THE Q LOW CATALOGUE GENERAL EDITION Dept. A Pipe, Hy< B Fittings - monia, Valves ai Gate Val Engine a Heating Gas Fixt Corpora Cock J Hose Bi K Pumps, ! L Tools . C D E F G H M N P Q R S T V w Class Book. :j- " GopyrightN . COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Pages 1- 50 51-106 107-139 140-161 162-189 190-222 223-233 234-277 278-301 302-360 361-414 PLUMBFma. Water Closets and Trimmings ______ 416-508 Urinals and Trimmings __._.._. 509-534 Baths, Showers and Shower Trimmings _ - _ 535-602 Solid Porcelain Lavatories _______ 603-619 Lavatories, Drinking Fountains, Mar.ble, and Basins _-__-_-._____ 604-689 Laundry Tubs, Sinks, Slop Sinks, Cesspools, etc. 690-749 Bath-Room, Lavatory, and Stall Trimmings _ _ 750-779 Chain, Chain Stays, Plugs, Ferrules, and Miscel- laneous Brass Goods ________ 780-789 Soil Pipe and Fittings, Greenhouse Pipe and Fit- tings, Traps, Range Boilers, etc. _____ 790-819 Stable Fixtures, etc. __-_-___- 820 Telegraph Cipher -__-____-- 821-824 Useful Rules and Information ______ 825-833 For General Index, see pages 834-841. ^^^^^^^^^^^K ^^^^^^^^^^P ^^^^^^^^^^w ^^^^^^^^^B Q _ ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE JAMES B. CLOW & SONS MANUFACTURERS OF SUPPLIES WATER AND GAS WORKS, RAILROADS, CONTRACTORS, PLUMBERS, STEAM AND GAS FITTERS. © GAS, STEAM AND WATER PIPE, STEAM AND WATER HEATING APPARATUS, PUMPS, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS AND SANITARY SPECIALTIES. ' • '' ' > ,*' i 2 , . 3 , 1 , 'j I GENERAL OFFICES, SALESROOMS AND WORKS, Franklin and Harrison Streets, CHICAGO. Foundries, Pipe and Radiator Works, NEWCOMERSTOWN, OHIO. 1107-1: Marble Works, 9 Western Avenue, CHICAGO. NEW YORK, DETROIT, HAVANA, CUBA, 149 Broadway. 426 Hammond Building. Offices, Obispo 36. Warehouses, Regla. Sixty-First Englewood Branch, Sixty-Second and State Streets, CHICAGO. Northwest Branch, Western Avenue and Bioomingdale Road, CHICAGO. Douglas Park Branch, Twenty-Third Place and Western Avenue CHICAGO. THE LIBRARY Of CONGRESS, Two Cowee Received OCT, fg 1902 Copvpwmt ctttov H DLAS8 «--XXa Mo. COPY 3. Entered according to Act of Congress, n the year 1902, AH James B. Clow & Sons, <<-. T h3 office' of the- i_ifc>ra/ian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. v! 2Tfjc fLakesitie ^Irrss R. R. DONNELLEY & SONS COMPANY, PRINTERS CHICAGO SPECIAL NOTICE Monthly settlements, unless otherwise agreed. Bank remittances must be made with Chicago or New York exchange. When ordering, give department letter as well as plate number, also details according to catalogue description, and thus save time and correspondence and avoid confusion. Specifications for goods not standard should be explicit and complete and, when possible, accompanied by sketch. Definite instructions as to route, packing, insurance, etc., should accompany each order; otherwise the route is optional with us. Boxing charged at cost ; Cartage at lowest rates ; Goods not insured unless so ordered. As questions constantly arise regarding the responsibility of shipper, carrier and consignee, for loss of and damage to goods, etc., in transit, and in order to obviate lengthy correspondence concerning the same, we beg to call special attention to the following: Our responsibility ceases as soon as goods are delivered in good order and condition at railroad depot or wharf in this city, and a receipt taken for them. If the carriers insist on our signing a release or other document having reference to their liability, before they receive the goods, of course we must comply; that will not, however, in any way affect the right of the party to whom they are consigned to recover damages for any carelessness or neg- ligence on the part of the carrier. We guarantee that the packing of every article is inspected by two persons and that all goods are carefully and well packed by experienced men. We will not, therefore, allow claims for breakage. Pipe, Cast and Wrought, Brass Goods and all supplies are carefully tested and inspected, but as it is not always possible to detect imperfections, the only guarantee given is to replace such goods as prove defective. We are not responsible for damage beyond the price of goods. In case of defect the measure of damage is the price of the defective piece. Special goods, made subject to inspection, must be inspected and accepted before shipment. After shipment is made our responsibility ceases. Orders cannot be countermanded without our consent; this is especially true of goods other than standard. Goods returned will not be accepted by us, unless arrangements for such return have been previously made by correspondence. Parties returning goods must be responsible for their delivery in good condition and, unless otherwise agreed, must pay shipping expenses. Claims for corrections or deductions must be made within ten days after receipt of goods. Discount sheets will be issued promptly upon change of market prices, but all quotations are subject to change without notice. • Contracts are subject to delays from strikes, accidents, or causes beyond our control. Correspondence should be addressed to the firm and not to individuals, that it may receive our immediate attention. Orders promptly and carefully executed. Please destroy previous editions of our catalogue. Respectfully yours, JAMES B. CLOW & SONS. CAST-IRON PIPE CULVERTS MORE PERMANENT THAN WOOD AND CHEAPER THAN MASONRY. For use as Culverts, Cast-iron Pipe has fully proven its superiority over any material heretofore used. Masonry is expensive and easily destroyed, while Cast-iron is cheap and practically indestructible. It is preferable to wrought-iron or steel, as the latter materials quickly rust. In case of washouts, Cast-iron Pipe is never damaged ; hence the culverts can easily be repaired. Cast-Iron Pipe is particularly advantageous in replacing old hox culverts that have, by reason of decay or inferior foun- dation, become unfitted for use. The smaller sizes can be used to advantage at country cross-roads where, heretofore, wooden boxes have been placed. The Cast-Iron Pipe is permanent; the wooden box must be replaced every few years, and the cost is practically the same. The Cast-iron Culvert can be built in less time than any other style. Ordinarily, a single culvert is used, but we have supplied 48-inch pipe for a culvert where five pipes were laid parallel to each other. The culvert was placed at a point where, during certain seasons of the year, washouts were likely to occur. The five 48-inch pipes now take care of the increased water flow and prevent further damage to the track. To this particular railroad we have sold, within the past four years, over fifteen thousand tons of culvert pipe which, their chief engineer reports, gives general satisfaction. In many states it is used, practically to the exclusion of all other materials, in the construction of culverts on all^ublio roads. AVherever used it will, under all circumstances, prove itself to be the only perfect material for constructing perma- nent culverts. CAST-IRON CULVERT PIPE. -MADE IN 12 -FOOT LENGTHS. SIZE INCHES 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 48 60 72 THICKNESS . . . . INCHES LIGHT, WEIGHT PER FOOT, LBS. f 20 tV 30 A 41 i 56 i 74 rV 92 112 f 133 159 205 « 275 1 368 ItV 450 H 600 If 920 If 1265 THICKITESS .... INCHES MEDIUM, WEIGHT PER FOOT, LBS. i 22 i 34 i 47 tV 64 f 82 1 105 f 133 4 160 4 190 1 260 11 360 488 If 625 830 14 1220 1834 THICKNESS .... INCHES STANDARD, WEIGHT PER FOOT, LBS. 23 H 35 50 H 73 95 H 128 4 150 ft 196 1 225 300 li 425 li 600 If 800 IS 1000 2f 1580 2+1 2217 THICKNESS .... INCHES HEAVY, WEIGHT PER FOOT, LBS. tV 24 fV 38 1 57 ft 80 T* 110 4 135 1 175 1 215 250 If 350 1* 500 11 750 2 1000 2 1250 24. 1675 2350 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. CAST-IRON PIPE. CAST-IRON WATER PIPE, MADE IN 12-FOOT LENGTHS. TABLE OF WEIGHTS AND THICKNESSES USED UNDER DIFFERENT PRESSURES. SIZE INCHES 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 48 60 72 THICKNESS, STANDARD INCHES WEIGHT fER FOOT FOR 100-LB. PRESSURE PER SQ. IN. i 18 i 22 1 34 1 47 64 A 82 f 105 * 133 160 i 190 1 260 1* 360 1* 488 If 625 H 830 1220 2i 1834 THICKNESS, MEDIUM _' INCHES WEIGHT PER FOOT FOR 150-LB. PRESSURE PER SQ. IN. 19 24 H 38 rV 55 ft 95 H 120 4 150 180 1 225 1* 300 1* 425 600 800 li 1000 2f 1500 2tf 2217 THICKNESS, HEAVY INCHES WEIGHT PER FOOT FOR 200-LB. PRESSURE PER SQ. IN. tV 20 rV 26 40 * 60 80 110 i 138 1 175 1 205 1* 250 If 350 500 If 750 2 1000 2 1250 1800 24 2350 Conditions under which Water Pipe is used vary and we can make Cast-iron Pipe to meet any requirements. The extra cost between a standard weight and the weight given for the duty required, as shown in the tables, is very slight, and the question of weight to be used should have the careful consideration of any person ordering Cast-Iron Pipe. All Water Pipe is coated with tar and tested to a hydrostatic pressure of 300 pounds per square inch. CAST-IRON GAS PIPE. SIZE. ... INCHES 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 13 20 24 30 36 42 48 THICKNESS WEIGHT PER FOOT . . . INCHES . . . POUNDS 17 1 20 tV 30 41 i 56 * 74 fV 92 f 112 1 133 159 1 205 H 275 1 368 irV 450 U 600 j In ordering Gas Pipe always specify if Pipe is to be coated or uncoated. Tested to a hydrostatic pressure of 200 pounds per square inch. TABLE OF LEAD AND JUTE REQUIRED TO CALK THE JOINTS OF CAST-IRON PIPE. SIZE INCHES 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 48 60 72 LEAD, PER JOINT .... POUNDS JUTE, PER JOINT .... OUNCES 4* 8 H 9 8 12 m .15 14* 17 18 24 .21* 26 24 29 27 32 31 32 37 37 51 50 75 60 90 80 110 120 150 135 220 155 A-310. Pigs weigh about 100 pounds. Market rates. For prices see page 10. For Pipe Laying Tools see pages 392 to 406. A-312. JUTE AND HEMP PACKINGS. For prices 6ee page 291. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. CAST-IRON FLANGED PIPE. SUITABLE FOR A WORKING WATER PRESSURE OF 100 POUNDS. UNIVERSAL TEMPLATE. ADOPTED BY AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS AND THE MASTER STEAM AND HOT WATER FITTERS' ASSOCIATION. A-325. FLANGED PIPE. MADE IN 12-FOOT LENGTHS. DIMENSIONS OF CAST-IRON FLANGED PIPE. INSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE . . INCHES 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 48 THICKNESS OF PIPE INCHES WEIGHT OF PIPE, PER FOOT _ . LBS. OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF FLANGE, INCHES WIDTH OF FLANGE FACE ... INCHES THICKNESS OF FLANGE ... INCHES DIAMETER OF BOLT CIRCLE . INCHES NUMBER OF BOLTS IN FLANGE SIZE OF BOLTS INCHES LENGTH OF BOLTS INCHES WEIGHT OF BOLTS, PER JOINT ^ .LBS. 4 18 H 4 6 4 1 24 2 4 24 9 24 H n 4 i 3 4 35 11 24 l H 8 i 3 64 50 134 24 ii lit 8 1 34 64 1 70 16 3 ft 12 i 3| 154 1 19 34 14 17 12 4 3* 16 i 115 21 34 if 18| 12 1 44 244 1 140 234 34 ifV 21i 16 1 44 344 4 160 25 34 22f 16 14 4f 45 i 200 274 3f Itt 25 20 14 5 58 1 275 32 4 H 294 20 14 54 '77 34 375 38J 4f 24 36 28 64 132 14 495 45f 44 2| 42f 32 If 64 1564 If 600 52J 5f 2f 494 36 14 74 245 14 800 594 54 24 56 44 14 74 312 Shorter lengths than 12-foot made to order. Special weights for any pressure made to order. Steam Pipe should he heavier than above dimensions. Bolts and Gaskets furnished only to order. Drilling is 4-inch larger than the Bolts. In ordering, specify if flanges are to be drilled. If other than standard drilling is wanted, send template. In laying out Flanged Pipe, use 12-foot lengths if possible. 4 to 24-inch Standard Pipe usually carried in stock in 12-foot lengths, faced -j'j-inch short to allow for Gaskets. . -«-. Tongue and groove Flanges on Pipe and Specials to order. For details, see page 65. A-335. HEADER. Steam Headers of any style or dimension, made to order. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. SPECIALS FOR CAST IRON FLANGED PIPE. PROPORTIONED FOR WORKING WATER PRESSURE OF 100 POUNDS. — 0- H I C A *—-4 j n n ^r B D- — j u u r#TKa A-350. QUARTER BEND. A-355. TEE. ujai_jga A-360. CROSS A-36S. EIGHTH BEND A-370. Y BEND. A-375. FOOT BEND. TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS TO 24-INCH. Special designs and sizes larger than 24-inch made to order. Details furnished on request. B, PIPE SIZE INCHES C, OUTSIDE DIAM. OF FLANGE . . INCHES ^j™ !•"•• ■■•:■■ ■■::■•!££ ( WEIGHT. ...... POUNDS ( K INCHES TEES < D INCHES I WEIGHT POUNDS | K INCHES CROSSES < D INCHES I WEIGHT POUNDS c.rwTu f K INCHES B END s S INCHES I WEIGHT POUNDS {D INCHES H INCHES J INCHES WEIGHT POUNDS FOOT BENDS (K INCHES OR BASE < M INCHES ELBOWS I WEIGHT POUNDS 10 12 14 20 24 n 13! 19 23! 25 27! 32 "i 10* 45 «i 11 50 «i 11 65 5f 12 35 14 3 11 60 Si 5 55 lit 11 12f 12| 95 7i 15 105 n 15 135 H 18 80 18 3i 14! 136 6i 100 13| 13 150 8i 17 170 H 17 210 9i 20 130 21 4 17 240 8i 7i 160 16 15 230 10! 21 265 10! 21 335 10 22 185 25! 21 375 10! 9 250 17 16 320 Hi 23 385 Hi 23 480 11 24 275 28! 5 23! 545 Hi 10 360 18! 17 415 13 26 505 13 26 625 11* 26 355 32! 5! 27 745 13 12 480 21! 20 585 14! 29 680 14! 29 840 12! 28 470 36! 6! 30 1015 14! 13 640 22| 21 705 15! 31 810 15! 31 990 13J 30 560 39! 7 32! 1250 15! 14 765 23! 22 885 16! 33 1010 16! 33 1225 14f 32 705 42! 7! 35 1575 16! 15 945 25$ 24 1245 19! 39 1540 19! 39 1855 16! 36 1040 49! 8! 41 2405 19! 17! 1450 For detail of Flanges, see page 3. Special weights and sizes made to order promptly. Eegular sizes tip to and including 16-inch usually in stock. All Flanges faced but not drilled. Drilled to order only. Flanged Pipe and Specials are largely used for both high and low pressure 6team work as well as water, and our trade is fast increasing as customers learn the many advantages over Wrought Iron Pipe and Fittings. All weights are approximate. *For Standard Steam Flanged Fittings, see pages 62 and 74. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. A-400. QUARTER BEND, 90°. A-403. EIGHTH BEND, 45°. A-406. SIXTEENTH BEND, 2254°. A-409. TEE. A-412. CROSS. QUARTER, EIGHTH AND SIXTEENTH BENDS.-A-400, A-403. A-406. MADE REGULARLY IN BELL AND SPIGOT ENDS. SIZE INCHES 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 A-400. QUARTER BENDS . . WEIGHT, LBS. A-403. EIGHTH BENDS . . . WEIGHT, LBS. A-406. SIXTEENTH BENDS . WEIGHT, LBS. 40 45 30 60 55 60 100 85 95 160 145 155 240 190 210 300 300 265 400 430 400 700 485 450 800 820 515 1000 1200 715 1500 1450 1300 2500 2200 2100 3000 2800 2400 TEES.-A-409. MADE REGULARLY IN BELL ENDS. BELL AND SPIGOT TO ORDER. SIZE . . . INCHES 3x3x3 3x3x4 4x4x4 4x4x3 6x6x6 6x6x4 6x6x3 8x8x8 8x8x6 WEIGHT . POUNDS 80 85 120 110 180 160 150 280 260 SIZE . . . INCHES 8x8x4 8x8x3 10x10x10 10x10x8 10x10x6 10x10x4 12x12x12 12x12x10 12x12x8 WEIGHT . POUNDS 240 220 350 345 295 275 450 385 380 SIZE . . . INCHES 12x12x6 12x12x4 14x14x14 14x14x12 14x14x10 14x14x8 14x14x6 16x16x16 16x16x14 WEIGHT . POUNDS 350 •320 690 650 630 585 560 770 740 SIZE . . . INCHES 16x16x12 16x16x10 16x16x8 16x16x6 18x18x18 20x20x20 24x24x24 30x30x30 36x36x36 WEIGHT . POUNDS 750 740 736 700 1235 1390 2000 2880 4920 CROSSES.-A-412. MADE REGULARLY IN BELL ENDS. BELL AND SPIGOT TO ORDER. SIZE . . INCHES 3x3x3x3 4x4x4x4 6x6x6x6 6x6x6x4 6x6x3x3 8x8x8x8 8x8x6x6 8x8x4x4 WEIGHT. POUNDS 100 160 225 210 160 325 315 285 SIZE . . INCHES 10x10x10x10 10x10x8x8 10x10x6x6 10x10x4x4 12x12x12x12 12x12x10x10 12x12x8x8 12x12x6x6 WEIGHT. POUNDS 410 400 380 360 546 480 440 . 400 SIZE . . INCHES 12x12x4x4 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 WEIGHT. POUNDS 357 7G0 1020 1500 1600 2400 3000 6160 The above weights are given as standards simply for the purpose of estimating and are approximately correct. We make all sizes and reductions in Specials, from 2 to 72-inch, and carry a large stock constantly on hand, both at our Foundries and in Chicago. All our Specials are made with full water-way and easy bends. ALL KINDS OF SPECIAL CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. SPECIALS FOR CAST-IRON PIPE. A-415. REDUCER. A-418. INCREASER. A-421. OFFSET. A-424. Y BRANCH. A-427. BASE ELBOW. REDUCERS.-A-4-15. BELL END SMALL. SPIGOT END LARGE. SIZE .... INCHES 4x3 6x4 6x3 8x6 8x4 8x3 10x8 10x6 10x4 12x10 12x8 WEIGHT . . POUNDS 40 100 80 135 115 112 194 180 158 240 230 SIZE .... INCHES 12x6 12x4 14x12 14x10 14x8 16x14 1 16x12 16x10 18x16 18x14 18x12 WEIGHT . . POUNDS 210 200 475 430 340 500 j 400 350 640 535 495 SIZE .... INCHES 18x10 20x18 | 20x16 20x14 20x12 24x20 | 24x18 | 24x16 30x24 30x20 36x30 WEIGHT . . POUNDS 458 980 690 615 540 885 800 750 2585 2010 2905 INCREASERS.-A-418. BELL END LARGE. SPIGOT END SMALL. SIZE . . . INCHES 3x4 4x6 4x8 4x10 6x8 6x10 | 6x12 8x10 8x12 10x12 WEIGHT. . . POUNDS 48 108 162 185 165 195 230 204 318 332 OFFSETS. -A-421. BELL AND SPIGOT. SIZE INCHES 4x6 4x24 6x6 6x12 6x24 8x12 10x12 12x12 WEIGHT . POUNDS 80 106 135 160 207 220 285 380 BELL ENDS. Y BRANCHES.-A-424. BELL AND SPIGOT TO ORDER SIZE .... 3x3x3 4x4x4 6x6x6 6x6x4 8x8x8 8x8x6 8x8x4 10x10x10 10x10x8 10x10x6 WEIGHT. . . POUNDS j 90 155 235 218 312 302 295 500 380 345 SIZE .... INCHES |l2xl2xl2]l2xl2xl0| 12x12x8 12x12x6 14 16 | 18 20 24 30 WEIGHT. . . POUNDS | 750 | 510 j 500 430 1135 1545 | 1500 1665 2765 4600 BELL ENDS. BASE ELBOWS.-A-427. BELL AND SPIGOT TO ORDER. * SIZE . _ . . . INCHES 3 4 6 8 10 12 WEIGHT. . . . POUNDS j 90 120 170 240 375 550 JAMBS B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. SPECIALS FOR CAST IRON PIPE. A-430. SPLIT TEE. A-433. SPLIT SLEEVE. SPLIT TEES AND SLEEVES.-A-430 and A-433. SIZE .... INCHES 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 SPLIT TEE . . EACH SPLIT SLEEVE EACH 5.00 2.50 6.25 2.50 8.25 3.00 10.75 5.50 12.50 7.50 15.00 10.00 18.75 12.00 21.25 25.00 16.00 20.00 30.00 25.00 Split Tees made to order only, any size outlet required. They are used for leading Branches from the main without cutting out a section. Branches for any size, either Cast or Wrought Pipe. Split Sleeves are an excellent special for repairing water mains without taking out broken pipe. A-436. SLEEVE. A-439. PLUG. A-442. TAPER PLUG. A-445. CAP. SIZE INCHES 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 48 SLEEVES, WEIGHT . . fcBS. PLUGS, WEIGHT . . LBS. TAPER PLUGS, WEIGHT. LBS. CAPS, WEIGHT . . . LBS. 40 10 20 50 10 -10 30 80 20 18 40 110 30 30 75 146 45 44 100 190 65 53 120 212 70 150 240 95 190 360 125 225 557 150 284 710 185 420 1175 370 "450 1222 470 1650 :::: STANDARD FLANGE AND SPIGOT. A-448 and A-451. A-4S1. STANDARD FLANGE AND BELL. SIZE OF PIPE . . INCHES 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 A-448. LAYING LENGTH . . A-448. PRICE A-451. LAYING LENGTH . . A-451. PRICE . . . INCHES . . . . EACH . . . INCHES . . . . EACH 16 1.90 4 2.20 16 2.50 4 2.80 16 3.75 4 4.05 16 5.95 4 6.00 18 9.00 6 8.75 18 11.85 6 11.25 18 14.70 6 14.40 20 20.00 6 18.00 20 22.80 6 19.70 20 27.50 6 23.90 24 43.00 6 31.25 A-448 and A-451 are used for connecting Bell and Spigot Pipe with Flanged Pipe, Valves or Fittings. Flanges faced only. Drilling . extra. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. A-460. TAPPED ELBOW. A-463. TAPPED TEE. A-466. TAPPED REDUCER. TAPPED ELBOWS AND TEES.-A-460, A-463, and A-466. SIZE INCHES 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 TAPPED ELBOWS . . - EACH TAPPED TEES . EACH TAPPED REDUCERS . . EACH 2.25 3.50 3.00 5.00 3.00 4.50 7.50 4.50 7.00 12.00 6.50 9.50 15.00 8.00 12.00 19.00 9.50 16.00 29.00 18.00 30.00 33.00 20.00 35.00 50.00 27.00 40.00 55.00 40.00 Fittings 6-inch and smaller tapped any size from f to 2 inch ; 8-inch and larger tapped any size from i to ordering state size of tapping desired. inch. In a A-469. TAPPED PLUG. A-472. TAPPED SADDLE FOR CAST PIPE. A-475. TAPPED CAP. TAPPED PLUGS AND TAPPED CAPS.-A-469 and A-475. ! SIZE . INCHES 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 ! TAPPED PLUGS . . ; TAPPED CAPS - - . . EACH . . EACH 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.75 1 2.75 2.00 3.00 3.50 3.75 4.00 1 5.00 4.50 5.50 6.00 6.50 .... — - Tapped Plugs and Tapped Caps form the best known connections between cast and wrought iron pipe. CAST-IRON SADDLES FOR CAST-IRON WATER PIPE.-A-472. FOR CAST PIPE .... .... SIZE 3 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 TAPPED FOR PIPE . . . EACH . . . INCHES |to2 2.00 fto2 2.50 | to 2 3.00 3 5.00 |to2 5.00 3 7.00 ito'2 7.00 3 10.00 Saddles for larger sizeB of Pipe made to order. GAS DRIP BOXES.-A-477. 1 SIZE INCHES 3 4 6 8 10 12 WEIGHT. . . . POUNDS 363 403 443 652 1675 1775 Our new Drip Box has given excellent satisfaction. The body is cast solid, the cap fits into socket, the opening in cap is for 1-inch pipe, and both are arranged for lead joint. All sizes, including 12-inch, carried in stock. Larger sizes made to order promptly. A-477. GAS DRIP BOXES JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. A-480. HUB AND SPIGOT ENDS. A-482. FLANGED ENDS (SECTIONAL VIEW). FLEXIBLE BALL JOINTS.-A-480 and A-482. SIZE INCHES 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 | 30 36 48 HUB AND SPIGOT . . EACH FLANGED ENDS . . . EACH DIAM. OF FLANGES . INCHES 16.00 16.00 9 20.00 20.00 11 30.00 30.00 32.00 32.00 16 33.00 33.00 19 60.00 60.00 21 70.00 70.00 23£ 90 00 90.00 25 100.00 100.00 27i 120.00200.00 120.00200.00 32 38| 300.00 300 . 00 45J 450.00 450.00 59^- These joints can be furnished with Hub Ends at same price. A-485. PLAIN LAMP. A-487. BOULEVARD LAMP. STREET LAM PS. -A -485 and A-487. A-485. SQUARE TOP PLAIN LAMP, 17X17X42 INCHES . EACH A-487. BOULEVARD LAMP EACH 5.00 18.00 * A-487. Boulevard Lamp has Ornamental Iron Frame, Spun Copper Ventilator, Opal Dome and Clear Glass Globe. "We make a complete line of Ornamental Lamps. Special Catalogue on application. ! LAMP POSTS.