LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. "BV^t^D Chap. ... Copyright No, F4- Shelf. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. SUPPLIES FOR PREACHERS AND CHURCHES. Church Records, Comprehensive. Size, 11x14^ inches. Half morocco. No. 1. 640 pages $7 00 No. 2. 468 pages 575 No. 3. 324 pages 4 50 Church Records. Size, 9x11 inches. Half American Russia. With Alphabetical Index. No. 4. For 1,000 members I 50 No. 5. For 2,000 members 2 50 Church Treasurer's Record. No. 2. 400 names I 00 No. 4. 800 names I 50 No. 6. 1,500 names 2 50 Certificates of Marriage. Size, 10x12 inches. A. Black ink, light-weight paper. Per cloz., 20 cts.; by mail. 23 B. Brown ink, extra linen paper. Per doz., 40 cts.; by mail. 45 C. Two colors of ink, superfine cardboard. Per dozen, 75 cents ; by mail 84 D. Ink and gold, superfine cardboard. Per dozen, 90 cents ; by mail I 00 E. 6x7 inches. Folding Certificate with Envelope. Printed on superfine card, 15 cents; per dozen. 1 50 Bridal Greetings. By Daniel Wise, D.D. i2mo. An ex- quisite presentation volume containing the Marriage Service and Marriage Certificate. White leatherette. 75 Transfer of Church Membership with Notice of Enroll- ment. Blank forms in packages of twenty-five.. . . 20 Pastor's Receipts. 25 bound, 15 cents ; 50 bound 20 Pastor's Private Marriage Record 1 50 Pastor's Vade Mecum. Cloth, 25 cents ; morocco 40 Quarterly Conference Record. Book 50 Quarterly Conference Record. Sheets. Per 100 1 00 Sermon Paper. (By express, not prepaid.) E. & M. Ser- mon Paper. Ream, 500 sheets, and 25 covers, in a box, ruled and perforated. No. I. Note, 5^x9 inches. Per ream I 75 No. 2. Bath, 7x8^ inches. Per ream 2 00 No. 3. Letter, 8xio^4 inches. Per ream 2 25 No. 4. Sermon Bath, 7xS^ inches, double sheet. Per ream 2 50 The Complete Sermon Book. 32 pages. Wide ruled paper. Bound in heavy manilla covers. Printed for complete record of sermon. 5 cents each ; 50 cents per dozen ; per hundred 3 00 Yingling's Sermon Cards. Printed on heavy card paper. First page contains blanks for Text, Hymns, Lessons, and References. No. I, 4 pages, 6x3^ inches, per ioo, ^i.oo. No. 2, 6 pages, 83^x3^ inches, per 100 2 00 THE POCKET Church Record STREET VISITING LIST Arranged by C. S. FERGUSON <,{,"• - s W" NEW YORK: EATON & MAINS CINCINNATI : CURTS & JENNINGS *pl ?3° <^k Copyright, 1S91, by HUNT & EATON, New York. Copyright by EATON & MAINS, 1896. INDEX Page i. Church Services, Meetings, Anniversaries, etc., . 6 2. Sermons Preached, . . . . 7—13 3. Trustees and Stewards, ... 14 4. Class-Leaders, . . „ , 15 5. Local Preachers and Exhorters, . . 16 6. Deaconesses and Miscellaneous, . 17 7. Roll of Quarterly Conference, . . . 18 8. Standing Committees, . . .19, 20 9. Special Committees, . . . . 21, 22 10. Officers of the Sunday-school, . . 23 11. Teachers of the Sunday-school, . . .24, 25 12. Alphabetical List of Members, . . 26- 65 13. Alphabetical List of Probationers, . . 66- 89 14. Members and Probationers Received from Other Churches, . , 90- 93 15. Removals from the Church, . . 94- 97 16. Record of Baptisms, .... 98-105 17. Record of Marriages, . . . 106-119 18. Funerals Attended, .... 120-133 19. Subscribers for Periodicals, . . . 1 34-141 20. Addresses of Friends and Others, . 142-145 21. Statistical, ..... 146-151 22. Street Visiting List, .... 152-180 23. General Memoranda, . . . 