f - 142 .C16 ^2^ , B A R T E R Copy 1 «/-LAWS And MEMBERSHIP ROSTER Cbe Camden County l)i$torical Society HEADQUARTERS Cooper Library, Johnson Park Second and Cooper Streets Camden, N. J. CHARTER, : BY-LAWS And MEMBERSHIP ROSTER The Camden County Historical Society Headquarters COOPKR LIBRARY, JOHNSON PARK Second and Cooper Streets Camden. X. J. li To the Camden County Historical Society. This little booklet, containing the charter by-laws and membership list of the Camden County Historical Society, is issued in the hope the nV ?^"^bers may be more familiar wi?h Societv '' ?' • ^T""''' ""^ ^^^^°"^1 «f the that T^nr. "' '^t '^'""'^ "^''^ °*" the officers tnat each member will carefully scan the annexed list and see if there are not some members of his or her family and someT t'h:rTork" ?h° ^'°^^' ""'^'^^ -^ntizi^x tins work. The organization is entirely sud- fa7.er ^^ '^' "^T \"^ ^^'''' ^"d therefore, "he larger the membership the greater the activi! libTa^r'v rffTn.lf ''^ accumulating a splendid collecLn nf M^^'^'^ histories, and with its collection of old deeds, wills, maps manu scrip s and rehcs, offers the best facuUksTn^he county for historical and genealogicalVLearch work. To secure the future success of the Society and make its facilities availab e to the entire membership it should have at leas? one thousand members. An attendant could then be placed in charge so that the room could be opened one or two days a week. That it is r'ef'ef o \l ''"'^ -^'^^ ^^^^^' ^' "^^d only to refer to the_ activities of county societies in resid^nt'of ^h''- ^r'\ ^^^^^^"^ ^"^ form " the Camden r'?"-^ f ^°"^^ ^' ^^^^^^ed with tne i^amden Historical Society, and if everv member will do a little soHciting we shall soon have a membership list that will be a credit °o the county and a benefit to the individual Gift ^ocietar Among the activities of the organization during the past year may be remembered the following: 1. Address on local historical subjects monthly from October to June. As funds have been available these addresses have been print- ed and sent to every member and to a selected list of public libraries and historical societies. 2. Excursions to nearby historical points during the Spring and Fall. 3. The collection of items of historical interest, including manuscripts, maps, deeds and relics. 4. The collection of genealogical material, particularly such as related to New Jersey families. 5. Exercised a general supervision of the Junior Society, membership in which is open to all school children in the sixth to twelfth grades. There are no dues in this organization, which now comprises nearly one thousand members. As the Society grows and its funds permit, it is hoped to begin a systematic working of the sadly neglected historical sites within the county. In this work the Camden County Historical Society will welcome the assistance of organizations having similar plans or pur- poses and will always endeavor to avoid a duplication of effort. The library will gladly be placed at the disposal of properly accredited representatives of such associations for re- search work, and the officers pledge themselves to render every aid and courtesy. CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF THE CAMDEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Whereas certain citizens of the State, resi- dents in the county of Camden, assembled in the Court Room of the Court of Common Pleas of the said county, upon the fifteenth day of February, eighteen hundred and ninety- nine, for the purpose of forming a historical society of said county, after having given at least five days' notice of the time and place and purpose of assemblying- by advertisement set up in open view in the office of the Sheriff of the county of Camden, the same being in the Court House in said county in which said Court is held, and also by advertisement in The Post, a newspaper printed and published at Camden, in said county of Camden, for at least ten days, and when