THREE MILITARY DIARIES BY THE SAME AUTHOR. George E. Littlefiei.d has for sale at his Antiq^iariait Bookstore, No. 67 Cornhill, Boston, the following publi- cations : — EPITAPHS FROM THE OLD BURYING GROUND IN GROTON, MASSACHUSETTS. With Notes and an Appendix. Illustrations. Octavo, cloth, 292 pages. Boston : 1S7S. Price, ^3.00. GROTON DURING THE INDIAN WARS. Octavo, cloth, 214 pages. Groton : 1S83. Price, 32.50. THE BOUNDARY LINES OF OLD GROTON. Octavo, cloth, 105 pages. Groton: 1SS5. Price, 31.50. AN HISTORICAL SKETCH OF GROTON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1655-1890. Duodecimo, cloth, uncut, 26S pages. Groton: 1S94. Price, 32.00. GROTON HISTORICAL SERIES. A Collection of Papers relating to the History of the Town of Groton. Vols. I. -IV. Octavo, cloth, uncut, pages 500, 4S0, 496, 529. Edition limited. Groton : 18S4 to 1899. Price, 325.00. GROTON DURING THE REVOLUTION. With an Appendix. Illustrations. Octavo, cloth, uncut, 343 pages. Groton : 1900. Price, 34-oo. Also, AN HISTORICAL ADDRESS, Bi-Centennial and Centen- nial, delivered July 4, 1876, at Groton, Massachusetts. Octavo, paper covers, 89 pages. Groton: 1876. Price, 3i- 00. AN HISTORICAL ADDRESS delivered at Groton, Massa- chusetts, February 20, 1S80, at the dedication of three monuments erected by the town. Octavo, paper covers, 56 pages. Groton : 1880. Price, 50 cents. THREE MILITARY DIARIES KEPT BY GROTON SOLDIERS IN DIFFERENT WARS miit\) Kntrotmctions SAMUEL A. GREEN GROTON, MASS. 1901 .(^'\Q:%%} ?anibcrsitg iSvcss: John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U.S.A. ^ 3^\3 «>\ ;:> TO 2r!)e fflnnorg OF THE GROTON SOLDIERS WHO LOST THEIR LIVES IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION, AND TO THE VALOR OF THEIR SURVIVING COMRADES, THESE PAGES ARE INSCRIBED Preface TN this volume are printed the Diaries of three Groton sol- diers, who served in different wars. They have already been published in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, but now for the first time they are brought together. The first Diary was kept by Lieutenant Dudley Bradstreet at the siege of Louisburg, during King George's War; the second by Sergeant David Holden, during the latter part of the French and Indian War; and the third by Amos Farnsworth, during the early part of the Revolutionary War. From time to time in these pages interesting facts crop out, which illustrate miHtary customs at different periods of time, such as modes of punishment in the army, and manner of life in camp and on the march, etc. Some of these customs are so trifling in their character that they have escaped record in the more formal histories of cam- paigns. In the lapse of years they either have been for- gotten or by gradual changes have been lost ; and they can be traced best by contemporaneous narratives, such as are found in these Diaries. viii Preface The writers were plain men leading quiet lives in a rural neighborhood. At home they were farmers, but when their country needed their services, they were soldiers. Men of this class made up the yeomanry of New England who kept alive the religious and political principles brought to these shores by the Pilgrims and the Puritans. Austere in their belief, they practised those homely virtues which lie at the base of all civiHzation ; and we of to-day owe much to their memory and example. March i6, 1901. DIARY KEPT BY LIEUT. DUDLEY BRADSTREET, OF GROTON, MASS., DURING THE SIEGE OF LOUISBURG, April, 1745 — January, 1746. First printed in the PROCEEDINGS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY June 10, 1897. Dudley Bradstreet's Diary THE following Diary, kept by a soldier during the first siege of Louisburg, gives many interesting episodes of that eventful period. It begins on April 22, 1745, and ends on January 17, 1746. Unfortunately the writer's name does not appear anywhere in its pages, but the authorship is learned both from family tradition and internal evidence. For several generations the Diary has been in the keeping of the Kemp family, of Gorham, Maine; and among the various members it has been believed generally that the author was Dudley Bradstreet, whose daughter Mary married an ancestor, Eben- ezer Kemp, and through this channel it is supposed that the Diary came into their possession. On page 6 is written in an old hand " Mary Kemp her Book," which seems to bear out this supposition; and the same name appears also in another place. The .little book in which the journal was kept now con- tains eighty-eight pages, and was made probably by folding sheets of folio writing-paper twice, and then stitching them together through the back; and this supposition is borne out by the water-mark, which is not the same on each half- sheet. It is interesting to note the fact that similar paper with the same water-marks is found scattered through the manuscripts among the Pepperrell Papers and Belknap Papers relating to the siege of Louisburg now in the possession of the Massachusetts Historical Society. The outer fold (4 pages), which made a leaf at the beginning and end of the 4 Dudley Bradstreet's Diary book, is gone; and presumably the name of the diarist was written on the missing page. Another fold near the middle is also gone, and the gap is found between the entry of Wednes- day, June 5, and that of June 20. The first leaf of this miss- ing fold contained the record of June 5 (in part), 6, 7, and 8 (in part) ; and the corresponding leaf contained that of June 18 and 19. According to this statement the book had ori- ginally 96 pages, and was made from six full sheets of blank paper. Of Dudley Bradstreet, the diarist, but little is known. He was the second son of the Reverend Dudley and Mary (Wain- wright) Bradstreet, of Groton, where he was born on March 12, 1707-8. His father was the settled minister of the town from the year 1706 to 171 2, when he was dismissed from his pastoral charge, which had not been entirely harmonious with the parish; and soon afterward he went to England to apply for orders in the Anglican church. On April 28, 1727, Dudley Bradstreet, the son, was married to Abigail Lakin ; and they had six children, namely: Abigail, born on June 27, 1728, and died probably in November, 1745, while her father was at Louisburg; Mary, born on August 7, 1730, and married Ebenezer Kemp; Ann, born on May 18, 1735, married Samuel Hobart,^ on March 26, 1755, and died at Hollis, New Hamp- shire, on May 20, 1773; Lucy, born on April 8, 1738, and married Jonathan Pratt, on F"ebruary 26, 1756; Sarah, born on September 26, 1740; and Hannah, born on August 13, 1743. From the fact that all these children were girls, it is easy to see why the name of Bradstreet disappeared from the annals of Groton, as at that period the father was the only male representative of the family in town. From internal evidence it is clear that the writer was a Groton soldier, and a member of Captain John Warner's company in the Fourth Massachusetts Regiment (Colonel 1 At a later period Samuel Hobart, a native of Groton, removed to Hollis, and afterward to Exeter, N. H., where during the Revolution he was engaged in the manufacture of powder for the army. Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 5 Samuel Willard) ; and from contemporary records it is known that Dudley Bradstreet was an officer in this company. From time to time he mentions various Groton men who were then serving in the army, and, under date of December 6, he alludes to Samuel Shead, a recent arrival at Louisburg, who within a short time had seen his wife at Groton ; and through him he heard from his whole family. Captain Warner was a resident of Lancaster, and presumably his company was made up of soldiers belonging there and in Groton and neighborhood. In "The New-England Historical & Genealogical Regis- ter" (XXIV. 371) for October, 1870, it is said that Dudley Bradstreet was commissioned at Louisburg by Governor Shir- ley, as Second Lieutenant, on October 2, 1745; and before this time it is likely that he was holding a lower rank, per- haps that of Ensign. There is some reason to think that he was serving in the Commissary department, perhaps as a non-commissioned officer, as, on May 4, he gave a receipt for two barrels of bread and one barrel of pork; and, on July 18, he delivered to each mess six days' allowance of meat, etc. There are several other entries in the Diary, which bear out the same supposition. This theory would explain why on various occasions he was placed in command of small squads of men, and furthermore would account for his social intercourse with other officers. While the compiler of the article in the Register gives no authority for his statement in regard to Bradstreet's commission, doubtless it is based on a letter found among the Pepperrell Papers (I. 319) in the library of the Historical Society, of which the following is a copy : — To His Exelency Wi' Shirley, Esq^ This is to inform your Exelency That my Regiment is not Settled so as to be in any Capassity of doing their duty, as they aught to do — and it is by Reason of >•= Companys being Very much Broke : and in order for the Settlement of the Companys In 6 Dudley Bradstreet's Diary my Regiment, and for the Peace and Quietness of tlie Soldiers : I shall take it as a Grate Favour Done to me : if your Exelency would See Cause To Commitionate Those Gentleman Hereafter Name': John Huston, James Fry John Fry Nath" Pettengill To be the officers over the men that belong' To Lev'= Coll" Chandlers Company & Cap*- James Stevenss Compi Joni Hubard Benejah Austin & Elisha Strong To be the officers over the men belonging To Maj' Pomroys Comp- & Cap' Millers — Ephariam Hayward and John Bell & Dudley Brad- street To be The officers over the men that are Left of Cap* War- ners Comp- & Cap: Omsteds In So Doing you will Oblige you most obediant and Humble Servant Saim'-^ Willard LOVISBOURGE, Octc the 2day 1745 LOUISBOURG 2: OctO- I745 We the Subscribers the Officers to the four Companys within men- tion'd humbly proposed to Your Excellency by Col° Samuel Willard for the settlemf thereof ; untill the Spring ensueing, or the first of May next desire the favour of your Excellency that we with our respective Companys may be joyned to the Regiment of Brigadier Generall Waldo ; and that your Excellency orders or Commissions may Issue accordingly, Jn- Huston James Fry Jon'^ Hubbard Ephraim Hayward To His Excellency William Shirley Esq^ Captain Generall of His Majesties Forces att Louisbourg, &c? Cap- Fry fr*? y*-' 12':" July has done the Duty of a Captain to 2 Companys Cap' Hayward fr" d? [Indorsed] Sam" Willards Petition The following extract, taken from Benjamin H. Hall's " History of Eastern Vermont " (p. -^y), throws a little light on Lieutenant Bradstreet's later career, though 1 cannot find Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 7 the writer's authority for his statements. A long search among the Massachusetts Archives at the State House fails to reveal it; but Mr. Hall, doubtless, had access to other papers, which gave him the facts as mentioned in the quoted paragraph. More effectual measures for the defence of the country were taken at the beginning of the year 1747, than had been adopted for some time previous. On the 17th of March, Governor Shirley presented to the General Court a message relative to the state of Fort Dum- mer, and the importance of its position, and advised that it should be garrisoned with a larger force than was ordinarily stationed there. That body having voted in accordance with this recommendation, Brigadier-Gen. Joseph Dwight, by order of the governor, requested Lieut. Dudley Bradstreet to take the command of forty men, and with them garrison Fort Dummer, in place of the guard then sta- tioned there. The request was obeyed, and the fort with its stores was, on the 15th of April, delivered by Col. Josiah Willard into the hands of his successor. Bradstreet retained the charge of the fort for five months, at the end of which time it was again placed in the care of its former commander. Near the end of July, 1748, Dudley Bradstreet belonged to a company of thirty-six men that for two days scouted in the neighborhood of Groton, under the command of Captain Thomas Tarbell. They were sent out by Major William Lawrence, of Groton, under orders from Colonel Samuel Willard, of Lancaster, during an Indian alarm. (Massa- chusetts Archives, XCH. 156.) This is the last trace of Lieutenant Bradstreet that I am able to find. Neither the town records nor the files of the Middlesex Registry of Pro- bate give any hint or clew as to his later history ; and the epitaphs in the Burying-ground are equally silent. He dis- appears from view so completely that he may have died soon afterward. In the church-records, between August 16, 1771, and September 9, 1774, there are allusions to a "Widow Bradstreet," probably his widow. (See Groton Historical Series, IV. 12, 13.^ 8 Dudley Bradstreet's Diary Jonathan Hubbard, of Groton, was Adjutant of Colonel Willard's regiment, and he is mentioned several times in the Diary under the name of Hobart. These two surnames are often used interchangeably in the early Groton records ; and in Mr. Butler's History (page 409) he is called " Lieut. Jonathan Hubbard," and in " The New-England Historical & Genealogical Register" (XXV. 259) for July, 1871, the same form is found, which agrees with his own signature. Probably the pronunciation of the two words was nearly identical. In Colonel Willard's letter just given, the name is written " Hubard," showing a want of uniformity in spelling which was common in those days. According to an entry in Joseph Farwell's note-book, printed in the first volume (No. XIV. p. 29) of the Groton Historical Series, the Groton soldiers who took part in the siege of Louisburg left town on March 10, 1745 ; and this squad of men, doubtless, included Lieutenant Bradstreet within its ranks. His regiment sailed from Boston on March 24, a fortnight later, and landed on April 30, at Chapeau Rouge Bay, known to the English as Gabarus Bay. For the use of this Diary I am indebted to the courtesy of Miss Sarah Colburn Kemp, a native of Gorham, Maine, but now a resident of Manchester, New Hampshire, who is a descendant in the fifth generation from the writer. Her an- cestor Ebenezer Kemp, of Groton, was married about the year 1748 to Mary, eldest surviving daughter of Lieutenant Brad- street; and they had nine children, of whom a son was named Dudley Bradstreet. Their eldest child, Ebenezer, Jr., was married on August 31, 1773, to Relief Phillips, of Groton; and they had seven children. Soon after the Revolution this son removed to Gorham, where he died in the year 1833 ; and members of the family still continue to live in that town. David Kemp, their sixth child, was married to Anna Hum- phrey; and they had five children, of whom Willis Bradstreet Kemp, the eldest son, was the father of the lady, whose kind- ness I wish to acknowledfre. Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 9 The Diary is written in a clear and distinct hand, and shows that the author had received a better education than the aver- age yeoman of that period, which is not surprising, as he was a lineal descendant of Governor Simon Bradstreet. The ink on the first page is so faded that the manuscript for the most part is illegible, and only here and there can words be made out, — though among such are the names Jacob Nutt[ing], Peletia Bourn, and John Parker, — but on the last page it is still good. Perhaps moisture or an exposure to sunlight has wrought the change, or possibly another kind of ink was used. On this account the printed copy begins with the second page of the journal ; and it opens at the time when Pepperrell's forces were lying at anchor in the Gut of Canso, a place pre- viously arranged by Governor Shirley as a rendezvous for the fleet. For other similar journals relating to the siege of Louis- burg, see " Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society " (I. 131-161); " Historical Collections of the Essex Institute" (VI. 181-194) for October, 1864; *' The New-England His- torical & Genealogical Register" (XXVII. 153-160) for April, 1873; and "The Journal of Captain William Pote, Jr., during his Captivity in the French and Indian War, from May, 1745, to August, 1747" (New York, 1896). Among the Parkman Papers belonging to the Massachusetts Historical Society is a manuscript journal (i 745-1 748) kept by the Rev- erend Stephen Williams (H. C. 1713), first minister of Long- meadow, who was a chaplain in the Louisburg expedition, and is mentioned several times in the following Diary. See also '• A Letter from William Shirley, Esq ; Governor of Massa- chusett's Bay, to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle : with a Journal of the siege of Louisburg," etc. (London, 1746; Boston, reprinted), which is in the nature of an official report on the military operations. The Maine Historical Society has a type-written copy of a journal kept by Colonel John Storer, of Wells, Maine, an officer in the expedition against Louisburg, which gives some lo Dudley Bradstreet's Diary entries in regard to preliminary matters connected with the siege. It begins at Wells, on March 8, 1745, and ends ab- ruptly at Louisburg, on April 30. The diary was printed first in the Lewiston Journal in the year 1854, though all trace of the original manuscript now is lost. A copy has recently been made from the newspaper by the Honorable Joseph Williamson, of Belfast, Maine, and by him given to the Historical Society at Portland. The expedition against Louisburg, all tilings considered, is one of the most remarkable campaigns in modern history. The plan was organized by civilians and successfully carried out by men of little military experience. The army was made up largely of raw recruits, but what they lacked in dis- cipline and technical knowledge was offset by their will and determination. It was to a great extent a religious crusade against a foe who believed in a different creed. Louisburg was the strongest fortified position on the continent, and was defended by a strong force ; yet circumstances so conspired that it fell before an army of undisciplined militia. ;.//. Diary \_Ap7-il 22, 1745.] About 6 aClock in the aftnoone there Came in a Sloop Major Hodge on Board Came out of Boston with us But not haveing a good Pilate Suffered verry much att Sea att night Came Orders for Cap' Warner to go on Board of Col" Rich- monds Vessel to Consult Expecting to Sail on the morrow for Cape Breton [2]3 The man of war with other Vessels went in Expectation to find Comodore Warrin Commodore Warrin Came in Sight with Three men of war with him Sent Some men in with Letters Came in Two Scooners with a Small french Sloop : One of the Scooners Chasd a Small Sloop and She run aground and our men went on Board and the french and Indians from yf' Land fird upon them and Wounded Several of our men one in the forehead One in the arm One in the thigh One of y? Scooners Landed her men and Burned Three houses y! Belonged to the french One of which a verry fine house : But Took no Plunder Being in a Hurry Wrote Letters home Reel' Orders To Sail att Two of the Clock in the morning Sent twenty She Lin ^ To Col " Willard Sealed up in a Letter which were Delivd he Thakfully Rec'' them 24 Connecticut fleet Came in and Brought News y' they Saw a Sloop One of their Company w'.'' mounted 16 Carriage guns : in an Ingagement with a french Ship which we Expect is the man of war y! our Privateers Ingaged with on y'^^ i8'l' Instant But they had fird Several Broad sides Our Sloop Strove to get away But it is to be fear'd They are Taken &c att night went on Board of Major Guilman ^ Shillings are here meant,, but why the diarist saw fit to use this expression it is not easy to conjecture. In another place (December 27) he writes the word oil I correctly. 12 Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 25'-^ Clouudy and Rained Some in the morning A Snow Came in &c whicli Was a Privateer from Rhoad Island She Came from Luisbourgh Harbour and Brought News that yf Ice is all gone. Be- fore noone Came in the before mentioned Sloop She is a privateer Sloop and Informs us That She Got away from y? french man By Turning To windward and that french Vessel had four Broad Sides att her But Did them no Damage Excepting Cutting their jib Halliards Before Came in y^ Perscattua Privatteers from S: Peters. They fird Several Shots att the fort and Several Shots Through a house and Saw the woman and Children run out of their Houses the Rev;' [M]' Baulch ^ Din'd with us 26- Rain'd all Day att Times The Commodore Rouse with Two Privateers went out Commodores Boatswain Bury'd Cap' Dudley with Divers Other Gen'. Din'd with us : Cap! Swan Came in and Inform'd us that he was On Board of Comodore Warrin and y' the Commodore had Three french Vessels in Toe &c Likewise y? s'.' Comodore Warrin Had Lost Seven of his men att margarets Bay he apprehends the Indians have kill'd or Taken them We heard Comissary Prout Being on Shore went from his men Two Days ago and they was afraid y;= Indians had Taken him But his men this Day found him : and he Being so far Spent haveing no Susti- nance that he Could not Speak But after he had Taken Something was able To Travel & is got on Board This Day we killd our hogg 27* Aj>r'. 1745 Rainy weather a man was Bury'd but I know not who he was. Sent for y? Docl To Some Sick People after Dinner he w'." Other Gen'" Came and y? Cap! with Several of us went on Board Col" Willard and when on Board ReC' Orders To go on Shoar w"' the whol Company which we did and Divers Other Companys and Immediately after we were Imbody'd Rec!' Orders To go on Board allso Rec!' Orders To Carry y? first Orders we Rec? after we Came to Canso To y" Gen' which Cap! Warner Per- formd att night went on Board Major Guilman and Rec!' Pay for a Quarter of Pork we Sold to his Lieu! Rec:' for y!= same = 8 = 3 Aj>"y:28']' Sunday. Cloudy misty and foggy weather in the morning heard a Great Gun out att the Harbour : went To meeting on Board Col? Willard the Rev'.' mf Baulch Preached from 2 Tim- 1 Thomas Balch (II. C. 1733), minister of the Second Parish in iJedhaui, now Norwood. Dudley Bradstreet's Diary i 3 othy first Chapf and y."' first Clause in y? i8 or Last Verse. The 121 Psalm was Sung nV. Crocker preacht on Buring Island after Came On Board Rec^' Orders For Cap* Warner to go on Board Col? Richmond att 3 of y? Clock and Carry the orders he Rec'' Apl yf 19'.'' which Cap! Warner Perform'd In y? afternoone Cap! Warner was att meeting On Board Col'.' Rich- mond and heard the Rev'' m!^ \Varlter ^ The Lieu! and I w'l' Some Others went on Board Col" Chandler and heard the Rev'' m' Baulch from Mathew VIII 21 & 22!' Versres Sung first y!" 2 first Staves & I in y? 34 Psalm and ^ Stave in Doc! Wats's hyms Ml" Newmarch ^ Preacht in yf afternoone on Burying Island from i Kings 20 Chap & II Verse The Perscatua Privateer Lying near us our People heard the Text which was from Acts 3 & 9'i' 29'!' Came To Sail for Cape Breton about 6 in y? morning wind att N W 100 and Odd Sail in Company: a Brisk Gale a While and then Calm till about Sunset and Then y? wind freshend up. Spy'd Several Whale &c Looks Like Settled weather: The wind in yf Evening att N N W Took up a Letter floating 30'!' about 10 Clock Came To anchor in Chappeau Rouge Bay and Ordered To Land yl" men as Quick as Possable: But in y: morn- ing as Soone as they Spy'd our fleet y-^ fir'd att all their Batterys Imediately on Anchoring Landed But before we Landed Saw an army Sally out of yf Town in order To Defeat us in Landing but our Privateers Play'd with Great Guns But our men y! first got on shore killd four frenchmen one a Lieu! and Took Captive One Col? & a Cap! & Three of our men wounded y? money &c Comitted to Cap! [David] melvin Left five men on Board : and this Day killd and Took Captive that we know off 17 frenchmen Three of our men wounded But None killd y! we know off Took five Cows killd Three of them May y". i! 1745 Breckfasted on milk where we Lay which was within Two miles of y?' Citty of Louisburgh Last night about Sunset I went on The Top of y*" hill where we fird 1 Nathaniel Walter (H. C. 1729), minister of the Second Parish in Roxbury, and chaplain of the Second Massachusetts Regiment. 2 Probably John Newmarch (H. C. 1690), minister of Kittery, Maine, though I find no record that he served in the Louisburg expedition. Sir William Pep- perrell was a member of his church. 14 Dudley Bradstreet's Diary about 14 Shots att y'' french and they fird from y? Citty Battery att us the Shot flew over our heads They fird Several Guns in y? Night Last night our watch Last night killd Several French men and Took Some Captive They Burned Several of their owne houses May y. \\ 1745 Several Horses killd By our men and Some Took alive a Great Number of Cattle killd and Taken by our men: The Genl Came on Shore a Number of French Taken If^ our men Some of our men went into an house and Plundred yP Same This Day The french Sunk Several of their owne Vessels and Burnt Some Their Boats Continually Passing as we Think To Carry off their Treasures : in yP afternoone an army of our men of about 500 vi^ent into y? woods 17 of our Company went with them Plundred Several houses: I Saw a french men Ly Dead y\ was killd "^ our watch Last night May y^ 2'' Our Army Returnd that went out yesterday with the following Success they went To a Village at yf head of a Cove & Burnt all yP Dwelling Honses & Waer Houses and a Vast Deal of Treasure Some Treasure they Brought home Took Two french men Several french men Taken this Day and Two french women and a Verry Handsom Child about 12 months old Several horses Taken This Day Took yP Grand Battery The french had Remov'd and Stopt all yP Tutchholes of their great guns and Cast their Pow- der into the water The Enemy in y": Town and Island Battery kept Throwing their Bums att our People in yP Grand Battery Surpriz'd in yP night By Several Shots in the night which we Supposed were from yP Enemy Imbody'd & Drawd up near The Generals Tent Rec'.' Orders To Remove about a mile further off from yP Town Least we Should be Distroy'd by Bums or Shots out of The Town before night we Removed & Incamped between The Gen! and Col° Willards Camps in y': Night Surprizd by Several guns That was Shot att one of our Centrys and four Bullet holes mades in his Blankit Afay The 3'.' 1745 Several french men Taken Our men Put One of the Cannon in yP Grand Battery To Play and fird Several Shots att yP Citty walls yP Enemy keep Continually Fireing with their Cannon Morter P- &c: from yP Citty & Island Battery Our men keep Continually Plundering Several Horses Cows &c Brought in The morter p- Carriages &c Carry'd this Day and Planted against the Citty we are Informd that Comod^ Warrin has Taken Two Storeships we are Informd y* One of our men fell on yP Rocks and Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 15 was kill'd in the after noone those of our men y\ were fixing y? Bat- tery for our morter p- were Surprize! by the Enemys Sallying out of y? Town when the News Came about 500 of us marcht To y" Re- leif of our men and when we Came The Enemy had Retreated about I of the Clock at night Col? Willard Came To our Camp and Orderd us To Send 10 men with an officer To join w'!' others in Guarding yf Artillery Serg^ Goodfrey & others sent we hear y^ old [Captain] morepang is in yf woods w"' a Guard of Thirty men & he is wounded May y. 4'^ Ordered To muster on yP hill at 8 o'clock in yf morn- inp- mustered w'l' vf whole Batalian Ordered Cap' Warner To Take 6 men out of every Company in Col.' Willards Regim^ To Guard y? People Sent To Carry Powdr to yf Grand Battery 6 of our Com- pany Ordered To go To yf Guard of yf Artillery in the afternoone Our men from the Grand Battery fir'd 92 od Cannon and the En- emy in the meane Time fir'd Two Bums about yf middle of yf after- noone Our morter V'^^ Began To Play flung Sume Bums into yf Citty One french man Taken this Day not One of our men killd that' I know off Several more Captives Taken fird from the Grand Battery this Day 91 in y^: night 15 of our men Sent To The Artil- liry I gave a Receipt for 2 barrels Bread & one of pork may y' 5'^ Sunday I with 5 more went To the Artillery To yf Releif of our men while I was there our men fird Several Bums 2 went Direct into yf Citty The Enemy fird att us But did not hurt any of us Our men from y": Grand Battery Began before night to fire To the Citty yf Erfey from yf Island Battery flung their Bums But they Cheifly Broke in the air : one of yf Cannon in our Battery Broke and wounded yf Gunner and 4 men more Several Captives Taken this Day They Inform us That morepang headed the army y* Came against us at Landing and was Shot Thro' yf Thigh and Thirty men Took into yf woods and Tarry'd with him Till he Died I But he is not Dead yet {These last six words were added afterward.'] One of yf Gen'" men Died who went into an house To plunder and killd himself with Drink Eleven Captives Taken Some men Some women Two frenchmen killd Our men Came upon them in the woods where they had Carryd their Goods out of yf Citty our men Inform us that their is goods Sufficient To Load 2 Vessels Besides Two Bags of gold They Left above 20 men To Guard the Goods andf 1 6 Dudley Bradstreet's Diary may f. 6"" In yf morning mustered & Sent 15 men To y? Artil- lery N B when we Saild from Canso part of our fleet went To S' peters & S' Johns Last Night they Came To us & Informd us that they had Taken S- Peters The People Cheifly fled and made their Escape the Rest they Took Captive They Loaded all their Vessels and Then Burned the Buildings and they Burn'd 1000 Bushels of wheat in One house Cap! Jaquis was Killd & one more. The man that was wounded the 23? of Ap! Dead. Several french killd att S'- Peters \Four lines in the Diary here crossed out.'] Several Captives Taken &c we heard Several Guns in y.'^ Town Jfay y": 7'!' in the morning news Came To yf Camps y\ y? Enemy had Issued out of yf Town yf Army Rallyd but when we Came y? Enemy had Retreated when we Returned I went To y': Comissary c Q lb Winslow and got One hogshead of Bread weighed 3-2 . o One Barrel of pork I gave a Receipt for yf Same in yf afternoone I went w'l' Some Others To yf Head of yf Bay on Board our Transport : This Day we Sent a Flag of Truce But the Enemy Refuse Delivering yf Citty but by the Point of yf Sword The Cannon Bums Cohorns &c Con- tinually Roaring on Boath Sides Women and Children heard to Screach and Cry out in yf Citty when our Bums Came amongst them Yesterday Comodore Warrin Came on Shore and offer'd us 600 men well Disciplind To Join us in Scaleing yf walls : he was Pleasd To tell us y' yf Day we Entred the Citty of Luisburgh he £ £ would Expend on yf Land army 500 and on yf' Sea forces 500 more out of his owne Estate : Took a Small Town and 25 french Captives : Cap: Warner Taken Sick 8"' Wrote home mustered in the Forenoone Two of our men Listed To go att night To help Take yf Island Battery I gave a Receipt to Mr Winslow for 6 gallons of Rhum 9*1" in yf afternoone yf Enemy Came out of y^ Citty and Ingaged with our men wounded Three of our men But our men Proved too hard for the Enemy and I3rove them into y!