1 81-192 CHORCH SERVICES, MEETINGS, ANNIVERSARIES, ETC. Date. Hour. Place, Remarks. SERMONS PREACHED. Date. Occasion; Place. Text. Remarks. SERMONS PREACHED. Date. Occasion. Place. Text. Remarks. SERMONS PREACHED. . 9 Date. Occasion. Place. Text. Remarks. r io SERMONS PREACHED. Date. Occasion. Place. Text. Remarks. 11 SERMONS PREACHED. Date. Occasion. Place. Text. Remarks. VI SERMONS PREACHED. 1 Date. p. Occasion. Place. Text. Remarks. L SERMONS PREACHED. Occasion. Place. Text. 13 Remarks. ^Name. TRUSTEES. Residence. State Date of Office in Life. Election. Expires. STEWARDS. CLASS-LEADERS. Name. x>^ 'Atm^n State Date of Office Kesiaence. in Life< Election. Expires. LOCAL PREACHERS. Name. Address. State Date of Office in Life. Election. Expires. EXHORTERS. DEACONESSES. ifp Churchy Relationship. Name. Residence. _ State Date of in Life. Election. Office Expires. ELLANEOUS. MISC A ROLL OF QUARTERLY CONFERENCE. Office. Name. I Attendance. Remarks. STANDING COMMITTEES. 1*1 Name. Committee. Office. Remarks. - A r * 20 STANDING COMMITTEES. Name. Committee. Office. Remarks. • L 21 1 SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Name. Committee. Office. Remarks. . - 22 SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Name. Committee. Office. Remarks. OFFICERS OF THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL Name. Residence. Office. Remarks. 24 TEACHERS OF THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL. Name. Residence. Q a ° s Remarks. 25 1 TEACHERS OF THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL. Name. Residence. Oats. Remarks. - A w ° ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Address, No. Class. ... ■ — — \ ■ OF MEMBERS. 27 >tate in Life. When and How- Received. By Whom Received. Remarks. 28 ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Address. No. Class. \>9 OF MEMBERS. State in When and How By Whom Remarks. Life. Received. Received. 30 ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Address. No. Class. OF MEMBERS. 31 State in Life. When and How Received. By Whom Received. Remarks. J K L M N P Q R S T U V Y 7 32 Name. ALPHABETICAL LIST Address. OF MEMBERS. State in Life. When and How Received. By Whom Received. Remarks. J K L M N P Q. R S T U V y 7 54 Name. ALPHABETICAL LIST Address, OF MEMBERS. 35 State in When and How- Life. Received. By Whom Received. Remarks. J K L M N P Q R S T U V Y 7 Ob ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Address. No. Class. 37 OF MEMBERS. State in When and How By Whom r>«w,„,.l „ Life. Received. Received. KemaikS. M N P R S T U V Y 7 38 ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Address. No. Class. OF MEMBERS. 39 State in Life. When and How Received. By Whom Received. Remarks. 40 ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Address, No. Class. OF MEMBERS. 41 State in When and How- Life. Received. By Whom Received. Remarks. Y 7 42 ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Address. No. Class. 43 OF MEMBERS, State In When and How By Whom -n i Life. Received. Received. Remarks. 44- ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Address. C la °' s . State in Life. When and How Received. OF MEMBERS. By Whom Received. 45 Remarks. M N P Q. R S T U V w Y 7 46 ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Address. No. Class. OF MEMBERS. State in Life. When and How Received. By Whom Received. Remarks. V Y 7 48 ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Address. No. Class. State in Life. When and How- Received. OF MEMBERS. By Whom Received. 