fmi "-iiiiMj^, ^AfiAj o-C AJdvu tl^^dA/ C^r-f N OO^ Class ^ .hiiMl^s - Mi GOVERNOR HENRY ROBERTS. H TJAIL to the Chief." goes forth the strain ; ^ ^ Governor Roberts is his name. With rarest qualities endowed, Connecticut of hiui may well be proud. State matters he decides with care. With tact and judgment which is rare. As governor he is just the thing ; As man, hark, listen, his praises ring. ROLLIN S. WOODRUFF. ROL.L.IE is a good chap; Rollie is a king; Many want him governor and his praises sing. Speaker of the Senate; politician fair. Friend to ail tlie public, who will land him there. President of C. S. Mersick Co., stock and nerve of steel; Thoroughly a "Good fellow." all the people feel. Receiver for Howe & Stetson; busines.s man throughout. "Give three cheers for WOODRUFF, "all the people shout. PRESIDENT ARTHUR T. HADLEY. TJIGH wisdom's hand has writ a name, •^ ^ 'Tis that of Hadley, known to fame. Over Yale college, tried and true, 'Tis writ in letters white and blue. Honored. resi>ected, liked by all, A worthy man for a worthy call. '■ Light and Tiuth,'" your motto lias been. It never fails, — you are bound to win. FRANK C. BUSHNELL. ONE of New Haven's vei->- best men, He's always on hand for business, when — There's money in it; but he loves his farm, And thinks there is no harm — In raising- stocli, and selling Groceries, too, Keeping the interest of his patrons in view; He loves the Economic club, you bet. But there's nothing like "the Farm" as yet. There lies his joy and comfort. HON. MAX ADLER. MANUFACTURER, philanthropist, clubman; Good Friend Adier now you see. A most successful life is his. And may it always be. He makes fine corsets for the trade; They are bound with string, you see. May the cords of friendship he has drawn, Forever closer be. FRED C. FiSKE. COMMISSIONER of Department ot Real Estate, Of Right of Way. and Taxes, Our good friend Fislce is a busy man. For his duty never iaxes. With our big steam railroad he has scored a hit. He is liked by young and old; He's a man of brains, of snap and vim; He's a man of "The Roosevelt Mould." "H- SAMIEL S. SANFORD. TERE'S to good OLD YALE," the boys all sing, As the praises o£ Prof. Sanford upwards ring-. Glee clubs come and glee clubs go; Seeds of harmony he doth sow. (Theorist, composer, performer, he; Famed scholar of ability now you see. Loved by all who know him best. And very much liked by all the rest. ALDEN M. YOUNG. A SELF-MADE man is A. M. Young, By hard work gained his fame. President of the Branford Water Co. And in trolley roads his name Stands for the best of service, His host of friends all claim. At Piue Orchard is his liandsome home, •• The Anchorage" by name. JOHN HENNEY. TN foreign lands he's traveled much ; ■'• With a rifle he hits the mark. He can ride a horse from morn till night And think it quite a lark. He"s a lover of art for art's true sake : Full many famed pictures has he. He has picked them up all around the world On his trips by land and sea. SAMUEL L. BRONSON. ALL hail, an honest Judge and Lawyer, Who gave the lie to old Dan Sawyer; Who claimed "that Justice was bought and sold. In exchange for hollow fame and gold. He loves his auto, and his noble horse. Rare pictures, everything in art, of course; A literary genius, he reads the daily news And keeps well posted on other people's views. CHARLES E. GRAHAM. lOMES from a town just west of here; Hard by the harbor's front; And where they made him senator, Rejoicing at the stunt. Let's g-ive three cheers for C. E. G., Each one tal^es up tlie call. Successful as a business man, Evading- limit's wall. General in charge of his foundry. Reaching broad and far. A commander of industry, Happy his laborers are. A noble son of sire famed. Made by the initials, — the man is named. ALFRED E. HAMMER. Tin'ANUFACTURER of iron fittings and known to all ; ■'•"■*■ The smoke pours out from his chimneys tall. He's a business man with a business way, Just and fair, which alone does pay. In the town of Branford he stands tip-top With his great, big Malleable Iron shop. He has many friends who like him well. Take a look at the picture, for the rest it will tell. JUDGE LYNDE HARRISON. ABOVE you see the picture of a man Most worthy of