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PUBLISHED BY THE McLEAN COUNTY WAR PUBLISHING COMPANY BLOOMINGTON, ILL. / 7 ^/ ^ :: A3 CS +^ r^ nJ 5 y; m ^ o 05 r— 1 t-l '^ d 03 X ^ =*H o aT "T^' nj ~*-^ ^'V X o CQ o o o o -(^ (m" ■4-1 t-, C OJ >■ « o o f2 r^q 0) +j OJ ■ ^ 0) ^ ^ bJD Cw -4— S C o T-< i; ^ > C^ ^ i^ '? X >-. OO" +^ iH fl Oi |3 tH O ^ O CO 1— I S h-; ki— J ^ (< O o 1) !K +-< ^ o >5 w 5 +J d o o Q o OJ ^3 _a « ■4-* rd cc -t^ rt ;:^ b£ OJ OJ o X McLEAN COUNTY'S PART IN WORLD WAR. When the cataclysm of war which had flooded Europe from the time of its outbreak in 1914 had finally overrun its bounds and swept across the Atlantic to the shores of America, in 1917, some of its waves broke into the farthest corners of our country. The awakening to the awful fact of war was somewhat slow; the people rubbed their eyes and for a time thought that it must be some liorrible dream — that it could not be true. But when once aroused to the truth that they, too, along with the peoples of all America and the sore oppressed population of Europe, were to taste the terror and suffer- ing, if not the actual devastation of war, they arose in spirit to the height of energy and sacrifice that must for many years, and even many generations, remain a page of their history which is glorious and un- forgettalik^^j^ Is the mission of this book to set down in some manner the n>'t^H|^Pmul the life of that period — the personnel and deeds of the men As^^^^Mit into the actual work of war, and the work and feelitigs of the larger body of people who at home carried on the manifold and sacrificial labors of the great struggle. The complete story may never be written, for the compass of no one volume could contain the myriad threads that made up the warp and woof of life in that time. But that its general outline may be pre- served in somewhat permanent form; that at least the high lights of the picture may be set on canvas to defy the obliteration of forgetfulness, was the task wiiich urged the compilers of this book. The first hint of the on-coming of war was felt in tliis county thru the Ked Cross, a chapter of which had been formed in tlie year 191(). Even before the United States had broken diplomatic relations with Germany in the late winter of 1917, the national headquarters of the Red Cross sent out warnings to its chajiters: "Prepare." Accordingly, the Bloomington chapter (afterward the McLean county chapter) early in the spring, began to get upon a war basis, both as to membership, money and organization. Starting thus early, the story of the achieve- ments of the Red Cross of McLean county is one of the most pride- worthy phases of the war history. Hardly had the congress of the country actually declared war, until the youth of the county sprang to arms. They voluntarily enlisted in the army and navy by scoi'es and hundreds from Ajiril of 1917 uii>11 the lists were closed in the latter part of 191S. The Bloomington recruiting station was one of the busy scenes of the community from the first days of the war, and many hundreds of young men had gone into the ranks and received their preliminary military training before the passage of the national draft law by which a general drain upon tiie man power of the land was inaugurated. And when the nation decided that a gen- eral draft law should become enforced, there was no part of the country which more willingly acceded to the martial needs of time than McLean county. Young men between the ages of 18 and 31 to the number of over 10,000 willingly enrolled in this county and submitted themselves to the call to arms at any time that the government might need them. The story of the workings of the draft boards, which examined and sent into service more than 2,000 young men of the county, is a story of lafbor arduously and painstakingly done on behalf of the men com- posing the boards, and of inspiring submission by the young men them- selves to a call of duty such as had never before in the history of the country been placed before the youth of the land. Filled with sadness and yet touched with a coloring of supreme martyrdom is the story of how more than 150 young men from this county went forth to return no more. On field of battle, in dangers of the sea and land, by sickness of the camp and marcli, tliese heroic youth gave up their lives. 4 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAE Of those who returned from the war, not a few came with shattered bodies, torn by bullets or shells in ways which it will require years to heal, if indeed they ever become their former selves. Scores of young men will live thru the years carrying their scars. But not all the heroism of the war was with the men who went to battle. Thru two years of watching and waiting at home, the mothers and sisters and sweethearts of the youth toiled as they had never toiled before, to supply to the men in the service the things which they must needs have to meet the fierce test of the struggle. In branches of the Red Cross and its allied, organizations, the women of the county spent hundreds of days and nights making literally millions of articles which the men miglit need in camp or hospital. Usual pleasures and pastimes were forsaken, and the whole thought and occupation of the women at home were centered on the supreme need of the country.,; . . .. The men who stayed at home — the fathers and older bfofthers of the fighting men — these, too, have written a chapter in the county history of the war. Their money furnished the millions of dollars which this rich county sent into the treasury of the nation to bear the fearful burden of war's expenses. Five times were they called upon to loan their money to the nation to carry on the war, and five times did they respond with open pocketbooks. Here are some of the things which McLean county people did to- ward the overthrow of the world menace: Offered some 2,500 young men as volunteers for service in the army and navy. Sent more than 2,500 more young men into service through the operation of the draft law. Raised more than $11,000,000 in the five different liberty loan drives to lend to their government to prosecute the war. Gave some fifty or more of the leading physicians and surgeons to the service of the government during the war, on battle fields and camps. Gave a score or more of nurses to succor the wounded and sick on the field and in hospitals. Sent a half hundred men and women to the service in the work of the Y. M. C. A. and its allied humanitarian fields. Raised more than $140,000 for the work of the Red Cross in the two great drives of the war. Enlisted 1-4,000 men, women and children in the active membership of the Red Cross in this county. Raised some $50,000 for the work of the Y. M. C. A. in war in the different drives for that purpose. Contributed the sum of over $170,000 in the United "War Work drive. Donated thousands of dollars for the work of the Salvation Army, the Jewish Welfare campaign, the Armenian Relief campaign and other humanitarian projects connected with the war. Offered the very lives of more than 150 men from this county or former residents here, who died on battle fields, in camps and on the seas. Contributed to the use and comfort of the men in the service more than 441,114 articles valued at $123,000 through the work of the women of the Red Cross in McLean county. Organized the women and girls of the county into bands of tire- less, unselfish working people whose time and strength was given without stint to the business of furnishing war-needed materials. Subscribed for more than a million dollars' worth of War Saving Stamps by which the thrift of the peo[ile of smaller means was pro- moted. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES Dedication County (Service Flag Frontispiece Preface 3-5 Camp Wlieeler 6 Chronology of Local Events During War 7-42 In Memoriam — Histories of Those Who Died in War 43-111 Draft Boards and Their Work 112-121 Eed Cross Work in McLean County 122-143 History of Liberty Ijoan Campaigns 145-154 War Time Community Singing 155-161 Women and Food Conservation I(i5-1()9 Women in Service 170-172 McLean County Council of Defense 173-176 Gen. James G. Harbord 177-181 Some Sketches of McLean County Army Officers 1S2-201 Colored Soldiers of this County 202-203 County Food Administration 206-212 Medical Men in Service 213-227 McLean County Bar 's Honor Roll 229-234 Congressman John A. Sterling 235 County Fuel Administration 239-242 Co. D and 124th Machine Gun Battalion 244-248 Some of Our War Flyers 249-253 French and Belgian Relief Association 257-260 Farmers' Work in War 261-262 The Minute Men 262 County and Legislative Officials During War 265-268 American Legion 273-281 Company M 288 Honor Rolls of Orders and Firms 289-350 Grand Honor Roll of McLean County Men and Women in Service 420-500 Me.LEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR o c 3 2 o a o O Q 03 3 O O a 03 o 0) O 03 WAR HISTORY DAY BY DAY IN McLEAN COUNTY 1917 Feb. 1 — Germany issued orders for ruthless submarine warfare. Feb. 5 — Pastors of Bloomington churches pray that peace may be preserved and war averted. Feb. 4 — Call received by Bloomington chapter of American Eed Cross to prepare for organization on a war basis or for any event- uality. Feb. 5 — Executive committee from Bloomington chapter Eed Cross meets and decides that this chapter shall include whole county. Feb. 8 — Major E. C. Butler announces that if this country goes to war, McLean county could raise a regiment of soldiers. Feb. 17 — Red Cross issues first call for hospital supplies and articles for men in service. Feb. 22 — Mayor E. E. Jones of Bloomington issues proclamation calling on all citizens to display the American flag. Feb. 22 — Raising of a new flag at the Bloomington high school donated by the D. A. R. Feb. 26 — Dr. R. Rembe back after three years of service as surgeon in German army. Feb. 26 — Meeting of Red Cross chapter tells of establishment of sewing- room in the Durley building. Feb. 26 — News that President Wilson asks authority of Congress to use the armed forces of tlic United States to protect American ships from submarine warfare. Feb. 26 — Sinking of the Laconia with American lives. Feb. 26 — Miss Carolyn Wilson, newspaper woman, lectures at high scliool on experiences in Germany. Mar. 1 — F. M. Bailey, government official, visits Blooniir.gton wireless stations with a view of taking them over. Mar. 2 — President empowered to arm merchantmen. Mar. 4 — President Wilson inaugurated for second term as president. Mar. 5 — Plans aniumnced for rushing Red Cross campaign for member- ships. Mar. 10 — President calls congress to meet in extra session on A|)ril 16. Mar. 14 — McLean county medical society endorses the work of tlie Red Cross. Mar. 14 — Mayor Jones announces plan for using vacant lots in city as gardens during the war. Mar. 15 — Emperor of Russia abdicates. Mar. 17 — Romanoff dynasty ended. Mar. IS — Sidney Morgan from W^ashington addresses a mass meeting in Bloomington in interest of Red Cross. Mar. 20 — Mayor Jones issues call to citizens to rally to support of the Red Cross. Mar. 24- — End or Red Cross campaign, with membership of 1,221. Mar. 26 — Company D of the I. N. G. gets orders to mobilize. Men sleep first night in barracks. Mar. 28 — Company D takes part in first drill in streets. April 5 — Announcement that no naturalization papers will be granted to former residents of Germany and Austria. April 5 — Announcement of elemental military training course to be in- stalled at the Wesleyan university. April 5 — First appeal by the Red Cross for articles to be sent to the men of Company D. Classes in nursing formed. April 6 — United States officially declared at war with Germany. April 6 — Sergt. Jones, recruiting officer, issues appeal for co-operation in securing recruits for army. 8 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR April 8 — Normal joins in Eed Cross drive for materials. April 9 — Nurses and doctors enlisted for war work. April 9 — Fourteen recruits secured in one day at army recruiting sta- tion. April 10 — Speech of Congressman Sterling made public telling why he voted in congress for the war resolution. April 10 — Close of wireless stations here on orders from government. April 11 — First steps to form military companies at the Wesleyan. Flag raising at the B. & N. car barns. April 13 — Call for recruits to fill up Company D. April 14 — Public flag raising at the Alton railroad shops. April 18 — Flag raising at the Wesleyan university. April 18 — Great patriotic demonstration at night; street parade and speeches. April 20 — Mrs. M. T. Scott offers her home in Bloomington to the gov- ernment for war hospital. April 22 — T. Fitch Harwood gets first instruction and application blanks for enlistment of men for officers' training camp at Fort Sheridan. April 23 — Ked Cross sends out cards for enlistment of women for various kinds of war service. Classes formed at the Wesleyan for teaching first aid to the injured. April 23 — Meeting called for starting a campaign for a Y. M. C. A. war fund. April 24 — Announcement that 63 men have been enlisted at recruiting station during April. April 24 — Eleven wireless stations closed in Bloomington and Normal. April 26 — First meeting for forming food conservation branch of Red Cross. April 27— Y. M. C. A. fund reaches its first f!, is to be sent to Houston. May 18 — President issues proclamation calling upon all men in United States between the ages of 21 and 31 inclusive to register on June 5 for military service. May 21 — "Yankee Doodle Minstrels" put on by Young Men's club, as benefit for Bed Cross, clears $1,000. May 22 — First shipment of goods from the Bloomington chapter of Eed Cross to Central division hea^lquarters. May 22 — News published that first American soldiers arrive in London. May 24 — Mayor of Bloomington issues proclamation calling upon men between ages of 21 and 31 to register according to president's call. May 27 — Three nurses from Bloomington chapter of Eed Cross sent to Mattoon and Charleston to assist in care of people injured in tornado. June 1 — Announcement of $1,500,000 as McLean County's quota for first liberty loan. June 2 — Bankers of county meet to plan for raising liberty loan. June 5 — Eeg'istration of men lietween 21 and 31 for military service under new draft law. June 10 — Eed Cross chapter starts drive to raise county quota of $50,000 toward the hundred million drive in the country. June 10 — Wesleyan baccalaureate with two graduates in khaki uniforms of military service. June 14 — Close of liberty loan campaign in county with $1,007,000 raised, considerably less than quota. June 14 — Euth Law, flying over in behalf of liberty loan, is forced by machine trouble to alight and spend night at Lexington. June 20 — Major Edward C. Butler takes steps toward organizing a new company in Bloomington for Illinois National Guard. June 22 — Published list of 200 men who had volunteered for army service since first of year. June 22 — Knights of Pythias state encampment abandoned on account of the war. June 25 — Eed Cross drive closes with $66,441 announced as total raised on a quota of $50,000. June 26 — Members of exemption boards under draft law are named for two districts in McLean county. June 27 — Eevised totals for Eed Cross fund show $67,223. July 9 — Official registration lists forwarded to Washington, showing 5,841 draft subjects for this county. July 16 — First arrest of man for attempt to dodge draft law. Julv 16 — Danville officer inspects new companv of the Tenth regiment, I. N. G. July 20 — Announcement of food rules for all kitchens. July 20-21 — Announcement of all serial numbers for men in this county. July 23 — Announcement of numbers of first draft quota from this county; 236 men from board 1, and 157 from board two. July 23 — Volunteer shop opened at Eed Cross rooms. July 26 — Sixty-two boys of Company K of the Eighth regiment, I. N. G., start for Peoria to join colored regiment. July 29 — Bloomington council of Knights of Columbus launch drive for war work fund. July 30- — Two military airplanes from Eantoul field alight at country club grounds here. 10 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WO ELD WAR Aug. 7 — First physical examinations of men by county draft boards. Aug. 7 — Demonstration of U. of C. army ambulance unit. Aug. 9 — Red Cross Ijeucfit ball game between fat men of Bloomingtou against Normal nets $200 for Ked Cross. Aug. 10 — Company D of the I. N. G. ordered to Texas after months of guard duty at Hannibal and Valley City. Aug. 11 — Second call for draft men to fill first quota. Aug. 12 — State accepts Bloomington 's new company for Tenth regiment, I. N. G. Aug. 13 — Announcement of first group of Bloomington men made officers at J"'t. .Sheridan training school. Aug. 15 — Eugene Funk named on national l)()ard of food control. Aug. 15 — Five hundred more men called by draft boards, only 136 having been accepted to this time. Aug. 16 — New militia company to be known as Company M. Aug. 19 — Draft lioards call 500 more men. Aug. 22 — Date of Sept. 4 fixed as time for general pultlic demonstration in honor of men called to service in the draft. Aug. 22 — Bloomington made district center for food control. Aug. 24 — Examinations of draft men for first quota are ended. Aug. 24 — Twelve Bloomington men enter second officers ' training school at Ft. Sheridan. Aug. 29 — Total of volunteer enlistments for army in this county since first of the year is 424. Sept. 1 — Orders received for organization of canteen service of Eed Cross. Capt. C. L. Hills named chairman of canteen committee. Sept. 3 — Fifteen airplanes from Chanute field at Eantoul alight at Leroy. Sept. 3 — Announcement of names of first twenty men to lie sent from this county into the national army under the draft law. Se^jt. 4 — Great public celebration in honor of all men called in the draft; parade of civic bodies in the streets, speeches at Miller park and dinner for all draft men in park pavilion. Sept. .5 — First twenty men from draft depart for Camp Dodge, Iowa. Sept. 5 — Leroy holds public --^;:- g^,j ufE'gfBjif fibiEf Of S.fl.S.: j'feir'"'^?v,'-t£r.|: '^i.u'^ — "^ Mat Orn. Mo'ti iJ n u-iTu..-.'.!;'.' MM% ll..ti..r. J lur > ai. „(«^,MK*.t tn iir^c ►icSUns rfiRBOKEEOUWOFFKEBS'- HO MCii;t1l«.'.-.,FDl^ Facsimile of the Newspaper Published by American Soldiers in France 12 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR Sept. 24 — Classes in food eonseivatiou begin work with pulilie meeting at high school addressed by Mrs. Spencer Ewing. Sept. 29 — Annonnced that Company M will be reorganized on new basis and with new men. Oct. 1 — Y. W. C. A. diive for war work fund closes with $5,055.03 pledged, on a quota of $5,000. Oct. 1 — McLean county bankers meet to organize for the second liberty loan drive. Oct. 2 — Citizens' committee of Bloomington organizes to co-operate with bankers in liberty loan campaign. Oct. 2 — Announcement of winter series of community sings in city. Oct. 3 — D. O. Thompson, county farm adviser, sends out call for meet- ing of women to consider employnuuit of county home adviser. Oct. 3 — Eeport of fund raised for entertainment on soldiers' day shows balance remaining of $692. Oct. 3 — Woman's club holds a luncheon which was meatless, wheatless and bntterless. Oct. 4 — County organization perfected hn- liberty loan drive. Oct. 4 — Company M returns from tonr of duty at Springfield. Oct. 5 — Eed Cross issues official denial that knitted articles are sold to soldiers. Oct. 5 — Preliminary organization formed to promote the employment of county home adviser. Oct. 7 — Women meet with Mrs. G. B. Read to make dresses for war orphans. TTiis was the inception of the BeJgian Belief organiza- tion. Oct. 7 — Community sings organized for the winter throughout the county. Oct. 8 — Y. M. C. A. closes membership drive with a total of 1,050 mem- bers secured. Oct. 9 — President announces government food control to go into effect November 1. Oct. 9 — It is announced from Houston that Company D of the Fifth regiment will be transferred into machine gun battalion. Oct. 11 — Xormal raises its quota of $250 for the national library fund. Oct. 11 — It is announced that there is no anthracite coal in Bloomington, owing to war conditions. Oct. 12 — City to buy 1,000 tons of soft coal and sell to the people at cost. Oct. 13 — Announced that the week of Oct. 23 will be ol)served as food saving week. Oct. 13 — Bloomington Association of Commerce flings out its first service flag with thirteen stars. Oct. 15 — Normal women meet and organize for Avar work. Oct. 16 — Pul)lication of a list of seventy-two men from the Wesleyan, students and graduates, who are in the military or naval service. Oct. 17 — Bloomington Journal applies for permit to publish under gov- ernment regulation of papers printed in foreign languages. Oct. 18 — School of instruction for precinct captains for the registration of women. Oct. 21 — Lee J. Eoebuck killed in aeropJane accident in Canada, being first soldier from Bloomington to give up his life in the war. Oct. 23 — County organization perfected for women's registration. Oct. 25 — Funeral of Lee J. Roebuck held at the First Methodist church in Bloomington. Oct. 25 — Saybrook celebrates patriotic day and unveils the honor roll of her young men in the service. Oct. 26 — Miss Harriet Yittum makes address in Bloomington to stir up enthusiasm among women for war work. Oct. 26 — Close of library fund campaign with total of $1,125 raised. McLEAN COUNTY ANV THE WORLD WAB 13 Oct. 26— Koom at 426 North Main street opened as Belgian EeJief work headquarters. Oct. 28 — Annual meeting of Bloomington chapter of Eed Cross, showing total membership of 11,337 and total number of articles shipped up to date 65,140. Oct. 29 — Close of liberty loan drive with $1,900,000 subscribed on a quota of $1,800,000. Oct. 29 — D. O. Thompson appointed by state council of defense to organize county food production and conservation bureau. Oct. 30 — First Meatless day observed in Bloomington under the sugges- tion of the national food control board. Oct. 31 — First Wheatless day. Oct. 31 — War tax goes into effect on theaters and other entertainments. Oct. 31 — Bloomington coal dealers send committee to Chicago to consult with state fuel administration about getting supply of coal. Oct. 31 — Final figures on county liberty loan drive shows total of $1,904,050 subscribed. Oct. 31 — Announced that all orders for fuel may be censorized. Oct. 31 — Local campaign organized for drive for war recreation fund. Oct. 31 — Bloomington Red Cross heailquarters moved from Durley build- - iug to library rooms and Y. M. C. A. Nov. 1 — Uniform price for soft coal by all dealers fixed at conference of coal men with fuel administration. Nov. 3 — Harry Wheeler of Chicago, food administrator for Illinois, ad- dresses mass meeting at high school auditorium. Nov. 5 — County campaign started for war camp recreation fund, with goal set at $3,000. Nov. 5 — Eegistration of women starts for war work. Nov. 6 — Announcement of a loving cup to be given as prize to city school making best showing in community singing contest. Nov. 6 — Wesleyan students pledge a total of $1,500 toward the county war recreation fund campaign. Nov. 8 — Simultaneous singing meetings in nearly every school house in Bloomington. Nov. 9 — Bloomington club announces that its entertainments during winter will be greatly restricted owing to war conditions. Nov. 12 — Eed Cross issues an appeal for larger supply of surgical dressings. Nov. 11 — Two thousand people attend first Sunday afternoon community sing at high school auditorium, ^\ith Peter Dykeman of Madison, Wis., as leader. Nov. 13 — Announcement of starting of drive for Bloomington district (McLean and DeWitt counties) drive for quota of $35,000 for Y. M. C. A. war work fund. Nov. 14 — Announcement that the Alton railroad has carried 15,000 soldiers so far during the war. Nov. 15 — Normal university announces plan for enlistment of students for farm labor. Nov. 1.5 — U. S. Senator James Hamilton Lewis makes stirring patriotic address at mass meeting in high school. Nov. 16 — Normal public school dedicates service flag with thirty-six stars. Nov. 16 — Exemption board No. 2 makes its report to Washington of the complete classification of all registrants. Nov. 16 — Boys at Bloomington high school raise $800 in forty-five minutes for the Y. M. C. A. war work fund. Nov. 16 — Shortage of sugar supplies announced by food administration. Nov. 16 — One thousand soldiers from the royal flying corps of Canada parade streets of Bloomington. 14 McLEAX COUNTY AND TEE WORLD WAE Nov. 16 — McLean county Better Farming Association announces its jnir- pose to seek increase of 20 per cent in production of pork in county for coming season. Nov. 18 — Announcement of organization of home service department of Bed Cross work in Bloomington. Nov. 19 — End of drive for Y. M. C. A. war work fund with total raised of .')i41,85() on a quota of $35,000. The suljscriptions incluile those from schools and universities. Nov. 19 — Large contingent of McLean county soldier boys go from Camp Dodge to Camp Pike. Nov. 19 — Order issued by city to shut off all cluster lights on streets except top globe, in order to conserve fuel. Nov. 19 — Bloomington chapter of D. A. E. votes to subscrilic to fund to rebuild destroyed French village. Nov. 20 — Bloomington cha])ter of Bed Cross aske Christmas packets to be sent to soldiers. Nov. 21 — Bloomington women 's branch of National Council of Defense is organized and gets busy. Nov. 21 — Announcement of first connnunity sing in county outside of city, at the Frink school. Nov. 22 — Miss Ahrens of Chicago si)eaks here in the interest of recruit- ing nurses for army service. Nov. 23 — Final report on registration of women for government service shows that a total of 9,076 had registered. Nov. 23 — Final rej^ort on Y. M. C. A. war fund drive showed that $41,984:. 77 had been raised. Nov. 23 — Beport on the canning activities of Bloomington women showed that they had canned 187 per cent more fruit and vegetables during 1917 than they did the year before. Nov. 25 — First Christian and First M. E. churches dedicate service flags. Nov. 25 — Members of the county bar association vote that the lawyers will give free assistance to young men in filling out their ques- tionnaires for the draft boards. Nov. 26 — Order restricting the use of electric lights in street and mer- cantile illumination. Nov. 26 — Three nurses leave city to engage in war work. Nov. 26 — McLean county coal fuel control bureau is organized. Nov. 27 — Business men of the city take first steps for the formation of a new Company M of the I. N. G. Nov. 27 — Sixteen men from this county receive army commissions at close of the second officers' training school at Fort Sheridan. Nov. 29 — Gunner Waite of the British navy speaks at opera house and starts campaign for "smokes for soldiers." Nov. 29 — Edwin Murphy of Bloomington believed to be the first drafted man from this county to reach France. Dee. 1 — Community hall dedicated at McLean, with service flag pre- sented to families with sons in army or navy. -Service flag dedicated at First Presbyterian church. -New orders about restriction of lights and coal suj^ply received from fuel administration. -Bloomington postoffice receives $50,000 of war savings stamps for sale. -County board of supervisors votes to give $6,000 a year to the Bed Cross. -Five newly returned officers from training camps speak at Bloomington high school. -Capt. Cliff B. Hamilton begins enlistments for Company M. -Banquet of grocerymen, when speakers outline their duty in the matter of food conservation. Dec. 9. Dec. 3 Dec. 3 Dec. 5 Dec. 5- Dec. 5- Dec. 5- McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR 15 R.VYIIer Y/A%mmon f.H.Nordine J>1.6arr CAJhomas f:M5fny ih< L.Adajns JL.Munt R.R.Ryaji J.T<^ylor B.SchnGidcr frh.Cillgsp ie tNYoizesKil i>y,AV>Yalker P5hermer AJ-|.Dennin<3 WAiiinsB iE:R.Hc(Artv AtScbwab A.J.R05S J. He Oonaid C. E:r p ^n I J- K'w'mTc Typical Group of McLean Couuty Soldiers 16 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE TVOBLD WAB Dec. 6 — Private Peat of the Britisli army makes thrilling address on his experiences iu the war. Dec. 6 — Announcement of a coming drive by the Knights of Colnmlnis for a quota of $5,000 for the general war fund of that body. Dec. 7 — Announcement of the declaration of war by U. S, on Austria. Dec. 7 — Announcement of loving cup to be given on Dec. 23 to city school making best showing in competitive community singing. Dec. 7 — Alton road announces radical reduction of train service on account of shortage of fuel. Dec. 7 — Collegiate alumnae association votes to adopt a French war orphan. Dec. 8 — Dinner by Post L in honor of the sixteen men of the post who have entered the service. Dec. 8 — D. O. Thompson, county farm adviser, addresses farmers on the importance of increasing pork production. Dec. 10 — Normal Modern Woodmen presented with service flag. Dec. 10— Start of the Knights of Columbus $.5,000 drive. Dec. 10 — Robert Erdman arrested and put under $5,000 bonds for saying President Wilson should be killed. Dec. 11 — Lawyers named to help draft board registrants. Dec. 12 — Smokes for soldiers fund being raised in Bloomington and McLean county has reached $286.50. Dec. 12 — One thousand or more men gathered at community sing in Alton shops at noon hour. Dec. 12 — Three thousand thrift stamps have been sold in Bloomington to date. Dec. 12 — Government sends plea for the loan of private binoculars for use in naval vessels. Dec. 12 — Company F of the 349th Infantry at Camp Dodge given an Edison jihonograph paid for by private subscriptions here. Dec. 13 — Colored Woman 's club of Bloomington dedicates service flag. Dec. 13 — Last shipment of the quota of 1,500 Christmas packets to soldiers. Dec. 1.3 — Service flag dedicated at the Soldiers' Orphans' Home. Dec. 13 — Announced that coal dealers of the city have only three days' supply ou hand. Dec. 13— Seventy-six volunteers who had enlisted at recruiting station in Bloomington sent to Jefferson Barracks in one body. Dec. 14- — Largest shipment from Eed Cross that has been sent at one time up to date. Dec. 14 — Draft boards announce they will examine into weddings that have suspicions of having been contracted to avoid draft. Dec. 15 — List of 58 boys from the Soldiers' Orphans' Home who are in the service. Dec. 15 — Bloomington Eed Cross issues ajjpeal for fund to aid sufferers from great explosions of ships at Halifax, Newfoundland. Dec. 15 — Draft boards begin the classification of registrants. Dec. 15 — Baptist church dedicates service flag. Dec. 15 — Company M mustered into the service of the state. Dec. 1-5 — Announced that Matthew Lawrence of Hudson was in battery which fired first shot of the war from American forces. Dec. 17 — Preliminary contests in community singing by schools in com- petition for the loving cup. Dec. 17 — Eed Cross chapter starts a week 's membership drive. Dec. 17 — Ealph McCarroU, boys' secretary of the Bloomington Y. M. C. A., enters war work as secretary at Camp Dodge. Dec. 17^ — Bloomington to have war kitchen for demonstrations of food saving plans. McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WORLD WAB 17 Dec. 17 — Draft boards swamped by work connected with the question- naires. Dec. 17 — Knights of Columbus benefit party for war fund nets $200. Dee. 18 — Medical advisers named for the draft boards. Dec. 18 — Local food control commission fixes prices at which grocers shall sell flour, sugar and corn meal. Dec. 18 — First drill by members of the new Company M. Dec. 18 — County survey planned for the fuel question. Dec. 18 — Grocers and some other merchants of Bloomington adopt co- operative delivery system as a means of economy. Dec. 20— Knights of Columbus fund now totals $6,200. Dec. 20 — Eight hundred new members of the Eed Cross secured as result of the one week 's drive. Dec. 20 — Publication in the daily newspapers of the first food price con- trol bulletin, quoting figures for flour, sugar and corn meal. Dec. 20 — Bellflower complete organization of company of Home Guards. Dec. 21 — Band from Great Lakes naval training station gives concert in Bloomington. Address by Lieut. Perigord of French army. Dec. 21 — Eemittance of $337.25 acknowledged by the American Tobacco company, sent from Bloomington and surrounding towns for the sn^okes-for-soldiers fund. Dec. 21 — Drive for more members for the Better Farming association nets 400 members to date. Dec. 23 — Hon. Lewis G. Stevenson appointed as investigator for the navy department at Washington. Dec. 23 — Hawthorne school wins loving euj? in the community singing contest. Dec. 23 — Lexington organizes Home Guards. Dec. 24 — Reports on Eed Cross membership drive, showing total of 2,500 new members, bringing the total present membership in the county to 14,000. Dec. 24 — Grocers asked to report to government their supplies of goods on hand Dec. 31. Dee. 24 — Eeport of recruiting station shows total of 197 enlistments in Bloomington during December to date. Dec. 25 — One day 's sales of war stamps in Bloomington postoflfice shows total of $2,455. Dec. 26 — Announcement that the railroads are to be taken over by the government. Dec. 27 — Bloomington postoffice to act as government agent to secure help for the farms. Dec. 27 — Arniy recruiting station crowded with volunteers to get in under the wire before the end of the year. Dec. 27 — "Birds' Christmas Carol" presented to crowded house at Chatterton theater as benefit for the Belgian Eelief. Dec. 28 — John B. Lennon named as arbitrator for the government labor department. Dec. 28 — Announced that Towanda people are entirely out of coal. Dee. 28 — Eugene Eow.lcy of Holder, a soldier in the regular army, suicides at Governor 's Island. Dee. 28 — All local lodges make plans for the care of families of men in the service. Dec. 31 — President Bierd of the Alton road issues first order as federal director under the government control plan. Dee. 31 — Association of Commerce issues list of 194 men who have not yet received their county service medals. 1918 Jan. 1 — Learned that the suicide of Eugene Eowley was caused by his disappointment in not being sent to Europe with the armies. 18 McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOBLD JVAE Jan. 1 — County dispensary for tlie use of people afflicted with tubercu- losis opens for regular service. Jan. 1 — Pour minute men decided to boost the thrift stamp campaign. Jan. 3 — Orders issued by fuel administration for lightless nights to be observed Thursdays and Sundays until further notice. Street lights and signs to be darkened on these nights. Jan. 3 — Shippers notified that all freight cars must be loaded to capacity in order to prevent car shortage. Jan, 3 — Eight towns in county are out of coal — Towanda, Arrowsmith, Saybrook, Glenavou, Monarch, Bellfiower, Meadows, and Covel. Jan. 3 — Mrs. Spencer Ewing offers prizes for essays on the reasons for employing home adviser. Jan. 3 — Bed Groses issues appeal for more workers to make surgicaJ dressings. Jan. 4 — All bakeries to be licensed under the food administration. Jan. 4 — Local food control body issues long list of articles on which prices are fixed. Jan. 4 — Cropsey Eed Cross branch nuikes report showing much activity. Jan. 4 — Beport that McLean county farmers are 5,000 bushels short of requirements on seed corn. Jan. 4 — Biggest snow storm of the season strikes the city and county, tying up traffic; delivery barn of Co-operative Delivery system crushed under weight of snow. Jan. 7 — County council of defense formed. Jan. 8 — Agreement reached between local and state fuel administrations as to coal supply. Jan 8 — Last of questionnaires sent out liy draft boards. Jan. 9 — Grocers decide to disjilay cnrds showing that thoy are living up to government fooil regulations. Jan. 10 — Belgian Belief society issues apjieal for woolen garments. Jan. 11 — Second edition of the big blizzard strikes the city. Jan. 11 — Leslie O. Lash, a soldier, dies in Washington from influenza, second soldier of this county to give up his life in the war. Jan. 11 — Chief of police gets orders to register all alien enemy citizens. Jan. 13 — Serious local fuel shortage. Jan. 13 — Many churches closed by storm ; schools also closed. Jan. 14 — Mass meeting of citizens to talk of fuel. Jan. 14 — Beports show McLean county third in Illinois on Y. M. C. A. war fund, with $50,300. Jan. 15 — Citizens agree on general saving plan for fuel. Jan. 15 — James Carr, farm hand near Leroy, suicides on account of fear of draft. Jan. 15 — Concert by Amateur Musical club postponed owing to fuel shortage. Jan. 16 — Government order closing all factories for five days beginning Jan. 18, except those making food. Jan. 18 — Normal public schools reopen after shut-down owing to coal shortage. Jan. 18 — Eules issued for meatless and wheatless days each week. Jan. IS — Bules for closing of shops, stores, etc., for five days owing to government order. Jan. 18 — B. & N. company issues rules for conserving heat and light. Jan. 18 — Announcement that lawyers assisted 5,000 young men with their questionnaires. Jan. IS — Local factories prepare for five-days' shut-down. Jan. 18 — Beports show Bloomington theaters have paid $2,500 in war tax so far during war. Jan. 19 — ^Closing order of factories, etc., carried out with no local violators. McLean county and the wob lbjvab 19 A IKW or Hlj, ii, ;.EA.\ CULNTV SAILUKS '^'■"iS;n:^^<^,S.nSniu.?.^- "^^^^^^^ ^0...., M.tehen, Eve:.ett E. '"'''g^:''^^^- ^^"-"' ^-"'^, Miles McReynoias, F™„k Ryan, "^"'"'sU^S^^riSa !"'^,eS;r'^ ''• «''''-•' ^^'^"-■» -^^ Sweeney, N. ''''wi.l:rS;![^;oJ^->'"-. J«l>" W. Wagner, Hugh D. Waddell, Harry L. 20 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE BOB LP WAR Jan. 21 — Observance of the first Monday holiday for stores, etc., under order of the fuel administration. Jan. 20 — Several churches unite their Sunday services to conserve fuel. Jan. 21 — Illinois Traction system issues abridged train schedule owing to fuel shortage. Jan. 21 — Draft orders affecting recently married couples. , Jan. 22 — Extension of the home service of the Ked Crows to the branches. Jan. 22 — ^Warning issued to the public not to hoard potatoes. Jan. 23 — Washburn's greenhouses shut down to one-fourth capacity owing to fuel shortage. Jan. 23 — Fuel administration talkers adilress mass meeting at the Alton shops. Jan. 24 — C & A. shop men take action to force lower prices for coal. Jan. 24 — Eeport of weather shows that temperature was below zero con- tinuously for twenty days. Jan. 24 — Rev. Edgar DeWitt Jones arranges to spend a month lecturing at army camps. Jan. 24 — Arthur Niedermeyer of Decatur, relative of Bloomington people, dies of pneumonia at Jefferson barracks. Jan. 24 — High school opens after shut-down due to coal shortage but ward schools continue closed. Jan. 24 — Plan announced for shortening term of ruial schools, as aid to farmers in their spring work. Jan. 25 — Teachers volunteer to help draft boards in dealing with reg- istrants. Jan. 25 — Announced that hoarders of food will be prosecuted. Jan. 2.5 — Final report on registration of women shows total of 10,488 registered. Jan. 27 — President Wilson issues proclamation on saving of food as help to win the war. Jan. 27 — Mayor Goodwin of Normal announces that the town must have more coal, as shortage is acute. Jan. 27 — St. Matthews church dedicates service flag. Jan. 27 — Announcement of prizes for essay written by children on the saving of wheat flour. Jan. 28 — Announcement that after March 1 wheat flour can be bought only by buying an equal poundage of flour sulistitutes at same time. Jan. 28 — Report of recruiting station shows that more than enough men to make three full companies have volunteereil here. Jan. 28 — Second heatless Monday observed in Bloomington, stores and factories closing for the day. Jan. 28 — Red Cross chapter issues appeal for 1,000 pairs of socks for soldiers to be knitted in a week. Jan. 28 — Wesleyan students give play for benefit of Belgian Relief and make $400. Jan. 28 — Normal starts campaign for sale of smileage books. Jan. 29 — Announcement of list of substitutes that may be bought with flour, pound for pound. Jan. 29 — First proven case of hoarding floiii', two families laeing caught with the goods. Jan. 29 — Bloomington Ad Club to start educational campaign on saving of food. Jan. 29 — C. B. Hughes named as local chairman of committee to secure workers for government ship yards on the coast. Jan. 29 — Big community sing at the high school auditorium. Jan. 29 — Wesleyan girls form branch of the Red Cioss. Jan. 30 — Howard Humphreys appointed food administrator for Central Illinois district. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULD WAR 21 Jan. 30 — City grade schools re-open. Jan. 30 — Fourteen men secured in first day for work in ship yards. Jan. 30 — Leroy men use Monday holiday by going to the woods and cut- ting trees for fuel for the churches. Jan. 31 — Great audience at high school to hear addresses on food saving by Eoscoe Mitchell and Miss Clark. Jan. 31 — Wesleyan basket liall team plays team from Great Lakes naval training station, the Jackies winning by 23 to 22. Jan. 31 — City practically out of sugar, and economy tightened. Feb. 1 — Eed Cross car of instruction in the care of wounded spends day at the Alton shops. Feb. 1 — Rule issued that no Iniilding shall be heated above 70 degrees, to save coal. Feb. 1 — Red Men 's tribe dedicate service flag. Feb. 3 — All schools reopened. Feb. 3 — Start registration of alien enemies in this county. Police station headquarters in Bloomington, postmasters do the work in other towns. Feb. 3 — Total number of men enlisted for work in shipyards up to date in Bloomington, 103. Feb. 3 — New set of rules issued for the sale of flour. Feb. 4 — O. M. Wilson here to recruit men for service with the Y. M. C. A. in France. Feb. 4 — Charles O'Malley takes up his duties as city food commissioner. Feb. 4 — Winners announced in the children's essay contest on home adviser. Feb. 7 — John Carnahan, formerly of Bloomington, now with the British army, married to English girl. Feb. 8 — George Marton ])ulilishes new patriotic song of his own com- position. Feb. 8 — Lieut. Walter Sutherland married to Miss Elizabeth Wiley. Feb. 8 — Alton road issues orders to move grain ahead of any other kind of freight. Feb. 8 — Announced that there are 352 boys and girls in war work C'lubs of the county. Feb. 8 — Clayton Sholty, soldier from Bloomington, dies at Jeft'erson barracks. Feb. 10 — Food administration issues orders that no hens shall be sold or killed for the next five weeks. Feb. 10 — Capt. Manspeaker, first former Alton man to die in the war, expires at Camp Lee, Va. Feb. 11 — Prof. Adams of Normal university appointed to chemically ex- amine all samples of food suspected of containing poisonous substances. Feb. 11 — Surgical dressings shop established at the Normal university. Feb. 15 — Fuel administration announces spring campaign to prepare for next winter. Feb. 16 — Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis lectures to great audience on German atrocities in Belgium. Feb. 17 — Death of Harley B. Salzman, former Bloomington man, in army camp. Feb. 17 — Announced that Bloomington is to have government employment office. Foil. 17 — Local Red Cross chapter receives card from Paris thanking for shipments of surgical dressings. Feb. 17 — H. O. Echols to go to army camps as song leader. Feb. 17 — Major Nevin of Camp Grant leads great community sing at high school auditorium. Feb. 18 — First Monday when stores open as usual since restriction order of few weeks ago. 22 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAB Fcl). 19-21 — Stato Fai'mors ' Institute of Blooniington ilevotcs its time mostly to questions of war provision. Feb. 19 — List of townshii> food administrators named. Feb. 19 — Julia Lathro^j addresses great audience of Farmers ' Institute on effect of war on child labor. Feb. 21 — Fuel administration issues appeal to ])e<)i)le to begin preparing for next winter 's coal supply. Feb. 21 — Rev. F. M. Harry to go abroad to work with Y. M. C. A. Feb. 22 — Edwards school dedicates service flag. Feb. 22 — Definite announcement of establishment of government labor bureau in Blooniington. Fell. 24 — Normal has raised $1,300 for Red Cross in one week, of which $1,000 was realized from auction of products donated by farmers. Fell. 24 — Announccuiont of complete list of Class 1 men from board Ko. 2. Feb. 26 — John E. Matthews named for labor examiner for local govern- ment employment office. Feb. 12 — P. G. Rennick of Peoria makes Lincoln day address at public meeting in high school, first of Illinois CentenniaJ observances. Feb. 12 — Change in rules for sale of flour, allowing purchase of one-half weight of substitutes with every pound of flour. Fell. 12 — J. J. Thomassen takes charge as county food administrator. Fcl). 12 — Report on Alton road's earnings for 1917 show total of $20,000,000, greatest gross earnings in its historv. Feb. 13— Funeral of Clayton B. Sholty. Feb. 14 — Prof. Adams makes rejiort on samples of foods examined. Feb. 14 — Completion of county organization for Council of Defense. Feb. 14 — Big drive starts in city schools for membershiji in the Junior Red Cross. Fel). 19 — First anniversary of Blooniington chapter of Red Cross, and reports show large accomjilishments. Feb. 21 — State Farmers' Institute sends telegram to President Wilson setting forth farmers ' viewpoint on war jiroblems. Feb. 21 — Normal business men's ministrels clears $600 for Red Cross. Feb. 21 — Colfax women complete the makino- of 128 children's hoods for Belgian relief, on a request for fifty. Feb. 21 — Gov. Brough of Arkansas addresses state farmers' institute on war problems. Feb. 21 — Director McAdoo asks Alton road for data on trains, with a view to retrenchments. Feb. 27 — J. M. Fordice gives Camp Grant collection of magazines and re- ceives letter of thanks for same. Mar. 1 — New rules requiring sale of pound for pound of sulistitutes with flour goes into effect. Mar. 1 — Onlers received to cut C. & A. train service in order to save fuel. ^Tar. 1 — Income tax collectors close up their work here. Mar. 1 — Letters read at First Christian church from Rev. Edgar DeWitt Jones at camp. ]\Iar. 3 — War kitchcMi program announced. Mar. 4 — New food rules for local bakeries are received. Mar. 4 — New ruling of food administrator abolishes ban on pork on Saturdays. Mar. 4 — Louis E. Davis, sturil 17 — Committee of board of supervisors selects service flag, 13 by 30 feet. April 18 — Govermnent urges people to eat more potatoes and save other foods. April IS — Frederick Dale Wood, an orator of great note, lectures here in behalf of liberty loan drive. April 18 — Normal university puts on special course for training ci\ilians in war work. April 18 — Alton boiler shops dedicates service flag. April 18 — Bellflower puts on a notable patriotic demonstration. April 19 — Orders to send 92 men to Camp Dodge on April 27 received by draft boards. April 19 — Retail dealers can buy wheat flour only on the card system. April 19 — Government labor office issues appeal for many laborers for different places. April 19 — Raymond school buys a liberty bond. A[)ril 21 — Illinois hotel quits serving meals, owing to war-time restrictions on food. Ai)ril 21 — H. 0. Echols goes to France as singer for the Y. M. C. A. Ai>ril 22 — Normal enlists 522 boys and girls for summer garden army. April 23 — County passes its super quota of $2,500,000 to the extent of $24,200, and still going. April 23 — Bloomington lawyers offer to give free advice to families of soldiers. April 23 — Order of fuel administration does away with lightless nights. April 24 — McLean county's liberty loan subscriptions are .50 per cent over quota. April 24 — Miss Wilkerson nmkes a series of speeches here in the interest of saving on dress for women. April 24 — Food administration issues rides for returning surplus flour held by families. April 2.5 — County total on liberty loan drive for three weeks, $2,777,550. April 26 — W^illiam Rainey Bennett makes great patriotic speech before large audience at Coliseum. 28 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE JVOULD WAF April 26 — Policeman John Miller draws Packard antoniobile raffled off by Normal Bed Cross, having been donated by Byron Gregory. April 27 — One hundred men sent in draft contingent to Camp Dodge. April 28 — W. G. McAdoo, director general of U. S. railways, stops in Bloomington on trip and addresses crowd at union station. April 28 — Trinity Lutheran church unveils service flag with 27 stars. April 28 — Dedication of service flag at Moses Montefiore synagogue, with 29 stars. April 29 — Campaign started for new entertainment fund for soldiers. April 29 — Twenty women take examinations in Red Cross home nursing. April 29 — Announced that owing to the war, only six men are left in the graduating class of the Wcsleyan. April 29 — Draft boards get order for next contingent to be sent to camp, May 11. April 30 — Meeting of citizens to consider Y. M. C. A. needs of men in the war. April 30 — Dr. John H. Randall of New York delivers thrilling war lecture in Bloomington. April 30 — District report on recruiting shows Bloomington second in list in the district. May 1 — Fuel administrator issues warning to dealers not to sell too much coal to any one customer. May 1 — City officials of Bloomington announce that only absolutely nec- essary public work will lie undertaken during war. May 1 — Shirley citizens raise $1,000 by Red Cross sale. May 1 — Trinity Lutheran women form new and active Red Cross society. May 1 — Military ball for band benefit nets .$600. May 1 — Order that greenhous-es ho allowed only 50 per cent of their fuel consumption for next winter. May 2 — Lieut. O'Brien, who had escaped from a German prison, lectures before great audience at high school auditorium. May 2 — Alton train service suffers in personnel owing to many men going to the army. May 2 — Jefferson school dedicates service flag with 42 stars. May 2 — Hal M. Stone appointed county food administrator. May 2 — Special call for recruits for the tank service. May 2 — Gen. Harbord transferred from staff of Gen. Pershing and given command in field. May 3 — Mrs. James C. Riley, chairman, announces that women of county have bought $1.58,900 of lilieity bonds. -First annual meeting of the Girls of '61. -Final figures for liberty loan drive shows total for county $3,022,250, or 176 per cent of quota. -Second big drive for Red Cross will seek quota of $70,000. -Funeral of John R. Wilson, who died in service, held at Danvers. -Next draft contingent of May 25 to go to Mississippi. -Chenoa organizes local council of defense. -Chenoa dedicates service flag. -Thrift stamp drive launched at luncheon attended by many citizens. -St. Mary's church and school drop German language in services. -Swedish Lutheran church dedicates service flag with seven stars. -Eight men enlist in army one day. -Three thousand sacks of flour in possession of families in county in excess of food requirements, are returned to dealers. May 7 — Normal liberty loan committee returns just one yellow card for a slacker. May 7 — Retiring county food administrator, J. J. Thomassen, issues part- ing letter to township food men. May 3 May 5 May 5- May 5- May 5- May 5- May 5- May 6 Mav 6- May 6 Mav 7- May 7- McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR 29 THE KIND OF SOLDIERS THIS COUNTY SENT FORTH Top Row (left to riiiht) — Shirley Judd, John E. Johnson, Will lungerich, Glen R. Johnson, Elmo C. Jones, James T. Johnson, Hubert Jones, R, T. James, O. W. Johnson, Warren Jones, John J. Jones. Second Row — Floyd Jones, John D. Jones, Roy Jacobs, Ernest A. Jones, William Jameson, Gilbert W. Jenkins, Clarence K. Jacobson, Carl J. Jackson. Top Roiv (left to right) — Frank Do Silva, Lloyd Daniel, Oscar Dean, Harry L. Deutsch. Second Row — John Douglas, Lloyd F. Dowell. W. P. Dunbar, John G. Doenitz. Third Row — Charles A. Doll, Earl W. Daniel, Elmo Dillon, Deane Dillon. Fourth Row — Marion Dunn, Raymond Donnell, Marion B. Day, Alvin E. Decker. 30 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAB May 7 — Complete orgauization of county food administration with women as township chairmen. May 8 — Beginning of canteen service at the union station in Bloom- ington, with women in uniform on duty. May 8 — Arrowsmith puts on great patriotic celelnation. May 9 — Leroy stages a big demonstration for loyalty. May 9 — State Music Teachers' convention in Bloomington sends message to President Wilson offering hearty support in war. May 9 — Canteen committee asks for magazines for use of soldiers en route. May 9 — Judge Eiley announces thrift and war savings stamps sold in five months to amount of $155,544. May 9 — Food administration allows extia quantity of sugar to l)e hold if used for canning. May 10 — Lieut. Louis Eddy Davis killed in aeroplane accident at Elling- ton field, Texas. May 10 — Fifteen laborers leave for work in ammunition factory in Wis- consin. May 10 — Cadet John Broknw, aviator at Chanute field, flies to Blooming- ton and alights in front of his father 's home. May 12 — ^County draft quota for May 25 cut in half. May 12 — Miss Helen Fraser from England makes war time address on work of English women. May 12 — Anchor people put on big patriotic celebration. May 12 — P^ifty draft men sent to Jefferson barracks, aftei' fitting send- off' here. May 13 — First Methodist chuich (iffers building for any jiatriotic purpose wanted. May 13 — Funei-al of Lieut. Louis E. Davis held in IMooniiiigton, with notalde demonstration of honor to the dead May 13 — Five men enlist in army, six in navy in one day. May 13 — Miss Clara Brian chosen for county home adviser. May 14 — Township quotas for Ked Cioss drive announced. May 14 — Aeroplane from Eantoul falls in wreck near Cropsey ; flyer not injured. May 15 — Two Normal girls apply for enlistment in the navy. May 15 — Illinois State Dental society listens to lecture of war-time sur- gery from Dr. Beck of Chicago. May 15 — Announcement of military course to be put in at Wesleyan university. May 15 — Lieut. Stephen Fitzger;ild, of Dorchester, Mass., who had many relatives here, reported killed in battle in France. May 16 — Service flag dedicated at Bloomington high school. May 16 — Eeport on receipts of recent jjatriotic pageant show total of $3,519. May 16 — J. J. Hagin, superintendent of schools at McLean, goes to France for Y. M. C. A. May 16 — Local draft boards ordered to send 30 men each to Fort Thonms, Ky., on May 29. May 17 — Columbia school, near Arrowsmith, makes great record in buy- ing liberty bonds, selling $7,300 in bonds or an average of $811 per pupil. May 19 — Township chairmen appointed for Eed Cross drive. May 19 — Corp. Carl E. Miller of Heyworth reported killed in battle. May 19 — Eeport that a total of 793 school children in city have war gardens. May 19 — County Treasurer Eice to make survey of property in county owned by alien enemies. May 19 — Hurry call for fifty men received by draft boards. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR 31 May 20 — Great street parade as boost for Red Cross drive, about 10,000 people being in line and all city's organizations represented. May 20 — Bloomiiigton high school hangs service flag with 112 names. May 20- — Prof. Eobert Herrick of University of Chicago, in war at Coliseum. May 20 — Anchor, Martin, Funk 's Grove and Mt. Hope went over their quota in first day of Red Cross drive. May 21 — Lieut. Young, veteran of three years of war in Canadian army, talks to Red Cross workers. May 21 — City passes ordinance to stamp out barberry bushes, menace to wheat of country. May 22 — Lieut. Robert Renard of French army, wearer of war cross, talks before Rod Cross boosters. May 22 — High school jnipils write in contest of essays on the subject of potatoes. May 23 — Changes in local food board, Sam Waldman being new chairman. May 24— Gridley people put on a great patriotic rally. May 24 — Eleven recruits sent to the army by local station. May 25 — Gov. Deneen in war talk before the Bloomington Consistory. May 26 — Dr. H. K. Deuiliuger addresses community meeting on ' ' Spirit of America. ' ' May 27 — Close of Red Cross drive with total of $93,812 raised, being one- third more than quota. May 27 — Thirteen new soldiers sent to Jefferson l)arracks as recruits. May 27 — Miss Carrie Lyons of the department of animal husl)andry, gives series of demonstrations on cottage cheese in Bloomington. May 27 — Coal dealers announce i>artial payment plan for consumers to assist in laying in winter su})plies. May 28 — Bloomington recruits station scores best record in whole Peoria district for the week. May 29 — Forty-two men sent by draft boards to Camp Shelby, near Hattiesburg, Miss. May 30 — Annual golf tourney of Central Illinois abandoned owing to war. May 30 — Irving school chiblren get letter from Gen. Harbord. May 31 — Hudson has conununity demonstration for the lioys who are soon to be drafted. May 31 — Woodford county soldiers join McLean contingent when they entrain for Fort Thomas, Ky. May 31 — Fifty-two enlisted men depart for Great Lakes naval station; aliout fifty for the army. May 31 — Lieut. John Brokaw married to Miss Lueile Barry. May 31 — Draft contingent leaves for P^ort Thomas, Ky. ; joiucil here liy Woodford county contingent. May 31 — Patriotic demonstration at Hudson. June 2 — National * ' coal week ' ' observed ; put in fuel for next winter. June 1 and 2 — Large delegation of enlisted men to Jefferson barracks. June 5 — Thrift stamp drive nets a total of $172,707.41. June 5 — Young men registered who have come of age since last year on June 5, the total in the county being 438. June 5 — Red Cross drive here to secure quota of the 25,000 army nurses needed for immediate service. June 5 — Order received by draft lioards for 565 men to lie sent to camp on June 24. June 6 — People watch bulletins of big battle in France, believing that many Bloomington lioys are in the action. June 7 — Military class to lie formed for the Normal summer school. June 7 — All class 1 men notified by draft boards to be ready for call at any time. 32 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE IV ELD WAE ;^ June 8 — Army recruiting station resumes activity after a period of quiescence. June 9 — Announced that Gen. Harbord is in command of the Marines at the battle now raging in attack on German lines. June 9 — Coal week results m many hundred orders being placed by house- holders. June 10 — List published of young men who registered for draft on June 5. June 10 — Earl Nichols of this city reported among the wounded. June 12 — Woman from central division headquarters here to explain the Red Cross civilian relief woik. June 13 — McLean county service flag with 2,000 stars is dedicated with impressive ceremonies. June 13 — !Six men sent to Valparaiso for special training. June 13 — Food administration sends out urgent call to save grain. June 14 — Filag raising at Beich 's factory. June 14 — Ruling of food administration that sugar purchases shall be limited to two pounds per customer in the city, five pounds to country customer. Juno 14 — Plans made for registering all men for emergency farui work. June 15 — Naval recruiting station in Blooruington to 1)0 kept open. June 17 — Orders received that no reduction in the number of draft men for June 24 be made. June 17 — Belgian Relief committee issues appeal for clothing. Juno 18 — Nine aeroplanes here from Rantoul. June 18 — Plans made for registering and weighing babies umler 6 as part of general health campaign. June 18 — Municipal canning center opens in the Pantagraph Iniilding with large crowd of women to see demonstration. June 18 — Free yarn at the Red Cross headquarters is exhausted. June 19 — Movement started for recruiting up Company M. June 20 — Records show very few June brides, owing to war. June 20 — Twenty-five men sent from this county to auto school at Kansas City. June 20^ — Prayers for peace in Catholic churches. June 21 — William McClellan of Colfax and Harry Myers of McLean officially reported wounded. June 21 — Quota for McLean countv in war savings stamps drive is placed at $1,400,000. June 23 — Citizens of that section force Lawndale school to close owing to teacher 's use of German language. June 23 — Harry Myers of McLean rejiorted to have died in France from wounds. June 23 — Large number of McLean county men sent from Camp Dodge to Camp Pike. June 24 — St. Mary 's school children form living flag in street. June 24 — Assembly of the 565 men for leaving to camp tomorrow. June 24 — Forty-two German women registered under the regulation re- quiring all such to register. June 24 — Two thousand men registered for farm work. Juno 25 — Good-bye to the draft contingent of 565 off to Camp Wheeler. June 25 — Order received that no Illinois men will bo included in the July draft call. June 2.5 — Federal bureau issues call for labcx'ers for Aberdeen, Md. Juno 25 — Rules issued for storing coal to avoid fire. June 2.5 — Civilian Relief department of Red Cro8s had busiest day since it was organized. June 26 — Registration of German women closes with 96 registered. June 26 — Leroy stages great loyalty rally; service flag dedicated. Juno 27 — Serial numbers published for the 1918 registrants. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAE 33 June 27 — Draft boards ordered to re-classify all the 4,000 registrants. June 27 — Willard Hcnsley killed iu France. June 28 — Big Belgian Rolief party at the Countrj' club. June 28 — First Methodist church dedicates service flag with 68 stars. June 29 — Bloomington postoffice sells $100,000 in war savings stamps. June 30 — Memorial services at McLean for Henry Myers. June 30 — Bloomington garages adopt early closing rule to save fuel. June 30 — Second Christian church tledicates service flag. July 1 — Work or fight rule goes into effect. July 1 — Spencer Ewing called to the state fuel administration. July 1 — Patriotic League formed among high school girls. July 1 — Report of government employment office for June shows 200 men got jobs. July 1 — Sugar bowls barred from tables at hotels and restaurants. July 2 — Emergency motor corps organized. July 2 — Employers announce they will advance money to aid people to place their coal orders early. July 4 — Big public demonstration and i)icnic in honor of 55 men who volunteered and will leave tomorrow for Jefferson barracks. July 4 — Three Brokaw hospital nurses leave for war work. July 4 — One half of city 's total winter supply of coal now in cellars of citizens. July 5 — Better Farming Association issue appeal that every farmer raise ten acres of wheat. July 7 — Forty-six quarts of vegetaliles and fruits canned at municipal center first week. July 7 — Alton shop men in body attend memorial service for Sergt. Joe Haiiptman, killed in battle in France. July 9 — Spencer Ewing made state fuel officer. July 10 — McLean Bar association dedicates service flag. July 10 — Congressman Sterling takes flight in army aeroplane in Wash- ington. July 10 — Two hundred fifty Alton shop men address Federal Director McAdoo for increase of wages. July 11 — Salvation Army drive planned and township quotas announced. July 11 — C. B. Hughes named as county director of public service reserve. July 14 — Prof. Wallis, principal of Bloomington high school, decides to go to France as Y. M. C. A. secretary. July 14 — Report that William John Morgan was wounded in action. July 14 — French nuirket held at the Red Cross exchange, netting the sum of $500 for Red Cross. July 14 — County drive for Salvation Army begins. July 15 — Personal belongings of Joe Haui)tman, who had been killed in battle, sent to his relatives here. July 15 — Twenty-three recruits for the navy sent to Peoria. July 15 — County bureau formed to supply emergency farm labor. July 16 — Several men from Barnum's circus enlist in the navy while here. July 17 — Ernest Benedict of McLean reported dead from wounds in battle. July 17 — Illinois troops given an ovation at Camp Wheeler. July 18 — Ervin P. Martensen of Anchor reported killed in battle. July 18 — Cannon boom in Bloomijigton for the reports of the victory of American troops at Chateau Thierry. July 18 — Two men arrested in Bloomington for disloyal talk. July 19 — B. A. Franklin appointed county fuel administrator. July 19 — Congressman Medill McCormick taJks a])out his observations in the war. July 19 — Draft order for 25 negroes to be sent to camp Aug. 1. July 19 — Great campaign to get farmers to grow wheat is now on. 34 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB July 21 — Memorial service held at Anchor for Ervin P. Martensen. July 21 — Thirteen airships from Eantoul visit this city. July 21 — Move to build canteen hut at the union depot. July 21 — Report that Campbell Brunton had won the croix de guerre. July 21 — Dr. John S. Hamilton lectures in boosting the Salvation Army drive. July 22 — Order issued that hard coal shall be distributed to small users with stoves rather than furnaces. July 23 — Wheatless bread demonstration attracts large crowd to munic- ipal kitchen. July 23 — Total supply of hard coal in Bloomington is 442 tons. July 24 — Chris Phillos gives receipts of store for one day to Eed Cross canteen hut, netting $335. July 24 — Permission required to secure 10 pounds of sugar for canning purposes. July 26 — Order received for 105 men to be sent in the draft on August 1. July 28 — Eagles dedicate service flag with 33 stars. July 28 — Personnel committee of Y. M. C. A. selects 12 men for overseas' duty. July 29 — First lightless nights — Mondays and Tuesdays. July 30 — Saybrook dedicates community service flag. July 30 — Word received here that Harry G. Bishop of Normal made brigadier general in France. July 30 — Many clamoring for hard coal which they cannot get. July 30 — D. A. R. gives silk flag to Company M. July 30 — Major Bruce Carlock wins war cross. July 30 — Young Men's club votes to put on big benefit fete at E. M. Evans' house as war benefit. July 31 — Outdoor supper at Withers park for departing draft men. Aug. 1 — Y. W. C. A. Fellowship clul) collects old rubber in barrels at court house. Aug. 1 — Sunset fete in Normal benefit surgical dressings department. Aug. 2 — Community labor board formed. Aug. 2 — One ton hard coal allotted to each base burner. Aug. 2 — Three thousand jieople attend pavenu'nt dance at Emerson school. Aug. 4 — News of Howard Bolin killed in liattle. Aug. 4 — Crowds watch newspaper bulletin boards for news of great drive in France. Aug. 5 — Harry Kraps wins French war cross. Aug. 6 — News of the wounding of Capt. Eugene Hamill. Aug. 6 — No sugar for canning until further notice. Aug. 7 — News of the wounding of Claude Miller on July 19. Aug. 7 — Baldwin 's store gives benefit for canteen service. Aug. 7 — Sergt. Jack Boyer, hero of Soissons, weds Beatrice Sutton. Aug. 7 — Government calls for 1,150 laborers from this district. Aug. 7 — Community war benefit entertainment at McLean nets $1,755. Aug. 8 — Alton shops service flag dedicated by Senator Medill McCormiek. Aug. 8 — Rush at recruiting station. Aug. 9 — "Over There," great war benefit attracts 3,500 people. Aug. 9 — ^One grocer deprived of license for selling flour contrary to rules. Aug. 9— The McLean county quota for wheat raising is 103,000 acres. Aug. 10 — News of Dewey Burger of McLean killed in battle. Aug. 10 — Seventeen men enlist in the navy. Aug. 11— Second night of ' ' Over There ' ' with 3,000 present. Aug. 12 — Meeting of citizens to consider War Chest plan. Aug. 13 — John H. Kasbeer of Normal made ensign. Aug. 13 — Total receipts of ' ' Over There ' ' announced as $2,610. Aug. 13 — Recruiting station final report shows 427 enilisted since April. Aug. 15 — Jones-White family dedicate service flag at reunion with 20 stars. McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOELD WAE 35 Aug. 15 — War time Chautauqua opens in Bloomington with large crowd. Aug. 15 — Wheatless days ordered discontinued. Aug. 16 — Forty recruits enlist in navy here in one day. Aug. 16 — Irving school pageant and pavement dance. Aug. 16 — Two gold bricks from Belgian Belief's melting pot worth $63. Aug. 18 — News that John H. Kraus of Danvers killed in liattle. Aug. 19 — Orders to enlist men from 41 to 56 years. Aug. 21 — Chester Daniels, colored, dies in France of pneumonia. Aug. 21 — Red Cross canteen hut opened with immense crowd. Aug. 22 — Government takes all prunes available. Aug. 22 — Kenneth Jones flies over his home town. Normal. Aug. 22 — Labor bureau sends questiounaire to local industries. Aug. 24 — Colored people's convention places gold star for Chester Daniels. Aug. 23 — Thirty men called in new draft contingent. Aug. 24 — Great war benefit party at "The Oaks," home of Howard Humphreys. Aug. 27 — Order for observance of first ' ' gasless ' ' Sunday. Aug. 27 — Order to all coal users that they must economize. Aug. 27 — Sixty citizens sign up pledge to support lOO orphans. Aug. 28 — Lyle Best dies at Great Lakes. Aug. 28 — Boland Read home from service in Italy. Aug. 29 — "Sailing dates" for shipments on railroads. Aug. 29 — Five thousand people attend pavement festival for Edwards school. Aug. 30 — Report on receipts of parties at ' ' The Oaks ' ' showing total of $5,500. Aug. 30 — Rules changed on wheat flour allowing sales with 20 per cent substitutes. Sept. 1 — Local army recruiting station gets orders to close soon. Sept. 1 — Orders received establishing Students' Army Training Corps at Wesleyan. Sept. 1 — First gasless Sunday observed. Sept. 2 — First orders received by draft lioards for registering men 18 to 45 years. Sept. 2 — Many people call on Mayor to offer excuses for driving cars on Sunday. Sept. 2 — New official orders as to use of sugar and flour. Sept. 2 — September calls will take 169 men for both draft boards. Sept. 3 — Contingent of men to Camp Grant for limited service. Sept. 3 — Rev. W. B. Hindman called to service as chaplain. Sept. 3 — Wesleyan gets contract for installing S. A. T. C. Sept. 4 — First plans for fourth liberty loan drive. Sept. 4 — Mayor issues call for registration of men 18 to 45 on Sept. 12. Sept. 4 — Many physicians join medical reserve corps. Sept. 4 — Appeal to save peach stones for making gas masks. Sept. 5 — Second gasless Sunday observed in better fashion. Sept. 5 — Prospect of army truck school for Bloomington. Sept. 5 — Ninety-nine draft men banqueted and off to Camp Grant. Sept. 6 — Thirty men sent to Camp Forest, Lytle, Ga. Sept. 6 — Feast of Lanterns put on at Country Club by girls of Patriotic League. Sept. 8 — Better observance of second gasless Sunday. Sept. 9 — Knights of Columbus put on big lawn fete at ' ' The Oaks. ' ' Sept. 10 — Report shows Knights of Columbus made $3,500 by lawn fete. Sept. 10 — Dr. Guthrie named to mobilize doctors of county. Sept. 10 — Court trials postponed to let lawyers help with draft question- naire. Sept. 11 — Claude Miller writes he is going back to trenches after recovery. Sept. 11 — Amateur Musical club outlines war-time program of music. 36 McLEAN COUNTY AXD THE WOELD WAE Sept. 12— Registration day for men 18 to 45; total of 8,020 register. Sept. 12 — Hard eoal supply in local cellars one-fourth of last year. Sept. 12 — The 68th regiment, mostly McLean county boys, reaches Eng- land. Sept. 14 — Men who registered Sept. 12 put on big night parade. Sept. 1.5 — Memorial service at First Christian church for Howard Bolin. Sept. 16 — Edward Dwyer of Cooksville reported prol>al)ly taken prisoner. SeiA. 17 — Glenn Gilmore of Leroy reported gassed. Sept. 18 — B. and N. railway adopts skip-stop plan. Sept. 19 — Company M takes four days' hike to Galesburg. Sept. 20 — Lawyers organize to assist with draft questionnaires. Sept. 20 — Electrical Workers ' union put on big party at ' ' The Oaks. ' ' Sept. 20 — C. D. Phillos, who gave store's receipts for Red Cross, is dead. Sept. 22 — Red Cross starts drive for old clothing for war sufferers. Sept. 22 — Appeal made through papers for temporary sleeping quarters for S. A. T. C. boys. Sept. 22 — The Misses Barron, two French girls, arrive to attend Wesleyan. Sept. 23 — Contract let for building S. A. T. C. barracks at Wesleyan. Sept. 23 — Blooming Grove camp of Woodmen dedicate service flag, 82 stars. Sept. 24 — Checks for .$300,000 back war pay arrive for Alton shop men. Sept. 25 — Local brewery to close down Oct. 1 owing to fuel restrictive orders. Sept. 2.5 — Milton R. Livingston appointed connuercial economy director. Sept. 2.5 — Quotas announced for townshi{)S in fourth liberty loan drive. Sept. 25 — Proposed show by Great Lakes sailors here is off owing to flu. Sept. 2,5 — Alton car men strike owing to dissatisfaction with back pay. Sept. 26 — Business men guarantee $20,000 in twenty minutes for Wesleyan barracks Sept. 26 — Danvers Red Cross day attracts great crowds. Sept. 26 — Big patriotic picnic held near Colfax. Sept. 26 — McLean and DeWitt counties organize for united war work drive. Sept. 27 — Franklin school holds great patriotic war benefit festival in Coliseum. Sept. 27 — Big liberty loan parade in Normal, inaugurating drive. Sept. 28— Liberty loan drive starts with $1,391,000 pledged first day. Sept. 29 — Community sing at high school. Sejit. 30 — Volunteer liberty loan subscribers hold parade at night. Sept. 30 — First serial numbers received for the 18 to 45 registrants. Oct. 1 — Twenty-one men sent to Jefferson liarracks for limited service. Oct. 1 — Lieut. Elmer Doocy, former W^esleyan man, killed in battle. Oct. 1 — Clyde Kind of Stanford dies of influenza at Great Lakes. Oct. 1 — Purse given by church to Rev. W. B. Hindman, who leaves to become chaplain. Oct. 1 — Lena Hayes, Hazel Roberts and Beatrice Doty, nurses, to Great Lakes. Oct. 1 — Miss Opha Wren called to Europe in Red Cross service. Oct. 1 — William S. GoUiday of Lexington dies of pneumonia in camp. Oct. 2 — Ransom Johnson dies at Camp Devens, Harry Pietsch at Camp Grant Oct. 2 — Sergt. Barre, veteran of English army in France, speaks at liberty loan parade. Oct. 2 — Total of 245 women at work in Red Cross rooms making flu masks. Oct. 2 — Memorial exercises at Wesleyan for Lieut. Elmer Doocy. Oct. 2 — Bryan Maxwell of McLean dies at Norfolk. Oct. 3 — Fifteen hundred negro troops from Camp Funston parade streets here. Oct. 4 Oct. 5 Oct. 6- Oct. 7 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELB If'AE 37 Oct. 3 — White Elephant saJe opens at Belgian Relief headquarters. Oct. 3 — Word that Joseph A. Erbe of Normal killed in battle. Oct. 3 — Total of 486 laborers sent from this district to war industries elsewhere. Oct. 4 — Exhibit of produce from Biloomington war gardens, at high school. -Receipts first day White Elephant sale $800. -Train of war trophies exhibited here to great crowds. -White Elephant sale clears $1,400. -Edmond Sutherland, Charles A. Clarke and Carl Louis Koch all dead in service. Oct. 7 — Capt. Wheaton arrives to take military charge of the Weslevan S. A. T. C. -Miss Wilkerson of U. of I. tells women how to save clothes. -Mass meeting at Alton shops for liberty loan. -Normal raises its quota of li1)erty loan. -Howard Wiley dies at Great Lakes; Henry Peckman at Camp Funston. -Red Cross calls for help to make flu masks. -Matthew Holman of McLean dead at Syracuse ; Bud Peterson at Camp Custer. -Fred O 'Connor dies at Camp Grant. -School children gather 2.5 bushels of ])each stones for gas masks. -All Heyworth turns out to funeral of John T. Wakefield. -Churches, theaters and clubs ordered closeil on account of the flu. -Howard Rodman dies in New York; Chalrcs E. Harrison of Chenoa in New Jersey. -Lexington dedicates service flag. -City schools are closed on account of the prevalence of influenza. -Call for volunteer nurses to help take care of the many flu cases. -All churches suspend services owing to the flu. -James H. Shaw chosen chairman of state speakers' bureau for united war fund. Oct. 12 — Day 's death reports included Eugene McCarthy, Thomas Mont- gomery, Clyde Robert MiLler, and William H. Eckhart. Oct. 13 — Phi Gamma Delta fraternity opened as infirmary for Wesleyan flu victims. -Maurice Wakefield dies at Iowa university, flu victim. -Mrs. M. T. Scott 's house ojtened as emergency hospital. -Day's death reports included Loring F. Jones, Charles Witt of Arrowsmith and Ben Kaplan. -Claude Miller home with wound received at Soissons July 19. -Country Club house opened as emergency hospital. -Day 's death reports included Lieut. Richard Boydston, Kline Alfred Lantz, Orville Bechtel. -Delmar Olson first flu victim to die at the Country Club hospital. -Order that no more sugar for canning after tomorrow. -Police keep crowds back that throng sugai- office. -Day's deaths include Edward lehl, Earl Smith, W. F. Dunlap, Charles F. Smith. -Alton to run special train to boost lilierty loan. -Twelve men sent to Bradley for war training. -Flu spreads; ajipeal for volunteer nurses. -Warren Webl)er of Arrowsmith dies in Washington. -New rules restricting deliveries of goods in city. -Grant Metcalf dies. -Rev. W. B. Hindman called to service as army chaplain. -Maurice Roberts, Wesleyan soldier, dies of influenza. -Ban lifted on use of gasoline Sundays for pleasure riding. Oct. 7- Oct. 7- Oct. 7- Oct. 8- Oct. 8- Oct. 9- Oct. 9 Oct. 9- Oct. 9- Oct. 10- Oct. 10 Oct. 11 Oct. 11- Oct. 12 Oct. 12- Oct. 12- Oct. 13- Oct. 13- Oct. 13 Oct. 13- Oct. 13 Oct. 14- Oct. 14 Oct. 14 Oct. 15- Oct. 15- Oct. 15- Oct. 15- Oct. 16- Oct. 16- Oct. 16- Oct. 16- Oct. 16- Oct. 17- Oct. 17 38 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLB WAR MEMORIAL ARCHES AT COURT HOUSE Built by contributions from all parts of the county McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 39 Oct. 17 — State labor convention postponed on account of flu, Oct. 17 — Stricter rules for food at hotels and restaurants. Oct. 17 — Elmo Hill of Lexington dies. Oct. 18 — Thirty men apj^ly for service in motor transport. Oct. 18 — Prof. Wm. Wallis, former principal of Bloomington high, called to service. Oct, 19 — McLean county's quota on war loan is raised. Oct. 20- — Funeral of Congressman Sterling; Frank L. Smith named by republicans for candidate for special election in this district. Oct. 20 — Fred Allen dies at Camp Wheeler. Oct. 20— Second flu wave sweeps over city. Oct. 21 — Call for reserves to fight flu ; first contingent of women worn out. Oct. 21 — Earl Spencer dies of wounds in France. Oct. 21 — Sarah Wells, superintendent of Scott hospital, called for nursing- service at Camp Grant. Oct. 22 — Wesleyan S. A. T. C. get first equipment. Oct. 22 — First death in Saybrook caused by flu. Oct. 23 — Local demand for coffins greater than the supply. Oct. 23 — James Sia is second death at Scott emergency hospital. Oct. 23 — Local food inspectors visit hotels and restaurants looking for violations. Oct. 24 — Day's deaths include Homer Mitchell and Melvin Bossingham. Oct. 25 — City draft board gets calls for 423 men and county board for 458 in next two months. Oct. 26 — Flu epidemic practically closed. Oct. 26 — Harry W. Andrews of Gridley dies while waiting for call in draft, Oct. 27 — Hands of all clocks turned backward one hour to "save day- light. ' ' Oct. 28 — Dr. Elder returns from emergency for emergency service on account of flu. Oct. 29 — Covel people send truck load of provisions to Scott hospital. Oct. 29 — All flu patients taken to Scott hospital. Oct. 29 — Normal university girls offer to help with corn husking. Oct. 30 — Bed Cross starts sending packed Christmas parcels to soldiers. Oct. 31 — Death of Archie Stewart on ship taking him over to Europe, Oct, 31 — Pearl Dickerson of Leroy drowned in sinking of the ship Otranto, Oct. 31— Flu ban lifted from all city activities. Oct. 31 — County quota announced as $165,000 for united war work drive. Nov. 1 — New rule that families may buy three pounds of sugar i^er peison per month. Nov. 1 — Call for 37 men to be sent by draft boards to Camp Wadsworth. Nov. 1 — Lieut. McDavid killed in France. Nov. 1 — Eed Cross exchange reopens after flu epidemic at new location, 214 W. Jefferson street. Nov. 1 — Leslie Pfiffner, formerly of Normal, killed in battle. Nov. 1 — S. A. T. C. boys to the numlter of 237 sworn in at Wesleyan. Nov. 2 — Classes of instruction for foreigners started at high and Sheri- dan schools, Nov. 4 — Great county corn show opens at Wesleyan barracks. Nov. 4 — City schools reopen after the flu epidemic. Nov. 4 — Urgent call for nurses and food for Scott emergency hospital. Nov. 4 — Lieut. Max Montgomery weds Mary Mayne in England. Nov. 4 — City exemption board announces list of Class 1 registrants. Nov. 5 — Announced that no more patients will be received at Scott hospital, Nov. 5 — E«port that Euel Neal of Leroy was killed in battle in France. 40 McLEAN COUNTY AXD THE WOULD WAR Nov. 5 — Report of the death of Capt. Hugh M. Price at Norfolk as result of auto accident. Nov. G — Annual Red Cross meeting at McLean. Nov. 7 — Fake rumor of signing of peace armistice creates stir in many cities. Nov. 7 — Thirty laborers sent from here to ship yards at Philadelphia. Nov. 7 — County organization formed for United War Work drive. Nov. 7 — Corn "show at Wesleyan barracks closes with $4,765 receipts. Nov. 8 — Funeral of Capt. Hugh M. Price held in Bloomington. Nov. 8 — Irving school gives $(io2 to war fund. Nov. 8 — Red Cross flu committee holds meeting to wini:)earance of S. A. T. C. as organized l;ody, at com- munity sing. Dec. 3 — Capt. Ivan Elliott home after eleven months fighting in France with heavy artillery. Dec. 3 — Supervisor Welch introduces resolution to build county memorial building. Dec. 4 — Gov. Lowden gives stirring war speech at state Jabor convention here. -ExhiV)it here of war pictures by Hungarian artist. -Red Cross issues hurry call for more flu masks. -William Savage of Downs drowned at Newport News. -Many city firms sign agreement to take back soldiers in old jobs. -Library issues call for 500 books for soldiers. -City health board makes statement on the influenza epidemic. -State federation of labor convention in Bloomington. -Tag day for French orphans. -Annual nu'eting of McLean county chapter of Red Cross. -Memorial service at Trinity Lutheran church for Karl Louis Koch. -Council of Defense holds its final meeting. -Exemption boards officially close their work. -Earl Nichols, wounded in battle, returns to hospital after visit here. Dec. 10 — McLean county united war fund on quota of $167,000. -William Frank Barnes of Cropsey dies in hospital at Lafayette. -Sugar bowls back on tables at restaurants after five months. -Influenza epidemic on the wane. -Announced Wesleyan law school will re-open in January. -Isaiah Deckard of near Carlock killed in battle. -Great Lakes glee club at Rotary club. -Noimal churches abandon Christmas programs owing to influenza. -Township chairmen selected for Christmas Red Cross roll call. -Health board discourages all unnecessary public meetings. -President W^ilson arrives in Brest, France. -Judge Riley says county must buy $300,000 more of thrift stamps to reach quota. -Wesleyan S. A. T. C. boys paid off and equipment loaded. -Melvin Savage of Downs, soldier, dies week after his brother -Wesleyan barracks emptied; U. S. inspector awaited. -French and Belgian Bazaar clears $300. -President Wilson reaches Paris. -Work started on memorial arches at court house. -Red Cross enrollment drive starts. Dec. 4- Dec. 4- Dec. 4 Dec. 5- Dec. 5- Dec. 5 Dec. 6- Dec. 7- Dec. 8- Dec. 8- Dec. 9 Dec. 9 Dec. 10- Dec. 11- Dec. 11- Dec. 12- Dec. 12- Dec. 12- Dec. 12- Dec. 12- Dec. 12 Dec. 13- Dec. 13- Dec. 13- Dec. 13 Dec. 15- Dec. 15- Dec. 15- Dec. 14- Dec. 16 Dec. 16- 42 McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOULD WAR Dee. 16 Dec. 17- Dec. 17- Dec. 17- Dec. IS- Dec. IS- Dec. 18- Dec. 22- Dec. 22- Dec. 23- Dec. 23- Dee. 23- Dec. 24- Dec. 24- Dec. 25- Dec. 25- Dec. 27- Dee. 29- Dec. 29- Dec. 31 Dec. 31- Dec. 31- -First patient in Normal emergency hospital. -Y. M. C. A. privileges free to returned soldiers. -Kiiights of Columbus to help secure jobs for returned soldiers. -Secretary Luebbers of Y. M. C. A. gets word of need of workers in France. -New bread rule promulgated by local food administration. -Alva H. Smith dies of pneumonia in France. -Frank M. Jordan dies of wounds in France. -Ulysses Miller reported killed in France. -Ten patients in emergency hospital at Normal. -A. E, Kerber leported dead in France. -Walter Seeger reported dead from wounds in France. -Ivan Costigan recovering from gas attack. -Eed Cross roll call extended to January 1. -Four minute men disband. -Hundreds of soldiers and sailors home for holidays. -Barron girls entertain French friends for holidays. -Food jiriee fixing liody to continue in action. -Capt. Eugene Hamill arrives in New York. -Eev. Jones suggests community memorial building for soldiers. -Exemption boards get final instructions for sending in records. -Harold Livingston in France hears of Newmarket fire on Christ- mas day. -Word that Thomas McClure is wounded in action. THESE AMONG OTHERS, BROUGHT TRIUMPH Top Row {left to right) — Orville Lucas, Franklin Lutz, Lee L. Lishka. Seco7id Row — John M. Leary, Richard E. Leary, Joseph Allen Little. Third Row — Earl A. Longworth, Bryant Luzader, Leonard F. Lang, Walter W. Lighthart. Fourth Row — Martin Lindsay, Earl Littleton, Edward Lawyer, James R. Lucas, Kenneth Lee. IN MEMORIAM '1/ ,t^ tr'.'^7>'J'.\+/.*^-'."^.' m\i:i^j:Ji^ i THE HONORED DEAD McLean County roll of the lionurt'd dead is sadly long. About one hundred and sixty made the supreme sacrifice for their country. The publishers made every effort to secure a biographical sketch and picture of each. In alphabetical order, the roster is as follows: CLYDE LORRAINE ALLISON Clyde Lorraine Allison of Lexington, was one of the boys who succumbed to influenza, dying ^ in a hospital at Camp Mills October 24, 1918. 1 Ivobar pneumonia followed the influenza. His f wife was with him twelve days before his death. The 31st division, with which he was connected, sailed for Fi-ance the day before his death. Clyde Lorraine Allison went out of McLean county with the draft contingent of June 24, 1918. At Camp Wheeler he was assigned to headquarters company of the 124th infantry. Only a week before going to Camp, on June 18, he had been married to Miss Ella Jackson of Havana. Clyde was born at Orange, Fayette county, Indiana, and had lived there until he came to Lexington four years before he entered the ser-vice. At Lexington he worked on various farms. His parents lived at Falmouth, Ind., where the body was taken for burial. A boy baby 44 McLEAN COUNTY AND TllK IVOELD WAB was born to Mrs. Allison on March 26, 1919, at the home of her parents in Havana, where she had gone after her husband's death. 8he after- ward returned to Chicago to resume her work as a nurse. In a letter to the young wife concerning her husband's death, Lieut. Koderick wrote: "Private Clyde Allison was an excellent soldier, who was universally liked by his officers and fellow soldiers, and his untimely death is a source of genuine sorrow to all. His death occurred in the line of duty, and is no less honorable than had it occurred on the field of battle." FREDERICK ALLEN Frederick Allen, who left Bloomington with the draft contingent of June 25, 191S, died at Camp Mills on October 18 of that year. Pneu- monia following influenza caused his death. Allen was 23 years of age, and his home had been at Mt. Vernon, 111. He had lived in Bloom- ington two years before entering the army, having been employed as a traveling salesman for the Binger Hewing Machine Company. His body Avas taken to La Moille, 111., for burial. He left his mother and two sisters living at Mt. Vernon. GEORGE HERMAN ANNA George Herman Anna, whose home was in Kinmundy, 111., a grad- uate of the Wesleyan law school in 1914, was fatally wounded in battle on November 10, 1918. A letter from Major Albert H. Gravenhorst of the 139th infantry to his relatives said: "To the best of my knowl- edge, he was injured on November 10, in the battle of Marchville, and was taken to the hospital in a serious condition. I have been able to get but one report concerning him and that was that one of the mem- bers of his company had seen him in the liospital. He fought like a demon on the day he was injured. He was attacked by three Germans, who concentrated their fire on him. He got two of them, but the third one got him. The boys all say his fighting was wonderful." JESSE S. ANDERSON Jesse Samuel Anderson, son of Commissioner and Mrs. John F. Anderson, died of ])neumonia in a hospital at Glasgow, Scotland, on October 2, 191S. A letter from the American Eed Cross, written from Glasgow and dated October 8th and received by Mrs. Anderson on November 16 was the first news received of his death. Other letters were received from the captain of liis company and from the nurse who attended him during his illness and death. On June 25, 1918, he with 565 men was sent to Camp Wheeler at Macon, Georgia. After his arrival there he was transferred to Com]iany C, 106th Engineers. He left Camp Wheeler Se])tember () for Cam]) Mills and sailed September 16, landing at (xlasgow, September 29. The divi- sion to wliicli he was attached was the 31st or lietter known as the Dixie Division. Shortly after arriving at Camp Wheeler he was taken sick and upon discharge from the hospital he was given his choice of going to the development battalion or with his company. He cliose the latter, saying that he wanted to do his duty. He never fully recovered from his sickness before going over. Jesse Anderson was one of the best liked of the younger men of tlie city. He was born in Bloomington, on February 17, 1893, and had always lived McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WORLD WAB 45 in the city of liis birth. Following his graduation from the Franklin school he attended Brown 's Business College and later became an em- ployee of a paving contractor, where his special ability to handle men won him recognition and he was placed in charge of the work, and it was while employed in this work that he was sent to Chanute aviation field at Rantoul, having charge of the road building of the field. After completing this work he was sent to the Belleville aviation field in charge of similar work. From there he went to the Chicago & Alton railroad shops, and at the time of his draft was employed in the blacksmith shop. While emjdoyed at Belleville he was married to Elizabeth Grover, who survives him. He is also survived by his parents and the following brothers and sisters: Naomi A., Benjamin E., Clarence Gr., Mary S., Arthur J., Earl Fryer, and Clara Louise. Benjamin was with the A. E. F. in France, and Clarence was in the service in this country. Jesse S. Anderson was a member of the Congregational Churcli, the Modern Woodmen Drill Team, and the Blacksmith and Heli)ers Union. Jesse will be remembered for his honesty of character and was loved and respected by young and old alike. HARRY AND GEORGE ABRAMS Mr. and Mrs. William Abrams, who lived for many years at Hudson, lost two of their sons by death while in the military service in the great war. The young men were both born in McLean county, although they both went into service from Montana, where the family was living when America entered the war. Harry Abrams was killed in action in France, and George Abrams died from influenza while in the training at Camp Lewis, W^ashington. Private Harry W. Abrams was with Com- pany D, 2()th infantry, part of the First Division, which took part in much of the heaviest fighting of tlie early summer of 191S. He left his home at Carlyle, Montana, on October 3, 1917, for Camp Lewis, Wash. From there he went to Camp Mills, and then to Camji Merritt, from which place lie sailed for overseas, landing in England on Christmas day of 1917. The family were never informed of his travels with his regi- ment after he landed in France, but the card returned to them after his death said he had participated in eleven battles. He was wounded in battle August 2, being shot through the stomach with a machine gun or rifle bullet. He was in a hospital until Boptember 23, when he died. He was buried in France near the hospiltal. Harry was born in McLean county September (i, 1894. George C. Abrams, a younger son, left his home in Montana on September 6, 1918, and went to Camp Lewis, where he became a member of the Fourth company, first battalion, 166th D. B. On October 20, soon after he had received the "shot in the arm," ho became sick and was partially paralyzed. This condition continued and grew worse until his death on November 5. His body was shipped to his home at Carlyle for interment. Those two young men were nephews of Charles Abrams of Bloomington, for many years assistant chief of the Bloomington fire department. LYLE BEST Lyle Best, a senior at the Wesleyan university, died at the naval hospital at Great I^akes on August 27, 1918, after a short illness with diplitheria. Lyle Best was born at Fairbury in December, 1895. The father died when Lyle was a small child, and the mother and two sons, Lyle and William removed to Bloomington to give the children the op- portunity of attending Wesleyan. He had finished his junior year when he entered the naval service for the war and was sent to Great Lakes. At the Wesleyan he was one of the best known and most popular stu- dents. He was a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. In athletics, he was one of the star players of the football team of the fall of 1917, 46 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR being a fine tackle. He was selected for a tackle position on the all- star team of the Little Nineteen conference. Young Best had become affianced to Miss Lucile Byrnes, daughter of C. A. Byrnes of Bloom- ington, and she was near him at the hospital when he died. The body was taken to Fairbury, where, owing to the nature of the disease, a private funeral was held, conducted by President Kemp of the Wesleyan. CORP. ERNEST BENEDICT "Mortally wounded at Chateau Thierry." That is the claim to immortal fame which was due Corp. Ernest Benedict of Company L, 23rd U. >S. infantry, who died later of the wounds received at the most noted battle in which American forces engaged early in the summer of 191S. The wounds received in that action caused the death of Corporal Benedict, whose name was i^ublished in the casualty lists of July 17, 1918. His death occurred July 7. He was the second lad from the village of McLean to die in the war, the first having been Harry Myers. Corp. Benedict was one of the three sons of Mr. and Mrs. George Benedict of Mc- Lean. He had lived in and near McLean for nine years. He enlisted on May 9, 1917, and went to France in the following September. He was a native of Lincoln county, Kentucky. Because of his good record as a soldier he was appointed to the position of corporal of his company. The last letters received by relatives from him stated that he was in the front line trenches, and was in good health. The body of young Benedict was buried in France near the hospital where he died from his wounds. Prior to his enlistment he had worked on farms near McLean. He was a member of the Christian church at McLean and of the Modern Woodmen. His parents, two brothers and three sisters survived. Memorial services were held at the McLean Christian church in honor of the soldier. McLean post of the American I^egiou bears Benedict's name. ORVILLE BECHTEL Orville Beclitel, a young farm hand of this county, was sent in a draft contingent to Camp Grant in June, 1918, and afterward was trans- ferred to Augusta, Ga., where he died in a hospital in October, 1918. His father lived at Pershing, Ind. SERGT. ELDIE BAILEY Sergt. Eldib, brother of W. A. Bailey of Heyworth, was killed in action, on October 9, 1918, while serving with Company I, 126th infantry. A comrade of the regiment wrote to the father from Weis, Germany, many weeks after Eldie 's death, describing the scene as he had secured it from a surviving soldier of the same company. After telling of the advance of Companies I, L and M, with Co. I in the center, the writer then said: "The fourth platoon, the one to which Eldie belonged, was farthest in advance. After a time the rest of the company fell back, leaving this platoon, who were unable to move because of the intense fire of the enemy. Eight men, including Eldie and the fellow who tells the story, were in a shell hole. The Germans fairly skinned the ground with machine gun bullets and kept advancing all the time on the little group. Some of them, fearing they would be taken prisoners by the Germans, desired to try to escape, in spite of the danger of being killed. Eldie said he would rather be killed than taken prisoner. Sergeant Oscar McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAB 47 Runquest was the first to get shot. He darted out of the hole and had not gone far before a bullet got him in the stomach. A sergeant from Muskegon was the next. Then came Eldie's turn. He started for an- other shell hole and fell on the edge of it, never moving after he hit the ground. After all were killed but two, the one who told the story being one of the lucky two, a tank advanced toward the enemy, and that was all that kef)t them from being taken prisoners. Sergeant Bailey was born at Pittsburg, Kansas, on October 24, 1892. He moved to Hudson, Illinois, with his parents in 1899, where he lived until 1910. He then moved to Big Rapids, Mich. He enlisted in the National Guards in 1912, belonging to Co. I, 127th Inf., stationed at Big Rapids, Mich. He was sent to the border during the trouble with Mexico and served under General Pershing. He returned to his home in February, 1917, and was again taken to Waco, Texas, in Juno, 1917. In February, 1918, lie was sent to Camp Merritt, N. J., thence overseas. HOWARD A. BOLIN Howard A. Bolin was one of the Bloomington boys who met his death in action with his face against the foe. He was wounded on July 20, 1918, and word of his death from the wounds came to his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Bolin, on August 5. The fatal wound which caused his death was suffered by him only one day before his birthday, for he reached his 23rd birthday on July 21. He was fighting with Com- pany £, 39th infantry. The very day after news of his death was received in a dispatch from the war department his parents received a letter written by Howard on July 5. He told how the soldiers celebrated the 4th of July, which he had spent in Paris. He stated also that he had sent in his name as candidate for officers' training camp. In another letter received by a friend a few days later, the date showed it was written July 13, some six days before his fatal wound. He said he had been up in the front line trenches, where there was plenty of excite- ment. In the camps at the rear there was continual training. Howard Bolin enlisted in the army when very young, and served sixteen months, part of the time in the Philippines, after which he was discharged to enter the Wesleyan. When in the sophomore class, he quit school and again enlisted. He was first sent to Camp at Charlotte, N. C, and nine weeks before his death he embarked for France. His letters told of his work as a barber in the army, in addition to all the usual routine of drilling. He resigned as corporal so that he could do more work of that kind. Besides his parents, Howard left two brothers, Emery of Madison and Russell of Milwaukee. The manner of Howard 's death was described in a letter received by relatives in November, 1918, from Sergt. Leslie Garrett of the same company, who wrote: "On the night of July 17, we went into action for the first -time after arriving in France, after training for six weeks at Acy. I was commanding the first platoon of Co. E, 39th Infantry, and I took over 600 yards of the front with my platoon. From 11 o'clock the Germans fired on us all night, and at five minutes of 4 I went around to see if everything was all right. The Germans opened a heavy artillery barrage on us and had us cut off from cover for four hours. I kept the boys down as much as possible, but I 48 McLEAX COUNTY AXD THE WOULD TTAE lost eight that morning. About 6:30 some one called me and said that Bolin was hit, so I went to him at once, and he looked up and said: "Sergeant, they have got me" and asked me how bad he was hurt. I took off his shirt and dressed his wound and did not think it severe, and told him he would soon be all right. He said. "Sergt. Garrett, make me a cigarette and I did, and about that time the hospital corps came and carried him away. He Avas hit in the small of the back by a shell which Inust in the air, a round steel ball as big as the thumb of a man's liand." DEWEY BURGER It is very few communities which have four brothers in the army, and fewer yet wliere all four entered the service at the same time. Then when one of the four brothers seals his devotion with his life blood, then the story of their service is dramatic in its completeness. Dewey Burger, one of the four sons of Isaac Burger of McLean, who enlisted on the sajne day in May, 1H17, met his death in battle in France "on July 19, 1918. Official uotiflcation to the parents of Dewey's death came from the war department on August 10. His name appeared in the officially published casualty lists on the following day. Dewey was a soldier of * Company E, Kith infantry, part of the / First division. Dewey was the youngest ii-™,,,™- . i ,^ ^ .«„,.„„.,.,,:„»,„„>.,;„. ;,., son of Mr. and Mrs. Burger. Together with his brothers, Claude, Lloyd and Ollie, on May 7, 1917, he enlisted for the army at the recruiting office in Blooniington. He was sent to Jefferson barracks on May 9, and from there to El Paso, Texas. After three weeks at the camp there, he was sent to New York, thence embarking for France and landing there June 28, 1917, being among the first of the American forces to land in France. His parents heard from him often, and the last letter they received before his death was on August 8, having been written on July 9, ten days before his death. The body was laid to rest in France near where he fell in action. Memorial services for him were held at the Christian church in McLean, of wliich he was a member. Besides his parents, he left the following brothers and sisters: Claude, Lloyd and Ollie, all of whom went to France in the army; Arch Burger of Iowa; Mrs. Lizzie McNally of Wapella; Thomas, Isaac, Richard and Ella Burger and Mrs. Hattie Craig, all of McLean. The American Legion Post at McLean bears his nani(\ LIEUT. HUGH BROOMFIELD Lieut. Hugh Broomfield, son of Rev. Thomas Broomfield. a former pastor of the Hudson Baptist church, met a heroic death while piloting an aeroplane near Verdun late in October, 1918. The young man en- listed as an aviator at his home in Portland, Ore., at the age of 20 years. I>ieut. Broomfield was ordered to fly over the German lines on an important day of the Verdun offensive to observe the enemy's power of launching a counter attack. He left the airdrome at 10 o 'clock in the morning, and failed to return. A report reached the American com- mander of the sector that an allied plane was seen to fall at a certain point at 11:30. A few days later the American lines advanced so as to include the territory over which the plane had flown, and inquiry was instituted for the missing airman. The next day the wrecked plane McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAE 49 was found, and graves showing where Lieut. Broomfield and his ob- server, Lieut. Pierson, had been buried. A funeral service was held over the grave by a Catholic priest. MELVIN BOSSINGHAM Melvin Bossingham of Stanford died at Camii Mills, Long Island, on October 19, 1918. He had been sick for a week with influenza and his parents were sum- moned to his bedside a few days before his death. Young Bossingham was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bossingliam of Stan- ford. He was born in December, 1895, and grew up in his native neighborhood. He attended- the Stanford schools and the high school. He was engaged with his father in farming at the time he was called into the service, going out with the 500 McLean county boys who left here on June 25, 1918. He went to Camp Wheeler for his preliminary training, and then to Camp Mills for preparation for embarking overseas. He was a member of Company D of the 124th Infantry. He was about ready for starting on the voy- age when he was stricken down with influenza, which proved fatal. The body was brought to Stanford and the funeral was held from the home of the family, in charge of Eev. Mr. Browning on October 28. There attendance, and the Knights of Pytliias had tlieir ritual i witli the service. A group of girls of the town acted as tlie burial took place in the Stanford cemetery. * ^ was a n conn flower hirge cction girls. THOMAS BACKHOUSE Thomas Backhouse, a young man emx3loyed at the Alton shops, and who made his home in Bloomington with the family of Walter Williams, of 404 North Stillwell street, was re- ported missing in action on October 19, 1918, and no further word having been received by friends, the con- clusion was drawn that he met death. He went out of Bloomington in the draft contingent of September 17, 1917, to Camp Dodge, Iowa. He reached France on April 3, 1918. 50 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WO ELD WAB '^ WILLIAM FKANK BARNES William Frank Barnes, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Barnes of Cropsey, died on December 9, 1918, at St. Elizabeth hospital in Lafay- ette, Ind., while in the military service. He enlisted May 25, was sent to Valparaiso, Ind., for training in tlie mechanical school of the tank corps; thence to Gettysburg and thou to Camp Polk. While at Val- paraiso he was married on June 12, 1918, to Miss Bernadine Jones of Cooksville, who died of typhoid fever at Lafayette. Summoned to her bedside from Camp Polk, young Barnes was himself stricken and died eight weeks later on the date mentioned. The body was brought to Cropsey for burial, and the funeral was one of the largest held there during the year. EARL BROWN Earl Brown of Lexington, soldier of ,,, . - - . ,^r"'- the KUith Engineers, died with pneu- monia on October 11, 1918, in a military hos])ital at Havre, France. He embarked witli the contingent which left Camp Wlieeler in October, 1918. Uf)on reach- ing the rest camp in Havre after land- ing, he still complained of not feeling- right, and was advised by his comrades to see the doctor. This he apparently did not care to do, and that night the boy who was in the tent with him slept in another tent, as he feared Earl might have some contagious disease. The next morning he returned to the tent to get his mess kit, and finding Earl very ill indeed, reported the matter at the in- firmary and had him removed to the hos- pital, where he only lived a few hours. The body of Earl Brown was buried in the cemetery attached to the British hos- pital at Havre, and his grave marked witii a white cross containing the name, time and cause of death, and the unit to which he was attached. Full military honors were accorded him at the burial service. Earl Brown was born at Lexington January 22, 1892. His father moved to Oklahoma twelve years before the war. Earl went out of McLean county with the draft contingent on June 25, 1918. His surviving relatives included Mrs. Harlan Meeley of Lexington, a sister. JOHN BETTON . John Betton of Gridley, who enlisted left here with a draft con- tingent June 25, 1918, died at Camp Mills from influenza. He was buried in Indiana. G. DOOLEY BLUE The casualty lists of May 1, 1918, contained the name of G. Dooley Blue, who was killed in action while with a Canad'fi regiment. He was born in Bloomington, and was 20 years old. He enlisted in an artillery regiment in Ottawa, Canada, in 191(3. His father was Harry Blue, residing in the west. His grandfather was William Blue, living in Bloomington, and Mrs. Fern K. Hudson of Bloomington was a cousin. He was a descendant of Samuel Dooley, a McLean county pioneer. The young man spent mucli of his life in Baton Rouge, La. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAS 51 LIEUT. RICHARD BOYDSTON Lieut. Kicliard Boydston, son of Mis. Caroline Boydston of Bloom- ington, died at sea while voyaging to France with his regiment, the 1.3th regiment, U. S. Marine corps, on September 22, 1918. Describing his death, Chaplain Miller of the regiment in a letter to the mother said that Lieut. Boydston was taken sick on the second day out of port, and the crisis came on tlie 20th, and he died two days later, just before the ship came to Brest, France. The regiment lost by sickness on the voyage, one major, five lieutenants, and eighteen enlisted men, all victims of Spanish influenza. Lieut. Boydston was 30 years old and had worked as a tele- graph operator for the Alton road in Bloomington before the war. After enlistment he joined the Marines and received his training at l*aris Island and Quantico, Va., getting his commis- sion at the latter place. Ho left his motlier and three sisters, Mrs. Mae Dent, Mrs. W. A. Miner of Blooming- ton and Mrs. L. L. Miller of Elgin. The mother afterward received a let- ter from Gov. Lowden condoling with her on the loss of her son. ROY E. CROTINGER Roy E. Crotinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crotinger, formerly of Say- brook, died on November 6, 1918, of wounds received in action on Novem- ber ."!. He was serving as a mounted orderly with the 3()0th infantry of the 90th division. He went into the army with a draft contingent of April 29, 1918, from Oskaloosa, Iowa, where his family was living after they removed from Saybrook in December preceding. The action in which he met death was the big drive of the American forces in the Argonne Woods beginning on September 12. Roy Crotinger was 22 years of age, and had spent all his life in Saybrook until his parents removed to Iowa. Chaplain Eugene MeLawin of the 3()0th infantry wrote a letter to relatives telling them the manner of Roy's death. He had been placed on guard at an advance position known as St. Marie farm, to prevent the enemj' from approaching the post command. His post was a dangerous one, being in range of the enemy heavy artillery. At 11 a. m. a high explosive shell exploded within 150 yards from Crotinger, and fragments struck 52 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR him in the abdomen. He was taken to a hospital and died three days later. The chaplain's letter said: "He is remembered as a fine Chris- tian boy and a good soldier in the cause for which he gave his life. Everyone who knew him respected him." CHARLES A. CLARKE Charles A. Clarke died with influenza at the Great Lakes training station in October, 191S. He was a nephew of James Clarke of S13 East Wood street, Bloomington. He was 2(5 years of age, and made his early home at Fikestone, Mo., where he left a wife and one child, besides liis fatlier. His uncle and one cousin, Thomas Clarke, resided in Bloomington. Wlien Cliarles Clarke lived in Bloomington he was employed by tlie Union Gas Company and the B. & N. Street Eailway Company. Prior to his service in tlie naval training station he had had experience in tlie regular army. EUGENE CONLEY Eugene Conley, son of Mr. and Mrs. ^Bart E. Conley of 303 West Chestnut street in Bloomington, was slain in battle on October 4, 1918. His death caused the placing of the fii'st gold star in the service flag of Holy Trinity church. The fatal shot from a German gun which caused young Conley 's deatli occurred while the company of which he was a mem- l)er was in an advanced position in tiie Argonne drive. Young Conley was a member of Company D of the 3(i0tli infantry, part of tlie Prairie division. He was working at Man- den, North Dakota, when the war came on, and he went out of there in a draft contingent of April, 1918. He went first to Camp Dodge, then to Camp Travis in Texas, and was sent overseas in the Prairie division, landing in France July 1. Letters received by his relatives told of two liattles in which he had taken part in the early fall. Eugene was born March 2(5, 1895, in Bloomington. He left liis parents, and two brothers in tlie service, Edgar in the navy, and Cxcorge in the army. A letter to the jiarents of Eugene, received by them in January, 1919, from the captain of the company said in part: "Wlien we went to the front in the latter part of August, I chose j'our son as a runner. A runner's duty is to carry messages, particularly in time of action. Tlie best men in my company were made runners, because so much depends on their bravery and intelligence. I had ten, and they were a great bunch of boys. They had lots of fun, even when we were in the front line trenches. Eugene was a leader, and whenever opjiortunity offered he had a good song going. When he fell, the runners never had any more singing. We McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOELD WAB 53 were in support and near the town of Norroy and Pont-a-Mousson on October 4. The Germans were shelling our position with an incessant rain of heavy shells. That evening about 4 o'clock one of these shells hit the trench where Eugene and two other runners were. I was near by and had just heard them laughing and talking. They never knew what happened. They were buried with simple religious ceremonies by the chaplain. I wall always remember Eugene when I think of 'over there.' " Bloomington Post of World War Veterans bears his name. WILLIAM H. CAMPBELL On November 18, 1918, word came to Mrs. John Campbell of Bloomington that her son, William H. Campbell, had been killed in action on October 9. Private Campbell had been in France from the spring of 1918 until the day he fell in action, as a member of the 129th infantry. The relatives received only one letter from him in this time. William H. Campbell was born in Bkiomington and has resided here his entire life. He attended the public schools of the city and for some time prior to his enlistment was employed by the West Side Coal & I>umber Co. He enlisted in the army June 20, 1917, at Quincy and was a member of the 129th infantry when he fell in action. Following his enlistment young Camp- bell was sent to Camp Logan, Tex., to- gether with two brothers, Howard H., and Harry E. Campbell. The three brothers were separated and placed in different organizations last spring, Wil- liam and Howard were sent to France. Howard was afterward wounded, and was for a time in a hospital in France. HENRY CAMPBELL The fourth young man from the village of Mcljcan who gave up his life for the flag on the battle fields of France was Henry Camp- bell, who was ofifieially reported killed in action on Aug. 6, 1918. Although he had lived in and about McLean for seven years, young Campbell entered the army from Osage, Iowa, witli the first draft contingent. He went to Camp Dodge, then to Camp Pike. In the spring of 1918 he was taken sick, submitted to an operation, and then returned to camp, His last visit to his relatives at McLean was in March, 1918. He sailed for France in July, landing in England on the 15th, and accord- ing to a letter received by his sister, he had been in France only seventeen days when he met his death. Harry Campbell was born at Laurello, Ky., in July, 1893. He came to McLean when a young lad. He was survived by his aged father and the follow- ing sisters and brothers: Mrs. Delia Taylor, of McLean; Mrs. Lizzie 54 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE H'OFLD WAR Godsey, of Atlanta; James and Walker Campbell, of Osage, Iowa; Thomas and Burton, of Downs, and Charles, of Armington. He was a member of the McLean Christian church, and memorial service wa& held there for him on f^ept. 22, 1918. was buried on the battle ROY F. CRUTCHLEY Koy F. Crutchlcy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crutchley of McLean, was killed in battle during the struggle of the first ail- American attack on the German army in the 8t. Mihiel salient, on September 13, 1918. He w^as a member of Company K, 359th infantry. Young Crutchley was among the earlier of the soldiers who went out of McLean county to the war. He vol- unteered on November 22, 1917, at the re- cruiting station in Bloomington. On the l2litli he was ordered to report, and was sent to Jefferson barracks. From there lie was in different training camps until lie w'ent to France with his regiment the following June. Roy Crutchley was born in McLean on August 29, 1895. He was married to Miss Hazel Eunice. His wife, his parents and one brother, Lester, and a sister, Nellie, survived him. The body field in France, near where he fell. GEORGE OARLOCK George Carlock died on October 22 in a Paris hospital from an at- tack of influenza. He was the son of Alvin and Daisy Hubbard Car- lock, and was a nephew of Mrs. D. E. Denman of Normal, who received the news of his death here. George Carlock was born in 1884. When a young man he went to Paris to study art, and spent fifteen years there. When the war broke out he returned to this country, but after a year he again went over to Paris to act as interpreter for the Red Cross there. He was buried by the Red Cross at Nezilly. Young Carlock was a nephew of the famous Elbert Hubbard, who lost his life when the Lusitania went down. MILO R. CHANEY Death from wounds received in battle on July 23, 1918, came to Milo R. Chaney, who up to the age of 12 years was a resident of McLean county. Word of his death came to his uncle, Paul Chaney, at Carlock, on August 13. The young man was the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Chaney, who moved to Frankfort, Ind., some years before the war. An unusual circumstance connected with the case was that the uncle, Paul Chaney of Carlock had just received a letter from Milo dated July 8, in which he described in vivid terms a trip to the front which he had just made, in which all the horrors of the battle zone were pictured. It was among such scenes as those which he described that he came to his own death. The young man was 22 years of age. He had enlisted in May, 1917, and had been over in France since June of that year. His body was buried near the place where he fell. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB 55 THOMAS COONEY Thomas Cooney, former fireman on the Alton road, died of pneu- monia in France in November, 1918. Before entering the service Cooney was a fireman on the Chicago & Alton railroad and made his home with his aunt, Mrs. Eingeisen of 701 West Walnut street. He was born in Jacksonville in 1895 and was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cooney of that city. He came to Bloomington about 1915. Ho entered the service May 24 from Jacksonville and was sent to Camp Shelby, Miss. He wat assigned to the 139th Machine Gun Company and arrived in France with that organization in September, 1918. JAMES CARROLL The first young man from Arrowsmith to yield up his life in the wai was James Carroll, aged 26, who died at Camp Grant on September 27, 1918, from an attack of pneumonia. He had enlisted in the spring and was sent to Camp Grant for training. Accompanied by Corporal Downs, a comrade from the camp, the body was taken to Arrowsmith, where funeral services were held on September Carlberg of the Methodist church was taken to St. Paul, Ind., for James Carroll, Sr., and wife, and Fellows had a part in the service tives were the parents, a sister, Harry and Norman. 30 at the family home. Eev. had charge. The next day the body burial, accompanied by the parents, one sister. The Woodmen and Odd at Arrowsmith. The surviving rela- Mrs. Jack Baird, and two brothers, HUMPHREY DANIEL The first soldier from Saybrook or that immediate vicinity who gave up his life in the war was David Humphrey Daniel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Daniel, who died on board ship, the Harrisburg, on October 21, 1918. He had sailed from Camp Mills on October 8 en route to France with his outfit, Company B, 123rd Infantry, part of the 31st division. He fell a victim of infliuenza, followed by pneumonia. The first intimation that the parents received of his fatal illness was on November 16, when they were notified by wire that the body of their son had been returned to Hoboken and asking for instructions. The body was shipped back to Saybrook, where on Nov. 21 the funeral was held with full military honors. The Saybrook Home Guards fur- nished an escort and firing squad for the last salute over the grave. Humphrey Daniel was born at Eandolph Grove on Jan. 3, 1890. When he was only 2 years old the family moved to Saybrook. He went out on June 25, 1918, with the largest draft contingent of the whole war. He and his brother Charles Everett Daniel, went out at the same time and belonged to the same division, the latter being assigned to Company 56 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULD WAE C, 122iid infantry. From Camp Mills, Everett was assigned to base hospital at Mineola, with Casual Company B. Humphrey Daniel was a member of the Christian church at Saybrook, and his funeral services were held there. Saybrook post of the American Legion was named for Humphrey Daniel. He is shown in above picture on the left, his brother Everett on the right. LIEUT. LOUIS EDDY DAVIS Lieut. Louis Eddy Davis, officer of the avia- tion corps, met his death by the accidental fall of his aeroplane near Ellington flying field, in Texas, on Maj^ 10, 1918. He had won his commission as E. A. M. (Reserve Military Aviator) and was just completing his work in practice flights for bombing when the accident occurred which cost him his life. IJeut. Davis started out for a practice flight on the afternoon of the above date, tak- ing with him Cadet A. E. Lawrence, a Boston man who had been his flying mate for six weeks. He was engaged in practice called bomb raiding, requiring a flight from Elling- ton field to Eagle Lake and return at an ele- vation of from 1,000 to 1,500 feet. Bombing Cadet Lawrence was in the rear seat. The .ship fell near Pearland, 18 miles from Elling- ton field. Lieut. Davis suffered a broken leg and internal injuries by the fall. The latter was the cause of his death. Lieut. Davis was removed to the hospital at Ellington field and died at 9 o'clock that night. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Davis, who had stopped off at Houston on returning from California, were informed of the accident and hastened to the hospital, and were at the bedside when death came. Writing to H. O. Davis, father of Lieut. Davis, Cadet Lawrence describing the fateful flight said: "I want to congratulate you and Mrs. Davis on giving to the cause a man of such sterling quality as Lieut. Davis. I worked with him daily for the last six weeks of his life and always found him to be conservative in the risks he took and anxious to do his duty, always succeeding in getting close to the top. To me he was like a brother in whom I had the utmost confidence. He ran his part of the work while I ran mine and we both felt satisfied with the other. Now I feel like a ship without a rudder. "When I think of the gallant fight he put up even to the last second I cannot help but admire him, for he died fighting like a true soldier. When at last I was able to chop thru the wreck and get to him I found him still at his post with his hands on the controls." Louis Eddy Davis was born in Bloomington November 24, 189.3. He was the son of Hibbard O. and Florence Eddy Davis. His grand- father was William O. Davis, for many years owner of the Pantagraph, to which his father succeeded. His great-grandfather was Jesse Fell, founder of the Normal university. In his youth Louis attended the training school at Normal university, and at 14 he entered Shattuck military academy. Eeturning to University high school at Normal, he nearly completed the course and then went abroad with membeis of the family. He afterward took charge of his father's ranch in California. On May 15, 1917, he entered oflficers' training school at Fort Sheridan, and when nearly comj)leting his course was transferred at his own McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 57 request to the aviation service. He graduated from ground school at the University of Texas on Dec. 22, 1917. He was commissioned second lieutenant reserve military aviator on Dec. 29, being the first man of his class to get his commission. Lieut. Davis was married in California in August, 1917, to Miss Styleta Mae Kane, who after attending the funeral in Bloomington returned to her former home in California. The body was brought to Bloomington for burial, the funeral being held from the Second Presbyterian church on May 15. A great con- course of people assembled, and the rostrum of the church was heaped with flowers. Lieut. L. H. Porter, an aviation officer, accompanied the body from Ellington field. The services were conducted by Eev. J. H. Mueller, who came here from New York for the funeral to deliver the eulogy. During the funeral cortege to the grave, military aviators from Chanute field at Eantoul, circled over the city and dropped wreatlis upon the burial place of their comrade. The jjall bearers were chosen by the family from employees of the Pantagraph, and those serving were C. C. Marquis, J. M. McMurry, E. H. Crihfield, J. L. Hasbrouek, Prod W. Bach and Harry Hamilton. A suitable shaft has been erected by the family over the grave of Lieut. Davis. The Bloomington post of the American Legion, organized in the fall of 1919, was named in honor of Lieut. Davis. ISAIAH DECKARD In tlie official casualty list published on December 12, 1918, appeared the name of Isaiah Deckard, formerly of Carlock, who died of wounds received in action in France. Young Deckard was an orphan, and his early life was spent at Olney, 111. He came to Car- lock about 1914 and worked as a farm hand. Afterward he was employed by Tchad's hardware store in Carlock. He enlisted in June, 1918, for limited ser- vice, was sent to Caiup Bradley at Peoria and then to Camp Sheridan. In September he was sent overseas. An aunt in Carlock received occasional let- ters from him after he reached France, but the first news that he was at the front was when they got word of his death. The young man was about 25 years of age, and he left one sister at Olney. LIEUT. ELMER DOOCEY Lieut. Elmer Doocey, a prominent student of the Wesleyan univer- sity, was reported killed in action in France August 31, 1918. Word came to his mother at Pittsfield, 111. While a student at the Wesleyan university, Lieut. Doocey was a prominent athlete, being a member of the football team as half back for three years. He graduated from the law school in 1917, and was admitted to the bar in Illinois. He was a prominent member of the Sigma Chi fraternity while a Wesleyan stu- dent. Doocey received his commission at the Second Officers Training camp at Fort Sheridan and was assigned to the infantry. In July, 1918, Lieut. Doocey was cited by the Frencli Government for gallantry and conspicuous bravery in action and was decorated with the French war 58 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR prize, the Croix de Guerre witli two palms. Later, lie was decorated by General Pershing with the Distinguished Service Cross. BERNARD DAVIS Bernard Davis, a soldier of the 138th infantry, whose home was at Colfax for many years, was reported killed in action in France on September 28, 1918. The news came from the war department in a message to his mother, Mrs. L. A. Davis, who then lived in Peoria. Davis was inducted into the service April 1, 1918, and left Peoria for Camp Dodge, where he received his military training. He had been in France since May as a member of the 138th infantry. Prior to his enlistment he had been working at Shelley, Minn. He was born at Colfax 28 years before the war and lived there until about 1913 when his mother and sisters moved to Peoria. Colfax Post of the American Legion bears his name. CORPORAL JOHN L. DORRELL On October 3, 1918, Corporal John L. Dorrell "« of Heyworth lost his life in a battle in the Argonne Forest while fighting with the Ma- rines. Before that time he had by his bravery won the citation of the French commander, and been awarded the Croix de Guerre by the French government. Corporal Dorrell was the son of Mrs. Louie Dorrell of Heyworth. His mother received the bronze Croix de Guerre in March, 1919, several months after the death of lier son. Along with the medal came copies of the orders of citation by the French com- mander, and letters written by the commander of the IT. S. Marine Corps at Washington. Brig. Gen. Charles Long of the Marine Corps in his letter said: "In the absence of the major-general commandant I desire to express for him his personal appreciation of the splen- did service rendered by your son in France, where his conspicuous gallantry in the face of the enemy won the ad- miration of the French commanders and caused to be conferred upon him this cross and citation." The battles in which Corporal Dorrell won the citation and Croix de Guerre occurred between June 6 and June 9. He suffered wounds by gas on June 14. A translation of the French order and citation is as follows: "General Headquarters of the Armies of the North and Northeast. Personnel Bureau, Order No. ll,5-±7. — With the approbation of the commander-in-chief of the American Ex- peditionary Forces in France the general commander-in-chief of the French Armies of the north and northeast cites in the orders of the regiment: Corporal John L. Dorrell, U. S. marines, displayed qualities of a leader as well as great coolness in leading patrols to their posts under violent machine gun fire. (Signed) DAUVIN. " CHESTER DANIEL One of the young colored men from this community who lost his life in the defense of his country was Chester Daniel of Normal, who died from pneumonia in an army hospital in France on August 10, 1918. Young Daniel was one of the first draft contingent which went out of McLean County, leaving here on September 19, 1917. He stayed there for a time and then went to other camps, finally going overseas in June, 1918. He was attached to the 370th infantry, the famous negro regiment which made such a glorious record in the fighting of the summer of 1918. McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WORLD WAB 59 Chester was a son of Mrs. Louise Daniel of 109 Willow street, Normal. He was 2(i years of age. Prior to going into the army he had worked as porter in Bloomington barber shops. His body was buried in France. WILLIAM DUNLAP G-. W. Phares of Bloomington received word on October 16, 1918, that his grandson, William Dunlap, had died at a naval hospital at Brooklyn, N. Y., from an attack of pneumonia. Tlie young man was a son of William Dunlap, formerly of Ellswortli. The family was living at Winnebago, Minn., when William enlisted for service in the navy. The family had removed from Ellsworth in 1902, to Iowa, and three years before the war they moved to Minnesota. The burial took place at the family home in Minnesota. EDWARD DWYEE, Edward Dwyer of Cooksville was re- port'^d missing in action in August, 1918, and several months later word from the war department brought news that he had died from wounds received in action. Miss Loretta Dwyer of Cooksville, a sister, received the word. Soon after he was tirst reported missing, word came that he was probably a prisoner, and then in March, 1919, news confirming the re- port of his deatli was received. The last message stated that the soldier wa.s buried in grave No. 27 in Cheney ceme- tery. Young Dwyer was a member of Co. A, 5Sth infantry. He went to France last March. Early in August his com- pany engaged in fierce fighting on the Vesle river and lost many men. PEARL DICKERSON Pearl Dickerson, a former resident of LcKoy, was drowned when the steamer Otranto, was torpedoed by a German submarine and sunk off the coast of the Isle of Islay on October 6, 1918. Young Dickerson went into the service from Iowa, where the family lived at that time. He was a member of tlie 3rd company at Fort Severn, Ga.. when he was sent overseas. This was a special duty company composed of only 51 men. The steamer Otranto was approaching the Scottish coast when she was hit by a torpedo, and went down, hundreds of soldiers being drowned. The body of Dickerson was recovered and identified, and buried with appropriate services on the Island of Islay. The informa- tion concerning his burial came to his sister, Mrs. Bruce Morgan of Leroy in a letter from Sergt. Charles McDonald of Battery D, 4th artillery. JOSEPH A. ERBE Private Joseph A. Erbe of Normal was reported killed in action on August 7, the report reaching Mrs. E. P. Schuler of Normal on October 3. He was a soldier of Company B, 12-4th machine gun battalion. The man- ner of Erbe 's death was told in a letter sent to Normal friends by Leslie Eankin, who was near-by in the battle in which Erbe lost his life. Accord- ing to Rankin 's story, Joe Erbe had just returned from the front where he had been taking a load of supplies to the line. He had unhitched his horses and was turning them into the corral when a Hun plane dropped 60 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAS a bomb upon the corral, which killed Erbe, eight head of mules and crippled six more head. The affair happened at Warlow, a little village in France. Erbe was born at Ina, Illinois, February ]3, 1896. The family afterward moved to Normal, where he attended the public schools and the. high school. He went to Chicago to enlist in 1917, prior to the time that America entered the war. The regiment with which he was connected landed in France May 24, 1918, and was soon sent into action with the British army. WILLIAM H. ECKHART In Graceland cemetery at Fairbury lies the body of William H. Eckhart, one of the Mc- Lean county boys who gave up his life for iiis country in the war. He died of pneu- monia at Fort Bliss, Texas, on October 11, 1918. His father, George W. Eckhart of Wes- ton, was with him at death, having made a hurried trij) when he received word of his son's illness. William was born at Fairbury on April 2(3, 1894, being the only son of George W. and Carrie Karnes Eckhart. The family removed to Weston when William was 4 years old. He attended the village schools and entered Fairbury high school with the class of 1913, which he left in his junior year to study electricity in the Coyne school in Cliicago. He returned to Weston and engaged in electrician's work until June, 1914, when he was appointed rural mail carrier. In De- cember, 1917, he enlisted for the marines in Chicago, but failed in examination because of weak ankles. On May 18, 1918, he answered an emergency call and left for Jefferson barracks with fifty other McLean county boys. In June he was sent to Fort Bliss, Texas, and assigned to Troop M. 314th U. S. cavalry. In September, Troop M was merged into Battery C, 64th Field artillery, with traveling orders. At this time the epidemic of influenza came, and all troop movements were abandoned for the time. While waiting, young Eckhart took the examination for officers' train- ing camp and the order recommending liim to the camp at McArthur came through on the day he died. Full military honors were paid him at Fort Bliss, and the body brought to Weston. Owing to the liirge number desiring to attend services, the funeral at Weston was held in the town hall. Dr. Charles Davies of the Fairbury Presbyterian church officiated, assisted by Eev. Alfred Linfield of the Weston M. E. church. Miss Frieda Wernsman played "America" and "Star .Spangled Banner," as the flag draped casket was carried in and out of the hall. Dr. E. F. Law and John Wink sang "Abide With Me." The pallbearers were Charles Schnetzler and Elmer Eamsay of the Gamma Gamma fraternity of Fairbury high scliool, and Hugh Wells, Lee Myer, Fred Cooper and Clarence Myer of the Weston basket-ball association. The Home Guards of Fairbury escorted the body to Graceland cemetery and sounded taps at the grave. As a memorial to their son, Mr. and Mrs. Eckhart fur- nished one of the rooms at the county Fairview sanatorium for tubercular patients. LIEUT. GEORGE H. EDWARDS Mrs. Richard Edwards of 1401 North Park street, Bloomington, re- ceived word in March, 1919, of the death of her grandson, Lieut. George H. Edwards, which occurred at Trieste on February 7. A short illness McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 61 with pneumonia preceded his death. Lieut. Edwards was the son of George H. Edwards, former mayor of Kansas City, and the young man had been associated with his father in the wholesale jewelry business in Kansas City prior to the war. 8oon after the U. S. entered the con- flict, young Edwards went to Washington and entered the office of the quartermaster general. Later he entered active service, went to France and was stationed at Tours from June, 1918, until after the war was over. His superior. Col. J. W. Mcintosh, was sent to Trieste early in 1919, to look after the distribution of food under direction of the U. S. forces, and he asked Lieut. Edwards to accompany him. While engaged in this work, Lieut. Edwards was taken sick and died. He left his par- ents and one brother, Lieut. Richard D. Edwards, who w:is in the air service during the war. WARREN H. FLETCHER Warren Harris Fletcher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Fletcher of Heyworth, met his death in battle as a member of Company L, l.'!9tli infantry, part of the famous 35th division. It was on September 29, 191S, only three days after the American forces started the big drive in the Argonne forest, that young Fletcher was hit by a piece of enemy shrapnel and suffered wounds from which he d'ed in the dressing station of the 28th divi- sion at Varennes, France. The tragic cir- cumstances of his death are best told in a Ic^tter received by his parents shortly before Christmas of 1918 from Corp. R. D. Leidich of Ambulance company 111 of the 103rd Sani- tary Train, who was in the hospital when Warren died. Corp. Leidich 's letter in part is as follows: ' ' It was September 29 we met very strong resistance from the Huns, and a steady stream of wounded poured into our station that day. I was called into the shock room, where a patient was lying. I approached him and to my surprise the patient was conscious. I spoke to him, and after the doctor told him he would live only a few minutes, the first thing he asked for was the chaplain. The chaplain read a few passages from the Scriptures and then prayed with him. I stayed with him, and he asked me to take some pictures from his pocket, which I did, and after looking at his mother's, sweetheart's and your picture, he looked at me and said I should write to his parents and tell them that he died a Christian. He then asked me to offer a prayer for him, which I did, and after that he repeated the Lord 's praj^er, and passed into his eternal sleep. He died the 29th of September and was buried on the 30th at Varennes, France. My short acquaintance with him has been an in- spiration to live a better and a nobler life." The last letter received by his parents from Warren was dated September 23, which was three days before the fatal drive began. Part of this letter was as follows: "Long before you get this, you will be reading of one of the greatest drives of the war, and I hope this will end it. The boys are all happy and don't seem to dread whatever will be their fate. Don't worry about me, for I am coming home before long. Will write the first chance I get. To Dear Flo: It is getting dark that I can hardly see the paper, or I would write you personally. They won't allow any lights here. With love to all. Good-bye." Young Fletcher was one of the typically fine specimens of young manhood which McLean county furnished in hundreds in this war. He 62 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR was called out in the draft contingent of April 1. He first went to Camp Dodge, and after only a few weeks of training there he was sent to Europe, sailing about May 1. Fletcher was first assigned to a regiment of the 35th division. This unit took part in the very hard fighting of the Argonne forest early in September. In fact the division suffered such, severe losses that it was withdrawn, and Fletcher 's regiment was reorganized and transferred to the 38th division. It was in this division that he was engaged when he received his fatal wound. He was born at McLean on August 9, 1895. Before going to war he was a member of the Heyworth Presbyterian church, of the Masons and Woodmen. He left his parents and one sister, Mrs. S. M. Bowen of Hudson. GEORGE H. FRANCIS To be taken a prisoner by the Germans, and then later to be killed by them while trying to make liis escape — such was the tragic fate of George H. Francis, a former Bloomington man. His name appeared in the official casualty lists published in March, 1918. He was formerly employed in the Alton shops in Bloomington, and his family lived at 302 East T^incoln street. His wife learned of his fate when she read his name in the casualty list. The war department officially notified the mother of Francis that he was killed while trying to escape after being made a prisoner by the Germans. Francis enlisted in the regular army in 1907. After serving five years, he left the army, came to Bloomington and was married to Mrs. Mattie Holderly, having lost his first wife. Under his first enlistment he served on the Mexican border and a short time in the Philippines. He left his second wife, two children by his first wife, and four adopted children. The last letter which his wife received from him was in Felirntiry, 1918. CORPORAL LYLE FIKE Mrs. W. H. Shetler of 91G East Walnut street received word on November IS that her son, Corporal Lyle Fike, had died of wounds re- ceived in battle in France on October 20. He had been in France for several months before he met his fate. Corporal Fike was a member of old Co. D of Bloomington. He enlisted in March, 1917, going from here to Hannibal, Mo., and from there to Camp Logan, Houston, Tex. After a brief stay there he went to an eastern camp, from where he sailed for France. He was a member of Co. B, 124th machine gun battalion. He was born at Creek, Neb., and Avas 21 years in June, 1918. He has been a resident of Bloomington for about eight years. W^hile in Bloomington he was employed as a barber in a number of the local sliops and also worked in shops at Cooksville, Danvers and other nearby cities. He leaves besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Shetler, several brothers and sisters, one of the brothers being Ben Fike, who was also in the army. EARL AND ERVIN GRANT Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grant, who live near Ellsworth, had the un- usual sacrifice to make of giving up two sons in the war. Both entered service, and one died at Jefferson Barracks and the other in France. Earl Grant, after being rejected seven times at different occasions in Bloomington and Peoria, was taken into the army as a limited service soldier October 1, 1918. He was sent to Jefferson Barracks, where he developed influenza, then pneumonia, and died October 18. On October 20 his body was shipped to Osman, where funeral services were held and the interment took place at the Osman cemetery. Ervin Grant joined the National Guard of Illinois at Pekin in ]91(i. His company was called to guard the Holt manufacturing plant and the bridge at Peoria in September, 1917. Tlie regiment was later sent to Houston, where in the breaking up of the National Guard young Grant was assigned to McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR 63 Co. G, 108 Ammunition train. In May, 1918, his unit sailed for France, having embarked from Camp Merritt. He served through the summer and fall of 1918 as wagoner and sharp shooter. After the armistice he was with the Army of Occupation in Germany, and in January, 1919, was on the return trip through France toward the port of embarkation. In a heavy rainstorm he got very wet and contracted a heavy cold, which developed pneumonia, and he died January 9. The body was buried in France. Besides the parents, the Grant boys left two brothers and seven sisters, as follows: Clarence Grant of Peoria, Mrs. Esther H. North of El Paso, Mrs. Mina Searbrough of Arrowsmith, Mrs. Florence White of Peoria, Mrs. Goldie Nichols of Marno, Iowa; Mrs. Marie Arthur of Joliet, Mrs. Lucile Fry of Arrowsmith and Miss Eetta V. Grant of Ellsworth. Bellfiower post of the American I^egion bears the name of Grant. WILLIAM S. GOLLIDAY William S. Golliday of Eexington, who was with Company D, 113th Ammunition train, died September 30 at New Bruns- wick, New Jersey, from an attack of [ineumonia following influenza. He was 22 years of age. His body was brought back to Lexington and buried with full military honors. His parents were dead, V)ut he left two brotliers and one sister. Young Golliday and Earl Brown, an- other Lexington soldier who lost his life from disease while in the service, lived on adjoining farms, a quarter of a mile a[)art, before they entered the service. VERGNE GREINER Vergne Greiner of Bloomington, one of tiie boys of the Student Army Training- Camp at the Wesleyan university, died of pneumonia on October 22, 1918, at the Mrs. M. T. Scott residence, which had been turned to use as an emergency hos- l>ital during the influenza epidemic in Bloomington during that month. The young man's death was caused by infection from a carbuncle. Young Greiner was a son of Mrs. Irma Greiner of Bloomington. He was born in Tonica, August 25, 1898. Tiie family moved to Bloomington about 1908. Besides his mother, young Greiner left surviving one brother, William Earl Greiner, who was in France with the 35th Engineers when liis brother died, and one sister, Mrs. Edward L. Lambert of Tonica. Young Greiner was one of the most popular young- men in Bloomington during his high school and college days. He was prominent in athletics, being a player on the Bloomington high school basket-ball team which won the state championship in 1916. At the Wesleyan he also took leading places in football and basket-ball. He 64 McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WORLD WAB was a member of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. In the summer of 1918 he went to Fort Sheridan and took the course of instruction for student army officers and became one of the military instructors in the .S. A. T. C. at the Wesleyan in the fall. The funeral was held in Bloom- iiigton, and the body taken to Tonica for burial. HAERY O. GRAEHL Harry Oscar Graehl, son of Mr, and Mrs. Carl Graehl of 1314 South Oak street, Bloomington, was reported killed in action on September 29. The last let- ter the parents had received from him prior to the message from the war de- partment telling of his death, had said that he was in Germany. He took a part wdth the American forces which reduced the large salient north of St. Mihiel. Harrj' Oscar Graehl was born in Bloom- ington October 27, 1895. He attended the Lincoln school and afterward the Trinity Lutlieran school. He went into the army on April 1, 1918, going to Camp Dodge for his first training. His parents survived him, and two of his brothers were in the army : Herman, who left for Camp ^Vheeler in June, 1918, and Carl, who went to Camp Dodge. There were four sisters: Mrs. J. W, Barnes, Mrs. . Leona Chandler, Mrs. Edna Taylor of De- catur; and Miss Louise Graehl of New York City. JOSEPH HAUPTMAN Joseph Hauptman, a sergeant of Com- pany G, 35th U. S, infantry, was the first boy from Bloomington to be slain in battle. Tlic news of his death came to his relatives at 1408 North Morris avenue, on June 8, 1918, in a message from the war depart- ment that he was reported killed in action June 6. Young Hauptman was a native of Hungary, but had lived in this country from childhood. He tried to enlist in Bloomington in September, 1917, but when the recruiting officer learned he was a na- tive of an enemy country, he refused to accept the recrujt. Nothing daunted, Hauptman went to Peoria a few days later, and told the recruiting officer there that he was born in New York, and was ac- cepted. He received his preliminary train- ing at Jefferson barracks, then was sent overseas in April, 1918. Sergt. Karl Farmer, of Bloomington, who was in the same company with Hauptman, sent a letter to his mother telling the manner of Joe's death. It was on the night of June 5-6, when the regiment was at Mt. Bernell, when the company were in the support of the front lines. The Germans were shelling the position, and had hit a barn containing some of the com- McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB 65 pany's cooks. Joe went out with others to get the wounded men fixed up, when a shell struck in their midst and killed seven of them. His death was instantaneous. He was buried in France near the spot where he fell, with due military honors. Joe Hauptman was 20 years of age when he met death. He left his father, Carl Hauptman, three brothers and two sisters, all living in Bloomington. His mother died thirteen years before his death. Joe had been employed in the steel ear shops of the Alton, and was a member of the car workers' union. 8ergt. Karl Farmer sent home to his mother a package containing the personal effects of Sergt. Hauptman, and these were turned over to the Hauptman family. A memorial service was held at St. Mary's church in this city for Sergt. Hauptman. Bloomington Post of World War Veterans was named for him. ELMO F. HILL Elmo Franklin Hill of Lexington made the supreme sacrifice in the world war, and more fortunate than some others, he had his heroism commemo- rated by the naming of the Lexington liost of the American Legion in his honor, that organization of world war veterans being called Elmo F. Hill post. Young Hill after serving for :i year and a half in France fell a victim of pneumonia in a hospital in that conn try on September 23, 1918. The news of his death came in a message from the war department to his sister. Miss Catherine Claggett of Lexington. On the news of his death chronicled the first fatality which had occurred among the young men who went out from Lexing ton to the war, and the community was shocked by the bringing home to them of the reality of the war. Young Hill had for nine years made his home with Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Claggett, and was the same as an only son in the home. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hill, and was born on a farm near Lexington on February 4, 1899. His mother died in infancy, and he was taken into the Claggett home in 1909, where he grew to young manhood. He united with the Baptist church on April 27, 1913. He graduated from the Lexington high school in 1917, and was president of the class. On October 8 of the same year he enlisted in the army, and was sent to France in Feb- ruary, 1918. His foster parents and sister survived, and there were three brothers, one of whom, Elmer I. Hill, was with Battery D in an artillery unit of the 124th infantry in France; Fred A., on the battleship Arizona; and Albert, living in Urbana. J. W. HARTLEY On F(>bruary 9, 1919, Edward Hartley of North Eoosevelt avenue Bloomington, received word of the death of his brother, Private J. W. Hartley, of the 16th U. S. Infantrv, regular army. He died of wounds in a hospital in France. The news of the death did not reach the father for some months after it occurred. The father first learned of his son's 66 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULD WAR being wounded when he read his name in the i^ublished casualty list. The soldier lived twelve days after he was wounded. Private Hartley enlisted as a volunteer in Kansas, where he had been working on May 9, 1917. After only three weeks of training he was sent overseas. ROBERT HUFFMAN Eobert Huffman, a young man who lived in Bloomington while he attended the Nor- mal university, was reported on November •1, 1918, to have died in France from wounds received in action, on October 1. The young man was a grandson of Judge E. M. Ben- jamin, and lived at the latter 's house while he was attending Normal in 191(3. His mother, Mrs. Louise Huffman, lived at Pierre, S. D., when Eobert entered the army. g I Scott Price of Bloomington was an uncle. I 1 Shortly after the death of young Huffman fii 1 was reported, a letter written by him ten ^* days before his death was received by Miss Irma Young of Bloomington, afterward Mrs. This letter described his position in a front line posi- Charles Cordes. tion, where he could hear the German shells going over, and then the shells from the French 75 's answering them and going in the opposite direction. Huffman referred to the drive of September 12, when the cannon of the Allies fired so rapidly that German prisoners stated that they thought the large guns were machine guns. The firing continued from 1 a. m. till late in the afternoon, when the doughboys went over the top and brought back large numbers of prisoners. The body of Huffman was buried in France, in the 20th Field Artillery cemetery. Huffman enlisted December 10, 1917, and was sent to the 9th recruit company at Camp Logan. In January he was sent to Camp McArthur to the signal service of the field artillery. Huffman was born in Clark county, S. D., July 26, 1895. HERBERT H. HOLMAN Herbert Hildreth Holman, son of B. W. Holman. signal man with the Alton road in Bloomington, died from the result of an accident at Queens- town, Ireland, on January 20, 1919. Young Holman was a sailor, and was attached to a U. S. S. battleship at the time of his death. He was on shore leave at Queenstown, and was run down by a motor truck on the streets, suffer- ing injuries from which he died an hour later. The news of the death came to the parents in Bloomington from the naval bureau of navigation five days after the young man 's death. Mrs. Ellen Holman, mother of Herbert Hol- man, received a letter from Chaplain B. E. Patrick, who conducted a memo- nal service for the dead sailor in the chapel of the hospital where he died. "It appears that on Monday fore- noon, January 21, your son was on a heavy truck and jumped f just as it was about to stop at its destination," the chaplain ^.ean county, working on farms. Most of this time he had been employed on the farm of Howard Mason, near Bloomington. MATTHEW HOLMAN Matthew Holman, a McLean boy, died in a military hospital at Syracuse, N. Y., on October 10, 1918, from an attack of influenza. The body was brought to Mc- Lean for burial, and the funeral was held at the Christian church. Matthew Holman was born at Eichmond, Ky., on October 29, 1890. He came to McLean at the age of 18 and worked as a farm hand for several years for Ira Grain and Charles Ross. On May 30, 1916, he enlisted in the coast artillery branch of the army. For fourteen months he served his country in that capacity, being stationed at Ft. Mon- roe, Va., but was then discharged on ac- count of poor health. On June 25, 1918, he was inducted for service and was sent to Camp Wheeler, Ga., with a McLean county contingent, but was rejected on account of physical disability. A month later he was chosen for limited service and was sent to Syracuse, N. Y., where he was a drill instructor until he was taken to a hospital sufPering from rheumatic fever. He then contracted Spanish influenza and was ill with this disease less than a week. Matthew was the youngest member of his family. He left surviving his parents, two sisters and three brothers. EDWIN lEHL On October 14, 1918, Edwin lehl died of influenza at Camp Mills, New York. Word came to Normal, Aviiere his wife, formerly Miss Blanche Champion, had resided prior to marriage. Young lelil liad been a banker at Melvin. He attempted to enlist early in the war, but was rejected for physical reasons. On August 1 he went with a draft contingent to Camp Wheeler, then was transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. His illness was of short duration. His body was taken to Melvin, 111., for burial. FRANK M. JORDAN Frank M. Jordan, member of the Bloomington law firm of Jordan & Jordan, died of wounds in France November 11, 1918. Announcement of his death was received December 18, 1918, by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. .lordan, of Wapella, from the war department. He was re- ported wounded September 13. Young Jordan left Clinton in April and was sent to Camp Dodge, later being transferred to Camp Travis. He was in London July 4 and w^as later sent to France. Young Jordan McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOELD WAR 71 was born in Wapella and was 32 years old. After completing the grade schools of his home town he attended Notre Dame university at South Bend, Ind., and later graduated from the Wesleyan law school. Follow- ing his graduation he formed a partnership with his uncle George F. Jordan. LIEUT. ALLINGTON JOLLY After passing in safety through all the horrors and dangers of the war, Lieut. Allington Jolly, an officer of the flying service, met his death in an aeroplane accident just after his return from war service in Europe. The fatal accident occurred on April 27, 1919, at Freeport, New York. Lieut. Jolly was flying a privately owned plane, and was up about 150 feet when the wings collapsed and the machine fell in a crash and he was instantly killed. Lieut. Jolly was a son of Rev. A. J. Jolly, pastor of the church at Cropsey, his father being located there when his son met his death. Young Jolly had attended the Wes- leyan, and was a student of the Normal uni- versity in the summer term of 1914. He en- listed in the army before America entered the war, going out on May 19, 1916. He was sent to the Mexican border, where his work won him the Mexican service medal and the Good Conduct medal given by Gen. Pershing. He was one of seven motorcycle riders selected at Fort Bliss to go to Washington on May 28, 1917. Soon after- ward they left the U. S. and landed in London on June 8. He was a driver of a staflf car with the first vmit of officers sent to France. On September 1 he was transferred to Chamont, the general headquarters, where he drove cars for -- . ■ Gen. Pershing and Inspector General Brewster. Later he was transferred to the aviation service and ordered to report to Tours. He started his work in flying on Jan. 30, 1918. After his trnining, he was sent to the front to instruct ol)servers. He was made adjutant of the post on October 24, and continued to the close of the war. During his service in France, Lieut. Jolly was awarded the Croix de Guerre, and was made chief of the air service personnel at the jilace where he was sta- tioned. After his return, he was made a member of the Aero Club of America. The funeral was held on May 2, 1919, at the Methodist church in Cropsey. A double quartet sang songs selected by the soldier's mother. Eev. J. H. Eyan of Pontiac offered prayer. The scripture was read by Rev. G. P. Snedeker of Piper City, and the sermon was by Rev. W. J. Leach of El Paso. The burial was at the Cropsey cemetery, the pallbearers being six Cropsey boys who had worn the uniform, Roe James, Charles Popejoy, Harvey Davis, Earl Bechtel, Paul Crumbaker, Ivan Crum. Eight flower girls carried floral tributes. The Patrol Boy Scouts were an escort of honor. The salute over the grave was fired by a squad under Sergt. Bert Davis, and Bugler J. A. Puett and Arthur Vaughn sounded taps. RANSOM JOHNSON Ransom Johnson, son of Mrs. Charles D. Johnson of Bloomington, died October 1, 1918, at a base hospital in Camp Devens, near Ayer, Mass. Death resulted from pneumonia following an attack of influenza. Young Johnson was born at Gloversville, N. Y., on May 10, 1895. The family came to Bloomington about 1903. The young man enlisted in the service early in 1918. The father of young Johnson died in Indianapolis Mcl.H.tX VOrSTY .l.\/> /■///•; ll(>/././> M.I/.' VVImikuv 4. U>U>. Tlio mothor anil ono sistor. Mrs. Koy Strniii siuvivo; alfso ono halt' brothor, K. Ivruost Johiuson. who wat! in tho nuuim's at Oalvoston, Toxns, whoti tho brothor diod. Tho doad soUlior was an athloto. and had mado plans for a profossional oaroor as an aorobat. Tlio body was brought to Bloominiiton for burial, and tho funoral took plaoo with military hotiors. LORING F. JONES l.orinji' V. .lonos of Blooiuington diod at Oamp Grant on C>i'tobor lo, IIUS. aftor a wook's illnoss with inlluonza and pnoumonia. Ho was not known to bo soriously siok until tho two days boforo his doath. whon his mothor, and sistor. IVarl, woro summonod to Rook- tord. Thoy saw him just boforo ho iliod, l.orinir Jonos wont out of Bloom- ington with a oontingont of draft mon in August, and had boon stationod at Camp Grant from that timo to tho day of his doath. Ho had ontorod into tho lifo of tho soldior with zost. Ho was '24 yoars of ago. and had livod most of his lifo in Bloomington. For somo timo i»o was omployod with C. W. Klomm, and lator was in ohargo of tho whole- salo dopartmont of W". B. Road & Co. Ho was a mombor of Graeo Mothodist ohuroh, and sang in tho ohoir thoro. The body was brought to Bloomington and tho funeral was held on October It? at the home of his parents, SOS South Madison street. Rev. Edgtir De- Witt Jones was in charge of the ser- vieess and the Bloomington chapter of the Roii Cross sent representatives, and gave the flag which was draped over the casket. Mrs. Darrah and Miss Giilick sangr y M furnishevi the escort of honor and the firing squad for the . .y. Bugler Claude Carlock sounded taps over the grave. Tke burial tt>ok place in Park Hill cemetery. JOHN OSCAR JENKINS Jvxhn Oscar Jenkins, son of John C. Jenkins of Lexington, w-as killed in actioa in France, accoT\ling to worvl sent to the father in Jnne. 191S. The yo"\: - -.-i was a member of a regiment of V. S. engineers. D. G. Agnew . ",e v>f the boy. had taken the boy to raise when the boy 's viiovi. The g wir^i " i he in tnrn wired Mr. >. The dead s -tovl at K -. :. Ind„ in July. 1917. ar- rivituj in France in August. A short time before enlisting he visited his father in ! ->-— — The young man's father first learned of his son's vieath w .1 his name in the casualty lists published by the newspapers ou Juue 1-4. 191S. USMUEL JONES I-emiiel Jones, who quit kis studies in the law school of the Wes- leyaa r - - " " in act' Fr^ance on October -k, 191S, _ - as at i . in Donslas connrr. McLEAX (;Oi:ST¥ ASP THE HOHLD WAH 73 Illinois, and he went oat of there in the summer c»f 1&18 to enter the medical gervice as a sstretcher bearer. He was a SK*n of Clifford X- Jones, former sheriff of Douglas* county. He Kto'xl high a» a law gehool stu- dent. Word of hi« death reached the Weslejan Xoveml>er 22. LOUIS KAEL KOCH. LouiH Ka.'-l Koch, «on of Mr. and Mrs. George Koch of Bloomington, was killed in battle in France September 12, ij>lS. The war department sent official word to this effect a few days later. Louis Karl Koeh was one of the young men who went out in the first draft contingent from McLean county in .September, 1J>17. He went first to Camp Dodge, and was later transferrf^l to Camp Pike, and then to Camp Mills before embarkation. He was samigned to an infantry regiment which toarents and eight -. ■• and sisters surviving. Memorial services for Private Koeh were held at Trinity Lutheran church on December 8, 1918. His I ' :3 buried in France near the spot where he fell. Bev. W. E. H*. ; .said of him: "When he breathed his la.«t on that far-away battiefieid, God did not forsake him, but carried his .«oul to that distant land of giorj- where on the last great day his parents and friends will see him again wrapped in the glorj- which he has justly deserved," BEN KAPLAN Ben Kaplan, who had been a young clothing merchant at Chenoa, died from pneumonia at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., ,on ' ' >- His attack was brought on by influenza. He left for Je:: - - ^ ^■^> cTxAZiiSS later going to the Norfolk, Va., training station, known as Camp Perry, and liad been assigned to tlie U. S. Eiehmond. Besides his parents, he left five sisters as follows: Mrs. Moss Greer, Kanawa, Iowa; Mrs. Eollo Price, Kerrick, 111.; Mrs. Mahla Moore, Hillsboro, N. D.; Mrs. Mollie Flint, nurse at Brokaw hospital; and Miss Euth Maxwell, nurse at the Walter Eeed liospital, in Washington, D. C. The young man had ap- plied for a furlough and expected to bo married to Miss Laura Wang, of Hillsboro, N. D., on October 20, 1918. OWEN GILBERT MEANS Owen Gilbert Means was the son of Mrs. Nellie Means of Bloomington. He enlisted in the United States Navy as Second Class Seaman on June 13th, 1918, and was sent to Great Lakes Naval Station at Great I^akes, Illinois. He was about to enter .«cliool when he took the influenza and pneumonia and died at Great Lakes September 28t]i, 1918. At the time of his death he was acting Chief Petty Officer. He was 18 years and 6 months of age. Before entering the service he was an embalmer for Sumner Goodfellow. He was born and raised in McLean County. CORPORAL CARL E. MILLER Tlie iirst McLean county man to lose his life in battle, and the one whose name put the first gold star in the flag of Randolph township and the village of Heyworth was Corporal Carl E. Miller, whose death in action was conveyed in a message to his sister. Miss Florence Miller, on May 18, 1918. The day following this message, the official casualty list issued by the war department con- tained Corporal Miller's name. Corporal Miller was a member of Company A, 1st brigade, machine gun battalion, of the 16th Infantry, which was part of the famous Eainbow division. The date of his death in battle was officially reported as May 12. The body was buried near where he fell, and his resting place was officially recorded by the war department as follows: "Place of burial: Military Cemetery, Broyes, Oise, Eow No. 4, grave No. 9. Date of burial. May 13, 1918. Chaplain, E. Coleman." Corporal Miller was born at Heyworth on June 2, 1884. He was the son of Erastus Miller, who was a veteran of the civil war, having served in the 68th Illinois and re-enlisting in the 94th infantry. His father died in 1909. Carl Miller joined the army in 1913; and served with the regulars before the world war broke out. Wlien Gen. Persliing was sent to the Mexican border with a body of picked troops. Corporal Miller was with one of these units. He did valiant service there. When tlie famous Rainbow division was organized for overseas duty, the regi- ment of which Corporal Miller was a member was made a part of the division. They had been in France eight months before Corp. Miller met his death. The last letter written by Miller to his sister, Mrs. Wm. Wilde of McLean, was dated April 3, in which he spoke of France as a "land of sunshine and flowers." Most of his letters from France had been in a cheerful vein. There were four surviving sisters, Mrs. William Wilde of McLean, and Mrs. William Archer, of McLean, Mrs. Isaac Maxwell and Miss Florence Miller of Heyworth, and Frank Miller of Heyworth. A memorial service for the soldiers of Eandolph township was held at Heyworth on Sunday, May 26, in which special honor was paid to 78 McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOBLI) WAR Carl Miller as the first Eandolph soldier to lose his life in battle. Eev. O. O. Inman of Decatur made the principal address. At one point in the service, the audience stood and held draped handkerchiefs in honor of Carl Miller. HARRY C. MYERS Harry C. Myers, son of Thomas Myers of McLean, who had the distinc- tion of being pronounced a practically perfect man physically when he was examined for enlistment in the U. S. Marines, lost his life in battle in June, 1918, during the early drives on the western front in France in which the American troops took part. The name of young Myers appeared in the cas- ualty list of June 21 as seriously wounded, and a day or two later the parents at McLean were informed by the war department of his death. Harry Myers was 23 years of age, and had worked for a time at the trade of blacksmith. He enlisted in Peoria in the fall of 1917 for service in the Marine Corps. His physical examina- tion showed him to be possessed of an almost perfect ]iliysical make-up. He received his preliminary training and was sent to France in the spring of 1918, being assigned to one of the companies of the famous brigade of Marines connected with the First Division which took part in the actions along the Marne in May and June. His surviving relatives were his parents and a half sister in McLean and one brother, Cecil, who was in the army during the war. Some weeks after his death, the parents of young Myers received a letter from Norman B. Armstrong, who had been a pal of Harry, telling of the battle in which both were wounded, and how he had learned of Harry's death. He continued: "He was a fine, brave lad, and you may well be proud of him. It is hard to lose him, but we could not ask a better death. He did not only die for his country, but for the protection of women and children of another land. The sights we saw on our way to check the German drive, brought tears to the eyes of many a man, and they would have died to tlie last man liefore they would have given another inch." ROY r. MITCHELL One young soldier from McLean county gave up his life in pre^iaration for military duty even before the date when the LTnited States declared war against Germany. He was Jioy F. Mitchell, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Mitcliell of Lexington. This young man was a volun- teer, enlisting in Bloomington early in Jan- uary, 1917, three months before the actual declaration of war. He started to Jefferson Barracks on January 5, and at once began his initial training. He was taken down with pneumonia a few weeks after he reached the Barracks, and died on February 21. His death occurred on the same day that his company was to start cast for another camp. The body T^W*'!''* . McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR 79 was brought back to this county, and the funeral was held at the Chris- tian church at Colfax on February 24. Louis Fernando sounded taps at the grave and Wesley Downey carried the flag, both being former soldiers of the Spanish war. Young Mitchell was born January 1, 1898, and was a very popular young man at Lexington. He had two brothers in the army later, they being Sergt. Harry L. Mitchell of the 60th regi- ment C. A. C. and Lieut. Jesse D. Mitchell, who was with the infantry in several camps in this country. Boy Mitchell's name is carried on the honor roll of Elmo F. Hill post of the American Legion at Lexington. HARVEY C. MISHLER .- =:T:^^:f:^j-:r-^. < Harvey C. Mi shier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mishler of Covel, died in the Great Lakes naval training station on March 5, 1919. He had been sick a short time with pneumonia. The young man's father went to Great Lakes and brought the body home. Young Mishler had enlisted in the navy in June, 1918, and had spent his training season at Great Lakes, making a good record in the service. The funeral was held at Covel. The young man left besides his parents, the following brothers and sisters: Lloyd L. Mishler, who had served in the army and returned from overseas only a short time before his brother's death; Charles, Esther, Francis and Irene, at home. THOMAS McVEY The lirst gold star in the service flag of St. Patrick's church in Bloomington was placed there for the death of Thomas Leo McVey, son of Mrs. Ellen McVey of 1318 West Mulberry street, who on November 26 received news of the death of her son. He died in a military hospital in France from l(>l)ar-pneumonia, on November 13, 1918. Tlie mother received the news just after she had made inquiry at Eed Cross headquarters how to send the son a Christmas package. The manner of the boy's death is told in a letter received in March, 1919, by the mother from Lieut. Henry H. Brownlee of Loundry Company C, at Nevers hospital, in France. The letter stated that McVey was taken sick October 13, went to base hospital No. 28 and remained there until he died. The letter continued: His top sergeant, Hergeant Frank McKane, informs me that he received the last rites of the churcli from an American chaplain, a priest, and that he was buried in accordance with the precepts of the Catholic faith. He was also buried with full military honors and is now lying among our boys in the American cemetery at Nivers. His grave, marked by a Eoman cross, is just outside of the city of Nivers. Nivers is situated about half way between Paris and Lyons. It is on the river Loire and was one of the first centers in the American E. F. Thomas McVey was the son of Mr. and Mrs. James McVey, and was born May 28, 1900. He left his mother and one sister, Nellie. After graduating from St. Patrick's school he worked in the Alton shops in Bloomington. He en- listed July 4, 1918, was sent to an automobile mechanics' school at 80 McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WORLD WAB Washiugton, and was sent overseas in August. The last letter the family received from him was in November, 1918. HOMER WARNER MITCHELL Httmer Warner Mitchell, son of Isaac T. Mitchell of Twin Grove, died while in the naval service. His death occurred on Octo- ber 21, 1918, on the hospital ship, Mercy, off the coast of Virginia. Prior to his being taken sick, young Mitchell had been serving on the battlesliip Illinois, where he had at- tained the grade of second class fireman. Young Mitchell was born in Dale township on April 24, 1897. He grew up with his father on the farm, his mother having died when Homer was only nine months old. He attended school in his home dis- trict, in Blooniington and at the Normal University. He enlisted for the navy July 22, 1918, and was first sent to Great Lakes. He attained the grade of corporal before be- ing assigned to active ship duty. He was serving well on the battleship Illinois when his fatal illness came on. Commander W. R. Webb of the medical corps of the U. S. naval forces at Norfolk, Va., in a letter dated October 22, writes to Mr. Mitchell, father of Homer, in part as follows: "It is with deep regret that I have to inform you of the death of your son, Homer, wliich occurred on board this hospital ship at 1:35 p. m., October 21, 1918. He was received as a patient from the U. S. S. Illinois, sick with bronchial pneumonia. * * * You have the heartfelt sympathy of myself and all his other shipmates in your bereavement. In this great war for democracy and freedom, I consider it a glorious privilege which you have had to give a son for our country, for your son has given his life for his country just as surely as though he had died on the field of battle. I know you are proud of this privilege, and I envy you." The body was brought home for burial, the funeral being held at the West Twin Grove cemetery on October 29. He left his father and two brothers, Herman Park Mitchell and Harvey Elder Mitchell, both living in this county, and one sister, Mrs. Beulah Pearl Schantz living in California. DAVID THOMAS MORGAN Among the hundreds of American boys who gave up their lives in tlie drive of the U. S. forces in the great battles of the Marne in June, 1918, was David Thomas Morgan, son of John P. Morgan of -lOl Fifer street, Blooniington. This young man, scarcely more than 17 years of age, fell in battle while fighting with the heroes of the Marine Corps which stopped the German drive for Paris. The great on- slaught of the first week of June was over and the second phase of the battle in progress, when on the afternoon of the 1.3th, young Morgan, holding a front line position, armed with his automatic rifle, was hit by a German shell and instantly McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 81 killed. He was buried on the 14tli neai- the spot where he fell. The official word as to his burial f)lace said that it was on * ' Hill 181, North of Lucy de Borage Mauex, Map 49. ' ' Young Morgan was in the 76th Company, Sixth regiment, U. S. Marine Corps, part of the First Di- vision. His brother, William John Morgan, member of the same com- pany, was wounded in the same drive, and did not learn of David 's death until July 25. David Thomas Morgan was born in Bloomington, attended Edwards school, and had started to learn the trade of a boiler- maker at the Alton shops prior to the time of his enlistment. He was visiting his aunt at Staunton, 111., when he and his brother, William, enlisted with the Marine Corps in 1917. It was several months later, while they were in training at Paris Island, that his father learned of the boys' enlistment. Letters received from David early in his ser- vice in France told of his having taken out $10,000 insurance in favor of his father. Speaking of the boy's death, Lieut. Clyde E. Murray, writing to the father, said that "exposed to the most concentrated shell fire the world had ever known for several hours, he displayed the spirit and courage found only in great soldiers." Prior to the time of his death, Morgan 's company had already captured three machine guns and turned them on the enemy. The brother, William, was in the hospital in France for many months recovering from his wounds, and came home in the summer of 1919 for his first leave. Bloomington Post of World War Veterans bears his name. ERWIN P. MARTENSEN Private Erwin P. Martensen was one of the McLean county boys who lost his life in battle with the Germans during the days of the early summer of 1918 when the American forces stopped the rush on Paris. Young Martensen was a soldier of Company A of the Seventh infantry, part of the Sec- ond Division, which took part in the actions around Chateau Thierry. On the morning of June 21, after the Marines and the loth and 14th infantry had stopped the rush of the Germans, orders came for Company A to clean out a certain German machine gun nest in Belleau Wood. This particular ac- tion lasted only twenty minutes, but how hard fought and bloody it was, is indicated by the fact that in that short period 120 American boys were killed or wounded. Young Martensen was one of those who fell mortally wounded and died on the field of honor. Erwin Martensen was born at An- chor September 15, 1895, and spent practi- cally all his life in that place. He enlisted in Bloomington December 11, 1917, and was sent to Jefferson Barracks and then to Camp Grant. Later he spent some time at Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga., and at Camp Merritt, N. J. At the last camp he was transferred from the aviation service, in which he had enlisted, to the infantry. He sailed for France April 15, 1918. Owing to the censorship, his people here did not learn much of his movements or whereabouts in France prior to the date of the battle in which he lost his life. His body was no doubt buried on the field where he fell. Anchor post of the American Legion bears Martensen 's name, GLEN MARTIN Glen Martin, who lived in Heyworth for many years, but went into the service from Council Bluffs, Iowa, died in France October 4, 1918, according to information coming to his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 82 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WO BED WAR William Cunningham of Heywortli. Glen Martin was 22 years of age. After, he went into the service, he was first stationed at Mt. Clemens, Mich., then in a Texas camp and had been in France several months before his death occurred. He left his grandparents, his father living at Council Bluffs and two brothers, Earl and Nile, both in the army during the war. EUGENE McCarthy Eugene McCarthy, son of Maurice C. McCarthy of Bloomington, was one of the victims of the influenza in the epidemic which swept over the country in the fall of 1918. Eugene was in the naval service, and was at the Great Lakes training station when he was taken sick. After be- coming very critical, Eugene seemed to rally, and his father, who had been with him at the station, returned home, tliinking that the son was on the road to recovery. After reaching home he received a message that the boy had suffered a relapse, and the next day death came, after the father had re- turned to be with him. The young man was working hard with his training, and had ambitions to rise in the service by special preparation. Eugene Mc- Cartliy was born in Bloomington on March 14, 1900. He lived here all his life up to the time he entered the ser- vice. Two years prior to enlisting he had worked for J. F. Humphreys & Co., and for the Alton offices. He was mod- est, quiet and efficient and gave promise of a successful career. His education was received at St. Mary's grade school and and one brother, John and one sister, high school. Elizabeth. He left his father CLYDE ROBERT MILLER Clyde Robert Miller of Danvers was a victim of the influenza, that disease having caused his death at Camp Grant on October 9, 1918. He had been sick for less than two weeks, having been taken down on September 30. The body was brought home for burial, and the funeral was held on October 13 at the home of a sister, Mrs. Roy Musselman at Danvers. Rev. J. H. King had charge of the services. The pallbearers were Irvin Miller, Frank Cook, Paul Harmon, W. Scliwiemann, and Valen- tine Strubhar. Clyde Robert Miller was barn on a farm near Normal on Octo- ber 22, 1895, and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Miller. Later the fam- ily moved to Atkinson, 111., where the young man was assisting his father operate a 500 acre farm before he went into the service. He enlisted for the army on July 10 and was sent to Camp Grant, where he had taken only a short McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELJ) WAB 83 *■ period of his training when the fatal disease struck him down. The fjurial took place at the Park Lawn cemetery at Danvers. EDWAKD HADDOCK Edward Maddock died of pneumonia in a hospital in France, according to tlie news received by his mother, Mrs. G. W. Shell, who lived on the Bentown road nine miles east of Bloomington on November 23, 1918. Young Mad- dock was born and reared here, but for five years resided at Hazelton, la. He left with an Iowa contingent May 10, 1918, and was sent to Jefferson Bar- racks and thence to Waco, Tex. He re- ceived a number of minor injuries when the troop train on whicli he was a pas- senger was wrecked at Sedalia. After a short stay at Camp Merritt, N. J., he sailed for overseas August 17. He was a member of the 34th Infantry. Young Maddock was born in McT^ean county May oO, 1893. After the death of his father in 1895 he lived with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bcluiltz, who resided near Six Points. They later moved to Merna. Young Maddock was married December 28, 1914, to Mabel Klawitter, who died tliree months after tlieir marriage. He married Cora Clark December 19, 1917. Besides his wife he infant daughter, his grandparents, mother and several broth sisters. GRANT E. METCALF George E. Metcalf, who lives on rural route .3 out of Bloomington, received word on October 17, 1918, tliat his brother, Grant E. Metcalf, had died September 20 from wounds received iu action in France. The last letter received by his relatives was written on September 12, at which time Grant spoke of being in an extremely dangerous position at the front with a machine gun unit. Grant had developed ability as a crack rifle shot, having made a fine record as a marksman at Camp Grant and Camp Funston. The body was buried in France near where he fell. Grant E. Metcalf was born September 12, 1889. He was at Tampico, 111., when he went into the service leaving for the army April 25, 1918, first to Camp Grant, and then to Camp Funston. Within two months from the time when lie entered the service, he was sent overseas with an infantry regiment. He left surviving his aged parents at Tampico, three brothers and three sisters. left an ers and ULYSSES MILLER Ulysses Miller, who for several years worked on the farm of J. H. Cheney near Ellsworth, was killed in action on the western front in France on October 20, 1918, according to word received by his relatives in Kentucky, and passed on to his friends and former employer in this county. Young Miller belonged to a Kentucky regiment. He left Ells- worth in the spring of 1918 for his home in Kentucky, where he was registered, and entered the service, sailing for France August 7. Let- ters from him exi)ressed his enthusiastic belief that the war would soon 84 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR be over and that he hoped to be home by Christmas. During his resi- dence near Ellsworth young Miller made a wide circle of friends. LIEUT. J. F. McDAVID Lieut. Joel F. McDavid of Decatur was killed in an aeroplane acci- dent in France October 12, 191S. Lieut. McDavid was 27 years of age. He formerly lived at Lincoln before going to Decatur. He was engaged to be married to Miss Gladys Collins of Bloomington. THOMAS MONTGOMERY Thomas Montgomery, nephew of Dr. A. L. Chairman of Carlock, died from pneumonia in France on September 5, 1918. He was the son of James Montgomery, and went into the service from Newcomerstown, Ohio. He had many relatives and acquaintances in McLean county. ARTHUR NIEDERMEYER Arthur Niedermeyer, whose home was in Decatur, but who had relatives here and who attended the Normal university, was one of the many victims of pneumonia resulting from the crowded conditions at Jefferson barracks in the winter of 1917-18. He died on January 22, but his parents did not hear of it until thirty-six hours after it occurred. Word of his death came to his uncle, Charles Niedermeyer of 503 West Front street. He died at the aviation camp at San Antonio, Texas, as the result of a cold he contracted at Jefferson barracks. He was born April 4, 1890, being the son of William Niedermeyer. He was educated in Decatur and graduated from Millikin before attending the Normal university to fit himself for teaching. He was a prominent member of the T. K. E. fraternity. He had been superin- tendent of the schools in Greenville before going into the army. He belonged to the German M. E. church. Relatives from Bloomington attended the funeral in Decatur. CHARLES E. NELSON Corporal Charles E. Nelson, son of Fred Nelson, who lived most of his life in LeRoy, was the victim of a fatal accident while in active service at the front in the battle lines in France on September 12, 1918. It was just after he had gotten out of the hospital, where he had been for several weeks to recover from a wound which he had received in a previous battle. Nelson Avas a motorcycle dispatch rider, and while in the St. Mihiel drive he had been entrusted with carrying an important message to the front. According to a letter from Corp. Hite of the same company, written to Nelson's relatives, Nelson was missed after he had been gone for some time, and when found he had been fatally hurt by an accident to his motorcycle. He never regained consciousness, and died in a short time. Corp. Nel- son was born near Ellsworth on November 13, 1895. His parents lived at LeRoy for many years, but McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAS, 85 they moved to Michigan a year before the war. Charles enlisted at Billings, Mont., August 22, 1917, and was assigned to the signal corps of the aviation service. He and his brother Albert together went to Kelly Field and joined the 130th aero squadron. Later they were sep- arated, Charles being sent to the 116th squadron, which sailed for France November 7, by way of Halifax. On arrival in France, Charles was assigned to the motorcycle dispatch headquarters detachment air service. First army. In July, 1918, he was wounded, having his shoulder frac- tured and a wound over the eye. He was in the hospital for seven weeks. The last letter from him was dated September 9, stating he had secured leave. The next news was a telegram from the war department on November 1(3 stating that he had died of accident September 12. His parents, three brother and two sisters survive. Charles was 21 years old. RUEL NEAL Kuel Neal, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Neal, was the first young man from LeRo}^ to lose his life in the war, and in recognition of that fact when the I.eRoy post of the American Legion, composed of world war veterans was organized, it w-as named Ruel Neal post in his honor. Neal went out of this county with the first con- tingent of drafted men on September 19, 1917. He went to Camp Dodge, being as- signed to Company G 349th infantry, where he remained until October 1, when he was transferred to Camp Logan, at Houston, Texas, to Co. A, 131st infantry. On May 22, 1918, he embarked from Camp Upton to France. He got to the front and was in his first battle on July 4. In his second en- gagement, August 9, he was hit in the shoul- der with a machine gun bullet and went to a hospital. There he remained until Sep- tember, when he returned to his company, and on October 2 in a front trench on the Meuse he received his fatal wound. The last letter which tlie parents received from him was written on September 23. Neal was killed by a German shell which came thru the dugout in which he and a comrade were sheltered in the front line trenches. In a letter written to the father by Charles F. Kennedy of Beardstown in April, 1919, Mr. Kennedy quotes a letter he had received from his son, I>ester, who was the buddy of Ruel Neal at the front. Lester Kennedy speaks of Neal as a model soldier, who never missed a drill and never had a kick. He says of him in the hospital: "We were both in the same ward, and one day our doctor told us we were going to England to a big hospital in London. But Neal said: 'No, sir, my place is at the front with my company, and I won't go to England.' So Neal went back to the front and I was taken to England. That was the last time I saw my good pal, and the other day I met an officer from my company and asked him about Neal. He said Neal was in a dug-out which had a very thin top and a Nine-Point-Five came thru the top and got Neal and the other man with him. He said all the boys hated to lose Neal, for he was a fine soldier. He died with his boots on and for his country." Ruel Neal was born at LeRoy September 7, 1895. He grew up there and was edu- cated in the grade and high school. He joined the Methodist church when he was 16 years of age. He left his parents and one sister, Opal, and two brothers, Burt and Marvin, the latter having served in the navy during the war. Memorial services for Neal were held in LeRoy a few weeks after his death. 86 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULD WAR SERGT. WAYNE NEWCOMB 8ergt. Wayne Newcomb of Company M, l.'>9th infantry, died of pneumonia while with the army of occupation in Germany, the dis- ease being due in fact to the effect of a wound which he received in the final fighting just prior to the signing of the armistice. Young Newcomb was a son of Charles Newcomb of Gibson, and nephew of E. H. Newcomb of Saybrook, with whom he had spent much of his time when a growing boy. Sergt. New- comb was wounded when leading his platoon against a German machine gun nest on Sep- tember 29. He refused to go to the hospital after he was wounded, remaining in command of his platoon, and thus setting an example / , of courage for his men. After having his wound dressed that night he returned to the command next morning. In a letter received by his uncle after the armistice, Wayne wrote as follows of the incideiat: "We went over the top about 5:30 September 2r) and our battle lasted until October 2. I was slightly wounded 8ei)tember 29, but not bad enough to hurt me much. I have a scar on my jaw, but am sure proud of it. After we came out most of us were in a weakened condition, but soon recovered, and when the armistice was signed we were just ready to go over the top again. We would have gone in the next day, as we were just behind the lines and ready to leave our packs." Sergt. Newcomb died December 21 in base hospital 87. Lobar pneumonia was officially given as cause of death. His body was buried at Toul, France, in the U. S. cemetery. JOHN LINCOLN NORTH On October 13, 1918, death came to Jolm Lincoln North, son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. North of Grid- ley township. The young man died of pneumonia following influenza at Camp Mills. When his father heard of his serious sickness he hastened to New York, but arrived at the base hospital just after his son had passed away. The body was brought to the home for burial, and funeral services w'ere held and the interment took place at El Paso cemetery. John Lincoln North was born in Gridley township on February 6, 1891. He was one of six children, and the third son to die. He was called to the colors with McLean county 's largest draft contingent on June 25, 1918. He spent the summer months at Camp Wheeler, where he received preliminary training. He was with Co. C, 124th infantry, part of the 31st division. He was at Camp Mills all equipped for starting overseas when he fell a victim to the fatal influenza. He wrote his last letter to his parents when his hand was McLEAN COUNTY AND TUE WORLD WAR 87 trembling with weakness from tlie fatal disease. He left his parents, two brothers and one sister surviving. His sister was Mrs. Ralph Scho- field, Paul, a brother, was in the army at Camp Grant when John died. The other brother was Ealph, at home. Owing to the number of deaths at the camp, it was nearly a week from the date of his death until the body of Private North arrived home, being accompanied by Private Brumbaeh, a comrade. The funeral services were held on Sunday, Oct. 20, and were private owing to health restrictions by the state board. Rev. S. S. Cryor was in charge, and the Lexington Home Guards attended as escort, and fired the last salute over the grave. The casket was covered with the national flag when lowered into the grave to the sound of "taps." The pallbearers were Private Brumbaeh, Claud North, Mont North, Louis Wadsworth, Ralph Gibbs and Max Smith and Merle North. FRED O'CONNOR Fred O'Connor, a Bloomington man, died from the influenza at Camp Grant on October 8, 1918, after an illness of about a week. His brother-in-law, Harry Radford, was with him at the end, having been summoned a few days prior to Fred's death. Fred O'Connor was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O 'Connor of Bloomington and was born in this city in 1892. He was educated in the public schools and after he was ready to begin life for himself he went to work in the Holland bottling works, where he was employed for some years. He left his father and one brother and five sisters. His mother died in 1917, and one brother. Jack, died only a few months prior to Fred's death. Fred was a member of Holy Trinity church and of the Order of Eagles. The body was brought to Bloomington for burial. HENRY PECKMANN Henry Peckmann was one of the Bloomington men who gave u\) his life in the service, although he was not actually engaged as a fighting man. He volunteered for work in the Y. M. C. A. with the army, and while serving as such was taken sick at Camp Funston and died on October 8, 1918. He was the son of Mrs. Sarah Peckmann of 1018 South Main street. While teaching in the high school at Elgin, in April, 1918, he volunteered his service as a Y. M. C. A. secretary and was accepted and sent to Camp Funston. Henry Peckmann was born in Bloomington on November 12, 1882. He was the son of Frank Peck- mann, who died in 1893. Henry was educated in the city schools and at the Wesleyan university. He then took up the vocation of teaching and held positions at Beardstown, Marengo and at Elgin. He was very popular at Elgin, and the student body passed resolutions on his death. Besides his mother Mr. Peckmann was survived by three brothers and two sisters as follows: Mrs. Otto Lipp and Mrs. William Agle, both of this city; Frank of Denver, Colo.; Herman, living at home, and Charles of South Center street. Henry was a member of the First Methodist church in Bloomington. The body was brought to Bloomington, and funeral services with military honors were held at the First Methodist. The body was buried in the Bloomington cemetery. CLARENCE EARL PATTERSON After having spent only one month in the service, death claimed Clarence Earl Patterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Patterson, of 1304 North Oak street, Bloomington, on October 2, 1918. He died at Camp Grant from influenza, which was at that time epidemic at the camp. His parents survived, and also one sister, who was a teacher in Towanda at the time of his death. The body of the young soldier was brought 88 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAE to Bloomiugton and buried with full military honors on October S. The funeral services were held from the home of the parents, conducted by Eev. W. D. Deweese. Company M furnished an escort and a firing squad. The burial took place in Park Hill cemetery. SERGT. LESLIE G. PFIFFNER One of the McLean county boys who went out with old Company D of the Illinois National Guard, to lose his life in battle was Sergt. Leslie G. Pfiflfner, whose home was on Franklin avenue, Normal. Sergt. Pfiffner was with Com- pany B of the 124th machine gun bat- talion of the 33rd division when the division made its drive in conjunction with the French in Verdun sector on September 26, 1918. He was caught by a machine gun bullet as the company advanced, and died on the field where he fell. On the day when Leslie fell, it was said that the Allied forces of this sector lost 30,000 men. Company B's advance lay over very rough and ])artially wooded country, in a heavy fog. However, they reached their ob- jective by 11 a. m., the company having lost three killed and seven wounded. Leslie fell in the charge on Forges Wood. The body was buried at Glorioux. Young Pfiffner enlisted in Company D, Fifth Illinois, on May 5, 1917. Joined the company at Quincy the next day, and served with the company on guard duty at East Hannibal until transferred to Quincy, where the regiment remained until August, when they were sent to Camp Logan, Texas. Here the regiment was merged with the 33rd division, tlie company becoming Company B of the 124th machine gun battalion. Young Pfiffner was a son of Mrs. Lucy Stewart and was a nephew of County Supt. B. C. Moore. He left one brother, Floyd, who at the time of Leslie's death was a first class yeoman at Great Lakes. FRANK PALERAN Frank Paleran died at the naval training station at San Diego, Calif., on February 14, 1918, from pneumonia. He was a step-son of E. L. Foreman of East Wood street, Bloomington. The family removed to Los Angeles about 1913. The star representing Frank Paleran was on the service flag of Emerson school, Bloomington. WILLIAM ROBERT PATTON William Robert Patton, son of Robert F. Patton, who lived in Lawn- dale township for several years, was killed in battle in France on Octo- ber 11, 1918. He was 23 years of age. The Patton family moved to Rochelle, 111., before the war, and the young man went out of that place into the army. Another son, John Irving, was wounded and was in a hospital in France for many months. BUD PETERSON Miss Ida Young of Bloomington received word on October 9, 191S, of the death of her brother. Bud Peterson, which eccurred at Camp Custer as the result of pneumonia. Young Peterson was born in Bloom- McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 89 ington on October 23, 1891, and lived here until the death of his parents, when he removed to Streator, from vrhich place he entered the service. He had visited in Bloomington two weeks before he died. His surviving relatives were his sister in Bloomington and two other sisters living in Champaign. CAPT. HUGH MITCHELL PRICE In the death of Capt. Hugh Mitchell Price, which occurred as the re- sult of an accident, a former McLean county man gave up his life for his country. Capt. Price, who was serving with a regiment of Engineers at Newport News, Va., died in a military hospital there on November 4, 1918. He had been confined to the hosi)ital as the result of an automobile accident in which he had received injuries in the pre- ceding August. The accident was due to a broken steering gear. Eelatives here were not aware of the serious nature of his injuries un- til a few days before his death. Capt. Price was a nephew of Mrs. M. L. Christian and E. B. Mitchell of Bloomington. He lived here in his boyhood, making his home at Danvers. Afterward he graduated in the civil engineer- ing course at the Ujiiveisity of Illinois. Soon after America entered the war, he volunteered his services and was accepted with a regiment of engineers. For several months prior to his death was in charge of a large government construction project at Pig Point, Va. The body was brought to Bloomington, and the funeral held on November 8 at the home of Mrs. M. L. Christian, services being in charge of Bcv. William Baker. Mrs. Price and a sister, Miss Helen Price, accompanied the body to Bloomington. A squad from Company M furnished the escort of honor and fired the salute over the grave. The flag draped over the casket was one sent from Newport News. Capt. Price was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Price, who died about twenty years ago, and grandson of Ebenezer B. Mitchell, one of the pioneers of McLean county. CHARLES PAINTER Word was received in Bloomington on October 6, 1918, that Charles Painter had died in France from wounds received in battle on September 6. Young Painter had formerly been a fireman on the Alton railroad, and he left the city with the draft contingent of April, 1918. He had been sent to Camp Dodge, then to Texas, and then to France. In De- cember, 1917, he was married to Miss Mary Irvin, who survived him. His body was buried with due honors by his comrades near the point whero ho died. HARRY PIETSCH After only one month of military service, Harry Pietsch gave up his life as a victim of influenza at Camp Grant, on October 2, 1918. His mother, Mrs. Minnie Pietsch, hastened to the camp and was near him when he died. Harry left Bloomington in September with a contingent of special service men. Harry Pietsch was borii in Bloomington April 19, 1892, and grew up in his home city. He was serving as a member of the city fire department prior to going into the army, being stationed at engine house No. 4 on South Main street. He was the son of Henry 90 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB Pietsch, who died some years prior to the war. His mother and one sister and three brothers were left, one brother, Edward, being at Great Lakes when Harry died. The body was brought to Bloomington for burial and funeral services were held at St. Mary's Catholic church, of which he had been a member. Memorial services for him were afterward held. WILLARD PIERSON" One of the first gold stars which blossomed in the service flag of the Chicago & Alton shops was that for Willard Pierson, who died in a mili- tary hospital in France on October 12, 1918, from an attack of pneumonia. He left fhe employ of the Alton shops in June, 1918, and was sent to France with a regiment of engineers. He Avas sick several days, and Mrs. Pierson, his mother received a letter the latter part of November from Chaplain Lee who attended him on the final days before his death. The cluqilain told of the funeral in which full military honors were paid to the soldier, and the palll)carcrs were boys who had formerly worked with him in the Alton shops here. Tlioy were Joe Murray, J. Eebmann, Howard Corey, H. Jones, J. Holland, and Harry Marquardt. The body was laid to rest in the American section of the cemetery at La Kochelle, France. Willard Pierson was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pierson of 114 Stevenson street, liloomington. He left his parents and two sisters, Mabel and Yarda. He was a mem- ber of the Swedish Lutheran church and of the machinists' union. A memorial service was held on November 17, at the Swedish Lutheran church, at which Eev. A. D. Freden spoke in appropriate vein. The blue star on the service flag was replaced with one of gold. ROBERT L. PIERCY Mrs. J. M. Herman of North East Street, Bloomington, received a letter on March 23, 1919, telling of the death of her brother, Robert L. Piercy, who died of pneumonia after serving eleven months in France. He was in a signal battalion of the 30th division. His home was at Asheville, S. C, and he entered the service in June, 1917. His division sailed for home the week after he was taken with his fatal sickness. THURMAN POLLITT Thurman Pollit, son of the late J. B. Pollitt, who was a resident of Bloomington for many years, died in a military hospital in France in October, 1918. Influenza was the cause of his death. He enlisted for service in October, 1917, and served with his regiment thru much of the fighting in France in the summer of 1918. He was 30 years of age, left his wife, formerly Miss Agnes Bainer of Pontiac, to whom he was married in 1917. He had two aunts in Bloomington, Mrs. Dr. Herr and Mrs. "William Hunt. HERBERT QUARNSTROM On April 23, 1918, Dr. Homberger of the Wesleyan faculty received word of the death of Herbert Quarnstrom, a Wesleyan man, at Camp McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 91 Dodge, Iowa. Death was due to pneumonia. Young Quarnstrom was 22 years of age, and his home had been at Sycamore, 111. He had been in the Wesleyan up to the cud of the school year in 1917. He was a sophomore at Wesleyan, and had specialized in chemistry. He had in- tended to return to Wesleyan in the fall of 1917, but was selected for service by his home draft board. He was a son of Adolph Quarnstrom of Sycamore. LEE J. ROEBUCK The very first soldier from McLean county who was called ui^on to give up his life to the cause of the nations who were fighting Germany in the World War, was Lee J. Eoebuck of Bloom- ington. He met his death in an acci- dent while training under the flag of Canada, having enlist c'd in that coun- try after he had been rejected from the United States army on account of minor physical defects. Young Roebuck was in the aviation service, and while tak- ing his first flight alone on October 20, 1917, his plane collapsed and he fell, meeting instant death. The body was brought to Bloomington for burial. The accident happened at Camp Mohawk, near the town of Deseronto, in the province of Ontario, Canada. Lee Roe- buck Avas the son of L. S. Roebuck, formerly owner of the Clifton Hotel in Bloomington. He was born in Bloom- ington on April 2, 1894. He was edu- cated at Edwards school and the Bloom- ington liigh school. In July, 1917, he went to Jefl'erson barracks to enlist for military service in the United States, but the physical examination disclosed that his heart action was defective and he was rejected. Soon afterward he went to Chicago, and finding that a recruiting drive for the Canadian army was on there, he enlisted for the aviation service and was accepted. He was sent to Long Branch, Ontario, then to Toronto university and then to Camp Borden. He had finished his flying instruction and was to make his first flight alone on the day of his fatal accident. A letter written on the Friday before his death told of his hopes to go across to France soon. The body was brought to Bloomington, accompanied by Air Me- chanic Eastwood of the .S9th Royal Flying Squadron of Canada. Funeral services were held at tlie First Methodist church, conducted by Rev. A. K. Byrns. The American and British flags were draped over the casket. The G. A. R. and Odd Fellows took part in the service. The body was taken to Scogin cemetery for burial. This funeral w^as the first of the many held in Bloomington with military honors during the two years of the war. ALFRED ROSS Alfred Ross of Heyworth, who had enlisted for service in the navy, fell a victim to influenza, dying at a hospital at Great Lakes, on Sept. 28, 1918. He had been sick about a week. He enlisted in the navy on July 6 of that year, and iirevious to being taken ill had submitted to three operations for the cure of slight physical defects. He was sta- tioned at Zion City rifle range when taken ill, and was removed to the 92 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULV U'AE base hospital. Alfred Eoss was born in Heyworth February 4, 1899. He attended the public schools at Heyworth and for several years worked in a grocery store there. Later he became a carrier for the Blooming- ton Bulletin. Besides his mother, Mrs. Alma Boss, he left four sisters. The body was brought to Heyworth, and funeral services held at the Presbyterian church, with burial at the Heyworth cemetery. MAURICE M. ROBERTS Maurice Musick Roberts, son of O. H. Roberts of Bloomington, was one of the })oys who went into the 8. A. T. C. of the Wesleyan, and died while in that form of service. His death occurred Oct. 17, 1918, l)eing caused by pneumonia following influ- enza. Young Roberts had entered the Wes- h'van university and had been formally inducted into the service of the Student Army Training Corps only four days before he was taken sick. Young Roberts was born at Mackinaw on March 3, 1900, and lived there until in July, 1918, when the family moved to Bloomington to give their son the advantage of education at the Wesleyan. He left his parents and one brother and four sisters. The funeral was held at the liome in this city on October 20, and the l)i>(ly was then taken to Mackinaw for burial. HOWARD RODMAN Having enlisted in the medical service with the army after under- going an operation to remedy a physical defect, Howard Rodman of Bloomington finally gave up his life for his countrv. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs.'O. O. Rodman of 708 East Bell street. He quit his em- ployment in the office of the Daily Pantagraph to enlist at the age of IS. His death occurred in the gov- ernment military hospital at Hobo- ken, N. J., on October 10, 1918. He had been sick some ten days with influenza, and his removal from Camp Dix to the hospital became necessary. His mother and sister Mildred went to his bedside a week before his death, but he afterward showed improvement and they re- turned home. A few days later came the news of his death. Howard Rodman was born in Old Town township, and was 19 years old at his death. He was educated in the schools at Downs and the Downs high school. He belonged to the Downs M. E. church. After coming to Bloomington he worked in the offices of various firms as bookkeeper, and resigned from the Pantagraph to go into the army. The body was McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB 93 brought to Bloomington, and the funeral held on October 16 at the home of the parents, and then to the M. P. church at Pleasant Grove in Old Town. The services were in charge of Eev. A. K. Byrns and Eev. I. W. Longenbaugh. A quartet composed of Misses Anna Curley and Bessie Dooley, James and Frank Dooley, rendered the music. Com- pany M furnished the escort, and Bugler Claude Carlock sounded "taps" over the grave. The burial was in the cemetery at Pleasant Grove. SERGT. WESLEY RUYLE In the casualty list of November 25, 1918, ap- peared the name of Sergt. Wesley Kuyle killed in action. Although the soldier's name was given from Chillieotlie, Ohio, yet he was in fact a young Bloomington man, for he had lived in this city all his life until two years before his death. Eeared at the Soldiers' Orphans' Home in Normal until 14 years of age, he afterward worked at different places in Bloomington, mostly in restaurants. He went to Ohio about 1915, and enlisted in Cleve- land, Sept. 1, 1917. After going through the usual training he was sent across as a member of head- quarters company of the 102d infantry. He was killed in the drive thru the Argonne in which the American forces under Gen. Pershing took part. The last letter received here told of his writing on paper captured from a dugout formerly occupied by the Germans ever since the opening of the war. When he occupied that dugout, it was on the American front, but when he was writing, it was far to the rear of the American ad- vance. Burial probably took place near where he fell. Wesley left his mother, Mrs. L. I. Mann of 1(505 South Center street, one brother and five sisters. He came from a lighting family, for his father was a ser- geant in the Tenth Missouri cavalry in the civil war, and he also had six uncles in the union ai'mv in the '60 's. HARRY B. RUSMISELL Harry Rusmisell of Stanford was a victim of pneumonia, his death occurring at a hospital at I.e Havre, France, on October 14. The word came to his father, Henry Rusmisell, on Nov. 10. Harry was a member of Co. E, 106th Engineers, being one of the 500 boys who went out of here in the draft contingent of June 25. After his preliminary training at Camp Wheeler, he was sent to Camp Mills, thence embarking for overseas service. The fatal disease overtook him before he had had time to get into the front line actions. Harry was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rusmisell of Stanford. He was born there Sept. IS, 1894, and grew up in the vicinity. He was engaged with his father in farming when he was called into the service. Harry was a member of the Presbyterian church, of the K. P. and the Odd Fellows and Woodmen. A letter written by Miss Sampson, a nurse at general hospital No. 2 at Casine, France, 94 McLEAN COUNTY AND TH E WOULD JVAB stated that Harry had been in the hospital only a few days; that he was sick when taken in, but the change for the worse came only the day before his death. He was buried at St. Marie cemetery, at Le Havre, and his grave marked with a wooden cross. Memorial services were held for him at the Presbyterian church at Stanford on Nov. 17, con- ducted by Eev. L. W. Madden. BENEDICT J. ROTH Private Benedict J. Roth, son of C. L. Roth, living two miles west of Chenoa, died of pneumonia in an army hospital at Camp Meucon, France, on January 4, 1919. The father was notified by letter from Private Roy J, Everts of the medical department of the 79th field artil- lery, who was attached to the hospital. Young Roth entered the hos- pital in November, was first taken seriously sick in December. Private Benedict J. Roth was born on a farm southwest of Chenoa on August 27, 1891. He graduated from the Chenoa high school in 1912 and later spent one year at the University of Illinois. After leaving school he assisted his father on the farm for a while, but two years before the war he accepted a position with the Payne Investment Company of Omaha, Neb., a land company, and acted as their agent at Lake Charles, La., until called to the service of his country. His father and three s'sters survive. He was a member of Chenoa lodge of Masons. The Chenoa Post of the American Legion is named for Ben Roth. EARL T. SMITH Earl T. Smith quit tlie position of sales manager for C. IT. Williams & Sons in Sep- tember, 1918, to enter the officers ' train- ing camp at Camp Taylor, Louisville, Ky. He was there only six weeks when he was a victim of influenza, followed by pneu- monia, from which he died Oct. 15. His sister was with him when he died. Earl Smith was born at Cooksville, and was a son of Robert T. Smith, for many years supervisor from Blue Mound, and chair- man of the county board. He was 22 years of age. He came to Bloomington when a young man and held positions in the Illinois Trust and Savings Co. and the L. M. S. Motor Company before going to Williams. He left his wife and three sisters. Hia father had died the previous April. WILLIAM AND MELVIN SAVAGE Two young men who were born at Downs and spent their earh' lives there, were victims of the war, since both died in the service of their country. They were William and Melvin Savage, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Savage. They went into the service from Newton, Kansas, where the family lived at the time of the war. William was in the navy, and on December 5, 1918, he was accidentally drowned when he fell over- board from the training ship Cleo, stationed at Hampton Roads. William had been in the navy for about a year when the fatal accident happeneil. On the day of the accident, some sailors in wrestling on the ship's deck had loosened a railing, which later gave way when young Savage leaned against it, and he was thrown into the waters of the bay. Although search was continued for several days after he fell overboard, the body was never recovered. He had previously been stationed at Great Lakes, where he made a record for expert marksmanship with rifle. Two weeks McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 95 \ prior to his death, he was sent to Newport News and put aboard one of the training ships. A brother, Thomas, went to Newport News to assist in the search, but returned without results. While the family at Newton, Kansas, was mourning the death of William, another son, Mel- vin, who went home from an army camp to offer comfort to his relatives, was taken sick and died from the influenza. Melvin had gone into tlie aviation corps some months before and was stationed at a camp at San Antonio, Texas, when he was called home by news of the death of his brother, William. The father of the brothers had died some years prior to the war; the mother and two brothers, John and Thomas, survive. William was about 23 years of age, and Melvin about 28. The family had relatives in Downs and Bloomington. GEORGE R. SIMONS George R. Simons, of Normal, gave up his life in the service, for he died of pneu- monia in a hospital in France on October 9, 1918. According to information received by the parents, he entered the hospital at Brest on October 2, and in spite of all that could be done for him, the end came on the 9th. The body was buried in the American section of the cemetery at Lambexellec, and services were conducted by Chaplain Yates, with an escort of American soldiers in attendance and •a Red Cross woman representing the family. The site of the grave overlooked the city of Brest and the sea beyond. George Simons was the son of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Simons of Normal. He was 20 years of age and had lived in Bloomington all Ins life. He worked ' ', ^ at one time for the Pantagraph Printing and " Stationery Comjjany, and was with an elec- trical contracting firm just before he went into the service. His parents and one brother, Frank, survived. He was a member of the Baptist church. JOHN E. SOHRECK Gridley township contributed more than I ' one of her sons to the honor roll of the sol- ^ /'„ diers who gave their life in their war. One of these was John E. Schreck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schreck, who died of pneu- monia at Camp Sheridan, in Alabama, on Oc- tober 20, 1918. This young man left this county on May 31 of that year, going with a contingent of draft men to Camp Sheri- dan. He submitted to the drills and ordinary camp life for the months of the summer and fall. When the wave of influenza was at its lieight, he fell a victim to the disease, and then when pneumonia set in his vitality suc- cumbed and he died. The body was brought back to Gridley, and the funeral services were held on October 27, when due military honors were paid to the young soldier. One of his comrades from the camp accompanied the body. The burial took place at the Waldo cemetery, north of Gridlej'. Young Schreck was about 31 years of age and had spent his life on a farm in Gridley township. His parents and one brother, Gottfried, were the surviving relatives. 96 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE TVOBLD WAB ^ TEED SKINNER Fred Skinner died in a hospital at Glas- gow, Scotland, in October, 1918, where he was taken soon after he landed from the ship on W'hich he embarked for service overseas. The news of his death came on November 10 to a brother, John E. Skin- ner, who lived on rural route No. 2 out of Normal. The word came from a com- rade of Fred in the hospital before it was officially announced by the war depart- ment. Fred was one of the draft con- tingent which left here on June 25, 1918, and was taken into the 106th Engineers. Several of that contingent suffered fatal attacks of influenza and pneumonia after embarkation. The burial of Skinner took ])lace in the cemetery attached to the Glasgow hospital. EARL SPENCER Earl Spencer, son of Herschel Spencer, former McLean county people, died from wounds received in action on September 25, 1918. He had entered the service just seven months prior to the date of his death, going from Stillwater, Oklahoma, where tlie family then lived. He had been an instructor in agriculture in the high school of his home town before he went into service. The young man left several relatives in Dawson township. SERGT. JESSE G. SPENCE Sergt. Jesse G. Spence, son of Mrs. Bertha ,,,.,. . , Spence of 1201 West Seminary avenue, mem- ber of the U. S. Marine Corps, died on Jan- i uary 26, 1919, at Quantico, Va., following a [ brief illness w'ith pneumonia. He was born \ October 31, 1893, at Fairbury. When three ! years of age the family moved to Cooksville, ■ and a year later moved to this city. He f resided on the west side until he was eighteen t years of age. Shortly after he enlisted in the \ regular army. After one enlistment in tlie • army he returned to his home here, and later [ enlisted in the marines. While in the marines he was made a corporal. For some time he was on special duty as a military policeman in the Island of Haiti, W^est Indies. After leaving that place he was made a first ser- geant. He returned to this country in January, 1919, from Europe to enter an officers' training school for a lieutenancy. He was taken ill Tuesday, January 21, and was sent to the hospital. Death came a few days later. His mother arrived at Quantico a few hours after her son's death. The body was brought to Bloomington for burial, and the funeral services were held on February 17. The services were held in Beck 's chapel, with Rev. Edgar DeWitt Jones in charge. It w^as a double funeral, services being held at the same time for Herbert H. Holman, a sailor, who was killed in an accident in Queenstown, and whose body was lirought liome for burial. Miss Ethel Gulick sang McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 97 at the funeral. Capt. Burr Crigler, Capt. Eoy Dillon and Lieut. Swine- hart were honorary pall bearers for Sergt. Spence. The interment was held at Park Hill cemetery, where 1,000 people assembled for the im- pressive service, with taps sounded by Bugler Claud Carlock and the last salute by a firing squad from Company M. These interments marked the formal dedication of the soldiers' lot in the Park Hill cemetery. EDMUND W. SUTHERLAND Edmund W. Sutherland, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Sutherland of Bloomington, was one of the victims of the influenza which swept over the country and carried off many young men in the army camps during the fall of 1918. Young Sutherland died at Camp Grant on the evening of October 7, from heart diesase. The father had been at the young man's bedside two days before death came. Edmund had been at Camp Grant only five weeks, going to the camp with a con- tingent of draft men the first week in Septem- ber. He left his home in fine spirits and the best of health. He entered the work of and discipline of the camp with a patriotic ardor born of his high sense of honor and his love of country. When the influenza struck him down, it did its fatal work quickly, and he was ill a comparatively short time. Edmund W. Sutherland was born in Bloomington April 23, 1895. He obtained his early education in this city, attending the Jefferson school; the Wesleyan academy and law school. He then took a post-graduate course in the University of South Dakota, and after passing the state bar examination entered ujjon the practice of law with his father, under the firm name of Sutherland & Sutherland, with offices in the Peoples Bank building. He was married December 8, 1917, to Miss Pearl Kneale, of Kempton, who survives. He leaves besides the mother and father, one brother, Harlow Sutherland, and two sisters, Mildred and Hazel, all at home; and an uncle, Allen Brown, of Normal. Since his marriage he had lived at 305 North Linden street, Normal. He attended the Second Presbyterian church; was a member of the Delta Theta Law Fraternity of the University of South Dakota, and was also a member of the T. K. E. Fraternity of the Illinois Wesleyan University. The body was brought to Bloomington, and the funeral was held on October 11, at the home of the parents, 406 East Monroe street, in charge of Dr. J. N. Elliott, assisted by Eev. Lloyd S. Ruland, who was then acting pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, of which Edmund was a member. Mrs. Hal M. Stone sang "In Flanders Field." Fine floral' tributes were sent by the McLean County Bar Association, the Illinois Club, the fraternities of the Wesleyan Law School, and the Modern Woodmen, besides many individuals. Members of Company M acted as pallbearers, as follows: Lyle Northrup, Philip Wood, Homer English, George Harris, Bert Johnson, and Lyle Straight. A squad from Com- pany M fired a salute over the grave in Bloomington cemetery, and "taps" was sounded by the company bugler. A few weeks later, the McLean County Bar Association held me- morial services in honor of Mr. Sutherland, and he was eulogized as one of the most promising younger members of the bar. 98 McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOELD WAB The burial took place i CLAYTON SHOLTY Clayton Sholty, son of W. L. Sholty of 1208 East Grove street, died at Jeffer- son barracks on February 10, 1918. He caught cold from the unprotected condi- tion of the sleeping quarters at the bar- racks, and fell a victim to pneumonia. In an effort to relieve him, physicians operated and removed a part of one rib. His mother was with him during his sick- ness, nntil she became exhausted, when she returned home and the father took her place at the bedside. He was there to the end. Young Sholty enlisted in Bloomington on December 6, 1917, and went at once to Jefferson barracks. He was born April 1, 1892. His parents and one sister, Bliss, survive. He was a member of the First Presbyterian church. Tlie body was brought to Bloomington, and funeral services held on Feljruary 13. Services were held at the home of the parents, conducted by Eev. Fayette E. Vernon of the First Presbyterian church, of which deceased was a member. Eev. Mr. Vernon read two of the favorite hymns of the young man. The casket was banked with a profusion of flowers, n Park Hill cemetery. ARCHIE F. STEWART Although Archie F. Stewart of this county died on September 26, 1918, no word of his death was received by relatives in this city or county until October 31, and the first intimation of his fate was by means of a postal card received by his uncle, Clark E. Stewart, written by Sergt. Grover O. Jenkins, whose home was in Decatur. This postal card was sent from Scotland, and stated that eleven members of the band of the 106th Engineers had died from influenza on the ship going across or in hospitals on the other side, and that two of the dead had been buried at sea. It was not until November 21 that official notification from the war department of Archie's death came to Bruce A. Stewart of Randolph, his father. In this official noti- fication it was stated that death occurred on Sept. 26. The influenza was raging at its height at the time the 106th Engineers were at Camp Mills and during the time they made their voyage. Several of the members of that regiment from this county were among the victims of the disease either at the camp or on the voyage. Archie P. Stewart was 29 years of age, and was the son of B. A. Stewart, who lived nine miles south of Heyworth on a farm. Archie lived there with his father until he was called to the colors with the draft contingent which left this county on June 25. When he was McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 99 in Camp Wheeler, being a fine clarinet player, he was selected as one of the musicians in the regimental band. He went to Camp Mills after Camp Wheeler, and the latter part of September set sail on the voyage which ended in his death at sea. His father survived, and also his brother, John, who was at Camp Taylor when Archie 's death occurred. There were also Margaret, Clifford and Herbert at home. Memorial services in honor of Arcliie Stewart were held at the Presbyterian church at Heyworth on November 24, conducted by Eev. Mr. Elges, assisted by Rev. Evans and Eev. Keller of the other Heyworth churches. The brother, Sergt. John Stewart, from Camp Taylor, came home to attend the services. There was a large turn-out of friends of the dead soldier and his family. WALTER C. SEEGER It was a sad Christmas day in 1918 at the home of William C. F. Seeger of (iOl West Grove street, Bloomington, for two days before they received word that their son, Walter C. Seeger, had died in France from wounds received in action. October 15 was given as the date of the battle, but Walter lingered for some time after he was wounded, deafh taking place on Octo- ber 17, and the war department having sent out oflficial word on December 23. Walter was with Company M, 32()th In- fantry, part of the 82d Division. He served eight months in France, six months of which he had been in or near the front. He was assigned as a battalion runner, and while serving in that capacity he was hit. His grave was numbered 125 in Section L, plat 3 at the American cemetery located at Les Islettes, department of the Meuse. Walter C. Seeger went out of Bloomington witli the first draft contingent, Sept. 10, 1917. He first went to Camp Dodge, thence to Camp Gordon, where he was absorbed into the 32(ith infantry and S2nd division. During a furlough from Camp Dodge, on Dec. 27, 1917, he was married to Miss Fern Snedaker, the ceremony taking place in Peoria. His wife, his parents, two brothers, Carl and Fred, and one sister, Frieda, were the surviving relatives. Wal- ter was a member of the I.utlieran church, also of Wade Barney lodge of Masons, and of the order of Eagles. He was educated in the Lutheran school, learned the trade of a pressman, and at the time of his entry into the service was employed at the Pantagraph Printing and Stationery Comi)any. Memorial services for him were held at the Trinity Lutheran eliurch a few weeks after his death was officially reported. SERGT. DAVID B. STEVENSON Sergt. David B. Stevenson, a j'oung colored soldier of Bloomington, was killed in action November 4, 1918, in France. His stepfather, Abe Stevenson, received word on Dec. 5 in a message from the war depart- ment. Dave Stevenson was a soldier of the 370th infantry and had been in France since March, 1918. He was well known in Bloomington, having lived here for many years. During the few years before the war he had resided in Chicago, where he enlisted in July, 1917. Steven- son was born in Cobden, 111., Oct. 21, 1883. He was married at Houston, 100 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAE Texas in 1917. He left his mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Stevenson, two sisters, Mrs. Lena Hunter and Mrs. Clara Griggsby and a brother, Clarence, all of Bloomington, a brother, Abe Stevenson in Ohio and a brother Koy with the American Expeditionary Forces in France. The post of American Legion composed of colored soldiers was named Lewis Stevenson post, in honor of David Stevenson and of Capt. Lewis, another man of the 370th who met death in France. CHARLES r. SMITH Mrs. Ira Ledbetter of Gridley received word on October 15, 1918, of the death of her nephew, Charles F. Smith, formerly of Gridley, who died in France from wounds received in action. The young man was 22 years of age. He had enlisted in February, 191S, and after the usual preliminary training in camps in tliis country was sent across in June. He soon got into the fighting, and received the wounds which resulted in his death. WILLIAM STROH William A. Stroh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stroh, residents of Anchor township, was one of the many victims of the wave of influenza in the fall of 1918. He was one of the 565 young men who left McLean county on the 25th of June, 1918. He went with the boys to Camp Wheeler, where he began his military training as a member of Company L of the 123rd infantry. The regiment remained at Camp Wheeler until the latter part of September, when it was transferred to Camp Mills, Long Island. His company was placed in the 31st division and was about ready to sail for France, when young Stroh was seized with influenza, which developed into pneumonia, and death followed on October 18. The body was sent to the home in Anchor township, and the funeral held on October 26. Full mili- tary honors were accorded. The Gibson City and the Anchor Home Guards turned out and furnished a firing squad for the last salute. The burial was at St. John 's cemetery near Anchor. William Stroh was born on a farm near Anchor April 18, ,1891, and lived all his life on a farm. In 1912 he started farming for himself, and continued until he left for service in the army. CHRIS STREENZ One of the victims of the influenza from this city was Chris Streenz, son of Fred Streenz, whose home was eight miles southeast of the city, on the Abe Livingston farm. He was stricken down with the disease Oct. 9, 1918, while located in a camp in Texas, and died on the 18th. He was born in this county on August 10, 189-4, at Towanda. He grew up on the farm, and was called to the colors in June, 1918, and after a short period at Jefi'erson Barracks he was sent to Fort Sam Houston in Texas. The body was brought to Bloomington, and the funeral serv- McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAE 101 ices were held at the funeral parlors of Ferd Flinspach on October 24. Rev. H. K. Krughoff of the Halem Methodist church had charge. The burial was at Park Hill cemetery, and the following acted as pallbearers: Fred Schwartz, Ray Heintz, Charles Thomas, Bert Howes, John Pock- envitz and Edward 8treenz. The young man left his parents, four brothers and three sisters. HARLEY B. SALZMAN The first McLean county soldier to give up his life in France was Harley B. Salzman, who died of embolism in a military hospital at La Courtain on January 25, 1918. Young Salzman had lived at Carlock when growing into boyhood and young manhood, and had spent the whole of his life in McLean county up to two years before the war, when the family removed to North Dakota. In July, 1917, he enlisted in the Sec- ond North Dakota regiment, be- ing at that time 19 years of age. The regiment was sent in August to Camp Greene, North Carolina, and was there broken up and Salzman was assigned to the 116th Sanitary train, 164 Ambu- lance corps of the 41st division. In September the unit was moved to Camp Mills, and some time in the following December embarked for Liverpool, where they landed on Christmas day. The stay was short in England, and the regiment landed at LeHavre, France, on Year's day of 1918. The next move was to the French camp at La tain, where young Salzman was taken sick and died on the date tioned. The body is buried in a military cemetery at that place. New Cour- men- ELMER STEFFEN Elmer Steffen, son of Albert Steffen of Cropsey, died on February 21, 1919, soon after he had received his discharge from the service and returned home to Cropsey. His death was caused by pneumonia. He went to a camp in the fall of 1918 and served there till the close of the war. He was 23 years of age. LIEUT. CLARENCE W. SMITH In the official casualty list of June 23, 1918, appeared the name of Clarence W. Smith, first lieutenant of Marines, who was killed in battle in France. This young man was a son of G. M. Smith, who at the time of the son's death was managing a garage on North Center street in Bloomington. He had formerly lived in Decatur, and there the young man was born and grew up. He graduated from the Decatur high school, won a scholarship at the University, and became a prominent student at that institution. He was soloist in the university glee club and man- ager of the Star lecture course. He received a strong recommendation from President James when he enlisted in the Marines, and this led to 102 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB his winning a lieutenancy. He was acting captain when he entered liis last battle. He had been in France since September, 1917, and died fighting along the valley of the Marne, where the Americans stopped the last German drive. ALVA H. SMITH Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Smith of Car- lock received a message from the war department December IS, 1918, conveying the sad news of the death of their son, Alva Harold Simth, on October 29, in a military hospital at Liverpool, England. Private Alva H. Smith was taken sick with influenza on the transport and was placed in the hospital for treatment. Two letters dictated by liim on October 27 stated he was im- proving daily, so that death came rather unexpectedly. Alva Harold Smith was born near Carloek, April 5, 189(i, where he grew to manhood. He attended the Car- lock grade school and later the Car- lock community high school for three years. He entered the Urbana high scliool for fourth year 's work, grad- uating from that institution June, 1916. In the spring of 1917 he took charge of the farm. A year later, knowing the he would be called to service, he disposed of his farming property. On May 29, 1918, he went out with a draft contingent to Camp Shelby, Hattiesburg, Miss. His ability as a musician soon secured for him a position in the 150th infantry band, which position he held at the time of his death. His parents and one brother, Vernon, survive. HERBERT SCHROEDER Herbert Scliroeder, formerly of tiiis city, died at Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore in October, 1918, the result of i)neumonia. He had gone to Baltimore to work in the ship yards when he was taken down with his fatal illness. Herbert was born in this city April 16, 1901. His parents died Avhen he was young, and he made his home with his grandfather, Eobert Maddux. He left one brother, Robert Schroeder, who was with the army in France, and two aunts, Mrs. M. L. Maddux of Bloomington and Mrs. Amelia Margraf in California, and an uncle, John Schroeder in Peoria. The body was brought to Bloomington for burial, and the funeral was held from the home of the aunt, Mrs. Maddux, on January 24. Rev. I. W. Longenbaugh of the Second United Brethren church was in charge of the services, and the burial was held in the Bloomington cemetery. GEORGE STRAYER George Strayer died while in the service of the government and doing his part to win the war, although not in the actual fighting forces. While working in the ship yards at Philadelphia he was a victim of pneumonia, and expired Oct. 12, 1918. He had been there since June, prior to which time he was in business with his brother Frank at the McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WORLD WAR 103 Harlan cigar store in Bloomington. He was a tinsmith by trade, and in that capacity was employed at the ship yards. Mr. Strayer was born Nov. 9, 1889, and was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Strayer. He grew up in Bloomington. He was married to Miss Etta Jones, daughter of Ward Jones of Towanda. The wife and one little son survived; also his mother, Mrs. Alice Strayer, and two brothers, Frank of this city and Charles D., of Chicago, and one sister, Mrs. Clarence Deetz. The body was brought back to Bloomington and the funeral and burial were held here. LEO SHERBURN Engineer C. Elmer Sherburn of the Alton road received word in October, 1918, that his son, Leo, had died in France from wounds re- ceived in action. His death was reported to have occurred on October 2. Leo Sherburn spent his earlier life in Bloomington, having worked in the Alton shops here and acted as substitute fireman in the city de- partment at engine house No. 3. He was familiarly known as "sport." He was 27 years of age, and a fine specimen of physical examination, having passed the third best examination in a barracks among 4,000 men. When the family left Bloomington for East St. Louis, Leo secured a position as engineer for the Missouri Pacific road, where he was work- ing when he enlisted for the war. His parents and one sister survive. CHARLES SCHAWADER Mrs. Emma Eekker of 1004 South Livingston street, Bloomington, received word in November, 1918, that her son, Charles Schawader, had died from injuries received in an accident in France while in the military service. The family had resided in Bloomington only a short time, and the young man went out in a draft contingent in the spring of 1918. He was in France several months before his fatal accident. FRANK M. THOENNES The 106th Engineers of the 31st division set sail for the other side during the tieighth of the influenza e[>idemic of the fall of 1918. Conse- quently several of its members fell victims to the disease, and one of these was Frank M. Thoennes, mem- ber of the regimental band of the 10()th. Frank was a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Thoennes of South Allin street, Bloomington. He went out of this county with the June draft con- tingent, was trained at Camp Wheeler, and sailed for England in September. On arrival at Glasgow, Scotland, he and a number of other members of the regiment were taken to a hospital suffering with pneumonia, where on October 9 he died. The parents re- ceived a letter from the Red Cross telling of the funeral in which Frank was given military honors. An Amer- ican chaplain read scripture. The burial was in the Craighton cemetery near the hospital. Frank Thoennes was born at Lafayette, Ind., Septem- 104 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE JVOELD il'AE ber 17, 1891, but lived most of his life in Bloomington. After attaining young manhood he was employed as clerk in the Bloomington postoffice. He was a player of French horn in the Bloomington band, and was noted for his musical talent. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus, of the Bt. Aloysius society of 8t. Mary's church, of the 8t. Elmo club and the Catholic Order of Foresters. He was a member of Post L, T. P. A., and his was one of the two gold stars in the honor roll of the post. He left his parents and the following brothers and sisters: John of Kansas City; Otto M., who served in a naval band in the war; Louis, Paul, Claire and Irene, at home; Mrs. Tony Ulbrich and Mrs. John Kelly of Bloomington; Lela, in Washington, and Joseph Thoennes of Bloom- ington. On November 18 there was held at St. Mary's church in Bloom- ington a memorial service for Musician Thoennes, at which a large concourse of friends assembled. The occasion was one of great solemnity. An improvised bier draped with the American flag was shown, and the service flag with its star of gold shown from the midst of a wreath of autumn leaves was another impressive feature. Father Julius had charge of the mass, and spoke in fitting terms of the life which had been given for the nation. VAN TODD It was ten months after his death that the parents of Van Todd of Danvers first learned of his death. After the battle of Sept. 27, 1918, in which the American forces were driving the Germans back thru the Argonne toward the Meuse, Todd was reported missing. No furtlier word was reported concerning him until July. 1919, when the war de- partment gave out his name among those killed in action. It is pre- sumed that he met his death on the date that he was reported missing. He was the son of Price Todd of Danvers. He left this county in April, 1918, going with a contingent to Camp Dodge. He went to France the same summer, arriving there July 4 as a soldier of the 358th infantry. His regiment got into action within a few weeks afterward and followed the fortunes of Gen. Pershing's command tliru the Argonne. Van left besides his parents, one brother, Cecil, and one sister, Edith, of Danvers. ALVA ROY ULMER One of the young men from Anchor township who gave up his life in the world war was Alva Roy Ulmer, who died on October 21, 1918, 'at Camp Mills, where he had oeen sent preparatory to making the journey across to take his part with the actual fighting forces of America. Young Ulmer was a son of George Ulmor, who farmed in Anchor township. He went out of here with the draft contingent of June 25, and went to Camp Wheeler, where he received the preliminary training. He was sent to Camp Mills in tSeptember. About the middle of October the family were notified of the serious illness of the young man, and a brother, George, and a brother-in-law, George HulTnian, went to the camp to be with him. Some time after his death a sister, Miss Vera Ulmer, received a letter from Miss Elsa Killers, the nurse who attended him, in which she enclosed a letter written by Alva to his sister, which the nurse found under his M CLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 105 pillow after he was dead. The nurse wrote that his death was painless. Alva Eoy Ulmer was born January 11, 1891, on the father's farm near Arrowsmith. Later the family moved to Anchor township. He was brought up in the local schools and received pastoral instruction. He left his parents, seven sisters and two brothers. The body was brought to Colfax for burial, and a funeral was held with military honors, the Anchor Home Guards forming an escort of honor. REMI VEREECKE Eemi Vereecke, a young soldier who had been in the service only a few weeks, fell a victim to the influenza at Camp tSevier, S. C, on October 25, 1918. He had gone from Davenport on Oct. 5 with a com- pany of limited service men. The day before he left he was married to Mrs. Ella Morris, who came to Bloomington to make her home with Mrs. Fannie Hinshaw, sister of the soklier. Young Vereecke was a native of Belgium. The body was brought to Bloomington for burial and the funeral held from Mrs. Hinshaw 's home, with the burial in the Bloomington cemetery. GEORGE GRAY WHEELOCK One of the boys from McLean who died in the service was George Gray Wheelock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarendon Wheeloek, who expired from influenza on Sept. 30, 1918, at Camp Grant. He had been ill a week, and his brother Charles was with him at death. Young Gray was born at McLean Jan. 5, 1892. He grad- uated from the high school of his native town in 1911. On Sept. 3, 1918, he went to Camp Grant with a draft contingent, and was assigned to Co. B, Fifth Limited Service. It is an interesting coincidence that just 57 years before, to the very day, Gray's father left home to enter military service during the Civil war. Both father and son were in their 27th j^ear at the time of entering the service. Gray was survived by his mother, two sisters, Mrs. Frank Kinsey and Miss Carrie Wheelock, and one brother, Mr. Charles Wheelock; also three nephews, Harold, Clarendon and Whitney Kinsey. Accompanied by Private Ehinehart J. Swanson from Camp Grant, the body was taken to McLean, where the funeral was held. The house and yard were filled with friends. The service was in charge of Eev. Thrall, and burial in McLean cemetery. MAURICE WAKEFIELD While pursuing his studies as a member of the Student Army Train- ing Corps at the Iowa Agricultural college at Ames, Maurice Wakefield of Heyworth fell a victim of influenza and died on October 12, 1918. He was a son of Dr. F. L. Wakefield, one of the prominent physicians of the county living at Heyworth. The young man was a little less than 21 years of age, his majority birthday falling in December, 1918. He was educated in the Heyworth schools and for a time attended Lake Forest. He was in his second year at the college at Ames when 105 McLEAN COUMY AMD THE WOULD WAR he was stricken down. He left his father, his step-mother and two sisters, Mrs. Harvey Mostoller of Saybrook and Marie Wakefield at home. The body was brought to Heyworth and funeral services held at the Presbyterian church, with burial in the Heyworth cemetery. RUDOLPH D. WATT Rudolph D. Watt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Watt of Leroy, died in France three months after the war had officially closed. His death occurred on January 19, 1919, but his people did not hear of it until about the first of February. Pulmonary tuberculosis was given as the cause. A Red Cross message to his relatives sent from base hospital No. 52 in France on De- cember 27, 1918, told of his serious sick- ness. The last letter his people received from him was dated December 8. Young Watt was a member of Company B, 338th infantry, S4th division, and had been in France from (September 12, 1918. He was born at Leroy September 13, 1890, and grew up there. He left high school before time of his graduation, and learned the trade of a barber. He worked at Hey- worth, Minonk, and then went to Indian- apolis, where he was married January 23, 1917, to Thelma Corbin of Rutland. He left his parents, his wife, and four sisters and three brothers. One brother Rupert, was in Siberia during the war with the 27th infantry. Young Watts was an attendant at the Presbyterian church when he was a young man in Leroy, and once received a diamond pin for faithful attendance. CLARENCE WEAKLEY After going to France and performing his full duty as a soldier, it fell to the fate of Clarence Weakley of Lexington to die on home shores after he had landed enroute home. His death occurred on January 19, 1919, in debarkation hospital No. 3 at Hoboken, New Jersey. The news of his death came as a great shock to his father, Thomas J. Weakley at Lexington for when had last heard from his son the soldier boy was in France and well and hearty. It seems that he was taken sick on the return voyage, influenza going into double pneumonia, resulting in death after he was taken to the debarkation hospital. The body was brought home to Lexington, where military funeral services were held on January 23 at the U. B. church. The burial was at Lexington cemtery. Clar- ence Weakley was born at Lexington in 1893. He lived on his father's farm all his life until he was called to the colors. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE JVOBLD WAR 107 leaving Bloomington with tlie draft contingent of June 25, 191S, to Camp Wlieeler. After his training, he went overseas in October. He was with Company C, 49tli infantry. Young Weakley was a member of the U. B. church and of the Modern Woodmen. LOUIS WEILER Louis Weiler of Bloomingten died at Norfolk, Va., on December 15, 1918, but his relatives hero did not hear of his death until May, 1919. Not hearing from him for many months, they instituted a searcli, and learned of his death from pneumonia. He left Bloomington in October to enter the merchant marine, and was stationed at Norfolk when he was taken sick. He was born in Bloomington January 15, 1S99, and on attaining young manhood entered the Alton boiler shops. Afterward he worked on Frank Bane's farm near Say- ])ro<)k. Young Weiler was a member of 8t. Patrick 's church and of the Modern Woodmen. He left the following brothers and sisters: Charles, Eobert, Marguerite and Mrs. Frances Hougham of Blooming- ton. EDWIN WENDELL A young man who formerly lived on a farm west of Bloomington and grew to young manhood tliere, was one of the soldiers who lost his life in the glorious action of the American Marine Corps at the Marne river in France in June, 1918. He was Edwin Wendell, whose family lived on a farm on West Market street road until their removal to Bruelle, Mo., some ten years ago. The young man was working in Peoria when the war came on, and lie enlisted in the Marine Corps. He w^as in the marine brigade of the First Division whicli took part in the battle at Chateau Thierry on June 7, 1918, when he was hit and fatally wounded. He died shortly afterward and was buried on the field near where he fell. Young Wendell was 23 years of age. In April, 1919, the teacher and juipils of Little Brick scliool, west of the city, lield a ceremony in the ])lanting of a tree in the seliool grounds in memory of the young soldier from that neighborhood who gave his life for his country. GUS WILLIAMS Gus Williams, a soldier of the .370th infantry, colored regiment, was killed in action during the period between Sept. 2fi and Oct. 2, according to word received by his fatlier, Moses Williams of Bloom- ington on January 21. Young Williams before entering the service, was a cook at the Illinois hotel, where he was employed for seven years. He left Bloomington in June, 1917, and was a member of the old Eighth Illinois infantry. He was stationed for several months at Houston, Texas, and was sent overseas in April, 1918. Eelatives here last heard from him in a letter written July 20, 1918. Young Williams was 2(i years old. He was born in Jacksonville, 111., and came to Bloiunington with his ]iarents in 1900. Besides his father, he left four brothers: Jean, Harold, Howard and Melvin, and two sisters, Corrine Williams and Mrs. Ruth Sharp. He also left his grandmother, Mrs. Malinda Smith. A memorial service for Gus Williams was held at Mt. Pisgah Baptist church, when resolutions were adopted. 108 McLEAN COUNTY AND TIIK UOBLD WAB JOHN R. WILSON John E. Wilson, who left the county in the draft contingent of April 3, 1918, for Fort Wright, died on April 29, ac- cording to word received by his parents, S. A. Wilson and wife of Danvers. He was the first Danvers boy to give up his life in the service. After reaching camp he wrote his parents that he had mumps, and the next letter said he was better. On April 28 the family got word that he was seriously ill. John R. Wilson was born August 8, 1890, and lived all his life in Danvers. He worked for sev- eral years in a liverj'^ stable and thus had a wide acquaintance. His parents survived, with four sisters: Mrs. Belle Htahley of Leroy, Mrs. Elmer Otto and Mrs. Bessie Curry of Danvers and Mrs. Blanche McMullen of Arkansas. The body was brought to Danvers, and the funeral was held Sunday, May 5. Cor- poral Frank Wessell accompanied the body from Fort Wright. Services were held at the Presbyterian church, and fully 1,000 people attended. Rev. G. A. Wilson and Rev. L. C. Voss had charge of the service. The Order of Eagles attended from Bloom- ington. Interment was in Park Lawn cemetery near Danvers. Pall bearers were Yard Mussellman, Harry Strubhar, Alvin Hess, Lyle Sebastian, Christian Burmaster, and Wallace Musselman. HARRISON W. WHITE The first soldier who died after his return home, from tlie indirect effect of ailments contracted in the service, was Harrison W. White, who expired on January l-l, 1919, at the home of his brother, Alonzo White 14:04 West Locust street, in Bloomington. Death was due to heart disease, which he first developed while in the service. He was a member of the 3rd company, 164th depot brigade at Camp Funston. While there he was discharged for physical disability, and arrived home in August. He continued to grow worse until his death. Young White was formerly a fireman on the Alton road. He was 29 years old and was born at Sullivan, 111. His father, S. W. White, six brothers and one sister survived. The body was taken to Congerville for burial. JOHN T. WAKEFIELD While serving as chief electrician on the U. S. S. Maine, John T. Wakefield of Heyworth was taken sick with pneumonia and died on his ship on the Atlantic ocean when the vessel was near Portsmouth, Va. His death occurred on October 2, 1918. The body was brought ashore and prepared for shipment to his relatives at Heyworth. It arrived in due time and funeral services were held on October 9 in the Heyworth Presbyterian church, with burial in the Heyworth cemetery. The young sailor" was the son of J. C. Wakefield of Heyworth, and he was born at that place Feb. 8, 1897.- At the age of 10 'he united with the Presby- terian church. He attended the town schools and then Brown 's business college. Then he decided to make a specialty of electricity and attended an electrical school in Milwaukee in 1914-15. On Sept. 1, 1915, he went to Chicago and enlisted as recruit in the navy and was first assigned to the naval yards at Brooklyn. Later he was put on board the U. S. S. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB 109 Maine in charge of the electrical work of the ship. He showed a great proficiency in his work. The young man's father died ten years before the war. He left his mother, one brother, Dr. W. B. Wakefield, and one sister, Mrs. Eoy Potts of Pan a. HOWARD WILEY. Howard Wiley, son of Gilbert Wiley of Bloomington, died at the Great Lakes naval training station on October 8, 1918, from pneumonia following an attack of influenza. He liad enlisted in the naval service in the summer and liad been at the Great Lakes only a few weeks when he was taken sick. His parents were at the hospital when he died. Young Wiley was 22 years old. His father had long been connected with the Bell telephone system, first in the Bloomington office and then as manager of the Danvers exchange. The parents and one sister, Eunice, survived. The body of young Wiley was brought to Bloomington, and accorded full military honors at the funeral. Services were held at the Danvers Presbyterian church, and the Masons had their ritual. Burial was in Park Lawn cemetery, FRED P. WAMPLER Private Fred P. Wampler died on March 30, 1918, at Fort Riley, Kansas, of pneumonia. His body was brought to Arrowsmith, former home of the family, and buried there. His father and Lieut. George W. Barr accompanied the body from Camji Funston for the funeral. The service was held from the home of John Bunn, conducted by Rev. Carlberg. Full military honors were given, the Saybrook Home guards being an escort of honor. The young soldier was a son of H. M. Wampler, who removed to Oklahoma some years before the war. Fred was em- ployed in Des Moines when his call to service came, and he was sent to Camp Funston. When he was taken sick, he was sent to hospital at Fort Riley. He was 25 years of age. WARREN K. WEBBER Warren K. Webber died at a hospital in Washington on Oct. 15, 1918, after a brief illness with pneumonia following influenza. He had been in Washington for some months employed in the filing department of the adjutant general's office. He enlisted for military service on Sept. 13 of that year, but had not been called to the colors nor supplied with uniform. Warren K. Webber was born at Arrowsmith on May 21, 1891. He grew up at that j'lace and entered business as manager of the Arrowsmith Concrete Tool company, which business he continued until he entered the government employ in February, 1918. He left his mother, Mrs. Nettie Webber, and one sister and three brothers. The body was brought to Arrowsmith, where funeral services were held at his home on October 20 in charge of Rev. A. W. Carlberg. The interment took place at the Frankeberger cemetery near Ellsworth. 110 McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOELD WAR ^ '^^W'W^ ■ ^ CHAELES T. WITT Charles Theodore Witt was one of tho three sons of H. S. Witt of Arrowsmith who were in the service in the war, and the only one who gave up his life. He went out in the big draft contingent of June, 1918, and after a course of training at Camp Wheeler, he was sent to Camp Mills. He had reached the grade of cor- poral in Company I of tlie 123rd infantry. While at Camp Mills waiting to go over- seas, he was stricken with influenza, and after about ten days' illness he died on Oct. 10. Charles T. Witt was born at Lost Creek, Tenn., on Feb. 14, 1896. The family moved to Arrowsmith several years before the war. He was one of ten chil- dren. One brother, Artec, was in France, and another brother, Dewey Witt, was in the Panama canal zone in the war. The other children lived at home with their parents. The body was brought back to Arrowsmith, and there on October 1(5 the funeral service was held from the Chris- tian church, conducted by Eev. A. R. Carl- burg. The interment took place in the Stij)]) cemetery. SERGT. EDWIN D. WALTMAN Word reached relatives on Sept. 19, 1918, of the death of Sergt. Edwin D. Waltman, formerly of McLean, he having been killed in action on July 19. He was in Co. C, Second Engineers, part of the First division which took part in the battles of the Marne in June and July of that year and definitely put an end to the last of the great German offensives. The young man was born in Mt. Hope township' on July 2, 1898. The family moved to Colorado in 1908. Edwin enlisted in the army in 1913, and served two years in the I'hilijipines. After returning, he served with the regulars on the Mexican border, and in September, 1917, his regiment went to France. He left surviving his parents and two sisters living in Colorado. He had many acquaintances in Mcl^ean and vicinity. In a letter written to the mother of the soldier, Mrs. Lyman Walt- man, Lieut. George Knight of Company C describes the manner of Sergt. Waltman 's death, as follows: "He met his death on July 19, while we were holding the line in an open wheat field about one kilometer west of Vierzy and six kilometers south of Soissons, and his body is buried at this point. His death, which was practically instantaneous, was caused by a shell fragment at about 2 p. m. on the 19th. He was then acting as platoon sergeant of my platoon." THE BIVOUAC OF THE DEAD ' ' The muffled drum 's sad roll has beat The soldier's last tattoo; No more on life's parade shall meet That brave and fallen few. On Fame's eternal camping ground Their silent tents are spread And Glory guards with solemn round, The bivouac of the dead. ' ' McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 111 LEO VINCENT E:xposures and dangerous injuries while in service at the front were the cause of the death of Leo Vin- cent, altho his demise did not take place until April 12, 1920. He died on that date in Ehinebeck hospital in New York City, the indirect effect of having been gassed while serving with an ambulance com- pany of the U. 8. Marine corps in France. Leo was the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Vincent of 703 East Oakland avenue. Prior to the war he had studied with Eev. Wil- liam Baker of ISt. Matthews Epis- copal church with the intention of becoming a priest of that church. After his return from service he went to New York City to resume his studies. He had never fully recovered from the effects of the poison gas, and was finally taken down with tuberculosis of the spine from which he never recovered. His parents were with him when he died. Leo was 22 years of age. He left his parents and one brother, Herschel, living at Minier. The body was brought to Bloomington and the funeral services held here. JOHN M. REDD John M. Eedd, one of the young colored men who went out of Bloomington with the old Eight Illinois and was later taken into Co. K of the famous fighting .370th Infantry, was mortally wounded by shrapnel in action. He was left in a base hospital at Brest when his comrades of the 370th returned home, and later died of his wounds. The young wife of Private Redd died in Bloomington a few montlis afterward, her death possibly hastened by grief for her soldier liusband. THE WHITE CROSS BY SIDE OF THE MARNE Tliis is a picture of the cross over the grave of Edward Dwyer of Cooksville, who fell in battle as a lirivate in Company A, 5Sth infan- try, in one of the battles of August, 1918. It is typical of thousands of others marking the graves of Amer- ican dead in France. Scarce need that we their names enshrine In fadeless bronze, on deathless stone. For their proud record still will shine When all our sires and sons are gone. DRAFT BOARDS SENT 2000 MEN TO SERVICE The war had been in theoretical progress only for a few months, when the congress of the United States saw that some kind of a general military service law would become a necessity to summon the man power of the country to the call of duty. Not that the men of military age in the United States were lax in their sense of duty, but that it would be needful to supi^lant the volunteer service with a system of which would be uniform from one end of the country to another, and which make no discriminations among the men who were liable to this neces- sary duty. Accordingly the so-called draft law was passed by the con- gress in May, 1917, and the date of June 5, 1917, was set for the time when all the men of the nation between the ages of 21 and 31 should register in their respective homes as subject to military call. On the date mentioned, there were 5,800 young men registered in the various precincts of McLean county. The registration went off without a hitch. Men were stationed in the polling booth of each voting precinct of the county on that day, and the young men of the respective precincts came to the place and entered their names, ages, and various other facts sought by in the question blanks sent out by the war department. It is inter- esting to note the number of men registered at this time, and the facts which they made known to the board, all of which are revealed in the talih' of the registration compiled two days after the registration closed. Exemption No Claimed Exemption Total Bloomington No. 1 51 .23 74 Bloomingtou No. 2 19 36 55 Bloomington No. 3 55 44 99 Bloomington No. 4 61 33 94 Bloomington No. 5 72 36 108 Bloomington No. 62 43 107 Bloomington No. 7 65 28 93 Bloomington No. 8 53 32 87 Bloomington No. 9 37 25 62 Bloomington No. 10 15 24 39 Bloomington No. 11 30 41 71 Bloomington No. 12 44 53 97 Bloomington No. 13 43 32 75 Bloomington No. 14 63 19 82 Bloomington No. 15 43 21 64 Bloomington No. 16 57 22 79 Bloomington No. 17 25 40 65 Bloomington No. IS 34 36 70 Bloomington No. 19 33 18 51 Bloomington No. 20 35 36 71 Bloomington No. 21 38 37 75 Bloomington No. 22 47 34 80 Bloomington No. 23 26 44 70 Bloomington No. 24 52 47 99 Bloomington No. 25 24 25 49 Bloomington No. 26 42 23 65 Bloomington No. 27 49 27 76 Bloomington No. 28 51 33 84 Bloomington No. 29 53 24 77 Bloomington No. 30 31 26 57 Total city 1312 964 2276 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR 113 Mt. Hope No. 1 71 33 104 Mt. Hope No. 2 8 5 13 Allin 20 77 97 Danvers 49 56 105 Funk 's Grove 50 37 87 Dale 46 35 81 Dry Grove 36 33 69 White Oak 37 20 57 Randolph No. 1 47 47 94 Randolph No. 2 12 28 40 Bloomington township No. 1 48 35 83 Bloomington township No. 2 24 26 50 Hudson : 53 32 85 Normal No. 1 23 83 106 Normal No. 2 56 31 87 Normal No. 3 46 33 79 Normal No. 4 34 11 45 Downs No. 1 41 18 59 Downs No. 2 9 29 38 Old Town 52 25 77 Towanda No. 1 39 14 53 Towanda No. 2 24 8 32 Money Creek . . 60 Gridley 58 107 165 Empire No. 1 28 22 50 Empire No. 2 36 39 75 Empire No. 3 27 30 56 Dawson No. 1 42 20 63 Dawson No. 2 24 20 44 Blue Mound No. 1 38 19 57 Blue Mound No. 2 26 5 31 Lexington No. 1 16 30 46 Lexington No. 2 26 45 71 Lexington No. 3 21 25 46 Chenoa No. 1 24 24 48 Chenoa No. 2 35 44 79 Chenoa No. 3 47 19 81 West 58 41 88 Arrowsmith 51 37 95 Martin No. 1 36 22 73 Martin No. 2 35 20 56 Lawndale 48 36 71 Yates 47 34 82 Bellflower No. 1 9 55 102 Bellflower No. 2 51 8 17 Cheney's Grove No. 1 37 31 82 Cheney 's Grove No. 2 49 18 55 Anchor ' 12 33 82 Cropsey 11 26 37 Total townships 1717 1506 3303 Grand total 3029 2470 5579 The above table is only for white men. In the lists of colored men there was for the whole county one card of officer, 50 with dependent relatives, 2 occupational exemptions, a total of 53 claiming exemptions. There were 69 claiming no exemptions, a grand total of 122 colored men registered. Of the total of 3,029 who claimed exemption in the county, there were 6 who were public officers, 99 totally disabled, 2750 who had de- 114 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB McLEAN COUNTY EXEMPTION BOAED Isaac Murphy, No. 1 Chester E. Ewins, No. 1 Dr. B. F. Elfrink, No. 1 Mrs. E. A. Mott, Clerk No. 1 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR 115 pendent relatives, and 175 occupational exemptions. There were 89 alien listed, and 25 alien enemies. The next step in the process of securing men for the army under the operation of the draft law was to appoint a board in each county or district whose duty it should be to call all the registered young men before them for physical examination as to their fitness, and learn if there were any reasons why they should be exempted from military ser- vice when called. Tliis board of exemption, so-called, was named by the adjutant general's office of the state of Illinois. McLean county was divided into two districts, one including the city of Bloomington to- gether with Allin and Dale townships; the other district to include all of the county court; chairman of city board No. 2, Judge aSin Welty, including most of the country precincts was known as No. 1 and the city district No. 2. The personnel of the two boards api^ointed for these respective districts was as follows: Exemption Board No. 1 — Chairman, C. R. Ewins, of Dan vers; clerk, Dr. B. r. Elf rink, of Chciioa; Isaac Mur[)hy, of Leroy; chief clerk, Reube B. Prothero; assistant clerk, Mrs. Edward A. Mott; soldier member; John Farley; stenogra]iher, Miss Dorothy Mason. Exemption Board No. 2 — Chairman, Judge Colostin D. Myers, Bloom- ington; secretary, H. M. Murray, Bloomington; medical examiner, Dr. E. Mammen; chief clerk, Ral[)h Freese; assistant clerk, Miss Loretta Grady; soldier member, Thomas J. IShanahan. Local Advisory Board — Chairman of board No. 1, Judge J. C. Riley, of the country court; cliairman of city board No. 2, Judge Sain Welty, of the circuit court. Medical Advisory Board — Medical ndvisory board: Dr. B. F. Elf rink, of Chenoa; Dr. E. Mammen, of Bloomington; clerk, Walter P. Prenzler. Instruction Board — Board of instruction: Cajit. C. B. Hamilton, chair- man. These exemption boards were assigned rooms in the court house, and with their assistants were busy every week day during the war, and many times at niglit. It was their duty to keep on their waiting list a number of young men who had been examined and passed as subject to call, so that every time a call was issued from the adjutant general for a certain quota of men from either of these districts, the men would be ready and called at the designated date. Scenes around tlie rooms occupied by the exemption boards during the war were among the most touching connected with the military his- tory of the county. Every day lines of young men would be standing or sitting while waiting for the time of examination. Many of these were accompanied to the court house by their parents, and in some cases by their sweethearts or sisters. Parents would naturally be affected by the meaning of the process through which their sons were passing, and tears were shed by hundreds of the motliers and sometimes by the fathers as they watched their sons go through the examination. By the time the boards were discharged, they had examined literally thousands of young men and passed upon their liability to military ser- vice. At the close of the work of the boards, after the end of the war, the following summary of their work was issued: The local boards inducted and sent to camp a total of 1949 men. Of this number 1000 were from the country board of exemption board No. 1. Nine hundred and forty-nine men were inducted and sent to camp from city board No. 2. Board No. 1 — The following are the figures from board No. 1: Total registration, June 5, 1917 3070 Total registration, June 5, 1918 259 Total registration, Aug. 24, 1918 57 Total registration, Sept. 12, 191S 4311 Total registration 7703 116 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR McLEAN COUNTY EXEMPTION BOARD Dr. E. Mammen, No. 2 H. M. Murray, No. 2 Reuben Prothero, Clerk Board 1 Ralph Freese, Clerk No. 2 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAE 117 Of whicli 7675 were white and 28 colored. Class 2 in all registrations 148 Class 1 in all registrations 2141 Class 3 in all registrations 104 Class 4 in all registrations 2598 Class 5 in all registrations 91 Non-combatants 91 2347 claims were sent to the district board, most of which were agricultural claims. 1598 were physically examined, 291 of which were disqualified for general service on account of their physical conditions. 133 were held for limited service only. 1000 were inducted into the service 938 of which were sent to camps in various places over the entire United States. 62 were sent to various colleges in the students army training corps division. About TOO registrants voluntarily enlisted. Of course, there was a large number who voluntarily enlisted before they registered. The local board has no record of them. City Board No. 2 — The following figures give some idea of the vast amount of work accomplished by city board No. 1, which had juris- diction of all of the city of Bloomington, and Normal and Allin and Dale townships: The total number inducted and sent to camp was 949, and the total number of registrations was 7,876. Sent to Camp — Class of June, 1917: White, 704; colored, 28; total, 832 Class of June, 1918: White, 34; colored, 4; total, 38. 19 to 36 registrants: White, 53. 18-year-old registrants: White, 26. Total inducted and sent to camp, 940. The local boards were composed of men who were prominent in the business and professional life of the city and county. C. E. Ewins, of Danvers, chairman of board No. 1, was a member of the board of super- visors and is a prominent farmer and stockman, who has had much ex- perience in business atfairs. Dr. Elfrink, of Chenoa, clerk and medical examiner of this lioard and member of the medical advisory board, is one of tlie loading physicians of the county. Isaac Murphy, of West township, another member, is a farmer and stockman. He was one of the efficient workers of the board. Mr. Prothero, the chief clerk, was employed at tlie McLean county bank, and is most competent. Mrs. Edward A. Mott, Miss Dorothy Mason and Mr. Farley, employed with board No. 1 were all efficient in this line of work and all rendered val- ued service. Board No. 2 — C. D. Myers, chairman of board No. 2, was for many years judge of the circuit court. He was one of the most eminent jurists in centra] Illinois. Secretary H. M. Murray is a local attorney. He was a tireless worker and was on the job incessantly since the organiza- tion of the board. Dr. Mammen, one of Bloomington 's leading physicians, was examiner of this board and also a member of the legal advisory board. Mr. Freese, the chief clerk is a young Bloomington business man. He has had much experience in clerical work of varied character and he rendered valued service. Miss Grady, assistant clerk of the board, is to be classed among the valued attaches of the board. She has been a capable and tireless worker. Mr. Shanahan, the soldier member, was another etfieient worker. The personnel of both boards was all that could be desired and McLean county was to be complimented for their efficiency, their painstaking efforts, their courteous treatment and their patience. US McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAS o c ffl ■- o c: ^ ^^ -. be r- CC'o o prH *^ I i. O E ^ss^ 25 i— I H ?'. O H Cm -^ a S =3 U m ^ 3 c5-„ O ^ s g . ■•-^^ ^ yA o sti( t; Q >.? ' ;-! ■ ^ ^ o 1- " « C*=" ■fe:aa ,H » a O _pQ " P aj Oi t> a a=^^ a t- ce M 02-s ^ •: o r— ( _- Q; ^ ;Q o ^ ii I =^ 3 § -ti -e -^ rt > McLTiAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB 119 Capt. C. B. Hamilton, chairman of the board of instruction, gave valued instruction in drills, and in army tactics to young soldiers about to entrain for the camps. This department of work was created well along toward the finish of the war, but at any rate it was productive of excellent results. Personnel of lltli district medical advisory board internists: Drs. C. E. Chapin, W. E. Neiberger and L. B. Gavins, Bloomington; Frank C. Bowden, Pontiac; W. H. Miner, Farmer City; E. E. Sargent, Leroy. Tuberculosis — Dr. O. M. Ehodes, Bloomington. Surgeons— Drs. W. E. Guthrie, E. P. Sloan, E. B. Hart, G. B. Kelso of Bloomington; Dr. F. C. McCormick, Normal, and Dr. John D. Scouller, Pontiac. Eye, ear, nose and throat — Drs. E. D. Fox, F. H. Godfrey and J. W. Smith, Bloomington. Dentists — Drs. W. H. Land, S. B. Powers of Bloomington. Legal advisory board — James C. Eiley, E. E. Donnelly, E. L. Fleming, Sain Welty, Joseph W. Fifer, Louis FitzHenry, all of Bloomington. The send-off of the drafted contingents differed from time to time according to circumstances, but there were points of similarity in all these occasions. There was the assembly at the court house of the men called for entrainment; then a dinner or supper served free to the de- parting soldiers by the citizens of Bloomington; then some speeches, and finally the march to the train and the good-byes at the station. A para- graph from a newspaper description of one of these farewells, will serve to tell the salient points about all of them: "The spacious dining parlors of the Hills hotel were filled with soldier boys and members of their immediate families and as Judge Myers, Mayor Jones, and Ex-Governor Fifer voiced stirring sentiments and fond fare- wells on the part of the people of this community, — tears glistened on many an eye-lash. There was no effort, however, to say one word that had a tendency to discourage or sadden the hearts of any — in fact senti- ments of cheer and good will were voiced by the several speakers and the enthusiasm and patriotic spirit manifested was largely responsible for the hundreds of moist eyes in the assembly." Here are one or two characteristic sentences from one of the speeches of Gov. Fifer: ' ' And now my comrades, may the good God who presides over the destinies of nations, keep and preserve you; watch over you and return you to us a victorious army in the great cause of world wide democ- racy, is my earnest prayer. ' ' ' ' And now boys, go over there and get the Kaiser, and if you get there and find out that you can't get him — send for me." Here are some of the exclamations at the partings: "Good-byo mother, I'll write soon." "Good-bye Sallie, I'll not forget." "So long Tom, I'll remember you." "Good-bye mother, don't worry about me." "Good-bye Bessie, I'll send you a button from the Kaiser's coat." "Good-bye, when I get over there, there will a hot time in little ol' Berlin." "Good-bye mother, take care of Eover. " At the station the Bloomington band drew up in a circle and its leader, George Marton, mounted to the top of an engine tender close by and held a * * sing. ' ' Several of the popular patriotic airs were sung with band accompaniment and cheer upon cheer given by the crowd during the intervals. As the long train moved out, there was a profuse waving of hats and handkerchiefs and a cheering until the train was enveloped in the curve in the track in the eastern part of the city. With the war in progress over a year, the government's war depart- ment decided that the man power of the nation under the first registra- tion might be exhausted if the war continued for many years further. 120 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR Therefore congress passed a law requiring a second registration of men, this to include all those between the ages of 18 and 45. The men registered under this call were never in fact called into the service, except in some few isolated cases where they were inducted into service in special branches. Tlie records of the registration, how- ever, were preserved with other archives of the exemption boards, and sealed up with them for transmission to the state departments when the war work of the boards was ended. The total number of registrations under this second call were as follows: Between 18 and 21 950 Between 31 and 45 7070 Of this total number of registrants, there were 4,225 registered in the jurisdiction of board No. 1, and 3,765 registered in the jurisdiction of board No. 2. JUDGE MYERS' WORK IN WAR Bounding out a life-time of distinguished service at the bench and bar with practically two years of direct devotion of his time and energies and vital force to the service of his nation. Judge Colostin D. Myers deserves one of the most merited encomiums of praise for his work during the world war. It was as a member of the exemption board for district No. 2 of McLean county, appointed to examine for military service all the young- men of the city of Bloomington and the townships of Dale and AUin, that Judge Myers spent the most of his time during the last two years of his life, for his death on January 12, 1920, occurred only a few months after the board had officially wound up its work. Judge Myers ' associates on board No. 2 were H. M. Murray and Dr. Mammen. The board began its work within a few weeks after the registration of the young men of mili- tary age in this county, which occurred on June 5, 1917. The work of the lioard included an immense mass of detail, consisting of physical examina- tions of hundreds of young men, ex- amination of their claims of exemp- tion, certifying to their selection for service, calling them together when- ever the state required a certain quota for certain camps; looking after their comfort and accommodation at the time of their assembly for entrain- ment for the camp, and finally seeing that they were properly organized for the trip Avith proper leadership to the camps. One call for contingents fol- lowed another in close succession dur- ing the fall and winter of 1917 and the spring and summer of 1918, so Judge Colostin D. Myers ^^^^ ^^le members of the board had no rest from the strenuous tasks to which they were assigned until the signing of the armistice. Then followed the gigantic task of collecting and sealing up the immense volume of the records of the boards. Judge Myers came to the work of the exemption board from his well earned retirement after a life-time of public service. Born in Ohio, he McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLB WAE 121 served in the civil war and afterward located in this city. Being ad- mitted to the bar, he took up the practice of law in this city, was elected county judge and then circuit judge, serving 12 years as county judge and 18 years as circuit judge. He also filled a position on the appellate bench for several years. His name was mentioned for state supreme judge, and at the republican convention he received a large vote for nomination. Judge Myers died on January 12, 1920, just as he was getting ready to take a trip south to recuperate from the physical strain which his two years of war labors had caused. He was laid to rest amid signal honors from citizens, the McLean county bar and hosts of personal friends. A Typical Crowd Along Newspaper Row, Bloomington, Eeading Bulletins of War News, 191S. SUPPORTED FRENCH ORPHAN Harley H. Bryant, son of Mrs. Harry Bryant uf Towanda, took on the care of an orphan in France while he was doing his duty as a soldier. He wrote home to his mother while in France, and touched on this subject like this: "You should see the small boy I am sending to school; he sure is a dandy. His mother is dead and his daddy is in the trenches on some front. I think I shall steal him and bring him home with me. His name is Maurice Amant. Great kid, takes quite a bunch out of my pay and I don't get to go on any long passes. However, he is worth it. You should hear him say 'Harley' — it's good." "The Greatest Mother in the World. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE RED CROSS At a meeting of the Civic League of Bloomington early in June, 1915, Mrs. N. U. McKiniiey, president of the Woman's club, iiresented the subject of organizing a Ked Cross Chapter in Bloomington. The suggestion met with cordial approval, and action was taken authorizing the chairman, E. M. Evans, to appoint a committee to take preliminary steps toward that end. That evening Dr. E. Mammen, Mrs. G. 8. Mc- Curdy, Mrs. E. E. Morgan, Mrs. N. D. McKinney and E. M. Evans paid their membership fee, the necessary one-half of which was sent to the Eed Cross director, in Chicago, Avith application for permission to or- ganize a chapter. Permission was received within a day or two. Dr. Mammen was chairman of the first committee to secure mem- berships, and he worked very hard for some time in listing people who were willing to enroll in the organization which at that time had no following locally, and of whose work there was general ignorance on the part of the public. After a number of memberships had been en- rolled which made the organization of a chapter appear feasible, the committee a})pointed by the Civic League called a meeting to be held at the public library on July 27. At this meeting a board of twelve directors was elected. Dr. Mammen appointed temporary chairman and Mrs. McKinney, temporary secretary. The board of directors appointed at that time consisted of Oscar Mandel, Mrs. J. A. Bohrer, J. A. Perkins, Carl H. Klemm, George P. Davis, Mrs. N. D. McKinney, Mrs. E. E. Morgan, Frank Oberkoetter, Mrs. Kate D. Welch, Henry Behr, Mrs. Emma Wunderlich, and Dr. E. Mammen. The officers were not elected until the meeting of December 5, 1915, when the following were chosen: Chairman, Campbell Holton; first vice chairman, C. F. Agle; second vice chairman, B. F. Harber; secretary, Alice O. Smith; treasurer, Frank D. Marquis. Miss Smith served as secretary until May, 1916, when she resigned and was succeded by Mrs. McKinney. During May and June, 1916, a campaign for members was conducted McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOBLD WAB 123 under the leadership of Dr. C. M. Noble. In July, 1916, a charter mem- bership of 174 was sent to Washington and a charter granted. Eight organizations have representation on the board of directors, as follows: Community council, Woman's club, Bureau of Social Service, Girls' Industrial Home, Day Nursery association, McLean County Med- ical society, Nurses' association, and Association of Commerce. The mayor of Bloomington is an ex-officio member of the board of directors, and the chairman of each branch is also an ex-ofRcio member with vot- ing privileges. An auditing committee is composed of two bank cashiers and one accountant. The jurisdiction of the activities of the chapter is within McLean county. Prior to February, 1917, no special activities were undertaken except to secure memberships. On February 5, in response to instructions con- tained in a telegram from headqimrters in Washington, a meeting of the executive committee was held and the necessary action was taken to put the chapter on war basis. Additional committees were appointed and work at once started in preparation of hospital garments and sur- gical dressings, and for packing and shipping, hospital and nursing ser- vice and instruction classes. The membership committee immediately started a great campaign for meraljers, aided liberally by the Blooming- ton newspapers. A linancc committee was appointed with the mayor as chairman. People responded liberally to every call for money. Branches and Auxiliaries. — The territory of the county outside the city of Bloomington was divided according to the township boundaries with one or two exceptions. The first branch organized was at Saybrook in April, 1917, and before the end of July branches were formed cover- ing the entire county, all active and enthusiastic. The Woman 's ehib of Bloomington was the first to organize as an auxiliary, and they furnished funds to buy materials which they made into hospitals garments and surgical dressings. The rooms were kept open all summer for work and surgical dressings classes. Letitia Green Stevenson chapter of the D. A. E. was the next to form an auxiliary. During all the war they were liberal contributors of service and money. Other auxiliaries were the Hebrew Women 's Aid and the Wesleyan university. The D. A. E. gave for home service work the net proceeds of a play given at the opera house. The colored Avomen of the city formed a unit for sewing, and used tlic rooms one day a week. Location — One of the first things considered by the executive com- mittee was a location for headquarters and workshop. Mrs. Sarah D. Lillard gave a large corner store room in the Durley block, in the center of the business district, rent free. There were shelves and show cases in the rooms, so that operations Avere started without delay. Chairs, tables and other furniture were loaned by merchants and otlier individ- uals. The place at once became general Eed Cross headquarters. The first and second membership campaigns were directed from there, and the noon luncheons were served in the basement. Surgical dressing and knitting instructors had quarters, and all committee and directors' meet- ings were held there. After a while these spacious quarters were out- grown, and classes met elsewhere. In October, 1917, the chapter had to look for other quarters, as the Durley building was rented. The Y. M. C. A. directors offered space in their building, and the surgical dressings and hospital garments w^ork- shops were moved, and occupied about half the entire second floor. The public library board of directors gave rent free three large rooms on the first floor, with separate entrance. The Home Service section and the secretary of the chapter, with the Junior Eed Cross, occupied these rooms. The Christmas packet committee had space for its special work 124 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD IVAE OFFICERS OF McLEAN COUNTY CHAPTER Top — Mrs. N. D. McKinney, Secretary. Center — Campbell Holton, Chairman. Below — Davis Ewing, First Vice Chairman. Eight of Center — E. Mark Evans, Second Vice Chairman. Left of Center — P. D. Marquis, Treasurer. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 125 in December, 1917. Christmas Roll Call and other special committees also worked here. One library room was fitted up for first aid and home nursing classes. The Home Service section outgrew its quarters, and in January, 1919, moved to the Y. M. C. A. building, occupying rooms formerly used as a workshop. In July, 1919, the Red Cross rented a building at Monroe and Center large enough to accommodate all activities. Personnel of Officers — The chairman and treasurer of the chapter served since 1915; the secretary since May, 1916; the two vice chairmen since October, 1917. Campbell Holton, chairman, is i^resident of Campbell Holton & Co., wholesale grocers. He has been prominent in Y. M. C. A., the Bloom- iiigton Association of Commerce, Rotary Club and other community activities. Davis Ewing, vice chairman, is president of the Davis Ewing Con- crete Co.; has been president of the Rotary Club and active in civic aft'airs. E. M. Evans, vice chairman, was president of the Association of Commerce in 1919 and 1920; served two years as president of the Civic League and connected with other community organizations. F. D. Marquis, treasurer, is president of the People's bank and a leading man in business circles and prominent in civic enterprises. Mrs. N. D. McKinney, secretary, served five years as president of the Woman 's club, is secretary of the board of trustees of the Withers Public Library, and active in social welfare work. The auditing committee gave generously of their time to the pass- ing upon the Red Cross accounts. The members were W. L. Moore, cash- ier of People's Bank; Frank M. Rice, vice president First National Bank; E. H. Black, sec'y of the Paul F. Beich Comj)any. Miss Julia Holder had charge of the books of the financial records since March, 1917. She is in charge of the bookkeeping department of the Bloomington high school, which accounts for her qualifications for the work she did so efficiently. Carefully prepared monthly reports sent Central Division office contributed to the high standing of the chapter. Committees — Mrs. W. W. Whitmore was the first chairman of the committee on Branch Organization, serving from March, 1917, to August of same year. She is a well known and active attorney. On Mrs. Whit- more 's resignation, Mrs. Richard Ward succeeded her and served up to the end of the war and afterward. She is a professional woman of ability and wide acquaintance in the outside districts. Capt. Cleon L. Hills was chairman of the Canteen Committee from its organization in September, 1917. He is proprietor of the Hills Hotel. Caf)t. Hills was an officer of cavalry in the Spanish War. He was chair- man of the War Activities Committee of the Association of Commerce, which provided medals for all soldiers of the world war who went from McLean County. He also planned the official "Welcome Home" for the service men in the summer of 1919, and helped with other war work. Mrs. J. A. Bohrer served as chairman of the Civilian Relief Com- mittee from March, 1917, until July 1st, 1919. She is an active woman in community' enterprises, being vice-president of the Girls' Industrial Home, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the McLean County Tuberculosis Association and one of the commissioners of Fairview sanatorium. The Conservation Committee was headed by Mrs. Spencer Ewing from April, 1917. Mrs. Ewing was a long time president of the Day Nursery Association, and was known as a leader of philanthropic enter- prises. She was moving spirit in war conservation work among women, 126 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR and their work established the Home Bureau of the county upon a permanent basis. The Educational Committee was headed by Miss Nellie Parham from November, 1917. Prior to that time the organization of instruction classes was arranged by the chairman of the Nursing Committee. Miss Parham is librarian of the public library, vice president of the Day Nursery Association, and was also member of tlie woman's committee of the Council of National Defense. Mayor E. E. Jones served since February, 1917, as chairman of the finance committee. As mayor and chairman of the local committee of the Council of National Defense he was prominent in war work. Dr. E. Mammen was chairman of the First Aid Committee from February, 1917. He is a leading medical p)ractitioner, pioneer in the county Anti-tuberculosis society, member of the county exemption board for the city district and worker in all war relief campaigns. Miss Margaret Robinson served from April, 1917, as chairman of the Committee on Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick. She is a Eed Cross nurse and had conducted clinics and dispensary at the Day Nursery. Her specialty is eliild welfare and infant feeding. The Hospital Garments and Supplies Committee headed by Mrs. Guy McCurdy from January, 1918. She is president of the Woman's Club and of the board of managers of the Withers Home for aged women. She is active in public enterprises. The Committee on Junior Memberships was in charge of Miss Mary A. Kromer from February to September, 1918. She is supervisor of the primary grades of the public schools. Wlien Miss Kromer resigned she was succeeded by Mrs. M. B. Folsom, former Junior Member secretary, who ably handled the work. Mrs. F. W. Aldrich served as chairman of the Knitting and General Supplies Committee from May, 1917. Slie is a member of the board of directors of the Girls' Industrial Home, former president of the Day Nursery Association. Paul F. Beich served from February, 1917, as chairman of the Mem- bership Committee. He is president of the Paul F. Beich Company, presi- dent of the National Candy Makers' Association and vice president of the American State Bank of Bloomington. He is prominently connected with civic and commercial interests. Miss Lulu J. Justis was chairman of the Nursing Committee from February, 1917. She is superintendent of Brokaw hospital, is president of the Sixth District of the Hlinois Nurses' Association. She supervised the first instruction classes before the educational committee was ap- pointed. T. P. Murray, local freight agent for the Alton railroad, served as chairman of the Packing and Shipping Committee from February, 1917, to March, 1919. He was succeeded by C. W. Brayshaw. Both served very efficiently. Louis O. Eddy served as chairman of the publicity committee from February, 1917. He furnished matter for the newspapers in practically all of the campaigns during the war, and his experience as a professional advertising writer served him in good stead. The Purchasing and Distributing Committee was headed by Mrs. Louie Forman, with Mrs. Harry L. Fleming as vice chairman. Mrs. Forman served from February, 1917, and for many months gave prac- tically all her time to the work of the headquarters in the production of hospital and other supplies. Mrs. Fleming served for the same length of time. During the same period slie was called upon to serve as state presid(Mit of tlie Parent-Teachers' Association. McLEAN GOV NTT AND THE WO ELD WAR 127 Mrs. Fred B. Capeii began in October, 1917, her work as chairman of the Surgical Dressings Committee. She was one of the first Bloom- ington women to qualify as instructor in preparation of surgical dress- ings. She was chairman of the social service committee of the Woman's club, and first president of Victory Hall, the county institution for orphaned boys. The personnel of the county branches of the Eed Cross were com- posed of many of the leading men and women of their several communi- ties. All these, with the assistance of others whose names never ap- peared on committees or as officers, gave of time and money in the many war projects. The list of officers in the several branches were as follows: Anchor — P. F. Eoberts, chairman; Samuel Davis, vice chairman; Mrs. J. H. Thedens, secretary; Miss Minnie Martens, treasurer. Arrowsmith. — Mrs. Frank Goklen, chairman; Miss Grace Slingloff, secretary; Eaymond Webber, treasurer. Bellflower — A. F. Gooch, chairman; Eev. A. E. Simons, vice chair- man; Eev. E. E, Higdon, secretary; J. E. Troster, treasurer. Oarlock — E. E. Moore, chairman; Arthur Brennan, vice chairman; Mrs. J. K. Esh, secretary; H. G. Carlock, treasurer. Chenoa — P. C. Gillespie, chairman; Eev. W. P. Burke, vice chairman; Mrs. V. L. Nickel, secretary and treasurer. Colfax — Eev. H. H. Jenner, chairman; Mrs. W. Mcintosh, vice chairman; Mrs. E. F. Eoe, secretary; A. E. Tunks, treasurer. Cooksville — Mrs. E. E. Wunderlin, chairman; Mrs. C. J. Baum, vice chairman; Miss Grace W. Brown, secretary and treasurer. Covell — Mrs. Homer Johnson, chairman; Mrs. C. Barchiy, vice chair- man; Mrs. W. C. Eodgers, secretary; Mrs. Belle Hougham, treasurer. Cropsey — C. H. Pratt, chairman; Mrs. Lee Warrock, vice chairman; Mrs. W. H. Groom, secretary; J. H. Barnes, treasurer. Danvers — Eev. E. Sommer, cliairman; Louis Berg, vice chairman; Mrs. E. J. Williams, secretary; O. P. Skaggs, treasurer. Downs — Mrs. G. G. Dooley, chairman; Mrs. Sylvia Adams, vice chairman; Mrs. Jessie Adams, secretary; Miss Hortense Dodds, treasurer. Dry Grove Township — Mrs. J. Birckelbaw, chairman; Mrs. Frank Bramwell, vice chairman; Miss Florence Kinsinger, secretary and treas- urer. Ellsworth — Mrs. C. O. Skaggs, chairman; Mrs. A. Dennis, vice chair- man; Miss Jennie Johnson, secretary; C. A. Shinkle, treasurer. Gridley — W. D. Castle, chairman; E. F. Kent, vice cliairman; Mrs. Mattie Coyle, secretary; Henry Blessman, treasurer. Hey worth — Eev. J. E. Evans, chairman; Mrs. Irene Jones, vice cliairman; E. M. Ayers, secretary; Albion C. Lake, treasurer. Holder — Mrs. Anna Dixon Coale, chairman; Mrs. M. Wiglitnian, vice chairman; Mrs. James Tearney, secretary; Mrs. Fred Boston, treasurer. Hudson — Miss Lora Johnston, chairman; Mrs. J. C. Gaddis, vice chairman; Walter Schad, secretary; Miss Irene Johnston, treasurer. Leroy — Mrs. E. E. Sargent, chairman; Mrs. C. Vandeventer, vice chairman; Miss Grace Dolly, secretary; H. H. Crumbaugh, treasurer. Lexington — Mrs. Charles Arnold, chairman; Mrs. E. A. Kennedy, vice chairman; Mrs. F. C. Wise, secretary and treasurer. McLean — Eev. C. H. Thrall, chairman; Mrs. Deane Funk, vice chair- man; Mrs. Fannie Baker, secretary; S. B. VanNess, treasurer. Merna — Mrs. M. Kinsella, chairman; Miss Ella Moore vice chair- man; Miss Mary Larkin, secretary and treasurer. Normal — B. C. Moore, chairman; Miss J. Eose Colby, vice chairman; Mrs. Edna Bates, secretary; L. H. Kerrick, treasurer. Saybrook — W. O. Butler, chairman; L. Horner, vice chairman; Mrs. Maud C. Anderson, secretary; Francis Lateer, treasurer. 128 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB SOME ACTIVE RED CROSS WORKERS Upper row, left to right — Mrs. Spencer Ewing, Miss Florence Evans, Mrs. Charles Carroll Brown. Second row — Mrs. E. E. Morgan, Miss Julia Holder, Mrs. Eichard Ward. Third row — Miss Lulu J. Justis, Mrs. Guy McCurdy, Mrs. W. S. Harwood, Mrs. A. V. 8. Lloyd, Secretaiy Home Service Committee. Lower row — Mrs. Louie Forman, Chairman Purchasing and Distributing Committee, Mrs. Fred B. Capen, Chairman Surgical Dressing Com- mittee. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR 129 Shirley — Paul Neubauer, chairman; Mrs. George Parks, vice cliair- man; Miss Esther Olson, secretary; Mrs. John Meeks, treasurer. Stanford — O. 8. Folger, chairman; Mrs. S. T. Gavins, vice chairman; Miss Mabel Bender, secretary; Sam Wright, treasurer. Towanda — I. N. Crayton, chairman; Mrs. P. Windier, vice chairman; Miss Carey Crichton, secretary; Miss Opal Gregory, treasurer. Weston — Edgar Johnson, chairman; Mrs. Fred Gilman, vice chair- man; Ora Shanks, secretary and treasurer. West Township — Charles Umstattd, chairman; Mrs. P. Murray, vice chairman; Mrs. William Dean, secretary and treasurer. Chapter Office — Mrs. N. D. McKinncy was secretary and office man- ager thruout the war period. In addition to the usual and regular duties of a chapter secretary and office manager, all the work of preparing and filing membership cards was done under the secretary 's supervision. A complete file of all memberships in McLean county was Kept in the office. The branch correspondence, covering administration, membership, finances, and miscellaneous matters were handled from this office. The secretary collected the first and second Avar fund subscriptions and acted as treasurer for the Junior Eed Cross. Canteen — Capt. C. L, Hills, chairman. The canteen committee was com[iosed of a captain and 22 jn-ivates. From September, 1917, and during the winter months following, there was very little troop move- ment, and the committee worked on a call basis, serving whenever noti- fied of trcop trains being due, or other duty. On June 15, 1918, the Canteen committee was organized on the gov- ernment plan and all members sworn into the service. Uniforms were secured and a daily assignment of service was established for regular trains, and when troop trains arrived the whole committee was in at- tendance at the station to serve them. In August a canteen hut was built at the Union depot. All the labor and most of the materials were donated by citizens. The con- veniences of the hut materially improved the service and comfort of the workers. An equipment for first aid service was kept there and used on a number of occasions. The hut also served as a rest room for mothers and other relatives who had come long distances for a brief visit with theif soldier and sailor boys as they passed through on the trains, and many a long and sad hour for the waiting one was made brighter by the substantial cheer given by the Canteen workers. Many letters came to the chapter from the men and their families testifying to the value and appreciation of this service. The committee also provided a folder of heavy ledger paper for the military liistory of the soldiers, which was given to the men to fill out and keep. A special feature of the service by the Canteen workers was that they raised a large portion of the funds used in their work. Two con- fectionery stores, C. D. Phillos and Louis Baldwin, donated the gross re- ceipts of one day's sales for the benefit of the canteen work. The Canteen Committee had full charge of the stores on these days, furnish- ing the cashier and other helpers. The committee also held several lawn fetes for the benefit of this work, and gave a great ball in the court house, which was attended by thousands. The records of the Canteen work show that from June, 1918, to No- vember, 1918, an average of 3,000 soldiers and sailors per month were served with coffee, sandwiches, fruit, cigarettes, chewing gum, postcards, and many useful articles. The largest number served in any one month was 5,854: in September, 1918. The committee manufactured 2,000 leather tobacco pouches, which were filled with tobacco and given to the soldiers and sailors. They also made 5,000 folders for stationery, pencil, and other small articles, and on the inside cover a suggestion was printed 130 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB that when empty, the case be used to put mother's letters in. These "^^olders were given to men as they passed through on trains. From September 1, 1917, to September 1, 1918, 52,924 men were served. Total value of supplies distributed in that period, $3,086.88. Of this amount, $2,900.63 was purchased and $186.25 contributed. Average cost per man served, 6 cents. The active work of the Canteen Committee ended on October 1st, 1919. On the evening of October 2 the chapter chairman and canteen chairman gave a dinner for the entire committee at the home of Capt. Hills. A formal discharge certificate, signed by the chairman and cap- tain commanding, and showing the period of service, was given to each member. It was then decided to reorganize into a "Eed Cross Eeserve Can- teen Corps," with the same chairman as captain. The purpose is to have a reserve corps which can report immediately prepared for service in case of disaster or calamity of any kind in the community. Part of the Hut equipment was kept for this use. An annual dinner and reunion of the workers will be held to perpetuate the splendid principles of can- teen service and prolong the beautiful siiirit of comradeship formed among the workers. Conservation Committee — Mrs. Spencer Ewing, chairman. In the early summer of 1917 a Food Conservation committee was appointed. This committee divided the city into districts and liegan a systematic campaign of education on ' ' food thrift. ' ' The idea was to show women generally the importance of knowing comparative fooil values and a balanced ration as applied to health and sustenance of members of the family. Also to teach them to use food substitutes with which they had uot had experi- ence. The work was carried on thru Mothers ' Clubs of the public schools, the Settlement House and small community groups. Much publicity was given to the subject thru the newspapers, and i>riuted letters were dis- tributed to the homes. The four domestic science schools co-operated, and practical ways of saving meat, wheat, sugar and fats were workeil out. Exhibits were ar- ranged attractively in the long corridors of the high school building dur- ing the convention of the State Farmers' Institute, and, as delegates were present from all parts of the state, the exhibits seemed to be more than of local value as an educational feature of war work. In March, 1918, a war kitchen was conducted for one week in a cen- tral location in Bloomington, which supplemented the work of the food exhibit. Trained experts from the liniversity of Illinois gave instruction. During the week, 600 persons attended to learn of the new cookery. Another phase of conservation work was an institute for the remodel- ing of clothing. Tills was attended by 284 people who were shown prac- tical ways of making over garments of all kinds, and 24 teachers were trained to give instruction in this work in their respective communities. Early in June, 1918, the food conservation committee increased the scope of its work to cover all of McLean county. A trained worker in household affairs was employed as Home Advisor, and a sustaining 1)ody, the McLean County Home Improvement Association was organized. Then foUow'ed a municipal canning center and other activities. Today there is a permanent organization called the Home Bureau, which emjjloys a full time home advisor for the housewives of McLean county, who visits the different localities at stated intervals for lectures and demonstrations, and also furnishes advice by correspondence. The funds to carry on this work are secured partly by state aid and the balance by individual memberships. In the first six months the home advisor traveled 2,700 miles, distributed 5,000 bulletins, wrote 700 letters and gave one hundred demonstrations McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WORLD WAR 131 and lectures that reached 33,000 people, besides attending to office work and conferences. A bvdletin is pu))lished monthly by the Bureau chairman and home adviser, and distriljuted to the members. Educational Committee — Miss Nellie E. Parham, chairman. The prin- cipal work of this committee was making arrangements for the instruction classes in First Aid and Home Hygiene and care of the sick. Classes were organized in first aid in March and April, 1917, and meetings held at Brokaw hospital under the supervision of Miss Justis, hospital superintend- ent, with Misses Margaret Eobinson, and Alice O. Smith, Ked Cross nurses. Members of the McLean County Medical Association donated their services as instructors. Ten out of the first class of twenty took the examination and all passed very creditably and received cei'tificates from Washington. Succeeding classes were organized and meetings held in rooms at the public library, which had been fitted with proper equipment for the work. The influenza epidemic m October arid November, 1918, furnished an opportunity for the practical ai)plication of knowledge acquired in home nursing and public welfare, and the graduates of the classes gave splendid service at this time. Some of the graduates have since taken great interest in general health affairs of the community. A large class finished the course in home hygiene in 1919. Th(^ e(hu'ational committee will continue efforts to interest both men and women in such instruction, as a prepared- ness measure for all times. One of the instructors, Miss Eobinson, also taught classes in adjoining towns. Membership — Paul F. Beich, chairman. The membership committee started .its work with a campaign in March, 1917, when the membership was 174, and followed with another campaign in August of that year, bringing the total membership to 7,000. To this was added the number of First War Fund subscribers who were entitled to membership Avhich increased the number to 11,39S. The next campaign of the committee was the Christmas roll call of 1917, and that further increased the enrollment to 16,000. The member- ship work was continued by the chapter secretary sending requests for renewals month after mouth to those who had not renewed during the ("hristmas roll call. This method resulted in getting many renewals which otherwise would have been lost. The roll call of 1918 was a success, but after that there was a steady decrease. The active mem- bership on September 1, 1919, was 14,700. Nursing — Miss Lulu J. Justis, chairman. Bloomington chapter was fortunate in having for the head of its nursing committee a woman whose ability and experience qualified her to fill the position of president of the Sixth District Red Cross Nurses' Association of Illinois, and who months before our own country entered the war, realized that the re- sponsibilities of the nursing profession were to be heavy. Miss Justis at once began arrangements for enrolling the nurses of the district, and by December, 1918, 83 were enrolled for immediate service. Bloomington headed the list with 33 in active service and five available on January 1, 1919, should they be needed. In enrolling the nurses for future service, the chairman had in mind that the activities of the nursing service would not end with the war; that disease which accompanied the war would require the skill and patience of American nurses to rebuild the health of war scarred nations. Publicity — Louis O. Eddy, chairman. The committee was fortunate in having this experienced advertising writer to direct its activities. The two daily papers, the Pantagraph and Bulletin, generously donated much space in their news columns, and also considerable display advertising space. Their advertising rates for space paid for, were considerably cut down during the campaigns. Merchants and manufacturers in many cases allowed the Red Cross to use their contracted space in the news- 132 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB papers. Business houses allowed use of their show windows. Eoy Smith deserves mention for his work in distributing advertising posters and Bed Cross literature free of charge. During the influenza epidemic the Boy Scouts aided in distributing instruction sheets in residence districts. Purchasing and Distributing — Mrs. Louie Forman, chairman; Mrs. H. L. Fleming, vice chairman. In the beginning of the war work, the purchasing and distributing was taken care of by the hospital supplies committee. It was convenient and desirable for the branches to do their own buying, patronizing their local merchants and thus creating good feeling. At that time the stores were well stocked with materials. The qualities and colors had then not been standardized. As materials grew scarcer it became necessary to order from outside for the chapter and branches as well. An electric cutting machine was installed, and then materials neces- sarily had to be uniform in weight and width. Goods were sold by the bolt to branches and cut for them. This system was followed till July, 1918, when the quota system of production became effective in all de- partments. The committee conformed promptly to all changes in methods of production received from Central Division, and impressed upon work- ers the importance of maintaining the liighest standard of production. The committee kept records of all brancli shipments and shipments to Central Division. The first shipment of hospital garments and supj^lies was sent to Bush Terminal, New York, on May 21, 1917, and from there direct to France. It consisted of eight boxes of supiilies and two cases of surgical dressings. One of the treasures of the committee is a letter from a hospital in France receipting for these supplies and expressing gratitude. The committee rendered excellent service in purchasing and distributing supplies and equipment used in the four emergency hospitals which the chapter established during the epidemic of influenza in October and November, 1918, and in re-assembling them when the hospitals were closed. A bulletin was issued at intervals with instructions to branches and workshops. In November, 1917, the work in all departments of production had increased to such large proportions that larger and more commodious quarters were obtained. Each department had its separate quarters and thereafter were able to work to the best advantage. Practically all the work shop printing was done free of charge, or at the cost of the paper, by the boys in the jjrinting department of the public schools, under direction of Miss Etta Walker. The wonderful success of the produc- tion as a whole is best expressed in the words of the chairman in her last annual report, as follows: "The spirit of the workers thruout the county has continued from the first to be the finest thing we have ever known. It is often hard to obey orders without question, and the farther one is from the source the more diflicult it is to see the reason for some of them." Hospital Garments and Supplies — Mrs. Guy McCurdy, chairman. This department had three definite lines of work — hospital garments, hospital supplies and refugee garments. The organized plan of group sewing in the early summer of 1917 gave way to individual and unit consignments to mothers' clubs, church societies, fraternal organizations and social sewing clubs at regular or occasional intervals. One of the most interesting groups was "The Girls of '61" or- ganized by Mrs. Sue Pike Sanders, who conceived the idea of getting together the women of the community who had worked for the soldiers of the civil war. Mrs. Sanders had been a leader in the w'ar activities of that period. There were no dues for those joining the group, but each woman paid a small fee at each meeting, and thus a fund was created to buy yarn. The membership reached 125, all members of Eed Cross. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR 133 GROUP OF LEADERS IN RED CROSS WORK Top row, left to right— Mrs. M. B. Folsom, Mrs. Mabel H. Seymour, Mrs. Harry L. Fleming. ' Second i^w, _left to right-Mrs. Jacob Bohrer, T. P. Murray, Mrs. Frank '^^"Mr^.'^J.^ T.* Sandfi's*"^^''' ^'"'^ ^^'^'''^' ^''' Margaret Eobinson, 134 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB It was an inspiring sight to see these women, who as girls, had sewed and worked for the boys of '(il, the boys in blue, now knitting and sewing for the boys in khaki, and setting a commendable example to the girls of today. They also made many articles of comfort for refugees. In November, 1917, the work shop was moved to the Y. M. C. A. building, and cutting, previously done by hand, was now done by an electric cutting machine donated by business men. Mrs. Arthur Boss was in charge, with Mrs. Eichard Ward assisting. The machine also did the cutting for the brandies. The fine workmanship shown by the chapter and its brandies, brought great credit to the chapter, placing it in the " iStar Class" both for quality and quantity of output. A request from Central Division for 375 model garments to be completed and shipped within three weeks was successfully handled. Two big drives for clothing for French and Belgian Eelief were conducted under the supervision of Mrs. E. E. Morgan, vice chairman of the department, assisted by Mrs. Willis Har- wood and Mrs. Henry Keiser. Too much praise could not be given the women of the rural com- munities and small towns for their sacrifice and service in this and other lines of Eed Cross w'ork. Tliey maintained a high standard of work- manship, and the quantity of tlieir output was a marvelous exhibition of practically unceasing and ])ainstaking labor. Surgical Dressings — Mrs. Fred B. Capen, chairman. One of the first things considered by Bloomington chapter in February, 1917, was the need of instruction classes. Instructors in first aid and home nursing could be found among the physicians and Eed Cross nurses, but prepara- tion of surgical dressings called for special instruction before classes could be taught. Miss Carolyn 8chertz, head surgical nurse at Brokaw hospital, was sent to Chicago in March for necessary training. On her return, twenty women enrolled for the first class. Interest was great and the women did splendid work. Miss Schertz taught four classes dur- ing the summer, assisted by Miss Margaret Eobinson, who also had taken special training for instructor. A staff of eight qualified as instructors: Miss Schertz, Miss Eobinson, Mrs. Willis Harwood, Mrs. F. B. Capen, Mrs. Kern Beath for Bloomington, and Mrs. Frawley, Mrs. Deane Funk and Miss Vance for the branches. Eleven classes were conducted and 185 finished the course and qualified as supervisors to teach volunteer work- ers. One of the classes was composed of women from the branches, and nine out of this class qualified as supervisors. Home of the branch mem- bers of previous classes also became supervisors, making a total of 16 surgical dressings workshops in the branches. Early in the summer of 1917 the need of a place where volunteers might help make surgical dressings was recognized, and Mrs. W. S. Harwood opened a room in her home, and the results were more satis- factory than had been anticipated. Later another volunteer shop was opened downtown. During the summer another volunteer workshop was opened at the Bloomington Country dub, and many availed themselves of the oppor- tunity to work there. In August, 1917, Miss Schertz left to enter the service of her country as an overseas Red Cross nurse. The impress of her high standards re- mained here after she was gone, and as long as this work was required. She was succeeded by Miss Eobinson as chairman. The first week, 45(i dressings were made, the second week 744 and the third week 1264. This was then thought to be a fine record, but the work grew until monthly quotas of from 25,000 to 30,000 dressings were being filled promptly. From just giving a half hour's time occa- sionally by women who droi)i)ed in, the department developed into a McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 135 regular manufacturing plant Avhere women gave whole days of their time. There was one worker, Miss Ida Evans, who was at her table every day with but few exceptions, from July, 1917, until the shop closed. Hhe made a total of iOjlOS dressings. The chairman's report says of Miss Evans: "We owe much to her loyal, faithful service and feel that much of our success has been due to her fine spirit and will- ingness to help at all times. ' ' The work was thoroly systematized, with a corps of efficient workers in charge of cutting, inspection and packing, and results showed the value of team work. The production is one that the chapter may be proud of, and there is no estimating the value of the fellowship enjoyed and friendships formed during this period. The first shipment of surg- ical dressings on May 21, 1917, consisted of two small boxes. This and a second shipment were consigned direct to France, and arrived safely. All later shipments were sent to Central Division, Chicago. Knitting — Mrs. F. W. Aldrich, chairman. Among the faithfiil sol- diers of the great volunteer army at home were the knitters. This de- partment was started in July, 1917. At first, two afternoons a week were thought sufficient for consultation and instruction, but after the first week it was found necessary to have some one in attendance every day. Several hundred persons were taught, and each one furnished her own yarn when learning. At first, knitting rules were not strict. The first shipment of socks, made on small needles and with toes and heels which would not pass inspection a year later, were readily accepted. Changes in directions and inspections were finally followed until the "army standard" became the knitter's motto. There were about 3,000 names of knitters on the department's records, being about evenly di- vided between chapter and branches, and it is worthy of mention that a few of them were men. Scliool boys ])rinted the knitting instructions and rules for washing. Numerous tests of the swiftness of flying fingers were made when large quotas of knitted articles and garments were requisitioned within a time limit, and it is to tlie honor and credit of the workers that the Chapter was able to meet every demand on time. Packing and Shipping — T. P. Murray, chairman; C. L. Brayshaw, assistant. This committee began active work in May, 1917, when the first shipment of eiglit boxes of hospital garments and supplies and two cases of surgical dressings were consigned to Bush Terminal, New York, from where they were forwarded to France without repacking. Instruc- tions as to packing, marking and invoicing were observed to the letter. When word came from France that the supplies were received and every- thing found in good condition, all the workers felt that the first line of communication had been established between the producing department of the chapter and the place of actual need. War did not seem so far away. After the first two shipments to France, the supplies were sent to Central Division, Chicago. Through the generosity of Bloomington firms and individuals in donating x)acking boxes, this department was able to operate at a nominal expense. The Jolinson Transfer & Fuel company handled all shipments to and from the freight depots free of charge during the entire period of the war. The promptness of the branches in delivering finished articles, and the excellent co-operation of the heads of producing departments, made it possible to maintain a regular weekly shipping day and to get quotas out on specified time. In addition to handling the finished products, this department shipped 1,200 packages of yarn, gauze and cut garments to the branches. Red Cross Exchange — Mrs. Grace Wilcox Funk, chairman. On Octo- ber 12, 1918, a special committee opened a Red Cross Exchange. The use of a large store room in the Illinois hotel building was donated and was 136 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB artistically decorated after a plan representing a street of shops in an old French village. All sorts of wearing apparel, house furnishings, canned goods, vegetables and farm produce were donated and sold. A Tea Eoom was opened and became a very popular place for meeting one 's friends. At Christmas time large quantities of toys — old toys renovated and repainted — were sold at low prices, and many children of the community had a happier Christmas with toys secured at the Exchange. The Exchange really served a double purpose and furnished an opportunity for people of limited means to secure good warm cloth- ing at small cost and in most instances garments of a better quality than could be secured at double the cost. A "Melting Pot" was one of the features of the E:xchange. Here people brought articles of gold and silverware which they donated to the cause. A salvage department was another feature. Auctions were held every Saturday with satisfactory results. When the hotel store room was required for a business tenant, the Exchange was moved across the street to J. A. Jordan's building, where it held forth for several Aveeks before being closed up with a grand auction sale in which all the re- maining articles were disposed of. The Exchange turned into the Chap- ter treasury the sum of $3,100, a splendid help to the treasury at a time when it was much needed. Civilian Relief — Home Service Section — Mrs. J. A. Bohrer, chair- man; Mrs. A. V. S. Lloyd, secretary; Mrs. E. W. Oglevee in charge of "Comfort Kits"; Miss Florence B. Evans director of field work. Con- sultation Committee, Mrs. Mabel H. Sej-mour, Miss Margaret Eobinsou and Miss J.eanette Johnson. Home Service was a distinctive enterprise, not duplicating, but co- operation with other established departments and agencies. It was the designated agent of the Government for helping soldiers, sailors and their families. There were two lines of work: First, the mechanical relationship with the Government through the filling out of forms and affidavits and the writing of letters; second, the human relationship with the family. Nearly three thousand men leaving for service were supplied with Comfort Kits. The message carried by this little gift seemed to have a peculiar significance, being material evidence of friendship for the soldiers and sailors and the folks left at home. Through the contact witli the men wlio called at tlie Home Service office for these kits, the committee obtained the names and addresses of most of the men who went into service from McLean County. The majority of these families were able, especially with the help of the allotments and the government allowances to maintain good standards of health, education and industry without relying upon outside service of any kind. But in many families the power of self-help was strained to the breaking point by lack of opportunity, by ill-health, or by the sudden changes in economic and social environment occasioned by the war. To help maintain the essential standards and the solidarity of these families was the Home Service worker's greatest opportunity for helpfulness. To attempt this difficult task required a group of trained workers, and to meet the situation two Chapter Courses were held, consisting of a series of lectures in liome service and social welfare, given by repre- sentatives from Central Division and the University of Illinois and Chi- cago. Mrs. Mabel H. Seymour, General Secretary of the Bureau of Social Service gave much time to directing students in the field work. The Chapter was fortunate in having as a leader in this educational work Mrs. Charles Carroll Brown. Her work was so successful that in October, 1918, Central Division called her to a larger field of service. Fifty-five workers completed the courses of instructions, many persons McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOELD WAR 137 interested in social welfare throughout the County were enrolled, and us a result twenty-one of the twenty-seven Branches had each a trained worker. This made it possible to carry the Home Service spirit into every part of the Countj^, and to i)ut into the home of almost every soldier and sailor certain important, definite information which many times spared the family much anxiety and distress. Too much cannot be said of the line work done by the following Home Service Chairmen: Anchor — Miss Minnie Martens. Arrowsmith — Mrs. H. A. Bell. Carlock — Mrs. Elmer Gerber, Mrs. I. U. Eopp. Chenoa — Mrs. W. A. Chapman. Colfax — Mrs. Du Bois Marquis, Mrs. R. B. Henderson. Cooksville — Mrs. W. H. Mahan. Cropsey — Mrs. M. B. Meeker. Danvers — Mr. L. E. Skaggs, Eev. Edwin Sommer. Dry Grove^ — Mrs. H. N. Harnes, Mr. Edwin Eopp. Gridley— Mrs. W. D. Castle. Heyworth — Mrs. J. P. Shelton. Holder — Mrs. Luella Parker, Miss Alma Gcske. Hudson- — Mrs. H. F. Carrithers, Mrs. E. L. Burtis. Leroy — Mrs. A. J. Keenan, Mr. D. D. McKay. Lexington — Mrs. J. V. McCullough. McLean— Eev. C. H. Thrall. Normal — Mrs. W. H. Johnson. Saybrook — Mrs. Maude Crigler Anderson. Stanford — Mr. W. C. Murphy. Shirley — Miss Clara Douglass, Mrs. George Parke. Towanda — Mrs. Elva McKenzic. Weston — Mrs. Carrie Eckhart. Home Service opportunities were legion, but the following will il- lustrate both the need and meaning of the service: a. Informing families of their right to allotments and government allowances, and encouraging tiiem to have their men in the service take out insurance. b. Trying to understand by patient talks and visits to the home the real problems of the family. c. Caring for the sick and convalescent. The doctors and hospitals giving their services in many instances. d. Protecting inexperienced young wives and comforting lonely mothers. e. Meeting emergencies caused by delay in the payments of allot- ments and allowances, and supplementing these when necessary. f. Maintaining relations with social agencies, doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers, ministers and priests, business men and others who were likely to know of complications which should have attention. g. Ee-establishing communication with men in camps here or over- seas in cases where long periods of silence had elapsed. To families where the soldier did not return, — where a gold star re- placed the blue, the Home Service felt a special call, and many times the silk American flag was jilaced on the coffin by the Eed Cross visitor. Too much credit cannot be given to the twenty faithful visitors and the helpers in the office. These women responded to calls day or night and no request from the family of a service man went unheeded. One of the workers, seeing great need for financial assistance for soldiers' and sailors' families interested her personal friends in this part of the relief and raised a fund of $1418 for special comforts for those in need. The interests of the colored soldiers and their families were under the care of Mrs. Fred Wyche, who having taken the Chapter Course was 138 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAB ce t*. pirf cS S tfl 3 ;_, O' ,^ ■^ hfl a =*- o o - XS T-i m O c 03 03 T^ ;< a; j3 ■3 o t^ " 3 o __ a ^ J o a o rt J: a "3 c .s- O j:; 03 r" * H M o d c 0; C2 Ui -M CIJ r^ rfl 5 M ^ o c3 '3 r^ a > 17] ! i ' fj J ^m I ^^ 1^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ W ■-2 03 > ft o o CO McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 151 At tho close of the campaign, the following summary of the results of the campaign among the Alton railroad employes showed that they more than did their part: Per cent of employes Total subscribed amount Conductors 75 $13,800 Eoad engineers 64 30,150 Koad trainmen 19 2,800 Yard engineers 66 2,450 Yard firemen 41 1,550 Road Trainmen 22 4,450 Switchmen 52 5,750 Station force and freight house employes 78 52,750 Maintenance of way employes 76 59,850 Summary By subscribing its portion to the Victory Loan in 1919, McLean County did two things worthy of its name and its august history. It oversubscribed the last of the great war drives, the campaign that brought tlie boys home. And it also raised a sufficient sum to make the total pledges of five loans greater than the combined quotas of those loans. Thus McLean county was more than one hundred percent in its financial aid to the war. It defies reproach. It has maintained its historical prestige of sound sense, integrity and patriotism. Here are the figures that show the financial war history of McLean county: Loan Quota Subscription First $ 1,300,000 $ 800,000 Second 1,700,000 1,200.000 Third 1,762,000 3,000,000 Fourth 3,676,000 3,805,000 ' ' Victory " 2,866,900 2,885,900 Grand total $11,305,900 $11,690,900 The following were the total subscriptions by townships and pre- cincts for the third, fourth and fifth loan campaigns: Townships Third Fourth Fifth Allin $ 69,950 $ 71,000 $ 62,500 Anchor 56,450 54,250 60,000 Arrowsmith 53,150 56,150 43,750 Beimower 47,600 66,150 50,000 Blue Mound 56,600 72,250 56,350 Chenoa 99,450 126,950 123,050 Cheney 's Grove 81.000 97,700 92,750 Cropsey 21,100 31,650 32,450 Danvers 82,450 87,750 67,700 Dale 40,150 60,800 50,050 Dawson 39,800 71,310 66,000 Downs 41,000 56,300 53,000 Dry Grove 38,350 52.100 39,850 Empire 93,400 148.180 111,000 Funks Grove 29,500 44,700 43,900 Gridley 104,250 103,800 95,350 Hudson 47,800 60,700 65,300 Lawndale 28,000 41,900 32,000 Lexington 65,150 122,500 93,500 Martin 54,050 93,850 67,550 Money Creek 29,150 43,200 32,800 152 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR Third Fourth Fifth 89,200 96,000 81,600 41,000 53,350 30,000 208,700 278,200 232,000 73,(350 89,850 93,300 47,350 67,050 51,000 33,350 38,950 24,400 38,350 55,400 43,000 29,450 49,200 30,150 G0,950 51,750 44,600 $1,800,340 $2,341,940 $1,968,900 Townships Mt. Hope Old Town Normal Eandolph Towanda White Oak West Yates Bloomiugtou Tp. Third Fourth Fifth City No. 1 $ 59,150 $ 81,250 $ 75,550 City No. 2 60,700 66,950 53,800 City No. 3 42,400 63,600 35,450 City No. 4 6,000 4,450 750 City No. 5 5,000 10,550 6,400 City No. 6 13,500 13,800 13,950 City No. 7 8,450 7,850 5,750 City No. 8 33,600 30,750 28,900 City No. 9 27,350 30,200 17,750 City No. 10 83,450 111,800 80,450 City No. 11 65,200 92,350 87,350 City No. 12 38,100 50,750 68,950 City No. 13 8,800 9,050 15,300 City No. 14 6,200 6,850 350 City No. 15 12,450 9,100 9,900 City No. 16 19,400 17,650 10,800 City No. 17 25,600 20,050 13,750 City No. IS 71,900 102,750 75,350 City No. 19 64,500 79,100 39,900 City No. 20 8,450 9,100 3.800 City No. 21 20,750 22,850 40,200 City No. 22 10,900 5,250 2,400 City No. 23 62,150 86,900 54,850 City No. 24 26,950 32,600 44,550 City No. 25 60,450 81,450 69,850 City No. 26 36,450 43,000 41,100 City No. 27 12,200 16,650 14,850 City No. 28 20,350 13,250 10,800 City No. 29 83,250 26,450 26,050 City No. 30 19,750 23,650 13,600 Totals $1,013,400 $1,251,000 $962,450 The personnel of the leadership for the different drives in the county changed to some extent, but many of the same people were active in all the last three liberty loan campaigns. The following is the list of names for the several townships for the third, fourth and fifth loans, the first name in each instance being the township chairman for the third, the second name for the fourth and third name for the fifth. In cases where the same chairman acted in two campaigns, it being given only once: Allin — C. F. Kauffmann. Anchor^ — Jacob Martens. Arrowsmith — J. H. Henton, Earl W. Bane, R. S. Krum. Bellflower — W. S. Bingham. Bloomington — Fred J. Blum. McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOULD WAB 153 Blue Mound — Charles E. Wonderliu, Thomas Arnold. Ch'enoa — L. L. Binnion. Cheney's Grove — H. D. Stine. Cropsoy — F. E. Meeker, G. M. Meeker. Danvers — E. P. Krum, L. A. Berg. Dale— W. C. Rogers. Dawson — Matthew Richardson. Downs — ^Ed. L. Weaver. Dry Grove — I'. L. Bramwell. Empire — George Dooley, A. J. Kcenan. Funks Grove — C. L. Disher. Gridley^ — G. A. Manshardt, Thomas Moate. Hudson — R. A. Ensign. Lawndale — Charles Atkinson. Lexington — H. S. tShadc. Martin— R. O. Wills, A. L. Hutson. Money Creek — Elmer Ogden. Mt. Hope — S. B. Van Ness, Isaac G. Funk. Normal — C. O. Hamilton, Lester H. Martin. Old Town— Fred W. Boston. Randolph — J. P. Shelton. Towanda — P. N. Jones, G. H. Geiger. West — Thomas D. Irish. White Oak— J. K. Esh. Yates — C. E. Graves. Bloomington, City — First Precinct — Hal M. Stone, Herman 8. Ochs; Second precinct, J. J. Cowden, J. P. Lowry; Third precinct, P. W. Cole- man; Fourth precinct, D. J. Salmon; Fifth, J. M. McDonald, Edward J. Madden; Sixth, William E. Smith, Frank Ryan, J. F. Maloney; Seventh, E. C. Haase, John F. Morrissey; Eigiitli, Richard M. O 'Council, Frank Phillips; Ninth, Sumner Goodfellow, W. F. Costigan; Tenth, Leroy Whitmer; Eleventh, S. C. Deaver; Twelfth, W. D. Snow; Thirteenth, A. G. Letson, Rev. A. D. Freden, M. B. Walsh; Fourteenth, A. G. Erick- son; Fifteenth, Cliarles L. Miller; Sixteenth, Dr. A. W. Meyer, W. A. Wells, W. L. Tatman; Seventeenth, Charles W. Silvers, Mrs. Ernest Baldwin; Eighteenth, Huber J. Light, William Merna, E. M. Heafer; Nineteenth, J. J. Thomassen, D. W. Snyder, John Schlosser; Twentieth, C. G. Bowman, James Gray; Twenty-first, Thomas Kane, W. H. Honiuth; Twenty-second, Clyde A. Johnston, William Freese; Twenty-third, John W. Harber, Harry L. Fleming; Twenty-fourth, George Freese; Twenty- fifth, Ira Whitmer, W. B. Leach; Twenty-sixth, Robert E. Williams, E. W. Sutherland, Arthur Heafer; Twenty-seventh, R. S. Davidson, W. C. Seran; Twenty-eighth, Harry E. Albee, I. A. Lederer; Twenty-ninth, A. L. Pillsbury, Ernest H. Black; Thirtieth, I. R. Good, E. F. Brechbeller. 154 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELB WAR LIBERTY LOAN BOOSTER Harris K. Hoblit, cashier of the State Bank of Bloomington, is the one man of the county on whose shoulders rested larger financial re- sponsibilities of the war in this section than upon any other man. Mr. Hoblit was secretary of the Bankers' Organization during the first and second campaigns and had sole charge of the last three, his appoint- ment coming through the Federal Reserve Bank. The five Liberty Loan campaigns were carried on during 1917, 1918 and 1919, and the people of this county subscribed more than $11,000,000 of their money in the form of loans to help the government in its great task of financing the war. It was on May 8, 1917, that the bankers of Bloomington were offered the first war bonds of the government for disposal. On June 1 of that year the announcement came that McLean County was supposed to subscribe for $1,500,000 of these bonds. Such a proposition was stag- gering in its immensity, for the people of the county, including the bankers themselves, were not then accustomed to doing big things for mere patriotic motives. On June 2 the bankers of the county held a meeting to talk of some general plan for handling the sale of the bonds. At this meeting Mr. Hoblit was chosen chairman, and he continued in the same capacity througn each suc- ceeding drive for the other Liberty Loans, each of the last four being larger than the first. — aiMHiii^^^ When the first campaign was on, , rSj^"'^*^^^ |.j^g general opinion among the peo- ple was that this was a proposition for the bankers — that they would have to take up the bonds as of- fered, and if the people generally ^^_ bought any of them, it would be ^ ^^B comparatively few, and these to be sold only to people of ample surplus means. The banks themselves could not in the nature of things absorb so large a quota of government paper at one time and leave ample capital for the ordinary business. Consequently, I with the public apathy on the ques- ^ Jr,^ i tion, the immature organization of ^■^tex^l the bankers themselves, and a gen- ^^HHb eral failure of the people to under- . ^^^^^^ stand the stiuation, that the quota Hams K. Hoblit j; j.-l. i j. i, j tt _ for the county was not reached. How- ever, this was never true in any subsequent loan, and the total of the five campaigns in all was much greater tlian tlie total quota of the county for the five loans. Mr. Hoblit in each succeeding campaign ,gave himself without stint to the work of raising the quota. He devoted days and weeks to this work, to the neglect of his own private interests to a large extent. Of course in every campaign for the Liberty Loans, there was a large and earnest committee covering every precinct in the county, who gave their time and labor to enlisting the interest of the people in the propositions. Mr. Hoblit worked so quietly, so unostenta- tiously, and with "no thought of credit to himself, that he inspired every other worker with zeal and devotion to the cause. Consequently, when the close of the final campaign for Liberty Loans came it was found that the people of the county had loaned $11,000,000 of their money to the government, divided as follows among the various campaigns: Quota Subscribed First loan $1,500,000 $ 800,000 Second loan 1,700,000 1,200,000 Third loan 1,762,000 3,022,250 Fourth loan 3,676,927 3,805,200 Fifth (Victory) loan 2,866,900 2,998.400 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE JVORLD WAE 155 WAR-TIME COMMUNITY SINGING A history of the War interests and activities of McLean county during the great world war, that did not take into account the subject of community singing would be incomplete. Music has always carried within its elements the power to stir the deeper emotions of the human soul, to arouse the finer and better powers of human nature, to bring solace and cheer in times of sorrow, and to give courage and fortitude to carry over the crisis of life. Perhaps the first outstanding characteristic of this community music was its voluntariness and spontaniety. There was nothing forced about it, and no man served for pay. James Melluish, who was one of the leaders in the movement, speaks in a paper written January 4th, 1918, of the beginning of the "sings" as being spontaneous, and almost with- J. G. Melluish out care so far as [ireliminary campaigns were concerned. He said: "We were contemplating the subject fi-om a distance when suddenly some one decided to launch a sing in one of the public schools, and within a week many of the schools were clamoring for sings." Mr. Melluish again in the paper quoted above says: "In seeking leaders for these 'sings' a very unusual thing happened; voluntarily the very best leaders in the city came forward and offered their ser- vices freely for the good of the cause." In the same paper he states, "Musical jealousies and petty rivalries which had hitherto balked con- certed elforts in musical projects in this community were forgotten or ignored. ' ' In the organization and coordination of the school singing. Miss Mabelle Glenn, the proficient supervisor of Public School music in the 156 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR Bloomington schools, with the efficient assistance of many of the teach- ers early in the campaign had the little singing soldiers storming the forts of indifference if there was any, and thru the schools the in- spiration of song passed like a good infection into every home. If schools lacked the facilities for the evening "sings" such facili- ties were soon installed ; as for instance, in one school district the school had no lighting facilities; their first sing was under the dim light of small candles. The next, however, found the school building equipped with a modern electric lighting system. Contests interesting and friendly were carried on between the various grades and rooms of individual schools as to which grade or room would have the largest attendance of school jjarents at given "sings." And a silver cup contest was carried on between the various schools of the city. An event long to be remembered was the final contest in mass sing- ing for the Silver Cup, held in the High School auditorium the afternoon of December 24th, 1917. The leader chosen for the contest was Prof. Osborne McConathy, director of music at the Northwestern University of Evanston. Prof. Lawrence Erb of the Musical department of the University of Illinois was selected as the judge, and the final competing schools were Hawthorne, Emerson, Franklin and Washington. Needless to say these five school groups at this final contest for the cup that would always remain a valued memorial to the winning school, acquitted themselves with pride and enthusiasm. The schools by standing at the close of the contest were as follows: First, and winning school, Hawtliorne, Prof. Westhoff, leader; Mrs. James Eeeder, pianist. .Second, Emerson School; Leader, Dale James; Pianist, Ealph Freese. Third, Franklin School; Leader, Lyle Straight; Pianist, Miss Norma Brown. Fourth, Washington School; Leader, Mrs. O. R. Skinner; Pianist, Mrs. Harry Roush. Songs used were — Keep the Home Fires Burning, Come all ye Faith- ful, Tomorrow, and Hallelujah Chorus from the Messiah. This was doubtless one of the most enthusiastic meetings held during the year. The Auditorium of the new High School was crowded to the doors, the various singing groups from each of the competing schools being accom- panied witli liuiulreds of interested friends and supporters. It being the Christmas occasion a chorus of fifty well trained little boys and girls from the grades under the direction of Miss Glenn marched in procession singing "Hark the Herald Angels sing." The dramatic effect added to the well trained voices gave beauty and the charm of the old Christmas carol to the whole meeting. The Hawtliorne school was awarded the honors and the cup by Dr. Erb who was the judge chosen for the decision. The foregoing Avill suffice to give some idea of the voluntariness and spontaneity of these "sings" that characterized the democratic spirit that stamped itself on the music of the war time period. Of course the music was chosen for its adaptability to the need of the time. The times demanded music of the popular type, music adapted to the emo- tions common to all classes of people; the man from the shop was to sing with the man from the school and the cathedral, the girl from the counter with brother or sweetheart ' ' over there ' ' was to sing from the same book with her employer's wife whose sons were "over there." The community sing, judged by numbers reached and interested, was a success. The first week of the sings in the various schools, the attendance was 'lOO. By the fifth week, the enthusiasm had spread to the extent that 3200 were present at the various "sings." On Sunday afternoon, November 11, 1917, was held what was one of the most not- McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELB WAR 157 a o o W a w K O O o o a m <1 H P o 158 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAE able mass sings at the High Hchool auditorium under the leadership of Prof. Peter \V. Dykema with an attendance of over 2,000 people, and an overtlow meeting of several hundred at a nearby tueater. Under the direction of Prof. B. C. Moore, h^upt. of McLean county schools, ''sings" were developed in the sunounamg country schools, leaders going out from Bloomington to the other lowiis of McL,ean county. By this metliod it is saie to say tliat over two hundred com- munity centers of McLean county were moved by the common impulse of songs, and the larger birth of community consciousness was produced. Tlie most cordial assistance in this work was given by Prof. B. C Moore, and by the Federated Parent-Teachers Clubs, with Mrs. Harry Fleming as president. It will thus bo seen tliat tlie American school, the mosc democratic institution m American Lte gave itself treely to the new democratic type of song. On November (ith, the general shops committee of the Chicago and Alton R. R. gave permission to tiiose m charge, to organize the shop force into a '•sing." The first sing orought about live hundred of tne men. The interest increased until over a thousand men every Tuesday noon gave 35 minutes to singing national and patriotic songs. A band of fifteen pieces was organized by Geo. Apelt and with Geo. W. Marlon as leader the thousand lueu from forge and lathe and the noise of boiler shops and car shops, painters and car[)enters and engine wipers together joined in singing courage for the trj'ing hour. Similar sings were held at Paul F. Beich Co. 's factory; in this instance however, Mr. Beich placed a jiiano in the main building, where the girls were encouraged to put in time practicing for the "sing" to be held when the regular leaders came, it was a matter of comment, that Mr. Beich himself, one of the leading business men of Illinois mingled freely with his employes in their "sings." Here is seen what may be termed one of the by-products of the community s[)irit of song. There was revealed a common interest bet^\een eni[doyer and employe, in the various industries and institutions of the business world. Indicative of the interest taken by the business men of the city, it is of interest to note that the movement was led by James Melluish, a civil engineer and s.;ccessful man of affairs, being at the same time one of the city's leading organists. The men who gave of their time and leadership without stint were prominent young business men. Dale James, Lyle Straight, Ralph Freese, all prominent young men of affairs, each a leader in his line. The Rotarians and the Association of Commerce club backed uj) the whole movement in a very substantial way by assisting in the purchase of 2500 books for the use of the ' ' sings. ' ' A word as to what seems to be the permanent contributions to com- munity life from this movement, and this chapter will close with a few^ of the songs that weie po[)ular during those dark days of national sor- row and hope. i'he first valuable element contributed was that of a mutual forti- tude, that could scarcely have been awakened thru any other means. All that was being so well done for the individual of the community thru the Red Cross, was augumented in mass effect by the enthusiasm of the community sing. From time to time came the added help and inspira- tion of some great song leader from distant places. Second, the deeper appreciation on the part of all the people of the common bond of ptopular music, the increased appreciation of the national hymns, the patriotic fervor aroused by the mass movement, and third, the revaluation of music as the means of lightening up, and poetizing the monotony and commonplace spirit of the business and workaday world. McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WORLD WAR 159 The following are among the most popularly sung numbers, worthy to be passed on to the coming generations as typical oi: the spirit of a struggle that we shall all hope may never be again a part of the world's life. OVER THERE— (A-FIat) Over there — Over there — 8end the word, send the word over there — That the Yanks are coming, the Yanks are coming, The drums rum-turning every where — So prepare — say a prayer — Wend the word, send the word over there — We'll be over, we're coming over And we won't come back till it's over, over there. There was always a spirit akin to the spiritual effect of the real folk song, when the crowd struck in on, "Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag. And smile, smile, smile While you've a lucifer to light your fag, 8mile boy, that's the style. What's the use of worrying? It's never worth your while, so Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag. And smile, smile, smile." To overlook tlie increased internationalism of spirit as manifest in song, would be to overlook one of the greatest assets of the movement. Perhaps one of the most impressive features of the whole community sing movement was the presence in many of the mass meetings of scores of foreign born men and women, and especially children. Out of the home of Scandinavian, Hungarian, Pole and all other representatives of Europe including loj-al Americans who were born in the Kaiser's own kingdom, here joined heartily in singing strength to the heart of the great cause that to them more than any other stood for liberty and justice. As a bit of the French spirit, "Joan of Arc," became popular, sung in the key of (F). "Joan of Arc, Joan of Are, Do your eyes, from the skies, see the foe? Don't you see the drooping Fleur-de-lis? Can't you hear the tears of Normandy? Joan of Arc, Joan of Arc, Come, lead your France to victory. If these brief words will suffice to give some idea of the song spirit that prevailed during the trying years of struggle, conserving to future generations a bit of the moral and spiritual force manifest in this and multitudes of other cities and states all over the world, it will satisfy the ambition of the writer. And now that the pain and suffering is past, and many homes have a renewed interest in European countries by rea- son of the graves that are there, may we gather in twilight of memory and imagination and sing, When the great red dawn is shining, When the waiting hours are past, When the tears of night are ended And I see the day at last, I shall come down the road of sunshine. To a heart that is fond and true, When the great red dawn is shining. Back to home, back to love and you. 160 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR tX3 03 C O 02 03 Ah CO 3 O K o o c3 a o CO o o o McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WORLD WAB 161 Some of the more popular verses of many war-time songs were tliese: MARSEILLAISE HYMN (A-flat) Ye sons of Freedom awake to glory! Hark! Hark! what myriads bid you rise! Your children, wives, and grandsires hoary. Behold tlieir tears and hear their cries! Behold their tears and hear their cries! hihall hateful tyrants, mischief breeding, With hireling hosts, a ruffian band, Affright and desolate the land, While peace and liberty lie bleeding? "SMILES" (G) Chorus: There are smiles that make us happy. There are smiles that make us blue, There are smiles that steal away the teardrops As the sun-beams steal away the dew, There are smiles that have a tender meaning That eyes of love alone may see. And the smiles that fill my life with sunshine Are the smiles that you give to me. THERE'S A LONG, LONG TRAIL (A-liat) There 's a long, long trail a-winding Into the land of my dreams. Where the nightingales are singing And the white moon beams; There's a long, long night of waiting Until my dreams all come true, Till the day when I '11 be going down That long, long trail Avith you. THE ROSE OF NO MAN'S LAND (E-fiat) There's a Rose that Grows on "No Man's Land," And it's wonderful to see: Tho' it's spray 'd with tears, it will live for years, In my garden of memory. It's the one red rose the soldier knows. It's the work of the Master's hand; 'Mid the war's great curse stands the Red Cross Nurse, She's the Rose of No Man's Land. KEEP THE HOME FIRES BURNING Keep the home fires burning. While your hearts are yearning, Tho your lads are far from home. They dream of home — ■ There 's a silver lining, Thru the dark clouds shining. Turn the dark clouds inside out, Till the boys come home. 162 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE The Bloomington Association of Commoice during 1917 and 1918 devoted its energies largely to work to help the nation win the war. Its offices, then in the Griesheim building, became headquarters for many minor organizations, such as fuel committees, food price com- mittees and the like. In the summer of 1917, the rooms were used as a recruiting office for getting men to fill out the ranks of old Company D, which later became a part of the famous Prairie Division. The Association had its own War Activities committee, which worked for the comfort of successive contingents of drafted men as they assembled for departure for camps, and later when the service men returned home after the demobilization. This committee had designed and struck a bronze medal, in quantities sufficient to give one to each man who went out of this county into any branch of service. The inscription on this medal reads: "McLean County, Illinois, U. S. A., Honors her Soldier, John Doe, .Serve Well. 1918." On the reverse side was a bas-relief of the great seal of the state of Illinois. On May 1, 1918, the Associa- tion of Commerce moved into its present spacious quarters upon the second floor of the Durley block, the new location giving more than four times the floor space of the old. The Association of Commerce provided and financed different rooms as headquarters for drives, such as liberty loans. Red Cross, war benev- olences, etc. The city and county organization of the Council of Na- tional Defense made the A. of C. rooms their headquarters, and a sec- retary, Miss Reeser, was employed constantly for this kind of work. All the township committees of the C. N. D. co-operated through this association during the war. The Association of Commerce raised in special funds for war work during the three years from 1917 to 1920, the total of $4,991.81, which was distributed through its committees and the office itself. One of the most important phases of its war worrk was that connected with the establishment of the Student Army Train- ing Corps at the Wesleyan. W^hen tlie government took this action, the Association of Commerce guaranteed tlie financing of the barracks on Wesleyan 's campus, at a cost of $27,000. At the opening of these barracks, the A. of C. and Better Farming Association put on a benefit corn show and raised $5,000 for building a students' club house. The armistice put an end to such need, and the fund of $5,000 was distributed among the Home Bureau, the Better Farming Association and the A. of C. The government after the war reimbursed the Association for the cost of the barracks. During the demobilization period, the Associa- tion carried on its most beneficial activity through its canteen committee and War Activities committee. The Association was instrumental in establishing in Bloomington a government employment agency, which up to the year 1920 had secured jobs for some 4,000 people, many of them returned service men. This bureau was in personal charge of John E. Matthews. In spite of the strain of war activity, the Associa- tion of Commerce carried on with scarcely any interruption during 1917 and 1918 its general community work for the city's welfare. The war- time officers of the Association of Commerce were: President, R. C. Baldwin; .vice-president, Milton R. Livingston; secretary, J. H. Hudson; treasurer, Harris K. Hoblit. The personnel of the war activities committee of the Association was as follows: C. L. Hills, chairman; George Washburn, H. D. Bunnell, W. H. Homuth, E. E. Jones, C. U. Williams, C. B. Hamilton. For three months during the demobilization period, the War Camp Community Service organization maintained an office with the Association, and a paid secretary to assist returned men in getting back into civil life. McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WORLD TVAE 163 \.Mm R. C. Baldwin J. H. Hudson HONOR ROLL The following members of the Association of Commerce were in the service: Carl H. Behr Wm. Bright R. W. Bringham J. J. Butler Fred Brian Dwight E. Beal John Cleary T. W. Cantrell Dr. Behrendt Walter J. Freese W. W. Gailey G. H. Galford W. H. Gardner Harry Hall H. C. Hawk, Jr. Ed. Hammond F. M. Harry J. B. Havens L. A. Hayes Ralph Helfernan Rogers Humphreys Blake Holton Harry L, Howell T. F. Harwood Dr. J. K. Hawks Jnliiis Klemm Ralph McCord R. A. Noble R. M. O'Connell G. N. Paxton J. Warren Paxton I.ogan Perry Ben Rhodes A. E. Rogers Horace Boper V. G. Staten Carl F. Schalk Chas. H. Snow E. C. Straub Earl T. Smith Glen Walley Joe Watchinski Walter Williams Wm. Wallis Thos. W. Weldon 164 M CLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB John P. Anderson Mayor E. E. Jones E. R. Morgan A. G. Erickson K. L. Carlock BLOOMINGTON WAR COUNCIL Of tlie many civic bodies in Bloomington that played a highly important part in the war, none is deserving of a fuller measure of credit than the Board of City Commissioners composed of Mayor E. E. Jones, and Commissioners E. B. Morgan, John F. Anderson, A. G. Erickson, and R. L. Carlock. At nearly every session of the council during the period of the war, there was some action of importance cal- culated to help win the great struggle. The council set the pace in patriotism by utilizing surplus funds for buying Liberty Bonds and War Savings Stamps to the extent of $24,832. The inauguration of the War Gardens, which vastly increased the output of vegetable foodstuffs, was a notable movement fostered by the City Council. This was in charge of Commissioner John Anderson. Hundreds of vacant lots were cleared of weeds and the public encouraged and assisted in growing vegetables. The total acreage thus utilized, was very large and the food produced reached a very considerable tonnage. This was one of the most successful side movements grow- ing out of the war and many of these vacant lots have been cultivated following the signing of the armistice. In supporting the Council of Defense, and all other patriotic movements, the council was at all times quick to respond and 100 per cent in achievement, and, in loyalty and activity, was second to none. The war council will always be held in grateful remembrance by the citizens of Bloomington and all McLean County as well. McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WORLD WAR 165 WOMEN AND FOOD CONSERVATION To anyone who read the newspapers during the first few months of iyi7, it was apparent that when the United States declared war on Germany, there woiikl be some sort of organized campaign for food conservation in this country. The question of food had become critical for the warring nations and the United States would play a large part in supplying the armies and civilians of our associates with enough food to keep them in the fighting ranks. The prompt action of Bloomington and McLean county women in organizing to meet this need will always be one of the greatest matters of pride to this county. During the latter part of April, just after our declaration of war, Mrs. Spencer Ewing went before the officers of the McLean County Chapter Eed Cross, and offered her services for any work in food conservation that might be taken up. The offer was at once accepted, and thereafter during the whole period of the war and reconstruction months that followed, Mrs. E.wing was county leader in food conservation. To her is due large credit for the enlistment of McLean county women in the army of housewives who fought in the trenches at home, against starvation abroad. The national food admin- istration, with Herbert Hoover as its head, did not begin operations until July, 1917, so it may be seen that McLean county can justly claim the distinction of having been foresighted. The original Conservation Committee of the Eed Cross was com- posed of Mrs. Ewing, E. C. Baldwin, Ben Sumner, W. H. Cummings, Eoy Costigan, H. W. Kelly, John G. Miller, Mrs. F. W. Benjamin, Miss Sallie Anthony, Mrs. Paul Beich, Mrs. J. C. Eiley, Mrs. S. Noble King, Mrs. George Monroe, Mrs. J. B. McConkie and Mrs. Will Moore. Later, when the Woman's Committee, Council of Defense, was or- ganized, a conservation committee was appointed as follows: Mrs. F. W. Benjamin, president of McLean County Household Science Club; Miss Nellie Parham, representing public library; Miss Alice Treganza, teacher of domestic science in public schools; Miss 011a Johnson, Wesleyan domestic science teacher; Mrs. E. J. Carroll of Holy Trinity Ladies Aid; Mrs. Maurice McCarthy of Daughters of Isabella; Mrs. G. H. Johnson of Grace Methodist church; Mrs. E. M. Hamilton of Second Presbyterian church; Mrs. F. C. Davison, Second United Bretliren church; Mrs. John Coupe, Parent-Teacher Confederated Club; Mrs. Jennie C. Barlow, Mrs. Eoss Breckenridge, Miss Laurastine Marquis and Miss Emma Wright. Thruout the emergency, the food conservation work of McLean county was done equally thru the Eed Cross committee and the Woman's Committee, C. N. D., and reports were made to both organizations. In May, 1917, forty-five groups for the study of new problems that confronted housewives, were organized. These included members and representatives from the Day Nursery Mothers' Club, Normal Sewing Society, Holy Trinity Ladies' Aid, several ladies' aid societies of Bloom- ington protestant churches, Y. W. C. A. group of young married women, Normal Improvement League, T. P. A. auxiliary, Home Welfare Club, Colored Churches, Normal Neighborhood group, North Clinton Neighbor- hood group, St. Patrick's Ladies' Aid, Thalia Circle, East Side Group, Heyworth Household Science Club, McLean County Household Science club, Country Club, West Oakland group. White Place group, Broadway group, Emerson school group, Spaulding school club. Price School Club, Washington street school club, and others. These groups came together during the summer and discussed the world food situation and the ways in which local women could help. The 166 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE JVOELD WAB leader of each group attended lectures given weekly by Mrs. Jennie C. Barlow. A room for these meetings was opened in the new high school building. In July, when the national food administration began its work, pledges were sent out for the signatures of housewives. About 700 of these were signed. But the organization was still imperfect, and it was not until November wlien the general registration of women took place, that McLean county housewives in any large way signified their willing- ness to enter into the spirit of food conservation. When the matter was put before them in a detailed statement, 9000 out of a possible 11,000 housewives of McLean county signed the pledges. In July, Miss Naomi Newburn, of the University of Illinois, gave a week of canning demonstrations in Bloomington. She urged the neces- sity for preserving for winter use everything that could be preserved from the home garden. Her demonstrations were largely attended. During the late summer and early fall months, ]\liss Emma Wright, a McLean county girl with university training, gave weekly demonstra- tions in practical war-time cookery, in the high school domestic science room. It was during the fall of 1917 that agitation for employment of a home adviser was first begun here, Mrs. Ewing, Mrs. Frank W. Benjamin, and other leaders in household science work, initiating the movement. Under the Smith-Lever bill, the government had several years before offered funds to counties employing home advisers, on the same basis as farm advisers were employed. I"p to this time there had been but one home adviser in Illinois — in Kankakee county — where the experiment was started in 1914. The government, in an effort to establish home advisers as trained leaders of conservation, increased the funds avail- able during the war emergency, and it was to take advantage of this offer, and to get the assistance of such a leader that the McLean county women began their campaign for members of a Home Improvement Association. The Illinois Farmers' Institute held its annual meeting in Bloom- ington in February, 191.S, and the exhibits for the Department of House- hold Science, were made by the McLean County Food Conservation Com- mittee. The Normal high school arranged plates of meats and meat sub- stitutes to illustrate lessons in meat saving; Bloomington high school had exhibits on sugar saving; Wesleyan classes showed Avheat substi- tutes; the I. S. N. U. classes made exhibits of fat conservation. During the institute hundreds of the five-cent conservation cook books gotten out by the State Council of Defense, were sold. The message had gone forth from Washington early in 1918 that more food must be conserved than during the previous year; the situa- tion abroad was more and more critical as our own troops were sent over and had to be fed 3000 miles from the base of supplies. A spirit of downright seriousness began to prevail; no longer were complaints concerning the government regulations lieard. Wheat, meat, fats and sugar were the foods upon which attention was concentrated. In March, 1918, a w-ar kitchen was opened on North Main street, $25.00 for material and equipment being supplied by the Eed Cross. Here Miss Naomi Newburn and Miss Olive Percival of the University of Illinois staff', gave two demonstrations daily for a week to large and enthusiastic audiences. Women were really eager to learn how to cook in order to use the least possible amount of the conservation foods, and yet to main- tain the health of their families. Daily appeals for conservation were made by the women in charge. The uses of rice instead of potatoes; fish instead of meat; syrups instead of sugar; vegetable fats for animal fats; were all demonstrated. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAS 167 Perhaps the most largely attended of these demonstrations was that on "liberty" breads — those in which flours other than wheat were used. Women were having poor success iu using the wheat substitutes, and when it was announced that Misses Newburn and Percival would make several loaves from various flours, interest in the kitchen knew no bounds. The room was crowded to the limit, and women even stood out on the sidewalk. A permanent organization called the Home Improvement Associa- tion was formed in April, as the result of agitation previously mentioned, for a home adviser. It had a membership of 1500 women from all over the county, each paying $1 per year toward its support. The government likewise paid $1500 per year. There Avas a director in each township, who stood for food conservation in her community. In June the home adviser began work. Hhe was Miss Clara E. Brian formerly of San Jose. Because McLean county is so large that one person could not give it adequate attention, the University of Illinois, sent Miss Grace D. Taylor to assist Miss Brian during the first two months she was here. Food conservation work was centered, thereafter, in Miss Brian, who gave lectures and demonstrations six days a week and traveled several thou- sand miles by train and automobile to towns and rural communities of the county. ' The Municipal Canning Kitchen was perhaps the most spectacular piece of conservation work done during 1918. It was opened in the Pantagraph building on June 18 and closed on August 31 after 1128 cans of produce had been put up there. To the kitchen came women from all over McLean county and nearby towns in adjoining counties. It was estimated that 1200 housewives heard the lectures and demon- strations given twice weekly by Miss Taylor and Miss Mabel Hill of Normal, who was employed for this work after Miss Taylor left. In these demonstrations seasonable fruits and vegetables were canned and dried, the sorting of vegetables was shown, pickles and sauer kraut were made, and meat canning was illustrated. It was the i)urpose of the kitchen to so get before the people di- rections for canning and drying, that no garden produce should go to waste. There was a plan whereby persons having surplus garden pro- ducts, donated these to the kitchen, and they were canned by volunteers, in jars donated by other people. At the end of the season 6()5 quarts of such stuff was distributed to philanthropic agencies in Bloomington and Normal, and it proved invaluable during the influenza epidemic of the winter. There was a plan whereby a woman could bring her own jars and produce to the center and can under expert direction, no charge being made for this. Or she might send produce and jars and have it canned, giving half to the center as payment for the work. After canning season was practically over, several demonstrations of war-time cookery were given in the kitchen. At one of these Miss Taylor made war breads. The room was larger than that in which the North Main street war kitchen had been located, but it was taxed to capacity and many women were turned away. On another occasion Miss 8ill made sugarless, wheatless cakes and sugarless icings. This brought another large crowd, as families were loathe to give up cake, and yet wanted to be patriotic. The municipal kitchen was a community enterprise in which many organizations and individuals had a part — the McLean County House- hold Science Club, the Home Improvement Association, Patriotic League girls. Boy Scouts, the Motor Emergency Corps, the Council of Defense, Food Conservation Department of the Eed Cross, Bloomington Panta- graph and church societies. The financial support was given by a few individuals, the Council of Defense and the Pantagraph. 168 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE IVOFLD WAR Mrs. Spencer Ewing Miss Clara Brian School children were enlisted in the food conservation game early in its history. They participated in tlnce essay contests which were designed to give publicity to some phase of conservation. The first was open to all pupils of the county. A prize was offered by Mrs. Ewing for the best short essay on the benefits of having a home adviser. The second was a similar contest in which three prizes were given to the children who wrote most convincingly on "Why and How Wheat Flour Should Be Conserved." The third was a potato essay contest, in which ward school domestic science classes participated. The winning paper contained a list of 435 ways in which potatoes may be prepared, and another named 410 recipes for potatoes. High school English classes, used potatoes as the subject for essays, stories and verses. During the time when potatoes were extremely scarce and high in price this co- operation in the schools helped materially in getting the Food Admin- istration's program before the public. It is interesting to recall the first set of rules issued by the United States food administration and which were sent to Bloomington chapter of the Bed Cross for promulgation among the women of this section. These rules were modified from time to time, but the first draft of them is as follows: Save the Wheat. — One whcatless meal a day. Use corn, oatmeal, rye or barley bread and non-wheat breakfast foods. Order bread twenty- four hours in advance so your baker will not bake beyond his needs. Cut the loaf on the table and only as required. Use stale bread for cooking, toast, etc. Eat less cake and pastry. Save the Meat. — Beef, mutton or pork not more than once daily. Use freely vegetables and fish. At the meat meal serve smaller por- tions, and stews instead of steaks. Make made-dishes of all left-overs. Do this and there will be meat enough for everyone at a reasonable price. Save the Milk. — Tlie children must have milk. Use every drop. Use buttermilk and sour milk for cooking and making cottage cheese. Use less cream. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 169 Save the Fats. — We are the world's greatest fat wasters. Fat is food. Butter is essential for the growth and health of children. Use butter on the table as usual but not in cooking. Other fats are as good. Eeduce use of fried foods. Have daily one-third ounce animal fats. Soap contains fats. Do not waste it. Make your own washing soap at home out of the saved fats. Save the Sugar — Sugar is scarce. We use today three times as much per person as our allies. So there may be enough for all at rea- sonable price, use less candy and sweet drinks. Do not stint sugar in putting up fruit and jams. They will save butter. Save the Fuel. — Coal comes from a distance and our railways are overburdened liauling war material. Help relieve them by burning fewer fires. Use wood when you can get it. Use the Perishable Foods. — Fruits and vegetables we have in abun- dance. As a nation we eat too little green stuffs. Double their use and improve your health. Store potatoes and other roots properly and they will keep. Begin now to can or dry all surplus garden products. Use Local Supplies. — Patronize your local producer. Distance means money. Buy perishable food from the neighborhood nearest you and thus save transportation. Buy less, serve smaller portions. Preach the "Gospel of the Clean Plate." Don't eat a fourth meal. Don't limit the plain food of growing children. Watch out for the wastes in the community. Full garbage pails in America mean empty dinner jiails in America and Europe. For many months a person's patriotism was judged quite as much according to the food he ate, as according to the money contribution he made toward winning the war. The rules of the Food Administra- tion were obeyed without question in McLean county. The consumption of sugar was cut to two pounds per person per month, except for can- ning, and that was limited. Bread made of all wheat flour was all but forgotten. There was no waste of fats. The peo]>le pulled together in wonderful team work for the husbanding of supplies for American sol- diers and our associates in the war. With food regulations what they were, and a genuine desire on the part of country women to conform thereto, the problem of threshing dinners became acute, for war breads, especially could not be prepared in advance; pies were taboo in some communities; a great many women hesitated about making substitute cakes; and meat was almost out of the question. Various solutions were found in various communities, de- pending somewhat on the men for whom the threshing dinners were cooked. But it was found, (to the surprise of a great many cooks, be it admitted) that good meals, conforming to food administration rules and requests could be provided and the cooks be commeiuled by the threshers for their patriotism. The fact that McLean county is one of the richest counties in the world might have accounted for failure to obey in letter and spirit the rules of the administration. But violations were so few that they were practically negligible, a fact of which McLean county peojjle may al- ways be proud. With the signing of the armistice, the urge for conservation was largely gone, but as a result of the work done during the war McLean county has a permanent Home Bureau (as the Home Improvement Asso- ciation was later called) which will carry on college extension work and lessons in the best for home and community life, thru many years to come. 170 McLKAN COUNTY AND TILE ll'OL'LD WAR WOMEN IN THE SERVICE Of the women of Mcl^ean county who were in the army service, either as attaches of the Eed Cross or nurses otherwise, the following are well worth of especial credit: (Serving overseas) : Miss Alice O. Smith, Normal; Miss Florence Schreiner, Bloomington; Miss Carol_yn Schertz, Bloomington; ]\Iiss Ethel Irwin, Bloomington; Miss Catlierine Smith, Bloomington; Miss Fannie E. Woodbury, Bloom- Miss Charlotte Bender Miss Catherine Smith ington; Miss Virginia Langley, Bloomington; Miss Charlotte Bender, Bloomington; Miss Mary Agnes Burke, Bloomington; Miss Mable Brust, Bloomington; Miss Bessie Moon, Bloomington; Miss Mary Sheridan, Bloomington. List of Array nurses and others who served in camps in the States: Miss Alice Markland, Ft. Sam Houston. Bloomington. Miss Emily Ransom. Bloomington. Miss Eutir Maxwell, Walter Eeid Hosp., D. C. Bloomington. Miss Charlotte Ross, Camp Shelby, Miss. McLean, 111. Miss Eva Ely, Camp Shelby, Miss. Bloomington. Miss Florence Johnson, Camp Shelby, Miss. Normal, 111. Miss Mary Mortimore, Camp Shelby and Ft. McHenry. Bloomington. Miss Grace Gaines, Ft. Oglethorpe. Bloomington. Miss Evelyn Worley, Ft. Oglethorpe. Bloomington. Miss Sarah Wells, Camp Grant, 111. Bloomington. Miss Bertha Duff, Camp Grant. Bloomington. * Miss Anna Miller, Camp Grant. Bloomington. Miss Edna Smiley, Camp Grant. Bloomington. Miss Bertha Dunn, Camp Grant and Fort Snelling. Lexington. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE IVOELD WAE 171 Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss iiigton. Miss pital, D. Miss Miss Miss Arno A. Allen, Camp Dix. Bloomington. Margaret O'Ecilly, Camp Dix. Bloomington. Amy L. Clark, Camp Wadswortli, S. C. Bloomington. Myrtle Crura, Camp Gordon, Ga. Bloomington. Clara Mann, Walter Eeid Hosp., Tacoma Park, D. C. Bloom- Beulah Leuberman, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. and Walter Eeid Hos- C. Bloomington. Amelia Hughes, Ft. Thomas, Ky. Opha Wren, Bloomington. A. E. F. Margaret Merwin, Bloomington. A. E. F. Bloomington. WAS NURSE IN FRANCE Miss Charlotte Bender, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beudi'r of Bloomington, early responded to the call for Red Cross nurses, and Miss Bertha Dunn Miss Ruth Maxwell Miss Carolyn Schertz served for a year at the United States base hospital in France. >She sailed early in 191S and performed efticient service until the close of the war. Miss Bender was a member of the unit from the Presbyterian hospital of Chicago and was stationed at Base Hospital 13 in Franco. STORY OF ALICE SMITH Miss Alice Orme Smith of Normal, daughter of Col. and Mrs. D. C. Smith whose service was largely in Europe, had the distinction of re- ceiving the following commendation from Gen. Pershing August 14, 1918. "The Commander-in-Cliief was proud to learn from a report from the office of the Inspector General, A. E. F., of the fine courage shown by you and your personnel under shell fire when stationed with the 42nd Division tit Bussy, France. He congratulates Mobile Hospital No. 2, and requests you to inform its members that lie is proud to have them in his command." Miss Smith wrote of her experiences as follows: "My time was entirely spent wdth a mobile hospital. These mobile hospitals stand in the line with field hospitals to give promjjt, rather delicate treatment to cases that are non-transportable. We were sud- deidy called away from the British in June and sent to Paris. Wounded from Chateau Thierry were being sent to Paris with only their first tiid dressings. Everybody was put to work, American Red Cross workers, even American civilians lent a hand. There were two or three air raids every night, and the screams of the sirens and the noise of the anti- aircraft guns added to the confusion. We were very busy until the first week in July. There was a sense of something brewing. There were rumors of another offensive and on the 5th of July we were ordered to 172 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WUKLD WAR join the troops that would meet this offensive. We were sent east of Rheims. The roads were dusty and it was very hot. Our side of the road was full of people going to the front, and the other side was full of people who were escaping, of broken equipment, and an occasional dispatch rider who dashed by. It was a desolate wilderness to which we went. We left our tents behind because we were to be quartered in French barracks. When we arrived we found that before every door was a little cart in which people had packed the belongings they would take away in case it was necessary to escape. Every night our troops put over a tremendous barrage. We had little to do in the hospital be- cause there was no actual fighting. These shells were to harrass the enemy as he brought up supplies. The Huns ' silence was ominous. But at midnight of July 14 we were awakened by a tremendous noise of explosions and the German shells were landing. Then came the camp Klaxon, which means gas shells. We dashed to a shelter, where three tiers of stretchers could be placed. Some of the first shells hit the hospital and the patients in their beds. Soon shells hit the electric dynamo and there was no light except candles. The dugout was so full we could not reach the patients, but we gave them stimulants as best we could. The cook who ventured out after coffee was hit. We went to the operating room at 2 o 'clock and worked with tin hats on our heads and gas masks within reach. In two hours the range of the guns came back and part of the operating rooms was blown off. Then the order came to retreat. At nine o'clock in the morning the patients were evacuated and after all were sent out the staff packed equipment and escaped. The St. Mihiel was the first all-American offensive. Great secrecy was necessary, and it must be a success. Troops were not al- lowed to move except at night, no new roads must be built or old ones widened or changed. We were not even allowed a flashlight at night. We were unloaded at night on tiie side of a hill. Above, on the crest of the hill, was out of bounds, because we could be seen by the enemy across the valley. Toward morning we lay down to try and get a snatch of sleep. We lay down in our clothes. Never a sound did we hear. When we woke in the morning you had probably heard over the cables that the offensive was on. But there was no traffic on the road, no ambulances, no word. At noon we heard that they had gone over, but the men called the attack a walkaway. They reduced the salient rather easily. We waited and expected the wounded to come in. Never a wounded person came. Tliere were a great many wounded, but not in as large proportion as usual, and what there were had been sent back to hospitals in the Toul sector. Where we were we had a great many seriously wounded, because the battle was raging and The men were trying to forge ahead. As they came back and we asked them about it, they would say 'it was pretty hot.' They would never tell you much about it. The men who came back from the Argonne were disturbed by rumors of peace. They said they did not want it to end until they had put an end to those blithers. They chaffed at disabilities that kept them out of the line. With the armistice came new orders and we moved on, but not until we had performed the last rites for the 400 dead we had left there." McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLJ) WAE 173 McLEAN COUNTY COUNCIL OF DEFENSE A previously unwritten and yet one of the most important chapters in the history of the late war, is the part taken by the McLean County C^ouncil of Defense. It is but common justice to pay tribute to the patriotic body which performed its mission so unobtrusively and without ostentation and yet which was one of the most efficient and essential organizations of the nation. Victory was achieved and the enemy capit- ulated to the most stringent terms of surrender that history records. For America, the actual arena of the war was 3,000 miles overseas, and, into this arena, the CTOvernment of the United States threw 2,000,000 of the most superb troops that the drama of warfare has known and, what is more to its credit, got them there on time and made possible the iinal smashing blow. The organization, transportation and clocklike delivery at the eleventh hour of these irresistible citizen armies of the republic of the western world, is an epic in itself, a story in the making of which all who served, are miraculously fortunate to have borne even a small part. The sacrifices that have been made on this side of the water, should be counted as nothing, unless, indeed, they should be held as benefits conferred, for, in the philosophy of sacrifice, there is gain for every human being. None who participated in the war, either abroad or at home, will ever again move on as great a stage or be so close to the chemistry of high events. Those who have had the most to offer have been the happiest. There need be no repining, whatever the ma- terial cost may have been. The war has been won and the world is be- ing remade. The nations that have been aligned upon the side of a decent civilization will have their share in the remaking, and the logic of events will, no doubt, bring a contribution to the world's future wel- fare, even from those defeated countries in which new and better forces are arising, we hope, out of the ashes of empire, empire perverted and gone awry. But here at home, there were armies also and they performed a mighty task. They were created without mandates; they were welded into cohesive form by suggestion rather than by order; they were gal- vanized from beginning to end by the mighty force of voluntary co- operation; and they served with an efficient power which nothing could have stopped. They were the armies of production, not alone of guns and steel plates, soldiers, shoes and the like, not alone of visible things but production of energy of thought that made the bayonet a flaming tiling; of optimism to offset tlie stupid pessimism of people who criti- cized, but had nothing tangible to contribute; of the immortal spirit of ' ' carry on, ' ' of, above all unification. For it has only been within the period of the war that this nation completely realized that, after all, it is properly introduced to itself, and is but a partnership of 100,000,000 persons. -Out of all of this grew the great lesson of the war to America; the independency of social effort which, in the last equation, must keep a nation wholesome in peace and which must furnish the continuing tireless force behind the cutting edge in time of war. This then, broadly, was the task of those at home. In the vast work of unification, in the carrying from Washington to the people, the messages and measures of the national government and in the transmission back to Washington of the moods and aspirations of a peojde at war, the council of defense system with its more than 180,000 units set down in every county of the country, played a definite, stirring, and highly fruitful part. Launched May 2, 1917, the Council of National Defense forged into action immedi- ately. The McLean county organization was as follows: Mayor, E. E. Jones, Chairman; B. F. Hiltabrand, secretary; E. C. Baldwin, John Normile, W. T. Woleott, D. G. Fitzgerrell, J. J. Condon, 174 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOT.Li) WAE SOME LEADERS IN COUNCIL OF DEFENSE Judge Sain Welty William L. Moore Dr. Theodore Kemp McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR 175 and Elmo Franklin, directors. This board appointed the numerous com- mittees divided by chairmen, as follows: Finance Committee — Will L. Moore; Neighborhood — Dr. Theodore Kemp; Food — D. O. Thompson; Boys Eescrve — B. C. Moore; Publicity — L. O. Eddy; Federal Fuel — Spen- cer Ewing and Bert Franklin ; Women 's Organization — Mrs. F. O. Hanson ; Liberty Loans — Harris K. Hoblit; War Savings Stamps — Judge James C. Eiley; Legal Advisory Board — Judge Sain Welty and E. E. Donnelly; Four Minute Men — C. E. Hughes; Eed Cross — Campbell Holton; Y. M. C. A.' — H. O. Stone; Civilian Relief — Mrs. Jacob A. Bohrer; Non-War Material Conservation — A. E. Pillsbury; Merchandise Conservation — Milton Livingston; Knights of Columbus — James Flavin. It was the task of these committees and their aides to carry out the programs of the War, Navy, Agriculture, Interior, nnd Labor Depart- ments; the Food and Fuel Administrations; the Shipping Board; the ■^.• ^ ^'^^ .jxj fc -jw.'.,^ B. F. Hiltabrand D. G. Fitzgerrell United States Emx)loyment Service; the Childrens Bureau; the Bureau of Education; the American Eed Cross; the National War Savings Com- mittee; the several Liberty loans; the Commission on Training Camp Activities; the suppression of tlie German press and abolition of German from county schools: loyalty cards, handled by neighborhood commit- tees; Legal Advisory Board with the assistance of the McLean County Bar in filling out questionnaires; Emergency Farm Labor, furnislicd by D. O. Thompson, assisted by Herman Ochs and others, also B. C. Moore who placed many boys; prosecution of citizens who, by their expressions. appeared to be disloyal, and also those who while financially able, refused to contribute to the war activities. It fell to the McLean County Council of Defense to serve these and other official and recognized agencies united in the common task of war. The draft boards were assisted with volunteer workers, both physicians and clerks, and who aided in the transcription of occupational cards and in bringing out a full registration and the roundup of delinquents. Be- fore the draft, the Council of Defense was in the forefront of recruiting. It counteracted destructive criticism of the government 's war measures by replacing thoughtless gossip with constructive truths. The publicity organization was unparalleled in the effectiveness and extent of its con- 176 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAE tact with the jjress and in the vigor and completeness of the speakers' bureaus; the contact with the people themselves through community- councils and war units and the complete enlistment, organization and leadership of the women of America, were a mighty source of power from which rose much of the strength of the local boards. Energies were fused into one great harmonious and efficient power. Non-war construc- tion and consumption were curtailed; the welfare of departing and re- turning soldiers was promoted, public information was given as to possi- bilities provided by the Federal Board for Vocational Education for crippled soldiers; cases reported of unwarranted payments under the war risk insurance law and detection of deserters aided. Enemy owned property was located; enemy" propaganda was met with counter propa- ganda, and the spread of sedition and disloyalty checked, and at the same time working against lawlessness in the treatment of persons sus- pected of disloyalty; the work of Americanization; relieving railroad congestion; facilitating motor transportation, etc., all being a part of the great work of the Council of Defense. It brought to the people a message of economy and thrift, the conservation and protection of food and in co-ordinating the work of war agencies in the interests of economy of resources and effort. It aided in the collection of funds for the Eed Cross, the United War Work campaigns; aided existing social agencies in meeting the strain of the war and in protecting y'oung people from the serious social effects of abnormal times, helxxnl to fight what was vicious and foster what was good and wholesome in our social life. It assisted in the recruiting of nurses to fill the needs of the hospitals abroad and at home; assisted the navy in the collection of optical in- struments; in the campaign to secure volunteers for the shipyards. Through speakers, motion pictures, posters, the press and through personal contact, community singing and the organized fellowship of war work- ers, the council aroused in the public a desire for service; it brought before the people an intelligent vision of how that service could best be rendered and upheld the faith and enthusiasm through the trying years of the war, thus winning the high title of special guardians of the civilian morale. In evolving measures to increase agricultural pro- duction and to combat influenza and conserve the public health, all liave led to permanent benefits. A national interest was awakened in the health of the children, in the safeguarding of women who entered the industrial field, and in the assimilation of and Americanization of our foreign born in healtliy group recreation and social expression and in wise nonpartisan community^ organization. Following the war, the Coun- cil of Defense assisted in finding employment for discharged soldiers and sailors and in the rehabilitation and care of wounded or sick soldiers; in procuring legal advice and in providing suitable rece|)tion to the re- turning heroes and in making permanent recognition of their deeds of valor. In other ways, the Council of Defense of McLean county distin- guished itself for its superb co-operation unit and which was one of the major assets of the war to America. Elsewhere in this work will be found more extended reference to the various departments and particular reference to the work of individuals. Nothing that can be said, unduly praises. McLean county may justly be proud of its record. In men, money and materials, in products of the farm, and of the factory, and in wholehearted response to every call for service or sacrifice im- posed by the time, McLean county gave to the nation and its cause, upon a scale surpassing even its best traditions and its rank in the state of Illinois. The contribution of the McLean County Council of Defense, was of a kind that can not be reduced to tables of statistics or expressed in definite form, for in war time, as at no other time, momentous resiilts are often the product of efforts that can not be weighed, measured, or even approximately estimated. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR 177 MAJ. GEN. JAMES G. HARBORD It was an honor to McLean County in connection with the world war that one of the men highest in the councils of the military expedi- tion in Europe was a man who had his birth and youth in this county, and who retained his friendship and acquaintances here, returning for a visit in person after he returned victorious from the world struggle. He was Gen. James G. Harbord, who went to Europe in 1917 as chief of staff to Gen. John J. Pershing, the commander in chief of the A. E. F. and who later became the chief of the American Service of Supply, which kept the lines of fighting men fed with munitions and rations in the great campaigns which they carried on in the summer and fall of 1918. Gen. Harbord was born in Blooming Grove township in 1866. His parents were Mr. and Mrs. George Harbord, well known McLean County residents a half century ago. The family later moved to Saybrook, thence to Missouri and then to Kansas, where Gen. Harbord graduated from the Kansas State Agricultural college in 188&. During his life in McLean County, Gen. Harbord attended the Irving school in Bloomington. The largest star in the Irving school service flag during the war stood for Gen. Harbord. Shortly after his graduation in Kansas young Harbord tried for a West Point appointment, but was beaten in the competitive examina- tions by Claude B. Sweezey, later a lieutenant colonel in the U. S. army. Following his failure to secure the West Point appointment, young Harbord showed the kind of stuff generals are made of. He enlisted as a private in the Fourth Infantry in 1889 and in a few months passed through the non-commissioned ranks. In 1891 he appeared before an army board for examination for a commission and went through with flying colors, receiving a commission as second lieutenant. When young Sweezey, who won the West Point appointment, was graduated from the military school Harbord had been a commissioned officer in the army for over a year. Gen. Harbord has had a wonderful military career and spent many years in the Philippines and Cuba. He was a close friend of Gen., Pershing. On January 21, 1899, Gen. Harbord married Emma Oven- shine, daughter of Brig. Gen. Samuel Ovenshine. Mrs. Harbord during the world war lived in Boston. Gen. Harbord 's mother, Mrs. George Harbord, lived in Manhattan, Kans. An aunt, Mrs. Ira Orendorff, and an uncle, Jacob Gault, live at Heyworth. Just before the German forces advancing to Paris in the spring of 1918 encountered the American army at the Marne, Gen. Harbord was detached from the staff of Gen. Pershing and placed in command of the brigade of Marines of the First Division who were sent to Chateau Thierry to stop the German drive. All history knows how the Americans stopped the Germans. Of Gen. Harbord at this stage of his career, a writer in a New York paper wrote in June of 1918: "General Harbord is a typical example of the American self-made soldier. Born in Illinois, he graduated from the Kansas State Agri- cultural College in 1886 at the age of 20 and enlisted in the army as a private in Company A of the 4th Infantry, Jan. 10, 1889. He soon became corporal, sergeant, and quartermaster sergeant of that company. During the Spanish-American war he was appointed second lieutenant of the 5th Cavalry and later served with the 10th, 11th, and 1st Cavalry regiments. He was a major when the war in Europe began. He was lieutenant colonel wdien he went to France a year ago as General Per- shing's chief of staff and has seen fine service in Cuba and the Phil- ippines." 178 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELI) WAR Of the general character of the Marine Corps as fighting men, the same writer wrote at the same time: "Our boys are doing exactly what we knew they would do," said an enthusiastic officer at the New York headquarters yesterday, "and ni}' only fear is that they will get too enthusiastic and run too far forward. That bunch of ours in France is the finest lot of lads that ever crossed the Atlantic. They are, every one of them, of the 'one in seven type;' that is, for every man we accepted we examined seven. We have been getting reports lately from the fellows in the trenches, and we knew that their time to get a whack at the Hun was coming, and we have been awaiting for the news that they were in it for a week or ten days. ' ' The German has met and named the fighting American marine. In th(> past the foe who encountered the prowess of marines received a mingled impression of wild cats and human Cyclops and movements as cpiick as lightning. When Fritz was introduced to him he uttered one gutteral gasp. " 'Teufel Hundcn.' " "From now on the soldiers of the sea apparently have lost the'ir old-time name of 'lethernecks' and are to be known as 'Devil Dogs' or 'Devil Hounds.' Take your choice." Of his position and work following the close of the war, a cor- respondent writing from Tours, France, in January, 1919, said: "The great man of Tours today is Maj. Gen. Harbord, the Anier- ican. He is kindly, paternal and powerful for good. He represents to these poor folks the healing might of the United States today, just as he represented our offensive force when he commanded first the marine brigades and then the entire heroic Second Division at Bouresches, Belleau Wood and Vaux. "Originally he was Gen. Pershing's chief of staff. Then he went into the thick of fighting — the defense of Paris. Now Gen. Harbord commands the S. O. S., vast area of France where the American victory was manufactured, where we have flung railroads and telephone-tele- graph lines, built veritable cities of warehouses and factories. It includes the ports. Tours has been its capital — the United States war department in France. "It is a great, rich service of supplies, which moans coal, flour, cars and locomotives, American railroad operators helping out French roads, wages for jaoor refugees, trade profits of a hundred towns, the enrichment of ports, the hope of reconstruction, the improvement of municipal works and necessary scattering of varied benefits. It is here, solid — the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. Gen. Harbord is a great man. "He lives in a chateau across the Loire. Other generals live with him; others, yet, come visiting. The chateau is on a height, with glor- ious river view. When Tours natives pass it of a Sunday, going to the country, they say, 'There's where Harbord lives!' — as speaking of a shepherd of the people." On another page of this book is a picture of Gen. Harbord, it being a sketch of him made in Paris by the great artist, John T. McCutcheon, many years cartoonist of the Cliicago Tribune. This picture is repro- duced in this book by special permission of Mr. McCutcheon, who writing in explanatory comment on the drawing said: "The three big figures in the American expeditionary forces in France are Gen. Pershing, Gen. Harbord, and Gen. Dawes. Gen. Per- shing is the commander in chief and the apex of all the army 's European activities. Gen. Harbord is the commanding general of the service of supply. He sees that the army is transported, fed, supplied McLean County's Greatest Soldier of the World War, as Sketched in Paris by John T. McCutcheon, Famous Artist and War Correspondent of the Chicago Tribune. 180 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAE and equipped. Gen. Dawes is the general purchasing agent, under whose authority every dollar's worth of material that we buy outside of America is purchased. He does no buying himself, but acts as a general co-ordinator of all the buying that is done through the heads of the purchasing departments of the various services. "These three men are the giants under whom our army abroad has functioned, and it is fortunate for the nation and the army that the national emergency brought them irresistibly to the top in their three vital fields of activity. "I was particularly desirous of making sketches of them and lucky in securing their permission to pose for me. I was less lucky in the results that I obtained, as the friends of the subjects will be able to testify after seeing the accompanying drawings. That the three generals were willing to sign the sketches is a testimonial of their natural kindli- ness rather than a testimonial of their approval and satisfaction with the sketches. "Gen. Harbord was the first victim. In the Paris headquarters which he occupies when not at his general headquarters in Tours, he sat patiently during the time that I tried to draw him. He did his part perfectly. The most exacting portrait artist could not have asked more from a subject. "The failure to catch the refinement, and force, and kindliness of his features was entirely my own fault. The drawing as it stands is a mere approximation of him, minus the soul and spirit which are such marked characteristics of the man. His friends may well have reason to be disappointed in the portrait and will be more than justified in their comment, 'Yes, that's Gen. Harbord, but — . ' " During all his strenuous labors with the army in France, Gen. Harbord never forgot the people of his old home town, and especially those of his old scliool, the Irving. Several times during the busiest periods of the war. Gen. Harbord wrote letters to Bloomington friends, and Mrs. Emma Bryant, representing the Parent-Teachers' Association of the Irving school, at one time received a handsome picture of him which was later framed and hung in the assembly room at the school. The Irving school was also the receipient of ivy and poppy seeds from the historic fields of Europe from Gen. Harbord, who wrote the following letter to Mrs. Bryant at the time he sent them: Paris, Oct. 31, 1919. I am enclosing you herewith some poppy seed which should produce the scarlet poppy which blooms on the former battlefields of France. I am leaving for America tomorrow and am bringing with me a box of ivy roots from Chateau Thierry, packed in moss, which I shall send to you by express on arrival in New York. These are for the Irving school, with my best wishes. Arriving as they do at a bad time of year, I ]U'esume it will be necessary to have them cared for until spring by a florist and have them replanted when the warm weather comes. Yours sincerely, J. G. HAEBOED. Some months after the actual close of the war, and while the peace commission was sitting in Paris, Gen. Harbord was sent with other American officers on a mission to the countries of Central Europe to investigate conditions there. His report on his findings was made to the government at Washington on his return to this country, in the late fall of 1919. A memorable event in the history of Bloomington was the visit of Gen. Harbord to this city on his return to this country in the winter of 1919-20. He was in Chicago just before Christmas, and ran down to Bloomington for a day, accompanied by his friend Gen. Dawes and McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR 181 several other Chicago friends. Bloomington planned a great reception for him. He was first taken to the Irving school, where a reception and dinner luncheon was given under charge of the Parent-Teachers' Association. Then in charge of a reception committee, Gen. Harbord was taken to the court house and the general public greeted him. In the evening there was a public meeting at the high school with speeches by Gen. Harbord, Gen. Dawes and others. Mayor Jones presided and Gov. Fifer introduced the speakers and guests. The reception was in charge of committees from the city council, the Association of Com- merce and the Parent-Teachers ' of Irving school. That Gen. Harbord was pleased was shown by a letter received from him after his return to Chicago. He wrote to Mayor Jones, to Mrs. Bryant of Irving school, and President E. M. Evans, president of the Association of Commerce. In the last named letter, to Mr. Evans, the general wrote: "I feel that I am very much indebted to you for your invitation, as well as to all of the Bloomington people by whose fine hospitality we were entertained. The date will always mark an epoch for me, and I feel that I am now fully re-established as a Bloomingtonian. " In his letter to the school, he said: "1 can not undertake to say to you how much I appreciated the hospitality sliown me in my native city. I felt that it was a par- ticularly graceful thing for your committee to plan to take our party first of all to Irving school. It gave me the greatest pleasure to meet old friends on that spot which to me is more nearly a shrine than any other portion of my native city." PICTURE IN COURT HOUSE. BLOOMINGTON. DEC. 23, 1919 Brig. Gen. Harbord (left). Mayor E. E. Jones. Claude Miller. Mayor Foulk, Normal (right). Left to Kii/ht — C. L. McGraw, Lawrence L. McGuire, Frank Mason, Don McElhaney, Chas. F. Meinkey. 182 M CLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR GROUP OP OFFICERS. V/j/icr left — Capt. Abram Perry. Upper riyht — Lt. W. B. Geneva. Center {left to riLt. Raymond Baylor, Lt. Jas. Munch, Lt. Bradford Stew- art, Major George W. Frost, Lt. George S. Ross. 184 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAS BRIG. GEN. HARRY BISHOP One of the most distinguished soldiers who claimed his home in McLean county was Brig. Gen. Harry Gore Bishop, son of L. H. Bishop of -403 West Vernon avenue, Normal. Gen. Bishop attained a high rank in the world war, but this was the cul- mination of a life time of service as a soldier for Uncle Sam. He graduated from West Point when a young man, and served first in the coast artillery branch of the service. Then he went to the Philippines, where he served for two years and a half. His next station was at Fort Totten, New York, and the following two years was in- structor in artillery at the army school at Fort Leavenworth. Several years later he served in active work in Texas and on the Mexican border. When raised to the rank of brigadier general, he was transferred 1o the command of the 159th Field artil- lery, composing the field artillery brigade of the 84th division. Gen Bishop is the author of two books on army matters, one being "Elements of Field Artillery," and the other "Operation of Field Artillery." WALTER HENRY ALLEN, MAJOR ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY One of the few ofJEicers of McLean County to win the rank of Major was Walter Henry Allen, son of Mrs. William H. Allen of 1112 East Jefferson Street, Bloomington. He was among the first to tender his services and upon July 16, 1917, was commissioned Captain of Engineers and ordered to Fort Leavenworth as an ex- pert in engineering, having become widely known in this profession by reason of fif- teen years service in the construction of water works, sewerage systems and pave- ments in Chicago and on the Pacific Coast. He was later assigned to the 5th Engineers at Corpus Christi, Texas, then being pro- moted to the rank of Major, was assigned to the 65th Engineers transferred to Chi- cago and placed in charge of the organiza- tion of Tank Units. In March, 1918, he was assigned to the Engineer Replacement Camp at Camp A. A. Humphreys, Va., served on the staff, organized the ordinance supply and constructed the rifle range, one of the largest in the country, and was later placed in command of the Fourth Engineer Training Regiment. September 1st, 1918, he was transferred to Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, and placed in command of the Depot Brigade, where he organized, trained and sent overseas 500 railroad men per day. The long training and unusual or- ganizing ability of Major Allen made him of especial value to the gov- McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAE 185 ernment during the trying period of the war and no one from Bloom- ington made a liner record or acquitted liimself to greater satisfaction of the department. The services of Major Allen were so indispensable that he was kept on duty until long after the armistice was signed, finally receiving liis discharge February 13, 1919, and resuming his pro- fession of consulting engineer with headquarters in Chicago. LIEUT. MARK ETHELL Before the war, Mark Ethell was a con- tractor in the city of Bloomington and was pursuing the ordinary career of a builder of houses in the county seat. When the war ended, he was Lieut. Mark Ethell of the Second U. S. Engineers, and had made a record with his command in the fighting which w^as done by the famous Second Divi- sion, of which the Second Engineers was a part. Lieut. Ethell volunteered early in 1917, and offered liis services on the formation of the regiment of engineers whicli afterward became the Second Engineers. After a short period of training at Fort Leavenworth and Camp American ITniversity, the regiment was sent to France, November 12, 1917, where they participated in many of the most trying situations. At his own request, he was transferred to the 2d Engineers, 2d Division, a combat command, engaged ac- tively at the front. He was promoted to Eegimental Engineer and served in that capacity until the regiment arrived at the Ehine. He participated in four major offensives and many minor engagements, escaping injury except a few light shrapnel wounds, until October 29, 1918, and then, while making preparations for the final drive on November 1, he received very serious injury from gas, but remained at his post. His record is best recorded in the words of his commanding officers, Col. W. A. Mitchell and Maj Hinckley, the latter stating: "It has been my good fortune to have Lt. Ethell in my organization and, for co-operation, pep, speed, resourcefulness, hard work — day or night — and ability to get results, he is one among ten thousand. Further, liis ability to command and inspire troops is invaluable. The army forever needs pioneers — men who can get results with what is at hand, and Lt. Ethell ranks as a pioneer of the first class. He shoidd now be a captain to say the least." Col. Mitchell says the following: "Lieut. Ethell has been under my command both in the 20th and the 2nd Engineers. He has alw^ays been loyal, energetic and es])ecially agreeable in every way. His great activity and pleasant personality overcome any deficiency he may have had. He was on my list to go home for promotion but the war ended before he could be ordered. He was gassed in the Argonne but foolishly and bravely 5id not report it, as he thought he should continue his work. As a re- sult, he has been considerably injured, to my very great sorrow." Be- cause of his injury, he was invalided home ahead of his division after having spent two months on the Ehine with the Army of Occupation. He was discharged March 24, 1919, at Camp Grant. Lieut. Ethell brought home with him from Europe one of the most remarkable collections of battle field trophies and pictures of the scenes near the front that was in possession of any man who went to the war from McLean county. 186 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR LIEUT. BEN. S. RHODES On September 5, 1917, the first contingent of drafted men from McLean county sol, out from Bloominston at 5 o'clock in the morning. They were eight in number, and one of them was Ben S. Rhodes, who prior to his induction into the service, was assistant to the county judge. He had graduated from tlie Wesleyan law school a couple of years ijrevious. Ben Rhodes and his seven fellows went to Camij Dodge, near DesMoines, which was one of the first army cantonments which the govern- ment had completed for training quarters for the new national army. Rhodes re- mained at Camp Dodge for many nuinths going thrvi the usual training in the ele- mental part of the soldier's life. He displayed energy and efficiency in the work and won promotions first to the non-commissioned grades of corporal on Octo- ber 1, 1917 and sergeant November 20, 1917. In the summer of 1918, he was transferred with a con- tingent of other men to Camp Pike, Arkansas, and after a short time of service there he was selected to take the course at the officers' training camp. In due time he received his commission as lieutenant, and was sent to Camp Lee, Virginia, May 23, 1918. He continued at that camp until the signing of the armistice, being engaged as instructor for many con- tingents of men who were constantly passing thru the camp. He was assigned to Co. A, Fourth Bat- talion and was promoted to First Lieutenant Sep- tember 26, 1918. On December 30, 1918, a few weeks after the signing of the armistice, Lieut. Rhodes secured his discharge from the service, and returned to the walks of civil life in Bloomington. On the death of Dwight Frink, clerk of the city election commission, Rhodes was appointed to that position, which he held until his later appointment as private secretary for Hon. Frank H. Funk, member of the Illinois State Utilities commission. Lieut. Rhodes was one of the prime movers in the organization of the Bloomington post of the American Legion, and was one of its delegates to the first national convention of the Legion, which met at Minneapolis in October, 1919. CAPT. CHARLES A. McDERMAND, D. C. Of tlic Bloomington dentists who re- sponded to the t'till of his country Dr. Charles A. MeDermand who is still in the service had the distinction of giving al- most three years of strenuous duty in the army. He was tendered a commission of First Lieutenant in the Dental Corps July 26, 1917, accepted August 29 and by Sep- tember 12 was on duty at Camp Pike, Ark. He was first assigned as Regimental Dental Surgeon of the Medical Department of the 345th Infantry, S7th Division, but was later transferred to the 43d Infantry, Reg- ular Army and finally entered various units of the 162d depot brigade. He was promoted to captain February 16, 1918. On June 1, 1919, he was transferred to tTie Camp Examining Board for the de- mobilization and re-enlistment period and served in this capacity until September 1, 1919, no less than 100,000 men being examined by himself and assist- ants. He also conducted dental clinics in the camp hospital. Capt. McDermand had the advantage of the regular army dentists by his years McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR 187 of experience in civil life and ability to take care of complicated tech- nical work, restorations, plate work, etc., and much of the difficult dental service was passed to him. Connected with the Uniform Rank, Knights of Pythias since 1898, he stepped into the army life natiirally and felt right at home and was appointed drill master for the dental corps of the camp. Despite the great responsibilities and the exacting duties that were passed to him, he greatly enjoyed his life in Camp Pike but w'ill welcome a return to civil life again, promised him in less than three years since his first response. The patriotic duty was made at great personal and financial sacrifice, and Ca])t. IMcDcrmaiid deserves tlie full- est credit for his resi»oiise to tlic call from Kiiclc Sam. MAJOR ALBERT N. BUESCHER Major Albert N. Buescher, is tlie son of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Buescher of North l^ee street in Bloomington, and before the war was employed at the Paul F. Beich Co. He received his military training at Fort Benjamin Har- rison, ^vhere lie was commissioned cap- tain. After remaining there as in- structor for a time, he was sent to France with the 331st infantry, where lie attained the rank of major. After tlie armistice ho secured his discharge and returned to civil life in an Ohio city. The experiences of army life in France had for Major Buescher some- what of a different appeal from that of many other soldiers, because of his education ])ermitting him to ap}ireciate his surroiiiidiugs in all their bearings aside from their strictly military as- pects. ROSE TO MAJOR A sergeant in the regular army at tlie outbreak of the war, having served seven years, Frank Leslie Harrington of Bloom- ington, who was w^ith Pershing on the Mexi- can border and also in the Philippines, was commissioned lieutenant and appointed ar- tillery instructor at Chattanooga, Tenn; Fort Niagara, Camp Meade, Camp Gordon, and Camp Lee. He was later promoted to captain ■ and finally major, believed to be the only Bloomington boy who advanced from the ranks to such a high rank. He resigned his commission after peace was declared. 188 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB 29, 1919, then returning to LIEUT. DUDLEY C. SMITH, JR. One of the first to enlist at the declara- tion of war, Dudley C. (Smith, jr., of Normal, entered the first ofiicers training camp at Fort Sheridan May 15, 1917, and was among the first commissioned, received the rank of Second Lieutenant August 15 that year, and being assigned to duty at Camp Custer, Michigan, and with the 160th Depot Brigade. Meritorious service won him promotion to First Lieutenant August 24, 1918, and on September 1 of that year he was assigned to Company E of the 10th Infantry located at Camp Custer. It was the ambition of tills command to be ordered overseas and ])articipate in the great conflict, but peace came too soon to permit this, and Lieut. Smith shared with liis thousands of others, tliis disappointment. Lieut. Smitli remained in the service and with the same command until his discharge at Camp Custer, January his home in Normal. LT. VERNE G. STATEN Of the Bloomington men who won a commission in the late war, Verne G. Staten was among those fortunate enough to participate in some of the great battles and thus was able to appreciate the gi- gantic extent of the world conflict. He left Bloomington September 4, 1917, with the first contingent and was assigned to Co. E of the 349th infantry at Camp Dodge, la. He was promoted to corjioral October 1 and entered the third officers training camp there January (i, 1918, com- pleting the work April 19 and being pro- moted to sergeant. He was commissioned lieutenant June 1, 1918, and assigned to the third training regiment at Camp Pike, Arkansas, June 10. The welcome orders "* to go overseas came soon after and he - ^. -t - ,.,.-. ■ .■_--. departed August 15, 1918, with the 18th company. Camp Pike Automatic Eeplacement Draft, and arrived in Camp Standon, England, one month later. He then moved to France and was assigned to the 18th Infantry, 1st Division, joining that command Octo- ber 20, and in time to participate in the great Meuse-Argonne Offensive, one of the most important engagements of the war. Peace came before Lieut Staten could participate in further battles. He was privileged to take part in the Luxemburg parade with the 18th infantry and re- mained with the Army of Occupation in Montabour, Germany, until December, being assigned later to the 34th Infantry, Seventh Division. When Germany finally concluded to accept the peace terms, I^ieut. Staten was ordered home with his command arriving June 18, 1919, receiving his discharge June 28, 1919, and joining the firm of his father John Staten, real estate and loans, with offices at 304-5 Livingston Building, Bloomington. McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOELD WAB 189 CAPT. FITCH HARWOOD Of the many men from McLean county who saw service as officers in the American army, perhaps none felt the call earlier than did Capt. Fitch Harwood, who gained a com- mission in the infantry and spent most of his time after receiving his commission as an officer of a ma- chine gun unit. The ink was hardly dry on the official declaration of war by the United States against Germany, until Capt. Harwood was getting busy. One of his first tasks was drilling students of the Wes- leyan university in their elemental military instruction which they un- dertook in the early spring of 1917. Capt. Harwood 's summer spent at a citizens' camp at Plattsburg had given him a taste and capacity in that direction. He was next appointed Bloomington representative for securing candidates for examination to enter the government training camp for officers at Fort Sheridan, which was broached in April, 1917. Eighty men applied and were examined under Harwood 's direction for this purpose, and fifty of these were accepted. Mr. Harwood and others of the first selections for the Fort Sheridan school reported there May 15, and during his training period he was first sergeant of his training company. In August Harwood was commissioned a cap- tain of infantry, was ordered to Camp Grant, and placed in command of the machine gun company of the 343rd Infantry, a part of the 86th Division then organizing. Capt. Harwood was kept at Camp Grant for practically a year, being engaged all that time in the hardest kind of work drilling and instructing the successive contingents of young men who were being transformed from ordinary civilians into a military ma- chine with which to break the power of the enemy. Almost exactly a year after he entered Camp Grant, Capt. Harwood set out with the other officers and men of the 86th Division for Camp Mills, the last lap of the journey preparatory for sailing for Europe. This division was aptly called the Wildcat Division, being made up of men from all sections of the country and of seventeen different nationalities; many of them came from the mountains of Virginia, Tennessee and the Carolinas. The divi- sion finally set sail on September 14, 1918, and landed at Southampton, England, where they went into camp for two weeks. The influenza was widespread in this camp, and many men died. When the division arrived at Bordeaux, France, it was broken up, and Capt. Harwood was sent to the officers' machine gun school of the Second Army corps at Chattillon- sur-Seine. There he remained until the armistice, after which he was assigned to Company B of the 316th machine gun battalion of the 81st division. A few weeks later he was transferred to the 165th infantry, part of the 42d division, which had taken part in much of the hardest fighting of the previous six months. This regiment was then stationed at Eemagen, Germany. He never, however, actually assumed command, for he was ordered the next day to return to the States. He next found himself at* St. Aignan with a contingent of casuals, all awaiting shipping orders for home. He finally sailed from Marseilles on the Italian ship Guiseppe Verdi. The ship stopped six days at Gibraltar on the voyage home and while there Capt. Harwood chartered a small boat and took 190 McLEAN COUNTF AND THE WOBLD WAR a party of friends over to Tangiers, Morroceo. Capt. Harwood was in command of the 1,S00 soldiers making the return trip on the home-bound ship. They landed at New York March 21, 1919, and two days later Capt. Harwood received his discliarge at Camp Dix. He had been in the military service of his country for a total of twenty-two months. on board S. S. ' September 5, 191 (!herlioui'g, Franc tember 11, 191S; pany commander and convoying re ruary 8, 1919; a discharged at Ca ideal officer, born of the term. He LT. ALFRED O. BROWN Lieut. Alfred O. Brown of Bloomington entered Hecond Fort yiieridan Training Camp August 27, 1917; commissioned first lieutenant ■(i"ffi"fjy section) Officers Re- serve Corps, November 27, 1917; on duty as platoon leader and company commander with Tenth LI. S. Infantry, Fort Benjamin Harrisori, December 1(5, 1917, to June 19, 1918; on duty as company commander of 29th Company, Machine Gun Training De- ]>artment, Camp Hancock, Ga., June 21, 19 IS, to August 10, 1918; company com- iiiander of (ith Company, Hajicock, August l\('placement Draft, Aiigust 10, 1918, to September 11, 1918; Cf)mmanding Hancock August Replacement Draft, August 17, 1918, to Sept. 11, 1918; left Camp Hancock for overseas service August 17, 1918; left Camp Merritt, N. J., August 22, 1918; left U. S. Zeahindia" August 23, 1918; arrived Liverpool, Eng., 8, and reached Soutlianijiton, Eng., same date; arrived ;e, Sept. 8, 1918; arrived Selles-sur-Ciier, France, Sep- on duty with Kith Infantry as platoon leader and com- August l-l, 1918, to March 2, 1919, drilling replacements placement troo])s to the front; left Brest, France, Feb- rrived Hol)oken. N. J., February 26, 1919; honorably 1) Dix, N. J., March 3, 1919. Lieut. Brown was an T ■ -1 .1 „ „.,.„.i :„ i.1, „ i>..ii„„j. i-_i- ni to command, ami made giiod in tlie fullest acceptation brought credit to liis city and county. LIEUT. HOWARD SUTHERLAND Lieut. Howard Sutherland was a first class gunner in the Coast Artil- lery and stationed at Fort Barran- cas, Fla., where he was given very favorable notice by all of the offi- cers. He, like his older Itrotlier was born and raised in Bloomington and was graduated from the city schools. Both are high class young Ameri- cans, boys that Uncle Sam and the entile community can well be proud of. Men of this type spelled tlie end of autocracy. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WO ELD WAR 191 LIEUT. ROLAND S. READ A record for persistency and patriotism, that has no parallel in the liistory of Mc- Lean county and success in overcoming discouragements that would have over- whelmed a less redoubtable spirit, goes to the credit of Roland 8. Read, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Burt Read of 1203 East Jef- ferson St., Bloomington. Rejected three times for volunteer service, and then called in the draft and again rejected, due to defective eyesight, he persevered, joining the American Field Service for transport duty ill France, buying his own uniform and paying his own expenses to Europe. , Sailing on Sept. 4, 1917, on the French liner Roehambeau and landing at Bor- deaux, he reported in I'aiis to the Ameri- can Field Service which liad been working under the Frencli government but during his voyage was taken over by United States. He was again rejected because of his draft exemption papers, but demanded another examination witli the same result. He tlieii ;i|i|ili(Ml to tlie French army, was accepted and assigned to hospital service at Neueliateau. His services were so valuable that he was commissioned First Lieutenant and sent to the front to look after supplies, being stationed at Petite Loges, just out of Rheims, during the great German drive in March, 1918. Or- dered to leave, when the (xermans began shelling the town with gas shells, Lt. Read was a victim of gas and was so seriously affected that he was discharged at Paris headquarters. Two days after he left Rheims, the Germans were in possession of the town. While waiting for his pass- port to return home, Lt. Read was offered a First Lieutenancy in the Serbian Army and accepted it, welcoming a further opportunity for duty. He was sent to Saloniki, Greece, by the Serbian government and was on duty some time there. Later he contracted Saloniki fever, re- turned to Paris to recuperate, and as his physical condition was serious, he returned home on the Leviathan in September, 191S. Since peace came he has been engaged as farm manager near Geneva, Fla., a marked contrast to his tlirilling experiences of the great war and which extended over such a diversified extent of teriitory. Tliis young man lias a record of which his parents may well feel proud. LIEUT. MATTHEW LAWRENCE Wlio was connected with the battery of artil- lery which fired the first shot by American troops against the German positions in 1917. He is a son of William Lawrence of Hudson. 192 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR BROTHERS WHO WON COMMISSIONS Thomas Hart Kennedv Kaywiii Kennedy Of that virile type of young America, masterful, unyielding, un- flinching, which made up the armies in the late war, Normal was proud to contribute two conspicuous examples, Kaywin and Thomas Hart Ken- nedy, sons of Judge Thomas Kennedy and wife, of 1201 Broadway. They had the distinction of each winning a commission as second lieutenant, and the former was privileged to take part in the great conflict in France. Lieut. Kaywin Kennedy entered the Signal Corps officers train- ing camp at College Park, Maryland (sent as a temporary instructor) and was in the signal corps at Camp Sherman, Ohio. He was sent to France and assigned to the 310th Field Signal Battalion Fourth Army Corps and served with the Third Army (Army of Occupation) of the American Expeditionary Forces until about July 1st, 1919. His special field of duty was wireless telephone oflicer and he saw a great amount of sanguinary service and was fortunate in participating in the great strug- gle when it was at its height. Lieut. Kennedy served in the Army of Occupation after the armistice was signed and was discharged at Camp Grant in August, 1919, resuming his school duties in Chicago. Lieut. Thomas Hart Kennedy selected the infantry department, leaving his school duties at the Culver Indiana military academy and entered the officers training schools at Ft. Sheridan and afterwards at Camp Grant. He was assigned to the second company, but before he could realize his ambition in going across the sea, peace was declared and he received his discharge January 15th, 1919. He worked on the elevated railroad in Chicago until August, 1919, took a trip east to examine transportation systems, and in September reentered Culver Academy. Lieut. Kennedy was honored by being chosen the first secre- tary of W. A. Fleet Post 11.3 of the American Legion at this institution. PREMATURELY REPORTED DEAD In the casualty reports one day in the fall of 1918 apjjeared the name of John M. Redd, a colored soldier from Bloomington, as among the killed in action. When the members of the famous Company K of the 370th Infantry returned home in the winter of 1918-19, they re- ported that Redd, one of the comrades of their company, was not dead, but that they had left him severely wounded in a iDase hospital at Brest, France. McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOBLD WAB 193 CAPT. EALPH N. McCORD ^.^S^aS^ ^'***^^**^'**^ An army career iu the war cov- ering as many and varied fea- tures as could well bo imagined was that of Capt. Ealph N. Mc- Cord of Bloomingtou, better known as "Jack. " Commissioned a captain of infantry at Fort Sheridan in November, 1917, he was sent to France in January, 1918, and first acted as tactical instructor in a school for line offi- cers at Chattillon-sur-Seine, for several months. Through this school passed in those months from 1,200 to 1,500 leading offi- cers of the A. E. F. This gave Capt. McCord an opportunity for very wide acquaintance. Al- though he had no chance to par- ticipate in the actual fighting, he was sent as an observer in June, 1918, to the operations by Ameri- jan forces at Chateau Thierry, and in August to the St. Mihiel sector. In both cases he saw some of the most important actions of the war. His last trip to the front was in the opening days of November, 1918, in the Argonne forests. On this trip he was attached as an officer to the 115th infantry, of the 89th division. After the armistice, Capt. McCord was made an athletic officer, his training as school and college coach having fitted him for this work. He had control of the athletic contests of the Ninth Corps of the Second Army, comprising over 200,000 men. Elimination contests in all branches of athletics were held at Toul in March, 1919, and then came the championship contests at Paris in April. Those contests selected the chief athletes of the whole A. E. F. Capt. McCord afterward managed a great basket-ball tournament of army men in Paris. When the forces of the U. S. had been reduced to small numbers, Capt. McCord secured his homeward passage and was discharged from the service in June, 1919. He resumed business in Bloomington. LIEUT. STRODE P. HENDERSON One of the first to enlist when war was declared. Strode P. Henderson, jr., son of Supt. S. P. Henderson of the Chicago and Alton with headquarters in Bloomington, brought credit to his country, McLean County and himself, by service of a very high order. He was first assigned to the Central Department of the army in Chi- cago in June, 1917, and was transferred in September of that year to Camp Grant and promoted to Corporal. His faithful and efficient performance of duty won him promotion to sergeant the same month and in May, 1918, he was ordered to the Offi- cers Training Camp, known as Cf-mp Joseph E. Johnson. He soon attracted at- tention and was promptly commissioned, receiving the rank of Second Lieutenant on October 7, his promotion being the re- sult of hard work and study. Lieut. 194 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB Henderson was immediately assigned to transport service, making fonr trips to Europe and return while the war was in progress. Lieut. Hender- son was retained in the quartermasters department of the army until long after peace was declared, not receiving his discharge until March 15, 1919. He then resumed his position with the New York branch of the National Cash Register Company and was on the threshold of what promised to be a brilliant career in commercial circles when pneumonia caused his death after a brief illness, the untimely summons bringing grief to his family and unnumbered friends. Both as a soldier and a business man, he won advancement througli merit, tireless energy, and integrity. It was men of his type wlio made possible the victory of the Allies and of the transcendency of the nation he loved. LIEUT. HENRY H. CARRITHERS Lieutenant Henry H. Carrithers, who was a cadet at the U. S. mili- tary school of aeronautics, at the Georgia School of Technology, Atlanta, Ga., received liis commission as second lieutenant in the aviation section of the signal corps, and assigned for duty at Kelly field, 8an Antonio, Tex. His home is in Hudson. ON STRANDED SHIP Charles Pancake, former engineer on the Alton road, was with 2,-100 other wounded men who came home on the ship Northern Pacific, which was stranded off Fire Island, just outside New York harbor on January 1, 1919. The ship went on the rocks, and while it was not damaged, she was unable to back off on her own power, and there she stuck for two days and nights, while other ships, working at great peril in heavy seas, took off all the wounded men and landed tlieni safely. The wounded men were gotten in some way into small boats, which carried them a mile to destroyers, where they again climbed or were pulled aboard, and the warships took them to land. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE norJI) WAR OFFICERS GROUP 195 Kisht Center— Ralph R. L„ar; left eeiiter— Ensign John M. Kuniler Below center— Lt. Joseph Depew, left; l.t. David B. Lntz, right. Bottom— Ensign Royal Burtis. Lt. Edwin Burtis. 196 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB LT. J. T. ELLIOTT AND LT. GERALD THOMAS To enlist as privates during the first month of our entry in the war with Germany, to go through most of the battles in which American troops participated, to be commis- sioned at the front, to be members of the Army of Occupation in Ger- many after the Armistice, to come ))ack home as first lieutenants, — and All without being wounded, — such is the exceptional good fortune of "Jim" Elliott and "Fat" Thomas. Surely, these two young men are de- serving of particular credit for their service and of congratulation for their fortunate escape from injury in so many cases where the odds were heavily against them. In April, 1917, Elliott and Thomas consulted several ex-service men and after carefully weighing the oppor- tunities presented by the three, branches of national service, chose the Marine Corps, enlisting in that organization as privates. That their judgment was sound is shown by their subsequent record. They were sent to Paris Island, S. C, for pre- liminary training and were later transferred to the Marine Brigade Training Camp at Quantico, Va. By this time they were non-commis- sioned officers and, as such, went to France as members of the Fifth Regiment of Marines. For a few months they took part in the special duties to which marines were as- signed at that time, as the need for trained men was great while the American Exjieditionary Forces in France were being organized. On October 26, 1917, the Fifth Regiment of Marines became a jiart of the Second Divi- sion which was organized in France from troops sent over separately, and training in division tactics began at once. Elliott and Tliomas served in the Verdun and Toul sec- tors March 15 to 24, 1918; Chateau-Thierry sector May 31 to July 9, with almost con- tinuous heavy fighting, including the famous Belleau Wood operation. After parading in Paris on Bastille Day, Elliott and Thomas took part in the Marne offensive July IS to 20 and in the Marbache sector August 9 to 24. In one of the engagements, so many of his superiors were killed or wounded that James Elliott was senior member of the com- pany to which he belonged. For meritorious service he was commissioned a second lieuten- ant. During this period Gerald Thomas, be- cause of superior ability, was sent to an Lt. Gerala Thomas Kiliott ir*f McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD fVAR 197 officer's training camp in Franco and was commissioned a second lieuten- ant in the Marine Corps. After the St. Mihiel offensive, service in Cham- pagne and the advance to Sedan, Lieutenants Elliott and Thomas became members of the Army of Occupation in the Marine Brigade of the Sec- ond Division. Both returned to the United States with the Second Division after that organization was relieved from duty in Germany. James Elliott went back into civilian life where he has since become prominent in athletics. Gerald Thomas retained his commission in the Marine Corps and, during the latter part of 1919 was again sent on foreign service, this time to Hayti. YOUNGEST OF HIS RANK Bellflower had the distinction of fur- nishing the youngest army officer of his rank in the famous Thirty-Third Divi- sion if not in the whole A. E. F. He was Lieut. Col. O. J. Troster, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Troster, well known residents of Bellflower. He is a gradu- ate of the University of Illinois, and prior to America entering the war he had his first military experiences with the National Guard regiments on the Mexican border. He went to France with the Thirty-third, and rose rapidly by promotion from one grade to an- other. During the war, the newspapers published several interesting letters from Troster, then a major. One of the most interesting was that written on. the day when the armistice was signed, when he wrote: "No cheering! The order might as well have said. Shoot yourself. How could normal, healthy Americans keep from voicing their joy in shouting? A colored labor battalion near by took it up, and the old hills certainly did ring. But the artillery continued firing until the hour of 11 o'clock, the time set when the Dutchmen arranged to stop. Then everything got quiet, and tonight there is not a sound." After his return from the war Mr. Troster went into business in New York City. -■^jf^^ LIEUT. BYRON E. SHIRLEY Lieut. Byron E. Shirley graduated from the Wesleyan law school in 191fi, entered the first officers' training camp at Fort Sheridan, remained for the second, when he received a lieutenant's commission and was assigned to the Fourteenth cavalry, U. S. regular army. After serving in Texas, he was sent to France as an in- structor in cavalry. He remained to the close of the war, and was on duty in many different army camps in France. After re- turning to tiie U. S. Lieut. Shirley re- tained his commission for some time and went back to a post in Texas. In the winter of 1919 he received his discharge. 198 McLEAN COUNTT AND THE WOULD WAB MAJOR WILLARD B. SOPER Immediately upon the dec- laration of war by the United States, Dr. Willard Burr 8oper, son of Mrs. C. 1*. Soper of Bloomingtcn, en- listed in the medical corps and on May 4, 1917, commis- sioned captain. He had the distinction of sailing May 14, 1917, on the first boat leaving New York for France which carried American sol- diers, and who represented the initial contribution of the United States to the great armies of the Allies, massed on the western front. Capt. Soper was at first con- nected as medical officer attached to the U. S. Base Hospital No. 2 wliicli was recruited from the Presby- terian hospital. New York, Columbia University and New York City. Upon ar- rival in France, this hospital unit took over No. 1 General Hospital, B. E. F. at Etretat, Seine Inferieure. From this time on the unit was known as No. 1, (Presbyterian U. A. A.) Ueneral Hospital B. E. F., continuing as such until the end of the war. On July 1, 191S, Dr. Soper was placed in command of this hospital and continued so until demobilization Feb- ruary IS, 1919, at Camp Meade, Maryland. The great Casino at Etretat was commandeered and converted into a liospital and 1,000 beds installed for the soldier patients under charge of Dr. Soper. The emergency capacity was 1200 beds. Dr. Soper was promoted to major in August, 1918. The work assigned to him was both surgical and medical. Rouglily, 23,000 cases passed through during tlie IS months. Although the wlmle personnel of the staff was American, the hospital was British and almost all patients were from the British forces. This unit was one of six loaned to the B. E. F. on America's entrance into the war. All were retained until tlie Armistice. Helen Crocker Soper, wife of Major Wil- lard B. Soper, went to France in June, 1917, for service with the Ameri- can Ambulance Corps at Paris but it developed that her services would be of more value at Etretat where there was a colony of 250 orphans of the Association Nationale des Orphelins de la Guerre. In July, that year, she took charge with Mrs. Peabody of the Infirmary of the colony and of the general health of the children. From June, 1918, Mrs. Soper was assisted in this work by Miss Laura McNulta, formerly of Bloomington. Their work terminated January 1, 1919. At Christmas, 1918, the prefect of the Department of the Seine Infirieure, presented Mrs. Soper with the medal of Recoinnaissance of the department, in recognition of her invaluable services. The self sacrifice and tireless devotion to his line of duty, won for Major Soper the gratitude of the patients in his charge and he 'was at all times alert to their needs and watchful of their com- fort and care. Dr. Soper elected to specialize in his chosen profession, McLEAN COUNTY AND THE IVOBLD WAB 199 as bacteriologist, and for several years prior to the war, was instructor for physicians at the Tnuleaux School of Tubercular Diseases, located at Saranac Lake, New York. Upon his return from France, with the conclusion of hostilities, he was induced by the managers of the Eocke- feller Foundation to devote three or four years to experiments in the treatment of tuberculosis and with headquarters in Paris, France. Dr. Sopcr accepted this commission and his selection was a notable tribute to his ability and the fame that he has already commanded in this important field of work. It is believed that he will rank wnth the fore- most authorities of our time, in the study and treatment of tuberculosis, and, as a result of his study and experimentation, the terrors of the "Great White Plague" will doubtless be largely alleviated. CAPT HORACE A. SOPER Of the young business men of Bloomington who responded to the call to service, Horace A. Soper, vice president of the American Foundry and Furnace Company, located at 915 East Washington Street, was fortunate in being sent abroad. He won a commission as first lieu- tenant on October 11, 1917 and, due to his business training and admin- istrative experience, he was first assigned to duty in Washington, D. C, and placed in charge of the purchasing de[>artment for steel helmets, fire control, instruments, etc. The Avar department records indicate that, great as was the shortage in some classes of equipment for the army, there never was reported a single instance where a combat division of United States troops was without steel helmets, this efficiency con- tributed to the credit of Capt. Soper. Making good in this field, he was commissioned captain in June^ 1918, and given greater responsibilities abroad. He was sent to France and placed in charge of the purchases of iron and steel and various classes of machinery necessary for the projection of the war. Capt. Soper made his headquarters at Tours while in France thus enabling him to participate in the tremendous activity necessary in carrying on the war and also getting an insight of the superhuman modus operandi that no writer has yet been able to adequately describe. Capt. Soper remained in the service until the close of the great conflict and was honorably discharged January 4, 1919, returning to Bloomington to resume his post with the A. F. & F. Co. 200 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE JTORLD WAE FOUGHT ELEVEN MONTHS WITH THE BIG GUNS Ivan Elliot, Wesleyan university ath- lete and graduate from the law school, left the employ of the Daily Pantagraph in May, 1917, and entered the first school for officers at Fort Sheridan. After a few months of preliminary training, he was sent to Fort Monroe, Va., having been one of a selected group of embryo officers for special ser- vice in the heavy ordnance department. Completing his special training at Fort Monroe, he set out for overseas service on September 12, 1917. Landing at I>iverpool, he soon went to Havre, France, thence to a school for heavy artillery located in Central France. He was next assigned to the second batta- lion of the 52d artillery of the U. S. regular army. With that unit he served Capt. 'Ivan Elliot during the rest of his career in France. This unit handled railway guns known as the French 32 's, which were of about 13 inch calibre, being among the heaviest guns used by the American forces in France. Each gun weighed about 150 tons and was manned by thirty-six men. The range of the guns was about ten miles. Each battery consisted of two guns with their crews, and two batteries composed a battalion. The personnel of the battalion consisted of 250 men, allowing a certain reserve for replacements for casualties in action. About the first of January, 1918, the battery with which Elliott was connected was assigned to an active fighting sector of the western front. From that time until relieved and ordered to America, he was in almost continuous active service. The battery was used most of the time for miscellaneous firing, making a target of any point in the enemy lines where known concentration of troops or transport was taking place. His battery was an important factor in the advance of the First Army under Gen. Pershing in the St. Mihiel sector in September, 1918. Afterward, the battery was in support of the infantry advance thru the Argonne forests. Capt. Elliott called this fighting the most terrific of any in which he participated during the war. Thru miles of dense woods and underbrush, interlaced with barbed wire and infested with Germans, the army advanced. The batteries prepared the way for infantry by shell- ing the enemy lines and roads prior to the advance. Meantime, the heavy artillery was itself the object of heavy counter bombardment by the enemy guns, and the battalion suffered many casualties. At Mount Fan- chon, this battery was ordered to open and to cease firing at least ten different times, this being the hardest objective to take of any sought by this unit. The battery lost two guns during its service with the 52d, one bursting with its own discharge, the other being hit by a shell. Capt. Elliott was slightly gassed twice, but was never hit. He spent a short time in a hospital with the influenza. Elliott 's promotion from a lieu- tenancy to a captaincy of artillery was dated September 21, in the midst of the Argonne battle. Capt. Elliott returned to America in December, 1918, and was soon afterward discharged from the service, and took up the practice of law at Carmi and Mt. Carmel, Illinois. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR 201 FOUR WATKINS BROTHERS Four brothers of whom their parents have reason to feel proud and in the fullest acceptance of that term, are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watkins of 810 East Chestnut street, Bloomington. Two of these won commissions, one attained the rank of Battalion Sergeant- ^SX-"^"^-^^ Upper left — Harold W. Watkins; upper right — Paul Watkins. Lower left — Ferre Watkins; lower right — Warren C. Watkins. Major while a fourth had been chosen for competition in an officers training camp when the war ended. Ferre C. Watkins enlisted May 17, 1917, at Fort Sheridan and entered the first Reserve Officers Training Camp. Hard and faithful work, won him a commission August 15 and he was first assigned to the 34:1st Infantry and on October 8 to the 356th Infantry. Training at Cambridge, Mass., Camp Grant and Fort Sill, Okla., he was ordered overseas, and was soon in the thick of the great conflict. He participated in the Argonne-Meuse offensive, October 18 to November 11 and with his headquarters at St. Andre de Cubzac, later joining the Army of Occupation in Germany. He made a notable record for bravery and was a participant in some of the greatest battles of the war. Lt. Watkins was kept in the service until long after peace was declared, being released June 23, 1919, and resuming his school duties in Chicago. Warren Cash Watkins enlisted August 20, 1917, entered the officers training camp at Camp Dodge and was commissioned 2d Lieut June 1, 1918. He was variously on duty later at Camp Gordon, Ga., Camp Pike, Ark., Camp Taylor, Ky., and Camp Knox, Ky., his final duty being with the 27th Co., 4th Regt. Dept. Brigade, being discharged December 3, 1918, resuming his school duties. Paul R. Watkins enlisted October 14, 1918, in the S. A. T. C. at Ur- bana and was honored by selection for the Officers Training Camp when the armistice was signed, being discharged December 21, 1918. Harold R. Watkins enlisted September 23, 1918, was assigned to the medical reserve and later the National Army and stationed at Philadel- phia. Meritorious duty won him promotion to First Sergeant and then Battalion Sergeant Major, receiving his discharge December 18, 1918, then resuming his schools duties. 202 McLean county and tee wo eld war Edward J5yniini Clias. E. Brown Edward Bynum Ivincoln Bynum Eiiix Nathan Herbert Henderson Leonard Holmes Norman Keys Donald Ijuster Jamea Martin OUE COLORED HEROES Tiie oTOtli made a glorious rec- ord in Trance where they met some of the Kaiser 's best troops and put them to flight each time, thereby Avining for themselves the name of ' ' Black Devils. ' ' Although several of the stalwart men belonging to the Bloomington com[)any fell on tlie battlefield, the large majority of tliem survived the terrible hard- ships to which they were subjected, and rejoiced with their relatives and friends at being at home once more. The members of Company K 370th infantry formerly were known as the Eight Illinois com- ]iosed chiefly of men from Bloom- ington, but when the war broke out the company was recruited to full strength with the addition of men from Pontiac, Clinton and other nearby places. The members follow: Lt. Willis Stearics Lt. F. K. Johnson First Sgt. James L. Page Sgt. G. W. Stewart Sgt. Roy J. Stevenson Sgt. Chas. Thomas Corp. Jacob Ward Leonard Marshall Fred Samuels Alonzo Walton Joshua Ward Bruce Anderson Ernest Anderson Oliver Bacon Alonzo Barnes Sylvester Beard Joseidi Boswell Fate Palm Wcstly Meauhend Holhvay McMath R. C. O'liphant J. T. Patterson Maceo Shavers Homer Skinner Andrew Stovall William Williams Robert C. Wilson Howard Brent History of Company In July, U)17, in response to President Wilson's call, the company left Bloomington for Peoria. They remained there about ten weeks, leav- ing Peoria for Camp Logan, Houston, Texas, on October 12. In March, 1918, they left Camp Logan for Newport News, Va., and ariived in McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLV WAB 203 France April 22. On April 29th they were placed with a French divi- sion and trained with them until June 23 when they went into the trenches near Kegonville where they remained for a week. From there they were taken to Vraincourt and went into the trenches again for ten days being quartered duriiig tliat time with one of the best French divisions. On August l(i, lyiS, the local boys left for Verdun front and on September 14 went into the front line trenches. Between that time and the day they were subjected to lieavy shell fire and gas attacks. On kSeptember 30, the third battalion engaged in another iiard fought battle and on October 12 they started in full pursuit of the fleeing enemy, and arrived in the trenches at midnight, October 18, ready to advance again the next morning. On October 2.Stli they left for Honoj'n, and on November 9th were again in pursuit of the enemy, and were in the final battle on the day the armistice was signed. Tliey arrived at Brest, France, Janiuiry 10, 1919 and landed in New York on February 9. Cited for Bravery For bravery in battle and for their work in trench and camp the 370th Infantry were highly praised by General Mittlhouser, commander of the 3(!th division of the French army. There are several among the lo- cal boys who wear decorations for distinguished service. Among these are Alonzo Walton, of Nor- mal, who was cited for bravery in carrying food to his company during a German barrage. Donald Luster and Harry L. Pierson received their distin- guished service medal for going into "No Man's" land in da}'- light and carry out their wounded comrades. At one time two of the wounded died on their shoul- ders while being carried out. Those Left in France Only one of the local company sleeps in France, although sev- eral remained several montlis in the hospitals recovering from wounds. Gus Williams, killed in First Sgt. James L. Page action, is the only one who was called to give up his life. John Eedd, who was reported by the war department as killed in action was found in a hospital at St. Agnan. He was seriously wounded September 30, five machine gun bullets entering his body. Later, however, he died from his wounds. Among the wounded were Corporal Len Wilson, wounded in the leg by a piece of shrapnel on September 30; Private Paul Turlington, wounded by shrapnel on October 4; Earl Lewis, ill in the hospital; Sergeant Solomon Williams, ill at the hospital in Brest; and Joe Fort, evacuated to a casual company September 5 at Brest. 204 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAE BL00MIN3T0N CITY LIBRARY IN WAR TIMES At the entrance of the United States into the war, the Withers Public Library of Bloomington, under the leadership of its librarian, enlisted for war service, devoting all of its resources, w'ithout reserve to such activities as were within its scope. When the first call came for reading matter for the camps, two thousand magazines were collected and shipped at the library's expense. Later, one thousand magazines were sent on the Burleson plan, postage paid by the Library. On the first call made by the American Library Association for money to purchase books, the sum of twelve hundred dollars was raised, and at the call for books 3,500 were collected, furnished with pockets and cards and sent to distributing points. One hundred scrap books were made for Christmas packets for the soldiers and one hundred more blank scrap books furnished to be filled by the public. Two hundred fifty collections of stories were put into attractive bindings for hospital use. Every facility was offered for the advancement of the food and fuel conservation movement. A room was furnished for a speakers' training class, conducted by Professor C. M. Sanford of the State Normal University. Bulletins headed "Pood will win the war" were posted daily. Thousands of pamphlets on food and fuel conservation and on public health were distributed and display space was furnished for posters in all Eed Cross and Liberty Loan drives and all other war activities. In the lightless and heatless period ordered by the United States Puel Commission, the library was closed on Sunday afternoons and all day Tuesdays and opened only from 12 P. M. until 6 P. M. on other days of the week. During the registration of women, by the McLean County Council of National Defense, ten thousand cards were clipped, alphabeted and filed for future reference. From the file help was furnished as called for; especially during the influenza epidemic, when the registration of nurses and nurses' aids proved to be invaluable. During 1918 the library was an agency for the sale of Thrift and War Savings Stamps with sales amounting to several thousand dollars. These sales were continued for many months after the war. A contest between the various schools of the city was conducted, resulting in much interest and large sales. The sale was also encouraged by a thrift stamp play given by the children and staged in the Children's Room. Three rooms were vacated and given for the use of the Red Cross Civilian Relief, and Home Service Bureau and secretary 's office. The Red Cross Civilian Relief was housed at the Public Library from Novem- ber 1, 1817, to January 1, 1919; also the secretary's office and Junior Red Cross headquarters, which are still here. This necessitated the fitting up of new rooms in the basement for library needs at considerable expense, and re-locating the Children's Room in the Russell Art Room for the time being. The library acted in the enrollment of boys for the Boys' Working Reserve. Accommodations were furnished for the study classes in connection with the Home Service Department of the Red Cross for the regular meetings of the Red Cross Health Committee A most important service was rendered during the serious epidemic of Spanish influenza in the fall and winter of 1918-1919, when office room was furnished the Red Cross Influenza Committee and the Emergency McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOBLD WAB 205 Motor Corps. These rooms were open day and night, during the critical time. Here supplies were received and sent to sufferers in hospitals and private homes, nurses were secured and placed and every effort made to abate the plague. The Victory Loan also found headquarters at the library. Constant publicity work was carried on along all lines. Bulletins calling attention to books and articles of interest were furnished the daily papers; clippings of historic value were mounted for permanent use; large collections of war books and pamphlets were made; Govern- ment and state official documents were secured and placed where easily accessible by the public. In fact, the Withers Public Library became a sort of clearing house for both active effort and for imparting useful information in all lines of war work. The staff of the library during the war period consisted of the following persons: Miss Nellie E. Parham, librarian in charge; Miss Nelle F. Webb and Mrs. C. F. Kimball, reference department; Miss Alma Lange, Miss Sarah 8towell, Miss Havenhill, Miss Mabel Whittington, Miss Lucy Williams, and Miss Helen Niehaus. Miss Niehaus was later for a short period in the government employ at Washington during the latter part of the war. Miss Miriam Wallace had charge of the chil- dren's department, assisted by Miss Charlotte Stevenson. Eay Powell, a Wesleyan student, worked in the library for a time, but resigned to enter the army. Upper row (left to lii/ht) — Wulter E. Rapp, Powell E. Reynolds Harry C. Reuger. Center — iHarold Russell; left of center — Bert L. Riseling, Paul C. Robinson, Albert Rousey; right of center — Glenn A. Rieldick, Michael J. Reidy, John P. Quinn. Lower row — Joseph E. Radley, Clayton W. Rulon, Chas. A. Reum. 206 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULD WAR COUNTY rOOD ADMINISTRATION IN THE WAR Only a few weeks after America's entry into the war, the Bloom- ington Association of Commerce was asked by Harry A. Wheeler, Fed- eral Food Administrator for Illinois, to appoint an Administrator who should select a committee of four to co-operate with him in representing our Government in handling all questions that might arise on this subject. R. C. Baldwin, president of the Association of Comm.eree, went to Howard Humjihreys along in f^eptember of 1917, stating that as he was looked upon tis the Dean of the grocery business in this section, he felt that Mr. Humphreys should accept this appointment, which he immedi- ately did, wiring Mr. Wheeler that he would give it the best attention possible and be very careful in the selection of the Conference Com- mittee. It seemed most natural at first that the diiferont food interests should be represented on the committee, and Mr. Humphreys was about to make such appointments when a later thought convinced him that the personnel of such Committee might better be of men not interested in the food game, for he felt certain that the committee could have equal co-operation and assistance from all the food men though not on a committee. Accoidingly he made the following appointments of men who, though very busy in their affairs, accepted them and pledged tlieir support and co-operation: President David Felmley, of Normal University. John J. Morrissey, Attorney. D. O. Thompson, County Farm Advisor. Mrs. J. M. Patterson, President of the Woman's Union Label League. It was necessary to act quickly and get this organization thruout the state working as soon as possible, and the various food committees were given very little instruction as to what they should, or should not do, and Mr. Humphreys did not know for some time whether he was rep- resenting Bloomington, the county or a section about Bloomington. However, he commenced to work at once, and immediately informed headquarters in Chicago what the committee were doing, and asked for their criticisms and suggestions. In reply he received their congratula- tions and was told to go right along in the same course. The grocerymen of the county were at first very much agitated and felt that their business was going to be curtailed and their margins of profit so limited that it would be impossible for them to pay the ex- penses of their business, and while there was the universal expression of the utmost loyalty from all the grocerymen, yet there were many who seriously felt that it would be impossible to operate their business, under conditions which they thought would be imposed, without loss. The fact that the retail grocers and meat dealers of Bloomington were organized in a local as.sociation made it very much easier for the Food Administrator to get their quicker and more active cooperation. When the grocerymen were asked to pul)lish a price list of the staple food commodities, showing what the retail grocer bought and sold these staples for, there was quite a strenuous objection made by many deal- ers. Tliey asserted that their margins of profit were reasonable, and that the matter of ]irofiteering in prices was merely a quesrion of agita- tion and irresponsible rumor, and had little or no foundation in fact in this community, even if it had in others. When these men were finally convinced of the necessity of pub- lishing their selling prices, a second objection arose as to publishing their costs, insisting that it was unnecessarily making public a part of their affnirs that was usually a confidential feature of a man's busi- ness. However, when they saw that it was the publication of such costs and selling prices Avhich assured the public of the small margins that these commodities were retailed at, and that such publication would McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAE 207 beget confidence and dispel the ti'ouble and agitation that came to the minds of many on account of the higlier prices of foods, the thought that tliey were profiteering in war times, taking advantage of conditions in unreasonable profits from the consumer, would be dispelled. It was along in December, the first price lists were published, De- cember of 1917, Bloomington being one of the first towns of the state in tliis locality to publish such prices, and a committee was formed by the retail dealers who met once or twice a week, and having collected data as to the costs of the staple commodities, a fair price list was thus made and published for a time daily in both the morning and evening newsi)apers of the city. It would have been illegal under the Bherman Anti-Trust I^aw for merchants to meet, discuss and arrange prices in tills way save for the fact that the Federal Trade Commission had given a ruling to the United States, that such action might be taken provided a regularly authorized Food Administrator was present at such meeting when prices were discussed, and what were considered to be fair prices named. Mr. Humphreys was working along without knowing the field that he was expected to cover, and yet it was a fact that there were quite a number of other Food Administrators appointed in other towns in Mcl^ean county at the same time that he was appoiiited. Presuming that they would all work tog(>ther. Mr. Humphreys invited such ap- pointees to a meeting in Bloomington so that the}' might co-operate in their activities. Soon after this he was asked to be County Food Ad- ministrator, and as such it was necessary to be sworn in officially. A few weeks later, Mr. Humphreys was asked to become a member of the State District Board, taking charge of the district of seven or eight counties, which district was changed as changes were made in the District Board, so that finally his district included thirteen counties: Mcl^ean, Cass, DeWitt, Ford, Fulton, Knox, Livingston, Mason, Menard, Peoria, Stark, Tazewell and Woodford. Each of these counties was represented by a County Food Admin- istrator, and under them, each of the towns in the counties, was rep- resented by a local food administrator. Mr. J. J. Thomassen was ap- pointed county food administrator for Mcl^ean county and Charles O 'Malley, local Food Administrator for Bloomington. A county food administration was completed in February, 1918, under the direction of Mr. Thomassen, by the appointment of the fol- lowing township food administrators, each of whom was supposed to deal with the food jiroblems of his own immediate neighliorhood, in co-operation with the county administrator: AUin — W. H. Springer, Stanford; Anchor — Jacob Martens. Anchor; Arrowsmith — George E. Lester, Arrowsmith; Bellflower — C. F. Gooch, Bellflower; Bloomington — - Charles O 'Malley; Blue Mound — A. T. Walton, Cot>ksville; Cheney's Grove — William Eowe, Saybrook; Chenoa — A. D. Jordan, Chenoa; Crop- sey — H. L. Barnes, Cropsey; Dale — A. L. Nicol, Covell; Dan vers — L. C. Voss, Danvers; Downs — G. H. Meiner, Downs; Dawson — A. L. Builta, Ellsworth; Dry Grove — L. C. Voss, Danvers; Empire — A. Jay Keenan, Leroy; Funk's Grove — C. M. Bowen, Bloomington; Gridley — C. F. Hoobler, Gridley; Hudson — R. A. Ensign, Hudson; Lawndale — H. li. Barnes, Colfax; I>exington — A. H. Scrogin, Lexington; Martin — H. L. Barnes, Colfax; Money Creek — A. H. Scrogin, Lexington; Mt. Hope — Frank W. Aldrich, McLean; Normal — W. J. Arbogast, Normal; Old Town — F. W. Boston, Holder; Randolph— J. P. Shelton, Heywortli; To- wanda — Oren Clark, Towanda; West — C. F. Gooch, Bellflower; White Oak — L. H. Brown, Carlock; Yates — A. D. Jordan, Chenoa. At this same time, the organization in Bloomington consisted of Charles O 'Malley, city food administrator; J. J. Thomassen, county ad- ministrator; Victor Robinson, Oscar Mandel, Henry Munch, Campbell Holtoft, W. H. Cummings, Mrs. J. M. Patterson, Charles Utesch, and 208 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR Hal M. Stone Howard Humphreys J. J. Thomassen A. H. Hoopes. After a few weeks of very active service, Mr. Thomassen was obliged to resign the position, and Mr. Hal M. Stone accepted the appointment of County Food Administrator. Mr. O 'Malley gave him very valuable assistance in handling one of the most important features at that time, the question of sugar distribution, and regulations of the quantity to be sold. In this respect, Mr. O 'Malley was acting as County Food Administrator and was sworn in as such. These arrangements continued until December, 1918, when prac- tically all restrictions were withdrawn and the activities of the Food Administration ceased. One of the most important features of this work w^ere the efforts of the administration to limit and secure a fair distribution of sugar. Bloomington was one of the first towns in the west to limit the supply of sugar sold to the consumer; and when it was seen that a possible sugar famine was approaching, without consultation or advice, it seemed best to ask all retailers immediately fo limit all sales to five pounds of sugar. These instructions were very promptly complied with, and at times later the sales were limited to two pounds. Our county was very fortunate in suffering less from the sugar famine than many others, and while there was some difficulty in the fall of 1918 in controlling the' amount of sugar to be used for canning and preserving purposes, yet there was but little, if any, hardship experienced in a lack of supply of this great food necessity. Careful investigations were made by the Food Administrators of tlie real needs of those purchasers of sugar for canning and preserving, it being the intention of the Government that sugar should be provided for such use, and tickets or orders were issued to dealers by the Food Administrators, on which they could sell sugar for such purposes. This feature of the work ran up to such importance that it was necessary to have an uptown office building with several attendants to issue these canning sugar tickets. Guy Strickle gave the Food Administrator, Mr. O 'Malley, very valuable assistance in this work locally in Bloomington. In the summer of 1918 it became necessary for every groceryman to keep a sugar card for each customer. On this was entered the name of and address of the customer and the time and amount of each sugar purchased. These cards were handled through a clearing house, and McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 209 Daily Food Price Bulletin Prepared by the U. S. Food Administration, Bloomington, III. Prlcea bein^ paid by the retailer for the staples named and prices rhich should not exceed as follows: DECREASE Bt'GAR-Pcr cn-t SUGAR — 2-Ib. Carton Fine Granulated.... ^'/^-Ib. Carton Fine Granulated 5-lb. Cotton Bag Fine Granulated lO-lh. Cotton Bag Fine Granulated FLOUR — Sold only pound for potind with cereal substitutes. Standard grades ^-bbls., 49-lb. cotton sacks Standard grade, ^/s-bbl., 24Va-lb. cotton Backs PCRE RYE FLOUR— Bulk, per pound Better grades BUTTER— Creamery (1-lb. prints) B.\C0X — Best grades (whole pieces) Medium grades (whole pieces) Squares BAMS — Best grades (whole) LARD— Standard Pure (bulk) MILK— Tall cans (Eraporated. Unsweetened) Small cans (Evaporated.* irnaweetened) . — RECOMMENDED BREAD— 16 ounce loaf WHEATLESS CRACKERS BARLEY FLOUR— Per pound CORN KLOUR-Per pound Per pound. In bulk, yellow COOKING OILS— Cotton seed oil products, pints. In cans... Corn oil products, pints (in cans) Corn oil products quarts (la cans) • OLEOMARGARLNE— Taney grades (l-lb. prints) Medium grades (1-lb. prints) • Lard Substitutes — Compound (in bulk).... BEANS — Navy, In bulk, per lb Lima, In bulk, per lb Pinto CHEESE— Best quality, cut full milk Brick, u'hole full cream ■... rick, cut ^lIl PRUNES — Santa Clara, 50-60 to the pound Santa Clara, 60-70 to the pound Santa Clara, "0-SO to the pound KAISINS— Fancy. 1-lb., seeded Fancy, 1-lb., seedless „ BYHUPS— Corn. l!:i-lb. cans, per dCA cans Corn. 2-Ib. cans, per dozen cans Com, 5-lb. cans, per dozen-cans Com. 10-lb. cans, per dozen cans ' SALMON— 1-lb. Net of Fish. Red Alaska, 1-lb. tall cans Pink, 1-lb. tail cans USE PLENT USE OF Retailer Pays. 7.971,40 $8.37^4® $8.37V5.. .66 @.. .81 ® .28 @ .23V2 @ .WU .I3% .14 .16 @ .10%(!} .U .2314® .25 .22 @ .2614 .13 @ .13',4 .11%@ .12?i .10?;® .nVi .11%® .13 @ 1.3214® 1.65 @ 3.95 @ 7.40 @ Per dozen cans. 2.80 @ 2.95 1.95 @ 2.10 iFULLY OF RICE— Finest head (in bulk) Blue Rose CORN MEAL — Bulk, per pound, white..... 8-pound paper sacks SU-pound paper sacks 10 pound paper sack 8-pound yellow meal • HOMINY- Flaked, In bulk Cracked, in bulk.. • 0.\TS — Best quality bulk, per pound Hcimlny Grits FISH — Prices retailcp. pi^ys only quoted. Prices consumer pays left blank. .1014@ .W'i .05V4 @.... @ .44 @ .22 .55 @ @ .41 6.95 @ 6.10 .n7@ 6.80 @ 6.00 Consumer Payi @ .09 @ .09% .0914 @ .0914 O DH'A 8.05 9 3.25 1.57 @ 1.67 .06'^® .07 .07 @ .08 .46 e .48 .48 ® .52'.; .40 @ .46 .33 @ .35 .32 @ .36 .31i4@ .34 .14 & .15 .07 @ .08 .09 @ .10 .21 @ .22 .0714® .08 .0714® .06li@ .08 .0714 .38 @ .40 .35 @ .38 .65 @ .7* .34 @ .36 .31 & .S3 .27 @ .30 .17 @ .18 .19 @ .21 .1214® .131 .» & .45 .SO ® .35 .82 ® .40 .16 @ .17 .15 @ .IB .14 (@> .15 .14 @ .15 .16 @ .18 .14 @ .15 .18 @ .20 .38 @ .45 .70 @ .80 Per can .28 @ .33 .20 ® .2' .1214® .14 .1014® .13% .0614 @. @ .,50 @ .25 .65 (^. @ .47 Fresh H.Tkbut Frozen Salt Water Herring..... Frozen Lake White Fish Fresh Winter Caught Pickerel.... PresU Caught Trout Fresh Caught Catfish (skinned). Smoked Fish— Whiteflsh (chubs). .20 .09 .17 .18 ® ,21 ,10 .19 .20 ,0714 ® .08 1-3 .0814® .09 .07 @.071i ..&.. ...@.. .21 @ .25 .23 @ .24 @.. .19 @ .20 Winter caught fish are frozen on the lee Immediately after catching and reach the market In excellent condition. They are In fair supply and at reasonable prices, except iFhItefish and pike, which are still scarce and somewhat high. Buyers should remember in retailing sliced fish the dealer suffers a considerable ahrlnkape In weight on account of fins, tails, etc. The minimum price above quoted usually contemplates cash paid at time of purchase. Dealers are not expected to nara^ these prices on charge accounts, and would be acting 'in accord with tb« food admlnlslratloa la so dolno. Reasoiubl* orlces, not ruinous one*, irs souglit Each day during the war, the newspapers published a daily food price bulletin 1 prepared by the United States Food Administration and which protected the public from profiteering, the prices being fixed and dealers being warned not to exceed tliem. The recom- mended sub- stitues for articles like sugar, that were scarce, were also g:iven 210 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULD WAll checked up so that no family should be allowed to exceed its sugar quota. The groceryman was required to furnish a certificate to his jobber as to his sugar requirements before he could purchase, and these cards were the basis. Manufacturers of ice cream and candy were cut down in their allowance of sugar, first to 80 per cent and then to 50 per cent of the normal. Sugar bowls were taken off the tables of restaurants and hotels, and sugar was given to the customer only on request. This regulation continued in force for several months during the summer and fall of 1918. Another important feature of the work was the distribution of flour. It seemed quite certain in the spring of 1918, that our supply of wheat flour would certainly be exhausted by the first of June, and that we would have a two months' interim, w^here some food substitute would have to take the place of wheat flour. On January 28, 1918, when the serious condition of wheat flour was fully ascertained, the United States Food Administrator issued a ruling that all sales of wheat flour should be made with an equal quantity of cereal substitutes, specifically nam- ing just what substitutes could he used as such, and making it necessary for all retailers and wholesalers, to see that each purchase of wheat flour was accompanied at the same time with a sale of a like quantity, pound for pound, on the fifty-fifty basis, of cereal substitutes. As the greater shortage of wheat flour became known, it was more generally understood that the people purchased unnecessarily, and it was to export larger quantities of this commodity to France, where its need was a necessity to winning the war, that a number of the McLean County housewives pledged themselves not to buy any wheat flour until the new crop would be available along in August of 1918. This pledge con- tinued and it was finally released when it was known that we would have enough flour to tide us over and there was no longer a necessity for it. The pledge was released in McLean County just one week before it was generally released by Mr. Hoover to the hotel and restaurant men of the United States, who had in like manner voluntarily taken the same pledge. The official rules promulgated by the food administration on the subject of flour and meat, in February, 1918, were as follows: ' ' To reduce the consumption of wheat flour the consumers are called upon, in purchasing such flour to buy at the same time an equal weight of the following cereals: Corn meal, corn starch, corn flour, hominy, corn grits, barley flour, rice, rice flour, oat meal, rolled oats, buckwheat flour, potato flour, sweet potato flour, soya bean flour, faterita flours and meals. Note — Eye flour is no longer used as a substitute. "The housewife may use these products separately or mix them as she thinks best. Eetailers are to sell wheat flour only with equal weights of these cereals. This ruling effective Monday, January 28, 1918. "Monday and Wednesday of each week are to be observed as wheat- loss days, and the evening meal of every day after 5 p. m. as a meat- less meal. This applies both in the home, and in the public eating places, and during such days and meals, no crackers, pastries, macaroni, break- fast foods or other cereals containing wheat should be used. "It is further desired, in order that meat and pork products be conserved, tliat one meatless day, Tuesday in every week, and one meat- less meal — the morning meal — before 10 a. m. in every day be observed, and in addition, two porkless days, Tuesdays and Saturdays in every week be strictly kept. By meatless is meant without hog, cattle or sheep products. On other days use mutton and lamb in preference to beef or pork. By porkless is meant without pork, bacon, ham, lard or pork products, fresh or preserved. Use fish, poultry and eggs. "Beginning February 3, bakers must use at least five per cent wheat flour substitutes in all broads and rolls. This amount must be McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAS 211 increased as rapidly as possible until February 24, when they should be using at least twenty per cent of tiiese substitutes in all bread and rolls." In the spring of 1918, a ruling was issued that every family hav- ing more than 49 pounds of flour in the house at one time should return the surplus to their dealer, to be resold. On May 8, Hal M. Stone, county food administrator, and Charles O 'Malley, city administrator, issued a statement that tlie time for such returns was up. The statement added: "Three thousand 49-pound bags of flour have been located and re- turned from persons in this county residing outside of Bloomington and Normal. These have been collected and returned to the merchants and placed upon the market to be resold under the new regulations, fifty- fifty with siibstitutes and no more than 48 pounds to be at one family's home at a time." In January, 1918, the Ad Club of Bloomington, composed of a num- ber of live young business men, launched a campaign of education on food conservation. They bought space in the newspapers to preach con- servation. They erected on the sides of the court house four huge signs containing some striking precepts on the same subject, and secured permission of the moving picture houses for slides with sensible hints on this subject. This campaign was continued to the end of the war. From February to May, 1918, the poultry houses were forbiddi'ii by order of the food administration, to buy or kill for food any laying hen. This was in order to conserve the hen supply, and increase the output of eggs as a substitute for meats, so that more meat supplies could be released for shipment by the United States to Europe. This rule was universally observed by poultry dealers and raisers throughout McLean county. Early in the fall of 1918, and a sliort time before the Armistice was signed, Mr. Hoover felt that it was necessary to devote the more especial attention of the Food Administration thruout the country to a general publication of prices tliroughout all the cities of the United States; and each state was asked to see to it that organizations which would bring about these results, were effected in each county of the state. Mr. Humphreys was then asked by Mr. Wheeler to take cliarge of tills new division in the state of Illinois, which was known as the Price Division. This necessitated his spending practically all his time at the Chicago Headquarters Office, except the week ends that he spent at home; whereas before he had only spent a day or two at the Chi- cago headquarters, attending the weekly meetings of the District Board each week. With the signing of the Armistice and the general knowledge of the fact that the war was over, an attempt to control this work by the voluntary work of the people was impracticable, as the necessity seemed to have passed. It is difficult to understand the great volume of work handled by the various food administrators, and the great amount of time and effort given to the work voluntarily, without any compen- sation whatever. For over a year Mr. Humphreys had put in twelve to fifteen hours a day and when he accepted the position of taking charge of the Price Division for the state of Illinois, it was agreed that he should have a little vacation to be with his family and grandchildren in Florida. On December 8th he left Chicago to go to Florida, and it was not long after this until all restrictions were withdrawn, and the county and local Food Administrators of tlic state were released from their work, and the United States Food Administration, as to Mcl^ean County, be- came a thing of the past. E. M. Evans of Bloomington was asked by the national food ad- ministration during the closing months of the war to take charge of food control in a large district of Indiana, and he put in several months at this work. When the armistice was signed and strict control was relaxed, Mr. Evans returned from his duties in that line. 212 McLEAN COUNTT AND THE WOMLD WAB CHARLES O'MAIiLEY, FOOD ADMINISTRATOR The record of McLean county 's part in the war would be sadly incomplete if due atten- tion was not paid to the food conservation. The position of food administrator was ably filled by Charles O 'Malley who had charge of the department in Bloomington and who was also assistant county food administra- tor. These positions were marked by great responsibility and required the maximum of tact and diplomacy. Mr. O 'Malley possessed both to a marked degree and this was largely responsible for the great success which marked the operation of his depart- ment. The men who carried on the food conservation department, gave their time, their energy and their best thought without stint, neglecting their own business and without hope of reward or even recognition of their personal sacrifices and efforts. They were as truly, and as usefully, in the service of their state and their country as were those who wore the nation's uniforms. The ramifications of the food conservation program were many. They included farm labor. Boys Working Reserve, Mobilization of Adult Labor, food shows, seed corn, war gardens, regulation of prices and quantity sold, co-operation of schools, corn huskers campaign, etc. There were many angles to the campaign and many of these were trying and made the post of admin- istrator an onerous' one. Throughout all the period that the department was in operation, Mr. O 'Malley gave his time and energy freely and was able to pacify the class which objected to food control and adjust complications which continually developed. The famine in sugar was the most annoying feature of the war from a food standpoint but this was handled successfully and the meagre supply distributed in small lots through the card system which originated in England. No one was more thankful to see the end of the war and the consequent release from the duties of food administrator, than Mr. O 'Malley. It was a difficult position to fill but he acquitted himself to the entire satisfaction of the government and the public. WON CROIX DE GUERRE Harry E. Baker of Bloomington, can- ^ ^ noner of the 44th Artillery, U. 8. Army of the A. E. F., won the French Cross of War on July 15, 1918, by his gallant ac- tion during a violent bombardment. It was during a night attack when he and four other men were on guard at their battery. Gas shells were thrown over by the Germans, and all but Cannoner Baker were overcome by the effects of the shells. He aroused his battery and undoubtedly saved the lives of hundreds of sleeping American soldiers. The citation which accompanied the medal came from Mar- shal Petain, at that time the marshal of France. The accompanying likeness of Private Baker was taken shortly after his arrival in this country. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULD WAR 213 McLEAN COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY In every emergency, where the physical well-being of people is at stake, the doctors of a community have responsibility hardly equaled by any other class of citizens. Therefore in the share of America in the world war, which brought the physical test to the rtation such as it had never before seen, the physicians were called upon for a correspondingly large part in preserving the health and morale of the people. In McLean county our proportion of tliis great task was passed to tlie doctors, and they responded in a way which will forever be a credit to the profession. The McLean County Medical Society early in the war by formal reso- lution, decided to lend the professional aid of its members to tlie country in any way that should be demanded by the necessities of the case. Later on when the call came for enlistments in the medical reserve corps, some 90 of the doctors of the county responded. Many of these were called to active service in 1917 and 1918. A dozen or more of them were ordered across to the scene of the war, and several of them made notable records as part of or in command of sanitary units and hospital contingents. A few were given high military rank in acknowledgment of their efficient service. All served until the war was over, and then as soon as the need of their service was past they returned to plain citizenship and resumed the practice of their profession. One well known doctor was appointed on each of the draft examining board, Dr. Elfrink on Board No. 1 and Dr. Mammen on board No. 2. Both of these served without cessation from the organization to the disbandment of the board. Out of the nearly 1,900 young men accepted by the boards for service in the national army, only 59 were rejected after they had reached the training camps. This speaks well for the thoroughness and efficiency of the local examinations. There were in the county during the war some 120 physicians, and of these there were some 30, or 2.5 per cent in active service in the army or navy. In addition to these, a large number of physicians enrolled under the medical reserve, and were never called into active service. All but four of the doctors of Bloomingtou and Normal who were under 46 years of age were so enrolled. The doctors of the country as a whole responded nobly. When war broke out. there were 447 physicians in the medical corps of the army, and 329 in the navy. When the armistice was signed the number of medical officers in the army was 35,000 and 3,000 in the navy. The medical department of the A. E. P. con- sisted of 14,000 officers, 3,000 nurses and 122,000 enlisted men. This organization treated 195,000 wounded men, and of these 182,000, or 93 per cent, were returned to duty. The list of McLean county physicians who saw active service in the army and navy camps or in sea duty was as follows: Dr. Fred Brian Dr. F. 0. Vandervort Dr. G. H. Galford Dr. W. W. Gailey Dr. L. L. Irwin Dr. A. E. Behrendt Dr. A. .1. Casner Dr. J. L. Yolton Dr. H. A. Elder Dr. W. L. Penniman The Board of Examiners in McLean county were as follows : Drs. F. C. Vandervort, E. Mammen, J. L. Yolton, F. H. Godfrey, J. H. Fenelon, Frank C. Fisher, Wm. Young, Harry L. Howell, Chas. E. Chapin. The Exemption Board Examiners: ^ , . „ -r^ t^ r^ Drs. N. B. Nieberger, E. P. Sloan, E. B. Hart, W. E. Guthrie, R. D. Pox, G. B. Kelso and J. Whitefield Smith. Dr. Harry Howell Dr. R. A. Noble Dr. Wilfred Gardner Dr. A. E. Rogers Dr. .7. W. Wallis Dr. T. D. Cantrell Dr. J. K. P. Hawks Dr. L. B. Cavins Dr. Frank .Sayers Dr. D. D. Raber Dr. E. R. Hermann (Stan- ford ) Dr. A. R. Freeman Dr. Paul Greenleaf Dr. C. E. Schultz Dr. Frank Deneen Dr L. O. Thompson (Le- Roy) Dr. O. A. Coss, Arrowsmith 214 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB LIEUT. COL. WILFRED H. GARDNER Dr. Wilfred H. Gardner of Blooniinotoii, by his length and efficiency of service in the medical department of the A. E. F. attained the rank of lieutenant colonel. Dr. Gardner had experiences which were iinnsual among the physicians of McLean county. A year prior to the time when America entered the war, was spent in the military hospitals of London as a volunteer physician, most of this period in the Eoyal hospital where British soldiers were taken who had been wounded in the head. This sijecialized line of practice was most interesting in a professional way, and gave Dr. Gardner an opportunity to contril)ute in no small manner to the relief of wounded men of a nation which was later to become our ally. After a year of this experience, he returned to Bloomington to resume practice of his profession. Soon after the United States entered the war Dr. Gardner enrolled himself for service in the medical department whene\er he should lie needed. His ca.ll to service came in the summer of 11I17, and on August 1-i of that year he departed for Fort Eiley, Kansas, to start his period of training. At that camp, Dr. Gardner was commissioneil a ca|)tain and transferred to Camj) Funston as commander of th<> Field Hospital company. Later he was made director and finally commander of the ;U7th Sanitary Train which was composed of Field Hospital companies and also hospital ambulance companies. In that capacity, he embarked with his hospital unit, thoroughly organized in the spring of 1918. Tt required but a few weeks of final training in the region behind the front lines in France, until this unit was made part of the American forces in the zone of advance. The unit fol- lowed the advance of the American army a.ll thru the summer and fall of 1918, being part of and helper to the fighting forces in the Champagne dis- trict, Chateau Thierry, the campaign of the St. Mihiel salient, and the final bloody battles in the Argonne forest. After the signing of the armistice, Dr. Gardner, then commissioned lieutenant colonel, was placed in charge of a military hospital at Brest, thru which all the wounded men of the American forces were cleared for the home journey. He was kept at this strenuous work until late in the summer of 1919, when he finally was or- dered home and received his discharge. He returned to civil life,_ but did not resume the practice of medicine, but became associated with his father and brother in "The Gardner Company," a Bloomington bond and in- vestment company with offices in the Griesheim building. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 215 DR. HARRY LEE HOWELL Dr. Harry Lee Howell, of Bloomington, was one of the few physicians from. Central Illinois, who became attached to the medical service of the United States navy in the war, and, afterward, as such, attained the grade of lieutenant, a high naval rank. Dr. Howell was accepted for service in November, 1917, and was first sent to Great Lakes Naval Train- ing Station. Soon afterward, he was ordered to the Atlantic Coast and was assigned as one of the medical officers of the U. S. S. Calamares, a transport which was formerly operated by the United Fruit Co. Remain- ing on this boat between April and October, he was transferred to the giant transport Leviathan which was one of the greatest troop carrying ships under the American flag during the war. It had formerly been the Vaterland, a liner of the German Hamburg-American line, but was in- terned in an American port at the outbreak of the war. It was finally taken over by the United States Government and converted into a troop- ship. The great vessel could carry as many as 12,000 men and the medi- cal officers of such a ship, naturally had immense responsibilities, pro- fessionally and physically. In his capacity as medical officer, Dr. Howell made fifteen trips across the Atlantic during the war, but, after the signing of the armistice, came perhaps, an even greater task for him. The great movement of troops homeward from France required extra work for the troop ships and the Leviathan was one of those most relied upon on account of its great carrying capacity. The medical officers' duties were strenuous, for many of the returning soldiers had been wounded or gassed. Prior to April 31, 1919, Dr. Howell had charge of the surgical department for troops alone but after that date, his juris- diction was extended to cover the crew also, a heavy additional burden of responsibility. Dr. Howell continued in this active service until the fall of 1919 when he M^as permitted to return home on furlough. Not until the spring of 1920 did he receive his discharge. He then resumed his medical practice from which he had been taken for more than two years, resulting in much financial loss, which was but a small part of the great sacrifice he made for his country on account of the war. 216 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE JVOELB WAE CAPT. A. JAMES CASNER To Dr. A. James Casner belongs the distiuction of being among the first to tender his services to the government and next to the last of the McLean county- physicians and surgeons to receive his dis- charge. On June 1, he notified the de- partment of his readiness to serve and was commissioned First Lieutenant on August 1 that year, but it was not until April 1, 1918, that he received orders to report. He was first assigned to Fort Eiley medical officers training camp, serv- ing there for eleven weeks. On June 22 he was ordered to Camp Funston, Kansas, for duty as an expert in heart and chest diseases, being engaged in this work un- til September 1 when he was promoted to Captain. He was then honored by assign- ment to the medical staff of General Leon- ard Wood as camp cpidemiogolist, his duty being to make a special study of camp epidemics and the best method of treatment and overcoming them. This appointment was a marked compliment to the Bloomington physician. On November 26, 1918, Dr. Casner was assigned to the Base Hospital at Fort Eiley, Kansas, in charge of service of clinical medicine and diagnosis. This institution, at that period had 3500 beds and is com- posed of permanent stone buildings, perfectly equipped and ranking with the finest hospitals owned by the government, modern in construction and comparing to the best of the world army hospitals. It was there that the war department sent hundreds of soldiers returning from over- seas and who were in such serious condition as to require the best of treatment and highest degree of medical and surgical attention. There were such a large number of such patients and so many of them were in such desperate condition that they were quartered there for months, and it was necessary that a large staff of physicians be retained until long after peace was declared. This explains why- Dr. Casner was kept in the government service so much longer than the other physicians from McLean county. It was not until July 22, 1919, that he could be spared, the niimber of patients dwindling by that time to 500. Dr. Casner than returned to Bloomington and resumed his practice in suite 505-6 Peoples Bank Bldg., Bloomington, having greatly enjoyed his long period of army duty. DR. E. R. HERMANN Promptly upon the declaration of war, Dr. E. R. Hermann of Stan- ford enlisted, the date being April 15, 1917. He received his commission as lieutenant M. R. C. July 30, 1917, and was called to active duty Octo- ber 5, 1917. On November 15 of that year, he entered the School of Military Roentgenology, Cornell University, New York City, remaining there until March 22, 1918. Between April 1, 1918, and August 31, 1918, he was on active duty as assistant to the surgeon and in charge of the X-ray department at the Base Hospital at Camp Greene, Charlotte, North Carolina. September 1 of that year until November 1, 1919, he was on active duty at Fort Thomas, Kentucky, as assistant to the surgeon and Roentgenologist at the Post Hospital, his unusually long period of duty being necessary to by the fact that many soldiers returning from Europe, required attention, the hospital population continuing to be very great until nearly a year after the war was over. Dr. Hermann was finally given his discharge November 15, 1919, and permitted to resume his profession at Stanford, having been in active service more than two years, thus making a very great financial sacrifice for his country in being so long absent from his regular practice. On January 26, 1920, Dr. Hermann was honored by being appointed Captain in the U. S. A. Reserve Medical Corps. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAE 217 DR. J. K. P. HAWKS Dr. J. K. P. Hawks of Bloomington vol- unteered for war service in May, 1918. He received his commission as captain in the medical corps August 31, 1918, with orders to report to the Medical Officers' Training Camp at Camp Greenleaf, Georgia. After a few weeks in the training camp, he w^as ordered to report to Evacuation Hospital No. 46 for service overseas. This unit was not sent across and he remained with it until it was demobilized, and he received his discharge December 24, 1918, and re- sumed his i^ractice in Bloomington at his office, 212-13 Gricsheim Building. It DR. PAUL E. GREENLEAF was an interesting coincidence tliat Dr. Paul E. Greenleaf of Bloomington who was among the first of the McLean County physicians to enter into the services at the outbreak of the war, should see training at the Medical Officers training camp at Camp Greenleaf, Georgia, named after Assistant Surgeon General C. E. Green- leaf, a Surgeon of the Civil War and a distant relative. Dr. Greenleaf was com- missioned first I^ieutenant on May 11th, 1918, and left Bloomington June 13, 1918, upon receiving a call to the service. His first orders sent him to the Rockefeller In- stitute for Medical Research in New York City where he was given special instruc- tion in the Carrel-Dakin method of the treatment of infected wounds. U]3on com- pletion of this course, he was next ordered to report for temporary duty at the Base Hospital at Canij) Gordon, Ga., which was located near Atlanta. He remained there during July and August and was then ordered to leave Camp Gordon and proceed to the Medical Officers Training Camp at Camp Greenleaf, Ga., for a course in military training and Military Surgery. After two months at Camp Greenleaf Dr. Greenleaf was then ordered to Bellevue Hospital, New York City, for a special course in the treatment of fractures and war injuries. This course was intended for men who were to be sent overseas for taking care of the wounded in Base Hospitals. His final period of duty was at Camp Meade, Mary- land, where he was stationed at the Base Hospital, where the formation of a Base Hospital was being fnade for duty overseas. Just when his unit was completed and all of the members were in readiness to go to France, the armistice was signed and the orders to sail were counter- manded. This cancellation w'as a great disappointment to many of the physicians and surgeons as they were anxious to see service abroad. Dr. Greenleaf however was kept in active duty until January, 1919, when he was given his discharge and permitted to resume his practice in suite 614-615 Griesheim Building, Bloomington. 218 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WO ELD WAR DR. HORACE W. ELDER The distinction of being one of three physicians from Illinois selected by the Public Health Service Department of the United States government to iight an ex- traordinary epidemic of influenza at Ches- ter, Peun., during the war, goes to Dr. Horace W. JElder of Bloomington, and this service was regarded by the authorities at Washington as just as vital as that in the camps of the army. At Chester, nearly every person in the city was a victim. Many of the local physicians had gone to army camps and the force left was wholly inadequate to cope with the epidemic. I'liysicians from other states were called ami Dr. Elder was one of the three from Illinois leaving here October 2, 1918, and lemaining until after the disease was un- der control several months later. This ex- perience was a very inferno of contagion and death and tested the nerve and energy of every physician assembled and who bat- tled against what appeared at times to be overwhelming odds. The physicians (inaily won and every one engaged won the gratitude of the people w\t]\ \vlH)m they laboicd, as well as that of the government that had appealed. This contiict with influenza was one of the thrilling ex- periences of the war and had more of the terror, if less than the san- guinary features of the great army offensives in France. Dr. Elder re- sumed his ]iractice in suite 527, Griesheim Building, Bloomington, about the same time that most of the other physicians and surgeons were be- ing released from duty in the army hospitals. DR. JOHN L. YOLTON Associated upon the board of surgeons assigned to the Students Army Training Corps of the Illinois Wesleyan University during the war, was Dr. John L. Yolton of Bloomington. He was among the first to tender his services at the out- break of the great conflict and it was his lot to take care of the boys of the educational institu- tion who Avere anxious to participate and who occv.pied the barracks erected for their accom- modation north of the Wesleyan University build-" ings. The premature ending of the war, just as the students were becoming proficient in the daily drills and tactics, prevented them from seeing active service and also the attending surgeons in charge and who might have been assigned to duty with them liad they been ordered to the front. Dr. Yolton served faithfully and efficiently during the period of the war and the excellent health of the students during this period was largely due to the careful attention given to them by Dr. Yolton and his associates. After the end of the war, Dr. Yolton resumed his practice with offices at 208 East Jefferson street, Bloomington. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR 219 CAPT. D. D. RABER An unusually extensive diversity of ser- vice was the privik'oe of Dr. D. D. Eaber. Enlisting at Fort Meade, 8outh Dakota, August 26, 1917, he was commissioned First Lieutenant in the Medical Corps Septem- ber 30, 1917, and was called into active service January 17, 1918, at Fort Eiley Medical Officers Training Camp. He then served with the Aviation Section Signal Corps at Waco, Texas; Camp Greene, N. C, and Hempstead Field No. 2, L. I. He was then assigned as Battalion Surgeon with Infantry at Camp Greene, N. C, o4Gth Battalion Q. M. C, moving to Camp Merritt, N. J., September 22, embarking on the George Washington transport, land- ing at Brest with the convoy October 13. He was first stationed at Camp St. Sulpice Depot No. 9, Base Section 2, Service of Supplies A. P. O. No. 705 A. E. F. He served with Cam]) Hosi)ital No. ()(5 as bat- talion surgeon; Chief of Influenza wards; Chief of Pneumonia wards; Chief Medical Service, and Surgeon to Prisoners of War Camp, Nos. 0, 7, 10, and 11. He saw a vast amount of strenuous service abroad, was promoted to captain of medical corps September 16, 1918, and was finally ordered to America as Troops Surgeon on the Transport El Oriente, em- bai'king at Bordeaux June 24, 1919, debarking at Newport News, Va., July 4. His battalion was demobilized at Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C, and hie received his discharge at Camp Grant July 30, li)19. Capt. Raber then resumed the practice of medicine and surgery at suite 310, the Unity Building, Bloomington. DR. FRANK DENEEN Dr. Frank Deenen tendered his services as soon as the announcement was made that there was need and received his orders August 11, 1918, to report to Camp Meade wiiere he was promptly commissioned Lieu- tenant and given four months of strenuous duty in that big cantonment. He was honored by assignment to the consultation department with special diagnosis work. He was engaged also in classification duty and his experience in the army service was of great variety and offered many inter- esting problems from a medical and sur- gical standpoint. He also assisted in the organization of the camp diagnosis de- partment and found his time fully occupied until after the close of the war. A few weeks after the coming of peace. Dr. Deneen was given his release from duty, his discharge being' dated December 6, 1918. While it was not the privilege of Dr. Deneen to see service abroad, his ser- vices for his country were fully as valuable as those who made the overseas trip. In company with the other physicians and surgeons of McLean County, the service of Dr. Deneeu was made at great personal sacrifice but he was glad of the opportunity tendered him. Returning to Bloomington he resumed his practice in suite 606-626 Griesheim Bldg. 220 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAB DR. ROBERT AVERY NOBLE Probably few of the surgeons of the state had a more strenuous and withal a more interesting experience in the military service of their country during the world war than did Dr. Robert Avery Noble of Bloomington. He was engaged in active practice of his profession in Bloomington when the United States became engaged in the world war, and within a few weeks volunteered his services with the medical department of the army. He was accepted and sent to Fort Benjamin Harrison, where after the preliminary training he was commissioned First Lieutenant, M. C. His first assignment was to base hospital at Camp Sherman, wliere in December, 1917, he was raised to the rank of captain in the medical corps. In May, 1918, Capt. Noble was assigned for overseas duty, and sailed with a contingent of the American Expeditionary Forces. Arrived in France he was made chief of the surgical service of Evacuation Hospital No. 5. This was in June, just the time when the great German drive, the last struggle of Germany to overcome the Allies, was at its height. Capt. Noble's unit was attached to American divisions serving with the French army in the early weeks of the sum- mer. Their first service was in the Soissons sector, then to La Ferte en Tardinos, the months of June and July being spent in these very active sectors, where hundreds of wounded men were passing through the hospital every day. In the early part of July, the unit was sent to Chateau Thierry, and then back to the 8oissons region for the latter part of July and part of August. Being then transferred to the medical department of the first all-American army under Gen. Pershing, Capt. Noble was with one of the hospitals caring for the wounded during that historic 8t. Mihiel drive of September, 191S. Then followed the memo- rable struggle of the Argonne, and later he was transferred to the forces in the Champagne district. Before the end of the war came, Capt. Noble had been assigned to a base hospital at Rouillers, Belgium, where he was in charge with the rank of Major. From February, 1919, he was with the American base hospital at Staden, Belgium. He was honorably discharged in June. 1919, with the rank of major M. C. During his ser- vice in the army, Dr. Noble's hospitals units took care of 37,000 wounded or sick men, and performed 10,000 operations. Soon after his discharge. Dr. Noble returned to Bloomington and resumed the practice of his pro- fession, with office at 214 East Washington street. DR. O. M. THOMPSON Of the McLean County physicians in the service, outside of Bloom- ington and Normal, Dr. O. M. Thompson of LeRoy was honored by elec- tion to the post of First Commander of Ruel Neal Post No. 79, that city, December, 1919. He served on local Exemption Bor.rd No. 1 Mc- Lean County, as Medical Examiner from beginning until he resigned April 1, 1918, to assume active duty in the U. S. Army. He enlisted in Medical Corps, U. S. Army in August, 1917. He was commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Medical Corps, September 28th, 1917. He was called to active duty April 8th, 1918 and reported to Camp Rilev, Kansas, M. O. T. C. on that date, was in Co. .31 until June 2fith, 1918. Ordered to Camp Lewis American Lake State of Washington, he was assigned to Infirmary McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR 221 No. 8, 166 Depot Brigade. Believed from duty tliere and transferred to 13th Division, August 8th, 1918. Assigned to 13th Sanitary train, Am- bulance Company No. 249. He was in charge of the Influenza ward at the Base Hospital during the Flu epidemic. He received his honorable discharge on January 8th, 1919, and then resumed his practice in LeRoy. DR. WATSON W. GAILEY Dr. Watson W. Gailey of Blooniington was one of the doctors of this county who carried out a highly responsible work in the war, in spite of the fact that he was never called across the seas. In the summer of 1917 he enlisted for the medical reserve corps, and in August was called to active service with the rank of first lieutenant, medical reserve corps, U. S. A. His first assignment was to the office of the surgeon general at Washington, where he spent one month. From that place he was sent to investigate the sight and hearing requirements for various occupations, this being pre- liminary to his work in connection with the employment of disabled soldiers after their refurn to this country. This assignment required strenuous duty at Mineola, Long Island, flying station, at Ft. Wood, Ft. Slocum and at Hoboken. Tlie report of these investigations was sent to a committee of congress. In April, 1918, Dr. Gailey was sent to the U. S. A. general hospital No. 9 at Lakewood, New Jersey. He spent three months of hard service in eye clinics. In June of that year he was assigned as chief of the head section of surgery in this hospital. He continued in that capacitj^ until he was finally discharged from the military service. The work was most in- teresting, being designeil to restore so far as possible the normal use of functions of the head which had been partially destroyed by wounds in battle. The hospital handled thousands of such cases, and some of the re- construction work accomplished was marvelous in its skill and results. Dr. Gailey was commissioned a captain of the medical corps iu September, 1918. He received his discharge about the middle of 1919, immediately thereafter resuming his practice in suite 617-621 Griesheim Bldg., B.loomington, as oculist and aurist. He was one of the many physicians who made heavy financial sacrifices as a result of his patriotism. 222 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR MAJOR A. E. ROGERS To win tlie commission of major was the distinction of Dr. A. E. Rogers of Blooming- ton. He entered the service November 15, 1917, was commissioned First Lieutenant and sent to Fort Riley where he trained for three months in the officers training camp, then enrolling at Cornell university for in- struction in Roentgenology. After his com- plete course there and in different hos^jitals, he was assigned to Evac. Hospital 10 at Camp Meade and promoted to captain. He was ordered overseas August 19, 1918, on the Leviathan landing at Brest, France, and proceeding to Bazoilles, near Neufchateau where he was assigned to take care of the wounded coming in from the tSt. Mihiel drive. Train loads also came in from the Argonne drive of 47 days. October 1, 1918, Dr. Rogers moved up close to the battle front and took charge of an old French hospital abandoned by the Germans at Revigney near Barle Due. After four months of strenuous duty in caring for the wounded and also many cases of influenza. Dr. Rogers was ordered to follow the Army of Occupation into Germany, reaching there February 1, 1919. One month was spent at Treves and then he moved to Coblenz to take charge cf a large hospital there. The work was easily handled and living much more comfortable in this finelj" equijiped structure, compared to the temporary quarters during the fighting in France. Dr. Rogers also was given &oin» leisure and he took advantage of this to make several sightseeing trips up and down the famous Rhine and also to explore the large German citadel of Ehrembreitstim. April 10, 1919, Dr. Rogers received orders to return home as casual officer and returned via Paris, Marseilles, and Gibraltar, arriving in New York May 10, 1919, proceeding to Camp Dix, New Jersey, where he was commissioned Major and given his discharge June 9, 1919. On the way home he inspected Walter Reed hospitals in Washington and Fort Sheridan and was enabled to see how well the government was taking care of the sick and woiinded. Dr. Rogers then resumed the practice of medicine and surgery with offices on the sixth floor of the Griesheim Bldg., Bloomington. MAJOR MARSHALL WALLIS One of the first of the McLean County physicians to respond to the call to service was Dr. Marshall Wallis of Normal, going to Fort Benjamin Harrison September 25. 1917, and thence to the Massachusetts Gen- eral Hospital at Boston to take a course of instruction in fractures and dislocations un- der Dr. Charles L. Scudder. Thence he went to New York City to take a course in Carrel- Dakin treatment of infected wounds at the Rockefeller Foundation. December 25, 1917, he was ordered to the Base Hospital at Camp Lee, Va.; next to the Embarkation Hospital at Camp Stewart, Newport News, serving as executive officer there from March 20, 1918, until his discharge July 15, 1919, the appointment being a notable trib- ute to the incumbent. Dr. Wallis was com- missioned lieutenant June 8, 1917; captain, December 6, 1917, and major August 22, 1918. Upon his return from the service, he has resumed the practice of medicine and surgery at Normal. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE TVOELD WAE 223 DR. F. C. VANDERVORT Of the many nienibcrs of the community who performed their duty at the "home front," one of the most important because of the unique place he occupied, was Dr. Franklin C. Vandervort, who was named to the position of physician to the Student Army Training Corps at the Wesleyan Uni- versity, which was formed in the fall of 1918. There were some 300 young men enrolled in this organization. Dr. Vander- vort was selected to represent the govern- ment in the important work of physical examinations and treatment of the sick or injured of tlie young men, because of his experience and skill in other lines of sur- gical and medical practice. For many years he had been the resident surgeon for the Illinois Central in Bloomington, and had served as county physician and en- gaged in general practice among a large clientelle in this city. His work as ex- amining physician for the S. A. T. C. was strenuous enough for several months. First was the examinations when the men were inducted into the service. The physical tests were rigidly laid down, and each student was put thru the paces and his report testified to by the doctor, much the same as if he were going into one of the regular army camps. The Student Corps was hardly well organized when the epidemic of influenza struck the community, and this brought an unexpected and startling amount and variety of duty. An emergency hospital was opened at the home of Mrs. M. T. Scott, and the students taken with the disease, were quartered there. Scores of them were taken care of, and only one death occurred among them. But it was a strenuous two months which the student doctor passed before the sul)siding of the epidemic. When the corps was to be mustered out, again tlie doctor's services were called into requisition, and not until the final discharge of the young men was made out did the close of Dr. Vandervort 's work come in sight. It had been carried on without ostentation and with little public notice, but it was faithfully and efficiently done. DR. LAWRENCE L. IRWIN Of the McLean County physicians and sur- geons who so cheerfully tendered their ser- vices when war was declared. Dr. Lawrence L. Irwin who has a suite of offices No. 504, Griesheim Building, Bloomington, was un- fortunate or fortunate, whichever way one may look at it, in not being called into active service. He was examined September 1, 19 IS, in Chicago and assigned to duty at Fort Ogleth()r])e, but, due to the heavy movement of troops abroad at that time and the sign- ing of the armistice soon afterwards, he was not called. He receives equal credit, how- ever, with those who were called and his name is carried on the honor roll of the McLean County Medical Society. 224 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB practice in Bloomingtoii and and Alton railway, his suite Eddy building. DR. TRED J. BRIAN When the call came for physicians and surgeons, Dr. Fred J. Brian of Blooming- ton was among the first to tender his ser- vices. He enlisted August 2, 1918, and was ordered to report on August 30. His first assignment to duty was at Camp Greenleaf, Chattanooga, Tenn. He was then assigned to a six weeks Post-Grad- uate course at the University of Chatta- nooga. He was next assigned to Camp Crane at Allentown, Penn., and was com- missioned Captain. Captain Brian put in several months of strenuous duty at the Base Hospital at Camp Crane and was kept on detail for a month after the Armistice. Conditions then became such that he could be spared and he was given his discharge on December 12, 1918. He greatly enjoyed his period of service in the army, despite the heavy demands upon his time and energy. He then resumed his also his post of surgeon for the Chicago of offices being; on the third floor of the CAPT. THOMAS D. CANTRELL Dr. Thomas Commissioned June 20, 1917, D. Cantrell of Bloomington, immediately took up his duties as a member of the Na- tional Medical Defense Committee, was or- dered to Chicago October 15, 1917, for the Military school of Roentgenology, entering the Fort Riley Medical Officers Training Camp December 28, passing the final exami- nation and qualifying as Military Roent- genologist, seeing service at Fort Snelling, and Camp Dodge, going to Liverpool July 10, with Base Hospital No. 11, and reaching Nantes, France, where he saw strenuous duty as Roentgenologist until January 1, 1919, when he was ordered to join the 79th Division at 8ally, for duty with Field Hos- pital No. 315 with 304th Sanitary Train. February 1 he was ordered to Bordeaux to convoy patients home. He sailed on the Antigone in command of 174 men March 12, and Avas discharged at Camp Dix March 28, 1918, concluding a strenuous period of service and giving him an ex- cellent idea of the tremendous extent of the great conflict and the real horrors of war. Capt. Cantrell since his return from Europe has been serving as Roentgenologist at the Kelso Sanitarium at Bloomington. He was fortunate in being in command of the various departments to which he was assigned abroad, the greater portion of the time, and he left the army with rather pleasant r-ecollections. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 225 CAPT. GILBERT H. GALFORD Dr. Gilbert H. Galford enlisted May 1, 1918, in tke medical section and received an order to report for duty August 4, 1918, at Camp Greenleaf, Chickamauga Park, Ga., with. Co. i 1st Bn., later Co. 24, Bn. () and finally was made captain of Co. 22 Bn. (i, taking a two months special duty course in ear, nose and throat while in camp. On October 2, 1918, he was detailed for special duty to P. H. S. at Chattanooga to combat the "Flu." On October 22, 1918, Capt. Galford -was ordered to the air service division at Champaign, 111., lectur- ing in sanitation and hygiene before the ground school cadets at Morrow Hall. On November 17, 1918, Capt. Galford was or- dered to Austin, Texas, having charge of 122 men at that post. With the end of the war, he was released from duty re- ceiving his discharge December 20, 1918. He was recommended for promotion No- vember 5, 1918, but it was held up until March 14. 1919. commission was then sent to liim and accepted and he was assigned to tlie Reserve Corps. The family of Capt. Galford accompanied him dur- ing his jjeriod of service at the various camps. Capt. Galford resumed liis practice after the war, his office being on third floor of the Bid! Bloomington. Unity DR. LESTER B. CAVINS Tendering his services to his country July 22, 1918, Dr. Lester B. Cavins re- ceived instructions to report August 28th that year being commissioned Captain. He left Bloomington September 4, having re- ceived orders to report for diity at Camp Greenleaf, Chickamauga Park, Georgia. He was assigned to Company 16, M. O. T. G. and in addition to other strenuous duty incidental to such a huge camp, was given much specialization work, notably in the X-ray. This was a field of special appeal to Capt. Cavins and he was kept busy in this department. An army hospital always developes much that is new and unusual and there is considerable fascination in the duty there, bringing as it does a change from the ordinary practice of civil- ian life. Dr. Cavins thoroughly enjoyed his four months, of service for his country and also was fortunate in enjoying the best of health while living in the city of the white tents and working under strict military rules and regulations. While the service in the field hospital was strenuous, yet it was highly agreeable. With the end of hostilities the hospital at Camp Greenleaf was suspended, the major 226 McLEAN COVNTY AND THE WOELD WAS portion of the physicians and surgeons being permitted to resume their practice at home. Capt. Gavins received his discharge December 19, 1918, and resumed his practice in Bloomington, his offices being suite 704-6 Peoples Bank Bldg. DR. EDMUND A. BEHRENDT Ordered into service in October, 1918, after previously notifying the war department of his readi- ness to go, Dr. Edmund A. Beh- rendt was sent to Fort Riley, Kan- sas. He was commissioned Lieu- tenant and then recommended for a Captaincy but the war ended before the parchment was filled out. Dr. Behrendt put in several strenuous months and then with the coming of peace, resumed his practice with offices in the Peoples Bank Bldg. Scene at the Pautagraph bulletin board during the war McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOELB WAR 227 MEDICAL CtEOUP Major C. E. Sanderson — upper right. Lt. E. E. Hermann — upper left. Lt. 0. M. Thompson — center. Lt. Asa E. Freeman — left of center. Capt. W. L. Penniman — right of center. Capt. Chas. E. Schultz— lower left. 228 McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOELD WAR "S ?< " rS -^ -P tf cd c S +^ c 5 s °i: B -»-i HH "^ to a ri I* t-l CC ^ .„ aj a> 2 ^ is o -^ ;>. ^ -,4-' C P? o •5= b£ o ^' M o EH M -2 be rH bc^ 5 ? ° ■- ^ ^ hfj < CO ^ K cc -t^ (K r^ < r/3 ^ 03 CO r-! M o g -S ■> - c .2 P4 _ ir~| ^ ^ C r' M rt •-4H p_( Oi pj D H C ^*-^ Oil 7:; ^ Ctf r" ^' ■>-' t=H H _o CC c C3 !-; -^■^H o 'r-< O* =2 U' £ cr- ^ Tl . 0^ "^ ^ - W n ^^ f"! 0^ ^ +-- o- f *^ ^ w QirSi ^ pq !0 H >: qn ifrdJlgaiAAkHv. < 236 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR the latter was elected judge. In 1892 Mr. Sterling was elected state 's attorney and served four years. He was chairman of the republican county central committee. Mr. Sterling was elected to congress first in 1902, and was continuously re-elected in each two years except the Sixty-third congress. He was married to Miss Clara M. Irons, who sur- vived, with three children, Frank H., Charlotte A. and Horace N. Mr. Sterling came to his death in an automobile accident on October 17, 1918, when a car in which he and some friends were riding was over- turned at a sharp turn on the road near Pontiac. Mr. Sterling's funeral was attended by a distinguished body of members of congress and other prominent figures in public life. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE WAR RELIEF WORK Shortly after the entrance of the United States into the World War, the Christian Scientists organized for assisting in war relief work. The organization was planned by the board of directors of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts. State committees were appointed to carry out the details of the work in the various states. The local church at Bloomington, Illinois, co- operated with Illinois committee whose headquarters were in Chicago. All funds raised for the promotion of the w^ork were forwarded to the Mother Church for distribution, as war activities were numerous in some states, especially in the South, while few or no army organizations were operating in other states. The work of the Christian Scientists was carried on both at home and abroad. War relief workers were assigned to all of the various camps in the United States. Permission was granted to place Christian Science books and periodicals in the Eeading Eooms and libraries of the various camps. The Christian Science Daily Monitor was especially appreciated. Individual subscriptions were given to all officers and men who requested it. Many thousands of copies were distributed daily. Its excellent news service and its able editorials gave the information most desired by the men concerning the war in its daily progress on the battlefields and in the camps. Delegates from the local church attended conventions held at Chi- cago, thus enabling the work at Bloomington to be organized along the best possible lines. The interest of the Scientists of this community is indicated by the fact that contributions to the war relief fund to the amount of $1297.62 were forwarded to the Mother Church during the jjeriod of the war. This was a portion of the general fund of many hundreds of thousands of dollars disbursed by the Christian Science Church in war relief work. The Christian Science Publisliing Society, recognizing tlie need for copies of the Bible, of the Christian Science Text Book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy, and selec- tions of songs especially suited to male voices, in compact form, pub- lished vest pocket editions of the Bible, Science and Health and a se- lection of Christian Science hymns, for use by the soldiers. Any officer or soldier requesting one or more of these publications received them without charge. Members of the local church were instrumental in plac- ing a number of copies of these publications in the hands of soldiers who api^reciated them. The War Eelief worker assigned to a camp was granted the privi- lege of free entrance with his automobile at any time of the day. He was ready to receive requests from soldiers for any assistance that he might lend. Under his guidance soldiers organized in many camps for the conduct of Christian Science services on Sunday and on Wednesday aing. Many men and women in American uniform attended the regular McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAE 237 services of First Churcli of Christ, Scientist, in Paris, where a Sunday morning service was conducted at 10 o'clock in French, and the same service in English at 11 o'clock. At the Wednesday evening meetings, testimonies were given in both French and English. Reading rooms with writing fa- cilities were established in many camps at home and abroad. One of these Reading Rooms at the great Army School at Langres, France, was in charge of Mrs. Anna M. Campbell, a member of the local Christian Science Asso- ciation, formerly a citizen of Bloomington. She fitted up a large room, nicely decorated and well furnislied, comfortable chairs, good writing materials, and sup- plied with Christian Science litera- ture which were used and appre- ciated by hundreds of officers and men. Sunday afternoon meetings were attended by more than forty men on many occasions, and hun- dreds of men attended the Sunday evening receptions given by Mrs. Campbell at one of the wealthy French liomes of the city. A gen- eral of the American Army was frequently in attendance at these receptions. A part of Mrs. Camp- bell's work was to give Chris- tian Science treatments, without charge, to all who asked for them. At the Christian Science meetings, frequent testimony was given of the practical service of Christian Science to the soldier on the field of battle. A Christian Science reading room at Paris was always well patron- ized. Here, during the war, three Christian Science practitioners were stationed for calls at any time. During the heavy fighting from July to November, 1918, these practitioners received hundreds of calls for assistance from soldiers calling in person, or requesting aid by tele- graph, telephone or by letter. It was no uncommon occurrence for each of these practitioners to have 30 or more calls in a single day, and one of these received 47 calls in one day. Numerous reports gave evidence of the efficiency of Christian Science during these trying months. Special war relief was carried on in Illinois at Camp Grant at Rock- ford, at Great Lakes Naval Training Station, at Chanute Aviation Field at Rantoul, and at Scott Aviation Field at Belleville. The local Christian Science Church had its share in all these activities through its contribu- tions to the general work of the Mother Church. COMFORTS FORWARDING COMMITTEE Another phase of the Christian Science work is evidenced by the Comforts Forwarding Committee. This activity was directed by a cen- tral committee at Boston. The local committees were organized by Christian Scientists in the various communities throughout the country. These committees made various articles for the comfort of the soldiers and forwarded them to Boston from where they were distributed to the various camps. Soldiers and war workers, going overseas, were supplied on request with useful articles by the distributing committees _t,^ ; Mrs. Anna M. Campbell 238 McLEAN COVNTY AND TEE WOBLD WAB at the embarkation ports. At New York a special efifort was made to provide Y. M. C. A. workers with abundant materials for their work abroad. Notices were posted at hotels where Y. M. C. A. )Secretaries were awaiting sailing orders, calling attention to the fact that sup- plies might be had from the distributing committee near by. Large numbers took advantage of this generous offer. The Comforts Forwarding Committee of Bloomington, Illinois, luid for its lieadquarters Room 627 Griesheim Building. Funds for yarn, cloth and other materials were donated by members and friends of the local church, who also donated the necessary labor. The amount con- tributed for this purpose was $6.34.13. This committee of Bloomington sent the following articles: 320 pair socks, 30 sweaters, 47 pairs wristlets, 581 new garments, 129 made-over garments, 13 large quilts, 9 helmets, 15 other articles, making a total of 115)! articles. In addition to tlie work above mentioned, tlie Christian Scientists of Bloomington con- tributed generously to the war relief work of the Red Cross, Y. M. C. A. and otlier civilian organizations. The families of the local Christian Science Church contributed not only money and articles of comfort for soldiers, but they also furnished men for active prosecution of the war. These families were represented by at least 12 men. These include officers in the army, enlisted men in the artillery, infantry, navy and S. A. T. C. One, Prof. Ridgley, en- listed for Y. M. C. A. Educational work and was later transferred to the Army Educational Corps. Top row (left to right) — Elroy McNier, Guy Million, Harry Matthews, Vernon Moore, Thomas McMillan. Second roiv — Jack Million, Otis Musselman, Alpha E. Moore, Roy F. Mitchell, Ray- mond H. Mortimer. Third, row — Earl Mahaifey, DeWitt P. Miller, Thomas Martin. Fourth row — Jesse Mitchell, Harry E. Mitchell. Above — Raymond Morger. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR 239 WAR-TIME CONTROL OF FUEL SUPPLIES In the summer of 1917, the government clearly saw that the prob- lem of the nation 's fuel supply was to be one of the big ones. On October 31, 1917, the fuel committee for McLean county was appointed by J. E. Williams, federal fuel administrator for Illinois. This com- mittee began work November 1, being one of the first organized in the state. The personnel was Mayor E. E. Jones, chairman; Hpencer Ewing, secretary, and Elaida Dickinson. The local fuel administration had to deal with the public and with the fuel dealers. In treating with the dealers, one of the first tasks related to prices on coal, and in this the committee had to establish a margin of profit for retail dealers of the county. This was done by a method which was afterward adopted over the entire state. Then there was the question of properly distributing the supplies of fuel available and of enforcing upon the people the necessity of conserving their supplies. One of the first tasks confronting the local fuel ad- ministrator was to educate the people in the necessity of laying in their supplies of coal before the winter began. The old careless way of buying coal for domestic use a few tons at a time, because it could be obtained on short notice, must give way to prudent foresight in getting one's supply into the cellar in the summer and autumn. This campaign had its results. By the end of November a larger percentage of the winter's domestic requirements were in the cellar than had ever been the case before. On November 23, 1917, the local fuel committee submitted a report of its work in fixing coal prices up to that time. The following were the prices quoted: Delivered prices — ■ Per Ton Southern 111. Coal $5.75 Central Illinois Coal 5.25 McLean County Coal Mine 5.20 Scale prices — ■ Per Ton Southern 111., Coal $5.00 Central Illinois Coal 4.50 McLean County Coal Mine 4.45 Anthracite coal, all sizes delivered 10.00 The fuel administration could not proceed far with its work until it had some information fVom each community of the county for its guidance. Therefore a survey was made by addressing to all coal dealers of the county a letter in which the desired facts were sought. With the desired information on hand, the committee assigned to each dealer his allotments of coal from time to time from the supplies available for this county. Along with the problem of distributing the coal supplies, came that of urging the conservation of fuel on the part of the consumers. There were many angles to this problem. J. E. Lockwood was appointed as chairman of the conservation committee, in Bloomington, and he devoted mucli time to seeing that the orders of the national fuel administration were complied with. In order to save fuel at the electric power plants, so-called "lightless nights" were established. Two nights of the week, Thursday and Sunday, no street lights were permitted except those ab- solutely necessary for public safety. No electric advertising signs were permitted, and all lights at entrances were out except necessary for safety. This order continued in force until the following April, and was generally and willingly observed. Restrictions on the use of fuel became' more drastic from time to time during the late fall and early winter of 1917-18. The climax was reached when the order was issued for the closing of all manufacturing 240 McLEAN COUNTY AND TRh WOBLD WAR plants except those making food supplies for a period of five days, from January 18 to 22 inclusive of 1918. At the same time the order was issued that all retail stores except food stores should be closed one day each week for a period of five weeks. Monday was chosen as closing day. Another angle of the fuel conservation order was its effect upon the railroads. The Alton road in January, 1918, annulled more than half of its passenger trains, and other roads running thru the county took similar action to a certain extent. This released many passenger engines for freight service and helped the movement of needed goods and war supjilies. All the public schools of Bloomington were closed by order of the board on January 15, and remained closed until February 4. This was done because coal enough to lieat the buildings could not Ijo obtained. The school children therefore had an unexpected mid-winter vacation, which they enjoyed. The severity of the weather in this winter of 1917-18 was one of the factors aggravating the coal shortage. For twenty-eight consecutive days, from December 28 to January 25, the temperature was below zero at some part of each day. Then as a climax of the weather and fuel situation, the hardest storm of the winter struck the county on January 6. A twenty-four hour snowfall, driven by a fierce winter gale, made conditions such that traffic was impossible. Street car lines were put out of business in the city and taxicab service much crippled. Many trains on the railroads were hours behind time, or abandoned altogether. It took several days for the people of the city and country to dig them- selves out from under the snow. In Bloomington the w^eight on the big barn of the Bloomington Delivery system, located on North Madison street, was so great as to crush in the roof and caused the com- pany a loss of $10,000. Country roads were impassable and traffic in the country was more than ever restricted. After the people had spent nearly a week digging themselves out from under the snow, a second edition of the storm came upon the land, and the conditions were again almost as bad as it was at the beginning of the storm. All this made the supplying of the fuel needs of the communities more difficult than it had been previously. Many of the smaller places in the county got down to the state where there was not a ton of coal in the hands of the dealers. About tlie middle of January reports of such conditions came from Towanda, Arrowsmith, Saybrook, Glcnavon, Bellflower, Mon- arch, Covell and Meadows. Appeals came from these towns to the county fuel committee asking for relief, and these were j^assed on to the state committee. Every town in McLean county suffered more or less severely by the extraordinary weather on top of the fuel shortage, especiallv after the second blizzard of January 11. McLean ran out of bread, and tlie schools were closed for several days. Many business houses in Carlock closed on account of lack of heat. Cobs and wood were much used. There was no church service on Sunday, the 13th. Heyworth was in fair shape for fuel and other supplies. The Lexington basket-ball team played at Heyworth on the night of the second blizzard, and could not get home for two days afterward. Chenoa could get no bakers' bread and no milk for two days. No Sunday papers were delivered. Cooksville was practically marooned, and everything stopped. At Stanford Frank Hili)ert attached a snow jalow to an automobile and cleared some of the streets. Ellsworth got two cars of coal just before the blizzard, but could get no bread for two days. At Lexington most of the stores closed at 6 o'clock Saturday night, and there was no church on Sunday. Col. Brown, an auctioneer, who had held a sale at Arrowsmith, could find no way to get back to Bloomington, so he started and walked, tak- ing ten hours for the trip. Leroy dismissed its schools and business McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 241 was almost at a standstill. At Saybrook many farmers turned out and scooped roadways to the town to get supplies. When the local fuel administrators made a tour of the city on the first night that the "lightless" order went into effect, they expressed themselves much pleased with its general observance. They counted only eight lights in the business district that should not have been burning. The big blizzard struck the city and county on the first Sunday of what had been planned as "go to church month," January. Con- sequently, the campaign got a bad start, for most of the churches were almost deserted on that tSunday. Many churches abandoned their ser- vices for the day. The second edition of the blizzard was accompanied by temperature of 10 below zero, and was pronounced the worst storm in nineteen years. For a few days delivery of fuel became impossible. In many cases where families ran out of coal, they doubled up with other families, two or more living in one house. In the midst of this crucial shortage of fuel, many expedients were resorted to, to tide over until relief came. Churches iii Bloomington and other towns combined their services and held meetings in one church, or abandoned all services on Sunday except one. The county automobile men abandoned their usual winter show for lack of heat for a building to hold it. Commercial florists had to shut down parts of their green- liouses, and only heated the parts absolutely necessary to prevent serious loss. A big midwinter concert planned by the Amateur Musical Club in Bloomington was abandoned. In Leroy, the men of the Christian church organized a huge wood- chopping bee, went to the timber owned by one of their members and spent a day chopping wood for use in the church to save coal. The necessity was made a gala occasion, with a noon dinner for the choppers. The Normal university was closed tor several days on account of tlio impossibility of getting fuel. With tlie work of the strenuous winter of 1917-18 past. Mayor Jones resigned from the chairmanship of the local fuel committee, and Spen- cer E.wing, who had served as sec- retary, was named in his place. His work in charge of the local situa- tion continued thru the spring of 191S, and plans were outlined for a cam[)aign among the people for the next season which would prevent the fuel shortage of the previous winter. On May 1, 191S. Mr. Ewing was calitMl to Chicago as director of !>tate requirements in the Illinois office of the U. S. fuel administra- tion. He served in that capacity until August 1 of that year, being in charge of fuel distribution for the state of Illinois outside of Chi- cago. Later he was made deputy fuel administrator for the state of Illinois, succeeding Eaymond E. Durham. Mr. Ewing 's work in his new position operated through eleven different departments and had 110 Bertram A. Franklin employes. 242 McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOELD WAR Bertram A. Franklin was named as head of tlie McLean county fuel administration when Mr. Ewing was called to Chicago. He continued the work until and after the close of the war, for the signing of the armistice did not end the existence of the fuel administration. Mr. Franklin finally received his instructions in January, 1919, to close his office on February 1, which was accordingly done, and the fuel ad- ministration past out of existence. In the summer of 1918, the government fuel administration took a hand in regulating the consumj)tion of gasoline as well as coal. In August an order was issued that no pleasure cars could be used Sundays and all garages closed after 6 o'clock in the evenings. This brought about a situation which had its comic as well as serious side. No cars were permitted on the streets or roads except those on errands of nec- essity or mercy, on penalty of the driver being arrested. In consequence, people returned to primitive means of vehicle driving; all old time buggies and horses were gotten out of their hiding places, and the roads and streets on Sundays looked like scenes of the '60 's instead of 1918. Young peox^le got plenty of amusement out of the situation. The rule was j)retty generally lived up to for the several weeks in which it re- mained in effect. Consumption of gasoline the country over was thereby reduced hundreds of millions of gallons. SPENCER EWING WAR-TIME FUEL ADMINISTRATOR How a practicing attorney took up the work of handling the fuel problems of a community, tells the story of the war work done by Spencer Ewing of Bloomington. His was one of the cases which demonstrated that patriotic ardor will enable a man to adapt himself to the performance of tasks w^hich in or- dinary times would be considered well- nigh impossible. When the conservation of fuel be- came one of the vital questions of home policy in the war, Illinois along with other states was asked to appoint local fuel committees for the various commu- nities. The committee in Bloomington was appointed by J. E. Williams, Fed- eral Fuel Administrator for Illinois on October 31, 1917. The committee in this county was among the first in the state, and began work on November 1. Tlie personnel was Mayor E. E. Jones, chair- man, Spencer Ewing, secretary, and Elaida Dickinson. Although this line of work was utterly foreign to Mr. Ewing 's professional training, he set out with enthusiasm and devotion. The first work of the committee was to fix the margin for retail dealers in McLean county. This was done by a method which was afterward adopted over the entire state. Mr. Ewing served as secretary through the winter of 1917-18, and when Mayor Jones asked to be relieved of the chairmanship, Mr. Ewing was appointed chairman on April 1, 1918. A month later Mr. Ewing was called to Chicago as Director of State Requirements in the office of the State Fuel Administrator, of the U. S. Fuel Administration. He served in that capacity until August 1, having charge of the fuel dis- tribution of the state outside of Chicago. About August 1, with the ap- pointment of Raymond E. Durham as Federal Fuel Administrator, Mr. Ewing was made Deputy State Fuel Administrator, for the state of Illi- nois outside of Cook county. He served in that capacity until the first of April, 1919. He had charge of the administrative end of the Fuel Admin- istration in the state, with particular regard for the distribution and allot- ment of domestic and industrial coal, penalties for violations of orders, and industrial and labor disputes. This work was accomplished by means of eleven departments and 110 employes. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 243 05 C a 3 P C O O O 5 OS Oh C O P >> s a o O o COMPANY D., I. N. G. Company D, Bloomington, Fifth regt., of the Illinois National Guard Avas called to service March 26, 1917, and ordered to Camp I'arker, Quincy, 111., for training, remaining there until August 20 that year when the command moved to Houston, Texas, later being reorganized as a machine gun company and expanded to 150 men. While at Quincy the personnel of the company was as follows: 244 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR Eoster of Company D Captain — Burr Irwin. Lieutenants — William Goff and E. W. Jackson. Sergeants — Carl E. Moothart. Eolla E. Hinshaw, Chester Hull, Lee Lislika, Joseph Million and Harry A. Marshall. Corporals — William Hibbens, Edward Burns, Hobart IM. Trent, Elmer McAfee, Homer A. Bowers, Herbert C. Taylor and Lyle Fike. Cooks — Lewis C. Dears and Herbert C. Garr. Privates — James G. Dennis, Paul E. Draper, Joseph A. Erbe, Clifford W. Huffmaster, Emery B. Quinn, Joseph F. Ranney, Edward C. Albee, William A. Albee, Claude F. Armstrong, Charles Baine, Harry H. Camp- bell, Charles 8. Carter, John W. Cooper, Pearl tS. Dennison, Otho 8. Earl, Guy H. Frisbey, Eoy Goodwin, Oscar Hall, Lewis Hardman, Clarence Harmon, Harold Hartlej-, Henry M. Hartley, Charles W. Hildreth, Eay- mond Joquesh, John D. Jordan, Eussell C. Logsdon, Carl S. Martin, Wil- liam B. Mattoon, Clarence F. Miller, Joseph L. Miller, Thomas F. Miller, Peter M. Owen, Marshall N. Palmer, Merle M. Payne, Leslie G. Pfiffner, Leslie C. Pitzer, Paul V. Poole, I^eslie E. Eankin, Herbert C. Eediger, Charles V. Riley, James 8. 8ears, Thomas J. Underwood, Leslie A. Vaughn, Roy Varner, Earl E. Hodgson, Floyd O. Haynes, James M. Jones, Fred Bloodgood, Henry E. Batson, Cecil Hammett, Vernon W. Winnin, Samuel W. Ashworth, James F. Baer, John J. Anderson, Alvin R. Austin, Donald Brigham, Russell Brigham, Cecil D. Collins, Floyd Crist, Thomas I. Costigan, James B. Chapman, Ray Dotson, Lee H. Ellis, Roy M. Fitm;iii, EoUand Henshaw, Clyde Hewitt, Willard J. Jenkins, George Kraus, Leslie H. I^ariaon, Andrew Miller, Earl Potts, Scott Poynter, Everett Phillips, Ralph Simms, W^illiam F. Smith, I^em Landers, Paul Smith, George G. Sprouse, Frank L. Simpson, Carl A. Truitt, Robert Switzer, Robert S. Turner, Sylvester Thorpe, Lawrence Wright, Sidney Webb, Kieth M. Wilcox, Curtis Waggoner, Owen P. Ely and William Campbell. THE 124TH MACHINE GUN BATTALION During the months of September and October, 1917, the Thirty-third division was organized at Camp I^ogan, Texas, from units of the Illinois National Guard which had been drafted into federal service. Several regiments of infantry of the I. N. G. had to be broken up or changed bodily into other arms of the service. Among these were the Fifth and Seventh. The Fifth regiment was composed of companies from Quincy, Peoria, Canton, Pekin, Jacksonville, Bloomington, Decatur, .Delavan, Danville, Springfield and Taylorville, and was commanded by Col. Frank S. Woods of Quincy. On October 10, 1917, the reorganization took place, and the 122d, 123d and 124th machine gun battalions were formed. At first the 124th battalion was composed of three companies, L of Decatur, D of Bloomington and C of Springfield, all of the old Fifth regiment. In February, the battalion was increased to four companies, and Co. C of the 122d battalion, formerly the machine gun company of the Seventli regiment, became Co. D of the 124th. On October 13 Major Floyd F. Putman and Lieut. Clarence H. Woods were assigned to the 124th ma- chine gun battalion, and Major Putman immediately began organization of the headquarters. The battalion continued in training at Camp Logan until May (?, 1918. By recruits from Camps Dodge, Grant and Taylor, the battalion was up to its authorized strength by date of its sailing, which occurred on the night of May 15 after transfer from Camp Upton, where the battalion had arrived May 11. The transport used was the Mount Vernon, formerly a German ship, which carried 5,000 troops on this trip. The division commander, Maj. Gen. George Bell, Jr., was aboard, with his staff, headquarters troop, military police, and the 132d McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 245 infantry, all of this the Thirty-third division. The convoy arrived at Brest, France, May 24, and landed May 26. The officers of Company B, in whicli were most of the McLean county boys, at this time were: Captain Burr P. Irwin; 1st Lieut. James A. Fishburne, 1st Lieut. William E. Bourdan, 2d Lieut. Clair F. Schu- macher, 2d Lieut. Robert F. Rockliill, 2d Lieut. Chester I. White. The battalion was stationed at Cerisy until June 9, then marched to Grand- court. On June 22 it marched to Pont Remy, on the Somme river, to operate in conjunction with British forces. From about the first to the 20th of August, the outfit became the machine gun reserve to the Austra- lian forces, and after the 25th the entire division was transferred to the French area. At Guerpont the battalion was equijiped with American guns and continued training preparatory to taking part in the great offensive which was to begin on September 26. On KSeptem- ber 6 the battalion Avas transferred by rail to Bois-des-Sartelles near Balleycourt. The facts here recorded will hereafter be confined mostly to Company B, in which were most of the McLean county men. In operations with the British, on July 17, 18, Companies B and A occupied positions in the Baizicux-Warloy line for twenty-four hours. From July 17 to 23 all officers and men occupied front line positions with British forces for observation; from the 25th to 30th, A and B companies relieved units of the British 47th battalion for four days. From August 6-7, A and B companies relieved units of the British 47th and 50th battalions until relieved by the 123d M. G. battalion. Casual- ties to liattalion on this tour, 2 killed, 6 wounded. Battalion was re- •lieved August ]2 from British sector to Querrieu wood with tlie Aus- tralians. On the morning of >September 2(i, all the companies of the battalion, together with the 122d machine gun battalion and the machine gun companies of the 131st and 132d infantry, participated in the at- tack on Forges Wood. The initial advance of the battalions was cov- ered by machine gun l)arrage on the enemy trenches and strong points along the entire brigade front. The barrage consisted of forty guns, which was a complete success. The advance was over rough and ascend-' ing ground, mostly wooded, but all guns except three which were knocked out Ity shell fire were taken forward and reached the objective with the infantry and covered the consolidation. After crossing the Forges river. Company B formed up and moved forward under barrage of machine guns, artillery and smoke screen. Reached objective by 11 or 11:30 and took position to cover consolidation on left bank of Meuse valley. The 3rd platoon covered left flank, as 319th infantry did not reach objective until the following evening. Casualties, 3 killed, 7 wounded. Company remained in position until October 8, when it was withdrawn for operations on east side of Meuse. As tlie result of hard work tlie night of October 7, this company placed 12 guns in position about Forges, and on the morning of 8th OTtened fire on Chaume Wood. On the 9th, moved to trenches southeast of Consenvoye, and at 6:45 on the morning of the 10th moved forward, with third battalion of the 131st infantry through Consenvoye and Cliaumo Wood, delivering effective fire from northern edge of latter wood UDon enemy machine gun positions and bodies of the enemy fleeing over the cdere of the ridge. The next move forward, to the top of the oppo- site ridge was under extremely heavy gun fire from front and flanks, resulting in heavy casualties and loss of four guns. Nevertheless, one section to the su]iport of the 131st, delivered fire which silenced several enemy snipers and put to flight parties of the enemy assembling on the extreme right for counter attack. The enemy launched a counter attack on the afternoon of the 11th, which the guns of this company quickly stopped. Next morning the guns were moved back to a line with the third battalion, and placed to protect the front to the best advantage. On the night of the 13th of October the 13ist infantry and machine gun 246 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAB o o o H 3 6 c McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAE 247 companies received orders to witlidraw to Consenvoye. The casualties during this action were: 2 killed, 26 wounded or gassed, Capt. Irwin and Lieut. Fishburne being included in the total. On the night of October 24, the 124th battalion left their rest billets at Les Tamaris and marched to Longeau Farm in the Troyon sector, covering 18 miles in 12 hours by night. By 10 a. m. the battalion had taken over positions of the 312th M. G. B. of the 79th division. The reorganization of the whole sector was completed by October 30, with B, 0, and D companies in positions and A company in reserve. Here these units remained un- til the operations of November 10 and 11. Sixteen gas casualties in B company at Avillers. At midnight of November 9-10, B company got orders to join the 131st infantry at Doncourt, being assigned to the second battalion and moved forward into Haute Epines and Harville wood. The company was given the task of protecting the flank of the 3rd battalion while it attacked and held a part of Harville wood. The 3rd battalion went right ahead to its objective on the afternoon of the 10th. The second battalion moved forward into the wood under heavy artillery and ma- chine gun fire. Lieut. Eockhill with the 1st platoon supported the front line, Lieut. White with the 2d platoon taking up positions along the right flank. While reconnoitering some of these positions, Bergt. Ely of Company B met and captured 11 prisoners single-handed. The heavy fire of all guns and the gas from exploding shells made the woods un- tenable and at 7 p. m. the troops withdrew to the edge of Haute Epines. The morning of the 11th orders came to attack again, and the 131st infantry was being assembled to carry out the order, when word came of the truce, and operations ceased. That afternoon Co. B moved back to Longeau farm when Co, D took over its former position. Casualties: 4 wounded, 1 missing. Company B, composed largely of McLean county men, had the dis- tinction of having the greatest number of casualties of any company of the 124th Machine Gun battalion during its service in France, its total being 85, with 46 for A company being its next closest rival. The sum- mary of casualties for the battalion in France is as follows: Headquarters Company, 1 killed in action, 1 accidentally killed, 1 wounded; total 3; A. company, 4 killed in action, 21 wounded, 2 gassed, 19 missing; total 46; B company, 5 killed, 35 wounded, 44 gassed, 1 missing; total 85; C company, 7 killed, 9 wounded, 1 gassed, total 17; D company, 1 killed, 1 accidentally killed, 11 wounded, 1 gassed; total 14. Altho machine gunners are not often in a position to capture jsris- oners, yet this 124th battalion captured a total of 112 prisoners, includ- ing 5 non-commissioned officers and 107 privates. The armistice came at 11 o'clock on the morning of November 11 when all units of the 66th brigade, including all companies of the 124th M. G. battalion were making an assault on the enemy positions in front of the Troyon sector. As firing ceased, a general shout went up along the line, on both sides. The 124th withdrew to their billets at Longeau farm. On December 7 the battalion began its long hike into Germany, going by way of Moineville, Avril, Serrouville, Eumelange, Luxemburg, Aspelt, Kreuzweiler, Trintingen and Hefiingen. B company was billeted in the village of Waldbillig. While in Luxemburg the monotony of long eve- nings was varied by various forms of entertainment designed by sol- diers, in which the 124th M. G. battalion took prominent part. "Krig- baum's Circus" from A company and Lieut. Gene Hopkins' splendid show troupe made much merriment both in and outside of the 33rd divi- sion. One of the red letter days of the service was April 22, 1919, when the entire 33rd division was reviewed by Gen. Pershing at Ettelbruck. On April 26-27 the division entrained on the start on the long journey home. The arrival at Brest was on April 30. After nine days of im- 248 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR patient waiting, the division embarked on the V. S. S. Mt. Vernon, which weighed anchor at 4:30, May 9. The 124th machine gun battalion was a part of the 66th brigade, commanded by Brig. Gen. Paul A. Wolfe. Its strength was 30 oflficers, 750 men and 48 heavy type machine guns. The 66th brigade led all the principal assaults of the 33rd division, and the division ranked among the tirst of the A. E. F. in efficiency, gallantry and battle record. The machine gun barrage in the attack of September 26, with forty guns, w^as pronounced by critics the first occasion when machine guns prop- erly supported an American division in attack. While in active opera- tions, the battalion received some excellent service from the Y. M. C. A., the Red Cross and K. of C. welfare organizations. Chaplain C. M. Fin- nell was deserving of special credit for his work for the comfort and well being of the battalion. Through his efforts, every grave of a man from this battalion has been properly marked. Sergt. Eussell W. Bringham of Bloomington, of Company B. had successfully passed his examination for a commission when the end of the war came. Two members of B company from McLean county were killed m battle: Sergt. Leslie G. Pfiffner of Normal and Corp. Lyle Fike of Bloom- ington, the latter dying of wounds. The following were wounded in action: Henry M. Hartley, Howard E. Campbell, Thomas Ivan Costigan, Herbert C. Rediger, all of Bloom- ington; Paul E. Draper of HeyAvorth, Carl B. Martin of Normal, Wil- liam B. Mattoon of Bloomington, Joseph Million of Bloomington, George G. Sprouse of Saybrook. The following were gassed: Earl Potts of Bloomington, Leslie Ran- kin of Normal, and Louis C. Hears of Bloomington. The McLean county boys, members of this company and battalion, in addition to those already mentioned were as follows: Sergeant Lee F. Lishka of Bloomington, Sergt. Chester Hull of Bloomington, Sergt. Joseph F. Ranney of Normal, Sergt. Oliver P. Ely of Belltlower, Sergt. George A. Kraus of Danvors, Corp. Lewis Hardman of Lexington, Corp. Samuel W. Ashworth of Bellflower, Corp. Emery B. Quinn of Bloom- ington, Horseshoer Henry E. Batson of Bloomington, Privates Cecil D. Collins of Holder, Edward C. Albee of Bloomington, Paul V. Poole of Bloomington, William A. Albee of Bloomington, Homer A. Bowers of Normal, James G. Dennis of Normal, Lee H. Ellis of Bloomington, Harold J. Hartley of Bloomington, Clarence F. Miller of Bloomington, Charles V. Riley of Normal, James H. Sears of Bloomington, William Price Smith of Normal, Sylvester Thorpe of Bloomington, Vernon Wieting of Bloom- ington. CONTRASTING HOSPITAL METHODS In an address before the McLean County Medical Society one day after his discharge from the service. Dr. Robert Avery Noble, former major in the medical service with the A. E. F., stated that the Ameri- can wounded received better care than any of the other allied soldiers. The French custom, he said, was to care for the least wounded first, while the more severely wounded who would be unable to return to the line after leaving the hospital were the last to receive attention. The American method was to care for all wounded men as early and as rapidly as possible and to give the most severely wounded the first attention. The French he said rarely worked at night. He said that there were all kinds of injuries which could possibly be conceived of from the high explosive shells and machine gun bullets. McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOBLD WAR 249 THE GENII OF THE AIR Deeds which for sheer cour- age and daring, having stood out even against a background of man's ceaseless heroism, marked the workl 's greatest and most dreadful war. They have been those of the avi- ators, waging a warfare that was terrible and strange; ^j^^ -^ine Patrol rushing through the air at a hundred miles an hour, thousands of feet above the earth; menaced by bursting shells or the hawklike attacks of hostile craft; tossed abouT by the winds; in danger, always of some breakdown that might send them earthward inside the enemy's lines; yet braving each peril with a smile and joking even when in the presence of death. War has brought its heroes always but what can one say of these? Men who for hours at a stretch and in a plane that might be swaying in half a gale, ran a nerve racking gauntlet of shell fire, death that the enemy guns sends into the sky; a fate that creeps nearer daily as the gunners skill im- proves; that means first a crash and then a drop through a thousand feet or more of empty air, a crunij)ling of wings and a fluttering, help- less fall, leaving the sodden wreckage of a craft. When the hero paid the price of his heroism; when he flew out at dawn and failed to return, it was his friends and fellow airmen who remembered with the lingering affection of comradeship, the one who was gone. But though they have been shot at ceaselessly from the earth and attacked viciously by hostile planes, the airmen in the late war, did their work accurately and well. Not one of these men, flying over the enemy with death at his elbow, risked or lost his life in vain. And it is a satisfaction to those of Mc- Lean County to know that the coiitril)ution made of air men, led all the other counties of the state excepting Cook. Some made the Supreme sacrifice and met their fate fearlessly. The list of air heroes from McLean County is as follows: Edward Burtis, Hudson Denny E. Henderson, Towanda Clifford Brown, Normal Omar Gregory Nyle Balbach, Chenoa Don Jones, Lcroy Halsey Bingham David l^utz John BrokaAv Eoy Lawson, Leroy *Louis E. Davis Harold Plumraer Jack Daniels Edward Powers Claude Ferguson Harry Eiddle Mortimer Flynn *Lee Eoebuck Harold Heafer Chester Twaddle Archie Hansen Earl Vanordstrand Reed B. Horney, Colfax Wm. Wise Iredell Harrison LIEUT. JOHN BROKAW Of the aviators from McLean county who were privileged to reach France, none enjoyed the experience more than John Brokaw of Blooming- ton. He enlisted October 2.3, 1917, at the age of 20, at the Ground School of the University of Illinois at tlrbana December 8 of that year, and February 24, 1918, was transferred to Camp Dick at Dallas, Texas, re- maining there until March 6 where he made such commendable progress *Killed in fall of plane. Obituaries will be found in the "In Memoriam" department. 250 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULD WAE that he was transferred to the famed Kelly Field at San Antonio, Texas, commencing to fly March 6 and maintaining this drill until April 15. He was then transferred to Chanute Field at Eantoul, 111., where he continued the primary work until he was commissioned lieutenant May 15, 1918. He was then ordered to Camp Dick for two weeks and from there to Post Field, Law- ton, Oklahoma, in June taking a four week course as an army corps pilot. His final home training was at Hicks Field, Fort Worth, Texas, in aerial gunnery and after four weeks of drill in the employment of air ordnance, he sailed for France, from the port of Hoboken, New York, landing at Brest, Octolier 5, 1918. He spent the first four weeks abroad at St. Maixent and then received orders to complete his training at Issudon, France, before going to the front. The signing of the armistice brought bitter regrets to him as well as thousands of others who were just at the pinnacle of actual ser- vice after a long period of strenuous training. He was released from air training on December 23, and was permitted to visit Nice and Monte Carlo on a leave of absence for one week. He then sailed from Brest January 13, 1919, and was discharged at Garden City, Long Island, January 23, 1919. LIEUT. DAVID LUTZ Lieut. David Lutz, well known Bloomington boy, received his com- mission at Love Flying Field, Dallas, Texas, and took up special work in bombing. Lieut. Lutz had a most narrow escape in a fall while avoiding a collision with another plane. Lieut. Lutz is a graduate of the Bloomington high school, class '07, and of Normal University, class '11. At the time of entering the service he was a manual training teacher in Indianapolis. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR 251 LIEUT. WILLIAM C. WISE Lieut. William C. Wise of Bloomington had the good fortune to reach France as one of Uncle Sam's aviators, but too late to take an active part in bombing the enemy. He enlisted April 7, 1917, at the age of 22 at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., in the aviation signal corj^s, but was transferred to the infantry, detailed to the first otficers training camp at Fort Sheridan and was commissioned First Lieutenant at Camp Dodge, Des Moines, la., assigned to tlie Machine Gun Bat- talion and transferred to Fort Douglas, Salt Lake City, Utah, and was then as- signed to duty as Intelligence Officer at Jeffeison Barracks. He then resigned his commission in Infantry to become a .S. M. at "Urbana, 111., "n 1918, graduating April 1, Chanute Field as Flying taking a six weeks course at Camp Dick, Texas, then known as "Kewees Paradise" and the "Home of the Gold Bar Cadets." He was commissioned Second Lieutenant of Air Service at Chanute Field July 1, 1918, placed in semi-active duty at Wilbur Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, and then ordered overseas, sailing from Garden City, L. I., Octo- ber 1, 1918, and ordered to Issoudim, France, joining the 3d A. I. C. Before his aspirations to diminish the enemy armies was realized, the armistice was signed. His health failing, he spent two months in a hospital on sick leave and a month of his convalescence in Southern France, and was then assigned duty as Commanding Officer of Casual Co. 987 at St. Aignon, France. He then sailed for home, I'eaching Camp Merritt, N. J., March 11, 1919, and receiving his discharge one month later, returning to Bloomington to resume his studies at the State Nor- mal University. The home of Lt. Wise is in Champaign. cadet, V. Februarv S I, assigned to Cadet, later LT. MORTIMER FLYNN Lt. Mortimer Flynn enlisted at Chicago July 25, 1917, and was as- signed to the grouna school in avi- ation at the Ohio State University. In October he was sent to Love Field, Texas, and was cummissionecl lieutenant May 8, 1918. He then trained at Camp Dick, Ellington Field, Tolliver Field, and finally Mitchell Field at Garden City, New York, taking the various courses in bombing, aerial gunnery, and other advanced work in aviation, and was leady to go across when the armis- tice was signed. He remained at Mitchell Field until March 10, 1919, when he proceeded to Camp Grant where he received his discharge, til en returning to Bloomington. 252 M CLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULD WAR LIEUT. KENNETH H. JONES With the doelaratioii of war, Kenneth H. Jones of Normal, promptly enlisted and was sent to Fort Howard, Maryland, May 7, iyi7, and was assigned to the 3d com- pany C. A. C. He was jjlaced on detached service at the Master Gunners School at Fortress Monroe, Va., August 1, 1917, and then transferred to the national army at Camp Zacliary Taylor, Ky., October 1, 1917, with assignment to the laUth Depot Brigade Headquarters Co., later going to Co. C 309 Field Signal Battalion. Octo- ber 25 he was promoted to corporal; November 15 to sergeant and December 24 to sergeant 1st class. He then asked for a transfer to the School of Military Aero- naiitics at Champaign, 111., graduating April 26, 1918, transferred to Camp Dick, Dallas, Texas; thence to Wilbur Wright Field, Dayton, O.; and was commissioned Second Lieutenant August 30, 1918, at Chanute Field. He then trained in aviation at Brooks Field, San Antonio, Texas; Rockwell Field, San Diego, Cal., and was with the Pursuit Train- ing Department until the close of the war. completing a long and strenu- ous period of training as an aviator. He received his discharge January 7, 1919, but in April of that year, he was commissioned in the Air Service Ofificers Eeserve Corps. LT. ARCHIE M. HANSON Archie M. Hanson of Normal gave up his farm irrigation work in Texas to enlist and was assigned to Austin, Texas, where he trained for three months in the aviation officers training camp. February 16, 1918, he was ordered to the Concentration Camp at Dallas, Texas, to further complete his studies in machine gunnery, wii'eless and various other essentials to the aviator. Hav- ing been commissioned lieutenant, w^as or- dered to Chanute Field May 20 for flying, aerial pliotography and study in the theory of flight. xVugust 1 he moved to Wilbur Wright Field at Dayton, Ohio, and to Garden City, L. I., September 10, thence proceeding overseas for advanced training at Issoudon aerial field, arriving there Octo- ber 2(i. There he prosecuted his training in bombing, gas drill, pistol practice and other work. Just as he was ready for active service against the enemy after a strenuous year of preparation, the armistice ended the war and Lt. Hanson in company with thou- sands of others, experienced the disappointment of being unable to clash with the enemy flyers. However, the period of duty was greatly enjoyed and he was able to see considerable of Europe before he was permitted to return to his home and be discharged. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR 253 LIEUTENANT HARRY E. RIDDLE Aviation liad its appeal for Harry E. Riddle and enlisting in Chicago, October 18, 1917, he was assigned to dutj^ at the United States Army School of Military Aeronautics, located at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, reporting there on December 1, 1917. After more than two months of intensive training there, he was transferred on Feb- ruary l(i, 1918, to Camp Dick, Dallas, Texas, where his training was continued. On April 7, 1918, he was ordered to the famous Kelly Field at San Antonio, Texas, and Avas there commissioned Second Lieutenant in the Air Service (Aeronautics). After completing his training as an aviator, he was transferred to Brooks Field near San Antonio where he studied the Gosport system of Flying in- struction. He made such rapid progress that he was honored by selection as instructor at Park Field, Memphis, Tenn. and later promoted to the i^osition of Flight Com- mander, still greater honor. He remained at Park Field, prosecuting his duties efficiently until his discliarge from the service March 20, 1919, wiien he resumed the practice of law with office in Suite 408-9, Peoples Bank Bldg., Bloomington. LIEUT. HAROLD HEAFER Entering tlie (xround School of the Uni- versity of Illinois July Ki, 1917, Harold Heafer of Bloomington, was transferred to Park Field, Tenn., after eight weeks and spent four months there winning a com- mission as a flying lieutenant in air ser- vice March 12, 1918. He then put in a further strenuous training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, Post Field and served six weeks as pilot in the observation school. Then followed five weeks at Camp Dick, Texas, and four w;eeks at Fort Worth, taking the course in aerial gunnery. When orders came to go across, Lieut. Heafer came via Peoria enroute to New York and was mar- ried at Peoria July 32, sailing July 21 for Liverpool and proceeding directly to I / ■'^^'K France where he was variously stationed i / '^Va.,^/; ^* ^t- Maxient, where he attended a school P""-- I .i for aviation officers two months at Issou- doun, and on October 15 joined the 186th Aero Squadron at Colombey les Belles and also Souilly, and was at Lemmes, near Verdun during the closing months of the war. He re- turned by way of Tours, Anglers, and other points in southern France, and sailed from Brest, France, for the United States. He received his discharge February 3, 1919, at Garden City, New York. 254 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR * AN ILLINOIS ARTILLERY REGIMENT The second largest contingent of draft men which went out of Mc- Lean county at any one time was that which departed in April, 1918, for camps in the east. Most of that contingent became absorbed into the 68th regiment of Coast Artillery, which was organized at Fort Wright and other defenses on Long Island. An official history of that regiment published at the end of 1919 was as follows: The Sixty-eighth was organized in the coast defense of Long Island, the first of June, 1918. The officers had been designated earlier in the war department or- ders. The spirit, energy and discipline of the regiment was exemplified from the first. When each man was asked if he wanted to go across, those who replied promptly, "Yes, sir," were chosen; all others were dropped from the list. At Fort Terry was regiment headquarters, also the medical department and batteries A, B, and C. Batteries D, E., and F were at Fort Wright, also the supply company. Lieut. -Col. Henry Fairfax Ayers was in charge of the unit at Fort Wright. Actual work began with a lecture by Col. Ayers, who is a West Pointer, on matters of discipline, dress, j^ersonal bearing, etc. The batteries began work at once in target practice, and the supply company in issuing overseas equipment and trying to get wliat was needed. The regiment was finally supplied with " Clfiss C equipment, when word came that "Class A" was the last word in European styles. One day after a parade in a sizzling heat thru the streets of New^ London, when the men returned to barracks "all in," word came that the regiment would leave the next morning. Immediately drooping spirits revived, and the men worked all night packing for the trip. Harbor boats took the men to New London, where Red Cross ladies served refreshments, and then after conflicting rumors of the possible port of embarkation, the trip for Boston began. The regiment detrained at the Cunard docks at Boston, and boarded tlie British ship Leicester- sliire. The men were loaded into the hold, whicli formed their mess halls and their sleeping quarters for the trip across. The start in the voyage was made in a heavy fog and after a day 's sailing, much to the surprise of the men, the ship dropped anchor in New York harbor. The stay there was short, however, and the next day another start was made, with the vessel's nose poked out to sea. The fifth day out, the vessel caught up with the rest of the convoy, six transports and a British cruiser. Two days before reaching England, an escort of British destroyers met the convoy.' The regiment's yell or battle cry was originated on this voyage. An assemblage of officers in the lounge one afternoon discussed such a yell. It was agreed that the forceful "Gang-wah, " so often heard from mem- bers of the Hindoo crew of the vessel, should be part of the cry. Soon this yell was evolved, "Gang-wah. Six-Eight. Hoo-Rah." That re- mained the official yell of the regiment during the rest of its career. One day a British destroyer. No. 68, crossed the bows of the transport, and when the men from the railing shouted their yell, so appropriate to the destroyer, there came an answering cheer from the warship, and her commander sent a wireless vote of thanks. After fifteen days on the ocean the transport landed at Tillsbury docks on the Tliames in London. The ship was given a noisy greeting by the ships in the harbor, and the regimental band and the "gang- wahs" returned the compliment. Just as the ship was docking an alarm was sounded warning of an air raid, which furnished a new thrill to the Americans. They were all curiosity but soon the "recall" signal was given, as the raiders had been driven off. This was the last air raid attempted by the Germans over London. The next morning the regiment went ashore and were welcomed by King George and taken to Romsey, a rest camp. The fiftli day, the regiment set out on a ten mile hike to Southamp- ton, which they reached at noon and w'ore issued sandwiches by the McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR 255 British Eed Cross. The trip across the channel was made on the Nar- rangansett, an old ship owned by the Central Vermont railroad, and used on the other side during the war for carrying troops. The boat took half the regiment over, reaching LeHavre at 5 p. m., and the rest of the regiment came on another boat and debarked at the same time. The men were packed into the boats. On the dock at LeHavre they saw German war prisoners for the first time. Here they also saw a long American Ked Cross train coming in, loaded with wounded men, the sight of which brought the war closer to them. From the anchorage to the harbor, the men admired a Avonderful hill back of tlie city, but little dreamed they would have to ascend it. After being officially welcomed by the city, they began their long hike up the hill. Leaving LeHavre, the regiment went to Rest Camp No. 1, where they spent a day and a half in cleaning up, etc. They left this camp at 11 o'clock at night on August 30, 191S, and marched silently down the hill to the train sheds where they were first introduced to French railroad facilities, cars built for "eight horses, 40 men." The men were crowded so that only half of them could lie down at once to try and rest. On the train they ate British rations, and coffee was served at the stations by the French Red Cross. On Sunday, September 1, the trains landed at Libourne, where the regiment was split up and billeted in different towns, St. Denis de Piles, St. Pardon, Arvayres, and regimental headquarters at Vayres. The billets consisted of old barns, houses, vacant stores, sheds and cafes that had gone dry. Soon the cooks and K. P. 's had coffee, bully beef and hard tack ready to serve. On September 16 a course of instruction in heavy artillery was established for officers, one for each battalion, conducted by an Ameri- can and a French officer. Real field problems were worked out, the school lasting until November -i. Special details of men and officers were sent to special schools, such as anti-aircraft, machine gun, gas, radio, aerial observation, and the like. Excitement ran nigh on rumors of an armistice and papers were scanned for "dope." When the news of the actually signing of the armistice reached the regiment, the lid was blown off, and November 11 and 12 given to celebration. Each battalion held a parade and were reviewed by the mayor and regimental officers. From that time on, the exercises were just enough to keep in physical condition. The guns were shipped to St. Sulpice to be packed and ready to ship home. About November 24 another excitement arose on rumors of a start for home soon. It was a race to see which battalion would report ready first, and then which regiment first. All equipment but bare necessities were turned in, and yet no word came to move. It was raining constantly. On account of the rush order, there were pre- mature celebrations of Thanksgiving, with its feast. The country was scoured for turkeys and many secured. With lack of drills on account of constant rains, time hung heavy on the men's hands. The band then did its part to keep up spirits, by going in turn to each battalion for concerts. Inspection showed a fine record in sanitation for the regi- ment. Only five deaths from flu occurred in the regiment, while the disease was ravaging the French population. From the time of its organization the regiment had seen many changes of officers. On January 8, 1919, Col. M. C. Barnes took com- mand and piloted the 68th on its homeward journey. Delay of the embarkation officers at Bordeaux was exasperating, but due to the per- sistency of Col. Barnes the order to move came on January 23. One cold, bitter day was spent at embarkation camp No. 1 and nine days at Camp No. 2. The Salvation Army supplied little comforts and made the boys feel at least as if they were nearer home. On February 3, 1919, the 68th moved to Bassens docks and then to the S. S. Matsonia. It was a happy day to be really on board ship. The voyage home was rough. Tlie men were given two meals a day. On February 15 the 256 MeLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB ship emerged from the heavy fog and headed into New York harbor. The ship dropped anchor at Fiftieth street at 5 p. m. The next morning she docked at Hoboken and after debarkation the men were sent to Camp Mills. There they got hot meals, received a real delousing and spent much time on leaves to New York. On February 21 the regiment left for Fort Wadsworth and on the 25th the Illinois detachment left for Camp Grant, and it seemed as if the entire regiment was going. On the evening of March 7 the officers of Fort Wadsworth tendered a farewell dance to the officers of the regiment which was to cease to exist as a regiment after that date. LOUIS O. EDDY A very great measure of credit for his energetic and tireless part in the great war, should be given to Louis 0. Eddy of Bloomington who had charge of the pub- licity department of the McLean County Council of Defense. To him, as chairman, was entrusted the responsibility of secur- ing the co-operation of all the newspapers, Ijoth daily and weekly in city and country, in publishing articles in relation to the great drives by the various war relief as- sociations. These drives came in rapid succession and required a constant acti- vity in completing one line of publicity and preparing for another. The newspa- pers, threw open their columns with a generosity that has never been equalled and thousands of columns of matter in re- lation to the war drives, were printed. The cheerful and co-operative attitude dis- played by tlie vario\;s publications, proved a source of satisfaction to the chairman of the publicity department and materially lightened his labors. In addition to the newspapers, it was necessary for Chairman Eddy to secure the consent of all merchants to utilize their display windows for posters and other advertising material. Stands for posting the huge posters, bill boards, etc., also had to be secured and the various sheets, displayed. An enormous quantity of such posters and advertis- ing material was distributed and displayed throughout the county dur- ing the war. It is certain that but for this thorough and efficient pub- licity campaign, the part played by McLean county in the great war, and which will always be a source of pride to every citizen, would not have been so flattering, nor the results so colossal. When the Council of Defense came into existence, its most patent and pressing obligation, particularly imposed upon it by the creating act, seemed to be the de- velopment of a civilian morale which would ensure to the nation the full and willing co-operation of McLean county in all measures required for the successful prosecution of the war, due to the polyglot population and multitude of interests. At the outset, the war spirit was not fully aroused and essential duties and sacrifices not clearly sensed. Disloyalty and sedition was not general, but there vvas, to phrase it mildly, con- siderable indiflfei-ence and hesitancy in the personal attitude toward the war. It was the duty of the Council to arouse the people, to make known the cause of the war, the inevitability of this country's participation and the necessity for an aggressive, solidified patriotism to win. "Four minute men," "neighborhood committees" and other measures, proved Avonderfully successful, in arousing dormant patriotism. The publicity department will always remain a bright page in the history of McLean county's part in the war. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 257 WORK OF FRENCH-BELGIAN RELIEF ASSOCIATION The French, Belgian-Allied Eelief Association finished its work, and on Friday, March 28th, 1919, made the last shipment to the devastated countries. This statement did not mean a great deal to the people at large, but for those faithful women who have given unsparingly of their time and strength, the closing of the shop had a deep significance. To Mrs. Gr. B. Read was due the credit for the beginning of this work. Early in the fall of 1917 she became interested in war relief work thru her visits to the different lieadquarters in Chicago, and eager to do something of which Bloomington might be proud, she gathered about her a small group of women, who immediately caught her enthusiasm for the sjjlendid work. She turned over several rooms in her home to their use and in October, 1917, forty-five children's complete outfits were made. In all, 1213 garments were sent across to relieve the suffer- ing in France in the first shipment. The call for relief became louder, interest increased and the work grew to such proportions that it be- came necessary to seek rooms more centrally located and better adapted to the work. On November 1st, Mrs. Ralph D. Fox kindly donated the vacant building at 42G North Main Street. It was here that the organization was perfected and the first regular meeting held. The following officers and directors were elected at this time: President, Mrs. G. B. Read; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. H. H. Eckhart; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. A. W. Anderson; Secretary, Mrs. F. C. Cole; Treasurer, Mrs. W. L. Moore; Directors, Mrs. Kate Brown, Mrs. R. C. Baldwin, Mrs. Charles Brokaw, Mrs. David Davis, Mrs. Alonzo Dolan, Mrs. C. B. Detrick, Mrs. Ralph D. Fox, Mrs. J. T. Johnson, Mrs. Anna B. Wade, Mrs. K. D. Welch, Mrs. Louise Robinson. In March, 1918, it again became necessary to move, and through the kindness of Frank Oberkoetter, the rooms at 115 South Main Street were secured and were used for the work until its close. The Board was very grateful to C. B. Hamilton, who did all the hauling free and which meant from two to nine boxes a week for eigh- teen months; also to T. P. Murray and E. H. Henniger who faithfully donated their, services as packers. As an association they always went "Over the Top" in every undertaking, whether it was Christmas Packets, French Orphans, an appeal for helpers, or what not, their dreams were more than realized and the quotas more than filled. The French and Belgium Relief Shop meant much to the commu- nity. It was open every day, except Sunday, from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M., since its organization, with some members of .the Board always in at- tendance. Church Aid Societies, Clubs, Lodges, Leagues, Thimble So- cieties, etc., worked there in a body, each having a special day of the week for its meeting. There were all sorts of entertainments given for the purpose of raising money, notable among them being "The Story Hour" given by Miss Raycraft, "The Birds' Christmas Carol" produced by Mrs. Roden- hauser and her assistants, "Our Children" put on by Miss Winifred Kates; "The Ladies Minstrels" elaborately staged by the Daughters of Isabella; "The Garden Party" at the Country Club, the "Pavement Dance ' ' on East Jefferson Street, ' ' The French Market and Melting Pot," managed by the Sigma Kappas, the "Three Day Fete" at "The Oaks," the "White Elephant Sale," managed by the Kappa Kappa Gammas, and a number of social functions, all donating their proceeds to the work. Through the French and Belgian Association, the first French Or- phans were adopted. Mrs. Read and Mrs. David Davis had charge of that part of the work and it was due to their untiring efforts that 258 McLEAN COVNTY AND THE WORLD WAB McLean County could boast of having adopted 500 orphans. Mrs. David Davis also had charge of the Christinas Packets, of which 1095 were sent to the wounded in hospitals of France and Italy. In October, 1918, a little Gift Shop was opened in tlie west room of the Irvin Theatre building, the use of which was generously donated by Clarence Irvin. Here were to be found all sorts of dainty hand- made gifts, and every afternoon tea was served in a charmingly ap- pointed little tea room by young women who were glad to be of service. Mrs. Edith Fielding was chairman of this department of the work, until called out of the city. Miss Harriet Hallam was her able successor, who with her corps of helpers turned over $1000 to the Eelief Association. Mrs. H. M. Eollins was chairman of the Committee on Eefugee Bags, and with her helpers packed 199. Mrs. Rollins alone filled 1500 house- wives, these little cases containing sewing materials. Mrs. Mark Drum has been a faithful chairman of the I^ayette Com- mittee, 505 complete layettes having been made and packed, to date. In January the Board expended the sum of $1500 in blankets, which were sent across. 1324 comforts and quilts have also been packed and sent. The total in garments packed and shipped was 60,019. It is quite impossible to tell of all the good works of the association. Local charities have been helped from the overflow. To all those who have given of their time, money, and strength the directors were deeply grateful and felt confident that they have been doubly blessed in the giving. The following summary of shipments to the different countries made by tliis organization showed: Women's garments to France, Belgium and Italy — 1,513 coats, 275 suits, 85(3 dresses, 708 skirts, 944 waists, 277 petticoats, 138 drawers, 43 chemise, 796 underwear, 292 pairs stockings, 112 aprons, 50 shawls, 35 sweaters, 237 scarfs. Total of 6,276. Refugee bags, each containing 28 articles — 71 bags to France, 24 to Belgium, 21 to Italy; total of 3,248 articles. Also 93 bags to Italy each containing 27 articles. Total of 2,511 articles. Miscellaneous garments shipped to France, Belgium and Italy — 1,324 comforts, 437 blankets, 219 pillows, 466 pillow cases, 305 towels, 1,119 handkerchiefs, 43 sheets, 15 wristlets, 153 pairs mittens, 707 pairs shoes, 14 aviator vests. Total 4,802. For Babies — 1,502 rompers, 12 baby gowns, 12 kimonas, 1,156 dresses, 37 jackets, 316 bootees, 25 bibs, 7 skirts, 61 diapers. Total, 2,128. 8oap and other articles — 1,537. Christmas packets to French and Italian hospitals and to French orphans, 1,175. Hospital garments to France — 486 bandages, 106 bands, 60 bed socks, 12 bath mitts, 46 operating masks, 16 leggins, 195 con caps, 36 ice bag covers, 9 hot water bottle covers, 636 cup covers, 80 lunch cloths, 5 table cloths, 22 spreads, 229 napkins, 18 hospital shirts, 38 bath robes. Total, 1,994. Layettes — Total of 505 to France, Belgium and Italy, containing 13,635 articles. Men's garments to France, Italy and Belgium — 67 overcoats, 221 coats, 129 suits, 175 pants, 329 vests, 456 shirts, 594 underwear, 184 pajamas, 211 sweaters, 1,554 socks, 45 caps. Total of 3,965. Boys' garments — 42 overcoats, 97 coats, 376 suits, 615 pants, 1,001 waists, 442 underwear, 84 sweaters, 353 caps. Total of 3,010. Also 37 refugee bags for boys, containing 481 articles. Girls' garments — 553 coats, 16 suits, 4,588 dresses, 87 middies, 69 skirts, 2,306 petticoats, 947 drawers, 814 waists, 489 gowns, 53 chemise, 478 aprons, 975 underwear, 1,180 stockings, 69 sweater.s, 1,387 caps. Total 14,011. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR 259 Eefugee bags for girls — Total of 57 shipped, containing 741 articles. The reports on Belgian orphan funds was as follows: Christmas fund, |100; assigned Belgian orphans adopted 14, $616; fund to Belgian or- phans, $1,580.50. Mrs. Mabel W. Moore, treasurer, made the following report covering finances from November, 1917, until March 27, 1919: Keceipts — Donations $2,198.35, monthly donations $842; garden party $164, street dance $1,070.52; French market $582, lawn fete .$5,()()3.71; white elephant sale $1,(570.12, melting pot $122.80; gift shop $1,000; other entertainments and miscellaneous, $1,875.86. Total of $15,189.36. Paid out — For materials, heat, light, janitor, freight and incidentals, $11,346.28; association adopted 15 French orphans, and to provide for them next year loaned $2,000; total paid out $13,:U6.28. This left a balance in treasury on March 27, 1919, of $1,843.08, which the board voted executive committee should use as they saw best. Mrs. David Davis, as County Chairman of The Fatherless Children of France Committee made fhe following report: February first for Mcl^ean County, 375; Bloomington, 19(); County outside of Blooming- ton, 179; No. previous to October 1st, 78; total 453. No. still to be returned, 15. Grand total, 468. Harry Hiv)lert, Paul Humngtoii, Frank Hilpert, Haii-j' H. Hall. G. M. Hargitt {Abui-e) Center — Clark Hawk; left — Lyle I. Hoover ;" ;i,(//ii — Merle Hutchinson. FROZE NOSE IN JULY Donald Jones of I.eRoy, wliile in .tlie aviation training camp at Arcadia, Florida, in July, 1918, reached such an altitude one day in a practice flight, that he froze his nose. The member swelled up to an abnormal size the next day and peeled off. The temperature on the ground at the time was in the 90 's. 260 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR MRS. G. BURT READ Her sympathies for the Allies aroused, long before America entered into the great war, Mrs. G. Burt Read of 1203 East Jef- ferson street, Bloomington, determined to do what she could for the relief of the French soldiers and purchased material and made pajamas during 1916 for their use. She worked for a time alone but later a sewing club of which she was a member, took up the duty, others became interested and out of this small beginning early in 1917, grew one of the most useful and helpful of all the organizations among ilie women of McLean county. Allied re- lief of all kinds was extended and gar- ments sent to the soldiers of France, Bel- gium and Italy and also to the women and orphaned children of these nations. Ship- ments were made via Chicago and the New York City organization and also the Dur- yea War Relief Bureau. Sept. 10, 1917, marked the beginning of the sewing club activities and it made a notable record until the close of the war. Out of this beginning grew the Belgian, French and Allied Relief organization and huge shipments of clothing were made. McLean county led all counties of the state, with the ex- ception of Cook, in the volume of shipments and in other activities in this direction. The work of the Belgian Relief is told in detail else- where in this volume. Mrs. Read also launched the campaign in behalf of the adoption of French orphans, no less than 468 of such adoptions being made by the men and women of McLean county, so vastly much more than any other county of the state excepting Cook as to make the showing noteworthy and attracting the attention of the French govern- ment. Mrs. Read and her husband were in Chicago to attend the recep- tion given for Cardinal Mercier of Belgium when he toured the Unitetl States. He personally thanked her for her services in behalf of the destitute of his country. Mrs. Read was awarded a medal by the Ducliesse of Vendome of Belgium, King Albert's sister, who had charge of the Belgian relief in recognition of her services and has also received diplo- mas and letters, expressing the gratitude of the French, Belgian and Italian governments. Above — Alvin Dunn. Center {left to right) — Willis H. Daui- bold, Harvey B. Downey. Below — Charles E. Daniel. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 261 iiiii D. O. Thompson FARMERS IN HEROIC WORK FOR VICTORY McLean county farmers have a record of vigorous war service. One phase of this is their subscription to the government war loans. The buying of these bonds thruout the county is sliown elsewhere in this book in considerable detail. The population of the two cities, Bloomington and Normal, is dis- tinctly less than half that of the county; and the people living on farms number just about twice as many as all those in the vil- lages and cities outside the two named. Com- paring the amount of bonds bought in Bloom- ington and Normal with the total amount bought in the county, it is seen that a very large proportion of the subscriptions came from the farm. This is made still more em- phatic when it is noted that many people in the cities and smaller towns own land and derive a considerable part of their income from the farm, and yet their bond subscrip- tions were credited to the city or town where they live. But still more important was the response in food production. This showed itself in two distinct ways, — in labor and in increase of wheat and pork raising. Our farmers never worked so hard before or accomplislied so much per man. Having furnished their full quota of soldier boys and having lost many other hands to city work, they w^ere very short of farm help — shorter than ever before in their farm- ing. A great many farmers had little or no extra help during harvest. In many cases the one or tw'o men on the farm had to shock all the wheat and oats. There was much risk of loss in this. The farmers made the tremendous attempt to increase their crops when their help was greatly reduced — the greatest effort of their lives. They made an almost unbelievable success of it, and it was not done simply for the money; a supreme effort to help win the war and feed the Allies was the uppermost thought and very apparent to all who went among them. This was emphatically expressed by D. O. Thompson, the county farm adviser, who had intimate knowledge of their conviction and doings. A great many men who had retired from the farm or from most of its hard work went back into the fields and gave valuable service. Ab- solutely every man went to work, and to the limit in the long days and intensity of his work. The usual wheat acreage was (i,000 or 7,000 acres, but under the government call for wheat to provide food and the systematic drive of Farm Adviser D. O. Thompson, this was increased to 40,000 or 50,000 acres of wheat. The government call for increased pork Avas also heeded, and a great many more pigs ^vere raised, and this largely witliout regard to whether they would bring an extra profit. Probably its greatest effect was that a great number of farmers each added a few more sows. Much more pork was produced. The fact is the farmers changed their system of farming, omitted the usual clover so necessary for the soil, and did everything possible to increase the products so greatly needed to support the war. The response was complete. Nobody came over to new ways, community co- operation and the every day doing of the heretofore impossible more than the farmer of McLean county. And nobody did what had to be 262 McLEAX COUNTY AND TEE WOULD WAB done in quicker time or larger amount. The sum of the farmers' accomplishment is an enduring monument to their sense of citizenship and determination to win the war. The McLean County Better Farming Association suspended its usual activities and lent the services of the farm adviser, D. O. Thomp- son, to war work during ]iractically tlie entire war period. It came to be recognized as representing tlie farmers and s])eaking for the farmers in whatever there was to be done, and far greater results were secured thru this organization than could have been possible otherwise. •^ THE FOUR MINUTE MEN One of the volunteer organizations \\iiich worked at home to promote the sjiirit of victory was that of the Four- Minute Men. The Mcl^ean county body of this name was similar to tliose of other places, but none were more entliusiastic and able than that of McLean county. The committee of public information at Washington on October 15, 1917, appointed C. B. Iluglies, a well known attorney, as cliairman of the Four Minute men of McLean county. Tlie organization was active in Eed Cross drives, Y. W. C. A., Liberty Loan and United war work campaigns, also on special occa- sions, and on special subjects. The objects of speaking was to enlighten by statement of facts and duties of citizens and arouse to action. Nearly all the moving picture houses in the different towns of the county permitted Four Minute men to address their audiences at many performances. In Bloomington, the following theaters were thus used: Majestic, Irvin, Castle, Chatterton and the Scenic. IMeetings were held on special occasions in many towns, and in many country school houses and churches the Four Minute men were privileged to address the people. Medals for making more than 10 speeclies during liberty I^oan Campaigns were given to James C. Eiley, Edmund O 'Council and C. B. Hughes. C. B. Hughes spoke 142 different times in county during war on war subjects. The following were speakers enrolled for the purposes of four minute speeches: C. B. Hughes John Alexander R. C. Baldwin Martin Brennan A. K. Byrns E. E. Donnelly Will F. Costigan Earl DePew Frank Gillespie Bert A. Franklin Homer Hall Frank Hanson Richard F. Dunn Jesse E. Hoffman E. B. Hawk James C. Riley R. M. O'Connell .Tolin B. Lennon Walter Will Rolla Jones J. H. Hudson Higmund I^ivingston James A. I^ight Huber I^ight M. M. Morrissey B. C. Moore Edmund O'Connell E. W. Oglevee Hal M. 8tone John M. 8ullivan D. O. Thompson W. W. Whitmore W. R. Bach Fred W. Wollrab D. D. Donahue L. H. Martin McLEAN COUNTY AND THE JVOBLD WAR 263 EUGENE D. FUNK One of the most interesting and important war relief activities was that relating to food production and conservation. In September, 1917, it became evident that steps were nec- essary to stimulate and encourage an increased food production in Illi- nois during the war, especially upon those foods that were most needed and to assist farming and live stock interests in all ways possible. This campaign included conservation of food and avoidance of waste. Meas- ures were adopted to effect a state wide food production and conserva- tion organization. The various agri- cultural and live stock organizations were functioning satisfactorily but it was planned to lend constructive assistance and co-operate for tlie purposes of co-ordinating as much as possible and eliminate duplication of efforts. A food production and con- servation committee was organized in McLean County and each other county of the state and there were seed corn committees; jjork produc- tion; beef production, wool and mutton production, etc. Mr. Eugene D. Funk of Shirley was honored by appointment as a member of tlie General War Conference Food Com- mittee and made chairman of the National Seed Corn Administration. Mr. Funk was summoned first to Wasliington in May, 1916, by Her- bert Hoover, national food administrator, and was appointed a member of the committee of twelve to fix the price of wheat by President Wilson. At the suggestion of Mr. Hoover, he was also placed upon the Agricul- tural Advisory Committee of the Food Administration and the U. S. Department of Agriculture by I'resident Wilson. The fact that Mr. Funk has served as president of the National Corn Association since it was first organized in 1908; is a member of the Agricultural Committee of the United States Chamber of Commerce; Treasurer of the State Live Stock Association of Illinois; and Chairman of the Illinois State Seed Corn Administration, gave him especial jirominence and had a tendency to secure his appointment upon the important war boards. Mr. Funk put in eighteen strenuous months in Wasliington. Interests antagonistic to the farmers exerted tremendous pressure, but Mr. Funk stood firm and deserves a large measure of credit for the recognition given the American farmers' part in helping to win the war and also in pre- serving the rights of the men who till the soil. He witnessed scenes in the committee rooms in Washington that would have caused the blood of any American farmer to boil. Their interests were more than once in jeopardy and considered only as secondary by those who, through ignorance or otherwise, had little inclination to respect the rights of tho farmer. The disastrous frosts of 1917 left the striking lesson that farmers should create a sufficient reserve of seed corn at harvest time for the following springs planting. In September, 191S, a campaign was launched under the direction of Mr. Funk urging the farmers of Illinois to select the best seed corn early and arrange for proper storage facilities. Seed 264 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAB corn weeks were arranged by districts and 250,000 copies of posters were distributed. The campaign brought satisfactory results and reports indicated that more farmers than usual were performing this task. The message that farmers should use care in selecting their seed corn and in testing it before planting, was visualized at a seed corn show and demonstration held under the auspices of the State Council of Defense at the International Live Stock Exposition during the week beginning November 30, 1918, in Chicago. A comprehensive seed corn exhibit por- traying this message, was installed and competent authorities were present to talk with the visitors. This demonstration was a gratifying success and it was the general opinion that good work was being reg- istered. The seed corn needs of the state were well taken care of. Over 250,000 bushels of tested seed were sold to Illinois farmers and only six complaints were registered against it. The sale of seed corn of doubtful germination from seedsmen of questionable reputation, was stopped in many instances. The administration not only supplied seed to the state but also protected farmers from many unscrupulous seedsmen. Mr. Funk and other members of the Seed Corn Administration deserve the highest commendation for their participation in this work. It was a great sacri- fice because they necessarily were forced to neglect their own interests to be of service in the larger work of supplying the state with seed. Their efforts will be of lasting benefit to Illinois agriculture as the gospel of seed testing was emphasized as it never was before. FRANK W. ALDRICH Frank W. Aldrich, 1506 E. Washing- ton Street, Bloomington, enlisted in the Eed Cross Service and left Bloomington on May Kith, 1918. He was Field Director for the Ameri- can Eed Cross at U. S. General Hospital No. 16, New Haven, Connecticut, from May 21st, 1918, to November 21st, 1918, and on December 6tli, after a short visit home, took the position of Associate Di- rector of Camp Service at the Headquar- ters of the Atlantic Division, A. R. C, at 44 East Twenty-third Street, New York City, and remained in that work until April 1st, 1919. His work at New Haven was the di- rection of the Red Cross activities in the army tuberculosis hospital there, and while in New York, his work took him to all the Camps, Hospitals and Stations in the Atlantic Division, about forty in number. TWO SONS IN NAVY Victor AV. Overton. Jr. and Ross M. Overton were both in the naval service during the war. They were sons of Rev. Y. W. Overton, for several years superintendent of the Northern Illinois conference of the United Brethren Church. He had moved to Peoria at the time of the war and the boys went into service from there. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 265 Charles F. Ross McLEAN COUNTY OFFICERS Tlie McLean County Board of Supervisors during the years 1917-18 was notable for tlie pa- triotism of its members and the constant desire to do everything possible to help win the war. Both individually and as a body, the board litly represented the great county of McLean, garden spot of the corn belt, the richest agricultural district of the world. The board arranged for the great service flag which contained many tliousand stars each typify- ing a soldier that this county had contributed to the great armies of Uncle Sam. In every way pos- sible, the board did its full duty and it earned the grateful appre- ciation of the entire public. The war-time board, was composed of the following members (Chas. F. Koss, Mount Hope, Chairman): E. E. Ewing, Allin; C. E. Ewins, Danvers; Parke Enlow, Dale; F. L. Bramwell, Dry Grove; S. L. Stutzman, White Oak; C. Allen, Ean- dolph; F. J. Blum, C. C! Wagner, Louie Forman, Dwight D. Moore, Wm. Schmidt, Wm. E. Eayburn, Charles Lathrop, Thos. P. Kane, George Zinn, John F. Welch, W. H. Fleslier, Bloomington; E. P. Mohr, E. F. Coolidgc, Normal; H. H. Wagner, Downs; M. E. Eamseyer, Hudson; George Meiner, Old Town, B. G. Falkingham, Towanda; A. A. Stewart, Money Creek; C. W. Kinsella. Gridley; Wm. Vance, Empire; Al. Jackson, Daw- son; Thomas Arnold, Blue Mound; Clayton Ballinger, Lexington; Jacob Moschel, Chenoa; C Imstead, West; John H. Jacobs, Arrowsmith; A. L. Hutson, Martin; Chas. Atkinson, Lawndale; James Hanes, Yates; J. E. Smith, Bellflower; E. M. Merritt, Cheney's Grove; Jacob Martens, Anchor; William Blair, Cropsey; S. C. Van Horn, Funks Grove. The oflfieers of the county during the war were the following: Circuit Court Judge, Sain Welty; County Judge, James C. Eiley; County Clerk, P. A. Guthrie; County Treasurer, Jos. Eice; Circuit Clerk, John C. Allen; Eecorder, N. B. Carson; Sheriff, Geo. E. Flesher; State's Attorney, Miles K. Young; Assistant State's Attorney, W. B. Leach; Superintendent Schools, B. C. Moore; Coroner, James Hare; Surveyor, A. H. Bell; Master in Chancery, Homer W. Hall; Public Administrator, Fred W. Wollrab; Public Guardian, Eichard F. Dunn; Superintendent County Farm, Arthur Jones; County Physician, Dr. Guy A. Sloan; Poor Master, Mabel Seymour; Probation Officer County Court, Nannie M. Dunkin; Court Eeporter Circuit Court, C. C. Herr; Court Eeporter County Court, A. A. Hoffmann; Probation Officer Circuit Court, William Irvin; County Superintendent Highways. Ealph O. Edwards. ,tZpi *' ': \ ' Davis H. Daniel, Eston Dennis, C. A. Doggett, Wm. E. Deane, Gus D. Doenitz, Elmer Doggette, Paul G. Dally, Earl Dishong, Raymond Duehr, Frank Dwyer. 266 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE IVOBLD TFAE WAR-TIME LEGISLATORS Members of the Illinois legislature from the Twenty-sixth district during the period of the war, when many vital issues for the state were settled in the capitol, were Senator William H. Wright of McLean, Representatives William Rowe of Saybrook, George Dooley of Leroy and William Noble of Gibson City. Senator Wright is a native of Ver- mont, who removed to Illinois in 1857. He has been a farmer all his life. He was elected to the House in the 4fith and 47th assemblies and chosen senator in the fall of 1917. Senator Wright has been a leader in his community, prominent in the various w^ar relief movements and active and influential in the various patriotic legislative acts while the great war was in progress. McLean County was fortunate as well as the state and nation in the possession of such men in the legislative halls during that crucial period. HON. WILLIAM ROWE William Rowe is a farmer and stock raiser; was a native of Ohio and lived in Illinois since 1864. For twenty-three years he engaged in business in Saybrook; was vice-president of the Citizens' bank, and served many years on the town and school board. For ten years he served on the county board of supervisors and two years as chairman. He was elected to the house from 1912 to 1918 continuously. The record of Representative Rowe was of high class and he ranks w'ith the ablest representatives that have served the 26th district. Always loyal and patriotic, Mr. Rowe won the high approval of his constituents by his course. The welfare of the nation was first in his thoughts. HON. GEORGE DOOLEY George Dooley of Leroy is one of McLean County's well known farmers, being a native of the county. He was educated in the common schools and business college; served as alderman at l.,eroy eight years and supervisor six years. He married Rosa L. West, daughter of Hon. Simeon West. He is a member of the Methodist church, and served his first term in the legislature during the war. Mr. Dooley, although the minority representative from the district, was with the majority when it came to patriotic action and all efforts to help win the war. His record stands the test and he reflected credit upon his district, the state and the country at large. His was the fullest measure of pat- riotism. HON. WILLIAM NOBLE William Noble of Ford County is a native of Ohio, but moved to Champaign County in 1891, and later to Ford County. He graduated from the University of Illinois in. 1896. The war-time legislature was his first experience in legislative halls, but his efficiency and faithful- ness to the trust reposed in him was of the highest character and not surpassed by those of many years service in the halls of legislation. He fitly represented the 26th district. Messrs. Wright, Rowe and Noble are Republicans, and Mr. Dooley a Democrat. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAB 267 ^^n; ii. WnpM Members 51st General Assembly I 26TH DISTRICT | rj^- £■ ^^°t'' 268 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR Sheriff George Flesher WAR TIME SHERIFFS McLean county's war time sheriffs were George E. Flesher and Ealph Spaflford. The former served from December, 1914, until 1918, while the latter succeeded Flesher on December 1, 1918, for a four year term, luiving- been chief deputy under Sheriff Flesher throughout the latter 's term. The two therefore, bore the brunt of the heavy res]ionsil/iiities and vastly increased duties, incidental to the war. The sheriff had charge of the first draft registration and later, the department of justice turned over to that officer the enforcement of the war regulations. The various exemption boards called upon the sheriff and his deputies to look up draft evaders and those who had neglected to register. In such a great county as McLean, this duty in itself was an onerous one. Sheriff Flesher and his dei)uties co-operated at all times with the depart- ment of justice and there were hundreds of cases of various kinds growing out of the war which fell to the lot of the sheriff and his assi-stants to handle. The Legal Division of the War Risk Insurance Bureau required many in- vestigations and which were turned over to the sheriff. In a multitude of other ways. Sheriff Flesher and Chief Deputy and later Sheriff Spafford, loyally and faithfully co-operated with the Lioxeinmont and state forces and their office ranked as 100 per cent perfect, making a record for efifi- ciency that had no superior and few equals in all Illinois. Thanks to the efforts of Sheriff Flesher and his assistants during the try- ing days of the great war, the responsibilities that were forced upon these efforts, were always handled to the entire satisfaction of the various agencies that ap- pealed to them ;nid the people of McLean county owe a debt of gratitude to these officers for their tireless service, all jier- formed without additional com- jiensation. The demand upon them was great, but there was no hesitation and no failure. The record is one for which Sheriff Flesher, Chief Deputy Spafford, Deputies William Kennedy and Balph Flesher, and all others connected with the otfice, have reason to be proud. ^^HP^H Chief Deputy Italph Spafford McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 269 MRS. FRANK H. FUNK The history of McLean county's part in the war would be sadly incomplete if a tribute was not paid to the women whose efforts under the direction of the Council of Defense furnished one of the most inspiring features of the great con- flict. Too much can not be said in praise of them. Without hope of reward or even recognition of their sacrifices, they gave their time, their energy and their best thought without stint. They were as truly, and as usefully, in the service of their country as were those who bore official titles or wore the nation's uniform. One of the most notable e.xamples is Mrs. Frank H. Punk of Blooniington, who was an active mem- ber of the Executive Committee, Wom- ans Committee State Council of De- fense of Illinois, and the Womans Committee Council of National De- fense, Illinois Division, having been a member of the committee from its or- ganization in May. 1917, until the disbanding of the committee in Octo- ber, 1919. Also, during the war, Mrs. Punk was Vice-President of the Illi- nois Federation of Womens Cluljs which started the organizing of units for the Council of Defense. Mrs. Funk organized the Seventeenth Congres- sional District for the Council of De- fense and was instrumental in organ- izing for the work of the Liberty Loans undertaken by the women. Mrs. Punk organized many units of the Council of Defense and was the speaker on numerous occasions for the promotion of War work. The Wom- ens Committee, Council of Defense raised $73,000 from the Registration fee, which was a voluntary offering given by women who registered for War work, and registered 700,000 women for War service of different kinds. In addition to this sum nearly a hundred thousand dollars was raised by the Womens Committee, partly by subscription and partly by business ventures. Besides all this the Womens Committee raised $473,000.00 by Tag Days, giving the money to assist various War activities, such as Belgium Relief, etc. The VV^oniens Committee, National Council of Defense had much to do with the success- ful choruses, called Liberty choruses, in the State, and distributed 81,000 free song books. The Committee established and maintained a Training Farm for women at Libertyville, and sent from there 76 well trained women capable of doing Agriculture or Dairy work; the herd, implements, etc., were afterwards given to the self-Help College at Carlinville. The Pood Production Department promoted War gardens and reports came in from 90,000 school children who worked gardens. The Americanization Department held three institutes for the Foreign born, reach- ing about fifty thousand people. The committee succeeded in co-ordinating the different active organizations of women throughout the State, thus saving much duplication of work. The Federation of Womens Clubs of which Mrs. Punk was vice-president, established and sustained Soldiers Clubs at Rockford and Wauke- gan, established another club at Rantoul. For the protection of Girls, the Federa- tion established and maintained a Girls Cottage at Rockford, as well as at Wau- kegan. The federation raised funds to send two young women to France for a year to do Canteen work. As a W^ar measure the Womens Committee, State Council of Defense supplied a fund to be used for the benefit of' Illinois to establish in its different towns and centres Community Councils. Mrs. Funk was elected a member of the Executive Committee at a State Conference and afterwards elected the Secretary. The Womens Committee felt it their duty to facilitate the work of the Federal Government which through the Department of Agriculture and Interior endeavored to promote the Community Council idea throughout the Nation, thus co-ordinating the work of the different organizations, promoting community welfare. The result of this work in McLean County is the Community Council of Bloomington, president of which, is President Pelinley of the Normal Univer- sity. Mrs. Funk, as a director of the Equal Suffrage Association of Illinois, worked for the Resolution for the Constitutional Convention passed by the Legis- lature. Mrs. Punk is Vice-President of the National Federation of College Women, director of the Illinois Parent-Teachers Association, member of Womans Relief Corps of Bloomington; member of the 'National Womens Trade Union League; of the Vassar Alumni Association; of the College Alumni of Bloomington; of the College Club, Chicago; Political Equality League, Chicago; Womans City Club, Chicago; Director of the Womens Association of Commerce, Bloomington; member of the Bloomington Womens Club; of the Amateur Musical Club; the Margaret Puller Club; History and Art Club, all of which did their work in assisting to win the war. 270 McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WORLD WAE WAR WORK OF THE Y. M. C. A. The work of the Young Men's Christian Association of Bloomington during the Great War was directed along two very important lines, that of taking care of the lioys who were in the Training Camps in this coun- try and those who enil)ark(Hl for camps in otlier countries and tiiose who w'ere at the front. The task of enlisting men to minister to the comforts of our boys both in camp and at the front was of such a stupendous nature that it early became necessary to enlist men of liigh cliaracter and of ability to perform tliis service. Tlie Bloomington Association received and passed upon almost sixty applications and accepted for actual service in the field twenty men. These men were enlisted and accepted for their arduous task in tlie home Association and worked under the direct supervision of the National War Council. The association was proud to list among the twenty who went from this county the following: William Wallis, Ralph Mc Carroll, Elmer W. Cavins of Normal, Elmer Packard of Normal, D. C. Ridgely of Normal, D. E. Hagin, Rev. Moore of Lexington, Rev. E. K. Masterson of Normal, G. Kimball of Lincoln, B. C. Moore, County Superintendent of Schools, E. E. Haines of Normal, Gannon J. Gates, 236 Front street, Bloomington, and others who were recruited indirectly through the local committee for this work. These men performed a valiant service for our boys, both at home and abroad, that will never be forgotten. The secretaries of the local Association were instrumental in bring- ing comforts to the boys while enroute from one camp to another in that they served as secretaries on troop trains, and in other ways served the boys while enroute. Free privileges were given at the Y. M. C. A. building to over 10,000 soldiers and sailors, wlio greatly appreciated the comforts of the in- stitution. The building was also headquarters for various departments of the Red Cross. At one time most of the second Hoor was given over en- tirely to this work. McLean County contributed during 1917 and IHIS over $200,000 to carry on the work of the Y. M. C. A. in this country and overseas. The boys of the Y. M. C. A. were active participants in all of the loan drives, in the Thrift Stamp drive and in all Red Cross and other activities, taking part in carrying out such details as distributing posters, soliciting loan subscri])tions and many other details wliich boj-s could be called upon to handle. More than two-thirds of the time of tlie General Secretary was given to war activities of some form. On account of the large call for man power, the Bloomington Y. M. C. A. was almost stripped of help during part of the war. General Secretary A. J. Luebbers and the janitor were at times the only men on the job in the building. The Association organization during the war consisted of: H. O. Stone, president; Campbell Holton, vice presi- dent; G. A. Washburn, treasurer; and the following directors: F. R. Bean, J. A. Beck, I'aul F. Beich, Cliarles Brokaw, L. M. Crosthwait, C. E. Dagenhart, C. B. Hughes, W. H. .Johnson, Henry Keiser, B. M. Kuhn, F. H. Mcintosh, H. B. Patton, Frank Rice, W. D. Snow, J. K. Stableton, W. A. Whitcomb. The National War Work Committee of tlie Bloomington Association who examined all applicants for war work in the local association, con- sisted of H. O. Stone, Mark Evans, Rev. W. B. Hindman, W. D. Snow and General Secretary Luebbers. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 271 CONGRESSMAN FRANK L. SMITH Brought face to face with a grave public responsibility right in the midst of tlie crucial events of the closing months of the war, Hon. Frank L. Smith of Dwight, elected to congress in November, 1918, had perhaps as hard a role to bear in connection with the war's finish and the national re- construction period, as any other man of the state. Congressman Smith was chosen to represent the Seventeentli Illinois district to succeed the late John A. Ster- ling, who met a tragic death on October 17, 1918, only two weeks before the date of the election at which he would no doubt have been triumphantly re-elected if he had been alive. When the question of filling the vacancy on the ticket caused by Mr. Ster- ling's death came up for decision of the congressional district com- mittee, there was no hesitancy in the nomination of Col. Frank L. Smith of Dwight. At the suc- ceeding election he won out over liis democratic opponent by the hirgest majority ever recorded for candidate in the district. Col. Smith did the unusual tiling of at once establishing an office in Wash- ington, soon after his election, and although he did not formally take his seat in the house until March, 1919, he was on the ground at the cap- ital to look after the interests of the people of the Seventeenth district. Col. Smith is an lllinoisan to the manor born, being a native of the town of Dwight, where he was born Nov. 24, 1867. His father was the "village blacksmith" of Dwight, and his start in life was humble enough. He early displayed the energy and good sense which ever afterward characterized his career. Graduating from the Dwight high school in 1S85, he began to work at whatever he could find to do to make a start, not being afraid of manual labor. After a short time in Chicago he engaged in railroad work, he returned to Dwight and started m the real estate business on a capital of $125. His success from the first was marvelous, and in 1905 he was one of the organizers of the First National Bank of Dwight, in which he continued a leading spirit for many years. His own real estate offices became the largest and most complete in a town of the size anywhere in tlie country. Always an ardent republican, lie became prominent in politics first in his own town, tlien \u the county, the district and the state. He long served as chairman of the Illinois republican central committee, and was a candidate for the republican nomination for governor in the primaries of 1916, polling a total of 75,000 votes in the state and standing third in the large field of primary candidates. The successful nominee was Frank O. Lowden, who was afterward triumphantly elected governor. He afterward resumed his position as head of the republican state central committee, which he held at the time and after his election to congress. 272 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR THREE BROTHERS IN TRAlfCE The town of Carlock had the distiuetiou uf having three brothers in the army, and all serving in France at the same time. They were Corp. Jesse L. Robison, Private Marshall O. Eobison, and Private Travis E. Eobison. Jesse went out with the first draft contingent from this county in September, 1917, first to Camp Dodge, then to Camp Pike, and after- wards (^anip Dix, then overseas, where he served till the end of the war in Company G. 34.5th infantry. Travis enlisted on June 12, 1918, and sailed for France about the same time as his brother Jesse. Travis was a chauffeur in the medical corps. He took his preliminary training at Jefferson Barraclts and at Allentown, Pa. Marshall O. Eobison went out in April, 1918, to Fort Dupont, Delaware, to join a replacement regiment of coast artillery. After two months he went to Camp Merritt then to France, where he served to the end of the war. All brothers re- turned home safely. JOE AND LOUIS MOORE Joe and Louis Moore, sons of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Moore of 404 East Monroe street, Bloomington, were both in the army, but only the former was privileged to go overseas. Joe enlisted June 1, liJlS, and \vas assigned to the chemical warfare de- partment. After training at Camp Humjilireys, he went to France and saw nruch active service at Tours, and other points and was on duty at Paris, Co- ))lenz and other places, engaged in the preparation of majis and in labora- tory w^ork. He spent nearly a year in France and Germany and was discharged with the rank of sergeant at Camp Mills July 1, 1919. Louis W. Moore enlisted March 8, 1918, and spent three months training in aerial photography at Kodak Park, Rochester, N. Y., gradu- ating in First Class and sent to Post Field, Ft. Sill, Okla., where he was engaged in instruction work until May 26, when he was discharged at Camp Taylor, Ky. He was fortunate in being assigned to the largest school for aerial observers in the U. S. and photographed many miles of country from the air, making military photographic maps, a thrilling and highly interesting experience. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 273 Within fifteen months after the armistice, when the service men and women had returned from their war service, there were many posts of the American Legion organized in McLean county. The idea of this organization had its inception with a group of U. 8. army officers in Paris in February, 191i), Avhen tliey met to study the problems of the return of the soldiers to civil life. They called a meeting of representa- tives of all large units then represented in France, and these officers and enlisted men in equal numbers, held a three days' meeting in Paris in March, and created the American Legion. The permanent state or- ganization in Illinois was formed at a convention held in Peoria October 17 and IS, 1919, and this convention appointed delegates to the first national convention held in Minneapolis on November 10, 1919. At this convention policies were outlined, officers elected and Indianapolis se- lected as national headquarters. The preamble to the constitution reads aa follows: "For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the fol- lowing purposes: ' ' To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a one hundred per cent Americanism; to preserve the memories and incidents of our association in the Great War; to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation; to combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; to make right the master of might; to promote peace and good will on earth; to safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy; to con- secrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual help- fulness." BRIEF HISTORY OF LOUIS E. DAVIS POST 56 OF BLOOMINGTON THE AMERICAN LEGION Sim Following the caucus of veterans in Paris, France, early in 1917, a o.i.alar caucus was held in St. Louis, Missouri. Thomas Fitch Harwood of Bloomington was selected as delegate to the first caucus in this coun- try. Immediately after his appointment he called for service men of this county to accompany him to St. I^ouis. Ben S. Rhodes and R. M. 274 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR O 'Connell attended the meeting. The aim and purpose of the American Legion was outlined and drawn into a temporary constitution, which was adopted. Upon the return of Messrs. Harwood, Ehodes and O 'Connell to this city, Mr. Harwood called a meeting of former service persons of this county for June 23, 1919, in the circuit court room of the McLean County court house. As Organizer for The American Legion Mr. Har- wood formed a temporary organization. Those present were: Thomas F. Harwood, Lloyd E. Orendorff, Oscar CI. Hoose, James D. Foster, Harold H. Livingston, Hilton D. Markham, Paul E. Greenleaf, Otto M. Salmon, Herman M. Gunn, Kobert H. Mooro, Roy A. Ramseyer, Henry H. Car- rithers, Leslie R. Bristow, Ben S. Rhodes, Richard M. O 'Connell, Clarence G. Anderson, L. Earl Bach, Bert L. Eiseling, James Bernard Murphy, Charles D. Havens, J. J. O'Connor, Benjamin R. Anderson, Charles P. Kane, Mark R. Ethell, Robert A. Noble, James J. Butler, C. Dale James, Edward A. Mott, Emmett V. Gunn, Harold V. Moore, Arthur \V. Smith, Lome P. Murray, Oscar R. Bebout, James F. Thompson, Wayne W. Bircklebaw, Leon J. LaFoiid, William J. Keen, Heber 8. Hudson, Howard E. Sutherland, Ansel F. Htubblefield, Harry E. Riddle, Thomas D. Cantrell. The above men were the first to sign the application for charter. Charles P. Kane was elected Temporary Chairman, with Ben .S. Rhodes as temporary Secretary and Treasurer. The name "Louis E. Davis" was selected by a committee composed of T. F. Harwood, James D. Foster and Oscar G. Hoose. Their report included the following: "He was the first man of his class in camp to qualify as a reserve military aviator, and on the day of his death was then completing his bombing course, at that time the most advanced in aviation. At the time of his death he Avas preparing for overseas service. The remains of Louis E. Davis were buried with military honors in the Evergreen cemetery, Bloomington. It is fitting and proper tliat this organization gathering within its ranks those who gave and sacrificed for the freedom of coun- try and mankind should honor itself by the choice of such a name." Louis E. Davis, I^ieutenant in Aviation, was born November 24, 1893, in Bloomington. He died at Ellington Field, Houston, Texas, as the result of injuries of an airplane accident sustained May 10, 1918. He was the son of H. O. Davis. Regular meetings on the first Thursday of every month were held in the county court house until January, 1920, when club rooms at 3091/^ Nortli Main street, third floor, were leased. The membership grew from the original handful of former service persons until early in 1920 when the organization boasted of over 700 members, including a one hundred percent membership among the nurses of the county. It was the first post of the American Legion to be formed in McLean County. The first officers of the organization elected January 15, 1920, were: Past Commander, Charles P. Kane; Commander, Harry L. Howell; Vice Commander, Thomas Ivan Costigan; second Vice Commander, Miss Grace Gaines; Chaplain, Rev. William B. Hindman; Adjutant, James D. Foster; Sergeant at Arms, Albert S. Coomer; Executive Committee: Charles P. Kane, F. Carlyle Willey, Oscar G. Hoose, James Owen, Leo L. Hogan and John J. O'Connor. In a later meeting Ralph Morath was elected finance officer. William B. Geneva was elected historian. Early in 1920 the Louis E. Davis Post 56 promoted an indoor circus in the Coliseum from whieli finances were derived enabling the then small membership to secure club rooms and support a membership cam- paign which was as great a success as the circus. In March, 1920, "The Mascot," a monthly puldication of the Louis E. Davis Post made its first appearance. The" publication was intended to stimulate interest in post affairs and indications of its development were rapidly entertained. M CLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULD WAR 275 ^MiMiil^^ AMERICAN LEGION OFFICERS Top row, left to right — J. D. Foster, A. S. Couiiier, Lit-ii lilunlcs, Rev. W. B. Hiiulman. Second row, left to right — Ralph Mt)ra'lh, Dr. Hairy Howell, Oscar Hoose. Tliinl row, left to riglit — Ivan Costigan, Miss Grace Gaines, Charles Kane, J. O'Connor. Fourth row, lift to right — H. C. Willey, James Owens, \V. B. Geneva, and Leo Hogan. Committees from the Louis E. Davis I'ost 56 organized the Steven- son-Lewis Post 55(5, of the American Legion, as the second post in Mc- Lean County, which was solely for former service persons of the colored race. T^ineoln Page was named as temporary chairman, and started the organization safely on its course. "The Fathers of Veterans," first formed in McLean County also grew out of the American Legion. The Ladies Auxiliary to the Louis 276 McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOELD WAR E. Davis Post 56 of the American Legion was in its rapid development early in 1920, and has a membership almost as large as the post to which its members were affiliated. As neither the constitution of the American Legion nor the Auxiliary constitution, provide for the fathers of men or women who were in the service the "Fathers of Veterans" organization developed. William F. Costigan was the first chairman of the organization, which was county wide in its development, and B. C. Moore, was named secretary and treasurer. First permanent officers of the Womens Auxiliary to the Louis E. Davis Post 56 were: President, Mrs. Irma Greiner; Vice-President, Mrs. Thomas B. Foster; Secretary, Miss Ina Rhodes; Treasurer, Mrs. Louis Wollrab; Executive Committee, Mrs. J. A. Goodwin, chairman; Mrs. Harry Howell, Miss Winifred Elliott, Mrs. W. W. Gailey. Numerous other posts of the American Legion later came into being after the first post formation in Bloomington, including Ruel Neal, Le- Roy; Erwin Martcnsen Post, Anclior; Ben Roth Post, Chenoa; Elmo F. Hill Post, Lexington; Benedict-Crutchley Post, McLean; David Hum- phrey Daniel Post, Saybrook; Grant Post, Bellflower, and Baybrook Post 427, Saybrook. Other posts were in their formation when this work went to press. List of Members Louis E. Davis Post No. 56 George Elbert Abbey, Cecil Fiske Abrams, Forrest Lee Adams, Erwin Albee, Arrie Adelia Allen, James E. Allen, Benj. R. Anderson, Clarence G. Anderson, Russell R. Armstrong, Wavie Armstrong, Aaron R. Angus- tin, Corry C. Avers. L. Earl Bacli, Delmar D. Bach man, Harry E. Baker, John M. Barr, Wm. Wilson Barrett, Henr}- F. J. Barrow, Wm. Herman Barthel, William Bauer, Donald Joseph Bayler, Clarence Bean, Oscar Ray Bebout, John Haerms Becker, Fred Beckman, Jr., Claude Edwin Bedinger, Carl E. Behr, W. G. Behr, Sylvanus Ray Belt, M. Charlotte Bender, Wayne W. Birckel])aw, Walter Franklin Blackburn, Stone Paul Blooniquist, Homer B. Blumcnshine, Carl Theodore Bock, Russell Alviu Bolze, Ernest Boog, John Allen Bourland, Carroll M. Bowen, Glenn Rhodes Bowman, George Joseph Boylan, Harry Francis Boylan, D. F. Bracken, Timothy Joseph Bradley, Ralph Allen Bramwell, Dr. Fred W. Brian, Thomas Brigham, William M. Bright, Jr., Russell W. Bringham, Leslie R. Bristow, John A. Brokaw, Roy Gale Brookshier, Bert Edward Brown, Clifford Allen Brown, Edward S. Brown, Ellis Eugene Brown, Maurice Gilbert Brumback, Camp- bell E. Brunton, Thomas P. Bryant, Meddie Buck, Ralph W. Bunnell, Henry Lyell Burch, Mary Agnes Burke, Willis A. Burkliolder, Hudson Burr, I^ouis Blackbi;rn Bush, Chas. S. Butler, James J. Butler. Elbert Wilson Callahan, Martin Leo Callahan, Williard B. Canopy, Thomas D. Cantrell, John Taylor Carlson, Ray Ellis Carnahan, Robert L. Carnahan, Floyd Wm. Carr, Richard A. Carr, Henry H. Carrithers, Andrew James Casner, Chester Burton Castle, Lester Blake Cavins, Ar- nett Sterling Chapin, Dean Wilcox Charmi, Edward W. Chrisman, H. S. Chrisman, Henson E. Clark, Edmund G. Cleveland, John R. Clickner, Herbert S. Cline, John Louis Cobb, J. Ivan Cole, Charles Clinton Compher, John J. Condon, George Orin Constant, David E. Cook, Edwin H. Cooke, Herbert Lee Cooke, Wilbur Rison Cooke, Albert Coomer, Ed- ward John Corbitt, George M. Corson, Thomas Ivan Costigan, James Vincent Cox, John Flavin Cox, William B. Craig, Marvin W. Crawford, Thomas Burr Crigler, Hubert Monroe Cropper, Lee Howard Crosland, Donald Cruikshank, Robert Hiram Crum, Charles Wm. Culbertson, Francis Michael Cullen. Glen A. Dale, Paul G. Dally, William Carl Dambold, Earl Wadding- ton Daniel, Chas. Byron Day, Esek Earl Day, Ralph Jesse Dcane, Homer McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 111 Deaton, Ralph C DeMange, Frank Edward De Moss, Frank Dcneen, Alvah H. Denning, Reynolds C. De tSilva, Harry Lincoln Deutscli, Oscar E. Deutscli, Willard Leonard DeVore, John Robert Dewentcr, Harry Kimball Dick, Wm. Stanley Dickey, William Diebold, Roy H. Dillon, Chas. E. Dimmett, Lawrence Egbert Dodge, Edward A. Donnelly, Clay Guthrie Dooley, Adlai Stevenson Dorrell, Dwight Ireneus Douglass, Lloyd F. Dowell, Fred Downs, George Edgar Drake, Raymond H. Duehr, Bertha B. Duff, Wm. P. Dunbar, James Richard Dunn. Russell B. liastcrbrook, Harold Crocker Eckart, Leo K. Eckart, Carl Harry Eckstam, Charles C. Eggleston, James Tennant Elliott, Joseph Ensenberger, Julius Nathan Epstein, Leslie M. Ernst, Mark R. Ethell, Harry Russell Evans. Forest M. C. Fearis, Fred Feldt, Claud Eugene Ferguson, Herbert Blaine Ferguson, Jolin Cecil Fergnisoii, Frank Powell Fish, Otto W^illiam Fisher, Henry A. Fisherkeller, Thomas Josejdi Flaherty, Birney Fifer Fleming, Frank Wilfred Fleslier, James Flint, Clarence Forbes, Lester M. Foreman, James D. Foster, Thomas E. Freed, Arthur Peter Freed- lund, A. R. Freeman, Archie Wayne Froelich, Perle Fry. William W. Galley, Grace Gilkey Gaines, Gilbert H. Galford, Burke Gardner, Wilfred Henry Gardner, Melvin Nane Garlough, H. C. Garrett, William S. Gash, William B. Geneva, Stanley Gernsey, Walter Herbert Gerth, Paul Elmer Gibson, Laurence A. Giering, Carl Julius Giermann, Ruel Glen Gillis, Albert Franklin Gilman, Jr., Gerald Gill Ginnaven, Herman Goldstone, Lloyd F. Golliday, Guy Wm. Gooding, Harry John Gorman, Paul Arthur Gottschalk, Delmar R. Gottschalk, Guy Frank Gray, Forest E. Green, Gerald Ray Green, Tracey E. Green, Chester I. Greene, Paul E. Greenleaf, George E. Gregory, Wm. Earl Greiner, Clifford F. Grove, Emmet V. Gunn, Herman M. Gunn. Arthur A. Hall, Charles Dean Hall, H:nry Lee Hall, J. W. Hallett, Cecil I^dwin Hamilton, Edmund G. Hammond, Archie Milton Hanson, James Guthrie Harbord, Geo. Merton Hargitt, Elbert I. Harrison, Lester Earl Harrison, Harlan H. Hart, G. E. Hartenbower, Thomas F. Harwood, Chas. D. Havens, James B. Havens, Frank P. Hawk, H. C. Hawk, Wil- liam C. Hawks, Joseph K. P. Hawks, Melvin S. Hayes, Ral])h J. Heffer- nan, Marion Helmick, I'aul Henderson, Harry W. Henley, Clyde Edward Hewitt, Harold P. Hileman, John Warner Hill, Noel James Hilts, Wilbur A. Hilts, Wm. Blake Hindman, Rolla Edelbert Hinshaw, Walter A. Hin- shaw, Fredrick McKinley Hisle. Albert Joseph Hodler, Edward Hoeft, Frederick G. Hoffmann, T.eo L. Hogan, William Raoul Hoit, Chesterfield R. Holmes, Campbell Blake Holton, Oscar G. Hoose, Ralph R. Hoover, Gordon K. Howard, Wm. Nelson Howard, Harry L. Howell, Heber S. Hudson, Paul Huffington, Paul Glenn Huffington, Rogers Humphreys, Charles E. Hunter. Earl G. Irons, Delmar Vern Irvin, Lawrence L. Irwin. Clarence Earl Jacobssen, Chas. Dale James, Wm. Grice Jameson, James Bruce Jarrett. Herman H. Jasper, Mevise Cornell Jennings, Frank Louis Jensen, Chester K. Johnson, Eugene Roy Johnson, Florence I. Johnson, Frank R. Johnson, George L. Johnson, Jr., George W. Johnson, Gustaf A. Johnson, G. Vasa Johnson, Harry Gustaf Johnson, L. Ross Johnson, Mark Lowell Johnson, Oscar Walter Johnson, Rolla Thos. John- son, Warren Edward Johnson, Jesse J. Jones, John J. Jones, John R. Jones. Owsley Lillard Jones, Robert Lough Jones, Walter Jordan. Maurice Kalahar, Arthur P. Kane, Charles P. Kane, George Kat- soulis, R. E. Kauffold, Donald Earl Kazar, William G. Keen, Dayton Keith, S. Reau Kemp, Kaywin Kennedy, Thos. Hart Kennedy, Wm. Lloyd Kenny, Jamie Hastings Kerr, Wm. Owen Kershner, Fred W. Kienzle, William E. Klatt, Julius Philip Klemm, Brvce Miller Knight, Lowell Gary Kraft, Philip Clifton Kurtz. Leon J. LaFond, Fred Albert T^amke. Leonard F. Lang, Florence V. Langley, Clarence H. Lawbaugh, Edward D. Lawyer, Charles Ebarl Leary, 278 McLean cou nty and the world war John Maurice Lcary, Lloyd Jesse Lcdderboge, Kenneth William Lee, Leonard Eniniitt Lee, \Vm. George Leitch, Lrnest N. Lemons, Loren B. Lewis, Chas. C. Liggitt, Albert Paul Limber, Ealph Harlan Linkins, Chester C. Linton, Gordon Cole Littel, Harold H. l>ivingston, Herbert Milton Livingston, (Sam AVjc Livingston, Parke Longworth, Gus Conrad Lundquist, JSloble Leonai'd Lundquist, Horence Lyon. Eugene Wright MacMillan, Oliver MacWilliams, W^m. C. J. McCabe, Ealph N. McCord, Thomas Orville McCord, John Noble McCrary, Guy Erie McCubbin, James T. McDonald, Lawrence Wm. McDonald, Herbert James McGrath, Wm. E. McGraw, James Willis McMurry, Allen W. McVaigh, Cecil W. Maey, Robert Emmett Maloney, H. D. Markham, Raymond Henry Mayer, Harold M. Medberry, Charles F. Meinkey, Davis Merwin, Gail Woldron Metcalf, Walter H. Metzger, Arthur Lloyd Meyer, Moody W^esley Meyer, Beverly H. Miles, Ann Burnette Miller, Earle Henry Miller, Eugene Christ Miller, George Miller, George Dick Miller, Leonard Franklin Miller, Roland Brohn Miller, Will A. Miller, Jose[)li Million, Lewis Millman, Dr. Frank P. Minch, Joseph Moews, James J. Monahan, Dean C. Montgomery, Bessie Moon, Byron Russell Moore, Harold V. Moore, Robert H. Moore, Hanford Harry Moore, Ralph Charles Morath, E. A. Mott, Eugene S. Moulic, Eleazer Ralston Munsell, Geo. E. Munsell, Jesse A. Munsell, Edwin Leo Murphy, Jas. Bernard Murphy, Mack Murphy, Fred E. Murray, Lome P. Murray, Arnold Carl Muxfeldt. Chester Nafziger, Lee C. Nafziger, Elmer Richard Nelson, Oscar Nel- son, James Carlyle Nevins, Lloyd Lee Nevins, Will C. Niedermeyer, Porter C. Nolde, Robert A. Noble, George Nowatski. Richard M. O'Connell, John J. O'Connor, William J. O'Hara, Donjild Francis O 'Neil, Catharine O'Neill, Lloyd E.. Orendorll', Arthur Oswald, James Owen. Owen 8. Parmele, Clarence F. Patterson, Leland Ray Pattison, George Glenn Patton, Stanley H. Paul, George Noble I'axton, John W. Paxton, Don Denison Pease, John Raymond Pemberton, Wm. Hubert Pemberton, Wm. Lloyd Penniman, Carl G. E. Peplow, Abram Brokaw Perry, Alfred 8. Peterson, William G. Phelps, Frank L. Phillips, George D. Phillos, Nick A. Phillos, Bernard Abiff Pierce, I^ouis Hermann Pinkcy, Joseph J. Pitsch, Lawrence Lloyd Ploense, William Clarence Poling, Charles Her- bert Poll, Iv. Parke Powell, Robert E. Powell, Edward M. Powers, Leon- ard Odis Prather, Mark I'rice, Glenn Byron Pringey, Wallace Anthony Pringey, Harold Elton Protzman, Charles Walter Pullen. Matthew Wm! Quinn. Daniel D. Raber, Louis F. Radbourn, Harold Thos. Ramage, Roy A. Ramseyer, Ralph Otis Ray, Edward V. Raycraft, Howard J. Read, Roland Read, Wm. G. Read, Glenn 8cott Reddick, Herbert Chas. Rediger, Lorinc Z. Reeder, Sam J. Reeder, Louie Eugene Reid, Charles A. Reum, Walter M. Rexroat, William S. Rexroat, Howard D. Rhea, Beii S. Rhodes, Garth Tuthill Riddle, Harry E. Riddle, William Lester Riley, Bert L. Riseling, Julius Monroe Rodman, Dr. A. E. Rogers, Clarence John Rohwer, Paul De Loss Rollins, Sol Rosenberg, Bert Lee Ross, Charlotte R. Ross, Or- ville H. Ross, Laurence A. Rust. Otto M. Salmon, Delmas Hiram Sample, Paul Hayden Sanderson, Carl A. Sandstrom, George Wald Sargeant, Albert Eniil Schalla, Albert Scharf, Carolyn Mable Schertz, August Daniel Schewe, August Carl Schroeder, Joseph Aloysious Schultz, Charles A. Sehureman, Jr., Carl W. Seeger, Mary Sheridan, Henry T. Shields, Ray John Shotwell, Carl H. Simpson, Ivan Theron Siscoe, George A. Skidniore, James A. Skillman, A. W. Skinner, Gersham J. Skinner, Harley A. Small, Bee Smiley, Edna Mae Smiley, Robert Clarence Smiley. Alice Smith, Arthur W. Smith, Charles Dickson Smith, Charley J. Smith, Claude Melvin Smith, Dudley C. Smith, Oran C. Smith, Floyd M. Smyth e, Lyle K. Snavely, Charles H. Snow, Chas. F. Snyder, Kenneth Snyder, Horace A. Soper, Ross H. Spen- cer, Albert Monton Spier, John Henry Sprau, W. M. Springer, George Gail Sprouse, Henry Edward Stappenbeck, Verne G. Staten, H. Claude McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 279 fSteininger, Frank H. Sterlings, Howard Harvey Btevenson, Walter Henry Stiegelmeier, Wm. Walter Strain, Elmer Charles Straub, Robert M. Strickle, Ross Andnis Strickle, Ansel F. Stiibblefield, Jacob Julius Suter, Howard E. Sutherland, Frederick Odins Sutter, Wm. James Sweeney. Dean Tanner, Ralph A. Tanner, Glenn Sirledan Tatnian, Samuel Myron Tee, George B. Tenney, Harry Houser Tenney, Otto Anthony Thoennes, Lewis Josepli Tliumas, Daniel F. Thompson, James E. Thomp- son, Kenneth Alexander Thompson, Ralph R. Thompson, Otto P. Tiemann, Thomas Orville Tiffin, Floyd Chester Tobin, Harold John Toohey, Wayne Carlyle Townley, Daniel Edward Twomey. Harry Umphress, Henry Elton Underbrink. Asa Hamilton Vallandingham, Park Vance, Perley Bernice Vande- veer, Fred Randolph Vollborn (deceased). Fred Charles Wahls, Sherman D. Wakefield, George Henry Wall, John Ray Wallace, Don E. Walley, Glenn Dan Walley, Thos. M. Walsh, Paul Walter, Wm. Verne Ward, Robert MacDonald Washburn, Frank Herman Watchinski, Earl Harrison Waters, Ferre C. Watkins, Harold R. Watkins, Paul R. Watkins, Warren C. Watkins, Lorin J. Welch, Thomas S. Wcldon, Chas. Augustus Whalen, Glenn J. Wlieeler, Ralph Owen White, Ned V. Whitesell, Robert Peter Whitmer, Albert R. Wilcox, Gayland Elbert Wilhoit, F. C. Willey, Mailess Clyde Williams, Walter Wood Williams, Jesse Ray Willis, Mart Willis, Jesse Lee Wise, William Glair Wise, Artee Witt, Ferdinand G. Wollenschlager, Louis E. Wollrab, Louis Arthur Wood, Fannie E. Wood])ury, M. F. Woodruff, Asa P. Woods, Evelyn Wooley, Myles Spencer Wooster, Robert Burr Wren, Orion Leo Wright, W. W. Wyckoflf. Clarence Edward Yaeger, Homer S. Yetman, Chester Young, Fred H. Young, Lauranco Henry Young. John J. Ziemers, Wm. Asberry Zook. COUNTY ROLL AMERICAN LEGION At Leroy Ruel Neal post was named in honor of Ruel Neal, the first Leroy boy to lose his life in the war, he being killed in action, in a front line trench on the Meuse river on October 2, 1918. The officers of the post first elected w^ere: Commander, Dr. O. M. Thompson; vice com- mander, Herman L. Thomas; adjutant, R. E. Kimler; finance officer. Miles C. Grizzelle; chaplain, Rev. H. R. Browne; sergeant-at-arms, Charles Bane. The list of members: Dean D. Buckles, Ray McFadden, Dwight L. Cooksley, Harold R. Browne, Hugh C. Keys, Rov E. Lawson, Earl Gullcv, Clarence H. Flegel, Russell C. Brown, David D. McKay, Fred J. Phil- lip, Arthur H. Morgan, Eugene Dennison, Harry J. Flegel, Dr. O. M. Thompson, Dean Amstadt, Frank K. Beckham, Lorin Pray, Adley O. Whitaker, Park S. Simmons, Roy E. Kimler, Forrest D. Patterson, Don- ald T. Jones, Pete N. Olsen, Homer Phillips, Shelby Hendren, Alex Riggs, Clarence L. Hoit, Earl Rigney, Lester H. Wahls, Guy Wahlstrom, Ben- jamin Walden, Oliver C. Walden, Herschcl C. Underhill, Edward R. Van Atta, Byron D. Kline, Clifford L. Crumbaugh, Lawrence E. Ham- mond, Clarence E. Warton, Julian K. Kincaid, Fordyce Sargent, Clifton Buckles, Lyle B. Moss, Roy M. Wirt, Otha S. Dailey, Frank Head, jr., E. R. Kirby, Elmer Farris, Millard Brame, Frank W. Hansford, Frank Hale, Elmer G. Staley, Bernard Quanstrom, Marvin C. Neal, Dewey Healea, Carl M. McComb, Edward H. Grady, Ottie Wallace, Glenn E. Craig, Eugene E. Taylor, Chalmer C. Taylor, "Wilbur Evans, Albert War- ford, Lawrence Peak, Grover C. Tudor, Harry Edward Dunakey, Lee 280 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAE Silvers, Frank D. Moots, Claire F. Story, Glenn F. Zellhoefer, Benn L. Riggs, Frederick Peak, Lindlcy Oliver, Lawrence R. Wynn, Valbert B. Oneal, Clifford E. Dooley, Harry L. Roy, John W. Hawkins, Will Fred Landis, Wesley Wagers, Merle Arbogast, Herman L. Reynolds, Hal W. Conefry, David Rutledge, Lawrence A. Pray, Dr. D. E. Sisk, William Ball, Talmadge E. Ross, Alvadore Dennis, Albert M. Carlson, E. L. Deatrick, Carl Edward Mikel, Harry Van Atta, John D. Lemmel, Carl H. Backlund, John D. Carpenter, Guy E. Neal, Lester W. Scott, Robert B. Lamont, Walter H. Bradley, Pearl T. Reynolds, Robert D. Ross, Percy A. Phillips, Herschel P. Holt, Russell Owen, Harley H. Scott, Edwain ^ ^.^ , „ .. — — . .^„-.j,-^^, ^ , .. , — ., Thompson, George P. Hoffman, Alvin H. Bane, Asa B. Saunders, Fred W. John, Clarence E. Simpson, Reuben John, William F. R. Rayburn, Miles C. Grizzelle, George Dewey Dolly, Jack W. Barton, Arthur C. Brining, Edgar L. Hendryx, Fred Wey, Chauncey Doggett, Fred W. Bishop, Claude T. Brown, John F. McFee, Edgar Moon, Herman L. Thomas, Loyal C. Skillman, Lyle Michaels, Lester W. Jones, Frank L. Ferguson, William F. Masters, Gerald M. Cline. At Saybrook David Humphrey Daniels post, named in honor of the first soldier from Saybrook to give up his life in the war, had the following officers: Commander, Cecil Rhodes Hudson; vice commander, Fred G. Cary; treas- urer, Roy Return Cneney; adjutant, Ora Francis LaTeer. The list of members included Cyrus Weldon Reddick, Lee H. Evans, James K. Brock, Edward Zimmerman, Elsy Walden, Clarence E. Gilmore, Rex R. Roach, Charles E. Butler, William T. Roach, Joseph E. Tipsord, Benjamin H. Wills, Hugh C. Froehlieh, Alvin O'Neal, Henry E. Swanson, Clyde Perry, John L. Scotton, William Ward, W^illiam E. Crotingcr, Virgil Martin, John L. Easterbrook, Otto H. Strucbing, Charles G. Wills, Clement O. Williams, Thomas J. Martin, James H. Campher, Harry E. Campbell, Jesse Tongate, Harry R. Fryer, Lyle F. Proffitt, Arthur A. Johnson, Clay L. Mohr, Mascal H. Cary. At Colfax A post was organized at Colfax in June, 1920, and was named the Davis-Kerber post in honor of Bernard Davis of Martin township who was killed in action, and Albert Kerber, who died of pneumonia in France. The officers elected were as follows: Commander, Reid Horney; vice commander, Fred Scholl; finance officer and adjutant, C. R. Steven- son; sergeant-at-arms, Edsell B. Downey. Committees were appointed as follows: Building Committee, Fred Scholl, C. A. Eagan, W. B. Dor- sett; Amusement Committee, Wm. W. Hite, Smith McHatton, Walter Parmele. The charter membership included: David L. Gillan, James Getty, William McClellan, O. E. Phillips, John Wonderlin, Smith McHat- ton, Edsell Downey, Pete Lorig, Clifton Parmele, Fred Scholl, Sidney McClure, Walter Parmele, AV. B. Dorsett, Lee Garner, Clyde Eagan, Charles Keller, C. B. Stevens, Geo. Stretch, Reid Horney, Dave Murphy, Fred Kauth, James Austin and Chas. Downey. At Gridley Gridley post No. 218 was organized in 1919 with the following offi- cers: Post commander, Lynn C. Sieberns, adjutant, Everett F. Kent; sergeant-at-arms, John D. Rediger. The roll of members during the first few months of the post's existence included: L. C. Sieberns, Everett F. Kent, Frank Benedict, William Helbling, Elmer Benedict, Myron C. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAE 281 Freed, William J. Gibbs, Frank Klein, John Eediger, Oscar Sieberns, Eli t^toller, Loren Freed, Theodore Rich, Li Silas Rich, Byron Phillis, McKinley Benedict, Henry Diggle, George F. Kent, E. Glen Kent, Vivian Wilfong, Edward Klein, Dave Lintner, Cliflford Manshardt, Harvey Meeker, Edward Helbling, William Burnham, Orie W. Coyle, H. B. Coyle, Earl Benedict, Panl F. Kent, John Fergnson, Ward Andrews, Jo- seph Hubcr, Tark Gardner, W. H. Hill, W^illiam Wilson, John Rupperle, Russell P. Young, John V. Reeves, Perl Fleming. At Bellflower Grant Post, No. 202, at Bellflow^er, was named in honor of Earl and Erwin Grant, sons of Richard Grant, both of whom gave up their lives in the war. Earl died in Jefferson Barracks, and Erwin died in France after the close of the war, when he was returning with his regi- ment from Germany. The officers of the post are: Commander S. W. Haigler; senior vice commander, J. Warner Carlyle; finance, A. G. Gooch; adjutant, B. F. Hinshaw; service officer, DeWitt R. Gooch, III; sergeant-at-arms, John Jensen. The members of the post are as follows: William L. Barnhart, F. Glenn O. Ellis, Todd E. Coit, Levi Barnhart, Jessie Ward, O. D. Richard, Fred A. Ward, Floyd A. Zoll, Marley G. Hampleman, Archie C. Miller, George A. Jordan, Charles Monical, Wesley G. Wagner, Willard Gordon, Harold W. Brandon, Jesse P. Provines, Samuel W. Ashworth, Oliver P. Ely, Forrest T. Jones, Elmer L. Day, Roy Schofield, Charles Bliss, Alva Monical, R. Tv. Masters, John K. Price, Oliver J. Troster, Oral M. Summers, Arthur Curtis, Oscar A. House, Orda Shelton, Richard J. Nichols, Charles B. Lawrence, Tony M. Jones, Wesley Williams, Frank M. Mangold, Harry B. Stuart, Elmer M. Gose, Herman Rexroat, Robert Otto, Ral]>h Hillis, (Uarence Rohlfing, Everct Schmale, Grover M. Fox, Omar Ashworth, Clyde E. Noe, Frank Pctrashek, Thomas C. Burke. At Chenoa The organization of Ben Roth Post, No. 2."!4, took place at Chenoa in May, 1919. It was named in honor of Ben Roth, a Chenoa soldier who died in France. There are about sixty-five members of this post, and they have been active in promoting the int(M-ests of the soldiers, giving several entertainments, maintaining teams in athletic sports and other activities. The officers are: Commander, Pierre Turck; vice commander, Frank Hogan; adjutant, Calvin R. Gentes. The post has had a steady growth since its organization. At Anchor .; Erwin Martenscn Post No. I(i4, at Anchor was named in honor of a soldier from that community who was killed in action. The post is one of the newer ones, being organized in 1920. The officers are: Com- mander, Henry L. Simpson; service officer, John A. Schmidt; finance ofricer, Joe Garrett; adjutant, Albert Brandt. In addition to the above officers, the membership includes Ar'thur F. I^upp, John F. Reinhart, George Hensen, Harry J. Schleeter, Clarence M. Smith, John H. Brokate, Harry E. Patnaude, Alfred L. Freiberg, Clarence McLean, Herbert Rowan, Irving L. Kent, Ora Walter Crum, R. W. Meldner, Charles J. Lohoff, William E. Schmidt, Momen Pyle, John Bathon, Howard Gantz, Tobey Bane, August E. Brandt, William F. West. At McLean Burger-Benedict Post, No. 973, of the American Legion, was formed at McLean at a meeting held on Feb. 26, 1920. It was named from Dewey Burger and Ernest Benedict, two McLean boys who were killed in liattle in France. The officers elected were : Commander, C. R. Van Ness ; vice 282 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAB eomiiiandor. Ray A. Bowers; past eoniniandor, Aiisol Ptnbblefiold ; atljiitaiit, Grant V. Wilcox; finance officer, Martin W. Hildebramlt; sergeant-at-arms, Otto Humble; service officer, George N. Snyder; historian, George Bene- dict; chaplain, Dan McFarland; athletic officer, Harry Matthews. The list of members includes Harold D. Woodmancy, Clarence C. Crutchley, Lyle E. Wilcox, Jesse W. Crutchley, Homer Warner, Charles Adams, Andrus A. Dun- bar, Anton Hildebrandt,' John Leslie Cowan, Jesse Stubblefield, Eoy M. Craig, Thomas Bwearingen, Albert Tyson, Elbert Rousey, Tee Farmer, Clif- ford M. Wilcox, Charles Alford Benedict, Gilbert Leman Reynolds, Clar- ence Ernest Dennison, Lou Butler Robinson, Arlie Swearingen, Fred Snow, Dan S. Buck, David Snow, Paul W. McFarlaiul, Allen S. Davis, John H. Swearingen, Herbert ^V. Hildebrandt, Earl Dishong, Lloyd Burger, Claude O. Burger, Frank Hildebrand, Boyd Adkins, Charles Adkins, Herbert Ewing. WAR WORK OF BUREAU OF SOCIAL SERVICE The Bloomington Bureau of Social Service, which in peace is a full- time organization devoted to family welfare work, took on new aspects during the war, and gave to the newer local organization of the Red Cross the benefit of its trained personnel and experience. One depart- . ment of Red Cross work in particular, the home service, found in the Bureau a strong ally and at times a valued leader. Much that was best in Home Service work as the war jjrogressed, the Bureau of Social Ser- vice helped to l)uild in the earlier days. Soon after America's entry into the war, the government took over every available trained social service worker, and most of these were asked to give all or mucli of their time to war emergency work. There is an art in dealing with families in abnormal conditions such as the war brought, and that art is acquired only by careful teaching and supervised experience. Mrs. Jacob Bohrer, who became head of the home service work of the Red Cross in this county, testified to the inestimable value of the Bureau in organizing the home service department of the Red Cross. The Bloomington chap- ter of Red Cross established courses in training its workers, and the Bureau of Social Service was responsible for the field w'ork of these volunteer visitors, both in theory and practice. Their instruction w^as under the direction of Mrs. Mabel H. Seymour, General Secretary. Mrs. Seymour also acted as a member of the advisor}^ committee of the Home Service department of the Red Cross during the period of the war. Mrs. Naoma M. Fry, assistant to Mrs. Seymour, gave much of her time, train- ing and experience as a social worker to the Red Cross Home service work. The sum total of the Bureau's work w^as no small item in keep- ing up the morale of many families whom the war had placed under an unusual strain. GERMAN PRISONERS ASTONISHED Herbert Livingston, son of the late Mayer Livingston, proprietor of the Newmarket in Bloomington, wrote a Mothers Day letter to Mrs. Allie his mother on May 12, 1918, telling of his location in France at that time. He told how just before that time there had passed through that part of France a great body of American troops on their way to the front. All were fine men, in the pink of physical condition, well clothed and indicating a splendidly equipped army. Near that place are a large number of German prisoners, some working on the roads and in other capacities. Young Livingston says that the expressions on the faces of the Germans when they beheld this splendid army of American fighters was a study. They had never dreamed of so great a force of such fine fighting men, having been kept in ignorance of the real power the Americans were putting into the struggle. Probably a lot of the prisoners exclaimed in unison, when they saw the Americans: "Mein Gott im Himmel. ' ' McLEAN COUNTY AND THE TVOFLD WAR 283 SUPT. B. C. MOORE AND SONS Rioht- 8. Moore. -Supt. B. C. Moore. Above — Byron E. Moore. Left — Wayne Benjamin C. Moore, superintendent of schools for McLean county, and his two sons were in the service, a unique distinction, all three re- flecting credit upon their county and the nation they served. Supt. Moore was very active in local relief work during the war, serving faithfully as a member of the Council of Defense and Eed Cross; and aiding in the various drives. He was also one of the "four minute" men. He had applied for an appointment in the Army Educational work under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. when the armistice was signed. When the need came for several hundred experienced educational ex- ecutives, 8upt. Moore received an urgent call and accepted, proceeding directly to France and entering the Army Educational Corps, organized to take over the great and rapidly growing educational program. Supt. Moore was assigned to the college of education and post schools, a sec- tion of the A. E. r. University at Beaume, Franco. His especial duties were the training of soldier teachers, the inspection of schools and the teaching of illiterates. Supt. Moore returned from France in the summer of 1919 and resumed his post as the head of the McLean county schools. Wayne S. Moore entered the U. S. Military Academy at West Point in June, 1918, his class completing the course in record time He won the rank of honor student. It had been his ambition for several years to enter this academy. His membershiji in the training school, made him automatically a soldier of Uncle Sam and he with other students, joined in the hurryup program to train officers when the Arm- istice was signed, the class of which Wayne was a member was next in order to be commissioned and sent across. He shared with others of his class, the disappointment of the premature peace. Byron E. Moore, the second son of Supt. B. C. Moore, selected the navy, and on the day he became 18, he enlisted. He was assigned to 284 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR the Eadio Service. He volunteered as a Submarine detector or listener, and, in the tests, ranked second in proficiency in a large class. Close study and faithful duty brought him active service soon and he was assigned to Sub-CIiaser No. 104, making one trip across the ocean and also going to the Caribbean Sea. He became an expert "listener" and was able to distinguish the coming of various craft by the use of the hydrophone. His craft was once reported lost. It was but 110 ft. long and 11 ft. wide. Byron was released from active duty in January, 1919, and resumed his school duties in Normal. CHENOA'g FIRST DRAFTEE MAN Entering the first draft contin- gent for district No. 1 at his own request, Sergt. F. C. Schroeder was the first man from Chenoa to\vnslii{> to go into tlie national army, leaving Bloomingtcn on September 4, 1917. From Camp Dodge he went to Camp I.ogan, tluMi overseas Avitli an ammuni- tion train in May, 1918. Fought with the British forces at Albert and Amiens until July 26, when lie entered a hospital on account of overwork and exhaustion. On October 18 he returned to his duty at the front, remaining un- til the close of the war. He was about the first man to return to Chenoa from overseas duty, i-eaching lionie on Deccmlier 16, 1918. CAPTURED BY GERMANS Probably the only Bloomington sol- dier who was captured by Germans and returned alive to tell the story was Gus Goodwin, brother of Mrs. W. T. Rahlman of 1005 North McLean street. He was only 16 years of age when he enlisted, and was not yet 18 when he was taken prisoner in August, 1918. He was reported missing in action at that time, and several months later his sister got a letter saying he had been released from a German prison camp and was on his way home. He received fairly good treatment in the camp. When a boy in Bloomington he attended Washing- ton and Franklin schools and after- ward worked in a grocery store. Gus Goodwin McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAE 285 JUDGE JAMES C. RILEY One of the public men of McLean county who labored thruout the war in a cause which counted much, was County Judge James C. Riley. He took part with hun- dreds of other citizens in the various drives, for liberty loans, Red Cross, war work funds, and similar activities, but his particular interest was war savings stamps. He was appointed county chairman of the War Savings Committee by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, and served from the time of the launching of the first W. S. S. drive throughout the war. Tlie work along this line was of a peculiar nature. It was continuous in its appeal, and its object was to encourage habits of thrift and saving among the people, as well as to contribute money toward the one great cause. But the war savings stamp drives lacked the spectacular feature of the liberty loans. While the quota set for the county was $1,700,000 for one year the individual sales were gen- erally small sums. Therefore the task of reaching any given goal was much more difficult than was the liberty loan drives, where subscriptions came in hundreds and often in thousands of dollars. In spite of the fact that other and larger war enterprises were engaging the time and strengtii of most of those in every community who were at all disposed to labor in war enterprises, coniraitt(>os were a])poiuted in every school district, and savings societies organized in every scliool and in industrial and mercantile institutions. Thrift stamps were sold in denominations of twenty-five cents each. When sixteen of these were sold, tlie card containing them was redeemable for what was called a War Savings stamp worth $5 each. One of these war savings stamp cards containing sixteen $5 stamps, was redeemable in 192.3 for .$100. The committee under direction of Judge Riley worked away during the two years of the war and managed to dispose of stamps to the total value of over $2,000,000. The purchasers of the war savings stamps were generally people of smaller means than those who bought liberty bonds, for this was a kind of war investment which could be taken in small denominations. Many of the labor unions of Bloomington went into the war stamp business as a body. Thousands of dollars' worth of stamps were sold among the Alton shop men in Bloomington. In some factories and other industrial plants, clubs were formed whereby each employe gave over out of his weekly pay envelope a certain sum to be invested in war savings stamps. But while smaller buyers were numerous, there were some larger investors. What was called the Maximum War Savings Club was organized, whose members agreed to take the sum of $1,000 in stamps, this being the maximum amount allowed to each purchaser. The Maximum Club in McLean county eventually reached a membership of several hundreds. On the whole, the work in selling war savings stamps w^as among the most important of any conducted by any group of people, and McLean County ranked among the highest in Illinois. 286 M CLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAE WAR EMPLOYMENT BOARD Rtarted as a necessity at the outbreak of the war, the McLean county branch of the Illinois Free Employment Bureau, became in eighteen months a permanent and valuable public utility. Farmers for many miles in all directions from Bloom- ington come to this oliice for their hired hands and the industrial plants of th(^ city find use for it constantly. John E. Matthews has been responsil>le for the success of the office. During the war his task was to find men to send to the shipyards and cantonments, to make the idlers at home go to work and to ]ilace all men where they would produce tlie most during the strain of war. After tlie war lie was busy for months finding jobs for returned soldiers and placing tliem at tlie occupations that tliey wanted to work in so far as it was possible. Tlie total number of persons placed at work during the ten months of 1918 that the employment bureau was in existence was 2,43(i. The grand total for the first twenty- two months of the bureau is 6,610. The average number of persons placed at work in a n-.oi.tii in t!ie history of tlie bureau is 300. The average during 1919 per month w;is 34(). The average in 1919 was twelve persons given jobs a day. There are frequent cases where men are given jobs and neither the man or his employer reported the fact to the office and the matter could not be put on record. If these cases were included the totals would be higlier in every month. The government financed the office until March 22, 1919. Then un- til June 1 the office was kept going by the combined help of the Better Farming Association, the Association of Oommerce, Trades Assembly Merchants' and Manufacturers' Association and the city. On June 1, 191!l, tlie stiitc took over tlie office. G. EDWIN KNAPP Engaged in Y. M. ('. A. work as song leader at Camp Pike for many months during the war. Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Ivnapp of Bloom- ington. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 287 DANVERS BOY LOSES LEG Leonard Bunch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bunch of Danvers, was in- jured while serving with the United States expeditionary forces in France. His leg was shattered and had to be amputated above his knee. He was invalided home as soon as he recovered from the shock of the amputation. Bunch was one of the first McLean county boys to get into the army after war looked certain, and he was perhaps the first seriously wounded soldier from this county. He enlisted March 8, 1917, a month before the U. S. declared war on Grermany. After Jefferson barracks duty he was sent to Co. H. of the Third U. S. regulars at Eagle Pass, Texas, and later transferred to Co. E,, 26th Infantry. The latter regiment sailed for France in June, 1917, just after Gen. Pershing had established headquarters in Paris. They landed at St. Nazaire on June 26, and in July | were assigned to a " quiet sector ' ' at the front near Luneville. In Noveml)er they were taken back to a rest camp, and in the following February sent to the Tonl sector. There at 10 o'clock on the morning of February 16 a German high explosive shell struck the trench | 10 feet from where Private Bunch was sta- tioned. He was hit by eight different frag- ments, one of which shattered his right knee. He was removed to a liase ho!-i)ital, where the doctors tried for two months to save his leg, but in April decided to amputate above the knee. He was shifted from one hospital to another in France till August, when he returned to the U. S. and spent the time till Felnuary, 1919, at the Walter Reed hospital in Washington. lie reached his home in Danveis on Feliruary 6. He had been fitted with an artificial leg, and has learned to use it successfully. Leonaid Buiu'li : '-'^'f.-^y i^ yo^-?".,-^ ' WOUNDED IN BATTLE Bernard Duehr enlisted in the ma- rines at Peoria, April 20, 1917, at the age of 19, and sailed for France Sep- tember 16, 1917. He was a member of 74th company, 6th regiment, First bat- talion. On July 19, 191.S, he was wounded while orderly for the camp and carrying messages to the front line trendies during the battle of Soissons. He has a brother. Lieutenant Eaymond Duehr, who was in the officers' train- ing camp at Augusta, Ga. Bernard Duehr 288 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR COMPANY M lOTH REGT. I. N. G. sonnel was as follows: When tlie entire National Guard of Illinois hastened to training camps at the outbreak of the war, reserve regiments were organized, one being the Tenth. Bloomington was given representation, Company M. This command occupied first class armory quarters in the C. U. Williams building and was ably officered and equipped. It served as a valuable training school for men who later went into the army service and a large pro- portion of its members so advanced. Company M played a very important part during the war, escorting the draft contingents to the trains, attending the final rites over the men who made the supreme sacrifice and paying the soldiers tribute at the grave. Company M was Bloomington 's pride during the dark days of the war and the command ranked as the leading- unit of the Tenth. The per- Hamilton, Eoy M. Cro^thwait, John L. Captain — Clifford B. Hamilton. First I.ieut. — Otto Tieman. Second Lieut. — Fred Muhl. 1st Sergeant — Chas. W. Nichols. Sergeants— Wm. Li. Kadliff, K. S. Walter Schwenn. Corporals — L. W. Bosworth, Koland Gee, Homer English, Northrup, Lyle Straight, Carl Messick, Sage H. Kinne. Cook — K. N. Woodworth. Buglar— L. W. Plummer. Privates— Albert L. Arnold, Cliiford C. Baldwin, William G. Barnes, Carl E. Behr.^ Maurice J. Brion, Alvin B. Bills. Gus Blumke. Edgar S. Bischoff, Carroll M. Bowen,* John M. Barr,* Eichard B. Calhoun, Eoy Collier, Paul Collins, Harry E. Grain, George J. Conklin, Ermin B. Carter,* Edwin H. Cook,* Chester B. Castle,* Clarence L. Dexter, Owen Dudley,* Alvah H. Denning* Shelby Emmert, Milo Elmore, Wm. F. Eberlein, Frank Erdman, Fred Feldt,* Walter J. Freese,* Frank J. Felton,* Ealph S. Freese, Fred S. Frost, Elam E. Eraser, Leonard E. Ferguson, Sumner Goodfellow, Tracey Green,* William V. Galford, Gilbert Gill, Eogers Humphreys,* Jesse B. Havens,* Eobert Herr, Charles E. Hall, T. K. Hays, Emory G. Harvey, Charles C. Hastings, Eugene Harris, C. Dale James,* Merton A. Johnston, t Alfred M. Jackson, Ebon C. Jones, Erie Kull- berger,* John Kates,* Garold Knight,* Harry J. Kelting, Harold K. Laird, Thos. Lancaster, John L. Marquis, Donald Miller, George E. Myers. Zenna T. Main, Kenneth McCormick, Walter G. Miller, Jesse A. Munsell,* Nichols, Charles Osborne, August Pabst, Stanley * Donald Pease,* Tim H. Perry, George M. Piper, I^ivingston, John A. V. Murphv, Ealph P. A. Miller,' Henry C. Lewis Nevins, Chas. Paul,* G. N. Paxton, Leonard M. Potts, Logan B. Perrj', Tim Perry, Arryl Paul,* George M. Piper, Walter M. Eaydon, Percy J. Eamage, Victor B. Eobison, Alex G. Eobertson, Eoy A. Eamseyer,* Geo. W\ Eoloft'son, Walter E. Schloeffel, William E. Shores, E. T. Smith, t Charles H. Snow,* Walter M. Stacey,* Jacob J. Suter,* Dan A. Spellman. Floyd M. Symthe.* Clayton Tudor,* Leo F. Truchen,* Donald Van Petten, Frank Watchinski,* Joshua Wein- stock,* E. Parke Willerton,* J. Stuart W%-att,* Phil Wood, Frank B. Whitman, Chas B. Wiley, Harold E. Watkins, B. A. Wright, Stanley Wilhoit, Herbert Vielhack, Charles A. Zweng. *Later in the army. tDied at home. ^Died in army service. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLB WAB 289 PROF. E. W. CAVINS AND SONS Prof. Elmer W. Cavins, for twenty years a teacher in tlic Illinois State Normal University, enlisted with the Y. M. C. A. for educational work in the A. E.. F. He sailed from Portland Me., on a Scotch vessel and landed at Glasgow. From there he proceeded to Paris, via Liver- pool and Brest, and was assigned to duty in the American E. F. Uni- versity about to be established at Beaune. This university comprised thirteen colleges. Mr. Cavins was Secretary of the College of Corre- spondence and to this college he gathered five other graduates of his own home school. In April the Y. M. C. A. educators were taken over by the army and called the Army Educational Corps. This army school in France did a great work for its 6000 students during the three months it was in existence. Its doors closed June 6. Prof. Cavins returned on the Imperator landing at New York July 13, 1919, post with the I. S. N. U. Warren Cartmell Cavins of Normal aged 19, son Cavins, enlisted in the navy as Apprentice Seaman in and was called to the Great Lakes Naval Training Station March 26, 1918. When he was through detention, he served a short time in the library and then secured a transfer to the Aviation branch of the navy. and resumed his of Prof. E. W. December, 1917, 290 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAE After a twelve-weeks course in Machinists Mate school he was honored by being made instructor in the same school where he served efficiently until discharged June 7, 1919. Joe Loren Gavins, of Normal, aged 18, also a son of Prof. E. W. Gavins, a student at the University of Illinois, was sent by that institu- tion to the Officers Training Gamp at Fort Sheridan to prepare to serve as an officer in the student military camp of the U. of I. After three months at Fort Sheridan, he returned to the U. of I., but secured a transfer to the Illinois Wesleyan University of Bloomington, near his home. Here he served in the S. A. T. G. under Gaptains Wheaton and Gollister. his rank being that of first sergeant and his duties as platoon commander, those of a lieutenant. He was discharged with the dis- banding of the S. A. T. G. December 18, 1918. GLEN BOWMAN Glen Bowman, son of G. G. Bowman of Bloomington, enlisted May 30, 1918, as a naval machinist and after training at Great Lakes four weeks was sent to Philadelphia, sailing on the George Washington for Brest. He was assigned to duty upon the U. S. I'rometheus which was termed the "mother of destroyers" and remained with this craft until after the close of the war. He then returned to New York and received his re- lease from the service February 9, 1919, then returning to Bloomington and taking a position with the Dayton Keith Company. He greatly enjoyed his tour of duty but welcomed the return to his home again. JOHN NORMILE rmST LIEUTENANT Lieutenant John Normile was com- missioned a First Lieutenant in the engineers and was stationed with the American Expeditionary Forces some- where in France. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Normile of 907 North Eoosevelt avenue, Bloomington. T^ieut. Normile enlisted as a private in the engineers in June, 1917. He was sent to Gamp Deniing, New Mexico, and later was transferred to the offi- cers training school at Gamp Lee, Vir- ginia, from where he was commissioned Second Lieutenant. Lieut. Normile was a student in the architectural depart- ment of the University of Illinois at the outbreak of the war. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WO ELD WAE 291 YOUNG MEN'S HONOR ROLL Organized in October, 1910, the Young Men's Club of Bloomington meeting each Tuesday with a luncheon has been a power and has great influence in municipal betterment. It was especially active and pa- triotic during the war. tSoon after hostilities opened, it was voted to establish a War Fund from which money could be drawn to contribute to the various relief activities. The Pat O'Brien lecture, one of the first personal narratives of the war, gave the club ^oSS. Of this $150 was given to the Red Cross. "Over There," a two night show at the home of E. Mark Evans on Broadway, Normal, realized $1731 profits which was utilized to finance the United War Work campaign and the Red Cross. Other money in the treasury, $2500 was divided among the Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., K. of C, Belgian Relief and Salvation Army, while the club also voted to take care of three Belgian orphans at a cost of $36.50 annually eacli. A picnic at Miller I'ark and a big minstrel show at the Chatterton, also proved successful, the latter clearing $5(55 for the War Fund. By this time the Young Men's Club had become very pn])ular. In the city it became known as the livest bunch in Bloomington. There was an event given during the summer for which no admission was charged. It was known as "Wake Up, America" and was for propaganda purposes, being two lectures, which were given at the Bloomington High School, under auspices of the Bureau of Public Information of Washington. Tlie last big event of the year, given by the Young Men's Business Club, was the French Military Band Concert, given at the Chatterton Opera House. The club contributed thirty-two members to the service. Eveiy one of them attained honor for himself, his regiment and rank and given honor to his country's flag. The honor roll is as follows: Robert E. Alverson J. B. Havens Dr. Fred J. Brian Rev. W. B. Hindman Dwight Bachman Harlan Hart J. J. Butler C. Dale James Leslie R. Bristow Julius Klemm T. S. Cobby .Tolui T. Kates E. A. Donnelly Warren Paxton Dr. E. G. Freeman G. JNoble Paxton Fred Felt •■>'. Read Walter J. Freese V,^r Rhodes Eouis Gunderron '^er Traeey Greene "^^ -"rd Rliea Lawrence L. Gilday Charles Snow Dr. G. H. Galford George Stautz L. Kirk Healy Otto Tieman W. J. Hull Louis Wollrab Officers in 1918 — The annual meeting in January, 1018, saw Frank Rice re-elected President, Ben Hiltabrand, Vice President, W. H. Grone- meier. Secretary, Carl Messick, Treasurer. Left to Right — Carl Bock, Arthur H. Boden. Wm. Bourses. Earl Bell. George J. Boylan, Clifford S. Book, Felix Binnion. Arflmr Blonsh, E. J. Blum. Mel- ville T>. Ballinger. 292 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAB MOSES MONTEFIORE SYNAGOGUE HONOR ROLL 1^ .^v *S3ii^ Center — Julius Ejistein. Left — Miss Harriet Ochs; right — Harold Livingston. Below — Karl Epstein. Twelve stars gleam in the service tlag of the Moses Montefiore Synagogue of Bloomington. Of those who saw service, Miss Harriet M. Ochs remained on duty long after the war was over. She enlisted as soon as hostilities opened and was assigned to hospital duty as Dietician, Medical Department, being ordered to the Letterman General Hospital at Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., where she was kept in strenuous duty for several years and was still at that institution at the time this work went to press in 1920. Miss Ochs achieved great success in her chosen profession and made a notable record. Karl Ei)stein enlisted in May, 191S, at Camp Bradley, Peoria, trained at Fort Leavenworth and Camp Meade, joining the Third Field Signal Battalion, was promoted to Master Signalman with the Electrical Signal C'orps, and was then ordered to Fi'ance. When five days on the ocean, the Armistice was signed and his command ordered back home again. He received his discharge February 15, 1919, at Camp Grant. Julius Epstein enlisted in July, 1917, and trained for the Navy at Great Lakes. He was discharged on account of illness May 13, 1918, but was given recruiting service for two months, making his headquarters at League Island, near Philadelphia. He was finally released July 25, 1918, and returned home. Harold Livingston joined the Medical Department and was assigned to Detail of the S. G. O. He soon received orders to go to France where McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOKLB WAR 293 he saw much active service with the Advance Medical Supply Depot No. 1, A. P. O. He remained abroad until the close of the war and then returned home to resume mercantile duties again. Sam Livingston joined the navy and trained at Great I>akes remain- ing ill the service until peace was declared. Other names on the honor roll include Dr. H. L. Howell, Joshue Weinstock, Leo Wolff, A. Berman, Jack Smith, Herbert Livingston and Capt. Dixon Oberdorfer. First row {left to rii/Itt) — Harvey W. Woizeski, Roy M. Wirt, William O. Wallace. George H. Williamson, Ben F. Weatherford, Haskel O. Whiteneck, Vernon Weher, Sumner F. Williams, William A. White, Harry Wilkinson, Mailen Wil- liams. Abore first row — Harold .T. Withers, Tom Walash, Orlo W. Woods. ISi'Coiid row — Harry B. Wonnlev, Noah E. Wormley, Orion L. Wri Wilhoit, George D. Waddeli, .lohn R. Willoox. Third row — Leo R. Wolf, .Jesse L. Whitaker. Foiirfh lit, Gayland F. Wise, Harry West, Joe Weinstock, Adley O. vv uiiaKer. :rfh row- — Albert R. Wilcox, William Watchinski, Paul Walter, Merl E. Whiteneck, Carl P. Wilson, Harry H. White, Fred C. Wohls, Clarence Warton. Fifth row — Edward Werner, Ray Wohls, Donald D. Whitcomb, William C. -^^^--i- Jesse L. Williams. Wicks, 294 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB CAPT. C. L. HILLS One of the men in Bloomington who carried on an important work tirelessly and with little of spectacular show or bid for public recognition, was Capt. C. L. Hills, owner of the Hills hotel. He was appointed early in the war as chairman of the war activities committee of the Asso- ciation of Commerce, and also was named lioad of the Canteen service committee of the Bed Cross. In both these functions, he ■ ^.M-m^ ^H accomplished the work with satisfaction . !---.. ' -"^ f Jlii to the public and for the comfort and hap- piness of all the young men whom he was called to serve. The War Activities com- mittee looked after the arrangements for sending off one after another, the contin- gents of drafted men as they were called by the county exemption boards. They provided little comforts for their journeys and assuaged the emotions of the rela- tives by attentions and kindly considera- tion and also furnished farewell banquets, and a band as escort. Dur- ing the course of the war, after the operation of the draft began, there were something like 2,000 young men sent out in this way. Also there were fully as many more who enlisted at the recruiting station, and these were treated in a similar manner. Medals were struck by the Association of Commerce in siiecial recognition of the young man being from McIjCan county, and one of these went to each young soldier thru the ministration of this committee. The canteen service was the most interesting and appreciated of any performed by the local organizations during the war. This was carried on by a Red Cross committee of which Capt. Hills was chairman. From 8eptember, 1917, to the close of the war, and many months afterward, while the movement of troops homeward continued, the canteen com- mittee was hard at work. Capt. Hills and his committee originated the idea of building at the union station a canteen "hut" where the women of the committee might have their quarters, and from wliicli to distri- bute sandwiches, hot coffee, chocolates, and various nick-nacks which make the short stay of the passing soldier a joy. For tiie fund to build this hut, C. D. Phillos and T>ouis Baldwin gave each one day's gross re- ceipts of their business. With these funds and other donations, and much free .labor offered by carpenters and other worknuui, the hut was built, its total cost being about $800. From this hut and by otlier meth- ods, from September, 1917, to September, 1918, there were 53,000 men served, the supplies distributed being valued at $3,086. This mode an average cost per man served (i cents. The active work of the canteen committee ended October 1, 1919, when at a dinner given by Capt. Hills and Campbell Holton for the women of the committee, a permanent or- ganization, under the name "Red Cross Reserve Canteen Corps," was formed. Much of the hut equipment was reserved for the emergency use of this permanent corps. Aside from the canteen committee and its work, Capt. Hills is cred- ited for many other unique war activities. One of these was the building of the Victory Memorial arches at the court house in Bloomington, com- memorating the victorious home-coming of our boys. There was one at the south and one at the north entrance to the court house. They were artistically designed, suitably inscribed, and stood for a year or more after the "final demobilization of the army. Money for this purpose was contributed from all over the county. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULD WAR 295 CANTEEN SERVICE FOR SOLDIERS EN ROUTE Red Cross Canteen hut at union depot in Bloomington with a group of the women who served there. >Shown in the picture, left to right are: Mrs. Mattie J. Radbourn, Mrs. Eva D. Murray, Mrs. Louise A. Ross, Mrs. Celia D. Albee, Mrs. Dorothea H. Miller, Miss Hazel E. Miller, Mrs. Rose E. Neubauer, Mrs. Luella B. Ward, Mrs. Lola W. MeFarland, Mrs. Anna L. Miller, Mrs. Louise A. Hallett, Miss Oneita M. Vander- vort. Other members of the band of heroic women but who were not in this picture are: Miss Ada M. Carlton, Mrs. Irene L. Piper, Mrs. Rose Mary Burke, Mrs. Martha M. Will, Mrs. Bertha Hnyder, Mrs. Ina G. Ross, Mrs. Mollie L. Carlton, Mrs. Hazel M. Whitehead, Mrs. Mar- garet L. Hills, Miss Alice 8wayze. #" mi mm «.he"-" " .* ^^ V V V-' ■f '^irt \^\-: Ji One of the many units of returning soldiers stopping at the canteen hut. 296 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR POST L AS PATRIOTIC BOOSTERS In the civilian war activities of McLean county, one factor which could not be overlooked was Post L of the Travelers Protective Association. This organization, com- posed of 600 traveling men, was devoted heart and soul to patriotic enterprises during the war. While the mem- bers carrier on their usual business to such an extent as was possible in view of the strain of war, they loaned their energy as a body and as individuals to the promotion of every civilian drive for war purposes. Notably in the Liberty Loan campaigns, the commercial travelers were of value. Their experience as salesmen and their trained salesmanship, assisted in the pushing the sales of I^iberty Bonds to a large figure in every district in wliicli they worked. Many of the mem- bers of Post L acted as precinct chairmen in Bloomington in each of the Liberty Loan drives, and also assisted materially in the Red Cross campaigns, the Y. M. C. A. and LTnited War fund efforts, and in other work of the kind. But the post was not content with its work at home, but sent into active service in the army and navy fifty-six of its mem- bers. The Travelers were represented in many different branches of the service, and all made creditable records. Two gold stars adorned the service flag of the post, representing Earl T. Hraith who died at Camp Taylor, and Frank M. Thoennes, who died of pneumonia just after he had reached European shores, having gone over with the regimental band of the 106th Engineers. HONOR ROLL POST L, T. P. A. Earl T. Smith, Frank M. Thoe D. D. Bachman W. W. Barrett Karl L. Behnke W. G. Behr Carl H. Behr C. M. Bowen R. W. Bringham L. R. Bristow E. M. Case A. S. Coomer D. L. Cox J. G. Deynzer Mark R. Ethell Fred Feldt H. L. Frost R. S. Gettv T. E. Green W. E. Hartson died at Camp Taylor. nnes died in hosi)ital in H. C. Hawk, jr. J. B. Havens L. K. Healy W. H. lungerich Ross Jolinson Vj. Kullberger L. H. Koos F. A. Lamke H. H. Lee H. L. Medbery Henry Monyhan Edward VV. "Mott E. E. Nafziger O. S. Parmele O. E. Pattison G. N. Paxton J. W. Paxton A. S. Peterson Glasgow, Scotland. L. P. Powell H. E. Protzman H. J. Read R. K. Smith D. S. Russell V. G. Staten J. R. Stephenson Leslie Stone O. A. Thoennes ^ R. A. Turpin C. W. Waller Joe W^atchinski C. T. Waugh William C. Westphal W. W. Williams F. T. W^indle M. S. Wooster L. G. Wrigiit WAS POST EMBALMER Noble K. Deputy of Bloomington was engaged in tlie service in a capacity somewhat out of the ordinary. He enlisted early in the war and was sent to Jefferson Barracks where he was given the rank of ser- geant and made the official embalmer of the post, he having engaged in the embalming business prior to the war. His work ordinarily would not be strenuous but since his term of service covered the period of the great influenza epidemic in the fall and winter of 19LS, his work grew to enormous proportions and kept him and his assistants on the jump night and day for many w^eeks. Sergt. Deputy served in the capacity of post embalmer for a period of eighteen months. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR 297 BLOOMINGTON COUNTRY CLUB The Bloomington Country Club was an active and very useful agency for good during the war. Contributing no less than twenty-seven men to the service, the club also was a leader in war relief work, the mem- bers individually contributing generously to every drive and being promi- nent in the various committees, co-operating patriotically with the Coun- cil of Defense and also other bodies working to win the great conflict. During the epidemic of influenza which raged during the war, the Coun- try Club very generously tendered the club house for a temporary hos- jiital and a large number of soldiers and civilians were given attention there until the e])idemic was over. In many other ways, the club dis- played its patriotism and won the grateful appreciation of the com- munity. The ladies of the Eed Cross were permitted to use the club house for sewing and the preparation of supplies for the army and no distinction was made between members of the club and non-members. This was a concession that was deeply appreciated by the members of the Eed Cross and was fully taken advantage of and laroved a great accommodation. The officers of the club during the war were as follows: President — Fred B. Capen. Vice President — 8ain Welty. Secretary- — Ralph Hasenwinkle. Treasurer — Harris K. Hoblit. The following is the list of members who were in the service: Anderson, W. W. Gailey, Dr. W. W. Bachman, D. D. Gardner, Dr. W. H. Bohrer, Joe Gregory, Omar B. Bracken, Dwight Harwood, T. F. Brokaw, John Hawk, H. C. Jr. Brown, Clifford Howell, Dr. H. L. Burr, Hudson Klemm, Julius P. Carrithers, H. H. Noble, Dr. E. A. Coulter, J. G. Soper, H. A. Dick, Harry Starkey, John Espey, J. E. Stautz, Geo. P. Felmley, John Tennev, H. H. Funk, G. W. Young, L. H. Funk, Jacob, Jr. HEADED SALONIKI Y. M. C. A. Rev. E. K. Masterson resigned the pastorate, of the Baptist church in Normal to go into the army Y. M. C. A. work during tiie war, was sent to France, and after the close of the war to Greece. He became head of the Y. M. C. A. at Saloniki, where the Allies had a great military headquarters. In the early spring of 1919, a letter from George Horton, consul general of the U. 8. at Haloniki, to Secretary Lansing, contained this statement about the work of Rev. Masterson: "For some time now, in the absence of Mr. Henderson the bulk of the work in this city has fallen upon the shoulders of Rev. E. K. Masterson, who is showing tact and efficiency to an extraordinary de- gree. Unless he has some help before long, however, he is likely to break down from overwork. He keeps at it many hours of the day, with an enthusiasm that is inexhaustible, even continuing when he is suffering from fever. There is a great field for the H. A. N., as the Y. M. C. A. is called in Greece, and I believe that it will be possible to obtain the support, both here in Greece and out of it, for the erec- tion of permanent buildings and centers in the principal cities." 298 McLean county and the would was PANTAGRAPH NEWSPAPER HONOR ROLL Top row loft to riglit— Capt. Louis Colehowcr, Sergeant Emmett (niim, Lt. Byron .Shirley. Frank^^Bii? '"''' ^*'** *" right— Lieut. Deane Duff; Miss Opha Wren; Third row— Lt. Fred Cox; Carl Guetschow. Fourth row— Paul Gibson, Emmett Grififin, Sergt. Owen Dudley. The Bloomington Daily Pantagraph contributed the followinn- em- ployees to the service: ^ McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB 299 Lieut. Louis E. Davis, Aviation. Capt. Louis Colehower, Infantry. Lieut. Byron Shirley, Cavalry. Lieut. Fred Cox, Infantry. Capt. Ivan A. Elliott, Heavy Ar- tillery. Sergt. .James D. Foster, Infantry. Paul E. Gibson, Balloon Corps. Ineut. Deane Duff, Infantry. Corp. Emmett H. Marquardt, Med- ical. Corp. Paul M. Coogan, Aviation. Frank Bill, Artillery. H. H. Nichols. James Emmett Griffin, Medical. Howard Eodman, Medical. Sergt. Emmett V. Gunn, Quartcr- niastei". Sergt. G. Owen Dudley, Intelligence. Carl W. Guetschow% Medical. R. Redmon. Miss Opha Wren, Red Cross Service AMERICAN TAXI CAB HONOR ROLL Eugene B. Bedinger and Claud E. Bedinger Two boys of whom any father or mother would have reason to be proud are Eugene B. Bedinger and Claud E. Bedinger, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Bedinger, who are associated in business with their father in the AMERICAN TAXI & TRANSFER COMPANY, in Bloomington. Eugene B. Bedinger enlisted in the air service December 11, 1916, and was assigned to the Ba.lloon School at Onuiha, Nebraska, for one year, leav- ing there with the first Balloon coni])any organized in the Army and re- ceived eight months more instruction at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. Sailed for France from Newport News, June 29th, 1918, landing at Brest, France. Served with the 25th and 101st, 102nd and 9th Balloon Corps, while in France. After the Armistice was signed was sent to England for instruc- tions in the Dirigil>le Construction Balloon Company for four months. Sailed for New York, July (ith, 1918. Assigned to the 15th Aero Squadron Mineola until Septemlier, being sent to Wilbur Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, where he is still in service, holding the grade of sergeant and has charge of the Aviation Motor Repair Department. Claud E. Bedinger, enlisted May 25, 1919, at the age of 17 and was assigned to the 27th and 30th Field Artillery, with headquarters at Jack- son, South Carolina. Sailed August 21st, for Brest, France, remaining at Camp until Oetolier Kith, when his command moved up tb the battle line and participated in the great battle of Argonne from October 16th until the Armistice on November 11th. He was privileged to be a participant in the greatest conflict of the war and fortunately escaped without injury and remained with the Army of Occupation at Coblenz, Germany, until August 19th. He sailed for home and was honorably discharged at Camp Grant, August 30, 1919. Resuming active connection with his father in business. 300 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULD UAK INVINCIBLE CAMP HONOR ROLL Organized in June, 1888, Invincible Camp No. 1021, Modern Wood- men of America has been among the most successful of any of this well known fraternal order. During the war, the officers, serving through 1918, were as follows: Past Consul, E. G. Harvey; Consul, Clarence Wickoff; Adviser, Thos. Goodger; Clerk, L. Welling; Banker, Emil Zbinden; Escort, James Gillen; Watchman, Edward Farrell; Sentry, Frank Moews; Trustees, V. Ray Hmock, L. E. Irvin, and J. C. Gehle. The lodge was active in war relief measures and generous in contribu- tions, subscribing for $700 in Liberty Bonds, to the Red Cross, and also contributed the following members to the service of the army and navy: Capt. Frank F. Tatman L. G. Freeman Lt. Ralph Heffernan James Gillen Lt. Edward Wittmus *Jess S. Anderson Clarence Anderson Felix M. Binnion C. S. Butler Carl H. Baumgart Dr. T. W. Bath Frank Bescher Viptor Collins Evert M. Calhoun Raymond H. Duelir Geo. H. Davis Wm. C. Everhart D. L. HoUingsworth Louis A. Hayes .Shelby A. Hauffe Sylvester Hibbins Fred B. Jones James F. Johnson *rrank Jordan William Keeno Ernest J. I^eckner Robert Messcrli H. C. Maloney Wm. Nowatski George Nowatski Warren W. Owen Frank L. Phillips Frank N. Peck George Preusch Albert Scharf James A. Skillman Roy A. Seaman William S]iring1jorn ilosepli Sweeney Earl H. Vaughn Harry Wickoff Earl H. Waters L. R. Wilson S. C. Wright Ralph White A. A. West STANFORD WOODMEN The camp at Stanford of Modern Woodmen of American contributed tlie following memljcrs to the service: George E. Garst Dean M. Ewing Otmer V. Folger Grover I. Baldwin Dr. L. B. Cavins Dr. A. E. McReynolds Naffziger Wilbur R. Garst Chester R Leslie H. Hiner Jesse A. Hawes Arthur H. Harrop Lester E. Wright Lester B. .Stout 1918 were the following J. M. Orendorff. Harry B. Rusmisell Malcolm Sanders E. R. Rol^ertson Lowell S. B 'rton Frank Wirrick George E. Hamblin Ofiicers of the camp in Consuls — Geo. E. Garst, Adviser — Thos. Outlaw. Banker— C. B. White. Clerk— J. F. Garst. Escorts— W. R. Garst, H. Babbs. Consul and Escort both enlisted making it necessary to elect others. MADE DEADLY GAS Wayne Townley, former Weslcjan man and Bloomington high school instructor, was entered in the array in a special service detachment. He was sent to a government factory at Edgewater, Maryland, una was employed there during the closing months of the war in making isphyxi- ating gas designed for the use of the American army in France against the Germans. The process Avas a government secret. The plant was an immense one and had fairly got into full running order when the end of the war came. *Died in the service. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 301 BLOOMING GROVE CAMP NO. 110, MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Officers 1918 G. O. Hankey — Venerable Consul. Henry Clarke — Worthy Advisor. C. A. Kleinau — Banker. R. S. Davidson— Clerk. Geo. D. Shaffer — Escort. B. M. Donavan — Watchman. E. J. Prinzbaek — Sentry. Trustees A. F. Hoineman, H. M. Salch, H. E. Albee. Camp No. 110 purchased jfsSOO.OO in Liberty Bonds. Members in Service Major A. E. Rogers Lieut. H. L. Howell Lieut. E. C. Hamill Lieut. Frank Deneen Lieut. Ben S. Rliodes Lt. Ralph Morath Armstrong James Hoover, R. R. Meyer, Carl W. Alsene, T. E. Hall, Harry H. Nevin, W. R. Bunn, I. E. Henly, Harry W. O'Connor, John J. Ccdlum, D. R. Heyn, E. G. Ploense, Carl W. Clack, H. W. Hull, Wm. J. Salmon, O. M. Cahill, James Jameson, W. G. Sandborg, Roy E. Cox, F. R. JC^leese, Harry A. Sutherland, E. W. Crawford, M. W. Kurtz, P. C. (Died in Service) Dugan, J. J., Jr. Kazar, D. E. Streenz, T. J. Emmett, E. E. Kalahar, M, O. Townley, W. C. Elt'reich, R. Lash, Leslie (Died in Townley, F. S. Gottschalk, P. A. Service) Wollrab, L. E. Gettel, Jus. Lucas, O. D. I'ierson, R. B. Gottschalk, D. E. Lindahl, C. S. Paul, J. C, Secretary Grimm, John A. Lash, Bryan Y. M. C. At Murray, Jos. P. NORMAL WOODMEN Camp 1059, Modern Woodmen of America, located in Normal, in- vested (fiSO in war savings stamps and contributed the following members to the service: H. R. Bustle G. F. Moore Russel Perkins E. W. Callahan Howard Tobias William H. Werner Clyde Gray C. V. Conrad Earl Littleton John Erbe Perl Miller Calvin King Newton Mikesell Officers for 1918 were as follows: Consul — George W. Skinner. Adviser — Orion F. Huffington. Past Con.— Edw. S. Palmer. Banker — Otto H. Fissel. Clerk — Everett L. Buck. Escort— D. W. Rose. Watchman — Sheridan Wilkey. Sentry — Calvin King. Physicians — F. C. McCormick, O. F. May, W. L. Penniman, F. E. Sayers. Trustees — Wm. Brusch, A. E. Stout, A. E. Briscoe. Dr. W. L. Penniman Dr. 0. F. May Dr. F. E. Sayers 302 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB BLOOMINGTON CONSISTORY S. P. R. S. IN THE GREAT WAR MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED MEMBERS OF BLOOMINGTON CONSIS- TORY SERVED IN THE WAR IN ONE CAPACITY OR ANOTHER. Anderson, James C. Anderson, Wilbur E. Anglemcir, Eussell H. Annable, Neil E. Apelt, Edgar Apelt, Frank Bach, Irwin W. Barton, Warren C. Bates, Walter B. Blackwell, Eugene L. Bowen, Carroll Bremer, Maurice Brown, E. Harold Buess, Fred A. Carritliers, Henry H. Cash, LaEue Catterlin, Merle W. Chandler, Frank Chenev, Eoy E. Clarke, Alfred H. Clark, Vernon E. Clarno, Harry T. Crum, Ivan D. Crumbaugh, Clifford T>. Denne, Simon F. Dicus, Ora B. Diggle, Henry E. Dunham, W. C. Fisher, Frank Follick, Paul E. Gailey, Watson W. Galford, Gilbert H. Gardner, Wilfred H. Geneva, William B. Gesell, Lester Goodman, Harry W. Grote, Henry W. Gutel, Edward I. Harry, Orris C. Hartson, Wm. E. Henry, Frank D. Hoierman, Paul F. Hooker, Henry K. Howell, Harry L. Imhoff, Eoderick W. Jacobs, Eoyal W. Jarrette, James B. Jiskra, Joseph T. Johnson, Chester K. Johnson, Harry G. Johnson, Oscar W. Johnston, Oscar W. Jones, John E. Katz, George Kazar, Donald E. Kimler, Eoy E. Kinsey, Irvin W. Klemm, Julius P. Kraft, Lowell C. Kuhn, Waldo Kyger, Donald E. Kyscr, Harry L. Lafferty, Delmar W. Lape, Walter F. Lewis, Loren B. Lewis, William E. Liggitt, Charles C. Loehr, William M. Lovell, John G. Luzader, Bryant A. Lyman, Homer C. McDonald, Elmer McDonald, Floyd McVay, Glenn H. Marquardt, Harry T. Marshall, Frank J. Mayer, Eaymoml H. Minch, Frank l\ Moffett, William Moon, Edgar A. Nevins, Loyd L. ii 11 II 11 EC I lii I £ » E je « I IS I I' Nierstheimer, Louis G. Ostcn, Herbert B. Owen, James Paddock, William H. Pass, Sam Paul, James C. Paxton, G. Nolle I't'ck. Frank N. Eainsberger, George E. Eamage, Harold T. Eenfro, William S. Eickards, Corwin E. Koberts, Eaymond V. Robertson, Colin J. Rock, Eoy J. Rockwood, Roscoe Ross, Albert L. Russell, Don S. Saddler, Harry D. Sanderson, Charles E. Schwindler, William Scott, Shirley C. Seeger, Carl W. Slirock, Eugene G. Sieburns, Lynn C. Smallwood, Hank P. Spier, Albert M. Staten, Verne G. Steer e, Edwin B. Stevenson, Howard H. Stieglemeier, W^altcr H. Storm, Harvey E. Stubldefield, Ansel G. Swindler, Eollin L. Tienuinn, Otto P. Townley, Wayne Turner, Walter C. Uhrie, Eaymond Vance, Andrew P. Vaughn, James A. Wallis, Marshall Washburn, Elmer O. Watkins, Warren C. Waugh, Carl T. Westphal, William C. Willerton, Edward P. Wilson, Henry M. Wilson, J. Guy Wilson, Lunzie E. ; Wollrai3, Louis E. Yakel, Harley B. Zimmerman, Herman J. Zimmerlin, John P. HOME OF BLOOMINGTON CONSISTORY McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 303 LODGE 43 HONOR ROLL Bloomingtoii Lodge No. 43, A. F. and A. M., contributed the remarkable number of 102 men to tlie army service, one of whom, Leslie O. Lash, made the Supreme sacrifice. In addition, the lodge contributed $890 to war charities and purchased Liberty Bonds to the extent of $4300, were the officers of the lodge during Clerc Tilbury, Worshipful Master Frank R. Berg, Senior Warden. Hanson T. Mace, Junior Warden Following 1918: Clarence M. White, Treasurer. Nimrod Mace, Secretary Henry Stanbery, Senior Deacon L. M. Crosthwait, Junior Deacon. Donald E. Kazar, Senior Steward. Clair R. McElheny, Junior Steward. Frank H. Petrie, Chaplain. Hardin J. Brown, Marshal. Frank Noble, Tyler. Frank R. Berg, A. M. Murrav, Beard of Contio. Frank H. Blose, Board of Relief. r^ r Li'slib O. Lash THE. ROLL OF HONOR The following is the list of the members in the army or navy service: George N. Frost W. B. Geneva W. W. Gailey H. G. Garlock W. M. Garrigus Wilfred H. Gardner G. H. Galford Charles D. Havens E. J. Hallsted \j. E. Harrison H. E. Hayward Edward G. Hammond Harry Lee Howell Harry H. Hall Oscar G. Hoose Fred W. How^ard W. Joe hill Rogers Humphreys William P. Hensel Clarence F. Hensel Fitch Harwood William E. Hartson H. E. Harriott W. B. Hindman L. Ross Johnson Oscar W. Johnson Harry G. Johnson Mevis C. Jennings Waldo A. Kuhn Donald E. Kazar William O. Kershner J. P. Longworth R. H. Anglemeir C. M. Bowen Carl E. Behr P. W. Barling T. W. Bath Fred Beckman John A. Brokaw Arnett S. Chapin H. M. Cropper A. J. Casner La Rue Cash John R. Cliekener E. B. Carter George W. Daves C. E. Dimmett Harry K. Dick W. J. Freese G. King Franklin 304 McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOBLB WAR C. W. Luckenbill Loren B. Lewis William M. Loohr B. A. Luzadcr E. Lyman Blose Fred A. Lamke Leslie O. Lash. Leonard F. Lang Herman A. Lawrence F. C. Munther Ralph N". McCord Raymond H. Mayer Edward A. Mott E. J. Murphey George C. Murfey Paul Mockert L. G. Nierstheimer Y. M. C. A. Work- Total 102. James Owen G. E. Owen G. Noble Paxton L. P. Reed W. 8. Renfro E. B. Rodgers Albert L. Ross Howard Rhea D. 8. Russell Ben S. Rhodes R. V. Roberts Eldon M. Rouse Harry E. Riddle Eugene G. Slirock Vern G. Stat en Joseph N. tSletten Harry D. Saddler -J. C. Paul and Thoma Clarence E. Smith Albert M. Spier Harvey R. Storm Paul J. Snyder H. E. Stappenbeck Cliarles H. Snow Robert M. Strickle Mile C. Taylor Harold E. VanPetten Warren C. Watkins Louis E. Wollrab Carl T. Waugh George S. Webb J. F. Thompson Jesse D. Havens Ernest A. Jones C. L. Fleischbein s W. Ward. BLOOMINGTON CLUB HONOR ROLL Thirty-three members of the Bloomiugton club were in the service, one Lieut. Louis E. Davis making the supreme sacrifice for his country. A large proportion won commissions and were otherwise prominent in the army. The club through individual subscriptions, was a leader in war relief work and its generosity was proverbial. In many ways the club contributed to the universal movement towards winning the war. The officers of the club during the war, were the following: President, John W. Harber. Vice-President, Everett C. George. Secretary, Geo. F. Dick, Jr. Treasurer, C. J. Northrup. Directors, H. D. Bunnell, E. B. Mitchel, Ira S. Whitmer, Geo. C. Heberling, C. L. Hill. Following is the honor roll: Capt. Frank W. Aldrich Hudson Burr Edward S. Brown Clifford Brown D. D. Bachman Dr. E. A. Behrendt Roy R. Cheney Lieut. Louis J. Colehower *Lieut. Louis E. Davis Harry K. Dick Ralph C. DeMange Dr. Watson W. Gailey Dr. W. H. Gardner Dr. G. H. Galford Tracy E. Green Omar B. Gregory Rogers Humphreys C. Blake Holt on Lieut. Ralph J. Heffernan H. C. Hawk Jr. Harry W. Hall Lieut. Julius P. Klemm Waldo A. Kuhn I. G. Lain Capt. Ralph N. McCord Major (Dr.) R. A. Noble Capt. Horace A. Soper John J. Starkey Geo. P. Stautz Harry H. Tenney Lieut. Walter Williams Bourke C. Williams Harold R. AVatkins *Died in the service. Picture and sketch will be found in the de- [lartment of "In Memoriam." McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOBLB WAR 305 CHICAGO & ALTON HONOR ROLL C'apt. P. J. Watson Harry Dennis Chas. Pancake The members of the various railroad brotherhoods procured a ser- vice flag in honor of the members of their organizations from Bloom- ington who entered the military service. There were thirty men, ex- clusive of the switchmen. This is considered a splendid showing and one which compares favorably with that of any of the departments of the road. The following are the engineers, firemen and brakemen of the Chicago & Alton: J. W. Burt, fireman; A. J. Segreit, fireman; G. Conavay, fireman; Gibson Forbes, brakeman; John Wheiting, brakeman; M. L. Sweeney, brakeman; J. Chestney, fireman; P. H. Hanahan, fire- man; F. Friten, fireman; W. F. Harmes, fireman; E. Burton, brake- man; J. Forbes, brakeman; W. H. McLeese, brakeman; M. R. Sweeney, brakeman; E. Mowery, brakeman; E. Childs, fireman; H. L. Mitchell, fireman; L. Murray, fireman; F. E. Parker, fireman; W. H. Parker, fireman; F. C. Griffin, brakeman; A. Crebaum, brakeman; E. Painter, fireman; H. Dennis, engineer; J. M. Palmer, fireman; W. Emmett, fire- man; B. England, fireman; C. A. Cowan, fireman; C. E. Baxter, engi- neer; H. T. Hiller, fireman. In addition, the Chicago and Alton contributed a number of clerks who volunteered and who are mentioned elsewhere. Many shopmen also enlisted and other departments contributed their full quota. P. J. Wat- son, division engineer won a captain's commission by efficient duty in France. 306 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAE B. & N. RY. & LT. CO. HONOR ROLL Center— Lt. G. L. Knight; left— L. W. McDonald; right— K. S. Kirby. The Bloomington and Normal Street Railway and Light Co. has a very creditable service tiag, the following employes entering the service: Joe Trimble, enlisted December 15th, 1917, at Jefferson Barracks in Signal Corps. Sailed from Hoboken June 9th, 1918, for France with Second Depot Bat. Arrived Brest, France, June 19th. After landing was transferred to 409th Telegraph Bat. S. C, Second Army. Made Private First Class August 1st. Went to front October 19th on the Meuse Ar- gonne offensive and there remained until after armistice was signed. Temporarily assigned to Army of Occupation at Longwy, France. Sailed for U. S. April 5, 1919, landed Hoboken April 13th. Discharged Camp Grant April 28th, 1919. Harvey R. Storm, Electrician. Volunteered May 4, 1917, not ac- cepted. Sent to Jefferson Barracks, December 10, 1917, rejected Decem- ber 12, 1917. Inducted in service as Alternate April 3, 1918. Assigned to 2nd Co. C. A. C. I. I. S. Fort H. G. Wright, N. Y. Transferred from 2nd Co. to 68th Reg. C.A.C. Transferred from 68th Reg. to Fort H. G. Wright Radio Station assigned 1st Operator July 8, 1918. Received ap- pointment to Elec. school of Enlisted specialists C.A.C. School at Fortress Monroe, Va., September 13, 1918. School closed December, 1918. Left Discharged at Camp Grant January 1. 1919. Fortress Monroe Januarv 9, 1919. Chas. F. Snyder, Electricians Helper. Enlisted February 28, 1918, and assigned to 1st Company C. A. C. at Portland, Me. Battery B 72nd. Artillery C. A. C. A. E. F. Went overseas August 6, 1918, landed Eng- land August 25th. On September 1 sailed for France where he remained until March 19, 1919. Discharged latter part of May, 1919. McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOBLD WAB 307 Bryan Maxwell, emjiloyed as Efficiency Engineer, enlisted in the Naval Eeserve at Great Lakes. Was transferred to Norfolk, Va., where he contracted Spanish Influenza and died. John Fritzen, employed at Power Plant. Enlisted in the Naval Re- serve at Great Lakes and was not heard from after enlistment. Wesley Van Schoick, employed as Collector. Drafted into service June 24th, 1918, and stationed at Camp Wheeler, Macon, Ga. He was later sent overseas but was not lieard from after going overseas. Lawrence W. McDonald, enlisted in the Quartermaster Corps August 11th, 1918, and was assigned to the 5th Company Camp Meigs, Wash- ington, D. C. Ordered transferred to Camp Grant, 111., December 28th and was discharged January 17th, 1919. Siegfried Moline drafted into service and sent to Camp Grant, Rock- ford and not heard from after leaving employ. Waldo L. Long, clerk, drafted into service and sent to Camp Grant, Rockford, but because of pliysicial disability did not enter service. John Stevenson, employed as New Business Solicitor, enlisted at the very outbreak of the war at Jefferson Barracks and was not heard from after enlistment. P. C. Ferrell, drafted in the Army and sent to Camp Dodge and not heard from after entering army. Was employed as electrician at El Paso, Illinois. Paul Walter, car man, drafted and sent to Camp Dodge. Later sent to Camp Pike, Arkansas. After brief preliminary training w'as sent overseas and saw action in wliich he was wtninded in the elbow, which wound will leave him partially disabled. Discliarged April 29, 1919. O. A. Montgomery, car man, enlisted in the Medical Department and was stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas, Medical Officers Training Camp Hospital No. 18 until the close of the war. Wm. Craig, Engineer Power Plant, enlisted in the Aviation Corps and was stationed at San Antonio, Texas, for the duration of the war. K. Schoenman, Oiler Power Plant, enlisted at Jefferson Barracks and was never heard from after enlistment. E. Crew, Oiler Power Plant, entered Navy at Great Lakes Naval Training Station and not heard from after enlistment. J. K. Tuthill, Local Manager at El Paso, 111., entered Army service as Instructor in the Aviatioii Signal Corp. G. L. Knight, enn)l(iyed as Ass't Operating Engineer, entered Mili- tary service January 2, 1918, as Private in Quartermaster Corps, was sent to Camp Joseph E. Johnston at Jacksonville, Fla. Remained there until August 17th on which date he was discharged as an enlisted man and given a commission as 2nd Lieut. At this time he was assigned to the Construction Division and ordered to Camp Greene at Charlotte, N. C. Here he remained as Property and Supply Officer for the Utilities Branch of the Construction Division until the date of his final release from the military service on May 1st, 1919. Jno. M. Barr, Ass't to Operating Engineer, enlisted in the Medical Department at Jefferson Barracks May l(5th, 1918, where he remained until January 15th, 1919, at which time he was transferred to the Quarter- master Corps at Jefferson Barracks. He gained the rank of Private 1st Class and was released at Jefferson Barracks on May 20th, 1919. H. W. Hoerr, Electrician, Morton, Illinois, enlisted at Jefferson Bar- racks find no word was received locally after his enlistment. L. D. Simpson, Car man, drafted in service May 28, 1918, and entered service at Fort Thomas, Ky., June 2nd and was transferred to Camp Gordan, Atlanta, Ga., and on June 10th to Fort Sheridan, Ala., where he remained until November 29th, 1918. On June 13th was sent to Camp Grant, 111., and discharged on June 15th. L. B. Kirby, Car Man, drafted in service April 3, 1918, and went to Fort H. G. Wright. April 22nd was transferred to 3rd Co., July 19th, 1918, transferred to (58th Regiment C.A.C. August 8th sailed for overseas and landed in England August 2-l:th. Left England August 29th and landed at La Havre, France, same date. Sailed for home February 2nd, 308 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAS 1919, landing February 15th. Discharged at Camp Dodge about March ]st, 1919. L. S. Bowley, Car man, drafted in service and went to Fort H. G. Wright. Eeceived sailing orders and was out to sea when Armistice was signed and transport returned to the States and he was discharged. Stanley H. Paul, Clerk, enlisted February 28th, 1918, 1st Co. C. A. C. Portland, Me. Battery B 72nd Artillery C. A. C. A. E. F. Headquarters 161st Depot Brigade, Camp Grant. Went over seas August 6, 1918, landed England August 25th. Sept. 1 sailed for France. Sailed for home March 19th. Discharged June 7th, 1919, at Camp Grant. Gained rank of Kadio Sergeant. Lyman Blose, Mechanic Power Plant, enlisted and went in army S(M'- vice at Columbus, Ohio. M. Pifer, laborer, drafted and went to Xew London, Conn., and never heard from after entering army. Owen Carroll, Electrician El Paso, 111. Drafted in army and sta- tioned at Fort Perry, N. Y. Not heard from locally after entering service. Flag Raising by Street Eailway Employes at Car Barns McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR 309 CAMPBELL HOLTON & CO. HONOR ROLL Top row (left) — Glen Bartloy; right) — Martin Eussell. Center — Blake Holton; left center — Leslie Stone; right center — F. C. Proctor. Botton, left — Leonard Dexter; right — Ralph R. Thompson. Of the employes of the firm of Campbell Holton & Co. Wholesale Grocers, Bloomington, who were in the army, Leslie Stone, saw much active service in France. Training at Jacksonville, Fla., he sailed for Brest, France, April 15, leaving Guvres after a longer period of strenuous duty, reaching Chateau du Loir February 14, 1919. He then spent six months with the Army of Occupation in Holland and Belgium and was discharged at Camp Grant September 8. F. C. Proctor trained at Camp Stuart, V., in the M. S. Dept., sailed November 1, 191S, for France, landing at St. Nazaire, remaining abroad with the Army of Occu])ation until July 6, 1919, receiving his discharge at Mitchell Field July 22. Glenn Bartley trained at Fort Wright in the coast artillery, leaving Camp Mills for France, September 20, 1918, and assisted in guarding Paris at Fort De Stains, ten miles distant. He saw much of the French capital. He received his discharge at Camp Grant January 25, 1919. Ralph R. Thompson enlisted June 24, 1918, trained at Camp Wheeler with the 123d Infantry, sailed for France October 13, saw much active service until the following summer and was discharged at Camp Grant Juno 20, 1919. Leonard Dexter trained at Camps Dodge, Gordon and Upton, and reached Le Havre, France, May IG, 1918, and was distinguished in spend- 310 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAE ing five months in the front line of service at the Toul, Marbash, St. Mihiel, Meuse and Argonne sectors. He was gassed and wounded by shrapnel in the latter offensive and was able to get a thorough insight into the grim vicissitudes of war. He remained abroad until the follow- ing summer and was discharged at Camp Grant May 30, 1919. Blake Holton enlisted December 15, 1917, at the Chicago Medical Supply Depot and was successively on duty at Camp Stuart, Camp Hill, Debarkation Hospital, Hampton Koads, Embarkation Hospital, and finally Camp Grant, seeing constant duty until his discharge May 5, 1918, having been promoted to sergeant. Clyde Jetton enlisted June 3, 1918, and trained at Great Lakes naval station at Cambridge, Mass., being released February 11, 1919. Martin Russell enlisted September 21, 1918, at Columbus, O., trained Camp Hancock and was discharged February 20, 1919. Park Powell trained at Camp Dodge but was discharged on account ill health. Henry Carlson trained at Camp Grant and Camp MacArthur and was discharged December 23, 1918. Thomas Shanahan saw service with the Bloomington draft board and Andy Mann joined the S. A. T. at Camp Dodge. at of PROF. DOUGLAS CLAY RIDGLEY Douglas Clay Ridgley, professor of ge- ography at the Illinois State Normal Uni- versity, enlisted October 10, 1918, in Y. M. C. A. Educational Department for ser- vice in France, reported at New York December 20 and sailed January 4, 1919, with 75 other workers, reaching Paris Jan- uary 19 and was assigned by the Army Educiitional Commission of tlie Y. M. C. A. us Director of Geography in the A. E. F. He aided in the organization of army schools and visited educational centers of the First and Second Armies at Beauno, Cote d'Or, headquarters of the A. E. F. University; aiding in the organization of the Department of Geography and Geology of that institution, and the geography courses in the Farm school at Allerey, twelve miles distant. On April 15 Prof. Kidgley was transferred to the newly or- ganized Army Educational Corps, the army taking over all educational activities, and spent a month making a tour with a party of educators, of the schools of the Army of Occupation, covering 2500 miles by auto- mobile, visiting points in France, Belgium and (Tcrmany. The next month was spent lecturing among the Service of Supplies troops in the Argonne region where 8,000 were working on the Argonne cemetery. On June 10, 1919, Prof. Ridgely received his discharge from the army with privilege of twenty days travel in France and Belgium, covering 3,000 miles by train and with the pleasure of being accompanied by his fellow instructor at the I. S. N. U., Prof. E. W. Gavins. They visited the Rhone Valley, Meditteranean Coast, Marseilles to Nice, French Alps, including Mt. Blanc, Central Highlands, Bordeaux, battle front from Chateau Thierry to the English Channel, Bplgium from Ostend to Brussels, l>ouvain, Liege, Namur, and battle lines in regions of Sedan, Verdun, St. Mihiel Rhiems, etc. They then returned to America, reaching Normal July 26. During the seven months absence of Prof. Ridgley he travelled 15,000 miles and the experience was included among the most enjoyable of his life. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR 311 J. F. HUMPHREYS & CO. HONOR ROLL The wholesale grocery firm of J. F. Humi^hreys & Co., Bloomington, contributed a very large number of employes to the service, the list being as follows: D. D. Bachnian, U. S. A. Ambulance Service Sec. 611. C. M. Bowen, Co. D 46th Inf. Paul Bloomquist, U. S. N. R. F. Carl Bock. Hdq. Co. 345th Inf. Wm. W. Barrett, Co. D 12th M. G. Bn. John Fenton, Camp Wheeler, Ga. Guy Gray, 16th Aero Squadron. H. E. Henson, Co. M 37th Inf. Carl Hallstedt, Co. H 2Sth Inf. Rogers Huniplircys, 5th Squadron Marine Corps Flyers. Wm. H. lungerich, M. T. C. No. 423. Walter Johnson, 16th Ordnance Depot Co. Lloyd Ledderbogge, Navy Eugene McCarthy, Navy (Died in Service). Julian Mohr, Navy. Geo. Nies, Jefferson Barracks. Ivan Martin, Navy. Joe Matt, Navy. Chas. Neeld, Navy. A. B. Perry, 5th Regt. Marines. Alfred Peterson, 309 Supply Co. Eugene Phillips, Army Aviation Service. Roy Seammen, Co. I 128th Inf. Ralph Stewart, Navy. Archie Sayers, Hdq. Co. 326th Inf. Howard Stevenson, 45th C. A. C. Earl Van Ordstrand, Army Aviation Service. P. B. Vandeveer, 68th C. A. C. Frank Watchinski, Co. I 326th Inf. Orion Wright, Bty. F. 68th C, A. C. Straude W^iseman, Navy. L. L. Waterfield, Co. A 328 Bn.. Tank Corps. Upper row (left to rights — .John F. Schneider, William Swearingen, Leslie R. Suter, Earl Stickler, Michael Stokes, Charles Smith, Fred E. Shoup, Vernest E. Stock- dale, Leslie Stone, Jack K. Simonson. Second row — Fred C. Schroeder, .Joseph G. Stevens, Warren A. Stubblefield, Ellis D. Stubblefield, Guy M. Stubblefield, William F. Shorthose, Park F. Shorthose, Chas. L. Stephens. Third row— John A. Schmidt, Valle Staffen, Keith Stark, Elmer Straub, Emmett E. Stiger, Joseph Sweeney. Fourth row — George B. Sweeney, John W. Stewart, Russell I. Simkins, David Shadid, Harlan W. Sachs. 312 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR C. U. WILLIAMS & SON HONOR ROLL Of the attaches of the motor vehicle firm of C. U. Williams & Son, 207-209 East Washington street, Bloomiugton, who were in the service, Walter W. Williams, junior member of the firm, made a notable rec- ord in the aviation department, Enlisting December 1, 1917 as Master Signal Elec- trician with the 38th Aero Squadron, lo- cated at Chanute Field, Eantoul, he soon won a commission as an engineer officer. Major G. W. Krapf, who made the recom- mendations, paid him a notable tribute. After alluding to the rapid advancement and frequent promotions of Mr. Williams, Major Krapf stated: "He is the most val- uable man on the field. He has remark- able ability in the handling of men and to a large extent, is responsible for the success of the field. His qualifications can be used to better advantage and his knowl- edge and executive ability would be more effective and of more actual value to the service as a commissioned officer than in his present status. His services are needed here and be knows local conditions. His business experience has made him more mature and he commands more respect than his age would indicate." Lieutenant Williams spent some time at a New Jersey camp after his promotion and then received his discharge, following the end of the war, then returning to Bloomingtoii. The following is the roster of other attaches of this firm wlio were in the service: J. B. Havens George Johnson Jack Daniels Wm. Rexroat Wm. Watchinski Wm. Sweeney Sam Reed Robt. McGregor Francis Harry Wm. R. Smalley John Clark Faye Baldwin Park Shorthose Harlan Dorland G. J. Gates J. G. Winstrom Martin Walsh A. S. Coomer Howard Wiley (Died October 9, 1918). Earl T. Smith (Died October 15, 1918). A biography and picture of both will be found in the department reserved for "In Memoriam. " Harry Umphress (center), W. L. Urban (left), Raymond E. Uhrie (right). McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 313 JOHN A. BECK HONOR R6LL John A. Beck, Bloomington, was one of the most active war relief workers and was numbered among the most generous contributors. He was especially prominent in the Young Mens Christian Association and also a faithful and energetic committeeman upon many of the various activities and assisted in every way possible. Mr. Beck was deserving of the fullest measure of credit for his part among the workers at home in helping to win the war. Of the attaches of the John A. Beck Company, 116 S. Main street, Bloomington, Louis E. Wollrab enlisted May 31, 1918, was assigned to Camp Sheridan Montgomery, Ala., was promoted to corporal and re- mained there until ho received his discharge April 1, 1919. Thomas C. Jenkinson enlisted June 19, 1918, trained at Camp Taylor, Louisville, Ky., was sent to France, seeing much active service and re- turned home six months after the war was over and- was discharged September 1, 1919. Edwin I. Lundborg was inducted into the army at Camp Grant in the summer of 1917, went overseas, serving with credit and returned home in the spring of 1919, receiving his discharge with the rank of sergeant June 1, 1919. Top Row (left to right) — Henry W. Capen, C. D. Glen Cook, Ivan D. Campbell, Richard A. Chapman, Roy Cruikshank, Paul Crumbaker, and Jesse F. Carnell. Second Row — Marcus W. Coyle, Dwight Cooksley, Robert H. Crum, Lyman A. Canady, Roy E. Chrisman, Eric Clason, A. R. Clason. 314 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR T. H. COLE MOTOR CO. HONOR ROLL Of the attaches of the Frank H. Cole Motor Car Co. with plants at 301-3 East Front street and 200-202 South Main, Blooniington, George J. Gollmar, manager, selected the aviation section of the signal corps wlien the call came for enlistments. He reported at the Eantoul, 111. (Chanute) field on June 27, 1918, and was given strenuous duty in the inspection of motors for air crafts, his familiarity with gasoline engines giving him the necessary qualifi- cations for this responsible duty. He con- tinued in this capacity until October 1, 11)18, when he was transferred to the Avi- ation Officers Training Camp at Fort Oinalia, Nebraska. He made such an ex- cellent showing in his knowledge of air craft and its mechanism that he was rec- ommended for a commission and would have received this honor but for the sud- den ending of the war and the closing of the camp. He received his discharge on November 27, Thanksgiving Day, 191S, and immediately resumed his post with the F. H. Cole Company, having greatly enjoyed his life in camp and his tour of duty. Other attaches of the F. H. Cole Co. who were in the service in- cluded C. F. Snorly, salesman, who won a commission as lieutenant at Camp Logan, enlisting in the infantry but being transferred to the air service in France, seeing much active service in the Argonne, and Somme offensives, and being discharged June 19, 1919. Harry Hall was assigned to the tank corps and saw much strenuous duty in France. William Hart was in the Motor Transport Corps and also saw much duty in France. James Allen was in the aviation department at Clianute field. Dean Montgomery trained at Camp Taylor in the motor corps. Enimett Koos in the motor transport corps at Camp Grant. James M. Kinsella in the nitro detachment at Sheffield, Alabama, while Monroe Eodman also saw much service in tlie Motor Transport Corps. OUR BOYS WHO WERE IN SERVICE HAWKS, INCORPORATED Bloomlngton, Illinois LESLIE O. LASH Died in Service H. C. Hawk, Jr. Harold Protzman Ray Wallace Grover Norris Oscar Anderson Everett Calhoun Willard Hoover Herbert Ploense McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB 315 PORTABLE ELEVATOR CO. HONOR ROLL The Portable pany located at Elevator Com- 920-930 East Grove street, Bloomingtou was most creditably represented in the service. George Meeee en- listed August 21, 1917 in Co. 484, Aerial squadron, spent twelve months in France, and received two citations, one wJiile with the first army and the other with the second army. William F. Arnold was in- ducted into the army May 9, 191S, trained at Camp Mac- Arthur, was made sergeant in the quartermasters corps, train- ing later at Camp Grant, and was discharged Jan. o, 1919. Walter H. Mau enlisted Jan. 19, 1918, and was sent to New- port News, training tiicre and New York to go overseas the PORTABLE ELEVATOR GROUP Center — George Meece. Left — William L. Arnold. Rif/hf — William H. Werner. Below (left to right) — Oscar .Jones, Walter Mau. He was discharged While enroute for and he was disap- from Co. K of the 4Sth Infantry, January other coast points, umistice Avas signed pointed. 22, 1919. Ocean Wilson Jones enlisted and left April 3, 1918, for Fort Wright, training in the coast artillery, sailing for France August 8, via Liver- pool. After active duty until the armistice, he sailed for home was discharged March 6, 1919. William H. Werner enlisted and trained for the navy at Great Lakes, commencing May 13, 1918. He sailed on the Leviathan June 13 for France where he prosecuted his naval aviation training. He also saw active duty in England and was a member of a sailor minstrel company organized there. He was discharged April 25, 1919. Harry L. Wickoff enlisted in the navy May 13, 1918, trained at Great Lakes and Norfolk, was assigned to the battleship Massachu- setts, and later the armored cruiser Minneapolis and was in convoy duty, later making six trips on the K. I. Luckinbach, a trans])ort. He was discharged September 2(i, 1919. His photograph is published in one of the naval groups of this work. P. L. Robert enlisted May 8, 1917, as fireman in the navy and had the privilege of witnessing the surrender of the German High 8eas fleet November 21, 1918, fifty miles off the coast of Scotland. These included ten superdreadnoughts, fifty destroyers and fifty submarines. He was discharged July 15, 1919. William Dambold was inducted into the army June 27, 1918, and was trained at Camp Wheeler. While ready for overseas duty, the armistice was signed and lie was discharged January 6, 1919. John F. Clash enlisted November 9, 1917, and served ten months in France with Co. E, 3Sth infantry. He received a citation for bravery, serving in the battles of the Aiiise Marne, Chateau Thierry, Champagne Marne, St. Mihiel, Vesle Sec. Meuse Argonne. He was discharged August 30, 1919. Elmer Doner was inducted into the army September 19, 1917, trained at Camp Dodge and was discharged October 19 on account of weak eyes. Otto Sablotzke served as cook following his induction into the army and was discharged with credit. 316 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAE UNION GAS & ELECTRIC CO. HONOR ROLL Of the attaches of the Union Gas & Electric Co. of Bloomington who were in the service, one Edward Wittmis, was commissioned Lieutenant. He was inducted into the army September 19, 1917 and trained at Camp Dodge, Iowa. He was in France in active service from August 7, 1918, UNION GAS & ELECTRIC CO. HONOR ROLL (Top) — Chester Dodge. (Center) — ^Paul H. Lehman, EcUvard Wittmis. (Below) — Peter Brown. until August l(i, 1919, and was rapidly promoted, due to meritorious service, winning the non-commis-sioucd chevrons and, finally, a lieuten- antcy. He was discharged August 18, 1919. Paul Henry Eehman selected the navy for his service, enlisting August 9, 1918, and was assigned to the Great Lakes station for training. He was released from active service February 6, 1919. Harry Kleese was inducted into the army April 3, 1918, and assigned to the coast artillery, being trained at Fort Wright, N. Y. He was over- seas from October -5, 1918, to March 14, 1919, and received his discharge March 28, 1919. Chester A. Dodge was inducted into the army May 1, 1918, training at Camp Fremont, Cal., with Co. H of the 13tli Infantrv. He was dis- charged October 12, 1918. Peter James Brown enlisted April 30, 1918, in the naval aviation department trained at Camp Logan and was discharged February 23, 1919. Leonard Crego was inducted into the service June 26, 1918, assigned to the radio section of the 117th Field Artillery at Camp Jackson, S. C, and was discharged January 17, 1919. Thomas Welling was inducted into the army June 26, 1918, assigned to the infantry at Camp Wheeler, and was dischai'ged May 28, 1919. Emil Butzirus was inducted into the army June 26, 1918, assigned to the infantry trained at Camp Wheeler and was discharged May 28, 1919. McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOBLD WAR 317 DODGE-DICKINSON CO. HONOR ROLL Upper — Frank W. Ploense, Gerhart H. Ploense, Albert Friede- wnlil (left to right). Lower — Walter K. Ploense, William Har- rington. Below — Charles Mott. Of the employes of the Dodge-Dickinson Co., mattress and couch manufacturers of Bloomington, who entered the service, several were fortunate in reaching France. Frank W. Ploense enlisted June 24, 1918, and trained at Camp Wheeler. He sailed for France September 19, 1918, and saw much active service before peace was declared. He remained with the Army of Occupation and then received his discharge at Camp Grant May 10, 1919. Walter E. Ploense enlisted May 2, 1917, trained at Fort Randolph and then went to the canal zone, Panama with the 8th Company, C. A. C He received liis discharge at Camp Dix, October 2, 1919. Charles Mott trained at Fort Washington with the 52d artillery and was discharged at Camp Grant January 25, 1919. Gerhart H. Ploense enlisted September 6, 1918, trained with the engineering corps at Camp Forrest, Ga., and received his discharge at Camp Custer, December 27, 1918. Albert Friedewald enlisted September 5, 1918, trained at Camp Grant and was discharged there October 28, 1919. His service was with the Infantry. William Harrington enlisted June 24, 1918, served in the Motor Transport Corps, went overseas and served ten months in active duty abroad. He returned home via Charleston, South Carolina and received his discharge at Camp Grant July 16, 1919. 318 McLEAN COVNTYANV_Tni^JVORLBJVJ^ C. W. KLEMM HONOR ROLL Upper row (left to rigl.t) -Joseph E. Burkey, Eoy W. Knvr. Center — Julius Klemm. ,y t^.,,.,. member of the firm won a commission ^^ ^^^^f ^^^^J;^ "fj Camp Han- McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 319 Sergeant Chas. N. Karr trained at Fort Leavenworth and Fort Oglethorpe, and Fort Bliss, being discharged April 9, 1919. Sergeant Carl H. Kumming trained at Kelly Field, Texas, and Buffalo, N. Y. He was discharged March 29, 1919. Jacob W. Weber, Surgical assistant trained at Camps Wheeler and Mills and went to France November 9, 1918, seeing service at Brest, La Val, Le Mans and St. Nazaire. He was discharged July 12, 1919. Sergeant Jesse L. Jones trained at Camps Johnston and Wheeler and was discharged March 10, 1919. Sergeant Joseph E. Burkey trained at Camp Wheeler and was dis- charged January 22, 1919. William E. Heikes served at Great Lakes and went to France in the U. S. S. Mobile. He was made baker and discharged Sept. 16, 1919. Jesse Small trained at Camp Meigs and Rahway, N. J., and was dis- charged May 27, 1919. Lawrence Koos trained at Fort Monroe and Camps Merritt and Stewart, went overseas April 5, 1918, was in the battle of St. Mihiel and in the Meuse-Argonne offensive. He was discharged February 26, 1920. Louis Seiffert trained at Lincoln, Neb., and Camp Grant and was made C. I. O. T. S., being discharged November 23, 1918. Porter W. Karr trained at Fort Bliss and Camp Vail, went across December 24, 1917, was in the battles of Toulon, Aisne, Chateau Thierry, Aisne Marne, St. Mihiel, Champagne and Meuse Argonne. Discharged August 11, 1919. Roy Karr trained at Kelly Field and went across January ?>, 1918, was in the Lys defensive, St. Mihiel otfensive and Meuse Argonne battle. Discharged June 16, 1919. MANUFACTURED ICE CO. HONOR ROLL Chester McLaren, of the many employes of the Bloomington Manufactured Ice and Cold Storage Co., who were in the service, had the distinction of winning a commission. Train- ing at Houston, Texas, and also seeing service in Mexico, he was successively promoted to corpo- ral, sergeant and lieutenant of the 123d Machine Gun Battalion. He saw much active service in France and later was with the Army of Occupation, his record being of the very best. He re- ceived his discharge August 1, 1919, and then located at Akron, Ohio. Other employes of the Bloomington company in the service were the following: Joe Wilcox, James Lucas, Howard Rodman,* Albert Scharf, Tom Williams, Glenn Pringey, Brink- ley Latham, Gyles Wright, A. Grampp, E. Livingston, Harry' Graehl,t George Selby, C. C. Ash by, Richard Cook and Roy Snedaker. Above — Lt. Chester McLaren. Center — James Lucas. Below — Thomas Williams. *Died of disease in Camp. tKilled in Action. 320 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR CHARLES UTESCH HONOR ROLL Upper left — Walter Greishaber; upper right — Roy A. Herring. Lower left— Earl Million; lower right— Edward Pitsch. Charles Utesch, Bloomington, who operates grocery, meat market and bakery at 428-430 North Main street, Bloomington and also branch plants was included among the active and generous participants m all war relief work who so distinguished Bloomington. Perhaps his most notable service, however, was in the founding of the co-operative de- livery system, designed to release a large number of drivers for the war and which proved to be a great success. He organized a mutual com- pany which provided for the delivery of products for a large number of Bloomington stores and thus enabling the release of a large number McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 321 of men to the army and navy. This system proved so successful that it was continued following the war. Mr. Utesch was also active in the food conservation department of the council of defense and in other ways demonstrated his patriotism and open heartedness. A large num- ber of his employes entered the army and navy, the honor roll including the following: Leroy A. Herring, manager, enlisted in the coast artillery March 19, 1918, and spent five months in detached service at Fort -Standish, Boston Harbor. On August 22, he sailed for France and spent six months with the GSth Reg. Bat A. Coast Artillery, seeing much active service. He was discharged at Camp Grant in March, 1919. Walter J. Grieshabor enlisted March 19, 1918, was promoted to cor- poral in the coast artillery, and was stationed at Fort Standish, Fort Warren and Camp Devens, and finally received his discharge at Camp Grant January 14, 1919. Earl Million and Edward Pitsch, also of this lirm, also served with similar distinction. lop row (loft to rifiht) — Rolland H. Caiiock, John O. Carey, John M. Crichton, Eugene Cofer, Clifford L. Crumbaush. Second roiv — Francis H. Conroy, David J. Conroy, Dana O. Clark, Sanuiel Crabtree, John A. Cleary, James V. Cox. Third row — Ora A. Cunningham, Fred G. Cary, Ralph Crose, Harvey B. Crusius, William D. Coyle, T. Ivan Costigan, J. K. Coppenberger, William J. Cahal. ' Fourth row — Mascal H. Cary, Howard S. Chrisman, Oval MT Cope, Arnett S Chapin. Charles E. Cordes. 322 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR rUNK BROS. HONOR ROLL «.Jeu»^iL-Ji ^'^-"^^a-^— *■" -. .akd^ Top row, left to right — Lafayette Funk, Jr., Eugene D. Funk. Colter row — Jacob Funk, Donald S. Funk. Lower row — Curt A. Rehtmeyer, Otto Tiemau. The following attaches of Funk Bros. Seed Co., Bloomington, were in the service: Donald S. Funk, son of Deane N. Funk, enlisted March 26, 1917, in the U. S. Naval Eeserve and was honorably discharged on account of physicial disability in June of that year. He was later inducted in the army on March 11, 1918, and trained at Fort Moultrie, S. C. He was McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAE 323 also at Camp Eustis, Va., with the 61st Eegiment, C. A. C, going overseas in July. He attended the artillery school between August and November, was promoted to corporal in March, 1919, and received his discharge at Camp Grant May 13, 1919. Jacob P. Funk also a son of Dcane M. Funk enlisted in the U. S. Naval Reserve March 26, 1917, served on tiie U. S. S. Heneca during the summer of that year, was promoted to instructor at Pelham Bay Train- ing Station, remaining there until his release in December, 1918, following the close of the war, having attained the rank of Second Class Quarter- master. Lafayette Funk jr., son of Eugene D. Funk, enlisted as apprentice ■ seaman in the U. S. Naval Reserve October 2, 1918, and was stationed at Urbana, 111., where he trained until released from active duty Decem- ber 21, 1918. His brother, Eugene D. Funk, jr., enlisted in the 8. A. T. C. at Urbana, HI., October 2, 1918, training at the University of Illinois until his discharge December 2, that year. Curt A. Rehtmeyer, son-in-law of Eugene D. Funk, enlisted in the 4th Battery C. A. C. April 1, 1918, and trained at Fort Washington, Md., remaining there until the end of the war, receiving his discharge December 20, 1918. A member of the Lafayette Company of the Indiana National Guard, Battery B, Otto Tieman went to Brownsville, Texas, in June, 1916, re- maining on duty there until February, 1917. When the war opened with Germany, he entered the First Officers Training Camp at Fort Sheridan, but was turned down on account of his eyes failing to reach the vision standard. He then joined Company M as one of the Tenth regiment, I. N. G. as First Lieutenant and in June, 1918, joined the draft contin- gent of 500 that went from Bloomington to Camp Wheeler. He then entered the Artillery Officers Training Camp at Camp Taylor and won a commission in November, just as the war ended. He received his discharge as Second Lieutenant on December 12, 1918. L. B. MERWIN CO. HONOR ROLL Wade Houston Fielder, residing at 1213 South Madison Street, Bloomington, was employed by the L. B. Merwin Co., Bloom- ington, when the call for naval recruits was issued and selected the United States Naval Air Service, enlisting August 9, 1918. He was first on duty at the Hart- ford Receiving Ship stationed at the port of Charleston, South Carolina. He next took the final examinations to enter ground school, was transferred to the Mount Pleasant Navy Rifle Range where the ground school is located. Attending this school for three months, he was about to be transferred to Camp Bennett, Pensa- cola, Florida, when the war ended. He was discharged December 10, 1918, from the Third Regiment, Company 10, Section 1, and placed on the reserve list, then returning home to resume his post with n Co., having greatly en- ence as a naval flyer. Wade Houston Fielder 324 McLEAN COVTSTY AND THE WOELD WAB PAUL F. BEICH CO. HONOR ROLL Center, top to bottom — Clarence Hensel, Lt. Carl Belir, H. W. Bereman. Left upper, Harry E. Gordon; left lower, John W. Lane. Right upper, Walter Behr, right lower, Clarence J. Troxel. There are seventeen stars in the service flag of the Paul F. Beich Co., Manufacturers of Confections, Bloomington, while ten additional employes are now with the company who engaged elsewhere when war was declared. Of the seven who were with the company when hostilities opened, one Carl E. Behr won a commission as second lieutenant, train- ing in the Motor Transport Corps at Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Florida. With the end of the war Mr. Behr resumed his post as sales manager. John W. Lane was promoted to sergeant in the Engineers, joining Headquarters Detachment 4th Engineers Tr. Rgt. at Camp A Hum- phreys, Va. Walter G. Behr was promoted to corporal of infantry, training at Camp Sheridan, Ala., and at the Army Supply Base, New Orleans. Herbert W. Bereman was promoted to corporal of Artillery and trained at Fort Totten, New York. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 325 Clarence H. Troxel was assigned to Co. A -Itli Bat. Infantry and" trained at Camp MacArthur, Texas. Clarence F. Hensel joined the 809tli Infantry at Camp Grant, train- ing there until the war was over. Harry E. Gordon joined Headquarters Co. 4th Infantry, :5d Div. and was fortunate in being assigned to duty overseas, serving with the Army of Occupation some time after peace was declared. MARTENS-LEARY CO. HONOR ROLL Left — Charles E. Leary; center — Richard M. Leary; right — John M. Leary. Of the Martens-Leary Co., dealers in tractors, vehicles and imple- ments, 316-320 .South Main street, John M. Leary, stenographer, enlisted November 2, 1917, at Chanute Field and was assigned to the 39th Aero Squadron and was later assigned to Kelly Field at Waco, Texas, remain- ing in the adjutant's office there as stenographer until discharged March 4, 1919. He was promoted to corporal for meritorious service. Richard M. Leary enlisted December 1, 1917, at Chanute Field and was assigned to the 210 Aero Squadron, training there until February 1, 1918, when he sailed for England, training at Doncaster Flying Field, being assigned as instructor, a high compliment to his ability and grasp of the ])rinciples of aviation. With the end of the war, his squadron was disbanded and he returned to the United States having been pro- moted to the rank of sergeant of first class, being discharged at Camp Grant December 24, 1918. Charles E. Leary was inducted into the medical reserve, having en- listed December 18, 1917, being assigned to the S. A. T. C. He re-enlisted January 14, 1918, for the Medical Reserve Corps and was discharged with the end of the war. Robert Messerli, mechanic, enlisted April 5, 1918, and was assigned to duty at Fort Wright as machinist, joining the 249 Supply Co. of the Coast Artillery. He was transferred to Camp Eustis, Va., June 1(), T918, and then went overseas, remaining in France from Se])tember 24, seeing much service in the vicinity of Tours and then returned home when peace was declared. Andrew Loch, machinist, enlisted April 5, 1918, joined the 249th Sup- ply Co. at Fort Wright, New York, of the Coast Artillery, and later went to* Camp Eustis. He remained in the service following the coming of peace. 326 M CLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAE GUY CARLTON HONOR ROLL Upper left — Harry Maloney; upper right — Lawrence Carnahan. Lower left — Lee Jones; lower right — Bert Eoss. Lee L. Jones of the firm of Guy Carlton, electrical contractor, 528 North Main street, Bloomington, enlisted on June 20, 1918, and was assigned to Sweeney Motor and Tractor School at Kansas City, where he trained in the motor transport department until the close of the war. He received his discharge December 10, 1918, and then returned hotoe. Lawrence P. Carnahan enlisted April 3, 1918, in the field artillery and was sent to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, where he put in a solid year of intensive training. He was not discharged until April 2, 1919, at Camp Grant, then returning home. H. E. Maloney of the same firm was inducted into the army April 30, 1918, and was assigned to Fort Sheridan where he trained until the close of the war. He was then sent to Camp Grant and was discharged February 27, 1919. Bert Eoss of the same firm also saw much active service. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLB WAB 327 Willis Harry Francis THREE McMURRY BROTHERS The above picture is of the three sons of Mr. and Mrs. James M. McMurry of Bloomington who were in the service. Sergt. James Willis McMurry (upper left) enlisted in medical reserve U. S. A., in December, 1917. Recovering from sickness with scarlet fever at Jefferson Bar- racks, sailed from Camp Merritt, February, 1918. In France until June, 1919; was 13 months at base hospital near St. Nazaire; then to Tours. Harry L. (below) enlisted U. 8. navy August, 1918; had flu at Great Lakes; served as fireman on Transports Ohio, Northern Pacific and Fred- erick; two trips on battleship Ohio; on one trip on Frederick was in French port only 1% hours; home June, 1919. Francis C. (upper right) enlisted in navy June, 1918; