^•^Wapft, Educational Survey of Wayne County Georgia By M. L. DUGGAN, Rural School Agent No. lo Voider the Direction of the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION M. L. BRITTAIN State Superintendent of Schools 1916 D. of D. FEB 20 1313 \'^, ^ HON. B. D. PUIiCELL, County School Superintendent. COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION. lion. A. J. Nichols, Clniiriiian E. 2, Jesup, Ga. ITon. n. L. Herring Hickox, Ga. Hon. J. W. Harper Gardi, Ga. Hon. J. P>. Yeouians Screven, Ga. Hon. S. A. Dent R. 1, Jesup, Ga. WAYNE COUNTY SCHOOLS Any public scliool system should be judged by two dif- ferent standards, to-wit : (1) ideal conditions, towards which it should always strive; and (2) past conditions, from which it has made substantial progress. Measured by the first, Wayne County has much hard work ahead before the public schools shall attain the efficiency that the needs of Wayne County children indicate ; measured by the second, there is great cause for gTatification and hope of attaining the first. Depending mainly upon its timber and turpentine, the pop- ulation of the county has been uncertain and shifting, making it difficult to build up permanent schools. Comparatively small portions of the county have even yet been well developed agriculturally ; but the original timber is now practically gone, and the county is developing its agricultural resources. This gives promise of future permanency. In spite of adverse conditions, gratifying progress has been made. The rate of progress is hard to realize, except by com- paring conditions at certain stated periods. Then it is seen that more progress is being accomplished than in some of the older and, supposedly, more progressive counties. After all, probably the character and rate of progress is of most im- portance. THEN AND NOW. The first official inspection and report upon any county school systems in Georgia M^as done in 1906, under direction of Hon. W. B. Merritt, State Scliool Commissioner. This work reached only parts of a few counties, and Wayne County was one of them. Hon. W. R. Smith, in his published report to the State School Commissioner, of his "survey" in Wayne Coun- ty, says: ''The first school I visited pays the teacher eighteen dollars per month, ami tlie patrons adtl four more dollars to this man's salary. Tlie county school commissioner supports his family, pays rent, keeps his horse and buggy, and received forty dollars i)ei" month for his services. However, his school work seems to all that can interest him, so he will finally suc- ceed." Present conditions fully verify this prophecy. The first Rural School Supervisor for Georgia (Prof. R. H. Powell, now President South Georgia State Normal School) devoted a considerable portion of his first year's work to Wayne County. This was in 1910. The work was fundamen- tal in its nature, such as creating and stimulating sentiment for better school conditions, waging a campaign for better fi- nancial sui)port of the schools (local taxation), planning con- solidations, better school houses, etc., etc. As a result of these efforts and previous work by the county superintendent the county voted "for local taxation" in 1910. In 1910 the total public school fund was $ 9,786.80 In 1915 the total public school fund is $28,265.34 Showing an increase in five years of nearly 300% In 1910 the lengtli of the school year was 80 days In 1915 the length of the school year was 110 days Showing an increase in five years of 37% In 1910 the monthly salaries of teachers averaged.. $ 37.77 In 1915 the monthly salaries of teachers averaged. . . .$ 51.20 Showing an increase in five years of 35% In 1910 total value of school property in county was $17,775.00 In 1915 total value school property in county was $54,036.00 Showing an increase in five years of over. . . .300% There are many educational agencies actively at Avork in the county in 1916 that were not even thought of in 1910, such as the Farm Demonstration and Home Economics Work under trained agents, and a wide-spread and more vital interest in public schools generally. The photographs of some of the present public school build- 6 ings in the county and the old ones replaced by them, as shown in the following pages, will give striking indications of progress acconiplislied in the past few years. The greater dissatisfaction at present conditions and in- creasing demand for still greater progress manifested through out the county are probably the best evidences of what is to be. The success of tlie Agricultural and Home Economics work- ers is particularly gratifying. There has been l)itter preju- dice against this work in the county, but the inimber of mem- bers of the corn, canning, and pig clubs, distributed through nearly all the schools of the county, give evidence of the prog- ress in the public sentiment and fully justifies the wisdom and j)ersistence of the school officials. THE NEGRO SCHOOLS. There are eighteen negro schools in the county, negro pop- ulation being small. These have made very little progress, as their photographs given herein will shoAV. They are without equipment, with one exception, having nothing more than very poor blackboards. Salaries for the negro teachers vary from ^110.00 to $175.00. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE FUTURE. 1. The educational interests of the children of the county demand better schools and longer terms tlian the present school funds will pay for. The rate of tax levied against the property for the benefit of the children is only twenty-five cents on the Inindred. For the sake of the children, the ])roperty can stand a higher rate. Some counties are raising more money locally for their schools than they receive from the State ; and every county ought to. Nearly half of the property of Wayne County as returned for taxation is owned by railroads and other corporations: and therefore little over half of any school tax levied is borne by the people whose children get the benefit. Under these circum- stances, the people will stand for a higher school tax. A more liberal maintenance is at the liottom of the solution of nearly all of our educational i)ro])lems. 2. There are too many schools in the county. By olDserving their locatiou with reference to each other as given in this bulletin, it will be seen that the school districts are generally below the minimum size contemplated by law (16 square miles). A consolidation of many of the small schools into larger ones will admit of more teachers to each school, thus greatly in- creasing their efficiency. At every one^teaeher school there are, necessarily, more h^ssons i)er day than any one teacher can well teacli. The children are the sufferers. The administration should take the lead in this important matter, but can not succeed without the co-operation of the patrons concerned. It Avill also involve some seeming sacrifices on the part of patrons, but the gains in increased efficiency will more than justify any apparent loss. ATKINSON SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Julia Moycl, Atkinson, Ga. Location: Two and one-half miles northeast to Drury; 4 miles south to Linder. Grounds: Area, (?); titles, private; small grounds; entirely unimproved ; very small playgrounds ; no school gar- dens. Building: Value, $600; 2 class rooms; no cloak rooms; barely enough light; unpainted; in good condition; fairly well kept. Equipment : Single and double patent desks ; poor blackboards ; no maps ; no charts ; no globe ; no pictures ; no reference dictionary; no library. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 40 pupils; program pos- ted; 40 periods; current events club; 22 weeks' school year. Two pupils in canning club. Maintenance : $302.50. BETHEL SCHOOL. Teachers: Miss Miiia Parker, Priiieii)al, Jesiip, Ga. ; E. H. Wells, Assistant, Jesup, Ga. Location: Three miles south to Enterprise; 3 miles southeast to Flint Branch. Grounds : Area, 2 acres ; titles in county board ; fenced ; other- wise unimproved; ample playgrounds; no school gar- dens; 2 toilets, in good condition. Building: Value, .$800; 2 class rooms; no cloak rooms; insuf- hciently and improperly lighted ; in good condition ; ceiled ; partly painted ; well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; poor blackboards; no maps; a good globe ; no charts ; framed pictures ; a reference dictionary; library, in good case, 125 vols.; organ; water supplied at a pump on lot ; individual drinking cups. Organization: Two teachers; 8 grades; 65 pupils; no programs posted ; about 26 recitation periods ; a very active lit- erary and debating club ; no organized community clubs ; 27 weeks' school year. Eight pui)ils in corn club; 5 in pig club ; 7 in canning club. Maintenance: .$550. ]0 BROADHURST SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss P^lora Dart, IJroaclluirst, Ga. Location: Four miles east to Little Creek; 5 miles northeast to Long Ford. Grounds: Area (?); titles (?); the location for this school is not yet definitely determined ; will soon select a good lot upon which to bnild, and county board will ac- quire titles. Building": At present occupying a small residence, a tem- l)orary quarters; planning a building soon to be erected. Equipment: No equipment as yet provided, other than double patent desks and poor blackboards ; will be provided when new school house is built. Organization: One teacher; 5 grades; 22 pupils; no program posted ; about 22 recitation periods ; no organized com- munity clubs; 27 weeks' school year. Corn club, 5; canning club, 5 ; pig club, 2. Maintenance : $192.50. 11 BUFFALO SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Verner Rogers, Hickox, Ga. Location: One and one-half miles southeast to Hickox; 2i/^ miles south to Burnt Bay. Grounds: Area, 1 acre; titles in county board; pine grove in rear; open front; unimproved, except setting of a few trees; playgrounds ample; no school gardens; 2 toilets, in average condition. Building: Value, $400; 1 class room; no cloak rooms; ceiled, but unpainted ; not fully lighted ; in good condition, and well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; first-class blackboards; 1 U. S. history map; no charts; no globes; no pictures; no reference dictionary; no library; a few flowers in pots and boxes; well on lot; common dipper at well. Organization: One teacher; 6 grades; 25 pupils; program pos- ted; 24 periods; no school or community clubs; 27 weeks' school year. Canning clubs, 2 members. Maintenance: $240. 12 BURNT BAY SCHOOL. Teacher: J. B. Kuox, Hickox, Ga. Location: One and one-half miles northeast to Hickox; 21^ miles north to Bufit'alo. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in county board; open, bare, old field ; iniiraproved ; ample playgrounds, unimproved ; no school gardens; two toilets, condition poor. Building: Value (doubtful) ; 1 class room, size 18x24x8; no cloak rooms ; insufficiently lighted ; kept clean ; log house, ceiled. Equipment: Long benches; good blackboards; no other equip- ment ; water supplied from very shallow well, dipped up from the top. Organisation: One teacher; 6 grades; 28 pupils; program posted ; 38 recitation periods ; no community clubs ; 27 weeks' school year. Maintenance: $198. 13 lllll UIUIII ]l!ll u CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL. Teachers: Mrs. W. A. Goiii, Principal, Jesup, Ga. ; Mrs. Vaughn, Assistant, Jesup, Ga. Location : Three miles southwest to Red Hill ; 4 miles north- cast to Oglethorpe; 4 miles northwest to Madray. Grounds: Area, 4 acres; titles in county board of education; entire grounds well fenced ; otherwise unimproved and neglected ; waste paper, trash, etc. ; no school gardens ; two toilets, in good condition. Building: Value, .i^2,000 ; 2 class rooms; cloak rooms; wide en- trance hall and veranda; well planned; ideally lighted; })ainted; in good condition, and well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks and teachers' desks; good blackboards; Ga. and U. S. history maps; charts; no globe; no reference dictionary; no library; pupils well supplied with desk dictionaries ; window flowers ; water at pum|) ; individual drinking cups. Organization: Two teachers; 7 grades; 110 pupils; program posted; 25 periods; literary clubs organized; school year, 22 weeks. Canning club, 7; corn club, 6; pig club, 2. Maintenance: $591.25. 14 DOCTORTOWN SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Ruth Dean. Jesup, Ga. Location: Four and oiu'-lialf miles north to Si)ring' Grove; 6 miles to Kieklighter. Maintenance: .^1 92.50. This is a small school without building or equiimient, but operated temi^orarily in a dwelling ; long benches are provided, but no other equipment ; 25 pupils are en- rolled, but the attendance is irregular. in DRURY SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Carrie Hires, Atkinson, Ga. Location: Two and one-half miles southwest to Atkinson; 41/0 miles north to Stewart. Grounds : Area, one acre ; titles in county board of education ; beautiful surroundings of live oaks and pines; unim- proved; no school gardens; very small playgrounds; 1 toilet, in average condition. Building- : Value, $150; one class room; no cloak room; fairly well lighted ; unceiled and unpainted ; good condition, and well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; good blackboards; no maps; no charts ; no globe ; no pictui'es ; no reference diction- ary ; no library ; water from nearby well ; common dip- pers. Organization: One teacher; 6 grades; 18 pupils; 22 weeks' school year. Canning club, 2 members. Maintenance: $192.50. 