,^/ ^ UBRABYOFCONGHESS 01 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE STREETS t) Uf M% I GIVING THE LOCATION OF EACH STREET, COURT, LANE AND ALLEY IN THE CITY, WA WITH AN INDEX GIVING THE OLD AND NEW NAMES. By a. E. ROGERSON, Civil Engineer. PHILADELPHIA : J. S. McCALLA, Pr., 237 Dock Street. 1859. All'' Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1859, by A. E. ROGERSON, Civil Engineer, Ifi the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. ^LPH^BETIO^L LIST OF THE STREETS IN THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. Abbot's ct, 719 s 6th st. Abbottsford pi, from Blith, "W. Abraham ct, 1009 St. John st. Academy st, 118 n 10th. Aberdeen st, 227 Union st. Accomac pi, 3.3G Wiidey st. Acorn al, S2.3 Spruce st. Adams av, 1311 Jefferson st. Adelphi st, 21'ls5thst. Adair av, 401 n 13th st. Addison st, 418 s 17th st. Adrian st, 22 Thompson st. Agnes st, gigs 10th st. Agnew's ct, 737 Race st. Alban st, 1311 Cowley st. Albert's av, 1218 Palmer st. Albertson ct, 123 Carpenter st. Alberger's ct, 740 Willow st. Albion st, 2118 Spruce st. Alder st, 1007 Poplar st. Alice ct, 1021 Sansom st. Allen st, 917 Shackamaxon st. Alfordst, 417 s 6th st. Algiers pi, E. from Alford st. Alexander st, 612 Fitzwater st. Allison pi, 114 n Front st. Almira pi, 720 n Front st. Almont pi, 1522 Cadwallader st. Almond st, 715 s 2d st. Alroy st, 1320 Ridge rd. Alton ct, S from Nassau st. Alsop pi, 1763 Frankford rd. Alston st, 1760 Frankford rd. Amaty st, 1424 Thompson st. America st, 1400 Cadwallader st. Amber st, 2000 n Front st. Amboy st, 13U Oxford st. Amos pi, 1529 Randolph st. Anderson row, 1040 Washington av. Anita st, 1162 s 10th st. Ann st, 262 s 17th st. Anthony st, 710 Dickinson st. Amanda pi, 2315 Pearl st. Andress st, 1219 Mt. Vernon st. Andover pi, S from Melloy st. Annapolis st, 130 South st. Antoinette st, fr. Haverford to Market. Appletree al, 118 n 4th st. Apricot al, N from Poplar al. Ai-abella st, 522 Washington av. Arcade ct, 833 Shippen st. Arch lane, 644 Shippen st. Arch st, n 100 w. Armstrong's ct, 1212 Catharine st. Armstrong's ct, 409 Prune st. Armstrong's ct, n from McCrea st. Arrison's ct, 114 s 15th st. Ash st, 825 Richmond st. Armand pi, 712 Marshall st. Archbold pi, 1312 Race st. Ashbury st, 520 South st. Ashland st, 1019 Wharton st. Ashhurst st, 238 Market st. Arizona st, 240 s 12th st. Ashton pi, 230 n 23d st. Ashton st, 2321 Vine st. Aspen al, 2235 Walnut st. Aspen st, 2119 Walnut st. Astor pi, 802 n Front st. Asylum st, 318 s Broad st. Atherton st, 529 Carpenter st. Atkinson's ct, 529 Lombard st. Atkinson's ct. w from Sutherland st. Atwood pi, 1016 Hamilton st. Atmore st, 814 n 13th st. Auburn st, 1018 s 8th st. Audubon pi, 14 n Front st. Augusta pi, 206 n Front st. Aurora st, 244 s 9th st. Aurora st, 334 s 12th st. Austin's st, 1012 Federal st. Austin pi, 831 St. John st. Avon pi, 415 n 13th st. Azalia st, 233 n loth st. Aydelott's ct, 17 Perham st. B. Bache st, 1425 Cherry st. Backer ct, n from Atmore st. Bacon's ct, 325 New Market st. Backers pi, 70S Marshall st. Bagges ct. 111 Carpenter st. Baden st, 741 Shippen st. Bailey's ct, 1410 Lackawanna st. Baird's ct, 1323 Brown st, Baker st, 719 s 8th st. Balch st, 206 Vine st. Baldwin pi, .525 York av. Ball st, 20t Richmond st. Ballenger av, 1110 Race st. Ballston pi, 616 Lombard st. Baltic pi, 225 Catharine st. Balsam pi 747 s 5th st. Balston pi, n from Concord st. Bank st, 230 Market st. Bankson st, 1305 Wallace st. Bangor st, 713 s 15th st. Banana st, 1213 n 15th st. Barber's row, 1115 Melon st. Barclay st, 674 n Broad st. Barlow st, 514 Wharton st. Barker st, 16 s 16th st. Barker ct. Crease ab. Richmond st. Barley st, 408 s 10th st. Barnet st, 1116 s 8th st. Barrington ct, 1S29 Spruce st. Barron st, 227 South st. I Barton st, 1021 Wallace st. i Barlow pi, 719 s 8th st. Barnes pi, 1121 Charlotte st. Barrow st, 312 South st. Barr st, 625 n Front st. Barlell pi, 928 n Front st. Bartram st, 318 s 6th st. Barney av, 402 Callowhill st. Bauersach's ct, 1330 n Front st. Bascom pi, n from Barley st. Bastian pi, 428 German st. Bay st, 306 s 6th st. Bayard st, 1332 s 7th st. Bayuou pi, 956 Marshall st. Bay Tree pi, n otf Mintzer st. Baxter's av, s from Guilford st. Beach st, 3 Willow st. Beam's ct, 478 St. John st. Beale pi, 30 s 18th st. Bean pi, 126 Race st. Beaumont pi, 109 Pegg st. Beard's ct, w from Barron st. Beaver st, 999 n 2d st. Beck pi, 836 s Front st. Beck st, 764 Passyunk rd. Becker's pi, 318 St. John st. Beckett st, 638 n 16th st. Beckwith st, 1118 Shippen st. Bedlow pi, 1313 Carlton st. Bedell pi, 411 Cherry st. Bedford st, 614 s 5th to Broad st. Beekman pi, 421 Green st. Belfast pi, n otf Bulletin st. Belding row, 1310 Race st. Bell's ct, w off Bingham's ct. Belgrade pi, 325 Girard av. Belgrade st, 1425 Frankford rd. Bellona pi, 227 Washington av. Belinda pi, 735 Bedford st. Belrose pi, 215 Willow st. Benezet pi, 41 n llth st. Beufer's ct, 1034 St. John st. Benuer's al, offEnnis pi. Bennett st, 112 s 7th St. Benson pi, 337 German st, Benton pi, 1227 s Front st. Berlin st, 411 South st. Berry pi. Locust ab. 9th st. Berks street, 900 n Front st. Berwick pi, 723 New Market 8t. Bethesda street, 1313 Rye st. Bevan's ct, 223 Washington av. Beverly pi, S25 Shippen st. Biddle street, 545 n 24th st. Binder's court, 922 Popular st. Bingham's ct, 317 Spruce st. Birch pi, 114 n Sth st. Bird st, 145 Morrow st. Black-Horse al, 25 s 2d st. B Blackford's ct, 1021 Charlotte st. Bland's ct, 1339 Olive st. Blake pi, 875 Lawrence st. Bledisloe pi, 936 Marshall st. Blight st, 1.333 Pine st. Block pi, 619 Richmond st. Bliss pi, w from Raspberry st. Blue Bell pi. 1025 n 4th st. Blanch st, Market to Pratt, w. p. Blunston av, 32 s 19th st. Blythe st, 13.36 Pine st. Boehm's ct, 909 St John st. Bond st, 320 s 9th st. Bonner pi, 121 Lanrel st. Bohemia pi 769 s 4th st. Bolivia pi, 253 n 11th st. Bonham pi, 18 Spruce st. Boudinott st, n from Market to L. pike, Borden st, 1324 s 3d. Bourbon pi, 943 Swanson st. Bowdoin st, 1221 Cherry st. Bowery pi, 404 Carlton st. Boyd's av, 1114 Vine st. Boxwood pi, 256 n Sth st. Boyle's ct, 621 Filbert st. Boyer pi, 7 s 10th st. Bracelaud's ct, 916 s Front St. Brace pi, 506 South st. Branch st, 222 n 3d st. Bradford st, 1612 Spruce st. Brandywine pi, 528 n 13th st. Bramble pi, 725 Passyuuk road. Brasier st, w from Lloyd st. Bread st, 227 Arch st. Bremen pi, 1640 Cadwallader st. Brigham ct, 317 Spruce st. Brighton st, 220 s Broad st. Brigg st, 215 Madison st. Briley's ct, e from Lisle st. Brinton st, 433 Master st. Bristovsr pi, 710 s 12th st. Biistol pi, 