so assembled did agree to form a historical society of said county, and. by a plurality of voices did elect Henry L. Bonsall, Peter Van Voorhees, Wilbur F. Rose, E. L. B. Godfrey, Louis T. Derousse, John F. Harned, John R. Whitcraft, seven of said citizens, trustees of said society, and did au- thorize them to incorporate said society pur- suant to the statute of this State made and provided. Now this is to certify, that the said Trustees have taken upon themselves as the name of said society the following, to wit: "THE CAMDEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY" The purposes of said society are to discover, procure and preserve whatever relates to any department of the history of Camden County aforesaid and of other parts of the State of New Jersey and of the United States of America. This certificate is made in compliance wit|i the terms of an act of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey, entitled, "An act to in- corporate historic societies in this State," ap- proved March 27, 1878. Witness the hands and seals of the said Trustees this fifteenth day of February, eigh- teen hundred and ninety-nine. H. L. BONSALL, (L. S.) PETER V. VOORHEES, (L. S.) E. L. B. GODFREY, M. D., (L. S.) WILBUR F. ROSE, (L. S.) LOUIS T. DEROUSSE, (L. S.) JOHN F. HARNED, (L. S.) J. R. WITCRAFT, (L. S.) Received and Recorded February 21, 1899. Robt. L. Barber, Clerk. A true copy, F. F. Patterson, Jr., Clerk. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. The name of this organization shall be "The Camden County Historical Society." ARTICLE II. The objects of this Society shall be to study, collect and preserve materials relating to the history of Camden County, and of other parts of the State of New Jersey and of the United States of America. ARTICLE III. The membership shall consist of annual and life members, contributing and honorary members. Annual members shall be those pay- ing a yearly fee as hereinafter provided; Con- tributing members shall be those who have made valuable contributions, either in material, or money to the library or collections of the Society; Honorary members shall be those who shall be elected by the Society upon the recom- mendation of the Executive Committee to that position. Applications for membership shall be approved by a majority vote of the Execu- tive Committee, but any member may at a regular, or special meeting, demand a ballot on the election of such applicant; Life members 6 sliall be those who at any one time make a payment as hereinafter provided. ARTICLE IV. The officers of the Society to be elected an- nually, by ballot, on the third Tuesday in January, shall be a President, three Vice-Presi- dents, a Secretary, a Financial Secretary, a Treasurer, a Librarian, and an Executive Com- mittee of seven persons, together with the above named officers who shall be ex-ofificio members. The Society may from time to time, by a majority vote, elect an Emeritus President, who shnll occupy that office during his life time. ARTICLE V. It shall be the duty of the President, or, in his absence, of one of the Vice-Presidents, to preside at all meetings of the Society, and the presiding officer shall have a casting vote. ARTICLE VI. The Secretary shall have the custody of all letters and communications to the Society, ex- cepting papers read and addressed delivered before the same, which shall be deposited in the archives under the supervision of the Librarian. He shall notify all members of their election and of such other matters as he may deem necessary, or be directed to communicate, and shall keep in suitable books, to be pro- 8 vided for the purpose, copies of all important letters, written on behalf of the Society. He shall carefully preserve the original of all letters and other communications he may re- ceive and shall deposit the same in the archives of the Society. He shall keep a fair and ac- curate record of all the proceedings of the Society in a book to be provided for