J^^%VuiA,aI c^ 'S^{7i^tm4, cJ2uJi. - 1 ' \ \ JOURNAL OF SOLOMON NASH A SOLDIER OF THE REVOLUTION. 1776-1777. ^oto ^irsi Printtb from tbt Otioinal gRnnnscripl. "WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND NOTES, BY - CHARLES L BUSimELL. NEW YORK; FRIVATKLY FRINXKD 1861. Cl^5-r^ k\ <:^^'/^/;6^ E'^15 .w^^ c > v; Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by CHARLES I. BUSHNELL, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New Yorli. 11 b--(o u ^:{^§^{^;^^^^^f(0^^'^i^^"l^ TAc-i^^Tj O ^ lb W ^^S'^fe'M^'M^'^s^';-'- - w €) ISTTPiODXJGTIOF. ;HE original Journal, of which the following- is an exact copy, was purchased from a collector of Autographs, about two years ago. Being a daily record of passing events, noted at the time by one who participated in them, it is deemed worthy of publication, not so much from its own intrinsic value, as from the fact of its be- ing coteraporary with the period, and therefore, of use in corroborating other and more minute and extensive authorities. Of the Author of the Journal, we have been able to ascertain nothing, further than that he was a resident of Abington, Mass., where he had relatives. He was IV INTRODUCTION. no doubt descended from Ensign James Nash, of Wey- mouth, who was one of the earliest settlers of Abington, and who died on the 2ltli day of August, 1725. Deeming it altogether improper to alter the manu- script in any way, we accordingly present it as it ap- pears in the original, with all its errors of orthography, and misuse of capital letters. The Author was a plain man, of very limited education, and kept the record no doubt merely for his own amusement. That it would ever appear in print, probably never entered his mind. For these reasons, the reader will be charitable in his criticism, and make every allowance for the Journal and thf> errors it contains. A JOURNAL. EGINNING January the first, 1776— this Day Joined Cpt. Drury's* Oonipuay of artillery in Roxbuary. the 2 Day— Nothing Remarkable to Day. Ye 3 — this Day moved to Dorchester. Nothing Remarcable on these Days— ye 4, 5, 6, 7th. Monday ye 8— this Night a Party of our men went over towards Bunker hill and Burnt 10 or 12 houses— they found in one of them five ragulars, one of which was Killed, four taken Prisonars —the Enemy fired from Bunker hill for A Considerable time with cannon and musquets towards the Crosway Expeting Atact But none of our People was hurt. (1.) f Nothing Remarkable on these Days— ye 9th, 10th, Uth, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th. * Capt Jotham Drury. t See Appendix, Note 1. D JOUHNAU The ITtli this Night there wasahinu oceasioned By Expecting the ragiilers out. Nothing remarcable on these Days, January 18th, 19, 20,21st, 22d. January ye 2;^ — this Night Eight men Derserted from the Ad- inarels Shij) (2) which was taken out of one of our Privateers some time Before.* AVednsday ye 24th — their Avas Alarm to Bay. Thirstlay ye 25th. Nothing Remarkable to Bay. Fryday ye 2(jtli — this Night four men Deserted from one of the Ships. Nothing Remarkable ou these Bays— 2Tth, 28th, 2yth, 30, 31th. Nothing Remarkable on this Beginning of febuary — the first, 2d, 3d, 4d, 5d, Gd, 7d, 8d and 9. febuary the 10th three men Bescrted from Boston. Nothing Remakable on these Bays — 11th, 12th, 13th. Febuary ye 14th this morning about 5 o'clock The Enemy Came Over to Borchester Point, one I'arty from the Castle and * The Adiuiiiirs shii) which liadhetn tiikfii hi/ one of our privatceisi some tune beioie. The shiii lefened to Wiis the English ordinance brig ^iimy. JOURNAL. 7 A Nother from Boston and set fire to sevearel houses — We Was Alarmed But Before we got over there they where gone oflF — they tok six of our men That was on picket guard and one old man that lived on the Point. (3.) Nothing Eemarckable on these Days, 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21th 22th. febuary the 23d — this Night A party of our men tok three of the Kagulars Sentrys on Boston neck. (4,) Nothing remarckable on these Days — 24th 25th 26th. febuary ye 27th to Day there was an Alarm. Nothing Kemarkable on these Days— 28 and 29— so Ends this month. March ye first Day— Nothing Remarkable to Day. Saterday ye 2d this Night our People hov saveral Bombs from Cambridge and Roxbuary and fired severel cannon— they split two morter Peices at Cambridge and one at Roxbuary — the enimy threw several Bombs at our People at Leachemor Point to Night — the first of our People's throing Bombs. (5.) March ye 3 — this Night there was sum Bombs and Cannon fired on Both Sids. Monday ye 4 — this Night about 2.000 of our men whent to O JOURNAL. fortify on Dorchester Point and begun to fortify on the two high- est hills and begun several Redouts — We Car rid Six Twelve Pounders and Six or Eight Feild Peaces over there and about 3 o'clock in the morning two Companys of the artillery went on. Our People kept cannonading of them at Roxbuary Cobble hill and Leachmore