49 1 Remarks. 50 ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Address. No. Class. State in Life. When and How Received. OF MEMBERS. By Whom Received. 51 Remarks. P Q R S T U V w Y 7 52 ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Address. No. Class. State in Life. When and How- Received. OF MEMBERS. By Whom Received. 5, Remarks. Q R S T U V W Y 7 54 ALPHABETICAL LIST Xame. Address. No. Class. OF MEMBERS. State in Life. When and How- Received. By Whom Received. Remarks. 56 ALPHABETICAL LIST Xame. Addre - No. Class. 57 OF MEMBERS. State in Life. When and How Received. By Whom Received, Remarks. » 58 ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. LIST Address. No. Class. OF MEMBERS. 59 State in Life. When and How Received. By Whom Received. Remarks. T U V w yj 7 00 ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Address. No. Class. 61 OF MEMBERS. State in When and How By Whom Life. Received. Received. Remarks. u V w y 7 1 62 ALPHABETICAL LIST Xame. Address. No. Class. OF MEMBERS. 63 State in When and How Life. Received. By Whom Received. Remarks. 64 ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Address. No. Class. 65 OF MEMBERS. State in When and How By Whom Life. Received. Received. Remarks. Y 7 6<> ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Residence. When No. Received. Class. 67 OF PROBATIONERS. I i Baptised. Age. . St T a ^ When and How * s in Life. Disposed of. Remarks, 68 Name. ALPHABETICAL LIST Residence. When No. Received. Class, OF PROBATIONERS. 69 Baptised. Age. ,*£&. When and How Disposed of. Remarks. 70 ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Residence. When No. Received. Class 71^ OF PROBATIONERS. Baptised. Age. State in Life. When and How Disposed of. Remarks, E F G H 1 i J K L [71 N P Q R S T U V V i "7 ■ ' 72 Name. ALPHABETICAL LIST Residence. When No. Received. Class. OF PROBATIONERS. 73 Baptised. Age. State in Life. When and How Disposed of. Remarks. 74 ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Residence. When Received. No. Class. OF PROBATIONERS. to Baptised. a State A 2 e ' in Life. When and How Disposed of. Remarks. U V v 76' ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Residence. When N Received. Clsl OF PROBATIONERS. 11 When and How Baptised. Age. £«*, ^S of! Remarks. 78 Name. ALPHABETICAL LIST Residence. When No. Received. Class. OF PROBATIONERS, 79 Baptised. Age, State in Life. When and How- Disposed of. Remarks. 80 Name. ALPHABETICAL LIST Residence. When Received. No. Class OF PROBATIONERS. 81 Baptised. Age State When and How in Life< Disposed of. Remarks. V v 7 82 ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Residence. When No. Received. Class. - OF PROBATIONERS. 83 Baptised. Age. State in Life. When and How Disposed of. Remarks. 84 ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Residence. When Received. No. Class. OF PROBATIONERS. 85 Baptised. Age. >f£ When and How Disposed of. Remarks. S T U V Y 86' ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Residence. When No. Received. Class. OF PROBATIONERS. Baptised. Age. . St T a -f When and How 1 & in Life. Disposed of. 87 Remarks. U V Y 7 88 ALPHABETICAL LIST Name. Residence. When No. Received. Class. OF PROBATIONERS. 