ilSS EHn^2^ liiKik l>KKs\|l^ W^^ illlUllinimnillillmilllliniiMiiiiiiiiiiinitiinuiniiiMiMMiiiiMiiiiiiuiiiHtiuiiiiii HllMHliiiiiiiiiiiniiiMiMinuiiiiii SAMUEL JUDD HOLMES. M. D. Seattle President of the Washington State Society February 23, 1914, to February 22, 1915. Vice-President General of the National Society July 20, 1915, to May 18, 1916. REGISTER OF THE Washington State Society Sons of the American Revolution June 17, 1895 April 19, 1916 Published by The Washington State Society PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Geoege E. Tilton State Secretary, 1913-1916 Guy Weatherly Smelseb State Registrar, 1914-1915 Ovid Ambrose Byers State Historian, 1908-1917 Gift 11 AR n, 1919 PRINTERS LowMAN & Hanford Co. SEATTLE, WASH. \s CONTENTS Page Foreword 5 The National Society 6 Objects and Purposes 8 Qualifications for Membership 8 Reasons for Membership 9 Officers of the National Society 10 The Washington State Society 12 Constitution of the Washington State Society 17 Officers of the Washington State Society 24 Spokane Chapter 47 Seattle Chapter 49 Alexander Hamilton Chapter 51 George Washington Chapter 53 Hoquiam Chapter 55 Captain Robert Gray Chapter 56 Henry Moss Boutelle 58 Necrology 61 Roll of Active Members 62 Roster of Members 180 Demitted Members 192 Resigned Members 193 Former Members 194 Index of Ancestors 196 Reference Books 206 Family Records 212 FOREWORD The Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Washington State Society, Sons of the American Revolution, held in Seattle February 23, 1914, adopted the following recommendation: "Your Committee on Year Book recommend that a book be compiled and published by February 22, 1915, if possible, costing not to exceed two hundred dollars for three hundred copies, unless an additional reasonable amount be granted by the Board of Man- agers ; "That said compilation and publication be under the direction of a Committee composed of the Secretary, Registrar and Historian; "That each member of this Society be entitled to one copy of said book free of cost; "And that the Board of Managers be authorized to dispose of the remaining books to such persons, institutions and Sons of the American Revolution Societies as it may deem advisable." The Publication Committee was directed by the Board of Managers (meeting January 19, 1915) to extend this Register such time after February 22, 1915, as should be necessary to properly complete it; To print four hundred copies, and to draw on the Treasurer for such funds as might be required therefor (meeting December 21, 1915) ; And to include in this Register the names of all applicants for membership approved to and including April 19, 1916 (meeting April 11, 1916). Guided by the foregoing instructions, and desirous of completing the work as early as possible, with accuracy and brevity, the Com- mittee feels that the Year Book now presented to the Society will be of value to the members at large, and will supply a record so complete as to be authoritative in the publication of any subsequent Register. The Committee desires to thank all members of the Society who have so kindly given of their time and energy in the preparation of this book. PUBLICATION COMMITTEE. WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY THE NATIONAL SOCIETY Organized April 30, 1889. Incorporated by Act of Congress June 9, 1906. The National Society of the Sons of the American Revo- lution is composed substantially of the State Societies of the Sons of the American Revolution. With the exception of the Society of Cincinnati, prior to 187G no concerted attempt had been made looking toward the gathering together of the descendants of the Revolutionary patriots. The Centennial Exposition held at Philadelphia in 1876, and the patriotic sentiment aroused by the coming together of the American people at that gathering led to some interest in forming some organization. But it was in California that the first organization of this kind was definitely established. A so- ciety known as the Sons of Revolutionary Sires had been formed by the citizens of San Francisco under the leader- ship of Dr. John L. Cogswell in October, 1875, and on the 4th of July, 1876, the society took part in the public proces- sion celebrating that day, and thus attention was called to the society. The progress of the society was very slow for a number of years. A few years later, in New York, a society was founded which was called Sons of the Revolution. It is probably not necessary to take up in this sketch any history of the attempt to unite the two societies known as Sons of the Revolution and Sons of the American Revolution. For some years the societies, which, in 1889, were united under the title Sons of the American Revolution had as their distinguishing mark the requirement that their members should be lineal descendants of persons who took an active part in the American Revolution, while the society known as the Sons of the Revolution permitted collateral descendants SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 7 of soldiers and patriots who left no lineal descendants to become members. On April 30th, 1889, representatives of nine of the State Societies met in Fraunces' Tavern, in New York City, and formed a union and this is regarded as the beginning of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. The formation of a National Society seemed to give new life to the organization, and from that day the advance has been rapid, until now we have a society in nearly all of the States of the Union and in the District of Columbia and the Terri- tory of Hawaii. There is also a society in France and one in the Philippine Islands. The report of the Registrar Gen- eral to the Syracuse Congress in 1914 showed an active mem- bership of 13,178, with an increase during the year previous of 1,110. Our Year Book is not the place for setting forth the things that the Society has accomplished. It is sufficient to say that it is taking a leading part in the patriotic achieve- ments of the day, and if the energetic work of our National Society is seconded by the State Societies, material for fu- ture historians of our country will be well preserved in our National Library at Washington. WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY OBJECTS AND PURPOSES. "The purposes and objects of this Society are declared to be patri- otic, historical, and educational, and shall include those intended or designed to perpetuate the memory of the men who, by their services or sacrifices during the war of the American Revolution, achieved the independence of the American people; to unite and promote fellowship among their descendants; to inspire them and the community at large with a more profound reverence for the principles of the Government founded by our forefathers; to encourage historical research in rela- tion to the American Revolution; to acquire and preserve the records of the individual services of the patriots of the war, as well as docu- ments, relics, and landmarks; to mark the scenes of the Revolution by appropriate memorials; to celebrate the anniversaries of the prominent events of the war and of the Revolutionary period; to foster true patri- otism; to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom, and to carry out the purposes expressed in the preamble of the Consti- tution of our country and the injunctions of Washington in his fare- well address to the American people." — Article II, Constitution ofl the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. QUALIFICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP "Any man shall be eligible to membership in the Society who, being of the age of twenty-one years or over, and a citizen of good repute in the community, is the lineal descendant of an ancestor who was at all times unfailing in his loyalty to, and rendered active service in, the cause of American independence, either as an officer, soldier, seaman, marine, militiaman or minute man, in the armed forces of the Continental Congress, or of any one of the several Colonies or States, or as a Signer of the Declaration of Independence, or as a member of a Committee of Safety or Correspondence, or as a member of any Continental, Provincial, or Colonial Congress or Legislature, or as a recognized patriot who performed actual service by overt acts of resistance to ■ the authority of Great Britain." — Section 1, Article III, Constitution of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revo- lution. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 9 REASONS FOR MEMBERSHIP. 1. The Society of the Sons of the American Revolution encourages public interest in the men, events and objects of the Revolutionary war. 2. It seeks to cultivate the ideal of disinterested service to the nation. 3. It preserves for future generations the genealogy of members as far back as the Revolutionary period, rendering less difficult and more accurate the task of the historian. Membership in this Society insures the preservation of two sets of every record filed — one by the State Registrar, and one by the Registrar General at Washington, D. C. 4. It aims to inculcate in its members and their families lessons of good citizenship drawn from the heroism and self-sacrifice of their own ancestors. 5. By celebrating the important events of the Revolution it re- calls to memory the objects of that struggle and the principles for which our forefathers fought, especially as embodied in the Declara- tion of Independence. 6. It engages in the marking of battlefields, routes of march and historic sites, by monuments and tablets, and in the preservation of historic buildings from decay. 7. It would promote the celebration of other important civic events, as the admission of new states, and momentous occurrences in state and local history, and the marking of places of historic interest. 8. It holds as one of its most important functions the work of preserving and preparing for public use the priceless documents, letters and other relics of the Revolutionary era. 9. By means of leaflets and books, lecturers and teachers, in a language and in a form intelligible to the millions of our fellow citi- zens of foreign birth, it diffuses among them a better understanding of the principles of free government and a greater love for their adopted country, making them more worthy members of the body politic. 10. It spans the chasm between the eighteenth and the twentieth centuries by teaching the true relation between the great events of the Revolutionary period and the equally significant events and movements of the present. It demonstrates the worth of independence in thought and of courage in action today, in the progress of our evolving civilization, through the illustrious example of the liberty-loving generation of 1776, which dared and died in opposition to tyranny and oppression, inspiring a hope of political and economic freedom for the individual citizen, and setting a new and loftier standard of justice among gov- ernments. 11. It brings together in friendly association men of the North, the South, the East and the West, on a basis non-partisan and non- sectarian. 10 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY OFFICERS OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION GENERAL OFFICERS Elected at the Annual Congress at Syracuse^ N. Y. May 19, 1914. President General Rogers Clark Ballard Thruston Louisville, Ky. Vice-Presidents General Commander John H. Moore^ U. S. N. (Retired) Washington, D. C. Alvin M. Woolson Toledo, Ohio Herman W. Fernberger Philadelphia, Pa. William K. Boardman Nashville, Tenn. Lieutenant-Colonel M. W. Wood, U. S. A. (Retired) Boise, Idaho Secretary General and Registrar General A. Howard Clark Smithsonian Inst., Washington, D. C. Treasurer General John H. Burroughs 15 William St., New York City Historian General David L. Pierson 21 Washington St., East Orange, N. J. Chaplain General Rev. William Force Whitaker, D. D Elizabeth, N. J. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 11 OFFICERS OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY Elected at the Annual Congress at Portland,, Oregon July 20, 1915 President General Newell B. Woodworth Syracuse, N. Y. Vice-Presidents General Henry F. Punderson 21 Riverview St., Springfield, Mass. Lieutenant-Colonel M. W. Wood^ U. S. A. (Retired) Boise, Idaho Samuel Judd Holmes, M. D 225 Burke Bldg., Seattle, Wash. William K. Boardman _ Cumberland Tel. & Tel. Co., Nashville, Tenu. Hon. Samuel Culver Park Salt Lake City, Utah Secretary General and Registrar General A. Howard Clark Smithsonian Inst., Washington, D. C. Treasurer General John H. Burroughs 15 William St., New York City Historian General David L. Pierson 21 Washington St., East Orange, N. J. Chaplain General Rev. Richard Lighburne McCready, D. D _ Kennedy Court, Louisville, Ky. 12 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY THE WASHINGTON SOCIETY In the year 1891, a Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, known as the Oregon and Washington Society, was organized, and in a few years the membership from the State of Washington was large enough to justify the organ- ization of a State Society, and on June 17th, 1895, the mem- bers of the Oregon and Washington Society living in the State of Washington met in Seattle and organized the Washington State Society with the following Charter Members: CHARTER MEMBERS Names of Members of Washington State Society September 18, 1895. State Nat'l No. No. 1 7878 Simon W. Scott Approved July 18, 1895 Seattle *2 6786 John Kennedy Stout Trans, from Oregon and Washington, D. C. Washington Society *3 7309 Arthur S. Gibbs Trans, from Oregon and Seattle Washington Society *4 7328 Edward Weldon Young Trans, from Oregon and Seattle Washington Society 5 6791 James B. Howe Trans, from Oregon and Seattle Washington Society *6 6766 Arthur W. Doland Trans, from Oregon and Spokane Washington Society *7 6759 John F. Gowey Trans, from Oregon and Seattle Washington Society 8 7883 Cornelius H. Hanford Approved Sept. 8, 1895 Seattle 9 7318 J. H. S. Bartholomew .Trans, from Oregon and Monte Cristo Washington Society 10 7885 Samuel Judd Holmes Approved Sept. 8, 1895 Seattle *11 7317 Ell S. Smith Trans, from Oregon and Seattle Washington Society *12 7325 George Nell Alexander Trans, from Oregon and Seattle Washington Society 13 7888 William B. Armstrong Approved Sept. 8, 1895 Seattle SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 13 State Nat'l No. No. 14 7889 Augustus V. Bell Approved July 19, 1895 Seattle *15 7323 Carlisle Paterson Blanchard Trans, from Oregon and Seattle Washington Society 16 7891 Brastus Brainerd Approved July 19, 1895 Seattle 17 7892 Edgar R. Butterworth Approved Sept. 8, 1895 Seattle 18 7893 Irving T. Cole Approved Sept. 8, 1895 Seattle 19 7894 Edwin W. Craven Approved July 19, 1895 Seattle *20 7307 George Tilton Doolittle Trans, from Oregon and Spokane Washington Society *21 7319 William Henry Edes Trans, from Oregon and Spokane Washington Society 22 6797 Salvador Ellicott Trans, from Oregon and Seattle Washington Society 23 7346 Charles Delaus Emery Trans, from Oregon and Seattle Washington Society 24 7899 Charles S. Gleason Approved July 19, 1895 Seattle *25 6762 Frank McDonald Gowey Trans, from Oregon and Chicksan, Korea Washington Society *26 6708 James Winslow Hall Trans, from Oregon and Winslow Washington Society *27 6757 Henry Knox Hall Trans, from Oregon and Port Blakeley Washington Society *28 6775 Frank Hanford Trans, from Oregon and Seattle Washington Society *29 6776 Clarence Hanford Trans, from Oregon and Seattle Washington Society *30 6777 Arthur Elwood Hanford Trans, from Oregon and Seattle Washington Society 31 7906 Benjamin Looker Harvey Approved Sept. 9, 1895 Tacoma 32 7907 H. E. Holmes Approved July 19, 1895 Seattle 33 6799 Henry Martyn Hoyt Trans, from Oregon and Spokane Washington Society 34 7399 Arthur E. Kirkland Trans, from Oregon and Colfax Washington Society 35 7340 Eugene H. Kirkland Trans, from Oregon and Colfax Washington Society 14 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY State Nat'l No. No. 36 7911 Lyman E. Knapp Approved July 19, 1895 Seaide 37 7344 Chester Fairman Lee Trans, from Oregon and Seattle Washington Society *38 7322 Addison A. Lindsley Trans, from Oregon and Olympia Washington Society 39 7302 William H. Maxwell Trans, from Oregon and Spokane Washington Society 40 7915 Waldo Grant Paine Approved Sept. 9, 1895 Spokane 41 7916 John R. Peters Approved Sept. 8, 1895 Seattle 42 7917 Edwin Ripley Approved July 18, 1895 Seattle 43 7330 Clement Stocker Rutter Trans, from Oregon and Spokane Washington Society 44 7694 Brian Chadwick Roberts Trans, from Oregon and Seattle Washington Society *45 6723 Carlos Walstein Shane Trans, from Oregon and Vancouver Washington Society 46 7921 Thomas Rochester Shepard Approved Sept. 8, 1895 Seattle 47 7922 Joseph Shippen Approved July 19, 1895 Seattle 48 7923 Clarence A. Smith Approved July 18, 1895 Seattle 49 7924 Everett Smith Approved July 18, 1895 Seattle 50 6711 Egbert T. S. Steele Trans, from Oregon and Spokane Washington Society *51 7335 Warren W. Tolman Trans, from Oregon and Spokane Washington Society *52 3219 George A. Virtue Trans, from Minnesota Seattle Society 53 7928 Gideon Allen Weed Approved Sept. 8, 1895 Seattle 54 7929 Stephen Greenwood Whitman... .Trans, from Oregon and Spokane Washington Society *55 7336 George Haswell Whittle Trans, from Oregon and Spokane Washington Society 56 7931 Charles Fauntleroy Whittlesey.-Approved July 19, 1895 Seattle 57 7932 Thomas Miles Young Approved July 19, 1895 Seattle SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 15 58 7933 Nathan Beman _ 59 7934 Albert L. Valentine Elected by Washington Society Nov. 25, 1895 60 6420 Arthur Newton Thompson Transferred from Ohio The foregoing list of Charter Members was supplied by the Secretary General, and was accompanied by the follow- ing letter: OFFICE OF SECRETARY GENERAL AND REGISTRAR GENERAL SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Washington, D. C, February 16, 1916. Mr. G. E. Tilton, Secretary of Washington State Society. Dear Sir and Compatriot: Thru some mishap somewhere your letters of February 1st reached me only today, and I hasten to reply. I find from the records that in registering the names of the Charter Members of the Washington Society I was guided by letter of Secretary A. S. Gibbs, dated September 18, 1895, giving me the names of 33 per- sons demitted from "Oregon and Washington Society" and other States, and 22 persons (57 in all) whose papers I had approved in July and September. It was in this list that the Society was fully authorized by the President General in October, 1895. Nathan Beman's paper, No. 58, was not then quite satisfactory, but was made good later. Rev. A. N. Thompson's demit from Ohio had not then arrived, though he was elected Vice-President. He became No. 60. No. 59, A. L. Valentine, was acted on November 25, 1895. Those marked (*) in the list enclosed were the 21 who were duly qualified to act at the temporary organization June 17, 1895. Very truly yours, A. Howard Clark, Secretary General and Registrar General. The first President of the Society was Col. S. W. Scott, and a date for the annual meeting of the Society was fixed as February 22nd of each year, the first annual meeting being held on February 22nd, 1896. The custom of the Society has been to hold the business meeting in the afternoon of February 22nd, and this is followed in the evening by an annual banquet at which patriotic toasts are offered and responses made. It is, we think, unnecessary to detail the action of the 16 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Society for years which have elapsed since its organization. Very early in its history, the Society adopted the plan of having the students of the High Schools in the various cities of the State in which Chapters of the Society have been formed compete annually for prizes. At the present time the cities of Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma, North Yakima, Hoquiam and Olympia are in the contest. To the High Schools of each city are awarded two prizes, one of ten dollars and one of five dollars. Where there is more than one High School in the city, the orations are prepared by the students and sent to a committee and from the orations submitted a sufficient num- ber are selected for delivery in public, and from those which are delivered in public the prize winners are selected. Where there is only one High School in a city, all the orations are delivered in public. In the year 1909, with the able assistance of the Daugh- ters of the American Revolution, the State Society erected on the grounds of the Alaska- Yukon-Pacific Exposition, being the grounds of the State University at Seattle, a flag pole consisting of a single stick one hundred ninety-five feet high. In recent years the State Society has taken part in the patri- otic parade on Memorial Day. At the present time our So- ciety is taking very active part in the teaching of aliens their duties as citizens of the United States and how to acquire citizenship. At the National Congress held in Portland, Oregon, July 19-20, 1915, the Traveling P>anner was awarded the Wash- ington State Society, having been won by making the largest net percentage increase in membership of all the State So- cieties for the year ending March 31, 1915, with a net gain of 31 per cent. The Washington State Society was honored at that Con- gress by the election of Dr. Samuel Judd Holmes, of Seattle, to the position of Vice-President General of the National Society. During the year of 1914 more new members were added to our Society than in any previous year in our history, and the Society has never been in a more flourishing condition than it is at present. SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 17 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Sons of the American Revolution CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I. Name. The name of this Society shall be The Washington Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. ARTICLE II. Objects. The objects of this Society shall be to perpetuate the memory of the men who, by their services or sacrifices during the war of The American Revolution, achieved the independence of the American people; to unite and promote fellowship among their descendants; to inspire them and the community at large with a more profound rever- ence for the principles of the government founded by our forefathers; to encourage historical research in relation to the American Revolu- tion; to acquire and preserve the records of the individual services of the patriots of the war, as well as documents, relics and landmarks; to mark the scenes of the Revolution by* appropriate memorials; to cele- brate the anniversaries of the prominent events of the war; to foster true patriotism; to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom; and to carry out the purposes expressed in the preamble to the Constitution of our country and the injunctions of Washington in his farewell address to the American people. ARTICLE III. Membership. Any male person shall be eligible for membership who is of the age of twenty-one years, and who is a lineal descendant from an an- cestor, who, with unfailing loyalty, rendered material aid to the cause of American independence as a soldier or seaman, or as a civil officer 18 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY in one of the several Colonies or States, or as a recognized patriot, provided he shall be found worthy. ARTICLE IV. Officers. Section 1. The oflBcers of this Society shall be a President, a First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, a Third Vice-President, a Sec- retary, a Treasurer, a Registrar, a Historian and a Chaplain, Provided, that the offices of Secretary, Registrar and Historian, or any two of them, may be vested in one person. Sec. 2. The officers and managers and delegates to the National Society shall be elected by a vote of the majority of the membei's voting at the annual meetings of the Society. This vote may be personal, by proxy, or by letter. The officers and managers shall hold office for one year, or until their successors are elected. ARTICLE V. Annual Meeting. Section 1. A meeting for the election of officers and transaction of business shall be held annually on the 22nd day of February, or the next day ensuing if the 22nd falls on Sunday; and a meeting for social purposes shall be held annually at such time and place as the board of Managers may determine, the same to be held, as far as is practi- cable, upon the anniversary of some event in Revolutionary history. Sec. 2. At each annual meeting there shall be elected, in addition to the officers provided for in Article IV, one delegate at large, and one delegate for each one hundred, or fraction of one hundred exceeding fifty members, who, together with such officers as are provided for by the Constitution of the National Society shall represent this Society in the National Society. In case of failure to elect said delegates as above provided, or their alternates, the President may appoint the same; and in case of the death or resignation of any officer of said Society, his successor shall be elected by the Board of Managers, to hold his position until the next annual meeting of the Society. ARTICLE VI. Board of Managers. Section 1. There shall be a Board of Managers whose duty it shall be to conduct the affairs of this Society, which Board shall consist of the officers of this Society and nine other members of the Society who shall be elected at the annual meeting. Sec. 2. All ex-Presidents of this Society shall be, by virtue of their having held the office of President, Past Presidents of such So- ciety, and ex-officio members of the Board of Managers. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 19 ARTICLE VII. Amendments. This Constitution may be amended, altererd or repealed by written resolutions first adopted by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Managers at any regular meeting of the Board, or at a special meeting called for the purposes of considering such resolutions, and then adopted by a majority of the members present at any regular or special meeting of the Society. BY-LAWS ARTICLE I. Applications fob Membership. An applicant for admission to the Society must make application in duplicate on forms obtained from the Secretary, enumerating the services of his ancestor in the War of Independence, together with the detailed statement of the immediate generations of his pedigree. The applicant shall make oath that the statements of his application are true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. Such applicant must be nominated by a member of the Society, and may be elected a member, by a two-thirds vote at any meeting of the Society, or of the Board of Managers. ARTICLE II. Suspensions, Etc. The Board of Managers shall have power to suspend or to expel any member of the Society for sufficient cause by a vote of two-thirds of all the members of the Board; Provided, that two weeks' notice of the proposed action shall have been given to each member. A member so suspended or expelled shall have the right to appeal to a meeting of the Society from the action of the Board of Managers. ARTICLE III. Fees and Dues. Section 1. The initiation fee shall be three dollars, and the annual dues three dollars, payable in advance. When a member is elected after the annual meeting his dues for the remainder of the year shall be at the rate of twenty-five cents per month, or fraction thereof. There shall he no fee for affiliating from other State Societies. Sec. 2. A member who is one year in arrears for dues, and shall remain so three months after notice of his indebtedness has been mailed to his last known residence, shall be dropped from the roll of members by the Board of Managers, and may be reinstated to member- ship by said Board upon payment of his indebtedness to the Society, or satisfactorily accounting for his default. 20 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Sec. 3. For each member credited to a local Chapter, fifty cents ($.50) shall be given to that Chapter for each full year's membership, beginning February 22, 1915, except for those designated Life Members, and for those who have not paid the annual dues. Sec. 4. Any member who shall have paid his dues for twenty-five (25) years, or shall have attained the age of eighty (80) years, shall be carried on the rolls of the Society as a Life Member, and shall be exempt from the payment of further dues. ARTICLE IV. Meetings. Section 1. The Annual Meeting shall be held according to the pro- visions of Article V of the Constitution. In the election of officers a majority of the ballots cast shall be necessary for a choice. The annual dues shall be collected at this meeting. Sec. 2. Special meetings of the Society may be held at the request of five members of the Society, or of the Board of Managers. Sec. 3. The regular meetings of the Board of Managers shall be held upon the third Tuesday of January, April, July and October of each year, and special meetings thereof may be called by the President at any time, and shall be called upon the request of any three members thereof. ARTICLE V. Quorum. Section 1. At all meetings of the Society not less than ten mem- bers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a less number may adjourn from time to time. Sec. 2. Five members of the Board of Managers shall constitute a quorum at any meeting thereof, but a less number may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is obtained. ARTICLE VI. Duties or the President. The President, or in his absence the First, Second or Third Vice- President, or in their absence a chairman pro tempore, shall preside at all meetings of the Society. He shall exercise the usual functions of a presiding officer, and shall enforce a strict observance of the Constitu- tion and By-Laws. ARTICLE VII. Duties of the Secretary. The Secretary shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society, and shall keep a record of the election, death or expulsion of members. He shall have charge of the seal, certificate of incorpora- tion, and records of the Society. He, together with the presiding SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 21 oflacers, shall certify all acts of the Society or Board of Managers. He shall, under the direction of the President, give due notice of the time and place of all meetings of the Society, and attend the same. He shall keep fair and accurate records of all the proceedings and orders of the Society, and shall give due notice to the officers and members of all votes, orders, resolutions and proceedings of the Society effecting them or appertaining to their respective duties. He shall perform such other duties and make such returns as may be prescribed by the Con- stitution and By-Laws of the National Society. ARTICLE VIII. Duties of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect all fees and dues and shall have the care and custody of all the funds of the Society. He shall deposit the same in a bank to the credit of the Society, and shall draw them thence for the purposes of the Society only, as may be ordered by the Society or Board of Managers, upon the approval of the President and the certificate of the Secretary. He shall keep a true account of his re- ceipts and disbursements, and at each annual meeting shall make report and submit his accounts for audit. He shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Constitution and By-Laws of the National Society. ARTICLE IX. Duties of the Registrar. The Registrar shall investigate the proofs of eligibility for mem- bership, and, if correct, shall approve and transmit them to the Board of Managers for acceptance. He shall file and keep on record a copy of all applications (or proofs) for membership. He shall be custodian of all historical and genealogical papers or books of which the Society may become possessed, which shall be open to inspection by any mem- ber of the Society. He shall perform such other duties as may be as- signed him by the Society or Board of Managers. ARTICLE X. Duties of the Historian. The Historian shall keep a record of all historical and commemora- tive celebrations of the Society, prepare and edit the same for publica- tion under the direction of the Board of Managers, and shall act as Necrologist for the Society, and, if possible, present a biographical sketch of the deceased members at the next annual meeting, and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Society or Board of Managers. ARTICLE XI. Duties of the Chaplain. The Chaplain shall perform the religious offices of the Society. 22 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY ARTICLE XII. Duties of the Board of Managers. The members of the Board of Managers shall be elected in the same manner and at the same time as is provided for the election of oflBcers. They shall judge of the qualifications of appliancts for mem- bership, and shall have control and management of the affairs of the Society. They shall appoint an auditing committee. They may call special meetings at any time, and shall call a special meeting upon the written request of five members of the Society. They shall also have the power the fill vacancies. They shall perform such other duties as may be committed to them by the Society. At each annual meeting they shall make a general report. ARTICLE XIII. Organization of Chapters. When not fewer than seven members of this Society residing in the same locality desire to organize a Chapter thereof, they shall present a written request to the Board of Managers for authority to do so, which authority being granted, they may adopt such Constitution and By-Laws not inconsistent with the Constitution of this Society, as they may deem proper. They shall have authority to admit members to the Chapter, but all such members must first be members in good standing in the Wash- ington Society, and none but such shall be continued in membership in any Chapter. The President of any Chapter having a membership of not less than twelve members shall be ex-officio a member of the Board of Managers of this Society. A Chapter may select one or more delegates to represent it at any meeting of the Society. In the election of officers of this Society such a delegate or dele- gation shall be entitled to cast thel votes of the Chapter only by pre- senting proxies therefor. Upon all other issues before this Society, a Chapter may certify its actual vote pro and con to this Society, and such vote shall have the same potency as if cast by members of the Society actually present and voting. The Secretary of each Chapter shall make a report to the Secretary of the State Society not later than February 10th each year, giving a list of the officers and members of the Chapter at that time. ARTICLE XIV. Standing Committees. There shall be three (3) Standing Committees, as follows: Finance Committee, to be appointed by the President at the Annual Meeting. Organization Committee, to be appointed by the President at the Annual Meeting. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 23 Auditing Committee, to be selected by the Board of Managers at its Regular Meeting the third Tuesday in April. The duties of these Committees shall be such as usually pertain to Committees of like character, and as may be defined by the Board of Managers. ARTICLE XV. Okdeb of Business. At all Annual Meetings of this Society the following order of business shall be observed, viz.: 1. Opening exercises. 2. Calling roll of officers and members. 3. Reading minutes of last meeting. 4. Reports of officers. 5. Reports of committees. 6. Applications for membership. 7. Unfinished business. 8. Election of officers. Board of Managers and delegates. 9. New business. 10. Final adjournment. ARTICLE XVI. Amendments. These By-Laws may be amended, altered or repealed by written resolutions first proposed to the Board of Managers, and entered upon the records with the name of the proposer, and adopted by a majority of the members present at any regular or special meeting of the Society. 24 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY OFFICERS OF THE WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY, S. A. R. FIRST TERM— 1895-1896 Office of Donworth & Howe, Haller Building, Seattle, Elected June 17, 1895— Term ending February 22, 1896. President Colonel Simon W. Scott „ _ Seattle Firsi Vice-President John Kennedy Stout _ _ Spokane Second Vice-President Rev. Arthur Newton Thompson _ _ Tacoma Secretary Arthur S. Gibbs _ - Seattle Treasurer James B. Howe _ _ _ Seattle Registrar Dr. Edward Weldon Young Seattle Additional Members of the Board of Managers Arthur W. Doland _ Spokane John F. Gowey _ _ Olympia James Hull Sherman Bartholomew „ Monte Cristo Judge C. H. Hanford Seattle Dr. Samuel Judd Holmes - Seattle Ell Stone Smith _ Seattle GEORGE ALEXANDER VIRTUE Seattle President Washington State Society. February 22, 1915, to February 22, 1916. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 25 FIRST ANNUAL MEETING Second Term— 1896-1897 Rainier Grand Hotel, Seattle Elected February 22, 1896— Year ending February 22, 1897. President Colonel Simon W. Scott _ Seattle First Vice-President Colonel John Kennedy Stout _ ,..._ Spokane Second Vice-President George Hunt Walker _ Tacoma Secretary Arthur S. Gibbs _ Seattle Treasurer Irving T. Cole _ _ „ Seattle Registrar D R. Ed ward Weldon Young „ _ _ _ Seattle Historian Professor William F. Babcock _ Seattle Chaplain Rev. Arthur Newton Thompson^ D. D _ Tacoma Additional Members of the Board of Managers John F. Gowey Olympia Judge Cornelius H. Hanpord Seattle James Hull Sherman Bartholomew Monte Cristo Dr. Samuel Judd Holmes „ Seattle Benjamin David Crocker _ Walla Walla Delegates to National Congress Arthur S. Gibbs - Seattle Hon. Addison Alexander Lindsley _ Olymi^ia Alternates George Alexander Virtue Seattle Harrison Gardner Foster. _ _ Tacoma 26 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY SECOND ANNUAL MEETING Third Term— 1897-1898 Parlor Rainier Grand Hotel, Seattle. Elected February 22, 1897— Term ending February 22, 1898. President Colonel Simon W. Scott „ Seattle First Vice-President Colonel John Kennedy Stout Spokane Second Vice-President George Hunt Walker „ Tacoma Secretary Arthur S. Oibbs _ Seattle Treasurer fRViNG T. Cole _ Seattle Registrar Dr. Edward Weldon Young _ Seattle Historian Professor Wm. F. Babcock Seattle Chaplain Bishop William Morris Barker Tacoma Additional Members of the Board of Managers Judge Cornelius H. Hanpord _ _ Seattle Hon. Addison Alexander Lindsley _ Olympia James Hull Sherman Bartholomew Monte Cristo Augustus V. Bell _ _ _ Seattle Herbert Stanton Griggs _ _ Tacoma Delegates to National Congress to he held April SO, 1897, in Cleveland, Ohio. John F. Gowey „ Olympia Lyman E. Knapp Seattle Alternates Millard T. Hartson _ Spokane Herbert Stanton Griggs _ Tacoma SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 27 THIRD ANNUAL MEETING Fourth Term— 1898-1899 Pythian Hall, Seattle. Elected February 22, 1898— Year ending February 22, 1899. President Colonel Simon W. Scott Seattle First Vice-President Colonel John Kennedy Stout. Spokane Second Vice-President George Hunt Walker _ Tacoma Secretary Arthur S. Gibbs _ _ _ _ _ Seattle Treasurer Irving T. Cole _ Seattle Registrar Dr. E. Weldon Young _ _ _ Seattle Historian Professor Wm. F. Babcock _ Seattle Chaplain Rev. Edwin Mortimer Randall, Jr _ Seattle Additional 3Iemhers of the Board of Managers Judge Cornelius H. Hanford _ „ -Seattle C ARM I D iBBLE _ New Whatcom Benjamin David Crocker _ _.....Walla Walla Arthur E. Kirkland _ Colfax Augustus V. Bell 28 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING Fifth Term— 1899-1900 Elks' Hall, Seattle. Elected February 22, 1899— Year ending February 22, 1900. President John Kennedy Stout Spokane First Vice-President George Hunt Walker _ _ Tacoma Second Vice-President Dr. Edward Weldon Young _ - Seattle Secretary Charles S. Gleason _ Seattle Treasurer Augustus V. Bell _ Seattle Registrar Ell Stone Smith _ _ Seattle Historian William F. Babcock „ _ Seattle Chaplain Rev, Edward Mortimer Randall, Jr _ Seattle Additional Members of the Board of Managers Benjamin David Crocker _ _ „ Walla Walla C arm I Dibble _ „ _ New Whatcom Governor Lymen Edwin Knapp _ Seattle Frazier a. Boutelle _ _ Olympia Fred Rice Rowell _ Seattle Delegates to National Congress Arthur S. Gibbs _ _ _ Seattle Harrison Gardner Foster. _ Tacoma SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 29 FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING Sixth Term— 1900-1901 Elks' Hall, Seattle. Elected February 22, 1900— Year ending February 22, 1901. President Dr. Edward Weldon Young „ Seattle First Vice-President Herbert Stanton Griggs „ _ „ „ Tacoma Second V ice-President Millard T. Hartson _ _ Spokane Secretary Charles S. Gleason „ „ Seattle Treasurer Augustus V. Bell _.„ _ „ Seattle Registj-ar Ell Stone Smith _ Seattle Historian Professor William F. Babcock Seattle Chaplain Eev. Edwin Mortimer Randall, Jr Seattle Additional Members of the Board of Managers MiLo A. Root „ _ Seattle Dr. Sajiuel Judd Holmes Seattle Carmi Dibble _ New Whatcom Frazier a. Boutelle _ Olympia Charles Hinckley Baker _ _ _ Seattle Delegate to National Congress John Kennedy Stout Spokane 30 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING Seventh Term— 1901-1902 Elks' Hall, Seattle. Elected February 22, 1901— Year ending February 22, 1902. President Dr. E. Weldon Young „ _ Seattle First Vice-President Overton Gentry Ellis _ Tacoma Second Y ice-President John Lockwood Wilson „ _ Spokane Secretary Charles S. Gleason _ _ _ Seattle Treasurer Augustus V. Bell _ „ ..Seattle Registrar Ell S. Smith _ _ _ Seattle Historian Professor Wm. F. Babcock Seattle Chaplain Rev. Edwin Mortimer Randall^ Jr Seattle Additional Memhers of the Board of Managers John Noble Wallingford _ Seattle Thomas Wickham Prosch _ Seattle Harrison Gardner Foster „ _ „ Tacoma Frank Stuart Southard _ _ Seattle Frazier a. Boutelle Olympia SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 31 SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING Eighth Term— 1902-1903 Rainier Grand Hotel, Seattle. Elected February 22, 1902— Year ending February 22, 1903. President George Hunt Walker. „ _ _ _ Seattle First Vice-President Crockett Morgan Eiddell _ _ Tacoma Second Vice-President A. George Avery „ _ Spokane Secretary Charles S. Gleason _ _ _ Seattle Treasurer Augustus V. Bell „ _ —Seattle Registrar Walter Burges Beals _ —Seattle Historian Edgar Ray Butterworth _ „ Seattle Chaplain Rev. Edwin Mortimer Randall^ Jr _ „ .._ Seattle Additional Memhers of the Board of Managers Thomas Wickham Prosch Seattle Frank Stuart Southard _ _ Seattle Professor William F. Babcock Seattle General James A. Drain _ Olympia Millard T. Hartson _ Spokane Delegate to National Congress Colonel John Kennedy Stout _ _ _.._.Spokane 32 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING Ninth Term— 1903-1904 Chamber of Commerce, Seattle. Elected February 22, 1903— Year ending February 22, 1904. President Herbert Stanton Griggs Tacoma First Vice-President Fred Rice Rowell _ Seattle Second Vice-President Thomas Hooker _ _ Spokane Secretary Orison James Charles Button _ Seattle Treasurer Augustus V. Bell _ _ Seattle Registrar Walter Burges Beals _ _ Seattle Historian Edgar Ray Butterworth _ Seattle Chaplain Rev. Edwin Mortimer Randall, Jr Seattle Additional Members of the Board of Managers Charles S. Gleason —Seattle Thomas Wickham Prosch _ Seattle Everett Smith „ Seattle Edward Phipps Kingsbury Olympia Delegate to National Congress Colonel John Kennedy Stout Spokane SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 33 NINTH ANNUAL MEETING Tenth Term— 1904-1905 Chamber of Commerce, Seattle. Elected February 22, 1904 — Year ending February 22, 1905. President Fred Rice Rowell _ _ Seattle First Vice-President Erastus Brainerd _ _ Seattle Second Vice-President James French Sloane _ _ Spokane Secretary Orison James Charles Button _ Seattle Treasurer Augustus V. Bell _ _ Seattle Registrar Walter Burges Beals Seattle Historian Edgar Ray Butterworth „ Seattle Chaplain Rev. Edwin Mortimer Randall^ Jr _ Tacoma Additional Memhers of the Board of Managers Malcolm Craig Nason _ _ Seattle Chester Fairman Lee _ Seattle Albert Henry Beebe „ _ Seattle Frank Stuart Southard Seattle 34 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY TENTH ANNUAL MEETING Eleventh Term— 1905-1906 Chamber of Commerce, Seattle. Elected February 22, 1905— Year ending February 22, 1906. President Judge Cornelius H. Hanpord _ Seattle First Vice-President Chester Fairman Lee _ _ _ Seattle Second Vice-President Daniel H. Dwight Spokane Secretary Orison James Charles Button „ „ _ Seattle Treasurer Augustus V. Bell _ _ Seattle Registrar Walter Burges Beals Seattle Historian Walter M. Bosworth _ _ „ _ Tacoma Chaplain Rev. Edward Lincoln Smith _ Seattle Additional Members of the Board of Managers Fran K Stuart Southard ._ Seattle William Parkhurst Winans _ Walla Walla Albert Henry Beebe _ Seattle Leander T. Turner _._ _ Seattle James W. Hall _ Winslow SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 35 ELEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING Twelfth Term— 1906-1907 Chamber of Commerce, Seattle Elected February 22, 1906— Year ending February 22, 1907 President Judge Cornelius H. Hanpord _ Seattle First Vice-President Dr. George Tilton Doolittle Spokane Second Vice-President Benjamin David Crocker _ „ Tacoma Third Vice-Pre»ident General Frazier A. Boutelle _ Seattle Secretary Orison James Charles Dutton „ _ Seattle Treasurer Augustus V. Bell Seattle Registrar Walter Burges Beals _ _ Seattle Historian Frank Stuart Southard _ Seattle Chaplain Rev. Edward Lincoln Smith_, D. D _ Seattle Additional Members of the Board of Managers William H. Lewis „ _ _ _ Seattle James Kiefer _ Seattle Walter M. Bosworth _ _ „ _ „ Tacoma James Winslow Hall _ Winslow Charles T. Newcomb _ Seattle 36 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY TWELFTH ANNUAL MEETING Thirteenth Term— 1907-1908 Chamber of Commerce, Seattle. Elected February 22, 1907 — Year ending February 22, 1908. President Judge Cornelius H. Hanpord Seattle First Y ice-President Waldo Grant Paine Spokane Second Y ice-President Overton Gentry Ellis Tacoma Third Vice-President Dr. Samuel Judd Holmes Seattle Secretary Orison James Charles Button Seattle Treasurer Augustus V. Bell _ „ Seattle Registrar Walter B. Beals Seattle Historian Frank Stuart Southard Seattle Chaplain Kev. Edward Lincoln Smith Seattle Additional Members of the Board of Managers Augustus Armstrong „ _ _ _ _ Seattle William D. Totten Seattle Everett Smith _ Seattle James Kibfer Seattle Robert Laird McCormick Tacoma SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 37 THIRTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING Fourteenth Term — 1908-1909 Perry Hotel, Seattle. Elected Saturday, February 22, 1908 — Year ending February 22, 1909. President Judge Cornelius H. Hanford _ Seattle First Vice-President Walter M. Bosworth „ „ Tacoma Second Vice-President Loren Leighton Rand Spokane Third Vice-President Dr. Samuel Judd Holmes Seattle Secretary Augustus Armstrong _ Seattle Treasurer Augustus V. Bell _ Seattle Registrar Walter Burges Beals Seattle Historian Ovid A. Byers „...._ Seattle Chaplain Rev. Edward Lincoln Smith Seattle Additional Members of the Board of Managers Everett Smith _ _ „ Seattle Isaac D. McCutcheon Seattle Edmund Hazard Wells Seattle Benjamin Looker Harvey _ „ Tacoma Delegates to National Congress Judge Cornelius H. Hanford _._ Seattle Charles S. Gleason Seattle Chester Fairman Lee _ Seattle Orison James Charles Button _ Seattle Frederic E. Elmendorf „ Spokane 38 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY FOURTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING Fifteenth Term — 1909-1910 New Washington Hotel, Seattle Elected Monday, February 22, 1909 — Year Ending Febru- ary 22, 1910. President Judge Cornelius H. Hanford _ Seattle First Vice-President Overton Gentry Ellis _ „ Tacoma Second Vice-President Dr. George Tilton Doolittle _ Spokane Third Vice-President Leander T. Turner Seattle Secretary Augustus Armstrong Seattle Treasurer Augustus V. Bell — Seattle Registrar Robert C. Saunders _ _ _ - - Seattle Historian Ovid A. Byers _ „ Seattle Chaplain Rev. Edward Lincoln Sm ith _ _ Seattle Additional Menihers of the Board of Managers Major Crockett Morgan Riddell _ _ _ Tacoma Walter Burges Beals Seattle Dr. Samuel Judd Holmes _ Seattle James Kiefer _ Seattle Hugh Alfred Garland ; Tacoma SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 39 FIFTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING Sixteenth Term — 1910-1911 Hotel Tacoma, Tacoma. Elected February 22, 1910— Year ending February 22, 1911. President Overton Gentry Ellis _ _ Tacoma First Vice-President Dr. George Tilton Doolittle _ _ Spokane Second Vice-President Leander T. Turner. _ Seattle Third Vice-President Major Crockett Morgan Riddell. _ _ _ Tacoma Secretary Robert Gile Walker. Tacoma Treasurer Augustus V. Bell _ Seattle Registrar Robert C. Saunders _ Seattle Historian Ovid A. Byers _ _ _ Seattle Chaplain Rev. Arthur Newton Thompson _ Tacoma Additional Members of the Board of Managers Charles Colman Hunt. _ _ Tacoma Arthur E. Grafton Tacoma Herbert Stanton Griggs _ Tacoma Dr. Samuel Judd Holmes _ _ _ Seattle Walter Burges Beals _ _ Seattle 40 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY SIXTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING Seventeenth Term — 1911-1912 Hotel Tacoma, Tacoma. Elected February 22, 1911— Year ending February 22, 1912. President Oveeton Gentry Ellis Tacoma First Vice-President Robert Gilb Walker. „ _ Tacoma Second Vice-President Leander T. Turner _ _ Seattle Third Vice-President Secretary Edward B. Judson _.... Tacoma Treasurer Augustus V. Bell _ Seattle Registrar Eobert C. Saunders Seattle Historian Ovid A. Byers _ „ Seattle Chaplain Dr. Arthur Newton Thompson _ Tacoma Additional Members of the Board of Managers George Albert Love joy _ Spokane Charles Colman Hunt „ Tacoma Harry Grant Rowland „ ^ Tacoma Walter Burges Beals Seattle Dr. Samuel Judd Holmes _ Seattle SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 41 SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING Eighteenth Term — 1912-1913 Seattle Elected February 22, 1912— Year ending February 22, 1913. President Robert Gile Walker. _ _ Tacoma First Vice-President Thomas Wickham Prosch „ Seattle Second Vice-President George Albert Love joy Spokane Third Vice-President Secretary Christopher W. Horr. _ Seattle Treasurer Augustus V. Bell Seattle Registrar Robert C. Saunders „ Seattle Historian Ovid A. Byers _ _ „ Seattle Chaplain Additional Members of the Board of Managers Dr. Sam uel Judd Holmes _ Seattle Albert Henry Beebe _ Seattle Harry Grant Rowland Tacoma Charles Colman Hunt _ Tacoma Walter Burges Beals „ Seattle 42 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING Nineteenth Term — 1913-1914 Chamber of Commerce, Seattle. Elected February 22, 1913— Year ending February 22, 1914. President Thomas Wickham Prosch _ _ Seattle First Vice-President Everett Smith _ _ Seattle Second Y ice-President Harry Grant Rowland _ _ _ Tacoma Third Y ice-President William Parkhurst Winans „.... _ Walla Walla Secretary Christopher W. Horr. _ _ Seattle Treasurer Augustus V. Bell „ _ Seattle Registrar Robert C. Saunders Seattle Historian Ovid A. Byers Seattle Chaplain Rev. Arthur Newton Thompson _ Seattle Additional Members of the Board of Managers Edward B. Judson _ _. _ _ Tacoma Benjamin Looker Harvey _ _ _ Tacoma Walter Burges Beals _ Seattle Dr. Samuel Judd Holmes _ _ _ Seattle Major Frazibr A. Boutelle _._ „ _ Seattle George A. Virtue Seattle George Albert Lovejoy „ Spokane Frank Truman Post _ _. „ Spokane George E. Tilton _„ Seattle SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 43 NINETEENTH ANNUAL MEETING Twentieth Term — 1914-1915 Chamber of Commerce, Seattle. Elected Monday, February 23, 1914 — Year ending February 22, 1915. President Dr. Samuel Judd Holmes _ _ _._ Seattle First Vice-President George A. Virtue _ „ _ Seattle Second Vice-President Rev. Alfred Lockwood _ _ North Yakima Third Vice-President George O. Swasey ._ Tacoma Secretary George E. Tilton _ Seattle Treasurer Augustus V. Bell _ Seattle Registrar Guy W. Smelser. _ _ _ Seattle Historian Ovid A. Byers _ „ _ Seattle Chaplain Rev. John O. Foster. _ _ Seattle Additional Members of the Board of Managers Ernest B. Hussey _ Seattle Frank H. Renick _ _ Seattle George Hunt Walker. _ _ „ Seattle Cullen K. Sturtevant _ _ „ Seattle Will H. Thompson Seattle Benjamin Looker Harvey _ _ Tacoma Charles Colman Hunt _ _ Tacoma Edward K. Bishop _ Tacoma A. George Avery „.Spokane Delegate to National Congress William Parkhurst Winans _ Walla Walla 44 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY TWENTIETH ANNUAL MEETING Twenty-First Term— 1915-1916 Chamber of Commerce, Seattle. Elected Monday, February 22, 1915 — Year ending February 22, 1916. President George Alexander Virtue - Seattle First Vice-President Christopher William Horr _ _ Seattle Second Vice-President Lewis Folwell Hart Tacoma Third Vice-President Thomas Howard Brewer „ „..Spokane Secretary George E. Tilton Seattle Treasurer Cullen Kittredge Sturtevant _ _ Seattle Registrar Joseph Phelps Totten Seattle Historian Ovid A. Byers Seattle Chaplain Rev. Granville Lowther North Yakima Additional Members of the Board of Managers Orison James Charles Button Seattle Benjamin Looker Harvey Tacoma Charles S. Gleason Seattle Byron Phelps _ „ Seattle Rev. Carter Helm Jones „ Seattle William E. McClure _ Seattle Carlos Herbert Weeks Spokane William Leidy Adams _ Hoquiam Frederick Francis Whitney Jackson North Yakima SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 45 Delegates to National Congress at Portland, Oregon, July 19-20, 1915. William Leidy Adams „ „ Hoquiam Orison James Charles Button _ „ Seattle Overton Gentry Ellis „ _ _ Olympia George E. Tilton Seattle Carlos Herbert Weeks _ Spokane Philip Moore Winans _ Walla Walla Delegate-at-Large William Parkhurst Winans _ Walla Walla TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING Twenty-Second Term — 1916-1917 Chamber of Commerce, Seattle. Elected Tuesday, February 22, 1916 — Year ending February 22, 1917. President Orison James Charles Button Seattle 309 Securities Building, Elliott 1146. First Y ice-President John Brummond Fletcher Tacoma Fidelity Building, Main 3303. Second Y ice-President Carlos Herbert Weeks „ _ Spokane 222 Peyton Building. Third Y ice-President Granville Lowther, B. B _ North Yakima Miller Building. Secretary Paul Bissell Phillips _._ Seattle 622 Central Building, Main 2159. 