the pur- pose, and give notice to the several officers and to the executive and special committees of all votes, orders, resolves and proceedings of the Society affecting them or appertaining to their respective duties. He shall give public notice of the time and place of meetings of the Society. ARTICLE VII. The duties of the Financial Secretary shall be to keep a true and accurate account of membership dues; make out bills for the same, and when collected turn over the amounts re- ceived to the Treasurer, taking his receipt for the same; furnish a list of delinquents to the Executive Committee, when so ordered. ARTICLE VIII. The Treasurer shall receive all subscriptions and donations, notifying the Secretary of the same, so that proper entry can be made upon the minutes of the Society; deposit all funds received in the name of "The Camden County Historical Society;" pay all bills and accounts, when approved by a majority of the Executive Committee; keep a true and accurate account of all receipts and payments, and from vvliat source obtained. ARTICLE IX. The Librarian shall be the custodian of the books, relics and archives of the Society, sub- ject to such rules and regulations as may be adopted by the Executive Committee. ARTICLE X. All books and papers belonging to the Society in the possession of the Secretary, Financial Secretary and Treasurer or Librarian, shall, at the expiration of their respective terms of office, be turned over to their successors. ARTICLE XI. The Executive Committee shall have charge of the general interests of the Society, and is empowered to fill vacancies occurring in any office between annual meetings. It is also au- thorized to elect all members subject to the provision noted in Article III. It shall meet at least once every three months, and at the call of the President, or, in his absence, of a Vice-President. Five members shall constitute a (juorum of the Executive Committee. ARTICLE XII. .\nnual members shall pay dues of two dol- lars yearly in advance. Any member paying 10 twenty-five dollars at one time may, upon the approval of the Executive Committee, become a life member without any further payment of dues. Any annual member who shall have fail- ed to pay the said annual fees and dues, for two consecutive years, shall forfeit the privilege of membership, and the name shall be erased from the roll of members. ARTICLE XIII. The regular meetings of the Society shall be held on the third Tuesday in January, March, May and October, at 8 o'clock in the evening. But the President, or, in his absence, one of the Vice-Presidents, may call a special meet- ing, or, at the request of five members, shall call such meeting. At such meetings any business which might properly come before the regular meeting may be transacted, pro- vided due notice shall have been given to the members of the objects of such meetings. ARTICLE XIV. Ten members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE XV. There shall be organized under the direction of this Society a Junior Historical Society, to be composed of members under the age of 18. They shall have power to enact by-laws for 11 their own management, but in all respects shall be under the supervision of this Society. ARTICLE XVI. These by-laws may be altered or amended by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present at a regular or special meet- ing, provided ten days* notice has been given in writing to each member of the proposed alteration or amendment and not less than fifteen members shall be present at such meet- ing. At the meetings of the Society the following shall be the order of business: 1. The reading of the minutes of last meet- ing. 2. Reading of letters, or a report by the Secretary. 3. The report of the Treasurer. 4. Report of the Executive and other Com- mittees. 5. Report on the election of members by the Executive Committee. 6. Miscellaneous business. 