16 EMPIRE SCHOOL. Teacher: Mrs. Veriia Ashley, Jesiip, Ga. Location: Tliree inik\s southwest to Liberty; 3 mik^s north to Bethel ; 3 mik^s east to Flint Branch. Grounds : Area, 2 acres ; titles in county board ; well cleaned up, but unimproved (new location) ; playgrounds am- ple ; no school gardens ; two toilets, new. Building: Value, $600; 1 class room; veranda, but no cloak rooms ; ceiled, but unpainted ; well lighted ; a new building, just completed ; well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; first-class blackboards; no maps ; no charts ; no globe ; no pictures ; no reference dictionary; no library; water supplied at pump on lot; individual drinking cups. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 31 pupils; program l)osted ; 30 recitation periods; literary society; 27 weeks' school year. Canning club, 7 ; corn club, 3. Maintenance: $275. 17 FLINT BRANCH SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Bert Wells, Principal, Jesup, Ga. Location : Three miles southwest to Empire ; 3 miles west to Bethel. Grounds : Area, 2 acres ; titles in county board ; yards well fenced ; otherwise unimproved ; well cleaned up ; very small playgrounds ; no school gardens ; 2 toilets, poor condition. m Building : Value, $600 ; 1 class room ; no cloak rooms ; in good condition; fairly well kept; lighting insufficient; ceiled, but unpainted. Equipment: Single patent desks; first-class blackboards; 2 maps ; no charts ; no globes ; a few pictures ; good li- brary case, with 25 vols. ; a reference dictionary ; water supplied at pump ; individual drinking cups. Organization: Two teachers; 7 grades; 45 pupils; program posted; 29 recitation periods; literary club; 27 weeks' school year. Corn club, 10 ; canning club, 3 ; pig club, 2. Maintenance: $330. 18 FRIENDSHIP SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Delia Kennedy, Odum, Ga. Location: Four miles east to Oak Grove; near Appling County line. Grounds : Area, 1 acre ; titles in county board ; bare and un- improved, except for fence and a few trees set; play- grounds small ; no school gardens ; one toilet, in average condition. Building : Value, $500 ; 1 class room ; no cloak rooms ; barely well lighted (blue ceiling overhead) ; ceiled and painted inside ; unpainted outside ; in good repair and well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; first-class blackboards; good set of maps mounted in case ; charts ; globe ; a reference dictionary on stand ; no pictures ; no library ; water sup- plied at pump on lot ; common dipper. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 39 pupils; no program posted ; 35 recitation periods ; no organized community help; 27 weeks' school year. Corn club, 3; canning club, 2. Maintenance : $192.50. 19 GARDI SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Mary Pascliall, Gardi, Ga. Grounds : Area, 1 acre ; titles in county board ; well fenced ; partly improved ; small playgrounds ; small school gar- dens ; yards well cleaned up ; two toilets, in average con- dition. Building : Value, $700 ; 1 class room ; no cloak rooms ; well, but improperly lighted ; painted outside ; ceiled, but un- painted inside ; in good condition, and well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; good blackboards; 1 U. S. history map ; 1 chart ; 1 small globe ; framed pictures ; a reference dictionary ; a small library, in good case ; wa- ter supplied at well on lot; individual drinking cups. Org-anization : One teacher; 7 grades; 41 pupils; program posted; 40 recitation periods; no organized community clubs; 27 weeks' school year. Corn club, 6; canning club, 5 ; pig club, 2. Maintenance: $302.50. L'O HICKOX SCHOOL. Teacher: A. B. Dotson, Principal, Hickox, Ga. Location : One and one-half miles southwest to Burnt Bay ; IV2 miles northwest to Buffalo; 21^ miles east to Knox. Grounds: Area, 1 acre; titles in county board; a well-selected lot, level, open, bare ; unimproved, except well fenced ; very small playgrounds ; no school gardens ; two toilets, in good condition. Building': Value, $1,500; 2 class rooms; hall and cloak rooms; a well-planned building ; perfectly lighted ; in good con- dition ; painted inside and outside ; well kept. Equipment : Single patent desks and teachers ' desks ; first-class blackboards; 1 U. S. history map, only; charts; large globe ; no framed pictures ; a reference dictionary ; li- brary of 25 vols. ; flowers in boxes, etc. ; water brought from home by the pupils in individual bottles. Org-anization : Two teachers; 7 grades; 85 pupils; program posted ; 25 periods ; literary and debating clubs ; no organized community clubs; 27 weeks' sichool year. Canning club, 2. Maintenance : .$550. 21 HORTENSE SCHOOL. Teachers: Miss May Wilson, Principal, Hortense, 6a. Lula Faulk, Assistant, Hortense, Ga. Mrs. Location : Two and one-half miles west to Satillo ; 3 miles northeast to Sawgrass. Grounds: Area, 1 acre; titles in county board of education; open, bare, except few pines; neglected; small play- grounds; no school gardens; 2 toilets, in bad condition. Building: Value, $1,000; 3 class rooms, and lodge overhead; no cloak rooms ; fairly well lighted ; ceiled, but unpainted inside ; painted outside ; in good condition, but not well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; good blackboards; good set maps, mounted in case; charts; no globe; no pictures; reference dictionary ; no library ; water at pump ; indi- vidual drinking cups. Organization: Two teachers; 8 grades; 77 pupils; no programs posted; boys' debating clubs, and girls' literary society organized; no community clubs; 22 weeks' school year. Corn club, 1 ; canning club, 1 ; pig club, 1. Maintenance : $522.50. 22 JESUP HIGH SCHOOL. Teachers: H. W. Keith, Principal (Lat. & Hist.) ; L. R. Tow- son (Math. & Science) ; Miss Sallie Geiger (Eng. & His.) ; Mrs. Chas. Gray (6th grade) ; Miss Pansy Woodall (5th grade) ; Mrs. Robt. C. Smith (4th grade) ; Miss Frankie Carter (3rd grade) ; Miss Mabel Clark (2d grade) ; Mrs. H. B. Mandeville (1st grade). Grounds: Area, abont -i acres; titles in local trustees; well fenced ; ample playgrounds, little improved ; small school gardens separately wired ; otherwise grounds unim- proved ; well kept ; 2 toilets, in good condition. Building : Value, about .$10,000 ; brick ; 6 class rooms ; auditor- ium ; office, etc. ; 2 sections of auditorium curtained off for class rooms; halls used for cloak rooms; building in good condition, and well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; good blackboards; no maps; charts; 1 globe; good selection framed pictures; refer- ence dictionaries; library of 200 vols.; artesian water; bubbling fountains in halls. Organization: Nine teachers; 10 grades; 300 pupils; 9 months' school year; organized athletics for boys and girls* (base ball, basket ball, etc.). 23 KELLY SCHOOL. Teacher: W. L. Jones, Screven, Ga. Location: Six miles southwest to Satillo; 5 miles northwest to Screven. Grounds: Area, 1 acre; titles in county board of education; open, bare lot ; fenced ; otherwise unimproved, and ne- glected; playgrounds unimproved; no school gardens; 1 toilet, in average condition. Bmlding: Value, $450; 1 class room; no cloak rooms; improp- erly and insufficiently lighted ; ceiled, but unpainted ; in good condition and well kept. Equipment : Home-made double desks ; poor blackboards ; 1 U. S. history map ; no charts ; no globe ; no pictures ; no reference dictionary ; no library ; water at pump ; com- mon dippers. Organization: One teacher; 5 grades; 22 pupils; no program posted. Canning club, 4. Maintenance: $220. 24 1, Boys Corn Club. 2, Corn Club Exhibit. 3, Girls Canning Club. 4, Canning Club Exhibit. i'^mM4~-, KICKLIGHTER SCHOOL. Teacher: L. 0. Strickland, Jesup, Ga. Location: Three and one-half miles west to Jesiip ; 4 miles southeast to Gardi. Grounds : Area, 1 acre ; titles in county board ; in pine grove ; well fenced; otherwise unimproved; yards cleaned up; small playgrounds; small school gardens; 2 toilets, in good condition. Building' : Value, $500 ; 1 class room ; no cloak rooms ; veranda ; insufficiently lighted ; painted outside ; ceiled, but un- painted, inside ; in good condition ; only fairly well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; teacher's desk; first-class blackboards ; good supply of maps on rollers in a good case, including State and county maps ; no charts ; a globe ; framed pictures ; a reference dictionary ; no li- brary ; water supplied from pump on lot ; covered cooler ; individual drinking cups. Organization: One teacher; 6 grades; 42 pupils; no program posted ; 25 recitation periods ; no organized community clubs; 27 weeks' school year. Corn club, 5; canning club, 3. Maintenance: $275. 26 KNOX SCHOOL. Teacher: A. Tyson, Hickox, Ga. Location: Two and one-half miles west to Hickox; 3 miles east to Pine Bloom. Grounds : Area, % acre ; titles in county board ; entirely unim- proved, old field; neglected; small playgrounds; no school gardens ; 1 toilet, in average condition. Building': Value, $400; 1 large class room; no cloak rooms; in- sufficiently lighted ; in medium condition, fairly well kept ; ceiled, but unpainted. Equipment: Single patent desks; first-class blackboards; 1 U. S. history map ; no charts ; no globe ; no pictures ; no reference dictionary; no library; water supplied at well on lot ; common dippers. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 51 pupils; no program posted; 26 periods; no community or school clubs or- ganized; 27 weeks' school year. Maintenance: $253. 27 LIBERTY SCHOOL. Teachers: Miss Lula Mizell, Principal, Screven, Ga. ; Miss Mary King, Assistant, Screven, Ga. Location: Three miles northeast to Empire; 4 miles southwest to O'Qninns. Grounds : Area, 2 acres ; titles in county board ; yards well fenced ; otherwise unimproved ; playgrounds small ; no school gardens ; 2 toilets, in good condition. Building : Value, $800 ; 2 class rooms ; no cloak rooms ; insuf- ficiently lighted ; ceiled, but unpainted ; in good repair, and well kept. Equipment : Double patent desks ; first-class blackboards ; 1 U. S. history map ; no charts ; no globe ; no pictures ; no reference dictionary ; library of 80 vols, in good case ; water supplied at pump on lot ; individual drinking cups. Organization: Two teachers; 7 grades; 50 pupils; no pro- grams posted ; 20 periods ; some basketry taught ; pig clubs ; corn and canning clubs ; audubon club ; no or- ganized community aid; 27 weeks' school year. Maintenance: $550. 28 LITTLE CREEK SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Lucile Bryant, Gardi, Ga. Location: Three and one-half miles north to Long Ford; 3 miles south to Phinholaway. Grounds: Area, ly^ acres; titles in county board; lot open, bare ; unimproved, except a good wire fence ; play- grounds very small ; small school garden ; 2 toilets, in average condition. Building: Value, $800; 1 class room; good cloak rooms; small veranda ; well planned building ; well and properly lighted ; painted outside and inside ; clean and well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks and good teacher's desk; first-class blackboards ; large heating stove ; small li- brary of 25 vols. ; a reference dictionary ; no charts ; no globes ; no pictures ; 1 U. S history map ; water sup- plied from pump on lot ; individual drinking cups. Organization: One teacher; 6 grades; 35 pupils; program posted; 28 recitation periods; a literary club; 27 weeks' school year. Corn club, 6 ; canning club, 3 ; pig club, 1. Maintenance: $220. 29 LONG'S SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Sallie Dennard, Screven, Ga. Location: Two miles north to Rich ; 2i/^ miles northeast to Omar. Grounds: Area, 1 acre; titles in county board of education; lot open, bare, unimproved, neglected ; no school gar- dens ; playgrounds small ; 1 toilet, in average condition. Building : Value, $350 ; 1 class room ; no cloak rooms ; fairly well lighted ; ceiled, but unpainted ; in good condition, but not well kept. Equipment : Single patent desks ; poor blackboards ; no maps ; no charts ; no globe ; no pictures ; small library, in good case ; reference dictionary ; well on lot ; covered cooler ; individual drinking cups. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 47 pupils; no organized clubs; 22 Aveeks' school year. Canning club, 3; corn club, 3. Maintenance: $220. 30 LULATON SCHOOL. Teacher: Mrs. W. L. Rogers, Liilaton, Ga. Location: Four miles Avest to Nahunta. Grounds : Area, 1 acre ; titles in county board ; fenced ; other- wise unimproved ; yards neglected (waste paper, trash, etc.); very small playgrounds; no school gardens; 2 toilets, in good condition. Building-: Value, $600; 1 class room; cloak rooms; well, but improperly lighted ; painted inside and outside ; build- ing in good condition, and well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; first-class blackboards; set of good maps mounted, in case ; no charts ; a globe ; no framed pictures ; a reference dictionary, on stand ; small library, in good case ; water in open buckets ; common dippers. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 43 pupils; program posted ; 28 recitation periods ; no organized community clubs; 27 weeks' school year. Canning club, 2. Maintenance: $275. 