the name. Whose good deeds must forever live, And hand him down to fame. As judge, as lawyer, scholar he Has earned in life a place. A genial gentleman throughout, He's an honor to the race. WALTER CAMP. TN baseball, football, and eveiy game, ■'■ Your name is known to all. Athletic adviser of all Yale sports, You answer to the call. As business man you too excel : You're a winner in each line. There's a friendly thought for you each hour, As your clocks point out the time. JACOB P. GOODHART. GOOI>HART'S name is known to all As lawyer of renown. With wit and wisdom he's replete; No finer in the town. Though shrewd and sharp; He's fair and just. He ne'er belies his name. He treats alike both rich and poor, In his onward march to fame. tqris FRANK L. STILES. IS said that man is made from clay. Of Stiles 'tis doubly true; For while he's made from clay himself, So is his money too. With horse and auto he beguiles The time when work is done; In politics great laurels he — Has for his party won. PRENTICE W. CHASE. INTERPRETER of the Nation's law, ■*• And also those of State. To be a great man Mr. Chase Seems destined by kind fate. All corporations look on him As stay in time of trial. All rivals in his chosen line He beats bv nianv a mile. GEN. GEORGE M. HARMON. TN business life he's met success, •*• lu social life as well. Of his generous and kindly ways, His friends delight to tell. His steeds of blood and pedigree He drives with steady hand. As gentleman of high degree, His name will always stand. BAYES QIINCY TROWBRIDGE. THIS is our friend Hayes Quincy, Of old historic name; In real estate adventures. He is winning place and fame. In pony polo circles too, He's known as sure and swift; At the Country Club in leisure hours. The golf ball he does lift. SIDNEY PERLIN BUTLER. PUT down nine and carry three; Our friend Butler now you see. Manager of well known business college, Where is taught most useful knowledge. Educator, teacher, friend, ■To all pupils parents send. Thinks golf and fishing both good sport. Professor Butler's the proper sort. HERBERT SMITH. /^ ENERAL manager of National Wire Corporation, ^^ His goods go forth to every nation. Yachting, fishing and shooting take some of his time, So we give them a place in this small rhyme. Of curios, old coins, and art he's a judge ; He spends money for these which lie does not begrudge. He's a popular man and stands well with all. You will meet a good fellow when you give him a call. GEORGE B. BUNNELL. LL A MUSBMENT KING," known far and wide; /* His tlie-aters liave brouglit him fame. From pit to dome the people shout, '■Bunnell, Bunnell,"— his name. Shrewd business man. both smart and just; Manager of New Haven Theater. Every play upon the boards, Is always a first rater. LOLIS E. STODDARD. A MAN of ability, energy, merit; Qualities all. which our friend did inherit. A broker who has for himself won a name, Which anyone might be proud of the same. A lover of sport, for sport's true sake; With pony polo record which few can make. A fisherman skillful; a rifle shot true; As jolly a club man as ever you knew. JOHN MORAN. COMMISSION broker and operator well known, He lias offices all over the state. Fair and honorable treatment in his dealings to all, No wonder his standing's first rate. He was born in the West Indies and has traveled a lot. He's a man of splendid judgment and fame. When in want of advice on a question of stocks. It's a wise thing to remember his name. JOHN B. KENNEDY. KENNEDY'S a man of parts. Of parts his business, too. WTien autoist has come to grief, This statement's proven true. On broncho he rides cross the plain. In true rough rider style; At home the Foot Guards take some time. He's busy all the while. DAVID S. WALTON, JR. THIS is Friend Dave of paper-box fame. There's no use of talldng, you've all heard the name. Of the N. F. B. & P. Co., the treasurer is he. He's as busy a man as ever can be. He's a grad. of old Princeton and a lover of sport, For a companion at hunting he is the right sort. At tennis, at fishing, or riding, he's good. He's verv well liked, be it understood. HENRY WADE ROGERS. DEAN of Yale Law School and scholar of note, Whose decisions ou matters the "Legal Lights" quote. A