-A-492 and A-494. STYLE A-492 A-494 PRICE EACH APPROXIMATE WEIGHT, WITH LAMP . . . POUNDS 11.00 200 18.00 250 Our Lamp Posts are well made, light and strong. A-492. IRON LAMPPOST. A-494. BOULEVARD LAMP POST. 10 JAMBS B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. A-500. LEAD PIPE. A-502. SHEET LEAD. WEIGHTS AND SIZES OF LEAD PIPE -A-500. I in. Tubing Fish Seine fin. Aqueduct Ex. Light Light, Medium Strong Ex. Strong ■Jin. Aqueduct Ex. Light Light Medium Strong AA Ex. Strong Ex. ex. Strong, fin. Aqueduct Ex. Light Light Medium Strong Ex. Strong.... $ in. Ex. ex. Strong. £ in. Aqueduct Ex. Light Light Medium Strong Ex. Strong Ex. ex. Strong. $ in. Aqueduct Ex. Light Light 1 in. Aqueduct Ex. Light Light Medium Strong Ex. Strong Ex. ex. Strong- ly in. Aqueduct Ex. Light Light Medium 12 ljin. Strong Ex. Strong... Ex. ex. Strong l£in. Aqueduct Ex. Light Light. Medium Strong Ex. Strong... Ex. ex. Strong If in. Ex. Light ... Light Medium Strong • Ex. Strong. .. 2 in. Waste Ex. Light ... Light Medium Strong Ex. Strong... Ex. ex. Strong . 2£ in. Waste Light Medium, -fa Thick Strong, ^ " Ex. Strong, T 5 F " Ex. ex. Strong. $ " in. Waste • Light..- Medium, -& Thick Strong, £ " Ex. Strong, -& " Ex. ex. Strong,! " 3| in. Waste Strong, i Thick Ex. Strong, T 8 T " in. Waste Medium Strong, £ Thick Ex. Strong, -& Ex. ex. Strong, § in. Waste Coils of Supply Pipe weigh about 200 pounds; Aqueduct about 90 pounds; Suction Pipe 100 to 180 pounds each. PURE BLOCK TIN PIPE SIZE, INSIDE DIAMETER . INCHES tV i tV t i i t 1 U n 2 WEIGHT PER FOOT - . OUNCES 4 4,5,6 4, 5, 6, 8 4, 5, 6, 8 5,6,8,10 9,12,16 9,12,16 12,16 20,28 9 A and *"*upward on and •^upward WEIGHTS AND SIZES OF SHEET LEAD.-A- 502. THICKNESS POUNDS . . .... INCHES PER SQUARE FOOT A: 3 3* tV 4 TT tV 4| J 5 A 6 7 8 9 10 tV 11 12 — * — BLOCK TIN A-505. Pigs weigh about 100 pounds. Market rates. A-514. BABBITT METAL. All grades. Market rates. A- 508. Pigs weigh about 100 pounds. Market rates. » A-517. SOLDER. Triangular Bars. Market rates. A-511. 50x50. 48x52. 40x60. Market A-520. INGOT COPPER. Market rates. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 11 A-525. TIN-LINED AND LEAD-LINED IRON PIPE. 10-FOOT LENGTHS, THREADED, WITHOUT COUPLINGS. INSIDE DIAMETER .._... INCHES * f 1 1} H 2 PRICE PER FOOT .33 .40 .53 .69 .86 1.06 FITTINGS FOR TIN-LINED OR LEAD-LINED PIPE. SIZE - INCHES H H ELBOWS COUPLINGS TEES REDUCING COUPLINGS REDUCING ELBOWS - REDUCING TEES - - . 45° ELBOWS NIPPLES, CLOSE EACH .28 EACH .25 EACH .40 EACH .32 EACH .35 EACH .50 EACH .34 EACH .25 .85 .60 1.00 .90 1.10 1.25 1.02 1.10 .90 1.30 1.12 1.40 1.65 1.32 .90 1.50 1.35 1.75 1.85 1.90 2.20 1.80 1.25 Tin-lined Pipe is made by pouring melted tin into a wrought-iron pipe. While melted, the tin is inseparably united to the iron, and the result is one solid pipe, composed of tw.o metals which can not be torn apart. It is essentially different from iron pipe merely dipped in tin, and immeasurably superior to iron pipe lined with a separate tin pipe that will become detached. Its fittings are lined with tin to match. Hot water will not injure it, rats will not gnaw it, and thieves will not cut it out. Either hot or cold water may stand in block tin pipes, and yet be drawn from them pure and free from poison or rust. Lead-lined Pipe is made in the same way, and insures delivering the water to the house just as it comes from the mains unchanged by the chemical action which often results from oontact with wrought-iron pipe. For enameled Cast-iron Pipe see Soil Pipe section. A-530. CULVERT PIPE. THOROUGHLY VITRIFIED AND SALT GLAZED. This double strength Culvert Pipe makes a strong, reliable Culvert for railroads and wagon roads. Large quanti- ties are used for these purposes. Its quality and construction have been greatly improved in late years, notably in the Corrugated Deep Sockets. It is also made in greater lengths than formerly, and in larger sizes, up to 36-inch. Difficulties in producing the large sizes in sufficient strength have now been overcome by .improved methods and facilities and the large Pipe may be relied upon to withstand the weight of heavy embankments. CULVERT PIPE.-A-530. IN TWO AND ONE-HALF FOOT LENGTHS. IMPROVED CORRUGATED DEEP SOCKET AND CORRUGATED ENDS. SIZE INCHES 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 36 PRICE WEIGHT PER FOOT .... THICKNESS PER FOOT fOUNDS INCHES. .75 52 H 1.00 76 1.50 103 1* 2.00 136 If 2.50 170 2 3.25 240 4.00 305 21 6.00 390 2f 12 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. SEWER PIPE. COMMON SOCKET. 3 to 7 inch Pipe is made with Common Socket; 8 to 12-inch either Common or Corrugated, as ordered. A-532. SOCKET JOINT. CORRUGATED DEEP SOCKET Above 12-inch, all sizes have deep Sockets corrugated inside and are corrugated on outside of Spigot eud. SIZE . - INCHES 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 15 18 20 24 PRICE PER FOOT ..... WEIGHT PER FOOT . POUNDS AREA IN INCHES - - - - - .12 6 3.141 .15 8 7.0G8 .20 10 12.5G6 .25 12 19.035 .30 16 28.274 .40 22 50.265 .50 26 63.617 .60 32 78.539 .75 45 113.09 1.00 63 irc.n 1.50 1.75 84 99 254.4C314.1C 2.50 120 452.39 King Pipe, same list as above. Made only in sizes 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 inches. A-533. Y BRANCH. A-534. TEE BRANCH. A-535. INCREASER. A-536 Y BRANCHES AND TEE BRANCHES. -A-533 and A-534. . REDUCER ! SIZE . . . _ _ INCHES 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 1 10 12 1 15 18 20 24 PER FOOT 1- .30 .40 .50 .CO .80 1.00 1.20 1.50 2.00 3.00 3.50 5.00 INCREASERS AND REDUCERS. -A-535 and A-536. SIZE . . _ INCHES 1 2 | 3 1 4 1 5 6 8 | 9 10 1 12 15 18 20 24 PER FOOT .23 .30 .38 .45 .00 .75 .90 | 1.13 1.50 2.25 2. 03 3.75 E INCHES I 2 |~3 I 4 I 5 6 I 8 I 9 10 I 12 15 18 2C * FOOT .23 .30 .38 .45 .CO .75 .90 | 1.13 1.50 2.25 2.C ^^^^^^ A-539. 1-FOOT CURVE. A-540. ELBOW. A-538. 2-FOOT CURVE. A-539. 1-FOOT CURVE. A-540. ELBOW. CURVES AND ELBOWS.-A-538, A-539, and A-540. SIZE . . ... INCHES 2 3 | 4 | 5 6 8 9 10 12 15 18 1 20 24 EACH .40 .50 .60 .75 1.00 1.50 1.75 2.10 2.75 3.75 4.75 I 5.75 8.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 13 A -545. SLANT, 1 OR 2 FOOT. A-546. S TRAP. A-547. P TRAP. SLANTS.-A-545. A-548. RUNNING TRAP. SIZE INCHES 6 8 9 10 12 15 18 20 24 .45 .GO .75 .90 1.15 1.50 2.25 2.G5 3.75 TRAPS. -A-546, A-547, and A-548. I SIZE ..._.._. INCHES 2 3 4 * 6 8 9 10 12 15 18 20 24 : EACH ....... .... WITH HAND HOLE . . . EACH 1.00 1.20 1.70 1.G0 2.10 2.00 2.50 2.40 2.90 3.20 3.70 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 8.00 8.50 10.00 10.50 .... .... A-550. HALFTRAP. A-551. RUNNING TRAP WITH VENT. A-552. RING PIPE. TRAPS.-A-550 and A-551. ! SIZE ............ INCHES 3 4 5 G 8 9 10 12 15 , A-550 ............ EACH A-551 ------------ EACH 1.70 2" 10 1.50 2.50 2.00 2.90 3.00 3.70 3.50 4.50 4.50 5.50 G.00 8.50 8.00 10.50 .. .... 1 King Pipe, same" list as Socket Joint Pipe, made only in sizes 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 inches. A-555. V BRANCH. A-556. DOUBLE Y BRANCH. A-557. DOUBLE TEE BRANCH. DOUBLE BRANCHES.-A-555, A-556, and A-557. 3 4 * , 6 EACH .90 1.20 1,50 1.80 14 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. A-560. GUTTER PIPE. GUTTER PIPE.-A-560. VITRIFIED AND SALT GLAZED. A-562. CONDUIT PIPE. 4 6 8 10 12 PRICE _____--_-____--_ PER'FOOT .06 .10 .15 .20 .25 Larger Sizes to order. Conduit Pipe. — A-5G2. In Breweries, Power Houses, Refrigerating Plants, Steam Flour Mills, Gas Plants, and nearly all places where Steam or Hot Water Pipe is used, particularly where Iron Pipe must be laid underground, it is often nec- essary to use a Pipe Covering to prevent corrosion, waste of heat, or as protection from electric wires. For this purpose, there is nothing better than the Glazed Clay Conduit. It is easily inst;illcd, inexpensive, and practically indestructible. It is made with flange joints and fits tightly. Used on a heating system it is a saver, keeping the heat in tho pipes. Prices upon application. CEMENT. PORTLAND, GERMANIA, UTICA, LOUISVILLE, ETC. In Barrels or in Bags. Prices upon application. VITRIFIED DRAIN TILE. INSIDE DIAMETER ._.___.._.__._ INCHES PRICE PER 1000 FEET CURVES AND Y-BRANCHES .... EACH WEIGHT PER FOOT - ...-.-.-. POUNDS CARLOADS OF 15 TONS l . . FEET 3.00 .30 5000 40.00 .35 50.00 .40 10 3000 70.00 .50 14 2150 The above price list is subject to large discounts. On carloads Drain Tile, or carloads part Drain Tile and part Sewer Pipe, we make prices delivered at destination. On loss than carloads wo make prices f. o. b. Chicago only. Our Farm Drain Tile is superior to tho Drain Tile in general uso for several reasons. The old idea that farm Drain Tile should be made soft and porous so as to absorb moisture has long since been exploded and proven to be incorrect. The experience of the largest, the thriftiest and the most enterprising farmers of the West has proven conclusively that Hard Burned Tile is best, as it retains its shape, its strength and all its good qualities, no matter how long it remains in the ground. CARRYING CAPACITY OF SEWER PIPE. (Gallons per Minute.) PIPE SIZE INCHES 3 4 6 8 9 10 12 15 18 24 27 30 36 1-INCH FALL PER 100 FT., GALS. PER MIN. 13 27 75 153 205 267 422 740 1168 2396 4407 5906 9707 2-INCH FALL PER 1 00 FT., GALS. PER MIN. 19 38 105 216 290 378 596 1021 1651 3387 6211 8352 13769 3-INCH FALL PER 100 FT., GALS. PER MIN. 23 47 129 265 355 463 730 1282 2022 4155 7674 10223 16816 6-INCH FALL PER 100 FT., GALS. PER MIN. 32 66 183 375 503 755 1033 1818 2860 5S74 10883 14298 23763 9-INCH FALL PER 100 FT., GALS. PER MIN. 40 81 224 460 617 803 1273 2224 3508 7202 13257 17714 29284 1-FOOT FALL PER 100 FT., GALS. PER MIN. 46 93 258 527 712 926 1468 2464 4045 8303 15344 20204 33722 2-FOOT FALL PER 1 00 FT., GALS. PER MIN. 64 131 364 750 1006 1310 2076 3617 5704 11744 21771 28129 47523 3-F00T FALL PER 1 00 FT., GALS. PER MIN. 79 163 450 923 1240 1613 2554 4467 7047 14466 26622 35513 58406 When the area to be drained and the fall of the sewer per hundred feet are known, the size of the pipe required can be easily ascertained by referring to the above table, which shows the number of gallons discharged per minute by specified sizes and grades. In main sewers this flow, of course, is greatly increased by the added pressure of connecting laterals. Statistics show the maximum rainfall to be about one inch per hour, except during very heavy and uncommon storms. One-inch rainfall per hour gives 22,633 gallons per hour for each acre, or 377 gallons per minute per acre. Experience shows that owing to various obstructions, not over 50 or 75 per cent of the rain falling will reach the drain within the same hour. Due allowance should be made for this fact in determining tho size of pipe required, as severe storms are generally of short duration. All authorities agree that these pipes have a carrying-capacity of 50 per cent over brick sewors of the earn© size. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 15 MANHOLE COVERS FOR VALVES AND SEWERS. A-570. CHICAGO STANDARD MANHOLE CURB WITH SOLID COVER. CHICAGO STANDARD MANHOLE CURB WITH PERFORATED COVER. CHICAGO STANDARD. Diameter of Opening, Inches. Height above Flange, Inches. Projection of Flange, Inches. Approximate Weight, Pounds. Price, Complete. A-570. CHICAGO STANDARD, WITH SOLID COVER .... EACH A-571. CHICAGO STANDARD, WITH PERFORATED COVER . EACH 22£ 22f Si 8± H H 481 465 15.00 15.00 A-572. SUBURBAN STANDARD MANHOLE CURB WITH SOLID COVER. A-573. SUBURBAN STANDARD MANHOLE CURB WITH PERFORATED COVER. SUBURBAN STANDARD. Diameter of Opening, Inches. Height above Flange, Inches. Projection of Flange, Inches. Approximate Weight, Pounds. Price, Complete. A-572. SUBURBAN STANDARD, WITH SOLID COVER . . . EACH A-573. SUBURBAN STANDARD, WITH PERFORATED COVER EACH 22f 22f 8i 8± 5* 5* 331 315 11.25 11.25 A-574. CATCH-BASIN CURB. WITH SOLID COVER. A-S7S. CATCH-BASIN CURB, WITH PERFORATED COVER. CHICAGO STANDARD. Diameter of Opening, Inches. Height above Flange, Inches. Projection of Flange, Inches. Drainage Inletf Inches. Approximate Weight, Pounds. Price, Complete. A-574. CATCH-BASIN CURB EACH A-575. CATCH-BASIN CURB EACH 22£ 22| 5* 5* 4£xl2 4^x12 560 544 18.00 18.00 16 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. A-580. LIMESTONE CATCH- BASIN COVER. LIMESTONE SEWER OR CATCH-BASIN COVERS.-A-580. LIMESTONE COVER ONLY, 36 INCHES DIAMETER EACH LIMESTONE COVER ONLY, 30 INCHES DIAMETER EACH IRON MANHOLE PLATE ONLY, 18 INCHES DIAMETER EACH 3.50 3.50 .75 wmm A-581. SIDEWALK CATCH-BASIN CURB. A-582. SIDEWALK DRAIN CURB. SIDEWALK CATCH-BASIN CURB. -A-581. SIDEWALK CATCH-BASIN CURB. Diameter of Opening, Inches. Projection of Flange, Inches. Height above Flange, Inches. Drainage Inlet, Inches. Approximate Weight, Pounds. Price, Each. A-581, WITH LIGHT COVER EACH 19£ H H 4x10 190 7.55 SIDEWALK DRAIN CURB.— A-582. SIDEWALK DRAIN CURB. Diameter of Opening, Inches. Diameter of Flange, Inches. Height above Flange, Inches. Approximate Weight, Pounds. Price, Each. A-582, WITH GRATE EACH 8x12 24 4 125 5.75 Our Sidewalk Drain Curbs are used in sidewalks, driveways and gutters. They are very strong, and can be safely placed in gutters. A-583. GUTTER CURB A-584. GUTTER CURB PAN. A-585. GUTTER CURB GRATE. GUTTER CURBS, PANS, AND GRATES.-A-583, A-584-, and A-585. COMPLETE GUTTER CURB, PAN AND GRATE, APPROXIMATE WEIGHT, 310 POUNDS EACH 14.00 Length of opening, 23f inches; width of opening, 13^ inches; height above flange, 8£ inches; projection of flange 4} inches JAMES B. CLOW & SONS. CHICAGO. 17 A-590. VAULT COVER WITH RIM EXTRA HEAVY. Diameter over all, Diameter of Opening, . Price, . GRATING WITH LOOSE FRAME. Inches 24 Size, . _ Inches 8x8 10x10 13|xl3f Inches 18 Price, Grating only . $ .80 SI. 30 81.90 Each $11.25 Price, Grating and Frame, 1.10 1.70 2.50. GRATING. Size, Price, FRESH AIR SIDEWALK GRATING. Inches 9£x9i Size of Frame, - Inches 14x5 Each $1.35 Size of Grating, . Inches 12 x3^ Iron, ...... Each $ 1.25 Brass, ...... Each 12.50 Size, Price, ENTILATOR. AIR BRICK. Inches 8£ x 2£ Each $2.35 Size, . Price, . Inches Each 8fx2| $2.00 18 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. BELL TRAPS AND GUTTERS. A -602. GUTTER BELL TRAP. GRi Size, .... Inches 12x12 Width; Outlet, . - - Inches 3 Price, Price, . . * Each $6.25 GRADED GUTTER WITH MOVABLE CORRUGATED COVER. Inches 7 Per lineal foot $1.7 *A-603. Graded Gutter has a fall of -jVinch to the foot. It will he furnished without the grade when so ordered. GUTTER BELL TRAP. Size, .... Inches 8 x 10 Outlet, .... Inches 3 Price, .... Each $5.00 A-606. OPEN GUTTER, DEEP PATTERN. Width, . Inches 8 Price, - Per lineal foot 11 . 90 A -608. GUTTER BELL TRAP. Size, . Inches 7x8 9x10 Outlet, . Inches 3 3 Price, . Each $4.40 $6.90 A-609. OPEN GUTTER, SHALLOW PATTERN. Width, Inches 7 9 Price, Per lineal foot $ .70 S .95 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 19 A-612. GUTTER BELL TRAP, SIDE OUTLET. Size, Outlet, . Price, . Inches 9x9 13x13 Inches 3 4 Each $7.00 $9.00 GUTTER BELL TRAP. Size, Inches 9x9 13 x 13 Outlet Inches 3 4 Price, ..... Each $6.00 $7.00 These Bell Traps are designed to be used where gutter is moulded in cement or concrete floor. When wanted with one end closed, add 50 cents. CLEANOUT COVER AND FRAME. Size, Inches 27x27 Price, . Each $12.00 A-616. * FRAME AND COVER. FOR STRAIGHT RUN CLEANOUT MANHOLES. Top of Frame, outside diameter, . . Inches 21 x 33 Base of Frame, outside diameter, . . Inches 27 x 39 Total Height, ...... Inches 4 Price, ^ Each $15.00 *A-616 is suitable for 4 to 6-inch Pipe. These Frames can be furnished larger or smaller, as desired. CLEANOUT COVER AND FRAME. Opening, diameter, Inches 18 Top, outside diam., Inches 22 Price . . . Each $5.50 A-619. INSPECTION COVER. Top, outside diam., Inches 8 Base, outside diam., Inches 12 Total height, . Inches 6 Price, . . Each $6.00 CLEANOUT COVER AND FRAME. Opening, diameter, Inches 18 Top, outside diam., Inches ) 22 Base, outside diam., Inches 28 Price, . . . Each $6.50 20 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. CAST IRON BLOW-OFF AND CATCH BASINS. A-625. CAST IRON BLOW-OFF BASIN. A-626. CAST IRON CATCH BASIN. 1 DEPTH 30 44 2G 30.00 26 44.00 FOR 6 OR 8-INCH PIPE, FLANGED, SCREWED OR HUB ENDS EACH These Basins, to be used as Down Spouts, Grease Basins, Blow-off Basins, etc., will be furnished for either 6 or 8-inch Cast and Wrought Iron or Vitrified Clay Pipe. They can be made in any depth or diameter, to order. Basins of special pattern also made to order. Prices upon application. 1 .1 IH . ■■ [ 1 ! 1 r fi r ' : "a^aw i n WP' A-628. AUTOMATIC SIPHON FLUSH TANK. 'A-629. FLUSH TANK AND MANHOLE SEWER FLUSHING TANKS. -A-628 and A-629. DIAMETER OF SEWER INCHES 4-G 8-10 12-1; DIAMETER OF SIPHON DIAMETER OF TANK DISCHARGING DEPTH OF TANK DISCHARGING CAPACITY DISCHARGE PER SECOND WATER REQUIRED TO FILL 100 LINEAL FEET OF SEWER WITH SIPHONS OF STANDARD LENGTH . . INCHES . . . FEET . . INCHES CUBIC FEET . GALLONS CUBIC FEET . . EACH 3 2 18 4.o IV 8.7-20 30.00 5 4 28 25 5 20-35 40.00 G 4* 37 42 n 35-55 45.00 8 5 42 65 15 80-122 50.00 Sewer Flushing Tanks of any design. Prices upon application. *By removing small lid at bottom, Tank may be drained and converted into a manhole. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 21 A-630. BELL TRAP, HINGED. A-631. BELL TRAP, HINGED, SIDE OUTLET. Size Inches 6x6 9x9 13x13 Size Size of Outlet . Inches 2 3 4 Size of Outlet . Iron, Painted . Each .85 1.50 3.75 Iron, Painted . Iron, Galv. Each 2.00 3.00 7,50 Iron, Galv. Brass, Finished Each 3.50 6.50 12.00 Brass, Finished Brass, N. P. - Each 4.25 7.75 14.00 Brass, N. P. . 1 A-635. BELL TRAP. BELL TRAP lis , SECTIO NALVIEW. Size Inches 6x6 9x9 13x1 3 Size Size of Outlet . Inches 2 3 4 Size of Outlet . Iron, Painted . Each .75 1.00 2.5C Iron, Painted . Iron, Galv. Each 1.50 2.00 5.0C Iro n, Galv. Inches 6x6 9x9 13x13 Inches 2 3 4 Each 1.35 2.25 4.75 Each 2.50 3.75 8.50 Each 4.00 7.25 13.00 Each 4.75 8.50 15.00 A-636. BELL TRAP, SIDE OUTLET. Inches 6x6 9x9 13x13 Inches 2 3 4 Each 1.25 1.75 3.50 Each 2.00 2.75 6.00 A-640. COMBINED FLOOR DRAIN AND TRAP Size of Inlet Diam. of Top . Depth .... With Finished Brass Top and Strainer With N. P. Brass Top and Strainer ... es 2 3 4 es 9 11 13 es 8 11 13 Each 7.75 9.00 11.25 Each 8.25 10.00 12.25 Note. — Drains with 2-inch Outlet are all Brass; larger sizes have Iron Body A-641. FLOOR DRAIN AND TRAP, WITH SOLID COVER. Size of Inlet . . . Inches Diam. of Top . . . Inches Depth .... Inches With Finished Brass Top, Strainer and Cover . . Each 10.25 13.50 18.25 With N. P. Brass Top, Strainer and Cover . . Each 10.75 14.50 19.25 2 3 4 9 11 13 8 11 13 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. A-645 EXTRA HEAVY CESSPOOL. EX. HY. CESSPOOL, SECTIONAL VIEW. A -646 EX. HY. CESSPOOL, LONG OUTLET. SIZE OF TOP INCHES 16x16 DEPTH SIZE OF OUTLET .... INCHES INCHES 10 4 4.50 PAINTED ...... EACH SIZE OF TOP . ... . INCHES 16x16 DEPTH - - r - INCHES 10 4 10 5.50 SIZE OF OUTLET LENGTH OF OUTLET . . . PAINTED . . . . INCHES . . . . INCHES EACH A-648 HYDRANT CESSPOOL. SIZE INCHES 12 x 12 14x14 16x16 DEPTH. . . . INCHES PAINTED .... EACH 6 1.00 6 1.15 6 1.30 aBBBBB Hl A. 649 HYDRANT CESSPOOL, BELL TRAP. (lead CONNECTION.) SIZE . . „ INCHES 12x12 14x14 16x16 DEPTH . . PAINTED . . . INCHES . . . EACH 6 1.50 6 1.65 6 1.80 A-6S3. A-654. A-655. BAR STRAINER. CESSPOOL PLATES— A-652, A-653 and A-654. SIZE INCHES 6x6 6x8 7x9 10x10 10x12 12x12 A-652 A-653 EACH EACH .40 .50 .50 "50 "~65 "oo I"6o l"20 BAR STRAINERS. -A-655. SIZE INCHES * 5 6 7 8 9 A-655 EACH .20 .25 .30 .50 .65 .80 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS. CHICAGO. A A -660. A-661. A-662. A-663. A-664. 2H-INCH BOX. 3-INCH BOX. BOX WITH STOP- COCK HOLDER. EXTENSION SECTION. ENLARGED BASE. SERVICE BOXES, 2>A- FOR SERVICE COCKS INCH DIAMETER.-A-660. 1,'4-INCH AND SMALLER NUMBEFt OF BOX ..... 88" 89 A 90 B 91 C 92 C 92 D 93 D 93 E 94 D 94 E 95 E 100 E 100F EXTENDING INCHES EACH 12 .55 12-20 .60 18-26 .65 21-33 .70 24-38 .73 24-42 .75 3G-48 I 36-54 .80' .83 42-57 .85 42-60 .90 48-66 1.00 54-72 1.05 54-78 1.10 STANDARD SERVICE BOXES, 3-INCH DIAMETER.-A-661. NUMBER OF' BOX 1 H 2 3 4 5 " 7 EXTENDING INCHES 10 .65 13-21 .80 18-28 ,85 24-39 .90 32-48 1.00 34-58 1.05 42-66 1.15 48-72 1.30 SERVICE BOXES, 2.\ <-INCH DIAMETER, WITH STOP-COCK HOLDER.- A-662. NUMBER OF BOX ..... 288 289 290 291 292 • 293 294 295 296 297 298 ' 299 300 EXTENDING INCHES EACH 12 .70 12-20 .75 18-26 .80 21-33 .85 24-38 .88 24-42" .90 36-48 .95 36-54 .98 42-57 1.00 42-60 1.05 48-66 1.15 54-72 1.20 54-78 1.25 STANDARD SERVICE BOXES, 3-INCH DIAMETER, WITH STOP-COCK HOLDER.-A-662. NUMBER OF BOX 100 101 1014. 102 103 104 105 107 EXTENDING r . EACH INCHES 10 .80 13-21* .95 18-28 1.00 24-36 1.05 32-18 1.15 34-5S 1.20 42-66 1.30 48-72 1.45 EXTENSION SECTIONS. -A-663. NUMBER OF BOX SECTION 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 INCREASING LENGTH OF BOX INCHES 2H-INCH DIAMETER EACH 3-INCH DIAMETER EACH .45 16* .55 28 .65 33 .75 20 *55" 24 .60 30 "65" ENLARGED BASE FOR SERVICE BOXES, 3-INCH DIAMETER. -A-664. TO ALLOW USE OF 1H OR 2-INCH COCKS EACH 1.50 24 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. NEW PATTERN EXTENSION SERVICE BOXES.-A-668. WITH STATIONARY ROD ATTACHMENT. Water Works and Gas Companies frequently desire a stationary rod inside of Service Boxes, having the rod attached to Service Cock, and extending to within twelve or eighteen inches of the surface, thereby discarding the old style of long key for turning off or on. Our new method, for placing rods inside of the box, has been adopted by a number of water works, proving highly satisfactory. This device for stationary rod can be used in connection with ail lengths and sizes of service boxes manufactured by us. Its simplicity and convenience, together with moderate cost for the improvement, will commend its use wherever rods are desired with boxes. SECTIONAL VIEW OF SERVICE BOX, SHOWING STATIONARY ROD IN POSITION. SERVICE BOXES, 2^-INCH DIAMETER, WITH STATIONARY ROD AND RING GUIDE. -A-66C NUMBER OF BOX 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 40 EXTENDING . . . . EACH . INCHES 12 .80 12-20 .85 18-26 .90 21-33 .95 24-38 .98 24-42 1.00 36-48 1.05 36-54 1.13 42-57 1.15 42-60 1.20 48-G6 1.30 54-72 1.35 54- 1. A-670. PATENT GUIDE RING. For keeping Rod in center of Box. Each, . . . $ .20 PARTS FOR SERVICE BOXES. A-672. A-673. SERVICE BOX COVERS. Covers will be lettered Each, Gas,' Water," etc., as desired. * .35 A-675. STOP COCK HOLDE Each, . . S A-677. A-678. ROD AND CLAMP. ROD WITH AUTOMATIC CLAMP. A-677 or A-678. For Boxes to No. 393 . . Each, $ .50 A-677 or A-678. For Boxes from No. 394 up . Each, .60 a A-680. COMBINATION KEY. The Combination Key is adapted for opening the covers and also to fit on end of stationary rod, the same key serving both pur- poses. . . Each, $ .35 A-681. SCREW FOR COVEf Each, . . $ T A-682. KEY. For opening Covers, Each, . . * JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 25 VALVE BOXES. A-688. SQUARE HEAD FOR VALVE BOX. A-685. VALVE BOX. A-692. COVER FOR WATER. A-693. COVER FOR GAS. A-694. FLANGED COVER. A-690. VALVE BOX EXTENSION. A-695. LOCK COVER. VALVE BOXES WITH No. 6 BASE.