NAMES AND P. 0. ADDRESSES — OF— —IN— V M] A If A j^ n^ ]^ LQ^I » ^«ni IJ m3) J^^J l^i%^ Published by P.P. MAST & CO., BUCKEYE AGRICULTURAL WORKS, SPRINGFIELD, O. COPYRIGHTED. THESE NAMRS WERE OBTAINED BY OURSELVES, FOR OUR OWN USE, AND ALL PERSONS ARE PROHIBITED FROM PUBLISHING THEM. Entered according to act of Congress in the year i}<7^, by P. P. Mast & Co., in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D C. ^^.^' SPRINGFIELD, OHIO: ^Mi«*aflftA ARKANSAS. ASHLEY COUNTY. Portland— W E Kittrell, F B Withers, A Pistole, E A H Caldcleugh, I J Newton, T J Crimm, W A Foot, J H Winingham, Jolin McBride, George C Wilson, Jesse Kitchland, W J Canmack, B A Burgess, E A Fudge, L Bloomer, HL Anthony, J L Sanford, F L Sherren, LB Saunders, W J Price, John Barrimer. Beech Creek.— W J Hogue, W B Shipman, E R Shipman, James Hill, J N Murray, W CI Campbell, F M Hudgens, W J Dew, W M Nutt, W E Simpson T J Bullock. Poplar Bluff.— W L Howell, G N Denton, Wm Gaines, W J White, D M Grant, Sam Wadkins, A H Stewart, T J Stanley, T R Burnham, J N P Haw- kins, W L Butler, J P Clark, J W Morris, John Sumner jr, J S Barnes, Tom Hay, J T Bragg, W A Miller, S C Davis, J C Hill, J P Clark, H Worsheimer, Morris & Cohen, H Gill, L Gill, F Myers, Thos A Hoy, John H Hoy, W L Butler, J Robinson, W J White, T F Price, B R Robins. Fountain Hill.— H Benson, F A Boyd, J P Person, C Boghear, Thomas E Baker, M D Boyd, W J Bryan, Albert Cison, R L Chayis, Putnam Chavis, H H Chavis, M A Phillips, J A Simpson, J N Norris, J C Pyron, J P Oliver W M Stinson, Frank Howell, T E Baker, Louis Cobb, A B Wood. Long View— W J Denton, R F Withers, F M Lillard, J M Lampert, B F Harvill, W J Wheeler, Mill Creek.— D L Pippin, W T Evans, S W Lowery, A R Thomson, F E Murphy, J F Harvell, Tom Hamlet, D B Walker. Pete'rsberg.— F A Switzer, J W HaAvkins, J W Gillum, G H Wimberly, E L Crocker, J W Norris, B L Bell, W J Lock, B T Coleman, Mark Hicks. Hamburgh.— J C Frost, B M Watson, R J Steel, S T W Meek, Bob Kelly, Wm Carter, Wm Beasley, T D Norris, James Knight, W W Cockran, James Grantham, J A Wheat, G W Cone, T J Wells, R A Bethmae, Pink Noble, W J Goyne, W V Turner, E Davis, Wm Gibon, J M Grij^son, E W Haywood, M Underwood, W H Hits, Tom Davip, J J Curry, John Peacock. ARKANSAS COUNTY. Mount Adams.— M A Trice, N B Price, R A Trice, T G Trice, P J Trice, J E Trice, W M Trice, J F Duke, W B Duke, J R Joy, B M Stephens, D J Hyands, R H Hands, A D Matthews, J B Wofford, W T Ford, W A Clark, James Hand, V Y Grovett. P H Crockett, J W Crockett, A E Pike, R C Pike, N T Pike, M F Pike, W D Grovett, Marsha Grovett, Jesse Grovett, C D Vas- saer, A Shoofmou, Andy Hill, Jeff' Price, John Fletcher, A E Laws, C D John- son, Mark Shoofmon, J D Vallunt, C O Larne, J W Johnson, Peter Brigg, Bully Brigg, R McRee, W T McRree, D W McRree, A B Crawford, J K Keatur, B F Keatur, W F Keatur, Henry Dewsal, Trice Hamars, Gid Sparks, T K Sparks, Dougan Clerk, Ben Clerk, Jink Hand, Curry Price, Cefi Price, Joe Allen, A B Lane, C D Jones, J D Cortland, J D Porker, Jom Fly. Racine,— J Willinghain, W T Childress, Wm Henry, L Simpson, D Walker, J W Clov, E Rawlings, J F Wilfrey, J F Morris, T A Hunton, E G Abbott, J C Cross, J C Treadwell, I L Johnson, Spellman & Co, W D Dunn, E W Wil- liams, I M Thompson, W F Ball, W B George, B C Hubbard, Harrison Davis, Moses Williams, Genl Watts, Lagau Williams, Lewis Croter, John M Trotter, AV Ramsey. 2 ARKANSAS. Cooper's Landing.— Garrett Cooper, O J Lewis, A B Benson, C F Onesby, W R Gocie, Bero Cannon, Joseph Howe, B F Gregory. Swan Lake.— M Spellman, O D Nicks, A Rowsey, B F Brown, R Boas, John Thompson, J A Landon, Henry Young, A Landolocke, Sam Lusk, G H Johnson, McH Williams, W H Gray, Louis Wright, W H Hansford, Julius McBroan, Charles Carter. DeWitt.— M B Billingsley, Sam McCarty, J W Johnson, A Eosver, Wm Graves, Jolm H Hutchinson, James A Frey, J A Alexander, R G Hoord, W J Crandall, J M Motley, William Billings, William Shiltwell, B F Ouerheiniace, B B Smith, A B Crawford, John R Maxwell, Jerome Kenneday, Thomas Hutchinson, R C Martin, William Gibson. BOONE COUNTY. Bellefonte.— E S Rasson, G S Roy, W B Coffey, J N Coffey, Hiram Blivens, Gid Boughman, E O Clifford, J B JBains, Willis Eoff, J J Eoff, Isaac Turney, Wm Turney, Wm Strond, Josegh Holt, Jodge Eoff, J H Robinson, J M Robin- son, W W Watkins, William Jenkins, George Tuckey, G F McKenney, John Trimmers, Samuel Loyd, J H Ray, E V Ruble, J O R Ruble, James Rul)le, Samuel Homes, Massey Holmes, James Homes, Len Eaton, Walker Bush, Ruphis Bush, J H Adair, J A Jackson, J B Logan, B E Green, Gran Eoggers, Jeff Roggers, David Smith, Chas Burns, J J Lytle, J J Clark, Samuel Clark, D R Rans'om, John Woods, E W Woods, J H Watters, John Henry, J T Young, Has Parker, W Rise, J W Bryant, Joseph Forgie, A M Mitchell, A X Loney, John Baughman, T J Kellabrew, Hugh Hamilton, Henell Brutton, Chs Whalen, Stakly Starkly, W P Stone, B F Franklin, Jesse Smith, Thomas Heathcoat, H Spain, F D Jones, S M Gipson, W W Christopher, Wm Hassell, Ths Carter, J D Lansing, J T Walker, SamI Hiflin, M A Boyd, S S Bristo, Ths Koen, John Eagle, Wm Sullivan, Ths Freeman, S Marler, S A Moore, Wm Litz, S Huffman, J G Hilliard, James Smith, Robt Rowland, Wm Pitts, J H Williams, A N Roberts. Harrison. — J G Roark, W Spruce, S S Denton, W M Dennis, M L Johnson, James Bracket, W Spurlecks, W Coats, Dug Wilson, Len Wilson, Wm McMil- lan, J H Adair, J B Bains, D P Coats, S L Wilson, J D Wilson, G W Tucker, M D Vamaton, R S Williams, James Majors, John Baker, W W Bailey, C S Bailey, W S Black, J B Logan, John York, E D McBride, Ambrose Roberts, W H Parker, H F Maggard, C D Staples, I B Majors, Josiah Tyson, J H Spear, W R Spear, W R Sanford, W H Thomison, J H Rush, Isaac Fuback, J R Mc- Cormick, Gilliam Hopper, A S Prather, W R Sitys, Geo Cotton, John Murphy, John & H Penn, W R Spruce, J K Gibson, G M Estis, J T Hopper, Mairou Gibson, A E Watson, W F McCormack, Charley Nicholson, John Murphy jr, L H Schimetzer, M C Evatt, C M Evatt, Wm Williams, L Holt, J R Holt. Jas Grubb, Philip Hawkins, J J Rutledge, C S Rutledge, Tom Officer, E R Payne, J C Logan, A H Johnson, H Jones, St Jones, J C Evans, J M Jones, J G Jones, H Dryer, Henry Watkins, Beal Gaither, H W Fick, A Baker, Wm Baker, Levi Baker, O R Bryant, J W Snyder, W T Chandler, M L Sloop, Frank Dobbs, Levi Lovit, W H Dunlap, Sam Moulder, William Moulder, Joseph Bondre, Robert Watterfield, J B Roylston, James Rohlston, Frank Smith, Bob Williams. Elmwood. — W L Hudson, Andrew Neals, Allen Gampbell, Scott Capps, Monroe Stacey, G W Eoff, Geo Turney, Wm Turney, M J Been, Wm H Knox, J A Martin, John Knox, John Samford, J M Clark, Joe Williams, Robt Wil- liams, Dan Jenkins, Jos Jenkins, John Hutchison, R B Small, John Coffman, B Edgmon, J D Ramsey, W J Wray, J C Nance, S J Nance, N V Greer, J T Lee, J C Lee, B F McMillan, E J McMillan, J T Moss, Sam Wilcockson, J H Nicholson, D C Sparks, Eli Parker, John Trice, Jas Trice, Wm Ewing, Jas Wasson, T Y Hill, F M Trotter, A C Ball, J S Hickman, J B Belles, W L Rea, J C Clift, A A Adair, John Langston, Simon Stockton, Jas Wright, Jos Cecil, Sam Gilliam, L Willhite, B F Staples, Joe Waltrip, A M Waterfield, J J Clark, L J JohTison, John Nixon, John Tedford, John Robertson, Isaac Mason, S M Pilant, Dave Smith, L Welch, Dan Jackson, J Wynne. W W Pruett. H Roul- ston, L D Hefley, Jos Crow, John Davidson, J C Farmer, W McCracken, C W Eobbs, John Patten, Jos Watkins, M Long, T Brown, C H Brown, W S Black. R M Eoff, W S Ramsey, A E Watson, S Shaddox, ^F M Smith, J L Hawkins, Frank Jones, Wm Lane, B C Cloud, R L Cone, B T Briggs, T R Byrom, John ■yy-^ydey, John Cross, Jas Reams, John McKinney, Beal Gaither, Shelby New- -j.^jjj Allen Cooper. ARKANSAS. Valley Springs.— D N FuUright, Daniel Morrison, Marshal Willis, Cale Whorten, L G W Hurd, T B Featherston, F C Featherston, A J Good, John Trail, Thomas K Taylor, G E Taylor, T Sharpenstein, Wm Gates, J K Richard- son, J K Johnson, J T M Crawford, David Wheeler, Geo Barger, Wiley Baro-er Turner Phillips, W L Mallard, David Harris, Thomas Wicker, T D Reddin, W K Austin, Wm Smith, Jesse L Ragsdale, A I Smith, N W Roper, James Askew, Mack Hensley, Henry Smith, James McAlister, Samuel Eoff, C C Ray, G W Brown, Fielden Higgs, J J Felton, John Brown, The Griggs, Robt Fuler- ton, C R Rodgers, Thomas Bentley, C L Gray, Henry Hardister, Thomas Wil- son, J K Young, James F Carroll, S W Jones, Wm Wilburu. Rolling Prairie.— G T Shirley, Wm Horton, R B Weaver, Geo Lair, Jesse Taylor, James Young, Thos Young, F M Fullright, H H Beaslev, Benj Mar- shal, R P Wilson, Rubin Wells. G W Nuton, F M Rowen, D L Mallard, Wm E,yals, David Bizzell, F-elix Jones, A I Riggins, Wm Ramsey, Warren Gray, P Blankenchip, R S Munson, Silvester Taylor, Levi Romine, Hcnrv Moore, ^Ha- nan Gimlin, J Hub Jones, T H Morgan, L Josephus, Elbert Weftv, John Wel- ty, Thomas Davis, William Davis, Samuel McBroom, Pleasant Fowler, Nelson F'owler, John Horton, Robert Lair, William Lair. BENTON COUNTY. Osage Mills.— J L Lewis, O J Anderson, X B Pearce, George Berry, J G McAndrew, Joseph McAndrew, Joseph Maxwell, Wm Maxwell, Louis'Bower, Gid Crank, Geo Crank, John D Crank, Jim Wilson, J D Kerr, D Kerr, Dave Boyd, J B Kidd, W Douglas, J W Packson, John Persell, E W Hardcastle, J C Grammer, R D Elliott, John T Mason, James Insco, Wm Persell, Dick Gam- "bel. Wash Gambel, S C Frost, Thomas Allen, Ira Blair, J W Linisy, Joseph Parker, E J Beach, J N Henry, N Maxwell, Jack Gregory, J C Chast'ain, Thos Barron, E Bishop, Hamp Wilson, J R Wilkinson, Ned Akins, Tom James, T A Cunningham, Tom Chancelor, Ben Chancelor, George Hynds, Sam Jones, P CofFelt, J R Harris, Jim Harris, A Henderson, Judge Tate, Paul Wilson, Mrs Hobach, John True, Dr Alden, Wm Cawood, M L Rane, A Palmer, Jim Palmer, Sam Wilson, M H Whitzell, A Walton, George Pape, John Nablet, N B Wootten, John Edwards, James McAleath, James Hopkins, S Hopkins, J L Jones, Daniel Barren, Andrew Helleston, A Hamilton, A McCutchen, John Moore, Baxter Hensly. Cross Hollow.— W H Lewis. Bloomington. — Joseph Neil, Frank Dillen, John Fuller, William Bowen, George McGarrett, John Centus, John Hopkins, William Easley, D Slaback, Berry ford, Lum Nial, John Cowan, M V Cowan, Steve Dunham, Nat String- £eld. Mart Looney, George Harris, Bill Sibe, John Lewis, B F Pitts ,Wm Ram- sey, Bill Smithton, R A Scruggs, E M Campbell, James Blake, Will Jones, Henry Renner, Elet Phillips. William May, James Black, S Cox, Gid White,' John White, James White, Wm McGarrat, Cola McGarrat, Silus Ingram, John Antry, Henry Antry, A Sigman, Sain Leak, Charles Walls, Wm Wilson, Thomas McGarrat, George Stary, Bill Owens, P Savage, D Scrugs, J McCure, L F Creager, G Cowan, Mart Keener, George Mays, C C Arnold, Jack Thorns- bey, W Cantrell, Geo Sharnesbery, James McDaniel, James Johnston, John Johnston, Isaac I'itts, John Thornesbery, A Nail. Andrew Nail, James Edores, George Looney, R W Graham, Silas Graham, Peter Graham, Wm Graham, Lias Graham, Wm Kindrack, Thomas Kindrack, Obe Kindrick, France Kind- rick, Fate Kindrick, Seth Kindrick. F M Phillips, John Phillips, Aby Phillips, Henry Robertson Dick Phillips, Ben Bhillips, B F Martin, Charles Story, S S Graham, Joseph Sanderson, Wesly Sanderson, Gerard Anderson, James McGlone, M artin Walker, George Moody, Wm Briant, John Ragon, Thos Daniels, P Winingham, B F Kinnsmons, Joseph Hartan, Bill Lewis, David Lewis, S M Oraham, N V Brown, Sebe Graham, Joseph White, Joseph Smith, Frank Leak, M L Drury, John Leak, A Sigmon, Thomas Craoh, W W Bishop. William Kindrick, R W Graham, Thomas Kendrick, Obe Kindrick, Fayette Kendrick Seth Kendrick, J E Hillon, Jasper Phillips, Wm T Phillips, Henry Rebertson. M B Brown, David Brown, J Grace, D T Baker, John Lewis, John M Lewis Geo Harris, C F Bailey, Dovid Scruggs, J Merser, A R McGarrah, Andrew Nail sr, Andrew Nail jr, B Savage, John Center, B C Martin, F M Christison Kider Kidd, S H Whitehead, John Bilboey, Doctor Ford, J W Ragan, John Bagan, H Whitehead, J C Hopkins, N Price, Jam s McDaniel, Frank McDan- iel, C Nail, Geo S Looney, J C Cox S S Cox, M K Walker, Thomas Daniels , ARKANSAS. James WelisTTkinnev, J S Beard, M Beard, C C Arnold, Lewis Thornbraugh, J P Smith, F M Phillips, Geo Looney, Alex Phillips sr, W H Lewis, David Lewis, William Lewis, J Harton, Samuel Edwards, G Stony, C Stony, Isral Rand, J F Devrow, John Piper, C Humble, A Slavback, Frank Plumer, J Anderson, J; S Anderson, W W Rife, Geo Moody, Geo Mays, Mood Mays, Thomas Mans, Paul F Lewis, A R McGarrah, P C Winingham. Springtown.— W G Blake, R Y Hall, W Goods, Alfred Hall, W E Garnett, Nat Hogan, W J Collins, David Twiggs. John Willis, Lewis Byar, Martin Tvgart, Mnsscr Tramel, Wm Leforce, Wm Brown, Menso Brown, Charley Meads, Sam Miller, Worth Potts, Wm Thomas, A S Davis, Henry Leforce, Buck Leforce, J H Hogan, Mathew Vaughan, J M Abercrombie, Wm Leach, Nathan Leach, A Leach, Alfred Twigs, David Twigs sr, Andrew Githrey, Jesse Fumun, James Garrett, Wm Garrett, Wiley Jones, J R Mc- Kinnv, Elisha Garrett, James Garrett sr, Thos McGough, Wm Cox, Sam Mortin, H Hijhfill, John Mason, R J MoGaugn, Joseph Windfield, Lye Windlield, Sam McClelland, J L Baley, B J Silton, J F Mitchell, Jiles Cox, Wm Smith, A J McClelland, John McClelland, John Reynolds, John Edwards, Andv Edwards, W F Wilson, John McDaniel, John Givins, A M Elam, Wal- lace 'Elam, George Gholston, Plis Gholston, John Mason, Wilson Woodard, George Lichlyt^r, Nat Holland, D M Hall, T R Rough ton, Wm Parmer, Har- vy Revnolds, T M Seabourn, C C Seabourn, Garrett I uckner, John Buckner, Wm B\ickner, John Mathews, H Q Tebbs, R Beal, Wm Bryan, John McCarty, Wm Hunt, Alfred Hunt, Joe Parkes, James Tramneel, Wm Butgess, Dock Trammell, Daniel Billiman, D K Box, J M Perry, Mack Abbercrumby, W K Abbercrumby, James Williams, A M Elkins, James Regnolds, Jas Ellyson, Martin Wilson, Mat Gholston. Maysville.— I D Higer, Th Keeth, I Tinnin, Joen James, S Mcfale, Mr Tan- ner, P Phillips, A Hodges, Mr Cellars, I Beel, Mr Dabkins, Mr Dyahman, D Vic- tory, Mr McFadin, Mr Leepins, Mr McCraw, H Leepins, James Scott, G Adam, T Adams, H Coats, John Coats, P Ripatoe, AV Simonds, I Rods, Mr Farley, John Smith, Mr Bostie, Mr Neely, Mr Tucker, Mr More, H Blevins, Mr Green, Harmon, B Harmon, Thomas Caywood, Bill Caywood, Mr Pike, Mr Jones, Mr Carnell, Tom Wary, Mr Ray, I Burney, Mr Foester, I D Domas, Job Domes, Doc Havden, F Taber, Dr Baker, Harn Mitche, James Cuningham, Dr Rieter, S Ward' H Hill, R F Wyby, Mr Edmanson, Y Hasting, O Cambell, Mr Barnard, W Bupton, M Ward, I Ward, G Ward, I Qeargin, T Hizer, James Tittle, D Tittle, B Lattle, R Mitchel, Mr Tittle, Mr Breather, Doc Harreson, Mr Din- wity, Mr Scott, Mr Slane. I D Vann, D Vann, T Tarbit, A Tanner, W Puter- baugh, Dr Puterbaugh, Geo Ballard, W Tomes, James Fields, Joseph England, James Tincup, Dolbhus Domelo, Dan Fruman, Ike Dyal, Mr Hawkins, Mr Buttle r, P James, I Countyman, A Countryman, E Caory, Will Howell, Mr Perrv, Mr Wyly. Avoca.— DPaskell, A T Paskell, John Ellis, Thos Chney, Aron Fard, R A Sawyers, Wm Netters, James Poe, C McBride, Alen Poe, Joseph Raddock, Wm Raddock, M Edens, John Edens, A Edens, James Edens, G S Lee, 1 Katlipp, D Rodgers, E Taylor, B Tyner, H Bradley, T T Hars, A Hays, H C Rodgers, Jack Fard, Arch Fard, Jack Sanders, Ransan Sanders, T Peel, D Patterson, J H Winters, E ]\I Butram, M F Butram, C W Rice, Dr Mitchel, James Fos- ter, L Jones, I Duigan, J Pratt, J Cox, Sam Keeduck, F M Liner, John Wash, burn. Wash Glascock, C Mitchell, G F Kennan, G W Kallar, Wm Pattan, Wm Morgan, I S Morgan. Sugar Creek.— I E Rodgers, I R Fargey, K F L Rodgers, N McNeil, Wm Reed, Ed Reed, I S Bayless, N P Beaner, R N Herd, A B Herd, L M Herd, W D Roller, P Roller, I M Farsev, O C Farsev, John Rolnett. I Roller, N Rol- ler, J W Burton, RR Smith, Ish Roller, Adam Herd, E Ash, I Tate, Jesse Slane, L Pratt, John Fish, H Peter, N Gan, G Willis, W E Vanpegrepp, B Mahuren, S Mahuren, C Rockdick, S Withers, A R Rogers, G P Rogers, J H Willson, Wm Ellis, Jim Tracv, A Ash. Rollers Bluff.