• • BROADALBIN IN HISTORY Being a Brief and Concise Narrative of the Principal Events in the Settle- ment and Development of Broadalbin Township from the Earliest Date to the Present Time. By R. J. HONEYWELL. Illustrated by D. G. Fordes. Copyright, 1907, by R. J. Honeywell. Amsterdam, N. Y. Evening Recorder Job Print. 1907. LlttMHY of CONGRESS Two Cootas Received AUG 30190/ Copynctrt Entry CLASS '* XXt., He. COPY U. INTRODUCTORY. In presenting this brief history of our township the author takes pleasure in acknowledging his indebtedness for assistance in compilation to Messrs. Geo. Brimmer, Scott Forbes, Archibald Robertson, J. W. Cleve land and A. A. Gardner, who assisted in a marked degree, also to George B. Farley, W. W. Finch, Dr. H. C. Finch, E. D. James, George Stever, Prine Thompson, J. P. Rosa and several other citizens of Broadalbin, beside S. D. Tomlinson of Johnstown, Miss Nellie Brockway of Glovers- ville, and the late Hugh B. Major of Perth, to all of whom we express the same degree of gratitude for various degrees of assistance rendered with the same degree of good will. It has been our endeavor to present the facts in a concise, matter-of- fact style, omitting criticism and comment. All subjects are considered consecutively in Book I, but a few which require special treatment with- out regard to their chronological position are presented in Book II. The greatest characters in the history of Broadalbin are those who have given themselves and all they possess most unreservedly for the promotion of the greatest public good, and it is the earnest prayer of the author in presenting this little volume that it may exalt the nobility of some of the characters it presents in such a way as to stimulate the read- er to a higher devotion to that which is noble and true, and thus shall enhance the honor of our township, our nation, and our God. R. J. HONEYWELL. July 27, 1907. BROADALBIN IN HISTORY. IN THE BEGINNING. In the beginning" was the Word. . . .By Him were all things made. By Him the waters were gathered together and the dry land appeared. By His hand the forests grew and the waste places blossomed as the rose; the fishes of the water, also, the birds, and all things which move upon the earth lived according to His word.— Thus opens the history of the world; thus opens the history of Broadalbin. The time was when Broadalbin lay beneath an inlet of the great ocean which met in the middle of Fulton County the continental glacier flowing south from the Laurentian Highlands. To this period the town- ship owes its hills and its valleys, its sands and its rocks which came into being as the vast Silurian ocean built our continent in successive sea beaches along the Azoic land. TOPOGRAPHY. Broadalbin township lies between the diverging ranges of the Au Sable (locally known as Mayfield) Mountains on the northwest and the Kaya- derosseras which touch the township on the northeast, both parts of the Adirondack system. Broadalbin has several creeks, the largest of which is the Kennyetto, sometimes called the Little Sacandaga, which twice crosses the town. Its name is of Indian origin, signifying "Snake-trying-to-swallow-its-tail." The Chuctanunda crosses the southeast corner of the town and the May- field creek the northwest. Frenchman's Creek, named from Joseph De- Golyer, a Frenchman, who built his cabin on its banks while all was wilderness, flows northwest into the Kennyetto. Hons Creek also crosses the northeastern part of the town in a northwesterly direction. The name of this stream is said to be derived from the incident of John (Hons) Conyen falling out of the boat while fishing in company with Sir William Johnson. From the south the surface of the township slopes gradually up to the Ridge which divides the basins of the Mohawk and Sacandaga rivers. This ridge seems to be a part of the great divide which has been traced by geologists far into Herkimer and Saratoga counties, indicating the work of centuries in the Azoic days. North of the Ridge the clay loam of the Mohawk slope gives place to a considerable degree of sand, con- taining stones of all sizes, and broken into irregular hills and ridges, growing larger and containing a higher proportion of sand and larger boulders as the northern parts of the town are approached. They prob- ably rise to an altitude of well above 1,000 feet, as a survey shows Broad- albin's Main street to be 820 feet above sea level. The Sacandaga Vlaie, extending into the town in the northwest, at one time undoubtedly was the bosom of a large lake, of which three suc- cessive beaches are traceable, in the days before the Sacandaga cut its way through the rocky barrier of the Kayaderosseras Mountains. THE ERA OF PARTITION— 1708-1842. On Nov. 2, 1708, the notorious Kayaderosseras Patent, conveying 7(1(1,000 acres in the present towns of Amsterdam, Perth, Broadalbin and Galway, was given to Nanning Haermanse and twelve others. This grant was fraudulent as the Agnier Indians (better known by the Dutch name Mohawk) who owned the land were convinced that they were ceding only land enough for one or two farms. On learning the extent of the patent the Indians protested and so effectually resisted every attempt to settle the land that for many years the patentees received uo benefit from their claim. About 1760 Sir William Johnson succeeded in having this patent reduced to 23,000 acres. The Sacandaga Patent, comprising 28,000 acres in Johnstown, May- field, Broadalbin and Perth, was granted to Landert Gansevoort and others on Dec. 2, 1741. The Glen Patents given to John Glen, Jr., prob- ably on August 24, 1770, embraced land in Stratford, Caroga, Bleecker, and Broadalbin, and aggregated 50,000 acres. The date, extent and exact position of the Haring Patent in central Broadalbin are uncertain. On Nov. 26, 1785, the Stringer Patent of 1,350 acres in Broadalbin was granted to Samuel Stringer, being the first under authority of the sovereign state of New York. Prior to the Revolution Major Jelles Fonda secured a large tract of land on which the western part of Broadalbin village now stands, and from this arose the name of "Fonda's Bush." Anterior to 1800 Daniel Campbell of Schenectady obtained several thousand acres of the Kaya- derosseras and Glen Patents which he rented to actual settlers under perpetual leases, some of which are still in effect. In the early days this region was included in Albany County, but on May 10, 1772, through the efforts of Sir William Johnson, Tryon County was created of all land west of a line from the Delaware riveij along the eastern line of the present Fulton County to the Canadian line. In 1784 its name was changed to Montgomery County. In 1810 Montgomery County was still the largest in the state with an area of 1,767,680 acres. In 1838 Fulton County was formed as today. Prior to 1788 this region was called Mohawk, but at that time the name was restricted to the south bank of the river and all of Montgomery County north of the Mohawk was called Caughnawaga. March 12, 1793, this town was divided into the towns of Caughnawaga (or Fonda), Am- sterdam, Broadalbin, Mayfield, and Johnstown. In 1799 Northampton was cut. off from the north of Broadalbin, and in 1842 a large section in the south was given to help form the town of Perth, leaving Broadalbin only 24,103 acres. FIRST SETTLEMENT: PROVINCIAL AND REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD— 1761-1783. The first actual settler of Broadalbin was Henry Stoner, a German, who came to America in 1860, lived in New York city and Maryland, married Katherine Barnes of Mayfield, and settled just west of Broad- albin village on the south side of the Kennyetto in 1770. He had two sons, Nicholas and John, the former becoming a famous rifleman, hunter, and Indian hater. In 1777 Stoner moved to Johnstown and served three years and three months in the American army, his sons accompanying the regiment as drummers. One morning in the summer of 1782 while living near Tribes Hill, Stoner was stealthily attacked in his corn field, killed, scalped, and his house plundered by marauding Indians. Subse- quently Major Nicholas Stoner avenged his father's murder in a barroom brawl in Johnstown by striking down the assassin with a red-hot andiron while boasting of the deed. Among the posterity of Henry Stoner are the Wilsons, an eminent Gloversville family. Philip Helmer was the second settler in Broadalbin, settling two miles east from Stoner's cabin about 1773. A short time prior to the Revolution the site of Broadalbin village became the nucleus of several settlers, among them being Andrew Bowman, Charles Cady, Benjamin Deline, John Putnam, Herman