;V €010 We LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 827 244 1 « Calendar No. 84. th Congress, ) SENATE. J Report 1st /Session. } ( No. 92. TO PREVENT THE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF ALCO- HOLIC LIQUORS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. January 28, 1916. — Ordered to be printed. Mr. Jones, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, sub- mitted the following REPORT. [To accompany S. 1082.] The Committee on the District of Columbia, having had under consideration a bill (S. 1082) to prevent the manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors in the District of Columbia, and for other pur- poses, recommend that the same be amended as follows : In line 19, on page 3, after the word a is," insert "known to him to be." After the word " denominations," in line 19, page 5, insert " or when any ambassador or minister of a foreign country duly credited to the United States of America and maintaining an official residence in the District of Columbia desires alcoholic liquors for use in such residence, and for no other purpose." After the word " Columbia," in line 18, page 6, insert " knowing the same to be such." The committee beg to report the bill to the Senate as amended without recommendation. A brief synopsis of each section is made a part of this report. BRIEF OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROHIBITION BILL. Section 1 : This section prohibits the manufacture, sale, storing, offering for sale, keeping for sale, soliciting or receiving orders for the purchase of alcoholic liquors, the giving away or importing the same. The term " alcoholic liquors " is defined to include all spirituous, vinous, malt, or fermented liquors, and all other liquors which shall contain one-half of 1 per cent of alcohol or more. It also provides penalties for violations of the provisions of this section, which are a fine of $300 to $1,000 and imprisonment from 30 days to 1 year. Section 2: This permits the manufacture and sale of wood or denatured alcohol and the sale of pure grain alcohol by certain wholesale druggists for mechanical or scientific purposes only. It also contains regulations governing the sale of alcohol by whole- sale druggists, and that the sales shall be made only upon affidavit of purchaser. *■< <&fr 2 MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUOES. Section 3 : The section provides penalties for violations of the pro- visions of section 2 by druggists and employees of druggists, which are a fine of $100 to $500 and imprisonment from 30 days to 6 months. Section 4: In this section are penalties for violation of section 2 by purchasers of alcohol, which are a fine of $100 to $500 or im- prisonment from one to six months for first offense; second offense, fine of $200 to $1,000 and imprisonment for not less than six months. Section 5: Requires that wholesale druggists desiring to deal in alcohol for mechanical or scientific purposes must be licensed by the District Commissioners, paying a fee of $25 for one year. The com- missioners are required to make regulations governing the sale of alcohol by druggists so licensed, and the number of licenses are lim- ited to five* Section 6: This section requires that wholesale druggists selling alcohol, or ministers, pastors, and priests desiring wine for sacra- mental purposes, may import alcohol or wine, as the case may be. after securing a permit from the District Commissioners for that purpose. Section 7: By this section it is unlawful for any carrier to deliver any prohibited liquors in the District of Columbia at any time, or legal shipments of alcohol or wine except between the hours of 6 a. m. and 5 p. m., and not on Sunday. It also proposes a penalty of a fine of $100 to $500, or confinement not less than one nor more than six months, or both fine and impris- onment. Section 8: This section provides against the keeping or selling of liquors in clubs by any system or device whatever; it. also prohibits the " locker system," and holds all persons connected with a club re- sponsible for violations of this section. The penalties are the same as in section 1. Section 9: This section prohibits advertising of prohibited alco- holic liquors in any manner in the District of Columbia. It also provides a penalty of a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500. Section 10: This section makes provision for "search and seizure." It provides that upon sworn information that the law is being violated the corporation counsel shall issue a warrant com- manding the police to search for and seize any alcoholic liquors kept in violation of law. Section 11: This section contains provisions for pleading, which make it unnecessary to prove the kind of liquor kept or sold, de- livered, etc. Evidence of having or keeping liquors on hand in viola- tion of law is sufficient to convict. Section 12: By this provision the drinking of liquors in the public streets, on street cars or other public conveyances, including railroad trains, is prohibited. It makes it an offense to be intoxicated on the streets, in street cars, railroad coaches, public place or building, at any public gathering, or to disturb the peace of any person while intoxicated anywhere. It also prescribes penalties, which are a fine of $10 to $100, or im- prisonment for not less than 5 days nor more than 30 days, or both fine and imprisonment. Section 13: By the provisions of this section the payment of the special tax required of wholesale or retail liquor dealers by the United States is made prima facie evidence of violations of the act. d. wr d. FEB 15 1916 MANUFACTUKE AND SALE OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUOKS. 3 Section 14: This section provides that all buildings, clubrooms, drug stores, and other places where alcoholic liquors are manufac- tured, stored, sold, etc., contrary to the provisions of the act shall be deemed common and public nuisances. It provides the same penalties for violations of this section as in section 1, and in addition thereto judgment shall be given that such room, place, or building shall be abated or closed as a place for the sale or keeping of liquors contrary to law. Section 15: This section provides that the United States district attorney for the District of Columbia, or any citizen of the District, may maintain an action in a court of equity to abate and enjoin such nuisance as defined in the preceding section. Section 16: It provides that the writ of injunction may be em- ployed to prevent violations of the provisions of this act as in case of liquor nuisances denned in section 14. Section 17: If a tenant uses a building in maintaining a com- mon nuisance, or permits it to be so used by another, the lease by which he holds such building becomes void and the right of possession reverts to the owner. Section 18: This section provides that the owner of a building, or a building under his control, shall, after notice that said building is used as a common nuisance, take all reasonable measures to eject the person using such building. Failure to do so renders him liable as assisting in maintaining a nuisance. Section 19: This proposes that there shall be no property rights in liquors illegally manufactured, received, possessed, or stored, and that such liquors are contraband. Section 20: This section provides civil damages for a wife or other person injured in person, property, or means of support by an intoxicated person, with the right of action to lie against the person who caused intoxication by selling or otherwise furnishing alcoholic liquors. Section 21: It is made an offense to operate any locomotive en- gine, train, street car, steamboat, automobile, or horse vehicle while in an intoxicated condition. The penalty is a fine of $25 to $300, and in case of default, imprisonment for not more than three months, or both fine and imprisonment. Section 22: By this section it is proposed to place the responsi- bility of enforcing this act upon the Commissioners of the District, who shall detail members of the police force to detect violations of this law, who shall report to the corporation counsel, who shall dili- gently prosecute all offenders. The penalty provided for failure upon the part of any officer to enforce this law is a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500, and forfeiture of office. It further provides that any official referred to in this section who is negligent in his duty to enforce the provisions of this act may be removed from office. Section 23: The prosecution of offenders shall be in the police court by the corporation counsel upon sworn information; but authorizes the commissioners to prosecute through the office of the United States district attorney for the District of Columbia when it appears to the commissioners to be in the interest of better enforce- ment of the law, in which case alleged offenders shall be presented to the grand jury, and, if indicted, tried in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. 4 MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS. Section 24: If any part of this act shall be declared unconstitu- tional or invalid the remainder of the act shall not be affected thereby. Section 25: This provides that words of the singular number shall include their plurals, and words of the masculine gender shall include the feminine, as the case may be. Section 26: This section provides that the act take effect on the 1st day of November, 1916, which is the end of the present license year, and that all laws inconsistent with this act are repealed. A copy of the bill, showing the proposed amendments in italic, is appended hereto as a part of this report : A BILL (S. 1082) to prevent the manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That on and after the first day of November, Anno Domini nineteen hundred and sixteen, no person or persons, or any house, company, association, club, or corporation, his, its, or their agents, officers, clerks, or servants, directly or indirectly, in the District of Columbia shall manufacture, store, or deposit, sell, offer for sale, keep for sale, traffic in, barter, or exchange for goods or merchandise, or solicit or receive orders for the purchase of any alcoholic liquors, give away the same, or import the same therein, except as hereinafter provided. Wherever the term " alcoholic liquors " is used in this act it shall be deemed to include whisky, brandy, rum, gin, wine, ale, porter, beer, cordials, hard or fermented cider, alcoholic bitters, pure grain alcohol, and all malt and other liquors which shall contain one-half of one per centum by volume of alcohol or more. That any person, or persons, or any house, company, association, club, or corporation, his, its, or their agents, officers, clerks, or servants, who shall directly or indirectly violate the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $300 nor more than $1,000, and shall be imprisoned in the District Jail or workhouse for a period of not less than thirty days nor more than one year for each offense. Sec. 2. The provisions of this act shall not be construed to prevent the manufacture, importation, or sale of denatured or wood alcohol for scientific or mechanical purposes, or the sale by wholesale druggists only of pure grain alcohol. for scientific or mechanical purposes