89 Baptised. Age. State in Life. When and How Disposed of. Remarks. Y MEMBERS and PROBATIONERS Rec'd from Other Churches. Date. From Where. Name. if Life. A S e Re 1 ^ 11 - ship. 91 1 MEMBERS and PROBATIONERS Rec'd from Other Churches. Date. From Where. Name. State in Life Age Church Relation- ship. 1 Tt2 V/lPMPP MEMBERS and PROBATIONERS Rec'd from Other Churches. Date. From Where. Name. State in Life Church Age Relation- ship. 93 1 MEMBERS and PROBATIONERS Rec'd from Other Churches. Date. From Where. Name. State Church Life. A S e Relation- ship. ru REMOVALS FROM THE CHURCH. When. How. Name. Where Gone. St £f™ Age. L REMOVALS FROM THE CHURCH. When. Hctv. Name. Where Gone. ^Uie™ A S e - V6 REMOVALS FROM THE CHURCH. When. How. Name. Where Gone. St T a . t f in Life. \ REMOVALS FROM THE CHURCH. 9 When. Hew. Name. Where Gone. St £^? Age. f i>8 ! RECORD OF Time, Mode. Name. Father's Name. Mother'^ Name. BAPTISMS. When and Where Born. 99 1 Remarks. 100 RECORD OF Time. Mode. Name. BAPTISMS. 1 1 ^Name? When and Where Born. Remarks. RECORD OF Time. Mode. Name. BAPTISMS. 103 Father's Mother's Name. Name. When and Where Born. Remarks. 04 RECORD OF Time. Mode. Name. 105 "' BAPTISMS. Father's Name. *N^e' S When and Where Born - Remarks. A H06 RECORD OF 5_J Date. Names. Residences. ■ • • MARRIAGES. 107 1 No. Ao-e Father's Mother s Mar'ge. t> • Name. Maiden Name. Time and Place of -p ^-.--i,- Ceremony. Remaiks. . \ i • r H)8" RECORD OF Date. Names. Residences. 109 MARRIAGES. Mar'ge. A S e ' Father's Mother s Name. Maiden Name. Time and Place of Ceremony. Remarks. ! A riio Date. RECORD OF Names. Residences. HI MARRIAGES. No. Mar'ge, Age. Father's Name. Mother s Maiden Name. Time and Place of Ceremony. Remarks. _; _ _ A ni'2 RECORD OF Date. Names. Residences. 1 MARRIAGES. 1131 M N V Ajre. F . a r ther 's Mother's Time and Place of r > , Marge. b Name. Maiden Name. Ceremony. Remarks. • , f i 1 14 RECORD OF 1, Date. Names. Residences. • L MARRIAGES. 115 1 No. Mar'ge. a Father's Mother's Time and Place of r> i / *6 C ' Name. Maiden Name. Ceremony. Remarks. ' A Date. RECORD OF Names. Residences. 117 n MARRIAGES. No. a Father's Mother's Time and Place of pi Mar'ge. A S C * Name. Maiden Name. Ceremony. rvemarKS. % J r A RECORD OF Date. Names. Residences. ' r ■ ' ' c 119 MARRIAGES. ■■aerri' i ■ No. a „- Father's Mar'ge. A S e « j Name. Mother s Time and Place of Remarks. Maiden Name. Ceremony. - r i 120 FUNERALS Date. Name. Where, Age. State iu Life. • L 121 1 ATTENDED. Interment. Time. Remarks, • i 122 Date. FUNERALS Name. Where. Age. State iu Life. 123 ATTENDED. Interment. Time. Remarks, 124 FUNERALS Date, Name, Where. Ao*» State ■*&' hi Life. • 125 1 ATTENDED. Interment. Time. Remarks. . i 126 FUNERALS Date. Name. Where Age. State in Life. 127 ATTENDED. ' Interment. Time. Remarks, . 128 FUNERALS Date, Name. Where. fVge. State ;a Life. 1 2 91 ATTENDED. Interment. Time. Remarks. / 1 30 FUNERALS Date. Name. Where, Age. s. State » * in Life. ATTENDED. 131 Interment. Time. Remarks, k 132 FUNERALS Date. Name. Where. A 8 e - in S £f! L 133 ATTENDED. Interment. Time. Remarks, 134 SUBSCRIBERS FOR Subscriber's Name. Address. 135 PERIODICALS. Date Paid. Amount 1 Vti* Periodicals. SUBSCRIBERS FOR Subscriber's Name. Address. 137 When to Begin. PERIODICALS. When to End. Date Paid. Amount Paid. lob H Periodicals. SUBSCRIBERS FOR Subscriber's Name. Address. 139 PERIODICALS. When to Begin. When to End. Date Paid. Amount Paid. yr< 140 SUBSCRIBERS FOR Periodicals. Subscriber's Name. Address. I PERIODICALS. 