speaker of note and an orator true, He's an honor and credit to the college of " Blue." As an author of law books, he's known far and wide, To his pupils, a teacher and friend beside. As a man he is just and his friends they are legion. He's a man who's a credit to this whole region. PIERREPONT B. FOSTER. npHERE may be better sports than driving ■^ Horses hitched up tandem, But if there are such things about, He's so far failed to find them. Still he business joins with pleasure. In a manner most intent. For the strenuous and active life, His mind is clearly bent. HENRY HILLMAN. THIS is one of Our Selectmen, Henry Hillman is his name. A "Rattling" Good Fellow; A man of ice cream fame. A maker of fine candy. And a lover of good sport. At anything he is handy. He is the proper sort. A man who loves a game of cards; His favorite game, "pinochle," And as he melds 1000 aces. You'd ought to hear him chuclJe. 44 EDWARD F. THOMPSON. No time to kill." his motto. This County Commissioner fair; Although when baseball strikes the town, You're sure to find him there. His auto, too, is a delight When business cares are done, At Union League he does relax; Hard workers need some fun. SHERWOOD S. THOMPSON. BEHOLD "A Model Baker;" A police commissioner as well. A man who is a good fellow, As any one can tell. Producer of the finest bread; Lover of rod and gun. May he always tread the flowery path, In life so well begun. CLAREINCE P. WILSON. ONE of our well known business men, And a man whose judgment is keen; Look at Ills big insurance business, For there the results are seen. A man who loves a quiet home life. When his business cares are done. A man who an expert horseman is. And in driving finds much fun. a FRED VON BEREN. MAX is Architect of His Fate;" Construe it as you may. * ^ Above you see our friend Von Beren. He's surely made life pay. Designer of skill and judgment; He is known about the land. Our public schools and T. M. C. A. Are examples here at hand. FRANK WILCOX. THE handsome restaurant at Savin Rock Has made this name well known. 'Tis located over the water front, Which gives it pure ozone. Finest viands from sea and shore, All the people say. Cooked in the daintiest manner known — That is " The Wilcox Way." JACOB D. WALTER. FROM Cheshire town he came one day, A jolly good chap, people say. He landed quick a commissioner's berth; New Haven County knew his worth. He's served it well for several years And will so continue, have no fears. Just, fair and upright, all proclaim: We Give "Three Cheers" for Walter's Name. JAMES F. TOOLE. 'T'HIS is the manager of Duncan Hall ; •'■ Of Pequot House as well. An energetic business man As anyone can tell. He is an Elk and a K. of C. He ranks Al with all. Whenever in need of a most select place Just give Mine Host Toole a call. CARLETON E. HOADLEY. HEALTH is riches, riches rare. Must be watched with earnest care. Ounce of prevention more than all cure; Health OflRcer Hoadiey's always sure. Attorney of standing; bright as a dollar, He is popular both as a man and a scholar. As national R. A. Secretary, winner of fame, We'll toast to the health of our health officer's name. VALDEMAR T. HAMMER. A MAN of iron, work and will, ■*^ Of Malleable iron note. In Branford town he may be found ; His virtues there they quote. In coins old delight he finds, And other ancient lore. When work is done his auto Waits his pleasure at the door. JOHN COX. r^OX has a hotel ^^ Down upon tlie bay. Where he serves up dinners In good old-fashioned way. Treats us all like princes ; Uses us so fine, That we go there again, When we wish to dine. EDWARD L. HEARN. NOTED leader of noted band, Your praises now \ve sing. Hark liow eacli hill, each rock, each crag; All gladsome welkins ring. From north to south: from east to west; Your valiant Knights are found. And one and all proclaim your praise, Hark, listen to the sound. Supreme Knight of an Order famed; "Knights of Columbus" they're rightly named. Tour work is faithful; your way is just. Behold the results,— they speak for the rest. CLARK L. SMEDLEY. ABOVE, one of our busiest men you see : An earnest worker, Clark Smedley. From morn till night he is on the move, But not for himself, as I can prove. He"s