= Citty Jlfayy'g^]' 1745 Sergl Willson and I went into Several houses: the Cannon Bums & Cohorns Continually Roaring on Both Sides Three of our men wounded att yf Green hill By a Cannon Ball One mans Leg Broke by an Axidental Shot in the afternoone Beat Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 17 To arms in Order To Scale y? Citty Walls : The army mustered Rut fearing the Enemy was Sensable of the Attack : Did not Proceed : the Three of our men that was wound^ with a Cannon Ball One Both Legs Cut of One Lost p! of thigh Leg and all One Lost one Arm y': man yl Lost Both Legs Died in a Short Time One man wounded by his Serg! Axidentally 6 inches of the main Bone of his Leg Carry'd away it is Thought by the Doctor he will not Re- cover. One of our Company viz' Ephraim Proctor had his Gun Cut in Two by a Cannon Ball : The Cannons &c Roaring all Day May y': lo'.'' 1745 In y^' morning I went To Commissary Winslow and gave a Receipt for 5:^ gallons Rum. Last night 19 of our men Killd by the Lidians Twenty five french Captives Brought in this Day by our men Some men Some Women Some Children The Cannon Roaring all Day the Cheif of y^ Bums fird by the Enemy this Day Broke in the Air. N B there was 21 or 22 killd Eleven of them was Taken and after was killd Scalped and Chopt and Stab'd & Prodigiously mangled our men Bury'd yf Bodys of 17 JlfayyiiV^ 1745 a Verry Cold night Last Night Snow'd This Day Exceeding Cold Snow'd Some I Gave Commissary Winslow a Receipt for 6 gallons of Rhum and One Bushel of peas Seventeen of y? men killd yesterday Buried To Day Two Villages Burnt "4 our men with all yf Goods &c: May f. 12'^ Sunday: Somewhat Cold and windy: in yf after- noone went To meeting heard yf Rev^' M! Baulch from these words & thou art weigh'd in yf Ballances & found wanting we were Ex- horted to be alhvays Ready allways To have acc'.^ even the Bums Cannons &c Continually Roaring night and Day 13'.'' monday: Two Guns att y'' FaSheene [Fascine] Battery Burst five men wound.' one his Leg Carry'd away &c : I was Taken w'!' Fever and flux a french Snow Came in above 100 Cannon fird in ab! half an hour 14 Tuesday Not any Thing Remark'.' The Cannon Continually Roaring a Verry Cold Boisterous Day 15 Wensday above 300 Cannon fird one man wounded by a Bum One of our Cannon allmost spoilt by a Cannon Ball sent "^ yf En?" and Struck her in yf muzzle, one man killd Cap' Hale of Newbury Dead Occasioned by a wound Rec'' by a Bum 16 IVuirsday The Cannon &c Continually Roaring Reuiov'd our I 8 Dudley Bradstreet's Diary Tent about ^ mile nearer y^ Citty Remov'd Sever' of our men To y^ Hospital Isaac Kent Jon? Lakin^ cS: Stephen Barron "^ Came on Shore y? man Died y' was wounded w'l' a Bum Serg! Woods Put in Irons and Confind all nigt I Took working Phuysick 17 Fryday we had about 50 men Building a Battery near yf Light house and 100 french Came upon them and killd one of C0I-' Gore- hams Indians our men Boldly fac'd them and wounded their Cap! and Took him they Crossed yP water in y1 night But our men got their Canoes and keep yf Ground Several Reci' Letters from their wives but I Think I Did not Receive any 18 Saturday. The fasheene [fascine] Batt'' near viz' within 40 Rods of y*: west Gate and Divers 42 pound? w'.*" were brought from the Grand Battt mounted f. Began to Play Beat Down y": Gate and Draw Bridge our men get under y": walls & when ever y*: Enemy Look over they fire them Down : Cap! Peirce ^ killd this Day by a Cannon Ball Thr- his Bowels he Livd a Qur of an hour and then Died his Death is Greately Lamented Severel 5 killd this Day I had y': fever all Day We have Thirty Sick in our Com^ 19 Sabbath Above 500 Cannon fird this Day Several men killd Several wound! Some killd by Splitting of a Cannon Some Burnt Badly by a barrel of Powders Catching fire. in y^ after noone a french man of war Appeard a 64 gun Ship Como- dore Warrin with his Ships went out and met her they were heard by us To fight y*: Bigger part of y"' night we Saw the first of it a Bad fever all Day 20'.'' Nothing Remarkable but y*: Seige Still Continues : I had an Exceeding ill Day 21 Cap! Tyng Came in and Brought the JoyfuU Tydings that y": Comodore had Taken the french man of war without y": Loss of a man : and that the Coinodore had fitted her out and they were in Pursuit of y" Rest of the French fleet : Some French and Indians 1 Jonathan Lakin was a Groton soldier, born on April 28, 1719, and a kins- man of Lieutenant Bradstreet through his wife, who was a Lakin. He died at Louisburg on September i, 1745, where the diarist watched with him to the last. 2 Stephen Barron also was a Groton soldier, and is mentioned several times in these pages. 8 Joshua Pierce, the senior captain of the Fourth Massachusetts Regiment, in which Lieutenant Bradstreet was serving. Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 19 Spy'd Driving of Cattle our men are gone in Pursuit Some of our men Came in with Ten French Captives and they Inform us that y- Enemy had Dugg up the Bodys of y^ 17 persons Bury'd the Tenth of this Instant and Burnt them : Towards Night Notice being given their was Three Huzzas att y"; Gen! Tent Three att each of y*: fashines Three att y^" Grand Battery and Comodore Warrin att yf Same Time Came in the Prize man of war into the mouth of Louis- burg Harbur under french Colours and then Hoisted English Col- ours above y? french and gave Three Huzzas 22 This Day Serg! James Carley Died and a 60 gun Ship Came in and jion'd our fleet w'^.'' was verry Rejoycing The man of war Taken yf 21 instant had 4 months Provision for yf Citty of Louisburg 300 Souldiers 1000 Barrels of Powd' 20 Brass Cannon Rigging for a 70 gun Ship that is Building att Canady and Ord" were when ever their forces were got Together To Settle Canso and then Take Port Royal and Drive y": Eastward Parts as far as Perscatua 23"? This Day The Cap! and I were So well we went as far as Col- Mooers and Cap! Easmans It is Thought y the Cap! that the L! is Become a Right Tippler 24 The People Return'd y! went Last Night To y? Attack of the Island Battery This is yf 6"" attempt of y! Nature To no Purpose firing off att Sea this day The french Cap! Died this Day that was wounded & Taken yf 17 Day he offered Ten Thousand Pounds for a fryar To Pardon his Sins before he died and I would have done it my Self as well as any fryar or Priest Living for ^ yf money This Day went To Cap! Stevens and Drink't New England Cyder and Eat Toast & Cyder Exceeding Cold I was Taken w"" yf Bloody flux 25'!' Pleasent Day the woods got on fire which had Like To have Distroyd many Tents The Cannon Play Briskly on our Side But But [i'/V] few from the Enemy Cap! [David] Melvin with a Comp^ went a Scouting after Indians at Night. Returnd with y!= folh' Success They Came on a Camp of Six french men they killd One Took 3 Captive one of w"}" was wound'! They had Some Cloaths Catridge boxes and other accutre- ments that they had Taken from our men that were Killd yf 10'!' of this Instant one that was Taken Informs us That he was a Serv! belongd To a Town not far from us and his master about 6 Days ago 2 Dudley Bradstreet's Diary Turn'd him out To Look for his owne Sustinance haveing nothing of his owne To Support him W^ Tho? Drunk 26 Sunday a Pleasent Day in yf forenoone M": Balch Preacht from y*: 3I verse of y? Epistle of Jude Sung y': 2 Last Stanzies & | in y^ 118 ps. in y^ afternoon Preacht from Prov : 12 26: Sung 2 Last Stanzies & i in y*: 11 Ps : y^ men of war all Came along in a Line of Battle The men y\ were Inlisted went in Order To attack the Island Battery in the morning a Comp^ of about 150 went a Scouting after Indians 290 went To y': attack of y^i Island Battery Cap! melvin headed the above Scout 21 monday in the morning we had the malencolly news of the overthrow of our men that went Last night To y": attack of the Island Battery when they Came they found y"; Enemy Prepard for their Coming alltho it was Between 12 & i at night w'.'' gives Cause To think y*: Enemy were Appriz'd of their Comeing the Enemy playd with Cannon upon the Boates which Distroyd Several Boates and Left the men floating on the water Several Boates Landed their men But y"-' Enemy being Prepard Slew them at a Strange Rate Some of our men after they fir'd all their Catridges Retreated got into their Boates and made their Escape but Some were killd after they had got into f. Boates Some Boates Stove against y*: Rocks Some run a Drift Some of our men fought manfully Till about Sunrise and it is generally Thought their was 150 of our men Lost att y": Least pray g'.' Sanctify this heavy frown of his Providence To us all Cap' Noble and Company Came in this Day with 9 french Cap- tives they had Taken and found One of our men they had Taken Some time ago Lying Dead verry much Cut and mangled he was but Just Dead the Enemy had murdered him : and by Examination we are Inform^' that y*" Ene?' were 8 Dayes in killing one of our men and when he was Dead Obligd One of our men to eat a part of him. 28 Tuesday Foggy a Great Part of the Day our Canon Play Briskly One of our men had the end of his yard Shot off. y": Bloody flux Still Continues 2 9'> Wcnsday a miserable Election : ^ But y*: Pleasantist Day we 1 Alluding to Election day at home in Massachusttts, which fell on the last Wednesday of May. Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 2 i have had Since we Left N : England The Cannon &c play verry Briskly But we have this Day y": malencholly news of y^i Loss of Several of our men their was 400 of them in the woods They Came upon 100 french & 80 Indians they had Several Shallops Loaded with fresh Beef and they Intended Last Night to have Brought it Down to y*: Citty But our men Came upon them and they fought 6 hours and killd Several viz! 6 or Eight of our men Two Cap".'' and in all their is 30 killd and wounded Several mortally wounded they Rcov'! y*: Bodies of 12 french men & Saw where y^' Indians had Drag'd away their Dead Took One frenchman 30'.'' Thursday Foggy Cloudy &c : This Day our men fird Briskly & Cut Down y': french flag The Comodore Sent Two Letters To y": General I went Down To y": water Side and bought a fresh Cod w'.'' made a fine Supper and Breckfast : The Bloody flux Left me One of our french Captives Inform us that The french & Indians are forming into a Body To Come upon us : Several Bums This Day hove into y*: Citty Two of their Ambosheres [embrasures] Beat Down The Enemy keep Continually Digging within y*: walls att Night Isaac Kent went upon the Grand Guard which is y*! first Duty he has Done Col'.' Chandler Sent To me for an Ace! of y*: Number of the Sick in our Company which was 23 and the N'l on Duty which was 4 at y'; furthermost fasheene 31 Fryday Foggy in y': morning I gave Col"^ Chandler an attested ace! of the Sick in our Company which was 19 The Number on Duty 2 One att y*: fasheene One with Cap! Melvin going on a Scoute with him after Indians Cap! Melvin Defers going till tomorrow morning Ten Captives Brought in 7 men and Three women They had eat no Bread for Ten Days They Inform us that there was 32 French & Indians killd in y*: Ingagement The 2S".' Instant and 40 wounded Our People found 12 Guns on the Ground where the Ingagement was : they Likewise Inform us that Their was 6 of their men killd in y*; Ingagement with Col° Gorha"" the 17'^ Instant This Day made an Apprizal of the Effects Serg! James Carley Died Seizd off. an Irish man Taken this Day it is Thot he had bin in y": Citty he Belongs To One of our Companys and it is Thot he has Practis'd going into yi Citty every Oppertunity Since he has bin here he is now in Irons y///;,? vf I I 745 Saturday Foggy Cloudy Thick weather a Ves- sel Came that was Sent by y*! General To Port Royal but when they 2 2 Dudley Bradstreet's Diary Came to yl Narrows the Indians fir'd att them above 200 Shots and 9 Canoes Came off So that they were Oblig'd To Run : a Ship and Snow Taken by our men of war Cap! Melvin went out with a Company on a Scout 3 of our Company with him The Cap! and I went To Cap' [Ebenezer] Easmans House which is within Musket Shot of y*: Citty we Tarry'd all night 2'.' Sunday Cloudy we went To Several Houses then Returnd To Cap! Easmans and he went with us and we went into I Beleive above 20 Houses Then we went To the Grand Battery and heard a Sermon from Amos 4-12 Those words Prepare To Meet thy god O Israel The Grand Battery is the Strongest Place that ever my eyes Beheld Stephen Barron Drunk Strawberrys full in y*: Blow A Brigganteen Taken by our men of war 3 Monday Rainy Cloudy &c in the morning then Pleasent weather Cap' Dunahew ^ Brought a morter and 2 Beds for y*; same from Boston at night y": morter and One bed were Carry'd To Cap! Easmans fasheene Battery : a Sloop from Canada Loaded with Pro- visions had Like To have got into y*". Harbur But one of our Ves- sels Came So hard after her that She Run a Shore near y*! Light house and y": men got on Shore w'.*' their arms and fird att our men when they was getting off y*: Vessel but To no porpose our men got off y^ Vessel Safe : and Brought her in the Others are gone in Pursuit of the Enemy wrote home 4 Tuesday Fine weather as Soone as Day Light Appear'd we were Surpriz'd by Several Vallyes of Small Arms Down att y"; Citty but it Prov'd To be our owne men Shott Two Vallyes & the Enemy One Two Vessels Taken this Day by our Shipping : Cap! Melvin Returnd with following Success : They kilklTwo french men and Brought in Seventeen Captives I went To y'! Corhissarys and gave a Receipt for a Barrel of pork and 80 weight of Bread this Day our men Began To fire hot Bullets To the Citty. their was Letters on Board the french Sloop y! Came from Canada y! was Taken yesterday That gave an Ace! that their was 1000 french and Indians gone To Attack Anappolis and Cap! Rouse Cap!TyngCap! Snelling are gone from us To their assistance Last night a french man Came out of y*: Citty & Deliv'! himself To our men and Upon Examination he Declares that their is 106 of our men y! was Lost att y*; Island Battery Prisoners in y"; Citty & that their is about 800 fighting men in the Citty and that their is Divers in the Citty would ^ David Donahew, of Marblehead, who commanded a sloop in the fleet. Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 23 be Glad To DeU themselves to our men if they knew they should have Quarter 5 IVensday fine weather Till Towards night and att night Rain^^ This Day Came in a Small Sloop from Canso and Inform us that on the 25'!' of may 800 french and Indians Came from Anappolis To yf Assistance of Cape Breton att night I went Cap! of y" Grand guard with 19 men Three of ye men being found asleep on y^' gaurd we Took their guns [^One leaf of the Diary here niissing.'\ [///«,? 8] . . . Ship and y:' Govr Knowing the Hand writcing were Exceeding Sorrowful! and he heard Divers of Souldiers and Coiiion Sort of people Say we are gone : the men women and Chil- dren followed him in Droves : he Saw 360 Souldiers on the Parade in arms he Likewise Informs us that above 100 of our men y! were att y? Island Battery were Prisoners in yf Citty and that their is no Such thing as Scaleing yf walls But gives Great Incouragement Concerning our Takeing the place if we have a Stock of Powder In yf morning the French fird out of their Barracks verry fast a man was Rideing f. Road and Had his heel Taken away by a Can- non Ball and the horses Guts Lett out 9'." Sunday Rain'd in the morning I watched \ yf night Last night The Enemy Cast Three Bums att our People but Did not hurt any of our men: Last night Two Zwits [Swiss] Came out of the Citty with their arms and Delivered themselves To our men and they Inform us that yesterday One of their Souldiers had a Design To have Disserted and Come to us and had a Letter from One of our men that is a Prisoner in yf Citty To Bring to his friends But he being Discovered they Hanged him Directly they Likewise In- form us that the Enemy have but 150 barrels of Powder: they In- form'd Likewise that many in the Citty would be Glad To Come Out and Deliver themselves to us : they Likewise Inform us when we Came they had 600 Sould''." when we Came and now they had but about 500 they Says that if our Bumaneer had held On Cast- ing his Bums into y!^ Citty a Fryday and they att Major Titcoms Battery had fird Briskly he Beleives they would have Delivered up the Citty in about an hour more This Day we Carry'd Casks from the Old Stores to wall in Our Citty Occasioned by News from yf Zwits That their was an Army of french and Indians Comeing upon 2 4 Dudley Bradstreet's Diary us a Verry Cold Day this Day. they y": Zwits Inform us That had all our Boates Landed att yf Island Battery they would Surrend'.'^ them Selves But Seeing Some of our Boates Retreat Incouraged the Enemy It is Thought our men of war are in an Ingagement The Zwits Inform us that they in the Citty had not had their Cloaths off Since we Came June lo'.^ mojiday fair weather Early in the morning Cap! Warner Cap! Willard Clerk Patterson & I went Down to y"! Grand Battery and Major Titcoms Battery and into Sundry Houses we went into the Towers in the Grand Battery Saw Several Beautifull women Taken Some Time ago : wee went above the Grand Battery To the Village That our men Burnt The first Day of may a man Cut in Two by a Cannon Ball att y"^ Light house Battery and an- other wounded Yesterday a fifty Gun Ship Came & Joind our men of war they Brought with them a french Privateer they had Taken and Three Dayes ago they parted with Two 60 gun Ships Comeing To our Assistance Two men wounded by a Small Shott att y? fasciene Bat- tery next y? wall went up the Bay and Got a boat and 2 beds we found The Strawberrys full in the Blow June 1 1"? fair weather : & Coronation Day in the morning The whole Batalia was Calld by the Beat of y^ Drums To prayers att Twelve we were Rally'd by the Beat of y': Drums and Excercised and Drank the Kings health the Gen! went on Board the Com- odore before night Return'd att night all Rally'd by yP Beat of yf Drums To Prayers : Comeing Back from pray'.' Saw men Burying a Young man. June y. 12I'' fine weather Col'.' Willard Sent forme and Ordered me to go w'l' y? Adjatant Hobart ^ To yf Advance Battery and To y^ Several Cap''"' there and Take an Account of all y? able Bodyd men that were there and Besides The Sick & wounded we found Be- longing to Col? Willards Regim! 158 we were Setting Divers of us By Cap' Easmans fire I was writeing and there Came a Cannon Ball and Struck yf Chimney and made yf fire and Soot Fly att a Strange Rate Adjatant Hobart got up & Run. A man wounded by a Bum this Day yf flesh of his Buttock Carryd away 1 Jonathan Hobart. a Groton soldier, was the adjutant of the Fourth Massa- chusetts Regiment. For a reference to him, see the Introduction (p. 6). Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 25 [///w] 13 I Lay att Cap'. Easmans in y? morning Our Bumaneer Cast Three Bums into or Near the Ambzciers Belonging To y? Enem^ after Breckfast we went into our Advance Battery which is within about 30 Rods of y? Citty and The Enemy fird with Small Arms. The Bullets Hew on Every Side : I had a verry fair Shot att One of y? Enemy : in the afternoone K Webster Came with us To our Camps : Three men of war viz! 2 60 Guns and One 40 Gun Ship Came and Joind our fleet they Took Three Ships and Brought in w'l' them Removed our Tent this Day Within our walls : the Enemy fird from their Barracks with small arms : the morter Remov'.' To y" Light House in Order To Play upon y^ Island Battery 14 fine weather L' webster with Some of our Company went afishing Catchced a fine parcel of fish a man Died that was wounded By a shot from yf Enemy Before Night went Down To- wards y': Citty To Cap! Easmans and A Switzer Came Back w'l' me : Three of our men went on Board one of the men of war 5 Zwits in a Shallaway Disserted and went on Board Our Comodore T/ie I5'^ Bay. our Bumaneer Cast from yf Light House 8 Bums into y^ Island Battery y? People viz! y:= Enemy Run out of y. Bat- tery into y? water up to their middles : The Enemy in yf Citty were Drawd into a Body and our People from Titcoms Battery fird 5 42 Pounders and Cut Down Two Ranks of yf Enemy 15 Went in yf morning To y" Advance Battery and Returnd be- fore noone On the Return the whole Army Drawd into a Batalia the Comodore and Gen! Came and Veiwd us & the Comodore made a Speech and Told us we Could not Take yf Citty with yf Land forces neither Could he w'!' yf Sea forces without yf assistance of each Other and Advised us To Join and yf first Easterly wind he would Come in by Sea and we by Land and Try it out : Before Sun Set a Flag of Truce Came out of yf Citty Last night The Enemy Cast 45 Bums att our People But To no Porpose The Flag of Truce Came with a Request in Writeing for a Cessation of arms Till they might hold a Council of War for they sf' the English Play'd So Smart that they Could not hold a Council yf Gen! and Admiral gave them Till To morrow morning 7 or 8 oClock 16 Sunday: Cloudy Foggy weather After Prayers The flag of Truce Came out of the Citty about 12 of y' Clock the flag of Truce Returnd after they had agreed on yf following Articles viz if y': Enemy would Surrender up y!= Citty To give them their Goods and 2 6 Dudley Bradstreet's Diary To furnish them with Vessels To Carry Them to Old France and in Case they Comply'd they were to Send Hostages by Six oClock in the after noone they ask Liberty To Settle on this Island or Canady or Some of the Adjacent Islands But it was not Granted and in Case they Do not Comply The fleet To go in by Sea and all our forces by Land Imediately & To have a fair Tryal The Gen! went off Crying : Before night A Genl Came out of yf Citty and Deliv? himself as a Hostage & The Citty To be Deliv!' on y? morrow yiine 17'!' monday Cloudy in the fore part of y? Day in the Latter part Raind : in the morning after prayers Rally'd &c Rallyd a Second Time and then Several Regim'? with yf Gen! L' Gen' Brigadeers &c Advanced Towards the Citty To Take Pos- session N B : Admiral Warrin went into the Harbour with all his Ships in yf morning and Saluted yf Citty By fireing our People Took Possession of the Island Battery Last Night When our Army Marcht To yf Citty the Colours were flying the Drums Beating Trumpets Sounding Flutes & Vials Playing Col° Bradstreet ^ att yf Head of the Army The Gen! L' Gen! and Gentry in yf Rear, yf French men and women & Children on yf Parade they Lookt verry sorrowfull I went into yf Citty and then Re- treated and Came Back To our old Citty: [ One leaf here missingj] 20 Thursday Ralnny Cloudy and foggy weather W- Thomas was Drunk I went allround y^' Citty walls and Saw all yf Cannon Bum Morters &c 21 Fryday Cloudy Rainny «S; Foggy weather Remov'd our Sick To an house near yf Citty & Two men To nurse them 22 Saturday Rainny Cloudy & foggy weather Eighteen French men made their Escape out of yf Citty Cap! Warner Cap! Willard Clerk Patterson and I went into yf Barracks or Cittydal and when we were in yf Chappel there was a man aloft and yf upper part Being verry much Broke by our Cannon Balls it gave way & and \_sic'\ a Cannon Ball with Boards Came Down and had Like To have Struck Clerk Patterson & my Self and the man hung by his arms By a Joyce 1 Colonel Bradstreet was an Englishman by birth, but probably not akin to the diarist. Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 27 23:' Sunday Rainny Cloudy & foggy weather The i8 french men that made their Escape yesterday Brought in with their arms Snap-Sacks Provision &c and were Cornitted To Prison Mr Moody ^ Preacht in the forenoone att y? Camps from Prov : 8 : 6 Mf Lang- dalP Preacht in the afternoone from Heb:3:i3 The Artillery Removd from yf fasciene Batterys 24■^ Mofiday Rainny Cloudy & Foggy weather Cap' Rouse Came in but Did not know y^' place was Taken till he Sent his Boates on Shore att yf Camps 25'^ Tuesday Rainny Foggy & Cloudy weather Cap'. Rouse Came into Louisbourg and Brought 2 Bum Morters and 250 Cannon : 26'!' Wensday fine weather : 27'!^ Thursday Cloudy Foggy & Rain'd Exceeding hard Some Time we Remov'd Down To yf Houses 28^' Fryday Foggy &c Oliver Green '^ Died and was Buried Five mareens was whipt I wrote home 29* Saturday Wet weather : I went into The Citty 30"' Sunday W Moody Preacht att f. Chappel in ye fore Part of the Day and mf Crocker in the after part in yf fore part I wrote To my wife in y!^ after part went To meeting the Text was Psalm 56: 12. yuly I vwnday Fair weather July 2;' Tuesday Cloudy &c : A Comp'' Came in and Some of them Came to our house before they knew y! place was Taken I went into yf City with them 3 Wensday: a man of war Came in w'l' 200 Souldiers To Carry To Annoppolis To Release our men Sent there Last Summer Yes- terday W!^ Tho! being in yf Citty in Drink and Threatened a woman that he would knock her Down if She would not give him Liqf he was Put under a guard and kept all night in the morning brought Before Coif Willard and Ordered into yf Citty To be Tryed by a Court martial 1 Samuel Moody (H. C. 1697), minister of York, Maine. 2 Samuel Langdon (H. C. 1740), afterward President of Harvard College. 3 A Groton soldier. According to "The New-England Historical & Genea- logical Register" {XXV. 266) for July, 1871, he was a private in Captain Jonathan Smith's company in the Ninth Massachusetts Regiment (Colonel Joseph Dwight). Judging from the familiar names, there were other soldiers from Groton and neighI)orhood, who belonged in that company. 2 8 Dudley Bradstreet's Diary Several Vessels went out Some for France with Transports & Some to New England July 4'^ Thursday Several Vessels went out Some for France with Transports &c : I went a Strawbering July 5- Fryday a wild Cow and Calf Came out of yf woods Several went in Pursuit I went Till I was Out of Breath and then Returned : Cop! Lakin Ordered Stephen Barron To Guard y': Arms and he Told him To Kiss his ass for which he was Ordered To Ride the Pickets an hour the men That went after y*" Cow Return'd and Brought y": Cow but Lost y*" Calf Col? Choate Came from New England with Two Com- panys of men July 6^'' 1745 Fine Growing weather In yP Morning Several of us went in Pursuit of y": Calf y' Belonged to y"-' Cow y' was Brought in yesterday But Could not find it : heard Several Guns Towards y': Head of yf Bay Cap! Rouse Saild for London for Recruits and y? Council Sent for jC S D _ 9555 = 2 : 6 Sterling To Repair yf Breaches our Cannon Bums &c had made in yP Walls Barracks Store Houses & Hospitalls and magaziens : Upon his Sailing the men of warr fir'd a Great Number of Guns Cap! Snelling Came from N England with Souldiers July y'*" Suuday fine weather M- Moody Preacht in the foretioone in yP Chappel in y!" Barracks in yP Citty in yP afternoon Ml Williams Preacht m!^ Baulch Preacht in yP Suburbs in yP afternoone From i Petf 3:19:20 Sung 2 Last Staves in yP 84 Ps : Sung 2 Last Staves in yP 73 Ps : Two men of Warr went out on a Cruse Some Vessels Came in 8 nionday fine weather Nine Cap^^ viz One out of a Regiment Being a Com'P'' went To Search yP Vessels : I went w'!' them : we found in Iron Brass &:c : To yP Valine 7 or 8 Hundred pounds & Brought it On Shore : Cap! Dunnahews Vessel Came in with yP fol- lowing Sorrowfull Tydings : Viz They were in y!" Gut of Canso And Seven Indians Discover'd themselves with a Flagg of Truce and Cap! Dunnahew with all his officers Save One: Their Being Twelve in all went on Shoar and their Started up about 200 Indians and fir'd upon Cap! Dunnahew & Company and Distroyd them all and Burnt their Bodys : The above was Done June 29'*' 9'!" Tuesday fine weather y!" Reg! mustered and marcht Towards Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 29 the South gate as far as y^ Powder plott and their Dismiss'd this Day Came a french man from S' Johns and had Cap! Dunnahevvs Ring on his finger and Brought News that alltho' Cap' Dunnahew was killd and four more yet there was Seven alive : But they was wounded Began To work at y? west gate in Order to Rebuild the Same 10* Cloudy went a Searching Vessels and found Considerable of Iron &c : I wrote home Last month I wrote home Twice But Did not Enter y^ Same II* Thursday fine weather a Number went To Raising Vessels I went w'l' them we Raisd a Scooner new : y' never had bin to Sea She is about 40 Tuns This is y': Third vessel has bin Weighed : a Number w'!' our Com'^' which Consists of nine Cap".'^ viz One out of a Regiment our Cap! being One of yf Com'?"" went To y? Grand Bat- tery and in Searching they found of Iron Clothing &c Considerable 12 Fry day fine weather One Vessel Rais'd Considerable Plun- der brought from On Board yf Vessels : Several Shallops Came in w- french &c : 13 Saturday fine weather went in Search of Plunder and brought Several boat Loads of Barr Iron Cables Spikes &c on Shore out of a £ Vessel 30 Sterling found by One of y? Com'?" : Several Shallops of french Came in Wood Sloops Came in 14 Sunday Cloudy Rainny &c: in the morning : afterwards fine weather : in the forenoon mr Williams Preacht in y": Chappel from I Chron : V 18 : 19 : 20 : 21 : & 22 : Sung The 20'!' PS : In y': after- noone m! Fair weather^ Preacht from i Chron : 1 1 & 13 verses Sung 2 first staves & \ in yf 18 Psal : News Came in this Day that Cap! Fletcher who went in his Privateer To Guard our wood Sloops hath Taken a french Privateer y! Came out of Canada & they In- form us y! yf Ship that was Chast by our Privateers when we Lay att Canso Apl 18 19 &c Came into Cauda 32 Days ago «5v: had Taken Cap! Smothers : Several Shallops of french Came in : 15 monday fine weather in yf morning Cap! Warner Cap! Willard & mySelf with Others went To yf N E Harbour I went Round To y"! Light House went up into yf Lanthorn it is a magnificent building: from yf Bottom To yf Lanthorn is 72 Steps yf Lanthorn ^ Samuul Fayerweather (H. C. 1743), chaplain on board of the frigate " Mas- sachusetts," Capt. Edward Tyng. See Sabme's " Loyalists of the American Revolution " (1. 419)- 30 Dudley Bradstreet's Diary is 14 feet Glass a Bason of Copper in the Lanthorn full of oil 23 Wicks in y^ Oil the Bason will hold above i, barrel the Light house Excepting yf glass is Bum Proof We Took up 2 Shallops : Cap' Tyng Came in : Sev! of us found a C f & I eat a fine Supper of V — 1 16 Tuesday : the Sun arose Clear : but Soone Clouded and foggy Several Vessels Came in from N England with Sould- 500 in all 1 Rec'.' a Letter from my D- wife 17 wensday fine weather 8 of our men Dismissed viz L' En- 2 Serg'^ I Cop! i Stew : 2 more The Com— & I went with them in Search after Cattle found 5 horses 3 Cows Dealt allowance of Rum for four Days Exclusive of this Day 18 Thurday Thanksgiving m!' williams preacht from I Deliv'l 6 Days allowance of meat To every mess & One Days allowance of Peas : a Sheep Deliv'l to each Comp^: and pint of wine to Each man ^ Our Sheep would have bin (after y': Guts had bin Taken out) more Suitable for a Lanthorn then for Eating : Some Companys Came in 19 Fryday Fine weather Cap! Warner and I Din'd w"' Cap! James Fryy we had Boild Lamb Pork & Veal Rost Lamb & Veal good wine good phlip & punch : at Night we Supped on a Stew of mutton & pork & wine To Drink: a Ship flag of Truce Saild for france with Captives 20 Saturday Cloudy Rainy &c Nothing Remarkable a Snow Flag of Truce Saild For France with Captives 2 1 Sunday Rainny : in y^ morr ni^ Williams Preacht att y*: Chappel att y": Barracks from John 20 : 31 in the forenoon & y^ Old Eng- land Chu'' People met att y^ Chappel Att y"; Hospital in y*-: after- noone the old England Church minister preach! from 116 Ps : 12 att y": Chappel by the Barracks a Vessel Came in with women & Children from N Eng-' 22'! Monday fair weather I went into y": Citty To Take an Ace', of the men y! worked in Col " Willards Reg- at Carrying wood & Took w'- me out of our Comp^ Jn" Rand Jn'' Wright W- Tho^ John Peirce Gideon Sanderson Eph- Proctor Aaron Boynton y! worked y"; whole Day ^ 1 The wine served out to the men at this time undoubtedly was loot taken from the enemy. 2 John Pierce, Gideon Sanderson, and Aaron Boynton are known to have been Groton soldiers, and perhaps also some of the others were. Sanderson died on November 13, and Boynton on December 24. Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 31 att night Rec'l Orders To Send a Corp! & 5 men To go on board y^. man of war Occasioned by a Large Saild Lying off y"; mouth of yf Harby Suppossed To be an East Indeaman or a man of war this Day Copi Benj'^ Randal Died & was Buryed. : we Sent Cop'. Lakin & 5 more but they Came on y*: Parade to Late 23 Tuesday Two men of war went out against y". Ship & gave her a Broad Side & Several Bow Chased and Took her : 24'^ Wensday I went To Oversee the men Carrying wood att y". Kings Gate : in y*: afternoone the men of war Came in with y': Prize Taken Yesterday She is a Vessel of about 700 Tun an East India man Judged To be worth One million & \ money: y*: Cap' & I & Sev! more moved into y". Citty 25 Thursday fine weather Took an Inventory of y*: Effects of Cop! Randal & Oliver Green : I went to y': Coniissarys & Took 3 gall- \ of Brandy & Dealt out 3 Days allowance : Three Gallons of Molosses To y': Three messes in the Suburbs : Three Days allow- ance of meat To y": mess" in y*; Suburbs 26 Fryday fine weather Last night Came in Cap! VVetherbe & his Compy with Part of Cs.p! Davis's Company This Day I Rec'! a Letter from my wife which was pleasing &c went a Strawberrying 27 Saturday Rainny &c 28 Sunday fine weather in y": forenoone the C- min' Preacht from Rom : 12 : 18 in y*: afternoone m": Williams Preacht from prov : 20: 27 in the morning a Large Ship Came in Sight Supposd to be an East India man : and Two of our men of war went out after her 29* Monday a Gen!' Muster and in y': afternoone arose a Great Disturbance betweene y1 men of wars men & our men which was Exceeding hot in y": afternoone y": men of war y! went out Yester- day Came in with y': Ship they went after She is a Rich Prize an french East India man 30'!' Tuesday Rainy Last night Came in 250 Sould'? from N Hamp- shire : we had a pint of wine allowed To each man To Drink y*: Kings health Serg! Woods Took y": Stewardship ^ I Din'd w'!* Cap' Erie 31 Wensday foggy Cloudy weath' Serg' Woods has not Chang'd Guns this Two Dayes a thing verry Remarkable: August \\ 1745. in y' morning Col- Willard Sent for me & Ord'- 1 Sergeant Woods was probably a Groton soldier ; and without doubt the stew- ardship included the duties of a commissary-sergeant. 3 2 Dudley Bradstreet's Diary me to Oversee his Reg! y' worked in Repairing y* Citty walls : ac- cordingly I went 14 of y": Reg! work'd 2 Fryday fine weather I went To Oversee Y- People Clearing the Store yard : A Large Ship Came in Sight Our men of war went out & Took her She is a french South Sea man a Rich Prize has been out Three years 3 Saturday I went To Oversee y": workmen Ten men Bury'd this Day 4 in Arms : I wrote home 4'!' Sunday Ml' Williams^ of Longmeadow Preacht in y*^; fore- noone at y*: Hospital Chappel from 55 Is : & 6'!' a Seazonable Lively affectionate Sermon In y*: afternoone Mr Williams - of New- haven preacht from Dut:32:29 One: man Bury'd after meeting Several Small Vessels Came in 5'!" Cloudy foggy &c : I went To Overseeing &c 6'!' Tuesday An Exceeding Rainny Day One Hubbard Died y\ Liv'd with part of our Company out of y*: Citty 7'^ Wensday a Rainny Day Last night about 12 O' y': Clock Died in the Hospital Isaac Kent he Lay but a few Dayes Sick about 6 in y": afternoone we Bury'd him a man Rid y*: wooden Horse on yl Parade 8'.^ Thursday fine weather I overseed the workmen Cleaning the Kings Bake House Last night the wooden horse Torn in peices 9'!' Cold weather. I went To Oversee Last night Stephen Bar- ron Imbarked &c 10'.'' Saturday a Cold Day a Gen! muster fird Plattoones : y!" martial Laws Read att yf head of every Reg! a Souldier whipt 39 Lashes for Robbing a Dead Corpse & Leaving y? Body u[n]buried 1 1 Sunday Cold Cloudy weather Last Fryday a Scooner was going after wood with about 30 men & by a mischance as they was going out of the Harbour near y!" Light house Run upon y? Rocks and Split yf men Lost their guns Cloaths &c But y!" Boates Has- tned out & Sav'd all y? men in yP forenoone yf" Rev'! ]\if Williams of Longmeadow preach't at yf Hospital Chappel from Luk: IX 62 Sung y!^ 3 part of yf 50 Ps : in yf afternoone M! Williams of New- haven Prea' from Dut 32 29 : a Stormy Day Wind at NE. Monday Aug'. 12'!' Stormay Day This is yf' 4* Day yf wind has 1 Stephen Williams (H. C. 1713), first minister of Longmeadow, where he died on June 10, 17S2, aged 89 years. - Kliblia Williams (11. C. 171 1), who had been I'lesident of Vale College. Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 33 Blowd Strong eS^ Cold at N E I Took 3;^ 7 Sterling in pei" 8 & Pistareens of yf Brgadeer To pay yf workmen for On Loading of wood : 13 Tuesday I went to Overseeing Serg' David Barker Died this Day One Briant Sentenced To have 5 Lashes on his naked Back 3 Dayes Running 14 We?isday fine weather I went To Overseeing four men Buryed this Day One whipt 5 Lashes for Prophane Swearing &c & Drawing Sword and threatning a man 15 Thursday fine weather I went To Overseeing the man that was whipt yesterday whipt again To Day five Lashes and is To have five more To morrow : one man whipt 2 1 Lashes at the whipping post on the Parade for Strikeing his Superiour officer. John Phillips washd and Shirted himself O mavellous 16 Fryday Pleasent weather I went To Overseeing his Excel- lency Gov": Shirly his Mad'" yf Commodores mad".' with Divers other Gent'.' 17'.'' Saturday Fine weather the Gov': Came on Shore a Genl Muster The whole army was mustered «& Placed in the most Gen- teel manner To Receive the Gov^ the Gen! walk't foremost the Governors Lady at his Right Then his Excellency &c The men Stood on Each Side with their arms Rested from y? Gate By yf Coiiiodores To yP Barracks att y? Gover? Landing yf Cannon fir'd from y*" Batterys & from yf men of war: when the Battallian was Dismissed there was fireing with Small arms for Two Hours His Excellency's arrival was verry Rejoycing To us all : he Brought with him Several of his Children I Overseed yf workmen 18 Sunday Rainny weather Last night Died W™ Thomas about 10 of y!" Clock Buryed after INIeeting : in y!" afternoone m' Williams preacht from i Cor: 2:2: his Excellency was at meeting Cap! Tyng Came in with Two Companys of men Col" Berry Came with him 19 mo7iday Rainny weather John Dakin ' Died a man Rid y!" wooden Horse with 2 muskets at his heeles 20 Fine weather I went To Overseeing 21 Fine weather I went To Overseeing Serg! Joseph Woods ^ Died His Excellency went^Fo yf Grand Battery Tliey Saluted him by fireing ^ A Lancaster soldier. '" A Grutuii soldier. 3 34 Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 2 2*? fine weather I went To Overseeing Several Lay Dead in yf Hospital and Thro' a mistake another Company Buryed Serg^ Woods in yf Stead of their owne man : & we Buryed their man his Excellency went to yf Island Battery he was Salluted by fireing 23 Went To Overseeing We Bought i Quarter of Beef Exceed- ing good 24 Fine weather I went To Overseeing A Gen! muster his Excell^: Veiud us his Speeches made in y? Court at home Relateing To yf Prosperity of yf army Read his Excellency gave yf army 2 hogs- Rum To Drink the Kings health 25'.'' Sunday Rained Exceeding hard 26'!" Monday I went To Overseeing 27'!' Tuesday: I went To Overseeing 28 Wensday I went To Overseeing 29 Thursday I went To Overseeing Cap^ Warner Taken Sick 30*.'' Fryday I went To Overseeing I wrote home ? Col- Berry Sent Two Three Pistareene p- To my wife 31 Saturday I went To Overseeing Sep: I: 1745 a Rainny Day Two Privateers went out after a Ship that was Discoverred and Lookt upon to be a french Ship 2? monday Last night between 8 & 9 o' yf Clock Died Jon> Lakin^ in yf Hospital I Clossed his Eyes Before night Buryed Jon? Lakin 3^! Cap^ Richardson Brought in a French Ship he had Taken & Brought news of Several French men of war that was in yf offal Six of our men went on Board the Sloop Union Cap^ mayhew Commander 4 Wetidsday Fine weather Goold '^ Died Cap'. Warner Exceed- ing Bad : 5 Thursday fine weather 6'^ Fryday about 8 in yf morning Died Cap! Warner The Lord Sanctify his holy hand att 5 O'the Clock we Buryed him with a Great Deal of honour & Respect a Part of all or Cheif of yf Com? in yf Regiment attended yf funerl Under arms the Soul- 1 A Groton soldier. 2 Probably a Groton soldier, and perhaps the same as Benjamin Gould, a cor- poral in Captain Smith's company, Ninth Massachusetts Regiment, mentioned in "The New-England Historical & Genealogical Register'" (XXV. 266) for July, 1871. Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 35 diers warlk foremost with their arm in funeral Posture next yf Drummers next yP Cap^' next yP Corp[se.] Behind walkt yf Gen- eral Col° Willard at his Left hand next all the Col°-' I was Taken Sick y? night after y? Cap! Died & have not kept any Journal To this Day Thursday Nov': f. 14'!' Last night Died Gideon Sanderson :^ in y? afternoon we Bury'd him Fryday 15 Rain'd & Snow'd Some : Saturday 16 in y? morning Snow'd Some Swiday 17 fine weather the Revf mf Williams Preacht out of Canticles from those words I Sleep but my heart waketh it is yf Voice of my Belov^ &c in Y- afternoon from Esther IV four Last verses Monday 18 Sev' Vessels from Boston 19 Tuesday Nothing Remarkable 20 Wensday a Vessel from Boston with Several women 2 1 Thursday : 22 Fryday 23 Saturday I went into the Burying yard & there Beheld a MalenchoUy Sight : Hundreds of new Graves 24"' Sunday mf Newmon - Preact in yf forenoone from those words Acquaint now thy Self with him & be at peace thereby shall good Come unto thee in yf afternoone mf Fareweather preacht from those words O that they were wise f. y?' understood this that y^ would Considr yf Latter end 25'.'' mo7iday Sev! Vessels Came in from New England 26"' Tuesday Sev! Vessels Came in from N: England Sev! famyly's Benj^ Stearns Drunk in yf Royal Hospital 27 Wensday Verry Cold Some Snow Sent Benj? Stearns undf y'' main Gaurd : Last night yf Cap'" moved To Live with me : a gen- eral Muster Governour Shirly Embarkt for N: England I headed the Company 28 Died Corp! Jnf Crooffoot ^ ^ A Groton soldier. - John Newman (H. C. 1740), born at Gloucester, on March 14, 1716, and ordained at Edgartown in 1748, where he died on December i, 1763. "* A Lancaster soldier. 36 Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 29 fryday Bury'd Peter Carley & Jn? Crooffoot in One Grave 30 Saturday nothing Remarkable Dec': I Sunday mf Newmon Preacht from those words in Job Acquaint now thy Self with him &c In yf afternoone from those words in Prov: fooles make a mock at Sin 2'1 monday Last night John Green ^ Died in yf Royal Hospital 4 of our men went a Hunting Yesterday the Gen! told Cap- Hubbard their was 5 or 6 Thousand firench and Indians Comeing upon us : 3'.' Tuesday I was Tak'n Exceeding ill on yf Rampers 4*1' wensday a Snow about an inch Deep Severall Vessels Came in 5'^ Thursday Some Snow 6'!' Fryday in yf morning all y!" Comission OfHcers were Orderd to meet at yf Admirals accordingly we met and yf Admiral made a Speech and Exhorted us To many things Especially To Suppress all Vice & linorallity and See that all the men under us keep a good Look out for he Inforni'd us That yf Canadeens were in a Great Stir : after yf Admiral had finished a Long Speech yf Genl made a Short One and then we Drank Every man a Glass of wine But Before I went there I sent for Sam! Shead ^ & he Told me he had bin at Groton & Saw my wife at mf Sheples '^ and She was well and my whole family was well which was Rejoycing news To me : But Iniediately I went To Cap! Smiths I had no Sooner Entred the Room But he Told me he had Verry Bad news for me I asked what it was he Show'd me a Letter which Come to One of his men which an Ace! of yf Death of my Eldest Daughter O fatal news pray God Sanctify his holy hand 7'!" Saturday Nothing Strange 8'!' Sunday Nothing new 9"!' mo?iday Sev! Vessels Came in from N England 10'!' Tuesday Securd our Coal 1 1 Wensday I wrote home 12 John Wright^ Died Nath! Smith ^ & Mathew Wyman ^ were put under yf Grand gaurd for atempting to Cut Pickits 1 A Groton soldier. 2 This may have been John Sheple, whose brother Jonathan married I.ydia I. akin, a kinswoman and perhaps a sister of Lieutenant Bradstreet's wife. 3 A Lancaster soldier. Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 37 13'!' Fryday I got a Pardon for Smith & Wyman that was CoiTiit- ted yesterday in y!" afternoon Buryed Wright : I4'^ Saturday an Exceeding Rainny Day Joseph Trumbel Died I5'^ Sunday Last night Died in the Royal Hospital Jn'.' Rams- dell : allso Jon^ Fletcher of Groton : The Rev'' m' Preached in y": afternoone from Dut : 30-ig a Proclamation for a Fast Read the fast to be on Wensday yf iS'l' Curr! 1 6'!' monday Bury'd Jn? Ramsd' 17* Tuesday Last night Came a Snow about 4 Inches Deep winter Like weather : 1 8*1' wendsay fast Day \(f} I went to Cap' Smiths To make an Aprizal of yf Effects that Jn? Green ^ & Jon? Fletcher ^ Died Seiz'd off in y? Afternoone Died in Y- Royal Hospital Serg! Jn? Stratton : made an Inventory of yf Effects off Jn'-' Croffoott Jn? McClentuc Peter Carley Jn? Wright Gideon Sanderson & Joseph Trumbel & Jn? Ramsdell 20* Fryday Ten men of our Comp': inlisted to go a wooding 21 Saturday Last night Came a Snow about Two Inches : W. Speer^ y? Chaplain of yf Island Battery was Buryed 22"! Sunday the Rev"! mr Newmon Preacht from Luk 2 : 10 : 11 : 23*! Monday Last night Died in yf Royal Hospital Jon? Shead ^ of Groton : a Verry Stormy night of Snow 24"' Died in yf Royal Hospital Aaron Boynton : ^ 25'!' Chirstinas Died in the Royal Hospital Serg! W^ Holdin ■* in yf after noone Buryed Aaron Boynton 26 Thursday I Din'd at m': Crafts paid nine Shillings for my Dinner &c Two of our men ord'^- in yf Hospital "3 Gen! 27'- Fryday Dind at Crafts p'? 8 Shillings for my Dinner Phinehas Parker* Died 28* Saturday Din'd at L' Fries a verry Cold Day 1 A Groton soldier. 2 Samuel Spear (H. C. 1715), born at Braintree, on July 6, 1696. 3 Jonathan Shead (or Shedd) was a kinsman of Samuel Shead, who brought news from home concerning Lieutenant Bradstreet's family, as mentioned on the preceding page. * Without doubt William Holden and Phinehas Parker were Groton soldiers. According to " The New-England Historical & Genealogical Register" (XXV. 266) for July, 187 1, Holden was a sergeant, and Parker a corporal, in Captain Smith's company. Ninth Massachusetts Regiment. 38 Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 29"? Sunday the Rev'? m! Bacchus^ Preacht from Deut:30: & 19"? 30"^ monday Died in y^ Royal Hospital George Norcross 31 Tuesday I mounted gaurd at y^ Cittydal : a Stormy Snowy Day & Exceeding Cold Ja?i" first Weiisday an Exceeding Cold Day and verry Boisto- rous much Damage acrew'd to y': Shipping in y^ harbour Last night by Reason of y"! Storm allso many windows in y': Citty Distroy'd by y^ wind 2I Thursday nothing Remarkable 31 Fryday Cold Died in y: of men Sent To the Rack [wreck] : 7 Tuesday One Returnd that went yesterday To the Rack and Informs [ ] that they had found Two men [ ] French house verry much froz and the other Two it is thot are dead they Found at y*: Rack many [ ]les of Broad Cloaths and Silks [ ] other English goods there was [ ]teen Drownd This Day I [mou]nted gaurd [8 Wed'\nsday Exceeding Cold and Slippery [9] Thursday Nothing Remarkable [10] Fryday I Bought a pig that vveigh'd an 100 lb which Cost me Ten Dollars which is 50/ Sterling 1 Simon Backus (Y. C. 1724), minister of Newington, Conn. During tlie winter after liis arrival at Louisburg, he fell a victim to the prevailing sickness of the army, and died on February 2, 1745-6, aged 45 years. Dudley Bradstreet's Diary 39 [ii]'^ Saturday not any Thing Remarkable 12* Sufiday a Verry Cold Day 13*'.' monday I mounted Gaurd 14 Tuesday I attended y": Court martial for y": Tryal of He[ ] Burchwood a private Centinel for Refusing to go on Duty when Ordered we Ordered the Prisoner Receive Ten L[ashes] on his Bare Back at the whipping post on y^ Publick pl[ace] in Louis- bourg 15 wensday the man whip[ped] that was Tryed yesterd[ay] le"" Thursday Cold weath[er] [17]"^ Fryday Died in y" tow[n] Johnson [ ] DIARY KEPT BY SERGEANT DAVID HOLDEN, OF GROTON, MASS., DURING THE LATTER PART OF THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR, February 20 — November 29, 1760. First printed in the PROCEEDINGS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, June 13, 1889. David Holden^s Diary DAVID HOLDEN, the writer, was the First Sergeant in Captain Leonard Whiting's company. He was a son of John and Sarah (Davis) Holden, and born at Groton, on December lO, 1738. His family, in both its branches, had suffered much from Indian warfare. His grandfather, Stephen Holden, with his " two biggest sons," — one of them David's father, — was taken by the Indians during the summer of 1697, and held in captivity for nearly two years ; and his mother was a niece of John Davis, who was killed by the Indians, in his own door-yard, on October 25, 1704. The site of this tragedy is in the neighborhood of the Groton School. On July 13, 1 761, David was married to Sarah,daughter of the Reverend Phinehas and Sarah (Stevens) Hemenway, of Town- send, who was born on October 25, 1739. There is a tradition in the family that the first time he ever saw his wife was while drilling a squad of men at Groton for the campaign of 1760. After his return from the army he lived during some years at Townsend, where most of his children were born. At the outbreak of the Revolution his sympathies were with the Crown ; and so strong was the feeling in his neighborhood at that period against the tories, that he was obliged to leave his home, when he took up his abode in Hollis, New Hamp- shire. His military service had laid the foundation for a loyalty to the King which did not swerve even at the cost of his personal popularity. Captain Whiting, the commander of Sergeant Holden's com- pany, was a native of Billerica, where he was born on March 44 David Holden's Diary 27, 1734; but at the time of this campaign he was living at Westford, The company was recruited from Middlesex County, largely from Littleton, Westford, Billerica, and Dunstable; and the muster roll is still preserved among the Massachusetts Archives (XCVIII.) at the State House, in the volume marked "Muster Rolls, 1760-1761 " (VIII. 313-315). During the Revolution Captain Whiting was a resident of Hollis, and he, too, was a tory. An account of his adventures with some patriotic women of the neighbor- hood is given in Caleb Butler's History of Groton (pages 336, 337)- Mr. Holden died at Hollis, on August 8, 1803, aged 64 years, and his widow at the same place, on April 7, 1830, aged 90 years. He left a " Register " of his children, hand- somely written by himself and framed, which is now in the possession of a great-grandson, William H. Bunton, of Boston. His children were as follows: — David, born June 28, 1763, died July 12, 1763 ; Sarah, born De- cember 17, 1764, married Lieutenant Benjamin Cummings, of Brook- line, N. H., July 20, 1786, as his second wife, and died in the year 1835 ; Betsey, born September 18, 1766, married David Hale, June 3, 17S7, and died November 18, 1842 ; D.avid, born July 31, 1769, married Bridget Atwell, January i, 1789, and died October 13, 1823; Phineas Hemenway, born May 8, 1772, married Betsey Jewett, January 31, 1799, and died January 29, 1856 ; Lavinia, born June 30, 1774, married Andrew Bunton, of Pembroke, N. H., March 13, 1800, and died November 17, 1836 ; Artemas, born September 13, 1776, lived in Lowell, and died August 8, 1863 ) Sylvanus, born April 3, 1779, and lost at sea, February 5, 181 1 ; and Joshua, born April 3, 1781, lived in Boston, and died December 17, 1852. After the death of Sergeant David Holden, the Diary passed into the hands of a son, Phinehas Hemenway Holden, who left it to a daughter Mary, wife of Dexter Greenwood, of Hollis, by whom it was given, perhaps thirty-five years ago, to her cousin. Dr. Sylvanus Bunton (son of Andrew and Lavinia) ; and after Dr. Bunton's death the book came into David Holden's Diary 45 the possession of his son, Henry Sylvanus Bunton, who has since given it to the Massachusetts Historical Society. According to an advertisement in " The Boston Weekly Nevvs-Letter," July 3, 1760, forty-one companies had been mustered into the service of the Province during the cam- paign of 1760, up to July I, either at Worcester by Com- missary Anthony Wheelock, or at Springfield by Ensign Campbell, and then marched westward from those towns. The Diary consists of 64 pages of a small blank-book, writ- ten in a legible hand ; and 104 remaining pages are filled with the ordinary notes, usually found in a memorandum book, and extending through a period of twelve years. From these entries it appears that Sergeant Holden was a farmer and a cooper; and occasionally he let his horse or his cart and oxen to some of his neighbors to do work. In July, 1765, he has a charge of one pound for a " Pigg " against Archibald Mcin- tosh, who ten years later was taken prisoner at the Battle of Bunker Hill, and who died in Boston jail. On September 2, 1765, he carts a " Load of Cole from the Battrey ^ to Tarbells mills," which were situated in Squannacook Village, now West Groton. In January, 1772, he opens an account with Henry Price, the first Provincial Grand Master of Masons in New England and North America, and he sells him some turnips and does some " hooping " for him. There is also given " A List of the Schoolars in y- year 1772," at Townsend, which then had a population not far from 750 inhabitants. The list is as follows : — Isaac Kidder David Patt Lucy Kidder Joshua Smith John Kidder Benj:' Ball Jon!' Patt Rachel Ball 10 James Patt Rebeca Proctor Sybel Patt Rachel Proctor 1 The neighborhood of Battery Hill in the western part of Townsend, near the Ashby line. The hill was so called from a garrison house, which once stood near its base. 46 David Holden's Diary Nathan Conant Jeremiah Ball James Ball Molly Ball Betty Ball Isaac Proctor Elisabeth Proctor Jacob Baldwin Rachel Read Patty Read Levi Read Howard Read Joel Read Benj!* Read Jon? Wallis Suse Wallis Sybel Wallis Isaac Wallis John Stevens Sam" Stevens 30 W2 Stevens Molly Stevens Abel Gillson Daniel Gillson Henry Turner Benj? Abbot Polly Price Sam!' Wyman Anna Wyman Huldy Wyman Uzziah Wyman Polly Holdin Sally Holdin Betey Holdin Ruth Baldwin John Bauldwin Jonas Baldwin Joseph Willson Jn? Willson Sarah Willson 40 50 In connection v^ith this Diary, see one kept by Lemuel Wood during the same campaign, and printed in the Essex Institute Historical Collections (Vols. XIX.-XXI.) ; and also another by Samuel Jenks, in the Proceedings (second series, V. 352-392) of the Massachusetts Historical Society for March, 1890. Diary DAVID HOLDIN,S BOOK BOUGHT AT BOSTON APRIEL Y^ lY 1760 PRICE 14/ David Holdi7i his Booke If I it Loose and you it find, Restore it me for it is nwie 1760 A Jurnal of What was Transacted In the Expedition For the Total Reduction of Canada In the Year. A : D. 1760 On Thursday Febuary f. 20'!' 1760 I David Holdin Inlisted with Cap! Leonard Whiting In the Expedition for the Total Reduction of Canada March yf. 10'!* Past Muster Before Colonel John Bulkley ^ at Groton A Jurnal of what was Transacted in the 'Expedition For the Total Reduction of Canada In the Year A : D : 1 760 On Thursday Feb: 20'!' 1760 I David Holdin Inlisted with Cap' Leonard Whiting in the Expedition For the Total Reduction of Canada March y 10"' Past muster Before Lieu! Colo : John Bulkley @ Groton Apriel f x6'^ Orders Cam,e_lrom-Capt. Whiting that I should warn all the men that I had Inlisted, and March them to Harvord ^ Colonel liulkley was a prominent inhabitant of Groton, who dieJ on December 3, 1772, aged 69 years. 48 David Holden's Diary the Next Thursday where I should Joyn his Company on their march to Worcester On Thursday Apriel f 24 1760 I Sat out from Groton & marched With the men to Harvord To Capt Samuel Harskels where we met with Cap! Whitings Company, Here we tarried all Night 25 We marched with 82 men to Cap! Curtices in Worcester Where we Tarried all Night 26 We was all Billited out at Worcester tho at Sundry Places. I with my Party was Billeted at John Curtices about Two miles from the Town. Sunday 27 & 28-'' Companys Kept Coming in & Some Going out 29 Orders Came that Cap! Whitings Company was to Muster Tomorrow morning at 8 o Clock 30 Cap! Whiting Marched to Worcester Town with 85 men offi- cers Included out of which 75 Past muster & Ten only was Rejected. We Musterd Before Anthony Whelock a Regular officer 77iay f I. «& 2!" Companys Coming in & marching out Towards Albany 3 A Create Commotion among the officers Some they Estab- lished Some they Ground & Sent Home Took their men and Put them under other officers Some they Sent Home Recruting till the 20 of may. Orders Came that Cap! Whitings Company Should Be in Redi- ness to march the Next morning accordingly the Cap! payed of all his Company their Billiting & ordred them to Prepair for their march the Next morning Sunday May y' 4-" Cap! Whiting Sat out for Westford and Leiu! [Nathaniel] Comings took the Command of the Company with Leiu! [Joseph] Boynton. Took a Teem to Carry our Baggage & Provis- ions and Be Gan our march with 74 men officers Included h. Come about five miles & half To Lanlord Serjeants in Lester where we went to Dinner & afterwards marched about Ten miles to Lanlord Woolcuts in Brookfield where we tarried all Night. 5 We marched about [12] miles to Lanlord Shaws in Palmore «& tarried all Night. This Day Some of Cap! Hutchins,s Company abused a woman & a young Child wounding both the wonij^n & the Child. 6 We Marched about [9] miles To Landlord Persons on Spring- field Plain where we tarried all Night ^ a woman belonging to Cap' David Holden's Diary 49 Hutchings,s Company was Brought a bed with a Statly Soldier for the king 7 We marched to Springfield by 8 o Clock in the morning which was about Six miles. Here we tarried all Day Cap' Whiting Came up to US- Four of Cap' HutchingSjS men was put in prison for abuseing the people by the way 8 Past muster this morning before Leiu' Campbell, Drew Seven Days Provision Took a Team to Carry our Baggage in and Marched about [lo] miles to Lanlord Cap' Claps in Westfield where we tarried all Night Here we Left Jonas Butterfield [of Dunstable] Lame at the wid- dow Ingolsons under the Care of D' Clapum 9 We Marched 4 miles & half to the foot of the mount of Glas- gow [Blandford], where our Team left us »& we was obliged to Carry our Packs on our Backs to Shuffield, So we marched Seven miles to Landlord Pees,s in Glasgow where we tarried all Night. here we Left Freeborn Raimond & Thomas Hildreth [both of WestfordJ Sick. 10 Marched Through the Green-Woods to N- one [Tyringham] to M' Jakson which was about 20 miles & tarried all Night. 11 Sunday We Sat out & Came 10 miles to Landlord Burgats in Shuffield & tarried this Night where Cap' Hutchins,s Company Tarried 12 Was Detained till afternoon Before we Could Empress waggons to Carry our Baggage after which we Sat out with Cap' [Thomas] Bemans Company and Came about Eleven miles to Landlord Lovejoys where we Tarried all Night. 13 We marched about [15] miles To Landlord Follicumburrers in Kinderhook where we Left Benj- Pollard [of Westford,] Sick with the Chiken Pox & Abraham Taylor & Caleb Hustone [both of Westford] to take Care of him Cap! Hammonts Company Came up & tarried with us. 14 It being a wet wet Day Did not march till 12 o'Clock Then Sat out & Came about 10 miles to the Half way House Where Capt Whitings & Cap! Hamments Companys Tarried all Night. My self & Two others Sat out for Greenbush in order to Git Quarters for our Company & Came about Seven miles & tarried at a Dutch Tavorn. 4 50 David Holden's Diary 15 We Came in to Greenbush & Provided a Place, & Barn for our Company about 3 miles Below the City of Albany about one o'clock our Company Came in here we tarried all Night 16 Orders Came that we should March up the River to Colo: Ransleys accordingly we Did & there was about 600 men all as- sembled of the Massachusetts Troops whereupon a Detachment was sent to Half moon Consisting of one Leiu^ Two Serjeants 30 men of which 5 went out of our Company, viz. Leiul Cumings took the Command of the party Serj^ [Peter] Procter Josiah Procter [both of Littleton] Samuel Fassetts [of VVestford] Andrew Farmer [of Billerica]. After which we was Ferried over the River to Albany Drew Two Days Provisions Took 79 Battoes Loaded them with 20 Barrills provisions in each Boat with Seven Hands on Board of each & Sat Sail with a fair wind up the River & Came about Six miles to Cap' Vanornoms where we Landed & tarried all all Night & it was very we! 17 We Sat Sail in the morning & Came up the River about 9 miles & Encamped it Being a wet Night. 18 Sunday We Sat out & Came up very Bad Falls about Two miles and half to the Head of the falls where we was obliged to wade up all the falls & Draw the Battoes here we Encampt, it Being a wet Night. 19 We Sat Sail & Came about one mile & half where we unloded our Boats & tarried Cheif of the Day. Towards Night we Hoisted Sail & Sat out with a fair Wind & Came down to Half moon in an hour & half This was 9 miles here we Drew a days allowance & tarried all Night, here we left Simeon Cumings [of Dunstable] y" Leiu' 20 This was a wet morning We Stowed 40 men in a Boat & Came down to albany & Drew 4 Days Provisions. Was ordred to Load other Boats & Go another Trip up the River with Provisions accordingly we did & came up about a mile above the City & Encamped. Abraham Taylor Benjamin Pollard & Caleb Hustone Came up to us, that we Left At Kinderhook. also Samuel Hawood [of Billerica] & Timothy Twist [of Woburn] that we Left at Worcester. 2 1 We Sat Sail & Came about a mile above the fort at Half moon & Encamped David Holden's Diary 51 22 We Came up the falls and Encamped. 23 Sat out & came to the Landing Place unloaded our Boats Came Down to half moon & tarried all Night 24 Here we Left all our Boats only Just enough to Carry the men in, & Sat out Came down to albany where we Landed Below the Town & was forbid going into the City by Reason of the Small Pox. orders Came that the massachusetts Troops Should march, accord- ingly 10 Companys Marched upon the Hill above the City, Con- taining 564 men officers Included where Three other companys of the same Coar was already Encampt. Here we Drew our Tents & pitched them in order a man of the Second Battallion Royal Hiland Regiment Rec'.' 999 Lashes for Leaving his Poast when on Sentry 25 Sunday A Detachment of 100 men was Sent out into the woods to Look up Kings oxen, Seven Sloop Loads of men arived here of the New York Rhod Island & Jersey Troops, A party of about 30 men were Sent to Crown Point under the command of Lieu' Clark two of which Belong, d to our Company, viz. David Kemp [of Groton] & John Heald [of Townsend] Jonas Butterfield [of Dunstable] that we Left Lame at westfield Came up to us A Detachment of men was orderd to look up oxen But it Being a wet Day they Did not Go 26 Drew Six Days Provision, Serj' Craggitt [Cragin, of Acton] of Cap' W™ Barrens Company was taken Sick with the Small Pox 27 The Serj- was Carried into the Hospitle. Orders Came that Cap! [Daniel] Mi'falings & Cap! [John] Clapums Companys Should March with a Detachment out of each of the Remaining Companys To Fort Miller & Saratoga (12 of which went out of Cap! Whiting Company) Under the Command of Major Hawks viz. David Trull [of Littleton], Jonathan Hartwel, Joseph Hartwell [of Westford], Benj? worster [of Littleton], Thompson Maxwell [of Bedford], Timothy Priest [of Lincoln], Benj? Allen [of Lincoln], Jon'' Peirce [of Woburn], George Hiber [of Littleton], John Robinson [of Dun- stable], John Walker [of Lincoln], & Jon? Lawrence [of Littleton] They ware all Paraded after which they was all Dismisst and ordred to appear upon the Parade tomorrow morning at Day Brake. 28 General Election at Boston The men that was Detacht yes- terday Marched off about 250 of them, a Detachment were sent out after oxen The officers Drew Lots to see Vvhich of them should go 52 David Holden's Diary down the Country to Look for Disarters & it fell to Cap^ Whiting & U King & they sat out This was a Showrey Day 29 Nothing Remarkable. 30 Cap' [Thomas] Ferringtons ^ & Cap! Jinks Marched with their Companys & a Detachment out of the Remaining Company in Camp, Some ware Sent back after they had Sat out a Corprol & 4 men went out of our Company viz. Corp! Benj^ Baulding [Baldwin, of Billerica], Joseph Pollard [of Westford], Jona'!- Pollard Ephraim Johnson David Rumrill & Ephraim Johson — Freeborn Raimond & Thomas Hildreth Came up here that we Left Sick at Glasgow [Blandford]. Took 4 Days Provissions 31 Orders that all the massachusetts Troops Should be Draw,d up at the Head of their En-Campment at 4 o'Clock this evening. & at 5 o'clock his Exelency General Amhurst with a Number of other officers Came to View us after which we ware all Dismisst. A Return of all the fire arms was made that Belonged to to the Massachusetts Troops & amonition was Drawn Sufiday if yune a man Belonging to Cap^ Martins Company Receiv'd 50 Lashes for Not Doing his Duty orders that 300 of the Rhode Island Troops March up the River this afternoon, & that all the Massachusetts Troops Now Encampt Should Strike their Tents tomorrow morning at Day Brake. & that the Regment of 1000 should be allowed Provision or the four Pence,s in Leu of it for four Women ? Company and those of 700 for Three Women '^ Company A Weekly Return was made our Company at this time was Reduced to 48 men officers Included. 2 Struck our tents & Sat out for Fort Edward, took one Battoe to a Company to Carry the Tents & oiificers baggage & Camp aeque- page & Came up as far as Half moon & Encamp! 3 We Took Battoes to Compleat the Whole with 7 men to a Boat with Provision Corn & hay & Came up as far as the foot of the falls below Still water unloaded our Boats & Encampt. 4 Sat out & Came up Two pair of Falls & then arived at Still water where we Loaded our boats with 30 Barrils of flower. Or 25 of Pork Pees or Rice, this was a very Rainy Day & a tedious time we had of it & the men Cheifly tarried here all Night But I with my 1 Captain Thomas Farrington commanded a Groton comi^any, of which a " Return of Men " is given iii the Appendix (pp. 1 1 7-1 19). David Holden's Diary 53 Boats Crew Came about 5 miles farther to the great fly so called & encampt. 5 We Sat out &: Came as far as the falls above Saratoga, this was a very Tedious Rainy time & we Encampt 6 This also was a wet Day unloaded part of the Boats & took them up the falls Carried the provisions in waggons one mile & half 7 It Still Remains Wet Unloaded the Remainder of the Bat- toes & took them up the falls & Encamp^ 8 Sunday Dull Lowrey Still hangs over our heads. Loaded our boats & came up Two miles & half to the Carting place opisite Fort miller where we unloaded the Battoes Drew them out put them on wagon & Carried them half a mile by land & the provisions, & Lanjt them into the River again. Cap' Whiting Came up to us this Day. here we Left Freeborn Raimond in the Room of Jonathan pollard. 9 Loaded our Battoes as Usual And Sat out for fort Edward & on the way we meet a Number of the Hiland Troops Coming Down the River in Battoes who was a going to Joyn General Amhurst arived at Fort Edward & unloaded our Battoes & Encampt. Lieu! James Conch was Broke & Sent Home. Several Shours this Day Here we Left Moses Shattuck [of Littleton]. \^One leaf of the Diary here ifiissi>ig.'\ 16 Sat Sail & Came to Crown Point Fort where we Landed & Pitched our tents. Had Intillegence of Major Roggers,s ^ Fight within about 50 miles of S' Johns Where they had a very warm En- gagement a parly of about 5 or 600 of the Enemy fell upon 300 of our Rangers & Proventials fought them for Considrable Time & Killed Nine of our men on the Spott & wounded 13 more 10 of which Died soon after Cap! Noah Johnson was Killed at the Same Time. Tis thought they Killed a Large number of the Enemy but Never Could find out how many for they being so Numerious they Carried off their Dead. John Heald & David Keemp Joyn,d our 1 Major Robert Rogers, an officer of the French and Indian War, who com- manded a famous body of troops known as the Rogers Rangers. He was a native of Dunbarton, N. H., where he was born about the year 1730, and died in England about 1800, after a life of singular adventures and vicissitudes. 54 David Holden's Diary Company again that was Sent from albany the 25 of June [May] Last. We had Several very Smart Thunder Showers here this Day. 17 Four of Cap' Ferringtons men Joyn,d our Company viz David Sawtell Jonathan Holdin Nath" Green & Ephraim Keemp. [all of Groton]. Likewise Peletiah Whittemore [of Dunstable] & henry Foster [of Billerica] that we Left at Green bush Sick Came up to us Detach- ments of men for Fatigue till there was Scersly a man Left in Camp. A Number of Rhode Island Troops arived & Encampt here 18 A Small Light was Discoverd on the other Side of the Lake Just Before Sun Sit Whereupon Maj- Skeen, Cap! Brewer, & Cap! James Roggers of the Rangers with about 30 men went out in Two Battoes & one whale Boat on the Discovery & was gone all Night. Cap! Hutchins of the Proventials also went out 19 This morning the Party Came in. Brought in Two English Prisoners that was Taken Last Winter who Ran away from the Indeans & Built a Light that they might be Discovred By the Garrison. This Day Cap! Foot Came in with about 116 other Prisoners in the Brigg with a Flagg of Truce from the french who Give account that y? French are So Short of provision they Could Keep them no Longer Two Companys of the Massachusets Troops arived here, viz. Cap! Wintsworths & Cap! Jaksons. 20 An Express went to Ticonderoga a Small Party of men went Down the Lake with Major Skeen 21 Wet Day Cap! Whiting Inlisted Carpenters to work in the Fort Cap'- Jeffords Company arived here 22 S7(?iday. Nothing Remarkable 23 This was a wet Day, Major Roggers arived here from his Scout at Saint Johns, Brought in 25 Prisoners 24 A man of the massachusetts Received 100 Lashes for his Insolent Language to his Ensign the Cremonal,s Name was John Bunker [of York]. 25 A Party was Sent Down the Lake to Bring in the Remainder of the Prisoners Five Companys of the Massechusetts Troops arived here 26 Orders that a Party Should be Sent Down to putnums Point for Cutting Timber 27 Colo: [Joseph] IngersoU Major [Caleb] Willard 3 Cap'.' 9 David Holden's Diary SS Subs. 9 Serj'" & 300 of the Massechusetts Troops Embarkt for Put- nums Point, a Return of the Gunners was made, a Rany Day. 28 Cap! Jonas,s Company with a Detachment from the massa- chusetts & Rhode Islanders was ordred away as Gunners & marcht Down to the water side & Encampt 29 Sunday. The Three Whale Boats Came in that went Down the Lake after y*; Prisoners. 30 A Command Consisting of one Cap! Two Subs Four Serj'.' & a 100 proventials To proceed to the Saw mills with 16 Battoes for provisions in 8 of them & 8 to be Loaded with Boards. Two men Carried out of Camp Sick with the small Pox. if y«/}'. A party Consisting of Two Subs Four Noncomision,d officers and 58 Proventials, were order,d Down the Lake to Releive the Same Number of Regulers on Board the Sloops. Leonard But- terfield & Jonas Butterfield [both of Dunstable] went out of Cap! Whitings Company 2". Orders that No Sutler Should [sell] any Liquor after gun Fire. Ensign Emerson Willcutt & [Joseph] Hatfield [both of Brook- field], Joyn. Cap* Whitings Company. 3 Cap! Silas Brown with a 100 men were Sent up to Joyne Colo Ingersol at Putnums Point. George Morris of the market & the Ranging Sutler had their Liquor Stove for Disobeying orders, orders that the Sutler of the Rangers & George Morris of the market that had their Liquor Stove this Day. To Quit Crown Point Emediately. if they hereafter are found in the Camp or in any Post Between this & Albany they will be whipt & Drum,d out a very Smart Thunder Shower this Evening 4 One of Cap! Baileys men was Carried out of Camp with the Small Pox Brigadier Ruggles arived here this Day. Peter Jones [of Boston] of Cap! Martins Company Receid 50 Lashes for Re- fusing to Do his Duty & for Insolent Language Confin/' By Capt. Abiel Peirce 5 A Bark Conoe was Brought in with 6 Indians, & Said they Came from General Johnson across the Woods from Oswego. & had a french Sculp 6 Sufiday. Sent the 6 Indians in a Battoe with a Serj'- & 7 men to the Landing Place at Ticonderoga 7 A Party Consisting of i Cap! 2 Subs 4 Serj" & 100 men of the Proventials ware Sent up to the Saw mills with 16 Battoes for 56 David Holden's Diary Provisions and to Return again as soon as Possable This was a very hot Day 8 This morning about Sun Rise a Party of the Rangers Being at work was fir,cl upon by the Enemy & in y': Scurmage i man was Killed & Six wounded it Lasted about half an hour Major Roggers with a Party of the Rangers & Light Infantry went in persuite after them. Being Regimented Cap' Whitings Company Comes into the 2I Battallion in Brigadier [Timothy] Ruggles,s Reg' Com'! by Lieu! Colo : IngersoU mov'^ & pitcht our tents in Regimental order 9 Major Roggers Came in with the Party But Could find Nothing of Nor any Sines of them. 10 one of the Proventials Receiv,d 100 Lashes for neglect of Duty. 11 A man Rec'! 50 Lashes for Using the word to one of his Sergeants Dam ye to hell & wishing him there 12 A man of y': Massachusetts Troops Rec"! 500 Lashes for Inlisting twice & Disarting after wards 13 Sunday. One of the Regulars was Confin,d to our Quarter Guard by one of the Provential officers for his Misbehavour to him & passing the Sentry with out order, where upon Emediately A mobb was Rais,'^ By the Regulers & Came to Repleive the Prisioner at the Guard house & Knockt Down the Sentrees at the Guard house Dore & Let out y" prisner Whereupon Emediately the Piquet was all Rais,d & persued them & fird Two guns upon them took some prisoners the Rhode Islanders Caught the prisner 14 This morning 4 of Cap! Jenks,s men Confin,d by their Cap! for forging orders against him & 111 Treatment was Brought to the Post one Rec'! 250 Lashes one 150, one 50 the other was Sat free by the Brigadier 15 An Exceeding Dry Time for y^ Season one of y*; Regulars was flog,d for Striking one of the Proventials at y*: Spring and Braking Two of his Ribs 16 Nothing Remarkable Happened this Day, The Train Threw Several Bumbs to P[r]actise at a mark 17 A Dull Time for Nues in Camp 18 A very Smart Thunder shower was Draw,d up & after Role Calling Had Prairs of one of y^ Provential Chaplins which was y': first Prairs We have had Since we Came in Camp 19 Major Hawks,s Party arived here 12 of which Joynd Cap' Whitings Company that was Draughted from it at albany David Holden's Diary 57 20 Sunday Began to Do Serj* Majors Duty 21 The Brigg & Sloop Came in from Ticonderoga 22 150 men Were Sent to Ticonderoga in Battoes for Provisions, Came Back this Evening. 23 A Boat Came in from yf Sloops. 24 A Rainy Day. Two sloops Came in from y? advance Guard. Cap: Hutchings arived here from Gen! amherst & Joyn,'^ the Rangers. 25 A Detachment of 400 Regulers, Proventials & Rangers Ex- cluding officers wers Sent to the Saw Mill in Battoes for Provisions 26 A Rainy Day. 27 Sunday. Had Preaching. 28 No Extroydonaries Hapend this Day 29 A Command of about 80 Proventials & 40 Rhode Islanders Excluding officers were Sent Towards N? 4 With 2 Days Provisions in order to meet y" N: Hampshir Reg! who By Intilligence of Two men that Came from them & ariv,'' here Last Night was Like to Suffer for want of Provision. 30 A party of one Serjl & 24 men were Sent to Ticonderoga for Sheep 31 The Party Came in with y" N Hampshir Reg' & Encamp* Near the Grenadiers Encampment Aug*, y'r I Very wet in yf morning, orders that all the Boats to be Delivered to the respective Reg'? of Regulers, as well as Proven- tials in order to Examin the Same & fitt them Better if Possable, Notwithstanding no orders yet ariv,d Determining the Time of Em- barcation, therefore the following Detachment was orderd out to fit & Secure them, viz. 6 Cap'? 19 Subs, 52 Serj'? & 523 men from all the Corps L' W- Holdin arived here A follower of the army Rec! 1000 Lashes^ for Stealing & was Drumi out of Camp with a Halter about his Neck & his Crime wrote & Pind upon his Brest & So Sent to Albany. 2 A Detachment Consisting of i Cap! 3 Subs, 5 Serj'r & in Sea- men of the Massachusetts & Rhode Islanders to Embark on Board his Majestys Brigg the Duke Cumberland. 3 Sunday A party Consisting of 200 men Excluding officers 1 This number seems incredible, but the figures are perfectly plain. See also entry of August 10. 58 David Holden's Diary went with Majf Burk over to yf other Side yf Lake to Cutting Tim- ber Yf New Hampshire Reg' Past muster Before L' Small 4 Peter Linsey [of Boston] of Cap! martins Company Rec'! 250 Lashes for making an atemp' to Disart Rich! Gattoway ^ [of Bos- ton] of yf afores'! Company Rec'! 40 Lashes for making a Disturbance in M'. Hubby,s Markee & using y" Adjeant with Insolent Language one of Cap! Harts men Rec'! 20 lashes for Refusing to go on Duty when orderd by his Serj! 5 A Detachment of 100 men was Sent to falling trees towards the Block Houses with Major Hawks a man Carried out of Camp with y*: Small Pox. 6 xA.n Express Came in from Generel Amherst to Colonel Haver- land, also money to Pay of the Soldiers Part of their Wages. 7 Making Ready as fast as Possable for an Embarcation in order for a Trial at Isle au Noix or S: Johns 8 Orders that the army Should hold them Selves in Rediness for an Embarcation at the Shortest Notice. Maj' Burks Party Came in, & Colo : Ingersols from Putnams Point. 3 Indians Seen on the other Side the Lake 9 Several Detachments was orderd out this Day. 40 men of the Massachusetts Joynd the artillery. Was in the greatest Prepa- ration for an Embarcation 10 Simday. Rich'! Galloway of Cap! Martins Company Rec'l 900 Lashes for fighting Striking & threatning ofificers & for abusefuU Lan- guage to them &c. The Recrutes Came in viz Colo : Whitcombes Reg! from yf Massachusetts An Express Came in from the Brigg. Orders that the army Should Strike their Tents Tomorrow morning & Embark in order to pass Lake Champlain, also how they Should Proceed, & in what form they Should Go & in what Posicion they Should form to Land. 11 Loaded our boats with 5 Barrills of flower & 3 of Pork, & upon yf Sygnal of a Gun from the artillery Park the General Beat, upon which the army Struck their Tents & put them on board their Battoes, & upon the Sygnal of a Second Gun, the army assembled & march, d Down to their boats & Embarkt But Not put off from yf Shore And the Sygnal was made on board the Leginear Rideau [Radeau] upon which the Army Sat Sail But with a Contarary wind The Number of Vessals and Boats the fleet Consisted of is as fol- 1 See entry under August 10, where the nanie is written Galloway. David Holden's Diary 59 lows viz. One Brigenteen 4 Sloops, 3 Rideaus [Radeaux], 3 Prows, 2 Large Boats, 263 Batteaus Large & Small, 41 Whale Boats, 12 Canoes & Proceeded about Six miles* & Landed on the west Shore, advanc.d a Piquet according to former order & Encamp! 12 Embarkt in y? morning Sat Sail with a Contarary wind & Came about 8 miles & Came too in Butten mole [Button Mould] Bay & Encampt on yf Shore 13 This morning a Councill was held upon Cap'. Shores «& he was Broke & Sent Back to Crown Point for his miss Conduct in times Past, altho the Sentence was Past upon him Before, yet it was not Reveald to him till now Sat Sail But the wind Still holdes very Conterary & we Came about 10 miles & Encampt Near Legenier [Ligonier] Bay Harbour on the west Side the Lake 14 We Sat Sail with a very fair wind But Stormy & very Ruff wether & Ariv,*^ at Schyler Island which Days Sail was about 30 odd miles & on our Voyage this Day one man was Drownded another axedentally Shott himself & tis to be feard very Mortally wounded. had further Intillegence of Several Boats Being Cast away And the men Lost Some of which Belonged to y? Rangers 15 The wind Still Holds fair but not So Boistrious as Yesterday. Yet Several Boats was Cast away & Some Stove on the Shore we Came about 35 miles & Encampt on Isle La: Motte. Orders Came how the army Should Proceed & in what form they Should go and how they Should form to Land, and above all it is highly Recom- mended that we Should pay no Regard to Popping Shotts from y? Shore & that no man Should fire out of any Boate also it is Recom- mended that Nothing be Done in a Hurrey which will Prevent Confusion Clean'! our fire Locks, & Compleated yf men with ammunission 16':^ About 3 o'clock this morning we all Embarkt & Sat Sail for Isle au Noix which was about 10 miles & Came & Landed on the Est Shore about i o'Clock within about 2 miles of the Fort without any greate matter of moUistation The french fired Several Shotts at our Rideau [Radeau] & Sloops & our People fir"? Some at them Vv'e Encampt & made a Brest worke, half yP men up & y? other to Lay on their arms this Night, we hove Several Bumbs in the night. 17 Sunday . Pritty Calm this morning about firing, About 8 o'clock Cap! Clagg Belonging to the Train on board of a Small 6o David Holden's Diary Artillery Rideau, Bore away Towards the fort whose orders was to go on till fir,d upon, accordingly he Did & By a Six Pounder had Both his Legs Shott off after which y? Cap' soon Died, 5 more wounded, one of which had Both his Legs Shott off, the other 4 one Legg apeice Soon after one or Two Dy,d Corp! Majery of Cap! Baileys Company was Broke & VVhipt 300 Lashes for Denying his Duty. Keept on fortifying Clearing a Rhode, &c. Very Calm & but Little firing the Remainder of this Day one man Carried to Crown Point with yf Small Pox. 18 Fired Several Cannon at the men at worke oppisit y? fort, But to Little Purpose also fired upon our Rangers & Kill,d one with their Small arms in a Boat Pritty Calm & But Little firing Began to build our Battries for Bumb «& Cannon 19 Moved our Encampment & Encampt oppisit the Fort, in about half a mile of it, in a very thick Place of woods & made a Brest work Both in front »S: Rear was fir,d upon from the fort But Rec'.' no Damage 20 A Disarter came from the french & Resin, d himself to our guard this morning about Day brake. He gives us an account that there is about 1500 men in the fort & that they are Short of Ammo- nission & have but Nine Peaces of cannon in the fort fir,d very hot on our men at work at the Battries Detachments ware Sent to work at the Battrys all Night this was a Rainey Day 21 Landed Part of our Artillery Was fired upon at the Battries had 7 or Eight men wounded Two fals alarams in the night one of which was a Little before Day brake & our men fir,d from one End of yP Lines to the other But no Enemy was near to oppose us 2 3 A man carried out of Camp with y? Small pox. Keept on building ik Repairing the batry,s as fast as Possable in order for a warm Reception 3 French Prisoners was brol in that was taken Between S' Johns & Montreal, for which the men that Took them had 50 Guineas Reward y!-' Party Consisted of a Serj' & 6 men 23 Open,d Three of our Battries at 3 o'clock this afternoon upon the Sygnal of a gun from the artillery & which Time the Drums & fifes Beating a Pint of war from one End of yf Lines to the other, after which we Blazed away very Smartly from our Battries one man was Kill,d & Sculpt by yP the Ligans, 2 more Kill,d & 2 wounded David Holden's Diary 61 24 Sunday. Began to Errect a new batry Below y= fort to Pre- vent the french going off, as we Preceiv,cl they was making Ready for an Escape, the Party that was at worke at the New battry was fir,d upon from the fort By their Cannon wounded 15 of our men, Some tis to be feard mortally this was a Lowry wet Day 25 Cleared off We Blazed very hot upon them all this fore noon. Took three Vessals from them viz one Rideau one Topsail Schooner & a Sloop and 30 odd men on Board of them who gave Intillegance that there was about 150 men Kill,d this Day by our Cannon Bumbs & Small arms & that there was a Regf of Brigaids Joynd them Had one man killed at yf Lower battry this Day with a Cannon ball from yf french he Belonged to Capl Barrons,s Company made a Trial Last night to Cut away the Boam that the french had fix'? across the Lake from the fort to the Est Shore to Prevent our Shipping going Past the fort. 26 Orders for a Number of men to go on bord the Prize Vessals Consisting of 165 men officers Included to go Voluntiers from the Proventials, also for 41 men to List out of the Massachusetts Reg'? to Joyne Major Roggers as Rangers in Lieu of that Number of the New hampshires that was not fit for Rangers Thompson Maxwell, of Cap' Whitings Company Listed a Ranger. & Serjf [Jonas] Parker [of Chelmsford], Sam'.' Treadwell [of Littleton] Thaddeus Read [of Westford] & John Robinson [of Dunstable] wint on Board the Prizes. 27 This was a thick foggy morning •& the more so By the Smoake of the Cannon & bumbs Both of the french & English for they Played very Smartly on Both Sides But y'= french threw no Shells at us But the Cannon Crackt as tho the Heavens & Earth was Coming together for Cheif of the Day A Ball from the Enemy Came through one of our Amberzoers [embrasures] & into a Magazean Where was many Shells & Car- tridges & Sat it on fire and Brew it up Broake about 20 Shells which Killed 2 men & wounded 2 more very bad, one of those that was killed Belonged to the Massachusetts, the other to the \f'^ Reg! The french Played very Smartly with their Cannon all this Day 28 Last Night the french Disarted the Fort, Took of all their Baggage which they Could Carry on their backs & made their Escape off as fast as they Could Left a number of their Sick & 62 David Holden's Diary wounded but the Exact number I cannot tell, about 20 french Regu- lars Came & Resin,d themselves. We took Possesion of their fort & hoisted King Georges Colours on the Walls, Sent our Flower to be Bak'.' in their ovens, had French Bread & Pork to our allowance Seven of the Rangers Persu'-' the army & took one from their Rear & Got Considrable Plunder Four of the Light Infantry Brought in 2 french Prisoners that they took near S' Johns Began to Embark our artillery & fix as fast as Possable in order to make a Push upon S' Johns As to the Cituation of y? Isle Au Noix it is cituate & Lying very Low in the Center of the Lake & has a very Strong Fortress on it & is very Strongly Piqueted in all Round & Contains about acres tho very Low & Swampy Create Part of it & Cheifly Cleard up 29 Embark'.' all our artillery that was thought Necesary to Carry along with us Orders that Boats Should be took over to the Island & Loaded with 5 Barrills of Provisions & Brought Back again to the Side next our Encampment & that yP Tents Should be Struck Tomorrow morning half an hour after Reveillie Beating & the army to be Redy to Embark when orderd 30 Struck our tents this morning & Put them with our Baggage on board the Battoes After which the army soon Embarkt & Sat Sail with a fare wind for S' Johns Our orders was to Keep in the Same Posision as former orderd & to form a Line to Land in the Same manner when orderd, which was to be Told us & Which Shore we Should Land on Left all our Sick & wounded at the Island with officers & Soldiers Draughted from the Proventials in order to Keep the Fort When y? Front of our army Came in Sight of S' Johns, Fort, & the grand Jeoble [Diable] that we took at Isle au Noix had fir,d one or 2 Shotts at it, the french Sat it all on fire & made their Escape as fast as Possably they Could, Major Roggers with his men over took Some of them t'v: had a Scurmage with them. Lost 2 men & one or Two more wounded one of which was L' Stone who was Shott Through the foot the Rear of our army Landed about 2 o'clock & En Camp'? 31 Sunday. Major Roggers Took & Brought in 17 Prisoners amongest which was one Major & i Cap! of yV french army Orders Came Last night for the army to throw up a Brest work in the front of our Encampment, accordingly we Began it this morning, Soon David Holden's Diary 63 after which orders Came to the Conterary S^ Johns is Cituate on y': west Side the Lake [River] & according to Apperance it was a Prity Strong fortres & ButifuUy Cituated Before it was Consumd there is Considrable Clear'' Ground But few Emprovenients Orders Came that the army Should Strike their Tents Tomorrow morning a Quarter after Revallie Beating in order to go to S! Therese Colonel Haverland Sent a Packit to General Murrey Very Cold for the Time of Year if Septem: Struck our Tents according to orders & Put them on board Orders that as the Army is now going into the Inhabitant Part of the Country, therefore it is order.d that none of the Inhabit- ance are Plundred or 111 Us,d on any Pretence. Whoever are De- tected Disobeying this order will be Hanged & that we Should Take nothing without being Regularly Paid for This is Done to Induce the Inhabitance to Stay in their Villages, & good Usuage will Prevent their men from Joyning their French Army The Army Embarkt About 3, o'clock in the afternoon & Sat Sails & as our Battalion is the Rear Guard we Came about 2 Miles to the head of the falls & Encampt But y? Regulars & those in yf front went Down y;^ falls & ariv,d at S! Therese this Night 2 Sat out this morning & Came Down y^ falls without much Difoculty & ariv'.' at S^ Therese which is about 6 miles from S' Johns Here was on the West Side the Lake a Little Snugg For- tress Before it was Consuiti,d but there was the Stockad & Pikets Standing, and a ButifuU Little Trench Round it Here we Encamp^ on the west Shore & Began to throw up a Brest work at the front of our Encampment Majf Roggers Brought in 2 french Prisoners 3 This was a wet Day, We finesh'.' our Breast work Here was 2 or 3 french familys who Came in & Traided with us & Past & Re- past without any mollistation they Exchang,d Green Peas & other Comodities for Salt Pork and Salt which was very Scerce amonge them & hard to be got Bought Horses, from them & had their assistance in Drawing our Artillery 4 Clear,d off A Detachment of about 200 men were Sent to Fort Chambelle [Chambly] in order to Lay Siege & Take it with Some Artillery Accordingly This Day about 2 o'Clock in the after noon they Surrendred only at y? Discharge of 2 Cannon & 2 Shells being hove into yf^ fort They Sent in this Night about 12 o Clock 70 odd French Prisoners 64 David Holden's Diary 5 A Detachment of 400 men were Sent Down to Joyn them at Chamble a Detachment Consisting of i Cap' 4 Subs 5 Serj'f & 60 Rank & File Took Ten Battoes & Sat out for y": Isle Au Noix for Provisions A Party of Cap' Hazens Rangers came in with an Ex- peres from Genrol Murrey they Left the army Last Night in about 12 miles from Montreal Some french officers Came in with them with Horses 6 A Detachment was Sent to meet those at S' Johns that went to the Isle au Noix Yesterday for Provisions & meet them & Re- turned here with y*: Provisions All the french & waggon they Could Raise were Sat to Carrying the Provisions to Chambalee all this day & have Been Three Trips & Seem to be very Chearfull in Serv- ing their new Master The Battoes was all Sent to the Island oppisit the Stockaded Fort & moor,d of in the Streem Drew Six Days Provisions 7 Sunday Orders Came & the army marched for Montreal Ex- cepting the Sick & them we Left on the Island Some was Sent to Chambale, The French Carried our Baggage & artillery with their Carrages & horses we marched to Chambale which is 4 miles from thence we marched till about 10 oClock at Night & Encamp^ in the woods as to the Cituation of Chambale & the fort it is Finely Cituate on the South Side the River Surrell [Sorel] & a Little Snug Fortress wholly Built with Stone & Lime, & many fine Suttlements round it. one thing more I shall Just Remark w'l is Some thing Strang tho of but little Consiquen which is that there was Ice at Chambale near 8 Inches thick which has been Since Last winter 8 We marched & arived at Montrol which is about 25 miles from Chambalee & Encam'.' on the East Side the River S? Lawrence Oppiset the City of montreal which was Surrendered to Gen! Amherst this very Day ; Here was Gen; Amhersts Army Encamp'^ on the West Side the River Above the Town, & Genl Murreys Army on the Same Side Encamp*? below the Town, But the Town Surrendered without much Blood Shead for I Beleave they thought it was But little worth their while to Stand any Rangle with us Gen! Amhersts army had a Spat with the Light Horse about 15 miles above the City of montreal oppisit the Town of the Cocknawagon [Coughnawaga] Indeans, But Received But Little or no harm from them On our march from Chambalee to Moreal there was very fine Suttlements all the way & very Civer Usuage We Received from David Holden's Diary 65 them ; The Town of Deprare Ly,s on the East Side the River about 6 miles from Montreal The French Treat us on our march with the Utmost Sevelity, More over our army was very Cautious in Not abuseing any of them or their Substance General Amherst Returns the Troops under his Com'! Abundance of thanks for their So Strictly observing his orders 9 A man Belonging to Cap' Baileys Company Died very Sudden after he had Eat his Dinner as to y*: Cituation of montreal y": City Lyeth on the west Side y^ River and is very Butifully Cituated Close along upon y": water & the Surburbs or other Settlements Lay up & Down the River for many miles in Length & a very ButifuU Leavel Place as Ever I Saw, & appears to have many very fine farms on Both Sides the River & fine Churches 10 Orders Came that the Provential Troops Proceed as fast as Possable to Crown Point under y*; Command of Brigadier Ruggles, Accordingly the army marched But the Sick was Sent in Battoes By water to Chambalee where they was to meet the army I Being un- able at this time to march went By water So we Sat Sail lo Battoes of us & Came down the River about 6 Leags & Landed & tarried all Night at a French Village & they Us'd us very Cively 1 1 We Sat Sail this morning with a fair wind & a very Brisk Gail & Came to a Place Called Surrell [Sorel] where we Took in an Eng- lish Prisoner that had Been Two years with them this Surrell Lyeth 15 Leags Below montreal, here the River Surrell Emtys it Self into y". River S' Lawrence St Lawrences River from Montreal to this Place Runs a N N: East Pint, & all the way upon Both Sids the River there is very fine Villages & Churches We Sat Sail up the River Surrell & Came 5 Leegs & Encampd. St Franciways [Frangois] Lies 5 Leags Below Surrell 12 Here we took in a Little Girl of 5 years of age, (a Daugh- ter of the widdow Johnsons that was taken with her But was Parted) & Brought it along with us, & Came about Six Leags and Encamp'? ^ 13 Sat out & Came up the river about 4 Leags & arived at Cham- 1 Susanna Johnson, daughter of James and Susanna Johnson, who was cap- tured with her parents by the Indians at Charlestown, N. H., on August 30, 1754. At this time she was ten years old, but her mother was not a widow. 5 66 David Holden's Diary balee where we Joynd the army again who Lay there wating for us, here we Put our Baggage into waggons & marched to S' Therese & Encamped 14 Sunday Embarked & Came to S! Johns where Sam" Herrin of Cap' martins Company was very much Hurt By his Powder horns Cetching a fire full of Powder about his neck Embarked & Sat out with a very Conterary wind & ariv,d at y"! Isle au Noix & Encamped, this was a wet Night 15 Took in our Sick People, & Left a Detachment, Colo: Thomas Tarried here to Keep the Fort : And we Sat out But the wind Still holds Conterary & Encamped on the west Shore 16 Sat Sail with a fair wind «& Came about 30 Leags & En- camped on the East Shore 17 Sat Sail, But a very Foggy morning & Came about 4 miles & arived at Crown Point & Encamped on our old Encamping Ground 18 400 men was Detacht and Sent to work on the other Side yf Lake under the Command of Maj^ Burk A Number of men Sent for Fatigue 19 The New Hampshires threaten to Disart for which Reason all the Serjeants of the Proventials was ordred as a guard all Night 20 The Rangers arived here from Moreal in order to take Bat- toes Down the Lake for the Regulars to Come in Very Cold for the Season 21 Sunday. Nothing Remarkable 22 The Rangers Sat off Down the Lake in Battoes to fetch the Regulars over 23 The Royals arived here this Night 24 Nothing Remarkable Hapned this day 25 Very Rainy Last Night & to Day The Grand Deoble arived here this morning 26 Men Carried out of Camp with the Small Pox more or Less Every Day 27 A very Sickly Time in Camp. 28 Sunday. A Detachment of Proventials & Rangers was Sent to the Saw Mills in Battoes for Provisions. 29 A very Could Storm, a very Sickly & Dying Time, Fatiguing very Hard A Party was Sent to Ticondaroga David Holden's Diary 67 30 A Party was Sent to Ticondaroga. The Rangers Joyn,d their Respective Corps Oct if A Party was Sent to Ticonderoga or Saw mils 2 Some Regulars arived here from Montreal One of the Proventials Receved loo Lashes for Disarting a Fatiguing Party 3 Colo : Haverland Arived here with a number of Regulars. 4 Sir Williams men arived here that Came with General amherst A mighty Discord amongst the Regulars this Night Disputing who had the best Right to a woman & who Should have the first Go at her even till it Came to Bloos, & their Hubbub Raised all most the whole Camp. Some men Disarted from the Proventials this Night 5 Sunday. Had Preaching. Nothing Remarkable. 6 7 Major Schean Sat of in a whale Boat for montreal with a Serj! & 8 Proventials to Carry Two French Laides Down there. 8 Some men Disarted from y': Proventials 9 Some of the Disarters was Brought Back & Confind to the Pervoo Guard 10 A Number of Sick was Sent home By the way of Albany. Men Die very fast in the Hospitle. 11 Nothing Remarkable. \2 SiiJiday. Had Preaching. The Small Sloop arived here from S! Johns. Very Pleasent for the Season. 13 Nothing Straing. 14 General Amherst arived here from Montreal this Evening 15 A Sickly Time & many Die. 16 More men was added to the works untill all Got on Duty. Nine of our Provintial Disarters Inlisted with the Regulars in the Inniskilling Reg', to Clear them Selves from other Punishment. 17 A man of Cap! Martins Rec*^ loo Lashes for Insolent Language to his officer & Posisting in it after he was Confin'? & Calling his officer a Black Guard. 18 Nothing Remarkable. 19 Sutiday. Very Rainy & Could. 20 Two Sloops arived here from the Isle au Noix. 21 all the Sick was View^ By M- MunRow. 22 Nothing: Remarkable. 68 David Holden's Diary 23 A Large Number of Invaleads was Sent Home by the way of N° 4 [Charlestown, New Hampshire.] ^ 24 More Sick was Sent Home by the way of Albany 25 Two men Carried out of Camp Sick with the Small Pox. 26 Sunday All the Rangers was Sent Home only Cap' Ogdens Company. 50 of them went by N*? 4, & the Rest by the way of albany. 27 W- Matthews of the New Hampshire Reg' was Sentanst 500 Lashes for Mutiny & Disobediance of orders which was Proved against him, & to Receive them this Day Before the Mounting of the Guards this morn : 100, at whitmores, 100, at the Inniskilling, 100, at y^ Massachusetts, 100, at y": Rhode Islanders, 100, at the New Hampshire Reg' & to be Drum'.' out of the army with a Halter about his neck & to be Sat over on the other side the Lake with Provisions to Carry him to N° 4 a Surgeon was also to attend accordingly the Prisoner was Brought to the Poast to Receive his Punishment and Rec'? 20 odd Lashes & was taken with fitts that he Droped for Dead that they Could not Proceed to Give him his Punishment So the Prisoner was Conveyed to the Guard 28 General amherst wento winter Quarters. Could wether comes on amain. 29 Fatigues are very hard, to that Degree we Cannot Compleat the Partys Required. 30 Colo : Thomas with a Detachment that was Left at the Isle au noix arived here this Day 31 A very Tedious Time for Colds & Caughs in Camp. Nov^ I'l' Finished Raising the New Wooden Barrak in the New fort of 120 feet in Length. 2 Sunday Nothing Remarkable Hapned 3 Colo Willard Sat Sail in order for home Colo Ingersol Sent Part of his Baggage 4 I Took Sick with a Tedious Cold 5 Gun Powder Treason [Guy Fawkes's day.] 1 At the period of the French and Indian War the four townships on the east bank of the Connecticut River, before they received their names, were numbered in their geographical order, and known by their numbers alone. They come now within the State of New Hampshire, — Township No. i being known as Chesterfield ; No. 2, as Westmoreland ; No. 3, as Walpole ; and No. 4, as Charlestown. David Holden's Diary 69 A mighty firing throughout the Camps this Night. A Corprol was Sent with a file of men Through the Lines to Patrole the Camps in order to Confine the men that fired. 6 «& 7 Nothing Remarkable 8 Dull Lovvry wether & Looks Like a Storme of Rain 9 A Very Rainy Day Sunday I o Fired 2 1 Cannon in Honour to the Day it being King Georges Birth day I I The Sick was all Drawed up & Viewed By W. Munrow 12 A Large Number of Invelads was Sent Home By the way of N° 4 13 A Number of the feebelest of the Inveleads was Sent Home By the way of Albany 14 A Snow Storm Began Last Night & Snowed about 3 Inches Deep, after which is Tedious Could Blustering Wether 27 Cannon was fired 15 As the Carpenters was Shingling the Stone Barrak one of the Stages Broke & three men fell from the Roof & was very much Bruised A Party was Sent to Ticonderoga for flower 16 Sunday Orders that all the Carpenter Should Return in all their Tools Tomorrow & was Paid off for their work the Same Day A Party was Sent to Ticonderoga for Flower Cap- Page with 60 men Sat off for N° 4 17 Orders that the Massachusetts & Rhoad Islanders Should Strike their Tents Tomorrow morning at Day Brake & Return them in to the Commassary ; & march to Ticondarog where we are to Re- ceive Provisions to Carry us to N'! 4. this was JoyfuU Nuse to us, as the weather was then Cold Brigadier [Timothy] Ruggles with his attendance marched for home by the way of N"! 4. 18 We Struck our Tents according to Order & Began our march for Ticondaroga (U: Col? Ingersol took the Command of the first & Second Battallion's) & we arived there the Same day & Drew Eight Days Provisions to Carry us to N° 4. & was Carried over the Lake & Encampt on the other Side Cap': Whiting Sat Sail for Albony 19 We Began our march through the Woods. 23 Sunday arived at the Connecticutt River about Sun Sett & was ferry'd ouer & Encampt on the other Side 24 Marched into the Town of N° 4. where the Regulars abused Some of our men We was Drawed up ; & Drew Allowance and Every man took their own way home this was a wet Day 70 David Holden's Diary 25 Two men that was Confin'd for Burying a man alive in N° 4 woods Reef their Punishment, one Reef 500 Lashes, the other 100 Sat out from N° 4. & Came 18 Miles & Encampt in the woods till the moon arose & then Sat out & Came to Keen about Day Brake ; which is 30 miles from N° 4. 26 Tarried here till afternoon and Came about 10 miles & En- campt till the moon arose ; & then Sat out and arrived at Lanlord Elexanders in Doublin where we Slept till Day this was a very Snowy Night 27 Sat out & Came to Peterborough & tarried at M^- Swans this was a Rainy Day 28 Sat out & Came to Townshend & tarried all Night at Jonas Stevens's 29 Sat out & arived at Groton. And Blessed be God who has Preserved me in health this Cam- paign also; who has Covr'd My Head in the Day of Battle & Return'd me in health to My Friends Again FINIS David Holden's Diary 7 i The following orders, found on loose sheets, have since been placed in the Diary, where they originally belonged. One sheet or more is gone, which will account for the abrupt beginning. Campany,s, and will Send in a Return of What Ammunision they Want that they may Receive Carabine ball, Powder, Paper & thread to make up 36 Rounds Compleat 1* man The Provoss Guard to be Reduced to a Corprol and of four men The 2!' Batt'" Royal Highland Reg! and Montgommery,s to Receive Three Days provision Which will Compleat them to the 2 7 Inclusively Allex^ Donaldson adjf 2^ Battl:' R : H Reg! & of the Day Albany may y*" 25 After orders Parole Crown Point The Twelve Company,s of the Massechusetts Troops Encampt to Receive Provisions To Morrow morning at five OClock to the 29 : Inclusively Monday May y*" 26'!' Parole, Rockinggum. Tusday May y^ 27'!' Parole, Dartmouth Camp Near Albany Thursday May y*" 29'^ Parole York Sheir The Company,s of Montgumry,s Regiment To March To morrow Morning at 5 o'Clock, They Will Receive Their Waggons in Pro- pourtion to their Number allowed To Carry Camp Aequapage and Baggage to Schenactada by applying To Colonel Bradstreet, All the men on Duty of that Regiment to be Releived this evening & their Colours To be Lodged in the Fort in the Same manner as Those of the Royal. Major Campbell will Receive his Orders from the General. The order Given the fifth of may Last Year at Albany, Relating to the Granediers & Light Enfantry Telling of the Battallions & Posting of Officers the Serjeants takeing Fire Locks in Stead of Holbords. And only one Drumer Being Allowed "^ Company The Rest Put in the Ranks. 72 David Holden's Diary No Women Being Permitted to go with the Reg- or to Follow them. The Method of Marching the Regiments are To Practize the orders for the Front and Flanque and Rear and Flanque. Plat- toons are to be all the Duty Observ'd this Campaign, and as more Baggage then is absolutely Nessecary for the officers Is an Encum- brance to officers and men and must Be an obstruction to an army in this Country. Each officer Must take a Small Tent, Blanket, Bair Skin and Port Mantle, They will Take no Sashes Into the Feild. The Regiments that have Gorgats will ware them when on Duty, and Each officer will take Care that the men Dont Load them Selves With any Thing more then is Nessesary. A Koknawago [Caughnawaga] Indean is Suspected to Be Strool- ing about the Town or Camp, Every officer or Soldier who Sees any Indean who is not known or Cannot Give an account of Him Self Will Bring him to Head Quarters. The Massachusetts Troops to Receive four Days Provisions to the Second of June Inclusive A Return of the State of Each Company to be Given in Emediately. May y'^ 29'^ Regimental Orders. The Commanding officer of Each Company in Camp will take Care that no Strong Spirits Even Syder are Sould by the Soldiers nor Small Beer, unless Liberty first obtained from the Quarter Master. The Role of Each Company to Be Call'd every Morning in the Presence of a Commison'? officer @ Six o'Clock, and @ Sun Set. What Ever Soldier Shall Be Found Easing Him Self in Camp will be Severly Punisht. The New York, New Jersey and Rhoad Island Troops Will Receive Provisions to Compleat them with what they have allready to the Second of June Inclusive. Friday May y^ 30'!' 1760 Genral Orders Parole, Albany The Cort Martial Ordred this Morning To Set at the orderly Room So soon as the Prisoners is marched in for the Triol of the Soldiers of Montgumry,s accused of Burning M^- Tinbrooks ^ out House. M: Graham Presidant : Cap! Montereef Debuty Judge Advocate. all Evidance to attend in Case the Cort Martial Should Not be over 1 See /os/ea, where the name is written TimBrooks. David Holden's Diary 73 by the Time. Sir Allen M'?Lain,s Company Marches. Which Com- pany is to march at Two o'Clock this afternoon, The Evidances a Corprol and Six Men to march the Prisoners. The Commanding Officers of the Company,s of Montgumrys Regi- ment having Desired to take their Colours into the Field they are to take them accordingly. All the Regiments are emediatly To Clear their men to the Twenty fourth of Apriel. after wards at the End of every Two months agreeable to Former orders. One Serjeant Two Corprols Guard of Six men Each, are to be Posted By Leiu! Coven- try alonge the Fence which Runs at the Bottom of the Hill to Hol- land House ; To Prevent that Fence Being Distroyed and the Cattle Gifting out. Two Serjeants & 36 men to be ordred from the Proven- tials for the Service of the Scows & to Remain till further orders. After Orders Cap! Baker.s, Cap' Hawkton,s, & Cap! Plats,s Company,s of the Second New York Regiment to be Compleated with arms according to the Returns Given in this after noon by applying to Colo : Wil- liamson Tomorrow morning at five o'Clock. The first and Third Regiments of New York to be Compleated with arms To morrow morning according To the Returns Given in By applying to Colonel Williamson. The first Regiment to Receive theirs at half after Five The third at Six o'clock. Saturday May y'' 31^! 1760 General Orders. Parole Barlin The Field Officers of the Provential Troops Who are arived here, & have Commisions to Send a Return of their Ranks, & Dats of Comisions To the Adjetant General at orderly Time. Colonel Thomas or officer Commanding the Massachusetts Troops will Send in a Report from what Company,s The Several Detachments of the Massachusetts Troops Sent up Hudson River, are taken as the Companys are not form,d in Battalions, he will Give in this Return at Five O'Clock this Evening. The General will See what Provential Troops are in Camp, at the Head of their Encampment at five O'Clock this Evening They are to be drawn up in Two Ranks, all those that have arms are to appear with them, and those that have Powder Horns and Bullet pouches will Put Them on. 74 David Holden's Diary A Cort Martial of Enquiry Consisting of one Major and Four Cap" of the New York Troops To Set at the Court House at Eight o'clock Tomorrow Morning to Examin into the accustions against Peter M'iCoy who is Confined By Leiu' Muyncher on Suspition of Heaving a man over Bord And Drownding him. Leiu? Colonel Ingalson is to Remain here to Receive the massa- chusetts troops as they Come in which he will Report as they Come in The Regiment of looo will be allowed provisions or the four pences in Leiu of it for four women 1^ Company, and those of 700 for Three Women '^ Company This allowance to Be paid to the Women By Leiu! Coventry at Albany and the Commanding officer of Each Regiment is to Send in a List of the women of Each Company of the Regiment who are Recommended for this provision, which he will Sign & Transmitt to the Major of Brigade who will Give the List to Leiu! Coventry & give in their Names to the Mattron of the Hospitle. That if they Should Be Required for the attendance of the Sick they may attend or otherwise be Struck off the Allowance. The General Cort Martial of which Major Graham is Presedent is Disolved. and Donald M^Kinson private Soldier of Montgomries Regiment Tried on Suspition of having Malisiously & willfully Sat Fire to Mf TimBrooks ^ out House is found Not Guilty of the Crime Laid to his Charge & is acquited Capt. Cameron will take him to Joyn the Regiment. 1 See aiite^ where the name is written Tinbrooks. DIARY KEPT BY LIEUT. AMOS FARNSWORTH, OF GROTON, MASS., DURING A PART OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, April 19, 1775 — May 6, 1779. First printed in the PROCEEDINGS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, January i 3, 1898. Amos FarnswortF s Diary THE following Diary, kept by Amos Farnsworth, of Groton, during a part of the Revolutionary War, contains some facts of local interest and historical value. Mr. Farnsworth was a member of Captain Farwell's company of minute-men, who marched on the memorable Nineteenth of April from Groton to Lexington, where they bivouacked for the night, and the next forenoon pushed on to Cambridge. He was a good type of the Middlesex yeomanry, and both by kinship and social intercourse was connected with some of the best families in the neighborhood. His deep religious nature crops out continually through the pages of the Diary, and, as there seen, shows the spirit which animated him in his opposition to the mother country. He was a fair representa- tive of the average soldier of the period, being more of a patriot than a scholar ; and during the times that tried men's souls this quality was of greater importance than a knowledge either of spelling or writing. The Diary contains many little entries which throw much side-light on certain events. It is the only contemporary record which tells where the company bivouacked at the end of the first day's march, a fact of some interest to the descendants of the soldiers. Amos Farnsworth, one of ten children, was a son of Amos and Lydia (Longley) Farnsworth, and was born at Groton, on April 28, 1754. He was a lineal descendant in the third generation from Matthias Farnsworth, one of the earliest set- tlers of the town. During his youth the facilities for giving a 7 8 Amos Farnsworth's Diary boy in the country a common-school education, as it is now understood, were very hmited. In the main a child's ele- mentary instruction was received by the fireside at home, where the three R's were taught; and whatever else he acquired beyond these rudiments was generally given during a few weeks' schooling in the winter. This statement seems to be needed in order to explain the writer's deficiencies in style and spelling, which were no greater than those of the average well-to-do farmer of that period. On May 7, 1782, Mr. Farnsworth was married to Elizabeth, daughter of Elisha and Elizabeth (Adams) Rockwood, of Groton, who was one of ten children ; and they were blessed with four sons and one daughter. He belonged to a race long- lived as well as prolific. At the time of his death, which took place on October 19, 1847, he was aged 93 years, 6 months, and I day; and his widow survived him less than two months, as she died on December 1 1, 1847, ^g^d 90 years, 7 months, and 24 days. At the date of their death each one of this vener- able couple was, respectively, the oldest person in town. Of their five children two reached or passed the age of ninety years, and two others the age of eighty years or more, while the fifth child lived well beyond the period allotted by the Psalmist, of threescore years and ten. The leaders of the American Revolution showed much wisdom in the strict attention paid to the preparatory details of their work ; and every move on the board was made with reference to something that was to follow. The final success of the military struggle was due as much to their foresight and sagacity in this respect as to the deep feeling of the people. The alarm at Lexington on the memorable Nine- teenth of April aroused almost simultaneously the whole country for miles around, so carefully had the region in the neighborhood been allotted to special messengers, whose duty was assigned beforehand for such a purpose. On the side of the patriots the skirmishes of that day were fought by companies made up largely of minute-men, organized on Amos Farnsworth's Diary 79 recommendation of the First Provincial Congress of Massa- chusetts, in a Resolve passed at Cambridge on October 26, 1774. At that time it was recommended to the field officers of the various militia regiments that they should enlist at least one-quarter of their respective commands, and form them into companies to be held in readiness, at the shortest notice from the Committee of Safety, to march to the place of rendezvous. Such soldiers soon became known as *' Min- ute-men " ; and at the first signal of hostilities they were on hand, armed and equipped, ready for any emergency that they might be called upon to meet. At this critical period in many ways they proved to be of great help to the popular cause. The existence of such a body of drilled men seems to have been prompted by the practice of nearly twenty years before, during the French and Indian War, when there were bands of men, known as " Alarm lists," who were to be ready for military service at a minute's warning. And in their turn these Alarm lists followed the precedent set by the Suffolk and Middlesex regiments, which at the beginning of Philip's War were ordered by the General Court to " be ready to march on a moment's warning." Even before this time, as early as August 12, 1645, in anticipation of trouble with the Indians it was ordered that thirty men out of every hun- dred in the militia should be ready " at halfe an -howers warning " for any service that they might be called upon to perform by their commanding officers. These various instances all contain the germ of the system ; and they show that, for a period of a hundred and thirty years before the Revolution, the minute-man was a prime factor in both the Colonial and Provincial militia. The news of the advance of the British troops on Lexing- ton and Concord reached the village of Groton early in the morning of the Nineteenth, when word v/as sent at once to all parts of the town calling on the minute-men to rally on the Common in front of the Meeting-house. The alarm. 8o Amos Farnsworth's Diary probably, was a continuation of the one sent from Charles- town just before midnight, and reached Groton soon after sunrise. There is some reason to think that this intelligence was expected at that particular time, and that messengers were ready to carry it to the out-lying homes of the farmers. On April 17 it was voted by the Committees of Safety and of Supplies that the four six-pounders should be transported from Concord to Groton, and put under the care of Colonel Oliver Prescott ; and on the next day it was also voted that certain ammunition, as well as a large number of tents, and two medicine chests, should be sent there for safe-keeping. As open hostilities began so soon afterward, there was prob- ably no time to make the removal. The community was much agitated, and men were thoroughly aroused. The air was full of rumors, and nobody knew their source. They seemed to come by "grape-vine telegraph," — as the expres- sion was in the Union army during the War of the Rebellion. Upon the recommendation of the Provincial Congress, two companies of minute-men had been enlisted in Groton. According to a printed sermon preached before them, on February 21, 1775, by the Reverend. Samuel Webster, of Temple, New Hampshire, their officers at that time had been already chosen, and while there had been " heats " — as the minister expressed it — in other towns over the choice of officers, there had been none at Groton. Unfortunately, at a later period " heats," or contentions, did break out in one of these companies, as appears from an entry in the following Diary, on April 26, 1775. These two companies of minute-men had been expecting the call, and, true to their designation, were ready to march at short notice. On that eventful Nineteenth both com- panies — one of them under the command of Captain Henry Farwell, and the other under that of Captain Asa Lawrence — rallied on the Common, where ammunition was given out to the soldiers. It is probable that by the middle of the forenoon they started for the scene of action. One of these Amos Farnsworth's Diary 8i companies bivouacked that night in Lexington, and it is very likely that the other did also. The intense excitement of a forced march, due not only to what they saw on the way, but to what they heard, speeded their steps, and there was no lagging on the road. They left their homes as British subjects, but came back as independent citizens, who never again knew the authority of a king. The events of the Nineteenth brought political matters to a head. The hasty assemblage of military companies, which then rushed to the neighborhood of Boston, by no means formed an effective army. While the men and officers had the true martial spirit, they were undisciplined as well as inexperienced. The need of a thorough re-organization of these various bodies was felt both by the Committee of Safety and by the Provincial Congress ; and steps were taken at once by the authorities to consolidate the detached companies and skele- ton commands, and to bring order out of chaos. According to the Muster-roll of Captain Henry Farwell's company, printed on page 13 of " Groton during the Revolution," re-enlistments began in his command on April 25, and pre- sumably also in the other companies. At this time a consolidation was made of Farwell's com- pany with Captain James Hosley's company of minute-men from Townsend, an adjoining town. Probably a similar con- solidation took place with other companies of like character as to neighborhood of homes, mutual acquaintance, etc. The minute-man had enlisted for a short and indefinite term of service, and when the emergency was over, his part of the contract was fulfilled. The men whose names appear on the Muster-roll as having served only six days were those, presumably, who re-enlisted in Farwell's company, or in some of the other companies, and remained in the field near Boston. In the new formation Farnsworth was made a corporal; and during the campaign of 1776 he was com- missioned as an officer in Captain Shattuck's company. 6 82 Amos Farnsworth's Diary It is known that a few of them joined either Captain Asa Lawrence's company or Captain Joseph Moors's, which were enlisted for a period of eight months, or until the end of the year 1775. The men who are accredited on Farwell's roll of minute-men with seventy miles' travel are those, doubtless, who returned home soon after the reorganization. After the consolidation of Farwell's company with Hosley's, the roll includes the names of a few men from other towns besides Groton and Townsend. Timothy Stone enlisted from Ashby ; Peletiah Russell from the Coos Country in New Hampshire, and later was a resident of Groton; Jonathan Sawtell, a native of Groton, from Rindge, New Hampshire; and Jeremiah Wier, from Limerick, the old name of Stoddard, New Hampshire. In the year 1776, at the defence of Ticonderoga, Mr. Farns- worth served as Ensign in Captain Job Shattuck's company. Colonel Jonathan Reed's regiment. Later, on October 19, 1778, he was commissioned as First Lieutenant in a company of Matrosses, commanded by William Swan, of Groton, in the Sixth Regiment of Militia under Colonel Reed. At the end of the war, on July 9, 1783, he was commissioned as Captain of a company of Matrosses, which is an old name for artillery- men. This company was organized on October 19, 1778, and for a long time was known as the Groton Artillery. After an existence of nearly a century, for one reason or another, its former prosperity seemed to desert it; and by an order from the Adjutant-General's office, under date of August 15, 1878, the company, together with several others at the same time, was disbanded. In conclusion I wish to thank Mr. John Prescott Farns- worth (H. C. 1881), of Providence, R. I., the owner of the Diary, for his permission to copy it. Mr. Farnsworth is the eldest child of the late Claudius Buchanan Farnsworth (H. C. 1 841), the eldest child of Luke Farnsworth, the eldest child of Major Amos Farnsworth, the writer of the Diary. Diary AMOS FARSWORTHS JOURNAL. Wednsday morning. April 19. 1775. was Alarmd with the news of the Regulars Firin At Our men At Concoord Marched and Came thare whare Some had Bin ciled Puled on and Came to Lexing- ton whare much hurt was Done to the houses thare by braking glas And Burning Many Houses : but thay was forsed to retret tho thay was more numerous then we And I saw many Ded Regulars by the way. went into a house whare Blud was half over Shoes. thursday Aprel 20 Came to Cambridge in the fore noon, thare was Some men wanted to go to Charlston I went for one and Vewed the regulars And found thay was intrenching on Charlston hill Friday Aprel 21 nothing meterial hapned in the fore noon About Sun set marched with the rigiment in Compony with Co'. Larnards rigiment to Roxbury. Saterday April 22 Cep' in mothon. mooved from that hous that we was in to Another this night was Alarmed by the Regulars firinsr at our gard on the neck turned out And marched towards them but nothing more Ensued Soon turned into our barrocks and Slept quiet. Sunday Aprel 23. lay Stil in the fore noon in the Afternoon the Regiment to the meeting hous And herd a fine Sermon from Timothy 2. 3 thou therefore Endure Hardness as a good Solder of jesus Christ. monday April 24 in the forenoon I went round on the Marsh below our Gards within about Sixty rods of the Regulars, this night the Regulars fired at our gard but thare was no larm 84 Amos Farnsworth's Diar y Tiisday Aprel 2^. lay Stil in the forenoon in the afternoon we went up to the Genarals And Receved ordars and marched to Cambridge Again, oh the goodness of God in Preserving my life from Danger. Aprel 26. 27. 28. and 29. Days. Was A Strugling with the ofifisers which shold be the hiest In ofifist Finaly Farwell ^ got ordars to List And listed Some And then gined with townshind Company And made out A Company. I myself Listed with the rest Sunday April t^o Retired alone in the morning for Secret Prayer. Preaded the Sun half a Nour hie for Prayers And then About Ten oclock went to a Barn And herd the Re' M' Emerson '^ from the first Book of Samuel 30. 6. and Daved was gratly Distressed &c And in the afternoon herd the Re' M' Goodridge From those words in judges 20 C 22 & 23 Verses more Porticuly the last Claus in the 23 Varse And the Lord Said go Up Against him. An Exelent Sermon he incoridged us to go And fite for our Land and Contry : Saying we Did not do our Duty if we did not Stand up now. Mondy May ye i in the morning Etended Prayers in the meet- ing hous Soon was Cawled upon main Gard marched to leach- mors Point ^ stayed thare 24 hours And returned back to the Barn Again Now from Mondy till Saturday night Nothing Meterial hapned. Did my turns of duty And we mooved A Saturday to a hous Oppersit the Collig (S:c Sunday M 7 Was upon Piquit this Day But got leve to go on the Comon And herd Prayers and Preaching all Day By the Re' Docter Langdon^ Presedent And the Rt M' thatcher.^ o this was fine Preaching. Monday ties tvedens May 8. 9 & 10 days Etended Prayers Morn- ing And night there was Several gons Discharged about this time Kiled one or two others Escaping narraly Blesed Be God that my life is Preserved 1 For the Muster Roll of Captain Farvvell's company of minute-men, as well as that of the consolidated company, see " Groton during the Revolution " (pp. ii-is). '^ Rev. Joseph Emerson, of Pepperell. See Butler's History of Groton (p. 317). 3 Lechmere's Point, in what is now known as East Cambridge. * Dr. Samuel Langdon, at that time President of Harvard College. 5 Probably the Rev. Jo.seph Thaxter (H. C. 1768), chaplain of Colonel Pres- cott's regiment, and afterward settled at Edgartown. Amos Farnsworth's Diary 85 T/mrsday May ye ii This Day was By us As a fast And had the opertunity to hear Preaching And was Entertained by the R' M"" Adam in the Forenoon from Psalms 50 15 this was An Exelent Precher And At night atended A funaral of A Man that died with A wound of A Bawl. For these two Days nothing hapned More then Usal only that two Men Died out fo the Camp : A Saturday the Battalion marched to Charlston to Shoe themselves to the Regulars Sunday May ye 14 felt Calm And Serious Went to meeten at the Church hous And Herd the R'' M' Nobol : ^ in the forenoon from Isaiah 59. i. Behold the lords hand is not Shortned that it Cannot Save &c. And in the Afternoon herd the Same man in the Meeting hous from Exedus 32. C from the Bigining of ye 9 virs to ye end of ye 13. And an Exelent Sermon both forenoon and Afternoon as I Ever I herd : And I was filed with Wonder at the goodness of God in Using means with his People to Reform them. And I Was filed with Anchous Desires After Holiness And I Resolved Afresh to live and Devote my self more Strictly to Gods service then ever Yit I have Done God Enabel me to keep this Rezerlution Mondy May ye iK). Nothing hapned to Day more then Usual only At night we was Alarmd with the newe of Regulars which Proved the Grand Rounds that our men Shot At Being Scart. Tusday May ye 16 Nothing Done But Our Usual Preadings which Are At Six oclock in the morning And at ten : And at fore At night, and I mounted Piquit at Night And went the Grand Rounds Wedefisday May ye 17 Did But little to Day. At Night A Fier Broke out in Boston And burnt Considerabel Store houses and Barrocks And we hear that two Regulars was Burnt And now thursday friday And Saturday Nothing meterial hapned Sunday May 21 Etended Pray on the Common in the morning After that retired for Secret Prayer. And about ten went to the Chapel And herd the revent Docter Langdon from Hebrews 210 for it Became him, &c And he encorridge us to Enlist our Selves under the Great Jeneral of our Salvation : And in the afternon Went to the Meting hous and herd M' Havery from Second Chronicles C 15. 14, 15 Varses And thay Sware Unto the Lord with a loud ^ Rev. Oliver Nol)le (Y. C. 1757), chaplain of Colonel Little's regiment, who at this time was settled at Newbury. 86 Amos Farnsworth's Diary Voice, &c O the Goodnes of god in Promiting me the liberty of Prayer And to hear Preaching, there was many guns herd to Day which we hear was by Regulars going to Waymouth After Some of our Cattle And hay But thay was Defeted By our Men : And thay was mad and fired Along the Shore. Monday May ye 22 Felt Considerabel calm : Etended Prayers morning And Night : Blesed Be God for Such a Seson Tusday May ye 23 Nothing more then Common to Day only at night went a Scout Down to Leachmors Point About three milds from Cambridge : in the morning returned to Cambridge Again. Alas it is A Day of grate trouble and Confusion : Grant Blesed God that I may Consider of my ways And repent And return unto the Lord. And O Blesed God owne me in Jesus Christ. Wedensday May ye 24 nothing more then Common to Day thiirsday May ye 25 Nothing more then the usal Dutys Friday May ye 26 in the morning I Etended prayers And at night : i hope that I Git Good in this Day of grace. At night I and about ten of our Company march! with A party of men betwixt two and three hundred for Noddels island [East Boston] ; heded By Col Nixson ^ we marched throu Mistick [Medford] Moldin and to Chelsea Saturday May ye 2^] . went on hog island And Brought of Six hoses twentyseven horn"? Cattel And fore hundred And Eleven Sheep about the midel of the afternoon went From hog island to Noddles island and Sot one Hous and Barn on fiar kil*? Some hoses and Cattel Brought of two or thre Cows one horse I with five men got of the horse And Before we got from Noddels island to hog island we was fir'? upon by a Privatear Schooner But we Crost the river and about fiften of us Squated Down in a Ditch on the mash and Stood our ground. And thare Came A Company of Regulars on the marsh on the other side of the river And the Schooner : And we had A hot fiar untill the Regulars retreeted. But notwithstand- ing the Bulets flue very thitch yet thare was not A Man of us kil'.' Suerly God has A faver towards us : And He can Save in one Place as well as Another we left the island about Sun-Set and Came to Chelsea : And on Saturday about ten At night March'', to Winni- simit ferry whare thare was A Schooner and Sloop Afiring with 1 Colonel John Nixon, who commanded a regiment enlisted in Middlesex and Worcester Counties. Amos Farnsworth's Diary 87 grate fury on us thare But thanks be unto god that gave vs the Victry at this time for throu his Providence the Schooner that Pla'' upon us the day before run Aground and we Sot fiar to hur And Consumed hur thare And the Sloop receved much dammage. in this ingagment we had not A man kild : But fore wounded but we hope all will Recover, one of the fore was A tounsing [Townsend] man ^ belonging to our Company the bulet went throu his mouth from one Cheek to the other, thanks be unto God that so little hurt was Done us when the Bauls Sung like Bees Round our heds. Simday May 28 Left Winnisimit ferry About ye middle of ye fore noon And Came to Chelsea And About two in ye afternoon Receved ordars to march and Came to Cambridge, By ye way of Penny ferry.^ Monday May 29. Etended Prayers At ye Usal times in ye afternoon Etended A funeral A man ^ of our own Company Tusday May 30 Etempted to Preforme Some Privit Duties But was Cold And Ded in duty. O that God would make me more livey in his Servis And forgive my Backwardness to Duty, thare was two men Buried to Day out of our Regiment. Wed^ May ye 31. felt Calme And Serious to Day God enabled me to wat on him three or fore times today in Secret Blesed be God for Such A Ceson. thare was three men belonging to the Armey Buried to Day Thursday June ye i thare was Sheep And Catel and horses we hear to ye Amount of fore or five hundred Sheep twenty or thurty Cattel And A number of horses brought along that our Peopel took from the Regulars of noddles island. Blesed be God for the inter- position of his Provedence on our Side in that He has Delivered into our hands So much of thare goods or Substance And in Saving of us in ye late Battle when in Such Ement Danger Suerly God fote the Battle And not we Friday June ye 2 Felt Lively to Day in Sperital things : Blesed be god for such A Ceson. I was troubled about this time with a 1 William Smith, of Townsend, who died on May 29, and was buried on the same day. See " Groton during the Revolution" (pp. 7, 8), for facts concerning him and the skirmish at Chelsea. 2 Penny Ferry, established in 1640 between Charlestovvn and Maiden. 88 Amos Farnsworth's Diary Pane in My hed : thare was A Tounshind man ^ Belonging to our Company Buried to Day Saterday June ye 3 had A Sense of my Dependance on god and Gods right to me. Abought fore in ye afternoon Peraded with the Battallion And Saw two men whipt for Stealing and Another DromV out of ye Camps. O what A Pernitious thing it is for A man to Steal And Cheat his feler nabers And _ how Prevocking is it to God. Sunday June ye 4 Etended Publect worship And in ye forenoon herd ye Re'. M' Whitcome from Isaiah: furst Chapter: from ye twentyfirst verse to ye end of ye 24 verse. And in ye afternoon herd ye Rel IVP Avery : from Stockbridge : who Spoke Exelenty from Job 35 C and 9 10 11 12 13. Oh this is a fine man Monday and Tusday June 5 And 6th Days Preformed Some Privet Duties But not with Life to ye Degree As I wished for. oh God do not Leve and forsake me Althoe I forsake the on monday my Brother [Benjamin] ^ Came and took my Plase And on tusday about noon I Sot out on my jurney for home And Arived about ten at night found my Parance And frinds well. Thanks be unto God that has Preserved our Lives and helth for these Seven weeks : althoe Some of ye time we have bin in Emment Danger. I was Fil'? with love to God as I Rode Along And Lifted up my Sole to God in Ejackculation Prayers and Prase Wedensday June ye 7 To Day I Visited my Frinds in ye forenoon oh what A mersifull Father God is. how Stooped And mad must A man be to Continue in an unrenued State in this wonderfuU day of Grase. Thursday June ye 8 In ye afternoon I Etended A Lecter and herd M' Faxter [Thaxter] from John 15. 8 herein is my father glorified, &c 1 John Burge, of Townsend, who died at Cambridge, presumably from disease, on June 3, according to the Return of Captain Farwell's company. See " Groton during the Revolution " (p. 8). He enlisted on the same day as Smith, and his term of service, according to the muster roll, was five days longer. ^ This entry and the one under date of Wednesday, June 14, show that a man in the army, during the early days of the Revolution, could have a tem- porary substitute when absent ; and the muster roll of the company furthermore shows that it could be done without loss of pay. See entry of December 5 for particulars of a sad accident by which this brother Benjamin and the father were drowned in the Nashua River. Amos Farnsworth's Diary 89 Friday Saturday and Sunday Jufie 9. 10. 11. days Diferant Exersises of mind these Days I went to meeten on Sunday And herd ye Re^ M^ Commens : in ye forenoon: from Pauls words: But Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ. And in the afternoon from Some of S Peters words in i of Peter 5. 7. Casting all your care upon him : for he careth for you. the Church purtook of the Sacrement to Day: oh that God would Prepare me for Such near Communion with him Monday Tusday Wedensday And Thursday. June f, 12. 13. 14- 15 days Alas my Backsliding hart : Oh how have I Revolted from the Liven God Alas Alas when I am left of God I Do Soon fall into Sin Oh that God would Glorify his grace in Parding my many-Fold Sin and gilt: Althoe I am A grate And very wicked And Vile one on wedensday I Took Leve of Frinds And Rode to Cambridge And my Brother Came home Friday June. 16. Nothing Done in ye forenoon in the afternoon we had orders to be redy to march At Six Agreable to Orders our Regiment Preadid and about Sun-set we was Drawn up and herd Prayers : And about Dusk Marched for Bunkers hill ; under Com- mand of our own Co! Prescott. jest before we turned out of ye rode to go up Bunkers-hill ; Charlestown we was halted ; And about Sixty men was taken out of our batallion to go into Charlestown ; I being one of them : Capt Nutten ^ heded us Down to ye town house ; we Sot our Centres by y"" waterside ; the most of us got in the town house But had orders not to Shut our eyes Our Men marched to Bunker-Hill And begun thair intrenchment And Careed it on with the utmost Viger all Night, Early in the Morning I joined them Saturday June y 17. the Enemy appeared to be much Alarmed on Saturday Morning when thay discvered Our operations and im- mediately began a heavy Cannonading from a batery on Corps-Hill Boston and from the Ships in y" Harbour, we with little loss Con- tinued to Carry on our works till i o'Clock when we Discvered a large Body of the Enemy Crossing Charles-River from Boston, thay landed on a Point of land about a Mile Eastward of our Intrenchment And immediately disposed thair army for an attack 1 Captain John Nutting, wlio commanded the company of Pepperell minute- men. 90 Amos Farnsworth's Diary previous to which thay Set fire to the town of Charlestown. It is supposed that the Enemy intended to attack us under the Cover of the Smoke from the burning Houses, the Wind favouring them in Such a Design ; While on the other side their Army was extending Northward towards Mistick-River with an apparant Design of sur- rounding our Men in the Works, And of cutting of any Assistance intended for our Relief, thay ware however in some Measure, counteracted in this Design, and Drew their Army into closer Order. As the Enemy approached, Our men was not only Exposed to the Attack of a very numerous Musketry but to the heavy Fire of the Battery on Corps-Hill, 4 or 5 Men of War, Several Armed Boats or Floating Batteries in Mistick-River, and a number of Field pieces. Notwithstanding we within the intrenchment, and at a Breast Work without, sustained the Enemy's Attacks with [gjreat Bravery and Resolution, kiled and wounded great Numbers, and repulsed them several times ; and after bearing, for about 2 Hours, as severe and heavy a Fire as perhaps ever was known, and many having fired away all their Ammunition, and having no Reinforsement : althoe thare was a great Boddy of Men nie By : we ware over-powered by Numbers and obliged to leave the Intrenchment retreating about Sunset, to a small Distance over Charlestown Neck. N. B. I Did not leave the Intrenchment utill the Enemy got in I then Re- treated ten or Fifteen rods, then I receved a wound in my rite arm the bawl gowing through a little below my Elbow breaking the little shel Bone Another bawl struk my Back taking of a piece of Skin about as big as a Penny But I got to Cambridge that night, the Town of Charlestown supposed to contain about 300 Dwelling- Houses, a great Number of which ware large and elegant, besides 150 or 200 other Buildings, are almost all laid in ashes by the Bar- barity and wanton Cruelty of that infernal Villain Thomas Gage Oh the goodness of God in Preserving my life Althoe thay fell on my Right hand and on my left : O may this act of Deliverance of thine oh God lead me never to Distrust the, but may I Ever trust in the and put Confodence in no Arm of flesh. I was in great Pane the first Night with my wound Sunday Jjine 18 I and Phinias Hobord ^ Came to M' Watsons ^ A son of Nathan and Mary (Patterson) Hubbard, of Groton, who was a sergeant in Captain Farwell's company. Amos Farnsworth's Diary 91 on Monday jime 19 M"- Hobord and I Sat out for Home Came as far as Lincol, met our Honered fathers Got as far as Concord that night Tusday jime 20. we got home Now for a Conciderable time Pas I Could not keep my Jornal for my wound in my Arme But Now I begin to Rite a little Monday Angus 14* Sot out For Cambridge Got thare that Day ; found our Company perty well : Now from monday to Saterday nigt Nothing hapned worth noteis Lords Day August 20'" in the morning I Etended prayers about 10 We went And herd the Re' Doct' Langdon on the Common From S Luke 7 Cha' from the 36 Varce to the end of the Chapter And in the afternoon from S John 7. 17. Hee spoke Excellently from the words Monday August the 21 Nothing meterial Tusday. Wedensday august 22. 23. Days Only our Usal Dutes. I went to Watertown to see M' Devens, About Some Cast but Could not Git it Thursday August th 24 Etended prayers as usal : About twelve Oclock I had my arme Ores' And Docter Hart ^ Opened it nigh 2 Inches Down to the Bone : About 3 in the afternoon Co! Prescott Gave orders to March to Sewels - Pinte and thay marched But I Did not Go with them bcause of my wound Friday Satterday August 25. 26. Days A little Firing from the Enemies works to Day But Did but little hurt Lords Day august 27"^ Etended Meeten and herd the Revent D^ Langdon from furst of Luke 74. 75. Varces : in the forenoon he Shew, our Natteral Depraveity and Enmety to God and Gods way whilst in our unrenewed Estate : in the afternoon Shew us that we Should Sarv him in holiness and fear. O that I might Practis accordingly We was alanV' several times to day : by reson of our Men Begining to intrench on Ploud Hill : ^ thare was Considarable firing we had 1 Dr. John Hart, of Georgetown, surgeon of Colonel Prescott's regiment. 2 Sewall's Point is in that part of Brookline now known as Longwood. 8 Ploughed Hill, known later as Mount Benedict, stood in that part of Charlestown which afterward became Somerville. In very recent times it has been levelled to the ground. 92 Amos Farnsworth's Diary 2 Men kiled and 2 wounded : our People Sunk one of the Enemies Floting Batteris Mufiday and Tusday August 28. 29. Sum Firing these days one of our men was kil'! by the floting Batteries in Mistick River tusday night one of the Riful Men was buried under armes Church way : with great decency and Solemnety Wedenday Thursday August 2,0. 31. Days the Enemy has Bin a Cannonading and Burning of us : But du little hurt : Thanks be to God for any tokens for good I found a young Gentleman that I Could Freely Convers with on Sperital things I find God has a Remnant in this Depraved and Degenarated and gloomy time Friday and Saturday September 1. 2. Days Nothing Strange hapned these Days Lords day Sept'.' 3 Etended Prayers and Preaching in the fore Noon the Revent M" Lenard^ from Deuteronomy 20. i. 2, 3, 4. In the Afternoon a Gentleman unknoon by me spoke from Esther 9. I, 2. Mimday Sept!^ 4 Sum firing to Day Now from the forth Day to the Seventeth Day nothing of Great Consequence hapned in the Armey we Carried on our works on Ploud hil with great sped Lords Day Sep', the 1 7 Etend'! meeten And heard the Re' Mf Len- nard from jeremiah 15. 16. Thy words ware found and I Did eat them, &c he spoke Excelenty And the Church Purtook of the Sacrament in the forenoon oh thet I was made alive unto God and Prepared for such near Communion with Christ in the Afternon the rev Df Langdon Preach' from Revelation 21.3. Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will Dwell with them, and thay Shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. this was good Preaching From Sabarday i"] D to Sabarday 24 Day of Sep'. Nothing of Consequence hapned only the enemy fired Sume And wounded 2 or 3 men. Lords Day Sep'. 24. Etended Prayars half after 6 in the morning : and Preaching at 10 oclock, — Dr Langdon Preached in the fore- noon from I of Peter 5. id. ii. In the afternoon R! Df Appilton ^ 1 Rev. Abiel Leonard (H. C. 1759), of Woodstock, Conn., chaplain of Colonel Putnam's regiment. 2 Rev. Nathaniel Appleton (H. C. 1749), minister of Cambridge. Amos Farnsworth's Diary 93 a good old Minister in his 8i or 2 year of his Age he took his Text out of I of Timothy. 6. 12. Fight the good fight of faith, Lay hold on eternal life, Monday : sep'. 25"' one man was whip'! and Drummed out for Stealing: he was a bold and unshamefasced wrech. o that men was wise thet thay understood that thay would Consider on thare latter End Tusday a?id Wedeusday Sept'! 26. 27. Days our men went from Roxbury And Took from Gage 12 Cattle and 2 horses And Burnt a Bulding Thurs'f Friday Sept": 28. 29. ^ Nothing worth notes Saterday Sepf. 30* One of our Regi! was Buried : And one Man Belonging to Cambridge was taken Poorly of a Sudden and Died Amediately Alas upon what a Slender thread do our lives hang on ; yet we are as Carles as thoe we was to live always. Lords Day October i'l> I her^ the Rei Dr Appleton he Preach^ again from i timothy 6. 12 : He Shew what Puting on the hole Armer of God was in its several Peaces of armer. having our lins gurt about with truth : And having on the brest plate of Righteous- ness and your feet shod with the Preparation of Peace : Above all taking the Sheld of faith wharewith ye shall be able to Quench all the fiery Darts of the wicked and take the helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit which is the word of God Praying always with all Prayer And Supplication in the spirit. Ephesians 6 C. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. in the afternoon her'.' the Re* M- lennard from Isaiah 40. 28. Nothing of Consequence hapned from the Furst of Ocf: to the end of the Seveneth Day Only A number of boats are Making : and Sum Cannaiding from Boston neck But did but little hurt Lords Day Oct'- 8*-^ I herd the Revent M': Lennard From Isaiah 30. 18 ; he is a God of Judgment : Blessed, are all thay that Wait on him And in the afternoon A Gentleman Unknown to me : From S': Matthew V.'^' 5.''' Blessed are the meek : for they shall inherit the earth Miinday Ocf. <^'^ the Carpenter are Citing Timber and Fraiming Barraks as fast as thay Can by the generals order Tusday IVedensday Thursday and Friday Ocf: 10. 11. 12. 13 Days The Armey lies without much Bisnis Carried on only Bulding Bar- rocks and fortifying a little : we Act in the Defensive more than Affensive 94 Amos Farnsworth's Diary Saterday Oct^ 14"^ Nothing of Consequence Lords Day (9r/.'^i5* Her'l R! Mf Lenard in the forenoon From Psalms 48. 8. God will establish it for ever in the afternoon a Stranger to me Precht From Naham i. 7. the Lord is Good, a Strong hold in the Day of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him. he Treated upon the Power And goodness of God he Sed his Power Shone Conspicious in the Creation : and in Saving and leading the Childrin of Israel through the Sea and wilderness Sav- ing the three from the Rage of the fire &c Monday Oct'- 16"' Nothing more then Common Tusday Ocf. 17!'-' Our People Went this evening with two Float- ing Batteryes Down Cambridge River to fire on Boston : thay went within About A Mile and half: fired Sum time, when one of thare Cannon Split : wounded Eight Men whareof One Died. O the Sad Efect of wor : when will the time Com vvhen we need larn war No more Wedensday Oct': i8*.l' Nothing Meterial : my Honnered Father Came Down to See me and the armey Thursday Ocf: 19'.'} and Friday Ocf: 20'!^ A Great talk of more troops being Sent to Boston But our Men ant Scart at trifels. I would to God that our People had as good Courage in the Speritual warfare as thay have in the Temporal one JVow from Ocf^ Friday 20* to thirsday 26. of great noteis friday Oct": 27 I got a Furlovv and Rode home to groton I was Not very well when I left Cambridge and when I came home the Docter Said I had the Camp Fever which verily Apered and was true. Saterday Dec 2'^. I left my Jurnal at Cambridge that I could not keep it for Six Weeks I have bin unwell all this time and am Still so. Alas I have bin Ded the most of this time to Speritual things oh that God would quicken me by his grace Lords Day Dec- 3''? I Stay'! at home all Day I have such a Hedake that I Cannot Read but Very little, I feel for the most Part very ded and dul in Releguon at this time. Monday Dec^- 4- Nothing of Consequence Tusday Dec'^ 5'!' I Rode in the forenoon to the Docters returned about Noon ; my Father and Brother Benj"^ went Down to Nasha- way-River to Cross the Same, by Some meens the Canoe Sunk and Amos Farnsworth's Diary 95 God in his holy and Riteous Provedence Suffered them both to Drowned O ! how Awfull is Death Espesually when it is sent in such a sudden and Suppriseing Mannar. But when I Consider it is the Hand of God I must and Desire to be Resined to Gods will : oh grant blessed God to thy Sarvant that I may make a wise and Re- ligous improvement of every Dispensacion of thy Providencees Wedensday De(f. &^ our frinds and Naighbors all Day Sarched the River and found my Brother Thirsday friday Safer day and Lords- Day Dec''. 7. 8. 9. and \d^} Days People Sarch'! for the Body of my Father but found it not Monday Dec": 11. the Funeral was and the Rl Mf Bigalow^ was sent for he Prayed with us Tusday Dec: 12* I hope was a good Day to my Sole at Night I Prayed in the famerly and God seemed to give me boldness to the Throne of grace Wednesday dec": 13'!' God has of late frouned on our Enemies and Given into our hands much warlike stors : And at Newfound- land the Kings Fishermen Amounting to more than 4000 Men Was Lost in a mighty Storm on the 9'!' of September. And two Vessels was struck with Lightining Belonging to our Enemies. Thursday Dec!'. 14'!" O how Marvelously good is God to me in keeping me from the Flames of Hell and Death When the arrers of Death and of Gods rath flies so thick. Friday Dec''. 15'!* Alas what a backward Hart have I and how SlothfuU that, before I am aware My Hart is Sat on the things of this world and Deceives me. Safer day Def. i6'I' O ym dulness to Duty oh that I did take more delite in the ways of Godliness : Quicken me oh God of thy own mear good Pleasure because I am dul of understanding. Lords-day Dec": 1 7* I went to Gods Houss in the afternoon and heard the Rev. M^ Biggalow from S. Matthew 24. 44.'!' Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as you think not, the Son of man cometh. Monday Tuesday and Wednesday Dec': 18. 19. 20'.^ days, our 1 Rev. Isaac Biglow (H. C. 1769), who was preaching at this period as a can- didate for the vacancy caused by the dismissal of Mr. Uana. He was born at Weston, on May 13, 1750, and died on April 18, 1777. He studied for the ministry, but never was settled over a parish. The father wrote his surname " Bigelovv," but the son dropped the middle letter. 96 Amos Farnsworth's Diary western Forses are very Sucsesfull in Subdueing our forron and Domistick enemies : Providence seems to faver us, O that we might Eye the hand from whence Comes all our Help, Thirsday Def. 2 if O my backwardnes to Duty; oh bring me out of my Self and may I see the Necessity of Puting of the old man With his Deeds and of Puting on the New. Friday Dec''. 22"! Lord thou hast I acknowledge bin good and rought out our Deliverance from time to time Thou didest Plant us hear in this good land and thy Right hand hath saved us ever since But Alas what a bad improvement have we made of tliese things Saturday Dec''. 23^? And now o Lord we are in troble Boston is a seat whare our Unnatteral Enemyes are in Prosession : the People of the Town of Boston that are our frinds have bin forsted to leave the town or be shut up and Confined thare amoungst our foes And alas o God we have Sined as a Continant we have Sined as A Provence we have sined as Connected with a town and a Famerlyes and Privets : But oh God do not Cast of this thy Land that thou hast garded so long Lords-day Dec''. 24'.'' felt two Dul in duty : good God take away this acused hard Hard of mine and give me a soft Hart one that may be esely Impresed upon by thy word Monday Tuesday^ 25, 26'!" of Dec". I fell dull in Duty and yet I dont se my sin so as to foliar it as I ought : I am a great sinner yet I Dont se my Sin aright. Wednesday Dec"' 27'!' Two Carles in watching over my Conduct for I git into the world and Depart from God. Thirsday Ded 28')" Lord I find it a hard Peace of work to deny myself oh that thou Lord would make it more easey by granting thy Holey speret to thy unworthy servant. Friday Dec": 29"" I Thought on a life of Religion ; But with two much Coldness Saturday and Lords-day Dec''. 30, 31'!' Alas what gloomy time is this to my Sole ; oh that God would Cause light to arise out of the midst of darkness and Shuew to me his Salvation Monday and Tuesday January i, 2f Days, Being the year of our Lord Christ 1776. oh How unprofitable have I bin this Year Past in the Servis of God. Wednesday Jan^. 3*.^ oh that I might live more nigh to God for Amos Farnsworth's Diary 97 the time to come : For I se that mortals must dy : This Day Aunt Longley ^ of Shierly was buried. And another Woman of the same Town was at hur work : Instantly fell Down and died in an Hours time ; grant blessed God that I may not Loose the improovment of these Despencations of Devine Providence, But may my Sole be filed with Admiration for thy Distinguishing goodness to me. Thursday Friday Ja?^: 4. 5* alas what a sinner I am, my sins are of the blackest Die Alas thay are inhanst because when I had akened in some Degree to a sence of my duty I have fell into Car- nal Security again : Oh will the Lord help me out of the Deep mier in which I am fallen Saturday and Lords-dad January^ 6. 7 two dul in duty : I went to Meeten all Lords-day and hear^ the Rev. M': Biggalow from, S, John 3. 16. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begoton Son, &c. he shue the Method of Salvation by Christ Jesus. Monday Tuesday Jan^. 8. 9. I am unworthy of a plase in the world : it is a wonder of the Lord's mercy that I am not Consumeed. Wednesday Jan^ 10'!' alas the degeneracy of the times Since Godly men deca O Lord, do thou my cause dend : For scarse these wretched times aford, one jest and faithful! frend. \_Some pages of the Diary here tnissing.'\ Monday Tuesday Febr" 19. 20* [1776] Alas the Divel has great hold of me I am under his laws and am secure Wednesday Thursday FeP 21. 22. How have I got into the world o Lord keep me from the sin of the world Friday Saterday 23 24'^ Feb^ I indulge Security and am blind Lords-day Feb-' 25'.': Went to Meeten and herd Rev. M^ Emerson of Concord from Isaiah in forenoon 3 Chap. 10. 11 Verses Say ye to the righteous that it shall be well with him : Wo unto the wicked it shall be ill with him ; Afternoon from S Luke 18. 7. And shall not God avenge his own elect, which Cry day and night unto him, though he bare long with them ? felt dul in duty : I Pray God grant that by the Preaching of this Worthey Man I may be stired up to my duty and to a holy walk with God 1 The wife of William Longley, of Shirley, who was Mary, eldest child of Joseph and Abigail (Sawtell) Parker, of Groton. 7 98 Amos Farnsworth's Diary Monday Tuesday FeM 26. 2^^ Security and backwardness to duty Wednesday FeM 28 I went to a funeral of Dec [on] Colyars^ Thursday Feb^' 29 Security Friday March y'- i'.' I went to se Abigail Stone ^ who was very sick She was in great consern about hur sole Saturday and Lords-day March 2. 3^^ I have two much cause to lement my Past life I went to meeten herd Rev. mf Bigelow fore- noon 2 Corinhians 4. 18. While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen : for the things which are seen are temporal ; but the things which are not seen are eternal, he set forth the Excelency of things unseen to things seen: Afternoon from Psalms 16. 11 in thy presence is foolness of Joy, at thy right hand thare are pleasures forevermore. Monday Tuesday March 4. 5'!' oh Lord Ifift me out of the Pit of Security : and save me for I am a sinner Wednesday March, 6, I her*? that Father was found near Pepperil Bridge. I took my hors and rode" there ; and found that he had bin seen on the top of the water near shore but was not stoped : I Pray God grant that His body may be found If Consistant with thy will for it is a living sorrow But why should I be so anxious about the body when the sole is gon to its place, oh that I was more Anxious to secure the immortal part which nither Dies nor dcays. Thursday March 7* was sot apart for Fasting and prayer : but we had no Preaching : I was at the fun of mf Dodges Child, Decon [James] Stone made the Prayer ? Friday March 8"' Show to me my security O Lord most High? Saturday Ma''. 9": I with two or three others sot out in order to go down by the side of Nashawa River to the mouth of the same we got to the lower bridge then left the river : being dark, for lodg- ing : Part of us stayed at Esqr Lovels I and Brother Holden ^ went further to William Luns Sabath-day Mr^. 10*!' went quit to the moutl^ of the river then back for home Came to Holis : Betwixt Longleys Island and 1 Probably alluding to the funeral of some one in Deacon Collier's family. 2 A daughter of Deacon James and Mary (Farwell) Stone, born on Decem- ber 2, 1736. 3 Jabez Holden, who married Rachel Farnsvvorth, an elder sister of the diarist. Amos Farnsworth's Diary 99 Jacho Mill ^ about a Mile below s'! Mill thare we found the Bodey that we was looking after took out the same and Brot it home Monday March 1 1';'' the funeral was set and Mr Bigelow Came and went to Prayer : oh that I might think on his words and be ready for a suden Chang ? For the most of this Week I was thoughtless and Blind ; and have not don my duty : and I never shall if god does not help ; and Quicken me and oh Lord Put within me a right Hart and temper of mind? Lords Day March ly'?' I her'.' the Rev' Mr Bigelow from James 2, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18'.'' He incested most on the i8 verse : he sed a ded faith without works is ded? this day y*" British troops left Boston March Mofiday 1 8* I am Exercised with an exceeding Hedake : the troubels of this life. Yisterday the British Troops left Boston Tuesday Wednesday March 19, 20*!" Alas I have not the Presence of God Good God Help me to disern my Blindness and Dedness in matters of Religion Thursday Friday March 21, 22"'' Coldness in duty Saturday March 23'.' I went to see Abigail Stone who was sick and very low : Prayed with hur But was Two Cold and lifeless ; oh warm my Hart Blesed God ; and may I be more Earnest in Beging for mercy? Sabath-day March 24* Her'l Rev' Mr Bigelow forenoon Philip- pians, 2, 5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus ; Afternoon Psalms 44 the six first Verses. We have heerd with our ears, O God, our fathers have told us what work thou didst in their days, in the times of old. &c He sed that our fathers Coming hear being in the Year 1620 on the 11 of December; was similer in many instances to that of God bringing his Ancant People the Jews into Canan, out of Egypt : for he has sufered no Enimy to Destroy us : for when France Sent a \_Some pages here missing.~\ 1 went to meeten and heerd Rev' Mr Daniel Emerson^ From i 1 Longley's Island is probably the island near the mouth of a small brook, in what is now Nashua, N. H. ; and " Jacho's Mill " is the same as Jaquith's, later known as Runnells's, in Hollis, N. H. 2 Rev. Daniel Emerson (H. C. 1739), of Hollis» N. H. L.ofC. loo Amos Farnsworth's Diary Corinthians ii. 26 For as oft as ye eat this bread and drink this Cup ye do shew the Lords death til he come The Church of Christ in this Place Purtook of the Sacrament O that I had Grace to fit me for such near approch to Christ at his Table But now I turn my back But as I turn Such Thoughts as these sugest to my mind ; Ah thou ungrateful! retch to slight the ordiance of the Supper see my Children feed there Sols Richly : whilst thine is a Starveing : Wouldest thou not pay more regard to the last words of a Dear and dying frind if by so doing you would Reep so much advantage as you might by this ordiance. As I walked out with what shame did I skulk for Rev, mf Emerson spoke Close to those that turn thare backs Lords-day May 5 [1776] I her'' Rev? M' Adams from Romans 12. II Not slothful! in business A meen Sermon afternoon M' Whitemore from Mathew 6. 10 Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven, he Spoke little better Thursday May g'*' was sot Apart by the Town for fasting and Prayer that God would be Plesed to send Us a man for a teacher that will be faithfuU Over the flock Rev. Mf Whitney of Shirley Preached in the forenoon from Colossians, i. 7 Afternoon Rev- M' Emerson from S Luke 10. 2 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth labourers into his Harvest this was preaching he had no nots oh that I might treasher up the truths Lords-day May 1 2 went to meeten in the afternoon her? Mr Bige- low from Ecclesiastes 9. 10 felt Cold and dul in duty My Brother Jonas Came hom from Mechias [Maine.] Friday May 17'!' this day was sot Apart by the Grand Congras as a day of fasting and Prayer throughout the Continent I went to meten and herd Rev, Mr B. from 2 Chronicles 20 from the fifth to the thirteenth Verse : But O Coldness in duty Help good Lord and forgive Sabbath day May 26 oh dedness in duty I went to Meten herd M. Fisk forenoon from Psalms 4'!' 6 Afternoon Mathew 22. 5 But they made light of it A Smart Young Precher Lords-day. June 2 I went to meeten herd R[ev.] M^ B. from i Corinthians 10. 31. Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or what- soever ye do do all to the glory of God was sleepey and dul in the forenoon O that I was more lively in duty : But Alas Coldness in maters of Religion Amos Farnsworth's Diary loi Monday June 17'.'' on this day of the month was Charlestown fight a year ago I was wounded by our \^Sof?ie pages here missing.^ Groton March 20* 1778 I being prest with a sence of my Duty in Coming to the Lords table and being Convinced that it was my Duty : it being an absolute Command of my dying Saviour I went to our Paster the Rev. Daniel Chapplin ^ to offer myself to the Com- munion But Alas what oppertions did I meet with from the Divil and my Corrupt and wicked Hart to that degree that I had thots of turning back but Considering how unsoldierlike it was to turn the back I went forward, and I was I hope in some Mesure anabled to lay open my Hart and desire to him and he Delt faithfully & kindly with me 22 Lords day I was Propounded for Communion now for this week my mind was diferantly Exercised Some times A glimpse of hope and other times overwhelm'^ with fear 29 Lds was afected with the Preching April I Wednesday herd a lecter by Rev. Daniel Emerson from Zepheniah 3. 17 he will rest in his live Thursday April 2"'' Etended our Privit Meeten But was dull in duty oh God Parden and forgive 3 fr was Meloncoly 46". I hope I enjoyed some of the Presence of God : O God make me thankfuU 5 Lds. I went to Meetin & herd yf Rev. W. Chapplin from Luke 14. 17'i' Come for all things are Now ready I was Admited to Join with the Church of Christ in this place : and O how did I long to love God, and do my duty and live up to my Sacramental Engage- ments O God I beg that thou wood Increase my faith & love & Repentance and obedance and O God may I never fall into Secu- rity And it was Communion day &c and we was Entertained in the afternoon from Romans 4. 16 Therefore it in [is] of faith that it might be by Grace 6 J// injoyed Some freedom in famerly Duty thanks be to God 1 Rev. Daniel Chaplin (H. C. 1772), minister of Groton. He and Mr. Bige- low, previously mentioned, had preached as candidates for the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Dana. I02 Amos Farnsworth's Diary 7 Tu O God grant Me thy quickening Spirit & O may I prase and love the 8 We, I herd d- Parker ^ an Anabaptis preacher he spoke from Exodus 17* 6 and thou shalt smite the Rock &c 9 Th, I am two luke warm : O Lord Shoe to me my true State & Condition and if there is any Sin that I have never Repented of Discover it unto me & give me repentance and O God give me a true hatred of Sin and a Grater love to Religon. 10 Fr, dull in Religon tS: Stuped 1 1 Sa, had Som sence of Sin ; & I was a plowing, and these words Came often to my mind, and the Plowing of the Wicked is Sin : now thinks I it may be I am sining in Every furrow I turn and if that is the Case what a load of Sin and gilt awaits me. But O God if I am a wicked Man in the sence of the words wilt thou dis- cover unto me my Sin and O God wilt thou Give me Repentance and sarch me O God Shoe me the Plage of my Hart 1 2 Ld, I Heard M' Thatcher. Lord Make me to know my duty and give me love and faith 13 M, d, O security, and dulness, and slothfullness to duty oh may I see my self and Repent. 14 T, u, O Lord may I grow in Grace and in the knowledge of the truth & O Lord may my Coruptions be Subdued. 15. 16. W, T/i, my mind was sumthing Composed I went to Privit meetin on Th we Red a sermon of Mr Davis, oh Jeruselim Jerusalm who kileth the Profets and stoneth them that are sent unto you how often would I have gathered you together as a hen gath- ereth hur Chickings under hur wings and you would not. 177^, I feal Cold and dul & feal I want a sence of the love of God &c 18 S, Lord lift upon me the light of thy Countance and be my God 19 Z, d, went to Meetin M. Chaplain Preached in the forenoon from S' Mathew 10.*'' 33. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in Heaven. After- noon Luke 14, 22. And the servant said Lord it is dun as thou hast Commanded and yet there is room, oh the hardness of my hart that I cant Moorn more for Sin. But I moorn that I Cant moorn 1 Dr. Isaiah Parker, who had previously studied medicine, and who two months later, on June 10, was ordained at Harvard. Amos Farnsworth's Diary 103 and (desire to) Pray that I might moorn, and may I be thankfull that I Can see myself in any degree 20 M, I seemed to be presed to secret duty by my Consiance, ■ but felt a strange backwardness O that I did love Religion. {^Some pages here missing.'] 5, 6, 7 [May, 1778,] T, IV, T/i, had some asistance in Prayer for which I desire to be thankfull : but am two lukewarm and Dull and lifeliss in Duty 8, 9 F, S, on F went to a funeral of M^ William Grean's ^ but was dul when the duty of Prayer was Preformed : in the Evening love was somewhat in Exercise by Conversing with Christions friends oh that I was thankfull for favors Resieaved and that I did live near to God & in the way fo my duty 10 Z,d M". Chaplain Preached at Shirley and I heard him from Revelation 22. 17. And whosoever will let him take the water of life freely afternoon from Amos 4. 12. &c but althoe the Preech- ing was powerfull yet in the afternoon I was dul and Cold oh that God wood warm me with his spirit Even me who am a ded dog and oh forgive forgive and power out thy Sperit and quicken me by thy divine Grase and shed abroad thy love in My Soal in the Evening was Melted with a Sence of my hard hart & was led to join with Dr Wats Dear Saviour, Steep this rock of mine in thine own crimson sea ! Noone but a bath of blood divine can melt this flint away. \1 L d, during the last week I was much tempted to Sin and to backslide from God & was in a Cold frame for the most part I went to a privit meeten & Church meeten this day I heard Mr Chapplin from Luke 10. 42 But one thing is needfull ; and Mary hath Choson that Good part &c Afternoon Colossians 3. 2. Set your affections on things above &c Alas I git from God my guide and so am tempted by the Divil and my wicked hart to Sin of the blackest nature 18, 19, M, T, oh how am I Urged on to Sin by the flesh and the Divil : oh Lord subdue my Corruptions and may I see more of the plage of my own hart h. hate Sin with a parfect hatred and turn to the Lord who will pardon 1 According to his epitaph, William Green died on May 7, 1778, in the eightieth year of his age. I04 Amos Farnsworth's Diary Now for the remainder of this Week I was Exersised with temp- tatision to Sin and was foild by Saton and fell into great sin ; for it was my Constitutinal sin : & I thought I had got the victory over it and was of my guard But oh the blackness of my Crime it being comited deliberately and knowingly how do I deserve Hell and misery & Everlasting banishment 24 L, d, W- Chaplain Preached from Colossians 3. i. If ye then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above after- noon y" same chapter & 3 verse : for ye are ded and your life is hid with Christ in God But was Cold and dul having no Sense of of \sic\ my danger or my Duty the six next days was followed with temp- tations to Sin ; and alas I have no strength to withstand with that farmness as I ought 31 L, d, Atempted secret Prayer in the Morning But O I dont meet with God Alas I fear He has withdrawn wholey from me and well he may on account of my late sin in in \_sic] particular O was Ever any Creature Porsed with such a hard Hart as I am ; did ever a Creature stand it out against there Creatore as I do O that God wod humble me on that acount I herd IM' [Moses] Adams of Acton from Luke 14. 18 And thay all with one Consent began to make excuse Afternoon Mathew 9. 12. But when Jesus heard that he said unto them thay that be whole need not a physician but thay that are sick. Monday^ T, Jime i, 2. 1778 O the dulness & indiferance that has seas^ my hart : art Thou quite gon O Lord O return unto thy unworthy Servent ; thou wood be jus I must confess if thou was to tak away the Strivings of thy Spirit from me. But oh God do not withdraw and give me up to hardness of Hart and a Reprobate mind But wash me in the great fountain But O Lord I have noth- ing to plead as to worthiness But I have much to Plead as to my Nesesity & want 3 W^ went to lector and herd, M. Newel from Colossians i. 27 which is Christ in you the hope of Glory 4 Th, was dul in Religion was Riding with a Christion frind ; had agreable Conversation on the rode, herd a lector at Luning- burg by M' whitney ^ from Acts 3. 26. in turning every one of you from his iniquities. I was furnished with mater of self Examation 1 Rev. Phineas Whitney (II. C. 1759), of Shirley. Amos Farnsworth's Diary 105 by the reading of M^ Flavels life But O how do I come short of his example and how infinitely short of the Example of Christ 5, 6, F, S, had some inlargment in duty But mostly cold and dul in duty 7 Z, d, this was Communion day with our Church & there was Seven persons taken into the Church M^ Chaplain Preached from Romans 6. i, 2. What shall we say then shall we Continue in Sin that grace may abound God forbid how shall we that are ded to sin live any longer therein Afternoon Colossians 3. 4. When Christ who is our life shall appear then shall ye also appear him in glory, his Proformance was Extraordany I had something of a vew of the odaous nature of Sin and some cuting Reflections on the Acount thereof 8, 9, M, T, was slothfuU in duty for the most part 10 W, rod to Harvord to an Ordanation of Dr Parker of the baptis order; Dr Stilman gave the discorce his text was in the 2, Timothy 2. 2. And the things that thou hast heard of me, among many witnesses the same Commit thou unto faithfuU men who shall be able to teach others also. M^ AUin gave a lector towards night in the same place from Mathew 5. 6. let your light so shine before men &c 11. 7%, went to Privit meetin why oh my Sole dont you love your redeemer more and hate Sin more 12, 13, F, S, had some inlargment in the duty of Prayer and meditation make me thankfull o Lord 14 Z, d, herd Mf Chaplin from Hebrews, 6. 7, 8. For the earth which drinketh in the rane that Cometh oft upon it, &c En- joyed some Comfort in duty and was asisted in Spakeing in the famerly on important truths. 15, 16 M, T, was tempted to Sin even to my right hand Sin. 17, 18 IV, Th, went to Westford to an ordonation ^ But it was put By til the nex wek on acount of some Dificualtyes and divisions in the Church had opertunity for meditation by the way 19, 20, F, S, had some freedom in prayer But alas at what a low rate do I live with God and in religion ; oh that God wold revive the things that begin to die in me 1 June 17, 177S, was the day appointed for the ordination of Mr. Jesse Read at Westford, which, owing to dissensions in the church, did not take place. See Hodgman's History of Westford (pp. 269-271), for an account of the difficulty. io6 Amos Farnsworth's Diary 21 L, d, herd M' Thatcher from Corinthians 13. 5. Examin yourselves whether ye live in the faith how apt I am to Rest secure and live in the neglect of duty ; and sin at a high rate; oh God shoe to me my Sins and foly and Grant me new obediance For the three next days I Enjoyed somthing of the Divine Pres- ence was with a Christen that spoke on the power of religion : oh that I did live near to God and Duty the Sun was in an Aclips on Wednesday 24 Day which aforded me mater of Medation 25 7%, went to privet meeten O that I was more thankfull 26 I^ the Wather was Exceding hot & I was much exposed to it which led me to reflect on the State of the finerly impenant who will be forst to bare the scaldings drops of Gods wrath without any toleration or mixter of mercy 27 S, O that my hart was in Heaven while my hands is Engaged about my lawfull buisness. 28 L, d, herd M. Chaplin John 6. 44. No man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him ; &c After- noon Mathew 5. 6. Blesed are thay which do hunger and thurst after righteousness : for they shall be filled. O how dull am I un- der the Preeching of the word : for which I am to blame quicken me O Lord by thy Spirit Now for three days I was two dul in religion and duty 2 July Th^ Sot out Early in the morning & went to Worster & saw fore Persons Hung for the murder of M. Spooner of Brook- fieald : Viz, M" Spooner his wife M' Buchanan. Brooks & Ros all young persons^ and O what a solam sean it was : to Behold Per- sons lanching into the world of sperits O Lord keep me from fall- ing into Sin which Exposes life to to {_sic\ publick Justis : But Alas how have I Exposed my life temporal & Etarnal to Divine Justis thou oh God would be Just to make me Miserable and Cast me of for ever 3 F, went to Church meeten O at what a low rate do I live 4 .S", was Enabled to use fervency in Prayer in the morning 5 Z, d, herd M': Chaplin from Colossians 3. 4. When Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall ye Also appear with him in 1 This case had caused great excitement in central Massachusetts on account of the social standing of Mrs. Spooner. Her accomplices were James Buchanan and William Brooks, who had been soldiers in I5urgoyne's army, and Ezra Ross, a former soldier in the American army from Ipswich. Amos Farnsworth's Diary 107 glory. Afternoon Proverbs 8. 17. I love them that love me and those that seek me early shall find me. Lord cause thy word preeched this day to be profitable to all that herd it ; Especily to my Sole and the Youth in special Now for the Past week I was much in the world ; But Enjoyed some Comfort in God in the way of duty 12 Z, d, herd M' Thatcher from Jeremiah 13. 23. Can the Ethio- pian chang his skin or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good that are accustomed to do evil. Afternon Luke 10. 29. But he wiling to Justify himself said unto Jesus and who is my neighbor 19 Z, ^, the last week I was in a dul frame in Relig" herd Mr Thatcher &c 26 Z, d, O how was I the week Past ded and liflis in Duty taking little or no delight in secret Prayer O Lord Pluck me as a brand out of the burning & deliver my sole from the pit of dis- truction herd Mr Chaplin from Acts 3. 19. Repent ye therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the Presence of the Lord, he Pointed out Repentance as the way to life in a strikeing point of light O that I could feel this true repentance which would afect a true refermation in my hart and life 2 Z, d, August herd Mr Chaplin from John 7. 37. \\\ the last day that great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried saying if any man thurst let him come unto me and drink, afternoon Ephesians 6. 4. And ye fathers provoke not your children to wrath : but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord this was Communion day with our Church but I was Exceeding dul and stuped 16 L, d, herd Mi^ Chaplin from Romans 16. 27. God only wise afternoon Ephesians 6. 4. 30 Z, d^ herd Mr Chaplin from Ephesians 6. 4. his Preeching was powerfull. addressing Parents and Children with a mooving afection O that it might proove of real benefit to all and to me in particular. this week I was Exersised with temptation oh the fountain of Corrupttion and Sin that loges in my Brest 6 September Z, d^ herd M. Chaplin from Romans 8. 9. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is noone of his he shew the affect of the Spirit by Giving a short commentary on Galatians io8 Amos Farnsworth's Diary 5. 22, 23. oh Lord work in and for me thy good Pleasure & help me in the neglected duty of Self examanation and O that thou wood sharch me and discure to me the Plag of my own hart 13 L, d, herd Ml^ Brick from Isaiah 40. i Comfort ye comfort ye m[y peop]le saith your God afternon Malachi 3. 14. Ye have said it is vain to serve God : he spoke with a feealing sense of what he sed 27 Z, d, herd Mr Perry ^ from James i. 2. My bretherin Count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations Afternon Genesis 23. 2 And Sarah died in Karjath-arba the same is hebron in the land of Canaan and Abraham came to morn for Sarah and to weep for hur. 4 Z, d, herd W. Thare Mathew 5. 13. ye are the salt of the earth : but if the salt have lost his savor wherewith shall it be salted it is henceforth good for nothing but to be Cast out and to be troden under foot of Men Afternoon Zechariah 9. 12. Turn ye to the stronghold ye prisoners of hope 8 T, October Was on a Jorney to Boston & was tempted to Sin and I indulged the thought to two great a length and was hurred on to the wounding of my sole and dishonor of God Lord Convince me of sin and convert me unto thy self 18 Z, d, herd Mf Chaplin Matthew 6. 10 Thy kingom come. Afternoon Romans 8. i. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which is in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. O that I Could feel the water of this preaching 25 Z, ^, herd M-' Chaplin from Mathew 6. 10, thy will be dun on Earth as it is in heaven. Afternoon Ezekel 18. 31 for why will ye die 1 November Z, d, herd Mr Powars ^ of Cohors from Proverbs 18. 10. the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and is safe [ ] Powerfull [ ] \_Some pages here ?>iissing.'\ Blessed is the nation whos God is the Lord ; and the people whome he has chosen for his own inheritance ^ Perhaps the Rev. Joseph Perry (H. C. 1752), of East Wmdsor, Conn., who on October 23, 1755, had married Sarah Lawrence, of Groton. 2 Rev. Peter Powers (H. C. 1754), of Haverhill, N. H., which was then known as Lower Coos. Amos Farnsworth's Diary 109 3 S^JaJiuary, 1779], Z, d, herd M-' Chaplin from Luke 9. 23"^ And he said to them all, if any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross daly and follow me AfP Philippians 4. 5 The Lord is at hand. I am wofuUy stupid and in a lithargick state and seem to be left of God & given up to Hardness of hart oh that God wold apear for me in much mercy & awaike my drousey powers to obediance for if thou Lord dost not apear I shall be lost forever 24 Z, d, herd M^ Chaplin from Mathew 6. zf. But seek ye the kingdom of God and his rightoness & all thess things shall be added unto you $\ L, d, herd M- Chaplin from i John 4. 9. in this was mana- fested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begoting Son into the world, that we might live through him. Afternoon Luke 9. 23. and take up his cross daly and follow me 7 Z, d, February this was sacrament day herd Mf Chaplin from John 6. 56. he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwell- eth in me and I in him Afternoon Psalm no. 3. Thy people shall be willing the day of thy power in the Beauties of holiness for the wome of the morning : thou haish the dew of thy youith oh that I had a hart to sarve God but how do I live secure and dull in the injoyment of Gospel ordinances ; O the the \_sk'] wickedness of the hart 21 L, d, herd Mr Chaplin 2 Corinthians 6. 2 behold now is the excepted time behold now is the day of salvation : afternoon S, John Verily verily I say unto you He that believeth on me hath everlasting. Lord return unto me who has bacsliden from the & grant that I may never back slide from the more ; help lord for vain is my own help, and atemps to Chang my own hart for Sin brakes out, and love groes Cold 28 Z, d, herd W. Chaplin i Peter 5. 6. Humble your selves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt yoy in due tim 7 L, d Alarch herd M' Chaplin from Hebrews 6. 18. That by two immutable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us 14 Z herd W. Chaplin from Galations 2. \(f} For I through the law am ded to the law that I might live unto God. Time lost and wo is me iio Amos Farnsworth's Diary [Some pages here missmg.'] 25 L, d, April [1779,] herd Mf Chaplin from i'' Corinthians C 10. nor dronkards shall inherit the kingdom of God oh hardness without a Parrial 2 Z, d, May herd Mr Chaplin from i Timothy 6. 10 For the love of money is the root of all evil 6 Th^ this was a day set apart by our honerable Contanental Congras as a day of Publick fasting and Prayer herd M- Chaplin from Lamentations 3. 40, 31. Let us search and try our ways and turn again to the Lord. For the Lord will not cast of forever. O the stupidity of my mind and dedniss in duty o that I was truly awakened to my duty which must be by an almity power or else I shall be dead still The following entry also appears on a page of the Diary. Amos Shed, mentioned therein, was the eldest child of Wil- liam and Lydia (Farnsworth) Shed, and was born on April 17, 1766. His mother was a sister of the diarist; and pre- sumably the paper was drawn up when the young man became of age. To all whom it may concern know that I Amos Shed of Groton in the County of Middlesex and Commonwealth of Massechusetts Labourer Have this day reed of Amos Farnsworth of the afores- Groton Gentlemen my guardian Nineteen Pounds nine shillings and one farthing in full of one right or double portion or share in the real Estate of my late Grandfathers Amos Farnsworth deceas- Es- tate accrued to me in right of my late mother Lydia Shed deceas- In consideration of the above sum I do for my self Heirs and assigns acquit all my right in my late Grandfathers Estate to him and his Heirs forever The following two or three pages are found in a separate note-book, and contain entries made during the campaign of 1776, while Mr. Farnsworth was in Captain Job Shattuck's company, of which he was Ensign. Amos Farnsworth's Diary III o o " 3 " o John Parker o " 3 " o Lent M^ Gilson o " 3 " o o " 2 " 6 ^//^7/5-/ Ticonderoga 27 1776 Lent Thomas Baker o '' 4 " o August Ticonderoga 29'.'^ 1776 Lent Levi Parker twelve Dollars Septr 7 Lent Ephraim Robins five Shilings York Sepr: 17 lent Elisha Hoit one Dollar John Nutten dr 0:2:5:0 lent William Colburn o = 1:6:0 Sepf. 20'^ Lenard Taylor Money Payd at Several times, o : 12 : 4 : o Sept: Lieu^ Connant D^ 0:2:3 Septr 26'^ Pay'^ for washing for the Deceasd in Capt. Shattuck Comp. o : 10 : 9-0 Lent Sarg! Parker one Dollar. Lent Sargt Sawtell five Dollars Cap'. Shattuck to sause 0:1:10:0 Lenard Taylor Df 0:1:8:3 Lent Thomas Baker o - 2 - o Lent Joseph Taylor Seven Dollars Lent Amasa Gilson One Dollar Lent Amasa Gilson 0:7:6:0 lent Joseph Taylor Seven Dollars lent Thomas Baker Two Dollars Oct: 1776 Isaac Warren D^ for a Pare of Stockens 0-7-0-0 Spencer Dec: 6'^ 1776 Lent Isaac Williams two Dollars & Six Pence Some remarks to help the Memerry July Tuesday 23-.' 1776. I sot out on my march for Canada Got to Charlstown New hampshire Saturday July 27. Marched from Charlstown. Mofiday August 5'^ Arived at Ticonderoga Saturday August 10 Sunday august 1 1 we went to a Mount South of Ty known by the name of Mount Independence Tuesday August 20'?' we mooved acrost the lake and Pich'i our Tents on Ticonderoga Thursday Sept: 12 Eight of us went upon the Generals Bisness 8 mils Below Crown-Point 112 Amos Farnsworth's Diary friday Sepf. 13 Returning back Stopt and supt at a Widow woman's hous in Aderson [Addison, Vt.] whare the Smal Pox hod bin the day before Stay'! at Adderson all night Saterday Sepf 14*!' we Returned back to Tie Friday Oct!^ n^^ our fleet and the Enemy had a battle. And Continured till Sunday Oct": I3'^ and we lost twelve Sail & five Retreeted to Ty Monday Odr 28'^ the Enemy Apeared in Site on a Point of land and in Battucks [Batteaux] advancing towards us we was Alarmed and Expected an atack we was in high Sperits Simday Novr. 3"! the Regulers left Putnam and Crown Point and went to winter quarters Tuesday Nov': 26* we Set out for home by the way of Albany arived at Fort Gorge Wednesday: & Fort Edwood Thirsday and fort An & Saratoga & Stilwater Friday Saterday lay near Albany Sunday Decenber i'.' Eat brakefast in Albany I went to Meeten in the fore noon herl Preeching from Acts 2. 36, 37, 38 Crosed Hutsons river in the afternoon lay at Green Boosh Monday Dec'- 2 Came to Canterhoock [Kinderhook, N. Y.] & Barrenton [Great Barrington, Mass.] & westfieald & Springfieald & Brookfieald & Worsister & Lankister & Shirley & Got to Groton Saterday Dec": 7'*' Ticonderoga An acount of the Persons that has dyed Since the 20'.'' August 1776 in Colo" Jona'. Reads Regiment Lieu^ Tomson of Capt Toys Comp Died with the Small pox at fort Jorge Corporil Spoldin of Cap' Fords Comp^^ died at fort Jorge Small Pox. Wednesday Se/>fr_ 4 M^ Baker Cap'. Parkers C Dy M! Shattuck of Cap! Gats Comp. Oct: 2".'' Wednesday Benj" Jewet of Capt. Shattuck Comp. Oct: Mr Gates and M! Prest of Cap! Gates Com!' Oct: 12 Ens!> Underwood of Cap! Wheeler Com? Oct: 15 M! Goodale of Cap! Gates Comp. fore of Cap! Bancrofts ComP M! Kingman of Cap! Parkers Company Died on Thursday Oct! M^ toy of Cap! Toys Comp Died Oct! 21 Nehemiah Parker of Cap! Shattuck CompY Died on Oct! Tues- day 22 Saturday Oct: 26 Will? Colburn of Cap! Shattucks M! Under- wood of Cap! Whel Mv: if^ M! Leason of Cap! Whelors Comp. Appendix THE following Message, sent by Governor Shirley, is found in the printed Journal (p. 158) of the Massa- chusetts House of Representatives for January 16, 1745-6. As Captain Samuel Tarbell, mentioned therein, was a Groton man, probably the ''fifteen Men inlisted for the Expedition against Cape-Breton" were also Groton men. The state- ment is of some interest, as it furnishes the only record, so far as I know, which gives the number of those who went from Groton to Louisburg, under Pepperrell. Among the items recorded in Joseph Farwell's note-book, and printed in the first volume of the Groton Historical Series (No. XIV. p. 29), is the following entry: — March y*" 10"' 1745 Our men went out of Groton for Cap Prtoon [Breton] and the City was taken y*" 18 day of June 1745 It is interesting here to trace the attempt to give the French pronunciation to the name of the Cape, a custom which has survived even within my memory. Snow-shoes were first used by soldiers in Dummer's War; and, under a Resolve passed by the General Court, on De- cember 8, 1724, as applied to various towns in the Province, Groton was ordered to raise forty men who were to be pro- vided " with a good suitable pair of Snow-shoes & Moggasins fit for Service." They were to be drilled in marching and running on the snow, and, on the discovery of the enemy, were to go at once in pursuit. These soldiers became known as *' snow-shoe men," and formed a kind of pre-Revolutionary minute-men. 1 16 Appendix Presumably Captain Tarbell's company is the same one that was organized in Dummer's War, though under different officers. It was engaged at times in scouting around the country after the Indian enemy. (See Journal of the House, December 20, 1745.) The man killed, " and another disabled by Wounds^ as I infer, were not in the Louisburg expedition, but received their injuries elsewhere. A Message from His Excellency by Mr. Secretary, viz. Gentlemen of the House of Representatives, /A7n to inform you that of the Company of Snow-Shoe Men under the Command of Capt. Samuel Tarball, fifteen Men ifilisied for the Expedition agaitist Cape- Breton, afid one Man was killed, and another disabled by lVou?ids ; atid of the Company of Snow-Shoe Men tinder the Command of Capt. Joseph Wilder, twelve inlisted in the said Expedition ; so that for making the said Companies compleat, it will be necessary that twenty-nine Men more should be a-new i?ilisted. And therefore I desire you would provide for their being furnished with Snow-Shoe's atid Moggazines, as others have been. W. SHIRLEY. Council Chamber Jan. 15. 1745. The Journal of the Massachusetts House of Representa- tives for the year 1745 contains many entries in regard to the expedition against Louisburg, besides numerous allusions to the event, which oftentimes give useful hints. Appendix 117 Captain Farringtons Company The following '' Return of Men," etc., mentioned in the note on page 52, is found among the manuscripts of the Massachusetts Historical Society, given by me, on October I, 1895. The papers came into my possession from General A. Harleigh Hill, of Groton, Vermont, a descendant of Cap- tain Ephraim Wesson, who more than a hundred years ago carried the name of the Massachusetts town into the Green Mountain region. The men were enlisted by Captain Thomas Farrington, who raised a company in Groton and neighborhood, which served during the campaign of 1 760. In the copy of the return, here given, I have omitted some of the headings, such as "When Inlisted," " By whome," and " What Rigment." With the ex- ception of James Frye and Philip Barker, both of Andover, who joined a company in Colonel Osgood's command, they were all enlisted in the regiment of Colonel William Law- rence, of Groton. The date of enlistment covered a period extending from February 14 to April 9, 1760. " Barzzealer" [Barzillai] Lew, son of Primus, was a negro, and belonged to a well-known colored family of that day, somewhat noted for their musical attainments. In early times the sturdy yeo- manry of Massachusetts often stood in military ranks shoulder to shoulder with the black man; and it was never thought that this juxtaposition lowered their dignity. The surnames Kemp and Kendall are written "Kimp" and " Kindall," show- ing how the words then were generally pronounced. The Return is found on two separate sheets, each bearing the indorsements of the mustering officers. There is reason to think that there is still a sheet missing, which made up the complete Return. ii8 Appendix A Return of Men Inlisted for his Majestef Service for the lotall Reduction of Cannada 1760. Names of Fathers of son Men? Names Whear born Whear Resedant Age under age and Masters of Servants Silous Kimp Groton Groton 18 Hezekiah Kimp Sampson Blood D' D° 27 Abijah Parker Do D° 17 the Scelectmen Lemuel Ames D° D° 17 William Lawrance Zachreah Parker D" D° 21 John Gragg D° D° 19 Jacob Gragg Aaron Blood D° D° 21 Joseph Page D° D° 20 Joseph Page John Hoyden D" D° 25 Stephen Pirce D° Do 21 James Fisk D° DO 22 Joseph Gillson D° D° 21 William Parker D" D° 19 William Parker Nathaniel Green D° D° 18 William Green Hezekiah Kimp D° Do 22 Robert Blood Pepperall Pepperall 25 John Trowbridge Groton Groton 21 John Erwin Ju^ D° Do 21 John Erwin D" DO 42 Andrew M^Farland D° DO 18 Margrat M'^Farland Abel Kimp D° Do 17 Hezekiah Kimp Oliver Hartwill D" DO 20 Scelectmen Jon? Boyden D« D° 17 Josiah Boyden Josiah Blood D° Pepperall 18 John Shattuck Abijah Warren Weston Groton 22 William Hubart D° Pepperall 18 Sheb: Hubart Ebenez^ Nutting Groton Groton 17 Thol Farrington James Frye Andover Andover 20 Co' James Frye Philip Barker Dover DO 19 Isaac Blunt Isaac Nutting Groton Groton 21 William Lasley D" DO 18 Robert Parker Jonathan Holden D" Do 24 Ruben Woods D° Do 18 Ruben Woods 33 [Indorsed " Farringtons Roll."] Appendix 119 A Return of Men Inlisted for his Majestef- Service for the Totall Reduction of Cannada 1760 Names of Fathers of son Men? Names Whear bom Whear Resedant Age under age and Mastrs of Servants William Brown Ireland Stow 31 Obidiah Perry Weston Groton 35 Josiali Stevens Townshend D" 18 Martha Stevens David Sartill Groton D° Z7> Moses Keazer Haverall Groton 45 John Archerbill Groton D" 18 John Archerble William Pirce D" D° 17 Elijah Rockwood Joseph Parker D° D° 16 Ephream Ware Jonas Nutting D° D° i6 Scelectmen Joshua Pirce Weston D° 18 Jonas Stone Benj-} Willson Groton Townshend 19 Benj-"} Wilson Nathan Harrington Lexenton Shirley 19 Richard Harrington John Farnsworth N?4 Groton 18 David Farnsworth William Farwill Groton D° 17 Olever Farwill Richard Sartill D° D° 22 William Stevens Stow Stow 29 Jabez Kindall Groton Pepperall iS Jabez Kindel Ephream Kimp D° Groton 18 Sam'.' Kimp Ebn'. Woods D° Pepprall 31 Josiah Fish D° D" 26 Oliver Shead D° D" 21 William Shead D" D" 22 William Farnsworth D° D° 22 Jonathan Williames Peprall D" 22 Lemuel Patt Townshend DO 18 John Patt John Avery D° D° 17 Edmand Bancroft Barzzealer Lew Groton D° 18 Primous Lew Oliver Ellott D° Do 24 Henery Willord Lancester Do 30 Solomon Parker Suresbury Groton 17 Simon Parker Peter Gillson Groton DO 27 Abner Turner Lancester Do 16 Eliab Turner James Lasley Groton Pepperall 25 Benj? Rolf D° D° 18 Benj^ Rolf Stephen Gates Canterbuary Litleton 17 Stephen Gates 35 Index Inde X A. Abbot, Benjamin, 46. Acton, Mass., 51, 104. Adam, Rev. Mr., 85. Adams, Elizabeth, 78. Adams, Rev. Mr., 100. Adams, Rev. Moses, 104. Addison, Vt., 112. " Alarm lists," 79. Albany, N. Y., 48, 50, 51, 54-57, 67-69, 71, 72, 74, 112. Allen, Benjamin, 51. Allen, Mr., 105. Ames, Lemuel, 118. Amherst, Gen. Jeffrey, 52, 53, 57, 58, 64, 65, 67, 68. Andover, Mass., 117, 118. Ann, Fort, N. Y., 112. Annapolis, N. S., 22, 23, 27. Appleton, Rev. Nathaniel, 92, 93. Archerble [Archerbill], John, 119. Archerble [Archerbill], John, Jr., 119. Ashby, Mass., 45, 82. Atwell, Bridget, 44. Austin, Benejah, 6. Avery, John, 119. Avery [Havery], Rev. Mr., 88. B. Backus, Rev. Simon, 38. Bailey, Captain, company of, 55, 60, 65. Baker, Captain, company of, 73. Baker, Mr., 112. Baker, Thomas, iii. Balch [Baulch], Rev. Thomas, 12, 13, 17, 20, 28. Baldwin [Baulding], Corp. Benjamin, 52. Baldwin, Jacob, 46. Baldwin [Bauldwin], John, 46. Baldwin, Jonas, 46. Baldwin, Ruth, 46. Ball, Benjamin, 45. Ball, J5etty, 46. Ball, James, 46. Ball, Jeremiah, 46. Ball, Mollie, 46. Ball, Rachel, 45. Bancroft, Captain, company of, 112, "3- Bancroft, Edmund, 119. Barker, Sergt. David, 33. Barker, Philip, 117, 118. Barron, Stephen, 18, 22, 28, 32. ^ Barron, Capt. William, company of, 51, 61. Battery Hill, 45. Bedford, Mass., 51. Belfast, Maine, 10. Belknap Papers, the, 3. Bell, John, 6. Beman, Capt. Thomas, company of, 49. Benedict, Mount, 91. Berlin, 73. Berry, Colonel, t,t,, 34. Biglow, Rev. Isaac, 95, 97-100. Billerica, Mass., 43, 44, 50, 52, 54. Blackmir, Rowland, 38. Blandford [Glasgow], Mass., 49, 52. Blood, Aaron, 118. Blood, Jonas, 113. Blood, Josiah, 118. Blood, Robert, 118. Blood, Sampson, 118. Blunt, Isaac, 118. I 24 Index Boston, Mass., 8, 11, 44, 51, 55> S^. ^i- 89, 94, 96, 99, 108. Boston Harbor, News-Letter, The," Boston Neck, 93. "Boston Weekly 45- Bourn, Peletia, 9. Boyden, John, 118. Boyden, Jonathan, iiS. Boyden, Josiah, 118. Boynton, Aaron, 30, 37, 38. Boynton, Lieut. Joseph, 48. Bradstreet, Abigail, 4. Bradstreet, Abigail (Lakin), 4, 7. Bradstreet, Ann, 4. Bradstreet, Colonel, 26, 71. Bradstreet, Lieut. Dudley, diary of, 1-4, 11-39; ancestry of, 4; marriage of, 4 ; children of, 4 ; military record of, 4-8. Bradstreet, Rev. Dudley, 4. Bradstreet, Hannah, 4. Bradstreet, Lucy, 4. Bradstreet, Mary, 3, 4' Bradstreet, Mary (Wainwright), 4. Bradstreet, Sarah, 4. Bradstreet, Gov. Simon, 9. Breton, Cape, 11, 13, 23, 115, 116. Brewer, Captain, 54. Briant, , 33. Brick, Rev. Mr., 108. British troops, the, 79. Brookfield, Mass., 48, 55, 106, 112. Brookline, N. H., 44, 91. Brooks, William, 106. Brown, Capt. Silas, 55. Brown, William, 119. Buchanan, James, 106. Bulkley, Col. John, 47. Bunker, John, 54. Bunker Hill, 45, 89. Bunker Hill, the Battle of Bunton, Andrew, 44. Bunton, Henry Sylvanus, 45 Bunton, Dr. Sylvanus, 44. Bunton, William H., 44. Burchwood, r, 39. Burgat, Landlord, 49. Burge, John, 88. Burgoyne, Gen. John, 106. Burk, Major, 58, 66. 45- Burying Island, 13. Butler, Caleb, " History of Groton," by, 8, 44, 84. Butterfield, Jonas, 49, 51, 55. Butterfield, Leonard, 55. Button Mould [Butten Mole] Bay, 59. Cambridge, Mass., 77, 79, 83, 84, 86- 94. Cambridge [Charles] River, 94. Cameron, Captain, 74. Campbell, Ensign, 45. Campbell, Lieutenant, 49. Campbell, Major, 71. Canada, 22, 26, 29, 47, iii. Canso, the Gut of, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 28, 29. Canterbury, N. H., 119. Carley, Sergt. James, 19, 21. Carley, Peter, 36, 37. Caughnawaga [Cocknawagon], Indians, 64, 72. Chambalee [Chambale, Chamble], 64, 65- Chambly [Chambelle], Fort, 63. Champlain, Lake, 58, 59, 62, 66, 68. Chandler, Lieutenant Colonel, 6, 21. Chandler, Colonel, 13. Chapeau Rouge [Gabarus] Bay, 8, 13. Chaplin, Rev. Daniel, loi-iio. Charles River, the, 89, 94. Charlestown Hill, 83. Charlestown, Mass., 80, 83, 85, 89, 90, 91, lOI. Charlestown Neck, 90. Charlestown, N. H., 57, 65, 68, 69, III. Chelmsford, Mass., 61, 112. Chelsea, Mass., 86, 87. Choate, Colonel, 28. City Battery, the, at Louisburg, 14. Clagg, Captain, 59, 60. Clap, Captain, 49. Clapuni, Doctor, 49. Clapum, Capt. John, company of, 51. Clark, Lieutenant, 51. Colburn, William, in, 113. Collier, Deacon, 98. Index 25 Comings, Lieut. Nathaniel, 48. Commens, Rev. Mr., 89. Committee of Safety, the, 79, 80, 8i. Committee of Supplies, the, 80. Conant, Nathan, 46. Concord, Mass., 79, So, 83, 91. Connant, Lieutenant, in. Connecticut Historical Society, " Col- lections " of the, 9. Connecticut River, the, 68, 69, Continental Congress, the, no. Coos Country, N. H., 82. Copp's Hill, 89, 90. Couch, Lieut. James, 53. Coventry, Lieutenant, 74. Crafts, Mr., 37. Craggitt [Cragin], Sergeant, 51. Crocker, Mr., 13, 27. Crooffoot, Corp. John, 35, 36, 37. Crown Point, 51, 55, 60, 65, 66, 71, ni, n2. Crown Point Fort, 53. Cumings, Lieut Simeon, 50. Cummings, Lieut. Benjamin, 44. Curtice, Capt. John, 48. D. Dakin, John, 33. Dammon, Mr., 112. Dana, Rev. Samuel, 95, loi. Dartmouth, 71. Davis, Captain, 31. Davis, John, 43. Davis, Rev. Mr., 102. Dedham, Mass., 12. Deprare, Can., 65. Devens, Richard, 91. Dodge, Mr., 98. Donahew, Capt. David, 22, 28, 29. Donaldson, Adj. Alexander, 71. Dover, N. H., n8. Dublin, N. H., 70. Dudley, Captain, 12. " Duke Cumberland," the brig, 57. Dummer, Fort, 7. Dummer's War, 115, n6. Dunbarton, N. H., 53. Dunstable, Mass., 44, 49-51, 54, 55i 61. Dwight, Brig. -Gen. Joseph, 7, 27. Easman, Capt. Ebenezer, 19, 22, 24, 25. East Boston, Mass., 86. East Cambridge, Mass., 84. East Windsor, Conn., 108. " Eastern Vermont, History of," Hall's, 6. Edgartown, Mass., 35, 84. Edward, Fort, N. Y., 52, 53, n2. Elexander, Landlord, 70. Ellott, Oliver, n9. Emerson, Rev. Daniel, 99, 100, loi. Emerson, Rev. Joseph, 84, 97. English, the, 54, 61, 65. Erwin, John, n8. Erwin, John, Jr., 118. Essex Institute, " Historical Collec- tions " of the, 9, 46. Exeter, N. H., 4. F. Farmer, Andrew, 50. Farnsworth, Amos, 77, 88, 94, 95, 99, no. Farnsworth, Major Amos (son), mili- tary record of, 77, 81, 82 ; ancestry of, 78 ; marriage of, 78 ; children of, 78; diary of, 83-n3. Farnsworth, Benjamin, 88, 89, 94, 95. Farnsworth, Claudius Buchanan, 82. Farnsworth, David, n9. Farnsworth, John, n9. Farnsworth, John Prescott, 82. Farnsworth, Jonas, 100. Farnsworth, Luke, 82. Farnsworth, Lydia, no. Farnsworth, Lydia (Longley), 77. Farnsworth, Matthias, 77. Farnsworth, Rachel, 98. Farnsworth, William, n9. Farrington [Ferrington],Capt. Thomas, company of, 52, 54, 117, 118. " Farrington's Roll," n8. Farwell, Capt. Henry, company of, 77, 80-82,84,88. Farwell, Joseph, 8. Farwell, Mary, 98. Farwill, Oliver, n9. Farwill, William, n9. 26 Index Fascine Battery, the, at Louisburg, 17, 18, 22, 24, 27. Fassett, Samuel, 50. Fayervveather, Rev. Samuel, 29, 35. First New York Regiment, the, 73. First Provincial Congress of Massa- chusetts, the, 79. Fisk, James, 118. Fisk, Josiah, 119. Fisk, Rev. Mr., 100. Fletcher, Captain, 29. Fletcher, Jonathan, 37. Follicumburrer, Landlord, 49. Foot, Captain, 54. Ford, Capt. John, company of, 112. Foster, Henry, 54. Fourth Massachusetts Regiment, the, 4, 18, 24. French, the, 11, 14, 18, 20, 21, 23, 29, 36, 54, 59-65. French and Indian War, the, 9, 53, 68, 79; Sergt. David Holden's diary kept during, 41-74. Fry, Capt. James, 6, 30, 31, 37. Fry, John, 6. Frye, Col. James, 117, it8. Frye, James Jr., 118. G. Gabarus [Chapeau Rouge] Bay, 8, 13. Gage, Thomas, 90, 93. Galloway, Richard, 58. See Gattoway, Kicliard. Gates, Captain, company of, 113. Gates, Mr., 113. Gates, Stephen, 119. Gates, Stephen, Jr., 119. Gattoway, Richard, 58. See Gallotvay, Richard. George, Fort, 112, 113. George II., King, 49,62, 69. Georgetown, Mass., 91. Gillson, Abel, 46. Gillson, Daniel, 46. Gillson, Joseph, 118. Gillson, Peter, 119. Gilson, Amasa, in. Glasgow [Blandford, Mass.], 49, 52. Glasgow, Mount of, 49. Gloucester, Mass., 35. Goodale, Mr., 113. Goodfrey, Sergeant, 15. Goodil, Mr., 112. Goodridge, Rev. Mr., 84. Gorham [Goreham], Colonel, 18, 21. Gorham, Maine, 3, 8. Gould, Corp. Benjamin, 34. Gragg, Jacob, 118. Gragg, John, 118. Graham, James, 112. Graham, Major, 72, 74. Grand Battery, the, at Louisburg, 14, 15, 19, 22, 24, 29. Grand Diable, 62, 66. Graves, John, 113. Great Barrington, Mass., 112. Green, John, 36, 37. Green, Nathaniel, 54, 118. Green, Oliver, 27, 31. Green, William, 103, 118. Greenbush, N. Y., 49, 50, 54, "2. Greenwood, Dexter, 44. Greenwood, Mary (Holden), 44. Green-Woods, 49. " Groton, History of," Butler's, 8, 44, 84. Groton, Mass., 4, 5, 7, 8, 27, 36, 37, 43, 47, 48, 51 ' 52. 54. 70, 77-S2, 90, 94, 97, no, n2, n5, n7-n9. Groton, Vt., n7. Groton Artillery, the, 82. "Groton during the Revolution," 81, 84, 87, 88. Groton Historical Series, 7, 8, n5. Groton School, 43. Guilman, Major, n, 12. H. Hale, Captain, 17. Hale, David, 44. Half Moon, 50, 52. Hall, Benjamin H., " History of East- ern Vermont " by, 6, 7. Hammond, Captain, company of, 49. Harrington, Nathan, 119. Harrington, Richard, n9. Harskels, Capt. Samuel, 48. Hart, Captain, company of, 58. Hart, Dr. John, 91. Index 27 Hartwel, Jonathan, 51. Hartvvell, Joseph, 51. Hartwill, Oliver, 1 18. Harvard, Mass., 47, 48, 105. Hatfield, Joseph, 55. Haverhill, N. H., 108, 119. Haverland, Colonel, 58, 63, 67. Havery, Rev. Mr., see Avery, J^ev. Mr. Hawks, Major, 51, 56, 58. Hawkton, Captain, company of, 73. Hawood, Samuel, 50. Hayward, Ephraim, 6. Hazen, Captain, Rangers of, 64. Heald, John, 51, 53. Hemenway, Rev. Phinehas, 43. Hemenway, Sarah, 43. Hemenway, Sarah (Stevens), 43. Herrin, Samuel, 66. Hiber, George, 51. Hildreth, Thomas, 49, 52. Hill, Gen. A. Harleigh, 117. Hobart, Ann (Bradstreet), 4. Hobart, Jonathan, see Hubbard, Jona- than. Hobart, Samuel, 4. Hodge, Major, 11. Hodgman, " History of Westford," by, 105. Hog Island, 86. Hoit, Elisha, iii. Holden, Artemas, 44. Holden [Holdin], Betsey, 44, 46. Holden [Holdin], Sergt. David, ances- try of, 43 ; marriage of, 43 ; death of, 44 ; children of, 44 ; diary of, 45-74. Holden, David (son^), 44. Holden, David (son 2), 44. Holden, Jabez, 98. Holden [Holdin], Jonathan, 54, 118. Holden, John, 43. Holden, Joshua, 44. Holden, Lavinia, 44. Holden, Mary, 44. Holden, Phinehas Hemenway, 44. Holden, Rachel (Farnsworth), 98. Holden, Sarah, 44. Holden, Sarah (Davis), 43. Holden, Sarah (Hemenway), 43, 44. Holden, Stephen, 43. Holden, Sylvanus, 44. Holden [Holdin], Lieut. William, 37, 57- Holdin, Polly, 46. Hollis, N. H., 4, 43, 44, 98, 99. Horley, Capt. James, company of, 8r, 82. Hubart, Sheb., 118. Hubart, William, 118. Hubbard, , 32. Hubbard, Captain, 36, 38. Hubbard [Hubard, Hobart], Adj. Jonathan, 6, 8, 24. Hubbard, Mary (Patterson), 90. Hubbard, Nathan, 90. Hubbard, Phineas, 90, 91. Hubby, Mr., 58. Hudson River, the, 73, 112. Humphrey, Anna, 8. Huston, John, 6. Hustone, Caleb, 49, 50. Hutchins [Hutchings], Captain, com- pany of, 48, 49, 54, 57. I. Independence, Mount, in. Indians, the, 11,12, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 28, 36, 54, 55. 58> 64, 65, 79. Ingalson, Lieutenant Colonel, 74. Ingersoll, Lieutenant Colonel, 54, 55, 56, 58, 68, 69. Ingolson, Widow, 49. Inniskilling Regiment, 67, 68. Ipswich, Mass., ic6. Island Battery, the, at Louisburg, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22-26, 34, 37. Isle au Noix, 58, 59, 62, 64, 66-68. Isle La Motte, Vt., 59. J- Jacho's Mill, 99. Jakson, Captain, company of, 49, 54. Jaquis, Captain, 16. Jaquith's, 99. Jefford, Captain, company of, 54. Jenks [Jinks], Capt. Samuel, company of, 52, 56 ; diary of, 46. Jewett, Benjamin, 113. 128 Index Jewett, Betsey, 44. Johnson, 39. Johnson Qohson], Ephraim, 52. Johnson, General, 55. Johnson, James, 65. Johnson, Capt. Noah, 53. Johnson, Susanna, 65. Johnson, Susanna (daughter), 65. Jonas, Captain, company of, 55. Jones, Peter, 55. K. Keazer, Moses, 119. Kemp family, the, 3. Kemp [Kimp], Abel, 118. Kemp, Anna (Humphrey), 8. Kemp [Kaemp], David, 8, 51, 53. Kemp, Dudley Bradstreet, 8. Kemp, Ebenezer, 3, 4, 8. Kemp, Ebenezer, Jr., 8. Kemp [Kimp, Keemp], Ephraim, 54, 119. Kemp [Kimp], Hezekiah, 118. Kemp, Mary (Bradstreet), 3, 4, 8. Kemp, Relief (Phillips), 8. Kemp [Kimp], Samuel, 119. Kemp, Sarah Colburn, 8. Kemp [Kimp], Silas, 118. Kemp, Willis Bradstreet, 8. Kendall [Kindall], Jabez, 119. Kent, Isaac, 18, 21, 32. Kidder, Isaac, 45. Kidder, John, 45. Kidder, Lucy, 45. Kindel, Jabez, Jr., 119. Kinderhook, N. Y., 49, 50, 112. King, Lieutenant, 52. Kingman, Mr., 113. Kittery, Maine, 13. Lakin, Abigail, 4. Lakin, Corp. Jonathan, 18, 28, 31, 34. Lakin, Lydia, 36. Lancaster, Mass., 5, 7, 33, 35, 36, 112, 119. Langdon, Dr. Samuel, 27,84,85,91,92. Larnard, Colonel, regiment of, 83. Lasley, James, 119. Lasley, William, 118. Lawrence, Capt. Asa, 80, 82. Lawrence, Jonathan, 51. Lawrence, Sarah, 108. Lawrence, Col. William, 7, 117, 118. Leason, Mr., 113. Lechmere's Point, 84, 86. Leonard, Rev. Abiel, 92-94. Lester, 48. Lew, Barzillai, 117, 119. Lew, Primus, 119. " Lewiston Journal," the, 10. Lexington, Mass., 77-79, 81, 83, 119. Lighthouse Battery, the, at Louisburg, 24. Ligonier [Legenier] Bay Harbor, 59. Limerick, N. H., 82. Lincoln, Mass., 51, 91. Linsey, Peter, 58. Little, Colonel, regirtient of, 85. Littleton, Mass., 44, 50, 51, 53,61, 119. Longley, Lydia, 77. Longley, Mary, 97. Longley, William, 97. Longley's Island, 98, 99. Longmeadow, Mass., 9, 32. Long wood, Mass., 91. Louisburg, the Siege of, Lieut. Dudley Bradstreet's diary kept during, 1-39, 115, 116. Louisburg Harbor, 12, 19. Lovejoy, Landlord, 49. Lovell, Esquire, 98. Lowell, Mass., 44. Lower Coos, N. H., 108. " Loyalists of the American Revolu- tion," Sabine's, 29. Lunenburg, Mass., 104. Luns, William, 98. M. McClentuc, John, 37. McCoy, Peter, 74. McFaling, Capt. Daniel, company of, 51- McFarland, Andrew, 118. McFarland, Margrat, 118. Machias, Maine, 100. Index I 29 Mcintosh, Archibald, 45. McKinson, Donald, 74. McLain, Sir Allen, company of, 73. Maine Historical Society, the, 9, 10. Majery, Corporal, 60. Maiden, Mass., 86, 87. Manchester, N. H., 8. Marblehead, Mass., 22. Margaret's Bay, 12. Martin, Captain, company of, 52, 55, 58, 66, 67. " Massachusetts," the frigate, 29. Massachusetts Archives, the, 7, 44. Massachusetts Historical Society, the, 3' 5> 9> 45 ; " Proceedings " of, 46, 117- Massachusetts House of Representa- tives, Journal of the, 115, 116. Matthews, William, 68. Maxwell, Thompson, 51,61. Mayhew, Captain, 34. Medford, Mass., 86. Melvin, Capt. David, 13, 19-22. Middlesex County, Mass., 44'. Middlesex Regiment, the, 79. Middlesex Registry of Probate, the, 7. Miller, Captain, 6. Miller, Fort, 51, 53. Mills, Captain, company of, 112. Minute-men, 78-81. Monroe [MunRow], Mr., 67, 69. Montereef, Captain, 72. Montgomery's Regiment, 71-74- Montreal, 60, 64-67. Moody, Rev. Samuel, 27, 28. Mooer, Colonel, 19. Moor, Capt. Joseph, 82. Morris, George, 55. Murray, General, 63, 64. "Muster Rolls, 1760-1761," 44. Muyncher, Lieutenant, 74. Mystic [Medford, Mass.], 86. Mystic River, the, 90, 92. N. Nashua, N. H., 99. Nashua River, the, 88, 98. "New-England Historical & Genea- logical Register, The," 5, 8, 9, 27, 34, 37- t New Hampshire Regiment, the, 57, 58, 61, 66, 68. New Haven, Conn., 32. New Jersey Troops, the, 51, 72, 74. New York Troops, the, 51,72. Newbury, Mass., 17, 85. Newcastle, the Duke of, 9. Newell, Rev. Mr., 104. Newington, Conn., 38. Newman, Rev. John, 35-38. Newmarch, John, 13. Ninth Massachusetts Regiment, the, 27, 34. 37- Nixon, Col. John, regiment of, 86. Noble, Captain, 20. Noble, Rev. Oliver, 85. Noddle's Island, 86, 87. Norcross, George, 38. Norwood, Mass., 12. Nutten, John, iii. Nutting, Ebenezer, 118. Nutting, Isaac, 118. Nutting, Jacob, 9. Nutting, Capt. John, company of, 89. Nutting, Jonas, 119. O. Ogden, Captain, company of Rangers, 68. Omsted, Captain, 6. Osgood, Colonel, 117. Oswego, N. Y., 55. Page, Captain, 69. Page, Joseph, 118. Page, Joseph, Jr., 118. Palmer, Mass., 48. Parker, Abigail (Sawtell), 97. Parker, Abijah, 118. Parker, Captain, company of, 11: Parker, Dr. Isaiah, 102, 105. Parker, John, 9, in. Parker, Sergt. Jonas, 61. Parker, Joseph, 97, 119. Parker, Levi, in. Parker, Mary, 97. I30 Index Parker, Nehemiah, 113. Parker, Phinehas, 37. Parker, Robert, 118. Parker, Sergeant, iii. Parker, Simon, 119. Parker, Solomon, 119. Parker, William, 118. Parker, William, Jr., 118. Parker, Zachariah, 118. Parkman Papers, the, 9. Patt, David, 45. Patt, James, 45. Patt, John, 1 19. Patt, Jonathan, 45. Patt, Lemuel, 119. Patt, Sybel, 45. Patterson, Clerk, 24, 26. Patterson, Mary, 90. Pees, Landlord, 49. Peirce, John, 30. Pembroke, N. H., 44. Penny Ferry, 87. Pepperell, Mass., 9, 84, 89, 118, 119. Pepperell bridge, 98. Pepperell minute-men, 89. Pepperrell Papers, the, 3, 5. Pepperrell, Sir William, 13, 115. Perry, Rev. Joseph, 108. Perry, Obadiah, 119. Perry, Sarah (Lawrence), 108. Perscatua [Piscataqua], 19. Perscatua privateers, the, 12, 13. Person, Landlord, 48. Peterborough, 70. Pettengill, Nathaniel, 6. Philip's War, 79. Phillips, John, 33. Phillips, Relief, 8. Pierce, Capt. Abiel, 55. Pierce, Jonathan, 51. Pierce [Pirce], Capt. Joshua, 18, 119. Pirce, Stephen, 118. Pirce, William, X19. Plats, Captain, company of, 73. Ploughed Hill, 91, 92. Pollard, Benjamin, 49, 50. Pollard, Jonathan, 52, 53. Pollard, Joseph, 52. Pomroy, Major, 6. Portland, Maine, ic. Port Royal, 19, 21. Pote, Capt. William, Jr., "Journal" of, 9. Powers, Rev. Peter, 108. Pratt, Jonathan, 4. Pratt, Lieutenant, 113. Pratt, Lucy (Bradstreet), 4. Prescott, Col. Oliver, regiment of, 80, 84, 89, 91. Prest, Mr., 113. Price, Henry, 45. Price, Polly, 46. Priest, Timothy, 51. Procter, Josiah, 50. Procter, Sergt. Peter, 50. Proctor, Elizabeth, 46. Proctor, Ephraim, 17, 30. Proctor, Isaac, 46. Proctor, Jacob, 38. Proctor, Rachel, 45. Proctor, Rebecca, 45. Prout, Commissary, 12. Provincial Congress, the, 80, 81. Putnam, Col. Israel, regiment of, 92. Putnam, N. Y., 112. Putnam's Point, N. Y., 54, 55, 58. R. Radkau [Rideau], Ligonier, 58. Raimond, Freeborn, 49, 52, 53. Ramsdell, John, 37. Rand, John, 30. Randal, Corp. Benjamin, 31. Ransley, Colonel, 50. Read, Benjamin, 46. Read, Howard, 46. Read, Jesse, 105. Read, Joel, 46. Read [Reed], Jonathan, regiment of, 82, 112. Read, Levi, 46. Read, Patty, 46. Read, Rachel, 46. Read, Thaddeus, 61. "Return of Men," the, 117. Revolutionary War, the, 4, 8, 78, 79 ; diary of Lieut. Amos Farnsworth kept during, 75-113. Rhode Island, 12. Ind ex Rhode Island troops, the, 51, 52, 54-57, 68, 69, 72. Rice, Mr., 113. Richardson, Captain, 34. Richmond, Colonel, 11, 13. Rindge, N. H., 82. Robins, Ephraini, iii. Robinson, John, 51, 61. Rockingham, 71. Rockwood, Elijah, 1 19. Rockwood, Elisha, 78. Rockwood, Elizabeth, 78. Rockwood, Elizabeth (Adams), 78. Rogers, Maj. Robert, 53, 54, 56, 62, 63. Rogers Rangers, the, 53-57, 60-62, 66-68. Roggers, Capt. James, 54. Rolf, Benjamin, iig. Rolf, Benjamin, Jr., iig. Ross, Ezra, 106. Rouse, Captain, 22, 27, 28. Rouse, Commodore, 12. Roxbury, Mass., 13, 83, 93. Royal Highland Regiment, the, 51, 53, 57.71- Royal Hospital, the, 36-38. Ruggles, Brig. Gen. Timothy, company of, 55. 56, 65, 69. Rumrill, David, 52. Runnells's mill, 99. Russell, Peletiah, 82. S. Sabine, "Loyalists of the American Revolution," by, 29. St. Fran9ois [Franciways], 65. St. Johns, Can., 53, 54, 58, 60, 62-64, 66, 67. St. Johns, N. S., 16, 29. St. Lawrence River, the, 64, 65. St. Peters, N. S., 12, 16. Saint Therese, Can., 63, 66. Sanderson, Gideon, 30, 35, 37. Saratoga, N. Y., 51, 53, 112. Sartill, Richard, 119. Sawtell, Abigail, 97. Sawtell [Sartill], David, 54, 119. Sawtell, Jonathan, 82. Sawtell, Sergeant, in. Scattaree Island, N. S., 38. Schenectady, N. Y., 71. Schuyler Island, N. Y., 59. Second Massachusetts Regiment, the, 13- Second New York Regiment, the, y;^. Serjeant, Landlord, 48. Seventeenth Massachusetts Regiment, the, 61. Sewall's Point, 91. Shattuck, Capt. Job, company of, 81, 82, 110-113. Shattuck, John, 118. Shattuck, Joshua, 112. Shattuck, Mr., 113. Shattuck, Moses, 53. Shaw, Landlord, 48. Shead [Shedd], Jonathan, 37. Shead, Oliver, 119. Shead, Samuel, 5, 36, 37. Shead, William, 119. Shed, Amos, 1 10. Shed, Lydia (Farnsworth), no. Shed, William, no, Sheffield, Mass., 49. Sheple, John, 36. Sheple, Jonathan, 36. Shirley, Mass., 97, 103,104, 112, 119. Shirley, Gov. William, 5-7,9, 33-35; message of, 115, 116. Shores, Captain, 58. Shrewsbury, Mass., 119. Sixth Regiment of Militia, the, 82. Skeen [Schean], Major, 54, 67. Small, Lieutenant, 58, Smith, Capt. Jonathan, 27,34-37. Smith, Joshua, 45. Smith, Nathaniel, 36, 37. Smith, William, 87, 88. Smothers, Captain, 29. Snelling, Captain, 22, 28. "Snow-shoe men," the, 115, 116. Snow-shoes, first used by soldiers, 115. Somerville, Mass., 91. Sorel [Surrell], 65. Sorel [Surrell], River, 64, 65. Spalding [Spoldin], Corporal, n2. Spear, Rev. Samuel, 37. Spooner, Bathsheba, 106. Spooner, Joshua, 106. Springfield, Mass., 45, 49, 112. 132 Index Springfield Plain, Mass., 48. Squannacook Village, Mass., 45. Stearns, Benjamin, 35. Stevens, Capt. James, 6, 19. Stevens, John, 46. Stevens, Jonas, 70. Stevens, Josiah, 119. Stevens, Martha, 119. Stevens, Mollie, 46. Stevens, Samuel, 46. Stevens, William, 46, 119. Stillman, Rev. Samuel, 105. Stillwater, N. Y., 112. Stockbridge, Mass., 88. Stoddard, N. H., 82. Stone, Abigail, 98, 99. Stone, Dea. James, 98. Stone, Jonas, 119. Stone, Lieutenant, 62. Stone, Mary (Farwell), 98. Stone, Timothy, 82. Storer, Col. John, 9. Stow, Mass., 119. Stratton, Sergt. John, 37, 38. Strong, Elisha, 6. Suffolk Regiment, the, 79. Swan, Captain, 12. Swan, Mr., 70. Swan, William, 82. Tarbell, Capt. Samuel, 115, 116. Tarbell, Capt. Thomas, 7. Tarbell's mills, 45. Taylor, Abraham, 49, 50. Taylor, Joseph, in. Taylor, Leonard, in. Temple, N. H., 80. Thatcher, Rev. Mr., 102, 106, 107. Thaxter, Rev. Joseph, 84, 88. Thayer, Rev. Mr., 108. Third New York Regiment, the, 73. Thomas, Colonel, 66, 68, 73. Thomas, William, 20, 26, 27, 30, 33. Ticonderoga, N. Y., 54, 55, 57, 66, 67 ; 69, 82, III, 112. Tinbrooks [TimBrooks], Mr., 72, 74. Titcom, Major, 23, 25. Tomson, Lieutenant, 112. Townsend, Mass., 43, 45, 51, 7°. 81, 82, 87,88, 119. Toy, Captain, company of, 112, 113. Toy, Mr., 113. Treadwell, Samuel, 61. Trowbridge, John, 118. Trull, David, 51. Trumbel, Joseph, 37. Turner, Abner, 119. Turner, Eliab, 1 19. Turner, Henry, 46. Twist, Timothy, 50. Ty [Tie, Ticonderoga], in, 112. Tyng, Capt. Edward, 18, 22, 29, 30, 33. Tvringham, Mass., 49. u. Underwood, Ensign, 113. " Union," the sloop, 34. V. Va.nornom, Captain, 50. w. Waldo, Brig. Gen. Samuel, 6. Walker, John, 51. Walker, Mr., 112. Wallis, Isaac, 46. Wallis, Jonathan, 46. Wallis, Suse, 46. Wallis, Sybel, 46. Walter, Rev. Nathaniel, 13. Warner, Capt. John, company of, 4-6, 1 1- 1 3, 15, 16, 24, 26, 29, 30, 34. Warren, Abijah, 118. Warren, Isaac, in. Warren, Commodore Peter, n, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 25, 26. Watertown, Mass., 91. Watson, Mr., 90. Webster, Lieutenant, 25. Webster, Rev. Samuel, 80. Wells, Maine, 9, 10. Wesson, Capt. Ephraim, 117. West Groton, Mass., 45. Index 133 Westfield, Mass., 49, 51, 112. Westford, Mass., 44, 48-51, 61, 105. " Westford, History of," Hodgman's, 105. Weston, Mass., 118, 119. • Wetherbe, Captain, 31. Weymouth, Mass., 86. Wheeler, Captain, company of, 113. Wheelock [Whelock], Commissary Anthony, 45, 48. Whipple, Eleazor, 113. Whitcombe, Colonel, company of, 58. Whitcome, Rev. Mr., 88. Whitemore, Rev. Mr., 100. Whiting, Capt. Leonard, company of, 43.44.47-49.51-56.61,69. Whitmore Regiment, the, 68. Whitney, Rev. Phineas, 100, 104. Whittemore, Peletiah, 54. Wier, Jeremiah, 82. Wilder, Capt. Joseph, 116. Willard, Maj. Caleb, 54. Willard, Captain, 24, 26, 29. Willard, Henry, 119. Willard, Col. Josiah, 7. Willard, Col. Samuel, 5-8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 24, 27,30,31, 35,68. Willcutt, Ensign Emerson, 55. Williams, Rev. Elisha, 28-33, 35- Williams, Isaac, ui. Williams, Jonathan, 119. Williams, Rev. Stephen, 32 ; manu- script journal of, 9. Williamson, Colonel, 73. Williamson, Hon. John, 10. Willson, John, 46. Willson, Joseph, 46. Willson, Sarah, 46. Willson, Sergeant, 16. Wilson, Benjamin, 119. Wilson, Benjamin, Jr., 119. Winnisimit Ferry, 86, 87. Winslow, Commissary, 16, 17. Wintsworth, Captain, company of, 54. Woburn, Mass., 50, 51. Wood, Lemuel, diary of, 46. Woods, Ebenezer, 119. Woods, Sergt. John, 18, 31, 33, 34- Woods, Ruben, 1 18. Woods, Ruben, Jr., u8. Woodstock, Conn., 92. Woolcut, Landlord, 48. Worcester, Mass., 45, 48, 50, 106, 112. Worster, Benjamin, 51. Wright, John, 30, 36, 37. Wyman, Anna, 46. Wyman, Huldy, 46. Wyman, Matthew, 36, 37. Wyman, Samuel, 46. Wyman, Uzziah, 46. York, Maine, 27, 54. Yorkshire, 71. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS