A .A ^>, -'" A V O A V V <. *0 . A * .G ,0* o ? V ^ "> <>. A Q> ■i A O O S 4 > o » V » * " °* cv * A G ^ '- s * A .0 > *p <\ • • / . ^ ** H* \ o ^ ^o & ' *^> « • ,-£5^-. O i^ . w ' ^3 V -c? »* «0 ^°^ ,o- «^ > " ^ v" j ^s- o v o ..^ : '■" ,^ A <>** ^ ^ 'tis u & ^ & 0" N ^°^ * l O. o .V vV -^ ^P J? ^^ J ^^' <^ ^ A. ^\ ,-K A \ > v-. ^°^ > , ^ « %,^ ^:. »o o ^ . „ s s . ^ ^. ^ % %<> .V * A v y<> / f 7/ ib^KdZL JL GENEALOGY OF THE HILL, DEAN, PINCKNEY, AUSTIN, BARKER, ANDERSON, RHOADES AND FINCH FAMILIES BY FRANKLIN COUCH, LL. B. -s s ss- PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION BY NEWB URGHJO URNAL COMPANY 1907 Biographical Sketch of Uriah Hill, Jr. Uriah Hill, Jr., was born August 13, 181 7, near Red Mills, Town of Carmel, Putnam County, New York. He is the son of Uriah Hill, grandson of Noah Hill, great-grandson of William Hill, all of the town of Carmel, and great-great-grandson of Anthony Hill, a na- tive of England, who came to America from Holland, about 1720; and, after remaining awhile in New York City, settled at Fox Mea- dows, now Scarsdale, Westchester County, N. Y. His mother was Anna Dean, daughter of Richard Dean, of Red Mills, and grand- daughter of Richard Dean, an American soldier who, according to family tradition, was killed at the storming of Stony Point, in the War of the Revolution. Mr. Hill's early education was at the com- mon schools in his native town, and in his father's home, his father being a school teacher for over half a century in the district schools of Putnam County. At the age of sixteen he left home and became a clerk in the country store of John Strang & Co., Jefferson Valley, Westchester County, N. Y., where he remained three years, when in April, 1837, he removed to Peekskill, N. Y., and entered the employ of C. A. G. and M. Depew, merchants. He remained with them five years and then engaged in the foundry and stove business with his father-in-law, Reuben R. Finch, as the head of the sales department in New York City. Owing to impaired health, in 1853, he retired from the stove trade and removed to Monroe County, N. Y., and en- gaged in farming, remaining until 1855, when he returned to Peeks- kill and resumed his connection with the fonndrv business with Reuben R. Finch and Reuben R. Finch, Jr., under 'the firm name of R. R. Finch & Company. The business was continued under that title and that of R. R. Finch's Sons, after the retirement of R. R. Finch, Sr., until 1867, when it was incorporated by Mr. Hill, Reuben R. Finch, Jr., and Nathan Finch, as the Union Stove Works. Mr. Hill was elected president and has ever since continued as such. During the whole of his life, Mr. Hill has been connected with the church of his fathers, the Presbyterian ; in 1858 he was received into full membership; in i860 he was elected ruling elder, and for BIOGRAl'lllCAL SKETCH OF URIAH HILL, JR. many years he was superintendent of the First Presbyterian Sunday School of Peekskill. His active church work covers a period of over a half century, and during the whole of that time he has been a regular attendant upon divine services. In politics he has always been a Democrat, although during the War of the Rebellion, believ- ing in the active prosecution of the war to preserve the Union, he voted the Republican national and state ticket. He also voted twice for Mr. McKinley, because of the free silver plank in the Democra- tic platform. At the organization of the Peekskill Savings Bank, in 1857, he became one of its first trustees, and he has continued ever since as such, and is now the only one of the first board in office. At the death of Oscar V. Crane, he succeeded him as vice-president, and in 1881 was elected president, which position he still holds. He was one of the organizers of the National Association of Stove Manufacturers, in which he has held the offices of member of the board of managers, vice-president and treasurer. At the age of eighteen he received from Governor Marcy a com- mission as lieutenant in the 61 st Regiment, New York State militia. At the outbreak of the War of the Rebellion, he was beyond the age limits for military service, but furnished a substitute to battle for the Union. For nearly forty years he has been a trustee of the Peekskill Military Academy. He has always taken a deep interest in educa- tional matters, and especially in the public schools of Peekskill ; al- ways favoring the most liberal appropriations for them. Among the political offices held by him, are those of trustee and president of the Village of Peekskill, town auditor, and in 1865-6-7, supervisor of the Town of Cortlandt. April 10, 1842, he was married, by Rev. William Marshall, to Alethea, daughter of Reuben R. and Deborah (Brush) Finch, of Peekskill. He has two children now living, Edward F. Hill and Sarah V. Hill, both, of Peekskill. HILL FAMILY. Anthony Hill, of English descent, was born in Holland, and came from there to America about 1720. He settled in New York City, became a freeholder and removed to Fox Meadows, now a part of Scarsdale, Westchester County, N. Y. April 7, 1726, he, with others, conveyed to Thomas Thong a lot in the north ward of the City of New York. In the deed he is described as of Fox Mea- dows. As early as 1726 he became a freeholder at Fox Meadows. January 8, 1727, he purchased from Samuel Drake, of Fox Mea- dows, " a tract or parcel of land lying, being situate in ye County of Westchester near ye head of Hutchinson River, containing twenty- one acres, bounded as followeth, beginning on ye southwest corner of Samuel Drake's land, thence running northwesterly by ye land of Anthony Hills to Brunks River, thence along said river easterly twenty-one rods to a white oak stake with stones around it, thence running southeasterly a straight line through ye land of said Samuei Drake's until ye southeast corner bounds bears in a line twenty-one rods from ye first mentioned bounds, and from thence running west- erly along ye White Plains road to ye first mentioned bounds twenty one rods, and ye bounds on ye southeast corner is a small white oak saplin marked, and further ye first bounds herein mentioned is ye first bounds of ye land herein sold to Anthony Hill." (Liber F. 352 Westchester County Deeds, March 24, 1730.) About 1741, while living at Fox Meadows, he purchased from the Indians some lands near what afterwards became known as Red Mills, Dutchess Coun- ty, and now known as Mahopac Falls, in the town of Carmel, Put- nam County, N. Y. In 1749 Anthony Hill bought and sold lands at Brown's Point, now a part of the town of Harrison, Westchester County, N. Y. Two of the sons of Anthony Hill, William and Uriah, removed to the lands purchased by their father of the Indians. About 1726 Anthony married Mary Ward. He died intestate, at Fox Meadows, in the winter of 1759-60. February 12, 1760, letters of administration were issued by James De Lancey, Lieuten- ant Governor of the Province of New York, to Mary Hill, widow of Anthony Hill, farmer, late of the County of Westchester, deceased, HILL FAMILY (N. Y. Admr. 1760, page 96). After the death of her husband Mrs. Hill removed to Red Mills, where she made her home with her son William, dying at the age of 93 years. Children of Anthony 1 and Mary (Ward) Hill, all born at Fox Meadows, N. Y. 2. William 2 , born 1726; died at Red Mills, August, 1.796. 3. Uriah 2 , died 1765, in Westchester Countv and probably at White Plains. ' 4. Anthony 2 , died 1766, at Cortlandts Manor, Westchester Countv, N. Y. 5. Andrew 2 , died at Shokan, Ulster County, N. Y., 1810. 6. Cornelius 2 . 7. Charity 2 , married Isaac Rhoades, Sr., of Scarsdale, N. Y. 8. Jane 2 . 9. Mary 2 . 10. Miriam 2 , born May 27, 1756, died April 1, 1845; married Hlisha Lamoreaux. 2. William Hill 2 , son of Anthony 1 and Mary (Ward) Hill, was born at Fox Meadows, N. Y., 1726, and died at Red Mills, N. Y., August, 1796. About 1741 he settled at Red Mills, on lands purchased by his father of the Indians. He brought with him from Fox Meadows a cow. One day it strayed away and while look- ing for it in the evening, he was attacked by a pack of wolves, and obliged to seek refuge in a tree, where he remained all night. Early the next morning, while returning by a circuitous route to his log cabin, he came to the log cabin of George Hughson, the first white settler of that part of the country. The Hughson cabin was on the ridge north of Lake Mahopac. Mr. Hill was a farmer and large land owner. September 25, 1763, he purchased farm No. 36, in Lot No. 5, containing 245 acres, of Colonel Roger and Mary (Philipse) Morris. This was the first tract of land sold in Putnam (then part of Dutchess) County by the Philipse family, the original patentees. This farm was subsequently divided by Mr. Hill among his four sons. The house in which he HILL FAMILY. 9 / lived was torn down in 1843. It stood a little north of the Hill family burying ground. In colonial days he was a lieutenant in the local militia and af- terwards a captain. He married Bethiah, daughter of Abraham Smith, of what is now known as Putnam Valley, Putnam County, N. Y. She was born in 1738, and died at Red Mills in August, 1798. Both are buried in the Hill family burying ground, at Red Mills, N. Y. The will of Mr. Hill, dated August I, 1796, proved February 3, 1797,. recorded in Dutchess County Surrogate's office in Liber B, of Wills,, page 37, describes himself as " William Hill, Sr., of the town of Car- mel, Dutchess County, yeoman." By it he gave his wife sixty pounds, his negro man Mink and the use of one quarter of his home- stead farm. He mentions in his will his sons Noah, William, Cor- nelius^ana Abraham, and his daughters Phebe Heroy, Mary Rhodes, Chloe Crane and Jane Lounsberry. The witnesses to will were Ancil', z. May 24, 1837; m., Nov. 10, i860, Julia A. Hart; she d. August, 1894. S i Gilbert Hill 4 , son of William 3 and Nancy (Pinckney) Hill; school teacher; resided in North Highlands, Putnam Co., N. Y., where he died unmarried. 5 2 Andrew Hill 4 , son of William 3 and Nancy (Pinck- nev) Hill, removed to Philipstown, Putnam County, N. Y., and from there to Steuben County, N. Y., where he died He married Catherine, daughter of John Strang, and widow of Gedney Secor ; born January 5, i/8o; died May 15, 1861. Children of Andrew 4 and Catherine (Strang) Hill. 124. Leonard 5 , born June 6, 1824; died in Iowa, April 27, 1882. 53 Arva Hill 4 , son of William 3 and Nancy (Pinckney) Hill farmer, removed to Philipstown, Putnam Co., N. Y ; married Phebe widow of Absalom Ferris and daughter of Justus Nelson ; no issue ;'both buried in Cold Spring Cemetery. Dying intestate, his farm was sold in partition and proceeds of sale distributed among his heirs at law. 54 Jacob Hill 4 , son of William 3 and Nancy (Pinckney) Hill ; married, April 30, 1820, Bethiah, daughter of Thomas Louns- berry, of Red Mills ; born 1797 ; died 1884. Children of Jacob 4 and Bethiah (Lounsberry) Hill. 125. George W. 5 , born Sept. 20, 1821 ; died at Kent, Putnam Co., N. Y., 1903. HILL FAMILY. 23 126. Thomas L. 5 , born February 10, 1823 ; died at Peekskill, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1902. 127. Gilbert 5 , died young. 128. Lewis 5 , died young. 129. Theodore 5 , born April 7, 1828; died at Red Mills, March, 1848, unmarried. 130. James 5 , born May 7, 1830; died young. 131. Arza 5 , born December 29, 1831 ; died in Connecticut, April, 1891. 55. Alza Hill 4 , son of William 3 and Nancy (Pinckney) Hill, farmer, Philipstown ; married, June 23, 1842, Mary, daughter of Absalom and Phebe (Nelson) Ferris, of Philipstown; born July 27, 1824; died November 22, 1885. Children of Alza 4 and Mary (Ferris) Hill, born in Philips- town, N. Y. 132. Nancy 5 , born May 11, 1844; married March 18, 1897, John Smith ; no issue. 133. Phebe Jane 5 , born February 23, 1846 ; died unmarried, February 8, 1903. 134. Ferris 5 , born December 3, 1848. 135. Eliza J. 5 , born June 15, 1852. 136. William 5 , born December 10, 1854; died unmarried August 20, 1879. 137. Athlinda J., 5 born March 26, 1859. 138. Sarah C., 5 born March 26, 1859. 139. Alza A., 5 born July 16, 1861. 140. Mary L., 5 born January 15, 1865. 141. Joseph N., 5 born April 27, 1868. 57. Sarah Hill 4 , daughter of William 3 and Nancy (Pinckney) Hill, married General Stephen Pinckney, of Red Mills, N. Y. ; issue : William, Ivy, Arvilla, Nancy, Perry, Michael, Alva, Stephen, Orpha and Lewis. (See Pinckney family.) 24 HILL FAMILY. 58. Mary Hill, 4 daughter of William 3 and Nancy Pinck- ney) Hill, married Jabez Zeliph, of the town of Carmel, and former- ly of the town of Patterson, Putnam County, N. Y. She is buried in the Hill family burial ground. Children of Jabez and Mary (Hill 4 ) Zeliph. (1), Gilbert, drown- ed in Hudson River; issue, Mary, William and Martha. (2), An- drew, died about 1881 ; issue, Andrew Hill, Thomas, Joel, Cornelius, Adelia, Mary, Rachel and Phebe E. (3), Cornelius, born 1820; died March 3, 1862; issue, Fanny, Mary I., Ferdinand, Cornelius, Mag- gie, Hettie, Katie and James. (4), William, died at Peekskill ; is- sue, Mary, Almira and Sarah. (5), John, removed to Newburgh, N. Y. (6), Thomas, died in U. S. service while en route to Mexico during Mexican War. (7), Harvey, killed by a falling elevator in N. Y. City. 60. Bethiah Hill, 4 daughter of William 3 and Nancy (Pinckney) Hill, married Elijah Depew, mason, Red Mills ; issue : Mary, born 1839, died November 20, 1842. She also had three other children, who took the name of Hill. 142. Jackson. 143. Eliza, married Ebenezer Lockwood. 144. Nancy, married Washington Travis. 61. Phebe Hill, 4 daughter of Cornelius 3 and Elizabeth (Anderson) Hill, married John Smith, son of Abel Smith, of Red Mills. Among their children were, Abel, Cornelius, Elizabeth and Andrew J. 62. Noah Hill, 4 son of Cornelius 3 and Elizabeth (Ander- son) Hill, farmer, Red Mills; married, January i, 1814, Priscilla, daughter of Benjamin Miller, of Red Mills; born August 5, 1797; died May 4, 1877. About 1837 they removed to Steuben County, N. Y., where they both died. Children of Noah 4 and Priscilla (Miller) Hill. 145. John A., B born August 6, 1815; died January, 1892. HILL FAMILY. 25 146. Benjamin Miller, 5 born January 18, 1819; died Sep- tember 1, 1863. 147. Elliott S. M., 5 born December 6, 1820 ; died September 29, 1871. 148. Martha, 5 born April 26, 1822; married, 1847, John Hadden. 149. Mary E., 5 born April 26, 1822. 150. Daniel, 5 born May 13, 1824; married Emily Horton. 151. James Harvey, 5 born March 3, 1826; died March 3 1869. 152. Susan, 5 born April 3, 1828; died June 3, 1854; mar- ried, 1847, George B. Bailey ; issue, Louise and Jane. * 153. Alfred, 5 born December 7, 1829; died unmarried Feb- ruary 15, 1845. • l } 4 \ EIizabeth ' 5 born October 23, 1832; died 1894; mar- ried, June 10, 1847, Lathrop Drew ; issue, Delephine and By- ron J. 155. Cyrus Chase, 5 born September 22, 1834. 156 Peter Anderson, 5 born May 28, 1838; died September 6, 1863. 63. Mary Hill, 4 daughter of Cornelius 3 and Elizabeth An- derson) Hill, married, August 15, 1819, Arva H. Pierce, farmer, of Carmel, N. Y. ; born August 2, 1799 ; died November 30, 1870 ; issue: (1), Abizur, b. September, 1821 ; m., 1838, Frances Elizabeth Matthews ; no issue ; removed to San Francisco, Cal. ; he was a lion tamer. (2), Cornelius, b. September, 1829; m. (1), Susan Abbott; (3), Jane ; had twelve children. (3), Elizabeth, b. Oct. 6, 1839 5 m-> Dec. 26, 1865, Lewis G. Baldwin. 64. James Hill, 4 son of Cornelius 3 and Elizabeth (Ander- son) Hill, farmer, near Red Mills, married Sarah, daughter of Lewis and Orpha (Pierce) Pinckney; born May 12, 1806; died October 24, 1894. Both buried in Baptist Church yard, Red Mills. atmP 1 ^? ° f James4 and Sarah (Pinckney) Hill, born at Red Mills, N. Y. 157. Lewis, 6 born November 15, 1830. 36 HILL FAMILY. 158. Cornelius, 5 born October 20, 1832. 159. William 5 , born July 4, 1834; died April 27, 1888. 160. Mary 5 , born Nov. 24, 1835 I died at Lake Mahopac, N. Y., May 17, 1904; married Nov. 27, 1859, Smith Austin. 161. Elizabeth, 5 born October 1, 1840; died September 7, 1873; married, Dec. 26, 1867, Sturgis Buckley; no issue. 162. Charlotte 5 , married (1), Robert J. Wixon ; (2), James Maslin. 163. James Henry, 5 b. March 22, 1842 ; died July 29, 1884. 164. Caroline, 5 born January 9, 1844; married, April 14, 1874, Leon Hotchkiss, of Lake Mahopac ; no issue. 82. Isaac Lounsberry Hill. 4 son of Abraham 3 and Deborah borah (Lounsberry) Hill, farmer, Red Mills, married, April 28, 1844, Mary, daughter of Horace and Elizabeth (Seeley) Gregory, born December 20, 1823. Horace and Elizabeth (Seeley) Gregory, of Carmel, Putnam Co., N. Y., had three children: (1), Mary, who m. Isaac L. Hill; (2), Elizabeth, who m. Harrison Merwin, and (3), Daniel S. Greg- ory, D. D., President of the Lake Forest University, 111., managing editor of Standard Dictionary. Children of Isaac L. 4 and Elizabeth (Gregory) Hill, born at Red Mills. 165. Elizabeth G., 5 born April 5, 1846. 166. Mary D., 5 born February 13, 1848. 167. Thomas T., born July 1, 1849. 168. Abraham L., 5 born December 1, 1844; died June 24, 1846. 169. Celia Celesta, 5 born November 24, 185 1 ; died December 3 X > l8 54- 170. Sarah F., 5 born October 12, 1853; married, October 5, 1876, Irving Wright; issue, Arthur, born April 25, 1885. 171. Inez Cora, born July 18, 1857; married, November 24, 1887, Kelsey Hill, son of Harrison Hill. HILL FAMILY. 27 84. Solomon, 4 son of Abraham 3 and Deborah (Louns- berry) Hill, farmer, Red Mills, married Hannah, daughter of Michael Sloat, of Lake Mahopac ; born November 11, 1822; died August 22, 1892. Children of Solomon 4 and Hannah (Sloat) Hill, born at Red Mills. 172. Allen Blair, 5 born June 4, 1835 ; died January 19, 1894. 173. Charles S., 5 born December 22, 1837. 174. Tamar A., 5 born April 25, 1845 ! married, September 19, 1871, Leonard Curry; issue, Charles H., born September 10, 1873 I Jennie B., born November 17, 1877 ; reside at Som- ers, N. Y. 85. Tamar Hill, 4 daughter of Abraham 8 and Deborah (Louns- berry Hill, married James W. Horton, farmer, Yorktown, Westches- ter Co., N. Y. ; issue, Mary D. 87. Abraham Hill, 4 son of Abraham 3 and Deborah (Louns- berry) Hill, married, (1), March 15, 1847, Tamar, daughter of Daniel Lounsberry, born October 30, 1815, died November 3, 1851 ; (2), December 15, 1858, Mary A. Fowler, born December 18, 1812, died August 28, 1897 ; no issue. Children of Abraham 4 and Tamar (Lounsberry) Hill: 175. Hannah J., 5 born April 2, 1849. 176. Theodore, born December 1, 1850. 90. Andrew U. Hill, 4 son of Uriah 3 and Mary (Swart- out) Hill, farmer, removed to Danby, Tompkins Co., about 1832 , soldier in War of 1812; married Louisa Landon, born November 19, 1795, died November 15, 1867. Children of Andrew U. 4 and Louisa (Landon) Hill, born in Ulster Co., N. Y. 177. Emeline, 5 born November 3, 1815 ; died at Danby, N. Y., April 9, 1903 ; married, 1834-5, Lewis Hall ; issue, Elizabeth, Caroline, Mary A., John L. and Eugene. 28 HILL FAMILY. 178. Luther, 6 born January 5, 1818; died February 21, 1879; married, November 10, 1847, Ruth Van Debogart ; issue: Elizabeth, born March 3, 1849 i Maria A., b. April 14, 1855 ; William R., born Feb. 8, 1857 ; Frank D., b. Sept. 25, 1861, and Frederick B., born Sept. 25, 1861. 179. John, 5 born June 10, 1821 ; died July 30, i860; mar- ried Hannah Azard ; no issue. 180. Elmira, 5 born June 5, 1824 ; died December 29, 1901 ; married Festus Cooper ; issue, Lewis. 181. Mary Catherine, 5 born August 28, 1826; died Decem- ber 16, 1899 i married William St. John. 182. Edward B., 6 born December 24, 1828; died June 27, 1885. 183. Lewis, 5 born November 8, 183 1 ; died unmarried Febru- ary 22, 1864. 89. Anthony Hill, 4 son of Uriah 3 and Mary (Swartout) Hill, married Mary Weeks ; he died intestate in Ulster Co., N. Y. Children of Anthony and Mary (Weeks) Hill. 184. George B. 6 185. Ephraim, 5 in 1873 resided in Ulster Co., N. Y. 186. Julia A., 5 born May 25, 1818; in 1873 resided in Ulster County, N. Y. 187. Sarah E. 6 188. William, 5 in 1873 resided in Delaware Co., N. Y. 189. Abram, 5 in 1873 resided in Greene Co., N. Y. 190. Henry, 5 born February 24, 1815. 191. Mary. 5 93. Solomon Hill, 4 son of Uriah 3 and Catherine (Davis) Hill, married (1), Elizabeth Ann Dunnegan, (2), Mary Warren; no issue. His will, dated July 7, 1871, proved September 28, 1874, names William D. Dunnegan, nephew, beneficiary. 94. James Hill, 4 son of Uriah 3 and Catherine (Davis) Hill, married Katherine Short; resided at Shandakan, Ulster Co., N. Y. HILL FAMILY. 29 99. Samuel Hill, 4 son of Andrew 3 and Catherine (North) Hill, farmer, married, February 12, 1818, Rhoda Davis, born at Olive, Ulster County, N. Y., March 19, 1799; died April 3, 1875; removed to Middletown, Delaware County, N. Y., about 1820, and from there to Shandakan, Ulster County, N. Y. Children of Samuel and Rhoda (Davis) Hill, born at Middle- town, Delaware County, N. Y. 192. Andrew S., 5 born September 7, 1820; died November 15, 1854; m., December 20, 1846, Louisa M. Wolcott ; issue, Ava, Sandv. 193. William D., 5 born July 22, 1822; died April 14, 1891, at Kingston, N. Y. 194. Mary, 5 born October 13, 1824; married, September 3, 1850, Jacob Cure ; born February 2, 1820 ; died February 19, 1875. 195. Catherine, 5 born November 26, 1826 ; died August 1881 ; married, July 19, 1863, Andrus Cole, born Nov. 17, 1823. 196. J. Wesley, 5 born November 24, 1828; died August 30, 1869, at Middletown, Delaware Co., N. Y., ; m., Nov. 30, 1852, Martha Connelly ; died November, 1894. 197. Egbert, 5 born March 26, 1831 ; died March 22, 1900; married, July 6, 1853, Elthear Keator. 198. Alonzo, 5 born January 18, 1833 > married, June 13, 1878, Priscilia Luscomb ; died October II, 1898. 199. Elizabeth, 5 born April 20, 1834; died May 23, 1849. 200. Richard W., 5 born May 29, 1835. 201. Abigail D., 5 born January 13, 1837; died May 5, 1892, at Walton, N. Y. ; married, July 31, 1870, William C. Gould ; died Aug. 30, 1884. 202. Isaac D., 5 born April 28, 1838; died March 11, 1902, at Pine Hill, Ulster Co., N. Y. ; married, June 23, 1874, Sarah Floyd, born March 24, 1854. 203. Salome, 5 born September 28, 1839; died unmarried November 13, 1856, at Kingston, N. Y. 204. Melissa O., 5 born November 3, 1845 ! married, July 5, 1866, Peter R. Grant; born July 14, 1840; died July 28, 1892, at Leroy, Michigan. 30 HILL FAMILY. ioo. Abraham Hill, 4 son of Andrew 3 and Catherine (North) Hill, farmer, married, 1820, Catherine, daughter of John and Catherine fEckert) North, born February 17, 1803, died at Prattsville, N. Y., July 24, 1884; removed to Middletown, Delaware Co., N. Y., in 1822. Children of Abraham and Catherine (North) Hill, born at Mid- dletown, Delaware Co., N. Y. 205. George W., 5 born February, 1822; died September 9, 1903. 206. Edmund A., 5 born January 3, 1824. 207. Andrew J., 5 born 1827 ; died 1834. 208. Miriam, 5 born September, 1829. 209. John F., 5 born August 1, 1831 ; died 1834. 210. Emeline, 5 born August, 1833 ; died August, 1834. 211. Catherine, 5 born July 2, 1835; died unmarried, July 8, 1870. 212 Fenton, 5 born Septembebr 12, 1837; unmarried; was a private Co. D, 120th N. Y. V., in Civil War ; resides at Pratts- ville, N. Y. 213. Fletcher, 5 born January 22, 1842. 214. Clarissa, 5 born December 22, 1839; married M. Han- negham, of Acia, N. Y. 215. Adam Clark, born November 30, 1844; was a private Co. D, 1 20th N. Y. V. ; killed at Petersburgh, Va., March 31, 1865 ; unmarried. 101. William Hill, 4 son of Andrew 3 and Catherine (North) Hill, clergyman, married, 1824, Anna, daughter of Isaac and Catherine (Short) Elting, born at Woodstock, N. Y., 1798; died 1867. Children of William 4 and Anna (Elting) Hill: 216. Catherine, 5 born 1825 ; died 1876. 217. Sarah, 5 born 1826; married 1855, Philip H. Cooper; resides at Lincoln, Neb. 218. Jane, 5 born 1828; married, November 20, 1847, James H. Shaw ; resides at Shokan, N. Y. HILL FAMILY. 31 219. Isaac, 5 born Aug. 24, 1830; died Dec. 26, 1895. 220. Charles W., 5 born 1833; died 1899; married, i860, Julia Shaffer ; issue, Charles, b. ; Flora, b. . 221. Jemima, 5 born 1835; died 1839. 222. Wilbur F., 5 born June 17, 1837; married, October 9, 1859, Kate Cooper; resides at Shokan, N. Y. Issue: Carrie, born June 25, i860; died April 25, 1898; Jennie, born Decem- ber 29, 1861 ; died May 14, 1865. 223. Cornelia, 5 born 1839; died 1899; married, 1869, Alonzo G. Paddock. 224. Abel, 5 born 1841 ; resides at Lincoln, Nebraska. 103. John Hill, 4 son of Andrew 3 and Catherine (North) Hill, married Sarah Hollister, born May 28, 1805 ; died October 18, 1883 ; resided in Olive, Ulster County, N. Y. Children of John 4 and Sarah (Hollister) Hill, born at Shokan, N. Y. 225. James, 5 born April 9, 1826; married, May 18, 1850, Hannah Eckert : born March 20, 1828; died November 20, 1892 ; resides at Shokan, N. Y. ; no issue. 226. Albert, 5 born July 12, 1828; died October 8, 1864; mar- ried, Sept. 7, 1854, Mary Jane Dubois ; issue, Alice and Lois. 227. Mary Catherine, 5 born March 30, 1831 ; died May II, 1898 ; married, March 30, 1876, Lemuel Boice ; no issue. 228. Elizabeth, 5 born May 29, 1833; died unmarried, April 30, 1853. 229. Sylvan, 5 born May 25, 1836 ; died unmarried March 22, 1868. 230. Hannah, 5 born August 26, 1838; died at Shokan, N. Y., June 24, 1853. 231. Gideon, 5 born February II, 1841. 232. Lucinda, 5 born March 8, 1845. 104. Andrew Hill, Jr., 4 son of Andrew 3 and Catherine (North) Hill, married, January 28, 1844, Jane, daughter of Richard and Hannah (Krom) Gosseline ; born 1815; died 1851. Issue: 32 HILL FAMILY. 233. Emma, born September 14, 1845 > married, May 25, 1876, Windrum ; reside at Shokan, N. Y. 234. Miriam, born June 1, 1847 : married July 3, 1866. 105. Thomas Hill, 4 son of Andrew 3 and Catherine (North Hill, married (1), 1830, Gertrude L. Montanya, born 1810, died 1841 ; (2), Maria Russell Wood. He was member of New York State Assembly in 1865. Children of Thomas 4 and Gertrude (Montanya) Hill. 235. Maria, 5 born 1832; died 1890; married Albert Eckert. 236. Sarah, 5 born 1833 ; married Thomas Windrum ; resides at Brooklyn, N. Y. 238. Eliza, 5 born January 25, 1837 ; married, February, 1856, Rundell J. Lake, born October, 1831 ; died April, 1880; issue, Gertrude ; resides in Kingston, N. Y. Children of Thomas 4 and Maria R. (Wood) Hill: 239. Thomas, 5 born 1846 ; died 1897 ; married. 240. Joseph S., 5 born 1848 ; married Elizabeth Hogan ; re- sides at West Shokan, N. Y. Issue : Josephine, born 1871, died 1902 ; Frank J., born 1873, resides at West Shokan, N. Y. ; Marie, born 1877 ; Eva S., born 1880, and Elizabeth, born 1885. 241. Antoinette, born 1843; died 1868 or '78; m. George W. Dutcher. 242. Russell, born 185 1 ; died 1854. 243. Frank, born 1857 ; died 1872. 244. Eva C, born 1853 ; died 1894 ; m. McD. Van Hagenen ; resides at Kingston, N. Y. 106. Emelinda Hill, 5 daughter of Uriah 4 and Anna (Dean) Hill, married, November 10, 1830, Ebenezer, son of Robert and Miriam (Cunningham) Wright, of Lake Mohopac, farmer; born March 9, 1807; died February 7, 1881, at Belvedere, Illinois, where they removed about 1859. Their only child, Lucy, born Octo- ber 13, 1831, married Robert, son of Eleazer and Elizabeth Fergu- son, of Red Mills. He died at Belvedere, 111., March 17, 1900. HILL FAMILY. 33 107. Martha Hill, 5 daughter of Uriah 4 and Anna (Dean) Hill, married, June 15, 1831, Walter B., son of Hezekiah and Eliza- beth (Mabie) Hull, of Red Mills; born February 5, 1812; died August 4, 1890, at Belvedere, Illinois, where they removed about 1854. Children of Walter B. and Martha (Hill 5 ) Hull, born at Red Mills. 1, Elizabeth, b. April 23, 1832; d. at Belvedere, 111., unmar- ried, November 10, 1864. 2, Hezekiah, b. November 7, 1834; d. March 1, 1895 ; m., February 9, i860, Calista Stockwell. 3, John D., born March 10, 1837 ; m., December 18, 1868, Olive Gray, of Beloit, Wis. 4, Mary A., b. January 19, 1839; d. April 1, 1888; m., November 12, 1855, at Belvedere, 111., Deville Hale. 5, Amanda, b. January 9, 1841 ; m., October 26, 1861, Smith A. Wixon, of Belve- dere, 111. 6, Meeker, b. April 25, 1844 ; d. November 19, 1864, un- married. 7. Melissa, b. November 5, 1846; d. February 6, 1862, at Belvedere, 111. 108. Noah D. Hill, 5 son of Uriah 4 and Anna (Dean) Hill ; never married ; was drowned in Croton River, near Van Cort- landt Manor House, while crossing the river on horseback ; the horse stepped into a deep hole, throwing rider into the river. The bridge over river had been destroyed by the breaking away of Cro- ton Dam. 109. Uriah Hill, Jr., 5 son of Uriah 4 and Anna (Dean) Hill, married, April 10, 1842, at Peekskill, N. Y., by Rev. William Marshall, to Alethea, daughter of Reuben R. and Deborah (Brush) Finch, of Peekskill, born at Coscob, Connecticut, March 14, 1823. Children of Uriah 5 and Alethea (Finch) Hill. 245. Julia, 6 born May 1, 1843, at Peekskill; died February 18, 1844, at New York City. 246. Henry, 6 born December 7, 1846, at New York City; died August 5, 1862; drowned in Hudson River at Peekskill, while swimming. 247. Sarah Vail, 6 born October 20, 1850, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 34 HILL FAMILY. 248. Reuben Finch, 6 born June 21, 1856, at Peekskill ; died September 13, 1856. 249. Edward Finch, 6 born August II, 1857, at Peekskill. 1 10. Amzi Hill, 5 son of Uriah 4 and Anna (Dean) Hill, married, October 9, 1850, at New York City, Sarah, daughter of John and Sarah (Bailey) Buskirk, of New York City; born Octo- ber 5, 1828 ; died at Brooklyn, N. Y., December 16, 1878. John Buskirk, born October 31, 1801 ; died at Brooklyn, N. Y., December 16, 1878; married, January 15, 1825, Sarah Bailey, born November 15, 1794; died at Brooklyn, N. Y., January 5, 1872. Children of Amzi 5 and Sarah (Buskirk) Hill. 250. Frederica B., 6 born October 13, 1850; unmarried. 251. Clarence, 6 born September II, 1857; died young. 252. Henry B., 6 born July 14, 1862. in. Ira Dean Hill, 5 son of Uriah 4 and Anna (Dean) Hill, married, July 25, 1844, Mrs. Phebe (Miller) Case, of Red Mills, N. Y., born March 19, 1813 ; died at Belvedere, Illinois, February 6, 1898. Mrs. Hill married, (1), John S. Case, of Nor- wich, Conn., in 1833 ; they removed to Lacon, Marshall County, Illinois, where Mr. Case died in 1840. Mr. Hill removed from Red Mills to Illinois in 1853, and engaged in farming; in 1862 he en- listed in the 95th Illinois Regiment, and served three years ; during fourteen months of service, his wife was with him and rendered efficient service in caring for the sick and wounded and cooking and mending for her husband and comrades. After the war he returned to Belvedere, Illinois, and engaged in horticulture, and subsequently removed to Whitefish, Ontario, Canada, where he now resides. Children of Ira D. 5 and Phebe (Miller) Hill. 253. Jane Ophelia, 6 born June 2, 1845, in New York City. 254. Sarah Adelia, 6 born July 7, 1847, at Norwich, Conn.; married, January 31, 1867, George Robinson; issue, three chil- dren. HILL FAMILY. 35 112. Stephen Hill, B son of Uriah 4 and Anna (Dean) Hill, married (i), September 5, 1853, Mary E., daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Anderson) Ferris, born March 12, 1829; died July 22, 1872; buried at Red Mills; (2), November 18, 1874, Elvira Bounds, of Boone Co., 111. Samuel Ferris, farmer, Red Mills, born July 20, 1794, married, June 16, 1822, Elizabeth, daughter of James Anderson. Children of Stephen 5 and Marry (Ferris) Hill: 255. Eva F., 6 born August 23, 1854; died November, 1903; married James G. Loveridge, of Illinois. 256. Carrie, 6 born August 1, 1856. 257. Susan F.,° born December 19, 1858. 258. Milah, 6 born February 16, 1861. Children of Stephen 5 and Elvira (Bounds) Hill. 259. Ira Bradley, born November 19, 1880. 260. Vera Dean, born September 10, 1883 ; died March 27, 1885. 261. Hattie, 6 born September 9, 1885. 114. Adah Hill, 5 daughter of Uriah 4 and Anna (Dean) Hill, married, March 8, 1855, Elias Ayers, of Richford, Tioga Coun- ty, N. Y.J born at Richford, February 3, 1834; died February 16, 1894. Children of Elias and Adah (Hill 5 ) Ayers. 262. Amzi, 6 born June 12, 1856; died March 1, 1863. 263. Frederick A., born August 16, 1857; married, March 20, 1878, Martha Satterly. 264. Lucina, 6 born July 29, 1869; married, October 2, 1875, Harvey Bunce. 265. Alethea, 6 born June 25, 1861 : died October 2, 1895 ; married, October 29, 1876, Franklin Zeh. 267. Sarah, 6 born October 28, 1866 ; married, March 5, 1880, George Palmerton. 268. Charles, 6 born September 20, 1870; married, November 8, 1889, Lida Tubbs. 36 HILL FAMILY. 116. Phebe Hill, 5 daughter of Uriah 4 and Anna (Dean) Hill, married, February 21, 1861, at Richford, Tioga County, N. Y., Hiram Polley; born 1835 ! died September 13, 1894; issue, Edward, born January 12, 1862. 117. Alonzo Hill, 5 son of Anthony 4 and Dorothy (Pinckney) Hill, married, April 8, 1849, Marietta, daughter of Elijah Crane, of Carmel, born April 18, 1825. 269. Josephus, 6 born March 25, 1850; married, March 6, 1873, Susan Jones. 270. Harriet, 6 born July 6, 1851 ; married, September 18, 188 1, Hiram Polley. 271. George, 6 born October 11, 1852; married, November, 1872, Belle Browen. 272. Caroline, 6 born April 10, 1858 ; married, July, 1877, James Diamond. 273. Charles N., 6 born May 8, i860; married, July 8, 1870, Fanny Witty. 118. Lorenzo Dow Hill, 8 son of Anthony 4 and Dorothy (Pinckney) Hill; married about 1840, Emily, daughter of Daniel Hitchcock of the town of Carmel, Putnam County, N. Y. ; born January, 1814; died January II, 1888. Children of Lorenzo Dow 5 and Emily (Hitchcock) Hill: 274. Adeline, born November 22, 1842 ; married October 30, 1878, William C. Smith ; reside at Mahopac Falls, N. Y. 119. Caroline Hill, 5 daughter of Anthony 4 and Dorothy (Pinck- ney) Hill, married Smith Lockwood, of Carmel, Putnam County, N. Y. ; born 1824 ; died August 30, 1866. Among their children were Wallace, Sophia, Nora and Dorothy. 120. Kelsey Hill, 5 son of Anthony 4 and Dorothy (Pinckney) Hill, married, January 6, 1857, Susan Crawford ; died December ?8, 1897. Children of Kelsey 5 and Susan (Crawford) Hill: 275. Viola. 6 HILL FAMILY. 87 276. George, 6 born March 15, i860; died November 25, 1896. 277. Minnie, 6 born October 21, 186-. 121. Henry Hill, 5 son of Anthony 4 and Dorothy (Pinckney) Hill, married, December 29, 1866, Julia, daughter of Isaac and Bulah Miller, of Belvedere, Illinois; born November 17, 1835; died October 9, 1890. Children of Henry 5 and Bulah (Miller) Hill: 278. Ezra, 6 born February 3, 1870; married May 27, 1891, Minnie Strickland. 279. Mystic, 6 born December 11, 1871 ; married, June 21, 1891, F. G. Kennedy; issue, Sylvia, born July 23, 1898. 123. Harrison Hill, 5 son of Anthony 4 and Dorothy (Pinck- ney) Hill, married Loretta, daughter of Gideon Barrett, of the town of Carmel, N. Y. 280. Kelsey, 6 born May 4, 1861 ; married November 24, 1887, Cora, daughter of Isaac L. Hill. 281. Jessie, 6 born June 21, 1863; married June 21, 1883, Thaddeus Pinckney. 282. Avis, 6 born February 28, 1868 ; married December 6, 1885, Azor Hadden. 283. Ida, 6 born June 7, 1872 ; married September 19, 1888, George Barrett. 284. Carrie, 6 born August 19, 1873 ; married November 15, 1893, Nelson Austin. 285. Gertrude, 6 born October 10, 1880; married October 26, 1898, Merwin Post. 124. Leonard Hill, 5 son of Andrew 4 and Catherine (Strang) Hill, married January 15, 1857, Lorinda Berger ; born April 2, 1839. Children of Leonard 5 and Lorinda (Berger) Hill: 286. Laura, 6 born December 2, 1857; died November 12, 1899; married January 28, 1879, E - H. Kridler. 287. William F., 6 born November 5, 1859. 38 HILL FAMILY. 288. Byron, 6 'born March 15, 1862; died December 8, 1888; married Emma Freeman ; children, Leonard, born December 18, 1886, and Howard. 289. Kate, 6 born February 14, 1864; married June 7, 1893, Oscar F. Ulland. 290. Carrie Strang, born November 20, 1866 ; married Sep- tember 2, 1896, J. H. McKay, D. S., b. May 7, 1867. Issue, Lorinda ]., born September 1, 1897. 125. George W. Hill, 5 son of Jacob 4 and Betliiah (Louns- berry) Hill, married (1) Mrs. Mahala Agor, widow of George Agor, and daughter of John and Sarah Barger, of Putnam Valley, N. Y. ; she died January 20, 1904; (2) Mrs. Anna Zeliph, widow of Cor- nelius Zeliph and daughter of Ferdinand Robinson. Children of George W. 5 and Mahala (Barger) Hill: 291. Emmalinda, 6 born April 1, 1855; married October 22, 1872, Randolph Croft, of Putnam Valley, N. Y. 292. Chloe, 6 died young. 126. Thomas L. Hill, 6 son of Jacob 4 and Bethiah (Louns- berry) Hill, married January 12, 1885, Augusta Darling; born Oc- tober 1, 1835. No issue. 131. Arza Hill, 5 son of Jacob 4 and Bethiah (Lounsberry) Hill ; Methodist Episcopal Clergyman in Connecticut ; married Fran- ces A. Hibbard. No issue. 134. Ferris Hill, 5 son of Alza 4 and Mary (Ferris) Hill, mar- ried July 15, 1875, Anna J. Burwell ; resides at San Francisco, Cal. Issue 293. Cora O., 6 born September 9, 1876. 135. Eliza J. Hill, 6 daughter of Alza 4 and Mary (Ferris) Hill, married November 7, 1881, George H. Speedling, of Nelsonville, Putnam County, N. Y. Issue, Mary E., born December 30, 1883 ; Oliver H., born January 18, 1889. Reside at Nelsonville. N. Y. HILL FAMILY. 39 138. Sarah C. Hill, 5 daughter of Alza 4 and Mary (Ferris) Hill, married April 8, 1883, George A. Merritt ; reside at Danbury, Conn. Issue (1), Alice, b. March 8, 1884; (2), Anna E., b. January, 25, 1886; (3), John L., b. May 30, 1892. 139. Alza A. Hill, 5 son of Alza 4 and Mary (Ferris) Hill, mar- ried June 12, 1896, Sarah J. Elwell ; reside at Danbury, Conn. Is- sue. Nelson, b. July 11, 1898. 140. Mary L. Hill, 5 daughter of Alza 4 and Mary (Ferris) Hill, married (1) Harry Kinderman, died 1892; (2) April 17, 1894, Lewis R. Peters. Issue first marriage, W. Duprey Kinderman, b. June 10, 1890. 142. Jackson Hill, 5 son of Bethiah 4 Hill, married Elizabeth A. ■ ; born March 3, 1831 ; died January 24, 1895. Children of Jackson and Elizabeth ( ) Hill: 295. Mary Frances, 6 born 185 1 ; died March 28, 1863. 296. Esther, 6 died April 3, 1863. 297. Sanford, born January 16, 1863 ; blacksmith ; resides at Peekskill, N. Y. 298. A. Lincoln, 6 born . 145- John A. Hill, 5 son of Noah 4 and Priscilla (Miller) Hill, married Emeline Thompson. Children of John A. 5 and Priscilla (Miller) Hill: 299. Charlotte. 6 300. Lucy. 6 301. Alfred. 6 302. Emma. 6 303. Charles, 6 died November, 1895. 146. Benjamin Miller Hill, 5 son of Noah 4 and Priscilla (Miller) Hill, married May 6, 1846, Eliza M. Miller ; born February 3, 1848. Children of Benjamin 5 and Eliza Miller: 304. Emma, 6 born February 14, 1847. 40 HILL FAMILY. 305. Anna, 6 born July 26, 1849. 306. Charles, born March 12, 1852. 307. Frank, 6 born January 31, 1862. 147. Elliott S. M. Hill, 5 son of Noah 4 and Priscilla (Miller) Hill, married December 7, 1846, Mary E. Newberry ; born August 7, 1827. Children of Elliott S. M. 5 and Mary (Newbury) Hill: 308. George Milnor, 6 born February 12, 1849. 309. Virginia Jane, 6 born February 24, 1851. 310. Lucie Alice, 6 born February 23, 1853. 311. Mary Helen, 6 born August 25, 1859. 312. Ella Florence, 6 born May 21, 1862. 313. Emma Augusta, 6 born December 4, 1869. 149. Mary E. Hill, 5 daughter of Noah 4 and Priscilla (Miller) Hill, married (1), October, 1842, David Rosenkrans ; (2), March 5, 1863, Commodore C. Vincent; three children. 155. Cyrus Chase Hill, 5 son of Noah 4 and Priscilla (Miller) Hill ; married, October 10, 1858, Mary E. Hults, born July 1, 1838 ; reside at South Poulteny, Steuben County, N. Y. ; issue, Ella E., born Sep- tember 20, 1859, died October, 1901, married Bedell. 157. Lewis Hill, 5 son of James 4 and Sarah (Pinckney) Hill, married (1), May 14, 185 1, Eliza, daughter of Stephen Bailey, born May 17, 1828, died March 10, 1868; (2), Dorothy, daughter of Plume Croft, of Putnam Valley, N. Y., born March 8, 1852 ; reside at Mahopac Mines, Putnam County, N. Y. Children of Lewis 5 and Eliza (Bailey) Hill, born near Red Mills, N. Y. 314. Imogene, 6 born October 11, 1852; died September 24, 1854. 315. Virginia, 6 born January 24, 1854; died October 3, 1854. 316. Eugene B.,° born May 12, 1855. HILL FAMILY. 41 317. Ophelia," born September 8, 1858; died ; married John Wallace ; no issue. 318. Ambrose, 6 born July 8, 1859. Children of Lewis 5 and Dorothy (Croft) Hill: 319. Jennie, born April 18, 1872; married Elijah Jenkins; issue, Alberta. 320. Herbert, born Jan. 19, 1874: married Florence, daughter of Alva Pinckney ; issue, Dorothy, Grace and Lillian. 158. Cornelius Hill, 5 son of James 4 and Sarah (Pinckney) Hill, married, October 23, 1862, Harriet A., daughter of Amos and Ame- lia (Barnum) Brush, of New Fairfield, Conn., born May 30, 1838, died at Red Mills, March 28, 1892. Children of Cornelius 3 and Harriet (Brush) Hill: 321. Irene,' 1 born July 29, 1869; married June 19, 1904, Peter Bennett, of Carmel, N. Y. 7,22. W. Ernest,' 5 born March 10, 1872 ; married Jennie Barnes, of Fishkill, N. Y. ; issue, Raymond, b. . 323. George C., 6 born September 2, 1879. 324. Frederick, born January 1, 1868; died March 25, 1869. 162. Charlotte Hill, 5 daughter of James 4 and Sarah (Pinckney) Hill, married (1), October 12, 1864, Robert J. Wixom, born October 8, 1822, died July 10, 1885; issue, Anna and Tottie. (2), James Maslin. 163. James H. Hill, 5 son of James 4 and Sarah (Pinckney) Hill, married, September 12, 1869, Melissa Warren, born 1848, died July 7, 1885. Children of James H. 5 and Melissa (Warren) Hill: 325. Minnie, born January 17, 187 1. 326. Sarah B., 6 born August 28, 1873 ; married Jesse Vail. ^27. Arthur W.,° born September 13, 1874. 328. Josephine, 6 born May 25, 1884. 329. Elizabeth, 6 born 1876; died December 4, 1881. tt HILL FAMILY. 166. Mary D. Hill/ daughter of Isaac L. 4 and Mary (Gregory) Hill, married, August 27, 1877, Elias B., son of William and Nancy Glenn, of Wayne County, N. Y. ; issue, Edith D.. born May 9, 1881. 167. Thomas T. Hill, 5 son of Isaac I.. 4 and Mary (Gregory) Hill, married. April 6, 1871, Ella F., daughter of Manning and Mary Jaue Merrill. Children of Thomas T. 5 and Mary J. (Merrill) Hill: 330. Frederick M., 6 born January 27, 1873. 331. Alice J. 8 born February t8, i88t. 172. Allen Blair Hill, 5 son of Solomon 4 and Hannah (Sloat) Hill, married, August 10, 1886, Hattie, daughter of William H. and Mary E. Smith, of Carmel, N. Y. Children of Allen Blair 5 and Hattie (Smith) Hill: 332. William," born October 7, 1887; died April 10, 1888. 333. Lucretia, 1 ' born January 22, 1899. 334. Bertha, born July 15, 1891. 335. Allen Blair, Jr., born October 26, 1903. 173. Charles S. Hill, 8 son of Solomon 4 and Hannah (Sloat) Hill, married, 1869, Clorinda, daughter of Daniel Squires, of Red Mills, N. Y., born March 11, 1840, died January 5, 1888. Children of Charles S. B and Clorinda (Squires) Hill: 336. Albert L.. ,; born March 6, 1871. 337. Nellie S.,° born August 3, 1875. 175. Hannah J. Hill, 5 daughter of Abraham 4 and Tamar (Louns- berry) Hill, married, November 9, 1871, Peter B. Curry, farmer, Yorktown. N. Y. Children of Peter 1». and Hannah ( Hill 5 ) Curry: 338. Theodore A., e born July 12, 1879. 33a Peter li..' ; bom July 23, 188-. 340. Jessie May," born February 2, 1890. HILL FAMILY. 43 176. Theodore Hill, 5 son of Abraham* and Tamar (Lounsberry) Hill, farmer, Yorktown, N. Y., married, June 20, 1892, Susan daughter of James H. Curry, M. D., of Shrub Oaks, N. Y., born August 2, 1864. Children of Theodore 5 and Susan (Curry) Hill: 341. James Curry, born March 15, 1893. 342. Theodore Curry, born July 24, 1896. 182. Edward B. Hill, 5 son of Andrew* and Louisa (Landon) Hill, married, June 15, 1864, Rhoda D. Wilcox, born December 12, 1842, died May 2, 1891. He was born and died at Danby, N. Y. Children of Edward B. 5 and Rhoda (Wilcox) Hill: 343- Elbert B.,° born July 12, 1866. 344. Luman A.. 6 born September 6, 1871. 345- Marcus J., 6 born August 8, 1873. 193- William D. Hill, 5 son of Samuel* and Rhoda (Davis) Hill, married, August 16, i860, Mary Saulpaugh, born June 1, 1842. Children of William D. 5 and Mary (Saulpaugh) Hill: 346. Frances M., 6 born May 29, 1861, married, October 16, 1884, Hon. James A. Betts, of Kingston, N. Y. ; issue, James H., born January 27, 1889. 200. Richard W. Hill, 5 son of Samuel* and Rhoda (Davis) Hill, married (1), March 28, i860, Susan Estall, died October 9, 1864! (2), March 6, 1866, Paulina Hoffman; reside at Pine Hill, N. Y. 205. George W. Hill, 5 son of Abraham* and Catherine (North) Hill, married (1), April 28, 1846, Olivia Dodge, b. 1819, died Au- gust 22, 1856; (2), May 20, 1858, Matilda, daughter of Ebenezer Reed, born July 18, 1832. Children of George W. 5 and Olivia (Dodge) Hill, born at Rox- bury, N. Y. 347- Abraham, 6 born May 22, 1848; died Sept. 12, 1851. u HILL FAMILY. 348. George W., s born April 4, 1850; died at Olean, N. Y., February, 1888. 349. Clara Idella, born September 2, 1851. «o. Orrin L., born October 10, 1854 ; married November 25, 1852, Cassie Cummings; reside at Stamford, JN. Y. Children of George W. 3 and Matilda (Reed) Hill born at Rox- bury, N. Y. 352. Frank M., 6 born October 4. i859- died Dec. 9, 1888. 353- Olivia D., 6 born March 3, 1862 ; married William Shaw ; resides at Esopus, N. Y. 355. Edward M., 6 born May 10, 1864; married, October 26, 1887 Delilah B. Corbin, born March 29, 1869; issue, Edna J, b August 2 7 , 1888; Richardina, b. December 15, 1892; Veltena, . b July 19, 1899; resides at Margaretsville, N. Y. 356. Andrew J., 6 born December 25, 1865 ; m. Alice Taylor ; resides at Tannersville, N. Y. 357. Miriam N., 6 born June 27, 1868 : married, May 31, 1893, Addison Dunham. 358. Sarah C., c born November 9, 1869; married, May 31, 1893, Newton Dutcher. 206 Edmund A. Hill, 5 son of Abraham* and Catherine (North) Hill, clergyman Methodist Episcopal Church, married, December 23, 1851, Eliza J., daughter of Thomas W. and Mary Hayden) Sloan, born February 11, 1824, died February 23, 1885; he resides at Yonkers, N. Y. Children of Edmund A. 6 and Eliza (Sloan) Hill: 359. Edward Clarence,' born September 15, 1852 ; married, April 11, 1878, Fanny M. Benedict, of Pittsfield, Mass. ; issue, Edward C, Jr., Florence and Rowland. 360. Mary, born July 10, 1855 ; unmarried. 361. Emma, born December 29, 1858; married, August 8, 1888, Charles W. Field, of Brooklyn, N. Y. 562. Clara, 6 born November 10, 1861 ; unmarried. 363. Emory F.,« born June 14, 1864; died April 1900; mar - ried, January 2, 1888, Lydia A. Proper, of Pittsfield, Mass., ue, Mildred. HILL FAMILY. 4!> 208. Miriam Hill, 5 daughter of Abraham 4 and Catherine (North) Hill, married, November 17, 1853, Edgar F. Pangman, born May 2 9> J 833 ! reside at Jewett, N. Y. Children of Edgar F. and Miriam (Hill 5 ) Pangman, born at Jewett, N. Y. 364. Isabella A., 6 born July 7, 1856 ; married, 1876, Arthur A. Cross ; issue, Pearl and Lloyd. 365. Florence Catherine, 6 born May 12, 186 1 ; married, Oc- tober 13, 1886, Erastus N. Chamberlain ; Willet, born May 15, 1859, died May 6, 1861. 213. Fletcher Hill, 5 son of Abraham 4 and Catherine (North) Hill, married, July 5, 1882, Mrs. Clara (Doolittle) Avery, born May 26, 1849; reside at Prattsville, N. Y. Children of Fletcher 5 and Clara (Doolittle) Hill: 2,66. Mary E., 6 born August 21, 1883 ; died October 16, 1884. 367. Harry D., 6 born October 14, 1884. 368. Frederick, 6 born December 30, 1885. 369. Abram A., 6 born September 21, 1887. 370. Kate C., 6 born November 12, 1889. 219. Isaac Hill, 5 son of William 4 and Catherine (Elting) Hill, married, June 25, 1857, Rebecca, daughter of Daniel F. and Nellie (Dubois) Davis, born May 3, 1835 ; she resides at Johnson, Tenn. Children of Isaac 5 and Rebecca (Davis) Hill: 371 Anna, 6 born April 27, 1858; m., February 12, 1891, Rev. William Johnston. 372. Mary, 6 born January 22, i860: m., August 12. 1883, El- mer E. Bedell. 373. Jennie K.,° born December 22, 1867 ; m., December 4, 1888, John W. Cure. 374. Lizzie, 6 born November 21, 1872; m. (1), Mar. 15, 1892, Lamont Dubois, died March 27, 1899; (2), August 19, 1903. Rev. A. K. MacRae. AC, HILL FAMILY. 231. Gideon Hill, 5 son of John 4 and Sarah (Hollister) Hill, law- yer, resides at Harriman, Tenn. ; married, May 29, 1867, at New- burgh, N. Y., Arabella, daughter of William and Ann (Thome) Caldwell, of Newburgh, N. Y., born August 31, 1847. Children of Gideon 5 and Arabella (Caldwell) Hill: 375. Mabel L., 6 born January 7, 1869 ; married, September 14, 1889, Leslie DeGroot ; reside at Philadelphia, Pa. 376. Genevieve, born March 1 1, 1871 ; married, June 7, 1893, George B. Durrell ; reside at Harriman, Tenn. 232. Lucinda Hill, 5 daughter of John* and Sarah (Hollister) Hill, married, October 5, 1871, Stephen A. Brown, born February 28, 1846, Mount Pleasant, Westchester County, N. Y. ; reside at Tarrytown, N. Y. Children of Stephen and Lucinda (Hill 5 ) Brown: 377. Sarah Etta/' born August 22, 1873. 378. Charles Herbert, 6 born February I, 1874; died January 16, 1901. 379. Florence Hollister, born September 12, 1877. 380. Frank Leroy, 6 born September 3, 1879. 381. Adah M., e born August 26, i88t. 249. Edward Finch Hill, 6 son of Uriah 5 and Alethea (Finch) Hill ; manufacturer ; secretary Union Stove Works, Peekskill, N. Y. : married, June 16, 1887, at Peekskill, by Rev. Irving E. White, Jessie, daughter of Staates Morris and Rebecca (Stinson) Dyckman, of Peekskill, born at Verplancks Point, N. Y., April 22, 1861. Children of Edward F. ,! and Jessie (Dyckman) Hill, born at Peekskill : 382. Hazel Dyckman, 7 born July 28, 1888. 383. Edward Knight, 7 born August 22, 1892. 384. Dudley Lawrence, 7 born October 6, 1893. HILL FAMILY. 47 252. Henry B. Hill, 8 son of Amzi 6 and Sarah (Buskirk) Hill, married, April 22. 1891, Adelaide Ray Johnson, of Brooklyn, N. Y„ born March 22, 1864 ; reside at Brooklyn, N. Y. Children of Henry B.° and Adelaide (Johnson) Hill: 385. Marion A., 7 born May 26, 1893. 386. Raymond R., 7 born April 7, 1895. 253. Jane Ophelia Hill, daughter of Ira D. 5 and Phebe (Miller) Hill, married (1), January I, 1862, Frederick Voorhis, of Illinois, died April 26, 1884; issue, four children. (2), Swanson, and removed to Whitefish, Canada. 316. Eugene B. Hill, 8 son of Lewis 5 and Eliza (Bailey) Hill, carpenter and builder, Peekskill ; married, April 9, 1876, Mary H., daughter of Pierre Van Cortlandt Paulding, son of John Paulding, one of the captors of Major John Andre ; issue 387 Franklin E., 7 born March 10, 1878. 318. Ambrose Hill, 6 son of Lewis 5 and Eliza (Bailey) Hill, carpenter, Peekskill ; married Catherine, daughter of Michael Fin- nerty, of Jefferson Valley, N. Y., born May 15, 1863 ; issue : 388. Lewis D., 7 b. February 14, 1885. 389. Henry, 7 b. May 15, 1886. 390. Eugene, 7 born October 5, 1893. 343. Elbert B. Hill, 6 son of Edward B. & and Rhoda (Wilcox) Hill, married, December 29, 1886, Anna Beers ; issue : 391. Ernest B., 7 b. January 13, 1888. 393. Edith M., 7 born April 7, 1892. 394. Frederick A., 7 born March 10, 1898 : resides at Danby, N. Y. 344. Luman A. Hill, 8 son of Edward B. D and Rhoda (Wilcox) Hill, married, October 31, 1894, Mittie R. Dora ; issue: 48 HILL FAMILY 395. Leroy D., 7 born September 9, 1899, died November 6, 1901. 396. Delos W., 7 born January 8, 1903, resides at Dauby, N. Y. 345. Marcus J. Hill, 6 son of Edward B. 5 and Rhoda (Wilcox) Hill, married, Jan. 19, 1899, Lulu M. Swartout ; issue: 397. Elizabeth M., 7 born January 10, 1901 ; reside at Danby, N. Y. HILL FAMILY. 4) ADDENDA. HILL FAMILY. i Uriah Hill, 2 son of Anthony 1 and Mary (Ward) Hill (see o *o), had several children; among them were, 2. Anthony,- born 1745. (See page 10.) 3- James r! . 4- Charity, 3 married Thome. 5- Elizabeth 3 . 6. Zacharialv born on Philipse Patent, Dutchess Co., N. Y. 7- Mary, 3 married Baret Lewis, of Dutchess County N Y • issue, Thomas,* born 1772; Andrew, born May 1, 1774, bapt' May 15, 1774; Mary, born January 25, 1776. 3- James Hill, 3 son of Uriah,- removed from Dutchess County ■to *allsburgh. Sullivan County, N. Y., about 1788, where he lived Du d tche e ss-Co^nt;: N ri Y. Elizabeth ' daL ^ hter of ^ T «^in S , of Children : 8. Magdalena, 4 b. March 9, 1777; bapt. March 28, 1777, Dutch Church, Poug-hkeepsie. 9. John, 4 b. 1781, bapt. June 10, 1781, Dutch Church, Pougt- keepsie. 9a. Uriah, 4 b. January 16, 1783, as appears by Dutch Church records, Poughkeepsie, where he was bapt. Feb. 2, 1783; he probably died in infancy. 10. Uriah, 4 b. May 16, 1784, as appears by his family bible; d. Oct. 31, 1862, at Fallsburg, Sullivan County, N. Y. n. James. 4 b. 1790, at Fallsburg; d. February 1, 1876, at Greenfield, Ulster County, N. Y. go HILL FAMILY. 6. Zachariah Hill, 3 son of Uriah Hill, 2 removed to Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N. Y. ; married August 20, 1769, Marytie (Maria), daughter of John and Magdelena (Lewis) Tompkins. Giildren : 12. Johannes, 4 b. Sept. 6, 1770; bapt Sept. 23, 1770, Dutch Church, Poughkeepsie. 13. Uriah, 4 b. Aug. 19, 1772; bapt. Sept. 14, 1772, Dutch Church, Poughkeepsie. 14. Lidia, 4 b. Feb. 22, 1777; bapt. Mar. 28, 1777, Dutch Church, Poughkeepsie. Letters of administration were issued upon the estate of a Zach- ariah Hill. Poughkeepsie. by the Surrogate of Dutchess County, April 28, T812, to Nathaniel Hill and others. 10. Uriah Hill, 4 son of James 3 and Elizabeth (Tompkins) Hill, married Rhocla Gillett, Dec. 12, 1802; she was born Oct. 24, 1785; died Jan. 24, 1863. Children : 12. William/ b. April 10, 1804; d. May 23, 1881, at Fremont, Center, N. Y. 13. Surrilda, 5 b. Jan. 1, 1806; m. James Divine; died at Ma- rietta, Ohio, Feb., 1889. 14. Philo, 5 b. Feb. 28, 1808; d. April 2, 1834; m. Abigail Mis- ner; issue, Martha. 15. Edmund/' b. April 25, 1810; d. March 8, 1893; resided at Hurleyville, N. Y., where he died; m., Feb. 19, 1835, Jane llardenburg; issue, Garrison, Elizabeth/ Wilbur/ Jennie. 6 16. Laura/ b. July 3, 1812; m. Walter Hill; d. Oct. 9, 1894. 17. Calvin/ b. Dec. 14, 1814; removed to Sedalio, Mo., where he died Aug., 1877. Issue: Augusta/ Celia 6 and Elvira. 6 18. Lavinia/ b. March 4, 1818; m. Augustus Young; resides at YVenona, 111. 19. Lucy Ann/' b. October 20, 1820; d. May 25, 1895; m. Daniel McMullin. 20. Riley/ b. March 26, 1823; resided at Hurleyville, N. Y. : where he died ; m. Cornelia Weeks. HILL FAMILY. 51 21 Albert, 6 b. Aug. 12, 1825; d. 1902, at Luzon, N. Y. • is- sue: Oscar,' Myrtle, 8 Alice, 6 Ellsworth,* Sheridan* and Guy. 9 1894 DeHla ' 5 b ' May 3 °' l828j m ' JamCS Gildersl eeve ; d. Nov., 11. James Hill,* son of James 3 and Elizabeth (Tompkins) Hill married, 1809, Sarah^ daughter of William and Phete (DanSs) Gorton, of Bangall, Dutchess Co., N. Y. ; born 1792, died Tulv 10 1870, at Greenfield, Ulster County, N. Y. J Y ' Children: 23. Nancy,* b. April 15, 1810; m. Albert W. Wheeler. Uhte/co E N Z Y Cth ' 5 m * Ge ° rge SC0U; rCsided at Hurle yviHe, 25. Mary A.,* b. 1814; m. John Evans; resided at Hurlev- ville, N. Y. 26. Gorton, 5 b. Aug. ir, 1819. 2y. Jane, 5 b. 1820; m. Samuel G. Thompson. 28. William, 5 d. young. 29. Phebe, 5 m. L. Schuster. 30. Hiram, 5 d. young. 31. Almira, 5 b. 1833, m. David Zelie ; resides in New York. 32. Amelia, 5 m. George Henry Gorton ; removed to Joliet, 111. 12. William Hill, 5 son of Uriah 4 and Rhoda (Gillett) Hill m (i) April 26, 1832, Maria Misner, b. Nov. 30, 1810, at Fallsburg, J'' • T . 2 °' l853; m - ( 2 ) A P riI J 4, 1867, Phebe Hamilton; resides at Horton, N. Y. He was clerk of Sullivan County, N Y 1857-60. " Children : 33- Wallace, born July 18, 1833; married, Sept. 28, 1865, Margaret Francisco; resides at Binghamton, N. Y. ; issue, How- ard G., 7 b. Aug. 17, 1868; Leon W., 7 b. Aug. 17, 1873; Carl F, 7 b. Aug. 29, 1879. 34. Elvira, 6 born April 2, 1835; died August 14, 1859. un- married. 52 HILL FAMILY. 35. Ann Acelia, 6 born September 8, 1836; died November 23, 1873; married August 14. 1865. Hiram B. Hasbrouck; issue, Sherman. 7 36. Webster, 6 born July 6. 1838; resides at Binghamton, N. Y. ; m. May 25, 1869, Betsey Taylor; no issue. 37. Seward, born March 25, 1840: died Oct. 14, 1873, at Fremont Centre, N. Y., unmarried. 38. Granger, born June to, 1842: resides at Oscoda, Mich.; m. Aug. 30, 1873, Martha Osborn ; no issue. 39. Fillmore, born September 28, 1844; died July 18, 1864, at Chattanooga, Term., unmarried. 40. Calantha. born May 5. 1846; resides at Binghamton, N. Y. 41. Greeley, born June 3. 1848; resides at Plymouth, Mich.; m. Nov. 7, 1894, Jennie Taylor, born April 4, 1867; no issue. 42. McClellan, born February 21, 1868; married (1) Alma Horton, (2) Ora Gage: resides at Liberty. N. Y. Children: Gladys. 7 Silvia E.. 7 Ina. 7 and Catherine A. 7 43. Britomarte, 8 born March 15, 1869; resides at Delhi, N. Y. ; unmarried. 44. Minerva/- born January u, 1877 ; married, May 12, 1893, Thomas Lindsey ; resides at Horton, Delaware County, N. Y. HILL FAMILY. 58 Solomon Hill and Descendants. i. Solomon Hill, M. P. P., 3 son of William 2 and Bethia (Smith) Hill, born August 30, 1756, at Red Mills, Dutchess (now Mahopac Falls, Putnam) County, N. Y. ; died at Smithville, Lincoln County, District of Niagara, Canada, Aug. 30, 1807 (p. 9). During the war of the Revolution he was loyal to the British government and re- moved from Red Mills to Coeymans. Albany County, N. Y., where in December, 1783, he married Bethiah, daughter of Richard and Mary (Smith) Griffin, and granddaughter of Abraham and Mar- garet Smith of Philips Precinct, Dutchess County, N. Y. In 1795 he removed to Smithville, Canada, where his father-in-law had pre- viously removed and settled. For his loyalty to Great Britain a large tract of land was granted to him by the British government. Upon his removal to Canada he took an active interest in public af- fairs, received a commission in the local militia, and in 1803 was elected a member of the Provincial Parliament, which office he held to the time of his death. He was a man of high character, exem- plary habits, deeply religious, of unusual ability, and a very able public speaker. After the death of his father he made a short visit to Red Mills and disposed of the real property devised to him by his father, to his brothers, Abraham and Cornelius Hill. Children of Solomon 3 and Bethiah (Griffin) Hill, the first six of whom were born at Coeymans and the remaining six at Smith- ville, Canada : 2. William, 4 born October 21, 1784, died at Smithville, x\pril 22, 1853. 3. Abraham, 4 born February 2, 1787, died at Gainsborough, Lincoln County, Ontario, March, 1867. 4. Richard, 4 born January 11. 1789, died Aug. 11, 1826. 5. Jane, 4 born March 28. 1790, died at Queenstown, Welland County, Canada, about 1868: married John Robinson, M. D. Children : Hiram, 3 William, 5 Henry, 5 Nathaniel, 5 Robert, 5 Mary, 5 Bethiah, 5 and Eliza. 5 6. Mary, 4 born September 26, 1791, died at Smithville, Cana- da, January 3, 1858; married Captain Robert Waddell. Chil- dren : Thomas, 5 Francis, 5 Robert, 5 Jane, 5 Eliza, 5 Julia, 5 Mar- garet, 5 Maria, 5 and Harriet. 5 54 HILL FAMILY. 7. Solomon, 4 born April 4, 1793, died at St. Catherines, Lin- coln County, Ontario, Canada, January 20, 1878. 8. Jonathan,* born July 31, 1795, died unmarried at Grimsby, Lincoln County, Ontario, about 1834. 9. Bethiah, 4 born January 19, 179S, died April 8, 1884; mar- ried Ralph Field. Children: Gilbert C, B Jacob M., 5 Ralph, 5 Mary,-' George/' and Rebecca Ann."' 10. Smith, 4 born September 13, 1799, died in infancy. 11. Cornelius, 4 born January 22, 1800, died at Smithville, Canada, August 4, 1854. 12. Nathaniel, 4 born May 5, 1802, died at Smithville. Canada, March 13, 1872. 13. Smith, 4 born August 21, 1806. died in infancy. 2. William Hill, 4 son of Solomoir and Bethiah (Griffin) Hill, resided on the south shore of Lake Ontario, in the township of Clinton, Lincoln County, Canada ; he married, April 2, 1804, Mary, daughter of Conrad Tafford, whose ancestors came from Cheshire, England. In War of 1812 he was a lieutenant in British Army. Children of William 4 and Mary (Taft'ord) Hill: 14. Martin, 5 died young. 15. Solomon, 5 born July 31, 1807, died October 24, 1885, at Batherton Villa, Township of Clinton, Lincoln County, On- tario, Canada. 16. Anna E., r> born July 11, 1810, died April 13. 1893; mar- ried, November 9, 1831, John S. Bush. Children: Jacob, 8 Mary, ,; Loretta, Sophia," Angeline, 6 Martha, 8 Albert, 8 Elean- or, 6 Emma, George," resides at St. Catherines, Canada, and Alpheus. 6 17. Jacob, born June 20, 1812, died August 24, 1903, at his homestead, "Willow Brook," St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. ^ 18. William, 5 born October 23, 1817, died, unmarried, in California, June, 1868. 3. Abraham Hill, 4 son of Solomon" and Bethiah (Griffin) Hill, married Margaret Culp. Children of Abraham 1 and Margaret (Culp) Hill: 19. John. 5 HILL FAMILY. 5S 20. Mary, 5 married John Roszell. Children : Harvey, 8 Will- son, 6 William, 6 and two daughters, one of whom married Ver- nal Nelson, and the other John Merritt. 21. Tillman. 5 22. Bethiah, 5 married a Mr. Atkinson. Issue: Hamilton.* 23. Joseph. 5 24. Margaret, 5 married a Mr. Pollington. Issue: Henry,* John. 6 25. Jane, 5 married a Mr. Dunn. Issue : Arthur. 6 26. Abraham. 5 27. Maria. 5 4. Richard Hill,* son of Solomon 3 and Bethiah (Griffin) Hill, married Eleanor Mudge in 181 1, b. Aug. 17, 1791, d. Aug. 16, 1842 Children of Richard 4 and Eleanor (Mudge) Hill: 27a. William L., 5 b. Sept. 12, 1812, d. May 10, 1813. 28. Maria, 5 b. June 23, 1814, d. Nov. 22, 1876; married, 1833, Joshua Pollard ; died at Sheridan, Ontario. Children : Eleanor Jane, 6 Adolphus, 6 Theodore, 6 Joshua Brock, 6 Erastus Derby, 9 Zylphe A., 6 James Madison, 6 Stephen Ballard, 6 resides at To- ronto, Canada, and Richard Franklin. 6 29. Erastus Derby. 5 b. Nov. 15, 1818, d. Nov., 1892. 7. Solomon Hill, 4 son of Solomon 3 and Bethiah (Griffin) Hill, married, January 11, 1818, Abigail, daughter of Richard Taylor. Children of Solomon 4 and Abigail (Taylor) Hill: 30. Julia Ann, 5 born December 6, 1818, died at Janesville. Wisconsin, June 26, 1874: married John Harrington. Children: John, 6 Wesley, 6 William E.,° Blanch Bethiah, 6 Rowland, 6 and Ida. 6 31. Solomon Trenton, 5 born Novemoer 15, 1820, died March 9, 1886, at Brockport, Ontario, Canada. 32. Andrew, 5 born August 11, 1822, died at Buffalo, N. Y., December 19, 1871. 23- Palmyra Katharine, 5 born May 28, 1824, died young. 66 HILL FAMILY. 34. Abigail/' born September 18, 1826, died September 3, 1898; married George Woods. Children: John, 6 George/ Thomas, Matilda Jane/ and Frederick. 35. Phebe Bethiah/ born August 1, 1829, died, unmarried, September 3, 190 1, at San Francisco, California. 36. Elizabeth T./ born April 9, 1831, married Thomas Rob- inson Seacord; residence, Port Colborne, Ontario, Canada. Children: Lauchlen McCollam/ resides at Cleveland, Ohio; Gertrude Blake/ Samuel Woodruff/ and Henry Cartright. 6 37. Richard Taylor/ born February 7, 1835; resides at Port Colborne, Ontario, Canada. 38. Mary Jane/ born June 7, 1838, died July 17, 1901, at San Francisco, California; married, (i), Feb. 10, 1864, Omri Hixon. Children: Annie E., c Mary A./ married John W. Cuthbert, reside at San Francisco, California; Arthur Camer- on. Married (2), Sept. 25, 1879, John A. Cameron ; no issue. 11. Cornelius Hill, 4 son of Solomon 3 and Bethiah (Griffin) Hill, married Catherine Kennedy. Children of Cornelius 4 and Catherine (Kennedy) Hill: 39. John, fe died unmarried. 40. Margaret/ died unmarried. 41. Barbara,"' died unmarried. 42. Nathaniel, 5 married ? Children: Clara, married E. C. Machovy, of Vancouver, B. C. ; William/ died unmarried. 6 12. Nathaniel Hill, 4 son of Solomon 3 and Bethiah (Griffin) Hill, married ( 1) Maria Hamilton Adams, born June 6, 1806, died Mar. 10, 1845; (2) Eleanor Field, born Oct. 14, 1821, died March 7, 1906. Children of Nathaniel 4 and Maria (Adams) 1 [ill: 43. Margaret Bethiah, 5 born August 20, 1828, died May 1, 1906; married, Dec. 14, 1848, John B. Wrong. Children: Wil- liam/ Ann, Charlotte/ John/ and Helen. 44. Eliza Jane, 5 born May 30, 1830; married, Feb. 3, 1870, William Patterson; reside at Smithville, Canada. HILL FAMILY. 57 45- Piiebe Maria,"' bom November ?~ tS->-. • i sides at Smithville, Ontario, Canada ? ' 3/ ' Unmamed ' rc " 46. James Harvey. 5 born December 17, 1 84 v died Marrh on 1906 marned January ,3, x8 7 8. An gu^ta^ain^K^ 2/, 1842. Children : Margaret, 6 born Dec. 25, 1878 ■ Rowland born Dec. 12. 1880, and Jessie,* born July 26, 1884 ' K ° Wland ' Children of Nathaniel 4 and Eleanor (Field) Hill : 1871' fennifr o IVin K 5 b ° rn fe n " ary 2a l8 49; carried, Nov. 22 rie'dVS Hennin 6 :^ ^^ : ****' and E1J ^ — 187?' liZl pr' 5 b °™ f^bruary 7 , l8so; married s J„fV « , ? age ; CI " lc,rCT : Ellis Edwin,' Nellie Ann « Al fred E.,« and Frank E.,« reside at Smithville, Ontario Canada. 49- Mary Catherine/ born September 26, i8« • married sifSJ^sfss^jar l0 - i855; married - ° ct - at^gtwn^ b0r " MarCh 3 ' ^ "'™ r ™ d ^ ™ d - 15. Solomon Hill, 5 son of William* and Marv (Tafforrn Hill Co^vanada *%?' T** 1 ^ B«hSoi^hM£ li™ r Canada - "e ser ved m the Canadian militia in the Rebel- on r, f ; f °T ,ded the Mutual Fire Insura "« Company ofchn- ton Canada and was its secretary and general manager Decem- coTn 5 Con 3 iy h C rada ed ^^ ^ ° f J ° h " G ^ «& B,t£^ift : SOl0,n0n ° a " d ^'^ (Greg0 ^ HilI > a » born at I, l89 5 ^ ndreW Gregor y'° born September 23, 1834, died Dec. •4' a^oSvlt'M^sip^ 23 ' l836 ' dkd Septo " b " «* Janua^'e! ^T'*'' b ° r " J"""" 7 l8 ' l838; died ' ul ™ a ™^ 55- Annie Marguerite," born December 15, 1839. HILL FAMILY. 56. Ambrose Alfred,' 1 born December 28, 1841. 57. Samantha, born December 3, 1843, died December 5, i843- 58. Jessie," born November 10, 1844; residence, "Holin- grove," Baltimore, Md. 59. Rowland," born February 7, 1847. 17. Jacob Hill, 5 son of William* and Mary (Tafford) Hill, mar- ried, March 22, 1848, Sarah, daughter of John Gregory. Children of Jacob 5 and Sarah (Gregory) Hill: 60. Martha Ann," born March 12, 1849, died N° v - 11, 1855. 61. Frank," born May I, 1850; resides at Oakland, Cal. 62. Elizabeth," born August 25, 1852 , died Nov. 20, 1855. 63. William Ramsey," born June 4, 1854; resides at "Willow Brook," St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. 64. Ella," born May 14, 1859; married Simeon Austin Met- tler, Feb. 3d, 1881 ; reside at North Pelham, Ontario. Chil- dren : Hugh Allan, 7 Roy Clifton, 7 and Gladys Cecil. 7 65. Augusta," born February 11, 1862; married Clifton E. Enochs, Oct. 15, 1883; reside at De Queen, Arkansas. Chil- dren: Allie May, 7 Rubie Irene, 7 Minerva Lois, 7 Farmie Irma, 7 Georgia Leola, 7 Rowland H., 7 Ethel Clifton, 7 Edgar Hill. 7 66. Georgie," born June 13, 1865; married, March 21, 1907, to Isaac Haun ; reside at Sherkiston, Welland Co., Ontario, Canada. 19. John Hill, 5 son of Abraham 4 and Margaret (Culp) Hill, married ?. Children : 67. Arlon. 6 68. Murray. 8 69. Charles. 70. Martha. 8 71. Ella." "J2. Nancy Ann. 8 HILL FAMILY. 59 21. Tillman Hill, 5 son of Abraham 4 and Margaret (Culp) Hill married ?. ' Children : 73. Jefferson. 6 74. Isaac. 6 75. Eliza. 6 76. Emma. 6 77. William. 6 78. Eleva. 6 79. Anna. 6 23. Joseph Hill, 5 son of Abraham 4 and Margaret (Culp) Hill, married ?. Children : 80. John Henry. 6 81. Ezra. 82. Alfred. 6 83. Parmer. 6 84. Harvey. 6 85. Emma Jane. 6 86. Emerson. 6 26. Abraham Hill, 5 son of Abraham 4 and Margaret (Culp) Hill, married ?. Children : 87. George. 6 88. Alfred. 6 89. James Edward. 6 90. Bradley. 6 91. Emma Jane. 6 <>0 HILL FAMILY. 29. Erastus Derby Hill, 5 son of Richard 4 and Eleanor (Mud°-e) Hill, married, (1), 1840, Eliza Jane Casler; (2), 1842, Jane Hanna. Children of Erastus 5 and Eliza (Caslar) Hill: 92. Rowland Hill, b. 1841, d. 1904, Port Huron, Mich. Children of Erastus 5 and Jane (Hanna) Hill: 93. John Russell, 6 b. 1843. 94. Ernest, 6 died young. 95. Maria. 6 96. Flora D.« 97. Mary. 8 98. Sarah. 6 99. Etta. 6 100. Ella. 6 31. Solomon Trenton Hill, 5 son of Solomon 4 and Abigail (Tay- lor) Hill, married Eliza Dare. y Children of Solomon 5 and Eliza (Dare) Hill: 101. Adelaide, 6 married Dr. DePuy. 102. Julia Maria, 6 married Maston. 32 - , A ^rew Hil1 ' 6 son of Solomon 4 and Abigail (Taylor) Hill married Elizabeth Jane Farrel. y J * Children of Andrew 5 and Elizabeth (Farrel) Hill: 103. Byron. 6 104. Jennie, 6 married (1), Dennes; (2), Ste- phens. " 37- Richard Taylor Hill, 5 son of Solomon 4 and Abigail (Taylor) Hill, married Dolly Beamer, Sept. 15, 1859. Children of Richard T. 5 and Dolly (Beamer) Hill: 105. Florence Sarah, 6 married Samuel H. Willis, C. E , Aug- '3, 1885; residence, Newark, N. J. b ' ru^' JeS ^-n M ;'° married Frede "<* P. Clark, Jan. 12, 1888. Children : Willis 7 and Elaine. 7 Reside at Rochester, N. Y. HILL FAMILY. 61 « pTTM, ndrew G ^gory HiII '° son of Solomon 5 and Eleanor (Greg- ory) Hill, was educated at Victoria College, Canada, graduating in arts and m law with degree of LL. B. iS 1861 he began the pra tice of the legal profession in Welland County. Canada" or several years was a member of the County Board of Education. A the time of his death and for a long period prior thereto, he was police magistrate at Niagara Falls, Canada. October 9, 1865, he married Isabel, daughter of Archibald Thompson. Children of Andrew 6 and Isabel (Thompson) Hill: mlT Fr ^f c ^ William,' born August 8, 1866; resides at Niagara halls, Canada. 108. Luella Jane/ born November 1, 1868; married, Tune i* 1893. Herbert Russell Howard. Children : Frederick Russell » Reside in New York City. 109. Alberta Maud/ born April 2, 1874: married June 6, 1900, Frank Murray Tench. Children: Donald Murray 8 Eleanor Alberta, 8 and Frank Caruthers. 8 Reside New York City. no. Isabel Ethel/ born January 28, 1884; married, Decem- ber 16. 1903, Julian Thornby, C. E. ; reside New York City. 53- Jacq Tafford Hill, 6 son of Solomon 3 and Eleanor (Gregory) Hill, was educated at Victoria College, Canada, graduating in & i8 5 7 with degree of M. D. ; removed to New Orleans, La., where he died unmarried ; was a surgeon in the Civil War. 55- Annie Marguerite Hill, 6 daughter of Solomon 3 and Eleanor (Gregory) Hill, was educated at the Western Seminary, Hamilton Canada; m 1884 removed to Baltimore, Maryland; afterwards studied art in France and graduated from the Julien Academy, Rans; returned to America and founded the American Art School Baltimore ; was chief of the faculty for several years. At the Co- lumbian Exposition exhibited one of her special works of art a representation of the birth place of the National Anthem, the Star Spangled Banner, for which she received honorable mention In 1896 she removed to New York City and since then has made a specialty ot high class miniature painting. 56. Ambrose Alfred Hill, 6 son of Solomon 5 and Eleanor (Greg- ory) Hill ; educated at Victoria College, Canada, where he received 02 HILL FAMILY degree of M. D. ; practiced his profession at Irvington, New Jersey, and at Saint Catharines, Ontario, Canada; author of "Homeopathy Briefly Explained." In 1875 he retired from medical practice and removed to Batherton Villa estate ; subsequently he disposed of this estate. In 1887 he removed to Baltimore, Maryland, where he now resides. October 29, 1874, he married Eliza W., daughter of Major John Weyland, of Coaticoke, Quebec, Canada, born June 11, 1856, died May 20, 1875. 59. Rowland Hill,' 1 son of Solomon 5 and Eleanor (Gregory) Hill ; educated in Ontario, Canada ; studied law in the office of his brother, Andrew Gregory, and at Virginia Law School, where he graduated in 1893; f° r several years practiced his profession at Baltimore, Md. ; in 1904, removed to New York City and is now one of the attorneys of the Title Guarantee and Trust Company. De- cember 18, 1878, he married Lizzie R., daughter of George W. Gerow, of St. Johns, New Brunswick, born August 12, i860, died October 4, 1892. Children of Rowland and Lizzie Raymond (Gerow) Hill: if 1. Cecil (daughter), 7 born September 21, 1879, at Saint Catharines, Canada ; resides at "Holingrove," Baltimore, Md. 112. Reginald Batherton, 7 born October 16, 1883; died April 22, 1884. 113. Rowland, 7 born July 30, 1886; died June 22, 1887. 114. Raymond Aileen, 7 born September 12, 1888, married, November 28, 1906, Elmer Martin, son of Hon. Samuel Mar- tin Whiteford ; reside at Baltimore, Maryland. 115. Rowland Travis, 7 born March 31, 1891, at Norfolk, Va. 116. Jessie Raymond, 7 born October 4, 1892, at Norfolk, Va. 61. Frank Hill,* son of Jacob 5 and Sarah (Gregory) Hill; edu- cated at St. Catharines Collegiate Institute, Canada; in 1881 re- moved to Arkansas, where in 1892 he was elected County and Pro- bate Judge; in 1894 and 1896 he was re-elected; in 1898 he was elected Commissioner of Mines, Manufactures and Agriculture of Arkansas; in 1900, re-elected; in 1902 and 1903 elected Grand Com- mander of the Knights Templar of Arkansas; in 1906, removed to Oakland. California. October 12, 1875, he married Lavadue Elea- nor, daughter of Jabez Johnson. HILL FAMILY. 03 Children of Frank and Lavadue (Johnson) Hill: 1 17. Lola, 7 born October 29, 1877. 118. Hugh Beverly, 7 born February 28, 1880. 119. Ethel Pearl, 7 born October 13, 1882. 63. William Ramsey Hill," son of Jacob 5 and Sarah (Gregory) Hill, inherited "Willow Brook" homestead of his father; married, November 30, 1877, Ada C. Corman. Children of William Ramsey" and Ada (Corman) Hill: 120. Rena Evalin, 7 born September 18, 1888. 121. Arnold Gordon, 7 born July 15, 1892. 122. Myrtle, 7 born May 6, 1898. 123. Ina, 7 born September 12, 1902. 124. Hazel Beatrice, 7 born November 9, 1904. 92. Rowland Hill, 8 son of Erastus D. 5 and Eliza (Casler) Hill, married Mary Jane Lowe. Children of Rowland 6 and Mary (Lowe) Hill: 125. George Erastus. 7 126. Sarah Elizabeth. 7 127. Ethel May. 7 128. Thomas Russel. 7 129. Amy Eleanor. 7 130. Jessie Bell. 7 93. John Russel Hill, 6 son of Erastus D. 5 and Eliza (Casler) Hill, married Louisa Dobson. Children : 131. Percival. 7 132. Ernest. 7 107. Frederick William Hill, 7 son of Andrew G.° and Isabel (Thompson) Hill, was admitted to the bar in 1891 ; is Major of the 44th Regiment, Canadian Militia; in 1898 was Mayor of Niagara 64 HILL FAMILY Falls, Canada. October 10, 1894, married Henrietta, daughter of Henry T. Johnson. Children of Frederick William 7 and Henrietta (Johnson) Hill: 133. Isabel Louise, 8 born March 7, 1901. 125. George Erastus Hill, 7 son of Rowland' 3 and Mary Jane (Lowe) Hill, married Alina Wilson. Children of George Erastus 7 and Alina (Wilson) Hill: 134. George Edward. 8 135. Clara. 8 DEAN FAMILY. g5 THE DEAN FAMILY. Richard Dean/ on July 20, 1775, was mustered into the Ameri- can service at Goshen, Orange County, N. Y., as a private in Captain Daniel Denton's company, Colonel James Clinton's Third LgS of Continentals. J n muster roll on file at Capitol at Albany he "s ev™" (^"S *%*? £o »J inches in height, haTr Mack t^! N g T ( ^ rchlve r s ' State ° f New York, in Revolution, Vol. I p 144.) According to family tradition he was killed, while in the ser- Sr widow °W g 11°^ JUI >' l6 ' r 779- After his dea h, ms widow, Susan (Ward) Dean, married Crawford blacksmith, who lived at or near what is now known as Ore-on Put- nam Valley, Putnam County, N. Y. Richard Dean and Sman Ward 1 ad but one child, Richard,* who was born September 10, 1771 an died at Red Mills, Putnam County, N. Y., May 23 i8so He was SEE? m vu P^^ 11 church ^ at'Red^k fnow C auS Mahopac Falls), and a stone marks his -rave He was active in military affairs. March 24, 1803, he wS appointed ens gn n the H a C t ie a S , S , r ty , Mlh r : FebrUar >' 2 ' l8l ° he s « cce ^ed John Hyatt as lieutenant and served in that position in the War of 1812 with England. His occupation was that of a blacksmith and farmer August 27 1794 he was married by Rev. Nathan Cole, to Atefchea' daughter of Smith and Martha (Brewer) Austin, of Red Mills' She was born January 13, 1777, a nd died at Red Mills. June 24! 1876. within a few months of her hundredth birthday. Red^ins^ ° f RiChard2 and Al£thea (AuStin) Dean ' a11 bom at 3*, Anna^born August 19, 1795; died April 19, 1861 at Richford Tioga Co. N Y. ; married, March n, gii, Uriah -tiiu. (bee Hill family.) 4- John, 3 born August 17, 1797, died unmarried at New York- City, November 23, 1832. 5- Mary, 3 born March 15, 1800; died at - March 20, 1888; married William Alley, born 1777, died April 19, 1848 issue: 1. Mary Ann, 4 born September 25. 1827, mar- Roter{ A n, Sinclair. J ° ShUa L ° Unsbur ^ 2 > EIizabe ^ carried 6 Smith Austin, 3 born March 10, 1802; died April 28 1840 at Aurora, Kane County, Illinois. ' ""' Mi DEAN FAMILY 7. Stephen Dodd, 8 born January 13, 1804; died in California in 1850. 8. Adah, 3 born March 26, 1806; died unmarried at Lake Ma- hopac, N. Y., November 2, 1837. 9. Ira Ward, 3 born July 3, 1809; died at Buffalo, N. Y., Sep- tember 4, 1853. 10. Amzi Lewis, 3 born September 5, 181 1 ; died at Lake Ma- hopac, N. Y., October 4, 1876. 11. Cornelius, 3 born January 13, 1814; died unmarried at Lake Mahopac, N. Y., March 7, 1886. He was assessor and commissioner of highways, Carmel, for many years; supervis- or of Carmel, 1850; coroner in Putnam County, N. Y., for 16 years ; captain and lieutenant-colonel in New York State Militia, and for twenty years director of the Farmers and Drovers Bank of Somers, N. Y. 12. Lewis A., 3 born July 9, 1816; died at Aurora, Illinois, March 10, 1902. 13. William Augustus, 3 born January 4, 1819; died in New York City, unmarried, July 12, 1854. He was a lawyer, prac- ticing his' profession at Carmel, N. Y., and afterwards in New York City. 6. Smith Austin Dean, 3 son of Richard 2 and Alethea (Austin) Dean, married, 1830, Delilah, daughter of Robert Wright, of Lake Mahopac, N. Y., born February 21, 1810; died December 2, 1882, at Aurora, 111. Children of Smith Austin 3 and Delilah (Wright) Dean: 14. Erastus, 4 born July 18, 1831, at Red Mills, N. Y. ; resides at Aurora, 111. 15. Alethea, 4 born July 10, 1833, at Red Mills, N. Y. ; died at Aurora, Illinois, June 14, 1898. 16. John, 4 born at Red Mills, N. Y., July 19, 1835; died at Aurora, Illinois, September 17, 1878. 17. Adah, 4 born October 24, 1837. 18. Robert, 4 born April 9, 1840; died August 9, 1847. to. Lewis A., 4 born September 30, 1842, at Red Mills, N. Y. 20. Miriam, 4 born June 16, 1845. 21. Nathaniel, 4 born March 9. 1849; died March 27, 1850. DEAN FAMILY. 67 7. Stephen Dodd Dean, 3 son of Richard- and Alethea (Austin) Dean ; married, August 3, 1830, at Livonia, Livingston County, N. Y., Eliza Ann Williams; born December 25, 1809, died March 5, 1881. Children of Stephen D. and Eliza (Williams) Dean, born at Li- vonia, N. Y. 22. William A., 4 born March 9, 1832. 23. Eliza Ann, 4 born June 11, 1833 ; died June 28, 1833. 24. Susan, 4 born August 3, 1834; died April 19, 1836. 25. Adah, 4 born March 7, 1838; married, March 2, 1862, Al- phonso S. Bacon, of Livonia, N. Y. ; bom March 20, 1836, at Howard, Steuben Co., N. Y. ; reside at Kalamazoo, Mich. Is- sue : 1. Jay, 5 born June 17, 1863 ; died December 18, 1901 ; mar- ried, April 6, 1892, Olive J. Winters. 2. Emma A., 5 born May 5, 1870 ; died October 3, 1882. 9. Ira Ward Dean, 3 son of Richard 2 and Alethea (Austin) Dean, married, August 6, 1834, Harriet, daughter of Isaac and Sarah (Brown) Haff, of Ossining, Westchester County, N. Y. ; born March 18, 181 5 ; died in New York City, December 24, 1888. Children of Ira W. 3 and Harriet (Haff) Dean: 26. Augusta C., 4 born at Red Mills, N. Y., April 6, 1835 ; died in New York City, February 12, 18—; married George Parri- sen. Issue : Isabella 5 and Georgia, 5 born January 20, 1855. 2y. Lawrence H., 4 born at Red Mills, N. Y., September 3, 1837 ; married, February 4, i860, Sarah E., daughter of Peter Allison. Issue: Cora T.. 5 born November 4, 1861 ; married, September 5, 1881, George L. Gerring. 28. Mary F., 4 born February 6, 1839 ! married, June 16, i860, Jones Driggs, of New York City ; reside at Fair View, Bergen Co., N. J. Issue: 1. Harry G., 5 born March 29, 1861 ; died August 4, 1864. 2. Chauncey M., 5 born March 2, 1865 ; mar- ried, July 8, 1896, Elizabeth Parkinson. 3. Grace A., 5 born November 23, 1868; married, January 14, 1898, Hugh Horn- bostel. 4. Augusta P., 5 born November 30, 1870; died Janu- ary 10, 1873. 5. Jesse F., B born January 26, 1875. 6. Law- rence Dean, 5 born December 5, 1877; died January 25, 1881. 29. Sarah M., 4 born May 6, 1841 ; died June 16, ; mar- ried, July 2, 1862, Furman Storms. Issue: 1. George A., 5 born 68 DEAN FAMILY. July 8, 1863; married, August 31, 1887, Annie, daughter of Robert MacKeller, of Peekskill, N. Y. 2. Lulu B., 5 born Au- gust 12, 1871 ; died July 17, 1873. 3. Harriet E., 5 born March 31, 1869; died February 18, 1870. 4. Gertrude W., 5 born Au- gust 20, 1874. 5. Harriet, 5 born May 10, 1881. 30. Elizabeth, 4 born January 19, 1845 ; married, November 8, 1872, Charles Chase. No issue. 10. Amzi Lewis Dean, 3 son of Richard 2 and Alethea (Austin) Dean ; married, June 4, 1836, Catherine, daughter of Joshua Louns- bury, of the town of Carmel, Putnam County, N. Y. ; born Decem- ber 20, 1819, died January 23, 1894. He resided at Lake Mahopac ; was a prominent and influential citizen ; was proprietor of Dean House ; in 1854 was Supervisor of Carmel, and for many years was clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Putnam County. He was also one of the Commissioners of State Prisons of New York. Children of Amzi Lewis 3 and Catherine (Lounsbury) Dean, all born in the town of Carmel. 31. Joshua Lounsberry, 4 born Dec. 7, 1839. 32. Laura J., 4 born Sept. 10, 1842 ; died Feb. 19, 1844. 33. Adrian H., 4 born November 13, 1846; resides at Lake Mahopac, N. Y. 34. William A., 4 born January 10. 18^4; -esides at Lake Mahopac, N. Y. 12. Lewis A. Dean, 3 son of Richard 2 and Alethea (Austin) Dean ; married, 1840, Clarissa DeMott, of New York City ; born June 6, 1818; died at Aurora. Illinois, August, 1904. Children of Lewis A. 3 and Clarissa (DeMott) Dean: 35. Margaret A., 4 born March 8, 1841 ; died March 24, 1843. 36. John H., 4 born February 9, 1844; died January 13, 1853. 37. Edwin L., 4 born November 3, 1845 \ died May 20, 1846. 38. Adah E., 4 born November 25, 1848; died December 28, 1852. 39. Mary A., 4 born April 7, 1850 ; died February 7, 1853. 40. Lewis C., 4 born July 19, 1853 ; resides at Aurora, 111. 41. William A., 4 born August 2, 1855 > died March 29, 1868. 42. James H., 4 born July 31, i860; died September 19, i860. DEAN FAMILY 09 22. William A. Dean, 4 son of Stephen D. 3 and Eliza (Williams) Dean married (i), March 20, 1855, Catherine E. Long, born March 20, 1834, died March 16, 1873 I (2), October 18, 1875, Mary I. Mon- tague, born March 12, 1844; reside at Kalamazoo, Michigan Is- sue: 1 Clarence L., 5 born March 24, 1856; married, December 5, W9-, Jessie McLane, at Haverhill, Mass. 2. Mary A., 5 born April 18, 1858; died August 3, 1898; married, November 5, 1886, Edward Anderson, of Kalamazoo, Mich. 3. Lillian, born April 15, i860; married, October 18, 1879, Chester M. Kingsley, of Kala- mazoo, Mich. 31. Joshua Lounsbury Dean, 4 son of Amzi L. 3 and Catherine (Lounsbury) Dean; married, April 10, 1872, Catherine E., daughter of John J. H. Jackson, of New York City ; reside at Mahopac Falls, N. Y. Issue: 1. Henry J., 5 born September 20, 1873. 2. Isabel, 5 born May 30, 1881. 33. Adrian H. Dean, 4 son of Amzi L. 3 and Catherine (Louns- bury) Dean; married, April 30, 1879, Flora, daughter of Joseph Sackett Wright, of Somers, N. Y. ; reside at Lake Mahopac, N. Y. Issue : 1. Lewis S., 5 born May 20, 1888. 2. Flora W., 5 born March 11, 1892. 70 PINCKNEY FAMILY. PINCKNEY FAMILY. i. Philip Pinckney 1 was a lineal descendant of the Pinckneys of Tattersat, Pinckney Manor, Norfolk County, England, whose an- cestor came into that country at the time of William the Conqueror. As early as 1649, Philip Pinckney was in Fairfield, Connecticut. June 24, 1664, Thomas Pell granted to Philip Pinckney and James Eustis, for themselves and their associates, land on Hutchinson River, Westchester County, N. Y. March 9, 1664, the sale was con- finned by Governor Nichols unto Philip Pinckney, James Eustis and William Hayden, as patentees for and in behalf of themselves and their associates. The settlement became known as Eastchester and is now known as the City of Mt. Vernon, Westchester County, N. Y. The ten patentees were Philip Pinckney, William Hayden, James Eustis, John Hoitte, Richard Shute, David Osburn, Samuel Drake, James Embury, John Jackson and Moses Hoitte. Philip Pinckney died in 1687. His will dated January 9, 1688-9, proved February 14, 1688-9, recorded March 16, 1688-9, Westchester Coun- ty Register's Office, mentions sons Thomas, John and William, un- married daughters Elizabeth, Jean, Ann and Deborah, and " married daughters," not naming them. Philip spelled 'his name with a c and for that reason it will be spelled in that way in this genealogy. Among the children of Philip Pinckney were : 2. Thomas, 2 born 1662 ; died 1732, as appears by tombstone in Eastchester churchyard. 3. William. 2 4. John, 1 ' died before 1725. 5. Abigail, 2 married David Osburn. 6. Elizabeth. 2 7. Jane. 2 8. Deborah. 2 9. Ann. 2 10. Rachel. 2 married John Pell. 2. Thomas Pinckney, 2 son of Philip Pinckney, 1 married Hannah He is named as a devisee in his father's will, January 16, 1688-9 PINCKNEY FAMILY. 71 Children of Thomas 2 and Hannah Pinckney : ii. William, 3 born 1680; died March 11, 1755; age 75, ac- cording to tombstone in Eastdhester churchyard. 12. Thomas, 3 born 1683 : in Eastchester census of 1710 he is described as aged 27. 13. Philip. 5 14. Jonathan. 3 15. Hannah. 3 16. Susanah. 3 17. Jane. 3 3. William Pinckney, 2 son of Philip Pinckney/ is named as one of the devisees in 'his father's will ; his name also appears among a list of resident freeholders of Eastchester made in 1682 ; in a poll list of Eastchester made in 1725 his name appears. Among his children was : 18. William, Jr. 3 4. John Pinckney, 2 son of Philip Pinckney, 1 is named as a de- visee in his father's will ; he married Abijah Hunt. Children of John 2 and Abigail (Hunt) Pinckney: 19. Samuel. 3 20. Ferris. 3 21. Sarah. 3 22. Abigail. 3 23. Mary. 3 24. Isabella. 3 5. Abigail Pinckney, 2 daughter of Philip Pinckney, 1 married, 1679, David, son of Captain David Osburn, a soldier in the Pequot War, 1637-8. Children: 25. Sarah Osburn. 3 26. Richard Osburn. 3 27. Abigail Osburn. 3 72 PLXCKNEY FAMILY. 10. Rachel Pinckney,- daughter of Philip Pinckney, 1 married, in 1684, Hon. John Pell, 2nd, Lord of the Manor of Pelnam, West- chester County, N. Y. He was the owner of what afterward became known as the townships of Pelham and New Rochelle, Westchester County, embracing 9,166 acres ; and died in 1700. Children : 28. Thomas Pell, 3 born 1686; died 1739; married Ann, daughter of an Indian Chief. 29. John Pell, 3 died young. 30. Ada Pell, 3 married Honeywell. 31. Tamar Pell, 3 married James Eustis. 32. Mary Pell, 3 married Samuel Ratman. 11. William Pinckney, 3 son of Thomas 2 and Hannah Pinckney, was known as " Captain Will Pinckney." His will, dated Novem- ber 16, 1751, names wife, Ithamar ; son Israel; daughters, Jane, Mary, Sarah and Jemima. Children : 33. William, 1 died 1746. 34. Israel, 4 died 1765. 35. Ithamar, 4 married Joseph Conklin. 36. Mary, 4 married John Hunt, Esq. ; died 1777. 37. Jemima, 4 married Israel Honeywell, Jr. 38. Sarah, 4 married Caleb Hunt ; died 1769. 39. Jane, 4 married, (1), Thomas Weedon, died 1746- is- sue, William, Mary and Elizabeth. (2), John Jones. I2 - J}}° mas Pin^ney, 3 son of Thomas 2 and Hannah Pinckney, married Elizabeth Chappel, of Long Island. Children : 40. Thomas, 4 born February, 1729. 41. Israel, 4 born Circa, 1735; died January 7, 1829, at Red Mills, Putnam County, N. Y. ; married Dorothy Rich. 42. Philip, 4 married August 1, 1765, Elizabeth, daughter of John Townsend. 43- Sarah, 4 married John Williams. 44- Jemima, 4 married Thomas Ward. 45. Phebe, 4 married Thomas Fowler. 46. William, 4 born Jan. 12, 1737 ; died March 26, 1802. PINCKNEY FAMILY. 73 13. Philip Pinckney, 3 son of Thomas 2 and Hannah Pinckney married Leah, daughter of Lewis Guyon of Eastchester. m./i" /T^c 11 F ?£ ss Z* SOn of Th ^as 2 and Hannah Pinckaey, married, (1), Sarah Ward; (2), Alida Staff. Y Children of Jonathan Pinckney : 47. Jonathan. 4 48. Miriam. 4 49. Sarah. 4 50. John, 4 born 1741 ; died 1744. 51. Gilbert, 4 bom May 3, 1743 ; died 1818, at Somers, West- chester County, N. Y. ' 52. John, 4 born July 12, 1746; died January 8, 1836 at Sher- burn, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. ' 6 ' 53. Philip, 4 born October 20, 1749. n«rf« ft ^l?' 4 b ? m November 2I > I75i; died at Bear River, Digby County, Nova ScOtia. 55. David 4 born 1761 ; removed to Nova Scotia; was mem- ber of assembly ; died unmarried, May 17, 1826. 33- William Pinckney, 4 son of William 3 and Ithamar Pincknev married Sarah They had no issue. He died before his' lamer, Captain Will Pinckney. His will, dated November it 1745, proved January 24, 1746, names wife, Sarah ; father, William ' brother, Isreal ; sister, Tfaamar, wife of Joseph Conklin ; sister Tane Weedon; sister, Mary, wife of Israel Honeywell; sister, Sarah- nephew, William, son of Thomas Weedon, and neice, Isabel daugh- ter of brother Israel. fe 34- Israel Pinckney, 4 son of William 3 and Ithamar Pinckney, left a will dated September 9, 1760; proved February 18, 1765, in which he mentions wife, not named ; son William, daughter Rachel, wife of Jacob Post, Jr., and daughter Isabel, who, as seen above, was named in the will of her Uncle William Pinckney. Bolton, in His- tory of Westchester County, makes mistake of naming Rachel Pinck- ney, who married Jacob Post, as a daughter of Israel and Dorothy (Rich) Pinckney. Children: 56. William, 5 died February, 181 1, in New York City. U PINCKNEY FAMILY 57. Rachel,"' born March 22, 1732; married Jacob Post, Jr. 58. Isabel, 5 married Captain George Elvvyn, of England : re- moved to New York City and from there to Albany, N. Y. ; had a son, George, baptized in St. Peter's Church, Albany. 40. Thomas Pinckney, 4 son of Thomas* and Elizabeth Pinckney, married, December 28, 1758, Abigail Briggs. (See N. Y. Mar- riages.) Children: 59. Thomas. 5 60. Briggs. 5 He was a private in 3rd Westchester County Militia in War of Revolution. 61. Elijah. 5 62. Josiah. 5 63. Rachel. 5 64. Rebecca. 5 41. Israel Pinckney, 4 son of Thomas 8 and Elizabeth (Chappel) Pinckney, married, circa, 1760, Dorothy Rich. She was a descend- ant of Balthassar Rich or Rychey ; born in Flaach, Canton of Zurich, Switzerland, 1662; moved to Pfalf after 1678; came to America about 1700, settling in Westchester County, N. Y. Israel Pinckney removed from Eastchester to Yonkers, N. Y., where he became a landowner. June 29, 1761, Israel and Dorothy executed a mort- gage on lands in Yonkers. About 1777, being devoted to the Ameri- can cause, he removed from Yonkers, (a part of what was known as Neutral Ground), to Red Mills, Dutchess (now Putnam) County, N. Y. During the War of the Revolution he was a private in Captain Hezekiah Mead's Company, Colonel Henry Ludington's Seventh New York Regiment (N. Y. Revolution, page 151). In 1788, he purchased of the Commissioners of Forfeitures, 144 acres in Philipse Patent, Fredericksburg Precinct, Dutchess County, N. Y. This farm was located on what is now known as German Flats, in the town of Carmel, Putnam County, N. Y. He died intestate ; letters of administration were issued to his son Lewis. Both he and his wife were buried in what was known as the Carver Family burial ground, Carmel, now covered by the New York City reservoir. Children, all born in Westchester County, except Thomas : 65. Lewis, 5 born 1761 ; died July 9, 1831, at Red Mills, N. Y. 66. Gilbert, 5 born 1765 ; died 1832, at Red Mills, N. Y. PINCKNEY FAMILY. 75 67. Nancy, 5 born 1766; died June 12, 1831, at Red Mills, N. Y. : married William Hill. (See Hill family.) 68. Rachel, 5 married David Hitchcock. 69. Sarah, 5 born April 23, 1770; died May 13, 1846, at Red Mills, N. Y. ; married Noah Hill. (See Hill family.) 70. Thomas, 5 born May 1, 1778, at Red Mills, N. Y. ; died August 10, 1837, at Red Mills. 42. Philip Pinckney, 4 son of Thomas 8 and Elizabeth (Chappel) Pinckney, married, August 1. 1765, Elizabeth, daughter of John Townsend of Mamaroneck. The will of John Townsend, proved January 25, 1771, mentions daughter, Elizabeth Pinckney. Chil- dren: 71. Philip. 8 72. Elizabeth. 8 73. Richard. 5 46. William Pinckney, 4 son of Thomas 3 and Elizabeth (Chappel) Pinckney, married Freelove, daughter of John Townsend ; born 1740; died June, 1822. Both are buried in St. Paul's church- yard, Eastchester. His will, dated March 16, 1802, proved March 29, 1802, names wife, Freelove ; children, Jonathan, Micajah, Wil- liam, James, David, Jemima, Sally, Anna, wife of Joseph Reynolds ; Sebe, wife of Elijah Rich; Mary, wife of David Roberts, and grand- sons, Gilbert Frost, Henry Pinckney, and granddaughters, Louisa Fraser and Maria Fraser. Appoints Jonathan and Micajah Pinck- ney executors. Children : 74. Henry, 5 died April 2, 178 — . 75. Jonathan, 5 born August 27, 1769; died April 3, 1834. yy. William, 5 died 1834, Ithaca, N. Y. 78. James. 5 79. David. 5 80. Jemima, 5 died, aged 87; married, December I, 1780, Major John David Fraser, of the British Army. 81. Sarah, 5 married Doctor Post. 82. Anna, 5 born 1764; died December 25, 1825; married Joseph Reynolds. 76 PINCKNEY FAM1L\ . 83. Rhelbe, 8 t>orn 1770; died July, 1845; married Elijah Rich, born 1762 ; died October, 1822. 85. Mary, 5 married, February 19, 1778, David Roberts. 86. Sebe, 5 born 1765; died July 2, 1849; Elijah Ward. 51. Gilbert Pinckney, 4 son of Jonathan 3 and Sarah (Ward) Pinckney, married Sibel Townsend. He removed from Eastchester to that part of Cortlandt's Manor now known as Somers, Westches- ter County, N. Y. He was a private in Third Westchester County Militia in War of Revolution. March 19, 1815, he conveyed to Lancaster Underbill his interest in lands in Eastchester of which his father, Jonathan Pinckney, died seized. March 13, 1805, he execut- ed his will, which was proved January 11, 1819; in it he names his sons, Charles, Elijah, John, Jonathan, James and Gilbert and his daughters, Elizabeth, Alche and Anna, and his granddaughter, Rebecca. Children : 87. Charles, 5 born May 29, 1766; died October 13, 1836, at Red'Mills, N. Y. 88. Elizabeth, 5 born September 11, 1767; died 1844; married Robert Lounsberry. 89. Alche, 5 born September 22, 1769; married Caleb Mar- shall. 90. Elijah, 5 born September 25, 1771 ; died 1811-12. 91. Ann, 5 born January 11, 1775 ; died unmarried. 92. John, 5 born July 17, 1777 ; died unmarried at Aurelius, N. Y. 93. Gilbert, 5 born May 3, 1782; died August 11, 1837, a * South Onondaga, N. Y. 94. Jonathan, 5 born May 3, 1782. 95. James, 5 born May 1, 1785 ; died November 26, 1853, at Aurelius, N. Y. 52. John Pinckney, 4 son of Jonathan 3 and Sarah (Ward) Pinck- ney ; removed from Westchester County, N. Y., to Yarmouth, Shel- burn County, Nova Scotia, during the War of the Revolution, and purchased a farm now known as Pinckney Point. He married, Feb- ruary 4, 1789, Louisa Cook, she died May 8, 1843. Children: 96. Elizabeth, 5 died October 5, 1861 ; married Captain Reu- ben Clements. PICKNEY FAMILY. 77 97. Mary, 5 born May 3, 1793 ; married Samuel Tedford. 98. Gilbert, 5 born February 20, 1796. 99. Sarah, 5 born October 1, 1798; married Isaac Morehouse. 100. John, 5 born July 16, 1791 ; died May 18, 1877, at Cen- tral Chehoque, Nova Scotia. 101. Rebecca, 5 born July 27, 1800; married, (1), Thomas Russel ; (2), Hubert Huntington. 102. Elijah, 5 born August 12, 1802. 103. Silphia. 5 born November 13, 1807; married Foster Sher lock. 104. Louisa, 5 born November 1, 1809 ; married David S. Kin- ney. 54. Charles Pinckney, 4 son of Jonathan 3 and Sarah (Ward) Pinckney ; removed to Bear River, Digbey County, Nova Scotia. He married, 1787, Rebecca Cook. Among his Children was: 105. Charles, 5 born October 2, 1788; died October 15, 1858. 56. William Pinckney, 5 son of Israel 4 Pinckney, married, Au- gust 26, 1773, Hannah Drake. October 25, 1799, he purchased 50 acres of land in Yonkers. His will, dated January 5, 181 1, proved February 13, 181 1, names wife, Hannah, sons Stephen, William and Israel, all of New York City. August 26, 1818, Hannah, widow, and William, son, conveyed to Israel, son, lands in Yonkers. Chil- dren : 106. William, died September, 1843, N. Y. City; married Dorcas . 107. Israel, married Eliza ; merchant, New York City. 108. Stephen, merchant, New York City ; died intestate ; un- married 1 8 18. 57. Rachel Pinckney, 5 daughter of Israel 4 Pinckney, mairied Jacob Post, Jr., 1756. Children : 109. Lewis Post, born October 15, 1757. no. Israel Post, born May 15, 1758. in. David Post, 6 born March 28, 1760; died October 16, 1803. 78 PINCKNEY FAMILY. 112. Frederick Post, 6 born November 16, 1762. 113. Phebe Post, 6 born October 20, 1764. 114. James Post, 6 born September 10, 1766. 115. Elizabeth Post, 6 born August 12, 1768. 116. Euphemia Post, 6 born May 7, 1772. 117. Mary Post, 6 born June II, 1774. 118. Getty, 6 born June 12, 1780. 65. Lewis Pinckney, 6 son of Israel 4 and Dorothy (Rich) Pinck- ney, farmer, Red Mills, N. Y. Private in Capt. Hezekiah Mead's Company, Col. Henry Ludington's Regiment, Seventh, New York in War of Revolution ; married Orpha, daughter of Daniel Pierce, of Red Mills; born May 13, 1768; died Jan. 29, 1836; both buried in Carver family burial ground. Children, all born at Red Mills : 119. Stephen, 6 born November 27, 1791 ; died Feb. 17, 1873, at Red Mills. 120. Ira, 6 born July 8, 1793 ; died July 9, 1873, at Red Mills. I2i. Pierce, 6 born June 26, 1794; died Dec, 1882, at Centre Lisle, N. Y. 122. Chloe, 6 March 7, 1796; died April 30, 1881, at Carmel, N. Y. ; married Joseph Gaming ; died 1865 ; issue, Auretta, (m. David A. Lent), Celista, Emalinda, n. m. 123. Dorothy, 6 born 1797 ; died July 2, 1878, near Red Mills, N. Y. ; married Anthony Hill. (See Hill family.) 124. Phebe, 6 born 1 80 1 ; died August 26, 1887, Carmel, N. Y. 125. Hetty, 6 born Feb. 10, 1804; died October 1, 1866, at Red Mills, N. Y. ; married, Mar. 18, 1838, Job. C. Austin. 126. Jane, 6 died circa, i860, near Red Mills; married Wm. Agor. 127. Sarah, 6 born May 12, 1806; died October 24, 1891, at Red Mills; married James Hill. (See Hill family.) 128. Henry, 6 born 1809; died 1873, New York City. 12'). William." born 1815; died Nov. 2, 1884; m. Dean. PINCKNEY FAMILY. 79 66. Gilbert Pinckney, 5 son of Israel* and Dorothy (Rich) Pinck- ney ; married Charity, daughter of Gilbert Cargin, of Carmel, N. Y. Children : 130. Ira, 6 born 1807 ; died Feb. 28, 1878, at Somers, N. Y. 131. Rachel, died in Putnam Valley, N. Y. ; married, (1), Reuben Williams; (2), Nathaniel Crane; d. 1851. Issue: Ro- dolph. 132. Mahala, 6 died at Carmel, N. Y. ; married George Til- ford. 67. Nancy Pinckney," daughter of Israel* and Dorothy (Rich) Pinckney ; married William Hill. Children : 133. Gilbert Hill. 8 born October 14, 1797 ; died Dec. 5, 1874. 134. Andrew Hill." died young. 135. Arva Hill, 6 born April 14, 1805 ; died Jan. 22, 1884. 136. Jacob Hill, 6 born July 27, 1793 ; died May 11, 1877. 137. Alza Hill, 6 born June 17, 1809; died October 23, 1896. 138. William Hill, 6 born 1799; died March 30, 1842. 139. Sarah Hill, 6 born 1791 ; died Feb. 9, 1848. 140. Mary Hill. 6 141. Rachel Hill, 6 born June 17, 1802; died April 28, 1888; unmarried. 142. Bethiah Hill, 6 born 1798; died Nov. 9, 1881. 68. Rachel Pinckney, 5 daughter of Israel 4 and Dorothy (Rich) Pinckney; married David Hitchcock, of Hitchcock's Hill, Putnam County, N. Y. Children, all born at Hitchcock's Hill, Carmel. N. Y. : 143. Israel Hitchcock, married Sarah, daughter of Henry Baldwin ; issue, James and Frederick. 144. Stephen Hitchcock, born October 3, 1790; died March 3, 1865, near Red Mills ; married Pamelia Banker ; born 1802 ; died September 3, 1882. 145. Nancy Hitchcock, born 1791 ; died March 9, i860; mar- ried, Feb. 15, 1832, Wm. Hart, of Red Mills. 80 PINCKNEY FAMILY. 146. Daniel Hitchcock, born Jan. 17, 1793 ; died November 22, 1870; married Patience Craft; born April 13, 1792; died Nov. 25, 1825. Issue: 1. Emily, born Jan. 17, 1814; married Lorzenzo D. Hill. 2. Mary A., born Feb. 27, 1816; married Daniel Hornbeck. 3. Hiram, born October 31, 1818. 4. David, born October 29, 1821 ; married Anna M. Purdy. 147. David Hitchcock, born 1795 ; died Dec. 26, 1862 ; Colonel N. Y. S. M., Putnam Co., N. Y. ; married Susan Hunt. Issue : David W., born September 28, 1850; Stephen R., born August 16, 1852 ; both reside in Brooklyn, N. Y. 69. Sarah Pinckney, 5 daughter of Israel 4 and Dorothy (Rich) Pinckney ; married Noah Hill, farmer, Red Mills, N. Y. Children, all born at Red Mills : 148. Uriah Hill, 6 born Jan. 22, 1789 ; died Jan. 28, 1885. 149. Chloe Hill, born 1791 ; died April 11, 1874; married Daniel Wright. 150. Anthony Hill, 6 born 1793 ; died Feb. 22, 1867. 151. Esther Hill," born Mar. 8. 1801 ; died October 1, 1871. 152. Mahala, 6 died young. 70. Thomas Pinckney, 5 son of Israel 4 and Dorothy (Rich) Pinckney ; married Rebecca, daughter of Timothy Carver, Jr., of Carmel ; born 1780; died 1821. Children: 153. Charlotte,' 1 born r8oo ; died 1861 ; married Wesley 154. Israel. born Dec. 2, 1802; died Jan. 2, 1891, at Carme!. N. Y. 155. Timothy, born 1802; died 1864; unmarried. 156. Hannah, born 1806; died 1897; married Samuel W. Travis; d. 1889; issue: Jemima Jane, Cecelia, Deborah, Joseph W., and George F. 157. Rachel,' born 1808; died 1842; married Nicholas Van- Wagener. 158. Eliza, 6 born 1812: died at Bloomfield, O. ; married Wm. Vail. 159. William, 6 born 1816; died 1865 ; married Mary Dean. ido. Stephen, born 1809; died 1838; married Chloe Wilson. 161. Thomas, 6 born 1818; died July 19, 1901, at Brooklyn, N. Y. PINCKNEY FAMILY 81 119. Stephen Pinckney, 6 son of Lewis 5 and Orpha (Pierce) Pinckney, farmer, Red Mills, N. Y. ; Brigadier General, N. Y. S. M. ; Justice of the Peace. Married, (1), Sarah, daughter of Wil- liam and Nancy (Pinckney) Hill; born 1791 ; died Feb. 9, 1848. (2), Maria, daughter of William Agor ; born Nov. 3, 1832; died April 3, 1874. Children of Stephen and Sarah (Hill) Pinckney: 162. Arabella, 7 born 181 1 ; died Jan. 8, 1870, Lake Mahopac, N. Y. ; married Piatt Purcell. 163. Ira, 7 born Feb., 1814; died Mar. 12, 1870; unmarried. 164. Nancy, 7 married Cornelius Smith. 165. William, 7 born 1817; died Nov. 26, 1863; Mahopac Mines, N. Y. 166. Perry, 7 born Aug., 1819 ; died Nov. 26, 1879. 167. Antha Ann, 7 born 1823 ; died Nov. 12, 1833. 168. Alva. 7 169. Lewis, 7 born 1823 ; died Oct. 28, 1833. 170. Stephen. 7 171. Orpha, 7 married John B. Light. 172. Michael, 7 born May I, 1826; died June 18, 1882, Red Mills, N. Y. ; married Miranda Crawford. Children of Stephen and Maria (Agor) Pinckney: 173. Judson, 7 born Sept. 29, 1857. 174. Thaddeus, 7 born May 28, 1859; resides at Mahopac Mines, N. Y. 175. Azor B., 7 born Oct. 28, 1865. 176. Ezra. 7 177. Luna, 7 born April 13, 1867; married John Wixon. 178. George E., 7 born Feb. 16, 1870. 120. Ira Pinckney, 6 son of Lewis 5 and Orpha (Pierce) Pinck- ney; married June 17, 1831, Mary, daughter of James Anderson and widow of Charles Vandervoort, born 1801 ; died Nov. 7, 1861. Chil- dren: 179. Susan, 7 bom Mar. 13, 1832; unmarried; resides at Red Mills, N. Y. 82 PINCKNEY FAMILY. 180. Lewis, 7 born Nov. 10, 1835 ; died Mar. 16, 1838. 181. Stephen H., 7 born Nov. 8, 1838; died Mar. 28, 1839. 182. Mary E., 7 born Mar. 16, 1842; married William B. Pierce, of Red Mills, N. Y. 121. Pierce Pinckney, son of Lewis 5 and Orpha (Pierce) Pinck- ney, farmer ; removed from Putnam County to Centre Lisle, N. Y. ; married, Dec, 1826, Caroline, daughter of Nathaniel Crane of Lake Mahopac, N. Y. ; born June 20, 1806; died Feb. 16, 1839. ( 2 )» Emeline Fowler, born 1813 ; died 1875. Children of Pierce 6 and Caroline (Crane) Pinckney: 183. James, 7 born 1830; married Lucy Burrows. 184. Henry. 7 185. Frederick, 7 born 1832. 186. Nathaniel. 7 187. Martha, 7 born 1835 ; died 1875 ; married Henry Jennings of Richfield Springs, N. Y. Children of Pierce 6 and Emeline (Fowler) Pinckney: 188. Georgiana, 7 born 1842; died 1866. 189. Legrand, 7 born 1844. 190. Oscar F., 7 born 1846; resides at Marathon, N. Y. 191. Henrietta, 7 born 1849; married William Lusk. 123. Dorothy Pinckney, daughter of Lewis 5 and Orpha (Pierce) Pinckney ; married Anthony Hill, of Red Mills, N. Y. Children : 192. Alonzo Hill, 7 born Oct. 24, 1820; died April 29, 1896. 193. Lorenzo D. Hill, 7 born April 2^, 1821 ; died Feb. 13, 1889. 194. Caroline Hill, 7 born 1824; died July 25, 1892. 195. Henry Hill, 7 born Jan. 17, T829; died May, 1902. 196. Kelsey Hill, 7 born 1838; died Dec. 2, 1879. 197. Harrison Hill. 7 born Feb. 21, 1841 ; resides at Carmel. N. Y. PINCKNEY FAMILY. 83 127. Sarah Pinckney, 6 daughter of Lewis 5 and Orpha (Pierce) Pinckney ; married James Hill. Children : 198. Lewis Hill, 7 born Nov. 15, 1830; died Feb., 1905. 199. Cornelius Hill, 7 born Oct. 20, 1832, resides at Mahopac Falls, N. Y. 84 AUSTIN FAMILY. THE AUSTIN FAMILY. Jonathan Austin, 1 married Charity Odell. They removed from Rye, Westchester County, N. Y v to Philips© Precinct, Dutchess County, N. Y., where he 'died before 1777. His wife survived him several years. Their children were (1) Jonathan,- who married Mary Slack, removed north of Fishkill in Dutchess County and had several children, among them David 3 ; (2) Isaac, 2 born 1746, died October 14, 1813, at Red Mills, N. Y. ; (3) Smith, 2 born 1753, died September 17, 1834, at Red Mills, N. Y. ; (4) Job, 2 born March 31, 1759, died February 7, 1847, at Red Mills, N. Y. ; (5) Robert, 2 died May 3, 1834; (6) Anna, 2 married Lebbens Ffcwe, and (7) Rebecca. 2 2. Isaac Austin, 2 son of Jonathan, 1 married Ann Curry, born 1745, died December 30, 181 1 ; both buried in Presbyterian church- yard, Red Mills, N. Y. In 1788 he purchased of the Commissioners of Forfeiture, 92 acres in Lot No. 5, Philipse Patent. He was a private under Captain Haight, Colonel Drake, Westchester Militia, in the war of the Revolution. The children of Isaac 2 and Ann (Curry) Austin were: 9. Charity, 3 born July 20, 1767; m. Isaac Banker. 10. Jonathan, 3 born October 11, 1769. 11. Mary Curry, 3 born February 1, 1772; m. Ketchum. 12. Lockwood, 3 born March 28, 1774. 13. Job Curry, 3 born January 17, 1779; died January 4, 1862, at Red Mills, N. Y. 3. Smith Austin, 2 son of Jonathan, 1 married Martha, daughter of Hannah Brewer, born 1753, died April 11, 1854, aged 100 years ?.nd 8 months ; both are buried in the Presbyterian churchyard at Red Mills. He was a private in Captain John Crane's Company, Colonel Henry Ludington's Regiment, Dutchess County Militia, in war of Revolution. Children of Smith 3 and Martha (Brewer) Austin, all born near Red Mills : AUSTIN FAMILY. 85 14. Alethea, 3 born January 13, 1777; died June, 1876; mar- ried, August 27, 1794, Richard Dean, of Red Mills. (See Dean b amily . ) 15. Hettie, 3 born 1780, died November, 1870; married James Barker. (See Barker Family.) J 16. Absalom. 3 ^ 17; Robert, 3 bom 1792, died January 23, 1872, at Red Mills, 4- Job Austin, 2 son of Jonathan, 1 married (1) Mary Nelson bom April 21, 1758, died September 18, 1793; (2) Hannah, widow' oi Lleazur Hazen, born 1755, died December 13, 1839. He served in war of the Revolution as Sergeant in Captain John Crane's Com- pany, Col. Henry Ludmgton's Regiment, Dutchess County Militia. ir iixt if W tT CS afe buried in the Pr esbyterian churchyard, Red Mills, N \. His will, proved July 20, 1847, names daughter, Sarah, wife of Cornelius^ Tompkins, Jr. ; daughter-in-law Elizabeth Austin; granddaughters Sarah, Jane and Phebe, and grandson George. Children of Job 2 and Mary (Nelson) Austin: 18. Silas, 3 born May 5, 1780; died December 9, 1841, at Red Mills, N. Y. 19. Sarah," married Cornelius Tompkins, Jr., of Red Mills, 20. Mercy, 3 married Peter Crookston, of Red Mills, N. Y. ■5. Robert Austin, 2 son of Jonathan, 1 married (1) Elizabeth Lane, born 1767, died October 16, 1829; (2) Lydia , bom 1789, died November 13, 1866. Children : 21. James. 3 22. Amos Lane, 3 23. George L. 3 24. Absalom R. 3 " 25. Nathan Lane. 3 26. Mary. 3 27. Phebe. 3 86 AUSTIN FAMILY, 28. Adah, 3 married Orrin, son of William Agor, of Red Mills, N. Y. He died May 12, 1867. Issue: Elisha C. ; m. ; children : Millard and Cole. 29. Eleanor, 3 born February, 1802, died March 16, 1828; married Anthony Stokum, of Red Mills, N. Y. ; issue, Nathan A., died Sept. 9, 1883, intestate, unmarried. 30 Nancy, 3 married Hiram Kniffin. 13. Job Curry Austin, 3 son of Isaac, 2 married (1) Louisa Smith, (2) March 18, 1838, Hetty, daughter of Lewis Pinckney, of Red Mills, N. Y. Children of Job C. Austin 8 : 31. Julia, 4 born December 22, 1810, died unmarried. 32. Benjamin, 4 born June 6, 1812; died July 5, 1886, Pitts- burgh, N. Y. 33. Cyrus, 4 born July 7, 1815; died May II, 1889, Los An- geles, Cal. ; married Jane Ann Hewlett. 34. James, 4 born March 10, 1820; died Dec. II, 1879, un- maried. 35. Phebe, 4 born March 13, 1825; died December 13, 1903; married Hon. Edward Wright, of Lake Mahopac, N. Y. 36. Philip, 4 born January 17, 1827; married Sarah Conklin, resides Woodlawn, N. Y. 37. Lucy, 4 born March 16, 1839; married Joseph Stokes; re- sides at Altoona, Pa. 38. Jane, 4 born April 9, 1840; died July 17, 1892, unmarried. 39. Charles L., 4 born February 12, 1842; married, 1868, Em- ma Odell; issue, Job C., 5 Adolph O., 6 S. Hetty, 6 J. Louise, 5 Charles L. 5 and LaMonte. 6 40. Ann, 4 born July 4, 1843; died March 24, 1897; married S. B. Stuchfield. 17. Robert Austin, 8 son of Smith Austin, 2 married (1) Eliza- beth Dowries, born 1793, died December 27, 1830; (2) Lydia, widow of Joshua Lounsbury, born 1789, died November 12, 1866. Children of Robert Austin: AUSTIN FAMILY. 87 41. Mary, 4 born 1835, died December 26, 1862; married John N. Fuller, of Peekskill, N. Y. 42. Adah, 4 bora January 5, 1827; married June 2, 1847, Henry T. Hagerman, of Peekskill, N. Y. ; issue, Elizabeth and Ella. 43. Delia, 4 married Caleb Carpenter, of Red Mills, N. Y. ; is- sue, Robert Carpenter. 44. Martha, 4 married Lewis Banker. 45. Eliza, 4 married James Sackrider, of Peekskill, N. Y. 46. Smith S., 4 born 1830, married, 1859, Mary Jane, daughter of James and Sarah (Pinckney) Hill; she died May 17, 1904, aged 68; issue, Robert J. Austin, 5 of Lake Mahopac, N. Y. ; married Julia, daughter of Andrew Dean. 18. Silas Austin, 3 son of Job, 2 married, 1805, Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Oakley) Tompkins. Children of Silas Austin: 47. Joab, 4 born December 2^, 1805, died May 25, 1875 ; mar- ried (1) Jane M. Stevens, (2) Sarah A. Young. Children: George, 5 Silas, 5 Theodore, 5 Julia, 5 Nathaniel. 5 48. Joshua Nelson, 4 born May 27, 1807, died March 21, 1892; removed to Kendell County, 111. Children: Elizabeth, 5 Mary 5 and John. 5 49. Nathaniel, 4 died 1849, while enroute to California; mar- ried twice. Children : Nathaniel, 5 George, 5 Louisa 3 and Phebe. 5 50. Mary, 4 born February 8, 1813, died December 23, 1891 ; married, July 4, 1840, Peter Anderson, of Red Mills, N. Y. ; is- sue: James T., Mila, Silas A. and George E. (See Anderson Family.) 51. Sarah, 4 born September 8, 181 5, died August 29, 1889, unmarried. 52. Jane, 4 born August 7, 1820, died December 25, 1891 ; married Harrison, son of Charles, grandson of William Agor, born February 22, 1818, died December 4, 1892. Issue: Wil- liam, Charles, Silas and Mary. 53. George W., 4 born October 8, 1818, died September 15, 1889; married Elmira, daughter of Jonathan and Pamelia (Price) Dean. Issue: Henry, 5 and Mary 5 (m. Munson Perry). 88 AUSTIN FAMILY. 54. Phebe E., 4 born July 15, 1825; died at Putnam Valley, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1905, unmarried. 55. Amos L., 4 born June 10, 1827, died April 21, 1897 ; mar- ried Cynthia, dau. of Levi Cole; issue, Silas, 5 m. Abigail Bar- rett; Elizabeth, 5 m. Lafayette Pinckney ; Levi C., 5 m. Susan Smith; Nelson, 6 m. Hill; Mila, s m. Elmer Ganong; and Theodore, 5 of Putnam Valley, N. Y., m. Emma Baremore. 56. Mercy, 4 died young. JAMES BARKER AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 89 James Barker and His Descendants. James Barker, born in Fredericksiburg'h Precinct, Dutchess County, now Carmel, Putnam County, N. Y., 1778, died June 12. 1842, near Red Mills, N. Y. ; married Hetty, daughter of Smith and Martha (Brewer) Austin, of same township, born T780. died No- vember, 1870. Children : 2. Absalom,- b. Dec. 14, 1798; d. Dec. 9, 1872. 3. Robert, 2 b. April 28, 1801 ; d. Nov. 21, 1887. 4. William,- b. April 5, 1809; d. June 18, 1889. 5. Michael,- b. Jan. 1, 181 1 ; d. April 14, 1883. 6. James, 2 b. Nov. 11, 1814; d. Nov. 21, 1874. 7. Smith Austin, 2 b. 1820, d. Feb. 14, 1892; unmarried. 8. Mary, 2 b. Dec. 6, 1805 ; d. Feb. 28, 1869 ; m. Wm. Knight. 2. Absalom Barker 2 (James 1 ), m., May 31, 1825, Sarah Hitch- cock, b. Aug. 2, 1799; d. May 8, 1877; removed to MatteaAvan, Dutohess County, N. Y. Children: 9. George W., 3 b. April 27, 1826 ; m. Susan M. Locke. 10. Martha J., 3 b. Oct. 14, 1828; d. Jan. 20, 1900; m. (1), Jan. 30, 1853, John C. Knox; (2), Charles W. Henderson. 11. Smith Austin, 3 b. July 27, 1830; d. Mar. 26, 1900. 12. Mary E., 3 b. Feb. 9, 1833; <*■ Aug. 27, 1872; m. James Bentley. 13. Deborah L., 3 b. June 19, 1836 ; m. June 29, 1858, Isaac Newton Hill. (See Hill family.) ^ 14. Hannah, 3 b. Jan. 18, 1840; m. June 21, 1859, Uriah Drake Gee. 3. Robert Barker 2 (James 1 ), m., Dec. 29, 1824, Mary, daughter of Isaac and Susan (Tompkins) Austin, b. Doc. 2, 1803; d. June 25, 4900. Children: 15. Phebe, 3 b. Feb. 21, 1826: d. April 13, 1849. 16. Anson, 8 b. Dec. 15. 1827; d. April 3, 1829. DO JAMES BARKER AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 17. Asbury, 3 b. Feb. 8, 1831 ; d. Jan. 11, 1832. 18. Hetty, 3 b. Dec. 6, 1832. 19. Susan, 3 b. April 2, 1835; d. June 17, 1861. 20. James, 3 b. April 5, 1839 ; d. Oct. 30, 1856. 21. Hannah J., 3 b. May 19, 1841 I d. Feb. 28, 1844. 22. Emma, 3 resides at Mahopac Mines, N. Y. 4. William Barker'- (James 1 ), m. Nancy, daughter of Benjamin Early, b. Dec. 2, 1825. Children : 23. Elizabeth, 3 b. Nov. 9, 1844 ; m. Henry Wixon. 24. Joshua L., 3 b. Jan. 4, 1844; m. Lucy Hunt. 25. Robert W., 8 b. Nov. 8, 1849; m. Angeline Baxter. 26. Catherine M., 8 b. Aug. 11, 1851 ; m. John Post. 27. Phebe J., :; b. Feb. 15, 1855; m. George L. Hadden; is- sue, Pearl, drowned in Kirk Lake. 28. Edward, 3 b. Oct. 14, 1861. 5. Michael Barker 2 (James 1 ), m. (1), Jane Kniffin, b. 1813; (1. Feb. 14, 1841 ; (2), Sarah Robinson. Children of Michael and Jane (Kniffin) Barker: 29. William, 3 m. Caroline Higgins ; he died at Croton Falls, N. Y. 30. Sarah A., 3 m. Samuel Staples. 31. Phdbe J., 3 m. Stephen Wheeler. Children of Michael and Sarah (Robinson) Barker: 32. DeWitt, 3 b. Jan. II, 1856; m. June 26, 1890, Isabel G. Skidmore. 33. Hattie, 3 b. Jan. 10, 1846; m. George W. Hart. 6. James Barker 2 (James 1 ), m., Mar. 16, 1842, Catherine, dau. of John Armstrong, b. Feb. 10, 1842. Children: 34. Amelia, 3 b. Feb. 4, 1843: d. Mar. 12, 1872; m., Jan. I, 1863, Sillick. 35. Hester, 3 b. May 2, 1845. JAMES BARKER AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 91 36. William H., 3 ,b. Jan. 13, 1847; d. Mar. 10, 1886 ; m., April 14, 1869, Julia Ackerly. 37. Asbury, 3 b. July 2, 1849; m. (1), Oct., 1872, Emma Soper, b. April 15, 1847; d. Jan. 1, 1901. (2). Mrs. Sarali (Vail) Hill. 38. John Franklin, 3 b. Feb. 19, 1853; d. Mar. 13, 1880; un- married. 39. Smith/ b. Nov. 7, 1855 I m. Clara, daughter of A. Wesley Wvatt. 92 RHOADES FAMILY THE RHOADES FAMILY. John Rhoades, 1 probably born in England. Purchased lands in the Manor of Scarsdale, Westchester County, N. Y., on March 28. 171 t. (Westchester Co. Deeds. Liber E, page 5). Among his children were John 2 and Isaac, 2 and probably Richard, 2 wbo was born 1741. Isaac Rhoades,'- son of John, 1 married Charity, daughter of Anthony and Mary (Ward) Hill, of Fox Meadows, now Scarsdale, Westchester County, N. Y., and prior to 1747, removed to Phihpse Precinct, Dutchess Countv (now Putnam County), New York. April 7, 1747, John Rhoades of Scarsdale and Isaac Rhoades of Philipse Manor, Dutchess County, N. Y., conveyed lands in Scarsdale to William Griffin. In 1760 Isaac Rhoades 2 was Captain of Militia in Philipse Patent. His brother-in-law, William Hill, was Lieutenant of same company. Isaac Rhoades 2 was also fence viewer, highway master and commissioner of highways in Fredericksburgh, Dutchess Countv, X. Y. In the tax list of 1777, Fredericksburgh Precinct, the name of John Rhoades appears and in Philipse Precinct that of Isaac Rhoades. In the war of the Revolution Isaac Rhoades 2 was enrolled as a private in Captain Lane's Company, Colonel Henrv Ludington's Regiment, Dutchess County Militia. John Rhoades 2 was a private in Captain Lewis's Company, same Regi- ment. Richard Rhoades and Isaac Rhoades, Jr., 3 were privates in the same Regiment. In 1788 Isaac Rhoades 2 purchased of the Commissioners of Forfeiture, two parcels of land in Lot No. 5, Philipse Precinct. This land adjoined Bryant Pond, Putnam Val- ley, Putnam Countv, N. Y. The will of Isaac Rhoades, 2 dated May 26,' J 797, proved June 12, 1797. and recorded in Dutchess County Surrogate's office in Liber C of Wills, page 64, names his wife Charitv and his grandsons Isaac Huson and Isaac Winters. Ac- cording to family tradition Isaac Rhoades 2 had a large family. Among his sons were Isaac 3 and James. 3 Isaac Rhoades, 3 son of Isaac, 2 was born in Philipse Precinct in 1759 and died at Yorktown, Westchester County. N. Y. He was kninvn as Deacon Rhoades, and from 1798 to 1809 preached at the Baptisl Church, Yorktown. He married Mary, daughter of Wil- liam and Bethiah (Smith) Hill, of Red Mills, N. Y. She was born 175't, died at Yorktown, January 21, T821. Among the children of RHOADES FAMILY. 93 Isaac 3 and Mary ( Hill ) Rhoades were Isaac,* born about 1773 ; - Mary, 4 Hannah, 4 Eliza 4 ; Charity, 4 born December 8, 1780, died April 14, 1847; John Cornelius, 4 removed to Ohio; Ezekiel/ Rhoda, 4 Elizabeth, 4 Nancy, 4 and Harriet. 4 . Jk Isaac Rhoades, 4 son of Isaac/' married Mary Marginson. She died in 1856. Their children were Samuel," John.* Isaac, 5 Susan/' Hannah"' and Eliza."' Charity Rhoades, 4 daughter of Isaac/' married, September 19, 1799, Elias Ouereau, Jr., of Yorktown, born June 21, 1771, died September 12, 1841 ; removed to Cayuga County, N. Y. Issue: Maria Ouereau/ born January 11, 1801, married Lyon; Clement Quereau/ born May 8, 1806; Catherine Ouereau, 5 born June 4, 1808; Isaac R. Ouereau, 5 born August 13. 1810; Elizabeth Ouereau, 5 born June 11, 1812; Jane Quereau/' born April 8. 1S15, and Phebe Ouereau/ born April 22, 1819. James Rhoades/ son of Isaac- and Charity (Hill) Rhoades, died intestate about 1787, at Fredericksburgh Precinct. He mar- ried Mary, daughter of Anthony and Elizabeth Hill, of Cortlandts Manor, N.Y. April 17, 1787, letters of administration upon his estate were issued to his brother, Isaac Rhoades, Jr. 3 The children of James 3 and Mary (Hill) Rhoades were Thirza, 4 Anthony 4 and James. 4 Thirza Rhoades 4 married Charles Armstrong; they re- sided near Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; their children were Ira Armstrong 5 and Anthony Armstrong. r ' Anthony Rhoades/ son of James 3 and Mary (Hill) Rhoades, born April 3, 1780; died at Cato, Onondaga County, N. Y. He was one of the organizers of the Presbyterian Church at Red Mills, N. Y. Married, Elizabeth, daughter of Ged- ney and Elizabeth Secor, of Red Mills. She died May 25, 1863. in 1826 they removed to Potter, Yates County, N. Y. r and afterwards to Elbridge, Onondaga County, N. Y. The children of Anthony 4 and Elizabeth (Secor) Rhoades were (1) Amzi/ born August 2. 1808, Red Mills, N. Y., died December 9, 1892, Elbridge. N. Y., married Maria Reed, no issue; (2) Charles A./ born February 12, 1810, Red Mills. N. Y., died February 8, 1884. Spotsylvania" Countv, Va., married Hannah Graves of Jordan. N. Y., issue Clarence/ Claudius/' Mary/ m. P. Y. Collins, Herbert/ and Tohn Howard' 5 ; (3) Mary/' born Feb. 26, 1812, at Poughkeep- sie, N. Y.. died April 8,' 1840, at Elbridge, N. Y., m. Joseph Reed of Potter. N. Y.. issue Francis Josephine 8 and Mary Elizabeth ; 94 RHOADES FAMILY (4) Sarah, 6 born November 13, 1814, Clinton, Dutchess County, N. Y., died April 25, 1903, at Cato, N. Y., married Charles Dallas of Cato, N. Y., issue Eugene and Mortimer 6 ; (5) John, 5 born March 3, 1817, Clinton, Dutchess County, N. Y., died, unmarried, January 13, 1881, Newtown, Indiana; (6) Elizabeth, 5 born April 12, 1819, Clinton, Dutchess County, N. Y., resides at Geneva, N, Y., married Barney Reed, issue, Alice ; (7) Jane, 5 born February 8, 1 821, Clinton, Dutchess Countv, N. Y., resides at Cato, N. Y. ; (8) Nancy, 5 born May 19, 1823, Bethel, N. Y., died May 23, 1848, Elbridge, N. Y., unmarried ; (9) Naomi, 5 born November 4, 1825, Potter, Yates County, N. Y., died January 30, 1902, New York City, married Edmund Dutton, issue John Anthony 6 and Elizabeth 6 ; (10) Emily, 5 born May 5, 1827. "Elbridge, N. Y., died April 18, 1838; (11), Gedney, 5 born March 12, 1830, resides at Boone, Iowa, married (1) Ann Zimmerman, issue, Mary, 6 John, 6 Charles, 6 (2) Ruby Mayo, issue, Mabel, 6 d. y., and Mabel. 6 James Rhoades, Jr., 4 son of James 3 and Mary (Hill) Rhoades, resided in Monroe County, N. Y. ; died at Richmond, Va. Issue : Charles, 5 Elmira, 5 and a second daughter. 5 FINCH FAMILY. 95 THE FINCH FAMILY. Nathan Finch 1 lived and died at Stanwich, in the town of Green- wich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Among his children was Jona- than, 2 who was born at Stanwich, November 30, 1750, and died there April 25, 1836. Jonathan was a soldier in the war of the Revolu- tion. He was twice married ; first to Deborah Lock wood, born 1754, died May 21, 1817 ; second to Rhoda , born August 4, 1780, died October 16, 1866. The only son of Jonathan 2 and Deborah was Reuben 3 Finch, born at Stanwich, July 19, 1772, died there April 28, 1839. He married, October 25, 1794, by Rev. Jonathan Murdock. Abigail, daughter of James and Abigail (Knapp) Reynolds, of Stan- wich, born November 3, 1774, died at Stanwich, June 6, 1861. Reu- ben Finch 3 was a merchant and farmer at Stanwich. James Rey- nolds was a soldier of the War of the Revolution. Children of Reuben 3 and Abigail (Reynolds) Finch, all born at Stanwich. 4. Reuben Reynolds, 4 born September 24, 1795; died at Peekskill, N. Y., September 3, 1865. 5. Deborah Ann, 4 born October 28, 1797 ; died at Bedford, N. Y., August 17, 1882; married, October 19, 1847, Enoch Rey- nolds, born December 17, 1794; died at Bedford, N. Y., August 9, 1878. No issue. 6. Amos, 4 born December 8, 1799 ; died at Stanwich, April 13, 1866; married Alice Smith, born February 13, 1799; died at Stanwidh, January 13, 1884. Children : Adaline and Alice ; reside at Stanwich. 7. Nathan, 4 born April 7, 1802 ; died at Stanwich, unmarried, October 27, 1882. 8. Lockwood, 4 born August 9, 1804; died at Somers, N. Y., unmarried, July 31, 1835. 9. Alary Reynolds, 4 born October 6, 1806 ; died November 11, 1891 ; married Silas Wood, of Stanwich, born 1800, died April 6, 1884. 10. Jonathan, 4 born October 26, 1808; died April 20, 1877; married Mary Banks, born March 25, 1818; died June 28, 1888. Both died at Stanwich. Issue : Adelaide ; resides at Stanwich. % FINCH FAMILY ii. HannaJh, 4 born August 16, 1811 : died October 29, 1884, at Stanwich : married, December 24, 1833, Arba Smith, born 1801, died July 2, 1838. Issue: Sarah; resides at Stanwich. 12. Julia Elizabeth, 4 born May 1, 1814; died March 13, 1893. at Peekskill ; married, February 23. 1842, Jackson O. Brown, of Somers, N. Y., born December 2, 181 1 ; died at Peekskill, N. Y., December 19, 1877. No issue. 13. George G., 4 born April 11, 1819; died June 11, 1868, at Stanwich ; married, April II, 1855, Emma Johnston. No issue. 4. Reuben Reynolds Finch, 4 married, February 13, 1822, by Rev. Piatt Buffett, at Congregational Church, Stanwich, Deborah, daugh- ter of Benjamin and Samantha (Reynolds) Brush, of Stanwich, Conn., horn March 2, 1799; died at Peekskill, N. Y., April 29, 1866. Edward Brush removed from Long Island to Greenwich, Con- necticut. He had a son, Benjamin, who, February 5, 1784, married, by Rev. Jonathan Murdoch, Samantha Reynolds ; their children were Fanny, Edward, Joseph, Benjamin, Samantha, Deborah, Piatt and Edmund Burke. Fanny married William Rundle. Edward mar- ried Rebecca Hoyt. Joseph married Sarah Mead. Benjamin mar- ried Clara Sackctt. Sarah married Joel Wright. Samantha mar- ried David Hobby. Deborah married Reuben R. Finch. Piatt mar- ried Maria Close. Children of Reuben R. 4 and Deborah (Brush) Finch: 14. Alethea, 5 born at Coscob, Conn., March 14, 1823 : resides at Peekskill, N. Y. 15. Edward Brush, 5 born at Coscob, Conn., September 18, 1824 ; died at Peekskill, N. Y., August 30, 1893. 16. Mary Elizabeth, 5 born at Peekskill, N. Y., September 5, 1826, died at Plainfreld, N. J., October 29, 1869. 17. Sarah Brush, 5 born at Peekskill, N. Y., February 13, 1828; died, unmarried, at Peekskill, N. Y., September 13, 1857. 18. Reuben Reynolds, 5 born at Peekskill, N. Y., November 11, 1829; died at Peekskill. May 15, 1901. 19. Delia Clapp, 5 born at Peekskill, June 6, 183 1 ; resides at Peekskill. 20. Angeline Robinson, 5 born at Peekskill, December 30, 1832; resides at Peekskill. FINCH FAMILY. 97 21. Nathan Lock wood, 5 born at Pcekskill, November i6 4 1834 ; died at Peekskill, November 18, 1868. 22. Benjamin Brush, 5 born at Peekskill, February 23, 1838 ; died at New York, May II, 1865, unmarried. 23. Emily Smith, 5 born at Peekskill, June 24, 184 1 ; resides at New York City. 14. Alethea Finch, 5 daughter of Reuben R. Finch, 4 married, April 10, 1842, at Peekskill, by Rev. William Marshall, Uriah Hill. Jr., son of Uriah and Anna (Dean) Hill, born August 13, 1817. Children of Uriah and Alethea (Finch) Hill : 24. Julia Hill," born May 1. 1843, at Peekskill; died February 18, 1844, at New York City. 25. Henry Hill, born December 11, 1846, at New York City ; died August 5, 1862, at Peekskill. 26. Sarah Vail Hill/'" born October 20, 1850, at Brooklyn, N. Y. ; resides at Peekskill. 2j. Reuben Finch Hill, 6 born June 21, 1856, at Peekskill; died September 13, 1856, at Peekskill. 28. Edward Finch Hill/' born August ti, 1857, at Peekskill; resides at Peekskill. 15. Edward Brash Finch, 5 son of Reuben R. Finch,' 1 married, May 25, 1846, at Peekskill, by Rev. David M. Halliday, Amelia J., daughter of Niles and Margaret (Jones) Frost, of Peekskill ; born at Peekskill, November 15, 1825: died at New York City, Tune 2^, 1887. Children of Edward B. 5 and Amelia (Frost) Finch : 29. Margaret Frost,' 1 born July 26, 1847, at Peekskill ; resides at Peekskill. 30. Charles Frost,' 5 born June 3, 1849, at Peekskill: died at Peekskill, September 15, 185 1. 31. James Wells," born October 9. 1853, at Peekskill ; resides at New York City. 32. Virginia Frost, 6 born March 21, 1861, at Chicago, Til.; died March 25. 1871, at Peekskill. 88 FINCH FAMILY. 16. Mary Elizabeth Finch, 5 daughter of Reuben R. Finch, 4 mar- ried, July 9, 1849, at Peekskill,, by Rev. David M. Halliday, James B., son of Richard and Maria (Jones) Merritt, born July 12, 1820. He resides at Plainfield, N. J. Children of James B. and Mary (Finch) Merritt: 33. Richard Merritt," born September 24, 1850, at Brooklyn, N. Y. ; died November 2, 1896, at Plainfield, N. J. 34. Edward Merritt, bom July 24, 1852 ; died September 2, 1884. 18. Reuben Reynolds Finch, 5 son of Reuben R. Finch, 4 married February 3, 1862, at New York City, by Rev. Joseph McElroy, Jane P., daughter of James M. and Camilla (Hyatt) Nelson; born April 16, 1831 ; died at Peekskill, March 4, 1887; no issue. 19. Delia Clapp Finch, 5 daughter of Reuben R. Finch, 4 married (1), April 2i, 1852, by Rev. David M. Halliday, at Peekskill, Joel Wright Frost, son of Niles and Margaret (Jones) Frost ; born July 18, 1824; died on Pacific Ocean, en route to California, July, 1852. (2), November 24, 1858, by Rev. David M. Halliday, Benjamin Franklin Depew, son of William Depew, born May 18, 1821 ; died at Plainfield, N. J., April 18, 1884; no issue. 20. Angeline Robinson Finch, 6 daughter of Reuben R. Finch, 4 married, February 14, 1855, by Rev. David M. Halliday, at Peekskill, Peter Barker Acker, of Newburgh, N. Y., born October 14, 1829; died December 9, 1905. Children of Peter B. and Angeline (Finch) Acker. 35. Delia Finch Acker, 6 born November 24, 1855 5 resides at Peekskill. 36. Angeline Vail Acker," born March 9, 1857 ; resides at Peekskill. 2^. Susan Merwin Acker, 6 born December 12, 1858; resides at Peekskill. 38. Alethea Hill Acker, 6 born September 6, 1862; married May 10, 1892, George C. Pennell. of Goshen, N. Y. FINCH FAMILY. 99 21. Nathan Lockwood Finch, 5 son of Reuben R. Finch, 4 married, June 29, 1859, by Rev. Charles D. Buck, at Peekskill, Mauricene Depew Jessup, daughter of Lewis and Catherine (Depew) Jessup, born January 19, 1838, at Peekskill, and died December 11, 1867, at Peekskill. Children of Nathan L. and Mauricene (Tessup) Finch, born at Peekskill. 39. Kate, 6 born March 16, 1864; died June 27, 1864. 40. Reuben R., G born August 11, 1865 ; died April 22, 1867. 22. Emily Smith Finch, 5 daughter of Reuben R. Finch, 4 married, Novemiber 18, 1861, by Rev. David M. Halliday, at Peekskill, John D. Hutchinson, son of John Hutchinson, of Troy, N. Y. ; born Jan- uary 15, 1842, at Troy; died February 16, 1896, at Peekskill. Children of John D. and Emily (Finch) Hutchinson: 41. Jennie Finch Hutchinson. 42. John D. Hutchinson, 6 died, 1905, at Peekskill. 31. James Wells Finch, 6 son of Edward B. Finch, 5 married (1), October 30, 1882, at Peekskill, Winifred, daughter of Isaac L. and Winifred (Carpenter) Kipp, of Peekskill; born October 29, 1854. (2), September 30, 1896, Jessica B., daughter of Ferdinand and Helen (Brown) Garretson, of North Pownal, Vt. ; born August 22, 1871. Children of James W. 6 and Winifred (Kipp) Finch: 43. James Kipp, 7 born December 2, 1883, at Peekskill. 44. Winifred Frost, 7 born February 8, 1885, at Peekskill. Ghildren of James W. 6 and Jessica (Garretson) Finch: 45. Elsie Garretson, 7 born July 2, 1898, at North Pownal, Vt. Lore. 100 SMITH FAMILY. THE SMITH FAMILY. Abraham Smith 1 was an Englishman, who settled on Long island. About 1741 he removed to that part of Philipse Precinct, Dutchess County, N. Y., now known as Putnam Valley, Putnam County. He was twice married. His will, dated April 7, 1764, recorded in Dutchess County, Liber A, of Wills, page 46, names wife, Margaret. son Abraham,- daughters, Bethiah Hill,- wife of William Hill, Mary Griffin, 1 ' Ann Hedden.- Charity Farenton, 2 Jemima Cov- ert, 2 and grandson Silvanus Covert." Joseph Lane and Margaret Smith, widow, are named as executors. Among the children of Ann (Smith) Hedden,- was Abraham Smith Hedden, 3 who was commissioned, Feb. 27, 1779, as Captain in Colonel Samuel Drake's regiment Westchester County militia (see N. Y. in the Rev.) ; he had a son Gilbert, 4 who m. Deborah Bartow, and a daughter Sarah, 4 who m. Stephen Crane, Nov. 21, 1792. Abraham Smith, Jr., 2 the only child of Abraham and Margaret Smith, was born October 24, 1763, and died at Putnam Valley, Octo- ber 26, 1813. For many years he held the office of justice of the peace, and was also supervisor, surrogate and judge of the Court of Common Pleas, of Putnam County. His wife was Mary, daughter of Daniel Knapp, of Yorktown. Their children were: 1. Sarah," born 1784. died 1851, married Samuel Myrick; issue. Frederick, 1 Abraham, 4 Lucy. 1 Caroline, 4 Eliza, 4 Margaret 4 and Helen. 4 2. Pru- dence," born 1786, died 1869, unmarried. 3. Abraham,"' born Oct. 24, 1788, died unmarried April 2^, 1854. 4. Allen Blair, 3 born May 16. 1796, died April 7, 1834, married, September 27, 1826, Mary Ann, daughter of Jeremiah Fox, Jr., of Yorktown. born Septem- ber 6, 1807, died December 4, 1886; issue, Jeremiah Fox Smith. 4 born July 2y. 1828, died October 24. 1882; Elizabeth, 4 born October 17. 1831, died October 30, 1894, unmarried. 5. Saxton," born Octo- ber 2, 1802, died, unmarried, March 13, iSgo.'at Putnam Valley, he held many public offices, among them commissioner of deeds, super- intendent of public schools, supervisor of Putnam Valley, member of Assembly, Putnam County, and State Senator. LOUNSBURY FAMILY. 101 THE LOUNSBURY FAMILY. I. Isaac Lounsbury, 1 farmer, of the West Patent, of Northcastle, Westchester County, N. Y., left a will dated June 6, 1770, proved March 6, 1773, in which he names wife Sarah, sons (2) Isaac, 2 ( 3) John, 2 (4) Thomas, 2 (5) Robert, 2 (6) Michael, 2 daughters 171 Hannah, 2 (8) Mary. 2 and (9) Charity. 2 2. Isaac Lounsbury, 2 farmer, removed to near Red Mills, Put- nam County, N. Y. ; his wife was Deborah ; d. Sept. 16, 1824. Their children, all born at Red Mills, were: 10. Sarah.' 5 b. Mar. 2. 1762. 1 1. Robert/ b. Aug. 27, 1766; m., Aug. 3, 1794, Rachel Lent. 12. Isaac," b. April 23, 1768; d. at Fishkill, N. Y. 13. John, 3 b. Jan. 18. 1770; d. at Yorktown; m., Nov. 21, 1798, Tamar Vail; issue: John, 4 James. 4 14. Samuel.^ b. Feb. 10, 1772; d. in Ulster Co., N. Y. 15. Thomas," b. Mar. 5, 1774; d. June 18, 1837; m. Jane, dau. of William Hill ; issue : Alfred, 4 Orsey, 4 James. 4 16. Hannah," b. Jan. 23, 1776; m. Winthrop Hoag. 17. Deborah," b. April 17, 1780; d. Sept. 6, 1849; m., Jan. 18, 1798. Abraham Hill. (See Hill family.) 18. Joshua. 3 b. July 23, 1784; d. Aug. 16, 1833. 18. Joshua Lounsbury," (Isaac, 2 Isaac 1 ), m., Nov. 10, 1813, Lydia, dau. of Eliakim Wardell, of Putnam Valley, b. 1789, d. Nov. 1866. Children, all born in Putnam Yallev, X. Y. : 19. Isaac, 4 b. Dec. 15, 1815; d. Mar. 16, 1881; m., 1840, Catherine S., dau. of Samuel Meyrick ; issue, Isaac,"' Samuel M.,' of Somers, N. Y., Mary, 5 Robert."' 20. Robert W.. 4 b. Nov. 29, 1817: d. Nov. 17, 1899, Putnam \ alley, X. Y., unmarried. 102 LOUNSBUBY FAMILY 21. Catherine, 1 b. Dec. 20, 1819; d. Jan. 23, 1894; m., June 4, 1836, Amzi L. Dean, of Lake Mahopac, N. Y. (See Dean family.) 22. John D., 4 b. Dec. 11, 1822; d. Nov., 1885; m. Mary A., dau. of William Alley; issue, William A., 5 resides at Redding, Conn. 23. Mary Jane. 1 b. Aug. 8, 1825 ; unmarried ; resides New York City. 24. Hannah, 4 b. Aug. 20, 1827; m., May 17, 1848, Isaac, son of Joshua Lounsbury, of Fishkill, N. Y. ; issue, Joshua W., 6 b. Aug. 6, 1849; Fr ank R., 5 b. Oct. 17, 1856. INDEX. Abbott, Susan, 25. Acker, Aleihea H., 98. Angeline R., 98. Angeline V., 98. Delia R, 98. Peter B., 98. Susan M., 98. Ackerly, Julia, 91. Adams, Maria H., 56 Agor, Adah, 86. Charles, 87. Cole, 86. Elista, 86. George, 38. Harrison, 87. Jane, 78, 87. Mahala, 38. Maria, 81. Alary, 87. Millard, 86. Orrin, 86. Silas, 87. William, 78, 81, 86, 87. Alley, Elizabeth, 65. Mary, 65. Mary A., 65, 102. William, 65, 102. Allison, Peter, 67. Sarah E., 67. Aiderson, Edward, 69. Elizabeth, 15, 35. George E., 87. James, 16, 35, 81. James T., 87. Mary, 15, 8i, 87. Mary A., 69. Mila, 87. Peter, 15, 87. Silas A., 87. Susan, 16. Andre, John (Major), 47. Armstrong, Anthony, 93. Catherine, 90. Charles, 93. Ira, 93. John, 90. Thirza, 93. Atkinson, Bethiah, 55. Hamilton, 55. Austin, Abigail, 88. Absaolm, 85. Absalom R., 85. Adah, 85, 87. Adolph O., 86. Alethea, 65, 85. Almira, 87. Amos L., 85, 88. Ann, 84, 86. Anna, 84. Benjamin, S6. Carrie, 37. Charity, 84. Charles L., 86. Chloe, 17. Cynthia, 88. Cyrus, 86. David, 84. Delia, 87. Eleanor, 86. Elijah, 17. Eliza, 87. Elizabeth, 85, 86, 87, 88. Emma, 86, 88. George, 87. George L., 85. George W., 87. 104 INDEX Hannah, 85. Henry, 87. Hettie, 78, 85, 86, 89. Isaac, 84, 89. James, 85, 86. Jane, 86, 67. Jane Ann, 86. Jane M.. 87. J. Louise, 86. Joab, 87. Job, 84. 85. Job C, 78, 84, 86. John, 87.^ Jonathan, 84. Joshua Nelson, 87. Julia, 86, 87. La Monte, 86. Levi C, 88. Lockwood, 84. Louisa, 86, 87. Lucy, 86. Lydia, 85, 86. Martha, 65, 84, 87. Mary, 26, 84, 85, 87, 89. Mary C, 84. Mary Jane, 87. Mercy, 85, 88. Mila, 88. Nancy, 86. Nathan L., 85. Nathaniel, 87. Nelson, 37, 88. Phebe, 85, 86, S7. Phebe E., 88. Philip, 86. Rebecca, 84. Robert, 84, 85, 86. Robert J., 87. 'Sarah, 85, 86, 87. Sarah A., 87. S. Hetty, 86. Silas, 85, 87, 88. Smith, 26, 65, 84. Smith S., 87. Susan, 88, 89. Theodore, 87, 88. Avery, Andrew, 12. Catherine, 12. Clara, 45. Isaac, 12. Jacob, 12. Judah, 12. Mary, 12. Miriam, 12. Sally, 12. Uriah, 12. Ayers, Adah, 35. Alethea, 35- Amzi, 35. Charles, 35. Elias, 35- Frederick A., 35- Lida, 35- Lucina, 35- Martha. 35- Sarah, 35. Azard, Hannah, 28. Backman, Mary Jane, 17. Bacon, Adah, 67. Alphonso S., 67. Emma A., 67. Jay, 67. Olive J., 67. Bailey, Eliza, 40. George B., 25. Jane, 25. Louise, 25. Sarah, 34. Stephen, 40. Susan, 25. Baker, Sarah, 91. Baldwin, Elizabeth, 25. Frederick, 79. Henry, 79- James, 79. Lewi's G., 25. Sarah, 79. Banker, Charity, 84. Lewis, 87. Martha, 87. Pamelia, 79. Banks, Mar}-, 95. Barger, John, 38. Lorinda, 37. Mahala, 38. Sarah, 38. Barker, Absalom, 89. Amelia, 90. Angeline, 90. Anson, 89. Asbury, 90, 91. Caroline, 90. Catherine, 90. Catherine M., 90. Clara, 91. Deborah L., 89. De Witt, 90. Edward, 90. Elizabeth, 90. Emma, 90, 91. George W., 89. Hannah, 89. Hannah J., 90. Ha trie, 90. Hester, 90. Hetty, 85, 89, 90. Isabel G., 90. James, 85, 89, 90. Jane, 90. John Franklin, 91. Joshua L., 90. Julia, 91. Lucy, 90. Martha J., 89. Mary, 89. Mary E„ 89. INDEX Michael, 89, 90. Nancy, 90. Phebe, 89. Phebe J., 90. Robert, 89. Robert W., 90. Sarah, 89, 90. Sarah A., 90. Smith, 91. Smith A., 89. Susan, 90. Susan M., 89. William, 89, 90. vVilliam H., 91. Barlow, Mabel, 19. Barmore, Emma, 88. Barnes Jennie, 41. Barnum, Amelia, 41. Anna, 13. Joanna, 13. Barrett, Abigail, 88. Ella, 21. Ferris, 21. Gideon, 37. George, 37. Ida, 37. Loretta, 37. Bartow, Deborah, 100. Baxter, Angeline, 90. Beadle, Abraham, 12. Andrew, 12. Billicha, 12. Elizabeth, 12. John, 12. Judith, 12. Mary, 12. Beamer, Dolly, 60. Bedell, Ella E, 40. Elmer E., 45. Mary, 45. Beers, Anna, 47. Benedict, Fanny M., 44. 105 106 Bennett, Irene, 41 • Peter, 41. Bentley, James, 89. Mary E., 89. Betts, Francis M., 43- James A., 43- James H., 43- Boice, Lemuel, 31. Mary Catherine, 31. Bostwick, Mary, 13. Bounds, Elvira, 35- Brewer, Hannah, 84. Martha, 65, 84. Briggs, Abigail, 74- Brinkerhoff, Abram, 18. Dirck. 18. Browen, Belle, 3°- Brown, Adah M., 46. Charles Herbert. 46. Florence H., 4° • Frank L., 46. Helen. 99- Jackson O., 9-- Julia E., ( Lucinda, 46- Sarah, 67. Sarah E.. 46. Stephen A., 46. Brush, Amelia, 41. Amos, 4 : - Benjamin. 96. Clara, 9 6 - Deborah, 33, 9°. Edmund B., 96- Edward, 96. Fanny, 96- Harriet A.. 41 Joseph, 96. Maria, 96. Piatt. 96. Rebecca, 96. INDEX Samautha, 96. Sarah, 96. Buck, Charles D. (Rev.), 99- Buckley, Elizabeth, 26. Sturgis, 26. Buftett, Piatt (Rev.), 96. Bunce, Harvey, 35. Lucina, 35. Burwell, Anna J., 38. Bush, Albert, 54. Angeline, 54- Anna E., 54. Eleanor, 54. Emma, 54. George, 54- Jacob, 54- John S., 54. Loretta, 54. Martha, 54. Mary, 54- Sophia, 54. Buskirk, John, 34. Sarah, 34. Caldwell, Arabella, 46. Caldwin, Ann, 46- Cameron, John A.. 56. Mary Jane, 56. Cargin, Charity, 79. Gilbert, 79- Carpenter, Caleb, 87. Delia, 87. Robert, S7. Tanrar, 15- Winifred, 99- Carver, Rebecca, 80. Timothy, 80. Case, John S., 34- Phebe, 34- Stephen, 10. Casler, Eliza, J. 60. INDEX 107 Chamberlain, Erastus N., 45. Wilier, 45. Chappel, Elizabeth, 72. Chase, Charles, 6S. Elizabeth, 68. Clark, Elaine, 60. Frederick P., 60. Jessie M., 60. Willis, 60. Clements, Elizabeth, 76. Reuben, 76. Clinton, James, 65. Close, Maria, 96. Cole, Andrus, 29. Catherine, 29. Cynthia, 88. Levi, 88. Nathan (Rev.), 65. Collins, Mary, 93. P. V., 93- Conklin, Itbamar, 72. Joseph, 72, 73. Sarah, 86. Tihamar, 73. Connelly, Martha, 29. Constant, Silas (Rev.), 18, 20. Cook, Louisa, 76. Rebecca, 77. Cooper, Elmira, 28. Feshis, 28. Kate, 31. Lewis, 28. Philip H., 30. Sarah, 30. Corbin, Delilah, 44. Corman, Ada C, 63. Covert, Jemima, 100. Silvanns, 100. Craft, Patience, 80. Crane, Adah, 16. Azor B., 16. Betsey, 16. Caroline, 82. Charles, 16. Chloe, 9, i 3 . Corneha, 16. Elijah, 36. Emeline, 16. Ira, 16. John, 15. 84, 85. Joseph, 15. Marietta, 36. Nathaniel, 79, 82. Noah Hill, 16. Rachel, 79. Rodolph, 79. Sarah, 100. Stephen, 100. Tamar, 15. Zillaih, 16. Crawford, Miranda, 81. Susan, 36, 65. Orispell, Catherine, 18. Elizur, iS. Croft, Dorothy, 40. Emmalinda, 38. Plume, 40. Randolph, 38. Crooks ton, Mercy, 85. Peter, 85. Cross, Arthur A., 45. Isabella A., 45. Lloyd, 45. Pearl, 45. Culp, Margaret, 54. Cnminings, Cassie, 44. Cunningham. Miriam, 32. Cure, Anna, 12. Jacob, 29. Jennie K., 45. John W., 45. Mary, 29. 108 INDEX Matthew, 12. Curry, Ann, 84. Anna J., 42. Charles H., 27. James H., 43- Jennie B.. 27. Jessie May, A 2 - Leonard, 27. Peter B., 42- Susan, 43- Tamar, 27. Theodore A., 42. Curtis, Esther. 22. Manila, 22. Seth, 22. Cuthbert, Mary A., 56. Dallas, Eugene, 94- Charles, 94- Mortimer, 94- Sarah, 94- Daniels, Phebe, 51. Dare, Eliza, 60. Darling, Augusta, 38. Davis, Catherine, 18. Daniel F., 45. Nellie, 45. Rebecca, 45. Rhoda, 29. Samuel, 19. Sarah, 19- Dean, Adaih, 66, 67. Adah E., 68. Adrian H., 68, 69. Alethea, 65, 66, 85. Ani'/i L., 66. 68, 102. Andrew, 87. Anna, 20, 65. Augusta C, 67. Catherine, 68, 102. Catherine E., 6q Clarence L., 69. Clarissa, 68. Cora T., 67. Cornelius, 66. Delilah, 66. Edwin L., 68. Eliza Ann, 67. Elizabeth, 68. Elmira, 87. Erastus, 66. Flora, 69. Flora W., 69. Harriet, 67. Henry J., 69. Ira W., 66, 67. Isabel, 69. James H., 68. Jessie, 69. John, 65, 66. John H., 68. Jonathan, 87. Joshua L., 68, 69. Julia, 87. Laura J., 68. Lawrence, 67. Lewis A., 66, 68. Lewis C, 68. Lewis S., 69. Lillian, 69. Margaret A., 68. Mary, 65, 80. Mary A., 68, 69. Mary R, 67. Mary I.. 69. Miriam, 66. Nathaniel, 66. Pamelia, 87. Richard, 20, 65, 85. Robert, 66. Sarah E., 67. Sarah M., 67. INDEX 109 Smith A., 65, 66. Stephen D., 66, 67. Susan, 65, 67. William A., 66, 67, 68, 69. De Groot, Leslie, 46. Mabel L., 46. De Lancey, James, /. De Matt, Clarissa, 68. Dennes, Jennie, 60. ~>epew, Benjamin F., 98. Bethiah, 24. Catherine, 99. Delia C, 98. Elijah, 24. Mary, 24. William. 98. De Puy, Adelaide, 60. Diamond, Caroline, 36. James, 36. Divine, James, 50. Surrilda, 50. Dobson, Louisa, 63. Dodge, Olivia, 43. Doolittle, Clara, 45. Dorn, Mittie R., 47. Downs, Elizabeth, 86. Drake, Hannah, 77. Samuel, 7, 70, 100. Drew, Byron J., 25. Elizabeth, 25. Delaphine, 25. Lathrop, 25. Driggs, Augusta P., 67. Chauncey M., 67. Elizabeth, 67. Grace A., 67. Harry G., 67. Jesse F., 67. Jones, 67. Lawrence D., 67. Mary F., 67. Dubois, Lamont, 45. Lizzie, 45. Mary Jane, 31. Nellie, 45. Dudrey, Elizabeth, 19. Valentine, 19. Dunham, Addison, 44. Miriam N., 44. Dunn, Arthur, 55. Jane, 55. Dunnegan, Elizabeth Ann, 28. William D, 28. Durrell, Genevieve, 46. George B., 46. Butcher, Antoinette, 32. George W.. 32. Newton, 44. Sarah C, 44. Dutton, Edmund, 94. Elizabeth, 94. John Anthony, 94. Naomi, 94. Dyckman, Jessie, 46. Rebecca S., 46. Staates Morris, 46. Earle, Philip, 10. Early, Benjamin, 90. Nancy, 90. Eckert, Albert, 32. Catherine, 30. Hannah, 31. Maria, 32. Elliott, S. M., 25, 40. EI tang, Anna, 30. Catherine, 30. Isaac, 30. Elwell, Sarah J., 39. Elwyn, George, 74. Isabel, 74. Embury, James, 70. 110 INDEX Enochs, Allie May, 58. Augusta, 58. Clifton E., 58. Edgar H., 58- E th-cl C, 58. Farmie L, 58- Georgia L., 58. Minerva L., 58. Rowland H., 58. Rubie Irene, 58. Estall, Susan, 43. Eustis, James. 70, 72. Tamaar, 72. Evans, John, 51. Mary A., 51- Farenton, Charity, 100. Parrel, Elizabeth Jane, 60. Ferguson, Eleazer, 32. Elizabeth, 32. Robert, 32. l'erris, Absalom, 22, 23. Elizabeth, 35. Mary, 23. Mary E.. 35. Phebe, 22, 23. Samuel, 35. Field, Bethiah, 54. Charles W., 44. Eleanor, 56. Emma, 44. George, 54. Gilbert C. 54- Jacob, 54. Mary, 54. Ralph, 54. Rebecca Ann, 54. Finch, Abigail, 95. Adalinc, 95. Adelaide, 95. Alethea, 33, 9&, 97- Alice, 95. Amelia J., 97. Amos, 95. Angeline R., 96, 98. Benjamin B., 97.- Charles F., 97. Deborah, 33, 95, 96. Deborah A., 95. Delia C, 96, 9«- Edward B., 96, 97. Elsie Garretson, 99. Emily S., 97, 99. Emma, 96. George G, 96. Hannah, 95. James K., 99. James W., 97, 99. Jane P., 98. Jessica B., 99. Jonathan, 95. Julia E., 96. Kate, 99. Lo'ckwood, 95. Margaret F., 97. Mary, 95- Mary E., 96, 98. Mary R„ 95. Mauricene, 99. Nathan, 95. Nathan L., 97, 99. Reuben, 95. Reuben R., 33, 95, 96, 98, 99- Rhoda, 95. Virginia, 97. Winifred, 99. Winifred F., 99- Finnenty, Catherine, 47. Michael, 47. Floyd, Sarah, 29. Fowler, Emeline, 82. Mary A., 27. INDEX 111 Phebe, 72. Fowler, Thomas, 72. Fox, Jeremiah, 100. Mar}' Ann, 100. Francisco, Margaret, 51. Fraser, Jemima, 75. John David, 75. Freeman, Emma, 38. Frost, Amelia J., 97. Delia C, 98. Joel W„ 98. Margaret, 97, 98. Nibs, 97, 98. Fuller, John N., 87. Mary, 87. Gage, Ora, 52. Gaming, Aurefta, 78. Celista, 78. Chloe, 78. Elmer, 88. Joseph, 78 . Mina, 88. Garretson, Ferdinand, 99. Helen, 99. Jessica B., 99. Gee, Hannah, 89. Uriah Drake, 89. George, Thankful, 13. William, 13. Gerow, George W., 62. Lizzie R., 62. Gerring, Cora C, 67. George L., 67. Gildersleeve, Delila, 51. James, 51. Gillett, Rihoda, 50. Glenn, Edith D., 42. Elias B., 42. Mary D., 42. Gorton, Amelia, 51. George Henry, 51. Phebe, 51. Sarah, 51. "William, 51. Gosseline, Hannah, 31. Jane, 31. Richard, 31. Gould, Abigail, 29. William C, 29. Graham, Daniel, 11. Grant, Melissa, 29. Peter R., 29. Graves* Hannah, 93. Gray, Olive, 33. Gergory, Daniel S., 26. Eleanor, 57. Elizabeth, 26. Horace, 26. John, 57. 58. Mary, 26. Sarah, 58. Griffin, Bethiah, 53. Mary, 53, 100. Richard, 53. Guyon, Leah, 73. Lewis, 73. Hadlden, Avis, 37. Azor, 37. George L., 90. Pearl, 90. Phebe J., 90. Haff, Harriet, 67. Isaac, 67. Sarah, 67. Hagerman, Adah, 87. Ella, 87. Elizabeth, 87. Henry T., 87. Haines, Augusta, 57. Hall, Caroline, 27. Elizabeth, 27. Emeline, 27. 112 INDEX Eugene, 27. John L., 27. Lewis, 27. Mary A., 27. Halliday, David M. (Rev.), 97, 98, 99- Hannegham, Claressa, 30. Hardenburg, Jane, 50. Harrington, Blanche B., 55. Ida, 55. John, 55. Julia Ann, 55. Rowland, 55. Wesley, 55. William E,. 55- Hart, George W., 90. Hattie, 90. Julia A,, 22. Nancy, 79. William, 79. Hasbrouck, Ann Acelia, 52. Hiram B., 52. Sherman, 52. Haun, Georgie, 58. Isaac, 58. Hayden, Mary, 44. William, 70. Hazen, Eleazur, 85. Hannah, 85. Hedden, Abraham S., 100. Ann, 100. Deborah, 100. Gilbert, 100. Sarah, 100. Henderson, Charles W., 89. Martha J., 89. Henning, Ella, 57. William, $7- Heroy, Charles, 13- Jacob, 13. Peter, 13. Phebe, 9, 13- William, 13. Hewlett, Jane Ann, 86. Hibbard, Frances A., 38. H'ggins, Caroline, 90. Hill, Abel, 31. Abigail, 29, 50, 55, 56. Abraham, 9, 17, 20, 27, 30, 43. 53, 54, 55, 59, 101. Abraham L., 26. A. Lincoln, 39. Abram, 28. Abram A., 45. Ada C, 63. Adah, 21, 35- Adam C, 3°- Addison, 17. Adelaide, 60. Adelaide R.. 47- Adeline, 36. Albert, 31, 50. Albert L., 42. Alberta Maud, 61. Alethea, 33. Alfred, 25, 39, 59- Alice, 31, 42, 44, 5*- Alina, 64. Allen Blair, 27, 42. Alma, 52. Almira, 51. Alonzo, 21, 29, 36, 82.. Alza, 15, 23, 79. Alza A., 23, 39. Ambrose, 41, 47. Ambrose Alfred, 58, 61. Amelia, 51. Amy Eleanor, 63. Amzi, 20, 34. Andrew, 8, 9, 10, ir, 12, 14, 18, 19, 20, 22, 31, 55, 60, 79. Andrew Gregory, 57, 61. Andrew J., 3^, 44- INDEX 113 Andrew S., 29. Andrew U., 27. Anna, 12, 20, 30, 38, 40, 45, 47, 59, 65- Ann Ace'lia, 52. Ann Elizabeth, 51, 54. Annie Marguerite, 57, 61. Anthony, 7, 8, 10, 14, 17, 19, 21, 28, 49, 78, 80, 82, 93. Antoinette, 32. Arabella, 46. Arlon, 58. Arnold G., 63. Arthur W., 41. Arva, 14, 22, 79. Arza, 23, 38. Atlblinda J., 23. Augusta, 38, 50, 57, 58. Ava, 29. Avis, 37. Barbara, 56. Bella, 36. Benjamin M., 25, 39. Bertha, 42. Berhiah, 9, 15, 22, 24, 53, 54, 55, 79, 100. Betsey, $2. Billicha, 11. Bradley, 59. Britomarte, 52. Byron, 38, 60. Calantha, 52. Calvin, 50. Carl R, 51. Caroline, 21, 26, 36, »2. Carrie, 31, 35, 37. Carrie S., 38. Cassie, 44. Catherine, 11, 19, 22, 29, 30, 47, 5 6 - Catherine A., 52. Cecil, 62. Celia, 50. Celia Celeste, 26. Charity, 8, 10, 18, 49, 92. Charles, 31, 39, 40, 58. Charles N., 36. Charles S., 27, 42. Charles W., 31. Charlotte, 26, 39, 41. Chloe, 9, 14, 15, 21, 38, 80. Clara, 44, 45, 56. Clara Idella, 44. Clarence, 34. Clarissa, 30. Clorinda, 42. Cora, 37. Cora O., 38. Cornelia, 31, 50. Cornelius, 8, 9, 15, 26, 41, 53, 54, 56, 83. Cyrus C, 25, 40. Daniel, 25. Deborah, 17, 89, 101. Delilah, 42, 51. Delos W., 48. Dolly, 60. Dorothy, 21, 40, 41, 46, 78, 82. Dudley L., 46. Edith M., 47. Edmund, 50. Edmund A., 30, 44. Edna J., 44. Edward B., 28, 43. Edward Clarence, 44. Edward R, 34, 46, 97. Edward K., 46. Edward M., 44. Egbert, 29. Elbert B., 43, 47. Eleanor, 55, 56, 57. Eleva, 59. Eliza, 24, 32, 40, 59, 60. Eliza J., 23, 38, 44, 56, 60. 114 INDEX Eliza M., 39. Eliza W., 62. Elizabeth, 10, 15, 19. 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 41, 49, 50, 58- 93- Elizabeth A., 28, 39. Elizabeth G., 26. Elizabeth Jane, 60. Elizabeth M., 48. Elizabeth T., 56. Ella, 21, 57, 58- 6o- Ella E., 40. Ella F., 40, 42. Elmira, 28. Elswor.th, 51. Elthear, 29. Elvira, 35, 50, 51. Emelindta, 20, 32. Emeline, 27, 30, 39. Emerson, 59. Emily, 36, 80. Emma, 32, 38, 39, 44, 59. Emma Ann, 57. Emma Augusta, 40. Emma Jane, 59. Emimalinda, 38. Emory F., 44. Ephraim, 28. Erastus D., 55, 60. Ernest, 60, 63. Ernest B., 47. Esther, 14, 22, 39, 80. Ethel May, 63. Ethel Pearl. 63. Etta, 60. Eugene, 47. Eugene B., 40, 47. Eva C, 32. Eva F, 35- Eva S., 32. Ezra, 37, 59. Fanny, 36. Fanny M., 44. Fenton, 30. Ferris, 23, 38. Fillmore, 52. Fletcher, 30, 45. Flora, 31. Flora D., 60. Florence, 41, 44. Florence Sarah, 60. Frances A., 38. Frances M., 43. Frank, 32, 40, 58, 62. Frank D., 28. Frank J., 32. Frank M., 44. Franklin E., 47. Frederick, 4T> 45. Frederick A., 47. Frederick B., 28. Frederick M., 42. Frederick William, 61, 63. Fredericka B., 34. Garrison. 50. Genevieve, 46. George, 36, 37, 59. George Alvin, 57. George B., 28. George C, 41. George Edward, 64. George Erastus, 63, 64. George Millner, 40. George W., 22, 30, 38. 43. 44- Georgie, 58. Gertrude, 32, 37- Gideon, 31, 46. Gilbert, 14, 22, 23, 79. Giaidys, 52. Gorton, 51. Grace, 41. Granger, 52. Greeley, 52. Guy, 91. Hamilton, 51. INDEX 115 Hannah, 27, 28, 3:. Hannah ]., 27, 42, 60. Harriet, 36. Harriet A., 41. Harrison, 21, 37, 82. Harry D., 45. Harvey, 59. Hattie, 35, 42. Hazel B., 63. Hazel D., 46. Henriette, 64. Henry, 21, 28, 33, 37, 47, 82, 97. Henry B., 34, 47. Herbert, 41, 57. Hiram, 51. Howard, 38. Howard G., 51. Hugh Beverly, 63. Ida, 37. Imogen e, 40. Ina, 52, 63. Inez Cora, 26. Ira B., 35. Ira D., 21, 34. Irene, 41. Isaac, 31, 45, 59. Isaac D., 29. Isaac L., 17, 26, 37. Isaac N., 89. Isabel, 61. Isabel Ethel, 61. Isabel Louise, 64. Jackson, 24, 39. Jacob, 15, 16, 22, 54, 58, 79. Jacq Tafford, 57, 6i. James 10, 15, 10, 23, 25, 28, 31, 49, 5i, 78, 83. James Edward, 59. James C, 43. James H., 25, 26, 41, 57. Jane, 8, 9, 16, 30, 31, 50, 51, 53, 55, 60, 101. Jane Ophelia, 34, 47. Jefferson, 59. Jemima, 31. Jennie, 31, 41, 50, 52, 57, 60. Jennie K., 45. Jessie, 37, 46, 57, 58. Jessie Bell, 63. Jessie M., 60. Jessie R., 62. Johannes, 50. John, 20, 28, 31, 49, 54, 56, 58. John A., 24, 39. John F., 30. John Henry, 59. John Russell, 60, 63. John Wesley, 29. John Woodruff, 57. Jonathan, 54. Joseph, 55, 59. Joseph N., 23. Joseph S., 32. Josephine, 32, 41. Joseph us, 36. Judah, 19. Judith, 12. Julia, 31, 33, 37, 97. Julia A., 28, 55. Julia Maria, 60. Kate, 31, 38. Kate C, 45. Ka'theriwe, 28. Kelsey, 21, 26, 36, 37, 82. Laura, 37, 50. Lava due E., 62. Lavinia, 50. Leon W., 51. Leonard, 22, 37, 38. Leroy D., 48. Lewis, 23, 25, 28, 40, 83. Lewis D., 47. Lidia, 50. Lillian, 41. 116 INDEX Lizzie, 45. Lizzie R., 62. x^ois, 31. Lola, 63. Lorenzo D., 21, 36, 80, 82. Lorctta, 37. Lorinda, 37. Louisa, 27, 63. Louisa M., 29. Luicia Alice, 40. Luanda, 31, 46. Lucretia, 42. Lucy, 39- Lucy Ann, 50. Luella Jane, 61. Lulu M., 48. Luman A., 43, 47- Luther, 28. Lydia A., 44. Mabel L., 46. Magdalena, 49. Mahala, 14, 38, 80. Marcus J., 43, 48. Margaret, 51. 54, 55, 56, 57- Margaret B., 56. Maria, 32, 50, 51, 55, 60. Maria H., 56. Maria R., 32. Marietta, 36. Marion A., 47. Martina, 20, 25, 29, 33, 50, 52, 58. Martha Ann, 58. Martin, 54. ■Mary 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 43, 44, 45, 49, 53, 54, 55, 60, 79, 92, 9.3- Mary A., 27, 51, 57- Mary Catherine, 28, 31, 57- Mary D., 26, 41. Mary E., 25, 35, 40, 45. Mary Frances, 39. Mary H., 40, 47. Mary Jane, 17, 31, 56, 63, 87. Mary L., 23, 3Q % . Matilda, 43. McClellan, 52. Melissa, 41. Melissa O., 29. Milah, 35- Mildred, 44. Minerva, 52. Minnie, 37, 41- -Miriam, 8, 12, 20, 30, 32, 45. Miriam N., 44. Mirty R., 47- Murray, 58. Myrtle, 50, 63. Mystic, 37. Nancy, 23, 24, 51, 75, 79- Nancy Ann, 58. Nathaniel, 50, 54, 56. Nellie Victoria, 57. Nelson, 39. Noah, 9, 13, H, T 5, 20, 24, 75, 80. Noah D., 33. Olivia, 43. Olivia D., 44. Ophelia, 41. Ora, 52. Orrin L., 44. Oscar, 51. Palmyra K., 55. Parmer, 59. Paulina, 43. Percival, 63. Peter A., 25. Peter C, 19. Phebe, 9, 13, 15- 21. 22, 24, 34, 36, 51. Phebe Bethiah, 56. Phebe Jane, 23. Phebe Maria, 57. Philo, 50. Polly, 19- INDEX 117 Priscilla, 24, 29. Rachael, 15, 79. Raymond, 41. Raymond A., 62. Raymond R., 47. Rebecca, 45. Reginald B., 62. Rena, 63. Reuben F., 97. Reuben R., 34. Rhoda, 29, 43, 50. Richard, 53, 55. Richard Taylor, 56, 60. Richard W., 29, 43. Ridhardina, 44. Riley, 50. Rowland, 44, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63. Rowland T., 62. Russell, 32. Ruth, 28. Sally, 12. Salome, 29. Sama-ntha, 58. Samuel, 20, 29. Sandy, 29. San ford, 39. Sarah, 14, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25, 29, 30. 31. 3 2 , 34, 5r, 58, 60, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83 Sarah Adelia, 34. Sarah B., 41. Sarah C, 23, 39, 44. Sarah E., 28, 63. Sarah F., 26. Sarah J., 39. Sarah V., 33, 97. Seward, S 2 - Sheridan, 51. Silvia E., 52. Smith, 54. Solomon, 9. 14, 17, 19, 2 7> 2 8, 53, 54, 55, 57- Solomon Trenton, 55, 60. Stephen, 21, 35. Surrilda, 50. Susan, 21, 25, 36, 43. Susan F., 35. Sylvan, 31. Tamar, 17. Tarnar A., 27. Theodore, 23, 27, 43. Theodore C, 43. Thomas, 17, 20, 32. Thomas L., 23, 26, 38. Thomas Russell, 63. Thomas S., 42. Tillman, 55, 59. Uriah, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 19, 20, 27, 33, 49, 50, 65, 80, 97. Veltena, 44. Vera D., 35. Viola, 36. Virginia, 40. Virginia Jane, 40. Wallace, 51. Walter, 50. Webster, 52. W. Ernest, 41. Wilbur, 50. Wilbur F., 31. William, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 20, 23, 26, 28, 30, 42, 50, si, 53, 54, 56, 59, 75, 79, 9 2 , 100, 101. William D., 29, 43. William F, 37. William L., 55. William R., 28, 58, 63. Zachariah, 49, 50. Hitchcock, Anna M., So. Daniel, 36, 80. David, 75, 79, 80. David W., 80. Emily, 36, 80. Hiram, 80. 113 INDEX Israel 79. Mary A., 80. Nancy, 79. Pamelia, 79. Patience, 80. Rachel. 75, 79- Sarah, 79, 89. Stephen, 79. Stephen R., So. Susan, 80. Hixon, Annie E., 56. Arthur C, 56. Mary A., 56. Mary Jane, 56. Omri, 56. Hoag, Hannah, 101. Winthrop, 101. Hobby, David, 96. Samantha, 96. Hoffman, Paulina, 43. Began, Elizabeth, 32. Hoitte, John, 70. Moses, 70. Hollister, Sarah, 31. Honeywell, Ada, 72. Israel, 72, 73. Jemima, 72. Mary, 73- Hopkins, Edward, 13. Mary, 13. Hornbeck, Daniel, 80. Mary A., 80. Hornbostel, Grace A., 67. Hugh, 67. ilortom, Almia, 52. Catherine, 11. James W., 27. Mary D., 27. Tamar, 27. Hotchkiss, Caroline, 26. Leon, 26. Howard, Frederick R., 61. Herbert R., 61. Howe, Anna, 84. Lebbens, 84. Iloyt, Rebecca, 96. Hugh son, George, 8. Hull, Amanda, 22, 23. Bradley, 22. Elizabeth, 33. Hezekiah, 33. John D., 33. Martha, 33. Mary A., 33. Meeker, 33. Melissa, 33. Olive, 33- Walter B., 33. Hults, Mary E., 40. Hunt, Abigail, 71. Caleb, 72. Lucy, 90. Sarah, 72. Susan, 80. Huntington, Hubert, 77. Rebecca, 77. Hus'on, Isaac, 92. Hutchinson, Emily S., 99. Jennie F., 99. John D., 99. Hyatt. Adah, 16. Camilla, 98. John, 65. Nathaniel, 16. . Jackson, Catherine E., 69. John, 70. John J. II., 69. Jenkins, Alberta, 41. Jennie, 41. Jennings, Henry, 82. Martha, 82. Jessup, Catherine, 99. Lewis, 99. INDEX III) Mauricene, 99. Johnson, Emma, 96. Henrietta, 64. Henry T., 64. Jabez, 62. Lava due E., 62. Johnston, Adelaide R., 47 Annie, 45. William (Rev.), 45, Jones, Jane, 72. John, 72 Margaret, 97, 98 Maria, 98 Susan, 36 Joyce, Anna, 13 Stephen, 13 Keater, Elthear, 29. Kennedy, Catherine, 56. Mystic, 37. Sylvia, 37. Ketchum, Mary C, 84. Kinderman, Harry, 39. Mary L., 39. W. D., 39. Kingsley, Chester M., 69. Lillian, 69. Kinney, David S., 77. Louisa, 77. Kipp, Isaac L., 99. Winifred, 99. Kridler, E. H., 37. Laura, 37. Krom, Hannah, 31. Knapp, Abigail, 95. Daniel, 100. Mary, 100. -kniffin, Hiram, 86. Jane, 90. Nancy, 86. Knight, Mary, 89. William, 89. Knox, John C, 89. Martha J., 89. Ladue, Abraham D., 12. Anna, 12. Bilbeck, 12. Daniel, 12. Hannah, 12. Judith, 12. Rebecca, 12. Lake, Eliza, 32. Gertrude, 32. Rundell J., 32. Lamoreaux, Andrew, 13. Anna, 13. Charity, 13. Charlotte, 13. Daniel, 13. Elisha, 8, 12. James, 13. Jesse, 13. John, 18. Joseph, 13. Mary, 13. Miriam, S, 12, 13. Peter, 18. Landon, Louisa, 27. Lane, Abram, 12. Andrew, 12. Betsey, 12. Elizabeth, 85. Joseph, 100. Joshua, 12. Judah, 12. Polly, 12. Richard, 12. Sally, 12. William, 12. Lent, David A., 78. Oretta, 78. Rachel, 101. 120 IXDEX Lewis, Andrew, 49. Baret, 49. Elizabeth, 10. Magdelena, 50. Mary, 49. Thomas, 49. Light, John B., 81. Orpha, 81. Liml.-i'v, Minerva, 52. Thomas, 52. I.ittleback, Manuel, 18. Locke, Snsan M., 89. Lockwood, Caroline, 36. Catherine E., 69. Deborah, 95. Dorothy, 36. Ebcnezer, 24. Eliza, 24. Smith, 36. Sophia, 36. Wallace, 36. J.ounsbury, Adah, 16. Alfred, 16, 101. Arza, 16. Bethiah, t6, 22. Catherine, 68, 102. Charity, 101. Chloc, 17. Daniel, 27. Deborah, 17, 101. Elizabeth, 76. Emalinda, 17. Frank, 102. Hannah, ioi, 102. Isaac, 16, 17, 101, 102. James, 17, 101. Jane, 9, 16. Jennie, 57. John, 65, 10 1. John D., 102. Joshua, 65, 68, 86, 101, 102. Joshua W., 102. Lydia, 86, 101. Mary, 101. Mary A., 65, 102. Mary Jane, 17, 102. Michael, 101. Nora, 36. Orsey, 101. Rachel, 101. Robert, 76, 101. Robert W., 101. Samuel, 101. Sarah, 101. Susan, 16. Tamar, 101. Thomas, 9, 16, 22, 101. Loveridge, Eva R, 35. James, 35. Lowe, Mary Jane, 63. Ludington, Henry, (Col.), 13, 14, 74, 78, 84, 85. Luscomb, Priscilla, 29. Lusk, Henrietta, 82. William, 82. Lyon, Maria, 93. Machovy, Clara, 56. MacKeller, Annie, 68. Roliert, 68. MacRea, A. K., (Rev.), 45. Lizzie, 45. Marginson, Mary, 93. Marshall, Alche, 76. Caleb, 76. William, (Rev.), 33, 97. Maslin, Charlotte, 26, 41. James, 26, 41. Maston, Julia Maria, 60. Matthews, Frances E., 25. Mabie, Elizabeth, 33. Mayo, Ruby, 94. McElroy, Joseph, (Rev.), 98. McKay, Carrie S., 38. J- H., 38. Lorinda J., 38. McLane, Jessie, 69. MoMullin, Daniel, 50. Lucy Ann, 50. Mead, Hezekiah, 74. 78. Sarah, 96. Merrill, Ella F, 42. Manning, 42. Mary Jane, 42. Merrirt, Alice, 39. Anna E., 39. Edward, 98. George A., 39. James B., 98. John, 55. John L., 39. Maria, 98. Mary E., 98. Richard, 98. Sarah C, 39. Merwin, Elizabeth, 26. Harrison, 26. Mettler, Ella, 58. Gladys C, 58. Hugh A., 58. Roy C, 58. Simeon A., 58. Miller, Benjamin, 24. Biflah, 37. Eliza M., 39. Isaac, 3y. Julia, 37. Phebe, 34. Prisdlla, 24. Misner, Abigail, 50. Maria, 51. Montague, Mary I., 69. Montanya, Gertrude L., 32. Morehouse, Isaac, 77. Sarah, 77. Morris, Mary, 8. INDEX Roger, 8. Mudge, Eleanor, 55. Munger, Manila, 22. Murdock, Jonathan, (R ev .), 95> <$ Myrick, Abraham, 100. Caroline, 100. Catherine S., 101. Eliza, 100. Frederick, 100. Helen, 100. Lucy, 100. Margaret, 100. Samuel, 100, 101, Sarah, 100. Nelson, Camilla, 98. James M., 98. Jane P., 98. Justus, 22. Mary, 85. Phebe, 22. Vernal, 55. Newbury, Mary E., 40. Nortih, Abel, 19. Abram, 20. Adam, 20. Albert, 19. Catherine, 19, 30. Erastus, 20. Gordon C, 19. John, 20, 30. John S., 19. Tudy, 19. Marj', 19. Miriam, 20. Nathan, 19. Polly, 19. Uriah, 19. Cakley, Elizabeth, 87. Odell, Charity, 84. Emma, 86. 121 122 INDEX Osborn, Abigail, 70, 71. David, 70, 71. Martha, 52. Richard, 71. Sarah, 71. Paddock, Alonzo, 31. Cornelia, 31. Page, Alfred, 57. Alfred E., 57- Ellis E., 57- Emma Ann, 57. Frank E., 57. Nellie A., 57- Palmer, Edmund, 17. Palrnerton, George, 35. Sarah, 35. Pangbnrn, Charity, 13. John, 13. Pangman, Edgar F., 45. Florence C, 45. Isabella A., 45. Miriam, 45. Parkinson, Elizabeth, 67. Parrisen, Augusta C, 67. George, 67. Georgia, 67. Isabella, 67. Patterson, Eliza Jane, 56. Harvey, 57. John Henry, 57. Mary Catherine, 57. William, 56. Paulding, John, 47. Mary H., 47. Pierre Van C, 47. Pell, Ada, 72. John, 70, 72. 'Mary, 72. Rachael, 70, 72. Tamar, 72. Thomas, 70, 72. Pennell, Alethea H., 98. George C, 98. Perry, Mary, 87. Munson, 87. Peters, Lewis R., 39. Mary L., 39. Phillips, Mary A., 57- Fierce, Abizur, 25. Arva H., 25. Cornelius, 25. Daniel, 78. Elizabeth, 25. Frances E., 25. Jane, 25. Mary, 25. Mary E., 82. Orpha, 78. Susan, 25. William B., 82. Pinckney, Abigail, 70, 71, 74- Aldie, 76. Alida, 73. Alva, 23, 41, 81. Ann, 70, 76. Anna, 75- Antba Ann, 81. Arabella, 81. Arvilla, 23. Azor B., 81. Briggs, 74- Caroline, 82. Charity, 79. Charles, 73, 76. Charlotte, 80. Chloe, 78, 80. David, 73, 75- Deborah, 70. Dorothy, 13, M> 21, 72, 73, 74, 78, 82. Elijah, 74, 7^, 77- Eliza, 80. Elizabeth, 70, 72, 75, 76, 88. Emeline, 82. INDEX 123 Ezra, 8r. Ferris, 71. Florence, 41. Frederick, 82. Freelove, 75. George E., 81. Georgians, 82. Gilbert, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79. Hannah, 70, 71, 72, 73, 77, 80. Henrietta, 82. Henry, 75, 78, 82. Hetty, 78, 86. Ira, 78, 79, 81. Isabel!, 73, 74. Isabella, 71. Israel, 13, 14, 72, 73, 74, 77, 80. Itbamar, 72. Ivy, 23. James, 75, 76, 82. Jane, 70, 71, 72, 73, 78. Jemima, 72, 75. Jessie, 37. John, 70, 71, 73, 76, 77. Jonathan, 71, 73, 75, 76. Josiah, 74. Judson, 81. Lafayette, 88. Leah, 72. Legrand, 82. Lewis, 22, 23, 25, 74, 78, 81, 82, 86. Louisa, 76, 77. Luna, 81. Mahala, 79. Maria, 81. Martha, 82. Mary, 71, 73, 76, 77, 80, 81. Mary E., 82. Michael, 23, 81. Miranda, 81. Miriam, 73. Nancy, 14, 23, 75, 79, 81. N?.thaniel, 82. Orpha, 21, 23, 25, 78, 81. Oscar F., 82. Perry, 23, 81. Phebe, 72, 76, 78. Philip, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75. Pierce, 78, 82. Rachel, 70, 72, 74, 75, 77, 79> 80. Rebecca, 74, 76, 77, 80. Richard, 75. Samuel, 71. Sarah, 13, 23, 25, 71, 72, 73, 75, 77, 78, 8o, 81, 83. Sebe, 76. Sibel, 76. Silpbia, 77. Stephen, 23, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82. Susan, 81. Susanna, 71. Thaddeus, 37, 81. Thomas. 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 80. Timothy, 80. William, 23, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 77, 78, 80, 8r. Pollard, Adolphus, 55. Eleanor J., 55. Erastus D., 55. James M., 55. Joshua, 55. Joshua B., 55. 'Maria, 55. Richard F, 55. Stephen B., 55. Theodore, 55. Zylphe A., 55. Polley, Edward, 36. Hiram, 36. Phebe, 36. Pollington, Henry, 55. John, 55. Margaret, 55. Posit, Catherine M., 90. David, 77. 124 INDEX Elizabeth, 78. Euphemia, 78. Frederick, 78. Gertrude, 37. Getty, 78. Israel, 77. Jacob, 73, 74, 77. James, 78. John, 90. Lewis, 77. Mary, 78. Merwin, 37. Phebe, 78. Sarah, 75. Price, Pamelia, 87. Proper, Lydia A., 44. Purcell, Arabella, 81. Piatt, 81. Purdy, Anna M., 80. Putnam, Israel, 18. Quereau, Catherine, 93. Charity, 93. Clement, 93. Elias, 93. Elizabeth, 93. Isaac R., 93. Jane, 93. Maria, 93. Phebe, 93. Ratman, Mary, 72. Samuel, 72. Raymond, Thankful, 13. Reed, Alice, 94. Barney, 94. Ebenezer, 43. Elizabeth, 94. Frances Josephine, 93. Joseph, 93. Maria, 93. Mary, 93. Mary Elizabeth, 93. Matilda, 43, Requa, Gabriel, 18. Reynolds, Abigail, 95. Anna, 75. Dehor ah A., 95. Enoch, 95. James, 95. Joseph, 75. Samantha, 96. Rich, Dorothy, 22, 73, 74. Elijah, 76. Phebe, 76. Rhoades, Amzi, 93. Ann, 94. Anthony, 93. Charity, 8, 92, 93. Charles, 94. Charles A., 93. Clarence 93. Claudius, 93. Eliza, 93. Elizabeth, 93, 94. Elmira, 94. Emily, 94. Ezekiel, 93. Gedney, 94. Hannah, 93. Harriet, 93. Herbert, 93. Isaac, 8, 9, 92, Q3. James, 10, 92, 93, 94. Jane, 94. John, 92, 93, 94. John Cornelius, 93. John Howard, 93. Mabel, 94. Maria, 93. Mary 9, 93, 94- Nancy, 93, 94- Naomi, 94. Rhoda, 93. INDEX 125 Richard, 92. Ruby, 94. Samuel, 93. Sarah, 94. Susan, 93. Thirza, 93. Roberts, David, 76. Mary, 76. Robinson, Anna, 38. Betbiah, 53. Eliza, 53. Ferdinand, 38. George 34. Henry, 53. Hiram, 53. Jane, 53. John, 53. Mary, 53. Nathaniel, 53. Robert, 53. Sarah, 90. Sarah Adelia, 34. William, 53. Rosenrans, David, 40. Mary E., 40. Roszell, Harvey, 55. John, 55. Mary, 55- William, 55. Willson, 55. Rund'le, Fanny, 96. William, 96. Russell, Rebecca, 77. Thomas, 77. Sadoett, Clara, 96. Sackrider, Eliza, 87. James, 87. Satterly, Martha. 35. Saulpaugh, Mary, 43. Schuster, L., 51. Fhebe, 51. Schutt, Abraham, 11. Andrew, 11. Billicba, II. Catherine, it. James, n. Johannes, 18. Stephen, 11. Uriah, 11. William, ir. Scott, Ann Elizabeth, 51. George, 51. Seacord, Elizabeth C, 56. Gertrude B., 56. Henry C, 56. Lauchlin Mc C. 56. Samuel W., 56. Thomas R., 56. Sector, Catherine, 22. Elizabeth, 93. Gedney, 22, 93. Seeley, Elizabeth, 26. Shaffer, Julia, 31. Shaw, James 1 H., 30. Olivia D., 44. William, 44. Sherlock, Foster, 77. Silphia, 77. Shore, Jane, 30. Short, Catherine, 30. Katberine, 28. Shute, Richard, 70. Sillick, Amelia, 90. Sinclair, Elizabeth, 65. Robert A., 65. Skidmore, Isabel G., 90. Slack, Mary, 84. Sloan, Eliza J., 44. Thomas W., 44. Mary, 44. Sloat, Hannah, 27. Michael, 27. Smith, Abel, 24. 126 INDEX Abraham, g, ioo. Adeline, 36. Alice, 95. Allen Blair, 100. Andrew J., 24. Ann, 100. Arba, 96. Bethiah, 9. Charity, 100. Cornelius, 24, 81. Elizabeth, 24, 100. Hannah, 96. Hattie, 42. Jemima, 100. Jeremiah Fox, 100. John, 22, 24. Louisa, 86. Margaret, 100. Mary, 53. 100. Mary Ann, 100. Mary E., 42. Nancy, 23, 81. Phebe, 24. Prudence, 100. Sarah, 96, 100. Sax ton, 100. Susan, 88. William C, 36. William H., 42. Soper, Emma, 91. Speedling, Eliza J., 38. George H., 38. Mary A., 38. Oliver H., 38. Squires, Clorinda, 42. Daniel, 42. Staff, Alida, 73. Staples, Samuel, 90. Sarah A., 90. Stephens, Jennie, 60. Stevens, Jane M., 87. Stinison, Rebecca, 46. St. John, niary Catherine, 28. William, 28. Stockwell, Oalista, 33. Stokes, Joseph, 86. Lucy, 86. Stokum, Anthony, 86. Eleanor, 86. Jonathan, 9. Nathan A., 86. Storms, Annie, 68. Furman, 67. George A., 67. Gertrude W., 68. Harriet, 68. Lulu B., 68. Sarah M., 67. Strang, Catherine, 22. Strickland, M'nnie, 37. Stuchfield. Ann, 86. S. B., 86. Stiles, John, 13. Miriam, 13. Swamton, Jane Ophelia, 47. Swarrout, Andrew, 12. Cornelius, 12. Jacobus, 12. Judith, 12. Lulu A., 12. Mary, 18. Polly, 12. Sally, 12. Samuel, 12. Thomas, 12, 18. Tafford, Conrad, 54. Mary, 54. Taylor, Abigail, 55. Alice, 44. Betsey, 52. Jennie, 52. Mabel, 19. Richard, 55. INDEX 127 Tedford, Mary, 77. Samuel, 77. Tench, Alberta M., 61. Donald M., 61. Eleanor A., 61. Frank C. 61. Frank M., 61. Thompson, Archibald, 61. Emeline, 39. Isabel, 61. Jane, 51. Samuel G., 51. Thornby, Isabel Ethel, 61. Julian, 61. Thome, Ann, 46. Charity, 10, 49. Til ford, George, 79. Mahala, 79. Tompkins, Cornelius, 85. Elizabeth, 49, 87. John, 49, 50. Magdalena, 50. Maria, 50. Nathaniel, 87. Sarah, 85. Susan, 89. Townsend, Elizabeth, 72, 75. Freelove, 75. James, 16. John, 72, 75. Sibel, 76. Susanah, 16. Travis, Cecelia, 80. Deborah, 80. George F., 80. Hannah, 80. Jemima Jane, 80. Joseph W., 80. Nancy, 24. Samuel W., 80. Washington, 24. Tubbs, Lida, 35. Tubbs, Lida, 33. Turner, John, 19. Judaih, 19. Ultand, Kate, 38. Oscar F, 38. Vail, Eliza, 80. Jessie, 41. Sarah, 91. Sarah B., 41. Tamar, 101. William, 80. Van Cortlandt, Philip, 18. Van De Bogart, Ruth, 28. Vandervoort, Charles, 81. Mary, 81. Van Hagenen, Eva C, 32. Van Vleck, Sarah, 19. Van Wagner, Nicholas, 80. RaChael, 80. Vincent, Commodore C, 40. Mary E., 40. Voorhis, Frederick, 47. Jane Ophelia, 47. Waddell, Eliza, 53. Francis, 53. Harriet, 53. Jane, 53. Julia, 53. Margaret, 53. Maria, 53. Mary, 53. Robert, 53. Thomas, 53. Wallace, John, 41. Ophelia, 41. Ward, Elijah, 76. Jemima, 7 2 - Mary, 7. Sarah, 73. 128 INDEX Sebe, 76. Susan, 65. Thomas, 72. Wardell, Eliakum, 101. Lydia, 101. Waring, Stephen, 16. Susanah, 16. Warren, Mary, 28. Melissa, 41. Weedon, Elizabeth, 72. Jane, 72, 73. Mary, 72. Thomas, 72, 73. William, 72, 73. Weeks, Cornelia, 50. Mary, 28. Wendell Mary, 13. Wesley, Charlotte, 80. Weyland, Eliza W., 62. John, 62. Wheeler, Albert W., 51. Nancy, 51. Phebe J., 00. Stephen, 90. White, Irving E., (Rev.), 46. Whiteford, Elmer M., 62. Raymond A., 62. Samuel N., 62. Whiting, Jonathan, 9. Whitty, Fanny, 36. Wilcox, Rhoda D., 43. Willfams, Eliza Ann, 67. John, 72. Racbael, 79. Reuben, 79. Sarah, 72. Willis, Florence Sarah, 60. Samuel H., 60. Wilson, Alma, 64. Chloe, 80. Windrum, Emma, 32. Sarah, 32. Thomas, 32. Winters, Isaac, 92. Olive J., 67. Wixom, Anna, 41. Charlotte, 41. Wixon, Amanda, 22, 33. Ancil, 22. Bethaly, 22. Gharlotte, 26. Elizabeth, 90. Esther, 22. Henry, 90. John, 81. Julia A., 22. Luna, 81. Noah, 22. Robert J., 26, 41. Smith A., 22, 33. Tatty, 41. Wolcott, Louisa N., 29. Woods, Abigail, 56. Frederick, 56. George, 56. John, 56. Maria R., 32. Mary R.. 95. Matilda Jane, 56, Sila>s, 95. Thomas, 56. Wright, Alfred. 21. Arthur, 26. Chloe, 14, 21. Daniel, 14, 21. Delilah, 66. Ebenezer, 32. Edward, 86. Flora, 69. Irving, 26. Joel, 96. Joseph Sackett. 69. Lucy, 32. Miriam, 32. INDEX 129 Phdbe, 21, 86. Robert, 32, 66. Sarah, 96. Sarah F., 26. Tamar A., 21. Wrong, Ann, 56. Charlotte, 56. Helen, 56. John, 56. John B., 56. Margaret B., 56. William, 56. Wyatt, A. Wesley, 91. Clara, 91. Young, Augustus, 50. Lavinia, 50. Sarah A.. 87. Zeh, Alethea, 35. Franklin, 35. Zelie, Almira, 51. David, 51. Zeliph, Adelia, 24. Almira, 24. Andrew, 24. Anna, 38. Cornelius, 24, 38. Fanny, 24. Ferdinand, 24. Gilbert, 24. Harvey, 24. Hettie, 24. Jahez, 24. James, 24. John, 24. Joel, 24. Katie, 24. Maggie, 24. Martha, 24. Mary, 24. Mary I., 24. Phebe E., 24. Rachel, 24. Sarah, 24. Thomas, 24. William, 24. Zimmerman, Ann, 94. AD 1.4 ■y ^ ^ » • o 4 Ok J 3 <4v v c o « o „ °V '° ' * " a\" * ■•■ - \/ : v^ . . 5 " c s ■> « o . ° o « / V. ^ /^ , ,0 /) i- ^ V v J T '^ > < > 5 • • ' S V s ^ ^ 'V. H ' J . 55 * < ,* u * ' , i • * * • ° * " V v 4^ v5 ^ 4 O «° ,< / s^g^ \.# c fa"*** ° L 07>, >t JO 1 /*" ■*■ <0 °- ■?• \> », s * * - L ' v^ O *o . , " A, <- A < H> ° " ° * <*>>. ho X S' * . ^ v V V V \ v