Salisbury, and Joseph Scott. It is be- lieved that this settlement was called Kennyetto, but when all but one or two families removed to Johnstown in 1777 on account of the exposed- ness of the settlement to Indian forays, the name as applied to the village was lost. At an early date Peter Robertson, a Scotchman and relative of the Mclntyres, settled on a farm on the Ridge in the southern part of the town, his deed being given under George III. A barn on the estate be- lieved to have been built as early as 1774 was burned in June, 1904. His son James was long prominent and influential in advancing the welfare of the community. His grandson, Archibald, one of Broadalbin's most respected citizens, still owns the old estate with considerable additions. Prominent among the descendants of Peter Robertson are the (Dyer) Thompson family and the Caprons. Summer House Point on the great Vlaie in the northwest corner of the township is a plot of solid ground sloping gradually on all sides to a level summit 600 feet long by 150 wide and connected with the mainland by a narrow strip of arible ground which is submerged in times of high water, leaving the Point an island. As early as 1761 Sir William Johnson erected on this site an elegant one-story villa which he named "Castle Cumberland" in honor of Duke George, and afterward opened a carriage road from Johnstown. Here he placed two slaves who cultivated a gar- den, set out fruit trees, dug a well, and made other improvements, and here the Baronet spent much of his time in summer till his death on July 11, 1774. Early in the Revolution Castle Cumberland was fortified to resist a possible attack by water from the north, an intrenchment six feet wide and several feet deep being cut across the east end of the Point, and during the summer of 1776 a half-regiment of infantry under Colonel Nicholson was stationed here. But at the end of summer the Point was abandoned as a military post, and in 1781 Castle Cumberland was burned, probably by emissaries of Sir John Johnson, who despaired of ever re- possessing it. On June 15, 1876, a grand centennial celebration was held on Summer House Point, attended by a large concourse of people. An oration was delivered by the late R. H. Rosa of Broadalbin, dinner was served, after which an address was given by Rev. Dr. Moody of Troy, followed by an allegorical representation of the last council of Sir William Johnson with the chiefs of the Six Nations. A large collection of ancient and revolu- tionary relics was also displayed. Castle Cumberland was the only military post ever maintained in Broadalbin, and no battle was ever fought on its soil, although it is prob- able that a band of Indians and Tories crossed the town with forty pris- oners on their flight to Canada by way of the Fish House after ravaging the Schoharie valley. P I O N E E R S— 1 783-1 800. Shortly after the Revolution large numbers of Scotts, among them the MacDonalds of Glencoe and Campbells of Argyle and Breadalbane, the principal participants in one of the most notorious tragedies of Caledon- ian history (Read Macauley's History of England, pp 1485-1501, 1608, 1737- 1742), came to the Mohawk valley and settled in Galway, Perth and Broadalbin. About 1783 Samuel Demarest, a revolutionary soldier and native of Holland, after living in Newark, N. J., came up the Hudson on a sloop and settled in Broadalbin on lot number 14 of subdivision No. 3 of the 21st allotment of the Kayaderosseras Patent. He is believed to have kept the first hotel in Broadalbin, where many of his descendants still live. Shortly after came Alexander Murray from Scotland and settled in the village. He held political offices for many years. Very soon after the Revolution came Samuel Honeywell, a Quaker, from Connecticut and located on the Mohawk slope of the Ridge, on land adjoining on the southeast that of Peter Robertson. The estate has never left the family, and a barn believed to have been built at the first settle- ment still stands in good condition. Here he kept a large dairy, and for many years his wife annually drove unaccompanied to New York to sell the year's output of butter. Their posterity today, bearing many names, inhabit at least six states of the Union, besides parts of Canada. In 1779 William Chalmers located on the Dyer Thompson farm, now owned by L. E. Moore and known as the Pine Grove Farm. Ezra Wilson secured a perpetual lease of 100 acres of the Kayaderosseras Patent from Daniel Campbell, where he settled on Sept. 7, 1795, and soon after Abra- ham Manchester of Rhode Island located on the farm near Stever's Mills now owned by Silas Lasher. Prior to 1792 came Roswell Fenton from Hanover, N. H., to Broad- albin. In 1806 he emigrated to Ohio with his ten children, where he was murdered for his money. He had sixty-three grandchildren, of whom two became founders and four presidents of colleges, numbering among their pupils Presidents Hayes and Harrison, seven were clergymen, sev- eral were physicians and congressmen, and one governor of New York. Stephen Fenton married Roxy Fitch, who traced her ancestry to Alfred the Great. They had ten children of whom three were Methodist minis- ters. One of them, Asa R., after twenty years located at the old home in Broadalbin, and married Sarah E. Fisk of the illustrious family to which belonged General Clinton B. Fisk, James Fisk, Jr., and Rev. Wilbur Fisk, first president of Wesleyan University. Their son, George W., born Sept. 11, 1853, was long a leading citizen of Broadalbin, but removed to Utica, N. Y., in 1906. Tiffany Brockway came to previously purchased lands northeast of Fonda's Bush in 1791 at the age of seventeen. Here he built a log house, made a clearing, and sowed a field of wheat, welcoming his father, Nathan, and family to their new forest home on his 18th birthday, March 6, 1792. On April 11, 1799, he was married to Lucy Alvord and in 1805 located on a farm near his father's, afterward known as Locust Grove, where he remained till his death. He was a major in the war of 1812 and for many years following was a colonel of militia. Industrious, economic, temperate, integral, he was the first pronounced abolitionist in the town. At the advanced age of sixty he united with the Broadalbin Baptist church, living on through many more years of a vigorous and useful old age, and passing away on Dec. 3, 1866, still rejoicing over the achieve- ment of his fondest hope for the slave. About 1795 several pioneers obtained leases under the Kayaderosseras and Glen Patents, among them being John Blair, J. Campbell, W. Dem- arest, Benjamin Earl, Ezekiel Olmstead, Nathaniel and Neil Pearse, Wal- ter C. Rathbone and William Stewart. In 1796 Nathan Babcock came from Connecticut and located on the Ridge, where he lived until his death in 1844, his wife performing the journey on horseback carrying a child in her arms. A daughter of Nathan Babcock married a grandson of Nathan Brockway and their descendants are prominent in several cities of the state. Richard Van Vranken came from Schenectady and settled three-fourths of a mile east of the village in 1798, and the next year John Roberts from Connecticut located near the same place. It was in the autumn of 1799 that Reuben Burr came from Litchfield, Conn., driving an ox and cow yoked together. He settled in a ruined log cabin on the Mayfield road which he roofed with poles and bark, but the next year removed to the farm long owned by the late Reuben Phillips. He died in 1859. His son, Allan, born June, 1801, became prominent in public affairs, being justice of the peace for sixteen years and postmaster eight under Jackson. He died May 3, 1879. His sons, the late James and Samuel Burr, and their cousin, Wilson Burr, were long prominent and highly esteemed residents of Broadalbin. Prior to 1800 James Sumner came from Vermont and located on the farm known as the Deacon Teller place, and about that year Paul Earl of Rhode Island settled on the farm near Mills Corners long known as the John Perry place and now owned by Fred Cloutier. EARLY TOWNSHIP GOVERNMENT— 1793-1815. On the 12th of March, 1793, Broadalbin township was organized from a part of Caughnawaga, and received its name from Daniel Mclntyre, a native of Breadalbane, Scotland. A town meeting held in 1793 for some reason was deemed illegal, but at one held at the house of Daniel Mc- lntyre on Tuesday, April 1, 1794, the following officers were elected: Peter V. Veeder, supervisor; Alexander Murray, town clerk; John McNeil, James Kennedy, Joshua Maxon, assessors; Calvin Young, Allen Whitman, Alexander Murray, commissioners of highways; Daniel Mclntyre, John Blair, poormasters: James Kennedy, Joshua Briggs, Aaron Olmstead, constables; James Kennedy, collector; John McNeil, Nathaniel Perkins, pound keepers; Moses Elwell, hog reeve. In 1794 sixteen licenses "to keep inns or taverns" were granted at the rate of £2 each. The highways of the town were divided into eighteen districts in 1798 by Daniel McDonald and Elijah Sheldon, and the next year seven more were added. A measure enacted in 1803 prohibiting all persons (citizens of Mayfield, Broadalbin and Northampton excepted), from turning or driving horses or cattle on the Vlaie under penalty of $2 per head — -one-half to go to the person who should prosecute the same to effect and the other for the benefit of the highways of the town — seems to indicate that Broadalbin commons were a general pasturage for all the surrounding country. In 1815 the strong Dutch element in the population succeeded in having Fonda's Hush incorporated under the name of Rawsonville, in honor of Dr. E. G. Rawson, Mroadalbin's first physician. The act of incor- poration never was put in effect, but the name seems to have continued in use till after 1850. BEGINNINGS— 1800-1815. About 1800 Nicholas Van Vranken kept a store about one mile east of Fonda's Bush, and the first to keep store in the village were Joshua Green and Thomas Bicknal. The post office was established in 1804 and given the name of Broadalbin through the influence of the Scotch ele- ment. In 1805 James Sumner built the first tannery in the town two miles southeast of the village. In 1805 Dr. E. G. Rawson came from Connecticut and located in a slab house on the present site of the dry goods store of Lasher & Sowle, which he bought for $5 from Nicholas Van Vranken, a carpenter, who furnished the material and built the bouse. He was the first physician in Broadalbin and became one of the leading citizens. At an early date he owned a drug store where now is the open park in the angle of Main and Bridge streets. The first grist mill in the village was built in 1808 by a man named Herring, who also built and conducted a saw mill. In 1813 a woolen mill was built at North Broadalbin, but this, together with the early churches and other subjects receives special attention in Book II. The War of 1812 called some Broadalbin men to the national armies, but the records are meagre and uncertain. Its chief influence was to 8 greatly depress business in general, and nearly ruin some of Broadalbin's rising industries. ERA OF DEVELOPMENT— 1815-1860. This period marked no conspicuous event in Broadalbin's history, but rather a gradual, continued development. During this time the manufac- ture of paper and gloves, as well as other industries in outlying places, was started as noted in Book II. Prior to 1840 Harry G. Hawley established a hardware store which only recently has been discontinued by his son, F. S. Hawley, who now conducts a news stand and book store in the same building. In 1844 W. H. Halladay came from Montgomery County and established a harness shop, succeeding in business James Burr and Reuben Fox, who were prominent among Broadalbin's early store keepers. In 1849 the Amster- dam and Fish House plank road, which was afterward extended to North- ville, was built through Broadalbin and was the main thoroughfare be- tween the Adirondack region and the Mohawk until the building of the Gloversville and Northville railroad in 1874. For many years prior to his death in 1849 Isaac R. Rosa kept an inn where Earl's hotel now stands. His ancestors were Hollanders and he was born in Schenectady in 1797. He was long known as "Uncle Ike, the Peace-maker," from the many disagreements he helped to adjust. The oldest of his four sons was R. H. Rosa, the prominent attorney, the young- est, James P. Rosa, is a merchant, late postmaster, and one of the leading- citizens of Broadalbin. After the death of Isaac Rosa his widow married his brother, Dr. James P. Rosa, at one time an eminent Broadalbin phy- sician. The Broadalbin and Mayfield Rural Cemetery, which has been in use for more than a century, was first incorporated on April 1, 1850. The first trustees were Laban Capron, John E. Hawley, Allan Burr, H. G. Hawley, William Chambers, James L. Northrup and Ephraim Wetherbee. In the great national controversy which led to the Civil war Broad- albin seems to have stood quite strongly on the side of abolition. An idea of the attitude of the town at various periods may be drawn from the following meagre election returns. Votes for governor: 1801, George Clinton, 112, Stephen Van Rensselaer, 50; 1804, Morgan Lewis, 130, Aaron Burr, 37; 1822, Joseph E. Yates, 345, Solomon Southwick, 1; 1840, W. H. Seward, 358, William Bouch, 204, Garret Smith, 4. CIVIL WAR PERIOD. Colonel Tiffany Brockway was the first outspoken abolitionist in Broadalbin, and his home at Locust Grove often sheltered fugitive slaves in the days when abolition was unpopular, but when the nation was in danger Broadalbin took its share in the national defense, contributing about 100 men to seven regiments. Brief regimental records, together with Broadalbin's part of the muster rolls, are appended: The 77th Infantry was mustered in at Bemis Heights Nov. 23, 1861. From the beginning of the Peninsular campaign to the end of the war it participated in all operations of the Army of the Potomac, also Sheridan's Shenandoah valley campaign. In the famous charge at Spottsylvania it lost one-fourth of its strength in fifteen minutes. This regiment fought in 30 battles. Broadalbin's representation in the 77th was: Company E. Lyman Cole, James Cole, James B. Hines; Company K, James F. Austin, Hiram B. Gifford. The 93rd Infantry was mustered in in 1861 and left for the front the following March. It served with the Army of the Potomac till June, 1865, participating in 36 actions, among them the largest and fiercest in the war. In Company D of this regiment were Third Sergeant Wm. W. Clark and Private Elias P. Newton of Broadalbin. The 115th Infantry was mustered in at Fonda Aug. 26, 1862, by Cap- tain Egerton of the regular army. Its first battle was at Maryland Heights on Sept. 13 and two days later its men became paroled prisoners-of-war by the surrender of Colonel Miles at Harper's Ferry. It served on provost duty in Chicago until exchanged in November, then was kept in constant motion until transferred to the department of the south in January, 1863, with headquarters at Hilton Head, S. C. With the 115th 1863 was unevent- ful, but in 1864 it fought in 22 battles, the severest being Olustee, Fla., Feb. 20, when it lost more than half those engaged and where it saved Seymour's army from rout and was publicly complimented by him and styled the "Iron Hearted Regiment." In 1865 it was transferred to Butler's division and experienced severe service, in August its effective strength being reduced to 120 men. At Fort Fisher it lost about 70 men in the terrible charge and a still larger number by the explosion of a magazine during the night. In 1862 the regiment left Fonda with a full complement of 1,040 officers and men and in 1865 mustered out less than 200 of its original members. Sylvester W. Clemens, afterward pastor of the Broadalbin M. E. church, was chaplain of this regiment. Broadalbin's contingent comprised 42 men of Company K. Roster of Company K: Capt. Wm. Smith, wounded at Maryland Heights; Second Sergeant James M. Hill, promoted second lieutenant, promoted first lieutenant in 1863, transferred to 47th N. Y.; Third Ser- geant James O. Fox, died at Petersburg, Va.; Fourth Sergeant Archibald Buchanan, Fifth Sergeant Caleb Olmstead, Fourth Corporal John Park, died at Beaufort, S. C; Sixth Corporal Samuel Burr, promoted sergeant; Eighth Corporal Henry Luly; Musicians, Joshua W. Ripley and Melville W. Cole. Privates: David Anderson, Marcus Banta, burned to death at Amsterdam Aug. 29, 1862; John R. (Mark, died at Petersburg, Va.; Joseph Carpenter, Peter Dingman, Edgar D. Demarest, promoted sergeant in 1865; Win. H. Dingman, Pet or Fry, Wm. M. Fox, discharged for disabili- ties; Daniel Fosmire, W. A. Honeywell, A. P. Hart, G. G. Honeywell, wounded at Drury's Bluff and Winchester; Benjamin Hammond, pro- moted corporal in 1863; Thomas Kelly, Henry Luloy, died at Hilton Head; Norman W. Lyford, wounded at Chesterfield Heights, died May 7, 1864; Chas. M. Marcellus, promoted sergeant; Isaac Manchester, wounded at Chesterfield; Alexander Monroe, died at Hilton Head Oct. 10, 1863; Levi Pettit, killed at Olustee Feb. 20, 1864; Wm. H. Peck, wounded at Olustee; Wm. A. Peek, Elijah A. Rose, Wm. D. Rice, Wm. Rowley, dis- charged lor disability in 1864; Henry Seeley, died June 19, 1863; Obediah in H. Sprung, died