141 1 When to Begin. When to End. Date Paid. Amount Paid. w 142 ADDRESSES OF FRIENDS AND OTHERS. Residence. ADDRESSES OF FRIENDS AND OTHERS. Name. Residence. 143 44 ADDRESSES OF FRIENDS AND OTHERS. Name. Residence. ADDRESSES OF FRIENDS AND OTHERS. 145 Name. Residence. • 46 PASTOR'S REPORT. Statistical Blanks to the Annual Conference. No. I. CHURCH MEMBERSHIP. No. of Probationers, . No. of Full Members, No. of Local Preachers, No. of Deaths, . No. of Children, No. of Adults, . BAPTISMS. SUNDAY SCHOOL, No. of Schools, ...... No. of Officers and Teachers, .... No. of Scholars, ...... CHURCH PROPERTY. No. of Churches, . Probable Value, ..... No. of Parsonages, ... Probable Value, ..... Amount paid on Building and Improvements, Amount paid on Old Indebtedness, Present Indebtedness, .... No. 2 SUNDAY SCHOOL. No. of Schools, ....... No. of Officers and Teachers, .... No. of Scholars of all grades, .... No. of Members in the Home Department, Average Attendance, ..... No. of Officers and Teachers who are Church Members or Probationers, ...... No. of Scholars (whether attendants or members in the Home Department) who are Church Members or Pro- bationers, . No. of Members of Sunday School Converted during the year Current Expenses, ....... 147 PASTOR'S REPORT. No. 3. PASTOR'S SUPPORT. Claims : Salary, $ House Rent, . . . . Total, . . . $ Receipts: Salary, . . . . . $ House Rent, . . . . Total, g. Deficiencies, . . g SUPPORT OF PRESIDING ELDERS. Amount Apportioned, . . . g Amount Paid, . . SUPPORT OF BISHOPS. Amount Apportioned. . . . g Amount Paid, . . Total Support Paid as above, . . . $. CONFERENCE CLAIMANTS. Received from Collections, . . . . . $.. Received from Other Sources, ...... Total Receipts, ..... g. CURRENT EXPENSES. Church : Sexton, Light, Fuel, etc., . . . . g. Sunday School : Lesson Leaves, Books, etc., No. 4. BENEVOLENT COLLECTIONS. Missionary Society : a. Church, b. Sunday School, Church Extension, Sunday School Union, Tract Society, . 148 PASTOR'S REPORT. Freedmen's Aid and Southern Education Society, Education : a. Public Educational Collection, $ b. Children's Fund, . American Bible Society, .... "Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, . Woman's Home Missionary Society, Total Disciplinary Collections, Other Benevolent Collections, , . $ Total Benevolent Collections, . General Conference Expenses, Conference Claimants, .... Episcopal Fund, ..... Total, .... FLNANCIAL REPORT FOR CONFERENCE TREASURER. A duplicate of Statistical Blank No. 4, and is to be filled up, added, torn off, and handed, with cash, receipts, and the envelope, properly filled out, to the Treasurer. COLLECTIONS. Missionary Society Church Extension Sunday School Union Tract Society Freedmen's Aid and Southern Edu- cation Society Education : a. Public Educational Collection b. Children's Fund American Bible Society "Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc Woman's Home Missionary Society. Other Benevolent Collections General Conference Expenses Conference Claimants Episcopal Fund Total CASH. Receipts for Cash already Paid. TOTAL. 149 PASTOR'S REPORT. Pastor's Report TO THE QUARTERLY CONFERENCE. I. Sunday School and Religious Instruction. 1st (Jr. •2d 3d 4th 8*. 1. No. of Sunday Schools 2. State of the Schools 3. Average Attendance 4. No. Sermons Preached by the Pastor to Children 5 No. of times Pastor has Catechised the Children 6. No. of Classes of Children formed for Religious In- II. Changes in Membership. 