Point — the Regulars returned the fire briskly with bombs and Balls. A large Nomber of teams Employed in earring fasheans, (6) hay and timber to our People. March ye 5th Tusday. After the Enemy Discovered Our Men on the hills they fired 20 or 30 shot at them, but Did no Damage. We had one Leivetenant Ciled at Roxbuary Last Night and two men kiled at Cambridg one of which was kiled with a Bomb, the first that Ever we have had kiled with a Bomb since the Cam- paign begun. Our Company whent on the hill about four o'clock this morning — it was Exceding Bad storm this morning. (7.) Wednsday, March ye 6. No firing to Day. Thirsday ye 7. one of Capt. Pcirce's men hed one of his arms Shot of Accidently by a feild Peice as they where firing a small Tender. Transaction on March fryday ye 8. Came a Flag a truce (8) to Roxbuary Line and Brought News that the ]\[innesterial troops was a going to Leave the town and that the Inhabitents Desired the Gen.* (9) not to Destroy the Town—his answer was * Gen. Sir Wui. Howe. JOURNAL, 9 that If his troops was Not MoHsted iu there Imbarkation it was Not his Intention to Destroy the town but if other ways the town would be Exjiosed To utter Destruction. Remarks on Saturday March ye 9th — this night a party of our men whent to Entrench on nuke hill But the Enemy fired so smartly on them that they where oblige to Give over Entrenching that Night we had four men killed at one shot on the point (10) our men cept fireing from Roxbuary, Coble hill and Leachemore Pointe there was upwards of a Thousand shot fired over to Dor- chester Hill from Boston. Sunday March ye 10 — the first part of this 24 ours several transports and tanders fell Down below the Castle the Admirel Ship Weight Anchor and got under wey She had not wind enough to git Down Canill. No grate Remarks on these Days 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th Some firing on Both Sids these Days. Saturday March ye 16th this Night our men whent to fortify on nuke Point— the Enemy Discoverd them about 10 o'clock A. M. the ragulars kept a smart fireing till About 8 o'clock Sunday morning we had not one man killed and only one wounded. March ye 17th Sunday— this morning Betwene 8 and 9 o'clock there was a general Alarm in our Camps and the Enemy made grate hast to get on board the ships and about 10 o'clock the whole Fell Down below The Castle and about 2 o'clock we march- 10 JOrRVAT,. cd ill and took pososion of the town the Enemy had Left— Grate many Good Cannon Left Spiked up and one morter Left. (11) Monday March ye 18th Clear and pleasant nothing Remark- able to Day. Tusday March ye 19th the Enemy Burnt the Lower block house which was on the Castle and in the Night they burnt some other houses the fleet still Laying Down by the Castle. Wednseday march ye 20th this night the Enemy burnt the Barracks and Blew up the wall at the Castle. Tusday march ye 21st This Day All the ships Excep one that Lay by the Castle Got under way and whent Down to Nantasket Road and there came to an Anchor and our people wheat and took possession of the Castle there where several Cannon Left And all Excep thre where spiked up Com. tupper* with a grate number of men in whale Boats have been Down the Channel two or three Days to watch the motion of the Enemy. Remarks on march ye 22d23d 24th 25th 26th and 27th Most of the ships Left Nantasket road And whent out to sea on these Days. March the 28th Thirsday we had orders to get in Readyness to march. * Commodore Samuel Tuokcr. JOURNAL. 1 1 ft'yday march ye 29 th about 1 o'clock P. M. we shmg our packs and marched from Dorclicster To Roxbuary and there Dismist till the Next morning at sunrise. Saturday march ye 30th about 10 o'clock 4 Companys of ar- tillery with ten Brass feild Peaces set out from Roxbuary towards New York this Night we put up at Cherrys In Walpole. Sunday ye 31— this Day Very Bad Traveling— marched But 10 mils—Put up at r anthem. monday april ye 1. Sout* In the morning and Dined at attle- borough and got to Providence. tusday ye 2— this morning Set out from Providence and got 18 mile from thence. Wensday ye 3th this 24 ours rainey weather— marched thro Cante Borough into Plainfild 14 mils from where we came from in the morning. Now in Coneticut. thirsday ye 4th Sot out from Plainfild and got into Norwich one of our men taken sick with the small Pox. friday ye 5— marched from Norwich and got to New London. Saterday ye 6— We Lay to N. London— one takin Sick. Sunday ye 7.