SKETCH OF NORWICH mCLUDlNG NOTES OF A SURVEY JttF THE T01¥nr: BT WM. JLESTER, JR., A. D. 1833. NORWICH : PRIKTBD BY J. DUNHAM, 1833. IN EXCH»H'" OCT 1 7 1913 A SKETCH OP THE TO WJ¥ OF TVORWICH, €OIV]¥. According to popular opinion, the town of Norwich, and parts of the adjacent towns, was originally obtained of the Mohegan tribe of Indians, in consideration of certain valuable services rern dered Uncas by two English gentlemen from Saybrook; by supplying his men with provisions while besieged in a fort. But from the best testimony now to be obtained from some of our oldest inhabitants, descendants of the first settlers, and from the deed of conveyance from Uncas in 1659 to Thomas Leffingwell and thirteen others, the country, as the deed expresses it, nine miles square, but in fact nearly twelve, embracing the town of Norwich, part of Preston, Griswold, Lisbon, Franklin and Boz- rah, was conveyed in consideration of sundry articles of clothing, spoons, &c., amounting to the sum of sixty pounds. The first settlement was made soon after at Bean Hill, (now- called on the Map, Westville.) Afterwards, and for a number of years, the principal business was done at what is now locally called the Town : but subsequently it was found more convenient to do business nearer the Wharves, and that section of the town now holding the City Charter began to be the chief seat of mercantile operations. But, as was the natural consequence of several rival villages in one town, few permanent improvement! were made until within a few years. On the east side of the town, near Greeneville, is Sachem'« Plain, on which may be seen the grave of MiantonimO who fell by the hand of Uncas. A large heap of stones mark the spot. When Miantonimo fell, Uncas, with usual savage barbarity, cut from his shoulder a piece of flesh and ate it triumphantly, say- ing: "It was the sweetest meat he ever tasted; it made his heart strong." About the latter part of the last century the citizens of this place were extensively engaged in commerce, and alone time more than eighty sail of vessels, principally briga and schooners, were employed from this port chiefly ^^ ^^^^We^t India trade Srit owin£ to various causes this trade so entire y dechned that Sr some years enterprize of every kind was unknown-and no spirit for improvement seen in any part of the town until an impetus was given to business by the establishment of manu- actue amon^us: and now it may be truly said, m the lan- .uaL of a Gazetteer, to be "A flourishing, manufacturing and clmercial city and township at the head f "--f^ '°" ^J^^^^^e river Thames; 13 miles north of New London ; 38 f»o"J Provi- ence by the new Turnpike; 38 from Hartford, and 50 from Ne^' Haven. Lat. 41" 33'; Lon. 70" 1' west. Population u. 1830 was 5170; now, 1833, about 6000." The City, situated on the point of land between the junc- tion of Yanlic and Shetucket rivers, is the most commercial TKirf and is a place of considerable business, and rapidly m- a^a inc. Its situation is peculiarly beautiful and romantic, most ofMhe buildincrs bein^ on the dedivity of a hdl, thi, . reet. lis^nn. one above another and ornamented witn handsome Chu7ches, an Academy, Town Hall and City Court House and many elegant dwelling-houses. In the rear ot the hill on the north is a^beautiful plain, on which are laid out several hand- Romo streets, shaded with ancient trees and ornamented with manv retired and pleasant residences. Near this plain on the bank of the Yantic is romanticly situated the ancient burying- ground of the Kings or Chiefs of the Mohegans Here a mon- Sment is about to be erected to the memory ot Samue bncas, " the friend of the whites." The corner stone was laid by An- ' drew Jackson, President of the U S assisted by L^vv'^ C^^s, durinc. their late visit to New England. Few places in the U- nited States afford a greater variety of scenery than Norwich; cmSsting of hills and dales, plains and meadows, intersected with numerous streams, and affording many fine prospects. The principal rivers within the town are the iliames, btie- tucket and Yantic. Near the mouth of the latter is a beautiiul lall, which, when the water is high, affords a cascade of 30 or 40 feet; at other seasons is principally used to piopel rv A this place are two extensive Cotton Mdls, a Woolen Factory, Iron Foundry, Nail Factory, Rolling M.ll, Bleaching and two extensive Paper Mills. Besides the city, which was hicoHDorated in 1784, is Yanticville, Westvdle, the Town (so called) and Greeneville : thalatter place is of but i-ecer.t growth. Two or three years since a Dam was built by the Norwich Wa- ter Power Company across the Shetucket at this place, which is calculated to afford sufficient power to carry 40 or 50 thousand spindles, and about half the amount of which have been sold and extensive manufacturing establishments have been erected j two U'.r^e Cotton Mills, a Paper Mill, Button Mill, a Flannel manufactory, and a Carpet and Rug manufactory, which, for the great perfection attained, the latter establishment deserves particular commendation. This village is laid out with streets intersecting each other at right angles, and bids fair, ere long, to be a populous and thriving place. At Yanticville and Westville are large manufacturing es- tablishments. At the Town are many pleasant residences for gentlemen retired from the noise and bustle of business. Here for many years have been located the County Buildings, in which the Courts of the County are held alternately with New London. Besides the Manufactories already alluded to, there are extensive manufactories of lines, cordage, marble paper, bobbins, morocco, silver plate, suspenders, webbuig, &c. The aggregate amount of the manufactures at this time, is estimated at one million of dollars annually. The Water power now used and which may be used in and near this town, is rivalled by few places in this country. A considerable amount of Capital is now employed by the citizens of this place in the Whale and Seal Fisheries, and in the coasting trade. In the town are four Banks, with an aggregate capital of Tvvelve Hundred Thou- sand Dollars ; a Savings Society, in which the deposites now a- mount to more than One Hundred and Thirty Thousand Dol- lars; two Insurance offices, and two Printing offices. A Com- pany has been incorporated with a capital of one million of Dollars for the purpo>e of ccnstiucting a Rail Koad from the city to Worcester in Massachusetts, to intersect with the Bos- ton and Worcester Rail Road. This road is laid in the valleys of the duinebanii" and Freiich River.^, through a rich agricultu- ral and manufacturing country; passing, in the space of fi!\v miles, near (as accurately ascertained) more than one hundred Cotton and Woolen Factories. Preparations are now making to commence this great work at as early date as possible. Within the town are eight houses for public worship; three for Congregationalists, one for Episcopalians, one for Baptists, two for Methodists and one for Ilniversalists: and preparations are making for biiildino- two more. B01J]\DARIES. I Line between Norwich and Lisho7i by the Shetucket Ri- ver'; commencing at Lathrop's Bridge. Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rods. 1. N. 23. 45. E. 56. 2. N. 80. 30. E. 22. 3. N. 19. 30. E. 30. 4. N. 43. 20. E. 24. 5. N. 19. W. 73. 6. N. 3. 15. W. 42. 7. N. 9. 12. W. 61. 8. N. 6. 30. E. 40. [9. S. 80. 30. W. 2. OfFset.j 10. N. 15. E. 36. 11. N. 34.45. E. 100. 12. N. 33. 15. E. 16. m .i, ir in I'i TV 11 ^0 W 26 80. ^ To the B alls. it N 26 30 W.- '3^: f Courses 13, 14, 15, 16, in the . 15 n" 19 W. 24. ( old channel of the River, which is 16 N 18 30. E. 24. ) dry except at time of flood. 1?'. n! 15*. W. 56. 18. N. 00. 36. W. 149. 19 N 13 W 20. ^^o' n' 29" 10 W.* 51.— To Lovett's Bridge, and Nor- ( 2\ N 26 45. W. 59. wich & Woodstock Turnpike. S 22'. n! 9. W. 22,80. 23. N. 00. 40. E. 17,80. 24. N. 16. W. 64. 25. N. 39. 15. W. 45,60. 26. N. 56. W. 24. 27. N. 51. 15. W. 24. 28. N. 65. 45. W. 10,40. ^ ^^. , , _, , 29. N. 23. 15. W. 19.— To Kirtland Brook. '^V iv" fiq' * w' 6240.' 1 between Norwich and Franklin. ^•2 n' 76 W.' 36.-TO Cold Brook, and the line o^. ly. iu. ^^ [tween Norwich and Lisbon. 1285,60 Rods, whole distance on the Une be- ll. Line between Norwich and Franklin; commencing at the mouth of Cold Brook. Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rods. 1. S. 82. 30. W. 6.34.— To Scotland Road, [tic River, 2. S. 30. 30. W. 888.— To Yantic Brook. To the Yan- 3. N. 44. 30. W. 227.— To large Button wood Tree stand- ino; on the east bank of Susque- tonscut Brook — being a monu- ment in the boundariea ot Nor- wich, Franklin and Bczrah, 39 rods on this line, to the Yanti« River. 1749 Rods between Norwich & Franklin. III. Line between Norwich and Bozrah ; commencinof at the last-mentioned monument. Distance. Rods. 48. ) 13. } By Susquetonscut Brook. 38. S 26.— By the Yantic River. 320. 54. 260;80.— To noted Beech Tree. 80. 560.— To Road. To Bozrah Brook, 97. — To monument standing on the north bank oi Tradinir Cove brook, in the boundaries of Norwich, Boz- rah and Montville, 21 on this course to Norwich & Colchester old Road; 75 to Norwich & Salem Turnpike. 1496,80 Rods between Norwich & Bozrah. IV. Line between Norwich and Montville, by Trading Cove Brook and Trading Cove — commencing at last-mentioned mon- ument. Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rods. 1. S. 9. 15. W. 21 2. S. 58. E, 6 Courses. deg. min. 1. S.20. E. 2. S. 61. E. 3. S. 19. E. 4, S. 41. E. 5. S. 11. 40, . W. 6. S. 23. w. 7. S.30. w. 8. S. 9. 15. E. 9. S. 6. 30. E. 10 '. S. 18 . 45. W. 3. S. 72. E. 30 4. S. 77. E. 40 6. S. 72. 45. E. 37 6. S. 25. 45. E. 12 7. S. 78. 15. E. 30,40 8. S. 14. 15. E. 12 9. S. 60. 15. E. 16 10. S. 42. 15. E. 9,20 11. S. 68. 15. E. 32 12. N. 54. 30. E. 36 13. S. 76. 30. E. 49,60 14. S. 23. 30. E. 29 15. S. 41. 30. E. 21 16. S.68. E. 36 17. N. 61. 30. E. 26 18. N. 6. 15. E. 8 19. N. 61. 45. E. 18,40 20. S. 73. 30. E. 22,40 21. N. 67. 20. E. 44- -To Brook, 22. S. 20. 20. E. 36 23. East. 13,20 24. S. 8. 30. W. 48 25. S. 46. 15. E. 25,20 26. N. 85. 45. E. 20,80 [Turnpike, 27. S. 47. 45. E. 35,20- -To Norwich and New London 28. S. 1. 20. E. 18 j 1 29. S. 49. E. 18,80 f These courses, on 30. S. 6. 10. W. 16 ( south side of Brook. 31. S. 17. 50. W. 17,60 1 1 [New London. 32. S. 61. E. 13- -To road from Norwich City to 33. N. 44. 45. E. 12- -Across the Bridge. 34. S. 29. 45. E. 8 35. S. 72. E. 8- -To Head of Trading Cove. 36. N. 65. 15. E. 22,80 37. N. 62. E. 36 38. N. 13 50. W. 22 39. N. 10. 10. E. 13 40. N. 51. E. rs « 41. S. 66. 15. E. 16 42. N. 53. 30. E. 8 43. N. 24. E. 8 44. N. 68. 30. E. 12 45. S. 17. E. 8 46. S. 8&. E. 12 47. S. 65. E. 28 48. N. 76. E. 21,60 49. S. 64. 30. E. 40 50. S. 6. 30. W. 34,40 61. S. 29. 15. E. 16 52. S. 58. E. 56— To the Thames River. 1189,60 Rods between Norwich and Mont- ville by Trading Cove Brook and Tiading Cove. V. Line between Norwich and Preston, foHowing the course of the Thames and Shetucket Rivers— commencincr at Trading Cove. To the place of the old bridge at the mouth of the She- tucket, (copied from survey of Rail Road,) 2 miles, ]60 rods ; to Lathrop's bridge, 3 miles, 80 rods ; whole distance, 5 miles, 240 rods. ROABS A]¥D STREETS. I. Norwich & Woodstock Turnpike, commencing aurvey at Dr. Strong's Meeting-house. Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rods. 1. N 57. 15. E 50,80— To School house. 2. S 81. 20. E 58,40— To brook. 3. N 87. 25. E 22,20— To Scotland road. [Ox hill. 4. N 66. 45. E 18— To road to Lathrop's Bridge, over 5. N 55. 15. E 50,40 6. N 36. 45. E 368 7. N 42. E 200— Cross road. 8. N 38. E 244— To Billings' Hotel, and old road. 9. N 34. 45. E 250— Old road on left, 10. N 35. 30. W 20— Old road on left. 11. N 50. 15. E 36— To Lovett's Bridge. 1317,80 Rods. 4 miles 37,80 rods. 10 il. Road from Court House to Lathrop's Bridge : leaTing roa4 No. 1 at the end of course 4th. Courses. Distance. deg. min. Rods. 1. S 78. 45. E 22 2. S 74. 15. E 14,80 3. S 77 30. E 34— To road from CetittiB hill 4. N 33. 45. E 14,20 5. N 63. E 25,60 6. N 26. 40. E 48,80 7. N 66. 45. E 22,20 8. N 42. 30. E 45 9. N 58. 40. E 32 10. N 76. 45. E 32 11. N 65. 10. E 40,40 12. N 70. 10. E 25,80 13 N41. E 28— To road on left. 14. S 80. 15. E 20 15. S 86. 30. E 30 16. N 75. 10. E 31,60 17. N 85. 20. E 39 18. S 67. 45. E 25,40 19. S 53. E 20 20. S 69. 45. E 14 21. N 73. E 21,20 22. S 86. 45. E 23,20 23. S 31. 20. E 32,20 24. S 62. 15. E 14 25. N 78. E 55 26. S 51. E 19,20 27. S 13. 20. E 32 28. S 47. E 8 29. S61.45.E 52— "to Lathrop's Bridge. 821,60 Rods. [4th, road No. 1. 149,40 From Court House to end of course 971 Rods from Court Houst to Bridge. 3 miles, 11 rods. III. Road leaving road No. 2 at the end of course 13th, near E. Lathrop's, and intersecting the Norwich & Woodstock Turn- pike near Billings' Hotel. 11 Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rods. 1. N 49. 20. E 55,20 2. N 27. 30. E 30 3. N 67. 30. E 10,80— To Sachem's Brook. 4. N 34. E 16 5. N 25. 50. E 12 6. N 3. 45. E 31 7. N 10. 15. E 86 8. N 24. 45. E 55,40— To cross road by D. PitcherV 9. N 57. 15. E 36 10. N 39. 10. E 53,20 11. N 42.20. E 36 12. N 15. 30. E 60,80 [Woodstock Turnpike. 13. N 2. 30. W 84— To School house,— to Norwich & IV. Old road leaving Norwich and Woodstc^ Turnpike, and terminating in said Turnpike near Lovett's Bridge. Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rods. 1. N 5. 20.W 26— To Brook. 2. N 33. 15. E 16,80 3. N 5. 45. W 20 4. N 12, 20. E 44 5. N 6. E 24 6. N 31.45. E 32 7. N 58. 40. E 60 8. S 68. 40. E 18 9. N 62. E 24— To Turnpike. 264,80 Rode. V. Scotland Road, (so called,) commencing at intersection of Norwich and Woodstock Turnpike, near Avery's old Store. Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rods. 1. N 2. 00. E 35,60 2. N 61. 15. W 14 3. N 14. 30. E 24 4. N 25. E 68 12 6. N 30. 30. W 16 6. N 6. 10. W 3» 7. N 29. 30. W 16 8. N 28. 20. E 84 g. N 1. E 121,20 10. N 4. 30. E 118 11. N 29. 10. E 48 12. N 20. 10. E 61,80 13. N 66. 15. E 58 14. N 49. 20. E 44 15. N 31. E 64 16. N 59. 15. E 25,20 17. N 39. 20. E 45 18. N 26. 30. E 24 19. N 3. 45. W 48 20. N 22. 45. E 21,20 21. N 52. 20. E 24 22. N 30. 30. E 20 23. N 39. 45. E 58 24. N 26. 45. E 28 25. N 5. 15. E 39,20 26. N 31. 45. E 36 27. N 47. 15. E 24 28. N 21. 30. E 27,60 29. N 18. 20. W 74--T0 Cold Brook. 30. N 19. 30. E 10,40 81. N 28. 45. E 21 32. N 17. 45. E 43— To the Franklin line. 1373,20 Rods. 4 miles 93,20 rods. VI. Road from the Scotland road over the eastern part of Plain Hills ; commencing near the house formerly belonging lo M. Tracy. Courses. Distance, deg. rain. Rods. 1. N 21. 50. E 78,80 X. N 4. 30. E 26,40 8. N 40. 50. E 68 4. N 17. 45. E 24 §. N 7. E 37,40 6. N 5. W 50,40— Cross Road. 7. N 39. 45. W 32— Cold Brook. 13 a N 71. W 17,20 9. N 1. 30. E 18 10. N 30. 20. W 76,80 11.N41. 15. W 27 12. N 71. W 19,20— Road. 13. N 9, W 16 14. IN 8. W 28 15. N 51. 30. E 38,60 16. N 18. 30. E 12 17. N 27. 15. E 16 18- N 17. 30. E 41,60-To the Franklin line. 627,40 Rods. VII. Road connecti.ig roads No, 5 and No. 6; commeBcing at the School house on the Scotland Road. Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rods. 1. N 65. W 14 2. N 81. 15, W 16— To Spring brook. 3. N 80. 15. W 16 4. N 81. 5. W 24 5. N 61. W 24 [No. 6, courfie No. 6. 6. N 49. 30. W 12— To road to Plain hills. (See road 106. VIII. Road connecting the Scotland road and the Norwich and Woodstock Turnpike ; commencing at the end oi course 17th in the Scotland Road. Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rods. 1. S .59. E 23 2. S 44. 30. E 36,60 3. S 64. 45. E 24 4. S 23. 10. E 90,40 5. S 10. 30. E 133— To turnpike near D. Pitcher's. 6. S26. E 57 [course 8th.) 7. N 78. 30. E 20— To old road. (See road No. 3 384 Rode. 14 IX. Road commencinpr at Townsend's Store, 30 rods north- easterly from Dr. Strong's meeting house, and terminating in the Scotia tid road. Courses. Distance, deer. imin. Rods. 1. N 8. 45. E 17,20 2. N41. E 15,60 3. N 28. 40. E 22 4. N 3. E 38,40 5. N 25. 15. W 24—16 to Brook. 6. N 6. 35. E 54,80—52 to Brook. 7. N 8. W 20 8. N 64. 45. W 16 9. N 14. 45. E 24 10. N 28.20. E 39,60 11. N 6. 35. E 30 12. N 1. 30. E 17,40 13. N 21. W 14,20 14. N 32. E 87,60 15. N 6. 30. W 17,60 16. N 22. 15. E 35,40 [No. 5, course 10.) 17. S 80. 30. E 60,80— To Scotland Road. (See road 534,60. X. Norwich and Hartford Turnpike, from the Court House to the Bozrah line. Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rods. 1. N 48. 20. W 18,52— To Dr. Strong's Meeting-house 2. S 74. 20. W 23,20 [and the Union Hotel. 3. N 62. W 25,40 4. S 86. 45. W 20 5. N 42. W 13,60 6. Nil. 45. W 25,20 [hoube. 7. N 46. W 106—68 to Hammer Brook. 28 School 8. N 26. 45. W 52-40 to road to Waweecus hill. 53 9. N 14. 45. W 16 [to School house. 10. N 33. 15. W 8— To Methodist Church, Westville, 11. N 45. 45. W 11,20 [and road to Plain Hills, 12. N 59. 40. W 30,80— Road to Factory. 13. N 76. 15. W 20 14. N 61. 15. W 15 15. N 82. 30. W 88 16. N 63. W 16 17. N 74. 30. W 55.20— Backus. 18. N 17, 30. W 14— Turnpike to Windham. 19. N 35. W 29,20—8 Yantic Woolen Factory. 20. N50. W 25,20 21. N31. W 14,60 22. N 43. 50. W 32 23. N 80. 45. W 74— To Bozrah line. 738,92 Rode. 2 miles, 98,92 rods. XI. Turnpike from Yantic Factory to the Franklin line. Courses. Distance, deo^, niin. Rods. 1. N 12. 15. W 48 2. N 2. 30. W 19,60 XII. Road from Turnpike, by Capt. Gifford's. Courses. Distance, deoj. min. Reds. 1. S 73. 30. W 38,40—34,40 House. 2. S 39. 30. W 18—8 to house. [Bozrah. 3. S 72. 45. W 24 — To the line between Norwich and 80,40 Rods. XIII. Road trom the Turnpike, near E» Backus"' in Weatville, to Woolen Factory, Pottery, &c. Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rods. 1. S 30. 50. W 21,20 2. S 52. 45. W 21,20 3. S 15. 50. W 17,60— To Grist Mill. 4. S 53. 15. E 2— To Pottery. [tic River. 5. S41. W 8— 4 to Woolen Factory. 8 to Yan- 70 Rods; XIV. Road over Plain Hills from Westville; commencing at Methodist Church. 16 Coursee. Diatance. deg. rain. Rods. 1. N46.00. E 24 2. N51. 15. E 32—16 to Red Brook. 3. N 29. 20. E 38,80 4. N 43. 00. E 13,40 5. N 33. 15. E 41,60 6. N 12. 50. E 25,80 7. N 2. 30. E 32 8. N 10. 30. R 94,80 9. N 19. 20. E 74 10. N 00. 30. E 48 11. N 34. 45. E 14,80 12. N 14. 15. W 12 13. N 04. 45. E 16 14. N 04. 15. E 38 15. N 05. 45. W 32,40 16. N09.45.W 59,40 17. N 07. 10. E 28 18. N 26. 15. E 40 19. N 16. 20. E 71 20. N 07. 40. E 48 21. N 01. 30. E 20—16 School house. 22. N 01. E 82,40 33. N 12. 45. E 62,60 24. N 72. 40. W 30,40 25. N 02, 15. E 48— To the line between Norwich & [Franklin. 1027,40 Rods. 3 miles, 67,40 rods. XV. Road from Westville to Waweecus hill,, over Cluarter fidge. Courses. Distance. de^. min. Rods. 1. S 36. 00. W 93,^0 2. S 42. 30. W 108—73,80 to Quarter Bridge. 3. S 49. 15. W 28-Road. 4. S 26. 45. W 63,20 5. S 04. 30. W 14,80 6. S 16. W 20 7. S 30. W 23— To road. 8. S 55. 45. W 36 9 S 31. W 12 17 10. S 67. 30. W 50 11. S 83. 30. W 33,60 12. N 1. E 8,60 13. N 29. 45. W 10,80 14. N 85. W 17,60 15. S 44. 45. W 41 16. S 76. 30. W 12 17. S 47. 40. W 98—50 to School house. 18. S 52. W 20 19. S 74. 30. W 100— Road. 20. S 6. 30. E 28 [Bozrah. 21. S 60. 15. W 4— To the Hne between Norwich «fe 824,40 Rods. 2 miles, 184,40 rods. XVI. Road from the above by Eliab Rogers' to the line be* tween Norwich and Bozrah. Courses. Distance, dej^. min. Rods. 1. S 4l 15. E 16 2. S 26. 45, E 12 3. S 2. 45. W 18,40 4. S 14. W 37,20 5. S 32. 30. W 46,40 6. S 38. 50. W 64 7. S 34. 20. W 44 8. S 67. 15. W 63 9. S 24. OU. W 32 10. S 58. 10. W 36 11. S34. 45. W 72 12. S 53. 00. W 32 13. N71.00. W 84 14. N42. 00. W ]6 15. S 64. 00. W 8— To line between Norwich & Boz- Irah. 581 Rods. XVII. Norwich and New London Turnpike, from the Court House to the line between Norwich and Montville. 18 Coarses. Distance, dec^. rain. Rods. [102,40 House— 142 old road. 1. S 15. 00. W 142—36 Yaniic River— 74,40 Darby, 2. S 13. 30. W 88—68 road to Paper mill. 3. S 23. 00. W 50,40 4. S 51. 45. W 28 5. S 29. 50. W 62 6. S 11. 00. W 15 7. S 25. 50. W 68 8. S 34. 15. W 28— Old road. 9. S 2. 45. W 53 10. S 14. 50. W 216— Cross road. 11. S 9. 15. W 76,80—24 Norwich & Salem Turnpike. 12. S 00. 15. W 96 13. S 05. 15. E 40 14. S 19. 45. E 47,20 15. S 5. 15. E 46,80 16. S 00. 45. E 48— Maples. 17. S 00. 15. E 15,20 [line between N. & Montvilie. 18. S 16. 30. W 20— To Trading Cove Brook, and the 3 miles, 180,40 rods. XVIIT. Norwich and Salem Turnpike, from the west end of Wharf Bridge to the line between Norwich and Bozrah. Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rods. 1. N 86. 00. W 58 2. N 76. W 31— Asylum street. 3. S 55. W 180— Old road. 4. S 64. W 78— To Norwich and N.London road. 5. S 69. 20. W 233-Old road. 6. S 65. W 156 7. S 86. W 18-Old road. 8. N 83. 15. W 38,40 9. S 75. W 56 [course 10th.) 10. S85. W 32 [Bozrah. (See Boundary No. 3, 11. N84. W 64— To the hne between Norwich & 943,40 Reds. 2 miles, 303,40 rods. XIX. Old road leaving the Norwich & New London Turn- pike 142 rods from the Court House, and terminating in the Sc- lera Turnpike near G. Lewis'. 19 Courses. Distance, degr. niin. Reds. 1. S46. 00. W 110 2. S 21. 45. W 28 3. S 45. 40. W 28 4. S 39. W 78 5. S 22. 45. W 22 6. S 1. E 10 7. S 25. 15. E 36 8. S 6. 15. E 18 9. S 42. 5. W 43 10. S 60. W 33 11. S 24. 30. W 42 12. S 15. 50. W 52 13. S 2. W 64 14. S 5. 15. W 40 15. S 15. 30. W 24 16. S 11. W 28—28 Road by School house. 17. S 55. W 27 18. S en. 30. W 24 19. S 40. 15. W 76— Norwich and Salem Turnpike. 783 Rods. 2 miles, 143 rods. 1. S 10° 30' E 54,80 rods. Connecting the above road with the Norwich and New London road, north of J. Lathrop's. XX. Road connecting road No. 19 with the Norwich and New London road at R. Morgan's, and thence running easterly and terminating in the Norwich and Salem Turnpike. Courses. Distance. deer. min. Rods?. 1. N 72 15. E 15,20— Brook. (See No. 19, course 16.) 2. S 66. E 11,20—4 School house. 3. N 85. E 26— To Norwich & N. London Turn- [pike. (See No. 17, course 10.) 4. S 14. 50. W 6— On Turnpike. 5. S 85. 45 E 36 6. N 53. 30. E 36 7. N 71. 30. E 80 [(See No. 18, course 3.) 8. S 82. E 16— Norwich and Salem Turnpike.— 226,40 Rods. 20 XXI. Road from 1st Congregational Church to Main street, near Wharf Bridge. Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rods. 1. S 48. 20. E 18,52—17,20 Court House. 4 Post Office. 2. S 42. 40. E 44,60 3. S 50. 45. E 16,44—14 Brook. 4. S 34. 30. E 25,60 5. S 69. 50. E 26 6. S 50. 00. E 28,40 7. S 32. 45. E 18,40— Road from Ox hill. 8. S 18. 00. E 42,80— Road to the Fails. 9. S 14. 20. E 110— To City line ; Broadway. 10. S 06. 10. E 124— To Common street; Prospect st. 11. S 09. 00. W 82—10 Yantic street; Broad street. 12. S 08. 05. E 44— Burying Ground. 13. S 16. 00. E 8,80 14. S 29. 20. E 8 15. S 48. 00. E 23,48 16. S 42. 15. E 8— Noted Elm Tree, and Church-st. 17. S 21. 15. E 6— To Main street. 635,04 Rods. XXII. Yantic Street, from Washington street. Courses. Distance, deff. min. Rods. 1. N 82, 00. W 24 2. N 88, 30. W 16,80 3. N 22, 00. W 6 4. N 26, 00. E 36 5. N 14, 20. W 9 6. N 31, 15 W 12 7. N 78, 20. W 20— Iron Foundry. School House. 8. S 83, 40. W 16— Thames Cotton Factory. 9. N 76, 15. W 12—8 Paper Mill. 10. N 82, 45. W 21,80 11. N 12, 00. W 9,60 12. N 32, 40. E 9,60 13. N 56, 20. W 28— Prospect street. 14. N 25, 00. E 80—50 Common street. 80 City line. 15. N 50, 40. E 14,40 16. N 17, 40. E 25,20 21 17. N 53, 30. E 22,40 18, N 40, 30. E 24— Central Road. (S^e No. 21.) 386,80 Rods. XXIII. Prospect Street, from Washington street. Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rods. [street 1. N 74, 20. W 123-37 3d Cong. Church. 123 Vantic 2. S 61, 30. W 27—11,20 to Methodist Church. 3. S 89, 00. W 8 4. N 57, 30. W 16 5. S 86, 20. W 22— To west side of Paper Mill bridge. 196 Rods. XXIV. Common Street, from Washington to Yantic street. l._N70°00' W 100 Rods. XXV. Road from Paper Mill Bridge to Norwich and New London Turnpike. Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rods. 1. S 17, 20. W 28-AsyIum street. 2. S 49, 30. W 36 3. S 33, 30. W 84 4. S 49, 30. W 24 5. S 34, 00. W 35,20 6. S 60, 00. W 29,20 7. S 31, 00. W 18,40 -To the Turnpike. 254,80 Rods. XXVI. Asylum Street. Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rods. 1. S 26, 00, E 19 2. S 68, 00. E 17,60 3. S49, 15. E 29,20 4. S 30, 30. E 12 5. S 03, 15. W 21 6. S 16, 12. W m^'^0 Alms House. 22 7. S 11, 50. W 36,80 8. S 26, 30. E 20 9. S 58, 45. E 16 10. S 34, 20. E 8 11. S 11, 45. E 40 [(See No. 18, course 2.) 12. S 75, 00. E 32— To Norwich & Salem Turnpike. 307,60 Rods. XXVIl. Road from Paper Mill Bridge to the Turnpike, by Paper Mill. Courses. Distance. de^. min. Rods. 1. N 04, 40. W 15,40 2. N 21, 00. E 14,40 3. N 50, 00. E 11.20 4. N 01, 30. E 12— To Paper Mill and City line. 5. N 38, 00. W *^'^^ 6. N 22, 30. W 24 [3.) 7. N 75, 30. W 16— Turnpike. (See No. 17, course 103,80 Rods. XXVIII. Broadway. 1. S 30° 30' E 236 rods. XXIX. Warren Street. 1. S 05° 00' W 52 rods. 2. S 23* 20' W 12— To Union street. To Bath street. 64 Rods. XXX. Union Street, from Broadway to Main-street. (See No. 29.) Courses, Distance. de^. min. Rods. 1. S 19, 00. E 44— End of Park, and Park street. 2. S 00, 20. W 29,80 3. S 01, 40. E 34,40 4. S 28, 50, E 19,20— To Church street. 5. S 02, 15. W 28,40— To Main street. 155,80 Rods, 23 XXXI. Crescent Street. Courses. Distance, de^. min. Rods. 1. S 47, 20. E 56 2. S 25, 00. E 32— To street by Stone house. " ' "" " 40— To Broadway. (See No. 28.) 128 Rods. XXXII, Church Street, from Washington to Union. (See No. 21, course 16.) Courses. Distance, dej;^. min. Rods. 1. S 81, 45. E 12 [6,40 City Hall. 2. S 86, 00. E 17,60—3,20 to Episcopal Church ;— 3. N 72, 00. E 21,60— 2d Congregational Charch. 4. N64, 30. E 12— Conference House. [course 4.) 5. N 22, 20. E 14,80— To Union street. (See No. 30, 78 Rods. XXXIII. Court Street. (See Na 32, course 3d.) Courses. Distance. 1. N20°30'W 10 rods. To School street. XXXIV. School Street. Courses. Distance. 1. S 70" 00' W 16,80 rods. To Female Academy. 2. S 85° 30' W 19,80-Rear of City Hall. XXXV. Bath Street. From Union to Franklin. Courses; Distance. 1; S 29° 30' E 22 rods. 2. S 49° 20' E 17 39 reds. XXXVI. Broad Street, from Washington to Broadway. (See No. 21, course 11.) Courses. Distance. 1, N 84-' 00' E 23,20 rods. School house. 24 2. N 60» 30' E 36— To Broadway. (See No. 28.) 59,20 XXXVII. Main Street, fi'om Union street to the Toll bridge. Courses. Diott- ice. de^. min. Ro.s. 1. N 83, 00. E 23,60—17,20 To Franklin street. 2. S 77, 00. E 15,20— 1:J To ClifF street. 3. S 69, 40. E 20—4 Universalist Church. 4. S 83, 00. E 44— Toll Bridge. 102,80 From Union to Water-st., 23,20 rods, thence to Washington, street, 40. S 07" W 60— to road to N. Lc don, near • [west end of Wharf bridge. 226 Rods. XXXVIII. Water Street, from Main to intersection of Wash- ington and Main, 51,20 Rods. XXXIX. Shetucket Street, from Union to Dock street, 47,60 Rods. XL. Dock Street, from Water street to Wharf, 25,20 Rods. XLI. Turnpike from Main street to Lathrop's Bridge. Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rods. 1. N 22, 45. E 78,80 2. N 34, 00. E 41 3. N 57, 30. E 61,60 4. N 83, 45. E 24,20 5. N 44, 48. E 33,60 6. N 50, 20. E 24 7. N 38, 55. E 31,40 8. N 53, 12. E 38,60 9. N 80, 30. E 14,20 10. N 80, 05. E 50,40 11. N 78, 15. E 10,80 12. N 56, 30. E 38,40 13. N 33, 08. E 47,60 25 14. N 15. 20. E 49,20 15. N 18. 00. E 90—28 to Brook. 16. N 22. 45. E 64 17. N 31. 30. E 20 18. N 36. 30. E 144—76 to Sachem's Brook. 19. N 50. 00. E 51,40— To Lathrop's Bridge. 903,20 XLTI. Norwich and New London Turnpike, from intersection of Norwich and Salem Turnpike near West end of Wharf Bridge, to the line between Norwich and Montville. Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rodg. 1. S 21. 45. E 80 2. S 05. 00. E 37,20 3. S 05. 15. W 33,40 4. S 19. 00. W 20 5. S 37. 00. W 98,80 6. S 33. 20. W 92—56 Brook. 7. S 43. 20. W 48 8. S 53. 00. W 200 9. S 28. 30. W 98,40 fbetween Norwich & Montville. 10. S 40. 06. W 36— To Trading Cove brook and line 743,80 Rods. XLIII. Mount Pleasant Alley, from Thames street to Nor- wich and Salem Turnpiiie. Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rods. 1. S 88. 50. W 48—12 to street above Baptist Church. 2. S 63. 30. W 13,60 3. N 84. 00. W 66 4. N 39. 30. E 24 5. N 50. 20. W 23 20 6. N 03. 36. W 12— To Norwich & Salem Turnpike. 186,80 Rods. XLIV. High Street, from Main-st. to Mount Pleasant Alley. 26 Courses. Distance. 1. S24<'15'E 65,60—33,60 to Baptist Church. 2. N85M5'E 12,80 78,40 Rods. XLV. Greeneville Road, commencing survey at line of Main reet. 10 rods west of Toll Bridge. Courses. Distance. deg. min. Rods. 1. N 56. 08. E 13,4 2. N 47. 08. E 00,45 3. N 33. 18. E 00,55 4. N 33. 56. E 4 5. N 32. 56. E 4 6. N 42. 26. E 4 7. N 48. 26. E 4 8. N 43. 56. E 4 9. N 40. 51. E 4 10. N 39. 12. E 4 11. N52.56.E 4 12. N 64. 31. E 4—L. & F. Roath. 13. N 62. 01. E 4 14. N 69. 26. E 4 15. N 71. 26. E 4 16. N 81. 26. E 4 17. N 80. 26. E 3,6 18. N 80. 26; E 00,19 19. N 86. 03. E 29,18 — Cross road leading to Riding- 20. N 72. 51. E 2— CroBB said road. [way 21. N 72. 51. E 35 22. N 72. 51. E 21,6 23. N 82. 31. E 48 24. N 75. 46. E 4 25. N 72. 08. E 6,22 26. N 72. 08. E 1,3 27. N 82. 13. E 4 28. N 00. 59. E 4 29. N 72. 17. E 8 30. N 66. 15. E 4 31. N 48. 00. E 8 32. N 59. 30. E 12 27 33. N 37. 55. E 28— To Canal. Thence northerly to Dam 280 569 rods, 3 links. 1 mile, 249 rods, 3 links. XLVI. Greeneville Road, commencing at the Dam. Courses. Distance, deg. min. Rods. 1. N 22. 45. E 47 2. N 42. 00. E 9,5 3. N 28. 15. E 30 4. N 45. 00. E 97 5. N 20.30. E 10,14 6. N 16. 00. E 10,10 7. N 31. 00. W 6,15 8. N 46. 00. W 7,1 9. N 72 00. W 6,23 10. N 46. 30. W 4,8 11. N 22.00. W 22,19 12. N 30. 45. W 17,12 13. N 05. 30. W 10,13 14. N 04. 04. E 10 15. N 00. 10. E 13 303 Rods. To Turnpike road. XLVIT. Yantie River and the Cove ; commencing survey at west end of Wharf Bridge. Courses. Distance. deg^. min. Rods. 1. N 32. 00. W 31 2. S 72. 30. W 15,40 3. N 22. 15. W 31 4. N 32. 20. W 20 5. N 46. 00. W 30,40 6. N 02. 50. W 16 7. N 10. 00. W 24 8. N 24. 15. E 12 9. N 14. 00. W 38 10. N 46. 30. E 14 11. N 34. 00. W 14,40 [Yantie River. 12. N 34. 00. E 9,40- -Head of Cove, and mouth of 28 13. N 39.30. W 4 14. N 09. 30. E 6,60 15. N 90. 00. W 15 16. N 14. 30. W 4 r Across foot bridge. 17. N 28. 00. E 6 i Courses 17, 18 and 19 are 18. N 74. 00. E *T^ 4—{ across the River from south 19. N 01. 40. E a 6,60 | bank to Yantic street along 20. N 77. 00. W ^ 17,20 I the North. 21. N 53. 15. W 36— Woolen Factory. 22. S 54. 00. W 20—10 to Oil mill and Grist mill. 23. N 84. 15. W 23— Ditch. 24. N 30. 00. W 13 f This course across the River 25. S 85. 30. W 18—^ at Paper mill bridge, from the 26. N 46. 15. W 20,72 east side of the east branch of 27. N 02. 15. W 36,40 the stream to the west side of 28. N 76. 50. E 15,76 I said Bridge. 29. N 54. 05. W 24 30. N 33. 10. W 11,56 31. N 58. 55. E 58 32. N 13. 48. W 47,20 33. N 29. 00. E 42 34. N 73. 20. E 28,80 35. N 30. 00. E 18.52 36. N 43. 45. W 42,48 37. N 44. 10. W 24,88 38. N 77. 15. W 34-To Lathrop's Bridge. 39. N 87. 45. W 81,80 40. N 69. 40. W 53,28— To Hammer brook. 41. N 58. 30. W 15,40 42. N 31. 05. W 29 43. N 71. 40. W 29,76 44. N 47. 15. W 20 45. N 59. 30. W 28 46. N 15. 30. W 21,68 47. N 17. 20. W 67,20—16 to Quarter Bridge. 48. N 63. 45. W 40,60— To Woolen Factory, Pot'ry,&«. 49. N 83.30. W 43,52 50. N 25. 15. W 28,20 51. N 56. 15. E 20,40 52. N 72. 50. E 12,20 53. N 44. 20. E 12— To Bean hill Bridge. 54. N 68. 50. W 8,80— Across the bridge. 29 55. N 33. 00. E 36 56. N 56. 15. W 22 72 57. S 31. 12. W 33;48 58. N 86. 45. W 35 59. N 76. 50. W 50,08 60. S 88. 00. W 11 72 61. N 85. 00. W 26 44 62. N 58. 00. W 8' 63. N 29. 45. W 20,40 64. N 49. 00. W 13 40 66: N ^ J: o'o: ^ So~^^ ^^"^^^ ^^°^- ^-^-^• 68* S 74* ]^' w fi'.o ^^ ^^^^"^^^'» 5 14,52 to bridge 6Q S In tn w J^'^^rT^'^^ to the line between N. m N67:45; W l|-^ol-betweenN.andFranklin. ?2s'4'?5-:^ 24; [cross Yantic Gore. S N7f ^;^ ^2^720 r°"^^^^ ^0,71,T2,73, 74, a- 74. N 25.00. W 17,80 J 1 Bozrah 75. N 41. 50. W _J6--To the line between Norwich & 1856,92 Rods. 5 miles, 256,92 rods— 42,40 rods of which is across the stream at 3 places, nearly at right angles to its course. Thames River; commencing at Wharf Bridge, to mouth of Tradmg Cove, 2 miles, 173 rods. Whole length of Roads ia Town, 63 miles. Declination of the Magnetic Needle, 6° 27' west. 30 Owing to the Author's absence at the time the above Notes were printed, the following and a few other shght errors were committed. ERRATA. Page 7, line 3, after 634 read 66 to Scotland road. « " 4, " 888 " 704 to Yantic Brook. 854 to fYantic River. " " 23 from the top, afler 260,80 read 160 to noted, &c. «* « 25 " " 560 read 44 to road, 218 to [road, 508 to Bozrah Brook. Page 9, line 12 fr. bottom, read 50.80, 25,60 to School house. " « « 11 « " 58,40, 4 to Brook. " « « 4 " « 250, 44 to old road on left. « 11, ", « 10,80, 7 to Sachem's brook. « 15, " 15 « " &4, 66,40 to School house. " 18, »' 13 fr. bottom, " 180, 168 old road. « « " 12 " " 78, 76 to N.& N.L.turapike. " 20, " 5 fr. top, dele 4 Post OfBce. " " « « " read 44,60, 4 Post Office. " " « 13, •* « 110, 78 to City line, 105 to [Broadway. « « " 14, « « 124, 11,60 to Common-st, 56,80 [Prospect-st. '' " " 16, " " 44, 34 to Burying ground. « " " 10, fr. bottom, read 20, 10 Iron Foundry, 20 school [house. " " " 9, " " 16, 12 Thames Cotton Factory. " 22, " 15 fr. top, " 12, 6 to Paper miU & City line. " « « 3 fr. bottom, 19,20, 13,20 to Church-st. " 23, " 5 fr. top, read 32, 20 to street by stone house. « 23, " 12 fr. bottom, dele Female Academy. " 23, « 11 « read 19,80, 3,60 Female Academy, [19,80 rearof City Hall. On page 4 read Ion. 72° 7'. The distances in Roads No. 45 and 46 are in rods and links. On all the figure work to the 25th page, when no fraction of a rod occurs, the rods are placed in the fractional column. ■%!■ '..t-^