621 New Market st. Bristol av, 1031 n Front St. Brier pi, 1005 Spruce st. Bride pi, 1211 Hamilton st. Brinkley pi, 616 Cherry st. Broad st, w 14th st u and s. Broadbent's ct, 639 New Market st. Brook st, 231 Buttonwood st. Brown st, 800 n Front st. Brustar's al, 204 Richmond st. Bromley pi, 623 Commerce st. Brodie pi, 951 St John st. Brolaskie pi, 426 n 23d st. Brussels pi, 520 n Sth st . Brunswick pi, 325 Stanley st. Buckley st, 314 s 5th st. Budd st, 306 s 12th st. Budden's al, 110 n 12th st. Budden's ct, 1225 Budden's al. Buist's row, 1214 Fitzwater st. Bunyan pi, 1.305 Lancaster st. Burgoyne pi 1006 Sansom st. Burgundy pi, 2.30 n Sth st. Burchell's ct, 837 s 3d st. Burd st, 127 Queen st. Burton st, 412 s 15th st. Bulletin st, 841 s Front st. Burns st, 1420 Parrish st. Burrow's ct, 616 Mintzcer st. Burbank pi, e from Vinnet st. Burlington pi, 233 German st. Burton st, 412 s 15th st. Bushman pi, 543 Guilford st. Butcher's al, 815 u 4th st. Butler's av. 249 s Juniperst. Button st, 11 n Juniper st. Buttonwood st, .500 n 2d st. Butz's row, 491 St John st. Byron st, 1336 Cadwallader st. Cabot st, 1246 n 15th st. Cadbury av, 1221 Jefferson st. Cadwallader st, Girard av and 2d st. Cadwell st, 912 n 13th st. Cake's ct, off Craven st. Calvert pi, s from Vasey st. Caldwell st, 211 s 23d st. Caledonia ct, 1015 Filbert st. California pi, 1317 Rodman st. Callowhill st, n 400 running e and w Cambridge st, 922 n 19th st. Candy row, 108 s 2.3d .st. Cadmus pi, 19th nr Carpenter st. Calvert st, n and s fr Metcalf st. Calvin pi, e fr 7th ab Brown st. Campbell st, 510 Fitzwater st. Cahill pi, 4.0O n Sth st. Cameron pi, 1418 s 4th st. Camp pi, 402 Brown st. Canal st, 2700 Coates st. Canby st, 214 s 12th st. Candia pi, 516 Coates st. Canning st, 202 s 11th st. Cannon pi, 904 Willow st. Canterbury pi, s fr Mulberry st. Cantman pi, 669 n 11th st. Canton st, 903 Callowhill st. Carberry ct 41 S Catharine st. Carbon st, 1010 South st. Carlisle st, 1401 Brown st. Carlton st, 326 n 11th st. Carolina pi, s fr Barley st. Caroline st, 429 Wharton st. Carpenter st, s 1000 e and w. Carman pi, '720 Cherry st. Carney pi, 225 Juniper st. Carroll st, s from Beaver st. Carsell av, 717 n Broad st. Carswell pi, 1109 Charles st. Carty av, 1929 Lombard st. Caruth pi, 2007 Pearl st. Carthage pi, e fr Linnville st. Carter st, 114 s 2d st. Carver st, 524 s 15th st. Cass st, 1236 s 12th st. Cassidy ct, 827 Marriott st. Cassion ct, Girard and Columbia av. Castletine av. 2004 Wood st. Castle st, 1036 Sergeant st. Castner av, n fr Orchard st. Catherine st, s 700 running w. Catawba pi, 215 German st. Causey's ct, 1217 Ogden st. Catlin pi, 315 German st. Cattell av, 1930 Pearl st. Cedar av, 821 South st. Central pi, 254 n Sth st. Centre st, 535 n 15th st. Ceruse st, 1519 Lombard st. Chamber's av, 2020 Callowhill st. Chancellor st, 218 s 16th st. Chancery lane, 124 Arch st. Chandler's ct. Palmer ab. Richmond. Charles st, 610 Washington av, Charles st, 406 South st. Charlotte st, 319 Brown st. Chatham st, 508 Green st. Chance pi, 444 New Market st. Chadwick pi, 856 n 4th st. Chant st, 13 s 10th st. Chapman st, 781 s Front st. Chase pi, 2.302 Linn st. Cherry st, 130 n 3rd st. Chestnut st, s 100 w. fr Del Chester st, S17 Race st. Chenango st, 1110 Sites st, China row, 1418 n 4th st. China st, 1102 s Front st. China st, 413 Buttonwood st. Chippewa st, 415 s 15th it. Chippewa st, 2626 Lombard st. (Jhristian st, s 900 W fr Delaware. Church al, 20 n 2nd st, Chur pi, 833 Shippen st. Citron st, 652 nllthst. Clair st, 526 Carpenter st. Clarion st, s of Prichett st, Clark st, 1024 s 3rd st. Clawgess ct, off JIulbcrry al. Clay st, 608n 11th st. Clayton st, 2031 Cherry st. Clifton st, 1036 South St. Cliff pi, 1414 Race St. Clinton av, 739 n Sth st. Clinton ct, 457 Franklin st. Clinton st, 334 s 9th st. Clinton st, 240 Girard av. Claghorn pi, 704 n Front. Clawson st, 1207 South st. Clarkson pi, 153 Willow st. Clairborne st, fr Ball st. Clarissa pi, e fr Liudenst. Clementine pi, w fr Linden st. Clematis pi, 112 Christian st. Clifford av, 704 n Front st. Clover st, 20 sl2th.st. Clymer st, 755 s 6th st. Clyde pi, 505 Cherry st. Coates st, n 700 w fr Del. Coburn st, 215 South st. Coffin's ct, 314 Cherry st. Collard'sal, 1115 Beach to Allen. College pi, s fr. Chant st. Columbia st, 1700 n Front st. Commerce st, 24 n Fourth st. Comptroller st, 212 Spruce st. Conard's ct, n fr Beckett st. Concord pi, n fr Concord st. Concord st, 782 s 2ud st. Concordia av, n fr Concord st, Congress st, 740 s Front st. Con's ct, 1328 Front st. Coombesct, 49 n 2ud st. Cooper st, 220 s 20th st. Copperwait pi, 319 New Market st. Congress pi, 320 Chestnut st. Coke pi, 415 Carpenter's ct. Cowper st, fr Heck pi. Cohocksink st, 727 Parrish st. Cohen pi, 760 s Front st. Cowley st, 256 n 13th st. Conway pi, 331 New Market. st. Colchester pi, 857 Charlotte st. Cowslip st, 214 n ISth st. Colebrook pi, 770 s Front st. Copper pi, 1320 South st. Cove pi, St. Mary ab 6th st. Copest, 2321 Walnut st. Cottenham pi, 507 Federal st. Cozzen's av, 932 New Market st. Cordova pi, e fr Barron st. Connestoga pi, 1345 n 2nd st. Corinthian av, 2100 Coates st. Corn st, 227 Wharton st. Corndaffer's ct, 233 Christian st. Cornelius ct, Richmond n Shacka- maxon st. Court al, 8 Brown st. Courtland pi. 306 New Market st. Cox's st, 1207 South st. Cox ct, 322 s 17th st. Craigg'sct, 619 Filbert st. Crane's ct, s fr Mead st. Crawford ct, 512 n Front st. Cresson st, 146 n Sth st. Crockett's ct, 28 s Sth.st. Crooked Billet, 21 s Water st. Crown st, 421 Race st. Crease st, 231 Richmond si. Cresson st, 144 n Sth st. Cross st, 156 s Sthst. Crampton pi, 809 Callowhill st. Crooked pi, 467 New Market st. Culbertson's ct. 1606 Coalesst. Culvert st, 456 Poplar st. Cunningham's av, lllS Federal st. Curton's av, 30 s ISth st. Currant al, 1012 Walnut st. Curiie's ct, 1117 Shippen st. Cuskaden's ct, 424 German st. Curtis ct, Savery ab Girard av. Cuthbert st, 42 n lltb st. CuUen st, 508 s 7th st. Culp st, s fr Rhodes st. Cuba pi, 112 Poplar st. Curran pi, 636 n Fourth st. Cuyler st,410n 19th st. Cypress st, 311 s 3rd st. D F Dallett'sct, fr Silver st. Dailey pi, 1340 s Front st. Danagh's ct, e f r Lybraudst. Dnane ct, 1223 Brown st. Dale pi, 1127 Green st. Dart pi, 1119 Hamilton st. Dalton pi, 917 n Broad st. Danforth pi, 1.561 Germantown rd. Danver st, 24.5 New st. Darling pi, 324 Willow st. Darien st, S03 Brown st, Davies ct, 147 n 8th st. Davies ct, 520 n 6th st. Davy's st, 13th ab Girard av. Davenport st, 262 s 8th st. Dana pi, ijlS n Front st. Davis' Landing, 763 Swanson st. Dawson pi, 1302 Pearl st. Deacon st, 1123 Girard av. Deal st, 1755 Frankford rd. Dean st, 1214 Walnut St. Decatur st, 616 Market st. Daisy av, 510 s 18th st. Davidson pi, 935 Marshall st. Dehaven's ct, 131 Vanhorn st. DeKalb ct, fr Lewis ab Girard av. DePutron's pi, 812 s 3rd st. Dedacker's ct, 37 Otter st. DeLancey st, 318 .s ISthst. Delaware avenue, Vine to South st, ( Del. Denmark st, 1667 s 2ud st. Denny's ct, 423 Marriott's lane. Depot st, 522 n Sth st. Derr ct, w of Orchard st. Derringer's ct, 1541 n Front st. Dewees ct, 31 Prime st. Deagaa pi, e of Tamarind st. Dewitt's av, 1138 St. John st. Daytou pi, 635 n 6lh st. Delauy pi, 771 s 7th st. Deimlingpl, 236 Uaion st. Demar pi, 108 Shippenst. Denmark pi, S66 n 11th st. De Soto st, 1237 Leisinring st. DeVine's ct, 2113 McDufl'eest. Delta st, 1343 Olive st. Diamond st, 1229 Fitzwater st. Dickerson st. s 1500 from Del. w. Dickson's al, 772 s 7th st. Diligent av, 911 Hamilton st. Dilk's ct, 904 Wood st. Dillwyn st, 311 Vine st. Dingler'sct, 116 Vanhorn st. Division row, 405 n 12th st. Division st, 412 u 11th st. Discount pi, 30 n 6th st. Dixey's pi, 1630 Lombard st. Doak st, 1520 Shippen st. Dock st, 153 s 3d to 2-".6 s Wharves. Dorman's pi, 205 Christian st, Donegan's ct, 645 St. John st. Doos ct, w from Duano st. Donnelly's ct, 829 Marriott st. Douglass' av, 122S Brown st. Dodge pi, n from Metcalf st. Dove pi, 1012 s 3d st. Drinker's al, 145 n 2d st. Drum's av, S06 Buttonwood st. Duffy's ct, e from Hubble st. Dugan st, 1508 Spruce st. Dungan's av, 1068 Germantown rd. Duniap st, 2212 Chestnut st. Dunton st, 17 Otter st. Duponceau st, 818 Walnut st. Drayton st. e from Corn st. Drui-y st, 102 s 13th st. Dubree pi, 182 Wilton st. Downing st, 207 Callowhill st. Duolieth pi, r 102 n Front st. Dunsdale pi, 2025 Lombard st. Durham pi, 537 Race st. Drydeu pi, 226 Thompson, st. Duross ct, 784 s 6th st. Dutton's ct, 620 Washington av. Duval ct, w from Ann, ab Vine. Dyott'sct, 710 Girard av. E. Eagle av, 1220 n Front st. Eakin pi, e and w off Currant al. Eardwau's ct, 812 n 15th st. Earl st, 520 Thompson st, (K) Earp st, 516 n 19th st. East N st, 34 n Sth st. Eagen pi, 1005 Hamilton st. Eaton pi, 28 Otter st. Eastwick av, 1632 Ogden st. Ebenezer pi, 319 Catharine st. Edward st, 1113 Front st. Edwin st, 1720 Ridge av. Edisto st, w from Vincent st. Edmoud st, off Barclay al. Eden pi, 228 Catharine st Edina pi, 1030 n 4th st. Eighteenth st, w 1800 n and s. Eighth st, w 800 n and s. Elbow lane, 31 s 3d st. Elder al, 1035 Sergeant st. Eldridge pi, 1824 n 6th st. Eleventh st, w 1100 n and s. Elfreth's al, 131 n 2d st. Elk st, 121 Otter st. Elba pi, 904 Ontario st. Elba pi, 965 Boach st. E North st, 34 n 5th st. Ellen st, 938 n Front st. EUet's av, 535 Race st. Elliott's ct, n from Gatzmer st. Ellis st, 909 Mt. Vernon st. Elm st, 430 Girard av. Elmslie'sal, 228 s 2d st. Elvira pi, 604 Copper pi. Ely's av, 814 n 12th st. Ely st, 1118 Locust st. Eisner pi, 1007 Charlotte st. Ellsinpl, 1131 Vine St. Elgin pi, 1223 Heath st. Elwynn st, 917 Cherry st. Embress ct, 1031 St. John st. Emeline st, 614 s 8th st. Emanuel pi, 331 Monroe st. Emden st, 635 Shippen st. Emmet st, 1310 s 3d st. Enos st, 204 Richmond st. Enterprise st, 1525 s 5th st. Eppright's ct, 1340 s Front. Erie st, 1010 Shippen st. Ennis pi, 2123 Vine st. English st, 505 Powell st. Eneu st, 1222 s 7th st. Errickson st, 90S s9th st. Eretv st, 22 ts 16'.h st. Erus't st, 1152 s 9th st. Esher's av, 1218 Coates st. Essex st, 812 Catharine st. Eutaw st, 715 Cherry st. Evans st, 228 Prime st. Espey st,1326 Fitzwater st. Eva pi, 749 s Eront st. Everett pi, 112 Noble st. Eveland pi, 909 St. John st. Evaline st, 245 s 3d st. Ewald pi, off Wiutbrop pi. Exeter st, 110 s 16th st. Ewing's ct, 725 Guilford st. Exchange st, 232 Chestnut st. Ezra pi, 303 Catharine st. F. F st, 282 s 2d st. Faas pi, 1022 Vine st. Factory st, 340 s 23d st. Fair pi, 214 Monroe st. Fagan av, 802 Filbert st. Fail pi, 808 Rachel st. Fairbank pi, e from Levant st. Fairlamb pi, 929 Torr's st. Fairman pi, 915 Torr's st Fairday pi, n from Haviland st. Fairfax pi, 905 s Sth st. Fairmountav, 2328 Linn st. Falls pi, 539 Race st. Fareira's ct, n from Barley st. Farr st, from Mulberry al. Fable av,336 Julianua st. Fallon st, 818 Fitzw.ater st. Farley pi, 551 Guilford st. Farmer pi, Philip ab Oxford st. Farrell pi, 1315 Lawrence st. Farson pi, 1026 Beach st. Faust pi, 1070 Cadwallader st. Fawn st, 613 Moss st. Fawn st, 1234 Columbia st. Faulkner st, 307 Carpenter st. Federal st, s 1200 w from Del. ' Feinour's pi, 738 Swanson st. Fenimore st, 724 n 17th st. Ferguson's ct, 13th ab South st. Fernon st, 1610 s Sth st. Fetter lane, 131 n 3d st. Fenner pi, 32 n 2d st. Fife's pi, 1425 Shippen st. Fifteenth st, w 1-500 n and s. Fifth st, w 500 n and s. Filbert st, 38 n 6th st. Filmore st, 1733 Pine st. Finches ct, 928 St, John st. Finney's ct, 520 Lombard st. Fitler st, 2d and Montgomery sts. Fitzwater st, 718 Passyunk rd. Fitch st, 2208 Race st. Flanagan's ct, 1418 Pearl st. Fleming's st, 5 n 21st st, Flickwir's ct, 227 German st. Flint's ct, 819 Filbert st. Floor st, Adelphi to Prune st. Florida st, 1121 Catharine st. Flower's al, 720 New Slarket st. Forrest pi, 115 s 4th st. Fothergill st, 916 Pino st. Fourth st, w 400 n and s. Fourteenth st, w 1400 n and s. Fowler st, 709 n 17th st. Fox ct, 1217 South st. Fraley's al, Parson's pi. Flovd pi, 416 Carpenter st. Flood pi, 916 s 6th st. Florence st, 1029 Carpenter st. Fishbourne st, 634 Washington av. Filson st, 2210 Arch st. Ford st, 1918 Pine st. Francis st, 1614 Ridge av. Franklin sq, 600 Race to Vine sts. Franklin st, 711 Race st. Franks ct, 512 Franklin st. Franconia pi, 715 n 9th st. French st, Haverford to Bridge st. Freed 'sav, 729 Cherry st. Frielander st, 2015 Cherry st. Freeman's ct, 640 n 7th st. Freeston's pi, 1005 Moyamensing a v. Freytag's al, 510 Bedford st. Frees ct, 14 n 11th st. Friendship's ct, 625 St. John st. Fromberger's ct, 328 St. John st. Front st, w 100 n and s. Fulton st, 746 s 12th st. Furlong's ct, 705 Cherry st. Furness pi, n from Branch st. c. Gabels ct, 145 Brow n st. Gaffney's ct, 632 Fitzwater st. Gairside's ct, 20 Haydock st. Gaines pi, 237 Queen st. Gale's ct, 589 Passyunl^ rd. Gampher's ct, 505 Catharine st. Gadsbypl, 1714 Lombard st. Gallagher pi, n from St. Joseph's av. Garden st, 823 Vine st. Garker's ct, 1334 Lawrence st. Garrett's ct, 931 Sergeant St. Garretson's row, S35 s 3d st. Gaskillst,516s2d st. Gatehall's pi, s from Carroll st. Gay'sst, 1210 Charlotte St. Gebhard st, 1527 Cherry st. Galleo st, n from New ab 2d st. G n Garcon av, 338 New Market