— first Part this 24 ours wet wether Still Lay at * Set out. 12 New Loudou— this Evuiug we Imbarkeil abord a Brig aud Lay all Night. monday april ye 8 — this morniug Calm to Sail with the wind N. E. ruu up the Sound with the fleet stod of and on this Night. tusday ye 9 — this day small winds and Calm — run up as far a3 helgate (12) aud auchored. Wednsday ye 10 — this morning hove up and went thro the gate — Lay their till the afternoon and then run up to New York and all went a shore that Night. Thirsday ye ll~Employed in giting up the Cannon upon the Paraid. fryday ye 12— Nothing remarkable about this time. Saterday, april ye 13. Sonday ye 14. monday ye 15. Tusday ye IG. Wednsday ye 17— removed into the Barracks at the Battry. Thirsday ye 18. fryday ye 19. Saturday ye 20— this morning two Levitenants and about 30 of us went over to Long Hand after a slop of kings that got a shore abov 25 mils from the fare ways got their this Night. JOUKNAT,, 13 Somlay ye 21— this morning got the slop about 2 o'clock — Sot out for home and travled 12 mils. monday ye 22— this Day got to N. York again. Tusday ye 23— Wednsday ye 24— thirsday ye 25. fryday ye 26. Saturday ye 27. Sunday ye 28— monday ye 29. tusday ye 30. Wednsday may ye 1 thirsday ye 2— fryday ye 3. about this time iniployed in fixing our Cannon and Plasing them. Seveal Limbs and heads of men ware found at the Holey ground which was suposed to Be Ciled by the hoars the rifed men tore Down a hous No man i^ Suffer d to Be there after Nine o'clock at Night on these Days sent two Letters home. Saturday ye 4— one in our Rig't whipt 39 Lashes. Sunday ye 5~this Day Employd in Planting Canon. monday ye 6— this Day Employd in fixing the Congress at the grand Battree. Tusday ye 7— this Day wet weather. "Wednsday ye 8— thick misty weather— Employd to Day in Draging Cannon from the End of Chery Street fort Down to the 14 JOTTRNAL. Crane and at G o'clock P. M. Loaded the Congress twice and sent two Shcls out of her to try her and she proved good. New-Tork, Thirsday may the 9th this Day 12 men out of our Company Imployd In Carring four two and thirty Pounders from the Crane oyer to Goveruers Island and Placed them In the fort Likwise four of us went over to Stratens Island after A skow But, when we got there She was Aground — So Ends this 24 hours—Clear and Pleasent weather. Remarks on Fryday ye 10th Day of may— This morning at 1 o'clock A. M. Brought the Skow from the morning Star ferry on Stratten Island over to york. This Day Employd in giting Cannon from york to read hook and Plaiccing them this Day Ends Pleasent weather. Remarks on Saturday may ye 11th Clear and Pleasent weather this 24 hours to Day Carred one Cannon and some shot over to read Hook. Sunday may ye 12th this morning Col'n. Knox* Reed. A Let- ter that Give an Account of A fleet that had Arrived In Nan- tasket Road Belonging to Brittain Some of us Employd in giting down Cannon from the Labartery to the grand Battry— Clear and Plcsent. Monday may ye 13— this morning Ninteen of the train went to montgomcry to tak Care of a fort that's their Ijikwise some men * Aflei\vaiJ.« Uuu. KudX. JOURNAL. 15 Employd iu placing Cannon at the grand Battrey and Foiling up Shot— fetch'd one 32 Pounder from the fort and Plaiced it to the Eastward of the grand Battry in the afternoon— Employd in pil- ing up Shot to the Labatcry So Ends this 24 hours— Pleasent weather. Tusday may ye 14— the first part of this 24 hours a small shour of rain the rest Part Yerry plesent to Day— Carred Shot to governers Island— so Ends this 24 hours. wedensday may ye 15th this Day Pleasent— Some of us Em- ployd in making Carteregs* and some Employd iu giting Cannon Down to the North river to Prove them. Thirsday may ye 16— this Day Yerry Pleasent- Some of us employd im making Cartridges iu the fore part of the Day and iu the afternoon Employd in firing our Cannon with Double Charges in them to Prove them, and they all proved good But two one of them Split at the muzel and other at the grand Battree Burst all in peaces— one peace went 30 or 40 rod and fell upon a house which went through the roof and all the flors to the Loest one which hurt the house verry much But hirt no Body to Day one man was Drowned and Whitmarsh in Capt. Reeds Company Died, Fryday may ye 17— this day Cept as a fast throughout the Continent— Some of us Employd iu Loding and giting powder * Cartridges. 16 into the maggazeins~so Ends tliis 24 hours— Clear and pleas- ent. Saturday may ye 18— This Day verry wet weather— some Em- ploy d in making Carter iges— So Ends 24 hours. Sunday may ye 19th this Day verry pleasent— Some of us Em- ployd in making Cartredgs and fixing Cannon So Ends 24 hours. monday may ye 20th to Day Olouday— Later Part verry rain- ny— Nothing Remarkable— Employed in giting Cannon on the platform and making Cartregs — Josiah Bradford got a New Pair of Breatches. Tusday may ye 2 1st first Part rainny— Latter part Pleasent— some employd in giting Cannon to Bunker hill (13) in New York and some Emjiloyd in making Cartridgs So Ends this 24 hours. Wednesday may ye 22 this Day plasent weather— Employd in making Cartredgs— we make about 1500 weight of powder into cannon Cartredges and small arms Every Day Thirsday may ye 23— this Day plesent Some of us Employd in making Cartredgs. Fryday may ye 24— to Day Pleasent— all the artillarry men Employd in making Cartredgs— one of the art'ry men wounded Very Bad By one of the