-A-685. DIAMETER OF SHAFT, 5* INCHES. NUMBER OF BOX AAA AA A B C CC D DD E F G H EXTENDING . EACH . . . INCHES 17 3.25 22-28 3.80 28-40 4.00 30-48 4.20 42-54 4.40 48-G0 4.65 42-65 4.85 48-72 5.10 00-72 5.25 60-84 5.50 72-84 5.75 72-96 6.00 Square Head Valve Boxes. — Valve Boxes with Square Head, as shown in A-688, will be furnished, when ordered, at ime price. VALVE BOX EXTENSIONS. -A-690. VALVE BOX EXTENSION NO. 58, SIZE 5M INCHES, INCREASING LENGTH 14 INCHES EACH .65 BASES FOR VALVE BOXES. STYLE OF BASE . No. 4 Round For 4-inch Valves. No. C Round No. 8 Round For 10-inch Round No. 16 Round No. 160 Oval No. 162 Oval ct from net :e of Box. .25 Add to net price of Box. 1.25 Add to net price of Box. .35 Add to net price of Box. 1.25 Covers for Valve Boxes. — Regular Covers, as shown in A-G92 and A-693, are generally used. Price, each, SI. 00. The langed Cover, as shown in A-094, will be furnished at same price, when preferred. Diameter of Regular Covers is 74 inches. Lock Covers, as shown in A-695, will be furnished, when ordered, at an extra charge of 25 cents each. These are an Ivantage over the loose covers as, when locked, the cover can not be tipped or misplaced by cart wheels, or when stepped i by horses. Length of Valve Box. — It is unnecessary to have the Valve Box quite as long as the depth of £he main pipe, as the ise of the box does not extend below the flange joint of valve dome, which is from 3 to 6 inches above 'the pipe. DIRECTIONS FOR SETTING VALVE BOXES. When setting a Valve Box in its place, the base should rest two or more inches above the flanged joints of the valve ome. The nut of valve should be about on a line with the hub or upper part of the Valve Box base where connected with prfght shaft ; this will leave ample spaco all around valve and prevent box touching it in any way. We recommend the use of a larger size base over valves. In many places our No. 4 or No. 6 base is used on 16-inch lives and under ; when such is the case the valves are covered by earth to within 12 inches of the top of the nut, the base [ Valve Box completely protecting the working parts of the valve. 26 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS. CHICAGO. A-696. WATER METER BOX. A-697. SHOWING DIAL AND METER ATTACHED. A-699. IRON METER FRAME AND COVER. A-700. CLOSED METER BOX. WATER METER BOXES. -A-696. LENGTH -- . . INCHES 36 48 60 72 FOR H OR ^-INCH METERS - - . - 11.10 15.50 21.30 28 to 38 13.00 17.40 23.75 40 to 50 14.75 1-9.40 26.20 52 to 62 •16.75 21.40 28.60 64 to 74 FOR K-INCH METERS _.-___. ........ EACH FOR 1-INCH METERS ....... ........ EACH ADAPTED FOR SERVICE _ _ _ INCHES This is the most practical, economical Meter Box made, easiest to set and easiest to use. It consists of a substantial Base of Galvanized Cast-iron, and a Valve Box of the Buffalo adjustable screw pattern. To connect Meter, put on the special Bronze connections, lower Meter to the Base, give it a quarter turn and tighten two set screws with a key. They will take any standard make of Water Meter. On services over three feet use Extension Dials. IRON METER FRAMES AND COVERS.-A-699. SIZE. . _ _ _ _ INCHES 24x24 Medium Weight. 24x24 24x24 Extra HfKvy. for use in Str<-e I*. EACH 6.00 8.00 18.00 CLOSED METER BOXES. -A-700. FOR %, %, AND -INCH METERS _ - _ _ _ _ EACH 6.00 1 By calking joints, this box can be made water-tight, and the Meter protected in winter by rilling box with suitable packing.' EXTENSION TEST VALVE BOXES.-A-702. Gas Companies will find our Extension Test Valve Box a valuable auxiliary in street work. It is 12 inches inside diameter, and is formed of two sections which screw together. It is easily adjusted to depth of trench, to conform to street grade. It is now being largely used by Gas Companies. "We also make an Extension Section, as shown, increasing length of- box one foot; by use of one or more of them, any desired length of box may be obtained. NUMBER OF BOX 200 201 EXTENDING- .._____... INCHES PRICE . ... _ _ EACH 18 to 26 5.50 24 to 37 6.50 A-702. TEST BOX. A-704 Extension No. 100, increasing $1.25. Covers will be lettered " Gas." length of box one foot, each Test Valve," etc., as desired. A-704. EXTENSION. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 27 A-708. LOCK COVER. Each, $1)25. A-705. ROUND TOP. FLANGED BASE. A-706. ROUND TOP OPEN BASE. A-709. PLUG COVER. Each, $1.00. A-711. SQUARE TOP, FLANGED BASE. A-712. SQUARE TOP, OPEN BASE. ROADWAY BOXES WITH FLANGED BASE.-A-705. DIAMETER OF BOX, 4K INCHES. NUMBER OF BOX . . . 41 Q 42 Q 42 R 43 R 44 R 45 R EXTENDING . . , INCHES EACH __________ 18 to 24 2.45 •27 to 34 2,65 27 to 42 2.95 34 to 48 3.10 39 to 54 3.20 46 to 60 3.30 ROADWAY BOXES WITH OPEN BASE.-A-706. DIAMETER OF BOX, 4H INCHES. NUMBER OF BOX _ „ _ _ 141 Q 142 Q 142 R 143 R 144 R ' 145 R EXTENDING . . . INCHES EACH 18 to 24 2.45 27 to 34 2.65 27 to 42 2.95 34 to 48 3.10 39 to 54 3.20 46 to 60 3.30 Extension Section No. 49. — To extend Roadway and extra large Service Boxes. 18 inches, add to list, $1.00. Roadway Boxes with square tops, as shown in A-711 and A-712, furnished to order at same price as round. Our Roadway Boxes are for water or gas, of double thick metal and extra large diameter for 3-inch valves and lnrge icrvices. They are strong enough to use in streets outside of curbstone, allowing heavy travel over them without injury. GAS DRIP BOXES WITH LOCK COVER.-A-714. LENGTH _______ 16 9 15x15 3.00 OUTSIDE DIAMETER _ _ SQUARE FLANGE INCHES INCHES PRICE . _ _ ■ A-714. GAS DRIP BOX. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. A-716. PEERLESS BOX. PEERLESS ADJUSTABLE EXTENSION STOP-COCK BOXES -A-716. NUMBER 1 n 2 3 4 EXTENSION, LONG PATTERN .... INCHES EXTENSION, SHORT PATTERN . , . INCHES EXTENSION, MINN. PATTERN . . . .INCHES LONG REGULAR PATTERN EACH SHORT REGULAR PATTERN .... EACH MINNEAPOLIS PATTERN EACH 2-4-48 12-24 24-4S 1.50 1.20 2.45 24-54 24-54 1.58 ¥.57 36-60 12-30 36-60 1.67 1.28 2.69 42-66 24-36 42-66 1.75 1.37 2.81 48-72 30-42 48-72 1.84 1.45 2.93 NUMBER 5 6 7 8 9 EXTENSION, LONG PATTERN . . . .INCHES EXTENSION, SHORT PATTERN . . .INCHES EXTENSION, MINN. PATTERN . . . .INCHES LONG REGULAR PATTERN EACH SHORT REGULAR PATTERN .... EACH MINNEAPOLIS PATTERN EACH 60-S4 36-48 GO-84 2.01 1.54 3.17 72-96 42-54 72-96 2.18 1.62 3.41 84-108 48- 60 84-108 2.35 1.71 3.65 60-72 96-120 Y.s¥ 3.89 72-84 108-132 ¥.05 4.13 REPAIRS FOR PEERLESS BOXES. STYLE Regular and Long Pattern. Short Pattern. Minneapolis Pattern. TOPS . EACH .50 .25 1.00 .50 .25 .50 1.00 .35 1.50 COVERS EACH BOTTOM SECTIONS EACH A-716. SECTIONAL VIEW. %Gil BARRY EXTENSION STOP BOXES.-A-718. Barry Extension Stop Boxes are made in two sections and are of the style known as Tele- scope. The Top or Cover is of Brass, extra heavy, and -will stand any amount of rough use. The Cover derives additional strength from the flanged Coupling directly Under it; this Coupling also prevents the upper section from dropping down out of reach when the cover is removed. The rod, for the purpose of attaching to the cock, is bent in such a manner that the flattened end is always held in the center of the box, and is readily reached with the key, the upper tube being a perfect guide for it. Covers are furnished with the letter " "W" or " Gas" cast in, as required. LENGTH OF BOX WHEN EXTENDED . FEET 2 | 3 4 5 | 6 7 8 9 10 EACH 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.8o|3.20 4.00 4.50 5.00 WITH EXTRA LARGE BASES. LENGTH OF BOX WHEN EXTENDED FEET 4 5 6 7 8 | 10 EACH 3.40 3.60 3.80 4.20 5.00 6.00j These boxes are adapted for Pipe, also Gate Valves, up to two-inch. A-718. BARRY STOP BOX. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 29 FOUNTAINS. Our line of Fountains, Drinking Fountains, Water- ing Troughs, Garden Vases, etc., is too extensive for complete illustration in this book. Special Catalogues upon application. A-720. DRINKING FOUNTAIN. A-723. DRINKING FOUNTAIN. A-725. FOUNTAIN. A-727. HORSE DRINKING FOUNTAIN. A-729. HORSE DRINKING FOUNTAIN This Drinking Fountain is provided with a Self- closing Cock which regulates the flow of water, allowing it to run only while the horse is drinking. Our Horse Drinking Fountain with Plain Overflow is particularly adapted for use where constantly running water is desired. Painted, to fasten on stone, . Bronzed, to fasten on stone, . . Each SCO. 00 . Each 68.00 Painted, to fasten on stone, . Bronzed, to fasten on. stone, . . Each $45.00 . Each 51.00 Dimensions. — Height to top of trough, 1 foot 9 inches; length of trough, 3 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 1 inch; base, 40 x 18-J inches. Horse Drinking Fountains A-727 and A-729 are provided with hand holes large enough to allow for making cdnnectiona easily. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. EDDY FIRE HYDRANTS. IRON BODY, BRONZE MOUNTED. RUBBER-FACED VALVE. A-730. EDDY STANDARD. TESTED TO 300 POUNDS WATER PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH. WORKING WATER PRESSURE 125 POUNDS. A-732 differs from the Standard Hydrant in having one or more Nozzles arranged with an Independent Cut-off so that additional Hose or Steamer Connections can he made without closing the main valve. The Independent Cut-offs are of Bronze and for either Hose or Steamer Nozzles, as desired.. See sectional view, page 34. For directions in ordering Hydrants, see page 34. EDDY FIRE HYDRANTS. A-732. WITH INDEPENDENT CUT-OFFS. (FROM PAVEMENT TO BOTTOM OF CONNECTING PIPE 5 FEET.) SIZE OF HYDRANT INCHES DIAMETER OF PIPE CONNECTION . INCHES INSIDE DIAMETER OF STAND PIPE INCHES WITH ONE 2H-INCH NOZZLE . . EACH WITH TWO 2K2-INCH NOZZLES . EACH WITH THREE 2H-INCH NOZZLES ....... EACH WITH FOUR 2^-INCH NOZZLES EACH WITH SIX 2^-INCH NOZZLES EACH WITH ONE STEAMER NOZZLE 4-INCH ..... EACH WITH ONE STEAMER AND ONE 2VH.NCH NOZZLE EACH WITH ONE STEAMER AND TWO 2H-INCH NOZZLES EACH FROST CASE, STANDARD LENGTH EACH INDEPENDENT NOZZLE CUT-OFF GATE, 2H-INCH EACH 4+ 3 or 4 4* 28.00 .50 3 or 4 H 31.00 34.00 36.00 34.00 36.00 37.00 5.00 8.00 6 H 31.50 34.50 36.50 34.50 36.50 37.50 5.00 8.00 35.50 37.50 35.50 37.50 39.50 5.60 8.00 4 or 6 6f 38.50 40.50 42.50 3V.50 40.50 42.50 6.50 8.00 49.00 51.00 53.00 49.00 51.00 53.00 7.50 8.00 U 50".25 52.25 54.25 50.25 52.25 54.25 7.50 8.00 8 or 10 9i 130 EDDY FIRE HYDRANTS OTHER THAN STANDARD LENGTH. FOR EACH 6 INCHES MORE OR LESS IN LENGTH, ADD TO OR DEDUCT FROM STANDARD LIST. SIZE INLET . . INCHES 1 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 8 8 10 STAND PIPE FROST CASE .00 .44 .75 .50 .00 .44 .75 .50 .80 .58 .85 .70 .75 1 .80 1 .85 .50 .58 .70 1.00 .90 1.00 .90 2.25 1.30 2.25 1.30 JAMBS B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 31 CLOW TROPICAL FLUSH HYDRANTS. PATENTED. A-736. WITH ONE HOSE AND ONE STEAMER NOZZLE. A-737. WITH AUXILIARY VALVE ATTACHED TO HYDRANT. A-738. WITH AUXILIARY VALVE IN STREET. The Clow Tropical Flush Hydrants are constructed for use in warm climates or on water systems where pipes ire drained during the winter. We make them with any size inlet, either threaded, flanged or hub ends, and with as many Nozzles, either Steamer or Hose, as may be required. A-736 illustrates the Tropical Hydrant with one 4-inch Steamer Nozzle having Independent Cut-off and one 2-J-inch Hose Nozzle. A-737 shows Hydrant with Double Discharge and Auxiliary Valve attached to Hydrant. A-738 illustrates the Double Discharge Hydrant having the Auxiliary Valve in the street. Prices and detailed specifications will be furnished on application. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. EDDY FLUSH HYDRANT. TESTED TO A WATER PRESSURE OF 300 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. SUITABLE FOR A WORKING WATER PRESSURE OF 125 POUNDS. SIZE OF INLET INCHES .3 4 4 4* 5 6 6 8 WITH ONE 2H-INCH NOZZLE . EACH 28.00 31.00 31.50 WITH TWO 2^-INCH NOZZLES . EACH 34.00 34 50 35.50 38.50 WITH THREE 2^-INCH NOZZLES EACH 36,50 37.50 40.50 . WITH ONE STEAMER NOZZLE . EACH 34.00 34.50 35.50 38.50 49.00 FOR EACH 6-INCH MORE OR LESS THAN STANDARD LENGTH STAND PIPE ADD OR DEDUCT . . . .60 .75 .75 .80 ..85 1.00 DIAMETER OF PIPE CONNECTION . . . INCHES 3 or 4 3 or 4 6 4 or 6 4 or 6 6 8 8orl0 INSIDE DIAMETER OF STAND PIPE . . . INCHES H H H 6 6f 71 71 9* These Hydrants have the advantage of being entirely below the surface, which greatly improves the appearance" of a street and, in Eailroad work, docs not obstruct platforms. The above prices are based on a standard length of five feet, measured from the ground surface to the bottom of the connecting pipe. The construction of the bottom and of the working parts of theso Hydrants, and the method of operation, is exactly similar to the regular Eddy Fire Hydrant on page 30. A-740. FLUSH HYDRANT. RAILROAD STAND PIPE AND METER. The Railroad Stand Pipe and Meter, as here shown, permits drawing water direct from the city or town main. Its advantages are evident to the practical man. The Stand Pipe is simple and efficient, and there is no better meter for the purpose than the Hersey Torrent For further information, see Hersey Torrent Meters, page 41, and Meter Boxes, page 26. Correspondence solicited. Prices upon application. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 33 A-745. AUXILIARY VALVE. EDDY FIRE HYDRANT WITH AUXILIARY VALVE AND BOX. The Object of this Auxiliary Valve is to provide means of shutting the water off from a Hydrant to permit access for repairs or for removal. Otherwise, it is intended to be left open at all times. The Auxiliary Valve is Iron Bodied, Bronze Mounted, and made from either our 150 or 300 pounds test patterns. An ordinary Valve Box is used in connection with it. For prices of these Boxes, see page 25. The list prices of Auxiliary Valves are extra to the Hydrant prices. They include the cost of flanging the Hydrant bottom, and of the Valve bolted to it, but not the Valve Box. If Auxiliary Valves are shipped loose from the Hydrants (either for greater safety from damage in transit, or by request of customers ordering), then the necessary Gaskets and Bolts to make connections accompany the shipment. FLANGED AND HUB AUXILIARY VALVE, BOLTED ON.-A-745. SIZE OF VALVE INCHES 3 4 5 6 8 AMERICAN, 150 POUNDS TEST . EACH EDDY, 300 POUNDS TEST . . . EACH 8.00 10.00 10.50 12.00 14.00 17.00 16.00 20.50 26.00 30.00 EDDY SPRINKLING CART CRANES. TESTED TO 300 POUNDS WATER PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH. WATER WORKING PRESSURE, 125 POUNDS. HYDRANT WITH WATER CRANE. AND CRANE WITH DRIP VALVE. SIZE OF MAIN VALVE . INCHES BOTTOM PIPE CONNECTION INCHES FROM GROUND SURFACE TO UNDERSIDE OF SWINGING ARM, FEET LENGTH OF SWINGING ARM FEET INSIDE DIAMETER OF SWINGING ARM . . INCHES A-747. WITH ONE 2H-INCH NOZ2LE .... EACH A-747. WITH TWO 2H-INCH NOZZLES. . . EACH A-747. WITH ONE STEAMER AND TWO 2^-INCH NOZZLES, EACH A-748. COMPLETE WITH VALVE BOX. . . EACH 3 9 5 2 55.00 55' 00 60.00 64.00 6 9 5 2 60.50 64.50 60~66 65.50 69.00 For other combinations of Hose Nozzles, see Hydrant List, page 30. The above prices are based on a standard length of five feet, measured from the ground surface to the bottom of the connecting pipe. A-747. EDDY FIRE HYDRANT WITH WATER CRANE ATTACHMENT. A-748. WATER CRANE WITH AUTOMATIC DRIP VALVE. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. ValV^op^Drip^d Valv^bxd, Drip op?n. A-750. SECTIONAL. A-752. SECTIONAL OF INDEPENDENT CUT-OFF. THE EDDY FIRE HYDRANT. When ordering Hydrants give following details: Size and form of Xut to open Hydrant; number and size of Nozzles; length from pavement to bottom of connection; size of connection to main, and whether it is desired to open Hydrants by turning to the right or left. In sending gauge for Hydrants we always prefer a Hydrant Cap, as this "should give both thread of Nozzle and size and style of Nut. We carry constantly in stock, and term our standard pattern Hydrant, Five-foot Double Discharge, 2+-inch Nozzles^ 4-inch hub inlet Hydrants, Pentagon Nut, 3-inch sides, made to open turning to the left, and Chicago Standard Hose Thread. We recommend this pattern to all new companies. A-751 represents an Eddy Hydrant with special top used for filling sprinkling carts. This Valve is formed in the Hydrant cover so that it can be removed with the cover in the winter time and a regular cover substituted. By the use of this device the Hydrant can be left open during the summer for sprinkling purposes, and the small valve in the top of the cover used to let out and shut off the water. This reduces the wear on the main valve, as hydrants used for filling sprinkling carts are opened and closed many thousand times a year. When the season for sprinkling is over, the cap can be removed and put in repair for the next season's use. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 35 AMERICAN FIRE HYDRANTS. BRASS MOUNTED, RUBBER VALVE, AND POSITIVE WASTE. A-755. AMERICAN STANDARD FIRE HYDRANT. A-755. SECTIONAL. AMERICAN STANDARD FIRE HYDRANTS.-A-755. A-757. AMERICAN CORPORATION HYDRANT. Diameter of Inlet Pipe, Inches. Pavement to Bottom of Connect- ing Pipe. One 2y 2 -inch Hose Nozzle. Two 2i/ 2 -inch Hose Nozzles. Three 2V 2 -inch Hose Nozzles. One Steamer One Steamer and One 2V 2 -inch Nozzle. One Steamer and Two 2if,-inch Nozzles. Frost Case, Standard Length. Each Foot In Length of Stand Pipe, extra. Each Foot in Length of Frost Case, extra. 3 4 5 6 5 5 5 5 27.50 32.00 38.00 47.00 29.50 34.00 40.00 49.00 31.50 36.00 42.00 51.00 29.00 34.00 40.00 49.00 31.50 36.00 42.00 51.00 33.50 38.00 44.00 53.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 1.20 1.50 1.75 2.25 .50 1.00 1.00 1.25 For directions in ordering Hydrants, see bottom of page 34. AMERICAN CORPORATION HYDRANT.- A-757.- Inlet Threaded for Iron Pipe. TO SET IN GROUND FEET H 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 Ui-INCH INLET AND OUTLET .... EACH 1%-INCH INLET AND OUTLET .... EACH 2-INCH INLET AND OUTLET EACH 11.85 16.30 22.25 12.00 16.45 22.50 12.30 16.80 23.00 12.65 17.15 23.50 13.00 17.50 24.00 13.50 18.00 24 . 75 15.00 19.50 27.00 17.00 22.00 30.00 36 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. CLOW HYDRANTS AND STREET WASHERS. The valve and operating mechan- ism of the Clow Park Hydrants and Street Washers are placed in the top section and are intended for non-freez- ing climates, or where the system is drained during the winter. TO SET IN GROUND 18 INCHES. A-760. CLOW PARK STREET WASHER. CLOW PARK HYDRANTS AND STREET WASHERS. -A-759 and A-760. SIZE, OUTLET AND INLET PIPE . . INCHES i 1 1* U 2 A-759 A-760 __-.__._-._. . EACH . EACH 5.00 3.50 5.50 4.00 6.50 5.00 9.00 7.50 12.00 10.00 A-759. CLOW PARK HYDRANT. A-763. CLOW WALL HYDRANT. A-764. IDEAL WALL HYDRANT. WALL HYDRANTS.-A-763 and A-764. THICKNESS OF WALL INCHES A-763. &-INCH INLET AND OUTLET EACH A-763. 1-INCH INLET AND OUTLET EACH A-764. *HNCH INLET AND OUTLET .......... EACH- A-764. 1-INCH INLET AND OUTLET EACH IF WITH NICKEL-PLATED FACE, ADD =. . . EACH 13 18 20 ■u COO 12.00 3.50 7.00 .75 7.00 14.00 4.00 8. .00 .75 8.00 1C.00 4.50 9.00 .75 8.50 17.00 4.75 9.50 .75 9.00 18.00 5.00 10.00 .75 These Hydrants are designed to he placed horizontally in the wall of a huilding, thereby offering no obstruction to a yard or lawn. They can be repaired without taking out the wall. The face plate and nozzle of the Clow Hydrant, A-763, are made of Bronze to prevent the possibility of staining stone by corrosion. The operating rod is also of Bronze, and the construction of the entire Hydrant is substantial and neat. The Ideal is for lighter service and has face plate of Brass. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS. CHICAGO. 37 CLOW HYDRANTS AND STREET WASHERS. A-766. CLOW AUTOMATIC HYDRANT. VALVE, SECTIONAL VIEW. A-767. CLOW AUTOMATIC STREET WASHER. A-770. SELF-CLOSING HYDRANT. The automatic feature of these Hydrants and Street Washers is our Check Valve, which closes with the pressure, thereby stopping flow from street main when repairs are necessary. This obviates digging up, as with other styles, and no Stop Cock is required. CLOW AUTOMATIC HYDRANTS.-A-766. TO SET IN GROUND . FEET 14 2 H 3 H 4 5 6 7 8 OPENING %-INCH OPENING 1-INCH . . . . . .... EACH .... EACH 7.00 9.50 7.15 9.60 7.20 9.70 7.25 9.75 7.35 9.90 7.50 10.00 7.75 10.25 8.00 10.50 8.25 10.75 8.50 11.00 CLOW AUTOMATIC STREET WASHERS. -A-767. TO SET IN GROUND. FEET 2 3 3* 4 H 5 6 8 OPENING JHNCH '..-.. EACH OPENING 1-INCH EACH 3.50 5.50 3.90 6.00 4.10 C.25 4.30 6.50 4.50 6.75 4.70 7.00 5.25 7.50 6.25 8.50 CLOW SELF-CLOSING HYDRANTS.-A-770. TO SET IN GROUND . . .. ....... FEET H 2 2+ 3 4 5 6 8 OPENING *HNCH - - - - OPENING 1-INCH .... -.