st. Garber pi, 433 New Market st. Garland pi, 'J'2.') Rachel st, Garside's st, 200 Kace st. Garton pi, 12-Jl Beiltbrd st. Garwiu pi, 232 Catherine st. Garwood pi, 805 Jayne st. Gatzmer st, 123 s 2d st. Gaine's pi, 237 Quoeii st. Gallena pi, 414 Gaskill st. Gallatin pi. Ill Prime st. Galloway st, 307 Georjie st. Geddes ct, n from Borden st. Georges st, 1046 u 2d st. German st, 742 s 2d st. Germantowu av, 982 n Front st. Getz's ct, 1216 Poplar st Geary st, 1721 Wilton st. Gerker st, Hanover ab Thompson st. Girard av, n 1000 e and w. Genoese pi, 326 Master st. Gideon's ct, 807 Wood st. Gilbert st, 711 n 10th st. Gilles al, 508 Lombard st. Girard st, 6 s 11th st. Gleuwood st, 144 Noble st. Gilboa st, from Moore to Cranmord st. Giflord pi, 1631 Ogden st. Ginnodo st, 1820 liidge av. Gillingham st, 1201 Germantown av. Gloucester st, 434 Master st. Goat al, from Middle al Gold st, 134 s 2d st. Goldbeck's ct, 1129 n 2d st. Goldsmith's ct, 443 New Market st. Golser'sct, 447 n Front st. Goodbread pi, s from Vernon st. Goodwood pi, 2015 Callowhillst. Gladingpl, 704nl3thst. Glancy pi, 1009 Noble st. Glasgow pi, 212 Poplar st. Glasmire pi, off Orchard st. Glazier pi, 917 n Front st. Glendale st, 524 Bedford st. Godey st, 624 Catherine st. Gousha st, otf Lisbon st. Goshen av, 302 s 11th st. Godwin st, e from Bread st. Godfrey av, 409 Jeiferson st. Goodwater st, 202 s 7th st. Gill pi, 722Shippen st. Gilpin pi, 824 Lawrence st. Gilmore pi, 926 St John st. Govatt's ct, 909 Redman st. Gossamer av, 1005 Noble st. Grace st, 116 n 16th st. Graft st, ?56 n 11th st. Grafton ct, 829 s 5th st. Grahams ct, 421 Green st. Graigs av, 1225 Shackamaxon st. Granite st, 210 s Front st. Grayson st, 740 n 16th st. (iranipian pi, 703 n 13th st. Grammoutpl, 809 Carpenter st. (irayson st, 1527 Cowslip st. • iravel's ct, 1306 Olive st. I! ray st, 127 Popular st. 'iaay's ferry road, 2200 South st. Greavey ct, 1317 Cadwalader st. Green Hill st, n from Lybert st. fireen st, n 600 running e and w. Greenwich st, 1526 s 2d st. Greenwood pi, 59 Noble st. Griers st. Amber al) Wood st. (ireswald al, 515 Fitzwater st. Greenville pi, n from Vaughan st. Greenock pi, n from Mark's laue. Gribblect, 334 Brown st. Griins row, 1211 Girard av. Grindstone al, 221 Market st. Grover st, 108 Queen st. Gulielma st, 513 s 15rh st. (Jurthers ct, 962 n Front st. Guy's block, 314 s 22d st. Griscom st, 410 Spruce. Guilford st, 226 South st. " Griuellst, 1 408 Shippen st. H. Haddock pi, 710 St John st Haddon pi, 704 Poplar st Haggedorn pi, n from Lynd st Hackley st, 1845 Germantown av Halleck pi. 1311 Charlotte st Halm ct, 1913 Cuthbert st Hall st, 932 s 10th st Ilallowell st, 1016 s 6th st Hamilton st, 442 Canton st Hammetts ct, 1708 Lombard st Hamstoad pi, 912 Ogden st Hamburgh pi, otf Badd st Hamlet pi, 1216 n Front st Hampden st, 1624 Shippen st Hamlin pi, 610 Race st Havanna pi, off Linden st Hagner pi, 1133 South st H.andy st. Chestnut ab Till, w. P Harding pi, 322 German st Harker pi, 1920 Barker st Hassinger av, 118 Juniper st Hand st, 428 s 20th st Hance pi, 1505 Germantown av Haywood pi, 919 Hamilton st Havre pi, 830 Washington av Harkinson pi, 728 Baker st Harbor st, 1022 Frankford road Havlland pi, 24S n 8th st Hare st, 730 n 22d st Hatton pi, 811 (Hierry st Hammittsav, e fr Crease abRichmondr Hampton st, 420 s 20th st Hancock st, 124 Tasker st Hanks ct, 820 Rachel st Hanly's ct, 605 Wall st Harberger's row, 1703 Jones st Harmony st, 768 s 4th st Harmony pi, 142 s 3d st Harmstead st, 526 s 19th st Harper's al, 20.3's Water st Harriett st, 2002 Wood st Harris' ct, Latitia st Harrison st, 1723 Frankford road Hart's ct, 338 New Market st Hartley's ct, 1338 Cherry st Hartnett's ct' e fr Lisle st Harting'sal, 28 n 2d st Harvev's ct, 1019 St John st Hatter's ct, 2123 Vine st Hatton st, n fr Lancaster pike Haverford st, n fr Bridge, w p Haydock st, 1017 Germantown av Hay's ct, 323 St Juhnsc Hay st, 1326 s 6th st Headman's pi, s fr Shoemaker st Helmethst, 412 s 16th st Hemlock pi, 1438 South st Hebrew pi, 223 n 3d st Heib pi, 731 Carpenter st Hock pi, 957 n 2d st Heckman's pi, 817 Willow st Heckroth pi, 60S Weaver st Hedges pi, 924 Hamilton st Hellerman pi, 315 Garden st Hepburn pi, 318 German st Hero pi, 42.3 Carpenter st Heyerpl, w from Levant st Heyman pi, 1621 Hamilton st lleiley pi, 515 Carpenter st Henderson's ct, 646 n 7th st Henry st, 1112 Lombord st Hermitage st, .307 Green st Hewston st, 702 Girard av Hlbbard st, 1126 Girard av Heath st, 926 n 12th st Herald pi, 206 Ledger pi Herbert pi, n from Silva st Helena av, 219 Christian st Hickory ct, 609 Callowhill .st Higgins' ct, 131 Carpenter st Higgins' pi, 112 Carpenter st Hiirhman's ct, 132 4 Cad walder st Hilliard's ct, 903 Ogden st Hidesct, 825 Filbert st Hines ct, 220 Christian st Hobensack pi, 142 Coates st Holland pi, 1023 Parish st Hoskin pi, 218 Federal st Hock pi, 1402 Bown st Hillespl, 1202 Beach st Highland pi, 18 n 11th st Hickey st, 1.522 Market st Hirst pi, 519 South st HilLsdale st, 317 Cherry st Hiland pi, 1432 Cadwalader st Haskin pi, 218 Federal st Horner av, 247 n 13th st Holt av, 620 New Market st Holland pi, 1023 Parish st Hopkinson pi, 124 Juniper st Holmes al, 311 n 2d st Holly st, 1526 Fitzwater st Hootings ct, 504 South st Hope st, 1105 Sites st Horstman st, 409 Reed st Houbers pi, 1145 n 3d st Houston st, 702 Girard av Howard st, n fr Sites st Howes ct, 314 Julianna st Howell st, 318 s 19th st Hubbell st, 808 Fitzwater st Hudson st, 316 Market st Huron av, 1404 Philip st Huey pi, 734 Race st Hughes' ct 112 s 3d st Huling's ct. Wheat to Rule st Hulseman ct, 1214 Fitzwater st Humphrey's ct 1.503 Filbert st. Hunter ct, 18 n 10th st Hatchinson st, 920 Poplar st Hydes ct, 825 Filbert st Hyatt pi, Frankford bel Otter st Hydra pi, 413 Noble st Hurst st, 518 Lombard st Iowa st, 204 Union st Innes st, 112 Richmond st (K) lugersoU av, 1423 s Front st Inquirer st, 1119 Brown st Inglis st, 112 s Front st Iron pi, 88 Laurel st. Ireland st, 1500 Palmer st Irp st, 1334 s Sth st Irvine st, 525 n 13th st Iseminger st, fr Budd to Adam's st Ivy st, 506 s 10th st .Tacoby st, 1217 Cherry st Jackson st, 1025 Washington av Jamison st, 1210 s 7th st Jane st, 809 Passayunk rd Jarvis st, 1423 s 4th st Janitor pi, off Kerr st Java pi, 914 Vine st Jay st, 803 Wallace st Jayne st, 30 s 6th st Jeiferson st, n 1500, e & w Jeffrey pi, 1068 n Front st Jenning's row, 305 Catharine st Jerusalem pi, 1202 Pearl st Joint al, 33 s 15th st Jones' al, 18 n Front st Jones st, IS n 15th st Joseph st, 1111 Catharine st Jolly pi, Bedford ab 12th st Jordan pi, 2415 Callowhill st