only, in quantities not to exceed five gallons at one time, but no such sale of alcohol shall be made any person who is less than twenty-one years of age or who is of intemperate habits, or who is addicted to the use of narcotic drugs, and every purchaser shall at the time and place of such sale make an affidavit in writing, signed by himself before such druggist or registered pharmacist at the time and place in the employ of such druggist, stating the quantity and the time and place, and fully for what purpose, and by whom such alcohol is to be used ; that affiant is not of intemperate habits or addicted to the use of any narcotic drug, and that such alcohol is not to be used as a beverage, or for a"ny purpose other than that stated in said affidavit. Such affidavit shall be filed and preserved by such druggist and be subject to public inspection during business hours, and a record thereof made by such druggist in a record book kept for the purpose, showing the date of the affidavit, by whom made, the quantity of such alcohol, and when, where, for what purpose, and by whom to be used. Only one sale shall be made upon such affidavit, and in no greater quantity than is therein specified. For the purpose of this act any druggist or registered pharmacist making such sale shall have authority to administer such oath. Sec. 3. If any wholesale druggist, owner of a wholesale drug store, registered pharmacist, clerk, or other employee of such store, shall upon such affidavit, or otherwise, sell or give away such alcohol to any person who is known to him to be of intemperate habits or is addicted to the use of any narcotic drug, or sell or give the same to anyone to be used for any purpose other than that named in said affidavit he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and if convicted punished by fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 and be confined in the District jail or workhouse not less than thirty days nor more than six months. In any prosecution against a wholesale druggist, owner of a wholesale drug store, regis- tered pharmacist, clerk, or employee, for selling or giving liquor contrary to law, if a sale or gift be proven, it shall be presumed that the same was unlawful in the absence of satisfactory proof to the contrary, and the presentation of such MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUOES. 5 affidavit by the defendant at the time of the trial for such sale or gift shall be sufficient to rebut the presumption arising from the proof of such sale or gift: Provided, That such druggist, owner of a drug store, registered pharmacist, clerk, or employee shall have complied with all other provisions of this act relating to a sale or' gift. Sec. 4. If any person who is of intemperate habits or addicted to the use of any narcotic drug shall make the affidavit mentioned in section two of this act, or if any person making such affidavit shall use as a beverage, or for any purpose, or at any place, other than that stated in such affidavit, or shall knowingly permit another to do so, said alcohol, or any part thereof, or shall knowingly make any false statement in such affidavit, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction be punished by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500, or be confined in the District jail or workhouse not less than one nor more than six months for the first offense hereunder ; and upon conviction for a second offense he shall be punished by a fine of not less than $200 nor more than $1,000, and shall be confined in the District jail or work- house for not less than six months. Sec. 5. Wholesale druggists desiring to deal in alcohol for scientific or mechanical purposes, as heretofore provided, shall on or before the first day of November of each year obtain a license from the Commissioners of the District of Columbia for the year beginning November first, upon the payment of $25, which money shall be deposited with other license funds of the District. The said commissioners shall make necessary regulations governing the purchase and sale of alcohol by wholesale druggists in accordance with this act, and shall limit the number of licenses to wholesale druggists to not more than five, and may consider petitions for or protests against the granting of such licenses. Sec. 6. That when any wholesale druggist, licensed as provided in the pre- vious section, desires to sell or keep for sale pure grain alcohol, or wh^n any minister, pastor, or priest of a religious congregation or church desires wine for sacramental purposes in the usual religious exercises of his denomination, or when any ambassador or minister of a foreign country duly credited to the United States of America and maintaining an official residence in the District of Columbia desires alcoholic liquors for use in such residence, and for no other purpose, he may apply to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia for a permit, stating the amount desired, for what period and for what purpose, and said commissioners, if satisfied of the good faith of the application, shall grant a written permit to the applicant permitting the shipment to him of such amount as is shown to be reasonably necessary, which amount shall be stated in the permit, together with the purpose for which it is to be used, and in the case of wine the period to be covered by such use : Provided, That the amount of wine permitted to be shipped shall not exceed five gallons at one time, and in case of shipment of either alcohol or wine said permit shall be attached to the package by the shipper and remain attached until delivered to the consignee. The fee for issuing said