--... EACH EACH 10.80 13.70 11.10 14.50 11.35 14.90 11.60 15.30 12.00 15.75 12.50 16.30 13.10 17.00 14.50 19.50 38 JAMES B. OLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. Q A-773. HEAVY PATTERN No. 1. A-774. LIGHT PATTERN NO. 2. A-775. PATTERN NO. 5. A-776. STREET WASHER HYDRANTS AND STREET WASHERS, McNAMARA PATTERN. TO SET IN GROUND FEET 2 H 3 3* 4 H 5 6 8 NO. 1 OPENING, M-INCH . . . . EACH 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.80 6.00 6.30 6.90 7.75 NO. 2 OPENING, M-INCH . - . . EACH 3.50 3.70 3.90 4.10 4.30 4.50 4.70 5.25 6.25 NO. 2 OPENING, 1-INCH . . . . EACH 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6:75 7.00 7.50 8.50 NO. 5 OPENING, ^-INCH . EACH 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 5.25 5.75 6.75 NO. 3 OPENING, &-INCH . . . . EACH 3.50 3.90 4.10 4.30 4.50 4.70 5.25 6.25 NO. 3 OPENING, 1-INCH . EACH 5.50 .... COO 6.25 0.50 6.75 7.00 7.50 8.50 Nos. 1 and 5 made in f-inch size only. Lead pipe connections extra. ORDER BY LETTER OPPOSITE EACH PART. PART B C D | E 'F G H I J k|l H O P ■ S T ° v 2 EACH .25 .15 .15 .25 .20 Jl.OO .50 J .40 .30 .35 .10 .30 | .10 .50 .15 .25 .25 .,35 .30 .10 JAMBS B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 39 *- * I #* 3 A-784 A-785 t A-790. A-791. A-792 A-793 A-794 A-795. A-796. PARTS OF AMERICAN HYDRANTS AND STREET WASHERS. FIGURE •-._.-. -. - . - A-780 A-781 A-782 A-783 A-784 A-785 A-786 A-787 A-788 «-INCH . EACH 1-INCH . . . ' EACH 1.75 2.00 1.00 1.25 .30 .40 .40 .40 .60 .70 .40 .50 .20 .20 .40 .50 .80 .90 FIGURE A-789 A-790 A-791 A-792 A-793 A-794 A-795 A-796 ?i-INCH ._"_.__ - - - - EACH 1-INCH :.-.->-.- EACH 1.00 1.20 .20 .20 .50 .50 .20 .25 .70 .80 .70 .80 .30 .40 .60 .80 ff I J #* A-802. A-803 A-804. A-805. A-806. A-807. t$> % A-810 A-811. A-812. A-813 A-816. A-817. A-818. A-819. A-820. PARTS OF IDEAL HYDRANTS AND STREET WASHERS. FIGURE A-800 A-801 A-802 A-803 A-804 A-805 A-806 A-807 A-8Q8 A-^809 A-810 *HNCH EACH 1-INCH EACH 1.50 1.75 .50 .75 .30 .40 .30 .40 .80 1.00 .60 .70 .40 .50 .40 .50 .20 .20 .25 .35 .06 .06 FIGURE A-811 A-812 A-813 A-814 A-815 A-816 A-817 A-818 A-819 A-820 A-821 *HNCH EACH 1-INCH . EACH .10 .10 .20 .20 .80 1.00 .70 1.00 .50 .50 .70 .80 .70 .SO .30 .40 .20 .20 .60 .75 .70 1 .90 40 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. A-825. DISC WATER METER. A-825. SECTIONAL. HERSEY DISC WATER METERS.-A-825. SIZE ■ _ . INCHES METERS EACH CONNECTIONS PER METER GREATEST PROPER QUANTITY PER MIN. . . CUBIC FEET GREATEST PROPER QUANTITY PER MIN. . . . GALLONS NET WEIGHT OF METER POUNDS DIAMETER OF METER INCHES LENGTH OF METER _... INCHES 3.00 .40 2 15 13 6 n 12.00 .60 4 30 18 7 9 16.00 .80 8 60 28 Si 10J 30.00 No Charge 12 90 47 10f 12| 50.00 No Charge 20 150 77 . 12-| 15± 90.00 No Charge 36 270 253 18* 24 175.00 No Charge 72 540 426 22 29 375.00 No Charge 120 900 810 w 364. A-826. HERSEY WATER METER. HERSEY ROTARY WATER METERS.-A-826. A-826. SECTIONAL. SIZE . . INCHES METERS ...--. EACH CONNECTIONS ............. PER METER GREATEST PROPER QUANTITY PER MIN. . . CU8IC FEET GREATEST PROPER QUANTITY PER MIN. . . . GALLONS NET WEIGHT OF METER POUNDS DIAMETER OF METER __-____=.-_,.. INCHES LENGTH OF METER ............ INCHES 1* 12.00 .40 2 15 16 7 n 21.00 .60 4 30 27 H 30.00 .80 8 60 43 10f HI 50.00 No Charge 12 90 73 m m 65.00 No Charge 20 150 112 13* 151 135 . 00 No Charge 36 270 265 18| 24 250.00 No Charge 72 540 446 22 29 500.00 No Charge 120 900 854 27f 364 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 41 19 A-827. HERSEY TORRENT WATER METER. HERSEY TORRENT WATER A-827. SECTIONAL. IETERS.-A-827. SIZE INCHES 12 METERS EACH CONNECTIONS PER METER GREATEST PROPER QUANTITY PER MIN. . . CUBIC FEET GREATEST PROPER QUANTITY PER MIN. . . . GALLONS NET WEIGHT OF METER ." . . . POUNDS DIAMETER OF METER INCHES LENGTH OF METER (INCLUDING FISH TRAP) . INCHES 40.00 No Charge 32 240 47 8| 15* 80.00 No Charge 72 540 108 11 24 160.00 No Charge 128 960 189 13| 29 350.00 No Charge 288 2160 355 17 36* 650 00 No Charge 512 3840 533 20 45 800.00 No Charge 800 6000 870 24* 52 1200.00 No Charge 1152 8640 1200 30 61 All sizes of Hersey Torrent Meters are provided with Fish Traps without extra charge. These Traps are attached to and form a part of the Meter. Prices on all Hersey Disc, Rotary and Torrent Meters are for either regular Round Dials or Straight Reading, as speci- fied. Round Dials will be furnished unless otherwise ordered. EXTENSIOIN DIALS. (For Illustration, see Meter Boxes, page 26.) SIZE .... INCHES S 1 1 H 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 PRICE . . . . EACH 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Extensions over three feet in length, 25 cents per foot above list prices. Prices given above include boxing or crating. Those who have occasion to order parts of Meters should always give the Kind, Size and Number of the Meter for which the parts are wanted. A-830. SIMPLEX STRAINER. A-831. POT STRAINER. A-832. CROSSWAY STRAINER. FISH TRAPS OR METER STRAINERS. -A-830, A-831, and A-832. SIZE . . . . INCHES 1 t 1 H 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 A-830 .50 2.00 .75 2.00 1.00 4.00 6~bb 6~66 i6 "66 15 "66 20! 66 4o"66 150.00 150"00 A-831 AND A-832 . . EACH The Simplex is made of composition metal and consists of two pieces, a cylindrical shell and a removable, perforated Cylinder. The Crossway is of Cast Iron, Galvanized, with perforated brass screen. It does not have to be uncoupled from Meter or Pipe to be cleaned. The Pot Strainer is of Cast Iron, Galvanized, and provided with flanges to correspond with flanges of Meter. These can be furnished with Flange on Meter End and Hub on Pipe End. The Perforated Strainer can be removed and access had to interior, for cleaning, by removing Cover bolted to Top. 42 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. STANDARD PIPE FOR GAS, STEAM, AND WATER. A -840 LIST PRICE ADOPTED FEBRUARY 15, 1900 BLACK AND GALVANIZED PIPE. SIZE INCHES i i \ i * * 1 H 1* 2 2* 3 PRICE . . PFR FOOT • 05| .05| .05* .08* .11* .16* .22* .27 .36 .57i .75* SIZE INCHES n 4 4* | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PRICE .._•_._ PER FOOT .95 1.08 1.30 I 1.45 I 1,88 2.35 2.82 3.40 4.25 4.75 5.20 ASPHALTED AND TARRED PIPE. SIZE INCHES i i 1 i i 1 H H 2 2* 3 PRICE, COATING ONLY . . - PER 100 FEET - — .40 .40. .45 .50 .60 .75 .95 1.20 1.45 SIZE .... INCHES 3* 4 4£ | 5 6 ' 8 9 10 11 12 PRICE, COATING ONLY . . - PER 100 FEET .1.75 1 1.75 1.85 2.00 2.40 3.00 4.00 .... .... .... .... EXTRA THREADS. SIZE ... INCHES i i t * 1 1 H i* 2 2* 3 PRICE EACH .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .06 .07 .08 .10 .15 .20 SIZE INCHES H 4 4* 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PRICE EACH .25 .35 .45 .55 .70 .85 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS. NOMINAL SIZE INSIDE DIAMETER . . INCHES i i 1 i i 1 u 1* 2 2* 3 ACTUAL OUTSIDE DIAMETER INCHES NOMINAL WEIGHT PER FOOT - - . POUNDS THICKNESS INCHES THREADS PER INCH OF SCREW . .405 0.24 .068 27 .54 0.42 .088 18 .675 0.56 .091 18 .84 0.84 .109 14 1.05 1.12 .113 14 1.315 1.67 .134 Hi 1.66 2.24 .140 11* 1.9 2.68 .145 11* 2.375 3.61 .154 11* 2.875 5.74 .204 8 3.5 7.54 .217 8 NOMINAL SIZE INSIDE DIAMETER . . INCHES 3* 4 4* 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ACTUAL OUTSIDE DIAMETER . . . INCHES NOMINAL WEIGHT PER FOOT. . . . POUNDS THICKNESS INCHES THREADS PER INCH OF SCREW . 4. 9.00 .22.6 8 4.5 10.66 .237 8 5. 12.49 .246 8 5.563 14.50 .259 8 6.625 18.76 .280 8 7.G25 23.27 .301 8 8.625 28.18 .322 8 9.625 33.70 .344 8 10.75 40.00 .366 8 12. 45.00 .375 8 12.75 49.00 .375 8 Owing to the frequent changes made by the manufacturers in the price list of Pipe, we issue current price lists, which will be furnished on application. Black Pipe in random lengths, with threads and couplings, will be 6hipped unless otherwise ordered. An extra charge will be made for cut lengths, or for plugged and reamed Pipe. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS. CHICAGO. 43 STANDARD PIPE, EXTRA STRONG. SIZE . INCHES 4 4 § 4 1 1 H 1* 2 24 3 H 4 5 6 BLACK . . PER FOOT .11 .11 .11 12 15 22 30 .36 50 .81 1.05 1.33 1.50 2 16 2 90 ACTUAL OUTSIDE DIA. INCH. .405 .54 .675 .84 1.05 1.315 1 66 1.90 2.375 2.875 3.50 4.00 4 50 5 563 6 625 APPROX. INSIDE DIA. INCH. .205 .294 .421 .542 .736 .951 1.272 1.494 1.933 2.315 2.892 3.358 3.818 4 813 5.75 THICKNESS . INCHES .100 . 123 .127 .149 .157 .182 .194 203" .221 .280 .304 .321 341 .375 .437 NOMINAL WEJGHT PER FOOT .29 .54 .74 1.09 1.39 2.17 3.00 3.63 5.02 7.67 10.25 12.47 14.97 20 54 28 58 STANDARD PIPE, DOUBLE EXTRA STRONG. SIZE INCHES 4 I 1 1"* 14 2 n 3 H 4 5 6 BLACK . PER FOOT .25 .84 .244 .298 1.70 .30 1.05 .422 .314 2.44 .37 1.315 .587 .364 3.65 .52 1.66 .885 .388 5.20 65 1.90 1.088 406 6.40 ,95 2.375 1.491 .442 9.02 1.37 2.875 1.755 .560 13.68 1.92 3.50 2.284 .608 18.56 2.45 4.00 2.716 .642 22.75 2.85 4.50 3.136 .682 27.48 3.80 5.563 4.063 .75 38.12 5 30 6.625 4.875 .875 53.11 ACTUAL OUTSIDE DIAMETER . INCHES APPROX. INSIDE DIAMETER . INCHES THICKNESS - INCHES NOMINAL WEIGHT .... PER FOOT Extra Strong and Double Extra Strong Pipe is always shipped without threads or couplings, unless otherwise specified. Threads and couplings on Extra Strong and Double Extra Strong Pipe are always charged extra. Quotations will not cover them unless they are clearly specified in requests for pricey. LARGE OUTSIDE DIAMETER PIPE. (List of May 1, 1902.) PLAIN ENDS. SIZE . . . INCHES 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 24 26 28 30 %-INCH THICK . . . . . PER FOOT 3.85 4.15 4.40 4.70 4.95 5.50 %6-INCH THICK . . . . . PER FOOT 4.80 5.15 5.50 5.85 6.20 6.90 7.25 7.60 %-INCH THICK . . . . . PER FOOT 5.75 6.15 6.60 7.00 7.40 8.25 8.65 9.10 9.95 11.30 12.15 %6-INCH THICK . . . . PER FOOT 6.65 7.15 7.65 8.15 8.60 9.60 10.10 10.60 11.60 13.15 14.15 15.20 %-INCH THICK . . . . . PER FOOT 7.60 8.15 8.70 9.25 9.80 10.95 11.50 12.10 13.15 14.95 16.151 17.65 This Pipe will be shipped in random lengths, with plain ends, unless otherwise ordered. When furnished in cut lengths, or threaded, an extra charge will be made. Threaded Pipe can be furnished up to 22 inches; with threads and couplings, up to 20 inches. STANDARD STEEL BOILER TUBES. OUTSIDE DIAMETER . . INCHES 1 li 1* If 2 H n 21 3 3* 34 3| 4 PER FOOT .30 .28 .095 13 1.15 .27 .095 13 1.40 .22 .095 13 1.66 .20 .095 13 1.91 .24 .095 13 2.16 .28 .109 12 2.75 .34 .109 12 3.04 .35 .109 12 3.33 .40 .120 11 3.96 .44 .120 11 4.28 .50 .120 11 4.60 .55 .134 10 5.47 THICKNESS INCHES THICKNESS, NEAREST BGM. W. G. . NOMINAL WEIGHT . PER FOOT .095 13 .90 OUTSIDE DIAMETER . . INCHES ±4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 PER FOOT . THICKNESS INCHES THICKNESS, NEAREST BGM. W.G. . NOMINAL WEIGHT . PER FOOT .62 .134 10 6.17 .75 .148 9 7.58 1.00 .165 8 10.16 1.20 .165 8 11.90 1.50 .165 8 13.65 1.70 .180 7 16.76 2.10 .203 6 • 21.00 2.50 .220 5 25.00 2.90 .229 44 28.50 3.20 .238 4 32.06 3.65 .248 34 36.00 4.10 .259 3 40.60 4.60 .270 24 45.20 The above prices are for tubes up to 20 feet long. For tubes in excess of that length, 10 per cent will be added to net of invoice. No deduction for tubes lighter than standard. For extra -wire gauge boiler tubes, away from standard not exceeding four wire gauges, one cent for each inch ia diameter of tube for each additional gauge will be added to net price. Tubes more than four wire gauges heavier than standard will be charged by the pound the same as plain end stay tubes, arch pipes, and water grates. 44 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. BENT PIPE. A-855. ARC BEND. h ^ A-856, SPECIAL. A-858. SPECIAL. A-860. EXTRA STRONG PIPE COIL. We bend all sizes of Iron, Steel, Brass, or Copper Pipe to any practical shape, and fit same with Threaded, Shrunk, Peened, or Riveted Flanges. Bent Pipe lessens friction and saves joints. In ordering, give explicit directions and dimensions, the latter to be shown in sketch or blue print, as indicated in above illustrations. Correspondence solicited. Prices upon application. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 45 BENT PIPE. A-862. QUARTER BENDS. SHORT RADIUS QUARTER AND RETURN BENDS. A-863. RETURN -A-862 and A-863. BENDS. SIZE INCHES i i f | i 1 1 li H 2 H 3 H 4 4i 5 STRAIGHT PIPE REQUIRED, INCHES RADIUS INCHES A-862. LENGTH OF ARC, INCHES A-863. LENGTH OF ARC, INCHES 1 3i 1 n m u H H if 2$ H 2 H 2i 7A 2i 24 it 2| 3± 10± 3 4* .1? 18H 4 7 11 22 9 284 5 12 3-H H 15 23A 47| 6 18 56 T V SIZE ...... INCHES 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 STRAIGHT PIPE REQUIRED, INCHES RADIUS ...... FT., IN. A-862. LENGTH OF ARC, FT., IN. A-863.. LENGTH OF ARC, FT., IN. 2 3.1*4. 6.3f 7 2.6 3.11£ 7.10* 8 3.2 4.11 h 9-HA 10 3.10 6.0+. 12.04. >12 4.4 6.9H 13.7f> 12 5.0 7.104 15. 8£ 14 6.6 10.24. 20.5 16 7.0 11.0 22.0 18 7.6 11.944. 23.6H 20 8.0 12.6H 25.1H 22 8.6 13.4& 26.8^ 24 24 24 9.6 10.6 11.6 14.11| 16.5f£ 18.0|| 29. 10f 32.114| 36. l^ 24 12.6 19.7| 39.3* Short Radius Return Bends 12-inch and over can not be made in one piece. LONG RADIUS QUARTER AND RETURN BENDS. -A-862 and A-863. SIZE ... INCHES i i f * 1 1 li li 2 H 3 n 4 4i 5 STRAIGHT PIPE REQUIRED, INCHES RADIUS INCHES A-862. LENGTH OF ARC, INCHES A-863. LENGTH OF ARC, INCHES 1 3 4ft 9tV 1 31 11 li 4 6A 12tV 1* 5 m If 6 9 T V m 7 11 22 8 12A 25i 24 10 15H TO 3 12 18H 37H 3i 14 22 44 4 18 2*& 56if 4i 20 314^ 62+| 5 24 754J 26 40H 81H 6 30 47f 94* SIZE ....... INCHES 6 7 | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 STRAIGHT PIPE REQUIRED, INCHES RADIUS FT., IN. A-862. LENGTH OF ARC, FT., IN. A-863. LENGTH OF ARC, FT., IN. 3.0 4.8B 9. 5 A 7 1 8 4.0 4.6 6.34J 7.0|| 12.6HI14.1* 10 5.0 7.104 15.84 12 5.6 8.744 17.3f 13 6.0 9. 5 ^ 18.10^ 14 1 18 7.6 7.6 ll.9fll.9f 23.6||23.6| 18 8.0 12.04* 25. 1H 20 8.6 13.4 7 V 20.8 T \ 22 10.0 15.84 31.5 24 12.0 18.10ft 37.8f 24 14.0 21.11* 43.114 24 16.0 25. Hf 50.3ft 24 18.0 28.3^J 56.0ftJ Long Radius Quarter Bends 20-inch and over, and L. R. Return Bends 12-inch and over, can not be made in one piece. A-865. LOOP. I,- L- A-866. U BENDS. A-867. SQUARE BEND. LOOP EXPANSION BENDS.-A-865. SIZE INCHES 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 18 24 42 21 32 102 24 40 170 30 44 282 33 48 400 33 54 500 1 ... ■ WEIGHT ........ 1 INCHES ------ POUNDS U AND SQUARE EXPANSION BENDS. - A-866 s nd A-867. SIZE INCHES 2 2i 3 n 4 4i 5 . 8 A-866. R . . . . . . INCHES A-866. Y INCHES A-866. L . . . FEET AND INCHES A-866. WEIGHT POUNDS A-867. R INCHES A-867. L INCHES A-867. WEIGHT . . . POUNDS 21 15 6.6 36 12 15 7 224. 16* 7.1 C2 14 in 14 24 18 7.8 88 15 19 20 26 19 8.3 113 17 21* 27 28 20 8.10 143 18 23 33 31 23 9.11 186 20 254 44 34 26 11.0 242 24 30 00 38 28 12.1 345 30 304 93 42 30 13.2 405 33 40 127 44 32 13.4 598 30 44 109 Allowable compression on Loop and U Bends is 6 inches. 46 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. STANDARD WELL CASING. FOR ARTESIAN, SALT, OIL, AND GAS WELLS. A-870. SCREW AND SOCKET JOINT. A-871. INSERTED JOINT. NOMINAL INSIDE DIAMETER INCHES 2 21 2* 2* 3 3* 3* 3*1 4 H 4* 4* 5 ACTUAL OUTSIDE DIAMETER .... INCHES H n. «* 3 n s* n 4 | 4* H 4* 5 H ACTUAL OUTSIDE DIAMETER BELL END OF INSERTED CASING INCHES n m m 3* 3tV m m *A ±rV W m 5* 5tV ACTUAL OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF SOCKET ON SCREW AND SOCKET CASING ____*___ INCHES m 3* m 3** 3i 4A m m m 5A 5* 5tf 51* THICKNESS - INCHES .109 .109 .109 .109 .12 .12 .12 .134 .134 .134 .148 .148 .148 NOMINAL WEIGHT PER FOOT .... POUNDS 2.22 2.82 3.13 3.45 4.10 4.45 4.78 5.56 6.00 6.36 6.73 7.80 8.20 PRICE PER FOOT .23 .29 .32 .35 .41 .45 .48 .56 .60 .64 .63 .78 .82 NOMINAL INSIDE DIAMETER INCHES 5rV 5* 6* 6* H 71 H 85 9* 10* 11* 12* ... ACTUAL OUTSIDE DIAMETER .... INCHES 5+ 6 6* 7 7* 8 8* 9 10 11 12 13 ACTUAL OUTSIDE DIAMETER BELL END OF INSERTED } „__ CASING . " f INCHES 5* 6* 6* 7fV m w 9 9* 10* 11* 12* ... ... ACTUAL OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF SOCKET ON SCREW ) AND SOCKET CASING [ 6& m 7A m 8A 8ff 9fV »tf i 1 x ix $ Hxl xl 24x2 x3 3 xl4x2 4x24x2 7x6 x 7 1 x |x i Hxl X f 24x2 x2{ 3 x Hx3 4x24x14. 7x6 x 6 1 x {xl l{xl X 4 24; x 2 x2 3 xl x3 4x2 x4 7x6 x 5 1 x {-x i Hx fxl4 24x2 xH 34x3 x3 4x2 x3 7x5 x 5 1 x ix 4, Hx fxli 24x2 xlj 34x3 x2{ 4x2 x24 8x7 x 6 1 x fxl Hx fxl 2^x2 xl .34x3 x2 4x2 x2 8x6 x 8 l£xl x2 Hx ix i 2£x 14x24 3£x3 xl4 4x2 xl4 8x6 x 7 l±xl xl4 i|x £xH 2|xHx2 3£ x 24 x 3 4x14x4 8x6 x 6 H X 1 Il{ llx |xl| 2kl}xU 34x24x2{ 4xHx4 8x5 x 8 l|xl xl 2 x 14x24 2£xHxH 34x2{x2 4x1 x4 8x5x5 Hxl x i 2 xl£x2 24xHxL 34x2 x3{ 5x4 x 5 8x4 x 8 l±xl x i 2 xl^xlf 24x14x24/ 3{xHx3i 5x4 x4 10x8 x 8 Hx fx2 2 xHxl| 24xHx2 34x14;* 34. 5x4 x3 12x8 xlO Hx fxH 2 xHxl 24x1 x2£ 34x1 x34 5x4 x24. 12x8 x 8 ljx £xH l|x fxl 2 xl|x| 24 x £x24 4 .x 34x34 5x4 x2 2 xlix 4/ 3 x24x3 4 x34x3 5x3 x5 H-\ fx i 2 xl|x2 3 x 24x24. 4 x 34x24. 5x3 x4 l|x ixli 2 xl}xl{ 3 x2^x2 4 x3 x4 5x3 x3 CROSSES-REDUCING SIZES. The outlets of a Cross are always the same size, and are indicated hy the last figure. Thus: A Cross f- called afx{. Cross. A Cross reducing on the run, thus: -H is called a 14 x Hx 1 Cross. 4x i Hx i 2 xH Hx i 34x3 5 x4 6 x3 lOx 8 4x i Hx i 2 xl 3 x24 34 x 24 5 x3 6 x24 lOx 7 ix i 14x14, 2 x i 3 x2 34x2 5 x24 6 x2 12x10 ix i l{xl 2{x2 3 xl4 4 x34 5 x2 7 xC 12 x 8 i x i Hx i 24x14 3 xH 4 x3 6 x5 7 x5 1.x 4 Hx i 2Uli 3 xl 4 x24 6 x4 8 x7 Hxl 2 xl4 24x1 3 x i 4x2 6 x34 8 xG BUSHINGS. [Xote. — Bushings reducing one size only, up to and includiug 2 4 inches are malleable, and will be found, therefore, listed among the malleable fittings.] ix i Hx i 3 x24 34x1 44x3 6x4 7x3 9x 6 ix i Hx i 3 x2 4 x34 4',x24 6x34 7x24 10 x 8 *x i 2 xH 3 xl4 4 x3 5 x44 6x3 7x2 lOx 6 1 x i 2 xl 3 xlJ- 4 x24. 5 x4 6 x 24 8x7 12 x 10 1 x i 2 x i 3 xl 4 x2 5 x34 6x2 8x6 12 x 8 1 X L 2 x 4. 34x3 4 xl4 .5x3 7x6 8x5 12 x G Hx i 2 J, x 14 34x24 4 xlJL 5 x24 7x5 8x4 Hx i 24 xH 34x2 4 xl 5x2 7x44 8x3 Hx § 21-xl 34x14 44x4 6 x5 7x4 ,2 OR 3-INCH RUN . j WITH 3.VHNCH RUN .... 4.10 4.50 5.00 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.40 7.00 7.75 7.65 8.50 9.25 8. SO 9.75 10.75 10.60 11.75 13.00 11.50 12.75 14.00 12.25 13.50 1.5.00 13.50 15.00 16.50 14.25 15.75 15.00 16.50 16.00 17.50 Back or Side Outlets charged as additional front outlets. All openings in Branch Tees for Circulation are tapped Eight hand. Branch Tees for Box Coils are always tapped Left hand in branches and Right hand in back inlet. The run and back opening of Branch Tees are tapped the same size as branches unless otherwise ordered. JAMBS B. CLOW & SONS. CHICAGO. 81 HOOK PLATES. B-500. HOOK PLATE. %* ULLLL B-502. SINGLE HOOK PLATE. B-504. EXPANSION HOOK PLATE. HOOK PLATES.- B-500 and B-S02. NUMBER OF HOOKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 FOR 1 IN. PIPE, 2X IN. CENTER TO CENTER . . . FOR 1K IN. PIPE, 3 IN. CENTER TO CENTER . . . FOR 1K IN. PIPE, 3 l A IN. CENTER TO CENTER . . . FOR 2 IN. PIPE, '4'A IN. CENTER TO CENTER . . . .09 .10 .15 .22 .18 .21 .28 .43 .23 .27 .43 .65 .26 .33 .58 .90 .32 .41 .72 1.15 .38 .52 .88 1.35 .48 .68 1.10 .59 .80 1.25 .70 1.20 1.55 1.00 1.40 1.90 EXPANSION HOOK PLATES.-B- 504. NUMBER OF HOOKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 FOR 1 IN. PIPE, 2M IN. CENTER TO CENTER . . . FOR 1 KIN. PIPE, 3 IN. CENTER TO CENTER . . . FOR 1# IN. PIPE, 3K IN. CENTER TO CENTER . . . .15 .17 .25 .25 .27 .40 .35 .40 .60 .50 .60 .75 .60 .70 .90 .70 .80 1.00 .80 .90 .95 1.15 - — 1.35 1.50 1.70 2.00 H B-506. BEAM HOOK. BEAM HOOKS. -B-506. SIZE . . . . . - INCHES i I 1 1* 1* 2 H 3 EACH .13 .15 .18 .22 .24 .35 .65 .90 ADJUSTABLE BEAM CLAMPS.-B-508. These Beam Clamps are made of Malleable Iron. They will fit Beam Flanges of any width from 3 inches to 7 inches. B-510. GAS HOOKS. B-512. TINNED STRAPS. GAS HOOKS.- B-510. SIZE . INCHES i i * * 1 H 11 2 I PER 100 A5 .55 .65 .80 1.00 1.30 1.60 2.00 TINNE D STRAPS .-B-512. | TINNED STRAPS, X, M, H, X, 1 1K, VA AND 2-INCH. . . . . . PER POUND .« | JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. B-520. B-522. B-522. SECTIONAL VIEW. EXPANSION PIPE HANGERS, OR RING HOOKS.— B-520. SIZE INCHES t 1 1} 1* 2 H 3 34 4 n 5 6 7 « ! COMPLETE EACH .17 .18 .19 .25 29 .36 .44 .55 .63 .90 1.12 1.35 1.80 2.25 SIZE OF PIPE, RINGS AND BUT- ) „, ru , c TONS ARE TAPPED FOR. . f INl " Mtb § t 2. 8 f t i i i £ 4 i 4 i i PLATES . ( ) EACH .08 .08 .08 .09 .09 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 BUTTONS «™M - EACH RINGS . . ( PARTS J EACH .06 .06 .06 .07 .07 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .OS .08 .08 .12 .15 .20 .25 .30 .40 .50 .60 .80 1.00 1.25 1.70 2.15 EUREKA PATENT ADJUSTABLE PIPE HANGER. THREADS IN NUTS STANDARD PIPE THREAD -B-522. SIZE - . . .... INCHES * » i n H 2 H 3 H 4 5 6 ' • MALLEABLE IRON . EACH .15 .18 .18 .20 .25 .28 33 .38 .45 .55 .65 .75 1 15 1.25 CAST-IRON CLAMPS FOR GIRDERS.- AS SHOWN IN B-523. WIDTH OF BEAM FLANGES INCHES 3 H 4 <* 1 5 6 CLAMPS ONLY EACH .40 .40 .60 .60 .60 .60 B-525. B-526. B-527. B-528. GALVANIZED MALLEABLE IRON AND BRASS PIPE HANGERS SIZE INCHES 2. i 1 1 1± 1+ 2 B-525. MALLEABLE EACH .07 .07 .08 .09 • 12 .16 B-526. MALLEABLE .... . EACH .13 .14 .16 B-527. MALLEABLE EACH .17 .20 .25 .30 .40 .50 B-528. MALLEABLE. EACH .17 .20 .25 .30 .40 .50 B-527. POLISHED BRASS EACH .50 .50 .60 .75 B-528. POLISHED BRASS EACH .34 .34 .36 .40 .55 .80 1.10 B-532. B-532. PERFECTION CEILING PLATE. SECTIONAL VIEW. PATENTED NOV. 3. 1886j JUNE 14, 1898. PERFECTION CEILING AND FLOOR PLATES. B-534. WHOLE FLOOR PLATE. PATENT PENDING. B-532 and B-534. SIZE i 1 H 11 2 n 3 B-532. CEILING PLATE, NICKEL PLATED B-534. FLOOR PLATE, NICKEL PLATED EACH ...... EACH .25 .10 .28 .11 .32 .12 .'35 .13 .38 .15 .52 .30 .75 .50 Send for special descriptive circular. ADJUSTABLE PIPE THIMBLE. CLOW ADJUSTABLE PIPE THIMBLE. 1. P. SIZE . . INCHES £ ' 1 1± H 2 H 3 3A 4 H 5 6 NO. 1. GALVANIZED EACH NO. 1. NICKEL PLATED . . . EACH NO. 2. GALVANIZED EACH NO. 2. NICKEL PLATED . . . EACH .50 .90 .60 1.00 .60 1.00 .70 1,10 .80 1.30 .90 1.40 1.00 1.60 1.10 1.70 1.20 1.90 1.30 2.00 1.40 2.20 1.55 2.35 1.65 2.75 1.80 2.90 2^15 3.35 3"66 4.40 4~50 6.00 h'.b'o 6. CO 6.50 8.30 DIMENSIONS: No. 1, Minimum length 9 in., maximum length 16 in. ; No. 2, minimum 15 in., maximum 22 in. The Clow Adjustable Pipe Thimble holds the flanges in close contact with ceiling and floor, and will remain in position where placed. B-538. CEILING PLATES IN HALVES. B-539. CEILING PLATES IN ONE PIECE. B-540. FLOOR PLATES. CAST-IRON CEILING PLATES IN HALVES— B- 538. SIZE ...... . INCHES i 1 li H 2 H 3 H 4 EACH ............ .22 .28 .32 .40 .50 .65 .90 1.00 1.20 CAST-IRON CEILING PLATES IN ONE PIECE.-I 3-539. SIZE INCHES f 1 li h 2 n 3 « 4 EACH .... .13 .16 .18 | .23 .27 .36 .50 .55 .68 CAST-IRON FLOOR PLATES.