Julianna st, 517 Vine st Juniatta st, 423 Reed st Junior pi, n 1234 Front st Judd pi, 749 Passayunk rd Judge pi, 1330 n Front st Julia st, 1,53 Coates st Juvenal st, 1031 Walnut st Juniper st, 1302 Market st K. Kane's ct, n fr. Darcy st Katest, 810 s 13th st K INI Kayser's pi, 312 n Front st Keefe st, 1124 s Front st Keenan's ct, 1419 Gcrmantown av Kelly st, 28 s 13th st Keturah pi, 1013 St John st Kenebec st, 2035 McDuffee st Kenny's pi, 236 Monroe Kempton st, 253 s 6th st Kenuilworth pi, 1021 s 5th st Kenyon st, 238 Vine st Kenton pi, 217 Lodge st Kemble st, 402 s 12th st Kenworthy's ct, 725 Cherry st Kennedy's ct, 928 n Front st Keron pi, 717 St John st Kershow st, 1451 Cherry st Kessler st, 903 Coates st Keyser's ct, 1430 Cadwaladerst Keyser st, 1329 n Fifth st Kelton st, 1416 Race st Kerr st 867 n 5th st Kienzel's ct 145 Green st King st, 948 n 12th st Kinsley's ct, 1624 Lombard st Kibliu pi, 145 Green st Kirby pi, 419 Garden st Kirkham pi, 720 Kace st Kildare pi, 2219 Hamilton st Kline's row, 1309 Lawrence st Knight's ct, 826 Cherry st Krider's ct, 719 Bedford st Kremmerling's ct, 1326 Germantown avenue Knuckle's ct, 331 Green st Kurtz stills Poplar L. Ljetitia st. 116 Market st LaFayette st, 1156 s 9th st La Grange st, 38 n 2nd st Lambert st, 224 n 13th st Laffin pi, 902 Ogden st Lacon pi, oB' Krider's al Lancaster st, 109 Wharton st Lanark pi, 940 Beach .st. Landall's ct, off Farson pi Lane's ct, 1318 Lombard st Landreth st, 146 n 12th st Landis st, 268 s 4th st Langdon pi, w fr Corn st Lansing pi, 417 South st Larch st, 1007 Wallace st Latimer st, 254 s 15th st Latour's ct, 814 Willow st Laurel st, 937 n 2nd st Lara pi, e I'r Dupoiiceau st Lardner st, 260 s Broad st Larkin st, 6 Lombard st Lawrence st, 419 Brown st Laws ct, 216 Christian st Lawson st, 1122 Wood st Layton pi, 715 Jayue st Lavinia st, 525 s 3rd st Layman pi, 715 Jayne st Leadbeater's av, 2i2 n Juniper st Lebanon st, 916 Fitzwater st Lees st, 30 s ISth st Leeds al, 1416 Vine st Ledger pi, 50 n 2nd st Leib pi, 607 Annapolis st Levering st, 2319 Linn st Leightgow st, 417 Poplar st Leiseuring st, 238 n 12th st Levant st, 225 Spruce st Levan st, 912 s 9th st Leiper st, 19 s 13th st Lemon st, 626 n 10th st Leonard st, 1312 s 8th st Leopard st, SO Riclimond st Lewellen's av. 916 Beach st Library st, 120 s 4th st Lida St. nfr Powell Lilly Ann st, 1024 Shippen st Linden st, 914 Green st Lindsey st, 1608 Shippen st Linn st, 426 u 22nd st Lisle st, 809 Fitzwater st Lister pi, 334 Shippen st Lisbon st, n fr Gilles' al Lima pi, 643 South st Littte Belt pi, 923 s 2nd st Lithlield pi, 124 Shippen st Lincoln av, 724 Fallon st Little Boy's ct, 216 Arch st Lloyd's st, 1408 Shippen st Locust st, 242 s 6th st Lodge st, 132 s 2nd st Logan st, w side Logan sq Logan sq, 1800 Race st Lombard st, s500, E & W Lombard row, 710 Lombard st Louisa av, 107 Union st Louty pi, 534 Christian st Loomis pi, 2118 Callowhill st Lorain pi, 1025 n 4th st Lower pi, 502 n 19th st Lowell pi, SOS Inquirer st Lockland pi, 1305 Coates st Lorian pi, 717 Buttouwood st Luzerne pi, 1.330 Thompson st Lybrand st, 1337 Race st Lydia st, 1146 Sites st Lyndall al, 202 s 12th st Lytle'sct, 776 s 2ud st Lynd st, 611 s 5th st M. Mackeyst, 1320 s 2nd st Macleod pi, 428 Race st Madison st, 1119 Race st Magnolia st, 514 Noble st Maiden's row, 117 Catharine st Maloney st, 225 s 21st st Manderson st, 1026 Beach st Maple st, 208 n Sth st Marble st, 12 s 10th st Manilla st, 916 s 9th st Mcllvain st, 1224 s 3rd Manning st, 290 s 22ud st Manson st, 531 s 6th st Marklo pi, 517 s 2nd st Marsden pi, 1524 Cadwalader st. Mausure pi, 904 Melon st. Maison pi, s from Silver st. Manhattan pi, 1019 Hamilton st. Mayland st, 527 Race st. Mayuard pi, 119 Relief st. Marmora st, 711 Front st Maddox pi, 723 n 4th st Mansfield pi, 508 n Front st Martindale pi, 142S Spring Garden st Mangrove pi, 640 s 6th st Marmion pi, 226 Christian st Mascher st, 141 Girard av Marmion pi, 710 Beach st Mackinaw st, 230 n Sth st Mattis st, 305 s 2d st May pi. 1730 Lombard st Maurice st, 1130 s Sth st Markley pi, 821 Arch st Margai-etta st, 445 n 2d st Margaretta pi, 117 Margaretta st Jlariast, 714 n 4th st Marion st, 1013 s 12th st Mark's laae, 112 u 11th st Marker st, 1524 s 2d st Market al, 401 n 16th st Marlborough st, 300 Girard av (K) Mariott st, 922 Moyamensing av Marseilles pi, 523 n loth st Marshall st, 617 Vine st Mary st, 1013 s 2d st Master st, n 1400 e and w Metamora pi. Ill 1 St. John st Maxwell's ct, 222 Christian st McAfee's ct, 506 s 6th st McAnally's ct, 739 Carpenter st McAvoy'sct, 815 Charlotte st McCann's ct, 427 Mariott st McCaw's ct, 755 s 3d st McCloskey's ct, 514 s Gth st McAllister's al, 152 n Sth st McCloud's ct, 428 Race st McClure's ct, 1526 Pearl st McCormick's av, 2218 Race st McCoster'sct, 1719 Finest McIIwain st, 1224 s 3d st McCree's ct, 760 Copper pi McDuffiest, 518slSth st McGargie's ct, 1.550 Cadwalader st JIcGinley's ct, 519 Mariott st McKee'sct, 1532 Cadwalader st McLaughlin's ct, 424 Blariott st McMakin's ct, e from Dugan st McMenemy's ct, 4.30 German st McGrath st, 859 Lawrence st McDonald pi, 230 n 15th st Mead st, 823 s 2d st Mechanic st, 506 Carpenter st Megonigal ct, n from Atmore st Melon St. 646 n 9th st Melvina pi, 415 Gaskill st Merchant st, 14 s 4th st Meridith st, 710 n 23d st Merverny st, 1223 Jefferson st Merdia st, 763 Front st Mercury st, 1243 Palmer st Merrick st, 1424 Market st Melville pi, 122 Spruce st Medina st, 1312 s 7th st Mendon pi, 464 n 5th st Melicent av, 392 New Market st Medical st, 132 s 10th st Melloy st, 28 s 15th Merritt st, 810 Swanson Metcalf st, w from 12 feet al Meetler st, 5th and Germantown av Middle al, 332 s 6th Jliddleton's ct, 420 Dillwyn Mifflin st, s 1900 w Miles' al, 202 s 10th Miller st, 830 Washington av Milligan st, 1612 Lombard Mercy pi, 911 Poplar Mills ct, 840 Charlotte Milton st, 924 s 10th Mineral pi, e from Bread Minor st, 20 s Sth Mint ct, w from Hatton pi Mintzer st, 319 Coates Millman pi, 932 Moyamensing av Miles st, 202 s 10th Minerva st, 528 n 7th Mintzer st, 412 s 6th Jlilburn pi, 419 s 10th Monroe st, 732 s 2d Blontgomery st, n ISOO e and w Moore st, s 1800 w from Del Moores ct, w from Cozzen's av Slorgan st, 240 n 9th Morris st, s 1700 e and w Morse's ct, n off Nectarine Mousley pi, 1549 Germantown av Morland av, 429 n 13th Monkton pi, 1123 Vine Morencia pi, 9iJ9 Lawrence st Morton pi, 620 Lisbon Morgan st, 240 n 9th Mott st, 1006 s 13th st Morton av, 303 Queen st Moss Rose pi, 243 Queen st Moro st, 1217 Fitzwater st Montcalm st, 826 Fitzwater .st Jloyameusingav, :id and Reed to 2d and