TX 715 .S196 Copy 1 1898 an IRafael ••• Cook Book Sfi COMPILED BY THE babies of San IRafael * San l?afael, -jk — m .— m--M -. w ^-. w - w . California COPYRIGHT, 18B8. Scbneifcer'e <3ot ']£m IMPORTED, DOMESTIC WD KEY WEST CIGARS Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos Smoker's Articles, Pocket Cutlery, Toilet I I Articles, Scissors, Fishing Tackle, Playing THE BEST TONSORIAL Cards, Stationery. Guitar, Violin ami ARTISTS IN TOWN Mandolin Strings. Children's Hair Catting a Specialty. Next to a Good Dinner be careful to get A small outlay when buying is better than a suit at court later on. A prudent business man always procures an Abstract of Title and examines it carefully before paying over his gold when purchasing real estate or loan- ing money and he always pat- ronizes the H (Soob Zitte fflarii) Qd. /Ibstraet Qo. San Rafael. Shade Trees Ornamental Trees Xaurel (Stove IRuteer^ H. SCHLUTER, Proprietor Gardens Planned and Laid Out. (je^era! f/urSCTV StOGr( Ferns and House Palms a Specialty All kinds of Bedding Plants . . Carnations, Roses, and Chrysanthe- mums, Fruit and Shade Trees bs, etc. Clematis and other climbing pL. Foot of B Street 1kt>- > a y. San IRafael H ••• Cook 3Book •$ COMPILED BY THE 1898 Xabiee of San IRafael ♦ San IRafael, California A^ <> ^ 1.6397 -The — MARIN JOURNAL VSTARTTSHm The leading . . . H&iAtfivisriiiiJ Republican newspaper IN 1861. of Slarin county - Fine Job Printing WALLLAGE CLARENCE BROWN . . . proprietor Preface. <$? 'We may live without poetry, music, and art; We may live without conscience, and live without heart; We may live without friends; we may live without books; But civilized man cannot live without cooks. He may live without books, — what is knowledge but grieving-? He may live without hope, — what is hope but deceiving? He may live without love, — what is passion but pining? But where is the man that can live without dining?" f? 4 ADVERTISEMENT. SAN RAFAEL & S. F. EXPRESS We transport our Furniture, Pianos. Baggage and Freight BY TEAM WITHOUT CHANGE In a SPECIAL CAR Jby broad gauge train between San Rafael and San Francisco. SanlRafael Office, | " 8i 9 FouRf h st.- ~ OSCAR FITCH, Telephone Black*!. bet.CoadD FRED H. CARROLL, S. F. Office, Proprietors. 323 EAST ST. . . Telephone 496. San Rafael, Cal. Firstclass Family Boarding-House SIXTH ST., HEAD OF B. MRS. J. F. JORDAN, Beautiful View. Fine Grounds. Proprietress. KURTZ & MAYER S " W, &S?,, Specialty San Rafael French Bakery akd.. Confectionery.... Hotels, restaurants, and families PORNFR supplied at shortest notice . . . ^ All kinds of wedding cake made ^ £) AND SECOND STS. to order . Forei £" ?i Domestic Fruits. TELEPHONE NO. 82. mil. 1R. Hnbevson GENERAL MARKETING C and • • tf ine Groceries. a: COR. B AND THIRD STREET, San Rafael, 5. 1kell£ . . . Orders promptly Attended to. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in MARIN CO. MARKET jjTUllS HI 10 and Mn* 8 R block. ^ eGC tables Fourth St. bet. A and B. TELEPHONE BLACK 51. SAN RAFAEL. j^eafs, {ViItTj), Gan)e and Meats Rechauffe. IRules for GoofeinQ /IDeats. Put all salt meats to cook in cold water; all fresh meats, excepting- for soups, into hot water, then cook slowly. All roast meats, excepting veal, are put dry into a very hot oven; veal requiring" a little more moisture. When well browned, add hot water; and when about half done, salt. Never salt meat until partially cooked. Rare meat requires about 15 minutes to the pound. Baste all roasts frequently. Roast beef requires a hotter oven than any other meat. YORKSHIRE PUDDING.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. To be eaten with roast beef. I cup of flour, 1 egg, 1 cup of milk, 1 teaspoon of salt. Have the pan quite hot in which is some of the roast dripping; pour in the pudding, and bake in a quick oven. This is preferable to the old way of raising the roast and baking the pudding underneath. FILLET OP BEEP A LA ROSSINI.— Mrs. W. F. C Hassan. Braise a larded fillet with what vegetables are in season; moisten while cooking, with a bottle of good claret, some say sherry. When done, glaze and dish it up garnished with macaroni prepared as follows: Boil I pound of macaroni cut in 3 inch lengths; put in a stew pan with some sliced mushrooms, \ pint good stock, 3 ounces grated Parmesan cheese, and a pat of butter; soason with salt and pepper; toss over the fire till well mixed, and serve around the beef. Pour over the beef the gravy from the pan, with the vegetables strained out. FILLET OF BEEF WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE. — Mrs. J. E. Alexander. The fillet is the tenderloin of beef. Have the butcher prepare and lard it with strips of salt pork ready for the oven; pepper, and spread thickly with butter; add a little salt to \ cup boiling water, and pour into the pan. Bake in a quick oven 30 or 40 minutes, basting 4 or 5 times. Mushroom Sauce. — 1 can of French mushrooms, 1 cup of stock, 1 cup of cream, 2 tablespoons flour, 2 tablespoons butter; salt and pepper to taste. Melt the butter, add the flour, stir until a dark brown, then gradually add the stock; when this boils up, add the liquor from MEATS, POULTRY AND GAME. 35 the mushrooms; season and simmer 20 minutes; add the mushrooms and let cook 5 minutes more, then add the cream; let it boil up and remove immediately. Pour it around the fillet and serve. BEEFSTEAK AND MUSHROOMS.— Mrs. J. E. Alexander. Put into a saucepan 1 ounce of butter, a small onion chopped fine, a little ground sage and thyme, and place over the fire. When hot, shake in 2 tablespoons flour, and when it becomes brown, put in 1 gill of water and let it boil for h hour; then add 3 tablespoons of beef stock, a little suet and a little nutmeg. Put in 1 can of mushrooms; let it boil for 10 minutes; and pour over a nicely broiled beefsteak. BEEFSTEAK ROLL.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. Take a slice of round steak, not too thick, and spread it with a dressing made of 1 cup of bread crumbs, 1 small onion chopped fine, 1 tablespoon of butter, seasoned with salt, pepper, and sage. Wet with a little cold water. Roll up the steak and tie securely, especially at the ends. Fry a couple of slices of salt pork in a pan, and in this brown the roll thoroughly. Pour hot water over it, cover tightly, and cook slowly for 2 hours. Then add thickening and seasoning. This is not so dry as when baked. Heart is also better cooked this way than baked. Cook the onion in a little butter and water before putting it into the dressing. PIGS IN BLANKETS.— Mrs. A. A. Smith. Cut a round steak into 4-inch squares; place on each square a thin slice of bacon, a clove, and a small bay leaf; add pepper and salt; roll up and skewer; put some butter in the bottom of a stewpan with a little minced onion; place the pigs in this, and fry brown; then add just enough water to stew; keep adding boiling water as it is needed, having- enough gravy at the last to thicken and pour over them. CURRY.— .4. E. Menzies. Brown onion and apple; for a good dish of meat take 2 onions and 3 or 4 apples. Chop the apple, slice the onion; take these out of frying- pan, after being browned, and if fresh meat is used, brown it. Take 1 tablespoon of flour, 1 dessertspoon of curry powder; mix smoothly with milk; add to the rest of the ingTedients with a large cup of milk. Stew in a saucepan for 2 hours, cooking 'very slowly, stirring now and then. A few cold string beans, or peas that have been cooked, are an improve- ment; also a little sweet pickle. PEPPER STEW.— Mrs. Herbert Kellogg. Put 3 onions into beef dripping, and cook moderately until soft, being careful not to scorch them. Add 1 pound of raw beef cut into small pieces, 3 red peppers, first removing all the veins and seeds; or if preferred, bell peppers can be used. £ hour before serving, add k can of corn or 4 ears scraped from the cob, and 3 or 4 fresh peeled tomatoes. Season with salt and pour over toast. It should cook slowly for at least 1J hours. KIDNEY STEW.— Mrs. W. B. Bradford. 