of wounds in a rebel hospital May 11, 1865; Albert Solomon, Richard A. Thorp, wounded at Olustee; Stephen S. Treper, wounded at Olustee; Aaron Ward. The 153rd Infantry was mustered in at Fonda Oct. 14, 1862. It served in the Potomac, Mississippi and Shenandoah valleys, and later at Savan- nah, it formed part of the cordon round Washington after the assassina- tion of Lincoln and was guard at the military court which tried the assassins. Broadalbin was represented in Company K by Joseph W. Rested and John T. Sawyer of Mills Corners. The 10th Cavalry leaves a miltary record almost without precedent. In three years of service with the army of the Potomac it participated in over 100 engagements and shared with the 1st Maine the reputation of being the two best cavalry regiments in the service. Broadalbin gave 36 men to this regiment. Muster Roll of Company I: First Sergeant H. H. Boyd, killed; Quar- termaster Sergeant Asa Capron, Corporals Henry Betts, Hosea Davis, Jr., Darius S. Orton, Peter Phillips, killed; Daniel Satterlee. Farriers: Charles Thayer, discharged Nov. 8, 1862; Henry A. Lane. Wagoner: James L. Mercer. Privates: Chas. S. Bartlett, killed while on a scout Nov. 18, 1864; Philip Canning, killed by guerillas near Benton Station May 22, 1863; Thomas Canning, discharged Jan. 9, 1864; Geo. W. Close, Asa Dye, dis- charged Oct. 28, 1863; James Earle, died of typhoid fever Sept. 20, 1863; Daniel C. Forbes, killed; Francis Forbes, killed; Win. Foster, killed; Miner Fox, Hollis Fox, Joseph W. Honeywell, killed at Cold Harbor June 1, 1864; John Hammond, Wm. H. Jones, died in Anderson ville Prison Aug. 14, 1864; Thomas Lee, Lorenzo Phillips, died at Aquia Creek, Feb. 6, 1863; Geo. Peck, discharged; Rawson Stoddard, discharged Jan 8, i 1864; James H. Sanford, promoted captain January, 1864; Geo. E. San- ford, died of disease May 28, 1865; Geo. W. Schermerhorn, died Nov. 6, 1863;Abram Satterlee, Geo. H. Smith, discharged; Zadock Satterlee, Thomas B. Tatlock, Wm. Wands. The 2nd Cavalry, commonly known as the Harris Light Cavalry, was a very prominent regiment. It was mustered in in the autumn of 1861 and served till June 23, 1865. Broadalbin's contingent was A. Brower, A. Culbert and M. Fox of Company F. The 13th Heavy Artillery, mustered in early in 1864, participated in some of the severest battles in the closing years of the war. Broad- albin sent to this regiment Nicholas Barrett, A. Bates, M. Cornell, John Dingman, D. B. Hall, Henry Hall and M. H. Phelps. McKean Post, Number 289, G. A. R., was organized on Sept. 18, 1882, with thirty charter members and A. A. Gardner as first commander. Many other veterans of the Mexican and Civil wars subsequently joined. About 40 have died and 33 answered to roll call in 1907. Soon all will go to the last roll call on the "eternal camping ground" and the old regiments will be complete. These veterans and their heroic deeds may be forgotten, but the nation they gave themselves to save still lives. MISCELLANY TO DATE. Denton Smith came to Broadalbin in 1863 and purchased the Chase 11 saw mill in the eastern part of the village. Here in 1SS6 he erected a large lumber mill which he operated until his death in 1905. At one time a button shop was conducted in a part of this mill, but was soon discon- tinued. After the death of Mr. Smith the property came into the posses- sion of the Broadalbin Lumber Company, who made extensive improve- ments, but on the night of June 7, 1907, the mill was destroyed by fire. A now mill was immediately commenced on the same site. Kennyetto Masonic Lodge, Number 599, was organized Dec. 1G, 1865, with 43 original members, and obtained its charter July ?>, 1866. At various times Broadalbin had had societies of Good Templars, Odd Fellows, Mac- cabees, Red Men, Rebekahs, et cetera. In 1868 the drug firm of Knapp & Bradford was established, which became Bradford & Dickinson in 1870. It was in 1S69 that John Wayne, said to be a descendant of General Anthony Wayne, bought a farm in the southern part of the town and built a house which was the first brick structure in Broadalbin. His son, George B., became prominent in the glove industry. The Broadalbin Herald, an eight page weekly, was started on Nov. 29, 1877, by Rev. R. G. Adams. Since May, 1907, it has been printed in the office of the "Johnstown Republican." "The Broadalbin Baptist" was the name of a small monthly magazine started in 1906, under the auspices of the Baptist Church. It was edited by the Baptist pastor and associates and was published in Broadalbin for thirteen months. A disastrous fire in December, 1878, destroyed ten or more stores on lower North street, among them those of James Burr, groceries; Tomlin- son Brothers, clothing; Wm. Finch, groceries; and J. E. Lasher, dry goods. They have been replaced by a substantial brick block. On April 12, 1894, Geo. Manning's grocery, Finch & Lee's pharmacy, Mrs. Mary Tymerson's meat market, a saloon, and one dwelling, adjoining the place of the fire of 1878, were burned, and other wooden structures have taken their place. The first telegraph line to enter Broadalbin was built from Amster- dam by a man named Peddie for the American Union Telegraph Co., in L879, cr the year following. The office was first established in the store of Tomlinson Brothers, who operated it for twelve years. A few years alter its erection the line was bought by the Western Union Telegraph Co. The first telephone line was constructed largely through the exer- tions of Rev. R. D. Grant by the Hudson River Telephone Company, coming via Perth in 1880. Later the Glen Telephone Company bought all other rights, and on July 20, 1903, established an exchange in Broadalbin. Kennyetto Inn, long known as the Osborne House, was built in 1881 by C. W. Boss. About 1895 a Keeley Cure inebriate hospital, locally known as the Gold Cure, was maintained in the building for one summer, and in the summer of 1898 a sanitorium was conducted by Dr. H. C. Pinch, assisted for two weeks at the first by Dr. E. H. Pratt of Chicago. In 1904 the hotel was bought by a stock company and largely improved. The Broadalbin Kennyetto Fire Company was incorporated at a meeting in the office of John M. Gardner Oct. 2, 1886. The first officers 12 were: Leonard S. Northrup, president; J. P. Rosa, secretary; George O. Dickinson, treasurer; who with John E. Lasher, T. Delap Smith, Cor- nelius Vanderwerken, W. E. Halleday, J. A. Bemis and Charles H. Butler formed the hoard of trustees. The hose and engine house was built in 1887 at a cost of $419.04. The company observed the first fireman's memorial day with special services in the M. E. Church on June 9, 1907. A serious epidemic of diphtheria resulted in many deaths in Broad- albin in 1870. In the summer of 1890 the Amsterdam aqueduct was con- structed, passing the Ridge many yards below the surface. In 1895 the village school became a union school and a new building was erected. An Elgin system creamery was built in 1896 by a local stock company. About 1907 a plague of army-worms swept across the town from the northwest, devastating every grain field in their path, but was destroyed when in the southern part of the town by long delayed rains. The Husted Family have incalculably benefitted Broadalbin during their residence there. In the summer of 1890 Colonel Wm. H. Husted accidentally shot and killed himself near his summer home, but his relatives have continued their residence in Broadalbin. In June, 1891, a free reading room was established under their auspices. Later they bought and totally extirpated the old American Hotel from the corner of Main and North streets, besides conducting many other enterprises for the improvement of the village or the benefit of its residents. Some of their buildings were designed by the late Stamford White, whose recent murder by Harry K. Thaw has gained world-wide notoriety. The members of this family most closely associated with Broadalbin are Miss M. K., Charles S., and Seymour Husted, Mrs. Cromwell, and Mrs. Beers. Robert W. Chambers, an author of considerable ability and eminence and grandson of Dr. Wm. Chambers, for several years has made Broad- albin his summer home. Some of his novels touch upon colonial life in Broadalbin and Johnstown. Tornado of 1897. — August 15, 1897, a tornado suddenly developed near the southern township line and, moving in a northeasterly direction, destroyed the Ponshaw barn, the Hardig house and barn, two barns at Thomas Steel's farm, and the Daniel Steenburg barn, one mile beyond. This was the most severe whirling wind ever known in the Mohawk valley. The force it exerted was terrific, massive trees were twisted from the earth, fragments of timber were carried long distances and flung out of the cloud with crushing force, and the narrow escape of three houses along the route was providential. Bridge building has been an important feature of internal develop- ment. Following are some statistical briefs; with one exception all were built of stone. Voted to be erected over the Kennyetto at Broadalbin, October, 1885, $1,200; Hons Creek, Benedict, 1886, $800; Frenchman's Creek, Spencers Corners, 1889, $600; Kennyetto, West Broadalbin, 1889, $685, $150 additional allowed; Chuctanunda, West Galway, May, 1904, $800; steel bridge Kennyetto, East Broadalbin, July 9, 1904, $1,025; Frenchman's Creek, Union Mills, July 18, 1905, $875. At the election of 1901 the system of working roads by direct monetary taxation was adopted, but has occasioned some dissatisfaction. 13 Railroad Surveys in the vicinity of Broadalbin are quite numerous. About 1877 a survey from Schenectady to Ogdensburg passed just east of the village. The Boston & Maine company surveyed from the Hudson valley to Rome through Broadalbin about 1882 and work was commenced on the east end of the line when the sudden death of the chief mover of the project paralyzed the work and it was not resumed. In 1891 J. W. Cleveland surveyed a line to Mayfield three and one-half miles long, which he estimated could be built for $40,000, but the project was abandoned. About 1892 the Utica and Saratoga enterprise awakened great enthusi- asm. Gloversville pledged $30,000 and Broadalbin $5,000 for its construc- tion, which seemed certain, but after $200 had been paid toward the expenses of the survey the enterprise suddenly collapsed. In 1895 J. W. Cleveland and Dr. H. C. Finch formed the Broadalbin Construction Co. and built two miles of track on private right, whereupon the Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Co. was induced to complete and operate the the line to Broadalbin Junction. The first passenger train was run Nov. 22, 1895. Early in 1903 J. W. Cleveland surveyed a line for the Ballston Terminal Co., connecting their lines with Broadalbin. In 1907 this com- pany was bought out by the Eastern New York Co., who has commenced work on an electric road to extend from Ballston through Broadalbin to Gloversville, with a branch to Amsterdam via Hagaman. Electric Lights were first used in Broadalbin early in 1902, when a private plant owned by Miss M. K. Husted commenced operation. In December of the same year W. W. Finch & Co. furnished lights for the Broadalbin Electric Co. This company in 1901 expended $3,000 to de- velop the water power at Spook Bridge on the Kennyetto, but owing to defective construction the works were destroyed by high water. Later the company established a steam power house in Broadalbin, but in May, 1907, ceased operation, being unable to compete with the new Broadalbin Electric Light and Power Co. This company supplies Broadalbin and Mayfield from power houses in Gloversville, and is developing the water power at Eagle Mills. The Hudson River Light and Power Co. has pro- jected a colossal dam at Conklingville on the Sacandaga which would create a lake forty miles long, flooding large parts of northern Broad albin. Its construction, however, is as yet uncertain. In 1906 Broadalbin experienced a sudden commercial boom. A national bank was projected, property rose in value, and houses were in demand. Altogether this stimulus to the life of the village did not mean as much as some people anticipated, nevertheless, it set Broadalbin growing faster than it had before in many long decades. A few population statistics of the township are subjoined. Popula- tion in 1800, 1,133; 1814, 2,369; 1820, 2,428; 1830, 2,657; 1840, 2,738; 1850, 2,476; 1860, 2,534; 1870, 2, 912; 1880, 2,175; 1800, 2,021; 1905, 1,919. Broadalbin village: 1850, 500; 1907, 960. 14 BOOK II. OUTLYING VILLAGES. Union Mills, a place of some importance, is situated on Frenchman's Creek and has a population of between one and two hundred. Seymour Carpenter was the first to locate near this place, where he erected a saw mill in 1827. A paper mill was built in 1828 by a small company, but was burned in 1840, rebuilt the following year, burned and rebuilt in 1867, and finally burned in 1877. The first store in the place was kept by John Schoonmaker about 1828, and a printing office was established by the Christian General Book Concern in 1833. Rev. Joseph Badger was manager and beside compiling and publishing several books for the use of his denomination he published a weekly paper called "The Christian Palladium," but after a few years this was discontinued and the pub- lishing plant came into the possession of John and William Clark, who began the publication of a political paper called "The Banner," which later was changed to a religious publication entitled "The Visitor." This enterprise proved a failure, but an attempt was made to publish a family newspaper called "The Garland" before the publishing project was finally abandoned. North Broadalbin, often called Avery's and formerly Spencer's Cor- ners, is about one mile from the Northampton line. Duncan McMartin, who had achieved great prominence as a surveyor, lawyer and jurist, settled on what has since been known as the Spencer farm in 1810, built a saw mill and grist mill, and became a man of wealth and influence. In 1813 he was instrumental in forming a stock company which built and operated a woolen mill which continued in operation for eighty years. Benedict is situated a short distance northeast from North Broadalbin and has very little individual history. It derives its name from the Bene- dict family, long prominent residents of the place. Mills Corners, in the eastern part of the town, is named from the Mills family, in earlier years prominent residents of the place, but the Sawyer family has long formed a large proportion of its inhabitants. Here was one of the few plantation farms in this part of the country worked by slave labor, the Colton farm, now owned by George Hickok. An old hotel at the main cross-roads on the summit of Flea Hill (the local name for an outlying spur of the Kayaderosseras range, although often applied to the whole region), was in early days the rendezvous of counterfeiters. It is said they were often pursued by the sheriffs, but never legally apprehended, always escaping by a secret passage to an underground cellar large enough to admit a team and wagon. Other vague traditions cling around the place, but nothing can be authenticated. Modernly the hotel was used as a dwelling house and a grocery store was kept in one end of it by Alfred & Chauncey Sawyer for a number of years. While unoccupied a few years ago the building was destroyed by fire. Mills Corners post office, long kept by George Tuarjet, a half mile west of the corners, was discontinued in June, 1907. Stevers Mills is on the Kennyetto two miles east of Broadalbin. At an early date a hammer and hoe factory was here conducted in con- nection with a turning shop by Harmon Vedder. In 1869 James B. Stever built a paper mill which was run more or less regularly until 1905; he also conducted a saw mill and undertaking establishment. A short distance further up the stream was Thompson's Mills, where a paper mill was long run by Samuel Thompson, who also operated a lime kiln and quarry. Hooseville, as that part of West Galway north of the Chuctanunda is called, is divided between the towns of Broadalbin and Galway. It was formerly known as Van Vranken's Corners. Mann's grist mill has long been its chief industry in the Broadalbin section, and first the Hoose and later the Collier families have been the most prominent residents. Vail Mills is situated in the great bend of the Kennyetto one mile southwest of Broadalbin in the town of Mayfield, but so closely related to Broadalbin life that it must be mentioned here. Between 1790 and 1795 Daniel Lefferts, the first settler, located here and built the first saw mill in southeastern Mayfield. William Vail came from Connecticut in 1804 and purchased the land still owned by his great grandsons, who conduct several important industries. On August 6, 1868, J. P. Rosa came from Union Mills and opened a general store, where he did a busi- ness of over $18,000 annually, which later passed into the hands of Edward Vosburg. In the early days when Broadalbin was Fonda's Bush, Vail Mills was the Lower Bush, afterwards called the Lower Village, which name is still in use. Its modern name, Vail's Mills, has recently lost its possessive form. Woods Hollow also is not in Broadalbin, but a short distance west of the Mayfield line. It was settled in 1795 by a man named Harmon, who built and operated a grist mill. At one time it contained two large paper mills, and in 1905 W. J. Kennedy built a shoddy mill of concrete blocks. Prior to 1890 the name of Woods Hollow gave place to that of Closeville, but the old name has since been revived. LOCAL INDUSTRIES. Woolen Goods: — In 1813 a stock company was formed at North Broadalbin which erected a woolen mill on land owned by Duncan Mc- Martin. The first directors were Duncan McMartin, Tiffany Brockway, James Sumner, John Fay and John B. Hawley. The business was carried on for some time, but in the depression following the war with Great. Britain became unprofitable and was abandoned. The directors later cleared off the liabilities and carried on the business which afterward passed into the hands of John Culbert and Thomas Reddish. Later it passed to Reddish s two sons, and ultimately one of them, Daniel M., became sole proprietor and continued to own the mill, although it was operated by outside parties, until its destruction by fire about the year 1894. 