46 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Treasurer OuLLEN KiTTREDGE Sturtevant _ _ Seattle 312 Boston Building, Main 3907. Registrar Joseph Phelps Totten „ _ Seattle 653 New York Building, Main 5846. Historian Ovid Ambrose Byers _ Seattle 507 Colman Building, Main 23. Chaplain Frederick Levi Forbes^ D. D _ Seattle Stanley Apartments, 920 Seventh Avenue, corner Madison. Elliott 5881-J. Additional Members of the Board of Managers Byron Phelps „ _._ Seattle Palmer Kennedy _ _ Tacoma George E. Tilton _ Seattle John Speed Smith _ _._ Seattle Dr. Walter Booth Hotchkiss _ Chehalis William Leidy Adams „.... _ _ Boquiam Frederick Francis Whitney Jackson _ North Yakima Waldo Grant Paine _ _ _ _ Spokane Harry Denton Moore _ Seattle State Trustee of National Society George Alexander Virtue _ Seattle Delegate at Large to National Society Rev. John Onesim us Foster. Seattle SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 47 SPOKANE CHAPTER Spokane Spokane Chapter (No. 1) was organized February 1st, 1894, as a Chapter of the Oregon and Washington Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, and on the organization of the Washington Society Sons of the American Revolution continued as Chapter No. 1 of the State Society. The charter members were Arthur W. Doland No. 6, Egbert Tangier Smith Steele No. 50, Kirkland K. Kutter, William Howell Maxwell No. 39, John Kennedy Stout No. 2, Henry Martyn Hoyt No. 33, and J. C. McKinstry, The information furnished to the writer for this Register consists of the foregoing and a list of the present members of the Chapter. Inasmuch as the members of the State Society are published elsewhere in this Register, it is not thought advisable to insert the names of the members of the Spokane Chapter here. It is, therefore, possible only for us to say that the Spo- kane Chapter is in a flourishing condition and contains the names of the leading citizens of Spokane in its membership, and that the membership of the Spokane Chapter makes its presence in the City of Spokane felt. OFFICERS OF SPOKANE CHAPTER Spokane 1914-1915 President _ Alfred Milton Craven Y ice-President _ John William McIntosh Secretary _.... _ Carlos Herbert Weeks Treasurer Carlos Herbert Weeks Registrar _ -... Robert Oliver McClintock Trustee _ _ _ JEdwin Charlton Atwater Trustee _ _ Frank Morrison Marsh 48 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY OFFICERS OF SPOKANE CHAPTER 1915-1916 President _ _ John William Macintosh Vice-President Carlos Herbert Weeks Secretary Robert Oliver McClintock Treasurer _ Robert Oliver McClintock Registrar. Edwin Charlton Atwater SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 49 SEATTLE CHAPTER Seattle This Chapter (No. 2) was also originally organized as a chapter of the Oregon and Washington Society. The charter members were Ell Stone Smith No. 11, Robert G. Strndwick No. 108, Arthur S. Gibbs, No. 3, George Alexander Virtue No. 52, Arthur Elwood Hanford No. 30, Edgar Ray Butterworth No. 17, Frank Hanford No. 28, Carlisle Paterson Blanchard No. 15. On the organization of the Washington State Society, this chapter became Chapter No. 2 of the Washington State Society. In the year 1896 this Chapter observed Bunker Hill Day and Flag Day. In the year 1897 the Chapter presented to the High School of Seattle a portrait of George Washington and a facsimile of the Declaration of Independence, and ob- served patriotic services on the Fourth of July at the First Presbyterian Church. In 1898 the Chapter observed Ticon- deroga Day and Flag Day. At the annual meeting of the Chapter in 1900 Hon. Charles Delaus Emery was elected President of the Chapter, and died shortly thereafter. Owing to the fact that none of the other officers assumed any re- sponsibility, there was no meeting of this Chapter until March 19, 1901, and in this year Lexington Day was celebrated. Beginning with the year 1905, Seattle Chapter has had an active life and has held meetings nearly every month in every year, patriotic subjects being discussed at these meet- ings In April, 1912, the Chapter presented a facsimile of the Declaration of Independence to each of the following educational institutions in Seattle: University of Washington Adelphia College Ross Seminary Mercer Island Parental School Holy Names Academy and Normal School Immaculate Conception School 50 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Sacred Heart School Ballard High School Broadway High School Franklin High School Lincoln High School Queen Anne High School West Seattle High School During this year and also during the years 1913 and 1914, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Bunker Hill Day, Lexington Day and other anniversaries of .the events of the American Revo- lution have been commemorated. This Chapter never was in a more flourishing condition than at the present time. OFFICERS OF SEATTLE CHAPTER Seattle 1914-1915 President _ Dr. Clarence Austin Smith Vice-President „ _ George Alexander Virtue Secretary _ Irving T. Cole Treasurer. _ _ Herbert Whiton Mead Historian William Douglas Johns Chaplain Rev. John Onesimus Foster Additional Memders of Board of Managers Moses Rideout Maddocks Orison James Charles Dutton OFFICERS OF SEATTLE CHAPTER 1915-1916 President... Rev. John Onesimus Foster Y ice-President _ Orison J, C. Dutton Secretary Irving T. Cole Treasurer. Herbert Whiton Mead Historian William Douglas Johns Chaplain Rev. Benjamin Franklin Brooks SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 51 ALEXANDER HAMILTON CHAPTER Tacoma This Chapter (No. 3) was the first organized under the auspices of the Washington State Society (proper), and was organized February 20, 1896. The charter members were : No. Rev. Arthur Newton Thompson (310) 60 George B. Blanchard 61 Harrison Gardner Foster _ _ 73 George Hunt Walker 77 Robert Gile Walker 78 Walter Marsh Bosworth 80 Benjamin Looker Harvey 31 During the years 1896 and 1899 inclusive, this Chapter was very active — held frequent meetings, generally at the houses of some of the members, and had a delightful social history. The various events of the Revolution were commem- orated from time to time. From the years 1900 to 1907 there was not much activity in the Chapter, but from the year 1908 to the present time the activities of this Chaf)ter have been as they were previous to 1900, and the various Revolutionary anniversaries have been observed. One event which we think should be especially mentioned as a part of the history of the Chapter is the procuring of four trees from the home of Washington at Mount Vernon and preseting them to the Washington School at Tacoma. The Chapter holds about six formal meetings during the year. These are held in the evening at the residence of some member, and historical and patriotic papers are read. This Chapter seems to have the right spirit in its meetings, as a considerable portion of each of them is given up to social intercourse among its members. 52 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY OFFICERS OF ALEXANDER HAMILTON CHAPTER Tacoma 1914-1915 President Evan Shelby Stallcup Vice-President _ _ George O. Swasey Secretary..^ _ _ Palmer Kennedy Treasurer. _ Arthur E. Grafton Registrar. _ _ Forbes Phelps Haskell^ Jr. Additional Members of Board of Managers Talmadge Hamilton Harrison Gardner Foster OFFICERS OF ALEXANDER HAMILTON CHAPTER 1915-1916 President _ _ Talmadge Hamilton Vice-President Harry Percival Clark Secretary _ Palmer Kennedy Treasurer _ _ _ _ _ Arthur E, Grafton Registrar. _ .._ _ Willard Vaughn Morse SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 53 GEORGE WASHINGTON CHAPTER North Yakima On George Washington's Birthday, February 22nd, 1914, seven local men whose application for membership in the Washington State Society, S. A. R., had been approved, met at North Yakima and voted to send one of the number. Rev. Alfred Lockwood, to attend the Annual Meeting of the State Society at Seattle the following day, then and there to apply for a charter for a Chapter to be located at North Y^akima, and to be known as the George Washington Chapter (No. 4). The State Society received our representative most cor- dially and action taken resulted in our charter being granted under date of April 21st, 1914, with the following charter members : No. Rev. Alfred Lockwood 376 Frederick Clark Hall 377 Frederick Francis Whitney Jackson 378 William Clifieord Wright 379 William Lawson Wright 380 Lemuel Lewis Bolles 381 Joseph Lamm Clift 386 William Ward de Veaux 387 Charles Edgar Keeler 388 Arthur Thompson Karr 389 Fred Leander Farmer 390 Robert Bruce Milroy 391 Rev. Granville Lowther. 396 George Washington Chapter has adopted the following in its Constitution : "The objects of this Chapter are to promote and fulfill the pur- poses and plans of the National and State Societies; to unite and pro- mote fellowship among its members; to celebrate locally the memor- able events of the American Revolution; to encourage historical re- search in relation to the conquest and settlement of the Northwest; 54 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY to acquire and preserve the records, relics, and documents, and to mark, by appropriate and permanent memorials, those places impor- tant in the conquest and settlement of the Northwest; to foster true patriotism; and to maintain and defend those institutions fostered by, and bequeathed to us by, the Forefathers of this Republic." This Chapter has held meetings monthly and at present has a live membership of fifteen with about ten eligibles lin- ing up for early application. We are making a systematic study of pioneer conditions in the Northwest. At the October meeting Hon. A. J. Splawn, Mayor of North Yakima, gave an extremely interesting history of the Yakima Indian troubles, having obtained his information at first hand from conversa- tions with the chiefs and head men during the past twenty- five years. On April 20th, 1914, the Chapter had a dinner in celebra- tion of Lexington Day. OFFICERS OF GEORGE WASHINGTON CHAPTER North Yakima 1914-1915 President Frederick Francis Whitney Jackson Vice-President. _ _ Frederick Clark Hall Secretary William Ward de Veaux Treasurer _ Joseph Lamm Clipt Registrar. _ ^..Robert Bruce Milroy Historian _ „ _ Robert Bruce Milroy Chaplain _ Rev. Granville Lowther OFFICERS OF GEORGE WASHINGTON CHAPTER 1915-1916 President Frederick Francis Whitney Jackson Vice-President _ Frederick Clark Hall Secretary William Ward de Veaux Treasurer _ „ _ Joseph Lamm Clipt Registrar Robert Bruce Milroy Historian _ Robert Bruce Milroy Chaplain — „ Rev. Granville Lowther SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 55 HOQUIAM CHAPTER Hoquiam At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Washington State Society, Sons of the American Revolution, held at Se- attle February 13, 1915, an application was received asking that a Charter be granted for a Chapter to be established in the City of Hoquiam, to be known as Hoquiam Chapter (No. 5). The following names were attached thereto as Charter Mem- bers: William Leidy Adams _ 336 22211 Franklin Harley Bassett 449 26924 Jeremiah Walker 430 26905 Ralph Damon Emerson 426 26901 Thomas Clement Soule 428 26903 Sidney Moor Heath 441 26916 Walter Leland Wells _ 429 26904 Herman Edward Walker 431 26906 Fred Thomson Dean _ 444 26919 Josiah Onslow Stearns 427 26902 Albert Johnson _ 442 26918 The application was thereupon formally granted, the Charter to bear date as of February 22, 1915, with organiza- tion and election of officers of same date. OFFICERS OF HOQUIAM CHAPTER 1915-1916 President. _ _.... _ William Leidy Adams Vice-President Josiah Onslow Stearns Secretary _ Fred Thomson Dean Treasurer.... _ _ _ Walter L. Wells Historian _ _ Jeremiah Walker Chaplain _ „ Franklin Harley Bassett 56 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY CAPTAIN ROBERT GRAY CHAPTER Olympia On the evening of Wednesday, October 20, 1915, a meeting was held at the home of Overton Gentry Ellis, Olympia, for the purpose of forming an organization preliminary to a Chapter, proposed to be established in the City of Olympia, There were present: George Alexander Virtue, Seattle, President Washington State Society; George E. Tilton, Seattle, Secretary Washing- ton State Society ; Overton Gentry Ellis, Wallace Mount, O. R. Holcomb, John F. Main, Ithmar M. Howell, Jesse Martin Hitt, P. M. Troy, Fred W. Stocking, N. J. Aiken, Champion Bram- well Mann, J. L. Mitchell, James N. Stanford, C. F. Davis, Allan Donald McKenzie, Clinton Brown Jaynes, Olympia. It was voted that the name of the Chapter to be formed should be ''Captain Robert Gray Chapter" (No. 6). Jesse Martin Hitt, State Librarian, was elected President. Clinton Brown Jaynes was elected Secretary. At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Washing- ton State Society, Sons of the American Revolution, held in Seattle Tuesday,, April 18, 1916, an application for a Charter was received for a Chapter to be established in the City of Olympia, Capital of the State of Washington, to be known as "Captain Robert Gray Chapter" (No. 6) with the following Charter Members : Overton Gentry Eliis 122 9872 Jesse Martin Hitt 150 12450 Allan Donald McKenzie 480 27880 Colyn Clyde McKenzie 481 27881 Charles B. Wood 483 27883 John G. Gerwick 484 27884 Champion Bramwell Mann 485 27885 Clinton Brown Jaynes 488 27888 Walter Judson Milroy 489 27889 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 57 Elliott Beebe Spring 491 27891 Hazard Stevens 492 27892 Leslie Rowell Davis 498 27898 Valerius Armitage Milroy 499 27899 Fred W. Stocking 501 28551 Earl N. Steele _ 502 28552 George Noyes Talcott, Sr 504 28554 George Noyes Talcott, Jr 505 28555 E. A. Fitzheury 506 28556 James N. Stanford 510 28560 Ithmar M. Howell Charles A. Foster _ J. L. Mitchell Claude Brewer Mann Willis Sheridan Bloom Earle Bollinger Williams The application was thereupon formally granted, the Charter to bear date as of April 19, 1916. 58 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY HENRY MOSS BOUTELLE (The only member of the Washington State Society Ijilled in batfle) Henry Moss Boutelle was born June 17, 1875, at Van- couver, Washington. On July 9, 1898, he was appointed Second Lieutenant and was assigned to the Third U. S. Artillery. He was killed in action at Iliaga, Philippine Islands, November 2, 1899. The following appreciation of Lieutenant Boutelle has been received by the Committee on Publication : San Francisco, California, August 11, 1914. Anything I may say of the military life of Lieutenant Henry M. Boutelle, Third Artillery, who died in action with the Insurrectos at Iliaga, P. I., November 2, 1899, while gal- lantly leading his men against ten times their number, or in the thirty-two actions in which we participated together, would be merely to induce greater love and devotion to duty in the minds of the sons of our country. * * * ^i^j ^q acquire that which made him without exception the best example I have known of what a clean, self-respecting, considerate, pains- taking, devoted son, courtly gentleman and gallant soldier should be. I was First Sergeant of his Battery at the outbreak of the Philippine Insurrection of February 2, 1899, and subse- quently we served together as officers in command of Macabebe Scouts for Generals Lawton and Young. The Macabebe Scouts were composed of ex-soldiers of Spain, thoroughly amenable to discipline, blood enemies of the Insurrectos, and only needed men like Henry Boutelle to lead them. They were critical, watched their officers closely, and the result of this observation was indicated by their con- duct under them while in action. The degree of loyalty that the conduct of Henry Boutelle created in them may be learned from the gallant fight against overwhelming odds on November LIEUTENANT HENRY MOSS BOUTELLE Killed in action November 2, 1899 — Iliaga, Philippine Islands. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 59 2nd, not only before his death but afterwards in protecting and carrying his body thirteen miles to Cabanatuan. With the body of Lieutenant Boutelle and the wounded on litters, the remnant of this detachment fought its way eleven miles to the Rio Grande River through overwhelming numbers of in- surrectos. Lieutenant Boutelle's father was his ideal of a soldier, and nothing pleased him more than when he learned that his father's brother officers, or old troopers compared favorably his conduct with that of his father. He was absolutely fearless in action, cool and resourceful. The men of the Third Artillery loved him. Lieutenant Boutelle's military record is replete with the estimate his superiors placed upon his services. General Barry spoke of the magnificent work he had been performing; that ''his loss was a great shock to all of us and was universally regretted. "He was as fine a young soldier as ever lived; cool, gal- lant and resourceful in action and beloved by all. He was killed while leading his company of Macabebe Scouts." Major General Kobbe, retired, in a letter to Major Frazier A, Boutelle, father of Lieutenant Henry Moss Boutelle, in- cluded the following: ''I was very fond of your son and kept him with me as long as I remained at Malolas, though he was eager to join the Macabebes. When I heard of his death I thought of his mother and you; "He was a good soldier — the better for his pure heart and kindly nature — and he died, as he lived, a gallant gentleman." Brigadier Clarence W. Edwards, Adjutant General to General Lawton, spoke of him as follows: "I know of no young officer in the whole army corps who had a better official and personal record ; and even those of us in the First Division who had not the pleasure of knowing him, were completely done up at the news of his death," His record on file in the War Department will show that he was recommended for cool and conspicuous gallantry in ac- tion in the battles of Tondo, February 4, 1899 ; La Loma, Feb- ruary 5, 1899; Caloocan, February 10, 1899; Malinta, March 60 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY 25, 1899 ; Polo, March 26, 1899 ; Marilao, March 27, 1899, and Malolas, April 1, 1899. He was also recommended for a brevet for distinguished gallantry in action on October 18, 1899, and this distinguished service was further commemorated by naming in his honor a battery in the Harbor of San Francisco, California, and a steamer of the Quartermaster Department in the Harbor of Boston, Massachusetts. Three Americans and four Spaniards were honored by the Macabebe tribe by having a plaza, a street or river in the city and province of Macabebe named for them. Lieutenant Henry Moss Boutelle was one of the Americans thus honored. Henry Boutelle welcomed the privilege of dying for his country. He reflected honor on his country, his parents and his name. Many strive, without success, for more than the allotted four score years and ten to accomplish what he did in his short life. D. P. QUINLAN, Captain and Acting Judge Advocate, Western Department, United States Army. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 61 NECROLOGY June 17, 1895, to April 19, 1916, Inclusive Born Barker, William Morris May 12, 1854 Bell, Aug-ustus V. June 19,1854 Bell, George H. Oct. 13, 1824 *Beuson, Freeland Howe May 2, 1835 Boutelle, Henry M. June 17,1875 Campbell, John Guy June 9,1856 Cole, John L. June 22,1839 Crocker, Benjamin David Sept, 8,1854 Crombie, Frank Hamilton Aug-. 23, 1853 Cumming-s, Edward Wyman... Sept. 28, 1862 Davis, Frank L. Dec. 2, 1858 Dibble, Carmi May 24,1842 Edelen, Richard Henry Jan. 13,1884 Emery, Charles D. May 17,1833 Eyanson, Thomas E. Oct. 26,1836 Friend, Frank Jillson May 17,1860 Gibbs, Arthur S. April 23, 1857 Gowey, John F. Dec. 7,1846 Hall, Henry Knox Dec. 7,1830 Horr, Christopher William Oct. 23,1847 Huntley, Herbert B. Jan. 10,1862 Kimball, William Donaldson ...Dec. 5,1854 Knapp, Lyman E. Nov. 5, 1837 Larkin, Charles Henry Oct. 6,1865 Massie, Learner C. JiTov. 26,1844 McCormick, Robert Laird Oct. 29,1847 McCutcheon, Isaac D. July 2,1840 *Pike, William Jan. 12,1820 Prosch, Thomas W. June 2,1850 Rowell, Fred Rice Dec. 29,1856 Scott, Simon W. Oct. 6,1833 Simonds, W. P. July 31,1815 Shane, Carlos W. Sept 9,1817 Sloane, James French April 16,1850 Smith, Ell S. June 24,1827 Smith, James Otis April 15,1833 *Wallingrford, John Jf. July 4,1833 White, William H. May 28,1842 Whitman, Elias B. Jan. 20,1824 Wight, Edward J. July 11, 1857 Wilson, John Lockwood Oct. 16,1816 Young, Thomas Miles Oct. 31,1841 *Son of a Revolutionary Soldier. (For addresses and National numbers see Roster of Members, pages lSO-191.) ate No. Died 106 Feb. 21, 1901 14 Mar. 20, 1915 103 Feb. 7, 1905 338 Nov. 27,1911 96 Nov. 2, 1899 275 Feb. 5, 1913 67 April 4, 1908 64 May 15, 1910 280 June 19, 1910 222 Feb. 9, 1913 254 June 9, 1909 75 ...., 1908 233 Aug. 30, 1913 23 May 19, 1901 97 Dec. 17, 1908 242 ., 1913 3 Aug. ., 1902 7 ...., 1905 27 Aug. 23, 1909 325 Oct. 15, 1915 170 .. ., 1904 155 . ., 1907 36 Oct. 9, 1904 319 Feb. 15, 1913 164 April 24, 1908 196 Feb. 5, 1911 262 Aug. 22, 1908 98 Feb. 25, 1897 130 Mar. 30, 1915 79 April 27, 1904 1 July 18, 1906 176 ..., 1905 45 Oct. 1, 1901 101 ...., 1906 11 May 2, 1902 135 Feb. ...., 1909 87 Mar. 8, 1913 148 April 29, 1914 84 Jan. 8, 1900 257 Jan. 3, 1914 110 Nov. 6, 1912 57 July 1, 1910 62 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY ROLL OF ACTIVE MEMBERS (Note: — The following Is taken from a copy of the original appli- cation, which is on file with the State Registrar. The date of admission is the date the application was accepted by the Board of Managers of the Washington State Society; or, in case of admission to this Society by Demit, the date of admission to the State Society from which originally transferred. In some applications there are things of interest that are not given here, as this Record is limited to the Revolutionary period, and gives, in abbreviated form, the substantiated facts only.) ADAMS, WILLIAM LEIDY, Hoqiiiam, Wash. State No. 336, Nat'l No. 22211. Admitted October 4tli, 1911. Born in Briar Creek Township, Columbia County, Pennsylvania, May 27th, 1860. Son of Enos L. and Margaret (Kistner) Adams; grandson of Samuel and Esther (Hill) Adams; great- grandson of Anthony and Catherine (Glass) Adam, or Adams; greaf- grandson of Anthony and Rosena (Dun- kel) Adam; greaf-grandson of Antliony Adam. Great-grandson of Captain Frederick and Catherine (Connor) Hill; greaf -grandson of Frederick Bill. Grandson of John and Lydia (Kinney) Kistner; great-grandson of Jacob and Margaret (Seybert) Kist- ner; great'-grandson of John Kistner. Greaf -grandson of Thomas and Esther Connor; greaf -grandson of Tliomos Connor. Anthony Adam, 8r., private soldier, Capt. Jacob Ladich's Company of Berk's County, Pennsylvania, Militia, Col. Samuel Ely's Battalion. (Pennsylvania Ar- chives, Fifth Series, Vol. V, pages 279-281.) Frederick Hill, private soldier in Capt. Lewis Farmer's Company, under Col. Samuel Miles. Later in First Battalion Pennsylvania Riflemen, Lieut. Col. Broad- head. Served in Capt. John Nice's Company, State Regiment afoot in Battles of Brandywine and Germantown. (Pennsylvania Archives, 5th Series, Vol. II.) John Kistner, private from Northampton County, Penn- sylvania, under Capt. William Mayer, Second Com- pany, Third Battalion, Col. Pobst. Later in Sixth Battalion, Lieut. Col. Henry Giger, Captain Adam SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 63 Deal's Company. (Pennsylvania Archives, Fifth Se- ries, Vol. IV and Vol. VIII.) Thomas Connor, private in Continental Line, Eleventh Regiment, Ninth Company, Pennsylvania Troops, Capt. Jeremiah Jackson and Col. Thomas Hartley. (Pennsylvania Archives, 6th Series, Vol. III.) ALLISON, WILLIAM BOYD, Seattle, Wash. State No. 308, Nat'l No. 20983. Admitted June 21st, 1909. Born Ver- non, Iowa, July 31st, 1871. Son of James Harrison and Cornelia (Boots) Alli- son; grandson of John and Margaret (Williams) Alli- son; great-grandson of Mattheio Allison. Matthew Allison, private in Lieut. James Irwin's Com- pany, Third Battalion, Cumberland Count;\', Pennsyl- vania Militia. In service March 1778. (Pennsylvania Archives, 5th Series, Vol. VI, page 209.) ANKENY, ROLLIN VALENTINE, Jr., Seattle, Wash. State No. 318, Nat'l No. 20993. Admitted January 10th, 1910. Born in Freeport, Illinois, September 1st, 1865. Son of Gen. R. V. and Sarah (Irvine) Ankeny; grandson of Gen. Joseph and Harriet Susannah (Giesee) Ankeny; great-grandson of Peter Ankeny (or Angeny). Peter Ankeny (or Angeny), Captain of the Fifth Company, Bedford County Militia of Pennsylvania in 1781. Was in service on the Frontier. (Pennsylvania Archives, 2nd Series, Vol. XIV, page 665.) ARMSTRONG, AUGUSTUS, Seattle, Wash. State No. 187, Nat'l No. 13115. Admitted October 16th, 1900. Trans- ferred from Minnesota Society. Born in Albert Lea, Minnesota, March 29th, 1871. Son of Augustus and Mary Felicia (Clark) Arm- strong; grandson of Luther and Angelina (Potter) Clark; great-grandson Andrew Clark. Andrew Clark, private in 1777 for six months in Capt. S. Robinson's Company, Col. W. Robinson's Regiment of Vermont troops. Private in 1778 for one month in Capt. Blower's Company (Col. not stated). New York Troops, Private in 1779 for four months in Capt. J. Furman's Company, Col. Lawrence's Regiment, State of Vermont. Private in 1780 for six months under Capt. Basil, and Col. Sabin, Connecticut troops. (Bu- reau of Pensions, O., W. & N. Div., J. R. W., 28687 Sur. Rev. War.) 64 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY ATWATER, EDWIN CHARLTON, Spokane, Wash. State No. 306, Nat'l. No. 20981. Admitted June 21st, 1909. Born in Lockport, New York, May 9th, 1860. Son of James and Jane (Taft) Atwater; grandson of Cheney and Lydia Ford (Kennedy) Taft; great- grandson of Genshon and Nanny (Head) Taft; great'- grandson of Peter Taft. Peter Taft, of Uxbridge, Mass., Sergeant in Capt. J. Chap- in's Company of Minute Men which marched in the Ahirm, April 19th, 1775. Ensign in Capt. E. C. Grave's Company, Col. Reed's Regiment, May 18th, 1775; Second Lieutenant in above company, August 1st, 1775. First Lieutenant Thirteenth Continental Infantry from January 1st to December 31st, 1776. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolu- tionary War, Vol. XV., page 359.) AUGUSTINE, MANUEL B., Seattle, Wash. State No. 244, Nat'l No. 17819. Admitted August 6th, 1906. Born in Potosi, Wisconsin, November 2nd, 1844. Son of Julius and Aurelia (Webster) Augustine; grandson of Ephraim and Mercy (Wilcox) Webster; great-grandson of Ejihraim Wedster. Ephraim Webster, private in Fifth Connecticut Regiment, Capt. Timothy Cheney's Company, in Lexington Alarm, April 19th, 1775. Private in Capt. Nehemiah Rice's Third Company, Lieut. Col. Isaac Sherman, and Capt. Selden's Company, Col. S. B. Webb's Regi- ment. Discharged Dec. 9th, 1782. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution. Bureau of Pensions.) AVERY, A. GEORGE, Spokane, Wash. State No. 95, Nat'l No. 8920. Admitted Dec. 22nd, 1896. Born in Moravia, New York, June 6th, 1860. Son of Benjamin Lathrop and Ruth (Pickens) Avery; grandson of Asahel and Nabbey (Buck) Avery; great-grandson of Daniel Buck. Daniel Buck, Second Major, Seventeenth Regiment, King's District Militia, Col. William Bradford Whiting, com- missioned October 20th, 1775. Resigned June 17th, 1778. (Archives of State of New York.) BACON, CECIL HENRY, Seattle, Wash. State No. 193, Nat'l No. 15043. Admitted July 20th, 1903. Born in Champaign, Illinois, January 26, 1873. Son of Jonathan and Ellen (Hunt) Bacon; grand- son of John and Lucy (Sawin) Bacon; great-grand- son of Jonathan and Submit (Bacon) Bacon; greaf- SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 65 grandson of John and Zerniah (Drury) Bacon, Jr.; V great'-grandson of John Bacon, Sr. John Bacon, Sr., First Lieut, on Lexington Alarm, in Capt. Caleb Kingsbury's Company, Col. Aaron Davis' Massachusetts Regiment. Killed in Battle of Menot- omy. (Massachusetts Revolutionary Rolls, Vol. I, page 414. ) John Bacon, Jr., Sergeant in Capt. Aaron Smith's Com- pany, Col. William Heath's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, April 19, 1775. Lieutenant Capt. Samuel Kelton's Company, Col. John Patterson's Regiment, Hampshire County, 1775-6. Lieutenant in Capt. John Raymond's Company, Col. Israel Chapin's Regiment, 1777. Captain iu Col. Rossiter's Regiment, 1780, and in Col. Hyde's Regiment, 1781. (Massachusetts Revo- lutionary Rolls.) BAGLEY, CLARENCE BOOTH, Seattle, Wash. State No. 452, Nat'l No. 27227. Admitted February 13th, 1915. Born iu Troy Grove, Illinois, November 3()th, 1843. Son of Daniel and Susannah R. (Whipple) Bagley; grandson of Jeremiah and Nancy A. (Pelton) Whipple; great-grandson of Ezra and Chloe (Wright) Pelton; greats-grandson of Ithamar Pelton. Ithamar Pelton, private in Capt. Silas Dunhauty's Com- pany from Chatham, Connecticut. Marched to the Relief of Boston, in the Lexington Alarm. . (Connec- ticut Men in the Revolution. Lexington Alarm List.) BAKER, WILLIAM RAY, Colville, Wash. State No. 385. Nat'l No. 25910. Admitted February 23rd, 1914. Born in Hastings, Minnesota, August 20th, 1876. Son of Charles A. and Helen Sophia (Rogers) Baker; grandson of Zoan and Phoebe Sparrow (Ken- rick) Rogers; great-grandson of Zenas and Sarah (Mayo) Rogers; great'-grandson of Josiah Rogers. Josiah Rogers, Captain in Col. Joseph Doan's Regiment of Barnstable County, Massachusetts Militia. Com- missioned Captain April 21st, 1776. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. XIII.) BAKES, WILLIAM COT^RTNEY, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 333, Nat'l No. 22208. Admitted January 26th, 1911. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 28th, 1876. Son of William Courtney and Mary Hope (Early) Bakes; grandson of James C. and Deborah (Clark) Early; great-grandson of Jeremiah, Jr., and Matilda 66 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY de Ford (Donohue) Clark; greaf -grandson of Jeremiah Clark. Jeremiah Clark, Lieutenant in Essex County, New Jersey Militia. (Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Rev- olutionary War [Stryker], page 423.) BARDWELL, RALPH STEWARD, Seattle, Wash. State No. 490, Nat'l No. 27896. Admitted February 22nd, 1916. Born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 29, 1888. Son of Francis N. and Nancy Harrington (New- hall) Bardwell ; grandson of George and Elizabeth Har- rington) Newhall ; great-grandson of Timothy and Eu- nice (Curtine) Newhall; greaf-grandson of Ezra New- hall. Ezra Newhall, private in Capt. Lindsay's Company, Col. B. R. Woodbridge's Regiment. Enlisted May 25th, 1775, Lynn, Mass. Later in Capt. Calusha's Com- pany, same regiment, and received bounty coat for his service in 1775. Served in several other com- panies and regiments until his death in May, 1777. (Massachusetts Archives, Vol. X, page 142; Vol. LVI, page 163; Vol. LVIII, file 5. Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution, Vol. XI, page 359. Waters' History of the Newhall Family of Massa- chusetts.) BAXTER, CHATTNCEY LUTHER, Seattle, Wash. State No. 311, Nat'l No. 18472. Transferred from Minnesota So- ciety. Admitted April 16, 1907. Born in Carver, Min- nesota, May 14th, 1858. Son of Luther Loren and Emma (Ward) Baxter; grandson of Chauncey L. and Philena (Peet) Baxter; great-grandson Lemuel and Roxalena (Stebbins) Peet; greaf -grandson of Ehenczer Stehhins. Ehenezer Stehhins, private in Massachusetts Troops, Capt. Reuben IMunn's Company, Col. Elisha Porter's Regi- ment. Enlisted Sept. 26th, 1777; discharged October 18th, 1777. Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. XIV, page 892. Record Index to the Military Ar- chives of Massachusetts, Vol. XXI, page 76.) BASSETT, FRANKLIN HARLEY, Hoquiam, Wash. State No. 449, Nat'l No. 26924. Admitted February 13th, 1915. Born in Perry, Iowa, December 7th, 1860. Son of Norman Austin and Keziah (Hale) T?assett; grandson of John and Clarissa (Kellogg) Basset; great- grandson of Samuel Kellogg. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 67 Samuel Kellogg enlisted from Goshen, Connecticut, April, 1775, Eighth Company, Fourth Regiment, Continen- tal Troops, under Capt. John Sedgwick, of Cornwall Hollow. He also served under Capt. Watson and Gen. Schuyler in 1776 in the Northern Department. Pen- sioned. (Hibbard's History of Goshen, Connecticut.) BEALS, WALTER SURGES, Seattle, Wash. State No. 126, Nat'l No. 12420. Admitted May 4th, 1899. Born in St. Paul, Minnesota, July 21st, 1876. Son of James Burrill and Katharine (McMillan) Beals; grandson of Samuel James and Susan Burrill (Greene) Beals; great-grandson of Samuel and Abigail (James) Beals; great'-grandson of Samuel Beole. Great-grandson of Col. William Ray and Susan Arnold (Burrill) Greene; great'-grandson of Samuel Ward and Polly (Nightingale) Greene; greaf -grandson of Gov. William Greene. Greaf -grandson of Joseph and Elizabeth (Corlis) Nightingale. Greats-grandson of Hon. James and Sally (Arnold) Burrill ; greaf -grandson of Capt. James and Elizabeth (Rawson) Burrill. Greats-grandson of Ehenezer Burrill. Greaf -grandson of Dr. Jonathan Arnold. Grandson of S. J. R. and Harriet (Butler) McMil- lan; great-grandson of Thomas Long and Jane (Gorm- ly) McMillan; greaf-grandson of Samuel McMillan. Great-grandson of Major John B. and Catherine (Gazzam) Butler; greaf-grandson of John Butler. Greaf-grandson of John and Elizabeth (Gill) Gormly; greaf-grandson of John Gill. Greaf-grandson of George Corlis. Greaf-grandson of Samuel Nightingale. Samuel Beale, from Cohasset, Mass. Private in Capt. Cushing's Troops, Col. John Greaton's Regiment, Au- gust 1st, 1775. Also private same Company, Col. Heath's Regiment, and Matross in Capt. Edes Com- pany, Col. Thomas Craft's Artillery. Received bounty coat. (Masachusetts Archives, Vols. XIV, LVI and LVII. Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution, pages 849 and 850.) William Greene, Jr., was Deputy for Warwick, R. I., 1773, 1774, 1775, and a member of the Committee of Safety. In August, 1776, was appointed Justice of the Supe- rior Court and elected Chief Justice in February, 1777. He was a member of the General Assembly, and 68 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY in May, 1777, was elected Speaker. He was elected Governor of Rhode Island in May, 1778, and held this oflSce for eight years. (Official Records of the State of Rhode Island, Vol. VII, and Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography.) Joseph Nightingale of Providence, R. I., was chosen by the General Assembly in 1775 to take charge of the removal of cannon and ball from Fort George. In 1775 and 1776 was Captain of the Independent Com- pany of Cadets of Providence. In December, 1776, the General Assembly appointed him Major General of the Militia. (Official Records of the State of Rhode Island, Vols. VII and VIII.) James Burrill lived in Providence, R. I. In 1776 he was Captain of the Second Company of Providence Militia, and in 1778 Captain in Col. Jabez Bowen's Regiment, and in 1781 Major of the First Regiment of Rhode Island Militia. (Official Records of Rhode Island, Vol. VII, page 516, and Vol. IX, page 386. U. S. War Department.) Ehenezer Burrill was delegate from Lynn to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1764-1774, and delegate to the Provincial Congress, 1774. (History of Lynn, Mass. Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, Vol. XIII, page 1.) Dr. Jonathan Arnold in 1774 and 1775 was Captain of the Providence, R. I., Grenadiers, and also member of the Committee chosen to see that the agreement with the Continental Congress was strictly kept. In 1776 and 1777 was Deputy from Providence and a member of the Committee to form a government for the state, and also examiner of surgeons for the Army and Navy. In 1774 was a member of the Committee to revise the Militia laws, and in 1780 Purveyor General to the Medical Department, and Superintendent of Hospitals for convalescents, and in 1782 and 1783 served as delegate to the Continental Congress. (Rec- ords of the State of Rhode Island. Appleton's Cyclo- pedia American Biography. Arnold's History of Rhode Island, Vol. II, pages 375-376.) Samuel McMillan enlisted January 1st, 1776, from Hart- ford County, Maryland, in Capt. Thomas Ewing's Company, Col. Smallwood's Regiment, of Maryland line. At the Battle of Long Island he was taken prisoner, and in November was taken to Halifax, where he was imprisoned until April, 1777, when he escaped. He returned to Massachusetts and re-en- SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 69 listed in Capt. Lemuel Trescott's Company of Col. Henry's Kegiment, August 1st, 1777, in which regi- ment he served until 1781. Pensioned. (Massachu- setts Revolutionary Rolls, Vol. XLI, page 229. U. S. Bureau of Pensions.) John Butler enlisted May 29, 1777, in the Third Connec- ticut line and served three years as Sergeant, After his discharge was appointed Ensign in Capt. Allen's Company of Col. Samuel Canfield's Regiment and served one year, part of the time as Quartermaster. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution.) John Gill, of Western Pennsylvania, enlisted in May, 1777, in Capt. Isaac Seeley's Company of Col. Francis Johnson's Regiment, serving three years. He also served in Armand's Partisan Legion in 1781. (Penn- sylvania Archives, 2nd Series, Vol. XI, page 149.) George Corlis lived in Providence, R. I. He was chosen a member of the Committee of Inspection December 1774, and was a member of the Committee of Safety of Rhode Island in 1776. (Official Records, State of Rhode Island, Vol. VII, pages 285, 453 and Vol. IX.) Samuel Nightingale of Providence, R. I. Was chosen a member of the Committee of Safety and Correspon- dence, January 19th, 1774, and February, 1776. (Offi- cial Records of the State of Rhode Island, Vol. VII, pages 273 and 453.) BEAVERS, AVERILL, Kennewick, Wash. State Xo. 180, Nat'l Xo. 15030. Admitted February 2, 1903. Born near Exeter, Illinois, August 1st, 1864. Son of William A. and Mary Elizabeth (Smith) Beavers ; grandson of Abalard Temple and Lucy Ann (Watkins) Smith; great-grandson of Joseph and Nancy (Minter) Watkins; great'-grandson of Joseph and Jane (Trabue) Minter; greaf -grandson of John Trahue. John Trahue, Ensign in Regiment of Virginia troops. (Land Warrant Xo. 2221, Dept. of Interior. War Dept. Files Xo. 1062039.) BEEBE, ALBERT HEXRY, Seattle, Wash. State Xo. 185, Xat'l Xo. 15035. Admitted May 14, 1903. Born in Perrysburg, Xew York, February 24th, 1878. Son of Orson and Ella Beebe ; grandson of Clark and Candace (Warren) Losie; great-grandson of Asa and Anna (Stevens) Warren; greaf -grandson of Jahish Warren. 70 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Jabish Warren, private under Capt. Parinlee Allen in 1779. Pensioned. (Bureau of Pensions.) BELL, JOHN WILLIAM, Jr., Spokane, Wash. State No. 383, Nat'l No. 25908. Admitted January 20tli, 1914. Born in St. Paul, Minnesota, January 13th, 1891. Son of John William and Mary Perkins (Horton) Bell; grandson of Gilbert and Elizabeth I'ardee (Per- kins) Horton; great-grandson of Silas and Sally (Jones) Perkins ; greaf -grandson of Daniel and Elizabeth Webb (Pardee) Jones; greaf -grandson John Jones. John Jones, Lieutenant in Capt. Noble Benedict's Com- pany of Danbury, Conn. ; in Col. Philip Burr Brad- ley's Company of Ridgefleld, Conn. ; Battalion of Wadsworth Brigade. (Adjutant General's Report of Men in the Revolution, page 414. Hartford, Conn.) BENNETT, DANIEL, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 406, Nat'l No. 26531. Admitted September 19th, 1914. Born in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, January 17th, 1860. Son of Edwin and Judith (Masterson) Bennett; grandson of Daniel and Eliza (Wetmore) Bennett; great-grandson of Benjamin and Thankful G. (Lucas) Wetmore; great^'-grandson of Capt. John Wetmore. Capt. John Wetmore. at commencement of Revolution gave up his post in His ^lajesty's Army and joined the Volunteers under Col. Sage of IMiddletown and served throughout the war as Captain. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution, page 547. Revolutionary Rolls and Lists, page 208. Adjutant General's Office, Hart- ford, Conn.) BENNETT, LESLIE DANIEL, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 418, Nat'l No. 26543. Admitted December 12th, 1914. Born in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, September 6th, 1885. Son of Daniel and Marv Theresa (Murphv) Ben- nett. See Daniel Bennett. BENSON, CHARLES RODNEY, Seattle, Wash. State No. 347, Nat'l No. 22222. Admitted January 19, 1912. Born in Swan's Island, Maine, March 19th, 1870. Son of Caj)tain Freeland Howe and Elizabeth Han- nan (Sadler) Benson; grandson of J ephtha Benson. Jephtha Benson, private, took part in the Bagaduce Ex- pedition. He enlisted at Middleboro. ^Massachusetts. Pensioned. (Bureau of Pensions. Historv of Swan's Island, Maine, by H. W. Small, M. D.) " SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 71 BENSON, EDWIN FREELAND, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 349, Nat'l No. 22224. Admitted February 22nd, 1912. Born in Swan's Island, Maine, February 2nd, 1861. Son of Freeland Howe and Elizabeth Hannah (Sadler) Benson. See Charles Rodney Benson. BENSON, WILLIS DUKE, Seattle, Wash. State No. 307, Nat'l No. 20982. Admitted June 21, 1909. Born in Clarendon, Vermont, April 11th, 1859. Son of Willis and Emily Benson ; grandson of Marmaduke and Laura (Spring) Benson; great-grand- son of Amos and Azuba (Gates) Spring; greaf -grandson of Amos Spring. Amos Spring, private in Capt. Eli.sha Jackson's Company, Asa Whitcomb's Twenty-third Massachusetts Regi- ment. Marched in "Alarm" to Cambridge. (Massa- chusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. XIV, page 768.) BIBB, MARTIN LUTHER, Orting, Wash. State No. 447, Nat'l No. 26922. Admitted February 13th, 1915. Born in Paris, Missouri, December 5, 1887. Son of Martin Luther and Mary Elizabeth (Cush- man) Bibb; grandson of Parkerson Gardiner and Phoebe (Rogers) Cushman ; great-grandson of Thomas and Polly (Hieatt) Cushman; greaf -grandson of TJiomas Cushman. Thomas Cushman enlisted March 22nd, 1777, from the State of Connecticut to serve during the war. Was in Capt. Bull's Troops, Second Regiment, Light Dra- goons, Continental Army, commanded by Col. Elisha Sheldon. Discharged August 9th, 1780. (Connecti- cut Men in the Revolution. Records of Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C.) BISHOP, EDWARD K, Montesano, Wash. State No. 208, Nat'l No. 16758. Admitted October 11th, 1904. Born in Alton, Illinois, February 1st, 1872. Son of Andrew D. and Myra K. Bishop; grandson of Andrew D. and Adeline (Belts) Bishop; great- grandson Walter Belts; greaf -grandson Silas Betts. Silas Betts, private, enlisted October 21st, 1776, in Con- necticut Militia, Capt. Gregory's Company, Ninth Regiment of Brigade, commanded by Gen. Wooster. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution.) 72 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY BLAIR, HOMER ORRIN, Seattle, Wash. State No. 486, Nat'l No. 27886. Admitted January 29th, 1916. Born in Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, March 8th, 1882. Son of Sherman Leverit and Hattie Rhoda (Knapp) Blair; grandson of Stephen Kelly and Rhoda (Atwood) Knapp; great-grandson of William and Rachael (Kelly) Knapp; great'-grandson of James Knapp. Grandson of Orrin and Louisa (Hildbolt) Blair; great-grandson of Nathan and Sally (Tyrrell) Blair; great^'-grandson of Jacoh Blair. James Knapp, in the pay roll of F. Lockwood's Company of Sea Coast Guards at Stamford, Conn, January 1st, 1780, to January 1st, 1782. (Connecticut Men of the Revolution, page 576.) Jacob Blair, private in Capt. Samuel Sloper's Twelfth Company, Col. David Monley's Third Hampshire County, Massachusetts Regiment. Enlisted June 12th, 1782. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Rev- olution, page 118.) BLANCHARD, CARLISLE PATERSON, Seattle, Wash. State No. 15, Nat'l No. 7323. Admitted November 17th, 1894. Born in the city of Washington, District of Co- lumbia, September 27th, 1852. Son of Col. Claude D. and Meda (Anderson) Blan- chard; grandson of Samuel and Susan Dayton (Whea- ton) Anderson; great-grandson of Joseph Wheaton. Joseph Wheaton, before war was declared on May 11th, 1775, took part in capturing the schooner Margarette, loaded with arms for the British, and with his own hands pulled down the first British flag captured on the water. He was a Lieutenant in the Rhode Island Line and was severely wounded while serving under General Lafayette at Yorktown. (Report No. 433, U. S. Senate, Forty-fifth Congress, Second Session.) BLOOM, WILLIS SHERIDAN, Olvmpia, Wash. State No. 515, Nat'l No. 28565. Admitted April 18th, 1916. Born in Walnut Creek Precinct, Iowa, September 27th, 1863. Son of James Monroe and Harriett (Dunlap) Bloom; grandson of John and Elizabeth (White) Dun- lap ; great-grandson of John and Martha White ; great-- grandson of Thomas White. Thomas White was a Captain in Massachusetts Militia from 1775 to 1777 and responded to the Lexington Alarm. He was Captain under Col. William Heath SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 73 and also Captain of the Third Company in Col. Wil- liam Mcintosh's Regiment. (Heitman's Historical Register. ) BOLLES, HENRY ALBERT, Ciishman, Montana. State No. 404, Nat'l No. 26529. Admitted July 21, 1914. Born in Afton, Minnesota, May 22nd, 1858. Son of Lemuel and Chloe (Higgins) Bolles; grand- son of Lemuel Bolles. Lemuel Bolles marched to relief of Boston in Lexington Alarm as member of the Fifth Company from the town of Union, Capt. Thomas Lawson, Twenty-second Regiment, Connecticut Militia. In 1775 he served under Gen. Israel Putnam at Cambridge and fought in Battle of Bunker Hill. At the time of Burgoyne's Invasion he served in the company commanded by Capt. Thomas Lawson, and took part in the capture of Burgoyne. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 23 and 55. Revolutionary Rolls and Lists, page 14. OfiSce of the Adjutant General of Connec- ticut.) BOLLES, LEMUEL LEWIS, Seattle, Wash. State No. 381, Nat'l No. 25906. Admitted January 20th, 1914. Born in Mineapolis, Minnesota, August 21st, 1885. Son of Henry Albert and Edith (Lewis) Bolles. See Henry Albert Bolles. BOOTH, JOHN R. Seattle, Wash. State No. 245, Nat'l No. No. 17820. Admitted August 6th, 1906. Born in New Orleans, Louisiana, November 29th, 1864. Son of Dr. John and Sarah Elizabeth (Gillmore) Booth; grandson Jonathan and Sarah (McCay) Gill- more; great-grandson Jonathan Gillmore. Jonathan Gillmore, 8r., private in Capt. Finlay's Com- pany from Londonderry, N. H., which marched to join Gen. Gates' Army at Saratoga in 1777. (New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, Vol. II, pages 394- 428.) BOSWORTH, W^ALTER MARSH, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 80, Nat'l No. 8905. Admitted February 22nd, 1896. Born in Bristol, Wisconsin, October 30th, 1861. Son of George and Sophia Eliza (Marsh) Bos- worth ; grandson of Hammon and Catherine Content (Ethridge) Marsh; great-grandson of Nathaniel and Content (Champlin) Ethridge; greats-grandson of Wil- 74 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Uani and Content (Brown) Champlin; greaf -grandson of Joseph Champlm. Grandson of Henry and Sophia (Nash) Bosworth ; great-grandson of Reuben and Abigail (Woodward) Nash; greaf-grandson of Isaac Nash. Joseph Champlin, Colonel in regiment of militia from Rhode Island. He was noted for his patriotism. He melted up his silverware to obtain funds for war purposes. Died in the army from camp distemper. (Tales of the Revolution by William Champlin.) WilUani VhanvpUn, son of Joseph, entered the service at IG or 17 years of age. He was stationed at Stoning- ton Point Fort and at New Loudon Fort with Capt. Belcher. He was Sergeant three years under Capt. Elijah Lewis. Marched to New Jersey and joined Washington's forces^ Spent the winter at Valley Forge. He was in the Battle of Monmouth, stationed in the right wing, under command of Washington. Assisted in manning the sloop "Hancock" as a priva- teer. He was on the "Oliver Cromwell." Was Cap- tain of Marines on board the "Minerva"; also sailed on the sloop "Spitfire." (Tales of the Revolution by William Champlin.) Isaac Nash, Captain in New Hampshire Militia and was killed in the Battle of Bennington August l(>th, 1777. (Heitman's Historical Register of Ofiticers in the Revo- lution.) BOURNS, FRANK SWIFT, Seattle, Wash. State No. 479, Nat'l No. 27879. Admitted December 21, 1915. Born in Dexter, Michigan, September 2nd, 18()(). Son of Alfred Francis and Lucy (Swift) Bourns; grandson of Franklin and Harriet (Perdy) Swift; great-grandson of William and Rachel (Barlow) Swift; greaf -grandson of Captain Ward ^^icift. Ward Swift, Captain in command of company of Barn- stable County, Massachusetts troops. Marched on the Lexington Alarm in 1777; commanded the Second Company in Colonel Freeman's Regiment in the sec- ond expedition to Rhode Islnnd. Marched with his company to Dartmouth and Falmouth in 1778. (Mas- sachusetts Soldiers and Sailors.) BOUTELLE, FRAZIER A., Seattle, Wash. State No. G3, Nat'l No. 7938. Admitted January 3rd, 189G. Born in Troy, New York, September 14th, 1840. Son of James A. and Emeline (Lamb) Boutelle; SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 75 grandson Nathaniel and Polly (Hill) Boutelle; great- grandson of Ehenezer Boutelle. Great grandson of JoTin Hill. Ehenezer Boutelle, private and drummer in Lexington Alarm. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution.) John Hill, Lieutenant in Captain Sylvanus Smith's Com- pany, Col. Timothy Bigelow's Regiment, Massachu- setts troops. (Revolutionary War Archives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.) BOWDEN, EDMUND ROBERT, Seattle, Wash. State No. 3G5, Nat'l No. 24015. Admitted April 15th, 1913. Born in Seattle, Washington, July 14th, 1891. Son of Edmund and Angle E. (Burt) Bow den ; grandson of William Henry and Anne E. (Newton) Burt; great-grandson of Enos and Winifred (Luce) Burt; great'-grandson of Enos and Hannah (Haskins) Burt; greaf -grandson of Jacob Haskins. Jacob Haskins, Ensign in Capt. Cowden's Company, Col. Woodbridge's Regiment. In 1775 was given rank of Second Lieutenant. Commissioned May 15th, 1779, as Captain in Col. Jacob's Regiment. Also served under Col. Abiel Mitchell and Col. Isaac Dean. Wi- dow granted pension. (Revolutionary War Service, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Secretary of State's Office.) BREWER, THOMAS HOWARD, Spokane, Wash. State No. 199, Nat'l No. 15049. Admitted February 22nd, 1904. Born in Punxsutawny, Pennsylvania, June 23rd, 1871. Son of John Mitchell and Margaret (Thompson) Brewer; grandson of Thomas Hood and Jane (Mitchell) Brewer; great-grandson of John and Elizabeth (Mac- Laughlin) Mitchell; greaf -grandson SaniKcl MitcJicll. Samuel Mitchell, Sergeant in Capt. Jeremiah Talbot's Company, Sixth Pennsylvania Battalion. (Pennsyl- vania Archives, Vol. X, page 184.) BROOKE, GEORGE S., Spokane, Wash. State No. 94, Nat'l " No. 8919. Admitted December 22nd, 1896. Born in Dubuque, Iowa, February 12th, 1855. Son of Robert D. and Mary (Smith) Brooke; grandson of Rev. George A. and Ophelia Ann (Wil- liams) Smith; great-grandson of Isaac H. and Lucy (Slaughter) Williams; great^'-grnndi^on of Captain Philip and (Strother) Slaughter; greaf -grandson of Col. James Slaughter. 76 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Col. James Slaughter was with Col. Marshall in the first battle (The Great Bridge) fought in Virginia. (His- tory of St. Mark's Parish, Culpepper County, Va., by Rev. Philip Slaughter, D. D., 1877.) Capt. Philip Slaughter enlisted when only 17 years of age in Capt. John Jameson's Company of Minute Men, with Lawrence Taliaferro as Colonel and Thomas Marshall as Major. The regiment met in Major Clay- ton's field near Culpepper, C. H., to drill. They wore strong linen hunting shirts dyed with leaves, and the words ''Liberty or Death" worked in large white let- ters on the breast. In the spring of 177G he entered John Jameson's troop of cavalry for three years. Was appointed a Lieutenant in Capt. Gabriel Long's Company of Riflemen. In 1777 was attached to Eleventh Continental Regiment, commanded by Dan- iel Morgan. (History of St. Mark's Parish, Culpep- per County, Va., by Rev. Philip Slaughter, D. D. BROOKS, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Seattle, Wash. State No. 407, Nat'l No. 26532. Admitted September 19th, 1914. Born near Rensselaer, Indiana, September 5th, 1851. Son of John Wesley and Rebecca Ann (Le Sourd) Brooks; grandson of Bejanmin and Ann (Gossuch) Le Sourd; great-grandson of John Peter (Jean Pierre) Le Sourd. John Peter (Jean Pierre) Le Sourd joined De Bourbonnais' Regiment in 1777 in France and came to America in 1780. Was in one of the four regiments under Count de Rochambeau. In 1781 joined the army on the Hudson in the Yorktown campaign. (Senate Document, Vol. X, No. 77, Fifty-eighth Congress, Sec- ond Session.) BROWN, EDWIN KEECH, Ellensburg, Wash. State No. 285, Nat'l No. 20560. Admitted January 4th, 1909. Born in Morse, Iowa, July 10th, L879. Son of John W. and Mary (Morse) Brown; grand- son Julius Gardner and Amaretta (Nicholson) Brown; great-grandson of John and Harriet (Brown) Brown; greaf -grandson of Daniel and Martha (Rogers) Brown; greats-grandson of Daniel Broun. Daniel Brown, private in Capt. Griffith's Company in Third Regiment. Served at St. George and Bnttle of Bennington. (Daughters of the American Revolu- tion No. 23761.) SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 77 BRUEN, JAMES BAYLEY, Seattle, Wash. State No. 229, Nat'l No. 17804. Admitted October l(5th, 1905. Born in Summit, New Jersey, March 26th, 1873. Son of James DeHart and Margaret White (Munro) Bruen ; grandson of James McWhorter and Anna Maria (Miller) Bruen; great-grandson of James and Catherine (Baldwin) Bruen; greaf -grandson of Caleb Bruen. Caleb Bruen, Second Lieutenant in Capt. Joseph Alling's Company of Minute Men from Essex County, New Jersey. (Adjutant General's OflBce, State of New Jersey. Records of the City of Newark, N. J., Ameri- can Ancestry, Vol. V, page 37.) BRUEN, NORMAN JAY, Seattle, Wash. State No. 230, Nat'l No. 17805. Admitted October 16th, 1905. Born in Summit, New Jersey, June 27th, 1877. Son of James DeHart and Margaret White (Mun- ro) Bruen. See James Bayley Bruen. BUCKLIN, ROBERT EBEN, Port Orchard, Wash. State No. 322, Nat'l No. 20997. Admitted February 2nd, 1910. Born in Port Madison, Washington, December 3rd, 1878. Son of Nathan and Mary Alice (Babbit) Bucklin; grandson of Robert Miller and Henrietta M. Babbit; great-grandson of Elias and Nancy (Miller) Babbitt; great'-grandson of Stephen Babbit. Stephen Babbit, private in Morris County, New Jersey, Militia, (Stryker's Officers and Men of the Revolu- tion, page 494.) BULL, EMERSON KAY, North Bend, Wash. State No. 476, National No. 27876. Admitted June 25th, 1915. Born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, February 1st, 1874. Son of Joseph Washington and Harriet (Boyn- ton) Bull; grandson of Jacob and Catherine (Balliet) Bull; great-grandson of Joseph and Margaretta (Ber- ger) Balliet ; greaf -grandson of Lieut. Col. Stephen Balliet. Stephen Balliet, Lieutenant Colonel of a regiment from Whitehall Township, Northampton County, Pennsyl- vania. He was in command of a regiment at the Battle of Brandy wine. -(Pennsylvania Archives, Vol. XIV, page 589. History of Lehigh County, Penn- sylvania. ) 78 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY BUTLER, JOHN DAVISON, Seattle, Wash. State No. 437, Nat'l No. 26912. Admitted January 9th, 1915. Born in Mauston, Wisconsin, January 17th, 1890. Son of Jason D. and Elsie Mary (Davidson) But- ler; grandson of Nathan Henry and Amanda (Akin) Davison; great-grandson Nathan and Elizabeth (Sea- man) Davison; greats-grandson of Asa Davison. Asa Davison served in the Lexington Alarm, marching from Connecticut. Enlisted May 6th, 1775, in Capt. Thomas Knowlton's Company, Third Regiment, Con- necticut Volunteers, under General Putnam. Dis- charged December 10th, 1775. Again enlisted, prob- ably from New York, and served in Battle of Mon- mouth. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution.) BYERS, OVID AMBROSE, Seattle, Wash. State No. 226, Nat'l No. 17801. Admitted Sept. 5th, 1905. Born in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, June 14th, 1862. Son of Ambrose and Mary (McCracken) Byers; grandson of William and Elizabeth (Bissell) Byers; great-grandson of John Partridge Bissell. John P. Bissell, private in Captain James Clark's Com- pany when 19 years of age in answer to the Lexing- ton Alarm call. Later a member of Capt. John Skinner's Company of Latimer's Regiment, Poor's Brigade, Arnold's Division, from August 26th to Octo- ber 8th, 1777. (Connecticut Revolutionary Rolls, pages 15, 509. Records of War Department, Wash- ington, D. C. CAMERON, JENKS, Gig Harbor, Wash. State No. 316, Nat'l No. 20991. Admitted January 10th, 1910. Born in North East, Maryland, January 22nd, 1879. Son of Robert Henderson and Eliza Virginia (Smith) Cameron; grandson of George W. and Isabella (Reynolds) Smith; great-grandson of Samuel Smith. Samuel Smith, First Lieutenant. At beginning of war in 1776 was appointed to buy up all arms fit for serv- ice in upper district of Buck's County, Pennsylvania. Assisted in recruiting company of 64 men of which company he was made First Lieutenant. Joined Gen. Wayne's Regiment and marched to Valley Forge. Was in the Battle of Trenton, and Yorktown at the close of the war as Captain in the Fifth Pennsylvania Regiment. (Pennsvlvania Archives, Second Series, Vol. I, pages 123, 126.) SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 79 CARTER, MELVIN JOHNATHAN, Seattle, Wash. State No. 188, Nat'l No. 15038. Admitted May 14th, 1903. Born in Township of Eureka, Minnesota, December 13th, 1858. Son of Edwin Bnck and Sarah (Hastings) Car- ter; grandson of Johnathan and Almira (Sloeum) Hastings; great-grandson of Solomon and Lueinda (White) Hastings; greaf -grandson of Josiah and Par- nee Houghton (Brooks) White; greaf -grandson of Joseph White. Joseph White, Captain in the Lexington Alarm, in Col. Asa Whitcomb's Reginment, which marched April 19th, 1775, from Lancaster. (Massachusetts Ar- chives, Vol. XIII, page 1189.) Josiah White, Sergeant on muster and pay roll of Capt. Samuel Taylor's Company, Colonel Lancaster Por- ter's Regiment. (Massachusetts Archives, Vol. XXIII, page 136; Vol. XXIV, page 82.) CLARK, CHARLES ALBERT, Fort Ruger, Hawaii. State No. 200, Nat'l No. 15050. Admitted March 17th, 1904. Born in Vandalia, Illinois, November 8th, 1876. Son of Daniel M. and Rebecca D. Clark ; grandson of Daniel and Wealthy (Burr) Clark; great-grandson of John and Sally (Post) Burr; greaf -grandson of Samuel Burr. Samuel Burr, private in Captain Dimon's Company and Col. Beebe's Regiment. Enlisted at Fairfield, Conn. (Connecticut Revolutionary Rolls, page 616.) CLARK, FRANCIS LEWIS, Spokane, Wash. State No. 177, Nat'l No. 15027. Admitted June 20th, 1902. Born in Bangor, Maine, June 21st, 1861. Son of Jonathan Greenleaf and Harriet (Brown) Clark; grandson of Joseph and Elizabeth (Means) Brown; great-grandson of Joseph and Mary (Pilsbury) Brown; greaf -grandson Moses Brown. Moses Brown, Captain and Commander of ship "Min- erva" (16 guns) under letters of marque issued Feb- ruary 1st, 1781. He also commanded several other ships. Appointed to command of the "General Ar- nold" April 16th, 1781. (Smith History of Newbury- port, Massachusetts. Massachusetts Rolls, Vol. II, page 664.) CLARK, HARRY PERCIVAL, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 324, Nat'l No. 18154. Admitted June 17th, 1907. Born in Ashland, Ohio, April 21st, 1868. 80 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Son of Verns Allen and Sarah Elizabeth (Senneas- tine) Clark; grandson of Allen Ives and Caroline B. (Gurley) Clark; great-grandson Ephraim and Ala Amelia (Sperry) Clark; greaf-grandson Ephraim Clark Sr. Ephraim, Clark, Sr., private in Tenth Company, Capt. Samuel Peet, Jr's. Kegiment, under Gen. Wooster. Recruited at New Haven, Conn. Enlisted April 18th, 1775. (Adjutant General's Office, State of Connecti- cut.) CLARK, MILES ELLIOTT, Renton, Wash. State No. 423, Nat'l No. 26548. Admitted December 12th, 1914. Born in Charlotte, Michigan, April 3rd, 1862. Son of Theron Eliphaaz and Phebe Ann (Holmes) Clark; grandson of Miles and Nancy Sophia (Cowles) Holmes; great-grandson of Israel and Sarah (Judd) Holmes; great'-grandson Samnel Judd. Great-grandson of Addison and Phebe (Cole) Cowles; greaf -grandson of Ashbel and Rhoda (Lee) Cowles; great'-grandson of Josiah Coicles. See Samuel Judd Holmes. CLIFT, JOSEPH LAMM, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 386, Nat'l No. 25911. Admitted February 23rd, 1914. Born in Elkader, Iowa, July 3rd, 1885. Son of Walter and Margaret (Packer) Clift; grand- son of Horace H. and Frances (Burrows) Clift; great- grandson of John and Roxanna (Brown) Burrows; great'-grandson of Elam and Sarah (Denison) Bur- rows; great^'grandson of Joh>i Burroics. John Burroughs (Burroics) enlisted July 28th, 1776, in Capt. Dickinson's Company, Col. Elmore's Regiment, Connecticut troops, under Gen. Schuyler. Re-enlist- ed July 6th, 1777, under Lieut. Furnival at Fort Stanwix, Col. Judadiah Huntington. Was at Crown Point and Ticonderoga. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution.) CLISE, HARRY ROUNTREE, Seattle, Wash. State No. 246, Nat'l No. 17821. Admitted October 10th, 1906. Born in Ellenboro, Wisconsin, November 11th, 1859. Son of Samuel Francis and Nancy (McKenzie) Clise; grnndson of James and Luncithia (Rowntree) Clise; great-grandson of John and Rebecca (Hawkins) Rowntree; greats-grandson of Thomas Rowntree. SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 81 Thomas Roivntree, private, serving three years in Capt. Woodson's Company, Ninth Virginia, under Col. George Matthews. (War Department Records, Pen- sion Office.) COFFMAN, ROBERT GATES, Seattle, Wash. State No. 459, Nat'l No. 27234. Admitted March 17th, 1915. Born in Chehalis, Washington, December 15th, 1891. Son of Abraham Lincoln and Elsie (Gates) Coff- man ; grandson of Nathan Britton and Elsie J. (Bot- tomly) Gates; great-grandson of David R. and Sarah Newton (Britton) Gates; great'-grandson of 8i))ion Gates. Simon Gates responded to the Lexington Alarm in 1775 and entered Capt. Hnbbard's Company at Boston. He was in the Battle of Bunker Hill, and in Capt. Stone's Company at the Battle of Bennington. He was later in Capt. Cushing's Company of Massachu- setts troops. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. VI, page 323.) COLE, IRVING T., Seattle, Wash. State No. 18, Nat'l No. 7893. Admitted September — , 1895. Born in Troy, New York, November 28th, 1863. Son of John C. and Lydia (Tomlinson) Cole; grandson of Calvin and Fayette (Balcom) Cole; great- grandson of Samuel and Polly (Knapp) Balcom; great"-grandson of Henry Balcom. Henry Balcom. private soldier. He was summoned, while working in the field, by a messenger from Gen. John Stark. He stopped long enough to mould some bul- lets from pewter dishes. He took part in the Battle of Bennington August 16th, 1777, and, a month later, the Battle of Saratoga. (Adjutant General's Office, State of Vermont.) COOPER, JAMES WALTON, Walla Walla, Wash. State No. 478, Nat'l No. 27878. Admitted October 26, 1915. Born in New Castle, Pennsylvania, April 30th, 1868. Son of Daniel Cargill and Louisa J. (Tidball) Cooper; grandson of Ebenezer and Jane (McMillan) Cooper; great-grandson of John Cooper. Great-grandson of Daniel and Jeannette (Chest- nut) McMillan; greats-grandson of James Chestnut. Grandson of James and Cynthia (Dunlap) Tid- ball; great grandson of John and Sarah (McGoun) Tidball ; greats-grandson of John McGoun. 82 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY John Cooper, militiaman, under Gen. Marion. Served at King's Mountan and Cowpens. He was a member of the South Carolina Militia in 1781 and 1783. (State Historical Commission, Columbia, S. C.) James Chestnut, of Chesten County, South Carolina, was a member of the South Carolina Militia, in service in 1781-83, according to a certificate of pay issued for his services. According to ^'McMillans," by James Henry Coop, A. M., he was an officer in the Revolu- tionary War, was captured and sentenced to be hanged by the Tories. The place for the execution was fixed, but before the execution a party of General Washington's soliers rescued him. (Historical Com- mission of South Carolina, at Columbia, South Caro- lina.) John McGoun enlisted from Lancaster County, Pennsyl- vania, as a private, and later was promoted to Cap- tain of Spade's Company in 1776. Brigade Major in 1777, paymaster in 1780. Wounded at Germantown in 1777. (Pennsylvania Archives, Sixth Series.) CORKERY, GLEN SIBLEY, Seattle, Wash. State No. 487, Nat'l No. 27887. Admitted January 29th, 1916. Born in Toledo, Ohio , August 14th, 1885. Son of James J. and Flora (Sibley) Corkery, Sr. ; grandson of Warren Dow and Sarah (Clark) Sibley; great-grandson of Benjamin Dow and Lydia (Goodwin) Sibley; greaf -grandson of Samuel Sihley. Samuel Sihley, private in Capt. Chase Taylor's Company of Col. Thomas Stickney's Regiment, which marched from Sanborntown, N. H., and participated in the Battle of Bennington. Enlisted July 12th, 1777; discharged September 18th, 1777. Re-enlisted in 1781 for the defense of the northern frontier. (New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, Vol. II, page 173, and Vol. Ill, page 282.) CRAVEN, ALFRED MILTON, Spokane, Wash. State No. 270, Nat'l No. 18620. Admitted February 22nd, 1908. Born in Mankato, Minnesota, October 11th, 1865. Son of John Gill and Martha (Wilson) Craven; grandson of Thomas and Rebekah (Self ridge) Craven; great-grandson of Thomas Craven. Grandson of William and Mary (Gaston) Wilson; great-grandson of Joseph and Martha (Hutton) Gas- ton ; greaf-grandson of Major J ohm Gaston. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 83 Thomas Craven, private. He helped Washington take the Hessians at Trenton and Germantown, and was also with Washington at Valley Forge. He ran away from an apprenticeship to his uncle, a wagonmaker, to join the army, being not yet of age. (Pennsyl- vania Archives, Second Series, Vol. XIII, page 46; Vol. XIV, page 163.) John Gaston, Major in Mount Bethel Company of Col. Stroud's Battalion, in 1776. (Pennsylvania Ar- chives, Vol. XIV, page 571.) CUSHMAX, JAMES THOMAS, Seattle, Wash. State No. 372, Xat'l Xo. 24022. Admitted October 21st, 1913. Born in Montgomery County, Missouri, January 27th, 1863. Son of Parkerson G. and Phoebe J. Cushman; grandson of Thomas and Polly Cushman ; great-grand- son of Thomas Cushman. Thomas Cushman, private in Capt. Bull's Troop, Second Regiment, Light Dragoons, commanded bv Col. Elisha Sheldon. Enlisted March 22nd, 1777, from Connecticut, served during the war and was dis- charged August 9th, 1780. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution. Adjutant General's OfBce, War Dept., Washington, D. C.) CUSHIXG, THOMAS REED, Seattle, Wash. State Xo. 464, Xat'l Xo. 27239. Admitted March 17th, 191.5. Born in Abington, Massachusetts, March 25th, 1859. Son of Lysander Francis and Jane Drew (Fames) Gushing; grandson of Lysander and Lydia (Reed) Gushing; great-grandson of Thomas and Lydia (Jen- kins) Reed; great'-grandson of Thomas and Joanna (Shaw) Reed; greaf -grandson of Thomas Reed. Thomas Reed, private in Capt. Edward Cobb's Company, which marched on the Alarm, from Abington, Massa- chusetts, to Tiverton, Rhode Island. Discharged Au- gust 9, 1780. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. I, pages 138, 177.) DAVIS, CALEB FORBES, Seattle, Wash. State Xo. 400, Xat'l Xo. 25925. Admitted July 1st, 1914. Born in Keokuk, Iowa, April 15th, 1871. Son of Caleb Forbes and Caroline Thistle (Cox) Davis; grandson of Friend and Rebecca Williams (Thistle) Cox; great-grandson of George and Susanna (Decker) Cox; great'-grandson of Isaac Cox. Isaac Cox, Captain and Colonel of the Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia. Paymaster of Penn- 84 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY sylvania Rifle Regiment, which Col. Samuel Miles commanded. (Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Second Edition, Vol. X, pages 200, 208, Colonial Records, Vol. X, page 722.) DAVIS, LESLIE ROWELL, Olympia, Wash. State No. 498, Nat'l No. 27898. Admitted March 18th, 1916. Born in Portland, Oregon, April 28th, 1887. Son of Carroll F. and Ida Kate (Rowell) Davis; grandson of Joshna Converse and Mary Fifleld (Bill) Rowell ; great-grandson of Daniel and Mercy (Johnson) Rowell ; greaf -grandson of Enoch Rowell. Greaf -grandson of Joshua Johnson. Enoch Rowell, private and Sergeant in the Continental Army. Served one year in Massachusetts troops un- der Capt. Cogswell and Col. Baldwin. Also served some time in a New Hampshire regiment. He was discharged November 3, 1777^ and died on his way home. Pensioned. (U. S. Bureau of Pensions, Ad- jutant General's Office, State of New Hampshire.) Joshua Johnson, Revolutionary soldier. Pensioned. (U. S. Bureau of Pensions. Records and Files, State of Massachusetts.) DAVIES, THOMAS ARTHUR, Seattle, Wash. State No. 401, Nat'l No. 26526. Admitted Julv 1st, 1914. Born in Chicago, Illinois, May 13th, 1866." Son of Thomas and Henrietta Maria (Dayton) Davies; grandson of Michael and Sally (Gibbs) Day- ton; great'-grandson of Isaac and Tabitha (Welton) Dayton ; greaf -grandson of Captain Michael Dayton. Captain Michael Dayton, private in Captain Curtis' Com- pany, Col. Hooker's Regiment. (Connecticut State Records, War Dept, Washington, D. C.) DEAN, FRED THOMSON, Hoquiam, Wash. State No. 444, Nat'l No. 26919. Admitted December 12th, 1914. Born in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, January 18th, 1883. Son of Henry J. and Agnes Webster (Wilson) Dean; grandson of John and Anna (Webster) Wilson; great-grandson of Stephen and Dolly (Pillsbury) Web- ster; great'-grandson of Benjamin Pillshnry, Jr. Benjamin Pillsl)ury, Jr., private. Enlisted from Sandown, New Hampshire and joined the Continental Army at Saratoga, September, 1777. Served from September 27th to November 23rd. (New Hampshire Revolution- ary Rolls, Vol. II, page 400.) SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 85 DENNING, JOB HENRY, Seattle, Wash. State No. 356, Nat'l No. 24006. Admitted November 8th, 1912. Born in Augusta, Georgia, November 27th, 1873. Son of George A. and Sarah G. (Tunison) Den- ning; grandson of Job and Hannah True Denning; great-grandson of George and Elnel (Rollins) Den- ning; greaf-grandson of Samuel Denning. Samuel Denning, Officer in Navy. He was taken prisoner and imprisoned at Halifax. (Massachusetts Revolu- tionary Rolls, Vol. IV, page 675. Annals of Salem, page 570.) DENT, HAWTHORNE KINGSBURY, Seattle, Wash. State No. 235, Nat'l No. 17810. Admitted Januarv 5th, 1906. Born in Portland, Oregon, October 29th, 1880. Son of William and Alma (Kingsbury) Dent; grandson of John and Rhoda Cornelia (Bates) Kings- bury; great-grandson of Asa and Lurena (Hartshorn) Kingsbury; greaf -grandson of Asa Kingsbury. Asa Kingsbury, Lieutenant of Norwich, Connecticut, Com- pany in Lexington Alarm, April 19th, 1775. Captain in Col. Huntington's Regiment, July 6th to Septem- ber 5th, 1775. Surgeon's Mate, Fourth Continental Infantry, in 1776. (Connecticut Revolutionary Rolls, Heitman's Register.) DE VEAUX, WILLIAM WARD, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 387, Nat'l No. 25912. Admitted April 21st, 1914. Born in Charleston, South Carolina, Januarv 18th, 1866. Son of John Porteous and Martha Angela (Ward) DeVeaux; grandson of John and Mary Goudy (John- ston) Ward; great-grandson of David and Eleanor (Clement) Johnston; great'-grandson of John Clement. John Clement, member of Gen. Francis Marion's Brigade in the Battle of Videan's Bridge, South Carolina. He was wounded and taken prisoner. (Johnson's Traditions of the American Revolution.) DISHMAN, SAMUEL ROLAND, Spokane, Wash. State No. 348, Nat'l No. 15896. Transferred from District of Columbia Society. Admitted November 4th, 1903. Born in Shiloh, Virginia, November 26th, 1871. Son of Addison Thornton and Mary Jane (James) Dishman; grandson of John and Anna (Jones) Dish- man; great-grandson of William and Elizabeth (Buck- ner) Jones; greaf -grandson of John Jones. 86 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Grandson of Thomas and Elizabeth (Higdon) James; great-grandson of Charles Higdon. John Jones, private, enlisted in King George's County, Virginia. Served under Capt. Taliferro and Col. Woodford. Pensioned. (U. S. Pension Office.) Charles Higdon enlisted from King George's County as a sailor when 15 years of age. He served on the ''Manly Galley" under Capt. William Saunders and Lieut. Daniel Richardson. Pensioned. (U. S. Pension Office, File No. 5538.) DIVINE, SHERMAN LANDON, Spokane, Wash. State No. 500. Nat'l No. 27900. Admitted March 18th, 1916. Born in Holly, Michigan, October 17th, 187G. Son of John A. and Nettie E. (Landon) Divine; grandson of John Hulett and Martha (Adams) Lan- don; great-grandson of Luther and Martha (Hulett) Landon; greats-grandson of Rufus Landon. Rufus Landon,' Contmentnl soldier. (Records in Town Clerk's Office, Salisbury, Conn.) DIXON, GEORGE ERNEST, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 292, Nat'l No. 20567. Admitted February 22nd, 1909. ,Born in Peterboro, Province of Ontario, Canada, January 4th, 1872. Son of Benjamin Caldwell and Louise Marie (Johnson) Dixon; grandson of John Allen and Mary Eliza (Eddy) Johnson; great-grandson of William and Elizabeth (Allen) Johnson; great'-grandson of Jona- than Allen. Jonathan Allen, private in Capt. Gideon Brownson's Com- pany, Col. Seth Warner's Regiment. Enlisted May 17th, 1775, in Vermont. He was in battles of Hub- bardton, Bennington, St. John and Saratoga. Wound- ed in the leg at Battle of St. John. Pensioned. (U. S. Pension File No, 16809. Vermont Revolutionary Rolls.) DOLAND, ARTHTTR W., Spokane, Wash. State No. 6, Nat'l No. 6766. Admitted October 28th, 1892. Born in Man- chester, New Hampshire, September 4th, 1857. Son of John and Elizabeth (Hall) Doland; grand- son of Samuel and Polly (Ray) Hall; great-grandson of William Hall; greats-grandson of Daniel and Jean (Barr) Hall; greaf-grandson of John Hall. John Hall, member of Committee of Safety and signer of Resolutions to Continental Congress from Manches- SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 87 ter, New Hampshire. Member of Committee of Seven to plan government for new State of New Hampshire, 1778 to 1783. (Patton's History of Manchester, New Hampshire. ) Daniel Hall, private in Continental Army in 1775 and rose to rank of Lieutenant. (Secretary of State's Office of New Hampshire.) William Hall, private in Continental Army. (Secretary of State's Office of New Hampshire.) DOLAND, CHARLES McCLURE, Spokane, Wash. State No. 133, Nat'l No. 12433. Admitted August 7th, 1899. Born in Chicago, Illinois, June 7th, 1877. Son of Arthur W. and Hannah Kate (McClure) Doland. See Arthur W. Doland. DOOLITTLE, GEORGE TILTON, Spokane, Wash. State No. 20, Nat'l No. 7302. Admitted February 15th, 1894. Born in New Haven, Conn., October 23rd, 1860. Son of Tilton Edwin and Mary (Cook) Doolittle; grandson of John and Mary (Munson) Cook; great- grandson of Samuel and Mary (Kirtland) Cook; great""- grandson of Col. Thoddeus Cook. Col. Thaddens Cook, Major in Col. Ward's Regiment in Connecticut. Joined Washington's Army in New York, marched to White Plains and into New Jersey. Was in battles of Trenton and Princeton. Appointed Colonel of the Tenth Connecticut Militia October, 1776. He was in the campaign against Burgoyne. (Heitman's Historical Register. Connecticut Men in the Revolution.) DOUGLASS, DWIGHT CLARK, Spokane, Wash. State No. 334, Nat'l No. 22209. Admitted February 22nd, 1911. Born in Brooklyn, New York, March 9th, 1874. Son of Richard Draper and Mary Abby (Lawrence) Douglass ; grandson of Ephraim Appleton and Clara Pamela (Butterick) Lawrence; great-grandson of Eben- ezer and Abigail (Leavitt) Lawrence; greaf -grandson of Thomas Leavitt. Thomas Leavitt, private in Col. Wingate's Regiment. Quartermaster in Nathan Sanborn's Company, Col. Stephen Evans Regiment, New Hampshire State Troops. Second Lieutenant in Col. Wingate's Regi- ment stationed at Pierce Island. (New Hampshire Revolutionary War Records, Vol. I, page 229. His- tory of Hampton, N. H.) 88 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY DRUMMOND, ROSCOE, Seattle, Wash. State No. 497, Nat'l No. 27897. Admitted March 18th, 1910. Born in Provi- dence, Rhode Island, January 18th, 1889. Son of Rnfus Roscoe and Anna (Winthrop) Drum- mond; grandson of Warren and Lucy W. (Kingman) Ladd ; great-grandson of Nathaniel and Sarah ( Inger- soll) Ladd; great'-grandson of Nathaniel and Sarah (Noyes) Ladd; great'-grandson of Nathaniel Ladd. Nathaniel Ladd, enlisted three months as private, Decem- ber, 1775, in a company commanded by Capt. Tim- othy Johnson of Haverhill, Mass. Enlisted again in July of 1777 in Capt. Samuel Johnson's Company from Andover, Mass. He was wounded in the Battle of Stillwater, Enlisted the third time in Capt. Timothy Johnson's Company, July, 1778, and marched to Rhode Island. Enlisted again in 1779 for three months and saw service in New York. DRYER, GEORGE DONAHOWER, Spokane, Wash. State No. 221, Nat'l No. 16771. Admitted May 15th, 1905. Born in St. Peter, Minnesota, August 17th, 1883. Son of George W. and Anna M. (Schlacter) Dryer; grandson of Horatio Nelson and Harriette (Mander- ville) Dryer; great-grandson of Daniel and Judith (Cobb) Dryer; great'-grandson of John and Mary (Reed) Dryer; greaf -grandson of William, von Drier. John Dryer, private in Capt. Samuel Bliss' Company of Minute Men. Enlisted at Rehoboth, Massachusetts. (History of Rehoboth, Massachusetts. Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. IV.) William von Drier, at first call to arms, though nearly 100 years of age, was such an ardent patriot that he hired a substitute to fight for him. (History of Re- hoboth, Massachusetts. Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. IV.) DUTTON, ORISON JAMES CHARLES, Seattle, Wash. State No. 146, Nat'l No. 4782. Admitted December 18th, 1896. Transferred from Iowa Society. Born in Oskaloosa, Iowa, May 4th, 1868. Son of James and Mary E. (Fox) Dutton ; grand- son of James and Sarah (Bailey) Dutton; great- grandson of James and Martha (Kembler) Dutton: great'-grandson of Gideon Bailey. James Dutton, private in Capt. Seth Oak's Company. He was in the Battle of Brandywine. Enlisted Septem- SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 89 ber Tth, 1777. (U. S. Pension Office, U. S. War De- partment, Washington, D. C.) Gideon Bailey, served as First Mate on the frigate "Bos- ton" in 1778. (Revolutionary Rolls, Boston, Massa- chusetts, 1778.) DWIGHT, DANIEL H., Spokane, Wash. State No. 173, Nat'l No. 14023. Admitted February 22nd, 1902. Born in Dudley, Massachusetts, February 24th, 18G2. Son of Daniel, Jr., and Mary E. Dwight ; grandson of Daniel and Susan (Lippitt) Dwight; great-grandson of Moses Lippitt. Moses Lippitt, an officer in Third Company of Cranston, Rhode Island, Militia in 1780-1. (U. S. Pension Of- fice, Washington, D. C.) EDWARDS, JOHN HARRINGTON, Seattle, Wash. State No. 507, Nat'l No. 28557. Admitted March 18th, 1916. Born in Acton, Massachusetts, September 21st, 1834. Son of John and Maria A. (Heald) Edwards; grandson of John and Susannah (Harrington) Ed- wards; great- grandson of Nathaniel and Hannah (Pres- cott) Edwards; greaf -grandson of John Edwards. John Edwards enlisted July 7th, 1777, and served five months as private in Capt. Abishar Brown's Com- pany of Concord, Massachusetts, in Col. John Robin- son's Regiment. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution. Vital Statistics of Lexington and Concord.) EDWARDS, ULYSSES GRANT, Seattle, Wash. State No. 415, Nat'l No. 26540. Admitted September 19th, 1914. Born in New Providence, Iowa, December 20th, 1864. Son of George W. and Matilda (Fitzgerald) Ed- wards; grandson of Jesse and Elizabeth (Bryant) Ed- wards; great-grandson of George and Sarah (Moss) Bryant ; great°-grandson of John Bryant. Greaf -grandson of David Moss or de Moss. John Bryant, private in Capt. Hodijah Baylie's Company, also designated as Lieut. John Hobby's First and Colonel's Company, Sixteenth Massachusetts Regi- ment, commanded by Col. Henry Jackson. Enlisted June 17th and served three years. (IT. S. War De- partment. Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. II, page 729.) David Moss or de Moss, private in Capt. Israel Smith's Fourth New York Regiment, commanded by Lieut. 90 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Col. Frederick Weissenfels. Transferred to Capt. Titus' Company. (U. S. War Department. New York in the Revolution, page 52.) ELLIS, OVERTON GENTRY, Olympia, Wash. State No. 122, Nat'l No. 9872. Admitted November 23rd, 1898. Born in White Cloud Township, Nodaway County, Mis- souri, October 26th, 1860. Son of Thomas Cowle and Jane Harris (Gentry) Ellis; grandson of Overton Harris and Lucinda (Reid) Gentry; great-grandson of Richard Gentry, Richard Gentry, private in Capt. Dalton's Company, Vir- ginia State troops, in 1780. Participated in capture of Cornwallis at Yorktown. Enlisted when 17 years of age. He also served as private in Col. Richard- son's Virginia State troops. Pensioned. (U. S. Pension Rolls of Soldiers of Revolution, Vol. III.) ELMENDORF, FREDERIC E., Spokane, Wash. State No. 120, Nat'l No. 9878. Admitted September 26th, 1898. Born in Brooklyn, New York, November 11th, 1870. Son of James H. and Feary Sprague (Elwell) El- mendorf; grandson of Anthony and Sarah (Clark) Elmendorf; great-grandson of Martin and Rachael (Roosa) Elmendorf; greaf-grandson of John Elmen- dorf. John Elmendorf, Captain in Col. Johannus Snyder's First Regiment, New York Militia. (Archives of the State of New York, Vol. I, page 1.57.) ELY, SMITH, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. State No. 272, Nat'l No. 18622. Admitted February 24th, 1908. Born in Carrollton, Missouri, August 11th, 18.50. Son of Lewis Bell and Martha Henry (Hern don) Ely; grandson of Benjamin and Eliza (Bell) Ely; great- grandson of Moses Ely, Moses Ely was detailed in charge of a supply train. He served for a time in Capt. Elijah Squire's Company in the New Jersey Militia. Pensioned. (Men of New Jersey in the Revolution [Stryker]. U. S. Bureau of Pensions. ) EMERSON, RALPH DAMON, Hoquiam, Wash. State No. 426, Nat'l No. 26901. Admitted December 12th, 1914. Born in Gardiner, Oregon, April 22nd, 1880. Son of George Harvey and Lizzie (Damon) Emer- son; grandson of Luke and Sarah Ann (Chapman) SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 91 Damon; great-grandson of William and Fanny (Mal- lard) Chapman; greaf -grandson of John Mallard. John Mallard, private in the Massachusetts troops. Served nine months under Capt. Cleveland and Col. Jack- son. He enlisted in Hampshire County, Massachu- setts. Pensioned. (U, S. Bureau of Pensions.) EYANSON, EDWARD W., Seattle, Wash. State No. 291, Nat'l No. 20566. Admitted February 22nd, 1909. Born in Eoanoke, Indiana, April 5th, 1864. Son of Thomas E. and Amanda (Branyan) Eyan- son; grandson of Thomas and May (McClasky) Eyan- son ; great-grandson of John Eyanson. John Eyanson, private in Second Company under Capt. Thomas Patterson, Third Battalion, New Jersey Line, stationed at Fort Ticonderoga when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Discharged March 1777. Re-enlisted in Capt. Price's Company, Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia. (New Jersey Rolls. Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Vol. XIV, page 80.) FARMER, FRED LEANDER, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 390, Nat'l No. 25915. Admitted April 21st, 1914. Born in Denver, Colorado, July 14th, 1877. Son of Charles H. and Emeline (Wait) Farmer; grandson of Adniean Leander and Emeline (Stem) Wait; great-grandson of Mathias and Theresa (St. Leger De Harpart) Stem; greaf -grandson of Count Joseph St. Leger and Elizabeth (Thompson) De Har- part; greaf -grandson of William Thompson. General William Thompson. Lieutenant in Second Bat- talion, Pennsylvania Regiment, January 16th, 1756; commissioned Captain December 21st, 1756 ; June 25th, 1775, was commissioned Colonel of Thomp- son's Battalion of Riflemen, which later became the First Regiment of Continental Line. Promoted to Brigadier-General March 1st, 1776. Taken prisoner by British at Battle of Three Rivers, near Quebec, June 8th, 1776. Exchanged October 25th, 1780, for Major General de Rudesell. Died September 3rd, 1781. (D. A. R. No. 57224.) FAVILLE, EUGENE ERNEST, Spokane, Wash. State No. 405, National No. 19473. Admitted January 6th, 1909. Born in Mitchell, Iowa, October 27th, 1870.) Son of Miner Sherwood and Sarah (Shaw) Fa- 92 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY ville; grandson of Thomas and Elizabeth (West) Fa- ville; great-grandson of John Faville. John Faville served in Capt. John Lafler's Company of Continental Troops. (Adjutant General, War De- partment, Washington, D. C.) FERRIS, HIRAM BURNS, Spokane, Wash. State No. 134, Nat'l No. 9793. Transferred from Illinois Society. Ad- mitted April 14th, 1897. Born in Carthage, Illinois, January 25th, 1872. Son of Hiram Gano and Julia Esther (Holton) Ferris; grandson of Isaac and Phoebe (Arnold) Hol- ton; great-grandson of Seth Arnold. Seth Arnold, private. Enlisted May 19th, 1775, in Capt. Gale's Company, Col. Samuel H. Parson's Regiment. Sergeant in Capt. Higgins' Company, Col. Douglas' Regiment. Also in Capt. Abraham Tyler's Company. Marched from town of Haddam, Connecticut, in the Lexington Alarm to the Relief of Boston, April 17, 1775. Sergeant in Capt. Cornelius' Company, Col. William Douglas' Regiment, Fifth Battalion, Wadsworth Brigade, 1776, raised to re-enforce Wash- ington's Army. In battles of Long Island and White Plains. Pensioned. (Adjutant General's Office, State of Connecticut. U. S. Pension Bureau.) FITZHENRY, EDWARD A., Olympia, Wash. State No. 506, Nat'l No. 28556. Admitted March 18th, 1916. Born in White Oak Township, Illinois, January 9th, 1866. Son of Hiram and Elizabeth (Johnson) Fitzhenry; grandson of Edward and Sarah (Brown) Fitzhenry; great-grandson of Basil and Nancy (Davis) Brown; greaf -grandson of John Davis. John Davis, private and Ensign in the Revolution. In 1776 was with Col. Joseph Hart's Buck's County Bat- talion as a substitute for his father in the Araboy Expedition. He enlisted in 1777 in Capt. Butler's Company, Col. Pritchard Butler's Third Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, and was transferred to Capt. Mc- Lellan's Company, Col. Stewart's Regiment of Light Infantry. He was in the battles of Trenton and Princeton, Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth, and Stony Point, and was with Washington when he crossed the Delaware and attacked the Hessians. He passed one winter at Valley Forge and another at Morristown and was one of the guards around the gallows of Major Andre, and was present at the siege PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Ovid Ambrose Byers Seattle Historian, 1908-1917 George E. Tilton Seattle Secretary, 1913-1916 Guy Weatherly Smelser Seattle Registrar, 1914-1915 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 93 of Yorktown when Cornwallis surrendered. He was honorably discharged in 1781. (From "Life of John Davis," by W. H. Davis, pages 9 to 21.) FLETCHER, JOHN DRUMMOND, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 252, Nat'l No. 18602. Admitted January 14th, 1907. Born in County of Accomac, Virginia, Janu- ary 20th, 1805. Son of James Henry and Elizabeth (Broadwater) Fletcher; grandson of Thomas and Elizabeth (Wallop) Fletcher; great-grandson of Thomas and Elishea (Drummond) Fletcher; greaf -grandson of Henry Fletcher. Henry Fletcher, appointed by Patrick Henry as High Sheriff of Revenues to carry on the War. (Records of Clerk of Court's Ofiice, Accomac County, Vir- ginia.) FLOOD, EDMUND EVERETT, Rosalia, Wash. State No. 408, Nat'l No. 26533. Admitted September 19th, 1914. Born in Chicopee Village, Maine, Julv 11th, 1881. Son of A. H. and Elizabeth (Brackett) Flood; grandson of John and Martha (Hanuon) Brackett; great-grandson of Jonathan and Martha (Smith) Han- non; greaf -grandson of William Smith. William Smith, private in Massachusetts Troops, Novem- ber 17th, 1775, to January 1st, 1777. Re-enlisted March 5th, 1777, as Orderly Sergeant and served un- til put in Invalid Regiment January 12th, 1782. He was in the Battle of Monmouth. Pensioned. (Massa- chusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. XIV. U. S. Pen- sion Bureau.) FORBES, FREDERICK LEVI, Seattle, W\ash. State No. 466, Nat'l No. 27241. Admitted April 20th, 1915. Born in Elkhart, Indiana, May 27th, 1854. Son of Frederick Lotan and Harriet (Farnham) Forbes; grandson of Jotham and Nancy (Olmstead) Forbes; great-grandson of James Olmstead. James Olmstead enlisted as Sergeant March 2nd, 1777, in Capt. Samuel Mattock's Company, Eighth Con- necticut Regiment. Promoted Sergeant Major Janu- ary, 1778. Commissioned Ensign December, 1778. Commissioned Lieutenant January, 1780, in Fifth Conencticut Regiment, in Capt. Duncan's Company. CConnecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 230, 348. U. S. Pension Bureau, Washington, D. C. Connec- ticut Historical Societv Revolutionary Rolls and Lists, Vol. VIII, pages 49, 76.) 