a jolly good man with a right good will. Of moving, and moving, he sure has his fill. With auto and trucks, you will find his worth, When your goods are a-going to find a new berth. CLARK L SMEDLEY. ABOVE, one of our busiest men you see : An earnest worker, Clark Smedley. From morn till nis^ht he is on the move, But not for himself, as I eao prove. He's a jolly good man with a right good will. Of moving, and moving, he sure has his fill. With auto and trucks, you will find his wortli, When your goods are a-going to find a new berth. WALTER SCOTT. WALTER SCOTT of tlie Waverly lun Enjoys a fame no other can win ; Jovial, happy, honest and free, He is liing of hosts all men agree. Among relics galore of a former day He cherishes most his ancient " shay." His country seat in Cheshire town Is praised by guests the world around. CHAS. F. PHIZENMAYER. BEHOLD a man of brawn and brain ; An attorney and wrestler too. He made his mark for Good Old Yale And brought honor to the blue. In autos he speeds round the town. It is his greatest treat. He is always ready for a race And is certainly hard to beat. HENRY CLARK. THERE'S a house on the bay that's controlled in a way That reminds one of home and the food he gets there. They use you just right— (as they say) " Out of sight." The Double Beach is a hotel in these days most rare. Henry Clark is the host and he differs from most ; Considerate, painstaking, careful and just. House and landlord a pair, with reputation most fair. You ne'er saw their equal, concede it you must. ADAM SATTIG. FRIEND Sattig is a jolly chap, As his many friends attest. He works from morn till late at night And seldom gets a rest. Of Butchers' Association, state and local, Mr. Sattig has a place. When there's anything a-doing in the old eighth ward, You will find him in the race. JOHN ST. LAURENCE. How dear to the heart Is St. Laurence's Hill's Homestead ; On Beach Street it has stood for many a day. With its wide-spread veranda And its cozy dear corners. It's the place for shore dinners When you happen that way. ' %,\ CHARLES WATERHOUSE. WITH racers fleet on land and sea, Charles Waterhouse above you see. His " Royal Huntress" leads the pacers. His "Cavalier" the ocean racers. The artist's brush he wields with skill, Till those who gaze with pleasure thrill. In business still none can excel On laud or sea he makes a " Swell." FRANCIS B. TROWBRIDGE. HARK ! 'tis the midniglit hour, And the cards are liushed and still. Friend Trowbridge and his cronies Of Bridge Whist have had their fill. Our genealogical scholar The last grand slam has won. He excels in this, as in everything ; And now my story's done. DR. JAMES H. KELLEY. TN "Elkdom" he is known to all •^ As one who answers duty's call. Past State Exalted Ruler he, This veterinary of ability. Most merciful to beasts in pain : No better driver handles rein. He has many friends who sing his praise, A kind word for all — it always pays. SIMON HUGO. HE'S a business man first, then a lover of art. He's a bit of a •' Fan" when baseball players start. His food products too are the best to be had, For he makes them himself and knows they're not bad. Cheese, butter and eggs, as you happen to say. He'll sell you at retail, if you're buying that way, Ham, sausage or frankforts — they're all sold by him. Sam Hugo's the man to put your trust iu. JAMES R. DISBROW. OF all the faces we have shown. The face of Disbrow is least known. In habeidashing he sets the pace ; At last you meet him "Face to face." The name of '•Jim" you often see, To ad. which causes one much glee. A smart jolly business chap through and through. Among his friends he's known " True blue." CHAS. R. BARTLETT. nnHERE'S shooting and boating •*■ And fishing galore, At the Mansfield Grove House On the New Haven shore. And the genial proprietor, Bartlett by name. Is sure a past master At running the same. LANCRAFT BROTHERS. FEW men have made more of their lives Than the Lancraft Brothers, three. For honest methods and hard work, Tliey've gained celebrity. Their modern oyster steamers range ; They search the sea throughout, For that sweet bivalve taste demands And chefs are lost witliout. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0014113 1631