinking your passions understood By your weak accents; what's your praise When Philomel her voice shall raise ? You violets that first appear. By your pure purple mantles known Like the proud virgins of the year, As if the spring were all your own; What are you when the rose is blown ? So, when my mistress shall be seen In form and beauty of her mind, By virtue first, then choice, a Queen, Tell me, if she were not designed Th' eclipse and glory of her kind. Sir H. Wotton 104 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 121. A Praise of His Lady /^^ IVE place, you ladies, and begone ! ^-^ Boast not yourselves at all ! For here at hand approacheth one Whose face will stain you all. The virtue of her lively looks Excels the precious stone; I wish to have none other books To read or look upon. In each of her two crystal eyes Smileth a naked boy; It would you all in heart suffice To see that lamp of joy. I think Nature hath lost the mould Where she her shape did take; Or else I doubt if Nature could So fair a creature make. She may be well compared Unto the Phoenix kind. Whose like was never seen or heard That any man can find. In life she is Diana chaste, In truth Penelope; In word and eke 'in deed steadfast. — What will you more we say ? 105 THE BOOK OF If all the world were sought so far, Who could find such a wight ? Her beauty twinketh like a star Within the frosty night. Her roseal colour comes and goes With such a comely grace, More ruddier, too, than doth the rose, Within her lively face. At Bacchus' feast none shall her meet, Ne at no wanton play. Nor gazing in an open street, Nor gadding as a stray. The modest mirth that she doth use Is mixed with shamefastness; All vice she wholly doth refuse, And hateth idleness. O Lord ! it is a world to see How virtue can repair, And deck in her such honesty, Whom Nature made so fair. Truly she doth so far exceed Our women nowadays, As doth the gillyflower a weed; And more a thousand ways. io6 ELIZABETHAN VERSE How might I do to get a grafF Of this unspotted tree ? — For all the rest are plain but chaff, Which seem good corn to be. This gift alone I shall her give; When death doth what he can, Her honest fame shall ever live Within the mouth of man. J. Heywood 122, Fair Is My Love "C^AIR is my love, when her fair golden hairs -'■ With the loose wind ye waving chance to mark; Fair, when the rose in her red cheeks appears; Or in her eyes the fire of love does spark. Fair, when her breast, like a rich-laden bark. With precious merchandise she forth doth lay; Fair, when that cloud of pride, which oft doth dark Her goodly light, with smiles she drives away. But fairest she, when so she doth display The gate with pearls and rubies richly dight; Through which her words so wise do make their way To bear the message of her gentle sprite. The rest be works of nature's wonderment: But this the work of heart's astonishment. E. Spenser 107 THE BOOK OF 123. A Bitty In Praise of Eltza^ Queen of the Shepherds OEE where she sits upon the grassy green, ^^ O seemly sight ! Yclad in scarlet, like a maiden Queen, And ermines white: Upon her head a crimson coronet With Damask roses and DafFadillies set: Bay leaves between, And Primroses green. Embellish the sweet Violet. Tell me, have ye beheld her angelic face Like Phoebe fair ? Her heavenly haviour, her princely grace, Can ye well compare ? The Red rose medled with the White yfere, . In either cheek depeincten lively cheer Her modest eye. Her majesty, Where have you seen the like but there ? I saw Calliope speed her to the place Where my goddess shines; And after her the other Muses trace With their violines. Bin they not bay-branches which they do bear All for Eliza in her hand to wear ? So sweetly they play. And sing all the way, That it a heaven is to hear. 108 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Lo, how finely the Graces can it foot To the instrument: They dancen deftly, and singen soot In their merriment. Wants not a fourth Grace to make the dance even ? Let that room to my Lady be given. She shall be a Grace, To fill the fourth place. And reign with the rest in heaven. Bring hither the Pink and purple Columbine, With Gillyflowers; Bring Coronations, and Sops-in-wine Worn of Paramours : Strow me the ground with Daffadowndillies, And Cowslips and Kingcups and loved Lilies' The pretty Paunce And the Chevisaunce Shall match with the fair Flower-delice. E. Spenser T24. Wishes to His Supposed Mistress VXTHOE'ER she be — That not impossible She That shall command my heart and me: Where'er she lie. Locked up from mortal eye In shady leaves of destiny: 109 THE BOOK OF Till that ripe birth Of studied Fate stand forth, And teach her fair steps to our earth: Till that divine Idea take a shrine Of crystal flesh, through which to shine: Meet you her, my Wishes, Bespeak her to my blisses, And be ye called my absent kisses. I wish her Beauty, That owes not all its duty To gaudy tire, or glist'ring shoe-tie: Something more than Taff^ata or tissue can, Or rampant feather, or rich fan. A Face, that's best By its own beauty drest, And can alone commend the rest: A Face, made up Out of no other shop Than what Nature's white hand sets ope. A Cheek, where youth And blood, with pen of truth. Write what the reader sweetly rii'th. ELIZABETHAN VERSE A Cheek, where grows More than a morning rose, Which to no box his being owes. Lips, where all day A lover's kiss may play. Yet carry nothing thence away. Looks, that oppress Their richest tires, but dress And clothe their simplest nakedness. Eyes, that displace The neighbour diamond, and outface That sunshine by their own sweet grace. Tresses, that wear Jewels but to declare How much themselves more precious are: Whose native ray Can tame the wanton day Of gems that in their bright shades play. Each ruby there. Or pearl that dare appear. Be its own blush, be its own tear. A well-tamed Heart, . For whose more noble smart Love may be long choosing a dart. THE BOOK OF Eyes, that bestow Full quivers on love's bow, Yet pay less arrows than they owe. Smiles, that can warm The blood, yet teach a charm, That chastity shall take no harm. Blushes, that bin The burnish of no sin. Nor flames of aught too hot within. Joys, that confess Virtue their mistress. And have no other head to dress. Fears, fond and slight As the coy bride's, when night First does the longing lover right. Days that need borrow No part of their good morrow, From a fore-spent night of sorrow: Days that in spite Of darkness, by the light Of a clear mind are day all night. Nights, sweet as they, Made short by lovers' play. Yet long by the absence of the day. ELIZABETHAN VERSE Life that dares send A challenge to his end, And when it comes, say, " Welcome, friend ! ' Sydneian showers ♦ Of sweet discourse, whose powers Can crown old Winter's head with flowers. Soft silken hours. Open suns, shady bowers; *Bove all, nothing within that lowers. Whate'er delight Can make Day's forehead bright. Or give down to the wings of Night. I wish her store Of worth may leave her poor Of wishes ; and I wish — no more. Now, if Time knows That Her, whose radiant brows Weave them a garland of my vows; Her, whose just bays My future hopes can raise, A trophy to her present praise; Her, that dares be What these lines wish to see; I seek no further, it is She. "3 THE BOOK OF - 'Tis She, and here, Lo! I unclothe and clear My Wishes' cloudy character. May she enjoy it Whose merit dare apply it, But modesty dares still deny it! Such worth as this is Shall fix my flying Wishes, And determine them to kisses. Let her full glory, My fancies, fly before ye; Be ye my fictions — but her story. R. Crashaw r2^. Rosaline T IKE to the clear in highest sphere — ' Where all imperial glory shines. Of selfsame colour is her hair Whether unfolded or in twines Heigh ho, fair Rosaline! Her eyes are sapphires set in snow, Resembling heaven by every wink; The gods do fear whenas they glow. And I do tremble when I think Heigh ho, would she were mine! 114 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Her cheeks are like the blushing cloud That beautifies Aurora's face, Or like the silver crimson shroud That Phoebus' smiling looks doth grace: Heigh ho, fair Rosaline ! Her lips are like two budded roses Whom ranks of lilies neighbour nigh, Within whose bounds she balm encloses Apt to entice a deity: Heigh ho, would she were mine! Her neck is like a stately tower Where Love himself imprison'd lies, To watch for glances every hour From her divine and sacred eyes: Heigh ho, fair Rosaline ! Her paps are centres of delight. Her breasts are orbs of heavenly frame. Where Nature moulds the dew of light To feed perfection with the same: Heigh ho, would she were mine! With orient pearl, with ruby red. With marble white, with sapphire blue. Her body every way is fed. Yet soft in touch and sweet in view: Heigh ho, fair Rosaline ! Nature herself her shape admires; The gods are wounded in her sight; And Love forsakes his heavenly fires And at her eyes his brand doth light: Heigho ho, would she were mine! "5 THE BOOK OF Then muse not, Nymphs, though I bemoan The absence of fair RosaHne, Since for a fair there's fairer none, Nor for her virtues so divine : Heigh ho, fair RosaHne ! Heigh ho, my heart ! would God that she were mine ! r. Lodge 126. Damelus^ Song of His Diaphenia pvIAPHENIA hke the daffadowndilly, •*-^ White as the sun, fair as the lily. Heigh ho, how I do love thee ! I do love thee as my lambs Are beloved of their dams — How blest were I if thou wouldst prove me I Diaphenia like the spreading roses. That in thy sweets all sweets encloses, Fair sweet, how I do love thee ! I do love thee as each flower Love's the sun's life-giving power. For death, thy breath to life might move me. Diaphenia, like to all things blessed When all thy praises are expressed, Dear joy, how I do love thee! As the birds do love the spring. Or the bees their careful king: Then in requite, sweet virgin, love me ! H. Constable 116 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 12'j. Ubique \\TY,KE I as base as is the lowly plain, '' * And you, my Love, as high as heaven above, Yet should the thoughts of me, your humble swain, Ascend to heaven in honour of my love. Were I as high as heaven above the plain. And you, my Love, as humble and as low As are the deepest bottoms of the main, Wheresoe'er you were, with you my love should go. Were you the earth, dear Love, and I the skies. My love should shine on you like to the Sun, And look upon you with ten thousand eyes. Till heaven waxed blind, and till the world were done. Wheresoe'er I am, below, — or else above you — Wheresoe'er you are, my heart shall truly love you. J. Sylvester 128. Flos Florum TV yTE so oft my fancy drew ^^ ^ Here and there, that I ne'er knew Where to place desire before So that range it might no more; But as he that passeth by Where, in all her jollity, Flora's riches in a row Do in seemly order grow. And a thousand flowers stand Bending as to kiss his hand; 117 THE BOOK OF Out of which delightful store One he may take and no more; Long he pausing doubteth whether Of those fair ones he should gather. First the Primrose courts his eyes, Then a Cowslip he espies; Next the Pansy seems to woo him, Then Carnations bow unto him; Which whilst that enamoured swain From the stalk intends to strain, (As half-fearing to be seen) Prettily her leaves between Peeps the Violet, pale to see That her virtues slighted be; Which so much his liking wins That to seize her he begins. Yet before he stooped so low He his wanton eye did throw On a stem that grew more high, And the Rose did there espy. Who, beside her precious scent, To procure his eyes content Did display her goodly breast. Where he found at full expresst All the good that Nature showers On a thousand other flowers; Wherewith he aff'ected takes it. His beloved flower he makes it. And without desire of more Walks through all he saw before. ii8 ELIZABETHAN VERSE So I wandering but erewhere Through the garden of this Isle, Saw rich beauties I confess, And in number numberless. Yea, so differing lovely too, That I had a world to do Ere I could set up my rest, Where to choose and choose the best. Thus I fondly feared, till Fate (Which I must confess in that Did a greater favour to me Than the world can malice do me) Showed to me that matchless flower, Subject for this song of our; Whose perfection having eyed. Reason instantly espied That Desire, which ranged abroad, There would find a period : And no marvel if it might. For it there hath all delight. And in her hath nature placed What each several fair one graced. Let who list, for me, advance The admired flowers of France, Let who will praise and behold The reserved Marigold; Let the sweet-breath'd Violet now Unto whom she pleaseth bow; And the fairest Lily spread Where she will her golden head; 119 \ THE BOOK OF I have such a flower to wear That for those I do not care. Let the young and happy swains Playing on the Britain plains Court unblamed their shepherdesses, And with their gold curled tresses Toy uncensured, until I Grudge at their prosperity. Let all times, both present, past, And the age that shall be last. Vaunt the beauties they bring forth. I have found in one such worth. That content I neither care What the best before me were; Nor desire to live and see Who shall fair hereafter be; For I know the hand of Nature Will not make a fairer creature. G. Wither I2g, Fawnia A H ! were she pitiful as she is fair, -^ ^ Or but as mild as she is seeming so, Then were my hopes greater than my despair. Then all the world were heaven, nothing woe. Ah ! were her heart relenting as her hand. That seems to melt even with the mildest touch, Then knew I where to seat me in a land Under wide heavens, but yet there is not such. ELIZABETHAN VERSE So as she shows she seems the budding rose, Yet sweeter far than is an earthly flower; Sovran of beauty, Hke the spray she grows; Compassed she is with thorns and cankered flower. Yet were she wilhng to be plucked and worn, She would be gathered, though she grew on thorn. Ah ! when she sings, all music else be still, For none must be compared to her note; Ne'er breathed such glee from Philomela's bill. Nor from the morning-singer's swelling throat. Ah ! when she riseth from her blissful bed She comforts all the world, as doth the sun. And at her sight the night's foul vapour's fled; When she is set, the gladsome day is done. O glorious sun, imagine me the west. Shine in my arms, and set thou in my breast! R. Greene I JO. Since First I Saw Your Face OINCE first I saw your face I resolved to honour and ^^ renown ye; If now I am disdained I wish my heart had never known ye- What ? I that loved and you that liked, shall we begin tc wrangle ? No, no, no, my heart is fast, and cannot disentangle. If I admire or praise you too much, that fault you ma) forgive me ; Or if my hands had strayed but a touch, then justly might you leave me. 121 THE BOOK OF I asked you leave, you bade me love; is't now a time to chide me ? No, no, no, I'll love you still what fortune e'er betide me. The sun, whose beams most glorious are, rejecteth no be- holder. And your sweet beauty past compare made my poor eyes the bolder: Where beauty moves and wit delights and signs of kindness bind me, There, O there! where'er I go I'll leave my heart behind me! Anon. 131. Beauty and Rhyme 'X "^THEN in the chronicle of wasted time '^ * I see descriptions of the fairest wights. And beauty making beautiful old rime In praise of Ladies dead and lovely Knights; Then, in the blazon of sweet beauty's best. Of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow, I see their antique pen would have exprest Even such a beauty as you master now. So all their praises are but prophecies Of this our time, all you prefiguring; And for they looked but with divining eyes, They had not skill enough your worth to sing: For we, who now behold these present days. Have eyes to wonder, but lack tongues to praise. W. Shakespeare 122 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 1^2, Shall I Compare Thee to a Summers Day? OHALL I compare thee to a Summer's day? ^^ Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darhng buds of May, And Summer's lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed; And every fair from fair sometime declines. By chance or nature's changing course untrimmed. But thy eternal Summer shall not fade Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest; Nor shall Death brag thou wanderest in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou growest: So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see. So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. W. Shakespeare 133. Mark When She Smiles A /TARK when she smiles with amiable cheer, ^^ ^ And tell me whereto can ye liken it — When on each eyelid sweetly do appear An hundred Graces as in shade to sit ? Likest it seemeth to my simple wit Unto the fair sunshine in summer's day, That, when a dreadful storm away is flit, Through the broad world doth spread his goodly ray: At sight whereof each bird that sits on spray, 123 THE BOOK OF And every beast that to his den was fled, Comes forth afresh out of their late dismay, And to the Hght lift up their drooping head. So my storm-beaten heart likewise is cheer'd With that sunshine when cloudy looks are clear'd. E. Spenser 134. Beauty Clear and Fair OEAUTY clear and fair, ^^ Where the air Rather like a perfume dwells; Where the violet and the rose Their blue veins and blush disclose, And come to honour nothing else: Where to live near And planted there Is to live, and still live new; Where to gain a favour is More than life, perpetual bliss, — Make me live by serving you! Dear, again back recall To this light, A stranger to himself and all ! Both the wonder and the story Shall be yours, and eke the glory; I am your servant, and your thrall. 7. FleUhet 124 ELIZABETHAN VERSE /J5. Beauty s Triumph T IKE two proud armies marching in the field, -'-^ Joining in the thundering fight, each scorns to yield ; So in my heart, your beauty and my reas(jn. One claims the crown, the other says 'tis treason. But O ! your beauty shineth as the sun ; And dazzled reason yields as quite undone. A non. 136. The Unlading Beauty TTE that loves a rosy cheek, -'--*" Or a coral lip admires. Or from star-like eyes doth seek Fuel to maintain his fires: As old Time makes these decay, So his flames must waste away. But a smooth and steadfast mind. Gentle thoughts and calm desires. Hearts with equal love combined. Kindle never-dying fires. Where these are not, I despise Lovely cheeks or lips or eyes. T . Carew 137. Perfect Beauty TT was a beauty that I saw -^ So pure, so perfect, as the frame Of all the universe was lame To that one figure, could I draw, Or give least line of it a law! 125 THE BOOK OF A skein of silk without a knot, A fair march made without a halt, A curious form without a fault, A printed book without a blot, ^1 beauty, and without a spot! B. Jonson ij8. Beauty s Epitome T^^HY should this a desert be? ^ ^ For it is unpeopled ? No ; Tongues ril hang on every tree. That shall civil sayings show. Some, how brief the life of man Runs his erring pilgrimage; That the stretching of a span Buckles in his sum of age. Some, of violated vows 'Twixt the souls of friend and friend; But upon the fairest boughs. Or at every sentence' end. Will I Rosalinda write, Teaching all that read to know The quintessence of every sprite Heaven would in little show. Therefore heaven nature charged That one body should be filled With all graces wide-enlarged: Nature presently distilled Helen's cheek, but not her heart, Cleopatra's majesty, Atalanta's better part. Sad Lucretia's modesty. 126 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Thus Rosalind of many parts By heavenly synod was devised; Of many faces, eyes, and hearts. To have the touches dearest prized. Heaven would that she these gifts should have, And I to live and die her slave. W. Shakespeare .. The Awakening /^N a time the amorous Silvy ^-^ Said to her shepherd, 'Sweet, hovs^ do ye ? Kiss me this once and then God be with ye. My sweetest dear ! Kiss me this once and then God be with ye. For now the morning draweth near.' With that, her fairest bosom showing, Op'ning her lips, rich perfumes blowing, She said, ' Now kiss me and be going. My sweetest dear! Kiss me this once and then be going. For now the morning draweth near.' •With that the shepherd waked fiom sleeping, And spying where the day was peeping, Hf.' said, * Now take my soul in keeping, My sweetest dear \ Kiss me and take my soul in keeping. Since I must go, now day is near.* Anon, 127 THE BOOK OF 140. Vivamus Mea Lesbia, Atque Amemus IV /TY sweetest Lesbia, let us live and love, -^ -'- And though the sager sort our deeds reprove Let us not weigh them. Heaven's great lamps do dive Into their west, and straight again revive; But, soon as once set is our little light. Then must we sleep one ever-during night. If all would lead their lives in love like me, Then bloody swords and armour should not be; No drum nor trumpet peaceful sleeps should move. Unless alarm came from the Camp of Love: But fools do live and waste their little light, And seek with pain their ever-during night. When timely death my life and fortunes ends, Let not my hearse be vext with mourning friends; But let all lovers, rich in triumph, come And with sweet pastimes grace my happy tomb : And, Lesbia, close up thou my little light. And crown with love my ever-during night. T. Campion 141, Vivamus /'^OME, my Celiac let us prove, ^^ While we may the sports of Love ; Time will not be ours for ever, He at length our good will sever. 128 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Spend not then his gifts in vain: Suns that set may rise again; But if once we lose this hght, 'Tis with us perpetual night. Why should we defer our joys ? Fame and rumour are but toys. Cannot we delude the eyes Of a few poor household spies ? Or his easier ears beguile. So removed by our wile ? *Tis no sin Love's fruit to steal. But the sweet theft to reveal : To be taken, to be seen. These have crimes accounted been. B. yonsori 142. Love T OVE bade me welcome; yet my soul drew back, ^-^ Guilty of dust and sin. But quick-eyed Love, observing me grow slack From my first entrance in, Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning If I lacked anything. * A guest,' I answered, * worthy to be here : * Love said, ' You shall be he.' ' I, the unkind, ungrateful ? Ah, my dear, I cannot look on Thee.' Love took my hand and smiling did reply, * Who made the eyes but I ? ' 129 THE BOOK OF * Truth, Lord ; but I have marred them : let my shame Go where it doth deserve.' 'And know you not,' says Love, 'Who bore the blame ?' * My dear, then I will serve.' ' You must sit down,' says Love, ' and taste my meat.' So I did sit and eat. G. Herbert 143. Mullidofs Madrigal DILDIDO, dildido, O love, O love, I feel thy rage rumble below and above 1 In summer-time I saw a face, Trop belle pour moi, helas, helas! Like to a stoned-horse was her pace : Was ever young man so dismayed ? Her eyes, like wax-torches, did make me afraid: Trop belle pour mot, voila mon trepas. Thy beauty, my love, exceedeth supposes; Thy hair is a nettle for the nicest roses. Mon dieUy aide moil That I with the primrose of my fresh wit May tumble her tyranny under my feet: He done ]e serai un jeune roif Trop belle pour moi, helas ^ helas ^ Trop belle pour moi^ voila mon trepas. R. Greene 13a ELIZABETHAN VERSE 144. A Hymn in F raise of Neptune /^F Neptune's empire let us sing, ^-^ At whose command the waves obey: To whom the rivers tribute pay, Down the high mountains sliding: To whom the scaly nation yields Homage for the crystal fields Wherein they dwell: And every sea-god pays a gem Yearly out of his wat'ry cell To deck great Neptune's diadem. The. Tritons dancing in a ring Before his palace gates do make The waters with their echoes quake, Like the great thunder sounding: The sea-nymphs chant their accents shrill, And the sirens, taught to kill With their sweet voice. Make ev'ry echoing rock reply Unto their gentle murmuring noise The praise of Neptune's empery. T. Campion 14^. On Spensefs '' Faerie Queene " A /TETHOUGHT I saw the grave where Laura lay, iVX Within that temple where the vestal flame Was wont to burn; and passing by that way, To see that buried dust of living fame 131 THE BOOK OF Whose tomb fair Love and fairer Virtue kept, All suddenly I saw the Faerie Queene : At whose approach the soul of Petrarke wept, And from thenceforth those Graces were not seen (For they this Queen attended) ; in whose stead Oblivion laid him down on Laura's hearse. Hereat the hardest stones were seen to bleed. And groans of buried ghosts the heavens did perse; Where Homer's spright did tremble all for grief. And curst the access of that celestial thief. Str W. Raleigh 146. I] All the Pens That Ever Poets Held TF all the pens that ever poets held ^ Had fed the feeling of their master's thoughts. And every sweetness that inspir'd their hearts. Their minds, and muses, on admired themes; If all the heavenly quintessence they 'still From their immortal flowers of poesy. Wherein as in a mirror we perceive The highest reaches of a human wit; If these had made one poem's period. And all combined in beauty's worthiness, Yet should there hover in their restless heads One thought, one grace, one wonder at the least Which into words no virtue can digest. C. Marlowe 132 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 7^/. Lusty May /^ LUSTY May, with Flora queen! ^-^ The balmy dropis from Phoebus sheen Preluciand beams before the day: By that Diana growis green Through gladness of this lusty May. Then Esperus, that is so bricht, Til woful hairtis castis his light, With bankis that bloomis on every brae; And schouris are shed forth of their sicht Through gladness of this lusty May. Birdis on bewis of every birth, Rejoicing notis makand their mirth Richt plesantly upon the spray. With flourishingis o'er field and firth Through gladness of this lusty May. All luvaris that are in care To their ladies they do repair In fresh morningis before the day, And are in mirth ay mair and mair Through gladness of this lusty May. 1^8. When Flora Had O'erfret the Firth QUHEN FLORA had o'erfret the firth In May of every moneth queen; Quhen merle and marvis singis with mirth Sweet melling in the shawis sheen; THE BOOK OF Quhen all luvaris rejoicit bene And most desirous of their prey, I heard a lusty luvar mene — ' I luve, but I dare nocht assay ! * * Strong are the pains I daily prove, But yet with patience I sustene, I am so fetterit with the luve Only of my lady sheen, Quhilk for her beauty micht be queen. Nature so craftily alway Has done depaint that sweet serene: — Quhom I luve I dare nocht assay. * She is so bricht of hyd and hue I luve but her alone, I ween; Is none her luve that may eschew, That blinkis of that dulce amene; So comely cleir are her twa een That she mae luvaris dois affray Than ever of Greece did fair Helene : — Quhom I luve I dare nocht assay ! ' Anon. I4p. In Youth Is Pleasure TN a harbour grene aslepe whereas I lay, -*- The byrdes sang swete in the middes of the day, I dreamed fast of mirth and play: In youth is pleasure, in youth is pleasure. 134 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Methought I walked still to and fro, And from her company I could not go — But when I waked it was not so: In youth is pleasure, in youth is pleasure. Therefore my hart is surely pyght Of her alone to have a sight Which is my joy and hartes delight: In youth is pleasure, in youth is pleasure. R. Wever T^o. Come Hither, You That Love /^^*OME hither, you that love, and hear me sing ^^ Of joys still growing, Green, fresh, and lusty as the pride of spring, And ever blowing. Come hither, youths that blush, and dare not know What is desire; And old men, worse than you, that cannot blow One spark of fire; And with the power of my enchanting song. Boys shall be able men, and old men young. Come hither, you that hope, and you that cry; Leave off complaining; Youth, strength, and beauty, that shall never die, Are here remaining. I3S THE BOOK OF Come hither, fools, and blush you stay so long From being blest; And mad men, worse than you, that suffer wrong. Yet seek no rest; And in an hour, with my enchanting song. You shall be ever pleased, and young maids long. J. Fletcher 151. A Nymph's Passion T LOVE, and he loves me again, •*■ Yet dare I not tell who; For if the nymphs should know my swain, I fear they'd love him too; Yet if he be not known. The pleasure is as good as none. For that's a narrow joy is but our own. I'll tell, that if they be not glad. They may not envy me; But then if I grow jealous mad And of them pitied be. It were a plague 'bove scori); And yet it cannot be forborne Unless my heart would, as my thought, be torn. He is, if they can find him, fair And fresh, and fragrant too. As summer's sky or purged air, And looks as lilies do That are this morning blown: Yet, yet I doubt he is not known. And fear much more that more of him be shown. ELIZABETHAN VERSE But he hath eyes so round and bright, As make away my doubt, Where Love may all his torches light. Though Hate had put them out; But then t' increase my fears What nymph soe'er his voice but hears Will be my rival, though she have but ears. I'll tell no more, and yet I love. And he loves me; yet no One unbecoming thought doth move From either heart I knov^; But so exempt from blame As it would be to each a fame. If love or fear would let me tell his name. B. Jonson 1^2. A Madrigal T^THEN in her face mine eyes I fix, ^ ^ A fearful boldness takes my mind. Sweet honey Love with gall doth mix. And is unkindly kind : It seems to breed. And is indeed A special pleasure to be pined. No danger then I dread : For though I went a thousand times to Styx, I know she can revive me with her eye As many looks, as many lives to me : And yet had I a thousand hearts. As many looks, as many darts. Might make them all to die. W. Alexander^ Earl of Stirling 137 THE BOOK OF IS3' A Welcome JJ/'ELCOMEf welcome! do I sing^ Far more welcome than the sprin^ He that parteth from you never Shall enjoy a spring for ever. He that to the voice is near, Breaking from your ivory pale, Need not walk abroad to hear The dehghtful nightingale. Welcome, welcome, . . , He that looks still on your eyes, Though the winter have begun To benumb our arteries, Shall not want the summer's sun. Welcome, welcome, . . . He that still may see your cheeks. Where all rareness still reposes, Is a fool, if e'er he seeks Other lilies, other roses. Welcome, welcome, . . . He to whom your soft lip yields. And perceives your breath in kissing, All the odours of the fields Never, never shall be missing. Welcome, welcome, . . . 138 ELIZABETHAN VERSE He that question would anew What fair Eden was of old. Let him rightly study you, And a brief of that behold. Welcome, tvelcome. 154. Phillis and Corydon IDHILLIS kept sheep along the western plains, -*■ And Corydon did feed his flocks hard by: This shepherd was the flower of all the swains That traced the downs of fruitful Thessaly; And Phillis, that did far her flocks surpass In silver hue, was thought a bonny lass. A bonny lass, quaint in her country 'tire, Was lovely Phillis, — Corydon swore so ; Her locks, her looks, did set the swain on fire, He left his lambs, and he began to woo; He looked, he sighed, he courted with a kiss, No better could the silly swad than this. He little knew to paint a tale of love. Shepherds can fancy, but they cannot say: Phillis 'gan smile, and wily thought to prove What uncouth grief poor Corydon did pay; She asked him how his flocks or he did fare, Yet pensive thus his sighs did tell his care. 139 THE BOOK OF The shepherd blushed when Phillis questioned so, And swore by Pan it was not for his flocks; " 'Tis love, fair Phillis, breedeth all this woe. My thoughts are trapt within thy lovely locks; Thine eye hath pierced, thy face hath set on fire; Fair Phillis kindleth Corydon's desire." " Can shepherds love ? " said Phillis to the swain. " Such saints as Phillis," Corydon replied. " Then when they lust can many fancies feign/* Said Phillis. This not Corydon denied. That lust had hes; " But love," quoth he, " says truth; Thy shepherd loves, then, Phillis, what ensu'th ? " Phillis was won, she blushed and hung the head ; The swain stept to, and cheered her with a kiss : With faith, with troth, they struck the matter dead; So used they when men thought not amiss : This love begun and ended both in one; Phillis was loved, and she liked Corydon. R. Greene i^^. The Triumph of Charis OEE the Chariot at hand here of Love, "^ Wherein my Lady rideth ! Each that draws is a swan or a dove, And well the car Love guideth. As she goes, all hearts do duty Unto her beauty; And enamoured, do wish, so they might But enjoy such a sight. That they still were to run by her side. Through swords, through seas, whither she would ride. 140 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Do but look on her eyes, they do light All that Love's world compriseth ! Do but look on her hair, it is bright As Love's star when it riseth ! Do but mark, her forehead's smoother Than words that soothe her! And from her arched brows such a grace Sheds itself through the face. As alone there triumphs to the life All the gain, all the good of the elements' strife. Have you seen but a bright lily grow Before rude hands have touched it ? Have you marked but the fall of the snow Before the soil hath smutched it ? Have you felt the wool of the beaver, Or swan's down ever ? Or have smelt o' the bud o' the brier Or the nard in the fire ? Or have tasted the bag of the bee ? O so white, O so soft, O so sweet is she! B. Jonson 1^6. My Heart Is High Above IV /TY heart is high above, my body is full of bliss, ^^ -^ For I am set in luve as well as I would wiss; I luve my lady pure and she luvis me again, I am her serviture, she is my soverane; She is my very heart, I am her howp and heill. She is my joy invart, I am her luvar leal; 141 THE BOOK OF I am her bond and thrall, she is at my command; I am perpetual her man, both foot and hand ; The thing that may her please my body sail fulfil; Quhatever her disease, it does my body ill. My bird, my bonny ane, my tender babe venust. My luve, my life alane, my liking and my lust ! We interchange our hairtis in others armis soft, Spriteless we twa depairtis, usand our luvis oft. We mourn when licht day dawis, we plain the nicht is short. We curse the cock that crawis, that hinderis our disport. I glowffin up aghast, quhen I her miss on nicht, And in my oxter fast I find the bowster richt; Then lanquor on me lies like Morpheus the mair, Quhilk causes me uprise and to my sweet repair. And then is all the sorrow forth of remembrance That ever I had a-forrow in luvis observance. Thus never do I rest, so lusty a life I lead, Quhen that I list to test the well of womanheid. Luvaris in pain, I pray God send you sic remeid As I have nicht and day, you to defend from deid ! Therefore be ever true unto your ladies free. And they will on you rue as mine has done on me. Anon. 757. Cards and Kisses /^^UPID and my Campaspe play'd ^-^ At cards for kisses — Cupid paid : He stakes his quiver, bow, and arrows. His mother's doves, and team of sparrows; 142 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Loses them too; then down he throws The coral of his Up, the rose Growing on 's cheek (but none knows how); With these, the crystal of his brow, And then the dimple of his chin : All these did my Campaspe win. At last he set her both his eyes — She won, and Cupid blind did rise. O Love ! has she done this for thee ? What shall, alas ! become of me ? J.Lyly 158. A Conspiracy O WEET Love, if thou wilt gain a monarch's glory, "^ Subdue her heart who makes me glad and sorry: Out of thy golden quiver Take thou thy strongest arrow That will through bone and marrow, And me and thee of grief and fear deliver : — But come behind, for if she look upon thee, Alas ! poor Love, then thou art woe-begone thee ! Anon. iSg. What the Mighty Love Has Done TTEAR, ye ladies that despise, . -*- What the mighty Love has done; Fear examples and be wise : Fair Calisto was a nun; ^43 THE BOOK OF Leda, sailing on a stream To deceive the hopes of man, Love accounting but a dream, Doted on a silver swan; Danae, in a brazen tower, Where no love was, loved a shower. Hear, ye ladies that are coy. What the mighty Love can do; Fear the fierceness of the boy: The chaste Moon he makes to woo; Vesta, kindling holy fires, Circled round about with spies, Never dreaming loose desires. Doting at the altar dies; Ilion, in a short hour, higher He can build, and once more fire. J. Fletcher t6o. Menaphon^s Song COME say Love, *^ Foolish Love, Doth rule and govern all the gods: I say Love, Inconstant Love, Sets men's senses far at odds. Some swear Love, Smooth-faced Love, Is sweetest sweet that men can have: I say Love, Sower Love, Makes virtue yield as beauty's slave. 144 ELIZABETHAN VERSE A bitter sweet, a folly worst of all. That forceth wisdom to be folly's thrall. Love is sweet. — Wherein sweet ? In fading pleasures that do pain. Beauty sweet: Is that sweet That yieldeth sorrow for a gain ? If Love's sweet, Herein sweet, That minute's joys are monthly woes. 'Tis not sweet, That is sweet Nowhere but where repentance grows. Then love who list, if beauty be so sower; Labour for me, Love rest in prince's bower. R. Greene t6i. Lovers Keys T JNQUIET thoughts, your civil slaughter stint, ^^ And wrap your wrongs within a pensive heart; And you, my tongue, that makes my mouth a mint And stamps my thoughts to coin them words by art. Be still ! for if you ever do the like, I'll cut the string that makes the hammer strike. But what can stay my thoughts they may not start .? Or put my tongue in durance for to die .? Whenas these eyes, the keys of mouth and heart, Open the lock where all my love doth lie; I'll seal them up within their lids for ever: So thoughts and words and looks shall die together. Anon, 145 THE BOOK OF 162, Love's Harvesters A LL ye that lovely lovers be "*- ^ Pray you for me : Lo here v^e come a-sowing, a-sowing, And sow^ sweet fruits of love; In your sweet hearts well may it prove! Lo here we come a-reaping, a-reaping, To reap our harvest fruit ! And thus we pass the year so long, And never be we mute. G. Peele 163. The Douht Which Ye Misdeem 'T^HE doubt which ye misdeem, fair love, is vain, -■- That fondly fear to lose your liberty; When, losing one, two liberties ye gain. And make him bond that bondage erst did fly. Sweet be the bands, the which true love doth tie, Without constraint, or dread of any ill: The gentle bird feels no captivity Within her cage, but sings, and feeds her fill. There pride dare not approach, nor discord spill The league 'twixt them that loyal love hath bound; But simple truth, and mutual good will, Seeks with sweet peace to salve each other's wound : There Faith doth fearless dwell in brazen tower, And spotless Pleasure builds her sacred bower. E. Spenser 146 ELIZABETHAN VERSE i6/f.. Via Amoris TTIGH-WAY, since you my chief Parnassus be, -*- -*■ And that my Muse, to some ears not unsweet, Tempers her words to trampHng horses' feet More oft than to a chamber melody, — Now blessed you bear onward blessed me To her, where I my heart, safe-let, shall meet; My Muse and I must you of duty greet With thanks and wishes, wishing thankfully; Be you still fair, honour'd by public heed; By no encroachment wrong'd, nor time forgot; Nor blamed for blood, nor shamed for sinful deed; And that you know I envy you no lot Of highest wish, I wish you so much bliss, — Hundreds of years you Stella's feet may kiss ! Sir P. Sidney i6^. Orpheus I Am, Come from the Deeps Below /~\RPHEUS I am, come from the deeps below, ^-^ To thee, fond man, the plagues of love tdj^show, To the fair fields where loves eternal dwell There's none that come, but first they pass through hell : Hark, and beware ! unless thou hast loved, ever Beloved again, thou shalt see those joys never. Hark how they groan that died despairing! Oh, take heed, then ! Hark how they howl for over-daring! All these were men. 147 THE BOOK OF They that be fools, and die for fame, They lose their name; And they that bleed, Hark how they speed ! Now in cold frosts, now scorching fires They sit, and curse their lost desires; Nor shall these souls be free from pains and fears, Till women waft them over in their tears. J. Fletcher i66. ril Never Love Thee More IV /TY dear and only Love, I pray iVi Xhat little world of thee Be governed by no other sway Than purest monarchy; For if confusion have a part (Which virtuous souls abhor), And hold a synod in thine heart, I'll never love thee more. Like Alexander I will reign. And I will reign alone; My thoughts did ever more disdain A rival on the throne. He either fears his fate too much, Or his deserts are small. That dares not put it to the touch, To gain or lose it all. 148 ELIZABETHAN VERSE And in the empire of thin? heart, Where I should solely be. If others do pretend a part Or dare to vie with me. Or if Committees thou erect, And go on such a score, I'll laugh and sing at thy neglect. And never love thee more. But if thou wilt prove faithful then And constant of thy word, I'll make thee glorious by my pen And famous by my sword ; I'll serve thee in such noble ways Was never heard before; I'll crown and deck thee all with bays, And love thee more and more. J. Graham, Marquis of Montrose i6y. Love's College f~\ CUPID ! monarch over kings, ^-^ Wherefore hast thou feet and wings ? It is to show how swift thou art When thou wound'st a tender heart! Thy wings being dipt, and feet held still. Thy bow so many could not kill. It is all one in Venus' wanton school, Who highest sits, the wise man or the fool. Fools in love's college Have far more knowledge 149 THE BOOK OF To read a woman over Than a neat prating lover: Nay, 'tis confest That fools please women best. 7- Lyly i68. Wily Cupid THRUST not his wanton tears, -^ Lest they beguile ye; Trust not his childish sigh, He breatheth slily. Trust not his touch, His feeling may defile ye; Trust nothing that he doth. The wag is wily. If you suffer him to prate. You will rue it over-late. Beware of him, for he is witty; Quickly strive the boy to bind, Fear him not, for he is blind : If he get loose, he shows nO pity. H. Chettle i6g. Madrigal To Cupid T OVE, if a god thou art, -* — ' Then evermore thou must Be merciful and just. If thou be just, O wherefore doth thy dart Wound mine alone, and not my Lady's heart ? 150 ELIZABETHAN VERSE If merciful, then why Am I to pain reserved, Who have thee truly served; While she, that by thy power sets not a fly, Laughs thee to scorn and lives in liberty ? Then, if a god thou wouldst accounted be, Heal me like her, or else wound her like me. F. Davison 1^0. ^' Beware of Love " nPHUS saith my Chloris bright, -*- When we of love sit down and talk together: — * Beware of Love, dear; Love is a walking sprite, And Love is this and that, And, O, I know not what. And comes and goes again I wot not whither/ No, no, — these are but bugs to breed amazing. For in her eyes I saw his torchlight blazing. Anon, 171. Uncertainty TTOW many new years have grown old -*' Since first your servant old was new; How many long hours have I told Since first my love was vowed to you; And yet, alas, she does not know Whether her servant love or no. 151 THE BOOK OF How many walls as white as snow, And windows clear as any glass, Have I conjured to tell you so, Which faithfully performed was; And yet you'll swear you do not know Whether your servant love or no. How often hath my pale, lean face, With true characters of my love. Petitioned to you for grace. Whom neither sighs nor tears can move; O cruel, yet do you not know Whether your servant love or no. And wanting oft a better token, I have been fain to send my heart. Which now your cold disdain hath broken. Nor can you heal't by any art : O look upon't, and you shall know Whether your servant love or no. Anon. 7/2. Dispraise of Love and Lovefs Follies TF love be life, I long to die, Live they that list for me; And he that gains the most thereby, A fool at least shall be. But he that feels the sorest fits, 'Scapes with no less than loss of wits: Unhappy life they gain. Which love do entertain. 152 ELIZABETHAN VERSE In day by feigned looks they live, By lying dreams in night, Each frown a deadly wound doth give, Each smile a false delight. If 't hap their lady pleasant seem, It is for others' love they deem; If void she seem of joy. Disdain doth make her coy. Such is the peace that lovers find. Such is the life they lead. Blown here and there with every wind. Like flowers in the mead; Now war, now peace, now war again, Desire, despair, delight, disdain: Though dead, in midst of life. In peace, and yet at strife. F\ Davison 17 J. If Women Could Be Fair and Yet Not Fond TF women could be fair and yet not fond, -*■ Or that their love were firm, not fickle still, I would not marvel that they make men bond By service long to purchase their good will; But when I see how frail those creatures are, I laugh that men forget themselves so far. To mark the choice they make, and how they change How oft from Phoebus they do flee to Pan; Unsettled still, like haggards wild they range. These gentle birds that fly from man to man; 153 THE BOOK OF Who would not scorn and shake them from the fist, And let them fly, fair fools, which way they list ? Yet for our sport we fawn and flatter both. To pass the time when nothing else can please, And train them to our lure with subtle oath. Till, weary of our wiles, ourselves we ease; And then we say when we their fancy try. To play with fools, O what a fool was I ! E. Vere, Earl of Oxford ry^. Not Mine Own Fears IVTOT mine own fears, nor the prophetic soul -'^ ^ Of the wide world dreaming on things to come. Can yet the lease of my true love control. Supposed as forfeit to a confined doom. The mortal moon hath her eclipse endured, And the sad augurs mock their own presage; Incertainties now crown themselves assured, And peace proclaims olives of endless age. Now with the drops of this most balmy time My love looks fresh, and Death to me subscribes. Since spite of him I'll live in this poor rhyme, While he insults o'er dull and speechless tribes : And thou in this shalt find thy monument When tyrants' crests and tombs of brass are spent. W. Shakespeare 154 ELIZABETHAN VERSE ^75' Whoever Thinks or Hopes of Love jor Love ^1 WHOEVER thinks or hopes of love for love, ^ Or who beloved in Cupid's laws doth glorv Who joys in vows or vows not to remove, Who by this light god hath not been made sorry, — Let him see me, eclipsed from my sun, With dark clouds of an earth quite overrun. Who thinks that sorrows felt, desires hidden, Or humble faith in constant honour armed. Can keep love from the fruit that is forbidden; Who thinks that change is by entreaty charmed, — Looking on me, let him know love's delights Are treasures hid in caves but kept by sprites. Jnon iy6. Why Canst Thou Not "\"X THY canst thou not, as others do. Look on me with unwounding eyes r And yet look sweet, but yet not so; Smile, but not in killing wise; Arm not thy graces to confound; Only look, but do not wound. Why should mine eyes see more in you Than they can see in all the rest? For I can others' beauties view. And not find my heart opprest. O be as others are to me, Or, let me be more to thee. y. Dame ^55 THE BOOK OF 777. The Impatient Maid '\\TYiEH as the rye reach'd to the chin, And chop cherry, chop cherry ripe within^ Strawberries swimming in the cream. And schoolboys playing in the stream; Then O, then O, then O, my true love said, Till that time come again She could not live a maid ! G. P^^le iy8. The Excuse /'"^ALLING to mind, my eyes went long about ^-^ To cause my heart for to forsake my breast; All in a rage I sought to pull them out As who had been such traitors to my rest: What could they say to win again my grace ? — Forsooth, that they had seen my Mistress' face. Another time, my heart I called to mind, ^— Thinking that he this woe on me had brought. For he my breast the fort of love, resigned. When of such wars my fancy never thought: What could he say when I would have him slain ? That he was hers, and had forgone my chain. At last, when I perceived both eyes and heart Excuse themselves as guiltless of my ill, T found myself the cause of all my smart. And told myself that I myself would kill: Yet when I saw myself to you was true, I loved myself, because myself loved you. Sir jr. Raleigh 156 ELIZABETHAN VERSE To Eledra T DARE not ask a kiss, ■^ I dare not beg a smile^ Lest having that, or this, I might grow proud the while. No, no, the utmost share Of my desire shall be Only to kiss that air That lately kissed thee. R. Herrick To (Enone "X^THAT conscience, say, is it in thee * * When I a heart had won. To take away that heart from me, And to retain thy own ? For shame or pity now incline To play a loving part; Either to send me kindly thine, Or give me back my heart. Covet not both; but if thou dost Resolve to part with neither, Why, yet to show that thou art just. Take me and mine together! R, Herrici 157 THE BOOK OF i8i. The Satyfs Leave-Taking nr*HOU divinest, fairest, brightest, ■*■• Thou most powerful maid, and whitest, Thou most virtuous and most blessed, Eyes of stars, and golden-tressed Like Apollo! tell me, sweetest. What new service now is meetest For the Satyr ? Shall I stray In the middle air, and stay The sailing rack, or nimbly take Hold by the moon, and gently make Suit to the pale queen of night For a beam to give thee light ? Shall I dive into the sea. And bring thee coral, making way Through the rising waves that fall In snowy fleeces ? Dearest, shall I catch thee wanton fawns, or flies Whose woven wings the summer dyes Of many colours ? get thee fruit. Or steal from Heaven old Orpheus' lute ? All these I'll venture for, and more. To do her service all these woods adore. Holy Virgin, I will dance Round about these woods as quick As the breaking light, and prick Down the lawns and down the vales Faster than the wind-mill sails. 158 ELIZABETHAN VERSE So 1 take my leave, and pray All the comforts of the day, Such as Phoebus' heat doth send On the earth, may still befriend Thee, and this arbour! J. Fletche^ The Satyr and Clorin ' I ^H ROUGH yon same bending plain "*- That flings his arms down to the main; And through these thick woods have I run, Whose bottom never kissed the sun Since the lusty spring began. All to please my Master Pan, Have I trotted without rest To get him fruit; for at a feast He entertains, this coming night, His paramour, the Syrinx bright. But, behold a fairer sight! By that heavenly form of thine, Brightest fair, thou art divine. Sprung from great immortal race Of the gods; for in thy face Shines more awful majesty. Than dull weak mortality Dare with misty eyes behold. And live: therefore on this mould Lowly do I bend my knee In worship of thy deity. Deign it, goddess, from my hand. To receive whate'er this land 1 59 THE BOOK OF From her fertile womb doth send Of her choice fruits; and but lend Belief to that the Satyr tells: Fairer by the famous wells To this present day ne'er grew, Never better, nor more true. Here be grapes, whose lusty blood Is the learned poet's good. Sweeter yet did never crown The head of Bacchus; nuts more brown Than the squirrel's teeth that crack them; Deign, oh fairest fair, to take them ! For these black-eyed Dryope Hath often-times commanded me With my clasped knee to climb : See how well the lusty time Hath decked their rising cheeks in red, Such as on your lips is spread ! Here be berries for a queen. Some be red, some be green; These are of that luscious meat, The great god Pan himself doth eat: All these, and what the woods can yield, The hanging mountain, or the field, I freely offer, and ere long Will bring you more, more sweet and strong; Till when, humbly leave I take, Lest the great Pan do awake. That sleeping lies in a deep glade. Under a broad beech's shade. I must go, I must run Swifter than the fiery sun. J. Fletcher 1 60 ELIZABETHAN VERSE i8j. Song invOUBT you to whom my Muse these notes intendeth; ^^ Which now my breast o'ercharged to music lendeth i To you! to you! all song of praise is due: Only in you, my song begins and endeth. Who hath the eyes which marry State with Pleasure ? Who keeps the key of Nature's chiefest treasure ? To you ! to you ! all song of praise is due : Only for you, the heaven forgat all measure. Who hath the lips, where Wit in fairness reigneth ? Who womankind at once both decks and staineth ? To you ! to you ! all song of praise is due : Only by you, Cupid his crown maintaineth. Who hath the feet, whose step all sweetness planteth ? Who else, for whom Fame worthy trumpets wanteth ? To you ! to you ! all song of praise is due : Only to you, her sceptre Venus granteth. Who hath the breast, whose milk doth passions nourish ? Whose grace is such, that when it chides doth cherish ? To you! to you! all song of praise is due: Only through you, the tree of life doth flourish. Who hath the hand, which without stroke subdueth ? Who long-dead beauty with increase reneweth t To you ! to you ! all song of praise is due : Only at you, all envy hopeless rueth. i6i THE BOOK OF Who hath the hair, which loosest fastest tieth ? Who makes a man Hve, then glad when he dieth ? To you! to you! all song of praise is due: Only of you, the flatterer never lieth. Who hath the voice, which soul from senses sunders ? Whose force but yours the bolts of beauty thunders ? To you ! to you ! all song of praise is due : Only with you, not miracles are wonders. Doubt you to whom my Muse these notes intendeth. Which now my breast o'ercharged to music lendeth ? To you! to you! all song of praise is due: Only in you, my song begins and endeth. Sir P. Sidney 184. Basia ' I ""URN back, you wanton flyer, -*- And answer my desire With mutual greeting. Yet bend a little nearer, — ■ True beauty still shines clearer In closer meeting. Hearts with hearts delighted Should strive to be united. Each other's arms with arms enchaining: Hearts with a thought. Rosy lips with a kiss still entertaining. 162 ELIZABETHAN VERSE What harvest half so sweet is As still to reap the kisses Grown ripe in sowing ? And straight to be receiver Of that v/hich thou art giver, Rich in bestowing ? There's no strict observing Of times' or seasons' swerving, There is ever one fresh spring abiding; Then what we sow With our lips let's reap, love's gains dividing, T. Campion 185. A Canzon Pastoral in Honour of Her Majesty A LAS ! what pleasure, now the pleasant spring "^ ^ Hath given place To harsh black frosts the sad ground covering, Can we, poor we, embrace. When every bird on every branch can sing Naught but this note of woe, Alas ? Alas ! this note of woe why should we sound ? With us, as May, September hath a prime; Then, birds and branches, your Alas ! is fond, Which call upon the absent summer-time. For did flowers make our May, Or the sunbeams your day. When night and winter did the world embrace. Well might you wail your ill and sing, Alas! 163 THE BOOK OF Lo, matron-like the earth herself attires In habit grave; Naked the fields are, bloomless are the briars, Yet we a summer have, Who in our clime kindleth these living fires. Which blooms can on the briars save. No ice doth crystallize the running brook, No blast deflowers the flower-adorned field. Crystal is clear, but clearer is the look Which to our climes these living fires doth yield. Winter, though everywhere. Hath no abiding here: On brooks and briars she doth rule alone. The sun which lights our world is always one. E. Bolton i86. Phoebe's Sonnet Y)WN a down!' Thus Phyllis sung By fancy once distressed: * Whoso by foolish love are stung. Are worthily oppressed. And so sing I, with a down, a down. When Love was first begot And by the mover's will Did fall to human lot His solace to fulfil. Devoid of all deceit, A chaste and holy fire Did quicken man's conceit, And woman's breast inspire. 164 D' ELIZABETHAN VERSE The gods that saw the good That mortals did approve, With kind and holy mood, Began to talk of Love. * Down a down ! ' Thus Phyllis sung. By fancy once distressed: * Whoso by foolish love are stung. Ate worthily oppressed. And so sing /, with a down, a down. But during this accord, A wonder strange to hear; Whilst Love in deed and word Most faithful did appear, False Semblance came in place. By Jealousy attended, And with a double face Both Love and Fancy blended. Which makes the gods forsake, And men from fancy fly. And maidens scorn a make. Forsooth and so will L * Down a down I ' Thus Phyllis sung By fancy once distressed : 'Whoso by foolish love are stung. Are worthily oppress}d. And so sing I, with down, a down, a down a.' T. Lodge 165 THE BOOK OF i8y. Love's Deity T LONG to talk with some old lover's ghost, Who died before the god of love was born : I cannot think that he, that then loved most, Sunk so low as to love one which did scorn. But since this god produced a destiny, And that vice-nature, custom, lets it be, I must love her that loves not me. Sure they which made him god meant not so much. Nor he in his young godhead practised it; But when an even flame two hearts did touch, His office was indulgently to fit Actives to passives; correspondency Only his subject was; it cannot be Love, if I love who loves not me. But every modern god will now extend His vast prerogative as far as Jove; To rage, to lust, to write too, to commend; All is the purlieu of the god of love. were we wakened by his tyranny To ungod this child again, it could not be 1 should love her that loves not me. Rebel and atheist, too, why murmur I, As though I felt the worst that love could do ? Love may make me leave loving, or might try A deeper plague, to make her love me too, Which, since she loves before, I am loath to see; Falsehood is worse than hate; and that must be, If she whom I love should love me. y. Donne i66 ELIZABETHAN VERSE i88. A True Love THAT sweet relief the showers to thirsty plants we W^ see, What dear deUght the blooms to bees, my true love is to me! As fresh and lusty Ver foul Winter doth exceed — As morning bright, with scarlet sky, doth pass the eve- ning's weed — As mellow pears above the crabs esteemed be — So doth my love surmount them all, whom yet I hap to see! The oak shall olives bear, the lamb the lion fray. The owl shall match the nightingale in tuning of her lay. Or I my love let slip out of mine entire heart. So deep reposed in my breast is she for her desart! For many blessed gifts, O happy, happy land ! Where Mars and Pallas strive to make their glory most to stand 1 Yet, land, more is thy bliss that, in this cruel age, A Venus' imp thou hast brought forth, so steadfast and so sage. Among the Muses Nine a tenth if Jove would make. And to the Graces Three a fourth, her would Apollo take. Let some for honour hunt, and hoard the massy gold: With her so I may live and die, my weal cannot be told. N. Grim aid 167 THE BOOK OF i8g. A Rondel of Love T O, quhat it is 'to love ^-^ Learn ye that list to prove, By me, I say, that no ways may The ground of grief remove, But still decay both nicht and day: Lo, quhat it is to love ! Love is ane fervent fire Kindlit without desire. Short pleasure, long displeasure. Repentance is the hire; Ane pure tressour without measour; Love is ane fervent fire. To love and to be wise, To rage with good advice; Now thus, now than, so gois the game, Incertain is the dice; There is no man, I say, that can Both love and to be wise. Flee always from the snare, Learn at me to beware; It is ane pain, and double trane Of endless woe and care; For to refrain that danger plain Flee always from the snare. J. Scott i68 ELIZABETHAN VERSE I go. Lovers Immortality /'BROWNED with flowers I saw fair Amaryliss ^^^ By Thyrsis sit, hard by a fount of crystal; And with her hand, more white than snow or HHes, On sand she wrote, 'My faith shall be immortal: And suddenly a storm of wind and weather Blew all her faith and sand away together. Anon. igi. Comfort A 7[ THEN, in disgrace with Fortune and men's eyes, ^ I all alone beweep my outcast state, And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries, And look upon myself, and curse my fate. Wishing me like to one more rich in hope. Featured like him, like him with friends possest, Desiring this man's art and that man's scope. With what I most enjoy contented least; Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising, — Haply I think on Thee: and then my state, Like to the Lark at break of day arising From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate; For thy sweet love rememb'red such wealth brings That then I scorn to change my state with Kings. fF. Shakespeare 169 THE BOOK OF ig2. As Ye Came from the Holy Land A S ye came from the holy land "^ ^ Of Walsinghame, Met you not with my true love By the way as you came ? How should I know your true love^ That have met many a one, As I came from the holy land, That have come, that have gone ? She is neither white nor brown, But as the heavens fair; There is none hath her form divine In the earth or the air. Such a one did I meet, good sir, Such an angelic face. Who like a nymph, like a queen, did appear In her gait, in her grace. She hath left me here alone All alone, as unknown, Who sometime did me lead with herself, And me loved as her own. What's the cause that she leaves you alone And a new way doth take, That sometime did love you as her own, And her joy did you make f 170 s ELIZABETHAN VERSE I have loved her all my youth, But now am old, as you see: Love likes not the falling fruit, Nor the withered tree. Know that Love is a careless child, And forgets promise past: He is blind, he is deaf when he list, And in faith never fast. His desire is a dureless content. And a trustless joy; He is won with a world of despair, And is lost with a toy. Of womankind such indeed is the love. Or the word love abused. Under which many childish desires And conceits are excused. But true love is a durable fire. In the mind ever burning. Never sick, never dead, never cold, From itself never turning. Str W. Raleigh We Saw and Woo^d Each Othefs Eyes "X^TE saw and woo'd each other's eyes. My soul contracted then with thine, And both burnt in one sacrifice. By which our marriage grew divine. 171 THE BOOK OF Let wilder youths, whose soul is sense, Profane the temple of delight, And purchase endless penitence. With the stoFn pleasure of one night. Time's ever ours, while we despise The sensual idol of our clay. For though the sun do set and rise. We joy one everlasting day. Whose light no jealous clouds obscure, While each of us shine innocent. The troubled stream is still impure; With virtue flies away content. And though opinions often err, We'll court the modest smile of fame, For sin's black danger circles her. Who hath infection in her name. Thus when to one dark silent room Death shall our loving coffins thrust: Fame will build columns on our tomb. And add a perfume to our dust. W. Hahington ig4. Love Omnipresent 'T^URN I my looks unto the skies, ^ Love with his arrows wounds mine eyes; If so I gaze upon the ground. Love then in every flower is found; 172 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Search I the shade to fly my pain, He meets me in the shade again; Wend I to walk in secret grove, Ev'n there I meet with sacred Love; If so I bain me in the spring, Ev'n on the bank I hear him sing; If so I meditate alone, He will be partner of my moan; If so I mourn, he weeps with me. And where I am there he will be. r. Lod ig^. Lovefs Infiniteness TF yet I have not all thy love, ^ Dear, I shall never have it all; I cannot breathe one other sigh to move. Nor can entreat one other tear to fall; And all my treasure, which should purchase thee, Sighs, tears, and oaths, and letters, I have spent; Yet no more can be due to me. Than at the bargain made was meant: If, then, thy gift of love was partial. That some to me, some should to others fall. Dear, I shall never have it all. Or if then thou gavest me all. All was but all which thou hadst then; But if in thy heart since there be, or shall New love created be by other men, 173 THE BOOK OF Which have their stocks entire, and can in tears, In sighs, in oaths, in letters outbid me, This new love may beget new fears; For this love was not vowed by thee, And yet it was, thy gift being general: The ground, thy heart, is mine; whatever shall Grow there, dear, I should have it all. Yet I would not have all yet; He that hath all can have no more; And since my love doth every day admit New growth, thou shouldst have new rewards in store. Thou canst not every day give me thy heart; If thou canst give it, then thou never gav'st it : Love's riddles are that, though thy heart depart, It stays at home, and thou with losing sav'st it. But we will love a way more liberal Than changing hearts, — to join them; so we shall Be one, and one another's All. y. Donne ip6. The Full Love Is Hushed IV /FY love is strengthened, though rrioreweak in seeming ■^ -*■ I love not less, though less the show appear: That love is merchandised whose rich esteeming The owner's tongue doth publish everywhere. Our love was new, and then but in the spring, When I was wont to greet it with my lays; As Philomel in summer's front doth sing And stops her pipe in growth of riper days: 174 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Not that the summer is less pleasant now Than when her mournful hymns did hush the night, But that wild music burthens every bough, And sweets grown common lose their dear delight. Therefore, like her, I sometime hold my tongue, Because I would not dull you with my song. W. Shakespeare igy. Love Me or Not T OVE me or not, love her I must or die; -* — ' Leave me or not, follow her needs must L O that her grace would my wished comforts give ! How rich in her, how happy should I live! All my desire, all my delight should be Her to enjoy, her to unite to me; Envy should cease, her would I love alone: Who loves by looks is seldom true to one. Could I enchant, and that it lawful were. Her would I charm softly that none should hear; But love enforced rarely yields firm content: So would I love that neither should repent. T. Campion ig8. The Love-Letter A RT thou god to shepherd turned, '^^" That a maiden's heart hath burned ? Why, thy godhead laid apart, Warr'st thou with a woman's heart .? 175 THE BOOK OF Whiles the eye of man did woo me, That could do no vengeance to me. If the scorn of your bright eyne Have power to raise such love in mine, Alack, in me what strange effect Would they work in mild aspect ? Whiles you chid me, I did love; How then might your prayers move ? He that brings this love to thee. Little knows this love in me: And by him seal up thy mind; Whether that thy youth and kind Will the faithful offer take Of me, and all that I can make; Or else by him my love deny. And then I'll study how to die. W. Shakespeare igg. The Silent Lover )ASSIONS are liken'd best to floods and streams : The shallow murmur, but the deep are dumb; So, when aflPection yields discourse, it seems The bottom is but shallow whence they come: They that are rich in words, in words discover That they are poor in that which makes a lover. Sir W. Raletgh 200. Silence in Love "VX 7"RONG not, sweet empress of my heart, * ^ The merit of true passion. With thinking that he feels no smart. That sues for no compassion. 176 p. ELIZABETHAN VERSE Silence in love bewrays more woe Than words, though ne'er so witty; A beggar that is dumb, you know, May challenge double pity. Then wrong not, dearest to my heart. My true, though secret passion : He smarteth most that hides his smart, And sues for no compassion. Sir W. Raleigh 201. A Devout Lover T HAVE a mistress, for perfections rare In every eye, but in my thoughts most fair. Like tapers on the altar shine her eyes; Her breath is the perfume of sacrifice; And wheresoe'er my fancy would begin. Still her perfection lets religion in. We sit and talk, and kiss away the hours As chastely as the morning dews kiss flowers: I touch her, like my beads, with devout care, And come unto my courtship as my prayer. r. Randolph 202. Devotion T^AIN would I change that note -'- To which fond Love hath charm'd me Long long ago to sing by rote, Fancying that that harm'd me: 177 THE BOOK OF Yet when this thought doth come, * Love is the perfect sum Of all delight/ I have no other choice Either for pen or voice To sing or write. Love ! they wrong thee much That say thy sweet is bitter, When thy rich fruit is such As nothing can be sweeter. Fair house of joy and bliss. Where truest pleasure is, I do adore thee: 1 know thee what thou art, I serve thee with my heart. And fall before thee. Anon. 20 J. Being Your Slave "DEING your slave, what should I do but tend -'-^ Upon the hours and times of your desire ? I have no precious time at all to spend. Nor services to do, till you require. Nor dare I chide the world-without-end hour Whilst I, my sovereign, watch the clock for yoUp Nor think the bitterness of absence sour When you have bid your servant once adieu: Nor dare I question with my jealous thought Where you may be, or your affairs suppose, 178 \ ELIZABETHAN VERSE But, like a sad slave, stay and think of nought Save, where you are how happy you make those! So true a fool is love, that in your Will Though you do anything, he thinks no ill. W. Shakespeare 204. Were My Heart As Some Men's A re ^^TERE my heart as some men's are, thy errors would ^ ^ not move me. But thy faults I curious find, and speak because I love thee : Patience is a thing divine, and far, I grant, above me. Foes sometimes befriend us more, our blacker deeds ob- jecting. Than th' obsequious bosom-guest with false respect affect- ing: Friendship is the Glass of Truth, our hidden stains detect- ing. While I use of eyes enjoy, and inward light of reason, Thy observer will I be and censor, but in season : Hidden mischief to conceal in State and Love is treason. T. Campion 20^. Love's Casuistry TF love make me forsworn, how shall I swear to love ? Ah, never faith could hold, if not to beauty vow'd ! Though to myself forsworn, to thee I'll faithful prove; Those thoughts to me were oaks, to thee like osiers bow'd. 179 THE BOOK OF Study his bias leaves and makes his book thine eyes, Where all those pleasures live that art would comprehend; If knowledge be the mark, to know thee shall suffice; Well learned is that tongue that well can thee commend; All ignorant that soul that sees thee without wonder; Which is to me some praise that I thy parts admire. Thy eye Jove's lightning bears, thy voice his dreadful thunder. Which, not to anger bent, is music and sweet fire. Celestial as thou art, O pardon love this wrong That sings heaven's praise with such an earthly tongue. W. Shakespeare 206. A Lovefs Lullaby OING lullaby, as women do, *^ Wherewith they bring their babes to rest; And lullaby can I sing too. As womanly as can the best. With lullaby they still the child; And if I be not much beguiled. Full many a wanton babe have I, Which must be still'd with lullaby. First lullaby my youthful years, It is now time to go to bed : For crooked age and hoary hairs Have won the haven within my head. With lullaby, then, youth be still; With lullaby content thy will; 180 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Since courage quails and comes behind, Go sleep, and so beguile thy mind ! Next lullaby my gazing eyes, Which wonted were to glance apace; For every glass may now suffice To show the furrows in thy face. With lullaby then wink awhile; With lullaby your looks beguile; Let no fair face, nor beauty bright. Entice you eft with vain delight. And lullaby my wanton will; Let reason's rule now reign thy thought; Since all too late I find by skill How dear I have thy fancies bought; With lullaby now take thine ease. With lullaby thy doubts appease; For trust to this, if thou be still, My body shall obey thy will. Thus lullaby my youth, mine eyes, My will, my ware, and all that was: I can no more delays devise ; But welcome pain, let pleasure pass. With lullaby now take your leave; With lullaby your dreams deceive; And when you rise with waking eye. Remember then this lullaby. G. Gascoigne i8i THE BOOK OF 207. The Great Adventure A S careful merchants do expecting stand, ^ ^ After long time and merry gales of wind, Upon the place where their brave ship must land : So wait I for the vessel of my mind. Upon a great adventure it is bound. Whose safe return will valued be at more Than all the wealthy prizes which have crown'd The golden wishes of an age before. Out of the East jewels of worth she brings; Th' unvalued diamond of her sparkling eye Wants in the treasures of all Europe's kings; And were it mine, they, nor their crowns should buy. The sapphires ringed on her panting breast Run as rich veins of ore about the mould, And are in sickness with a pale possess'd. So true, for them I should disvalue gold. The melting rubies on her cherry lip Are of such power to hold, that as one day Cupid flew thirsty by, he stoop'd to sip. And fasten'd there could never get away. The sweets of Candy are no sweets to me When hers I taste; nor the perfumes of price, Robb'd from the happy shrubs of Arabye, As her sweet breath so powerful to entice. 182 ELIZABETHAN VERSE O hasten then ! and if thou be not gone Unto that wished traffic through the main, My powerful sighs shall quickly drive thee on, And then begin to draw thee back again. If in the mean rude waves have it oppress'd It shall suffice I ventured at the best. W. Browne 208. Silvia A ITHO is Silvia ? What is she , * * That all our swains commend her .? Holy, fair, and wise is she; The heaven such grace did lend her That she might admired be. Is she kind as she is fair ? For beauty lives with kindness: . Love doth to her eyes repair, To help him of his blindness; And, being help'd, inhabits there. Then to Silvia let us sing. That Silvia is excelling; She excels each mortal thing Upon the dull earth dwelling: To her let us garlands bring. W. Shakespeare THE BOOK OF 20 g. To Chloe Who for his sake wished herself -younger nPHERE are two births; the one when Hght ^ First strikes the new awaken'd sense; The other when two souls unite, And we must count our life from thence: When you loved me and I loved you Then both of us were born anew. Love then to us new souls did give And in those souls did plant new powers; Since when another life we live, The breath we breathe is his, not ours: Love makes those young whom age doth chill, And whom he finds young keeps young still. W. Cartwright 210. To Roses in the Bosom of Castara "\7E blushing virgins happy are -■- In the chaste nunnery of her breasts — For he'd profane so chaste a fair, Whoe'er should call them Cupid's nests. Transplanted thus how bright ye grow! How rich a perfume do ye yield ! In some close garden cowslips so Are sweeter than i' th' open field. ELIZABETHAN VERSE In those white cloisters Hve secure From the rude blasts of wanton breath ! — Each hour more innocent and pure, Till you shall wither into death. Then that which living gave you room, Your glorious sepulchre shall be. There wants no marble for a tomb Whose breast hath marble been to me. W. Hahington 211. To Anthea, Who May Command Him Anything T)ID me to live, and I will live ^-^ Thy Protestant to be; Or bid me love, and I will give A loving heart to thee. A heart as soft, a heart as kind, A heart as sound and free As in the whole world thou canst find, That heart I'll give to thee. Bid that heart stay, and it will stay To honour thy decree: Or bid it languish quite away, And 't shall do so for thee. i8s THE BOOK OF Bid me to weep, and I will weep While I have eyes to see: And, having none, yet will I keep A heart to weep for thee. Bid me despair, and I'll despair Under that cypress-tree : Or bid me die, and I will dare E'en death to die for thee. Thou art my life, my love, my heart, The very eyes of me: ' And hast command of every part To live and die for thee. R. Herrick 212. ■ To Althea, from Prison "X yl THEN Love with unconfined wings * * Hovers within my gates. And my divine Althea brings To whisper at the grates; When I lie tangled in her hair And fetter'd to her eye. The birds that wanton in the air Know no such liberty. When flowing cups run swiftly round With no allaying Thames, Our careless heads with roses bound, Our hearts with loyal flames; 186 ELIZABETHAN VERSE When thirsty grief in wine we steep, When healths and draughts go free^ Fishes that tipple in the deep Know no such Hberty. When, hke committed hnnets, I With shriller throat shall sing The sweetness, mercy, majesty. And glories of my King; When I shall voice aloud how good He is, how great should be. Enlarged winds, that curl the flood. Know no such liberty. Stone walls do not a prison make. Nor iron bars a cage; Minds innocent and quiet take That for an hermitage; If I have freedom in my love And in my soul am free. Angels alone, that soar above, Enjoy such liberty. R, Lovelace j». Cupid's Hiding-Place OWEET nymphs, if, as ye stray, ^^ Ye find the froth-born goddess of the sea All blubber'd, pale, undone. Who seeks her giddy son. That little god of love, 187 THE BOOK OF Whose golden shafts your chastest bosoms prove. Who, leaving all the heavens, hath run away; If ought to him that finds him she'll impart, Tell her he nightly lodgeth in my heart. W. Drummond 21^. Fancy and Desire f~^OyiE hither, shepherd's swain! ^^ ' Sir, what do you require .? ' I pray thee, shew to me, thy name! ' My name is Fond Desire.' When wert thou born. Desire ? ' In pomp and prime of May.' By whom, sweet boy, wert thou begot .? ' By fond Conceit, men say.' Tell me who was thy nurse ? * Fresh Youth, in sugared joy.' What was thy meat and -daily food ? ' Sad sighs, with great annoy.' What hadst thou then to drink .? ' Unfeigned lovers' tears.' What cradle wert thou rocked in ^ ' In hope devoid of fears.' What luU'd thee then asleep ? ' Sweet speech, which likes me best.' Tell me where is thy dwelling-place ? ' In gentle hearts I rest.' ELIZABETHAN VERSE What thing doth please thee most ? ' To gaze on beauty still.' Whom dost thou think to be thy foe ? * Disdain of my good-will.' Doth company displease ? * Yes, surely, many one.' Where doth Desire delight to live .? ' He loves to live alone.' Doth either time or age Bring him into decay ? * No, no ! Desire both lives and dies A thousand times a day.' Then, Fond Desire, farewell ! Thou art no mate for me; I should be loth, methinks, to dwell With such a one as thee. E. Veriy Earl of Oxford Corydon's Supplication OWEET Phyllis, if a silly swain ^^ May sue to thee for grace. See not thy loving shepherd slain With looking on thy face; But think what power thou hast got Upon my flock and me, 189 THE BOOK OF Thou seest they now regard me not, But all do follow thee. And if I have so far presumed With prying in thine eyes, Yet let not comfort be consumed That in thy pity lies; But as thou art that Phyllis fair, That fortune favour gives. So let not love die in despair That in thy favour lives. The deer do browse upon the briar. The birds do pick the cherries; And will not Beauty grant Desire One handful of her berries ? If it be so that thou hast sworn That none shall look on thee. Yet let me know thou dost not scorn To cast a look on me. But if thy beauty make thee proud, Think then what is ordained; The heavens have never yet allowed That love should be disdained. Then lest the Fates that favour love Should curse thee for unkind. Let me report for thy behoove The honour of thy mind; Let Corydon with full consent Set down what he hath seen. That Phyllida with Love's content Is sworn the shepherds' queen N. Breton 190 ^Hi; ELIZABETHAN VERSE My Lady Greensleeves A LAS ! my love, you do me wrong -^^- To cast me off discourteously; And I have loved you so long, Delighting in your company. For oh, Greensleeves was all my joy! And oh, Greensleeves was my delight! And oh, Greensleeves was my heart of gold ! And who but my Lady Greensleeves ! I bought thee petticoats of the best. The cloth as fine as might be; I gave thee jewels for thy chest. And all this cost I spent on thee. For oh, Greensleeves. . . . Thy smock of silk, both fair and white. With gold embroidered gorgeously: Thy petticoat of sendal right: And these I bought thee gladly. For oh, Greensleeves . . . Greensleeves now farewell ! adieu ! God I pray to prosper thee ! For I am still thy lover true: Come once again and love me! For oh, Greensleeves . . . Anon. 191 THE BOOK OF 21^. Ulysses and the Siren Siren. /^~^OME, worthy Greek ! Ulysses, comCj ^^ Possess these shores with me: The winds and seas are troublesome, And here we may be free. Here may we sit and view their toil That travail in the deep. And joy the day in mirth the while, And spend the night in sleep. Ulysses. Fair Nymph, if fame or honour were To be attain'd with ease, Then would I come and rest with thee. And leave such toils as these. But here it dwells, and here must I With danger seek it forth: To spend the time luxuriously Becomes not men of worth. Siren. Ulysses, O be not deceived With that unreal name; This honour is a thing conceived, And rests on others' fame: Begotten only to molest Our peace, and to beguile The best thing of our life — our rest. And give us up to toil. 192 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Ulysses. Delicious Nymph, suppose there were No honour nor report, Yet manliness would scorn to wear The time in idle sport: For toil doth give a better touch To make us feel our joy. And ease finds tediousness as much As labour yields annoy. Siren. Then pleasure likewise seems the shore Whereto tends all your toil, Which you forego to make it more, And perish oft the while. Who may disport them diversely Find never tedious day, And ease may have variety As well as action may. Ulysses. But natures of the noblest frame These toils and dangers please; And they take comfort in the same As much as you in ease; And with the thought of actions past Are recreated still: When Pleasure leaves a touch at last To show that it was ill. Siren. That doth Opinion only cause That's out of Custom bred. Which makes us many other laws Than ever Nature did. 193 THE BOOK OF No widows wail for our delights, Our sports are without blood; The world we see by warlike wights Receives more hurt than good. Ulysses. But yet the state of things require These motions of unrest; And these great Spirits of high desire Seem born to turn them best: To purge the mischiefs that increase And all good order mar: For oft we see a wicked peace To be well changed for war. Siren. Well, well, Ulysses, then I see I shall not have thee here: And therefore I will come to thee, And take my fortune there. I must be won, that cannot win, Yet lost were I not won; For beauty hath created been T' undo, or be undone. 5. Daniel 2i8.. On the Queen's Return from the Low Countries TT ALLOW the threshold, crown the posts anew! ^ ^ The day shall have its due. 'Twist all our victories into one bright wreath, On which let honour breathe; 194 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Then throw It round the temples of our Queen ! Tis she that must preserve those glories green. When greater tempests than on sea before Received her on the shore; When she was shot at * for the King's own good ' By legions hired to blood; How bravely did she do, how bravely bear ? And show'd, though they durst rage, she durst not fear. Courage was cast about her like a dress Of solemn comeliness; A gather'd mind and an untroubled face Did give her dangers grace; Thus, arm'd with innocence, secure they move Whose highest 'treason' is but highest love. W. Cartwrtght 2ig. Madrigal A /TY love in her attire doth show her wit, ^^ ^ It doth so well become her: For every season she hath dressings fit, For winter, spring, and summer. No beauty she doth miss. When all her robes are on: But Beauty's self she is, When all her robes are gone. Anon. 195 THE BOOK OF 220. Art Above Nature: To Julia ■\1 7'HEN I behold a forest spread ^ ^ With silken trees upon thy head. And when I see that other dress Of flowers set in comeliness; When I behold another grace In the ascent of curious lace, Which like a pinnacle doth shew The top, and the top-gallant too; Then, when I see thy tresses bound Into an oval, square, or round, And knit in knots far more than I Can tell by tongue, or true-love tie; Next, when those lawny films I see Play with a wild civility. And all those airy silks to flow. Alluring me, and tempting so : •I must confess mine eye and heart Dotes less on Nature than on Art. R. Herrick 221. The Stately Dames of Rome Their Pearls Did Wear T^HE stately dames of Rome their pearls did wear ^ About their necks to beautify their name : But she whom I do serve, her pearls doth bear Close in her mouth, and, smiling, shew the same. No wonder, then, though every word she speaks A jewel seem in judgment of the wise, Since that her sugared tongue the passage breaks 196 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Between two rocks, bedecked with pearls of price. Her hair of gold, her front of ivory — A bloody heart within so white a breast — Her teeth of pearl, lips ruby, crystal eye, Needs must I honour her above the rest. Since she is formed of none other mould But ruby, crystal, ivory, pearl and gold. G. Gascoigne 222, The Bracelet: To Julia 11 THY I tie about thy wrist, ^ * Julia, this my silken twist; For what other reason is't But to show thee how, in part, Thou my pretty captive art ? But thy bond-slave is my heart: Tis but silk that bindeth thee. Knap the thread and thou art free; But 'tis otherwise with me : — I am bound and fast bound, so That from thee I cannot go; If I could I would not so. R. Herrick 22 J. Upon Julians Recovery "PNROOP, droop, no more, or hang the head, ^^ Ye roses almost withered; Now strength and newer purple get, Each here declining violet; 197 THE BOOK OF O primroses ! let this day be A resurrection unto ye, And to all flowers allied in blood, Or sworn to that sweet sisterhood : For health on Julia's cheek hath shed Claret and cream commingled; And those her lips do now appear As beams of coral, but more clear. R. Herrick 224. Upon Combing Her Hair 13 REAKING from under that thy cloudy veil, .Open and shine yet more, shine out more clear, Thou glorious, golden-beam-darting hair, Even till my wonder-stricken senses fail. Shoot out in light, and shine those rays on far. Thou much more fair than is the Queen of Love When she doth comb her in her sphere above, And from a planet turns a blazing star. Nay, thou art greater too! More destiny Depends on thee, than on her influence; No hair thy fatal hand doth now dispence But to some one a thread of life must be. While gracious unto me, thou both dost sunder Those glories which, if they united were. Might have amazed sense, and shew'st each hair Which, if alone, had been too great a wonder. 198 ELIZABETHAN VERSE But stay ! methinks new beauties do arise While she withdraws these glories which were spread Wonder of beauties ! set thy radiant head, And strike out day from thy yet fairer eyes. Edward, Lord Herberty of Cherhury 22^, So Ojt As I Her Beauty Do Behold 00 oft as I her beauty do behold, ^^ And therewith do her cruelty compare, 1 marvel of what substance was the mould. The which her made at once so cruel fair, Not earth, for her high thoughts more heavenly are; Not water, for her love doth burn like fire; '• Not air, for she is not so light or rare; Not fire, for she doth freeze with faint desire. Then needs another element inquire Whereof she mote be made — that is, the sky; For to the heaven her haughty looks aspire. And eke her mind is pure immortal high. Then, sith to heaven ye likened are the best. Be like in mercy as in all the rest. E. Spenser 226. Hey Nonny No! T TEY nonny no! -*- -*- Men are fools that wish to die ! Is 't not fine to dance and sing When the bells of death do ring ? Is 't not fine to swim in wine, 199 THE BOOK OF And turn upon the toe, And sing hey nonny no ! When the winds blow and the seas flow ? Hey nonny no! Anon. 22y. Passions TF Jove himself be subject unto Love -*- And range the woods to find a mortal prey; If Neptune from the seas himself remove, And seek on sands with earthly wights to play: Then may I love my peerless choice by right, Who far excels each other mortal wight. If Pluto could by love be drawn from hell. To yield himself a silly virgin's thrall; If Phoebus could vouchsafe on earth to dwell. To win a rustic maid unto his call: Then how much more should I adore the sight Of her, in whom the heavens themselves delight ? If country Pan might follow nymphs in chase. And yet through love remain devoid of blame; If Satyrs were excused for seeking grace To joy the fruits of any mortal dame : Then, why should I once doubt to love her still On whom ne Gods nor men can gaze their fill ? T. Watson ELIZABETHAN VERSE 228. A Praise of His Love /^"^IVE place, ye lovers, here before ^^ That spent your boasts and brags in vain ; My lady's beauty passeth more The best of yours, I dare well sayen, Than doth the sun the candle light Or brightest day the darkest night. And thereto hath a troth as just As had Penelope the fair; For what she saith, ye may it trust, As it by writing sealed were: And virtues hath she many moe Than I with pen have skill to show. I could rehearse, if that I would. The whole effect of Nature's plaint. When she had lost the perfect mould. The like to whom she could not paint. With wringing hands, how she did cry, And what she said, I know it, I. I know she swore with raging mind, Her kingdom only set apart. There was no loss by law of kind That could have gone so near her heart, And this was chiefly all her pain; * She could not make the like again.' 201 THE BOOK OF Sith Nature thus gave her the praise, To be the chiefest work she wrought; In faith, methink ! some better ways On your behalf might well be sought. Than to compare, as ye have done, To match the candle with the sun. Earl of Surrey 22g. Song A SK me no more where Jove bestows, -^^ When June is past, the fading rose; For in your beauty's orient deep These flowers, as in their causes, sleep. Ask me no more whither do stray The golden atoms of the day; For in pure love heaven did prepare Those powders to enrich your hair. Ask me no more whither doth haste The nightingale when May is past; For in your sweet dividing throat She winters and keeps warm her note. Ask me no more where those stars light That downwards fall in dead of night; For in your eyes they sit, and there Fixed become as in their sphere. 202 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Ask me no more if east or west The Phoenix builds her spicy nest; For unto you at last she flies, And in your fragrant bosom dies. Go J Lovely Rose T. Careiv /~^0, lovely Rose — ^— ' Tell her that wastes her time and me, That now she knows, When I resemble her to thee, How sweet and fair she seems to be. Tell her that's young. And shuns to have her graces spied, That hadst thou sprung In deserts where no men abide, Thou must have uncommended died. Small is the worth Of beauty from the light retired: Bid her come forth, Suffer herself to be desired, And not blush so to be admired. Then die — that she The common fate of all things rare May read in thee; How small a part of time they share That are so wondrous sweet and fair! E. Waller 203 THE BOOK OF 231. My Ladys Presence Makes the Roses Red IV /TY Lady's presence makes the Roses red, ^^ ^ Because to see her hps they blush for shame. The Lily's leaves, for envy, pale became^ For her white hands in them this envy bred. The Marigold the leaves abroad doth spread. Because the sun's and her power is the same. The Violet of purple colour came, , Dyed in the blood she made my heart to shed. In brief all flowers from her their virtue take; From her sweet breath, their sweet smells do proceed; The living heat which her eyebeams doth make Warmeth the ground, and quickeneth the seed. The rain, wherewith she watereth the flowers. Falls from mine eyes, which she dissolves in showers. H. Constable 2J2. On Quicks edge, Wrought with Lovely Eglantine /^~\N quicksedge, wrought with lovely eglantine, ^-^ My Laura laid her handkercher to dry; Which had before snow-white ywashed been. But, after, when she called to memory. That long 'twould be before, and very late. Ere sun could do, as would her glist'ring eyes: She cast from them such sparkling glances straight. And with such force, in such a strangy guise, 204 ELIZABETHAN VERSE As suddenly, and in one selfsame time, She dried her cloth: but burnt this heart of mine! R. Tofte 2JJ. My Spotless Love Hovers with Purest Wings IV /FY spotless love hovers with purest wings, -'■'-'- About the temple of the proudest frame, Where blaze those lights, fairest of earthly things, Which clear our clouded world with brightest flame. My ambitious thoughts, confined in her face, AflFect no honour but what she can give; My hopes do rest in limits of her grace; I weigh no comfort unless she relieve. For she, that can my heart imparadise. Holds in her fairest hand what dearest is; My Fortune's wheel's the circle of her eyes. Whose rolling grace deign once a turn of bliss. All my life's sweet consists in her alone; So much I love the most Unloving one. S. Daniel 2J4. Fairest, When by the Rules of Palmistry "rj'AIREST, when by the rules of palmistry • You took my hand to try if you could guess By lines therein, if any wight there be Ordained to make me know some happiness; 205 THE BOOK OF I wished that those characters could explain, Whom I will never wrong with hope to win; Or that by them a copy might be ta'en, By you alone what thoughts I have within. But since the hand of Nature did not set — As providently loth to have it known — The means to find that hidden alphabet, Mine eyes shall be th' interpreters alone; By them conceive my thoughts, and tell me, fair, If now you see her, that doth love me there ? W. Browne ^35' Speak, Thou Fairest Fair in^EAREST, do not you delay me, *-^ Since, thou knowest, I must be gone; Wind and tide, 'tis thought, doth stay me. But 'tis wind that must be blown From that breath, whose native smell Indian odours far excel. Oh, then speak, thou fairest fair! Kill not him that vows to serve thee; But perfume this neighbouring air. Else dull silence, sure, will sterve me: Tis a word that's quickly spoken, Which being restrained, a heart is broken. J. Fletcher 206 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Restore Thy Tresses "D ESTORE thy tresses to the golden ore, ^^ Yield Cytherea's son those arcs of love, Bequeath the heavens the stars that I adore, And to the orient do thy pearls remove, Yield thy hands' pride unto the ivory white. To Arabian odours give thy breathing sweet, Restore thy blush unto Aurora bright. To Thetis give the honour of thy feet; Let Venus have thy graces her resigned. And thy sweet voice give back unto the spheres; But yet restore thy fierce and cruel mind To Hyrcan tigers and to ruthless bears; Yield to the marble thy hard heart again: So shalt thou cease to plague, and I to pain. S. Daniel 23"/. Do Me Right and Do Me Reason TDEAUTY, alas! where wast thou born, ■*-^ Thus to hold thyself in scorn ? Whenas Beauty kissed to woo thee, Thou by Beauty dost undo me: Heigh-ho! despise me not. I and thou in sooth are one, Fairer thou, I fairer none: Wanton thou, and wilt thou, wanton. Yield a cruel heart to plant on ? 