94 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY FORBES, WILLIAM OSCAR, Seattle, Wash. State No. 467, Nat'l No. 27242. Admitted April 20th, 1915. Born in Berrien Springs, Michigan, September 2nd, 1852, Son of Rev. Lotan and Harriet (Farnham) Forbes. See Frederick Levi Forbes. FORNEY, CALVIN HENRY, Chehalis, Wash. State No. 351, Nat'l No. 24001. Admitted February 22nd, 1912. Born in Marshalltown, Iowa, May 18th, 1860. Son of Henry and Esther Ann (Williams) Forney; grandson of Daniel and Rebecca (Elliott) Williams; great-grandson of Daniel and Catherine (Hennig) Wil- liams; greaf -grandson of Adam Hennig. Adam Hennig, drummer in Capt. Michael Moyer's Com- pany, Sixth Battalion, Lancaster County, Pennsyl- vania, Association. (Pennsylvania Archives.) FOSTER, CHARLES AUGUSTUS, Olympia, Wash. State No. 511, Nat'l No. 28561. Admitted April 11th, 1916. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, January 5th, 1861. Son of Alonzo A. and Helen M. (Sprague) Foster; grandson of Peter T. and Maria Theresa (Hussey) Sprague ; great-grandson of Dr. John Sprague. Dr. John Sprague, Surgeon in both Army and Navy. He was with the regiment of Col. Ebenezer Bridge, May 1st, 1775. Served as Surgeon's Mate to Dr. Walter Hastings for 18 months. Afterwards entered the naval service as Surgeon of the army schooner "Ac- tive" under Capt. Andrew Gardner of the ill-fated fleet of Commodore Manley. He was taken prisoner in 1777 and exchanged, and later served as Surgeon on the armed vessel "Thomas." He became a prisoner and was taken to Kinsdale, on the Coast of Ireland, and released December 22nd, 1781. (The Ralph Sprague Genealogy, by Edward G. Sprague.) FOSTER, HARRISON GARDNER, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 73, Nat'l No. 7948. Admitted February 15th, 1896. Born in Wabasha, Minnesota, March 8th, 1866. Son of Addison Gardner and Martha (Wetherbee) Foster; grandson of Samuel and Mary Worthington (Walker) Foster; great-grandson of Isaac and Rebecca (Hunt) Foster; greaf -grandson of Isaac Foster. Great-grandson of Ahijah Wetherhee. Isaac Foster, private in Capt. John Well's Company, Col. Timothy Robinson's Hampshire County, Massachu- setts, Regiment. Enlisted December 23rd, 1776. SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 95 (Revolutionary War Archives, Secretary of State, Massachusetts.) Ahijah Wetherhee, private in the Massachusetts Continen- tal Line. (New Hampshire Pension Rolls, Document 514.) FOSTER, JOHN ONESIMUS, Seattle, Wash. State No. 375, Nat'l No. 24025. Admitted January 20th, 1914. Born near LaPorte, Indiana, December 14th, 1833. Son of John I. and Sarah (Hageman) Foster; grandson of John and Hannah (Batton) Hageman; great-grandson of Henry Batton. Henry Batton, First Sergeant and later Orderly Ser- geant in Pennsylvania troops. Enlisted August 15th, 1776. Re-enlisted in 1777. Pensioned. (U. S. Pen- sion Bureau.) FOSTER, WILLIAM HORTON, Boston, Mass. State No. 353, Nat'l No. 24003. Admitted February 22nd, 1912. Born in Montreal, Canada, June 5th, 1863. (Name was originally William Horton Avery, later changed by Articles of Adoption to William Horton Foster.) Son of Addison and Judith Ellen (Horton) Avery (married Mr. Foster) ; grandson of Jotham and Judith (Delano) Horton; great-grandson of Jotham and Robey (Warren) Horton; greaf -grandson of Captain William Warren. Grandson of Addison and Sylvia Ann (Mosely) Avery; great-grandson of Abraham and Elizabeth (Bliss) Avery; greaf -grandson of Ahel Bliss. Great-grandson of Nathaniel and Abigail (Pierce) Delano; greaf -grandson of Malachi Delano. Greaf -grandson of Jotham, Horton. Greaf -grandson of Abraham Avery. Greaf -grandson of Malachi and Patience (Bur- gess) Delano; greaf -grandson of Judah Delano, ^r. William Warren, private at Battle of Bunker Hill, where he was badly burned and from which he carried scars on his face through life. (History of Sutton, Massachusetts. Daughters of the American Revolu- tion, No. 11352.) Abel Bliss, private in Capt. Wilmarth's Company, Col. Thomas Carpenter's Regiment. Also served under Major General Lincoln ten days. Malachi Delano, private in Capt. Wadsworth's Company, Col. Warren's Regiment. Also in Capt. Sampson's 96 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Company, Col. Lothrop's Regiment, Massachusetts troops. (Massachusetts Archives.) Jotham Horton, First Lieutenant in Col. Richard Grid- ley's Artillery. Enlisted April 30th, 1775. Later Captain in Col. John Crane's Regiment, Continental Army. In 1777 he served under Gen. Knox. (U. S. War Department.) Abraham Avery, Corporal in Third Company, Seventh Regiment, Col. Charles Webb, Connecticut troops. Enlisted July 19th, 1775. Discharged December 18th, 1775. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution.) Judah Delano, 8r., member of Committee of Correspond- ence in 1776, and until March, 1777. In 1778 chosen on Committee of Inspection and Safety. One of the assessors to raise money for a militia company. (De- lano Genealogy, pages 127-128.) FRANCE, ROWE, Seattle, Wash. State No. 477, Nat'l No. 27877. Admitted October 2r)th, 1915. Born in Coble- skill, New York, July 11th, 1875. Son of Augustus and Lurena (Rowe) France; grandson of Freeman and Eunice (Sanford) France; great-grandson of Christopher and Elizabeth (Cole) France; greaf-grandson of Jacoh France. Jacob France, private in Phillip Schuyler's Regiment, New York Militia. (New York in the Revolution.) FRENCH, DAVID HURLBERT, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 475, Nat'l No. 27250. Admitted October 26th, 1915. Born in North Plainfield, New Jersey, March 8, 1872. Son of Fhineas Mundy and Sarah Jane (Lees) French; grandson of David and Margaret (Noe) French ; great-grandson of David French. David French served as private in Somerset County, New Jersey Militia. Was in Battle of Springfield, New Jersey, and camped in winter quarters with Wash- ington at Morristown. (Adjutant General's Office, Trenton, N. J.) FULTON, WALTER, S., Seattle, Wash. State No. 151, Nat'l No. 14001. Admitted April 2nd, 1901. Born in Pitts- burg, Pennsylvania, August 10th, 1873. Son of William P. ^and Martha (White) Fulton; grandson of Thompson and Sarah (Fulton) White; great-grandson of Henry and Jane (Hartley) Fulton; greaf'-grandson of Robert Fnlton. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 97 Robert Fulton, private iu Capt. Hugh Mitchell's Company from Mt. Pleasant Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. In service from 1778 to 1782. (Penn- sylvania Archives, Vol. XIV, page G80.) GEARY, HARRY LOGAN, Seattle, Wash. State No. IGl, Nat'l No. 14011. Admitted November 13th, 1901. Born in U. S. Army Post, Angel Island, California, April 18th, 1877. Son of William L. and Agnes E. (Johnson) Geary; grandson of Henry and Rebecca (Taggart) Johnson; great-grandson of Joseph and Abigail (Smith) Tag- gart; greaf -grandson of Robert and Mary (Israel) Taggart; greaf-grandson of Josejih Israel. Joseph Israel, Captain of Company in the Second Regi- ment, Newcastle County, Delaware, Militia. Served at various times from May 22nd, 1779, to December 2nd, 1780. (U. S. Bureau of Pensions. U. S. War Department. ) GERRISH, LESLIE FLOYD, Spokane, Wash. State No. 312, Nat'l No. 20987. Admitted November 4th, 1909. Born in Lee, Maine, December 10th, 1851. Son of Nathaniel and Carolina (Getchell) Gerrish; grandson of George and Esther (Woodbury) Gerrish; great-grandson of Nathaniel and Sarah (Marriner) Ger- rish; greaf-grandson of Charles Gerrish. Charles Gerrish, Major in Col. Jonathan Mitcheirs Regi- ment, Massachusetts Militia. (Massachusetts Sol- diers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, Vol. VI, page 336.) GERWICK, JOHN GUY, Olympia, Wash. State No. 484, Nat'l No. 27884. Admitted December 21, 1915. Born in Zanesville, Ohio, October 18, 1878. Son of John Clifford and Mary Magee (Tuttle) Gerwick; grandson of Benjamin and Catherine L. (Trout) Tuttle; great-grandson of Solomon Tuttle. Solomon Tuttle entered service in Vermont, May, 1775, in Capt. Peleg Sunderland's Company. He was at the taking of Ticonderoga by Col. Ethan Allen. Re-enlist- ed upon expiration of his first enlistment, and served in the campaign about Lake Champlain, wintering in Montreal. Re-enlisted the second time and served three years as a Minute Man. Was taken prisoner by a party of Indians in Canada, held one year and then turned over to the British, who held him pris- oner for another nine months. (Vermont Historical Gazetteer, Vol. II, page 390.) WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY GLASS, COURTNEY THOMAS, Seattle, Wash. State No. 225, Nat'l No. 17119. Admitted December 26th, 1905. Transferred from Minnesota Socciety. Born in Lu- verne, Minnesota, September 8th, 1879. Son of William H. and Martha (Adams) Glass; grandson of Kimble and Elvina (Smith) Adams; great- grandson of David and Triphena (Sherman) Smith; great'-grandson of Phineas Smith. Phineas Smith, private in Capt. Daniel Smith's Company, Col. Ira Allen's Regiment of Vermont troops. Also in Capt. Parmlee Allen's and Capt. Enoch Eastman's Company nnder Major Ebenezer Allen and Col. Ira Allen, 1780-1781. (Vermont Revolutionary Rolls, pages 157, 323, 452.) GLAZIER, CHARLES E., Seattle, AVash. State No. 403, Nat'l No. 26528. Admitted July 1, 1914. Born in Hector, New York, August 27th, 1846. Son of James T. and Margaret Glazier; grandson of Walker and Cornelia Glazier; great-grandson of Oliver Glazier. Oliver Glazier, private in Capt. David Moore's Company, Col. John Jacob's Regiment of Light Infantry, Rhode Island troops. Enlisted when 17 years of age, at Lancaster, R. I. Marched to camp July, 1780, under comnmnd of Capt. Thomas Pritchard. Also served six months from town of Sterling in Continental Army, 1780. Discharged December 3rd, 1780. (Mas- sachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, Vol. VI, page 488.) GLEASON, CHARLES S., Seattle, Wash. State No. 24, Nat'l No. 7899. Admitted May 4th, 1899. Born in Windsor, Ohio, September 20th, 1861. Son of Edwin D. and Maria C. (Stoughton) Glea- son ; grandson of Owen and Charlotte (Smith) Stough- ton; great-grandson of George and Polly (Bent) Smith. Great-grandson of Sheni and Flora (Gillette) Stoughton. Greaf -grandson of Oliver Stoughton. Great-grandson of George and Polly (Bent) Smith; greaf -grandson of Silas Bent. Great'-grandson of Lieut. Jonathan Gillett. Grandson of E. John and Elvira (Hunter) Glea- son; great-grandson of Samuel and Hannah (Blair) Hunter; greaf -grandson of Eohert Hunter. Greaf -grandson of Robert and Hannah (Howard) Blair 3rd, greaf -grandson of Eohert Blair 2nd. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 99 George Smith, private in Capt. Ralph Earl's Massachu- setts troops under Col, Keys. Pensioned. (U. S. Bu- reau of Pensions. Massachusetts Archives.) Shem Stoughton, private in Capt. Marsh's Company, Col. Bel(^en's Connecticut troops. Enlisted at East Windsor, Connecticut. (U. S. Bureau of Pensions. Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 652-659. ) Oliver Stoughtou, private in Capt. Amasa Loomis' East Windsor Company that marched on the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775. (Connecticut Men in the Revo- lution, page 9.) Silas Bent, private in Capt. Eustis' Company which marched on the Lexington Alarm from Rutland, Massachusetts. Ensign in Capt. Adam Wheeler's Company, Col. Ephraim Doolittle's Regiment, at Bat- tle of Bunker Hill. In 1776 was First Lieutenant in Capt. Thomas Barnes' Fifth Company, Col. Nix- on's Fourth Regiment of Continental Infantry, and part of time in the recruiting service. (Massachu- setts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution, Vol. I, page 977. Massachusetts Archives. Heitman's His- torical Register.) Jonathan Gillett, Second Lieutenant in Capt. Rowlee's Sixth Company, Col. Huntington's Eighth Connecti- cut Regiment. Regiment reorganized as Seventeenth Continental under Col. Huntington, and Jonathan Gillett was commissioned First Lieutenant. In Battle of Long Island he was taken prisoner near Greenwood Cemetery, and taken to New York and released in February, 1778. Died December 9th, 1778, at age of 49. (Connecticut Men in the Revolu- tion, pages 88, 101. Public Records of the State of Connecticut, Vol. II, page 59. Heitman's Historical Register. ) Rohert Hunter, Lieutenant in Capt. Spear's Company of Minute Men, which marched from Palmer, Massachu- setts in response to the Lexington Alarm. (History of the Town of Palmer by J. H. Temple, pages 167, 176, 324.) Rohert Blair, active throughout the war in providing arms, powder, lead, blankets, etc., for the troops. Member of Committee of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety, of Blandford, Mass. (Town Records of Blandford, Massachusetts. Gibb's History of Bland- ford, 1850.) 100 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY GOBLE, GEORGE HARVEY, Spokane, Wash. State No. 337, Nat'l No. 22212. Admitted October 4th, 1911. Born in Baldwinsville, New York, October 26th, 1854. Son of Milton and Catherine (Lasher) Goble; grandson of George Wisner and Elizabeth Halleck (Corwin) Goble; great-grandson of Peter and Jemima (Young) Corwin; great'-grandson of Silas Corwin. Silas Corwin, private in Second Regiment, New York Line, First Company, Capt. Ricker. Died in service October 24th, 1777. (New York Assembly Papers, page 186. New York State Archives, Albany, 1887.) GOW, A. MURDOCK, New Orleans, La. State No. 62, trans- ferred to Maryland Society and later back to Wash- ington Society under new State No. 313, Nat'l No. 7937. Admitted November 9th, 1895. Born in the Borough of Washington, Pennsylvania, October 6th, 1874. Son of John L. and Emilie (Harding) Gow; grandson of Richard and Rachel Leet (Wilson) Hard- ing; great-grandson of Hugh and Rachel (Leet) Wil- son; greaf-grandson of Isaac Leet. Greats-grandson of James Wilson. Isaac Leet, Deputy Sheriff of Ohio County, Virginia, 1776, and commissioner to ascertain boundary lines of Yohogany and Ohio counties, 1778. Same year nomi- nated as Gentleman Justice. Capt. William Ijeet and Major Daniel Leet, of the Virginia line, were his sons. (History of the Pan Handle, West Virginia. Crumrine's History of Washington County, Pennsyl- vania. Ohio County, West Virginia Records and Washington County, Pennsylvania, Records.) James Wilson, Lieutenant of Fourth Company, Capt. Mabia Evans, Washington County, Pennsylvania, Troops, First Battalion, Lieut. Col. David Phillips and Major John Small. (Pennsylvania Archives, 1783- 1786, pages 287-288. (Crumrine's History of Wash- ington County, Pennsylvania.) GOWEY, FRANK McDONALD, Chiksan, Korea. State No. 25, Nat'l No. 6762. Admitted August 4th, 1892. Born in Woodstock, Ohio, January 4th, 1869. Son of John Franklin and Clara (McDonald) Gowey; grandson of Hartland D. and Eliza A. (Wil- ley) Gowey; great-grandson of Benjamin Franklin and Maria (Strong) Willey; great'-grandson of Eatham Allen and Mary (Brockway) Willey; greaf -grandson of Abraham Willey. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 101 Abraham Willey, private in Capt, John Willey's (his brother) Company of Col. Joseph Spencer's Regi- ment at the Lexington Alarm for Relief of Boston. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution.) GRAFTON, ARTHUR E., Tacoma, Wash. State No. 268, Nat'l No. 18618. Admitted December 4th, 1907. Born in Augusta, Maine, June 3rd, 1871. Son of Lorenzo W. and Ellen M. (Landers) Graf- ton; grandson of Leonard and Almira (Abbott) Lan- ders; great-grandson of John and Alice (Walker) Ab- bott; greaf-grandson of Timothy Walker. Timothy Walker, private in Ninth Regiment, Massachu- setts Line. Enlisted for three years. Pensioned. (U. S. Bureau of Pensions. Revolutionary Records of Maine.) GRAVES, ARNOLD LANDON, Spokane, Wash. State No. 457, Nat'l No. 27232. Admitted March 17th, 1915. Born in Spokane, Washington, December 17th, 1893. Son of Frank Hyde and Esther Maude (Ferris) Graves ; grandson of Hiram Gano and Julia Esther (Holton) Ferris; great-grandson of Stephen Gano and Eunice (Beebe) Ferris; greaf -grandson of Israel Ferris. Israel Ferris, private in Capt. Abraham Mead's Com- pany, Connecticut Militia, Col. John Mead's Regi- ment. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution, page 489.) GRAVES, CARROLL STEPHEN, Annapolis, Md. State No. 243, Nat'l No. 17818. Admitted May 14th, 1906. Born in Carthage, Illinois, September 25th, 1883. Son of Frank Hyde and Esther Maude (Ferris) Graves; grandson of Hiram Gano and Julia Esther (Holton) Ferris; great-grandson of Isaac and Phebe (Arnold) Holton; greaf -grandson of ^Seth Arnold. Great-grandson of Stephen Gano and Eunice (Beebe) Ferris; greaf-grandson of Israel and Ruth (Mead) Ferris; great'-grandson of Jonathan Mead. Seth Arnold was in Capt. Abraham Tyler's Company of Connecticut troops that marched to Boston in the Lexington Alarm. Also private in Capt. Samuel Gale's Company, Col. Samuel H. Parsons' Regiment, May 19th, 1775. Discharged December 19th, 1775. Sergeant in Capt. Cornelius Higgins' Company, Col. William Douglas' Regiment, Fifth Battalion, Wads- 102 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY worth Bridgade, 1776. Served under Washington at New York in Battle of Long Island and the retreat, and Battle of White Plains. Discharged December 25th, 1776. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution.) Jonathan Mead, private in the Ninth Company, Capt. Ebenezer Husted, Sixth New York Regiment, Col. David Sutherland. (New York Revolutionary Rolls, page 249.) GREENE, SAMUEL, Seattle, W^ash. State No. 354, Nat'l No. 24004. Admitted June 18th, 1912. Born in Bos- ton, Mass., December 9th, 1835. Son of David and Mary (Evarts) Greene; grand- son of Jeremiah and Mehitabel (Sherman) Evarts; great-grandson of Roger and Rebecca (Prescott) Sher- man. Roger Sherman in 1774 was a delegate to a General Con- gress. On the Committee selected to draft the Dec- laration of Independence and was one of those who signed it July 4th, 1776. Member of General Conven- tion that approved Federal Constitution. (Life of Roger Sherman. Prescott Memorial.) GREENE, ROGER SHERMAN, Seattle, Wash. State No. 461, Nat'l No. 27236. Admitted March 17th, 1915. Born in Roxbury (now in Boston), Massachusetts, December 14th, 1840. Son of Rev. David and Mary (Evarts) Greene; grandson of Jeremiah and Mehitabel (Sherman) Ev- arts; great-grandson of Roger and Rebecca (Prescott) Sherman; great'-grandson of Benjamin and Rebecca (Minot) Prescott; greaf -grandson of Rev. Benjamin Prescott. Grandson of Thomas Greene. Rev. Benjamin Prescott was a writer of leaflets and pe- riodicals in defense of the rights of the people. Roger Sherman, member Continental Congress from 1774 to 1793. Member of Committee that drafted and re- ported the Declaration of Independence, and a signer thereof and of the Articles of Confederation and Constitution. (Life of Roger Sherman. Prescott Memorial.) Thomas Greene, soldier in expedition sent from Massa- chusetts to Rhode Island in 1778 to prevent the land- ing of the British, under Lord Howe. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 103 GREGG, HARRY W., Fort Omaha, Omaha, Neb. State No. 157, Nat'l No. 14007. Admitted September 17th, 1901. Born in Randolph, Massachusetts, October 8th, 1876. Son of William W. and Lena Anna (King) Gregg; grandson of Seth Turner and Joanna Wales (Burrell) King; great-grandson of John and Sarah Wales (Tur- ner) King; great'-grandson of Seth and Abigail (Wales) Turner; greaf -grandson of Seth Turner, Sr. Seth Turner, Sr., Captain of a Company in the Massachu- setts Line, and after the Revolution commanded Com- pany of Massachusetts Militia. (Genealogy of the Descendants of Sir Humphrey Turner, page 58.) Seth Turner, Jr., served through three campaigns. Or- derly Sergeant after evacuation of Boston, and had charge of his company, then stationed in Old South Church. (Force's American Archives, Fourth Series, Vol. II, page 829.) GREGORY, JOHN C, Bothell, Wash. State No. 398, Nat'l No. 25923. Admitted July 1st, 1914. Born in Pepin, W^isconsin, May 7th, 18G2. Son of Joshua and Mary E. (Harvey) Gregory; grandson of John and Eliza (Culver) Gregory; great- grandson of George and Amy (Roberts) Gregory; great'-grandson of Stephen Roberts. Stephen Roberts, private in Capt. Joseph Walker's Com- pany, Ninth Connecticut Regiment, Col. Samuel B. Webb. Enlisted April 15th, 1778. Was appointed Corporal September 21st, 1782. Pensioned. (Connec- ticut Men in the Revolution. Adjutant General's Of- fice, Washington, D. C.) GRIGGS, HERBERT STANTON, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 81, Nat'l No. 8906. Admitted February 22nd, 1896. Born in St. Paul, Minnesota, February 27th, 1861. Son of Chauncey W. and Martha Ann (Gallup) Griggs; grandson of Chauncey and Hearty (Dimock) Griggs; great-grandson of Stephen and Elizabeth (La- throp) Griggs; greaf -grandson of Ichabod Griggs. Ichal)od Griggs, Ensign in the Connecticut Militia. (Con- necticut ^len in the Revolution, pages 23, 47. Wal- do's Early History of Tolland, Connecticut.) GRIGGS, EVERETT GALLUP, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 86, Nat'l No. 8911. Admitted May 9th, 1896. Born in Chaska, Minnesota, December 27th, 1868. Son of Chauncey W. and Martha Ann (Gallup) Griggs. See Herbert Stanton Griggs. 104 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY GRISWOLD, EDWIN VIETS, Seattle, Wash. State No. 346, Nat'l No. 22221. Admitted January 19th, 1912. Born in Worthington, Ohio, October 27th, 1879. Son of Worthington F. and Fondelia Ruth Gris- wold; grandson of George H. and Mila (Thompson) Griswold; great-grandson of Ezra and Ruth (Roberts) Griswold; great'-grandson of Lemuel Roberts. Lemuel Robei'ts, Captain in the Eighteenth Connecticut Militia, which marched from Simsbury, Connecticut, to Relief of Boston, in Lexington Alarm, 1775. The Eighteenth Regiment, Connecticut, assisted in guard- ing the Burgoyne prisoners as they passed through Connecticut on their way South. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution. Connecticut Historical Society Collections.) GUPTAIL, MARK EDWIN, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 509, Nat'l No. 28559. Admitted March 18th, 1916. Born in Hanover Township, Illinois, January 15th, 1871. Son of George Franklin and Jane Estelle (Longley) Guptail; grandson of John and Phoebe (Fuller) Gup- tail ; great-grandson of Benjamin Fuller, See Edicard Hurd Johnson. GUY, GEORGE OMAR, Seattle, Wash. State No. 421, Nat'l No. 26546. Admitted December 12th, 1914. Born in Guilford, New York, April 23rd, 1846. Son of George and Rebecca Brown (Keith) Guy; grandson of Timothy and Elizabeth (Phelps) Guy, Jr.; great-grandson of Timothy Guy. Timothy Guy, private. Captain John Thompson's Com- pany. Private and Corporal in Lieut. Col. Cornelius Van Veghten's Regiment, Third Regiment of Levies, Saratoga District, New York. (New York in the Revolution. New York Adjutant General's Office.) HALL, FREDERICK CLARK, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 377, Nat'l No. 25902. Admitted January 20th, 1914. Born in Lima, New York, September 3rd, 1850. Son of James H. and Jane F. (Clark) Hall ; grand- son of Enoch A. and Marietta (Shelley) Hall; great grandson of Amos and Phoebe (Coe) Hall; great""- grandson of Stephen Hall. Stephen Hall, Captain in Seventh Regiment of Infantry of the Connecticut Line, commanded by Col. Swift. (Society of the Cincinnati.) Amos Hall, flfer in his father's company, and Sergeant at close of war. (Society of the Cincinnati.) SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 105 HALL, JAMES WINSLOW, Winslow, Wash. State No. 26, Nat'l No. 6708. Admitted March, 1891. Born in Chel- sea, Massachusetts, March 21st, 1864. Son of Harry Knox and Elizabeth Barnes (Bryant) Hall; grandson of George and Cynthia (Collier) Hall; great-grandson of James Hall. James Hall, Sergeant in Col. Knox's Kegiment of Artil- lery; later Second Lieutenant in Corps of Artillery until September 12th, 1777, when he was commis- sioned First Lieutenant. Commissioned Captain Lieutenant of Third Battalion, Col. John Crane, April 12th, 1780. Was at Monmouth, Valley Forge, and at one time Aide to General Washington. (Rec- ord of the Massachusetts State Society of the Cincin- nati, Life of General Henry Knox. Heitman's His- torical Register.) HAMILTON, TALLMADGE, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 340, Nat'l No. 22215. Admitted October 4th, 1911. Born in Fon du Lac, Wisconsin, March 26th, 1873. Son of Alfred K. and Mary Emily (Tallmadge) Hamilton ; grandson of Montgomery and Nancy A, (Eastman) Tallmadge; great-grandson of Henry F. and Maria C. (Adams) Tallmadge; greaf -grandson of Col. Benjamin and Mary (Floyd) Tallmadge; greaf grand- son of Gen. William Floyd. William Floyd signed the Declaration of Independence. (C. A. Goodrich's "Lives of the Signers." Appleton's American Cyclopedia of Biography.) HANFORD, CORNELIUS H., Seattle, Wash. State No. 8, Nat'l No. 7883. Admitted January 13th, 1893. Born in Van Buren County, Iowa, April 21st, 1849. Son of Edward and Abby J. (Holgate) Hanford; grandson of Thaddeus and Abby (Brown) Hanford; great-grandson of William Brown. Grandson of Abraham Levering and Elizabeth (Jones) Holgate; great-grandson of Cornelius and Mary (Levering) Holgate; great'-grandson of John Holgate; greaf -grandson of Matt Hohjate. Great-grandson of Nathan Hawley and Abigail (Clark) Jones; greaf -grandson of and Rebecca (Baldwin) Clark; greaf -grandson of Peleg Baldicin. William Brown, Sergeant in Capt. Comstock's Company, Lieut. Col. Isaac Sherman, Fifth Connecticut Line. Present at storming of Fort Hamilton and at Siege of Yorktown, where he was a member of the "For- 106 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY lorn Hope." For his courage in this battle he was presented with a Badge of Merit by General Wash- ington in person. (Connecticut Men in the Revolu- tion, pages 345, 3G1, 468.) Matt Eolgate, Lieutenant Colonel of the Seventh Bat- talion, Eighth Philadelphia, in 1780. Peleg Baldwin, member of Capt. Peck's Company, Col. Douglas Wadsworth's Brigade, Fifth Battalion Con- necticut Troops, 1770. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution.) HANFORD, CLARENCE, Seattle, Wash. State No. 29, Nat'l No. 6776. Admitted January 13th, 1893. Born in Seattle, Washington, May 13th, 1857. Son of Edward and Abby J. (Holgate) Hanford. See Cornelius H. Hanford. HANFORD, ARTHUR ELAVOOD, Seattle, Wash. State No. 30, Nat'l No. 6777. Admitted January 13th, 1893. Born in Seattle, Washington, March 6, 1855. Son of Edward and Abby J. (Holgate) Hanford. See Cornelius H. Hanford. HANFORD, FRANK, Seattle, Wash. State No. 28, Nat'l No. 6775. Admitted January 13th, 1893. Born in Win- chester, Iowa, January 9th, 1853. Son of Edward and Abby J. (Holgate) Hanford. See Cornelius H. Hanford. HARBAUGH, CHARLES C, Sedro-Woolley, Wash. State No. 223, Nat'l No. 16773. Admitted July 3rd, 1905. Born in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, June 7th, 1869. Son of John and Anna M. (Jacobs) Harbaugh; grandson of Henry and Elizabeth (Crider) Jacobs; great-grandson of Henry and Ann Maria (Miller) Ja- cobs; great^'-grandson of Henry Miller. Henry Miller, private and Sergeant in Sixth Maryland Regiment. (U. S. Bureau of Pensions. Maryland Rolls, pages 18, 46, 228.) HARBAUGH, KARL SPRINGER, Seattle, Wash. State No. 207, Nat'l No. 11261. Admitted April 30th, 1898. Born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, January 5th, 1873. Son of De L. and Sarah A. (Hyde) Harbaugh; grandson of R. W. and Sarah L. (Dodge) Hyde; great- grandson of Jacob and Sarah (Cleves) Dodge; great'- grandson of ^oah Dodge. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 107 Noah Dodge, Corporal, Capt. Peter Clark's Company, Col. Daniel Moore's Regiment, New Hampshire Volun- teers, which marched from Lyndeborough September, 1777, and joined Northern Continental Army at Sara- toga. Enlisted September 3rd, 1777. (New Hamp- shire Revolutionary War Records.) HARDY, FRANK McNAIRY, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 458, Nat'l No. 27233. Admitted March 17th, 1915. Born in Ruston, Louisiana, April 18th, 1890. Son of Robert Monroe and Sena Anna (Duty) Hardy; grandson of William and Jannette Celia (Ken- non) Hardy; great-grandson of Thomas and Lucy Broad- nax (Brooken) Kennon; great-'grandson of Richard Kennon. Richard Kennon, Delegate to the Provincial Congress, August, 1775, from Chatham County, North Caro- lina. (North Carolina Colonial Records, Vol. X.) HARDY, ROBERT MARION, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 439, Nat'l No. 2G914. Admitted January 9th, 1915. Born in Lind Grove, Louisiana, February 3rd, 1883. Son of Robert Monroe and Sena Anna (Duty) Hardy. See Frank McNairy Hardy. HARLEY, CLINTON STRONG, Seattle, Wash. State No. 263, Nat'l No. 18613. Admitted June 3rd, 1907. Born in Deshler, Ohio, December 16th, 1877. Son of Clark Clinton and Janet (Strong) Harley; grandson of Fiuley and ( ) Strong; great-grand- son of Oliver Ripley Strong; great'-grandson of Jona- than Strong. Jonathan Strong, private in Capt. John Vaughn's Inde- pendent Company of Lebanon, Connecticut, Twelfth Regiment. (Connecticut Revolutionary Rolls, page 624. HARPER, WILLIAM PENN, Seattle, Wash. State No. 361, Nat'l No. 24011. Admitted April 15th, 1913. Born in New Garden Township, Chester County, Pennsvlvania, December 6th, 1845. Son of John and Mary Ann (Kay) Harper; grand- son of Samuel and Sarah Harper; great-grandson of Johji Harper. John Harper, Ensign in Fourth Pennsylvania Battalion. Enlisted in 1776. Appointed Ensign and Quarter- master, Capt. Persifor Frazer's Company, which marched to the Canadian frontier and took part in 108 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY the campaign around Fort Ticonderoga. Also En- sign in Capt. James Taylor's Company. He ulti- mately attained rank of Brigade Major under Gen. Wayne stationed at Chad's Ford on Brandywine, September 11th, 1777. While reconnoitering he and Col. Frazer were made prisoners by the British and taken to Philadelphia, where he was kept prisoner until 1780. (History of Chester County, Pennsyl- vania, pages 588-589, by J. Smith Futhey and Gilbert Cope. ) HARPER, PAUL COATES, Seattle, Wash. State No. 364, Nat'l No. 24014. Admitted April 15th, 1913. Born in Mansfield, Ohio, September 11th, 1880. Son of William Penn and Evangeline (Coates) Harper. See William Penn Harper. HARRIMAN, HENRY ROSE, Seattle, Wash. State No. 139, Nat'l No. 12439. Admitted February 1st, 1900. Born in Gloucester, Massachusetts, September 25th, 1877. Son of Nathan Harding and Martha Fidelia (Blood) Harriman; grandson of Joseph and Elizabeth Goodrich (Proctor) Blood; great-grandson of Joseph and Hannah (Walker) Blood; great'-grandson of Ben- jamin Walker. Benjamin Walker, Captain in Massachusetts Troops, Col. Bridge's Regiment, May 27th, 1775. Wounded and taken prisoner in the Battle of Bunker Hill. Taken to Boston, where he died of his wounds, August 15th, 1775. (Heitman's Register, page 415. Lossing's Field Book of the Revolution.) HARRINGTON, WILLIAM SHAW, Seattle, Wash. State No. 408, Nat'l No. 27243. Admitted April 20th, 1915. Born in South New Berlin. New York, November 6th, 1834. Son of James and Charlotte (Walrod) Harrington; grandson of Lot and Sylvia (Sage) Harrington; great- grandson of Daniel Sage. Daniel Sage, private soldier with Benedict Arnold in the Quebec Expedition, and in the retreat from Canada. With Gen. Gates at Burgoyne's surrender, 1777. (Genealogical Record of the Descendants of David Sage, by Elisha L. Sage.) HARRIS EMMET WEBB, Seattle, Wash. State No. 438, Nat'l No. 26913. Admitted January 9th, 1915. Born in Union Center, Ohio, December 21st, 1866. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 109 Son of Benjamin F. and Laura (Webb) Harris; grandson of William R. and Harriet (Clark) Webb; great-grandson of Harvey and Anna Fuller (Williams) Clark; great'-grandson of Dea. Amasa Clark. Dea. Amasa Clark, private in Col. Canfield's Regiment at West Point. Joined at Redding, under Gen. Israel Putnam. Pensioned. (U. S. Bureau of Pensions. Connecticut Men in the Revolution.) HARRIS, RICHARD BROW^N, Spokane, Wash. State No. 300, Nat'l No. 20575. Admitted April 5th, 1909. Born in Boston, Mass., February 23rd, 1878. Son of John Franklin and Caroline Bronsdon (Marsh) Harris; grandson of Col. Lucius Bolles and Caroline Elizabeth (Mann) Marsh; great-grandson of Capt. Thomas Hartshorn and Sarah Curtis (Bronsdon) Marsh; greaf -grandson of Lieut. Ezekiel and Abiah (Hartshorne) Marsh; great'-grandson of Ensign Ezekiel Marsh, Sr. Ezekiel Marsh, 8r., Ensign in Capt. Caleb Low's Company, Danvers, Massachusetts. Marched in the Lexington Alarm, April 19th, 1775. (Lexington Alarm Rolls.) Ezekiel Marsh, Jr., Lieutenant in Caleb Low's Company in Battle of Bunker Hill. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, Vol. X, page 242.) HART, LOUIS FOLWELL, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 293, Nat'l No. 20568. Admitted February 22nd, 1909. Born in High Point, Missouri, January 4th, 1862. Son of Thomas Jefferson and Harriet Shepard (Van Artsdalen) Hart; grandson of Lewis Folwell and Sidney (Gill) Hart; great-grandson of Joseph and Ann (Folwell) Hart; great'-grandson of Joseph Hart. Joseph Hart, Colonel of Second Battalion from Buck's County, Pennsylvania, July 20th, 1775. Served in New Jersey in the summer of 1776. (History of the Hart Family, by William Watts Hart Davis.) HARTSON, MILLARD TRACY, Seattle, Wash. State No. 90, Nat'l No. 8915. Admitted September 22nd, 1896. Born in Alden, New York, May 13th, 1857. Son of Henry and Dorothy (Smith) Hartson; grandson of Matthew and Fluria (Ackley) Smith; great-grandson of Isaac C. Ackley. Isaac C. Ackley, private, Capt. Daniel Cone's Company, Col. Henry Champion's Regiment. Enlisted in East 110 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Haddam, Connecticut. Pensioned. (U. S, Pension Bureau.) HARVEY, BENJAMIN LOOKER, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 31, Nat'l No. 7906. Admitted July 10th, 1895. Born in Lafayette, Indiana, April 1st, 1866. Son of Capt. Orpheus Calderwood and Jane (Clark) Harvey; grandson of Dr. Othniel Looker and Charille (Durkee) Clarke; great-grandson of Alison and Sarah (Haymond) Clarke; greaf -grandson of Wil- liam Haymond. William Haymond, Captain of the Militia and Major in the Militia of the County of Monongalia, Virginia. Appointed Captain of Militia by Patrick Henry, Gov- ernor of Virginia, March 13th, 1776. In command of Rickett's Fort from June 12th to July, 1777. Ap- pointed Major of Virginia Militia November 12th, 1781, and was commissioned to administer Oath of Allegiance to the jjeople in his section. (Certified Copies of Commission as Captain and Major. Certi- ficate of Clerk of Circuit Court of Harrison County, West Virginia. The Valentines in America.) HASKELL, FORBES PHELPS, Jr., Tacoma, Wash. State No. 315, Nat'l No. 22220. Admitted January 19th, 1912. Born in Oakland, California, May 11th, 1873. Son of Forbes Phelps and Emma (Howard) Has- kell ; grandson of Oliver Foster and Elizabeth Powers (Haskell) Howard; great-grandson of Ignatius and Sarah (Eaton) Haskell; greaf -grandson of William and Hannah Haskell Eaton; greaf-grandson of Major William, Eaton. William, Eaton, First Major of the Fifth Lincoln County Regiment. (Massachusetts Archives, and Militia Of- ficers. Hosmer's History of Deer Isle, Maine.) HAYS, JAMES AMENZO, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 231, Nat'l No. 17806. Admitted November 8th, 1905. Born in Horicon, Wisconsin, September 18th, 1870. Son of James Buchanan and Permelia Elizabeth (Hubbard) Hays; grandson of Isaac Jabez and Eliza- beth (Wood) Hubbard; great-grandson of Isaac and Bethia (Snow) Hubbard; greaf-grandson of Stephen Huhhard. Great-grandson of Gardiner and Fannie (Koch) Wood; great^'-grandson of Rudolph and Hannah (Salts- man) Koch; greaf -grandson of Oeorge Saltsman. Great'-grandson of Rudolph Koch. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 111 Stephen Hubhard, private in Capt, Oliver Lyman's Com- pany and later Capt. Phillip Hubbard's Company. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolu- tion, Vol. VIII.) George Saltsman, private Try on County, New York, Mili- tia Rangers, Capt. Christian Getman's Company. (New York in the Revolution, Second Edition.) Rudolph Koch, Captain, Tryon County, New Y^ork, Mili- tia. (New Y'ork in the Revolution, page 75.) HEATH, SIDNEY MOOR, Hoquiam, Wash. State No. 441, Nat'l No. 26916. Admitted January 9th, 1915. Born in Waterville, Maine, August 27th, 1859. Son of William Solyman and Maria Elizabeth (Moor) Heath; grandson of Wyman B. S. and Clara Ann Neal (Cook) Moor; great-grandson of Daniel and and Rebecca (Spring) Moor; greaf -grandson of Daniel Moor. Daniel Moor, Captain. Resident of Pembroke, New Hamp- shire. Engaged in service in Col. John Stark's Regi- ment April 23rd, 1775. Served subsequently as Colonel of New Hampshire Militia and engaged in the Battles of Princeton, Trenton, Bennington, Long Island, and with Gen. Arnold during the Canadian campaign. He was also Captain of the Fifth Conti- nental Infantry. (New Hampshire State Papers, Vol. XIV, page 70.) HILLS, STUART FRANCIS, Hartford, Conn. State No. 273, Nat'l No. 18623. Admitted February 22nd, 1908. Born in Hartford, Connecticut, January 31st, 1877. Son of Augustus C. and Julia (Litchfield) Hills; grandson of Elias and Abigail W. (Fox) Litchfield; great-grandson of Daniel and Olive (Pierce) Litchfield; greaf -grandson of Delano Pierce. Delano Pierce, Captain in the Connecticut Militia. (Daugh- ters of the American Revolution, No. 12241 ; also No. 8109.) HINMAN, HARRY" BENSON, Everett, Wash. State No. 206, Nat'l No. 13943. Transferred from Ohio Society. Ad- mitted August 12th, 1901. Born in Havana, New Y^ork, February ISth, 1870. Son of Grover C. and Albertine (Whitlemore) Hinman ; grandson of Dr. Grover T. and Irene (Ben- son) Whitman; great-grandson of Jonah and Arnie (Catlin) Hinman; greaf -grandson of Theodore Catlin. 112 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Theodore Catlin, Second Lieutenant of Eleventh Com- pany, Seventeenth Regiment, Connecticut Militia. HITT, JESSE MARTIN, Olympia, Wash. State No. 150, Nat'l No. 12450. Admitted April 2nd, 1901. Born in Martin County, Indiana, October lOth, 1854. Son of Caleb and Anne (Shelmire) Hitt; grand- son of Martin and Margaret (Smith) Hitt; great- grandson of Thomas and Elizabeth (Reynolds) Smith; great'-grandson of John Reynolds. Thomas Smith, First Lieutenant in Smallwood's Mary- land Regiment in January, 1776. Captain of Fourth Maryland Battalion of Flying Camp, June, 1776. Made Major of Fifth Maryland, December 10th, 1776. (Heitman's Historical Register. U. S. War De- partment.) John Reytiolds, Captain in First Maryland Battalion, Flying Camp, December, 1776, and later Captain of Seventh Maryland, until he resigned in December, 1777, Service was at Valley Forge, White Plains, Fort Schuyler, and High Hills of the San tee. (Heit- man's Historical Register.) HOLMES, CARL STINSON, Seattle, Wash. State No. 141, Nat'l No. 12441. Admitted February 10th, 1900. Born in Chicago, Illinois, November 28th, 1878. Son of Marcus Morton and elennie (Stinson) Holmes; grandson of William Cochran and Sarah E. (Poor) Stinson; great-grandson of Moses and Sally (Little) Poor; greaf-grandson of Moses Little. Moses Little, First Lieutenant in Ninth Company, Stark's New Hampshire Regiment, Capt. Samuel Richards. He took part in the Battle of Bunker Hill. (State Papers of New Hampshire, Vol. I, page 55.) HOLMES, SAMUEL JUDD, Seattle, Wash. State No. 10, Nat'l No. 7885. Admitted December 12th, 1894. Born in Palmyra, Wisconsin, October 12th, 1854. Son of Miles and Nancy Sophia (Cowles) Holmes; grandson of Israel and Sarah (Judd) Holmes; great- grandson of Capt. Saviitcl Judd. Grandson of Addison and Phoebe (Cole) Cowles; great-grandson of Ashbel and Rhoda (Lee) Cowles; greaf -grandson of Josinh Coivles. Samuel Judd, Captain and Lieutenant in Connecticut troops. In 1783 was commissioned Captain of the Fifth Company of ''Train Band" in the Twenty-sev- SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 113 enth Regiment, State of Connecticut. (History of Waterbury Connecticut and lithographic facsimile of commission.) Josiah Cowles, Captain and Committeeman of Southing- ton, Connecticut. He was on several important com- mittees, among them the committee for the relief of Boston sufferers from the "Port Bill,'' and for the re- lief of soldiers' families during the war. Marched with 100 other men from Southington to Boston at the time of suffering caused by the closing of Port of Bristol. (History of Southington, Hartford County, Connecticut. ) HOLMES, HENRY ELLIOTT, Seattle, Wash. State No. 32, Nat'l No. 7907. Admitted December 12th, 189i. Born in Sullivan, Wisconsin, June 29th, 1849. Son of Miles and Nancy (Cowles) Holmes. See Samuel Judd Holmes. HOLMES, J. LISTER, Seattle, Wash. State No. 432, Nat'l No. 26907. Admitted January 9th, 1915. Born in Se- attle, Washington, July Gth, 1891. Son of Samuel Judd and Alice (Lennox) Holmes. See Samuel Judd Holmes. HOLMES, LENNOX RUTHERFORD, Seattle, Wash. State No. 433, Nat'l No. 2(3908. Admitted January 9th, 1915. Born in Chicago, Illinois, October 5th, 1880. Son of Samuel Judd and Alice (Lennox) Holmes. See Samuel Judd Holmes. HOOKER, THOMAS, Spokane, Wash. State No. 89, Nat'l No. 8914. Admitted September 22nd, 1896. Born in New Haven, Connecticut, January 10th, 1848. Son of Samuel and Elizabeth Strong (Baldwin) Hooker; grandson of Dr. William G. and Melinda (Met- calf) Hooker; great-grandson of Noadiah Hooker. Grandson of Shubael and Lydia Ann (Bailey) Strong; great-grandson of Samuel and Lydia (Crocker) Bailey; great'-grandson of John CrocJxer. Noadiah Hooker, member of a Committee of Correspond- ence and for the Relief of Boston. Was Captain of a band of liberty men he raised at Farmington, Connec- ticut. Was appointed Captain of the Sixth Com- pany, Second Regiment of Connecticut, April 26th, 1775. Captain of a Company of Col. Walcott's Regi- ment at Boston in 1776, and in 1777 was Colonel of 114 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY a regiment of Connecticut Militia in service in Peekskill under Col. Erastus Wolcott. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution.) John Crocker, Corporal from May 6tli, 1775, to De- cember ISth, 1775, in the Fifth Company, Sixth Regi- ment, Capt. James Chapman of New London, Col. Parsons commanding. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution, page 74.) HOOKER, ARTHUR, Salt Lake City, Utah. State No. 296, Nat'l No. 20571. Admitted April 5th, 1909. Born in Fairland, Iowa, November 25th, 1880. Son of Thomas and Mary Louise (Denison) Hooker. See Thomas Hooker. HOOKER, WILLIAM GRISWOLD, Spokane, Wash. State No. 448, Nat'l No. 26923. Admitted February 13th, 1915. Born in Fairland, Iowa, March 9th, 1883. Son of Thomas and Mary Louise (Denison) Hooker; grandson of Samuel and Elizabeth Strong (Baldwin) Hooker; great-gi^andson of Dr. William G. and Melinda (Metcalf) Hooker; greaf -grandson of Noadiah Hooker. Grandson of Jesse Wood and Mary W. (Briggs) Denison ; great-grandson of Rev. Avery and Mary (Winsor) Briggs; great'-grandson of Rev. Joel Briggs. Joel Briggs was in Battle of Lexington when 18 years of age and served other short terms in the war. See Thomas Hooker. HORR, RALPH ASHLEY, Seattle, Wash. State No. 360, Nat'l No. 24010. Admitted April 15th, 1913. Born in Saybrook, Illinois, August 12th, 1882. Son of Lewis Haines and Emma (Rock) Horr; grandson of Ashley Davenport and Milly (Cheney) Horr; great-grandson of Jacob and Hannah (Pierce) Horr; greaf -grandson of Robert Hoar. Rohert Hoar, Sergeant in Capt. Pierce's Fourth Company of Middleboro, Massachusetts, in 1778. Also served as Commissary in Forage in Col. Waite's Regiment in 1780. (Records of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. Record of Descendants of Hezekiah Hoar of Taunton, Massachusetts.) SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 115 HOTCHKISS, WALTER BOOTH, Chehalis, Wash. State No. 397, Nat'l No. 25922. Admitted July 1st, 1914. Born in Chicago, Illinois, February 16th, 1870. Son of Memair Victor and Isabella (Scott) Hotch- kiss; grandson of Joshua Phelps and Harriette Newell (Booth) Hotchkiss; great-grandson of Walter Booth. Walter Booth, Sergeant in Col. Webb's Third Connecticut Regiment. Pensioned. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution.) HOUSE, EDWIN LINCOLN, Spokane, Wash. State No. 287, Nat'l No. 20562. Admitted October 5th, 1908. Born in Lebanon, New Hampshire, April 4th, 1801. Son of J. B. and Nancy J. (Fowler) House; grand- son of Abram and Nancy (Hodgdon) Fowler; great- grandson of Abner Fowler. Ahner Fowler enlisted for three years May 28th, 1777, as private in Capt. James Gray's Company, First New Hampshire Militia, at Canterbury. (Adjutant Gen- eral's Office, Washington, D. C.) HOWE, JAMES B., Seattle, Wash. State No. 4, Nat'l No. 6791. Admitted May 20th, 1893. Born in Charleston, South Carolina, July 7th, 1860. Son of William B. W. and Catherine Gadsden (Ed- wards) Howe; grandson of James Fisher and Rebecca Harriet (Gadsden) Edwards; great-grandson of Philip and Catherine (Edwards) Gadsden; greaf -grandson of Christopher Gadsden. ChristopJier Gadsden was delegate to the Stamp Act Con- gress in New York in 1765, and the First Continental Congress in 1774. Was Brigadier General of three South Carolina Regiments and engaged in the Siege of Charleston, 1776. Signed the Capitulation of Charleston when the city was captured. Was arrest- ed in violation of the terms of the capitulation and sent to Saint Augustine, Florida, and imprisoned in the dungeon of the castle at that place for forty- two weeks. (Heitman's Historical Register. Ameri- can Cyclopedia, Vol. VII, page 551. Bancroft's His- tory of the United States, edition of 1854, Vol. V, pages 294, 295.) 116 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY HOWELL, ITHMAR MARTINDALE, Olympia, Wash. State No. 513, Nat'l No. 28563. Admitted April 18th, 1916. Born in Wankon, Iowa, February 13th, 1866. Son of Josephiis Skudder and Abigail Jane (Noyes) Howell; grandson of William and Abigail (Dexter) Noyes; great-grandson of Thomas and Mary (Reed) Noyes; greats-grandson of Thomas Noyes. Thomas Noyes enlisted July 10th, 1780, as private in Capt. John Eastman's Company, Col. Thomas Bartlett's Regiment, New Hampshire Militia. Discharged Oc- tober 24th, 1780. (Adjutant General's Office, War De- partment. Noyes Genealogy.) HULL, ALANSON A., Chehalis, Wash. State No. 409, Nat'l No. 20534. Admitted September 19th, 1914. Born in St. Paul, Minnesota, November 18th, 1884. Son of Frank A. and Alice M. (Chandler) Hull; grandson of George W. and Julia (Axtell) Hull; great- grandson of Abel, Jr., and Electa (Sanford) Hull; greaf -grandson of Abel Hull, Sr. Grandson of Isaac Magoon and Elizabeth (Stephen- son) Chandler; great-grandson of Joseph and Polly (Cushman) Chandler; greaf - grandson of Josiah Chandler. Abel Hull, Sr., private in Seventh Regiment, Connecticut Line, Herman Swift commanding, Capt. Aaron Ste- vens' Company. Enlisted at Killingsworth, Connecti- cut, May 24th, 1777. Discharged May 24th, 1780. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution, page 223. Con- necticut Historical Society Collections. Connecticut Archives in the Revolutionary War.) Josiah Chandler, drummer in Capt. Thomas Loring's Company which marched from Plimpton to Marsh- field, on Lexington Alarm. Also served in Theopolis Cotton's Regiment, Gen. Palmer's Brigade, in Rhode Island. He marched on the secret expedition against Newport in 1777. Was Sergeant of Marines on board frigate Deane from 1781 until close of the war. (Mas- sachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, page 293.) HUNGATE, RICHARD COOK, Hoquiam, Wash. State No. 450, Nat'l No. 26925. Admitted February 13th, 1915. Born in Denver, Colorado, August 16th, 1885. Son of Jehu Hale and Vesta Delinda (Cook) Hun- gate; grandson of Wesley and Delinda (Wolcott) Cook; great-grandson of Elias Howe and Lorana (Star- SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 117 ling) Wolcott; great'-grandson of Elias and Belinda (Howe) Wolcott; greaf -grandson of Joseph Wolcott. Great'-grandson of Elias and Belinda (How) Wol- cott; great'-grandson of Peter and Orrinda (Fuller) Eoic ; great*-grandson of Nehemiah How(e). Joseph Wolcott, of Wallingford, Connecticut, was in Lexington Alarm in 1775 and served 16 days. En- listed in the Ninth Company, First Regiment, Gen. Wooster's Connecticut troops, as fifer, April, 1877. Also fifer in Col. John Livingston's Regiment and in Capt. Riley's Company Third Connecticut Line. (Register of Connecticut Troops.) Peter How(e), private, enlisted July, 1777. Served six months under Capt. Ebenezer Allen, Col. Herrick's Rangers. In 1778 served under Capt. Holibert, build- ing picket fort, and in several scouting parties to Ti- conderoga, Mt. Independence, Crown Point, etc., for two years. Was in battles of Bennington, Mt. Befi- ance, Biamond Island and Second Stillwater. Pen- sioned. IT. S. Pension Bureau. History of Poult- ney, Vermont, page 280.) Nehemiah How(e), member of Committee and Conven- tion. Was with Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga May 10th, 1775. In Battle of Bennington. Represented Poultney, Vermont, in the Borset, Vermont, Conven- tion in 1776, and was a member of the Committee of Safety of the New Hampshire Grants in 1777. (His- tory of Poultney, Vermont.) HUNT, CHARLES COLMAN, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 276, Nat'l No. 20551. Admitted October 5th, 1908. Born in Jefferson, Ohio, March 21st, 1868. Son of Wilbur Harvey and Laura Frances (Sulli- van) Hunt; grandson of Harvey Smith and Harriet N. (White) Hunt; great-grandson of Joseph Lockwood and Lydia (Bavenport) Hunt; great'-grandson of Theophihis Hunt. Grandson of Absalom Colman and Charlotte (Hotchkiss) Sullivan; great-grandson of Andrew and Laura (Pangmon) Hotchkiss; greaf -grandson of Jason Hotchkiss. Theophilus Hunt, private in Col. Charles Webb's Second Regiment, Connecticut Line. Enlisted July 22nd, 1780. Bischarged Becember 4th, 1780. (Adjutant Gen- eral's Office, Montpelier, Vermont. Connecticut Rolls.) Jason Hotchkiss, private in Capt. Bunnell's Company, Wallingford, Connecticut, Fifth Battalion, Col. Wil- 118 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY liam Douglas, Wadsworths' Brigade, 1776. Battalion raised to re-enforce Washington's Army at New York. In Battle of Long Island, New York, and White Plains. Term expired December 25th, 1776. (Con- necticut Men in the Revolution, page 409.) HUNTING, PERCY BRADFORD, Seattle, Wash. State No. 402, Nat'l No. 26527. Admitted July 1st, 1914. Born in Charlestown, Massachusetts, June 21st, 1857. Son of Ebenezer Newell and Georgiana (Bradford) Hunting; grandson of Ebenezer Newell and Elizabeth (Coolidge) Hunting; great-grandson of Amos Hunting. Amos Hunting^ private in Massachusetts Continental Troops. (Sons of the American Revolution, National No. 12294.) HUSSEY, ERNEST BERTRAND, Seattle, Wash. State No. 367, Nat'l No. 24017. Admitted July 15th, 1913. Born at sea, in Gulf of Tonquin, January 10th, 1865. Son of Peter and Lavinia (Kelly) Hussey; grand- son of William M. and Phoebe C. (Folger) Hussey; great-grandson of Peter and Mary (Mooers) Hussey; greaf -grandson of Bachiler Hussey. Bachiler Hussey, member of Committee of Safety and Correspondence, was one of the signers of a number of memorials addressed to the General Court of Massa- chusetts and the Colonial Congress from the inhab- itants of the Island of Nantucket. Being a Quaker he took no active part in the war. (New England Histor- ical and Genealogical Register, Vol. XXVIII. Genea- logical and Historical Records of Nantucket, Massa- chusetts. ) JACKSON, FREDERICK FRANCIS WHITNEY, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 378, Nat'l No. 25903. Ad- mitted January 20th, 1914. Born in New Haven, Con- necticut, September 15th, 1879. Son of Frederick Augustus and Violet Eldora (Loomis) Jackson; grandson of George Frederick and Frances Augusta (O'Neill) Jackson; great-grandson of Samuel and Elizabeth (Welles) Jackson; great^'-grand- son of Daniel Jackson. Grandson of Francis Dwight and Laura Minerva (Brown) Loomis; great-grandson of David Lyman and Violet (Searle) Brown; greaf -grandson of Eli and Sarah (Lyman) Brown; greaf -grandson of David Ly- man. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 119 Daniel Jackson, private in Connecticut troops from Ridg- field, Connecticut. (National Register Sons of Amer- ican Revolution, 1902, page 196.) David Lyman, Lieutenant in Massachusetts Militia. (William Horton Loomis, National No. 7456, and Connecticut State No. 1006, Sons of American Revolu- tion. ) JAYNES, CLINTON BROWN, Olympia, Wash. State No. 488, Nat'l No. 27888. Admitted January 29th, 1916. Born in Wymore, Nebraska, September 18th, 1882. Son of Orestes Frank and Ella (Brown) Jaynes (Janes) ; grandson of Henry Clinton and Almira L. (Jacobs) Jaynes (Janes) ; great-grandson of Nathan and Celinda (Dexter) Janes; greaf-grandson of Solo- mon Janes. Great-grandson of Silas and Lydia (Pike) Jacobs; greaf -grandson of Whitman Jacobs, Jr. Solomon Janes, Sergeant. Enlisted as private in Capt. James Sherman's Company, Col. Pynchon's Regi- ment, which marched from Brimfleld, Massachusetts, on the Alarm of 1775. Also Corporal in Capt. Jo- seph Thompson's Company, Col. Timothy Danielson's Regiment, and later promoted to Sergeant. Re-en- listed as Sergeant in Col. Leonard's Regiment March 1st, 1777, to re enforce the army at Ticonderoga. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolu- tionary War, Vol. VIII, pages 716, 717.) Whitman Jacobs, Jr., enlisted at Athol, Massachusetts, in Captain Oliver's Company, Col. Nathan Spar- hawk's Regiment, May 18, 1778. He served several other short enlistments. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, Vol. VIII, page 703.) JOHNS, WILLIAM DOUGLAS, Seattle, Wash. State No. 282, Nat'l No. 20557. Admitted January 4th, 1909. Born in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, November 21st, 1857. Son of Daniel Lewis and Adeline Runnels (Trow- bridge) Johns; grandson of Clement and Olive (Smith) Trowbridge; great-grandson of Elihu Smith. Elihu Smith, Ensign in Capt. Mill's Company, Col. Brad- ley's Battalion, Wadsworths' Brigade. Stationed at Bergen Heights, Paul us Hook, near Jersey City, greater part of summer and early fall of 1776. In early fall the regiment moved up the river in the vi- cinity of Fort Lee under Gen. Greene. In November 120 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY was sent to assist in defending Fort Wasliington, which was captured with the entire garrison. He afterwards moved to Vermont, where he served the last year of the Avar as a legislator. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 40, 41. Genealogy of the Lyman Family in Great Britain and America, page 179. Heitman's Governor and Council, page 370.) JOHNSON, ALBERT, Hoquiam, Wash. State No. 442, Nat'l No. 26918. Admitted January 9th, 1915. Born in Springfield, Illinois, March 5th, 18G9. Son of Charles W. and Annie (Ogden) Johnson; grandson of Hugh and Lucinda (Horner) Johnson; great-grandson of Charles Johnson. Charles Johnson was in battles of Cowpens and Guilford Court House. (Brief History of the Descendants of Samuel Johnson. (Voucher No. 152, page 12, Book B, Vol. II, Army Accounts of North Carolina.) JOHNSON, AYRES WILLIAM, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 399, Nat'l No. 25924. Admitted July 21st, 1914. Born in La Grande, Illinois, December 18th, 1892. Son of George E. C. and Hattie B. Johnson ; grand- son of Herman M. and Lucena E. (Clark) Johnson; great-grandson of Arvine and Eliza. (Higgins) Clark; great'^-grandson of Moses Clark; greaf -grandson of Moses Clark. Moses Clark, private and Sergeant under Capt. Foster, Hadley, Massachusetts, and later under Capt. Har- vey, Col. Jonathan Brewer's Regiment, and Capt. David Brewer, and under Capt. Smith. Col. Wood- bridge's Regiment. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution, Vol. Ill, page 558. U. S. Pension Bureau.) JOHNSON, EDWARD HTTRD, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 508, Nat'l No. 28558. Admitted March 18th, 191G. Born in Mitchell County, Kansas. Son of Thomas S. and Ellen (Lowe) Johnson; grandson of John Edward and Mary (Guptail) Lowe; great-grandson of John and Phoebe (Fuller) Guptail; greaf -grandson of Benjunhhi Filler. Benjamin Fuller, private soldier, served in several enlist- ments in 1775, '70 and '77 in various Connecticut regi- ments. (Adjutant General's Office, Hartford, Conn, Connecticut Men in the Revolution.) SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 121 JONES, CARTER HELM, Seattle, Wash. State No. 419, Nat'l No. 26544. Admitted December 12th, 1914. Born in Oakley, Virginia, November 30th, 18(11. Son of John William and Judith Page (Helm) Jones; grandson of William and Mary (Brooke) Helm; great-grandson of Humphrey and Sarah Walker (Page) Brooke; greaf -grandson of Robert and Mary (Braxton) Page, Jr. ; great'-grandson of Carter Braxton. Carter Braxton was a warm supporter of Patrick Henry. He was a member of the House of Burgesses from 1761 to 1775, when, on the death of Peyton Ran- dolph, President of the Continental Congress, he was sent as a delegate from Virginia to that body, and signed the Declaration of Independence. Was re- turned to the Virginia Legislature in 1777. (Camp- bell's "History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia," Chapter 49, page 662. Coleman's "The Constitution and Its Framers," Chapter 10, pages 187-188.) JONES, CARTER BROOKE, Seattle, Wash. State No. 420, Nat'l No. 26545. Admitted December 12th, 1914. Born in Louisville, Kentucky, July 13th, 1893. Son of Carter Helm and Anna (McCown) Jones. See Carter Helm Jones. JUDSON, EDWARD BIRDSEYE, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 209, Nat'l No. 16759. Admitted January 12th, 1905. Born in Winslow, Illinois, December 7th, 1859. Son of Charles O. and Chloe (Rust) Judson; grandson of Charles and Sarah (Tracy) Rust; great- grandson of Ebenezer Kingsley and Lydia (Lyman) Rust ; greaf -grandson of Lemuel Rnst. Lemuel Rust, Lieutenant, Southampton, Masaschusetts, in Capt. Lemuel Pomeroy's Company under Col. Ezra May. Engaged in the expedition to Saratoga. (Family Records.) El)enezer Kingsley Rust enlisted in Capt. Ebenezer Shel- don's Company under Col. Seth Murray, Hampshire County, July lOth, 1780. Mustered July 10th, 1780. Discharged October 10th, 1780. (Family Records.) JUDSON, THOMAS MACOUGHTRY, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 330, Nat'l No. 22205. Admitted November 19th, 1910. Born in Decatur, Illinois, April 28th, 1889. Son of Edward Birdseye and Grace Lee (Macough- try) Judson ; grandson of Charles Overfield and Chloe (Rust) Judson. See Edward B. Judson. 122 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY JUREY, JOHN SLAUGHTER, Seattle, Wash. State No. 159, Nat'l No. 14009. Admitted September 30th, 1901. Born in Belle Air, Missouri, September 23rd, 1861. Son of John Slaughter and Sarah F. (Wolfe) Jurey; grandson of Reese and Nancy (Slaughter) Jurey; great-grandson of John Slaughter. John Slaughter, Ensign in Twelfth Virginia, 1777. Sec- ond Lieutenant September 2nd, 1777. Retired Sep- tember 14th, 1778. (Heitman's Register.) KARR, ARTHUR THOMPSON, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 389, Nat'l No. 25914. Admitted April 21st, 1914. Born in Hoquiam, Washington, April 19th, 1883. Son of James A. and Abigail B. (Walker) Karr; grandson of Elkamah and Mary (Richardson) Walker; great-grandson of Joseph and Charlotte (Thompson) Richardson ; greaf -grandson of Isaac Snow and Char- lotte (Hay) Thompson; greaf -grandson of Daniel Thompson. Daniel Thompson, Minute Man at Battle of Lexington, and was killed at Concord April 19th, 1775. (Apple- ton's Encyclopedia of American Biography.) KEELER, CHARLES EDGAR, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 388, Nat'l No. 25913. Admitted April 21st, 1914. Born in Erie, Pennsylvania, December 16th, 1871. Son of William Curtis and Eliza Ann (McKee) Keeler, Jr. ; grandson of William Curtis and Melinda (Flint) Keeler; great-grandson of Isaiah Whitney and Lucinda (Curtis) Keeler; greaf -grandson of Isaiah Keeler. Isaiah Keeler, private. Enlisted at Stillwater, New York, under Capt. John Chipman and Col. Warner. Was in the expedition to Lake George and Ticonderoga, and was captured October 23rd, 1780, and carried to Montreal and Quebec, where he was imprisoned until November 28th, 1782, when he was returned to Boston. Pensioned. (U. S. Adjutant General's OflBce, S. File 13625. U. S. Pension Bureau.) KELLY, SAMUEL NEWTON, Bellingham, Wash. State No. 147, Nat'l No. 12447. Admitted February 11th, 1901. Born in Manchester, Iowa, July 3rd, 1863. Son of Samuel and Phoebe Irene (Tubbs) Kelly; grandson of Horace and Eunice (Call) Tubbs; great- grandson of Asa Call. Grandson of Samuel and Betsey (Lee) Kelly; SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 123 great-grandson of James Lee; great-grandson of Ste- phen Tubhs. Asa Call, private. Enlisted for one year, in 1778, in Capt. Taylor's Company, Battalion of Col. Timothy Bedel. (New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, Vol. IV, page 252.) James Lee, private. Enlisted February 23rd, 1776, for two years in Capt. Vallentine Peyton's Company, Third Virginia Regiment. Re-enlisted December 1st, 1777, for three years and served throughout the war. Stephen Tuhhs, private, Capt. Tehan Noble's Company, Col. Warren's Regiment, Vermont troops. (Vermont Revolutionary Rolls.) KELSEY, ELMER STEWART, Modesto, Calif. State No. 352, Nat'l No. 24002. Admitted March 8th, 1912. Born in Fort Covington, New York, July 24th, 1874. Son of William Guile and Sarah Pierce (Herrick) Kelsey; grandson of George W. and Adeline (Ballard) Herrick; great-grandson of William W. and Mary (Ewing) Herrick; greaf -grandson of Stephen and Sarah (Crandall) Herrick; greaf -grandson of Elijah Herrick. Elijah Herricl', Captain in Col. Frear's Fourth Regi- ment, Duchess County, New York Militia, and later Captain in the Sixth Regiment. Enlisted in 1776. (New York in the Revolution, page 141, by P. H. S. Paullin, New York, 1877, page 479.) KENNEDY, PALMER, San Francisco, Cal. State No. 368, Nat'l No. 24018. Admitted July 15th, 1913. Born in Winterset, Iowa, January 16th, 1888. Son of William Matthews and Elizabeth Alice (Palmer) Kennedy; grandson of Garret Dox and Alice Holmes (Hazard) Palmer; great-grandson of Silas Holmes and Delia Hogland (Beach) Hazard; greaf - grandson of Samuel Sarren and Jane (Hoff) Beach; greaf-grandson of Charles and Hannah (Tuttle) Hoff; greaf-grandson of Moses and Jane (Ford) Tuttle; greats-grandson of Jacob Ford. Great'-grandson of William and Lucretia (Holmes) Hazard ; greats-grandson of Silas Holmes. Jacob Ford, Colonel, also Judge and member of commit- tees during the Revolution. The old headquarters building at Morristown, N. J., was Col. Ford's home, and it was here that Washington made his headquar- 124 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY ters when in Morristown. (Adjutant General's OfiSce, State of New Jersey. Letters in Morristown Head- quarters of General Washington.) Moses Tuttle, private. (Daughters of the American Eevo- lution, No. 27331.) Charles Hoff, Minute Man in Morris County Militia, and in charge of Lord Sterling's iron works at Hibernia, New Jersey, where he made balls and guns for the Government. (Daughters of the American Revolu- tion, No. 27331.) Silas Holmes, Surgeon's Mate in Connecticut. (Heit- man's Register of Officers of the Continental Army.) KIEFER, JAMES, Seattle, Wash. State No. 217, Nat'l No. 167G7. Admitted February 15th, 190.5. Born in Countv of Northampton, Pennsylvania, March 6th, 1860. ' Son of Andrew J. and Mary (Edraiston) Kiefer; grandson of John and Elizabeth (Johnston) Edmis- ton ; great-grandson of James and Elizabeth (Meddock) Edmiston ; greaf -grandson of Garrett Meddock. Garrett Meddoclx, private, enlisted December 10th, 1776, in Capt. John Nelson's Company, First Battalion, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, Militia, Col. George Taylor. (Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Vol. XIV, page 570.) KINGSBURY, EDWARD PHIPPS, Olvmpia, Wash. State No. 127, Nat'l No. 12427. Admitted May 4th, 1899. Born in Holliston, Massachusetts, September 25th, 1855. Son of Elijah and Joanna W. (Phipps) Kings- bury; grandson of Eli and Betsy (Whiting) Phipps; great-grandson of Aaron and Hannah (Bullard) Phipps; greaf -grandson of Deacon Aaron Phipps. Deacon Aaron Phipps, private, lived at Sherborn (now Holliston), Massachusetts. Was one of the Commit- tee of Correspondence relative to the "Duty on Teas." Served 14 days as Sergeant under Capt. John Stores at the Lexington Alarm. His name appears in the roll of Capt. Ezra Eames Company, June 18th, 1775. Also served as member of Capt. Amos Perry's Com- pany, Col. Hawes' Regiment, July 28th, 1778, to September 12th, 1778. (Fox Genealogy. Morse's His- tory of Sherborn and Holliston, Massachusetts. Mas- sachusetts State Records.) SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 125 KUHN, CHARLES FRANCIS, Treadwell, Alaska. State No. 251, Nat'l No. 18601. Admitted January 14th, 1907. Born in the Count}^ of St. Charles, Missouri, September 19th, 1858. Son of Edward J. and Annie (Gill) Kuhn ; grand- son of Joseph J. and Jane Rebecca (McCabe) Kuhn; great-grandson of Edward and Rebecca (Hudson) Mc- Cabe; greaf -grandson of John and Mary (Morgan) Hudson; greaf -grandson of Jacob Morgan. Jacob Morgan, Colonel, and a representative of Berk's County, Pennsylvania, to the Provincial Council held at Carpenter's Hall, June 18th to June 25th, 1776, which arranged to form a government for the Prov- ince of Pennsylvania. He was also a representative to the Convention held in Philadelphia, July, 1776, which prepared the Constitution of Pennsylvania and appointed the Council of Safety. He was County Lieutenant in Berks County from May 22nd, 1777, to January 6th, 1781. Was appointed Colonel of the Second Battalion of Pennsylvania Militia in Berks County, January 12th, 1777. (Pennsylvania Archives. ) LEA, JOHN JAMES, Seattle, Wash. State No. 445, Nat'l No. 26920. Admitted January 9th, 1915. Born in Alton, Illinois, August 10th, 1870. Son of Charles Gazzam and Margaret (Ed- wards) Lea; grandson of Cyrus and Sophia (Loomis) Edwards; great-grandson of Hubbell and Jerusha (Burt) Loomis; great'-grandson of David and Mary (Colton) Burt: great'-grandson of ^imon and Abigail (B\\vt)Colton; greaf-grandson of John Burt. Simon Colton, Captain, in War of Revolution, Massachu- setts troops. (Colton Genealogy, page 28. Massa- chusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution, Vol. Ill, page 848.) David Burt, Captain in Massachusetts troops. (Massa- chusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution, Vol. II, page 913.) John Burt, Captain in Massachusetts troops. (Massachu- setts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution, Vol. II, page 918.) LEE, CHESTER FAIRMAN, Seattle, Wash. State No. 37, Nat'l No. 7344. Admitted April 7th, 1895. Born in Cooperstown, New York, November 18th, 1861. Son of Henry Amos and Margaret (Fairman) 126 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Lee; grandson of Chester and Sophia (Johnson) Lee; great-grandson of Amos Lee; great"-grandson of Jared Lee. Amos Lee, private in the Connecticut troops. He served three short terms in the Continental Army. (Lee Family Greater Millenial Gathering, page 36.) Jared Lee, served as Justice of the Peace in -Hartford County, Connecticut, 1775 to 1779. LEVENSALER, LEWIS A., Tacoma, Wash. State No. 455, Nat'l No. 27230. Admitted February 13th, 1915. Born in San Francisco, California, October 21st, 1879. Son of Joseph Gilchrist and Emma (Adams) Lev- ensaler; grandson of Caleb and Harriet (Gilchrist) Levensaler; great-grandson of Joseph and Sarah (Car- ney) Gilchrist; greats-grandson of Samuel and Hannah (Robinson) Gilchrist; greats-grandson of Joseph Rob- inson. Joseph Rol)inson, commissioned First Lieutenant, Capt. Benjamin Plummer's Massachusetts Company, Febru- ary 7th, 1776. Stationed at St. George's for defense of seacoast. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution, Vol. VIII, page 457. History of Thomaston, South Thomaston, and Rockland, Maine.) LEWIS, WILLIAM H., Seattle, Wash. State No. 191, Nat'l No. 15041. Admitted June 22nd, 1903. Born in Chi- cago, Illinois, September 3rd, 1868. Son of John and Julia (Clark) Lewis; grandson of John and Olive (Jackson) Clark; great-grandson of Giles Jackson. Giles Jackson, Major, First Regiment, Berkshire County, Massachusetts Militia, August 30th, 1775. Commis- sioned Lieutenant Colonel October 11th, 1777. (Mas- sachusetts Rolls, Vol. VIII, page 667.) LIBBY, ISAAC CHASE, Spokane, Wash. State No. 261, Nat'l No. 18611. Admitted June 3rd, 1907. Born in Cor- nish, Maine, March 1st, 1852. Son of Daniel Jeremy and Mary (Chase) Libby; grandson of Levi Stone and Lydia (Chick) Libby; great-grandson of Daniel Libby; great'-grandson of Daniel Libhy. Daniel Lihhy, member of Committee of Correspondence and Safety throughout the Revolution. (Libby Fam- ily in America by Charles T. Libby.) SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 127 LILLY, CHARLES HENRY, Seattle, Wash. State No. 183, Nat'l No. 15033. Admitted February 23rd, 1903. Born in Champaign, Illinois, January 20th, 1800. Son of Robert Henry and Valeria (Gordon) Lilly; grandson of John and Susan (McCullock) Gordon; great-grandson of David and Dorothy (Farrell) Mc- Cullock; great"-grandson of Joseph McCullock. Joseph McCullock, private in the Massachusetts troops. Enlisted at the first call, April 19th, 1775, and served to December 31st, 1780. (Massachusetts Revolution- ary Rolls, Vol. X, page 457.) LINDSAY, ARTHUR W., Spokane, Wash. State No. 370, Nat'l No. 24020. Admitted Julv 15th, 1913. Born in LaGrande, Oregon, July 14th, 1808. Son of E. C. and Alice R. Lindsay; grandson of Nathaniel and Almira E. (Garrish) Harmon; great- grandson of Japhet and Betsy (Getchel) Harmon; greats-grandson of Benjamin Harmon. Benjamin Harmon, Second Lieutenant on the cutter Nes- quort. Later appointed First Lieutenant. The Nes- quort was commissioned 1777 or 1778 and cruised until the close of the war. (Diskoe's History of Machias, page 70.) LOCKWOOD, ALFRED, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 376, Nat'l No. 25901. Admitted January 20th, 1914. Born in Walton, New York, January 2Gth, 1870. Son of Egbert W. and Harriet J. Lockwood ; grand- son of Benajah and Annette (Goodrich) McCall ; great- grandson of Richard and Jane (Sands) Goodrich; greaf -grandson of Isaac Goodrich. Isaac Goodrich, private in Seventh Company, Connecti- cut Continental Regiment. Enlisted May 13th, 1775. (Goodrich Family in America.) LOWTHER, GRANVILLE, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 396, Nat'l No. 25921. Admitted April 21st, 1914. Born in County of Doddridge, West Virginia, Januarv 19th, 1848. Son of Jesse and Hannah (Leeson) Lowther; grandson of Alexander and Sarah (Ireland) Lowther; great-grandson of William (Jr.) and Margaret (Morri- son) Lowther; greaf -grandson of Col. William Lowther. Willia77i Lotvther, private in Indian Wars, beginning in 1774, and rose to rank of Colonel. Was delegate to the General Assembly of the State. Was Command- 128 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY ant of the Militia in 1780. (Heitman's Kegister, page 359. Index of Virginia Soldiers, page 276. McAllis- ter's Virginia Militia, page 183.) LUCAS, WARREN, Seattle, Wash. State No. 382, Nat'l No. 25907. Admitted January 20th, 1914. Born in Wau- neka, Wisconsin, May 2nd, 1SG6. Son of Carroll and Marcelia (Remington) Lucas; grandson of Silas and Margaret (Clark) Remington; great-grandson of Andrew Clark. Andrew Clark, private. Enlisted at Bennington, Ver- mont, May 1st, 1777, for six months. Captain Sam- uel Robinson, Col. Moses Robinson and Col. Seth Warner. Re-enlisted four more times and served once as Corporal. (IT. S. Bureau of Pensions.) HADDOCKS, MOSES RIDEOUT, Seattle, Wash. State No. 369, Nat'l No. 24019. Admitted July 15th, 1913. Born in Bucksport. Maine, November 13th, 1833. Son of Ezekiel Walker and Esther (Blood) Mad- docks ; grandson of Samnel Haddocks. Samuel Haddocks, private. Enlisted at Kennebunk, Maine, January 1781, and served until December 11th, 1783. He was in Captain Job Sumner's and Joseph Williams' Company, Col. John Greaton, Third Massachusetts Continentals. Was afterwards pro- moted to rank of Sergeant, and as such was dis- charged at the close of the Avar. Pensioned. (Massa- chusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. X, page 130. IT. S. Pension Bureau.) MAINE, GEORGE EDWIN, Seattle, Wash. State No. 410, Nat'l No. 26535. Admitted September 19th, 1914. Born in Sparta, Wisconsin, November 24th, 1882. Son of Clinton D. and Emma (Potter) Maine; grandson of Edwin C. and Ellen C. (Wheeler) Maine; great-grandson of Allen and Jemima Ann Wheeler; greaf -grandson of Elisha and Lois (York) Wheeler; greaf -grandson of Jesse York. Jesse York, private in Ca pt. Thomas Holmes' Company, September 8th, 1776. Discharged November 7th, 1776. Also served in same company, Eighth Regiment, commissioned by Oliver Smith. Promoted to Ser- geant and served in New York campaign. (Connecti- cut Men in the Revolution, page 451. Wheeler's His- tory of Stonington, page 47.) SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 129 MANN, CHAMPION BRAMWELL, Olympia, Wash. State No. 485, Nat'l No. 27885. Admitted December 21, 1915. Born in Summerhill Township, Crawford County, Penn- sylvania, November 2nd, 1844. Son of Sylvester H. and Ann E. (Whipple) Mann; grandson of Jeremiah R. and Nancy A. (Pelton) Whip- ple; great-grandson of Ezra and Chloe Pelton; great*- grandson of Ithmar Pelton. Ithmar Pelton, Ensign of the Fourth Company, Twenty- third Regiment, of Train Bands of Connecticut. Was at the burning of New London in 1781. Appointed Ensign in May, 1776, by the Colonial Assembly. (Public Records of Connecticut, 1776, page 340.) MANN, CLAUDE BREWER, Winlock, Wash. State No. 514, Nat'l No. 28564. Admitted April 18th, 1916. Born in Olympia, Wash., June 4th, 1882. Son of Champion Bramwell and Evangeline S. Mann ; grandson of Sylvester H. and Ann E. Mann ; great-grandson of Jeremiah R. and Nancy A. Whipple; greats-grandson of Ezra and Chloe Pelton; greaf- grandson of Ithmar Pelton. See Champion Bramwell 3Iann. MARCH, FRANK MORRISON, Spokane, Wash. State No. 332, Nat'l No. 22207. Admitted January 26th, 1911. Born in West St. Paul, Minnesota, October 22nd, 1863. Son of Nelson J. and Mary J. (Morrison) March; grandson of George and Hannah (Nelson) March; great-grandson of John March. John March enlisted at Concord, New Hampshire, as Second Lieutenant in Capt. Hezekiah Hutchins' Com- pany, Col. James Reed's Regiment, May 1st, 1775. Re-enlisted September 8th, 1777, as private in Capt. Moses Leavette's Company. Served three months in 1777 in Northern Continental Army at Stillwater as private, also in the Continental Army, Rhode Island, as private, beginning August 5th, 1778. Later pri- vate in Col. George Reed's Second Company, 1779 to 1780. Revolutionary Rolls, Vol. I, page 81; Vol. II, pages 321 and 569.) 130 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY McCLINTOCK, EGBERT OLIVER, Spokane, Wash. State No. 277, Nat'l No. 20552. Admitted October 5th, 1908. Born in Collinsville, Ohio, May 17th, 1867. Son of Robert Scroggin and Sarah Jane (Smith) McClintock; grandson of Daniel and Louise (Scroggin) MeClintock; great-grandson of Robert and Narcissa (Mills) Scroggin; great'-grandson of John Mills. Grandson of Daniel and Louise (Scroggin) McClin- tock; great-grandson of William McClintock. John Mills, Ensign, Ninth Virginia Regiment. Lieutenant in 1781. Promoted Captain and served through the war in Virginia and Carolina. (Heitman's Register.) William McClintock, private in Capt. Andrew Wallace's Company, Eighth Virginia Regiment, from May 17th, 1778, to February l(3th, 1779. Pensioned. (U. S. Pension Bureau.) McCLINTGCK, SIDNEY SMITH, Spokane, Wash. State No. 279, Nat'l No. 20554. Admitted October 5th, 1908. Born in Collinsville, Ohio, January 4th, 1875. Son of Robert Scroggin and Sarah Jane McClin- tock. See Rohcrt 0. McClintock. McCLlTRE, WILLIAM E., Seattle, Wash. State No. 201, Nat'l No. 16751. Admitted March 17th, 1904. Born in Eugene, Oregon, October 22nd, 1874. Son of Andrew S. and Sarah J. (Dillard) Mc- Clure; grandson of Stephen M. and Julia Ann (Ren- shaw) Dillard; great-grandson of Moses and Jane (Stowell) Renshaw; great'-grandson of George and Re- becca (Walker) Stowell; greaf -grandson of Joseph Walker. Joseph Walker, private in Ca])t. Thomas Snead's Com- pany, Ninth Virginia Regiment afoot, commanded by George Matthews. Enlisted January 2nd, 1776, and discharged Sei)tember 17th, 1776. His name also ap- pears on the company pay roll for November and December, 1776, with a notation to November 25th, and then taken into sea service. (U. S. Pension Bu- reau. U. S. War Department.) McCLITRE, CHARLES EDWARD, Seattle. Wash. State No. 411, Nat'l No. 26536. Admitted September 19th, 1914. Born in Eugene, Oregon, October 22nd, 1874. Son of Andrew S. and Sarah J, (Dillard) McClure. See William E. McClure. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 131 McCLURE, HORACE, Seattle, Wash. State No. 220, Nat'l No. 16770. Admitted March 10th, 1905. Born in Eu- gene, Oregon, May 12th, 1866. Son of Andrew S. and Sarah J. (Dillard) McClure, See William E. McClure. McCONNELL, WILSON HALL, Spokane, Wash. State No. 395, Nat'l No. 25920. Admitted April 21st, 1914. Born in Rolling Prairie, Wisconsin, February 2nd, 1893. Son of Edward H. and Nettie (Hall) McConnell; grandson of Alexander Wilson and Mary Brady (Mc- Cune) McConnell; great-grandson of James and Han- nah (Kirkwood) McCune; greaf -grandson of Joseph and ( ) Kirkwood; greaf -grandson of Major Rob- ert Kirkicood. Robert Kirkwood, Lieutenant in a Delaware Regiment, Captain and Major by brevet. Was in 32 battles: fought in every battle in which Washington fought in 1777. Held a certificate of membership in the Order of the Cincinnati. In the Battle of Camden, Major Kirkwood's troops won fame and were called "The Blue Hen's Chickens" after that. In this battle his regiment was reduced from eight companies to two by reason of death and capture. He was with Wash- ington in his pursuit of Cornwallis until his surren- der. (Revolutionary Soldiers of Delaware, Vol. XIY, page 27. Dehaney's History of the Delaware Troops.) McCORMICK, WILLIAM LAIRD, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 303, Nat'l No. 20978. Admitted May 1, 1909. Born in Waseca, Minn., June 12th, 1876. Son of Robert Laird and Anna Elizabeth (Good- man) McCormick; grandson of Alexander and Jane Hayes (Laird) McCormick; great-grandson of John Fleming and Agnes (White) McCormick; great'-grand- son of John McCormick. Greaf -grandson of Lieut. Robert Hayes. Greaf -grandson of Col. William Chamberlain. Greaf -grandson of Hugh White. John McCoj-mick, Ensign in William McElhatton's Com- pany of Col. Plunkett's Battalion, Pennsylvania Militia. (Year Book of Minnesota Sons of the Ameri- can Revolution, 1889-1895.) Robert Hajjes, Second Lieutenant of a company afoot, Third Battalion of Associates, Northampton County, Pennsylvania. (Year Book of Minnesota §ons of the American Revolution, 1889-1895.) 132 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY William Chamberlain, commissioned Lieutenant Colonel Second New Jersey Regiment, September 9tli, 1777. Assigned to Gen. John Armstrong's Brigade of Gen. Wayne's Division in the battles of Trenton, Prince- ton, Brandy wine and Germantown. (Year Book of Minnesota Sons of the American Revolution, 1889- 1895.) Hugh White, Captain of Pennsylvania Militia, appointed April 19th, 1775, on Committee of Safety from Pine Creek Township and commissioned Captain in Col. Samuel Hunter's Battalion, Pennsylvania State Troops, February, 1776. ( Sons of the American Revo- lution Year Book, Minnesota Society, 1889 to 1895.) Mccormick, Robert ALLEN, Tacoma, wash, state No. 342, Nat'l No. 22217. Admitted October 4th, 1911. Born in Hayward, Wis,, August 17th, 1885. Son of Robert Laird and Anna Elizabeth (Good- man) McCormick. See William Laird McCormick. MacINTOSH, JOHN WILLIAM, Spokane, W^ash. State No. 315, Nat'l No. 20990. Admitted January 10th, 1910. Born in Albany, New York, November 19tli, 1869. Son of John Francis and Martha Jane (Efner) Macintosh; grandson of James and Asenith (Bradt) Efner; great-grandson of John Efner. John Efner, Sergeant in Capt. Van Denburgh's New York Militia. (New York in the Revolution. Ar- chives of the State of New York, Vol. I, page 120.) McKEE, GEORGE HENRY, Spokane, Wash. State No. 278, Nat'l No. 20553. Admitted October 5th, 1908. Born in Greensburg, Indiana, July 5th, 1880. Son of George H. and Maria (Marshall) McKee; grandson of William and Louise (Stiph) McKee; great- grandson of John and Elizabeth (McClintock) McKee; greaf -grandson of John McKee. John McKee, private in Capt. Van Swearingen's Com- pany, Col. D. Morgan's Regiment, Continental Troops, July, 1777, to March, 1778. Sixth South Carolina Regiment, August 1st, 1779, to February 1st, 1780, and was in Caine's Run skirmish September 12th, 1780, and was shot at his post and buried where he fell. His death was due to the treachery of a Tory whom he had befriended. (U. S. Pension Bureau.) SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 133 Mckenzie, ALLAN D., Olympia, Wash, state No. 480, Nat'l No. 27880. Admitted December 21st, 1915. Born in Olympia, Washington, December 3rd, 1877. Son of Peter and Mary (Woodruff) McKenzie; grandson of S. Nelson and Samantha (Packwood) Woodruff; great-grandson of Jonathan and Lenora (Kendall) Woodruff; great'-grandson of Gedor Wood- ruff. Gedor Woodruff, private in a Connecticut regiment in the Battle of Fort Independence. Enlisted in 1781, and served until November, 1783. (U. S. Pension Bureau.) McKENZIE, C. CLYDE, Olympia, Wash. State No. 481, Nat'l No. 27881. Admitted December 21st, 1915. Born in Olympia, Washington, August 17th, 1890. Son of Peter and Mary (Woodruff) McKenzie. See Allan D. McKenzie. McLEAN, HENRY ALBERTS, Seattle, Wash. State No. 453, Nat'l No. 27228. Admitted February 13th, 1915. Born in Greenville, Illinois, December 20th, 1858. Son of Major James Kerr and Elizabeth Ann (Don- nell) McLean; grandson of George and Anne (McLean) Donnel ; great-grandson of Major John Donnell. Major John Donnell, Captain and Major under Col. John Paisley of North Carolina. Participated in the de- feat of Gen. Gates. It is family tradition that he was in the Battle of Guilford Court House. (U. S. Pension Bureau.) McWHORTER, LUCULLUS VIRGIL, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 503, Nat'l No. 28553. Admitted March 18th, 1916. Born in Harrison County, West Virginia, Janu- ary 29th, 1860. Son of Dr. J. M. and Rosetta (Marple) McWhorter; grandson of Walter and Margaret (Hurst) McWhorter; great-grandson of Henry McWhorter. Henry McWhorter enlisted March, 1776, in Capt. Wisner's Company of Minute Men for Orange County, New York, which was attached to Col. Livingston's State Militia at Camp Constitution for four months. Re- enlisted in the same company in August, in Col. Isaac Nichols' Regiment under Gen. George Clinton. He was in the Battle of White Plains and at King's Bridge and was sent home on furlough on account of illness. Enlisted again in April, 1777, in Capt. Tot- 134 "WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY liff's Company, and in August of 1777 enlisted in Capt. Parson's Company, which was sent to Fort Montgomery. Served two other short enlistments. (U. S. Bureau of Pensions.) MEAD, HERBERT WHITON, Seattle, Wash. State No. 302, Nat'l No. 20977. Admitted April 5th, 1909. Born in Hingham, Massachusetts, April 3rd, 18G3. Son of Walton Viles and Lucy (Whiton) Mead; grandson of David and Esther (Bundy) Mead; great- grandson of Moses Mead. Grandson of Job S. and Lucy (Farren) Whiton; great-grandson of Israel and Hannah (Stowell) Whi- ton; greats-grandson of Stephen Whiton. Great'grandson of Zehulon Farren. Moses Mead, private, enlisted April 29th, 1775, Thirty- seventh Regiment of Foot, Capt. Abijah Childs, Col. Thomas Gardner. March 23rd, 1778, in Capt. Edwin Fuller Company, Col. William Mcintosh. (Massachu- setts Muster and Pay Rolls. Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. X, page 582.) Israel Whiton, private in Hingham, Massachusetts, Inde- pendent Company, Capt. James Lincoln. He was in the battle of Grape Island, May 21, 1775. Enlisted in the Continental Army in Col. Henry Jackson's Six- teenth Massachusetts Regiment, Third Company, Capt. Lemuel Trescott, May 10, 1777, for three years. Served several enlistments. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. XVII, page 258. History of Hing- ham, page 286.) Stephen Whiton, private in Capt. James Lincoln's Com- pany and afterward in Capt. Seth Stowers' Company in Col. Josiah Whiting's Regiment. Enlisted at Hing- ham, Massachusetts, May 8th, 1775, for sea coast de- fense. Re-enlisted as private July 31st, 1776. Massa- chusetts Muster and Pay Rolls. Castle and Harbor Rolls, Vol. XXV., page 81.) Zehulon Fari'en, private in Capt. William Douglas' Com- pany, Col. David Wooster's Regiment, in first call for troops, May, 1775, in New Haven, Connecticut. (Con- necticut Men in the Revolution, page 42.) HEARS, WILLIAM ALLEN, Seattle, Wash. State No. 284, Nat'l No. 20559. Admitted Januarv 4th, 1909. Born in Fultonville, New York, October 3rd, 1849. Son of William Allen and Sarah Jane (Maxwell) SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 135 Mears; grandson of James and Lois (Sprague) Mears; great-grandson of John Mears. John Mears, Sergeant in Joseph Boynton's Company, Na- thaniel Wade's Regiment. Enlisted June 2()th, 1778, and served to January 6th, 1779, in lihode Island. (Rhode Island Muster Rolls.) MERRILL, SAMUEL, Spokane, Wash. State No. 298, Nat'l No. .20573. Admitted April 5th, 1909. Born in Haver- hill, Mass., December 19th, 1852. Son of George Evan and Susan Eastman (Putnam) Merrill; grandson of Evan and Anna (Haynes) Mer- rill ; great-grandson of Samuel Merrill. Samuel Merrill, Captain in Major Gage's Regiment of Militia of Massachusetts Bay. Member of Committee of Safety, Correspondence and Inspection. Enlisted April 17th, 1777, as Captain of the Second Foot Com- pany of Haverhill. Fought at Battle of Saratoga and was present at the surrender. Discharged De- cember 8th, 1781. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. X, page 680.) MERRITT, WILL HERVEY, Seattle, Wash. State No. 470, Nat'l No. 27245. Admitted June 1st, 1915. Born in Florence, Nebraska, August 7th, 1871. Son of Julius and Maryetta (Moses) Merritt; grand- son of Noahdiah and Relief (Parker) Merritt; great- grandson of Noah and Eunice (Metcalf) Merritt j greaf -grandson of Noah Merritt. Noah Merritt, private, enlisted from Templeton, Massa- chusetts. Was in battles of White Plains, Bunker Hill and at Burgoyne's surrender. Served in Capt. Joseph Morse's Company, Col. Prescott's Regiment, three years. Honorable discharge April, 1780. Pen- sioned. (U. S. Bureau of Pensions.) MILROY, ROBERT BRUCE, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 391, Nat'l No. 25916. Admitted April 21st, 1914. Born in Rensselaer, Indiana, September 25th, 1859. Son of Robert Houston and MaiT Jane (Armitage) Milroy: grandson of Valerius and Mary (Hewitt) Armi- tage; great-grandson of John and Eleanor (Siddons) Armitage; great'-grandson of Capt. Caleb Armitage. Caleb Armitage. Captain in Third Company, Seventh Battalion, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, Mili- tia, 1779 and 1780. (Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Vol. XIII, pages 736 and 758.) 136 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY MILROY, VALERIUS ARMITAGE, Olympia, Wash. State No. 499, Nat'l No. 27899. Admitted March 18th, 1916. Born in Rensselaer, Indiana, August 17th, 1855. Son of Gen. Robert H. and Mary Jane (Armitage) Milroy. See Robert Bruce Milroy. MILROY, WALTER JUDSON, Olympia, Wash. State No. 489, Nat'l No. 27889. Admitted January 29th, 1916. Born in Rensselaer, Indiana, August 24th, 1857. Son of Gen. Robert H. and Mary Jane (Armitage) Milroy. See Robert Bruce Milroy. MONROE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 472, Nat'l No. 27247. Admitted June 25th, 1915. Born in Memphis, Missouri, September 28th, 1880. Son of William Andrew and Sarah Louise (Hall) Monroe; grandson of Edward and Mary Jane (Shan- non) Hall; great-grandson of Benjamin and Priscilla (Stuart) Hall; great'-grandson of Major Alexander Stuart. Major Alexander Stuart, Major in Col. McDowell's Regi- ment, Virginia troops, and in command at Battle of Guilford Court House, where he was wounded and taken prisoner. (Annals of Augusta County, Vir- ginia, by Waddell. History of Augusta County, by Pevton. Daughters of the American Revolution, No. 81032.) MOORE, ALLEN R., Mt. Vernon, Wash. State No. 366, Nat'l No. 20724. Admitted March 12th, 1912. Born in White Deer Valley, Union County, Pennsylvania, April 7th, 1867. Son of William C. and Sarah Elizabeth (Wagen- hurst) Moore; grandson of Joseph and Annie (Baker) Moore; great-grandson of James and Mary Clark (Ott) Moore ; great^'-grandson of James Moore. James Moore, private in Capt. James Parr's Company, First Pennsylvania Continentals, Col. Edward Hand. Enlisted May 15th, 1776. He was in the battle and skirmishes on Long Island and helped cover the re- treat August, 1776. Was at Trenton, Bunswick, Saratoga and Stony Point. Was paid off at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, April 17th, 1781. Re-enlisted in 1781 in Col. Craig's detachment to march to South Caro- lina in the First Pennsylvania. (Pennsylvania State Archives, Second Series, Vol. X, pages 307, 343, 387, Louis FoLWEi.L Hart Cullen Kittredge Sturtevant Tacoma Seattle Vice-President, 1915-1916 Treasurer. 1915-1917 Granville Lowther, D. D. North Yakima Chaplain, 1915-1916 Thomas Howard Brewer Joseph Phelps Totten Spokane Seattle Vice-President, 1915-1916 Registrar, 1915-1917 Christopher W. Horr Augustus V. Bell Seattle Seattle Vice-President, 1915-1916 Treasurer, 1899-1915 (Deceased October 15, 1915) (Deceased March 20, 1915) Alfred Lockwood, D. D. North Yakima Vice-President, 1914-1915 John Onesimus Foster, D. D. George O. Swasey Seattle Tacoma Chaplain, I9I4-I915 Vice-President, 1914-1915 i SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 137 623. Daughters of the American Rovlution, No. 91389.) MOORE, HARRY DENTON, Seattle, Wash. State No. 471, Nat'l No. 27246. Admitted June 1st, 1915. Born in Geneva, New York, January 25th, 1864. Son of Harry G. and Keturah (Van Hoesen) Moore; grandson of William McLennan and Anna (Bostwick) Moore; great-grandson of Ezekiel and Mary Gould (Barnard) Moore; greaf -grandson of Jon- athan Barnard. Grandson of John and Mary (Parks) Van Hoesen; great-grandson of John and Desire (Galusha) Parks; great'-grandson of James Parks. Great'-grandson of Jacoh Galusha. Great-grandson of Garret and Catherine (Van Buskirk) Van Hoesen; greaf -grandson of Garret G. Van Hoesen. Ezekiel Moore, private in Capt. Daniel Buckman, Jr.'s detachment of artillery which marched in the Lex- ington Alarm in 1775 from his home in Sutton, Mas- sachusetts. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. X, page 920. New Hampshire State Papers, Vol. XVI.) Jonathan Barnard, private in Capt. Elias Pratt's Com- pany, recruited in Oxford and Sutton, Massachusetts, in i779. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. I, page 634.) James Parks enlisted February 27th, 1777, as private at Groton, Connecticut. Discharged, 1779. Re-enlisted and supposed to have been in the Battle of Benning- ton. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution, page 163.) Jacob Galusha, Lieutenant in Capt. Matthew Lyon's Com- pany of Militia. Served as private in Capt. Jacob Hines' Company from Arlington, Vermont. (Ver- mont Revolution Rolls, pages 172, 549, 802.) Garret Van Hoesen, private in Col. Van Renssaelar's Eighth New York Regiment. Later re-enlisted at various times, once as private in Capt. Johnson's Company, Fifth New Y^ork Regiment afoot, 1776 to 1780. (New Y^ork in the Revolution, page 115. Records of Adjutant General's Office, Albany, N. Y.) MOORE, HAROLD, Seattle, Wash. State No. 482, Nat'l No. 27882. Admitted December 21st, 1915. Born in Mis- soula, Mont., September 7th, 1894. Son of Harry Denton and Katherine (Nies) Moore. See Harry Denton Moore. 138 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY MOKSE, WILLARD VAUGHAN, Tacoma, Washington. State No. 373, Nat'l No. 24023. Admitted October 21, 1913. Born in Seaford, Delaware, October 3rd, 1880. Son of Willard Samuel and Anna Bathsheba (Fish- er) Morse; grandson of Samuel and Olive (Goodell) Morse; great-grandson of Calvin and Lucinda (Wait) Morse; greaf -grandson of Phille Morse. Great-grandson of Elbridge Gerry and Rebecca (Darling) Goodell; great'-grandson of James and Olive (Read) Darling; greaf -grandson of Abel and Rebecca (Farrer) Bead; great*-grandson of Be)ijanii)i Read. Grandson of Isaac M. and Sarah Jane (Vaughan) Fisher; great-grandson of William and Alice (Bloxam) Vaughan; great'-grandson of Joseph Vaughan. Great'-grandson of Benjamin Darling. Phille Morse, drummer in Capt. Josiah Wilson's Com- pany, Col. Porter's Hampshire Regiment. Enlisted September 23rd, 1777. Discharged October 17th, 1777. Marched on the Alarm to re-enforce Gen. Gates in the North. (Massachusetts Muster Rolls, Vol. XXIV, page 99.) Abel Read, private, answered Lexington Alarm, Capt. Bates Company, Col. James Prescott's Regiment. Served 13 days. With Capt. Joshua Parker's Com- pany, Col. John Robinson's Regiment, Rhode Island. Enlisted September 15th, 1777. (Lexington Alarms, Vol. II, page 21G. Rhode Island Service, Vol. Ill, page 56.) Benjamin Read, private, Lexington Alarm Roll of Capt. Timothy Underwood's Company, Col. William Pres- cott's Regiment. Also with Capt. Asa Lawrence, Col. Jonathan Read's Regiment. Enlisted September 20th, 1777. Discharged November 9th, 1777. (Lex- ington Alarms, Vol. XIII, page 149.) Joseph Vaughan, private, Capt. W. Moore's Company, Second Delaware Regiment ^Militia. (Delaware Ar- chives, Vol. II, page 644. Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C.) Benjamin Darling, Sergeant in Capt. George Kimball's Company, which marched April 20th on the Lexing- ton Alarm. Private on muster and pay roll of Capt. Jonathan Sibley's Company. Enlisted July 29th, 1781. Discliiirged November 10th, 1781. (Lexing- ton Alarm, Vol. XII, page 150.) SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 139 NEAGLE, CHARLES A., Seattle, Wash. State No. 363, Nat'l No. 24013. Admitted April 15th, 1913. Born in Mecklinbiirg County, North Carolina, March 2nd, 1853. Son of Matthew and Ann Rudduck (Rudisill) Neagle; grandson of Jonas and Susannah (Clarke) Ru- disill ; great-grandson of Jonas Rudisill. Jonas Rudisill, private in Capt. Copenhafer's Company, First Battalion, York County Associates. Organized in 1775 by Col. James Smith, afterwards commanded by Col. Swope of York, in the battles around New York City. In the Third Company, Second Battalion, York County Militia, in 1779, commanded by Col. William Rankin, in the battles of Brandywine, Ger- mantown, etc. (Pennsylvania Archives, Fifth Series, Vol. IV, page 477. Pennsylvania Archives, Sixth Series, Vol, II, page 464. Prowell's History of I'^ork County, Pennsylvania.) NEWCOMB, CHARLES T., Seattle, Wash. State No. 156, Nat'l No. 14006. Admitted September 17th, 1901. Born in Portsmouth, Ohio, November 21st, 1858. Son of Gardner I), and Marian J. E. (I)unsmoor) Newcomb; grandson of Hill and Susannah (Mellor) Dunsmoor; great-grandson of Phineas and Polly (Gage) Dunsmoor; greaf-grandson of Ahnei- Gage. Ahner Gage, private in Elisha Woodbury's Company Seven, Col. Stark's New Hampshire Regiment, June 12th, 1775. Enlisted at Pelham, New Hampshire, June 12th, 1775. Was wounded in the foot at Bat- tle of Bunker Hill and placed on half pay January 1st, 1776. Pensioned. (New Hampshire Revolution- ary Rolls. New Hampshire Records, Vol. Ill, page 383. History of Morgan County, Ohio, page 359.) NICHOLS, ALFRED FENTON, Seattle, Wash. State No. 359, Nat'l No. 24009. Admitted April 15th, 1913. Born in Watertown, Wisconsin, January 20th, 1848. Son of Asher H. and Harriet (Bailey) Nichols; grandson of Jacob and Lovina (Ewing) Nichols; great- grandson of Jahez Nichols. Jadez NicJiols, private in Capt. Abel Holden's Company, Sixth Massachusetts Regiment, commanded by Col. Thomas Nixon. Enlisted March 16th, 1777. Dis- charged December 10th, 1777. (Records of the Com- monwealth of Massachusetts. Record and Pension Office, U. S. War Department.) 140 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY NOON, HENRY SHORE, Seattle, Wash. State No. 203, Nat'l No. 16753. Admitted April 1st, 1904. Born in Needham, Mass., April 10th, 1873. Son of Samuel H. and Mary (Woods) Noon; grand- son of Kinsman and Dorothy My rick (Woods) Atkin- son; great-grandson of Asa and Pamelia (Myrick) Woods; great'-grandson of Samuel Woods, Jr. Grandson of Kinsman and Dorothy Myrick (Woods) Atkinson; great-grandson of Asa and Pa- melia (Myrick) Woods; greaf -grandson of Capt. James and Dorothy (Fairbanks) Myrick; greaf -grandson of Rev. James Myrick. Samuel Woods, Jr., Minute Man from Princeton, Mass., in Lexington Alarm, and served around Boston. Served under Capt. Jones in Col. Doolittle's Regi- ment. (History of Ashburnham, by Sterns. Prince- ton Vital Records. Soldiers of the Revolution of Princeton, Massachusetts. History of Princeton, by J. L. Hanaford.) James Myrick enlisted at Princeton, Massachusetts. Com- missioned Captain March 20th, 1776, under Lieutenant Colonel Ephraim Sawyer and Major Silas Bailey. Was Captain of the Twelfth Company, Col. Josiah Whitney's Second Worcester County Regiment, Mas- sachusetts Militia, 1777. Company raised in Bolton and Princeton and marched to re-enforce Gen. Gates at Saratoga. (Massachusetts Revolutionary Rolls, Vol. X, page 824, and Vol. XI. History of Princeton, by J. L. Hanaford.) OTIS, GEORGE THOMAS, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 422, Nat'l No. 26547. Admitted December 12th, 1914. Born in Evanston, Illinois, June 18th, 1882. Son of Ephraim Allen and Sarah (Kitchen) Otis; grandson of William K. and Sarah Ann (Hill) Kitchen; great-grandson of John and Julia (Dyer) Hill; greaf- grandson of Anthony and Sarah (Tuley) Dyer; great*- grandson of Anthony Dyer. Anthony Dyer, Lieutenant in the Rhode Island Militia of Providence, Rhode Island. In June, 1780, at the election by the general assembly of oflficers to com- mand the several trained bands or companies of militia within the State of Rhode Island, Anthony Dyer was chosen cornet in the troop of horse of the Fourth Battalion in the County of Providence, under Capt David Burlingame and Col. Ben Slack. (Records of the State of Rhode Island, Vol. IX., page 98. U. S. Pension Bureau.) SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 141 PAINE, WALDO GRANT, Spokane, Wash. State No. 40, Nat'l No. 7915. Admitted August 7th, 1899. Born in St. Paul, Minnesota, June 14th, 1863. Son of Parker and Roselle E. (Grant) Paine; grandson of Randolph and Nancy Grant; great-grand- son of Gustavus Grant. Grandson of William Paine. Gustavus Grant, private in Capt. Roswell Grant's Com- pany, Col. Moseley's Regiment, Connecticut troops, who were ordered to the Hudson soon after the Bat- tle of Monmouth, June 28th, 1778, and stationed at different points — Fort Clinton, West Point, etc. Pen- sioned. (Adjutant General's OflSce, Connecticut.) William Paine, private in Capt. John Slaughter's Eighth Virginia Regiment, Col. Abraham Bowman, com- mander. Enlisted when 17 years of age, January 2nd, 1777. Served three years. Was in the battles of W^hite Plains, Cherry Valley and Brandy wine. (U. S. Pension Bureau, Free Will Baptist Register, pub- lished 1848.) PAYNE, WILLIAM HENRY, Sedro-Woolley, Wash. State No. 446, Nat'l No. 26921. Admitted February 13th, 1915. Born in Fremont, Illinois, December 31st, 1873. Son of Arthur Abbott and Emma Estelle Payne; grandson of Thomas Hubbard and Susannah Newcomb (Smith) Payne; great-grandson of Elisha and Esther (Douglas) Payne; greaf -grandson of Abraham Payne. Abraham Payne. His name appears in a list of revolution- ists in a ''Roll of Honor" in the Amenia, New York, Town Records, in 1775. In 1776 was a member of a company of Minute Men at Cornwall, Connecticut. In 1778 and 1779 he represented Cornwall in the Legislature of the State of Connecticut. In 1781 and 1782 he represented Amenia, New York, in the New York State Assembly. (Payne Family Records. Cornwall, Connecticut, Land Records. Amenia, New York, Town Records. Gold's History of Cornwall.) PERROW, WILLIAM GARNETT, Seattle, Wash. State No. 434, Nat'l No. 26909. Admitted January 9th, 1915. Born in Nelson County, Virginia, November 18th, 1882. Son of Charles H. and Sue (Graham) Perrow; grandson of Spottswood Garland and Elizabeth (Heath) Perrow; great-grandson of Charles and Eleanor (Teas) Perrow; greaf -grandson of William Teas. 142 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY William Teas, private in Regiment of Dragoons under William Washington. In battles of Cowpens, Guil- ford Court House and Utah Springs. Wounded three times. (U. S. Pension Bureau.) PETTIT, BENJAMIN WALSH, Seattle, W^ash. State No. 143, Nat'l No. 12443. Admitted March 16th, 1900. Born in Rock Island, Ililnois, February 26th, 1867. Son of William Beall and Emily Louisa (Colby) Pettit; grandson of Henry McEwan and Jane Mary Ann (Beall) Pettit; great-grandson of William Mur- dock and Frances (McClerry) Beall; greaf -grandson of EUsha Beall. Elisha Beall, First Lieutenant, later Captain, of First Battalion, Maryland Flying Camp, Gen. Rizen Beall's Brigade, serving until the close of the war. Mustered out in 1783. He saw service in the campaign of Long Island and New Jersey. (McSherry's History of Maryland. Saffell's Reviews of the Revolution.) PHELPS, BYRON, Seattle, Wash. State No. 314, Nat'l No. 20989. Admitted November 15th, 1909. Born in For- est, Illinois, March 4th, 1842. Son of Orin and Elizabeth H. (Jones) Phelps; grandson of Sewall and Catherine (Wright) Phelps; great-grandson of Dr. Moses and Deborah (Munn) Phelps; greaf-grandson of Capt. John Phelps. Capt. John Phelps, Captain in Colonial Wars, and the War of the Revolution. (Phelps Family in America.) Moses Phelps, private in Capt. Burr's Company, Col. Bailey's Regiment of Massachusetts troops, and was at Valley Forge. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sail- ors, VoL XII, page 287. Massachusetts Revolution- ary Records, Vol. X, Vol. XXXI, Vol. LXXI. Phelps Family in America.) PHELPS, FREDERICK EVANS, Seattle, Wash. State No. 460, Nat'l No. 27235. Admitted March 17th, 1915. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 3rd, 1876. Son of Benjamin Franklin and Kate (Cowden) Phelps; grandson of Cyrus Clinton and Eliza (Mc- Omber) Phelps; great-grandson of William and Eliza (Brown) Phelps; greaf-grandson of Capt. Elisha Phelps. Grandson of Thomas C. and Catherine (Gulp) Cowden; great-grandson of William and Abigail (Mit- SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 143 chell) Cowden; greaf -grandson of Thomas and Hannah (Couch) Cowden, Sr. ; greaf-grandson of Samuel Cow- den. Elisha Phelps, Corporal in Continental Army and enlisted for the full term of war. (Phelps Family in Amer- ica, by Judge Oliver Seymour Phelps.) Samuel Cowden, private, enlisted at Morristown, Mont- gomery County, Pennsylvania. (Lives of the Emi- nent Dead, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, by M, Ange.) PHELPS, JOHN ELISHA, Port Orchard, Wash. State No. 392, Nat'l No. 25917. Admitted April 21st, 1914. Born in Springfield, Missouri, April 6th, 1839. Son of Gov. John Smith and Mary (Whitney) Phelps; grandson of Elisha and Lucy (Smith) Phelps; great-grandson of Major General Noah Phelps. Major General Noah Phelps, Captain, Lieutenant and Lieutenant Colonel in the Revolutionary War. In April, 1775, it was known that supplies of cannon were in the hands of the enemy at Fort Ticonderoga. Capt. Phelps planned and carried out the daring pro- ject of inspecting the fort. He entered in disguise and gained the needed information and upon his re- port the folloAving day the fort was surprised and captured. He served in the northern frontier in the commissary department until 1776. Enlisted in Capt. Ward's Connecticut State Troops as Captain. In May, 1776, he raised a regiment in Simsbury, Con- necticut, at his own expense and joined Washington's Army. Was in the Battles of Trenton, Princeton, and in camp at Morristown. At the end of this en- listment Capt. Phelps re-entered the army as Lieu- tenant Colonel in the Eighteenth Regiment of Con- necticut Militia. Was promoted to Colonel in 1779. Served in the defense of New Haven to repel the in- vasion of Tryon, and later in the battle for defense of sea coast and the frontier, until the 1st of March, 1780. (Phelps Family, pages 72 and 968. Apple- ton's Encyclopedia of American Biography. Phelps Family in the History of Old Windsor.) PHELPS, MOSES A., Spokane, Wash. State No. 197, Nat'l No. 15047. Admitted February 6th, 1904. Born in Wendall, Massachusetts, December 11th, 1859. Son of William Harrison and Mary (Needham) Phelps; grandson of Dexter and Lois (Clark) Phelps; great-grandson of Moses Phelps. 144 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Moses Phelps, private in Continental Army, Massachu- setts Troops, in Capt. Ephraim Burr's Fourth Com- pany, Col. John Bailey's Regiment. Was encamped at Valley Forge. (Massachusetts Revolutionary Rec- ords.) PHILIPS, JOSEPH LEON, Ellensburg, Wash. State No. 374, Nat'l No. 24024. Admitted October 21st, 1913. Born in Upper Marion, Pennsylvania, June 15th, 1888. Son of William Edgar and Hannah Alice (Rapp) Philips; grandson of Joseph Eastburn and Rachel Anna (Philips) Rapp; great-grandson of Joseph Hal- lowell and Margaretta (Suplee) Rapp; greafgrandson of Peter and Hannah (Eastburn) Suplee; greaf-grand- son of Capt. Benjamin Easthurn. Greaf-grandson of Peter Suplee. Grandson of Joseph and Rachel Anna (Philips) Rapp; great-grandson of Jesse Evans and Eleanor Beitler (Lewis) Philips; greaf -grandson of Owen and Rachel (Evans) Philips; greaf -grandson of Lieut. Josiah Philips. Grandson of Josiah Eastburn and Rachel Anna (Philips) Rapp; great-grandson of Jesse Evans and Eleanor Beitler (Lewis) Philips; greaf -grandson of Moses and Ann (Beitler) Lewis; great'-grandson of John Beitler. Benjamin Easthurn, Captain of the Seventh Company, Seventh Battalion, Philadelphia County, Pennsyl- vania, Militia. (The Philips Family Record, 1876. Daughters of the American Revolution Records.) Peter Suplee, private in Capt. Wilson Peale's Company, Philadelphia Militia, September 12th, 1777. He lived in the vicinity of Valley Forge, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Did personal service for George W^ashington. Died in camp at Valley Forge January 24th, 1778. (Pennsylvania Archives, Associates and Militia, 1775-1783. The Suplee Family History. Daughters of the American Revolution Records.) Josiah Philips, Lieutenant of the Seventh Battalion, Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia. Taken captive in the Jersies and held in confinement in the prison ship at New York. (The Philips Family Record, 1870. Daughters of the American Revolution Rec- ords.) John Beitler, private in Berk's County, Fifth Battalion, Pennsylvania Militia. (Beitler [Beidler] Family His- SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 145 tory by Rev. A. J. Fretz. Daughters of the American Revolution and Sons of the American Revolution Rec- ords. ) PHILLIPS, PAUL BISSELL, Seattle, Wash. State No. 436, Nat'l No. 26911. Admitted January 9th, 1915. Born in College Springs, Iowa, January 9th, 1879. Son of William Irving and Mary Dana (Bissell) Phillips ; grandson of William Nelson and Lucy J. (Taylor) Phillips; great-grandson of Josiah Gale and Huldah (Pike) Phillips; greaf-grandson of Ebenezer Phillips. Ebenezer Phillips, private in Revolution. Fought beside General Warren in Battle of Bunker Hill. Pen- sioned. (Phillips Genealogies, by Albert M. Phillips, Auburn, Massachusetts, page 107.) PIERCE, HENRY JOSHUA, Seattle, Wash. Transferred from New York Society. State No. 327, Nat'l No. 8795. Admitted May 12th, 1896. Born in Bath, Maine, Au- gust 29th, 1857. Son of Henry M. and Mary Quimby (Page) Pierce; grandson of Joshua and Keziah (Stockbridge) Page; great-grandson of Joseph Stockbridge. Joseph Stockbridge, private in Capt. Thomas Hearsey's Company, Col. Lovell's Regiment, Massachusetts Troops. Also in company commanded by Lieut. Lin- coln, same regiment. Re-enlisted several times after- wards. Corporal in Capt. Thomas Bradford's Com- pany, Col. Bailey's Regiment, Continental Army, Sec- ond Massachusetts Regiment, January, 1780, to De- cember 31st, 1780. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution, Vol. XV, page 41.) PIKE, ROBINSON DRAKE, Seattle, Wash. State No. 329, Nat'l No. 22204. Admitted November 19th, 1910. Born in Bayfield. Wisconsin, May 24th, 1889. Son of Robinson D. and Eva (Johnson) Pike; grandson of Hiram E. and Lucinda (McArthur) John- son; great-grandson of Jonathan and Susan (Burwell) Johnson; great^'-grandson of Windsor Johnson. Windsor Johnson, private in Capt. Forman's Company, First Regiment, New Jersey Continentals. Enlisted 1780. Discharged 1783. Also under Capt. Holmes, Col. Matthias Ogden's First New Jersey. Served most of the time as a Pony Scout. Pensioned. (U. S. Bureau of Pensions.) 146 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY POST, FRANK TRUMAN, Spokane, Wash. State No. 91, Nat'l No. 891(j. Admitted September 22nd, 1896. Born in Potsdam, New York, April 18th, 1862. Son of John Fobes and Harriet Lillie Post; grand- son of Oliver and Clarissa (Fobes) Post; great-grand- son of Oliver Post. Great-grandson of John Fohes; greaf -grandson of Edward Fobes. Oliver Post, private in Capt, Jonathan Stearns Company, Col. Dickinson's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia. Marched on Ticonderoga, July 9th, to August 12th, 1777. (Massachusetts War Records.) John Fohes, private in Capt. Daniel Pomeroy's Company, Danieldson's Brigade, Massachusetts Militia. Served under Gen. Stark in Northern Department in Capt. Joshua L. Woodbridge's Company, Col. Nathan Tyler's Regiment, 1779, in Rhode Island ; later in Capt. Eben- ezer Sheldon's Company, Seth Murray's Regiment, 1780. (Sons of Revolution, New York Society.) Edward Fohes, private in Capt. Benjamin Bonney's Com- pany, Col. Elisha Porter's Massachusetts Regiment, Hampshire County. Served at New London, Connec- ticut, in Continental Army, 1780. In Capt. Daniel Lunt's Company, Tenth Regiment, Massachusetts Line, 1781, to the close of the war. (Sons of Revolu- tion, New York Society.) PRICKETT, JULES LYLE, Spokane, Wash. State No. 107, Nat'l No. 9857. Admitted March 19th, 1897. Born in Edwardsville, Illinois, April 13th, 1853. Son of John A. and Elizabeth M. (Barnsbach) Prickett; grandson of Jacob and Martha (Harris) Prickett; great-grandson of George and Lydia (Hemp- stead) Harris; greaf -grandson of Joshua Hempstead. Joshua Hempstead, private, in Lexington Alarm. Was also High Sheriflf and brought the news of the Battle of Bunker Hill to New London, Connecticut. He was under command of Capt. John Dickson, Third Regi- ment, Connecticut Militia. (Lexington Alarm List.) RAND, LOREN LEIGHTON, Spokane, Wash. State No. 171, Nat'l No. 14021. Admitted December 12th, 1901. Born in Amesbury, Massachusetts, December 23rd, 1851. Son of William Hancock and Mary Ann Bartlett (Long) Rand; grandson of Moses Wentworth and Mary (Sanborn) Rand; great-grandson of Moses Went- SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 147 worth and Mary (Sanborn) Rand; great'-grandson of Moses Rand. Moses Rand, Corporal in Capt Waldron's Company from Dover, New Hampshire. Enlisted July 3rd, 1775. (New Hampshire State Papers, Vol. XIV, page 244.) RANDALL, EDWIN MORTIMER, Seattle, Wash. State No. 105, Nat'l No. 9855. Admitted February 22nd, 1897. Born in Nepeuskun, Wisconsin, January 14th, 1862. Son of Edwin Mortimer and Lucretia C. (Steele) Randall; grandson of Nehemiah and Sallie (St. Clair) Randall; great-grandson of Gershon Randall. Gershon Randall, Sergeant in Capt. Ebenezer Webber's Company, which marched April 20th from Worthing- ton, Massachusetts, in Lexington Alarm. His name appears as Corporal in four other short enlistments under Capt. Webber, in 1775, 1776 and 1777. (Revo- lutionary War Archives, Commonwealth of Massachu- setts. ) RALSTON, JOHN CHESTER, Spokane, Wash. State No. 440, Nat'l No. 26915. Admitted January 9th, 1915. Born in Kincardine, Ontario, May 12th, 1867. Son of James G. and Mary Amanda (Johnson) Ralston ; grandson of Chester Stillman and Frances Elizabeth (Frew) Johnson; great-grandson of Chester and Amanda (Harris) Johnson; greaf -grandson of James Harris. James Harris, Corporal for one year and Sergeant for one year in the Rhode Island troops under Capt. Thompson and Col. Topham. Was one of seven to accompany Col. Barton in expedition which captured Gen. Prescott. (U. S. Pension Bureau. Revolution- ary Defense of Rhode Island, page 87. Berkshire County, Massachusetts Records. Spirit of '76 in Rhode Island, page 72.) RANDOLPH, MILTON FITZ, Seattle, Wash. State No. 451, Nat'l No. 27226. Admitted February 13th, 1915. Born in College Springs, Connecticut, June 2nd, 1886. Son of Frank F. and Elizabeth (White) Randolph; grandson of Alexander and Elizabeth (Plummer) White; great-grandson of James and Elizabeth (Willi- son) White; great'-grandson of Joseph White. Major Joseph White enlisted at Lancaster, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, in a Pennsylvania Regiment and served to the end of the war. AVas discharged 148 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY while serving in the capacity of Major General of the Pennsylvania Volunteers. (Pennsylvania Ar- chives.) BASER, HARRY ALFRED, Seattle, Wash. State No. 153, Nat'l No. 14003. Admitted April 2nd, 1901. Born in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, December 16th, 1852. Son of Thomas and Elizabeth Knight (Brown) Raser; grandson of Capt. Bernhard and Mary (Heyl) Raser; great-grandson of Philip Heyl. Philip Heyl, Ensign in Col. John Cadwallader's Regiment of Philadelphia Associates. Commission dated Febru- ary 2nd, 1775. (Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Vol. XIII, page 586.) REEVES, CARL HOWELL, Seattle, Wash. State No. 412, Nat'l No. 26537. Admitted September 19th, 1914. Born in Allentown, New Jersey, October 24th, 1880. Son of Charles Francis and Susan Beatty (Howell) Reeves; grandson of Archibald Alexander and Isabella (Beatty) Howell; great-grandson of Richard Long- street and Isabella (Imlay) Beatty; greaf-grandson of Joh)i Beatty. John Beatty in 1775 received Captain's commission in Pennsylvania Line. Promoted to the rank of Major. Was taken prisoner at the surrender of Fort Wash- ington September 10th, 1776. Was exchanged in May, 1778, and was appointed Commissary General of Prisoners May 31st, 1778, having the rank of Colonel. Resigned in 1780. Represented New York as delegate in the Continental Congress, 1783 to 1785. (Presby- terian Magazine, September, 1852. Sprague's Annals, 1858.) REEVES, ROLLIN JOSEPH, Wilbur, Wash. State No. 215, Nat'l No. 16765. Admitted January 26th, 1905. Born in Fort Madison, Iowa, November 25th, 1846. Son of Joseph Park and Mary Ann (Chamberlain) Reeves; grandson of John, Sr., and Sarah (Quinby) Reeves; great-grandson of Samuel Quinhy. Samuel Quinhy, private, served about three and one-half years with the New Jersey troops. Continental Army, Enlisted in Sussex County, Nev/ Jersey, 1776. Mem- ber of the expedition under Gen. George Rogers Clark, when he moved on Vincennes, Indiana, in 1779. (U. S. Pension Bureau. U. S. War Department.) SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 149 RENICK, FRANKLIN HAMILTON, Seattle, Wash. State No. 248, Nat'l No. 17823. Admitted December 3rd, 1906. Born in Hartford, Connecticut, August 4th, 1864. Son of James Henry and Josephine S. (Dunklee) Renick ; grandson of Benjamin Franklin and Marenda (Gould) Dunklee; great-grandson of Abraham and Su- sannah (Carter) Dunklee; greaf -grandson of Jacob and Sarah (Eastman) Carter; greaf -grandson of Moses Eastman. Moses Eastman, Sergeant in Capt. Baldwin's Company, Col, Stark's New Hampshire Regiment, 1775. Pro- moted to Lieutenancy in the same year. Served in Capt. Abbot's Company at Saratoga in 1777. Ser- geant in Capt. Quimby's Company in the Expedition to Rhode Island, August, 1778. (New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, Vol. I, pages 50, 186, 242; Vol. II, pages 405, 550.) Jacol) Carter, drummer in Capt. Joshua Abbott's Com- pany, Col. Stark's New Hampshire Regiment, April 24th, 1775. Served in Capt. Enry's Company, Col. Baldwin's New Hampshire Regiment, 1776, which re- enforced the Army in New York. Drummer in Capt. Abbott's Company, Col. Gerrish's Regiment, at Sara- toga, 1777. (Bouton's History of Concord, New Hampshire, pages 751, 753. New Hampshire Revolu- tionary Rolls, Vol. I, pages 60, 182, 429; Vol. II, page 405.) REQUA, MARK MILTON, Seattle, Wash. State No. 393, Nat'l No. 25918. Admitted April 21st, 1914. Born in Brandon, Wisconsin, May 7th, 1864. Son of Rev. Henry and Caroline Wilson (Johnson) Requa; grandson of James and Mary (Ruton) Requa; great-grandson of James and Elizabeth (Heleker) Re- qua; greaf -grandson of Cajyt. Glode Requa. Glode Requa, Captain, and member of Public Safety Com- mittee at Phil ipse Manor. Member of Westchester County, New York, Committee of Public Safety, 1776- 1777. Was Captain of First Regiment, Westchester Militia, under Col. Joseph Drake, from October, 1776, to June, 1778. Was for a year prisoner in the Old Sugar House Prison, New York. (U. S. Pension Bu- reau. Revolutionary Sketches of Phil ipse Manor. New York Society Sons of the American Revolution Year Book, 1899, page 529.) 150 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY REQUA, WAURETH A., Seattle, Wash. State No. 394, Nat'l No. 25919. Admitted April 21st, 1914. Born in Man- dan, North Dakota, December 26th, 1892. Son of Mark Milton and Myrtle E. (Anderson) Requa. See Mark Milton Requa. REVELLE, THOMAS P., Seattle, Wash. State No. 424, Nat'l No. 26549. Admitted December 12th, 1914. Born in Fairmount, Maryland, May 16th, 1868. Son of George R. and Mary E. Revelle; grandson of David and Aris Anne (Ford) Revelle; great-grand- son of Randall and Mildred Revelle; greaf -grandson of Randall Revelle. Randall Revelle, Sergeant in Capt. John Eccleston's Com- pany, Second Maryland Regiment. (U. S. War De- partment Records, Washington, D. C.) REVELLE, GEORGE HENRY, Seattle, Wash. State No. 462, Nat'l No. 27237. Admitted March 17th, 1915. Born in Westover, Maryland, February 10th, 1871. Son of George and Mary Elizabeth (Ford) Revelle. See Thomas P. Revelle. RIPLEY, EDWIN, Seattle, Wash. State No. 42, Nat'l No. 7917. Admitted in 1895. Born in Galena, Illinois, January 18th, 1867. Son of Enos Comstock and Lucy (Mansfield) Rip- ley; grandson of Edwin and Louise (Comstock) Rip- ley; great-grandson of Rev. William Brientnall and Lucy Ripley; great'-grandson of Rev. Hezekiah Ripley. Hezekiah Ripley, Chaplain in Continental Army. (Gen- ealogy of the Ripley Family, by H. W. Ripley. His- torical address delivered at the 150th anniversary of formation of the church at Green's Farms, Connecti- cut, October 26, 1865.) ROBBINS, CHARLES PROSPECT, Spokane, Wash. State No. 184, Nat'l No. 15034. Admitted April 6th, 1903. Born in Silver City, Idaho, June 26th, 1868. Son of Charles Prospect and Rowena Caldwell (Chapline) Robbins; grandson of Gen. Moses W. and Elizabeth Miller (Fox) Chapline; great-grandson of Moses Caton Chapline. Moses Chapline, First Lieutenant of Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp from June to December, 1776. Promoted to Captain in 1777. In battles of White Plains, Long Island, Brooklyn Heights, Storming of SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 151 Fort Washington, Trenton and Princeton. (Heit- man's Historical Register. Chaplines from Maryland and Virginia, by Marie J. Liggett Dare. California Genealogical and Historical Society, San Francisco, Calif.) ROOT, MILO ADELBERT, Seattle, Wash. State No. 118, Nat'l No. 9868. Admitted February 22nd, 1898. Born in Bureau County, Illinois, January 22ud, 1803. Son of William H. and Sarah Cordelia Root; grandson of Henry and Huldah Root ; great-grandson of Israel Root. Israel Root, private in Second Company, Seventh Regi- ment, New York troops. (Archives of the State of New York in the Revolution, pages 267, 458.) RORISON, EDWIN PLATT, Seattle, Wash. State No. 339, Nat'l No. 22214. Admitted October 4th, 1911. Born in Pittsfield, Michigan, September 27th, 1859. Son of John Lee and Susan E. (Piatt) Rorison ; grandson of David Barber and Lucinda (Yost) Rori- son; great-grandson of Alexander Rorison. Great-grandson of Casper and Rachel (Edginton) Yost; great'-grandson of Casper Yost. Alexander Rorison, private and ranger on the frontier of Pennsylvania, part of the time under Capt. John Foster, 1778 to 1783. (Pennsylvania Archives, Third Series, Vol. XXIII, pages 245", 247, 272, 351.) Casper Yost was commissioned October 8th, 1776, as Second Major of the Fourth Battalion, Northumber- land County Associates. In active service on the Delaware in the battles of Trenton and Princeton, and received honorary mention. He participated in numerous engagements and skirmishes with the Tories and Indians on the frontiers. (Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Vol. XIV, page 341.) ROWLAND, HARRY GRANT, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 271, Nat'l No. 18621. Admitted February 22nd, 1908. Born in Ulysses, Pennsylvania, June 13th, 1865. Son of Henry and Harriet Ophelia (Knapp) Row- land; grandson of William and Rachel (Kelley) Knapp; great-grandson of James Knapp. James Enapp, private. Enlisted when 16 years of age, in Capt. Lockwood's Company of Coast Guards, in Connecticut troops, stationed at Stamford. (Con- necticut Men in the Revolution, page 576.) 152 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY EUDEN, ORAN FOLLETT, Seattle, Wash. State No. 413, Nat'l No. 26538. Admitted September 19th, 1914. Born in Buffalo, New York, March 8th, 1840. Son of Emanuel and Evalena R. (Barlow) Ruden; grandson of Nathan and (Kent) Barlow; great- grandson of Abner Barlow. Ahner Barlow, private in Capt. Ball's Company, which marched April 20th, 1775, in response to the Lexing- ton Alarm. Re-enlisted April 29th, 1775, in Capt. Ball's Company, Col. Timothy Danielson's Regiment. Pensioned. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. I, page 625.) SANDER, HENRY KNOX, Seattle, Wash. State No. 490, Nat'l No. 27890. Admitted January 29th, 1916. Born in Seattle, Washington, May 2d, 1892. Son of Fred Everett and Elen Bryant (Hall) San- der; grandson of Henry Knox and Elizabeth Barnes (Bryant) Hall; great-grandson of George and Cynthia (Collier) Hall; great'-grandson of James Hall. James Hall, Sergeant in Col. Henry Knox's Regiment of Artillery in 1776. Appointed Second Lieutenant De- cember 20th, 1776, and served in that capacity until September, 1777, when he was commissioned First Lieutenant in Capt. Winthrop Sargent's Company, Col. Crane's Battalion, Continental troops. He was commissioned Captain Lieutenant in Third Massa- chusetts Regiment of Artillery April 12th, 1780. In 1782 he was in charge of an ordnance foundry at Salisbury, Connecticut, and in 1783 was regimental pay master. He was a member of the Society of Cincinnati. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. VII, page 85.) SANKEY, EBEN BLACHLEY, Seattle, Wash. State No. 168, Nat'l No. 14018. Admitted November 19th, 1901. Born in Newcastle, Pennsylvania, July 1st, 1837. Son of Ezekiel and Sarah (Jones) Sankey; grand- son of Ezekiel and Jane (Doe) Sankey; great-grandson of Willia^n Sankey. William Sankey, private in the Frontier Rangers, 1778 to 1783. Served in Capt. Robert Samuel's Company, Col. Alexander Brown's Eighth Battalion, Cumber- land County, Pennsylvania, Militia in 1782. (Penn- sylvania Archives, Third Series, Vol. XXIII, pages 277, 454.) SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 153 SAUNDERS, ROBERT CHANCELLOR, Seattle, Wash. Transferred from Minnesota Society. State No. 259, Nat'I No. 16287. Admitted February 16th, 1904. Born in Campbell County, Virginia, December 24th, 1864. Son of Robert Chancellor and Coryetta (Davis) Saunders; grandson of John Andrew Gardner and Mary Jane (Terrell) Davis; great-grandson of Richard and Lucy (Carr) Terrell; great^'-grandson of Dahney and Martha (Jefferson) Carr. Dabney Carr, member of House of Burgesses of Vir- ginia in 1772 and 1773. Introduced in the session of 1772 a measure providing for a Correspondence Com- mittee between the Legislatures of the different col- onies. Measure introduced March 12th, 1773, and by resolution of the House, he was placed on the Stand- ing Committee of Correspondence and Enquiry. (Howe's History of Virginia, page 358. Randolph's Life of Thomas Jefferson, page 46.) SEXTON, JOSEPH F., Spokane, Wash. State No. 219, Nat'I No. 16769. Admitted March 10th, 1905. Born in Say- brook, Ohio, December 22nd, 1843. Son of William C. and Orline (Hotchkiss) Sexton; grandson of Ezra Sexton. Ezra Sexton, private, January 1st, 1776, in Connecticut Line, under Capt. Abial Pease and Col. Douglas. Private and later Sergeant in 1780, under Capt. Con- vers and Col. Wells. Pensioned. (U. S. Pension Bu- reau.) SHIELDS, WILLIAM HARRY, Spokane, Wash. State No. 350, Nat'I No. 22225. Admitted Februai-y 22nd, 1912. Born in Mahoning Township, Pennsylvania, August 8th, 1865. Son of John Marshall and Isabella (Wilson) Shields; grandson of James and Margaret (Getty) Shields ; great-grandson of John Shields. John Shields, Corporal in Capt. John Alexander's Com- pany of the Seventh Pennsylvania Regulars. (War Department, Washington, D. C, No. 1593-927. His- tory of Indiana County, Pennsylvania.) SHIELDS, JOE McGAREY, Spokane, Wash. State No. 358, Nat'I No. 24008. Admitted April 19th, 1913. Born in Spokane, Washington, July 19th, 1891. Son of William Harry and Mary A (McGarey) Shields. See William Harry Shields. 154 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY SHIPLEY, FRANK C, Seattle, Wash. State No. 202, Nat'l No. 16752. Admitted April 1, 1904. Born in Lowell, Massachusetts, July 21st, 1856. Son of Samuel D. and Evelyn A. (Chamberlain) Shipley; grandson of Moses, Jr., and Mary (Stevens) Chamberlain; great-grandson of Timothy L. and Sarah (Smith) Stevens; greaf-granson of Nathaniel Stevens. Greaf-grandson of Ahiel Smith. Great-grandson of Moses Chamberlain. Nathaniel Stevens, private in Capt. Stephen Clark's Com- pany, from Brentwood, New Hampshire, November 22nd, 1775. (New Hampshire Rolls, Vol. IV, page 692.) Abiel Smith, private in Massachusetts troops, served in Rhode Island and near Boston in 1777, 1778 and 1780. (Massachusetts Revolutionary Rolls, Secretary of State's OflSce, Massachusetts.) Moses Chamberlain, private in Massachusetts troops from July 5th, 1780, to 1781. (Massachusetts Revolution- ary Rolls, Secretary of State's Office, Massachu- setts. ) SLOCUM, RALPH LEE, Seattle, Wash. State No. 443, Nat'l No. 26919. Admitted January 19th, 1915. Born in Northfleld, Minnesota, January 27th, 1868. Son of Eleazer and Elizabeth Slocum; grandson of Eleazer and Sarah (Harvey) Slocum; great-grandson of Cojit. Edivard Slocum; greaf -grandson of Ebenezer Slocum. Ebenezer Slocum, Lieutenant in Second Company of Tiver- ton Soldiers, 1775-1776, and Captain in a Rhode Island Regiment, 1781. (Civil and Military List of Rhode Island, 1647-1800, pages 319, 366.) Edward Slocum, First Lieutenant, First Continental Bat- talion and received Captain's commission May 26th, 1778. SMELSER, GUY WEATHERLY, Seattle, Wash. State No. 283, Nat'l No. 20558. Admitted January 4th, 1909. Born in Sioux City, Iowa, December 19th, 1883. Son of Tobias C. and Huldah (Weatherly) Smel- ser; grandson of Ephraim and Dorothy (Snyder) Smel- ser; great-grandson of John and Susanna (Fluck) Sny- der; greaf -grandson of John and Dorothy (Potts) Fluck. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 155 John Fluck, private. Enlisted August 10th, 1775. Rock- hill, Pennsylvania, Company, Capt. Kachline, Third Battalion, Lieutenant Colonel John Wilkenson. (Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Vol. XIV, pages 169, 174.) SMILEY, WILLIAM HUDSON, Spokane, Wash. State No. 341, Nat'l No. 22216. Admitted October 4th, 1911. Born in Marysville, California, June 9th, 1867. Son of Johnson Foster and Sarah Ann (Richard- son) Smiley; grandson of Israel and Sarah (Wells) Richardson; great-grandson of Andrew Richardson. Andrew Richardson, private. Enlisted from Townsend, Massachusetts, when 15 years of age on April 25th, 1775, in Capt. Henry Farwell's First Company, Col. William Prescott's Tenth Regiment. Was in Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17th, 1775. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. XIII, page 226.) SMILEY, CHARLES FRANKLIN, Seattle, Wash. State No. 417, Nat'l No. 26542. Admitted October 20th, 1914. Born in Marysville, California, October 29th, 1863. Son of Johnson Foster and Sarah Ann (Richard- son) Smiley. See William Hudson Smiley. SMITH, CLARENCE AUSTIN, Seattle, Wash. State No. 48, Nat'l No. 7923. Admitted August 7th, 1889. Born in Derby, Connecticut, January 24th, 1861. Son of Ell Stone and Eliza (Holbrook) Smith ; grand- son of William and Julia (Stone) Smith; great-grand- son of Samuel and Lucy (Hall) Smith; greaf -grand- son of Lient. John and Mary (Ford) Smith; greaf- grandson of Ephraim Smith. Grandson of Erasmus and Betsy (Smith) Hol- brook; great-grandson of Robert and Hannah (Hoar) Smith, Jr. ; greaf -grandson of Joseph and Mary Hitch- cock) Hoar, Jr.; great'-grandson of Deacon Joseph Hoar. Greaf -grandson of Noah Hitchcock. Greafgrandson of Robert and Margaret (McWhor- ter) Smith; greaf -grandson of James Smith, Sr. Lieut. John Smith, private, Connecticut troops, com- manded by Col. Charles Webb, Capt. Isaac Bas- truck's Company, July, 1775. Later served three years in Second Regiment, Connecticut troops, Capt. Betfs Company, February, 1777, to March, 1780. Mustered out as a Lieutenant. He was present at 156 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Tryon's Raid of Danbury, Connecticut. Was cap- tured and taken prisoner to New York. (Connecti- cut Men in the Revolution, page 492.) Deacon Joseph Hoar, of Brimfield, Hampden, County, Massachusetts, chosen July 1st, 1774, with four others on a Committee of Grievances to correspond with other committees regarding the oppression of the British. He, with other voters of the town, signed an agreement pledging themselves to refrain from the purchase of goods from Great Britain on account of the unjust taxation. (Brimfield, Massa- chusetts, Town Records, page 321.) Joseph Hoar, Jr., Ensign and Lieutenant. Was one of a Committee of Safety from Brimfield, Massachusetts. Was Lieutenant in Gates' Northern Army, in 1777. (Brimfield, Massachusetts, Town Records, pages 311, 321, 341, 343, 417.) James Smith, Sr., second member of Board of Selectmen of Palmer, Massachusetts, which issued the warrant for a town meeting which resulted in the ''Palmer Dec- laration of Independence" on June 17th, 1776. (His- tory of the Town of Palmer, Massachusetts, by J. H. Temple.) Noah Hitchcock, Sr., private, from Brimfield, Massachu- setts. (History of Brimfield, Mass., page 320.) Ephraim Smith, private in Fifth Regiment, Sixth Com- pany, Connecticut troops. Col. Waterbury. Enlisted May 12th, 1775. Later private in Capt. Johnson's Company, Col. Douglas' Battalion of Connecticut troops in 1776. In battles of Long Island and White Plains. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 68, 407.) SMITH, EVERETT, Seattle, Wash. State No. 49, Nat'l No. 7924. Admitted August 7th, 1899. Born in Derby, Con- necticut, April 9th, 1862. Son of Ell Stone and Eliza H. Smith. See Clarence Austin Smith. SMITH, EDWARD LINCOLN, New York City, N. Y. State No. 210, Nat'l No. 16760. Admitted January 12th, 1905. Born in Montpelier, Vermont, April 6th, 1865. Son of Carlos L. and Catherine (Chapin) Smith; grandson of Joseph, Jr., and Catherine (Holden) Chapin; great-grandson of Joseph Chapin, Sr. Great-grandson of Joseph Smith, Sr. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 157 Great-grandson of William, Jr., and Hannah (Par- ker) Holden; great'-grandson of William Holden, 8r. Joseph Chapin, Sr., private in Connecticut Kegiment. En- listed at Springfield, Massachusetts, June 17th, 1777. Served six months as artificer or armourer under Capt. Spring and was stationed at the Springfield Armory. Was drafted at East Windsor, Connecti- cut, September, 1781, and served two months as private under Capt. Amasa Loomis in the Connecti- cut Militia. Pensioned. (U. S. Pension Bureau.) William Holden, ^r., a soldier in the Revolution. He was present at Stillwater and Saratoga, and witnessed the surrender of Burgoyne. (Men of Vermont, Part II, page 68.) Joseph Smith, Sr., organized a company of volunteers in Cabot, Washington County, Vermont, but was taken sick and died two weeks before they left for the scene of action. (Childs' Washington County Gazeteer, Part I, page 310.) SMITH, JOHN SPEED, Seattle, Wash. Transferred from District of Columbia. State No. 309, Nat'l No. 13568. Admitted March 13th, 1901. Born in Castle Union, Kentucky, February 2nd, 1861. Son of Dr. Curran Cassius and Sallie (Goodloe) Smith; grandson of John Speed and Eliza (Clay) Smith; great-grandson of William and Mary (Speed) Smith; greaf-grandson of Lieut. James Speed. Grandson of Judge William Clinton and Alvina (Owsley) Goodloe; great-grandson of William and Susannah (Woods) Goodloe; great'-grandson of Capt. Arch iha Id Woods. Great-grandson of Gov. William and Elizabeth (Gill) Owsley; greaf-grandson of Capt. Samuel Gill. James Speed, Lieutenant in Cocke's Virginia Militia Regi- ment. Wounded at Guilford Court House, May 15th, 1781. (Heitman's Register, page 376. Thomas Speed's History of the Speed Family.) Archibald Woods, Captain of Company of Virginia Mili- tia. Marched 200 miles to Relief of Wautauger Fort. After six months service started on his return, but w^as called back and put in command of garrison and scouting parties, on account of the hostility of the Indians. He continued to perform this duty for several years preceding the surrender of Cornwallis 158 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY at Yorktown, 1781. Pensioned. (U. S. Pension Bureau, Claim No. 14892.) Smnuel Gill, Ensign of Fourth Virginia, February 10th, 1776. Commissioned First Lieutenant November, 1776. Captain, January, 1777. Retired September 17th, 1778, after three years of service, and received 4,000 acres of land for his services. (U. S. Pension Bureau, File No. 8882. Secretary of State's OflSce, Commonwealth of Virginia.) SMITH, WILLIAM H., Spokane, Wash. State No. 357, Nat'l No. 24007. Admitted January 23rd, 1913. Born in Orange, New Jersey, March 19th, 1884. Son of Frank E. and Flora A, (Gibbons) Smith; grandson of John E. and Agnes (Williams) Smith; great-grandson of Stephen and Angelina (Cummings) Smith; greaf -grandson of Timothy and Betsey (Clark) Smith; greats-grandson of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith, Lieutenant in Capt. Jeremiah Oilman's Company, Col. Nixon's Regiment, Massachusetts troops. Enlisted April 24th, 1775. Discharged March 29th, 1776. (Daughters of the American Rev- olution Records.) SOULE, THOMAS CLEMENT, Hoquiam, Wash. State No. 428, Nat'l No. 26903. Admitted December 12th, 1914. Born in Fort Madison, Iowa, December 2nd, 1874. Son of Joseph Thomas and Frances Schuyler (Fensley) Soule; grandson of Thomas and Sarah Cur- rier (Follansbee) Soule; great-grandson of James and Keziah (Currier) Follansbee; great'-grandson of Dan- iel Currier. Daniel Currier, private of Amesbury, Massachusetts. In Lexington Alarm April 19th, 1775, Capt. Timothy Barnard's Company of Minute Men. Enlisted No- vember 10th, 1777, in Capt. Oliver Titcomb's Com- pany, Col. Jacob Gerrish's Regiment of Guards. His name ap[)ears on pay roll under above mentioned officers in a regiment raised for guarding prisoners after the surrender of Burgoyne's army in 1778. (Massachusetts Archives, Vol. XI, page 244; Vol. XXIII, pages 130, 148.) SPRING, ELLIOT BEEBE, Olympia, Wash. State No. 491, Nat'l No. 27891. Admitted January 29th, 1916. Born in Bayonne, New Jersey, August 6th, 1891. Son of Edward Walton and Zilpha Isadora (Beebe) SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 159 Spring; grandson of Lucius L. and Martha C. (Par- sons) Spring; great-grandson of Rev. Gardiner and Susan (Barney) Spring; greaf -grandson of Rev. Sam- uel Spring. Greaf -grandson of Hanover Barney. Grandson of Ira Lovejoy and Zilpha Isadora (Hartt) Beebe; great-grandson of Roderick and Jane Eliza (Lovejoy) Beebe; greaf -grandson of Roderick and Harriet (Son) Beebe; greaf -grandson of Roderick Beehe. Rev. Samnel Spring, D. D., Chaplain of Col. John Fel- lows' Massachusetts Continental Regiment May, 1775. Chaplain to the Army in Canada, November, 1775, to June, 1776, in the Expedition to Quebec, under Gen. Arnold and Col. Burr. A bronze tablet erected on the Commons at Newburyport, Massachusetts, tells of his services. He was pastor of the North Church for 40 years. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. 14, page 771. Life and Times of Gar- diner Spring, page 24. Hanover Barney, a member of Governor's Second Com- pany of Guards, organized March 2nd, 1775, under Capt. Benedict Arnold. (Record of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, by the Adjutant General's Office of Hartford, 1889, page 18. Histories of New Haven, by Atwood, page 42 and page 649.) Roderick Beehe enlisted in June, 1775, for six months as private in Capt. Baldwin's Company, Col. Elmore's Regiment, New York troops. He re-enlisted for six months in the Company of Capt. Roswell Beebe, his brother, same Regiment. Re enlisted June, 1776, and was elected Sergeant under Capt. Seth Marvin and Col. Samuel Drake, who were under the imme- diate command of Gen. Washington. He enlisted again March, 1777, as Captain under Gen. Philip Schuyler and was in the Battle of White Plains. (U. S. Bureau of Pensions.) STALLCUP, EVAN SHELBY, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 355, Nat'l No. 24005. Admitted March 8th, 1912. Born in Denver, Colorado, August 30th, 1888. Son of John C. and Mary Pindell (Shelby) Stall- cup; grandson of Evan and Amanda (Bruen)' Shelby; great-grandson of James and Mary (Pindell) Shelby; greaf -grandson of Isaac Shelby. Isaac Shelby, Colonel in Battle of King's Mountain, 1780, under Marion in 1780 and under Green in 1781-82. 160 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Was appointed Captain of Minute Men in Virginia. Gov. Patrick Henry transferred him to the Commis- sary Department in which he served in 1778 and 1779. Raised a volunteer company of 300 men. Crossed the Alleghanies and joined Gen. McDowell. Joined Gen. Marion in 1781. ("King's Mountain and Its Heroes," by L. C. Draper. Appleton's Encyclo- pedia of American Biography, Vol. V, page 491.) STANFORD, JAMES NICHOLS, Olympia, Wash. State No. 510, Nat'l No. 28560. Admitted March 18th, 1916. Born in Grainfield, Kansas, August 13th, 1881. Son of Albert Eugene and Edith Nichols Stanford ; grandson of Franklin and Mary (Stone) Stanford; great-grandson of Jonathan and Eunice (Morton) Stan- ford; greats-grandson of Richard Stanford. Richard Stanford^ militia man at Lexington and private soldier during the greater part of the war. Served five different enlistments in Massachusetts troops. (Mas- sachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution, Vol. XIV, page 822.) STARR, WILLIAM EDWARD, Seattle, Wash. Transferred from Connecticut Societv. State No. 205, Nat'l No. 5618. Admitted January 18th, 1892. Born in New Milford, Connecticut, August 30th, 1859. Son of Frederick Eli and Hannah Cordelia (Wan- zer) Starr; grandson of Col. William Josiah and Sarah (Northrop) Starr; great-grandson of Eli and Susanna Starr; greaf -grandson of Col. Josiah Starr. Josiah Starr, of New Milford, Connecticut, commissioned Captain of Fourth Connecticut, under Col, Benjamin Hinman in first call for troops, April and May, 1775. This regiment reached Ticonderoga in June and saw service in the Northern Department. In December, 1775, Capt. Starr participated in the capture of St. John. In 1776 he was Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment commanded by Col. Heman Swift in the Northern Department. Promoted to Colonel of the First Regiment, Connecticut Line, in May, 1781. Was in battles of Germantown and Monmouth. Win- tered at Valley Forge. Keeper of military stores at Danbury, Connecticut. (Starr Family Historical Society Library, page 389. History of New Milford, Connecticut, pages 216, 231. Connecticut Sons of the American Revolution Year Book, 1895-6, page 502.) SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 161 STAKTZMAN, HOWARD HOLLAND, Seattle, Wash. State No. 463, Nat'l No. 27238. Admitted March 17th, 1915. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, October 19th, 1879. Son of Melvin and Mary Elizabeth (Holland) Startzman ; grandson of Stokeley and Charlotte Temple (Ford) Holland; great-grandson of Isaac and Mary (Ford) Holland; great'-grandson of William Holland. William. Holland., private in Maryland troops. (Mary- land Archives, Vol. XVIII, pages 418, 502. Daugh- ters of the American Revolution, National Nos, 51269, 51271, 5G303.) STEARNS, JOSIAH ONSLOW, Hoquiam, W^ash. State No. 427, Nat'l No. 26902. Admitted December 12th, 1914. Born in Corning, New York, August 3rd, 1860. Son of Amos Carlton and Mary A. (Hartwell) Stearns; grandson of Obed and Mehitibal (Carlton) Stearns; great-grandson of Timothy Stearns. Timothy Stearns^ Capt. Walter McFarland's Company, Col. Howe's Massachusetts Regiment. Enlisted at the age of 17 in Middlesex County. Was in serv- ice for three years, or "the war." Also appeared on muster roll and pay roll of Capt. Samuel Fay's Com- pany, Lieut. Col. Webb's Regiment. (Massachusetts Archives, Vol. XXIII, page 125; Vol XXIX, No. 60 Muster Rolls.) STEELE, EARL NEWELL, Olympia, Wash. State No. 502, Nat'l No. 28552. Admitted March 18th, 1916. Born in Altoona, Iowa, April 19th, 1881. Son of J. M. and Margaret E. Steele; grandson of Samuel Fleming and Julia (Fugard) Newell; great- grandson of Samuel and Martha (Treadwell) Fugard; greats-grandson of Samuel Fugard. Samuel Fugard enlisted January 1st, 1777, from Bedford, New Hampshire, in Capt. Barr's Company, Col. Daniel Moore's Regiment, and took part in the expedition against Canada under Gen. Arnold. After returning from Canada he joined Ebenezer Frye's Sixth Com- pany of the First New Hampshire Regiment of the Continental Line and served with it for nearly six years. Discharged on account of asthma and "be- cause he was worn out in the service." His regiment took part in Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga and Cornwallis' defeat at Yorktown. He was at Valley Forge with Washington and at the famous Night Raid 162 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY across the Delaware. Discharged November 3rd, 1782. Pensioned. (New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, Sons of American Revolution Records, National No. 20634.) STEELE, THEOPHILUS BRECKENRIDGE, San Francisco, Calif. State No. 194, Nat'l No. 15044. Admitted Feb- ruary 6th, 1904. Born in Lexington, Kentuckv, April 19th' 1862. Son of Dr. Theophilus and Sophonisba Preston (Breckenridge) Steele; grandson of Rev. Robert Jeffer- son and Ann Sophonisba (Preston) Breckenridge; great-grandson of Gen. Francis and Sarah Buchanan (Campbell) Preston; great'-grandson of Gen. WilUani Camphell. Great'-grandson of Col. William Preston. Great-grandson of Hon. John and Mary Hopkins (Cabell) Breclxenridge; greaf-grandson of Col. Joseph CaUll. Gen. William Gampl)ell, Captain First Virginia Regi- ment, December, 1775, to October, 1776. Colonel of Virginia Militia, 1777 to 1780. By act of Congress November 13th, 1780, a resolution was passed in recognition of the military ability of Col. Campbell and the officers and privates in the militia under his command in the action of October 7tli at King's Mountain, North Carolina. Served as Brigadier Gen- eral of Virginia Militia during the siege of York- town until he died, August 17th, 1781. (Heitman's Historical Register.) Hon. John Breckenridge, subaltern of Virginia Militia. Later Senator from Kentucky and Attorney (ieneral of the Ignited States. (Sons of the American Revolu- tion Records, District of Columbia Society, National No. 1855.) Col. Joseph Cahcll, member of Virginia House of Bur- gesses, Surgeon in Continental Army. Commanded Buckingham Militia at siege of Yorktown. (Sons of the American Revolution Records, District of Colum- bia Society, National No. 1855.) Col. William Preston, Colonel of Virginia troo]>s. Mem- ber of Committee of Safety. Mortally wounded at Guilford Court House. (Sons of the American Revo- lution Records, District of Columbia Society, Na- tional No. 1855.) SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 163 STEVENS, HAZARD, Olympia, Wash. State No. 492, Nat'l No. 27892. Admited January 29th, 1916. Born in New- port, Rhode Ishmd, June 9th, 1812. Son of Isaac Ingalls and Margaret Lyman (Haz- ard) Stevens; grandson of Benjamin and Harriet (Ly- man) Hazard; great-grandson of Daniel Lyman. Col. Daniel Lyman was a member of the Junior class at Yale College when he marched with his classmates, and in May, 1775, joined the army at Cambridge. As Captain he took part in the capture of Ticon- deroga. Crown Point and St. Johns. In 1776 was appointed Brigade Major to Gen. Fellows and took part in the Battle of White Plains, where his horse was killed under him. In 1777 he was Captain in Col. Lee's Regiment in the Continental Line and the following year Aide de Camp to Gen. Heath, and in another year was appointed Adjutant General in the Eastern Department with the rank of Major, aft- erwards Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel. He took part in the Battle of Rhode Island. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution, Vol. X, page 71. Genealogy of the Lyman Family, by Lyman Colman. Genealogy of the Hazard Family of Rhode Island, by Caroline E. Robinson.) STERLING, LEWIS MILTON, Cashmere, Wash. State No. 317, Nat'l No. 20992. Admitted January 10th, 1910. Born in Sterling, Illinois, January 21st, 1884. Son of Charles M. and Kate (Hullinger) Sterling; grandson of Lewis Studer and Susan (Long) Hullin- ger; great-grandson of Lewis and Elizabeth (Studer) Hullinger; greaf -grandson of Philip Studer. Philip Studer, private in Capt, Henry Lister's Company, German Battalion, Continental Troops. Enlisted Au- gust 11th, 1776, at Frederickstown, Maryland. Served three years. Discharged July 24th, 1779. Was en- gaged in the battles of Trenton, Princeton, Brandy- wine, Germantown and Monmouth. (U, S. Pension Bureau. U. S. Adjutant General's Office, War De- partment, Washington, D. C.) STOCKING, FRED W., Olympia, Wash. State No. 501, Nat'l No. 28551. Admitted March 18th, 1916. Born at Peter- son's Point, Washington, October 4th, 1863. Son of Francis McKee and Ann Eliza (James) Stocking; grandson of Francis and Abigail (McKee) Stocking; great-grandson of Capt. John and Betsy (Ed- wards) Stocking; greaf -grandson of Daniel Edwards. 164 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Daniel Edwards enlisted at Coventry, Connecticut, and drew a town bounty. He was in tha Fifth Regiment of Militia, Fifth Brigade, in the State of Connecticut. (Connecticut Historical Society Collections, Revolu- tionary Rolls and Lists, Vol. VIII, page 120.) STOUT, JOHN KENNEDY, Washington, D. C, Department of Commerce and Labor. State No. 2, Nat'l No. 6786. Admitted November 30th, 1893. Born in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, November 29th, 1849. Son of Asher Miner and Ellen C. (Gildersleeve) Stout; grandson of Abram and Anna Maria (Miner) Stout; great-grandson of Asher Miner; great'-grandson of Seth Miner (or Minar). Seth Miner, Ensign of First Company, Twentieth Regi- ment, Connecticut Militia. Served at Breed's Hill and other places. His commission dated June 14th, 1776. (Colonial Records, State of Connecticut, Vol. XV, pages 252, 443, 661.) STURTEVANT, CULLEN KITTREDGE, Seattle, Wash. State No. 288, Nat'l No. 20563. Admitted February 8th, 1909. Born in Ripon, Wisconsin, February 7th, 1865. Son of Henry Grew and Charlotte P. (Kittredge) Sturtevant; grandson of Noah and Angeline (Cole) Sturtevant; great-grandson of Consider and Catherine Pease (Kelley) Sturtevant; greaf-grandson of Consider Sturtevant. Consider Sturtevant, private in Capt. Nathaniel Ham- mond's Company, Massachusetts Militia. Enlisted July 17th, 1775. Stationed at Wareham and Roches- ter, for defense of Seacoast. Discharged December 23rd, 1775. Also in Capt. Timothy Child's Company, Col. David Well's Regiment, May 10th, 1777, to July 8th, 1777. In service at Ticonderoga. (Massachu- setts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. XV, pages 222, 21i6. Sons of the American Revolution, National No. 14312.) SWASEY, GEORGE O., Tacoma, Wash. State No. 323, Nat'l No. 20998. Admitted February 2nd, 1910. Born in Beverly, Massachusetts, February 13th, 1868. Son of Oscar and Mary (Philbrick) Swasey; grand- son of Joseph and Clara Philbrick; great-grandson of Joseph and Hannah (Gove) Philbrick; greaf-grandson of Capt. Samuel Philbrick. SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 165 Samuel Philhrick, Captain of Fourth Company of Mili- tia in Ninth Regiment, New Hampshire. Commis- sion dated Exeter, New Hampshire, September 5th, 1775, by Order of Congress. Was a member of Com- mittee of Safety, 1775 to 1780. (History of Weare, New Hampshire.) SWIFT, GEORGE WILKINS, Seattle, Wash. State No. 474, Nat'l No. 27249. Admitted October 26th, 1915. Born in Coupeville, Washington, August 29th, 1882. Son of Capt. James and Emily C. (Wilson) Swift; grandson of Samuel and Sally (Blanchard) Wilson; great-grandson of Daniel Wilson. Daniel Wilson, private in Elisha Mack's Company, Col. Nicholas' Regiment from New Hampshire. He was in the Battle of Bunker Hill and at Saratoga. (Vital Records of Keene, New Hampshire.) TALCOTT, GEORGE NOTES, Sr., Olympia, Wash. State No. 504, Nat'l No. 28554. Admitted March 18th, 1916. Born in Pittsfield, Illinois, December 28th, 1858. Son of Lucius Lord and Harriet (Noyes) Talcott; grandson of George Lord and Sarah (McQuig) Talcott; great-grandson off Elizur and Dorothy (Lord) Talcott; great'-grandson of Col. Elizur Talcott. Col. Elizut Talcott, Colonel of the Sixth Regiment of the Continental Militia. Enlisted at Glastonbury, Con- necticut. He was chairman of the town meeting that demanded the repeal of the Boston Port Bill. He served with the Connecticut forces in Long Island and New York City. (Heitman's Register, Revised 1914 Edition, page 31.) TALCOTT, G. NOYES, Jr., Olympia, Wash. State No. 505, Nat'l No. 28555. Admitted March 18th, 1916. Born in Olympia, Washington, October 9th, 1892. Son of George N. and Addie Jane Talcott. See George Noyes Talcott, Sr. TAYLOR, EDWARD RANDALL, Seattle, Wash. State No. 112, Nat'l No. 9862. Admitted December 8th, 1897. Born in New Orleans, Louisiana, September 15th, 1854. Son of Zalman and Lydia Moore (Blydenburgh) Taylor; grandson of Eleazar Taylor; great-grandson of Zalman Taylor. Eleazar and Zalman Taylor, his father, enlisted May 16th, 1775, in Capt. Doolittle's Company, Col. Waterbury's Regiment, Connecticut troops. Discharged in 1775. 166 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Both re-enlisted the following June in Capt. Bene- dict's Company. (Connecticut Men in the Revolu- tion.) THOMAS, JOHN MELVIN, Spokane, Wash. State No. 198, Nat'l No. 15048. Admitted February 6th, 1904. Born in Albany, New York, February 15th, 1851. Son of John Thomas and Sarah Ann (Parsons) Thomas, Jr. ; grandson of Stephen and Hannah (Thorne) Parsons, Jr.; great-grandson of James and Deborah (Green) Thorne; greaf-grandson of Thomas Greene. Thomas Greene, Second Lieutenant of Benjamin Adams' Company, Enlisted August 11th, 1777. Discharged November 30th, 1777. Re-enlisted October 12th, 1779, as Second Lieutenant of Capt. Gummings' Company, Gen. Jacob Gerrick's Regiment. Was in Battle of White Plains. (Massachusetts Revolutionary Rolls, Vol. VI, page 836. Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors.) THOMAS, PERCY F., Seattle, Wash. State No. 435, Nat'l No. 26910. Admitted January 9th, 1915. Born in Cas- sopolis, Michigan, January 8th, 1879. Son of Stanton B. and Maria (Folsom) Thomas; grandson of Nathan M. and Pamela S. (Brown) Thomas; great-grandson of Thomas and Sally (I'arker) Brown; greaf -grandson of Nathaniel Boman Brown. Nathaniel Boman Brown, Minute man. Sergeant in Lex- ington Alarm and commissioned Lieutenant March, 1776. Served in Northern Campaign, 1776 to 1777^ and belonged to Second Lunenberg Company, Eighth Worcester County, Capt. Joseph Bellows and Col. Abijah Stearns. W^as in Battle of Bennington, where he lead his company as the Captain ; was killed at the beginning of the engagement. (Massachusetts Revo- lutionarv Rolls, Vol. XLIII, page 216; Vol. XII, page 150; Vol. XX, page 125; Vol. LV, File I. Massachu- setts Soldiers and Sailors.) THOMAS, JOSEPH S., Tacoma, Wash. State No. 331, Nat'l No. 22206. Admitted Januarv 26th, 1911. Born in Cadiz, Ohio, October 24th, 1860. Son of Joseph S. and Martha Bennet (01msted> Thomas; grandson of John and (Bennet) Olm- sted; great-grandson of David Olmsted. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 167 David Olmsted was one of the colonists who helped to give the alarm before the Battle of Lexington. He was Captain in Col. Roger Enos' Regiment, Counecti- cnt Militia. Also Captain in Col. Beebe's Regiment, 1780. Saw service along the west coast. Captain in Connecticnt Provincial Regiment, 1781. (Olmsted Genealogy. Connecticut Men in the Revolution. Ad- jutant General's Ofhce, Hartford, 1889.) THOMPSON, WILL H., Seattle, Wash. State No. 113, Nat'l No. 9863. Admitted December 8th, 1897. Born in Calhoun, Georgia, March 10th, 1818. Son of Mathew Grigg and Diantha (Jaeger) Grigg; grandson of Wilson and Mary (Grigg) Thompson; great-grandson of Mathew Grigg. Matheiv Grigg, private, three years in the Virginia troops, under Capt. Mountjay and Col. Buford. Pensioned. (U. S. Pension Bureau.) THORNTON, CHARLES W, Nome, Alaska. State No. 70, Nat'l No. 7945. Admitted February 15th, 189G. Born in Le Sueur, Minnesota, March 25th, 18G9. Son of Wesley Coats and Rachel (Livingston) Thornton; grandson of Abraham and Louisa (Smith) Livingston f great-grandson of Alrrahain Livingston. Ahraham Livingston, commissioned Captain December 18th, 1776. In Col. James Livingston's Regiment of Additional Continentals from New York. Appointeci Captain November 2nd, 1781, in Regiment of Levies: for the further defense of the State, Lieut. Col. Willet. (New York Archives, Vol. I, pages 233, 234, 258.) TILTON, GEORGE E, Seattle, Wash. State No. 265, Nat'l No. 18615. Admitted June 3rd, 1907. Born in Cass County, Iowa, March 20th, 1870. Son of Smilie and Mary Elizabeth (Bancroft) Til- ton ; grandson of James Madison and Catherine Au- gusta (Chapin) Bancroft; great-grandson of James and Fannie (Kendall) Bancroft; greaf -grandson of James and Lucy (Whitney) Bancroft. James Bancroft, 8r., private and Sergeant in the New Hampshire Troops, Capt. John Mellin's Company, June 28th, 1777, to July 11th, 1777. Also private in Capt. James Lewis' Company in Col. Enoch Hale's Regiment, in 1778. (New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, Vol. II, pages 108, 541.) 168 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY TOTTEN, WILLIAM D., Seattle, Wash. State No. 238, Nat'l No. 17813. Admitted January 5th, 1906. Born in Vernon, New York, October 17th, 1858. Son of Joseph and Nancy Smith ( Morrell ) Totten ; grandson of Joseph and Rebecca (Stover) Totten; great-grandson of Jacoh Brinkerhoff and Lydia (Van- der Burgh) Totten ; greaf -grandson of Samuel Totten, Samuel, and Jacob Totten, his son, were privates in the Continental Army, First Company, Capt. Thomas Hotteling, Eleventh Regiment, Col. Anthony Van Burgen, Albany County, New York, Militia. (New York Revolutionary Rolls, Vol. I, page 490. ''New York in the Revolution" [1898], pages 119, 261, 270, 490. Archives of American Revolution, page 302.) TOTTEN, JOSEPH PHELPS, Seattle, Wash. State No. 425, Nat'l No. 26550. Admitted December 12th, 1914. Born in Kalkaska, Michigan, November 12th, 1886. Son of William D. and Edith M. Totten. See William D. Totten. TRACY, ROGER SHERMAN, Portland, Oregon. State No. 290, Nat'l No. 20565. Admitted January 4th, 1909. Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, December 8th, 1884. Son of Charles Walker and Mary Elizabeth (Dur- kee) Tracy; grandson of Ebenezer Carter and Martha Sherman (Evarts) Tracy; great-grandson of Jeremiah and Mehitable (Sherman) Evarts; greaf -grandson of Roger Sherman. Roger Sherman was a statesman, member of Continental Congress in 1774 and until the adoption of the Con- stitution of the United States. One of a committee appointed to draft, and a signer of the following: Addresses to the King, Declaration of Independence, Articles of the Confederation, Constitution of the United States. Served in numerous committees in Congress, particularly in 1776, when he was a mem- ber of the committees appointed to give instructions for the operation of the army, to establish regula- tions and restrictions of the trade of the United States, to regulate the currency of the country, and provide for the expenses of the Government. (Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence [1829], by C. A. Goodrich.) TRUNKEY, HARVEY D., Spokane, Wash. State No. 297, Nat'l No. 25072. Admitted April 5th, 1909. Born in Helena, Arkansas, April 26th, 1875. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 169 Son of Frank and Eliza (Power) Trunkey; grand- son of Dyas and Rebecca (Wright) Power; great- grandson of James and Levica (Campbell) Power; great'-grandson of Mattheiv and Mary (Shelby) Camp- hell; great'-grandson of Evan Shelby. Evan Shelby, appointed by Gov. Patrick Henry as Major in the Virginia Army in 1776 and afterwards Colonel Commandant of Fincastle County, and in 1779 was appointed Brigadier General by Gov. Caswell of North Carolina. Mattheiv Campbell, private in First Pennsylvania Regi- ment, Continental Line, from December 15th, 1778, to June, 1781. (Pennsylvania Archives, Second Se- ries, Vol. XIII, page 31.) TURNER, ERASTUS J., Seattle, Wash. State No. 305, Nat'l No. 20980. Admitted June 21st, 1909. Born in Lock- port, Pennsylvania, December 26th, 1846. Son of Joshua L. and Laura Ann Turner ; grandson of Joshua Turner. Joshua Turner, private in Capt. Lyman's Company, Col. William R. Lee's Regiment, Continental Troops. En- listed August 8th, 1777, to serve three years, and was discharged August 18th, 1780. (Adjutant Gen- eral's Office, War Department, Washington, D. C.) TURNER, LEANDER T., Seattle, Wash. State No. 144, Nat'l No. 12444. Admitted March 16th, 1900. Born in Vil- lage of French Camp, San Joaquin, California, Febru- ary 1st, 1864. Son of Garrison and Elizabeth Jane (Starr) Tur- ner; grandson of Samuel Fletcher and Talitha Carrie (Belknap) Starr; great-grandson of Jesse and Jane (Garlinghouse) Belknap; greaf-grandson of Jonas and Esther (Parker) Belknap; greaf -grandson of Samuel Belknap, Jr. Jonas Belknap, private soldier in Massachusetts troops. Enlisted in Capt. John Cowls' Company, Col. Benjamin Woodbridge's Regiment, May 3rd, 1775, to October, 1775. Re-enlisted November, 1776. Served at various times until discharged June 10th, 1783. Served 10 months in 1780 as Corporal and member of the Light Infantry Company of Col. Brooks' Regiment, and was later Sergeant of this company. Received honorary badge. (Massachusetts Revolutionary Rolls, Vol. I, pages 906, 907, 918.) 170 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Samuel Belknap, private in Capt. Cowl's Company, Col. Woodbridge's Regiment, enlisting May 3rd, 1775. (Massachusetts Revolutionary Rolls, Vol. I, page 918.) TUTTLE, FREDERICK, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 343, Nat'l No. 22218. Admitted October 4th, 1911. Born in Salinas City, California, August 5th, 1871. Son of Hiram and Kara Aziek (Johnson) Tuttle; grandson of Daniel and Mary Ann (Pardoe) Tuttle; great-grandson of Hiram and Annie (Dille) Tuttle; greaf-grandson of Daniel Tuttle. Daniel Tuttle, private. Enlisted January 20th, 1777, in Morris County, New Jersey, Militia. In Capt. No- diah Wade's Third Company, Fourth Battalion, Sec- ond Infantry, New Jersey Continental Line, under Col. Ephraim Martin. In Battle of Ash Swamp, New Jersey. Sick in hospital at Rockaway, New Jersey, June, 1777, to January, 1778. Re-joined his Company September 1st, 1778. Was transferred to Col. Mathias Ogden's First Battalion, Second Estab- lished Infantry, New Jersey Continental Line, Lieut. Eden Burrowe's Company, and served in an expedi- tion against the Six Nations (Indians) in Western Pennsylvania and New York. Took part in the Vir- ginia campaign in 1781, Siege of York, and at the surrender of Cornwallis. Discharged November 3rd, 1783. Received two badges of merit for six years of valuable service. (Adjutant General's Office, State of New Jersey.) VANCE, WOODRUFF MUCHMORE, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 49.5, Nat'l No. 27895. Admitted December 21st, 1915. Born in Morristown, New Jersev, August 15th, 1877. Son of Alanson A. and Caroline Day (Muchmore) V^ance; grandson of George and Susan (Schooley) Vance; great-grandson of Joseph and Susan (Case) Schooley ; great'-grandson of Joshua Case. Joshua Case, private in New Jersey Militia. (Stryker's Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War, page 534. New Jersey Society, Sons of the American Revolution, No. 6163.) VAN DYKE, JOHN FRANK, Danville, Washington. State No. 362, Nat'l No. 24012. Admitted April 15th, 1913. Born in Belleville, Kansas, April 10th, 1876. Son of Reuben Woodford and Frances Delight Yaw (Bennett) Van Dyke; grandson of Samuel and Lurania SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 171 (Denison) Yaw; great-grandson of Nathaniel and Fanny (Lewis) Denison; great'-grandson of George Denison. George Denison, private. Enlisted March, 1782, for nine months in Capt. Richard's Company at New London, Connecticut. Marched to West Point, New York, and joined Col. Sherman's Regiment and drilled for a mouth. Was taken sick and sent to New Windsor Hospital, where he remained three months. After re-joining his regiment was detailed to guard Gen. McDougall, who had been placed under arrest. Pen- sioned. (U. S. Pension Bureau.) VAN PATTEN, WILLIAM McCOY, Walla Walla, Wash. State No. 493, Nat'l No. 27898. Admitted January 29th, 1916. Born in Lincoln, Illinois, November 14th, 1867. Son of John and Rachel (McCoy) Van Patten; grandson of Myndert and Hanna (Coop) Van Patten; great-grandson of Arent and Hellen (LeGrange) Van Petten; great'-grandson of Xicholas Van Petten. 'Nicholas Tan Petten, private in Capt. John Van Petten 's Company, Col. Abraham Temple's Second Regiment, Albany County, New York, Militia. (New York in the Revolution as Colony and State, page 100.) VIRTUE, GEORGE ALEXANDER, Seattle, Wash. Trans- ferred from Minnesota Society. State No. 52, Nat'l No. 3219. Born in Cleveland, Minnesota, August 14th, 1862. Son of George J, and Jane (Foi*sythe) Virtue; grandson of John and Juliet (Ward) Forsyth; great- grandson of John Ward. John Ward, Second Lieutenant, Eighth Pennsylvania. Was on the Staff of Gen. Washington. Member of the Society of Cincinnati. Family has copy of original certificate of membershij) dated October 31st, 1785, signed by George Washington. (Heitman's Register.) VIRTUE, LAWRENCE WARD, Seattle, Wash. State No. 494, National No. 27894. Admitted February 4th, 1916. Born in Seattle, Washington, December 13th, 1891. Son of George Alexander and Rhoda Lovisa (Smith) Virtue. See George Alexander Virtue. 172 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY WALKER, GEORGE HUNT, Seattle, Wash. State No. 77, Nat'l No. 8902. Admitted February 15th, 1896. Born in Sparta, Wisconsin, November 4th, 1864. Son of Edwin Sawyer and Emily M. (Hunt) Walker; grandson of Sawyer and Melinda (Gile) Walk- er; great-grandson of Jesse and Prudence (Sawyer) Walker; great'-grandson of Gideon Walker. Greaf -grandson of Thomas Sawyer. Gideon Walker, private in Capt. Cleghorn's Company, Col. James Mead's Regiment, Vermont Militia. En- gaged in scouting after Tories and guarding them in time of trial in 1777. Joined a company of mili- tia from Rutland, Vermont, under command of En- sign Isaac Cushman, on an expedition to Ticonder- oga. Was at the invasion of Skensborough Fort. Served as Ensign for 30 days in Capt. Samuel Wil- liam's Militia, Col. Ebenezer Allen's Regiment, No- vember, 1780, and in Col. Thomas Lee's Regiment in same company, until November, 1781. Also member of Committee of Safety for Vermont, 1776 to 1780. ("The Walkers of the Old Colony and Their Des- cendants." ''The Stories of My Ancestors in Amer- ica," by E. S. Walker. Adjutant General's Office, Montpelier, Vermont.) Thomas Sawyer enlisted as private in a Massachusetts regiment stationed at Ticonderoga in 1777. After his enlistment expired he moved with his family to Clarendon, Rutland County, Vermont, where he built a bullet-proof block house of oak, which became the place of refuge for the neighborhod in times of dan- ger. In 1778 was elected Cai)tain of Minute Men. Hastened to the frontier settlements further north when they were threatened with invasion from Can- ada, and for two years after his return was in com- mand of Fort Ranger at Rutland, Vermont. (Hem- enway's Historical Magazine and Gazetteer of Ver- mont. Records of Revolutionary Service, Montpelier, Vermont. ) WALKER, ROBERT GILE, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 78, Nat'l No. 8903. Admitted February 15th, 1896. Born in Springfield, Illinois, June 22nd, 1867. Son of Edwin Sawyer and Emily M. (Hunt) Walker. See George Hunt Walker. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 173 WALKER, JEREMIAH, Hoquiam, Washington. State No. 430, Nat'l No. 26905. Admitted December 12th, 1914. Born near Salem, Polk County, Oregon, July 8th, 1870. Son of Marcus Whitman and Sarah Margaret (Junkin) Walker; grandson of Elkanah and Mary (Richardson) Walker; great-grandson of Joseph and Charlott (Thompson) Richardson; greaf -grandson of Isaac Snow and Charlott (Hay) Thompson; great-- grandson of Daniel Thompson. Daniel TJiompson, private. W^as killed while in pursuit of the enemy at Concord in 1775. (Daughters of American Revolution Records.) WALKER, HERMAN EDWARD, Hoquiam, Wash. State No. 431, Nat'l No. 26906. Admitted December 12, 1914. Born in W>ston, Oregon, March 13, 1869. Son of Marcus Whitman and Sarah Margaret (Junkin) Walker. See Jeremiah Walker. WEEKS, CARLOS HERBERT, Spokane, Wash. State No. 301, Nat'l No. 20976. Admitted April 5th, 1909. Born in Stow, Ohio, July 8th, 1850. Son of Corydon and Lucia Louisa Weeks ; grandson of Samuel and Susan (Grey) Weeks; great-grandson of Joshua Weeks. Joshua Weeks, private and Second Lieutenant, Capt. Jo- seph Parsons Company, First Regiment, New Hamp- shire, raised by order of Major General Folsom De- cember 10th, 1776, to re-enforce the Continental Army in New York. (State Papers of New Hampshire, by Hammond, Vol. XI, page 448.) WELBORN, JOHN FRANKLIN, Seattle, Wash. State No. 465, Nat'l No. 27240. Admitted March 17th, 1915. Born in Toursville, Nebraska, March 20th, 1875. Son of Taylor Floyd and Rebecca Elizabeth (Mor- rell) Welborn; grandson of John Bradley and Rhoda (Story) Morrell ; great-grandson of Samuel Millington and Alameda (Bates) Story; greaf -grandson of Francis Story. Francis Story enlisted as private in militia from State of Vermont. Served from 1779 to 1781. (Adjutant General's Office, Montpelier, Vermont.) WELCH, CHARLES BUCKLEY, Tacoma, Wash. State No. 473, Nat'l No. 27248. Admitted June 25th, 1915. Born in Meriden, Connecticut, November 16th, 1883. 174 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Son of George F. and Arietta (Short) Welch; grandson of Norman and Sarah Ann (Welles) Welch; great-grandson of George and Maria (Brown) Welles; greaf -grandson of David and Temperance (Pettis) Brown ; great'-grandson of Benjamm Pettis. Benjamin Pettis enlisted as private from Groton, Connec- ticut, and served in the Continental Line, 1777 to 1781. (State Archives of Connecticut, XXX, 17a, 79b.) WELLS, EDMUND HAZARD, Seattle, Wash. State No. 167, Nat'l No. 14017. Admitted November 13th, 1901. Born in Toledo, Ohio, August 28th, 1860. Son of Edmund H. and Emily L. (Buell) Wells; grandson of William Huron and Laura (Starr) Buell; great-gi'andson of James and Persia (Shaw) Starr; great"-grandson of Nicholas ^tarr. Nicholas Starr, private, defender of Fort Griswold at Groton, Connecticut, Setempber 6th, 1781. Private in the Connecticut Militia. Was killed in the de- fense of Fort Griswold at Groton Heights. (Connec- ticut Revolutionary Rolls. Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 577, 578. Starr Family Records. Alleyn's History of the Battle of Groton Heights.) WELLS, WALTER L., Hoquiam, Wash. State No. 429. Na- tional No. 26904. Admitted December 12th, 1914. Born in Toledo, Ohio, July 14th, 1866. Son of Edmund H. and Emily L. (Buell) Wells. See Edmund Hazard Wells. WENNER, RALPH SCHAFFER, Metaline Falls, Wash. State No. 384, Nat'l No. 25909. Admitted January 20th, 1914. Born in Allentown, Pennsylvania, July 22nd, 1891. Son of Thomas P. and Alice (Schaffer) Wenner; grandson of Peter Shiffert and Maria Elizabeth (Kra- mer) Wenner; great-grandson of George and Anna (Schiffert) Wenner; greaf-grandson of George Wenner. George Wenner, titer in Pennsylvania Association, Capt. keits' Company, Col. Stephen Balliet, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, Militia. (Pennsylvania Ar- chives, Series Five, Vol. VIII, page 38. Sons of the American Revolution, National No. 19490.) WILBUR, CHARLES HERVEY, Seattle, Wash. State No. 335, Nat'l No. 22210. Admitted February 22nd, 1911. Born in Albany, New York, November 11th, 1853. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 175 Son of Hervey B. and Harriet (Holden) Wilbur; grandson of Josiah and Martha (Wetherbee) Holden; great-grandson of Moses Holden. Moses Holden, private in Capt. Samuel Reed's Company, Col. William Prescott's Regiment, 1775. Served at Bunker Hill as a Minute Man, afterwards becoming a Continental soldier in Capt. Benjamin Nye's Com- pany, Col. Nathan Sparhawk's Regiment, in 1777. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. VIII, page 108.) WILLIAMS, EARLE BOLLINGER, Olvmpia, Wash. State No. 512, Nat'l No. 28562. Admitted April 18th, 1916. Born in Jackson, Missouri, May 24th, lSi){). Son of Samuel D. and Frederica (Willing) Wil- liams; grandson of Charles and Elizabeth B. (Frizel) Willing; great-grandson of Charles and Mary (Sexton) Willing; greaf-grandson of John and Esther (Guild) Willing; greaf -grandson of John Guild. Rev. John Guild escorted Gen. Washington and his army from the Eight Mile Ferry to the north end of Tren- ton. He, with his children, was obliged to take refuge with a family by the name of Slack, in Buck's County, Pennsylvania, when the enemy took ])osses- sion of his church. His house was entered by British soldiers, his papers and books destroyed, and the church in which he preached was used as barracks for the enemy's soldiers. (Historical discourses by Rev. George Hale, D. D.) WILLIS, JOHN EDWARDS, Chehalis, Wash. State No. 409, Nat'l No. 27244. Admitted April 20, 1915. Born in Pinckneyville, Illinois, October 19th, 18.50. Son of AYilliam T. and Mary (Mulkney) Willis; grandson of John and Mary (Thomas) McCartney; great-grandson of Henri/ Thomas. Henry Thomas enlisted in 1777 in State of Virginia. Served under Captains James Neal and Uriah Springer, Col. John Gibson's Regiment. Pensioned. (U. S. Pension Bureau.) WILSON, FRANK BLISS, Seattle, Wash. State No. 4.54, Nat'l No. 27229. Admitted February 13th, 1915. Born in Barre, Vermont, February 17th, 1801. Son of John Newton and Elmira (Wheaton) Wil- son; grandson of John and Mercy (Newton) Wilson; great-grandson of Thomas Wilson. 176 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Thomas Wilson, p>rivate in New Hampshire troops, in Capt. George Reid's Company, Col. John Stark's Regiment, in 1775. Was in the Battle of Bunker Hill. (New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, Vol. I, page 75.) WILSON, HENRY LANE, Spokane, Wash. State No. 109, Nat'l No. 9858. Admitted June 24th, 1897. Born in Crawfordsville, Indiana, November 3rd, 1856. Son of James and Emma (Ingersoll) Wilson; grandson of John and Margaret (Cochrine) Wilson; great-grandson of James and Agnes (McKee) Wilson; great'-grandson of Col. William McEee. Col. William McKee served at Battle of Point Pleasant May 10th, 1778. Was member of Virginia convention in 1778 and voted to ratify the Constitution of the United States. Was High Sheriff of Rockbridge County, Virginia. Was Captain in Virginia Line of Continental Army for three years. For his services was granted 4,000 acres of land in the State of Vir- ginia. ("Chronicles of Border Warfare," by Alexan- der Withers [1831], pages 177-8. Early Settlements and Indian Wars, page 241. "History of Virginia," by Charles Campbell, page 196 of appendix. Virginia Historical Collections, by R. A. Birch [New Series], Vol. II, page 365; Vol. IX. Virginia Convention 1788, page 347. Debates and Other Proceedings of the Convention of Virginia, by Hunter and Prentice, Vol. Ill, page 215.) WINANS, WILLIAM PARKHURST, Walla Walla, Wash. State No. 175, Nat'l No. 14025. Admitted June 20th, 1902. Born in Rahwav, New Jersey, January 28th, 1836. Son of Jonas Wood and Sarah (Stiles) Winans; grandson of John and Phebe (Crane) Stiles; great- grandson of Ca])t. Jacoh and Phebe Crane; greaf- grandson of Hon. Stephen Crane. Grandson of Moses Winans. Hon. Stephen Crane, chairman of Committee of Safety, in New Jersey x\ssembly in 1776 ; one of five delegates from New Jersey to the General Congress which met in September and October, 1774 ; speaker of the As- sembly of New Jersey. Had six sons who took active part in the Revolution, two being killed by the Brit- ish. (History of Elizabeth, New Jersey, by Rev. Edwin F. Hatfield, D. D. [1868]. New Jersey His- torical Society, Newark, New Jersey.) SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 177 Jacob Crane, Captain, Major and Lieutenant Colonel First Regiment Essex County, New Jersey, Militia. (Adjutant General's Office, New Jersey.) Moses Winans, private, minute man in Essex County, New Jersey, Militia. Also private in Capt, Squire's Company, Essex County Militia. (Adjutant General's Office, New Jersey.) WINANS, ALLEN LID A, Walla Walla, Wash. State No. 456, Nat'l No. 27231. Admitted March 17th, 1915. Born in Walla Walla, Washington, April 25th, 1870. Son of William Parkhurst and Lida (Moore) Winans. See William Parkhurst Winans. WINANS, GILBERT PARK, Walla Walla, Wash. State No. 416, Nat'l No. 26541. Admitted July 21st, 1914. Born in Colville, Washington, January 25th, 1870. Son of William Parkhurst and Lida (Moore) Winans. See William Parkhurst Winans. WINANS, PHILIP MOORE, Walla Walla, Wash. State No. 371, Nat'l No. 24021. Admitted October 21st, 1913. Born in Walla Walla, Washington, December 10th, 1874. Son of William Parkhurst and Lida (Moore), Winans. See William Parkhurst Winans. WINANS, FREEMAN EARL, Seattle, Wash. State No. 516, Nat'l No. 28566. Admitted April 18th, 1916. Born in Walla Walla, Wash., February 19th, 1883. Son of William Parkhurst and Christine McRae Winans. See WilUam Parkhurst Winans. WOOD, CHARLES BARTON, Olympia, Wash. State No. 483, Nat'l No. 27883. Admitted December 21st, 1915. Born in Portsmouth, Ohio, May 12th, 1862. Son of Oliver and Emily H. (Mytinger) Wood; grandson of Charles and Eliza (Newham) Mytinger; great-grandson of Daniel and Catherine Mytinger; greaf -grandson of Jacob Mytinger. Jacob Mytinger, First Lieutenant in Capt, Von Heer's Company, Pennsylvania Troop of Light Dragoons. (State Library, Olympia, Wash.) 178 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY WRIGHT, THEODORE J., Kennewick, Wash. State No. 274, Nat'l No. 18624. Admitted October 5th, 1908. Born in Huron, New York, May 17th, 1882. Son of James and Mary Etta Wright ; grandson of Theodore and Mary (Wheeler) Jenkins; great-grandson of Ira and Zelina Scott; greaf -grandson of Ezekiel Scott. Ezekiel Scott, private in Eighth Connecticut, enlisted June, 1776. Served at ditferent times until May 7th, 1780. Engaged in battles of Harlem, White Plains, Germantown, Fort Mifflin, and Monmouth. (U. S. Pension Bureau.) WRIGHT, WILLIAM CLIFFORD, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 379, Nat'l No. 25904. Admitted January 20th, 1914. Born in Freeport, Illinois, June 10th, 1883. Son of William Lawson and Lura (Buckley) Wright; grandson of Paschal Lewis and Jane (Law- son) Wright; great-grandson of Joseph and Anne (Clingan) Lawson; greaf -grandson of William Clingan. William, Clingan, Lieutenant in Capt. Joseph Works' Company, Third Battalion, Lancaster County, Mili- tia, 1779, under Col. Alex Lowry. (Pennsylvania Archives, Fifth Series, Vol. VII, page 211.) WRIGHT, WILLIAM LAWSON, North Yakima, Wash. State No. 380, Nat'l No. 25905. Admitted January 20th, 1914. Born in Freeport, Illinois, November 29th, 1850. Son of Paschal Lewis and Jane (Lawson) Wright. See William Clifford Wright. YEATON, CYRUS FREEMAN, Seattle, Wash. State No. 169, Nat'l No. 14019. Admitted November 19th, 1901. Born in Somersworth, New Hampshire, February 10th, 1837. Son of Leavitt Hill and Mary Jessie (Wentworth) Yeaton ; grandson of Moses Yeaton ; great-grandson of Moses Yeaton. Moses Yeaton, Sr., Lieutenant and Captain in New Hampshire troops, stationed at Pierce's Island, No- vember 5th, 1775. Captain of Company in Col. Win- gate's Regiment which marched from New Hamp- shire and joined the Continental Army in Rhode Island in 1778. (New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls.) Moses Yeaton, Jr., Second Lieutenant in his father's com- pany, December 17th, 1775. First Lieutenant in Capt. Copp's Company, 1775, which served in Rhode Island. (New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls.) SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 179 YOUNG, EDWARD WELDON, Seattle, Wash. State No. 5, Nat'l No. 7328. Admitted December 29th, 1894. Born in Koniska, Minnesota, July 5th, 18G9. Son of Thomas Miles and Marion (Holmes) Young; grandson of Robert Buchanan and Rebecca (Miles) Young; great-grandson of William and Mar- garet (Buchanan) Young; great '-grandson of James Young. James Young, Captain in the Pennsylvania Continental Line, in Col. Jeduthan Baldwin's Artillery Artificer Regiment, August 1st, 1777. Was in battles of Bran- dywine, Germantown, Monmouth and Cowpens, and was with Gen. Washington at Valley Forge. (Heit- man's Register. Rolls of Soldiers of the Pennsyl- vania Line.) ZIBBELL, EARL WAYNE, Seattle, Wash. State No. 414, Nat'l No. 26539. Admitted September 19th, 1914. Born in Grand Ridge, Illinois, April 18th, 1879. Son of Robert Jay and Harriet Minerva (Ford) Zibbell ; grandson of Capt. Joseph and Elizabeth (Rowe) Ford; great-grandson of Frederic and Hepzi- bah (Johnson) Rowe; greaf-grandson of Rev. Jesse and Hepzibah (French) Johnson; greaf -grandson of Isaac Johnson. Isaac Johnson, private in Capt. Humphrey's Company, Sixth Regiment, Connecticut Line, and Capt. Parker's Company, Third Battalion, Col. Sage's Regiment, Walworth's Brigade, Connecticut State Troops, 1776. Also in Capt. Johnson's Company. Enlisted August 5th. Discharged December 25th, 1776. Re-enlisted May 13th, 1777, in Capt. Humphrey's Company, Sixth Regiment, Connecticut troops, for three years. Dis- charged May 13th, 1780. In Capt. Walcott's Com- pany, Fourth Regiment, Connecticut Line, 1781 to 1783. (Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 212, 318, 339, 401, 421. History of Derby, pages 739, 741. Sharpe's ^'Seymour and Vicinity," pages 37-38.) 180 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY ROSTER OF MEMBERS June 17, 1895, to April 19, 1916, InclusiYe (The first sixty names are those of charter members) State National Year No. No. Admitted 1 Scott, Simon W Seattle 7876 1895 Deceased 1906 2 Stout, John Kennedy Wash., D. C. 6786 1893 3 Gibbs, Arthur S Seattle 7309 1894 Deceased 1902 4 Howe, James B Seattle 6791 1893 5 Young, Edward Weldon.-Seattle 7328 1895 6 Doland, Arthur W Spokane 6766 1892 7 Gowey, John F Olympia 6759 1892 Deceased 1905 8 Hanford, Cornelius H Seattle 7883 1895 9 Bartholomew, J. H. S Monte Cristo 7318 1894 Demitted 1898 10 Holmes, Samuel Judd Seattle 7885 1895 11 Smith, Ell S Seattle 7317 1894 Deceased 1902 12 Alexander, George N Seattle 7325 1894 Dropped 1899 13 Armstrong, William B...Seattle 7888 1895 Dropped 1899 14 Bell, Augustus V Seattle 7889 1895 Deceased 1915 15 Blanchard, Carlise P Seattle 7323 1894 16 Brainerd, Erastus Seattle 7891 1895 Resigned 1914 17 Butterworth, Edgar Ray..Seattle 7892 1895 Dropped 1906 18 Cole, Irving T Seattle 7893 1895 19 Craven, Edwin W Seattle 7894 1895 Resigned 1904 20 Doolittle, Geo. Tilton Spokane 7307 1894 21 Edes, William Henry Spokane 7319 1894 Resigned 22 Ellicott, Salvador Seattle 6797 1893 Dropped 1899 23 Emery, Charles D Seattle 7345 1895 Deceased 1901 24 Gleason, C. S Seattle 7899 1898 25 Gowey, Frank McDonald Chicksan, 6762 1892 Corea 26 Hall, James W Winslow 6708 1891 27 Hall, Henry Knox Pt. Blakeley 6757 1892 Deceased 1909 28 Hanford, Frank Seattle 6775 1893 29 Hanford, Clarence Seattle 6776 1893 30 Hanford, Arthur Elwood Seattle 6777 1893 31 Harvey, Benjamin L Tacoma 7906 1895 32 Holmes, Henry Elliott... .Seattle 7907 1895 33 Hoyt, Henry M Spokane 6799 1894 Demitted 34 Kirkland, Arthur E Colfax 7339 1895 Resigned 1901 SONS OF REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS Members of the Washington State Society Freeland Howe Benson John Noble Wallingford Cle Elum Born Marshall's Island, Me. May 2, 1835 Died Cle Elum, Wash. November 27, 1911 William Pike Seattle Born Martinsburgh, N. Y., January 12, 1820 Died Seattle, Wash., February 25, 1897 Seattle Born Athens, Me. July 4, 1833 Died Seattle, Wash. March 8, 1913 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 181 State National Year No. No. Admitted 35 Kirkland, Eugene H Colfax 7340 1895 Resigned 1901 36 Knapp, Lyman E Seattle 7911 1895 Deceased 1904 37 Lee, Chester F Seattle 7344 1895 38 Lindsley, Addison A Olympia 7322 1894 Demitted 1901 39 Maxwell, William H Spokane 7302 1894 Dropped 1902 40 Paine, Waldo G Spokane 7915 1895 41 Peters, John R Seattle 7916 1895 Dropped 1899 42 Ripley, Edwin Seattle 7917 1895 43 Rutter, Clement S Spokane 7330 1895 Demitted 1901 44 Roberts, Brian C Seattle 7694 1894 Demitted 45 Shane, Carlos W Vancouver 6723 1892 Deceased 1901 46 Shepard, Thomas R Seattle 7921 1895 Resigned 1906 47 Shippen, Joseph Seattle 7922 1895 Resigned 1915 48 Smith, Clarence A Seattle 7923 1895 49 Smith, Everett Seattle 7924 1895 50 Steele, Egbert T Spokane 6711 1892 Dropped 1899 51 Tolman, Warren W Spokane 7335 1895 Dropped 1899 52 Virtue, George A Seattle 3219 1890 53 Weed, Gibson A Seattle 7928 1895 Dropped 1899 54 Whitman, Stephen G Spokane 7929 1895 Dropped 1899 55 Whittle, George H Spokane 7336 1895 Dropped 1900 56 Whittlesey, Charles F Seattle 7931 1895 Dropped 1899 57 Young, Thomas M Seattle 7932 1895 Deceased 1910 58 Beman, Nathan Seattle 7933 1895 Resigned 1905 59 Valentine, Albert L Seattle 7934 1895 Dropped 1902 60 (310) Thompson, Arthur N.Tacoma 2420 1895 Demitted 1899 61 Blanchard, George B Tacoma 7936 1895 Dropped 1899 62(313)Gow, A. Murdock Seattle 7937 1895 63 Boutelle, Frazier A Seattle 7938 1896 64 Crocker, Benjamin D Walla Walla 7939 1896 Deceased 1910 65 Robinson, John O Seattle 7940 1896 Dropped 1905 66 Babcock, William F Seattle 7941 1896 Demitted 1911 67 Cole, John L Seattle 7942 1896 Deceased 68 Brewster, James M Seattle 7943 1896 Dropped 1899 69 Gow, Harding M Seattle 7944 1896 Dropped 1909 70 Thornton, Charles W Seattle 7945 1896 71 Knox, Charles L Seattle 7946 1896 Dropped 1905 72 Todd, Alexander B Tacoma 7947 1896 Dropped 1909 73 Foster, Harrison G Tacoma 7948 1896 74 Buck, Franklin A Seattle 7949 1896 Dropped 1908 75 Dibble, Carmi N. Whatcom 7950 1896 Deceased 1908 76 Smith, Benjamin W Seattle 8901 1896 Dropped 1899 77 Walker, George H Seattle 8902 1896 78 Walker, Robert G Tacoma 8903 1896 79 Rowell, Fred R Seattle 8904 1896 Deceased 1904 182 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY State National Year No. No. Admitted 80 Bosworth, Walter M Tacoma 8905 1896 81 Griggs, Herbert S Tacoma 8906 1896 82 Bateman, Cephas C Spokane 6713 1892 Demitted 1908 83 Nettleton, Fred H Spokane 8908 1896 Resigned 1901 84 Whitman, Elias B Walla Walla 8909 1896 Deceased 1899 85 Southard, Frank S Seattle 8910 1896 Resigned 1911 86 Griggs, Everett G Tacoma 8911 1896 87 Wallingford, John N Seattle 8912 1896 Deceased 1913 88 Stillson, Hamilton Seattle 8913 1896 Resigned 1905 89 Hooker, .Thomas Spokane 8914 1896 90 Hartson, Millard T Seattle 8915 1896 91 Post, Frank T Spokane 8916 1896 92 Hopkins, John L Tacoma 8917 1896 Resigned 93 Sheafe, Charles M Seattle 8918 1896 Dropped 1905 94 Brooke, George S Spokane 8919 1896 95 Avery, A. George Spokane 8920 1896 96 Boutelle, Henry M Olympia 8921 1896 Deceased 1899 97 Eyanson, Thomas E Seattle 8922 1896 Deceased 1908 98 Pike, William Spokane 8923 1896 Deceased 1897 99 Butterworth, Gilbert M... Seattle 8924 1897 Resigned 1905 100 Burleigh, Andrew F Seattle 9851 1897 Dropped 1902 101 Sloane, James F Spokane 8925 1897 Deceased 1906 102 Mallon, Howard T Spokane 9852 1897 Dropped 1902 103 Bell, George H Seattle 9853 1897 Deceased 1905 104 Metcalfe, James B Seattle 9854 1897 Dropped 1908 105 Randall, Edwin M., Jr...Seattle 9855 1897 106 Barker, William M Tacoma 9856 1897 Deceased 1901 107 Prickett, Jules L Spokane 9857 1897 108 Strudwick, Robert C Seattle 7321 1894 Dropped 1901 109 Wilson, Henry L Spokane 9858 1897 110 Wilson, John L Seattle 9860 1897 Deceased 1912 111 Dakin, Paul W Tacoma 9861 1897 Dropped 1911 112 Taylor, Edward R Seattle 9862 1897 113 Thompson, Will H Seattle 9863 1897 114 Matson, Charles W Tacoma 9864 1898 Dropped 1909 115 Allen, Ethan Spokane 9865 1898 Dropped 1899 116 Foster, Philip P Spokane 9866 1898 Dropped 1905 117 Whittlesey, William H... Seattle 9867 1898 Dropped 1899 118 Root, Milo A Seattle 9868 1898 119 Bailey, Albert E Seattle 9869 1898 Demitted 1906 120 Elmendorf, Frederic E... Spokane 9878 1898 121 Ridden, Crockett M Tacoma 9871 1898 Dropped 1914 122 Ellis, Overton G Olympia 9872 1898 123 Pollmer, Elmer S Seattle 9873 1899 Resigned 1914 124 Sheafe, Harry Seattle 9874 1899 Dropped 1905 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 183 State National Year No. No. Admitted 125 Hathaway, Charles E Walla Walla 9875 1899 Dropped 1905 126 Seals, Walter B Seattle 12426 1899 127 Kingsbury, Edward P Olympia 12427 1899 128 Enos, Truman W Tacoma 12428 1899 Dropped 1910 129 Kimmel, Ira W No. Yakima 12429 1899 Demitted 1899 130 Prosch, Thomas W Seattle 12430 1899 Deceased 1915 131 Smith, Webster R Pt.Townsendl2431 1899 Dropped 132 Baker, Charles H Seattle 12432 1899 Resigned 1907 133 Doland, Charles M Spokane 12433 1899 134 Ferris, Hiram B Spokane 9793 1897 135 Smith, James O Vancouver 12434 1899 Deceased 1909 136 Welch, William Seattle 12435 1899 Dropped 1905 137 Hunt, Sheila L Spokane 12437 1900 Resigned 1901 138 Sheafe, Charles M., Jr Seattle 12438 1900 Resigned 1910 139 Harriman, Henry R Seattle 12439 1900 140 Burgess, Louis R Tacoma 12440 1900 Resigned 1912 141 Holmes, Carl S Seattle 12441 1900 142 Ellis, Thomas S Seattle 12442 1900 Dropped 1906 143 Pettit, Benjamin W Seattle 12443 1900 144 Turner, L. T Seattle 12444 1900 145 Sheafe, James S Seattle 12445 1900 Dropped 1905 146 Dutton, Orison J. C Seattle 4782 1896 147 Kelly, Samuel N Bellingham 12447 1900 148 White, William H Seattle 12448 1901 Deceased 1914 149 Butterworth, Charles N...Seattle 12449 1901 Dropped 1906 150 Hitt, Jesse M Olympia 12450 1901 151 Fulton, Walter S Seattle 14001 1901 152 Eastman, David P Seattle 14002 1901 Dropped 1912 153 Raser, Harry A Seattle 14003 1901 154 Dutton, Harry J Seattle 10464 1898 Dropped 1906 155 Kimball, William D 3700 1896 Deceased 1907 156 Newcomb, Charles T Selah 14006 1901 157 Gregg, Harry W Seattle 14007 1901 158 Metcalfe, Thomas O Seattle 14008 1901 Dropped 1908 159 Jurey, John S Seattle 14009 1901 160 Speed, Goodwin Seattle 14010 1901 Dropped 1906 161 Geary, Harry L Seattle 14011 1901 162 Geary, Edward H Seattle 14012 1901 Dropped 1910 163 Banks, Lyman Seattle 14013 1901 Dropped 1909 164 Massie, Learner C Seattle 14014 1901 Deceased 1908 165 Drain, James A Olympia 14015 1901 Demitted 1911 166 Choate, Frederick M. C... Seattle 14016 1901 Demitted 1902 167 Wells, E. Hazard Seattle 14017 1901 168 Sankey, Eben B Seattle 14018 1901 169 Yeaton, Cyrus F Seattle 14019 1901 184 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY State National Year No. No. Admitted 170 Huntley, Herbert B Seattle 14020 1901 Deceased 1904 171 Rand, Loren L Spokane 14021 1901 172 Olney, Henry C Spokane 14022 1902 Resigned 1906 173 Dwight, Daniel H Spokane 14023 1902 174 Weiss, R. Alvin Seattle 14024 1902 Dropped 1908 175 Winans, William P WallaWalla 14025 1902 176 Simonds, W. P Chehalis 15026 1902 Deceased 1905 177 Clark, Francis L Spokane 15027 1902 178 Turner, Horace A Seattle 15028 1903 Dropped 1909 179 Nason, Malcolm C Seattle 15029 1903 Demitted 1905 180 Beavers, Averill Kennewick 15030 1903 181 Porter, David B Seattle 15031 1903 Resigned 1907 182 Rowell, Ralph R Seattle 15032 1903 Dropped 1910 183 Lilly, Charles H Seattle 15033 1903 184 Robbins, Charles P Spokane 15034 1903 185 Beebe, Albert H Seattle 15035 1903 186 Preston, Charles L Seattle 15036 1903 Dropped 1906 187 Armstrong, Augustus ....Seattle 13115 1900 188 Carter, Melvin J Seattle 15038 1903 189 Newhall, William Seattle 15039 1903 Dropped 1910 190 Ames, John T Seattle 15040 1903 Resigned 1912 191 Lewis, William H Seattle 15041 1903 192 Walter, Alexander D Seattle 15042 1903 Resigned 1906 193 Bacon, Cecil H Seattle 15043 1903 194 Steele, Theophilus B S.Francisco 15044 1904 195 Crowell, Frank H Seattle 11827 1898 Dropped 1910 196 McCormick, Robert L Tacoma 3396 1893 Deceased 1911 197 Phelps, Moses A Spokane 15047 1904 198 Thomas, John M Spokane 15048 1904 199 Brewer, Thomas H Spokane 15049 1904 200 Clark, Charles Albert Ft. Rutger 15050 1904 T. H. 201 McClure, William B Seattle 16751 1904 202 Shipley, Frank C Seattle 16752 1904 203 Noon, Henry S Seattle 16753 1904 204 Knapp, Edwin L Seattle 16754 1904 Dropped 1912 205 Starr, William E Seattle 5618 1892 206 Hinman, Henry B Everett 13943 1901 207 Harbaugh, Karl S Seattle 11261 1898 208 Bishop, Edward K Montesano 16758 1904 209 Judson, Edward B Tacoma 16759 1905 210 Smith, Edward L New York 16760 1905 211 Garland, Hugh A 16453 1904 Resigned 1913 212 Thompson, Henry Rice....Seattle 16762 1905 Resigned 1911 213 Gay, Joel R Seattle 16763 1905 Dropped 1912 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 185 State National Year No. No. Admitted 214 Chase, Ransom J., Jr Seattle 16764 1905 Dropped 1908 215 Reeves, Rollin J Wilbur 16765 1905 216 Thompson, Maurice W...Seattle 16766 1905 Dropped 1908 217 Kiefer, James Seattle 16767 1905 218 Capps, Lewis E Seattle 16768 1905 Dropped 1910 219 Sexton, Joseph F Spokane 16769 1905 220 McClure, Horace Seattle 16770 1905 221 Dryer, George D Spokane 16771 1905 222 Cummings, Edward W...Seattle 16772 1905 Deceased 1913 223 Harbaugh, Charles C Sedro- 16773 1905 Woolley 224 Holcombe, Almond P Seattle 16774 1905 Dropped 1910 225 Glass, Courtney T Seattle 17119 1905 226 Byers, Ovid A Seattle 17801 1905 227 Hanford, Edward C Seattle 17802 1905 Dropped 1914 228 Stevens, Edwin B Seattle 17803 1905 Dropped 1908 229 Bruen, James B Seattle 17804 1905 230 Bruen, Norman J Seattle 17805 1905 231 Hays. James A Tacoma 17806 1905 232 Van Home, Cornelius....Seattle 17807 1905 Dropped 1912 233 Edelen, Richard H Seattle 17808 1905 Deceased 1913 234 Wilson, Robert D Tacoma 17809 1905 Dropped 1910 235 Dent, Hawthorne K Seattle 17810 1906 236 Kelley, S. Foster Seattle 17811 1906 Resigned 1910 237 Trumbull, James B Seattle 17812 1906 Dropped 1914 238 Totten, William D Seattle 17813 1906 239 Revelle, William R Seattle 17814 1906 Dropped 1914 240 Lincoln, Charles J Seattle 17815 1906 Dropped 1914 241 Sterling, Joseph S Seattle 17816 1906 Resigned 1914 242 Friend, Frank Jillson Seattle 17817 1906 Deceased 1913 243 Graves, Carroll S.. Annapolis, 17818 1906 '^^m^^ Md. 244 '"^ Augustine, Manual B Seattle 17819 1906 245 Booth, John R Seattle 17820 1906 246 Clise, Harry R Seattle 17821 1906 247 Atkins, Frank R Seattle 17822 1906 Dropped 1910 248 Renick, Franklin H Seattle 17823 1906 249 Augustine, Julius W Seattle 17824 1906 Resigned 1916 250 Andrew, Thomas M., Jr...Seattle 17825 1906 Dropped 1910 251 Kuhn, Charles F Treadwell, 18601 1907 Alaska 252 Fletcher, John D Tacoma 18602 1907 253 Sherwood, Edward M Tacoma 18603 1907 Dropped 1910 254 Davis, Frank L 18604 1907 Deceased 1909 255 Dollinger, Forrest John..Seattle 18605 1907 Dropped 1912 186 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY State National Year No. No. Admitted 256 Newhall, Edward P Livermore, 18606 1907 Dropped 1912 California 257 Wight, Edward J Seattle 18607 1907 Deceased 1914 258 Howe, James H Seattle 18608 1907 Dropped 1910 259 Saunders, Robert C Seattle 16287 1904 260 Lupfer, Alexander M Spokane 18610 1907 Demitted 1914 261 Libby, Isaac C Spokane 18611 1907 262 McCutcheon, Isaac D Seattle 18612 1907 Deceased 1908 263 Harley, Clinton S Seattle 18613 1907 264 Clise, J. W Seattle 18614 1907 Resigned 1912 265 Tilton, George E Seattle 18615 1907 266 Browning, Edwin E Seattle 18616 1907 Dropped 1910 267 Musser, Martin D Seattle 18617 1907 Dropped 1911 268 Grafton, Arthur E Tacoma 18618 1907 269 Green, Augutin deY Tacoma 18619 1907 Dropped 1912 270 Craven, Alfred M Spokane 18620 1908 271 Rowland, Harry G Tacoma 18621 1908 272 Ely, Smith Edmonton 18622 1908 273 Hills, Stuart P Hartford, 18623 1908 Connecticut 274 Wright, Theodore J Kennewick 18624 1908 275 Campbell, John Guy Tacoma 18625 1908 Deceased 1913 276 Hunt, Charles C Tacoma 20551 1908 277 McClintock, Robert O Spokane 20552 1908 278 McKee, George Henry Spokane 20553 1908 279 McClintock, Sidney S Spokane 20554 1908 280 Crombie, Frank H Spokane 20555 1908 Deceased 1911 281 Hull, Harold Lester N. Yakima 20556 1909 Dropped 1914 282 Johns, William D Seattle 20557 1909 283 Smelser, Guy W Seattle 20558 1909 284 Mears, William A Seattle 20559 1909 285 Brown, Edwin K Ellensburg 20560 1909 286 Lovejoy, George A Portland, O. 20561 1909 Demitted 1915 287 House, Edwin L Spokane 20562 1908 288 Sturtevant, Cullen K Seattle 20563 1909 289 Pratt, LeRoy Tacoma 20564 1909 Resigned 1914 290 Tracy, Roger Sherman... .Tacoma 20565 1909 291 Eyanson, Edward W Seattle 20566 1909 292 Dixon, George E Tacoma 20567 1909 293 Hart, Louis P Tacoma 20568 1909 294 Moulton, Noyes Seattle 20569 1909 Dropped 1912 295 Copeland, William W Tacoma 20570 1909 Dropped 1914 296 Hooker, Arthur Salt Lake 20571 1909 City 297 Trunkey, Harvey D Spokane 20572 1909 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 187 State National Year No. No. Admitted 298 Merrill, Samuel Spokane 20573 1909 299 Moore, James S Spokane 20574 1909 Dropped 1912 300 Harris, Richard B Spokane 20575 1909 301 Weeks, Carlos H Spokane 20976 1909 302 Mead, Herbert W Seattle 20977 1909 303 McCormick, William L...Tacoma 20978 1909 304 Taylor, Elmer J 16506 1903 Dropped 1912 305 Turner, Erastus J Seattle 20980 1909 306 Atwater, Edwin C Spokane 20981 1909 307 Benson, Willis D Seattle 20982 1909 308 Allison, William B Seattle 20983 1909 309 Smith, John S Seattle 13568 1901 310 (60) Thompson, Rev. A. N...Seattle 2420 1895 Demitted 1914 311 Baxter, Chauncey Luther Seattle 18472 1907 312 Gerrish, Leslie Floyd Spokane 20987 1909 313(62)Gow, A. Murdock Seattle 7937 1895 314 Phelps, Byron Seattle 20989 1909 315 Macintosh, John W Spokane 20990 1910 316 Cameron, Jenks Gig Harbor 20991 1910 317 Sterling, Lewis M Cashmere 20992 1910 318 Ankeny, Rollin V., Jr Seattle 20993 1910 319 Larkin, Charles H Spokane 20994 1910 Deceased 1913 320 Edwards, John F Spokane 20995 1910 Resigned 1913 321 Barnes, Samuel D Seattle 20996 1906 Demitted 1913 322 Bucklin, Robert E Pt. Orchard 20997 1910 323 Swasey, George O Tacoma 20998 1910 324 Clark, Harvey P Tacoma 18154 1901 325 Horr, Christopher W Seattle 21000 1910 Deceased 1915 326 Palmer, Arthur H Seattle 22201 1910 Dropped 1914 327 Pierce, Henry J Seattle 8795 1896 328 Switzler, William H 22203 1910 Dropped 1914 329 Pike, Robinson D Seattle 22204 1910 330 Judson, Thomas M Tacoma 22205 1910 331 Thomas, Joseph S Tacoma 22206 1911 332 March, Frank M Spokane 22207 1911 333 Bakes, William C Tacoma 22208 1911 334 Douglass, Dwight C Spokane 22209 1911 335 Wilbur, Charles H Seattle 22210 1911 336 Adams, William L Hoquiam 22211 1911 337 Goble, Geoorge Harvey.-Spokane 22212 1911 338 Benson, Freeland H Cle Elum 22213 1911 Deceased 1911 339 Rorison, Edwin P Seattle 22214 1911 340 Hamilton, Tallmadge ....Tacoma 22215 1911 341 Smiley, William H Spokane 22216 1911 342 McCormick, Robert A Tacoma 22217 1911 1 188 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY State National Year No. No. Admitted 343 Tuttle, Frederick Tacoma 22218 1911 344 Jones, Fred K Spokane 22219 1911 Resigned 1916 345 Haskell, Forbes P., Jr Tacoma 22220 1912 346 Griswold, Edwin Viets....Seattle 22221 1912 347 Benson, Charles R Seattle 22222 1912 348 Dishman, Samuel R Spokane 15896 1903 349 Benson, Edwin F Tacoma 22224 1912 350 Shields, William H Spokane 22225 1912 351 Forney, Calvin H Chehalis 24001 1912 352 Kelsey, Elmer S Modesto, 24002 1912 Cal. 353 Foster, William H Boston, 24003 1912 Mass. 354 Greene, Samuel Seattle 24004 1912 355 Stallcup, Evan S Tacoma 24005 1912 356 Denning, Job H Seattle 24006 1912 357 Smith, William H Spokane 24007 1913 358 Shields, Joe M Spokane 24008 1913 359 Nichols, Alfred F Seattle 24009 1913 360 Horr, Ralph A Seattle 24010 1913 361 Harper, William P Seattle 24011 1913 362 Van Dyke, John F Ferry 24012 1913 363 Neagle, Charles A Seattle 24013 1913 364 Harper, Paul C Seattle 24014 1913 365 Bowden, Edmund R Seattle 24015 1913 366 Moore, Allen R Mt. Vernon 20724 1912 367 Hussey, Ernest B Seattle 24017 1913 368 Kennedy, Palmer Tacoma 24018 1913 369 Maddocks, Moses R Seattle 24019 1913 370 Lindsay, Arthur W Spokane 24020 1913 371 Winans, Philip M Walla Walla 24021 1913 372 Cushman, James T Seattle 24022 1913 373 Morse, Willard V Tacoma 24023 1913 374 Philips, Joseph L Ellensburg 24024 1913 375 Foster, Rev. John O Seattle 24025 1914 376 Lockwood, Alfred No. Yakima 25901 1914 377 Hall, Frederic C No. Yakima 25902 1914 378 Jackson, Frederick F.W. No. Yakima 25903 1914 379 Wright, William C No. Yakima 25904 1914 380 Wright, William L No. Yakima 25905 1914 381 Bolles, Lemuel L Seattle 25906 1914 382 Lucas, Warren Seattle 25907 1914 383 Bell, John W., Jr Spokane 25908 1914 384 Wenner, Ralph S Metaline 25909 1914 Falls SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 189 State National Year No. No. Admitted 385 Baker, William R Colville 25910 1914 386 Clift, Joseph L No. Yakima 25911 1914 387 DeVeaux, William W No. Yakima 25912 1914 388 Keeler, Charles E No. Yakima 25913 1914 389 Karr, Arthur T No. Yakima 25914 1914 390 Farmer, Fred L No. Yakima 25915 1914 391 Milroy, Robert B No. Yakima 25916 1914 392 Phelps, John E Pt. Orchard 25917 1914 393 Requa, Mark M Seattle 25918 1914 394 Requa, Waureth A Seattle 25919 1914 395 McConnell, Wilson H Spokane 25920 1914 396 Lowther, Granville No. Yakima 25921 1914 397 Hotchkiss, William B Chehalis 25922 1914 398 Gregory, John C Bothel 25923 1914 399 Johnson, Ayres W No. Yakima 25924 1914 400 Davis, Caleb F Seattle 25925 1914 401 Davies, Thomas A Seattle 25926 1914 402 Hunting, Percy B Seattle 25927 1914 403 Glazier, Charles E Seattle 25928 1914 404 Bolles. Henry A Cushman, 26529 1914 Mont. 405 Faville, Ernest E Spokane 19473 1909 406 Bennett, Daniel No. Yakima 26531 1914 407 Brooks, Benjamin F Seattle 26532 1914 408 Flood, Edmund E Rosalia 26533 1914 409 Hull, Alanson A Chehalis 26534 1914 410 Maine, George E Seattle 26535 1914 411 McClure, Charles E Seattle 26536 1914 412 Reeves, Carl H Seattle 26537 1914 413 Ruden, Oran F Seattle 26538 1914 414 Zibbell, Earl W Seattle 26539 1914 415 Edwards, Ulysses G Seattle 26540 1914 416 Winans, Gilbert P WallaWalla 26541 1914 417 Smiley, Charles F Seattle 26542 1914 418 Bennett, Leslie D No. Yakima 26543 1914 419 Jones, Carter H Seattle 26544 1914 420 Jones, Carter Brooke Seattle 26545 1914 421 Guy, George O Seattle 26546 1914 422 Otis, George T No. Yakima 26547 1914 423 Clark, Miles E Renton 26548 1914 424 Revelle, Thomas R Seattle 26549 1914 425 Totten, Joseph P Seattle 26550 1914 426 Emerson, Ralph D Hoquiam 26901 1914 427 Stearns, Josiah Hoquiam 26902 1914 428 Soule, Thomas C Hoquiam 26903 1914 190 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY State National Year No. No. Admitted 429 Wells, Walter L Jloquiam 26904 1914 430 Walker, Jeremiah Hoquiam 26905 1914 431 Walker, Herman E Hoquiam 26906 1914 432 Holmes, J. Lister Seattle 26907 1915 433 Holmes, Lennox R Seattle 26908 1915 434 Perrow, William G Seattle 26909 1915 435 Thomas, Percy F Seattle 26910 1915 436 Phillips, Paul B Seattle 26911 1915 437 Butler, John D Seattle 26912 1915 438 Harris, Emmet W Seattle 26913 1915 439 Hardy, Robert M No. Yakima 26914 1915 440 Ralston, John C Spokane 26915 1915 441 Heath, Sidney Moor Hoquiam 26916 1915 442 Johnson, Albert Hoquiam 26917 1915 443 Slocum, Ralph L Seattle 26918 1915 444 Dean, Fred T Hoquiam 26919 1915 445 Lea, John J Seattle 26920 1915 446 Payne, William H Sedro- 26921 1915 Woolley 447 Bibb, Martin L Orting 26922 1915 448 Hooker, William G Spokane 26923 1915 449 Bassett, Franklin H Hoquiam 26924 1915 450 Hungate, Richard Cook..Hoquiam 26925 1915 451 Randolph, Milton F Seattle 27226 1915 452 Bagley, Clarence B Seattle 27227 1915 453 McLean, Henry A Seattle 27228 1915 454 Bliss, Frank B Seattle 27229 1915 455 Levensaler, Lewis A Tacoma 27230 1915 456 Winans, Allen L WallaWalla 27231 1915 457 Graves, Arnold L Spokane 27232 1915 458 Hardy, Frank McNairy..No. Yakima 27233 1915 459 Coffman, Robert Gates....Seattle 27234 1915 460 Phelps, Frederick E Seattle 27235 1915 461 Greene, Roger S Seattle 27236 1915 462 Revelle, George H Seattle 27237 1915 463 Startzman, Howard H Seattle 27238 1915 464 Gushing, Thomas R Seattle 27239 1915 465 Welborn, John F Seattle 27240 1915 466 Forbes, Frederick Levi..Seattle 27241 1915 467 Forbes, William O., D.D. Seattle 27242 1915 468 Harrington, William S... Seattle 27243 1915 469 Willis, John E Chehalis 27244 1915 470 Merritt, Will H Seattle 27245 1915 471 Moore, Harry D Seattle 27246 1915 472 Monroe, William A Tacoma 27247 1915 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 191 State National Year No. No. Admitted 473 Welch, Charles B Tacoma 27248 1915 474 Swift, George W Seattle 27249 1915 475 French, David H No. Yakima 27250 1915 476 Bull, Emerson K North Bend 27876 1915 477 France, Rowe, M.D Seattle 27877 1915 478 Cooper, John W WallaWalla 27878 1915 479 Bourns, Frank S Seattle 27879 1915 480 McKenzie, Allan D Olympia 27880 1915 481 McKenzie, C. Clyde Olympia 27881 1915 482 Moore, Harold Seattle 27882 1915 483 Wood, Charles B Olympia 27883 1915 484 Gerwick, John G Olympia 27884 1915 485 Mann, Champion B Olympia 27885 1915 486 Blair, Homer Seattle 27886 1916 487 Corkery, Glen S Seattle 27887 1916 488 Jaynes, Clinton B Olympia 27888 1916 489 Milroy, Walter Judson....01ympia 27889 1916 490 Sander, Henry Knox Seattle 27890 1916 491 Spring, Elliot Beebe Olympia 27891 1916 492 Stevens, Hazard Olympia 27892 1916 493 Van Patten, William M... WallaWalla 27893 1916 494 Virtue, Lawrence Ward-Seattle 27894 1916 495 Vance, Woodruff M No. Yakima 27895 1916 496 Bardwell, Ralph S Seattle 27896 1916 497 Drummond, Roscoe Seattle 27897 1916 498 Davis, Leslie Rowell Olympia 27898 1916 499 Milroy, Valerius A Olympia 27899 1916 500 Divine, Sherman L Spokane 27900 1916 501 Stocking, Fred W Olympia 28551 1916 502 Steele, Earl Newell Olympia 28552 1916 503 McWhorter, Luculhis V...No. Yakima 28553 1916 504 Talcott, George N., Sr Olympia 28554 1916 505 Talcott, G. Noyes, Jr Olympia 28555 1916 506 Fitzhenry, Edward A Olympia 28556 1916 507 Edwards, John H Seattle 28557 1916 508 Johnson, Edward Hurd..No. Yakima 28558 1916 509 Guptail, Mark Edwin No. Yakima 28559 1916 510 Stanford, James Nichols Olympia 28560 1916 511 Foster, Charles A Olympia 28561 1916 512 Williams, Earle B Olympia 28562 1916 513 Howell, Ithmar M Olympia 28563 1916 514 Mann, Claude Brewer Winlock 28564 1916 515 Bloom, Willis S Olympia 28565 1916 516 Winans, Freeman Earl....Seattle 28566 1916 192 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY DEMITTED June 17, 1895, to April 19, 1916, Inclusiye Date of Babcock, William F Bailey, Albert E Barnes, Samuel Denham Bartholomew, J. H. S Bateman, C. C Choate, Frederick M. C Drain, James A Hoyt, Henry Martyn Kimmel, Ira Wells Lindsley, Addison A Lovejoy, George Albert Lupfer, Alex. McClure Nason, Malcolm Craig Roberts, Brian Chadwick Rutter, C. S Thompson, Rev. Arthur Newton... State No. To — Demission 66 Illinois Society 1911 119 California Society 1906 321 Hawaiian Society 1913 9 California Society 1898 82 New Mexico Society.... 1908 166 New York Society 1902 165 Dist of Col. Society... .. 1911 33 California Society 129 Dist. of Col. Society.... 1899 38 Oregon Society 1901 286 Oregon Society 1915 260 Oregon Society 1914 179 California Society 1905 44 Vermont Society 1904 43 Pennsylvania Society.. 1901 60 and 310 Oregon 1914 (For addresses and National numbers see Roster of Members, pages 180-191.) SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 193 RESIGNED June 17, 1895, to April 19, 1916, InclusiTe Res- ignation State No. Accepted Ames, John T 190 1912 Augustine, Julius W 249 1916 Baker, Charles Hinckley 132 1907 Beman, Nathan 58 1905 Brainerd, Erastus 16 1914 Burgess, Louis Ray 140 1912 Butterworth, Gilbert M 99 1905 Clise, J. W 264 1912 Craven, Edwin W 19 1904 Edes, William Henry 21 Edwards, John Fassett 320 1913 Follmer, Elmer Sherman 123 1914 Garland, Hugh Alfred 211 1913 Hopkins, John Lewis 92 Hunt, Sheila Leigh 137 1901 Jones, Fred K 344 1916 Kelly, S. Foster 236 1910 Kirkland, Arthur E 34 1901 Kirkland, Eugene H 35 1901 Nettleton, Fred Henry 83 1901 Olney, Henry C 172 1906 Porter, David B 181 1907 Pratt, Leroy 289 1914 Sheafe, Charles Minot, Jr 138 1910 Shepard, Thomas Rochester 46 1906 Shippen, Joseph 47 1915 Southard, Frank Stuart 85 1911 Sterling, Joseph S 241 1914 Stillson, Hamilton 88 1905 Thompson, Henry Rice 212 1911 Walter, Alex. Dean 192 1906 (For addresses and National numbers see Roster of Members, pages 180-191.) 194 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY FORMER MEMBERS June 17, 1895, to April 19, 1916, Inclusive State No. Alexander, George Nell 12 Allen, Ethan 115 Andrew, Thomas M., Jr 250 Armstrong, William B 13 Atkins, Frank Rufus 247 Banks, Lyman 163 Blanchard, George B 61 Brewster, James Meeker 68 Browning, Ed. Everett 266 Buck, Franklin A 74 Burleigh, Andrew F 100 Butterworth, Charles Norwood 149 Butterworth, Edgar Ray 17 Capps, Lewis E 218 Chase, Ransom J., Jr 214 Crowell, Frank H 195 Copeland, William Warren 295 Dakin, Paul Worth Ill Bollinger, Forrest John 255 Button, Harry John 154 Eastman, Bavid P 152 Ellicott, Salvador 22 Ellis, Thomas Stephen 142 Bnos, Truman W 128 Foster, Philip Plummer 116 Gay, Joel R 213 Geary, Ed. Hamilton 162 Green, Augutin deY 269 Gow, Harding M 69 Hanford, Ed. Cornelius 227 Hathaway, Charles E 125 Holcombe, Almond F 224 Howe, James Hamilton 258 Hull, Harold Lester 281 Knapp, Edwin Lyman 204 Knox, Charles L 71 Lincoln, Charles James 240 Mallon, Howard T 102 Maxwell, William H 39 Bropped 1899 1899 1910 1899 1910 1909 1905 1899 1910 1908 1902 1906 1906 1910 1908 1910 1914 1911 1912 1906 1912 1899 1906 1910 1905 1912 1910 1912 1909 1914 1905 1910 1910 1914 1912 1905 1914 1902 1902 (For addresses and National numbers see Roster of Members, pages 180-191.) SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 195 FORMER MEMBERS— Continued state No. Dropped Matson, Charles W 114 1909 Metcalfe, James Bard 104 1908 Metcalfe, Thomas Oren 158 1908 Moore, James Scott 299 1912 Moulton, Noyes 294 1912 Musser, Martin D 267 1911 Newhall, Ed. P 256 1912 Newhall, William 189 1910 Palmer, Arthur H 326 1914 Peters, John R 41 1899 Preston, Charles Liberty 186 1906 Revelle, William Roger 239 1914 Riddell, Crockett Morgan 121 1914 Robinson, John 65 1905 Rowell, Ralph Robert 182 1910 Sheafe, Charles M 93 1905 Sheafe, Harry J 124 1905 Sheafe, James Smith 145 1905 Sherwood, Edward M 253 1910 Speed, Goodwin 160 1906 Steele, Egbert T 50 1899 Smith, Benjamin W 76 1899 Smith, Webster R 131 Stevens, Edwin B 228 1908 Strudwick, Robert C 108 1901 Switzler, William H 328 1914 Taylor, Elmer Joshua 304 1912 Thompson, Maurice W 216 1908 Todd, Alex. B 72 1900 Tolman, Warren W 51 1899 Trumbull, James B 237 1914 Turner, Horace Amos 178 1909 Valentine, Albert L 59 1902 Van Home, Cornelius 232 1912 Weed, G. A 53 1899 Weiss, R. Alvin 174 1908 Welch, William 136 1905 Whitman, Stephen G 54 1899 Whittle, George H 55 1900 Whittlesey, Charles F 56 1899 Whittlesey, William Hickox 117 1899 Wilson, Robert Dwight 234 1910 (For addresses and National numbers see Roster of Members, pages 180-191.) 196 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY INDEX OF ANCESTORS Name of Ancestor Name of Member Page Adam, Anthony, Sr Adams, William Leidy 62 Ackley, Isaac C Hartson, Millard Tracy 109 Allen, Jonathan Dixon, George Ernest 86 Allison, Mathhew Allison, William Boyd 63 Ankeny, Peter Ankeny, Rollin Valentine 63 Armitage, Caleb Milroy, Robert Bruce „ 135 Arnold, Jonathan Beals, Walter Burges „ 68 Arnold, Seth Ferris, Hiram Burns 92 Arnold, Seth Graves, Carroll Stephen 101 Avery, Abraham Foster, William Horton 96 Babbit, Stephen Bucklin, Robert Eben 77 Bacon, John, Sr Bacon, Cecil Henry 65 Bacon, John, Jr Bacon, Cecil Henry 65 Bailey, Gideon Button, Orison James Charles^ 89 Balcom, Henry Cole, Irving T 81 Baldwin, Peleg Hanford, Cornelius H 106 Balliet, Stephen Bull, Emerson Kay 77 Bancroft, James, Sr Tilton, George E 167 Barlow, Abner Ruden, Oran Follett 152 Barnard, Jonathan Moore, Harry Denton 137 Barney, Hanover Spring, Elliot Beebe 159 Batton, Henry Foster, John Onesimus 95 Beall, Elisha Pettit, Benjamin Walsh 142 Beale, Samuel Beals, Walter Burges 67 Beatty, John Reeves, Carl Howell 148 Beebe, Roderick Spring, Elliot Beebe 159 Beitler, John Philips, Joseph Leon 144 Belknap, Jonas Turner, Leander T 169 Belknap, Samuel Turner, Leander T 170 Benson, Jephtha Benson, Charles Rodney 70 Bent, Silas Gleason, Charles S 99 Betts, Silas Bishop, Edward K 71 Bissell, John P Byers,, Ovid Ambrose 78 Blair, Jacob Blair, Homer Orrin 72 Blair, Robert Gleason, Charles S 99 Bliss, Abel Foster, William Horton 95 Bolles, Lemuel Bolles, Henry Albert 73 Booth, Walter Hotchkiss, Walter Booth 115 Boutelle, Ebenezer Boutelle, Frazier A 75 SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 197 Name of Ancestob Name of Member Page Braxton, Carter Jones, Carter Helm 121 Breckenridge, John Steele, Theophilus Breckenridge 162 Brlggs, Joel Hooker, William Oriswold 114 Brown, Daniel Brown, Edwin Keech 76 Brown, Moses Clark, Francis Lewis 79 Brown, Nathaniel Bowman Thomas, Percy F 166 Brown, William Hanford, Cornelius H 105 Bruen, Caleb Bruen, James Bayley 77 Bryant, John Edwards, Ulysses Grant 89 Buck, Daniel Avery, A. George 64 Burr, Samuel Clark, Charles Albert 79 Burrill, Ebenezer Beals, Walter Surges 68 Burrill, James Beals, Walter Burges 68 Burroughs, John Clift, Joseph Lamm 80 Burt, David Lea, John James 125 Burt, John Lea, John James 125 Butler, John Beals, Walter Burges 69 Cabell, Joseph Steele, Theophilus Breckenridge 162 Call, Asa Kelly, Samuel 'Newton 123 Campbell, Matthew Trunkey, Harvey D 169 Campbell, William Steele. Theophilus Breckenridge 162 Carr, Dabney Saunders, Robert Chancellor 153 Carter, Jacob Renick, Franklin Hamilton 149 Case, Joshua Vance, Woodruff Muchmore 170 Catlin, Theodore Hinman, Harry Benson 112 Chamberlain, Moses Shipley, Frank C 154 Chamberlain, William McCormick, William Laird 132 Champlin, Joseph Bosworth, Walter Marsh 74 Champlin, William Bosioorth. Walter Marsh 74 Chandler, Josiah Hull, Alanson A 116 Chapin, Joseph, Sr Smith, Edward Lincoln 157 Chapline, Moses Rohbins. Charles Prospect 150 Chestnut, James Cooper, James Walton 82 Clark, Amasa Harris, Emmet Webb 109 Clark, Andrew Armstrong, Augustus 63 Clark, Andrew Lucas, Warren 128 Clark, Ephraim, Sr Clark, Harry Percival 80 Clark, Jeremiah Bakes, William Courtney 66 Clark, Moses Johnson, William Ayres 120 Clement, John Be Yeaux, William Ward 85 Clingan, William Wright, William Clifford 178 Colton, Simon Lea. John James 125 Connor, Thomas Adams, William Leidy 63 Cook, Thaddeus Doolittle, George Tilton 87 Cooper, John Cooper, James Walton 82 198 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Name of Ancestor Name of Member Page Corlis, George Beals, Walter Surges 69 Corwin, Silas Goble, George Harvey 100 Cowden, Samuel Phelps, Frederick Evans 143 Cowles, Josiah Holmes, Samwel Judd 113 Cox, Isaac Davis, Caleb Forbes 83 Crane, Stephen Winans, William Parkhurst 176 Craven, Thomas Craven, Alfred Milton 83 Crocker, John Hooker, Thomas 114 Currier, Daniel 8oule, Thomas Clement 158 Cushman, Thomas Bibb, Martin Luther 71 Cushman, Thomas Cushman, James Thomas 83 \ Darling, Benjamin Morse, William Vaughan 138 Davis, John Fitzhenry, Edward A 92 Davison, Asa Butler, John Davison 78 Dayton, Michael Davies, Thomas Arthur 84 Delano, Judah, Sr Foster. William Horton 96 Delano, Malachi Foster, William Horton 95 Denison, George Van Dyke, John Frank 171 Denning, Samuel Denning, Job Henry 85 Dodge, Noah Harbaugh, Carl Springer 107 Donnell, John McLean, Henry Alberts _ 133 Dryer, John Dryer, George Donahower 88 Dutton, James Dutton, Orison James Charles 88 Dyer, Anthony Otis, George Thomas 140 Eastburn, Benjamin Philips, Joseph Leon 144 Eastman, Moses Renick, Franklin Hamilton 149 Eaton, William Haskell, Forbes Phelps, Jr 110 Edwards, Daniel Stocking, Fred W 164 Edwards, John Edwards, John Harrington 89 Efner, John Macintosh, John William 132 Elmendorf, John Elmendorf, Frederic E 90 Ely, Moses Ely, Smith 90 Eyanson, John Eyanson, Edward W ^ 91 Farren, Zebulon Mead, Herbert Whiton 134 Faville, John Faville. Eugene Ernest 92 Ferris, Israel Graves, Arnold Landon 101 Fletcher, Henry Fletcher, John Drummond 93 Floyd, William Hamilton, Tallmadge 105 Fluck, John Smelser, Guy Weatherly 155 Fobes, Edward Post, Frank Truman 146 Fobes, John Post, Frank Truman 146 Ford, Jacob -. Kennedy, Palmer 123 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 199 Name of Ancestok Name of Member Page Foster, Isaac Foster, Harrison Gardner 94 Fowler, Abner House, Edwin Lincoln 115 France, Jacob France, Rowe 96 French, David French, David Hurlhert 96 Fugard, Samuel Steele, Earl Newell 161 Fuller, Benjamin Johnson, Edward Hurd 120 Fulton, Robert Fulton, Walter S 97 Gadsden, Christopher Howe, James B 115 Gage, Abner Newcomb, Charles T 139 Galusha, Jacob Moore, Harry Denton 137 Gaston, John Craven, Alfred Milton 83 Gates, Simon Coffman, Robert Gates 81 Gentry, Richard Ellis, Overton Gentry 90 Gerrish, Charles Gerrish. Leslie Floyd 97 Gill, John Beals, Walter Surges 69 Gill, Samuel Smith, John Speed 158 Gillett, Jonathan Gleason, Charles S 99 Gillmore, Jonathan, Sr Booth, John R....'.. 73 Glazier, Oliver Glazier, Charles E 98 Goodrich, Isaac Lockwood. Alfred 127 Grant, Gustavus Paine, Waldo Grant 141 Greene, Thomas Greene, Roger Sherman 102 Greene, Thomas Thomas, John Melvin 166 Greene, William, Jr Beals, Walter Burges 67 Grigg, Mathew Thompson, Will H 167 Griggs, Ichabod Griggs, Herbert Stanton 103 Guild, John Williams, Earle Ballinger 175 Guy, Timothy Guy, George Omar 104: Hall, Amos Hall, Frederick Clark 104 Hall, Daniel Doland, Arthur W 8T Hall, James Hall. James Winslow 105 Hall, James Sander, Henry Knox 152 Hall, John Doland, Arthur W 86 Hall, Stephen Hall. Frederick Clark 104 Hall, William Doland, Arthur W 87 Harmon, Benjamin Lindsay, Arthur W „ 127 Harper, John Harper, William Penn 107 Harris, James Ralston, John Chester 147 Hart, Joseph Hart. Louis Folwell 109 Haskins, Jacob Bowden, Edmund Robert 75 Hayes, Robert McCormick, William Laird 131 Haymond, William Harvey. Benjamin Looker 110 Hempstead, Joshua Prickett, Jules Lyle 146 Hennig, Adam Forney, Calvin Henry 94 200 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Name of Ancestor Name of Member Page Herrick, Elijah Eelsey, Elmer Stewart 123 Heyl, Philip Raser, Harry Alfred _ 148 Higdon, Charles Dishman, Samuel Roland 86 Hill, Frederick Adams, William Leidy 62 Hill, John Boutelle, Frazier A 75 Hitchcock, Noah, Sr Smith, Clarence Austin „... 156 Hoar, Joseph Smith, Clarence Austin 156 Hoar, Joseph, Jr Smith, Clarence Austin 156 Hoar, Robert Horr, Ralph Ashley 114 Hoff, Charles Kennedy, Palmer 124 Holden, Moses Hervey. Wilbur Charles 175 Holden, William, Sr Smith, Edward Lincoln 157 Holland, William Startzman, Howard Holland 161 Holgate, Matt Hanford, Cornelius H 106 Holmes, Silas Kennedy, Palmer , 124 Hooker, Noadiah Hooker, Thomas 113 Horton, Jotham Foster, William Horton 96 Hotchkiss, Jason Hunt, Charles Colman 117 How(e), Nehemiah Hungate, Richard Cook 117 How(e), Peter Hungate, Richard Cook 117 Hubbard, Stephen Hays, James Amenzo Ill Hull, Abel, Sr Hull, Alanson A 116 Hunt, Theophilus Hunt, Charles Colman 117 Hunter, Robert Gleason, Charles S 99 Hunting, Amos Hunting, Percy Bradford 118 Hussey, Bachiler Hussey, Ernest Bertrand 118 Israel, Joseph Geary, Harry Logan 97 Jackson, Daniel Jackson, Frederick Francis Whitney.. 119 Jackson, Giles Lewis, William H 126 Jacobs, Whitman, Jr Jaynes, Clinton Brown 119 Janes, Solomon Jaynes, Clinton Brown 119 Johnson, Charles Johnson, Albert 120 Johnson, Isaac Zibbell, Earl Wayne 179 Johnson, Joshua Davis, Leslie Rowell 84 Johnson, Windsor Pike, Robinson Drake 145 Jones, John Bell, John William, Jr 70 Jones, John Dishman, Samuel Roland 86 Judd, Samuel Holmes, Samuel Judd 112 Keeler, Isaiah Keeler, Charles Edgar 122 Kellogg, Samuel Bassett, Franklin Harley 67 Kennon, Richard Hardy, Frank McNairy 107 Kingsbury, Asa Dent, Hawthorne Kingsbury 85 Kirkwood, Robert McConnell, Wilson Hall 131 SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 201 Name of Ancestor Name of Member Page Kistner, John ^dams, William Leidy 62 Knapp, James Blair, Homer Orrin 72 Knapp, James Rowland, Harry Grant 151 Koch, Rudolph Hays, James Amenzo Ill Ladd, Nathaniel JDrummond, Roscoe 88 Landon, Rufus Divine, Sherman Landon 86 Leavitt, Thomas Douglass, Dwight Clark 87 Lee, Amos Lee, Chester Fairman 126 Lee, James Kelly, Samuel Newton 123 Lee, Jared Lee, Chester Fairman 126 Leet, Isaac Gow, A Murdoch 100 LeSourd, John Peter Brooks, Benjamin Franklin 76 Libby, Daniel Lihhy, Isaac Chase 126 Lippitt, Moses Dwight, Daniel H 89 Little, Moses Holmes, Carl Stinson 112 Livingston, Abraham Thornton, Charles W 167 Lowther, William Lowther, Granville 127 Lyman, Daniel Stevens, Hazard 163 Lyman, David Jackson, Frederick Francis Whitney 119 Maddocks, Samuel Haddocks, Moses Rideout 128 Mallard, John Emerson, Ralph Damon 91 March, John March, Frank Morrison 129 Marsh, Ezekiel, Sr Harris, Richard Brown 109 Marsh, Ezekiel, Jr Harris, Richard Brown 109 McClintock, William McClintock. Robert Oliver 130 McCormick, John McCormick, William Laird 131 McCullock, Joseph Lilly, Charles Henry 127 McGoun, John Cooper, James Walton 82 McKee, John McKee, George Henry 132 McKee, William Wilson, Henry Lane 176 McMillan, Samuel Beals, Walter Burges 68 McWhorter, Henry McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil 133 Mead, Jonathan Graves, Carroll Stephen 102 Mears, John Mears, William Allen 135 Meddock, Garrett Elefer, James 124 Mead, Moses Mead, Herbert Whiton 134 Merrill, Samuel Merrill, Samuel 135 Merritt, Noah Merritt, Will Hervey 135 Miller, Henry Harbaugh, Charles C 106 Mills, John McClintock, Robert Oliver 130 Miner, Seth Stout, John Kennedy 164 Mitchell, Samuel Brewer, Thomas Howard 75 Moor, Daniel Heath, Sidney Moor Ill Moore, Ezekiel Moore, Harry Denton 137 202 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Name of Ancestor Name of Member Page Moore, James Moore, Allen R 136 Morgan, Jacob Kuhn, Charles Francis 125 Morse, Phille Morse, William Vaughn 138 Moss, David Edwards, Ulysses Grant 89 Myrick, James Noon, Henry Shore 140 Mytinger, Jacob Wood, Charles Barton 177 Nash, Isaac Bosworth, Walter Marsh 74 Newhall, Ezra Bardwell, Ralph Steward 66 Nichols, Jabez Nichols, Alfred Fenton 139 Nightingale, Joseph Beals, Walter Burges 68 Nightingale, Samuel Beals, Walter Bwges 69 Noyes, Thomas Howell, Ithmar Martindale 116 Olmstead, James Forbes,, Frederick Levi 93 Olmsted, David Thomas, Joseph S 167 Paine, William Paine, Waldo Grant 141 Parks, James Moore, Harry Denton 137 Payne, Abraham Payne, William Henry 141 Pelton, Ithamar Bagley, Clarence Booth 65 Pelton, Ithmar Mann, Champion Bramwell 129 Pettis, Benjamin Welch, Charles Buckley 174 Phelps, Elisha Phelps, Frederick Evans 143 Phelps, Moses Phelps, Byron 142 Phelps, Moses Phelps, Moses A 144 Phelps, Noah Phelps, John Elisha 143 Philbrick, Samuel Swasey, George 165 Philips, Josiah Philips, Joseph Leon 144 Phillips, Ebenezer Phillips, Paul Bissell 145 Phipps, Aaron Kingsbury, Edward Phipps 124 Pierce, Delano Hills, Stuart Francis Ill Pillsbury, Benjamin, Jr Dean, Fred Thomson 84 Post, Oliver Post, Frank Triiynan 146 Prescott, Benjamin Greene, Roger Sherman 102 Preston, William Steele, Theophilus Breckenridge 162 Quinby, Samuel Reeves, Joseph Rollin 148 Rand, Moses Rand, Loren Leighton 147 Randall, Gershon Randall, Edivin Mortimer 147 Read, Abel Morse, William Vaughan 138 Read, Benjamin Morse, William Vaughan 138 Reed, Thomas Gushing, Thomas Reed 83 Requa, Glode Requa, Mark Milton 149 Revelle, Randall Revelle. Thomas P. 150 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 203 Name of Ancestor Name of Member Page Rej^nolds, John Hitt, Jessee Martin 112 Richardson, Andrew Smiley, William Hudson 155 Ripley, Hezekiah Ripley, Edwin 150 Roberts, Lemuel Griswold, Edwin Viets 104 Roberts, Stephen Gregory, John C 103 Robinson, Joseph Levensaler, Lewis A 126 Rogers, Josiah Baker, Williajn Ray 65 Root, Israel Root, Milo Adelbert 151 Rorison, Alexander Rorison, Edicin Piatt 151 Rowell, Enoch Davis, Leslie Rowell 84 Rowntree, Thomas Clise, Harry Rountree 81 Rudisill, Jonas Neagel, Charles 139 Rust, Ebenezer Kingsley Judson, Edward Birdseye 121 Rust, Lemuel Judson, Edward Birdseye 121 r Sage, Daniel Harrington, William Shaw 108 Saltsman, George Hays, James Amenzo Ill Sankey, William Sankey, Ehen Blachley 152 Sawyer, Thomas Walker, Thomas Sawyer 172 Scott, Ezekiel Wright, Theodore J 178 Sexton, Ezra Sexton, Joseph F 153 Shelby, Evan Trunkey, Harvey D 169 Shelby, Isaac Stallcup, Evan Shelby 159 Sherman, Roger Greene, Samuel 102 Sherman, Roger Tracy, Roger Sherman 168 Shields, John Shields, William Harry 153 Sibley, Samuel Corkery, Glen Sibley 82 Slaughter, James Brooke, George S 76 Slaughter, John Jxurey, John Slaughter 122 Slaughter, Philip Brooke, George S 76 Slocum, Ebenezer Slocum, Ralph Lee 154 Slocum, Edward Slocum, Ralph Lee 154 Smith, Abiel Shipley, Frank C 154 Smith, Elihu Johns, William Douglas 119 Smith, Ephriam Smith, Clarence Austin 156 Smith, George Gleason, Charles S 99 Smith, James, Sr Smith, Clarence Austin 156 Smith, John Smith, Clarence Austin 155 Smith, Joseph, Sr Smith, Edward Lincoln 157 Smith, Joseph Smith, William H 158 Smith, Phineas Glass, Courtney Thomas 98 Smith, Samuel Cameron, Jenks 78 Smith, Thomas Hitt, Jesse Martin 112 Smith, William Flood, Edmund Everett 93 Speed, James Smith, John Speed 157 Sprague, John Foster, Charles Augustus 94 204 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Name of Ancestor Name of Member Page Spring, Amos Benson, Willis Duke 71 Spring, Samuel Spring, Elliot Beebe 159 Stanford, Richard Stanford, James Nichols 160 Starr, Josiah Starr, William Edward 160 Starr, Nictiolas Wells, Edmund Hazard 174 Stearns, Timothy Stearns,, Josiah Onslow 161 Stebbins, Ebenezer Baxter, Chauncey Luther 66 Stevens, Nathaniel Shipley, Frank C 154 Stockbridge, Joseph Pierce, Henry Joshua 145 Story, Francis Welborn, John Franklin 173 Stoughton, Oliver Gleason, Charles S 99 Stoughton, Shem Gleason, Charles S 99 Strong, Jonathan Harley, Clinton Strong 107 Stuart, Alexander Monroe, William Alexander 136 Studer, Philip Sterling. Lewis Milton 163 Sturtevant, Consider Sturtevant, Cullen Kittredge 164 Suplee, Peter Philips, Joseph Leon 144 Swift, Ward Bourns, Frank Swift 74 Taft, Peter Atwater, Edwin Charlton 64 Talcott, Elizur Talcott, George Noyes, Sr 165 Taylor, Eleazar Taylor, Edward Randall 165 Taylor, Zalman Taylor, Edivard Randall 165 Teas, William Perrow, William Garnett 142 Thomas, Henry Willis, John Edwards 175 Thompson, Daniel Karr, Arthur Thompson 122 Thompson, Daniel Walker, Jeremiah 173 Thompson, William Farmer, Fred Leander 91 Totten, Jacob Totten, William D 168 Totten, Samuel Totten, William D 168 Trabue, John Beavers, Averill 69 Tubbs, Stephen Kelly, Samuel Neioton 123 Turner, Joshua Turner, Erastus, Jr 169 Turner, Seth, Sr Gregg, Harry W 103 Turner, Seth, Jr Gregg, Harry W 103 Tuttle, Daniel Tuttle, Frederick 170 Tuttle, Solomon Gerwick, John Guy 97 Van Hoesen, Garret Moore, Harry Benton 137 Van Petten, Nicholas Yan Patten, William McCoy 171 Vaughan, Joseph Morse, Willard Yaughan 138 von Drier, William JDryer, George Donahower 88 Walker, Benjamin Harriman, Henry Rose 108 Walker, Gideon Walker, George Hunt 172 Walker, Joseph McClure, William E 130 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 205 Name of Ancestor Name of Member Page Walker, Timothy Grafton, Arthur E 101 Ward, John Virtue, George Alexander. 171 Warren, Jabish Beebe, Albert Henry 70 Warren, William Foster, William Horton 95 Webster, Ephriam Augustine, Manuel B 64 Weeks, Joshua Weeks, Carlos Herbert 173 Wenner, George Wenner, Ralph Shaffer 174 Weatherbee, Abijah Foster, Harrison Gardner 95 Wetmore, John Bennett. Daniel 70 Wheaton, Joseph Blanchard, Carlisle Paterson 72 White, Hugh 3IcCormick, William Laird 132 White, Joseph Carter, Melvin Jonathan 79 White, Joseph Randolph, Joseph Fitz 147 White, Josiah Carter, Melvin Jonathan 79 White, Thomas Bloom, Willis Sheridan 72 Whiton, Israel Mead, Herbert Whiton 134 Whiton, Stephen Mead, Herbert Whiton 134 Willey, Abraham Gowey, Frank McDonald 101 Wilson, Daniel Swift, George Wilkins 165 Wilson, James Gow, A. Murdoch 100 Wilson, Thomas Wilson, Frank Bliss 176 Winans, Moses Winans, WilliaTn Parkhurst 177 Wolcott, Joseph Hungate, Richard Cooke 117 Woodruff, Gedor McKenzie, Allan D 133 Woods, Archibald Smith, John Speed 157 Woods, Samuel, Jr Noon, Henry Shore 140 Yeaton, Moses, Sr Yeaton, Cyrus Freeman 178 Yeaton, Moses, Jr Yeaton, Cyms Freeman 178 York, Jesse Maine. George Edwin 128 Yost, Casper Rorison, Edwin Piatt 151 Young, James Young, Edwin Weldon 179 206 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY REFERENCE BOOKS (Compiled by Jesse Martin Hitt, State Librarian, Olympia, Washington.) General Works These books contain petitions, papers and proceedings, connected directly with the Revolution. American Ancestry, Vols. 1-12. No rosters proper; only genealogy of individuals, each taken to colonial times. See index of each volume. (State Library, Olympia. Public Libraries, Seattle and Tacoma.) American Archives. Series Four, Vols. 1-5. Series Five, Vols. 1-3. (State Library, Olympia, and University of Washington, Se- attle; Public Libraries Seattle, Spokane and Tacoma.) Emmons. Navy of the United States in the Revolution. Names of the vessels and occasional names of the officers. (State Library, Olympia.) France, Ministere des Affaires Etrangers, Les Combattants Francais de Guerre Americaine. 1778-83. (State Library Olympia, and Uni- versity of Washington, Seattle; Public Library, Seattle.) Godfrey, C. E. Commander-in-chief's Guard, Revolutionary War. 1904. (Public Library, Seattle.) Hamersly, L. R. The records of living officers United States Navy and Marine Corps. (State Library, Olympia; Public Library Seattle and Tacoma.) Heitman, Francis D. Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army, Edition 1903, 2 Vols. (State Library Olympia, and University of Washington, Seattle; Public Libraries Seattle, Spokane and Tacoma.) Historical Register of the Continental Army, 2nd Edition 1914. Contains 6000 names in addition to the 8000 of the edition of 1893. Compiler had access to all records on file in the War Department. (State Library, Olympia; Public Libraries, Se- attle and Tacoma.) : TRAlfi 1844 M AR KE D BY THE lUGTlTERS AND SONS or ^^tt AMERICAN DEVOLUTION Jl I N T H E S T AT E p F j WA S HI N G T N .r v'-a^.^j-Oj^i Fourteen of the above bronze tablets, 10 inches by 20 inches, mounted on white concrete shafts 4 }/2 feet high, 1 foot thick and 2 feet wide, are being placed as "markers" along the "Old Oregon Trail" in the State of Washington at or near the places used by the pioneers as camping sites. The route is practically the same as that of the Pacific Highway. SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 207 Library of Congress. American and English Genealogies in the Library of Congress, 1910. (State Library, Olj-mpia; Public Libraries, Seattle and Tacoma.) Naval Records of the American Revolution, 1775-1778. 1916 Edi- tion. (State Library, Olympia.) Lossing, Benson J. Pictorial Field-book of the Revolution. Vols. 1-2. (State Library, Olympia; Public Libraries, Seattle and Spokane.) The American Revolution and the War of 1812 New edition, three volumes. Pierce's Register, 1786. This invaluable document has been inaccess- ible — only four copies being known to exist — until the recent reprint in the 17th Report of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 1916. It contains the names of 95,000 soldiers of the Revolutionary War. (State Library, Olympia; Public Libraries, Seattle and Tacoma. Saffell, W. T. R. Records of the Revolutionary War. Good rosters of several states, though by no means complete. 1st edition 1858, (State Library, Olympia.) 3rd edition 1894. (Public Library, Seattle.) United States Census. 1790. Heads of families living in Connecticut North Carolina Maine Pennsylvania Maryland Rhode Island Massachusetts South Carolina New Hampshire Vermont New York Virginia, taken in 1782 The census for the following states was burned in 1814: Delaware, Kentucky, New Jersey, Tennessee and Virginia. (State Li- brary, Olympia, and University of Washington, Seattle; Public Libraries, Seattle, Spokane and Tacoma.) Year-Books and Registers of Patriotic Societies Society of the Cincinnati. New Jersey Roster of the OflBcers of New Jersey eligible to membership. (State Library, Olympia.) Society of Colonial Wars. General Register, 1899-1902. (Public Libraries, Spokane and Ta- coma.) New York, Year Book, 1914-1915. (State Library, Olympia.) Ohio Register for 1902. (State Library, Olympia.) 208 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Daughters of the American Revolution. Annual Reports. Serial No. 3735, date 1890-1897. Serial No. 3877, date 1897-98. Serial No. 4044, 1898-99. Serial No. 4250, 1899- 1900. Serial No. 4431, 1900-01. Serial No. 4618, 1901-02. Serial No. 4772, 1902-03. Serial No. 4936, 1903-04. Serial No. 5096, 1904-05. Serial No. 5259,, 1905-06. Serial No. 5567, 1906-7. Serial No. 5651, 1907-08. Serial No. 5925, 1908-09. Se- rial No. 6153, 1909-10. Serial No. 6516, 1910-11. Serial No. 6585, 1911-12. Serial No. 6777, 1912-13, contains Pierce's Register. (State Libraries, Olympia, and University of Washington, Se- attle; Public Libraries, Seattle and Tacoma.) Lineage Books. Vols. 1-41. (Public Library, Tacoma.) Vols. 1-38. (Public Library, Seattle.) Order of the Founders and Patriots of America. Register 1911. Gives roll of associates as well as of ancestors. (State Library, Olympia.) Sons of the Revolution. California Society, 1915. New York Society, 1909. Contains lists of members and of ancestors, but no connecting lineage. (State Library, Olympia.) Sons of the American Revolution. National Register of the active membership, 1905. (State Library, Olympia.) California Society, 1901. (Public Library, Seattle.) Colorado Society, 1906. (Public Library, Seattle.) Connecticut Society, ed. 1892-99. (Library, University of Wash- ington.) Edition 1895-1903. (Public Library, Seattle.) District of Columbia Year-Book, 1891. (Library, University of Washington.) Year-Book 1897. (Public Library, Seattle.) Reg- ister, 1896. (Library, University of Washington and Public Library, Seattle.) Register, 1906-07. (Public Library, Seattle.) Hawaiian Society Year-Book, 1896-7. (Public Library, Seattle.) Year-Book, 1900. (Public Library, Seattle.) Illinois Society Year-Book, 1896. (Public Library, Seattle.) Iowa Society Year-Book, 1901. (Public Library, Seattle.) Kentucky Society Year-Book, 1894. (Public Library, Seattle.) Maine Society, Constitution, etc., 1893. (Public Library, Seattle.) 1897. (Public Library, Seattle.) Maryland Society, 1889-1902. (Public Library, Tacoma.) Massachusetts Society Register, 1893-94. (Public Library, Seattle.) Register, 1897. (Pubic Library, Seattle.) Register, 1899. (Public Library, Seattle.) Register, 1901. (Public Library, Seattle.) Register, 1907. (Public Library, Seattle.) Michigan Society Year-Book, 1890-98. (Public Library, Seattle.) Minnesota Society Year-Book, 1889-95. (Public Library, Seattle.) Missouri Society Year-Book, 1898. (University of Washington, Seattle.) SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 209 New Hampshire Year-Book, 1889-1897. (Public Library, Seattle.) New York Year-Book, 1899. (Public Library, Seattle.) Empire New York Society Register, 1899. (Library University of Washington and Public Library, Seattle.) Ohio Society Year-Book, 1895. (Public Library, Seattle.) Ohio Society Year-Book, 1909. (State Library, Olympia.) Oregon Society Year-Book, 1903. (Public Library, Seattle.) Oregon and Washington Society Year-Book, 1894-5. (Public Li- brary, Seattle.) Pennsylvania Society Year-Book, 1903. (Public Library, Seattle.) Rhode Island Society Manual, 1900. (Public Library, Seattle.) Vermont Society Year-Book. (Public Library, Seattle.) Washington Society Year-Book, 1895-1900. (State Library, Olympia, and University of Washington, Seattle, Public Library, Se- attle. ) Wisconsin Society Year-Book, 1896. (Public Library, Seattle.) State Documents Issued by state authority and usually giving official rosters of state militia and often of Continental Line troops. Connecticut — Collections of the Historical Society. See Vols. 6, 7, 8. (State Library, Olympia, and Public Library, Seattle.) Vol. 12. (State Library, Olympia, and University of Washington, Seattle.) Colonial Records, Vols. 14 and 15. (State Library, Olympia.) Adjutant General — Connecticut Men in the Revolution, 1889. (Pub- lic Library, Seattle.) Records of the State of Connecticut, 1776-1780, 2 vols. (State Library, Olympia.) Delaware- Archives, Military and Naval, 2 vols. (State Library, Olympia.) Papers of the Historical Society, Nos. 1, 8, 10, 13-16, contain Lists of Revolutionary Soldiers. (Public Library, Seattle.) Greorgia — Revolutionary Records, Vols. 1-3. (State Library, Olympia.) Knight — Georgia's Landmarks, 1913. See index. Some county lists. (Public Libraries, Spokane and Tacoma.) 56th Congress, 2nd Session. Serial 4044. See pages 347-402. (State Libraries, Olympia and University of Washington, Seattle.) Maine — Public Documents, Vol. 1893. Names of soldiers who applied for bounty in 1835. (State Library, Olympia, Public Library, Se- attle.) Roll of Men at Valley Forge. (State Library, Olympia.) Goold, Nathan — History of Col. Edmund Phinney's 31st Regiment of Foot. (Public Library, Olympia.) 210 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY Maryland — Archives of Maryland, Vols. 1-21. For rosters, see Vols. 11, 12, 16, 18, 21. (State Library, Olympia.) Vol. 18. (Public Library, Seattle.) History of Maryland from 1634 to 1848. List of officers of the Maryland battalion and independent companies, see pages 379- 391. (State Library, Olympia, Public Library, Seattle.) Massachusetts — Spofford, A. R. — Massachusetts in the American Revolution, 1895. (Public Library, Seattle.) History of Worcester County . (State Library, Olympia.) History of Pittsfield, 1734-1800. Contains excellent lists of local militia. (State Library, Olympia.) Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, Vols. 1-17. (State Library, Olympia, Public Library, Seattle.) Very full; in- cludes many men from other states as New Hampshire and Maine. New Hampshire — State Papers, Vols. 1-30. (State Library, Olympia.) State Papers, Vols. 14-17. (Public Library, Seattle.) See Vols. 14, 15, 16, 17, 30 for rolls though other volumns contain occasional names and lists. New Jersey — New Jersey Archives, Vols. 1-4. (State Library, Olympia.) Adjutant-General Office. Official register of the officers and men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War, Ed. 1872. (Public Library, Seattle.) Records of officers and men of New Jersey in wars, 1791-1815. (Public Libraries, Spokane and Tacoma.) New York — State Archives, Vol. 1, Albany, 1887. (State Libraries, Olympia and University of Washington, Seattle, Public Library, Seattle.) New York in the Revolution, 2nd ed., 1898. (State Library, Olym- pia, Public Libraries, Seattle and Tacoma.) Memoirs, Vol. 2, Brooklyn, The Society. This volume contains a roll of certain officers and men in the Battle of Long Island, 1776. (State Library, Olympia.) North Carolina — State records of North Carolina, 1782-1783, Vol. 16. (Public Li- brary, Seattle.) Pennsylvania — First Series, Vols. 1-8, 1664-1781. (Public Library, Seattle.) Second Series, Vols. 10, 11, 13, 14, 15. (Public Library, Seattle.) Third Series, Vol. 23, 1775-1783. (State Library, Olympia.) SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 211 Fifth Series, Vols. 1-5. (State Library, Olympia, and University of Washington, Seattle.) Sixth Series, Vols. 1-7. (State Library, Olympia, and University of Washington, Seattle.) Ellis, Franklin — History of Susquehanna and Juniata Valleys. See Vol. 1, pp. 83-120. (Public Library, Seattle.) Rhode Island — Civil and military lists, 1647-1800. Lists of all officers elected by the General Assembly to 1800. (State Library, Olympia, Pub- lic Library, Seattle.) Colonial Records, Vols. 1-8, Bartlett edition 1862. See Vols. 7 and 8. (State Library, Olympia.) Cowell, B.— Spirit of '76 in Rhode Island, 1850. (Public Library, Seattle.) Field, Edward. — Revolutionary Defenses in Rhode Island. (Pub- lic Library, Seattle.) Rhode Island in the Continental Con- gress. (State Library, Olympia.) Murray, T. H. — Irish Rhode Islanders in the American Revolution. (State Library, University of Washington, Seattle.) Vermont — Capture of Ticonderoga. (State Library, Olympia.) Vermont: Governor and Council. Vols. 1-9. Particularly the first two volumes. (State Library, Olympia.) Revolutionary Rolls. (State Library, Olympia, Public Library, Seattle.) Historical Society Collections, Vols. 1-2. (State Library, Olympia.) Virginia — Lists of Revolutionary Soldiers. See Public Documents for 1911 and 1912. (State Library, Olympia, Public Library, Seattle.) West Virginia — Department of Archives and History, Vol. 3, 1909-1910. (State Li- brary, Olympia, Public Library, Seattle.) 212 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY FAMILY RECORD I SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 213 FAMILY RECORD 214 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY FAMILY RECORD SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 215 FAMILY RECORD 216 WASHINGTON STATE SOCIETY FAMILY RECORD LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 712 629 8