— W B Kaller. G W Poteete, G W Hoffman, Wm Parter, E E Moon, S Moon. Bentonville. — D H Wood, G H Jefferson, S H Jefferson, John Jefferson, A H Alfrcy, Noah Robins, Nealy Robinson, S H McReynolds, William Smith, John Williams, Wash Williams, Milton Pace, George Dalson, Jonathan Duck- worth, James Woolsey, Henry Woolsey, A Albert, Alvin Dickson, Het Horsley, Clork Bricksey, Gerow Duglas, S B Lacee, Ed Hort, John Cakley, Bud Oak- ARKANSAS. ley, John A Reed, William Cloe, R N Cracker, Nick Jackson, L M Wilson, Gorett Bunch, James Rife, Larkin Scott, John Fields, Monrow Smith, John Smith, Sam Smith, Zack Baker, L N Paul, John Floyd, Albert Jackson, Hordy James, Andrew Jaeksod, M V Cox, Hugh Midleton, Lum Midleton, Wm Cook, Taylor Cook, Robt Besheors, Dysort Wood, J R Wood, T A Wood, Wm Wood, S P Wood, O M Yamy, Henry Ghalson, James Gridu, John Burns, I K Burns, James Burens, George Jackson, Jessy Glover, James Campl)ell, James Rodgers, T A Wough, A Gambell, Isac Heoreld, John Trautt, R Trautt, Dr Linortt, Judge Lurgnor, James Clork, Jas Dickson, John Dickson, I R Howl, Dick Johnson, Eb Oakley, Mrs Oakley, George Droak, Wm Black, Wm Ricketts, Irdel Rite, John Cosh, Worn Wighe, Simme Wighe, Mike Maxwell, Jackson Maxwell, Jeary Maxwell, Mr SwafFord, B F Davis, Judge Ellis, S W Reel, John Gill, Dr Maxwell, J W Stroud, Dud Rife, D Monpin, Sam Sheltan, Woid Sikes, John Deabeary, John A Read, R W Ellis, D John Smartt, Neely Robins, Wilson Smith, John Scot, Milton Pace, James Datton, Denton Max- well, J W Sykes, Jake Rife, A Bright, M Alfrey, Birck Brand, Trent Rates, Wm Chastain, E J Z Dickson, J W Simmons, J Morrow, Peter Carnahan, Wm Campbell, Isac Cook, V S Allen, Frank Jackson, G Davis, Henry Cockrell, Frank Kinley, Wade Farmer, Sam Camble, Dan McKissock, Wm Clark, R Lanry, Wm Crisman, Dan Moser, M Moser, Widow Glover, Parson Hall, Dr Robinson, J P Roberts, A K Etris, Dave Hoover, Ben Oakley, James Oakley, James Putnam, N Scot, Sam Shetton, David Swank, J W Clark, John Breath- wate, Lawson Satterfield, Wm Corley, J Alexander, Wm Cash, Willis Cash, Dan Dunlap, Estil Strand, Allen Strand, James Huffman, Wm Hambleton, James Grider, S S Horsely, Tip Jefferson, James Black, Noah Robins, L F Wilson, Capt Pickens, Wm Dean, John Patterson, H H Patterson. BRADLEY COUNTY. Johnsville.— J P Dugh, J S Martin, N B York, J W Wilfong, Jas J Robinson, J B Montgomery, Wm Thomas, E L York, S J Pope, Nathe Bras- welle, R S Smith, M B Lowery, J R Kay, G W Ray, Jeff Johnson, S Banfield, J C Gill is, S W Godsrey, N Walpole, John Stewart, George Hampton, J J Meek, S T W Aleck, John D Pugh, John Brady, M E Meek, Frank Webb, Dan Wilfong, James Gill, J A Crowford. Warren. — J Ritchey, W D Sutton, S Gardner, Henry Ederingjon, E D Sled, J L Goins, James M Whitesid, Nick Densou, J B Price, James Bradley, C C Gauaway, T F Sorrels, F Vezy, J S R Burbige, W B Brooks, W W Hughey, W W Adams, B C Webb, John Enis, Joseph Penington, John Hall, William Cook, G Reynolds, B W Martin, J F Neely, At Oneal, Lovett Reaves, N H Ritchev, H M HoUis, E J Adams, John Wordlan, Joseph Pearce, W T Barry, B Johnston, W A Martin, W T Barrv, J W Pierce, J H D Scobery, J A Bond, J A Beard, Alex Beard, R D Beard, J E Wade, S M Ederington, John B Price, John D Wardlow, W W Hughey, W H Harding, R E Harding, S B Harding, Hugh Bradley, S P Blankingship, James Bradley, H L Bradley, Sol Gardner, John Havis, W A Cook, S H Turner, A R Turner, M E Turner, E A Wells, J C Murphey, James Martin, James L Martin, C H Lephiew, C S Wade, E E Bailey, M B Garrison, T J Word, J J Walker, John M Lyons, J C R Howard, Sam Weasey, D W Sutton, Wm Anderson, A B Reaves, T A Cooker, J W Pennington, U L Ritchey, John Ritchey, J H Capers, John N Hampleton, J F Nixon, Jeremiah Frazer, M D Morgan, John McFarland, Gil- ford Panish, Gilford Shiny, James Martindale, George A Rice, James Johnson, John Parnell, Jack Parnell, J B Mosley, J A Mosley, James Lolly. Bob Brad, lev, Wm Jackson, Sam Jones, xllex McKenny, John Crowford, John E Brat- ton, Tom Bratton, W H Sutton, J A Oneal,' A L Temple, B B Moore, F A Halley, W A Martin, J N Pennington. Lanark.— G W Hall, William Hall, R Ederington, C C Childes, A Corr, F Ederington, .John McFarling, George Rice, George Morgan, James Rice. Adamsville. — John Reumoor, A A Adams, John Beasley. Gravel Ridge. — A Singer, A R Turner, Cel Davis, I J Purtle, U H Parker, James Lee. Moro Bay. — J R Broughton, W B Watson, Marsh Green. Hermitaffe.— A J Singer, D M Turner, A A Turner. A B Turner, S M Davis, Wm Grose, J A Simpson. H F Butler, M M Wallis, AVesley Turner, John Hardy, James Hall, James Singer, Lum Quimby, Jonn Kennamore, W A Anderson. 6 ARKANSAS. BAXTElTcOUNTY^ Mountain Home.— John S Eussell, James M Messick, E H Messick, W B Jorden, O L Dodd, R D Casev, J M Casey, H C Allen, M A Lawson, James Leschman, M V Bodenhamer, T I Hicks, Paul Brothers, J L Elliott, EM Smuther, Wm Nelson, J A Sthephens, Cox & Denton, James M Field, H S Talburt, W Talbut jr, James H Linn, Happer Brothers, John Praytor, T T Travis, L A McPherson, H H Hilton, W H Russell, B F Lance, H C Shipp, Jas Wvlie, E C Jones. Big North Fork.— James M Mattox, A G W Thomas, S W Talburt, Steve Pierce, H G Pierce, I B Cockrun, Frank Cox, W J Smith, Jno Moor, Jno Minor,, W C Brimm, Wm Lambert. Bennett's Bayou.— T C Fluty, Benj Sample, Elijah Hall, W J Hawkins, Walter Bean, Rube Mitchel, Lewis Scaggen. luka.— Hodge & Cornell, H AVavland, Turner Lackey, Wildman Lackey, R Thresher, Thomas Hively, James Wats, D K Finly, Robt Winn, J J Chasteen, Thos Spear, J M Russell, A J Hance, A Gist, John LeCray. Whiteville.— Jessy Moony, N O Tuel, Woods Owens, Calhoun Moony, John Metsick, W H Dunbar, James Deatherge, Robt Young. Big Pond.— W D McCormack, Bethel Bonier, Taudy Bomer, Bethel Mc- Cormack, G W Reeves, Y H Barton, Jas Moor, Henry Raymond. CRITTENDEN COUNTY. Marion.— John R Chase, G Grider, E B Leevis, R F Crittenden, Robert Rains, J F Smith, Dr Wittsett, Dr Gurent, M J Johnson, A S Gredsby, A S Neely, W W Swepston, S P Swepston, James T Barton, J P Horton, S D Bas- sett, E K Higgs, Capt Seebre, C L Syles, Wm Raspberry, Tom Cook, J H Wasden, W D Hardin, A Sinclair, A B Reeves, James Bassett, James Keel, W F Warner, R L Hardin, A Arnold, A Hodges, J G Sands, A H Furguson, J C Bland, Mr Medlen, Mr Strayhorn, J M Thomas, Deames Lewis, Mrs Cocks^ L Butler, J Taylor, John Swepston, J C Mann, John Williams, Dr Covengton, James Loyd, R P Baugh, Wm Batie, H M Brooks, Dr Lyons, Wm Brooks, W S Read, James Murry, Wm Ticer, Frank Forrest, Mr Futherell, Rees Davis, Mrs Holloway, C S Hurds, Gen Grant, Capt Jackson, Eli Jackson, Parker Morgan, John F Stockston, Mrs E Wallace. CLARK COUNTY. Okolona.— J C Logan, Jno Cloud, Sam Cloud, Lon Shackford, Chas Car- gile, R W Hillman, A Weir, W B Ross, M Kump, Joe Betters, M East, Jno McGill, S Kellv, C Print, J Townsend, Wm Gillman, Dr Bell, W H Weir, J W Doty, C Rose, S Wheeler, J D Stewart, Chas Cricket, Wm Crow, J C Bet- ters, Thomas A Ross, Chas Duncan, J C Carroll, James Clem, W C Hare, R P Perples, V S Harwell, T M East, W C Dickey, M B Ross, A L Weirs Jno P Kellev, Hugh Dollins, Ed Anderson, Nathan Loyd, T A Rask, A W Cagle, W R Cargle, Wm C Crow, J T Morris, J B Horwell, Chas Lewis, W T Weir, A McLane, J L Bell, Jno C Bover, Frank Ethridge. N R Orsborn, Geo C Ors- born, Jno F Surratt, William Ellis, Nick Hinkle, H Cargile, W T Claud, A S Griffin, Wm Paisley, Robert Bailev, Larkin Bailev, Richard Bailev, Wm Bai- ley, J T Tomsend, M McLain, J S Cargile, A B Lowly, J P Lowly, Tim Mc- Brever, W W Brent, Charles Brent, Paul Anderson, Reps Ross, James Bos- welf. Turner Weir, Elic Wright, Dr Bentley, Mack Williams, Mr Croson, M Shackerford, Tony Rice, L Shackerford, Jack Whitlock. Arkadelphia.— Weber Brothers, D M Hart, Jesse R Harris, Dock Strong, Wylly Rogers, J D Dillard, H H Arnold, Ed Arnold, Thos M Ewing, John F Stocker, Jackson Crawford, James A Fortsom, Nash Flannigan, Frank Mal- colm, Chas Doller, T J Stewart, Alfred Wright, Nat Jones, Kim Jones, J D Dillard, S C Hoskins, E G Haltom, Wm Cabe, Porter Browning, J H Hardage, J J Orsburn, Jonathan Lee, John Lowler, Henderson Borders, Madden Wilson, A G Hearn, W H Coleman, Michael Eck, T R Tennison, W A Trigg, C S Bul- lock, J B Littlejohn, T B Sloan, W T Crowley, H J Cash, A Y Gresham, J A Whitaker, Michael Bozeman, L W Marburg, Sydney Kyle, R L Duff, J L Stroope, Ezra Gates, Joseph Cassart, sr T Q McFadden, John Studdard, Wm Ewing, Joe H Scott, T B Littlejohn, Henry Strong, Albert Strong, J J Osborn, C P Waldrop, Edward Waldrop, L C Ross, Jessie H Ross, D C B Connerly, Jos A Hardage, A G Hearn, Jno Haltour, Wm Pratt, J B Dethverage, J H Obaugh, J W Mackey, J B McDaniel, Joe A Hardage, Jnp H Hardage, W A ARKANSAS. Trigg, Henderson Borders, B F Ellis, Thos Freeman, J B Alford, Joe Andrews, Wm Todd, Stoddard Bros, Jno T Turner, Joe P Hart, Jo P Hulsey, Isaac An- derson, J E Dawson, L W Marbury, D T Dale, T K Marbury, W D Stroopes, James Strong, S Y T Carter, George Hart, Eichard Hart, H L Cash, Kay Bur- ton, WmShaw, AsaTownsend, J E Bongs, J M Wilson, Jno E Tennison, Bird Wright, Hayden Edwards, Joe Waldrop, T Golden, W A Brown, Jno Wilkin- son, L N Carter, Jno C Carter, Wm Brown, Jno Allen, E L Brown, Jesse E Harris, Chas Blacknall, Jno C Hallsell, Henry West, S T Morris, Wiley Bark- er, H C Cabe, Chestly Stone, J W McSwain, Johnathan Lee, Jesse Besha, Na- thaniel May, S B May, Jas M Blanton, Jno Buck, A Trawick, Wm Dillard, Jno Todd, Jno Hart, Wm Golden, Jno Eowland, Thos Javman, Jas Abrahams, Dudley Spence, George Osborn, H MofFatt. Dobyville— Joseph Doby, J M Doby, W C Doby, Wm Grier, B W Harris, J E Cheatham, J L Cheatham, Stan C Harley, James Sloan, Eufus Adams, Wm Paisley, S Orr, Wm Boyce, J M White, B F McGill, Smiley McGill, B C Log- an, P Lawless, W Kinsev, A B Hall, Wm Mathiny, Dayid Stewart, A McMil- lan, I L Peters, Thos Clark, James Hoffinan, Stephen Pruit, E H Burton, E Lawley, A D Burton, Wm Lawley, Larkin Bailey, Eobt Hall, Wm Croshen, L H Pu,h, A L Griffin, E M Bailey, C Eush, James Boswell, James Wingfield, Wm Little, Eobt Eollins, John Powell, E D Eandle, I H Daniel, T C Logan, Thos Smart, E G Coleman, Dudley Jones, M B McCallum. CONWAY COUNTY. Old Hickory— H C Gordon, A J Palmer, J W Masingill, W E Hankins, M N Marijhis, M M Marphis, J J Marphis, J E Busan, A L Childress, E C Tharn- ter, John W Guest, Alx Haldbroof, S Y Thompson, A J Cauly, John Wan- stew, G P Nichols, W H Kalurts, Wm Victory, W W Staut, A J Huckelly, James Williams, Zack Williams, J W Williams, P C Chrin, J T Kane, Joseph Walace, A J Philips, J W Moore, J W Arnn, A Arnn, Mrs F Gregarg, H C Carrethers, Scott Vincent, W A Wells, James Peck, W P Childress, Jamea Turner, W B Eenjalds, W H Morgan, Thos Furguson, George Hilly, Hope Farmer, J H Janes, B F Clapland, B F Martair, George Carrethers, J S Bun- ker, James Armstrong. Glass Village.— J W Williams, F W Hopkins, D B Hillis, E P Vaughn, H Sneeden, Lains Sneeden, Ed Flower, J Wilson, George Eeynolds, George Staf- ford, H C Clark, Shade Jones, Wm Jones, Abe Jones, Jasper Jones, E Jones, W W Watkins, C Poe, A Eankin, E Eankin, Een Hinston, B D Hilles, Joe Poe, A Eankin, E Eankin, J W Bruton, J J Hillis, E M Thomas, F D E Montgomery, E P Vaughan, J W Williams, J J Williams, J J Jones, C Bartlett, L Henly, J Eeynolds, F M Hopkins, J N Staftbrd, H Clark, J Ham, J Jackson, G Jackson, J Kelly, S Jones, A Jones, Jasper Jones, C Jones, Wm Jones, J Wilson, J Eeynolds, J Wiley. Point Remove. — John Nolen, John Adams, Jim Adams, W Busum, A Thornback, Dr Thix, W Boils, Jim Boils, Sam Princl, Ennos Princl, Jack Peters, Jalini Jackson, Jim Carson, Win Carson, James Zaca. Dover.— Dan Brown, D James, P West, D West, H Pinter, J Franklin, Dr McFaden, J Weler, E Weler, L Bird, W Bird, L Hillis, F Hillis, J Lembry, J Petty, A Womble, J Carnell, Tom Moody, J Bringle, J E Scott, C Berryhill, J Berryhill, E Hogen, S Jones. Lewisburgh.— A C Wells, Thos Gay, Tim Gay, Geo Vanable, James L Wil- son, Carlos Eayburn, Milton Eayburn, J C Gire, L D Sisson, E L Cobb, Levi Dillon, Thos Hill, L S Bunns, S G Atkins, A D Ellis, James Ellis, Geo Bently, D B Eussell, D H Thomas, G N Combs, Diton Parish, W T Gordon, L P Evans, James Evans, Wm Evans, Peter Evans. Wm Sutton, James Sutton, Geo Howell, D Cross, Hardy Cross, Hanable Gay, Dick Overton. Hiram Over- ton, H T Gordon, P C Straughan, Levi Smith, Jo Wood, Wm Williams, W S Williams, Polk Allnut, Jonathan Wells, Thos Moody, Lonzo Autry, Elvis Poteete, C C Straughan, Sim Poteete, J D Eobinson, J C Kilbum, Geo W Lord, Wm Hunphrey, Albert Wells, Wm Lee, W J Eussell, James Waller, John Eussel, Joe Eussell, W E Blakeley, L Moize, Thos Hardin, Bent Adams, J E Hartin, J A Hartin, Gab Lee, Swan Hardin, Tice Higgins, W J Stout, W C Stout, John Jones, Jessie Manice, Merida Burgess, Thos Moore, Dan Moore, J Marattia, Wm Moore, Adam LickLider, J H Scales, H W Burrow, WAG Sayle, Geo Howard, Wm Eagland, Ned Pusley, Til Wells, James Higgins, Jos Brooks, D H McCool, Henry Morrill, James Savage, W H Hanes, J S Van- 8 ARKANSAS. winkle, F J Wills, Geo W Howard, Alex McCravan, David Harkrider, John Skillon, T W Skillon, John Kennedy, K H Brinkley, Jno C Gyer, T D Cross, Hanibal Gay, H B Gay, Tim Gay sr, Tom Gay, Tim Gay jr, T L Hill, Leven Hill, A D Ellis, Jas Ellis, Jas Wilson, A H Wilson, Geo W Venable, Chas Greer, Lewis Greer, Tom Greer, W H Cravans, W V Higgins, Sam'l Howell, GWMoize, Henry Halleth, PH Evans, Jas E Evans, LP Evans, Steve Evans, Wm Gordon, Hiram Gordon, Levi Smith, J F Denton, Eobt Denton, Jno Eoff, Wm MeDaniel, Wm L McDaniel, J M Moose, W E Green, Jas E Green, Diton Farish, Lafaytte Parish, Jas Farish, Huston Durnal, Arthur Durnal, Daniel Harrison, Wesley Harrison, J C Steele, E C McCling, N S Williams, A C Wells, Jonathan Wells, Zeb Ward. Plummers Station.— W E Dickson, W B Hervey, F P Hervey, Tom Plumer, J E K Hobbs, Noah Hays, Eansom Hays, A J Hogan, Lewis Miller, John Miller, Alonzo Jones, Wm Wilder, Jno Hill, A J Hogan, Eobt Harrison, Jas Jones, E Wilbanks, Chas Wilder, Tom Ford, G W Ford, M Thomas, John Thomas, Jas Garrison, B P Bennett, Thos Greer, Chas Greer, W T Box, J K Broadaway, Thos Black, Silas McCalloch, Chas Eoberds, Wm Eoberds, Jas Smith, W W Scroggins, Arch Wilson, Allen Heney, Joe Davis, Noah Hays, Tom Plumer, A Gratten, Wesley Greer, J C Steele, E W Garrett, Mrs S Luois, J D Kennedy, H Jones, Peter Lambert, J Guess, Ben Stacks, J F Sloane, E S Smith, John Eussell, W H Eoberson, James Traut, E D Farrish, John Gris- wood, G F Scroggins, Jno Farrish, J T Fairburn, J C Eabon, Enoch Puarce, J C McCraven, S H Bowman, F Bartlett, George Bynum, W J Cox. COLUMBIA COUNTY. Calhoun.— J H Baker jr, John H Baker sr, J H Muchen, Bryant Dees, CS Dees, A F Dees, Daniel Dees, C D Thomas, W D Booth, George Booth, W S Booth sr, WS Booth jr, B Burk, L E Terrell, J M .Johnson, TN Jamison, Jack Williams, Martin Sandere, W F Jamison, D S Morris, Samuel Baker, C C Hall, J C Walker, J E McDaniel, W E Couch, W J Couch, T G Couch, J D Baker, N L Baker, J W Baker, F Hughes, A A Dickson, L H Young, H D Young, J L Dixon, John Barnett, A A Goodwin, Levi Garrett, J T Young, L B Young, Stephen Baker, David H Baker, Sam Lewis, W G Clary, B S Bird, Hanel Bird, E C Paschel, T C Emerson, J G King, W T Feors, H C Heath, J E Ows- ley, W T Owsley, W B Owsley, B W Baker, F H Pierce, W A Newton, Jas Linton, E W Conch. Magnolia. — Wm Boyd, Jno Eeagan, W J Eunyan, W Benton, J D Prator, T J Mullins, Jav Simmons, J D Lackarv, J T Kerlin, J M Kelso, A L Kerlin, Dr D L Kilgore,' W H C Eeid, J W Eeed, W J Cross, T L Milliner, J T M Emerson, W B McNeill, W H Gordon, J F Eenfral, J T Eenfral, D S Wright, C L Johnson, E K Brewer, E C Clinton, Dave Simmons, W H Johnson, H G Smith, J M Kelso, M G Kelso, J D Prayton, J B McCown, W J Fears, H H Merritt, J W Merritt, C C Eose, W O McKay, W A Merritt. CLAY COUNTY. Corning.