31 MADRAY SCHOOL. Teachers: W. T. Clary, Principal, Jesup, Ga. ; Miss Constance Bennett, Assistant, Jesup, Ga. Location: Three miles northwest to New Hope; Si/o miles southeast to Consolidated. Grounds : Area, 1 acre ; titles in county board ; well fenced and cleaned up ; otherwise unimproved ; medium playgrounds, unimproved ; no school gardens ; 2 toilets, in good con- dition, and cared for. Building-: Value, $1,000; 2 class roo)ns; no cloak rooms; prop- erly, but insuflPiciently lighted; painted inside and out- side; in good condition and well kept. Equipment: Single and double patent desks; first-class black- boards ; good set maps, mounted in case ; charts ; no globe ; no framed pictures ; a reference dictionary on stand ; small library, 50 vols. ; water supplied at well on lot ; individual drinking cups. Organization: Two teachers; 7 grades; 70 pupils; no program posted ; about 20 recitations ; no organized community help; 27 weeks' school year. Corn club, 6; canning club, 2; pig club, 11. Maintenance: $550. 32 MOUNT PLEASANT SCHOOL. Teacher: C. 0. Rich, Mount Pleasant, Ga. Location : Five miles south to Hopewell ; 5 miles north to Grangerville ; 5 miles northeast to Union. Grounds: Area, 1 acre; titles in county board; located in a very beautiful pine grove ; entirely unimproved, except fencing ; small playgrounds ; no school gardens ; 2 toi- lets, one in good condition, one in bad tix. Building: Value, .$1,600; 2 class rooms; cloak rooms; a well- planned building ; well lighted ; painted outside ; ceiled, but unpainted inside ; in good condition and well kept. Equipment : Single patent desks ; first-class blackboards ; good set maps mounted in case ; charts ; globe ; no pictures ; a reference dictionary, on stand ; a small library ; wa- ter supplied at pump ; common dippers. Org-anization : One teacher; 8 grades; 49 pupils; program posted; 29 recitation periods; a debating club; no or- ganized community help; 27 weeks' school year. Can- ning club, 4; corn club, 1. Maintenance: .$302.50. 33 k* 'W?: . ^*v-*"^^.i-*^' NEVA SCHOOL. Teacher: J. L. Cart. Location: Four and one-half miles east to Piney Grove; 6 miles southeast to Odum. Grounds: Lot selected for building contains 2 acres, and will be deeded to the county board of education ; as yet is entirely unimproved, but is a good site, capable of improvement. Building : At present the school is using a church building, but planning a suitable building to be erected very soon ; it will be a one-room building, Avith cloak rooms, etc., and well lighted. Equipment: Double patent desks; very poor blackboards; charts ; no maps ; no globe ; no dictionary or librarj^ ; water from open bucket ; common dipper. Organization: One teacher; 5 grades; 48 pupils; 22 weeks' school year ; no program posted. Corn club, 3. Maintenance: $350. 34 NAHUNTA SCHOOL. Teachers: I. C. McGauley, Principal, Naluiiita, Ga. ; Mrs. J. B. Lewis, Assistant, Nahiinta, Ga. Location : Three miles east to Pine Bloom ; 4 miles north to Raybun. Grounds : Area, % acre ; titles in county board ; beantifiil lot ; well fenced ; otherwise as yet unimproved ; very small playgrounds ; no school gardens ; 2 toilets, in good con- dition. Building- : Value, $600; 2 class rooms; no cloak rooms; insuf- ficiently lighted ; in good repair and well kept ; painted outside ; ceiled, but unpainted inside. Equipment: Double patent desks and teacher's desks; first- class blackboards; no maps; no charts; no globes; no pictures ; no reference dictionary ; no library ; water supplied at pump on lot ; common dippers and individ- ual drinking cups used. Organization: Two teachers; 9 grades; 65 pupils; programs posted; no organized school or community clubs; 27 weeks' school year. Canning club, 4; corn club, 4. Maintenance: $550. 35 NEW HOPE SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Leila Baldwin, Jesup, Ga. Location : One and one-half miles northwest to Oak Grove ; 21/0 miles southwest to Piney Grove ; 3 miles southeast to Madray. Grounds : Area, 1 acre ; titles in county board ; very small playgrounds ; no school gardens ; 1 toilet, average con- dition ; grounds unimproved, except fencing. Building: The building here has recently burned down and the school is temporarily occupying a nearby church ; it will soon be rebuilt, or consolidated. (Observe the nearness to other schools.) Equipment: No furniture or equipment other than as found in the church occupied, except good blackboards; water supplied at pump ; individual drinking cups. Organization: One teacher; 5 grades; 60 pupils; program posted ; 23 recitation periods ; no organized community club help; 27 weeks' school year. Corn club, 3; can- ning club, 4; pig club, 5. Maintenance : .^302.50. 3G OAK GROVE SCHOOL. Teacher: T. B. Swiiison, Oduni, Ga. Location : One and one-half miles southeast to New Hope ; 4 miles northwest to Friendship. Grounds: Area, 1 acre; titles in county board; grove of small oaks ; well fenced ; cleaned up ; otherwise unimproved ; playgrounds small ; no school gardens ; 1 toilet, in poor condition. Building: Value, $600; 1 class room; no cloak rooms; insuf- ficiently lighted; ceiled, but unpainted ; in good repair, and well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; first-class blackboards; goov! set maps, mounted in case ; globe ; framed pictures ; a reference dictionary, on stand ; small library ; no chart ; water supplied at well on lot ; common dipper. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 35 pupils; no program posted ; school just opening, day visited ; no organized community help ; school year, 27 weeks. Corn club, 2 ; canning club, 3 ; pig club, 1. Maintenance: $253. 37 OAK RIDGE SCHOOL. Teachers: Miss Berta Moseley, Principal, Odum, Ga. ; Mrs. J. R. Mikell, Assistant, Odiim, 6a. Location: Three miles southeast to Ritch ; 4 miles northeast to O'Quinn's; very near to the Appling County line. Grounds: Area, 1 acre; titles in county board of education; fenced, but otherwise unimproved ; yards well kept ; playgrounds very small ; no school gardens ; 2 toilets, in good condition. Building': Value, $1,250; 2 class rooms, and lodge room over- head ; no cloak rooms ; veranda ; insufficiently and im- properly lighted ; ceiled, but unpainted inside ; painted outside ; in good condition and well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; good blackboards; 1 U. S. history map ; no charts ; no globe ; no pictures ; no refer- ence dictionary; no library; well on lot unfit for use; water from neighbor's; open buckets; common dippers. Organisation: Two teachers; 8 grades; 85 pupils (half of the l>atronage from Appling County); programs posted; 24 periods; no organized clubs ; 22 weeks' school year. Corn club, 4; canning club, 1; pig club, 1. Maintenance: From Wayne County $385. 