permit shall be 25 cents, paid to the collector of taxes for the District of Columbia. Said permit shall be void after twenty days from date, and shall not be used for more than one shipment. The carrier or party making delivery shall keep a record of all such deliveries of wine for said purposes, which record shall, during business hours, be open to public inspection. Sec 7. That it shall be unlawful for any common or other carrier, express company, or any person to deliver to any person, company, corporation, club, or association or order, his, or its agents, clerks or employees, any prohibited alcoholic liquors in the District of Columbia, knowing the same to be such, and in the case of legal shipments of alcohol or wine, as provided in section six of this act, it shall be unlawful to deliver the same, whether brought from without the District of Columbia or otherwise, or whether in original packages or otherwise, on any Sunday or on any other day before six o'clock antemeridian and after five o'clock postmeridian. Any common or other carrier, express com- pany, or any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100 or more than $500, or be confined in the District jail or workhouse not less than one nor more than six months, or by both fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Sec 8. That every person who shall directly or indirectly keep or maintain by himself or by associating with others, or who shall in any manner aid, assist, or abet in keeping or maintaining any club house, or other place in which any alcoholic liquor is received or kept for the purpose of use, gift, barter, or sale, or for distribution or division among the members of any club or association 6 MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS. by any means whatsoever, or who shall maintain what is commonly known as the " locker system " or other device for evading the provisions of this act, and every person who shall use, barter, sell, or give away, or assist or abet in bartering, selling, or giving away any liquors so received or kept, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof be subject to the penalties prescribed in section one of this act; and in all cases the members, shareholders, associates or employees in any club or association mentioned in this section shall be competent witnesses to prove any violations of the pro- visions of this section of this act, or of any fact tending thereto ; and no person shall be excused from testifying as to any offense committed by another against any of the provisions of this act by reason of his testimony tending to criminate himself, but the testimony given by such person shall in no case be used against him. The keeping or giving away of alcoholic liquors, or any schemes or devices whatever, to evade the provisions of this act, shall be deemed as unlawful sell- ing within the provisions of this act. Sec. 9. That if any person shall advertise or give notice by signs, billboards, newspapers, periodicals or otherwise for himself or another the manufacturer, offering for sale, or keeping for sale of alcoholic liquors prohibited under this act, or shall circulate or distribute any price list, circulars, or order blanks advertising such liquors, or publish any newspaper, magazine, periodical, or other written or printed paper in which such advertisements of liquors appear, or shall permit to be posted upon his premises, or premises under his control (including billboards) or shall permit the same to so remain upon such premises, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and be fined not less than $100 nor more than $500. Sec. 10. That if one or more persons who are competent witnesses shall charge, on oath or affirmation before the corporation counsel of the District of Columbia or any of his assistants duly authorized to act for him, presenting that any person, company, copartnership, association, club, or corporation has or have violated or is violating the provisions of this act by manufacturing, storing or depositing, offering for sale, keeping for sale or use, trafficking in, bartering, exchanging for goods, giving away, or otherwise furnishing alcoholic liquor, shall request said corporation counsel or any of his assistants duly authorized to act for him to issue a warrant, said attorney or any of his assistants shall issue such warrant, in which warrant the room, house, build- ing, or other place in which the violation is alleged to have occurred or is occurring shall be specifically described, and said warrant shall be placed in the hands of the captain or acting captain of the police precinct in which the room, house, building, or other place above referred to is located, com- manding him to at once thoroughly search said described room, house, build- ing, or other place, and the appurtenances thereof, and if any such be found, to take into his possession and safely keep, to be produced as evidence when required, all alcoholic liquors and all the means of dispensing the same, also all the paraphernalia or part of the paraphernalia of a barrpom or other alcoholic liquor establishment, and any United States internal-revenue tax receipt or certificate for the manufacture or sale of alcoholic liquor effective for the period of time covering the alleged offense, and forthwith report all the facts to the corporation counsel of the District of Columbia, and such alcoholic liquor or the means for dispensing same, or the paraphernalia of a barroom or other alcoholic liquor establishment, or any United States internal-revenue tax receipt or certificate for the sale of alcoholic liquor effective as aforesaid, shall be prima facie evidence of