rifel men with a hatchet. Saturday may ye 25— this Day plo^isent None of us upon fe- JOURNAL. IT tague a order for all our rigerment to git our Cloths Clean and fix to pass muster to morrow— So Ends this Day. Sunday may ye 26— this Day plasent— Ten Companys of our Eigerment marched upon the grand Parade to pass muster in the first part of the Day— the after part went to meating and then went and took our Larrim post. monday may ye 27th first part of this 24 hours rainny Some of us Emjiloyd in making Cartredgs and some in fixing the Can- non and feild peaces upon the grand Parade— So End this Day- Later part plasent. Tusday may ye 28th this Day plesent— Nothing remarkable — Emj)loyd in making Cartredgs. Wednsday may ye 29th this Day pleasent all the train goes to Larrim Post and Employd in making Cartredgs. Thirsday, may ye 30th this Day Pleasant — Employd in making Cartredges — So Ends this 24 houi-s. Fryday may ye 31th this Day pleasent—Biger part of our Rig- erment Employd in making Cartredgs — So Ends this month — all well in our Company. Saturday June ye 1— this Day windey But pleasent— Some of our men Employd in Boring G pr. feild peaces Some in making Cartredgs. 18 JOURNAL. Sunday June ye 2d this Day first part misty —Later ^lart pleas t — first part Employd in making Cartredgs— after noon all of U9 marched to meating— So Ends this 24 hours. monday June ye 3d 1776— this Day Terry rainny— Some Em- ployd in making Cartredgs— So Ends this 24 hours. Tusday June ye 4th this Day pleasent Emjjloyd in making Cartredgs this Night 4 of us went to Sippe Can (14) we had a tuff spell But None Cilled— so Ends this Day. Wednsday June ye 5— this Day pleasent— Employd in the Laberterry as useal a Sloop and a schoner from Hispaneole which ware firenchmen had on Board Suger, molases and cotten woll (15) Recived a Letter from home and all. Thirsday June ye Gth 1776— this Day pleasent— Employd a3 befor— So Ends this 24 hours. Some Not well. Fryday June ye 7th this first part Wet Weather Later part pleasent— Employed as Befor. Saturday June the 8th this Day pleasent— first part of the Day Employd as Before and all at Lasure in the afternoon. Sunday June ye 9th this Day plasent weather— all our Regt. went to meting all Day— So Ends this 24 hours. Sent a Letter home. JOURNAL, 19 tnonday June ye 10th This Day pleaseut about Eight o'clock our Capt. Leivt. and about 60 men in four flat Bottom Boats Sot out to Kings Bridg for 12 6 pr. and got their and got them on Board the Boats about Sunset~we staid here all night. Tusday June ye 11th Clear and pleasent this morning about 5 o'clock we sot out for York and get here about 9 o'clock in The morning and took out some shot we Brought and carrid four Cannon over to the Jcrsays the other four to read hook—Some Employd in the Larbeterry. Wednesday June ye 12— this Day pleasent— Employed at the Larberterry- So Ends this 24 hours. Thirsday June ye 13— this Day pleasent — Some Employed in the Labetery.* So Eds this 2-4 hours. Fryday June ye 14— this Day pleasent— Employd as Before. So Ends this 24 hours. Saturday June ye 15th this Day pleasent — some Employd as Before — orders for Levt. with 20 privat to go to fort gorge — Lik- wise for 450 men to Be Draughted out of the Battalian to Come into our Companys — to Day our Company moved from the grand Battry to the uper Barraks. Sunday June ye 16 — this Day pleasent — the men that was Draught'd out of the Battalian Joined our Rigerment. So Ends this 24 hours. t Laboratory. 20 JOURNAL. Mouday June ye 17th Clear weather all this 24 hours — at 10 o'clock Capt. Drury and Lieut, freman with 30 of us Embarcked on Board the jihiladelphia Stage Boat in order to go to Aiuboy Ps. took two feild Peaces with us. Tusday June ye 18th first part of this 24 hours small shours of rain and Cool this morning at 4 o'clock we arived to amboy and Landed at_3 o'ClockP. M. 160 Battalian men arived here from New-York in 4 flat Botem Boats — we all inCampt here this Nisrht. So Ends this 24 hours. Amboy Wednesday June ye 19th about 11 o'Clock A. M. we set out in a flat Botem Boat with the Battalian in four more. Ditto attended with Comidore Tupper with whale Boats and 18 of his men — we toucht at Middleton Point at sun-set we Em- barked and set out towards the Light hous.* Thirsday June yc 20th Clear and pleasent this morning at 2 o'clock Landed at Sparmecity Cove within 4 mils from the Light house we got our feild peaces ashore and Lay there all Day about 9 o'clock P. M. set out towards the Light and marched Sloly un- Descovcred to the Enemy. We are al well Att Present and in high Spirits. Fryday June ye 21d Clear and warm this morning — at Day T.,ight Cot within 20 rods of the Light hous and formed us at the * House. JOURNAL. 21 Piloli of a hill — Comi(l. 276, 277. NOTES. 55 (17) Matrosses, are soldiers in a train of artillery, who are nest to the gunners, and assist them in loading, firing and spung- ing the guns. They carry fire-locks, and march with the store wagons as guards and assistants. (18) See note 16. (19) On the evening of July 9, 1776, when the American army, under Gen. Washington, occupied the city of New York, a portion occvipied the common or park, and here the declara- tion of Independence was published to the army. The Com- mander-in-Chief, in pursuance of official instructions, issued an order for the several brigades to be drawn up at 6 o'clock to hear it read by their commanders or aids. The brigades were formed in a hollow square, at or about the spot where the Park Foun- tain now stands. Washington was within the square, on horse- back, and one of his aids read the document. At the conclusion, three hearty cheers were given. (20) The equestrian statue of King George III.,' ordered by the Legislature of N. Y., May 17, 1770, was erected on the 21st day of August, 1770, being the anniversary of the birthday of the King's father. Prince Frederick. The statue was erected upon a pedestal in the Bowling Green — a small park deriving its name from its having been used as a bowling place for the officers and garrison of Fort George. The members of his Majesty's council, the different corporations in the city, together with many of the leading citizens, waited upon the Lieut. Gov., C. Colden, Esq., at his request, in the Fort, on which occasion his Majesty's and other loyal healths were drank, amid a dischai'ge of cannon, accompanied with a band of music. A temporary fence of posts and rails, about five rails high, was at first erected around the green. On the 3d 56 NOTES. May, 1771, the (leneral Assembly made an appropriation of £800 to defray the expense of an iron railing in a stone foundation around it. Symptoms of disloyalty betokening revolution soon mani- fested themselves in the rude treatment of the efSgy, for on the 6th day of Feb., 1773, an act was passed to prevent the defacing of the statue, and imposing a penalty of £500 N. T. currency, or in default, one year's imprisonment in the common jail, with- out bail or main prize. The siatiie was made of lead and richly gilded to resemble gold, and was the workmanship of Wilton, a celebrated statuary of London. It stood until July 10, 1776, when it was pulled down by the Liberty boys and converted into bullets. Among those who were conspicuous actors on the occa- sion, were Col. Peter T. Cortenius, and John Wiley, grandfather to the bookseller of that name. Both of these men were very popular, and were distinguished for their patriotism and intrepi- dity. A portion of the statue was taken to Litchfield, Conn., as a place of safety. On its arrival there, a shed was erected in an apple orchard, where Gov. Wolcott chopped a part of it up with the wood axe, and the girls had a frolic in running the bullets and making them into cartridges. A piece of the statue, form- ing the saddle cloth and circingle, was carried to Norwalk, about 45 miles up the Sound. When Gov. Tryou was on his marauding expedition through Conn., it was moved with the military stores to Wilton, some six miles from the coast, and deposited at a place called Raymond's Corner. On the enemy approaching that place, the inhabitants threw this fragment of the statue together with the military stores into a swamp in the woods. There the lead lay until the winter of 1832-33, when it was discovered by a boy named Comstock, who was crossing the frozen swamp, at other times impassable, and recognized by a Mr. Belden, a Revolution- ary pensioner, residing in Wilton, and who had himself borne a conspicuous part in its destruction, as being a portion of the NOTBg, 5T Equestrian statneof George III, erected in New York. The relic was in the possession of the uncle of the finder until the year 1844, when it was purchased by a gentleman of New York, who subsequently disjwscd of it to the late Thomas Riley, Esq., then proprietor of the Fifth Ward Hotel, where it may still be see n There are still many tracings of the origipal gilding, and the fringe of the saddle cloth is distinctly perceptible. A large iron bullet mould, capable of casting twelve bullets at a time, and which was used in casting some of the lead of the King's statue into bullets, may be seen among the collections of the New York Historical Society. The pedestral upon which the statue was erected was removed to Jersey City, and placed over the remains of Major Smith, of the 42d, or Eoyal Highland Regiment, who died July 25, 1783, and was buried on a hill, near the present site of St. Matthew's church, Sussex street. In the year 1804, the earth was removed from this hill by Andrew Dey, or by the Jersey Associates, but it is not known what became of the remains of Major Smith. John Van Vorst, grandfather of Alderman Van Vorst, took this stone, and laid its inscription downward, in front of the old family mansion, which was a few rods south of the present resi dence of John Van Vorst. In the year 1818, the old Van Vorst mansion was demolished, and the late Cornelius Van Vorst placed it as a stepping stone to the kitchen door of his house, on the knoll on the northerly side of Wayne street, near Jersey street. There it remained until that building was demolished, when it was used for the new- house on the southerly side of Wayne street, now occupied by the family. In the year 1828, a gentleman from England called upon Mr. Van Vorst, and offered him $500 for this relic, as he wished to take it to England with him, but Mr. Van Vorst declined the offer, and it still remains in the possession of the family. I 58 NOTES. is made of Portland marble, and was imported from England for the purpose of being used as a pedestal for the leaden statue of King George III. It was used for that purpose until the statue was demolished. It is to be hoped that before long it may be placed in some proper repository, where it will be less liable to be defaced and destroyed. Woodruff's Hist. Litchfield, Conn. p. 42. Proceedings of N. Y. Hist. See. for 1844, p. 168. (21) Two British ships of war, the Phenix and Rose, and three tenders, at about 4 o'clock P.M., taking advantage of the tides and a fresh breeze, came up fi-om the fleet, and passed the city up the Hudson. A brisk cannonade took place from Red Hook, Governor's Island, Paulus Hook and all the batteries on the North River side. The ships were several times struck by the shot, but received no matej-ial damage. The ships returned the fire as they passed the batteries and the encampment on the bank of the river. The tents were struck and dropped on the ground l^efore the ships came abreast of them. Several shot fell on the encamp- ment, and one entered the embrasure of a small redoubt, on the flank of encampment, and struck in the banquette on the oppo- site side of the redoubt, between the legs of two soldiers, but did no damage. Several American artillerists were killed and wounded by the bursting of some of our own cannon. The ships ran nearly up to Tappan Bay and came to anchor. Heath, page 49. (22) This flag of truce came from Gen. Howe, with Adj.-Gen. Patterson, with a message to Gen. Washington, respecting the recent capitulation in Canada, and insinuating that Gen. Howe was desirous, if possible, to bring about an accommodation. Heath, ]j 50 NOTES. 59 (23) An attempt was made by the Americans, by the aid of fire vessels, to destroy the British shipping. The Phenix cut loose, but the tender was burnt down to the water's edge, and was towed to shore by the Americans. From the tender was taken 1 iron 6-pounder, 2 3-pounders, 1 2-pounder, 10 swivels, a caboose, some gun barrels, cutlasses, grappling chains, &c. The Rose and the other two tenders remained at their moorings, but it was said that one of the tenders was deserted by her crew for a time. The Americans sustained no loss or injury excepting one man, who in firing one of the vessels got considerably burnt in the face, hands, &c. ^ Heath, p. 53. (24) Lieut. -Col. Zedivitz, of the Continental service, was dis- covered to have carried on a treasonable correspondence with Gov. Tryon of New York. A most infamous letter fi-om him to Tryon was intercepted and fell into the hands of the Ameri- cans. The object of this correspondence was to obtain a large sum of money, to be immediately sent him upon condition of his giving the enemy information of the strength and situation of the Continental army, agreeably to a promise he had made Gov. Tryon previous to entering the American service. He invented this falsehood, that he had lately seen four villains at Gen. Wash- ington's house with fourteen bottles of a mixture as black as ink, with which they were to poison the watering place on Staten Island, and were to receive a recompense of £1,000 each from the General. He also stated that a person always near the General , who was a friend to the King, though an interested one, had offered to furnish him with weekly returns of the strength and detail of the army till December, for the sum of £4,000 sterling to be paid beforehand, in hard gold — that he had proposed a re- ward of £2,000 sterling, which was agreed to, and he therefore desired, if the plan be agreeable, that the money might be im- mediately conveyed to him. 60 NOTES. The perfidy of this man was discovered by the person whom he engaged to deliver his letter. He endeavored to debauch one Steen, who being a German, in but indifferent circumstances, and unemployed in the American service, he imagined would be a proper instrument for his purpose. But Steen, perceiving his iotention, and being an honest man and a friend to the country, only amused him with a seeming compliance, until he got his letter into his hands, and then, without delay, laid it before the General. Zedwitz, on his trial, acknowledged the letter to be his, but pleaded that it was intended merely as a trick upon the enemy, to extract from them £2,000 sterling, in lieu of certain expenses he had put himself to in raising a regiment in Germany, at the re, quest of the Marquis of Granby, for which he had never been rc- embursed. The life of Zedwitz was saved by a casting vote, but he was cashiered and declared incapable of holding any military office in the service of the United States. This strange sentence was owing to a militia Brigadier-General and others of a similar judgment, who being members of the court, said it was only an attempt to correspond, and so the fellow escaped. Penn. Journal, Sept. 4, 1776. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1 series, vol. 2, p. 72. Gordon's American War, vol. 2, p. 325. (25) Major-Gen. John Sullivan was taken prisoner at the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776, by the Ilessians, under the im- mediate command of Count Dunop, and confined in the ship Eagle, with Lord Sterling, but he was parokd by Lord Howe, and sent by h'm to Continental Congress, with a verbal message, desiring a conference with a committee of that body. He re, mained a prisoner on parole for about three months, when he was exchanged for Gen. Prescott, who had been captured by Colonel Barton. NOTES. 61 (26) Major-General Lord S/crhng was taken prisoner at the battle of Long Island, August 27, 177G, by the Hessians, under Gen. DeHeister, and was confined on board the British ship Eagle for about a month, when he was exchanged for Governor Brown, of Providence, R. I., who had been captured by Commo- dore Hoj)kins. (27) Hornshook, or Horen's Hook, now Harris' Point. A fort was erected here by the Americans in 1776, and stood until about the year 1794, when Archibald Gracie, who then owned the place, caused the remains of the military works to be levelled, at great expense, and erected upon their rocky base an elegant mansion and appurtenances. (28) The British landed at Kipp's Bay, on the 15th Sept., 1776, about noon. They met with but small resistance, and pushed towards the city, of which they took possession in the afternoon. Some of the Americans did not behave well. The conduct of Gen. Parson's brigade called out the expression from Washington, " Are these the men with which 1 am to defend America?" Major Chapman was killed, and Brigade- Major Willis taken prisoner. A few others were killed or captured. The Americans retreated up the island, and some few who could not get out of the city that way, escaped in boats across the river» to Paulus Hook. Heath, p. 60. (29) This skirmish took place on the heights west of Harlem Plaius, and south of Morris' House, between a party of Hessian Yagers, British Light Infantry and Highlanders, and the Ameri- can riflemen and some other troops, and resulted in favor of the Americans. The troops fought well on both sides, and gave 62 NOTES. great proofs of their markmanship. The Americans had several officers killed aud wounded, among the former Lieut-Col. Thomas Knowlton, of the Conn. Line, aud Capt. Gleason, of Nixon's Mass. Keg't., two excellent officers, and Major Leitch, of one of the Southern Reg'ts, among the latter. This affair was a bril- liant one on the part of the Americans, and was not followed up by them for fear of bringing on a general engagement, to which Washington was opposed, both parties being within supporting distance of the troops engaged. Heath, p. 61. Dunlap's N. Y., vol. 2, p. 77. (30) This fire began on the 21st Sept., 177G, in a small wooden house on the wharf, near the Whitehall Slip, then occupied by women of ill fame. It commenced late at night, and at a time when but few of the inhabitants were left in the city, by reason of the presence of the enemy. The raging element was terrific and sublime — it burned up Broadway on both sides until it was arrested on the easterly side, by Mr. Harrison's brick house, but it continued to rage and destroy all along the western side to St. Paul's Church — thence it inclined towards the North river* (the wind having changed to south-east), until it ran out at the water edge, a little beyond the Bear Market, say at the present Barclay Street. Trinity Church, though standing alone, was fired by the flakes which fell on its steep roof, then so steep that none could stand upon it to put out the falling embers. But St. Paul's Church, though equally exposed, was saved by allowing citizens to stand on its flatter roof, and wet it as occasion re- quired. In this awful conflagration 493 houses were consumed. Generally in that day they were inferior houses to the present and many of them were of wood. Several of the inhabitants were r( strained from going out to assist at night, from a fear that they might be arrested as suspicious persons. In fact, NOTES. 63 several decent citizens were sent to the Provost Guard for ex- amination, and some had to stay there two or three days unti^ their loyalty could be made out. In one case, a Mr. White, a good loyalist and a decent man, though sometimes inclined ' to take a drop too much,' was, by misapprehension of his character, in the excitement of the moment, hung upon a sign post. A portion of the tract of land over which the fire raged, was after- wards occupied by temporary houses, covered with canvas, in. stead of roofs. This place was called " Canvas Town." The tenants of these houses were generally very lewd and dissolute persons, who gave the spot its notoriety. A topographical map showing the whole line of the conflagration, is in the N. Y. Hist. Soc, having been presented to that institution by the person who made it at the time, the late David Grim, Esq. Watson's Annals N. T., p. 295. A thousand houses, comprising nearly one-fourth of the city, were laid in ashes. Among the public buildings which were consumed, were Trinity Church, the Public Charity School, the Rector's house, and a Lutheran church. The loss sustained by Trinity Church, upon the burning of houses, is said to have been more than £15,600 sterling. The fire broke out at a dram shop, close in with the water side, at Whitehall Slip, about one o'clock in the morning. Everything was very dry, and a brisk southerly wind blew. The flames soon caught the neighboring houses, and spread rapidly, raging with inconceivable violence. There were few citizens in town (it being only a few days before that the British had taken possession of the city), and the fire engines and pumps were out of order. Two regiments went immediately to the place, and many boats full of men were sent from the fleet. To these, under Providence, it was that the whole city was not reduced to ashes. The fire is believed to have originated from accident. Gordon, vol, 2, p. 330. 64 NOTES. Of the many and different rejjorts concerning that melancholy affair, the most authentic, we believe, is as follows, viz : The fire originated at or near Whitehall, soon extended to the Exchange, took its course up the west side of Broad Street, as far as Verlattenberg Hill, consuming all the blocks from the White Hall up. The flames extended across the Broadway from the house of Mr. David Johnston, to Beaver Lane, or Fincher's Alley, on the west, and carried ali before it, a few buildings excepted, to the house at the corner of Barclay Street, wherein the late Mr. Adam Vandenberg lived, sweeping all the cross streets in the way. The buildings left standing on the west side of the Broad- way are supposed to be Captain Thomas Randall's, Captain Kennedy's, Dr. Mallat's, Mr. John Cortlandt's sugar house and dwelling house, Dr. Jones's, Hull's Tavern, St. Paul's, Mr. Axtell's. and Mr. Rutherford's. The cause of the fire is not known. We imagine about a sixth part of the whole city is destroyed, and many families have lost their all. N. T. Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Saturday, Sept. 28, 1776. No. 1302. Another authority observes that this fire was "most probably occasioned by the disorderly conduct of some British sailors, who had been permitted to regale themselves on shore." Ramsay's Am. Rev., vol. 1, p. 393. (31) These vessels were the Phenix and Roebuck, of 44 guns each, and the Tartar of 28, commanded by the Captains Parker, Hammond and Ominaney. They sailed up the North River, passing through the Chevaux de frise, and by the American bat- teries. The Americans gave them as heavy a fire of cannon as they dared, but 'tis said, without doing them any material damage. The Phenix's maiutop-sail was shattered by some shots from the forts on the Heights. The Pearl and Repulse frigates re- mained at anchor a little below the Chevaux de frise. N. Y. Gazette and Weekly Mercury. No. 1303. NOTES. 65 (32) Charles Lee was a native of Wales, and was the son of John Lee, a Colonel in the British service. He entered the army at an early age, and served under Gen. Abercrombie in America, in the campaign of 1758, and four years after under Gen. Bur- goyne, in Portugal, where he held a Colonelcy. In 1773 he came to America, and settled in Virginia. On the commencement of the revolution, in 1775, he was appointed Major-General, and re- paired with Gen. Washington to the army at Cambridge. He remained there till the following year, when he was despatched to New York, to defend it against the British, and discharged the duty with great promptness and energy. After this he com- manded the Southern forces for a while. In October, 1776 he rejoined the army under Washington, and was soon after captured by the British, and remained a prisoner in their hands, suffering the most severe treatment, till the spring of 1778, when he was exchanged. Soon after his release, he was engaged in the battle of Monmouth, and for his conduct and disobedience on that occa- sion was suspended from command. He died in Philadelphia, Oct. 2d, 1782. The memoirs of his life, with his essays and letters, were published in 1792, in one vol. 12 mo., and were re- printed in London. (33) Flip was a great winter drink iu New England at that period. It was made of rum, beer, eggs and sugar, spiced. iiii 011 800 o-^-^