1. Admitted from Probation 2. Received by Certificate 3. Granted Certificates 4. Deceased 5. Withdrawn 6. Excluded III. Pastoral Labor. 1. No. of Pastoral Visits 2. Other Items IV. Benevolent Collections. 1. Missions 2. Church Extension 3. Education 4. Freedmen's Aid and Southern Education 5. Sunday Schools and Sunday School Union 6. Tracts 7. American Bible Society ■. 8. Other Objects V. Subscribers for our Periodicals. 1 Christian Advocate 2. Methodist Review 3. Sunday School Journal 4. Sunday School Advocate 5. The Classmate , 6. Epworth Herald 7. Other Periodicals 150 PASTOR'S REPORT. Pastor's Report TO THE QUARTERLY CONFERENCE. I. Sunday School and Religious Instruction. 1. No. of Sunday Schools 1st 2d 3d 4 th 2. State of the Schools 3 Average Attendance 4. No. Sermons Preached by the Pastor to Children . . 5 No. of times Pastor has Catechised the Children 6. No. of Classes of Children formed for Religious In- struction II. Changes in Membership. 1. Admitted from Probation 2. Received by Certificate 3. Granted Certificates 4. Deceased 5. Withdrawn i 6. Excluded : III. Pastoral Labor. 1. No. of Pastoral Visits 2. Other Items IT. Benevolent Collections. 1. Missions 2. Church Extension 3. Education 4. Freedmen's Aid and Southern Education 5. Sunday Schools and Sunday School Union 6. Tracts 8. Other Objects T. Subscribers for our Periodicals. 2. Methodist Review 6. Ep worth Herald 7. Other Periodicals 151 BOOK BUSINESS. Methodist Book Concern. NEW YORK : 150 Fifth Ave., Eatox & MAINS, Publishing Agents. DEPOSITORIES I Boston. Mass., 38 Bromfield Street. Pittsburg, Pa., 524 Penn Avenue. Buffalo, N. Y., 288 Main Street. San Francisco, 1037 Market Street. Detroit, Mich., 259 Woodward Avenue. Western Methodist Book Concern. CIXCIWATI : 220 "West Fourth Street, Curts & JENNINGS, Publishing Agents. depositories: Chicago, 111., 57 Washington Street. St. Louis, Mo., 1505 Locust Street. All the Depositories give the same discounts, credits, etc., to preachers as are given at tne principal offices. Payments in San Francisco must be made in gold or its equivalent. Preachers are earnestly desired to mate all their credit purchases at one place. Book Committee. The Book Committee consists of twenty, chosen by the General Conference, namely : General Committee by Districts : DISTRICT I. S. O. Benton, DISTRICT YIII. O. P. Miller, II. Hexry Spellmeyer, " IX. S. W. Trousdale, III. C. C. Wilbor, " X. D. L. Rader, IV. D. S. Hammoxd, " XI. Horace Reed, V. W. F. Whitlock, " XII. Harry Swaxx, VI. J. E. Wilsox, " XIII. H. A. Salzer, YII. G. O. Robixsox, " XIT. G. M. Booth. Local Committee at Xew York: E. B. TUTTLE, J. E. AXDRUS, T. J. PRESTOX. Local Committee at Cincinnati: Richard Dymoxd, J. X. Gamble, R. T. Miller. Friendly Hints to Preachers.— 1. In writing to the Agents give your toicn, county, State, and Conference distinctly at the top of your sheet. 2. Bear in mind that we do not know your superintendents or other officials, and always indorse their application for grants, or orders for books or period- icals where credit is asked, and have the bill charged to yourself. Bishops. Thomas Bowmax, St. Louis, Mo.; Raxdolph S. Foster, Roxbnry, Mass, ; Stephex M. Merrill, Chicago, 111. ; Edward G. Axdrews, Xew York, X.Y.; Henry W. Warrex, University Park, Colo.; Cyrus D. Foss, Philadelphia, Pa.; Johx F. Hurst, Washington, D. C. : William X. Xixde, Detroit, Mich. ; Johx M. Waldex, Cincinnati, O. ; Willard F. Mallalieu, Boston, Mass. ; Charles H. Fowler, Buffalo, X. Y. ; Johx H. Yixcext, Topeka, Kan.; James X. FitzGerald, St. Louis, Mo.: Isaac W. Joyce, Minneapolis, Minn. ; Johx P. Xewmax, San Francisco, Cal. ; Daxlel A. Goodsell, Chat- tanooga, Tenn. ; Charles C. McCabe, Fort Worth, Tex. ; Earl Craxstox, Portland, Ore. ; William Taylor, Xew York, X. Y. ; James M. Thoeurx, .bombay, India ; Joseph C. Eartzell, Yivi, Congo, Africa. VISITING LIST. Name of Family. *£.» HowMany RemaTks . 153 \ S T*I' m VISITING LIST. No. Name of Family. No. in How Many t>~,~,„,-1 Family. Ch. M'bers. Remarks. 54 No. J!™!.™ VISITING LIST. Name of Family. «*£ SMSS R<™«** ) Street, or - I. - - 155 VISITING LIST. No. Name of Family. No. in How Many- Family. Ch. M'bers. Remarks. Y 156 No. Name of Family. }!™:..°: VISITING LIST No. in How Many- Family. Ch. M'bers. 157 ! STRE ! T :" visiting list. No. Name of Family. No. in How Many- Family. Ch. M'bers. Remarks. 158 I!!!!!:::: visiting list. No. Name of Familv No. in How Many t, , mUy ' Family. Ch. M'berL Remarks. I 159 j STRBET - or VISITING LIST. No. Name of Family. No. in How Many- Family. Ch. M'bers, Remarks. 100 No. — } s : e . e :::..°: visiting list. Name of Family. **£ HowMa^ Remarks _ ' > Street, or 161 VISITING LIST. No. Name of Family. No. in How Many- Family. Ch. M'bers. Remarks. 162 No. } STEEET - OT visiting list. Name of Family. No. in How Many Family. Ch. M'bers. Remarks. 163 ts-THEET.or VISITING LIST. No. Name of Family. No. in How Many Family. Ch. M'bers. Remarks 164 I Street, or VISITING LIST. No. Name of Family. *££ }£&£. Rem -ks. ) Street, or f. - 165 VISITING LIST. No. Name of Family. No. in How Many Family. Ch. M'bers. Remarks. » 166 .} Stoect \ ot VISITING LIST. No. Name of Familv. No. in How Many- Family. Ch. M'bers. Remarks. No. Name of Family. ) Street, or f- - 16 VISITING LIST. ST. No. in How Many- Family. Ch. M'bers. Remarks. 108 }Sr* EE T,o r VISITING LIST. No. Name of Family. No. in How Many Family. Ch. M'bers. Remarks. 169 1 ts . T . R !!I:.°.- VISITING LIST. No. Name of Family. No. in Family. ?u°^rl any Remarks. Ch. M bers. ■ A 170 IPTHEET.Or VISIT1NQ LIST> No. Name of Family. *A | STiEX Remarks - L 171 l Street, or VISmNG UST> Name of Family. £-.£ H^Mjmy Remarks. "172 ] Street, or V I 3IT j N G LIST. No. Name of Family. No. in How Many- Family. Ch. M'bers, Remarks. j 73 ■JStkbeT'O, VISITING LIST. Name of Family. F ^,{» ^vCi R — k - % ^ 174 ' S . T . R . E . E I:.°. r VISITING LIST. No. Name of Family. F^ily. Ch.lS. Remal " ks - 1 /O ~ | Street, or VIS , TIN Q L , ST- No. Name of Family. No. in Family, How Many D prnnr i, 5 Ch. M'bers. Remarks. • , A 176 No. Name of Family. VISITING LIST. Remarks. No. in How Many- Family. Ch. M'bers. 177 t 8 ™" '" VISITING LIST. No. Name of Family. F *Kj° feS. Remarks. ' vy 178 No. Name of Family. { Street, or No. in How Many Family. Ch. M'bers. VISITING LIST. Remarks. i Street, or 179 VISITING LIST. Name of Family. No. in How Many Family. Ch. M'bers. Remarks. 7 180 No. Name of Family. I s ":. ' VISITING LIST. No. in How Many ■d~w,„,. - u„ Family. Ch. M'bers. Remaiks. 181 GENERAL MEMORANDA. r 10 ~" GENERAL MEMORANDA. { 183 GENERAL MEMORANDA. 184 GENERAL MEMORANDA. jQr GENERAL MEMORANDA. 186 GENERAL MEMORANDA. ^ 187 GENERAL MEMORANDA. f 188 GENERAL MEMORANDA. 189 GENERAL MEMORANDA. ri9o GENERAL MEMORANDA. 191 GENERAL MEMORANDA. 19> GENERAL MEMORANDA. \, I