-B-540. SIZE INCHES i 1 i li H 2 H 3 EACH - .06 .06 .08 .11 .14 .16 .24 .30 This Floor Plate is made with grooves on tho under side of the flange, as shown in cut, in order that it may be easily parted by a slight blow when required to be used in halves. 84 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. B-542. ADJUSTABLE CEILING PLATE. B-543. ADJUSTABLE FLOOR PLATE. CAST-IRON ADJUSTABLE FLOOR AND CEILING PLATES. -B-542 and B-543. SIZE . . . INCHES i 1 1 H H 2 2i 3 H 4 5 6 PLAIN NICKEL PLATED . . . .... EACH .... EACH .14 .25 .14 .25 .18 .28 .20 .32 .24 .35 .28 .38 .43 .52 .60 • .75 .90 1.10 1.25 1.50 1.60 2.00 2.00 2.50 The Nickel Plated Plates are packed one dozen in a box. B-S45. STAMPED PLATE. B-546. STAMPED ADJUSTABLE PLATE. STAMPED BRASS FLOOR AND CEILING PLATES.-B-545 and B-546. SIZE . . . INCHES t i 1 1 H 1* 2 H 3 B-545. NICKEL PLATED B-546. ADJUSTABLE, NICKEL PLATED . . . .... EACH '. . . . EACH .25 ".25 .10 .25 .11 .28 .12 .32 .13 .35 .15 .38 "."» VtV «mwwtfflttm«m^ «msm aimm& B-S48. LAG SCREW. LIST ADOPTED JAN. 30, 1895. B-549. LAG SGREW HOOK. nil I I MWm B-550, LAG SCREW END. AG SCREWS WITH SQUARE HEADS.- B-548, B-549 and B-550. PRICES PER HUNDRED. DIAMETER f tV i rV&S f I 1 Length in Inches. H 3.22 3.79 4.47 5.50 7.90 3 3.48 4.11 4.83 6.00 8.60 12.50 3* 3.74 4.43 5.19 6.50 9.30 13.50 18.20 4 4.00 4.75 5.55 7.00 10.00 15.50 19.50 5 4.52 5.39 6.27 8.00 11.40 16.50 22.10 6 5.04 6.03 6.99 9.00 12.80 18.50 24.70 7 5.56 6.67 7.71 10.00 14.20 20.50 27.30 8 6.08 7.31 8.43 11.00 15.60 22.50 29.90 9 6.60 7.95 9.15 12.00 17.00 24.50 32.50 10 7.12 8.59 9.87 13.00 18.40 26.50 35.10 12 8.16 9.87 11.31 15.00 21.20 30.50 40.30 Lag Screw Hooks, B-549, 25 per cent extra. Lag Screw Ends, B-550, 25 per cert extra. Lag Screw Wrenches, see page 370. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 85 CAST-IRON DRAINAGE FITTINGS. SCREWED FOR IRON PIPE. The necessity for better and safer House Drainage has induced Sanitary Engineers to recommend and adopt Wrought- Iron Screwed-Jointed Pipes in place of the ordinary Cast-iron Lead-Jointed Soil Pipes, preventing thereby accumulation of Sewer Gas in houses, caused by leaky lead joints. We manufacture Drainage Fittings which are specially adapted to the new system of House Drainage. These Fittings have an interior shoulder, and are made with same inside capacity as the inside diameter of the Pipe, thus securing an unobstructive interior surface, allowing all solid matters to pass without choking up the Pipes. The Fittings are coated with heated Asphaltum. B-S60. LONG TURN ELBOW. B-562. ELBOW. B-564. LONG TURN ELBOW, 45°. B-563. ELBOW, 60°. LONG AND SHORT TURN ELBOWS. B-560 B-562, B- 564 and B-568. SIZE INCHES 1* H 2 2+ 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 LONG TURN ELBOWS ....... EACH SHORT TURN ELBOWS ...... EACH LONG TURN ELBOWS, 45°, 54-BEND . . EACH SHORT TURN ELBOWS, 60°, K-BEND . EACH "45 .60 .50 "50 .70 .60 "60 1.10 .90 1.30 1.10 1.45 1.10 2.00 1.70 2.25 1.70 3.60 2.60 4.00 2.60 5.20 3.5Q 5.75 3.50 8.50 6.00 9.50 6.00 10.00 7.00 11.00 7.00 12.00 9.00 13.50 9.00 B-570. 45° BEND. B-572. 22 1-2" BEND. B-574. 11 1-4° BEND. B-576. S 5-8° BEND. SHORT TURN BENDS.-B -570, B-572) B-574 and B-576. SIZE INCHES | 1± | H 2 n 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 EACH .... I ■« .50 .60 .90 1.10 1.70 2.60 3.50 6.00 7.00 9.00 Sizes differing from above can be furnished, but will be charged extra. Galvanized Drainage Fittings double above list. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. CAST-IRON DRAINAGE FITTINGS. B-578. 45° Y. B-580. 45° REDUCING Y. B-582. 45° DOUBLE Y. Y BRANCHES, STRAIGHT SIZES. B-584. 60° Y. SIZE . INCHES 1* 2 2* 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 B-578. B-582. 45° Y BRANCHES EACH 45° DOUBLE Y BRANCHES . . . EACH .80 1.00 1.00 1.30 1.50 1.75 1.70 2.20 2.60 3.10 3.50 4.25 5.50 6.50 12.00 15.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 25.00 REDUCING Y BRANCHES. SIZE . . . INCHES 2x14. H*U 24*2 3x1 i 3x2 4xl£ 4x2 4x3 5x2 5x3 5x4 6x2 6x3 6x4 6x5 8x4 8x6 B-580 . B-582 B-584 . . . EACH . . . EACH . . . EACH 1.00 1.30 1.00 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.70 2.20 1.70 2.20 1.70 2.60 2.60 3.10 2.60 2.60 2"60 3.50 4.25 4.50 3.50 4^50 3.50 4^50 5.50 6.50 7.00 5.50 5.50 5.50 7"66 15.00 18.00 15.00 15.00 18.00 15.00 B-588. Y BRANCH, T PATTERN. ELBOWS AND CROSSES. -B-586 and B-590. SUN B-590. CROSS. SIZE . . . INCHES H 2 3 3x2 4 4x2 5 5x4 G 6x5 3-WAY ELBOWS . . . CROSSES .... EACH .... EACH 1.00 1.25 1.30 1.50 2.20 3.00 3.66 3.10 4.00 4*66 4.25 6.50 (L50 6.50 8.50 8?50 Y BRANCHES, T PATTERN, 90°.-B-588. SIZE . INCHES 1 li Hxii 2 2xH H 2Jxl* 24x2 3 3x1*. | 3x2 4 4xl| 4x2 4x24 EACH .... .90 1.15 1.15 1.35 1.35 1.90 1.90 1.90 2.25 2.25 2.25 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 SIZE . INCHES 4x3 3x4 5 5x14 5x2 5x3 5x4 6 6x2 6x3 1 6x4 0x5 7 8 10 EACH .... 3.50 3.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 11.50 14.50 20.00 Sizes differing from above can be furnished, but will be charged extra. Galvanized Drainage Fittings double above list. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. CAST-IRON DRAINAGE FITTINGS. B-S92. CLOSET TEE. B-594. PLAIN TEE. CLOSET TEES.-B-592. B-596. CLOSET TEE. SIZE INCHES 3 4 5x4 6x4 WITH 2-INCH RIGHT-HAND INLET ON SIDE AND 2-INCH TOP INLET, EACH 5.50 7.00 9.00 WITH 2-INCH LEFT-HAND INLET ON SIDE AND 2-INCH TOP INLET . EACH 5.50 7.00 9.00 WITH 2-INCH INLETS ON BOTH SIDES AND 2-INCH TOP INLET . . EACH 6.00 7.50 10.00 WITH 2-INCH RIGHT-HAND INLET ON SIDE EACH 3.00 3.50 6.50 8.00 WITH 2-INCH LEFT-HAND INLET ON SIDE EACH 3.00 3.50 G.50 8.00 PLAIN TEES.-B-594. | SIZE . . . INCHES H 2 2xl| 3 |3x2 4 Ux2 4x3 5 5x2 5x3 6 6x4 7 8 10 1 EACH 1 .75 .90 .90 1 1.40 1.40 2.30 2.30 2.30 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 18.00 CLOSET TEES.-B-5 96. SIZE INCHES 3 4 5x4 6x4 WITH 2-INCH INLETS ON BOTH SIDES . . EACH 3.50 4.00 7.00 10.00 B-598. CLOSET ELBOW, WITH FLANGE. B-600. CLOSET ELBOW. B-602. CLOSET FLANGE. IRON. B-604. CLOSET FLANGE, BRASS. CLOSET ELBOWS AND FLANGES. 4 4x5 5 B-598. WITH FLANGE 10 INCHES IN DIAMETER EACH B-600. . EACH 2.50 h'.i'o 1*30 3.20 B-602. IRON FLANGE, 10 INCHES IN DIAMETER . . . '. EACH B-604. BRASS FLANGE 7X INCHES IN DIAMETER EACH Sizes differing from above can be furnished, but will be charged extra. Galvanized Drainage Fittings double above list. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. CAST-IRON DRAINAGE FITTINGS. B-606. INCREASER. B-608. AIR INLET CAP. B-610. ROOF CONNECTION. B-612. BRASS NIPPLE. INCREASERS.-B-606. SIZE INCHES 3 x2 4x2 4x3 5 x2 5x3 5 x.4 6x4 6 x5 8x6 EACH . ...... 1.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 B-608, B-610 and B-612. SIZE INCHES 1 n 1* 2 3 4 5 6 B-608. FOR CAPPING AIR INLET PIPES. EACH B-610. ROOF CONNECTIONS EACH B-612. BRASS SOLDERING NIPPLES . .EACH "46 "63 "84 "50 1.17 1.30 .80 2.34 1.50 1.00 4.00 2.00 1.20 2 "66 B-615. ELBOW WITH CLEANOUT. B-617. BASE ELBOW WITH CLEANOUT. B-619. BASE ELL WITH CLEANOUT TO CONNECT C.I. PIPE TO WROUGHT PIPE. ELBOWS WITH CLEANOUTS.-B- 615 and B-617. SIZE INCHES 2 3 4 5 6 B-615 EACH B-617 -. EACH 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.50 6.75 7.50 9.00 BASE ELL WITH CLEANOUT TO CONNECT C. 1. PIPE TO WROUGHT'*»IPE.-B-619. SIZE INCHES 3 4x3 | 4 5x4 5 | 0x4 | 6x5 6 | 8x6 8 B-619 EACH 3.50 4.50 | 4.50 7.75 7.75 1 10.00 10.00 10.00[l5.00 15.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. CAST IRON DRAINAGE FITTINGS. B-621. ELBOW WITH SHOE. B-621 and 8-623. m B-623. BASIN TEE. SIZE ...... INCHES H 2 2xli 3 4 5 6 B-621 B-623 EACH _ . EACH 1.25 .90 1.35 1.35 1.50 2 20 325 4.25 B-625. HALF S TRAP. B-627. THREE-QUARTER S TRAP. TRAPS.— B-625 and B-627. SIZE . INCHES 2 3 4 5 6 8 B-625 B-627 . EACH EACH 2.25 3.50 3.00 4.00 4.50 6.50 7.50 10.00 14.00 20.00 22.00 B-631. RUNNING TRAP. TRAPS. -B-629 and B-631 SIZE .... INCHES 2 3 4 5 6 8 B-629 B-631 . . EACH 3.50 2.40 4.00 3.50 6.50 5.00 10.00 8.00 20 00 15.00 25^00 90 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS. B-640. GAS ELBOW. B-641. BEADED ELBOW. ELBOWS. -B-640 and B-641. B-642. 45° ELBOW. SIZE .... . INCHES * i f i 1 i |u H 2 n 3 H 4 5 6 PLAIN . . . GALVANIZED . . EACH . . EACH .04 .04 .05 .06 • 08 .10 .14 .15 .20 .22 1 .25 .32 .40 .35 .60 .50 .90 .80 1.35 1.50 2.60 2.25 3.75 3.00 5.00 4.00 7.00 5.00 10.00 ELBOWS, 45°.-B-642. SIZE .... . INCHES t i * I i H H 2 2* 3 4 PLAIN . . . GALVANIZED . . EACH . . EACH .10 .15 .12 .20 .18 .25 .26 .40 .36 .50 .54 .85 .82 1.35 1.25 2.00 2.50 3.75 4.50. 8.00 JKKSSSW 1 ^^ B-644. STREET ELBOW. B-645. SIDE OUTLET ELBOW. STREET ELBOWS.-B-644. B-646. FEMALE DROP ELBOW. . _ INCHES 1 i 4 1 H n 2 2* PLAIN GALVANIZED . . . EACH EACH .10 .12 .12 .15 .20 .28 .25 .35 .40 .55 .55 .80 .90 1.30 1.50 2.40 SIDE OUTLET ELBOWS.-B-645. SIZE . . . . INCHES t * i 1 « 1 H 2 EACH .08 .10 .18 .30 « | .60 1.00 4 FEMALE DROP ELBOWS.-B-646. SIZE . . . . INCHES i M f M 1 *x* 1 1 PLAIN GALVANIZED . . . EACH EACH .06 .08 .12 .08 .12 .12 .20 .12 .20 .20 .35 .20 .35 .25. .40 For Sizes, Weights and Classifications of Malleable Fittings, see pages 96 and 97. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 91 MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS. B-650. MALE AND FEMALE DROP ELL. B-651. DROP ELL FLANGE RIGHT. 5-652. DROP ELL FLANGE LEFT. B-653. LONG DROP ELL. DROP ELBOWS.-B ■650, B-651, B-652 and B-653. SIZE INCHES M %*& M B-650. MALE AND FEMALE .....;. J B-651 AND B-652. RIGHT OR LEFT DROP ELBOWS . B-653. LONG DROP ELBOWS B-653. LONG DROP ELBOWS, GALVANIZED ..... . . . EACH . . . EACH . . . EACH . . . EACH .08 .08 .10 .l v 8 .12 .OS .10 .18 .15 B-655. GAS TEE. B-656. BEADED TEE. TEES.-B-655 and B-656. SIZE . INCHES £ i 4 8 -i * 1 H H 2 n- 3 H 4 PLAIN EACH GALVANIZED EACH .07 .07 .09 .OS .10 .11 .10 .15 .20 .25 .3S .30 .50 .45 .70 .00 1-00 1.05 1.90 1.70 3.00 2.50 4.25 3.40 5.75 B-658. FOUR-WAY TEE B-659. DROP TEE. B-660. DROP TEE, MALE AND FEMALE. FOUR-WAY AND DROP TEES.-B-658, B-659 and B-660. SIZE B-658. FOUR-WAY TEES, PLAIN B-659 AND B-660. DROP TEES, PLAIN . . . B-659 AND B-660. DROP TEES, GALVANIZED LONG DROP TEES (NOT ILLUSTRATED) . . EACH EACH EACH EACH .50 .80 For sizes, weights and classification see pages 90 and 97. 92 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS. GAS CROSS. B-666. BEADED CROSS. CROSSES.-B -665 and B-666. SIZE ------- .... INCHES i 1 i 1 1 li H 2 21 3 34 4 PLAIN GALVANIZED . . . EACH EACH .08 .10 .15 .12 .17 .20 .25 .30 .45 .40 .60 .60 .90 1.00 1.50 1.75 2.75 3.00 4.25 3.25 5.00 5.25 8.00 B-669. RIGHT AND LEFT COUPLING. REDUCERS.-B-668. B-670. CAP. SIZE ------- - . - - INCHES i f § t 1 li n 2 2f 3 H 4 PLAIN GALVANIZED .... ... . EACH ... . EACH .03 .03 .05 .05 .08 .10 .15 .16 .25 .20 .35 .28 .45 .45 .75 .70 1.05 1.00 1.65 1.50 2.40 1.85 3.05 RIGHT AND LEFT COUPLINGS.-B- 669. SIZE INCHES i 1 i 1 1 li H 2 PLAIN . GALVANIZED . . . . EACH EACH .04 .06 .05 .08 .08 .10 .12 .17 .16 .25 .25 .35 .36 .55 .52 .75 CAPS— B-670. SIZE ..---.. .... INCHES i 1 i i 1 H 1* 2 24 3 31 4 PLAIN GALVANIZED . . . EACH EACH .03 .04 .04 .05 .05 .08 .08 .12 .13 .17 .10 .24 .24 .38 .32 .52 .45 .76 .85 1.30 1.00 2.25 1.20 3.00 For Sizes, Weights and Classification of Malleable Fittings, see pages 96 and 97. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. B-675. STREET TEE. STREE T TE ES- B-675. SIZE . . . . INCHES I t 1 i£ 1* 2 24- 3 PLAIN GALVANIZED . . . ..... EACH EACH .08 10 .15 .20 .25 .38 .30 .50 .45 .70 .60 1.00 1.05 1.90 1.70 3.00 REDUCING SIZES. lxfxl lxlxf lxlxlj 1± X J X 1± l^xlxli l£xl£xl4 2x1x2 2 x li x 2. 2* 14-x2 2£ x 2 x 2£ 3 x 2i x 3 Keducing sizes list, same as straight Largest opening designates size. B-677. Y BRANCH. B-678. DOUBLE Y BRANCH. B-679. Y BRANCH. REDUCING 1 SIZE. B-680. Y BRANCH. REDUCING 2 SIZES. GALVANIZED Y BRANCHES.-B-677 and B-678. FOR PLUMBING VENTILATION. SIZE . . . INCHES 1 H 1* 2 B-677. . B-678. . EACH EACH .40 .65 .85 .90 1.20 1.40 1.85 GALVANIZED REDUCING Y BRANCHES -B-679 and B-680. SIZE . . . . . INCHES Hxl£xl Hxl^xli 2x2xl£ 2x2xl| l£xl£xl£ 2x1-^x14; 2xl£xH B-679 . . B-680 . . . . . EACH . . . EACH .85 .85 1.30 1.30 .85 "~L30"" "i"30~" Y BRANCHES. - B-682. SIZE . . INCHES * t 1 H H 2 | 2| PLAIN . . EACH .25 .40 .60 .80 1.00 1.70 2.00 Y BRANCHES, REDUCING SIZES SIZE INCHES 11x14/ 2x11x14. 2x14/ 2xl£ PLAIN EACH 1.00 1.70. 1.70 1.70 B-682. Y BRANCH. DOUBLE Y BRANCHES.- B- 683. SIZE . INCHES H '2 PLAIN . EACH 1.50 2.00 B-683. DOUBLE Y BRANCH. Galvanized Y Branches — double above lists. CHANDELIER BODIES. -B-685. B-685. CHANDELIER BODY. SIZE . . . . INCHES M *x± t*i M TWO LIGHTS THREE LIGHTS .... FOUR LIGHTS EACH EACH EACH .15 .24 .30 .21 .30 .36 ".30 .36 " ' 36 " " .42 94 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS. B-690. BUSHING. B-691. FACED BUSHING. B-692. LOCKNUT. B-693. EXTENSION. SIZE .... INCHES i t * 1 1 1* H 2 2| 3 BUSHINGS, PLAIN EACH .04 .04 .05 .06 .07 .09 .14 .21 BUSHINGS, GALVANIZED . .' . . EACH .08 .08 .10 .12 .14 .18 .28 .42 FACED BUSHINGS, PLAIN .... EACH .11 .13 .17 .22 .32 .48 LOCKNUTS, PLAIN .... EACH .02 .03 .04 .05 .07 .09 .11 .18 .40 .50 LOCKNUTS, GALVANIZED . . . . EACH ..03 .04 .05 .07 .10 .14 .20 .30 .55 .70 EXTENSION PIECES EACH .06 .09 .12 ... ... B-695. HEXAGON NIPPLE. B-696. OFFSET COUPLING. B-697. WASTE NUT. WALL PLATE. HEXAGON NIPPLES.-B -695. SIZE . . INCHES * 1 • H 1* 2 EACH .25 .30 .40 .50 .70 OFFSET REDUCING COUPLINGS -B-696. SIZE .... INCHES lxf J lj-xl. UxH 2xl£ 2±x2 3x2*- H ,3 4x3 | 5x4 EACH .60 | .70 .90 1.10 1.80 2.50 3 00 4.00 6.00 WASTE NUTS.-B -697. SIZE .... . . INCHES i f i i 1 PLAIN . GALVANIZED . . . EACH . . EACH .04 .08 .05 .10 .06 .12 .08 .16 .10 .20 WALL PLATES. -B-698. SIZE . . INCHES t EACH _.___.____ •--- .12 B-700. LOOP. B-701. HOOK, MALE. CHANDELIER LOOPS AND HOOKS. B-702. HOOK, FEMALE. SIZE INCHES 1 i B-700. CHANDELIER LOOPS EACH B-701 AND B-702. CHANDELIER HOOKS EACH .10 .10 .12 .12 For Sizes, Weights and Classification of Malleable Fittings, see pages 96 and 97. JAMBS B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 95 MALLEABLE RETURN BENDS. B-710. CLOSE PATTERN. RETURN BENDS, CLOSE PATTERN.— B-710. B-712. OPEN PATTERN. SIZE INCHES 1-i CENTER TO CENTER . . RIGHT HAND, PLAIN . . . RIGHT AND LEFT, PLAIN . RIGHT HAND, GALVANIZED EACH EACH EACH .25 .35 H .35 .45 .55 II .50 .60 .75 .75 H 1.00 1.25 1.65 RETURN BENDS, OPEN PATTERN. -B-712. SIZE INCHES i t 1 H H 2 n 3 CENTER TO CENTER . . RIGHT HAND, PLAIN EACH RIGHT AND LEFT, PLAIN ..... EACH RIGHT HAND, GALVANIZED EACH U .15 .20 .25 2 2£ .30 .50 .38 .60 .45 .70 3 .65 .80 .90 3* .85 1.05 1.25 4 1.25 1.55 2.00 H 2.00 2.50 3.50 5 3.00 3.75 5.00 B-715. CROSS-OVER. B-716. CROSS-OVER, WITH BACK OUTLET SAME AS RUN. B-717. CROSS-OVER TEE. CROSS-OVER FITTINGS, GALVANIZED.-B-715, B-716 and B-717. FIGURE B-715 B-716 B-717 SIZE , .... INCHES i i 1 1 f 1 * * 1 TO CROSS OVER K-INCH PIPE .... TO CROSS OVER K-INCH PIPE . . . TO CROSS OVER 1-INCH PIPE .... EACH .... EACH .... EACH .22 .35 .45 .60 .32 .50 .62 ".49* .68 .26 ~.3~9 ".60 38 ".56" ".86" TO CROSS OVER 1X-INCH PIPE. . . . EACH For Sizes, Weights and Classification of Malleable Fittings, see pages 96 and 97. 06 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. ■8P B-720. FEMALE UNION ELBOW. B-721. MALE UNION ELBOW. UNION ELBOWS.-B-720 and B-721. SIZE INCHES 4 i 1 H 1* 2 24 FEMALE, PLAIN EACH MALE, PLAIN EACH .42 .48 .54 .62 .63 .72 .90 1.05 1.05 1.20 1.55 1.S0 2.85 3.30 Galvanized Union Elbows, 50 per cent, added to plain list. B-725. AMERICAN UNION. B-726. ERIE UNION. B-727. DART UNION. SIZE INCHES X £ 4 $ 1 li 1* 2 H 3 B-725, B-726. PLAIN EACH B-725, B-726. GALVANIZED EACH B-727. PLAIN EACH B-727. GALVANIZED EACH .20 .24 .30 .45 .24 .2S .40 .CO .28 .35 .50 .75 .35 .46 .60 .90 .40 .55 .80 1.20 .56 78 1.20 1.S0 .so 1.12 1.C0 2.40 .95 1.35 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.90 3.20 4.80 2.75 3.75 4.80 6.20 The Dart Union has interchangeable seats of bronze which can be replaced without removing from the pipes. MALLEABLE UNIONS.-B-730. SIZE . . . . INCHES i I i £ 1 H H 2 24 3 3* 4 PLAIN . . . . GALVANIZED . . EACH . EACH .18 .27 .20 .30 .22 .33 .27 .40 .33 .50 .46 .70 .58 .90 .75 1.15 1 55 2.35 2.10 3.15 3.65 5.50 4.35 6.50 KEYSTONE UNIONS.-B-731 1 1 SIZE . . INCHES i t 4 i ■Ih H 2 24 3 | PLAIN . . EACH GALV. . . EACH .20 .24 .24 .28 .28 .35 .35 .46 .40 .56 .55 .7S .80 1.12 .95 1 . 35 2.00 2.90 2.75 3.75 B-731. KEYSTONE UNION. B-731. SECTIONAL VIEW. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 07 B-735. FEMALE UNION TEE. B-736. MALE UNION TEE. UNION TEES.-B-735 and B-736. SIZE INCHES * i 1 H H 2 H FEMALE, PLAIN MALE, PLAIN EACH EACH .45 .52 .57 .65 .70 .80 .95 1.10 1.15 1.30 1.70 1.95 3.20 3.70 Galvanized Union Tees, 50 per cent, added to Plain list. B-738. ELBOW. B-739. COUPLING. B-740. UNION ELBOW. B-741. CIRCULATING BOILER FITTINGS, GALVANIZED. UNION COUPLING. SIZE Female, Male. £x£xl Female, Male. *X*Xl Female, Male. |x{xl B-738. ELBOW B-739. COUPLING B-740. ELBOW WITH UNION . . B-741. COUPLING WITH UNION EACH EACH EACH EACH ,40 .40 .75 .75 B-746. LEFT HAND ELBOW. B-747. RIGHT HAND ELBOW. B-748. WASH TRAY TEE. Qwm^Dm Dm. pm- B-745. RANGE BOILER UNION TEE. MAL. IRON, GALV. .GO Made to fit any style of iron range boiler. TEES AND ELBOWS AS APPLIED. WASH TRAY FITTINGS.-B-746, B-747 and B- 748. SIZE INCHES i t B-746 OR B-747. MALLEABLE IRON, GALVANIZED B-746 OR B-747. BRASS B-748. MALLEABLE IRON, GALVANIZED B-748. BRASS . EACH . EACH . EACH . EACH .20 .40 .20 .40 .30 .60 .30 .60 These Boiler and "Wash Tray Fittings require fewer fittings, less pipe, less labor and less space than the old style and are a decided improvement over previous methods. Send for special circulars. 98 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. STANDARD SIZES OF MALLEABLE FITTINGS. ELBOWS. i P i*i P 4- . . . .P&B m p <|x± P&B *§ B 4x4; B *$xf P&B **.... P-& B *fx$- ♦f . - lxf - *lx$. ♦lxf . *1 . . ♦l}xl 1± *l±xl* *H - • 2xf . . 2x1 . . 2x1} ♦2x1$ ♦2 - . 2$xl$ 2$x2 ♦2$ . 3x2 . 3x2$ *3 . . . 3$x3 3* . 4x3 . 4x3$ ♦4 . . *i - 5 _ . .P&B .P&B .P&B .P&B .P&B .P&B .P&B .P&B .P&B .P&B l$xf . .P&B l$xl . .P&B P&B P&B . . P P&B P&B P&B P&B . . B . . B P&B . .B . . B P&B . . B . . B . . B . . B . . B . . B . . B STREET ELLS. T B *f B ,♦$ B I Uk B i*f B I Ixf B *1 B ♦lfxl . . . . B i lixi B |*1* B STREET ELLS. l$xl . . . .B l$xl} . . . B *1* 2x1 2x14; .... 2x1$ .... *2 n 2$x2 .... 2$xl$ SIDE OUTLET ELBOWS. *fxf xf - $x$xf *$x$x$ f x|xf fxfx$ ♦ixfxf. . . . lxlxf lxlx$. lxlxf .... *lxlxl . lixiixi . . l}xl}xlf . . ♦l$xl$xl$- - - 2x2x2 . . . DROP ELLS FEMALE. iH m *t xf ..... **t *ix$ **** ** xf ♦lxl TEES. ixixi P ixfx} P *xf xf . ix}xf . *|x}x4 . *^ix| . fxixi . IxM . fxfxf - *f xf x} . *§xfxf . *fxfx±_- £xf x± . ♦4xf xf . p . . p P&B P&B . . p . . p - . p . . p P&B P&B . . P P&B TEES. 4x}x$ . *$xf x$ . $xfxf. £x$x} . *Mxf - *$x$x$ - *$x$xf . i x}xf . ♦fxfxf . ♦f xf x$ . ♦ixfxf. fxfxl . fxixi . *ixixf. *ix$x$ . ♦|x$xf . ♦fx$xl . |xfx± - *f xf xf . ♦f xf x4 . ♦f xf xf . ♦fxfxl . fxfxl} lxf x* . Ixfxf . lxf xl . ♦lx$x$ . ♦lx$xf . lx$xl . *lxf xf . ♦ixfx$ . ♦Ixfxf . . . p .P&B .P&B .P&B -P&B -P&B .P&B . . . P .P&B . . . P .P&B . . . P . . . P .P&B -P&B .P&B -P&B .P&B .P&B -P&B .P&B .P&B . . . B P . . . P .P&B .P&B . . . B .P&B .P&B -P&B .P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B ♦lxfxl. .P&B ♦lxfxl} .P&B lxlx} . *lxlx|. ♦lxlx| . ♦lxlxf . ♦lxlxl . ♦1x1x1} 1x1x1$ l}xfxl} P&B l}x4xl .P&B *l}x|xl} P&B l}xf xf .P&B *l±xfxl .P&B ♦l}xfxl} P&B l}xlxf .P&B ♦l}xlx| .P&B *l}xlxf .P&B ♦l}xlxl .P&B ♦l}xlxl} P&B lfxlxlf . . B l}xl}xf P&B ♦l}xl}x$ P&B ♦l}xl}xf P&B TEES. l}xl}xl P& l}xl}xl}P& Uxl}xHP& lixlJ. x 2 P& lixfxl* . . li*ixH P& 1**4x14; . . l$xfxl$ P& l*xl x f . . . *l£xl x l . P& ♦l£xlxl} . . ♦l$xl xl | p& ♦l*xl} x f . . ♦l$xl}xl . . ♦lixl} x i}P& ♦l£xl} X ]£P& l* xl $xf . . ii*Hx$ P& lixl$ x f P& : l$xl$ x l P.& ♦l*xl$xl}P& Hixl| x HP& =1^x1^x2 P& 2*f *2 .... 2*$*2 . . p & 2*2x2 _ . p & 2X1X2. .P& =2*14x1} P& 2*Hxl$ P& 2x11x2 . P & 2*l$xf 2*14x1 . . . =2*I$xl} P& =2*l$xl$ P& '2*l$x2 . P & *2*2x|_ .p& *2*2*f . . p & *2x2xi . . P & *2x2xl} .P& *2x2xl$ . P & *2x2x2 .-P& 2x2x2$ . . . ! 2Ax2£xl . . . 24x2$xlf . . 2$x2$xl$ . *2$x2$x2 P& *2$x2$x2$P& 3x3x1 .... 3x3x1} . . . 3x3x1$ . . . =3x3x2 .P& =3x3x2$ . . . =3x3x3 . P & 3$*3$x2 . . 3$x3$x2$ . . 3$x3$x3 . . TEES. 34x34x3$ . 4x4x2 . . 4x4x2$ . . 4x4x3 . . 4x4x3$ . . 4x4x4 . . 4$x4$x4$ . 5x5x5 . . 6x6x6 . . TEES. LONG DROP, fxfxf TEES. DROP FEMALE. f *}x} f xf x} *|xfxf ...... $x*x$ $xfx4- $xfx| $x$x4 *$x$xf *$x$x$ . . . . f x$xi . . . . i x$xf . . . . *Mx T ._ - - - *fxjxf . *fxjx^ . . . . *ix}xf Ixfxf . . . lxlxf . . . lxlx$ . lxlxf. lxlxl . DROP-W ixixf . Mxf - *fxf xf . $x|xf . *$x$xf . |x$xf . fxjxf. Ixfxf . lxlxf . CROSSES. 4x4xi. . . . f xix± CROSSES fx|x4_ fxfxf. . . $xfxi .... $xf xf . $x*xf . *$x$xf . *$x$x$ f xf x$ . fx$xf . *Jx$x$ . ixfxf . *fx^x$ . *Jx|Xf . lx|x$. Ixfxf . lxlxf. *lxlx$ . *lxlxf . *lxlxl . Hxlxf l^xlxl HxHxf *l|xl4x$ P&B *l±xl£xf P&B *]fxlixl P&B *lixl4xl+P&B l$xlixl4 . . B l$xl$xl$P&B *l$xl$xf P&B *l$xl$xl P&B *l$xl$x!4P&B *l$xl$xl$P&B 2x2x$ ..P&B *2x2x| . *2x2xl . *2x2xl-} *2x2xl$ *2x2x2 2$x2$xl$ . . P . . P . . P . . P . . P P&B P&B . . P . . P . . P P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B . . B . . B . . B P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B B 2$x2$x2 . . B c 2$x2$x2$ P&B 3x3x2 3x3x2$ . 3x3x3 . 3$x3$x3$ 4x4x2 . 4x4x4 . REDUCERS. |x$ fx± $xi '$xf ix± . . . . p . . . . p . .P&B . . . . P . . P&B . . . . P REDUCERS. ixf P ixk P&B lxi P lxf P =lx$ ..... P ■lxf P&B Uxf . Hx$ 14xf P&B P&B P&B *ljxl . . P&B l$xt *l$x$ . *Hxf . *l$xl . n$xi4. 2xi . 2xf . *2xl . *2xl} . *2xl$ . 2$xl . *2$xli . 2*xl$. *2$x2 . 3x1 . . 3x14. - *3xl$ . 3x2 . . *3x2* . 3$x2$ . *3$x3 . 4x2 . . *4x2$ . 4x3 . . 