■Alii l!i i: rui ;*:;?;?•:■»■: E: I n :5?i'-rf: ■^-0^ ^^^ .-^^ .o-^', -" It .-. <. " \ " .-^^ V^^ . ■'c- ■f. %^<^ c^- o\' A.< ■J~-. . .. -^ .A "" 'co^ \ ■-,,,., <0 o . \ ■." .0- .-^- >^ -v^ ^ ^ >^^" : ^ ^^■^. ' ■ ^, ■^ ' -c. 0~^ o'^ ' 1/ - / .^^^ .^- : v\ ^'^j^. s^ ^ -u^ ..■^-' ■'\ ■'c- ' " ' ' v^' <'V x\^ ■y ~^ ^/- .x^ \\'' y. >• * -*~i .•> '• > vO o. xV V A- A' V - * ' " k- i-lN .\x- ■ o x^- 0^ ,0 o. .> -7- , s^- '' .\^^ \^^.. ^\^ S '^C^. av' -^ vO C' q \' k'^ ^OO^ "^ ^ 'Ci. >' K 1 V - \V c^,'^' <^ " .. ," .0- V >> c,'' ^^^•-.. ,0 c. \ n\- t ' ■' .■.'■■ , "^ o> ■/■ .•A ■C- S- ^^. .^^ .NV\" o 0^' ^^^- -0- =>^- o^' JESSE SMITH HIS ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS Allaben Genealogical Series 12 mo., Cloth BEATTY-ASFORDBY, By Mrs. Rudolph Samuel Turk. Illustrated with 17 Coats of Arms. Price, S4.00 net; postage, 15 cents. COLVER-CULVER GENEALOGY, By Frederic Lathrop Colver. Price, $5.00 net; postage, 15 cents. HARRIS GENEALOGY, By Emma Polk Harris Brainerd. Price, $4.00; postage, 10 cents. JESSE SMITH: HIS ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. By L Bertrand Smith. With frontispiece— an engraving of Coat of Arms. Price, $4.00 net; postage, 15 cents. MARY JANE'S QUARTERINGS. By One of Her Victims. Illus- trated. As entertaining as a novel. Price, $2.00 net; postage, 15 cents. STEPHENS^TEVENS GENEALOGY, By Plowdon Stevens. Illus- trated. Price, $5.00 net; postage, 15 cents. TOWNSEND GENEALOGY, By Cleveland Abbe and Josephine Genung Nichols. Price, $2.00 net; postage, 10 cents. WHITEHEAD GENEALOGY, By Isaac Suedeker Waters. Price, $5.00. postage, 15 cents. FRANK ALLABEN GENEALOGICAL COMPANY THREE WEST FORTY-SECOND ST.. NEW YORK Smuth ^"^2^'' ^" A Copyright, 1909, by FRANK ALLABEN GENEALOGICAL COMPANY. LIBRARY of CONGRESS I Two Copies Received MAY K lyOS Copyritnt Entry _J»S /n XXtt iNo, I f?1 DEDICATED TO MY CHILDREN LADYE KATHARINE SMITH AND HOWARD MALCOM SMITH TO A MEMBER OF THE SMITH FAMILY (With Apologies to F. C. K.) Say, Now, Don't you really think You can in some way link The classical name of Smith With that of myth- ology? We'll make no apology If you'll only try Before you die To send the fair name of Smith Smyth Smythe or Smithers Ringing down the corridors of time. We don't care How or where You do it What is wanted Sadly And badly Is to have our name planted Surely and securely In the Hall of Fame. And why not? One of us founded the first English settlement in America, in 1607, and there are six hundred thousand of us here today, without counting our German cousins, the Schmitts, Schmits, Schmiths, Schmitzes, Schmids, Schmidths, Smits and Schmidts; our French cousins, the Le Fevers; the Fabronis from Italy, the Gonsulus from Spain, the Smithtowskies from Russia, nor the Gavans or Gowans from Ireland and Scotland. 7 PREFACE The primary object of this book is to show the line of descent of the author's children from their first ancestor in the male Une in this country, as follows: Ralph 1 Smith, of Hingham, Mass. Thomas ^ Smith, of Eastham, Mass. Jesse ^ Smith, Sr., of Dutchess Co., N. Y. Jesse * Smith, Jr., of Dutchess Co., N. Y. James Phillips ^ Smith, of Dutchess Co., N. Y. Ambrose ° Smith, of Fayetteville, N. Y. Piatt Hiram ' Smith, of Fayetteville, N. Y. L Bertrand « Smith, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Ladye Katharine ' Smith. Howard Malcom * Smith. There have been added the names and records of all ancestors, other than the above, which the author has been able to obtain, and also the names and records of nearly all descendants of Jesse Smith, Jr., in both male and fe- male lines. The arrangement may seem confusing at first glance, but the author believes that with a little examination it will be found quite simple. Each family has been given a number which will be found in its proper place in consecutive order. The material gathered by the author relating to the descendants of Ralph Smith will appear in a later edi- tion, after a more exhaustive search has been made. Only the families of the second generation from Ralph are recorded in this edition. i ■' < For several years after the writer's first attempt to trace his ancestors of the name of Smith he was unable to make any progress, beyond the "Dutchess County families," owing to a vague tradition, the most that parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles could give, which directed him to Long Island as the proper locality for research. He devoted manv hours in the libraries of 10 Preface New York and vicinity, looking for the connecting link between his ancestors in Dutchess County and the great colony of Smiths at Smithtown, Long Island, knowing well that if he succeeded in tracing the line to that locality he would then have to unravel a tangle which has de- feated many careful genealogists. All work done on the Long Island families was declared useless and all of the material gathered was thrown away, upon finding in an old note book, made by Anna Smith, daughter of Cap- tain Ephraim Smith, and now in possession of Miss Geneva Armstrong, the following memorandum: "James Phil- lips came from Cape Cod with Jesse Smith. He had one son and he married Sylla Smith, the daughter of Jesse Smith." This clue led to a visit to Cape Cod and an inspection of the old records at Orleans, Mass.. where the record of the births of the children of Jesse Smith was found and among them the "Sylla" (Priscilla) mentioned above. In Volume IV of the "Mayflower Descendant," at page 141, was found the record of births of the children of Thomas Smith, the father of Jesse. This book contains copies of wills, documents, etc., which prove each generation of the line of descent, shown above, down to the writer's grandfather, Ambrose Srnith. The writer will appreciate any corrections or additions which may be sent to him. L Bertrand SmitH; 99 McDonough St., ' Brooklyn, N. Y. CONTENTS Smyth Coat of Arms Frontispiece Title-Page, designed by Georgia Cooper Washburn 3 Dedication 5 To a Member of the Smith Family 7 Preface 9 Chapter I The Conditions Under Which Our First An- cestor Lived in America 13 Chapter II The Ancestors and Descendants of Jesse Smith First Generation 23 Second Generation 24 Third Generation 30 Fourth Generation 34 Fifth Generation 36 Sixth Generation 39 Seventh Generation 44 Eighth Generation 59 Ninth Generation 79 Chapter III The Ancestors of the Children of the Compiler Ancestors of Piatt Hiram Smith 89 Ancestors of Katharine Snell 115 Ancestors of Thomas Jefferson Hall 123 Ancestors of Francesca Cleveland 137 Ancestors of Dwight Wellington Rector 149 Ancestors of Almira Beebe 153 Crouse and Beebe Records 163 Index 171 Index of Persons 173 Index of Places 185 11 CHAPTER I THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH OUR FIRST ANCESTOR LIVED IN AMERICA / CHAPTER I The Conditions Under Which Our First Ancestor LIVED in America Ralph Smith came from Hingham, Norfolk County, England, in 1633, and was one of the first settlers of Hinghara, Plymouth County, Massachusetts. Of this there can be no doubt. Mr. Daniel Cushing in his record states that "Ralph came from Old Hingham, 1633, and lived in this town." Mr. Cushing placed the figure (1) after Ralph's name, inchcating that he brought no family with him. His name first appears upon the Hingham re- cords in 1637, when he drew a house-lot on "Batchelor Row," (now Main street,) at or near Pear Tree Hill, the steep bluff at the beginning of the "Lower Plain." This grant of land was bounded on the north by that of Thomas Barnes. Hingham, Plymouth County, Mass., is located about twelve miles from Boston, by water, and twenty-six miles from Plymouth. It is bounded on the north by Boston Harbor, on the east by Cohasset, on the west by Weymouth, and on the south by Situate and Abingdon. Hon. John D. Long, in the History of Hingham, Vol. I, page 201, says Hingham is one of the oldest towns in Massachusetts. There were settlers here as early as 1633. Its first name was Bare Cove, owing, probably, to the exposure, at low tide, of almost the entire bottom of the harbor or cove in front of the town. So far as it had any legislative recognition, it was in- corporated September 2, 1635, only eleven towns having, in that respect, an earlier date. Perhaps, however, the term incorporation is not appropriate in this connection, the brief order which the General Court, consisting of the Governor, assistants, and deputies, adopted and en- tered on that day being as follows: "The name of Bare Cove is changed and hereafter to be called Hingham." 15 16 Jesse Smith Mr. Solomon Lincoln, the historian of Hingham, Mass.^ in 1827, gives the following interesting facts: "The exact date at which anj^ individual came here to reside cannot be ascertained. Among the papers of Mr. Gushing, there is a 'list of the names of such persons as came out of the town of Hingham, and towns adjacent, in the County of Norfolk, in the Kingdom of England^ ^into New England, and settled in Hingham.' From this list we are led to beheve there were inhabitants here as early as 1633, and among them Ralph Smith, Nicholas Jacob, with his family, Thomas Lincoln, weaver, Ed- mund Hobart and his wife, from Hingham, and Thomas Hobart with his family, from Windham, in Norfolk, England." In 1635 there was a considerable increase of the num- ber of settlers, and grants of land were made to upwards of fifty individuals, of which a record is preserved. In 1638 one hundred and thirty-three persons came in the ship "Dihgent," John Martin, Master, and settled in Hingham. These first settlers were men of character and force, of good Enghsh blood, whose enterprise and vigor were evident in the very spirit of adventure and push which prompted their outset from the fatherland and their settlement in the new country. They were of the Puritan order, rather than of the Pilgrim element that settled at Plymouth a few years earlier. The distinction between the two is now well understood. The Pilgrims were Brownists or Separatists, later called Independents, opposed to the national church, insisting on separation from it, and reducing the religious system to the simplest form of independent church societies. It was natural that the spirit that led to reform and greater simphcity in church methods and organization, which was the aim of the Puritans, should go still further and demand entire separation and independence, which was Separatism, and of which the most illustrious type is found in the Pilgrims who sailed in the ''Mayflower," and settled in Plymouth in 1620. Those who thus went to the extreme of ecclesi- astical independence were consistent in granting the same liberty to others which they claimed for themselves; it His Ancestors and Descendants 17 is true that the Pilgrims were more tolerant than the Puritans. There is sometimes, undoubtedly, an inclination to exaggerate the religious element in the early settlements of New England. It was a mixed purpose that animated our forefathers. There was in them the genius of adven- ture and enterprise, which in later days has peopled our own West with their descendants; there was the search for fortune in new countries over the sea; there was the spirit of trade and mercantile investment; there was the hope of new homes, and the ardor of new scenes, all clustering around what was unquestionably the central impulse, to find a larger religious freedom than the re- strictions, legal or traditional, of the old country af- forded. In these first settlements the ministers were the leaders. Their influence was supreme. But with all this there was still, all the time, an im- mense deal of human nature. The picture of the early time, if it could be reproduced, would present a body of men and women engaged in the ordinary activities of life, cultivating the farms, ploughing the seas, trading with foreign lands and among themselves, engaged in near and remote fisheries, maintaining the school, the train-band, and the church, holding their town-meetings — a people not without humor, not altogether innocent of greed and quarrel and heart-burning, yet warm with the kind and neighborly spirit of a common and independent fellow- ship. They were neither visionary philosophei's nor religious fanatics. Their early records deal with every- day details of farm and lot, of domestic affairs, of stray- ing cattle and swine, of runaway apprentices and scolding wives, of barter with the Indians, of whippings and stocks and fines for all sorts of naughtinesses, of boundaries and suits, of debt and legal process and probate, of elec- tions and petty offices, civil and mihtary, with now and then the alarum of war and the inevitable assessment of taxes. They smack very much more of the common con- cerns of this world than of concern for the next. The first church in Hingham was formed in September, 1635, by Rev. Peter Hobart of Hingham, England, who 18 Jesse Smith came in June of that year. Mr. Hobart was educated at Magdalene College, Cambridge, where he graduated in 1625. He declined the invitations of several settlements to become their pastor, preferring to join that at Bare Cove, where manv of his fellow-townsmen in the old coun- try were already established. The first settlers of Eastern Massachusetts did not find the country covered with an unbroken forest; but from early writers we learn that there were large tracts of land entirely clear of trees and bushes, and that on the high lands, where any trees grew, in many places they stood at such distances apart that the grass grew luxuriantly between them. Mr. Grus, of Salem, wrote in 1627: "The country is very beautiful. Open lands, mixed in goodly woods, and again open plains, in some places five hundred acres, some more and some less. * * * * Not much troublesome to clear for the plough. The grass and weeds grow up to a man's face. In the low lands, and by fresh rivers, there are large meadows with- out a tree or bush." The burning of the grass and leaves by the Indians is mentioned by Morton in 1632. He says: "The savages burn over the country that it may not be overgrown with underwood. It scorches the older trees, and hinders their growth." Wood, in 1634, said: "In many places divers acres are cleared, so that one may ride a hunting in most places of the land. There is no underwood, save in the swamps and low grounds, for it being the custom of the Indians to burn the woods in November, when the grass is with- ered and leaves dried." Thus it is evident that the first settlers of Hingham were not obliged to cut down the forest to clear the land before they could plant their crops; but they evidently found enough cleared to plant as many acres as they desired. It was the custom of the Indians to prepare the soil for a crop of Indian corn by placing in each hill, with the corn, three Uttle fishes. This practice they taught the first settlers, who followed it until oxen were intro- duced, when the plough and ox labor were used instead of the hoe and hand labor. His Ancestors and Descendants 19 At a very early period it was found necessary to grow other crops besides Indian corn. Pumpkins were among the first of garden crops; these were followed by the parsnip, carrot, turnip, onion, beet, and cabbage. Po- tatoes were not introduced into New England until 1719. Other field crops grown were wheat, rye, oats, barley, beans, flax, and hemp. The two last named were grown and used for making clothing. The soil of Hingham is fair and in many places rich, and its successful cultivation led to the rapid increase in the number and area of the "planting fields" which were granted from time to time. The almost circular harbor, surrounded and protected on all sides by hills clothed with a growth of oak, pine, and cedar, and guarded at its entrance by three beautiful islands, which, like faithful sentinels, stood for protection against the storms, called attention to Hingham as an advantageous point for the construction of craft of various description and size, and the development of a prosperous foreign trade. Ship- yards and wharves soon dotted the shore and multiplied with astonishing rapidity; and many a stately vessel received her baptism and commenced her perilous career in the little bay. The commerce which was subsequently one of the chief sources of local wealth began almost with the birth of the town. CHAPTER II THE ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS OF JESSE SMITH FIRST GENERATION 1 Ralph ' Smith, of Hingham, Mass., was born probably about 1610, in Hingham, Norfolk, England. The record of Ralph Smith's marriages has not been found. He was married to his first wife while in Hing- ham, Mass., where he remained until about 1653. As late as Sept. 22, 1652, he is spoken of in the probate records of Suffolk County, Mass., as "Ralph Smyth of Hingham" (N. E. Reg. VIII, 61). The baptisms of the four children born in Hingham are recorded there. The birth of his daughter, Deborah, on March 8, 1654, is recorded at Eastham, Mass., which establishes the date of his re- moval to that town as between Sept, 1652, and March, 1654. Freeman's History of Cape Cod (page 359), gives the list of legal voters in Eastham May 22, 1655, showing Ralph to be the only Smith there at that time. He took the "oath of fidelity" in Eastham on Oct. 25, 1657, and was made Constable of that town in 1660. (Plymouth Colony Records, VIII. 184.) In 1664 he was "trading' with Josias Hobart of Hingham, Mass. After the death of his first wife he married Grace, the widow of Thomas Hatch, and the following "Court Order" indicates that he died before its date: "Oct, 27, 1685 — Administration is granted by this court to Grace Smith, relict of Ralph Smith, and Samuel Smith, son to the said Ralph Smith, all of the town of Eastham, in the Colony of New-Plymouth in New-England, deceased, on all goods and chattels of said Ralph Smith." (Plym. Col. Rec. VI. 175.) The name of this family in Norfolk County, England, was invariably spelled "Smyth," and Ralph continued to use this form during his life. His sons thereafter signed their name "Smith." The Astor Library in New York has the following record: 23 T 24 Jesse Smith Smyth (Co. Norfolk, Eng.). Arms: Argent, a chevron, gules, between three cross crosslets, sable. Crest: An arm embowed, proper, tied round the wrist Avith a riband, azure, and holding a scimetar, or. Children : 2 i Samuel ^, bapt. at Hingham, Mass., July 11, 1641 m. ]\Iary Hopkins. 3 ii John, bapt. at Hingham, Mass., July 23, 1644 m. Hannah Williams. 4 iii Daniel, bapt. at Hingham, Mass., March 2, 1647 m. Mary Young, iv Elizabeth, bapt. at Hingham, Mass., Sept., 1648 ; no further record. 5 V Thomas, b. about 1649-1653, probably in Hing- ham, Mass. ; m. Mary ■ . vi Deborah, b. at Eastham, Mass., March 8, 1654. See Eastham records marked, "Meetings 1650- 1705," page 13: "Ralph Smith a daughter named Deborough born 8 march 1654." No further record. SECOND GENERATION 2 Samuel = Smith (Ralph'), of Eastham, Mass., was baptised in Hingham, Mass., July 11, 1641. His marriage is recorded in Eastham, January 3, 1665, to Mary^ Hopkins (Gyles, ^ Stephen'), who was born in Yarmouth, Mass., 1640, and died in Eastham, March 20, 1696-7. He died March 22, 1696-7. He was a trader, and Constable of Eastham, 1670. His will, recorded Liber 2, Folio 47, mentions John, to have " ye half of two farms at Monomoy," and Mary, "ye half of two farms at Monomoy with her brother John." Eastham Records say he had a "sonne born and died in Mch, 1667." The births of his children are all recorded at Eastham. Children: i Samuel, ^ born in Eastham, Mass., May 26, 1668, died there Sept. 22, 1692. He married. May 26, His Ancestors and Descendants 25 1690, Barthua Lathrop, daughter of Barnabas. Their children were: Samuel, * born in Eastham, Feb. 13, 1690-1, married Abigail Freeman, Oct. 9, 1712, and Joseph, ^ born in Eastham. Oct. 9, 1692, married Mary Hopkins, June 24, 1715. The two children had, in the distribution of their grandfather Samuel Smith's estate in 1697, equal shares with their uncle and aunt, as follows: "Samuel Smith and Joseph Smith issue of said eldest son, Samuel, shall have to them or their heirs forever a farm at Monomoy, that Gaboon lives on" (Liber 2, Folio 59). ii ]\Iary, born in Eastham, January 3, 1669, married Daniel Hamilton, who was born in 1690 and died in Chatham, Mass., in 1738. iii Joseph, born in Eastham, April 10, 1671, died there, September 22, 1692. iv John, born in Eastham, May 26, 1673, and died in Chatham, Mass., before February 25, 1717. He married, May 14, 1694, Bethiah Snow, daughter of Stephen ^ Snow (Nicholas ') and Susanna ^ Deane (Stephen '). Her grandmother, Constance Hopkins, wife of Nicholas Snow, was the daughter of Stephen Hopkins of the "Mayflower." They had: James,* born February 13, 1694-5, died. May 27, 1696; Samuel, * born May 21, 169Q; Deane, * John \ Stephen *, David *, Seth \ Mercy *, Mary *, and Bethia \ V Grace, born in Eastham, Sept. 5, 1676, died there, Dec. 1, 1691. vi Deborah, born in Eastham, Dec. 10, 1678. 3 John' Smith (Ralph'), of Eastham, Mass., was baptised in Hingham, Mass., July 23, 1644. He married, in Eastham, May 24, 1667, Hannah Williams, daughter of Thomas, of Plymouth, and EHzabeth Tate, who were married November 30, 1638. John Smith probably had nine children, but only Elizabeth and Sarah are recorded at Eastham. The will of Thomas Williams, dated May 10, 1692, gives John Smith, my grandchild, a lot of meadow land in Eastham. Children: i Elizabeth ', born in Eastham, February 24, 1668, 26 Jesse: Smith ii Sarah, born in Eastham, March 27, 1671-2. iii John, married Sarah . They may have had the following children, recorded at Eastham: Hannah \ born March 18, 1695; Joseph, December 28, 1697; Sarah, November 6, 1699; Williams, Sep- tember 8, 1702; Lydia, April 24, 1704; Seth, January 28, 1706; Elizabeth, March 1, 1707-8; Rebecca, in May, 1709-10; John, March 13, 1712-3. ^ — 4 Daniel 2 Smith (Ralph »), of Eastham, Mass., was baptised in Hingham, Mass., March 2, 1647. His will, dated May 11, 1716, entered for probate June 20, 1720, estabUshes his death before the date of probate. He married, in Eastham, March 3, 1676, Mary Young, daughter of John Young and Abigail Howland, born April 28, 1658. Births of his children are all recorded at Eastham. Children: i Daniel \ born June 8, 1678. ii Content, born June 8, 1680; married Thomas Howes, December 11, 1701. iii Abigail, born April 30, 1683; married Joseph Neells, April 24, 1705. iv James, born in April, 1685; married Hannah Rogers,. February 19, 1712-3. V Nathaniel, born in October, 1687; married Abigail Groce, daughter of Simon and Mary (Bond), August 18, 1716. vi Mary, born January 8, 1692-3, died February 16, 1705-6. 5 Thomas' Smith (Ralph'), of Eastham, Mass., was probably born in Hingham, Mass., about 1649 to 1653. He married Mary about 1681. The births of their children are recorded in the Eastham Records and shown in the "Mayflower Descendant," IV., 141, where the record of her death is given as fol- lows: "Mary Smith Widdow and rehct of Thomas Smith Dyed on the 22nd day of March anno domini 1726-7." The record of inhabitants of Eastham, Mass., who had been admitted before 1675, gives the name of Thomas His Ancestors and Descendants 27 Smith and that of his brother, Samuel Smith. (N. E, Reg. VI. 41.) In 1691, Thomas Smith and Joseph Snow were appointed a committee to take charge of the Com- mons (Hist. Eastham, page 48). In 1693-1695, Thomas Smith was Representative to the General Court at Boston, Mass. (Hist. Eastham, page 103.) The date of his death is shown by the following will to be between May 10, 1720, and October 18, 1720. Will of Thomas Smith, proved October 18, 1720 (Pro- bate Records, Barnstable Co., Mass., Vol. 3, page 572): In the name of God amen This Tenth Day of May 1720 I, Thomas Smith, of Eastham in the County of Barnstable in the Province of Massachusetts Bay In New England, yeoman, being in a weak and Low condition but of sound and Disposing minde and memory blessed be God for the same Do Therefore now make and appoint this my Last will and Testament in manner following That is to say I Recomend my Body to the earth to be Decently buryed and my Soul to God that Gave it. And as Touching such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I Give Devise and Dispose of after my Debts and funerall charges paid in manner following: Imprimis I Give and bequeath to my son Jesse and To his heirs and assigns forever my Dwelling House out housing with all the Lands of my Homested Lying on the northerly side the Town Cove or River with all my meadow at Rock Harbour with all my Lott of upland at Rock Harbour with all my lands at the Harbours mouth and my Three Lotts of Land Lying northerly from ye Grape- vine swamp with my wood Lott Lying on the Easterly side the Road that Goes to Billingsget Runing over to the back side; onely I Do will the use and Improve- ment of all the above Specified Housings Lands and meadows to my Loving wife Mary Smith During the Term of her naturall Life and Then to Return to him my sd son Jesse as above sd. Itm. I Give and Bequeath to my son Ralph Smith and To his heirs & assigns forever one half part both for Quantity and Quality of all my Lands Lying on Pochey on the South Easterly side the Town Cove or River, he my sd son Ralph Smith allowing and paying Ten pounds 28 Jesse Smith yearly to my sd wife Mary Smith During the Term of her natural Life. Also I Give to him my sd son Ralph Smith one third part both as to Quantity and Quality of all my meadow or sedge ground Lying on the flats Called Town flats with one third part of all my undivided Rights on meadow and sedg ground in sd Town to him his heirs and assigns forever. Itm. I Give and bequeath to my son Jonathan Smith & to his heirs & assigns forever one half part of all my Lands Lying on Pochey on ye south easterly side the Town Cove or River both for Quantity and Quality; Together with one Third part of all my meadow or sedg ground Lying on ye flats called Town flats with one Third part of all my Undivided Rights in the undivided meadow and Sedg ground in sd town both for Quantity and Qual- ity; he my sd son paying yearly Ten Pounds to my sd wife Mary Smith during ye term of her natural Life; also that he my sd son Jonat. Smith pay unto my son David Ten Pounds. Itm. I Give and bequeath to my son Thomas Smith and To his heirs and assigns forever, all that my Lands and meadows in Truro which heretofore I gave him a Deed of Gift off Together with one third part as to Quantity and Quality of all my meadows and sedge ground Lying at the Town flats in said Eastham with one Third part of my Rights in the undivided meadow and sedge ground in sd Eastham. Itm. I Give unto my son David Smith and To his heirs and assigns forever all Those Two Lotts in Smiths Purchase which heretofore I Gave to him a Deed of Gift for; onely To him and his heirs begotten of his body also I Give to him my sd son David Smith and to his heirs and assigns forever That my Lott of Land Lying between the upper way and Lower way beyond David Atwoods. Itm. I Give unto my Daughter Rebecka Mayo and to her heirs one hundred pounds out of my personal Estate at the decease of my wife Mary Smith and if in case it should hapen that at ye decease of my said wife there should not be enough Left of my personal estate to make out to my sd Daughter or her sd heirs sd one hundred pounds my will is that each of my children namely: His Ancestors and Descendants 29 Ralph Smith, Thomas Smith, David Smith, Jonathan Smith or their heirs with my sd son, Jesse Smith, To- gether with my sd Daughter Rebecka Mayo or her heirs should In Equal proportion according to the proportion of what each one has or shall Receive out of my sd Estate in value make up unto her my sd Daughter or her heirs so as She or her heirs may be no more than Equeal Looser in proportion in that matter. And whereas I heretofore have disposed of one Negro Child to my son Ralph Smith on good considerations and one Negro child to my son Thomas Smith on good considerations I Do now Declare they my sd sons Respectively have and hold the same to them yr heirs & assigns. Then what of my personall Estate shall be Left after my sd wives Decease and my sd Daughter has had out her sd Hundred Pounds I Do give the Remainder Thereof if any there be in equall proportion alike to each of my children: namely, Ralph Smith, Thomas Smith, Jonathan Smith, Jesse Smith & Rebecka Mayo and To their heirs and assigns And I Do constitute and appoint my son Ralph Smith my whole and sole executor to this my Last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I Do hereunto sett my hand and seal ye Day and year above written. Thomas Smith (ss). Signed, Sealed and Declared by the above named Thomas Smith to be his Last Will and Testament In presence of us Witnesses : Joseph May rick, Isaac Myrick, Joseph Doane. The Town Records, Eastham, Mass., Book 13, Page 199, have the following: "Whereas, Thomas Smith, has made complaint that the bounds of his lands lying on the southeasterly side of the Town Cove upon 'Pocha' that was formerly his father's, Ralph Smith, are gone to decay, and some of them lost, we, whose names are hereunto subscribed, being appointed by the town, to settle the bounds of lands that may be in controversy, having viewed sd lands, do settle the bounds thereof as follows, viz; Beginning at the N. E. corner at a rock near the bank marked T. S. from there 30 Jesse Smith ranging about 40 poles southerly up into the woods to another rock marked T. S. from there ranging about 48 poles westerly to a stone set in the ground marked T. S. from there ranging to the bank by the cove side to a pine tree, marked, and so along by the bank easterly to the first bound mark." Dated March 22, 1694. (Signed) Jonathan Sparrow, Samuel Freeman, Thomas Paine, Jr. (N. E. Reg. XXVI, 438.) Children : i Ralph ^, born in Eastham, Mass., October 23, 1682, where he married, October 23, 1712, Mary Mayo, daughter of Samuel. He was Selectman at East- ham, 1736 (May. Des. IV. 210). ii Rebecca, born in Eastham, Mass., March 31, 1685; married Theophilus Mayo, August 16, 1705, in Eastham. iii Thomas, born in Eastham, Mass., January 29, 1687-8. He was married by ''Mr. Samuel Treat, Esq.," to Joanna Mayo on November 3, 1709, and died September 20, 1745. She died March 24, 1763. He settled in Truro, Mass. iv David, born in Eastham, Mass., in March, 1691. V Jonathan, born in Eastham, Mass., July 5, 1693. vi Isaac, born in Eastham, Mass., June 3, 1695; died there, April 26, 1704. 