207 THE BOOK OF Do me right, and do me reason; Cruelty is cursed treason : Heigh-ho ! I love, heigh-ho ! I love, Heigh-ho ! and yet he eyes me not. T. Lodge 2j8. Love Winged My Hopes T OVE wing'd my Hopes and taught me how to fly -^— ' Far from base earth, but not to mount too high : For true pleasure Lives in measure, Which if men forsake. Blinded they into folly run and grief for pleasure take. But my vain Hopes, proud of their new-taught flight, Enamour'd sought to woo the sun's fair light. Whose rich brightness Moved their lightness To aspire so high That, all scorch'd and consumed with fire, now drowned in woe they lie. And none but Love their woful hap did rue, For Love did know that their desires were true; Though Fate frowned, And now drowned They in sorrow dwell. It was the purest light of heaven for whose fair love they fell. Anon. 208 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 2sg. The Mad Maid's Song /^OOD- MORROW to the day so fair, ^-^ Good-morrow, sir, to you; Good-morrow to mine own torn hair Bedabbled with the dew. Good-morrow to this primrose too, Good-morrow to each maid That will with flowers the tomb bestrew Wherein my love is laid. Ah ! woe is me, woe, woe is me, Alack and well-a-day ! For pity, sir, find out that bee Which bore my love away. I'll seek him in your bonnet brave, I'll seek him in your eyes; Nay, now I think they've made his grave r th' bed of strawberries. I'll seek him there; I know ere this The cold, cold earth doth shake him, But I will go or send a kiss By you, sir, to awake him. Pray hurt him not; though he be dead. He knows well who do love him, And who with green turfs rear his head, And who do rudely move him. 209 THE BOOK OF He's soft and tender (pray take heed); With bands of cowsHps bind him, And bring him home; but 'tis decreed That I shall never find him. R. Herrick 240, Toss Not My Soul, O Love npOSS not my soul, O Love, 'twixt hope and fear ! -*- Show me some ground where I may firmly stand. Or surely fall! I care not which appear. So one will close me in a certain band. When once of ill the uttermost is known. The strength of sorrow quite is overthrown. Take me, Assurance, to thy blissful hold ! Or thou Despair, unto thy darkest cell ! Each hath full rest: the one, in joys enroU'd; Th' other, in that he fears no more, is well. When once the uttermost of ill is known, The strength of sorrow quite is overthrown. Anon. 241. I] the Quick Spirits in Your Eye TF the quick spirits in your eye Now languish and anon must die; If every sweet and every grace Must fly from that forsaken face; Then, Celia, let us reap our joys Ere Time such goodly fruit destroys. ELIZABETHAN VERSE Or if that golden fleece must grow For ever free from aged snow; If those bright suns must know no shade, Nor your fresh beauties ever fade; Then fear not, Celia, to bestow What, still being gathered, still must grow. Thus either Time his sickle brings In vain, or else in vain his wings. T. Carew 242. To the Blest Evanthe T ET those complain that feel Love's cruelty, -*— ' And in sad legends write their woes; With roses gently 'has corrected me. My war is without rage or blows: My mistress' eyes shine fair on my desires, And hope springs up inflamed with her new fires. No more an exile will I dwell. With folded arms, and sighs all day. Reckoning the torments of my hell. And flinging my sweet joys away: I am called home again to quiet peace; My mistress smiles, and all my sorrows cease. Yet, what is living in her eye, Or being bless'd with her sweet tongue, If these no other joys imply ? A golden gyve, a pleasing wrong: 211 THE BOOK OF To be your "own but one poor month, I'd give My youth, my fortune, and then leave to Hve. J. Fletcher 2^j. Brunei and Phyllis TF waker care, — if sudden pale colour, — ^ If many sighs with little speech too plain, — Now joy, now woe, if they my cheer distain, — For hope of small, if much to fear therefore, — To haste or slack my pace to less or more, — Be sign of love, then do I love again. If thou ask whom, — sure, since I did refrain Brunet, that set my wealth in such a roar, The unfeigned cheer of Phyllis hath the place That Brunet had; — she hath, and ever shall. She from myself now hath me in her grace; She hath in hand my wit, my will, and all. My heart alone well worthy she doth stay, Without whose help scant do I live a day. Sir r. Wyat 244. The Invitation T IVE with me still, and all the measures -' — ' Played to by spheres I'll teach thee; Let's but thus dally, all the pleasures The moon beholds, her man shall reach thee. ELIZABETHAN VERSE Dwell in mine arms, aloft we'll hover, And see fields of armies fighting: Oh, part not from me! I'll discover There all the books of fancy's writing. Be but my darling, age to free thee From her curse, shall fall a-dying; Call me thy empress. Time to see thee Shall forget his art of flying. r. Dekker 24^. Piping Peace \/OU virgins that did late despair -■- To keep your wealth from cruel men, Tie up in silk your careless hair: Soft peace is come again. Now lovers' eyes may gently shoot A flame that will not kill; The drum was angry, but the lute Shall whisper what you will. Sing lo, lo ! for his sake That hath restored your drooping heads; With choice of sweetest flowers make A garden where he treads; Whilst we whole groves of laurel bring, A petty triumph for his brow. Who is the Master of our spring And all the bloom we owe. J. Shirley 213 THE BOOK OF 246. The Solitary Shepherd'' s Song /^ SHADY vales, O fair enriched meads, ^-^ O sacred woods, sweet fields, and rising mountains ; O painted flowers, green herbs, where Flora treads. Refreshed by wanton winds and wat'ry fountains. O all you winged choristers of wood That perched aloft, your former pains report. And straight again recount with pleasant mood Your pleasant joys in sweet and seemly sort. O all you creatures, whosoever thrive On mother earth, in seas, by air, or fire. More blest are you than I here under sun: Love dies in me, whenas he doth revive In you; I perish under beauty's ire. Where after storms, winds, frosts, your life is won. T. Lodge 24y. How Can the Heart Forget Her} A T her fair hands how have I grace entreated -^^^ With prayers oft repeated ! Yet still my love is thwarted : Heart, let her go, for she'll not be converted — Say, shall she go ? O no, no, no, no, no ! She is most fair, though she be marble-hearted. How often have my sighs declared my anguish. Wherein I daily languish ! Yet still she doth procure it : Heart, let her go, for I can not endure it — 214 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Say, shall she go ? O no, no, no, no, no ! She gave the wound, and she alone must cure it. But shall I still a true affection owe her, Which prayers, sighs, tears do show her. And shall she still disdain me ? Heart, let her go, if they no grace can gain me - Say, shall she go ? O no, no, no, no, no ! She made me hers, and hers she will retain me. But if the love that hath and still doth burn me No love at length return me. Out of my thoughts I'll set her: Heart, let her go, O heart I pray thee, let her! Say, shall she go ? O no, no, no, no, no ! Fix'd in the heart, how can the heart forget her. F. Davison 24.8. Chloris in the Snow T SAW fair Chloris walk alone, -*■ When feather'd rain came softly down. As Jove descending from his Tower To court her in a silver shower: The wanton snow flew to her breast. Like pretty birds into their nest, 215 THE BOOK OF But, overcome with whiteness there, For grief it thaw'd into a tear: Thence falHng on her garment's hem, To deck her, froze into a gem. Anon. 2^p. Camella /"^AMELLA fair tripped o'er the plain, ^-^ I followed quickly after; Have overtaken her I would fain. And kissed her when I caught her. But hope being passed her to obtain, * Camella ! ' loud I call : She answered me with great disdain, * I will not kiss at all.' 2^0. What Delight Can They Enjoy \\7Y{AT delight can they enjoy ^ ^ Whose hearts are not their own, But are gone abroad astray And to others' bosoms flown ? Silly comforts, silly joy, Which fall and rise as others move Who seldom use to turn our way ! And therefore Chloris will not love. For well I see How false men be, And let them pine that lovers prove. J. Daniel 216 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Boron's Jig 'T^HROUGH the shrubs as I can crack -*- For my lambs, little ones, *Mongst many pretty ones, — Nymphs I mean, whose hair was black As the crow: Like the snow Her face and browes shined I ween ! — I saw a little one, A bonny pretty one, As bright, buxom, and as sheen As was she On her knee That lulled the god, whose arrow warms Such merry little ones, Such fair-faced pretty ones As dally in love's chiefest harms: Such was mine, • Whose grey eyne Made me love. I gan to woo This sweet little one. This bonny pretty one. I wooed hard a day or two. Till she bade * Be not sad. Woo no more, I am thine own, Thy dearest little one. Thy truest pretty one.' 217 THE BOOK OF Thus was faith and firm love shown. As behoves Shepherds' loves. R. Greene 2^2, When, Dearest, I But Think of Thee "IT THEN, dearest, I but think of thee, ^ * Methinks all things that lovely be Are present and my soul delighted : For beauties that from worth arise Are like the grace of deities. Still present with us, tho' unsighted. Thus while I sit and sigh the day With all his borrowed lights away. Till night's black wings do overtake me, Thinking on thee, thy beauties then. As sudden lights do sleepy men, So they by their bright rays awake me. Thus absence dies, and dying proves No absence can subsist with loves • That do partake of fair perfection: 6ince in the darkest night they may By love's quick motion find a way To see each other by reflection. The waving sea can with each flood Bathe sorne high promont that hath stood 218 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Far from the main up in the river: O think not then but love can do As much ! for that's an ocean too, Which flows not every day, but ever! Str J. Suckling 2^ J. Beauty Bathing T)EAUTY sat bathing by a spring, ^ Where fairest shades did hide her; The winds blew calm, the birds did sing, The cool streams ran beside her. My wanton thoughts enticed mine eye To see what was forbidden : But better memory said Fie; So vain desire was chidden — Hey nonny nonny O! Hey nonny nonny ! Into a slumber then I fell, And fond imagination Seemed to see, but could not tell, Her feature or her fashion : But ev'n as babes in dreams do smile, And sometimes fall a-weeping, So I awaked as wise that while As when I feel a-sleeping. J. Munday 219 THE BOOK OF 254' Song Tj^OLLOW a shadow, it still flies you, -*- Seem to fly it, it will pursue; So court a mistress, she denies you, Let her alone, she will court you. Say, are not women truly then Styled but the shadows of us men ? At morn and even, shades are longest; At noon, they are short or none; So men at weakest, they are strongest. But grant us perfect, they're not known. Say, are not women truly then Styled but the shadows of us men ? B. Jonson 255. The Shepherd's Sun TIJ^AIR Nymphs! sit ye here by me -'- On this flow'ry green; While we, this merry day, do see Some things but seldom seen. Shepherds all ! now come, sit around On yond chequered plain; While, from the woods, we hear resound Some comfort for Love's pain. Every bird sits on his bough As brag as he that is the best; Then, sweet Love ! reveal how Our minds may be at rest ! 220 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Echo thus replied to me, * Sit under yonder beechen-tree; And there, Love shall shew thee, How all may be redrest ; Hark! Hark! Hark, the Nightingale! In her mourning lay, She tells her story's woeful tale. To warn ye, if she may, * Fair maids ! take ye heed of Love, It is a per'lous thing ! As Philomel herself did prove, Abused by a King. If Kings play false, believe no men That make a seemly outward show, But, caught once, beware then; For then begins your woe ! They will look babies in your eyes, And speak so fair as fair may be; But trust them in no wise ! Example take by me 1' *Fie! Fie!' said the Threstlecock, *You are much to blame. For one man's fault, all men to blot. Impairing their good name. Admit you were used amiss, By that ungentle King; It follows not, that you, for this. Should all men's honours wring; THE BOOK OF There be good ; and there be bad ! And some are false; and some are true! As good choice is still had Amongst us men, as you! Women have faults as well as we; Some say, for our one, they have three ! Then smite not; nor bite not; When you as faulty be.' * Peace ! peace ! ' quoth Madge Howlet then, Sitting out of sight, ' For women are as good as men ; And both are good alike ! ' ' Not so ! ' said the little Wren, 'Difference there may be, The cock always commands the hen; Then men shall go for me?' Then Robin Redbreast, stepping in. Would needs take up this tedious strife; Protesting, 'True loving In either, lengthened life! If I love you, and you love me; Can there be better harmony ? Thus ending contending. Love must the umpire be ! ' Fair nymphs! Love must be your guide, Chaste, unspotted Love; To such as do your thralls betide, Resolved without remove. ELIZABETHAN VERSE Likewise, jolly Shepherd Swains, If you do respect The happy issue of your pains, True Love must you direct ! You hear the birds contend for love; The bubbling springs do sing sweet love; The mountains and fountains Do echo nought but love ! Take hands, then. Nymphs and Shepherds all! And to this river's music's fall. Sing, 'True Love and Chaste Love Begins our Festival ! ' A. Munday. Against Them Who Lay Unchastity to the Sex of Women 'nr^HEY meet but with unwholesome springs, -*■ And summers which infectious are; They hear but when the mermaid sings. And only see the falling star. Who ever dare Affirm no woman chaste and fair. Go, cure your fevers; and you'll say The dog-days scorch not all the year: In copper mines no longer stay, But travel to the west, and there The right ones see. And grant all gold's not alchemy. 223 THE BOOK OF What madman, 'cause the glow-worm's flame Is cold, swears there's no warmth in fire ? 'Cause some make forfeit of their name, And slave themselves to man's desire, Shall the sex, free From guilt, damn'd to the bondage be ? Nor grieve, Castara, though 't were frail; Thy virtue then would brighter shine, When thy example should prevail, And every woman's faith be thine. And were there none, 'Tis majesty to rule alone. W. Habington 257. My Hope a Counsel A /TY hope a counsel with my heart ^^ ^ Hath long desired to be. And marvels much so dear a friend Is not retained by me. She doth condemn my haste In passing the estate Of my whole life into their hands, Who nought repays but hate: And not sufficed with this, she says, I did release the right Of my enjoyed liberties Unto your beauteous sight. Anon. 224 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 2^8. Faith Everlasting T~^EAR, if you change, I'll never choose again; ^^ Sweet, if you shrink, I'll never think of love; Fair, if you fail, I'll judge all beauty vain ; Wise, if too weak, more wits I'll never prove. Dear, sweet, fair, wise! change, shrink, nor be not weak; And, on my faith, my faith shall never break. Earth with her flowers shall sooner heaven adorn; Heaven her bright stars through earth's dim globe shall move; Fire heat shall lose, and frosts of flames be born; Air, made to shine, as black as hell shall prove: Earth, heaven, fire, air, the world transform'd shall view, Ere I prove false to faith or strange to you. Anon, 2jg, A Doubt of Martyrdom /^ FOR some honest lover's ghost, ^-^ Some kind unbodied post Sent from shades below ! I strangely long to know Whether the noble chaplets wear Those that their mistress' scorn did bear Or those that were used kindly. For whatsoe'er they tell us here To make those sufferings dear, 225 THE BOOK OF *Twill there, I fear, be found That to the being crown'd T' have loved alone v^ill not suffice, Unless we also have been wise And have our loves enjoy'd. What posture can we think him in That, here unloved, again Departs, and 's thither gone Where each sits by his own ? Or how can that Elysium be Where I my mistress still must see Circled in other's arms ? For there the judges all are just, And Sophonisba must Be his whom she held dear, Not his who loved her here. The sweet Philoclea, since she died, Lies by her Pirocles his side, Not by Amphialus. Some bays, perchance, or myrtle bough For difference crowns the brow Of those kind souls that were The noble martyrs here: And if that be the only odds (As who can tell ?), ye kinder gods, Give me the woman here ! Sir J. Suckling Z96 ELIZABETHAN VERSE The Crier /^OOD folk, for gold or hire, ^-^ But help me to a crier; For my poor heart is run astray After two eyes that passed this way. O yes, O yes, O yes, If there be any man In town or country can Bring me my heart again, I'll please him for his pain. And by these marks I will you show That only I this heart do owe: It is a wounded heart, Wherein yet sticks the dart; Every piece sore hurt throughout it; Faith and troth writ round about it. It was a tame heart and a dear, And never used to roam; But, having got this haunt, I fear 'Twill hardly stay at home. For God's sake, walking by the way. If you my heart do see. Either impound it for a stray, Or send it back to me. M. Drayton The Constant Lover /^UT upon it, I have loved ^-^ Three whole days together! And am like to love three more. If it prove fair weather. THE BOOK OF Time shall moult away his wings Ere he shall discover In the whole wide world again Such a constant lover. But the spite on 't is, no praise Is due at all to me: Love with me had made no stays, Had it any been but she. Had it any been but she, And that very face, There had been at least ere this A dozen dozen in her place. Sir J. Suckling 262. Sigh No More, Ladies OIGH no more, ladies, sigh no more; *^ Men were deceivers ever; One foot in sea, and one on shore, To one thing constant never. Then sigh not so. But let them go. And be you blithe and bonny, Converting all your sounds of woe Into Hey nonny, nonny. Sing no more ditties, sing no moe. Of dumps so dull and heavy; The fraud of men was ever so. Since summer first was leavy. 228 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Then sigh not so, But let them go, And be you bhthe and bonny. Converting all your sounds of woe Into Hey nonny, nonny. W. Shakespeare 263. Hymn to Venus /^, FAIR sweet goddess, Queen of loves, ^^ Soft and gentle as thy doves. Humble-eyed, and ever ruing Those poor hearts their loves pursuing! O, thou mother of delights, Crowner of all happy nights, Star of dear content and pleasure. Of mutual loves and endless treasure! Accept this sacrifice we bring. Thou continual youth and spring; Grant this lady her desires, And every hour we'll crown thy fires. J. Fletcher 26^. Time and Love "\ ^ 7"HEN I have seen by Time's fell hand defaced '' * The rich proud cost of outworn buried age; When sometime-lofty towers I see down-razed, And brass eternal slave to mortal rage; When I have seen the hungry ocean gain Advantage on the kingdom of the shore, And the firm soil win of the watery main, Increasing store with loss and loss with store; 229 THE BOOK OF When I have seen such interchange of state, Or state itself confounded to decay, — Ruin hath taught me thus to ruminate — That Time will come and take my Love away. This thought is as a death, which cannot choose But weep to have that which it fears to lose. W. Shakespeare 26^. Complaint of the A hsence of Her Lover Being Upon the Sea ^^\ HAPPY dames ! that may embrace ^-^ The fruit of your delight. Help to bewail the woful case And eke the heavy plight Of me, that wonted to rejoice The fortune of my pleasant choice: Good ladies, help to fill my mourning voice. In ship, freight with rememberance Of thoughts and pleasures past, He sails that hath in governance My life while it will last: With scalding sighs, for lack of gale. Furthering his hope, that is his sail. Toward me, the sweet port of his avail. Alas ! how oft in dreams I see Those eyes that were my food; Which sometime so delighted me, That yet they do me good: 230 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Wherewith I wake with his return Whose absent flame did make me burn: But when I find the lack, Lord ! how I mourn ! When other lovers in arms across Rejoice their chief delight, Drowned in tears, to mourn my loss I stand the bitter night In my window where I may see Before the winds how the clouds flee: Lo ! what a mariner love hath made me ! And in green waves when the salt flood Doth rise by rage of wind, A thousand fancies in that mood Assail my restless mind. Alas ! now drencheth my sweet foe, That with the spoil of my heart did go. And left me ; but alas ! why did he so ? And when the seas wax calm again To chase from me annoy, My doubtful hope doth cause me plain; So dread cuts off my joy. Thus is my wealth mingled with woe And of each thought a doubt doth grow; — Now he comes ! Will he come ? Alas ! no, no. Earl of Surrey 231 THE BOOK OF 266. To Lucasta, Going Beyond the Seas TF to be absent were to be ■^ Away from thee; Or that when I am gone You or I were alone; Then, my Lucasta, might I crave Pity from blustering wind or swallowing wave. But I'll not sigh one blast or gale To swell my sail, Or pay a tear to 'suage The foaming blue-god's rage; For whether he will let me pass Or no, I'm still as happy as I was. Though seas and land betwixt us both. Our faith and troth. Like separated souls, All time and space controls: Above the highest sphere we meet Unseen, unknown; and greet as Angels greet. So then we do anticipate Our after-fate, And are alive i' the skies, If thus our lips and eyes Can speak like spirits unconfined In Heaven, their earthly bodies left behind. R. Lovelace 232 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 26y. To Her Sea-Faring Lover O HALL I thus ever long, and be no whit the neare ? "^ And shall I still complain to thee, the which me will not hear ? Alas ! say nay ! say nay ! and be no more so dumb, But open thou thy manly mouth and say that thou wilt come: Whereby my heart may think, although I see not thee. That thou wilt come — thy word so sware — if thou a live man be. The roaring hugy waves they threaten my poor ghost. And toss thee up and down the seas in danger to be lost. Shall they not make me fear that they have swallowed thee ? — But as thou art most sure alive, so v\^ilt thou come to me. Whereby I shall go see thy ship ride on the strand, And think and say Lo where he comes and ^ure here will he land ; And then I shall lift up to thee my little hand, And thou shalt think thine heart in ease, in health to see me stand. And if thou come indeed (as Christ thee send to do !) Those arms which miss thee now shall then embrace (and hold) thee too : Each vein to every joint the lively blood shall spread Which now for want of thy glad sight doth show full pale an4 dead. 233 THE BOOK OF But if thou slip thy troth, and do not come at all, As minutes in the clock do strike so call for death I shall : To please both thy false heart and rid myself from woe, That rather had to die in troth than live forsaken so ! Anon. 268. Song of the Siren OTEER hither, steer your winged pines, *^ All beaten mariners ! Here lie Love's undiscover'd mines, A prey to passengers ; — Perfumes far sweeter than the best Which make the Phoenix' urn and nest. Fear not your ships. Nor any to oppose you save our lips; But come on shore. Where no joy dies till love hath gotten more. For swelling waves, our panting breasts, Where never storms arise. Exchange, and be awhile our guests: For stars gaze on our eyes. The compass Love shall hourly sing. And as he goes about the ring. We will not miss To tell each point he nameth with a kiss: Then come on shore. Where no joy dies till Love hath gotten more. W, Browne 234 26g. ELIZABETHAN VERSE Wounded I Am 'X 1 rOUNDED I am, and dare not seek relief * '' For this new stroke unseen but not unfelt: No blood nor bruise is witness of my grief, But sighs and tears wherewith I mourn and melt. If I complain, my witness is suspect; If I contain, with cares I am undone: Sit still and die, tell truth and be reject: O hateful choice that sorrow cannot shun ! Yet of us twain whose loss shall be the less, Mine of my life or you of your good name ? Light is my death, regarding my distress. But your offence cries out to your defame, " A virgin fair hath slain, for lack of grace, The man that made an idol of her face ! " Anon, 2yo. The Ways on Earth 'T^HE ways on earth have paths and turnings known; ^ The ways on sea are gone by needle's light; The birds of the air the nearest way have flown, And under earth the moles do cast aright; A way more hard than these I needs must take, Where none can teach, nor no man can direct; Where no man's good for me example makes. But all men's faults do teach her to suspect. 235 THE BOOK OF Her thoughts and mine such disproportion have; All strength of Love is infinite in me; She useth the 'vantage time and fortune gave Of worth and power to get the liberty. Earth, sea, heaven, hell, are subject unto laws. But I, poor I, must suflFer and know no cause. R. DevereuXy Earl of Essex 2/1. Cassandra npHE sea hath many thousand sands, -*- The sun hath motes as many; The sky is full of stars, and Love As full of woes as any : Believe me, that do know the elf, And make no trial by thyself. It is in truth a pretty toy For babes to play withal; But O, the honies of our youth Are oft our age's gall : Self-proof in time will make thee know He was a prophet told thee so : A prophet that, Cassandra-like, Tells truth without belief; For headstrong youth will run his race. Although his goal be grief: Love's martyr, when his heat is past, Proves Care's confessor at the last. Anon. 236 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 2^/2. Lovers Sacrijice /"^ O, happy heart ! for thou shalt lie ^^ Intombed in her for whom I die, Example of her cruelty. Tell her, if she chance to chide Me for slowness, in her pride. That it was for her, I died. If a tear escape her eye, Tis not for my memory, But thy rites of obsequy. The altar was my loving breast, My heart the sacrificed beast. And I was, myself, the priest. Your body was the sacred shrine. Your cruel mind the power divine. Pleased with hearts of men, not kine. J. Fletcher 2/ J. Sonet T^RA bank to bank, fra wood to wood I rin, ■^ Ourhailit with my feeble fantasie; Like til a leaf that fallis from a tree. Or til a reed ourblawin with the win. 237 THE BOOK OF Twa gods guides me : the ana of tham is blin, Yea and a bairn brocht up in vanitie; The next a wife ingenrit of the sea, And lichter nor a dauphin with her fin. Unhappy is the man for evermair That tills the sand and sawis in the air; But twice unhappier is he, I lairn. That feidis in, his hairt a mad desire, And follows on a woman throw the fire, Led by a blind and teachit by a bairn. M. Boyd 274. Waly, Walyj Love Be Bonny /^ WALY, waly, up the bank, ^-^ And waly, waly, down the brae, And waly, waly, yon burn-side Where I and my Love wont to gae! I lean'd my back unto an aik, I thocht it was a trustie tree; But first it bow'd and syne it brak, — Sae my true Love did lichtlie me. O waly, waly, gin love be bonnie A little time while it is new ! But when 'tis auld, it waxeth cauld, And fades awa' like morning dew. O wherefore should I busk my heid .? Or wherefore should I kame my hair ? For my true Love has me forsook. And says he'll never lo'e me mair. . 238 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Now Arthur's Seat sail be my bed; The sheets sail ne'er be 'filed by me: Saint Anton's Well sail be my drink, Since my true Love has forsaken me. Marti'mas wind, when wilt thou blaw, And shake the green leaves aff the tree ? gentle Death, when wilt thou come ? For of my life I am wearie. *Tis not the frost, that freezes fell, Nor blawing snaw's inclemencie; Tis not sic cauld that makes me cry. But my Love's heart grown cauld to me. When we cam in by Glasgow toun We were a comely sicht to see;; My love was clad in black velvet. And I mysel in cramasie. But had I wist, before I kist> That love had been sae ill to win; 1 had lock'd my heart in a case o' gowd, And pinn'd it wi' a siller pin. But O ! if my young babe were born. And set upon the nurse's knee; And I mysel were dead and gane, 239 THE BOOK OF 2^5, The Lover'' s Appeal A ND wilt thou leave me thus ? •'^^ Say nay, say nay, for shame I To save thee from the blame Of all my grief and grame. And wilt thou leave me thus ? Say nay! say nay! And wilt thou leave me thus, That hast loved thee so long In wealth and woe among: And is thy heart so strong As for to leave me thus ? Say nay ! say nay ! And wilt thou leave me thus. That hath given thee my heart Never for to depart Neither for pain nor smart: And wilt thou leave me thus ? Say nay ! say nay ! And wilt thou leave me thus, And have no more pity Of him that loveth thee ? Alas, thy cruelty ! And wilt thou leave me thus ? Say nay ! say nay ! 5/V r. Wyat J ELIZABETHAN VERSE 2^6. In Imagine Fer transit Homo T70LL0W thy fair sun, unhappy shadow! ■■- Though thou be black as night, And she made all of light, Yet follow thy fair sun, unhappy shadow! Follow her, whose light thy light depriveth ! Though here thou liv'st disgraced. And she in heaven is placed, Yet follow her whose light the world reviveth ! Follow those pure beams, whose beauty burneth ! That so have scorched thee, As thou still black must be. Till her kind beams thy black to brightness turneth. Follow her, while yet her glory shineth I There comes a luckless night That will dim all her light; And this the black unhappy shade divineth. Follow still, since so thy fates ordained ! The sun must have his shade. Till both at once do fade; The sun still proved, the shadow still disdained. , T. Campion 241 THE BOOK OF 2 J J. Thou May^st Repent 'V "\ THEN men shall find thy flow'r, thy glory, pass, * And thou with careful brow, sitting alone, Received hast this message from thy glass. That tells the truth and says that All is gone; Fresh shalt thou see in me the wounds thou mad'st, Though spent thy flame, in me the heat remaining: I that have loved thee thus before thou fad'st — My faith shall wax, when thou art in thy waning. The world shall find this miracle in me. That fire can burn when all the matter's spent: Then what my faith hath been thyself shalt see. And that thou wast unkind thou may'st repent. — Thou may'st repent that thou hast scorned my tears, When Winter snows upon thy sable hairs. S. Daniel 2/8. A Supplication "PORGET not yet the tried intent "*- Of such a truth as I have meant; My great travail so gladly spent. Forget not yet! Forget not yet when first began The weary life ye know, since whan The suit, the service, none tell can; Forget not yet! 242 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Forget not yet the great assays, The cruel wrong, the scornful ways, The painful patience in delays, Forget not yet! Forget not! O, forget not this! — How long ago hath been, and is, The mind that never meant amiss — Forget not yet! Forget not then thine own approved, The which so long hath thee so loved. Whose steadfast faith yet never moved. Forget not this! Sir T. Wyat 2jg. Vixi Puellis Nuper Idoneus nPHEY flee from me that sometime did me seek, ■*■ With naked foot stalking within my chamber: Once have I seen them gentle, tame, and meek. That now are wild, and do not once remember That sometime they have put themselves in danger To take bread at my hand; and now they range. Busily seeking in continual change. Thanked be fortune, it hath been otherwise Twenty times better; but once especial. — In thin array: after a pleasant guise, 243 THE BOOK OF When her loose gown did from her shoulders fall, And she me caught in her arms long and small, And therewithal so sweetly did me kiss, And softly said, ' Dear hearty how like you this? * It was no dream; for I lay broad awaking: But all is turn'd now, through my gentleness, Into a bitter fashion of forsaking; And I have leave to go of her goodness; And she also to use new-fangleness. But since that I unkindly so am served, * How like you this? ' — what hath she now deserved ? Sir T. Wyat 280, The Indifferent IVTEVER more will I protest To love a woman but in jest: For as they cannot be true. So to give each man his due. When the wooing fit is past, Their affection cannot last. Therefore if I chance to meet With a mistress fair and sweet, She my service shall obtain, Loving her for love again : Thus much liberty I crave Not to be a constant slave. But when we have tried each other. If she better like another, 244 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Let her quickly change for me; Then to change am I as free. He or she that loves too long Sell their freedom for a song. F. Beaumont 281. The Faithless Shepherdess "X^THILE that the sun with his beams hot '' * Scorched the fruits in vale and mountain, Philon the shepherd, late forgot, Sitting beside a crystal fountain In the shadow of a green oak tree. Upon his pipe this song play'd he: Adieu, Love, adieu, Love, untrue Love ! Untrue Love, untrue Love, adieu, Love! Your mind is light, soon lost for new love. So long as I was in your sight I was your heart, your soul, your treasure; And evermore you sobb'd and sigh'd Burning in flames beyond all measure: — Three days endured your love to me, And it was lost in other three! Adieu, Love, adieu, Love, untrue Love ! Untrue Love, untrue Love, adieu. Love! Your mind is Ught, soon lost for new love. Another shepherd you did see. To whom your heart was soon enchained; Full soon your love was leapt from me. Full soon my place he had obtained. 245 THE BOOK OF Soon came a third your love to win, And we were out and he was in. Adieu, Love, adieu. Love, untrue Love ! Untrue Love, untrue Love, adieu, Love ! Your mind is Hght, soon lost for new love. Sure you have made me passing glad That you your mind so soon removed. Before that I the leisure had To choose you for my best beloved : For all my love was pass'd and done Two days before it was begun. Adieu, Love, adieu. Love, untrue Love ! Untrue Love, untrue Love, adieu. Love ! Your mind is light, soon lost for new love. Anon, 282. Madrigal OLY thief, if so you will believe, *^It nought or little did me grieve. That my true heart you had bereft, Till that unkindly you it left: Leaving you lose, losing you kill That which I may forego so ill. What thing more cruel can you do Than rob a man and kill him too .? Wherefore of love I ask this meed, To bring you where you did this deed, That there you may, for your amisses Be damaged in a thousand kisses. Anon. 246 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 28 J. Think^st Thou to Seduce Me Then HINK'ST thou to seduce me then with words that have ? T ■^ no meaning Parrots so can learn to prate, our speech by pieces glean- ing: Nurses teach their children so about the time of weaning. Learn to speak first, then to woo : to wooing much per- taineth : He that courts us, wanting art, soon falters when he feign eth. Looks asquint on his discourse and smiles when he com- plaineth. Skilful anglers hide their hooks, fit baits for every season ; But with crooked pins fish thou, as babes do that want reason : Gudgeons only can be caught with such poor tricks of treason. Ruth forgive me (if I erred) from human heart's compassion. When I laughed sometimes too much to see thy foolish fashion : But alas, who less could do that found so good occasion .? T . Campion 284. The Message OEND home my long-stray'd eyes to me, "^ Which, oh ! too long have dwelt on thee ; But if there they have learnt such ill, Such forced fashions And false passions. 247 THE BOOK OF That they be Made by thee Fit for no good sight, keep them still. Send home my harmless heart again, Which no unworthy thought could stain; But if it be taught by thine To make jestings Of protestings. And break both Word and oath. Keep it still, 'tis none of mine. Yet send me back my heart and eyes, That I may know and see thy lies, And may laugh and joy when thou Art in anguish. And dost languish For some one That will none. Or prove as false as thou dost now. 7- Do 28^, My Heart 'T^HOU sent'st to me a heart was sound, -*■ I took it to be thine: But when I saw it had a wound, I knew that heart was mine. 248 ELIZABETHAN VERSE A bounty of a strange conceit, To send mine own to me, And send it in a worse estate Than when it came to thee. Oxford Music School MS. To His Forsaken Mistress T DO confess thou'rt smooth and fair, ■^ And I might have gone near to love thee, Had I not found the sHghtest prayer That lips could move, had power to move thee; But I can let thee now alone As worthy to be loved by none. I do confess thou'rt sweet; yet find Thee such an unthrift of thy sweets, Thy favours are but like the wind That kisseth everything it meets : And since thou canst with more than one, Thou'rt worthy to be kiss'd by none. The morning rose that untouch'd stands Arm'd with her briars, how sweet she smells! But pluck'd and strain'd through ruder hands. Her sweets no longer with her dwells : But scent and beauty both are gone, And leaves fall from her, one by one. Such fate ere long will thee betide When thou hast handled been awhile, 249 THE BOOK OF With sere flowers to be thrown aside; And I shall sigh, while some will smile. To see thy love to every one Hath brought thee to be loved by none. Sir R. Ayton 28'/, I Loved a Lass T LOVED a lass, a fair one, ■*■ As fair as e'er was seen; She was indeed a rare one. Another Sheba Queen: But, fool as then I was, I thought she loved me too: But now, alas! she's left me, Falero, lero, loo I Her hair like gold did glister, Each eye was like a star. She did surpass her sister. Which pass'd all others far; She would me honey call. She'd — O she'd kiss me too ! But now, alas ! she's left me, FalerOy lerOy loo! Many a merry meeting My love and I have had; She was my only sweeting, She made my heart full glad; 250 ELIZABETHAN VERSE The tears stood in her eyes Like to the morning dew: But now alas ! she's left me, Falero, lero^ loo Her cheeks were like the cherry. Her skin was white as snow; When she was blithe and merry She angel-like did show; Her waist exceeding small, The fives did fit her shoe: But now, alas! she's left me, Falero^ lero, loo! In summer time or winter She had her heart's desire; I still did scorn to stint her From sugar, sack, or fire; The world went round about, No cares we ever knew: But now, alas ! she's left me, Falero J leroy loo! To maidens' vows and swearing Henceforth no credit give; You may give them the hearing. But never them believe; They are as false as fair, Unconstant, frail, untrue: For mine, alas ! hath left me, Faleroy leroy loo! G. Wither 251 THE BOOK OF 288. Then Hate Me When Thou Wilt 'TPHEN hate me when thou wih; if ever, now; -*- Now, while the world is bent my deeds to cross, Join with the spite of fortune, make me bow, And do not drop in for an after-loss: Ah ! do not, when my heart hath 'scaped this sorrow, Come in the rearward of a conquered woe; Give not a windy night a rainy morrow, To linger out a purposed overthrow. If thou wilt leave me, do not leave me last. When other petty griefs have done their spite, But in the onset come : so shall I taste At first the very worst of fortune's might; And other strains of woe, which now seem woe, Compared with loss of thee will not seem so ! W. Shakespeare 28g. Disdain Me Still T^ISDAIN me still that I may ever love, ^^^ For who his love enjoys can love no more: The war once past, with ease men cowards prove. And ships returned do rot upon the shore : And though thou frown, I'll say thou art most fair. And still I'll love, though still I must despair. As heat to life, so is desire to love. And these once quenched both life and love are gone*. Let not my sighs nor tears thy virtue move, Like baser metals do not melt too soon: 252 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Laugh at my woes although I ever mourn; Love surfeits with reward, his nurse is scorn. 2 go. Away, Delights I \ WAY, deHghts ! go seek some other dwelling, -^^^ For I must die. Farewell, false love ! thy tongue is ever telling Lie after lie. For ever let me rest now from thy smarts; Alas, for pity, go. And fire their hearts That have been hard to thee ! Mine was not so. Never again deluding love shall know me. For I will die; And all those griefs that think to overgrow me. Shall be as L For ever will I sleep, while poor maids cry — * Alas, for pity stay, And let us die With thee! Men cannot mock us in the clay.* J. Fletcher 2pi. To His Inconstant Mistress ^"X THEN thou, poor Excommunicate From all the joys of Love, shalt see The full reward and glorious fate Which my strong faith shall purchase me, Then curse thine own inconstancy ! 253 THE BOOK OF A fairer hand than thine shall cure That heart which thy false oaths did wound; And to my soul a soul more pure Than thine shall by Love's hand be bound, And both with equal glory crowned. Then shalt thou weep, entreat, complain To Love, as I did once to thee; When all thy tears shall be in vain As mine were then: for thou shalt be Damn'd for thy false apostasy. r. Cm 2g2. To an Inconstant One T LOVED thee once; I'll love no more — ^ Thine be the grief as is the blame; Thou art not what thou wast before. What reason I should be the same ^ He that can love unloved again, Hath better store of love than brain : God send me love my debts to pay, While unthrifts fool their love away! Nothing could have my love o'erthrown If thou hadst still continued mine; Yea, if thou hadst remain'd thy own, I might perchance have yet been thine. But thou thy freedom didst recall That it thou might elsewhere enthral; And then how could I but disdain A captive's captive to remain ? 254 ELIZABETHAN VERSE When new desires had conquer'd thee And changed the object of thy will, It had been lethargy in me, Not constancy, to love thee still. Yea, it had been a sin to go And prostitute affection so ; Since we are taught no prayers to say To such as must to others pray. Yet do thou glory in thy choice — Thy choice of his good fortune boast; I'll neither grieve nor yet rejoice To see him gain what I have lost: The height of my disdain shall be To laugh at him, to blush for thee; To love thee still, but go no more A-begging at a beggar's door. Sir R. Ayton Falsehood OTILL do the stars impart their light *^ To those that travel in the night; Still time runs on, nor doth the hand Or shadow on the dial stand; The streams still glide and constant are : Only thy mind Untrue I find, Which carelessly Neglects to be Like stream or shadow, hand or star. 255 THE BOOK OF Fool that I am ! I do recall My words, and swear thou'rt like them all: Thou seem'st like stars to nourish fire, But O how cold is thy desire ! And like the hand upon the brass Thou point'st at me In mockery; If I come nigh Shade-like thou'lt fly. And as the stream with murmur pass. W. Cartwright 2g4. Accurst Be Love A CCURST be Love, and those that trust his trains ! •^ ^ He tastes the fruit whilst others toil. He brings the lamp, we lend the oil. He sows distress, we yield him soil. He wageth war, we bide the foil. Accurst be Love, and those that trust his trains! He lays the trap, we seek the snare. He threat'neth death, we speak him fair, He coins deceits, we foster care. He favoureth pride, we count it rare. Accurst be Love, and those that trust his trains! He seemeth blind, yet wounds with art. He sows content, he pays with smart, 256 ELIZABETHAN VERSE He swears relief, yet kills the heart, He calls for truth, yet scorns desart. Accurst be Love, and those that trust his trains ! Whose heaven is hell, whose perfect joys are pains. T. Lodpe The Lover Curseth the Time When First He Fell in Love "X^THEN first mine eyes did view and mark * Thy beauty fair for to behold. And when mine ears 'gan first to hark The pleasant words that thou me told; I would as then I had been free From ears to hear and eyes to see. And when my hands did handle oft. That might thee keep in memory, And when my feet had gone so soft To find and have thy company; I would each hand a foot had been. And eke each foot a hand had seen. And when in mind I did consent To follow thus my fancy's will. And when my heart did first relent To taste such bait myself to spill, I would my heart had been as thine, Or else thy heart as soft as mine. 257 o THE BOOK OF Then should not I such cause have found To wish this monstrous sight to see, Nor thou, alas! that mad'st the wound. Should not deny me remedy: Then should one will in both remain. To ground one heart which now is twain. W.Hunntsi?) 2p6. O Crudelis Amor GENTLE Love, ungentle for thy deed, Thou mak'st my heart A bloody mark With piercing shot to bleed. Shoot soft, sweet Love, for fear thou shoot amiss; For fear too keen Thy arrows been, And hit the heart where my Beloved is. Too fair that fortune were, nor never I Shall be so blest. Among the rest. That Love shall seize on her by sympathy. Then since with Love my prayers bear no boot. This doth remain To cease my pain, I take the wound and die at Venus' foot. G. Peele 2gy. To His Lute IV yTY lute, awake! perform the last ''--'■ Labour that thou and I shall waste, And end that I have now begun; 258 ELIZABETHAN VERSE For when this song is sung and past. My lute, be still, for I have done. As to be heard where ear is none, As lead to grave in marble stone, My song may pierce her heart as soon: Should we then sigh, or sing, or moan ? No, no, my lute ! for I have done. The rocks do not so cruelly Repulse the waves continually. As she my suit and affection; So that I am past remedy: Whereby my lute and I have done. Proud of the spoil that thou hast got Of simple hearts thorough Love's shot. By whom, unkind, thou hast them won; Think not he hath his bow forgot. Although my lute and I have done. Vengeance shall fall on thy disdain, That makest but game of earnest pain; Think not alone under the sun Unquit to cause thy lover's plain, Although my lute and I have done. Perchance they lay wither'd and old The winter nights that are so cold, Plaining in vain unto the moon : Thy wishes then dare not be told : Care then who list ! for I have done. 259 THE BOOK OF And then may chance thee to repent The time that thou hast lost and spent To cause thy lover's sigh and swoon : Then shalt thou know beauty but lent, And wish and want as I have done. Now cease, my lute ! this is the last Labour that thou and I shall waste. And ended is that we begun: Now is this song both sung and past — My lute be still, for I have done. Sir T. Wyat 2g8, The Scorner Scorned OHALL I, wasting in despair, *^ Die because a woman's fair } Or make pale my cheeks with care 'Cause another's rosy are ? Be she fairer than the day, Or the flowery meads in May — If she think not well of me. What care I how fair she be .? Shall my silly heart be pined 'Cause I see a woman kind ? Or a well disposed nature Joined with a lovely feature ? Be she meeker, kinder, than Turtle-dove or pelican, If she be not so to me. What care I how kind she be^ 260 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Shall a woman's virtues move Me to perish for her love ? Or her v^ell-deservings known Make me quite forget my own ? Be she with that goodness blest Which may merit name of Best, If she be not such to me, What care I how good she be? *Cause her fortune seems too high, Shall I play the fool and die ? She that bears a noble mind. If not outward helps she find. Thinks what with them he would do Who without them dares her woo; And unless that mind I see, What care I how great she be ? Great, or good, or kind, or fair, I will ne'er the more despair; If she love me, this believe, I will die ere she shall grieve; If she slight me when I woo, I can scorn and let her go; For if she be not for me, What care I for whom she be ? G. Wither Hence Away, You Sirens TTENCE away, you Sirens, leave me, -*- -*- And unclasp your wanton arms; Sug'red words shall ne'er deceive me Though you prove a thousand charms. 261 THE BOOK OF Fie, fie, forbear; No common snare Could ever my affection chain; Your painted baits And poor deceits Are all bestowed on me in vain, I'm no slave to such as you be; Neither shall a snov^y breast, Wanton eye, or lip of ruby Ever rob me of my rest; Go, go, display Your beauty's ray To some o'ersoon enamoured swain Those common wiles Of sighs and smiles Are all bestowed on me in vain. I have elsewhere vowed a duty; Turn away your tempting eyes. Show not me a naked beauty, Those impostures I despise; My spirit loathes Where gaudy clothes And feigned oaths may love obtain: I love her so Whose look swears no, That all your labours will be vain. Can he prize the tainted posies Which on every breast are worn, That may pluck the spotless roses From their never-touched thorn ? 262 ELIZABETHAN VERSE I can go rest '^ ' On her sweet breast That is the pride of Cynthia's train; Then stay your tongues, Your mermaid songs Are all bestowed on me in vain. He's a fool that basely dallies Where each peasant mates with him; Shall I haunt the thronged vallies, Whilst there's noble hills to climb ? No, no, though clowns Are scared with frowns, I know the best can but disdain: And those I'll prove. So shall your love Be all bestowed on me in vain. Yet I would not deign embraces With the greatest-fairest she If another shared those graces Which had been bestowed on me. I gave that one My love, where none Shall come to rob me of my gain. Your fickle hearts Makes tears, and arts And all, bestowed on me in vain. I do scorn to vow a duty Where each lustful lad may woo; Give me her, whose sun-like beauty Buzzards dare not soar unto : 263 264 THE BOOK OF She, she it is Affords that bhss, For which I would refuse no pain; But such as you, Fond fools, adieu. You seek to captive me in vain. Proud she seemed in the beginning And disdained my looking on. But that coy one in the winning, Proves a true one, being won. Whate'er betide She'll ne'er divide The favour she to me shall deign; But your fond love Will fickle prove, And all that trust in you are vain. Therefore know, when I enjoy one, And for love employ my breath, She I court shall be a coy one Though I win her with my death. A favour there Few aim at dare; And if, perhaps, some lover plain; She is not won Nor I undone By placing of my love in vain. Leave me, then, you Sirens, leave me, Seek no more to work my harms. Crafty wiles cannot deceive me. Who am proof against your charms: ELIZABETHAN VERSE You labour may To lead astray The heart that constant shall remain; And I the while Will sit and smile To see you spend your time in vain. G. Wither A Revocation TITHAT should I say? * ^ — Since Faith is dead, And Truth away From you is fled ? Should I be led With doubleness ? Nay ! nay ! mistress. I promised you, And you promised me, To be as true As I would be. But since I see Your double heart, Farewell my part ': Thought for to take 'Tis not my mind; But to forsake One so unkind; And as I find So will I trust Farewell, unjust. 265 Sir T. Wyat THE BOOK OF Can ye say nay But that you said That I alway Should be obeyed ? And — thus betrayed Or that I wist! Farewell, unkist! 301. A Renunciation 'T^HOU art not fair, for all thy red and white, -*- For all those rosy ornaments in thee; Thou art not sweet, tho' made of mere delight, Nor fair, nor sweet — unless thou pity me. I will not soothe thy fancies: thou shalt prove That beauty is no beauty without love. Yet love not me, nor seek thou to allure My thoughts with beauty, were it more divine; Thy smiles and kisses I cannot endure, I'll not be wrapp'd up in those arms of thine: Now show it, if thou be a woman right, — Embrace and kiss and love me in despite. T. Campion 302. A Renunciation "\1l TE, that did nothing study but the way ^ ^ To love each other, with which thoughts the day Rose with delight to us and with them set, Must learn the hateful art, how to forget. . . . 266 ELIZABETHAN VERSE We, that did nothing wish that Heaven could give Beyond ourselves, nor did desire to live Beyond that wish, all these now cancel must. As if not writ in faith, but words and dust. Yet witness those clear vows which lovers make, Witness the chaste desires that never brake Into unruly heats; witness that breast Which into thy bosom anchor'd his whole rest — *Tis no default in us: I dare acquire Thy maiden faith, thy purpose fair and white As thy pure self. Cross planets did envy Us to each other, and Heaven did untie Faster than vows could bind. Oh, that the stars. When lovers meet, should stand opposed in wars! Since then, some higher Destinies command. Let us not strive, nor labour to withstand What is past help. The longest date of grief Can never yield a hope of our relief: Fold back our arms; take home our fruitless loves, That must new fortunes try, like turtle-doves Dislodged from their haunts. We must in tears Unwind a love knit up in many years. In this last kiss I here surrender thee Back to thyself. — So, thou again art free; Thou in another, sad as that, resend The truest heart that lover e'er did lend. Now turn from each : so fare our severed hearts As the divorced soul from her body parts. H. King 267 THE BOOK OF j(9j. O Cruel Love r\ CRUEL Love, on thee I lay ^-^ My curse, which shall strike blind the day; Never may sleep with velvet hand Charm thine eyes with sacred wand; Thy jailors shall be hopes and fears. Thy prison-mates groans, sighs, and tears, Thy play to wear out weary times, Fantastic passions, vows, and rhymes; Thy bread be frowns, thy drink be gall, Such as when you Phao call; The bed thou liest on be despair. Thy sleep fond dreams, thy dreams long care. Hope, like thy fool at thy bed's head. Mock thee till madness strike thee dead. As, Phao, thou dost me with thy proud eyes; In thee poor Sappho lives, for thee she dies. 7' Lyly J 04. False Love "\ "X THEN Love on time and measure makes his ground, * ' Time that must end, though Love can never die, 'Tis Love betwixt a shadow and a sound, A love not in the heart but in the eye; A love that ebbs and flows, now up, now down, A morning's favour, and an evening's frown. 268 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Sweet looks show love, yet they are but as beams; Fair words seem true, yet they are but as wind; Eyes shed their tears, yet are but outward streams; Sighs paint a shadow in the falsest mind. Looks, words, tears, sighs, show love when love they leave. False hearts can weep, sigh, swear, and yet deceive. Anon 30 j. 'Twas I That Paid for All Things 'T^WAS I that paid for all things, -^ 'Twas others drank the wine, I cannot now recall things; Live but a fool, to pine. 'Twas I that beat the bush. The bird to others flew; For she, alas ! hath left me. Falero ! lero ! loo! If ever that Dame Nature (For this false lover's sake) Another pleasing creature Like unto her would make; Let her remember this. To make the other true! For this, alas ! hath left me. Falero ! lero ! loo ! No riches now can raise me. No want makes me despair, No misery amaze me. Nor yet for v^ant I care : 269 THE BOOK OF I have lost a World itself, My earthly Heaven, adieu ! Since she, alas ! hath left me. Falero ! lero ! loo ! Anon. 306. The Recall 0} Love TI^AREWELL! thou art too dear for my possessing, ^ And like enough thou know'st thy estimate: The charter of thy worth gives thee releasing; My bonds in thee are all determinate. For how do I hold thee but by thy granting.? And for that riches where is my deserving ? The cause of this fair gift in me is wanting. And so my patent back again is swerving. Thyself thou gav'st, thy own worth then not knowing, Or me, to whom thou gav'st it, else mistaking; So thy great gift, upon misprision growing, Comes home again, on better judgment making. Thus have I had thee, as a dream doth flatter. In sleep a king; but waking, no such matter. fF. Shakespeare JO/. Take, O Take Those Lips Away 'T^AKE, O take those lips away, ^ That so sweetly were forsworn; And those eyes, the break of day. Lights that do mislead the morn ! 270 ELIZABETHAN VERSE But my kisses bring again, Bring again; Seals of love, but seal'd in vain, Seal'd in vain ! W. Shakespeare jo8, A Recantation /^ LOVE, sweet Love, O high and heavenly Love! ^^ The court of pleasures, paradise of rest, Without whose circuit all things bitter prove, Within whose ceinture every wretch is blest: grant me pardon, sacred deity, 1 do recant my former heresy ! And thou, the dearest idol of my thought. Whom love I did, and do, and always will : O pardon what my coy disdain hath wrought. My coy disdain, the author of this ill : And for the pride that I have show'd before, By Love I swear I'll love thee ten times more. Anon. jog. The Parting O INCE there's no help, come let us kiss and part — "^ Nay, I have done, you get no more of me ; And I am glad, yea, glad with all my heart. That thus so cleanly I myself can free. Shake hands forever, cancel all our vows, And when we meet at any time again. Be it not seen in either of our brows That we one jot of former love retain. 271 THE BOOK OF Now at the last gasp of Love's latest breath, When, his pulse failing. Passion- speechless lies, When Faith is kneeling by his bed of death. And Innocence is closing up his eyes, — Now if thou would'st, when all have given him over, From death to life thou might'st him yet recover. M. Drayton J 10. Love and Death 'T^HOUGH I am young and cannot tell ■ Either what Death or Love is well. Yet I have heard they both bear darts, And both do aim at human hearts; And then again, I have been told, Love wounds with heat, as Death with cold; So that I fear they do but bring Extremes to touch, and mean one thing. As in a ruin we it call One thing to be blown up, or fall; Or to our end like way may have By a flash of lightning, or a wave: So Love's inflamed shaft or brand. May kill as soon as Death's cold hand ; Except Love's fires the virtue have To fright the frost out of the grave. B. Jonson jii. A Dirge: Love Is Dead T3 ING out your bells, let mourning shews ^^ be spread; For Love is dead . ELIZABETHAN VERSE All Love is dead, infected With plague of deep disdain : Worth, as nought worth, rejected, And Faith, fair scorn doth gain. From so ungrateful fancy, From such a female franzy. From them that use men thus, Good Lord, deliver us ! Weep, neighbours, v^eep, do you not hear it said That Love is dead ? His death-bed, peacock's folly; His winding-sheet is shame; His will, false-seeming holy; His sole exec'tor, blame. From so ungrateful fancy, From such a female franzy, From them that use men thus. Good Lord, deliver us ! Let dirge be sung, and trentals rightly read, For Love is dead. Sir Wrong his tomb ordaineth, My mistress' marble heart; Which epitaph containeth, " Her eyes were once his dart." From so ungrateful fancy. From such a female franzy. From them that use men thus, Good Lord, deliver us ! Alas, I lie : rage hath this error bred ; Love is not dead. 273 THE BOOK OF Love is not dead, but sleepeth In her unmatched mind, Where she his counsel keepeth, Till due deserts she find. Therefore from so vile fancy, To call such wit a franzy, Who Love can temper thus, Good Lord, deliver us! Sir P. Sidney J 12 . Resolved to Dust "P ESOLVED to dust entombed here lieth Love, -■-^ Through fault of her, who here herself should lie; He struck her breast, but all in vain did prove To fire the ice: and doubting by and by His brand had lost his force, he gan to try Upon himself; which trial made him die. In sooth no force; let those lament who lust, I'll sing a carol song for obsequy; For, towards me his dealings were unjust, And cause of all my passed misery: The Fates, I think, seeing what I had passed In my behalf wrought this revenge at last. But somewhat more to pacify my mind, By illing him, through whom I lived a slave, I'll cast his ashes to the open wind. Or write this epitaph upon his grave: Here lieth Love, of Mars the bastard son. Whose fooHsh fault to death himself hath done. f. Watson ^1A ELIZABETHAN VERSE The Ballad of Dowsabel TIj^AR in the country of Arden, ^ There wonned a knight, hight Cassamen, As bold as Isenbras: Fdl was he and eager bent, In battle and in tournament. As was the good Sir Topas. He had, as antique stories tell, A daughter cleped Dowsabel, A maiden fair and free: And for she was her father's heir. Full well she was yconned the leir Of mickle courtesy. The silk well couth she twist and twine, And make the fine march-pine, And with the needle work : And she could help the priest to say His matins on a holyday, And sing a psalm in kirk. She wore a frock of frolic green, Might well become a maiden queen. Which seemly was to see: A hood to that so neat and fine In colour like the columbine, Ywrought full featously. Her features all as fresh above. As is the grass that grows by Dove, And lythe as lass of Kent: 275 • THE BOOK OF Her skin as soft as Lemster wool, As white as snow on Peakish Hull, Or swan that swims in Trent. This maiden in a morn betime, Went forth when May was in the prime, To get sweet setywall, The honey-suckle, the harlock, The lily, and the lady-smock, To deck her summer hall. Thus as she wandered here and there. And picked of the bloomy briar. She chanced to espy A shepherd sitting on a bank, Like chanticleer he crowed crank. And piped full merrily. He learned his sheep, as he him list, When he would whistle in his fist, To feed about him round. Whilst he full many a carol sang. Until the fields and meadows rang, And that the woods did sound. In favour this same shepherd swain Was like the bedlam Tamberlane, Which held proud kings in awe: But meek as any lamb mought be. And innocent of ill as he Whom his lewd brother slaw. 276 ELIZABETHAN VERSE This shepherd wore a sheep-gray cloak, Which was of the finest loke That could be cut with sheer, His mittons were of bauzons' skin. His cockers were of cordiwin. His hood of minivere. His awl and lingel in a thong, His tar-box on his broad belt hung. His breech of Cointree blue; Full crisp and curled were his locks, His brows as white as Albion rocks. So like a lover true. And piping still he spent the day. So merry as the popinjay, Which liked Dowsabel; That v/ould she ought, or would she nought, This lad would never from her thought, She in love-longing fell. At length she tucked up her frock, White as a lily was her smock. She drew the shepherd nigh : But then the shepherd piped a good. That all his sheep forsook their food. To hear his melody. " Thy sheep," quoth she, " cannot be lean, That have a jolly shepherd swain. The which can pipe so well." 277 THE BOOK OF " Yea, but," said he, " their shepherd may, If piping thus he pine away. In love of Dowsabel." "Of love, fond boy, take thou no keep," Quoth she, " look well unto thy sheep. Lest they should hap to stray." Quoth he, " So had I done full well, Had I not seen fair Dowsabel Come forth to gather May." With that she 'gan to vail her head, Her cheeks were like the roses red. But not a word she said; With that the shepherd 'gan to frown, He threw his pretty pipes adown. And on the ground him laid. Saith she, "I may not stay till night. And leave my summer hall undight, And all for love of thee." "My cote," saith he, "nor yet my fold, Shall neither sheep nor shepherd hold. Except thou favour me." Saith she, "Yet liever I were dead. Than I should lose my maidenhead, And all for love of men." Saith he, "Yet are you too unkind. If in your heart you cannot find To love us now and then. 278 ELIZABETHAN VERSE "And I to thee will be as kind, As Colin was to Rosalind, Of courtesy the flower." "Then will I be as true," quoth she, "As ever maiden yet might be, Unto her paramour." With that she bent her snow-white knee, Down by the shepherd kneeled she. And him she sweetly kist. With that the shepherd whooped for joy. Quoth he, " There's never shepherd's boy That ever was so blist." M. Drayton 314. Song T OVE is a sickness full of woes, ■' — ' All remedies refusing; A plant that with most cutting grows, Most barren with best using. Why so ? More we enjoy it, more it dies; If not enjoy'd, it sighing cries, — Heigh ho ! Love is a torment of the mind, A tempest everlasting; i And Jove hath made it: of a kind Not well, nor full, nor fasting. 279 THE BOOK OF Why so ? More we enjoy it, more it dies; If not enjoy'd, it sighing cries, — Heigh ho ! S. Daniel 31S. Song /^^O and catch a falHng star, . ^-^ Get with child a mandrake root, Tell me where all past hours are, Or who cleft the Devil's foot; Teach me to hear mermaids singing. Or to keep off envy's stinging. Or find What wind Serves to advance an honest mind. If thou be'st born to strange sights. Things invisible go see, Ride ten thousand days and nights, Till age snow white hairs on thee. Thou at thy return wilt tell me All strange wonders that befell thee. And swear. Nowhere Lives a woman true and fair. If thou find'st one, let me know. Such a pilgrimage were sweet; Yet do not, I would not go. Though at next door we should meet. 280 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Though she were true when you met her, And last till you write your letter, Yet she Will be False, ere I come, to two or three. J. Donne ji6. Why So Pale and Wan? "\7[ THY so pale and wan, fond lover? ' * Prithee, why so pale ? Will, when looking well can't move her, Looking ill prevail ? Prithee, why so pale ? Why so dull and mute, young sinner ? Prithee, why so mute ? Will, when speaking well can't win her, Saying nothing do 't ? Prithee, why so mute ? Quit, quit for shame! This will not move; This cannot take her. If of herself she will not love. Nothing can make her: The devil take her ! Sir J. Suckling ji/. Sweet Love, Renew Thy Force OWEET love, renew thy force: be it not said "^ Thine edge shall blunter be than appetite. Which but to-day by feeding is allay'd. To-morrow sharpen'd in his former might: 38 1 THE BOOK OF So, love, be thou : although to-day thou fill Thy hungry eyes even till they wink with fulness, To-morrow see again, and do not kill The spirit of love with a perpetual dulness. Let this sad interim like the ocean be Which parts the shore, where two contracted new Come daily to the banks, that, when they see Return of love, more bless'd may be the view: Or call it winter, which, being full of care, Makes summer's welcome thrice more wish'd, more rare. W. Shakespeare Ji8. Dor alidads Ditty TN time we see that silver drops ■*■ The craggy stones make soft; The slowest snail in time we see Doth creep and climb aloft. With feeble puffs the tallest pine In tract of time doth fall; The hardest heart in time doth yield To Venus' luring call. Where chilling frost alate did nip, There flasheth now a fire; Where deep disdain bred noisome hate, There kindleth now desire. Time causeth hope to have his hap; What care in time not eased ? In time I loathed that now I love. In both content and pleased. R. Greene 282 ELIZABETHAN VERSE j/p. Familiars Song T^IE, fie on blind fancy! -■- It hinders youth's joy: Fair virgins, learn by me To count Love a toy. When Love learned first the A B C of delight. And knew no figures nor conceited phrase, He simply gave to due desert her right, He led not lovers in dark winding ways; He plainly willed to love, or flatly answered no: But now who lists to prove, shall find it nothing so Fie, fie, then, on fancy ! It hinders youth's joy: Fair virgins, learn by me To count Love a toy. For since he learned to use the poet's pen, He learned likewise with smoothing v/ords to feign, Witching chaste ears with trothless tongues of men. And wronged faith with falsehood and disdain. He gives a promise now, anon he sweareth no : Who listeth for to prove, shall find his changing so. Fie, fie, then, on fancy ! It hinders youth's joy : Fair virgins, learn by me To count Love a toy. R. Greene 320. Muses That Sing IV yrUSES that sing Love's sensual empery, ^^ ^ And lovers kindling your enraged fires At Cupid's bonfires burning in the eye. Blown with the empty breath of vain desires, — 283 THE BOOK OF You that prefer the painted cabinet Before the wealthy jewels it doth store ye, That all your joys in dying figures set, And stain the living substance of your glory; Abjure those joys, abhor their memory. And let my Love the honoured subject be Of Love, and honour's complete history; Your eyes were never yet let in to see The majesty and riches of the mind. But dwell in darkness; for your god is blind. G. Chapmm 321. I Saw the Object I SAW the object of my pining thought Within a garden of sweet Nature's placing. Wherein an arbour artificial wrought. By workman's wondrous skill the garden gracing Did boast his glory, glory far renowned. For in his shady boughs my mistress slept: And with a garland of his branches crowned. Her dainty forehead from the sun ykept. Imperious love upon her eyelids tending. Playing his wanton sports at every beck. And into every finest limb descending. From eyes to lips, from lips to ivory neck; And every limb supplied, and t'every part Had free access, but durst not touch her heart. T. Watson 322, Yea or Nay A/TADAM, withouten many words Once I am sure you will or no; 284 ELIZABETHAN VERSE And if you will, then leave your boards, And use your wit and show it so. For with a beck you shall me call; And if of one that burns alway You have pitie or ruth at ail, Answer him fair with yea or nay. If it be yea, I shall be fain; If it be nay, friends as before; You shall another man obtam. And I mine own, and yours no more. Sir T. Wyat J2J. Upon Her Protesting, That Now Hav- ing Tried His Sincere Ajjection, She Loved Him T ADY ! you are with beauties so enriched "^ Of body and of mind; As I can hardly find. Which of them all hath most my heart bewitched. Whether your skin so white, so smooth, so tender, Or face so lovely fair. Or long heart-binding hair, Or dainty hand, or leg and foot so slender; Or whether your sharp wit and lively spirit, Where pride can find no place; Or your most pleasing grace; Or speech, which doth true eloquence inherit. 285 THE BOOK OF Most lovely all, and each of them doth move me More than words can express: But yet I must confess I love you most, because you please to love me ! F. Davison J 2^. The Lowest Trees Have Tops nPHE lowest trees have tops, the ant her gall, -*■ The fly her spleen, the little spark his heat; And slender hairs cast shadows, though but small, And bees have stings, although they be not great; Seas have their source, and so have shallow springs; And love is love in beggars and in kings. Where waters smoothest run, deep are the fords; The dial stirs, yet none perceives it move; The firmest faith is in the fewest words; The turtles cannot sing, and yet they love; True hearts have eyes and ears, no tongues to speak; They hear, and see, and sigh, and then they break! Sir E. Dyer{f) 325, The Chase A RT thou gone in haste ? ■^ ^ I'll not forsake thee; Runn'st thou ne'er so fast, I'll overtake thee: 286 ELIZABETHAN VERSE O'er the dales, o'er the downs, Through the green meadows. From the fields through the towns, To the dim shadows. All along the plain, To the low fountains, Up and down again From the high mountains; Echo then shall again Tell her I follow. And the floods to the woods Carry my holla ! Holla ! Ce! la! ho! ho! hul W. Rowley No Minute Good to Love 'T^HE time when first I fell in love, ^ Which npw I must lament; The year wherein I lost such time To compass my content; The day wherein. I saw -too- late The follies of a lover; The hour wherein I found such loss As care cannot recover; And last, the minute of mishap Which makes me thus to plain; The doleful fruits of lovers' suits. Which labour lose in vain : 287 THE BOOK OF Doth make me solemnly protest, As I with pain do prove, There is no time, year, day, nor hour, Nor minute, good to love. Anon. J2/. Did Not the Heavenly Rhetoric of Thine Eye T^ID not the heavenly rhetoric of thine eye, •^-^ 'Gainst whom the world cannot hold argument, Persuade my heart to this false perjury ? Vows for thee broke deserve not punishment. A woman I forswore; but I will prove. Thou being a goddess, I forswore not thee : My vow was earthly, thou a heavenly love; Thy grace being gain'd cures all disgrace in me. Vows are but breath, and breath a vapour is : Then thou, fair sun, which on my earth dost shine, Exhal'st this vapour-vow; in thee it is: If broken then, it is no fault of mine; If by me broke, what fool is not so wise To lose an oath to win a paradise ? W. Shakespeare ^28. Song OWEETEST love, I do not go ^^ For weariness of thee, Nor in hope the world can show A fitter love for me; 288 ELIZABETHAN VERSE But since that I Must die at last, 'tis best Thus to use myself in jest, By feigned death to die. Yesternight the sun went hencCy And yet is here to-day; He hath no desire nor sense, Nor half so short a way. Then fear not me, But believe that I shall make Hastier journeys, since I take More wings and spurs than he. O how feeble is man's power, That, if good fortune fall. Cannot add another hour, Nor a lost hour recall. But come bad chance, And we join to it our strength, And we teach it art and length, Itself o'er us t' advance. When thou sigh'st, thou sigh'st no wind, But sigh'st my soul away; When thou weep'st, unkindly kind. My life's blood doth decay. It cannot be That thou lov'st me as thou say'st, If in thine my life thou waste. That art the best of me. 289 THE BOOK OF Let not thy divining heart Forethink me any ill. Destiny may take thy part And may thy fears fulfil; But think that we Are but turned aside to sleep: They who one another keep Alive, ne'er parted be. J. Donne 32g. The Strange Passion oj a Lover A MID my bale I bathe in bliss, -^ ^ I swim in heaven, I sink in hell; I find amends for every miss And yet my moan no tongue can tell. I live and love, what would you more ? As never lover lived before. I laugh sometimes with little lust, So jest I oft and feel no joy; Mine ease is builded all on trust, And yet mistrust breeds my annoy. I live and lack, I lack and have, I have and miss the thing I crave. These things seem strange, yet are they true; Believe me, sweet, my state is such. One pleasure which I would eschew Both slakes my grief and breeds my grutcho So doth one pain which I would shun Renew my joys, where grief begun. 290 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Then like the lark that passed the night In heavy sleep, with cares oppressed, Yet when she spies the pleasant light She sends sweet notes from out her breast; So sing I now because I think How joys approach when sorrows shrink. And as fair Philomene, again, Can watch and sing when others sleep, And taketh pleasure in her pain To wray the woe that makes her weep: So sing I now for to bewray The loathsome life I lead alway. The which to thee, dear wench, I write, That knows't my mirth, but not my moan. I pray God grant thee deep delight. To live in joys when I am gone. I cannot live, it will not be, I die to think to part from thee. G. Gascoigne S30. A Bequest of His Heart TTENCE, hairt, with her that must depart, -^ -*■ And hald thee with thy soverane ! For I had liever want ane heart. Nor have the heart that dois me pain. Therefore, go, with thy luve remain And let me leif thus unmolest; And see that thou come not again. But bide with her thou luvis best. 291 THE BOOK OF Sen she that I have servit lang Is to depart so suddenly, Address thee now, for thou sail gang And bear thy lady company. Fra she be gone, heartless am I, For quhy ? thou art with her possest. Therefore, my heart, go hence in highg And bide with her thou luvis best. Though this belappit body here Be bound to servitude and thrall, My faithful heart is free entier And mind to serve my lady at all. Would God that I were perigall Under that redolent rose to rest ! Yet at the least, my heart, thou sail Abide with her thou luvis best. Sen in your garth the lily quhyte May not remain amang the laif, Adieu the flower of whole delite ! Adieu the succour that may me saif! Adieu the fragrant balme suaif, And lamp of ladies lustiest! My faithful heart she shall it haif To bide with her it luvis best. Deploir, ye ladies cleir of hue. Her absence, sen she must depart! And, specially, ye luveris true That wounded bene with Luvis dart. 292 ELIZABETHAN VERSE For some of you sail want ane heart As well as I; therefore at last Do go with mine, with mind inwart, And bide with her thou luvis best. A. Scott Shall I Come J Sweet Love to Thee OHALL I come, sweet Love, to thee "^ When the evening beams are set ? Shall I not excluded be ? Will you find no feigned let ? Let me not, for pity, more Tell the long hours at your door. Who can tell what thief or foe. In the covert of the night, For his prey will work my woe. Or through wicked foul despite ? So may I die unredrest Ere my long love be possest. But to let such dangers pass. Which a lover's thoughts disdain, 'Tis enough in such a place To attend love's joys in vain : Do not mock me in thy bed. While these cold nights freeze me dead. T. Campio 293, THE BOOK OF JJ2. Discreet ' /^PEN the door! Who's there within? ^-^ The fairest of thy mother's kin ? come, come, come abroad And hear the shrill birds sing. The air with tunes that load. It is too soon to go to rest. The sun not midway yet to west, The day doth miss thee And will not part until it kiss thee.* * Were I as fair as you pretend. Yet to an unknown seld-seen friend 1 dare not ope the door: To hear the sweet birds sing Oft proves a dangerous thing. The sun may run his wonted race And yet not gaze on my poor face; The day may miss me: Therefore depart, you shall not kiss me.* Artbn. 333' Song /'^NLY joy ! now here you are, ^-^ Fit to hear and ease my care. Let my whispering voice obtain Sweet reward for sharpest pain. Take me to thee, and thee to me! "JVo, no, no, no, my Dear! let he. 294 I ELIZABETHAN VERSE Night hath closed all in her cloak, Twinkling stars love-thoughts provoke, Danger hence, good care doth keep; Jealousy itself doth sleep. Take me to thee, and thee to me! *' Noy nOy noy noy my Dear! let he.'* Better place no wit can find, Cupid's knot to loose or bind; These sweet flowers our fine bed too, Us in their best language woo. Take me to thee, and thee to me! " Noy nOy nOy nOy my Dear! let Jbe.** This small light the moon bestows. Serves thy beams but to disclose: So to raise my hap more high. Fear not else ! none can us spy. Take me to thee, and thee to me ! " Noy nOy nOy nOy my Dear! let be.'* That you heard was but a mouse, Dumb Sleep holdeth all the house: Yet asleep, methinks they say * Young fools, take time while you may!^ Take me to thee, and thee to me ! " Noy nOy nOy nOy my Dear! let he." Niggard time threats, if we miss This large offer of our bliss; 295 THE BOOK OF Long stay ere he grant the same. Sweet! then, while each thing doth frame. Take me to thee, and thee to me! " iVo, «o, no, no, my Dear! let he" Your fair mother is abed, Candles out, and curtains spread: She thinks you do letters write. Write! but let me first indite * Take me to thee, and thee to me ! ' " Noy nOy nOy noy my Dear! let be.** Sweet ! alas, why strive you thus ? ConcoiH better fitteth us. Leave to Mars the force of hands; Your power in your beauty stands. Take thee to me, and me to thee ! '^ Noy nOy nOy nOy my Dear! let he** Woe to me ! and do you swear Me to hate, but I forbear ? Cursed be my destinies all ! That brought me so high to fall. Soon with my death I will please thee ! '* Noy nOy nOy nOy my Dear! let he." Sir P. Sidney jj^. The Dream T^EAR love, for nothing less than thee ^^ Would I have broke this happy dream; It was a theme For reason, much too strong for fantasy. 296 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Therefore thou waked'st me wisely; yet My dream thou brak'st not, but continued'st it: Thou art so true that thoughts of thee suffice To make dreams truths and fables histories. Enter these arms, for since thou thought'st it best Not to dream all my dream, let's act the rest. As lightning, or a taper's light, Thine eyes, and not thy noise, waked me; Yet I thought thee — For thou lov'st truth — an angel at first sight; But when I saw thou saw'st my heart, And knew' St my thoughts beyond an angel's art. When thou knew'st what I dreamt, when thou knew'st when Excess of joy would wake me, and cam'st then, I must confess it could not choose but be Profane to think thee anything but thee. Coming and staying show'd thee thee; But rising makes me doubt that now Thou art not thou. That Love is weak where Fear's as strong as he; 'Tis not all spirit pure and brave, If mixture it of Fear, Shame, Honour have. Perchance, as torches, which must ready be. Men light and put out, so thou dealst with me. Thou cam'st to kindle, goest to come : then I Will dream that hope again, but else would die. J. Donne 297 THE BOOK OF 335' ^ong 298 r\ DEAR life, when shall it be ^-^ That mine eyes thine eyes shall see. And in them thy mind discover, Whether absence have had force Thy remembrance to divorce From the image of the lover ? Or if I myself find not, After parting, aught forgot. Nor debarred from Beauty's treasure, Let no tongue aspire to tell In what high joys I shall dwell : Only Thought aims at the pleasure. Thought, therefore, I will send thee To take up the place for me; Long I will not after tarry; There, unseen, thou may'st be bold. Those fair wonders to behold, Which in them my hopes do carry. Thought, see thou no place forbear, Enter bravely everywhere, Seize on all to her belonging; But if thou wouldst guarded be. Fearing her beams, take with thee Strength of liking, rage of longing. Think of that most grateful time When my leaping heart will climb ELIZABETHAN VERSE In thy lips to have his biding, There those roses for to kiss, Which do breathe a sugared bliss Opening rubies, pearls dividing. Think of my most princely power When I blessed shall devour With my greedy lickorous senses Beauty, music, sweetness, love. While she doth against me prove Her strong darts but weak defences. Think, think of those dallyings, When with dovelike murmurings. With glad moaning, passed anguish, We change eyes, and heart for heart Each to other do depart. Joying till joy makes us languish. O my Thought, my thoughts surcease, Thy delights my woes increase, My life melts with too much thinking; Think no more, but die in me. Till thou shalt revived be, At her lips my nectar drinking. Sir P. Sidney jj6. N^oserez Vous, Mon Bel Ami? O WEET Adon, darest not glance thine eye — ^^ N'oserez vous, mon het ami? — Upon thy Venus that must die ^. "Je vous en prie, pity me; 299 THE BOOK OF N'oserez vous, mon hel, mon hely N'oserez vous^ mon hel ami ? See how sad thy Venus lies, — N'oserez vouSy mon hel ami ? — Love in heart, and tears in eyes; Je vous en prie, pity me ; N'oserez vous, mon hel, mon hel, N'oserez vous, mon hel ami ? Thy face as fair as Paphos' brooks, — N'oserez vous, mon hel ami? — Wherein fancy baits her hooks; Je vous en prie, pity me; N'oserez vous, mon hel, mon hel, N'oserez vous, mon hel ami? Thy cheeks like cherries that do grow — N'oserez vous, mon hel ami ? — Amongst the western mounts of snow; Je vous en prie, pity me; N'oserez vous, mon hel, mon hely N'oserez vous, mon hel ami ? Thy lips vermilion, full of love, — ■ N'oserez vous, mon hel ami ? — Thy neck as silver white as dove; Je vous en prie, pity me; N'oserez vous, mon hel, mon hel, N'oserez vous, mon hel ami ? Thine eyes, like flames of holy fires, — N'oserez vouSy mon hel ami ? 300 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Burn all my thoughts with sweet desires; 'Je vous en prie, pity me; N'oserez vous, mon bely mon bel, N'oserez vous, mon bel ami? All thy beauties sting my heart; — N'oserez vous, mon bel ami ? — I must die through Cupid's dart; Je vous en prie, pity me; N'oserez vous, mon bel, mon bel, N'oserez vous, mon bel ami F Wilt thou let thy Venus die ? — N'oserez vous, mon bel ami? — ■ Adon were unkind, say I, — Je vous en prie, pity me; N'oserez vous, mon bel, mon bel, N'oserez vous, mon bel ami ? To let fair Venus die for woe — N'oserez vous, mon bel ami ? — That doth love sweet Adon so; Je vous en prie, pity me; N'oserez vous, mon bel, mon bel, N'oserez vous, mon bel ami ? R. Gn 33y. P an glory s Wooing Song nPHEREFORE, above the rest, Ambition sat. ^ His Court with glitterant pearl was all enwalled And round about the wall, in Chairs of State And most majestic splendour, were installed 301 THE BOOK OF A hundred Kings: whose temples were impaled In golden diadems, set here and there With diamonds, and gemmed everywhere; And of their golden verges none disceptred were High over all, Panglory's blazing throne, (In her bright turret, all of crystal wrought) Like Phoebus' lamp in the midst of heaven shone: Whose starry top (with pride infernal fraught) Self-arching columns, to uphold were taught. In which her image still reflected was, By the smooth crystal; that, most like her glass, In beauty, and in frailty, did all others pass. A silver wand, the Sorceress did sway : And for a crown of gold, her hair she wore; Only a garland of rosebuds did play About her locks; and in her hand she bore A hollow globe of glass, that long before She full of emptiness had bladdered, And all the world therein depictured ; Whose colours, like the rainbow, ever vanished. Such wat'ry orbicles young boys do blow Out of their soapy shells; and much admire The swimming world, which tenderly they row With easy breath, till it be waved higher: But if they chance but roughly once aspire, The painted bubble instantly doth fall ! Here, when she came, she gan for music call; And sung this Wooing Song, to welcome him withal : 302 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Love is the blossom where there blows Everything that lives or grows : Love doth make the Heav'ns to move, And the Sun doth burn in love : Love the strong and weak doth yoke, And makes the ivy climb the oak, Under whose shadows lions wild, Softened by love, grow tame and mild: Love no med'cine can appease. He burns the fishes in the seas : Not all the skill his wounds can stench, Not all the sea his fire can quench. Love did make the bloody spear Once a leavy coat to wear. While in his leaves there shrouded lay Sweet birds, for love that sing and play. And of all love's joyful flame I the bud and blossom am. Only bend thy knee to me. Thy wooing shall thy winning be! See, see the flowers that below Now as fresh as morning blow; And of all the virgin rose That as bright Aurora shows; How they all unleaved die, Losing their virginity! Like unto a summer shade. But now born, and now they fade. Everything doth pass away; There is danger in delay: 303 THE BOOK OF Come, come, gather then the rose, Gather it, or it you lose ! All the sand of Tagus' shore Into my bosom casts his ore: All the valleys' swimming corn To my house is yearly borne: Every grape of every vine Is gladly bruised to make me v^ine : While ten thousand kings, as proud, To carry up my train have bov^ed, And a world of ladies send me In my chambers to attend me: All the stars in Heav'n that shine, And ten thousand more, are mine: Only bend thy knee to me. Thy wooing shall thy winning be! Thus sought the dire Enchantress, in his mind Her guileful bait to have embossomed : But He, her charms dispersed into wind; And, of her insolence admonished ! And all her optic glasses shattered ! So, with her Sire, to Hell she took her flight (The starting air flew from the damned sprite!) Where deeply both, aggrieved, plunged themselves in night. But to their Lord, now musing in his thought, A heavenly volley of light angels flew; And from his Father, him a banquet brought Through the fine Element: for well they knew, After his Lenten Fast, he hungry grew. 304 ELIZABETHAN VERSE And as he fed, the holy quires combine To sing a Hymn of the celestial Trine: All thought to pass; and each was, past all thought, divine. The birds' sweet notes, to sonnet out their joys. Attempered to the Lays Angelical ! And to the birds, the winds attune their noise! And to the winds, the waters hoarsely call! And ECHO, back again revoiced all 1 That the whole valley rung with Victory! But now our Lord, to rest doth homeward fly. See, how the Night comes stealing from the mountains high ! G. Fletcher 338. Ode A /TY only star, ivX Why, why are your dear eyes. Where all my life's peace lies. With me at war ? Why to my ruin tending, Do they still lighten woe On him that loves you so, That all his thoughts in you have birth and ending.? Hope of my heart, O wherefore do the words. Which your sweet tongue affords, No hope impart t But cruel without measure. To my eternal pain. Still thunder forth disdain On him whose life depends upon your pleasure ? 305 THE BOOK OF Sunshine of joy, Why do your gestures, which All eyes and hearts bewitch, # My bliss destroy ? And pity's sky o'erclouding. Of hate an endless shower On that poor heart still pour. Which in your bosom seeks his only shrouding? Balm of my wound. Why are your lines, whose sight Should cure me with delight, My poison found ? Which, through my veins dispersing, Doth make my heart and mind And all my senses, find A living death in torments past rehearsing ? Alas! my fate Hath of your eyes deprived me, Which both killed and revived me And sweetened hate; Your sweet voice and sweet graces, Which clothed in lovely weeds Your cruel words and deeds. Are intercepted by far distant places. But, O the anguish Which presence still presented. Absence hath not absented. Nor made to languish; 306 ELIZABETHAN VERSE No, no, to increase my paining, The cause being, ah ! removed For which the effect I loved. The effect is still in greatest force remaining. O cruel tiger ! If to your hard heart's center Tears, vows, and prayers may entefj Desist your rigour; And let kind lines assure me, Since to my deadly wound No salve else can be found. That you that kill me, yet at length will cure me. F. Davison Jjp. The One I Would Love A FACE that should content me wondrous well '^ ^ Should not be fair, but lovely to behold ; Of lively look, all grief for to repel With right good grace, so would I that it should Speak without word, such words as none can tell; Her tress also should be of crisped gold. With wit, and these, perchance, I might be tried. And knit again with knot that should not slide. Sir r. Wyat 340. There Is None, O None But You TTHERE is none, O none but you, -*■ That from me estrange your sight, W^hom mine eyes affect to view Or chained ears hear with delight. 307 THE BOOK OF Other beauties others move, In you I all graces find; Such is the effect of Love, To make them happy that are kind. Women in frail beauty trust, Only seem you fair to me; Yet prove truly kind and just. For that may not dissembled be. Sweet, afford me then your sight! That, surveying all your looks, Endless volumes I may w^rite And fill the world with envied books: Which when after-ages view. All shall wonder and despair, — Woman to find man so true. Or man a woman half so fair. jT. Campion J41. Montana the Shepherd, His Love to Aminta T SERVE Aminta, whiter than the snow, -*- Straighter than cedar, brighter than the glass; More fine in trip than foot of running roe. More pleasant than the field of flowering grass; More gladsome to my withering joys that fade Than winter's sun or summer's cooling shade. 308 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Sweeter than swelling grape of ripest wine, Softer than feathers of the fairest swan; Smoother than jet, more stately than the pine. Fresher than poplar, smaller than my span; Clearer than Phoebus' fiery-pointed beam. Or icy crust of crystal's frozen stream. Yet is she curster than the bear by kind, And harder-hearted than the aged oak; More glib than oil, more fickle than the wind, More stiff than steel, no sooner bent but broke. Lo ! thus my service is a lasting sore. Yet will I serve, although I die therefore. A. Munday J 42. . Canzonet To His Coy Love T PRAY thee, leave, love me no more, -*■ Call home the heart you gave me ! I but in vain that saint adore That can, but will not save me. These poor half-kisses kill me quite — Was ever man thus served ? Amidst an ocean of delight For pleasure to be starved. Show me no more those snowy breasts. With azure riverets branched. Where, whilst mine eye with plenty feasts, Yet is my thirst not stanched; 309 THE BOOK OF O, Tantalus ! thy pains ne'er tell By me thou art prevented; 'Tis nothing to be plagued in Hell, But thus in Heaven tormented ! Clip me no more in those dear arms, Nor thy life's comfort call me, O these are but too powerful charms. And do but more enthral me ! But see how patient I am grown In all this coil about thee; Come, nice thing, let my heart alone, I cannot live without thee ! M. Drayton j^j. To a Gentlewoman That Always Willed Him to Wear Rosemary for Her Sake in Token of Good-will to Her ' I ^HE green that you did wish me wear ■^ Aye for your love, And on my helm a branch to bear Not to remove, Was ever you to have a mind. Whom Cupid hath my fere assigned. As I in this have done your will. And mind to do; So I request you to fulfil My fancy too; A green and loving heart to have, And this is all that I do crave. 310 ELIZABETHAN VERSE For if your flowering heart should change His colour green, Or you at length a lady strange Of me be seen; Then will my branch against his use His colour change for your refuse. As winter's force can not deface This branch his hue, So let no change of love disgrace Your friendship true: You were mine own and be so still, So shall we live and love our fill. Then may I think my self to be Well recompensed. For wearing of the tree that is So well defenced Against all weather that doth fall When wayward winter spits his gall. And when we meet, to try me true, Look on my head. And I will crave an oath of you, Where faith be fled ? So shall we both assured be, Both I of you, and you of me ? G. TurherviUe 311 THE BOOK OF 344, The Gift TI^AIN would I have a pretty thing -^ To give unto my Lady: I name no thing, nor I mean no thing But as pretty a thing as may be. Tw^enty journeys would I make, And twenty ways would hie me, To make adventure for her sake, To set some matter by me: But fain would I have . . . Some do long for pretty knacks, And some for strange devices : God send me that my Lady lacks, I care not what the price is. Thus fain . . . I walk the town and tread the street, In every corner seeking The pretty thing I cannot meet, That's for my Lady's liking: For fain . . . The mercers pull me, going by. The silk-wives say * What lack ye ? * ' The thing you have not,' then say I : * Ye foolish knaves, go pack ye ! ' But fain . . . 312 ELIZABETHAN VERSE It is not all the silk in Cheap, Nor all the golden treasure; Nor twenty bushels on a heap Can do my Lady pleasure. But fain . . . But were it in the wit of man By any means to make it, I could for money buy it than, And say, * Fair Lady, take it 1 ' Thus fain ... O Lady, what a luck is this. That my good willing misseth To find what pretty thing it is That my Good Lady wisheth ! Thus fain would I have had this pretty thing To give unto my Lady; I said no harm, nor I meant no harm, But as pretty a thing as may be. Anon. 345. Loving in Truth, and Fain in Verse My Love to Show T OVING in truth, and fain in verse my love to show, ^^ That She, dear She, might take some pleasure of my pain; Pleasure might cause her read, reading might make her know. Knowledge might pity win, and pity grace obtain; 313 THE BOOK OF I sought fit words to paint the blackest face of woe, Studying inventions fine, her wits to entertain; Oft turning others' leaves, to see if thence would flow Some fresh and fruitful showers upon my sunburned brain. But words came halting forth, wanting Invention's stay; Invention, Nature's child, fled step-dame Study's blows; And others' feet still seemed but strangers in my way. Thus, great with child to speak, and helpless in my throes. Biting my truant pen, beating myself for spite, " Fool," said my Muse to me, " look in thy heart, and write ! " Sir P. Sidney j^6, Montanus^ Vow THIRST shall the heavens want starry light, ^ The seas be robbed of their waves; The day want sun, the sun want bright. The night want shade and dead men graves; The April, flowers and leaf and tree, Before I false my faith to thee. First shall the tops of highest hills By humble plains be overpry'd; And poets scorn the Muses' quills. And fish forsake the water-glide; And Iris lose her colour'd weed Before I fail thee at thy need. 314 ELIZABETHAN VERSE First direful Hate shall turn to Peace, And Love relent in deep disdain; And Death his fatal stroke shall cease, And Envy pity every pain; And Pleasure mourn, and Sorrow smile, Before I talk of any guile. First Time shall stay his stayless race. And Winter bless his brows with corn; And snow bemoisten July's face. And Winter spring and summer mourn. Before my pen by help of Fame Cease to recite thy sacred name. T. Lodge J4y. Since Brass, Nor Stone O INCE brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea, ^^ But sad mortality o'ersways their power. How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea. Whose action is no stronger than a flower ? O, how shall summer's honey breath hold out Against the wreckful siege of battering days, When rocks impregnable are not so stout, Nor gates of steel so strong, but Time decays .? O fearful meditation ! Where, alack ! Shall Time's best jewel from Time's chest lie hid ? Or what strong hand can hold his swift foot back i Or who his spoil of beauty can forbid ? O none, unless this miracle have might, That in black ink my love may still shine bright, W. Shakespeare 315 THE BOOK OF 348. Stella, Think Not OTELLA, think not that I by verse seek fame, ^^ Who seek, who hope, who love, who live but thee; Thine eyes my pride, thy lips mine history : If thou praise not, all other praise is shame. Nor so ambitious am I as to frame A nest for my young praise in laurel tree : In truth, I swear, I wish not there should be Graved in my epitaph a poet's name. Ne, if I would, could I just title make. That any laud thereof to me should grow, Without my plumes from others' wings I take : For nothing from my wit or will doth flow, Since all my words thy beauty doth indite, And Love doth hold my hand, and makes me write. Sir P. Sidney J4g. Love Unalterable T FT me not to the marriage of true minds -' — ' Admit impediments. Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove : O, no ! it is an ever-fixed mark. That looks on tempests and is never shaken ; It is the star to every wand'ring bark. Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken. Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks Within his bending sickle's compass come; 316 p. ELIZABETHAN VERSE Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom : — If this be error and upon me proved, I never writ, nor no man ever loved. fV. Shakespeare j^o. Syrinx )AN'S Syrinx was a girl indeed. Though now she's turned into a reed ; From that dear reed Pan's pipe does come, A pipe that strikes Apollo dumb; Nor flute, nor lute, nor gittern can So chant it as the pipe of Pan : Cross-gartered swains and dairy girls. With faces smug and round as pearls. When Pan's shrill pipe begins to play, With dancing wear out night and day; The bagpipe's drone his hum lays by, . When Pan sounds up his minstrelsy; His minstrelsy ! O base ! this quill. Which at my mouth with wind I fill, Puts me in mind, though her I miss. That still my Syrinx' lips I kiss. J. Lyly 3 SI. The Merry Cuckoo, Messenger 0} Spring HPHE merry Cuckoo, messenger of Spring, His trumpet shrill hath thrice already sounded; That warns all lovers wait upon their king, Who now is coming forth with garland crowned. With noise whereof the quire of birds resounded 317 THE BOOK OF Their anthems sweet devised of Love's praise; That all the woods their echoes back rebounded, As if they knew the meaning of their lays. But 'mongst them all which did Love's honour raise, No word was heard of her that most it ought: But she his precept idly disobeys, And doth his idle message set at nought. Therefore, O Love, unless she turn to thee Ere Cuckoo end, let her a rebel be! E. Spenser 3S2. To His Book TTAPPY ye leaves when as those lily hands, •*■ -^ Which hold my life in their dead-doing might. Shall handle you, and hold in love's soft bands, Like captives trembling at the victor's sight: And happy lines, on which with starry light Those lamping eyes will deign sometimes to look And read the sorrows of my dying sprite. Written with tears in heart's close bleeding book: And happy rhymes, bathed in the sacred brook Of Helicon, whence she derived is. When ye behold that angel's blessed look. My soul's long lacked food, my heaven's bliss: Leaves, lines, and rhymes, seek her to please alone. Whom if ye please, I care for other none. E. Spenser 353' Laura ► OSE-CHEEK'D Laura, come; Sing thou smoothly with thy beauty's Silent music, either other Sweetly gracing. 