— H C Hite, D H Sparknum, W H Smith, E D Smith, E B West, Henry Swift, Jas M Shaver, J W Shaver, J E Briniage, .Jas H Lettrell, C F Hardt, T G Watson, W C Gregston, E Cunningham, Joe Tolbeet, W C Wood- all, T Brazel, J H Dennis, Jeff" Mock, L Hendricks, Joe Herron, Wm C Gosset, J Stayton, John Staton. Boydsville. — Jas Parish, Mr Galian, James Johnson, Jno Johnson, Nick Parrish, E M Eovald, Monroe Cravens, Jacob Dobkins, Jno Parish, W A Cox, W A Mathenv, B J Harden, B F Scarbrough, J T Phillips, J N Massengill, J A Morrow, GO Drown, J W Gorden, W C^Eominus, S N Parrish, W E Pyron, J W Eogers, P Williams, M J Tucker, G W Vaughn, F S Holiiield, G J Toombs, G J Wall, H W Bass, H D Griffin, A Kegley, W W Maddux, J W Harigan, L G Tucken, J C Boyd, H W Cagle, W C Galvean, T M Holi- field, J L Tucker, N J Burton, Jas Blackshan, J W Parrish, 'W H Trantham, A J Caldwell, W H Martin, John Workman, J W Phillips, J F Gorden, Eobert Law, A Sewel, T H Burnes, W D Eunfro, J H Harden, W W Mc- Leskey, F A Williams, A J Wiley, J Looten, Jas Eoss, J C Brandon, W E Mabam, M L Pool, J H Travillin, A T Borme, A Allen, W G Boston, H A Hodges, M V Boston. W A Dyer, Thos Parson, W Gage, G Bowers, J A Bar- ber, G A Dood, E N Eayall, Nat Trantham, W S Blackson, E P Scarbrough, J N Harman, E B Blackshase, S A Blackshase, J T Blackshase, S M Black- shase, J E Arnold, J J Prince, J L Morrow, C W Morrow, T T Bone, M G ARKANSAS. 9 .Smith, J M Smith, D Kegley, A King, D Horton, W C Grimsley, P Williams, J R Wells, J W Holifield, H M Baker, J J Hardim, J T Riggs, J M Johnson, W T Gray, J L Blackshase. Chalk Bluif.— T Dalton & Son, J E Sitz, N AVengo, Jn Sitz, J C Loony, J D Liddell, W W Meyer, Tn Sucker, John W McGee, John Asbon, Wm Asbon, Wm Melone, J Rogers, A Provinces, A Gills, H Gills, Elige Farrest, Watson Farrest, Wm Crones, L E Molone, H Holcumb, Wm Pallcod, J S Brown, J H R Holcomb, C A Packet, W Pucket, D A Wagestu, W C Wagestu, B H Michel, G W Souer, M Bratchu, M Dalton, J Purrion, J Backer J M Black- shire, E W Boyd, J R Johnson, Wm Galliom. J T Wickham, J Crones, Wm Mann, R Fuudewood, A J Langly, J A Arnol, W Shonies, W Sells, G A Crouleght, L Hufi;itee, W S Liddell, W S Sinoms, Q Golsby, H Frunom, E J Wesition, J Harron, J E Harron, P Westfalls, J Cagger, J Meddes, B Potton, Wm Webb, J J Webb, S Paryne, D Thiage Martin, M S Latta, A Laerbunch, W H Bradshaw, J H Lighter, Wm Chandler, A B Samons, G A McQuillion, John Rody, J Thourne, Jack Liddell, C C Crow, G Sirely, W S Relep, Jasper Beslv, Miles Whittier, Measin Besly, John Manis, Wm Miller, Bengamon Weebb, John A Whiteside, John Walker, Peter Walker, Frank Walker, Ab- slom Walker, William Browne, Leak Homis, Jessy Lounge, Dr Huston, E B Hedlee, William Feelds, William Eingrom, Flichu Holifield, Mark Parrest, A Q Sudel Mise. Pollard. — Wm Pollard, Henry Holcomb, Wade Thomas, J L Arnold, David Fields, Jas Fields, A J Langley, B F Bruce, G W Housman, Tom Ingram, John Ingram, Mark Forest, Potter Forest. Oak Bluff. — W C Sexton, J L Break, John Break, R H Copland, Joe Cop- land, J J Allen, Tom Allen, E M Allen, J H Crewes, R Layne, Jas Barber, H T Hill, G W Simons, Charles Stokes, Jas Hollis, C H Mobley, J K Mobley. CHICOT COUNTY. Dermott.— Wm Miller, H W Winnas, H Reese, J B Daniels, J F Crenshaw, B S McDermott, Stephen Daily, Wm Miller sr, S S Crute, Wm Cooper, Sam'l Mason, John Patterson, W Trotter, W Daniel, E Daniel, R C Price, A J Chrumle, C C McDermot, John Croford, C Fogg, I B Coleman. Bernard.— E Levy, James Imboden, H P Walsh, Chas Wilkinson, J W Wil- kinson, James Smith, Joe Dodson, Tlios Routt, J R Ralph, P G Sigmund, B H Jackson, H Y Hill, M B Sims, Wm Speckman, Frank McKee, Henry Jackson, J W Frew, T K Lee, B M Lee, A W Harrimun, H A Harrimun, T A Allen, James Harvey, W T James, J F Broaddus, F W Broaddus, E H Helms, W W Johnson, James S Peak, John P Peak, Wm H Pugh, Geo K Cracraft, I H Hil- liard, F S Hilliard, J C Hamlett, J W Abell, H T Hollis, John H Cook, M Allen, N Holmes, S A Scott. Sterling.— J E Joslyn, W E Graves, Abe Murphy, Jas Brown. Gaines Landing. — E J Osterhout, W P Jackman, Allen Godwin, A P Bled- son, A DeValcourt, John W Neale, J P Lafaye, Fay Covert, Hugh Kellem, John Vickers, Willis Duncan, Charles Carter, J H Wavner, Primus Harvey, Ben P Gaines, Geo Fly, Carlton Johnson, Dick Matthis, Robt W Smith & Co, Ben] Dodd, Sam. Smith, J A Ambrum, N Wash, Joseph Hale, James A Ander- son, Moses Jarvis, John Lane. CRAWFORD COUNTY. Mountainburgh.— M C Wright, J B Wright, J C Wright, S L Strong, J Rin- froc, A G Killingsworth, H Rankin, W S Newman, J Tase, A M Vought. Van Buren. — J Hinkle & Bro, George Austin, W W Allison. James Austin, Wm Bowling, B J Brown, Mrs Brodie, N B Busson, J S Bodwright, James Baxster, George Beers, Whitfield Bourne, M H Cornelius, J B Collins, C H Convadt, W P Gates, Levi Chapman, James Cane, J A Didvell, M W Drewery, T W Davis, D Dickson, J S Dunham, Tott England, Sanford Foster, Mrs Joseph Foster, Thomas Foster, Aleck Gooding, Louis Graff Samuel Hays, Mrs Hollis, James Hucklebery, Josiah Havral, Mrs Hays, H G Haynes, J R Howard, Mrs Knox, M Lynch, J A Lockliart, Aleck Lacy. Moses Lemly, Andy Lockhart, B E Loyd, Sam Martin, Joseph Maples, Charley Miller, D W Moore, Thomas Megee, H A Myer, Mrs Mary Megee- F R Mekibbon, Mrs Cav Mayfield, Daniel Mickles, Richard Miller, J S Mecall, John Marvoll, John S Matlock, Matthew Chase, Purson Mayfield, Mrs OUie Maxey, Wm Meal, Younger Neal, Parmer Neal, Alvis Smith, Philip Scott, Joseph Savage, James ;Sangster, L C Southmaed, Mrs Segraves, Henry Shibley, Cam Steveson, Wm 10 ARKANSAS. SiiiJ^^^aivin'Tho'mpson, Richard Thurston, W L Taylor, Jesse Turner, H F Tomason, Buck Vinsant D C Williams, E Wall, John F Winfrey, C T Ward, Tillman West, Aleck Winfreys E G Whiterider, George Wood, Zack Williams, John J Warren, Granville Wilcox, A Wallace Ward, Sam Williams, H C Hay- man, Calvin Phelps, L C White, James Eeed, Frederick Moss, Charley Roe, John M Marshall, W V Whitfield, Thos Hickson, John Kibler, John B Kibler, Jas Winters, W C Morgan, A H Huckleberry, Robt Littlejohn, Taylor Ruther- ford, W T England, C C Howell, Wm Canch, M R Ward, J H Becker, E H Robison, William Cail, Henry Cail, W F Wright, John Marzoll, Dick Hollis, Moses Limlev, Amasa Watson, 'D W Moore, Saml White, Henry French, Frank Steward, Thbs Pett, Jas Pasey, J A Kimbrough, John Gwin, M P Kilgore, W i( Rozell, Jas W Langston, Frank Hayse, J P Grady, S C Cottrell, Geo S Kil- gore, W A B Davenport, Jas Allison, "Wm Allison, Amasa Howell, D Michael, Ed Dwvar, Wm Tom Angel, W J Stamps, John Kilgore, John P Hall, George Grass, Wm Carny, M E Henderson, Joseph Matlock, J F Minfrey, G T Mat- tox, J B P Bullock, J S Winford, W D Hamilton, S S Boatright, W A Isles, Wm C Orme, W P Cates, Alex Hall, Jno F Hall, Wm Miller. Alma.— D H Creekmore, J R Madors, W K Meadors, Granvil Meadors, Wiley B Taylor, Wm Winn, J Sutton, Joshua Teague, Robt Harris, A B Howell, James A McNeely, W R Boling, G F Boling, J K P Douglass, A Rankin, T T' Byers, W M Bvers, L B Bvers, T B Mills, W L Wynn, Joshua Teague, Alfred Settle, M F Locke, J M McKinney, Ben Dechard, R Dechard, P S Dechard, R Dewitt, Mathew Love, J M Medow, J Still, A V Martindale, C T Powe, R. F Roberts, M L Cate, L B Cate. J G Hiner, S H Reed, E L Seward, John W Miller, O D Kinzey, P Kuvkendall, B B Kuykendall, E Cauch, A H Cauch, B- M Hopkins, J P Wynn, D Delanev, Isaac McAlister, I Muse, M Cheek, J X Smith, F J Smith, A L Smith, Alfred Tool, John Lake, Samuel Moss, T S Nichols, Richard Hill, Ruben Hill, Lewis Hall, Thomas A Wood, Thomas J Wood, S F Cooper, Thomas B Wright, D Hurst, Henry Simpson, I N Powers, John Forrester, Henry Hill, T L Going, J W Echels, Robert Morrow, George Couch, J S Chosteen, H P Dean, F G Dean, D W Barrow Wm Daniels, Wm Hurst, George Fine, Watt Fine, Thomas Fine, S A Wright, Llenrv Varble, Wm Whitington, Wm Walker, George E White, R M Thurston, G W Smith, W A Taylor, D M Blain, H Alexander, E D Steward, J R Steward, James Rodgers, J C Rodgers, E B JMedows. Wm Obar, Mosses Sprinkle, J E Smith, G W Scantling, L Simmons, T W Boling. CALHOTJN COUNTY. Hampton.— S C Neel & Co, T W Poter, D H Tokin, G B Adams, R W Glasgow, W R Edmonson. W C Brown, J B Deem, J I Harris, Henrv Tokin, G A Benck, J Abmathy, T Abmathy, G W Dickison, B H Thompson, Zip Oli- ver, Ira Oliver, J B Woods, L D Newton, L M Dunn, T P Homer, L J John- son, G W Johnson, A D Dunn, Will Dunn, L L Moses, W R Miller, G B Clark, W A Oliver, J W Raiford, H C Beach, A A Nettles, G T Roark, John King, W L Faber, G A Thornton, I W Frost, H A Porter, N L Porter, S M Poter, S W Poter, T W Adams, Willis Adams, G B Tims, W C Barnes, T J Sellors, D J Williams, W C Thomson, J J Newton, John Evans, J W Evans, W G Evans, A N Means, B N Means, A N Mayfield, W Mayfield, A I Bigins,. W C Benson, Pay Tomlinson, Hughy Tomlinson, Gus Tomlinson, L C Tomlin- son, H P Shofmi', W B Hanah, E A Hanah, Curly Abies, S M King, Joe Har- ris, Baton Harris, James Sims, B F Thomeson, J I Earnest, R D Earnest, R B Earnest, W H Earnest, S H Earnest, N Rusell, I S Dum, I B Dunx, W I Dum, C B Dum, W B Jones, T B Tinsly, Bill Allen, W Welt, Joe Sabine, Tim Pick- ett, Ned Pickett, W I Pickett, H A Pickett, Jerry Eichinage, Andrew Moore,, Moses Ware, Croft Ricks, G Dorrity, Lewis Robertson, Mose Strong, Jacob Bu- el, I B Cook. Chambersville.— J M Grav, B F Gray, H Gray, Albert Acruman, John Ab- eruathy, J W Barrett, J M Grisham, G W Gray, M J Watson, G M Hearnes- berger, Morgan Hearnesberger, Em ett Hearnesberger, B F Stricklen, T A Grubbs, E H Fielder, A J Stroud, J H Marks, G G Richardson, W C Murray, J A McGuire, T J Fortune. W T CoUoway, R Neil, W T Cone, J H Hearnsberger, L C Harris, H J Scroggins, D T Steelman, W F Brandon, J T Kendrick, A H Kendrick, Joseph Jones, F M Barnes, J M Wright, W M Talbot, D D Richard- son, M A Steelman, R Files, Henry Files, I H Steelman, J H Machen, J P. Colloway, W M Hanse, W N Wade, J C N Robertson, J Council, R Cone, J HT Wigginton, James Col vert, W H Marks, A J McManos, R M Nutt, John Nutt„ ARKANSAS. 11 Josiah Stover, Elic Hornida, T J Hill, Wm Colvert, J W White, C^CNailor, William Bowling, H Williams, F S McManos, M P Calloway, James Gardener, D W Dawson, Mr Stroud, A S Murry, D Hornida, James Morrison, T C Bass, Jack Easterling, F E Samuels, L Watson, John Meadus, S B Stroud, J M Stroud, John Grubbs, John Hill, Jessey Newton, Thos Brown, E Fielder, A B Cup, D Harris, J E Bryant, Thos Lynn, L A Waldrope, John W Wagnon, M F Turner, M Johnson, W N Pane, William West, James Spears, J Culvert, Tay- lor McManos, Jesse Lynn, Jack Stover, Josiah Nutt, J Hillman. DORSEY COUNTY. Randall— Geo England, J P Murdock' J B Rogers, EH Green, J H Bridges, J C Ward, Jas Adams, Geo Johnson, Geo Gray, M M Kesterson, J T Renfrew. St. John.— J S Thomas, G Goolsby, W T Brewer, T J Lewis, Ed Whitehead. D Stewart, Wm Breath wit, John Trammell, P M Morrison, John Baxter, W F Pauley, R C Forrester. Bfe^ Bradley.— W H Blankenship, W W Carmical, A Brewster, J G Brewster, J F Harper, Dan Harper, Tom Landingham, Frank Landingham, D H Thomasson, Anson Harper, W T Furlong, J P Carr, T A Ashcraft, O P Connor, G S Saun- ders, W P West, J J Nichols, J F Sturges, Wm Furguson, W P Thomasson. Toledo.— J N Taliaferre, N V Barnet-, J J Trague, W T Brewer, J H Talia- ferro, T W Chowning, E L McMurtry, P W Dedwiler, C B Atwood, Jas Car- son, W V Barnett, G A J Mav, John Niven, S W McGehee, C B Attwood, Jas Calloway, C Varnell, W K Varnell, C A Stanfield, S C Treadwell, A D Rogers, J F Rotten, John Overton, John Frey, Tom May, R B Mason, J J Teague, Dougal Niven, Ed Kendall, R B Rankins, W P Stephens. Edinburg.— E P Marks, Geo M Marks, J H Keath, E H Moses, D W Fow- ler, John Haskins, T J Clements. New Edinburgh.— O K Nabois, Saml Word, J R Stewart, J E Burrough, B M Parnel. S T Morgan, J T Craig, W B Jeffress, W M Bovd, W D Marks, J N Marks, J B Fraiser, Wm LaflForn, W B Hopson, Frank Owens, W M Bryant, S Marks, Sam Tolfree, M M Smith, J J Vance, W A Mosley, M A Mosley, J J Mosley, W D Hagin, Wm Warner, Jno Webl), Wm Carmical, Ed Hopson. DESHA COUNTY. Red Fork.— J N Almond, S A Morgan, E B Garrett, W M Carder, S J Pee- ples, F Nady, T J Rice, O Richardson, N Willett. M Posey, W Posey, W J Davis, J H Anderson, A H Nivison, L H Cannon, G W Millington, M F King, Jas Newby, I L Griffin, A Young, D Atkins, W Cheetem, S'W Hornbuckle, J L Edwards, John Holmes, H J Hood, E R Parrish, L P Bennett sr, P O Tavener, Fred Lankston, Dave Barljer, Henry Janes, W M Adams, S Stovall, A Evans, T Miller, S Lang, T Marshall, Jim Morgan, J Bowing, M Thompson, A J Vaughn, B Blydenberg, A Wym, L R Steel, R D Jorden, H Heath, J Roatis, C H Giflford, J M Bennett, B Boyd, H Thomas, Jack Warner, H Lov- en, Geo Cole, Sam Johnson, J Nickles, J Green, P Hampton, A Right, Thos Car, Miles McGee. Watson's.— J P Singleton, L M Watson, B T Caulk, E E Codv, C K E ling- ton, A McNeal, H McNeal, B Stamp, A Stillwell, C Morgan. PElexander, D Elexander, C Malpass, F Malpass, F Watson, C Ford, J Watson, J Johnson, E Drake, L A -Rindall, J S Ross, I Bankston, J Rindall, H Brinkman, B F Grace, Jim Clayton, D R Dedman. DALLAS COUNTY. Tulip.— W A Parker, M C O'Neil, Jno M Amos, John Bettis, John Ratclefie, E H Green, P N Lanton, Dr Z I Lanton, W L Bird, Dr J A Smith, E H Green, James Martin, O L Bailey, T J Bird, W H Young, R A Bank, S W Smith, L L Neiper. Stover. — A W Frazier, J O Higginbotham, B S Green, C A Butler, R W Parham, A J Chandler, W T Graham, R Brvant, J R Knight, F Knight, Josiah Stover, W D Stell, D A Stell, R F Sisson, J W Pennington, W Clemens, G C Head, J R Jacobs, Sam Jacobs, G R Gurdon, J E Hillman, S J Hillman, W J Pennington, J W Zinn, L J Alston, A T Green. DREW COUNTY. Florence.— D B Moson, Wm McYhond, A D Brudlove, J T Moson, TO Stone, A S Lord, G F Bottord, A Luckhart, Sam Aycock, C Beon. Monticello.— Hugh Wilson, B Hogue, H J Trotter, E B Owens, T W Owens, A H Owens, M J King, John M Hanmock, A Hargrave, M Allen, R Allen, J 12 ARKANSAS. irSrnithTwTw^elis, H W Wells, J A Jackson, Chas Hightower, R C Monroe, R O Joes' W G Main, I L Pickins, R C Marshall. ^ ^ , Collins — W C Allen, J N Atkinson, S Allen, Squire Allen, Capt Baker, b Bullock, B Jessee, C M Boyd, Jas Bosley, H Bullock, A Bosley, Thos H Baldy, Wm Bullock, John Beacham, J B Bullock, I Brown, C Bullock, Ed Bosley, R M L Baker, Benj Biggs, C J Beavers, B F Benson, R Bryant, J P Baldy, W G Bailey, P Bond, Ed Davis, Ed Bowden, J H Brown, W H Biggs, J M Burnett, F M Bordeaux, Henry Berrv, Rob Burnett, Jesse Brooks, A C Baker, R Bow- den, T M Canada, W A Courtney, Henry Collins, E Courtney, B Collins, J P Collins, S Courtney, P Collins, J C Canseg, M T Christians, R Cohn, Paul Canada Thos Chambers, John Cameron, Robt Clark, John Clark, P Coleman, John Crawford, R Drew, J F Donham, S H Ely, D E Ferguson, W A Ferguson, W A Fleming, J E Finlay, John Forester, John Gibson, Jeff Galloway, Jas Caster, Buck Glove, S Garrison, T W Gullege. MontonffO.— B F Clegg, Jerry Nichols, J C Bassett, A B Shields, D W Mays, E Curry, G W McVey, A C Miller, V Sowers, J T Sowers, J F Edwards, T M Baxter, 'w T Richardson, W Winingham, D M Green, J M Landingham, A Hammack, J S Hendly, J E Paddon, W D Roddy, J F Rowlett, O A Jordan, L B Owens, R M Jones, Robert Patten, J W Edwards, C C Edwards, J A Clower, J L Clower, J C Wilson, T G Brown, L V Boyd, D C Boyd, A J A Hall, M T Hall, Thomas Lyle, D B Gillham, M A Hoke, T J Tucker, Robert Tucker, W E Thornton, J T Thornton, A G Thompson, G A Millen, Fed Miles, J P Rogers, E Y A Rogers, J F Steadman, J R Watson, H G Edmunds, S J Strickland, F A Leonard, T E Fairbridge, J W Bishop, J W Coker, W F Mat- thews, A A Mathews, J W Scott, R O Fairbridge, C T Coker, J B Robinson. Selma.— S H Howell, Wm McCorver, W N Lyrict, Robt Courtney, K Lone, J D Cheves, JHopkins, W S Newton, J Pentecost, M Embry, W C Wright, Levin Dishongt, W P Dishongt, V S Gruhow, T C Howell, Ive Davis, John Thomas, T T Kirby, G H Nough, John Dickson, M Simpkins, Jas Austin, M Geidewell, Jas Tolifario, George Annet, John Hudelso, J M Austin, K Lane, J T Duncan, H Ledbetter, W H Isom, S D Simmons, John Evans, M Washing- ton, Sidney Jourdan, R A Farrish, Wm Hindesson, S O Tiller, R W Howell, C C Clyton, John Smith, J Hortsfield, M Trewitt, J J Richardson, Joe M Smith, S D Swims, W H Tisom, W H Patrick, D M Ray, W E Grisham, M Blaybock, J R Shivey, Joe Wattern, F M Terrill, A Briggs, G A Tenny, M Jones, H Pearce, E Gibson, Mrs Bittis, T H Brudlove, E A Harris, J F Griffin, J S Morjon, EPS Howell, T Brown, J R Shelton, J P Stanly, T Prewitt, J P Clayton, A P Hose, Jas Shivy, J A Howell. Baxter.