38 ODUM SCHOOL. Teachers: Chas. H. Shriuer, Principal, 7th, 8tli and 9tli grades; Miss Emma McClesky, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades; Miss Macie Carmichael, 1st and 2nd grades. Grounds : Area, 2 acres ; titles in county board ; tine pines ; fenced, but otherwise unimproved ; waste papers, trash, etc., show grounds not well kept ; no school gardens ; very small playgrounds ; 2 toilets, in average condition. Building-: A^alue, $7,000; well-planned, brick building; unfin- ished plan shows 6 good class rooms and auditorium; Avell lighted ; cloak rooms ; rooms well kept. Equipment : Single patent desks ; first-class blackboards ; sets of maps, mounted in case ; charts ; globes ; a few framed pictures ; reference dictionary ; a good library case with a few books ; exhibit of school work, booklets, etc. ; wa- ter from well on lot. Organization : Three teachers ; 9 grades ; 130 pupils ; no organ- ized school or community clubs; 30 weeks" school year. Corn club, 4; canning club, 4; pig club, 1. Maintenance : $907.50. 39 OGLETHOKPE SCHOOL. Teachers: Miss Ellen Smith, Principal, Jesup, Ga. ; Miss Luella Currency, Assistant, Jesup, Ga. Location: Three miles west to Madray; 31/2 miles south to Con- solidated. Grounds: Area, 1 acre (trying to add 1 more) ; titles in county board ; situated in oak grove ; fenced ; otherwise unim- proved ; yards clean ; small playgrounds ; no school gar- dens; one toilet, in average condition. Building-: Value, .$650; 1 class room (another in contempla- tion) ; no cloak rooms; fairly well lighted; in good cou- dition and well kept; painted outside; ceiled, but un- painted inside. Equipment: Single patent desks; first-class blackboards; good set maps, mounted in case ; no charts ; no framed pic- tures ; library, 50 vols. ; a reference dictionary on stand ; water supplied at pump on lot ; individual drinking cups. Organization: Two teachers; 7 grades; 54 pupils; program l)0sted ; 24 recitation periods ; no organized community clubs; 27 weeks' school year. Canning club, 1; pig club, 1. Maintenance: $275. 40 OMAR SCHOOL. Teacher: G. E. McGauley, Screven, Ga. Location: Two miles southeast to Screven; 2 miles southwest to Long's; 3 miles northwest to Rich. Grounds: Area, 1 acre; titles in county board of education; old field; unimproved; neglected; small playgrounds; no school gardens ; 2 toilets, in good condition. Building: Value, $350; 1 class room; no cloak rooms; fairly well lighted ; unceiled and unpainted ; not well kept. Equipment: Single and double patent desks; poor blackboards; no maps; no charts; no globe; no pictures; no reference dictionary ; no library ; water from well ; bad condition ; open bucket ; common dippers. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 47 pui)i]s; no program posted; no organized clubs; 22 weeks' school year. Caiuiing club, 1. Maintenance: $220. 41 O'QUINN SCHOOL. Teachers : Miss Katie Strickland, Principal, Screven, Ga. ; Miss Alma Thompson, Assistant, Screven, Ga. Location: Three mih's southwest to Rich; 4 miles to Oak Ridge. Grounds : Area, 2 acres ; titles in county board of education ; entirely unimproved and neglected ; small playgrounds ; no school gardens ; 1 toilet, in average condition. Building" : A^alue, $750 ; 1 large class room ; no cloak rooms ; on- ly fairly well lighted ; ceiled, but unpainted ; in good condition, but not well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; good blackboards; good set maps, mounted in case ; charts ; globe ; no pictures ; ref- erence dictionary ; small library ; water from well on lot in bad condition; open bucket; common dippers. Organization: Two teachers; 7 grades; 68 pupils; programs posted; literary society organized; 22 weeks' school year. Corn club, 14 ; canning club, 2 ; pig club, 4. Maintenance: .$400. 42 PENDARVIS SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Noon Bennett, Gardi, Ga. Location: Three and one-half miles northeast to Gardi. Grounds: Area (?); titles, private; old field; nnimproved; no school gardens; playgronnds small; no toilets. Building: Value, $200; one class room; no cloak rooms; fairly well lighted ; nnpainted ; unfinished ; in good condition and well kept. Equipment: Double home-made desks; no blackboards; Geor- gia and county maps ; no charts ; no globe ; no pictures ; no reference dictionary ; no library ; water from pumj), not good. Organization: One teacher; 4 grades; 10 pupils; 22 weeks' school year ; no program posted ; no organized club work. Corn club, 1 ; canning club, 1. Maintenance: $165. 43 PHINHOLLOWAY SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Martha Mizell, Broadhiirst, Ga. Location: Three miles northeast to Little Creek; 5 miles west to Broadhiirst. Grounds: Area, 1 acre; titles in county board; located in a very beautiful pine forest; little improvements, except many bird houses built by pupils ; yards well kept ; play- grounds small ; play supervised ; no school gardens ; one toilet, in average condition. Building: Value, $400; 1 class room; no cloak rooms; well and properly lighted ; clean and well kept ; unpainted ; used for community Sunday School and prayer-meet- ings. Equipment : Seated with long benches ; first-class blackboards ; a small library ; no maps ; no charts ; no globe ; no pic- tures ; no reference dictionary ; U. S. flag, and some man- ual training work (mostly bird boxes) ; water supplied from pump on lot; individual drinking cups. Organization : One teacher ; 4 grades ; 40 pupils ; program jjosted; 20 recitation periods; 27 weeks' school year. Corn club, 6 ; canning club, 6 ; pig clubs, 6 ; bird clubs ; no organized community clubs. Maintenance: $247.50. 44 PINE BLOOM SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Sarah Gaiiter, Hickox, Ga. Location: Three miles southwest to Hickox; 3 miles southeast to Waiuwright ; 31/2 miles northwest to Nahunta. Grounds: Area, 1 acre; titles in county board; located in a very beautiful pine grove, palmetto palms, and live oaks ; fenced, and yards well kept ; playgrounds small ; no school gardens ; 2 toilets, in good condition. Building: Value, .'I^TOO; well-plauned building; 1 class room; cloak rooms ; properly and sufficiently lighted ; painted outside ; ceiled, but unpainted inside ; in good condition, and well kept. Equipment: Home-made desks (poor) ; very poor blackboards; 1 U. S. history map ; no charts ; no globe ; no pictures ; no reference dictionary ; no library ; water supplied at pump on the lot ; common dipper. Organization: One teacher; 5 grades; 35 pupils; program posted ; 26 recitation periods ; no organized community clubs; 27 weeks' school year. Canning club, 6. Maintenance: $220. 