318 R^ ELIZABETHAN VERSE Lovely forms do flow From concent divinely framed : Heaven is music, and thy beauty's Birth is heavenly. These dull notes we sing Discords need for helps to grace them; Only beauty purely loving Knows no discord; But still moves delight, Like clear springs rencvv'd by flowing, Ever perfect, ever in them- Selves eternal. T. Campion SS4' Let Others Sing of Knights and Paladines T ET others sing of Knights and Paladines, -* — ' In aged accents and untimely words, Paint shadows in imaginary lines, Which well the reach of their high wit records. But I must sing of thee, and those fair eyes Authentic shall my verse in time to come, When yet th' unborn shall say, Lo where she lies ! Whose beauty made him speak, that else was dumb ! These are the arcs, the trophies I erect. That fortify thy name against old age; And these thy sacred virtues must protect Against the Dark, and Time's consuming rage. Though th' error of my youth in them appear, Suffice, they show I lived, and loved thee dear. S. Daniel 319 THE BOOK OF 3^^. Fair Hebe T^AIR Hebe, when dame Flora meets, ■'■ She trips and leaps as gallants do; Up to the hills and down again To the vallies runs she to and fro. But out, alas ! when frosty locks Begirds the head with cark and care; Peace ! laugh no more, let pranks go by, Slow-crawling age forbids such ware. Anon, 3^6. On Lucy, Countess oj Bedford nPHIS morning timely wrapt with holy fire, -*- I thought to form unto my zealous Muse, What kind of creature I could most desire To know, serve, and love, as Poets use. I meant to make her fair, and free, and wise. Of greatest blood, and yet more good than great; I meant the day-star should not brighter rise. Nor lend like influence from his lucent seat; I meant she should be courteous, facile, sweet. Hating that solemn vice of greatness, pride; I meant each softest virtue there should meet. Fit in that softer bosom to reside. Only a learned, and a manly soul I purposed her: that should with even powers, The rock, the spindle, and the shears control Of Destiny, and spin her own free hours. Such when I meant to feign, and wished to see. My Muse bade BEDFORD write, and that was she ! B. yonson 320 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 357- Clear Anker ^ on Whose Silver-Sanded Shore /'"^LEAR Anker, on whose silver-sanded shore ^~^ My soul-shrined saint, my fair Idea, lies; O blessed brook, whose milk-white swans adore Thy crystal stream, refined by her eyes ! There sweet myrrh-breathing Zephyr in the spring Gently distils his nectar-dropping showers. Where nightingales in Arden sit and sing Amongst the dainty dew-impearled flowers; Say thus, fair brook, when thou shalt see thy queen, — " Lo, here thy shepherd spent his wandering years. And in these shades, dear nymph, he oft hath been, And here to thee he sacrificed his tears." Fair Arden, thou my Tempe art alone. And thou, sweet Anker, art my Helicon. M. Drayton 3^8. I Must Not Grieve My Love, Whose Eyes Would Read T MUST not grieve my Love, whose eyes would read -'- Lines of delight, whereon her youth might smile; Flowers have time before they come to seed. And she is young, and now must sport the while. And sport. Sweet Maid, in season of these years, And learn to gather flowers before they wither; And where the sweetest blossom first appears. Let Love and Youth conduct thy pleasures thither. Lighten forth smiles to clear the clouded air, 321 THE BOOK OF And calm the tempest which my sighs do raise; Pity and smiles do best become the fair; Pity and smiles must only yield the praise. Make me to say when all my griefs are gone, Happy the heart that sighed for such a one. S. Daniel JSp. Down in a Valley, by a Foresfs Side T~^OWN in a valley, by a forest's side, ■*-^^ Near where the crystal Thames rolls on her waveSj I saw a mushroom stand in haughty pride. As if the lilies grew to be his slaves; The gentle daisy, with her silver crown. Worn in the breast of many a shepherd's lass. The humble violet, that lowly down Salutes the gay nymphs as they trimly pass : Those, with many a more, methought, complained That Nature should those needless things produce. Which not alone the sun from others gained. But turn it wholly to their proper use : I could not choose but grieve, that Nature made So glorious flowers to live in such a shade. W. Browne J 60. Rudely Thou Wrongest My Dear Heart's Desire "D UDELY thou wrongest my dear heart's desire, -'-^ In finding fault with her too portly pride: The thing which I do most in her admire. Is of the world unworthy most envied; 322 ELIZABETHAN VERSE For in those lofty looks is close implied Scorn of base things, and 'sdain of foul dishonour, Threatening rash eyes which gaze on her so wide, That loosely they ne dare to look upon her. Such pride is praise, such portliness is honour, That boldened innocence bears in her eyes; And her fair countenance, like a goodly banner. Spreads in defiance of all enemies. Was never in this world aught worthy tried. Without some spark of such self-pleasing pride. E. Spenser 361, Small Comfort Might My Banish'd Hopes Recall OMALL comfort might my banish'd hopes recall ^^ When 'whiles my dainty fair I sighing see; If I could think that one were shed for me, It were a guerdon great enough for all: Or would she let one tear of pity fall That seem'd dismiss'd from a remorseful eye, I could content myself ungrieved to die. And nothing might my constancy appall. The only sound of that sweet word of " love," Press'd 'twixt those lips that do my doom contain, — Were I embarked — might bring me back again From death to life, and make me breathe and move. Strange cruelty ! that never can afford So much as once one sigh, one tear, one word ! fF. Alexander^ Earl of Stirling 323 THE BOOK OF 362. And Yet I Cannot Reprehend the Fhght A ND yet I cannot reprehend the flight "^ ^ Or blame th' attempt presuming so to soar; The mounting venture for a high dehght Did make the honour of the fall the more. For who gets wealth, that puts not from the shore ? Danger hath honour, great designs their fame; Glory doth follow, courage goes before; And though th' event oft answers not the same — Sujffice that high attempts have never shame. The mean observer, whom base safety keeps, . Lives without honour, dies without a name. And in eternal darkness ever sleeps. — • And therefore, Delia, 'tis to me no blot To have attempted, tho' attained thee not. S. Daniel j6j. Zephyrus Brings the Time that Sweetly Scenteth VEPHYRUS brings the time that sweetly scenteth ^-^ With flowers and herbs which winter's frost exileth; Procne now chirpeth, Philomel lamenteth. Flora the garlands white and red compileth; Fields do rejoice, the frowning sky relenteth, Jove to behold his dearest daughter smileth; The air, the water, the earth to joy consenteth, Each creature now to love him reconcileth. 324 ELIZABETHAN VERSE But with me, wretch, the storms of woe persever, And heavy sighs which from my heart she straineth, That took the key thereof to heaven for ever; So that the singing of birds and springtime's flow'ring. And ladies' love that men's affection gaineth, Are hke a desert and cruel beasts devouring. 364. Here Lies the Blithe Spring TTERE lies the blithe Spring, -*- -*■ Who first taught birds to sing, Yet in April herself fell a-crying: Then May growing hot, A sweating sickness she got. And the first day of June lay a-dying. Yet no month can say. But her merry daughter May Stuck her coffins with flowers great plenty: The cuckoo sung in verse An epitaph o'er her hearse, But assure you the lines were not dainty. r. Dekker 36^. Look, Delia, How We Esteem the Half-Blown Rose T OOK, Delia, how we *steem the half-blown rose, J — ' The image of thy blush and summer's honour. Whilst in her tender green she doth inclose That pure, sweet beauty Time bestows upon her. 325 THE BOOK OF No sooner spreads her glory to the air, But straight her full-blown pride is. in declining; She then is scorned that late adorned the fair: So clouds thy beauty, after fairest shining. No April can revive thy withered flowers. Whose blooming grace adorns thy glory now; Swift, speedy Time, feathered with flying hours, Dissolves the beauty of the fairest brow. O let not then such riches waste in vain,, But love, whilst that thou may'st be loved again. S. Daniel 366. The Rose A ROSE, as fair as ever saw the Nortii, -^ ^ Grew in a little garden all alone; A sweeter flower did Nature ne'er put forth. Nor fairer garden yet was never known : The maidens danced about it morn and noon, And learned bards of it their ditties made; The nimble fairies by the pale-faced moon Water'd the root and kiss'd her pretty shade. But well-a-day! — the gardener careless grew; The maids and fairies both were kept away. And in a drought the caterpillars threw Themselves upon the bud and every spray. God shield the stock ! If heaven send no supplies. The fairest blossom of the garden dies. W. Browne 326 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 36J. A Rose T)LOWN in the morning, thou shalt fade ere noon. ^^ What boots a life which in such haste forsakes thee ? Thou'rt wondrous frolic, being to die so soon, And passing proud a little colour makes thee. If thee thy brittle beauty so deceives, Know then the thing that swells thee is thy bane; For the same beauty doth, in bloody leaves. The sentence of thy early death contain. Some clown's coarse lungs will poison thy sweet flower, If by the careless plough thou shalt be torn; And many Herods lie in wait each hour To murder thee as soon as thou art born — Nay, force thy bud to blow — their tyrant breath Anticipating life, to hasten death ! Str R. Fanshawe 368. Fair Is the Rose T^AIR is the rose, yet fades with heat or cold; Sweet are the violets, yet soon grow old; The lily's white, yet in one day 'tis done; White is the snow, yet melts against the sun : So white, so sweet, was my fair mistress' face, Yet altered quite in one short hour's space: So short-lived beauty a vain gloss doth borrow. Breathing delight to-day but none to-morrow. Anon. THE BOOK OF j^p. Sweet Rose, Whence Is This Hue ? OWEET rose, whence is this hue v^ Which doth all hues excel ? Whence this most fragrant smell ? And whence this form and gracing grace in you ? In fair Paestana's fields perhaps you grew, Or Hybla's hills you bred. Or odoriferous Enna's plains you fed, Or Tmolus, or where boar young Adon slew; Or hath the Queen of Love you dyed of new In that dear blood, which makes you look so red ? No, none of those, but cause more high you blissed. My lady's breast you bore, her lips you kissed. W. Drummond 37 o. The Blushing Rose and Purple Flower " I ^HE blushing rose and purple flower, ^ Let grow too long, are soonest blasted ! Dainty fruits, though sweet, will sour. And rot in ripeness, left untasted ! Yet here is one more sweet than these: The more you taste, the more She'll please ! Beauty, though inclosed with ice^ Is a shadow chaste as rare; Then, how much those sweets entice, That have issue full as fair ! Earth cannot yield from all her powers, One equal for Dame Venus' bowers! P. Massinger 328 ELIZABETHAN VERSE J//. The Funeral Rites of the Rose ' I ''HE Rose was sick and smiling died; •^ And, being to be sanctified, About the bed there sighing stood The sweet and flowery sisterhood : Some hung the head, while some did bring, To wash her, water from the spring; Some laid her forth, while others wept. But all a solemn fast there kept: The holy sisters, some among. The sacred dirge and trental sung. But ah ! what sweets smelt everywhere. As Heaven had spent all perfumes there. At last, when prayers for the dead And rites were all accomplished. They, weeping, spread a lawny loom, And closed her up as in a tomb. R. Herrick S72. A Summefs Day /'^LEAR had the day been from the dawn, ^-^ All chequer'd was the sky, The clouds, like scarfs of cobweb lawn, Veil'd heaven's most glorious eye. The wind had no more strength than this, — That leisurely it blew — To make one leaf the next to kiss That closely by it grew. 329 THE BOOK OF The rills, that on the pebbles play'd, Might now be heard at will; This world the only music made, Else everything was still. The flowers, like brave embroider'd girls, Look'd as they most desired To see whose head with orient pearls Most curiously was tyred. And to itself the subtle air Such sovereignty assumes. That it receiv'd too large a share From Nature's rich perfumes. M. Drayton j 373. The Grasshopper \ {~\ THOU that swing'st upon the waving hair I ^-^ Of some well-filled oaten beard. Drunk every night with a delicious tear I Dropt thee from heaven, where thou wert rear'd ! The joys of earth and air are thine entire. That with thy feet and wings dost hop and fly; And when thy poppy works, thou dost retire To thy carved acorn-bed to lie. Up with the day, the Sun thou welcom'st then, Sport'st in the gilt plaits of his beams, And all these merry days mak'st merry men. Thyself, and melancholy streams. jR. Lovelace 330 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 374> A Summer Day r^ PERFECT Light, which shaid away ^-'^ The darkness from the light, And set a ruler o'er the day. Another o'er the night — Thy glory, when the day forth flies, More vively doth appear Than at mid day unto our eyes The shining sun is clear. The shadow of the earth anon Removes and drawis by, While in the East, when it is gone, Appears a clearer sky. Which soon perceive the little larks. The lapwing and the snipe. And tune their songs, like Nature's clerks, O'er meadow, muir, and stripe. Our hemisphere is polisht clean. And lighten'd more and more. While everything is clearly seen Which seemit dim before: Except the glistering astres bright, Which all the night were clear, OflFuskit with a greater light No longer do appear. 331 THE BOOK OF The golden globe incontinent Sets up his shining head, And o'er the earth and firmament Displays his beams abread For joy the birds with boulden throats Against his visage sheen Take up their kindly musick notes In woods and gardens green. The dew upon the tender crops, Like pearlis white and round, Or like to melted silver drops, Refreshis all the ground. The misty reek, the clouds of rain. From tops of mountains skails. Clear are the highest hills and plain, The vapours take the- vales. The ample heaven of fabrick sure In cleanness does surpass The crystal and the silver pure. Or clearest polisht glass. The time so tranquil is and still That nowhere shall ye find. Save on a high and barren hill. An air of peeping wind. All trees and simples, great and small. That balmy leaf do bear, Than they were painted on a wall No more they move or steir. 332 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Calm is the deep and purple sea, Yea, smoother than the sand; The waves that weltering wont to be Are stable like the land. So silent is the cessile air That every cry and call The hills and dales and forest fair Again repeats them all. The flourishes and fragrant flowers, Through Phoebus' fostering heat, Refresht with dew and silver showers Cast up an odour sweet. The cloggit busy humming bees, That never think to drone. On flowers and flourishes of trees Collect their liquor brown. The Sun, most like a speedy post With ardent course ascends; The beauty of the heavenly host Up to our zenith tends. The burning beams down from his face So fervently can beat, That man and beast now seek a place To save them from the heat. The herds beneath some leafy tree Amidst the flowers they lie; The stable ships upon the sea Tend up their sails to dry. 333 THE BOOK OF With gilded eyes and open wings The cock his courage shows; With claps of joy his breast he dings, And twenty times he crows. The dove with whistling wings so blue The winds can fast collect; Her purple pens turn many a hue Against the sun direct. Now noon is went; gone is midday, The heat doth slake at last; The sun descends down West away. For three of clock is past. The rayons of the sun we see Diminish in their strength; The shade of every tower and tree Extendit is in length. Great is the calm, for everywhere The wind is setting down; The reek throws right up in the air From every tower and town. The gloming comes; the day is spent; The sun goes out of sight; And painted is the Occident With purple sanguine bright. Our west horizon circular From time the sun be set Is all with rubies, as it were. Or roses red o'erfret. 334 ELIZABETHAN VERSE What pleasure were to walk and see, Endlong a river clear, The perfect form of every tree Within the deep appear. O then it were a seemly thing. While all is still and calm, The praise of God to play and sing With cornet and with shalm ! All labourers draw home at even. And can to other say. Thanks to the gracious God of heaven. Which sent this summer day. A. Hume 375' Where the Bee Sucks T^THERE the bee sucks, there suck I: * * In a cowslip's bell I lie; There I couch when owls do cry. On the bat's back I do fly After summer merrily: Merrily, merrily, shall I live now Under the blossom that hangs on the bough. W. Shakespeare J yd. The Stream T WALK'D along a stream, for pureness rare. Brighter than sunshine; for it did acquaint The dullest sight with all glorious prey That in the pebble-paved channel lay. 335 THE BOOK OF No molten crystal, but a richer mine, Even Nature's rarest alchymy ran there, — Diamonds resolv'd, and substance more divine, Through whose bright-gliding current might appear A thousand naked nymphs, whose ivory shine. Enamelling the banks, made them more dear Than ever was that glorious palace gate Where the day-shining Sun in triumph sate. Upon this brim the eglantine and rose,. The tamarisk, olive, and the almond tree. As kind companions, in one union grows. Folding their twining arms, as oft we see Turtle-taught lovers either other close. Lending to dulness feeling sympathy; And as a costly valance o'er a bed, So did their garland-tops the brook o'erspread. Their leaves, that difFer'd both in shape and show. Though all were green, yet difference such in green, Like to the checker'd bent of Iris' bow, Prided the running main, as it had been. . . . C. Marlowe J//. The Dancing of the Sea "POR lo, the sea that fleets about the land ! And like a girdle clips her solid waist; Music and measure both doth understand : 336 ELIZABETHAN VERSE For his great crystal eye is always cast Up to the moon, and on her fixed fast: And as she danceth in her pallid sphere So danceth he about his centre here. Sometimes his proud green waves in order set, One after other flow unto the shore, Which when they have with many kisses wet, They ebb away in order as before; And to make known his courtly love the more, He oft doth lay aside his three-fork'd mace. And with his arms the timorous earth embrace. Sir J. Davies "/8. As When the Time Hath Been A T morning and at evening both -^ ^ You merry were and glad. So little care of sleep or sloth These pretty ladies had; When Tom came home from labour Or Ciss to milking rose, Then merrily, merrily went their tabor And nimbly went their toes. Witness those rings and roundelays Of theirs, which yet remain. Were footed in Queen Mary's days On many a grassy plain; But since of late, Elizabeth And later, James came in. They never danced on any heath As when the time hath been. 337 THE BOOK OF Farewell rewards and fairies Good housewives now may say, For now foul sluts in dairies Do fare as well as they. And though they sweep their hearths no less Then maids were wont to do, Yet who of late for cleanliness Finds sixpence in her shoe ? Lament, lament old abbeys The fairies lost command; They did but change priests' babies. But some have changed your land; And all your children sprung from thence Are now grown Puritans; Who live as changelings ever since For love of your domains. R. Corhety Bishop of Oxford and Norwich 37g. A Sweet Pastoral /^^OOD Muse, rock me to sleep ^^ With some sweet harmony; The weary eye is not to keep Thy wary company. Sweet Love, begone awhile; Thou know'st my heaviness; Beauty is born but to beguile My heart of happiness. 338 ELIZABETHAN VERSE See how my little flock, That loved to feed on high, Do headlong tumble down the rock And in the valley die. The bushes and the trees That were so fresh and green. Do all their dainty colour leese. And not a leaf is seen. The blackbird and the thrush That made the woods to ring, With all the rest are now at hush And not a note they sing. Sweet Philomel, the bird That hath the heavenly throat, Doth now, alas! not once afford Recording of a note. The flowers have had a frost, Each herb hath lost her savour, And Phyllida the fair hath lost The comfort of her favour. Now all these careful sights So kill me in conceit, That now to hope upon delights, It is but mere deceit. 339 THE BOOK OF And therefore, my sweet Muse, Thou know' St what help is best; Do now thy heavenly cunning use To set my heart at rest: And in a dream bewray What fate shall be my friend, Whether my life shall still decay. Or when my sorrow end. N. Breton j8o. The Country s Recreations QUIVERING fears, heart-tearing cares, Anxious sighs, untimely tears, Fly, fly to courts ! Fly to fond worldlings' sports Where strained sardonic smiles are glozing still. And grief is forced to laugh against her will; Where mirth's but mummery. And sorrows only real be ! Fly from our country pastimes, fly, Sad troop of human misery ! Come, serene looks. Clear as the crystal brooks. Or the pure azured heaven, that smiles to see The attendance of our poverty ! Peace, and a secure mind. Which all men seek, we only find. 340 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Abused mortals! did you know Where joy, heart's ease, and comforts grow, You'd scorn proud towers, And seek them in these bowers Where winds sometimes our woods perhaps may shake, But blustering care could never tempest make. Nor murmurs e'er come nigh us. Saving of fountains that glide by us. Here's no fantastic mask, nor dance But of our kids that frisk and prance: Nor wars are seen Unless upon the green Two harmless lambs are butting one another — Which done, both bleating run, each to his mother: And wounds are never found. Save what the ploughshare gives the ground. Here are no false entrapping baits To hasten too-too hasty Fates; Unless it be The fond credulity Of silly fish, which worldling-like still look Upon the bait, but never on the hook : Nor envy, unless among The birds, for prize of their sweet song. Go, let the diving Negro seek For gems hid in some forlorn creek; We all pearls scorn Save what the dewy morn 341 THE BOOK OF Congeals upon each little spire of grass, Which careless shepherds beat down as they pass; And gold ne'er here appears Save what the yellow Ceres bears. Blest silent groves ! O may ye be For ever mirth's best nursery! May pure contents For ever pitch their tents Upon these downs, these meads, these rocks, these moun- tains, And peace still slumber by these purling fountains; Which we may every year Find when we come a-fishing here! A non. j8i. Fortunati Nimium JACK and Joan, they think no ill. But loving live, and merry still; Do their week-day's work, and pray Devoutly on the holy day; Skip and trip it on the green. And help to choose the Summer Queen; Lash out at a country feast Their silver penny with the best. Well can they judge of nappy ale, And tell at large a winter tale; Climb up to the apple loft, And turn the crabs till they be soft. 342 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Tib is all the father's joy, And little Tom the mother's Boy; All their pleasure is Content; And care, to pay their yearly rent. Joan can call by name her cows And deck her windows with green boughs; She can wreaths and tutties make. And trim with plums a bridal cake. Jack knows what brings gain or loss; And his long flail can stoutly toss; Makes the hedge which others break, And ever thinks what he doth speak. Now, you courtly dames and knights, That study only strange delights; Though you scorn the home-spun gray And revel in your rich array; Though your tongues dissemble deep. And can your heads from danger keep; Yet, for all your pomp and train. Securer lives the silly swain! T. Campion j82. The Happy Countryman '\\TYiO can live in heart so glad ^ As the merry country lad ? Who upon a fair green balk May at pleasure sit and walk. And amid the azure skies See the morning sun arise, — 343 THE BOOK OF While he hears in every spring How the birds do chirp and sing: Or before the hounds in cry See the hare go steaHng by: Or along the shallow brook, Angling with a baited hook, See the fishes leap and play In a blessed sunny day: Or to hear the partridge call, Till she have her covey all : Or to see the subtle fox. How the villain plies the box: After feeding on his prey, How he closely sneaks away, Through the hedge and down the furrow Till he gets into his burrow: Then the bee to gather honey. And the little black-haired coney. On a bank for sunny place, With her forefeet wash her face: Are not these, with thousands moe Than the courts of kings do know, The true pleasing spirit's sights That may breed true love's delights ? But with all this happiness, To behold that Shepherdess, To whose eyes all shepherds yield All the fairest of the field, — Fair Aglaia, in whose face Lives the shepherd's highest grace; For whose sake I say and swear. By the passions that I bear, 344 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Had I got a kingly grace, I would leave my kingly place And in heart be truly glad To become a country lad; Hard to lie, and go full bare, And to feed on hungry fare. So I might but live to be Where I might but sit to see Once a day, or all day long. The sweet subject of my song: In Aglaia's only eyes All my worldly paradise. N. Breton j8j. Come Follow Me, Ye Country Lasses /"^OME follow me, you country lasses, ^-^ And you shall see such sport as passes: You shall dance and I will sing; Pedro, he shall rub the string; Each shall have a loose-bodied gown Of green, and laugh till you lie down. Come follow me, come follow, &c. You shall have crowns of roses, daisies, Buds where the honey-maker grazes; You shall taste the golden thighs. Such as in wax-chamber lies : What fruit please you taste, freely pull. Till you have all your bellies full. Come follow me, come follow, &c. y. Fletcher or W. Rowley 345 THE BOOK OF 38^. . Country Glee TTAYMAKERS, rakers, reapers, and mowers, -*- ^ Wait on your Summer-Queen; Dress up with musk-rose her eglantine bowers. Daffodils strew the green; Sing, dance, and play, 'Tis holiday; The sun does bravely shine On our ears of corn. Rich as a pearl Comes every girl. This is mine, this is mine, this is mine; Let us die, ere away they be borne. Bow to the Sun, to our queen, and that fair one Come to behold our sports: Each bonny lass here is counted a rare one. As those in prince's courts. These and we With country glee. Will teach the woods to resound, And the hills with echoes hollow: Skipping lambs Their bleating dams, 'Mongst kids shall trip it round; For joy thus our wenches we follow. Wind, jolly huntsmen, your neat bugles shrilly. Hounds make a lusty cry; Spring up, you falconers, the partridges freely. Then let your brave hawks fly. 346 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Horses amain, Over ridge, over plain, The dogs have the stag in chase: 'Tis a sport to content a king. So ho, ho ! through the skies How the proud bird flies. And sousing kills with a grace! Now the deer falls; hark, how they ring! T. Dekker j(?5. What Pleasure Have Great Princes "X "X THAT pleasure have great princes ' More dainty to their choice Than herdsmen wild, who careless In quiet life rejoice, And fortune's fate not fearing Sing sweet in summer morning? Their dealings plain and rightful, Are void of all deceit; They never know how spiteful, It is to kneel and wait On favourite presumptuous. Whose pride is vain and sumptuous. All day their flocks each tendeth; At night, they take their rest; More quiet than who sendeth His ship into the East, Where gold and pearl are plenty; But getting, very dainty. .147 THE BOOK OF For lawyers and their pleading, They 'steem it not a straw; They think that honest meaning Is of itself a law: Whence conscience judgeth plainly, They spend no money vainly. O happy who thus liveth ! Not caring much for gold; With clothing which sufficeth To keep him from the cold. Though poor and plain his diet Yet merry it is, and quiet. 386. The Shepherd's Wife's Song A H, what is love .? It is a pretty thing, '^ ^ As sweet unto a shepherd as a king; And sweeter too; For kings have cares that wait upon a crown And cares can make the sweetest love to frown. Ah then, ah then. If country loves such sweet desires do gain. What lady would not love a shepherd swain ? His flocks are folded, he comes home at night, As merry as a king in his delight; And merrier too; For kings bethink then what the state require, Where shepherds careless carol by the fire: 348 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Ah then, ah then, If country loves such sweet desires do gain. What lady would not love a shepherd swain ? He kisseth first, then sits as blithe to eat His cream and curds as doth the king his meat; And blither too : For kings have often fears when they do sup. Where shepherds dread no poison in their cup. Ah then, ah then. If country loves such sweet desires do gain. What lady would not love a shepherd swain ? To bed he goes, as wanton then, I ween, -\ As is a king in dalliance with a queen; More wanton too; For kings have many griefs affects to move, Where shepherds have no greater grief than love: Ah then, ah then. If country loves such sweet desires do gain. What lady would not love a shepherd swain ? Upon his couch of straw he sleeps as sound As doth a king upon his beds of down; More sounder too ; For cares cause kings full oft their sleep to spill. Where weary shepherds lie and snort their fill : Ah then, ah then. If country loves such sweet desires do gain. What lady would not love a shepherd swain ? 349 THE BOOK OF Thus with his wife he spends the year, as blithe As doth the king at every tide or sithe; And bHther too; For kings have wars and broils to take in hand, When shepherds laugh and love upon the land : Ah then, ah then, If country loves such sweet desires do gain, What lady would not love a shepherd swain ? R. Greene j8/. An Ode to Master Anthony Stajjord to Hasten Him into the Country /^^OME, spur away, ^-^ I have no patience for a longer stay. But must go down And leave the chargeable noise of this great town : I will the country see, Where old simplicity. Though hid in gray. Doth look more gay Than foppery in plush and scarlet clad. Farewell, you city wits, that are Almost at civil war — 'Tis time that I grow wise, when all the world grows mad. More of my days I will not spend to gain an idiot's praise; Or to make sport For some slight Puisne of the Inns of Court. 350 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Then, worthy Stafford, say, How shall we spend the day ? With what deHghts Shorten the nights ? When from this tumult we are got secure. Where mirth with all her freedom goes. Yet shall no finger lose; Where every word is thought, and every thought is pure ? There from the tree We'll cherries pluck, and pick the strawberry; And every day Go see the wholesome country girls make hay, Whose brown hath lovelier grace Than any painted face That I do know Hyde Park can show: Where I had rather gain a kiss than meet (Though some of them in greater state Might court my love with plate) The beauties of the Cheap, and wives of Lombard Street But think upon Some other pleasures : these to me are none. Why do I prate Of women, that are things against my fate ! I never mean to wed That torture to my bed : My Muse is she My love shall be. 351 THE BOOK OF Let clowns get wealth and heirs : when I am gone And the great bugbear, grisly Death, Shall take this idle breath, If I a poem leave, that poem is my son. Of this no more ! We'll rather taste the bright Pomona's store. No fruit shall 'scape Our palates, from the damsoru to the grape. Then, full, we'll seek a shade, And hear what music's made; How Philomel Her tale doth tell, And how the other birds do fill the quire; The thrush and blackbird lend their throats. Warbling melodious notes; We will all sports enjoy which others but desire. Ours is the sky. Where at what fowl we please our hawk shall fly Nor will we spare To hunt the crafty fox or timorous hare; But let our hounds run loose In any ground they choose; The buck shall fall. The stag, and all. Our pleasures must from their own warrants be. For to my Muse, if not to me, I'm sure all game is free : Heaven, earth, are all but parts of her great royalty. 352 ELIZABETHAN VERSE And when we mean To taste of Bacchus' blessings now and then. And drink by stealth A cup or two to noble Barkley's health, I'll take my pipe and try The Phrygian melody; Which he that hears, Lets through his ears A madness to distemper all the brain: Then I another pipe will take And Doric music make, To civilize with graver notes our wits again. r. Randolph \J j88. Epithalamium ET Mother Earth now deck herself in flowers, ' To see her offspring seek a good increase, Where justest love doth vanquish Cupid's powers. And war of thoughts is swallowed up in peace, Which never may decrease, But, like the turtles fair. Live one in two, a well-united pair: Which that no chance may stain, O Hymen ! long their coupled joys maintain ! O Heaven! awake, show forth thy stately face; Let not these slumbering clouds thy beauties hide. But with thy cheerful presence help to grace The honest Bridegroom and the bashful Bride; Whose loves may ever bide, 353 THE BOOK OF Like to the elm and vine, With mutual embracements them to twine: In which delightful pain, O Hymen ! long their coupled joys maintain I Ye Muses all ! which chaste affects allow And have to Thyrsis shewed your secret skill. To this chaste love your sacred favours bow; And so to him and her your gifts distill That they all vice may kill, And, like to lilies pure, May please all eyes, and spotless may endure: Where that all bliss may reign, O Hymen ! long their coupled joys maintain ! Ye Nymphs which in the waters empire have ! Since Thyrsis' music oft doth yield you praise. Grant to the thing which we for Thyrsis crave: Let one time — but long first — close up their days. One grave their bodies seize; And, like two rivers sweet When they though divers do together meet. One stream both streams contain ! O Hymen ! long their coupled joys maintain ! Pan ! father Pan, the god of silly sheep ! Whose care is cause that they in number grow, — Have much more care of them that them do keep. Since from these good the others' good doth flow; And make their issue show In number like the herd 354 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Of younglings which thyself with love hast reared, Or Hke the drops of rain ! O Hymen ! long their coupled joys maintain ! Virtue, if not a God, yet God's chief part! Be thou the knot of this their open vow: That still he be her head, she be his heart; He lean to her, she unto him do bow; Each other still allow. Like oak and mistletoe; Her strength from him, his praise from her do grow! In which most lovely train, O Hymen ! long their coupled joys maintain ! But thou, foul Cupid, sire to lav/less lust ! Be thou far hence with thy empoisoned dart. Which, though of glittering gold, shall here take rust, Where simple love, which chasteness doth impart. Avoids thy hurtful art. Not needing charming skill Such minds with sweet affections for to fill : Which being pure and plain, O Hymen ! long their coupled joys maintain ! All churlish words, shrewd answers, crabbed looks. All privateness, self-seeking, inward spite. All waywardness which nothing kindly brooks, All strife for toys and claiming master's right, — Be hence aye put to flight; All stirring husband's hate 'Gainst neighbours good for womanish debate Be fled, as things most vain I O Hymen ! long their coupled joys maintain ! 355 THE BOOK OF But above all, away vile jealousy, The evil of evils, just cause to be unjust! How can he love, suspecting treachery ? How can she love, where love cannot win trust ? Go, snake! hide thee in dust; Nor dare once shovv^ thy face Where open hearts do hold so constant place That they thy sting restrain ! O Hymen ! long their coupled joys maintain ! The Earth is decked with flowers the Heavens displayed ; Muses grant gifts, Nymphs long and joined life; Pan, store of babes, virtue their thoughts well stayed; Cupid's lust gone, and gone is bitter strife. Happy man ! happy wife ! No pride shall them oppress, Nor yet shall yield to loathsome sluttishness; And jealousy is slain. For Hymen will their coupled joys maintain ! Sir P. Sidney 38 g. Bridal Song /^YNTHIA, to thy power and thee ^^ We obey. Joy to this great company ! And no day Come to steal this night away Till the rites of love are ended, And the lusty bridegroom say, Welcome, light, of all befriended ! 356 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Pace out, you watery powers below; Let your feet, Like the galleys when they row, Even beat; Let your unknown measures, set . To the still winds, tell to all That gods are come, immortal, great. To honour this great nuptial ! J. Fletcher jpo. The Bridal Song "DEACE and silence be the guide -*- To the man and to the bride ! If there be a joy yet new In marriage, let it fall on you, That all the world may wonder ! If we should stay, we should do worse, And turn our blessing to a curse By keeping you asunder. F. Beaumont J pi. A Bridal Song T3 OSES, their sharp spines being gone, -"^^ Not royal in their smells alone. But in their hue; Maiden pinks, of odour faint. Daisies smell-less, yet most quaint, And sweet thyme true; Primrose, first-born child of Ver; Merry spring-time's harbinger, 357 THE BOOK OF With hare-bells dim; OxHps in their cradles growing, Marigolds on deathbeds blowing, Larks'-heel trim; All dear Nature's children sweet Lie 'fore bride and bridegroom's feet, Blessing their sense ! Not an angel of the air, Bird melodious, or bird fair. Be absent hence! The crow, the slanderous cuckoo, nor The boding raven, nor chough hoar. Nor chattering pye, May on our bride house perch or sing, Or with them any discord bring, But from it fly! W. Shakespearey or J. Fletcher jp2. Epithalamium 'V/'E learned sisters, which have oftentimes Beene to me ayding, others to adorne, Whom ye thought worthy of your graceful rymes. That even the greatest did not greatly scorne To heare theyr names sung in your simple layes. But joyed in theyr praise; And when ye list your owne mishaps to mourne. Which death, or love, or fortunes wreck did rayse, Your string could soone to sadder tenor turne, 358 ELIZABETHAN VERSE And teach the woods and waters to lament Your doleful dreriment: Now lay those sorrowfull complaints aside; And, having all your heads with girlands crownd, Helpe me mine owne loves prayses to resound; Ne let the same of any be envide: So Orpheus did for his owne bride ! So I unto my selfe alone will sing; The woods shall to me answer, and my Eccho ring. Early, before the worlds light-giving lampe His golden beame upon the hils doth spred. Having disperst the nights unchearefull dampe, Doe ye awake; and, with fresh lusty-hed. Go to the bowre of my beloved love. My truest turtle dove; Bid her awake; for Hymen is awake, And long since ready forth his maske to move. With his bright Tead that flames with many a flake, And many a bachelor to waite on him. In theyr fresh garments trim. Bid her awake therefore, and soone her dight, For lo ! the wished day is come at last. That shall, for all the paynes and sorrowes past, Pay to her usury of long delight: And, whylest she doth her dight. Doe ye to her of joy and solace sing. That all the woods may answer, and your eccho ring. Bring with you all the Nymphes that you can heare Both of the rivers and the forrests greene, And of the sea that neighbours to her neare: 359 THE BOOK OF Al with gay girlands goodly wel beseene. And let them also with them bring in hand Another gay girland For my fayre love, of lillyes and of roses, Bound truelove wize, with a blew silke riband. And let them make great store of bridale poses, And let them eeke bring store of other flowers, To deck the bridale bowers. And let the ground whereas her foot shall tread. For feare the stones her tender foot should wrong. Be strewed with fragrant flowers all along, And diapred lyke the discolored mead. Which done, doe at her chamber dore awayt, For she will waken strayt; The whiles doe ye this song unto her sing, The woods shall to you answer, and your Eccho ring. Ye Nymphes of Mulla, which with carefull heed The silver scaly trouts doe tend full well. And greedy pikes which use therein to feed : (Those trouts and pikes all others doo excell;) And ye likewise, which keep the rushy lake. Where none doo fishes take; Bynd up the locks the which hang scattered light. And in his waters, which your mirror make. Behold your faces as the christall bright. That when you come whereas my love doth lie, No blemish she may spie. And eke, ye lightfoot mayds, which keep the deere, That on the hoary mountayne used to towre; And the wylde wolves, which seeke them to devoure, 360 ELIZABETHAN VERSE With your Steele darts doo chace from corning neer; Be also present heere, To helpe to decke her, and to help to sing, That all the woods may answer, and your eccho ring. Wake now, my love, awake ! for it is time ; The Rosy Morne long since left Tithones bed, All ready to her silver coche to clyme; And Phoebus gins to shew his glorious hed. Hark ! how the cheerefull birds do chaunt theyr laies And Carroll of Loves praise. The merry Larke hir mattins sings aloft; The Thrush replyes; the Mavis descant playes; The Ouzell shrills; the Ruddock warbles soft; So goodly all agree, with sweet consent. To this dayes merriment. Ah ! my deere love, why doe ye sleepe thus long ? When meeter were that ye should now awake, T'awayt the comming of your joyous make. And hearken to the birds love-learned song. The deawy leaves among ! For they of joy and pleasance to you sing, That all the woods them answer, and theyr eccho ring. My love is now awake out of her dreames. And her fayre eyes, like stars that dimmed were With darksome cloud, now shew theyr goodly beams More bright then Hesperus his head doth rere. Come now, ye damzels, daughters of delight, Helpe quickly her to dight: 361 THE BOOK OF But first come ye fayre houres, which were begot In Joves sweet paradice of Day and Night; Which doe the seasons of the yeare allot, And al, that ever in this world is fayre, Doe make and still repayre : And ye three handmayds of the Cyprian Queene, The which doe still adorne her beauties pride, Helpe to addorne my beautifullest bride: And, as ye her array, still throw betweene Some graces to be seene; And, as ye use to Venus, to her sing. The whiles the woods shal answer, and your eccho ring. Now is my love all ready forth to come : Let all the virgins therefore well awayt: And ye fresh boyes, that tend upon her groome, Prepare yourselves; for he is comming strayt. Set all your things in seemely good array, Fit for so joyfull day: The joyfulst day that ever sunne did see. Faire Sun ! shew forth thy favourable ray, And let thy lifull heat not fervent be, For feare of burning her sunshyny face, Her beauty to disgrace. O fayrest Phoebus ! father of the Muse ! If ever I did honour thee aright. Or sing the thing that mote thy mind delight, Doe not thy servants simple boone refuse; But let this day, let this one day, be myne; Let all the rest be thine. Then I thy soverayne prayses loud wil sing, That all the woods shal answer, and theyr eccho ring. 362 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Harke ! how the Minstrils gin to shrill aloud Their merry Musick that resounds from far, The pipe, the tabor, and the trembling Croud, That well agree withouten breach or jar. But, most of all, the Damzels doe delite When they their tymbrels smyte. And thereunto doe daunce and carrol sweet. That all the sences they doe ravish quite; The whyles the boyes run up and downe the street. Crying aloud with strong confused noyce. As if it were one voyce. Hymen, io Hymen, Hymen, they do shout; That even to the heavens theyr shouting shrill Doth reach, and all the firm.ament doth fill; To which the people standing all about, As in approvance, doe thereto applaud. And loud advaunce her laud; And evermore they Hymen, Hymen sing, That al the woods them answer, and theyr eccho ring. Loe ! where she comes along with portly pace, Lyke Phoebe, from her chamber of the East, Arysing forth to run her mighty race. Clad all in white, that seemes a virgin best. So well it her beseemes, that ye would weene Some angell she had beene. Her long loose yellow locks lyke golden wyre, Sprinckled with perle, and perling flowres atweene, Doe lyke a golden mantle her attyre; And, being crowned with a girland greene, Seeme lyke some mayden Queene. 363 THE BOOK OF Her modest eyes, abashed to behold So many gazers as on her do stare, Upon the lowly ground affixed are; Ne dare lift up her countenance too bold. But blush to heare her prayses sung so loud. So farre from being proud. Nathlesse doe ye still loud her prayses sing. That all the woods may answer, and your eccho ring. Tell me, ye merchants daughters, did ye see So fayre a creature in your towne before; So sweet, so lovely, and so mild as she. Adorned with beautyes grace and vertues store ? Her goodly eyes lyke Saphyres shining bright. Her forehead yvory white. Her cheekes lyke apples which the sun hath rudded. Her lips like cherryes charming men to byte. Her brest like to a bowle of creame uncrudded. Her paps lyke lyllies budded, Her snowie neck lyke to a marble towre; And all her body like a pallace fayre. Ascending up, with many a stately stayre. To honours seat and chastities sweet bowre. Why stand ye still ye virgins in amaze. Upon her so to gaze. Whiles ye forget your former lay to sing, To which the woods did answer, and your eccho ring ? But if ye saw that which no eyes can see, Jl The inward beauty of her lively spright, jj^ Garnisht with heavenly guifts of high degree, 364 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Much more then would ye wonder at that sight, And stand astonisht lyke to those which red Medusaes mazeful hed. There dwels sweet love, and constant chastity, Unspotted fayth, and comely womanhood. Regard of honour, and mild modesty; There vertue raynes as .Queene in royal throne, And giveth lawes alone. The which the base affections doe obay. And yeeld theyr services unto her will; Ne thought of thing uncomely ever may Thereto approch to tempt her mind to ill. Had ye once scene these her celestial threasures. And unrevealed pleasures. Then would ye wonder, and her prayses sing. That al the woods should answer, and your echo ring. Open the temple gates unto my love. Open them wide that she may enter in. And all the postes adorne as doth behove. And all the pillours deck with girlands trim. For to receyve this Saynt with honour dew. That commeth in to you. With trembling steps, and humble reverence. She commeth in, before th' Almighties view; Of her ye virgins learne obedience. When so ye come into those holy places, To humble your proud faces: Bring her up to th' high altar, that she may The sacred ceremonies there partake. The which do endlesse matrimony make; And let the roring Organs loudly play 365 THE BOOK OF The praises of the Lord in hvely notes; The whiles, with hollow throates, The Choristers the joyous Antheme sing, That al the woods may answere, and their eccho ring. Behold, whiles she before, the altar stands. Hearing the holy priest that to her speakes, And blesseth her with his two happy hands, How the red roses flush up in her cheekes, And the pure snow, with goodly vermill stayne Like crimsin dyde in grayne: That even th' Angels, which continually About the sacred Altare doe remaine, Forget their service and about her fly, Ofte peeping in her face, that seems more fayre, The more they on it stare. But her sad eyes, still fastened on the ground, Are governed with goodly modesty. That suffers not one looke to glaunce awry, Which may let in one little thought unsownd. Why blush ye, love, to give to me your hand, The pledge of all our band ! Sing, ye sweet Angels, Alleluya sing, That all the woods may answere, and your eccho ring. Now al is done: bring home the bride againe; Bring home the triumph of our victory : Bring home with you the glory of her gaine With joyance bring her and with jollity. Never had man more joyful day then this, Whom heaven would heape with blis, 366 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Make feast therefore now all this Hve-Iong day; This day for ever to me holy is. Poure out the wine without restraint or stay, Poure not by cups, but by the belly full, Poure out to all that wull. And sprinkle all the postes and wals with wine, That they may sweat, and drunken be withall. Crowne ye God Bacchus with a coronall, And Hymen also crowne with wreathes of vine; And let the Graces daunce unto the rest. For they can doo it best: The whiles the maydens doe theyr carroll sing. To which the woods shall answer, and theyr eccho ring. Ring ye the bels, ye yong men of the towne, And leave your wonted labors for this day: This day is holy; doe ye write it downe. That ye for ever it remember may. This day the sunne is in his chiefest hight, With Barnaby the bright, From whence declining daily by degrees, He somewhat loseth of his heat and light. When once the Crab behind his back he sees. But for this time it ill ordained was. To chose the longest day in all the yeare. The shortest night, when longest fitter weare: Yet never day so long, but late would passe. Ring ye the bels, to make it weare away, And bonefiers make all day; And daunce about them, and about them sing, That all the woods may answer, and your eccho ring. 367 THE BOOK OF Ah ! when will this long weary day have end, And lende me leave to come unto my love? How slowly do the hoiires theyr numbers spend ? How slowly does sad Time his feathers move ? Hast thee, O fayrest Planet, to thy home. Within the Westerne fome: Thy tyred steedes long since have need of rest. Long though it be, at last I see it gloome. And the bright evening-star with golden creast Appeare out of the East. Fayre childe of beauty ! glorious lampe of love ! That all the host of heaven in rankes doost lead. And guydest lovers through the nights sad dread. How chearefully thou lookest from above. And seemst to laugh atweene thy twinkling light. As joying in the sight Of these glad many, which for joy doe sing. That all the woods them answer, and their echo ring. Now ceasse, ye damsels, your delights fore-past; Enough it is that all the day was youres : Now day is doen, and night is nighing fast. Now bring the Bryde into the brydall boures. The night is come, now soon her disaray, And in her bed her lay; Lay her in lillies and in violets. And silken courteins over her display, And odourd sheetes, and Arras coverlets, Behold how goodly my faire love does ly, In proud humility! 368 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Like unto Maia, when as Jove her took In Tempe, lying on the flowry gras, Twixt sleepe and wake, after she weary was, With bathing in the AcidaHan brooke. Now it is night, ye damsels may be gon, And leave my love alone, And leave likewise your former lay to sing: The woods no more shall answere, nor your echo ring. Now welcome, night ! thou night so long expected. That long daies labour doest at last defray. And all my cares, which cruell Love collected, Hast sumd in one, and cancelled for aye: Spread thy broad wing over my love and me, That no man may us see; And in thy sable mantle us enwrap. From feare of perrill and foule horror free. Let no false treason seeke us to entrap. Nor any dread disquiet once annoy The safety of our joy; But let the night be calme, and quietsome. Without tempestuous storms or sad afray: Lyke as when Jove with fayre Alcmena lay. When he begot the great Tirynthian groome: Or lyke as when he with thy selfe did lie And begot Majesty, And let the mayds and yong men cease to sing; Ne let the woods them answer nor theyr eccho ring Let no lamenting cryes, nor doleful teares Be heard all night within, nor yet without: 369 THE BOOK OF Ne let false whispers, breeding hidden feares, Breake gentle sleepe with misconceived dout. Let no deluding dreames, nor dreadfull sights. Make sudden sad affrights; Ne let house-fyres, nor lightnings helpelesse harmes, Ne let the Pouke, nor other evill sprights, Ne let mischivous witches with theyr charmes, Ne let hob Goblins, names whose sence we see not. Fray us with things that be not; Let not the shriech Oule nor the Storke be heard. Nor the night Raven, that still deadly yels: Nor dammed ghosts, cald up with mighty spels, Nor griesly vultures, make us once affeard : Ne let th' unpleasant Quyre of Frogs still croking Make us to wish theyr choking. Let none of these theyr drery accents sing; Ne let the woods them answer, nor theyr eccho ring. But still let Silence trew night-watches keepe, That sacred Peace may in assurance rayne, And tymely Sleep, when it is tyme to sleepe, May poure his limbs forth on your pleasant playne; The whiles an hundred little winged loves. Like divers-fethered doves. Shall fly and flutter round about your bed. And in the secret darke, that none reproves. Their prety stealthes shal worke, and snares shal spread To filch away sweet snatches of delight, Conceald through covert night. 370 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Ye sonnes of Venus, play your sports at will ! For greedy pleasure, carelesse of your toyes, Thinks more upon her paradise of joyes, Then what ye do, albe it good or ill. All night therefore attend your merry play, For it will soone be day: Now none doth hinder you, that say or sing; Ne will the woods now answer, nor your Eccho ring. Who is the s^me, which at my window peepes .? Or whose is that faire face that shines so bright ? Is it not Cinthia, she that never sleepes. But walkes about high heaven al the night f O ! fayrest goddesse, do thou not envy My love with me to spy: For thou likewise didst love, though now unthought, And for a fleece of wooll, which privily The Latmian shepherd once unto thee brought, His pleasures with thee wrought. Therefore to us be favourable now; And sith of wemens labours thou hast charge, And generation goodly dost enlarge, Encline thy will t'efFect our wishfuU vow, And the chaste wombe informe with timely seed. That may our comfort breed : Till which we cease our hopefull hap to sing; Ne let the wQods us answere, nor our Eccho ring. And thou, great Juno ! which with awful might The lawes of wedlock still dost patronize; And the religion of the faith first plight With sacred rites hast taught to solemnize; 371 THE BOOK OF And eeke for comfort often called art Of women in their smart; Eternally bind thou this lovely band, And all thy blessings unto us impart. And thou, glad Genuis ! in whose gentle hand The bridale bowre and geniall bed remaine, Without blemish or staine; And the sweet pleasures of theyr loves delight With secret ayde doest succor and supply. Till they bring forth the fruitfuU progeny; Send us the timely fruit of this same night. And thou, fayre Hebe! and thou. Hymen free! Grant that it may so be. Till which we cease your further prayse to sing; Ne any woods shall answer, nor your Eccho ring. And ye high heavens, the temple of the gods, In which a thousand torches flaming bright Doe burne, that to us wretched earthly clods In dreadful darknesse lend desired light; And all ye powers which in the same remayne, More then we men can fayne ! Poure out your blessing on us plentiously, And happy influence upon us raine. That we may raise a large posterity, Which from the earth, which they may long possesse With lasting happinesse. Up to your haughty pallaces may mount; And for the guerdon of theyr glorious merit, May heavenly tabernacles there inherit, Of blessed Saints for to increase the count. 372 ELIZABETHAN VERSE So let us rest, sweet love, in hope of this, And cease till then our tymely joyes to sing: The woods no more us answer, nor our eccho ring ! Song! made in lieu of many ornaments^ With which my love should duly have been decty Which cutting off through hasty accidents^ Te would not stay your dew time to expect. But promist both to recompens ; Be unto her a goodly ornamenty And for short time an endlesse moniment. E. Spenser Jpj. Epithalamion Teratos /^^OME, come, dear Night, Love's mart of kisses, ^^ Sweet close of his ambitious line, The fruitful summer of his blisses. Love's glory doth in darkness shine. O come, soft rest of cares ! come, Night ! Come, naked Virtue's only tire. The reaped harvest of the light Bound up in sheaves of sacred fire. Love calls to war; Sighs his alarms. Lips his swords are, The field his arms. Come, Night, and lay thy velvet hand On glorious Day's outfacing face; And all thy crowned flames command For torches to our nuptial grace. 373 THE BOOK OF Love calls to war; Sighs his alarms, Lips his swords are, The field his arms. No need have we of factious Day, To cast, in envy of thy peace. Her balls of discord in thy way; Here Beauty's day doth never cease; Day is abstracted here, And varied in a triple sphere. Hero, Alcmane, Myra, so outshine thee. Ere thou come here, let Thetis thrice refine thee. Love calls to war; Sighs his alarms. Lips his swords are. The field his arms. G. Chapman jg4. Epithalamium T TP! youths and virgins! up, and praise ^^ The God whose nights outshine his days ! Hymen, whose hallowed rites Could never boast of brighter lights; Whose bands pass liberty. Two of your troop, that with the morn were free, Are now waged to his war; And what they are. If you'll perfection see, Yourselves must be. Shine, Hesperus! shine forth, thou wished star! 374 ELIZABETHAN VERSE What joys or honours can compare With holy nuptials, when they are Made out of equal parts Of years, of states, of hands, of hearts; When in the happy choice The spouse and spoused have foremost voice! Such, glad of Hymen's war. Live what they are And long perfection see : And such ours be. Shine, Hesperus! shine forth, thou wished star! The solemn state of this one night Were fit to last an age's light; But there are rites behind Have less of state and more of kind : Love's wealthy crop of kisses, And fruitful harvest of his mother's blisses. Sound then to Hymen's war! That what these are. Who will perfection see May haste to be. Shine, Hesperus! shine forth, thou wished star! Love's Commonwealth consists of toys; His Council are those antic boys. Games, Laughter, Sports, Delights, That triumph with him on these nights: To whom we must give way. For now their reign begins, and lasts till day. They sweeten Hymen's war, And in that jar 375 THE BOOK OF Make all, that married be, Perfection see. Shine, Hesperus ! shine forth, thou wished star ! Why stays the bridgegroom to invade Her that would be a matron made ? Good-night ! whilst yet we may Good-night to you a virgin say. To-morrow rise the same Your mother is, and use a nobler name! Speed well in Hymen's war, That what you are. By your perfection, we And all may see ! Shine, Hesperus! shine forth, thou wished star! To-night is Venus' vigil kept. This night no bridegroom ever slept; And if the fair bride do. The married say 'tis his fault too. Wake then, and let your lights Wake too, for they'll tell nothing of your nights, But that in Hymen's war You perfect are; And such perfection we Do pray should be. Shine, Hesperus! shine forth, thou wished star! That, ere the rosy fingered Morn Behold nine moons, there may be born A babe to uphold the fame Of RadclifFe's blood and Ramsay's name; 376 ELIZABETHAN VERSE That may, in his great seed, Wear the long honours of his father's deed. Such fruits of Hymen's war Most perfect are; And all perfection we Wish you should see. Shine, Hesperus! shine forth, thou wished star! B. Jonson JPS' Prothalamion /^^ALME was the day, and through the trembling ayre ^-^ Sweet-breathing Zephyrus did softly play A gentle spirit, that lightly did delay Hot Titan's beames, which then did glyster fayre; When I, (whom sullein care. Through discontent of my long fruitlesse stay In Princes' Court, and expectation vayne Of idle hopes, which still do fly away Like empty shaddowes, did aflBict my brayne) Walked forth to ease my payne Along the shoare of silver-streaming Themmes; Whose rutty Bancke, the which his River hemmes. Was paynted all with variable flowers. And all the meades adornd with daintie gemmes. Fit to decke maydens bowres, And crowne their Paramours Against the Brydale day, which is not long: Sweete Themmes ! runne softly, till I end my Song. There, in a Meadow, by the Rivers side, A 'Flocke of Nymphs I chaunced to espy. All lovely Daughters of the Flood thereby, 377 THE BOOK OF With goodly greenish locks, all loose untyde, As each had bene a Bryde; And each one had a little wicker basket, Made of fine twigs, entrayled curiously. In which they gathered flowers to fill their flasket, And with fine Fingers cropt full feateously The tender stalkes on hye. Of every sort, which in that Meadow grew, They gathered some; the Violet, pallid blew, The little Dazie, that at evening closes. The virgin Lillie, and the Primrose trew, With store of vermeil Roses, To decke their Bridegromes posies Against the Brydale day, which was not long: Sweete Themmes ! runne softly, till I end my Song. With that I saw two Swannes of goodly hewe Come softly swimming downe along the Lee; Two fairer Birds I yet did never see; The snow, which doth the top of Pindus strew Did never whiter shew. Nor Jove himselfe, when he a Swan would be, For love of Leda, whiter did appeare; Yet Leda was (they say) as white as he, Yet not so white as these, nor nothing neare; So purely white they were That even the gentle streame, the which them bare, Seem'd foule to them, and bad his billowes spare To wet their silken feathers, lest they might Soyle their fayre plumes with water not so fayre, 378 1 ELIZABETHAN VERSE And marre their beauties bright, That shone as Heaven's light, Against their Brydale day, which was not long: Sweete Themmes ! runne softly, till I end my Song. Eftsoons the Nymphes, which now had Flowers their fill, Ran all in haste to see that silver brood As they came floating on the Christal Flood; Whom when they sawe, they stood amazed still. Their wondring eyes to fill; Them seem'd they never saw a sight so fayre. Of Fowles, so lovely, that they sure did deeme Them heavenly borne, or to be that same payre Which through the Skie draw Venus silver Teeme; For sure they did not seeme To be begot of any earthly Seede, But rather Angels, or of Angels breede; Yet were they bred of Somers-heat, they say, In sweetest Season, when each Flower and weede The earth did fresh aray; So fresh they seem'd as day. Even as their Brydale day, which was not long : Sweete Themmes ! runne softly, till I end my Song. Then forth they all out of their baskets drew Great store of Flowers, the honour of the field. That to the sense did fragrant odours yield. All which upon those goodly Birds they threw And all the Waves did strew, That like old Peneus Waters they did seeme. When downe along by pleasant Tempes shore Scattred with Flowers, through Thessaly they streeme, 379 THE BOOK OF That they appeare, through Lilhes plenteous store, Like a Brydes Chamber-flore. Two of those Nymphes, meane while, two Garlands bound Of freshest Flowres which in that Mead they found. The which presenting all in trim Array, Their snowie Foreheads therewithal they crownd, Whil'st one did sing this Lay Prepar'd against that Day, Against their Brydale day, which was not long: Sweet Themmes ! run softly, till I end my Song. * Ye gentle Birdes ! the worlds faire ornament. And Heavens glorie, whom this happie hower Doth leade unto your lovers blisfull bower, Joy may you have, and gentle hearts content Of your loves couplement; And let faire Venus, that is Queene of Love, With her heart-quelling Sonne upon you smile, Whose smile, they say, hath vertue to remove All Loves dislike, and friendships faultie guile For ever to assoile. Let endlesse Peace your steadfast hearts accord, And blessed Plentie wait upon your bord; And let your bed with pleasures chast abound, That fruitfull issue may to you afford, Which may your foes confound. And make your joyes redound Upon your Brydale day, which is not long: Sweete Themmes ! runne softly, till I end my Song/ 380 i^ ELIZABETHAN VERSE So ended she; and all the rest around To her redoubled that her undersong, Which said their brydale daye should not be long: And gentle Eccho from the neighbour ground Their accents did resound. So forth those joyous Birdes did passe along Adowne the Lee, that to them murmurde low, As he would speake, but that he lackt a tong, Yet did by signes his glad affection show, Making his streame run slow. And all the foule which in his flood did dwell Gan flock about these twaine, that did excell The rest, so far as Cynthia doth shend The lesser starres. So they, enranged well, Did on those two attend. And their best service lend Against their wedding day, which was not long: Sweete Themmes ! runne softly, till I end my Song. At length they all to mery London came. To mery London, my most kindly Nurse, That to me gave this Lifes first native sourse, Though from another place I take my name, An house of ancient fame: There when they came, whereas those bricky towres The which on Themmes brode aged back do ryde. Where now the studious Lawyers have their bowers, There whylome wont the Templar Knights to byde, Till they decayd through pride; Next whereunto there standes a stately place, Where oft I gayned gifts and goodly grace 381 THE BOOK OF Of that great Lord, which therein wont to dwell, Whose want too well now feeles my friendles case; But ah ! here fits not well Olde woes, but joyes, to tell Against the Brydale day, which is not long: Sweete Themmes ! runne softly, till I end my Song. Yet therein now doth lodge a noble Peer, Great Englands glory, and the Worlds wide wonder, Whose dreadfull name late through all Spaine did thunder, And Hercules two pillars standing neere Did make to quake and feare: Faire branch of Honour, flower of Chevalrie ! That fillest England with thy triumphes fame Joy have thou of thy noble victorie. And endlesse happinesse of thine owne name That promiseth the same; That through thy prowesse, and victorious armes Thy country may be freed from forraine harmes, And great Elisaes glorious name may ring Through al the world, fil'd with thy wide Alarmes, Which some brave Muse may sing To ages following: Upon the Brydale day, which is not long: Sweete Themmes! runne softly, till I end my Song. From those high Towers this noble Lord issuing, Like Radiant Hesper, when his golden hayre In th' Ocean billowes he hath bathed fayre. Descended to the Rivers open viewing With a great traine ensuing. 382 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Above the rest were goodly to bee seene Two gentle Knights of lovely face and feature, Beseeming well the bower of anie Queene, With gifts of wit, and ornaments of nature, Fit for so goodly stature, That like the twins of Jove they seem'd in sight. Which deck the Bauldricke of the Heavens bright; They two, forth pacing to the Rivers side, Received those two faire Brides, their Loves delight; Which, at th' appointed tyde. Each one did make his Bryde, Against their Brydale day, which is not long: Sweete Themmes ! runne softly, till I end my 5ong E. Spenser Sg6. Helenas Epithalamium T IKE as the rising morning shows a grateful lightening, ■^^ When sacred night is past and winter now lets loose the spring. So glittering Helen showed among the maids, lusty and tall. As is the furrow in a field that far outstretcheth all. Or in a garden is a Cypress tree, or in a trace A steed of Thessaly, so she to Sparta was a grace. No damsel with such works as she her baskets used to fill. Nor in diverse coloured web a woof of greater skill Doth cut from off the loom : nor hath such songs and lays Unto her dainty harp, in Dian's and Minerva's praise, 383 THE BOOK OF As Helen hath, in whose bright eyes all Loves and Graces be. O fair, O lovely maid, a matron now is made of thee; But we will every spring unto the leaves in meadows go To gather garlands sweet, and there not with a little woe, Will often think of thee, O Helen, as the suckling lambs Desire the strouting bags and presence of their tender dams; We all betimes for thee a wreath of Melitoe will knit, And on a shady plane for thee will safely fasten it. And all betimes for thee, under a shady plane below, Out of a silver box the sweetest ointment will bestow. And letters shall be written in the bark that men may see And read. Do humble reverence, for I am Helen's tree. Sir E. Dyer Sp/. The Fay's Marriage Mertilla, Claia, Claris yf NTMPH is married to a Fay, ■^■*- Great preparations for the day; All rites of nuptials they recite you. To the bridal and invite you. Mertilla But will our Tita wed this Fay ? Claia Yea, and to-morrow is the day. 384 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Mertilla But why should she bestow herself Upon this dwarfish fairy elf? Claia Why, by her smallness you may find That she is of the fairy kind, And therefore apt to choose her make Whence she did her beginning take : Besides he's deft and wondrous airy, And of the noblest of the Fairy, Chief of the Crickets of much fame, In Fairy a most ancient name. But to be brief, 'tis clearly done. The pretty wench is wooed and won. Chris If this be so, let us provide The ornaments to fit our bride; For they knowing she doth come From us in Elysium, Queen Mab will look she should be drest In those attires we think our best; Therefore some curious things let's give her, Ere to her spouse we her deliver. Mertilla I'll have a jewel for her ear (Which for my sake I'll have her wear), 385 THE BOOK OF 'Tshall be a dewdrop, and therein Of Cupids I will have a twin, Which struggling, with their wings shall break The bubble, out of which shall leak So sweet a liquor, as shall move Each thing that smells, to be in love. Claia Believe me, girl, this will be fine, And, to this pendent, then take mine; A cup in fashion of a fly, Of the lynx' piercing eye. Wherein there sticks a sunny ray, Shot in through the clearest day. Whose brightness Venus' self did move Therein to put her drink of love. Which for more strength she did distil. The hmbeck was a phoenix' quill; At this cup's delicious brink, A fly approaching but to drink, Like amber, or some precious gum, It transparent doth become. Claris For jewels for her ears she's sped; But for a dressing for her head I think for her I'll have a tire That all the Fairies shall admire: The yellows in the full-blown rose, Which in the top it doth inclose, 386 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Like drops of gold ore shall be hung Upon her tresses, and among Those scattered seeds (the eye to please) The wings of the cantharides : With some o' the rainbow that doth rail Those moons in, in the peacock's tail: Whose dainty colours being mixed With the other beauties, and so fixed. Her lovely tresses shall appear As though upon a flame they were. And, to be sure they shall be gay, We'll take those feathers from the jay; About her eyes in circlets set, To be our Tita's coronet. Mertilla Then, dainty girls, I make no doubt, But we shall neatly send her out; But let's amongst ourselves agree Of what her wedding gown shall be. Claia Of pansy, pink, and primrose leaves. Most curiously laid on in threaves: And, all embroidery to supply. Powdered with flowers of rosemary; A trail about the skirt shall run, The silk-worm's finest, newly spun And every seam the nymphs shall sew With the smallest of the spinner's clue : 387 THE BOOK OF And having done their work, again These to the church shall bear her train : Which for our Tita we will make Of the cast slough of a snake, Which, quivering as the wind doth blow, The sun shall it like tinsel show. Claris And being led to meet her mate. To make sure that she want no state. Moons from the peacock's tail we'll shred, With feathers from the pheasant's head: Mixed with the plume of, so high price, The precious bird of Paradise; Which to make up our nymphs shall ply Into a curious canopy. Borne, o'er her head, by our enquiry, By elfs, the fittest of the Fairy. Mertilla But all this while we have forgot Her buskins, neighbours, have we not ? CI 'aia We had, for those I'll fit her now. They shall be of the lady-cow: The dainty shell upon her back Of crimson strewed with spots of black; Which as she holds a stately pace. Her leg will wonderfully grace. ELIZABETHAN VERSE Claris But then for music of the best, This must be thought on for the feast. Merttlla The nightingale of birds most choice To do her best shall strain her voice; And to this bird to make a set, The marvis, merle, and robinet. The lark, the linnet, and the thrush, That make a choir of every bush. But for still music, we will keep The wren, and titmouse, which to sleep Shall sing the bride, when she's alone, The rest into their chambers gone. And, Hke those upon ropes that walk. On gossamer, from stalk to stalk. The tripping fairy tricks shall play The evening of the wedding-day. Claia But, for the bride-bed, what were fit, That hath not been talked of yet. Claris Of leaves of roses white and red, Shall be the covering of her bed. The curtains, valence, tester, all. Shall be the flower imperial: 389 THE BOOK OF And for the fringe, it all along With azure harebells shall be hung: Of lilies shall the pillows be, With down stuifed of the butterfly. Mertilla Thus far we handsomely have gone. Now for our prothalamion. Or marriage song, of all the rest A thing that much must grace our feast. Let us practise, then, to sing it Ere we before the assembly bring it; We in dialogues must do it; Then, my dainty girls, set to it. CI at a This day must Tita married be; Come, nymphs, this nuptial let us see. Mertilla But is it certain that ye say ? Will she wed the noble Fay ? Chris Sprinkle the dainty flowers with dews. Such as the gods at banquets use: Let herbs and weeds turn all to roses, ■ And make proud the posts with posies: 390 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Shoot your sweets into the air, Charge the morning to be fair. Claia and Mertilla For our Tita is this day To be married to a Fay. Claia By whom, then, shall our bride be led To the temple to be wed ? Mertilla Only by yourself and I; Who that roomth should else supply? Claris Come, bright girls, come all together. And bring all your offerings hither. Ye most brave and buxom bevy. All your goodly graces levy, Come in majesty and state Our bridal here to celebrate. Mertilla and Claia For our Tita is this day Married to a noble Fay. 391 THE BOOK OF CI at a Whose lot wilFt be the way to straw, On which to church our bride must go ? Mertilla That I think as fit'st of all To lively Lelipa will fall. Claris Summon all the sweets that are, To this nuptial to repair; Till with their throngs themselves they smother, Strongly stifling one another; And at last they all consume, And vanish in one rich perfume. Mertilla and Claia For our Tita is this day Married to a noble Fay. Mertilla By whom must Tita married be ? Tis fit we all to that should see. Claia The priest he purposely doth come, The Arch-Flamen of Elysium. 392 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Cloris With tapers let the temples shine, Sing to Hymen hymns divine; Load the altars till there rise Clouds from the burnt sacrifice; With your censers sling aloof Their smells, till they ascend the roofa Mertilla and Claia For our Tita is this day Married to a noble Fay. Mertilla But coming back when she is wed. Who breaks the cake above her head ? Claia That shall Mertilla, for she's tallest, And our Tita is the smallest. Cloris Violins, strike up aloud, Ply the gittern, scour the crowd. Let the nimble hand belabour The whistling pipe, and drumbling tabor: To the full the bagpipe rack, Till the swelling leather crack. 393 THE BOOK OF Mertilla and Claia For our Tita is this day Married to a noble Fay. Claia But when to dine she takes her seat, What shall be our Tita's meat ? Mertilla The gods this feast, as to begin, Have sent of their ambrosia in. Cloris Then serve we up the straw's rich berry, The respas, and Elysian cherry; The virgin honey from the flowers In Hybla, wrought in Flora's bowers; Full bowls of nectar, and no girl. Carouse but in dissolved pearl. Mertilla and Claia For our Tita is this day Married to a noble Fay. Claia But when night comes, and she must go To bed, dear nymphs, what must we do ? 394 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Mertilla In the posset must be brought, And points be from the bridegroom caught. Chris In masks, in dances, and deHght, And rare banquets spend the night; Then about the room we ramble, Scatter nuts, and for them scramble; Over stools and tables tumble. Never think of noise nor rumble. Mertilla and Clara For our Tita is this day Married to a noble Fay. M. Drayton 3g8, A Ballad Upon a Wedding T TELL thee, Dick, where I have been, ■^ Where I, the rarest things have seen; O, things without compare ! Such sights again cannot be found In any place on English ground, Be it at Wake or Fair. At Charing Cross, hard by the way Where we (thou know'st ') do sell our hay, 395 THE BOOK OF There is a house with stairs; And there, did I see coming down Such folk as are not in our town, Forty at least, in pairs. Amongst the rest, one pest'lent fine (His beard no bigger, though, than thine) Walked on before the rest. Our landlord looks like nothing to him; The King (God bless him !), 'twould undo him, Should he go still so drest. At Course-a-Park, without all doubt. He should have first been taken out By all the Maids i' th' town; Though lusty Roger there had been Or little George upon the Green, Or Vincent of the Crown. But wot you what ? The Youth was going To make an end of all his wooing. The Parson for him stayed; Yet, by his leave, for all his haste, He did not so much wish all past, Perchance, as did the Maid. The Maid (and thereby hangs a tale !) : For such a Maid no Whitsun-Ale Could ever yet produce; No grape that 's kindly ripe could be So round, so plump, so soft, as She; Nor half so full of juice ! 396 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Her Finger was so small, the ring Would not stay on; which they did bring. It was too wide a peck ; And to say truth, (for out it must) It looked like the great collar (just) About our young colt's neck. Her Feet, beneath her petticoat, Like little mice stole in and out. As if they feared the light: But O, She dances such' a way! No sun, upon an Easter Day, Is half so fine a sight. Her Cheeks so rare a white was on; No daisy makes comparison; Who sees them is undone; For streaks of red were mingled there. Such as are on a Katherine pear (The side that's next the sun). Her lips were red, and one was thin Compared to that was next her chin, Some bee had stung it newly: But, Dick ! her Eyes so guard her face ; I durst no more upon them gaze. Than on the sun in July. Her Mouth so small, when she does speak, Thou'dst swear her teeth, her words did breaks That they might passage get: 397 THE BOOK OF But She so handled still the matter, They came as good as ours, or better; And are not spent a whit! . . , Just in the nick, the Cook knocked thrice, And all the Waiters, in a trice. His summons did obey; Each Serving Man, with dish in hand. Marched boldly up, like our Trained Band, Presented, and away ! When all the meat was on the table; What man of knife, or teeth, was able To stay to be intreated ! And this the very reason was. Before the Parson could say Grace, The company was seated ! The business of the kitchen 's great. For it is fit that men should eat; Nor was it there denied. (Passion o' me ! how I run on ! There's that, that would be thought upon, I trow, besides the Bride !) Now, hats fly off; and Youths carouse ! Healths first go round ; and then the house ! The Bride's came thick and thick; And when 'twas named another's Health ; Perhaps, he made it hers by stealth ; (And who could help it, Dick ?) 398 ELIZABETHAN VERSE O' th' sudden, up they rise and dance; Then sit again, and sigh, and glance; Then dance again and kiss ! Thus, several ways, the time did pass; Whilst every w^oman wished her place, And every man wished his! . . . Sir J. Suckling Sgg. Sephestia's Song to Her Child W EEP not, my wanton, smile upon my knee; When thou art old there's grief enough for thee. Mother's wag, pretty boy. Father's sorrow, father's joy; When thy father first did see Such a boy by him and me, He was glad, I was woe; Fortune changed made him so, When he left his pretty boy, Last his sorrow, first his joy. Weep not, my wanton, smile upon my knee, When thou art old there's grief enough for thee. Streaming tears that never stint. Like pearl-drops from a flint, Fell by course from his eyes, That one another's place supplies; Thus he grieved in every part, Tears of blood fell from his heart, When he left his pretty boy, Father's sorrow, father's joy. 399 THE BOOK OF Weep not, my wanton, smile upon my knee, When thou art old there's grief enough for thee. The wanton smiled, father wept Mother cried, baby leapt; More he crow'd, more we cried, Nature could not sorrow hide: He must go, he must kiss Child and mother, baby bliss. For he left his pretty boy. Father's sorrow, father's joy. Weep not, my wanton, smile upon my knee. When thou art old there's grief enough for thee. R. Greene 4.00. A Sweet Lullaby r^OME little babe, come, silly soul, ^^ Thy father's shame, thy mother's grief, Born as I doubt to all our dole. And to thyself unhappy chief: Sing lullaby and lap it warm. Poor soul that thinks no creature harm. Thou little think'st and less dost know The cause of this thy mother's moan; Thou want'st the wit to wail her woe. And I myself am all alone: Why dost thou weep ? why dost thou wail ? And know'st not yet what dost thou ail ? 400 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Come little wretch, — ah silly heart ! Mine only joy, what can I more ? If there be any wrong thy smart, That may the destinies implore: Twas I, I say, against my will; I wail the time, but be thou still. And dost thou smile ? O, thy sweet face ! Would God himself he might thee see ! — No doubt thou soon wouldst purchase grace, I know right well, for thee and me: But come to mother, babe, and play, For father false is fled away. Sweet boy, if it by fortune chance Thy father home again to send, If death do strike me with his lance, Yet mayst thou me to him commend: If any ask thy mother's name. Tell how by love she purchased blame. Then will his gentle heart soon yield : I know him of a noble mind : Although a lion in the field, A lamb in town thou shalt him find; Ask blessing, babe, be not afraid. His sugar'd words hath me betray'd. Then mayst thou joy and be right glad, Although in woe I seem to moan; 401 THE BOOK OF Thy father is no rascal lad, A noble youth of blood and bone: His glancing looks, if he once smile. Right honest women may beguile. Come, little boy, and rock asleep; Sing lullaby and be thou still; I, that can do naught else but weep, Will sit by thee and wail my fill: God bless my babe, and lullaby From this thy father's quality. N. Breton w 401. A Child's Grace [ERE a little child I stand Heaving up my either hand; Cold as paddocks though they be, Yet I lift them up to Thee, For a benison to fall On our meat and on us all. Amen. R. Herrick 402, When That I Was and a Little Tiny Boy ■\ 1 THEN that I was and a little tiny boy, ^ ^ With hey, ho, the wind and the rain ; A foolish thing was but a toy, For the rain it raineth every day. 402 ELIZABETHAN VERSE But when I came to man's estate, With hey, ho, the wind and the rain; 'Gainst knaves and thieves men shut their gate, For the rain it raineth every day. But when I came, alas ! to wive. With hey, ho, the wind and the rain; By swaggering could I never thrive. For the rain it raineth every day. But when I came unto my beds, With hey, ho, the wind and the rain; With to-ss-pots still had drunken heads, For the rain it raineth every day. A great while ago the world begun, With hey, ho, the wind and the rain; But that's all one, our play is done. And we'll strive to please you every day. W. Shakespeare 40 J. Music "X^THEN whispering strains with weeping wind ^ Distil soft passions through the heart; And when at every touch we find Our pulses beat and bear a part When threads can make A heart-string ache. Philosophy Can scarce deny Our souls are made of harmony. 403 THE BOOK OF When unto heavenly joys we faine Whate'er the soul afFecteth most, Which only thus we can explain By music of the heavenly host; Whose lays we think Make stars to wink, Philosophy Can scarce deny Our souls consist of harmony. O, lull me, lull me, charming air! My senses rock with wonder sweet; Like snow on wool thy fallings are; Soft like a spirit's are thy feet! Grief who needs fear That hath an ear ? Down let him lie. And slumbering die. And change his soul for harmony. W. Strode 404. Music to Hear, Why heafst Thou Music Sadly? "\ /TUSIC to hear, why hear'st thou music sadly ? -'■-'■ Sweets with sweets war not, joy delights in joy. Why lov'st thou that which thou receiv'st not gladly, Or else receivest with pleasure thine annoy ? If the true concord of well-tuned sounds, By unions married, do offend thine ear. They do but sweetly chide thee, who confounds In singleness the parts that thou shouldst bear. 404 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Mark how one string, sweet husband to another, Strikes each in each by mutual ordering, Resembhng sire and child and happy mother Who all in one, one pleasing note do sing : Whose speechless song, being many, seeming one. Sings this to thee : " Thou single wilt prove none." W. Shakespeare 4.0^. Orpheus /^RPHEUS with his lute made trees ^-^ And the mountain-tops that freeze Bow themselves when he did sing: To his music plants and flowers Ever sprung; as sun and showers There had made a lasting spring. Everything that heard him play. Even the billows of the sea, Hung their heads, and then lay by. In sweet music is such art. Killing care and grief of heart Fall asleep, or hearing, die. W. Shakespeare^ or J. Fletcher 406. To Music, to Becalm His Fever /^~^HARM me asleep, and melt me so — With thy delicious numbers. That, being ravisht, hence I go Away in easy slumbers. Ease my sick head. And make my bed, 405 THE BOOK OF Thou power that canst sever From me this ill, And quickly still, Though thou not kill, My fever. ■; Thou sweetly canst convert the same From a consuming fire . ^ Into a gently licking flame, '■ And make it thus expire. : Then make me weep J My pains asleep; : And give me such reposes ] That I, — poor I, s May think thereby .1 I live and die ] 'Mongst roses. Fall on me like the silent dew, j Or like those maiden showers I Which, by the peep of day, do strew i A baptism o'er the flowers. Melt, melt my pains With thy soft strains; J That, having ease me given, With full delight J I leave this light, And take my flight For Heaven. > R. Herrick 406 ELIZABETHAN VERSE ^07. Let Rhymes No More Disgrace IV /TUSIC, some think, no music is ^^ ^ Unless she sing of dip and kiss And bring to wanton tunes " Fie, fie!" Or " Tih-ha tah-ha ! " or " I'll cry ! " But let such rhymes no more disgrace Music sprung of heavenly race. F 408. 1} Music and Sweet Poetry Agree F music and sweet poetry agree. As they must needs, the sister and the brother, Then must the love be great 'twixt thee and me, Because thou lov'st the one and I the other. Dowland to thee is dear, whose heavenly touch Upon the lute doth ravish human sense; Spenser to me, whose deep conceit is such, As passing all conceit, needs no defence. Thou lov'st to hear the sweet melodious sound That Phcebus' lute, the queen of music, makes; And I in deep delight am chiefly drowned Whenas himself to singing he betakes: One god is god of both, as poets feign, One knight loves both, and both in thee remain. R. BarnfieU 40 p. The Bower of Bliss T^HENCE passing forth, they shortly doe arryve "*- Whereas the Bowre of Blisse was situate; A place pickt out by choyce of best alyve, That natures worke by art can imitate: 407 THE BOOK OF In which whatever in this worldly state Is sweete and pleasing unto living sense, Or that may dayntest fantasy aggrate, Was poured forth with plentiful! dispence. And made there to abound with lavish affluence. Goodly it was enclosed rownd about, As well their entred guestes to keep within. As those unruly beasts to hold without; Yet was the fence thereof but weake and thin: Nought feard theyr force that fortilage to win, But wisedomes powre, and temperaunces might, By which the mightiest things elForced bin : And eke the gate was wrought of substaunce light, Rather for pleasure then for battery or fight. Yt framed was of precious yvory, That seemd a worke of admirable witt; And therein all the famous history Of Jason and Medaea was ywritt; Her mighty charmes, her furious loving fitt; His goodly conquest o-f the golden fleece, His falsed fayth, and love too lightly flitt; The wondred Argo, which in venturous peece First through the Euxine seas bore all the flowr of Greece. Eftsoones they heard a most melodious sound, Of all that mote delight a daintie eare. Such as attonce might not on living ground. Save in this Paradise, be heard elsewhere: Right hard it was for wight which did it heare, 408 ELIZABETHAN VERSE To read what manner musicke that mote bee; For all that pleasing is to living eare Was there consorted in one harmonee; Birdes, voices, instruments, v^indes, waters, all agree : The joyous birdes, shrouded in chearefull shade Their notes unto the voice attempred sweet; Th' Angelicall soft trembling voyces made To th' instruments divine respondence meet; The silver sounding instruments did meet With the base murmure of the waters fall; The waters fall with difference discreet, Now soft, now loud, unto the wind did call; The gentle warbling wind low answered to all. There, whence that Musick seemed heard to bee, Was the faire Witch her selfe now solacing With a new Lover, whom, through sorceree And witchcraft, she from farre did thither bring: There she had him now laid aslombering In secret shade after long wanton joyes; Whilst round about them pleasauntly did sing Many faire Ladies and lascivious boyes, That ever mixt their song with light licentious toyeSc The whiles some one did chaunt this lovely lay: Ah ! see, whoso fayre thing doest faine to see. In springing flowre the image of thy day. Ah ! see the Virgin Rose, how sweetly shee Doth first peepe foorth with bashfuU modestee, 409 THE BOOK OF That fairer seemes the lesse ye see her may. Lo ! see soone after how more bold and free Her bared bosome she doth broad display; Lo ! see soone after how she fades and falls away. So passeth, in the passing of a day, Of mortall life the leafe, the bud, the flowre; Ne more doth florish after first decay. That earst was sought to deck both bed and bowre Of many a lady, and many a Paramowre. Gather therefore the Rose whilest yet is prime. For soone comes age that will her pride deflowre; Gather the Rose of Love whilest yet is time, Whilest loving thou mayst loved be with equal crime. He ceast; and then gan all the quire of birdes Their diverse notes t' attune unto his lay, As in approvaunce of his pleasing wordes. The constant payre heard all that he did say, Yet swarved not, but kept their forward way Through many covert groves and thickets close, In which they creeping did at last display That wanton Lady with her Lover lose. Whose sleepee head she in her lap did soft dispose. E. Spenser 410. Church Music OWEETEST of sweets, I thank you: when displeasure *^ Did through my body wound my mind. You took me thence, and in your house of pleasure A dainty lodging me assign'd. 410 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Now I in you without a body move, Rising and falling with your wings; We both together sweetly live and love, Yet say sometimes, God help poor kings! Comfort, I'll die; for if you post from me Sure I shall do so and much more; But if I travel in your company. You know the way to Heaven's door. G. Herbert yfii. To Live Merrily and to Trust to Good Verses IVJOW is the time for mirth, ■^ ^ Nor cheek or tongue be dumb; For, with the flowery earth. The golden pomp is come. The golden pomp is come; For now each tree does wear, Made of her pap and gum. Rich beads of amber here: Now reigns the rose, and now Th' Arabian dew besmears My uncontrolled brow And my retorted hairs. Homer, this health to thee! — In sack of such a kind That it would make thee see Though thou wert ne'er so blind. 411 412 THE BOOK OF Next, Virgil I'll call forth To pledge this second health In wine, whose each cup's worth An Indian commonwealth. A goblet next I'll drink To Ovid, and suppose. Made he the pledge, he'd think The world had all one nose. Then this immensive cup Of aromatic wine, Catullus, I'll quaff up To that terse muse of thine. Wild I am now with heat: O Bacchus, cool thy rays ! Or frantic I shall eat Thy thyrse and bite the bays. Round, round the roof does run, And being ravished thus, Come, I will drink a tun To my Propertius. Now to Tibullus, next. This flood I'll drink to thee: But stay, I see a text That this presents to me: — ELIZABETHAN VERSE. Behold, Tihullus lies Here burnt, whose small return Of ashes scarce suffice To fill a little urn. Trust to good verses then; They only will aspire When pyramids, as men, Are lost i' th' funeral fire. And when all bodies meet In Lethe to be drown'd, Then only numbers sweet With endless life are crown'd. R. Her rick 412. Master Francis Beaumonfs Letter to Ben Jonson Written before he and Master Fletcher came to London, with two of the precedent Comedies, then not finished; which deferred their merry meetings at the " Mermaid." ■ nPHE sun (which doth the greatest comfort bring -■- To absent friends, because the self-same thing They know they see, however absent) is Here our best haymaker (forgive me this; It is our country's style) : in this warm shine I lie, and dream of your full Mermaid Wine. O, we have Winter mixed with claret lees. Drink apt to bring in drier heresies 413 THE BOOK OF Than beer, good only for the sonnet's strain, With fustian metaphors to stuff the brain ; So mixed, that, given to the thirstiest one, Twill not prove alms, unless he have the stone; I think with one draught man's invention fades. Two cups had quite spoiled Homer's Iliads! 