— J M Bland, Walter Bland, S A Duke, S M Rabon, Henry Miller, C M Canady, Jas Boslry, Anthony Bosley, James White, Cornelius Scott, Rob Randolph, Archie Brown, Lewis' Berry,' Ellis Irvins, James Mallard, Leroy Johnson, Andrew Corbin, H Lewis, Ben Glen, Chas Canady, Henry Hygh- tower, J A Atkinson, Allen Lymon, Wm Simpson, John Simpson, Richard Drew, P Mack, M White, J W Green, G E Wilson, J Gallaway, A Young, G S Freeman, N C Evans, S Folk, J B Hunter, B H Arrington, W S Bland, P S Mack, Davy Richardson, John Rouch, R E Lee, J H Herron, T R Henry, Hugh Henry, Mrs Sarah Duncan, Ben Stone, Jno 01ft. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Webb City.— W A Parks, T Parks, J B Davis, S B Davis, B J Davis, Jno Pendergrass, N Jackson, Polk Flanagan, W" Flanagan, J M Hoyle, S Gage, A Gage, B Burchan, B B Burchan, R Burchan, W J Ponder, J B Davis, Squire Evans, W M Stephens, Wiley McKinney, Wm Mitchel, Wm Parks. Ozark. — J N Stanley, C Chaat, Joe Pendergrass, Jas Pendergrass, Ben Pen- dergrass, A J Hood, D Lankester, W C Milton, John Armstrong, DickHanom, Wm Hanom, Joe Hanom, John Williams, S D Hunter, C C Hunter, J Q Hunter, Robt Lesley, Geo Lesley, Wm Lesley, Geo Lesley sr, G W Haley, Willis Oliver, W W Mills, S O Smith, Wm Smith. John Snider, A McLaugh- lin, Isaac Quails, H Perry, Wm Mounce, N Whitson, Jas Childress, John Childress, Jef Childress, Crit Collins, John Hadley, B Davis, A Ransom, W R Felker, B E Moon, J E Moon, John Selph, W V King, Jas Stapp, Sam Stapp, John Stapp, E Youngblood, A Floyed, Jas Carr, Sam Weaver, John Blaylock, Ed Walker, R Alston, O B Alston, Thos Alston, E Woodruff, A Woodruff, Jas Merrell, Robt Merrell, Mat Hatfield, Jas Stroop, Henry Stroop, Robt Steel, Oris Steel, Wm Steel, John Nichols, Wm Nichols, Hugh Nichols, U Nichols, ARItANSAS. 13 David Nichols, Harve Nichols, W N Nichols, Cur Nichols, John Russell, John N Russell, Jas Warner, Wm Warner, Wm BarclifF, C Cumton. C N Cumton, Wm Mahatha, Jas Agen. Nath Agen, F M Hammons, F J Smith, John Miller,' Jas Miller, G W English, Chas English, Wm Brown, H Armstrong, J McLaugh- lin, Geo McLaughlin, J B Hopkins, David Earp, John Dobbs, J J Collins, R K Pounds, Luke Huggins, John Anderson, A P Anderson, Nathan Agent, Charley Amoms, Sam Baldridge, J Choat, Jim Fisher, Jno Dowd, Jno Davidson, A R Forest, Geo Harmon, J L Hargroves, Jack Johnson, Joe Moons, Blake Moons, Thos McBride, B U McLaughlin, Marion Nichols, John Russel, J M Hatfield,' Jim Stroop, Isaac Shaver, W R Lessley, Dan Loyd, S B Felken, G A Faughn, J R Sanders, J F Scott, B Titsworth, R M Taylor, John Stanley, B C Wifson| S M Hobbs, Samuel Stapp, R G Shores, Dock Faught, John Moore, Dick Berry' W B Orr, Evin Williams, V S Pitts, J B : alow, W M O Quaile, J R Bourland' J V Bourlad, McKinney & Adams, Lance Long, Tom Ridell, Jas Pipkins, Dix Ham, W C Milton, J P Bourland, E Bourland, J C Elsey, William Risen, William Frits, William McKinney, W S Subbet, A J Ransom, John G A Bates. Charleston.— Falconer & Co, J C B Armestead, R G Bond, M D Brown, C H Olliver, D S Richardson, G W Bronn, W A Moore, J C Hollgroves, D M Sweney, W A Block, M B Houston, W H Davies, Mrs N Pure, Sam Younger, D R Whitwen, Doc Bryant, S P Kiny, R Carter, Joe Johnson, Scott Thompson^ Heny Haynes, J M Pettigrew, J S Burt, Wm Holder, G W Baker, Henry Berry, J D Barker, W J Parks, J A Mileham, John Amos, L J Cormack, Miles Flynn, Luke Crawford, Gideon Purl, Susan Purl, J M Aldridge, Hampton Runnells, Jno Walton, John Haynes, John Crandall, James King, John Bryant, W L Kellum, Mrs S Richardson, John Redman, R K Bond, W P Richardson' J S Burt, Henry Dunn, B H Philips, Wm Carey, Aaron Garretson, John Mit- chell, Rufus Whitman, M L Eggleston, Thos Bolinger, F M Dunn, John B Talleson, W H McMath, J T Talleson. Nathan Keller. John Keller, Frank Carter, John Reed, David Garrison, Aenry Payne, E M Pettigrew, W T Petti- grew, W W Walkinson, Norman McLeod, L Hampton, J T Mayfield, J C May- field, M Monroe, Richmend Lesbetter, George Tigner, JasMcKever, M Suthard, Thos H Carter, Nelson Parker, L H McLendon, John 0,Neal, Jerry Colvert,' Benj Colvert, George Hewes, Matt Ross, Addison Beck, Christian Rudy, PJ-M West. Game Hill. — J M Hunter, Burn Hunter, O Hunter, J T Lamb, David Gar- rison, A B Moffat, Henry Stiles, H Rogers, Robt Bryston. Sub Rosa. — Joseph Cotton, John Pendergrass, John Council, Johnson Pils, John Holman, David Pile, John Carter, John Cotton, John Vesh, Stephen Gage. FULTON COUNTY. Salem. — A L Pearson, Jno McWhirter, B Helson, James Cunningham, Dr Raigh, Thomas Cochran, Wm Harkleroads, S K Harkleroads, Samuel Miller. Union.— Jas Cochran, D B White, Thos Liviston, Thos Smith, Thos Sargent Wm Bolin, P Bolin, D Hayes, Rob Collison, B Tally, S W Cochran, James Cochran, John Cochran, William Cochran, B L Chadwick, N Chadwick, Jno L Chadwick, Mrs E Copeland, Perry G Magness, J M Beaver, Jno L Bowling, Porter Bowling,. William Bowling, W E Sanders, H T Story, Thos Smith, W T Hunter, James Smith, John Smith, G W Hunter, Wm McCollough, Wiley Croom, J P Sears, J W Sears, B Lawson, Mr Youngblood, J H McCollough, Edly Hamilton, J D Paterson, D Brinsfield, Ben Taylor, Dr Martin, W J Harris, T J Lovelace, J W Webb, W H Rains, J H Rains, Richard White, Dr Hall, Saml Raton, J R Goodrun, Jno Miller, J W Thompson, Silas Hutson, B F Hutson, J G Trett, Jas Dixon, Chas Orr, E S Pearson, W M Talley, J A Talley, W H C Harkleroads, J H Harkleroads, J T Harkleroads, S K Harkle- roads, Samuel Miller, Hyarn Forester, A C Forester, C W Forester, W R Chestnut, T W Chestnut, Wm Chestnut, John Knight, John Mason, W S •Richardson, Alexander Richardson, Thomas Largent, Elijah Largent, Roland Largent, John Largent, W E Ferris, G W Gibson, Whit Smith, Thomas Smith, M A Chadwick, W M Chadwick, Wm Chadwick, G H Blair, W C King, E J Corether, John Corether, Mart Corether, W C Aklin, Daniel Bengman, Mitch- ell Bengman, John Colley, Alvin Lettser, W T Livingston, S E Bynen, Gus Beard, John Fryer, F M W Pavne, Samuel Ogle, T P Turner, Jasper Turner. GREENE COUNTY. Mackville.— M Harvey, T H Freeman, P Huckaby, John VanGilder, Jack 14 ARKANSAS. Gilir'clBK:eiiiiedy, L Powell, D Johnson, Jas Estepp, J M England, T T Eoss, John Huckaby, R B Jones, W Otey, Wm Stone, Danl Cribbs, A Se- graves. De La Plaine. — Jesse Kennemur, W J Green, Jas D Gray, R H Gardner, W G King, A J Wood, J F Kennemur, W F DrafFen, C C Enbanks, R H Gardner, J W Williams, R S Crenshaw, A J Rany, Benj Holmes, J D Gray, Walter Dolton, John Sinclear, J Dearmond, W S Daw^son, Jepth Futrill, Wm Comp- ton, Wm Drafton, J Kennamour, A J Spearman, Jesse Kennamour, C C En- banks, Benj Pitcher, Warren Hope, Boone Spencer, John Anders, John Clark, W J Green, W G Kiiig, Eli Brackenridge, Saml Maulding, J Halfaker, Sarah Enbanks, Harrison Haynes, Wm Lovelady, Sevier Frier, Wm Welch, A J Wood. Gainesville. — Al)e Brackenridge, A J Brackenridge, Robt Lovelady, F Brackenridge, Mr Brackenridge, T J Grills, C T Cole; Thos Meeler, _ W A M Glasscock, Geo Jones, Geo Glasscock, John Lockhart, Frank White, F S White, H W Glasscock, R A Cole, Saml Burton, I Jackson, R H Cole, L McHaney, Frank Jackson, C D Pruett, Robt Pruett, M C Gamling, J H Hunter, John Hunter, C Wall, V Looney, J Thorn, David Thorn, S H Weatherby, J R Snodgrass, T H Wase, W S Letbetter, W L Gentry, D B Warren, CI L Gentry, Jno Kay Kendall, Wm Glasscock, W T Thorn, A J Breckenridge, W B Breckenridge, Jas Breckenridge, H B Wright, C Wright, W W Warner, Wm Taylor, Wm Hill, James Robertson, John Jackson, Jas Kendall, Danl Horton, Jeft'Ramer, W G Bohaning, Wm Hill, A C Gardner, Newton Wright, Jasper Wright, S P Stevens, John Starns, Elijah Hainline, W G Butler, F Butler, John Newberry, Wm Newberry, W G Nutt, Brown Whitlock, Jesse Trantham, W C Thompson, John Trantham, John Winters, Frank Jackson, J R Jackson, R Jackson, Jones Eaker, L L Mack, Leonidas Stedman, John Dockery, Wm Hedspeth, Albert Segroves, Frank Wyse, Jas Snodgrass, J H Hunter, Coleman Horn, Joseph Spencer, John Kuykendall, Jas Hamilton, Hop Crocker. Crowley.— B A Johnson, G W Antry, L R Croft, B M Gramling, J R Grambling, Wm McDonald, A T Rogan, Chas Brock, Edward Bratton, B A Johnson, B M Gramling, J R Gramling, Thos J Reagin, G H Falkner, J R Jones, B H Crowley, Henry Rowe, L R Croft, J W Smelser, J M Johnson, Thos Fielder, E B Bratton, J M Moore, Wm Norman, A Thomason. HEMPSTEAD COUNTY. Ozan. — Jno Trible, J Wesson, G Scroggin, E Lesley, J Clinghan, W Lesley, Dr Wolf, R Cummings, Dan Reeder, Tom AVilliams, ' J R Dawkins, T P Price, Jas L Collins, S A McGill, J R Aolcomb, Isaac Davis, J A Eley, Wm Ely, Dr Hickerson, Wm Stephens. Spring Hill.— G H Andrews, Adam Aust.n. W G W Bishop, M M Baxter, S C Burns, G T Brown. S W Beaver, Wm Barns, T Curtis, Jonn Carn, S B Collins. Chas Collins, J B Drake, J J Drake, M C Farrell, A A Gibson. L E Gibbs, G Hucksby, B Hucksby, Leo Hucksby, Jas Hanegan, A C Hanson, J D Hatch, J T Johnson, W R Lindsey, N M Martin, Henry Moser, Joe Adeneal, W Owens, B Powell. Clayton, — E C Jones, W R Jones. Jno Ridling, J S Thompson, A C Sutton, Wm Barkham, P J Hicks, Thos Wiley, Jas Bright. Fulton. — John Adams, John Brooks, Sam Ogden, Wm Sandlin, P G Wha- ler, W R Bell, James Wilson, M Boyse, H Boyse, J B Vaughan. Hope Station.— J M Smith, A M Barnes, L Burns, J W Harris, R P Sam- uels, Thomas Haynes, Jas Roberts, Wm Powell, Jno Armstrong, T J Velvin, I B Huckake, G W Curtis, J R Jones, Jno Bearden, W F Jones, E C Fort, R S Power, J W Brazell, J T Holt W C Foster, Shelton Watson, G Anderson, H G Burns, M K Burns, J C Bowden, M D Brake, H M Burns, J M Black, R S Brandon, Wm Brandon, N S Donway, J B Christian, W A Curtis, James Cox. Wm Cook, J B DufFee, J W Dobson, Geo Eppuson, W H Frank, J F Fuller, H T Franklin, W G Fair, J N Ford, M Fuller, J Giles, Jas Galloway, B D Gleghorn, John Ground, E Giles, Geo Galloway, J A Gibbs, J T Garner, F Garner, J F Galloway, F I Hinton, I D Hardy, W J^Hinton, John Mayner, S M Kitchins, J A Floyd, J Lee. Isaac Morner, Benj May jr, Benj May sr, John May, Wm Martin, J M Moss, A Mitchell, T J Partle, Jos Phillips, John Phil- lips. C Porterfield, Jos Porterfield, E Porterfield, Wm Porterfield W A Alex- ander, J W Davis, Wm Davis, John H Davis, Wm Oliver, Geo Sandifun, J B ARKANSAS. 15 Sandifun, T M McFadden, Cham McFadden, W P Powell. KToonenyT^Gus Knoble, Jas H Thompson, A L Martin, H E Cornelius, J B Powell, B F Wil- son, Thos Haynes, John Haynes, Sing Giles, I R Giles, Ed Richards, Jas Gal- loway, John Galloway, Dan E Alexander, A J Lloyd, Geo Lloyd, John Allen, €arrie Allen, Giles McKnight, A Bleot, P H Finley, B F May, G A Cheat- ham, Jas Hannegan. Jas Furguson, Jas Phillips, Mrs Tyus, Wm Duke. J Cri- der, Thos M Jones, J F Boon, G H Martin, J C Williamson, Henry William- son, Jess Rowden, Jack Brannon, Joe Borden, C T Short, W E F Jones, J R Jones, Wm Duke, Jas M Williams, Robt Williams, Robt Jones, Wm Turner, Wm Shankles, T H Mularen, Jno Haynes, James Lurmer, W D Vance. Columbus.— Col Williamsom, Ford Johnson, Booker Johnson, Joe E John- son, Jas Stuart, R C Stuart, Thos Jones, Robt Walker, R J Goentner, G R Wright, Jay Gamble, Sidney Conger, Ths Stuart, W P Stewart, Jas Wilson, R M Wilson, R C Stuart, Charley Walker, Robert Walker, P Tom Speter, Wm Tally, Saml Reade, James Smith, Ford Cheatham, T J Booker, J Shefterson, Jenny Parliem. Washington.— E D Jetle, Chas Royston, Chas Pay ton, S E Benson, D M Holt, E Holt, A Allen, Geo A Oldham, M A Elliott, J F Sauer, J B Davis, W E Hunicut; Wm Osteen, F B Hannah, Mike Thompson, Edward Thompson, George Thompson, Abner Thompson, Tom Thompson jr, John Thomas, Jerry Carrigan, Alfred Carrigan, Steven Carrigan, Joel Hanah, Huet Burt, John Burt, William Burt, Dr Williamson, James Normand, A C Baird, W J Fergu- son, Antony Clark, Henry Campbell, Jack Campbell, Henry Conway, Charles Brown, David Goodleft, James May, Jonathan Green, G W Stuart, H O Stu- art, Louis Muldroe, Dr Muldroe, John McNight, Calhoun McNight, Harper Jones, James Jones, Wm Burns, James Boyer, Hart Boyer, John Wesmolund, Wm Hudspeth, Harry Nelson, John Trimlile, William Johnson, Johnson & Hamer, George Loie, Irum Strand, B B Buttle, Colm Steven Moore, William Moore. HOWARD COUNTY. Nashville.— W C Sypert & Co, R C Mitchell, T Parrish, Stephen Jones, J M Pucket, P Anderson, Joe Yowels, F L Shepard, L Anderson, D M Bry- ant, R H Parker, J A Summerhill, Thos Lawrence, James Lawrence, W W Arnett, H Bradford, P C Young, Bawder Young, M C McCray, G L Marten- dale, G W Menell, J T Stone, W L Power, J T Lane, ' John Webb, Alfred Ward, Wm Bryant, W N Anderson, B F Scoggin, Thos Boleman, J W Whit- more, Pete Bunkley, F L Jacques, R S Sypert, W H Galbright, J R C Com- ings, Albert Cory, J R Compton, L C Horn, Louis Coleman, J W Norwood, W Y McBride, John Jones, Wm Powell, John Chesen, Mich Reese, J W Wat- son, Wm Campbell, F R Holt, G M Clark, A D Hutcheson, W H Mendelts, J L Wesson, J W Scoggin, G W Scoggin, H W Hicks, G E Brvant, Thos Wil- liams, J S Williams, J W Bell, J N Collins, T A Bartes, Hugh Hanah, G W Stuart, J M Hayrfes, Wm P Craig, Ed Clenghan, W C Hale, S S Post, R C Dildy, Sam McCower, A R Floyd, E P Crany, R A Leslie, Wm Leslie, C C Weeb, Hamp Wallas, Edward Snodgrass, J Y Thomas, C Rea, Thos Brown, D M Beaclamp, W L Wiggins, J L Stuart, J D Copeland, J B Copeland, W W Crofford, James Hutcheson, Adolph Hutcheson, A Biggs, Emery Chandler, Benj Dildey, S Z Dillard, John Dillard, Thos Hendricks, Matthew Lawrence, Levi Craig, A F Ferguson, Sam Jones, D D Wommact, D D Jones, L R Sul- livan, W Dorsey, Jno Dorsey, Jas Powers, W Craig, Jus Ward, Clint Sypert, Joe Yowel, F P Holt, T Parker, Jas Norwood, P Pucket, Dr Moorhead, W Chandler, A J Hale, Jas Stone, Jno Merrell. Centre Point. — J G Reese, W McGuire, B J Roberson, W Williams, Joe Williams, M Pope, M Callahan, A Reese, H Jamison, Jno Ferguson, Jno Sullivan, A Ferguson, Jas Whitmore, L Lesley, D Dickey, C Latimer, Jep Shoftner, David Owens, Dan Chandler, W James, David More, T Dawson, C Lewis, B Crawford, Taylor Polk. Mineral Springs. — S P Dillard, H H Ford, Solomon Ford, Levi Davis, Lewis Jones, D T Cowling, Danl Price, S G Goodlett, H S Goodlett, Thos Hendricks, Allen Potter, H H Crofton, N E Mulkev, W W Graves, R P Holland, Wm Click, B Dildv, Denton Sumner, Fred Edwards, C E Brown, N D Caldwell, B E Hall, HHHanner, John P Hill, Jeff Hill, James B Hill, Robert Caldwell, W K Cowling, J C Coulter, Frank Arnold, R J Austin, Geo Cowling, John Coley, A J Draper, Andrew Dildy, Ed Fountain, O P Graves, R E Walden, Jim Johnson, A Putman, W E Cook. 16 ARKANSAS. HOT SPRING COUNTY. Malvern.— W B Scull, J W Keyburn, J L Verser, E McKoy, George Henry, J L Vanclean, Asbury Thompson, John Porters, L J Kinney, E M Washer, M Hardwick, D Rainwaters, W R Chambers, Geo B Doty, T J Edwards, M L Lankley, J H Blakly, H S Fuller, John Nilson, Frank Nilson, Ellis Nilson, Thos Harp, Jas Kelly, E P Shehan, A Gentry, M Beanchamp, W D Leiper, J T Masters, D C Myers, Wm Nortin, C J Newman, Judge Newman, R F Strib^ ling, J L Deer, E Deer, "W A Jones, Tnomas Toler, E Rhodes, T P Harrison, Hansford Deer, Wm Hunter, R F Philan, J L Haler, W B Cole, G W Cooper, D C Chapman, W H Collir, Smith Clearsday, R Cain, John Carmichael, W T' Carmichael, J R Cloud, Jos Alexander, A J Burnitt, Oscar Boyd, T C Brooks, Harman Gibbs, Wm Gibbs, O J Busick, L D Baily, Wm Daniel, Stephen Jes- ter, John C Vantrease, J W Yates, L B McMillan, G W Winters, Hans Jensen ,, J B Hughy, George Erwin, Broun Erwin, Wm Dyer, John Nix, Jos Rodgers, Jos Downy, Nick Miller, John Miller, J W Keith, Sam Lunkle, Miles Bass, Jos Henson, Cha.iles, Dorn, James Page, John Sullenberger, John Morrison, D A Pryor, Elbert Emerson, Saml Emerson, Mrs W C Kellv, E R McCay, Jno- Verser, J M Henry, T H Claud, L A Cork, Geo C Miller, J S Page, Osco Page, Alfred Wallice, Allen Wallice, Denis Wallice, Jno Nicks, Jack Clift, Harva Clift, Wm Diar, Harva Diar, C C Crips, Jas Harden, J D Ward, Thos Sims, J H Alexander, J W Keith, Wm Stanley, Sant McMillin, Richard Futral, Wm Dannel, Thos Dannel, Tobe Eryin, T D Tarris, I R Yarber, Wm F Ellen, Dr McCraney, J J Miles, Huston Roberson, Jackson Clen, Serce Clem, Dock McVay, Smith Clardy, Sam Power, Geo Brawley, John Mornson, Hardy Elliott, Charley Jester, Sherd Johnson, Andrew Chandler. Malvern June— J A Miller, R M Thrasher, M J Walker, Lewis Collie, Jo& Collie, James Swinney, H Reans, D A Newman, H J Newman, David Potts, Sam Baugh, H B Gibbs, Jno Gibbs, Wm Cuningham, Jas Bailey, D Bailey, Thos Hasp, Jas Baker, John Griffin, Henry Walls, H C Ward, S S Sulivan, J C Vantrice, Wm Vantrice, Wm Hardy, Jo Hardy, George Winters, Piram Smith, R M Stripling, O J Busie, R C Phelin, D Priar, Sam Priar, John Tyler, J A Gentry, Jo Rogers, N Miller, Sam Kunkle, Jas S Taylor, A Taylor, J T Blakeley, Jo Hattom, Brantley Hattom, Nick Williams, Rus Williams, Joseph Dawney, Calvin Miars. INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. Big Bottom. — Edward Carter, Morgan Magness, Wm Magness, Chris Osborn, Dan Osborn, Louis Alroliite, Wm Palmer, Marl Mull, Wm King, Sloan For- tenburg. Pleasant Plains. — Thos McAdams, Jessee Smith, Wm MeCauley, L J> McCauley, C L MeCauley, C Hammond, J D Jaynor, H F McCaulev, James. MeCauley, J P O Wood, Ed Martin, J W Davenport, J E Sadler, S C Sadler, James Sadler, Saml Hammond, Henry Hammond, G H Pearce, J D Pearce, S Pearce, T Yancey, Geo Thrasher, A B Riddle, Geo Riddle, G C Carruthers, F W McCauley, Jas Yorbraugh, Wm Yorbaugh, Wm McCorny, Jas McCorny, G Pritchard, Conney Wood, Milton Bricknell, J P Meacham, W J Yarbrough, F L Smith, N Cheek, A F White, W M Clement, Geo Reader. IZARD COUNTY. La Crosse.