2 beeves' kidneys cut up very fine; pour hot water over, and as it 36 MEATS, POULTRY AND GAME. boils, pour off and add fresh water; then let it simmer slowly for 2 hours. Cut up 2 large onions, add to the stew, and cook 1 hour. About 2 minutes before serving- add a little curry, thicken with flour, add wine, and serve on toast. KIDNEY STEW.— Mrs. P. T Burtchaell. Parboil the kidneys and pour off the water. Have frying-pan hot, put in a piece of butter, and fry 1 onion in same until brown; drain kidneys, put in frying-pan with onion and fry brown. Put saucepan on with a wineglass of sherry, let boil 1 minute, then turn kidneys in with salt, pepper, £ teaspoon of allspice and cinnamon; add water to cover; thicken with a little flour. Mushrooms may be added if desired. VEAL CUTLETS.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. Lay the cutlets on a board and chop on both sides until they are quite ragged; roll in egg and cracker crumbs; put into a pan where there is plenty of hot fat, and cook rather slowly for 20 minutes, or until they are a nice brown; salt them and place on a platter. Put 1 tablespoon of flour into fat remaining in the pan, and let cook a few minutes, stirring constantly; then gradually add milk until the gravy is of the right consistency. Season, and pour over cutlets, or serve separately. VEAL LOAF, STEAMED.— J/rs Carter P. Pameroy. 2 pounds of veal and \ pound of salt pork, put through sausage grinder; 2 cups of bread crumbs soaked in stock or milk; 2 eggs unbeaten; a little grated onion; salt and pepper; steam in pudding pail 2 hours. This is good served hot in slices with tomato sauce; or cold with mayonnaise dressing; or for a cold lunch dish; very easily made, and sure to be good. VEAL CROQUETTES.— Mrs. Wm. B. Noble. Put h pound of bread to soak in 1 pint of cold water; \ pound of cold veal to be chopped fine. Press the bread through a cloth to extract all the water. Put into a stew pan 2 ounces of butter and 1 tablespoon of onion chopped very fine; fry for 2 minutes; add the bread and stir until rather dry. Then add the meat, a little grated nutmeg and lemon peel, with salt and pepper to taste.' Stir continually until very hot, then add 2 eggs, one at a time; mix well together, then spread on a dish to cool. Make into egg-shaped balls, dip into egg and bread-crumb them, then fry in boiling fat to a light brown. CHICKEN CROQUETTES.— Mrs. Win. B. Noble. Remove the skin, fat and bones from one cold boiled chicken; then chop, or grind, as for mince meat. Take 2 tablespoons of butter into which work 1 large tablespoon of flour; to this add i pint of cream or rich milk, \ of a nutmeg grated, a pinch of ground mace, 1 teaspoon of scraped onion, 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley, with salt and pepper to taste. Place this mixture, with the chicken, in a pan, and stew it about 5 minutes; remove from the fire and add the yolks of 2 eggs; mix thoroughly and spread on a dish to cool. When cold, take about 1 MEATS, POULTRY AND GAME. 37 teaspoonful and roll in flour, and shape in a mold or a wineglass. Then take the yolks of 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon of cream, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, and a little salt; mix well, dip the croquettes first in this and then in fine bread crumbs. Fry in boiling fat, a light brown. These may be warmed over by putting them in a warm oven, not too hot or they will dry. PRESSED CHICKEN OR VEAL.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. Cut up a full grown chicken, or 2 pounds of veal stew; put to cook in a small amount of water, cover tightly and cook 4 or 5 hours. Pour off the liquid and strain into another saucepan; there should be a good cupful of rich juice. Remove all bones and the skin of the chicken; pull the meat apart, put it into the juice and return to the fire. Season highly with salt and pepper, pour into bread pan, and set away to get cold. A few slices of cooked carrots cut in fancy shapes and placed in the bottom of the pan before pouring in the meat, improve the appear- ance. Garnish with parsley. Nice for lunch or an entree. CHICKEN TERRAPIN.— Mrs. J. E. Alexander (For a chafing dish.) Cut a cold chicken into small pieces, removing all bone and gristle. Put into the chafing dish J pint of cream and \ pound of butter rubbed into a large spoonful of flour; pepper and salt to taste. Add the chicken, and when it boib up, add 3 hard boiled eggs chopped fine, and the juice of a lemon. Simmer for a moment and serve. FRICASSEE CHICKEN.— Mrs. E. B. Mahon. Split the chickens down the back, dry and dredge with flour; add pepper and salt; put in a pan with some bits of butter, cover with 1 quart of water; put in oven, and closely cover with another pan which may be removed when the chickens are nearly done, to let them brown; thicken the gravy; serve with mashed potatoes. CHICKEN AU SUPREME.— Dr. C. B. Brown, S. F. 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon flour rubbed together, 3 pint of milk; cook until thick; add 2 teaspoon onion juice. Cut into dice 2 cups of cooked chicken or turkey which have stood from 5 hour to 2 hours in 2 tablespoons olive oil; add J teaspoon celery salt, 2 teaspoon white salt, and a dash of cayenne. SEVERAL WAYS TO COOK CHICKEN.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. Take young chickens to fry; or if old they must be steamed first, then jointed, rubbed dry, rolled in flour, and fried in butter; or equal quantities of butter and dripping can be used. There must be plenty of fat; and after the chicken is well browned on both sides, add salt, cover tightly, and remove to where it will cook slowly, for at least 5 hour; turn occasionally. Put 1 heaping tablespoon of flour in fat; after the chicken is done, pour in milk to the light consistency; season, and pour over chicken, or serve in gravy boat. White Fricassee.— Joint the chickens and put to cook in hot water, pouring on water about J the depth of chicken. Cover tightly, 38 MEATS, POULTRY AND GAME. and cook slowly from 2 to 5 hours, according- to age of chicken. £ hour before serving, season, make a drawn butter gravy of the broth, and let the chicken simmer in this on back of stove. Serve on split biscuit or toast, or place boiled rice around the edge of the platter. Some prefer a cream gravy. Smothered Chicken. — Split down the back young chickens £ grown; spread with butter, cover with another pan, and bake $ hour. Season and brown before serving. Some blown the chicken on the broiler. CHICKEN SOUFFLE.— Mrs. W. F. C. Hasson. 1 pint chopped chicken, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1 pint of milk, 2 dashes of pepper, 1 tablespoon flour, 3 eggs, and £ cup of stale bread crumbs; put the butter into a small saucepan, and when melted add the flour and mix till smooth. Then add the milk and stir continually until it boils, add the crumbs, cook 1 minute; take from the fire, add salt, pepper, parsley, chicken, and the yolks of the eggs well beaten. Beat the whites to a stiff froth, stir them into the mixture carefully. Pour into a well greased baking dish, and bake in a quick oven for 20 minutes. Serve immediately or it will fall. CREAMED CHICKEN.— Mr s.. J. E. Alexander. 1 chicken, 4 sweetbreads, 1 can mushrooms. Boil sweetbreads £ hour, chicken until tender. When cold, cut up as for salad. In a saucepan put 4 large tablespoons of butter; when melted, stir in 5 tablespoons of flour, add 1 quart of rich milk, or J cream and h milk; stir until it thickens; flavor with a little onion juice, black and red pepper, and a little nutmeg. Put all together in a baking dish and cover with bread crumbs; add a little of the chicken broth. Bake 20 minutes. Oysters, mushrooms and sweetbreads are delicious prepared in the same way. KEYSTONE PATES.— Mrs. W. B. Noble. Chop cold cooked meat fine, measure, and to every pint add 1 tablespoon of butter, 2 tablespoons of dried bread crumbs, i cup of stock or boiling water, 2 eggs slightly beaten, and salt and pepper to taste. Put all these ingredients into a saucepan, and stir over the fire for a moment until thoroughly mixed. Fill custard cups § full with this mixture, stand them in a baking pan .} full of boiling water, and bake in a moderate oven 20 minutes. When done, turn them out carefully on a heated dish, and pour around them Bechamel sauce. Remains of any cold moat or poultry are delightful used in this way. SCRAPPLE.— Mrs. T. Siralton. Boil 2 pounds of beef or pork in enough water to cover it well, until the bones can be easily removed; take out the meat and chop it line; skim the fat from the wator, and when it comes to a boil again, stir in the chopped meat; add sage, salt and pepper to taste; stir into this enough corn meal to make it thick as mush; add the fat, or a part of it as desired; stir for 5 or 10 minutes; pour into a pan, and when cold cut MEATS, POULTRY AND GAME. 39 into slices and fry brown quickly. This is nice for breakfast or luncheon, and will keep a week in a cool place. BACON AND RICE.— Mrs. W. B. Bradford. Boil 2 pounds of bacon until tender. Boil 2 cups of rice, to which add while cooking J cup of raisins not chopped. Put the bacon in the •center of a platter, and over the rice sprinkle almonds chopped and blanched. 1 pound of nuts before they are shelled will be about right. Nice for an entree. DEVILED CHOPS.— Mrs. W. F. C. Hasson. Mix well together 1 ounce butter, 1 teaspoon made mustard, J teaspoon French mustard, salt, pepper, cayenne, 1 teaspoon hot Chutney, 1 teaspoon grated horse-radish, a little Chili vinegar, and the juice of 1 lime. Rub a little of this on 2 thick mutton chops broiled rare, and put the rest of the sauce over them in a very hot dish. PORK PIE.— Mrs. V. Neale. (To be served cold with breakfast or lunch.) Cut up some cold roast pork into rather large dice; have § meat and £ fat; put the bones and trimmings in a saucepan, and make a good gravy out of them. Put the pork into a deep pie dish, season well with salt, pepper, a little sage, and a very little chopped onion. Fill halfway with part of the gravy (cooled and seasoned), cover with a good plain short crust, ornament with paste leaves, and bake about % of an hour in a moderate oven until brown; then take it out and pour the remainder of the gravy (hot) through the hole in the center until nearly full. Memorandum: Be sure to make a small hole in center before placing the pie in the oven, otherwise it will not be wholesome. When cold the gravy should be all in a jelly; and the whole should be well seasoned. PORK AND BEANS.— Mrs. C. F. Robinson. Put 1 pint of pea beans in bean pot, with 1 tablespoon of syrup, a dash of cayenne, and 1 pound of fat salt pork, scored, placed on top; pint of thick tomatoes. When this is hot, add (i eggs beaten light, 1 teaspoon salt, and I teaspoon onion juice. RICE, SPANISH.— Mrs. L. A. Lancet. Put .] cup of rice into a pan with 1 heaping tablespoon of lard: let boil until all the kernels turn white; then add 1 quart of tomatoes, 1 green pepper, 1 large onion browned in butter, and salt; if not hot enough, add more pepper. ASPERGES AUX MILANAISE.— Mrs. W. F. C. Hasson. Boil large, choice asparagus till tender; put a layer of it upon the dish in which it is to be served. Sprinkle with salt, cayenne, and a little grated Parmesan; make three layers of this and pour over all a VEGETABLES. 51 little melted butter; then break on top a fresh egg for each person, and put in the oven until set. Serve very hot. CREAMED MUSHROOMS.— Dr. C B. Brown, S. F. 1 pound mushrooms, 2 tablespoons butter. Put mushrooms into melted butter, and cook until soft. Add 1 gill cream, 1 teaspoon salt. and a dash of white pepper. NOODLES A LA GERMAN.— Mrs. Thos. Duffy. 2 eggs beaten light; add 2 tablespoons water. Put some flour in a. bowl, add the egg, beating well; add more flour to make stiff; knead light like bread; roll thin as possible; leave it dry; then cut in strips 2 inches wide, lay rows together, cut very fine; shake them out on a cloth to dry. Boil 20 minutes in salt water; drain in colander. Fry small cubes of bread in butter; melt more butter, and pour over noodles. Serve immediately. CAULIFLOWER, GERMAN STYLE.— Mrs. H. 0. Howitt. Boil a large white head of cauliflower in salted water until tender: then place it in a baking dish, and pour over it this mixture: the beaten yolks of 2 eggs mixed with a little cream or milk, 2 heaping tablespoons of grated cheese, a little melted butter, a pinch of cayenne pepper, a pinch of salt; bake 5 minutes until brown; serve in same dish. This may be used as an entree. SAUCE FOR HOT SLAW.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. 1 teacup of cream, butter the size of a walnut. When hot mix with a beaten egg, and pour over cabbage that has been cooked in vinegar and water. Pour the hot cream over the egg to prevent curdling. THP San Rafael. uic- — _^ CaL IRew €nglanfc Mia Ibotel ano Cottages. Superior Accommodations for Families ONE BLOCK FROM Large and shady Grounds NARROW GAUGE DEPOT. Table first-class. Terms $1.25 to $1.50 per day. $7.00 to $10.00 per week. . „ /vpfkjvjNflD Children under 12 years, half-price . iU * W ^UIXIXUK, Prop. 54 ADVERTISEMEMTS. GERMEA For Breakfast. Cooks in Three Minute* PREPARED FROM THE CHOICEST CALIFORNIA WHITE WHEAT. CHICKEN SALAD.— J/j-s. F. M. Angellotti. 2 boiled chickens cut in dice; with this mix thoroughly an equal quantity of good crisp celery cut in small pieces, 3 chopped olives, and 2 teaspoons of capers. Make a dressing of 6 tablespoons of best olive oil, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 teaspoons of salt, and a dash of cayenne; pour over and set away. Prepare a mayonnaise as follows: 2 yolks of eggs in a soup plate; add little by little the olive oil, stirring steadily with a silver fork; as the dressing thickens, thin it with a little lemon juice to the consistency of cream; add salt and pepper to taste. Make a mound, pour over it the mayonnaise, and garnish with lettuce leaves. CHICKEN SALAD.— Mrs. J. E. Alexander. Cut the white meat of the chicken into small bits (also the dark meat if you wish), cut the celery the same size, and use the same quantity of each; allow 2 hard boiled eggs to each quart of meat. Dressing: 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon salt. 2 teaspoons mustard; hot water to mix smooth; \ cup melted butter, 3 eggs well beaten, § cup cream, \ cup vinegar. After it is thoroughly cool add \ pint olive oil, 1 drop at a time. The dressing must not be put on until just before serving. SUMMER SALAD.-J/ys. /. E. Alexander. Lay a few crisp lettuce leaves on each plate, then add a few slices ripe tomato and cucumber, cover with salad dressing and serve very cold. MOSAIC SALAD.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. Prepare and boil separately in salt water, asparagus, cauliflower, string beans, carrots, potatoes, and beets. Cut off the asparagus tips, break up the cauliflower, cut the string beans in small pieces, and cut carrots, potatoes, and beets in any shape fancied. To these ingredients add a few stoned olives, capers, and tiny pickles: baste with French dressing, and se« away for an hour in a cold place. To 1 quart of these vegetables take \ box of Knox's gelatine and soak in a little cold water; then pour over it 1 pint of boiling water, when cool stir into it 1 cup of mayonnaise; pour this over the vegetables, and turn into a mold previously wet in cold water. When set, turn on a platter, garnish with nice white lettuce leaves, and serve with mayonnaise. ORANGE SALAD.— Mrs. McMahon. Slice oranges lengthwise, and fill lettuce cups same as for straw- berries. Pour over the following dressing: J cup vinegar, 2 tablespoons salad oil, 1 teaspoon sugar, a pinch of salt. 56 SALADS. FRENCH SALAD.— Mrs. V. Neale. Wash the lettuce well and leave in cold water a couple of hours; then dry in a cloth. Mix in the salad towl 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 4 or 5 drops of vinegar, h, a small green onion cut in slices, \ a mild green pepper (when in season), a pinch of salt, and plenty of fresh ground pepper; then break up the best part of 2 lettuce heads into the bowl; mix all well together, and serve. Do not keep it waiting long, and be very careful not to use too much vinegar or salt. CABBAGE SALAD.-Jfe Parsons, Tamalpais. 1 cup vinegar, 3 teaspoons mustard (small), 3 eggs, 1 tablespoon melted butter, 1 teaspoon salt, \ teaspoon pepper, J- cup sugar. Heat the vinegar in a double boiler, and stir in the other ingredients which have been mixed together. Cook only long enough to thicken slightly, as it curdles if cooked too long. Use this as a dressing to pour over chopped cabbage. PINK SALAD.— Mrs. A. A. Smith. 3 quarts of cabbage chopped very fine, 1 quart of boiled beets chopped, 1 cup of grated horse-radish, 1 teaspoon of black pepper, 1 cup of sugar, 1 tablespoon of salt. \ teaspoon red pepper; cover with cold vinegar, and keep in air-tight fruit jars. GELATINE SALAD.— Mrs. Oge. Soak h box Cox's gelatine in 1 cup cold water 1 hour. Boil soup vegetables with 3 whole cloves, season with pepper and salt; put them into 1 quart strained tomatoes; strain the boiling mixture and stir the gelatine into it while heating slowly on the stove; strain again and till sherbet glasses h full. When cold, turn out on salad plates and garnish with lettuce. Serve with mayonnaise dressing. DEVILED EGGS.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. Boil 8 eggs hard, and lay in cold water until cold. Take off the shells, cut in halves, slicing off a small piece of the big end to make them stand. Remove the yolks and rub smooth; add a little mustard, a tablespoon of butter, a dash of cayenne, and a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice, also salt; make any additions that may be liked. Fill the whites with this mixture and put together; stand them in a bed of chopped cress, lettuce or white cabbage, seasoned with salt, pepper, vinegar, and sugar if desirable. A little chopped ham is nice added. Mayonnaise alone is nice mixed with the yolks, then piled up in the little white cups of the eggs and served on lettuce leaves: in this way cut off both ends of the eggs, so the cups will stand. STRAWBERRY SALAD.— Mrs. McMahon. Choose the heart leaves of nice head lettuce; make cups of 2 leaves with the stems crossed; fill with firm berries. Put a spoonful of mayon- naise dressing on top of berries. CELERY SALAD.— Mrs. Oge. Take the white parts of a bunch of celery and cut them into pieces of a quarter of an inch; also cut up a little of the white part of a head of lettuce, and a very little of the top of an onion. Make a mayonnaise SALADS. 57 dressing of \ cup of olive oil, yolks of 2 eggs, red and black pepper to taste; and when done add 3 tablespoons of thick sweet cream or whipped cream. Mix with the salad and fill small green peppers with the mixture: put one pepper on each plate, and garnish with small pieces of lettuce. CELERY SALAD.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. Peel 1 dozen nice large tomatoes: remove the seeds and juice, leaving them cup shaped. Cut the nice white stalks from 3 heads of celery into small pieces; baste with French dressing, and set away for an hour in a cold place. Stuff the tomatoes with the celery, sprinkle with salt, and on the top put mayonnaise. Serve very cold on nice crisp lettuce. Celery is also nice served on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise, without tomatoes. SALAD DRESSING WITHOUT OIL. 1 tablespoon vinegar, the yolk of 1 egg beaten. Put on vinegar to boil, add yolk of egg and stir until it thickens; then add h teaspoon mustard, h teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon sugar, a piece of butter the size of a walnut. Pour all this over the beaten white of the egg, and then add cream until thin enough. SALAD DRESSING TO KEEP ON HAND.— Mrs. A. A. Smith. 5 teaspoons of mustard, 4 teaspoons of sugar, 1 small teaspoon of salt, 4 tablespoons of olive oil; beat these thoroughly; then add 4 eggs, 12 tablespoons of milk, 12 tablespoons of vinegar: stir all together in a quart bowl that can be placed over a boiling kettle; stir constantly till it becomes creamy; remove, and stir a little more lest the eggs curdle. This will keep two months or longer, in an air-tight fruit jar. CREAM DRESSING FOR SHRIMPS.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. Whip 1 teacup of cream just turning sour: add very little vinegar, and sugar to give a rich taste but not too sweet; pour over the shrimps and serve on lettuce leaves. Nice where one does not like oil; also nice with plain salad. CREAM DRESSING.— Mrs. F. B. Mahon. 1 cup of cream, 1 tablespoon of vinegar. 1 teaspoon of mustard, a little salt; mix together very slowly, . DEVILED EGGS.— Mrs. E. B. Mahon. Boil the eggs 15 minutes, put in cold water to cool, remove the shells, cut them in two lengthwise, take out the yolks and rub to a smooth paste with 1 teaspoon of mustard and 1 teaspoon of salad oil; mix a tablespoon of minced ham with salt and pepper to taste, fill the whites with this mixture (depends on how many eggs in regard to mixture). WALNUT SANDWICHES.— Mrs. J. M. Dollar. Mix finely chopped walnuts with enough mayonnaise dressing to make a soft paste. Take thin slices of buttered bread, spread 1 slice with the paste, put a lettuce leaf on the other; put them together, and cut in any shapes desired. Keep in a cold place until ready to use them. 58 . ADVERTISEMENTS. DR. G. G. VANDERLIP Dentist OFFICE HOURS: OFFICE: 9 to 12 A.M., Over Inman's Drug Store, I to 4.30 P. M. SAN RAFAEL. « HEPBURN WILKINS .Attorney at Law 619 FOURTH STREET, San Rafael, Wilkins' Building. Marin Co., Cal. C. ROY BARNEY San Rafael, Cal. Insurance and General Commission ^^. Agent ^ 813 FOURTH ST. - BET. C AND D. SARDINES WITH CHEESE.— Mrs. Carter. P. Pomeroy. Open a box of large sardines, drain them; cut stale bread into g-inch slices, then into strips a little longer than the sardines; fry in deep fat a bright brown, drain on brown paper. On each strip lay one sardine, and cover with grated Parmesan cheese. Put in hot oven on pan till the cheese melts and crusts over them; sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and a little lemon juice; serve hot. EGGS BAKED IN CHEESE SAUCE.— Mrs. Carter P. Pomeroy. 1 teaspoon of butter melted; add 1 teaspoon of flour, or more if & thicker sauce is liked. Cook thoroughly but do not brown; add 1 cup of milk, or cream preferred (use more butter if milk is used), which must be added slowly to make a smooth sauce; then add 4 tablespoons of grated cheese: stir well, and when thoroughly hot, pour into a ho' baking dish which can go to the table. Drop in 4 eggs as if for poaching, being very careful not to break the yolks. Put at once into oven, and when the eggs are set serve at once. Makes a very nice entree. CHEESE SOUFFLE.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 tablespoon of flour. Rub smooth, and add I cup of milk, yolks of 3 eggs, and 1 cup of grated cheese. Cook in double boiler; let boil 2 minutes, and then cool. Add the beaten whites, and bake 10 minutes in muffin rings with white paper underneath. Remove rings and serve immediately on the paper. Delicious. CHEESE SCALLOP.— Mrs. Robert Dollar. Soak 1 cup of di*y bread crumbs in fresh milk. Beat into this 3 eggs; add 1 tablespoon of butter and J pound of grated cheese; strew sifted bread crumbs upon the top, and bake in the oven a delicate brown. MACARONI.— Mrs. R. E. Neil. Boil macaroni until tender, and drain through a colander; then turn it into a pudding dish and pour over it 1 cup of rich gravy, 1 cup of stewed tomatoes, 1 cup of dried mushrooms that have been soaked in warm water 2 hours, and 1 teaspoon of salt in which has been rubbed a little garlic. Lastly, add 2 chopped Chili peppers and 2 cups of grated Parmesan cheese spread over the top. Bake \ or % of an hour. Excel- lent. MACARONI CROQUETTES.— Mrs. Carter P. Pomeroy. 2 ounces macaroni, butter size \ an egg, pepper and salt, 1 tablespoon cream, 2 ounces grated cheese. Boil macaroni in water f of an hour; 60 CHEESE. strain, and cut in small pieces; put back in stewpan with the cream and butter; when hot, add cheese and 1 egg well beaten. Put away till cold; shape into croquettes, roll in egg and bread crumbs, and fry in deep lard. This is very good; use small macaroni; serve alone, or with a tomato or cheese sauce. MACARONI AND CHEESE.