6 vii Jesse, born in Eastham, Mass., January 31, 1703-4. THIRD GENERATION 6 Jesse ^ Smith (Sr.) (Thomas 2, Ralph'), born in Eastham, January 31, 1703-4. His intention of mar- riage is recorded at Eastham, July 4, 1724. His mar- riage is recorded in the Eastham Record of Births, Deaths and Marriages, on page 61, as follows: "Jesse Smith and Sarah Higgins were married by Mr. Samuel Osborn in ye month of Sep. 1724." This record is followed by the birth of seven children: "Ruth, David, Prisila, Sarah, His Ancestors and Descendants 31 Eunis, Jerusa, and Jesse." These records were copied by the writer of this book, in October, 1904, from the original entries made by the Town Clerk of Eastham. They are now on file in the office of the Town Clerk of Orleans, Mass. Jesse Smith came to Dutchess County, N. Y.. in 1756, with his wife, Sarah, and twelve children. The Eastham Records giving only seven children, we are un- able to give accurate dates and names of the five born between the date of the birth of his son, Jesse, in 1736, and his arrival in New York state in 1756. His wife, Sarah, born July 13, 1706, in Eastham, Mass., died No- vember 17, 1766, and lies buried in Gilead Burying Grounc^^ at Carmel, N. Y. He died June 14, 1782, and the writer visited the old burying ground at Spencer's Corners, about two miles from Millerton, Dutchess Count}^, N. Y., in 1903, and there saw his gravestone still standing, beside that of his son, Jesse. His wife, Sarah Higgins, was the daughter of Benja- min ^ Higgins (Benjamin-, Richard*), and Sarah ^ Free- man (Lieut. Edmond ^, Major John ^, Edmond'). Major John Freeman married Mercy Prence, daughter of Gov- ernor Thomas Prence and Patience Brewster, who was the daughter of Elder William Brewster Avho came in the "Mayflower" in 1620. Thus may all descendants of Jesse Smith claim a "Mayflower Ancestor." In anotlier part of this book is shown, more clearly, the lines connect- ing each descendant with this distinguished ancestor. See mil of Benjamin Higgins, dated July 1, 1760, proved May 11, 1761 (Barnstable Probate Records, Vol. 12, page 153). The following is an extract from a letter, dated Decem- ber 15, 1904, written by Josiah Paine, of Harwich, Mass., the noted genealogist of Cape Cod: "You are right in placing Sarah Smith as daughter of Benjamin and Sarah Higgins. The will of Benjamin Higgins mentions 'Sarah Smith,' a daughter. Benjamin Higgin's wife was daugh- ter of Edmond Freeman. So you are a descendant of William Brewster, as well as myself, and can join the Mayflower Society if you choose. It is an honor to be a descendant of the good old Mr. Brewster, the leader of the pilgrim band, whom Governor Bradford delighted to 32 Jesse Smith praise, and who well deserved it. There were nothing but rugged honesty and charity in his make up, and simplicity in his manner." Jesse Smith settled near Carmel, N. Y. (now in Putnam County), where he was prominent in town and church affairs until his removal, after the death of his wife, to the Town of Northeast, Dutchess County, where he resided until his death. The following extract from a report of a survey made of lot number six, of Phillips Patent, Dutchess Co. (now Putnam Co.), shoAvs the exact location of the farm where Jesse Smith settled, upon his arrival in New York state. This report may be found, in full, in Pelletreau's History of Putnam County, page 289. "West line— Thursday, 17 October 1771, began to run the out bounds. Present, Beverly Robinson, Thomas Belden and Moss Kent, Esqrs., Began at a stake and a heap of stones on top of a hill by a walnut sappling, marked 'M. P.' on the west side and 'P. P.' on the east side and ' 1753 ' on the north side which heap of stones lyes in the line of the Manor of Cortland and is also the southeasterly corner of Lot No. 5, N. 9 degrees 9 minutes E. formerly 10 E. 962 chains 46 links * * * * at 235 chains crossed a run of water, runs to the right, at 244 chains James Belden's house 50 links to the right, at 246 chains crossed Belden's barn, at 243 chains made a monument of stones on the south side of a road in a run of water about 1 chain from Gabriel Carpenter's house in lot 5. (This point is on the road from Carmel to Lake Mahopac, just east of the road running north to the Crane Burying Ground.) * * * at 358 chains Wm. Mead's house 2 chains to the right, at 387 chains black oak formerly marked, at 391 chains red ash tree, at 392 chains another, at 419 chains a rock, corner to Jesse Smith's farm, now Widow Hall, on which we laid a heap of stones, at 436 chains crossed the west branch of Croton River." In the ''Field Book of the Survey of Lot No. 6," made April 12, 1762, by Benjamin Morgan, the following per- sons are mentioned as living on that part of the lot which is now embraced in the Town of Carmel: Jesse Smith, His Ancestors and Descendants 33 Daniel Phillips, Russell Gregory, Timothy Gregory, Rev. Elnathan Gregory, Isaac Smith, and others. Rev. Ebenezer Knibloe was ordained and installed as pastor of the Western Church in Phillip's Patent. The call to Mr. Knibloe was brief and to the point, as follows: "We, the inhabitants of the Western Society of Phillipi do unite and call Mr. Ebenezer Knililoe preacher of ye gospel to take the pastoral care of us." This call was signed by Jesse Smith, Joseph Gregory and about fifty others. Mr. Knibloe remained here until July 11, 1759, when he removed to Amenia. The next pastor in Carmel was the Rev. Elnathan Gregory. Pelletreau, in his History of Putnam County, on page 315, says: "Gilead P>urying Ground is located about one mile southeast of the Village of Carmel and the oldest inscription is in memory of 'Sarah, wife of Mr. Jesse Smith, who died November 17, 1766.' " Children: i Ruth ^, born in Eastham, July 18,1725; married Andrew Tracy, of Lisbon, Conn., March 30, 1743. She died October 13, 1809. ii David, born in Eastham, January 28, 1726-7. iii Priscilla, born in Eastham, July 20, 1729; married Phillips, son of James PhilUps. iv Sarah, born in Eastham, July 19, 1731. v- Eunice, born in Eastham, February 23, 1732-3; married Hughson. vi Jerusha, born in Eastham, March 1, 1734-5. 7 vii Jesse, born in Eastham, February 1, 1736-7. The above are all recorded in Eastham. viii Lydia, married Nickerson, living in 1759. ix Elizabeth, married Thomas Munson and was left a widow with two sons. X EUjah, born about 1744, died March 19, 1826, in Northeast, N. Y., aged 82. He married Lydia Munson, daughter of Ebenezer* Munson (Thornas^ SamueP, Thomas') and Abigail Hotchkiss. Lydia was born in Danbury, Conn.,Vanuary 30, 1745-, and died November 11, 1826. Both are interred at Spencer's Corners, N. Y. 34 Jesse Smith FOURTH GENERATION 7. Jesse* Smith, Jr. (Jesse ^ Thomas'', R^lph'), whose birth is recorded in Eastham, Mass., February 1, 1736-7, came to Dutchess County with his father in 1756. He died before his father, in Northeast, N. Y., December 12, 1777, only forty-one years of age — undoubtedly from disability incident to his service in the Revolutionary War. His gravestone in Spencer's Corners Burying Ground has the following inscription: "Mr. Jesse Smith, Jnr., died Dec. 12, 1777, in the 41st yr of his age." His wife is buried beside him. Pier stone records that " Lydia, wife of Mr. Jesse Smith, Jnr., died October 7, 1791, aged 52." He married, in 1760, Lydia Gregory, daughter of Ephraim Gregory, of Danbury, Conn. She was born about 1739. Jesse Smith served in the Colonial and Revolutionary Wars, as shown by the documents here- inafter quoted. It is seldom one finds an ancestor who has served in two wars. Ours seems to have made this great record in his comparatively short life of forty-one years. The following letter, in possession of the author, was directed, "To Mr. Jesse Smith Liveing at phillipse patten in Dutchess County this with care and Speed Dehver": "Fort Stanwix, August ye 13: A. D. 1759. "Honoured Father & Mother Dear & Cind Brother and Sisters I Send my kind Love to you hopeing that Thes few Lines may find you all in Good health as thay leave me at this present time through ye Divine Goodness of God and I would Let you no that I Receaved 2 Letters from you Since I have been hear ye first Dated June ye 13; ye last July ye 14; which I heard Mother wase very poorely with ye Measels and Lidy and Elisabeth had them two and I pray that thes lines will find you all well and I Desire your prayers towards God for me & I Long to hear from you how it is with you all and I Beg that God will Be with you all and take Care of you and keep you from Sickness and Bless you If it is his will I wase very poorely for a few Days after I came up heare But I have Got prity harty and well and blessed be God for it So no His Ancestors axd Descendants 35 more at present But I Still Remain your Son untill Death Jesse Smith." This letter was written on the "eve of battle," yet see how carefully he conceals from his family any thought which might cause them anxiety. Fort Stanwix was built, early in 1758, by an English general. Its name was changed to Fort Schuyler during the Revolutionary War. It was located at the " crossing " from the Mohawk River to Wood Creek, near Rome, N. Y. At the time the above letter was written it was occupied by about 3,000 men under Col. Bradstreet. The New York troops were in two detachments: the first under Lieut. Col. Charles Clinton of Ulster, with Captain Ogden of Westchester, Captain Peter Dubois of New York, Captain Sam. Bladgely of Dutchess, and Captain Daniel W^right of Queens; the second, under Lieut. Col. Isaac Corse of Queens, with Captain Elias Hand of Suffolk, Captain Richard Hewlet of Queens, Captain Thomas Arrowsmith of Richmond, Captain William Humphrey of Dutchess, and Captain Ebenezer Seely of Ulster. The troops left Fort Stanwix, August 14, 1759, the day following the date of the above letter, and passed down Wood Creek in bateaux or open boats, through Oneida Lake to Oswego, thence down Lake Ontario and across the St. Lawrence River and landed within a mile of Frontenac (Kingston), on August 25, 1759. Frontenac surrendered to Lieut. Col. Corse, on August 27, and the magazines, etc., were destroyed by the Americans, who returned to Fort Stanwix on September 10, 1759. In 1760 Fort Stanwix was allowed to decay and was not again occupied until 1777, when the Battle of Oriskany was fought. (See Jones' Hist. Oneida Co., page 323.) The name of Jesse Smith, Jr., appears on the "Roll of Honor," Dutchess County, in 1775. His date of enlist- ment, April 13, 1777, is given on page 164 of Saffel's Rec- ord of the Revolutionary War, and a copy of the issue of arms and equipments at Fort Montgomery, June 10, 1777, given in the New York Genealogical and Biograph- ical Record for 1896, shows him to have been a member of Philip Dubois Bevier's Company of Colonel Louis Dubois' Regiment. 36 Jesse Smith Children: 8 i Ephraim \ born in Northeast, N. Y., April 8, 1761; married Miriam Thurston. 9 ii Elijah, born in Northeast, N. Y., about 1762; married Mar}^ Rundel. He was of Freehold, Albany Co. (now Greene Co.), N. Y., in 1797. 10 iii James Phillips, born in Amenia, N. Y., July 22, 1764; married Ursula Adams. FIFTH GENERATION 8 Ephraim ^ Smith (Jesse *, Jesse ^, Thomas -, Ralph >), was born in Northeast, N. Y., April 8, 1761, and died in Amenia, N. Y., June 11, 1815. His grave- stone is in Spencer's Corners Burying Ground. He mar- ried Miriam Thurston, April 10, 1783, in Sharon, Conn. (Sharon Records). She was the daughter of Joel* Thurs- ton (John '", David \ John \ Thomas ^ John ') and Miriam Blakely of Pennsylvania. Miriam Thurston was born in Northeast, N. Y., September 27, 1765, and died in Amenia, N. Y., November 11, 1840 (Gravestone, Spencer's Cor- ners). Ephraim was a captain in the Dutchess County militia during the Revolutionary War. Joel Thurston was an extensive land holder of Nine Partners. He re- moved to Easton. N. Y., after the war (Thurston Gen. 2d Ed. page 378).' Children : 11 i Lydia ", born January 5, 1784; married Samuel Reynolds. 12 ii Rachael, born December 30, 1785; married Leonard Anson, iii Miriam, born December 4, 1787; died May 11, 1803, unmarried, iv Joel, born December 23, 1789; died Januar}^ 1, 1809, unmarried. 13 V PoU}^, born March 4. 1792; married Gerard Pitcher. 14 vi Anna, born February 14, 1794, married David Collin. 15 vii Eunice, born June 12, 1796; married James Reed. His Axcestous and Descendants 37 viii John^ born February 25, 1798; died March 27, 1819. He may have married, but no record has been found. 9 Elijah ^ Smith (Jesse *, Jesse ^, Thomas ^, Ralph '), was born about 1762, and both he and liis wife, Mary Rundcl, were living in October, 1797, when they signed the following deed. No record of any children has been found. "To all people to whom these presents shall come Greeting Know ye that I Elijah Smith of freehold in the Count}' of Albany, in the state of New York for the sum of forty-four pounds, Eight Shillings and Six pence current Money of the state of New York to me in hand paid by James P. Smith of the town of Amenia, in Dutchess County and state of New York before the ensealing of these pres- ents, to my full satisfaction and content have given granted and by these presents do freely give grant and Quit claim unto the said James P. Smith his heirs and assigns forever two one-third parts of my third part of the land which was the Dower of my mother Lydia Smith, Deceased, which land is in the town of Amenia aforesaid To have and to hold, etc. * * * In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty sixth day of October in the twenty second year of American Independence. A. D. 1797. Sealed and delivered Elijah Smith (ss) in the presence of Mary Smith." Elijah Smith Ephraim Smith." The witness, Elijah, was probably the brother of Jesse, Jr. Ephraim was a brother of James P., and of Elijah, the grantor. Freehold is now in Greene County. 10 James Phillips^ Smith (Jesse ^ Jesse ^ Thom- as-, Ralph'), was born in Amenia, N. Y., July 22, 1764, and died there, June 11, 1818. He married, January 26, 1786, in Sharon, Conn., Ursula Adams, daughter of Thomas and Rosanna Adams. She was born in Simsbury, Conn., on September 29, 1764, and died in Fayetteville, N. Y., on January 14, 1844. 38 Jesse Smith Letters of administration were granted on the follow- ing petition, now on file in the Surrogate's Court, Dutchess County, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. : "Ambrose Smith of the Town of Amenia, Dutchess County, being sworn says that James P. Smith late of said Town and County died on or about the eleventh day of June without leaving an}^ last will or Testament to his knowledge or belief, and that he died possessed of goods, chattels and credits to the value of about twelve hundred and fifty dollars to the best of his knowledge and belief. And this deponent further says that the said deceased left a widow Ursula Smith, and this de- ponent, Mercy Smith, Jesse Smith, Phebe Smith, Ursula Smith, James Smith, Hiram Smith and Lydia Smith as heirs at law, and further says not. (Signed) Ambrose Smith. "Sworn this 23d day of June 1818 before me Derick B. Stockholm, Surrogate. i"I, Ursula Smith do hereby renounce my right of ad- ministration on the estate of my late husband James P. Smith and do request the Surrogate of Dutchess County to grant the same to Ambrose Smith and Jesse Smith, sons of the said deceased. "In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 23d dav of June 1818. "Ursula Smith (1. s.)" Children: 16 i Mercy, ° born June 7, 1787; married Asa Aldrich. 17 ii Jesse, born July 30, 1789; married Arminda Munson. 18 iii Phebe, born November 4, 1791; married Zebulon Ostrom. 19 iv Ambrose, born January 20. 1794; married Mary ^lead, and, after her death, her sister, Sarah Mead. 20 V Ursula, born March 30, 1796; married Elna- than Cobb. 21 vi James P., born February 8, 1799; married Mary Lathrop. 22 vii Hiram A., born August 5, 1803; married Electa Mead. His Ancestors and Descendants 39 23 viii Lydia, born Feliruary 21, 1806; married, first, Lee Collin, second, Eli Perry. SIXTH GENERATION 11 Lydia ° Smith, daughter of Ephraim Smith and Miriam Thurston, was born in Amenia, January 5. 1784, and died in Windham, N. Y., April 6, 1846. "She married, in April, 1808, Samuel Reynolds, son of James Reynolds and Sallv Hartwell, born Nov. 15, 1778, died May 1, 1843, in Windham, N. Y. Children : 24 i Sally Reynolds, born December 5, 1808; mar- ried Joseph Bell, ii CaroUne Reynolds, born September 19, 1811; died February 2, 1838, unmarried. 25 iii Lydia Ann Reynolds, born Aug. 24, 1813; married Sylvester Stimpson. 26 iv Smith Ephraim Reynolds, born July 5, 1816; married Laura A. Parsons. 27 V Miriam Reynolds, born May 24, 1818; married Schuyler Ives. 28 vi Samuel Warren Reynolds, born August 3, 1820; married Elizabeth Osborn. 29 vii Elias J. Reynolds, born Aug. 11, 1822; married Sarah A. Sweet. 12 Rachael* Smith, daughter of Ephraim Smith and Miriam Thurston, was born in Northeast, N. Y., December 30. 1785, and died in Ellery, Chautauqua County, N. Y., March 8, 1854. She married, January 23, 1816, in Northeast, Rev. Leonard Anson, who was born in Poughkeepsie, N. Y,, in 1784, and died in Ellerv, N. Y., March 7, 1854. He was living in Stafford, N. Y., in March, 1824. Child: 30 i JuHa Harriet Anson, born December 22, 1818; died March 31, 1873. She married Marshall W. Leland, May 26, 1840. 13 Polly ' Smith, daughter of Ephraim Smith and 40 Jesse Smith Miriam Thurston, was born in Northeast, N. Y., March 4, 1792, and died there April 12, 1853. She is interred at Spencer's Corners. She married Colonel Gerard Pitcher, December 4, 1823. He was born in 1800, died in North east, July 1, 1872, and is interred at Spencer's Corners. Children : 31 i John Pitcher born January 13, 1825; married Mary Kelly. 32 ii EmeUne Pitcher, born January 11, 1827; married Frederick Holley. 33 iii Myron Pitcher, born May 13, 1829; married Mary J. Jenks. 34 iv Antoinette Pitcher, born in May, 1834; married George Case. V Caroline Pitcher, born September 1, 1831; died February 20, 1837, unmarried. 14 Anna * Smith, daughter of Ephraim Smith and Miriam Thurston, was born in Northeast, N. Y., Feb- ruary 14, 1794, and died in Fayetteville, N. Y., October 24, 1873. She was married, January 2, 1817, to David Collin, son of David Collin and Lucy Bingham. He was born in Hillsdale, Columbia County, N. Y., April 23, 1794, and died November 25, 1884, in Fayetteville, N. Y. Children : i Edmund Colhn, born December 28, 1817; ched December 29, 1817. 36 ii Carohne ColUn, born December 26, 1818; mar- ried Sylvester Gardner. 37 iii Lucy Bingham Collin, born March 15, 1821; married Porter Tremaine. 38 iv David Colhn, born August 23, 1822; married Clara Park. 39 V Harriette Collin, born November 15, 1824; married Nathan Seward. 40 vi Miriam Colhn, born May 16, 1828; married Ethan Armstrong. 41 vii Anna Smith Colhn, born October 14, 1829; married Samuel J. Wells. 15 Eunice ^ Smith, daughter of Ephraim Smith His Ancestors and Descendants 41 and Miriam Thurston, was born in Amenia, June 12, 1796, and died there, October 3, 1865. She married James Reed, son of Ethel Reed and OUve Hubbard, on February 29, 1820, in Amenia, N. Y. He died, January 9, 1830, m SaUsbury, Conn. Children ; 42 i Emily Reed, born November 17, 1821; married Samuel Lasher. 43 ii Mary Reed, born February 12, 1824; married Dewitt C. Dakin. 44 iii Ann Eliza Reed, born December 26, 1825; mar- ried Dewitt C. Dakin. 45 iv Juha Reed, born November 22, 1827; married Daniel D. Caulkins. V Jane Reed, born April 7, 1830; died, in March, 1847, unmarried. 16 Mercy ^ Smith, daughter of James P. Smith and Ursula Adams, was born in Northeast, N. Y., June 7, 1787, and died in Unadilla, N. Y., January 24, 1850. She married Asa Aldrich, son of Simeon Aldrich and Hannah Arnold (sister of Benedict Arnold), on September 12, 1811. He was born August 22, 1779, and died November 11, 1838, in Northeast, N. Y. Children : 46 i Alexander Smith Aldrich, born January 24, 1813, married Julia Roe. ii Amanda Aldrich, born October 13, 1814; died September 15, 1820, unmarried, iii Lucetta Aldrich, born February 21, 1817; died October 31, 1847, unmarried. 47 iv Rebecca Aldrich, born January 27, 1819; mar- ried Hamilton Eggleston. 48 V Charles Aldrich, born December 18, 1820; mar- ried Olive Bagley. vi AmeUa Aldrich, born January 19, 1823; died March 2, 1823. vii George Aldrich. born December 17, 1824; died September 9, 1849. viii Anna Aldrich, born August 11, 1826; died May 9, 1827. 42 Jesse Smith 49 ix John Aldrich, born February 23, 1828; mar- ried Mary J. Johnston, 17 Jesse ^ Smith, son of James P. Smith and Ursula Adams, was born in Northeast, July 30, 1789, and died in jManlius, N. Y., June 12, 1864 (gravestone). He mar- ried Arminda Munson, daughter of Ebenezer Munson and Alice Mead, November 13, 1814. She was born May 12, 1796, and died Mav 14, 1872, in Manlius, N. Y. Children: i William M., born in 1817; died September 21, 1871, unmarried. 50 ii Jane Amanda, born June 28, 1820; married Allen H. Avery. 18 Phebe ^ Smith, daughter of James P. Smith and Ursula Adams, was born in Northeast, November 4, 1791, and died in Syracuse, N. Y., August 17, 1872. She mar- ried, November 4, 1812-13, Zebulon Ostrom, son of Jacob Ostrom. He was born June 10, 1786, in Chnton, Dutchess County, N. Y., and died November 23, 1873, in Svracuse, N. Y. She was his second wife. Child: i Lydia Ostrom, born July 24, 1827; died October 20, 1866, unmarried. 19 Ambrose ^ Smith, son of James P. Smith and Ursula Adams, was born in Amenia, N. Y., January 20, 1794, and died in Fayetteville, N. Y., March 18, 1879. He married, first, Mary Mead, daughter of Job Mead and Ruth Hibbard, September 11, 1817. She was born in Amenia, N. Y., October 4, 1795, and died in Dewitt, N. Y., April 10, 1844. He married, second, Sarah Mead, sister of his first wife, on November 20, 1844. She was born, January 3, 1794, in Amenia, and died, Feb- ruary 16, 1871, in Dewitt, N. Y. His early life was spent on a farm in Northeast, Dutchess County, N. Y. On September 10, 1814, he enUsted for the War of 1812 in Captain Henry Perlee's company of Col. Bel- knap's 1st Regiment of N. Y. miUtia. His pension cer- tificate, number 19261, in possession of the writer, is His Ancestors and Descendants 43 evidence that all his descendants are eligible to the So- ciety of the War of 1812. He was stationed in what is now Central Park, in New York, and his stories of guard- ing wagon trains from the Battery to Central Park, over a corduroy road, and of the small value of the land on which Central Park is now located, are remembered by the writer. He removed to Onondaga County, X. Y., where he settled on the "Clark" farm, east of Fayette- ville, in 1829. In 1835 he purchased the old homestead, west of Fayetteville, where he lived until he removed to his residence on Genesee street, Fayetteville, where he died. He was a consistent member of the Baptist church during his life. He was a director of the Fayetteville National Bank for many years. Children: 51 i James Henry, born January- 15, 1820; married Anna Smith. 52 ii Ambrose Edward, born November 15, 1821; married Hannah P. Knapp. 53 iii Mary, born September 21, 1823; married Joel E. Knapp. 54 iv Electa Reynolds, born October 17, 1825; mar- ried Da\'id A. Munro. V Ursula, born on "Clark Farm," east of Fay- etteville. N. Y., August 19, 1831; died in Dewitt N. Y., November 23, 1862, unmarried. vi Charles Hiram, born on "Clark Farm," August 31, 1833; died in Dewitt, N. Y., August 7, 1834, unmarried. 55 vii Piatt Hiram, born March 10, 1836; married Katharine Snell. 56 viii Howard Malcom, born January 7, 1841; mar- ried Almira Beebe. 20 Ursula * Smith, daughter of James P. Smith and Ursula Adams, was born in Northeast, N. Y., March 30, 1796, and died in Dewitt. N. Y., May 26, 1866. She married Elnathan Cobb, April 6, 1845, in Dewitt, N. Y. No children. 21 James P. ' Smith, son of James P. Smith and 44 Jesse Smith Ursula Adams, was born in Northeast, February 8, 1799, and died. July 30, 1824, near Jamestown, N. Y. He married Mary Lathrop, December 14, 1823. She died May 25, 1841. Child: i James P., born in 1824; lived in Edwardsburg, Mich.; married Susan Wilkinson. No children. 22 Hiram A. " Smith, son of James P. Smith and Ursula Adams, was born in Northeast, August 5, 1803, and died August 16, 1827. He married Electa Mead, daughter of Nathan Mead and Sarah Hibbard, May 30, 1827. She was born November 19, 1803, and died February 11, 1874. She married, second, Joel Knapp. Hiram A. Smith died without issue and is buried, with his brother James P., near Jamestown or Mayville, N. Y. 23 Lydia ^ Smith, daughter of James P. Smith and Ursula Adams, was born in Northeast, February 21, 1806, and died April 18, 1849. She married, first," Sep- tember 1, 1829, Lee Collin, who died in May, 1832. She married, second, October 8, 1839, Eli Perry, Mayor of Albany, N. Y., by whom she had no children. Child: i James Lee ColUn, born in July, 1830; died December 11, 1834. SEVENTH GENERATION 24 Sally ' Reynolds, daughter of Samuel Reynolds and Lydia Smith, was born in Windham, N. Y., Decem- ber 5, 1808, and died August 7, 1851. She married, January 10, 1828, Joseph Bell, son of Jonathan Bell and Ann Cooper. He was born in Catskill, N. Y., April 21, 1808, and died in Delavan, Wisconsin, May 31, 1892. Children: 57 i Juha Ann Bell, born March 29, 1830; married Nelson B. Robb. 58 ii Carohne Bell, born January 4, 1832; married J. B. Doohttle. His Ancestors and Descendants 45 59 iii Washington Bell, born May 17, 1834; married Anna Adams. 60 iv John W. Bell, born June 26, 1838; married Emma J. Burroughs. 61 V Samuel R. Bell, born July 3, 1843; married Caroline F. Horton. 62 vi Miriam E. Bell, born February 4, 1846; married Eseck D. Smith, vii Lydia Amelia Bell, born October 21, 1848; died September 14, 1869, unmarried. 63 viii Sarah J. Bell, born July 10, 1851; married Gurdon H. Parsons. 25 Lydia Ann ' Reynolds, daughter of Samuel Reynolds and Lydia Smith, was born August 24, 1813, and died December 24, 1844. She married, June 15, 1843. Sylvester Stimpson. Child: 64 i Ephraim Stimpson, born December 8, 1844; mar- ried Alenia S. Howard. 26 Smith Ephraim' Reynolds, son of Samuel Reynolds and Lydia Smith, was born in Windham, N. Y., July 5, 1816, and died May 24, 1895. He married, March 3, 1847, in Windham, Laura A. Parsons, daughter of Albert Parsons and Clarissa Judson. She was born April 21, 1828, and died July 22, 1888. All the children were born in Windham, N. Y. Children : 65 i Miriam L. Reynolds, born April 2, 1848; mar- ried Ransom A. Mattoon. 66 ii Albert P. Reynolds, born March 26, 1850; mar- ried Addie S. Rusk. 67 iii Rosaha E. Reynolds, born February 11, 1853; married Levi Matthews. 68 iv Ida M. Reynolds, born April 24, 1857; married Wilham J. Rusk. V Romain J. Reynolds, born October 7, 1861. 27 Miriam' Reynolds, daughter of Samuel Rey- nolds and Lydia Smith, was born May 24, 1818, and died 46 Jesse Smith in North Settlement, N. Y., June 22, 1852. She mar- ried, April 28, 1845, Schuyler Ives, son of Roma Ives. He was born December 11, 1814, in Windham, N. Y., and died April 24, 1896, in Durham, N. Y. He after- wards married Julia Stimpson and had one son, living at Durham, N. Y. One child, by the first marriage, died very young. 28 Samuel Warren^ Reynolds, son of Samuel Reynolds and Lydia Smith, was born August 3, 1820, and died August 19, 1871. He married, March 10, 1852, Elizabeth Osborn, daughter of William Osborn. She was born November 30, 1828, and died October 26, 1887. Children: i William Reynolds, born June 25, 1853. 69 ii Elias J. Reynolds, born February 21, 1857; mar- ried Fannie Sherman, iii Samuel J. Reynolds, born September 25, 1859; died October 22, 1876, unmarried. 29 Elias J. ' Reynolds, son of Samuel Reynolds and Lydia Smith, was born August 11, 1822, and died in Copake, N. Y., May 5, 1854. He married, October 10, 1850, Sarah A. Sweet. Children : i Miriam Reynolds, died before 1902. ii Marguerite Reynolds, died before 1902. 30 Julia Harriett ' Anson, daughter of Rev. Leonard Anson and Rachel Smith, was born December 22, 1818, and died May 31, 1873. She married. May 26, 1840, Marshall W. Leland of Chicago, 111. Fie was born June 30, 1810, and died July 17, 1877. Children: 70 i Celia Rachel Leland, born August 22, 1842; married Cyrene H. Blakley. 71 ii Horace L. Leland, born March 17, 1845; mar- ried Nannie E. Wilson, iii Lucius M. Leland, born February 11, 1851; un- married in 1903. His Ancestors and Descendants 47 iv Cephas Arthur Leland, born September 18, 1854; died February 19, 1900, unmarried. V AUce J. Leland, born August 31, 1857; unmar- ried in 1903. 31 John ^ Pitcher, son of Gerard Pitcher and Polly Smith, was born in Northeast, N. Y., January 13, 1825, and died in Millerton, N. Y., March 4, 1903. He married, November 17, 1863, Mary Kelly, in Pine Plains, N. Y. She was the daughter of Patrick Kelly and Cath- erine Ryan and the widow of John Mulligan, and was born August 15, 1840, in County Roscommon, Ireland. Children: 72 i Frank G. Pitcher, born April 13, 1865; married Luella Linskey. ii Smith K. Pitcher, born November 10, 1866 ; died March 10, 1868. iii Edward M. Pitcher, born August 12, 1869; died October 28, 1874. 32 Emeline ' Pitcher, daughter of Gerard Pitcher and Polly Smith, was born in Northeast, N. Y., January 11, 1827, and died in Lakeville, Conn., October 4, 1875. She was married in Northeast, N. Y., on February 27, 1855, to Frederick Holley, son of Newman Holley and Sally Stiles, born February 6, 1818, died August 16, 1882, in Lakeville, Conn. Children : i Caroline Holley, born October 24, 1856; died January 20, 1872, unmarried. 73 ii Myron Holley, born April 24, 1859; married Anna Robertson. iii Sarah Holley, born January 1, 1863. 33 Myron ' Pitcher, son of Gerard Pitcher and Polly Smith, was born in Northeast, N. Y., May 13, 1829, and died there November 2, 1893. He married Mary Jane Jenks on August 21, 1853. She was born August 14, 1833. and died August 19, 1884. in Northeast, N. Y. 48 Jesse Smith Children: 74 i Bryant H. Pitcher, born November 22, 1853; married Mabel W. Porter. 75 ii Frederick Pitcher, born September 24, 1855; married Mary Cody, iii John Smith Pitcher, born October 13, 1857; died June 17, 1900. iv Elizabeth Pitcher, born June 11, 1860; died August 17, 1881, unmarried. V George M. Pitcher, born September 1, 1864. 34 Antoinette ' Pitcher, daughter of Gerard Pitcher and Polly Smith, was born in Northeast, N. Y., in May, 1834, and died in Pine Plains, N. Y., April 29, 1876. She married, March 24, 1856, George Case, son of John Case and Eliza Corbett. He died in Pine Plains, N. Y., June 9, 1874. Children: 76 i Stella Case, born February 24, 1858; married Wheeler Winegar. 77 ii Emma Case, born November 29, 1861; married Edward Lee Clark. 