— R H Grissil, L C Holmes, J W Dodd, W H Cook, D C Brad- shaw. E S Jennings, J W Miller, J C Miller, G H Hightower, O T Hunt, J B Hunt, H J Puckett, T J Puckett, D T McCollum, W H McCollum, J N Mc- Collum, Wm Rodgers, B Rodgers, Curt Stevens, J H Bishop, Z R Bishop, I O Gardner, A Creekmore, N P Nicks, Wm Shell, W R Campbell, H F Campbell, A W Campbell, H Ramsey, R A Wagoner, Jo Jones, J W Mason, W T For- rest, G T Forrest, H Allen, AVm Floyd, R J Powell, Wm Bylor, S H Wren, Thos Cole, Jno Helen, Wm Dillard, W A Pursley, D McCall, J M Sindley, Geo Anglin, J S Stroud, J A Jackson. Franklin.— J N Nicks, J S Roberts, W W Billingsley, W Swan, Jno McCall, Sam Gaston, Jim Gaston, W R Boler, Nelson Baker, W F Jones, Jno Jackson, M F Billingsley, J N Bates, J S Jones, Robt Jones. New Hope. — Wiley Crooms, Wm McCullock, R J Powell, Jo Gornell, Alex Herrit, Alex Russel, Taos Sears, Thos Powell, Barret Cone, Dock Richardson, Wm Richardson, W M Chadwice, Berry Chadwic, J W Venner, J M Barnes, Bud Lawson, J Castleberry, Jno Sears, W M Woods, W I Swink. Newburgh. — O G Harmon, J M Douty, Geo Damron, H Allen, Thos Johnson, ARKANSAS. 17 W B Nicks, A B Cambell, G W Cone, Henry Williams, W C Williams, J M Wyatt, J W Eector, Noah Shied, Jno Kerr, W L Aylor, Jno Owens,' J W Warlic, G B Wood, Esy Wood, L W Thompson, William Butler, Dock Stacy, John Harges, Harty White, Jack White, Little Wales, Burel Haney, W Ha- ney, Jack Kent, Harve West, Joseph Toney. Lesey Benton, Wiles Smith Danel Smith, K L Lacy, Armstrong Cob, Dick Esley, Noey Shed, Tim Shed' W Hunter, Jeams Eseley, Frank Estey, Lesey Runnals, Scot Wats, Tim Shar- «1, Marron Hall, James Rush, Daved Coleson, Hun Gooden, JamsRenfro, Am- burs Jeffry, Dave Barns, Harvey Mirey, Herven Ritle, Jams Woods Jesey, Ev- eret, John Evert, Dock Hunt, Joseth Hare, Wil Everet, Fount Hare, Wilam Shed, Henry Lacy, Daved Biler, Thomas Smith, Steve Camel, John Car, Dock Wilson, Dock Nicks, Frank Daves, Thomas Gufey, John Guftey, Mat Rose, John Kent, Buck Nest, Murkus Harmo, James Lared, William Gootn Bill Carol Wiliams, Bill Stroud, Tom Evens, Talon Warker, Jockey Wilams, Mer- ida Evens, Bill Blankenship, Lon Blankenship, Siers Slone, Luney Nest, Wat Grimet, Esy Schace, Jim Golden, John Newman, Simp Recttou, John Stoc- herd, Lize Melton, Elonzo Hunt, F W Person, J AV Rector, O G Harmon John Kerr, G W Kerr, Edd Page, James Wallic, W D Chase, G W Damoun,' Robert Simmons, Wm Jacob, M F Harmon, Noah Shead, James Shead, John 8tockard, Wesley Dowdle, Marion Hall, David Qwalls, Bee Qwalls, B F Gar- ner, Malachi Reynolds, Sim Floyd, Silas Walice, David Owens, W Owens O H P Stroud, J H Stroud, Wm Stroud, James Cankey, Sanford Hames, F M Gibson, Jos McCamey, Jack Seay, Thomas Evans, J C Evans, M Evans H Gooden, B Haney. James Clabourne, Wesley Pearson, Wm Rees, Wm Grim- mett, David Barnes, Wm Hunter, D H Smith, R J Powell. Wideman. — James Shaver, Joel Patterson, Joel Stubblefred, H Westgate, Dr Marten, L M Stroud, Thomas Cankey, Wm McCullough, H McCulloughj Shows Sears, Joel Sears, Wm Gilstrap, J W Jones. Pineville.— F R Noe, H D Cantrell, Berm Smith, John Powell, James Ham- ilton, John Anderson, Andy Hutson, John Hutson, Lemon Doughty, G B Moon, David Smith, Ven Benbrooks, Elbert Benbrooks, Jacob Franks. Barren Fork.— M L Shaver, R C Winkle, W J Thompson, L L Kizzill, C E Evans, M L Rowes, Henry Mason, B A Mason, C A Mason, T I Ray, W C Ivis, L P Paints, J M Caraway, Jack J Mason, Jacob Mason, N Mason, A J Collis, G B Reeves, J T Ray', W C Lomax, S T Rudolph, W H Winkle, J W Parts, W C Sim, W A Marron, S M McSpredder, J M J Congers, J E Rudolph, A L Congers, J I Dobbs, G W Shoemaker, G W Walker, P C Shaw, Albert Dillinger, Abner Presly, J M Mason, Alen Dillinger, R P Williamser, G W Brown, D G Anderson, Ed Pugh, J S Painter, J W Fulbright, Joe Fulbright, Joseph Smith, Daniel Davies, Thomas Davies, D Mason, John Brasorblett, Ja- cob Blue, W L Bramblett, R Stroud, A C Evans, J S Born, L B Kerns, L F Reeves, J B Prickett, C S White, S S Evrett, Jacob J Mason, G A Miller James Fulks, F C Hardister, T F Sibly, Ed Simons, J P McConnell, N J Walk- er, G W Serenus, J B Marrosse, J A Sip, Aaron Sip, G A Griffith, A W Born H C Born, W E Edwards, E E Marrow, J F Mason, J N McConnell, John Ful- bright, W M Shirrell, W T Mason, W F Collin, John Connor, William Davies G W Davies, W S McSpadden, J B Born, William Battles, A R Born, E C Mc- Spadden, Robert Marrow, T J Williamson, R P Williamson, jr James Sip, W T Sip, J W Wellig, J W Sharpe, J F Francis, Isom Pugh, F M Stokes. Melbourne.— R H Powell, W S Powell, J J Sams, Thos Black, Wm Black, R.obt J Richardson, Thos Richardson, Jo B Richardson, Jno R Richardson, Jas T Moore, J H Russell, Jo Robinson, T R Freeman, D S Freeman, Jo Freeman, J B Freeman, W B Clum, W C Dixon, A C Jeffrey, Jo Arnold, J F Cornelius, George Turner, G R Landers, James Driskill, T B Culp, W D Hill, Frank Fowler, James Kitchens, Asa Bishop, Wm Lawrence, E B Dowdle, J M Bush, F M Hall, James M Smith, Thos N Smith, Alex Lings, John H Greer, Jesse Richardson, Thos Powell, R S Gates, James Cooper, Jeff Cooper, Frank Cooper, Wm P Cook, Jack Dorville, James Laurence, James F Laurence, T N Estes, A C Dixon. Lunenburgh. — John Landers, S C Cooper, George Landers, W S Linn, T P Cypert, Jno A Byley, George Byler, Wm Ginn, Wm Bruce, John A Sheffield, D T Powell, Wm Holland, Marion Cooper, Green Walker, James Walker, Joe 18 ARKANSAS. Woody IlK)rBrooksrBailev Brooks, Henry Shannon, Geo Owens, John W Brook- AsaPingston, Parker Shelborn, Perry Waits, Dennis Decker, A J Banks ' W I Banks, J W Banks, J W Prather, W A Arnold, Joe Turner, G W Gray ' Henry Rose, Lum Lee, Seem Lee, Stephen Lee, Newton Lee, Patty Kewin Guss Byler, I L Byler, Wiley Lucy, Robt Hollen, James Smith, Wile Hollen' Dan Arnold, Stephen Gilbert, Jo Gilbert, L B Pearce, J N Haley, W C Haley J T Byler. sn J T Byler, jr W H Cyhert, W C Arnold, Z C Rose, Tiff Melton, Henry Gray, L R Smith, J P Gray, Peter Bray, G W Bray, Thos Adams E C Cooper, Gus Rose, S A Haigwood, J F Sheffield, SAD Cooper, H B Sanders, B H Sheffield, W R SSieffisld, S imuel Majors, R W Foster, E G Lanelers, R L Lanelers, James Lanelers, Nancy Lanelers, Martha Lanelers, W E Merchant, J M Shanon, J A Stratton, J H Alexander, A M Sims, Wm Sims, W B Merchant, Newton Majors, James Randolph, H B Walker, J G Smith, Wm Taylor, J W Brooks, John Hanner, H C Horton, H C Shanon, J B Smith, E N Ginn ' James Lee, Samuel Coleman, Thos George, W E Wallace, J B Scraggs, Wm Coleman, H R Meeker, J W Twilly, H C Clark, W T Walker, W W Campbell, R Hollen, Henry Kates, Marion Cobb. JACKSON COUNTY. Jacksonport— Joseph D Craig, W D Hodge, S D Bateman, J M Huntle, W G Jackson, Thomas Conn, WRCook, Charles Bareman, W R Long, Riley Kin- man, Saml Stewart, Geo Tabur, Joseph Lenard, David Lenard, Lack Calhoun, Clint McGuire, Nick Duffey, Geo Stephens, T H Stephens, E Brown, Geo Gowers, John G Smith, A J Dodd, R P Watson, John Gyun, John Green, Wm Hurley, Robert Armstrong, Green Braddenburg, T H Philips, J D McCroskey, J S McCroskey' Homer McCroskey, W A Bevens, Joseph Rnnyan, Geo Baker, Calvin Redefor'd, Frank Hinkle, A P Aydelolle, John Aydelolle, San Kennel, Wm Morrow, Doctor Morris, John Smotherman, James Ladd, Jackson Ladd, Smith Garrett, R A McHenry, Jesper May, Brunell Waddell, John Willis, W F Roberts, Wm Barrett, C G Crow, John Smith, Henry Graham. Newport. — J B Mallony, Williamson Davis, J B Simmons, Robt Laird, W H Pickett, David May, H A Bufoad, Geo Cooper, Joe McCartney, Robt Davis, J S McCroskey, W M Matthews, B T Malone, Henry Malone, J T Henderson, W S Smalley, A J Miller, E L Watson, John Guinn, R T Armstrong, W S Alexander, Jas K Huddleston, Riley Kinman, T F Martin, J D EUsburg, Frank Wishon, J H Wallace, David Lewis, W W Webb, C Bean, Frank King, L L Bleakely, J P Snik, Jessie Wyatt, L Mallory, A W Horton, J P Waddill, J W Parish, G Brandenburg, R Warner, L B McDonald, Oliver Blackburn, A E Shoffiier, T H Phillips, Geo Buford, J E Slayden, Geo K Stephens, W F Cox, W R Lassiter, Samuel Anthony, Elizy Brown, W R Bray, N M Bleakley, Wm Buford, Alvin McDonald, Wm Dean,' J T Gilliam, M W Nicholson, Sam Parmer, J P Foushee, Thos Scougers, W C Dyer, W C Crom- well, W S Shuford, H G Williams, Wm Kerendon, J C Bleakley, R P Watson, A J Dodd, I C Grubbs, Tom Britt, Frank Denton, Frank Phillips, W L Robinson, Campbell Robinson, M L Bobinson, Frank Barnes, John Curry, J R Carter, Andrew Johnson, Jas Martin, A C McCall, D P Drummond, R W West JEFFERSON COUNTY. Red Bluff.— E Archapd, P Archard, E Harris, Wm Harris, H B Starn, John Windrham, John Cleaveland, John Shelton, R S B Mauk, W B Hursley. Garretson's Landing. — M Garretson, J E Bryan, Jno M Clayton, Sol Frank- lin, Chance Harris, Asa Keosie, L G Garrett, Chas Howson, T H Jackson, V Kimbrough, Thomas Timpeon, Robt Ford, B F Kelly. Pine Bluff.— S J HoUensworth sr, C E Shanks, Z A Lumpson, Wm Maddex,' I L Thomas, A Bryant, Corcoran & Mathews, CR Breckenridge, Austin & Son, J W Pitts, R R Fittshugh, V D Wilkins, G Meyer, T A Hill, W H Taylor, Jno Currie, A J Nixon, Jim McGehee, J A Dorroh, G W Phillips, W G Hughes, S R Cockrill, Jas Trulock, R C Bertrand, C M Neel, A Niven, T P Blackwell, A H Ingram, M Currie, Thos Dunnington, Jas Maurer, Wm Mow- rey, H W Scull, H J Wright, J W Walker' L Sailer, D W Johnson, S McAl- mont. Plum Bayou.— W C Daniels, James Patey, J E Arbuckle, W G Arbuckle, F Castery, John R King, F Reypun, W McGhee, Andy Reeves, W M Samples, J W Samples, J H Samples, D H Johnson, R McCall, W E Chambers, M D Davis, D P Jones, H C Daniels, W Gilburt, P Juntry, Cas Deutsch, J Y Saun- ARKANSAS. 19 ders, J M McElray, S P Wair, W M Dortch, W C Kyle, T H Eaton, C Cald- well, S M Reeder, H B Odon, L S Mitchell, J B Core, Geos Bradie, J B Miller, F V'ogal, W A Temm, Dan Easley, John Sharp, B S Temple, D Harrison, GW Chapman, D H Saslor, W N Morris, S W Wilbourn, S Wilbourn, W H H Cantrell, J T Cook, J S Palmerton, James Conley, R H Hasley, J H Jones, T M Jones, J R Heelan, M Robinson, Jim Saterfeld, T J Barnes, H T Langston, J P Johnson, R Ford, J R Ford, Samps Williams, W T Morrow, J W Twon. White Bluff.— M Mock, M M Puckett, W G Campbell, A F Campbell, W G Campbell, Dave Tole, Tom Thrower, Henry Keeler, Nelson Cheeks, Dick Cheeks, Charlie Virgell, Joe McBeth, Madison McBeth, Geo Anderson. Pastoria.— B R Donelson, Mey Neaskill, Wm Dean, A H Lawhorn, Maj Gibson, Jim Gibson, J W Gibson, Ed Span, N O Vowell. Bankhead.— L Tanner, Mrs Stythe, S Richardson, Alex Inloe, H Young, Silas Smith, J B Williams, Frank Smith, B Richardson, Mr Omens, W G Sen- nett, Creed Taylor, A Brunson, J Williams, Jno Gannon, T J Wells, T J Stokes, W D Rice, Joe Ramsey, J W Lambee, W Williams, B F Richardson, J W Moore, M G Dennett, Geo Taylor. » ^ • i t New Gascony.— Asa Branson, Jno Roth, G A Walding, Silas A Smith, Jno Williams, Geo Madding, B Madding, Jno M Gracie, Jno M Bass, C Taylor, J W Moore, Jno Roth, Jno W Hall, A Brunson, B F Richardson, M H Williams, H Young. LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Lewisville.— S B Lemay, A P Boone, P H Cands, Jesse Wade, Jno Martin, G W Rister, Charlie Strong, Robt Warren, Jas Williams, Ben Powell, Joe Hollis Wm A C Sewell, Henry ScAvell, Wilson North, J H Williams, S G Saton,' Z M Toten, W W Toten, T A Hamilton, Geo Canida, W J Mossey, A Boker, W K Pipkin, Jno W Pipkin, W A Fort, Jas Hardcastle, Jas Baker, Thos Colicot, Steven Taton, Jas M Taton, Thos Knighton, R L Knighton, A Knighton, Henry Copehart, Joseph Norwood, Jas Pitman, Robt Z Gant, Henry J Gant, Wm B Pipkin, Jas Ham, J H Rabon, Cass Merrett, John Baker, Fisher Jackson, John H Cook, John Jackson, Wm Dalton, Redin Pipkms, Frank Farley, Joseph Johnigan, Chess Johnigan, E A Lightfoot, Jas Lightfoot, M G Fort, T T Fort, T J Featheron, J K Hall, W G Lewis Sr, W G Lewis Jr, L C Steele, Ed McMillen, Lewis Archy, R C Park, Noah Lester, R H Gardner, WJGrimmet, Ira Edward, Ira Lee, Shed Bright, Abe Berry, Jeff Onsley, Richard Gutheny, R C M Lemons, J H Lemons, Ben Avery, G W Dobson, W P Haynes, Jno B Burton, Geo H Thompson, M S Jacobs, J M Montgomery, A Byrne, C H Whorten, T J Lorris, J A Battle, J B Young, Henry Capehard, JNNix Larkin Nix, W C Sypert, J A Scott, R A Deaton, Wesley Bland, F Pitman, W H Scott, Chas Ravenscroft, W W Tatom, S J Tatojn, Robt Gant, Henry Clift, T J Stegar, A N Lee, Turner Morris, W P Nix, L C Steele, Bar- ton Harrold, Dave Lemay, W P Haynes, R H Howell, G W Dobson, B F Avery, W N Strickland, E A Murphy, Jno B Burton, Henry Moore Sam Lemav, C N Lemay, Lewis Archer, Oliver Shurtleff, WCt Lewis, WP Parke, Addie Battle, James Burke, Dave McCante, Henry Canida, Milton Fort, Wil- son Fort, R B Ford, J K Hall, Robt Warren, Mason Sewell, J H Lemay. Mars Hill-Lewis Lester, James Lester Thos Lester H H Olive, G P Strange, L M Carleton, Thos Harvey, J M Williams, S A Lee, R C Parks, N T Lester, W J Grimmet, C Leigh, J ^Y Barker, P H Dennis, Jas King L T Waller H Freeman, W J Glassgow, Ivan Powell, Wm Pillsbury AP Black, WmKing, D L King, Jones Garrard W W Barnett, Jes^e^Boyett, Abe Smith, J P Dougherty, J T Poe, W J Poe, MM Carter W G Urry Henrv Caldwell, J F Roton, J T Lee, David Averett, Robt Ranton Armstead Daniel, Marshall Murrav, J T Martin, U G Wood, Jno B Dougherty,^ B L Philipps, Jas Deaton, J A Ayres, Thos Colvin, Robt McKamie, Jno McKelvie, C M Sparrow, Joshua Johnson, Jno Lee, Jas Lester, C M Sparrow ^ Sparro^y^ Z Wallace, L M Carlton, T J Harney, C Nesbit, M Murray S Thompson, C Leigh, CCDuBose, M A McClendon, T Colvin, N T Lester, W G Woocl^ J T Lester A Berry, R C Parks, Ira D Edwards, B R Harrol, H Conway, P Armstead,' J HGuinmet, J K Hall, Jno Hall. -, w a.-.i t^ tt r>- v Walnut Hill.