4x3* . P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B . . B . . B P&B P&B . . B . . B . . B P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B P&B EXTENSION PIECES. M *x$ ixi Y BRANCHES. $ B i B 1 B li ...P&B 1$ P&B Hxl*. . P&B 2" P&B 2xl$xl$ P&B 2x14 . .P&B 2x14 . . P&B Note. — The letter "P" following sizes, indicates that Fittings are made in Plain pattern only; pattern; "P&B" indicates that they are made hoth Plain and Beaded. In ordering, be particular to state which pattern is wanted. ♦Carried in stock, Galvanized. B" indicates Beaded CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 99 B REVISED CLASSIFICATION AND PRICE LIST MALLEABLE FITTINGS. (SUPERSEDING ALL PREVIOUS CLASSIFICATIONS.) ADOPTED B.Y MANUFACTURERS NOV. ATH, 1901. CLASS A. ELBOWS i, ixi, £x£. TEES t, ixi, ix'i, f xi. R. & L. COUPLINGS i in. REDUCERS ix|, fx£. R, H. COUPLINGS i in. ELLS, R. & L i, f . R. & L. RETURN BENDS . . f, h ROD COUPLINGS ...... CLASS B ELBOWS f , i, f x£, ixi. TEES i, f, ±xf, fx±X±, f x£, £x±xf. ELBOWS, SIDE OUTLETS . + in. and smaller. TEES, SIDE OUTLETS \ in. and smaller. STREET ELLS i, f. CROSSES .' i, f, $. REDUCING CROSSES . 1 in. and smaller. DROP ELLS AND TEES . . £ in. and smaller. CAPS ■«. . . i, f. LOCK NUTS i, f, £. REDUCERS £ x£,, to £ xf in., inclusive. EXTENSION PIECES •§■ and £ in. R. & L. COUPLINGS ±, ■$. R. H. COUPLINGS £, f. R. & L. ELBOWS i in. WASTE NUTS . . . .' f in. and smaller. CHANDELIER HOOKS all sizes. RETURN BENDS f and £ in. RETURN BENDS, R. & L . . f, 1. WALL PLATES all sizes. 45° ELLS 1 in. and smaller. Y's hi- CLASS C. ELBOWS ; . i and |xf in. ELBOWS, R. & L - J, 1. TEES \ and \ reducing. The run of Tees (Bullheads) gives the size for the purpose ELBOWS, SIDE OUTLETS f in. and larger. TEES, SIDE OUTLETS £ in. and larger. STREET ELLS \, f, f x£, 1 X f. CROSSES 1 and f in., straight. DROP ELLS -J in. and larger. DROP TEES I in. and larger. CAPS hi an( i 1 i n - LOCK NUTS i, 1, H- REDUCERS i x i to 1 in., inclusive. R. & L. COUPLINGS h i- R. H. COUPLINGS h i- EXTENSION PIECES f in. and larger. WASTE NUTS . . 1 in. and larger. RETURN BENDS f, 1. 45° ELLS i to 2 in., inclusive. Y's 1 in. and larger. RETURN BENDS, R..& L H in. and larger. CLASS D. ELBOWS & TEES „ f and 1 in. CROSSES J-i in.. and larger. STREET ELLS . - 1 in. and larger. CAPS j -» - 1£ in. and larger. LOCK NUTS . 1| in. and larger. REDUCERS li in. and larger. R. H. COUPLINGS . 1 and 1£ in - R. & L. COUPLINGS . . 1 in. and larger. R. & L. ELBOWS - 1£ in. and larger. 45° ELBOWS r 2+ in. and larger. RETURN BENDS l£in. and larger. Such Fittings as have smaller outlets than £ in. will be classed "C." CLASS E. ELBOWS & TEES . 1±. in. and larger. R. H. COUPLINGS . .' . 1£, 2. Such Fittings in this class that "have outlets smaller than 1 in. to be classed "D." of classification, and the outlet being larger does not change it. Eeturn Bends, reduced; Return Bends, tapped on spread; Elbows, tapped on pitch 15 per cent, added. K. & L. Fittings, not classified above, in lots less than 100 pounds 15 per cent, added. PRICES. CLASS. A B C D E BLACK PER POUND GALVANIZED , PER POUND .40 .50 .20 .27 .16 .23 .13 .20 .11 .18 L.cfC. 100 JAMES B. CLOW& SONS, CHICAGO. # B-770. ELBOW. B-771. SIDE OUTLET ELBOW. B-772. TEE. B-773. SIDE OUTLET TEE. m B-776. B-777. SIDE OUTLET CROSS. ORNAMENT. B-778. BUSHING. B-780. CAST-IRON FLANGE. MALLEABLE RAILING FITTINGS. SIZE INCHES * i 1 1* 1* 2 B-770. ELBOW . . . ...... EACH .15 .18 .20 .35 .45 .72 B-771. SIDE OUTLET ELBOW . . . EACH .20 .23 .25 .40 .50 .80 B-772. TEE EACH .20 .23 .25 .40 .50 .75 B-773. SIDE OUTLET TEE . . . EACH .30 .33 ,35 .45 .55 .90 B-775 CROSS EACH .30 .33 .35 .45 .58 1.00 B-776. SIDE OUTLET CROSS . . . EACH .35 .38 .40 .50 .65 1.35 B-777. ACORN ORNAMENT .... EACH .16 .18 .20 .25 .35 .90 B-778. BUSHING EACH -- .06 .07 .10 .12 .18 Right and Left or Left Hand, also Reducing sizes, charged at 25 per- cent, net additional. Bushings reduce one or two sizes. RAILING FLANGES.-B-779 and B-780. SIZE . . . INCHES t . * 1 1 1* H I 2 B-779 B-780 ; EACH EACH .12 .14 .14 .15 .15 .15 .15 ,20 .20 .28 .28 .30 .30 BRASS FINISHED RAILING FITTINGS. SIZE i t 1 H H 2 B-770. ELBOW EACH B-771. ELBOW, SIDE OUTLET EACH .60 .80 .80 1.20 1.20 1.40 1.00 .30 .70 .90 .90 1.30 1.30 1.50 1.50 .40 .80 1.10 1.10 1.50 1.50 1.70 2.00 .55 1.20 .1.70 1.70 2.00 2.00 2.25 2.50 .75 1.60 2.00 2.00 2.40 2.40 3-00 3.25 1.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.50 3.50 4.00 4.50 1.30 | B-773. TEE, SIDE OUTLET EACH B-776. CROSS, SIDE OUTLET EACH B-778. FLOOR FLANGE EACH JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. ADJUSTABLE RAILING FITTINGS. B-787. CROSS. B-788. STAIR TEE. B-789. STAIR CROSS. ADJUSTABLE RAILING FITTINGS, IRON. SIZE INCHES 1 1* H 2 EACH 1.10 1.30 1.50 1.30 1.50 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.60 1.85 1.70 2.00. 2.35 2.15 2.50 2.25 2.50 2.75 2.50 2.75 B-786 B-787 EACH ...... EACH . . . EACH B-789 EACH By means of these Fittings, almost any angle may be obtained in Railings for stairs and other places requiring a deviation from horizontal or perpendicular lines, which would otherwise require special patterns to attain the same results. ADJUSTABLE RAILING FITTINGS, POLISHED BRASS. SIZE .-..'. INCHES 1 li 1* 2 B-785 .... B-786 B-787 ..... B-788 ... EACH EACH EACH EACH 2.75 3.25 3.75 3.25 3.75 3.15 3.75 4.40 4.00 4.65 4.25 5.00 5.90 5.40 • 6.25 • 5.65 6.25 6.90 6.25 6.90 B-789 EACH <|p*W ^P*W B-792. TEE. B-793. CROSS. gM*^rT%TiNir'rTrr^^ B-794. LOAFER RAIL. ADJUSTABLE RAILING FITTINGS, IRON.-B-792, B-793 and B-794. SIZE . . . . INCHES 1 li li 2 B-792. STAIR LANDING TEE ....... B-793. STAIR LANDING CROSS B-794. PER LENGTH OF 18 INCHES . . . EACH EACH EACH .90 1.00 .30 1.10 1.20 .30 1.50 1.60 30 2 15 2.40 .30 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. B-802. B-804. 45° ANGLE MALLEABLE IRON RAILING FITTINGS. SIZE INCHES 1:1- u B-800. ELBOW ...... SIDE OUTLET, NOT ILLUSTRATED B-801. ELBOW SIDE OUTLET, NOT ILLUSTRATED B-802. TEE SIDE OUTLET, NOT ILLUSTRATED B-803. CROSS SIDE OUTLET, NOT ILLUSTRATED B-804. FLOOR FLANGE . . . EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH ..70 .SO .70 .80 .SO .90 .90 1.00 .40 .90 1.00 .90 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.16 1.30 1.4-1 1.60 1.44 1.60 1.60 1.S0 2.00 2.70 .60 2.. 00 2.30 2.00 2.30 2.40 2 SO 3.00 3.50 1.00 3.00 3.40 3.00 3.40 3.80 4.30 4.50 5.20 1.50 Always furnished tapped right hand unless otherwise ordered. Right and left or left hand charged at 25 per cent, additional. Angle Railing Fittings can be furnished in brass. THE "GRIFFIN" FOOT RAIL FITTINGS. B-808. CORNER FITTING. B-810. END FINISH. B-809. BRACKET. SIZE . . ONE INCH Plain Iron. Bronzed Iron. Galvanized Iron. Artistic Brass. BRACKETS EACH CORNER FITTINGS EACH END FINISH FITTINGS. ... - EACH .50 .50 .15 .85 .75 .25 .So .75 .25 3.50 3.00 1.40 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 103 B-813. COUNTER BRACKET. B-814. HINGE FOR PIPE GATES. B-815. BRASS RAILING CAP. RAILING TRIMMINGS. SIZE INCHES f 1 - H 11 2 COUNTER BRACKETS, CAST IRON EACH FINISHED BRASS CAPS EACH HINGE FOR PIPE GATES EACH .25 .60 .60 .30 .80 .70 .50 1.00 .85 1.00 1.20 1.25 1.25 1.75 1.50 B-817. PLEASE READ THIS NOTICE WITH CARE. To construct a Bailing two pipes high, the upper outlet of all fittings used in lower pipes should be tapped witli left-hand thread, but when orders are sent us without specif ying how outlets are to be tapped, all fittings will invariably be furnished right-hand. As the fittings do not need to be steam or water-tight, a sufficiently clean thread to 6crew up well and make a good job can be made by running a left-hand tap into any outlet tapped right-hand. A neat and simple gate can be made by reducing with a bushing the outlets of the fittings on each side of the passage- way, and then using a smaller size pipe to slide back and forward inside of the top rail, with a pin to prevent its running back too far. (See dotted line in cut.) B-819. DESIGN FOR BRASS RAILING. Prices on Brass Posts, Gates, and all trimmings furnished upon application, 104 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. BRASS STEAM AND WATER FITTINGS. ROUGH AND FINISHED. IRON PIPE THREADS. B-825. ELBOW. B-827. FINISHED UNION. SIZE . INCHES * i t 1 f. 1 l£ 'H 2 H 3 H 4 ROUGH . EACH .12 .17 .21 .28 .35 .50 .85 1.10 1.50 3.50 4.50 7.00 10.00 REDUCING, ROUGH . . EACH .. .22 .26 .35 •.45 .62 1.10 1.40 1.90 4.40 5.65 8.75 12.50 45° ROUGH . . . . . EACH .25 .30 .40 ,.50 .75 1.25 1.65 2.25 5.25 6.75 STREET, ROUGH . . . EACH ... ... .55 .75 • 1.00 1.80 2.50 3.25 .... .... TEES. SIZE " . INCHES i i t * 1 1 H H 2 H 3 H 4 ROUGH EACH REDUCING, ROUGH . . EACH .15 .20 .25 .30 .38 .40 .50 .50 .63 .75 .95 1.00 1.25 1.30 1.65 1.75 2.20 4.00 5.00 5.50 6.90 9.00 •11.25 13.00 16.25 CROSSES. SIZE . INCHES i t i f 1 H H 2 H 3 H 4 ROUGH REDUCING, ROUGH . . EACH . EACH .30 .38 .40 .50 .50 .65 .60 .75 .80 1.00 1.50 1.90 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.40 5.00 6.25 7.00 8.75 10.00 12.50 14.50 18.00 REDUCERS. SIZE .......'. -. INCHES I t 1 1 1* 14 • 21 » ROUGH EACH .22 .32 .45 .65 .90 1.12 1.85 3.00 4.50 RETURN BENDS. . . INCHES * $ 1 H H 2 CLOSE PATTERN, ROUGH . . OPEN PATTERN, ROUGH . . . . . . EACH . . . EACH .40 .50 .75 1.00"- • 1.15 * 1.35 1.65 2.00 ' 2.50 3.00 4.00 4.50 UNIONS. SIZE INCHES i i 1 | * | t 1 1* 1* 2 H 3 FINISHED EACH .32 .36 .50 .70 | .90 1.25 1.70 1 2.50 3.60 6.00. 1 9.VS Finished Fittings, double above list. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 105 BRASS STEAM AND WATER FITTINGS. IRON PIPE THREADS. MM B-830. COUPLING. B-832. CAP. COUPLINGS, CAPS, AND PLUGS. B-834. PLUG. SIZE . „ INCHES i i t i t 1 H H 2 H 3 COUPLINGS, ROUGH . EACH COUPLINGS R.&L..RGH., EACH CAPS, ROUGH .... EACH PLUGS, ROUGH . . . EACH .10 .15 .09 .14 .17 .15 .10 .16 .20 .20 .12 .25 .30 .25 .15 .37 .45 .35 20 .50 .60 .45 .28 60 .75 .60 .40 .90 1.18 .80 .50 1.35 1.75 1.10 .90 2.40 2:66 1.25 3.50 3 "66 2.00 B-836. NIPPLE. B-838. LOCKNUT. NIPPLES.-B-836. B-840. BUSHING. 1* H 2* CLOSE EACH ROUGH, TO 4 IN. LONG, EACH 90 1.25 1.25 2.50 1.60 3.00 3.50 4.50 LOCKNUTS AND BUSHINGS. -B-838 and B-840 SIZE INCHES i i f i f 1 li 1* 2 H 3 LOCKNUTS, ROUGH, EACH BUSHINGS EACH .10 .10 .10 .12 12 ..15 ; .14 .20 .21 .30 .38 .45 .50 .70 .67 .95 1.00 1.50 1.50 8.75 8.50 Bushings reducing more than two sizes, made to order at special price. Finished Fittings double above list. EXTRA HEAVY ROUGH BRASS STEAM FITTINGS. MADE FROM STANDARD CAST-IRON FITTING.PATTERNS. SUITABLE FOR WORKING STEAM PRESSURE OF 250 LBS. B-845. ELBOW. i-848. TEE. SIZE INCHES H H 2 n ELBOWS EACH ELBOWS, 45° . EACH TEES EACH CROSSES ■. . EACH RETURN BENDS, CLOSE PATTERN EACH RETURN BENDS, OPEN PATTERN EACH .70 .84 1.00 1.30 .85 1.00 1.00 1.20 1;35 1.80 1.00 1.75 1.50 1.86 2.00 2.75 2.25 3.00 2.00 2.40 3.00 4.00 2.75 3.75 3.00 3.60 4.50 5.25 4.50 6.00 S .'50 6.160 7.50 9.00 8.50 10.20 11.00 14.00 Other Fittings and Reducing sizes made to order at special loa JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. HIGH PRESSURE BRASS UNIONS. SPECIAL WEIGHT AND STRENGTH FOR HARD SERVICE. B-850. BRASS UNION, GROUND JOINT. B-852. BRASS UNION, BALL JOINT. B-85 2. SECTIONAL VIEW. HIGH PRESSURE BRASS UNIONS. -B-850 and B-852. SIZE .... INCHES * i 1 1± H 2 H 3 B-850 .... ..,.«. ... EACH' .75 1.80 1.00 2.00 1.40 2.50 1.90 3.00 2.75 4.50 4.00 7.50 6.50 13.00 8.50 B-852 .... These Unions are especially adapted to Blast Furnace and other high pressure work, being made to stand rough service. B-852 is an excellent Union for use where pipes are not in. perfect line, and on Tuyere connections facilitates quick changing of the Tuyeres. EXTRA HEAVY OCTAGON BRASS UNIONS.- B-855 and B-857. B-855. ROUGH OCTAGON BRASS UNION. SIZE . . INCHES * f * £ 1 H ROUGH . . . EACH FINISHED . , EACH .40 .55 .55 .75 .75 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.40 2.00 1.90 2.50 SIZE . . INCHES H 2 H 3 H 4 ROUGH . . . EACH FINISHED . . EACH 2.75 3.00 4.00 4.50 6.50 7.50 8.50 10.00 13.50 18.50 B-857. FINISHED OCTAGON BRASS. UNION. B-860. ELBOW. B-862. REDUCING ELBOW. B-864. TEE. B-866. REDUCING TEE. FOR FINE PLUMBING WORK. RECESSED BRASS FITTINGS. THE RECESS COVERS THREADS, WHICH ARE ORDINARILY EXPOSED. SIZE _..... ...... INCHES f * * 1 *1J *1,V *2 ELBOWS ELBOWS, REDUCING EACH ...... EACH .42 .52 .50 .60 .76 .80 1.00 .32 .44 .36 .56 .70 .70 .80 1.00 1.00 1.30 .50 .64 .55 .70 .90 1.00 1.00 - 1.25 1.20 1.50 .75 .90 .82 1.00 1.25 1.40 1.50 1.90 1.60 2.00 1.00 1.30 1.10 1.70 2.20 2.10 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.80 1.20 1.80 1.35 2.20 2.8a 2.80 2.60 3.30 4.00 5.00 1.80 2.25 2.00 3.30 3.80 3.60 3.50 4.40 7.00 8.80 2.70 3.70 3.10 ELBOWS, 45° TEES . . . . : EACH EACH TEES, REDUCING CROSSES . E»CH EACH CROSSES, REDUCING EACH COUPLINGS COUPLINGS, REDUCING COUPLINGS, RIGHT AND LEFT . ...... EACH EACH *!£, 1|, 2-iuch ure made only to order. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. STANDARD BRASS VALVES. C-1. GLOBE VALVE. C-2. ANGLE VALVE. C-3. CROSS VALVE. GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES, SCREWED.-C-1 and C-2. SIZE . .... INCHES .1 4 i ■§• i T 1 | H | H 2 2| 3 3} "4 EACH .72 .72 .77 1.00 1.26 1.S0 | 2.52 1 3.50 5.30 10.00 14.40 20.50 36.00 CROSS VALVES, SCREWED.-C-3. SIZE .... INCHES i • » 4 1 H i» o H 3 1.25 1.35 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 5.00 8.00 16.00 24.00 C-8. HORIZONTAL CHECK. C-10. VERTICAL CHECK. C-12. ANGLE CHECK. CHECK VALVES. -C-8, C-10 and C-12. SIZE INCHES i 4 a. 4 } 1 H H 2. 2V 3 C-8 C-10 AND C-12 EACH EACH .65 .72 .65 .72 .70. .77 .90 1.00 1.15 1.26 1.60 1.S0 2.25 2.52 3.15 3.50 4.75 5.30 ■9.00 10.00 13.00 14.40 108 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. BRASS VALVES. C-16. GLOBE VALVE. C-22. GLOBE VALVE. C-23. ANGLE VALVE. BRASS GLOBE, ANGLE AND CHECK VALVES, FLANGED. SIZE INCHES H H 2 21 3 H 4 GLOBE AND ANGLE. . EACH HORIZONTAL CHECK, EACH DIAM. FLANGES. . . INCHES 6.75 6'. 50 4 8.50 8.25 10.50 10.15 5 16.00 15.50 6 23.00 22.00v 7 35.00 33.50 7* 50.00 47.50 8* 70.00 66.50 9 LOCK SHIELD VALVES.-C-22 and C-23. SIZE , . . , ...... . INCHES s i t 1 n H ROUGH BODY, PLAIN EACH ROUGH BODY, N. P. ALL OVER ...... EACH 1.10 1.40 1.35 1.65 1.60 1.95 2.25 2.65 3.25 3.70 4.85 5.35 Keys, Plain, each, 20 cents. Finished and Nickel Plated, each, 50 cents. C-28. SWINGING CHECK VALVE. C-34. BRASS Y VALVE, O. AND I. THREAD. SWINGING CHECK VALVES.-C-28. C-35. BRASS Y VALVE, INSIDE THREAD. SIZE INCHES .L f 1 i 1 H H 2 2} 3 HORIZONTAL . . . EACH 1.25 1.25 1.30 1.75 2.25 3.25 4.25 6.25 11.50 16.00 BRASS STRAIGHTWAY BLOW-OFF OR Y VALVES.-C-34 and C-35. SIZE INCHES i 1 1± 1+ 2 H EACH 2.75 3.25 4.00 5.75 9.00 18.50 Unless otherwise specified, Y Valves will be sent with outside and inside threads as shown in C-34. JAMBS B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 109 BRASS VALVES WITH JENKINS DISC. C-42. GLOBE VALVE. C-43. ANGLE VALVE C-45. GLOBE VALVE, WOOD WHEEL. GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES WITH JENKINS DISC.-C-42 and C-43. SIZE INCHES i f * £ 1 i* H 2 H 3 EACH 1.10 1.25 1.60 2.20 2.80 4.00 5.50 8.75 15.75 22.00 GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES WITH JENKINS DISC, WOOD WHEEL. -C-45. SIZE . . INCHES * £ 1 H 1* 2 ROUGH BODY, PLAIN . . . EACH 2.00 2.50 3.20 4.50 6.25 10.50 ROUGH BODY, PLATED TRIMMINGS . . . . . EACH 2.30 ' 2.80 3 -.50 . 4.80 - 6.55 10.80 ROUGH BODY, PLATED ALL OVER . . . . . EACH 2.40 2.90 3.60 4.90 6.65 10.90 FINISHED ALL OVER . . . EACH 2.50 3.00 3.75 5.25 7.25 11.75 FINISHED AND PLATED ALL OVER . . . . . EACH ' 2.90 3.40 4.15 5.65 7.65 12.15 C-S1. HORIZONTAL CHECK. C-53. VERTICAL CHECK. C-55. ANGLE CHECK. CHECK VALVES WITH JENKINS DISC.-C-51, C-53 and C-55. SIZE INCHES i & 1 £ 1 1± H 2 H 3 EACH 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.90 2.60 3.60 5.00 7.50 13.50 20.60- JAMBS B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. BRASS VALVES. EXTRA HEAVY. SUITABLE FOR A WORKING PRESSURE OF 200 POUNDS. C-57. WHITE STAR GLOBE VALVE. C-57. SECTIONAL VIEW. WHITE STAR EXTRA HEAVY GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES-C-57. SIZE INCHES i t i i 1 li H 2 24 3 SCREWED ENDS EACH FLANGED ENDS EACH DIAMETER OF FLANGES .. . . INCHES 1.60 4.00 1.85 4>60 2.20 5.10 3 3.05 5.85 34 4.30 7.50 4 5.90 10.90 8.50 14.00 5 12.75 20.50 6 20.75 30.00 7 30.70 42.70 74 C-59. WHITE STAR CHECK VALVE, EXTRA HEAVY CHECK VALVES, HORIZONTAL AND ANGLE-C-59. SIZE . . , . INCHES i f 4 1 I li H 2 24 3 SCREWED ENDS. . . . •FLANGED ENDS . . . . .... EACH .... EACH 1.60 1.80 1.90 2.75 5.60 4.10 7.00 5.50 9.70 8.00 12.80 11.50 19.00 18.50 27.80 29.20 41.10 'Diameter of Flanges, same as on Globe and Angle Valves, above. Our High Pressure Valves are made of the best Steam Metal, -with Bronze Metal Disc, and are -warranted to give excep- tionally good service under 200 pounds steam pressure. These Valves are so constructed they can be re-ground without removing Valve from steam line and can be re-packed without shutting off steam. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. Ill ASBESTOS DISC BRASS VALVES. C-82. GLOBE VALVE. C-83. ANGLE VALVE. ASBESTOS DISC BRASS VALVES. C-84. CROSS VALVE. i SIZE . ... INCHES i f 4 1 1 H H 2 2* 3 C-82 AND C-83 EACH C-84 EACH 1.10 ""ii 1.25 "*07 1.60 2.25 .09 2.20 2.50 .10 2.80 3.25 .12 4.00 4.75 .18 5.50 6.25 25 8.75 9.50 36 15.75 20.00 .48 .22.00 30.00 .60 EXTRA DISCS AND HOLDERS, COMPLETE EACH C-92. RADIATOR VALVE, FEMALE C-96. RADIATOR VALVE, WITH UNION. ASBESTOS DISC RADIATOR VALVES. * 1 H n 2 C-92. ROUGH BODY, N. P. ALL OVER .... EACH C-96. ROUGH BODY, N. P. ALL OVER .... EACH 2.85 3.80 3.65 4.75 4.90 6.40 6.75 8,10 11.00 13.10 For Iron Body Asbestos Valves and Cocks see page 127. 112 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. BRASS VALVES. C-125. SAFETY VALVE. C-127. LOW-PRESSURE SAFETY VALVE. SAFETY VALVES, STEAM METAL.-C-125. SIZE . . . INCHES i s i t 1 H .* 2 2} 3 BRASS DISC JENKINS DISC . . . - .... EACH .... EACH 2.20 2.50 3.25 4.12 3.90 4.95 4.70 5.50 7.15 8.25 9.00 10.15 *12.50 15.40 22.50 33.50 LOW PRESSURE SAFETY VALVES, STEAM METAL.-C-127. SIZE .... INCHES * 1 H H 2 EACH 2.60 3.30 4.50 6.35 8.65 C-130. THROTTLE VALVE. C-131. BUTTERFLY VALVE. C-132. VACUUM VALVE. THROTTLE, BUTTERFLY AND VACUUM VALVES. SIZE INCHES i t * * 1 li li 2 2* 3 •THROTTLE VALVES, STEAM METAL, EACH tBUTTERFLY VALVES EACH VACUUM VALVES EACH i'.bb i~25 i~50 3.00 3.10 2.00 4.00 4.40 2.50 5.00 5.65 7.00 6.75 10.00 10.00 19.00 13.75 29.00 21.00 ♦Suitable for a working pressure of 175 pounds. For larger sizes with Iron Body see page 135. f Butterfly Valves do not close steam or water tight. JAMBS B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 113 HOSE VALVES. FOR EDDY HOSE GATE VALVES SEE PAGE 139. C-136. HOSE VALVE, WHEEL HANDLE. C-137. HOSE VALVE, TEE HANDLE. BRASS HOSE VALVES WITH LEATHER DISC. -C-136 and C-137. SIZE INCHES 1 H 1* 2 2+ ROUGH BODY, PLAIN EACH ROUGH BODY, NICKEL PLATED ALL OVER . . EACH POLISHED BRASS ALL OVER EACH 3.15 3.65 3.70 4.30 4.75 5.50 7.00 8.00 11.50 8.50 9.75 14.50 These Valves have standard iron pipe thread on bottom and Chicago standard hose thread on side, 1 to 2 inch inclusive. The 2£ inch has the Chicago Fire Department thread on side. Can be furnished with other threads than those specified when wanted. C-138. GARDEN HOSE VALVE C-140. SINGLE GATE HOSE VALVE. BRASS GARDEN HOSE VALVES WITH LEATHER DISC.-C-138. .. INCHES i i i * H 2 n ROUGH BODY, FINISHED TRIMMINGS . . . . - EACH 1.65 1.65 2.20 3.40 4.75 - 7.00 12.00 | These Valves have standard iron pipe thread on bottom, and are made with cither Chicago or California hose thread on side. Can be furnished with other threads than those specified when so ordered. SINGLE GATE HOSE VALVES.-C -140. SIZE INCHES » : 1 1* 1* 2 H 3 2.10 1.70 2.70 2.20 3.80 3.20 4.90 4.20 7.00 6.20 12.40 11.50 17.00 16.00 WITHOUT CAP AND CHAIN . . ..._..-_ EACH 114 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES. NEEDLE POINT.-C-141. « FOR REGULATING FUEL OIL FEED. C-141. NEEDLE POINT VALVE. SIZE INCHES i .& i GLOBE OR ANGLE VALVES EACH ANGLE VALVES WITH UNION AT SIDE EACH 1.40 2.00 1.50 2.20 2.00 3.00 These "Valves are made to order only. Iu ordering state size of opening for feed. 'LUNKENHEIMER HANDY" GATE VALVE.— C-144. FOR PRESSURE NOT OVER 75 POUNDS. SIZE . . INCHES i f 1 U 1* 2 H 3 34. 4 H | 5 6 8 IRON BODY, BRASS | MOUNTED. . EACH 7.00 12.00 15.00 18.0021.00 25.0030.00 35.00 65.00 BRASS BODY . EACH 1.60 1.80 2.50 3.50 5.00 7.50 13.50 19.00 40.0060.00 1 ALL IRON . . EACH .... 3.40 4.00 4.50 6.00 7.00 12.0015.00 18.0021.0025.00j30.00 35.00 65.66j C-144. LUNKENHEIMER HANDY" GATE VALVE. ♦Screwed ends only ; not made Flanged. The discs are secured to the operating stem, and close against tapering seats. They have ball and socket bearings and are evenly wedged against the seats. When the valve is closed, the discs will not jar open. Can be operated at a distance by rod or rope. GAS LOG VALVE— C-145. SIZE INCHES £ f \ PLAIN, WOOD WHEEL PLAIN FINISHED BRASS WHEEL NICKEL PLATED TRIMMINGS, WOOD WHEEL NICKEL PLATED TRIMMINGS, BRASS WHEEL . EACH . EACH . EACH . EACH 1.60 2.10 1.85 2.35 1.75 2.25 2.00 2.50 2.00 2.50 2.25 2.75 " C-145. GAS LOG VALVE. JAMBS B. CLOW & SONS. CHICAGO. 115 RADIATOR VALVES. WHEN ORDERING, GIVE SIZE AND NUMBER, NOT DESCRIPTION. RIGHT C-147. FEMALE VALVE. C-148. UNION VALVE. QUICK-OPENING VALVES.-C-147 and C-148. J SIZE INCHES i 1 li H 2 NO. 1. HOT WATER, FEMALE, ROUGH BODY, PLATED TRIMMINGS . . . . EACH NO. 2. HOT WATER, FEMALE, ROUGH BODY, PLATED ALL OVER .... EACH NO. 3. HOT WATER, UNION, ROUGH BODY, PLATED TRIMMINGS .... EACH NO. 4. HOT WATER, UNION, ROUGH BODY, PLATED ALL OVER . . . . EACH 1.85 1.95 2.60 2.85 2.40 2.65 3.35 3.65 3.60 3.70 4.90 5.05 4. So 5.00 6.65 7.10 7.25 7.75 10.25 10.85 NO. 5. STEAM, FEMALE, ROUGH BODY, PLATED TRIMMINGS EACH NO. 6. STEAM,' FEMALE, ROUGH BODY, PLATED ALL OVER EACH NO. 7. STEAM, UNION, ROUGH BODY, PLATED TRIMMINGS EACH NO. 8. STEAM, UNION, ROUGH BODY. PLATED ALL OVER . EACH 1.85 1.95 2.60 2.85 2.40 2.65 3.35 3.65 3. CO 3.70 4.90 5.05 4.85 5.00 6.65 7.10 7.25 7.75 10.25 10.85 C-149. RIGHT HAND. C-149. OFFSET. C-149. RETURN UNIVERSAL RADIATOR VALVES. SIZE .... i 1 1 U H 2 ROUGH BODY, PLAIN ROUGH BODY, PLATED ALL OVER FINISHED ALL OVER . . . EACH . . . EACH . . . EACH 3.05 3.45 3.50 3.90 3.85 4.25 4.40 4.80 Iff 4.75 5.15 5.30 5.70 «tV 6.45 6.95 7.05 7.45 2 T V 8.55 8.95 9.65 10.05 2 T V 13.85 14.25 15.25 15.65 FINISHED AND PLATED ALL OVER CENTER TO CENTER (UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED) . . . . EACH . . INCHES The Universal Radiator Valve (Patented) has a swinging joint which may be turned to connect in any direction ; Right Hand, Left Hand, Offset, Return, 45° or any Angle. The above illustrations show three positions of the same Valve. It is made of best Steam Metal with all parts interchangeable and is fitted with renewablo Disc. 116 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. RADIATOR VALVES. WHEN ORDERING GIVE SIZE AND NUMBER, NOT DESCRIPTION. _T"3g- C-151. RADIATOR VALVES, ROUGH BODY.-C-150 and C-151. SIZE INCHES i 1 n li 2 NO. 20. FEMALE VALVES, BRASS DISC, N. P. TRIMMINGS EACH NO. 21. FEMALE VALVES, BRASS DISC, N. P. ALL OVER EACH NO. 22. FEMALE VALVES, JENKINS DISC, N. P. TRIMMINGS .... EACH NO. 23. FEMALE VALVES, JENKINS DISC, N. P. ALL OVER EACH 1.85 1.95 2.70 2.85 2.40 2.65 3.50 3.65 3.60 3.70 4.75 4.90 4.85 5.00 6.50 6.75 7.25 7.75 10.75 11.00 NO. 24. UNION VALVES, BRASS DISC, N. P. TRIMMINGS EACH NO. 25. UNION VALVES, BRASS DISC, N. P. ALL OVER EACH NO. 26. UNION VALVES, JENKINS DISC, N. P. TRIMMINGS EACH NO. 27. UNION VALVES, JENKINS DISC, N. P. ALL OVER EACH 2.60 2.85 3.75 3.80 3.35 3.65 4.65 4.75 4.90 5.05 6.25 6.40 6.65 7.10 8.00 8.10 10.25 10.85 12 . 85 13.10 Eadiator Valves can be furnished tapped differently, if specially ordered. RIGHT LOCK SHIELD VALVE, FEMALE. c^-a—j C-155. C-154. RADIATOR KEY LOCK SHIELD RADIATOR VALVES, ROUGH BODY.-C-153 and C-155 RIGHT LOCK SHIELD VALVE, WITH UNION. SIZE - 'NCHES * 1 H 14 2 NO. 28. FEMALE VALVES, BRASS DISC, N. P. TRIMMINGS ..... EACH NO. 29. FEMALE VALVES, BRASS DISC, N. P. ALL OVER EACH NO. 30. FEMALE VALVES, JENKINS DISC, N. P. TRIMMINGS .... EACH ' NO. 31. FEMALE VALVES, JENKINS DISC, N. P. ALL OVER .... EACH 1.85 1.95 2.70 2.85 2.40 2.65 3.50 3.65 3.60 3.70 4.75 4.90 4.85 5.00 6.50 6.75 7.25 7.75 10.75 11.00 NO. 32. UNION VALVES, BRASS DISC, N. P. TRIMMINGS EACH NO. 33. UNION VALVES, BRASS DISC, N. P. ALL OVER EACH NO. 34. UNION VALVES, JENKINS DISC, N. P. TRIMMINGS EACH NO. 35. UNION VALVES, JENKINS DISC, N. P. ALL OVER EACH 2.60 2.85 3.75 3.80 3.35 3.65 4.65 4.75 4.90 5.05 6.25 6.40 6.65 7.10 8.00 8.10 10.25 10.85 12.85 13.10 ■ i i t Nickel Plated Keys extra, each, 40 cents. Eadiator Valves can be furnished tapped differently, if specially ordered. JAMES B.CLOW& SONS, CHICAGO. 117 RADIATOR VALVES. WHEN ORDERING, STATE IF RIGHT OR LEFT- HAND VALVES ARE WANTED. C-158. RIGHT-HAND CORNER VALVE. CORNER RADIATOR VALVES WITH JENKINS DISCS -C-158 and C-159. SIZE INCHES t 1 n n 2 JENKINS DISC, ROUGH BODY, NICKEL PLATED TRIMMINGS . EACH JENKINS DISC, ROUGH BODY, NICKEL PLATED ALL OVER . EACH 3.0.0 3.15 3.85 4.00 5.25 5.50 7.25 7.50 11. 85 12.10 RIGHT C-160. RIGHT-HAND CORNER VALVE. CORNER RADIATOR VALVES WITH UNION AND JENKINS DISCS.-C-160 and C-161. SIZE INCHES I li H 2 JENKINS DISC, ROUGH BODY, NICKEL PLATED TRIMMINGS . EACH JENKINS DISC, ROUGH BODY, NICKEL PLATED ALL OVER . EACH 4.15 4.20 5.15 5.25 6.90 7.05 8.80 8.95 14.15 14.45 UNION RADIATOR ELBOWS. -C-164. C-164. UNION ELBOW. SIZE INCHES * 1 n- li 2 ROUGH BODY, PLATED ALL OVER . . EACH FINISHED AND PLATED ALL OVER . . EACH 1.50 1.95 1.85 2.35 2.40 3.05 3.15 4.05 4.80 5.65 118 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. C-166. QUICK OPENING STRAIGHTWAY HOT WATER VALVE. C-168. UNION ELBOW VALVE. FOR HOT WATER. C-168. SECTIONAL VIEW. •QUICK OPENING STRAIGHTWAY HOT WATER VALVES.-C-166. SIZE . INCHES i 1 n 11 2 ROUGH BODY, N. P. TRIMMINGS ROUGH BODY, N. P. ALL OVER . . . EACH . . . EACH 1.85 1.95 2.60 2.85 2.40 2.65 3.35 3.65 3.60 3.70 4.90 5.05 4.85 5.00 6.65 7.10 7.25 7.75 10.25 10 . 85 ROUGH BODY, N. P. TRIMMINGS, WITH UNION . ROUGH BODY, N. P. ALL OVER, WITH UNION. . . . . EACH . . . EACH *Threads right hand, both ends. UNION ELBOW VALVES.- C-168. SIZE INCHES * ■ 1* 1+ 2 ROUGH BODY, N. P. ALL OVER, FINISHED TRIMMINGS . EACH 2.00 2.50 3.20 4.00 7.00 C-177. CLOW AUTO- POSITIVE. C-178. VICTOR NO. 1. C-179. VICTOR NO. 2. C-184. ARGON. AUTOMATIC AIR VALVES. C-177 C-178 C-179 C-1S4 Nickel Plated . each, 1 . 00 Nickel Plated - each, .65 Nickel Plated - each, .65 Nickel Plated - each, 1.25 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 119 C-191. C-192. RADIATOR AIR VALVES, d-8 inch only.) FIGURE C-190 C-191 C-192 C-193 NICKEL PLATED EACH KEYS, NICKEL PLATED, EXTRA NET EACH .35 .45 .70 .57 .06 C-194. FOR INDIRECT RADIATION. C-195. FOR DRAIN PIPE SYSTEM. C-196. WITH EVAPORAT- ING CUP. C-200. POSITIVE OR AUTOMATIC. C-203. AUTOMATIC. C-204. LOCK SHIELD AND KEY. C-205. FOR HOT WATER. C-206. HEAT CONTROLLER ATTACHMENT. C-211. MARSH-PAUL VALVE. C-214. DRAIN PIPE VALVE. MARSH AUTOMATIC AIR VALVES. FIGURE C-194 C-195 C-19G C-200 J C-203 C-204 C-205 C-20G C-211 C-214 NICKEL PLATED .... 1.15 1.25 1.15 1.50 1.25 1.40 1.35 1.25 1 25 i *k C-194 and C-195 we can furnish with wood wheels, if desired, without extra charge. 120 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. BRASS COCKS. C-220. STEAM COCK, SQUARE HEAD. C-221. STEAM COCK, FLAT HEAD. C-224. THREE-WAY COCK. STEAM COCKS, STANDARD. SIZE . . . INCHES i i t i f 1 li 1* 2 n 3 3i 4 C-220, C-221 C-220, C-221, WITH CHECK . C-224, THREE-WAY COCK . . EACH . . EACH . . EACH .85 1.00 .85 1.00 1.00 1.15 1.25 1.40 2.50 1.70 1.90 3.00 2.35 2.55 3.75 3 70 3.95 5.75 4.85 5.15 7.15 7.30 7.65 11.00 14.50 15.00 18.75 22 . 50 23.25 26.00 38.50 50.00 50.00 70 "66 Steam Cocks wifch square head will always be furnished unless otherwise ordered. C-228. EXTRA HEAVY STEAM COCK. C-230. EXTRA HEAVY STEAM COCK, FLANGED. STEAM COCKS, EXTRA HEAVY. SIZE . . . . INCHES i § * i 1 H | n 2 n 3 3* 4 C-228 C-230 EACH EACH 1.30 1.50 2.00 2.85 4.00 10.00 6.75 14.25 8.50 17.25 13.50 27.00 25.00 41.00 37.00 63.00 54.00 84.00 75.00 120.00 Iron Cocks, see page 131. Asbestos Cocks, see page 129 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. C-235. TEE HANDLE C-236, FLATHEAD. C-238. EXTRA HEAVY, WITH CHECK. GAS SERVICE COCKS, TEE HANDLE.-C-235. SIZE ............ INCHES i t + 1 1 EACH .75 .90 .85 1.00 .95 1.45 1.15 1.75 1.50 2.50 C-235. WITH CHECK EACH GAS SERVICE COCKS, FLAT HEAD.-C-236 and C-238. SIZE . INCHES i f 4 t 1 H 14 2 24 3 C-236 C-238. EXTRA HEAVY, WITH CHECK . . . . EACH . . EACH .75 .85 .95 1.45 1.15 1.75 1.50 2.50 2.25 3.25 3.10 4.75 5.00 7.50 11.00 16.00 C-242. STEAM SWING JOINT. C-243. EXPANSION JOINT. BRASS STEAM SWING JOINTS, ROUGH. -C-242. SIZE INCHES t * * i 1* 14 2 EACH . 1.25 1.75 2.40 3.50 4.50 6.25 9.00 BRASS EXPANSION JOINTS.-C- 243. SIZE INCHES 4 * 1 H 14 2 24 3 STANDARD TRAVERSE . . . EACH EASTERN TRAVERSE .... EACH INCHES INCHES 2 1.50 4 3.80 2.20 4 4.00 H 2.75 4 4.90 n 4.00 4 6.30 H 5.00 4 7.40 .24 8.00 4 9.10 24 17.50 5 20.00 24.00 5 28.00 When used for high-pressure steam, the expansion is 1 inch in 50 feet of pipe. Longer Traverse to order. 122 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. BRASS COCKS. C-246. METER COCK. C-247. UNION METER COCK. GAS METER COCKS, FLAT HEAD.-C-246 and C-247. SIZE INCHES 4 i 1 H H 2 C-246 EACH C-247 . EACH 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.55 1.95 2.20 3.00 3.40 4.25 5.00 6.00 7.00 C-248. LOCK METER COCK. C-249. LOCK SERVICE COCK. C-250. LOCK UNION METER COCK. LOCK METER COCKS.-C-248 and C-250. SIZE INCHES i J 1 H 1+ 2 C-248 EACH 1.40 1.50 1.75 1.80 2.30 2.50 3.85 4.00 5.50 5.50 7.75 8.00 C-250 . EACH LOCK GAS SERVICE COCKS, FLAT HEAD. -C-249. Size . . .. . i i « 1 it » i 1 EACH 1.30 1.60 2.10 3.50 5.00 7.00 GAS STOVE COCKS, ROUNDWAY.-C-254. SIZE . ...... . . INCHES '* i 1 WITHOUT CHECK EACH 1.25 1.35 2.00 2.15 3.00 3.25 WITH CHECK EACH C-254. GAS STOVE COCK. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. STANDARD IRON-BODY VALVES. C-375. GLOBE VALVE, PLAIN TOP. C-376. ANGLE VALVE. PLAfN TOP. IRON-BODY GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES, PLAIN TOP. 1 n H 2 H 3 SCREWED ENDS FLANGED ENDS EACH - EACH 2.25 2.75 3.50 5.40 7.00 7.35 9 00 9.80 12.50 C-377. GLOBE VALVE, YOKE TOP. C-378. ANGLE VALVE, YOKE TOP. IRON-BODY GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES, SCREWED ENDS, WITH YOKE TOP. SIZE INCHES 2 H 3 u 4 ±* EACH- AVERAGE WEIGHT . _ .. POUNDS 7.00 13 9.00 16 12.50 25 15.25 41 19.00 57 24.00 70 SIZE INCHES 5 6 7 8 ■ 12 EACH AVERAGE WEIGHT . . POUNDS 27.00 87 37.50 123 63.00 174 72.00 239 114.00 425 170.00 124 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. STANDARD IRON-BODY VALVES. C-379. CROSS VALVE, PLAIN TOP. C-380. CROSS VALVE, YOKE TOP. IRON-BODY CROSS VALVES, SCREWED AND FLANGED ENDS. SIZE INCHES 2 2* 3 H 4 4} 5 6 | 7 | 8 10 12 PLAIN TOP, SCREWED . . EACH YOKE TOP, SCREWED . . EACH PLAIN TOP, FLANGED . . EACH YOKE TOP, FLANGED . . EACH 6.50 8.50 9.00 11.00 9.00 11.75 11.75 14.50 12.50 16.25 16.50 20.00 20.00 25.00 23.50 28.50 30.65 36.00 35.25 4Y.0O 47.25 54.00 78~.00 85.00 92.00 100.00 162.00 175.00 240.00 265.00 C-385. HORIZONTAL CHECK. C-386. ANGLE CHECK. C-388. SWING CHECK VALVE. IRON BODY CHECK VALVES SCREWED AND FLANGED ENDS. SIZE . . . . INCHES 2 2i 3 3* 4 4^ 5 6 7 8 10 C-385, C-386, SCREWED . . C-385, C-386, FLANGED . . C-388, SCREWED C-388, FLANGED .... EACH .... EACH .... EACH .... EACH 3.60 5.25 6.50 8.25 15.00 17.00 8.90 11.50 18.00 21.00 12.25 15.50 24.00 27.00 14.25 18.00 27.00 30.00 19.00 22.50 22.00 26.00- 38.00 42.00 30.00 35.00 48.00 52.00 45.00 50.00 62.00 67.00 57.00 62.00 75.00 80.00 105.00 115.00 125.00 135.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 125 STANDARD IRON-BODY VALVES. C-392. GLOBE VALVE, FLANGED ENDS. C-393. ANGLE VALVE, FLANGED ENDS. IRON-BODY GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES, FLANGED ENDS. SIZE INCHES 2 H 3 31 4 H 5 6 7 8 10 12 DIAMETER OF FLANGES EACH 6 8.60 7 10.75 n 15.00 8* 18.50 9 22.50 n 27.50 10 31.00 11 42.00 08.00 131 77.00 16 L23.00 19 187.00 IRON-BODY SAFETY VALVES. INCHES 14; 1J- GLOBE EACH ANGLE EACH GLOBE OR ANGLE, FLANGED ENDS, EACH 5.00 5.00 G.75 5. 5.80 7.75 7.80 7.80 10 H 13.25 13.25 16.00 31 17.2523 17. 25 2:3. 00 21.50'27.50 MlV\S .75 28.75 34.00 34.50 34.50 40.00 41.50 41.50 48.00 57.75 57.75 65.00 C-394. SAFETY VALVE. IRON-BODY BUTTERFLY VALVES.-C-395. SIZE .... . . INCHES 1 T | U | 2 2.V 3 34 4 5 6 SCREWED . FLANGED . EACH EACH G.35 7.50 7.00 8.00 8 . 50 9 . 50 9.50 11.50 12.00 15.00 16.00 19.00 18.50 22.00 28 . 50 32.00 42 . 50 47.00 Butterfly Valves do not close steam or water tight. C-395. BUTTERFLY VALVE. 126 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. JENKINS DISC IRON-BODY VALVES C-396. GLOBE VALVE, PLAIN TOP. C-398. GLOBE VALVE, YOKE TOP. C-400. GLOBE VALVE, FLANGED ENDS. JENKINS DISC IRON-BODY GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES. SIZE INCHES 2 n 3 H 4 ^ 5 6 7 8 10 12 PLAIN TOP, SCREWED . . . EACH YOKE TOP, SCREWED . . . EACH PLAIN TOP, FLANGED . . . EACH YOKE TOP, FLANGED . . . EACH 7.25 10.00 8.50 11.75 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 16.75 18.00 18.50 19.50 21.50 24.00 26.00 32~.00 34.00 40.00 42.00 48:00 50.00 80".00 80.00 90.00 90.00 130 "60 i3o"6o 185\00 185 " 00 DIMENSIONS OF IRON-BODY VALVES WITH JENKINS DISC. SIZE INCHES 2 H 3 H 4 H 5 6 7 8 10 12 DIAMETER OF FLANGES. ..... FACE TO FACE GLOBE VALVES . . CENTER TO FACE ANGLE VALVES . 6 6 3| 7 n H 8i 10 5| 9 lit 5* n m 6J 10 13 11 16 8 m 16 8^ 13+ 18* H 16 21* 11 19 24+ 12J JENKINS DISC IRON-BODY CHECK VALVES. SIZE. INCHES 1 24 3 34 4 5 6 SCREWED ENDS . . . FLANGED ENDS. . . . EACH EACH 10.50 12.50 14.00 16.50 17.00 20.00 20.00 23.00 30.00 33.00 40.00 43.00 JENKINS DISC IRON-BODY CROSS VALVES. SIZE INCHES H 3 H 4 4+ 5 6 SCREWED ENDS . . , EACH FLANGED ENDS tACH 16.00 19.00 21.00 24.00 26.00 29.00 30.00 33.00 42.00 45.00 45.00 48.00 5.8.00 62.00 JENKINS DISCS SIZE INCHES i t i i 1 u H 2 U EACH .03 .04 04 .05 .06 .09 .12 .18 .24 SIZE INCHES 3 34 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 .33 .45 .52 .68 .90 .98 1.20 1,75 2.25 AU our Valves are tested to 200 pounds, and are always supplied with stems, packed ready for use, without extra charge. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 127 AMMONIA VALVES. SEMI-STEEL. C-402. Ammonia Gauge Cocks. — Should Glass break, Cock will close automati- cally, preventing escape of ammonia. Each, $15.00. SQUARE FLANGE AMMONIA VALVE. SEMI-STEEL SQUARE C-402. FLANGE AMMONIA VALVES AMMONIA GAUGE COCK. -C-401. SIZE INCHES * 1 U H 2 H 3 34 4 5 LENGTH, FACE TO FACE INCHES 8* 12.50 16.50 H 14.00 18.00 84 17.50 21.50 8* 4+ 21 .00 25.00 84 H 22.50 26.50 12 54 30.00 39.00 12 6 40.00 50.00 13 64 50.00 62.00 14 7 75.00 90.00 15 8 90.00 110.00 WITHOUT COMPANION FLANGES, BOLTS AND GASKETS, EACH WITH COMPANION FLANGES, BOLTS AND GASKETS . . EACH SCREWED AMMONIA VALVE. SEMI-STEEL AMMONIA VALVES. C-404. GLAND END AMMONIA VALVE. C-403 and C-404. . SIZE . INCHES LENGTH, END TO END INCHES LARGE DIAMETER OF GLAND INCHES SMALL DIAMETER OF GLAND INCHES C-403. SCREWED ENDS EACH C-404. GLAND ENDS EACH Ammonia Fittings, pages 67 to 69. i i-v 24 4i 31 If 3.00 3. -00 *4 4.00 4.00 n 5.00 5.00 H n 6.00 6.50 54 *f 24 7.25 8.00 n 8.00 9 80 7 54 H 9.00 11.80 84 6 34 12:50 17.00 10 4} 18.00 22 00 12 22.50 29 00 128 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. C-409. AMMONIA EXPANSION VALVE. C-411. STRAIGHT-WAY PLUG VALVE. SQUARE FLANGE AMMONIA EXPANSION VALVES.— C-409. FACE TO FACE, INCHES SIZEFLANGE,INCHES I WITHOUT COMP. FLANGES. BOLTS AND GASKETS WITH COMP. FLANGES, BOLTS AND GASKETS 8£ *4 12.00 15.00 SQUARE FLANGE, STRAIGHT -WAY FULL OPENING PLUG VALVES. C-411 SIZE INCHES f 1 H H 2 H 3 Si 4 5 H 12.50 16.50 8* H 14.00 18.00 17.50 21.50 H ±4 21.00 25.00 84 44. 22.50 26.50 12 54 30.00 39.00 12 6 40.00 50.00 13 50.00 62.00 14 7 75.00 90.00 15 8 90.00 110.00 SIZE FLANGE, OUTSIDE . INCHES WITHOUT COMP. FLANGES, BOLTS AND GASKETS . . . EACH WITH COMP. FLANGES, BOLTS AND GASKETS .... EACH SUITABLE FOR A WORKING PRESSURE OF 200 POUNDS. Ammonia Fittings, pages 67 to 69. C-414. EXTRA HEAVY GLOBE VALVE. C-415. EXTRA HEAVY ANGLE VALVE. EXTRA HEAVY GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES.-C-414 and C-415. J SIZE . . . INCHES U 3 84 4 4* 5 6 7 8 10 12 SCREWED ENDS FLANGED ENDS | DIAMETER OF FLANGES . . . . . EACH . . . EACH . . INCHES 10.50 12.50 H 14.50 17.50 81 18.00 21.50 9 21.00 25.00 10 28.00 32.00 104 32.00 36.00 11 44.00 49.00 12 75.00 80.00 134 85.00 91.00 15 135.00 145.00 174 200.00 220.00 20 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 129 SPECIAL IRON-BODY VALVES C-438. GLOBE VALVE, PLAIN TOP. C-439. GLOBE VALVE, YOKE TOP ASBESTOS DISC GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES. SIZE . . . INCHES 2 H 3 3* 4 5 | 6 7 8 10 12 SCREWED, PLAIN TOP . . . FLANGED, PLAIN TOP . . . SCREWED, YOKE TOP . . . FLANGED, YOKE TOP . . . . . . . EACH . . . . EACH . . . . EACH . . . . EACH 7.25 8.50 10.00 11.75 11.00 13.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 16.75 18.50 18.50 20.50 19.50 21.50 23.00 25.00 24.00 26.00 40.66. 48.66 42.00 J 50.00 80.00 80.00 90.00 90.00 130.00185.00 130.00185.00 GARDNER IMPROVED IRON BODY VALVES. The Gardner Improved Angle and Globe Valves were designed especially for steam engines to be used either in connection with Gardner Governors or for automatic engines where something of a high quality is desired. They are made extra heavy and give full area of open- ings. The stems are non-revolving ; valves and seats are of phosphor bronze; flanges are all finished; angle valves above five inches and globe valves above seven inches have bronze relief valves. The smaller sizes are neatly japanned to correspond in finish with our gover- nors. All parts are made interchangeable. C-442. GARDNER FLANGED GLOBE VALVE. GARDNER IMPROVED IRON BODY VALVES. C-444. GARDNER FLANGED ANGLE VALVE. C-442 and C-444. j SIZE INCHES 2 2\ 3 H 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 PRICE C-442, C-444 EACH | DIAMETER OF FLANGES _ INCHES 1 FACE TO FACE OF FLANGES ON GLOBE VALVES . INCHES 1 CENTER TO FACE OF FLANGES ON ANGLE VALVES INCHES 9.75 6 3i 12.50 7 8| 18.00 8 n 5 22.00 9 10* 54. 25 . 00 10 11 6* 38.00 11 12* 7 50.00 13 14 8i 80.00 14 17 9* 103.00 15 19 ie 180.00 17 24 275.00 18 28* 12 Valves will be sent with screwed inlets when so desired. 130 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. HESTON BALANCED PLUG VALVES. BRASS OR IRON. ADAPTED FOR STEAM, AIR, HYDRAULIC AND HIGHEST PRESSURES. C-455. HESTON STRAIGHTWAY BLOW-OFF VALVE. HESTON VALVE. SECTIONAL VIEW. HESTON ANGLE VALVE. The Heston is a thoroughly high class Valve, especially adapted for high pressures. It is simple in construction, is absolutely tight and will not stick or work open. A quarter turn opens or closes it. SIZE INCHES i. * 1 1* 1* 2 H 3 STANDARD, 200 POUNDS PRESSURE EACH EXTRA HEAVY, 500 POUNDS PRESSURE .... EACH HYDRAULIC, 1500 POUNDS PRESSURE EACH EXTRA HYDRAULIC, 2000 POUNDS PRESSURE . . EACH 1.50 2.80 7.00 9.10 2.00 4.10 9.75 12.60 2. SO 5.90 15.75 20.70 4.25 7.60 20.60 27.10 6.00 10.00 29.00 38.50 10.50 14.40 46.60 62.70 17.50 29.75 75.00 97.60 29.00 46.00 120.00 157.00 A. — Eigid. Clamp held firmly to pipe by set serews. B. — Loose Clamp, when forced away from [A] forces with blank face packing through clamp [C] to joint. C. — Loose Clamp holding packing and follower ring. 1. Represents a ring of packing. 2. Represents follower ring. 3. Represents blank face in B. 4. Represents male and female threads in [A] and [B]. 5. Represents spanner. This Clamp is made in halves and held together by cap screws, and can be easily attached to pipe, an efficient means for stopping leaks. C-460. CLIMAX STEAM JOINT CLAMP. CLAMPS FOR PIPE, SIZE INCHES * 1 1* H 2 2+ 3 n 4 H 5 EACH : 1.50 1.50 X 1.90 2.25 3.00 3.75 4.50 5.25 6.00 6.75 7.50 CLAMPS FOR PIPE, SIZE INCHES 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 18 20 EACH ...... . . . . 9.00 10.50 13.00 15.75 18.75 22 . 50 31.50 33.75 36.00 40.50 45 00 In ordering, state Size of Pipe and whether to bo used for Steam, Water, Air, Gas, or Ammonia. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 131 C-465. IRON COCK. C-467. THREE-WAY IRON COCK. IRON COCKS.-C-465. C-469. ASBESTOS PACKED COCK. SIZE . INCHES 4 f 1 li H 2 H 3 | H 4 5 6 ALL IRON WITH BRASS PLUG AND WASHER . . ALL IRON, FLANGED BRASS PLUG AND WASHER, FLANGED . EACH . EACH . EACH . EACH .90 1.40 1.05 1.75 1.30 2.15 2.25 3.25 1.60 3.00 2.75 4.10 1.95 4.15 3.25 5.40 2.70 5.75 4.25 7.50 4.40 9.50 6.25 11.25 6.7512.0015.50 14.0029.5040.00 9.5015.0019.00 16.7532.0043.50 32.00 73.00 36.00 76.00 45.00 102.00 50.00 108.00 THREE-WAY IRON COCKS -C-467. SIZE INCHES t 1 H H 2 H 3 H 4 ALL IRON EACH 'l.65 2.35 1.80 2.65 3.75 4.75 2.05 3.45 4.25 5.60 2.65 4.90 5.25 7.40 3.65 6.75 7.00 10.00 5.35 10.50 9.00 14.00 7.50 14.75 12.75 20.00 14.00 32.00 20.00 38.00 19.00 43.50 26.00 50.50 WITH BRASS PLUG AND WASHER EACH ALL IRON, FLANGED EACH WITH BRASS PLUG AND WASHER, FLANGED .... EACH EXTRA HEAVY IRON COCKS (NOT ILLUSTRATED). SIZE INCHES i | 1 1 H H 2 H 3 H 4 5 6 ALL IRON EACH WITH BRASS PLUG AND WASHER. . . . EACH 1.15 1.25 1.80 2.40 1.75 3.05 2.10 4.20 2.80 6.00 3.65 7.50 6.50 14.00 9.00 20.00 16.75 44.00 22.50 59.50 45.00 104.00 62.00 141.00 EXTRA HEAVY THREE-WAY IRON COCKS (NOT ILLUSTRATED). SIZE . . . INCHES 1 1 H 14 2 H 3 H 4 5 6 ALL IRON WITH BRASS PLUG AND WASHER. . . . . . . EACH . . . . EACH 1.80 2.95 2.50 3.75 2.80 4.85 3.90 7.15 5.60 9.75 8.40 16.25 12.00 23.00 21.00 48.00 28.00 65.50 56.00 113.00 77.00 154.00 Brass Three-way Cocks can also be furnished. Prices upon application. ASBESTOS PACKED IRON COCKS. - C-469. SIZE . INCHES i 1 1 U H 2 n 3 H 4 5 6 C-469. SCREWED ENDS . C-469. FLANGED ENDS . WITH GLAND 3-WAY COCKS . . EACH . . EACH . . EACH . . EACH 1.60 2*45 2.85 2.10 3.15 2.50 2.50 3.65 4.40 3.50 3.50 4.75 5.95 4.75 4.75 6.10 8.75 7.00 7.00 8.65 15.00 12.00 12.00 18.00 18.00 27.00 27.00 30.00 30.00 45.00 45.00 60.00 60.00 22.50 33.75 37 50 56.25 75.00 132 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. C-472. EXPANSION JOINT, SCREWED ENDS. C-473. EXPANSION JOINT, FLANGED ENDS. IRON-BODY EXPANSION JOINTS, STANDARD TRAVERSE. SIZE INCHES TRAVERSE INCHES SCREWED ENDS ...... EACH FLANGED ENDS EACH DIAMETER OF FLANGES . . INCHES 2* 10 18 n 7.00 15.00 6 2+ 8.00 16.00 7 21 10.00 18.50 7+ 3 14.00 25.00 8+ H 18.00 30.00 9 38.00 45.00 48.00! 55.00 10 j 11 70.00 SO. 00 12 V 7 100. 110.00 13+ 7 7 110. 00 160. 00(225. 00 120. 00175. OO^O. 00 15 I 16 19 "When used for high-pressure steam, the expansion is 1 inch in 50 feet of pipe. IRON-BODY EXPANSION JOINTS, SPECIAL TRAVERSE. TRAVERSE SIZE . INCHES 2 24 3 3+ 4- 5 6 7 6 INCHES SCREWED ENDS . . EACH 11.00 13.00 17.50 25.00 30.00 45.00 55.00 70.00 10 INCHES SCREWED ENDS . . EACH 16.00 19.00 25.00 35.00 42.00 62.00 80.00 100.00 12 INCHES SCREWED ENDS . . EACH 18.50 22.00 29.00 40.00 48.00 70.00 92.50 115.00 14 INCHES SCREWED ENDS . . EACH 21.00 25.00 33.00 45.00 54.00 78.00 .„ 16 INCHES SCREWED ENDS . . EACH 23.50 28.00 37.00 50.00 60.00 86.00 Special Traverse Expansion Joints, Flanged Ends, Special. C-475. WAINWRIGHT CORRUGATED COPPER EXPANSION JOINTS. SIZE ... ^ ... . INCHES 2 H 3 3 + 4 4+ | 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 LENGTH OF JOINT . . . INCHES DIAMfTER OF'FLANGES . INCHES MAXIMUM MOVEMENT . . INCHES C-475 E»CH 12 6 2 30.00 12 7 2 35.00 12 8 2 40.00 16 8 2 45.00 16 9 2 50.00 16 10 2 55 . 00 16 10 2 60.00 18 11 H 75.00 18 13 H 90.00 18 14* 2i 125.00 24 18 H 165.00 24 20 2* 225.00 30 22 H 300.00 This Joint is a combination of the very best copper in the form of corrugated tubing, and strong, fine-grained cast- iron flanges. When these joints are put in according to our directions, we guarantee them to the fullest extent, and stand ready to make good our claim that this is the only thoroughly satisfactory joint now upon the market We cannot under- take' to give general directions which will surely St every case; we must therefore ask our customers in making inquiries to submit all conditions under which joint is to operate. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 133 **■!* C-480. DAVIS* BACK-PRESSURE VALVE. C-480. SECTIONAL. C-482. BACK-PRESSURE VALVE. DAVIS' NOISELESS BACK-PRESSURE VALVES. -C-480. SIZE INCHES 2 H 3 3* 4 4* 5 6 7 SCREWED OR FLANGED 1. FArH ENDS 1 tACH 14.00 16.00 18.00 22.00 25.00 30.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 SIZE INCHES 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 FLANGED EACH DIAMETER OF FLANGE . INCHES 100.00 13* 145.00 16 220.00 19 345.00 21 465.00 23| 600.00 25 750.00 27i 900.00 29 1050 00 32 IRON-BODY BACK- PRESSURE VALVES. - C-482 SIZE . . . _ . . INCHES 2 H 3 3V 4 H 5 6 7 8 10 12 SCREWED ENDS . . FLANGED ENDS . . . . . EACH . . . EACH 11.00 12.75 13.00 15.00 15.00 17.50 19.00' 22.00 22.50 26.00 28.50 32.00 33.50 37.00 43.00 47.00 70.00 75.00 85.00 90.00 120.00 130.00 180.00 200.00 C-484. C-486. HENNEBOEHLE'S NOISELESS BACK-PRESSURE VALVES. -C-484. SIZE ^ INCHES H 3 4 5 | 6 7 8 10 12 14 | 16 18 EACH 16.00 18.00 26.00 40.00 58.00 78.00 98.00 | 142.00 215.00 340.00 460.00 590.00 DAVIS' BALANCE VALVES. For Steam, Gas, A r op Water. -C-486. SIZE . . . INCHES \ 1 1 1} 2 2$ 3 H 4 5 6 7 8 BRASS . . . . IRON-BODY . . . . . EACH . . . EACH 5.50 G.50 8.00 9.50 11.00 14.00 18.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 45.00 55.00 65.00 75.00 134 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. DAVIS PRESSURE REGULATORS. FOR STEAM, AIR OR WATER. SIZE . . . INCHES 1 1 li H 2 H 3 84 4 5 | 6 7 | 8 10 1 12 C-488 . . . C-489 . . . . . . EACH . . . EACH 20.00 22.00 25.0027.00 24.00125.00 29.00 , 30.00 30.0035.00 36.0042.00 40. 00 50. 00,60. 00j75.00'100. 00 135. 00175. 00 275. 00)400. 00 48. 00 58. 00|70.00l90. 00 120. 00160. 00'200. 00^300. 00| 435. OOj C-492. FOR GENERAL USE. C-493. FOR RAILWAY AND MARINE USE. HENIMEBOEHLE'S AUTOMATIC PRESSURE REGULATORS. 1 SIZE INCHES 1 li li 2 H 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 ALL BRASS EACH ] IRON BODY, BRASS TRIMMINGS EACH 24.00 30.00 37.00 46.00 60.00 75.00 105 "6o 140~00 185~00 285*00 4io"6o 5io"6o 700 " 00 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 185 CLOW WATER PRESSURE REGULATORS. MADE OF BRONZE METAL AND RUBBER. TH E MOST SIMPLE AN D THE MOST DURABLE C-498. CLOW WATER PRESSURE REGULATORS.-C-498. Where the water pressure is high, or when it is frequently raised to a high pressure for fire purposes, this Regulator should be used. It has no equal for nicety of adjustment and regulation.- It gives a steady pressure, whatever the water works pressure may be. The working parts are moved without contact, wear or friction.. It saves the Plumbing. J SIZE . . INCHES i i i | ii | H 2 2i | SCREWED EACH 10.00 10.00 12.00 17.00 1 '24.00 40.00 50.00 C-500. SIZES, Vi TO 2V,- INCH. C-501. SIZES, 3 AND 4-INCH C-502. SIZES, 6 TO 20-INCHv MUELLER WATER PRESSURE REGULATORS. SIZE INCHES 1£ li H SCREWED ENDS EACH 10.0010.0013.0017.5024.0040.0055.0070.0090.00150.00225.00300.00400.00 Sizes £, f, and 1-inch can be furnished for lead pipe connection. Add to list 50 cents. Flanged connections furnished for either wroughtor cast-iron water mains. Any special flanged connections furnished at a slight additional cost, 136 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. FISHER REDUCING VALVES.-C-505 C-SOS. FISHER REDUCING VALVE. SIZE . INCHES 1 1 n H 2 H 3 SCREWED ENDS . . . EACH 30.00 35.00 42.50 50.00 58.00 70.00 J SIZE. . . . INCHES H 2 H | 3 H 4 . 6 | 8 FLANGED ENDS . EACH 45.00 50. 00] 60. 00 75.00 87.50 100.00125.00 150.00|225.00 FISHER STEAM PUMP GOVERNORS -C-507. FOR WATER WORKS, HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS, BOILER FEED PUMPS AND ALL PUMPS WORKING UNDER PRESSURE. C-507. SIZE INCHES i * 1 H H 2 2± SCREWED ENDS .... EACH FLANGED ENDS .... EACH 25.00 27.50 30.00 35.00 42.50 45.00 50.00 50 00 58.00 60.00 SIZE INCHES. 3 H 4 5 6 8 SCREWED ENDS .... EACH FLANGED ENDS .... EACH 70.00 75.00 87"50 £66" ob 125.00 156.66 225 "66 With Flanged Valves we furnish Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets complete. When ordering Governors, give us the size of your steam pipe and also the maximum and minimum steam and water pressure, at ordinary and special duty. Claims: Simple in construction; strong and durable; cannot get out of order; works automatically; requires no attention; saves valuable machinery; saves labor; saves coal; guaran- teed to change speed of engine on a variation of-two pounds pressure in the main; is very sensitive, yet positive in its action; positively prevents over-pressure; avoids shock or jar or water ram; saves bursting mains or hose; relieves the engineer of the constant care of the throttle; ah ■ ornament to the engine room; invaluable for safety and economy; has no equal. NEVER STICK" BLOW-OFF VALVES.— C-510. Standard Weight for working pressure of 100 lbs. Extra Heavy for working pressure of 250 lbs. C-510. ANGLE PATTERN. SIZE INCHES 1± 1* 2 H 3 CENTER TO FACE, SCREWED ENDS, STANDARD . . . CENTER TO FACE, SCREWED ENDS, EXTRA HEAVY. . CENTER TO FACE, FLANGED ENDS, STANDARD . . . CENTER TO FACE, FLANGED ENDS, EXTRA HEAVY . . . INCHES . INCHES INCHES . INCHES INCHES INCHES EACH . EACH "sV" 5 13.00 14.00 ~w 5 6 15.00 16 00 3f H 4 4| 6 6* 26.00 28 . 00 4tV 4} 7 30.00 32.00 6 9 52.00 54.00 DIAMETER OF FLANGES, EXTRA HEAVY PRICE, SCREWED OR FLANGED, STANDARD PRICE, SCREWED OR FLANGED, EXTRA HEAVY . . . Made also in straight patterns for other purposes. The head of the plug has a firm bearing against the locking ring. The plug is adjustable and need not leak. The pressure on the plug does not destroy the packing. The port is inside of the plug and cannot be injured by cutting with scale. The working parts are protected from severe wear. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 137 GARDNER GOVERNORS. C-512. SPRING GOVERNOR, WITH SPEEDER, HAND LEVER AND AUTOMATIC STOP. C-514. SPRING GOVERNOR, WITH SPEEDER AND HAND LEVER. SIZE OF GOVERNOR, DIAM. OF OPENING . INCHES 1 li H 2 21 H 3 3i 4 H 5 6 7 C-512. PLAIN EACH 21.00 24.50 29.5036.00 42.00 48.00 59.00 71.00 83.00 96.00 109.00 140.00 170.00 C-512. FINISHED EACH 23.00 27.50 33.50 40.00 47.00 53.00 67.0Q80.00 93.00 107.00 121.00 154.00 186.00 C-514. PLMN * . . . . EACH 18.00 21.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 71.00 83.00 94.00 122.00 150.00 C-514. FINISHED EACH 20.00 24.00 29.00 34.00 40.00 45.00 58.00 69.00 81.00 94.00 106.00 136.00 166.00 DIAM. OF BASE FLANGE INCHES .. 5+ 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 12 14 15 DIAM. OF SIDE FLANGE INCHES • 7 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 14 DIAM. OF PULLEY INCHES 1* 2 H H 2* H 3+ 3* H 4+ H 6 6 WIDTH OF BELT INCHES 1 H H H H 2 2 2 H- 8* H 3 3 In ordering, be particular to state whether plain or finished are wanted, and style of valve chamber desired. For further details of dimensions, see special catalogue. GARDNER GOVERNOR VALVE CHAMBERS. * The cuts above, C-515, C-516, C-517, C-518 and C-519, show the different styles of valve chambers used on Gardner Governors. We furnish Governors with any of the above chambers and in addition can make flanges square, triangular, or oblong, and of such diameters as are suited for the engines. Unless especially ordered, though, we always send Governors with valve chambers as per our tables of dimensions. When sending templets for drilling of flanges, on chambers C-515 and C-516, be sure and mark on templet of base flange the relative position of the steam inlet. 138 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. C-520. THROTTLE VALVE, C-522. THROTTLE VALVE. C-S25. BLOW-OFF VALVE. IRON-BODY THROTTLE VALVES.-C-520 AND C-522 SIZE INCHES 2 H 3 H 4 H 5 6 8 C-520. FOR MEDIUM PRESSURE EACH C-520. FOR HIGH PRESSURE EACH C-522. FOR MEDIUM PRESSURE, SCREWED . &ACH C-522. FOR MEDIUM PRESSURE, FLANGED . . EACH 7.00 13.00 22.50 24.00 12.00 16.00 30.00 32.00 15.00 20.00 40.00 42.50 18.00 25.00 50.00 53.00 21.00 30.00 60.00 64.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 35.00 40.00 65.00 C-520. These Valves never re-seat twice in succession in the same place; every timo the lever revolve. This insures their being perfectly tight and adds to the life of the valve. moved the discs IRON-BODY BLOW-OFF VALVES.-C-525. SIZE INCHES 2 H 3 SCREWED EACH FLANGED EACH 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 30.00 30.00 Suitable for steam pressure up to 250 pounds. Well-known engineers, of the highest standing, regard this valve as being superior to any blow-off valve ever devised. It can be quickly taken apart and. easily repaired at a very trifling expense. It can be opened and closed as often as required, without danger of choking or clogging. C-530. FOOT VALVE, SCREWED ENDS. C-531. FOOT VALVE, FLANGED. IRON FOOT VALVES AND STRAINERS.-C-530 and C-531. H ^ H 4+ 10 SCREWED FLANGED EACH EACH 1.30 1.40 2.40 3.50 3.30 3.90 4.50 5.75 5.60 7.50 7.30 9.50 10.5011.25 13.0014.00 14.75 17,50 35.0041.00 38.0045 JAMBS B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 139 C-536. FLOAT VALVE C-538. FLUSH VALVE. ENTERPRISE FLOAT VALVE.-C-536. FOR CITY AND RAILROAD WATER SERVICE. SIZE INCHES 4 5 6 7 8 12 SCREWED EACH FLANGED EACH 22.00 25.00 32.00 36.00 45.00 50.00 60.00 65.00 75.00 80.00 150.00 These Valves are especially adapted for Eailroad Tanks and City "Water Works Stand Pipes, or Tanks, particularly when the water is pumped from a distance, as the tank is then liable to be flooded by not shutting down the pump as soon as the tank is full. This can be prevented by the use of the Enterprise Valve. It is placed on the inlet pipe in the tank, the float adjusted to proper height, and when the water reaches a given level it will close automatically, either stopping the pump through equalizing the pressure, or opening a relief valve at the pump, thereby notifying the engineer that the tank is full. This is the only float valve that will open with the flow and close against steam pump pressure. ENTERPRISE FLUSH VALVE. -C-538. SIZE, 3-INCH _ . _ EACH 17.00 This flush valve is similar in construction to the Float Valve above. The operating lever is pivoted in the arch and so arranged that the greatest leverage is obtained at the moment of opening, when the pressure on the valve is greatest. The link connection lifts the valve rapidly until wide open. The body of the valve is cut away, except where the arch ends attach, and being thus on a level with, or below, the tank bottom permits free flushing of the tank. Eailroad water tanks adjacent to the track can be easily fitted with this valve for drenching cars of live stock in hot weather, as the body of the valve is threaded for wrought iron pipe connection. The valve, being located in the bottom of the tank and the discharge pipe when not in use being empty, is not affected by freezing. FLOATS.-C-542. SIZE INCHES 3x11 4x16 4x24 4x36 | 4x48 JAPANNED TIN . . EACH GALVANIZED IRON EACH .90 1.10 2^40 h'.bb 8~66 14~66 TANK FLOAT VALVES.-C-545. C-545. FLOAT VALVE. SIZE INCHES i 1 1± H 2 H 3 EACH J 1.25 1.40 1.50 3.00 5.00 7.50 10.00 140 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. EDDY BRASS GATE VALVES. VALVES D-1 TO D-8 ARE TESTED TO A WATER PRESSURE OF 300 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. SUITABLE FOR A WORKING WATER PRESSURE OF 150 POUNDS AND FOR A WORKING STEAM PRESSURE OF 100 POUNDS. These Valves have stationary stems and open, hy turning to the left. Eising Stem Valves can he furnished to order. D-1, BRASS. 2-INCH AND SMALLER. D-2. BRASS, 2K-INCH AND LARGER. EDDY BRASS GATE VALVES.-D-1 and D-2. SIZE INCHES H l* u 3+ « SCREWED ENDS. FLANGED ENDS . EACH EACH a. 30 30il.30-l.70 6.20 5.606.50 9.00 11 . 50 16 . 00(22 . 0035 . 00 42 . 50 50. 00.30 . 00 105 . 00 130 . 00 15 . 00*0 . 00J2S ■ 0QJ42 . OOpl . 00JC0 . OOJOO . OOJl 10 . 00(130 . 00 D-5. QUICK-OPENING VALVE. D-7. HOSE VALVE, WITH CAP AND CHAIN. D-8. WITHOUT CAP AND CHAIN. EDDY BRASS QUICK-OPENING GATE VALVES.-D-5. i n iv SCREWED .. . . FLANGED . . . .. EACH . EACH 7.50 12. SO 10.30 17.30 21.30 23.60 23 . 60 37.0045.50 44.0054 .54.00 G4.00 35.00110.00137.00 95.00Ul5.00137.00! *EDDY BRASS HOSE GATE VALVES.-D -7 and C -8. i 1 1* H 2 H 3 WITH BRASS CAP AND CHAIN EACH WITH IRON CAP AND CHAIN EACH WITHOUT CAP AND CHAIN EACH 2.70 2.10 1.70 3.30 2.70 2.20 4.40 3.80 3.20 5.50 4.90 4.20 7. GO, 7.00 6.20 13.00 12.40 11.50 17.60 17.00 16.00 These Valves have one male end to fit hose coupling, and one female end to Gt .wrought-iron pipe. Always send hose coupling for male end. Specify whether iron or brass cap is wanted. If no I specified, we send without cap. Eddy Valves are all double-faced, and constructed with two loose Gates, each perfectly independent of the other. ♦Eor Single Gato Hose Valves, see page 113. JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 141 EDDY BRASS GATE VALVES. HIGH PRESSURE. TESTED TO A WATER PRESSURE OF 600 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. SUITABLE FOR A WORKING WATER PRESSURE OF 300 POUNDS AND A WORKING STEAM PRESSURE OF 250 POUNDS. STATIONARY STEM. D-9. 2-INCH AND SMALLER. D-10. 2H-INCH AND LARGER, FLANGED. EDDY HIGH PRESSURE BRASS GATE VALVES.-D- 9 and D-10 SIZE . . INCHES * 1 1± li 2 a* ,3 H 4 ii 5 6 SCREWED ENDS. FLANGED ENDS . . . EACH . . EACH 3.50 5.50 4.50 7.00 5.50 9.00 8.00 11.00 10.00 14.00 15.00 18.50 22.00 27.00 32.00 40.00 44.00 52.00 58.00 6S.00 65.00 78.00 72.00 86.00 115.00 135.00 The stem and tint being exposed gives free access for oiling and taking care of them. The stem, rising to the same height that the gates are lifted, makes a positive indicator that shows the position of the gates at all times. The hand wheel, which is of iron, is fastened to the nut in the yoke and does not rise with the stem. •OUTSIDE STEM AND YOKE. D-11. 2-INCH AND SMALLER. D-15. 2SHNCH AND LARGER. FLANGED. EDDY HIGH PRESSURE BRASS GATE VALVES.-D-11 and D-15. .' INCHES 1* 1* 2 n 3 3} 4 + } 5 | 6 1 SCREWED ENDS FLANGED ENDS EACH EACH 12.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 22.00 27.00 31.00 30 . 00 41 50 50.00 55.00 03.00 72.00 S2.00 SO. 00 92.00 SS. 00 140. 00 102.00jl60.00j *For Dimensions of Outside Stem aud Yoke Valves, see special Valve Catalogue. For high pressures and endurance these Valves have no equal. The metal used is equal to that specified for Government Marine work ; its tensilo and traverse strength is superior to that used in any other make of valve. 142 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. EDDY IRON BODY GATE VALVES. TAPER SEAT. DOUBLE GATE. TESTED TO A WATER PRESSURE OF 300 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. SUITABLE FOR A WORKING WATER PRESSURE OF 125 POUNDS AND A WORK- INGSTEAM PRESSURE OF 80 POUNDS. VALVESOPEN BY TURNING TO THE LEFT. D-16. 6-INCH AND SMALLER. D-17. 7-INCH AND LARGER. D-19. FLANGED END. EDDY IRON-BODY, BRONZE MOUNTED GATE VALVES.-D-16, D-17 and D-19. SIZE OF VALVE INCHES 2 H. 3 3* 4 4* 5 6 7 8 10 12 SCREWED OR FLANGED ENDS . . . EACH BY-PASS, EXTRA EACH SPUR GEARING, EXTRA ...... EACH BEVEL GEARING, EXTRA EACH INDICATOR, EXTRA EACH END TO END, SCREWED ENDS . INCHES FACETOFACE.FLANGED.NO BY-PASS INCHES FACE TO FACE, FLANGED, BY-PASS INCHES DIAMETER OF END FLANGES . . INCHES SIZE OF BY-PASS INCHES 7.00 10.50 13.00 16.50 13.00 22.00 25.00 31.00 37.00 45.00 60.00 80.00 25.00 15.00 17.50 20.00 14* 13+ 18 19 2 6 6i 7| 8 8* 9 9* 10+ n 11 11 11 11 13+ 12 6 7 — 8* n 10" 11 124 13* 16 SIZE.OF VALVE INCHES 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 30 36 40 42 48 FLANGED ENDS EACH BY-PASS, EXTRA ■_ EACH SPUR GEARING, EXTRA EACH BEVEL GEARING, EXTRA EACH INDICATOR, EXTRA ....... EACH FACETO FACE,FLANGED,NOBY-PASS INCHES FACE TO FACE, FLANGED, BY-PASS INCHES DIAMETER OF END FLANGES . . INCHES SIZE OF BY-PASS ■ INCHES 120.00 25.00 15.00 17.50 20.00 15 19 21 2 135.00 25.00 15.00 17.50 20.00 15 19 22j- 2 150.00 42.00 17.50 20.00 25.00 16* 20 23* 3 190.00 42.00 17.50 20.00 25. 00 161 20 25 3 240.00 42.00 17,50 20.00 25.00 17* 21 27+ 3 325.00 42.00 17.50 20.00 25.00 19 21 29* 3 400.00 65.00 700.00 65.00 1,200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 125.00 25.00 20 22+ 31+ 4 25.00 22+ 22+ 38 4 25.00 26* 29 44+ 6 25.00 29 30 47* 6 25.00 29 32 51 6 25.00 41 41 57+ 8 Valves with Flanged Ends are made from 2-inch to 72-inch inclusive. Prices of Valves 24-inch and larger include Spur or Bevel Gearing, as required. Prices of Valves larger than 36-inch will be given on application. Valves 2, 2+ and 3- inch have solid Bronze Gates. Unless otherwise ordered, Valves 6-inch and smaller have Bronze Stuffing Boxes. Valves larger than 6-inch have Strapped Stuffing Boxes. By-pass Valves in 2-inch are of Brass with Screwed Ends and "Wrought Iron Pipe Connections and larger sizes are of Iron Body, Bronze Mounted, with Flanged Ends and Cast Iron Flanged Elbows, and have Inside Stems, unless otherwise ordered. The Indicator listed is of the Worm and Worm Wheel style.. JAMBS B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. EDDY IRON BODY VALVES. TESTED TO A WATER PRESSURE OF 300 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. This Valve, serving as an indicator, is speci- fied by Fire Insurance and Sprinkler Companies, and is desirable for many purposes where there is sufficient room for its operation. The stem, rising to the same height that the gates are lifted, makes a positive indicator that, shows the position of the gates at all times. The hand wheel is fastened to the nut in the yoke and does not rise with the stem. D-20. SCREWED ENDS. D-21. FLANGED ENDS. OUTSIDE STEM AND YOKE VALVES, IRON BODY, BRONZE MOUNTED.-D-20 and D-21. 143 SIZE . . . INCHES 2 H 3 3* 4 H 5 6 7 8 10 SCREWED OR FLANGED . . . . . EACH 9.00 13.00 15.50 19.00 21.25 26.00 30.00 36.00 44.00 53.00 70.00 SIZE • . . . INCHES 12 14 15 .16 18 20 22 24 30 36 SCREWED OR FLANGED . . BY-PASS EXTRA . . . EACH . . . EACH 96.00 25.00 140.00 25.00 155.00 25.00 175.00 42.00 220.00 42.00 280.00 42.00 380.00465.00800.00 42.00 65.00 65.00 1,350.00 100.00 .„-... These Indicators are- very desirable to use where a rising stem Valve is not employed on account of choice, or insufficient room for its operation. The Open and Shut Construction is shown by Figure D-22 and the Needle and Slot by Figure D-24. In the former style the two words are so arranged on an indicator plate that they appear at the opening as the Valve is opened or closed. D-22. OPEN AND SHUT INDICATOR. D-24. NEEDLE AND SLOT INDICATOR. OPEN AND SHUT INDICATOR VALVES.-D-22. SIZE . . . , INCHES H H 3 | 3j 4 n 5 6 7 8 10 »| J SCREWED OR FLANGED ENDS EACH 9.00 13.00 16.00|10.50 21.50 26.00 30.00 36.00 44.00 52.50 70.00 90.00| NEEDLE AND SLOT INDICATOR VALVES.-D-24. SIZE INCHES 2 H 3 3\ | 4 H 5 6 7 8 10 »| SCREWED OR FLANGED ENDS . EACH 8.50 12.50 15.50 19.0o|20.50 25.00 28.00 35,00 41.50 50.50 67.50 S8.00 For dimensions of Outside Stem and Yoke Valves and Indicator Valves see Special Valve Catalogue. 144 JAMES B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. EDDY GATE VALVES. TESTED TO A WATER PRESSURE OF 300 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. SUIT- ABLE FOR A WORKING WATER PRES- SURE OF100 POUNDS AND A WORKING STEAM PRESSURE OF 80 POUNDS. The gates are raised and lowered by the lever and its connections, which method of operating gives a quick motion, and makes the Valve an especially desirable one to use where a quick opening is necessary. The lever is so attached to the stem that the latter can be locked in any desired position. D-25. SCREWED ENDS. D-26. FLANGED ENDS. SLIDING STEM AND LEVER VALVES, SCREWED OR FLANGED ENDS. -D-25 and D-26. SIZE ■_ .' INCHES 2 2* 3 3i 4 H 5 6 7 8 10 12 IRON BODY, BRONZE MOUNTED . . EACH ALL IRON ■ . . . EACH 8.20 7.50 11.80 10.75 14.40 13.00 18.00 16.35 19.70 18.00 23.80 21.50 27.00 24.50 33.30 30.25 39.70 36.00 48.00 43.50 63.50 57.50 84.00 76.00 TESTED TO A WATER PRESSURE OF 300 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. SUITABLE FOR A WORKING WATER PRESSURE OFIOO POUNDS. These Valves are operated by a Rack and Pinion, and are so proportioned that it takes less than one revolution of the wheel to open or close the Gates. They are also made to operate with a lever, instead of wheel, at same price. They are for use under a medium pressure not to exceed 100 pounds, and where a quick closing of the Valve is permissible. D-27. 3-INCH AND SMALLER. D-30. 4-INCH AND LARGER. RACK AND PINION QUICK-OPENING VALVES. -D-27 and D-30. SIZE INCHES If H H H- ALL BRASS, SCREWED EACH ALL BRASS, FLANGED ...... EACH IRON BODY. SCREWED OR FLANGED EACH HUB ENDS EACH 4 7.00 7.80 10.75 9.00 9.00 13.60 17.00 14.00 20.5027.00 24.5033.00 17.00|21.00 17.0 42 48.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 58. 28. 0031 60.00 .00 .00 31.00 0070 92.00 102.00 37.00 37.00 120.00 130.00 46.00 150.00 160.00 55.00 55.00 SIZE INCHES 10 12 14 15 16 EACH 80.00 115.00 150.00 175.00 200.00 250.00 1 320.00 1 420.00 520.00 EACH | 80.00 | 115.00] 150.00 1 175.00 | 200.00 [ 250.00 | 320.00 | 420.00 | 520.00 18 20 22 24 IRON BODY, SCREWED OR FLANGED HUB ENDS For dimensions of these Valves, see special Valve Catalogue. JAMBS B. CLOW & SONS, CHICAGO. 146 EDDY ANGLE GATE VALVES. IRON BODY, BRONZE MOUNTED. TAPER SEAT, DOUBLE GATE. SCREWED OR FLANGED. TESTED TO A WATER PRESSURE OF 300 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. SUITABLE FOR A WORKING WATER PRESSURE OF 125 POUNDS AND FOR A WORKING STEAM PRESSURE OF 80 POUNDS. Valves having an angle end save one joint in the pipe line and occupy less room than an elbow and straight valve. D-31. INSIDE STEM. D-32. OUTSIDE STEM AND YOKE. EDDY IRON BODY BRONZE MOUNTED ANGLE GATE VALVES.-D-31 and D-32. SIZE OF VALVE . INCHES D-31. SCREWED OR FLANGED EACH D-32. SCREWED OR FLANGED EACH CENTER TO FACE OF ANGLE END, SCREWED ENDS INCHES CENTER OF ANGLE END TO FACE OF STRAIGHT END. SCREWED ENDS.1NCHES CENTER TO FACE OF ANGLE END, FLANGED INCHES CENTER OF ANGLE END TO FACE OF STRAIGHT END, FLANGED - INCHES CENTER OF ANGLE END TO CENTER OF VALVE INCHES DIAMETER OF END FLANGES INCHES CENTER OF STRAIGHT END TO TOP OF WHEEL NUT, INSIDE STEM . INCHES CENTER OF STRAIGHT END TO TOP OF WHEEL NUT, O.S.&Y. . . INCHES CENTER OF STRAIGHT END TO TOP OF STEM, OPEN, O.S.&Y. . . INCHES n 3* 50 10.50 8* 1 * n