Christian st Moravian st, 120 s Broad st Mountain st, 1620 s Sth st Moss st, 1142 s 7th st Mosely st. 1014 s 13th st Morrow st, 1112 s Front st Mulberry al, 2.32 n 5th st Murgitroyde pi, 220 s 15th .st Slurphy's ct. 412 n Front st Murray st, 256 s 20th st Myrtle st, 846 n 11th st Mures pi, 731 Cherry st Muskingham pi, 928 n Front st Mt. Vernon st, 610 u 9lh st N II Nagle st.llOS Thompson st Native st, 934 s 5th st Naylor st, 1213 s 11th st Kaudine st, 526 s 19th st Jfassau st, 144 n 9th st Narcissus pi. 226 n 8th st Nahant pi, 723 St. John st Navy St. 1213 s Frout st Nectarine st, 508 n 8th st Nelson's al, 717 s loth st New st, 242 n Front st New Market st, 115 Vine to German townav Newton st, 402 Carpenter st Nicholson st, 123 Cherry st Ninteenth st, w 1900 n and s Ninth st, w 900 n and s Noble st, n 500 w Neville pi, 520 Vine st Newbold st, 191S Callowhill st Niblo pi, 1424 Spring Garden st Nescopeck pi, n from Mark's lane Newkirk st, n from Cumberland st Nevin pi, 1307 Carlton st Ne.sbit pi, 746 n Front st Ninevah pi, 422 German st Nonnater's ct, 1002 Arch st Norman'al, 216 n 13th st Norris row 1317 Cadwalader st Norris st, n 2000 from Front st Nickle pi, 777 s Front st Northampton ct, 428 Dillwyn st North E av. Front ab Haydock st Nugent's ct, 716 Shippen st Norfolk st, 850 Swansou st Odd Fellow's av, 303 Brown st Ogden st, 860 n9th st Ohiost, 409 sl2th st Oldham's ct, 817 St. John st Olive st, 710 n 10th st Olivet st, 1726 Lombard st Odel pi, 112 Green st Ocean st, 112 Gre.en st Ohio pi, 1523 Jones st Olivia pi, 1520 Cadwalader st Onasst, 712 n Front st Opelika pi, 2125 Spruce st Orion pi, 36 u 3d st Osbec pi, G60 Jay st Osier av, 511 Nuble st Otogo pi, 124 Prime st Otis st, 800 Richmond st (Hsego pi, 24 Christian st Ottawa pi, Wildey ab Crease st Outario st, 1335 Parrish st Orange st, 240 s 7th st Orange st, 1755 Frankford road Osborne's ct, w from Buponceau st Otter st, 104S Germantown av Owenst, 1412 s .5th st Oxford st, n 1600 running e and w Orr st, 1842 Willow st P. Palm st, 910 Brown st I'almer st, 1723 Frankford road I'alo Alto st, 2026 Pine st Paradise ct, 415 Market st Parham st, 773 s Frout st Parker st, 516 Carpenter st Parrish st, 844 n 5tli st Pascal st, 1010 s lOtli st Passmores pi, 1021 Charlotte st . Passyunk road, 434 South st, s w Path st, 1511 Kacest Patton's ct, 1616 Lombard st Paul st, 1030 s 6th st Paxtonst, 1112 s 5ih st Paynter's ct, 429 German st Palethrop st, 175 Girard av Palmetto pi, 2Un 15th st Paley pi, rear of H(dland pi Packer pi, n from Craven st Palasde pi, 204 Quarry Peach st, 153 Green st Pear st, 213 s 3d st Pearl st, 312 n 10th .st Pegg al, 152 Pegg st Pegg st, 464 n Front st Peller's ct, 2015 Callowhill st Pemberton's st, 1327 Mt Vernon st Penn sq, Broad s off Market st Penn st, 4 Pine st Penn's al, 226 Callowhill st Pennsylvania av, 426 n Broad st Pennsylvania av, 514 Vine st Perkenpinect, 721 New Market st Perry st, 1311 Race .st Peter's al, 816 Charlotte st Pfeiffer's ct, 322 New Market st Philip st, 211 Master st Pickmans ct, 732 s Front st Perkiomen st, 1717 Francis st Pembroke pi, 212 n 2d st Percy pi, 425 German st Peel st. 111 Vanhorn st Peedee pi, 146 Race st Pensive pi, 908 Wood st Pecean pi, 322 Walnut st Pennington st, 223 Mariott st Peru pi, 958 Beach st Pequinot pi, 827 St John st Pickering pi, 714 Passyunkroad Pinetree st, 215 Willow st Pierce st, 1724 s 4th st Pierson's ct, bet Crease and Marl- borough st Pike st, 1233 Cherry st Pine st, s 400 fr Delaware w] Pink st, 339 Master st Piper's ct, 613 St John st Pleasant row, 2007 Spruce st Pleffenberg pi, 835 Cherry st Pleiss ct, 338 Garden st Plover st, 1126 s 7th st Pharo pi, 606 s Washington square Plume pi, off Carolina pi Plumstead pi, 1938 Sansom st Potts st, 683 n 12th st Portland st 1016 Ridge av Pomroy pi, 214 Jlonroe st Plymouth st, 250 s 18th st Polard st, 1015 Germantown av Pollock's ct, 1616 Lombard st Poplar st, n 900 e and w Porcelain st, 130 s 20th st Potter'sct, 327St Johnst Porter's ct, 1318 Lombard st Pottery al, n from Mctcalf st Powell st, 326 s 5th st Pratt st, w from William, w P Pray's ct, 848 Charlotte st Prestcr'sal, 623 u 4th st Preston st, u fr Lancaster pike, \v P Priscilla pi, 419 South st Prescottpl, 1221 Hamilton st Prairie av, 1118 South st Prime st, llOS Moyameusingav Pritchet st, 1156 s 13th st Prospect ct, 925 Thompson st Prosperous al, 11th and Locust st Providence ct, 927 Sergeant st Prune st, 236 s 4th st Pryor's ct, 263 s lOth st Putnam st, 1640 n Front st Q. Quarry ct,2513 ITamilton st Quarry st, 146 n 2d st Queen st, 811 s 6th st Quigley'sct. 604Charlesst Quince st, 1112 Walnut st Race st, n 200 from Delaware Rachel st, 149 Brown st Rafferty set, 823 Carpenter st Ralstou's st, 413 Juniper st Ram's ct, w fsom Darien st Randolph st, 512 Brown st Ranstead pi, 32 s 4th st Ransom pi, 257 n 5th st Raspberry st, 912 Walnut st Rawle st, 827 n 5th st Ratcliffe av, 727 Lombard st Reakirt's ct, 210 Georpe st Rechel's row, 491 Dillwyu st Reckless st, 955 s Front st Redwood st, 1212 s 3d st Reed st, w 1400 fr Delaware Reeves st, 303 n 21st st Reids av, 712 Fallon st Relief st, 508 Front st Renegan av, 810 Swanson st Register pi, 1221 Catharine st Rementer st, 41 n 10th st Refuge pi, 1324 Lawrence st Rentshler st, 1118 Coates st Rhoades st, 404 n 18th st Richard st, 422 si 6th st Richmond st, 1045 Front st Ridge av, 300 n 9th st Rinder's pi, 618 Mariott's lane Ringgold st, 2408 Brown st Basberry st, n fr Haverford st Rio Grande pi, 1021 Moyameusingav Rittenhouse st, 260 s 17th st Rittenhouse .sq, ISOO Walnut st Restine pi, 810 Mackinaw st Ridley av, Vienna ab West st Ripton pi, 942 n .3d st Ripley pi, 18 s 15th st Richland pi, n fr Alison pi Roaches ct, Savery ab Wildey st Robenson ct, 1829 Spruce st Robertson st, 13th and Oxford st Robeson's ct, 1418 Vine st Rodger's ct, 113 Pe.gg st Rodman st, 516 s 9lh st Robin av, e fr Russell st Rockland st, bet Haverford & Bridge Rockhill pi, 10B9 Germantown road Rochford st. 508 n 19th st Rodney st, 362 s 18th st Roxbury pi, 63S Shippen st Roger's ct, 431 SLariott st Roualdson st, 928 South st Roney's ct, 956 St John st Rose al, Locust ab 10th st Ross St. 441 Richmond st Rowland's ct, 720 Filbert st Roy's ct, Shippen ab 5th st Rubicam pi, 927 Noblest Redmond's ct, 323 Green st Rugan st, 917 Callowhill st Ruiest, 1416 s4th st Rush's ct, 919 Cherry st Russell's st, 832 Shippen st Rye st, 213 Wharton st Ryhle st, 1536 Palmer st s. Sager pi, 1909 Cuthbert st Salem al, 412 s 12th st Sander's ct, 1023 St John st Sansom st, 120 s 6th st Sarah st, 117 Richmond st Saranackst, w frRye st