— R B Duty, H C Duty, Jno Hamiter, J W Stith, D E Dick- so^ L L SmUh J V ButlJr', J E Ki4, Jno R Stegall T T Applegate, CaMn Fish, G W Russell, Thos T Magee, Jno G Moi^an, Wm Crabtree, M McCor- mick, AlexShibb, Wm T Smith, J Q Adams^Wm C Bradley, Jno H Va^^^^ Jeff Evans A T Evans, Henry Evans, Knox Waldrop, Elisha Waldrop, Henry 20 arka:nsas. Smith, Jno Delany, S M Nottin, G W Hicks, Jno E French, Jno B Maryman, Jas Cochran, Jud Cochran, Cap Cochran, E B Cochran, S Cf Sprewell, W M Eay, W J Linson, J H Wheeler, Jas Rodgers, Thos Rodgers, T M Love, Wm A Weeks, J B Dooley, T J Dooley, J C Dooley, Andrew Lester, T J Vanghn, Wm Breen, Walter Edmonson, Jno Dees, J F French, CI W Baker, Margosky & Wolf, L B Nottingham, W E Booker, R E Hamiter, J N Bryan, Geo Smitli, J C Fitzgerald, Alex Byrd, Jno Herndon, Sumter Lee, Jas Cornish, D F Brien, Robt Lester, Thos Scott, Jno E Ayres, Joe Lingle, Wesley Powell, Austin Brock, H R Dinkins, Mr Graham, "Mr Miller. LOGAN COUNTY. Morrison Bluff— W E Newbell, E G Ragon, W J Ragon, H J Hancock, C Merideth, G Hall, H H Hill, W M Wathon, J E Blair, L F A HoUman, J R Rapen, W R Blair, W M Haggard, B F Ewing, G W Ewing, Joe Farmer, V Douglas, J R Weatherton, William Weatherton, Thomas Weatherton, T P Carr, E T Blair, W L Blair, E A Hartman, John Womack, R Smith, A Smith, Hiram Smith, J S Gwaltney, Jas Lay, D J Maples, S A J Creekniore, A J Ra- gon, A Ward, C Garris, J W Cravens, Julian Smith, Joe Smith, D A Jamison, J C Wiltshire, Robt Kcndrick, Thos Kendrick, L Norrid, W M Wheeler, Levy Cox, N Cravens, Wm Keyes, A Turrentine, Wm Finley, Matt Hibbs, C J Morgan, Wm McCreary, N J Hibbs, B A Hampton, Wm Sivlev, Jas Newbell, W J Spicer, Henry Wilson, J H Tyner, S S Gray, E H Gray, J A Gray, A B Cox, Wm Cummins, W H Youngblood, Wm Bostick, John Parks, J L Reeves. T F Needham, M Duncan, J E Riggs. J W Riggs, W W Ware, S F Perry- more, J W Perry, J R Sivley, W P Tygard, Robt Willis, Robt Hardwick, Mose Hardwick, D D Hardwick, H W Smith, Joe Cravens, Joseph Haas, Sam Scott, John Belcher, W L McNeal, D E Calhoun, F C Herring, Joe Dobbins, J G Mosely, S B Rose, John Lafferry, R Grisham, G W Massey, R L Coleman, L M Sivley, J M Sivley, M P Blair. Booneville. — Jno B Derthrow, B Bangs, S Bangs, H Bangs, Wm Fields, Wm Garrette, John Garrette, M C Hashbv, Seab Hashbv, Thomas Burnett, Frank Walls, J T Walls, T A Cochran, R A Porter, J V McNully, Frank Arnell, Ed Runnels, Seab Fuller, Dr Fuller, Thomas Barrette, Andy Hendison, James Hendison, A Sharp, Thomas Scott, Jno Scott, Frank Scott, Jno Smith, SW Flous, Jno W Lyons, Jno Knowls, Thomas Edwards, Wm Burch, J D Ray, H C Sadler, Wm Carolan, J S Carolan, B Nesmith, Thos Cothran, J B Har- well, R L Duncan, C A Say, C W Canthron, D Y Vester, A M Moore, T A Cothran, Ben Bangs, Stephen Bangs, W R Lee, J H Hamton, W B Caro- Lan, I N Lille, J H Knowles, K McAskill, H C Robards, J T Lytle, S W Per- kins, W A Fields, E B Condict, W C Hicks, John McCaslin, B Tucker, F M Ennin, W L Shomblee, J W Yarbo rough, S H Blagg, J P Henderson, G W Evans, D H Bottoms, A Sharpe, J N Tucker, W M Envin, B Nesmith, M C Homley, S J Fuller, S T Carolan, W H Sykes, S J Powell, L J W J Powell, G B Harwell, J N Fuller, W R Franks, Ed Hener, J W Graham, W W McCas- lin, H M McCaslin, W C McCaslin, W D Sadler, G J Ross, J G Envin, W J Leftwick, A Yarborough, Wood Arnold, Sam Cardan, Henry Bangs. Patterson's Bluff.— N H Cradens, J L Cherry, William Brown, Henry Brown, W H Moore, J R Davis, Henry Houser, Daniel Houser, J R Planket, Robert Johnson, V B Hamlin, Joseph Rogers, William Rogers, J R Raper, JE Thompson, H H Hill, J J Harris, S J Innman, J J Ball. Prairie View.— James Gray, P M Clark, John Taylor, W H Lively, Walter Guthrie, F M Guattney, B A Hampton, N J Hibbard, John Walton, P Figart, J Armon, D Perkins. Ellsworth.— F J Moore, J F Bennetts, Wade Hampton, G A Maddox, N M Howard, P Hickson, Jno Chitwood, R Chitwood, John Bennett, Jeff Garlahan, Aron Chitwood, Jno Higgins, Jas Bennett, Jos Bennett. Sugar Grove.— J Bathram, J W Horton, R C Scott, M C Scott, J F Scott, T J Fuller, R Gilbert, W N Williams, Ed Reggold, L Davis, R Sadd, Jno Sadd, Jno Barrett, L W Williams, D R Kirbv. Chismville.— W H Williams, Wm Williams, J H MoflFat, J A Donon, Jno Catner, B J Parker, M Catner, J H Janes, L K Massey, E Hudson, C Cole, J H Brocks, Thos Brocks, B M Metcalf, Thos St Clair, George St Clair, J Chan- cellar, J Trickect, A Tricket, R Cole, B Davis, T Tigner, Wm Tidwell, J Shif- let, S G Corley, M Catner, J C Catner, M A Catner, W L Bryant, Wm Wil- liams, M A Williams, J V Williams, W A L Williams, A Cole, Wm Ferguson, ARKANSAS. 21 J W Ferguson, James Kobertson, T Barnes, J Barnes, A Spoon, Wm Pruit, H Pruit, C L Spencer, Wm Friddle, George Friddle, J A Doran, J Russell, J W Young, Wm Fletcher, Wm Cox, C Olever, H S Brown, B J Parker, J Hut- chens, J West, J Simmons. Blocker.— Geo Minnvier, A Kincannon, A D Hope, J H Baker, W L Fergu- son, F C Oliver, G James, Wm Rick, Thos Bamrom, J H Baker, R Laypey, John Williams, Wm Bunch, H McCaslin, F Oliver, T Howard, J Burton, M Robertson, S McKinzey, G Minmire, F Snyder, W Manis, Wm Oliver, J B Gray, Jasper Robertson, H Glass, G Glass, S Burton. Roseville. — E M Titsworth, George Brown, S M Quinn, M A McHins, Dock Brown, P B McHins, Spear Titsworth jr, A Henry, D Henry, Rob Hael, E Webb, Toneo Titsworth, B Finnev, Tuis Poa, Janes Bates, A Batson, E Walk- er, Allen Bird, R Bird, P Bird, F Coats, David Webb, H Carpenter, E Bivins, Allen Green, George Green, P S3well, P Sewell, B Fort, W Fortt, John Rhea, Alen Poy, T Green, B Garner, R Hars, Med Jones, R Moons, Abel Smyers jr, Abel Smvers sr, U Smvers, P Reed, George Smyers, P Bear, James Turner, S Redman, B Turner, B Titsworth, Elliot Titsworth, U S Rane, C Humphrey, TC Humphrey, John Minis, Charles Wood, P Benett, PAshenherst, CVasbel, C F Canley, John Williams, R Dun, TPatts, A SCabel, P Barnes, S Simngler, B Spangler, James Sewel, M Carpenter, Nelson Paton, H Haris, George Pillow, P Williams, John Roark, A Jerrals, J Moss, John Moss, S Parson, John Lit- tlefield, G Johnson, George Moinard, S Jones, David Busers, John Snead, John Parks, Mos Alen, P DaAvson, Med Fields, H Gatier, S Brumley, P Rob, Jas Sewl, Daniel Hessry, Gus Anthony, H Quinn, B J Fort, W J Woods, S N Bennett, J Sewell, E N Titsworth, N S Okain, S A Parsons, Daniel Henry, William Dow, H H Harris, W H Fort, James Goldsworthy, M A McCubbins, Robert Freeman, Alkn Bird, Edward Fields, Nelson Peyton, Robert Hail, Dock Franklin, James Turner, Lewis Ivey, George Waters, George Pillows, O Whitesides, John Morse, Henry Morse, McCagaStour, EserWhiteburn, Wilson Young, J H Williams, Martin Carpenter, John Hart, S M Quinn. Magazine. — Leroy Cummins, John G Fort, F M Cain, James Humphrey, Pink Anderson, Robert Commins, Mitch Ellington, William Ellington, Nathan Ellington, Frank Scott, J N Carpenter, Doctor Pretty, S F Fort, E D Hooper, C P Anderson, WH Anders, HaryAnglin, WH Allen, BPriddy, John Young, Calvin Wollev, W S Blanton. F A Beil, J L Brvant, J L Brvan, J B Bubher, J M Burton, J J Burton, P D Burton, W D Beatty, J W Barnett, B B Benge, J A Benge, W T Berry, A Barker, E P Thompson^ Sam Miz, A Henderson, J D Corley, S O Co.iey, J F Cioper, Roland Cooper, M M Cole, R B Cole, R P Coleman, R P Chitwood, L H Corley, R H Cummings, Josiah Cook, J S Carr, John Carr, George Kingcanon, James Wingfield, J B Donathan, W N Donat- han, John B Donathan, CH Donathan, J C Darks, W A Darks, Tom Darks, L R Davis, B T Davis, Wm Dempsey. R M Dickey, John Dalton, J M Dillard, T H Durham, T Y Deshago, R Dani'els, W R Duncan, T R Daniels, J G Tay- lor, F M Scott, W J Ellington, Nathan Ellington, N M Ellington, J M Elling- ton, W E Elkins, A R Elkins, W H Mize, J M Oliver. J G Fort, J S Fort, Dr Fuller, Jess Frost, W L Griffing, Richard Garner, R M Gilbert, E D Hooper, Wm Hooper, P W Hooper, J O Hall, B F Hall, J S Howard, J H Howard, N L Hardin, J E Huey, J A Hendon, J G Humphrey, A Hill, J M Jones, Elbert Johnston, Wm Jenkins, J W Jacobs, J B King, T Loyd, Jord Loyd, J A Loyd, W A Leftwich, W J Lowder, J P Lusk, Sil Lee, C F Lay, J C Newman, Jo Noah, D B Maxwell. Paris.— H G Agee, Frank Baldridge, Robert Waddle, Jesse Hixon, James Parker, G W Wolf, Thos MeVey, Chas Maybury, Mat Maybury, Joshua May- bury, John Sherley, Silas Sherley, A J Scarbough, S J Slutton, John Tynur, G W Frost, James Redden, Johna Johnson, A D King, C V Harley, C C Was- sin, F J Waddle, Wm McCubins, Joe Denis, H J Agee, A S Cavill, J S Dittlo, F J Freeman, J A Johnson, G H Dorrough, J K Lee, T S Gallager, W J Brisin. LINCOLN COUNTY. Varner Station.— John R Self, W F Varner, J W Crawford, W H Crawford, Dr W G Springfield, M H Hudson, W G Lockhart, Edmond Taylor, Mac Cook, James Clark, J C Mitchell, J B Duckette, J J Wells, Eugene Judlow, Joseph Judlow, Moses Collins, Thomas Kearsh, Robt Jackso-% Nathan Williams, J W Watson, John James, David Persons, John A Ray, W S Love, John Smith, Jor- 22 ARKANSAS. dan James, R J Erving, James Erving, Sam Erving, Edward Self, S L Butler, J M Crawford, J A Varner, Robt Hill, Adolphus Taylor, Robert Taylor, John H Jones, Jack Austin, J G Johnson, John Williams, Caesar May, Edward Hays, William Moore, Phillip Evans, William Bryson, O R Carson, Major Hubbard, Gilbert Hollman, G W Hoover, J W Jackson, William Persons, Sam Love, A H Self, Edgar Sullivan, Robert Tarlton, Stephen D Tarlton, Jeff Wade, William Allen, Abram Tinsley, Edmond Tinsley, George Howard, Jerry Cooper, Aaron Frazier, Whetson Jackson, Henry Jackson, Simon Moore, Joe Parker, Albert Hays, Reddick Hanly, Jack Coleman, Joe Walker, William Andersen, Fletcher Moore, W F Edwards. Relf s Bluff— Thomas Giles, W A Brown, J M Brown, RH McCullough, W J McCullough, Robt Lathan, John Nelson, Robt Knox, Moses McKown, Lee McKown, Martin Knox, W T Handlv, J B Friar, J B McCain, V E Kersh W H Lyle, J R Ferrel, J M Brown, Thos Giles, Thos Lyles, W A Brown, W C Cur- rent, M A Hoke, L E Hoke, Robt McCollough, Bryson McCain, R M Knox, Mar- tin Knox, John Knox; John Nelson, J P Heliums, Milton Sweeny, John Sweeny, M McKeown, Wm Phelps, J W Robinson, A C Cook. Star City.— M Ellington, R T McBride, Lewis Julian, H H Tarver, M Y Moran, J W Helleners, J D Taylor, E C G Anderson, M S Cook, W A Adams, W C Heflin, S W Smith, J B Mathews, R T Burton, Jeptha Hellerus, John Clary, S Feeney, A Lessell, J Lessell, Scot Winters, J Wardell, A Brewster, A Hudgins, L Sanders, F Sanders, R Sanders, Gip Sanders, D D Cawlkcomb, Press McBride, J E Owens, Robt Owens, Ed Beard, Wm Beard, Roof Rodgers, J Julian, Z Collins, P Collins, Mack Mead, J S Free, Jas Grumbles, John Rayley, S M Rayley, C Newton, H Newton, H Stephens, W Maroney, Z Marney, W Moran, Thos Butlar, John Butlar, W H Adkins, Jas Cocks, C H Lymon, Jas Whitehead, W Whitehead, E C G Anderson, B B Gifford, M Chever, Wm Garrison, Jacob Helums, P Marshall, Wm Shackelford, A White, J Clary, J Hawk, J H Craw- ford, Jas Helums, Ves Helums, Geo Glover, D Chance, A Bush, Ed Bush, Robt. Cunningham, W Z Tankersley, D H Rousau, W Fair, L C Stewart, L F Stewart, Thos Perttee, Jas Smith, Robt Smith, Wm Smith, Thos Smith, Jas Smith jr, G Kersh, V Kersh, W D Kersh, N Kersh, E C Hydrick, Thos Coghill, M Coghill, Thos Coghill jr, M Atkinson, Austin Atkinson, Geo Atkinson, Wm Atkinson, J L Hunter, Wm Russt, J Russt, S Russt, A Boyd, W S Stidham, J Heflin, S T Heflin, A Colier, C Cook, Dr J G Simmons, A G Bush, John Bennett, J C Baily, J M Hawk, .John W Clary, L C Gammill, Samuel Canister, Web Holcomb, Dr J M Smith, John E Owen, J B Owen, Robt Owen, Jas L Owen, Larkin Owen, R C McBride, Port McBride, S M Mead, D G Mead, Wm N Smith, Rob R Smith, W Z Tankerslev, Y C Stewart, Lock C Stewart, T A Callawav, P R Callaway, David Callawa'y, Dr E C G Anarson, Dr E D Petty, J D Taylor, J D Hel- ums, Eb Heliums, J W Heliums, Wm Aakins, Joshua W Cunningham, D G Simmons, J H Crawford. Palmyra.— Z Collins, W N Collins, S J Owen, W P Mcintosh, R C Linsay, John Lee, William Tarver, A T Lessel, S J Tucker, S Tuckei', S Tucker sr, Jas Parker, Thos Parker, L B Parker, L D Owen, W J Owen, J F Owen, L B Owen, C F Owen, J E Owen, J M Owen, L J Owen, H D Owen, B G Owen, W S Brink- ley, J H Auston, M Ellington, D B Coghill, F M Owen, N R Owen, R D Owen, W Shelby, H H Tarves, Lewis Julian, R G Mann, R M Rodgers, W M Rodgers, J R Rodgers, C M Willis, Wm Ridgewav, J W Chambers, Jas Chambers, James Comer, R M Marton, J T Beam, Frank Bebm, W F John, Jerry Brinkley, R C McBryde, H P McBryde, C Ross, James Coner, M Y Moran, H R Moran, Z T Stone, J T Beard, Wm Cole, F M Cole, John Tucker, B C Glover, E H Glover, F M Coghill, Dr Dufree, Elv Grumbles, T J Irvin, Jefterson Reed, L R Mathews, A L C Mathews, W H Parker, T L Wynn, George Smith, Wm Black, L Brinkley, J C Collins. Cornersville.— W L Thomasson, Morton Meroney H Stephens, J H Conners, William Sackett, Wm Jacobs, Green Jacobs, T T' Maroney, Wm Owen, H H Bibb, James Gage, Wilson Gage, Dan Gage, Amanuel Sackett, J H Thomasson, W R Owen, James Smith, K F Tucker, Jersey Tucker, J W Wardlow, Robert Puntney, Logan Puntney, R G Puntney, Samuel Newton, H Newton, Wm Fish, R M Fish. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Opposition. — S H Ball. George Brown, Wm Brown, H M Lee, J P Simmons, John Long, W Q Summons, R M McCanny, Hugh Wells, John Wells, Bled- ARKANSAS. 23 son Holder, Thos Holder, Bentt Holder, Morgan Hatcher, H A Gibson, James M Gray, W J Grav, Jno Bottonis, Carl Fedrixton, Jacob Stipes, Charley Parks, James Webb, Judge Dent, Thos Dent, Ellis Brady, Elisha Ellis, Limp Wells, Marrian Wyatt, Charley Wench, James Regnolds, B F Austin, Wm AVillerford, Ambrose Willerford, John Baker, Thos Smith, William Baker, John Garner, Joseph Baker, Porter Pickman, Henderson Morgan, Jipp Honey, Bud Baird, S M Hawk, Henry Holder, Bill Montgomery, John Burr, Julian RellyJohn, James Hoisted, George Rutledge, John Davis, F M Addams, Taylor Vical, Billy Wells, Thos Ball, James Scribner, Thos Duvall, S W Redding, George Bridges, Dr Hacher, James Gilbert, George Wilson, Cain Higginbottan, Job Higginbottan, Ben Sanders, M rgretta "Willerford, S A York, Amy Holt, Afoord James, John Brady, S S Dale', Dan Wells. Smithville. — Eli Thomburgh, E J Mathews, Jno D Brotcher, E J Brotcher, A J Brotcher, Z Ratcliff, J W Harris, W A Langley, Geo Goodwin, Mark Goodwin, N Portle, Geo Stoan, Wright Barnett, B W Field, R E Wilcox, R M Smith, Jas McKnight, Jas Justuse, Ed Holt, Jno M Hill, R A Wilson, A J Gibbens, A J McMellen, S McMellen, J F Dawson, Leten Helms, Russel Good, Geo Lucas, A A Henderson, Thos Hambrick, Peter Shoop, J T Ballord, T B Walker, Wm Fortenberry, Allen Box, Thos Wilson, Thos Swityler, W J Fel- Mns, Jno C Billbrv, J S Baker, A Rectoo, S L Fisher, H B White, W C Sloan, N M McCarroll, Jno P Goodwin, P A Goff, Wm Phillips, Millidges Taylor, Joseph Goft; John H Burns, J W Kendle, T B Peebles, G W Hooper, Jno M McCarroll, Thos McCarroll, J R Judkins, Simon McLeed, James McLeed, Benj Pasley, Jas Steodman, Green Kaney, J H Oldham, N E Judkins CP Bobs, P J Petty, A T White, E Good, D Willet, A C Printers, Pleas' Holb, T Eagin, James Forsenberry, Jas Taylor, Jno W Taylor, M Howard, W C Jones, ■R B Hillhouse, W C Dass, Joseph Miller, Raph Wagster, Thos Lusk, G Rich- ardson, J Richardson, S H Kerr, Green Wassen, Geo Boroh, W J Sanders, A Coyart, Robt Cuningham, B C Overstonch, H Walling, Dan Walling, Jack Warner, Taylor Jones, T J Brady,H C Propst, H T Holt. Powhatan.— P t) Mathews, A T Anderson, Eli Brady, Benj Blackwell, A A Baker, George Borah, James L Bryson, Edward Buttler, Jno N Campbell, John Casper, John T Coftman, George W Cole, Jacob B Coffman, Alexander Jasper, Hiram Darter, John Darter, O S Denton, Thomas Duvall, G P Dean, L L Dale, James M Davis, Ruphus Endaly, W W Eaton, Elijah Forester, Wm For- ester, Emanual Goad, RusssU Goad, T J Guthrie, R H Guthrie, Daniel Haward, A L Harren, G B Harren, W B Hudson, James M Jones, W H James, Benj W Ivie, John W Kelley, Wm G King, Allen J King, Daniel Ketner, H M Lawson, Wm J Mathews, John Miller jr, Wiley J Mathews, Hector Mc- Lead Robert McKamey, W P Michell, A McLaughlin, Wm M Mathews, Jack Oldham, Josiah Pettyjohn, William Phillips, F G Picket, J H Rhea, W D Ehea, S W Redding, H W Richey, A J Rice, D C Smith, Jackson Stuart, J G Smith, Alexander Stuart, A M "Sawyer, John C Sawyer, Reah J Mayland, Oeorge F Weir, J N S Weir, F M Wayland, E T Wayland, H B Wayland, Green Wasson, Jno R Wills, John P Webb, James Williams, T J Warner, W G Wassen, J P Coffin, A W Williams, Jno H Snyder, Fred Snyder, Jessee Stuart, Taylor Morris, Thomas Moore, Henry E Mathews. LEE COUNTY. Bledsoe.— R H Knoblauch, S Bnsket, J W Potter, J L Smiley, L F Dunn, Elcan West, .John Stickney, J I Jacobs, D B Hodges, G L Rodgers, Jno Hunter, R Edwards, E Richards, M E House, Fred Fry, C C Oberton, H Anderson, J C Burgett, Till Mallory, Haywood Hoskin, Fred Lusby, Silas Wootcn, Wm Humphries, Jesse Runlisson, Jno Moore, Willis Alexander, Louis Hodges, R Patterson. Marianna. — Julius Lesser, W B Jones, Frank Smith, J S Shackelford, Frank Hill, W D Freeman. Jno W Gallon, W L Howard, E D Ragland, H B Der- rick, Geo Marchbanks, H F Carter, Jno R Jarratt, B B Nunnally, E T Dimond, W H Walker, E P Goome, D C Govan, John Wood, V M Harrington, C A Bennett, Thos Bennett, P R Bennett, James Bennett, P R Jones, S H Wright, H F Jones, Jno I Foreman, R R Foreman, Jno West, Robt Hele, E T Dimond, Wm Rigmey, Index Office, Andrew Dennis. LaOrange. — Theo Gist, Bogan Gist, Sam Brewer, Obe Hudson, Thos Foster Esq Robinson, Pallie Howe, Thos Halland, Frank Gill, Robt Gill, John Kelly, Joe Hopkins, Wm Hopkins, Joe Kelly, Brad Demick, Thos Huston, Cal Moore, JJ_ ARKANSAS. LITTLE RIVER. Rocky Comfort -Jeo Taft, Gabe Maddox, Joe Madden, Mrs Frank Reid ir Jno Brown Carl Shuman Wilson Hop.sob, Mrs D Simpson Mrs DS Eche s R Andrews, Danl Green, W D Tallman, M H Duckett, G Johnson, A Johnson N D F r'T V^T ^ ^'"%\ Worth W Williams, J H Williams, H A HawS; n n \ Jtv? ^''^'']^' ^ ^ Humphrey, J M McGill, L W Do larhide Mrs Le F J Reid, Walter Hopson, Robt Simpson, John H Harrison, D J Harrison Wm ?rtr\wFl^'^r^^'i^^' KMaulden, Perry Bra tcher, Sol Bratch r! 'Chas I'ryer, Ihos Edwards, Marian Sterl ng, Wm Freeman T Trammpl ^ P^rl wnght JEBogan James Taft, BudHerce, WmS^es! J B^hanan Ja^ Bird, Jas Morris, Sam Anderson, Bank Ward, D S Dollarh de T M Hi?l PF i:a Du^keST' l!^ ^ If^^'- '"^^ ^^^^™' Wes''DuS\tjolfw''DLke^^^ ±5allaid Duckett, Jackson A Lewis, Harry Duckett Rlchmond.-Ben Hawkins, Mrs Nunny Hawkins, George Pollard Wm Edwards Jno C Head, Saml Garland, Jas Garland, Jas E CampbelHr Buck Campbell, Jno Hemphill W H Bizzell, Dr Hamilton, Charle/Bo wman J^b Hn''T''l m'^'^'' ^"^"^ ^'''IF ^^^"' ^^^'^^'' High, Mrs E Sykesr Gil Phil- hps Jack Moon Harrison Moon, Arten Brown, Jesse Edenfield, Polk Head son! Capt 174 '" ^''^' ^"" ^"^^'^''^ ^ ^^"^^^^' W ^^^'^''''' J T Sander! LONOKE COUNTY. Nifl^nkVf "'i ^^'i"wV?^"'' ^iT'' J 2 ^'^'"^«' Wm Brown, Wm Murrell, F rarvT'..^^PT' V^<^'?™' John McLaughlin, L B Mitchell, J T Howell, Carly Jackson, Jac Herrod, B Calhoun, T Young, Jas Boyd Jas Holcomb Alex Skillem Peter St Clair, John Brown, G Ford^' Sam Wo^od. ""^^^^^^^^^ Dve Jeft'Hi,kf^F^f^''^^^^^t"^^^^^ J L Sessum, W M Goodman, John l^ye, Jctt Hicks. P F.Airkeard, Robert Ross, George Kirk, J M Kink GfeV^Ja^?l^^r]V''lr^''\ EddyFewell, San? Grey, ' Wm Sols, John tjiey Jas StHrns, Ihos McBride, Joe Grey, A D Smith. Labot.-A J Giugles B F Cathay, W P Koonce, Clark Brison, E P Skinner L BrT?.''^''''^^^v^^V,^^^^>^l^^' J^^<^^^tely, WW Wilson, John Hot der, BK Thompson, Ed Adams, W T Faristo, C Harris, T H BraW E Cam- eron, S Johnson, J M Park, JimPickard, All Pickard WFGnSes Edy Gngles Jas Everett, T E Elum, J M Robinson, A D King, John Jordan S P TCpZh '[?"V^^"-^"',,^^/?^^^^«ly' ThosBe'asly, David Beasly, J M Perry, ICPeiry, Don Perry, T Whiteley, J F Smith, J V Chout, John Smith ir N ? Pl'.i?' w^'^F' 1 -^ ^nf^^\ ^^' E^^^vards, A Russell, S S Neely, T B Neely dlesttn Man W 'l'^'^^'^' n^ P ^"^.^ '^ ^ ^«^^^''^'^' ^^ T Soliv Jn, T H Hu£ J W Snee^ T O n ^^' "^^p S"S ''' ^^"^ ^"«^^^' ^^^^^^ ^ook jr, A W Sanders, Benton W'ai ?^T^' ^ Y ^T7\? ^ Thompson, J S Gate, Charley Boyd , isenton, Walls, J R Alexander, B F Alexander, J M Neely. MILLER COUNTY. T T®p V^^^^T~y H Dillard, T B Trigg, J M Porter, R L Trio-g W T Roberts J A Roberts, Jas Kelley, J D Trigg, L wiiithead, W T Hanii Sn, W W M^gee Few j\ZL?n^i"';r-^;^i^ ^''r^y' ^ ^'^^^^^^t, J S Few, C A Few Ft pell R A Clonnpn <^''^fu^ Higf^^J?^" "\R F Mays, W T Crow, J W Chop- Powell C L Powpll /m n'"'-^ ^T '^'"T^"^^^^' ^ W McKinzey, D M Sanders, C HuSnsWHrp}/A !.?•'''' John Davis, S J Bickley, H P Hudgins, j'w ett C m'tt V, T ' ^A?,^'?T^' f ^ P^'^y' H W McLain, Gus BairdfEd Ham- W B &W,t^ W t' v""' ^'"'i ^"i^^" ^'""^^' F M ^'«^' ^ W Price, Chas Shipp, Crow S C HvTli?/ ^^f ''"' -^^^.-S?'^"^^" '••' J«^ Ferguson jr, John Clifford " kSS^^S ^;.^^^^^ T^:!!:!!l:3- 5"-^' ^ ^A Thos Orr, W MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Smith" M B T^a?.e^.^W?''^T ^' ^^^ ^ ^'^^^"^^' ^^'-^^^^'^ ^^^les, Eli Smith, Sam ?Sinlton H i Wi Z' ^^""'f'^'J^^'^f,^ P Cubage, J B Cunningham, J G erts Wm Stf^F S^^^^^^^^ Powell S^teve Bates, Sinip BatesfTomRob- eris, wm fecott, b F Scott, Mat Anderson, J B Fulton, Henry McFall, Shelton ^^ _^ — ^^^.~.,.__„"^^J^ANSAS. ^^ -t ulton, John Taylor CiPia^- '^^TT"'"'^;: — — .~.,^-..,^.,_ ..__. ** Lewis Jackson. W W Sande. , R?!?,' wITee w'' T^ff^^^^^^^^ • fZ^'^'' ^Booker, G W C^i^ Yf tel^'^^P"?' J^^^^ Scott, Mace Scott, Bigfoot Price Joe Sm,>h T^^'w^'^/i • "^ P/^^^Danald, Harmon tington. Col G Whittineton W w ? V ' "^ 9 Catkins, J S Elder, AVill Whit- W T Bates, G W King^H S' GoodYe? A M h' ^^'^'-^^"dge, Ben Webb, Mr iuke, John Mayberry, Obe Sandlin T? Tp • ^^^ope, John McGrew, Bill McCulIer JohnsonjLewi^ Jornso^'&sl Cl^;;?,!' /t)" £^^^'C"ller, W N Lenard, B S Taylor, Thos Irons jr, Dan FuUon T r ?^ -t>}- 'Steve Bates, Hiram West, W H Eogers, Joel Singleton W.n To' Croodner, S B Jackson, C R Flovd 8 O'Neal, J W Jonfsf &v M^Ga n't^D^]^ n''''^ ^"^ ^enry Stovairp' A A Jones, W B Seay G W Gray J H wlt tI!^"!' ^^ ^ '^T''' ^ ^ Thomas, Pendgrass, W F Mon-is, R A ilfcl^uiTel H h ^^«^ A^^««"ii. .S M Smith, W H Sumit. ' ^ ^^ici^aniel, H C Tomlinson, H C Lenard, Francis ChS^"^^-^'^^^'^- P--k'^' Berry Floyd, Dr A Jones, Mr Hicks, M M TT .„ MADISON COUNTY . ^i^:wi^u;^.^^^;^ ^^ IJ^er Harris Neal Dorsey, Samnel Git- Cox, Jesse Baker, W H Pule Tp^.pA^ ^^'^l^'' J«sC'oon, WH Harper, Caleb Elsas Chappell, WmBl^^£> Fete^^^^^^^ Presley, Allen Presly, Hugh Hatfield W ^ iJf . ^'''^^' 'JT' ^ Holland, M B Reeyes, William Rainey H G Sr Tn f^ i w- f-^'""'^ ;/ ^^ Hawkins, Samuel J M Colwell, F M SamJ'T T b" ke' W S / Williams, N C Laird, G W Glenn, Holland, C Montgomery A Parks ' WilH 'P^' ^ f"^"^'"^' '^''''''^' ^^''' Joseph Simpson John ua Boren, W M H.^^, JonS SlcJ^v! fJ. SE:,/^^^?-^ ? ^Fh^ll^P^^ Jo^h- liai Sm TS Sand Pni^o. T 1 .r ^MISSISSIPPI COUNTY Golden Lake.— Mrs Rowena Carrio-an Tno M H 11 ^r f . ^ T.r- , JasD Perry, Judge Carrigan, J T De ees P kS V,,^ n^^^^^^ O Wigley, Music, L B Lafont, J N Hill W TTm m' w \^''' *^'''^" ^''■="g' Hood burn, 'Geo Peace, 'a Wi.ley Tv Bear Rh Jp''"' ^^"kJ^"^^' Jesse Ash- MLafoe, Squire Holleyifi^ Marshall Snee^S^rtT^ ^f'^'^'h ^^^ Fonville, SMPittman! C M Mason, 'ja7weatleroi''' M M Smi h" WT o'-^l' ^""'fk Sherrick, C C Musick, Whitby Hollowe ] ft. w I ' } T Qj;""^^^' J I> Marshall Speck J T Sexton TW P. . • i 't J^l^^ Weatherford, Frank Jones, SABeall,rCHandS,f JM^I ,^^^^^^ ^l' ^J^^^^y^ Theo Lamb J M Ward, R C Mc^F^l'i^ri^^if ^I^C^W-^e^''^^ f^''' ^^^"^ Higgins, Henry Banks, G W Garrettf M,r 1 H.l ' ^\^ k™l^.' ^^^^"""'^ Bunch, Eller Walker. W,„ J„hn.,„, ' Tho'ZS W f "Mm;.r'lJ"'H''w"„Ti;. ' E i;;.7rj^i Dillingham. W Dillingham, ^ I> Pi^J^i^^V^ Dunklin D TW^^^ lef Jno Waller, Dove Lawrence, I M Lawrence, N Cartwrlght, Dem.eyiaylor j' o White, FRLanear, Thos Edrington, E M Ayres, A L M^er^^ W Rags i^n^Y^rr'M.J..o^^^^ SX'l^wa^^S,"^a;i^£S^^ a'^Bowe'rJnoMBowen, Thos Bowen Eben Bowen, Andjv Young, I^^^^^^^^ Yonno- JnoShadden, Wm Shadden, Jno Ramey, J"o J.f 1' J^'^^ n,S AW \Valker Jesse Dunn, Chas Boyles, Gilford Hearn, Riley Hearn, Dualey Lnia Mrs JalB Best, Miss Sue McOkvock, Mrs Thos Escue, Allison Lynch, W'm Hay ios Faucet,' Logan Roswell, Jno Ke^ser, A J Will^uns /no Whi^^e Nathan Waller, Alex Cicel, Capt Cicel, Jno Bevel, Hugh Waller, Thos DU ^"t'r&d^-JoJeSrCaf; S Williams, G Williams, Jno Snow, Luther Walker ThofMwrave HTBlytt^^ Clarence Moore, B A Bugg, Chas Reese Gilford He^n DlnielMann, Thos Davis, Carrol Smith, K^bt Harden, J C Thompson CaTro^Rye, Wm Long, Noah Sawyers, Jas Lyerly, Rufus Gates, Geo Stew ^'Hornersville.-F L Dougherty, Edward Smith, Henry Kilmer, John T Hen- ^'''''•"- MONROE- COUNTY. Indian BaV -Edgar Johnson, Sam Black, Tom Lambert, Joe Lambert, WmB?yce WmMa?s, Sam Pointer, Wm Corset, Jas Mayo, Wm Tugwell, ^^on^SovT-TSr^ames Abies, AY B Blasiggams f^S|£' MrfLasm MACrauch Willis Cook, Ned Cook, Joe Cook, Daniel Dial, Bll^^^^r, Monroe Mc.Gahei-, H D Gi.en, Horn Sampsoi^ Gary, Mose Harris, W G Hill, Philip Horn, Sambo H^rn Jery Cros^ ^ i. Tohnson Hamisou Henry, Robt Johnson, James Kerr J H Kmdaii, J W Kei ly J W Langston, Alex Mills, Austin Moore, J J J« ?"^«"'^^,f;^^^^i le^ Jarred Nelson, J W Puckett, James Puckett, -Lm Phillips Mrs E Whittey, SbS Sagan Isaac Roberts,' J W Roberts B F Roberts, A K R.|)erts, \V^ C Roberts, Ste^e Roberts, Alex Simpson, Mrs EC ^f^^^^^V T West C H West Thompson, J A Vandike, Henry Williams, Lee Wallace, ^ T ^^J' ^ h We^^^^^ Willis Walker Mrs S Walls, Thos H Mathews, L S Mayo, ^C Mayo, James Mayo M? N 'C Be inett, William Swift, William Trywell, John Trywel , J M mayo, mi. iv^ , James Jackson. R B Jackson, Robt Hall, ^^VS4y thn Wall^^5^;^as Hill, Brit Abies, JAV Miller, Joe Y^- blood, Clabe Youngblood, Jim Cocke, W H Sperry J H Atkins J « ^^' § J^ W M Walkup, L Byrne, Lawir Trevathan, J T Gates, D B Rentio, K Abiam M McCay, Sames Welsh, Wm Hutson, W A Brown. MARION COUNTY. ^ ARKANSAS. 27 Cox, W M Callahan, J S Cull, D C Chandler, A S Callahan, J W cLvis, W T ^avenport, Henry Dosier, JG Dillahunty, Daniel Dodson, F L Davenport, Peter DosierjrWCDuren, Jonathan Dobbs, P R Davis, Asberry Deerman Eh Dodson, B M Estes, TAP Flippin, W B Flippin, J A Flippin, Thos Flip- pm J C Freeman, T Finley, W M Farris, B W Gaines, G W Gray, CD OiUy John Gil y, W L Gillespie, W D Hammonds, William Hasket, J L C Huddelston, John Haggart, J F Andspeth, J H Ingram, W P Jefferson, J W i^]\'^.'''''h P-'iddyKeeter, J G Lirallen- W A Lawson, A Morgan, John Morrow, William Ott.TH Pointer, J F Jackson, S G Pylev, Samuel Reece, GW T Sl'xrVf ^^' ^ ^" Lewallen, Henry Mathis, Robt Hurst, 'l H Berry, W C Wilson, J -b Wilson, John M Williams, Jesse Moonev, Wiley Huddleston, John Hud- cUeston, Eh Dodson, Thos Burch, Lafavett Davenport, Frank Davenport, Geo Davenport, David Nowlin, Thomas Nowlin, Isaac E Wilson, Jas B Wilson, J acob Rhoder, L Ellenbrug, H J Noe, A J Noe, Fletcher Noe, Wm M Noe, W B Weast, Leonard Weast, Thos Higgs, Thos Jeiferson, Pinkney Jefferson, Andy Callahan, G W Callahan, Alfred Cowan, Samuel Vanzandt, John G Phillips, J J Keeter, John M Keeter, H C Keeter, John H Keeter, Jas Wickersham, Dan- iel Wickersham, Alfred Wickersham, John G Estes, Albert Cravens, E Dug- gins, F M Bain, G W Coker, W L Gillespie, John M Davis, James Adams, J H Burch, P R Davis, John Gillie, Lawrence Bench, Jas Bundy, J G Dilla- hunty, ST Hall, A Morgan, W P Jeffer on, R McAfee, Jas Erwin, J P Carson, J F Davis, K E Cantrill, W P Cantrill, Allen Newton, John Allen, Henry Breshears, W D Hammonds, Perry Flippin, M J Maguess, Thos Bogel, Hen- derson Fee, J W Johnson, J J Thompson, Seaborn Wiggins, Henry Dosier, W E Lawson, G Lawson, Wm Magness, J F Hudspeth, Joe Burleson, G W Moody, Thos Burns, John Patterson, Henry Atteberry, Wm Mathis, J B Wilson, Jerry Gaither, John Haggard, W C Watts, John Watts. NEWTON COUNTY. Marshall Prairie.— D Johnston, D Leuty, T J Garner, Z F Ramsey, M Rob- berson, J Robberson, C Robberson, C Ramsey, J Ramsey, J W Ramsey, W Spears, P Spears, J Spears, T Spears, J T Spears, John Spears, D Spears, G E Marshall, W Marshall, J F McAlister, H Miliken, J Holt, W Holt, U Holt, A J King, L Potts, N Fotts, W Potts, J C Martin, ,W A Laurey, T Hill, M Chaffin, David Martin, J J Benton, J Green, J F Benton, F Wilborne, E L Oshborne, T J Shiner, W F Patton, G O Daniel, J O Daniel, Jerrey Owens, John Jones, W Shouse, J R Potts, A W Holt, Dennis Call, W R Lee, J A Lee, W O Daniel, J H Bradley, S Bradley, J T Leuty, Jack Moore, W C Pope, Sibon Jones, Geo Marshal, Jas Holt, Carroll Holt, Lewis Potts, Marian Potts, Green O'Daniell, Jno J Johnson, Peter Sanders, Riley Lee. NEVADA COUNTY. Rosston. — L Daniel, Wm Fincher, JR Cremer, Jas Marlar, L Bailey, Frank Butcher, A Bailey, Wm McDaniel, John Plunket, T W Honea, A R Jarvis, E T Cook, J W Rhodes, P Gibson, Lo.uis Pipkin, Chas Leake, J Blake, Benj Moodv, W R Basden. Boiirland's Store.— W S McDaniel, E Tidwell, B W Bourland, B C Basdon, Wm R Basdon, R D Martin, Acy Waters, J S Marlar, J T Marlar, John Eddl- man, T B Williams, John Beerden. Thoms McLure, J L Satterwhite, R R Young, Wm Young, Wm Kringleton, B G Hurah, A T Thompsen, Louis Ri- land, W R McLure, Thomas Butler, B J Mattison, G P Bennett, G W Sher- man, W B McLure, T Chamberlin, John Jordan, William Jackson, J Wort- ham. Falcon. — Rubin May, A F Camp, R H White, John Grain, John Smith, A F Fincher, J A Fincher, G W Darley, M V Cordle, J B Hairston, J M Hair- ston, John Parker, A J Parker. A J Rogers, L D Wormack, Wm Munn, G W Bidell, W W Adkinson, Thomas Grain, John Miller, Thomas Nance, Wm T Nance, Ely Riley. Prescott, — J D Davis, N S Brown, W S Brown, Rev J C Loudermilk, H Kav, Richard Wilson, A Richardson, J M Beard, H J Bonner, Jas Cox, A N Mckneeley, L C Purtell, P M Purtell. Jas Purtell, Thos Purtell, James White- side, Wm Adams, Wm Steel. T Rutcher, Jas Brooks, Wm Frazier, Thos Mc- Milion, John Mathews, T Weaver,' W L Bright, David Bright, Thos Jones, D Pore, Wm Ragan, W T Steel, Jerry Pitman, H W Long, A J Cole, William Brown, N W Stewart, J W Thompson, B F Ammonet, Jno Catlett, Thad Gill, 28 ARKANSAS. Capt Bonner, Jno Norman, C N Riddle, T L May, T W Anderson, E K Gar- land, W E Arnold, S S Brooks, J W Vickers, J M Hubbard, John R Sheers, H M Mavben, M C Hatfield, Sol Mellon, Geo Adams, Jim Pagan, W C Vine- yard, Sqr Reagan, E J Vaughn, John Weaver, I L Adair, J A Nelson, B P McWilliams, W D Hicks, J A Ausley, T R Livingstone, F M Compton, Mr Lancaster, Mr Denmer, W A Jones, E Parks, J D Holcomb, B F Butcher, Jno Aaron, Mr Billingsley, I B Wall, Jesse Johnson, R Barnes, James Casey, W H Beard, James May, Thos May, Phillip Ward, J H Ward, L G Elliott, Wm Norman, Wm Stevenson, James Stevenson, Webb Stewart, F B Stewart, G W McCain, F M McCain, H C Wallace, James Datley, G A Hale, R K Garland, Samuel Cantley, Dr Sloan, S Shackelford, T T Steele. David Arnold, W L Os- Emmett.— A A Nosworthy. Crawford Andrews, E L Ford, John Snell, Ed Hood, J V Hulse, S D Gee,' John Brown, Sam Adams, Dick Brown, Rev San- Wm Snell, ders, L Hollensworth. Caney.— E May, K Barksdale, Isom Mack, P B Jones, T A Potter, J W Ho- nea H Y Smith, John Honea, L M Epperson, Wm Halley, J M Purify, John Gul'iey, John May, Wm Marsh, Jones Blake, E H Blake, W J Blake, J R Marsh W E MarJh, W S Gladden, A R Gladden, W G McNeely, W S Gainer, D M Young, L D Young, J C Young, Thos W Blakely, P S Simpson, O W Leake M A Shell, I B Neighbors. W H Potter, T A Potter, R W Copeland^ E Hal'tom, S E Haltom, A B Moody, John Honea, John W Greer, A P Greer, A V White, W C Thompson, J L Aston, P J Tedwell, M W Rains, H T Banks- dale T V Bottle, E L Christopher. G M Christopher, W H Garrett, G W Menden- hall, A E Wellerford, J J Owens, B F Pemfoy, M L Pemfoy, B F Johnson, J S Marlar, A J Formby, M R Formby, Dan Hays, John Hays, A J Byrd. Bell's Store.— L W Blake, Green Blake, Theo Blake, D G Pipkm, Lee Pip- kin, Alex Brown, W H Dalrymple, I Pipkin. Bluff City — Wm Carter. W L Jones, David Walker, Jas Starns, Jas Beav- ers L Nickels, Willis Nickels. Wm Wallace, Jas Woods, W L Moorse. Jno Mo'orse, Jas Termage, Theo Adams, P G Dewoody, W A Dewoody, P H Gul- lett. T L Bortow, A S Davis, J I Davis, C M Norwood, H Wood, W T Carler, John Nickels, W D House, Jas Tumege, R THollemon, W Hollemon, S L Gul- ley M Gulley, A P Johnson, M Stewart, Jas McDuffey. H A Arrant, John Martin, J A Cropland. L M Epperson, Wm Epperson, Thos Epperson, James Black R W Black, B F Lee. J G Pemfow, John Otwell, Chas Pearce, G W Lee, S Fillips, Jo Gelaspa, Geo Gully, Alex Gully, Thos Carlen, W Green, Jas Stearns, J W Beard, Sol Johnson, J Wallas. OUACHITA COUNTY. Liberty.— Jos Pharr, T Pharr, M Punfoy, E Pharr, W R Rushing, H Gray- son, John Grayson, Wm Donelson. n, t^ ri -d -t Camden.