36 Caroline ' Collin, daughter of David ColUn and Anna Smith, was born in Fayetteville, N. Y., Decem- ber 26, 1818, and died there September 17, 1869. She married, September 25, 1838, Sylvester Cogswell Gard- ner, son of Sylvester Gardner and Sarah Cogswell, born in Eagle Village, N. Y., March 24, 1811, died in Fayette- ville, N. Y., September 7, 1869. Children: i Edmund Gardner, born June 20, 1840; died June 21, 1840. 78 ii Caroline Gardner, born January 16, 1842; mar- ried Frederick T. Pierson. iii Sylvester Gardner, born November 18, 1844. iv Sarah Gardner, born January 21, 1849. V Anna Gardner, born December 11, 1850; died September 1, 1869. vi Miriam Gardner, born September 6, 1852. His Ancestors and Dksckndaxt.s 49 79 vii William Gardner, born March 26, 1861; mar- ried Sarah B. Boardman. 37 Lucy Bingham ' Collin, daughter of David CoUin and Anna Smith, was born in Fayctteville, N. Y., March 15, 1821, &nd died there February 2, 1887. She married, September 28, 1841, Porter Tremain. She was his second wife. Children: i Charles Tremain, born April 23, 1843; married, first, Mabel Hatch, second, Esther Jackson; no children. 80 ii Porter Tremain. born January 24, 1845; married Florence Redfield. 38 David ' Collin, son of David Collin and Anna Smith, was born August 23, 1822, in Fayetteville, N. Y. He died in the house in which he w^as born, on November 17, 1908. He graduated at Troy Institute in 1843, and was an e.xtensive land owner near Fayetteville, N. Y. He married, October 22, 1845, at Burlington Green, Otsego County, N. Y., Clara Park, daughter of Avery Park and Betsev Meech, born January 22, 1822, at Bur- lington Green, N. Y. She died March 13, 1881, in Fay- etteville, N. Y. Children: i David Collin, born January 6, 1847; died No- vember 3, 1862. 81 ii Edward Collin, born September 30, 1848; mar- ried Mary Louise Collin. 82 iii Clara Park Collin, born May 25, 1850; married Niles H. Hand, iv Rosweil Park Collin, born January 4, 1852; died December 21, 1891, unmarried. 83 V Charles Lee Collin, born November 23, 1853; married Sarah L. Gillett. vi Harriette Collin, born August 14, 1856; died July 15, 1877, unmarried, vii Miriam Collin, born February 7, 1859. 84 viii William Taylor Collin, born March 28, 1861; married Louise H. Cameron. 50 Jesse Smith ix David Francis Collin, born November 16, 1863. 39 Harriette ' Collin, daughter of David Collin and Anna Smith, was born in Fayette ville, N. Y., Novem- ber 15, 1824, and died there February 17, 1855. She mar- ried Nathan Seward, June 13, 1848. He was born in New Hartford, N. Y., November 23, 1814. and died in Fayetteville, N. Y., May 12, 1869. He married, second, Ada Hoag, and had two children. Children : 85 i Harriette Collin Seward, born March 19, 1849; married David Noble Hurd. ii Anna Seward, born May 26, 1850; died Decem- ber 26, 1876. iii Nathan Seward, born November 24, 1851; died November 28, 1851. 86 iv Lucy Seward, born July 17, 1853; married Bostwick Roberts Noble. V Elizabeth Dudlev Seward, born February 13, 1855; died April 18, 1855. 40 Miriam' Collin, daughter of David Collin and Anna Smith, was born in Fayetteville, N. Y., May 16, 1828, and died August 19, 1886. She married in Fay- etteville, May 15, 1851, Ethan Armstrong, son of David Armstrong and Rebecca Pool. He was born in Pjen- nington, Vt., April 24, 1810, and died in Favette ville, N. Y., March 6, 1878. Children: i Geneva Armstrong, born March 5, 1852. 87 ii Collin Armstrong, born June 11. 1853; married, first, Antoinette Taft, second, Elizabeth Hale, iii Ethan Hamilton Armstrong, born March 19, 1856; died June 12, 1862. 88 iv Augustus Tremain Armstrong, born October 18, 1863; married Anna Merwin. 41 Anna Smith ' Collin, daughter of David CoUin and Anna Smith, was born October 14, 1829, and died in Fayetteville, N. Y., January 26, 1900. She married in His Ancestors and Descendants 51 Fayetteville, N. Y., October 14, 1854, Samuel J. Wells, son of James Wells and Amelia Lewis, born March 22, 1830, in New Hartford, N. Y., died in Fayetteville, N. Y., November 17, 1906. All their children were born in Fayetteville, N. Y. Children: i Samuel James Wells, born September 5, 1856. 89 ii David Collin Wells, born September 23, 1858; married Elizabeth Tucker. 90 iii John Lewis Wells, born December 26, 1860; married Eleanore Fitch. 91 iv Paul Irving Wells, born March 9, 1863; married Lenore Westlake. second, Anna L. Kraus. 92 v Dana Huntington Wells, born July 6, 1868; married Lillian Madison. 93 vi Anna Sophia Wells, born October 14, 1871; married Horace Bigelow. 42 Emily ' Reed, daughter of James Reed and Eunice Smith, was born in Lakeville, Conn., November 17, 1821, and cUed in Amenia, N. Y., January 3, 1875. She married Samuel Lasher, March 22, 1842. He was born March 20, 1815, and died April 7, 1855. Children : 94 i Annie E. Lasher, born May 5, 1844; married, first, William H. Hubbell, second, Wilham Hammond, ii Friend Lasher, born March 10, 1846; died April 16, 1879, unmarried. 95 iii Sara Eunice Lasher, born November 3, 1849; married Albert J. Bostwick. 96 iv George Reed Lasher, born September 6, 1854; married Emma M. Cole. ' "' 43 Mary ' Reed, daughter of James Reed and Eunice Smith, was born in Lakeville, Conn., February 12, 1824, and died in Millerton, N. Y., July 12, 1903. She married, November 22, 1852, at Spencer's Corners, N. Y., Dewitt C. Dakin, son of Jacob Dakin and Olive Clark, born May 6, 1811, died May 28, 1868, in Sharon, Conn. 52 Jesse Smith Children: 97 i Charles C. Dakin, born October 3, 1853; mar- ried Harriette A. Barnett. ii Harriette C. Dakin, born February 18, 1855. iii Mary Elizabeth Dakin, born October 11, 1857; died July 12, 1890. unmarried. 98 iv Dewitt "Chnton Dakin, born June 22, 1860; married Grace A. Paine. 44 Ann Eliza' Reed, daughter of James Reed and Eunice Smith, was born in Lakeville, Conn., Decem- ber 26, 1825, and died in Spencer's Corners, N. Y., Novem- ber 15, 1851. She married, March 20, 1844, in Spencer's Corners, N. Y., Dewitt C. Dakin, son of Jacob Dakin and Olive Clark, born May 6, 1811. died in Sharon, Conn., May 28, 1868. Children: 99 i James R. Dakin, born September 11, 1845; married Rosalia Eggleston. 100 ii Emma Jane Dakin, born August 22, 1847; mar- ried Sandford Eggleston. 101 iii Francis W. Dakin, born July 23, 1849; married Francis Landon. iv Ann Eliza Dakin, born September 23, 1851; died March 18, 1874, unmarried. 45 Julia' Reed, daughter of James Reed and Eunice Smith, was born in Sahsbury, Conn., November 22, 1827, and died in Brewster, N. Y., November 1. 1902. She was interred at Amenia, N. Y. She mar- ried, October 18, 1847, in Sahsbury, Conn., Daniel Douglas Caulkins. son of Daniel Douglas Caulkins and Anne Baker. He was born in Hartwick, N. Y., February 4, 1816, and died May 6, 1904. Children: i Juha Elizabeth Caulkins, born September 28, 1849. 102 ii Edward Douglas Caulkins, born August 14, 1853; married Irene Burchard. 103 iii Francis Reed Caulkins, born October 29, 1854; married Harriet Tompkins. His Ancestors and Descendants 53 104 iv Thomas Vassar Caulkins, born March 20, 1859 ; married Agnes L. Burchard. 46 Alexander Smith " Aldkich, son of Asa Aldrich and Mercy Smith, was born in Northeast, N. Y., January 24, 1813, and died in Nebraska City, Neb., June 19, 1876. He married in Northeast, N. Y., September 7, 1847, JuHa Roe, daughter of Jeduthan Roe and Jerusha Griffin. She was born in Millerton, N. Y., in October, 1820, and died in Unadilla, N. Y., September 26, 1867. Children : i James Smith Aldrich, born July 20, 1848; died February 5, 1849. 105 ii Judson Roe Aldrich, born April 2, 1850; mar- ried Mary K. Penn. 108 iii Emma Lucetta Aldrich, born August 26, 1851 married Luke Usher. iv Oliver Smith Aldrich, born December 20, 1854 died March 2, 1855. 107 V Haskall Griffin Aldrich, born October 30, 1856 married Emma R. Dean. 47 Rebecca ' Aldrich, daughter of Asa Aldrich and Mercy Smith, was born in Dutchess County, N. Y., January 27, 1819, and died in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, June 2, 1884. She married, first, November 21, 1838, Hamilton Eggleston, who died April 1, 1843. She married, July 24, 1850, Oliver Harmon of Canaan, Conn., born Febru- ary 12, 1819, died December 19, 1874. She had no children by her first husband. Child: 108 i Nelhe A. Harmon, born April 12, 1857; married Horace B. Lashlee. 48 Charles ' Aldrich, son of Asa Aldrich and Mercy Smith, was born in Northeast, N. Y., December 18, 1820, and died in Saugatuck, Mich., July 2, 1902. He married, September 6, 1845, Olive Bagley of North- east, N. Y. Children : i Charles Aldrich, born September 4, 1846; died in October, 1877. 54 Jesse Smith 109 ii Frances M. Aldrich, born June 16, 1851; mar- ried, first, Myron E. Munson, second, J. E. Cohenour. 49 John ' Aldrich, son of Asa Aldrich and Mercy Smith, was born in Northeast, N. Y., February 23, 1828. He married in Sidney, N. Y., May 30, 1855, Mary J. Johnston, daughter of Milton Johnston and Delia Hull, born March 19, 1833, in Sidney, N. Y. Both were Hving, in 1905, at Springfield, Mo. Children: 110 i Carl Milton Aldrich, born August 26, 1860; married Corinne May Tackett. ii Luta Aldrich, born December 4, 1861. 111 iii John Aldrich, born March 11, 1872; married Ethel May Atkinson. 50 Jane Amanda ' Smith, daughter of Jesse Smith and Arminda Munson, was born June 28, 1820, and died in Manhus, N. Y., October 6, 1844. She married, Feb- ruary 16, 1843, Allen Henry Avery, son of Harry Avery and Polly Chapman. He was born in Great Barrington, Mass., and died in Jamesville, N. Y. Child: 112 i Mary Jane Avery, born December 30, 1843; married, first, Albert H. Maynard, second, Alvah Woodworth. 51 James Henry' Smith, son of Ambrose Smith and Mary Mead, was born at Perry's Corners, near Amenia, N. Y., January 15, 1820, died in Fayetteville, N. Y., De- cember 10, 1906. He married in Dover, N. Y., on October 23, 1845, Anna Smith, daughter of Rev. Alexander Smith and Eliza Woodard. She was born in Franklin, N. Y., September 25, 1824, and died in Fayetteville, N. Y., September 14, 1899. He spent nearly all of his life on the old Smith home- stead, about two miles west of Fayetteville, N. Y. He represented the town of Dewitt in the Board of Super- visors of Onondaga County. The last few years were quietly passed at his residence on Clinton street in Fay- His Ancestors and Descendants 55 etteville. He was greatly interested in this record of his family, and without his assistance the writer w'ould have been unable to secure much of the data contained in this book. Children : 113 i Francis Wayland, born August 22, 1846; mar- ried, first, Catherine R. Mclntyre, second, Helen R. Tanquary. 114 ii Florence Elizabeth, born February 23, 1860; married John L. Sherwood. 52 Ambrose Edward ^ Smith, son of Ambrose Smith and Mary Mead, was born at Perry's Corners, near Amenia, N. Y., November 15, 1821, and died at Camillus, N. Y., August 10, 1900. He married in Edwardsburg, Mich., on November 28, 1843, Hannah Philena Kiiapp, daughter of Joel Knapp and Esther Bedell, born August 8, 1825, at Onondaga Hill, N. Y., died December 30, 1898, at Camillus, N. Y. Mr. Smith was an extensive land holder, and a member of the Baptist church at Camillus, N. Y. Children: i Mary Philena, born September 6, 1845. 115 ii Chloe Ann, born October 11, 1847; married Myron Casler. iii Edwin Lewis, born January 30, 1850; died No- vember 17, 1853. 116 iv Isabclle Carrie, born September 3, 1852; mar- ried Oliver Whitford Moulter. V Arthur Knapp, born January 23, 1856; died October 22, 1858. 117 vi Ambrose Edward, born February 28, 1859; married Ida Sherwood, vii Frederick Knapp, born February 18, 1866. 53 Mary ' Smith, daughter of Ambrose Smith and Mary Mead, was born at Perry's Corners, N. Y., Sep- tember 21, 1823, and died at Camillus, N. Y., May 14, 1900. She married, August 19, 1841, in Dewitt, N. Y., Joel Edwin Knapp, son of Joel Knapp and Esther Bedell, 56 Jesse Smith born in 1820 at Onondaga Hill, X. Y.. died in Camillus, N. Y., May 16, 1900. Children: 119 i Mary Electa Knapp, born June 5, 1842; mar- ried Frank P. Hale. 120 ii Lydia Perry Knapp, born November 8. 1844; married Samuel C. Trowbridge, iii Sara Mead Knapp, born November 9, 1845. 121 iv Edwina Knapp, born November 7, 1849; mar- ried Isaac H. Munro. 122 V Jennie Knapp, born December 15, 1852; mar- ried Charles T. Blanchard. 54 Electa Reynolds ' Smith, daughter of Am- brose Smith and ^lary Mead, was born at Perry's Corners, N. Y., October 17, 1825, and died in Camillus, N. Y., February 6, 1894. She was married in Fayetteville, N. Y., May 20, 1874, to Da\-id Allen Munro, son of David Munro and Abigail Carpenter, born in Camillus, N. Y., August 19, 1818, died in Camillus, N. Y., August 30, 1897. She was his second wife. No children. 55 Platt Hiram' SiNiiTH, son of Ambrose Smith and Mary Mead, was born in Dewitt, N. Y., March 10, 1836. He married in Fayetteville, N. Y., June 18, 1862, Katharine Snell, daughter of Levi Snell and Lucinda Crouse, who was born in Minden\'ille, N. Y., December 11, 1837. Mr. Smith was educated at the Fayetteville Academy, where he was a classmate of former President Grover Cleveland, and later at the Yates Polytechnic Institute, at Chittenango, N. Y. He then taught in the district school at Collamer, N. Y., for one year, when he entered the National Bank of Fayetteville as bookkeeper. He was, for about four years, a member of the firm of Knapp. Smith & Co., at Camillus, N. Y., and later became a partner, with his father-in-law, in the firm of Snell, Smith & Co., of FayetteWlle, where he continued until 1893, when their store was destroyed by fire and he re- tired from the mercantile business. Soon after this he was appointed cashier of the National Bank of Fayette- ville for the purpose of closing up its affairs, this bank His Ancestors and Descexdaxts 57 having decided to go into voluntary liquidation. He thereafter continued in the banking business for a few years under the name of "P. H. Smith, Banker." He was president of the Fayetteville Water Board during the construction of its water system, and was one of the organizers of the Syracuse and Suburban Railroad. He is treasurer of the Manlius Plank Road Company and a member of the Citizens Club of Syracuse and of the Fay- etteville Club. He is also treasurer of the Fayetteville Cemetery Association, where he has taken great interest in beauti- fying the grounds and in the construction, under his man- agement, of the novel entrances and stone walls which surround it. ^Ir. and Mrs. Smith have been prominent members of the Fayette\'ille Baptist Church for many years. Cliildren: 123 i L Bertrand, born December 12, 1863; married, first, Ladj'e L. Hall, second, Florence E. Rector. 124 ii Harrv Howard, born August 25, 1868; married Millie R. Todd. 56 Howard Malcom' Smith, son of Ambrose Smith and Mary Mead, was born in Dewitt, N. Y., Janu- ary 7, 1841. He married, February 2, 1870, at Port Richmond, N. Y., Almira Beebe, daughter of Jacob Beebe and Anna Hamm. born in Guilderland, N. Y. Mr. Smith was born in the old Smith homestead, about two miles west of Fayetteville, Onondaga County, N. Y. He attended school at Lyndon, town of Dewitt, N. Y., until about fourteen years of age, when he entered the Acad- emy at Chittenango, N. Y.. for one 3'ear, and then stud- ied in Cazenovia Seminary for two years, and at Oneida, N. Y., for one j'^ear. In 1859 and 1860 he was engaged in building railroad bridges near Scranton, Pa., and while there enlisted in a Separate Company under Captain Hard. He was later emploj-ed in the coal office of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad at Scranton, Pa. In September, 1861, he enlisted as a sergeant in Troop A, 6th Cavalry, N. Y. Volunteers, under Captain Orne, on 58 Jesse Smith the present site of the Equitable Building in Pine street, New York (William Austin, of Fayetteville, enlisted at the same time as commissary sergeant of the same com- pany). He was sent to Camp Scott, Staten Island, thence to York, Pa., Perryville, Md., and to Virginia, where he served as sergeant major and acting adjutant of the 6th Cavalry under Col. Devin until the fall of 1862, when he was sent to the Judiciary Square Hospital in Washington and was there discharged from the service upon the cer- tificate of the surgeon-general that his case was hopeless. He returned to Fayetteville, and after ten months of ill- ness regained his health. After his recovery, and in the fall of 1863, he removed to Fulton, N. Y., in the employ of the Oswego Railroad, and while there he organized Co. A. of the 184th N. Y. Infantry (Col. Robinson) and was elected captain. He resigned as captain ancl was mustered in as adjutant of the regiment, at Oswego, N. Y., and proceeded to Elmira, where he received orders to take command of the regiment and proceed to City Point (the Colonel not having joined). In command of the regiment he left Elmira for Baltimore, and there boarded the steamer "Daniel Webster" for City Point. General C.rant was on board, bound for Norfolk. Mr. Smith was introduced to the General and spent an hour in conversation with him, and often remarked that he could never forget General Grant's description of Sher- man's march from Chattanooga to Atlanta. At City Point he received orders for Bermuda Hundreds, arriving there September 22, 1864, and joining the 18th Army Corps. His illness returned soon after reaching camp and the following winter, while post adjutant at Harrison's Landing, he was again obliged to resign and return home, where he slowly recovered. After several business ven- tures he accepted a position, in 1868, as superintendent of weighers in the Custom House at New York, where he remained nine years. In 1879 he formed a co-partnership with former Sheriff Daggett, and took the contract to weigh all imports entering the port of New York that paid specific duty. The Government deciding to abolish the contract sys- tem caused him to retire after three years, and he there- His Axcestous and Descendants after devoted his time to real estate until he organized and became vice president and cashier of the l:iedford Bank of Brooklyn, where he remained until that bank was reorganized as the Bedford Branch of the People's Trust Company. He then accepted the presidency of the Brevoort Savings J^ank of Brooklyn. Mr. Smith has been prominent as a political leader for many years in the 23d Ward of I3rooklyn, and was an organizer of the Union League Club of that city and a Presidential Elector on the Republican Ticket in 1892. He was also one of the incorporators of the Brooklyn Heights Railroad Company, and of the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, being the first treasurer of the latter. He was an organizer of the People's Trust Company, the Bedford Bank, the Brevoort Savings Bank, and others. He was treasurer of the organization which erected the eques- trian statue of General Grant in Grant Square, Brooklyn. He is a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, and an ex-president and member of the Union League Club of Brooklyn. Child: i Howard Piatt, born in Brooklyn, N. Y., January 25, 1876; died in Fayetteville, N. Y., July 20, 1876. EIGHTH GENERATION 57 Julia Ann * Bell, daughter of Joseph Bell and Sally Reynolds, was born in Windham, N. Y., March 29, 1830, and died at Sugar Creek, Walworth Countv, Wis., June 23, 1863. She married, March 19, 1850, in Wind- ham, N. Y., Nelson B. Robb, son of John Robb and Rusk, born March 30, 1821, in Windham, N. Y., ched November 18, 1893, at St. Andrews Bay, Fla. Child: 125 i Osmar W. Robb, born December 25, 1850; mar- ried Ella F. Bigelow. 58 Caroline ^ Bell, daughter of Joseph Bell and Sally Reynolds, was born in Windham, N. Y., January 4, 1832, and died in Delavan, Wis., June 24. 1902. She married in Windham, N. Y., April 20, 1853, James B. 60 Jesse Smith Doolittle, son of Edward Doolittle and Sarah Ann Tomp- kins of Windham, N. Y. He was hving in 1902 in Dela- van, Wis. No children, 59 Washington ** Bell, son of Joseph Bell and Sally Reynolds, was born May 17, 1834, died April 25, 1899, and married, February 13, 1868, Anna Adams, who died in Heart Prairie, Wis. He may have married a second wife. Children: i Joseph Bell. ii Amanda Bell, iii Emma Bell. 60 John W. * Bell, son of Joseph Bell and Sally Reynolds, was born June 26, 1838, in Windham, N. Y. He married, September 15, 1863, Emma J. Burroughs, daughter of R. B. Burroughs. They are living in Wash- ington, Kansas. Children : i Alice Bell. ii William Bell, iii Owen Bell, iv Charles Bell. 61 Samuel R. * Bell, son of Joseph Bell and Sally Reynolds, was born in Windham, N. Y., July 3, 1843. He married, October 11, 1866, in Northeast, N. Y., Caro- line F. Horton, daughter of Rev. Goodrich Horton and Lydia Fairchilds, born December 28, 1838, at East Hill, (jreene County, N. Y. They were living, in 1905, at 101 19th street, Milwaukee, Wis. Children: i Mary Goodrich Bell, born May 9, 1868; died February 11, 1870. ii Alfred Carroll Bell, born March 27, 1871. iii Francis H. Bell, born April 8, 1875. iv Marion C. Bell, born January 27, 1882. 62 Miriam E. ^ Bell, daughter of Joseph Bell and Sally Reynolds, was born February 4, 1846, in Wind- His Ancestors and Descendants 61 ham, N. Y., and married December 17, 1873, Eseck D. Smith, son of Peter Smith and Sally McMurray, born November 6, 1841, in Lansingburg, X. Y. Both were living in Delavan, Wis., in 1903. Child: i Carrie Smith, born August 21, 1877, at Sugar Creek, Wis. 63 Sarah J. * Bell, daughter of Joseph Bell and Sally Reynolds, was born in Windham, N. Y., June 10, 185i, and married Gurdon H. Parsons, August 6, 1878. They were living, in 1903, in Beloit, Wis. Child: i Carroll Parsons, born July 14, 1880. 64 Ephraim ^ Stimpson, son of Sylvester Stimpson and Lydia Ann Reynolds, was born in Windham, N. Y., December 8, 1844. He married there December 4, 1878, Alenia S. Howard, daughter of Wilson Howard and Amanda Van Loan, born March 26, 1856, in Ashland, N. Y. Both were hving in Windham, N. Y., in 1903. No children. 65 MiRL\M L. * Reynolds, daughter of Smith E. Reynolds and Laura A. Parsons, born in Windham, N. Y., April 2, 1848, married. May 21, 1872, in Wind- ham, Ransom A. Mattoon, son of Curtis Mattoon and Amanda Ives, born March 2, 1842, in Windham, and died there September 8, 1900. She was living in Middle- town, N. Y., in 1903. Child: 126 i Roma R. Mattoon, born February 12, 1877; married Eleanor E, Hollenbeck. 66 Albert P. ^ Reynolds, son of Smith E. Rey- nolds and Laura A. Parsons, was born in Windham, N. Y., March 26, 1850, and married in Hunter, N. Y., on March 11, 1884, to Addie S. Rusk, daughter of James Rusk and Sarah Martin, born in Hunter, N. Y., July 14, 1859. No children. {)2 Jesse Smith 67 Rosalia E. ^ Reynolds, daughter of Smith E. Reynolds and Laura A. Parsons, was born February 11, 1853, in Windham, N. Y., and married, December 25, 1883, in Windham, Levi Matthews, son of Jared Matthews and Huldah Hemmingway, born January 8, 1835, in Windham, N. Y. Children : i Jared Smith Matthews, born August 15, 1885. ii Nellie May Matthews, born February 17, 1890; died February 2, 1893. iii Winfred Remain Matthews, born July 25, 1892. 68 Ida M. * Reynolds, daughter of Smith E. Reynolds and Laura A. Parsons, born in Windham, N. Y., April 24, 1857, died in Hunter, N. Y., May 1, 1894, married, October 4, 1877, in Windham, to Wiiham J. Rusk, son of James Rusk and Sarah Martin, born in Hunter, N. Y., January 23, 1850, died there Max 29, 1896. Children: i Albert Reynolds Rusk, born May 29, 1883. ii Hazel May Rusk, born March 12, 1888. iii Laura Addie Rusk, born February 22, 1890. 70 Celia Rachel * Leland, daughter of Marshall W. Leland and Julia Harriet Anson, born August 22, 1842, died November 5, 1902, married, March 23, 1864, Cyrene H. Blakley, born May 22, 1837, died July 4, 1898. Child: i Arthur Blakley, born in June, 1870; died November 2, 1871. 71 Horace L. * Leland, son of Marshall W. Leland and JuHa Harriet Anson, was born March 17, 1845, and married, April 7, 1868, Nannie E. Wilson. No children. 72 Frank G. * Pitcher, son of John Pitcher and Mary Kelly, born in Northeast, N. Y., April 13, 1865, married in Pine Plains, N. Y., May 4, 1892, Luella Linskey, daughter of Patrick Linskey and Ida Cluin, born June His Ancestors and Descendants 63 29, 1875, in Northeast. They were living, in 1903, about four miles south of Millerton, N. Y. Children: i Florence Pitcher, born May 4, 1898. ii John Frank Pitcher, born March 10, 1900. iii Estella Jennie Pitcher, born March 12, 1902. 73 Myron * Holley, son of Frederick Holley and EmeUne Pitcher, was born April 24, 1859, in Lakeville, Conn., and married in Philadelphia, Pa., April 24, 1894, Anna Robertson, daughter of Horatio Robertson and Mary Jane Curtis, born in Philadelphia, August 25, 1862. They had no children in 1903. 74 Bryant H. * Pitcher, son of Myron Pitcher and Mary J. Jenks, was born in Northeast, N. Y., November 22, 1853, and married, first, Mabel W. Porter, February 10, 1876, in Waterbury, Conn., and had one child, Robert A., who cUed, aged four years. He married, second. May 14, 1890, in Cliicago, 111., Johanna D. Mertens, daugh- ter of Karl Mertens and Ehzabeth Borchert, born Aug- ust 31, 1861. He has no children by his second v/ife. He was living, in 1904, at 2209 West 63d street, Chicago, 111. 75 Frederick "Pitcher, son of Myron Pitcher and Mary J. Jenks, was born September 24, 1855, and was married, January 20, 1880, to Mavy Cady. He was liv- ing at 19 Phoenix avenue, Naugatuck, Conn., in 1903. Children : i Frederick, born August 20, 1884. ii Jennie, born July 22, 1886. 76 Stella * Case, daughter of George Case and Antoinette Pitcher, was born in Millerton, N. Y., Feb- ruary 24, 1858, and was married in Millerton, March 13, 1878, to Wheeler Winegar, son of Alfred Winegar and Minerva Wheeler, born October 16, 1853, at Millerton, N. Y. They were living in Brewster, N. Y., in 1903. Children: i Grace Winegar, born January 23, 1880. ii Eva Winegar, born October 6, 1882. 64 Jesse Smith iii Harry W. Winegar, born April 11, 1S84; died Feb- ruary 7, 1885. iv Lena Winegar, born November 8, 1889. V Maude Winegar, born April 18, 1892; died July 5, 1892. vi Earl W. Winegar, born i\larch 5, 1898. 77 Emma * Case, daughter of George Case and Antoinette Pitcher, was born in Northeast, N. Y., No- vember 29, 1861. She married, October 4, 1881, in Amenia, N. Y., Edward Lee Clark, son of Douglas Clark and Mary Lee, born in Millerton, N. Y., July 26, 1861. They were living in Millerton, N. Y., in 1903. Children : i Edna Clark, born July 22, 1882. ii Harry Clark, born January 31, 1886. iii Hazel Clark, born October 18, 1887. iv Arthur Lee Clark, born September 25, 1890; died December 6, 1892. V George Case Clark, born June 17, 1893. vi Edward Lee Clark, born October 11, 1895; died March 31, 1896. vii Frederick HoUey Clark, born May 10, 1897. viii Edward Lee Clark, born August 20, 1899. ix Esther Clark, born June 25, 1901; died September 19, 1902. X Dorothy Clark, born February 27, 1904. 78 Caroline * Gardner, daughter of Sylvester Cogswell Gardner and Caroline Collin, born Januarv 16,. 1842, in Fayetteville, N. Y., died August 14, 1903, in Syracuse, N. Y. She married, April 25, 1872, in Fay- etteville, N. Y., Frederick Theodore Pierson, son of Nelson Pierson and Jane Elizabeth Temple-Hancock,, born in ManUus, N. Y., November 14, 1839, died in Syracuse, N. Y., January 19, 1898. Children : i Frederick Theodore Pierson, born May 23, 1873. ii Robert Hamilton Pierson, born August 13, 1874. iii Horace Huntington Pierson, born November 29. 1875. His Ancestors and Descendants 65 iv Sarah Gardner Pierson, born June 18, 1877. V Herbert Varney Pierson, born August 13, 1879. vi Caroline Emma Pierson, born March 7, 1881. vii Wallace Nelson Pierson, born December 26, 1882. 79 William** Gardner, son of Sylvester Cogswell Gardner and Caroline Collin, was born in Payetteville, N. Y., March 26, 1861. He married in Chicago, 111., on September 18, 1890, Sarah Brayton I^oardman, daugh- ter of George Brayton Boardman and Helen Wing, born in Saginaw, Mich., April 11, 1866. He graduated at Amherst in 1884, and Princeton Theological Seminary in 1887. He was pastor of Presbyterian churches at Fulton, 111., St. Peter, Minn., Des Moines, la., Hanover^ 111., and Wells, Minn., and of the Congregational church,, Windsor, Wis., 1901. Children : i George Boardman Gardner, born February 18, 1892; died February 18, 1892. ii Helen Gardner, born February 22, 1893. 80 Porter * Tremain, son of Porter Tremain and Lucy Bingham Collin, was born January 24, 1845, and married Florence Redfield, May 15, 1873. Children: i Florence Augusta Tremain, born March 10, 1874; died November 4, 1874. ii Porter Tremain, born October 15, 1881. 81 Edward ' Collin, son of David Colhn and Clara Park, born in Fayetteville, N. Y., September 30, 1848, married Mary Louise Collin, June 11, 1874. Child: i Pauline, born March 31, 1888 (adopted). 82 Clara Park ^ Collin, daughter of David Collin and Clara Park, born in Fayetteville, N. Y., May 25, 1850; married in Fayetteville, N. Y., December 27, 1877, Niles Higinbotham Hand, son of Theodore Frederick Hand, born in Vernon, Oneida County, N. Y., December 11, 1846. v 66 Jesse Smith Children: i Clara Hand, born November 1, 1878; died November 1, 1878. ii Hobart Hand, born April 19, 1881; died May 5, 1881. iii Niles Collin Hand, born February 3, 1889; died Feb- ruary 2, 1902. 83 Charles Lee ^ Collin, son of David Collin and Clara Park, born in Fayetteville, N. Y., November 23, 1853, married, October 30, 1879, in Fayetteville, N. Y,, Sarah Louise Gillett, born August 14, 1856. Children : i Harriett Beebee Collin, born February 18, 1881. ii Sarah Louise Collin, born July 17, 1883. iii Clara Park CoUin, born July 23, 1887; died August 16, 1887. iv Margaret Evans Collin, born March 25, 1896. 84 William Taylor ' Collin, son of David Collin and Clara Park, born in Fayetteville, N. Y., March 28, 1861, married, November 4, 1886, in Fayetteville, N. Y., Louise Hurd Cameron, daughter of Joseph E. Cameron and Zaide Louise Hurd, born January 14, 1863, in Fay- etteville, N. Y. Children : i Clara Park Collin, born January 16, 1888. ii Zaide Louise Collin, born November 25, 1889. iii Edwarda Collin, born September 30, 1891. iv Martha Hurd Collin, born March 4, 1897. V David Collin, born January 25, 1902. 85 Harriette Collin * Seward, daughter of Na- than Seward and Harriette Collin, born March 19, 1849, married David Noble Hurd, September 22, 1869. Child: i Susie Noble Hurd, born July 26, 1871; died February 15, 1877. 86 Lucy * Seward, daughter of Nathan Seward and Harriette Collin, born in Fayette\'ille, N. Y., July 17, 1853, married, May 23, 1873, in Fayetteville, N. Y., His Ancestors and Descendants 67 Bostwick Roberts Noble, son of Charles Noble and Marcia Roberts, born August 31, 1848, in Franklin, Delaware County, N. Y., died September 10, 1902, in Detroit, Mich. Children: 127 i Anna Seward Noble, born June 15, 1874; mar- ried Charles Farwell Lawson. 