Sassafras al, s fr Mulberry al Sacramento av, 1013 Shackamaxon st Salvia pi, 709 Lisle st Sabine pi, 325 German st Sabula pi. 809 Mackinaw st Samp pi, 704 Shippen st Samper pi, 1025 s 5th st Sartainst, 1123 Poplar st Savery st, 1527 Frankford rd Saxon" pi, 735 s 4th st Saybolt's ct, 221 Noble st Schlessman's al, 927 n 3rd st Schrader's ct, 1028 Lawrence st Schryer"s ct, Winslow ab Sch st Scott st, 90S n 19th st Schell st, 828 Piue st s V Scipio pi, 43 n 7th st Sears st, 1312 s 6th st Second st, w 200 fr Del Selbert st, 1019 Federal Seller's ct, 1313 Carlton st Seiser's ct, 101 Bread st Senate st, 730 s Front Seneca ct, w fr Belrose st Seniff's ct, 2416 Sansom st Sergeant st, 218 n9th st Seaton pi, 344 n 2nd st Selvisa pi, w fr St John st Seubert's av, 1647 Germantown av Seventeenth st, w 1700 N & S Seventh st, w 700 N & S Shane's ct, 1231 Catharine st Sharp's av, 13th & Centre st Sheaff's al. 220 n 11th st Sherker's al, 534Shippenst Sherry's ct, 1415 Germantownrd Shield's ct, off Relief st Shippen st, s 600 fr Del Shoemaker st, 15 s Sth st Sheldon pi. 942 Ostego st Sharon pi, 317 Garden st Shelbourne av, 41-S Cherry st Shelly pi. Broad ab Coates st Shellbark st, 152 n 13th st Shamokin st, 413 n 23rd st Shirley st, 1811 Coates st Shock st, 2026 Filbert st Shoer's ct, Prime ab Merrionst Sidney lane 825 Federal st Silver st, 26 n 12th st Silvia pi, 316 Poplar st Sidmouth pi, 1S29 Spruce st Sites st, 160 Girard av ab Front st Silma pi, 916 Hamilton st Sun ct, 906 Ogden st Simes st. 2 s 22nd st Singler's row, 2nd ab Thompson st Sixteenth st, w 1600 n & s Sixth st, w 600 n & s Skerrit's ct, s fr Aurora st Snyder's ct, e fr Eye st Sober's al, 413 Walnut st Somer's ct, 840 s 2nd st South st, s 500 w from Del Southampton ct, e fr Levant st Sower's ct, 1417 Randolph st Sophia st, 134 Edward st Sonora st, 1002 Vine st Springfield pi, 4th below Culvert st Spencer pi, 1418 Vine st Spafford st, 613 Shippen st Spragg av, 114 Christian st Spencer's ct, 2052 Lombard st Spooner's av, 1112 St John st Spring st, 208 n 16th st Spring Garden st, 518 n 6th st Springit st, 660 n 21st st Spring Mill ct, 415 n 24th st Spruce st, s 300 w fr Del Square st, 1314 Rye st St John st, 213 Vine st St haul's av, 771 s 7th .st St Stephen's pi. Market below 10th Stamper's al, 418 s 2nd st Stanley st, 729 s 4th st Starr al, 529 Cherry st State st, 260 n 15th st Steam Mill al, 447 St John st Steele's ct, Shippen ab 4th st Steinmetz ct, n of Rupan Stewart st, 828 Fltzwater st Stevenson's ct, 5th bel Christian st Stile's st, 1230 n 9th st Stone st, 410 s 15th st Strangford pi, 223 Christian st Stoy's ct, 1106 Beach st Strauss ct. 802 s 6th st Strawberry st, 214 Market st Streper's ct, 1003 Charlotte st Sutfolk st, 1023 s 8th st Struther st, 25S n 12th st S Peun sq, 2 s Broad st Stockton st, 1233 Lombard st St Omay pi, 1138 Lombard st Stratford st, off Miles st Stapleton st, 234 Carter st Stratton pi, 19 Poplar st Steadman st, 257 s 12th st Steiner st, 929 Wallace st Sussex st, 1124 Graff st Surrey pi, 1007 St John st Sutton st, 1427 Randolph st Swartz pi, 2.33 Catharine st Summer st, 224 n 16th st Summcrfield pi, 327 Green pi Sutherland st, 127 Queen st Swanson st, 14 South st Swanwick st, 604 Sansom st Swathmore pi, 231 s 2nd st Sweeny's ct,419 Shippen st Syberton st, 1626 8 5th st Sylvester st, 1626 s Sth st Sycamore st, 1392 Spruce st T. Tamarind st, 115 Green st Tammany ct, 416 Buttonwood st Tanner st, 413 Wharton st Tariff pi, 428 n 10th st Taylor st, 1520 s Sth st Tappan pi, 708 Green .st Taney st, 2620 Coates st Tangier st, 529 Lombard Tasker st, s 1600 w fr Del Teas ct, 1306 Olive st Temple st, 1016 s 12th st Ten feet al, n fr Middle al Tenth st, w 1000 n & s Third st, w 300 n & s Thirteenth st, w 1300 n and s Thompson st, n 1300 e and w Tilghman st, w from Till ab Pratt st Tiller's ct, e from Vaughn st Tin al, 1334 Walnut st Toland st, 1919 Cherry st Tomlin's ct, efrom Rachel st Ton al, 57 Water st Torr's st, 326 n 9th st Tecumseh pi, w from Julianna st Tenor pi, 414 .s 4th st Tilden pi, 534 Chatham st Tisdale pi, 236 Christian st Thurlow st, 812 s 12th st Tivoli pi, e of Levant st Tower st. 116 n 21st st Traqualr ct, 19 n 10th st Treller's st, 1640 s Front st Trinity pi, 820 n 7th st Triplets ct, 1318 Germantown av. Trotter's al, 34 s 2d st Trusty's ct, 806 Locust st Truxton st, n from Aurora st Tryon st, 502 s 21st st Twaddell's ct, 1910 Barker st Twelve feet al, 508 Shippen st Twelfth st, w 1200 n and s Twentieth st, w 2000 n and s Twenty-first st, w 2100 n and s Tyler st, 911 Poplar st Tottenham pi, 807 Carpenter st Tremont pi, 1218 Pearl st Transcript st, w from Elm (W P) Trout st, 611 s 4th st Treaty av, 922 n 7th st Tudor pi, 730 Dickinson st Tully pi, 1229 South st u. IJffenheimer's av, 239 Poplar st Ulrick's row, 2d ab Thompson st Ulrick's si, 443 Coates st Union st, 326 s Front st Unadilla st, e of Passyunk rd Urbannapl.lO n 9th st Upshur av, 325 New Market st Utica pi, 1111 Melon st Unity ct, 618 Minister st Vail'sct, 2330 Pearl st Valley ct, 103 Eutaw st Van Blunt's ct, 529 Mariott st Van Horn st, 1126 Sites st Vasey st, 334 s 17th st Vaughn st, 1624 Walnut st Vermont pi. Poplar ab 7th st Vernon st, 818 n 11th st Vicker's ct, 17th and Barker sts Vienna pi, 9th n Coates st Vine st, n 300 w from Del Vineyard st, 8.33 n 19th st Vinning pi, 237 Catharine st Vincent st, 206 Green st Virginia st, 706 n 22d st Vista st, 19th and Locust st w. Wager st, 994 n Sth st Wagner's al, 610 Race st Wagner's ct, 464 n 5th st Walker's ct, 620 Willow st Wall st, 805 s 6th st Wallace st, 624 n 7th st Walnut St. s 200 w from Del Walton st, 1428 s 4th Ward's ct, 21 Parham st , Washington av, s 1100 w from Del Washington sq, 6th and Walnut sts Water st, 12 Market st Watkin's st, 1712 s 4th st Wamey pi, 2d ab Montgomery st WarminstEr pi, 1541 German st Warnock st, 1017 Poplar st Wareham pi, 305 Lombard st Wade pi, 1025 n 4th st Wadsworth pi, Filbert below Sth st Watt st, 427 s 20th st Waverly st, 414 s 17th st Wayne st, 921 Mt. Vernon st Weaver st, 517 Green st Webb st, 1626 Fitzwater st Weccacoe st, 402 Catharine st Week's ct, 937 Rachel st Welling st, 2218 Arch st Wellington pi, n from Dana st West st, 1924 Coates st Western av, 222 n 15th st Westford av, SOS Noble st W Shippen pi, 829 Shippen st Welsh st, 2440 Pine st Wexford st, 605 n Front st Wharf st, along Wharves Wharton st, s 1300 w from Del Wheat st, 127 Wharton st Wheelock's pi, 1327 Coates st Whilden's ct, 1311 Rye st White st, 1.330 Bedford st White's Retreat, 1023 s 4th st Whitehall st, 506 n 12th st Whyte's pi, 1332 South st Wilcox st, 333 