'Tis liquor that will find out Sutcliff's wit, Lie where he will, and make him write worse yet. Filled with such moisture, in most grievous qualms. Did Robert Wisdom write his singing Psalms; And so must I do this: and yet I think It is our potion sent us down to drink. By special Providence, keeps us from fights. Makes us not laugh, when we make legs to Knights: 'Tis this that keeps our minds fit for our states; A medicine to obey our Magistrates; For we do live more free than you; no hate. No envy at one another's happy state. Moves us; we are equal every whit; Of land that God gives men, here is their wit. If we consider fully; for our best And gravest man will with his main-house-iest Scarce please you: we want subtlety to do The city-tricks; lie. Hate, and flatter too: Here are none that can bear a painted show. Strike, when you wince, and then lament the blow; Who (like mills set the right way for to grind) Can make their gains alike with every wind : Only some fellows with the subtlest pate Amongst us, may perchance equivocate At selling of a horse; and that's the most. Methinks the little wit I had is lost 414 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Since I saw you; for wit is like a rest Held up at tennis, which men do the best With the best gamesters. What things have we seen Done at the Mermaid! heard words that have been So nimble, and so full of subtle flame. As if that every one (from whence they came) Had meant to put his whole wit in a jest, And had resolved to live a fool the rest Of his dull life; — then when there hath been thrown Wit able enough to justify the town For three days past; wit that might warrant be For the whole city to talk foolishly Till that were cancelled; and, when we were gone, We left an air behind us; which alone Was able to make the two next companies (Right witty; though but downright fools) more wise ! When I remember this, and see that now The country gentlemen begin to allow My wit for dry bobs, then I needs must cry, * I see my days of ballating grow nigh ! ' I can already riddle, and can sing Catches, sell bargains: and I fear shall bring Myself to speak the hardest words I find Over as oft as any, with one wind, That takes no medicines. But one thought of thee Makes me remember all these things to be The wit of our young men, fellows that show No part of good, yet utter all they know; Who, like trees of the guard, have growing souls. Only strong Destiny, which all controls, I hope hath left a better fate in store 415 THE BOOK OF For me, thy friend, than to live ever poor. Banished unto this home. Fate once again, Bring me to thee, who canst make smooth and plain The way of knowledge for me, and then I (Who have no good, but in thy company,) Protest it will my greatest comfort be, To acknowledge all I have, to flow from thee ! Ben, when these Scenes are perfect, we'll taste wine ! I'll drink thy Muse's health ! thou shalt quafl mine ! F. Beaumont 41 J. His Prayer to Ben Jonson "^l^ 7"HEN I a verse shall make, ^ ^ Know I have pray'd thee, For old religion's sake, Saint Ben, to aid me. Make the way smooth for me When, I, thy Herrick, Honouring thee on my knee Offer my Lyric. Candles I'll give to thee, And a new altar; And thou, Saint Ben, shalt be Writ in my psalter. R. Herrick 416 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 414. London Taverns T^HE Gentry to the King's Head, -^ The Nobles to the Crown^ The Knights unto the Golden Fleece, And to the Plough, the Clown. The Churchman to the Mitre, The Shepherd to the Star, The Gardener hies him to the Rose, To the Drum, the man of war. To the Feathers, Ladies you ! The Glohe The Seaman doth not scorn ! The Usurer to the Devil; and The Townsman to the Horn. The Huntsman to the White Hart, To the Ship, the Merchant goes; But you that do the Muses love, The Swan, called river Po. The Bankrupt to the World's End, The Fool to the Fortune hie; Unto the Mouth, the Oyster Wife; The Fidler to the Pie. . . . T. Heywood 417 THE BOOK OF 415. Lei the Bells Ring, and Let the Boys Sing T ET the bells ring, and let the boys sing, -'^^ The young lasses skip and play; Let the cups go round, till round goes the ground; Our learned old vicar will stay. Let the pig turn merrily, merrily, ah! And let the fat goose swim; For verily, verily, verily, ah ! ' Our vicar this day shall be trim. The stewed cock shall crow, cock-a-loodle-loo, A loud cock-a-loodle shall he crow; The duck and the drake shall swim in a lake Of onions and claret below. Our wives shall be neat, to bring in our meat To thee our most noble adviser; Our pains shall be great, and bottles shall sweat And we ourselves will be wiser. We'll labour and swink, we'll kiss and we'll drink, And tithes shall come thicker and thicker; We'll fall to our plough, and get children enow. And thou shalt be learned old vicar. J. Fletcher 418 I ELIZABETHAN VERSE -^7(5. Jolly Good Ale and Old CANNOT eat but little meat, My stomach is not good; But sure I think that I can drink With him that wears a hood. Though I go bare, take ye no care, I nothing am a-cold; I stuff my skin so full within Of jolly good ale and old. Back and side go bare, go bare; Both foot and hand go cold; But, belly, God send thee good ale enough, Whether it be new or old. I love no roast but a nut-brown toast. And a crab laid in the fire; A little bread shall do me stead; Much bread I not desire. No frost nor snow, no wind, I trow, Can hurt me if I wold; I am so wrapp'd and thoroughly lapp'd Of jolly good ale and old. Back and side go bare, go bare, etc. And Tib, my wife, that as her life Loveth well good ale to seek. Full oft drinks she till ye may see The tears run down her cheek : Then doth she trowl to me the bowl Even as a maltworm should, 419 THE BOOK OF And saith, ' Sweetheart, I took my part Of this jolly good ale and old.' Back and side go bare, go bare, etc. Now let them drink till they nod and wink Even as good fellows should do; They shall not miss to have the bliss Good ale doth bring men to; And all poor souls that have scoured bowls Or have them lustily troll'd, God save the lives of them and their wives, Whether they be young or old. Back and side go bare, go bare; Both foot and hand go cold; But, belly, God send thee good ale and cold, Whether it be new or old. J. Still, Bishop of Bath and Wells 417. Pedlafs Song "C*INE knacks for ladies! cheap, choice, brave and new. ■^ Good pennyworths, — but money cannot move : I keep a fair but for the Fair to view, — A beggar may be liberal of love. Though all my wares be trash, the heart is true, The heart is true. Great gifts are guiles and look for gifts again; My trifles come as treasures from my mind : It is a precious jewel to be plain; Sometimes in shell the orient'st pearls we find ; — Of others take a sheaf, of me a grain ! Of me a grain! 420 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Within this pack pins, points, laces, and gloves, And divers toys fitting a country fair. But my heart, wherein duty serves and loves, Turtles and twins, court's brood, a heavenly pair — Happy the heart that thinks of no removes ! Of no removes ! Anon, ^i8. Come Buy, Come Buy T AWN as white as driven snow; -■— ' Cypress black as e'er was crow; Gloves as sweet as damask roses; Masks for faces, and for noses; Bugle-bracelet, necklace-amber, Perfume for a lady's chamber: Golden quoifs and stomachers. For my lads to give their dears; Pins and poking-sticks of steel. What maids lack from head to heel : Come buy of me, come; come buy, come buy; Buy, lads, or else your lasses cry: Come buy. W. Shakespeare 4ig. Come to the Pedlar "\1[ TILL you buy any tape, * * Or lace for your cape. My dainty duck, my dear-a ? Any silk, any thread. Any toys for your head. Of the new' St and finest, finest wear-a ? 42 J THE BOOK OF Come to the pedlar; Money's a meddler, That doth utter all men's ware-a. W. Shakespeare 420. Phoebus, Farewell! TZ)HCEBUS, farewell! a sweeter Saint I serve: The high conceits thy heavenly wisdoms breed, My thoughts forget, my thoughts which never swerve From her in whom is sown their freedom's seed, And in whose eyes my daily doom I read. Phoebus, farewell ! a sweeter Saint I serve : Thou art far off, thy kingdom is above; She heaven on earth with beauties doth preserve; Thy beams I like, but her clear rays I love; Thy force I fear, her force I still do prove. Phcebus, yield up thy title in my mind She doth possess : thy image is defaced ; But, if thy rage some brave revenge will find On her who hath in me thy temple raced. Employ thy might that she my fires may taste; And, how much more her worth surmounteth thee, Make her as much more base by loving me. Sir P. Sidney 421. Constancy /^ NEVER say that I was false of heart, ^-^ Though absence seem'd my flame to qualify! As easy might I from myself depart. As from my soul, which in thy breast doth lie: 422 ELIZABETHAN VERSE That is the home of love; if I have ranged, Like him that travels I return again, Just to the time, not v^ith the time exchanged. So that myself bring water for my stain. Never believe, though in my nature reign'd All frailties that besiege all kinds of blood, That it could so prepost'rously be stain'd, To leave for nothing all thy sum of good : For nothing this wide universe I call. Save thou, my Rose; in it thou art my all. W. Shakespeare 422. Absence, TT^ROM you have I been absent in the spring, -*- When proud-pied April, dress'd in all his trim, Hath put a spirit of youth in everything. That heavy Saturn laugh'd and leap'd with him. Yet nor the lays of birds, nor the sweet smell Of different flowers in odour and in hue, Could make me any summer's story tell, Or from their proud lap pluck them where they grew; Nor did I wonder at the Lily's white, Nor praise the deep vermilion in the Rose; They were but sweet, but figures of delight, Drawn after you, you pattern of all those. Yet seem'd it Winter still, and, you away, As with your shadow I with these did play. W. Shakespeare 423 THE BOOK OF 42^, How Like a Winter Hath My Absence Been TTOW like a Winter hath my absence been ^ ^ From thee, the pleasure of the fleeting year ! What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen, What old December's bareness everywhere! And yet this time removed was summer's time; The teeming Autumn, big with rich increase. Bearing the wanton burden of the prime Like widow'd wombs after their Lord's decease: Yet this abundant issue seem'd to me But hope of orphans and unfather'd fruit; For Summer and his pleasures wait on thee, And, thou away, the very birds are mute: Or if they sing, 'tis with so dull a cheer That leaves look pale, dreading the Winter's near. W. Shakespeare 424. Ode That Time and Absence proves Rather helps than hurts to loves A BSENCE, hear thou my protestation '^ ^ Against thy strength, Distance and length : Do what thou canst for alteration, For hearts of truest mettle Absence doth join and Time doth settle. 424 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Who loves a mistress of such quality. He soon hath found Affection's ground Beyond time, place, and all mortality. To hearts that cannot vary Absence is present. Time doth tarry. My senses want their outward motion Which now within Reason doth win. Redoubled in her secret notion: Like rich that take pleasure In hiding more than handling treasure. By Absence this good means I gain, That I can catch her Where none doth watch her, In some close corner of my brain: There I embrace and kiss her. And so I both enjoy and miss her. J. Donne 425. Be Your Words Made, Good Sir, of Indian Ware OE your words made, good. Sir, of Indian ware, ^-^ That you allow me them by so small rate? Or do you cutted Spartans imitate ? Or do you mean my tender ears to spare That to my questions you so total are ? When I demand of Phoenix Stella's state, You say, forsooth, you left her well of late: O God, think you that satisfies my care .? 425 THE BOOK OF I would know whether she did sit or walk; How clothed; how waited on; sighed she or smiled; Whereof, with whom, how often did she talk; With what pastime time's journey she beguiled; If her lips deigned to sweeten my poor name: Say all; and, all well said, still say the same. Sir P. Sidney 426. To Lucasta, Going to the Wars 'T^ELL me not, Sweet, I am unkind, -■- That from the nunnery Of thy chaste breast and quiet mind To war and arms I fly. True, a new mistress now I chase, The first foe in the field ; And with a stronger faith embrace A sword, a horse, a shield. Yet this inconstancy is such As you too shall adore; I could not love thee. Dear, so much. Loved I not Honour more. R. Lovelace 42/. Love and Debt 'T'HIS one request I make to Him That sits the clouds above: That I were freely out of debt, As I am out of love. 426 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Then for to dance, to drink, and sing, I should be very willing; I should not owe one lass a kiss Nor ne'er knave a shilling. Tis only being in love, or debt, That breaks us of our rest, And he that is quite out of both Of all the world is blest. He sees the golden age, wherein All things were free and common; He eats, he drinks, he takes his rest — And fears nor man nor woman. Sir J. Suckling 428. Jealousy A SEEING friend, yet enemy to rest; "^ ^ A wrangling passion, yet a gladsome thought; A bad companion, yet a welcome guest; A knowledge wished, yet found too soon unsought : From heaven supposed, yet sure condemned to hell Is jealousy, and there forlorn doth dwell. And thence doth send fond fear and false suspect To haunt our thoughts, bewitched with mistrust; Which breeds in us the issue and effect Both of conceits and actions far unjust; The grief, the shame, the smart whereof doth prove That jealousy's both death and hell to love. 427. THE BOOK OF For what but hell moves in the jealous heart, Where restless fear works out all wanton joys, Which doth both quench and kill the loving part, And cloys the mind with worse than known annoys, Whose pressure far exceeds hell's deep extremes ? Such life leads Love, entangled with misdeems. Anon. 42 g. The Wanton Shepherdess /^"^OME, shepherds, come ! ^^ Come away Without delay. Whilst the gentle time doth stay. Green woods are dumb, And will never tell to any Those dear kisses, and those many Sweet embraces, that are given; Dainty pleasures, that would even Raise in coldest age a fire. And give virgin-blood desire. Then, if ever, Now or never, Come and have it: Think not I Dare deny. If you crave it. 7. Fletcher 428 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 430, A Woman Will Have Her Will Question "^ELL me, what is that only thing T^E For which all women long; Yet, having what they most desire, To have it does them wrong ? 'Tis not to be chaste, nor fair, — Such gifts malice may impair — Richly trimmed, to walk and ride. Or to wanton unespied; To preserve an honest name, And so to give it up to fame; These are toys. In good or ill They desire to have their will; Yet, when they have it, they abuse it, For they know not how to use it. J. Fletcher 431, Three Poor Mariners "Xyl 7"E be three poor mariners, ^ ^ Newly come from the seas ; We spend our lives in jeopardy. While others live at ease. Shall we go dance the round, the round, Shall we go dance the round .? And he that is a bully boy Come pledge me on this ground. 429 THE BOOK OF We care not for those martial men That do our states disdain; But we care for the merchant men Who do our states maintain : To them we dance this round, aicunu, To them we dance this round; And he that is a bully boy Come pledge me on this ground. T. Ravenscroft 432. To the Virginian Voyage X/OU brave heroic minds Worthy your country's name, That honour still pursue; Go and subdue ! Whilst loitering hinds Lurk here at home with shame: Britons, you stay too long: Quickly aboard bestow you, And with a merry gale Swell your stretch'd sail With vows as strong As the winds that blow you. Your course securely steer, West and by south forth keep! Rocks, lee-shores, nor shoals When Eolus scowls You need not fear; So absolute the deep. 430 ELIZABETHAN VERSE And cheerfully at sea Success you still entice To get the pearl and gold, And ours to hold Firgintdy Earth's only paradise. Where nature hath in store Fowl, venison, and fish. And the fruitfull'st soil Without your toil Three harvests more. All greater than your wish. And the ambitious vine Crowns with his purple mass The cedar reaching high To kiss the sky, The cypress, pine. And useful sassafras. To whom the Golden Age Still nature's laws doth give, No other cares attend. But them to defend From winter's rage. That long there doth not live. When as the luscious smell Of that delicious land 431 THE BOOK OF Above the seas that flows The c-ear wind throws, Your hearts to swell Approaching the dear strand; In kenning of the shore (Thanks to God first given) O you the happiest men, Be froHc then ! Let cannons roar, Frighting the wide heaven. And in regions far, Such heroes bring ye forth As those from whom we came; And plant our name Under that star Not known unto our North. And as there plenty grows Of laurel everywhere — Apollo's sacred tree — You it may see A poet's brows To crown, that may sing there. Thy Voyages attend. Industrious Hakluyt, Whose reading shall inflame Men to seek fame, And much commend To after times thy wit. M. Drayton 432 ELIZABETHAN VERSE ij.33. For Soldiers 'V/E buds of Brutus' land, courageous youths, now play -*- your parts; Unto your tackle stand, abide the brunt with valiant hearts. For news is carried to and fro, that we must forth to warfare go: ^ Men muster now in every place, and soldiers are prest forth apace. Faint not, spend blood, to do your Queen and country good; Fair words, good pay, will make men cast all care away. The time of war is come, prepare your corslet, spear and shield; Methinks I hear the drum strike doleful marches to the field; Tantara, tantara, ye trumpets sound, which makes our hearts with joy abound. The roaring guns are heard afar, and everything de- nounceth war. Serve God; stand stout; bold courage brings this gear about; Fear not; forth run; faint heart fair lady never won.' Ye curious carpet-knights, that spend the time in sport and play; Abroad and see new sights, your country's cause calls you away; Do not to make your ladies' game, bring blemish to your worthy name. 433 THE BOOK OF Away to field and win renown, with courage beat your enemies down. Stout hearts gain praise, when dastards sail in Slander's seas : Hap what hap shall, we sure shall die but once for all. Alarm methinks they cry, Be packing, mates; begone with speed ; Our foes are very nigh; shame have that man that shrinks at need ! Unto it boldly let us stand, God will give Right the upper hand. Our cause is good, we need not doubt, in sign of courage give a shout. March forth, be strong, good hap will come ere it be long. Shrink not, fight well, for lusty lads must bear the bell. All you that will shun evil, must dwell in warfare every day; The world, the flesh, and devil, always do seek our soul's decay. Strive with these foes with all your might, so shall you fight a worthy fight. That conquest doth deserve most praise, where vice do yield to virtue's ways. Beat down foul sin, a worthy crown then shall ye win; If ye live well, in heaven with Christ our souls shall dwell. H. Gtjford 434, Agincourt "PAIR stood the wind for France ^ When we our sails advance, Nor now to prove our chance 434 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Longer will tarry; But putting to the main, At Caux, the mouth of Seine, With all his martial train, Landed King Harry. And taking many a fort, Furnish'd in warlike sort. Coming toward Agincourt In happy hour, Skirmishing day by day With those that stopp'd his way, Where the French gen'ral lay With all his power: Which, in his height of pride, King Henry to deride, His ransom to provide Unto him sending; Which he neglects the while. As from a nation vile, Yet with an angry smile. Their fall portending; And turning to his men, Quoth our brave Henry then, * Though they to one be ten, Be not amazed : Yet have we well begun; Battles so bravely won Have ever to the sun By fame been raised. 435 THE BOOK OF ' And for myself (quoth he) This my full rest shall be: England ne'er mourn for me Nor more esteem me: Victor I will remain Or on this earth lie slain. Never shall she sustain Loss to redeem me. * Poitiers and Cressy tell, When most their pride did swell, Under our swords they fell : No less our skill is Than when our grandsire great, Claiming the regal seat, By many a warlike feat Lopp'd the French lilies/ The Duke of York so dread The eager vaward led; With the main Henry sped Among his henchmen. Excester had the rear, A braver man not there; O Lord, how hot they were On the false Frenchmen! They now to fight are gone, Armour on armour shone. Drum unto drum did groan, To hear was wonder; 436 ELIZABETHAN VERSE That with the cries they make The very earth did shake; Trumpet to trumpet spake, Thunder to thunder. Well it thine age became, O noble Erpingham, Which didst the signal aim To our hid forces ! When from a meadow by. Like a storm suddenly The English archery Stuck the French horses. With Spanish yew so strong, Arrows a cloth-yard long, That like to serpents stong. Piercing the weather; None from his fellow starts. But playing manly parts. And like true English hearts Stuck close together. When down their bows they threw. And forth their bilboes drew. And on the French they flew, No man was tardy; Arms were from shoulders sent. Scalps to the teeth were rent, Down the French peasants went — Our men were hardy. 437 438 THE BOOK OF This while our noble king, His broadsword brandishing, Down the French host did ding. As to o'erwhelm it; And many a deep wound lent, His arms with blood besprent, And many a cruel dent Bruised his helmet. Gloster, that duke so good. Next of the royal blood, For famous England stood. With his brave brother; Clarence, in steel most bright. Though but a maiden knight. Yet in that furious fight Scarce such another. Warwick in blood did wade, Oxford the foe invade. And cruel slaughter made Still as they ran up; Suffolk his axe did ply, Beaumont and Willoughby Bare them right doughtily, Ferrers and Fanhope. Upon Saint Crispin's Day Fought was this noble fray, Which fame did not delay To England to carry. ELIZABETHAN VERSE O when shall English men With such acts fill a pen ? Or England breed again Such a King Harry ? M. Drayton - The Soldier Going to the Field PRESERVE thy sighs, unthrifty girl! To purify the air; Thy tears to thread, instead of pearl, On bracelets of thy hair. The trumpet makes the echo hoarse, And wakes the louder drum. Expense of grief gains no remorse, When sorrow should be dumb. For I must go where lazy peace Will hide her drowsy head; And, for the sport of kings, increase The number of the dead. But first I'll chide thy cruel theft ; Can I in war delight, Who, being of my heart bereft Can have no heart to fight 1 Thou knowest the sacred laws of old. Ordained a thief should pay. To quit him of his theft, sevenfold What he had stolen away. Thy payment shall but double be; O then with speed resign My own seduced heart to me. Accompanied with thine. Sir W. Davenant 440 ELIZABETHAN VERSE ^j/. The Fairy Life r\VER hill, over dale, ^-^ Thorough bush, thorough brier. Over park, over pale, Thorough flood, thorough fire, I do wander everywhere, Swifter than the moone's sphere; And I serve the fairy queen. To dew her orbs upon the green : The cowslips tall her pensioners be; In their gold coats spots you see; Those be rubies, fairy favours, In those freckles live their savours: I must go seek some dew-drops here, And hang a pearl in every cowslip's ear. fF. Shakespeare 4j8. Charms ' I ^HRICE toss these oaken ashes in the air, ^ Thrice sit thou mute in this enchanted chair, Then thrice-three times tie up this true love's knot. And murmur soft, " She will or she will not." Go, burn these poisonous weeds in yon blue fire, These screech-owl's feathers and this prickling briar, This cypress gathered at a dead man's grave, That all my fears and cares an end may have. 441 THE BOOK OF Then come, you Fairies ! dance with me a round Melt her hard heart with your melodious sound ! In vain are all the charms I can devise: She hath an art to break them with her eyes. T. Camp ampton S' 43 g. The Charm ^ON of Erebus and Night, Hie away; and aim thy flight, Where consort none other fowl Than the bat and sullen owl; Where upon the limber grass Poppy and mandragoras With like simples not a few Hang for ever drops of dew. Where flows Lethe without coil Softly like a stream of oil. Hie thee thither, gentle Sleep : With this Greek no longer keep. Thrice I charge thee by my wand, Thrice with moly from my hand Do I touch Ulysses' eyes. And with the jaspis: then arise Sagest Greek. . . . W. Browne Cuckoo "\^7'HEN daisies pied and violets blue, And lady-smocks all silver-white. And cuckoo-buds of yellow hue Do paint the meadows with delight, 442 ELIZABETHAN VERSE The cuckoo then, on every tree, Mocks married men; and thus sings he. Cuckoo ! Cuckoo, cuckoo ! — O word of fear, Unpleasing to a married ear ! When shepherds pipe on oaten straws, And merry larks are ploughmen's clocks, When turtles tread, and rooks, and daws, And maidens bleach their summer smocks The cuckoo then, on every tree, Mocks married men; for thus sings he. Cuckoo ! Cuckoo, cuckoo ! — O word of fear, Unpleasing to a married ear! W. Shakespeare ^41. The Ousel-Cock^ So Black 0} Hue nPHE ousel-cock, so black of hue, -^ With orange-tawny bill. The throstle with his note so true, The wren with little quill; The finch, the sparrow, and the lark, The plain-song cuckoo gray. Whose note full many a man doth mark, And dares not answer nay. fF. Shakespeare 443 THE BOOK OF 442. You Spotted Snakes '\TO\] spotted snakes, with double tongue, -'■ Thorny hedgehogs, be not seen; Newts and bhnd-worms, do no wrong; Come not near our fairy queen. Philomel, with melody Sing in our sweet lullaby; Lulla, lulla, lullaby; lulla, lulla, lullaby: Never harm, Nor spell nor charm, Come our lovely lady nigh; So, good night, with lullaby. Weaving spiders, come not here; Hence, you long-legg'd spinners, hence ! Beetles black, approach not near; Worm, nor snail, do no offence. Philomel, with melody Sing in our sweet lullaby; Lulla, lulla, lullaby; lulla, lulla, lullaby: Never harm. Nor spell nor charm. Come our lovely lady nigh; So, good night, with lullaby. W. Shakespeare ELIZABETHAN VERSE 443. The Holy Well TJ^ROM thy forehead thus I take -■■ These herbs, and charge thee not awake Till in yonder holy well Thrice, with powerful magic spell, Filled with many a baleful word, Thou hast been dipped. Thus, with my cord Of blasted hemp, by moonlight twined, I do thy sleepy body bind. I turn thy head unto the east. And thy feet unto the west. Thy left arm to the south put forth, And thy right unto the north. I take thy body from the ground, In this deep and deadly swound. And into this holy spring I let thee slide down by my string. Take this maid, thou holy pit, To thy bottom; nearer yet; In thy water pure and sweet. By thy leave I dip her feet; Thus I let her lower yet. That her ankles may be wet; Yet down lower, let her knee In thy waters washed be. There stop. Fly away. Everything that loves the day! Truth, that hath but one face. Thus I charm thee from this place. Snakes that cast your coats for new, Chameleons that alter hue, 44 S THE BOOK OF Hares that yearly sexes change, Proteus altering oft and strange, Hecate with shapes three, Let this maiden changed be. With this holy water wet, To the shape of Amoret! Cynthia, work thou with my charm! Thus I draw thee free from harm, Up out of this blessed lake: Rise both like her and awake! J, Fletcher 444. Nymphidia The Court of Fairy t~\LD Chaucer doth of Topas tell, ^-^ Mad Rabelais of Pantagruel, A later third of Dowsabel, With such poor trifles playing; Others the like have laboured at, Some of this thing, and some of that, And many of they knew not what. But what they must be saying. Another sort there be, that will Be talking of the Fairies still. For never can they have their fill. As they were wedded to them; No tales of them their thirst can slake. So much delight therein they take. And some strange thing they fain would make Knew they the way to do them. 446 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Then since no Muse hath been so bold, Or of the later, or the old, Those elvish secrets to unfold, Which lie from others' reading, My active Muse to light shall bring The Court of that proud Fairy King, And tell there of the revelling: Jove prosper my proceeding! And thou, Nymphidia, gentle Fay, Which, meeting me upon the way. These secrets didst to me bev^ray, Which now I am in telling; My pretty, light, fantastic maid, I here invoke thee to my aid. That I may speak what thou hast said. In numbers smoothly swelling. This palace standeth in the air, By necromancy placed there. That it no tempest needs to fear. Which way soe'er it blow it; And somewhat southward toward the noon. Whence lies a way up to the moon, And thence the Fairy can as soon Pass to the earth below it. The walls of spiders* legs are made Well mortised and finely laid; He was the master of his trade It curiously that builded; 447 THE BOOK OF The windows of the eyes of cats, And for the roof, instead of slats. Is covered with the skins of bats. With moonshine that are gilded. Hence Oberon him sport to make, Their rest when weary mortals take, And none but only fairies wake, Descendeth for his pleasure; And Mab, his merry Queen, by night Bestrides young folks that lie upright (In elder times, the mare that hight). Which plagues them out of measure. Hence shadows, seeming idle shapes. Of little frisking elves and apes To earth do make their wanton scapes. As hope of pastime hastes them; Which maids think on the hearth they see When fires well-near consumed be. There dancing hays by two and three. Just as their fancy casts them. These make our girls their sluttery rue. By pinching them both black and blue, And put a penny in their shoe The house for cleanly sweeping; And in their courses make that round In meadows and in marshes found. Of them so called the Fairy Ground, Of which they have the keeping. 448 ELIZABETHAN VERSE These when a child haps to be got Which after proves an idiot When folk perceive it thriveth not, The fault therein to smother, Some silly, doting, brainless calf That understands things by the half, Say that the Fairy left this aulfe And took away the other. But listen^ and I shall you tell A chance in Fairy that befell. Which certainly may please some well In love and arms delighting: Of Oberon that jealous grew Of one of his own Fairy crew. Too well, he feared, his Queen that knew, His love but ill requiting. Pigwiggen was this Fairy Knight, One wondrous gracious in the sight Of fair Queen Mab, which day and night He amorously observed; Which made King Oberon suspect His service took too good effect. His sauciness had often checkt. And could have wished him sterved. Pigwiggen gladly would commend Some token to Queen Mab to send. If sea or land him aught could lend Were worthy of her wearing; 449 THE BOOK OF At length this lover doth devise A bracelet made of emmets' eyes, A thing he thought that she would prize, No whit her state impairing. And to the Queen a letter writes, Which he most curiously indites. Conjuring her by all the rites Of love, she would be pleased To meet him, her true servant, where They might, without suspect or fear. Themselves to one another clear And have their poor hearts eased. At midnight, the appointed hour: " And for the Queen a fitting bower," Quoth he, " is that fair cowslip flower On Hipcut hill that bloweth : In all your train there's not a fay That ever went to gather may But she hath made it, in her way. The tallest there that groweth.'* When by Tom Thumb, a Fairy Page, He sent it, and doth him engage By promise of a mighty wage It secretly to carry; Which done, the Queen her maids doth call, And bids them to be ready all: She would go see her summer hall. She could no longer tarry. 450 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Her chariot ready straight is made, Each thing therein is fitting laid, That she by nothing might be stayed. For nought must be her letting; Four nimble gnats the horses were. Their harnesses of gossamere. Fly Cranion the charioteer Upon the coach-box getting. Her chariot of a snail's fine shell. Which for the colours did excel. The fair Queen Mab becoming well, So lively was the limning; The seat the soft wool of the bee, The cover, gallantly to see. The wing of a pied butterflee; I trow 'twas simple trimming. The wheels composed of crickets* bones, And daintily made for the nonce. For fear of rattling on the stones With thistle-down they shod it; For all her maidens much did fear If Oberon had chanc'd to hear That Mab his Queen should have been there, He would not have abode it. She mounts her chariot with a trice. Nor would she stay, for no advice, Until her maids that were so nice To wait on her were fitted; 451 THE BOOK OF But ran herself away alone, Which when they heard, there was not one But hasted after to be gone, As she had been diswitted. Hop and Mop and Drop so clear, Pip and Trip and Skip that were To Mab, their sovereign, ever dear, Her special maids of honour; Fib and Tib and Pink and Pin, Tick and Quick and Jill and Jin, Tit and Nit and Wap and Win, The train that wait upon hero Upon a grasshopper they got And, what with amble and with trot. For hedge and ditch they spared not. But after her they hie them; A cobweb over them they throw. To shield the wind if it should blow, Themselves they wisely could bestow Lest any should espy them. But let us leave Queen Mab a while. Through many a gate, o'er many a stile, That now had gotten by this wile. Her dear Pigwiggen kissing; And tell how Oberon doth fare, Who grew as mad as any hare When he had sought each place with care And found his Queen was missing. 452 ELIZABETHAN VERSE So first encountering with a Wasp, He in his arms the fly doth clasp As though his breath he forth would grasp, Him for Pigwiggen taking: "Where is my wife, thou rogue?" quoth he; "Pigwiggen, she is come to thee; Restore her, or thou diest by me ! " Whereat the poor Wasp quaking Cries, "Oberon, great Fairy King, Content thee, I am no such thing: I am a Wasp, behold my sting!" At which the Fairy started; When soon away the Wasp doth go, Poor wretch, was never frighted so; He thought his wings were much too slow, O'erjoyed they so were parted. He next upon a Glow-worm light, (You must suppose it now was night). Which, for her hinder part was bright. He took to be a devil, And furiously doth her assail For carrying fire in her tail; He thrashed her rough coat with his flail; The mad King feared no evil. "Oh!" quoth the Glow-worm, "hold thy hand. Thou puissant King of Fairy-land ! Thy mighty strokes who may withstand ? Hold, or of life despair I ! " 413 THE BOOK OF Together then herself doth roll, And tumbling down into a hole She seemed as black as any coal; Which vext away the Fairy. From thence he ran into a hive: Amongst the bees he letteth drive, And down their combs begins to rive, All likely to have spoiled, Which with their wax his face besmeared. And with their honey daubed his beard : It would have made a man afeared To see how he was moiled. A new adventure him betides; He met an Ant, which he bestrides, And post thereon away he rides, Which with his haste doth stumble, And came full over on her snout, Her heels so threw the dirt about, For she by no means could get out, But over him doth tumble. And being in this piteous case, And all be-slurred head and face, On runs he in this wild-goose chase. As here and there he rambles; Half blind, against a molehole hit, And for a mountain taking it, For all he was out of his wit Yet to the top he scrambles. 454 ELIZABETHAN VERSE And being gotten to the top, Yet there himself he could not stop. But down on the other side doth chop, And to the foot came rumbhng; So that the grubs, therein that bred, Hearing such turmoil overhead. Thought surely they had all been dead; So fearful was the jumbling. And falling down into a lake. Which him up to the neck doth take, His fury somewhat it doth slake; He calleth for a ferry; Where you may some recovery note; What was his club he made his boat, And in his oaken cup doth float. As safe as in a wherry. Men talk of the adventures strange Of Don Quishott, and of their change Through which he armed oft did range. Of Sancho Pancha's travel; But should a man tell everything Done by this frantic Fairy King, And them in lofty numbers sing. It well his wits might gravel. Scarce set on shore, but therewithal He meeteth Puck, which most men call Hobgoblin, and on him doth fall. With words from frenzy spoken : 455 THE BOOK OF " Ho, ho," quoth Hob, " God save thy grace ! Who drest thee in this piteous case ? He thus that spoiled my sovereign's face, I would his neck were broken ! " This Puck seems but a dreaming dolt. Still walking like a ragged colt. And oft out of a bush doth bolt, Of purpose to deceive us; And leading us makes us to stray. Long winter's nights, out of the way; And when we stick in mire and clay. Hob doth with laughter leave us. " Dear Puck," quoth he, " my wife is gonet As e'er thou lov'st King Oberon, Let everything but this alone. With vengeance and pursue her; Bring her to me alive or dead. Or that vile thief, Pigwiggen's head. That villain hath my Queen misled; He to this folly drew her." Quoth Puck, " My liege, I'll never lin, But I will thorough thick and thin. Until at length I bring her in ; My dearest lord, ne'er doubt it." Thorough brake, thorough briar. Thorough muck, thorough mire. Thorough water, thorough fire; And thus goes Puck about it. 4S6 ELIZABETHAN VERSE This thing Nymphidia overheard, That on this mad king had a guard, Not doubting of a great reward, For first this business broaching; And through the air away doth go. Swift as an arrow from the bow. To let her sovereign Mab to know What peril was approaching. The Queen bound with Love's powerful'st charm Sate with Pigwiggen arm in arm; Her merry maids, that thought no harm, About the room was skipping; A humble-bee, their minstrel, played Upon his hautboy, every maid Fit for this revel was arrayed. The hornpipe neatly tripping. In comes Nymphidia, and doth cry, " My sovereign, for your safety fly. For there is danger but too nigh; I posted to forewarn you: The King hath sent Hobgoblin out, To seek you all the fields about, And of your safety you may doubt, If he but once discern you." When, like an uproar- in a town Before them everything went down; Some tore a ruff, and some a gown, 'Gainst one another justling; 457 THE BOOK OF They flew about like chafF i' th' wind; For haste some left their masks behind; Some could not stay their gloves to find; There never was such bustling. Forth ran they, by a secret way, Into a brake that near them lay; Yet much they doubted there to stay, Lest Hob should hap to find them; He had a sharp and piercing sight, All one to him the day and night; And therefore were resolved, by flight, To leave this place behind them. At length one chanced to find a nut. In the end of which a hole was cut, Which lay upon a hazel root. There scattered by a squirrel Which out the kernel gotten had; When quoth this Fay, "Dear Queen, be glad; Let Oberon be ne'er so mad, I'll set you safe from peril. " Come all into this nut," quoth she, ** Come closely in; be ruled by me; Each one may here a chooser be. For room ye need not wrastle: Nor need ye be togethet heapt ; " So one by one therein they crept, And lying down they soundly slept, And safe as in a castle. 458 I ELIZABETHAN VERSE Nymphidia, that this while doth watch, Perceived if Puck the Queen should catch That he should be her over-match, Of which she well bethought her; Found it must be some powerful charm, The Queen against him that must arm, Or surely he would do her harm, For throughly he had sought her. And listening if she aught could hear, That her might hinder, or might fear. But finding still the coast was clear; Nor creature had descried her; Each circumstance and having scanned. She came thereby to understand, Puck would be with them out of hand; When to her charms she hied her. And first her fern-seed doth bestow, The kernel of the mistletoe; And here and there as Puck should go. With terror to affright him. She night-shade strews to work him ill, Therewith her vervain and her dill. That hindereth witches of their will. Of purpose to despite him. Then sprinkles she the juice of rue. That groweth underneath the yew; With nine drops of the midnight dew, From lunary distilling: 459 THE BOOK OF The molewarp's brain mixed therewithal; And with the same the pismire's gall: For she in nothing short would fall, The Fairy was so willing. Then thrice under a briar doth creep, Which at both ends are rooted deep. And over it three times she leap; Her magic much availing: Then on Proserpina doth call, And so upon her spell doth fall. Which here to you repeat I shall, Not in one tittle failing. ** By the croaking of the frog. By the howling of the dog, By the crying of the hog, Against the storm arising; By the evening curfew bell By the doleful dying knell, let this my direful spell. Hob, hinder my surprising! " By the mandrake's dreadful groanSj By the lubrican's sad moans. By the noise of dead men's bones In charnel-houses rattling; By the hissing of the snake, The rustling of the fire-drake, 1 charge thee thou this place forsake. Nor of Queen Mab be prattling! 460 ELIZABETHAN VERSE " By the whirlwind's hollow sound, By the thunder's dreadful stound, Yells of spirits underground, I charge thee not to fear us; By the screech-owl's dismal note, By the black night-raven's throat, I charge thee. Hob, to tear thy coat With thorns, if thou come near us 1 " Her spell thus spoke, she stept aside, And in a chink herself doth hide, To see thereof what would betide. For she doth only mind him : When presently she Puck espies. And well she marked his gloating eyes. How under every leaf he pries. In seeking still to find them. But once the circle got within. The charms to work do straight begin, And he was caught as in a gin; For as he thus was busy, A pain he in his head-piece feels. Against a stubbed tree he reels. And up went poor Hobgoblin's heels; Alas ! his brain was dizzy ! At length upon his feet he gets. Hobgoblin fumes. Hobgoblin frets; And as again he forwards sets. And through the bushes scrambles, 461 THE BOOK OF A stump doth trip him in his pace; Down comes poor Hob upon his face, And lamentably tore his case, Amongst the briars and brambles. " A plague upon Queen Mab ! " quoth he, "And all her maids where'er they be: I think the devil guided me, To seek her so provoked ! " Where stumbling at a piece of wood, He fell into a ditch of mud. Where to the very chin he stood, In danger to be choked. Now worse than e'er he was before. Poor Puck doth yell, poor Puck doth roar. That waked Queen Mab, who doubted sore Some treason had been wrought her: Until Nymphidia told the Queen, What she had done, what she had seen. Who then had well near cracked her spleen With very extreme laughter. But leave we Hob to clamber out. Queen Mab and all her Fairy rout, And come again to have a bout With Oberon yet madding: And with Pigwiggen now distraught. Who much was troubled in his thought. That he so long the Queen had sought. And through the fields was gadding. 462 ELIZABETHAN VERSE And as he runs he still doth cry, " King Oberon, I thee defy, And dare thee here in arms to try. For my dear lady's honour: For that she is a Queen right good, In whose defence I'll shed my blood. And that thou in this jealous mood Hast laid this slander on her." And quickly arms him for the field, A little cockle-shell his shield. Which he could very bravely wield. Yet could it not be perced : His spear a bent both stiff and strong, And well-near of two inches long: The pile was of a horse-fly's tongue. Whose sharpness nought reversed. And puts him on a coat of mail. Which was of a fish's scale. That when his foe should him assail, No point should be prevailing: His rapier was a hornet's sting; It was a very dangerous thing, For if he chanced to hurt the King, It would be long in healing. His helmet was a beetle's head. Most horrible and full of dread. That able was to strike one dead, Yet did it well become him; 463 THE BOOK OF And for a plume a horse's hair Which, being tossed with the air, Had force to strike his foe with fear. And turn his weapon from him. Himself he on an earwig set. Yet scarce he on his back could get, So oft and high he did curvet. Ere he himself could settle : He made him turn, and stop, and bound To gallop and to trot the round, He scarce could stand on any ground. He was so full of mettle. When soon he met with Tomalin, One that a valiant knight had been, And to King Oberon of kin; Quoth he, *' Thou manly Fairy, Tell Oberon I come prepared. Then bid him stand upon his guard; This hand his baseness shall reward. Let him be ne'er so wary. " Say to him thus, that I defy His slanders and his infamy, And as a mortal enemy Do publicly proclaim him : Withal that if I had mine own, He should not wear the Fairy crown. But with a vengeance should come down. Nor we a King should name him." 464 ELIZABETHAN VERSE This Tomalin could not abide, To hear his sovereign villified; But to the Fairy Court him hied, (Full furiously he posted), With everything Pigwiggen said : How title to the crown he laid, And in what arms he was arrayed, As how himself he boasted. 'Twixt head and foot, from point to point, He told the arming of each joint. In every piece how neat and quoint, For Tomalin could do it: How fair he sat, how sure he rid, As of the courser he bestrid. How managed, and how well he did; The King which listened to it. Quoth he, " Go, Tomalin, with speed, Provide me arms, provide my steed, And everything that I shall need; By thee I will be guided ; To straight account call thou thy wit; See there be wanting not a whit. In everything see thou me fit, Just as my foe's provided." Soon flew this news through Fairy-land, Which gave Queen Mab to understand The combat that was then in hand Betwixt those men so mighty : 465 THE BOOK OF Which greatly she began to rue, Perceiving that all Fairy knew The first occasion from her grew Of these affairs so weighty. Wherefore attended with her maids, Through fogs, and mists, and damps she wades, To Proserpine the Queen of Shades, To treat, that it would please her The cause into her hands to take, For ancient love and friendship's sake, And soon thereof an end to make, Which of much care would ease her. A while there let we Mab alone, And come we to King Oberon, Who, armed to meet his foe, is gone. For proud Pigwiggen crying: Who sought the Fairy King as fast. And had so well his journeys cast. That he arrived at the last, His puissant foe espying. Stout Tomalin came with the King, Tom Thumb doth on Pigwiggen bring. That perfect were in everything To single fights belonging: And therefore they themselves engage. To see them exercise their rage. With fair and comely equipage. Not one the other wronging. 466 ELIZABETHAN VERSE So like in arms these champions were. As they had been a very pair, So that a man would almost swear That either had been either; Their furious steeds began to neigh. That they were heard a mighty way; Their staves upon their rests they lay; Yet ere they flew together, Their seconds minister an oath. Which was indifferent to them both. That on their knightly faith and troth No magic them supplied; And sought them that they had no charms. Wherewith to work each other's harms. But came with simple open arms To have their causes tried. Together furiously they ran, That to the ground came horse and man, The blood out of their helmets span, So sharp were their encounters; And though they to the earth were thrown, Yet quickly they regained their own. Such nimbleness was never shown. They were two gallant mounters. When in a second course again, They forward came with might and main, Yet which had better of the twain. The seconds could not judge yet; 467 THE BOOK OF Their shields were into pieces cleft, Their helmets from their heads were reft, And to defend them nothing left, These champions would not budge yet. Away from them their staves they threw. Their cruel swords they quickly drew, And freshly they the fight renew, They every stroke redoubled; Which made Proserpina take heed. And make to them the greater speed. For fear lest they too much should bleed. Which wondrously her troubled. When to the infernal Styx she goes. And takes the fogs from thence that rose, And in a bag doth them enclose, When well she had them blended. She hies her then to Lethe spring, A bottle and thereof doth bring. Wherewith she meant to work the thing Which only she intended. Now Proserpine with Mab is gone. Unto the place where Oberon And proud Pigwiggen, one to one, Both to be slain were likely: And there themselves they closely hide, Because they would not be espied; For Proserpine meant to decide The matter very quickly. 468 ELIZABETHAN VERSE And suddenly unties the poke, Which out of it sent such a smoke, As ready was them all to choke, So grievous was the pother; So that the knights each other lost. And stood as still as any post; Tom Thumb nor Tomalin could boast Themselves of any other. But when the mist 'gan somewhat cease; Proserpina commandeth peace; And that a while they should release Each other of their peril : " Which here," quoth she, " I do proclaim To all in dreadful Pluto's name. That as ye will eschew his blame. You let me hear the quarrel : "But here yourselves you must engage, Somewhat to cool your spleenish rage; Your grievous thirst and to assuage That first you drink this liquor. Which shall your understanding clear. As plainly shall to you appear; Those things from me that you shall hear, Conceiving much the quicker." This Lethe water, you must know, The memory destroyeth so, That of our weal, or of our woe. Is all remembrance blotted; 469 THE BOOK OF Of it nor can you ever think; For they no sooner took this drink, But nought into their brains could sink Of what had them besotted. King Oberon forgotten had That he for jealousy ran mad, But of his Queen was wondrous glad, And asked how they came thither: Pigwiggen likewise doth forget That he Queen Mab had ever met. Or that they were so hard beset. When they were found together. Nor neither of them both had thought That e'er they each had other sought. Much less that they a combat fought, But such a dream was loathing, Tom Thumb had got a little sup, And Tomalin scarce kissed the cup, Yet had their brains so sure locked up. That they remembered nothing. Queen Mab and her light maids, the while, Amongst themselves do closely smile. To see the King caught with this wile, With one another jesting: And to the Fairy Court they went. With mickle joy and merriment, Which thing was done with good intent. And thus I left them feasting. M. Drayton 470 ELIZABETHAN VERSE S^ ^^5. Hymn to Pan "*ING his praises that doth keep Our flocks from harm, Pan, the father of our sheep; And arm in arm Tread we softly in a round. Whilst the hollow neighbouring ground Fills the music with her sound. Pan, O great god Pan, to thee Thus do we sing ! Thou who keep'st us chaste and free As the young spring: Ever by thy honour spoke From that place the morn is broke To that place day doth unyoke! J. Fletcher 446. Hymn to Pan 1 Nymph. Of Pan we sing, the best of singers, Pan, That taught us swains how first to tune our lays. And on the pipe more airs than Phoebus can. Chorus. Hear, O you groves, and hills resound his praise. 2 Nymph. Of Pan we sing, the best of leaders. Pan, That leads the Naiads and the Dryads forth ; And to their dances more than Hermes can. Chorus. Hear, O you groves, and hills resound his worth. 471 THE BOOK OF 3 Nymph. Of Pan we sing, the best of hunters, Pan, That drives the hart to seek unused ways, And in the chase more than Silvanus can. Chorus. Hear, O you groves, and hills resound his praise. 2 Nymph. Of Pan, we sing, the best of shepherds, Pan, That keeps our flocks and us, and both leads forth To better pastures than great Pales can. Chorus. Hear, O you groves, and hills resound his worth. And while his powers and praises thus we sing, The valleys let rebound and all the rivers ringc B. Jonson 44"/. An Ode to Himselj "VXTHERE dost thou careless lie ^ Buried in ease and sloth ? Knowledge that sleeps, doth die And this security. It is the common moth That eats on wits and arts, and that destroys them both. Are all the Aonian springs Dried up ^ lies Thespia waste ? Doth Clarius' harp want strings. That not a nymph now sings; Or droop they as disgraced. To see their seats and bowers by chattering pies defaced .? ELIZABETHAN VERSE If hence thy silence be, As 'tis too just a cause, Let this thought quicken thee: Minds that are great and free Should not on fortune pause; 'Tis crown enough to virtue still, her own applause. What though the greedy fry Be taken with false baits Of worded balladry, And think it poesy ? They die with their conceits. And only piteous scorn upon their folly waits. Then take in hand thy lyre; Strike in thy proper strain; With Japhet's line aspire Sol's chariot, for new fire To give the world again : Who aided him, will thee, the issue of Jove's brain. And, since our dainty age Cannot endure reproof, Make not thyself a page To that strumpet the stage; But sing high and aloof. Safe from the wolf's black jaw, and the dull ass's hoof. B. Jonson 47^ THE BOOK OF 44.8^ Who Grace for Zenith Had \\7HO grace for zenith had, From which no shadows grow, Who hath seen joy of all his hopes. And end of all his woe; Whose love beloved hath been The crown of his desire ; Who hath seen sorrow's glories burnt In sweet affection's fire; If from this heavenly state, Which souls with souls unites, He be fallen down into the dark Despaired war of sprites. Let him lament with me; For none doth glory know. That hath not been above himself, And thence fallen down to woe. But if there be one hope Left in his anguished heart. If fear of worse, if wish of ease, If horror may depart. He plays with his complaints; He is no mate for me, Whose love is lost, whose hopes are fled, Whose fears for ever be; 474 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Yet not those happy fears Which show Desire her death, Teaching with use a piece in woe. And in despair a faith. Noj no; my fears kill not, But make uncured wounds, Where joy and peace do issue out, And only pain abounds. Unpossible are help, Reward, and hope to me; Yet while unpossible they are, They easy seem to be. Most easy seems remorse, Despair, and death to me; Yet while they passing easy seem, Unpossible they be. So neither can I leave My hopes that do deceive, Nor can I trust mine own despair And nothing else receive. Thus be unhappy men Blest, to be more accurst; Near to the glories of the sun Clouds with most horror burst. Like ghost raised out of graves, Who live not, though they go; Whose walking, fear to others is. And to themselves a woe; 475 THE BOOK OF So is my life by her Whose love to me is dead, On whose worth my despair yet walks And my desire is fed. I swallow down the bait Which carries down my death; I cannot put love from my heart While life draws in my breatho My winter is within, Which withereth my joy; My knowledge, seat of civil war, Where friends and foes destroy; And my desires are wheels. Whereon my heart is borne. With endless turning of thetnselves, Still living to be torn. My thoughts are eagle's food. Ordained to be a prey To wrath, and being still consumed. Yet never to decay. My memory, where once My heart laid up the store Of help, of joy, of spirit's wealth To multiply them more. In Paradise I once Did live, and taste the tree, Which shadowed was from all the worldj In joy to shadow me : 476 ELIZABETHAN VERSE The tree hath lost his fruit, Or I have lost my seat; My soul both black with shadow Is, And over-burnt with heat. Truth here for triumph serves, To show her power is great, Whom no desert can overcome. Nor no distress entreat. Time past lays up my joy, A.id time to come my grief; ohe ever must be my desire, And never my relief. Wrong, her lieutenant is; My wounded thoughts are they (Vho have no power to keep the field. Nor will to run away. O rueful constancy ! And where is change so base, 4s it "may be compared with thee In scorn and in disgrace? Like as the kings forlorn, Deposed from their estate, Yet cannot choose but love the crown, Although new kings they hate; If they do plead their right, — Nay, if they only live, — Offences to the crown alike Their good and ill shall give. THE BOOK OF So I would I were not, Because I may complain, And cannot choose but love my wrongs, And joy to wish in vain. This faith condemneth me; My right doth rumour move; I may not know the cause I fell, Nor yet without cause love. Then, love, where is reward, — At least where is the fame Of them that, being, bear thy cross. And, being not, thy name ? The world's example I, A fable everywhere, A well from whence the springs are dried, A tree that doth not bear; I, like the bird in cage, At first with cunning caught, And in my bondage for delight With greater cunning taught. Now owner's humour dies; I'm neither loved, nor fed, Nor freed arri I, till in the cage Forgotten I be dead. The ship of Greece, the stream. And she, be not the same They were, although ship, stream, and she Still bear their antique name. 478 ELIZABETHAN VERSE The wood which was, is worn; Those waves are run away; Yet still a ship, and still a stream. Still running to a sea. She loved, and still she loves, But doth not still love me; To all except myself yet is As she was wont to be. O my once happy thoughts ! The heaven where grace did dwell ! My saint hath turned away her face; And made that heaven my hell! A hell, for so is that From whence no souls return, Where, while our spirits are sacrificed, They waste not, though they burn. Since then this is my state. And nothing worse than this. Behold the map of death-like life, Exiled from lovely bliss: Alone among the world. Strange with my friends to be. Showing my fall to them that scorn. See not, or will not see; My heart, a wilderness, My studies only fear. And, as in shadows of curst death, A prospect of despair. 479 THE BOOK OF My exercise must be My horrors to repeat; My peace, joy, end, and sacrifice, Her dead love to entreat; My food, the time that was; The time to come, my fast; For drink, the barren thirst I feel Of glories that are past; Sighs and salt tears my bath; Reason my looking-glass, To show me, he most wretched is That once most happy was. Forlorn desires my clock. To tell me every day That Time hath stolen love, life and all But my distress away. For music, heavy sighs; My walk an inward woe; Which like a shadow ever shall Before my body go. And I myself am he That doth with none compare, Except in woes and lack of worth Whose states more wretched are. Let no man ask my name, Nor what else I should be; For GRIEVE-ILL, pain, forlorn estate Do best decipher me. F. GrevtUe. Lord Brooke 48b ELIZABETHAN VERSE 44g. Song T /"IRTUE'S branches wither, Virtue pineSc, • O pity, pity, and alack the time; Vice doth flourish, Vice in glory shines, Her gilded boughs above the cedar climb. Vice hath golden cheeks, O pity, pity, She in every land doth monarchize; Virtue is exiled from every city, Virtue is a fool. Vice only wise. O pity, pity, Virtue weeping dies, Vice laughs to see her faint, alack the time. This sinks, with painted wings the other flies : Alack that best should fall, and bad should climb O pity, pity, pity, mourn, not sing. Vice doth flourish. Vice in glory shines, Vice is a saint. Virtue an underling; Virtue's branches wither. Virtue pines. r. Dekker 4^0, Pari Jugo Dulcis Tr actus COUND is the knot that Chastity hath tied, "^ Sweet is the music Unity doth make. Sure is the store that Plenty doth provide. Part iupo dulcis tractus. ^ ^ 481 THE BOOK OF Where Chasteness fails there Concord will decay, Where Concord fleets there Plenty will decease, Where Plenty wants there Love will wear away. Pan ]ugo dulcts tractus. I, Chastity, restrain all strange desires; I, Concord, keep the course of sound consent; I, Plenty, spare and spend as cause requires. Pan ]ugo dulcts tractus. Make much of us, all ye that married be; Speak well of us, all ye that mind to be; The time may come to want and wish all three. Pan ]ugo dulcis tractus. Anon. 451. Man T KNOW my soul hath power to know all things. Yet she is blind and ignorant in all: I know I'm one of Nature's little kings, Yet to the least and vilest things am thrall. I know my life's a pain and but a span; I know my sense is mock'd in everything; And, to conclude, I know myself a Man — Which is a proud and yet a wretched thing. iSir y. Davies 4^2. The Life of Man T IKE to the falling of a star, ^ — ' Or as the flights of eagles are. Or like the fr^sh spring's gaudy hue. Or silver drops of morning dew, 482 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Or like the wind that chafes the flood. Or bubbles which on water stood; Even such is Man, whose borrowed light Is straight called in and paid to night. The winds blow out; the bubble dies; The spring entombed in autumn lies; The dew's dryed up; the star is shot; The flight is past; and man forgot. 1-53' The Pulley ^T THEN God at first made Man, * * Having a glass of blessings standing by — • Let us (said He) pour on him all we can; Let the world's riches, which dispersed lie, Contract into a span. So strength first made a way, Then beauty flow'd,then wisdom, honour, pleasure; When almost all was out, God made a stay, Perceiving that, alone of all His treasure, Rest in the bottom lay. For if I should (said He) Bestow this jewel also on My creature. He would adore My gifts instead of Me, And rest in Nature, not the God of Nature: So both should losers be. 483 THE BOOK OF Yet let him keep the rest, But keep them with repining restlessness; Let him be rich and weary, that at least, If goodness lead him not, yet weariness May toss him to My breast. G. Herbert ^5^. Integer Vitae 'T^HE man of life upright, -*- Whose guiltless heart is free From all dishonest deeds. Or thought of vanity; The man whose silent days In harmless joys are spent, Whom hopes cannot delude, Nor sorrow discontent; That man needs neither towers Nor armour for defence, Nor secret vaults to fly From thunder's violence; He only can behold With un affrighted eyes The horrors of the deep And terrors of the skies. Thus, scorning all the cares That fate or fortune brings. He makes the heaven his book. His wisdom heavenly things; 484 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Good thoughts his only friends, His wealth a well-spent age, The earth his sober inn And quiet pilgrimage. T. Campion 455' A F^^^y }¥ FE that his mirth hath lost, Whose comfort is dismayed, Whose hope is vain, whose faith is scorned. Whose trust is all betrayed. If he have held them dear. And cannot cease to moan. Come, let him take his place by me; He shall not rue alone. But if the smallest sweet Be mixed with all his sour; If in the day, the month, the year, He feel one lightening hour. Then rest he by himself; He is no mate for me. Whose hope is fallen, whose succour void. Whose hap his death must be. Yet not the wished death. Which hath no plaint nor *lack. Which, making free the better part, Is only nature's wrack. 485 THE BOOK OF O no! that were too well; My death is of the mind, Which always yields extremest painSj And leaves the worst behind. As one that lives in show, But inwardly doth die. Whose knowledge is a bloody field Where all hope slain doth lie; Whose heart the altar is; Whose spirit, the sacrifice Unto the powers, whom to appease No sorrow can suffice. My fancies are like thorns, On which I go by night; Mine arguments are like an host Which force hath put to flight. My sense is passion's spy; My thoughts like ruins old Of famous Carthage, or the town Which Sinon bought and sold; Which still before mine eyes My mortal fall do lay. Whom love and fortune once advanced, And now hath cast away. 486 ELIZABETHAN VERSE thoughts, no thoughts, but wounds, Sometime the seat of joy. Sometime the seat of quiet rest, But now of all annoy. 1 sowed the soil of peace; My bliss was in the spring; And day by day I ate the fruit Which my life's tree did bring. To nettles now my corn, My field is turned to flint, Where, sitting in the cypress shade, I read the hyacint. The peace, the rest, the life, That I enjoyed before Came to my lot, that by the loss My smart might sting the more. So to unhappy men The best frames to the worst; O time, O place, O words, O looks. Dear then, but now accurst: In was stands my delight; In is and shall, my woe; My horror fastens on the yea; My hope hangs on the no. I look for no relief; Relief would come too late; Too late I find, I find too well. Too well stood my estate. 487 THE BOOK OF Behold such is the end; What thing may there be sure ? O, nothing else but plaints and moans Do to the end endure. Forsaken first was I, Then utterly forgotten; And be that came not to my faith, Lo, my reward hath gotten. Then, Love, where is the sauce That makes thy torment sweet ? Where is the cause that some have thought Their death through thee but meet? The stately chaste disdain, The secret shamefastness. The grace reserved, the common light Which shines in worthiness. O would it were not so. Or I it might excuse ! O would the wrath of jealousy My judgment might abuse ! O frail inconstant kind, O safe in trust to no man I No women angels be, and lo ! My mistress is a woman ! Yet hate I but the fault, And not the faulty one, Nor can I rid me of the bands Wherein I lie alone. ELIZABETHAN VERSE Alone I lie, whose like Was never seen as yet; The prince, the poor, the old, the young, The fond, the full of wit. Hers still remain must I, By wrong, by death, by shame; I cannot blot out of my mind The love wrought in her name. I cannot set at nought That once I held so dear; I cannot make it seem so far That is indeed so near. Not that I mean henceforth This strange will to profess. As one that would betray such troth, And build on fickleness. But it shall never fail That my faith bare in hand; I gave my word, my word gave me; Both word and gift must stand. Sith then it must be thus. And thus is all-to ill, I yield me captive to my curse. My hard fate to fulfil. The solitary woods My city shall become; The darkest den shall be my lodge, Wherein I'll rest or roam. 489 THE BOOK OF Of heben black my board; The worms my feast shall be. On which my carcass shall be fed Till they do feed on me; My wine of Niobe, My bed of craggy rock, The serpent's hiss my harmony, The shrieking owl my clock. My exercise nought else But raging agonies; My books of spiteful Fortune's foils And dreary tragedies. My walk the paths of plaint, My prospect into hell, Where wretched Sisyphe and his pheres In endless pains do dwell. And though I seem to use The poet's feigned style. To figure forth my rueful plight. My fall or my exile. Yet is my grief not feigned. In which I starve and pine; Who feels it most shall find it least If his compare with mine. My Muse if any ask, Whose grievous case was such ? DY ERE thou let his name be known; His folly shows so much. 490 ELIZABETHAN VERSE But best 'twere thee to hide, And never come to light. For on the earth may none but I This action sound aright. Miserum est futsse. Sir E. Dy 456. Epode IVrOT to know vice at all, and keep true state, ^ ^ Is virtue, and not fate : Next to that virtue is to know vice well. And her black spite expel. Which to effect (since no breast is so sure. Or safe, but she'll procure Some way of entrance) we must plant a guard Of thoughts to watch and ward At th' eye and ear, the ports unto the mind. That no strange or unkind Object arrive there, but the heart, our spy. Give knowledge instantly To wakeful reason, our affections' king: Who, in th' examining, Will quickly taste the treason, and commit Close, the close cause of it. 'Tis the securest policy we have, To make our sense our slave. But this true course is not embraced by many: By many ? scarce by any. For either our affections do rebel. Or else the sentinel, THE BOOK OF That should ring larum to the heart, doth sleep ; Or some great thought doth keep Back the intelligence, and falsely swears They're base and idle fears Whereof the loyal conscience so complains. Thus, by these subtle trains. Do several passions invade the mind, And strike our reason blind: Of which usurping rank, some have thought love The first, as prone to move Most frequent tumults, horrors, and unrests, In our inflamed breasts: But this doth from the cloud of error grow, Which thus we over-blow. The thing they here call Love is blind Desire, Armed with bow, shafts, and fire; Inconstant, like the sea, of whence 't is born. Rough, swelling, like a storm; With whom who sails, rides on the surge of fear, And boils as if he were In a continual tempest. Now, true Love No such effects doth prove; That is an essence far more gentle, fine. Pure, perfect, nay, divine; It is a golden chain let down from heaven, Whose links are bright and even. That falls like sleep on lovers, and combines The soft and sweetest minds In equal knots : this bears no brands nor darts, To murther different hearts, But in a calm and godlike unity Preserves community. 492 I ELIZABETHAN VERSE O, who is he that in this peace enjoys Th' ehxir of all joys ? A form more fresh than are the Eden bowers, And lasting as her flowers : Richer than Time, and as Time's virtue rare: Sober, as saddest care; A fixed thought, an eye untaught to glance: Who, blest with such high chance, Would, at suggestion of a steep desire. Cast himself from the spire Of all his happiness ? But, soft, I hear Some vicious fool draw near, That cries we dream, and swears there's no such thing As this chaste love we sing. Peace, Luxury, thou art like one of those Who, being at sea, suppose. Because they move, the continent doth so. No, Vice, we let thee know. Though thy wild thoughts with sparrows' wings do fly, Turtles can chastely die. And yet (in this t' express ourselves more clear) We do not number here Such spirits as are only continent Because lust's means are spent; Or those who doubt the common mouth of fame. And for their place and name Cannot so safely sin. Their chastity Is mere necessity. Nor mean we those whom vows and conscience Have filled with abstinence: Though we acknowledge, who can so abstain Makes a most blessed gain; 493 THE BOOK OF He that for love of goodness hateth ill Is more crown-worthy still Than he, which for sin's penalty forbears: His heart sins, though he fears. But we propose a person like our Dove, Grac'd with a Phoenix' love; A beauty of that clear and sparkling light. Would make a day of night. And turn the blackest sorrows to bright joyss Whose od'rous breath destroys All taste of bitterness, and makes the air As sweet as she is fair. A body so harmoniously composed. As if nature disclosed All her best symmetry in that one feature ! O, so divine a creature. Who could be false to ? chiefly when he knows How only she bestows The wealthy treasure of her love on him; Making his fortunes swim In the full flood of her admired perfection .? What savage, brute affection Would not be fearful to offend a dame Of this excelling frame ? Much more a noble and right generous mind To virtuous moods inclined. That knows the weight of guilt: he will refrain From thoughts of such a strain; And to his sense object this sentence ever, ' Man may securely sin, but safely never.' B. Jonson 494 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 45T, Man's Medley TJARK how the birds do sing, •^ -*■ And woods do ring : All creatures have their joy, and man hath his. Yet if we rightly measure, Man's joy and pleasure Rather hereafter than in present is. To this life things of sense Make their pretence; In th' other angels have a right by birth: Man ties them both alone. And makes them one With th' one hand touching heaven, with t'other earth. In soul he mounts and flies. In flesh he dies; He wears a stuff whose thread is coarse and round. But trimmed with curious lace, And should' take place After the trimming, not the stuffs and grounds Not that he may not here Taste of the cheer: But as birds drink and straight lift up their head, So must he sip and think Of better drink He may attain to after he is dead. 495 THE BOOK OF But as his joys are double, So is his trouble; He hath two winters, other things but one: Both frosts and thoughts do nip And bite his lip; And he of all things fears two deaths alone. Yet ev'n the greatest griefs May be reliefs. Could he but take them right and in their ways. Happy is he whose heart Hath found the art To turn his double pains to double praise. G. Herbert 4S^' Scorn Not the Least T'X THERE wards are weak and foes encount'ring strong, ^ ^ Where mightier do assault than do defend. The feebler part puts up enforced wrong. And silent sees that speech could not amend. Yet higher powers must think, though they repine, When sun is set, the little stars will shine. While pike doth range the seely trench doth fly. And crouch in privy creeks with smaller fish; Yet pikes are caught when little fish go by. These fleet afloat while those do fill the dish. There is a time even for the worm to creep. And suck the dew while all her foes do sleep. 496 ELIZABETHAN VERSE The merlin cannot ever soar on hign, Nor greedy greyhound still pursue the chase; The tender lark will find a time to fly. And fearful hare to run a quiet race : He that high growth on cedars did bestow, Gave also lowly mushrumps leave to grow. . In Aman's pomp poor Mardocheus wept, Yet God did turn his fate upon his foe; The lazar pined while Dives' feast was kept, Yet he to heaven, to hell did Dives go. We trample grass, and prize the flowers of May, Yet grass is green when flowers do fade away. R. Southwell 4S9> Self-Trial T ET not the sluggish sleep -■ — ' Close up thy waking eye. Until with judgment deep Thy daily deeds thou try: He that one sin' in conscience keeps When he to quiet goes, More vent'rous is than he that sleeps With twenty mortal foes. Anon. 460. Amantium Irae TN going to my naked bed as one that would have slept, ■*■ I heard a wife sing to her child, that long before bad wept; 497 THE BOOK OF She sighed sore and sang full sweet, to bring the babe to rest, That would not cease but cried still, in sucking at her breast. She was full weary of her watch, and grieved with her child, She rocked it and rated it, till that on her it smiled. Then did she say. Now have I found this proverb true to prove. The falling out of faithful friends renewing is of love. Then took I paper, pen, and ink, this proverb for to write. In register for to remain of such a worthy wight : As she proceeded thus in song unto her little brat, Much matter utter'd she of weight, in place whereas she sat: And proved plain there was no beast, nor creature bearing life, Could well be known to live in love without discord and strife : Then kissed she her little babe, and sware by God above, The falling out of faithful friends renewing is of love. She said that neither king nor prince nor lord could live aright. Until their puissance they did prove, their manhood and their might. When manhood shall be matched so that fear can take no place, Then weary works make warriors each other to embrace. And left their force that failed them, which did consume the rout. That might before have lived their time, their strength and nature out: 498 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Then did she sing as one that thought no man could her reprove, The falling out of faithful friends renewing is of love. She said she saw no fish nor fowl, nor beast within her haunt, That met a stranger in their kind, but could give it a taunt : Since flesh might not endure, but rest must wrath succeed, And force the fight to fall to play in pasture where they feed, So noble nature can well end the work she hath begun. And bridle well that will not cease her tragedy in some : Thus in song she oft rehearsed, as did her well behove, The falling out of faithful friends renewing is of love. 1 marvel much pardy (quoth she) for to behold the rout, To see man, woman, boy and beast, to toss the world about: Some kneel, some crouch, some beck, some check, and some can smoothly smile, And some embrace others in arm, and there think many a wile. Some stand aloof at cap and knee, some humble and some stout. Yet are they never friends in deed until they once fall out: Thus ended she her song and said, before she did remove. The falling out of faithful friends renewing is of love. R. Edward es 461. O Sweet Woods /^ SWEET woods, the delight of solitariness , ^^ O, how much do I love your solitariness! From fame's desire, from love's delight retired, In these sad groves an hermit's life I led; 499 THE BOOK OF And those false pleasures which I once admired, With sad remembrance of my fall, I dread. To birds, to trees, to earth, impart I this, For she less secret and as senseless is. Experience, which alone repentance brings, Doth bid me now my heart from love estrange: Love is disdained when it doth look at kings, And love low placed is base and apt to change. Their power doth take from him his liberty, Her want of worth makes him in cradle die. O sweet woods, the delight of solitariness , 0, how much do'I love your solitariness! Sir P. Sidney 462. Man's Civil War FY hovering thoughts would fly to heaven And quiet nestle in the sky, Fain would my ship in Virtue's shore Without remove at anchor lie. M^ But mounting thoughts are haled down With heavy poise of mortal load, And blustring storms deny my ship In Virtue's haven secure abode. When inward eye to heavenly sights Doth draw my longing heart's desire, The world with jesses of delights Would to her perch my thoughts retire, 500 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Fond Fancy trains to Pleasure's lure, Though Reason stiffly do repine; Though Wisdom woo me to the saint, Yet Sense would win me to the shrine. Where Reason loathes, there Fancy loves, And overrules the captive will; Foes senses are to Virtue's lore, They draw the wit their wish to fill. Need craves consent of soul to sense, Yet divers bents breed civil fray; Hard hap where halves must disagree. Or truce of halves the whole betray! O cruel fight ! where fighting friend With love doth kill a favouring foe. Where peace with sense is war with God, And self-delight the seed of woe ! Dame Pleasure's drugs are steeped in sin. Their sugared taste doth breed annoy; O fickle sense ! beware her gin. Sell not thy soul to brittle joy ! R. Southwell 463. The World HTHE world's a bubble; and the life of Man ^ Less than a span: In his conception wretched — from the womb So to the tomb; SOI THE BOOK OF Curst from his cradle, and brought up to years With cares and fears. Who then to frail mortality shall trust But limns on water, or but writes in dust. Yet whilst with sorrow here we live opprest, What life is best ? Courts are but only superficial schools To dandle fools; The rural part is turned into a den Of savage men; And where's a city from foul vice so free But may be termed the worst of all the three ? Domestic cares afflict the husband's bed, Or pains his head : Those that live single take it for a curse, Or do things worse: These would have children ; those that have them moan Or wish them gone : What is it then, to have, or have no wife, But single thraldom, or a double strife .? Our own affections still at home to please, Is a disease; To cross the seas to any foreign soil, Peril and toil; Wars with their noise affright us; when they cease. We're worse in peace : — What then remains, but that we still should cry For being born, or, being born, to die ? Francis, Lord Bacon 502 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 464. Go, Nightly Cares /^^O, nightly cares, the enemy to rest, ^-^ Forbear a while to vex my wearied sprite; So long your weight hath lain upon my breast That, lo ! I live of life bereaved quite : O give me time to draw my wearied breath. Or let me die as I desire the death. Welcome, sweet Death ! O life, no life, a hell ! Then thus and thus I bid the world farewell ! False world, farewell, the enemy to rest, Now do thy worst, I do not weigh thy spite; Free from thy cares I live forever blest. Enjoying peace and heavenly true delight: Delight, whom woes nor sorrows shall amate, Nor fears or tears disturb her happy state: And thus I leave thy hopes, thy joys untrue, And thus, and thus, vain world, again adieu ! Anon. 46^. Epistle to the Countess of Cumberland T TE that of such a height hath built his mind, -*- -'■ And reared the dwelling of his thoughts so strong, As neither fear nor hope can shake the frame Of his resolved powers; nor all the wind Of vanity or malice pierce to wrong His settled peace, or to disturb the same: What a fair seat hath he, from whence he may The boundless wastes and wealds of man survey! 503 THE BOOK OF And with how free an eye doth he look down Upon these lower regions of turmoil ! Where all the storms of passion mainly beat On flesh and blood: where honour, power, renown, Are only gay afflictions, golden toil; Where greatness stands upon as feeble feet As frailty doth; and only great doth seem To little minds, who do it so esteem. He looks upon the mightiest monarch's wars But only as on stately robberies; Where evermore the fortune that prevails Must be the right: the ill-succeeding mars The fairest and the best fac'd enterprise. Great pirate Pompey lesser pirates quails; Justice, he sees (as if seduced) still Conspires with power, whose cause must not be ilL He sees the face of right t'appear as manifold As are the passions of uncertain man; Who puts it in all colours, all attires. To serve his ends, and make his courses hold. He sees, that let deceit work what it can, Plot and contrive base ways to high desires^ That the all-guiding Providence doth yet All disappoint, and mocks the smoke of wit. Nor is he mov'd with all the thunder cracks Of tyrants' threats, or with the surly brow Of Power, that proudly sits on others' crimes; Charg'd with more crying sins than those he checks. 504 ELIZABETHAN VERSE The storms of sad confusion, that may grow Up in the present for the coming times Appal not him; that hath no side at all, But of himself, and knows the worst can falL Although his heart (so near allied to Earth) Cannot but pity the perplexed state Of troublous and distress'd Mortality, That thus make way unto the ugly birth Of their own sorrows, and do still beget Affliction upon imbecility: Yet seeing thus the course of things must run, He looks thereon not strange, but as fore-done. And whilst distraught ambition compasses. And is encompass'd; whilst as craft deceives. And is deceiv'd : whilst man doth ransack man And builds on blood, and rises by distress; And th' inheritance of desolation leaves To great-expecting hopes : he looks thereon. As from the shore of peace, with unwet eye. And bears no venture in impiety. S. Daniel 466. Change and Fate ^1 /"HAT if a day, or a month, or a year, * * Crown thy delights with a thousand sweet con- tentings ! Cannot a chance of a night or an hour Cross thy desires with as many sad tormentings ? 505 THE BOOK OF Fortune, Honour, Beauty, Youth, are but blossoms dying, Wanton Pleasure, doating Love, are but shadows flying. All our joys are but toys ! idle thoughts deceiving : None have power, of an hour, in their lives bereaving. Earth's but a point to the world, and a man Is but a point to the world's compared centre ! Shall then a point of a point be so vain As to triumph in a silly point's adventure ? All is hazard that we have, there is nothing biding; Days of pleasure are like streams through fair meadows gliding. Weal and woe, time doth go! time is never turning; Secret fates guide our states, both in mirth and mourn- ing. T. Campion 46^. A Farewell to the Vanities of the World T^AREWELL, ye gilded follies, pleasing troubles! -*- Farewell, ye honoured rags, ye glorious bubbles! Fame's but a hollow echo; gold, pure clay; Honour, the darling but of one short day, Beauty — th' eye's idol — but a damasked skin; State, but a golden prison to live in And torture free-born minds; embroidered trains, But pageants for proud swelling veins; And blood allied to greatness, is alone Inherited, not purchased, nor our own: Fame, honour, beauty, state, train, blood, and birth Are but the fading blossoms of the earth. 506 ELIZABETHAN VERSE I would be great, but that the sun doth still Level his rays against the rising hill; I would be high, but see the proudest oak Most subject to the rending thunder-stroke; I would be rich, but see men, too unkind. Dig in the bowels of the richest mind ; I would be wise, but that I often see The fox suspected whilst the ass goes free; I would be fair, but see the fair and proud, Like the bright sun, oft setting in a cloud; I would be poor, but know the humble grass Still trampled on by each unworthy ass: Rich, hated; wise, suspected; scorned, if poor, Great, feared; fair, tempted; high, still envied more; I have wished all, but now I wish for neither; Great, high, rich, wise, nor fair, poor I'll be rather. Would the World now adopt me for her heir. Would beauty's queen entitle me the fair. Fame speak me Fortune's minion, could I vie Angels with India, with a speaking eye Command bare heads, bowed knees, strike Justice dumb As well as blind and lame, or give a tongue To stones by epitaphs, be called great master In the loose rimes of every poetaster; Could I be more than any man that lives. Great, fair, rich, wise, all in superlatives; Yet I more freely would these gifts resign. Than ever Fortune would have made them mine; And hold one minute of this holy leisure Beyond the riches of this empty pleasure. S07 THE BOOK OF 46(), Care for Thyself /''^ARE for thy soul as thing of greatest price, ^^ Made to the end to taste of power divine, Devoid of guilt, abhorring sin and vice. Apt by God's grace to virtue to incline: Care for it so that by thy reckless train It be not brought to taste eternal pain. Care for thy corps, but chiefly for soul's sake; Cut oflF excess, sustaining food is best; To vanquish pride, but comely clothing take; Seek after skill, deep ignorance detest; Care so (I say) the flesh to feed and clothe, That thou harm not thy soul and body both. Care for the vv^orld, to do thy body right; Rack not thy w^it to win by wicked ways; Seek not to oppress the weak by wrongful might; To pay thy due do banish all delays : Care to dispend according to thy store. And in like sort be mindful of the poor. Care for thy soul as for thy chiefest stay; Care for thy body for the soul's avail; Care for the world for body's help alway; Care yet but so as virtue may prevail: Care in such sort as thou beware of this — Care keep thee not from heaven and heavenly bliss. Anon. 510 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 4^0. Madrigal W FY thoughts hold mortal strife; I do detest my life, And with lamenting cries Peace to my soul to bring Oft call that prince which here doth monarchize. But he grim grinning king, Who caitiffs scoms, and doth the blest surprise. Late having deck'd with beauty's rose his tomb. Disdains to crop a weed, and will not come. W. Drummond ^yi. My Mind a Kingdom 1\ /TY mind to me a kingdom is; -'■-'■ Such present joys therein I find, That it excels all other bliss That earth affords or grows by kind : Though much I want that most would have, Yet still my mind forbids to crave. No princely pomp, no wealthy store, No force to win the victory. No wily wit to salve a sore. No shape to feed a loving eye; To none of these I yield as thrall; For why ? my mind doth serve for all. 5" THE BOOK OF 46g. Care for Thyself /^^ARE for thy soul as thing of greatest price, ^^ Made to the end to taste of power divine, Devoid of guilt, abhorring sin and vice. Apt by God's grace to virtue to incline: Care for it so that by thy reckless train It be not brought to taste eternal pain. Care for thy corps, but chiefly for soul's sake; Cut off^ excess, sustaining food is best; To vanquish pride, but comely clothing take; Seek after skill, deep ignorance detest; Care so (I say) the flesh to feed and clothe. That thou harm not thy soul and body both. Care for the world, to do thy body right; Rack not thy wit to win by wicked ways; Seek not to oppress the weak by wrongful might; To pay thy due do banish all delays : Care to dispend according to thy store. And in like sort be mindful of the poor. Care for thy soul as for thy chiefest stay; Care for thy body for the soul's avail; Care for the world for body's help alway; Care yet but so as virtue may prevail: Care in such sort as thou beware of this — Care keep thee not from heaven and heavenly bliss. Anon. 510 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 4^/0, Madrigal W FY thoughts hold mortal strife; I do detest my life, And with lamenting cries Peace to my soul to bring Oft call that prince which here doth monarchize. But he grim grinning king, Who caitiffs scorns, and doth the blest surprise, Late having deck'd with beauty's rose his tomb. Disdains to crop a weed, and will not come. W. Drummond 4JI. My Mind a Kingdom IV /TY mind to me a kingdom is; ■^ -'■ Such present joys therein I find, That it excels all other bliss That earth affords or grows by kind : Though much I want that most would have, Yet still my mind forbids to crave. No princely pomp, no wealthy store. No force to win the victory, No wily wit to salve a sore. No shape to feed a loving eye; To none of these I yield as thrall; For why ? my mind doth serve for all. THE BOOK OF I see how plenty surfeits oft, And hasty chmbers soon do fall; I see that those which are aloft Mishap doth threaten most of all: They get with toil, they keep with fear: Such cares my mind could never bear. Content I live, this is my stay; I seek no more than may suffice; I press to bear no haughty sway; Look, what I lack my mind supplies. Lo, thus I triumph like a king. Content with that my mind doth bring. Some have too much, yet still do crave; I little have, and seek no more. They are but poor, though much they have, And I am rich with little store; They poor, I rich; they beg, I give; They lack, I leave; they pine, I live. I laugh not at another's loss, I grudge not at another's gain; No worldly waves my mind can toss; My state at one doth still remain: I fear no foe, I fawn no friend; I loathe not life, nor dread my end. Some weigh their pleasure by their lust, Their wisdom by their rage of will; Their treasure is their only trust, A cloaked craft their store of skill But all the pleasure that I find Is to maintain a quiet mind. 512 ELIZABETHAN VERSE My wealth is health and perfect ease, My conscience clear my chief defence; I neither seek by bribes to please, Nor by deceit to breed offence; Thus do I live; thus will I die; Would all did so as well as I ! Sir E. Dyeii 4^2. The Nohle Balm TTIGH - SPIRITED friend, -*--■- I send nor balms nor cor'sives to your wound ; Your fate hath found A gentler and more agile hand to tend The cure of that which is but corporal; And doubtful days, which were named critical, Have made their fairest flight And now are out of sight. Yet doth some wholesome physic for the mind Wrapp'd in this paper lie. Which in the taking if you misapply. You are unkind. Your covetous hand, Happy in that fair honour it hath gain'd. Must now be rein'd. True valour doth her own renown command In one full action; nor have you now more To do, than be a husband of that store. Think but how dear you bought This fame which you have caught: THE BOOK OF Such thoughts will make you more in love with truth 'Tis wisdom, and that high, For men to use their fortune reverently, Even in youth. B.J. onson 473' Wishes }or Vin 'VXTHAT I shall leave thee none can tell, * ^ But all shall say I wish thee well, I wish thee, Vin, before all wealth, Both bodily and ghostly health; Nor too much wealth, nor wit, come to thee, So much of either may undo thee. I wish thee learning, not for show. Enough for to instruct and know; Not such as gentlemen require To prate at table, or at fire. I wish thee all thy mother's graces, Thy father's fortunes and his places. I wish thee friends, and one at court. Not to build on, but support To keep thee, not in doing many Oppressions, but from suffering any. I wish thee peace in all thy ways. Nor lazy nor contentious days; And when thy soul and body part As innocent as now thou art. R. Corbet, Bishop of Oxford and Norwich 5M ELIZABETHAN VERSE 4J4. The Means to Attain Happy Life A /TARTIAL, the things that do attain ^^ ^ The happy life be these, I find : — The riches left, not got with pain: The fruitful ground, the quiet mind; The equal friend; no grudge, no strife; No charge of rule, nor governance; Without disease, the healthful life; The household of continuance; The mean diet, no delicate fare; True wisdom join'd with simpleness; The night discharged of all care. Where wine the wit may not oppress. The faithful wife, without debate; Such sleeps as may beguile the night: Contented with thine own estate Ne wish for death, ne fear his might. Earl of Surrey 47 S. The Character of a Happy Life TTOW happy is he born and taught That severeth not another's will ; Whose armour is his honest thought, And simple truth his utmost skill ! 515 THE BOOK OF Whose passions not his masters are; Whose soul is still prepared for death, Untied unto the world by care Of public fame or private breath; Who envies none that chance doth raise, Nor vice; who never understood How deepest wounds are given by praise; Nor rules of state, but rules of good; Who hath his life from rumours freed; Whose conscience is his strong retreat; Whose state can neither flatterers feed, Nor ruin make oppressors great; Who God doth late and early pray More of His grace than gifts to lend; And entertains the harmless day With a religious book or friend; — This man is freed from servile bands Of hope to rise or fear to fall : Lord of himself, though not of lands. And having nothing, yet hath all. Sir H. Wotton 4^6. Risposta 'T^HERE is a jewel which no Indian mines ^ Can buy, no chymic art can counterfeit; It makes men rich in greatest poverty; Makes water wine, turns wooden cups to gold, 516 ELIZABETHAN VERSE The homely whistle to sweet music's strain : Seldom it comes, to few from heaven sent, That much in little, all in naught, — Content. Anon. 47 y. Content OWEET are the thoughts that savour of content, ^^ The quiet mind is richer than a crown, Sweet are the nights in careless slumber spent, The poor estate scorns Fortune's angry frown : Such sweet content, such minds, such sleep, such bliss, Beggars enjoy, when princes oft do miss. The homely house that harbours quiet rest. The cottage that affords no pride nor care, The mean that 'grees Vvith country music best, The sweet consort of mirth and modest fare. Obscured life sets down a type of bliss : A mind content both crown and kingdom is. R. Greene 4y8. Sweet Content A RT thou poor, yet hast thou golden slumbers .? ^ ^ O sweet content ! Art thou rich, yet is thy mind perplex'd .? O punishment ! Dost thou laugh to see how fools are vex'd To add to golden numbers golden numbers ? O sweet content ! O sweet, O sweet content ! S^7 THE BOOK OF Work apace, apace, apace, apace; Honest labour bears a lovely face; Then hey nonny nonny — hey nonny nonny ! Can'st drink the waters of the crisped spring ? O sweet content ! Swim'st thou in wealth, yet sink'st in thine own tears ? O punishment! Then he that patiently want's burden bears, No burden bears, but is a king, a king ! O sweet content! O sweet, O sweet content! Work apace, apace, apace, apace; Honest labour bears a lovely face; Then hey nonny nonny — hey nonny nonny! r. Dekker 4jg. Thrice Happy He Who by Some Shady Grove 'T^HRICE happy he who by some shady grove, ^ Far from the clamorous world, doth live his own; Though solitary, who is not alone, But doth converse with that eternal love. O how more sweet is bird's harmonious moan, Or the hoarse sobbings of the widowed dove. Than those smooth whisperings near a prince's throne. Which good make doubtful, do the evil approve ! Or how more sweet is Zephyr's wholesome breath. And sighs embalmed which new-born flowers unfold, 518 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Than that applause vain honour doth bequeath ! How sweet are streams to poison drunk in gold ! The world is full of horrors, troubles, slights; Woods' harmless shades have only true delights. W. Drummond 480. Ah, Sweet Content, Where Is Thy Mild Abode? \ H, sweet Content, where is thy mild abode ? '^ ^ Is it with shepherds and light-hearted swains, Which sing upon the downs and pipe abroad. Tending their flocks and cattle on the plains ? Ah, sweet Content, where dost thou safely rest ? In heaven with angels which the praises sing Of him that made and rules at his behest The minds and hearts of every living thing ? Ah, sweet Content, where doth thine harbour hold ? Is it in churches with religious men Which please the gods with prayers manifold. And in their studies meditate it then ? Whether thou dost in heaven, or earth appear. Be where thou wilt, thou wilt not harbour here ! B. Barnes ^81. A Passion of My Lord 0} Essex TTAPPY were he could finish forth his fate -^ In some unhaunted desert, most obscure From all society, from love and hate Of worldly folk, there might he sleep secure; 519 THE BOOK OF There wake again, and give God ever praise, Content with hips and haws and brambleberry, In contemplation passing still his days. And change of holy thoughts to make him merry. That when he dies, his tomb might be a bush. Where harmless robin dwells with gentle thrush. R. DevereuXy Earl of Essex 482. Truth Doth Truth Deserve A'X THO doth desire that chaste his wife should be, * * First be he true, for truth doth truth deserve : Then such be he as she his worth may see, And one man still credit with her preserve.' Not toying kind, nor causelessly unkind; Not stirring thoughts, nor yet denying right; Not spying faults, nor in plain errors blind; Never hard hand, nor ever reins too light. As far from want as far from vain expense (The one doth force, the latter doth entice); Allow good company, but keep from thence All filthy mouths that glory in their vice. This done, thou hast no more, but leave the rest To virtue, fortune, time and woman's breast. Sir P. Sidney 48 J. A Song for Priests r\ WEARISOME condition of humanity! ^-^ Born under one law, to another bound; Vainly begot, and yet forbidden vanity; Created sick, commanded to be sound: 520 ELIZABETHAN VERSE — What meaneth Nature by these diverse laws ? Passion and Reason self-division cause. Is it the mark or majesty of power To make offences that it may forgive ? Nature herself doth her own self deflower, To hate those errors she herself doth give. But how should Man think that he may not do, If Nature did not fail and punish too ? Tyrant to others, to herself unjust. Only commands things difficult and hard. Forbids us all things which it knows we lust; Makes easy pains, impossible reward. If Nature did not take delight in blood, She would have made more easy ways to good. We that are bound by vows, and by promotion, With pomp of holy sacrifice and rites, To lead belief in good and 'stil devotion. To preach of heaven's wonders and delights; Yet when each of us in his own heart looks. He finds the God there far unlike his books. F. Greville, Lord Brooke 484. Coronemus nos Rosis antequam marcescant T ET us drink and be merry, dance, joke, and rejoice, ■^^ With claret and sherry, theorbo and voice ! The changeable world to our joy is unjust, 521 THE BOOK OF All treasure's uncertain, Then down with your dust! In frolics dispose your pounds, shillings, and pence. For we shall be nothing a hundred years hence. We'll sport and be free with Moll, Betty, and Dolly, Have oysters and lobsters to cure melancholy: Fish-dinners will make a man spring like a flea, Dame Venus, love's lady. Was born of the sea : With her and with Bacchus we'll tickle the sense. For we shall be past it a hundred years hence. Your most beautiful bride who with garlands is crown'd And kills with each glance as she treads on the ground. Whose lightness and brightness doth shine in such splendour That none but the stars Are thought fit to attend her. Though now she be pleasant and sweet to the sense. Will be damnable mouldy a hundred years hence. Then why should we turmoil in cares and in fears. Turn all our tranquill'ty to sighs and to tears ? Let's eat, drink, and play till the worms do corrupt us, 'Tis certain. Post mortem Nulla voluptas. For health, wealth and beauty, wit, learning and sense, Must all come to nothing a hundred years hence. T . Jordan i;22 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 48^, Crabbed Age and Youth /GRABBED Age and Youth ^^ Cannot live together: Youth is full of pleasance, Age is full of care; Youth like summer morn, Age like winter weather; Youth like summer brave, Age like winter bare. Youth is full of sport, Age's breath is short; Youth is nimble, Age is lame; Youth is hot and bold, Age is weak and cold; Youth is wild and Age is tame. Age, I do abhor thee; Youth, I do adore thee; O, my Love, my Love is young ! Age, I do defy thee: O, sweet shepherd, hie thee ! For methinks thou stay'st too long! W. Shakespeare (?) 