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. Boil | of a pound of macaroni in salt and water for about \ hour oi~ until tender, and drain through a colander. Grate % of a pound of rich cheese. Put a layer of macaroni in the bottom of an earthenware dish; add salt, a few pieces of butter, a dash of cayenne, and sprinkle with cheese. Repeat until your material is all used, having cheese come on top. Pour over this 1 pint of milk and bake about h hour. It must be well browned and the milk cooked away, but not too dry. Serve as an entree. CHEESE STRAWS.— Mrs. W. F. C. Hasson. , Mix together 2 ounces grated Parmesan cheese, 2 ounces flour. 2 ounces butter, and a little salt and cayenne; make into a stiff paste with the yolk of 1 egg. Roll out the paste until J inch thick and 5 inches wide; cut into strips J inch wide, and bake on buttered tin in a hot oven 10 minutes or till a pale brown. CHEESE STRAWS.— Mrs. W. F Jones. ] cup of flour, J scant cup of butter, 1 cup of rich grated cheese, a pinch of salt. Rub flour and butter together as for pastry, then add cheese, 5 dashes of cayenne; wet with the whites of 2 eggs well beaten, and if not moist enough to roll, add a little water. The eggs can be omitted and all water used. Roll out as for rather thick pie-crust, and cut in strips 2 inches wide; then cut these into strips \ of an inch wide. Bake in a quick oven until a light brown. They must be crisp. Nice with salad or cold meats. Keep in tightly closed tins. WELSH RAREBIT.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. Melt 1 cup of grated cheese in a saucepan; add 2 beaten eggs. 2 tablespoons cream, and lastly a dash of cayenne and of mustard. Stir constantly until done, and serve immediately on hot buttered toast; it is best served on hot individual plates. For a Golden Buck place a poached egg on top of each serving. A little ale may be added at the last mo.nent to the plain Rarebit, and served bubbling hot. ADVERTISEMENTS. 61 JSurtcbaell & Co. . . . The . . . Leading Grocers Crockery, Glassware, Agate and Tinware. 622. 624 Fourth St. San Rafael, California. e eou Botb. PRESCRIPTIONS Accurately compouuded day or night. FLAVORING ~ , ( They're pure, EXTRACTS Our own make j T £J, S au ^ LAXATIVE ANTI-GRIPPE CAPSULES Cure a cold in one day. ^Ourffiotto-j, 1 ^' j If it's from Inman's COR. FOURTH AND C STS. IKofcafes an& Supplies. Telephone Red 35. MRS. M. COIT San Rafael. Cal. flIMlliner Dealer Fourth Street, Between C and D. Velvets, Satins, Flowers, Laces, Feathers, Tissues and Ruching. Dressmakers' Supplies. Hosiery, Mourning Goods, Etc. ALEX. SHEVITS San Rafael. Dealer in Ladies' and Gents' jf inc Sboes Full Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Boys' and Girls' School Shoes a Specialty. All Goods at S. F. prices. Cor. Fourth below C St. •• San Rafael PASTRY.— Mrs. Geo. M. Dodge. Into 1 cup flour rub 1 tablespoon lard; then wet it with enough ice-cold water to make a soft dough. Roll out and spread with little bits of butter all over. Then sprinkle lightly with flour, and fold over into a roll. Roll out again with rolling pin and spread again with lard. Then repeat as first time, and roll in bits of butter the third time. If this method is followed and ice water is used, and if the dough is handled lightly and quickly, a nice flaky crust will be obtained. PIE CRUST.— Mrs. Geo. Bunn. 3j cups of flour, 1 cup of shortening (half butter and half lard), a scant cup of water very cold, a pinch of salt. Handle as little as possible. PIE CRUST.— Mrs. L. A. Lancel. | of a pint of flour, 2 heaping tablespoons lard, 1 teaspoon yeast powder, 2 eggs. Mix in a bowl with cold water until the dough is l'eady to roll out, not too stiff; roll out into a thin sheet, spread lard or butter over it and a little dusting of flour; then roll together; repeat this 3 times; cover a plate, fill and bake. Spread a little lard on the top crust when it is put into the oven. LEMON PIE.— Mrs. A. A. Curtis- Yolks of 4 eggs, 1 cup sugar, juice of 3 lemons, whites of 2 eggs. Whip the whites, and mix with the yolks, sugar and lemon juice; cook all together in the mush boiler until thick, stirring all the time. Put this filling in the pie crust which should be baked first; whip the whites of 4 eggs for the top; and set in oven for a few seconds. Very fine. LEMON PIE.— Mrs. W. F. C. Hasson. Beat to a cream 4 ounces butter and 2 cups of sugar; add grated rind of 1 lemon, and the yolks of 10 eggs well beaten; mix in thoroughly lime juice enough to make quite sour, line a dish with rich paste and bake it. Pour in the mixture and bake in a moderate oven till quite firm, say 10 or 12 minutes. Then spread over it the whites of 3 eggs beaten to a very stiff froth with 2 tablespoons sugar and a little lemon; smooth cai'efully and put back in the oven till a light brown. Serve at once. LEMON PIES.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. 1 tablespoon corn starch wet in a little cold water; pour over this about a teacup of boiling water; when clear it ought to be pretty thick; then add % cup of sugar, 1 tablespoon butter, the grated rind and juice PASTRY AND PIEf. Ill of 1 lemon, and the yolks of 3 eggs. Line your pan with nice rich crust and bake, then pour in the filling. Beat the 3 whites to a stiff froth, add a few drops of lemon extract and 6 heaping tablespoons powdered sugar. Place in the oven for a few moments until a light brown. PINEAPPLE PIE..— Mrs. F. M. Angellotti. 1 cup grated pineapple, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup cream, 1 tablespoon butter, 3 eggs (only the yolks); mix and bake about 45 minutes. Use the 3 whites of eggs for meringue. VINEGAR PIE.— Mrs. Prodtrottea. 5 eggs, 2 large cups boiling water, 5 tablespoons vinegar, about 5 tablespoons corn starch, butter size of an egg, 1 cup of sugar. Put the water, sugar, butter and vinegar in a pan, thicken with cornstarch, then add the beaten yolks, flavor with lemon and pour into the crust (bake the crust first); beat the whites of the eggs with 4 tablespoons of sugar, put over the pies, and set into the oven to brown lightly. This will make 2 pies. CUSTARD PIE.— Mrs. E. B. Mahon. 3 eggs, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 pint of milk, nutmeg and a pinch of salt. BANANA PIE, NO. 1.— Mrs. A. A. Smith. Line a pan with good pastry; slice in very thinly 2 bananas; make a custard of 1 pint of milk, 2 well beaten eggs, a pinch of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar; pour over the bananas, and bake as a custard pie. BANANA PIE, NO. 2.— Mrs. A. A. Smith. Make a banana pie with a lower crust only ; bake the crust first, fill it with sliced bananas and powdered sugar; the fruit will soften in a few minutes; cover with whipped cream, and eat at once. SQUASH PIES.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. Line the baking plates with nice, rich crust. Steam a Hubbard squash, and when done pass it through a colander. For 2 pies, beat up 4 eggs, add 1 pint of squash, a little salt, 1 cup of sugar, 1 heaping teaspoon ginger, and f of a quart of milk. Bake until the mixture sets. 1 cup of cream in place of some of the milk is a great improvement. LEMON CHEESE CAKES.— Mrs. V. Nettle. Ingredients: J pound butter, 1 pound lump sugar, 6 eggs, rind of 2 lemons, juice of 3. Put all in saucepan, having carefully strained the juice of lemons and grated the rind. Keep stirring over fire till as thick as honey, when it is done. (Will keep in jars for 3 months). Line some patty pans with good puff paste, rather more than half fill them with the mixture, and bake in 15 or 20 minutes in good brisk oven. SWEDISH APPLE CAKE.— Miss A. Gordon. Roll out some rich pie paste, brush the edge with yolk of egg, and let it bake at a medium heat. Peel 6 apples, cut them into small pieces, and mix them with 1J ounces of sugar; cook until quite soft; mix with them J ounce of finely shredded orange peel, and the same of burnt 112 PASTRY AND PIES. almonds; add a little cinnamon and some grated lemon, and spread this mixture upon the paste. Beat up the whites of 2 eggs to snow. Mix in 2\ ounces of sugar, and put this into a conical, rolled paper bag; squeeze a network as well as a wreath-like edge on the cake; dust it with sugar, and put it in to the oven until it is a pale golden color. ORANGE TARTLETS.— Mrs. C. F. Robinson. 3 large fine oranges (juice of 3 and rind 1), 1 cup sugar, 2 dessert- spoons butter, juice of J a lemon, 3 teaspoons cornstarch wet with lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of water, 1 egg\ beat to a smooth cream and let it boil up, then pour into patty tins lined with crust, and bake. FIG PUFFS.— Miss Margaret B emner. 1 pound figs cut in small pieces, 1 cup of water, \ cup of sugar; boil the figs until tender; add the sugar while boiling; let cool; make a good rich pie crust, roll out a piece, spread the figs on, then roll out another piece about the same size and thin, and turn over the figs cut in bars \\ inches wide and 4 inches long; bake in a quick oven. These are very good . MINCE MEAT.— Mrs. Carter P. Pomeroy. (From an old English recipe handed down in the Morris family.) I beef's tongue well boiled, skinned and chopped fine; 2 pounds of beef suet and 8 pounds of tart apples, both chopped fine; 1 pint of molasses, 3 pounds of sugar, 4 tablespoons of cinnamon, 2 nutmegs, 2 tablespoons cloves, a little salt sprinkled on the tongue; 1 quart of rich boiled cider (which should be boiled down till it is as thick as syrup) — 1 quart after boiling. Put everything together and set over a kettle of boiling water till the suet melts; then add 4 pounds of raisins stoned, £ pound of citron cut very small, and 2 pounds of currants. Wine or brandy if you like, and more sugar if-you like it sweeter. GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING MINCE MEAT. • —Mrs. W. F. Jones. Boil 1 fresh beef tongue and 1 beef heart until tender, in as little water as possible, and salt well when half done. Lean beef can be used, but is not so nice, for it is apt to be fibrous. Prepare the heart and tongue, and chop very fine. Measure, and use twice as many chopped apples as meat, and \ as much chopped suet as meat. 1 quart of boiled eider, or 1 gallon of cider boiled down to a quart; 1 quart syrup from sweet pickles, that from clingstone peaches is best; 1 pint of best brandy: the grated rind and juice of 3 lemons; 2 nutmegs,. 2 tablespoons cloves, 2 tablespoons cinnamon, salt, 4 pounds seeded raisins, 2 pounds currants washed thoroughly, 1 pound citron chopped fine; brown sugar and syrup to taste. Cook all together in a preserving pan, stirring frequently. If too dry, add more syrup or pickle juice. More spices can also be added if liked. Put hot in fruit jars and this will keep indefinitely. When making the pies, add a tablespoon of brandy or wine to each pie. ADVERTISEMEMTS. 113 This is the Brand Each case contains 3 doz. 1 lb packages. (0&£3&to\ Each package makes three pies. Ml EHCE1 Mb LIBBY, McNEIL & LI BBY," 8 """"■»" , We are the agents Dod^e, Su/eepey \J \0. San Francisco PSI YQUB 6H0GEH FOB IT 5C0TT & CO. San Rafael Cal. re /Ifeercbants Paints and Oils, Hardware, Crockery, Gordon Block, Fourth St. carpenters Tools Bet. C and D Sts., San Rafael. P. E. DUFFY Proprietor..^ ^^ Carriage jFactor\> San Rafael, Cal. Firstclass Workmen, and Firstclass Work. Washers, Rubbers, Etc. Always on hand. All kinds of Carriage Work done on short notice Corner of THIRD AND C STS. pickles, Qtstips, Ftc. OIL CUCUMBER PICKLE.— Miss Parsons, Tamalpais. 100 small cucumbers the size of a finger, sliced across in quarters; 1 quart small onions (1 inch in diameter) sliced very thin. Put the above into a colander in layers, sprinkling in \ pint of salt. Put on them a heavy weight and let drain 6 hours. Put into a large pan the following: 8 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of celery seed, 1 dessertspoon of black pepper; mix well, toss in the cucumbers and onions, and mix again. Pack in Mason jars, fill with cold vinegar, and seal (without cooking). Makes about 5 pints. OIL PICKLES.— Mrs. J. L. Tharp. 50 small cucumbers and 200 button onions sliced; put in a colander, cover with salt, and a plate with weight on it. Let stand 24 hours. Mix with it, 1 ounce celery seed, J ounce white mustard seed and J ounce black, 1 cup sweet oil. Put in jars and cover with vinegar. FOR TWO GALLONS .OF PICKLES.— Mrs. W. F. Junes Put 2 gallons of small cucumbers in salt and water for 3 days; then wash thoroughly, and put in a jar. Boil 2 quai'ts of vinegar with a teacup of whole mustard, a handful each of cloves, allspice and black pepper, and a teacup of broken cinnamon all tied in a thin bag; to this add 1 pound of brown sugar. With the pickles put a few pods of red pepper and roots of horseradish ; pour the vinegar over the pickles, and if it does not cover them add more vinegar and let the bag of spices remain in the jar. Scald the vinegar every day for 5 days: then pour 1 coffee cup of molasses over the top and let it gradually settle down. MUSTARD PICKLES.— Miss Teua Bremner. 1 quart large cucumbers chopped, 1 quart small ones left whole, 1 quart large onions chopped, 1 quart small ones whole, 1 large cauliflower pulled apart, 3 strong peppers chopped fine, 3 small ones left whole. Put all in separate dishes and cover with hot brine; cover closely to keep steam in; let stand over night; in the moiming drain them and put all together, adding 3 cups sugar, i gallon vinegar, } pound white mustard, \ ounce celery seed; put all in a kettle and scald them. Make a paste of '$ cup of flour, 3 ounces yellow mustard, i ounce turmeric powder mixed with a little vinegar; turn this in slowly, stir briskly and let it boil up; then bottle. SWEET PICKLES.— Mrs. Geo. Bunn. 3i pounds brown sugar, 1 quart vinegar, 2 tablespoons each of cloves, allspice and cinnamon in small bags. Boil the syrup and spices; PICKLES, CATSUPS, ETC. 115 when boiling- hot pour it over 7 pounds of fruit; let stand 2-4 hours; pour off, boil again, and scald again as many times as necessary, according to size of fruit; for peaches about 4 times is sufficient; for smaller fruits, such as grapes or plums, 2 or 3 times will answer. CHOW-CHOW.— Mrs. Robert E. Neil. 12 large cucumbers, 4 large or 8 medium onions, 2 heads cauliflower, h peck green tomatoes cut in small pieces, 1 quart string beans (white wax beans are best) — string as for cooking, and break once; 3 large red peppers cut in strips, 50 small cucumbers about 2 inches long used whole, 2 quarts small silver onions, peeled and used whole. Pack all down in salt over night. In the morning wash off the salt, and drain well in a colander. Then boil in lh gallons of good cider vinegar, adding 1 pound brown sugar. 2 ounces white mustard, 1 ounce celery seed whole. Into 1 pint cold vinegar thoroughly mix 1 small box yellow ground mustard, 4 tablespoons ground black pepper, 1 horseradish root grated, and 2 ounces turmeric; add to the boiling liquid, and boil all together from 2i to 3 hours. Put into glass or stone jars, while still warm. GREEN TOMATO PICKLE.— Mrs. A. E. Menzies. 4 quarts green tomatoes after having been chopped, 2 roots horse- radish, 1 small teacup salt, 1 teacup black mustard seed, 1 teacup white mustard seed, 2 tablespoons black pepper, 2 red peppers (without seeds), 2 or 3 celery stalks, 1 cup onions (or same of nasturtiums), 1 teaspoon each of cloves, mace and cinnamon, 2 cups brown sugar, 3 pints strong vinegar. Chop the tomatoes, sprinkle with salt called for in recipe, and drain for 12 hours; if onions are used, let them drain with tomatoes. Boil for 1 hour; add the horseradish and celery later so that they only boil 5 hour. Before closing the jars, fill to the brim with hot vinegar. CHOW-CHOW.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. 25 cents' worth of green tomatoes and 10 cents' worth of green cucumbers, sliced and sprinkled with about 2 cups of salt; let them stand over night; in the morning wash thoroughly and cook until tender in. equal parts of vinegar and water; when tender drain, and throw away the liquid. Slice 10 cents' worth of di'y onions and 1 dozen bell peppers, and put them to cook in 3 quarts of vinegar; when tender drain off the vinegar, and return to the stove for the sauce. To the vinegar add £ cup of ground mustard, 2 tablespoons of black pepper, 1 cup of flour wet in a little of the vinegar, 4 cups of brown sugar, 1 tablespoon celery seed. Cook all until the sauce thickens, and pour it over the chow-chow. Put in the jars while hot, and seal. In this way it keeps for years. Delicious. PICCALILLI.