16 Paper making in the earlier times was an important feature in the industrial life of Broadalbin. At an early date a paper mill was built on the present site of the hosiery mill by a man named North, who operated it for some time. He erected the large house now owned by W. W. Finch, and it is of interest to note that the contractor made a charge of $500 for the foundations of this house and accepted in payment a choice imported ram. The mill afterward passed into the possession of Noah D. Cleveland, who operated it for some time prior to his death in 1845, when it passed to his son, Daniel O., who conducted it for some time, then discontinued and operated a tannery for some time, but later put the paper mill again in operation and continued it until about 1867, when it was burned. He also conducted a foundry just west of the paper mill, and a large tannery long stood on the opposite side of the Kennyetto. The Broadalbin families are a part of the Cleveland thousands who in- habit America, all descended form Moses Cleveland, an early settler of Massachusetts. As early as 1828 a paper mill was built at Union Mills by John Car- penter, John Schoonmaker, John Clark and Richard P. Clark and con- tinued in business till 1840, when it was burned. Rebuilt in 1841 by John Clark, it was again burned in 1867. A third mill was immediately erected by Nelson W. Bacon; in 1874 it passed into the ownership of W. H. Whitlock, and in December, 1877, this also was burned. Bacon also operated a paper mill at Eagle Mills, built at an early date, probably by his father. This also was burned about 1892. A paper mill was built on the Kennyetto just above Stever's Mills about 1850 by John and Samuel Thompson, and after his brother's death was conducted by the latter until its destruction by fire in 1885. The last of Broadalbin's paper mills was built at Stever's Mills by James B. Stever in 1869, and operated until 1905. Paper made from wood pulp has come so much into use that the coarser brand produced in Broadalbin's mills is no longer in demand. Gloves have been manufactured in Broadalbin for half a century. James Louis Northrup (born in Galway Sept. 1, 1818,) opened a wagon- making shop in Broadalbin in 1836 and, after operating a sole leather tannery and traveling ten years for a glove firm, in 1854 joined his brother-in-law, J. N. Richards, in the manufacture of gloves at Broad- albin, which was continued until 1860, when he removed to Johnstown, becoming one of its most prominent citizens, dying Oct. 25, 1888. Arthur Smith came from Perth in 1840 and as early as 1862 began the manufacture of gloves on a small scale, which he continued for over thirty years. In 1888 Dye & Robertson started the glove industry which they still conduct. Andrew J. Waterstreet and Robert Wilson began the manufacture of fulled mittens at North Broadalbin in June, 1891. Jesse Hall, an Englishman, worked as a glove cutter in Broadalbin and after- ward became a successful manufacturer in Gloversville. Other prominent glove makers who have made Broadalbin their home at some time are John Stewart Ireland and George Wayne. In December, 1902, a stock company of twenty members, three of whom were afterward bought out by the others, bought a building on 17 lower Main street, locally known as the Bee Hive, and rented it to Littauer Bros, of Gloversville for a glove shop. Subsequently a large addition was built at the rear of the building and quite a considerable business was conducted, but in July, 1907, the business was discontinued owing to disadvantages of location The Knitting Industry began in 1884, when the Penobscot Knitting Co. bought the site of the old Cleveland mills and began the erection of a factory. The company consisted of W. J. Kennedy, James W. Bailey, F. and S. C. Higgins, and under the name of Higgins Bros. & Kennedy carried on the business until May, 1889, when a stock company was formed with a paid in capital of $75,000. The company added several enlargements to the property and also maintained a shoddy mill at Chase's Mills (formerly known as Fox Hollow), in the east end of Broadalbin, where many were burned in succession. A few years ago some machinery was established in the old Chase grist mill, but this, known as the White Star Knitting Mill, was soon after destroyed by fire, whereupon a sub- stantial brick structure replaced it. Small fires had often occurred in the main factory, doing more or less damage, but on the night of Nov. 29, 1905, it was burned to the ground with a loss of $110,000. During the following summer a new brick structure was erected on nearly the same site and went into immediate operation. In 1896 W. J. Kennedy resigned from the superintendance of the Broadalbin Knitting Co. and built an independent shoddy mill at Woods Hollow. POST OFFICE RECORDS. In pioneer days a post rider twice weekly blew his horn loudly before entering the village, then rode slowly up the bridle trail where Main street now is, dispensing the mail direct from the saddle bags, while the whole populace collected to hear the momentus news which in those days occasioned the writing of a letter. In 1804 the post office was estab- lished and named Broadalbin through the influence of the Scotch ele- ment. In the early days the mails probably came via Johnstown, later they were brought twice daily from Mayfield by stage until the building of the railroad gave more expeditious service. On Oct. 1, 1903, Rural Free De- livery Route Number 2, from Hagaman, which twice crosses the southern part of Broadalbin township, went into operation and diverted a portion of Broadalbin's mail. On June 15, 1904, R. F. D. No. 1 was started from this office, penetrating the central region of the township. The record of postmasters is incomplete. Allan Burr held the office for eight years during Jackson's administration, and was succeeded by Alexander Van Ness. Laban S. Capron also held it at one time. A list of postmasters for the last half century with the date when each assumed charge is appended: Dr. C. C. Joslin, 1857; Arthur Smith, April 17, 1861; Daniel O. Cleveland, Sept. 29, 1866; Arthur Smith, April 2, 1867, re- signed; D. O. Cleveland, May 14, 1869; J. W. Cleveland, Oct. 1, 1874; F. G. Fuller, Nov. 9, 1880; Loren Sunderland, Sept., 1882; David Blair, June 22, 1885; Archibald Robertson, May 22, 1889; J. P. Rosa, April 23, 1894; A. A. Gardner, Oct., 1898. 18 DIRECTORY OF PHYSICIANS AND BARRISTERS. E. G. Rawson was the first physician to locate in Broadalbin. He came from Connecticut in 1805. William Chambers, born in Galway, 1798; Scotch-English ancestry, studied in Boston, distinguished for brilliant scholarship, died in Broad- albin August 26, 1874. James Berry, graduated Castleton (Vt.) Medical College 1835, located in Broadalbin about 1840, later removed to Gloversville. , Chauncey C. Joslin, graduated Union College, licensed from Schenec- tady Medical Society 1840. David N. Barker, born Edinburg, diploma from Castleton (Vt.) Medi- cal College June 14, 1848. Thomas Delap Smith, born Machias, Me., diploma from Medical School of the State of Maine August 15, 1867. John K. Thorn, born New York, diploma from Albany Medical College Dec. 26, 1871. Henry Clement Finch, born Northampton, license from Albany Medi- cal College March 1, 1882. M. Francis Drury, born Mayfield, diploma from Albany Medical Col- lege May 16, 1887, removed to Gloversville. Reuben L. Howland, born southern Mayfield'1872, graduated Albany Medical College 1897, opened practice in Broadalbin 1897. Lewis H. Finch, born in Broadalbin, graduated Columbia Medical College. The Legal Profession: — Duncan McMartin located at North Broad- albin 1810, master in chancery, judge of court of common pleas 1813, elected to state senate. James M. Dudley, born Peru, Vt., July 19, 1813, graduated Burr Col- legiate Seminary, located at Broadalbin 1840. Horace E. Smith, LL. D., born Weston, Vt., educated in common schools, Chester Academy, Vt., Franklin Academy, Sherburne Falls, Mass., and private instruction. Studied at Broadalbin with Abram P. Demarest, admitted as attorney of Supreme Court of New York Jan. 12, 1844. Prac- ticed in Broadalbin till spring of 1847. Anti-slavery man, edited "The Free-Soiler," member of Massachusetts legislature, introduced mammoth petition urging the enactment of prohibitory laws and fought through a bill favoring the petition. Elected dean and professor of Albany Law School 1879. Was a Presbyterian elder. His first wife was a daughter of George Mills of Broadalbin. John M. Carroll, born Springfield, Otsego Co., April 27, 1827, of the same ancestry as Chas. Carroll of Carrollton, maternal ancestors (Hugue- nots) emigrated from Bordeaux in 1688. Graduated from Union College 1846, commenced practice in Broadalbin 1849, removed to Johnstown 1862, district attorney 1859, elected to 42nd congress 1870. Richard H. Rosa, born in Broadalbin, practiced for some years, dis- trict attorney for twelve years. Henry H. Parker, born Concord, N. H., Feb. 26, 1860, graduated from St. Johnsburg Academy, Vt., Phillips Andover Academy, Dartmouth Col- 19 lege, Albany Law School 18S6, located in Broadalbin 1887, removed to Gloversville 1888. Fitzhugh Littlejohn, descended from the French Count Larchar, born in Broadalbin April 29, 1850, educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, read law in Broadalbin, admitted to the bar 1887, died in Broadalbin. John M. Drury, born at Vail Mills Jan. 16, 1862, educated at Vail Mills and Broadalbin, taught for two years, won free scholarship at Cornell, graduated 1884, admitted at Albany November, 1889. James H. Drury, born in Mayfield May 18, 1865, educated in Broad- albin and State Normal School at Albany, entered Union College 1887, remained two years, admitted, December, 1890, associated with his broth- er, .John M., maintained offices in Broadalbin and Gloversville. Emmet Blair for many years was Broadalbin's leading resident lawyer. Justice James Betts of the Supreme Court of New York state is a native of eastern Broadalbin. CHURCH HISTORY. The Baptist Church of Broadalbin was organized on Oct. 18, 1792, by a council consisting of Elders Butler and Finch, Samuel Halsted, Lemuel Cavil, Stutson Benson, and Brother French. The first deacons, chosen Dec. 15, 1792, were Robert Ryan and Seth Pettit. The first additions to the membership were Mrs. Rebecca Marsh and Mrs. Daniel Mory, who united Jan. 5, 1793. The first pastor was Rev. John Finch, pastor of the First Baptist church of Providence, who ministered to the society as cir- cumstances permitted. He was a revolutionary soldier and his right hand had been disabled by a bullet wound. On Dec. 15 the church voted "to give Elder Finch five pounds in grain, meat, flax, wool and cloth, and forty shillings in work." Today his great-grandsons are prominent sup- porters of the church he did so much to found. In June, 1796, the church united with the Shaftsbury Association, the membership being 33, and in September, 1797, a "meeting at Fonda's Bush determined to build a meeting house." , Alexander McQueen and Nathan Brockway were made building committee, and a report from the board of trustees shows that on May 17, 1798, £261, 12s, 3d had been expended en the structure. In the summer of 1798 it was used for worship, but eight more years elapsed before the rude pulpit and seats were replaced with permanent ones. Saratoga Baptist association was formed from a part of the Shafts- bury Association on August 8, 1804, and the Broadalbin church united with the new association on August, 21, 1805. On June 1, 1816, through the influence of its pastor, Rev. Jonathan Nichols, an Arminian in faith, the church withdrew from the association, but in 1818 a reunion was effected. A new church was begun Jan. 24, 1833, twenty rods east of the first one on land bought from Dr. E. G. Dawson. It was a frame building 43x60 feet, built by Elijah Roberts, and finished and dedicated in 1835. During the pastorate of Rev. William B. Curtis, 1838-42, 142 converts were added to the church. Feb. 15, 1841, the church adopted the revised con- 20 stitution of the Saratoga Association, and in 1843 the pastor's salary was fixed at $400. In 1868-69 about $2,400 was expended on repairs, but on Nov. 18, 1877, the church caught fire from adjacent buildings and was burned to the ground, the society realizing more than $4,300 from the insurance. Jan. 22, 1878, preparations for a new church were commenced, which was built under the supervision of Rev. Jacob Gray at a cost of $7,000. The church was reincorporated May 15, 1879. Repairs and improvements have been made from time to time, electric lights being installed in 1905. The present membership is 284, the salary $1,000. The church for- merly had a Young People's Baptist Union, but on the death of Rev. O. J. Kingsbury, Jan. 1, 1906, it was discontinued and has not been revived. The Sunday school has a membership of 110, including a "Baraca" class of 25 men, organized in 1906, and a young ladies' "Philathea" class, organ- ized in May, 1907. A list of the pastors who have served this church with the date when each assumed charge is subjoined. Vacancies of six months duration are recorded: John Pinch, 1792; Hezekiah Gorton, licentiate, 1795, or- dained Jan. 31, 1798; Jonathan Nichols, August, 1813; vacant two years; William Groom, 1818; James Delany, licentiate, Feb. 1, 1837, ordained Jan. 10, 1838; William B. Curtis, June, 1838; Ludowick Salisbury, June 20, 1842; G. C. Baldwin, September, 1842; H. H. Rouse, Dec. 23, 1843; Chas. E. Chandler, April 1, 1844; William H. Smith, April, 1849; William Garnett, May, 1852; E. Westcott, Aug. IS, 1855; G. W. Abrams, March, 1856; Frederick S. Park, 1857; Joseph L. Barlow, April, 1863; no pastor six months; W. F. Benedict, April, 1869; vacant six months; Hardin Wheat, Jan. 1, 1873; J. K. Wilson, June, 1874; A. K. Bacheldor, May, 1875; no pastor 17 months; R. D. Grant, October, 1878; John G. Dyer, Jan. 22, 1882; W. J. Quincy, January, 1883; A. J. Wilcox, February, 1887; M. H. Coleman, November, 1889; J. R. Shaw, Aug. 1, 1892; "W. C. Carr, Nov. 1, 1898; O. J. Kingsbury, Jan. 1, 1903, died Jan. 1, 1906; D. E. Abrams, April, 1906. The Presbyterian Church of Broadalbin was organized in 1792 by the Dutch Reformed Classis of Albany under the name of the Dutch Re- formed Church of New Haerlem. For seven years the society was feeble, having no pastor nor church, but a revival then strengthened them and it was resolved to have a stated pastor. The first consistory consisted of Rev Coanrod Ten Eick, moderator; Dirk Banta, Samuel Demarest, elders; Abraham Westervelt and Peter Demarest deacons. The first church was built at Vail Mills about 1800. Jan. 13, 1823, the church was incorporated as the First Presbyterian Church of Mayfield and withdrew from the Dutch Reformed Classis of Montgomery in August, uniting the following October with the Albany Presbytery. The sacrament was administered for the first time May 23, 1824, by Rev. John K. Davis. From 1835 to 1837 meetings were regularly held although there was no pastor in charge. In 1839 a lot was bought from Dr. E. G. Rawson and the present church commenced. The old one was occupied until 1840 and sold in 21 1854. The new edifice was dedicated Jan. 7, 1840, by Rev. Hugh Mair of Johnstown. A new charter under the name of the First Presbyterian Church of Broadalbin was obtained Feb. 8, 1850. In 1871 the pastor's stipend was advanced to $800. Beginning Feb. 22, 1894, and continuing for twelve days, enormous union revival meetings were held in this church under the leadership of Rev. William Geil, bringing many into the various churches, in all about 400 making a start toward a higher life. The present membership is about 100, Sunday school 50, Christian Endeavor 15. Pastoral Record: — Coanrod Ten Eick, 1799; vacant from 1811; Sylves- ter Palmer, Sept. 2, 1815; vacant from January, 1818; Alexander Mc- Farlan, Oct. 1, 1822; vacant from April, 1823; John K. Davis, February, 1824; Loring Brewster, June 15, 1832; vacant from 1835; Lott B. Sullivan, May, j 837; William J. Monteath, Oct. 4, 1838; vacant from June, 1856; Charles Milne, June 8, 1857; various supplies from June 10, 1858; James Ireland, Jan. 1, 1859; George A. Miller, April, 1863; Mr. Ingalls, July, 1864; John Garrotson, licentiate, soon after Ingalls, ordained October, 1868, died Sept. 6, 1869; R. Ennis, Jan. 11, 1870; J. G. Cordell, May, 1871; Cyrus Offer, Jan. 1,1873; P. J. Burnham, Jan. 1,1875; Willard K. Spencer and other supplies, October, 1876; H. L. Hoyt, licentiate, November, 1877; vacant from October, 1879; David M. Hunter, Oct. 26, 1880; H. T. Hunter, 1882; vacant from 1884; J. H. Trussell, Aug. 23, 1885; vacant from De- cember, 1888; W. J. Thompson, Nov. 10, 1889; Isaac O. Best, April, 1891; J. H. Trussell, May 1, 1898. The First Christian Church was first organized as a class on June 5, 1814, on which day Elder Jonathan S. Thompson baptized a large number of converts. Meetings were held regularly in houses for some time, the church being first regularly organized May 9, 1818, by Rev. Jabez King. On March 19, 1825, it was incorporated under the title, "The First Christian Church and Society of Broadalbin," and the church was built one mile southwest of Union Mills in 1826. Complete records are unavailable. A partial list of pastors follows: Jabez King, Jacob Capron, John Gardner, Joseph Badger, Joseph Marsh, G. W. Burnham, Harvey V. Teal, James Andrews, Hiram Pratt, Stephen B. Fenton, John Showers, Maxon Hosher, Charles I. Butler. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Broadalbin. The early history of this church is uncertain. The noted Billy Hibbard, who rode a 500 mile circuit, may have penetrated this region as early as 1789. The Mont- gomery Circuit, which included this section, formed a part respectively of the Philadelphia, New York and Troy Conferences. In 1831 this became a part of Northampton Circuit. Prior to 1824 Rev. V. R. Osborn of the New England Conference, while recuperating his health in this vicinity, was induced to take the Broadalbin school. A revival started in the school, it swept through the town, many were converted, and a preaching place became necessary. A Mr. Dunham was then building the house known as the Cleveland home and left the upper story without partitions for that purpose until a church could be erected. A building 35x40 feet was built on a lot bought from Dodridge Smith, and was dedicated in 1824 by Rev. Osborn. A 22 class previously organized numbered among its first members Mr. and Mrs. Dunham, Dr. and Mrs. William Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Dodridge Smith, Bryan Wait, Mrs. Fenton and Mrs. Hollister. In 1840 the church was repaired and enlarged. In 1854 Broadalbin and Mayfield became separate charges and in 1866 Broadalbin became a station. Before the separation the joint salary was $300, afterward Broadalbin paid a stipend of $500. In 1867-68 the church was remodeled under the supervision of Rev. J. G. Perkins, the lecture room being formed by raising the building. Its present dimensions exclusive of choir loft are 40x60 feet. The parsonage was built in 1871 by Rev. A. C. Rose. An addition at the rear of the church was built in 1902. The church has a membership of 214, with 25 probationers, a Sunday school of 150, and Epworth League of 70. The Epworth League was organized by Rev. H. M. Boyce on May 19, 1889, being the oldest in New York State. On May 31, 1907, H. W. Barker and R. J. Honeywell were licensed local preachers. On June 9, 1907, a young ladies' "Delta Alpha" class and young men's "Vires" class of about thirty members each were organized in the Sunday school, which also has a Queen Esther Circle. The value of the church property is perhaps $8,000 and the pastor's salary is $1,000. A complete list of pastors is appended. All appointments were made in April; where two names appear under the same date it is probable that the charge was covered jointly by two circuit riders. R. V. Osborn, 1824; Henry Barnes and C. Pomeroy, '25; T. Clark, '26; J. D. Moriarity, '27; J. Beeman, '28; S. Covel, '29; E.Goss, '31; Orrin Pier, '32; S. Stebbins, '33; William Ames, '35; James H. Taylor and Henry Williams, '36; Ros- well Kelley and J. P. Foster, '38; O. Emerson and H. B. Knight, '39; Jos. Eames and John Seage, '40; J. Squier and Jos. Quinlan, '42; E. Craw- ford and William Ameer, '44; William Ameer and Braman Ayers, '45; Braman Ayers, '46; S. Coleman, '47; C. Pomeroy, '49; C. Pomeroy and A. Lion, '50; P. P. Harrower, '51; O. E. Spicer, '53; John Parker, '54; R. Patterson, '55; H. H. Smith, 57; R. Westcott, '59; J. G. Phillips, '60; J. G. Perkins and W. H. Smith, '62; Jacob -Leonard, '64; A. C. Reynolds, '65; J. G. Perkins, '67; B. M. Hall, '69; D. B. Wright, '70; A. C. Rose, '71; R. T. Wade, '74; R. G. Adams, '77; S. W. Clemans, '79; W. W. Cox, '82; D. M. Schell, '85; F. R. Sherwood, '86; H. M. Boyce, '89; E. J. Guernsey, '91; T. B. Gardner, '96; F. Lowndes, '99; A. D. Angell, 1902; W. J. C. Wilson, '06. Other Churches in the township are the Disciples church at Benedict, the Hemlock nonsectarian church at North Broadalbin, the Episcopal chapel (private), and the St. Joseph's Roman Catholic church of Broad- albin. The Sanhedrin is the name locally given to a cabal of malcontents which gradually came into being in some of the Broadalbin churches in the closing years of the nineteenth century. Their ambition seemed to be to control the organizations to their own satisfaction regardless of personal integrity or the welfare of the community — but their doings are beneath comment. Crucial Decade: — Close observation substantiates the statement that 23 AUG 20 130/ the crisis of Broadalbin's moral existence came in the decade at the meeting of the centuries (1896-1905). It was a battle of the giants, the princes of Light and Darkness. Although little was visible on the sur- face, corruption and strife within were disrupting the churches, while manifold forms of infamy and vice assailed them from without. Long it seemed a death grapple of mutual extirpation, but ultimately Broadalbin drew slowly out on the side of integrity. The churches took on new life and the whole community knew that a change was taking place; a matter of sensation rather than observation, but a fact incontrovertible. Was it mere coincidence that within a few hours of the close of this period occurred the death of one of its principal actors, Rev. O. J. Kingsbury? THE EXCISE CONTROVERSY. In 1794 Peter V. Veeder, Daniel Mclntyre and Alexander Murray as Commissioners of Excise granted licenses for the "keeping of inns and taverns" for the year at £2 each to Willett Clark, Jeremiah Olmstead, James Lowry, Calvin Young. Samuel Demarest, Joshua Briggs, Samuel Sears, James Kennedy, Aaron Olmstead, Alexander Murray, Daniel Mc- lntyre, Sr., David Joslin, Thomas Foster, Peter Hubbell, Daniel Mclntyre, Jr., and Peter V. Veeder. Thus early the populace lifted the responsibility of legalized homicide — but the wheels of time rolled on. As early as 1876 a prohibitory law was enacted by a heavy vote, but in the election of 1884 the friends of prohibition were scattered and a license law once more came into effect. For some time following 1890 no license prevailed, but was again subjected until the election of 1899, when license for the hotel was legalized, but forbidden to the saloon. Two years later the local option vote prohibited the sale of alcoholics except by druggists on physician's prescription. The election statistics were: Question No. 1 (saloon), yes 102, no. 173; No. 2 (stores), yes 80, no 161; No. 3 (druggists), yes 133, no 111; No. 4 (hotels), yes 104, no 161. This law was so openly and completely disregarded with impunity by the liquor dealers and civil officers that in 1905 it was abrogated, the vote standing: No. 1, yes 198, no 146; No. 2, yes 135, no 124; No. 3, yes 171, no 81 ; No. 4, yes 160, no 121. A majority of the citizens seem satisfied that the public integrity should be sold for an annual perquisite — but the end is not yet. Reverend O. J. Kingsbury was the hero-martyr of Broadalbin's battle for a higher existence. Always solicitous for the advancement of the community's welfare, he participated during ill health in the campaign of 1905 which doubtless aggravated his illness, and on New Year's morn- ing, 1906, he died, loved by his friends and respected by all who knew him. Well might his triumphant spirit, as it burst the bonds of human limitations, echo the exultant retrospect in the words of his 1903 Memorial Sunday text, "I have fought a good fight." May the day speedily come when others, actuated by the same noble motive, shall put forth their strength and "fight a good fight for Broadalbin!" 3 i»77-X25 21 Lot 52 ° • -2 v o * **0« e"*J ,v>^ ^w*\w **"*. .^ ^r; «&' » *~-\»*' .0 £ v LIBRARY OF CONGRESS iiini mi in mil iiiii mil mil mi hi 014 222 209 7