486. Times Go by Turns npHE lopped tree in time may grow again, ^ Most naked plants renew both fruit and flower; The sorest wight may find release of pain. The driest soil suck in some moist'ning shower; Times go by turns and chances change by course, From foul to fair, from better hap to worse. 523 THE BOOK OF The sea of Fortune doth not ever flow, She draws her favours to the lowest ebb; Her time hath equal times to come and go, Her loom doth weave the fine and coarsest web; No joy so great but runneth to an end, No hap so hard but may in fine amend. Not always fall of leaf nor ever spring, No endless night yet not eternal day; The saddest birds a season find to sing. The roughest storm a calm may soon allay: Thus with succeeding turns God tempereth all, That man may hope to rise, yet fear to fall. A chance may win that by mischance was lost; The net that holds no great takes little fish; In some things all, in all things none are crost. Few all they need, but none have all they wish; Unmeddled joys here to no man befall : Who least, hath some; who most, hath never all. R. Southwell E' ^8/, Even Such Is Time *VEN such is Time, that takes in trust Our youth, our joys, our all we have, And pays us but with earth and dust; Who in the dark and silent grave. When we have wander'd all our ways, Shuts up the story of our days; But from this earth, this grave, this dust, My God shall raise me up, I trust. Sir W. Raleigh S24 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 488. Time npiME is the feather'd thing, ^ And, whilst I praise The sparklings of thy looks and call them rays, Takes wing, Leaving behind him as he flies An unperceived dimness in thine eyes. His minutes, whilst they 're told, Do make us old; And every sand of his fleet glass, Increasing age as it doth pass. Insensibly sows wrinkles there Where flowers and roses do appear. Whilst we do speak, our fire Doth into ice expire. Flames turn to frost; And ere we can Know how our crow turns swan, Or how a silver snow Springs there where jet did grow. Our fading spring is in dull winter lost. Since then the Night hath hurl'd Darkness, Love's shade. Over its enemy the Day, and made The world Just such a blind and shapeless thing As 'twas before the light did from darkness spring. Let us employ its treasure And make shade pleasure : 525 THE BOOK OF Let's number out the hours by bhsses, And count the minutes by our kisses; Let the heavens new motions feel And by our embraces wheel; And whilst we try the way By which Love doth convey Soul unto soul, And mingling so Makes them such raptures know As makes them entranced lie In mutual ecstasy, Let the harmonious spheres in music roll ! J. Mayne 48g. The Merry Heart JOG on, jog on, the footpath way, And merrily hent the stile-a: A merry heart goes all the day, Your sad tires in a mile-a. W. Shakespeare 4go: Old Age 'THHE seas are quiet when the winds give o'er; ^ So calm are we when passions are no more. For then we know how vain it was to boast Of fleeting things, so certain to be lost. Clouds of affection from our younger eyes Conceal that emptiness which age decries. 526 ELIZABETHAN VERSE The soul's dark cottage, batter'd and decay'd, Lets in new light through chinks that Time hath made; Stronger by weakness, wiser men become As they draw near to their eternal home. Leaving the old, both worlds at once they view That stand upon the threshold of the new. E. Waller 4gi. Questions and Answers Tp\OTH sorrow fret thy soul ? O direful sprite ! "^^^ Doth pleasure feed thy heart ? O blessed man ! Hast thou been happy once ? O heavy plight ! Are thy mishaps forepast ? O happy than ! Or hast thou bliss in eld ? O bliss too late ! But hast thou bliss in youth .? O sweet estate ! Thomas, Lord Faux 4p2. No Medicine to Mirth "T^IS mirth that fills the veins with blood, -■- More than wine, or sleep, or food; Let each man keep his heart at ease; No man dies of that disease. He that would his body keep From diseases, must not weep; But whoever laughs and sings, Never he his body brings Into fevers, gouts, or rheums. Or lingeringly his lungs consumes; 527 THE BOOK OF Or meets with aches in his bone, Or catarrhs, or griping stone : But contented lives for aye; The more he laughs, the more he may. F. Beaumont 4PJ. To Be Merry T ET'S now take our time ^—^ While we're in our prime, And old, old age, is afar off: For the evil, evil days Will come on apace, Before we can be aware of. R. Herrich Virtue Triumphant ^"X /"HO, Virtue, can thy power forget ^ * That sees these live and triumph yet ? Th' Assyrian pomp, the Persian pride, Greeks' glory and the Romans' died; And who yet imitate Their noises, tarry the same fate. Force greatness all the glorious ways You can, it soon decays; But so good fame shall never: Her triumphs, as their causes, are forever. B. yonson 528 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 4^5. A Madrigal " I ''HE earth, late choked with showerSj -*- Is now array'd in green; Her bosom springs with flowers, The air dissolves her teen. The heavens laugh at her glory: Yet bide I sad and sorry. The woods are deckt with leaves, And trees are clothed gay And Flora, crown'd with sheaves. With oaken boughs doth play: Where I am clad in black. The token of my wrack. The birds upon the trees Do sing with pleasant voices, And chant in their degrees Their loves and lucky choices: When I, whilst they are singing. With sighs mine arms am wringing. The thrushes seek the shade. And I my fatal grave; Their flight to heaven is made, My walk on earth I have: They free, I thrall; they jolly, I sad and pensive wholly. T. Lodge 529 THE BOOK OF 4(^6. Whilst Youthful Sports are Lasting "PLUCK the fruit and taste the pleasure, -*- Youthful lordings, of delight; Whilst occasion gives you seizure, Feed your fancies and your sight: After death, when you are gone, Joy and pleasure is there none. Here on earth nothing is stable, Fortune's changes well are known; Whilst as youth doth then enable. Let your seeds of joy be sown : After death, when you are gone, Joy and pleasure is there none. Feast it freely with your lovers. Blithe and wanton sports do fade, Whilst that lovely Cupid hovers Round about this lovely shade: Sport it freely one to one. After death is pleasure none. Now the pleasant spring allureth. And both place and time invites: But, alas, what heart endureth To disclaim his sweet delights ? After death, when we are gone, Joy and pleasure is there none. T. Lodgi 530 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 4gj. Content and Resolute A S when it happeneth that some lovely town Unto a barbarous besieger falls, Who there by sword and flame himself installs, And, cruel, it in tears and blood doth drown; Her beauty spoiled, her citizens made thralls, His spite yet so can not her all throw down But that some statue, arch, fane of renown Yet lurks unmaimed within her weeping walls : So, after all the spoil, disgrace, and wrack. That time, the world, and death, could bring combined; Amidst that mass of ruins they did make, Safe and all scarless yet remains my mind. From this so high transcending rapture springs, That I, all else defaced, not envy kings. W. Drummond 4g8. They That Have Power to Hurt and Will Do None ' I ^HEY that have power to hurt and will do none, -*- That do not do the thing they most do show, Who, moving others, are themselves as stone. Unmoved, cold, and to temptation slow. They rightly do inherit heaven's graces And husband Nature's riches from expense: They are the lords and owners of their faces. Others but stewards of their excellence. 531 THE BOOK OF The summer's flower is to the summer sweet, Though to itself it only Hve and die. But if that flower with base infection meet, The basest weed outbraves his dignity : For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds; Lihes that fester smell far worse than weeds. W. Shakespeare 4gg. The Expense of Spirit in a Waste oj Shame " I ^HE expense of spirit in a waste of shame -*• Is lust in action; and till action, lust Is perjured, murderous, bloody, full of blame, Savage, extreme, rude, cruel, not to trust, Enjoy'd no sooner but despised straight. Past reason hunted, and no sooner had Past reason hated, as a swallow'd bait On purpose laid to make the taker mad; Mad in pursuit and in possession so; Had, having, and in quest to have, extreme; A bliss in proof, and proved, a very woe; Before, a joy proposed; behind, a dream. All this the world well knows; yet none knows well To shun the heaven that leads men to this hell. W. Shakespeare ^00. Loss in Delay OHUN delays, they breed remorse; "^ Take thy time while time is lent thee; Creeping snails have weakest force, 532 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Fly their fault, lest thou repent thee. Good is best when soonest wrought, Linger'd labours come to nought. Hoist up sail while gale doth last. Tide and wind stay no man's pleasure; Seek not time when time is past. Sober speed is wisdom's leisure. After-wits are dearly bought, Let thy fore-wit guide thy thought. Time wears all his locks before, Take thy hold upon his forehead; When he flies he turns no more. And behind his scalp is naked. Works adjourn'd have many stays. Long demurs breed new delays. R. Southwell ^01. Lines Written on a Garden Seat TF thou sit here to view this pleasant garden place, ^ Think thus — At last will come a frost and all these flowers deface: But if thou sit at ease to rest thy weary bones. Remember death brings final rest to all our grievous groans; So whether for delight, or here thou sit for ease, Think still upon the latter day: so shalt thou God best please. G. Gascoigne 533 THE BOOK OF ^02, To Daffodils T^AIR daffodils we v^^eep to see ■*■ You haste away so soon ; As yet the early-rising sun Has not attain'd his noon. Stay, stay Until the hasting day Has run But to the evensong; And, having prayed together, we Will go with you along. We have short time to stay, as you, We have as short a spring; As quick a growth to meet decay, As you, or any thing. We die As your hours do, and dry Away, Like to the summer's rain; Or as the pearls of morning's dew. Ne'er to be found again. R. Herrick 50 J. Vanitas Vanitatum A LL the flowers of the spring ^^^^ Meet to perfume our burying; These have but their growing prime, And man does flourish but his time: Survey our progress from our birth — We are set, we grow, we turn to earth. 534 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Courts adieu, and all delights, All bewitching appetites ! Sweetest breath and clearest eye Like perfumes go out and die; And consequently this is done As shadows wait upon the sun. Vain the ambition of kings Who seek by trophies and dead things To leave a living name behind, And weave but nets to catch the wind. J. Webster SO 4. Whether Men Do Laugh or Weep T^^HETHER men do laugh or weep, * Whether they do wake or sleep, Whether they die young or old, Whether they feel heat or cold; There is underneath the sun Nothing in true earnest done. All our pride is but a jest. None are worst and none are best; Grief and joy and hope and fear Play their pageants everywhere : Vain Opinion all doth sway, And the world is but a play. Powers above in clouds do sit, Mocking our poor apish vv^it, 535 THE BOOK OF That so lamely with such state Their high glory imitate. No ill can be felt but pain, And that happy men disdain. T. Campion (?) 505. LifCj a Bubble nPHIS Life, which seems so fair, -'■Is like a bubble blown up in the air By sporting children's breath. Who chase it everywhere And strive who can most motion it bequeath : And though it sometime seem of its own might, Like to an eye of gold, to be fixed there. And firm to hover in that empty height; That only is because it is so light. But in that pomp it doth not long appear; For when 'tis most admired, in a thought, Because it erst was naught, it turns to naught. fF. Drummond 506. O Fly, My Soul f~\ FLY, my soul ! What hangs upon ^"-^ Thy drooping wings. And weighs them down With love of gaudy mortal things .? The Sun is now i* the east: each shade As he doth rise Is shorter made. That earth may lessen to our eyes. 536 ELIZABETHAN VERSE O be not careless then and play Until the Star of Peace Hide all his beams in dark recess ! Poor pilgrims needs must lose their way, When all the shadows do increase. J. Shirley 507. All is Naught T LIVE, and yet methinks I do not breathe; I thirst and drink, I drink and thirst again; I sleep and yet do dream I am awake; I hope for that I have; I have and want: I sing and sigh; I love and hate at once. O, tell me, restless soul, what uncouth jar Doth cause in store such want, in peace such war ? Anon. ^08. Poor Soul, the Centre of My Sinful Earth T3OOR soul, the centre of my sinful earth, ^ Sport of these rebel powers that thee array, Why dost thou pine within and suffer dearth. Painting thy outward walls so costly gay ^ Why so large cost, having so short a lease, Dost thou upon thy fading mansion spend .? Shall worms, inheritors of this excess, Eat up thy charge ? is this thy body's end .? Then, soul, live thou upon thy servant's loss. And let that pine to aggravate thy store: Buy terms divine in selling hours of dross; 537 H^ THE BOOK OF Within be fed, without be rich no more : So shalt thou feed on Death, that feeds on men, And Death once dead, there's no more dying then. W. Shakespeare 509. Happy He fAPPY he Who, to sweet home retired, Shuns glory so admired ; And to himself lives free ! Whilst he who strives, with pride, to climb the skies, Falls down, with foul disgrace, before he rise ! Let who will The Active Life commend; And all his travails bend Earth with his fame to fill ! Such fame, so forced, at last dies with his death; Which life maintained by others' idle breath ! My delights To dearest home confined. Shall there make good my mind ; Not awed with Fortune's spites ! High trees, heaven blasts! Winds shake and honours fell; When lowly plants, long time in safety dwell. All I can. My worldly strife shall be. They, one day, say of me, * He died a good old man ! ' On his sad soul a heavy burden lies. Who, known to all, unknown to himself, dies ! Anon. 538 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 5/0. Concerning the Honour of Books OINCE honour from the honourer proceeds, "^ How well do they deserve, that memorize And leave in books, for all posterities The names of worthies and their virtuous deeds; When all their glory else, like water-weeds Without their element, presently dies. And all their greatness quite forgotten lies. And when and how they flourished no man heeds! How poor remembrances are statues, tombs, And other monuments that men erect To princes, which remain in closed rooms Where but a few behold them, in respect Of Books, that to the universal eye Show how they lived; the other where they lie! J. Florio ^11. The Book of the World /^F this fair volume which we World do name ^-^ If we the sheets and leaves could turn with care. Of him who it corrects, and did it frame, We clear might read the art and wisdom rare. Find out his power which wildest powers doth tame. His providence extending everywhere. His justice which proud rebels doth not spare, In every page, no period of the same : But silly we, like foolish children, rest 539 THE BOOK OF Well pleased with coloured vellum, leaves of gold, Fair dangling ribbands, leaving what is best. On the great Writer's sense ne'er taking hold; Or, if by chance we stay our minds on aught, It is some picture on the margin wrought. W. Drummond 51 2. The Worlds a Hunting 'T^HIS world a hunting is, ^ The prey poor man, the Nimrod fierce is Death ; His speedy greyhounds are Lust, sickness, envy, care. Strife that ne'er falls amiss. With all those ills which haunt us while we breathe. Now, if by chance we fly Of these the eager chase. Old Age with stealing pace Casts on his nets, and there we panting die. W. Drummond 51 3. Virtue O WEFT day, so cool, so calm, so bright ! ^^ The bridal of the earth and sky, — The dew shall weep thy fall to-night; For thou must die. Sweet rose, whose hue, angry and brave, Bids the rash gazer wipe his eye, Thy root is ever in its grave, And thou must die. 540 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Sweet spring, full of sweet days and roses, A box where sweets compacted lie, My music shows ye have your closes, And all must die. Only a sweet and virtuous soul, Like season'd timber, never gives; But though the whole world turn to coal, Then chiefly lives. G. Herbert ^14. A Contrast A 1 /"HENAS man's life, the light of human lust, * In socket of his earthly lanthorn burns, That all his glory unto ashes must. And generations to corruption turns. Then fond desires that only fear their end, Do vainly wish for life, but to amend. But when this life is from the body fled. To see itself in that eternal glass. Where time doth end, and thoughts accuse the dead, Where all to come is one with all that was; Then living men ask how he left his breath. That while he lived never thought of death. F. Greville^ Lord Brooke 5/5. Eidola A RE they shadows that we see ? ^ ^ And can shadows pleasure give ? Pleasures only shadows be, 541 THE BOOK OF Cast by bodies we conceive, And are made the things we deem In those figures which they seem. But these pleasures vanish fast Which by shadows are expressed: Pleasures are not, if they last. In their passing, is their best; Glory is most bright and gay In a flash, and so away. Feed apace then, greedy eyes, On the wonder you behold; Take it sudden as it flies, Though you take it not to hold: When your eyes have done their part, Thought must length it in the heart. S. Da Ji6, A Palinode I. A S withereth the primrose by the river, •^^^ As fadeth summer's sun from gliding fountains^ As vanisheth the light-blown bubble ever, As melteth snow upon the mossy mountains: So melts, so vanisheth, so fades, so withers. The rose, the shine, the bubble, and the snow, Of praise, pomp, glory, joy, which short life gathers, Fair praise, vain pomp, sweet glory, brittle joy. 542 ELIZABETHAN VERSE The withered primrose by the mourning river, The faded summer's sun from weeping fountains, The hght-blown bubble vanished for ever, The molten snow upon the naked mountains. Are emblems that the treasures we up-lay Soon wither, vanish, fade, and melt away. //. For as the snow, whose lawn did overspread Th' ambitious hills, which giant-like did threat To pierce the heavens with their aspiring head, Naked and bare doth leave their craggy seat; Whenas the bubble, which did empty fly. The dalliance of the undiscerned wind. On whose calm rolling waves it did rely, Hath shipwrack made, where it did dalliance find; And when the sunshine which dissolved the snow^ Coloured the bubble with a pleasant vary. And made the rathe and timely primrose grow, Swarth clouds withdrawn, which longer time do tarry: O what is praise, pomp, glory, joy, but so As shine by fountains, bubbles, flowers, or snow ? E, Bolton 5/7. Sic Transit /^^OME, cheerful day, part of my life to me; ^-^ For while thou view'st me with thy fading light, Part of my life doth still depart with thee. And I still onward haste to my last night: Time's fatal wings do ever forward fly. So every day we live a day we die. 543 B^ THE BOOK OF But, O ye nights, ordained for barren rest, How are my days deprived of life in you, When heavy sleep my soul hath dispossest, By feigned death life sweetly to renew! » Part of my life in that, you life deny: So every day we live a day we die. T. Campion ^i8. Amiens^ Song >LOW, blow thou winter wind, Thou art not so unkind As man's ingratitude; Thy tooth is not so keen. Because thou art not seen. Although thy breath be rude. Heigh ho! sing heigh ho! unto the green holly: Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly: Then heigh ho, the holly: This life is most jolly. Freeze, freeze thou bitter sky. That dost not bite so nigh As benefits forgot: Though thou the waters warp. Thy sting is not so sharp As friend remembered not. Heigh ho! sing heigh ho! unto the green holly: Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly: Then heigh ho, the hollv ! This life is most jolly. W. Shakespeare 544 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 5/9. Embers T^HAT time of year thou may'st in me behold -"- When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang Upon those boughs which shake against the cold — Bare ruined choirs where late the sweet birds sang. In me thou see'st the twilight of such day As after sunset fadeth in the west. Which by and by black night doth take away, Death's second self, that seals up all in rest. In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire That on the ashes of his youth doth lie, As the death-bed whereon it must expire, Consumed with that which it was nourish'd by. This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong, To love that well which thou must leave ere long. W. Shakespeare 520. Fidele *EAR no more the heat o' the sun, Nor the furious winter's rages; Thou thy worldly task hast done. Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages: Golden lads and girls all must. As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. Fear no more the frown o' the great, Thou art past the tyrant's stroke; Care no more to clothe and eat; To thee the reed is as the oak : The sceptre, learning, physic, must All follow this, and come to dust. 545* F^ THE BOOK OF Fear no more the lightning-flash, Nor the all-dreaded thunder-stone; Fear not slander, censure rash; Thou hast finished joy and moar» • All lovers young, all lovers must Consign to thee, and come to dust. No exorciser harm thee! Nor no witchcraft charm thee ! Ghost unlaid forbear thee ! Nothing ill come near thee. Quiet consummation have; And renowned be thy grave! W. Shakespeare S2I. Sad Memorials OWEET Spring, thou turn'st with all thy goodly train; ^^ Thy head with flames, thy mantle bright with flow'rs, The zephyrs curl the green locks of the plain. The clouds for joy in pearls weep down their show'rs. Thou turn'st, sweet youth, but ah ! my pleasant hours And happy days with thee come not again; The sad memorials only of my pain Do with thee turn, which turn my sweets in sours. Thou art the same which still thou wert before, Delicious, lusty, amiable, fair; But she, whose breath embalmed thy wholesome air. Is gone — nor gold, nor gems, can her restore. Neglected virtue, seasons go and come. While thine, forgot, lie closed in a tomb. W. Drummond 546 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 522. A Religious Use of Taking Tobacco npHE Indian weed withered quite; ^ Green at morn, cut down at night; Shows thy decay; all flesh is hay: Thus think, then drink Tobacco. And when the smoke ascends on high, Think thou behold'st the vanity Of worldly stuff; gone with a pufF: Thus think, then drink Tobacco. The ashes that are left behind, May serve to put thee still in mind, That unto dust return thou must: Thus think, then drink Tobacco. R. Wisdome S2J. If Thou Survive TF thou survive my well-contented day ''■ When that churl Death my bones with dust shall cover. And shalt by fortune once more re-survey These poor rude lines of thy deceased lover. Compare them with the bett'ring of the time, And though they be outstripped by every pen. Reserve them for my love, not for their rhyme, Exceeded by the height of happier men. 547 THE BOOK OF O then vouchsafe me but this loving thought: ' Had my friend's Muse grown v^ith this growing age, A dearer birth than this his love had brought To march in ranks of better equipage: But since he died, and poets better prove, Theirs for their style I'll read, his for his love.' W. Shakespeare 5^^. On Sardanapalus^ Dishonourable Life and Miserable Death 'T^H' Assyrian king, in peace, with foul desire -*- And filthy lusts that stained his regal heart; In war, that should set princely hearts on fire. Did yield, vanquished for want of martial art. The dint of swords from kisses seemed strange, And harder than his lady's side his targe; From glutton feasts to soldier's fare a change; His helmet far above a garland's charge: Who scarce the name of manhood did retain, Drenched in sloth and womanish delight. Feeble of spirit, impatient of pain, When he had lost his honour and his right, (Proud, time of wealth; in storms, appalled with dread,) Murthered himself, to show some manful deed. Earl of Surrey ^2^. I Fear Not Henceforth Death T FEAR not henceforth death, ^ Sith after this departure yet I breathe; Let rocks, and seas, and wind Their highest treasons show; Let sky and earth combined 548 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Strive, if they can, to end my life and woe; Sith grief cannot, me nothing can o'erthrow: Or if that aught can cause my fatal lot. It will be when I hear I am forgot. W. Drummond S26. Good Night ' I ^HIS night is my departing night; -^ For here nae langer must I stay! There 's neither friend, nor foe, o' mine, But wishes me away ! What I have done, thro' lack of wit, I never, never, can recall! I hope ye're a' my friends as yet; Good Night ! and joy be with you all ! T . Armstrong 5^7. Chidiock Tichhorne's Lament IV /TY prime of youth is but a frost of cares; -'^ ■*- My feast of joy is but a dish of pain; My crop of corn is but a field of tares; And all my good is but vain hope of gain; The day is fled, and yet I saw no sun; And now I live, and now my life is done! The spring is past, and yet it hath not sprung; The fruit is dead, and yet the leaves be green; My youth is gone, and yet I am but young; I saw the world, and yet I was not seen; My thread is cut, and yet it is not spun; And now I live, and now my life is done ! 549 THE BOOK OF I sought my death, and found it in my womb; I looked for life, and saw it was a shade; I trod the earth, and knew it was my tomb; And now I die, and now I am but made; The glass is full, and now my glass is run; And now I live, and now my life is done ! C. Tichhorne 528. His Winding-Sheet COME thou, who art the wine and wit Of all I've writ: The grace, the glory, and the best Piece of the rest. Thou art of what I did intend The all and end; And what was made, was made to meet Thee, thee, my sheet. Come then and be to my chaste side Both bed and bride: We two, as reliques left, will have One rest, one grave: And hugging close, we will not fear Lust entering here : Where all desires are dead or cold As in the mould; And all affections are forgot, Or trouble not. Here, here, the slaves and prisoners be From shackles free: And weeping widows long oppress'd Do here find rest. SSo ELIZABETHAN VERSE The wronged client ends his laws Here, and his cause. Here those long suits of Chancery lie Quiet, or die : And all Star-Chamber bills do cease Or hold their peace. Here needs no Court for our Request Where all are best. All wise, all equal, and all just Alike i' th' dust. Nor need we here to fear the frown Of court or crown: Where fortune bears no sway o'er things^ There all are kings. In this securer place we'll keep As luU'd asleep; Or for a little time we'll lie As robes laid by; To be another day rewom, Turn'd, but not torn; Or like old testaments engross'd, Lock'd up, not lost. And for a while lie here conceal'd, To be reveal'd Next at the great Platonick year, And then meet here. R. Herrick 551 THE BOOK OF §2g. Miser rimus TAECEIVING world, that with alluring toys Hast made my life the subject of thy scorn, And scornest now to lend thy fading joys To lengthen my life, whom friends have left forlorn; How well are they that die ere they be born. And never see thy sleights, which few men shun Till unawares they helpless are undone ! Oft have I sung of Love and of his fire; But now I find that poet was advised. Which made full feasts increasers of desire, And proves weak Love was with the poor despised; For when the life with food is not sufficed. What thoughts of love, what motion of delight. What pleasure can proceed from such a wight ? Witness my want the murderer of my wit: My ravished sense, of wonted fury reft. Wants such conceits as should in poems fit Set down the sorrow wherein I am left: But therefore have high heavens their gifts bereft. Because so long they lent them me to use, And I so long their bounty did abuse. O, that a year were granted me to live, And for that year my former wits restored! What rules of life, what counsel would I give. How should my sin with sorrow be deplored ! 552 ELIZABETHAN VERSE But I must die, of every man abhorred : Time loosely spent will not again be won; My time is loosely spent, and I undone. R. Greent 5J0. To a Mistress Dying Lover. Your beauty, ripe and calm and fresh As eastern summers are, Must now, forsaking time and flesh, Add light to some small star. Philosopher. Whilst she yet lives, were stars decayed, Their light by hers relief might find; But Death will lead her to a shade Where Love is cold and Beauty blind. Lover. Lovers, whose priests all poets are, Think every mistress, when she dies, Is changed at least into a star: And who dares doubt the poets wise ? Philosopher. But ask not bodies doomed to die To what abode the]^ go; Since Knowledge is but Sorrow's spy, It is not safe to know. Sir W. Davenant S3 1- Thy Bosom Is Endeared with All Hearts " I ^HY bosom is endeared with all hearts Which I, by lacking, have supposed dead : And there reigns Love, and all Love's loving parts, 553 THE BOOK OF And all those friends which I thought buried. How many a holy and obsequious tear Hath dear religious love stol'n from mine eye, As interest of the dead ! — which now appear But things removed that hidden in thee lie. Thou art the grave where buried love doth live, Hung with the trophies of my lovers gone. Who all their parts of me to thee did give: — That due of many now is thine alone : Their images I loved I view in thee. And thou, all they, hast all the all of me. W. Shakespeare S32. When to the Sessions of Sweet Silent Thought "\ ^ THEN to the sessions of sweet silent thought ' * I summon up remembrance of things past, I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought, And with old woes new wail my dear time's waste: Then can I drown an eye, unused to flow. For precious friends hid in death's dateless night, And weep afresh love's long-since-cancell'd woe, And moan th' expense of many a vanish'd sight: Then can I grieve at grievances foregone. And heavily from woe to woe tell o'er The sad account of fore-bemoaned moan. Which I new pay as if not paid before. But if the while I think on thee, dear Friend, All losses are restored and sorrows end. ^. Shakespeare 554 ELIZABETHAN VERSE S33. To His Lute A /TY lute, be as thou wert when thou didst grow IV J. ^{j-j^ fj^y green mother in some shady grove, When immelodious winds but made thee move, And birds on thee their ramage did bestow. Sith that dear voice which did thy sounds approve, Which wont in such harmonious strains to flow. Is reft from earth to tune those spheres above. What art thou but a harbinger of woe ? Thy pleasing notes be pleasing notes no more, But orphans' wailings to the fainting ear; Each stop a sigh, each sound draws forth a tear; Be therefore silent as in woods before; Or if that any hand to touch thee deign. Like widow'd turtle, still her loss complain. W. Drummond S3 4. Alexis, Here She Stayed, Among These Pines A LEXIS, here she stayed; among these pines, ^ Sweet hermitress, she did alone repair; Here did she spread the treasure of her hair. More rich than that brought from the Colchian mines; She set her by these musked eglantines, — The happy place the print seems yet to bear; — Her voice did sweeten here thy sugared lines. To which winds, trees, beasts, birds, did lend an ear: 555 THE BOOK OF Me here she first perceived, and here a morn Of bright carnations did o'erspread her face; Here did she sigh, here first my hopes were born, And I first got a pledge of promised grace; But ah ! what served it to be happy so, Sith passed pleasures double but new woe ? W. Drummond 535- Sweet Soul, Which in the April of Thy Years OWEET soul, which in the April of thy years ^^ So to enrich the heaven mad'st poor this round, And now, with golden rays of glory crowned. Most blest abid'st above the spheres of spheres; If heavenly laws, alas ! have not thee bound From looking to this globe that all up-bears, If ruth and pity there above be found, O deign to lend a look unto these tears. , Do not disdain, dear ghost, this sacrifice; And though I raise not pillars to thy praise, My offerings take. Let this for me suffice: My heart, a living pyramid, I raise; And whilst kings' tombs with laurels flourish green. Thine shall with myrtles and these flowers be seen. W. Drummond S26. Forget TO longer mourn for me when I am dead Than you shall hear the surly sullen bell Give warning to the world that I am fled From this vile world, with vilest worms to dwell : 556 N^ ELIZABETHAN VERSE Nay, if you read this line, remember not The hand that writ it; for I love you so, That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot If thinking on me then should make you woe. O if, I say, you look upon this verse. When I perhaps compounded am with clay. Do not so much as my poor name rehearse, But let your love even with my life decay; Lest the wise world should look into your moan, And mock you with me after I am gone. fV. Shakespeare 537' One Bay I Wrote Her Name Upon the Strand /'"^NE day I wrote her name upon the strand, ^-^ But came the waves and washed it away: Again I wrote it with a second hand. But came the tide and made my pains his prey. Vain man (said she) that dost in vain assay A mortal thing so to immortalise; For I myself shall like to this decay. And eke my name be wiped out likewise. Not so (quod I); let baser things devise To die in dust, but you shall live by fame; My verse your virtues rare shall eternise. And in the heavens write your glorious name : Where, whenas Death shall all the world subdue. Our love shall live, and later life renew. E. Spenser 557 THE BOOK OF ^j8, I Know That All Beneath the Moon Decays T KNOW that all beneath the moon decays, And what by mortals in this world is brought In time's great periods shall return to naught; That fairest states have fatal nights and days. I know how all the Muse's heavenly lays, With toil of sprite which is so dearly bought, As idle sounds, of few or none are sought; And that naught lighter is than airy praise. I know frail beauty like the purple flower To which one morn oft birth and death affords; That love a jarring is of mind's accords. Where sense and will invassall reason's power. Know what I list, this all cannot me move. But that, O me! I both must write and love. W. Drummond 5J9. Thou Window^ Once Which Served jor a Sphere npHOU window, once which served for a sphere -*■ To that dear planet of my heart, whose light Made often blush the glorious queen of night. While she in thee more beauteous did appear. What mourning weeds, alas ! now dost thou wear ? How loathsome to mine eyes is thy sad sight ? How poorly look'st thou, with what heavy cheer, Since that sun set, which made thee shine so bright ? 558 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Unhappy now thee close, for as of late To wond'ring eyes thou wast a paradise, Bereft of her who made thee fortunate, A gulf thou art, whence clouds of sighs arise; But unto none so noisome as to me. Who hourly see my murdered joys in thee. W. Drummond 540. MglamouY^s Lament TTERE she was wont to go, and here, and here! -'-''- Just where those daisies, pinks, and violets grow: The world may find the spring by following her; For other print her airy steps ne'er left: Her treading would not bend a blade of grass, Or shake the downy blow-ball from his stalk; But like the soft west-wind she shot along; And where she went, the flowers took thickest root As she had sowed them with her odourous foot. B. Jonson 541. O Crudelis Amor T^THEN thou must home to shades of underground, * And there arrived, a new admired guest. The beauteous spirits do engirt thee round, White lope, blithe Helen, and the rest. To hear the stories of thy finish'd love From that smooth tongue whose music hell can move; 559 THE BOOK OF Then wilt thou speak of banqueting delights, Of masques and revels which sweet youth did make. Of tourneys and great challenges of knights, And all these triumphs for thy beauty's sake: When thou hast told these honours done to thee. Then tell, O tell, how thou didst murder me! T. Campion 542. ■ Her Autumn ^1 rHEN I do count the clock that tells the time, ' * And see the brave day sunk in hideous night; When I behold the violet past prime. And sable curls all silver'd o'er with white; When lofty trees I see barren of leaves. Which erst from heat did canopy the herd. And summer's green, all girded up in sheaves. Borne on the bier with white and bristly beard; Then of thy beauty do I question make, That thou among the wastes of time must go. Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake And die as fast as they see others grow; And nothing 'gainst Time's scythe can make defence Save breed, to brave him when he takes thee hence. W. Shakespeare 543. Like As the Culver^ on the Bared Bough T IKE as the Culver, on the bared bough, -*— ^ Sits mourning for the absence of her mate; And, in her songs, sends many a wishful vow For his return that seems to linger late: 560 ELIZABETHAN VERSE So I alone, now left disconsolate, Mourn to myself the absence of my love; And, wandering here and there all desolate, Seek with my plaints to match that mournful dove Ne joy of aught that under heaven doth hove. Can comfort me, but her own joyous sight Whose sweet aspect both God and man can move. In her unspotted pleasance to delight. Dark is my day, whiles her fair light I miss, And dead my life that wants such lively bliss. E. Spenser ^44. To Me, Fair Friend, You Never Can Be Old nnO me, fair friend, you never can be old; ■*' For as you were when first your eye I eyed. Such seems your beauty still. Three winters cold Have from the forests shook three summers' pride; Three beauteous springs to yellow autumn turn'd In process of the seasons have I seen. Three April perfumes in three hot Junes burn'd. Since first I saw you fresh, which yet are green. Ah ! yet doth beauty, like a dial-hand, Steal from his figure, and no pace perceived; So your sweet hue, which methinks still doth stand, Hath motion, and mine eye may be deceived. For fear of which, hear this, thou age unbred : Ere you were born was beauty's summer dead. W. Shakespeare 561 THE BOOK OF 5^5. Bright Soul oj the Sad Year T^AIR summer droops, droop men and beasts therefore, -*■ So fair a summer look for never more : All good things vanish less than in a day, Peace, plenty, pleasure suddenly decay. Go not yet away, bright soul of the sad year. The earth is hell when thou leav'st to appear. What, shall those flowers, that decked thy garland erst, Upon thy grave be wastefully dispersed .? O trees, consume your sap in sorrow's source, Streams, turn to tears your tributary course. Go not yet hence, bright soul of the sad year. The earth is hell when thou leav'st to appear. T. Nashe 546. Praise of Ceres \\TITH fair Ceres, Queen of Grain, The reaped fields we roam. Each country peasant, nymph and swain, Sing their harvest home; Whilst the Queen of Plenty hallows Growing fields as well as fallows. Echo, double all your lays. Make the champians sound To the Queen of Harvest's praise. That sows and reaps our ground : Ceres, Queen of Plenty, hallows Growing fields as well as fallows. T. Heywood 562 ELIZABETHAN VERSE ^4j. Winter ^7[ THEN icicles hang by the wall, ^ * And Dick the shepherd blows his nail, And Tom bears logs into the hall, And milk comes frozen home in pail, When blood is nipped, and ways be foul. Then nightly sings the staring owl. Tu-whit ! Tu-who ! — a merry note. While greasy Joan doth keel the pot. When all around the wind doth blow. And coughing drowns the parson's saw, And birds sit brooding in the snow, And Marian's nose looks red and raw. When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl. Then nightly sings the staring owl Tu-whit ! Tu-who ! — a merry note. While greasy Joan doth keel the pot. W. Shakespeare J48. Now Winter Nights Enlarge IVJOW winter nights enlarge ^ The number of their hours. And clouds their storms discharge Upon the airy towers. Let now the chimneys blaze. And cups o'erflow with wine; Let well-tuned words amaze With harmony divine. 563 THE BOOK OF Now yellow waxen lights Shall wait on honey love, While youthful revels, masques, and courtly sights Sleep's leaden spells remove. This time doth well dispense With lovers' long discourse; Much speech hath some defence, Though beauty no remorse. All do not all things well; Some measures comely tread. Some knotted riddles tell, Some poems smoothly read. The summer hath his joys And winter his delights; Though love and all his pleasures are but toys, They shorten tedious nights, T' Campton 54g^ A Round OHAKE ofF your heavy trance! *^ And leap into a dance Such as no mortal use to tread; Fit only for Apollo To play to, for the moon to lead, And all the stars to fqllovv! F. Beaumont 564 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 55(9. Come, Sorrow, Come /^~^OME, Sorrow, come, sit down and mourn with me; ^^ Hang down thy head upon thy baleful breast. That God and man and all the world may see Our heavy hearts do live in quiet rest; Enfold thine arms and wring thy wretched hands To shew the State wherein poor Sorrow stands. Cry not outright, for that were children's guise. But let thy tears fall trickling down thy face. And weep so long until thy blubbered eyes May see in sum the depth of thy disgrace. Oh shake thy head, but not a word but mum; The heart once dead, the tongue is stroken dumb. And let our fare be dishes of despite To break our hearts and not our fasts withal; Then let us sup with sorrow-sops at night. And bitter sauce all of a broken gall: Thus let us live till heavens may rue to see The doleful doom ordained for thee and me. ^^i. Come, Ye Heavy States of Night /''^OME, ye heavy states of night, ^^ Do my father's spirit right; Soundings baleful let me borrow, Burthening my song with sorrow. Come, Sorrow, come ! her eyes that sings By thee are turned into springs. 565 THE BOOK OF Come, you virgins of the night, That in dirges sad delight, Choir my anthems : I do borrow Gold nor pearl, but sounds of sorrow. Come, Sorrow, come ! her eyes that sings By thee are turned into springs. Anon. 55^. O, Sorrow, Sorrow /^, SORROW, Sorrow, say where dost thou dwell f ^-^ In the lowest room of hell. Art thou born of human race ? No, no, I have a furier face. Art thou in city, town, or court? I to every place resort. O, why into the world is Sorrow sent .? Men afflicted best repent. What dost thou feed on ? Broken sleep. What takest thou pleasure in ? To weep, To sigh, to sob, to pine, to groan, To wring my hands, to sit alone. O when, O when shall Sorrow quiet have ? Never, never, never, never. Never till she finds a grave. r. Dekker 566 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 553' Urns and Odours Bring Away T TRNS and odours bring away ! ^^ Vapours, sighs, darken the day I Our dole more deadly looks than dying; Balms and gums and heavy cheers, Sacred vials fill'd with tears, And clamours through the wild air flying! Come, all sad and solemn shows. That are quick-eyed Pleasure's foes ! We convent naught else but woes. Shakespeare or Fletcher 5S4' Melancholy TTENCE, all you vain delights, ^ -^ As short as are the nights Wherein you spend your folly! There's naught in this life sweet, If man were wise to see't, But only melancholy, O sweetest melancholy! Welcome folded arms and fixed eyes, A sigh that piercing mortifies, A look that's fasten'd to the ground, A tongue chain'd up without a sound ! Fountain-heads, and pathless groves, Places which pale passion loves! Moonlight walks, when all the fowls Are warmly housed, save bats and owls! 567 THE BOOK OF A midnight bell, a parting groan — These are the sounds we feed upon, Then stretch our bones in a still gloomy valley; Nothing's so dainty sweet as lovely melancholy. J. Fletcher ^^j. Disconsolate npHE gentle season of the year -*~ Hath made my blooming branch appear, And beautified the land with flowers; The air doth savour with delight, The heavens do smile to see the sight. And yet mine eyes augments their showers. The meads are mantled all with green. The trembling leaves have clothed the treen, The birds with feathers new do sing; But I, poor soul ! when wrong doth wrack, Attire myself in mourning black, Whose leaf doth fall amid his spring! And, as you see the scarlet rose In his sweet prime his buds disclose, Whose hue is with the sun revived; So, in the April of mine age. My lively colours do assuage. Because my sunshine is deprived. 568 ELIZABETHAN VERSE My heart, that wonted was of yore Light as the winds abroad to soar, Amongst the buds, when beauty springs, Now only hovers over you; As doth the bird that's taken new And mourns when all her neighbours singSc When every man is bent to sport, Then pensive I alone resort Into some solitary walk; As doth the doleful turtle-dove. Who, having lost her faithful love. Sits mourning on some withered stalk. There to myself I do recount How far my woes my joys surmount, How Love requiteth me with hate; How all my pleasures end in pain. How hate doth say my hope is vain. How fortune frowns upon my state. And in this mood, charged with despair. With vapoured sighs I dim the air, And to the gods make this request : — That, by the ending of my life, I may have truce with this strange strife, And bring my soul to better rest. 569 THE BOOK OF 556. Of Misery /^ORPSE, clad with carefulness; ^-^ Heart, heaped with heaviness; Purse, poor and penniless; Back bare in bitterness; O get my grave in readiness; Fain would I die to end this stress. T. Howell SS7' The Weeper " I ^HE dew no more will weep -*- The primrose's pale cheek to deck: The dew no more will sleep Nuzzled in the lily's neck: Much rather would it tremble here And leave them both to be thy tear. Not the soft gold which Steals from the amber-weeping tree. Makes Sorrow half so rich As the drops distill'd from thee: Sorrow's best jewels lie in these Caskets of which Heaven keeps the keys. When Sorrow would be seen In her brightest majesty, — For she is a Queen — Then is she drest by none but thee: Then, and only then, she wears Her richest pearls — I mean thy tears. 570 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Not in the evening's eyes, When they red with weeping are For the sun that dies, Sits Sorrow with a face so fair: Nowhere but here did ever meet Sweetness so sad, sadness so sweet. When some new bright guest Takes up among the stars a room, And Heaven will make a feast, Angels with their bottles come, And draw from these full eyes of thine Their Master's water, their own wine. Does the night arise ? Still thy tears do fall and fall. Does night lose her eyes ? Still the fountain weeps for all. Let night or day do what they will. Thou hast thy task, thou weepest still. R. Crash aw SS^- Idle Tears T'X TEEP no rriore, nor sigh, nor groan, ^ * Sorrow calls no time that's gone: Violets pluck'd, the sweetest rain Makes not fresh nor grow again. Trim thy locks, look cheerfully; Fate's hid ends eyes cannot see; 571 THE BOOK OF Joys as winged dreams fly fast, Why should sadness longer last ? Grief is but a wound to woe; Gentlest fair, mourn, mourn no moe. J. Fletcher 5Sg, I Saw My Lady Weep T SAW my Lady weep, "*■ And Sorrow proud to be advanced so In those fair eyes where all perfections keep. Her face was full of woe: But such a woe, believe me, as wins more hearts Than Mirth can do with her enticing parts. Sorrow was there made fair. And Passion wise; Tears a delightful thing; Silence beyond all speech, a wisdom rare; She made her sighs to sing, And all things with so sweet a sadness move As made my heart at once both grieve and love. O fairer than aught else The world can show, leave off in time to grieve ! Enough, enough: your joyful" look excels; Tears kill the heart, believe. O strive not to be excellent in woe, Which only breeds your beauty's overthrow. Anon. 572 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 5^0. Weep You No More, Sad Fountains "\^7"EEP you no more, sad fountains; ^ • What need you flow so fast ? Look how the snowy mountains Heaven's sun doth gently waste ! But my Sun's heavenly eyes View not your weeping, That now lies sleeping Softly, now softly lies Sleeping. Sleep is a reconciling, A rest that peace begets; Doth not the sun rise smiling When fair at even he sets ? Rest you, then, rest, sad eyes! Melt not in weeping. While she lies sleeping Softly, now softly lies Sleeping. Anon S6i. To Daisies, Not to Shut So Soon OHUT not so soon ; the dull-eyed night *^ Has not as yet begun To make a seizure on the light, Or to seal up the sun. No marigolds yet closed are, — No shadows great appear; Nor doth the early shepherd's star Shine like a spangle here. 573 THE BOOK OF Stay but till my Julia close Her life-begetting eye, And let the whole world then dispose Itself to live or die. R. Herrtck §62, The Evening Knell O HEPHERDS all, and maidens fair, ^^ Fold your flocks up, for the air *Gins to thicken, and the sun Already his great course hath run. See the dew-drops how they kiss Every little flower that is. Hanging on their velvet heads, Like a rope of crystal beads: See the heavy clouds low falling. And bright Hesperus down calling The dead Night from under ground; At whose rising mists unsound, Damps and vapours fly apace Hovering o'er the wanton face Of these pastures, where they come, Striking dead both bud and bloom : Therefore, from such danger lock Every one his loved flock; And let your dogs lie loose without, Lest the wolf come as a scout From the mountain, and ere day. Bear a lamb or kid away; Or the crafty thievish fox Break upon your simple flocks. 574 ELIZABETHAN VERSE To secure yourself from these, Be not too secure in ease; Let one eye his watches keep. Whilst the t'other eye doth sleep; So you shall good shepherds prove. And forever hold the love Of our great god. Sweetest slumbers. And soft silence, fall in numbers On your eye-lids! So, farewell! Thus I end my evening's knell ! J. Fletcher ^6j. Pan^s Sentinel "\JOW, whilst the moon doth rule the sky ''■ ^ And the stars whose feeble light Give a pale shadow to the night, Are up, great Pan commanded me To walk this grove about, whilst he In a corner of the wood, Where never mortal foot hath stood. Keeps dancing, music, and a feast. To entertain a lovely guest: Where he gives her many a rose. Sweeter than the breath that blows The leaves, grapes, berries of the best; I never saw so great a feast. . But, to my charge. Here must I stay. To see what mortals lose their way. And by a false fire, seeming bright. Train them in and leave them right. 57S THE BOOK OF Then must I watch if any be Forcing of a chastity; If I find it, then in haste Give my wreathed horn a blast And the fairies all will run, Wildly dancing by the moon, And will pinch him to the bone, Till his lustful thoughts be gone. Back again about this ground; Sure I hear a mortal sound. — I bind thee by this powerful spell. By the waters of this well, By the glimmering moon-beams bright, Speak again, thou mortal wight! Here the foolish mortal lies, Sleeping on the ground. Arise! The poor wight is almost dead; On the ground his wounds have bled. And his clothes fouled with his blood : To my goddess in the wood Will I lead him, whose hands pure Will help this mortal wight to cure. J. Flehher §64, Song of Woe TDARDON, goddess of the night, . -*- Those that slew thy virgin knight; For the which, with songs of woe. Round about her tomb they go. 576 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Midnight, assist our moan; Help us to sigh and groan, Heavily, heavily: Graves, yawm and yield your dead, Till death be uttered Heavily, heavily. W. Shakespeare ^65. Country Nights ' I ^HE damask meadows and the crawling streams ^ Sweeten and make soft thy dreams : The purling springs, groves, birds, and well-weaved bowers, With fields enamelled with flowers, Present thee shapes, while phantasy discloses Millions of lilies mixt with roses. Then dream thou hearest the lamb with many a bleat Wooed to come suck the milky teat; Whilst Faunus in the vision vows to keep From ravenous wolf the woolly sheep; With thousand such enchanting dreams, which meet To make sleep not so sound as sweet. Nor can these figures so thy rest endear As not to up when chanticleer Speaks the last watch, but with the dawn dost rise To work, but first to sacrifice : Making thy peace with heaven for some late fault, With holy meat and crackling salt. R. Herrick «;77 THE. BOOK OF 566. Sweet Suffolk Owl OWEET Suffolk owl, so trimly dight *^ With feathers, like a lady bright, Thou sing'st alone, sitting by night, Te whit, te whoo ! Thy note that forth so freely rolls. With shrill command the mouse controls. And sings a dirge for dying souls, Te whit, te whoo ! T. Fautor 5^7. Love Hath Eyes by Night /^ NIGHT, O jealous Night, repugnant to my measures . ^-^ O Night so long desired, yet cross to my content ! There's none but only thou that can perform my pleasures. Yet none but only thou that hindereth my intent. Thy beams, thy spiteful beams, thy lamps that burn too brightly. Discover all my trains and naked lay my drifts. That night by night I hope, yet fail my purpose nightly; Thy envious glaring gleam defeateth so my shifts. Sweet Night, withhold thy beams, withhold them till to- morrow ! Whose joy's in lack so long a hell of torment breeds. Sweet Night, sweet gentle Night, do not prolong my sorrow : Desire is guide to me, and Love no lodestar needs. 578 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Let sailors gaze on Stars, and Moon so freshly shining; Let them that miss the way be guided by the light; I know my Lady's bower, there needs no more divining; Affection sees in dark, and Love hath eyes by night. Dame Cynthia, couch awhile ! hold in thy horns for shin- And glad not low' ring Night with thy too glorious rays; But be she dim and dark, tempestuous and repining, That in her spite my sport may work thy endless praise. And when my will is wrought, then, Cynthia, shine, good lady. All other nights and days in honour of that night, That happy, heavenly night, that night so dark and shady, Wherein my Love had eyes that lighted my delight ! Anon. ^68. The Night-Piece: To Julia TTER eyes the glow-worm lend thee, -*- -*- The shooting stars attend thee ; And the elves also, Whose little eyes glow Like the sparks of fire, befriend thee. No Will-o'th'-wisp mislight thee, Nor snake or slow-worm bite thee; But on, on thy way Not making a stay, Since ghost there's none to affright thee. 579 THE BOOK OF Let not the dark thee cumber: What though the moon does slumber ? The stars of the night Will lend thee their light Like tapers clear without number. Then, Julia, let me woo thee, Thus, thus to come unto me; And when I shall meet Thy silvr'y feet My soul I'll pour into thee. R. Herrick ^6p. Nox Nodi Indicat Scientiam ■\ 1 THEN I survey the bright ^ * Celestial sphere; So rich with jewels hung, that Night Doth like an Ethiop bride appear: My soul her wings doth spread And heavenward flies, Th' Almighty's mysteries to read In the large volume of the skies. For the bright firmament Shoots forth no flame So silent, but is eloquent In speaking the Creator's name. 580 ELIZABETHAN VERSE No unregarded star Contracts its light Into so small a character, Removed far from our human sight, But if we steadfast look We shall discern In it, as in some holy book, How man may heavenly knowledge learn. It tells the conqueror That far-stretch'd power. Which his proud dangers traffic for, Is but the triumph of an hour: That from the farthest North, Some nation may, Yet undiscover'd, issue forth. And o'er his new-got conquest sway: Some nation yet shut in With hills of ice May be let out to scourge his sin. Till they shall equal him in vice. And then they likewise shall Their ruin have; For as yourselves your empires fall. And every kingdom hath a grave. Thus those celestial fires. Though seeming mute, The fallacy of our desires And all the pride of life confute : — 581 THE BOOK OF For they have watch'd since first The World had birth : And found sin in itself accurst, And nothing permanent on Earth. W. Habington 57O' Song T/f/'HO is it that, this dark nighty ^^ Underneath my window plaineth? It is one who from thy sight Being, ah ! exiled, disdaineth Every other vulgar light. Why, alaSy and are you he? Be not yet those fancies changed? Dear, when you find change in me, Though from me you be estranged, Let my change to ruin be. fFelly in absence this will die: Leave to see, and leave to wonder. Absence sure will help, if I Can learn how myself to sunder From what in my heart doth lie. But time will these thoughts remove; Time doth work what no man knoweth. Time doth as the subject prove. With time still the aifection groweth In the faithful turtle dove. 582 ELIZABETHAN VERSE What if you new beauties see? Will not they stir new affection? I will think they pictures be (Image-like, of saints' perfection) Poorly counterfeiting thee. But your reason s purest light Bids you leave such minds to nourish. Dear, do reason no such spite! Never doth thy beauty flourish More than in my reason's sight. But the wrongs love bears, will make Love at length leave undertaking. No, the more fools it do shake In a ground of so firm making, Deeper still they drive the stake. Peace! I think that some give ear! Come no more! lest I get anger. Bliss! I will my bliss forbear; Fearing, Sweet, you to endanger! But my soul shall harbour there. Well begone, begone I say! Lest that Argus' eyes perceive you. O unjust Fortune's sway, Which can make me thus to leave you: And from louts to run away. Sir P. Sidney 583 THE BOOK OF 57/. Now the Hungry Lion Roars Puck sings: IVrOW the hungry lion roars, •^ ^ And the wolf behowls the moon; Whilst the heavy ploughman snores, All with weary task fordone. Now the w^asted brands do glow, Whilst the screech-owl, screeching loud, Puts the wretch that lies in woe In remembrance of a shroud. Now it is the time of night. That the graves, all gaping wide. Every one lets forth his sprite. In the churchway paths to glide: And we fairies, that do run By the triple Hecate's team. From the presence of the sun, Following darkness like a dream, Now are frolic; not a mouse Shall disturb this hallowed house: I am sent with broom before To sweep the dust behind the door. W. Shakespeare 5^2. To a Nightingale OWEET bird, that sing'st away the early hours, '^'-^ Of winters past or coming void of care. Well pleased with delights which present are. Fair seasons, budding sprays, sweet-smelling flowers; 584 ELIZABETHAN VERSE To rocks, to springs, to rills, from leafy bowers Thou thy Creator's goodness dost declare. And what dear gifts on thee He did not spare, A stain to human sense in sin that lowers. What soul can be so sick which by thy songs, Attired in sweetness, sweetly is not driven Quite to forget earth's turmoils, spites, and wrongs, And lift a reverent eye and thought to heaven! Sweet artless songster, thou my mind dost raise To airs of spheres, yes, and to angels' lays. W. Drummond S7J' To the Nightingale "T^EAR chorister, who from those shadows sends, ■^^^ Ere that the blushing morn dare shew her light, Such sad lamenting strains, that night attends — Become all ear — stars stay to hear thy plight; If one whose grief even reach of thought transcends. Who ne'er — not in a dream — did taste delight. May thee importune who like case pretends, And seems to joy in woe, in woe's despite; Tell me, — so may thou fortune milder try And long, long sing — for what thou thus complains, Sith winter's gone and sun in dappled sky Enamoured smiles on woods and flowery plains ? The bird, as if my questions did her move, V/ith trembling wings, sighed forth, ' I love, I love ! ' fF. Drummond 585 THE BOOK OF 5"/ 4. Hymn to Diana QUEEN and Huntress, chaste and fair, Now the sun is laid to sleep, Seated in thy silver chair, State in wonted manner keep : Hesperus entreats thy light. Goddess excellently bright. Earth, let not thy envious shade Dare itself to interpose; Cynthia's shining orb was made Heaven to clear when day did close » Bless us then with wished sight Goddess excellently bright. Lay thy bow of pearl apart. And thy crystal-shining quiver; Give unto the flying hart Space to breathe, how short soever: Thou that mak'st a day of night. Goddess excellently bright. B. Jonson 575. To Cynthia /^^YNTHIA, because your horns look divers ways, ^-^ Now darkened to the east, now to the west. Then at full glory once in thirty days. Sense doth believe that change is nature's rest. 586 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Poor earth, that dare presume to judge the sky: Cynthia is ever round, and never varies; Shadows and distance do abuse the eye. And in abused sense truth oft miscarries: Yet who this language to the people speaks. Opinion's empire sense's idol breaks, F. Grevilhy Lord Brooke Sy6. The Moon "\ "X riTH how sad steps, O Moon, thou climb'st the skies ! How silently, and with how wan a face ! What! may it be that even in heavenly place That busy archer his sharp arrows tries ? Sure, if that long-with-love-acquainted eyes Can judge of love, thou feel'st a lover's case: I read it in thy looks; thy languish'd grace To me, that feel the like, thy state descries. Then, even of fellowship, O Moon, tell me. Is constant love deem'd there but want of wit ? Are beauties there as proud as here they be ? Do they above love to be loved, and yet Those lovers scorn whom that love doth possess ? Do they call ' virtue ' there — ungratefulness ? ^ir P. Sidney 577. To Cynthia /^'^YNTHIA, whose glories are at full forever, ^-^ Whose beauties draw forth tears, and kindle fires, Fires, which kindled once are quenched never: So beyond hope your worth bears up desires. 587 THE BOOK OF Why cast you clouds on your sweet-looking eyes ? Are you afraid, they show me too much pleasure ? Strong Nature decks the grave wherein it lies, Excellence can never be expressed in measure. Are you afraid because my heart adores you. The world will think I hold Endymion's place ? Hippolytus, sweet Cynthia, kneeled before you; Yet did you not come down to kiss his face. Angels enjoy the Heaven's inward choirs : Star-gazers only multiply desires. F. Greville, Lord Brooke 578. The Moon T OOK how the pale queen of the silent night -■ — ' Doth cause the ocean to attend upon her. And he, as long as she is in his sight. With his full tide is ready her to honour; But when the silver waggon of the Moon Is mounted up so high he cannot follow. The sea calls home his crystal waves to moan, And with low ebb doth manifest his sorrow. So you, that are the sovereign of my heart. Have all my joys attending on your will. My joys low-ebbing when you do depart — When you return, their tide my heart doth fill So as you come, and as you do depart, Joys ebb and flow within my tender heart. C. Best ELIZABETHAN VERSE 57p. Lullaby /'"^ OLDEN slumbers kiss your eyes ^^ Smiles awake you when you rise. Sleep, pretty wantons, do not cry, And I will sing a lullaby : Rock them, rock them, lullaby. Care is heavy, therefore sleep you; You are care, and care must keep you. Sleep, pretty wantons, do not cry, And I will sing a lullaby: Rock them, rock them, lullaby. r. Dekker S8o. Come, Sleep /^^OME, Sleep, and with thy sweet deceiving — Lock me in delight awhile; Let some pleasing dreams beguile All my fancies; that from thence I may feel an influence, All my powers of care bereaving ! Though but a shadow, but a sliding Let me know some little joy ! We that suff"er long annoy Are contented with a thought Through an idle fancy wrought: O let my joys have some abiding! J. Fletcher (?) 589 THE BOOK OF ^8 1. Invocation to Sleep /^ARE-CHARMING Sleep, thou easer of all woes, ^-^ Brother to Death, sweetly thyself dispose On this afflicted prince; fall like a cloud In gentle showers; give nothing that is loud Or painful to his slumbers; easy, light. And as a purling stream, thou son of Night Pass by his troubled senses; sing his pain Like hollow murmuring wind or silver rain; In to this prince gently, O gently, slide, And kiss him into slumbers like a bride. y. Fletcher ^82. Care-Charmer Sleep, Son of the Sable Night /^ARE-CHARMER Sleep, son of the sable night, ^-^ Brother to Death, in silent darkness born : Relieve my languish and restore the light; With dark forgetting of my care, return. And let the day be time enough to mourn The shipwrack of my ill-adventured youth : Let waking eyes suffice to wail their scorn Without the torment of the night's untruth. Cease dreams, the images of day desires, To model forth the passions of the morrow; Never let rising sun approve you liars. To add more grief to aggravate my sorrow. Still let me sleep, embracing clouds in vain, And never wake to feel the day's disdain. S. Daniel 590 ELIZABETHAN VERSE ^Sj. Hark^ All You Ladies TTARK, all you ladies that do sleep ! The fairy-queen Proserpina Bids you awake and pity them that weep" You may do in the dark What the day doth forbid; Fear not the dogs that bark, Night will have all hid. But if you let your lovers moan, The fairy-queen Proserpina Will send abroad her fairies every one, That shall pinch black and blue Your white hands and fair arms That did not kindly rue Your paramours' harms. In myrtle arbours on the downs The fairy-queen Proserpina, This night by moonshine leading merry rounds, Holds a watch with sweet love, Down the dale, up the hill; No plaints or groans may move Their holy vigil. T . Campion ^8^. Sleep, Angry Beauty, Sleep O LEEP, angry beauty, sleep, and fear not me ! ^^ For who a sleeping lion dares provoke ? It shall suffice me here to sit and see Those lips shut up that never kindly spoke : What sight can more content a lover's mind Than beauty seeming harmless, if not kind ? 591 THE BOOK OF My words have charmed her, for secure she sleeps, Though guilty much of wrong done to my love; And in her slumber, see! she close-eyed weeps: Dreams often more than waking passions move. Plead, Sleep, my cause, and make her soft like thee, That she in peace may wake and pity me. T, Campion 58s. To Sleep /^~~*OME, Sleep; O Sleep! the certain knot of peace, ^^ The baiting-place of wit, the balm of woe. The poor man's wealth, the prisoner's release, Th' indifferent judge between the high and low; With shield of proof, shield me from out the prease Of those fierce darts Despair at me doth throw: make in me those civil wars to cease; 1 will good tribute pay, if thou do so. Take thou of me smooth pillows, sweetest bed, A chamber deaf to noise and blind to Jight, A rosy garland and a weary head: And if these things, as being thine by right. Move not thy heavy grace, thou shalt in me. Livelier than elsewhere, Stella's image see. Sir P. Sidney S86. Sleep )Y him lay heavy Sleep, the cousin of Death, B^ Flat on the ground, and still as any stone, A very corpse, save yielding forth a breath : Small keep took he, whom Fortune frowned on, 592 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Or whom she Hfted up into the throne Of high renown : but as a hving death, So, dead Hve, of Hfe he drew the breath. The body's rest, the quiet of the heart, The travail's ease, the still night's fear was he, And of our life on earth the better part: Reaver of sight, and yet in whom we see Things oft that tide, and oft that never be- Without respect, esteeming equally King Croesus' pomp, and Irus' poverty. T. Sackville, Lord Buckhurst SSy. Two Carols I. Bringing in the Boards Head Caput Apri Defero, Reddens Laudes Domino! ' I ^HE Boar's Head in hand bring I, ^ With garlands gay and rosemary ! I pray you all, sing merrily, Qui estis in convivio. The Boar's Head, I understand, Is the chief Service in this land ! Look, wherever it be found, Servite cum cantico! 593 THE BOOK OF Be glad, Lordes, both more and less ! For this hath ordained our Steward, To cheer you all this Christmas, The Boar's Head with mustard ! Anon, 11. ^88. In Die Nativitatis Nowellf Now ell! Now ell! Now ell! Tidings good I think to tell! nPHE Boar's Head, that we bring here, ■^ Betokeneth a Prince without peer Is born this day, to buy us dear ! Nowell! Now ell! Now ell! Now ell! etc. A Boar is a sovereign beast. And acceptable in every feast; So mote this Lord be to most and least ! Nowell! Nowell! Nowell! Nowell! etc. This Boar's head we bring with song, In worship of Him that thus sprang Of a Virgin, to redress all wrong. Nowell! Nowell! Nowell! Nowell! etc. A non. S8g. A Christmas Carol Tyl 7"HAT sweeter music can we bring Than a carol for to sing The birth of this our Heavenly King ? 594 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Awake the voice ! awake the string ! Heart, ear, and eye, and everything Awake ! the while the active finger Runs division with the singer. , From the Flourish they came to the Song 1. Dark and dull night fly hence away! And give the honour to this day That sees December turn'd to May. 2. If we may ask the reason, say The why and wherefore all things here Seem like the spring-time of the year. 3. Why does the chilling winter's morn Smile like a field beset with corn ? Or smell like to a mead new shorn, Thus on a sudden ? 4. Come and see The cause why things thus fragrant be: 'Tis He is born, whose quickening birth Gives life and lustre, public mirth. To heaven and the under-earth. Chorus We see Him come, and know Him ours, Who with his sunshine and his showers Turns all the patient ground to flowers. 595 THE BOOK OF I. The darling of the world is come, And fit it is we find a room To welcome Him. 2. The nobler part Of all the house here is the heart, Chorus Which we will give Him; and bequeath This holly and this ivy wreath To do Him honour, who's our King And Lord of all this revelling. R. Herrick 5po. Ceremonies for Christmas /'^OME, bring with a noise, ^^ My merry, merry boys. The Christmas log to the firing While my good dame, she Bids ye all be free And drink to your heart's desiring. With the last year's brand Light the new block, and For good success in his spending On your psaltries play, That sweet luck may Come while the log is a-teending. 596 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Drink now the strong beer, Cut the white loaf here; The while the meat is a-shredding For the rare mince-pie, And the plums stand by To fill the paste that's a-kneading. R. Herrick Our Blessed Lady^s Lullaby T TPON my lap, my Sovereign sits, ^^ And sucks upon my breast; Meanwhile his love sustains my life, And gives my body rest. Sing, lullaby, my little boy. Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. When thou hast taken thy repast, Repose, my babe, on me. So may thy mother and thy nurse, Thy cradle also be. Sing, lullaby, my little boy. Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. I grieve that duty doth not work All that my wishing would. Because I would not be to thee But in the best I should. Sing, lullaby, my little boy. Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. 597 THE BOOK OF Yet as I am and as I may, I must and will be thine, Though all too little for thyself Vouchsafing to be mine. Sing, lullaby, my little boy. Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. My wits, my words, my deeds, my thoughts, And else what is in me, I rather will not wish to use. If not in serving thee. Sing, lullaby, my little boy, Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. My babe, my bliss, my child, my choice, My fruit, my flower, and bud. My Jesus, and my only joy. The sum of all my good. Sing, lullaby, my little boy. Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. My sweetness, and the sweetest most That heaven could earth deliver. Soul of my love, spirit of my life. Abide with me for ever. Sing, lullaby, my little boy, Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. Live still with me, and be my love. And death will me refrain. Unless thou let me die with thee, To live with thee again. Sing, lullaby, my little boy, Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. 598 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Leave now to wail, thou luckless wight That wrought'st thy race's woe, Redress is found, and foiled is Thy fruit-alluring foe. Sing, lullaby, my little boy. Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. The fruit of death from Paradise Made the exiled mourn; My fruit of life to Paradise Makes joyful thy return. Sing, lullaby, my little boy, Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. Grow up, good fruit be nourished by These fountains two of me, That only flow with maiden's milk, The only meat for thee. Sing, lullaby, my little boy, Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. The earth has now a heaven become, And this base bower of mine, A princely palace unto me. My son doth make to shine. Sing, lullaby, my little boy. Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. His sight gives clearness to my sight, When waking I him see. And sleeping, his mild countenance Gives favour unto me. Sing, lullaby, my little boy. Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. 599 THE BOOK OF When I him in mine arms embrace, I feel my heart embraced, Even by the inward grace of his, Which he in me hath placed. Sing, lullaby, my little boy, Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. And when I kiss his loving lips, Then his sweet-smelling breath Doth yield a savour to my soul. That feeds love, hope, and faith. Sing, lullaby, my little boy, Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. The shepherds left their keeping sheep. For joy to see my lamb; How may I more rejoice to see Myself to be the dam. Sing, lullaby, my little boy. Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. Three kings their treasures hither brought Of incense, myrrh, and gold; The heaven's treasure, and the king That here they might behold. Sing, lullaby, my little boy. Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. One sort an angel did direct, A star did guide the other, And all the fairest son to see That ever had a mother. Sing, lullaby, my little boy, Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. 600 ELIZABETHAN VERSE This sight I see, this child I have, This infant I embrace, O endless comfort of the earth. And heaven's eternal grace. Sing, lullaby, my little boy, Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. Thee sanctity herself doth serve, Thee goodness doth attend, Thee blessedness doth v^ait upon. And virtues all commend. Sing, lullaby, my little boy. Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. Great kings and prophets wished have To see that I possess, Yet wish I never thee to see, If not in thankfulness. Sing, lullaby, my little boy. Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. Let heaven and earth, and saints and men, Assistance give to me, That all their most concurring aid Augment my thanks to thee. Sing, lullaby, my little boy, Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. And let the ensuing blessed race, Thou wilt succeeding raise. Join all their praises unto mine. To multiply thy praise. Sing, lullaby, my little boy, Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. 60 1 THE BOOK OF And take my service well in worth, And Joseph's here with me, Who of my husband bears the name. Thy servant for to be. Sing, lullaby, my little boy. Sing, lullaby, my lives joy. R. Rowlands S92. To His Saviour, a Child: A Present By a Child f~^Of pretty child, and bear this flower ^*^ Unto thy little Saviour; And tell Him, by that bud now blown. He is the Rose of Sharon known. When thou hast said so, stick it there Upon His bib or stomacher; And tell Him for good handsel, too. That thou hast brought a whistle new, Made of a clean straight oaten reed. To charm His cries at time of need. Tell Him, for coral, thou hast none. But if thou hadst, He should have one; But poor thou art, and known to be Even as moneyless as He. Lastly, if thou canst win a kiss From those mellifluous lips of His; Then never take a second one, To spoil the first impression. R. Herrick 602 ELIZABETHAN VERSE ^g^. The Burning Bahe A S I in hoary winter's night ^ ^ Stood shivering in the snow Surprised was I with sudden heat Which made my heart to glow; And Hfting up a fearful eye To view what fire was near, A pretty babe all burning bright Did in the air appear; Who, scorched with excessive heat. Such floods of tears did shed As though His floods should quench His flames, Which with His tears were fed: * Alas ! ' quoth He, ' but newly born In fiery heats I fry. Yet none approach to warm their hearts Or feel my fire but I ! * My faultless breast the furnace is; The fuel, wounding thorns; Love is the fire, and sighs the smoke; The ashes, shames and scorns; The fuel Justice layeth on, And Mercy blows the coals. The metal in this furnace wrought Are men's defiled souls: For which, as now on fire I am To work them to their good. So will I melt into a bath. To wash them in my blood/ 603 THE BOOK OF With this He vanish'd out of sight And swiftly shrunk away, And straight I called unto mind That it was Christmas Day. R. Southwell 5p^. Verses jrom the Shepherds^ Hymn '\'\TY. saw thee in Thy balmy nest, ^ ^ Young dawn of our eternal day; We saw Thine eyes break from the East, And chase the trembling shades away; We saw Thee, and we blest the sight. We saw Thee by Thine own sweet light. Poor world, said I, what wilt thou do To entertain this starry stranger ? Is this the best thou canst bestow — A cold and not too cleanly manger ? Contend, the powers of heaven and earth, To fit a bed for this huge birth. Proud world, said I, cease your contest, And let the mighty babe alone, The phoenix builds the phoenix' nest, Love's architecture is His own. The babe, whose birth embraves this morn, Made His own bed ere He was born. 604 ELIZABETHAN VERSE I saw the curl'd drops, soft and slow, Come hovering o'er the place's head, OflF'ring their whitest sheets of snow, To furnish the fair infant's bed. Forbear, said I, be not too bold. Your fleece is white, but 'tis too cold. I saw th' obsequious seraphim Their rosy fleece of fire bestow. For well they now can spare their wings, Since Heaven itself lies here below. Well done, said I; but are you sure Your down, so warm, will pass for pure ? No, no, your King's not yet to seek Where to repose His royal head; See, see how soon His new-bloom'd cheek 'Twixt mother's breasts is gone to bed. Sweet choice, said we, no way but so, Not to lie cold, but sleep in snow! She sings Thy tears asleep, and dips Her kisses in Thy weeping eye; She spreads the red leaves of Thy lips, That in their buds yet blushing lie. She 'gainst those mother diamonds tries The points of her young eagle's eyes. Welcome — tho' not to those gay flies, Gilded i' th' beams of earthly kings. 605 THE BOOK OF Slippery souls in smiling eyes — But to poor shepherds, homespun things, Whose wealth's their flocks, whose wit's to be Well read in their simplicity. Yet, when young April's husband show'rs Shall bless the fruitful Maia's bed, We'll bring the first-born of her flowers, To kiss Thy feet and crown Thy head. To Thee, dread Lamb ! whose love must keep The shepherds while they feed their sheep. To Thee, meek Majesty, soft King Of simple graces and sweet loves! Each of us his lamb will bring. Each his pair of silver doves! At last, in fire of Thy fair eyes, Ourselves become our own best sacrifice! R. Crashaw 595' The New Year's Gift T ET others look for pearl and gold, Tissues and tabbies manifold: One only lock of that sweet hay Whereon the blessed baby lay. Or one poor swaddling-clout, shall be The richest New Year's gift to me. R. Herrick 606 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 5g6. Saint John Baptist " I ^HE last and greatest Herald of Heaven's King -^ Girt with rough skins, hies to the deserts wild, Among that savage brood the woods forth bring. Which he than man more harmless found, and mild His food was locusts, and what there doth spring With honey that from virgin hives distill'd; Parch'd body, hollow eyes, some uncouth thing Made him appear, long since from earth exiled. There burst he forth : ' All ye whose hopes rely On God, with me amidst these deserts mourn; Repent, repent, and from old errors turn ! ' — Who listen'd to his voice, obey'd his cry ? Only the echoes, which he made relent, Rung from their flinty caves, ' Repent ! Repent ! ' W. Drummond 597' upon the Book and Picture of the Seraphical Saint Teresa T IVE in these conquering leaves: live all the same; -"^^ And walk through all tongues one triumphant flame; Live here, great heart; and love, and die. and kill: And bleed, and wound, and yield, and conquer still. Let this immortal life where'er it comes Walk in a crowd of loves and martyrdoms. Let mystic deaths wait on't; and wise souls be The love-slain witnesses of this life of thee. O sweet incendiary ! show here thy art, 607 THE BOOK OF Upon this carcase of a hard cold heart; Let all thy scatter'd shafts of light, that play Among the leaves of thy large books of day, Combin'd against this breast at once break in, And take away from me myself and sin; This gracious robbery shall thy bounty be And my best fortunes such fair spoils of me. O thou undaunted daughter of desires ! By all thy dower of lights and fires; By all the eagle in thee, all the dove; By all thy lives and deaths of love; By thy large draughts of intellectual day, And by thy thirsts of love more large than they; By all thy brim-filled bowls of fierce desire, By thy last morning's draught of liquid fire; By the full kingdom of that final kiss That seized thy parting soul, and sealed thee His; By all the Heav'n thou hast in Him (Fair sister of the seraphim!); By all of Him we have in thee; Leave nothing of myself in me. Let me so read thy life, that I Unto all life of mine may die ! R. Crashaw ^g8. To Saint Katherine T)ECAUSE thou wast the daughter of a king, -"-^ Whose beauty did all Nature's works exceed, And wisdom wonder to the world did breed, A muse might rouse itself on Cupid's wing; 608 ELIZABETHAN VERSE But, sith the graces which from nature spring Were graced by those which from grace did proceed, And glory have deserved, my Muse doth need An angel's feathers when thy praise I sing. For all in thee became angelical : An angel's face had angels' purity, And thou an angel's tongue didst speak withal; Lo ! why thy soul, set free from martyrdom. Was crowned by God in angels' company, And angels' hands thy body did entomb. H. Constable 5pp. For the Magdalene ' ' I ^HESE eyes, dear Lord, once brandons of desire. Frail scouts betraying what they had to keep. Which their own heart, then others set on fire. Their trait'rous black before thee here out-weep; These locks, pf blushing deeds the gilt attire. Waves curling, wrackful shelves to shadow deep, Rings wedding souls to sin's lethargic sleep. To touch thy sacred feet do now aspire. In seas of care behold a sinking bark. By winds of sharp remorse unto thee driven, O let me not be Ruin's aim'd-at mark ! My faults confessed. Lord, say they are forgiven.' Thus sighed to Jesus the Bethanian fair, His tear-wet feet still drying with her hair. W. Drummond 609 THE BOOK OF 600, A Hymn to the Name and Honour oj the Admirable Satnt Teresa T OVE, thou art absolute, sole Lord -*~^ Of life and death. To prove the word, We'll now appeal to none of all Those thy old soldiers, great and tall, Ripe men of martyrdom, that could reach down With strong arms their triumphant crown: Such as could with lusty breath Speak loud, unto the face of death. Their great Lord's glorious name; to none Of those whose spacious bosoms spread a throne For love at large to fill. Spare blood and sweat: We'll see Him take a private seat, And make His mansion in the mild And milky soul of a soft child. Scarce has she learnt to lisp a name Of martyr, yet she thinks it shame Life should so long play with that breath Which spent can buy so brave a death. She never undertook to know What death with love should have to do. Nor has she e'er yet understood Why, to show love, she should shed blood; Yet, though she cannot tell you why, She can love, and she can die. Scarce has she blood enough to make A guilty sword blush for her sake; Yet has a heart dares hope to prove How much less strong is death than love. , . 610 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Since 'tis not to be had at home, She'll travel for a martyrdom. No home for her, confesses she. But where she may a martyr be. She'll to the Moors, and trade with them For this unvalued diadem; She offers them her dearest breath. With Christ's name in 't, in change for death: She'll bargain with them, and will give Them God, and teach them how to live In Him; or, if they this deny. For Him she'll teach them how to die. So shall she leave amongst them sown Her Lord's blood, or at least her own. Farewell then, all the world, adieu ! Teresa is no more for you. Farewell all pleasures, sports, and joys, Never till now esteemed toys ! Farewell whatever dear may be — Mother's arms, or father's knee ! Farewell house, and farewell home ! She's for the Moors and Martyrdom. Sweet, not so fast; loJ thy fair spouse, Whom thou seek'st with so swift vows. Calls thee back, and bids thee come T' embrace a milder martyrdom. . . • O how oft shalt thou complain Of a sweet and subtle pain! Of intolerable joys ! 6ri THE BOOK OF Of a death, in which who dies Loves his death, and dies again, And would for ever so be slain; And lives and dies, and knows not why To live, but that he still may die ! How kindly will thy gentle heart Kiss the sweetly-killing dart ! And close in his embraces keep Those delicious wounds, that weep Balsam, to heal themselves with thus, When these thy deaths, so numerous, Shall all at once die' into one, And melt thy soul's sweet mansion; Like a soft lump of incense, hasted By too hot a fire, and wasted Into perfuming clouds, so fast Shalt thou exhale to heaven at last In a resolving sigh, and then, — O what ? Ask not the tongues of men. Angels cannot tell; suffice. Thyself shalt feel thine own full joys, And hold them fast for e-ver there. So soon as thou shalt first appear, The moon of maiden stars, thy white Mistress, attended by such bright Souls as thy shining self, shall come. And in her first ranks make thee room; Where, 'mongst her snowy family, Immortal welcomes wait for thee. 612 ELIZABETHAN VERSE O what delight, when she shall stand And teach thy lips heaven, with her hand, On which thou now may'st to thy wishes Heap up thy consecrated kisses ! What joy shall seize thy soul, when she, Bending her blessed eyes on thee. Those second smiles of heaven, shall dart Her mild rays through thy melting heart! Angels, thy old friends, there shall greet thee, Glad at their own home now to meet thee. All thy good works which went before. And waited for thee at the door. Shall own thee there; and all in one Weave a constellation Of crowns, with which the King, thy spouse, Shall build up thy triumphant brows. All thy old woes shall now smile on thee, And thy pains sit bright upon thee : All thy sorrows here shall shine. And thy sufferings be divine. Tears shall take comfort, and turn gems. And wrongs repent to diadems. Even thy deaths shall live, and new Dress the soul which late they slew. Thy wounds shall blush to such bright scars As keep account of the Lamb's wars. Those, rare works, where thou shalt leave writ Love's noble history, with wit Taught thee by none but Him, while here They feed our souls, shall clothe thine there. 613 THE BOOK OF Each heavenly word by whose hid flame Our hard hearts shall strike fire, the same Shall flourish on thy brows, and be Both fire to us and flame to thee; Whose light shall live bright in thy face By glory, in our hearts by grace. Thou shalt look round about, and see Thousands of crown'd souls throng to be Themselves thy crown, sons of thy vows, Thy virgin-births with which thy spouse Made fruitful thy fair soul; go now. And with them all about thee bow To Him; put on. He'll say, put on. My rosy Love, that thy rich zone, Sparkling with the sacred flames Of thousand souls, whose happy names Heaven keeps upon thy score: thy bright Life brought them first to kiss the light That kindled them to stars; and so Thou with the Lamb, thy Lord, shalt go. And, wheresoe'er He sets His white Steps, walk with Him those ways of light, Which who in death would live to see, Must learn in life to die like thee. R. Crashaw 6oi, The Talent /^^RACIOUS, Divine, and most Omnipotent! ^-^^ Receive thy servant's talent in good part, Which hid it not, but willing did convart It to best use he could, when it was lent: 614 ELIZABETHAN VERSE The sum — though slender, yet not all misspent — Receive, dear God of grace, from cheerful heart Of him that knows how merciful thou art. And with what grace to contrite sinners bent. I know my fault, I did not as I should; My sinful flesh against my soul rebelled; But since I did endeavour what I could. Let not my little nothing be withheld From thy rich treasuries of endless grace; But, for thy sake, let it procure a place. B. Barnes 602. To His Ever-Loving God /^"^AN I not come to Thee, my God, for these — So very-many-meeting hindrances, That slack my pace, but yet not make me stay .? Who slowly goes, rids, in the end, his way. Clear Thou my paths, or shorten Thou my miles, Remove the bars, or lift me o'er the stiles; Since rough the way is, help me when I call, And take me up; or else prevent the fall. I ken my home, and it affords some ease To see far off the smoking villages. Fain would I rest, yet covet not to die For fear of future biting penury: No, no, my God, — Thou know'st my wishes be To leave this life not loving it, but Thee. R. Herrick 615 THE BOOK OF 60S' ^ Hymn to God the Father "X "\ riLT Thou forgive that sin, where I begun, • * Which was my sin, though it were done before ? Wilt Thou forgive that sin through which I run, And do run still, though still I do deplore ? When Thou hast done. Thou hast not done: For I have more. Wilt Thou forgive that sin v^^hich I have won Others to sin, and made my sins their door ? Wilt Thou forgive that sin which I did shun A year or two, but wallowed in a score ? When Thou hast done. Thou hast not done; For I have more. I have a sin of fear, that when I've spun My last thread, I shall perish on the shore; But swear by Thyself that at my death Thy Son Shall shine as He shines now and heretofore: And having done that. Thou hast done; I fear no more. y. Donne So^f.. The SouVs Haven nPHE worldly prince doth in his sceptre hold ^ A kind of heaven in his authorities; The wealthy miser in his mass of gold Makes to his soul a kind of Paradise; 6t6 D^ ELIZABETHAN VERSE The epicure that eats and drinks all day, Accounts no heaven but in his hellish routs; And she whose beauty seems a sunny day, Makes up her heaven but in her baby's clouts. But, my sweet God, I seek no prince's power. No miser's wealth, nor beauty's fading gloss, Which pamper sin, whose sweets are inward sour. And sorry gain that breed the spirit's loss : No, my dear Lord, let my heaven only be In my love's service, but to live to thee. N. Breton 60^. A Litany VROP, drop, slow tears. And bathe those beauteous feet Which brought from Heaven The news and Prince of Peace: Cease not, wet eyes. His mercy to entreat: To cry for vengeance Sin doth never cease. In your deep floods Drown all my faults and fears; Nor let His eye See sin, but through my tears. P. Fletcher 606. His Pilgrimage /'"^IVE me my scallop-shell of quiet, ^-^ My staff" of faith to walk upon, My scrip of joy, immortal diet, My bottle of salvation, 617 THE BOOK OF My gown of glory, hope's true gage; And thus I'll take my pilgrimage. Blood must be my body's balmer; No other balm will there be given; Whilst my soul, like quiet palmer, Travelleth towards the land of heaven; Over the silver mountains. Where spring the nectar fountains. There will I kiss The bowl of bliss; And drink mine everlasting fill Upon every milken hill. My soul will be a-dry before; But after it will thirst no more. Then by that happy, blissful day, More peaceful pilgrims I shall see, That have cast off their rags of clay. And walk apparelled fresh like me. I'll take them first To quench their thirst And taste of nectar suckets. At those clear wells Where sweetness dwells. Drawn up by saints in crystal buckets. And when our bottles and all we Are filled with immortality. Then the blessed paths we'll travel, Strowed with rubies thick as gravel; 6i8 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Ceilings of diamonds, sapphire floors, High walls of coral and pearly bowers, From thence to heaven's bribeless hall, Where no corrupted voices brawl; No conscience molten into gold. No forged accuser bought or sold. No cause deferred, no vain-spent journey, For there Christ is the king's Attorney, Who pleads for all without degrees. And he hath angels, but no fees. And when the grand twelve-million jury Of our sins, with direful fury. Against our souls black verdicts give, Christ pleads his death, and then we live. Be thou my speaker, taintless pleader, Unblotted lawyer, true proceeder ! Thou givest salvation even for alms; Not with a bribed lawyer's palms. And this is mine eternal plea To him that made heaven, earth, and sea, That, since my flesh must die so soon, And want a head to dine next noon. Just at the stroke, when my veins start and spread, Set on my soul an everlasting head ! Then am I ready, like a palmer fit. To tread those blest paths which before I writ. Of death and judgment, heaven and hell. Who oft doth think, must needs die well. Sir W. Raleigh 619 THE BOOK OF do'/. Litany to the Holy Spirit TN the hour of my distress, ■^ When temptations me oppress, And when I my sins confess. Sweet Spirit, comfort me! When I lie within my bed. Sick in heart and sick in head, And with doubts discomforted. Sweet Spirit, comfort me! When the house doth sigh and weep. And the world is drown'd in sleep, Yet mine eyes the watch do keep, Sweet Spirit, comfort me ! When the passing bell doth toll. And the furies in a shoal Come to fright a parting soul. Sweet Spirit, comfort me ! When the tapers now burn blue, And the comforters are few, And that number more than true. Sweet Spirit, comfort me ! When the priest his last hath pray*d. And I nod to what is said, 'Cause my speech is now decayed. Sweet Spirit, comfort me! 620 ELIZABETHAN VERSE When, God knows, I'm toss'd about Either with despair or doubt; Yet before the glass be out, Sweet Spirit, comfort me! When the tempter me pursu'th With the sins of all my youth, And half-damns me with untruth, Sweet Spirit, comfort me ! When the flames and hellish cries Fright mine ears and fright mine eyes, And all terrors me surprise. Sweet Spirit, comfort me ! When the judgment is reveal'd, And that open'd which was seal'd, When to Thee I have appeal'd. Sweet Spirit, comfort me ! R. Herrick 608. Forsake Thyself, to Heaven Turn Thee nPHE earth, with thunder torn, with fire blasted, ^ With waters drowned, with windy palsy shaken. Cannot for this with heaven be distasted. Since thunder, rain, and winds from earth are taken. Man, torn with love, with inward furies blasted, Drowned with despair, with fleshly lustings shaken. Cannot for this with heaven be distasted: Love, fury, lustings out of man are taken. 621 THE BOOK OF Then man, endure thyself, those clouds will vanish. Life is a top which whipping Sorrow driveth. Wisdom must bear what our flesh cannot banish, The humble lead, the stubborn bootless striveth : Or, man, forsake thyself, to heaven turn thee. Her flames enlighten nature, never burn thee. F. GrevilUy Lord Brooke 60 g. To Music Bent Is My Retired Mind 'T^O music bent is my retired mind -^ And fain would I some song of pleasure sing, But in vain joys no comfort now I find; From heavenly thoughts all true delight doth spring; Thy power, O God, Thy mercies to record, Will sweeten every note and every word. All earthly pomp or beauty to express Is but to carve in snow, in waves to write; Celestial things, though men conceive them less, Yet fullest are they in themselves of light : Such beams they yield as know no means to die. Such heat they cast as lifts the spirit high. T. Campion 610. A Dialogue Man. OWEETEST Saviour, if my soul "^ Were but worth the having, Quickly should I then control Any thought of waving. 622 ELIZABETHAN VERSE But when all my care and pains Cannot give the name of gains To Thy wretch so full of stains, What delight or hope remains ? Saviour. What, child, is the balance thine, Thine the poise and measure ? If I say, * Thou shalt be Mine,' Finger not my treasure. What the gains in having thee Do amount to, only He Who for man was sold can see; That transferred th' accounts to Me. Man. But as I can see no merit Leading to this favour. So the way to fit me for it Is beyond my savour! As the reason, then, is Thine, So the way is none of mine; I disclaim the whole design; Sin disclaims and I resign. Saviour. That is all : if that I could Get without repining; And My clay. My creature, would Follow My resigning; That as I did freely part With My glory and desert. Left all joys to feel all smart — Man. Ah, no more ! Thou break'st my heart ! G. Herbert 623 THE BOOK OF 6ii, Discipline TTHROW away Thy rod, -^ Throw away Thy wrath; my God, Take the gentle path. For my heart's desire Unto Thine is bent; 1 aspire To a full consent. Not a word or look I affect to own, But by book. And Thy Book alone. Though I fail, I weep; Though I halt in pace, Yet I creep To the throne of grace. Then let wrath remove; Love will do the deed; For with love Stony hearts will bleed. Love is swift of foot; Love's a man of war. And can shoot. And can hit from far. 624 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Who can 'scape his bow? That which wrought on Thee, Brought Thee low, Needs must work on me. Throw away Thy rod; Though man fraihies hath, Thou art God : Throw away Thy wrath ! G. Herbert 6i2 An Ecstasy Tj^'EN Hke two little bank-dividing brooks, -'— ' That wash the pebbles with their wanton streams. And having ranged and search'd a thousand nooks, Meet both at length in silver-breasted Thames, Where in a greater current they conjoin : So I my Best-beloved's am; so He is mine. E'en so we met; and after long pursuit, E'en so we joined; we both became entire; No need for either to renew a suit. For I was flax, and He was flames of fire: Our firm-united souls did more than twine; So I my Best-beloved's am; so He is mine. If all those glittering Monarchs, that command The servile quarters of this earthly ball. Should tender in exchange their shares of land, I would not change my fortunes for them all . Their wealth is but a counter to my coin : The world's but theirs; but my Beloved's mine. F. Quarles 625 THE BOOK OF <5/j. O Come Quickly IVJEVER weather-beaten sail more willing bent to shore, ^ ^ Never tired pilgrim's limbs affected slumber more, Than my wearied sprite now longs to fly out of my troubled breast : O come quickly, sweetest Lord, and take my soul to rest ! Ever blooming are the joys of heaven's high Paradise, Cold age deafs not there our ears nor vapour dims our eyes: Glory there the sun outshines; whose beams the Blessed only see: O come quickly, glorious Lord, and raise my sprite to Thee! T. Campion 614. The White Island TN this world, the Isle of Dreams, -^ While we sit by sorrow's streams, Tears and terror are our themes Reciting : But when once from hence we fly, More and more approaching nigh Unto young Eternity Uniting : In that whiter island, where Things are evermore sincere; Candour here, and lustre there Delighting : 626 1 ELIZABETHAN VERSE — There no monstrous fancies shall Out of Hell an horror call, To create (or cause at all) Affrighting. There in calm and cooling sleep We our eyes shall never steep; But eternal watch shall keep Attending Pleasures such as shall pursue Me immortalised, and you; And fresh joys, as never too Have ending. R. Herrick 6i^. If I Could Shut the Gate Against My Thoughts TF I could shut the gate against my thoughts ■^ And keep out sorrow from this room within, Or memory could cancel all the notes Of my misdeeds, and I unthink my sin : How free, how clear, how clean my soul should lie, Discharged of such a loathsome company ! Or were there other rooms without my heart That did not to my conscience join so near. Where I might lodge the thoughts of sin apart That I might not their clam'rous crying hear; What peace, what joy, what ease should I possess, Freed from their horrors that my soul oppress! 627 THE BOOK OF But, O my Saviour, who my refuge art, Let Thy dear mercies stand 'twixt them and me, And be the wall to separate my heart So that I may at length repose me free; That peace, and joy, and rest may be within. And I remain divided from my sin. J. Daniel 6i6. F raise and Prayer T3RAISE is devotion fit for mighty minds, -*- The diff'ring world's agreeing sacrifice; Where Heaven divided faiths united finds : But Prayer in various discord upward flies. For Prayer the ocean is where diversely Men steer their course, each to a several coast; Where all our interests so discordant be That half beg winds by which the rest are lost. By Penitence when we ourselves forsake, 'Tis but in wise design on piteous Heaven; In Praise we nobly give what God may take. And are, without a beggar's blush, forgiven. Sir W. Davenant Siy. The Collar T STRUCK the board and cried. No more; ■^ I will abroad. What, shall I ever sigh and pine ? My lines and life are free, free as the road, Loose as the wind, as large as store. 628 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Shall I be still in suit ? Have I no harvest but a thorn To let me blood, and not restore What I have lost with cordial fruit ? Sure there was wine Before my sighs did dry it; there was corn Before my tears did drown it. Is the year only lost to me ? Have I no bays to crown it ? No flowers, no garlands gay ? All blasted ? All wasted ? Not so, my heart; but there is fruit, And thou hast hands. Recover all thy sigh-blown age On double pleasure: leave thy cold dispute Of what is fit and not; forsake thy cage. Thy rope of sands Which petty thoughts have made, and made to thee Good cable to enforce and draw And be thy law. While thou didst wink and wouldst not see. Away: take heed, I will abroad. Call in thy death's-head there: tie up thy fears. He that forbears To suit and serve his need Deserves his load. But as I raved and grew more fierce and wild At every word, Methought I heard one calling * Child! * And I replied ' My Lord! ' G. Herbert 629 THE BOOK OF 6i8. The Flower TTOW fresh, O Lord, how sweet and clean -"" -"- Are thy returns ! Ev'n as the flowers in Spring, To which, besides their own demean, The late-past frosts tributes of pleasure bring; Grief melts away Like snow in May, As if there were no such cold thing. Who would have thought my shrivell'd heart Could have recover'd greenness ? It was gone Quite under ground; as flowers depart To see their mother-root, when they have blown, Where they together All the hard weather. Dead to the world, keep house unknown. These are Thy wonders. Lord of power. Killing and quick'ning, bringing down to Hell And up to Heaven in an hour; Making a chiming of a passing bell. We say amiss This or that is; Thy word is all, if we could spell. O that I once past changing were, Fast in thy Paradise where no flower can wither! Many a Spring I shoot up fair, Off''ring at Heaven, growing and groaning thither; Nor doth my flower Want a Spring shower. My sins and I joining together. 630 ELIZABETHAN VERSE But while I grow in a straight Hne, Still upwards bent, as if Heaven were mine own, Thy anger comes, and I decline; What frost to that ? What pole is not the zone Where all things burn. When Thou dost turn, And the least frown of Thine is shown ? And now in age I bud again. After so many deaths I live and write; I once more smell the dew and rain, And relish versing : O my only Light ! — It cannot be That I am he On whom Thy tempests fell all night. These are Thy wonders. Lord of love. To make us see we are but flowers that glide; Which when we once can find and prove. Thou hast a garden for us where to bide. Who would be more, Swelling through store. Forfeit their Paradise by their pride. G. Herbert 6ig. Guests 'V/'ET if His Majesty, our sovereign lord, Should of his own accord Friendly himself invite. And say, * I'll be your guest to-morrow night,' How should we stir ourselves, call and command All hands to work ! ' Let no man idle stand. 631 THE BOOK OF * Set me fine Spanish tables in the hall. See they be fitted all; Let there be room to eat, And order taken that there want no meat. See every sconce and candlestick made bright, That without tapers they may give a light. * Look to the presence : are the carpets spread. The dazie o'er the head, The cushions in the chairs. And all the candles lighted on the stairs ? Perfume the chambers, and in any case Let each man give attendance in his place ! * Thus, if the king were coming, would we do. And 'twere good reason too; For 'tis a duteous thing To show all honour to an earthly king. And after all our travail and our cost, So he be pleased, to think no labour lost. But at the coming of the King of Heaven All's set at six and seven : We wallow in our sin, Christ cannot find a chamber in the inn. We entertain Him always like a stranger. And, as at first, still lodge Him in a manger. Christ Church MS. 632 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 620, In Time of Plague A DIEU ! farewell earth's bliss, •^ ^ This world uncertain is; Fond are life's lustful joys, Death proves them all but toys. None from his darts can fly: I am sick, I must die — Lord have mercy on us! Rich men, trust not in wealth, Gold cannot buy you health; Physic himself must fade; All things to end are made; The plague full swift goes by; I am sick, I must die — Lord have mercy on us! Beauty is but a flower Which wrinkles will devour: Brightness falls from the air; Queens have died young and fair; Dust hath closed Helen's eye: I am sick, I must die — Strength stoops unto the grave. Worms feed on Hector brave: Swords may not fight with fate: Earth still holds ope her gate. ^33 THE BOOK OF Come! come! the bells do cry: I am sick, I must die — Lord have mercy on us! Wit with his wantonness Tasteth death's bitterness: Hell's executioner Hath no ears for to hear What vain art can reply; I am sick, I must die — Lord have mercy on us! Haste therefore each degree To welcome destiny : Heaven is our heritage. Earth but a player's stage. Mount we unto the sky: I am sick, I must die — Lord have mercy on us! T. Nashe 621. Most Glorious Lord 0} Life, That On This Day A /TOST glorious Lord of Life, that on this day ''■-'■ Didst make Thy triumph over death and sin, And having harrow'd hell, 'didst bring away Captivity thence captive, us to win: This joyous day, dear Lord, with joy begin. And grant that we, for whom Thou diddest die, 634 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Being with Thy dear blood clean wash'd from sin, May live for ever in felicity: And that Thy love we weighing worthily, May likewise love Thee for the same again; And for Thy sake, that all like dear didst buy. With love may one another entertain. So let us love, dear Love, like as we ought, — Love is the lesson which the Lord us taught. E. Spenser 622. Christ Crucified ' I ^HY restless feet now cannot go -*- For us and our eternal good. As they were ever wont. What though They swim, alas ! in their own flood ? Thy hands to give Thou canst not lift. Yet will Thy hand still giving be; It gives, but O, itself's the gift! It gives tho' bound, tho' bound 'tis free! R. Crashaw 62 J. Easter Song T GOT me flowers to strew Thy way, -*■ I got me boughs off" many a tree; But Thou wast up by break of day. And brought' St Thy sweets along with Thee. The sun arising in the East, Though he give light and th' East perfume, If they should off'er to contest With Thy arising, they presume. 635 THE BOOK OF Can there be any day but this, Though many suns to shine endeavour ? We count three hundred, but we miss: There is but one, and that one ever. G. Herbert 624. /^ NO, Belov'd: I am most sure ^-^ These virtuous habits we acquire As being with the soul entire Must with it ever more endure. Else should our souls in vain elect; And vainer yet were Heaven's laws, When to an everlasting cause They give a perishing effect. These eyes again thine eyes shall see, These hands again thine hand enfold, And all chaste blessings can be told Shall with us everlasting be. For if no use of sense remain When bodies once this life forsake, Or they could no delight partake. Why should they ever rise again ^. And if ev'ry imperfect mind Make love the end of knowledge here, How perfect will our love be where All imperfection is refined ! 636 ELIZABETHAN VERSE So when from hence we shall be gone, And be no more nor you nor I; As one another's mystery Each shall be both, yet both but one. Edward^ Lord Herbert of Cherhury 625. The New Jerusalem TJIERUSALEM, my happy home, -*- -*" When shall I come to thee ? When shall my sorrows have an end ? Thy joys when shall I see ? O happy harbour of the Saints ! O sweet and pleasant soil ! « In thee no sorrow may be found, No grief, no care, no toil. There lust and lucre cannot dwell. There envy bears no sway; There is no hunger, heat, nor cold, But pleasure every way. Thy walls are made of precious stones. Thy bulwarks diamonds square; Thy gates are of right orient pearl. Exceeding rich and rare. Thy turrets and thy pinnacles With carbuncles do shine; Thy very streets are paved with gold. Surpassing clear and fine. 637 THE BOOK OF Ah, my sweet home, Hierusalem, Would God I were in thee! Would God my woes were at an end, . Thy joys that I might see! Thy gardens and thy gallant walks Continually are green; There grows such sweet and pleasant flowers As nowhere else are seen. Quite through the streets, with silver sound. The flood of Life doth flow; Upon whose banks on every side The wood of Life doth grow. There trees for evermore bear fruit, And evermore do spring; There evermore the angels sit, And evermore do sing. Our Lady sings Magnificat With tones surpassing sweet; And all the virgins bear their part. Sitting about her feet. Hierusalem, my happy home. Would God I were in thee ! Would God my woes were at an end, Thy joys that I might see ! Anon, 638 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 626. Epigram Respice Ftnem 1\ yTY soul, sit thou a patient looker-on; ^^ ^ Judge not the play before the play is done: Her plot hath many changes; every day Speaks a new scene; the last act crowns the play F. Quarles 62/. What Doth It Serve to See Sim^s Burning Face "X T 7HAT doth it serve to see Sun's burning face, * ^ And skies enamelled with both Indies' gold ? Or moon at night in jetty chariot rolled, And all the glory of that starry place ? What doth it serve earth's beauty to behold, — The mountains' pride, the meadows' flowery grace. The stately comeliness of forests old. The sport of floods which would themselves embrace ? What doth it serve to hear the sylvans' songs. The wanton merle, the nightingale's sad strains. Which in dark shades seem to deplore my wrongs ? — For what doth serve all that this world contains ? — Sith she for whom those once to me were dear No part of them can have now with me here! fF. Drummond 639, THE BOOK OF 628, Aspatia^s Song T AY a garland on my hearse ^ — ' Of the dismal yew; Maidens, willow branches bear; Say, I died true. My love was false, but I was firm From my hour of birth. Upon my buried body lie Lightly, gentle earth ! J. Fletcher 62 g. Ophelia's Song TTOW should I your true love know •*- -*■ From another one ? By his cockle hat and staflp, And his sandal shoon. He is dead and gone, lady, He is dead and gone; At his head a grass-green turf, At his heels a stone. White his shroud as the mountain snow, Larded with sweet flowers. Which bewept to the grave did go With true-love showers. W. Shakespeare 640 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 6^0. Valediction^ Forbidding Mourning A S virtuous men pass mildly away, -^^^ And whisper to their souls to go; While some of their sad friends do say, Now his breath goes, and some say, No; So let us melt, and make no noise. No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move; 'Twere profanation of our joys To tell the laity our love. Moving of th' earth brings harms and fears. Men reckon what it did and meant; But trepidations of the spheres, Though greater far, are innocent. Dull sublunary lovers' love. Whose soul is sense, cannot admit Absence; for that it doth remove Those things which elemented it. But we, by a love so far refined. That ourselves know not what it is. Inter-assured of the mind. Careless, eyes, lips and hands to miss, — Our two souls therefore, which are one, Though I must go, endure not yet A breach, but an expansion. Like gold to airy thinness beat. 641 THE BOOK OF If they be two, they are two so As stiff twin compasses are two; Thy soul, the jfixt foot, makes no show To move, but doth if th' other do. And though it in the centre sit, Yet when the other far doth roam, It leans and hearkens after it, And grows erect as that comes home. Such wilt thou be to me, who must, Like th' other foot, obliquely run; Thy firmness makes my circles just, And makes me end where I begun. J. Donne 6ji. Death's Emissaries T riCTORIOUS men of earth, no more * Proclaim how wide your empires are; Though you bind on every shore And your triumphs reach as far As night or day. Yet you, proud monarchs, must obey And mingle with forgotten ashes, when Death calls ye to the crowd of common men. Devouring Famine, Plague, and War, Each able to undo mankind. Death's servile emissaries are; Nor to these alone confined, 642 ELIZABETHAN VERSE He hath at will More quaint and subtle ways to kill; A smile or kiss, as he will use the art, Shall have the cunning skill to break a heart. J. Shirley 6j2, Death the Leveller ' I ''HE glories of our blood and state -*- Are shadows, not substantial things; There is no armour against Fate; Death lays his icy hand on kings: Sceptre and Crown Must tumble down, And in the dust be equal made With the poor crooked scythe and spade. Some men with swords may reap the field, And plant fresh laurels where they kill: But their strong nerves at last must yield; They tame but one another still: Early or late They stoop to fate. And must give up their murmuring breath When they, pale captives, creep to death. The garlands wither on your brow; Then boast no more your mighty deeds; Upon Death's purple altar now See where the victor-victim bleeds. 643 THE BOOK OF Your heads must come To the cold tomb : Only the actions of the just Smell sweet and blossom in their dust. J. Shirley 633. Death, Be Not Proud T^EATH, be not proud, though some have called thee ^^ Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so; For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow Die not, poor Death; nor yet canst thou kill me. From rest and sleep, which but thy picture be. Much pleasure, then from thee much more must flow: And soonest our best men with thee do go. Rest of their bones, and souls' delivery. Thou art slave to Fate, chance, kings, and desperate men. And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell. And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well. And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou, then? One short sleep past, we wake eternally. And Death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die. J. Donne 634. Echoes Dirge for Narcissus OLOW, slow, fresh fount, keep time with my salt tears; ^^ Yet slower, yet; O faintly, gentle springs! List to the heavy part the music bears, Woe weeps out her division when she sings. 644 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Droop herbs and flowers; Fall grief in showers; Our beauties are not ours: O, I could still, Like melting snow upon some craggy hill, Drop, drop, drop, drop, Since Nature's pride is now a withered daffodil. B. Jonson 6j^. A Lovefs Dirge /^^OME away, come away, death, ^^-^ And in sad cypress let me be laid; Fly away, fly away, breath; I am slain by a fair cruel maid. My shroud of white, stuck all with yew, O prepare it! My part of death, no one so true Did share it. Not a flower, not a flower sweet. On my black coffin let there be strown; Not a friend, not a friend greet My poor corse, where my bones shall be thrown i A thousand thousand sighs to save. Lay me, O, where Sad true lover never find my grave To weep there! W. Shakespeare 645 THE BOOK OF 6j6. Robin Hood's Dirge "X ^TEEP, weep, ye woodmen, wail, ^ ^ Your hands with sorrow wring; Your master Robin Hood Hes dead, Therefore sigh as you sing. Here lies his primer and his beads. His bent bow and his arrows keen, His good sword and his holy cross: Now cast on flowers fresh and green. And, as they fall, shed tears and say Well-a, well-a-day, well-a, well-a-day: Thus cast ye flowers fresh and sing. And on to Wakefield take your way. J. Munday and H. Chettle 6jy. A Land Dirge /^^ALL for the robin-redbreast and the wren, ^-^ Since o'er shady groves they hover, And with leaves and flowers do cover The friendless bodies of unburied men. Call unto his funeral dole The ant, the field-mouse, and the mole. To rear him hillocks that shall keep him warm. And (when gay tombs are robbed) sustain no harm; But keep the wolf far thence, that's foe to men, For with his nails he'll dig them up again. J. Webster 646 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 6j8. A Sea Dirge "C^ULL fathom five thy father lies; -'- Of his bones are coral made; Those are pearls that were his eyes: Nothing of him that doth fade, But doth suffer a sea-change Into something rich and strange. Sea nymphs hourly ring his knell: Ding-dong. Hark! now I hear them, — Ding-dong, bell! W. Shakespeare 6jg. The Shrouding of the Duchess of Malfi TTARK! Now everything is still, ^ ^ The screech-owl and the whistler shrill, Call upon our dame aloud, And bid her quickly don her shroud ! Much you had of land and rent; Your length in clay's now competent: A long war disturb'd your mind; Here your perfect peace is sign'd. Of what is't fools make such vain keeping ? Sin their conception, their birth weeping. Their life a general mist of error. Their death a hideous storm of terror. 647 THE BOOK OF Strew your hair with powders sweet, Don clean hnen, bathe your feet, And — the foul fiend more to check — A crucifix let bless your neck: 'Tis now full tide 'tween night and day; End your groan and come away. J. Webster 640. The Funeral "\ "X rnOEVER comes to shroud me, do not harm * ' Nor question much That subtle wreath of hair about mine arm; The mystery, the sign, you must not touch. For 'tis my outward soul, Viceroy to that which, unto heaven being gone. Will leave this to control And keep these limbs, her provinces, from dissolution. For if the sinewy thread my brain lets fall Through every part. Can tie those parts, and make me one of all; Those hairs, which upward grow, and strength and art Have from a better brain. Can better do 't: except she meant that I By this should know my pain, As prisoners then are manacled, when they're condemn'd to die. Whate'er she meant by it, bury it with me, For since I am Love's martyr, it might breed idolatry If into other hands these reliques came. 648 ELIZABETHAN VERSE As *twas humility T' afford to it all that a soul can do, So 'tis some bravery That, since you would have none of me, I bury some of you. 'J. Donne 641. On the Tombs in Westminster A bbey A/rORTALITY, behold and fear! It J. What a change of flesh is here! Think how many royal bones Sleep within these heaps of stones ! Here they lie had realms and lands. Who now want strength to stir their hands: Where from their pulpits seal'd with dust They preach, ' In greatness is no trust.' Here's an acre sown indeed With the richest royall'st seed That the earth did e'er suck in Since the first man died for sin: Here the bones of birth have cried * Though gods they were, as men they died ! ' Here are sands, ignoble things, Dropt from ruin'd sides of kings : Here's a world of pomp and state Buried in dust, once dead by fate. F. Beaumont 649 THE BOOK OF 642. The Phoenix and the Turtle T ET the bird of loudest lay, -*-^ On the sole Arabian tree, Herald sad and trumpet be, To whose sound chaste wings obey. But thou shrieking harbinger. Foul precurrer of the fiend, Augur of the fever's end. To this troop come thou not near! From this session interdict Every fowl of tyrant wing. Save the eagle, feathered king: Keep the obsequy so strict. Let the priest in surplice white, That defunctive music can, Be the death-divining swan, Lest the requiem lack his right. And thou treble-dated crow. That thy sable gender makest With the breath thou giv'st and takest, *Mongst our mourners shalt thou go. Here the anthem doth commence; Love and constancy is dead; Phcenix and the turtle fled In a mutual flame from hence. 650 ELIZABETHAN VERSE So they loved, as love in twain Had the essence but in one; Two distincts, division none: Number there in love was slain. Hearts remote, yet not asunder; Distance, and no space was seen Twixt the turtle and his queen: But in them it were a wonder. So between them love did shine. That the turtle saw his right Flaming in the phoenix' sight; Either was the other's mine. Property was thus appalled, That the self was not the same; Single nature's double name Neither two nor one was called. Reason, in itself confounded, Saw division grow together. To themselves yet either neither, Simple were so well compounded, That it cried, * How true a twain Seemeth this concordant one! Love hath reason, reason none, If what parts can so remain.* 651 THE BOOK OF Whereupon it made this threne To the phoenix and the dove, Co-supremes and stars of love, As chorus to their tragic scene. Threnos Beauty, truth, and rarity, Grace in all simplicity, Here enclosed in cinders lie. Death is now the phoenix' nest; And the turtle's loyal breast To eternity doth rest. Leaving no posterity: 'Twas not their infirmity. It was married chastity. Truth may seem, but cannot be; Beauty brag, but 'tis not she; Truth and beauty buried be. To this urn let those repair That are either true or fair; For these dead birds sigh a prayer. fF. Shakespeare 6^ J. On the Death of Sir Philip Sidney *IVE pardon, blessed soul, to my bold cries. If they, importunate, interrupt the song Which now, with joyful notes, thou sing'st among 652 G ELIZABETHAN VERSE The angel-choristers of heavenly skies. Give pardon eke, sweet soul, to my slow^ eyes, That since I saw thee now it is so long. And yet the tears that unto thee belong To thee as yet they did not sacrifice. I did not know that thou wert dead before; I did not feel the grief I did sustain; The greater stroke astonisheth the more; Astonishment takes from us sense of pain; I stood amazed when others' tears begun. And now begin to weep when they have done. H. Constable 644. From ' Daphnalda ' An Elegy ^HE fell away in her first ages spring, ^^ Whil'st yet her leaf was green, and fresh her rinde, And whil'st her branch fair blossoms forth did bring, She fell away against all course of kind. For age to die is right, but youth is wrong; She fell away like fruit blown down with windo Weep, Shepherd ! weep, to make my undersongo Yet fell she not as one enforc'd to die, Ne died with dread and grudging discontent. But as one toil'd with travail down doth lie. So lay she down, as if to sleep she went. And closed her eyes with careless quietness; The whiles soft death away her spirit sent, And soul assoyld from sinful fleshliness. 653 THE BOOK OF How happy was I when I saw her lead The Shepherd's daughters dancing in a round ! How trimly would she trace and softly tread The tender grass, with rosy garland crown'd ! And when she list advance her heavenly voice, Both Nymphs and Muses nigh she made astown'd And flocks and shepherds caused to rejoice. But now, ye Shepherd lasses! who shall lead Your wandering troops, or sing your virelays ? Or who shall dight your bow'rs, sith she is dead That was the Lady of your holy days ? Let now your bliss be turned into bale. And into plaints convert your joyous plays. And with the same fill every hill and dale. But I will walk this wandering pilgrimage Throughout the world from one to other end, And in affliction waste my better age : My bread shall be the anguish of my mind. My drink the tears which fro' mine eyes do rain My bed the ground that hardest I may find; So will I wilfully increase my pain. Ne sleep (the harbinger of weary wights) Shall ever lodge upon mine eye-lids more; Ne shall with rest refresh my fainting sprights Nor failing force to former strength restore: But I will wake and sorrow all the night With Philomene, my fortune to deplore; With Philomene, the partner of my plight. 6S4 ELIZABETHAN VERSE And ever as I see the stars to fall. And underground to go to give them light Which dwell in darkness, I to mind will call ' How my fair Star, (that shined on me so bright,) Fell suddenly and faded underground ; Since whose departure day is turn'd to night, And night without a Venus star is found. And she, — my Love that was, my Saint that is, — When she beholds from her celestial throne, (In which she joyeth in eternal bliss) My bitter penance, will my case bemoan, And pity me that living thus do die; For heavenly spirits have compassion On mortal men, and rue their misery. So when I have with sorrow satisfied Th' importune Fates, which vengeance on me seek, And th' heavens with long languor pacified, She, for pure pity of my sufferance meek. Will send for me : for which I daily long : And will till then my painful penance eeke. Weep, Shepherd ! weep, to make my undersong ! E. Spenser 64s . To His Paternal Country /~\ EARTH ! earth ! earth ! hear thou my voice, and be ^-^ Loving, and gentle for to cover me; Banish'd from thee I live : ne'er to return. Unless thou giv'st my small remains an urn. R. Herrick THE BOOK OF 6^6. Three Epitaphs Upon the Death of a Rare Child oj Six Years Old T^riT'S perfection, Beauty's wonder, Nature's pride, the Graces' treasure, Virtue's hope, his friends' sole pleasure. This small marble stone lies under; Which is often moist with tears For such loss in such young years. // Lovely boy! thou art not dead, But from earth to heaven fled; For base earth was far unfit For thy beauty, grace, and wit. Ill Thou alive on earth, sweet boy Hadst an angel's wit and face; And now dead thou dost enjoy. In high Heaven, an angel's place. F. Davison 64/. Upon a Child That Died TTERE she lies, a pretty bud, -*■ ^ Lately made of flesh and blood : Who as soon fell fast asleep As her little eyes did peep. Give her strewings, but not stir The earth that lightly covers her. 656 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Another T TERE a pretty baby lies ■*- ^ Sung asleep with lullabies: Pray be silent and not stir Th' easy earth that covers her. R. Herrick 64^. Exequy on His Wife A CCEPT, thou shrine of my dead saint, ^ ^ Instead of dirges this complaint; And for sweet flowers to crown thy herse Receive a strew of weeping verse From thy grieved friend, whom thou might'st see Quite melted into tears for thee. Dear loss! since thy untimely fate, My task hath been to meditate On thee, on thee ! Thou art the book, The library whereon I look, Tho' almost blind. For thee, loved clay, I languish out, not live, the day. . . . Thou hast benighted me; thy set This eve of blackness did beget, Who wast my day (tho' overcast Before thou hadst thy noontide past): And I remember must in tears Thou scarce hadst seen so many years As day tells hours. By thy clear sun My love and fortune first did run; But thou wilt never more appear 657 THE BOOK OF Folded within my hemisphere, Since both thy light and motion, Like a fled star, is fall'n and gone, And 'twixt me and my soul's dear wish The earth now interposed is. . . . I could allow thee for a time To darken me and my sad clime; Were it a month, a year, or ten, I would thy exile live till then. And all that space my mirth adjourn — So thou wouldst promise to return, And putting off^ thy ashy shroud At length disperse this sorrow's cloud. But woe is me! the longest date Too narrow is to calculate These empty hopes : never shall I Be so much blest as to descry A glimpse of thee, till that day come Which shall the earth to cinders doom, And a fierce fever must calcine The body of this world — like thine, My little world ! That fit of fire Once off, our bodies shall aspire To our souls' bliss: then we shall rise And view ourselves with clearer eyes In that calm region where no night Can hide us from each other's sight. Meantime thou hast her, earth : much good May my harm do thee ! Since it stood With Heaven's will I might not call Her longer mine, I give thee all 658 ELIZABETHAN VERSE My short-lived right and interest In her whom Hving I loved best. Be kind to her, and prithee look Thou write into thy Doomsday book Each parcel of this rarity Which in thy casket shrined doth lie, As thou wilt answer Him that lent — Not gave — thee my dear monument. So close the ground, and 'bout her shade Black curtains draw: my bride is laid. Sleep on, my Love, in thy cold bed Never to be disquieted ! My last good-night! Thou wilt not wake Till I thy fate shall overtake; Till age, or grief, or sickness must Marry my body to that dust It so much loves; and fill the room My heart keeps empty in that tomb. Stay for me there: I will not fail To meet thee in that hollow vale. And think not much of my delay: I am already on the way, And follow thee with all the speed Desire can make, or sorrows breed. Each minute is a short degree And every hour a step towards thee. . . . Tis true — with shame and grief I yield — Thou, like the van, first tookst the field; And gotten hast the victory In thus adventuring to die Before me, whose more years might crave A just precedence in the grave. 659 THE BOOK OF But hark ! my pulse, like a soft drum. Beats my approach, tells thee I come; And slow howe'er my marches be I shall at last sit down by thee. The thought of this bids me go on And wait my dissolution With hope and comfort. Dear — forgive The crime — I am content to live Divided, with but half a heart. Till we shall meet and never part. H. King 6^0. On a Virtuous Young Gentlewoman That Died Suddenly OHE who to Heaven more Heaven doth annex, ^^ Whose lowest thought was above all our sex. Accounted nothing death but t' be reprieved. And died as free from sickness as she lived. Others are dragged away, or must be driven. She only saw her time and stept to Heaven; Where seraphims view all her glories o'er. As one returned that had been there before. For while she did this lower world adorn, Her body seemed rather assumed than born; So rarified, advanced, so pure and whole. That body might have been another's soul; And equally a miracle it were That she could die, or that she could live here. W. Cartwrtght 660 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 6^1. 0} His Dear Son^ Gervase T^EAR Lord, receive my son, whose winning love -■-^ To me was like a friendship, far above The course of nature or his tender age; Whose looks could all my bitter griefs assuage : Let his pure soul, ordained seven years to be In that frail body which was part of me. Remain my pledge in Heaven, as sent to show How to this port at every step I go. Sir J. Beaumont 6^2. A Part of An Ode To the Immortal Memory and Friendship of that Noble Pair, Sir Lucius Gary and Sir H. Morison TT is not growing like a tree ^ In bulk, doth make man better be; Or standing long an oak, three hundred year, To fall a log at last, dry, bald, and sere: A lily of a day Is fairer far in May, Although it fall and die that night; It was the plant and flower of light. In small proportions we just beauties see; And in short measures, life may perfect be. Call, noble Lucius, then for wine. And let thy looks with gladness shine; Accept this garland, plant it on thy head, And think — nay, know — thy Morison s not dead. 66i THE BOOK OF He leap'd the present age, Possest with holy rage To see that bright eternal Day Of which we Priests and Poets say Such truths as we expect for happy men; And there he lives with memory — and Ben Jonson : who sung this of him, ere he went Himself to rest. Or taste a part of that full joy he meant To have exprest In this bright Asterism Where it were friendship's schism — Were not his Lucius long with us to tarry — To separate these twy Lights, the Dioscuri, And keep the one half from his Harry. But fate doth so alternate the design. Whilst that in Heav'n, this light on earth must shine. And shine as you exalted are ! Two names of friendship, but one star: Of hearts the union : and those not by chance Made, or indenture, or leased out to advance The profits for a time. No pleasures vain did chime Of rimes or riots at your feasts, Orgies of drink or feign'd protests; But simple love of greatness and of good, That knit brave minds and manners more than blood. 662 ELIZABETHAN VERSE This made you first to know the Why Tou Itkedy then after, to apply That Hking, and approach so one the t'other Till either grew a portion of the other: Each styled by his end The copy of his friend. You lived to be the great surnames And titles by which all made claims Unto the Virtue — nothing perfect done But as a CART or a MORISON. And such the force the fair example had As they that saw The good, and durst not practise it, were glad That such a law Was left yet to mankind, Where they might read and find FRIENDSHIP indeed was written, not in words, And with the heart, not pen. Of two so early men, Whose lines her rules were and records : Who, ere the first down bloomed on the chin. Had sowed these fruits, and got the harvest in. B. Jonson 6^j. On the Lady Mary Villiers 'T'HE Lady Mary Villiers lies ^ Under this stone; with weeping eyes The parents that first gave her birth. And their sad friends, laid her in earth. 663 THE BOOK OF If any of them, Reader, were Known unto thee, shed a tear; Or if thyself possess a gem As dear to thee, as this to them, Though a stranger to this place Bewail in theirs thine own hard case: For thou perhaps at thy return Mayst find thy DarHng in an urn. T. Carew 654. Hero's Epitaph T^ONE to death by slanderous tongues ■^^^ Was the Hero that here lies; Death, in guerdon of her wrongs. Gives her fame which never dies: So the life that died with shame. Lives in death with glorious fame. W. Shakespeare 655. Epitaph On the Countess Dowager of Pembroke T TNDERNEATH this sable hearse ^^ Lies the subject of all verse, Sidney's sister, Pembroke's mother: Death, ere thou hast slain another. Fair, and learn'd, and good as she, Time shall throw a dart at thee. 664 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Marble piles let no man raise To her name : in after days, Sorae kind woman born as she, Reading this, like Niobe Shall turn marble, and become Both her mourner and her tomb. W. Browne or B. Jonson 6^6, Epitaph on Elizabeth L. H. 'X "X rOULD'ST thou hear what man can say * * In a little ? Reader, stay. Underneath this stone doth lie As much beauty as could die; Which in life did harbour give To more virtue than doth live. If at all she had a fault Leave it buried in this vault. One name was Elizabeth, The other, let it sleep with death. Fitter, where it died, to tell. Than that it lived at all. Farewell. B. Jonson 6^y, An Epitaph on Salathiel Pavy A Child of Queen Elizabeth's Chapel "\1 TEEP with me all you that read ^ ^ This little story ; And know, for whom a tear you shed Death's self is sorry. 665 THE BOOK OF *Twas a child that so did thrive In grace and feature, As heaven and nature seemed to strive Which own'd the creature. Years he number'd scarce thirteen When Fates turn'd cruel, Yet three fill'd zodiacs had he been The stage's jewel; And did act, (what now we moan) Old men so duly. As, sooth, the Parcae thought him one, He played so truly. So, by error to his fate, They all consented; But, viewing him since, alas too late! They have repented; And have sought, to give new birth, In baths to steep him; But, being so much too good for earth. Heaven vows to keep him. B. Jonson 6^8. Upon the Death of Sir Alhertus Morton's Wife H E first deceased; she for a little tried To live without him, liked it not, and died. Str H. Wotton 666 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 6^g. In Obitum M S, X. Maij, 1614 A /TAY ! Be thou never graced with birds that sing, ^^^ Nor Flora's pride! In thee all flowers and roses spring, Mine only died. W. Browne 660. The Widow TTOW near me came the hand of Death, ^ -*■ When at my side he struck my Dear, And took away the precious breath What quicken'd my beloved peer ! How helpless am I thereby made! By day how grieved, by night how sad ! And now my life's delight is gone, — Alas! how I am left alone! The voice which I did more esteem Than music in her sweetest key, Those eyes which unto me did seem More comfortable than the day; Those now by me, as they have been Shall never more be heard or seen; But what I once enjoy'd in them Shall seem hereafter as a dream. Lord ! keep me faithful to the trust Which my dear spouse reposed in me: To him now dead preserve me just In all that should performed be! 667 THE BOOK OF For though our being man and wife Extendeth only to this Hfe, Yet neither Hfe nor death should end The being of a faithful friend. G. Wither 66 1, An Epitaph upon Husband and Wife Who Died and Were Buried Together * 'THO those whom death again did wed -^ This grave's the second marriage-bed. For though the hand of Fate could force Twixt soul and body a divorce, It would not sever man and wife, Because they both lived but one life. Peace, good reader, do not weep; Peace, the lovers are asleep. They, sweet turtles, folded lie In the last knot that love could tie. Let them sleep, let them sleep on, Till the stormy night be gone, And the eternal morrow dawn; Then the curtains will be drawn. And they wake into a light Whose day shall never die in night.* R. Crashaw 668 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 662. Troll the Bowl /^^ OLD'S the wind, and wet's the rain, ^-^ Saint Hugh be our good speed ! Ill is the weather that bringeth no gain, Nor helps good hearts in need. Troll the bowl, the jolly nut-brown bowl, And here's, kind mate, to thee ! Let's sing a dirge for Saint Hugh's soul, And down it merrily. r. Dekker 66 J. The Bonny Earl 0} Murray \/E Highlands, and ye Lawlands ! O where hae ye been ? They hae slain the Earl of Murray: And hae laid him on the green ! Now wae be to thee, Huntley! And whairfore did ye sae ? I bade you, bring him wi' you: But forbade you him to slay! He was a braw gallant. And he rid at the ring; And the bonny Earl of Murray, O, he might hae been a King! 669 THE BOOK OF He was a braw gallant, And he play'd at the ba' ; And the bonny Earl of Murray Was the flower amang them a*! He was a braw gallant, And he played at the gluve ! And the bonny Earl of Murraf, O, he was the Queen's Luvel O lang will his Lady Look owre the Castle Downe, Ere she see the Earl of Murray Come sounding through the town 1 A. non. 664. An Elegy 0} a Woman'' s Heart r\ FAITHLESS World ! and thy more faithless part, ^-^ A Woman's Heart! The true Shop of Variety ! where sits Nothing but fits And fevers of Desire, and pangs of Love; Which toys remove! Why was She born to please! or I, to trust Words writ in dust ! SufF'ring her eyes to govern my despair; My pain, for air ! And fruit of time rewarded with untruth. The food of Youth ! Untrue She was: yet I believed her eyes, (Instructed spies !) 670 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Till I was taught, that Love was but a School To breed a Fool ! Or sought She more, by triumphs of denial, To make a trial, How far her smiles commanded my weakness I Yield, and confess ! Excuse no more thy folly! but, for cure. Blush, and endure As well thy shame, as Passions that were vain! And think, 'tis gain To know, — That Love, lodged in a Woman's Breast Is but a guest ! Str H. fVotton 665. Comfort to a Youth That Had Lost His Love A "^ THAT needs complaints. When she a place Has with the race Of saints ? In endless mirth She thinks not on What's said or done In Earth. She sees no tears, Or any tone Of thy deep groan She hears; 671 THE BOOK OF Nor does she mind Or think on *t now That ever thou Wast kind; But changed above. She hkes not there, As she did here, Thy love. Forbear therefore, And lull asleep Thy woes, and weep No more. R. Herrick 666. Let No Bird Sing /"^LIDE soft, ye silver floods, ^^ And every spring: Within the shady woods Let no bird sing! Nor from the grove a turtle-dove Be seen to couple with her love; But silence on each dale and mountain dwell, Whilst Willy bids his friend and joy farewell. But of great Thetis' train, Ye mermaids fair, That on the shores do plain Your sea-green hair, 672 ELIZABETHAN VERSE As ye in trammels knit your locks, Weep ye; and so enforce the rocks In heavy murmurs through the broad shores tell How Willy bade his friend and joy farewell. Cease, cease, ye murdering winds, To move a wave; But if with troubled minds You seek his grave, Know 'tis as various as yourselves. Now in the deep, then on the shelves. His coffin toss'd by fish and surges fell, Whilst Willy weeps and bids all joy farewell. Had he Arion-like Been judged to drown. He on his lute could strike So rare a sown, A thousand dolphins would have come And jointly strove to bring him home. But he On shipboard died, by sickness fell. Since when his Willy bade all joy farewell. Great Neptune, hear a swain! His coffin take. And with a golden chain For pity make It fast unto a rock near land ! Where every calmy morn I'll stand. And ere one sheep out of my fold I'll tell, Sad Willy's pipe shall bid his friend farewell, W. Browne 673 THE BOOK OF 66^, Calantha's Dirge /'"^LORIES, pleasures, pomps, delights and ease, ^-^ Can but please. Outward senses, when the mind Is troubled, or by peace refined. Crowns may flourish and decay, Beauties shine, but fade away; Youth may revel, yet it must Lie down in a bed of dust. Earthly honours flow and waste, Time alone doth change and last. Sorrows mingled with contents prepare Rest for care; Love only reigns in death; though art Can find no comfort for a Broken Heart. J. Ford 668. Luce's Dirge C^OyiEy you whose loves are dead, ^-^ And, whiles I sing, Weep, and wring Every hand, and every head Bind with cypress and sad yew; Ribbons black and candles blue For him that was of men most true! Come with heavy moaning, And on his grave Let him have Sacrifice of sighs and groaning; 674 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Let him have fair flowers enow, White and purple, green and yellow, For him that was of men most true ! F. Beaumont 66g. Penthea's Dying Song /^^H no more, no more, too late ^-^ Sighs are spent; the burning tapers Of a life as chaste as fate, Pure as are unwritten papers. Are burnt out; no heat, no light Now remains; 'tis ever night. Love is dead; let lovers' eyes Locked in endless dreams, Th' extremes of all extremes, Ope no more, for now Love dies, Now Love dies — implying Love's martyrs must be ever, ever dying. J. Ford 6yo. An Elegy upon the Death of Doctor Donne /^~^AN we not force from widow'd Poetry, ^"-^ Now thou art dead, great Donne, one elegy To crown thy hearse ? Why yet did we not trust. Though with unkneaded, dough-bak'd prose, thy dust; Such as the unsizar'd lect'rer from the flow'r Of fading rhetoric, short-liv'd as his hour, 675 THE BOOK OF Dry as the sand that measures it, might lay Upon the ashes on the funeral day ? Have we nor tune, nor voice ? Didst thou dispense Through all our language both the words and sense ? Tis a sad truth. The pulpit may her plain And sober Christian precepts still retain; Doctrines it may, and wholesome' uses, frame, Grave homilies, and lectures; but the flame Of thy brave soul (that shot such heat and light As burnt our Earth, and made our darkness bright. Committed holy rapes upon the will. Did through the eye the melting hearts distil. And the deep knowledge of dark truths so teach As sense might judge what fancy could not reach) Must be desir'd forever. So the fire That fills with spirit and heat the Delphic quire. Which kindled first by the Promethean breath, Glow'd here a while, lies quench'd now in thy death. The Muses' garden, with pedantic weeds O'erspread, was purg'd by thee; the lazy seeds Of servile imitation thrown away. And fresh invention planted. Thou didst pay The debts of our penurious bankrupt age: Licentious thefts, that make poetic rage A mimic fury, when our souls must be Possest, or with Anacreon's ecstasy Or Pindar's, not their own; the subtle cheat Of sly exchanges, and the juggling feat Of two-edg'd words; or whatsoever wrong By ours was done the Greek or Latin tongue, Thou hast redeem'd; and open'd us a mine Of rich and pregnant fancy; drawn a line 676 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Of masculine expression, which had good Old Orpheus seen, or all the ancient brood Our superstitious fools admire, and hold Their lead more precious than thy burnish'd gold, Thou hadst been their exchequer, and no more They each in other's dung had search'd for ore. Thou shalt yield no precedence, but of time, And the blind fate of language, whose tun'd chime More charms the outward sense; yet thou may'st claim From so great disadvantage greater fame, Since to the awe of thy imperious wit Our troublesome language bends, made only fit With her tough thick-rib'd hoops to gird about Thy giant fancy, which had prov'd too stout For their soft, melting phrases. As in time They had the start, so did they cull the prime Buds of invention many a hundred year. And left the rifled fields, besides the fear To touch their harvest; yet from those bare lands Of what was only thine, thy only hands (And that their smallest work) have gleaned more Than all those times and tongues could reap before. But thou art gone, and thy strict laws will be Too hard for libertines in poetry ; They will recall the goodly, exil'd train Of gods and goddesses, which in thy just reign Was banish'd noble poems. Now, with these. The silenc'd tales i' th' Metamorphoses Shall stuff their lines, and swell the windy page; Till verse, refined by thee, in this last age 677 THE BOOK OF Turn ballad-rhime, or those old idols be Adorn'd again with new apostasy. Oh pardon me ! that break with untun'd verse The reverent silence that attends thy hearse; Whose solemn, awful murmurs were to thee, More than these rude lines, a loud elegy; That did proclaim in a dumb eloquence The death of all the arts, whose influence, Grown feeble, in these panting numbers lies, Gasping short-winded accents, and so dies : So doth the swiftly-turning wheel not stand r th' instant we withdraw the moving hand. But some short-time retain a faint, weak course, By virtue of the first impulsive force; And so, whilst I cast on thy funeral pile Thy crown of bays, oh let it crack a while, And spit disdain, till the devouring flashes Suck all the moisture up, then turn to ashes. I will not draw the envy, to engross All thy perfections, or weep all the loss; Those are too numerous for one elegy. And this too great to be express'd by me: Let others carve the rest; it shall suffice, I on thy grave this epitaph incise: " Here lies a king that rul'd as he thought fit The universal monarchy of wit; Here lies two flamens, and both those the best; Apollo's first, at last the true God's priest." T, Carew 678 ELIZABETHAN VERSE 6^/1, The SouVs Errand f^Oy Soul, the Body's guest, ^--^ Upon a thankless arrant, Fear not to touch the best; The truth shall be thy warrant; Go, since I needs must die. And give the World the lie! Say to the Court, it glows And shines like rotten wood; Say to the Church, it shows What's good, and doth no good; If Church and Court reply, Then give them both the lie. Tell Potentates, they live Acting by others' action, Not loved unless they give. Not strong but by a faction: If Potentates reply. Give Potentates the lie. Tell men of high condition That manage the Estate, Their purpose is ambition, Their practice, only hate: And if they once reply. Then give them all the lie. 679 THE BOOK OF Tell them that brave it most, They beg for more by spending^ Who, in their greatest cost, Like nothing but commending r And if they make reply. Then give them all the lie. Tell Zeal it wants devotion; Tell Love it is but lust; Tell Time it is but motion; Tell Flesh it is but dust: And wish them not reply, For thou must give the lie. Tell Age it daily wasteth; Tell Honour how it alters ; Tell Beauty how she blasteth; Tell Favour how it falters; And as they shall reply. Give every one the lie. Tell Wit how much it wrangles In tickle points of niceness; Tell Wisdom she entangles Herself in overwiseness : And when they do reply. Straight give them both the lie. Tell Physic of her boldness; Tell Skill it is pretension; Tell Charity of coldness; Tell Law it is contention: 680 ELIZABETHAN VERSE And as they do reply, So give them still the lie. Tell Fortune of her blindness; Tell Nature of decay; Tell Friendship of unkindness; Tell Justice of delay : And if they will reply, Then give them all the lie. Tell Arts they have no soundness. But vary by esteeming; Tell Schools they w^ant profoundness, And stand so much on seeming. If Arts and Schools reply, Give Arts and Schools the lie. Tell faith it's fled the City; Tell how the Country erreth; Tell Manhood shakes off pity; Tell Virtue least preferreth; And if they do reply. Spare not to give the lie. So when thou hast, as I Commanded thee, done blabbing, — Although to give the lie Deserves no less than stabbing, — Yet stab at thee that will. No stab my soul can kill ! Sir W. Raleigh 68i THE BOOK OF 6j2. No Trust in Time T OOK how the flower which lingeringly doth fade, -■ — ' The morning's darHng late, the summer's queen, Spoiled of that juice which kept it fresh and green. As high as it did raise, bows low the head : Right so my life, contentments being dead. Or in their contraries but only seen. With swifter speed declines than erst it spread. And blasted, scarce now shows what it hath been. As doth the pilgrim therefore, whom the night By darkness would imprison on his way. Think on thy home, my soul, and think aright Of what yet rests thee of life's wasting day ! Thy sun posts westward, passed is thy morn. And twice it is not given thee to be born. JV. Drummond 67J. To Time INTERNAL Time, that wasteth without waste! ■'-^ That art, and art not! diest, and livest still; Most slow of all; and yet of greatest haste; Both ill and good; and neither good, nor ill; How can I justly praise thee, or dispraise: Dark are thy nights, but bright and clear thy days! Both free and scarce, thou giv'st and tak'st again; Thy womb, that all doth breed, is tomb to all; Whatso by thee hath life, by thee is slain; From thee, do all things rise: by thee they fall! 682 ELIZABETHAN VERSE Constant, inconstant, moving, standing still; WaSy Is, Shall Be, do thee both breed and kill! I lose thee, while I seek to find thee out; The farther off, the more I follow thee; The faster hold, the greater cause of doubt. Was, Is, I know: but Shall, I cannot see. All things by thee are measured ; thou, by none : All are in thee. Thou, in thyself alone! A, W 683 Sonnet Prefixed to His Majesty's Instructions to His Dearest Soi Henry the Prince /^OD gives not kings the style of gods in vain^ ^^ For on His Throne His sceptre do they sway ; And as their subjects ought them to obey. So kings should fear and serve their God again. If then ye would enioy a happy reign, Observe the statutes of your Heavenly King, And from His Law make all your laws to spring. Since His lieutenant here ye should remain : Reward the just; be steadfast, true, and plain; Repress the proud, maintaining aye the right; Walk always so as ever in His sight. Who guards the godly, plaguing the profane. And so ye shall in princely virtues shine. Resembling right your mighty king divine. King James /. 685 NOTES Page 1, Poem No. 1 — The lark now leaves his wat'ry nest. Thij beautiful lyric under the simple title Song appeared in the first collected edition of Davenant's Paems, London, 1673. Page 1, No. 2 — Fly hence, shadows. From The Lover's Melan- choly, act V. sc. 1; acted 1628. Printed 1629. Page 2, No. 3 — Pack clouds, and away, and welcome day. Sung by Valerino in act iv. sc. 6 of the Rape of Lucrece, presented about 1605. The play was first printed in 1608, and reprinted in Dialogues and Dramas, 1637. " Thomas Heywood was by far the most voluminous of the dram- atists of his age, and belonged to the class that wrote for bread and dealt with Henslowe. Besides his dramas, Heywood wrote many pageants and considerable prose of the pamphlet class. The loss of his Lives of All the Poets, if indeed it was ever published, is much to be deplored. Charles Lamb, in delight at Heywood's exquisite sense of pathos and delicate insight into the human heart, dubbed him * a prose Shakespeare.' But even Heywood is not all prose, as this musical song is sufficient to attest." (Schelling: A Book of Elizabethan Lyrics.) Line 15, Stare: starling. Page 3, No. 2 — Sing to Apollo, god of day. This song closes the Comedy of Midas, being sung at its first presentation before the " Queenes Maiestie upon Twelfe Day at Night, by the Children of Paules," January 6, 1590. It did not appear in the first printed ed. of 1592, but was restored with six additional songs in the second ed. of the play by Edward Blunt in 1632. Page 3, No. 5' — Hark, hark! the lark at heaven's gate sings. From act ii. sc. 3 of Cymbeline, 1609. Line 7, Bin: is. Page 3, No. 6 — Corydon, arise, my Cory don! From England's Helicon, 1600, where it bears the signature " Ignoto." Like most of the pieces thus signed it has been attributed to Sir Walter Raleigh, " without," says Mr. Bullen, " the slightest reason." Line 28, Say : from soie, silk. Page 6, No. 7 — Phoebus, arise. The text here followed is that of the Maitland Club reprint (1832) of the last edition (1616) of the poems published during Drummond's life. Line 4, Rouse Ment- non's mother: Awaken the dawn from the dark earth and the clouds 687 NOTES when she is resting. This is one of that limited class of early myths which may be reasonably interpreted as representations of natural phenomena. Aurora in the old mythology is the mother of Memnon (the east) and wife of Tithonus (the appearances of Earth and Sky during the last hours of Night). She leaves him every morning in renewed youth, to prepare the way for Phoebus (the sun),- whilst Tithonus remains in perpetual old age and grayness. (F. T. Pal- grave: Golden Treasury.) Line 5, Carriere: course. Line 27, By Peneiis' streams: Phcebus met his love Daphne, daughter of the river-god, by the river Peneus, in the vale of Tempe. Line 30, When two thou did to Rome appear: Cf. Livy xxviii. 2 (of the Second Punic War, b. c. 206. " In civitate tanto discrimine belli sollicita . . . multa prodigia nuntiabantur . . . et AlbcB duos soles visas referebant." A like phenomenon is mentioned again in xxxix. 14. B.C. 204). Cf. also Pliny, Natural History, II. 31; thus trans- lated by Philemon Holland: "Over and besides, many sunnes are seen at once, neither above nor beneath the bodie of the true sunne indeed, but crosswise and overthwart; never neere, nor directly against the earthe, neither in the night season, but when the sunne either riseth or setteth. Once they are reported to have been scene at noone day in Bosphorus and continued from morne to even." (This from Aristot\&, Meteor., III. 2. 6.) "Three sunnes together our Auncitors in old time have often beheld, as namely when Sp. Posthumius and Q. Mutius, Q. Martins with M. Porcius, M. Antonius with P. Dolabella, and Mar. Lepidus with L. Plancus, were consuls. Yea and we in our daies have seen the like, in the time of CI. Ca;sar of famous memorie, his Consulship, together with Cornelius Orsitus, his colleague. More than three we never to this day find to have been scene together." Drummond's reference is perhaps to the famous instance italicized. (A. T. Quiller-Couch, The Golden Pomp.) Line 37, Purple ports of death: {ports: gates). Drummond elsewhere speaks of lips as " coral ports of bliss," and the " double port of love." Line 42, Night like a drunkard reels: Cf. Romeo and Juliet, act ii. sc. 3: And flecked darkness like a drunkard reels From forth day's path and Titan's fiery wheels. Line 45, The clouds bespangle with bright gold their blue: Mr. Palgrave in The Golden Treasury for the last three lines follows the variant which reads: The clouds with orient gold spangle their blue Here is the pleasant place — And nothing wanting is, save She, alas! Mr. Quiller-Couch in The Golden Pomp follows Mr. Palgrave's ex- ample, and expresses his opinion that the ending in the 1616 text " seems comparatively weak." I note, however, that in his later published Oxford Book of English Verse he restores the original ending of the text as it is printed here. Page 7, No. 8 — On a fair m.orning, as I came by the way. From Thomas Morley's Madrigals to Four Voices, 1600. Page 9, No. 10 — Hey! now the day dawis. "This lovely poem," says Crantoun, " is one of the happiest efforts of Montgomerie's 688 NOTES Muse, and shows his lyric genius at its best. It is perhaps the oldest set of words extant, to the air, ' Hey tuttie taittie ' — the war-note sounded for the Bruce on the field of Bannockburn and familiarized to every one by Burns's ' Scots wha hae.' From allu- sions to the tune, Dunbar and other poets prior to Montgomerie, we conclude that it enjoyed a rare popularity. Gavin Douglas bears testimony to the favour in which it was held by the ' men- stralis ' of his day in the following lines of ' The Prolong of the Threttene Buik of Eneados: ' The dewy grene, pulderit with daseis gay, Schew on the sward a cullout dapill gray; The mysty vapouris springand up full sweit. Waist confortabill to glaid all mannis spreit; Tharto, thir byrdis singis in the schawis, As menstrallis playing, The joly day now dawis." Line 13, The turtle that true is. Compare, " As doth tlie turtle for . her make," in Montgomerie's poem He Bids Adieu to His Mistress. The turtle-dove became celebrated for the constancy of its affection. Indeed, the " billing and cooing " of the pigeon has passed into a proverb. Compare Catullus: Nee tantum niveo gavisa est ulla columbo Compar. •- — Carm. Ixviii., 125, 126. Propertius: Exemplo junctae tibi sint in amore columbae Masculus et totum femina conjugium. Errat qui finem vesani quaerit amoris: Verus amor nullum novit habere modum. — Eleg. III. vii. 27-30. And Martial: Basia me copiunt blandas imitata columbas. — Epigr. Bk. xi. cir. 9. Amplexa collum basioque tarn longo Blandita, quam sunt nuptias columbarum. — - Epigr. Bk. xii. Ixv. 7. Line 36, Fone: foes. The form is also found as singular. See Roland's Court of Venus: Fra that they knew that he wa Venus fone. — Bk. ii. 1. 331. Page 11, No. 11 — What bird so sings, yet so does wail. From Alexander and Canipaspe, act v. sc. 1, first produced at the Court Ne\v Year's Eve or Day of Christmas, 1581-2. Line 5, Brave prick- song. " The nightingale's song, being full of rich variety, is often termed prick-song by old writers. So they speak of the cuckoo's plain-song." (Bullen.) " Harmony written or pricked down in opposition to plain-song, where descant rested with the will of the singer." (Chappell.) Line 7, Now at heaven's gate she claps her wings. The comparison has been made of this line to the opening words of Shakespeare's song in Cymbeline, ii. 3. 21. (See p. 3, No. 5-) " A different, but inferior and I think later version of Lyly's song altering the fourth line and also substituting the sparrow for 689 NOTES the robin is given, with Cupid and My Campaspe, but without source or author specified in Thomas Lyle's Ancient Ballads and Songs, 1827." (R. Warwick Bond.) Page 11, No. 12 — Spring, the sweet Spring, is the year's pleas- ant King. From Summer's Last Will and Testament, 1600. Line 5, The palm and May, etc. See note to Herrick's Corinna's May- ing (p. 24, No. 28) for this old custom of May Day. Page 11, No. 13 — < Fresh Spring, the herald of love's mighty King. From the Amoretti, 1595, Sonnet Ixx. (See note to No. 352.) Page 12, No. 14 — The soote season, that bud and bloom forth brings. Line 1, Soote: sweet. Line 10, Smale : small. Line 11, Mings: mingles. Page 13, No. 15 — Full many a glorious morning have I seen. Sonnet xxxiii. in Shakespeare's Sonnettes, 1609. Line 6, Rack'. vapours. Malone here explains rack to be the fleeting motion ol the clouds: it more properly means the clouds themselves moving before the wind. Cf. Kipling in The Bell Buoy: When the smoking scud is blown And the greasy wind-rac^ lowers. ♦ Page 14, No. 16 — Beauty, sweet Love, is like the morning dew. In Dr. Grosart's ed. of Daniel's Works, this sonnet is numbered 1., though in earlier editions it is assigned xlvii. in Delia, 1592. The date of publication of these sonnets one year after those of Sid- ney's, classes their author with the latter poet as a pioneer in the experiment of a literary fashion which shares with the drama the glories of the Age that left them unexcelled. Line 2, Refresh: refreshing. Line 5, Flourish: flourishing, i. e. to blossom. Line 11, And that, in Beauty's Lease: In the ed. of 1594 appears a later version of these concluding lines: When time has made a passport of thy fears, Dated in Age, the Kalends of our death, But ah! no more! This hath been often told. And women grieve to think thoy must grow old. Page 14, No. 17 — When daffodils begin to peer. Autolycus' song in The Winter's Tale, 1611; act iv. sc. 3. In the text of the play an interjected sentence and two more stanzas follow the three verses here given: I have served Prince Florizel and in my time wore three-pile [velvet]; but now I am out of service: But shall I go mourn for that, my dear? The pale moon shines by night: And when I wander here and there, I then do most go right. If tinkers may have leave to live, And bear the sow-skin budget. Then my account I well may give, And in the stocks avouch it. 690 NOTES Line 2, Doxy: a loose wench. Line 7, pugging: thieving, from the old word " puggard," a thief. Page IS, No. 18 — Fair is my love for April's in her face. From Perimedes the Blacksmith, 1588. In Morley's First Book of Madri- gals (1594) there is a madrigal with the stanza: April is in my mistress' face, And July in her eyes hath place; Within her bosom is September, But in her heart a cold December. Oliphant surmises, in the Musa Madrigalesca, p. 74, that both are translated from a foreign original. Lines 17, 18, My harvest in the grass bears grain, and, The rock will wear, washed with a winter's rain, are proverbs. Compare the opening lines of Greene's Dora- licia's Ditty : In time we see that silver drops The craggy stones make soft, etc, and also " the stanza in a poem to which Prof. Schelling calls atteiition, signed " M. T.," published in The Paradise of Dainty Devises, beginning: The sturdy rock for all his strength. By raging seas is rent in twain; The marble stone is pierced, at length, With little drops of drizzling rain. Page 16, No. 19 — O if thou knew'st how there thyself dost harm. Sonnet xxxiii. in Aurora, from the first collected Ed. of Stirling Poems, Glasgow, 1870. Page 16, No. 20 — O happy Tithon! if thou know'st thy hap. Song ix., in Aurora, Poems, 1870. Six stanzas have been omitted. Line 4, Leman: from French I'aimant, a sweetheart. Page 18, No. 22 ^ Ask me why I send you here. This song has been attributed to both Carew and Herrick, but is claimed un- reservedly for Herrick in Grosart's, Palgrave's, and Pollard's editions of the poet. Quiller-Couch in his Golden Pomp says, " I have used Carew's text which appears to me superior;" but on examining the same editor's " Oxford Book of English Verse " there is discovered his use of the accepted text from the Hesperides, 1648, which seems to leave no doubt as to his final opinion of the author- ship. I append the reading of the first stanza of Carew's text, in which the variants are mostly contained: Ask me why I send you here This firstling of the infant year? Ask me why I send to you This Primrose, all bepearl'd with dew? I straight whisper to your ears: The sweets of love are washed with tears. Page 19, No. 24 — It fell upon a holly eve. From The Shepherd's Calender: August (1579). '* Perigot maketh all his song in praise of his love, to whom Willy answereth every under verse." (E. K.'s 691 NOTES Glosse upon the Calendar.) In the original edition the names of Perigot and Willy were printed alternately throughout the poem. Line 8, Spill: perish. Line 9, BeUibone : Belle et bonne, a com- pound, the reverse of the more usual Bonibell of the next verse (Schelling). Line 15, Saye: skirt of coarse material. Line 14, Gray is greete: gray denotes weeping or mourning. Line 23, Wood: mad. Line 27, Rovde: Took a glance or roving shot at; cf. "At marks full forty score they used to prick and rove," Drayton's Polyolbion, Song xxvi. Line 35, Lightsome levin: brilliant light- ning. Line 43, Gryde: pierced. Line 45, Raunch: wrench. Line 55, Thilk : the ilk, i.e., the same. Line 56, You may bye gold: a proverb. Line 61, Gracelesse grief e: a grief that comes from not obtaining her grace or favour. Line 67, Priefe: proof. Page 21, No. 25 — On a day — alack the day. From Love's Labour's Lost, act iv. sc. 3. This sonnet of Dumain's was also pub- lished in The Passionate Pilgrim, 1599, and England's Helicon, 1600. Line 3, Passing fair: Fairholt calls attention to the use of this phrase in Lyly's Sapho and Phao, 1584; "I fear me, fair be a word too foul for a face so passing fair," act ii. sc. 1. Line 6, 'Gan passage find: in Dr. Furness' Variorum ed. of Shakespeare the reading is " can passage find." The early English poets used can for 'gan or began. " Gan," says Dr. Furness, " is surely out of place in the present line." (Ibid., vol. xiv., p. 171.) Page 23, No. 27 — Little think'st thou, poor flower. Line 18, Wilt: Ed. of 1669, reads Will. Page 24, No. 28 — Get up, get up for shame! Line 2, The god unshorn: Apollo. Line 4, Fresh-quilted colours through the air: Dr. Grosart points out the similarity of this figure with Milton's "tissued clouds" in the Nativity, line 146. Line 28, Beads: prayers. Line 32, ''' Devotion gives each house a bough," etc. It is an ancient custom in Devon and Cornwall to deck the porches of houses with boughs of sycamore on a May-day. For a full account of the May- day customs alluded to in this poem see Brand's Popular Antiquities, vol. i., p. 212. The last stanza is in the same spirit with Catullus' Fifth Carmen. Page 27, No. 29 — This day Dame Nature seemed in love. " This piece," says Dr. Hannah, in his edition of the Poems of Sir Henry Wotton, " is inserted in Walton's Angler (pp. 60, 61, ed. 1655), with some introductory remarks which I shall quote at some length. ' My next and last example shall be that under-valuer of money, the late Provost of Eton Colledg, Sir Henry Wotton, (a man with whom I have often fished and convers'd), a man whose for- raign Imployments in the service of this Nation, and whose expe- rience, learning, wit, and cheerfulnesse made his company to be esteemed one of the delights of mankind; -this man, — whose very approbation of Angling were sufficient to convince any modest Censurer of it, — this man was also a most dear lover, and a frequent practiser of the Art of Angling; of which he would say, 'Twas an Imployinent for his idle time, which was (then) not idly spent; for angling was, after tedious Study, A rest to his mind, a cheerer of his spirits, a devotion of sadnesse, a calmer of unquiet thoughts, a moderator of passions, a procurer of contentednesse ; and, that it. begot habits of peace and patience in. those that prof est 692 NOTES and practis'd it. — Sir, this was the saying of that Learned man; and I do easily believe that peace and patience, and a calme content did cohabit in the cheerful heart of Sir Henry Wotton, because I know, that when hee was beyond seventy yeares of age, hee made this discription of a part of the present pleasure that possest him, as he sate quietly in a summer's evening on a bank a-fishing; it is a description of the Spring, which, because it glides as soft and sweetly from his pen, as that River does now by which it was then made, I shall repeat unto you.' " There are three extant texts of the poem: i., as in the Complete Angler; ii., MS. Rawl. poet. 147, p. 47; iii., Archbishop Sancroft's MS. Tam. 465, fol. 61 va. The title given is " On the Spring," in both MSS., and signed Sr. H. Wotton. The text here followed is collated from the various readings. Line 7, There stood my fj-iend: Dr. Hannah says, "the biographers of Izaak are doubt- less right in treating this as a reference to him. Zouch, p. xiii, ed. 1796. Nicholas, pp. xxxv, 79." Page 28, No. 30 — In the merry month of May. This song was first given in the Honourable Entertainment Given to the Queen's Majesty in Progress at Elvetham in Hampshire, by the Right Honourable the Earl of Hertford in 1591. It was then entitled The Ploughman's Song, but when published in England's Helicon, 1600, it was called Phillida and Corydon, which was retained by Dr. Grosart in his ed. of Breton. The text here used is the reading of the Cosens MS. In Prof. Schelling's Book of Eliza- bethan Lyrics the following couplet is included, beginning line 3 : With a troop of damsels playing Forth the wood, forsooth a-Maying. Page 29, No. 31 ^ Sister, awake! close not your eyes! From Thomas Bateson's First Set of English Madrigals, 1604. Page 29, No. 32 — See where my Love a Maying goes. From Francis Pilkington's First Set of Madrigals, 1614. Page 30, No. 33 — Is not thilke the merry month of May. From the Shepherd's Calendar: May: sung by Palinode and Piers. Mr. Quiller-Couch, in his Golden Pomp, says: " This is one of the few instances in which I have ventured to make a short extract from a long poem and present it as a separate lyric." Mr. Couch's action has proved so successful for his purpose I have followed his example here. Page 31, No. 35 —^ Now the lusty spring, etc. From Fletcher's Tragedy of Valcntinian, produced 1618-19. Page 33, No. 37 — London, to thee I do present. From The Knight of the Burning Pestle, played 1610-11; printed 1613. ^.ine 56, Hey for our town! On May-day it was the custom for one nllage to contend with another in dancing matches. " Hey for our own " was the cry raised on such occasions. Cf. Lyrics from Eliz- ibethan Song-books, ed. 1887, p. 68: Then all at once for our town cries! Pipe on, for we will have the prize. 693 NOTES Line 59, To Hogsdon or to Newington: Hogsdon and Newington were favourite resorts of pleasure-seekers, particularly 'prentices and their sweethearts. They were noted for cakes and cream: For Hodgsdon, Islington, and Tot'nam Court For cakes and cream had then no small resort. Page 35, No. 38 — Now each creature joys the other. Printed in the first authorized ed. of Delia, 1592. I quote Prof. Schelling's comment {Book of Elizabethan Lyrics, p. 235), from his note to this Ode: "Lowell instances ' well-languaged Daniel,' as he was called by William Browne, to show 'that the artistic value of choice and noble diction was quite as well understood in his day as in ours.' He adds of Daniel: ' His poetic style is mainly as modern as that of Tennyson.' Shakespeare Once More, Prose Works, III., ii., and ibid., IV., 280." Line 11, B ereav en rta.'ke^n away by violence, a by-form of bereaved formed on the analogy of strong verbs. (Schelling.) Line 2i, One bird reports: " Samuel Daniel . . . has beautifully applied the word report — which was a technical term to denote this answering and echoing of voices in a madrigal — to the piping of birds in the woods." (Sidney Lanier, Shakespeare and His Forerunners, vol. II., p. 45.) Page 36, No. 39 — Under the greenwood-tree. From act ii. sc. 5 of As You Like It. Line 3, And turn his merry note: There has been much controversy among Shakespearian editors over the reading of turn instead of tune in this one of the best of the great poet's lyrics. Malone supports tune, citing The Two Gentlemen of Verona, act v. sc. 4, " And to the nightingale's complaining note tune my distresses." " To turn a tune or note," says Steevens, " is still a current phrase among vulgar musicians," and White cor- roborates him from observation in the counties of York and Durham, where he says the phrase is appropriate and familiar. " To ' turn a note ' means only to ' change a note; ' compare Locrine, 1595: 'When he sees that needs he must be prest, Heele turne his note and sing another tune.' Wright, after quoting this last note of Dyce's, adds: ' Even granting this, there appears to be no absolute necessity for change in the present passage, for turn his merry note may mean adapt or modulate his note to the sweet bird's song, following its changes.' " (Furness, Variorum ed. Shak., vol. viii., p. 94.) Line 10, And loves to live i' the sun: to " live i' the sun," is to labour and " sweat in the eye of Phoebus," or vitam agere sub dio ; for by lying in the sun how could they get the food they eat? (Toilet.) Line 21, Ducdame, ducdame, ducdame : due ad m,e, that is, bring him to me. (Hanmer.) "If due ad me were right, Amiens would not have asked its meaning, and been put off with a ' Greek invocation.' It is evidently a word coined for the nonce. We have here, as Butler says, ' One for sense, and one for rhyme.' Indeed, we must have a double rhyme, or the stanza cannot well be sung to the same tune with the former. I read, Ducdame, Ducdame, Here he shall see Gross fools as he, An' if he will come to Ami. That is, to Amiens. {Ami — me. B.) Jacques did not mean to ridicule himself." (Farmer.) " I have recently met with a passage in an uncoUated MS. of the Vision of Piers Plowman in the Bodleian Library, which goes far to prove that Ducdame is the burden of an old song, an explanation which exactly agrees with its position in the song of Jacques. The passage is as follows : ' Thomee Set ther some. And sunge at the 694 NOTES ale. And helpen to erye that half akre with Dusadam-me-me.' — MS. Rawl. Poet, 137, f. 6. To show that this is evidently in- tended for the burden of a song, we need only compare it with the corresponding passage in the printed edition: 'And holpen ere this half acre with How, trolly lolly.' Piers Ploughman, ed. Wright, p. 124. Making allowances for two centuries which elapsed between the appearance of Piers Plougliman and As You Like It, is there too great a difference between Dusadam-me-me and Duc- da-me to warrant my belief that the latter is a legitimate descendant of the more ancient refrain? At all events, it must be borne in mind that the commentators have not produced any old word equally near it in their dissertations on its meaning." (Halliwell, in Shake- speare Society Papers, 1844, vol. i., p. 109.) For these opinions I am indebted to Dr. Furness, Variorum Shakespeare, vol. viii., pp. 97-98. Page 37, No. 40 — Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. Printed in Witt's Recreation, 1650. Set to music by William Lawes in Play ford's Second Book of Ayres, 1652. Like many other poets of the period, Herrick's opening lines are taken direct from Ausonius, 361, lines 49, 50: Collige, virgo, rosas, dum flos novus et nova pubes, Et memor esto aevum sic properare tuum. and again — Quam longa una dies, astas tarn longa rosarum. Page 38, No. 41 — As it fell upon a day. From Poems: In Divers Humours, 1598. Perhaps no poet of this great period is considered with so regretful a recollection as the author of this immortal_ lyric. " Our first-born Kfeats," Mr. Swinburne names him, which Prof. Schelling explains as " probably in allusion to his proficiency in the heptasyllabic trochaics of this poem, a fa- vorite measure with Keats." There is something I think more internal and personal than the mere technique of his verses which makes him the literary father of Crashaw, and literary grandfather of Keats; for there are, perhaps, no three English poets, who, in a certain intense personal quality, clothed in the rich garments of an abundant vocabulary, soared so high in the same realms of melodious diction as these three. A longer version was included in the Sonnets to Sundry Notes of Music, appended to The Passionate Pilgrim, 1599. A collection, made by the piratical publisher, William Jaggard, of some genuine sonnets, etc., by Shakespeare, and other writers, all credited, by the title page, to Shakespeare. The present poem was " conveyed " with Poems in Divers Humours and appended to The Encotnion of Lady Pecunia: or the Praise of Money, the last book of verses written by Barn- field. Line 14, Tereu, Tereu: for the meaning of this cry see the note to Sidney's The Nightingale (No. 79). Line 23, Pandion: Philomela's father. Page 40, No. 43 — Thus, thus begin the yearly rites. This is the opening hymn in the Masque, Pan's Anniversary: or, The Shepherd's Holyday. The date and place of performance are uncertain. Mr. Fleay suggests it was written for King James' birthday, June 19. In the Folio of 1640 the month is not dated, 695 NOTES but the year assigned is 1625; on March 27 of which year James died. In 1623 he kept his birthday at Greenwich or at Wansted; in 1624, at Wansted. Page 41, No. 44 — My Phyllis hath the morning^ sun. This is sonnet xv., in Phyllis: Honoured with Pastorall Sonnets, Elegies and Amourous Delights, 1593. I shall quote here Prof. Schelling's note on this poem, which is full of interest: " This poem has been assigned to Sir Edward Dyer with a steady perversity which is surprising. Ward prints it as Dyer's (Engl. Poets, I., 378), and Mr. Andrew Lang more recently says: 'The young English Muse is like Sir Edward Dyer's Phyllis, the Fair Shepherdess,' quoting the first four lines of this poem immediately after. {Introduction to Elizabethan Songs in Honour of Love and Beauty, 1893, p. xxx.) The mistake has arisen from the fact that when this poem was reprinted in England's Helicon, seven years after its appearance in Phlyllis Honered with Pastoral Sonnets, the initials " S. E. D." were ignorantly subscribed to it. The poem is in the best style of Lodge, and it may be suspected that not a little of the reputa- tion of Sir Edward has depended upon this mistake." (Book of Elizabethan Lyrics, p. 238.) "Dead one: Not an unusual verb in this age; cf. And in my tears doth Urm the same" (p. 79, No. 85), and Chapman, Ody. xviii. : "With many an ill hath numbed and deaded me." (Schelling.) Page 42, No. 45 — Cast our caps and cares away. From Beg- gars' Bush, act ii. sc. 1, 1622. This song is the key-note of ex- uberant outlawry and adventure to which the play holds. Page 43, No. 46 — Tell me where is Fancy bred. From the Mer- chant of Venice, 1594, act iii. sc. 2. Compare the following in the Euphues, 1580, of Lyly: "For as by Basill the Scorpion is en- gendred, and by means of the same pest destroyed: so love, which by time and fancy is bred in an idle head, is by time and fancie banished from the heart: or as the Salamander which being a long space nourished in the fire, at the last quencheth it, so affection, having taking hold of the fancie, and living as it were in the mind of the lover, in tract of time altereth and changeth the heat, and turneth it to chilliness." Page 43, No. 47 — God Lycsus, ever young. From The Tragedy of Valentinian, act. v. sc. 8, acted about 1616; printed 1647. Lyaus, an epithet of Bacchus. Page 44, No. 48 — Tell me, dearest, what is love? From The Captain, 1647, act ii. sc. 2. This lyrical dialogue, with its refrain for both voices, has been adapted from the less beautiful form in act iii., of The Knight of the Burning Pestle, 1613. Page 44, No. 49 — Never love unless you can. From Campion's Third Book of Airs, 1617. Page 45, No. 50 — Ye bubbling springs that gentle music makes. From Thomas Greaves's Songs of Sundry Kinds, 1604. Page 46, No. 51 — There is a garden in her face. From Cam- pion's Fourth Book of Airs, 1617. Also set to music in Alison's Hour's Recreation in Music, 1606, and Robert Jones's Ultimum 696 NOTES Vale, 1608. " Cherry Ripe " was a popular street cry of the age. Compare Herrick's poem of the same title, and Jonson's The New Cry. Mr. Erskine, in his study of Tlie Elizabethan Lyric (2d. ed., 1905), says of this poem: " The unity of the poem is secured by the refrain describing her lips — 'cherry ripe.' Each stanza pic- tures some feature of the lady's beauty, but always in relation to her lips. In some respects the song represents the highest skill of the madrigal writers; its theme is extremely slight, but its effect is one of richness without superfluity and of sweetness with- out lack of force." Page 46, No. 52 — Come live with me and be my Love. This charming song was originally printed (with the exception of the fourth and sixth stanzas) in The Passionate Pilgrim, 1599, a Mis- cellany of poems written by different persons, although fraudu- lently ascribed on the title-page to Shakespeare. In the following year, 1600, the song as it is here given, appeared under Marlowe's name in England's Helicon. In 1653, Isaak Walton reprinted it, with an additional stanza not given here, in the second edition of the Complete Angler. " Few compositions of this kind," says Bell, " have enjoyed a wider or more enduring popularity, or suggested more remarkable imitations. The music to which it was sung was discovered by Sir John Hawkins in a MS. of the age of Elizabeth, and will be found in Boswell's edition of Malone's Shake- speare, and in Chappell's collection of National English Airs. Numerous ballads and songs were composed to the air of ' Come live with me and be my Love,' and there is some ground for believ- ing that Marlowe's words had displaced a still earlier song, ' Adieu, my dear ' to the same tune. (See Chappell's National Songs, ii., 139.) Shakespeare quotes The Passionate Pilgrim in The Merry Wives of Windsor, act iii. sc. 1, and Raleigh, Herrick, and Donne have either written answers to it, or constructed poems on the plan of which it may be regarded as the model. Sir John Hawkins, who considers the song to "be ' a beautiful one,' nevertheless objects to the want of truthfulness in its pastoral images. ' Buckles of gold,' he observes, ' coral clasps and amber studs, silver dishes and ivory tables are luxurious, and consist not with parsimony and simplicity of rural life and manners.' This criticism would be more just if it were not quite so literal. Allowance should be made for the fanciful treatment of the subject; nor is it at all certain that the silver dishes and ivory tables, which carry the luxuries of the shepherd's life to the excess of inconsistency, are really chargeable to Mar- lowe. The rest of the poem breathes the pure air of the country, even to the coral clasfs and amber studs, which Sir John Hawkins takes to be veritable jewelry, but which, being found in association with a girdle of strazv and ivy buds, were apparently intended to typify the blossoms of flowers. For a passage in one of the plays attributed to Marlowe, closely resembling the stanza objected to by Hawkins, see Lamb's Dramatic Specimens, {., 18." Page 47, No. S3 — If all the world and Love were voung. This Reply to Marlowe's ditty appeared in England's Helicon, 1600, signed " Ignoto," and the evidence that Raleigh wrote it is con- tained in a, famous passage in the Complete Angler: "As I left this place, and entered into the next field, a second pleasure en- tertained me. 'Twas a handsome milkmaid, that had not yet at- tained so much age and wisdom as to load her mind with any 697 NOTES fears of many things that will never be, as too many men too often do; but she cast away all care, and sung like a nightin- gale; her voice was good, and the ditty fitted for it; it was that smooth song which was made by Kit Marlowe, now at least fifty years ago; and the milkmaid's mother sung an answer to it, which was made by Sir Walter Raleigh in his younger days." In the second edition of the Angler Walton inserted — probably from a broad-sheet — an extra penultimate stanza in both Song and Reply. Page 48, No. 54 — Ye little birds that sit and sing. From The Fair Maid of the Exchange, 1607. The authorship of this play is unknown. In Mr. Quiller-Couch's Golden Pomp he attributes it to Heywood, without question, though the consensus of critical opin- ion is against the claim. Mr. Fleay has alternately claimed it for Lewis Machin and Jervais Markham. {Biographical Chronicle of The English Drama, II., 219, 329.) Page 50, No. 55 — A blithe and bonny country lass. From Rosa- lind, 1590. " About mid-dinner, to make them merry, Coridon came in with an old crowd, and plaid there a fit of mirth to which he sung this pleasant song: A blithe," etc. Page 51, No. 56 — My true-love hath my heart, etc. This ditty first appeared in Puttenham's Art of English Poetry, 1589, to illus- trate the Epimone, or the love burden. The following year it was inserted in the Arcadia, with the six additional lines quoted below: His heart his wound received from my sight, My heart was wounded with his wounded heart; For as from me on him his hurt did light, So still methought in me his hurt did smart: Both equal hurt, in this change sought our bliss. My true-love hath my heart and I have his. In this sonnet form the refrain is transferred to the close. Dr. Grosart, in his Introduction to the Shepherd's Calendar, in his ed. of Spenser's Works, vol. iv., p. xxxvi., says of this ditty: " Out- side the magical circle of Shakespeare, I cannot find the truth and tenderness of this song anywhere equalled among our Elizabethan amourists." Page 52, No. 57 — Faint Amorist, what! dost thou think. Dr. Grosart, in his ed. of Sidney's Complete Poems, vol. II., in a note to the Third Division, p. 26, says: " I give the heading of Pansies from Penshurst and WiHon (pansies for thoughts — Ham- let, iv. 5) to such of the Verse of Sidney's as has not been hitherto brought under the other divisions, etc." The sixth in this division is Wooing-Stuffe, which he states is from MS. Cottoni Posthuma, p. 327. Page 53, No. 58 — Fain to content, I bend myself to write. From the Phoenix' Nest, 1593. Page 54, No. 59 — In time of yore when shepherds dwelt. This poem was copied from the Co sens MS. by Dr. Grosart, and printed in his ed. of Breton, in Chertsey Worthies' Library, on p. 19, of Daffodils and Primroses^ As the MS. contains poems on the death 698 NOTES of Sidney, it is surmised that the date of writing must be shortly after 1586. Mr. Bullen quotes this poem in the Introduction to his Lyrics from Elizabethan Romances, and says: "There can be no harm in quoting here one little poem, a description of love- making in the happy days of pastoral simplicity, when girls did not look for costly presents (rings, chains, etc.) from their lovers, but were content with a row of pins or an empty purse, — the days when truth was on every shepherd's tongue and maids had not learned to dissemble. Whether there was ever such a time, since our first parents were driven out of Paradise, we need not stop to enquire. The old poets loved to talk about it." Line 6, Sweetinge : sweet one. Line 19, Sunny beam: Prof. Schelling thinks that here the text is apparently corrupt. Page 56, No. 60 — Turn all thy thoughts to eyes. From Cam- pion's Fourth Book of Airs, 1617. Page 57, No. 62 — If I freely can discover. From Jonson's The Poetaster, 1601. Bell, in his Songs of the Dramatists, p. 113, suggests the germ of this song to be in the following quotation from Martial's Epigrams, i., 58: Qualem, Flacce, velim quseris, nolimve puellam? Nolo nimis facilem, diificilemque nimis. lUud, quod medium est, atque inter utrumque, probamus. Nee volo, quod cruciat; nee volo, quod satiat. Line 11, She should be allowed her passions: "Professor Winchester reminds me of the wonderful realization of the ideal of this stanza by Shakespeare in the * infinite variety ' of his Cleopatra." (Prof. Schelling in A Book of Elizabethan Lyrics.) Line 13, Froward: in sense of wilful. Line 19, Delicates: charms. Page 58, No. 63 — Maid, will you Ivve me, yea or no? From A handful of Pleasant Delights, a miscellany edited by Clement Robinson in 1584. The full title given in the Miscellany is: A Proper Wooing-Song, intituled, Maid, will ye love me, yea or no? to the tune of The Merchant's Daughter went over the Field. I have followed Mr. Quiller-Couch's text and omitted the four concluding stanzas. Page 59, No. 64 — Love in my bosom, like a bee. From Rosa- lind, 1590. " A charming picture in the purest style of the later Italian Renaissance." (Palgrave, in The Golden Treasury, First Series.) Line 34, / like of thee: I am pleased with thee. Com- pare : " You have been bolder in my house than I could well like of." — Middleton, A Chaste Maid in Cheapside, Bullen's Ed., vol. v. Page 60, No. 65 — Shall I tell you whom I love? From Britan- nia's Pastorals, Bk. ii., song 2, lines 193-222. " That this charm- ing song was rightly appreciated as it circulated in MS. among the poet's friends is clear from allusions to it by John Olney in his verses prefixed to Browne's Shepherd's Pipe, 1614. It has been set to music by Dr. S. S. Wesley." (Gordon Goodwin.) Page 61, No. 66 — - It was a lover and his lass. From As You Like It; 1600, act v. sc. 3. 699 NOTES Page 62, No. 67 — Tell me, thou skilful shepherd swain. From Drayton's Pastorals, the Ninth Eclogue. The roundelay is a dia- logue between two shepherds, Motto and Perkin; the first speaking in the Roman letters and the second in Italics. In earlier editions the last line of the sixth stanza reads, To crown thy Syl. : Sylvia, in whose praise the song is made. Page 63, No. 68 — "Hey, down a down!" did Dian sing. From England's Helicon, 1600, where it was signed " Ignoto." Page 64, No. 69 — O mistress mine, where are you roaming? From Twelfth Night, 1601, act ii. so. 3. Chappell (1. 209) says this song was printed in both editions of Morley's Consort Lessons, 1599 and 1611. It also appeared in Queen Elisabeth's Virginal Book, 1603, arranged by William Byrd. On this assumption Dyce says: " As it is to be found in print in 1599, it proves either that Twelfth Night was written in or before that year, or that, in accordance with the then prevailing custom, O mistress mine was an old song introduced into the play." Line 11, Sweet-and-twenty : a phrase of endearment. For commentaries of this phrase see Dr. Furness' Variorum Ed. Shakespeare, vol. xiii., pp. 114-15-16. Page 65, No. 70 — Brown is my love but graceful. From the Second Book of Musica Transalpina, 1597. Prof. Schelling says: " The titles of Yonge's two collections show that the words as well as the music were originally Italian." Page 66, No. 72 — O that joy so soon should waste. From Cynthia's Revels, 1601. Page 67, No. 74 — Faustina hath the fairer face. From Davison's Poetical Rhapsody, 1602. Page 67, No. 75 — Fair and fair, and twice so fair. From The Arraignment _ of Paris, 1584, act i. sc. 2. I think the context in which this ditty is set so full of beauty, I quote it: Paris. Nay, what thou wilt: but sith my cunning wit compares with thine. Begin some toy that I can play upon this pipe of mine. Qinone. There is a pretty sonnet, then, we call it Cupid's Curse, " They that do change old love for new, pray gods they change for worse." The note is fine and quick withal, the ditty will agree, Paris, with that same vow of thine upon our poplar-tree. Par. No better thing; begin it then: OSnone, thou shalt see Our music figure of the love that grows 'twixt thee and me. They sing; and while CEnone singeth, he pipeth. — Fair and fair, etc. This old and passionate ditty — the very flower of an old forgotten pastoral — which, had it been in all parts equal, the Faithful Shepherdess of Fletcher had been but a second name, in this sort of writing. — (Charles Lamb.) Page 68, No. 76 — On a hill there grows a Hower. This poem of Breton's was first printed in England's Helicon, 1600. The orig- inal is with the Cosens MS., which varies slightly in the spelling 700 NOTES and contains one additional closing stanza, " which certainly rounds the poem well." (Grosart.) It reads: Make him live that dying long Never durst for comfort seek; Thou shalt hear so sweet a song Never shepherd sang the like. " A stronger and finer piece of work than any known to be his," is Mr. Palgrave's opinion of this poem, and Prof. Schelling's state- ment that " the charming particularity of these two stanzas (first and second) as to trifles might teach the lesser pre-Raphaelites somewhat," is an interesting comment. Page 70, No. 11 — It was a valley gaudy-green. From Fran- cesco's Fortunes: or the Second Part of Never Too Late, 1590. Line 62, Love's braid: Prof. Churton-Collins, in his exhaustive edition of the Plays and Poems of Greene, says: "This is not .easy to explain. Dyce suggests that it means crafts, deceits, and 'quotes All's Well that Ends Well, iv. 2. 13, 'Since Frenchmen are so braid.' The N. E. D., which connects it with the Old Norse bregdask, to change unexpectedly, to deceive, gives some instances of the word being apparently used in this sense, as in Robert of Brunne, Chronicle, " Full still away he went, that was a theue's braid." Its more obvious meaning, about which there can be no ambiguity, is in the sense of assaults and attacks, as in Golding's Translation of Ovid's Met. xiii., ' To have Ulysses ever a companion of the braid.' The original meaning of the word indicated a sudden movement (A. S. bregdan), and from this have been deduced the various meanings attached to it." The text here followed is from Prof. Churton Collins' edition of Plays and Poems of Greene, collated from the Second and Third Quartos of 1615 and 1631. Line 21, Folded: interlocked. Page 73, No. 79 — The Nightingale, as soon as April bringeth. Dr. Grosart says, " The Nightingale is certainly a song of the Stella series. It is taken from the folio Arcadia, ed. 1598. It is given to the tune of " Non credo giache pici infelice amante." Line 9, O Philomela fair, etc. Though Sidney here makes Philomela the victim of Tereus' force, the myth in transmission differs, and Procne (the swallow) is alternately made to suffer his violence. The legend, however, is one that is made much of by the Elizabethan poets in allusion of the sisters' tragedy; while Philomela has been a favorite figure in the entire range of our poetry. I quote the myth as given in Bulfinch's Age of Fable: " Pandion had two daughters, Procne and Philomela, the former of whom became queen to Tereus, King of Thrace. After the birth of their son Itylus, the king cut out his wife's tongue, and gave out that she was dead. He then married Philomela. Procne wove her story in a web, by which means Philomela was informed of the terrible fact. The sisters then slew the child Itylus, and served his flesh upon his father's table. The gods were angry, and in vengeance transformed Procne into a swallow and Philomela into a nightin- gale, ever lamenting the tragedy, and Tereus a hawk, ever pur- suing the two." Page 74, No. 80 — My bonny lass, thine eye. From The Phoenix' Nest, 1593. "For the first time in miscellany literature," Mr. NOTES Erskine writes in his Study of The Elizabethan Lyric (Ed. 1905): " complicated forms are used without disturbing the lightness of the song, as in the lyric by Thomas Lodge, beginning: " My bonnie Lass," etc. It is easy to recognize the theme of the love-plaint in this opening stanza, but the manner is quite new; the song-quality, lightness of word and imagery, has become more important than the subject-matter. This is the first example in the miscellanies of this Elizabethan trait — a joyous treatment of ostensibly un- happy themes, often practised by Shakespeare, as in ' Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more! ' The trait defies analysis, and later becomes familiar in the Cavalier lyrics." Page 76, No. 81 — Now what is Love, I pray thee, tell? Mr. BuUen says: "This poem originally appeared in The Phoenix' Nest, 1593; it is also printed (in form of a dialogue) in England's Heli- con, 1600, and Davison's Poetical Rhapsody, 1602. It is ascribed to Raleigh in a MS. list of Davison's." (Lyrics from the Eliza- bethan Song-Books.) As with Prof. Schelling, The Phoenix' Nest has been inaccessible to me; I quote his note from A Book of Elizabethan Lyrics: " 1 can find this poem in neither Mr. Bullen's ed. of England's Helicon, nor in Nicholas' ed. of the Rhapsody, moreover neither the older nor the newer ed. of Hannah's Raleigh mentions it so far as I can discover. The poem does occur in Robert Jones' Second Book, 1601 (see Bullen, ibid., p. 89), and also in Hey wood's Rape of Lucrece, 1609. I notice that Mr. Gosse appears recently to have accepted it as Heywood's. (The Jacobean Poets, p. 121.) This seems highly improbable. In the absence of proofs I have no opinion to offer. The somewhat antiquated lan- guage, especially the sauncing bell, seems to suggest an early date, however." Line 4, Sauncing bell: saints' -bell (quod ad sancta vocat); the little bell that called to prayers. Another form is " sacring bell," the bell that is sounded at the elevation of the Host, (Bullen.) Line 18, Sain: p.p. of say. Page 79, No. 84 — Lady, when I behold the roses sprouting. From John Wilbye's Madrigals, 1598. It is a translation from the Italian. There is another and poorer translation made by Lodge and printed earlier, in his The Life and Death of William Long- beard. Page 79, No. 85 — Love guards the Roses of thy lips. From Lodge's Phillis. Love guides the roses, is the reading of the old editions. Mr. Bullen thinks guides a misprint for guild es; gulxrds, however, is "even more obvious" (Quiller-Couch), and is generally given, though Prof. Schelling has gilds. Page 80, No. 86 — Love for such a cherry lip. From Blurt, Master Constable, 1602. Line 7, Owe: own. Line 10, Wait: attend as cup-bearer. Line 11, Phoebe here one night did lie: i. e., should Phcebe lie here one night. Page 81, No. 88 — Who hath his fancy pleased. To the tune of ' Wilhelmus van Nassau/ etc. From Certaine Sonets, 1598. In 702 NOTES Dr. Grosart's ed. of Sidney's Poems, it is given in the division of Pansies from Penshurst and Wilton, vol. ii., p. 56. Page 82, No. 89 — Pretty twinkling starry eyes. Sonnet 11, in The Passionate Shepherd, 1604. Two stanzas have been omitted from the text, which the editor regrets, and they are inserted here: Sure ye were not made at first. For such mischief to be cursl : As to kill affection's care, That doth only truth declare. Where worth's wonders never witiier, Love and Beauty live together. Blessed eyes then give your blessing. That in passion's best expressing: Love that only lives to grace >e. May not suffer pride deface ye. But in gentle thought's directions, Show the praise of your perfections. Page 83, No. 91 — Those eyes that set my fancy on a -fire. From William Barley's New Book of Tabliture, 1596. Prof. Schelling's note on this sonnet is so very interesting and in- structive that I quote it entire: "It will be noticed that the construction of this sonnet is quite a piece of artifice. The four words, eyes, hairs, hands, and wit, are spread out, as it were, successively, each briefly characterized, and then gathered back intO one in the question: Then Love be judge, etc. These words are again spread forth in the same order, with a characterization, and lastly each is apostrophized." (A Book of Elizabethan Lyrics.) Mr. BuUen, in the Introduction to his Lyrics from the Elizabethan Song Books, says: " One sonnet {Those eyes, etc.) is from William Barley's very rare New Book of Tabliture, 1596: it had previ- ously appeared in The Phanix' Nest, 1593. The concluding lines are in the great Elizabethan style — ' O eyes that pierce,' etc. This sonnet is freely translated from Philippe Desportes; but the anonymous translator has surpassed the French poet." Line 12, That wear a royal crown: The suggestion in the Percy Society Publica- tions, xiii., 37, is that this sonnet was originally addressed to Queen Elizabeth. Prof. Schelling's " but assuredly the Queen's auburn locks could not be designated ' hairs of night,' " leads to doubtful conclusions. Line 5, What heart may there withstand: May there- with stand. (BuUen.) Page 83, No. 92 — Drink to me only with thine eyes. From The Forest, 1616. Mr. Quiller-Couch says: " It is one of Ben Jonson's distinctions among English poets that he contrives to be most spontaneous when most imitative. This immortally careless rapture is meticulously pieced together from scraps of the Love Letters of Philostratus, a Greek rhetorician of the second century A. D." {The Golden Pomp.) Compare Herrick's Upon a Virgin Kissing a Rose, Hesperides, 144. Page 84, No. 93 — Behold a wonder here. From John Dow- land's Third and Last Book of Songs and Airs, 1603. NOTES Page 85, No. 94 — Those eyes that hold the hand of every heart. First printed in The Arbor of Amorous Devises. _ In Dr. Grosart's edition of Breton he gives the date, 1597. Lines 1-2, Those eyes, etc. : Prof. Schelling marks the similarity of these lines to Hood's: We thought her dying when she slept. And sleeping when she died. and adds, " It seems to me the perfection of the light, fantastic rapture of an Elizabethan lover." {A Book of Elizabethan Lyrics.) Page 86, No. 96 — Bright Star of Beauty, on whose eye-lids sit. Line 4, Which in due order: then in order. Line 8, Forsook his mother's: and leaves his mother's. Line 10, Of another temper made: of braver mettle made. Line 12, Devouring time my faith: in me's that faith. Line 13, Still let my praise be honoured thus by you: let what I praise, be still be made good by you. On whose eye-lids sit, etc. " Cf . Spenser, Faery Qjieene, ii., 3, 25: 'Upon her eye-lids many graces sat. . . . working belgards and amorous retrate.' " Cf. also Ford and Dekker's The Sun's Darling, act iii. sc. 2. " I am indebted for these parallels to Professor Kittredge." (Prof. Schelling, A Book of Elizabethan Lyrics.) Page 87, No. 97 — What poor astronomers are they. Like mariy another good piece unaccessible elsewhere, I have taken this lyric from Mr. Bullen's Lyrics from the Elizabethan Song Books (re- vised ed., 1888). " This poem has been ascribed, without evi- dence, to Nicholas Breton." (Bullen.) Page 88, No. 98 — Her hair the net of golden wire. From Thomas Bateson's Second Set of Madrigals, 1618. Page 89, No. 102 — Thou more than most sweet glove. From Cynthia's Revels, 1601. Page 90, No. 103 — So sweet a kiss the golden sun gives not. From Love's Labour's Lost, 1592, act iv. sc. 3. Sung by the King of : Navarre. Line 4, The night of dew: "It is not the dew," _ says Brae, "that is the object of the verb, but the night; metaphorically predicated in the dew upon the lover's cheek. And it is not until , after the night has been smoote and driven away by the sunny rays of his mistress's eyes, that the dew upon the lover's cheek becomes assimilated to the morning dew upon the rose." Page 90, No. 104 — Still to be neat, still to be drest. From Epicoene, or the Silent Woman, 1609, act i. sc. 1. ^ Clerimont: "A pox of her autumnal face, her pie'd beauty: I there's no man can be admitted till she be ready, now-a-days, till j|* she has painted, and perfum'd, and washt, and scour'd, but the boy here ; and him she wipes her qil'd lips upon, like a sponge. I have made a song I pr'ythee hear it, o' the subject. '' Still to be neat,' " etc. This elegant little madrigal is a happy imitation from the follow- ing Latin poem: Semper munditias, semper, Basilissa, decores. Semper compositas arte recente comas. NOTES Et comptos semper cultus, unguentaque semper. Omnia sollicita compta videre manu, Non amo. Neglectim mihi se quje comit arnica Se det; et ornatus simplicitate valet. Vincula ne cures capitis discussa soluti, Nee ceram in faciem: -mel habet ilia suum. Fingere se semper, non est confidere amori; Quid quod saepe decor, cum prohibetur, adest? The learned may find these verses amongst those which are printed at the end of the variorum edition of Petronius. Mr. Upton imagines there are some passages faulty in this poem. I have given it as I find it in the notes of Colomesius on some passages of Quintilian, printed in his Opuscula; he tells us, Hi versus sic legendi sunt, licet alid abeat ingeniossinius Nicolaus Heinsius ad Ovidium. Tom. 1., p. 394. (Whalley, The Dramatic Works of Ben Jonson, 1811, vol. i., p. 285.) Page 91, No. 106 — A sweet disorder in the dress. Compare Ben Jonson's song in The Silent Woman (note above), Still to be neat, still to be drest, imitated from one of the Basia of Johannes Boniforius. Line 12, Wild civility: Good manners, easiness. Mil- ton has " civil-suited m_orn " {II Penseroso, line 122) ; later Dry- den, the " Sweet civilities of life." (Grosart.) Page 93, No. 109 — In petticoat of green. "I am not certain," says Prof. Schelling, " that this little trifle may not have ap- peared in print in its author's life-time. Prof. Kittredge calls my attention to the fact that it is taken from Marino, Madrigal xxxi." Line 2, This line is used again by Drummond in Madrigal xl., of Poems, TurnbuU's ed., p. 25: Like the Idalian queen, Her hair about her eyne. Page 93, No. 110 — Art thou that she than whom, no fairer is? This poem was discovered by Mr. Bullen in MS. I., 5, 49, in the Library of Christ Church College, Oxford, and first printed in his More Lyrics from the Elizabethan Song-Books, 1888. Prof. Schelling thinks that the MS. belongs to the early seventeenth century. Page 94, No. 112 — O words, which fall like summer dew on me! From the Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia, 1590. Line 14, So smooth as sleek-stone : a smoothing-stone for smoothing or dress- ing linen or butter. Page 95, No. 113 — See, see m,ine own sweet jewel. From Thomas Morley's Canzonets, 1593. Page 95, No. 114 — /, with whose colours Myra dressed her head. There is a stanza in the original edition of Lord Brooke's Works, 1633, between the third and fourth stanzas, which is omitted here, because the poem gains immensely by the omission, and it possesses allusions which have been impossible for any editor to make clear. Prof. Schelling prints the deleted stanza with his text of the poem in A Book of Elizabethan Lyrics, p. 221. Line 3, In the chimneys: cheminees, chimney-screens of 705 NOTES tapestry work, i. e., Myra having embroidered his name upon the screen. Page 96, No. 115 — The forward violet thus did I chide. Sonnet xcix., Shakespeare's Sonnettes, 1609. Line 6, The lily 1 con- demned for thy hand: i. e., condemns the lily for having stolen the whiteness of thy hand. Line 7, And buds of marjoram: cf. Suckling's Tragedy of Brennoralt, act iv. sc. 1 : Hair curling, and cover'd like buds of marjoram; Part tied in negligence, part loosely flowing. " Mr, H. C. Hart tells me," writes Prof. Dowden {The Son- nets of Shakespeare, p. 214), "that buds of marjoram are dark purple-red before they open, and afterwards pink; dark auburn, I suppose, would be the nearest approach to marjoram in the colour of hair. Mr. Hart suggests that the marjoram has stolen not colour, but perfume from the young man's hair. Gervase Mark- ham gives sweet marjoram as an ingredient in ' The water of sweet smells,' and Culpepper says ' marjoram is much used in all odorif- erous waters.' Cole {Adam in Eden, ed. 1657) says * Marjerome is a chief ingredient in most of those powders that Barbers use, in whose shops I have seen great store of this herb hung up.' " Line 8, On thorns did stand: an old proverbial phrase — to stand on thorns. Line 12, A vengeful canker eat him: cf. Venus and Adonis, line 1,656: This canker that eats up Love's tender spring. Line 14, But sweet or colour: scents. (Walker.) Page 97, No. 117 — Like to Diana in her Summer weed. From Greene's romance, Menaphon, 1589, " What manner of woman is she?" quoth Melicertus. "As well as I can," answered Doron, "I will make description of her: Like to Diana," etc. " Thou hast," quoth Melicertus, " made such a description as if Priamus' young boy should paint out the perfection of his Greekish paramour." Line 5, Arethusa Fount: Walker's reading in the original edition is Arethusa faint. Page 98, No. 117 — There is a Lady sweet and kind. From Thomas Ford's Music of Sundry Kinds, 1607. Also printed in The Golden Garland of Princely Delights, 1620. Page 98, No. 118 — Sweet Love, mine only pleasure. This is one of the many poems published in Davison's Poetical Rhapsody, 1620, signed " A. W.," whose identity has never been revealed. It was set to music in Robert Jones' Ultimum Vale, 1608. Page 104, No. 104 — You meaner beauties of the night. This poem first appeared, with music, in 1624, in Michael Este's Sixt Set of Books, and was numerously reprinted in divers collections for fifty years afterwards. Sir Henry Wotton, its author, was not the amorous man that his poem paints him. At the time of its writing he was a staid diplomatist of 52. The lady it praises was Elizabeth, daughter of James I. and wife of the Elector Palatine Frederick V., unhappily chosen King of Bohemia, Sep- tember 19, 1619. Sir Henry, says Quiller-Couch, was employed on 706 NOTES several embassies on behalf of this unhappy Queen, whose reign in Prague lasted but one winter. Howell reports in Familiar Letters that in " the Low Countries and some parts of Germany she is called the Queen of Boheme, and for her winning princely com- portment the Queen of Hearts." " Her later life, ' says Trof. Schelling {A Book of Elizabethan Lyrics, p. 294), " was one of much trial and vicissitude, through which she appears to have preserved the amiability and something of the levity of the Stu- arts." This poem has been ascribed to Montrose, and even by Robert Chambers, in his Scottish Songs, to " Darnly in praise of Queen Alary before their marriage." Hannah, quoting Rel. IVotton, records many variations in the words; and Quiller-Couch adds that the poem invited many imitators to add to it stanzas of their own manufacture. Line 1, You meaner beauties: cf. Carew's line: O think not ... Can stoop to common beauties of the sky. Page 105, No. 121 — Gi^'e place, you ladies and begone, ap- peared originally in the first English anthology, Tottel's Miscel- lany, 1557. There it is given place among the poems by " Uncer- taine Authors; " but in the Harleian MSS. it is ascribed to John Heywood, with two additional and dreadful stanzas to adapt it to Queen Mary. Page 108, No. 123 — See where she sits upon the grassy green. An extract from the Shepherd's Calendar: April. The same being " purposely intended to the honour and prayse of our most gratious soveraigne, queene Elizabeth . . . whom abruptly he termeth Eliza." The original song is of fourteen stanzas. " The opulence of Spenser's muse will always be the despair of the anthologist, and I commend my extracts to the reader with much diffidence," writes Mr. Quiller-Couch, in the Golden Pomp; I have followed the reading of his extract to which he has given the qualities of a lyric poem. Line 15, Depeinten: depicts. Line 23, Bin: are. Page 109, No. 124 — Whoe'er she be. This, perhaps, the best known of Crashaw's poems, though it ill-deserves to be, in com- parison with two among the other of his pieces included in this volume; it originally appeared in The Delights of the Muses, 1646. The volume was reprinted in 1648 and 1670. The text here fol- lowed is that of Dr. Grosart (Complete Works of Richard Crashaw, Fuller Worthies' Library) from the 1648 ed., with the omission of one stanza between the eighth and ninth, two stanzas between twenty-three and twenty-four, and two stanzas between the thirtieth and thirty-first. " His Wishes to his (supposed) Mistresse has things in it vivid and subtle as anything in Shelley at his best; and I affirm this deliberately." (Dr. Grosart, in Essay on the Life and Poetry of Crashaw, p. Ixxiv. Complete Works.) Line 37, Eyes that displace: "Here, as in the poem. On the bleeding wounds of our crucified Lord where we read, ' The thorns that Thy flesh brows encloses,' and elsewhere, we have an example of the Eliza- bethan use of ' that ' as a singular (referring to and thus made a collective plural) taken as the governing nominative to the rest." (Grosart.) Line 64, Fears, fond and slight: Dr. Grosart reads flight, and says, " I think ' flight ' is correct, and not a misprint for 707 NOTES 'slight.'" Line 79, Sydneian showers: "Either in allusion to the conversation in the Arcadia, or to Sidney himself, as a model of gentleness in spirit and demeanor." (F. T. Palgrave, Golden Treas- ury, First Series.) Page 114, No. 125 — Like to the clear in highest sphere. From Rosalind, 1590. " Readers who have visited Italy will be reminded of more than one picture by this gorgeous Vision of Beauty, equally sublime and pure in its Paradisaical naturalness. Lodge wrote it on a voyage to 'the Islands of Terceras and the Canaries; ' and he seems to have caught, in those southern seas, no small portion of the qualities which marked the almost contemporary Art of Venice, — the glory and the glow of Veronese, or Titian, or Tintoret, when he most resembles Titian, and all but surpasses him." (F. T. Palgrave, Golden Treasury, First Series.) Line 1, Like to the clear . . . is her hair. " The clear (clearness) in highest sphere is the empyrean or sphere of pure fire, which was outermost and next to the primum mobile in the old cosmography, not the crys- talline sphere as explained by Mr. Palgrave. This passage then means: Her hair is of the self same color as the brightness (the clear) of the empyrean. The difficulty of the passage consists in the tautology, or possibly the double construction, involved m saying like to and of self same, of the same color like to the empyreal brightness. I am indebted to Professor Kittredge for this note." (Schelling, A Book of Elisabethan Lyrics.) Page 116, No. 126 — Diaphenia like the daffadowndilly. Printed in England's Helicon, 1600; and set to music in Francis Pilking- ton's First Book of Songs and Airs, 1605. Page 121, No. 130 — Since first I saw your face I resolved to honour and renown ye. From Thomas Ford's Music of Sundry Kinds, 1607. Page 122, No. 131 — When in the chronicle of wasted time. Sonnet cvi. Shakespeare' s Sonnettes, 1609. The poet gazes back- ward on the famous persons of former ages, men and women, his friend being possessor of the united perfections of both man and woman. (Dowden.) Line 8, Master: possess, own as a master. So King Henry V., act ii. sc. 4, 137: You'll find a difference Between the promise of his greener days And these he masters now. (Dowden.) Line 9, So all their praises are: Compare Constable's Sonnets from Todd's MS., vii. (not Diana as Prof. Dowden has it). — Schelling. Miracle of the world I never will deny That former poets praise the beauty of their days; But all those beauties were but figures of thy praise, And all those poets did of thee but prophecy. Page 124, No. 134 — Beauty clear and fair. From The Elder Brother, 1637, act iii. sc. 5. Line 5, Their blue veins and: the reading of and here instead of in, as retained by Dyce, is from 708 NOTES the MS. J which " happily puts an end to the nonsense which has been written concerning this passage." (W. W. Greg. Variorum Ed. Beaumont and Fletcher, Vol. II.) Line 11, More than light: the emendation here is by Dyce, the MS. reads life. Line 13, Back recall: recite (meaning call back). Fleay. (W. W. Greg.) Line 17, Shall be yours . . . and your thrall: The MS. reads: Shall be yours still, and the glory, I yoiir servant, etc. " Here again the divergence points clearly to an intentional alteration." (W. W. Greg.) Page 125, No. XiS — Like two proud armies marching in the field. From Thomas Weelkes' Madrigals of Five and Six Parts, 1600. Page 125, No. 136 -^ He that loves a rosy cheek. Under the less attractive title. Disdain Returned, this poem is to be found in the editions of Carew, with a closing third stanza. The poem as here given was set to music and printed in Porter's Madrigals and Airs, 1632, and later in Lawes' Ayres and Dialogues, 1653. Page 125, No. 137 — It was a beauty that I saw. From The New Inn, 1631, act iv. sc. 4. Page 126, No. 138 — Why should this a desert be? From As You Like It, act iii. sc. 2. Line 1, Why should this a desert be: Tyrwhitt thinks desert be is defective. He suggests a desert, and adds: " For how will the ' hanging of tongues on every tree ' make it less a desert? I am persuaded we ought to read: ' Why should this_ desert silent be.'" Line 16, In little: The allusion to a miniature portrait. The current phrase in Shakespeare's time was "painted in little." Line 23, Atalanta's better part. This is ob- scure; for a discussion see Furness' Variorum Ed. Shakespeare, pp. 149-153. Page 127, No. 139 — On a time the amorous Silvy. From John Attye's First Book of Airs, 1622. " Gracefully rendered from the French of Pierre Guedron: " Un jour I'amoureuse Silvie Disoit, baise moy, je te prie, Au berger qui seul est sa vie Et son amour: Baise moy, pasteur, je te prie, Et te leve, car il est jour," etc. (Bullen. Lyrics from Elizabethan Song-Books.) Page 128, No. 140 — My sweetest Lesbia, let us live and love. From Campion's Book of Airs, 1601. This poem was suggested by and partly translated from Catullus' Vivamus, mea Lesbia, atque amenius. " Campion was steeped in classical feeling; his render- ing of Vivamus, mea Lesbia, etc. is, so far as it goes, delight- ful." (Bullen. Introduction to Lyrics from Elizabethan Song- Books.) Compare Jonson's Vivamus, p. 128, No. 141. Page 130, No. 143 — Dildido, dildido. From Francesco's For- tunes, or the Second Part of Never Too Late, 1590. " The French verses may ... be expected to be Greene's own compo- sition; such an hiatus as je serai un jeune roi would scarcely 709 NOTES have been possible in a French poet." (Churton-Collins.) Line 6, Stoned-horse : a stallion. Cf. s. v. entier, cheval entier, a stone- horse. Page 131, No. 144 — Of Neptune's empire let us sing. This poem of Campion's was printed in Davison's Poetical Rhapsody, 1602, with the explanation: "This Hymn was sung by Amphitrite, Thamesis, and other Sea-Nymphs, in Gray's Inn Masque, at the Court, 1594." See Bullen's ed. of Rhapsody, Vol. II., pp. 107-8. Page 131, No. 145 — Methought I saw the grave where Laura lay. This, perhaps, is the most famous and the best of all the prefatory poems to the Faerie Queene. Page 132, No. 146 — 7/ all the pens that ever poets held. This is the only instance where I have made an extract from the body of a play of the period. But as there is little of Marlowe's outside his dramatic works, and as his genius is worthy of more representa- tion than is given to lesser men, I took this opportunity of going beyond the scope of verse I had conceived for my purpose. The lines are from Tamburlaine's speech, in act v. sc. 1 of The First Part of Tamburlaine the Great. Page 135, No. 150 — Come hither, you that love, and hear me sing. From The Captain, 1647. Page 136, No. 151 — I love, and he loves me again. From Underwoods, 1640. " A Nymph's Passion is not only pretty and ingenious, but in the structure of its peculiar stanza may remind a modern reader of some among the many metrical experiments or inventions of a more exquisite and spontaneous lyric poet. Miss Christina Rpssetti." (A. C. Swinburne, A Study of Ben Jonson.) Prof. Scheliing points out the influence of Donne in this poem of Jonson's, and cites his Witchcraft by a Picture and Confined Love. (A Book of Elizabethan Lyrics.) Page 137, No. 152 — When in her face mine eyes I fix. From Aurora, Madrigal I. Page 139, No. 154 — Phillis kept sheep along the western plains. From Perimedes, the Blacksmith, 1588. Page 140, No. 155 — See the Chariot at hand here of Love. This song is numbered iv., in A Celebration of _ Charis, in Under- woods. It appears with the first stanza omitted in The Devil is an Ass, acted in 1616. There is an interesting note to this poem by Mr. Quiller-Couch in his Golden Pomp, whose point, I think, is one demanding serious critical attention, though no one, to my knowledge, has taken it up. " I am not aware," he says, " if any critic has noted how constantly and curiously Jonson, especially in the Underwoods, seems to anticipate the best, and something more than the best, manner of Browning. The difficult rapture of Charis' Triumph, here is a striking instance. Of the lines: ' Do but mark, her forehead's smoother Than words that soothe her. And from her arched brows such a grace Sheds itself through the face, 710 NOTES As alone there triumphs to the life All the gain, all the good of the elements' strife.' it may be fairly said that England has taken two and a half cen- turies to produce another poet who could conceivably have written them." I think Mr. Quiller-Couch's judgment in this criticism comes far nearer the just fitness of literary value in temperament and expression than the general critical opinion which pronounces in Donne's works the antecedents of those peculiar qualities which have set Browning apart from his contemporaries. The last stanza of this poem was imitated by Suckling in a poem of much weak- ness, beginning: "Hast thou seen the down in the air," etc.; but in Carew's Song, given below, I believe we find a successful copy of the model: Would you know what's soft? I dare Not bring to you the down, or air; Nor to stars to show what's bright; Nor to snow, to teach you white. Nor, if you would music hear. Call the Orbs to take your ear; Nor to please your sense, bring forth Bruised nard, or what's more worth. Or, on food were your thoughts placed. Bring you nectar for a taste: Would you have all these in one? Name my mistress, and 'tis done. {Poems and Masque, Elworth Ed., 1893.) Page 142, No. 157 — Cupid and my Campaspe play'd. From Alexander and Campaspe, acted, it is surmised, at Court, 1581. Page 143, No, 158 — Sweet Love, if thou wilt gain a m,onarch's glory. From John Wilbye's Madrigal's, 1598. Page 143, No. 159 — Hear, ye ladies that despise. From The Tragedy of Valentinian, 1647. Page 145, No. 161 — Unquiet thoughts, your civil slaughter stint. From John Dowland's First Book of Songs or Airs, 1597. Page 146, No. 162 — All ye that lovely lovers be. From the Old Wives' Tale, 1595. " Contains a harvest-song, one of tha first examples of what seems a favorite type with the dramatists. Usually it is taken almost directly from life; by the rudeness of phrases and the simplicity of ideas the poet attempts realism. Here, however, Peele carries over the images into another sphere : Lo, here we come a-sowing, a-sowing. And sow sweet fruits of love." (Erskine: The Elizabethan Lyric, Ed. 1905, p. 264.) Page 147, No. 164 — High-Way, since you my chief Parnassus be. Sonnet number Ixxxiv., in Astrophel and Stella, ed. of 1598. Line 1, High-way . . . Parnassus be: "Because it leads him to Stella, the inspiration of his song and the cause of his fame." 711 NOTES (Schelling.) Line 2, Unsweet: in the second quarto the reading is unmeet. " As he is speaking of his Muse, and as we have the rhythm meet, in line six, I think ' unsweet ' the right word . . . or at all events the later and better one." (Grosart.) Line 6, Safe-left: (Ed. 1613) is prettier than " safe-best " (quarto edit., 1598)= with Stella." (Grosart.) I take this sonnet of Sidney's to be one of the finest in the language. Perhaps no single line in all poetry, except Shakespeare's " Bare-ruined Choirs where late the sweet birds sang," has contained in its meaning and music so much, as "Tempers her words to trampling horses' feet." Of Sidney's Sonnets, Charles Lamb says: "Sidney's Sonnets — I speak of the best of them — are among the very 'best of their sort. They fall below the plain moral dignity, the sanctity, and high, yet modest, spirit of self-approval, of Milton, in his compo- sitions of a similar structure. They are, in truth, what Milton, cen- suring the Arcadia, says of that work (to which they are a sort of after-tune or applications), 'Vain and amatorious ' enough, yet the things in their kind (as he confesses to be true of the romance) may be * full of worth and wit.' They savour of the Courtier, it must be allowed, and not of the Commonwealthsman. But Milton was a Courtier when he wrote the Masque at Ludlow Castle, and still more a Courtier when he composed the Arcades. When the national struggle was to begin, he becomingly cast these vanities behind him; and if the order of time had thrown Sir Philip upon the crisis which proceeded the Revolution, there is no reason why he should not have acted the same part in that emergency, which has glorified the name of a later Sydney. He did not want for plainness or boldness of spirit. His letter on the French match may testify he could speak his mind freely to Princes. The times did not call him to the scaffold. . . . But they are not rich in words only, in vague and unlocalised feelings — the failing too much of some poetry of the present day — they are full, material, and circumstantiated. Time and place appropriates every one of them. It is not a fever of passion wasting itself upon a thin diet of dainty words, but a transcendent passion prevailing and alluminat- ing action, pursuits, studies, feats of arms, the opinions of con- temporaries and his judgement of them. An historical thread runs through them, which almost affixes a date to them; mark the when and where they were written." [Some Sonnets, of Sir Philip Sid- ney, Works of Charles and Mary Lamb. E. V. Lucas. Ed. 1903, pp. 213 and 218.] Page 150, No. 169 — Love, if a God thou art. Mr. Bullen says this -.is a translation from the Italian of Groto: Amor, se pur sei Dio, Dei esser giusto parimente e pio: Se giusto, perche sol contra me scocchi, E madonna non tocchi? Se pio, perche perdoni A lei, e a mi ti opponi? Horsu se nome vuoi fra i veri Dei, Lei meco impiaga, o me sana con lei." (Bullen's ed. of the Rhapsody, vol. ii., 185.) Page 151, No. 170 — Thus saith my Chloris bright. From John Wilbye's Madrigals, 1598. It is a rendering of an Italian madri- gal of Guarini, says Bullen; of Luca Marenzio, says Quiller-Couch. 712 NOTES In Musica Transalpina; The Second Book of Madrigals, 1597, is another version which reads: So saith my fair and beautiful Lycoris, When now and then she talketh With me of love-: " Love is a spirit that walketh, That soars and flies, And none alive can hold him, Nor touch him, nor behold him." Yet when her eye she turneth, I spy where he sojourneth: In her eyes there he flies. But none can catch him Till from her lips he fetch him. Page 151, No. 171 — How many new years have grown old. From Robert Jones' The Muses' Garden of Delights, 1610. Page 152, No. \72 — If love be life, I long to die. I find this "Ode" in Davison's Poetical Rhapsody, 1602 (Bullen's ed.), signed, " A. W." Prof. Schelling says, " This ' ode ' was sub- sequently reprinted in England's Helicon, ed. 1614, and there sub- scribed ' Ignoto.' I see no reason for depriving Davison of the authorship of it; as it is not only in his manner, but occurs ... in a section of the Poetical Rhapsody, entitled Sonnets, Odes, Elegies and Epigrams, by Francis and Walter Davison." (A Book of Elizabethan Lyrics.) Page 153, No. 173 — If women could be fair and yet not fond. From the text of Dr. Grosart in his Fuller Worthies' Miscellanies. IV. In Rawl. MS. 85, fol. 16, the poem is ascribed to Oxford. Page 154, No. 174 — Not mine own fears, nor the prophetic soul. Sonnet cvii. Shake-speare's Sonnettes, 1609. This sonnet continues the celebration of his friend, according to Prof. Dow- den's interpretation, and rejoices in their restored affection. Mr. Maffey explains it as a song of triumph for the death of Elizabeth, and the deliverance of Southampton from the Tower. " I interpret, as Mr. Simpson does " {Philosophy of Shakespeare's Sonnets, p. 79), writes Prof. Dowden; "not my own fears (that my friend's beauty may be on the wane, Sonnet civ., 9-4 — see No. 545, p. 561) nor the prophetic soul of the world, prophesying in the per- sons of dead knights and ladies your perfections (Sonnet civ. — see No. 122, p. 131), and so prefiguring your death, can confine my lease of love to a brief term of years. Darkness and fears are past, the augurs of ill find their predictions falsified, doubts are over, peace has come in place of strife; love in my heart is fresh and young (see Sonnet cviii., line 9), and I have conquered Death, for in this verse we both shall find life in the memories of men." Line 10, My love looks fresh: Prof. Dowden queries whether this means the love in my heart, or my love = my friend. Line 11, Death to me subscribes: submits. Cf. The Taming of the Shrew, act i. sc. 1, 81. Line 12, Insults o'er: triumphs over. Cf. King Henry VI., act i. sc. 3, 14. Page 155, No. 175 -— Whoever thinks or hopes of love for love. 713 NOTES From John Dowland's First Book of Songs or Airs, 1597. The words of this song have been attributed to Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke, and are printed in his Works, 1630. Page 156, No. 177 — Whenas the rye reached to the chin. From The Old Wives' Tale, 1595. Page 156, No. 178 — Calling to mind, my eyes went long about. In Oldys and Birch's Ed. of Sir Walter Raleigh's Works, vol. viii., this poem is given from the Ashm.olean MSS. Puttenham gave it in The Art of English Poesey, 1589, as " a most excellent ditty, written by Sir Walter Raleigh." It was printed in The Phoenix' Nest, 1593, as anonymous. Page 158, No. 181 — Thou divinest, fairest, brightest. From The Faithful Shepherdess, 1609-10, act v. sc. 5. Page 159, No. 182 — Through yon same bending plain. From The Faithful Shepherdess, 1609-10, act i. sc. 1. Page 161, No. 183 — Doubt you to whom my Muse these notes intendeth. This first song in Astrophel and Stella is given with but few variants with the text of the 1598 and 1613 Arcadia. I have preferred to retain this reading in preference to Dr. Grosart's {Complete Works, 3 vols., 1877), who reads in line 2, "surcharged," for o'ercharged; and in line 17, "patience " for passions. Page 162, No. 184 — Turn back, you wanton flyer. From Cam- pion and Rosseter's A Book of Airs, 1601. Line 19, Times' or sea- sons' swerving: Old ed. changing. Swerving is Mr. Bullen's emen- dation. In the original, and in Mr. Bullen's edition of Campion (1889 and 1891), lines 10-11 read: Then what we sow with our lips, Let us reap, love's gains dividing. I have preferred, however, to follow Mr. Quiller-Couch's arrange- ment. (Golden Pomp, p. 91.) Page 167, No. 188 — What sweet relief the showers to thirsty plants we see. From Tottel's Miscellany (Collier's Reprint, 1867). Mr. Erskine says in his Study of the Elizabethan Lyrics (ed. 1905, p. 79), " Grimald is a much less ambitious figure than these two lyrists (Wyat and Surrey), but his pieces in Tottel's Miscellany have their own interest. He stands for the type of minor poet, who, though hidden by the larger names, is present throughout the period, and emerges fully developed in Marvell." Line 3, As fresh and lusty Ver: The Spring. Compare: Averil, whan clothed is the mede With new grene, of lusty Veer the prime. (Chaucer, Troilus, i., 157.) Page 169, No. 190 — Crowned with flowers I saw fair Amaryliss. From William Byrd's Psalms, Songs, and Sonnets, 1611. Page 170, No. 192 — As ye came from the holy land. In Oldys and Birch's Life and Works of Raleigh, vol. viii., p. 733, with NOTES the title. False Love and True Love, this poem is credited to W. Rive, The Bodleian MSS. The poem occurs in several versions. The first stanza is quoted in act ii. sc. 2 of Beaumont and Fletcher's The Knight of the Burning Pestle, 1610; and in Hans Beer-pot, his Invisible Comedy. The second stanza may have suggested Ophelia's "How should I your' true love know." (Schelling, A Book of Elizabethan Lyrics.) Most of the versions read, As you come, instead of as ye came, which I have followed, and which, as far as I am able to ascertain, is an emendation by Mr. Quiller-Couch. For other variants let the reader compare Hannah's Raleigh in the Courtly Poets, 1870, p. 80. Line 1, From the holy land: "The shrine of the Blessed Virgin at Walsingham, in Norfolk, was famous throughout Europe: and in Norfolk the Milky Way, being supposed to point the pilgrims to this shrine, was called the ' Walsingham Way,' just as it was called ' St. Jago's Way ' in Italy, and ' Jacob- strasse ' in Germany, as pointing to Compostella. In 1538, at the dissolution of the monasteries, the great image of the Virgin was carried oflf to Chelsea, and there burnt. It had been, perhaps, a more famous shrine of pilgrimage than even the tomb of St. Thomas of Canterbury. Cf. Erasmus. Colloq. Peregrinatio religi- onis ergo. Ascham, visiting Cologne in 1550, says: ' The Three Kings be not so rich, I believe, as was the Lady of Walsingham,' the wealth of the shrine at Cologne being then valued at about six millions of francs. (£240,000.)" (Quiller-Couch.) Page 171, No. 193 — We sazv and wooed each other's eyes. " The amatory poetry of Habington is that of a man who regards woman as a highly intellectual being; not as the mere slave and instrument of sensual pleasure; and the correctness of his mind, in this par- ticular, is equally apparent in his prose and verse." (Habington's Castara, edit, by Charles A. Elton, The Prefatory Essay, p. 7.) I think, in this poem, Mr. Elton's particular critical virtue of the Castara poems is perhaps shown at its best from a moral, and highest from a poetical point of view. But Prof. Saintsbury (History of Elizabethan Literature, 1887, p. 382) has this to say: " Castara is a real instance of what some foreign critics very unjustly charge on English literature as a whole — a foolish and almost_ canting prudery. The poet dins the chastity of his mistress into his readers' heads until the readers in self-defence are driven to say, * Sir, did any one doubt it? ' He protests the freedom of his own passion from any admixture of fleshly influence, till half a suspicion of hypocrisy and more than half a feeling of contempt force themselves on the hearer. . . . To tell the truth, it is, though, as has been said, an estimable, yet a rather irritating work. That Habington was a true lover every line of it shows; that he had a strong infusion of the abundant poetical inspiration then abroad is shown by line after line, though hardly by poem after poem, among its pieces." Page 172, No. 194 — Turn I my looks unto the skies. From Rosalind, 1590. Mr. Bullen says this was doubtless suggested by Desportes' sonnet: Si je me siez a I'ombre, assui soudainement Amour, laissant son arc, s'assied et se repose; Si je pense a des vers, je le voy qui compose; Si je plains mes douleurs, il se plaint hautement. NOTES Si je me plains au mal, il accroist mon tourment; Si je respans des pleurs, son visage il arrose; Si ie monstre ma playe, en ma poitrine enclose, II defait son bandeau, I'essuyant doucement. Si je vais par les bois, aux bois il m'accompagi;e; Si je me suis cruel, dans mon sang il se bagne; Si je vais a la guerre, il devient mon soldat. Si je passe la mer, il conduit ma nacelle; Bref, jamais I'importun de moy ne se depart, Pour rendre mon desir et ma peine eternelle. " Lodge was fond of this sonnet of Desportes," says Mr. Bullen. He gives a literal translation of it in Scylla's Metamorphosis, 1589: "If so I seek the shades I suddenly do see The god of love forsake his bow and sit by me; If that I think to write his muses pliant be, If so I plain my grief the wanton boy will cry. If I lament his pride he doth increase my pain; If tears my cheeks attaint, his cheeks are moist with moan; If I disclose the wounds the which my heart hath slain. He takes his fascia off and wipes them dry anon. If so I walk the woods, the woods are his delight; If I myself torment, he bathes him in my blood; If seas delight, he steers my bark amid the flood: He will my soldier be if once I went to fight; In brief the cruel god doth never from here go, But makes my lasting love eternal with my woe." Lodge repi-inted this with alterations in Phillis: Honoured with Sundry Sonnets, 1593. Elizabethan Sonnets, in An English Garner, Seccombe ed., 1904, number xxxvi., p. 19. Page 174, No. 196 — My love is strengthened, though more weak in seeming. Sonnet cii. Shakespeare's Sonnettes, 1609. An apology for having ceased to sing. (See Sonnet ci., Dowden ed., p. 101.) Line 3, That love is merchandised: cf. Love's Labour's Lost, act ii. sc. 1 : My beauty, though but mean. Needs not the painted flourish of your praise: Beauty is bought by judgment of the eye, Not uttered by base sale of chapman's tongues. Line 7, In summer's front: cf. Winter's Tale, act iv. sc. 4: No shepherdess, but Flora Peering in April's front. Page 175, No. 197 — Love me or not, love her I must or die. From Campion's Fourth Book of Airs, 1617. Page 176, No. 199 — Passions are liken'd best to Hoods and streams. This, and the following poem, Silence in Love (No. 200), are given in Hannah's Raleigh, p. 20, with the title. The Silent Love. Five stanzas have been omitted in number 200. In the Oxford Ed. of Raleigh's Works a note says: "This {The Silent Love) has been much improved from a MS. copy in a very curious collection of contemporary poetry, among Dr. Rawlinson's 716 NOTES MSS. m the Sodleian. It is there entitled, Sir Walter Raleigh to Queene Elizabeth." Line 5, Silence in love, etc.: "This stanza was," says a note in Ae Oxford Ed. of Raleigh's Works, " by some strange anachronism, current about seventy years ago (1759), among the circles of fashions, as the production of the late celebrated Earl of Chesterfield." This stanza- is also quoted in the dedication to one of Fletcher's plays, 1652, as written by " an ingenious person of quality." (Dyce's Edition, vol. viii., p. 106.) Page 177, No. 202 — Fain would I change tnai note. "A. book may be very rare and very worthless: that I admit. tint a.a examination of the present volume will show that some choice lyrics have lain hidden out of sight for nearly three centuries. How many readers have heard of Captain Tobias Hume? He published, in 1605, The First Part of Airs, French, Polish and others together. Among these Airs I found the flawless verses that I have placed at the beginning of my anthology. Fain would I change that note. Surely few, even among the very elect, have sung Love's praises in happier accents of heartful devotion. Cap- tain Hume wrote the music, but I know not who wrote the verses." (Bullen, Introduction to Lyrics from the Elizabethan Song-Books, pp. vii, viii.) Page 178, No. 203 — Being your slave, what should I do but tend. Sonnet Ivii. Shakespeare's Sonnettes, 1609. The absence spoken of in this sonnet seems to be voluntary absence on the part of Shakespeare's friend. Line 5, World-without-end hour: the tedious hour, that seems as if it would never end. (Dowden.) Cf. Love's Labour's Lost, act v. sc. 2. " A world-without-end bargain." Line 13, That in your Will: Prof. Dowden says of this phrase: "The Quarto has Will (capital ' W,' but not italics). If a play on words is intended, it must be ' Love in your Will (i. e., your Will Shakespeare) can think no evil of you, do what you please; ' and also ' Love can discover no evil in your will.' " Page 179, No. 204 — Were my heart as some men's are, thy errors, etc. From Campion's Third Book of Airs, 1617. Page 179, No. 205 — If love make me forsworn, how shall I swear to love. From Love's Labour's Lost, act iv. sc. 2. Line 1, How shall I swear to love: How shall love credit me? by what oath shall I gain love's belief? Line 5, Study his bias leaves: I suspect there should be a comma after bias, to read, Study his bias, leaves, etc. Leaves, here is a verb. Line 13, Pardon love this: The meaning plainly is: " Celestial as thou art, O, pardon the wrong love does in singing heaven's praise (that is thine) with such an earthly tongue." (Dyce.) Yet the modern editors alter the punctuation to " pardon, love, this." (Furness.) Page 182, No. 207 — As careful merchants do expecting stand. From Britannia's Pastorals, lines 1029-1058, Song 3, Book 2. Compare Spenser's Sonnet, Amoretti, xv. : Ye tradeful merchants that with weary toil, etc. Line 5: Upon a great adventure is it bound: Spenser's Red Cross Knight too: " Upon a great adventure he was bond," Faerie Queene, Bk. 1, ci., St. 3. 717 NOTES Page 184, No. 210 — Ye blushing virgins happy are. Mr. Elton, in his ed. of Habington's Castara, says: "The cast of this ode reminds me of some pretty stanzas by Bernard, the author of L'Art d'Amer. The reader will pardon my presenting him with a translation only, as I have mislaid the original: " " Nursed by the zephyr's balmy sighs, And cherish'd by the tears of morn; Ah, Queen of flowers! awake! arise! Oh, haste, delicious rose, be born! Unheeding wish ! no — yet awhile, Be yet awhile thy dawn delay'd; Since the same hour, that sees thee smile In Orient bloom, shall see thee fade. Themira thus, an opening flower. Must withering droop at fate's decree; Like her thou bloomest thy little hour, And she, alas, must fade like thee. Yet go, and on her bosom die; At once, blest rose! thy throne and tomb; While envious heaves my secret sigh To share with thee so sweet a doom. Love shall thy graceful bent advise, Thy blushing, trem'lous leaves reveal; Go, bright, yet hurtless, charm her eyes; Go deck her bosom, not conceal. Should some bold hand invade thee there, From Love's asylum rudely torn; Oh, Rose! a lover's vengeance bear; And let my rival feel thy thorn." Line 2, In the chaste nunnery of her breasts: This figure was very common with the poets of the time. Herrick, " not with the most elegant choice of expression " (Elton), speaking of the roses in a lady's bosom, observes: And snugging there they seem'd to lie As in a Howery nunnery. Compare the first stanza in Lovelace' famous lyric, number 426, p. 426. Line 5, Transplanted thus how bright ye grow: Compare Carew's lines from: On a Damask Rose, sticking upon a Lady's breast : Let scent and looks be sweet, and bless that hand That did transplant thee to that sacred land. O happy thou! that in that garden rest'st. That paradise between that lady's breasts. {Poems, p. 150, Edit, by Arthur Vincent.) Line 16, Your glorious sepulcher shall be: Compare Herrick, Upon the Roses in Julia's bosom,: Thrice happy roses! So much grac'd to have Within the bosom of my love your grave; Die when you will, your sepulchre is known. Your grave her bosom is, the lawn the stone. 718 NOTES Page 186, No. 212 — When Love with unconfined wings. Dr. John Wilson, Professor of Music in the University of Oxford, 1660, set the first stanza of this famous song to music, in Cheer- full Ayres or Ballads: First composed for one single voice, and since set for three voices, 1569. Hazlitt, in his ed. of Lucasta, 1864, says: " I have sometimes thought that, when Lovelace composed this production, he" had in his recollection some of the sentiments of Wither 's Shepherds Hunting, 1615. See, more par- ticularly, the sonnet (at p. 248 of Mr. Gutch's Bristol Edition) commencing: ' I that erst while the world's sweet air did draw.' " Line 5, When I lie tangled in her hair: Compare Peele's: Now comes my lover tripping like a roe And brings my longings tangled in her hair. {David and Bethsade, 1599, Scene i.) Line 7, And fettered to her eye: Compare Middleton: . . . Fond man, That can forget his excellence and honour, His serious meditations, being the end Of his creation, to learn well to die. And live a prisoner to a woman's eye." (More Dissemblers beside,s Women, 1657.) Line 7, The birds, that wanton in the air: the gods, is the original reading. On this point Hazlitt says: "The present word is substi- tuted in accordance with a MS. copy of the song printed by the late Dr. Bliss, in his edition of Wood's Athencc. If Dr. Bliss had been aware of the extraordinary corruptions under which the text of Lucasta laboured, he would have had less hesitation in adopting birds as the true reading." {Lucasta, p. 118.) Line 17, When, like committed linnets I : In Percy's Reliques, ii., 247, this is changed to linnet-like confined, which Ellis {Specimens of Early English Poetry, ed. 1801, iii., 252) considers the " more intelligible." Hazlitt\s cornment on such matters in general, and on this in particular, while displaying somewhat of that rancorous spirit which he has put into other critical opinions with less influence of conviction, seems here quite final. " It is not, however," he says, " either what Lovelace wrote, or what (it may be presumed) he intended to write, and nothing, it would seem, can be clearer than the passage as it stands, committed signifying, in fact, nothing more than confined. It is fortunate for the lovers of early English literature that Bp. Percy had comparatively little to do with it. Emendation of a text is well enough; but the wholesale and arbitrary slaughter of it is quite another matter." Prof. Saints- bury seems to carry out Hazlitt's championing of Lovelace in this respect when he says: " It is not quite true that Lovelace left nothing worth reading but the two immortal songs. To Lucasta on going to the Wars and To Althea from Prison; and it is only fair to say that the corrupt condition of his text is evidently due, at least in part, to incompetent printing and the absence of revision." {History of Elizabethan Literature, p. 376.) Page 188, No. 214 — Come hither, shepherd's swain! Of this poem, Mr. Quiller-Couch says in The Golden Pomp, p. 337, it was " found entire in Deloney's Garland of Goodwill (whence Percy obtained the version in His Reliques) and in Breton's Bower of 719 NOTES Delights, 1597. A shorter copy is found in Puttenham's Art of Eng. lish Poesy, 1589, where it is attributed to ' Edward, Earl of Oxford, a most noble and learned gentleman.' " Line 6, Prime of May: v. 1. times a day. Page 191, No. 216 — Alas! my love you do me wrong. These words of the famous song Green-sleeves were composed before 1580. Page 192, No. 217 — Come, worthy Greek! Ulysses, come. From Homer's Odyssey, xii., 184. " It is to be observed particularly," writes Mr. Quiller-Couch (Golden Pomp), " with what ease this song of ' wel'l-languaged Daniel ' runs upon the tongue. Such ease would be remarkable in a lyric of mere emotion or ecstasy: it is wonderful in lines that discuss a question of high morality." Page 195, No. 219 — My love in her attire doth show her. wit. From Davison's Poetical Rhapsody, 1602. Mr. Bullen (^Rhapsody ii., p. 196) suggests the comparison of this poem to Clement Marot's graceful verses: De Madame Ysabeau de Navarre Qui cuyderoit desguiser Ysabeau D'un simple habit, ce seroit grand' simplesse; Car au visage a ne scay quoi de beau. Qui faict juger tousjours qu'elle est princesse: Soit en habit de chambriere ou maistresse, Soit en drap d'or entier ou decouppe, Soit son gent corps de toile enveloppe, Tousjours sera sa beaute maintenue; Mais il me semble (ou je suis bien trompe) Qu'elle seroit plus belle toute nue. " Mr. J. M. Thomson refers me to Aristsenetus, Epistle I., and Plato's * Charmides,' p. 154 D." (Bullen.) Page 199, No. 226— Hey nonny no! This little, and perfect, snatch of sentiment was discovered by Mr. Bullen, who rescued it from the collection of early MS. music-books in the library of Christ Church, Oxford. In the MS. the lines are subscribed', "Mr. Gyles." Nathaniel Giles was a chorister at Magdalen, and successively organist and master of the choristers at St. George's, Windsor, and master of the Children of the Chapel Royal. He died 24 January, 1633, and was buried at Windsor. Page 202, No. 229 — Ask m,e no more where Jove bestows. This remarkable and beautiful poem of Carew's was one of the most imitated and parodied of its day. These appeared in the collections of verse, generally as " replies," published after the Civil War. For specimens, see The Poems and Masque of Thomas Carew, Elsworth ed., 1893, pp. 232-7. Page 206, No. 235 — Dearest, do not you delay me. From The Spanish Curate, act ii. sc. 2, 1622. Line 12, sterve me: old form of starve, here retained for sake of rhyme. Page 208, No. 238 — Love winged my Hopes and taught me how to -fly. From Robert Jones' Second Book of Songs and. Airs; 160L 720 NOTES Line 18, It was the purest light of heaven for whose fair love they fell. " I am reminded," says Mr. Bullen, " of a fine passage ih Drayton's Barons' Wars, canto vi. : " Looking upon proud Phaeton wrapped in fire, The gentle queen did much bewail his fall; But Mortimer commended his desire To lose one poor life or to govern all. * What though,' quoth he, ' he madly did aspire And his great mind made him proud Fortune's thrall? Yet, in despight when she her worst had done, He perished in the chariot of the sun.' " Page 210, No. 240 — Toss not my soul, O Love, 'twixt hope and fear! From John Dowland's Second Book of Songs and Airs, 1600. Page 212, No. 243 — // waker care, — if sudden pale colour — . The first part of this sonnet was suggested to Wyat by the sonnet of Petrarcu, beginning: S' una feda amorosa, un cor non finto, etc. of which the poet had elsewhere given an entire version. " If so," says Leigh Hunt {English Sonnets, p. 136), "the latter part may equally be supposed to have been suggested by some French song. I think I have a recollection of some such contrastment of a Phyllis and a Brunette in old French poetry. Yet these propositions and contrapositions are so common in love-poets, that the feeling may have originated with Sir Thomas hirhself; though he was a Petrarcist professed. In a court like that of Henry VIII. Wyat may well enough have met with a Brunette of his own, who revolted him with her ostentation and her love of wealth, — set- ting his mercer's and jeweller's bills in a roar. The names of Brunet (Brunetta) and Phyllis in conjunction are to be found nowhere else, I believe, in English literature, except in Steele's amusing story of the two rival beauties in the Spectator, No. 86. Did he get them from Wyat? Wyat was just the sort of man to be loved and admired by Steele." Page 214, No. 247 — At her fair hands how have I grace en- treated. First printed in Davison's Poetical Rhapsody, 1602, and set to music in Robert Jones' Ultimum Vale, 1608. Page 215, No. 248 — I saw fair Chloris walk alone. Copied from the Ashmolean MS. 38, Art. II. It is given in Wit's Recreation, 1645, and Wif^s Interpreter, 1655, 1671. Set to music by Purcell in Henry Playford's Theater of Musick, Pt. 3, 1686. Page 216, No. 249 — Camella fair tripped o'er the plain. From Thomas Bateson's Second Set of Madrigals, 1618. Page 219, No. 253 — Beauty sat bathing by a spring. This poem and the second following, No. 255, are undoubtedly by the same author. There are conflicting opinions, however, as to his identity. This song was published with six others in England's Helicon, 1600, and signed " Shepherd Tony." It is also found in Anthony Munday's Primaleon, 1619. " And though Anthony Munday," says 721 NOTES Mr. Quiller-Couch, " (' our best plotter ' according to Meres, and elsewhere less reverently, * the Grub Street Patriarch '), could write poorly enough, as a rule, the evidence is sufficient that he was the * Shepherd Tony ' and author of this graceful lyric." " This charming lyric," writes Mr. Bullen, in his edition of Eng- land's Helicon, " was written by ' Shepherd Tony,' who contrib- uted six other poems. It would be pleasant to be able to identify the Shepherd Tony; but I fear that he will remain a mere nominis umbra. The suggestion that the delightful lyrist was An- thony Copely, author of A Fig for Fortune, 1596, and Wits,_ Fits, and Fancies, 1614, is ridiculous; and equally ridiculous is the suggestion that he was Anthony Munday." This, however, was written before Mr. Bullen had become familiar with all of Mun- day's writings; and after the discovery of this poem in the Prima- leon, he became convinced of the identity of Munday and the Shepherd Tony, recanting in an interesting note in the Introduc- tion to the Lyrics from Elizabethan Romances. Page 220, No. 254 — Follow a shadow, it still flies you. From The Forest. Drummond of Hawthornden thus relates the origin of this song: "Pembroke and his Lady discoursing, the Earl said, ' The women were men's shadows,' and she maintained them. Both appealing to Jonson, he affirmed it true, for which my Lady gave a penance to prove it in verse; hence his epigram." Page 220, No. 255 — See note to No. 253. Page 224, No. 257 — My hope a counsel with my heart. From Michael Este's Madrigals of Three, Four, and Five Parts, 1604. Page 225, No. 258 — Dear if you change, I'll never choose again. From John Dowland's First Book of Songs or Airs, 1597. Page 227, No. 261 — Out upon it I have loved-. This poem was found in an obscure volume of verse of the time of Charles I., by A. D., whom Hazlitt conjectured to be Alexander Dyce. The poem has been attributed to Suckling because it possesses the in- ternal evidence of his peculiar qualities, which one, once having read The Careless Lover, can have no two opinions about. An answer was written by Sir Toby Matthews, which read: Say, but did you love so long? In troth, I needs must blame you: Passion did your judgment wrong. Or want of reason shame you. Truth, Time's fair and witty daughter. Shortly shall discover, Y'are a subject fit for laughter, And more fool than lover. But I grant you merit praise For your constant folly; Since you doted three whole days, Were you not melancholy? NOTES She to whom you prov'd so true, And that very, very face, Puts each minute such as you A dozen, dozen to disgrace. Page 234, No. 268 — Steer hither, steer your winged pines. The opening song from The Inner Temple Masque, Presented by the Gentlemen there, January 13, 1614. Printed in 1772, by Thomas Davies, in his ed. of Browne on the authority of a MS. in the library of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Page 236, No. 271 — The sea hath many thousand sands. From Robert Jones' The Muses' Garden of Delights 1610. Page 237, No. 272 — Go, happy heart! for thou shaltlie. From The Mad Lover, acted before 1618-19, act. iii. sc. 1. Page 237, No. 273 — Fra bank to bank, fra wood to wood I rin. Line 1, Rin: run. Line 2, Ourhailit : overspread. Line 7, Ingen- rit: stir up. Line 8, Dauphin: dolphin. Line 12, Feidis: feeds. Line 13, Throw: through. Page 238, No. 274 — O waly, waly, up the bank. There is some doubt about the date of this lament. It is believed by some to be a portion of the ballad Lord Jamie Douglas, and therefore as late as 1670. Professor Ayton believes that the verse belongs to the sixteenth century. Rev. S. Baring-Gould has discovered and printed in his Songs of the West, 1892, a traditional song of the West-Counties, which has the two stanzas: I leaned my back against an oak, But first it bent and then it broke; . Untrusty as I found that tree, So did my false love prove to me. I wish — I wish — but 'tis in vain I wish I had my heart again! With silver chain and diamond locks I'd fasten it in a golden box. Line 17, Now Arthur Seat: the hill by Edinburgh, near the foot of which is St. Anthony's Well. Page 243, No. 279 — They Hee from me that sometime did me seek. " Under the figure of a lady oflterin.o: to him unsolicited the tenderest mark of affection, he describes, in a lively manner, his early good fortune and success in life when, as he expresses him- self in the ode preceding, using the same metaphorical language adopted in the present ode, ' Methought, Fortune me kissed.' Following the same figure he naturally refers his subsequent mis- fortunes to that constitutional levity, that ' strange fashion of forsaking,' which is too common with the gentler sex. The ode is one of no considerable merit; it is original and full of feeling." (Nott, Howard and Wyat.) Line 2, Stalking within my chamber: to steal softly with noiseless step. Sometimes, to steal upon one as in the soft and imperceptible approach of sleep. Cf. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, 1. 8400: 723 NOTES The lover is of colour dead and pale; There will no sleep into his eyes stalk. Line 13, Sweetly she did me kiss: The propriety of this image depends in great measure on a circumstance which grew out of the manners of the days of chivalry, and which is now forgotten. Whenever a lady accepted the service of a knight, or acknowledged a person as her servant, or lover, she gave him a kiss, voluntarily offered on her part; and this was considered to be an inviolable bond of obligation. The reverence with which women were ap- proached in those days ensured that this simple mark of approbation was never misconceived or abused. Cf. Chaucer's Troilus and Cressida, Bk. III., line ISO, where Cressida, permitting Troilus to become her knight, advances modestly towards him, supported by her uncle, and gives him the formal kiss. For the prevalence of the custom in England, see Erasmus' Letter to his friend Faustus Andrelinus. Also, for the use of Erasmus' correspondence on this custom, see Mr. Maurice Hewlett's The Duchess of Nona, in The Little Novels of Italy, chap. I. Page 245, No. 281 — While that the sun with his beams hot. From_ William Byrd's Songs of Sundry Natures, 1589. Appeared also in Eytgland's Helicon, 1600. Page 246, No. 282 — Sly thief, if so you will believe. Froth Michael Este's Madrigals, 1604. Page 247, No. 283 — Thmk'st thou to seduce me then with words that have no meaning? From Campion's Fourth Book of Airs, 1617. There is another version of this song given in William Corkine's Airs, 1610, with only three stanzas; for this version see Works of Thomas Campion, Bullen ed., 1891, p. 286. Page 248, No. 285 — Thou send'st to me a heart was sound. From Oxford Music School MS. ¥., 575. " I seem to have met [these verses]," says Mr. Bullen {More Lyrics from, Elizabethan Song- Books), " in print somewhere, but cannot at the moment trace them. For neatness and elegance they are worthy of Ben Jonson." Dr. Grosart ascribed this poem to Donne, and printed it in his edition of the poet's Works, vol. ii., p. 254. adding the two following stanzas: The heart I sent thee ]i;ul no stain; It was entire and sound; But thou hast sent it back again Sick of a deadly wound. O Heavens, how wouldst thou use a heart That should rebellious be. Since thou hast slain mine with a dart That so much honoured thee. Page 252, No. 288 — Then hate me when thou wilt; if ever, now. Sonnet xc. Shakespeare's Sonnettes, 1609. See Sonnet Ixxxix., of which this sonnet takes up the last word, pleading pathetically for hatred; for the worst, speedily, if at all. (Dowden.) Line 6, The rearward of a conquer d woe: cf. Much Ado About Nothing, act iv. so. 1 : 724 NOTES Thought I thy spirit were stronger than thy flames, Myself would, on the rearward of reproaches, Strike at thy life. Line 13, And other strains of woe: cf. Much Ado About Noth- ing, act V. sc. 1 : Measure his woe the length and breadth of mine And let it answer every strain for strain. Page 252, No. 289 — Disdain me still that I may ever love. From John Dowland's A Pilgrim's Solace, 1612. Page 253, No. 291 — When thou, poor Excommunicate. The first and third stanzas of this poem were set to music by Henry Lawes in Ayres and Dialogues, 1653. Page 258, No. 297 — My lute awake! perform the last. "This Ode," says Nott, " occurs in the Nugae Antiquae, vol. ii., p. 252, Ed. 1775, and is there given to Lord Rochford; evidently erroneously, for it is here printed from the Harington MS., No. I, p. 80, which was Wyat's own MS., and is signed with his name in his own handwriting. It is a poem of singular merit. It is one of the most elegant amatory Odes in our language. It is as beautifully arranged in all its parts as any of the odes of Horace. The Lute, to which the Ode is addressed, corresponded nearly to the modern guitar. It was the instrument to which almost all the amatory compositions of our early poets were sung; whence they were properly called Songs, corresponding to the Italian Cantate. Every person of good education played on the lute. Surrey excelled on that instrument, and composed to it several elegant airs. ... I should not scruple to say that this Ode of Wyat is more elegant and feeling than that of Horace to Lydia on a subject nearly similar. ^ Life. I., Ode 25." Line 7, As lead to grave in marble stone: i.e.. It would be more easy for lead, which is the softest of metals, to engrave characters on hard marble, than it is for me to make an impression on her obdurate heart. To grave: in the sense of making an impression upon, was common among the early writers. Cf. Chaucer's Troilus and Cressida, Bk. II., 1. 1241: But ye have played the tyrant all too long, And hard was it your heart for to grave. Line 26, May chance thee lie: Wyat, says Nott, is incomparably more elegant and pleasing in this passage than Horace in the following lines : Cum tibi flagrans amor, et libido Quae solet matres furiare equorum, Saeviet circa jecur ulcerosum, Non sine questu, etc. And it is Nott's opinion that, " there is nothing in the whole of Horace's ode equal in beauty to the two lines which conclude the seventh stanza in Wyat: " Then shalt thou know beauty but lent. And wish and want as I have done." 725 NOTES Page 260, No. 298 — Shall I wasting in despair. An imitation of this poem attributed to Sir Walter Raleigh by Cayley in his Life, and retained by Dr. Hannah in his Courtly Poets, p. 82, begins : Shall I, like an hermit, dwell On a rock or in a cell. Calling home the smallest part That is missing of my heart, To bestow it, where I may Meet a rival every day? If she undervalue me, What care I how fair she be? Page 261, No. 299 — Hence away, you Sirens, leave me. In commenting on this poem in A Book of Elizabethan Lyrics, Pro- fessor Schelling says: " There is a second decidedly weaker version of this facile poem. Wither was often troubled with pangs of conscience for the levity of his earlier Muse; it may have been in one of these moments that he reduced his Sirens to one, and somewhat prudishly covered their antique nakedness." Line 44, Whilst there's noble hills to climb: nouns in the plural were used as the subject of is. Cf. Shakespeare's ' There is salmons in both ' — Henry V ., act iv. sc. 6. Page 266, No. 301 — Thou art not fair for all thy red and white. From Campion and Rosseter's Book of Airs, 1601. There are two other versions of this poem which have been erroneously attributed to Donne and to Joshua Sylvester, in Harley MS., 6910, f61. 150. Thou shalt not love me, neither shall these eyes Shine on my soul shrouded in deadly night; Thou shalt not breathe on me thy spiceries, Nor rock me in thy quavers of delight. Hold ofif thy hands; for I had rather die Than have my life hy thy coy touch reprieved. Smile not on me, but frown thou bitterly: Slay me outright, no lovers are long lived. As for those lips reserved so much in store, Their rosy verdure shall not meet with mine. Withhold thy proud embracements evermore: I'll not be swaddled in those arms of thine. Now show it if thou be a woman right, — Embrace and kiss and love me in despight. Beauty without Love Deformity Thou are not fair for all thy red and white. For all those rosy temperatures in thee; Thou art not sweet, though made of mere delight, Nor fair nor sweet unless thou pity me. Thine eyes are black, and yet their glittering brightness Can night enlumine in her darkest den; Thy hands are bloody, though contrived of whiteness, Both black and bloody, if they murder men; Thy brows, whereon my good hap doth depend, Fairer than snow or lily in the spring; Thy tongue which saves ( ?) at every sweet word's end, 726 NOTES That hard as marble, this a mortal sting; I will not soothe thy follies, thou shalt prove That Beauty is no Beauty without Love. Page 268, No. 304 — When Love on time and measure makes his ground. From Robert Jones' First Book of Songs and Airs, 1601. Page 270, No. 307 — Take, O take those lips away. From Measure for Measure, 1603, act iv. sc. 1. This song is quoted in Fletcher's The Bloody Brother, act v. sc. 2,, with the following addi- tional stanza: Hide, oh, hide those hills of snow. Which thy frozen bosom bears, On whose tips the pinks that grow Are of those that April wears; But first set my poor heart free. Bound in those icy chains by thee. The distinct inferiority of the second stanza to the first leads Mr. Bullen to think that the former was written by Shakespeare and the latter by Fletcher. This suggestion is a saner and more plaus- ible opinion than Mr. Swinburne's vehement partisanship criticism in behalf of the Avon bard in A Study of Shakespeare, p. 205. Page 271, No. ZQ9i. — Since there's no help, come let us kiss and part. This great sonnet first appeared in the 1619 folio of Dray- ton's Works, and numbered Ixi. of the sonnets Idea. 1 believe this to be a very personal sonnet, into which the poet put so much of the intensity of truth and experience that its expression, wrought by the genius of a poet like Drayton, could not be other than a creation of magnificent art. " From Anacreon to Moore, I know of no lines on the old subject of lovers' quarrels, distinguished for equal tenderness of sentiment. . . . Especially may be observed the exquisite gracefulness in the transition from the familiar tone in the first part of the sonnet to the deeper feeling and higher strain of the imagination at the close." (Henry Reed, British Poets, I., 241.) "As for Drayton, his one incom- parable sonnet is Love Parting. That is almost the best in the language, if not quite." (Dante Gabriel Rossetti, ir ova. Recollections of D. G. R., by T. Hall Caine.) Page 272, No. 311 — Ring out your bells, let mourning shews be spread. From Certaine Sonets, The Arcadia, 1598. It is a ten- able theory that all of the poems in this group contain some reference to Sidney's love for Stella; certainly this is the case with many of them. Dr. Grosart admits that only long-established precedent withholds him from including them in that section of his edition, and indeed this is not strong enough to prevent his transferring two sonnets which he numbers as cix. and ex. of Astrophel and Stella. He considers this Dirge to have been written upon the marriage of Stella to Lord Rich. {Sidney ii., 3, 4.) Mr. Pollard, in explanation of their original omission from the book, suggests that by some accident Sidney's own copies may have been destroyed, and that we owe the poem to the fortunate preservation of duplicates by the Countess of Pembroke. Com- pare Tennyson's Ring out, wild bells, in In Memoriam, cvi., which is generally supposed to have been suggested by this poem. Line 727 NOTES 16, False seeming holy: perhaps, hypocrisy. Line 21, Trent als: From late Latin, trigintalia; service lasting thirty days in which thirty masses were said for the repose of the soul. : 'Page 274, No. 312 — Resolved to dust entombed here lieth Love: .Each of the poems of Watson's Passionate Century is preceded by a brief explanation. This poem is included among the last twenty (so-styled) sonnets, under the section titled My Loz'e Is Past, and is prefaced as follows: " The author faineth here that Love, essay- ing with his brand to fire the heart of some lady, on whom it would not work, immediately, to try whether the old virtue of it were extinguished or no, applied it unto his own breast, and thereby foolishly consumed himself. This invention hath some relation unto the Epitaph of Love, written by M. Girolimo Para- bosco : " ' In cenere giace qui sepolto Amore, Colpa di quella, che morir m,i face, etc. ' " Watson's pains lest the reader may believe his passion not assumed, together with his pedantic gloss, has gone far toward destroying whatever of real merit the verses possess. Page 275, No. 313 — Far in the country of Arden. This charm- ing ballad is from The Shepherd's Garland, 1593, where it is sung by the shepherd Motto in the Eighth Eclogue. It was republished in. Poems Lyrick and Pastorall, 1605, and again in the 1619 Folio of Drayton's Works. Line 3, Isenbras: the metrical romance of Sir Isenbras was printed by Copland early in the sixteenth century from an unknown French original. A copy from MS. is given by Halliwell among the Thorton Romances in the Camden Society, 1844. Line 6, Sir Topas: the Rime of Sire Thopas in the Canter- bury Tales. Drayton, in this ballad, has borrowed Chaucer's metre and some of his expressions. Line 11, Yconned the leire: she knew the learning belonging to great courtesy. (Collier.) Line 14, March-pine: a kind of sweet biscuit usually composed of almonds and sugar. Line 27, And lythe as lass of Kent: Cf. Spenser's Shepherd's Calendar: Second Eclogue: Seest how brag yond bullocke beares So smirke, so smoothe, his pricked eares? His homes bene as broade as rainebow bent. His dewelap as lythe as lasse of Kent. Line 33, To get sweet setywall: Cf. the Rime of Sire Thopas: There springen herbes grete and smale, '" The licoris and the setewale. " Setwall, or garden valerian, at the first hath broad leaves of a whitish green colour." (Lyte's Herbal apud Nares.) Quoted by Bullen. (Selections from Drayton's Poems.) Line 41, He crowed crank: i. e., lustily. The word is used by Spenser. Crancke, or cranke, an old word, and yet still in use among country people, used for lustie, courageous, spirit full. (Minshewe.) " The deriva- tion is uncertain," says Mr. Bullen. " On the lucus a non lucenda principle, Minshewe derived it from Dutch kranck, sick." Line 56, Of the finest loke : i. e., lock or fleece of wool. Line 58, Bauzons' skin: badger's skin. Line 59, His cockers were: a kind of rustic 728 NOTES high shoes, or half-boots; probably from cocking up. Cf. Hall's Satires^ iv. 6: Now doth he inly scorn his Kendall-grene And his patch'd cockers now despised bene. Line 59, Of cordiwin: Cf. the. Rime of Sire Thopas: His here, his berde was like safifroun, That to his girdle raught adoun. His shoon of cordewane. Line 60, Hood of miniver: a kind of fur. Line 62, His tarbox: tar was used for curling sheep's sores. Line 63, Breech of Coin- tree blue: Coventry blue. Coventry blue stuffs were as famous as Lincoln green. (Bullen.) Page 279, No. 314 — Love is a sickness full of woes. From Hymen's Triumph, acted 1613-14. This " pastoral tragi-comedy " was performed at Somerset-House on the occasion of Lord Rox- burgh's marriage to Mistress Jane Drummond. Mr. Chamberlain's comment is " solemn and dull." Page 280, No. 315 — Go and catch a falling star. Mr. Gosse very justly says of Donne's ' system of prosody: ' " The terms ' ir- regular,' ' unintelligible,' and ' viciously rugged ' are commonly used in describing it, and it seems even to be supposed by some critics that Donne did not know how to scan. This last supposition may be rejected at once; what there was to know about poetry was known to Donne. But it seems certain that he intentionally in- troduced a revolution into English versification. It was doubtless a rebellion against the smooth and somewhat nerveless iambic ilow of Spenser and the earliest contemporaries of Shakespeare, that Donne invented his violent mode of breaking up the line into quick and slow beats." {Jacobean Poets, 1894.) Line 2, Man- drake root: Mandragora officinalis, a low plant having a fleshy root often forked, and supposed to resemble a man. It was there- fore supposed to have animal life, and to cry out when pulled up. All parts of the plants are strongly narcotic. (Webster.) Cf. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, act iv. sc. 3: And shrieks Kke mandrakes torn out of the earth That living mortals hearing them, run mad. Line 3, Past hours: ed. of 1669 reads, times past. Line 10, Born to strange sights: i. e., gifted with clairvoyant vision. Page 281, No. 316 — Why so pale and wan, fond lover? This song, perhaps the most perfect example of the satirical lyric of the Caroline period, appears in Aglaura, act iv. sc. 1, printed 1638. It is sung by young Orsames, who calls it " a little foolish counsel I gave a friend of mine four or five years ago when he was falling into a consumption." Page 281, No. 317 — Sweet Love, renew thy force: be it not said. Sonnet Ivi. Shakespeare's Sonnettes, 1609. A sonnet writ- ten in absence. The " love " addressed (to-morrow see again, etc.) is only the imaginative vision of the absent one. Line 6, Even till 729 NOTES they wink: to close the eyes not necessarily for a moment, but as in sleep. Here to sleep as after a full meal. Cf. Cymbeline, act. ii. sc. 3: And winking Mary-buds begin To ope their golden eyes. Line 8, Perpetual dulness: in connection with Wink; drowsiness as when Prospero says of Miranda's sleep " 'Tis a good dulness " — - The Tempest, act i. sc. 2. Line 13, Or call: the Quarto reads As; Mr. Palgrave reads Else. Page 284, No. 322 — Madam, withouten many words. This very well-known Song of Wyat's is from Tottel's Miscellany, 1557. *' Sub- joined, in the same MS.," says Nott (Harington MS., No. 1, p. 42), " is an answer, which, though it probably was not written by Wyat, yet as it was transcribed by him into his book, deserves to be preserved." The answer reads: Of few words. Sir, you seem to be. And where I doubted what I would do Your quick request hath caused me Quickly to tell you what you shall trust to. For he that will be called with a beck, Makes hasty suit on light desire; Is ever ready to the check And burneth in no wasting fire. Therefore whether you be lief or loth. And whether it grieve you light or sore I am at a point. I have made an oath. Content you with " Nay; " for you get no more. Line 3, Then leave your boards: tackings to and fro. A vessel tacking is said to make boards. Page 285, No. 323 — Lady! you are with beauties so enriched. From Davison's Poetical Rhapsody, 1602. Page 286, No. 324. — The lowest trees have tops, the ant her gall. From John Dowland's Third and Last Book of Songs and Airs, 1603. Also appeared in Davison's Poetical Rhapsody, 1602, and subscribed " Incerto." In Mr. Bullen's reprint of the Rhap- sody, it is signed by the still mysterious initials A. W. Rawlinson MS., Poet. 148, fol. 50, attributes it to Sir Edward Dyer, which authorship I have retained with a question. Page 286, No. 325 — Art thou gone in haste? From The Thra- cian Wonder, published by Francis Kirkman, 1661, and attributed on the title-page to Webster and Rowley. No evidence can be approved that Webster took any part in writing the play. William Rowley, ' once a rare schollar of learned Pembroke Hall of Cam- bridge,' collaborated with Middleton in the Spanish Gipsy, published 1652, though written nearly thirty years earlier; and probably also in Mere Dissemblers besides Women, published in 1657. The dates of his birth and death are uncertain. Page 288, No. 327 — Did not the heavenly rhetoric of thine eye. 73Q NOTES Biron's sonnet to Rosalind from Love's Labour's Lost, 1592, act iy. sc. 3; it was included as the third poem in The Passionate Pil- grim. 1599. (See note to No. 41.) Page 289, No. 328 — Sweetest love, I do not go. Line 7, Use myself: accustom myself. Line 13, Fear not: for me. Page 293, No. 331 — Shall I come, sweet Love, to thee. From Campion's Third Book of Airs, 1617. " The melodious serenade worthy even of Shelley." (BuUen.) Page 294, No. 332 — Open the door! Who's there within? From Martin Peerson's Private Music, 1620. Bodleian Library, Douce Collection. Page 294, No. 333 — Only Joy! now here you are: The Fourth Song in Astrophel and Stella. Line 14, Cupid's yoke: Grosart's ed. reads Cupid's knot. Line 21, Hap: good luck. Line 28, Folks: Folio reads Fools, which Dr. Grosart suggests is ' gayer yet deeper than folks.' Line 34, Frame: design or build up (it, the time or opportunity). Page 298, No. 335 — dear life, when shall it be. The Tenth Song in Astrophel and Stella. Stanzas vi., vii., viii., do not appear in the Quarto Ed., 1591. Line 8, After parting, aught forgot: Quarto of 1591 reads: By thine absence oft forgot. Line 45, Melts: Quarto reads, Heets. Line 47, Revived: Quarto reads, received. Page 299, No. 336 — Sweet Adon, darest not glance thine eye. From 'Never Too Late, 1590. Greene several times revived the old combination of French and English verse. It will be noticed that in this poem the first and third line carry on the lyric; the second, fourth, fifth, and sixth being refrains. Page 301, No. 337 — Therefore above the rest, Ambition sat. This selection is from Christ's Victorie on Earth, published at Cambridge, 1610. The author of this poem, son to Giles Fletcher the elder, brother to Phineas Fletcher, and cousin to the dramatist, was as certainly Milton's master as Spenser was Browne's. " That Christ's Victorie," Dr. Grosart writes (Memorial-Introduc- tion to G. Fletcher's Poems, Fuller's Worthies Library), " had one supreme student in John Milton every one discerns; and the one is compensating renown." Line 8, Golden virges: rods. Line 25, Wat'ry orbicles: soap-bubbles. Line 43, Stench: staunch. Line 86, Where deeply both: i. e., presumption and Satan. Page 305, No. 338 — My only star. From Davison's Poetical Rhapsody, 1602. Line 26, Lines: letter; as also in Line 53. Lines 43-4. The verbal quibble in these lines are typically Elizabethan. Page 307, No. 340 — ■ There is none, O none but you. This poem is No. xiii. in the Second Part (Light Conceits of Lovers) of Campion's Two Books of Airs, 1613. It is included by Dr. Hannah in his Courtly Poets, 1870, where it is attributed to Robert, Earl of Essex, on the testimony of the Aubrey's MSS., printed by Dr. Bliss, the editor of Wood's Fasti. 73^ NOTES Page 308, No. 341 — I serve Aminta, whiter than the snow. Like Nos. 253 and 255 (see note supra) this poem is from £m^- land's Helicon, 1600, where it is signed *' Shepherd Tony." Line 3, More -fine in trip: of daintier step. Line 13, Curster . . . by kind: more vixenish in disposition. Page 310, No. 343 — The green that you would wish me wear. George Turberville (1530P-1594) was a Dorsetshire man of good family, educated at Winchester and Oxford. Besides writing a good many occasional poems he was also the author of a woric on Falconry and made many translations. This selection is the best specimen of his lyrical work. Line 18, Refuse: refusal. Page 313, No. 345 — ^Loving in truth, and fain in verse my love to show. The initial sonnet of Astrophel and Stella, 1591. " The very first piece of the series, an oddly compounded sonnet of thirteen Alexandrines and a final heroic, strikes the note of intense and fresh poetry which is only heard afar oif in Surrey and Wyatj^ which is hopeless to seek in the tentatives of Turberville and Googe, and which is smothered with jejune and merely literary ornament in the less familiar work of Thomas Watson. The second line, . . . the couplet (lines 7 and 8) . . . and the sudden and splendid finale . . . are things that may be looked for in vain earlier." (George Saintsbury, Elizabethan Literature, 1887.) Page 314, No. 346 — First shall the heavens want starry light. From Rosalind, 1590. In speaking of the influence of Desportes, Mr. Bullen says: " It seems to me that whenever Lodge imitated Desportes, he greatly improved upon his model. Desportes has a sonnet beginning: " On verra defaillir tous les astres aux cieux, etc. Compare this with Lodge's poem beginning First shall the heaven, etc. Desportes' sonnet is a bundle of dry conceits; Lodge's song is musical as a running brook." {Introduction, Lyrics from Eliz- abethan Romances, 1890.) Page 315, No. 347 — Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea. Sonnet Ixv. Shakespeare's Sonnettes, 1609. Line 4, Action: apparently used in the legal sense suggested by hold a plea in line 3. Line 10, Time's chest: Theobald proposed Time's guest, but Malone defends this reading by showing that the image of a jev/el in a chest was a favorite one with Shakespeare. Line 12, Of beauty: the or of the Quarto is a manifest error. Page 316, No. 349 — Let me not to the marriage of true minds. Sonnet cxvi. Shakespeare's Sonnettes, 1609. It would be dif- ficult to cite a finer passage of moral poetry than this description of the master passion. (Leigh Hunt, English Sonnets.) " Admits his wanderings, but love is fixed above all the errors and trials of man's life." Line 2, Admit impediments: See the Form of Solem- nization of Matrimony : If any of you know cause or just impedi- ments, etc. Lines 2-3, Love is not love: Cf. King Lear, act i. sc. 1: Love's not love When it is mingled with regards that stand Aloof from the entire point. NOTES Lines 5-6, An ever-fixed mark: Cf, Coriolanus, act v. sc. 3: Like a great sea-mark standing every flaw. Line 7, It is a star: Prof. Dowden interprets this passage: " As the star, over and above what can be ascertained concerning it for our guidance at sea, has unknowable occult virtue and in- fluence, so love, besides its power of guiding us, has incalculable potencies," and adds, " Height, it should be observed, was used by Elizabethan writers in the sense of value, and the word may be used here in a double sense, altitude (of the star) and value (of love)." Line 9, Time's fool: the sport or mockery of Time. Cf. King Henry IV., act v. sc. 4: But thought's the slave of life, and life time's fool. Line 11, His brief hours: i. e., Time's. Line 12, Bears it out even to the edge of doom: Cf. All's Well that Ends Well, act iii. sc. 3: We'll strive to bear it for your worthy sake To the extreme edge of hazard. Page 318, No. 352 — Happy ye leaves whenas those lily hands. This is the opening sonnet of the Amoretti, 1595. These sonnets furnish us with a circumstantial and interesting account of Spen- ser's second courtship, which, after many repulses, was successfully terminated by the marriage celebrated in the Epithalamium. (See p. 358, No. S92.) Line 10, Of Helicon whence she derived is: Dr. Grosart explains this obscure passage by the suggestion that the allusion is to the name (Elizabeth) of Spenser's wife. (See note to No. 538.) In sonnet xxxix. of the Amoretti reference is made to My Helice, which would seem to confirm this idea (Helice — Elise?). Page 318, No. 353 — Rose-cheek'd Laura, come. "In 1602 ap- peared Thomas Campion's Observation in the Art of English Poetry, the famous pamphlet in which this graceful Elizabethan rimer ad- vocated a return to classical quantitative verse. He illustrated his proposed rhythms with original experiments, which in all but one case are no less unhappy than most quantitative poems in English. The one exception, however, illustrating a trochaic strophe, deserves to be quoted as an example, not only of graceful melody, but of perfect lyrical form. The motive — Laura's beauty — is introduced in the first words, developed through an Elizabethan * conceit ' of human beauty in general, and closed with a philosophic contemplation of perfect beauty in the abstract." (John Erskine: The Elizabethan Lyric, ed. 1905.) See also Observation in the art of English Poesy, p. 258, Bullen's ed. of Campion's Works, 1903. Page 320, No. 355 — Fair Hebe, when dame Flora meets. From Thomas Bateson's First Set of English Madrigals, 1604. Page 320, No. 356 — This morning timely wrapt with holy fire. From Epigrams, 1616. Lucy, Countess of Bedford, sister and co- heir of the second Lord Harrington, was a gifted woman of varied attainments and distinguished by her liberal patronage of men of genius; Drayton, Donne, Daniel, and Jonson being especially indebted to her munificence, for which all of them have paid poetical tribute. She died in 1627. 733 NOTES Page 325, No. 364 — Here lies the blithe spring. From Ford and Dekker's The Sun's Darling, 1656. The play was licensed in 1623-4. The songs are doubtless by Dekker. Page 327, No. 368 — Fair is the rose, yet fades with heat or cold. From Orlando Gibbons' First Set of Madrigals, 1612. Page 331, No. 374 — O perfect Light, which shaid away. From Poems of Alexander Hume, Scottish Text Society Publications. Alexander Hume was born at Reidbrais, North Berwick (Scotland), 1556-7, and died in 1609. He belonged to a minor but still im- portant branch of the great clan which, in the fifteenth and six- teenth centuries, possessed the larger portion of the Merse and part of East Lothian. He was the second of seven sons and two daughters born to Patrick and Agnes Hume, his father being the grandson of the first Patrick Hume, the Comptroller of Scotland in 1499. It has been invariably assumed that Hume studied at St. Andrew's. Circumstances, however, point to his matriculation in 1571 as a student of St. Mary's. Later he travelled in France, and on his return became attached to the Court of James VI. " Hume's Summer Day," says Lawson {Introduction to Poems, 1902), " suggests not only the Prologues of Douglas, but Thom- son's Seasons, and the prose idyll which Richard Jeffries called The Pageant of Summer {The Life of the Fields, pp. 41-64). It is more limited in scope than the Summer of the former, for it treats a day poetically, not formally, and it does not range over the experiences of an entire season. But it shows the same love and the same knowledge. . . . The earlier poet, because his ambition is rhore modest, naturally misses much that moved the latter . . . but he has no inartistic digressions, and he has at every point the same sincerity of feeling. . . . Hume and Thomson are alike, how- ever, in adding to the single-hearted love of the sights and sounds amid which they were reared, a full recognition of Nature as the expression of divine power and wisdom. This recognition of spirit above and behind Nature is constant and simple, although we know otherwise that the religious creed of the two Borderers differed materially." Line 1, Shaid: parted. Line 6, Vively: vividly. Line 16, Stripe: rill. Line 21, Astres: stars. Line 23, Offuskit: darkened. Line 29, Boulden: swollen. Line 30, Sheen: bright. Line 37, Reek: smoke-vapor. Line 38, Skails: clears. Line 41, Cloggit: clogged. Line 59, Ding: to beat. Line 91, Simples: herbs. Line 84, Steir: to stir. Line 89, Cessile: yielding, ceasing. Line 93, Flourishes: blossoms. Line 108, O' erf ret: overfretted. Page 335, No. 375 — Where the bee sucks, there suck I. Ariel's song in the Tempest, act v. sc. 1. Page 342, No. 381 — Jack and Joan, they think no ill. ^ From Divine and Moral Songs in Two Books of Airs, 1613. Line 19, Tutties: Nosegays. Page 345, No. 383 — Come follow me, you country lasses. From Fletcher and Rowley's The Maid in the Mill, 1647. Mr. Bullen suspects that Rowley is the author of this song. 734 NOTES Page 346, No. 384 — Haymakers, rakers, reapers and mowers. From Ford and Dekker's The Sun's Darling, 1656. I follow Mr. Bullen in assigning this song to Dekker. Page 347, No. 385 — What pleasure have great princes. From William Byrd's Psalms, Sonnets,- and Songs, 1588. Page 348, No, 386 — Ah, what is love? It is a pretty thing. From The Mourning Garment, 1590. Prof. Brown, of Canter- bury College, New Zealand, in speaking of Robert Greene says: " Wild with the feverish life of an actor, yet penning songs that breathe in every line of rest , . . oblivious to the graces of his most virtuous wife, for the blandishments of a ' sorry ragged quean ' and yet capable of uttering the most lyrical eulogy of rustic married life." (Grosart's Greene I. xlix.) Line 28, Af- fects: affections. Line 36, Spill: destroy. Line 42, Stthe: time (originally a journey, hence an occasion). Page 350, No. 387 — Come, spur away. Thomas Randolph, after an honourable career as a student pensioner at Trinity College, Cambridge, went to London, where his rare promise procured his adoption as one of the " sons of Ben," before he had actually accomplished any great achievement in verse. Anthony Stafford was a noted prose writer of the day, an account of whose works may be found in Collier's Rarest Books in the English Language, iv., 90. Line 4, Chargeable : expensive. Line 16, Puisne of the Inns of Court: a junior student in the law courts. Line 23, No finger lose: Randolph himself had lost a finger in a fray. Line 32, Hyde Park was originally a game preserve, but became a fashionable promenade in the reign of Charles II. Line 36, The Cheap : Cheapside, the principal retail street of old London. Line 76, Noble Barclay: perhaps Sir John Berkley, Governor of Exeter, to whom Herrick addresses the lines: Stand forth, brave man, since fate has made thee here The Hector over aged Exeter. Page 353, No. 388 — Let Mother Earth now deck herself in flowers. From Arcadia, 159.8. Page 356, No. 389 — Cynthia, to thy power and thee. From The Maid's Tragedy, 1619, act i. sc. 2. - ' Page 357, No. 391 — Roses, their sharp spines being gone. From The Two Noble Kinsmen, 1634. On the title-page of the first ed. of this play Shakespeare's name is associated with Fletcher's as joint author. There is naturally much difference of opinion as to the authorship of this song. The weight of authority, seems to be against Shakespeare, although from internal evidence, strong argu- ments can be made against this opinion.