— R B Smith, L E Dawson, John W Walker, T DCrener Basil Broach, Enoch Hal ton, John D Halton, E R Pope, Jo n Wright, Wm J Wright H G Crawford, J W Crinen. E B Ellis, W E Hale, Wm P Hale, Wm Pace, W W Pace W F Avery, Thos P Jones, Silas A Pope, D H Gooch, Joel Moses, W McSmith, Linton J Smith, Sylvester J Smith, Jn A Burton, Wiley Rogers Geo W Jeffus, J M Kenedy, L G Shirley, H P Jackson, B B Myatt John H Ingram, John W Peeples, 'Robb R Peeples, J T McMahon, John B Hickman, Nathan Jeffus, J L Ingram, H M Goodman, Mintoc McGill jr, John N Parker, Hardy Strickland, Robt Tuster, P B Rotten, W W Chambliss Isaac Newton, John Works, Jas E Lide, S B Lide, A Grening, C S Keith, C R Basham, John J Ross W H Jordan, N R Tribble, H C Goad, Wm J Randle, J L Browning, A T Blount, RFPope, W C ' Renfroe, E S Yarbrough, Israel Ross Taylor J Daniels, Gainer AUston, J W Winfrey, Geo M Wright, W E Whitfield, Anthon V Bragg, Ben J Bradshaw, J H Carroll, Jas H Proctor, J B Rumph, L M Dick- erson, P J Agee, Tobe Richardson, Elijah Mosely, Henry Head, John F Dunlap, R B Stone, Wm T Stone, J R Toney, Fowler J Brian, Tom Steele, L Q C Elliott, Patrick Gaughan, James M Gaughan, Wiley Mitchell, Dud J Bell, Jo- D Bell F M Cross, Tom D Cross, A C Riggs, Jo McDonald, C B Humphries, Geo m'hUI, Moses Hill, Adam F Beard, Archie Hamilton, Jas C Culpp. Millville — Wm M Gatlin, E W Norman, Willis Arnold, W E Sloan, W J Stringer, k"r Womack, S M Womack, C M Word, G W Martin, E Sulhvent,. H J Sullivent, A W TichweU, E B Pierce, John Johnson, G A Bumham, J B Arnold G W Fulty, John Jones, G W Gammill, J W Gammill, W P Gammill,. M James, G T Jan e«, C H vJlio^h'in THV' ^" ^ LmcW Wm Trammel F sey, Wm James, R P BveTs, G f H ibaS ^^''tl' ^ I\ Vaughan, E H Lind- lem, JSMays, Thos S WigiXn ' Robt James, Moses Hill, John Has- Hopeville.-W C Mun-ay, R J Lightfoot, A J Chandler, Adison Anthony PERRY COUNTY. B^^^^^'^k^^Xt^I ^ S i^r ^W^^;^^ ? ''ry' ^ ^ ^anesev, J Blackweil, JFTindel JJCook TWw' ^ ^ ^ote, A L McYohey, WH McGhee, JHMcGhee; M G SifyWs s mTs'' ^^^^ard Blume, E Mand, S Thetforde, Wm Bell, R MhS H'Boi^; i^^"'Tj'^''^""'^ Harmon, SB Rankin, W R Brazil G W Bvo^T^YwlZ'.r ^w w' . ^ ^ ^^'^1^' ^- M McCobee, L G McCay, J F SeUers HFH ,lf IVli T ^ Anderson sr, MM Lawson, B F Isgrig^' Dan' nSon^,"^ ?,^^ ,ks 'bSS^^'c '.I ■Strowhes, J E Price, Isaac Herald T?„hV cj^f t t tt^ V' ^^ ^ Lanlace, JF McGhee,' R M Joh Ason? wrLipe J L w'm.? ^""''^'lir ^ ^""''^ J«hn Walters, L J Vonn G J Vanhook Wm w ^^^^^^^^^;^' , ^^ H Bishop, Joseph Hardy Fowler, Th^nas hIw ll^' Vr" ^^^^^^^^ ,^L Beverly i T HaleV, Joseph Sasseman, George Weaver T A 4 M.RoT/' n;\?,^^"''"' Wm Gorion, W A McCartey, R W Flowers McBath, T J Holmes, H G Kennley, Niinrod.—Wm Wilson, D ii Cherry, Wm Vanwinkle FPV.„..ii t i Kennemone, W C Knight John Howell r^ w ^r ' rrJi^^^^'^^^^^' Jacob White, GeoHuffixker, G D IW J P G,,^; J^JT'^'t. ^\?^^ Robert Joseph Roundtree, James Nicht'WTrS'rlV ^^^^ll^ ^^^^^hit, J W Dowson, TWoodbright, WLHarrW. Jacoi?^S;t^^^ £EH^lf^ P Ti^^^*^"^*^"' ^ •Southerland, John Unchurch Fr«, l £.' JVtS. '^'^^"^ Allerson, Wm Frank Crowns, Wm Opelow ' '"' ^ ^ ^^^^"^*' William Harros, PHILLIPS COUNTY. Jim"]?i^rS\':i^rBo?£n^SS ^^R^b^rr' ^^^,1^-gWey, E L Lowe, Elander, Geo Thompsoi^Ed Forcr G C^^^^^^^^ J «^«kes, D; Pnnlar n-rAtra To . T-, V ^i V^ • ' -^ ^i^^Ut, GCO JohnSOH. BenrMHS- WWS^^^ I Manning C Bonner, T N Con- Matthews, J T Hall, R HeXwWl ^Sau^^h O^ J S Evans, J Joe Derrick, W Torkins, E H Ros ^ M Pea^f ' J P p^Sl^^^^^^ PIKE COUNTY. James Coplin, Alle Colse,' Tim Alle^ ' xi^^^^^Slf 'T?;o^Lf Sro'^^^^^^^ Scott, Jack Lear, Janl Shett, Lomis MeW ^ PI . Wl?it' R li Z^''"'' ^''^'^}} Reese, J Hutchinson, D Hutchinson, jirStr^vard^loTReese^ dJ^bI!; Th^ McClure, Jno Watson, Jno Cheshire, G W Sullivan C W Tnn. Q^w t? "^^ John Tolleson, Ben Holt, Jas Copelaid, R CojXd G H Lward Vh^'"'"' Murfreesborough.-F H Staffbrd, d/ McK^than J P Spekml J H E^fnTn B Bruer, W B Shammas, H C Poke, On B Ones, Joseph S way # D E Wn^ D A Hover, W J Jackson, A Covington, Henrv ciirter C N W.,^ ' George Holland, Web Celly, William liuckly.Slo^ras St awi^ W Ukm eSv' AHipps, LSCarlall, William Goale T M DiVis jvr.,.,tlu *v luiam i^izy, M Money, J bmedly, H B Davis, Charles Still, A W Logan, Colven Hallip, " 30 ARKANSAS. B Green, W M Hill, A D Meeks, John Maiden, D G Meeks, John Cellie, J T Woods, P H Wink, Tom Fagans, Henry Rake, A S Strang. POPE COUNTY. Moreland.— William Bowden, J J Bowden, Wint Bowden, E Vewghem, A Chrinister, J N Bowden, R Grant, J Tackett, D Nowlend, B Nowlend, R Hud- Ion, W Brashar, J Aiken, William Reynolds, William Jones, William Evans. dallv Creek.— K Potts, James Falls, P W Parker, James Wells sr, James Wells ir, David Wells, Samuel Wells, Geo W Reid, T Oats, C G Oats, T M Oats, James Potts, John Petroy, C T Haskey, E A Bell, R H Dickey, A W Mathews, Rev M Oats, W O Ferguson, J M Ferguson. Gum Log.— A Smith, C Davis, W Turner, G W O Davis, George Turner, W L D Ewing, J T Reynolds. Norristown.— A J Tate, J R Duke C E Tobey, E Truet. London.— John J Rye, W A Baker, P Love, Jesse Strayhorn, Jesse May. Atkins —James Beason, Daniel Shook, A C Stout, J C Dixon, Wm Johnson, N H Clevland, N W Cooper, James Ewing, Wm Gullett, Thos Owens, David Murdock, J N Burnett, T B Burnett, S H Gamble, J W Moore, J M Williams, Alex Childress, Wm Childress, J N Stafford, T E Mathews, James Alewine, Cal- vin Alewiue, J M Bovd, John Tyson, A J Cisney, J M Wilson, John Turner, I R Turner, Samuel Strickland, E M Arun, Ben Lynch, H F Robinson, Clay Law- less, T S Fawcett, Woodford Webb, J L Reese, W L Craige, George Byerly, A J McLearen, J. F Stout, J E Jones, J F Sublett, Charles Lewis, J W Dickey, W M Bell, A M Gibbons, C E Tobey, E A Darr, B T Embry, M H Weathers, Wm Reynolds, W J Pollock, A L Cloaninger, W F Altom, W P Lazenly, George Sleeker, James Austin, G W Villyard, Chas Campbell, W P Briant, J W White- sides, Arthur Reed, John Sinclair, J F Darr, James Stout. Potts' Station.— M G Hearn, Kirkbride Potts, John Bradley, James Henry, John Petray, Thos Oats, J O Hearn, Ed Brown, Thos Bell, P W Parker, C M Love, Nail Falls, Geo Reed, James Wells, J W Whitesides, A AV Mathews, Silas Henry, N D Shinn, John Furguson, Robert Dickey, Robert Carr, John Oats, Eli- jah King, Cicero Harkey, Peter Huffman, John Blackwood, Wm Mastin, John Williamson, W M Peeler, John Hughey, David Wells, R D Love, Thos Moorton, Hiram Cotton, T B Whitesides", John Bowden, James Falls, James Teater, James Wilson, Stanford Austin. , ^ -r . ,^ , Scottsville.— James Linton, George Linton, W E Linton, A E Linton, Mark Burch, Husa Burch, E Winters, W R Haile, John F Haile, John M Haile, Dock Haile, Holly Haile, M E Haile, C L Brewton, T Mobley, Tobey McCracken, Jno McCrackeu, James Rowland, G W Rowland, Dem Griffin, James Davis, Samuel Davis, Larkin Davis, A M McCod, H C McCod, E Fitts, G W Battenfield, Dave Battenfield, U G Battenfield, A J Allen, Tom D Allen, Amos Bullock, Andy Bullock, Matt Hale, John Langford, E L McCracken, W R Wooten, Doc Roberts, Buck Price Dover.— Thos M Neal, J W Neal, F B Rowland, C L Kirkscey, John R Kin- ney, John R Young, W B Young, T S Young, Finas Lee, Lee Langford, J C Warren, W N Hobb's, James Hobbs, Joe Petty, R B Hogins, Dudley James, Jno W James, S H James, D P West, Maj D West, J B West, Harry Paynter, P J Rollow, Arch RoUow, W B Rollow, Henry Klrchhoff, D C Brown, G G Franklin, J R H Scott, R M Scott, J A Jamison, Hugh Bonds, J C Bonds, S W Jones, Joe Cheyence, Scott Cheyence, Robt Nelson, A Wheeler, Frank Worthaw, Dr John McFaddin, Vol Fields,- T J Cantrall, W Hollowall, J W Endv, John Furr, Will Albright, John Davis, Liberty Byrd, Will Byrd, W G Petty, J B Rowland, John C Rye, D James, A Bringle, R H Tate, B Rushing, L Neal, John Batterfield, G A Parsons, John Moore, Amos Moore, Samuel Rye, R Rye, Joseph Howard, Wm Howard, Wm Ragsdal, I J Brown, John Brown, H Tate, J P Campbell, Matt Manly, R C Maddox, C M Heickny, George Dickey, William Cobb, J Lin- ton, James G Wade. Russellville.— J W Herkey, C B Talkington, W J Brigham, Dick Linker, Jack Wheeler, James Wilson, Dr W Hill, Samuel Wells, James Wells, P W Par- ker, C E Tobey, A J Tate, J R Brown, O G Rodgers, Twigs Brown, Chas Henry, Andv Henry, Alex Henry, J H Battenfield, Job Hoffman, Sam Martin, Mosses King, R A McAuntly, J C McAuntly, J C McElwee, W M McElwee, Thos Oats, M G Hearne, Freeman Wsnfield, I N Cagee, W G Turner, George Turner, L G Turner, M S Turner, H C Brown, R C Brown, C R Shinn, G C Mooney, James Humphries, Abe Humphries, James Henry, J P Singleton, W M Singleton, J A ARKANSAS. 31 Singleton, John J Stout, W R Stout, Demit Stout, Fannie Fowler, Mattie Clark, Lizzie Henry, Miss J McCarthur, J W Petroy, John F Read, M H Hughey, Lem Hughey, J J Harkey, Miss Maud Batt nfield, Miss Mattie Battenfield, Miss Jan- nie Maseley, Miss Lillie Harkey, Miss Maggie Harkey, Miss Alice Brigham, Mrs J P McCarthur, John Hood, D R Kendrick, T B Kendrick, A G Kendrick, Geo Jackson, John H Bowden, Newt Bowden, John A Morphis, S J Clifton, A R Linker, R A Reddle, James Powell, A M Bradley, J H Treadwell, James Milekin, J A Teater, J I Scott, M L Hughey, F M Clark, J F Edes, Mrs E Webb, W W Williamson, Cloyd Williamson, A V B Williamson, C W Ewing, J M Luker, C C Luker, J W Miller, John A Fowler, J T Fowler, J L Shimi, J L Edwards, P Love, Alex Love, John J Rye, R D May, I Hud- day, J S Chambers, D M Shime J R Shime, S M Shinn, J B Davis, T C Smith, J S Williamson, C R Shime, J W Jones, Martin Epps, A M Bell, R H Smith, Robt F Williamson, J T Whorton, Tom Hamilton, Alsey Smith, Caleb Davis, G W O Davis, Will Turner, H C Smith, W L D Ewing, Adam Furr, Jacob W Harkey, L D Bryant, Mack Bryant, John Battenfeld, J K P Williamson, R P Tucker, A J Hartsell, W T Donsthet, A McKever, M H Hughey, James W Hughey, Lem Hughey, John Hughey, James A Albright, S A Bradly, J M Bradly, James A Bradly, A M Bradly, William Rorekin, T J Russell, Wm M Gates, James Gates, J M Shime, N D Shime, A M Shime, D C Harkey, A K Henry, Robt Reaale, G A Reed, J M Yaney, G W Harkey, Sam Brown, Bill Kelton, W M Peeter, M B Wilson, J H Perry, James Perry, H Patrick, Jim S Reynolds, Silas Henry, M G Hearn, Wm Books, J H Brooks, A Winsett, James H Poe, R D Love, D Love, C M Love, A M Mathis, John Sullivan, R D Howell, Alex Bell. E A Bell, Robt Dickey, William Galoway, Phillip Harvil. POLK COUNTY. Dallas.— H Hudgins, S T Spear, B F Thompson, B F Brumley, J T Ran- dolph, A J Robins, W J Davis, Allen Vanhoosier, B C Pylend, W M Mount, Jacob Ritchey, A W Cole, N M Hudgins, J W Hudgins, Nels Ray, Josh Cox, R Davis, A P Alexander, Dan Lavance, B S S Royston, Abe Brumbelun, Hesey Harrison, T G Conn, R A Mitchell, C C Whismart, Jas Fry, Jas McCray, M N Wimberly, M Wimberly, Wm Helton, Z Nelver, R G Ware, B Sales, S H Kelley, H T Walker, J F Lane, Jno Davis, E H Jorden, Sam Freed, Thos Mills, W J Cooper, J T Petty, J T Miller, I A Morris, S M AVhite, Thos Wright, Robt Wallace, E Cagle, W M Allen, B F Pirtle. Eagle Hill— Thos Williams, Martin Dehart, Saml Watt, Henry Coffman, Wm Taylor, Jno Barber, Jackson Potter, Young McKinney, C Dupree, Alison Griffy, H Gann, Jas Halbert, Jesse Nichols, Jas Watson, Robt Barber, Bell Weeiiunt, W P Dintosh. Cove.— W P Mcintosh, Josiah McDaniel, J J Joplin, Ed White, H H Bar- tin, R P Williams, Anderson Miller, Pleasant Campbell, Johnson McDaniel, Oliver McDonald, J G Bell, Ed Keelan, Francis Cecil, Hiram Lebo, Wily Coplin, Leney Witherspoon, Jno Capehart, Jas Williams, Jno Dobbs, Arman Banks, I A Jones. Biff Bend.— P B Strickland, J M Harrison, W J Medford, Jno Morris, John Fish, S Philpot, John Cotton, John Huddleson, M Dilbeck. Big Fork. — Benson Gass, Geo Bates, Wes Bales, Washington Smith, Joe Stanridge, Wm Lawrence. PRAIRIE COUNTY Hickory Plains. — Wm Griffin. Maj Thomas, W B Benton, J R Harshan, Abe Rinehart, • russ Rinehart Guss Tliomas, Rollen Deener, R A Dunkeson, J R Johnson, J HoUowav, Jno T Kirk, J T Whyte, W S Bond, R A Patterson, J A Sloan, R B Walls, James Parchman, J B Quince, E R Curry, Isaac Bui, lard, E B Powell, D F Reinhard. son, S W Lumpkin, J M French, B F Slaytor, J N Davis, F J Jackson, E Turner G W Kinchelor, G W Hale, Jno H OAvens, Wm McBee, E P Hammons, J W Smith H A Greer, W C Morrow I P Risingn, J A Buckner, D E Cafeild W L Cowei'i, Joe W Johnson, A Boyd, David Gates, Martin Thorpson, p j^ Alford, AW Young, J M Kirkland ^ ^ ^^"^^ ^ ^t?""^', i^t^ 5f"' ^T Booth, J C Goins, G R Brides, C J Flynn, B F Ford, J E Old, Joe Clements 32 ARKANSAS. J W Harvey, W H Dickson, Dela Johnson, B G Eichmond, R A Richmond, J N Rismger, H J White, J W Wright, Robert Edwards, John Owens, D E Cofield, D Calhoun, B B Allen, Wm Cook, Fred Steel, W E Brown, Fletcher Uray, Dock AValls, J L Bucham, Wisman Buckhound, Albert Gibson, Jim Gibson, Frank Pittiman, John Morgan, M J Schuebley, Charley Shuebley, John Taylor, Robert Asnold, D E Duncan, Ed Mull, Ben Mull, Wm Thomp- son, Marton Thompson, Lucian Flynn, Wayne Flynn, Will Cowan, John Cowan, Tilmond King, Ben King, A J Covle, Andv Coyle, Bill Magpie, Doc Hater, George W Bohanon, W K Barrette, J P Bethell, G S McDaniels, R Coneter, T F Greer, W F Greer, Augustus Gill, J C Hammons, Joseph John- son, E Kilgrove, W H Lumpkin, Johnothon King, W T Liverev, D T Liverey, J D Morrow, C H Plant, W T Abbington, B F Oliver, W H Oliver, J C Oliver, W C Pierbe, J W Wray, I A Wray, D Turnage, G W Vaden, J F Wrav, John Whitlock, W F Williams, J G Becton, Wm Loving, John Clem- ents,"'Willis Cofield, R Brookies, E M Chandler, W J Erwin, T F Buck, S S Ammons, G T Blakmore, Charles King, Simon Home, W^ill Home, Will Grey, William Morrow, J Linns Allen, A J Nipper. PULASKI COUNTY. Little Rock.— H L Fletcher, P Bryman, Jas Milner, Fred Hoobs, F David- son, Z Ward, Will Field, John Wooliim, John Cardin, P S Cotton, H W Long, David Brener, Jno G Fletcher, John Drake, Dr Mask, H O Everet, Peter Hanger, Fred Hanger, O Griffith, Henry Belcher, John Belcher, John Walker, Wm Monteath, Henry Shilcut, John Shilcot, J Martin, Lewis Fletcher, A H Sevret, T W Steele, R A Littell, C Pemberton, I N Mooney, Will Mooney, I Ferguson, W Crowson, P T Mask, Jno Hicks, Henry Hicks, L L Thompson, Jas Lowson, Henry Lowson, W Scraggs, S B Beaumart, Wm Young, R H Johnson, Benj Rope, J E Isbell, J D Odows, Geo Rogell, C R Vaugher, W F Wright, I R Cockrill, E F Conway, D E Jones, W Bises, J Cordin, Milo Arbuckle. Old River. — Wm George, W Garden, Dr Britten, Dick Hudgins, C Pember- ton, Tom Scott, T H Steele, Lee Thompson. North Point.— L Wilson. E L Mainord, M F Mainord, C C Wilson, I B Miles, James Moate, B L Morland, W W Brothow, C I Elliott, M P Carter, B N Brown, N W Newson, M A Goodson, R A Scott, G W Brackill, R B Simp- son, C H Hudson, C Davis, D M Richards, N Birget I White, C F Bearge, Dr Devaul, Thomas Vinson, Nathan Vinson, John Vinson, F Countz, Dan Neale, Jack Nowlin, A Goodson, P Chambers. RANDOLPH COUNTY. Pitman.— John Thompson, Wm Kelley, W T Stepp, W H Mferrell, W H Howard, W E Dennis, J H Dennis, G W McElrath, K Pylant, J A Cheek, Ben Dunn, Elijah Arnold, Cale Baker, Wm Back, Wm Floyd, Jno Floyd, Peter Knowlen, J Cristian, C M Moore, J H McCauley, I P Woodal, Jeff Woodal, J A Pope, Reuben Pope, R Russell, S D Gatlin, Alex Bailey, Alex Allen, James Powell, L French, Henry Shamwell, Jas Shamwell, Jno Hedrick, Jno Ruff, H D Ruft; C D Jones, Hance Jones, Jno Williams, Jas Williams, Wm Eyell, B F Knowlton, J W Ingram, B C Dilbeck, Chas Parker, W H Carter, W P Cailer, Jno Julian, Jno Gambill, Wm Bain, R C McCauley, W T McCauley, Geo McCauley, J B Jones, J B Vester, Jas Vester, Wm Fenn, Jas Pearce, thos Pearce, J Lewis, Paul Lewis, Dan Hall, D H Sharp, Wm Fowler, B F Ennes, H Athi, Thos Campbell, J D Mathis, Jas Hall, Jno Odem, A A Taylor, R R RufT, Gray Ruflf, A M Pringle, William Pringle, Jno McCauley. ST. FRANCIS COUNTY. Forrest City.— R B Castel, J Harder, Geo McCormack, H L W^rights, H Ev- ens, Jas Evens, Henry Hood, J J Hughes, W Davis, Jno L Rowlan, T Row- Ian, Jno Button, Jas M Stewart, A D McDaniel, T B How, J H Thompson, W S Smith, Geo P Taylor, Ed Jolley, Wm Jolley, J B Hodges, Jacob Harker, B F Thomas, Geo Ro'dgers, J J Hughes, H C Ragsdale, G B Davids, J Briley, J C Lynch, B Lynch. G A Thompson, J I Jones, R W Costul. J M McDaniel, G W Lawrence, J G Trotman, John D Thomas, Wm M Stewart, P Dunn, T Carr, F M Prewett, I H Lutz, A C Castul, J M Davis, T M Davis, H Evans, W W McDaniel, I H Nash, JM Mallory, JohnSembled. R B Mauldin, T P Harris, N B Harris, J M Parrott, J P McDonald, J L Caldwell, M W Sparks, J H Dawson, G W McCormick, W H McDaniel, W H Irord, N B Morris, V B Irord, F Loughinghouse, G B Mallory, G W Seabou, John Seaborn.