s 20th st Wiley's ct, 1,319 Wallace st Whitebread pi, 120 Christian st Whitney st, 1009 s Sth st Wilmer st, 333 n 2d st Wilder st, 1424 s Sth st Wildey st, 1325 Frankford rd Wilton st, 1702 Ridge av Wier st, 3 Poplar st Wilmington st, off Wilton (F V) Wimple pi, 1028 Swanson st Winchester pi, 924 Otsego st \'. ingohocking pi, 960 Lawrence st Winnepeg pi, 6th and Callow'aill st i Winooska pi, 6.30 s 18th st i Winslow st, 208 n 12th st I Wirt pi, wfiom Linden st Winchester pi, 804 Front st 1 Witherspoon pi, 909 Cherrv st Witherill st, 1414 Pine st Winthrop pi, off William st ' Willing's al, 227 s 4th st Willis ct, 309 Crown st ' Willow st, 43S n Front st , Wilson st, 949 s Front st w Y Winfleld pi, 115 n 8th st Winter's ct, 1232 Leisenring st Winter st, 240 n 16th st Wintz ct, 145 Brown st Wiat:>n st " Catlin pl Balch Carbon pl Cliir pl Darrachs ct Cahawba pl Baldwin " st Welsh Davies pl Dale pl Berwick Carlisle pl Candia pl Davis al Dallas Barlow Carpenter's al Baltic pl ct Brussels pl Bertrand ct Coke pl " Whitebread pl Benedict " Congress pl " Brunswick pl 'Bangor " CahiU pl " Dart pl Birbank st Jayne Dean st Day Barnes Carroll av Osage av " al Davenport Barron ct Calvert pl " ct Dawson Barr " Cameron pl Decatur st Drayton Bartill pi st Heath Derringer's ct Deagen pl Brabant Carver st Geneva " Dayton pl Barnwell Canal st Harbor Diamond st Driiry Bartram Carson ct Camp pl Dickerson st Delta pl Bascom Carter's al Rock Dickson ct Dalton pl Bastian pi Castle st Sergeant Dickson's ct Daily pl Bissell pi Cauffman's ct Cantwell pl " Bremen pl Devon pi Centre al Canning " Danforth pl Belfast pi st Brandywine Dillwyn pl Darling pl Beaumont pi " Canby Division st Dubree Bulletin " Zanoui Donnelly's pl Danver pl Wildey " Sparton Douglass av Dougherty av Bedell pi " Knox Drinker's ct Deimling pl Otego pi Chatham st Berks Duffv's ct Delany pl Liucoln av Charles st Cannon pl Duke st Dana Navy Chester ct Cantman pl Duncan ct Demar pl Chenango Charles st Clairborne E. Cowper " Canton Blake pi " Shirley Eagle ct Eakin pl Ashhurst " Tudor " pl Eaton pl Cohocksink " Berlin Earl's ct Edgar pl Block pi Charlotte st Zenobia Elbow al Edmond Bliss Chatham st Exeter Elizabeth's av Eastwick av Ashbury " liinville ct Himmelwright pl Bonham pi Church st Otsego Ellen's pl Evapl Bonner pi al Cavinan pl st Errickson Ptodman " st Irving Elliott's pl Emanuel pl Bower pi " Shamokin Ellis ct Eagen pl Bosler Cherry st Montgomery Elm 8t Ford Boyer pi Clarke st Kingston " Fremont Brace pi Clay st Kent " Eadline Bramble pi Church av Carney av Elmes' ct Ennis pl Bowen pi " Carsell av Emerald st Erety Brig^ " Carty av Emlen's al English Marston Clare al Cowley ct Everett pl Moyer " ct Carswell pl Emery's ct Eveland pl Edgemont Clarke's ct Caruth pl Evans ct Everall pl Cullen " av Castletine av " Elba pl Beckmaai pi Christian's ct Cohen pl " pl Ewald pl Barney av Clay av Castner av " st Espey Portland " ct Cassion pl Baden Clinton av Cattell av F. Augusta pi st Mascber Beale pi " Lackawana Pairview st Buttonwood Baynon pi " Darien Faries ct Faas pl 10 OLD NAMES. Fayette av Federal id Filbert av Fisher st ct Flower ct " St " ct Forrest pi Fowler ct Fox's ct Praley's ct Frances st Frankford pi " av Franklin pi Eraser's ct Frazier's ct Fromberger's ct Fulton's ay Fulton st Gabell's ct Galbraith ct Garden st Garrett's ct Gaskill pi Gay's ct George's al George st Germantowu rd Gilbert's av " ct Gold st Goldsniith's ct Good Will ct Graff al Graham's ct Granite st Grape al " ct Gray st Gray's al ct al Green Hill pi Green's ct Greble's ct Grier's ay Grubb st Gulielma st Haas ct llallowell's ct NEW NAMES. Fable av Fadden Faij'un av Foster Fernou Fail pi Fairbank pi Fairchild pi Fairlanib pi Faulkner Fairmanpl Fallow Fairday pi Farley pi Farner pi Farrell pi Favson pi Wilder Faust pi Kensington av Frauconia pi Tasker Hudson Girard av Floyd pi Flood pi Fenner pi Feuton pi Fearnon av Fitch c. Gadsby pi Gaines pi Rockland Gallagher pi Galvin pi Gwina p Galleo Guilford Giunodo Sansom Germantown av Gascon av Garber pi Geisler Gardy pi Garland pi Goodwood pi Garside Garton pi Garwin pi Grayson Geary Garwood pi Geiss Gatzmer Bolivia pi Grampian pi Gibbon's Gilford pi Gihon pi G riscom Gillingham Kansas Gill pi Gilpin pi Gilmore pi Given pi Gossamer av Gladiug pi Glancy pi Glasgow pi Glasmire pi Glazier pi Godey Gerker H. Haddock pi Haddon pi Haggedorn pi Havana pi OLD NAMES. Hamilton pi Hancock's ct Hank's ct Harmony ct pi Hanover st Harper's ct pi Harrison av ct Hanover st Hay's ct Hazle st Henry's ct Hermitage pi High's ct Hight's ct Hill's ct Hincle'sct Hinkel's ct Hogg's ct Halloway pi Hood's ct Horstman's ct Howard pi Howard's pi " st Howell's ct Hudson's lane Hugh's ct Hugh's ct Hulsemau's pi Hunter ct Hutchinson ct Jackson's av ct Jackson's ct pi " st James' ct Jane's pi. Jefferson av st pi John ct John's ct John st Johnson's ci NEW NAMES. Harbesun pi Haguer Handy Harding pi Hacker pi Hamstead pi Hamburgh pi Packer pi Heron pi Boliemia pi Hance pi Hiilis pi Columbia av Harker pi Grinnel pi Hirst pi Hassinger av Hand Hobensack pi Holland pi Illinois Holt av Eisen av Godfrey av llockhill pi Columbia av Hoover pi Haywood pi Hull pi Denmark pi Denmark pi Hebrew pi Heck pi Heckman pi Heckroth pi Hedges pi Heft pi Heilig pi Heisler pi Hellerman pi Hepburn pi Hero pi Havre pi Hewitt pi Hock pi Heyer pi Huey pi Heynian pi Heukinson pi Hickey Hydra pi Hildeburn Hoskin pi Heib pi Hamlet pi Highland pi Hyatt pi J. Ingersoll av Iron pi Ivory pi Java pi Janitor pi Inquirer Iseminger Ireland Kerr Isard Jersey pi Jolly pi Nickle pi Junior pi Ristine Jamison Noble Jeffrey pi Moyamensing av Latimer Jessup pi Jenkin pi Jordan pi Carpenter Joy pi OLD NAMES. NEW NAMES. Johnson's ct Juan pi " lane Borden K. Kayser's av Champlain av ct Corwin pi Kelly's av Horner ct Bragg pi " " Balsam pi '• " Benson pi 11 11 Bellona pi 11 11 Balston pi Kensington ct Belgrade pi Kessler's ct Curran pi Keyser's ct Hilaud pi King ct Carthage pi " st Chippewa 11 .1 Kelton 11 11 Cross Kline ct Lock pi Krider's ct Lacon pi L. Lafayette ct Lansing pi pi Lockland pi Lagrange pi Ledger pi " ct Herald pi Lancaster ct Bunyau pi st Norris Larch st Mel vale pi " " Suffolk Laurel st Levant ct Tivoli pi Lawrence ct Tildeu pi " " Tecum *eh pi 11 i< Summerville pi 11 11 Havilaud pi st Silver Lee's ct Silma pi 11 11 Selvisa pi Leiper ct Scipio pi 11 11 Sonora Lemon pi Sabula pi " st Vasey 11 11 Mackinaw 11 11 Memphis ct Luzerne pi Lewis al Gleudale pi " ct Palmetto pi 11 11 Pomroy pi 11 11 Pilgrim pi " st Pennington " " Warnock 11 11 Mountain 11 11 Kewkii-k 11