- There are, however, many instances in Fletcher's lyrical poems when he, without apparent difference, achieves Shakespeare's man- ner. Cf. song from Valentinian, Now the lusty spring is seen. Mr. Bullen says: " I have given the song tentatively to Fletcher, but I have a strong suspicion that it is by Shakespeare." {Lyrics from Elizabethan Dramatists, 1889.) Line 7, Primrose, first-born child of Ver: the punctuation at the end of this line has heretofore been a comma, which resulted in a certain obscurity in the succeed- 735 NOTES ing line. Mr. Quiller-Couch, in the following interesting note, explains the matter, and his suggestion has been followed in the present text. " The opening lines of the second stanza have generally been printed thus: " Primrose, first-born child of Ver, Merry springtime's harbinger. With her bells dim. . . . and many have wondered how Shakespeare or Fletcher came to write of the bells of a primrose. ... I have always suspected, however, that there should be a semicolon after ' Ver ' and that ' merry springtime's harbinger, with her bells dim,' referred to a totally different flower — the snow-drop, to wit. And I now learn from Dr. Grosart, who has carefully examined the 1634, and early editions, that the text actually gives a semicolon. The snow-drop may very well come after the primrose in the song, which altogether ignores the process of the seasons." (Adventures in Criticism, pp. 42-3.) Page 358, No. 392 — Ye learned sisters, which have oftentimes. " This splendid poem," says Mr. Erskine (Study of Elizabethan Lyrics), " is considered by many critics the foremost of Eliza- bethan lyrics. It illustrates the many-sided tastes of the pastoral lyrists. It is idyllic in method; the emotion is advanced through a series of lyric units, each inspired by a separate picture. Strictly speaking, each stanza, with its own inspiration, is a song in itself, and the complete poem is a series rather than an organic whole. But the lyrical emotion aroused by all the motives is the same in every case, so that, in the broad sense, it would be difficult to deny_ unity to the poem. In the subject-matter, as well as in the emotion, unity is secured by describing the events of one day in order from daybreak to midnight." " Two references in the Epithalamium give us its date and scene. Its date was the 11th June, 1594, as thus: " This day the sunne is in his chiefest hight With Barnaby the bright-- (Lines 265-6.) The scene was the cathedral of Cork — and (it is believed) Bishop William Lyon was the chief officiating clergyman: " Open the temple gates unto . my love, Open them wide that she may enter in . . . And all the pillours deck with girlands trim — (Lines 204-7.) — with after mention of the ' high altar ' and ' roring organ ' and ' choristers.' " The splendour of the ceremonials, the * many gazers,' the stir and concourse of the gentlest and richest, and the whole tone of the Epithalamium, harmonize with the bride having been a ' Lady,' such as by kinship at least Elizabeth Boyle doubtless was. The question of the enraptured bridegroom: " Tell me ye merchants daughters did ye see So fayre a creature in your towne before? (Lines 167-8.) NOTES whilst informing us that they were of the crowding spectators, does not involve that the ' bride ' was a merchant's daughter. Such a marriage procession of minstrels with ' pipe ' and ' tabor ' and ' trembling croud ' and damzels with ' tymbrels ' and dance and running page-boys, and herself ' clad all in white,' . . . once more render preposterous any. thought of such a bride having been a peasant. "Was ever marriage so 'married to immortal verse?' Even when we think of Comus and the Arcades Dean Church's eloquent verdict is unimpeachable: ' His bride was immortalized as a fourth among the three Graces, in a richly painted passage in the last book of the Faerie Queene. But the most magnificent tribute to her is the great Wedding Ode, the Epithalamium, the finest composition of its kind, perhaps in any language. . So impetuous and unflagging, so orderly, and yet so rapid in the onward march of its stately and varied stanzas; so passionate, so flashing with imaginative wealth, yet so refined and self-restrained. It was always easy for Spenser to open the flood-gates of his inexhaustible fancy. With him — The numbers flowed as fast as spring doth rise — But here he has thrown into his composition all his power of concentration, of arrangement, of strong and harmonious gov- ernment over thought and image, over language and measure and rhythm; and the result is unquestionably one of the grandest lyrics in English poetry. We have learned to think the subject unfit for such free poetical treatment; Spenser's age did not.' Prof. John Wilson may supplement this: " * We are not unread in Catullus. But the pride of Verona must bow his head in humility before this bounteous and lovelier lay. Joy, Love, Desire, Passion, Gratitude, Religion, rejoice in presence of Heaven, to take possession of Affection, Beauty, Inno- cence. Faith and Hope are bridesmaids, and holiest incense is burning on the altar.'" Dr. Grosart, Life of Spenser, pp. 202-4, in Complete Works, Spenser Society Publ., 1882-4. Line 51, And diapred lyke : diversified, a word borrowed frOm Chaucer. See the Romaunt of the Rose, line 934, ed. Urr. : And it was painted well and thwitten, And ore all diapred and written. Chaucer also uses the word dappled and dapple gray, as applied to a horse, in his Rime of Sir Topas; and we are by no means convinced that diapred and dappled are not the same word, al- though a different etymology has been given to them; a horse may be called dappled, bfecause his coat presents the appearance of being diapred. (Todd.) Line 81, The marvis descant playes: In our old Dictionaries and Glossaries the marvis is usually inter- preted the thrustle or thrush. As the marvis is sometimes men- tioned in our ancient poetry together with the thrush, I suppose the marvis means the cock-thrush, or song thrush, the cock being most distinguished for its tones. See Chaucer's Romaunt of the Rose, describing the sweet song of various birds, line 665 : And thrustils, terins, and marvise, That songin, etc. (Todd.) Line 82, The Ruddock : robin-red-breast. Cf . Shakespeare's Cym- "beline. Line 83, Agree with sweet consent: The reading should be concent, says Collier, for harmony. Spenser uses concent and :737 ) NOTES concented in the Faery Queene, Compare Warton's note on * pure concent' to Milton's Ode at a Solemn Musick. Line 131, The trembling Croud: Crotta; Welsh, crwth, the fiddle. From Anglo- Saxon Cruth, says Skinner. Collier says: The croud has generally been explained to mean the Micula Britannica, or fiddle, and a crowder is a fiddler. The word is of perpetual occurrence from the time of Chaucer, and even earlier, to that of Butler. Line 149, Lyke Phoebe: What the Psalmist has sublimely said of the Sun, Spenser has here applied to the Moon. See Psalm xix. 5. (Todd.) Line 154, Her long loose yellow locks: It is remarkable that Spen- ser's females, both in the Faery Queene and in his other poems, are all described with yellow hair. And, in his general description of the influence of beauty over the bravest men, he particularizes golden tresses. See Faery Queene, Bk. v. viii. 1. This is said in compliment to his mistress, as here, and in sonnet xv. ; or to Queen Elizabeth, who had yellow hair; or perhaps in imitation of the Italian poets, who give most of their women tresses of this colour. (Warton.) Ibid., lyke golden wire: our old poets were fond of this resemblance. Thus, in Ahr. Fraunce's Second Part of the Countess of Pembroke's Yvychurch, 1591, where he is describing Phillis: Eyes like bright starrs, and fayre brows dayntily fmyling, And cherefull forehead with gold-wyre all to be decked. And in the romance of Palmendos, Bk. I. 4to, 155, a lady is described with gold-wire hair. . . . And, in Richard Barnfield's The Affectionate Shepherd, 1594: Cut off thy lock, and sell it for gold-wier. The Scottish Muses disdain not the same similitude. See Sibbald's Chronicle of Scottish Poetry, vol. i., 162: As golden wier so glitterand was his hair. Again, p. 202: As rid gold-wyir schynit hir hair. (Todd.) Line 174, Charming men to byte: i. e., tempting by enchantment. Line 253, And sprinkle . . . with wine: Cf. the Faery Queene, Bk. I. xii. '38: Then gan they sprinckle all the posts with wine. Line 290, The night's sad dread: This epithet was wanting till the first folio was published. (Todd.) " We are not at all con- vinced," says Collier, " of the necessity for sad ; Spenser may have written nightes, as a dissyllable, a not at all unusual practice with him. However, as some alteration must be made, we follow the folio 1611." Line 341, Ne let the Pouke: The ponke or pouke (the earlier editions to Collier read the former) is the fairy Robin Goodfellow, or Hob-goblin, known by the name of Puck. This spirit appears to have taken pleasure in deriding the solem- nities of the nuptial feast, and interrupting the mirth Math his wicked tricks. See The Second Part of Robin Goodfellow, com- monly called Hob-gobUn, 1628, Chap. 6. Line 380, The Latmian Shepherd: In the first edition the reading is Latinian_ shepherd. The allusion is to Endymion, whose love for Cynthia is well NOTES known through Keats' beautiful poetic romance. Drayton wrote a poem on the same subject, called Endymion and Phoebe, published in 1594, of which very little is known. Page 373, No. 393 — Come, come, dear Night, Love's mart of kisses. From the Tale of Teras in the Fifth Sestiad of Hero and Leander, 1598. The poem to the end of the Second Sestiad was a fragment left by Marlowe at his death and first printed in 1598; Chapman wrote the remaining three Sestiads, in one of which appears this song. Though Warton describes Hero and Leander as a translation, it is a paraphrase from the Greek poem attributed to Musaeus. Page 374, No. 394 — Up! Youths and virgins! up, and praise. From The Description of the Masque, with Nuptial Songs, cele- brating the Happy Marriage of John, Lord Ramsay, with the Lady Elisabeth Radcliife, 1608. Page 377, No. 395 — Calme was the day, and through the trem- bling ayre. A Spousal' verse . . . in honour of the double marriage of the two honourable and virtuous ladies^ the Lady Elizabeth and the Lady Katherine Somerset, daughters to the right honour- able the Earl of Worcester and espoused to the two worthy gentle- men, M. Henry Gilford and M. William Peter, Esquires, 1596. The poem was privately printed for the families connected with the ceremony. It is Spenser's latest extant poem. line 3, That lightly did delay: temper, or mitigate, as in the Faery Queene, Bk. ii. ix. 30 — But to delay the heat. Hughes, however, rejects the old word, and reads allay; to which unjustifiable alteration the modern editions also conform. Delay is repeatedly used in this sense by Spenser. (Todd.) Line 12, Whose rutty Bancke : that is, whose bank full of roots; rootie is an old English adjective. See Cotgrave's Fr. and Eng. Diet. (Todd.) " Chapman is the only poet," says Collier, " that we are aware of, who used the adjective rooty; and so he spelled it, and not rutty as in Spenser; he is speaking of the rooty sides of a hill. Iliad, Bk. xvii. 1. 654." Line 17, Which is not long: i. e., approaching near at hand. Cf. the Faery Queene, Bk. iv. iv. 12. (Warton.) Line 22, With goodly greenish locks, all loose untyde: "This custom appears to have been usual in this country even at the beginning of the eighteenth century, for thus Nahum Tate writes (strangely enough indeed as to the comparison), in his Injured Love, etc., a tragedy, 1707. 'Untie your folded thoughts, and let them dangle loose as a bride's hair.' " (Todd.) Line 37, With that I saw Swannes: See Hughes's remark on this fiction in his Essay on Allegorical Poetry, vol. ii., p. xv. It is probable, as Warton also thinks, that Spenser, in this description, had his eye sometimes on Leland's Cygnea Cantio. (Todd.) Line 67, Yet were they bred of Somers-heat: A punning allusion to the sur- name of the Ladies (Somerset) whose marriages this spousal verse celebrates. Line 82, Like a brydes chamber iiore : See Epitha- lamium, p. 360, lines 8-9. Line 80, A noble peer. Great England's glory: Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, in August, 1596, returned to England the hero of an expedition to Spain where he had captured Cadiz by great personal bravery, and left seriously crippled the Spanish -navy. Lines 120-1, That did excell . . . The rest, so far as Cynthia. Cf. Horace Ode I. xii. 46: 739 NOTES Micat inter omnes Julium fidus, velut inter ignes Luna minores. (Todd.) Line 121, Doth shend: put to shame, disgrace. Cf. The Faery Queene : Her fawning love with foule disdainfull spight He would not shend. Debateful strife, and cruel enmity, The famous name of knighthood fowly shend. Line 175, The Bauldricke of the Heavens: a girdle or belt, formed from the base latinity baldringum, balteus. The expression is from Manilius: Sed noche ingenti stellatus balteus orbe. (Upton.) Gf . The Faery Queene, V. i. 2 : The heavens bright-shining baudricke to enchace. Page 384, No. 397 — A Nymph is married to a Fay. This beautiful poem is the Eighth Nimphall in The Muses Elizium, 1630. Page 395, No. 398 — / tell thee, Dick, where I have been. " The version ,of this famous ballad, which has created one of the world's ' familiar quotations,' is the same as that accepted by Mr. Locker-Lampson in his delightful Lyra Elegantiarum. . . .He says in connection with this ballad: 'This is one of his (Suck- ling's) best poems, and as Leigh Hunt says — his fancy is so full of gusto as to border on imagination. Three stanzas of the poem have been necessarily omitted.' In reality six stanzas have been cut from the poem as it originally stood. It was written upon the occasion of the marriage of Suckling's friend, Roger Boyle (Lord Broghill or Brohall, afterward Earl of Orrery), and Lady Mar- garet Howard, daughter of the Earl of Suffolk. There are evi- dences that it was set to music which was very popular. John Lawson wrote of the ballad: 'This is really excellent, brisk, humorous, and poetical.' Wordsworth wrote: ' I fully concur in Mr. Lawson's criticism, but wish he had been more explicit. . . . This may safely be pronounced his opus magnum: indeed for grace and simplicity it stands unrivalled in the whole compass of ancient and modern poetry.'" Line 8, We . . , do sell our hay: The Haymarket of London of to-day. Line 9, A house with stairs: said to be Suffolk House, afterwards Northumberland House. Line 31, The maid, and thereby hangs a tale: Wordsworth wrote: "His portraits of female beauty are not so finished as Byron or Moore, but they possess a great attraction, because he gives only a glimpse and leaves the rest to fancy." (F. A. Stokes, Suckling's Poems.) Page 405, No. 405 — Orpheus with his lute made trees. From King Henry VIII., 1623, act i. sc. 1. Page 407, No. 408 — If music and sweet poetry agree. This sonnet was long attributed to Shakespeare in The Passionate Pil- NOTES grim, 1599. It appeared in Barnfield's Poems in Divers Humors, 1598. See note to No. 41. Page 407, No. 409 — > Thence passing forth, they shortly doe arryve. From the Faerie Queene, Bk. II. canto xii. stan. 42. This well-known selection of Spenser's gorgeous allegory never dimin- ishes in charm for the lovers of what is most beautiful in imagery and music in English poetry. Line 7, Or that may dayntest fancy aggrate : In the later editions daynest has been unwarrantably changed to daintiest. Line 17, And eke the gate: If the reader will take the trouble, or pleasure, to compare this description which Tasso has given of the palace of Armida, he will see how, in many particulars, our poet borrows, and how he varies. The gates (says the Italian poet) were of silver, in which were wrought the stories of Hercules and lole, of Anthony and Cleo- patra. Spenser describes the expedition of Jason, and his amours with Medea. (Upton.) Upton gives no reference to the par- ticular part of Tasso's Gerusalemme Liberata, to which he refers, presuming, perhaps, that the readers of Spenser were well ac- quainted with it: it may be found near the opening of Canto xvi., Per I'entrata maggior, etc. Line 69, Gather therefore the Rose: Marston, in his copy of the Faery Queene, edit. 1590, has espe- cially marked the excessive beauty of this portion of the poem, and opposite the words Gather therefore the Rose, he wrote in the margin, Collige virgo rosas, etc. (Collier.) Line 72, Whilst' loving thou mayst loved be with equal crime: Compare Fairfax's translation of the Gerusalem^ne Liberata, Bk. xvi. stan. 14, 15; and his obligations to Spenser, see the Preface to Coleridge's Seven Lectures on Shakespeare and Milton, p. xxxiv. (Collier.) Page 411, No. 411 — Now is the time for mirth. Line 7, Of her pap: i. e., sap. Line 10, Arabian dew: spikenard. Line 12, Retorted hairs: tossed wildly back. Line 20, The world had all one nose: a play on the poet's name — Ovidius Naso. Line 21, This immensive cup: i. e., measureless. Page 413, No. 412 — The sun which doth the greatest comfort bring. This poem was appended, in both folios, to The Nice Valour, or The Passionate Madman; and reprinted among Beau- mont's Poems, 1653. Professor Charles Eliot Norton found among some MSS. of Donne's Poems a transcript of two of Beaumont's poems, his Ad Comitissam- Rutlandi and The Letter to Ben Jonson. Both of the manuscript poems, said Professor Norton, were found to be improvements on the commonly known texts. "This is especially true," he continues, "of the latter, the more important poem — a poem delightful and well-known to all the lovers of the poetry of the Elizabethan age." A variant reading from Dvce's text is given of the poem and the MS. (See Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature, 1896, vol. 5, pp. 19-22.) Line 15, Sutcliffe's wit: Probably, as Dyce suggests, Dr. Matthew Sutcliffe, first Provost of King Tames' College in Chelsea, of whom Fuller says {Church History, Bk. X. Lect. iii. 25-27), "Doctor Sutcliffe (was) a known rigid anti-remonstrant; and when old, very morose and testy in his writings against them." (Norton.) Line 16, Lie where he will: i. e., in whatever place he lodges. Line 17, Robert Wisdom: He contributed to Hopkins and Sternhold's Psalms, the XXV. psalm, and the hymni 741. NOTES Preserve us, Lord, by thy dear word, From Turk and Pope, defend us Lord, etc. He died in 1568. The quaintness of his name, as well as the poverty of his poetry, caused him frequently to be ridiculed. (Weber.) For a poem of Wisdom's see p. 547, No. 522. Line 22, Make legs: i. e., to make bows. Line 21 , We are all equal every whit: Seward, at Sympson's suggestion, pointed the passage thus: We are all equal: every whit Of the land that God gives, etc. and so his successors. But the old punctuation is right, the mean- ing of the line being — From the land which God gives men here, their wit comes. (Dyce.) Line 30, Main house jest, t. e., the chief standing family-jest, which has descended from father to son for some generations. (Heath, MS. Notes.) Line 60, Ballating: ballading. Line 69, Of the Guard. Dyce explains this as gard, equivalent to garden; a questionable interpretation. If the MS. reading be right, it is a jest at some guard which had no soul but the vegetative. (Norton.) Page 420, No. 417 — Fine knacks for ladies! cheap, choice, brave and new. From John Dowland's Second Book of Songs or Airs, 1600. " Dowland . . . had the distinction," says Mr. Er- skine {Study of The Elizabethan Lyric, ed. 1905, pp. 229-30), "of presenting here one of the famous pedlar-songs of Elizabethan poetry. . . . The great antiquity of mercers' songs in England has already been noticed. (Ibid. Chap, ii.) The character of the roving pedlar, especially if he were wittily impudent, seems to have appealed strongly to the Elizabethan imagination. In its normal presentation, Shakespeare's Autolycus (see below Nos. 418 and 419) sums up the type. Dowland's pedlar, however, is ideal- ized into a second-hand philosopher; every line of his speech, in phrase and thought, is a burlesque echo of the moral verses in the miscellanies." Page 421, No. 418 — Lawn as white as driven snow. This song and the number following, 419, are from A Winter's Tale, 1610, act iv. sc. 3. See note to No. 417, above. Page 422, No. 421 — O never say that I was false of heart. Sonnet cix. in Shakespeare's Sonnettes, 1609. The first ardour of love is now renewed as in the days of early friendship (see Sonnet cviii., lines 13-14). But what of the interval of absence and estrangement? Shakespeare confesses his wanderings, yet declares that he was never wholly false. (Dowden.) Line 2, To qualify: to temper, moderate. Cf. Troilus and Cressida, act ii. sc. 2: or is your blood So madly hot, that no discourse of reason. Nor fear of bad success in a bad cause. Can qualify the same. Line 4, My soul which in thy breast doth lie: Cf. King Rich- ard III., act i. sc. 1 : " Even so thy breast encloseth my poor heart." Line 7, Just to the time, not with the time exchanged: 742 NOTES punctual to the time, not altered with the time. So Jessica in her boy's disguise, Merchant of Venice, act iii. sc. 6: I am glad 'tis night, you do not look on me, For I am much ashamed of my exchange. (Dowden.) Line 11, Stain' d: Staunton proposes strain'd. Line 14, My Rose: Shakespeare returns to the loving name which he has given his friend in Sonnet i.: " That thereby beauty's Rose might never die." Page 423, No. 422 — From you I have been absent in the spring. Sonnet xcviii. in Shake-speare's Sonnettes, 1609. The sonnet following this (No. 423) in the sequence is numbered xcvii., and treats of absence in Summer and Autumn. Professor Dowden thought it begun a new group. To me, however, the better arrange- ment, especially for my purpose here, is the transposition I have made, though Mr. Quiller-Couch and other editors have followed the order in the Series. The mood here is of Absence in Spring. Lines 2-3, Proud-pied April: Cf. Romeo and Juliet, act i. sc. 2: Such comfort as do lusty young men feel When well-apparell'd April on the heel Of limping winter treads. • Line 4, That: so that. Line 7, Summer's story tell: By a Sum- mer's story Shakespeare seems to have meant some gay fiction. Thus, his comedy founded on the adventures of the king and queen of the fairies he calls A Midsummer Night's Dream. On the other hand, in The Winter's Tale he tells us " a sad tale's best for winter." So also in CymbeUne, act iii. sc. 4: — if it be summer news Smile to it before: if winterly, thou needst But keep that countenance still. (Malone.) Line 11, They were but sweet: Malone proposed, " they were, my sweet, but," etc. The poet declares, as Steevens says, that the flowers are only sweet, only delightful, so far as they resemble bis friend. Lettsom proposes: " They were but fleeting figures of delight." (Dowden.) Page 424, No. 423 — How like a winter hath my absence been. Sonnet xcvii. in Shake-speare's Sonnettes, 1609. Line 5, This time removed: this time of absence. Line 7, Prime: Spring. Line 10, Hope of orphans: such hope as orphans bring; or, expectation of the birth of children whose father is dead. (Staunton.) Dowden proposes crop of orphans. Page 424, No. 424 — Absence, hear thou my protestation. On the evidence of an early MS. this poem has been assigned to Donne, which seems well affirmed by the peculiar attributes it possesses of Donne's genius. It appeared unsigned in Davison's Poetical Rhapsody, 1602, and later in a collection of verse called The Grove, 1721. "The circumstances," writes Mr. Quiller-Couch, " of Donne's life give these verses a peculiar interest. Being secretary to the Lord Chancellor Ellesmere, he ' passionately fell in love with, and privately married, a niece of the Lady Ellesmere's, the daughter of Sir George Moor, Chancellor of the Garter, and Lieutenant of the Tower, which so much enraged Sir George, that 743 NOTES he not only procured Mr. Donne's dismission from his em- ployment under the Lord Chancellor, but never rested till he had caused him likewise to be imprisoned. Though it was not long before he was enlarged from his confinement, yet his troubles still increased upon him; for his wife being detained from him, he was constrained to claim her by a troublesome and expensive law- suit, which, together with travel, books, and a too liberal disposi- tion, contributed to reduce his fortune to a very narrow compass. " * Adversity has its peculiar virtues to exercise and work upon, as well as the most flourishing condition of life; and Mr. Donne had now an opportunity of showing his patience and submission, which, together with the general approbation he everywhere met with of Mr. Donne's good qualities, with an irresistible kind of persuasion so won upon Sir George, that he began now not wholly to disapprove of his daughter's choice; and was at length so far reconciled as not to deny them his blessing.' The death of his wife broke Donne's heart." (The Golden Pomp.) Compare these verses with Carew's To his Mistress in Absence, Vincent's ed. Poems of Carew, 1899, p. 29. Page 425, No. 425 — Be your words made, good Sir, of Indian ware. Sonnet cxii. in Astrophel and Stella, 1591. Line 3, Or do you cutted Spartans imitate: Dr. Grosart retains the reading of the 1605 folio, curted. "The reference in any case," says Mr. Pollard, " is to the churlish brevity of the Spartans, and the form of curted is but little less difficult to explain than cutted." Middleton uses the word in the sense of cross: "She's grown so cutted there's no speaking to her." Women Beware Women, act iii. sc. 1. Page 426, No. 426 — Tell me not. Sweet, I am unkind. See note to No. 210. Page 427, No. 428 — A seeing friend, yet enemy to rest. From The Phoenix' Nest, 1593. Page 430, No. 432 — You hrave heroic minds. Of this ode, Mr. Oliver Elton {Michael Drayton, A Critical Study, new ed., 1905) says: " Often it has the true music, as of the harp speeding a vessel that is launched with colours flying to win some new con- tinent of odourous tropic fruits and illimitable gold. The Vir- ginian Voyage has some wonderful words, sassafras, Hackluit, that make the fortune of their rhymes, and the relief is heightened by the subtle — not really prosaic — soberness of their epithets: in- dustrious Hackluit, useful sassafras, like words almost in the ordi- nary pitch interjected in a chant. This ode runs more easily than the others in spite of the lacework of its rhymes: You brave heroic minds. Worthy your country's name, That honour still pursue. Go, and subdue. Whilst loitering hinds Lurk here at home for shame. The oars plash to the loud and hopeful thrumming of the player. as he faces outward to where beyond the Pillars a far world awaits him, one day to be populous with poets and heroes, the 744 NOTES descendants of the high-hearted voyagers." Line 16, Where Eolus scowls: ^olus, the deity of the winds. Line 68, Industrious Hakluyt: "The Collection of Voyages, which was published by Hakluyt in 1582, disclosed the vastness of the world itself, the infinite number of the races of mankind, the variety of their laws, their customs, their religions, their very instincts. We see the influence of this new and richer knowledge of the world, not only in the life and richness which it gave to the imagination of the time, but in the immense interest wlaich from this moment attached itself to man." (Green's England, vol. ii., bk. vi., p. 462.) Page 433, No. 433 — Ye buds of Brutus' Land, Courageous youth, now pMy your parts. From A Posie of GilloHowers, eehe dif- fering from other in colour and odour, yet all sweete. By Hum- frey Gifford, Gent., 1580. Line 1, Ye buds of Brutus' land: i. e., scions of England, from the mythical descent from Brutus. Page 434, No. 434 — Fair stood the wind for France. " This poem, like the Battle of Brunanburh," writes Mr. Erskine, in his Minot's songs, '* is remarkable for its choric quality: the voice of the whole people is heard in it. In modern English literature it has hardly a parallel as a national song with the possible exception of some of Campbell's odes, and Tennyson's Charge of the Light Brigade. Tennyson may have been influenced by Drayton. Their two battle-songs have almost the same narrative method, almost the same rhythm, and exactly the same cadence at the end." Mr. Oliver Elton, in Michael Drayton, A Critical Study (Ed. 1906.), says of this ode : " It was not many years since the great theatrical success of Henry V.; and the most famous of Drayton's odes may be taken as a lyrical epilogue, or rather intermezzo, by Shake- speare's countrymen. It has been so arranged by Mr. Henley in his Lyra Heroica. Usually known as the Ballad of Agincourt, it was first entitled To my Friends the Camber-Britons and their Harp. The old popular ditty, Agincourt, Agincourt, was in the writer's ears. He liked his poem, if we may judge by his nice and numerous improvements. The earlier version suffers from ungainliness or elliptical grammar; a few remaining traces _ of them in the later one are the only interruptions to its felicity. There is also a tendency to multiply the spondees, the better to hear tipe thud of the marching army — left, right. A few lines can show the change: (1) 1606 Fair stood the wind for France When we our sails advance And now to prove our chance Longer not tarry: But put unto the main At Kaux the mouth of Seine With all his warlike train Landed King Harry. (2) And now preparing were For the false Frenchmen. 1619 Fair stood the wind for France When we our sails advance Nor now to prove our chance Longer will tarry: But putting to the main At Kaux the mouth of Seine With all his martial train Landed King Harry. O Lord, how hot they were On the false Frenchmen. 745 NOTES (3) When now that noble king This, while our noble king His broadsword brandishing His broadsword brandishing Into the host did Aing Down the French host As to o'erwhelm it. did ding As to o'erwhelm it. This poem, the fine flower of old patriot lyric, shows a happier and more sensitive use of proper names than the play of Henry V. Shakespeare, in his list of those who fell at Agincourt, uses names for purely memorial reasons, copying Holinshed like an inscrip- tion: and ' Sir Richard Ketley, Davy Gam, esquire,' is the worst line in his works. ' Ferrers and Fanhope,' in the ballad, have a different value to the ear." The text here used is that of the 1619 version except in two or three instances of single epithets, which, despite Mr. Elton's opinion, seem the more apt for both sense and rhythm. The Battle of Agincourt was fought October 25th, 1415. A small army of Englishmen, under Henry V., defeated the French sixty thousand strong. " The triumph was more complete," says Green, " as the odds were even greater than at Cregy. Eleven thousand Frenchmen lay dead on the field, and more than a hun- dred princes and great lords were among the fallen." Line 82, Bilboes: swords, from Bilboa. Page 439, No. A2>S ^ His golden locks Time hath to silver turn'd. From Polyhymnia, Describing, The Honourable Triumph at Tylt, before her Maiestie, on the 17. of November past (1590), being the iirst day of the three and thirtieth yeare of her High- nesse raigne, etc. The following account of the yearly Triumph at Tilt is condensed by Oliphant from Sir W. Segars' Honors Mili- tary and Civil, 1602, contained in Nichols' Progresses of Queen Elisabeth, vol. iii., p. 60, as given by Dyce's ed. of Peele, p. 265 : " Certain yearly Triumphs were solemnized in memory of the ap- plause of her Majesty's subjects at the day of her most happy accession to the crown of England, which triumphs were first begun and occasioned by the right virtuous and honourable Sir Henry Lea, master of her Highness' armory; who of his great zeal and desire to eternize the glory of her Majesty's court in the begin- ning of her reign, voluntarily vowed, — unless infirmity, age, or other accident did impeach him, — during his life to present himself at the tilt, armed, the day aforesaid, yearly; there to perfcrm in honour of her sacred Majesty the promise he formerly made. The worthy knight, however, feeling himself at length overtaken with old age, and being desirous of resigning his championship, did on the 17th of November, 1590, present himself, together with the Earl of Cumberland, unto her Highness under her gallery window in the tilt yard at Westminster, where at that time her Majesty did sit, accompanied with the Viscount Turyn, Ambassador of France, by many ladies and the chiefest nobility. Her Majesty, beholding these armed knights coming toward her, did suddenly hear a music so sweet and secret, as every one thereat did greatly marvel. The music aforesaid was accompanied with these verses, pronounced and sung by Mr. Hale, her Majesty's servant, a gen- tleman in that art excellent, and for his voice both commendable and admirable: My golden locks, etc. After the ceremonies Sir Henry Lea disarmed himself, and kneeling upon his knees pre- sented the Earl of Cumberland, humbly beseeching that she would 746 NOTES receive him for her knight, to continue the yearly exercise afore- said. Her Majesty having accepted the offer, this aged knight armed the earl, and mounted him upon his horse. That being done, he put upon his own person a side-coat of black velvet and covered his head in lieu of an helmet with a button-cap of the country fashion." The poem has been assigned to Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, in a Masque at Greenwich. {Arber's English Garner.) It was set to music in the First Book of John Dowland's So7igs and Airs, 1597. Line 7, His helmet now shall make a hive for bees: In Alciati's Emblems there is an engraving of bees swarm- ing in a helmet. Cf. Geoffrey Whitney's Choice of Emblems, 1586: The helmet strong that did the head defend. Behold, for hive the bees in quiet served; And when that wars with bloody blows had end. They honey wrought where soldier was preserved: Which doth declare the blessed fruits of peace. How sweet she is when mortal wars do cease. Something of the modern popularity of this song is due to Thack- eray's application of it in The Newcomes, chap, xxxviii., where it is put into the mouth of George Warrinton in consolation to Col. Newcome when he became a pensioner at old Grey Friars. Page 441, No. 438 — Thrice toss these oaken ashes in the air. From Campion's Third Book of Airs, 1617. This poem was in- cluded in the 1633 ed. of Joshua Sylvester's Works, among the " Remains never till now imprinted." Sylvester has not a shadow of a claim to it. There is a copy of it in Harleian MS. 6910, fol. 150, where it is correctly assigned to Campion. The MS. is given in form of a sonnet. (Bullen.) Dr. Grosart in his ed. of Syl- vester's Works {Chertsey Worthies) claims it positively for his author. Page 442, No. 439 — Son of Erebus and Night. From The Inner Temple Masque, 1614-15, sc. 2. Warton, who was the first to suggest Milton's debt to Browne, quoted this poem in his History of English Poetry, 1777-81. Line 6, Mandragoras : man- drake, see note to No. 315. Line 9, Coil: tumult. Line 15, Moly: Cf. Odyssey, x. 305. (Schelling.) Line 17, Jaspis: jasper, which the ancients believed to possess the power of breeding spells. Page 442, No. 440 — When Daisies pied and violets blue. From Love's Labour's Lost, 1592, act v. sc. 2. Page 443, No. 441 — The ousel-cock, so black of hue. From A Midsummer Night's Dream, 1595, act iii. sc. 1. Line 6, The Plain-song cuckoo. Cf. Note to No. 11. Page 444, No. 442 — You spotted snakes, with double tongues. From A Midsummer Night's Dream, 1595, act ii. sc. 3. Page '445, No. 443 — From thy forehead thus I take. From The Faithful Shepherdess, 1609-10, act iii. sc. 1. Page 446, No. 444 — Old Chaucer doth of Topas tell. It is certain that no one will dispute Mr. Oliver Elton's statement that this is the "finest of all seventeenth-century fantasies;" but will 747 NOTES add that it is the finest in all the language. To quote Mr. Elton further from Michael Drayton, A Critical' Study (ed. 1905), the reason is apparent : " To conceive common things in miniature, fitted to the needs of an elf; to plant the faintest sting of satire in a gay parody of well-nigh forgotten chivalrous ballads; to carry the vein of Sir Topas into the world of Oberon;i it is all done, and. yet without one touch of the suffusing imagination of Shake- speare's Dream, which Drayton had before him. The Nymphidia does not move in the land of dreams at all, their wings do not brush it. The smallest things described are in clear daylight. But the verses are kept fresh by the nicety of cutting." Line 63, There dancing hays: country dances. Line 71, This aulfe: i. e., oaf. Line 281, I'll never lin: cease. Line 285, Thorough brake, etc. Cf. p. 441, No. 4S7. Page 471, No. 445 — Sing his praises that doth keep. From The Faithful Shepherdess, 1609-10, act i. so. 2. Page 472, No. 447 — Where dost thou careless lie. From Under- woods, Folio 1640. Line 6, And (that) destroys: In the original there is a deficient syllable where the brackets enclose. Gilford sup- plied so, and Whalley, quite: neither of which seems so apt as that. Line 36, Safe from the wolf's black jaw, etc. Part of this concluding stanza is to be found at the end of The Poetaster; Jon- son's dislike of the stage here breaks out; and this is not the only passage in his writings which informs us that necessity alone compelled him to write for the stage. Page 474, No. 448 — Who grace for zenith had. This poem, an adaptation of Sir Edward Dyer's Fancy (see note to No. 445), is from Sonnet Ixxxiii. in Coilica, in Grosart's ed. of Lord Brooke's Works, 1623. It is reprinted in Dr. Hannah's Courtly Poets, 1870. The original arrangement of the lines is after the form of the poet's lament for Sidney, and run: Who grace for zenith had, from which no shadows grow; Who had seen joy of all his hopes, and end of all his woe, etc. Line 133, The ship of Greece: The reference here is to the famous ship in which Theseus returned after slaying the Minotaur. The Athenians professed to _ preserve _ it until the days of Demetrius Phalereus, the rotten timbers being carefully removed from time to time, so that it became a favourite question whether a ship could still be called the same. (Plutarch, Thes., p. 10, ed. 1620.) " This passage," says Hannah, " in which Lord Brooke compares the changes of his mistress to that ship of Greece, and to the ever flowing stream — the same yet not the same -^ perpetually alter- ing, yet bearing continuously ' the antique name,' — is an excel- lent specimen of the subtle conceptions which he loved to elaborate in his poetry. But the whole poem is raised to a level of thought curiously different from that of the two pieces by Dyer and South- well, with which it is connected." Page 481, No. 450 — Sound is the knot that Chastity hath tied. From William Byrd's Psalms, Sonnets, and Songs, 1588. The .first two stanzas have been omitted. 748 NOTES Page 484, No. 454 — The man of life upright. From Campion and Rosseter's Book of Airs, 1601. " Campion's classical interest," says Mr. Erskine {The Elizabethan Lyric), " is seen also in trans- lations and paraphrases from the Latin. . . . More characteristic of his classical mood, however, are the Horatian lines, suggestive of Integer Vita, The Man of life; etc. Whenever Campion moralizes he is likely to take this tune, and his theme is almost sure to be praise of the golden mean. This motive had appeared ... in the miscellanies, and Campion at times merely carries on the miscel- lany mood at a higher poetic level." This poem has been attributed to Lord Bacon, but the claim is valueless. It was reprinted in Campion's Two Books of Airs, 1613, with textual alterations. Page 485, No. 455 — He that his mirth hath lost. "This poem," says Dr. Hannah, Courtly Poets, ed. 1870, " must have been highly esteemed to have obtained the compliment of adaptation and imi- tation from Robert Southwell and Lord Brooke; and yet I am not aware that it has ever been printed before, except very imperfectly among the Poems of Pembroke and Rudyard, and some extracts by Malone. The MS. copies differ exceedingly, both in various readings and in omissions. I have made out the best text I could, from a careful comparison of all the materials. It is the same piece which Wood erroneously called ' A Description of Friend- ship; ' a title which he took by mistake from another poem in the Ashmolean MS." Line 56, I read the hyacint: spelt so for the rhyme. Literal meaning, to read the fancied letters on its leaves. Line 132, Heben: for ebony. Spenser uses the word often. Cf. His spear of heben wood, — Faery Queene, Bk. I. vii. st. 37. Page 491, No. 456 — Not to know vice at all, and keep true state. This poem originally appeared in Love's Martyr or Rosalin's Com- plaint. " Allegorically shadowing the truth of Love, in the con- stant Fate of the Phcenix and Turtle. A poem . . . now first trans- lated out of the venerable Italian Torquato Cseliano by Robert Chester. To these are added some new compositions of several modern writers, whose names are subscribed to their several Works; upon the first subject, viz.: The Phoenix and Turtle." The poem was reprinted in The Forest, folio 1616. Mr. Swinburne says of this poem: " In * The Admirable Epode,' as Gifford calls it, . . . though there is remarkable energy of expression, the irregularity and inequality of style are at least as conspicuous as the occasional vigour and the casual felicity of phrase. But if all were as good as the best passages, this early poem of Jonson's would undoubtedly be very good indeed. Take for instance the description or defini- tion of true love: ' That is an essence far more gentle, iine,' etc. [Lines 45-50.] Again: ' O, who is he that in this peace enjoys,' etc. [Lines 55-65.] And few of Jonson's many moral or gnomic passages are finer than the following: 'He that for love of good- ness hateth ill,' etc. [Lines 87-90.] This metre^ though^^ very liable to the danger of monotony, is to my ear very pleasant." (A Study of Ben Jonson, 1889.) Line 1, State: status, equilibriiim. Line 16, Close cause: secret cause. Line 23, Lamm: alarm. Line 29, Passions: the final ion is frequently made dissjdlabic in Eliza- bethan verse. Cf. Page 641, No. 630, line 23. Line 41, With whom, who rides: whom refers to Blind Desire (line 37), K;/io=whoever. Line 44, Prove: experience. Line 47, A golden chain. Cf. these 749 NOTES lines from Jonson's Hymenaei, a Masque, 1606, referred by a mar- ginal note to Iliad, viii., 19: Such was the golden chain let down from Heaven; And not those links more even Than these: so sweetly tempered, so combined By union, and refined. Lines 63-65, At suggestion of a steep desire, etc. Professor Kit- tredge suggests that a steep desire is a precipitous desire, a desire into which a man casts himself headlong; suggestion implies tempta- tion. The figure is evidently inspired by the temptation of Jesus from the pinnacle of the temple. Line 73, Sparrow's wings: the sparrow was sacred to Venus. Line 104, Only: exclusively. Line 113, That knows the weight of guilt: Cf. Senecal Quid poena prsesens, conscias mentis pavor; Animusque culpa plenus, et semet timens? Scelus aliqua, nulla securum fulit. (Hippolytus, i., 162 et seq.) Page 496, No. 458 — Where wards are weak and foes encount'ring strong. From Poems, 1595. Line 6, Seely trench: i. e., innocent, harmless. Line 18, Mushrumps: mushrooms; both forms were used in Southwell's day. Line 19, In Aman's pomp poor Mardocheus wept: "When Mordecai perceived all that was done, Mordecai rent his clothes, and put on sackcloth and ashes, and went out into the midst of the city, and cried with a loud and bitter cry." {Esther, chap. IV. 1.) Aman: Haman. Mardocheus: Mordecai. Page 497, No. 459 — Let not the sluggish sleep. From William Byrd's Psalms, Songs, and Sonnets, 1611. " Quaint, old-fashioned moral verses were much aiTected by Byrd, particularly in his latest song-book. He inculcates precepts of homely piety in a cheerful spirit, with occasional touches of naive epigrammatic terseness. Many men strongly object to be bullied from a pulpit, but he must be a born churl who could be offended at such an exhortation as the following." (Bullen, Introduction, Lyrics from Elizabethan Song-Books, ed. 1891.) Page 497, No. 460 — In going to my naked bed as one that would have slept. From The Paradise of Dainty Devices, 1576, where Edwardes is named as " sometimes Master of the Singing- boys at the Chapel Royal." He died ten years before The Paradise appeared. Page 500, No. 462 — My hovering thoughts would fly to heaven. Line S, Haled down: hauled. Line 11, Jesses: The short strap, usually of leather, fastened about the leg of a hawk used in falconry and continually worn. Line 13, Trains to Pleasure's lure: To train was the usual term in falconry for drawing or enticing the hawk back to the fist. " The lure " was the decoy. Page 501, No. 463 — The world's a bubble and the life of man. From Reliquia Wottoniance, 1651. This poem was signed " Ignoto " in the first ed. It was first ascribed to Bacon in Farnaby's Flori- legium, 1629, and has elsewhere been ascribed to Raleigh, Donne, and Henry Harrinton. The evidences of Bacon's authorship are briefly stated in Dr. Hannah's Courtly Poets, ed. 1870, p. 117. NOTES The poem is paraphrased from a Greek epigram variously attributed to Poseidippus, to the comic poet, Plato, and to Crates, the lyric poet, beginning: JIoir]v Tis ^lStolo Ta/xoi. rpl^ov ; etV ''ayopy fxev Nct'/cea /cat x'^^^Txai wpi^^ies k. t. X. (Anthol. Graeca, ix. 359.) A literal translation of this epigram reads: "What path in life shall a person cut through! In the forum are quarrels and difficult suits; at home cares; in the fields enough of toils; in the sea fright; in a foreign land fear, if you have anything; but if you are in a difficulty, vexation. Have you a wife? you will not be without anxiety. Are you unmarried? you live still more solitary. Children are troubles. If childless life is a maimed condition. Youth is thoughtless. Gray hairs are strengthless. There is a choice of one of these two things, either never to have been born, or to die as soon as born." (Bohn.) Several other Elizabethan poets have made translations or paraphrases of the epigram. The opening couplet of three of these are: At least with that Greek sage still make us cry Not to be born, or, being born, to die. (Bishop King.) Who would not one of these two offers choose: Not to be born, or breath with speed to lose. . Born at Whitechurch, Devonshire, and educated at New College, Oxford. He accompanied Sir Thomas Randolph to Russia as secre- tary; his three poetical epistles concerning this country are incorporated in Hakluyt's Voyages. He left a rnis- cellaneous number of writings, and a MS. translation of Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered, now in the Bodleian Library. To a Gentlewoman 310 Vautor, Thomas (?-1619). Sweet Suffolk Owl 578 Vaux, Thomas, Lord (b. 1510), was son of Lord Nicholas Vaux, and attended Cardinal Woolsey in his embassy to the Emperor Charles V., in 1527; he took his place as 8oo INDEX OF AUTHORS PAGE member of Parliament, as a Baron, 1530; accompanied Henry VIII. to Calais and Boulogne, 1532; made knight of Bath, 1533. A number of Lord Vaux's poems were published in Tottel's Miscellany. Questions and Answers 527 Verb, Edward, Earl of Oxford (1545P-1604), was famous for his prodigality of living. He was the author of .some comedies not extant, and several poems which appeared in most of the collections of the time. If Women Could Be Fair and Yet Not Fond 153 Fancy and Desire 188 Waller, Edmund (1606-1687). Born at Coleshill, Hertford- shire, and educated at Eton and King's College, Cam- bridge. He served in Parliament under James I. and II. In 1643 was detected in a plot to re-establish fhe authority of Charles I., for which he was imprisoned and fined £10,000; his life being saved only by abject submission and the betrayal of his friends, and exile from home. In 1653, he was permitted to return to England and became a great favourite with Cromwell. His poems, rated at a time much above their worth, are brief and occasional. On a Girdle.... 92 Go, Lovely Rose 203 Old Age 526 Watson, Thomas (1557-1592?), native of London; spent some time at the University of Oxford, afterwards study- ing law. He published a number of Latin poems and translations. He is best known by The EKATOMIIAO- PIA, or Passionate Century of Love. Passions 200 Resolved to Dust 274 I Saw the Object of My Pining Thought 284 Webster, John (P-1630), one of the greatest of English dramatists, and a member of the Merchant Taylors' Company. Vanitas Vanitatum 534 A Land Dirge 646 The Shrouding of the Duchess of Malfi 647 Wever, Robert (P-1550). In Youth Is Pleasure 134 Wisdome, Robert (d. 1568). See notes. A Religious Use of Taking Tobacco 547 Wither, George (1588-1667). Born at Brentworth, Hamp- shire; educated at Magdalene College, Oxford, subse- quently entering himself first at one of the Inns of Chan- cery, and afterwards at Lincoln's Inn. In 1639, served as Captain of Horse in the expedition of Charles I. against the Scotch Covenanters; in 1642, sold his estate and 8oi INDEX OF AUTHORS PAGE raised a troop of horse for Parliament, in whose army he was elevated to the rank of major; was made pris- oner by the royalists and owed his release to interces- sion of Sir John Denham. Parliament and Cromwell conferred lucrative offices upon him, which, after the Restoration, he was obliged to relinquish. He was a volu- minous writer; and one of the best of old English poets exhume.d by modern literary antiquaries. Flos Florum 117 I Loved a Lass 250 The Scorner Scorned 260 Hence Away, You Sirens 261 The Widow 667 WoTTON, Sir Henry (1568-1639), belonged to an ancient Kentish family. After leaving Oxford he travelled for eight or nine years in France, Germany, and Italy, and on his return to England became secretary to the Earl of Essex. Wotton returned to Florence when Essex's polit- ical fortunes were broken, and was sent by the Grand Duke on a secret mission to James VI. of Scotland. When James became King of England he was taken into favour and thrice sent as ambassador to Venice, and also to some of the German States. Wotton's services in be- half of James's daughter, the unfortunate Queen of Bohemia, to whom he was affectionately attached, and whom he celebrated in the best of his poems, has become a noble episode in his career. Returning to England from his embassies, he was made Provost of Eton, which post he retained till his death. In 1651 a small collec- tion of fourteen poems was published under the title of Reliquiae Wottonianse. Izaak Walton wrote his biography. On a Bank as I Sat A-Fishing 27 Elizabeth of Bohemia 104 The Character of a Happy Life 515 Upon the Death of Sir Albertus Morton's Wife 666 An Elegy of a Woman's Heart 670 Wyat, Sir Thomas (1503-1542). Born at Allington Castle, Kent; educated at St. John's College. He ofificiated for his father as ewerer at the coronation of Anne Boleyn, in 1533, and subsequently was in temporary disgrace with the king on her account. He was nominated for High Sheriff for Kent, 1537, and in the same year sent as minister to Spain. Bonner charged him with treason- able correspondence with Cardinal Pole and he was placed under arrest in 1540-1. but was acquitted and restored to high favour with Henry VIII. Mv Lady's Hand 11 Brunet and Phyllis 212 The Lover's Appeal 240 A Supplication 242 Vixi Puellis Nuper Idoneus 243 To His Lute 258 A Revocation 265 Yea or Nay 284 The One I Would Love 307 802 INDEX TO TITLES PAGE Absence 423 Accurst Be Love 256 Advice to a Girl 44 /Eglamour's Lament 559 Against Them Who Lay Unchastity to the Sex of Women 223 Agincourt 434 Ah, Sweet Content, etc... 519 Alexis, Here She Stayed. . 555 All is Naught. 537 Amantium Irae 497 Amiens' Song 544 And Yet I Cannot Repre- hend the Flight 324 An Ode to Master Anthony Stafford, etc 350 Another (epitaph) 657 Art above Nature: To Julia 196 Aspatia's Song 640 As When the Time Hath Been 337 As Ye Came from the Holy Land 170 Aubade .' 1 Aurora 16 Awakening, The 127 Away, Delights ! 253 Ballad of Dowsabel 275 Ballad Upon a Wedding, A 395 Basia 162 Beauty, Sweet Love, Is Like the Morning Dew.. 14 Beauty and Rhyme 122 Beauty Clear and Fair.... 124 Beauty's Triumph 125 Beauty's Epitome 126 Beauty Bathing 219 Beggar's Holiday, The.... 42 Being Your Slave 178 Bequest of His Heart, A.. 291 PAGE Beware of Love 151 Beyond 636 Be Your Words Made, Good Sir, of Indian Ware 425 Blossom, The 21 Blossom, The 23 Blushing Rose and Purple Flower, The 328 Bonny Earl of Murray, The 669 Book of the World, The.. 539 Bower of Bliss, The 407 Bracelet (The): To Julia. 197 Bridal Song, A 357 Bridal Song 356 Bridal Song, The..' 357 Bright Soul of the Sad Year 562 Bright Star of Beauty 86 Bringing in the Boar's Head 593 Brunet and Phyllis 212 Burning Babe, The 603 Calantha's Dirge 674 Camella 216 Canzonet 309 Canzon Pastoral in Hon- our of Her Majesty, A 163 Cards and Kisses 142 Care-charmer, Sleep 590 Care for Thyself 510 Carol, A Christmas 594 Carols (Christmas) 593 Carpe Diem 64 Cassandra 236 Ceremonies for Christmas. 596 Change and Fate 505 Character of a Happy Life, The 515 Charms 441 Charm, The 442 803 INDEX TO PAGE Chase, The 286 Cherry-ripe (Herrick) 78 Cherry-ripe (Campion) 46 Chidiock Tichborne's La- ment 549 Child's Grace, A 402 Chloris in the Snow 215 Christ Crucified 635 Christmas poems 593-606 Church Music 410 Clear Anker, on whose Silver Sanded Shore.... 321 Collar, The 628 Come Buy, Come Buy 421 Come Follow Me, Ye Coun- try Lasses 345 Come Hither, You that Love 135 Come to the Pedlar 421 Come, Sleep 589 Come, Sorrow, Come 565 Come, Ye Heavy States of Night 565 Comfort 169 Comfort to a Youth that Had Lost His Love 671 Complaint of the Absence of Her Lover Being upon the Sea 230 Complete Lover, The 56 Concerning the Honour of Books 539 Conspiracy, A 143 Constancy 422 Constant Lover, The 227 Content and Resolute 531 Content 517 Contrast, A 541 Corinna's Maying 24 Coronemus Nos Rosis, etc.. 521 Corydon's Song 50 Corydon's Supplication.... 189 Country Glee 346 Country Nights 577 Country's Recreations, The 340 Crabbed Age and Youth.. 523 Crier, The 227 Cuckoo 442 Cupid's Hiding-place 187 Damelus' Song of His Dia- phenia 116 Dancing of the Sea, The.. 336 Daphnaida 653 Daphne 89 Dawn 1 Death, Be Not Proud 644 804 TITLES PAGE Death's Emissaries 642 Death the Leveller 643 Delight in Disorder 91 Description of the Spring. . 12 Devotion 177 Devout Lover, A 177 Dialogue, A (old MS.)... 93 Dialogue, A (Herbert) 622 Did Not the Heavenly Rhetoric of Thine Eye., 288 Dirge (A): Love Is Dead 272 Discipline 624 Disconsolate 568 Discreet 294 Disdain Me Still 252 Dispraise of Love and Lovers' Follies 152 Ditty, A (Spenser) 108 Ditty, A (Sidney) 51 Do Me Right and Do Me Reason 207 Doralicia's Ditty 282 Doron's Description of Samela 97 Doron's Jig 217 Double Doubting, A 79 Doubt of Martyrdom, A.. 225 Doubt Which Ye Misdeem, The 146 Down in a Valley, by a Forest's Side 322 Dream, The 296 Easter Song 635 Echo's Dirge for Narcissus 644 Ecstasy, An 625 Eidola 541 Elegy of a Woman's Heart, An 670 Elegy upon the Death of Doctor Donne, An 675 Elizabeth of Bohemia 104 Embers 545 Epigram: Respice Finem.. 639 Epistle to the Countess of Cumberland 503 Epitaph (on Countess Dow- ager of Pembroke) 664 Epitaph on Elizabeth L. H. 665 Epitaph on Husband and Wife, An 668 Epitaph on Salathiel Pavy, An 665 Epitaphs 656-669 Epithalamium (Jonson) . . . 374 Epjthalamium (Sidney) . . . 353 Epithalamium (Spenser) ... 358 INDEX TO TITLES PAGE Epithalamion Teratos 373 Epode 491 Evening Knell, The 574 Even Such Is Time 524 Excuse, The 156 Exequy on His Wife 657 Expense of Spirit in a Waste of Shame, The... 532 Fair and Fair 67 Fairest, When by the Rules of Palmistry 205 Fair Hebe 320 Fair Is My Love 107 Fair Is My Love, for April's in Her Face 15 Fair Is the Rose 327 Fairy Life, The 441 Faith Everlasting 225 Faithless Shepherdess, The 245 Falsehood 255 False Love 268 Familia's Song 283 Fancy and Desire 188 Fancy, A 485 Farewell to Arms, A 439 Farewell to the Vanities, A 506 Farewell to the World, A. 508 Fawnia . 120 Fay's Marriage (The) 384 Fidele 545 First Song 161 Flos Florum 117 Flower, The 630 Forget 556 For Pity, Pretty Eyes 85 Forsake Thyself, to Heaven Turn Thee 621 For Soldiers 433 For the Magdalene 609 Fortunati Nimium 342 From Daphnaida. 653 Full Love Is Hushed, The 174 Funeral Rites of the Rose, The 329 Funeral, The 648 Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May 37 Gift, The 312 Glove, The 89 God Lyaeus, Ever Young. . 43 Go, Lovely Rose 203 Go, Nightly Cares 503 Good Night 549 Grasshopper, The 330 Gratiana Dancing 66 Great Adventure, The. Guests PAGE 182 631 Happy Countryman, The. . 343 Happy He 538 Hark, All You Ladies 591 Hark, Hark! The Lark... 3 Heart's Hiding 98 Helen's Epithalamium 383 Hence Away, You Sirens.. 261 Her Autumn 560 Here Lies the Blithe Spring 325 Her Eyes. 82 Hero's Epitaph 664 Hey, Down a Down 63 Hey Nonny No ! 199 His Pilgrimage 617 His Prayer to Ben Jonson 416 His Supposed Mistress.... 57 His Winding-sheet 550 Holy Well, The 445 How Can the Heart For- get Her 214 How Like a Winter Hath My Absence Been 424 Hymn (A) to the Name, etc., of Saint Theresa.. 610 Hymn in Praise of Nep- tune, A 131 Hymn to Diana 586 Hymn to God the Father, A 616 Hymn to Pan (bis) 471 Hymn to Venus 229 Idle Tears 571 If All the Pens that Ever Poets Held 132 I Fear Not Henceforth Death 548 If I Could Shut the Gate Against My Thoughts... 627 If Music and Sweet Poetry Agree 407 If the Quick Spirits in Your Eye 210 If Thou Survive 547 If Women Could Be Fair and Yet Not Fond 153 I Know that All Beneath the Moon .. 558 I'll Never Love Thee More 148 I Loved a Lass 250 I Must Not Grieve My Love 321 Impatient Maid, The 156 805 INDEX TO TITLES In Die Nativitatis Indifferent, The In Imagine Pertransit Homo In Obitum M. S., X In Praise of Two In Tears Her Triumph. . . . Integer Vitse In Time of Plague Invitation, The Invocation to Sleep In Youth Is Pleasure I Saw My Lady Weep .... I Saw the Object of My Pining It Was a Lover and His PAGE 594 244 241 667 67 90 484 633 212 590 134 572 284 61 Jealousy 427 Jolly Good Ale and Old... 419 Know, Celia, Since Thou Art So Proud 65 Kiss, The 66 Land Dirge, A 646 Laura 318 Let No Bird Sing 672 Let Others Sing of Knights and Paladines 319 Let Rhymes No More Dis- grace 407 Let the Bells Ring, and Let the Boys Sing 418 Life, a Bubble 536 Life of Man, The 482 Like as the Culver on the Bared Bough 560 Lines Written on a Garden Seat 533 Lips and Eyes 80 Litany, A 617 Litany to the Holy Spirit. 620 London Taverns 417 Look, Delia, How We Es- teem, etc 325 Loss in Delay 532 Love 129 Love and Death 272 Love Call, The 3 Love Guards the Roses of Thy Lips 79 Love and Debt 426 Love Hath Eyes by Night. 578 Love-Letter, The 175 Love Me or Not 175 8o6 PAGE Love Omnipresent 172 Love Unalterable 316 Love Winged My Hopes.. 208 Lover's Appeal, The 240 Lover's Dirge, A 645 Lover's Infiniteness 173 Lover's Lullaby, A 180 Lover's Question, A 58 Lover's Theme, The 53 Lover (The) Curseth the Time When First He Fell in Love 257 Love's Casuistry 179 Love's College 149 Love's Deity 166 Love's Emblems 31 Love's Harvesters 146 Love's Immortality 169 Love's Keys 145 Love's Sacrifice 237 Love's Witchery 74 Loving in Truth, etc 313 Lowest Trees Have Tops, The 286 Luce's Dirge 674 Lullaby 589 Lusty May 133 Mad Maid's Song, The 209 Madrigal (Anon.) 195 Madrigal (Anon.) 45 Madrigal (Anon.) 65 Madrigal (Anon.) 246 Madrigal (Drummond) . . . . 511 Madrigal (To Cupid) . . 150 Madrigal, A (Alexander).. 137 Madrigal, A (Lodge) 529 Man 482 Man's Civil War 500 Man's Medley 495 Mark When She Smiles... 123 Master Francis Beaumont's Letter to Ben Jonson. . . 413 Matin-Song 2 May-Song 30 Means to Attain Happy Life, The 515 Melancholy 567 Menaphone's Song 144 Merry Cuckoo, Messenger of Spring, The 317 Merry Heart, The 526 Merry Month of May, The 30 Message, The (Donne) 247 Message, The (Heywood) . 48 Miracle, A 84 Miserrimus 552- INDEX TO TITLES PAGE Montana the Shepherd, etc. 308 Montanus' Vow 314 Moon, The (Best) 588 Moon, The (Sidney) 587 Most Glorious Lord of Life 634 Mullidor's Madrigal 130 Muses That Sing 283 Music 403 Music to Hear, Why Hear'st Thou Music Sadly? 404 My Fair A-Field 29 My Heart 248 My Heart Is High Above. 141 My Hope a Counsel 224 My Lady Greensleeves. . . . 191 My Lady's Hand 11 My Lady's Presence Makes the Roses Red 204 My Mind a Kingdom 511 Myra 95 My Spotless Love Hovers with Purest Wings 205 New Terusalem, The 637 New Year's Gift, The 606 Nightingale, The 73 Night-Piece (The) : To Julia 579 Night Is Near Gone, The.. 9 Noble Balm, The 513 No Medicine to Mirth 527 No jNIinute Good to Love.. 287 Nosegay, A 39 N'Oserez Vous,. Mon Bel Ami? 299 Not Mine Own Fears 154 No Trust in Time 682 Now the Hungry Lion Roars 584 Now What Is Love ? 76 Now Winter Nights En- large 563 Nox Nocti Indicat Scien- tiam 580 Nymphidia 446 Nymph's Passion, A 136 Nymph's Reply, The 47 O Come Quickly 626 O Cruel Love 268 O Crudelis Amor (Cam- Dion) 559 O Crudelis Amor (Peele) . . 258 O Fly, My Soul 536 Ode 424 Ode, An 35 Ode (Davison) 305 Ode to Himself 472 Of His Dear Son, Gervase 661 Of Misery 570 Old Age 526 Olden Love-Making 54 On a Bank as I Sat A- Fishing 27 On a Fair Morning 7 On a Girdle.. 92 On a Virtuous Young Gentlewoman that Died Suddenly 660 One Day I Wrote Her Name 557 One I Would Love, The.. 307 On Lucy, Countess of Bed- ford 320 On Quicksedge, Wrought with Lovely Eglantine.. 204 On Sardanapalus' Dishon- ourable Life 548 On Spenser's " Faerie Queene " 131 On the Death of Sir Philip Sidney 652 On the Excellence of His Mistress 85 On the Lady Mary Villiers 663 On the Queen's Return from the Low Countries 194 On the Tombs in West- minster Abbey 649 Ophelia's Song 640 Orpheus 405 Orpheus I Am, Come from the Deeps Below 147 O Sorrow, Sorrow 566 O Sweet Woods 499 Our Blessed Lady's Lul- laby 597 Ousel-Cock, So Black of Hue, The 443 Palinode, A 542 Panglory's Wooing Song.... 301 Pan's Sentinel 575 Pari Jugo Dulcis Tractus.. 481 Parting, The 271 Part of an Ode, A 661 Passionate Shepherd to His Love, The 46 Passion of My Lord Essex 519 Passions 200 Passions of Desire 80 Pastoral of Phyllis and Corydon, A 68 807 INDEX TO TITLES PAGE Pedlar's Song 420 Penthea's Dying Song 675 Perfect Beauty ... 125 Perigot and Willie's Roundelay 19 Philomela 38 Philomela's Ode that She Sung in Her Arbour... 72 Phoebe's Sonnet 164 Phoebus, Farewell ! 422 Phoenix and the Turtle 650 Phyllida and Corydon 28 Phyllis 93 Phyllis and Corydon 139 Piping Peace 213 Poor Soul, the Centre of My Sinful Earth 537 Praise and Prayer 628 Praise of Ceres 562 Praise of His Lady, A 105 Praise of His Love, A 201 Presents 95 Primrose, The 18 Promised Weal 94 Prothalamion 377 Pulley, The 483 Questions and Answers... 527 Radagon in Dianam 70 Ralph, the May-Lord 33 Recall of Love, The 270 Recantation, A 271 Religious Use of Taking Tobacco, A 547 Renunciation, A (bis) 266 Resolved to Dust 274 Restore Thy Tresses 207 Revocation, A 265 Risposta 516 Robin Hood's Dirge 646 Rondel of Love, A 168 Rosalind 94 Rosalind's Madrigal 59 Rosaline 114 Rose, A 327 Rose, The 326 Round, A (Beaumont) .... 564 Round, A (Browne) ...... 32 Roundelay, A 62 Rudely Thou Wrongest My Dear Heart's Desire.... 322 Sad Memorials 546 Saint John Baptist 607 Satyr and Clorin, The. ... 159 Satyr's Leave-Taking, The 158 PAGE Scorner Scorned, The 260 Scorn Not the Least 496 Sea Dirge, A 647 Self-Trial 497 Sephestia's Song to Her Child 399 Shall I Come, Sweet Love, to Thee 293 Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day ? 123 Shepherd's Holyday, The.. 40 Shepherd's Sun, The 220 Shepherd's Wife's Song... 348 Short Sunshine 13 Shrouding of the Duchess of Malfi, The 647 Sic Transit 543 Sigh No More, Ladies 228 Silence in Love 176 Silent Lover, The 176 Silvia 183 Simplex Munditiis 90 Since Brass Nor Stone.... 315 Since First I Saw Your Face 121 Sirena 99 Sleep, Angry Beauty, Sleep 591 Sleep (Sackville) 592 Small Comfort Might My Banish'd Hopes Recall.. 323 Soldier Going to the Field, The 440 Solitary Shepherd's Song, The 214 Sonet 237 Song (Carew) 202 Song (Daniel) 279 Song (Dekker) 481 Song (Donne) 288 Song (Donne) 280 Song (Jonson) 220 Song (Sidney) 81 Song (Sidney) 582 Song (Sidney) 294 Song (Sidney) 298 Song (Sidney) 161 Song for Priests, A 520 Song of the May 29 Song of the Siren 234 Song of Woe 576 Song to Apollo 2 Sonnet (by King James I.) 685 So Oft as I Her Beauty Do Behold 199 Soul's Errand, The 679 Soul's Haven, The. 616 Speak, Thou Fairest Fair.. 206 INDEX TO TITLES spring 11 Spring's Welcome 11 Stately Dames of Rome Their Pearls Did Wear, The 196 Stay, O Sweet 8 Stella, Think Not 316 Strange Passion of a Lover, The 290 Stream, The 335 Summer Day, A 331 Summer's Day, A 329 Summons to Love 6 Supplication, A 242 Sweet Content 517 Sweet Love, Renew Thy Force 281 Sweet Lullaby, A 400 Sweet Pastoral, A 338 Sweet Robbery 96 Sweet Rose, Whence Is This Hue? 328 Sweet Soul, Which in the April of Thy Years 556 Sweet Suffolk Owl 578 Syrinx 317 Take, O Take Those Lips Away 270 Talent, The 614 Then Hate Me When Thou Wilt 252 Then Love Be Judge 83 There Is a Lady Sweet and Kind 98 There Is None, O None but You 307 They that Have Power to Hurt and Will Do None 531 Think'st Thou to Seduce Me Then 247 Thou May'st Repent 242 Thou Window, Once Which Served 558 Three Epitaphs upon the Death of a Rare Child. 656 Three Poor Mariners 429 Thrice Happy He Who by Some Shady Grove 518 Thy Bosom Is Endeared with All Hearts 553 Time 525 Time and Love 229 Times Go by Turns 523 To a Gentlewoman 310 To Althea, from Prison... 186 To a Mistress Dying 553 PAGE To a Nightingale 584 To an Inconstant One.... 254 To Anthea, Who May Com- mand Him Anything.... 185 To Aurora 16 To Be Merry 528 To Blossoms 22 To Celia 83 To Chloe 184 To Cynthia 587 To Cynthia 586 To Daffodils 534 To Daisies, Not to Shut So Soon 573 To Dianeme 82 To Electra 157 To Her Sea-Faring Lover. 233 To His Book 318 To His Ever-Loving God. 615 To His Forsaken Mistress. 249 To His Inconstant Mistress 253 To His Lute (Wyat) 258 To His Lute (Drummond) . 555 To His Paternal Country. . 655 To His Saviour, a Child... 602 To Live Merrily and to Trust to Good Verses... 411 To Lucasta, Going Beyond the Seas 232 To Lucasta, Going to the Wars 426 To Meadows 17 To Me, Fair Friend, You Never Can Be Old 561 To Music Bent Is My Re- tired Mind 622 To Music, to Becalm His Fever 405 To CEnone 157 To Phyllis, the Fair Shep- herdess 41 To Roses in the Bosom of Castara 184 To Saint Katherine 608 To Sleep 592 To the Blest Evanthe 211 To the Nightingale 585 To the Virginian Voyage.. 430 To the Western Wind 92 To Time 682 To Violets 18 Toss Not My Soul, O Love 210 Triumph of Charis, The.. 140 Troll the Bowl 669 True Love 56 True Love, A 167 Truth Doth Truth Deserve 520 INDEX TO TITLES PAGE PAGE 'Twas I That Paid for All What Guile Is This? 83 Things 269 What Is Love? 44 Two Carols 593 What Pleasure Have Great Princes 347 117 192 What Poor Astronomers Are They Ulysses and the Siren 87 Uncertainty 151 What the Mighty Love Has Under the Greenwood Tree 36 Done 143 Unfading Beauty, The 125 What Wight He Loved.... 60 Upon a Child That Died.. 656 When Daffodils Begin to Upon Combing Her Hair. . Upon Her Protesting, etc. 198 Peer 14 285 When, Dearest, I but Upon Julia's Clothes Upon Julia's Hair Filled 91 Think of Thee 218 When Flora Had O'erfret with Dew 88 the Firth 133 Upon Julia's Recovery 197 When That I Was and a Upon the Book and Picture Little Tiny Boy 402 of the Seraphical Saint When to the Sessions of Theresa 607 Sweet Silent Thought... 554 Upon the Death of Sir Where the Bee Sucks 335 Albertus Morton's Wife 666 Whether Men Do Laugh Urns and Odours Bring or Weep 535 Away 567 Whilst It Is Prime Whilst Youthful Sports 12 Valediction, Forbidding Are Lasting 530 Mourning 641 White Island, The 6?,6 Vanitas Vanitatum 534 Whoever Thinks or Hopes Verses from the Shep- of Love for Love 155 herd's Hymn 604 Who Grace for Zenith Had 474 147 World, The 501 Virtue 540 Why Canst Thou Not 155 Virtue Triumphant 528 Why So Pale and Wan 281 128 Widow, The 667 88 que Amemus 128 Wily Cupid 150 Vixi Puellis Nuper Idoneus 243 Winter 563 Wishes for Vin 514 Wanton Shepherdess, The. 428 Wishes to His Supposed Waly, Waly, Love Be Mistress 109 238 Woman Will Have Her Ways on Earth, The 235 570 Will, A 429 Weeper, The Wooing Stuff 5;^ Weep ^ou No More, Sad World, a Hunting, The 540 573 138 235 Welcome, A Were My Heart as Some Yea or Nay ?M 179 Young Love You Spotted Snakes 43 444 We Saw and Woo'd Each Other's Eyes 171 What Delight Can They Zephyrus Brings the Time Enjoy 216 that Sweetly Scenteth... 324 What Doth It Serve to See the Sun's Burning Face 652 8io INDEX OF FIRST LINES PAGE A blithe and bonny country lass Lodge 50 A face that would content me wondrous well M'^yat 307 A Nymph is married to a Fay Drayton 384 A Rose, as fair as ever saw the north Browne 326 A seeming friend, yet enemy to rest Anon. 427 A sweet disorder in the dress Herrick 91 Absence, hear thou mj' protestation Donne 424 Accept, thou shrine of my dead saint King 657 Accurst be Love, and those that trust his trains Lodge 256 Adieu! farewell earth's bliss Nashe 633 Ah, sweet Content, where is thy mild abode? Barnes 519 Ah, what is love? It is a pretty thing Greene 348 Ah! were she pitiful as she is fair Greene 120 Alas! my love, you do me wrong Anon. 191 Alas! what pleasure, now the pleasant spring Bolton 163 Alexis, here she stayed; among these pines Drummond 555 All the flowers of the spring Webster 534 All ye that lovely lovers be Peele 146 Amid my bale I bathe in bliss Gascoigne 290 And wilt thou leave me thus? Wyat 240 And yet I cannot reprehend the flight 5". Daniel 324 Are they shadows that we see 6". Daniel 541 Art thou god to shepherd turned Shakespeare 175 Art thou gone in haste ? Rowley 286 Art thou poor, yet hast thou golden slumbers? Dekker 517 Art thou that she than whom no fairer is Anon. 93 As careful merchants do expecting stand Browne 183 As I in hoary winter's night Southwell 603 As it fell upon a day Barniield 38 As virtuous men pass mildly away Donne 641 As when it happeneth that some lovely town Drummond 531 As withered the primrose by the river :. .Bolton 542 As ye came from the holy land Raleigh 170 Ask me no more where Jove bestows Carew 202 Ask me why I send you here Carew or Herrick 18 At her fair hands how have I grace entreated F. Davison 214 At morning and at evening both Corbet Z2>7 Away, delights! go seek some other dwelling /. Fletcher 253 Be your words made, good Sir, of Indian ware Sidney 425 Beauty, alas! where wast thou born Lodge 207 Beauty clear and fair /. Fletcher 124 Beauty sat bathing by a spring Munday 219 Beauty, sweet Love, is like the morning dew 5. Daniel 14 8ii INDEX OF FIRST LINES PAGE Because thou wast the daughter of a King Constable 608 Behold a wonder here ! Anon. 84 Being your slave, what should I do but tend. .. .Shakespeare 178 Bid me live, and I will live Herrick 185 Blow, blow thou winter wind Shakespeare 544 Blown in the morning, thou shalt fade ere noon. .. .Fanshawe 327 Breaking from under that thy cloudy veil. .Herbert of Cherbury 198 Bright star of beauty, on whose eye-lids sit Drayton 86 Brown is my love but graceful. Anon. 65 By him lay heavy Sleep, the cousin of Death Buckhurst 592 Calme was the day, and through the trembling aye. .. .Spenser 377 Call for the robin-redbreast and the wren Webster 646 Calling to mind, my eyes went long about Raleigh 156 Camella fair tripped o'er the plain Anon. 216 Can I not come to Thee, my God, for these Herrick 615 Can we not force from widow'd Poetry Carew 675 Care-charming Sleep, thou easer of all woes /. Fletcher 590 Care-charmer Sleep, son of the sable night 5". Daniel 590 Care for thy soul as thing of greatest price Anon. 510 Cast our caps and cares away J. Fletcher 42 Charm me asleep, and melt me so Herrick 405 Cherry-ripe, ripe, ripe, I cry Herrick 78 Clear Anker, on whose silver-sanded shore Drayton 321 Clear had the day been from the dawn Drayton 329 Come away, come away, death Shakespeare 645 Come, bring with a noise Herrick 596 Come, cheerful day, part of my life to me , Campion 543 Come, come, dear Night, love's mart of kisses Chapman 373 Come follow me, you country lasses..../. Fletcher or Rowley 345 Come hither, shepherd's swain ! Oxford 188 Come hither, you that love, and hear me sing J. Fletcher 135 Come little babe, come silly soul Breton 400 Come live with me and be my love Marlowe 46 Come, my Celia, let us prove Jonson 128 Come, shepherds, come! /. Fletcher 428 Come, Sleep, and with thy sweet deceiving /. Fletcher 589 Come, Sleep! O Sleep! the certain knot of peace Sidney 592 Come, Sorrow, come, sit down and mourn with me Anon. 565 Come, spur away Randolph 350 Come thou, who art the wine and wit Herrick 550 Come, worthy Greek! Ulysses, come S. Daniel 192 Come, ye heavy states of night Anon. 565 Come, you whose loves are dead F. Beaumont 67 A Cold's the wind, and wet's the rain Dekker 669 Corpse, clad with carefulness Howell 570 Corydon, arise, my Corydon! Anon. 3 Crabbed Age and Youth _. Shakespeare 523 Crowned with flowers I saw fair Amaryllis Anon. 169 Cupid and my Campaspe play'd Lyly 142 Cynthia, because your horns look divers ways.... Lorrf Brooke 586 Cynthia, to thy power and thee /. Fletcher 356 Cynthia, whose glories are at full forever Lord Brooke 587 Dear chorister, who from those shadows sends. .. .Drum,mond 585 Dear, if you change, I'll never choose again,,,-,, Anon. 225 INDEX OF FIRST LINES ?AGE Dear Lord, receive my son, whose winning love. /. Beaumont 661 Dear love, for nothing less than thee Donne 296 Dearest, do not you delay me 7 Fletcher 206 Death, be not proud, though some have called thee Donne 6^4 Deceiving world, that with alluring toys Gresne 552 Dew sat on Julia's hair Herrick 88 Diaphenia like the daffadowndilly Constable 116 Did not the heavenly rhetoric of thine eye Shakespeare 288 Dildido, dildido Greene 130 Disdain me still that I may ever love Anon. 252 Done to death by slanderous tongues Shakespeare 664 Doth sorrow fret thy soul? O direful sprite! Lord Vaux 527 Doubt you to whom my Muse these notes \ntendie.th.. .. .Sidney 161 Down a down ! Lodge 164 Down in a valley, by a forest's side Browne 322 Drink to me only with thine eyes Jonson 83 Drop, drop, slow tears. P. Fletcher 617 Droop, droop, no more, or hang the head Herrick 197 E'en like two little bank-dividing brooks Quarles 625 Eternal Time, that wasteth without waste A. W. 682 Even such is Time, that takes in trust Raleigh 524 Faint Amorist, what! dost thou think Sidney 52 Fain to content, I bend myself to write Lodge 53 Fain would I change that note Anon. \77 Fain would I have a pretty thing Anon. 312 Fair and fair, and twice so fair Peele 67 Fair daffodils, we weep to see Herrick 534 Fair Hebe, when Dame Flora meets Anon. 320 Fair is my love for April's in her face Greene 15 Fair is my love when her fair golden hairs Spenser 107 Fair is the rose, yet fades with heat or cold Anon. 327 Fair Nymphs ! sit ye here by me Munday 220 Fair pledges of a fruitful tree Herrick 22 Fair stood the wind for France Drayton 434 Fair summer droops, droop men and beasts therefore. .A/'a.y/i^ 562 Fairest, when by the rules of palmistry Browne 205 False world! good night! since thou hast brought, .. .7oM5on 508 Far in the country of Arden Drayton 275 Farewell! thou art too dear for my -possQ^smg. .. .Shakespeare 270 Farewell, ye gilded follies, pleasing troubles! Raleigh 506 Faustina hath the fairer face Anon. 67 Fear no more the heat o' the sun Shakespeare 545 Fie, fie on blind fancy Greene 283 Fine knacks for ladies! cheap, choice, brave and nevf . .Anon. 420 First shall the heavens want starry light Lodge 314 Fly hence, shadows that do keep Ford 1 Follow a shadow, it still flies you Jonson 220 Follow thy fair sun, unhappy shadow Campion 241 For her gait, if she be walking Browne 56 For pity, pretty eyes, surcease Lodge 85 For lo, the sea that fleets about the land! Davies 336 Forget not yet the tried intent Wyat 242 Fra bank to bank, fra wood to wood I rin ...Boyd 237 Fresh Spring the herald of Love's mighty king. Spenser 12 From the east to western Ind Shakespeare 94 813 INDEX OF FIRST LINES PAGE From thy forehead thus I take /. Fletcher 445 From you I have been absent all the spring Shakespeare 423 Full fathom five thy father lies Shakespeare 647 Full many a glorious morning have I seen Shakespeare 13 Gather ye rosebuds w^hile ye may Her rick 37 Get up, get up for shame! The blooming morn Herrick 24 Give me my scallop-shell of quiet Raleigh 617 Give pardon, blessed soul, to my bold cries Constable 652 Give place, you ladies, and begone! /. Heywood 105 Give place, ye lovers, here before Surrey 201 Glide soft, ye silver floods Browne 672 Glories, pleasures, pomps, delights and ease Ford 674 Go and catch a falling star Donne 280 Go, happy heart! for thou shalt lie /. Fletcher 237 Go, lovely Rose Waller 203 Go, nightly cares, the enemy to rest Anon. 503 Go, pretty child, and bear this flower ....Herrick 602 Go, Soul, the Body's guest Raleigh 679 God gives not Kings the style of gods in vain. . .King James I. 684 God Lj'^aeus, ever young /. Fletcher 43 Golden slumbers kiss your eyes Dekker 589 Good folk, for gold or hire Drayton 227 Good-morrow to the day so fair Herrick 209 Good Muse, rock me to sleep Breton 338 Gracious, Divine, and most Omnipotent Barnes 614 Hallow the threshold, crown the posts anew! Cartwright 194 Happy he Anon. 538 Happy were he could finish forth his fate Essex 519 Happy ye leaves whenas those lily hands Spenser 318 Hark, all you ladies that do sleep ! Campion 591 Hark how the birds do sing Herbert 495 Hark! now everything is still Webster 647 Hark, hark! the lark at heaven's gate sings Shakespeare 3 Haymakers, rakers, reapers, and mowers Dekker 346 He first deceased; she for a little tried Wotton 666 He that his mirth hath lost Dyer 485 He that loves a rosy cheek Carew 123 He that of such a height hath built his mind S. Daniel 503 Hear, ye ladies that despise /. Fletcher 143 Hence, all you vain delights J. Fletcher 567 Hence away, you Sirens, leave m^ Wither 261 Hence heart, with her that must riepart Scott 291 Her eyes the glow-worm lend thee Herrick 579 Her hair the net of golden wire Anon. 88 Here a little child I stand Herrick 402 Here a pretty baby lies Herrick 657 Here lies the blithe Spring Dekker 325 Here she lies a pretty bud .Herrick 656 ?Tere she was wont to go, and here and here! Jonson 559 Hey, down a down! did Dian sing Anon. 63 Hey nonny no ! Anon. 199 Hey! nov/ the day dawis Montgomerie 9 His golden locks Time hath to silver turn'd Feele 439 Hierusalem, my happy home Anon. 637 High-spirited friend Jonson 513 814 INDEX OF FIRST LINES PAGE High-way. since you my chief Parnassus be Sidney 147 How fresh, O Lord, how sweet and clean Herbert 630 How happy is he born and taught iVotton 515 How like a winter hath my absence been Shakespeare 424 How many new years have grown old Anon. 151 How near me came the hand of death Wither 667 How shall I then gaze on my mistress' eyes? Anon. 80 How should I vour true love knov/ Shakespeare 640 I cannot eat but little meat Still 419 I dare not ask a kiss Herrick 157 I do confess thou'rt smooth and fair Ay ton 249 I fear not henceforth death Drummond 548 I got me flowers to strew Thy way Herbert 635 I have a mistress, for perfections rare Randolph 177 I live, and yet methinks I do not breathe Anon. 537 I know my soul hath power to know all things Davie s 482 I know that all beneath the moon decays Drummond 558 I love, and he loves me again Jonson 136 I loved a lass, a fair one Wither 250 I loved thee once; I love no more Ayton 254 I long to talk with some old lover's ghost Donne 166 I must not grieve my Love, whose eyes would read.. 5". Daniel 321 I pray thee, leave, love me no more Drayton 309 I saw fair Chloris walk alone Anon. 215 I saw my Lady weep Anon. 572 I saw the object of my pining thought Watson 284 I struck the board and cried, No more Herbert 628 I serve Aminta, whiter than the snow Munday 308 I tell thee, Dick, where I have been Suckling 395 I walk'd along a stream, for pureness rare Marlowe 335 I, with whose colours Myra dressed her head. .. .Lore? Brooke 95 If all the pens that poets ever held Marlowe 132 If all the world and Love were young Raleigh 47 If I could shut the gates against my thoughts /. Daniel 627 If I freely can discover Jonson 57 If Jove himself be subject unto Love Watson 200 If love be life, I long to die F. Davison 152 If love make me forsworn, how shall I swear to love? Shakespeare 179 If music and sweet poetry agree Barn-field 407 If the quick spirits in your eye Carew 210 If thou sit here to view this pleasant garden ^lace. .Gascoigne 533 If thou survive my well-contented day Shakespeare 547 If to be absent were to be Lovelace 232 If waker care, — if sudden pale colour Wyat 212 If women could be fair and yet not fond Oxford 153 If yet I have not all thy love Donne 173 In a harbour grene aslepe whereas I lay Wever 134 In going to my naked bed as one that would have slept Edwardes 497 In petticoat of green Drummond 93 In the hour of my distress Herrick 620 In the merry month of May .Breton 28 In this world, the Isle of Dreams Herrick 626 In time of yore when shepherds dwelt Breton 54 In time we see that silver drops Greene 282 815 INDEX OF FIRST LINES PAGE Is not thilke the merry month of May Spenser 30 It fell upon a holy eve Spenser 19 It is not growing like a tree Jonson 661 It was a beauty that I saw Jonson 125 It was a lover and his lass. Shakespeare 61 It was a valley gaudy-green Greene 70 Jack and Joan, they think no ill Campion 342 Jog on, jog on, the footpath way Shakespeare 526 Know, Celia, since thou art so proud Carew 65 Lady, when I behold the roses sprouting Anon. 79 Lady! you are with beauties so enriched F. Davison 285 Lawn as white as driven snow Shakespeare 421 Lay a garland on my hearse /. Fletcher 640 Let me not to the marriage of true minds Shakespeare 316 Let Mother Earth now deck herself in flowers Sidney 353 Let others look for pearl and gold Herrick 606 Let others sing of Knights and Paladines 5. Daniel 319 Let not the sluggish sleep Anon. 497 Let's now take our time Herrick 528 Let the bells ring, and let the boys sing /. Fletcher 418 Let the bird of loudest lay Shakespeare 650 Let those complain that feel Love's cruelty /. Fletcher 211 Let us drink and be merry, dance, joke, and rejoice. ./ordo« 521 Like as the Culver, on the bared bough Spenser 560 Like as the rising morning shows a grateful lightening. .Dyer 383 Little think'st thou, poor flower Donne 23 Like to Diana in her summer weed Greene 97 Like to the clear in highest sphere Lodge 114 Like to the falling of a star King 482 Like two proud armies marching in the field Anon. 125 Live in these conquering leaves; live all the same. .. .Crashaw 607 Live with me still, and all the measures Dekker 212 Lo, quhat it is to love Scott 168 London, to thee I do present F. Beaumont 33 Love bade me welcome; yet my soul drew back Herbert 129 Love guards the roses of thy lips Lodge 79 Love for such a cherry lip Mid diet on 80 Love, if a god thou art F. Davison 150 Love in my bosom, like a bee Lodge 59 Love is a sickness full of woes 5". Daniel 279 Love me or not, love her I must or die Campion 175 Love, thou art absolute, sole Lord Crashaw 610 Love wing'd my Hopes and taught me how to fly Anon. 208 Loving in truth, and fain in verse my love to shovf ... .Sidney 313 Look, Delia, how we esteem the half -blown rose 5". Daniel 325 Look how the flower which lingeringly doth ia.de. .Drummond 682 Look how the pale queen of the silent night Best 588 Madam, withouten many words Wyat 284 Maid, will ye love me, yea or no? Anon. 58 Mark when she smiles with amiable cheer Spenser 123 Martial, the things that do attain Surrey 515 May! Be thou never graced with birds that sing Browne 667 Me oft my fancy drew Wither 117 8t6 INDEX OF FIRST LINES PAGE Methought I saw the grave where Laura lay Raleigh 131 Mortality, behold and fear! F. Beaumont 649 Most glorious Lord of Life, that on this day Spenser 634 Muses that sing Love's sensual empery Chapman 283 Music some think, no music is Anon. 407 Music to hear, why hear'st thou jnusic sadly? ... .Shakespeare 404 My bonny lass, thine eye Lodge 74 My Daphne's hair is twisted gold Lyly 89 My dear and only Love, I pray Montrose 148 My heart is high above, my body is full of bliss Anon. 141 My hope a counsel with my heart Anon. 224 My hovering thoughts would fly to heaven Southwell 500 My Lady's presence makes the Roses red 5. Daniel 204 My love in her attire doth show her wit Anon. 195 My love is strengthened Shakespeare 174 My lute, awake! perform the last Wyat 258 My lute, be as thou wert when thou didst grow ... .Drjimmond 555 My mind to me a kingdom is Dyer 511 My only star F. Davison 305 My Phyllis .hath the morning sun Lodge 41 My prime of youth is but a frost of cares Tichborne 549 My soul, sit thou a patient looker on Quarles 639 My spotless love hovers with purest wings i\ Daniel 205 My sweetest Lesbia, let us live and love Campion 128 My thoughts hold mortal strife Drummond 511 My true-love hath my heart; and I have his Sidney 51 Near to the silver Trent Drayton 99 Never love unless you can Campion 44 Never more will I protest F. Beaumont 244 Never weather-beaten sail more willing bent to shore. .Campion 626 No longer mourn for me when I am dead Shakespeare 556 Not mine own fears, nor the prophetic soul Shakespeare 154 Not to know vice at all, and keep true state Jonson 491 Now each creature joys the other S. Daniel 35 Now is the time for mirth Herrick 411 Now that the spring hath filled our veins Browne 32, Now the hungry lion roars Shakespeare 584 Now the lusty spring is seen /. Fletcher 31 Now what is Love, I pray thee, tell? Raleigh 76 Now, whilst the moon doth rule the sky /. Fletcher 575 Now winter nights enlarge Campion 563 O cruel Love, on thee I lay Lyly 268 O Cupid! monarch over kings Lyly 149 O dear Life, when shall it be Sidney 298 Oh earth! earth! earth! hear my voice Herrick 655 O, fair sweet goddess. Queen of loves /. Fletcher 229 O, faithless world! and thy more faithless part! Wotton 670 O fly, vay soul ! what hangs upon Shirley 536 O for some honest lover's ghost Suckling 225 O gentle Love, ungentle for thy deed Peele 258 O goodly hand ! Wyat 77 O happj' dames! that may embrace Surrey 230 O happy Tithon! if thou know'st thy hap Stirling 16 O if thou knew'st how thou thyself dost harm Stirling 16 O Love, sweet Love, O high and heavenly Love! Anon. 271 8i7 INDEX OF FIRST LINES PAGE O lusty May, with Flora qvieen Anon. ' 133 O mistress mine, where are you roaming Shakespeare 64 O never say that I was false of heart Shakespeare 422 O night, O jealous night, repugnant to my measures. .. .J'non. 578 O no, Belov'd: I am most sure Herbert of Cherbury 636 O perfect Light, which shaid away Hume 331 O that joy so soon should waste! Jonson 66 O, the month of May, the merry month of May Dekker 30 O thou that swing'st upon the waving hair Lovelace 330 O shady vales, O fair enriched meads Lodge 214 O, Sorrow, Sorrow, say where dost thou dwell? Dekker 566 O sweet woods, the delight of solitariness Sidney 499 O waly, waly, up the bank Anon. 238 O wearisome condition of humanity Lord Brooke 520 O words which fall like summer dew on me! Sidney 94 Of Neptune's empire let us sing Campion 131 Of Pan we sing, the best of singers. Pan Jonson 471 Of this fair volume which we World do name Drummond 539 Oh no more, no more, too late Ford 675 Old Chaucer doth of Topas tell Drayton 446 On a day — alack the day! , Shakespeare 21 On a fair morning as I came by the way Anon. 7 On a hill there grows a flower Breton 68 On a time the amorous Silvy Anon. 127 On quicksedge, wrought with lovely eglantine Tofte 204 One day I wrote her name upon the strand Spenser 557 Only Joy ! now here you are Sidney 294 Open the door! who's there within? Anon. 294 Orpheus I am, come from the deeps below /. Fletcher 147 Orpheus with his lute made trees Shakespeare or Fletcher 405 Out upon it, I have loved Suckling 227 Over hill, over dale Shakespeare 441 Pack clouds, away, and welcome, day! T. Heywood 2 Pan's Syrinx was a girl indeed . .Lyly 317 Pardon, goddess of the night. Shakespeare 576 Passions are likened best to floods and streams Raleigh 176 Peace and silence be the guide F. Beaumont 357 Phillis kept sheep along the western plains Greene 139 Phoebus, arise ! . Drummond 6 Phoebus, farewell! a sweeter Saint I serve Sidney 422 Pluck the fruit and taste the pleasure Lodge 530 Poor soul, the centre of my sinful earth Shakespeare 537 Praise is devotion fit for mighty minds Davenant 628 Pretty twinkling starry eyes Breton 82 Preserve thy sighs, unthrifty girl!.... Davenant 440 Queen and Huntress, chaste and fair ^ .. .Jonson 586 Quhen Flora had o'erfret the firth Anon. 133 Quivering fears, heart-tearing cares Anon. 340 Resolved to dust entombed here lieth Love Watson 274 Restore thy tresses to the golden ore 5". Daniel 207 Ring out your bells, let mourning shews be spread. .. .Sic^n^y 272 Rose-cheek'd Laura, come Campion 318 Roses, their sharp spines being gone. . .Shakespeare or Fletcher 357 Rudely thou wrongest my dear heart's desire Spenser 322 8i8 INDEX OF FIRST LINES PAGE Saj', crimson Rose and dainty Daffodil Reynolds 39 Send home my long-stray'd eyes to me Donne 247 See the Chariot at hand here of Love Jonson 140 See where my Love a-Maying goes Anon. 29 See where she sits upon the grassy green Spenser 108 See, see, mine own sweet jewel.- Anon. 95 Shake off your heavy trance F. Beaumont 564 Shall I come, sweet Love, to thee Campion 293 Shall I compare thee to a summer's day .Shakespeare 123 Shall I thus ever long, and be no whit the neare Anon. 233 Shall I tell you whom I love ? Browne 60 Shall I, wasting in despair Wither 260 She beat the happy pavement Lovelace 66 She fell away in her first ages spring Spenser 653 She who to Heaven more Heaven annex Cartwright 660 Shepherds all, and maidens fair /. Fletcher 574 Shun delays, they breed remorse Southwell 532 Shut not so soon; the dull-eyed night Herrick 573 Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more Shakespeare 228 Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea.. Shakespeare 315 Since first I saw your face I resolved to honour and renown ye Anon. 121 Since honour from the honourer preceeds Florio 539 Since there's no help, come let us kiss and ^art. .. .Drayton 271 Sing his praises that doth keep 7. Fletcher 471 Sing lullaby, as women do Gascoigne 180 Sing to Apollo, god of day Lyly 2 Sister, awake! close not your eyes! Anon. 29 Sitting by a river side Greene 72 Sleep, angry beauty, sleep, and fear not me! Campion 591 Slow, slow, fresh fount, keep time with my salt tears, ./onjow 644 Sly thief, if so you will believe Anon. 246 Small comfort might my banish'd hopes recall Stirling 323 So oft as I her beauty do behold Spenser 199 So sweet a kiss the golden sun gives not .Shakespeare 90 Some say Love Greene 144 Son of Erebus and night Browne 442 Sound is the knot that Chastity hath tied Anon. 481 Spring, the sweet Spring, is the year's pleasant king.. . .Nashe 11 Stay, O sweet, and do not rise Donne 8 Stella, think not that I by verse seek fame Sidney 316 Steer hither, steer your winged pines Browne 234 Still do the stars impart their light Cartwright 255 Still to be neat, still to be drest Jonson 90 Sweet Adon, darest not glance thine eye Greene 299 Sweet are the thoughts that savour of content Greene 517 Sweet, be not proud of those two eyes Herrick 82 Sweet bird, that sing'st away the early hours Drnmmond 584 Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright Herbert 540 Sweet Love, if thou wilt gain a monarch's glory Anon. 143 Sweet Love, mine only treasure .A. W. 98 Sweet love, renew thy force: be it not said. .. .Shakespeare 281 Sweet nymphs, if, as ye stray Drnmmond 187 Sweet Phyllis, if a silly swain Breton 189 Sweet Rose, whence is this hue Drummond 328 Sweet soul, which in the April of thy years ^Drummond 556 Sweet Spring, thou turn'st with all thy goodly train. Drummond 546 819 INDEX OF FIRST LINES PAGE Sweet Suffolk owl, so trimly dight Vautof 578 Sweet western wind, whose luck it is Herrick 92 Sweetest love, I do not go Donne 288 Sweetest of sweets, I thank you: when displeasure .... H erbert 410 Sweetest Saviour, if my soul Herrick 622 Take, O take those lips away Shakespeare 270 Tell me, deai-est, what is love ? /. Fletcher 44 Tell me not. Sweet, I am unkind Lovelace 426 Tell me, thou skilful shepherd swain Drayton 62 Tell me, what is that only thing /. Fletcher 429 Tell me where is Fancy bred Shakespeare 43 Th' Assyrian King, in peace, with foul desire Surrey 548 That time of year thou may'st in me behold Shakespeare 545 That which her slender waist confined Waller 92 The blushing rose and purple flower Massinger 328 The Boar's Head in hand bring I Anon. 593 The Boar's Head that we bring here Anon. 594 The damask meadows and the crawling streams Herrick ^77 The dew no more will weep Crashaw 570 The doubt of future foes Queen Elisabeth xxx The doubt which ye misdeem, fair love, is vain Spenser 146 The earth, late choked with showers Lodge 529 The earth, with thunder torn, with fire blasted. .Lore? Brooke 621 The expense of spirit in a waste of shame Shakespeare 532 The forward violet thus did I chide Shakespeare 96 The gentle season of the year Anon. 568 The gentry to the King's Head T. Heywood 417 The glories of our blood and state Shirley 643 The green that you would wish me wear Turberville 310 The Indian weed withered quite Wisdome 547 The Lady Mary Villiers lies Carew 663 The lark now leaves his wat'ry nest Davenant 1 The last and greatest Herald of Heaven's King ... Drummond 607 The lopped tree in time may grow again Southwell 523 The lowest trees have tops, the ant her gall Dyer 286 The man of life upright Campion 484 The merry Cuckoo, messenger of Spring Spenser 317 The Nightingale, as soon as April bringeth Sidney 73 The ousel-cock, so black of hue Shakespeare 443 The Rose was sick and smiling died Herrick 329 The sea hath man}- thousand sands Anon. 236 The seas are quiet when the winds give o'er Waller 526 The soote season, that bud and bloom forth brings. .. .Surrey 12 The stately dames of Rome their pearls did wear . .Gascoigne 196 The sun, which doth the greatest comfort bring. .F. Beaumont 413 The time when first I fell in love Anon. 287 The ways on earth have paths and turnings known Essex 235 The world's a bubble; and the life of man Lord Bacon 501 The worldly prince doth in his sceptre hold Breton 616 Then hate me when thou wilt; if ever, now ... .Shakespeare 252 Thence passing forth, they shortly doe arryve Spenser 407 There are two births; the one when light Cartwright 184 There is a garden in her face Campion 46 There is a Lady sweet and kind Anon. 98 There is a jeweL which no Indian mines Anon. 516 There is none, O none, but you Campion 307 820 INDEX OF FIRST LINES PAGE There's one request I make of Him '.Suchling 426 Therefore, above the rest Ambition sat G. Fletcher 301 These dear eyes, dear Lord, once brandons of desire Drummond 609 They flee from me that sometime did me seek IVyat 243 They meet but with unwholesonie springs Habington 223 They that have power to hurt and will do none. .Shakespeare 531 Think'st thou to seduce me then with words that have no mean- ing Campion 247 This day Dame Nature seemed in love Wotton 27 This Life, which seems so fair Drummond 536 This morning timely wrapt with holy fire Jonson 320 This night is my departing night Armstrong 549 This world a hunting is Drummond 540 Those eyes that hold the hand of every heart Breton 85 Those eyes that set my fancy on a fire Anon. 83 Thou art not fair for all thy red and white Campion 266 Thou divinest, fairest, brightest /. Fletcher 158 Thou more than most sweet love Jonson 89 Thou sent'st to me a heart was sound Anon. 248 Thou window, once which served for a sphere. .. .Drummond 558 Though I am young and cannot tell Jonson 272 Thrice happy he who by some shady grove Drummond 518 Thrice toss these oaken ashes in the air Campion 441 Through the shrubs as I can track Greene 217 Through yon same bending plain /. Fletcher 159 Throw away Thy rod Herbert 624 Trust not his wanton tears Chettle 150 Thus saith my Chloris bright Anon. 151 Thus, thus begin the yearly rites Jonson 40 Thy bosom is endeared with all hearts Shakespeare 553 Thy restless feet now cannot go Crashaw 635 Time is the feather'd thing Mayne 525 'Tis mirth that fills the veins with blood F. Beaumont 527 To me, fair friend, you never can be old Shakespeare 561 To music bent is my retired mind Campion 622 To those whom death again did wed Crashazv 668 Toss not my soul, O Love, 'twixt hope and tear I. .. .Anon. 210 Turn all thy thoughts to eyes Campion 56 Turn back, you wanton flyer Campion 162 Turn I my looks unto the skies Lodge 172 'Twas I that paid for all things Anon. 269 Under the greenwood tree Shakespeare 36 Underneath this sable hearse Browne or Jonson 664 Up! Youths and Virgins up, and praise Jonson 374 Upon my lap, my Sovereign sits Rowlands 597 Unquiet thoughts, your civil slaughter stint Anon. 145 Urns and odours bring away Shakespeare or Fletcher 567 Victorious men of earth, no more Shirley 642 Virtue's branches wither. Virtue pines Dekker 481 We be three poor mariners Ravenscroft 429 We, that did nothing study but the way King 266 We saw and woo'd each other's eyes Habington 171 We saw Thee in Thy balmy nest Crashaw 604 821 INDEX OF FIRST LINES PAGE Weep no more, nor sigh, nor groan 7. Fletcher 571 Weep not, my wanton, smile upon my knee : . . . .Greene 399 Weep with me all you that read. . Jonson 665 Weep you no more, sad fountains Anon. 573 Weep, weep, ye woodmen, wail Munday and Chettle 646 Welcome, maids of honour :....... Herrick 13 Welcome! welcome! do I sing Browne 138 Were I as base as is the lowly plain. Sylvester . 117 Were my heart as some men's are, thy errors would not move me Campion 1 79 What conscience, say, is it in thee .Herrick 157 What bird so sings, yet so does wail? Lyly 11 What delights can they enjoy /. Daniel 216 What doth it serve to see Sun's burning face Drummond 639 What guile is this, that those her golden tresses Spenser 88 What I shall leave thee none can tell Corbet 514 What if a day, or month, or year .Campion 505 What needs complaints . .Herrick, 671 ■ What pleasures have great princes Anon. 347 What poor astronomers are they . .Anon. 87 What should I say ? IVyat 265 What sweeter music can we bring Herrick . 594 What sweet relief the showers to thirsty plants we see. .Grimald 167 Whenas in silks my Julia goes Herrick 91 Whenas man's life, the light of human lust .Lord Brooke 541 When as the rye reached to the chin Peele 156 When daffodils begin to peer Shakespeare 14 When daisies pied and violets blue Shakespeare 442 When, dearest, I but think of thee Suckling 218 When first mine eyes did view and mark Hunnis 257 When God at first made man Herbert 483 When I a verse shall make Herrick 416 When I behold a forest spread Herrick 196 When I do count the clock that tells the time Shakespeare 560 When I have seen by Time's fell hand defaced Shakespeare 229 When I survey the bright Habington 580 When icicles hang by the wall Shakespeare 563 When in disgrace with Fortune and men's eyes. .. .Shakespeare 169 When in her face mine eyes I fix Sterling 137 When in the chronicle of wasted time Shakespeare 122 When Love on time and measure makes his ground. .. .Anon. 268 When Love with unconfined wings Lovelace 186 When men shall find thy flow'r, thy glory, pass S. Daniel 242 When that I was and a little tiny boy Shakespeare 402 When to the sessions of sweet silent thought. .... .Shakespeare 554 When thou must home to shades of underground. . . .Campion 559 When thou, poor Excommunicate. Carew 253 When whispering strains with weeping wind Strode 403 Where dost thou careless lie. Jonson 472 Where the bee sucks, there suck I Shakespeare 335 Where wards are weak and foes encount'ring strong. .Southwell 496 Whether men do laugh or weep . .Campion 535 While that the sun with his beams hot Anon. 245 Who can live in heart so glad , . .Breton 343 Who doth desire that chaste his wife should be ...Sidney 520 Who grace for zenith had .Lord Brooke 474- Who hath his fancy pleased...... Sidney 81 822, INDEX OF FIRST LINES PAGE Who is it that, this dark night Sidney 582 Who is Silvia ? What is she Shakespeare 183 Who, Virtue, can thy power forget Jonson 528 Whoe'er she be Crashaw 109 Whoever comes to shroud me, do not harm Donne 648 Whoever thinks or hopes of love' for love Anon. 155 Why canst thou not, as others do /. Daniel 155 Why I tie about thy wrist Herrick 197 Why should this a desert be ? Shakespeare 126 Why so pale and wan, fond lover? Suckling 281 Wilt thou forgive that sin, where I begun Donne 616 Will you buy any tape Shakespeare 421 Wit's perfection. Beauty's wonder F. Davison 656 With fair Ceres, Queen of Grain T. Heywood 562 With how sad steps, O Moon, thou climb'st the skies ... 5t^n^3> 587 Would'st thou hear what man can say Jonson 665 Wounded I am, and dare not seek relief Anon. 235 Wrong not, sweet Empress of my heart Raleigh 176 Ye blushing virgins happy are Hahington 184 Ye buds of Brutus' land, courageous youth, now play your parts Gilford 433 Ye bubbling springs that gentle music makes Anon. 45 Ye have been fresh and green Herrick 17 Ye Highlands and ye Lawlands! .Anon. 669 Ye learned Sisters, which have oftentimes Spenser 358 Ye little birds that sit and sing T. Heywood 48 Yet if his Majesty our Sovereign lord Anon. 631 You brave, heroic minds Drayton 430 You meaner beauties of the night Wotton 104 You spotted snakes with double tongue Shakespeare 444 You virgins that did late despair Shirley 213 Your beauty, ripe and calm and fresh Davenant 553 Zephyrus brings the time that sweetly scenteth Anon. 324 823 jyi^ 1 190?