the violation of the provisions of this act. Sec 11. That it shall not be necessary, in order to convict any person, com- pany, house, association, club, or corporation, his, its, or their agents, officers, clerks, or servants of manufacturing, importing, or selling alcoholic liquors, to prove the actual manufacture, importing, sale, delivery of, or payment for any alcoholic liquors, but the evidence of having or keeping them in hand, stored or deposited, taking orders for, or offering to sell or barter, or exchanging them for goods or merchandise, or giving them away, shall be sufficient to con- vict ; nor shall it be necessary in a warrant or information to specify the particular kind of alcoholic liquor which is made the subject of a charge of violation of this act. Sec 12. That any person who shall, in the District of Columbia, in any street, or public or private road, alley, or in any public place or building or in or upon any street car, or railroad passenger train or in or upon any otber vehicle commonly used for the transportation of passengers or in or about any depot, platform or waiting station, drink any alcoholic liquor of any kind, or if any MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS. 7 person shall be drunk or intoxicated in any street, alley, or public or private road or in any railroad passenger train, street car, or any public place or building, or at any public gathering, or if any person shall be drunk or intoxi- cated and shall disturb the peace of any person anywhere, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $100, or by imprisonment for not less than five days nor more than thirty days in the workhouse or jail of the District of Columbia, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 13. The payment of the special tax required of wholesale or retail liquor dealers by the United States by any person or persons other than whole- sale druggists licensed under section five of this act, within the District of Columbia, shall be prima facie evidence that such person or persons are engaged in keeping and selling, offering and exposing for sale alcoholic liquors contrary to the provisions of this act, and a certificate from the collector of internal revenue, his agents, clerks, or deputies showing the payment of such tax, and the name or names of person to whom issued, and the names of the person or persons, if any, associated with the person to whom such tax receipt is issued, shall be sufficient evidence of the payment of such tax and of the asso- ciation of such persons for the selling and keeping, offering and exposing for sale of liquors contrary to the provisions of this act in all trials or legal inquiries. Sec. 14. All houses, boathouses, buildings, club rooms, and places of every description, including drug stores, where alcoholic liquors are manufactured, stored, sold, or vended, given away, or furnished contrary to law (including those in which clubs, orders, or associations sell, barter, give away, distribute, or dispense intoxicating liquors to their members, by any means or device what- ever, as provided in section eight of this act) shall be held, taken, and deemed common and public nuisances. And any person who shall maintain, or shall aid or abet, or knowingly be associated with others in maintaining such com- mon and public nuisance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to the penalties prescribed in section one of this act, and judgment shall be given that such house, building, or. other place, or any room therein, be abated or closed up as a place for the sale or keeping of such liquor contrary to law, as the court may determine. Sec 15. The United States district attorney for the District of Columbia, or any citizen of the District of Columbia, may maintain an action in equity in the name of the United States to abate and perpetually enjoin such a nuisance as defined in the preceding section. The injunction shall be granted at the commencement of the action, and no bond shall be required. Any person violating the terms of any injunction granted in such proceedings shall be punished for contempt by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 and by imprisonment in the District jail or workhouse for not less than thirty days nor more than six months, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 16. That when any violation of this act is threatened, or shall have oc- curred, or is occurring, the doing of, or the continuance or repetition of the unlawful act, or any of like kind by the offending party may be prevented by a writ of injunction out of a court of equity upon a bill filed in all respects as in cases of liquor nuisances ; in like manner the writ of injunction may be em- ployed to compel obedience to any provision of this act. Sec 17. If a tenant of a building or tenement uses such premises, or any part thereof, in maintaining a common nuisance as hereinbefore defined, or know- ingly permits such use by another, such use shall render void the lease under which he holds, and shall cause the right of possession to revert to the owner or lessor, who may, without process of law, make immediate entry upon the premises, or may avail himself of the remedy provided for the forcible detention thereof. Sec 18. Anyone who knowingly permits any building owned or leased by him or under his control, or any part thereof, to be used in maintaining a com- mon nuisance hereinbefore described in section fourteen of this act, after being notified in writing of such use, neglects to take all reasonable measures to eject therefrom the person so using the same, shall be deemed guilty of assisting in maintaining such nuisance. Sec 19. That no property rights of any kind shall exist in alcoholic liquors or beverages illegally manufactured, received, possessed, or stored under this act, and in all such cases the liquors are forfeited to the District of Columbia and may be searched for and seized and ordered to be destroyed by the court after a conviction when such liquors have been seized for use as evidence, or upon satisfactory evidence to the court presented by the corporation counsel that such liquors are contraband. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 8 MANUFACTUKE AND SALE OF ALCOHOLIC liqxtoQ 029 827 244 Sec. 20. Every wife, child, parent, guardian, or employer, or other person who shall be injured in person or property or means of support by any intoxi- cated person, or in consequence of intoxication, habitual or otherwise, of any person, such wife, child, parent, or guardian shall have a right of action, in his or her own name, against any person who shall, by selling, bartering, or giving intoxicating liquors, have caused the intoxication of such person, for all damages actually sustained, as well as for exemplary damages ; and a mar- ried woman shall have the right to bring suit, prosecute, and control the same, and the amount recovered the same as if unmarried ; and all damages recov- ered by a minor under this act shall be paid either to such minor or to his or her parents, guardian, or next friend, as the court shall direct. Sec. 21. If any person while in charge of a locomotive engine, or while act- ing as a conductor or brakeman of a car or train of cars, or while in charge of any street car, steamboat, launch, or other water craft, or while in charge of or operating any automobile or horse vehicle in the District of Columbia shall be intoxicated, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and if convicted shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $300, and in default in payment of said fine shall be imprisoned in the District jail or workhouse for not exceeding three months, or both fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. Sec 22. It shall be the duty of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to enforce the provisions of this act. They shall detail qualified members of the police force to detect violations of the act, if any, and to report promptly all knowledge or information they may have concerning such violations, to- gether with the names of any witnesses by whom they may be proven to the corporation counsel; but it shall be the duty of all members of the police force to detect violations of the act and to promptly report any information or knowledge concerning the same to the corporation counsel, together with the names of witnesses, by whom such violations may be proven ; and the corpora- tion counsel shall bring such alleged violators of the law to trial with all due diligence. . . M A _ m If any such officer shall fail to comply with the provisions of this section, he shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not less than $100 nor more than $500 ; and such conviction shall be a forfeiture of the office held by such person, and the court before whom such conviction is had shall in addition to imposi- tion of the fine aforesaid order and adjudge the forfeiture of his said office. For a failure or neglect of official duty in the enforcement of this act a in- official herein referred to may be removed by court action. _ Sec 23 That prosecutions for violations of the provisions of this act shall be on' information filed in the police court by the corporation counsel of the District of Columbia or any of his assistants duly authorized to act for him, and said corporation counsel or his assistants shall file such information upon the presentation to him or his assistants of sworn information that the law has been violated ; and such corporation counsel and his assistants shall have power to administer oaths to such informant or informants, and such others as present themselves, and anyone making a false oath to any material fact shall be deemed guilty of perjury and subject to the same penalties as now provided by law for such offense. ^ '■ When however, it appears to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia that it will be in the interest of more effective enforcement of the provisions of this act they may request the United States district attorney for the District of Columbia to prosecute persons charged with offenses against the law. and when so requested by said commissioners the said district attorney shall proceed before the grand jury and in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia to prosecute such offenders in manner now prescribed by law for the prosecution of persons charged with violations of the laws against crime in the District of Columbia. Skc 24 That if for any reason any section, paragraph, provision, clause, or part of this act shall be held unconstitutional or invalid, that fact shall not effect or destroy anv other section, paragraph, provision, clause, or part of the act not in and of itself invalid, but the remaining parts of sections shall be enforced without regard to that so invalidated. Si<:c 25. That in the interpretation of this act words of the singular number shall be deemed to include their plurals, and words of the masculine gender shall bo deemed to include the feminine, as the case may be. Sec. 26. That this act shall be in full force and effect on and after the first day of November, nineteen hundred and sixteen, and all laws and parts of laws inconsistent herewith be, and they are, hereby repealed. O LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 827 244 1 «