7. Communications and addresses before the Society. This order of business may be suspended at any time by a majority of the members present. MEMBERSHIP ROSTER as of June 13, 1922. Where not otherwise noted, the addresses are in the city of Camden. If there are any in- accuracies please notify the Secretary at once. LIFE MEMBERS. Dr. J. W. Blackwood 1396 Haddon Ave. Mrs. J. W. Blackwood 1396 Haddon Ave. Mr. Charles S. Boyer 525 Cooper St. Mrs. Charles S. Boyer 525 Cooper St. Mr. Frank H. Stewart Woodbury, N. J. HONORARY MEMBERS Miss Ivy Chew Chew's Landing, N. j. ANNUAL MEMBERS OF THE CAMDEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Mr. F. Morse Archer 570 Mansion Ave., Haddonfield. Mr. F. Wayland Ayer 306 Penn St. Hon. David Baird 804 Cooper St. Mr. David Baird, Jr Delaware Ave. and Pearl St. Mr. Ralph D. Baker 924 Broadway. Mr. Ernest ly. Bartelt 311 Market St. Mr. Martin V. Bergen, Jr. ..1503 I^nd Title Bldg., Phila. Mr. Geo. M. Beringer 501 Federal St. Mr. John Brooks Betts 324 F. Walnut Ave., Merchantville. Mr. F. C. C. Bleakly 318 Cooper St. Mr. B. Ralph Boyer 800 Main St., Riverton. Mrs. B. F. Boyer 524 Linden St Mr. Herbert N. Blizzard 313 N. Fourth St. 13 13 Mr. Wm. D. Brown Court House. Dr. Herman Burgen 63 W. Chelten Ave., Gcrmantown, Phila. Mr. W. B. M. Burrell 427 Market St. Mrs. W. B. M. Burrell 427 Market vSt. Miss Clara S. Burrough Third and Cooper Sts. Mr. C. P. Burrough 544 Penn St. Mr. Thos. Burrows 418 Grant St. Dr. James E. Bryan 412 Linden St. Mr. Walter L. Campbell 317 Broadway Miss Lucy Carney 821 N. Fourth St. Miss Kmma L. Carney 821 N. Fourth St. Mr. Wm. S. Casselman 317 Pcnn St. Mr. Wm. H. Chew 37-39 N. Third St. Mr. John B. Clement Care Central Trust Co. Mr. John C. Clopper 408 Pearl St. Mr. Byron Cobb, Jr 343 Royden St. Mrs. Lydia A. Coles 135 Green Lane, Manayunk. Phila. Mr. Richard M. Cooper Ashland, N. J. Mrs. Richard M. Cooper Ashland, N. J. Mr. Wm. A. Cooper Conshohocken, Pa. Mr. B. W. Courter Woodlynn. Dr. H. L Cragin 401 W. Maple Ave., Merchantville. Mr. C. Chester Craig Care Central Trust Co. Mr. Chas. M. Curry 564 Washington St. Mr. EHas Davis 367 King's Ave.. W. Iladdonfield. Mr. J. Carl DelaCour 603 Bank St., Riverton. Mrs. J. Carl DelaCour 603 Bank St.. Riverton. Hon. Ralph W. E. Donges 805 Cooper St. Mr. Raymond R. Donges Mrs. Anna W. DcRousse 326 N. Sixth St. Mr. Wm. Easterbrook, Jr... 401 Paris Ave., Brooklawn. Mr. John Eggie Browning Road and MaGill Ave., W. Collingswood. Mr. Willard Entwistle 417 Vine St. Mrs. Bertha W. Farr Wcnonah. Mr. Edward L. Farr 224 Federal St. Dr. J. W. Fithian 608 Broadway. Mr. E. A. Freeman 314 Market St. Mr. C. Stanley French .... 1817 N. Eighteenth St., Phila. Mr. Geo. A. Frey 421 N. Fourth St. Mr. A. Ransaville Frome ....Maple Ave.. Merchantville. Mrs. A. Ransaville Frome. .. .Maple Ave., Merchantville. 14 Mr. Geo. E. Fry 613 Broadway. Mrs. Wilfred W. Fry 612 Cooper St. Mr. E. T. Gill Haddon Farms, Haddonfield. Mr. Wm. M. Glebe 501 Market St. Miss Alice Goodison 431 Linden St. Mrs. M. A. Graffin 5 112 Regent St., Phila. Mr. C. William Grosscup 17 N. Thirtieth St. Mrs. Caroline S. M. Ilackett 413 Linden St. Mr. Chas. K. Haddon. . .Care Victor Talking Machine Co. Miss Elizabeth S. Haines 227 S. Sixth St. Mr. Eugene F. Haines. . 124 St. James Place, Merchantville Mr. John F. Harned 424 Market St. Mr. L. A. Hawkes. . . .220 E. Maple Ave., Merchantville. Rev. G. H. Hemingway 417 Linden St. Mr. Howard B. Hemphill 613 Broadway. Mr. David A. Henderson 305 Market St, Mr. Fred'k. Himmelein Mr. W. K. Holmes 4 E. Maple Ave., Merchantville. Mrs. W. K. Holmes 4 E. Maple Ave., Merchantville. Mr. Harry Humphreys Delaware Ave. and Linden St. Mr. Harry L. Humphreys 116 N. Sixth St. Mr. W. Leonard Hurley 801 Broadway. Miss Loretta F. Ireland.. 