— Mrs. W. J. Wickrnan. 1 peck green tomatoes, 8 large onions chopped fine, 1 cup of salt well stirred in. Let it stand over night and in the morning drain off all the liquor, add 2 quarts of water and 1 quart of vinegar; boil all together 20 minutes. Drain all through a sieve or colander, put it back into the kettle again, turn over it 2 quarts of vinegar, 1 pound of sugar, I pint of white mustard seed, 2 tablespoons of ground pepper, 2 of cinnamon, 116 PICKLES, CATSUP, ETC. 1 of cloves, 2 of ginger, and 1 of allspice, and J teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Boil all together 15 minutes or until tender. Stir it often to prevent scorching. Seal in glass jars. A good relish with meat or fish. PICKLED EGGS.— Mrs. W. J. Wickman. 3 dozen eggs boiled hard; drop in cold water, remove the shells, and pack them when entirely cold in a wide-mouthed jar large enough to let them in or out without breaking. Take as much vinegar as will cover them entirely, and boil in it white pepper, allspice, and a little root ginger; pour this over the eggs in the jar, occasionally putting in a tablespoon of white and black mustard seed mixed, a small piece of race ginger, a garlic if liked, horseradish ungrated, whole cloves, and a very little allspice. Slice 2 or 3 green peppers and add in very small quantities. They will be fit for use in 8 or 10 days. TOMATO CATSUP.— Miss Parsons, Tamalpais. 2 quarts of tomatoes skinned and chopped, \\ pints vinegar ; \ pound brown sugar, § pint New Orleans molasses. 1 teaspoon red pepper, 2 tablespoons salt, 2 onions (2 inches in diameter) chopped fine, 3 table- spoons winter squash steamed and mashed. Mix all together and boil down to 5 the original quantity. Excellent. Makes about 3 quarts. TOMATO CATSUP.— Mrs. A. A. Sunlit. Scald and strain tomatoes through a sieve to remove seeds and skins; then add to each gallon of juice 3 tablespoons of salt, 4 of ground mustard, 3 of black pepper, 2 of allspice, 2 of cinnamon, 1 of cloves. 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, 1 pint of white wine vinegar; simmer slowly for 4 hours, bottle and cork tight. APPLE CATSUP.— Miss Te.na Bremner. Stew apples in as little water as possible, and to T cups of pulp add 1J cups sugar, 1 teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon ginger, and 2 medium-sized onions chopped very fine. Beat well together, and then add 1 tablespoon salt and 1 cup vinegar- Stir well until all the ingredients are blended, then boil 1 hour and bottle while hot. Fill top of jar with vinegar to exclude air and prevent mould. CHILI SAUCE.— Mrs. J. L. Tharp. 8 large tomatoes, 4 large Chili peppers, 4 red peppers. 1 large onion, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 of ginger, 1 of cloves, 1 of allspice, 1 of salt. 2 cups of vinegar. Boil down to half the quantity. CHILI SAUCE.'— Mrs. W. F. Jones. 12 large ripe tomatoes pared, 2 large onions, 4 bell peppers, 1 table- spoon salt, 4 tablespoons sugar, and 2 teacups vinegar; chop the onions and peppers fine, put all together in a kettle, and let them simmer about 2 hours when it should be quite thick. If one likes a hotter sauce, use the long peppers; but I prefer the flavor of the others. SPICED CURRANTS.— Mrs. J. L. Tharp. 5 pounds picked currants, 4 pounds sugar, 1 pint of vinegar, £ table- PICKLES, CATSUPS, ETC. 117 spoon ground cloves, \ tablespoon allspice, \ tablespoon cinnamon, 1 dozen whole cloves. Put all together and boil \ of an hour. SPICED CURRANTS.— M rs. W. F. Jones. 5 pounds of currants, 4 pounds of sugar, 1 pint of vinegar, 1 table- spoon ground cloves, 2 tablespoons cinnamon; cook all until quite rich. To make Currant Soy pass the mixture through a sieve, and cook until thick. FRENCH MUSTARD.— Miss L. P. Trumbull. 1 egg, 1 teaspoon butter, 2 heaping tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 3 heaping tablespoons mustard, '{ cup vinegar and a speck of cayenne pepper. Reat the egg, dissolve the mustard in a little vinegar, and add the other ingredients; put in a double boiler or in a bowl over the teakettle, and stir until it thickens. This will keep a long time. TO PICKLE OLIVES.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. Dissolve a 1 -pound can of Babbitt's Potash in 5 gallons of water. Wash the olives and put in only enough to have the lye simply cover them. Stir every few hours and taste. When the bitter is almost gone (the time varying from 24 hours to 9 days), pour off the lye and soak in clear cold water, changing frequently until the lye taste is all gone, but the olives must not get soft or mushy. Make a brine of 14 ounces of salt to a gallon of water, and pour it cold over the olives. Bottle cold, filling the bottles well. I have excellent results preserving ripe olives by this recipe. 118 ADVERTISEMEMTS. HARDING. & REILLY ESf&** practical 1bor8C8bocrs.ji phoueBiack 2i Particular attention given to trotting horses, flesh foundering, quarter cracks, pigeon toeing, THIRD STREET, Knee sprung, overreaching . . Bet> B &nd c H. A. GORLEY "****&, Dealer in Foreign and Domestic WJ«« (S00b9 Hats and caps, ^ Gents' Furnishing Goods Rubber Goods, at City prices 809 and 811 Fourth St. The Oldest and most reliable dry goods house in San Rafael. E. H. CONWAY Teleph p!ed 2I plumbing anb (Bas^jffttfng STOVES OF ALL KINDS KITCHEN UTENSILS bet. second San Rafael, Cal. AND THIRD. A. B. THOMSON Linens imported from Europe direct San Rafael x Jellies and pWiifs. x IRules. Make all jellies or preserves in granite or porcelain pans. Fruit for jelly should be not quite ripe. Fill the jars, run a knife to the bottom and then around the edge, that the air bubbles may rise. Have the fruit hot, fill the jars full, screw the covers tight (the rubber rings must be new each year); to test the tightness of the covers, turn the jars upside down and let them so remain for several hours. Boiling jelly after the sugar is in makes it dark in color. Fruit steamed in the jar, and a syrup poured over it afterwards, is nicest. CURRANT JELLY.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. Cook the currants on the stems, after they have been carefully picked over; put into a bag and let drain; measure and return to the fire and boil 15 minutes; then add an equal quantity of granulated sugar warmed in the oven, and boil 5 minutes longer; pour into glasses. If the flavor of raspberries is liked, cook with the currants about 2 little baskets of raspberries to 1 small drawer of currants. After using the juice that drained off, squeeze the bag and make jelly which will not be so clear but does well for puddings and cakes. Skim thoroughly as it boils. QUINCE JELLY.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. Wipe the quinces carefully, then quarter them, removing nothing but the blows or any imperfect part, put on in just sufficient cold water to cover the fruit; cook until tender, stirring from the bottom carefully, but do not break the fruit, or the juice will not run. Drain through a bag and squeeze (for this jelly will be clear if squeezed, and much more juice will be obtained); measure and return to the fire and boil from \ to 1 hour according to whether the juice is watery or rich; add an equal amount of sugar which has been heated in the oven, and boil until it begins to jelly around the pan or drops from the spoon. Skim carefully. Jelly can be made from the cores and rinds left from making preserves. In making preserves steam the fruit until a little tender, then pour the syrup over, and the fruit will not be leathery. GRAPE JELLY.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. Wash the grapes (Isabellas are the best); pick from the stem, and proceed as in currant jelly. To prevent crystals forming after the jelly gets a little old, cook a small proportion of juicy apples, as you cook 120 JELLIES AND FRUITS. quinces, and add their juice to the grape juice. The apples also help to make a firmer jelly. Proceed as in other jelly, cooking about 1 hour before adding the sugar. TO KEEP JELLY FROM MOULDING.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. Cover the jelly with thin brown paper; then melt in a saucepan some paraffine and pour over the paper to the depth of a quarter of an inch, and pour back into the saucepan immediately from the jelly glass; it will leave a thin coating over the top which will keep the jelly perfectly. I have used this with good success for many years. QUINCE HONEY.— Miss A. Gordon. 5 nice quinces pared and grated, 1 pint of water, 5 pounds of granulated sugar; stir the grated quinces into the boiling sugar and water; cook 15 minutes, .pour into glasses, and let cool before covering. RHUBARB SAUCE.— Miss H. Pregge. Cut up the rhubarb into small pieces, leaving all the tender skin on; then put into a double boiler with sugar enough to sweeten, and cook until tender. This is very nice. CRANBERRY SAUCE.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. Put 1 quart of well picked cranberries into 1 pint of boiling water, and boil rapidly until done; then press through a colander, return to the fire, add 2 cups of sugar, and cook a short time. The flavor is more delicate when it is brought to a half -jellied consistency. ORANGE MARMALADE.— Mrs. Carter P. Pomeroy. Slice 1 dozen oranges skins and all, with a potato slicer (the kind that comes for Saratoga potatoes); weigh the sliced fruit, and to each pound add H pints of water and boil for J of an hour; then let it stand for 24 hours; weigh it again, and to each pound add li pounds of sugar and the juice of 1 lemon, and boil for 25 minutes, not longer. Use common sour oranges, taking out the seeds as you slice them. Delicious and very easy to make. ORANGE MARMALADE.— Mrs. Oliver (3 pounds bitter oranges, 6 pounds sugar; peel the oranges and boil the skins till tender; rub the inside of each orange through a sieve to keep back the seeds; put the pulp and skins with the sugar, and boil half an hour. ORANGE MARMALADE.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. Take about 2 dozen nice juicy oranges, grate the rind of half of them and pare the other half. Cook the parings until tender, in plenty of water, throwing away the water. Carefully separate the seeds and white part from the juice and pulp. When the skins are well cooked, remove all the white coating inside, and clip the rind with scissors into fine strips. Measure or weigh both the rind and pulp, and put it on to boil for about an hour; then add the same amount of heated sugar, and let this boil until the right consistency is reached, stirring constantly. It can be tested by putting a little in a saucer on ice or in any cool place. ADVERTISEMENTS. 121 KELLY BROS. ™ e • • Xeabing plumbers And Dealers in Telephone Red 13 Plumbing Supplies, Hardware, Garden Hose, Stoves, Tinware, Agateware, Bicycles, Paints, Oils, Electric Supplies. R. MAGNES Established 1S78. Dealer in Boots and Shoes Gents' Furnishing Goods DRY GOODS, CLOTHING AND HATS Opera House Block, Buying my goods for cash, i r can and do sell cheaper than Fourth St. bet. C and D anyone else. San Rafael EUGENE W.SMITH Practical Shoemaker Ladies' and Children's Shoes a Specialty All work promptly attended to ... . San Rafael B St. bet. 3rd and 4th REPAIRING DONE. Phillips "W^ire Fence Cheap, Durable, and Orna= mental The wire work costs from 4 to 15 cents per running foot according to the mesh. W. N. ROSS, Agent Marin Co. CREAM CANDY.— Miss Tena Bremner. 2 cups granulated sugar, h cup cold water, \ teaspoon cream of tartar, 1 teaspoon vanilla, almond, or any flavoring desired. Boil sugar, cream of tartar and water together until it hairs from the spoon; add the flavoring; set it in a cool place, and when nearly cold beat it until light and creamy; when cold enough to handle, mold into any shapes desired; place on a platter to harden. Melt unsweetened chocolate in a double boiler, and with a long pin dip the creams into the chocolate and set aside to cool. A nice variety may be made by removing the pits from dates, and filling with plain cream shap3d to fit, or with cream into which chopped nuts have been mixed. Almonds blanched and placed on the creams before they are quite cool, or walnuts halved and creams put between them, make a variety. FRENCH CREAM CANDY.— Mrs McMahon. 5 cups of granulated sugar, 2 cups of water, \ teaspoon of cream of tartar; stir all together, then put on the stove and boil without stirring about an hour, until it threads; with a wet cloth, constantly wipe around the edge to prevent it from going to sugar. When done, put the pan in cold water to cool, not letting it get too cold; when cool beat it until stiff, then knead it on a marble slab until all lumps are out; flavor and work into creams. MAPLE CREAM.— Mrs J. L. Tharp. 2 cups of maple sugar, .} cup of cream, j cup almonds blanched and chopped. Boil until crisp in water. Put in the nuts after baking from the fire, stirring until cool. PEANUT CANDY.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. Prepare 1 pint of shelled peanuts in a square pan, rubbing off all the skins. Put 2 cups of granulated sugar over the fire dry. and stir constantly until melted; then pour it over the candy. Great care must be used to prevent the sugar from burning. PANACHE CANDY.— Mrs. Oliver. 4 cups brown sugar, 1 cup milk, the meats of 2 pounds of walnuts broken, 1 large tablespoon vanilla; boil all together over a slow fire till it sugars around the edge of the kettle; stir constantly; pour into a buttered dish, and cut into squares while warm. TOFFEE CANDY.— Miss Agnes I. Menties. 2 cups of sugar, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, 1 tablespoon water, 1 tablespoon any flavoring preferred. It is done when it has boiled 20 minutes. CONFECTIONERY. 12.'] MOLASSES CANDY.-- Miss May Dollar. 1 cup of molasses, 3 tablespoons of brown sugar, 1 tablespoon of butter, 2 tablespoons of vinegar: boil 20 minutes; flavor as you like; make it with New Orleans molasses. CHOCOLATE CARAMELS.— Miss May Hollar. 1 cup of molasses, jj cup of white sugar, \ pound of chocolate, 1 heaping tablespoon of butter; boil until hard, then pour into buttered plates, and when hard, cut into squares. Stir while boiling. VANILLA CREAM TAFFY.— Hoover. Weigh 4 pounds of white sugar; place it in a kettle; add to this 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 pint of rich cream and 2 ounces of butter; set the kettle on a moderate fire, and stir and cook the batch to a slight crack; pour out on buttered plates or a marble slab, and let it become cool enough to handle; then pull the batch, and flavor with 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, when it will be ready for use. TAFFY.-J/ws Agnes I. Menzies. 3 cups brown sugar, 1 tablespoon molasses, 11 tablespoons butter, 1 tablespoon cream, a pinch of cream of tartar; flavor with vanilla : put in a buttered pan large enough to make the candy thin. Stir all the time. TO PREPARE SALTED ALMONDS.— Miss A. Gordon. Blanch them by pouring hot water on them. When they are blanched and dry, measure them, and over each cupful of nuts pour 1 tablespoon of best olive oil; then sprinkle with a tablespoon of salt for each cupful of nuts, mixing thoroughly. Put in not too hot an oven for about 10 minutes, or until they are nicely browned. SALTED ALMONDS.— Mrs. W. F. Jones. I have tried salting almonds in the oven, in butter, in olive oil, by sprinkling them over night with salt and roasting dry; but I find the most satisfactory way is to heat a little olive oil in a very small saucepan, drop a few of the almonds in and fry them as I would doughnuts. When brown, skim them out, throw them on brown paper and sprinkle with salt. As long as the olive oil is not burned, it can be used again by adding a little more oil to it. 124 ADVERTISEMENTS. GO TO HOOVER'S I lor . . . fine Canutes Ice Cream Soda a Specialty SALTED ALMONDS. FRUIT ICES TO ORDER. KINSELLA & JOHNSON Dealers in Agents Rochester Lamps. Hardware Am! all kinds of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS PLUMBING AND GAS=FITTING B Street, bet. Third and Fourth. Telephone Red 31. x IV nK tn no other