fl2l 9 \/<^ F 129 .T8 V6 Copy 1 Views of Troy and Cohoes P U ]'. T, 1 S II E n BY L. H. Nelson Company, Port/and, Maine I i-'! W ^H TKUV POST OFFICE— Fourth Street and Broadway. United States Governnieiit Building corner Broadway and Fourth Street, includes the Post Office and rooms for the United States Court. U was completed .May, 1S94, at a cost of about S5oo,ooo. It is built of granite, and the sales of stamps and caids annually is about $165,000. The Troy Hospital, seen on the extreme right in the distance, erected in i,S6S, is a lari^e four stoiy brick building and well equipped wards. The hospital is in charge of Sisters of Charity. Hrr "K.. CITY HALL— TROY S. E. comer of Third and State Streets, is built of Philadelphia Pressed Brick with sand stone and iron trimmings; was completed and occupied in October, 1S76. It contains offices of the Mayor and other city officials. Common Council rooms and a large audience chamber. Total cost nf land and buildinj; $300,000. First Baptist Chuich is seen to the rii;ht. 4 CoivKK^HT, I. ll.I.i.ovn. KENSSKl.AEK COUNTY COURT HOUSE— TKoW Skconi. ami Conckkss Stkklts Rensselaer County Court House, S. E. corner Congress and Second Streets facing on Seminary Park, is a granite fiie-proof l)uilding whicli cost ^350,000, contains County otiices, Sui)ieme Couit room with intetesting portraits and'rooms of tlie County Boaid of Supervisors. Built 1S9S. Tlie site was a gift of Jacol) 1). Van der Heyden, March, 22, 1703. A whipping post and stoclis were placed in the yard, about the year 179.4. Occasionally criminals were there publicly whipped by the sheriff or hTs deputy, the offenders severally receiving a number of lashes, less than forty. Those held in the stocks were often objects of ridicule, and were not unfrequentlv pelted with offen- sive missiles by the village children. HART MEMORIAL LIBRARY Second Stkeet Near Fekry Street Troy Young Men's Association Library. Tliere is not a more beautiful specimen of architecture in the country than the "Hart Public Library," which stands on the corner of Second and Ferry streets. It was dedicated in 1897, and was a gift of Mis. Mary E. Hart," for the promotion of learning and the arts, in loving memory of her husband, William Howard Hart." The building is constructed of the finest quality of Ver- mont white marble and is in the Italian renaissance style. It cost $150,000, and at present contains about 40,000 volumes. The interior finish is largely in Siennii marble, and in some respects the building is even more Ijeautiful than the new Boston Public Library. TROY'S BANKING INSTITUTIONS The Union National Bank of Troy, No. 56 Fouith Street, succeeded to the business of the Union Bank of Troy on March 21, 1S65. The United National Bank of Troy, N. \V. corner of First and State Streets was organized March 7, 1865. The Manufacturers' National Bank of Troy, comer of River and King Streets, became a National Bank, Jan. 3, 1S65. The Troy Savings Bank, N. K. corner of Second and State Street's, incorporated April 23, 1S23, receiving from the first depositor, Martha .lel'fer.son, a coloredVnman, S20. On March 25, 1S75, it removed to the new and attractive granitebuilding. The building with sitecost about 8550,000. Music Hall in the Troy Savings Bank Building is one of the most admirably planned halls in the United States. It is no feet in length, 75 feet in width and 60 feet in height, with 1250 seats; the stage is -> 1 f out rlfipn ■ TKo fv^^^., UNION STATION— TKOV The Union Railroad Station, on Sixth avenue, between Broadway and Fulton streets, was erected jointly by the New N'ork Central, Boston & Maine and Delaware and Hudson compmies. Has convenient offices and tnailing rooms and a large track yard, the tracks being approached by subways. It is built of granite and Philadelphia ])re.ssed brick and cost about #300,000. ~.._. ..... .,pJ- #Q -■?■ nn! =:^";-;-' -^^ ;--x^-.._^->^ 'iiiuuiiUl oiBiuumil ,,^Hiuaiiiu4 '■'^ ....J.,...;^i:....Jii a^wJi Jy Company " 1'.," Second Regiment ( Seventh Separate Company), N. V. N. G. 4^ ^ •V MM COHOES CITV HAI.I,. C(iR. Mohawk and Ontario Streets Erected kS.,5. Cost of Inulding 865,000. Cost of land 835,000. Built of Ohio Sandstone. M.VSONIC TEMPLE. U.sed by Cohoes Lodge No. ,,6 Symbolic Masonry and Cohoes Chapter JVo. 168 Capitulary Masonry. -^=^^^te^!=^^ "THE HARMONY MILLS" Iiicori)orated 1S51. These mills manufacture prints, cheese cloth, bagging, etc., have 275,000 spindles, employing 3240 persons and turn out over 1,600,000 yards of cotton goods per week. -=^^^m^'=^^^^ I i STATE DAM— MOHAWK RIVER I'luilt ill i.Si/. cs^ St. lolin's ( I'lpiscopal ), Mohawk, near Howard .St. First I'.aptist, Mohawk St., opposite Wliite, SOME COHOES CHURCHES. First Preslnterian, Mohawk St. from Seneca to Ontario Sts. Reformed Church, Mohawk, Cor. I'iiie St. wz.^t. -QS & .# '•^\> f ■^llii?'- THE ECCLESIASTICAL SIDE OF COHOES St. Agnes', { K. C. ), Mangam, Cov. Johnston Ave. St. Joseph's ( French Catholic ). Congress St., near Hart St. St. Bernard's ( R. (". ), Ontaria, Cor. Rensselaer, Largest Roman Cliuuh of Sacred Heart of Jesus (R. C. ), Forest .\ve., cor Park Catholic C'hiircliin Cohoes. Ave., .\danis Island. COHOES FALLS — 90 Feet Ihcii Less than une mile from i.enter of Cohoes. affording an unfailing water powei for llie manufactories of tlie city. A LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 109 615 1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0014 109 615 1 • pH8J