22 W. Maple Ave., Merchantville Mr. Wm. H. Jefferys 1021 Market St. Hon. Frank B. Jess 531 Federal St. Mr. David Jester Care J. B. Van Sciver Co. Miss Florence G. Johnson 52S Mickle St. Miss Margaret W. Johnson 119 Linden St. Hon. Chas. V. D. Joline Maple and Springfield Aves., Merchantville. Mrs. Chas. V. D. Joline Maple and Springfield Aves., Merchantville. Hon. John B. Kates 517 Federal St. Mrs. Frank J. Kavanagh 405 Penn St. Mr. Oliver B. Kern 128 N. Eighth St. Mr. Wm. Ketler 122 State St. Mr. Ludwig A. Kind Head of Fifth St. Mr. Paul A. Kind Head of Fifth St. Mrs. Leidy E. Klotz 8 E. Oak Ave.. Moorestown. Mr. Benj. H. Lackey 5 Hudson St. Mr. Chas. Lafferty 1453 Baird Ave. Mrs. Chas. Lafferty 1453 Baird Ave. Mr. Chas. H. Laird, Jr. ..19 Franklin Ave., Merchantville. Miss Ethel M. Lee 451 Trenton Ave. Mr. C. H. Leverich 514 Penn St. 15 Mr. j. Walter Levering 802 Station Ave., Haddon Heights. Dr. A. Haines Lippincott 406 Cooper St. Mrs. A. Haines Lippincott 406 Cooper St. Mr. Joseph Lippincott 219 E. Main St., Moorestown. Mrs. Mary P. Lloyd... 401 E. Maple Ave., Merchantville. Miss -Martha B. Lummis 308 N. Sixth St. Mrs. John A. Mather, Jr. 3J4 E. Walnut Ave., Merchantville. Mr. Chas. L. Maurer Collingswood, N. J. Dr. Alexander McAllister 580 Federal St. Rev. J. B. McCloskey Broadway and Ferry Ave. Miss Elizabeth McCreight 321 State St. Miss Elizabeth B. McCully Haddonfield, N. J. Dr. Wallace MacGeorge 521 Broadway. Dr. Paul M. Mecray 405 Cooper St. Mrs. Paul M. Mecray 405 Cooper St. Mr. A. C. Middleton 23J E. Main St., Moorestown. Mr. Chas. K. Middleton 422 Benson St. Mr. M. F. Middleton, Jr. 538 Cooper St. Mr. Henry D. Moore. .King's Highway, W., Haddonfield. Mr. Arnold H. Moses.... 8 Springfield Ave., Merchantville Mr. John D. F. Morgan 37 N. Third St. Mr. Clarence A. Munger 203 E. Maple Ave., Merchantville. Miss Mary L. Xeer 1401 Kaighn Ave. Dr. Jos. L. Nicholson 400 Penn St. Mrs. Jos. L. Nicholson 400 Penn St. Miss Myrtie E. Nye 825 Haddon Ave. Mr. W. G. Oaks 807 Cooper St. Mr. L. J. Ostermayer 624 Linden St. Mr. Louis F. Paret 511 Market St. Hon. F. F. Patterson, Jr 327 Cooper St. Mrs. Theodore N. Patterson 436 Penn St. Mr. George R. Pelouze . . . 216 Third St., Haddon Heights. Mr. H. P. Pelouze Second and Penn Sts. Mr. Harry Pine 929 S. Fifth St. Mr. E. E. Read. Jr 604 Cooper St. Miss IClizabeth C. Reeve E. Main St., Moorestown. Miss Hannah C. Reeve 531 Linden St. Miss Laura Reeve 301 State St. Mr. Wm. F. Reeve E. Main St., Moorestown. Mr. C. A. ReynoMs 1300 Pine St. Mr. Samuel H. Richards 106 Market St. 16 Rev. Roland Ringwalt 3016 Carman St. Mr. Maurice B. Rudderow 43 K. Cedar Ave., Merchantville. Mr. Oscar D. Rudolph 230 N. Seventh St. Mr. Chas. P. Sayrs 1457 Kenwood Ave. Mr. Sig Schoenagle 538 Federal St. Mr. Chas. H. Schopback Collingswood. Mr. W. F. Schmid 945 N. Twenty-sixth St. Mr. H. C. Sharp 616 Benson St. Mrs. Helen Woodward Sheaffer Haddon Heights. Mr. C. E. Sheip 829 Vine St. Miss Helen F. Sherk 2647 Westfield Ave. Miss Sarah F. Shoemaker Collingswood. Mr. Fithian S. Simmons 319 Cooper St. Miss Lily E. Simmons 600 Benson St. Mrs. Oliver Smith 534 Cooper St. Mr. Wm. J. Strandwitz Haddonfield Mr. Jas. F. Sullivan 829 N. Fifth St. Hon. Ivcwis Starr Fourth and Market Sts. Mr. T. David Stern Care Camden Courier. Mr. Harry C. Stevenson 625 Penn St. Mrs. M. S. Taylor... 1224 Spruce St., Phila. Mr. Henry G. Taylor 305 Cooper St. Mr. G. Wilbur Taylor 520 Linden St. Mrs. G. Wilbur Taylor 520 Linden St. Mr. J. Wesley Thompson 128 Federal St. Miss Florence Tisdale 825 Haddon Ave. Mr. J. Lynn Truscott 627 Cooper St. Mr. Millwood Truscott 310 N. Second St. Mr. Ephraim Tomlinson Care Camden Safe Deposit & Trust Co. Mr. J. B. Van Sciver Delaware Ave. and Federal St. Mr. Gustav Wack 711 N. Eighth St. Mr. Chas. H. Wagner 504 N. Fourth St. Mr. Warren Webster 626 Cooper St. Miss Alice B. Westcott. .300 Haddon Ave., Haddonfield. Mrs. Lelia D. Wiggins 515 X. Fifth St. Mrs. E. M. Woodward 223 Cooper St. Mr. Geo. W. Whyte 909 Cooper St. Mrs. Geo. W. Whyte 909 Cooper St. Mr. John R. Witcraft 30 W. Walnut Ave., Merchantville. Miss Florence G. Yard 416 N. Second St. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 206 171 5 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 206 171 5 % < . -^ ^' 1. 'f -^Xi^-rf