45 PINEY GROVE SCHOOL. Teacher: Wade Mitchiim, Odum, Ga., R. 1. Location: Three miles northeast to New Hope; 31/0 miles east to Ma dray. Grounds: Area, 1 acre; titles in county board; lot bare and unimproved, except fenced; small playgrounds; no school gardens; 2 toilets, in average condition. Building-: Value, $750; 2 class rooms; cloak rooms; insuffi- ciently and improperly lighted; ceiled, but unpainted; in good repair and well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; first-class blackboards; good set maps in case, mounted ; a globe ; pictures ; a reference dictionary on stand ; no charts ; no library ; water sup- plied at pump on lot ; common dipper. Organization : One teacher ; 6 grades ; 50 pupils ; no program posted ; 28 recitation periods ; no organized community help; 27 weeks' school year. Corn club, 3; canning club, 2 ; pig club, 3. Maintenance: $302.50. 46 RAYBON SCHOOL. Teachers: Mrs. S. B. Lary, Principal, Raybon, Ga.; Mrs. T. J. Peek, Assistant, Raybon, Ga. Location: Four miles southeast to Strickland; 4 miles north- west to Dowling. Grounds : Area, 1 acre ; titles in county board of education ; located among beautiful small pines ; yards fenced ; oth- erwise unimproved ; very small playgrounds ; no school gardens; 1 toilet, in average condition. Building: Value, $700; 1 class room, divided by a thin curtain; no cloak rooms; veranda; insufit'iciently lighted; ceiled, but unpainted inside; painted outside; well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks and teacher's desk; good blackboards; 1 small State map; no charts; no globe; pictures; no library; reference dictionary; water at pump ; individual drinking cups. Organization: Two teachers; 6 grades; 80 pupils; program posted ; 12 periods ; sewing club ; school improvement club: 22 weeks" school year. Canning club, 1. Maintenance: $550. 47 REDDISH SCHOOL. Teacher: J. A. Lewis, Odiim, Ga. Location: Tliree miles south to O'Quiiin's; 6 miles northeast to Odum. Grounds : Area, 2 acres ; titles in county board ; open, bare, en- tirely unimproved ; small playgrounds, unimproved ; no school gardens ; 1 toilet, in fair condition. Building: Value, $750; a new building, well planned; 1 class room ; cloak rooms ; well lighted ; ceiled, but unpainted ; school temporarily closed on account of illness of teacher. Equipment: Single patent desks; good blackboards; chart; no mai)s; no globe; no pictures; no library; no reference dictionary. Organization: One teacher; 40 pupils; 8 grades; no program posted; no organized clul) Avork. Corn club, 8; canning club, 4; pig club, 2. Maintenance: $220. 48 RED HILL SCHOOL. Teachers: W. H. Waters, Jesiip, Ga. Location: Three miles northeast to ; 4 miles west to Odum. Grounds : Area, 1 acre ; titles in county board ; grounds en- tirely unimproved ; small playgrounds ; no school gar- dens ; 2 toilets, in good condition. Building: Value, .^650; 1 class room; no cloak rooms; un- painted ; in good condition, and well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; good blackboards; case of good maps, mounted on rollers ; no charts ; good globe ; framed pictures ; reference dictionary, with stand ; no library; good home-made teacher's desk. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 66 pupils; program posted ; 30 periods ; 22 weeks' school year. Corn club, 8 ; canning club, 1 ; pig club, 7. Maintenance : $302.50. 49 RITCH SCHOOL. Teacher: E. 0. Williams, Screven, Ga. Location: 21/0 miles northwest to Oak Ridge; 3 miles northeast to O'Qninn's. Grounds : Area, 1 acre ; titles in county board of education ; grounds fenced; imimproved, but well kept; play grounds small ; no school gardens ; 2 toilets, in average condition. Building: Value, $600; 1 class room; no cloak rooms; very poorly lighted ; ceiled, but unpainted ; in good condition, and well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks and teacher's desk; good blackboards ; good set maps, mounted in ease ; charts ; no globe; no pictures; no library; good reference dic- tionary ; well on lot ; common dippers. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 60 pupils; program posted ; 30 periods ; debating club organized ; 22 weeks ' school year. Corn club, 3 ; canning club, 1. Maintenance : $330. 50 ROZIER SCHOOL. Teacher: W. E. Walker, Waynesville, Ga. Location: Four miles northeast to Waynesville ; 4 miles south- west to Linder. Grounds : Area, 1 acre ; titles in county board of education ; beautiful grove of small pines; lot unimproved, except yards fenced and well cleaned up; very small play- grounds; no school gardens; 1 toilet, in bad condition. Building: Value, -i^SOO; 1 class room; no cloak rooms; veranda; w^ell lighted ; ceiled, but unpainted ; in good condition, but not w^ell kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; poor blackboards; 1 U. S. history map; no charts; no globe; no pictures: no li- brary; a reference dictionary; w^ater at pump; common dippers. Organization: One teacher; 5 grades; 49 pupils; program posted ; 43 recitation periods ; no organized clubs ; 22 weeks' school year. Corn club, 1; canning club, 4; pig club, 2. Maintenance : .$330. 51 SATILLO SCHOOL. Toacher: Miss Perdiim, Hortense, Ga. Location: Two and one-half miles east to Hortense; 5 miles north to Kelly. Grounds: Area, 1 acre; titles in county board of education; on elevated spot in midst of oak grove ; fenced, but oth- erwise unimproved; small playgrounds; no school gar- dens; 1 toilet, in average condition. Building: Value, $500; one class room; no cloak rooms; veran- da ; fairly well lighted ; ceiled, but unpainted ; in good condition, but not well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; poor blackboards; 1 U. S. history map ; no charts ; no globe ; no pictures ; no ref- erence dictionary ; no library ; i)ump ; open buckets ; common dippers. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 41 pupils; program posted; 20 periods; debating club organized; 22 weeks' school year. Corn club, 7 ; canning club, 9. Maintenance : .$247.50. 52 SAWGRASS SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Belle Strickland, Needinore, Ga. Location: Three miles southwest to Hortense ; 4 miles south to Stewart. Grounds: Area, 1 acre; titles in county board of education; open, bare, unimproved ; small playgrounds ; no school gardens; 2 toilets, in good condition. Bmlding : Value, $750 ; 1 class room ; cloak rooms ; well planned ; well lighted ; painted ; in good condition, and well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; good blackboards; no maps; no charts ; no globe ; no reference dictionary ; no li- brary ; no pictures ; water at pump ; common dippers. Organization : One teacher ; 7 grades ; 50 pupils ; program posted; 40 recitation periods; no organized clubs; 22 weeks' school year. Corn club, 5; canning club, 4. Maintenance: .$220. 53 SCREVEN SCHOOL. (A Standard School.) Teachers : K. R. Tyre, Principal, 6th, 7th and 8th grades ; Miss Agnes Owens, 3d, 4th and 5t]i grades ; Miss Kathleen Dunn, 1st and 2d grades. Location: Two miles west to Omar; 31/0 miles east to Sandy Hill. Grounds: Area, 2 acres; titles in county board of education; partly in grove of small pines and oaks ; yards fenced ; ample playgrounds ; partly improved ; play well super- vised; good school gardens; 2 toilets, in good condition. Building: Value, $2,500; 3 large class rooms (each one entirely too large) ; insufficiently and improperly lighted; cloak rooms ; painted inside and outside ; a good building, bad- ly planned; well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks and good teachers' desks; good blackboards ; Georgia and U. S. history maps ; no charts ; globe ; framed pictures ; reference dictionary ; library of 125 vols. ; piano ; flags, etc. ; water at pump ; individual drinking cups. Organization : Three teachers : 8 grades ; 139 pupils ; programs posted ; literary societies ; corn and canning clubs ; ten- nis and other athletic clubs; no organized community clubs; school year, 28 weeks. Maintenance: $907.50. (Tuition for one and one-half months.) .'54 SHADY DALE SCHOOL. Teacher: P. G. Cannon, Screven, Ga. Location: Three and one-half miles southeast to Sandy Hill; 4 miles west to Liberty. Grounds : Area, 1 acre ; titles in county board ; located in a beautiful pine grove ; unimproved and neglected ; small playgrounds ; no school gardens ; 2 toilets, one in good condition, one bad. Building: Value, $500; 1 class room; no cloak rooms; fairly well lighted ; ceiled, but unpainted ; room fairly well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; good blackboards; Georgia and county maps ; globe ; no charts ; no pictures ; ref- erence dictionary; library of 40 vols.; water at pump, individual drinking cups. Org-anization : One teacher; 7 grades; 36 pupils; no program posted; 30 recitation periods; 22 weeks' school year; no organized clubs. Corn club, 2; canning club, 3. Maintenance: $220. 55 SPRING GROVE SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Anna M. Clark, Jesiip, Ga. Location: Three miles north to Jesiip ; 4 miles northeast to Doctortown. Grounds : Area, 1 acre ; titles in county board of education ; grove of small oaks; yards fenced; otherwise unim- proved ; playgrounds very small ; no school gardens, ex- cept a few roses ; 1 toilet, in average condition. Building' : Value, $650 ; 1 class room ; cloak rooms ; well-planned building ; properly lighted ; ceiled, but unpainted ; in good condition, and well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; good blackboards; no maps; no charts ; no globe ; no pictures ; no reference diction- ary ; no library ; flowers in pots ; water at pump ; indi- vidual drinking cups. Organization : One teacher ; 7 grades ; 33 pupils ; program l)o.stetl; 27 recitation periods; a little sewing taught; no organized clubs ; school year, 22 weeks. Corn club, 2 ; canning club, 3. Maintenance: $302.50. 56 STRICKLAND SCHOOL. Teacher: Mrs. Sara S. Popwell, Lulatoii, Ga. Location: Three miles south to Lulatoii; 41/0 miles northwest to Rayboii. Grounds: Area, 1 acre; titles in county board of education; yards fenced ; otherwise unimproved ; well kept ; small playgrounds ; no school gardens ; 2 toilets, in good con- dition. Building : Value $500 ; 1 class room ; no cloak rooms ; fairly well lighted only ; ceiled, but unpainted ; in good condition and well kept. Equipment: Double and single patent desks; good blackboards; State, county and U. S. histor.y maps ; no charts ; no globes ; no pictures ; no reference dictionary : small li- brary ; water at pump ; individual drinking cups. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 42 pupils; program posted; 30 periods; no organized clubs; 22 weeks' school year. Corn club, 2 ; canning club, 5. Maintenance : $302.50. WAINRIGHT SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Augusta Brantley, Hiekox, Ga. Location: Three miles northwest to Pine Bloom; 5 miles east to Knox (near Charlton and Camden County lines). Grounds : Area, 1 acre ; titles in county board ; bare, unim- proved, except fencing; medium i)laygrounds; no school gardens ; 2 toilets, in good condition. Building: Value, !|^650; 1 class room; cloak rooms; veranda; perfectly lighted; well-planned building; ceiled, but un- painted ; well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; first-class blackboards; good set of maps, mounted on rollers in case ; reference dic- tionary on good stand ; no charts ; no globes ; no pic- tures ; no library ; water supplied at pump on lot ; com- mon dipper. Organization: One teacher; 6 grades; 39 pupils; program posted ; 45 recitation periods ; no community clubs or- ganized ; 27 weeks' school year. Maintenance: .^220. 58 WAYNESVILLE SCHOOL. Teacher: E. A. Lewis, Waynesville, Ga. Location: Four miles south to Rozier; 4 miles west to Atkin- son. Grounds : Area, 1 acre ; titles in county board of education ; lot wooded with live oaks, etc. ; unimproved ; neglected ; very small playgrounds ; no school gardens ; 2 toilets in average condition. Building : Value, $600 ; 1 class room ; cloak rooms ; well lighted ; ceiled, but unpainted ; in good condition, and well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; teacher's desk; good black- boards; set good maps, mounted in rollers in case; charts ; globe ; reference dictionary, with stand ; small library; no pictures; w^ater from neighbor's well; open buckets ; common dippers. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 32 pupils; program posted; 27 periods; no organized clubs; 22 weeks' school year. Maintenance: $275. 59 WINSLOW SCHOOL. Teacher: I\Iiss Jess Hatcher, Winslow, Ga. Location: Four miles northeast to Union; 4 miles northwest to Pendarvis. Grounds: Area (?); titles (private); old field, entirely un- improved ; no school gardens ; small playgrounds ; 2 toilets, in poor condition. Building-: Value, $125; 1 small class room; no cloak rooms; lighting insufficient ; unj^ainted ; temporary. Equipment: Single patent desks; good blackboards (insuffi- cient quantity); small globe; chart; no maps; no pic- tures ; no reference dictionary ; no library ; water brought from homes by pupils in individual bottles. Organization: One teacher; 6 grades; 20 pupils; no program posted ; 36 recitation periods ; no organized community help; no clubs; 27 weeks' school year. Maintenance: $165. 60 NEGRO SCHOOLS 1, Waynesville; 2, Winslow; S, Stripling; 4, Simpson; 6, Gardi. 1, Kitch; 2, Nesbitt; 3, King Sand Hill; 4, Mt. Pleasant; 5, Phinholloway; 6, Brentwood. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 019 877 540 ft