128 ii Charles Noble, born August 10, 1876; married Mary Louise Fenton. iii Nathan Seward Noble, born April 3, 1886; died January 25, 1887. 87 Collin ' Armstrong, son of Ethan Armstrong and Miriam Collin, born in Fayetteville, N. Y., June 11, 1853, married, December 28, 1881, in New York City, Antoinette E. Taft, daughter of Leonard Hess and Ophelia Peck, born in New Orleans, La., September 22, 1851, and died in New York City, January 13, 1900. He married, second, April 2, 1901, in Neenah, Wis., Eliz- abeth Hale, daughter of William Sumner Hale and Mary Brown, born May 9, 1869, in Valleyfield, Canada. No children by first marriage. 88 Augustus Tremain * Armstrong, son of Ethan Armstrong and Miriam Collin, was born October 18, 1863, in Fayetteville, N. Y., and married, September 15, 1887, in Amenia, N. Y., Anna T. Merwin, daughter of Seth Thomas Merwin and Louise Dewey, born in Amenia, N. Y., April 11, 1865. Children: i Merwin Armstrong, born June 28, 1888. ii Collin Armstrong, born July 29, 1890. iii Donald Armstrong, born November 1, 1891. iv Margaret Armstrong, born December 17, 1895. V Hamilton Armstrong, born June 28, 1899. 89 David Collin ** Wells, son of Samuel J. W^ells and Anna Smith Collin, born in Fayetteville, N. Y., Sep- tember 23, 1858, married in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 2, 1887, Elizabeth Tucker, daughter of Hervey Tucker and Julia Doolittle, born March 18, 1854, in Sandusky, Ohio. 68 Jesse Smith Children : i Ruth Wells, born September 19, 1889. ii Cohin Wells, born March 5, 1892. 90 John Lewis * Welles, son of Samuel J. Wells and Anna Smith Collin, born in Fayetteville, N. Y., De- cember 26, 1860, married, November 12, 1884, in Free- port, 111., Eleanore Bonner Fitch, daughter of Edward C. Fitch and Marguerite Bonner, born September 21, 1862, in Freeport, 111. He is a graduate of Yale, 1882, and a member of the New York Bar. Child: i Marguerite Fitch Welles, born September 30, 1885. 91 Paul Irving ^ Welles, son of Samuel J. Wells and Anna Smith Collin, born in Fayetteville, N. Y., March 9, 1863, married, first, Lenore Westlake, October 22, 1889, and had no children. He married, second, Februar}^ 26, 1907, in Roanoke, Va., Anne Louise Kraus, daughter of Charles A. Kraus and Mary C. Krimminger, born October 22, 1874, in Raleigh, N. C. Child: i Samuel Welles, born November 9, 1907. 92 Dana Huntington ^ Wells, son of Samuel J. Wells and Anna Smith Collin, born in Fayetteville, N. Y., July 6, 1868, married in Fayetteville, N. Y., May 11, 1898, Lillian Madison, daughter of William Madison and Delia Wilder, born March 3, 1873, in Fayetteville, N. Y. Children: i Paul Alfred Wells, born June 3, 1899. ii John Huntington Wells, born January 26, 1902. iii Ralph Horace Wells, born March 13, 1905. 93 Anna Sophia ^ Wells, daughter of Samuel J. Wells and Anna Smith Collin, born October 14, 1871, in Fayetteville, N. Y., married, September 26, 1900. in Fay- etteville, N. Y., Horace Bigelow, son of Dana W. Bige- low and Katharine Huntington, born December 18, 1871, in Fayetteville, N. Y., died October 15, 1901, in New York City. No children. His Ancestors and Descendaxts 69 94 Annie E. ' Lasher, daughter of Samuel Lasher and Emily Reed, born May 5, 1844, in Salisbury, Conn., married, first, July 17, 1867, in Amenia, N. Y., William H. Hubbell, who died in Millerton, N. Y. She married, second, March 12, 1884, WilUam Hammond, who died July 31, 1893, aged 65 years. No children by either marriage. 95 Sara Eunice ' Lasher, daughter of Samuel Lasher and Emily Reed, born November 3, 1849, in Salis- bury, Conn., died May S, 1877, in Sharon, Conn. She married, September 2, 1888, in Amenia, N. Y., Albert J. Bostwick, who was living in Sharon in 1903. Children : 129 i Ida Allela Bostwick, born July 19, 1869; married Edwin L. Whitney, ii WiHiam Clarence Bostwick, born February 8, 1872. 96 George Reed * Lasher, son of Samuel Lasher and Emily Reed, born September 6, 1854, died April 2, 1880, in Honesdale, Pa. He married, December 28, 1875, in Honesdale, Pa., Emma M. Cole, daughter of Reynolds Cole and EHza Cole, born January 8, 1855, in Seelyville, Wayne County, Pa., died September 10, 1904, in Coldwater, Ohio. She married Perry Arbough of Coldwater, Ohio, October 14, 1882. Children : 130 i Maud Lasher, born October 30, 1876; married S. James Moore. 131 ii Mabel Lasher, born July 7, 1878; married Orie Woods. 97 Charles C. * Dakin, son of Dewitt C. Dakin and Mary Reed, born October 3, 1853, at Spencer's Cor- ners, N. Y., married, October 12, 1881, at Ore Hill, Conn., Harriett A. Barnett, daughter of John Barnett and Amanda Whitehead, born July 29, 1862, at Lakeville, Conn. Children: i Maud A. Dakin, born July 22, 1882. 70 Jesse Smith ii Robert Dakin, born February 17, 1884. iii Royal B. Dakin, born September 7, 1889. 98 Dewitt Clinton ^ Dakin, son of Dewitt C. Dakin and Mary Reed, born June 22, 1860, at Spen- cer's Corners, N. Y., married, October 18, 1888, at Millerton, N. Y., Grace A. Paine, daughter of Martin Paine and Emily Eggieston, born June 11, 1867, in North- east, N. Y. Child: i Dorothy Paine Dakin, born February 14, 1900. 99 James R. ^ Dakin, son of Dewitt C. Dakin and Ann Eliza Reed, born September 11, 1845, at Spen- cer's Corners, N. Y., married, October 4, 1865, at Boston Corners, Columbia County, N. Y., Rosalia Eggies- ton, daughter of David Eggieston and Philomelia Brown, born December 15, 1843, in Northeast, N. Y. Children: 132 i Jennie R. Dakin, born July 19, 1866; married Hamilton Walsh. 133 ii D. Frank Dakin, born October 13, 1868; mar- ried Amy Farrington. iii Freddie Dakin, born January 20, 1871; died April 23, 1873. iv Clarence Dakin, born May 15, 1875; died October 12, 1895. V Raymond Dakin, born Decemlier 20, 1877. 134 vi C. Ernest Dakin, born March 25, 1880; mar- ried Maud Miller, vii Howard Dakin, born June 30, 1882. viii Harvey Dakin, born July 26, 1886. 100 Emma Jane * Dakin, daughter of Dewitt C. Dakin and Ann Eliza Reed, born August 22, 1847, at Spencer's Corners, N. Y., married, September 25, 1866, in Amenia, N. Y., Sandford Eggieston, son of David Eggieston and PhilomeUa Brown, born July 24, 1840. Child: i Annie E. Eggieston, born in July, 1867. His Ancestors and Descendants 71 101 Francis W. ' Dakin, son of Dewitt C. Dakin and Ann Eliza Reed, born July 23, 1849, at Spencer's Corners, N. Y., married, October 21, 1875, in Sharon Valley, Conn., Frances Landon, daughter of Fitch Landon and Olivia Eggleston, born February 12, 1852, in Sharon, Conn. Children: i Florence H. Dakin, born October 11, 1880. ii Edna Sheldon Dakin, born February 18, 1875 (adopt- ed) ; married Klanman, and lived in Kansas. 102 Edward Douglas * Caulkins, son of Daniel Douglas Caulkins and Julia Reed, born August 14, 1853, in Amenia, N. Y., married, October 9, 1890, in Kankakee, 111., Martha Irene Burchard, daughter of Seneca B. Burchard and Irene Dunham, born May 4^ 1867, in Kankakee, 111. Children: i Eunice Irene Caulkins, born November 13, 1898. ii Edward Burchard Caulkins, born November 16, 1899. 103 Francis Reed * Caulkins, son of Daniel Douglas Caulkins and Juha Reed, born October 29, 1854, in Amenia, N. Y., married, July 26, 1880, Harriett A. Tompkins, daughter of George M. Tompkins and Maria G. Annin, born March 23, 1861, in New York City. Children : i Annin Reed Caulkins, born May 12, 1881; died De- cember 12, 1883. ii Julia EHzabeth Caulkins, born September 20, 1885, iii Francis Douglas Caulkins, born February 29, 1892. 104 Thomas Vassar * Caulkins, son of Daniel Douglas Caulkins and JuUa Reed, born March 20, 1859, in Amenia, N. Y., married, December 28, 1887, in Kankakee, 111., Agnes Leeds Burchard, daughter of Seneca B. Burchard and Irene Dunham, born September 21, 1864, in Hamilton, N. Y. He was a graduate of Grammar School No. 35, New York, 1875; Cook Acad- emy, 1879; University of Rochester, N. Y., 1883, and the 72 Jesse Smith Baptist Theological Seminary, Illinois, 1887. He was pastor of the First Baptist Church of Brewster, N. Y., in 1900, and of Greenville, N. H., in 1904. Children : i Daniel Burchard Caulkins, born October 11, 1889; died July 26, 1892. ii Edward Dana Caulkins, born February 5, 1892. iii Thomas Vassar Caulkins, born October 9, 1899. iv Irene Elizabeth Caulkins, born April 10, 1901. 105 JuDsoN Roe ^ Aldrich, son of Alexander S. Aldrich and JuUa Roe, born April 2, 1850, in Una- dilla, N. Y., married October 6, 1896, in Chicago, 111., Mary K. Penn, daughter of Worden P. Penn and Mary M. McNeilly, born December 21, 1867, in Belleville, N. Y. No children. 106 Emma Lucetta ^ Aldrich, daughter of Alex- ander S. Aldrich and Julia Roe, born August 26, 1851, in Unadilla, N. Y., died October 30, 1883, in Cheyenne, Wj^o. She married, in 1873, in Nebraska City, Neb., Luke Usher, son of Noble Luke Lusher and Marie B. Cain, born June 23, 1849, in Hinckley, Medina County, Ohio. Child: 135 i Anna Emma Usher, born November 28, 1877; married Christopher Schick. 107 Haskall Griffin ^ Aldrich, son of Alexander 'S. Aldrich and Julia Roe, born October 30, 1856, in Unadilla, N. Y., married, January 16, 1879. in Sidney, N. Y., Emma Ruth Dean, daughter of Silas Wright Dean and Merab E. Martin, born September 4, 1856, in Afton, N. Y. They were living at 4429 Lowe avenue, Chicago, 111., in 1905. Children: i Ella May Aldrich, born November 30, 1880. ii Emma Genevieve Aldrich, born January 3, 1893. 108 Nellie A. ^ Harmon, daughter of Oliver Har- !mon and Rebecca Aldrich, born April 12, 1857, in His Ancestors and Dkscexdaxts 73 Aurora, III, married, April 10, 1879, in Nebraska City, Neb., Horace B. Lashlee, son of Anderson Lashlee and Eliza , born November 10, 1845, in Nash- ville, Tenn. They were living, in 1905, at 950 E. 31st street, Los Angeles, Cal. Children: i Claude Harmon Lashlee, born February 29, 1880. 136 ii Blanche E. Lashlee, born April 7, 1882; mar- ried Clarence B. Linton, iii June Rebecca Lashlee, born June 27, 1884; died September 20, 1896. iv Ralph A. Lashlee, born December 23, 1887. 109 Frances M. ^ Aldrich, daughter of Charles Aldrich and Olive Bagley, born June 16, 1851, and married, first, September 5, 1873, Myron E. Munson, married, second, June 16, 1892, J. E. Cohenour. Children: i Olive Marie Munson, born August 21, 1874. ii Eugene M. Munson, born November 8, 1877. iii Leslie Munson, born March 21, 1880. iv Marjorie Lucile Cohenour, born June 12, 1897. 110 Carl Milton^ Aldrich, son of John Aldrich and Mary J. Johnston, born August 26. 1860, in Nebraska City, Neb., married, December 22, 1885, in Shelby ville, III, Corinne Mav Tackett, daughter of WiUiam J. Tackett and Mary j'. , born May 23, 1867, in Shelbyville, 111. They were Hving in Winnipeg, Canada, in 1905. Children: i Glen Tackett Aldrich, born December 2, 1886. ii Carl Milton Aldrich, born April 30, 1889. iii Ralph Johnston Aldrich, born February 1, 1891. iv Frances Enfield Aldrich, born March 23, 1900. 111 John ' Aldrich, son of John Aldrich and Mary J. Johnston, born March 11, 1872, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, married, July 22, 1897, in Springfield, 111., Ethel May Atkinson, daughter of John S. Atkinson and 74 Jesse Smith Marie M. , born July 26, 1877, in Muskogee, Indian Territory. They were living, in 1905, at 2015 Kensington avenue, Kansas City, Mo. Children : i Edmond Theodore Aldrich, born November 20, 1899. ii Katharine Marie Aldrich, born April 20, 1903. 112 Mary Jane* Avery, daughter of Allen Henry Avery and Jane Amanda Smith, born December 30, 1843, in Manlius, N. Y., and died there August 17, 1907. She married, November 4, 1868, Albert H. Maynard, son of Abner Mavnard, born at Lake Champlain, N. Y., March 18, 1842, died July 9, 1870, at Port Byron, N. Y. She married, second, January 2, 1878, in Manlius, N. Y., Alvah Woodworth, son of John Woodworth and Sarah May, born January 2, 1809, in Lenox, N. Y., died May 17, 1901, in Manlius, N. Y. No children by either marriage. 113 Francis Wayland * Smith, son of James Henry Smith and Anna Smith, born August 22, 1846, in Dewitt, N. Y., married, May 9, 1877, in Washington, D. C, Catherine Rebecca Mclntyre, daugh- ter of Arthur Lyle Mclntyre and Zelina Marie , born November 23, 1843, in Washington, D. C, died August 16, 1896, in Washington. No children by first wife. He married, second, January 26, 1907, in Washington, D. C, Helen Rebecca Tancjuary, daughter of Alfred Henry Tanquary and Elizabeth Ellen Fry, born February 24, 1872, in Middleway, Jefferson County, West Virginia. ' t>^ 114 Florence Elizabeth* Smith, daughter of James Henry Smith and Anna Smith, l^orn February 23, 1860, in Dewitt, N. Y., and married, June 20, 1883, in Dewitt, N. Y., John Larkin Sherwood, son of E. Duane Sherwood and Mary C. Larkin, born Februarv 14, 1858, in Camihus, N. Y. Children: i Mabel Florence Sherwood, born December 15, 1885.. ii Edward Duane Sherwood, born July 27, 1889. iii Henry Francis Sherwood, born February 9, 1891. His An'cestors and Descendants 75 115 Chloe Ann' Smith, daughter of Ambrose Edward Smith and Hannah Philena Knapp, born October 11, 1847, at Ontwa, Cass County, Mich., married, January 31, 1868, in Camillus, N. Y., Myron Casler, son of George S. Casler and Sally A. Locey, born December 30, 1843, in Camillus, N. Y. Children: 137 i Otis Myron Casler, born June 3, 1869; married Ada Belle Crampton. ii Cora Belle Casler, born September 21, 1871. iii Florence Philena Casler, born August 29, 1873; died September 30, 1882. iv Mira Smith Casler, born October 22, 1885. 116 IsABELLE Carrie ' Smith, daughter of Ambrose Edward Smith and Hannah Philena Knapp, born September 3, 1852, in Edwardsburg, Mich., married, August 22, 1895, in Camillus, N. Y., Oliver Whitford Moulter, son of David Moulter and Catherine Negus, born February 22, 1836, in ManUus, N. Y. No children. 117 Ambrose Edward* Smith, son of Ambrose Edward Smith and Hannah Philena Knapp, born February 28, 1859, in Camillus, N. Y., married, January 21, 1886, in Camillus, N. Y., Ida Sherwood, daughter of Matthew Sherwood and Betsey Porter, born November 18, 1858, in Camillus, N. Y. Children : i Betsey Edwena, born May 11, 1887. ii Stanley Sherwood, born April 11, 1889. iii Helen Camilla, born January 18, 1891. iv Carroll Frederick, born October 4, 1897. V Ursula Idalene, born October 13, 1899. 119 Mary Electa* Knapp, daughter of Joel Edwin Knapp and Mary Smith, born June 5, 1842, in Edwardsburg, Mich., married, August 16, 1864, in Camillus, N. Y., Frank P. Hale, son of Hanmer H. Hale and Harriet Murray, born August 27, 1840, in Otisco, N. Y., died March 25. 1907, in Camden, N. Y. Mrs. Hale is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution 76 Jesse Smith by right of descent from Jesse Smith, Jr., and all of his descendants may join by referring to her record, dated March 6, 1906. National number, 55,341. Child: 138 i Francis Edwin Hale, born May 17, 1865; mar- ried Jennie E. Brockway. 120 Lydia Perry * Knapp, daughter of Joel Edwin Knapp and Mary Smith, born November 8, 1844, in Edwardsburg, Mich., married, June 18, 1868, in Syracuse, N. Y., Samuel C. Trowbridge, son of Milo Trowbridge, born in TuUy, N. Y., in 1842, died in Browns Vahey, Mmn., September 12, 1892. Children: 139 i Mary Smith Trowbridge, born October 12, 1870; married Frederic H. Watkins. ii Florence E. Trowbridge, born November 8, 1872. 121 Edwixa ' Knapp, daughter of Joel Edwin Knapp and Marv Smith, born November 7, 1849, in Niles, Mich., died March 12, 1888, in Camillus, N. Y., and married, October 3, 1872, in Syracuse, N. Y., Isaac H. ]\Iunro, son of David Allen Munro and Marv Jane Hill, born August 18, 1848, in Camillus, N. Y. He married Grace E. Warner, December 15, 1892, and had four chil- dren by his second wife. Children : 140 i Fayette Smith ]\Iunro, born June 8, 1874; mar- I'ied Victoria R. Lowe. 141 ii Phillip Allen Munro, born March 26, 1876; mar- ried Sybil S. Conway. 142 iii Edwin Knapp Munro, born November 20, 1878; married Florence Reed. 143 iv Mary Jane Munro, born April 23, 1881; mar- ried Philip Will. 122 Jennie ^ Knapp, daughter of Joel Edwin Knapp and Mary Smith, born December 15, 1852, in Camillus, N. Y., married, June 15, 1876, in Camillus, N. Y., Charles T. Blanchard, son of Orlow D. Blanchard and Marietta Tompkins, born February 13, 1851, in Fayette- ville, N. Y., died March 14, 1906, in Syracuse, N. Y. His Ancestors and Descendants IT Children: i Orlow D'Nasau Blanchard, born June 5, 1878. ii Joel Edwin Blanchard, born May 28, 1882. iii Isaac Munro Blanchard, born December 17, 1897. 123 L Bertrand ^ Smith, son of Piatt Hiram Smith and Katharine Snell, born in Fayetteville, N. Y., December 12, 1863, married, first, February 19, 1885, in Syracuse, N. Y., Ladye Love Hall, daughter of Thomas- Jefferson Hall and Francesca Cleveland, born July 9, 1864, at Mt. Lebanon, La., died September 20, 1886, in Fay- etteville. He married, second, December 10, 1896, in Brooklyn, N. Y., Florence Eugene Rector, daughter of Dwight Welhngton Rector and Almira Beebe. Mr. Smith attended school at the Fayetteville Academy until 1879, when he entered the Peekskill Mihtary Acad- emy at Peekskill, N. Y. In 1881 he returned to Fayette- ville, where for about two years he was associated with Delancey Bartlett in the drug business, and during this period he learned telegraphy and acted as manager of the Mutual Llnion Telegraph Office, w^hich was at that time located in the drug store. He then entered the store of Snell, Smith & Co., dealers in general merchan- dise. IMr. Smith enlisted in Company F., 51st Regiment, N. G. N. Y. (Captain Henry J. Knapp), and was promoted to first sergeant, which position he held when the regi- ment was mustered out. This company was stationed at Fayetteville, N. Y., the headquarters of the regiment (Col. J. W. Yale) being at Syracuse, N. Y. On February 19, 1885, he was married in the First Presbyterian Church of Syracuse, N. Y., to Ladye L. Hall, who died September 20, 1886, leaving a daughter one day old, who has made- her home with Mr. Smith's parents. On December 15, 1886, Mr. Smith removed to Boston, Mass., where he was engaged in the stock brokerage business until September 29, 1890, when he removed to 131 Hancock street, Brook- lyn, N. Y., and became treasurer of the Hildreth Manu- facturing Co., at 53 Maiden Lane, engaged in the manufacture of gold rings. On January 2, 1892, Mr. Smith became associated with Jere Johnson, Jr., a large real estate dealer, at 60 Liberty 78 Jesse Smith street, N. Y., with whom he remained until he was elected treasurer of Realty Trust, May 8, 1896. This cor- poration was formed by Mr. William Ziegler, who also organized the Royal Baking Powder Company and the two "Ziegler Polar Expeditions" commanded by E. B. Baldwin, 1901-2, and Anthony Fiala, 1903-4. Mr. Smith enlisted as a private in the 2d Signal Corps, N. G. N, Y., on November 16, 1891, and was promoted to corporal April 10, 1893, sergeant February 10, 1894, and commissioned first heutenant and assistant signal officer, 2d Brigade, September 5, 1894. He was trans- ferred March 16, 1896, "mth original rank," to Troop "C" of the N. G. N. Y. Cavalry, when it was organized under Captain B. T. Clayton. At the beginning of the Spanish-American War this troop was divided into two troops; one, under Captain Clayton, volunteered for the war and rendered distinguished service in Porto Rico. Lieut. Smith was commissioned captain of the remaining troop June 20, 1898, and became supernumerary upon its disbandment, January 14, 1899. He was married, at 35 McDonough street, Brooklyn, N. Y., on December 10, 1896, to Florence Eugene Rector, and resided at 48 McDonough street, Brooklvn, until November. 1905, when he removed to his present residence, at 99 McDonough street. Mr. Smith is a trustee of the Brevoort Savings Bank of Brooklyn; vice-president and director of the Smith Visible Typewriter Co.; treasurer and director of Realty Trust; director of the New York Tartar Company, director of the Ziegler Publishing Company for the Blind, and a member of the MiUtary Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, the Long Island Historical Society, the National Geographical Society, the Society of Colonial Wars, the Society of the War of 1812, the Sons of the Revolution, the Pilgrims of the United States, the Amer- ican Automobile Association, the Society of the Onon- dagas, the New York State Automobile Association, the Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn, the Long Island Automobile Club of Brooklyn, and the Veteran Associa- tion of the Second Company, Signal Corps. His Ancestors and Descendants 79 Children: i Ladye Katharine, born in Fayetteville, N. Y., Sep- tember 19, 1886 ; Vassar, 1909. ii Howard Malcom, born in Brooklyn, N. Y., December 1, 1897. 124 Harry Howard ^ Smith, son of Piatt Hiram Smith and Katharine Snell, born August 25, 1868, in Fayetteville, N. Y., married, January 27, 1892, in Fa^'etteville, N. Y., Millie Rosaline Todd, daughter of William Elliott Todd and Julia Rosaline June, born July 22, 1867, in Fayetteville, N. Y. Mr. Smith was educated at the Fayetteville Academy and the Cayuga Lake Military Academy, Aurora, N. Y. After leaving school he devoted several years to the telegraph business with the Western Union Telegraph Co. at Fayetteville. Syracuse, Utica, etc., and later in stock brokers' offices, at Boston, Mass. In 1891 he became associated with the Hildreth Manufacturing Co., 53 Maiden Lane, New York, and thereafter became treasurer of the John A. Mead Manufacturing Co., 11 Broadway, New York, manufacturers of coal hand- ling machinery, etc.. Mr. Smith is a charter member of the Society of the Onondagas. All the children were born in Brooklyn, N. Y. Children: i JuHa Rosaline, born May 26, 1893. ii Mildred Todd, born May 25, 1894. iii Piatt Howard, born August 10, 1896. iv William Elliott Todd, born August 10, 1896. NINTH GENERATION 125 OsMAR W. ' RoBB, son of Nelson B. Robb and Julia Ann Bell, born December 25, 1850, in Windham, N. Y,, married, September 6, 1876, in Millard, Wis., Ella F. Bigelow, daughter of Daniel Bigelow and Amy , born August 12, 1854, in Millard, Wis. He is a dealer in farm implements, etc., and was living at Sharon, Wis., in 1904. 80 Jesse Smith Child: i Herman 0. Robb, born June 30, 1879. 126 Roi\L\ R. » Mattoon, son of Ransom A. Mat- toon and Miriam L. Reynolds, born February 12, 1877, at Windham, N. Y., married, June 25, 1901, in Windham, N. Y., Eleanor E. Hollenbeck, daughter of Rev. Martines M. Hollenbeck and Helen E. G , born February 3, 1878, in Breakabeen, Schoharie County, N. Y. They were living, in 1903, in Middletown, N. Y. Child: i Gladys Evelyn Mattoon, born September 10, 1903. 127 Anna Seward " Noble, daughter of Bostwick Roberts Noble and Lucy Seward, born June 15, 1875, married, September 18, 1895, Charles Farwell Law- son, son of Benjamin Howard Lawson and Maria Sophia HoUing, born June 22, 1865, in Howell, Mich. They were residing in Detroit, Mich., in 1904. Children : i Seward Noble Lawson, born December 21, 1898. ii Margaret Lawson, born September 7, 1906. 128 Charles * Noble, son of Bostwick Roberts Noble and Lucy Seward, born August 10, 1876, in Vassar, Mich., married, September 29, 1897, in Lex- ington, Mich., Mary Louise Fenton, daughter of Lewis Fenton and Ehzabeth , born October 19, 1875, in Lexington, Mich. They were residing in Brown City, Mich., in 1904. Child: i Anna Lucile Noble, born July 4, 1898. 129 Ida Allela " Bostwick, daughter of Albert J. Bostwick and Sara Eunice Lasher, born July 19, 1869, and married, December 10, 1889, Edwin L. Whitney of Sharon, Conn. Children: i Myron Whitney. ii Cora Whitney. iii Ethel Whitney. His Ancestors and Descendants 81 130 Maud * Lasher, daughter of George Reed Lasher and Emma M. Cole, born October 30, 1876, at Honesdale, Pa., was married, January 27, 1898, at Coldwater, Ohio, to S. James Moore. They were residing, in 1905, in New Bremen, Ohio. Children : i Paul Reed Moore, born March 17, 1899. ii Harold Moore, born May 25, 1900; died June 2, 1900. iii An infant, born July 27, 1902; died July 27, 1902. iv Francis Marion Moore, born April 20, 1904. 131 Mabel* Lasher, daughter of George Reed Lasher and Emma M. Cole, born July 7, 1878, in Honesdale, Pa., was married, January 9, 1898, in Cold- water, Ohio, to Orie L. Woods. They were residing in Lima, Ohio, in 1905. Child: i ]\Iellore Woods, born December 9, 1900. 132 Jennie R. * Dakin, daughter of James R. Dakin and Rosalia Eggleston, born July 19, 1866, in Sharon, Conn., was married, November 8, 1893, in Amenia, N. Y., to Hamilton Walsh, son of Rev. J. J. Walsh and Emma Brett, born August 9, 1860, in Allahabad, India. They were living in Newburg, N. Y., in 1903. Children : i Raymond H. Walsh, born October 18, 1898. ii James Edwin Walsh, born May 11, 1902. 133 D. Frank ' Dakin, son of James R. Dakin and Rosaha Eggleston, born October 13, 1868, in Sharon, Conn., was married, March 8, 1898, in Greenwich, Conn., to Amy Farrington, daughter of David S. Farrington and Sarah A. Schofield, born February 16, 1878, in Greenwich, Conn. They were living in Mt. Kisco, N. Y., in 1903. Children: i Dorothy Dakin, born January 22, 1900. ii Frank Douglass Dakin, born August 15, 1902; died September 2, 1902. 82 Jesse Smith 134 C. Ernest " Dakin, son of James R. Dakin and Rosalia Eggleston, born March 25, 1880, in Sharon, Conn., married, June 17, 1903, at Aurisville, N. Y., Maud Miller, daughter of Charles F. Miller and Martha Jannette Ingersoll, born November 17, 1881, in Aurisville, N. Y. 135 Anna EM^L\ ° Usher, daughter of Luke Usher and Emma L. Aldrich, born November 28, 1877, in Omaha, Neb., married, August 6, 1902, in North Royal- ton, Ohio, Christopher Schick, son of Herman Schick and Katherine Mack, born March 22, 1876, in Cleve- land, Ohio. 136 Blanche E. " Lashlee, daughter of Horace B. Lashlee and Nelhe A. Harmon, born April 7, 1882, in Grand Island, Neb., married, January 22, 1905, in Long Beach, Cal., Clarence B. Linton, son of Horace Linton and Sarah Ellen , born October 4, 1880, in Lynchburg, Va. 137 Otis Myron * Casler, son of i\Iyron Casler and Chloe Ann Smith, born June 3, 1869, at Marcellus Falls, N. Y., married, August 31, 1893, in Syracuse, N. Y., Ada Belle Crampton, daughter of George Crampton and Sarah Olin, born September 15, 1875, at Svracuse, N. Y. Children: i George M. Casler, born July 19, 1894; died August 23, 1894. ii Mildred C. Casler, born Januaiy 17, 1896. iii George C. Casler, born September 10, 1898. iv Floyd C. Casler, born October 10, 1899. 138 Francis Edwin ' Hale, son of Frank P. Hale and Mary Electa Knapp, born May 17, 1865, in Camil- lus, N. Y., married, June 22, 1893, in Syracuse, N. Y. Jennie E. Brockway, daughter of Charles T. Brock- wav and Emma H , born December 3, 1866, in Half Moon, N. Y. His Axcestoks and Descendants 83 Children: i Charles Brockway Hale, born June 13. 1898. ii Francis Edwin Hale, born April 20, 1903. 139 Mary S. " Trowbridge, daughter of Samuel C. Trowbridge and Lydia Knapp. born October 12, 1870, in Plattville, Wis., and married, August 1, 1895, in Camillus, N. Y., Frederic H. Watkins, son of Watson Watkins and Lydia Plaisted, born August 23, 1866, in Pompey. N. Y. He was pastor of a church at Brandt, Pa., until March, 1901, when he removed to Wyoming, Pa. Children : i Howard Smith Watkins, born May 7, 1897. ii Florence Lydia Watkins, born September 27, 1898; died August 23, 1899. iii Leon Albert A\'atkins, born August 18, 1901. 140 Fayette Smith ' Munro, son of Isaac H. Munro and Edwina Knapp, born June 8, 1874, in Camillus, N. Y., married, August 24, 1901, in Chi- cago, III, Victoria R. Lowe, daughter of Wilhard R. Lowe and Katharine Sharp, born December 10, 1879, in Warsaw, Ind. He graduated from Harvard in 1899, and was practicing law in Chicago in 1908. Children : i Willard Lowe Munro, born May 2, 1902. ii David Allen Munro. born November 16, 1903. iii John Willoughby Munro, born August 25, 1905. iv A daughter, born November 14, 1906; died Novem- ber 14, 1906. V James Munro, born November 14, 1908. 141 Philip Allen* Munro, son of Isaac H. Munro and Edwina Knapp, born March 26, 1876, at Camil- lus, N. Y., was married, November 17. 1903, at Oak Park, 111., to Sybil Sara Conway, daughter of Edwin S. Conway and Sara Rogers, born June 3, 1880, at Manston, Wis. Children: i Genevieve Munro, born November 22, 1905. 84 Jesse Smith ii Conway Munro, born June 25, 1908. 142 Edwin Knapp ^ Munro, son of Isaac H. Munro and Edwina Knapp, born November 20, 1878, in Camil- lus, N. Y., was married, December 30, 1902, in Syra- cuse, N. Y., o Florence Reed, daughter of Irani C. Reed and Mary Elizabeth Gere, born January 17, 1879, in Syracuse, N. Y. Children: i Edwina Reed Munro, born October 11, 1903. ii Lucia Munro, born June 29, 1905; died February 23, 1906. iii Mary Jane Munro, born May 31, 1907. 143 Mary Jane ^ Munro, daughter of Isaac H. Munro and Edwina Knapp, born April 23, 1881, in Camillus, N. Y., was married, May 1, 1905, in Syracuse, N. Y., to Philip Will, son of Frederick Will and Barbara Marx, born October 26, 1877, in Toledo, Ohio. Child: i PhiHp Will, born February 15, 1906. CHAPTER III THE ANCESTORS OF THE CHILDREN OF THE COMPILER CHAPTER III THE ANCESTORS OF THE CHILDREN OF THE COMPILER The ancestors of the children of the Compiler are shown under the following arrangement : Ancestors of Piatt Hiram Smith, numbered 200. Ancestors of Katharine Snell, numbered 300. Ancestors of Thomas Jefferson Hall, numbered 400. Ancestors of Francesca Cleveland, numbered 500. Ancestors of Dwight Wellington Rector, numbered 600. Ancestors of Almira Beebe, numbered 700. ANCESTORS OF PLATT HIRAM SMITH 201 SMITH Ralph \ married, 1638, . Thomas -, married, 1681, Mary ; -. Jesse ^ married, 1724, Sarah Higglns. 209. Jesse *, married, 1760, Lydia Gregory. 205. James Philhps ^ married, January 26, 1786, Ursula Adams. 203. Ambrose*, married, September 11, 1817, Mary Mead. 202. Piatt Hiram ^, married, June 18, 1862, Katharine Snell. 301. L Bertrand \ married, February 19, 1885, Ladye L. Hall. 401. Ladye Katharine*, born September 19, 1886, in Fay- etteville, N. Y. L Bertrand \ married, December 10, 1896, Florence E. Rector. 601. Howard Malcom *, born December 1, 1897, in Brooklyn, N. Y. The record of the Smith line is given in full in the first part of this book. 202 MEAD WilHami, born in 1600 in England; died in 1663, in Greenwich, Conn.; married, in 1625, in England, . She died in Stam.ford, Conn., September 19, 1657. John^, born in 1635 in England; ched February 5, 1699, in Stamford, Conn.; married, in 1657, in Stamford, Conn., Hannah Potter. 249. John^, born in 1658 in Greenwich, Conn.; died May 12, 1693, in Greenwich, Conn.; married, in 1681. in Greenwich, Conn., Ruth Hardy. 225. 91 92 Jesse Smith Nathan \ born in 1691 in Greenwich, Conn. ; died Febru- ary 14, 1777, in Amenia, N. Y.; married, in 1724, in Amenia, N. Y., Martha — . 213. Job ^ born in 1735 in Amenia, N. Y. ; died April 23, 1819^ in Amenia, N. Y. ; married, about 1758, in Amenia, N. Y., Mercy King. 207. Job*, born in 1761 in Amenia, N. Y. ; died Januarj^ 12, 1838, in Amenia, N. Y. ; married, in Amenia, N. Y., Ruth Hibbard. 204. Mary', born October 4, 1795, in Amenia, N. Y. ; died April 10, 1844, in Fayetteville, N. Y. ; married, Sep- tember 11, 1817, Ambrose Smith. 201. William^ came from England in the "Elizabeth," in April, 1635. He was granted five acres of land at Stam- ford, Conn., December 7, 1641. He may have gone to Hempstead, L. I., in 1644, and thence to Greenwich, Conn., about 1660. John = was Freeman, 1670, and Member of Assembly, 1679, 1680, 1686. John ^ was Con- stable, 1687. Nathan * removed to Amenia, N. Y. Job ^ was a captain in the Revolutionary War. Job * served in the War of 1812. See page 214. "History and Gen- ealogy of Mead Family," by Spencer P. Mead, 1901; History of Stamford, Conn. (Huntington), pages 19-20-37. Mary ' was a grandmother of the wiiter. 203 ADAMS George', died in Watertown, Mass., in 1696; he w^as mar- ried there to Frances — . Daniel ^ born in AVatertown, Mass., in 1652; died No- vember 17, 1713, in Simsbury, Conn.; married, September 20, 1677, in Windsor, Conn., Mary Phelps. 221. Thomas ^ born in 1689 in Simsbury, Conn. ; died February 24, 1784, in Simsbury, Conn. ; married, December 25, 1712, in Simsbury, Conn., Martha Buttolph. 211. Thomas^, born December 20, 1731, in Simsbury, Conn., and was married there to Rosanna . Ursula', born September 29, 1764, in Simsbury. Conn.; died January 14, 1844, in Fayetteville, N. Y. ; mar- His Ancestors and Descendants 93 riecl, January 26, 1786, in Sharon, Conn., James Phillips Smith. 201. George ' served in Captain Joseph Sills' company in King PhilUp's War. Daniel - was a sergeant under Major Willard in the same war. L Bertrand Smith was made a member of the "Society of Colonial Wars," by right of descent from Daniel Adams, May 27, 1902 (N. Y. Num- ber, 1190). See "Ancient Families of Windsor," Vol. II, page 12; also "Simsbury Records." Ursula* was a great-grandmother of the writer, 204 HIBBARD Robert \ baptised March 13, 1613, in SaUsbury, England; died May 7, 1684, in Beverly, Mass.; married, in England, Joan Fairfield. 275. Robert -, baptised March 7, 1648, in Beverly, Mass. ; died April 29, 1710, in Windham, Conn.; married, in Wenham, Mass., Mary Walden. 257. Robert ^, born July 8, 1676, in AVenham, Mass. ; died June 26, 1742; married, December 3, 1702, Mary Reed. 229. Robert *, born April 30, 1706, in Windham, Conn. ; died April 12, 1771, in Amenia, N. Y. ; married, November 5, 1730, in Windham, Ruth Wheelock. 215. Robert*, born September 17, 1737, in Windham, Conn.; died May 27, 1798, in Amenia, N. Y. ; married, Au- gust 1, 1758, in Windham, Lydia Hibbard. 208. Ruth^ born in 1762; died January 23, 1808, in Amenia, married Job " Mead. 202. Robert ' came to Salem, Mass., 1635-1639, and was admitted to the church with wife, Joan, May 17, 1646 (Savage). The records of Salem, and later, of Beverly, Mass., show that the name was respected and that the family held many offices of public trust and was promi- nent in the church. See will, etc., "The Hibbard Fam- ily," by A. G. Hibbard, 1901. Robert = united with the church of W^enham, Mass., in 1694. He removed to Windham, Conn., in 1700, and was named as a proprietor of Windham in 1703. Robert ■* and Robert ^ were promi- 94 Jesse Smith nent at the meeting to organize a church at Windham, December 10, 1700. Robert => left Wenham, Mass., when 22 years of age, and was a townsman of Wind- ham, Conn., in 1698. He was the first in Connecti- cut of the name. Robert^ married, second, Joanna Cleveland, May 12, 1760, and died at his son's house in Amenia, N. Y. Robert^ settled in Canterbury, Conn., and later in Amenia, N. Y. He was a captain of the 6th Regiment, Dutchess County mihtia, in the Revolutionary War. He cUed without a will and left 1,000 acres of land east of Amenia, to be divided among his children. Ruth " was a great-grandmother of the writer. 205 GREGORY Henry', died in Stratford, Conn,; married . John -, married, in 1643, Sarah Burt. 273. Judah^, born in 1643 in New Haven, Conn.; cUed in Danbury, Conn. ; married, in Norwalk, Conn., Octo- ber 20, 1664, Hannah Hoyt. 237. John*, born March 17, 1668; married . Ephraim \ died in 1760-1 ; married Mercy Wlldman. 210. Lydia ^ born in 1739, in Danbury, Conn. ; died October 7, 1791, in Northeast, N. Y.; married, in 1760, Jesse Smith. 201. Henry ' was of Springfield, Mass., in 1639. His son, John ^, was executor of his will June 19, 1665. John ^ was Representative from Norwalk to the General Assembly, 1662, and was a first settler of Norwalk. Judah ^ was one of the eight first settlers of Danbury, Conn., 1684-5. History of Danbury, (Bailey), page 44. Ephraim* names, in his will, dated August 7, 1760, probated De- cember 7, 1761, his daughter "Lydia, Vv'ife of Jesse Smith and niece of John Wildman." Lydia ° was a great- grandmother of the writer. His Ancestors and Descendants 95 207 KING ', married . 2^ married . Samuel ^, married probably Rebecca . Mercy \ died August 28, 1812, in Amenia, N. Y. She married, about 1758, Job ' Mead. 202. Samuel ^ was in Dutchess County, N. Y., with his brother, John, as early as 1762, probal^ly from Green- wich, Conn. Reed's Amenia, page 100, speaks of '■John King Mead, son of Job, Jr., and descendant of Samuel King." No further record of the family was obtained. Mercy * was a great ^-gi-andmother of the writer. 208 HIBBARD Robert*, baptised, March 13, 1613, in Salisburj^, Eng- land; died May 7, 1684, in Beverly, Mass.; married, in England, Joan Fairfield. 275. Robert *, baptised, March 7, 1648, in Beverly, Mass. ; died April 29, 1710, in Windham, Conn.; married, in Wenham, Mass., Mary Walden. 261. Nathaniel ^ born in 1680 in Wenham, Mass. ; died April 20, 1725, in Windham, Conn.; married, April 16, • 1702, in Windham, Conn., Sarah Crane. 231. Zebulon \ born February 20, 1714, in Windham, Conn., and died there, July 7, 1792; married, March 30, 1737, in Windham, Hannah Bass. 216. Lydia^, born November 18, 1737, in Windham; died May 21, 1819, in Amenia; married, August 1, 1758, Robert Hibbard. 204. See Family No. 204 for record of Robert * and Robert ^ Nathaniel ^ came to Windham with his father between October 29 and December 10, 1700. He was known as "Sergeant" Hibbard. Colonial Records, May, 1712, read, "Additional wages voted to Nathaniel Hibbard 96 Jesse S:mith of Windham, as corporal, 4s. 4cl. A soldier in the late expedition against Canada.'^ See Soc. Col. Wars book, 1902. Zebiilon ^ was ensign, 3d Company, 5th Regiment, in 1760; lieutenant of same in 1765; captain of same in 1766. Lydia ^ was a great ^-grandmother of the writer. 209 HIGGINS Richard ', married, November 23, 1634, Lydia Chandler. Benjamin ^, born in 1640 ; died March 14, 1691, in Eastham, Mass.; married, December 24, 1661, Lydia Bangs. 235. Benjamin ^ born September 15, 1681, in Eastham, N. Y. ; married. May 22, 1701, in Eastham, Mass., Sarah Freeman. 218. Sarah \ born July 13, 1706, in Eastham, Mass. ; died in Carmel, Putnam County, N. Y., November 17, 1766; married, in Eastham, Mass., in September, 1724, Jesse Smith, 201. Richard^ probably came to Plymouth, Mass., in 1633, thence to Eastham in 1644. He was a member of the Plymouth military company; member of the "Council of War," 1653; and Deputy, 1647. He married, second, Mary Yates, in October, 1651. Soc* Col. Wars Book. Benjamin ^ mentions Sarah Smith, daughter, in will dated July 1, 1760, proved May 11, 1761. Barnstable Probate Records, Vol. XIL, page 153. Sarah ^ was a great '-grandmother of the writer, and through her all descendants of Jesse Smith are eligible to the Society of Mayflower Descendants, she being a descendant of Deacon William Brewster, through her mother, Sarah Freeman. 210 WILDMAN Abraham \ married Abigail . Mercy ^, married, Ephraim Gregory. 205. The will of John Wildman, dated August 26, 1730,, mentions his father, Abraham, and sister, Mercy Gregory,, His Ancestors and Di:scendants 97 wife of Ephraim Gregory of Danbury, Conn. Mercy ^ was a great '-grandmother of the writer. 211 BUTTOLPH Thomas', born in 1603; died in 1667, in Boston, Mass.; married Ann Harding. 282. John -, born December 28, 1639, in Jioston, Mass. ; died January 4, 1692-3, in Wethersfield, Conn., mar- ried, August 16, 1663, in Salem, Mass., Hannah Gardner. 243. David \ born May 7, 1669, in Boston, Mass. ; died April 5, 1717, in Simsbury, Conn.; married, in 1693, Mary Marthas born April 2, 1694; married, December 25, 1712, Thomas Adams. 203. Thomas' came in the "Abigail" from London, May 5, 1635, to Boston, Mass. He was registered as aged 32, and his wife, Ann, as aged 24. They were probably from Raynham, Norfolk County, England. His will is in N. E. Register, Vol. 16, page 159. John ^ removed from Salem to Boston, where he was a member of the First Church ; thence to Wethersfield, where he was a lieutenant in the Train Band and a member of the General Court. Martha * was a great '-grandmother of the writer. 215 WHEELOCK Ralph \ born in 1600, in Shropshire, England ; died in Medfield, Mass., January 11, 1683-4; married Re- becca . Eleazer ^, born in Medfield, Mass., May 3, 1654; died in Medfield, March 24, 1731; married, in Rehoboth, Mass., in 1678, Elizabeth Fuller. 259. Ralph', born in Mendon, Mass., February 12, 1682-3; died in Windham, Conn., October 15, 1748; married, January 8, 1707-8, in Norwich, Conn., Ruth Hun- tington. 230. 98 Jesse Smith Ruth^ born May 25, 1713; died April 6, 1757; married, November 5, 1730, Robert Hibbard. 204. Ralph ' was a graduate of Cambridge in 1631; came to America, 1637; of Watertown, Mass.; of Dedham, Mass., 1637; Medfield, Mass., 1652; called the ''Founder of Med- field." He was representative to the Massachusetts Gen- eral Court, Eleazer^ was Surveyor at Mendon in 1681, a hunter and a man of great courage. He returned to Med- field, Mass., in 1701 and was Selectman in 1720. He com- manded a corps of cavalry in the Colonial Wars. Ralph ' was deacon many years at Windham, Conn. He after- w^ards married Mercy Standish, a descendant of Myles. His son, Rev. Eleazer Wheelock, brother of Ruth, was the founder and first president of Dartmouth College. Ruth * was a great ^-grandmother of the writer. 216 BASS Samuel', born in England in 1600; died in Braintree. Mass., December 30, 1694; married, in England, Anna -. Thomas ^ born in Braintree, Mass., and died there; married, October 4, 1660, in Medfield, Mass., Sarah Wood. 263. John^ born March 26, 1675, in Braintree, Mass.; died October 10, 1753, in Windham, Conn.; married, March 7, 1695, in Braintree, Elizabeth Neale. Hannah ^ born in Windham, Conn., May 27, 1711; died December 11, 1792; married, March 30, 1737, in Windham, Conn., Zebulon Hibbard. 208. Samuel \ with his wife, Anna, and two or three children, came to Roxbury, about 1632, and to Braintree, Mass., in 1640, where he was deacon for more than fifty years, and Representative in 1641, and for twelve years thereafter. His son, John, married Ruth Alden, daugh- ter of John and Priscilla Alden. Thomas - was at Med- field, Mass., five or six years. Thence he removed to Braintree, where he was deacon until he died. John ^ settled in Braintree, in Lebanon, in 1708, and in Windham, His Ancestors and Descendants 99 in 1710-11. Hannah Mvas a greats-grandmother of the writer. 218 FREEMAN Edmond \ born in England in 1589; died on Cape Cod in 1682; married Elizabeth Beauchamp. John -, born in 1627; died in Eastham, Mass., October 28, 1719; married, February 13, 1649-50, Mercy Prence. 271. Edmond s, born in June, 1657; died in Eastham, Mass., December 10, 1717; married Sarah Mayo. 236. Sarah'', married. May 22, 1701, Benjamin Higgins. 209. Edmond^ came in the "Abigail," Richard Hackwell, master, in 1635, to Saugus (Lynn). He was made free- man, Plymouth, January 2, 1637; assistant, 1640 to 1646; Council of War, 1642; Deputy, 1646. His will, dated June 21, 1682, was probated November 2, 1682. John- was Deputy in 1654, and for eight years; Select- man in 1663, and for ten years; Assistant in 1666, and for several years thereafter. (Mayflower Descendant, July, 1903, page 143.) Edmond^ lived at "Tonset," East- ham, now Orleans, Mass. He married, first, Ruth Mer- rick, daughter of William Merrick. Sarah ^ was a great ^- grandmother of the writer. 221 PHELPS William', born February 28, 1599; baptised August 19, 1599, in Tewkesbury, England; died July 14, 1672, in Windsor, Conn. ; married . SamueP, born in Tewkesbury about 1625; died May 15, 1669, in Windsor, Conn. ; married, November 10, 1650, in Windsor, to Sarah Griswold. 242. Mary s, born October 26, 1658; died in March, 1715; mar- ried, September 30, 1677, Daniel Adams. 203. William \ with his wife, six children, and his brother, George, left Plymouth, England, March 20, 1630, in the "Mary & John," and reached Hull, Mass., May 30, 1630. -\ 100 Jesse Smith He was a first settler of Dorchester, Mass., and removed to Windsor in the fall of 1635, where he was Deputy from 1645 to 1649, and in 1651 and 1657 (Phelps Family, page 72). Samuel^ came with his father. Mary^ was a great ^-grandmother of the writer. 225 HARDY Richard \ married Ann Husted. 250. Ruth=, married, in 1681, John Mead. 202. Richard* was living in »Stamford, Conn., in 1650. His will is on record in Fairfield. He was Representative in State General Court three terms; a freeman in 1662. Hist. Stamford (Huntington), page 53. Ruth^ was a great ^-grandmother of the w^riter. 229 REED Mary^*, born June 14, 1687; died March 7, 1763; married, in Windham, Conn., December 3, 1702, Robert Hil3bard. 204. Mary ^ was a great ^-grandmother of the writer. 230 HUNTINGTON Simon \ died in 1633, aboard the ship, on his voyage to America; married Margaret Baret. His wife may have been the daughter of Christopher Baret, Mayor of Norwich, England, in 1634. Christopher ^ died in 1691, in Norwich, Conn.; married, October 7, 1652. Ruth Rockwell. 276. Christopher \ born November 1, 1660, in Norwich, Conn.; died there April 24, 1735. He married, in Norwich, May 26, 1681, Sarah Adgate. 260. Ruth<, born November 20-28, 1682; died in Windham, His Ancestors and Descexdaxts 101 September 1, 1725; married, January 8, 1707-8, Ralph Wheelock. 215. Christopher ^ was the first white child born in Norwich, Conn. See his epitaph. Conn. Hist. Col. (Barber), page 297. Ruth ^ was a great ■'-grandmother of the writer. 231 CRANE John ', married . Benjamin =, born in England in 1630; married, April 23, 1655, Mary Backus. 278. Jonathan^, born in Wethersfield, Conn., December 1, 1658; died in Windham, Conn., June 6, 1735; mar- ried, in Norwich, Conn., December 19, 1678, De- borah Griswold. 262. Sarah ^ born November 16, 1680; married, April 16, 1702, Nathaniel Hibbard. 208. John ' came from Suffolk County, England, and settled in Brookline, IMass., in 1637. He was Deputy to the Great General Court in 1649. See "Fifty Puritan An- cestors" (Nash), page 93. Benjamin^ was a tanner in AVethersfield, Conn., in 1665. Jonathan^ was one of the first planters of Windham, Conn. ; Deputy, Colonial Assembly, 1703-1722; ensign. Train Band, Windham, in 1695; lieutenant, 1703, in Indian War. Sarah Mvas a great ^-grandmother of the writer. 235 BANGS Edward*, born in 1592; died in the winter of 1677-8, at Eastham, Mass. ; married Lydia Hicks. 270. Lydia-, married, December 24, 1661, Benjamin Higgins. 209. Edward ' came in the "Anne," in 1623. from Chichester, England, to Plymouth. He was of Eastham, in 1644; captain of the Guard, Eastham; member of the Plymouth MiUtary Company, 1643; Deputy, 1652. Lydia ^ was a great '-grandmother of the writer. 102 Jesse Smith 236 MAYO John ', died in May, 1676, in Yarmouth, Mass. ; married SamueP, born in 1625; died in 1663 in Boston, Mass.; married Thomasine Lumpldn. Sarah ^, born in 1660 in Boston, Mass. ; married Edmond Freeman. 218. John ' was in Barnstable in 1639. He was in charge of the church at Eastham, from 1646 to 1655, and pastor of the Second Church at Boston, from November 9, 1655, till 1673, when he returned to Eastham. Samuel ^ was a member of the Barnstable company. He pro- bably removed to Boston, Mass., in 1658. Sarah Mvas a great ^-grandmother of the writer. 237 HOYT Simon \ married Susanna . V/ alter ^, married . Hannah ^ married Judah Gregory. 205. Hannah ^ was a great ^-grandmother of the writer. 242 GRISWOLD Edward '. George-, born about 1533; married — . Edward ^ born about 1607, in Kcnilworth, England; died in Kilhngworth, Conn., in 1691; married Margaret Sarah \ born in England in 1630; died November 6, 1715, in Windsor, Conn.; married, November 10, 1650, Samuel Phelps. 221. George ^ was of j^illinsworth, Warwickshiie, England. His son, Edward \ came to New England in 1639, in the vessel sent by Mr. William Whitney. He settled in Poquonock, Windsor, Conn., and later was a first settler of Killingworth, Conn. He married Sarah Bemis, widow His Ancestors and Descendants 103 of James Bemis of New London, in 1672. He built the "Old Fort" at Springfield, and was a Deputy at Kil- lingworth. Sarah * married Nathaniel Pinney, July 21, 1670. See "Phelps Family of America and their English Ancestry," Vol. 1, page 89; also "Fifty Puritan Ancestors" (Nash). She was a greats-grandmother of the writer. 243 GARDNER George ', died in 1670, in Salem, Mass. ; married Elizabeth (Oine?). Hannah-, died January 26, 1681, in Wethersfield;. married, August 16, 1663, John Buttolph. 211. George ' was of Salem, Mass. Hannah ^ was a great ^- grandmother of the writer. 249 POTTER William *, died in 1684, aged 75; married . Hannah -, married John Mead. 202. William ^ was of Stamford, Conn., where his home lot was recorded in 1650. His will, dated March 9, 1684-5, gives to the church in Stamford, "£5 to be improved for the use of the Lord's table." The silver cups now on the table of the First Congregational Church at Stamford, are from this fund. Hist. Stamford (Huntington), page 60. Hannah - was a great ^-grandmother of the writer. 250 HUSTED Robert ^, married Elizabeth . Ann ^, married Richard Hardy. 225. Robert ^ was from Mt. Wollaston, now Braintree, Mass. He received land at Stamford, Conn., in October, 1642. His will was dated July 8, 1 652, at Stamford, Conn. Ann ^ was a great ^-grandmother of the writer. 104 Jesse Smith 257 WALDEN Edward', died in Wenham, Mass., in 1679; married Mary ^ died in Windham, Conn., March 7, 1736; married Robert^ Hibbard. 204. Mary ^ was a great ^-grandmother of the writer. See also 261. 259 FULLER Robert \ married Sarah Bowen. EHzabeth =, died in 1689; married, in 1678, Eleazer Wheelock. 215. Robert ' was of Rehoboth. EUzabeth ^ was a great ^- grandmother of the writer. 260 ADGATE Thomas ', died July 21, 1707 ; married Mary Marvin. 277. Sarah-, born in January, 1663; died in February, 1705; married, May 26, 1681, Christopher Huntington. 230. Thomas ' was Deacon at Saybrook and Normch, Conn. See Hist. New London, page 172. Sarah ^ was a great ^- grandmother of the writer. 261 WALDEN Edward \ died in Wenham, Mass., in 1679; married Mary 2, died in Windham, Conn., March 7, 1736; married Robert ' Hibbard. 204. Mary ^ was a great ^-grandmother of the writer. See also 257. His Ancestors and Descendants 105 262 GRISWOLD Edward '. George -, born about 1533; married . Edward^, born about 1607, in Kenilworth, England; died in Killingworth, Conn., in 1691; married Mar- garet -— . Francis *, born in England in 1629; died in October, 1671; married Mary Tracy. 283. Deborah^, born in May, 1661; died in 1704; married, in Norwicli, Conn., December 19, 1678, Jonathan Crane. 231. Francis ^ settled in Saybrook, Conn., in 1655-6, and was one of the first proprietors of Norwich, in 1659. He was a lieutenant in the Train Band, 1665-6, and Dep- uty, 1664, 1668, 1671. Hist. Norwich, page 92; Say- brook Records; Fifty Puritan Ancestors. His father's record will be found under Number 242. Deborah ^ was a great ^-grandmother of the writer, 263 WOOD Sarah -, was of Medfield ; died December 29, 1678; married, October 4, 1660, Thomas Bass. 216. Sarah's ^ father was probably of Medfield. Sarah - was a great ^-grandmother of the writer. 270 HICKS Robert*, born in England; died March 24, 1647; mar- ried, in 1610, Margaret Winslow. Lydia -, died before 1651; married, in 1636, Edward Bangs. 235. Robert' came to New England in 1621, in the "For- tune." He was in Plymouth, in 1643. He mar- ried, first, Elizabeth Morgan, and had sons, John and Thomas. He was a descendant of Sir ElUs Hicks, knight- lOG Jesse Smith ed a,t the Battle of Poictiers, September 9, 1356. His will is printed in the N. E. Register, Vol. IV., page 282. Lydia - was a great '-grandmother of the writer. 271 PRENCE Thomas', born in 1600; died March 29, 1673, in Ply- mouth, Mass. ; married, August 5, 1624, Patience Brewster. 279. Mercy ^ married, February 13, 1649-50, John Freeman. 218. Thomas' came in the second ship "Fortune," in No- vember, 1621, aged 22, to Plymouth, was of Duxbury, 1635, and of Eastham, 1644. See Mayflower Des- cendant, October, 1904. He was assistant, Plymouth Colony, in 1635; Governor, 1634 to 1638, 1657-1672; Member of Council of War, and in service against Pequot Indians, 1637; Commissioner for United Colonies^. 1645. Mercy - was great "-grandmother of the writer. 273 BURT Henry '. Sarah ^ married, in 1643, John Gregory. 205. Sarah ^ was a great "-grandmother of the writer. 275 FAIRFIELD John ■. Joan -, married Robert Hibbard. 204. John ' was from Holme Mylene, England. Joan - was a great "-grandmother of the writer. 276 ROCKWELL Wilham ', died in Windsor, Conn., May 15, 1640; married, April 14, 1624, in Dorchester, England, Susan Capen. 280. His Ancestors and Descexdaxts 107 Ruth ^ born in Dorchester, Mass., in August, 1633; mar- ried, October 7, 1652, Christopher Huntington. 230. See Ancient Families of Windsor, page 647. Ruth ^ was a great '-grandmother of the writer. 277 MARVIN Edward ', of Great Bentley, England, died November 13, 1615; married Margaret . Matthew ^ baptised March 26, 1600, in St. Mary's Church, Great Bentley, Essex, England; died in Norwalk, Conn. ; married Elizabeth . Mary^, baptised December 16, 1628, in Great Bentley, England; died March 29, 1713, in Norwich, Conn.; married Thomas Adgate. 260. Matthew ' was of Hartford, and later of Nor- walk, Conn. His will is dated December 26, 1678; in- ventory, July 13, 1680. See Salisbury Genealogies. Mary ^ was a great '-grandmother of the writer. 278 BACKUS William', died in 1664; married, in 1655, Sarah Charles. 281. Mary ^ married, April 23, 1665, Benjamin Crane. 231. Wilham \ from Norwich, England, was at Saybrook, Conn., in 1637. He came in the "Rainbow" in 1637. Mary ^ was a great '-grandmother of the wTiter. 279 BREWSTER Wilham \ born in 1566-7; died in Plymouth, Mass., April 20, 1644; married, before 1593, Mary . Patience ^ died in 1634; married, in 1624, Gov. Thomas Prence. 271. The story of the "Mayflower" and Plymouth Rock is the story of the formation of a little Separatist or Con- 108 Jesse Smith gregational Church at Scrooby, England, its escape to Holland, its migration from thence to Plymouth, and its establishment there as the first embodiment in America of freedom in the church and equality in the State. William Brewster cradled the church at Scrooby, in his own home. He devoted his means to the support of its ministers and the succor of its members. After suffering fine and imprisonment and risking his life for this heresy, he helped the little flock to Holland, where his duty as elder intrusted him especially with the discipline and building up of the church and the preservation therein of soundness of doctrine. This duty he successfully performed with great gentleness and equal firmness. While in Leyden his arrest was sought for publishing Protestant books for circulation in England and Scotland. That he drafted the Compact of November 21, 1620, in the cabin of the " Mayfiovrer " seems almost certain. That he was the moral, religious, and spiritual leader of the Colony during its first years of peril and struggle, and its chief civil adviser and trusted guide until the time of his death, is cjuite certain. But for his ecclesiastical po- sition he would have been Governor of the Colony. He was of gentle birth, educated at Cambridge, a courtiei' before he was twenty years of age, in high esteem with Her Majesty's Secretary of State, treated by him more like a son than a servant, and soon a member of the English Embassy at Holland. And this scholar worked with his own hands to build his house in Plymouth, and afterwards in Duxbury, and up to the age of nearly eighty years helped to cultivate his own farm. His li- brary was inventoried at his death, in 1644, at four hun- dred volumes. For thirty years his learning and knowl- edge were devoted constantly, utterly, and superbly to the people with whom he had cast his hazardous lot. All he could learn he freely imparted to those he taught. There is no record that he ever asked for or received any salary. He was a scholar and preacher from the people, with the people, for the people, and to the people, and in their close companionship of toil and danger the people His Ancestors and Descendants 109 did indeed hear him gladly. Of their place of worship and order of assembling De Rasiere gives this interesting sketch : "Upon the hill they had a large square house, with a flat roof, made of thick sawn planks, stayed with oak beams, upon the top of which they have six cannons, which shoot iron balls of four and five pounds, and command the surrounchng country. The lower part they use for their church, where they preach on Sundays and the usual holidays. They assemble by beat of drum, each with his musket or firelock, in front of the captain's door; they have their cloaks on, and place themselves in order, three abreast, and are led by a sergeant without beat of drum. Behind comes the Governor, in a long, robe; beside him on the right hand comes the preacher with his cloak on, and on the left hand the captain with his sidearms and cloak on, and with a small cane in his hand; and so they march in good order, and each sets his arms down near him. Thus they enter their place of worship, constantly on their guard night and day." The devout elder was regarded with the utmost venera- tion and reverence in his later years by the colonists of the eight towns into which the little settlement of 1620 had grown. The popular impression of the old patriarch pictures him with the austere severity and rigid narrow- ness of an old iron-sides. Nothing could be further from the truth. Of his personal qualities Bradford sa3's: "He was wise and discreet and well spoken, having a grave and deliberate utterance, of a cheerful spirit, very sociable and pleasant amongst his friends, of an humble and modest mind, undervaluing himself and his own abil- ities, and sometimes overvaluing others. He had a sin- gular good gift in prayer, both public and private. He always thought it were better for ministers to pray oftener, and divide their prayers, than be long and tedious in the same." How superior the wise, peaceful, just, and courageous policy of the Plymouth Colony, in its treatment of the Indians and its fellow colonies! And the man who always had the last word in these important matters — the Joshua and Nestor of the plantation — was Elder 110 Jesse Smith William Brewster. (From an address by the Hon. Lyman D. Brewster.) 280 CAPEN Bernard ', of Dorchester, England; married . Susan', born April 11, 1602; died November 13, 1666; married, April 14, 1624, William Rockwell. 276. Susan ' was a great-grandmother of the writer. 281 CHARLES John \ died in 1673, in Branford, Conn. ; married . Sarah', born in New Haven, Conn., in October, 1637; married, in 1655, William Backus. 278. John' was a minister in Charlestown, Mass., in 1636; removed to New Haven, Conn. ; and thence to Branford, Conn. See "Fifty Puritan Ancestors," page 111. Sarah' was a great-grandmother of the writer. 282 HARDING John ', married Agnes Greene, in Tarling, England. Ann', married Thomas Buttolph. 211. John ' was of Boreham, Essex County, England. See Lechford's Note Book. Ann ' was a great-grandmother of the writer. 283 TRACY Thomas', born in 1610, in Tewkesbury, England; died November 7, 1685, in Norwich, Conn. Mary ', married Francis Griswold. 262. The following history of this family is taken from "Fifty Puritan Ancestors," page 106: (1) Egbert, the West Saxon King, married Lady Redburga, His Ancestors and Descendants 1 1 1 (2) Ethelwulf, his son, married Osburga, daughter of Oslac. (3) Alfred the Great, his son, married Alswitha, daughter of Earl Ethelred Muchel. (4) Edward, "the Elder," their second son, married Edgina, daughter of Earl Sigeline; their son, (5) Edmund, married Elf-giva. (6) Edgar, "the Peaceable," their son, married Elfreda, daughter of Ordgar, Duke of Devon- shire, for his second wife; their son, (7) Ethelred, " the Unready," married Elfleda, daugh- ter of Earldorman Thored. y (8) Princess Goda, their youngest daughter, married Druex, Count of Vexin, greatgrandson of Wol- eran, who succeeded Hugh the Great, father of Hugh Capet, as Count of Vexin, in 956, and is said to have been descended from Charlemagne; their son, (9) Rudolf de Mantes, made Earl of Hereford by his uncle, Edward "the Confessor," married Gethe, who had lands in her own right in Buckingham- shire; their son, (10) Harold de Mantes, married Matilda, daughter of Hugh Lupas, First Earl of Chester; their son, (11) John de Sudely, married Grace, daughter and heiress of Henry de Trac}', Lord of Barnstable in Devonshire; their son, (12) Sir Wilham Tracy, Knight, was one of the Knights who assassinated Thomas a Becket; his son, (13) Sir Ohver Tracy, possessed the estate at Barn- stable as early as 1095; his son, (14) William Tracy of Toddington, who was in arms against King John, married Hawis de Born; their son, (15) Henry Tracy of Toddington, had (16) Rev. Henry Tracy, his eldest son and heir, who had, (17) Sir William Tracy, his son and heir, who had, (18) William Tracy of Toddington, who was elected to Parliament as one of the Knights of Glouces- 112 Jesse Smith ter in 1313 and 1321; was sheriff of Gloucester from 1324 to 1329; and had a son and heir, (19) WilUam Tracy, who had, (20) Sir John Tracy, M. P. for Gloucester in 1357; sheriff of Gloucester, 1368 and 1369; and had, (21) Sir John Tracy of Toddington, M. P., and sheriff of Gloucester, in 1378; who had, (22) William Tracy, sheriff of Gloucester in 1395. He had, (23) William Tracy of Toddington, his son and heir, sheriff of Gloucester in 1418, called to the Privy Council of Henry VI, 1418; married Alice, daugh- ter of Sir Guy De La Spine. Their son, (24) William Tracy, sheriff of Gloucester, 1443, 1444, 1450, married Margaret, daughter of Sir John Pauncefort, by his first wife, ]\Iargaret Beau- champ, and had, (25) Henry Tracy, Esq., who married Alice, daughter of Thomas Baldington, Escj., of Alderly, and had, (26) Sir WilUam Tracy, sheriff of Gloucester, 1513, one of the first to embrace the Reformation, who married Margaret, daughter of Sir Thomas Throckmorton of Coss Court. His second son, (27) Richard Tracy of Stanway, sheriff of Gloucester in 1559, married Barbara, daughter of Thomas Lucy. (28) Nathaniel Tracy of Tewkesbury, their second son, had, (29) Lieut. Thomas Tracy, born at Tewkesbury in 1610, came to Salem, Mass., in 1636; went to Wethersfield, Conn., in 1637; removed to Say- brook; and from there to Norwich, in 1659-60. Lieut. Thomas Tracy came to America in the in- terests of his friends, Lord Say and Lord Brook, and settled in Salem in 1636, where land was granted him. He was a talented and active man and much interested in shipbuilding. He was one of the thirty-five original proprietors of Norwich in 1659, and was Representative of Norwich to the Legislature for twenty-seven sessions. In 1645 he and Thomas Leffingwell, with others, released Uncas, the sachem of the Mohegans, when he was be- His Ancestors and Descendants 113 sieged, and Uncas afterwards gave four hundred acres of land to Thomas Tracy and Thomas Leffingwell. Lieut. Thomas Tracy married (1) Mrs. Mason, widow of Edward Mason; (2) Martha, daughter of Thomas Bourne and widow of John Bradiford, in 1679. Thomas Tracy died November 7, 1685, and was buried in Norwich. Mary Tracy, his daughter, married Francis Griswold. She was a great-grandmother of the writer. ANCESTORS OF KATHARINE SNELL 301 SNELL Rudolph \ Johan Jost ^ Johan Jost ^ Frederick *. killed in the Battle of Oriskany, August 6, 1777; married Maria Herkimer. 305. Frederick Nicholas \ born October 13. 1774, in Lassells- ville, X. Y.: died July 7, 1844, in Mindenville, X. Y.; married, Xovember 19, 1798, in Lassellsville, X'. Y., EUzabeth Snell. 303. Levi", born January 10, 1811, in Lassellsville, X'^. Y. ; died in Fayetteville, X"^. Y.. October 22, 1886; mar- ried, in Lassellsville, X'. Y., Xovember 18, 1835, Lucinda Grouse. 302. Katharine', born in Mindenville, X. Y., December 11, 1837; married, June 18, 1862, in Fayetteville, X'. Y., Piatt Hiram Smith. 201. Rudolph ^ was a professor in a German L'niversity, the name at that time being "von Snellin.'' A tradition of the family is that three brothers came from Manheim, Germany, about 1755. One settled in Vermont, another in Tillebrough, Fulton County, X'. Y., and the third at Snell's Bush, Town of Manheim. Herkimer County, X. Y. Another tradition says Johan Jost ^ came in the "X'ep- tune " in 1754. A grant of 3,600 acres was made to Johan Jost^ Snell and Jacob Timmerman in 1755, in Herkimer County. It is recorded that there were nine sons of Johan Jost ^ Snell in the Battle of Oriskany and that seven were killed on that day. So far as the writer has been able to obtain them, the names of the sons of Johan Jost ^ who ched on that battlefield were Frederick, X'ich- olas, Suffrenus, Joseph, Jacob. George, and John. A son of George, named John, was also killed there. The story of this bloody Battle of Oriskany, gi\'ing full credit to these hardy pioneers, has never been written. It was 117 118 Jesse Smith made up of hand to hand struggles in a forest, or rather in a swamp. Of General Herkimer's force of about eiglit hundred Palatine farmers, barely one-half lived after that terrible three hours. It is recorded that four of the sons of Johan Jost Snell gave to the town seven acres of land for a church, and twelve acres for a school. The church and school are still in use on the propert^^ Frederick Nicholas ^ kept a tavern at State Road, about one mile from Lassells- ville, N. Y. His son, Volkert, married Elizabeth Klock; Christopher married Nancy Quackenbush; Hiram mar- ried Katherine E. Roof; Nancy married Marshall Warner; Elizabeth married Nicholas Miller; Gertrude married Frederick Erkenbreck; Maria married Henry Sponable; Katharine married Ransford Christv, and Levi married Lucinda Grouse. Frederick Nicholas ^ and his wife, Elizabeth, are both interred in the St. Johnsville, N. Y., Cemetery. His son, Levi *, was a grocer at Mindenville, N. Y., in 1834. He removed to Manlius Center, N. Y., in 1846, where he, in partnership with Jacob Grouse, his brother-in-law, con- ducted the firm of Snell & Grouse until 1850, when he re- moved to Fayetteville, N. Y., where he was in business for many years under the firm name of Snell & Smith, etc. He was director and vice-president of the National Bank of Fayetteville, N. Y., for man}- years, vmtil his death. He was a man of strict integrity and was greatly respected by his fellow citizens. He and his wife, Lucinda, were consistent members and regular attendants of the Fay- etteville Baptist Church during their residence in that village. They were also generous contributors to the church and its charities. They are revered to this day by many who were the recipients of their quiet and unos- tentatious charity. Their son, Oscar, born March 26, 1839. ched August 25, 1855; and their daughter, Ella Eugenia, who was born October 12, 1855, died February 15, 1863. All are interred in the Fayetteville Cemeterj'. Their daughter, Katharine, mother of the writer, is still living the same quiet. Christian life lived by her father and mother, at their former home, on the north side of Genesee street, a short distance east of Mill street. Fay- His Ancestors and Descendants 119 etteville, N. Y., where, on September 20, 1886, she took upon herself the care of her infant granddaughter, a motherless babe, one day old, and has brought her up to womanhood. 302 GROUSE Jacob ', born in Minden, Germany, in 1690; died in Fort Plain, N. Y., March 27, 1778; married in Fort Plain, N. Y., June 24, 1724, Katharine E. Nelhs. George -, born in Fort Plain, N. Y., August 5, 1740; died in Mindenville, N. Y., September 28, 1824; married^ in Fort Plain, May 21, 1765, Katharine Klock. 313. Jacob ^, born May 9, 1769; died July 13, 1819; married, January 4, 1794, Katharine Nellis. 307. George*, born in Mindenville, N. Y., August 29, 1795; died in Syracuse, N. Y., August 25, 1875; married Maria Diefendorf. 304. Lucinda^ born in Mindenville, N. Y., October 23, 1818; cUed in Fayetteville, N. Y., September 17. 1882; married, November 18, 1835, Levi Snell. 301. Jacob ' came from Minden, Saxony, in the spring of 1710, and settled in the town of Canajoharie, Trvon County, N. Y., now Fort Plain. See Number 801. ^He owned a large tract of land, from about the center of Fort Plain, running west. A part is still owned and occupied by his descendants. George ^ was in the Battle of Oris- kany, a private, Tryon County militia. Jacob ^ served at Sackett's Harbor as captain 11th Regiment (Rich's) from August 24, 1812, to February 24, 1813. George* also served at Sackett's Harbor. His commissions, signed by Governor Daniel D. Tompkins to George I. Crouse, as ensign. May 10, 1815, and lieutenant, April 17, 1816, both in the 138th N. Y. Infantry, are in the posses- sion of his grandson, Charles M. Crouse, of Syracuse, N. Y. The baptism of each of his children is recorded in the Dutch Reformed Church (Dominie Wach), Fort Plain, N. Y. He removed to Syracuse, N. Y., in 1859. His son, Jacob, married Ehza Mabie; Henry married Louise 120 Jesse Smith Ransford; Catherine married William H. Plank; Mary married James Boyd; Abram and Daniel died unmarried; Lucinda married Levi Snell. She was a grandmother of the writer. 303 SNELL — \ killed in the Battle of Oriskany; married Matice. Elizabeth ^, born October 13, 1775; died February 26, 1847, in Lassellsyille, N. Y., or Mindemdlle, N. Y.; married, Noyember 19, 1798, in Lassellsyille, N. Y., Frederick Nicholas Snell. 301. The writer regrets that he has been unable to cliscoyer the ancestors of Elizabeth. She was undoubtedly of the same family as her husband, but the connection has not been proved. She was a great-grandmother of the writer. 304 DIEFENDORF Henry \ killed in the Battle of Oriskanj^; married Henry ^ born in 1772; died February 18, 1834; married, in 1792, Maria Fox. Maria ^ born in 1793; died September 27, 1830; married George Grouse. 302. Henry ' was first lieutenant in Captain Elias Van Benschoten's company, 3d Regiment, N. Y. Line, Col. Peter Gansevoort, November 21, 1776; first lieutenant in Captain Joseph McCracken's company, 1st Regiment, N. Y. Line, Col. Goose Van Schaick, in Januar}', 1777; captain in Tryon County militia, Col. Nicholas Herki- mer, and killed in action at the Battle of Oriskany, Au- gust 6, 1777. His name is on the Oriskany Monument. Henry - married, second, August 21, 1797, Nancy Maria Lipe, who was born January 11, 1775. and died February 7, 1809. He married, third, July 4, 1814, Catherine Barbara Sanders. Maria ^ was a great --grandmother of the writer. His Ancestors axd Descendants 121 305 HERKIMER Johan Jost \ died in August, 1775; married . Maria ^ or Lana, married Nicholas Snell. 301. Johan Jost * was the father of General Nicholas Herki- mer, who was in command at the Battle of Oriskany. Maria (or she may have been called Lana) was a great ^- grandmother of the writer. 307 NELLIS Henry '. died at Frey's Bush, N. Y. ; married . George H. ^ Katharine ^ born November 18, 1770; died August 12, 1838; married, January 4, 1794, Jacob Grouse. 302. George H. - was colonel of the 138th Regiment of 11th Brigade (General Richard Dodge). See A. G. O. N. Y., April 13, 1812, and was afterwards made general. Kath- arine ^ was a great ^-grandmother of the writer. 313 KLOCK Katharine^, born January 10. 1742; died Julv 17, 1819; ^married. May 20, 1765, George Grouse. "^302. Katharine " was probably a descendant of a brother of Col. J. G. Klock, who was in the Battle of Oriskany. She was a great '-grandmother of the writer. ANCESTORS OF THOMAS JEFFERSON HALL 401 HALL Edward', died November 27, 1670; married Esther Samuel-, born October 24, 1656; died in 1733, in Enfield, Conn. ; married, April 7, 1686, Elizabeth Bourne. Ichabod \ married, June 25, 1730, Lois Kibbe. 409. Ebenezer*, born November 5, 1731, in Enfield, Conn.; married, in 1753, Anna Pease. 405. Isaac ^ born July 22, 1764; married Vashti Johnson. 403. Johnson*, born January 6, 1794, in Sheffield, Mass.; died October 27, 1870, in Syracuse, N. Y. ; married, December 6, 1818, Mary Andrews. 402. Thomas Jefferson', born April 6, 1831, in La Fayette, N. Y.; died March 17, 1871, in New Orleans, La.; married, June 2, 1850, in Syracuse, N. Y., Francesca Cleveland. 501. Ladye Love ^ born July 9, 1864, in Mt. Lebanon, La.; died September 20, 1886, in Fayetteville, N. Y.; married, February 19, 1885, in Syracuse, N. Y.,. L Bertrand Smith. 201. Edward ' came from England, in 1636, and settled in Salisbury, and removed to Rehoboth, Mass., in 1655. He served in the Narragansett Expedition in 1654. See Society of Colonial War's book; also "Hall Family Rec- ords," page 695; also History of Enfield. Ebenezer ' was in the Revolutionary War. He removed from En- field to Tyringham, Berkshire County, Mass., and thence to New Marlboro, Mass. Isaac * was also in the Revo- lutionary War. Johnson ° removed to La Fayette, N. Y., and was postmaster from the organization of La Fayette until his removal, in 1837, to Syracuse, Avhere he was supervisor for many years. He was a member of the Assembly, 1829-30; sheriff, 1831; and Judge, until 125 123 Jesse Smith his death. Thomas Jefferson^ served as a major in the Confederate army during the Civil War. 402 ANDREWS John', cUed June 25, 1679, in Boston, Mass.; married Hannah Jackson. 449. John^ born September 20, 1662, in Boston, Mass.; died June 25, 1742; married Ahce Shaw. 425. Samuel', born in 1694; died in 1756, in Dighton, Mass.; married Mary Pitts. Job *, born April 13, 1745; died in W^olford, Canada; mar- ried, in Johnsburg, N. Y., Hannah Baker. 407. Job^ born November 28, 1770; died September 22, 1835, in La Fayette, N. Y. ; married, July 17, 1792, in Easton, N. Y., Comfort Greene. 404. Mary', born June 24, 1798, in Easton, N. Y. ; died Sep- tember 28, 1854, in Syracuse, N. Y. ; married, De- cember 6, 1818, in La Fayette, N. Y., Johnson Hall. 401. John ' came from Wales and was hving in Boston in 1636. See Genealogy of the Andrews Family, by Lieut. George Andrews. John- removed to Bristol, R. L, in 1692; thence to Taunton, Mass., in 1701, where he was chairman of the Board of Selectmen for four years, dep- uty sherilT, etc. Samuel ^ was corporal in Capt. James Andrews' company of Col. Thatcher's regiment on the expecUtion to Crown Point, and was charged 40 shilhngs for losing his gun February 26, 1756. He died at Al- bany, N. Y., while in the service. Capt. James Andrews was his nephew. Job ^ removed in 1798 or 1799 to the township of Walford, Canada, where he cUed. Bible record of G. B. Andrews. Longwood, Wis. Job ^ Jr., hved in Easton, Washington County, N. Y., until 1806, when he removed to La Fayette, Onondaga County. Mary ° was a grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. His Ancestors and Descendants 127 403 JOHNSON jhn \ married, October 31, 1740, in Boston, Mass., Mary Strong. Jacob-, born August 17, 1741, in Boston, Mass.; died in 1794, in Shetfield. Mass.; married . Vashti^, born January" 27, 1766; died November 19, 1813; married Isaac Hall. 401. John' was aged 57, in ^larlboro, Mass., in Marcli, 1685-6 (Bond). Jacob's = will, dated March 4, 1794, proved in April, 1794, at Sheffield, Berkshire County, Mass., named, among others, his daughter Vashti Hall. Vashti was a great-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 404 GREENE John*, born February 9, 1596, in Dorset, England; died in January, 1659, in Warwick, R. I. ; married, Novem- ber 4, 1619, in St. Thomas' Church, Salisbury, Eng- land, to Joanne Tattersall. James-, baptised June 21, 1626. in Salisbury, England; died April 27, 1698, in Warwick. R. I.; married, August 3, 1665, in Warwick, R. I., Ehzabeth An- thony. 457. John ^ born September 30, 1685, in Warwick, R. I. ; died December 8, 1757; married February 16, 1709-10, Mary Allen. 429. James*, born March 14, 1712, in Warwick. R. I.; died in 1792; married, April 5, 1737, Mary Nichols. 415. Caleb ^, born in 1753, at Coventry, R. I.; died March 29, 1817, at Pompey, N. Y.; married, in 1773, in Rhode Island, Ehzabeth Moon. 408. Comfort ^ born }.Iay 25, 1776, in Dutchess County, N. Y., died March 17, 1825, in La Favette, N. Y.; married, July 17, 1792, in Easton, N. Y\, Job Andrews. 401. John ' was a surgeon, from England to Boston, Mass., in the "James" ship, 1635. He removed to Salem, Mass., and thence to Providence, R. I. He was the first doctor in Rhode Island; was Representative from War- 128 Jesse Smith wick in 1648; and magistrate in 1649. (See Greenes of Rhode Island, p. 52). James- came with his parents, in 1635. He was deputy and assistant in 1663. John^ was made freeman in May, 1708. Caleb ^ removed to Nine Partners, Dutchess County, N. Y. ; thence, after the Revolution, to Easton, N. Y. ; and, in 1806, to La Fayette,. N. Y. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Comfort " was a great-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 405 PEASE Robert \ born in 1607 in England; died in 1644 in Salem,. Mass. ; married, in England, to Marie . John-, born in 1630 in England; died July 8, 1689, in Enfield, Conn. ; married, December 8, 1669, in Salem, Mass., Ann Cummings. 437. Isaac ^ born July 15, 1672, in Salem, Mass.; died July 9, 1731, in Enfield, Conn.; married, June 9, 1691-2,. Mindwell Osborn. 419. Isaac ^ born May 2, 1693, in Enfield. Conn. ; died March 2, 1757; married, November 8, 1722, in Enfield, Conn., Amy French. 410. Ann ^, born Julv 13, 1735; married, in 1753, Ebenezer Hall. 401.^ Robert ' was probably son of Robert of Great Beddow, Essex County, England, and Margaret . He came to Boston from Ipswich, England, in April, 1634, in the "Francis," with his brother, John, and son, Robert. His wife, Marie, and others, came in a later ship. He joined the First Church at Salem, October 1, 1643. (See Pease Record, by Rev. David Pease). John - removed to Enfield about 1681. Isaac ^ was the first deacon of the Enfield Congregational Church. He was also an extensive land holder. Ann * was a great ^-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. His Ancestors and Descendants 129 407 BAKER William >. Hannah ^, born in 1747; died in Wolford, Canada; mar- ried, in Johnsburg, N. Y., Job Andrews. 402. Hannah- was a greats-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 408 MOON Ebenezer ', of Exeter, R. I. ; married . Ehzabeth ^, born in 1755, in Rhode Island; died February 6, 1828, in Pompey, N. Y.; married, in 1773, Caleb Green. 404. Elizabeth ^ was a great ^-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 409 KIBBE Edward \ married Deborah . Edward s, born in 1611, in Exeter, England; married Mary Partridge. EHsha^, born January 20, 1645; died April 3, 1735, in Enfield, Conn.; married, December 12, 1667, Rachel Cook. 435. John", born February 11, 1669-70, in Salem, Mass.; died in 1755, in Enfield, Conn. ; married, August 18, 1698, in Enfield, Conn., Hannah Phelps. 418. Lois^ born May 5, 1710; married, June 25, 1730, Ichabod Hall. 401. Edward ' was living in Exeter, Devonshire County, England, in 1611. Edward- came to New England in 1640 with his wife; was living in Boston, Mass., in 1643, and later at Muddy River (now Brookline, Mass.), where he and his wife are mentioned as contributors towards the erection of the church at Roxbury, Mass. His wife was a member of the First Church, Boston, Mass., and later of the church at Roxbury, Mass. Elisha ' lived in Salem, Mass., removed to Enfield, Conn., in 1682, and was one of the founders of that town. He W'as a large 130 Jesse Smith land owner. John's * will, probated August 5, 1755, gives personal estate, £3,200, and a large amount of real estate. Lois ^ was a great ^-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 410 FRENCH Thomas \ died August 8, 1680, in Ipswich, Mass. ; mar- ried Mary , John ^, married Phebe Keyes. 439. Richard % born August 18, 1676, in Topsfield, Mass. ; died March 13, 1757, in Enfield, Conn. ; married EUzabeth . Amy*, born May 6, 1700; married, November 8, 1722, Isaac Pease. 405. Thomas ' was called Ensign. John - resided in Tops- field, Mass. Amy * was a great ^-grandmother of Ladve L. Hall. 415 NICHOLS James ', of East Greenwich, R. I. ; married . Mary ^ married, April 5, 1737, James Greene. 404. Mary ^ was a great ^-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 418 PHELPS James \ born in England; married Dorothy . George-, born about 1606, in Tewksbury, England; died July 9, 1678; married, November 30, 1648, Frances Clark. Jacob', born in Windsor, Conn., Februarv 7, 1650; died October 6, 1689; married. May 2, 'l672, Dorothy Ingersoll. 436. Hannah*, born in Westfield, Mass., November 26, 1677; died in Enfield, Conn.; married, August 18, 1698, John Kibbe. 409. George ^ Phelps was brother of William and of John, who was one of the judges who signed the death warrant His Ancestors and Descendants 131 of Charles I. He was of Windsor, and formerly of Dor- chester; freeman in 1635. He came to New England in the "Mary and John," and landed at Hull, Mass. He left Plymouth, England, March 20, 1630, with his brother, William. Hannah was a great ^-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 419 OSBORN Johns died October 27, 1686; married, May 19, 1645, Anne Oldage. 475. John^ born January 10, 1646, in Windsor, Conn.; mar- ried, October 14, 1669, in Windsor, Conn., Abigail Eggleston. 438. MindwelP, born January 2, 1674; married, June 9, 1692, Isaac Pease. 405. John ' was of Welsh origin. He was an extensive land owner of East Windsor, Conn. John ^ was called Ser- geant. Mindwell ^ was a great ^-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 425 SHAW Abraham \ married Elizabeth Best. John ', married Alice Phillips. Alice S born July 6, 1666; died February 1, 1735; mar- ried John Andrews. 402. Abraham ' was of Weymouth, Mass. John ^ was a member of the Plymouth military company in 1643, and in King Phillip's War. Ahce ^ was a great ^-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 429 ALLEN Increase^ of Dartmouth, Mass.; married . Mary \ born May 29, 1689, in Dartmouth, Mass. ; mar- ried, February 16, 1709-10, John Greene. 404. Mary was a great ^-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 132 Jesse Smith 435 COOK Henry', born about 1615; died December 25, 1661, in Salem, Mass. ; married, June 16, 1639, Judith Burdsall. 470. Rachel^, born July 25, 1645; married, December 12, 1667. Elisha Kibbe. 409. Rachel was a great ^-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 436 INGERSOLL John \ died September 3, 1684; married, in 1651, Dorothy Lord. 472. Dorothy \ born in 1654, in Hartford, Conn. ; married, May 2, 1672, Jacob Phelps. 418. John ' was of Hartford, Conn. ; then of Northampton, 1655; then of Westfield, Mass., 1659. Dorothy- was a great ^-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 437 CUMMINGS Isaac \ married Mary Andrew. 474. Ann-, died June 29, 1689; married, December 8, 1669, John Pease. 405. Lsaac ' was of Topsfield, Mass., in 1638, where he was Deacon, Moderator, etc. Ann - was a great ^-grand- mother of Ladye L. Hall. 438 EGGLESTON Begat', born in 1590, in Exeter, England; died Septem- ber 1, 1674, in Windsor, Conn. ; married Mary Talcott. 476. AbigaiP, born June 12, 1648, in Windsor, Conn.; died July 30, 1689; married, October 14, 1669, John Osborn. 419. His Ancestors and Descendants 133 Begat ' came to Dorchester, Mass., in October, 1630, and was of Windsor, Conn., in 1635. Abigail ^ was a great- grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 439 KEYES Robert \ died July 12, 1647, at Newbury, Mass.; mar- ried vSarah . Phebe-, born June 17, 1639; died May 13, 1701; mar- ried John French. 410. Robert ' was of Salem, Mass. Phebe ^ was a great ^- grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 449 JACKSON Edmund \ married Martha . Hannah ^, born in March, 1636 ; married John Andrews. 402. Edmund ' was of Boston. See Soc. Col. Wars book. Hannah was a great ^-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 457 ANTHONY John \ died July 28, 1675, aged 68, in Portsmouth, R, I. ; married Susanna • . Elizabeth^, died in 1698; married, August 3, 1665, James Greene. 404. John^ came in the "Hercules" to New England, April 16, 1634, and settled in Portsmouth, R. I., where he was made corporal, commissioner and deputy. He was probably from Hampstead, near London, England. (See N. E. Reg., 1877, p. 416.) Elizabeth was a great ' - grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 13i Jesse Smith 470 BURDSALL Henry \ died in November, 1651, Judith-, died September 11, 1689, in Salem, Mass.; mar- ried, in June, 1639, Henry Cook. 435. Henry ' was made freeman in Salem in 1638. Judith ^' was a great "-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 472 LORD Thomas \, born about 1585; married, in 1610, in England,, Dorothy Bulkley. 477. Dorothy-, born in 1631; died in January, 1657; married, in 1651, John IngersoU. 436. Thomas' came in the "EUzabeth and Ann" in 1635. He was an original proprietor of Hartford, Conn. Doro- thy - was a great "^-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 474 ANDREW Robert \ died May 29, 1668, in Rowley, Mass. ; mai'ried Grace — ■ — . Mary -, married Isaac Cummings. 437. Robert ' was of Rowley and Topsfield, Mass. (See N. E. Reg., 1869, p. 11.) Mary - was a great-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 475 OLDAGE Richard \ died January 27, 1661, in Windsor, Conn.; married . Anne ^, died August 28, 1689; married, May 19, 1645-6, John Osborn. 419. Richard ^ was an early settler of Windsor, Conn. Anne - was a great ^-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. His Ancestors and Descendants 135 476 TALCOTT John ', died in 1604, in Braintree, England; married Anne Skinner. Mary ^, born in England; died December 8, 1657, in Windsor, Conn. ; married Begat Eggleston. 438. Mary ^ was a great '-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 477 BULKLEY Edward ', married Alaric Irlby. Dorothy =", born in 1589; died in 1669; married, in 1610, Thomas Lord. 472. Edward's * line of descent from Robert, Lord of Bulk- ley, 1175, may be found in the Bulkley Family, by F. W. Chapman, Hartford, 1875. Dorothy was a great '-grand- mother of Ladye L. Hall. ANCESTORS OF FRANCESCA CLEVELAND 501 CLEVELAND Moses', born about 1624; died January 9, 1702, in "\Vo- burn, Mass. ; married September 26, 1648, in Woburn, Mass., Ann Winn. 565. Josiah -, born February 26, 1667, in Woburn, Mass. ; died April 28, 1709, in Canterbury, Conn.; married, about 1689, in Chelmsford, Mass., Mary Bates. 533. Henry ^ born December 22, 1699, in Chelmsford, Mass.; died about 1779, in Mansfield, Conn.; married, March 19, 1718-19, in Canterbury, Conn., Lucy Fitch. 517. Wilham ^, born July 7, 1719; died in 1791, in Windsor, Conn. ; married Rachel Warren. 509. Jacob ^, born in 1750, in Canterbury, Conn.; died in Pompey, N. Y., after 1818; married Charity Parme- lee. 505. Philo ', born June 27, 1778; married, in Cherry Valley, N. Y., Hannah Miller. Perley Putnam ^, born January 26, 1807, in Pompey, N. Y. ; died in 1854, in Utica, N. Y. ; married, June 2, 1830, in Watervale, N. Y., Eliza E. Carr. 502. Francesca*, born September 27, 1831; died in Syracuse, N. Y., October 24, 1897; married, June 2, 1850, Thomas Jefferson Hall. 401. Moses ' came from Ipswich, England, 1635, to Boston. He was a soldier in King Phillip's War. Josiah ^ served in the Indian wars, 1688-9. Henry ^ was ensign, second company, Canterbury Train Band, 1739, and lieutenant of first company, Mansfield, 1745, and in the French wars. William * was a captain in the French and Indian wars, 1756-1763. He was a pioneer of Dalton, Mass., where he built the first mill, in 1760. Jacob ^ was a Bap- tist minister, in Salisbury, Conn., and Gal way, Ballston, and Pompey, N. Y. Philo ° was an artist and painter. (See Cleveland Genealogy.) Francesca •* was the mother of Ladye L. Hall. 139 140 Jesse Smith 502 CARR Benjamin', born August 18, 1592, in London, England; married, September 2, 1613, in London, England, Martha Hardington. Calebs born December 9, 1616, in London, England; died December 17, 1695; married Mercy Vaughan. John^ born about 1664, in Newport, R. I.; died in 1714; married Waite Easton. 549. Samuel \ born in 1694, in Newport. R. I. ; died there, June 19, 1739 ; married, in 1719, Mary Greene. 525. Caleb ^ born in 1720 in Newport, R. L; died December 30, 1783; married, November 15, 1741, Elizabeth Phillips. Caleb ^ born May 7, 1744, in Newport, R. L; died Feb- ruary 1, 1818, in Pompey, N. Y.; married j\Iargaret Adams, who died in Pompey, N. Y., December 23, 1831. James ^ born June 17, 1775, in Galway, N. Y. ; died May 10, 1832, in Watervale, N. Y.; married, in 1792, when 17 years of age, Hulda Colhns. 504. Elizabeth «, born December 23, 1812; died in April, 1855; married, June 2, 1830, Perley Putnam Cleveland. 501. Caleb = came to America on the "Elizabeth Ann," leaving London May 9, 1635. He was treasurer of the Colony at Newport, R. I., in 1661; Justice, 1687; and Governor of Rhode Island, 1695. and until he died. Caleb ^ was commissioned captain by Governor Samuel Ward, May 4, 1765. Caleb « was in the battle of Saratoga, 1777. James' was colonel of a regiment at Sackett's Harbor, 1812. (See Carr Family Record, by E. L Carr.) Elizabeth " was a grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 504 COLLINS James '. Huldah^, born in Syracuse, N. Y., September 19, 1775; His Ancestors and Descendants 141 died in Watervale, N. Y., November 10, 1853; mar- ried, in 1792, James Carr. 502. Hulda ^ was a great-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 505 PARMELEE John ', born in England; died November 8, 1659, in New Haven, Conn.; married Hannah . John ^, born in England in 1618; died in January, 1687; married, in February, 1658, in New Haven, Hannah Joel ^, born in 1675, in Guilford, Conn. ; died in July, 1748, in Durham, Conn.; married, June 30, 1705, in Guil- ford, Conn., Abigail Andrews. 537. John*, born September 22, 1709; married, November 24, 1730, in Wethersfield, Sarah Boardman. 519. Phineas *, born October 16, 1734; died September 6, 1808; married, November 15, 1759, in Saybrook, Conn., Prudence Southworth. Charity *, married Jacob Cleveland. 501. John ^ came in the first ship that ever anchored in the harbor of New Haven, 1639, with Rev. Henry Whitfield from Ockley, Surrey, England. He was made freeman at Guilford in 1649. John ^ came in the "EHzabeth and Ann," 1635, aged 20, four years before his father. He was a drummer in the Train Band. Charity * was a great --grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 509 WARREN Jacob ', married Sarah ■ — . Jacob ^, born July 13, 1691, in Plainfield, Conn. ; married Abigail Haines. 518. Rachel ^ born August 23, 1717, in Plainfield, Conn. ; died in Windsor, Conn.; married, in Plainfield, Conn., William Cleveland. 501. Jacob' was of Chelmsford, Mass., in 1674. RacheP was a great ^-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 142 Jesse Smith 517 FITCH Thomas^, born in 1590, in Essex, England; died in 1632, in Braintree, Mass.; married, August 8, 1611, Anna Pew. James ^, born December 24, 1622, in Bocldng, England; died November 18, 1702, in Lebanon, Conn.; mar- ried, in October, 1648, Abigail Whitfield. 567. James ^, born August 2, 1647, in Saybrook, Conn.; died November 10, 1727, in Canterbury, Conn.; married, May 8, 1687, Alice Bradford. 534. Lucy", married, March 19, 1719, Henry Cleveland. 501. James ^ was a chaplain in King Phillip's War. He founded Norwich, Conn., and was the first minister or- dained in Saybrook, in 1646. James ^ was Governor's Assistant from Norwich, Conn., 1681 to 1706; captain of militia, 1680; served in the Indian War and against the French, 1702; and was placed in command of all troops in New London County. He gave the glass and nails for the first buikUng erected by Yale University, and in 1701 gave that University 637 acres of land. Lucy and her husband, Henry, were admitted to the Canterbury Church, April 9, 1720. The record of their marriage is on page 121, Early Conn. Marriages, Vol. II. Lucy " was a great ^-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 518 HAINES Samuel \ Abigail ^ died July 5, 1722; married Jacob Warren. 509. Samuel ' was of Plainfield, Conn. Abigail ^ was a great "-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 519 BOARDMAN Samuel ', born in 1615, in England; died in April, 1673, in Wethersfield, Conn.; married, in Ipswich, Mass., Mary . His Ancestors and Descendants 143 Daniel \ born August 4, 1658, in Wethersfield, Conn. ; died there in 1724; married, June 8, 1683, in Wethers- field, Hannah Wright. 575. Richard ', born September 1, 1684, in Wethersfield, Conn.; married, March 11, 1707, Sarah Camp. 538. Sarah*, born June 13, 1708; married, November 24, 1730, John Parmelee. 505. Samuel ^ came from Ipswich, England, about 1637, was Deputy for many years, and Assistant in 1670. Richard ^ was ensign and lieutenant. Sarah * was a great ^-grand- mother of Ladye L. Hall. 525 GREENE John \ born February 9, 1596, in Dorset, England; died in January, 1659, in Warwick, R. I.; married, No- vember 4, 1619, Joanne Tattersall. James-, baptised June 21, 1626, in Salisbury, England; died April 27, 1698, in Warwick, R. I. ; married, Au- gust 3, 1665, Elizabeth Anthony. Peter*, born August 25, 1666, in Warwick, R. I.; drowned at Pawtucket Falls in 1708; married, February 12. 1695, Elizabeth Slocum. 550. Mary *, born April 6, 1697, in Warwick, R. I. ; died in 1745; married, in 1719, Samuel Carr. 502. The history of John ^ and James ^ will be found under No. 404. Peter* was made a freeman, April 30, 1687. Mary was a great * grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 533 BATES Edward \ died March 23, 1686, aged 81. John^, baptised January 23, 1643, in Boston, Mass.; married Mary . Mary*, born May 8, 1667; died July 20, 1743; married, about 1689, Josiah Cleveland. 501. Edward* came in the "Griffin," from Herts, England, in 1635, to Hingham, Mass. John = was of Chelmsford, Mass., in 1666, was made freeman in 1682, and died in 144 Jesse Smith 1716. He served in Capt. Thomas Wheeler's company, King PhilHp's War, 1675-6; also in Chelmsford Garrison, 1691-2. Mary ^ was a greats-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 534 BRADFORD William 1, born March 29, 1590, in Yorkshire, England; died May 19, 1657, in Plymouth, Mass.; married, August 14, 1623, in Plymouth, Mass., Alice Car- penter. 577. WilHam^ born June 17, 1624, in Plymouth, Mass.; died February 20, 1704; married, in 1652, Alice Richards. 568. Alice ^, married, May 8, 1687, James Fitch. 517. William ^ emigrated to Holland in 1608. He came to America in the "Mayflower," 1620, and was Governor of Plymouth Colony, April 21, 1621. William => was a major in the Indian War, and commander-in-chief of Plymouth forces in King Phillip's War. Alice ^ was a great '-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 537 ANDREWS Nathan ', of New Haven, Conn. AbigaiP, born in 1667; married, June 30, 1706, in Guil- ford, Conn., Joel Parmelee. 505. Abigail ^ was a great '-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 538 CAMP Edward \ died in 1659. Edward \ born in 1650 ; married Mehitable Smith. Sarah ^ married, March 11, 1707, Richard Boardman. 519. Edward' was of New Haven, Conn., in 1643. Ed- ward ^ was of Milford, Conn. Sarah was a great '-grand- mother of Ladye L. Hall. His Ancestors and Descendants 145 549 EASTON Nicholas \ born in 1593 in Herts County, England; died August 15, 1675, in Newport, R. I.; married in England. Peter ^, born in 1622 in England; died February 12, 1694, in Newport, R. I.; married, November 15, 1643, Ann Coggeshall. 576. Waited born November 5, 1668, in Newport, R. I.; died in August, 1725; married John Carr. 502. Nicholas ' left Southampton March 25, 1634, with his sons, Peter and John, and was of Newbury, Mass., in 1635, of Portsmouth, N. H.,in 1638, and of Newport, R. I., in 1639. He was President of Rhode Island in 1650; Deputy Governor from 1666 for six years, and Governor, 1672-3-4. Peter = was Deputy, 1666-1671- 1677; General Treasurer, 1672; Attorney General, 1674 and 1676. Waite ^ was a gTeat ^-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 550 SLOCUM Giles ', died in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1682; married, in 1637-1641, Joan . Ebenezer^, born January 25, 1650; married Mary Thurs- ton. Elizabeth^, born January 1, 1677; died June 5, 1728; married, Februarj^ 12, 1695, Peter Greene. 525. Giles ' was a Quaker, and a first settler of Portsmouth and Jamestown, R. I. He was from Somersetshire, England. Ebenezer - was speaker of the House of Depu- ties, a Deputy for fifteen years, and is buried in James- town, R. I. Elizabeth ^ was a great '-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 565 WINN Edward \ died September 5, 1682; married Joanna 146 Jesse Smith Ann ^ born in 1626; died before May 6, 1682; married, September 26, 1648, in Woburn, Mass., Moses Cleveland. 501. Edward ^ was probabl}^ from Wales. Ann - was a greats-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 567 WHITFIELD Henry \ born about 1597, in England; married Dorothy SheafTe. AbigaiP, died September 9, 1659, in Saybrook. Conn.; married, in October, 1648, James Fitch. 517. Henr}^ ' had a church in Ockham, Surrey, England, for twenty years. He came to New England with Governor Eaton, in July, 1637, and settled at Guilford, Conn. Abigail - was a great "-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 568 • RICHARDS Thomas ', born in England about 1590; married Welthean Alice ^ died December 12, 1671; married, in 1652, William Bradford. 534. Thomas ^ was of Weymouth, Mass. See Cleveland Gen. and Soc. Col. Wars book. Alice- was a greats- grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 575 WRIGHT Thomas \ born in England. Samuel-, born in 1634; died in February, 1690; married, September 29, 1659, Mary Butler. 578. Hannah \ died February 25, 1746; married, June 8, 1683, Daniel Boardman. 519. Thomas ' came from England to Wethersfield in 1639. Samuel - was sergeant at Wethersfield. Hannah was a great ^-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. His Ancestors and Descendants 147 576 COGGESHALL John', born in 1591; died November 27, 1647; married Mary . Ann ^, born in 1626; died March 6, 1687; married, Novem- ber 15, 1643, Peter Easton. 549. John ' was Deputy, 1634-7, and President of the Col- ony, 1647. He came from Essex, England, in the "Lion" arriving at Boston, September 16, 1632. Ann - was a great ^-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 577 CARPENTER Alexander ', born in England. Ahce^ died March 26, 1670; married, August 14, 1623, Governor William Bradford. 534. Alexander ^ came from Wrentham, England, in the "Ann" in 1623. Alice- was a greats-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. 578 BUTLER Richard', born in England; died in 1684; married Eliza- beth Bigelow. Mary ^, married, September 29, 1659, Samuel Wright. 575. Richard' came to Cambridge, Mass., in 1632, and re- moved thence to Hartford, Conn., with Hooker, where he was one of the original proprietors, deacon of the church for many years, and Representative to the Gen- eral Court. (See Salisbury Genealogies, Vol. I., p. 246.) Mary - was a great ^-grandmother of Ladye L. Hall. ANCESTORS OF DWIGHT WELLlNGTOiN RECTOR 601 RECTOR Henry \ Matthew =, died before June 20, 1883, aged about 80; married Susan Maconiber. 602. Dwight Wellington \ born September 15, 1826, in Du- anesburg, N. Y. ; died in East Troy, Wisconsin; married Almira Beebe. 701. Florence Eugene \ born in Milwaukee, Wis. ; ma,rried, at 35 McDonough street, Brooklyn, N. Y., December 10, 1896, L Bertrand Smith. 201. The father of Matthew came to America from Ger- many. No further record has been found. Matthew lived in Duanesburg, N. Y., and later purchased a farm near Esperance, N. Y. Dwight Wellington was a physician. His early life was spent near his home town until he went to Albany, N. Y., to study medicine. He graduated from the medical college at that place in 1852. Shortly after graduation he removed to Milwaukee, Wis., where for five years he practiced his profession. He then removed to Mukwonago, Wis., continuing his practice until the out- break of the Civil War, when he volunteered as a surgeon until the end of the war, when he resumed practice at East Troy, Wis. Besides Florence Eugene, he had one daughter, Anna Mary, born August 15, 1855, died in Waukesha, Wis., June 28, 1891; married, in Brooklyn, N. Y., November 30, 1882, to Adolph Frederick Estberg of Waukesha, Wis. They had two children, born in Waukesha, Howard Claes, born September 8, 1883, and Florence Helen, born April 3, 1887. Mr. Estberg after- wards married Florence Cass, November 7, 1900. Florence Eugene * resided with her stepfather, Howard M. Smith, until her marriage, in 1896, to his nephew, the writer, in whose home she has made herself invaluable. A perfect wife, a perfect mother, what greater tribute can be paid? 151 152 Jesse Smith 602 MACOMBER Samuel, married Elizabeth. Susan, married Matthew Rector. 601. No record of this family has been obtained by the writer. That Samuel was the father of Susan is not proven as yet. Susan was a grandmother of Florence Eugene Rector. ANCESTORS OF ALMIRA BEEBE 701 BEEBE John, 1 born in Great Addington, England, in 1600; died at sea, in 1650; married, in England, Rebecca Samuel", born in Broughton, England, June 23, 1633; died in Plum Island, N. Y., in 1712; married Mary Keeney. 733. Thomas^, born in New London in 1680; died in Haddam, Conn.; married, December 17, 1707, Anna Hobson. Edward \ married, in Saybrook, Conn., September 15, 1737 (See 810), Hannah Pratt. 709. Thomas*, born in Saybrook, Conn., September 7, 1743; died in Albany, N. Y., February 24, 1792 (See 811); married, in Guilderland, N. Y., June 27, 1767, Olive Hall. 705. Thomas Williams ^ born in Saybrook, Conn.. October 7, 1769 (See 812) ; died in Guilderland, N. Y., June 18, 1848; married Ellen S. Van Patten. 703. Jacob', born in Guilderland, N. Y., November 9, 1811; died in Waukesha, Wis., March 29, 1885; married, in Guilderland, N. Y., January 28, 1832, Anna Hamm. 702. Almira\ born in Guilderland, N. Y. ; married, first, D wight W. Rector. 601. John ^ died on shipboard and was buried at sea while on his way to America. His will, filed in Vol. 2, State Records, Hartford, Conn., is reprinted in the New England Register, Vol. 57, page 50, October, 1903. SamueP owned a large part of Plum Island, Long Island Sound. Thomas * was ensign in Captain Hall's 6th company of Col. Witbeck's 7th Regiment, Albany County militia, and captured a British musket at the battle of Bunker Hill which is still in possession of the family. Jacob ' was an architect at Albany, N. Y., and later a farmer near Racine, 155 156 Jesse Smith Wis. (1855-6), and Vernon, Wis. He removed to Wau- kesha, Wis., in 1875. Almira * was the mother of Florence E. Rector. She married, secondly, Howard M. Smith, whose record will be found in the first part of this book. 702 HAMM Caspar \ married, October 31, 1721, Anna Leych. Peter-, born in 1729; died September 1, 1807; married. May 27, 1768, Maria Mitchell, who died January 21, 1805. Caspar^, baptised December 27, 1771; died in Schodack, N. Y., October 25, 1824; married, January 10, 1796, Mary Curtis. 704. Anna*, born in Schodack, N. Y., March 8, 1806; died in Brooklyn, N. Y., November 10, 1890; married, in Guilderland, N. Y., January 28, 1832, Jacob Beebe. 701. Anna * was a grandmother of Florence E. Rector. 703 VAN PATTEN Claas Frederickse \ born in Holland, May 30, 1641 ; died October 3, 1728; married Aeffie Brett. 741. Nicholas^, born April 6, 1690; married Rebecca Groot. 721. Nicholas 3, born December 16, 1716, in Schenectady, N. Y.; married, September 19, 1744, Sarah Clement. 711. Nicholas ^ born September 23, 1745; married, December 19, 1768, in Rensselaerwvck, N. Y., Margareta Ecker. Ellen S. ^ born August 16,' 1775; died April 14, 1869; married Thomas Williams Beebe. 701. Claas' came to Schenectady, N. Y., in 1664. See American Ancestry, Vol. II, 1887, Columbia County. He was justice of the peace, Schenectady, 1699. See Pearson's Early Settlers of Schenectady, N. Y. His de- scendants are eligible to the St. Nicholas, Holland and Colonial Wars Societies. Nicholas ^ was a soldier in the His Ancestous and Descendants 157 Revolutionary War, as was also his son, Nicholas \ Ellen S. % the mother of thirteen children, was in perfect health at the time of her death, aged 94 years. She was a great-grandmother of Florence E. Rector. 704 CURTIS Caleb*, born about 1703; died in Sharon, Conn., Novem- ber 20, 1777; married Jemima . DanieP, born May 15, 1735; died July 18, 1817; married, January 7, 1762, in Sharon, Conn., Abiel Hanchett, born June 15, 1740; died July 19, 1822. Mary^ born in Sharon, Conn., September 26-28, 1772; died in Schodack, N. Y., April 5, 1827; married January 10, 1796, Caspar Hamm. 702. Caleb * was an original proprietor and settler of Sharon, Conn. See "Births, Deaths and Marriages in Sharon, Conn.," page 30, etc. Mary ^ was a great-grandmother of Florence E. Rector. 705 HALL Gilbert ', of Kent, England. Francis-, born in England in 1608; died in 1690; mar- ried, in England, Elizabeth . Isaac \ born in Kent, England, in 1629 ; died in Fairfield, Conn., in 1714; married, in 1660, Lydia Knapp. Isaac ^, born in September, 1665; died in August, 1757 or 1767, in Reading, Conn.; married Sarah Ann Joshua ^ born in Fairfield, Conn., in September, 1703; died in Reading, Conn., in October, 1789; married, in 1738, Sarah Burgess. Olive «, born March 24, 1747; died in 1843; married, June 29, 1767, Thomas Beebe. 701. Francis ^ came to America with his brother, William, with the Rev. Henry Whitfield, and founded Fairfield, Conn., in 1640. Isaac ^ was an eminent surgeon in the 15S Jesse Smith Colonial Wars. Joshua ^ was a captain in the Revolu- tionary War. See Hall Family Records, page 711. After the book was printed it was ascertained that Olive was the daughter of Joshua, page 74. Olive ' was a great ^-grandmother of Florence E. Rector. 709 PRATT Thomas', died in Hertfordshire, England, in 1539; mar- ried Joan . Andrew -, born in Baldock, England. WilUam ^, baptised in Baldock, England, in October, 1582; married Elizabeth . William ^, born in Baldock in 1622; died in Saybrook, Conn., in 1678; married Elizabeth Clark. 769. John\ born in Saybrook, Conn., February 20, 1644; died in July, 1726; married, June 8, 1668, Sarah Jones. 735. John*, born September 5, 1671; died in Guilford, Conn., in 1744; married, November 20, 1697, Hannah Williams. Hannah', born January 19, 1718; married, in Saybrook, September 15, 1737, Edward Beebe. 701. William ^ was rector of the Parish of Stevenage, Hert- fordshire, December 6, 1598, and for thirty years. Will- iam* is supposed to have come with Rev. Thomas Hooker to Cambridge, Mass., in 1633, and to Hartford, Conn., in June, 1636. He was lieutenant of Saybrook forces under Mason in the Pequot War; Deputy, 1666, et seq. ; Council of War, 1642. John ^ was called Ser- geant in Saybrook Town Records. Hannah " was a great ^- grandmother of Florence E. Rector. 711 CLEMENT Jan. ' Pieter \ Johannes ^ born July 31, 1681, in New Utrecht, N. Y.; married, July 28, 1721, Anna Veeder, daughter of Arent. His Ancestors axd Descendants 159 Sarah ^, born July 26, 1724; married, September 19, 1744, Nicholas Van Patten. 703. Jan ' came from Holland to America in 1665. vSarah was a great ^-grandmother of Florence E. Rector. 721 GROOT Symon Symonse ', married Rebecca Du Trieux. 783. Symon Symonse ', married Geertrug Rinckhout. Rebecca^, baptised in Albany, N. Y., July 3, 1692; mar- ried Nicholas Van Patten. 703. Symon Symonse ' came to New Netherlands in the ser- vice of the West India Co., as boatswain of the ship "Prince Maurice." He bought a house in New Nether- lands (New York) in 1645, but soon after went to Bever- wyck (All)any), and to Schenectady in 1662-3, where he lived on the north side of Union street, one hundred feet west of Church street. He was a first settler of Schenec- tady. Rebecca ^ was a great ^-grandmother of Florence E. Rector. 733 KEENEY William ', married Agnes . Mary-, born in 1640; married Samuel Beebe. 701. Mary ^ was a great ^-grandmother of Florence E. Rector, 735 JONES Thomas', died before March 10, 1655; married Mary Sarah -, born in Guilford, Conn. ; married, June 8, 1668, John Pratt. 709. Thomas ' came with Mr. Whitfield and was one of the pioneer settlers of Guilford, Conn. Sarah ^ was a great- grandmother of Florence E. Rector. 160 Jesse Smith 741 BRETT Arent Andriese ', died in 1662; married Catalena De Vos. 782. Aeffie -, born in 1649; died January 23, 1728; married Claas Frederiekse ^'an Patten. 703. Arent Andriese ' came to Schenectady, N. Y., in 1662, He was one of the first proprietors of Schenectady, by purchase from the Dutch West India Co. His name is recorded on the bronze tablet of the Dutch church, corner of Union and Church streets, Schenectady, N. Y. Aeffie ^ was a great '-grandmother of Florence E. Rector. 769 CLARKE John', born in Essex County, England; died in 1673 in Milford, Conn. Elizabeth^, born in 1623 in England; married Lieut. William Pratt. 709. John * was in the Pecjuot War and was Deputy for many years. He came with Rev. Thomas Hooker to Cambridge, Mass., in 1632. EUzabeth ^ was a great *- grandmother of Florence E. Rector. 782 DE VOS Andries '. Catalena-, cUed July 23, 1728; married Arent A. Brett. 741. Andries * was Acting Indian Commissioner in " Nieuw Netherland" in 1648. See Colonial Dames book, 1901. Catalena ^ was a great "-grandmother of Florence E. Rector. His Ancestors and Descendants 161 783 DU TRIEUX Philip *, born in 1585; married Susanna De Scheene. Rebecca^, married Symon Symonse Groot. 721. Philip • was a first settler of Manhattan Island in 1623. See N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Record, 1882, page 144; also Sahsbury Genealogies, page 462. Rebecca ^ was a great '- grandmother of Florence E. Rector. CROUSE AND BEEBE RECORDS GROUSE 801 Jacob Grouse was born in 1690 in Germany; died March 27, 1778, in Fort Plain, N. Y. ; married, June 24, 1724, in Fort Plain, N. Y., Katharine Ehzabeth Nellis, who died March 30, 1754. Jacob came from Saxony in the spring of 1710, probably from near Min- den-on-Rhine. He settled in the town of Ganajoharie, Tryon Gounty, N. Y., now Fort Plain. He owned a large tract of land from about the center of Fort Plain running west, a part of which is still occupied and owned by his descendants. He wrote his name "Krauss." See Number 302. Ghildren: i John Jacob, born June 6. 1725. ii Maria Elizabeth, born September 21, 1728. iii Maria Margeretha, born September 15, 1731. iv Johann Jost, born October 21, 1733; died October 3, 1749. V Robert, born September 25, 1736, killed in the battle of Oriskany. 802 vi George, born August 5, 1740; died September 28, 1824; married. May 21, 1765, Katherine Klock. vii Gatherine, born March 28, 1744. viii Anna, born December 14, 1746. 802 George Grouse, son of Jacob Grouse and Kath- arine Elizabeth Nellis, was born August 5, 1740, in Fort Plain, N. Y.; died September 28, 1824, in Mindenville, N. Y. ; is buried in Sandy Hill Gemetery, between Fort Plain and Mindenville; married. May 21, 1765, in Fort Plain, N. Y., Katherine Klock, who was born January 10, 1742, and died July 17, 1819. She was probably a descendant of a brother of Gol. J. G. Klock, who was in the battle of Oriskany. George Grouse served as a 1G5 166 Jesse Smith private, in the Tryon County Militia, in the battle of Oriskany, August 6, 1777. Children : 803 i Jacob, born May 9, 1769; died July 13, 1819; married, January 4, 1794, Katherine Nellis. ii George, born January 8, 1780; married Nancy Rosenkrantz Grouse, a daughter of General Rosenkrantz. iii Robert, born June 18, 1783; died July 21, 1840; married Nancy Rosenkrantz. iv Henry, born January 11, 1787; died February 14, 1864; married Kate . V Katherine, married General George H. Nellis. vi Marv, married Herman Vedder. 803 Jacob Grouse, son of George Grouse and Kath- arine Klock, was born May 9, 1769, in Montgomery County, N. Y. ; died July 13, 1819; married, January 4, 1794, Katherine Nelhs, born November 18. 1770, died August 12, 1838. Jacob served at Sackett's Harbor, in 1815, as captain in the 11th Regiment (Richard's). Gliildren : i Jonas, born August 4, 1794; died August 4, 1794. 804 ii George I., born August 27-29, 1795; died August 26, 1875; married Maria Diefendorf. iii Dora, born May 16, 1797; died May 16, 1797. iv Elizabeth, born April 8, 1798; married Simon Driesbach. V Henry I., born November 16, 1799; died March 25, 1870; married Polly Zoller. vi John, born June 4, 1802; died June 25, 1889; married, June 16, 1831, Catherine White, vii Abraham, born September 29, 1803; died February 6, 1823. viii Daniel, born April 29, 1805; died September 28, 1877; married, August 4, 1833, G. Jane Beecher. ix Jonas, born September 29 1806; died May 10, 1807. His Ancestors and Descendants 167 X James, born March 13, 1808; died March 29, 1858; married Laura M. Beecher. xi Mariah, born June 12, 1809; died August 16, 1850; married George Brown. ^ xii Robert Nellis, born June 13, 1812; died in September, 1813. 804 George I. Grouse, son of Jacob Grouse and Kath- arine NelHs, was born August 29, 1795, in ^lindenville, N. Y. ; died August 25, 1875, in Syracuse, N. Y. ; and married, in Fort Plain, N. Y., Maria Diefendorf, daughter of Henry Diefendorf, born in 1793, died September 27, 1830. (See also Number 302.) Children: i Catherine, died August 28, 1876, aged 60 years; married, in 1843-5, William H. Plank, ii Lucinda, born October 23, 1818; died September 17, 1882; married, November 18, 1835, Levi Snell. 301. iii Mary, born in 1821; died April 11, 1887; married, in 1853, James Boyd, who died November 13, 1870, aged 53. iv Jacob, born October 22, 1824; died November 1, 1900, in Svracuse, N. Y. ; married, January 19, 1853, EHza Mabie. v Henry, born October 15, 1825; died in Memphis, N. Y., September 8, 1902; married, in December, 1852, Louise Ransford. vi Abram, born March 15, 1828; died June 15, 1852. vii Daniel, born January 28, 1830; died August 28, 1830. BEEBE 810 Edward Beebe married, in Saybrook, Conn., September 15, 1737, Hannah Pratt, daughter of John Pratt, Jr., and Hannah WilUams, born January 19, 1718. (See also 701.) Children : i Edward, born September 3, 1738. ii John, born March 20, 1741. 168 Jesse Smith 811 iii Thomas T., born September 7, 1743; died February 24, 1792; married Olive Hall. iv Hannah, born July 4, 1746. V Samuel, born July 15, 1749; died February 27, 1750. vi Samuel, born February 15, 1752. 811 Thomas T. Beebe, son of Edward Beebe and Hannah Pratt, was born September 7, 1743, in Saybrook, Conn.; died February 24, 1792, near Albany, N. Y.; in- terred in Voorheesville, N. Y. ; married, June 29, 1767, Olive Hall, daughter of Captain Joshua Hall, born March 27, 1747, died in 1843. Children : i Hannah, born July 18. 1768; married Abram Freyda. 812 ii Thomas Williams, born October 7, 1769; married Ellen Van Patten, iii Gilbert, born March 13, 1772; married Mary Truax. iv Mary, born July 30, 1773; married Nicholas Smith. V Elizabeth, born March 12, 1775. vi John, born November 18, 1776; died January 14, 1851; married, February 14, 1798, Jane Abbott, vii Joseph, born February 23, 1778; died Septem- ber 2, 1864; married Lydia Leroy. viii Abij ah, born April 5,1779; married Anna La Grange, ix Sarah, born September 7, 1781. X Hulda, born November 29, 1782; married, first, Robert Carlisle; second. John CroUus. xi William Samuel, born April 14, 1787; married Hannah Townsend. xii Joshua Hall, born July 16, 1789; married Lu- cinda Belknap. 812 Thomas Williams Beebe, son of Thomas T. Beebe and Olive Hall, was born October 7, 1769, in Say- brook, Conn. ; died June 18, 1848, in Guilderland, N. Y. ; His Ancestors and Descendants 169 married Ellen S. Van Patten, daughter of Nicholas Van Patten, born August 16, 1775; died April 14, 1869, in Guilderland, N. Y. Children: i Thomas T., born July 13, 1793; died April 22, 1876; married, first, Phila Amelia Wood; second, Maria Van Zant. ii' Nicholas, born March 24, 1796; died April 21, 1879; married Elizabeth Passage, iii Elizabeth, born June 9, 1798; died July 11, 1874; married George Passage, iv Sarah, born September 9, 1800; married Zachariah Smith. V Margaret, born February 6, 1803; died July 29, 1849; married Benjamin Van Aernam. vi Peter, born August 2, 1805; died March 13, 1890; married Abiel Hamm. vii John T., born August 29, 1807; died April 21, 1886; married, July 11, 1827, Mary Ann Chase, viii Hulda, born November 17, 1809; died November 16, 1902; married, first, Richard Fryer; second, Jacob H. Van Aernam. ix Jacob, born November 9, 1811; died March 29, 1885; married, Januarv 28, 1832, Anna Hamm, (See 701.) X William, born July 28, 1814; died December 27, 1907; married Cynthia Chesebro. xi Ellen Susanna, born December 22, 1816; married Elisha Carhart. xii Joshua Hall, born February 4, 1819; married, first, Eliza M. Hallenbeck; second, Lydia A. Maxwell, xiii Henry T., born April 29, 1821; married Jane Ann Mesick. .s. INDEX INDEX OF PERSONS Abbott, Jane, 16S. Adams, Anna, -1.5, 60 Daniel, 92, 99. George, 92. Margaret, 140. Rosanna, 'S7. Tlioma.s, .37, 92, 97. Ursula, 36, 37, 41-44, 91, 92 Adgate, Sarah, 100, 104. Thomas, 104, 107. Aldrich, Alexander Snnth, 41, 53 72 Amanda, 41. Amelia, 41. Anna, 41. .-^sa, 38, 41, 53, 54. Carl Milton, 54, 73. Charles, 41, 53, 73. Edmond Theodore, 74 Ella May, 72. Emma Genevieve, 72. Emma Lucetta, 53, 72, 82 Frances Enfield, 73. Frances M., 54, 73. George, 41. Glen Tackett, 73. Haskell Griffin, 53, 72. James Smith, 53. John, 42, 54, 73. Jud.son Roe, 53, 72. Katharine Marie, 74. Lucetta, 41. Liita, 54. Oliver Smith, 53. Ralph Johnston, 73. Rebecca, 41, 53, 72. Simeon, 41. Alfred, the great. 111. Allen, Increase, 131. Mary, 127, 131. Andrews, Abigail, 141, 144 George, 126. G. B., 126. James, 126. Job, 126, 127, 129. John, 126, 131, 133. Mary, 125, 126, 132, 134 ' Nathan, 144. Robert, 134. Samuel, 126. Annin, Maria G., 71. Anson, Julia Harriet, 39, 46 62 Leonard, 36, 39, 46. Anthony, Elizabeth, 127, 1,33 143 John, 133. Arbough, Perry, 69. Armstrong, Augustus Tremain, 50 67. Collin, 50, 67. David, 50. Donald, 67. Armstrong, Ethan, 40, .50, 67 Ethan Hamilton, 50. (ieneva, 10, .50. Hamilton, 67. -Margaret, 67. Merwin, 67. .•Arnold, Benedict, 41. Hannah, 41. Arrowsmith, Thomas, 35. Atkinson, Ethel May, 54, 73 John S., 73. Atwood, David, 28. Austin, William, .58. Avery, Allen Henry, 42, 54 74 Harry, 54. Mary Jane, 54, 74. Backus, Mary, 101, 107 William, 107, 110 Bagley, Olive, 41, 53, 73 Baker, Anne, 52. Hannah, 126, 129 William, 129. Baldwin, E. B., 78. Bangs. Edward. 101, 105 Lydia, 96, 101. Baret, Chri.'-topher, 100 Margaret, 100. Barnes, Thomas, 15. Barnett, Harriette A., 52 69 John, 69. Bartlett, Delancey, 77. Bass, Hannah, 95, 98, 99 John, 98. Samuel, 98. Thomas, 98, 105 Bates, Edward, 143 John, 143. Mary, 139, 143. Beauchamp, Elizabeth, 99 Becket, Thomas a. 111 Beebe, Abijah, 168. Alrnira, 43, 57, 77, 87, 151, 155, 15o. Edward, 155, 158. 167, 168 Elizabetli, 168, 169. Ellen Susanna, 169 Gilbert, 168. Hannah, 168. Henry T., 169. Hulda, 168, 169 Jacob, 155, 156, 169 John, 155, 167, 168. John T., 169. Jo,seph, 168. Jo.shua Hall, 168, 169 Mary, 168. Margaret, 169. Nicholas, 169 Peter, 169. Samuel, 155, 159, 168. 174 Index Beebe, Sarah, 168, 169. Thomas, 155. 157. Thomas T., 16S, 169. Thomas Wilharas, 155, 156, 16S. WiUiam, 169. Wilham Samuel, 16S. Beecher. C. .lane. 166. Laura M.. 167. Bedeh, Esther, 55. Belden, .James, 32. Thomas. .32. Belknap. Colonel, 42. Lucinda, 16S. Bell, Alfred Carroll, 60. Alice. 60. Amanda. 60. Caroline, 44, 59. Charles, 60. Emma, 60. Francis H., 60. John W., 45, 60. Jonathan. 44. Joseoh, 39, 44, 59-61. Julia Ann. 44, 59, 79. Lvdia Amelia, 45. Marion C, 60. Mary Goodrich, 60. Miriam E., 45, 60. Owen, 60. Samuel R.. 45. 60. Sarah J., 45, 61. Washington, 45, 60. William, 60. Bemis, James, 103. Sarah, 102. 103. Best, Elizabeth, 131. Bevier, Philip Dubois. 35. Bigelow, Dana W., 6S. Daniel, 79. Elizabeth, 147. Ella P., 59, 79. Horace. 51, 6S. Bingham, Lucy, 40. ' Bladglev, Sam., 35. Blakley. Arthur, 62. Cyrene H., 46, 62. Blanchard, Charles T., 56, 76. Isaac Munro, 77. Joel Edwin, 77. Orlow D., 76. Orlow D'Nasau, 77. Boardman, Daniel, 143, 146. George B., 65. Richard, 143, 144. Samuel. 142, 143. Sarah 141, 143. Sarah B., 49, 65. Bond. Mary, 26. Bonner, Marguerite, 6S. Borchert, Elizabeth, 63. Bostwick, .\lbert J., 51, 69, SO. Ida AUela. 69. 80. William C, 69. Bourne. Elizabeth, 125. Martha, 113. Thomas, 113. Bowen, Sarah, 104. Boyd, James, 120, 167. Bradford, Alice, 142. 144. Governor, 31, 109. John, 113. Wilham, 144. 146, 147. Bradstreet. Colonel. 35. Brett, Aeffie, 156, 160. Arent Andriese, 160. Emma, 81. Brewster, Lvman D.. 110. Patience, 31, 106. 107. William. 31. 96, 107, 108. 110. Brockwav, Charles T., 82. Jennie E., 76, 82. Brook, Lord, 112. Brown. George, 167. Mary. 67. Philomelia. 70. Bulkier, Dorothy, 134, 135. Edward, 135. Burchard, Agnes L., 53, 71. Irene. 52. Martha Irene, 71. Seneca B.. 71. Burdsall. Henrv, 134. Judith, 132, 134. Burgess. Sarah. 157. Burroughs, Emma J.. 45, 60. R. B.. 60. Burt. Henrv, 106. Sarah. 94. 106. Butler. Marv, 146. 147. Richard. 117. Buttolph, David, 97. John. 97. 103. Martha, 92, 97. Thomas, 97, 110. Cady, Mary, 63. Cahoon. , 25. Cain, Marie B., 72. Cameron, Joseph E., 66. Louise H.. 49, 66. Camp. Edward, 144. Sarah, 143, 144. Capen, Bernard, 110. Susan, 106. 110. Capet, Hugh, 111. Carhart, Elisha, 169. Carlisle, Robert, 168. Carpenter, .\bigail, 56. .Alexander, 147. Alice, 144, 147. Gabriel. 32. Carr, Benjamin, 140. Caleb, 140. E. I., 140. Elizabeth. 140. EUza E., 139. James, 140, 141. John, 140, 145. Samuel, 140, 143. Case, Emma, 64. George, 40, 48, 63, 64. John, 48. Stella, 63. easier, Cora Belle. 75. Florence Philena, 75. Flovd C, 82. George C, 82. Index 175 Casler, George M., 82. George S., 75. Mildred ("., 82. Mira Smitli, 75. Myron, 55. 75, 82. Oti.s Myron, 75, 82. Cass, Florence, 151. Caulkins, Annin Reed, 71. Daniel Burchard, 72. Daniel Douglas, 41, 52, 71. Edward Burchard, 71. Edward Dana, 72. Edward Douglas, 52, 71. Eunice Irene, 71. Francis Douglas. 71. Francis Reed, 52, 71. Irene Elizabeth, 72. Julia Elizabeth, 52, 71. Thomas \'assar, 53, 71, 72. Chandler, Lydia, 96. Chapman. F. \V., 135. Polly. 54. Charlemagne, Emperor, 111. Charles, John, 110. King, 131. Sarah, 107. 110. Cha.se, Marv Ann. 169. Chesehro. Cynthia, 169. Christy, Ransford, IIS. Clark. ,\rtluir Lee, 64. Dorothy, 64. Douglas. 64. Edna, 64. Edward Lee, 48, 64. Elizabeth, 158, 160. Esther, 64. Frances. 130. Frederick Holley, 64. George Case, 64. Harry, 64. Hazel, 64. John, 160. Olive. 51, 52. Clayton, B. T., 78. Clement, Jan, 158. 159. Johannes, 158. Pieter, 158. Sarah. 156, 158, 159. Cleveland. Francesca, 77, 87, 125, 139. Grover, 56. Henry, 139, 142. Jacob. 139, 141. Joanna, 94. Josiah, 139, 143. Moses, 139, 146. Perlev Putnam, 139, 140. Philo, 139. William, 139, 141. Clinton, Charles, 35. Clum, Ida. 62. Cobb, Elnathan, 38, 43. Cody, Mary, 48, 63. Coggeshall, \'.u\, 145, 147. John, 147. Cogswell. Sarah, 48. Cohenour, J. E., 54, 73. Marjorie Lucile, 73. Cole, Eliza, 69. Emma M., 51, 69, 81. Reynolds, 69. Collin, .-Vuna Smith, 40, 50, 67, 68. Caroline. 40, 43, 64, 65. Charles Lee, 49, 66. Clara Park, 49, 65. 66. David, 38, 40-50, 65, 66. David Francis, 50. Edmund, 40. Edward, 49, 65. Edwarda, 66. Harriet te, 40, 49, 50. 66. Harriette Beebee, 66. Huldah, 140, 141. James, 140. James Lee, 44. Lee, 39, 44. Lucy Bingham, 40, 49, 65. Margaret Evans, 66. Martha Hurd, 66. Mary Louise, 49, 65. Miriam. 40, 49, 50, 67. Pauline, 65. Roswell Park. 49. Sara Louise, 66. William Taylor, 49, 66. Zaide Louise, 66. Conwav, Edwin S., 83. Sybil Sara, 76, 83. Cook, 'Henry, 132, 134. Rachel* 129, 132. Cooper, .\nn, 44. Corbet, Eliza, 48. Corse, Isaac, 35. Crampton. Ada Belle, 75, 82. George. 82. Crane, Benjamin, 101, 107. John. 101. Jonathan, 101, 105. Sarah, 95, 101. Crolius, John, 168. Grouse. .Abraham, 66. Abram, 120, 167. .Anna, 165. Catherine, 120, 165, 167. Charles M. 119. Daniel, 120, 166, 167. Dora, 166. Elizabeth, 166. George, 119-121, 165-167. Henry, 119, 166, 167. Jacob, 118-121, 165-167. James, 167. Johan Jost, 165. John, 166. John Jacob, 165. Jonas, 166. Katharine. 166. Lucinda, 56, 117-120, 167. Maria, 167. Maria Elizabeth, 165. Maria Margaretha, 165. Mary, 120, 166, 167. Robert, 165, 166. Robert Nellis, 167. Cummings, Ann, 128, 132. Isaac, 132, 134. 176 Index Curtis, Caleb. 157. Daniel, 157. Mary. 156. 157. Mary .lane, GS. CushiuK, Daniel. 15, 16. Daggett. SherilT, 58. Dakin, Ann Eliza, 52. C. Erne.st, 70, 82. Charles C, 52, 69. Clarence. 70. D. Frank, 70, 81. Dewilt C. 41, 51, 52, 69-71. Dorothy, 81. Dorothy P., 70. Edna Sheldon, 71. Emma Jane, 52, 70. Florence H., 71. Francis W., 52, 71. Freddie, 70. Frank Douglass, 81. Harriette C, 52. Hervey, 70. Howard. 70. Jacob. 51, 52. James R., 52. 70. 81, 82. Jennie R., 70. 81. Mary Elizabeth, 52. Maude A., 69. Raymond, 70. Robert. 70. Royal B.. 70. Dean, lilmma R., 5.'^, 72. Silas Wrifcht, 72. Stephen, 25. Susanna, 25. De Born, Hawis, 111. De Mantes, , 111. De Rasiere, , 109. De Scheene. Susanna. 161. De Sudely, ■ , 111. De Trac'v, Henry. 111. Devin, Colonel, 58. De Vos, Andries. 160. Catalena, 160. Devvev, Louise, 167. Diefendorf, Henry, 120. 167. Maria, 119, 120, 166, 167. Doane, Joseph, 29. Dodge. Richard. 121. Doolittle, Edward, 60. James B., 44, 60. Julia, 67. Driesbach, Simon, 166. Dubois, Louis, 35. Peter. 35. Dunham, Irene, 71. Du Trieux, Phillip, 161. Rebecca. 159. 161. Easton, John, 145. Nicholas, 145. Peter, 145, 147. Waite, 140, 145. Ecker, Margareta, 156. Edgar, the Peaceable, 111. Edmund, King, 111. Edward, the Confessor, 111. the Elder, 111. Egbert, King, 110. Eggleston, Abigail, 131-133. Annie E.. 70. Begat. 132, 1.33, 135. David, 70. Emily. 70. Hamilton, 41, 53. Olivia, 71. Rosalia, 52, 70, 81, 82. Sandford, 52, 70. Erkenbreck. Frederick, 118. Estberg, -Adolph Frederick, 151. Howard Claes. 151. Florence Helen. 151. Ethelred. the Unready, 111. Ethelwiilf, King. 111. Fairchilds, Lvdia, 60. Fairfield. Joan, 93, 95, 106. .John, 106. Farrington. Amy, 70, 81. David S.. 81. Fenton, Lewis, 80. Mary Louise. 67, 80. Fiala, Anthonv, 78. Fitch, Eleanoro B., 51, 68. James, 142, 144, 146. Lucy, 139, 142. Thomas. 142. Fox, Maria, 120. Freeman, .Vbigail. 25. Edmund. 31, 99. 102. John, 31, 99, 106. Samuel. 30. Sarah, 31. 96, 99. French. Amy. 128, 130. John, 130. 133. Richard, 130. Thomas. 130. Freyda, Abram, 168. Fry, Elizabeth Ellen, 74. Fryer. Richard, 169. Fuller, Elizabeth, 97, 104. Robert. 104. Gansevoort. Peter. 120. Gardner. Anna, 48. Caroline, 48, 64. Ednumd. 48. George, 103. George B.. 65. Hannah. 97, 103. Helen, 65. Miriam, 48. Sarah, 48. Sylvester, 40, 48, 64. Sylvester Cogswell, 48. 64, 65. William, 49, 65. Gere, Mary Elizabeth, 84. Gillett, Sarah L., 49, 66. Grant, General, 58, 59. Greene. .A.gnes, 110. Caleb, 127-129. Comfort, 126, 127. James, 127-130, 133, 134. John, 127, 131. 143. Mary, 140, 143. Peter, 143, 145. Gregory, Elnathan, 33. Ephraim. 34, 94, 96, 97. Henry, 94. Index 177 Gregory. John, 94, 106. Joseph, Xi. JiKlali, 94, 102. Lydia, .'34, 01. 94. Mercy, 90, 97. Russell, -.i.i. Timothy, li:). Griffin. .Tenisha. 't'i. Griswold, Deborah. 101, 105. Edward, 102, 10,5. Franeis, 10,>, 110, 11,3. Geor,<;e, 102, 105. Sarah, 90, 102. Groce. Abiiiaii, 26. Marv, 26. Simon, 26. Greet, Rebecca, 156, 159. Symon Symonse, 159, 161. Grus, Mr., 18. Hackwell. Richard, 99. Haines, Abigail, 141, 142. Samuel, 142. Hale, Charles Brockway, 83. Elizabeth, .50, 67. Francis Edwin, 76, 82, 83. Frank P., 56, 75, 82. Hanmer H., 75. William S., 67. Hall, Captain, 155. Ebenezer, 125, 128. Edward, 125. Francis, 157. Gilbert, 157. Ichabod, 125, 129. Isaac, 125, 127, 157. .Johnson, 125, 126. Joshua, 157, 158, 168. Ladye Love, 57, 91, 125-147. Olive, 155, 157, 158, 168. Samuel, 125. Thomas Jefferson, 77, 87, 125, 126, 139. Vashti, 127. Widow, 32. William, 157. Hallenbeck. Eliza M., 169. Hamilton. Daniel, 25. Hamm, Abiel, 169. Anna, 57, 155, 156, 169. Caspar, 156, 157. Peter. 156. Hammond, William, 51, 69. Hanchett, Abiel, 157. Hand, Clara, 66. Elias, 35. Hobart, 66. Niles C, 66. Niles H., 49, 65. Theodore F., 65. Harding, Ann, 97, 110. John, 110. Hardington, Martha, 140. Hardy, Richard, 100, 103. Ruth, 91, 100. Harmon, Nellie A., 53, 72, 82. Oliver, .53, 72. Hartwell, Sally, 39. Hatch, Grace, 23. Mabel, 49. Thomas, 23. Hemmingway, Huldah, 62. Herkimer, General, 117, 120, 121. Johan .lost, 121. Lana, 121. Maria, 117, 121. Hess, Ijconard, 67. Hewlett, Richard, 35. Hibbard. A. G.. 93. Lydia, 93, 95, 96. Nathaniel, 95, 96, 98, 101. Robert, 92-95, 98, 100, 104, 106. Ruth, 42, 92-94. Sarah, 44. Zebulon, 05, 96. Hicks, John, 105. Lydia, 101, 105, lOG. Robert, 105. Sir Ellis, 105. Thomas, 105. Higgins, Benjamin, 31, 96, 99, 101. Richard, 31, 06. Sarah, 30, 31, 91, 96. Hildreth Mfg. Co., 77, 79. Hill, Mary Jane, 76. Hoag, A(la. 50. Hobart, Edward, 16. Josias, 23. Peter, 17, 18. Thomas, 16. Hobson, Ann, 155. Hollenbeck, Eleanor E., 61, 80. Martines W., 80. Holley, Caroline, 47. Frederick, 40, 47, 63. Myron, 47. Newman, 47. Sarah, 47. Holling, Maria Sophia, 80. Hooker, Thomas, 158, 160. Hopkins, Con.stance, 25. Gyles, 24. Mary, 24, 25. Stephen, 24, 25. Horton, Caroline F., 45, 60. Goodrich, 60. Hotchkiss, Abigail, .33. Howard, Alenia S., 45, 61. Wil.son, 61. Howes, Thomas, 26. Howland, Abigail, 26. Hoyt, Hannah, 94, 102. Simon, 102. Walter, 102. Hubbard, Olive, 41. William H., 51. Hubbell, William H.. 69. Hughson, , 33. Hull, Delia, 54. Humphrey, William, 35. Huntington, Christopher, 100, 101, 104, 107. Katharine, 68. Marv, 104. Ruth, 97, 100, 101. Simon, 100. I/O Index Hurd, Da\id Noble, 50, 66. Susie Noble, 66. Zairie L., 66. Hiisted, .A.iin, 100, 103. Robert, 10.3. Inger.soll, Dorothy, 130, 132. John, 132, 134. Martlia Janiiette, 82. Irlby, Alaric. 13.5. Ives, Amanda, 61. Roma, 46. Schuyler, 39, 46. Jackson, Edmund, 133. Esther, 49. Hannah, 126, 133. Jacob. Nicholas, 16. Jeuks, Mary Jane, 40, 47, 63. John, King, 111. Johnson, Jacob, 127. Jere, .Ir., 77. John, 127. Vashti, 125, 127. Johnslon, Mary J., 41, 54, 73. Milton. 64. Jones, Sarah, 15S, 159. Thomas, 159. Judson, Clarissa, 45. June, Julia Rosaline, 79. Keeney, Mary, 155, 159. VViliiam, 159. Kelly, Mary, 40, 47, 62. Pa! rick, 47. Kent, Moss. 32. Keyes, Phebe, 1.30, 133. Robert, 133. Kibbe, Edward, 129. Elisha, 129, 132. John, 129, 130. Lois, 125, 129, 130. Ivliig, .John, 95. Mercy, 92, 95. Samuel, 95. Klanman, , 71. Klock, Elizabeth. 118. J. G., 121, 165. Katharine, 119, 121, 165, 166. Knapp. Edwina, 56, 76, 83, 84. Kannah Pliilena, 43, 55, 56, 75. Henry J., 77. Jennie, 56. 76. Joel, 4-i, 55. Joe! Edwin, 43, 55, 76, 82. Lydia Perry, 56, 76, 83, 157. Mary Electa, 56, 75, 82. Sara Mead, 56. Knapp, ^mith & Co., 56. Kniblce, Eberezer, 33. Kraus, Anna L., 51, 68. Charles A., 68. Krimminger. Mary C, 6S. La Grange, Anna, 168. Landon, Fitch, 71. Francis, 52, 71. Larkin, Mary C, 74. Lasher. Annie E., 51, 69. Friend, 51. George Reed, 51, 69, 81. Mabel, 69, 81. Lasher, Maude, 69, 81. Samuel, 41, 51, 69. Sara Eunice, 51, 69, 80. Lashlee, Blanche E., 73, 82. Claude Harmon, 73. Horace B., 53, 73, 82. June Rebecca, 73. Ralph A., 73. Lathrop, Barnabas, 25. Barthua, 25. Mary, 38. 44. Lawson, Benjamin Hoxvard, 80. Charles Farwell. 67, 80. Seward Noble, 80. Margaret, 80. Lee, Mary, 64. LefHn?well. Thomas, 112, 113. Leland, Alice J.. 47. Celia Rachel, 46, 62. Cephas Arthur, 47. Horace L., 46, 62. Lucius M., 46. Marshall \V., 30, 46, 62. Leroy, Lydia, 168. Lewis, Amelia, 51. Leych, Anna, 156. Lincoln, Solomon, 16. Thomas, 16. Linskev, Luella, 47, 62. Patrick. 62. Linton, Clarence B., 73, 82. Horace, 82. Lipe, Nancy Maria. 120. Locey, Sally A.. 7.3. Long, John D., 15, Lord, Dorothy, 132, 134. Thomas, "134, 135. Lowe, Victoria R., 76, 83. Wiiliard R., 83. Lumpkin, Thoraasine, 102. Lupas, Hugh, 111. Mabie, Eliza, U9, 167. Mack, Katharine, 82. Macomber, Samuel, 152. Suj-an, 151. 152. Madison, Lillian. 51, 68. William, 6S. Martin. John, 16. Merab E., 72. Sarah, 61, 62. Marvin, Edward, 107. Mary, 104, 107. Matthew. 107. Marx, Barbara, 84. Mason, Edward, 113. Mrs., 113. Matice, . 120. Matthews, Jared, 62. Jared Smith, 62. Levi, 45, 62. Nellie May. 62. Winfred Romaine, 62. Mattoon, Curtis, 61. Gladys Evelyn, 80. Ransom A., 45, 61, 80. Roma R., 61, 80. Maxwell, Lydia A., 169. May, Sarah", 74. Index 179 Maynard, Abner, 74. Albert H.. 54. 74. Mayo, .Johanna, 30. John, 102. Mary, .'^O. Rebecca, 28, 29. Samuel, ao, 102. Sarali, 99, 102. Theopliilns, :'.0. McCracken, Joseph, 120. Mclntyre, Catherine Rebecca, 74. Arthur Lylc, 74. McMiirray, Sally. 61. McNeilly, Mary M., 72. Mead, Alice, 42. Electa, :iS, 44. Job, 42, 92, 'So. 9.5. John, 91, 100, 103. John A. Mfe. Co., 79. John King, 95. Marv, .'iS, 42, 54, 55. 57, 91, 92. Nathan, 44, 92. Sarah, 38, 42. Spencer P., 92. William, 32. Meech, Betsey, 49. Merrici-:, Ruth, 99. William, 99. Mertens, Johanna D., 63. Karl, 63. Merwi'i, Anna, 50, 67. Seth T., 67. Mesick, Jane Ann, 169. Miller, Charles i''., S2. Hannah, 139. Maud, 70. Nicholas, 118. Mitchell, Maria 156. Moore, Francis Marion, 81. Harold, 81. Paul Reed, 81. S. James, 69, 81. Moon, Ebenezer, 129. Elizabeth, 127, 129. Morgan, Benjamin, 32. Elizabeth, 65. Morton, , 18. Moulter, David, 75. Oliver Whitford, 55, 75. Mulligan, .lohn, 47. Munro, Conway, 84. David, 56. David Allen, 43, 66, 76, 83. Edwin Knapp, 76, 84. Edwina Reed, 84. Fayette Smith, 76, 83. Genevieve, 83. Isaac H., 50, 76, 83, 84. James, 83. John Willoughby, 83. Lucia, 84. Marv Jane, 76, 84. Phillip Allen, 76, 83. Willard Lowe, 83. Munson, Arminda, 38, 42, 54. Ebenezer, 33, 42. Eugene M., 73. Leslie, 73. Munson, Lydia, 33. Myron E., 54, 73. Olive Marie, 73. Samuel, 33. Thomas, 33. Murray, Harriet, 73. Myrick, Isaac, 29. Jose[)h, 29. Neale, Elizabeth, 98. Neels, Joseph, 26. Ne,?UK, Catherine, 75. Nellis, Coorge H. 121, 166. Henry, 121. Katherine, 119, 121, 166, 167. Katherine E., 119, 165. Nichols. James, 130. Mary, 127, 130. Nickerson, , 33. ' Noble, Anna Lucile, SO. Anna Seward. 67, 80. Best wick Roberts, 50, 67, 80. Charles, 67, 80. Nathan Seward, 67. Ogden, Captain, 35. Oine, Elizabeth, 103. Oldage, Anne, 131, 134. Richard, 134. Olin, Sarah, 82. Oriie, Captain, 57. Osborn. Elizabeth. .iO, 46. ,Iolin, 131, 132, 134. Mind well, 128, 131. Samuel, 30. William, 46. Ostrom, Jacob, 42. Lydia, 42. Zebulon, 38, 42. Paine, Cirace A., 52, 70. Josiah, 31. Martin, 70. Thomaf, 30. Park, Avery, 49. Clara, 40, 49, 65, G6. Parmelee, Charity, 139, 141. Joel, 141, 144. John, 141, 143. Phineas, 141. Parsons, Albert, 45. Carroll, 61. (iurdon H., 45, 61. Laura A., 39, 45, 61, 62. Partridge, Mary, 129. Passage, Elizabeth, 169. George, 169. Pease, Ann, 125, 128. David, 128. Isaac, 128, 130, 131. .John, 128, 132. Robert, 128. Peck, Ophelia, 67. Penn, Mary K., 53, 72. Worden P.. 72. Perlee, Henry, 42. Perry, Eli, 39, 44. Pew, Anna, 142. Phelps, George, 130. Hannah, 129, 130. Jacob, 130. 132. 180 Index Phelps, James, 130. John, l.?0. Mary. 92, 99, 100. Samuel, 99. 100. 102. William, 99, 130. Phillips, , 33. Alice. 131. Daniel. ;53. * Elizabeth, i40. James, 10, 33. Pierson, Caroline Emma, 65. Frederick Theodore, 48, 64. Herbert Varney, 65. Horace Huntington, 64. Nelson, 61. Robert Hamilton, 64. Sara Gardner. 65. Wallace NeLson, 65. Pinnev, Nathaniel, 103. Pitcher, Antoinette, 40, 48, 63, 64. Bryant H.. 48, 63. Caroline, 40. Edward M., 47. Elizabeth, 48. Emeline, 40, 47, 63. Estella Jennie, 63. Florence, 63. Frank G., 47, 62. Frederick, 48, 63. George M.. 48. Gerard, 36, 40, 47, 48. Jennie, 63. John, 40, 47, 62. John Frank, 63. John Smith, 48. Myron, 40, 47, 63. Robert A., 63. Smith K., 47. Pitts, Mary, 126. Plaisted, Lydia, S3. Plank, William H., 120, 107. Pool, Rebecca, 60. Porter, Betsey, 75. Mabel, 48, 63. Potter, Hannah. 91, 103. W'illiam, 103. Pratt, Andrew, 158. Hannah, 155. 158. 167, 168. John, 1.58, 159, 167. Thomas, 158. William, 158, 160. Prence, Mercy. 31, 99, 106. Thomas, 31, 106, 107. Quackenbush, Nancy, 118. Ransford, Louise, 119. 120, 167. Rector, Anna Mary, 151. Dwight Wellington, 77, 87, 151, 155. Florence Eugene, 57, 77, 78, 91, 151, 152, 156, 161. Henry, 151. Matthew, 151, 152. Redfield, Florence, 49, 65. Reed, Ann Eliza. 41, 52, 70, 71. Emily, 41, 51, 09. Ethel, 41. Florence, 76, 84. Iram C. 84. Reed, James, 36, 41, 51, 52. Jane, 41. Julia, 41, 52, 71. Marv, 41, 51. 69, 70, 93, 100. Reynolds, Albert P., 45, 61. Caroline, 39. Elias J., 39, 46. Ida M., 45, 62. James, 39. Lydia Ann, 39, 45, 61. Marguerite, 46. Miriam, 39, 45, 46. Miriam L.. 45, 61, 80. Romain J., 45. Rosalia E.. 45, 62. Sally, 39, 44, 59-61. Samuel, 36, 39, 44-46. Samuel J., 46. Samuel Warren, 39, 46. Smith Ephraim, 39, 45, 61, 62. William, 46. Rich, Colonel, 119. Richards, Alice, 144, 146. Colonel. 166. Thomas, 146. Rinckhout, Gertrug, 159. Robb, Herman O., 79. John, 59. Nelson B., 44, 59, 79. Osmar W., 59, 79. Roberts, Marcia, 67. Robertson, Anna, 47, 63. Horatio, 63. Robinson. Beverly, 32. Colonel, 58. Rockwell, Ruth. 100. 107. Wilham, 106, 110. Roe, Jeduthan, 53. Julia, 41, 53, 72. Rogers, Hannah, 26. Sarah. 83. Roof, Katharine E., 118. Rosenkrantz, General, 166. Nancy, 166. Rundel, Mary, 36, 37. Rusk, , 59. Addie S., 45. 61. Albert Reynolds, 62. Hazel May. 62. James. 61. 62. Laura Addie, 62. William J., 45, 62. Ryan, Catherine. 47. Sanders, Catherine Barbara, 120. Say. Lord, 112. Schick. Christopher, 72, 82. Herman, 82. Schofieid, Sarah A., 81. Seely, Ebenezer, 35. Seward, Anna, 50. Elizabeth Dudley, 50. Harriet te Collin, 50. Lucy, 50. 66, 80. Nathan, 40, 50, 66. Sharp. Katharine, 83. Shaw, Abraham, 131. Alice, 126, 131. John, 131. Index 181 Sheaffe, Dorothy. 146. Sherman. Fannie. 46. Sherwood, Duane, 74. Edward Duane. 74. Henry Francis, 74. Ida, 55, 75. John Larkin, 74. Mabel Florence, 74. Matthew, 75. Sill, Jo.seph. 73. Skinner, Anne, 1.35. Slocum, Ebenezer. 145. Elizabeth, 143, 145. Giles, 145. Smith, Abigail, 26. Alexander, 54. Ambrose, 9, 10. 38, 42, 54-57, 91, 92. .\mbrose Edward, 43, 55, 75. Anna, 10, 36, 40, 43, 48-50, 54, 74. Arthur Knapp, 55. Bethia, 25. Betsey Edwina. 75. Carrie, 61. Carroll Frederick, 75. Charles Hiram, 43. Chloe .Ann. 55. 75. Content, 26. Daniel, 24, 26. David, 25, 28-30, 33. Deane, 25. Deborah, 23-25. Edwin Lewis, 55. Electa Reynolds, 43, 56. Elijah, 33, 36, 37. Elizabeth, 24-26, 33, 34. Ephraim, 10, 36, 37, 39, 40. i:seck D., 45, 61. Eunice. 31, 33, 36, 40, 51, 52. Francis Wayland, 55, 74. Frederick Knapp. 55. Florence Elizabeth, 55, 74. Grace, 23. 25. Hannah, 26. Harry Howard, 57, 79. Helen Camilla, 75. Hiram A., 38, 44. Howard Malcolm, 5, 43, 57, 59, 79, 91, 151, 156. Howard Piatt, 59. Isaac, 30, 33. Isabelle Carrie, 55, 75. James, 25, 26, 3S, 44. James Henrv, 43, 54, 74. James Phillips, 9, 36-38, 41-44, 91, 93. Jane Amanda, 42, 54, 74. Jerusha, 31, 33. Jesse, 9, 10, 27, 29-38. 42, S4, 76, 91, 94, 96. Joel, 36. John. 24-26, 37. Jonathan, 28-30. Joseph, 25, 26. Julia Rosaline, 79. Ladye Katharine, 5, 79, 91. Smith, L Bertrand, 9, 10, 57, 77, 91, 93, 125, 151. Lydia, 26, 29, 33, 34, 36-.39, 44-46. Mary, 2.5-28, 37, 43, 55, 75, 76. Mary Philena, 55. Mehitable, 144. Mercy, 25, 38, 41, 53, 54. Mildred Tod(t 79. Miriam. 36. Nathaniel, 26. Nicholas, 168. Peter, 61. Phebe, 38, 42. Piatt Hiram. 9, 43, 56, 57, 77, 79, 87, 91, 117. Piatt Howard, 79. Polly, 36, 39, 47, 48. Priscilla, 10, 30, 33. Rachel, 36, 39, 46. Ralph, 9, 15, 16, 2.3-30, 34, 36. 37. 91. Rebecca, 26, 30. Ruth, 30, 33. Samuel, 2.3-25, 27. Sarah, 25, 26, 30, 31. 33, 96. Seth, 25, 26. Stanley Sherwood, 75. Stephen, 25. . Thomas, 9. 10, 24, 26-30, 34, 36, 37, 91. Ursula, 38, 43. Ursula Idalene, 75. WilHam M., 42. Williams, 26. Zachariah, 169. Snell, , 120. Christopher. 118. Elizabeth, 117, US, 120. Ella Eugenia, 118. • Frederick, 117. Frederick Nicholas, 117, 120. George, 117. Gertrude, 118. Hiram, 118. Jacob, 117. Johan Jost, 117, 118. John, 117. Joseph, 117. Katharine, 43, 56. 77, 79. 87, 91, 117, 118. Levi, 56, 117-120, 167. Lucinda, 118. Maria, 118. Nancy, 118. Nicholas, 117, 121. Oscar, US. Rudolph. 117. Suffrenus, 117. Volkert. 118. Snell and Croupe, 118. Snell and Smith, 56, 77, 118. Snow, Bethia, 25. Jo.'ieph. 27. Nicholas. 25. Stephen, 25. Southworth, Prudence, 141. 182 Index Sparrow, Jonathan, 30. Sponable, Henry, 118. Standish, Mercy, 98. Myles, 98. Stiles, Sally, 47. Stimpson, Ephraim, 45. Julia, 46. Sylvester, .39, 45, 61. Stockholm, Derick B., 38. Strong, Mary, 127. Surname unknown. Abigail, 96. Agnes, 159. Amy, 79. .'Sknna, 98. Deborah, 129. Doiothv, 130. Elizabeth, 73, SO, 103, 107, 157. Ellen, 82. Emma, 82. Esther, 125. Hannah, 141. Helen E., 80. •Jemima, 157. Joan, 145, 158. Joanna, 145. Kate, 166. Margaret, 102, 105, 107. Martha, 92. Mary, 26, 73, 97, 107, 142, 159. Rebecca, 95, 97, 155. Rosanna, 92. Sarah, 26, 133, 141. Sarah Ann, 157. Susanna, 133. Welthean. 146. Zelina Marie, 74. Sweet, Sara A., 39, 46. Tackett, Corinne May, 54, 73. William J., 73. Taft, Antoinette. ,50, 67. Talcott, Mary, 135. John, 135. Tanquary, Alfred Henry, 74. Helen Rebecca, 74. Tate, Elizabeth, 25. Tatter.sall, Joanne, 127, 143. Temple-Hancock, Jane E., 64. Thatcher, Colonel, 126. Thurston, David, 36. Joel, 36. John, 36. Marv, 145. Mariana, 36, 39-41. Thomas, 36. Timmerman, Jacob, 117. Todd, Millie R., 57, 79. William Elliot, 79. Tompkins, Daniel D., 119. George M., 71. Harriet, 52, 71. Marietta, 76. Sarah Ann, 60. Townsend, Hannah, 168. , 111, 112. Tracy, Andrew, 33. Henry, 112. Mary, 105, 110, 113. Tracy, Nathaniel, 112. Richard, 112. Thomas, 110, 112, 113. William, 112. Treat, Samuel. 30. Tremain, Charles, 49. Florence Augusta, 65. Porter, 40, 49, 65. Trowbridge, Florence E., 76. Mary, S3. Mary Smith, 76. Milo, 76. Samuel C, 56, 76, 83. rruax, Mary, 16S. Tucker, Elizabeth, 51, 67. Hervey, 67. Uncas, sachem, 112, 113. Usher, Anna Emma. 72, 82. Luke, 53, 72, S2. Noble Luke, 72. Van Loan, Amanda. 61. Van Aernam, Benjamin, 169. Jacob n., 16. Van Benschoten, Elias, 120. Van Patten, Claas Prederickse,' 156, 160. Nicholas, 156, 157, 159, 169. Ellen S., 155-157, 168, 169. Van Schaick, Goo.se, 120. Van Zant, Maria, 169. Vaughan, Mercy, 1-10. Vedder, Herman, 166. Veeder, Anna, 158. Arent, 15S. Wach, Dominie, 110. Walden, Edward, 104. Marv. 93, 95, 104. Walsh, Hamilton, 70, SI. James Edwin, 81. J. J., 81. Raymond, H., 81. Warner, tirace hi., 76. Marshall, lis. Ward, Samuel. MO. Warren, Jacob, 141. 142. Rachel, 139, 141. Wat kins, Florence Lydia, 83. Frederick H., S3. Howard Smith, 83. Leon Albert, S3. Watson, 83. Wells, Anna Sophia, 51, 68. Dana Huntington, 51, 61. David Collin, 51, 68. James, 51. John Huntington, 68. John Lewis, 51, 68. Marguerite F., 68. Paul Alfred, CS. Paul Irving, 51, 68. Ralph Horace, 68. Ruth, 68. Samuel J., 40, 51, 68. Samuel, 68. Westlake, Lenore, 51, 68. Wheeler, Miner\a, 63. Thomas, 144. Wheelock, Eleazer, 97, 98, 104. Index 183 Wheelock, Kalph, 97, 9S, 101. Ruth, 07, 9S, 104. White, Catherhie, 166. Whitehead, ."Amanda, 69. WHiitfieifl, .Abigail, 142, 146. Heiirv, 141, 146, 157, 159. Whitney, Cora, 80. Edwin, G9, 80. Ethel, 80. Mvron, 80. William, 102. Wilder, Delia, 68. Wildiiian, Abraham, 96. ,rohn, 94, 96. Mercj% 96. Wilkinson, Su.san, 44. Will, Frederick, 84. Philip, 76, 84. Willard, Major, 93. Williams, Hannah, 24, 25, 158, 168. Thomas, 25. Wilson, Nannie E., 46, 62. Winegar, Alfred, 63. Earl W., 64. Eva, 63. Grace, 63. Harry W., 64. Winegar, Lena, 64. Maude, 64. Wheeler, 48, 63. Wing, Helen, 65. Winn, Ann, 139, 146. Edward, 145. Winslow, Margaret, 105. Witbeck, Colonel, 155. Wood, Mellore, 81. Orie L., 69, 81. Phila Amelia, 169. Sarah, 98, 105. Woodward, Eliza, 54. Woodworth, .Mvah, 54, 74. John, 74. Wright, Daniel, 35. Hannah, 143, 146. Samuel, 146, 147. Thomas, 146, Yale, J. W., 77. Yates, Mary, 96. Young, John, 26. Mary, 24, 26. Ziegler, William, 78. Zoller, Pollv, 166. INDEX OF PLACES. Abitigdon, Mass., 15. Aflon, N. Y., 72. Albany. N. Y., 44. 151, 155, 159, 168. Albany County. N. Y., 36. 37. Alderly, Eng., 112. Allahabad. India, 81. Amenia, N. Y., 36, 37. 39, 41, 42, 51, 52. 54, 55, 64, 67, 69, 71, 81, 92-95. Ashland, N. Y., 61. Atlanta, Ga.. 58. Aurora, 111., 73. Aurora. N. Y., 79. Aurisyille, N. Y., 82. Baldock, Eng., 158. Ballston, N. Y., 139. Bare Co\e, Mass., 15, 18. Barnstable, Eng., 111. Barnstable County. Mass., 27, 102. Belleyille, N. Y., 72. Beloit, Wis., 61. Bennington, Vt., 50. Bermuda Hundreds, 58. Beyerly. Mass.. 93, 95. Billinsworth, Eng., 102, 105. Booking, Eng., 142. Boston. Mass., 15, 27, 70, 77, 79. 97, 102, 126-129, 133, 143, 146. Braintree, Eng., 102, 105. Braintree. Mass., 98, 103, 142. Brandt, Pa.. 83. Branford, Conn., 110. Breakabeen, N. Y., 80. Brewster. N. Y., 52, 63, 72. Bristol, R. I., 126. Brookline, Mass., 101, 129. Brooklyn, N. Y., 10, 59, 67, 77-79, 91, 151, 156. Broughton, Eng., 155. Brown City, Mich., 80. Brown's Valley, Minn., 76. Buckinghamshire, Eng., 111. Burlington Green, N. Y., 49. Cambridge, Eng., 18. Cambridge, Mass., 146, 160. Camden. N. Y., 75. Camillus, N. Y., 55, 56, 74, 76, 82, 84. Canaan, Conn., 53. Canajoharie, N. Y., 119. Canterbury, Conn.. 94, 139, 142. Cape Cod, Mass., 10, 23, 31, 99. Carmel, N. Y., 31, 33, 96. Cass County, Mich., 75. Catskill, N. Y., 44. Cazenovia, N. Y., 57. Cedar Rapids, la., 53, 73. Charleston, Conn, 110. Chatham, Mass., 25. Chattanooga, Tenn., 58. Chatauqua County, N. Y., 39. Cheyenne, Wyo., 72. Chicago, 111., 46, 63. 65, 72, 83. Chichester, Eng., 101. Cliittenango, N. Y., 56, 57. City Point, 58. Clemsford, Ma.ss., 139, 141, 143, 144. Cleveland, O., 82. CHnton, N. Y., 42. Cohasset, Mass., 15. Coldwater, O.. 69. 81. Collamer, N. Y., 56. Columbia County, N. Y., 40, 70. Copake, N. Y., 46. Coventry, R. I., 127. Crown Point, N. Y., 126. Dalton, Mass., 139. „ Danbury, Conn., 33, 34, 94. 97. '3 Dartmouth, Mass., 131. Devonshire, Eng., 110. Dedham, Mass., 98. Delaware County, N. Y., 67. Delevan, Wis., 44, 59, 61. Des Moines, la., 65. Detroit, Mich., 67, SO. Dewitt, N. Y., 42, 43, 54, 57, 74. Dighton, Mass., 126. Dorchester, Mass., 100, 107, 133. Dorchester, Eng., 106, 110, 131. Dorset, Eng., 127, 143. Dover, N. Y., 54. Durham, Conn., 141. Durham, N. Y., 46. Duanesburg, N. Y., 151. Dutchess County, N. Y., 9, 10, 31, 35, 38. 42, 53, 95, 127. Duxbury, Mass., 106. Eagle Village, N. Y., 48. East Greenwich, Conn., 130. Eastham, Mass., 23, 33, 96, 101, 102, 106. Eastham, N. Y., 96. East Hill. N. Y., 60. Easton. N. Y., 36, 126, 127. East Troy, Wis., 151. Edwardsburg, Mich., 44, 45, 75, 76. Elmira. N. Y., 58. Enfield. Conn., 125, 128-130. Esperence, N. Y., 151. Essex County, England, 110, 128, 142. Exeter, Eng., 129, 132. Exeter, R. I.. 129. Fairfield, Conn., 157. Fayetteville, N. Y., 37. 40, 42, 43, 4S, 51, .54, 56, 59, 64-68, 76-79. 91, 92, 117-119, 125. Fort Montgomery, 35. Fort Plain, N. Y., 119, 165. Fort Schuyler, N. Y., 35. N 186 Index Franklin, N. Y., 54, 67. Freehold, N. Y., 36, 37. Freeport, 111., 6S. Frey's Bush, N. Y., 121. Fronteuac, Canada, 35. Fulton, 111., 65. Fulton. N. Y., 58. Galwav, N. Y., 139, 140. Grand Island, O., S2. Great Addington, Eng., 155. Great Barrington, Mass., 54. Great Bentlev, Eng., 107. Greene County. N. Y., 36, 37, 60. Greenville, N. H., 72. Greenwich, Conn., 81, 91, 92, 95. Gloucester, Eng., 112. Guilderland. N. Y., 57, 155, 156, 168, 169. Guilford, Conn., 141, 144, 146, 158, 159. Half Moon, N. Y., 82. Hampstead, Eng., 133. Hanover, III., 65. Hartford, Conn., 132, 134, 146, 155. Hartwick, N. Y., 52. Harvvick, Mass., 31. Heart Prairie, Wis., 60. Hempstead, L. I., 92. Hertfordshire, Eng., 158. Herts, Eng., 143, 145. Hillsdale, N. Y., 40. Hinckley, O., 72. Hingham, Eng., 15, 17, 23. Hingham, Mass., 15. 19, 23, 26, 143. Holmcr Mvlene, Eng., 106. Honesdale, Pa., 69, 81. Howell, Mic!i.. 80. Hull, Mass., 99, 131. Hunter, N .Y., 61, 62. Ipswich, Mass., 128, 130, 1.39, 142, 143. Jamestown, R. I., 145. Jamestown, N. Y., 44. Jamesville, N. Y., 54. Jefferson County, W. Va., 74. Kankake'^, 111., 71. Kansas City, Mo., 74. Kenilworth, Eng., 102. Kent, Eng., 157. Killingworth, Conn., 102, 103, 105. Lafaj'ette, N. Y., Lake Champlain, N. Y., 74. Lake Mahapac, N. Y., 32. Lake Ontario, 35. Lakeville, Conn., 47, 51, 52, 63, 69. Lansingburg, N. Y., 61. Lassellsville, N. Y., 117, 118, 120. Lebanon, Conn., 98. Lenox, N. Y., 74. Lexington, Mich., 80. Leyden, Holland, 108. Lima, O., 81. Lisbon, Conn., 33. London, Eng., 97, 140. Long Beach, Cal., 82. Long Island, 9. Los Angeles, Cal., 77. Lyndon, N. Y., 57. Lynchburg, Va., 82. Manheim, Germany, 117. Manlius, N. Y., 42, 54, 57, 64, 74, 75, 118, 139. Manston, Wis., 83. Marcellus Falls, N. Y., 82. Mayville, N. Y., 44. Medfield, Mass., 97, 98, 105. Medina County, O., 72. Memphis, N. Y., 167. Mendon, Mass., 97. Middleton, N. Y., 61, 80. Middleway, W. Va., 74. Milford, Conn., 144, 160. Jlillard, Wis., 79. Millerton, N. Y., 31, 47, 51, 53, 63, 64, 69, 70. Milwaukee, Wis., 60, 151. Minden, Germany, 119. Mindenville. N. Y., 56, 117-120, 165, 167. Monomoy, Mass., 24, 25. Mt. Kino, N. Y., 81. Mt. Lebanon, La., 77, 125. Mt. Wollaston, Mass., 103. Muddy River, Mass., 129. Mukwanago, Wis., 151. Muskogee, I. T., 74. Nashville, Tenn., 73. Naugatuck, Conn., 63. Nebraska City, Neb., 53, 72, 73. Neenah, Wis., 67. New Bremen, O., 81. New Burg, N. Y., 81. Newbury, Mass., 133, 145. New Hartford, N. Y. 50, 51. New Haven, Conn., 94, 110, 141, 144. New London, Conn., 155. New Marlboro, Mass.. 125. New Netherlands, 1.59. New Orleans, La., 67, 125. Newport, R. I., 140, 145. New Utrecht, N. Y., 158. New York City, 23, 43, 58, 67, 68, 71, 78, 79, 159. Niles, Mich., 76. Nine Partners, N. Y., 36, 128. Norfolk, Va., 58. Norfolk County, Eng., 23, 24. Northampton, Conn., 132. Northeast, N. Y., 32, 36, 39, 44, 47, 48, 53, 54, 60-64, 70, 94. North Rovalton, O.. 82. North Settlement, N. Y., 46. Norwalk, Conn., 94, 107. Norwich, Conn., 100, 101, 104, 105, 107, 110, 112, 113, 142. Norwich, Eng., 100, 107. Oak Park, 111., 83. Oakham, Eng., 146. Oaklev, Eng., 141. Omaha, Neb., 82. Oneida, N. Y., 57. Oneida County, N. Y., 65. Oneida Lake, 25. Onondaga County, N. Y., 43, 54, 57. Onondaga Hill, N. Y., 55, 56. Ontwa, Mich., 75. Ore Hill, Conn., 69. Index 187 Orleans, Mass., 10, .'U. Oswego, N. Y., 35. 38. Otsego County, N. Y., 40. Pautucket Falls, R. I., 143. Peekskill, N. Y., 77. Perry's Corners, N. Y., 54, 56. Perryville, Md., .58. Philadelphia, Pa., 63. Phillips Patent, N. Y., 32. 34. Pine Plains, N. Y., 47, 48, 62. PlainiicJd, Conn.. 141. Plattville. Wis., 83. Plum Island, N. Y., 155. Plymouth, Eng., 99, 131. Plymouth, Mass., 15, 16, 25, 96, 99, 101. 106, 107, 108, 144. Poictiers, Fr., 106. Pompev, N. Y., 83, 127, 129, 139, 140. Poquonock, Conn., 102. Port Byron, N. Y., 74. Port Richmond, N. Y., 57. Portsmouth. R. I., 133, 145. Poughkeepsie. N. Y.. 38, 39. Providence, R. I., 127. Putnam County, N. Y., 32, 33. Racine, Wis., 155. Raleigh, N. C, 68. Raynham, Eng., 97. Reading, Conn., 157. Rehoboth, Mass., 97, 125. Rensselaerwick. N. Y., 156. Roanoke, Va., 68. Rochester, N. Y., 71. Rome, N. Y., 35. Roscommon County, Ire., 47. Rowley, Mass., 134. Roxbury, Mass., 98, 129. Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., 119, 166. Saginaw, Mich., 65. Salem, Mass., 18, 93, 97, 103, 112, 12S, 129, 132, 133, 134. Salisbury, Eng., 93, 95, 127, 143. Salisbury, Conn., 41, 52, 69, 125, 139. Sandusky, O., 67. Saratoga, N. Y., 140. Saugatuck, Mich., 53. Saybrook, Conn., 104, 105, 107, 141, 142, 146, 155, 1.58, 167, 168. Schenectady, N. Y., 156, 159. 160. Schodack, N. Y., 156, 157. Schoharie County, N. Y., 80. Scranton, Pa., 57. Scrooby, Eng., 108. Seelyville, Pa., 69. Sharon, Conn., 36, 37, 51, 52, 69, 71, 80, 81, 82, 93, 157. Sharon, Wis., 79. Sheffield, Mass., 125, 127. Shelbyville, 111., 73. Shropshire, Eng., 97. Sidney, N. Y., 54, 72. Simsbury, Conn., 37, 92, 97. Situate, Mass., 15. Smithtown, L. I., 10. Snellsbush, N. Y., 117. Somersetshire, Eng., 145. Southampton, 145. Spencer's Corners. N. Y., 31, 33-36, 40. 51, 52. 69, 70, 71. Springfield, III.. 73. Springfield. Ma.ss.. 94, 103. Springfield, Mo., 54. Stafford, N. Y., 39. Stamford, Conn., 91, 92, 100, 103. Stanway, Eng., 112. Stratford, Conn., 94. Staten Island, 58. St. Andrew's Bay, Fla., 59. St. .Johnsville, N. Y., 118. St. Peter, Minn., 65. Suffolk County, England, 101. Suffolk County, Mass., 23. Sugar Creek, Wis., 59, 61. Syracu.se, N. Y., 42, 57, 64, 76, 77, 79, 82, 84, 119, 125, 126, 139, 140, 167. Tarling, Eng., 110. Tewkesbury, Eng.,' 99,"1 10, 112, 130. Tillebrough, N. Y., 117. Toddington, Eng., HI. Toledo, O., 84. Topsfield, Ma.ss., 130, 132, 134. Truro, Ma.ss., 28, 30. Tully, N. Y., 76. Tyringham, N. Y., 125, 127. Unadilla, N. Y., 41, 53, 72. Utica, N. Y'., 79, 139. Valley Field, Can., 67. Vassar, Mich., 80. Vernon, N. Y., 65. Vernon, Wis., 156. Walford, Can., 126, 129. Walford County, Wis., 59. Warsaw, Ind.. 83. Warwick. R. I.. 127, 143. Washington, D. C, 58, 74. Washing, Kan., 60. Waterburv, Conn., 03. Watertown, Mass., 92, 98. Watervale, N. Y., 1.39-141. Waukesha. Wis., 151, 155. V/avne County, Pa., 69. Wells, Minn., 65. Wenham, Mass., 93-95, 104. Westfield, Mass., 130, 132. Wethersfleld, Conn., 97, 101, 103, 112. 141-143, 146. Weymouth. Mass., 15. 131, 146. Windham, Conn., 93, 98, 100, 101, 104. /V/ Windham. Eng., 16, 39, 44-46, 59- 62. 79, 80. Windsor, Eng., 131. Windsor, Conn., 99, 100, 102, 106, 130-135, 139, 141. Windsor, Wis., 65. Winnipeg, Can., 73. Wohurn, Ma.ss., 139. Wolford, Conn., 126. Wood Creek, N. Y., 35. Wrentham, Eng., 146. Wyoming, Pa., 83. Yarmouth, Ma.ss., 24. York, Pa., 58. Yorkshire, Eng., 144. WM' \»c \^o^ 'J- V ■^^ »-^- ■C^' .-^..^ A\^ .V /' ,v- .a\ . > "^ . '-f.-. '"-' '■ .0- ■■ a\ vO C. ,-> ^ri. •'-,. '" ^' .% '/- ■ \ '^ \V r. \ '-!'•' ., ' ^. '^/. .^^^ ^"^ "^ % r ^•^'' ^ ■0- .'^ A^ %:■• .■0- c^^ A-^ ■'''^- "". "■ / - / - - ^%,\ \ ■ J , ,-\^ ; 1 f . -'-^ ■■ '- ^ , -^ \ .1 . 7 ^y- v^' : -< N''^ -V" -.,/c '^j - .nV^ ■is \ sOO, ■r ':^, \ * ,^\^ V^ A^- -r-' ,.^^ ■i':' '-'-. \L^ .. ,^\V ■-'^.. v-^^ ^_ -V -<^ C^^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 392 152 6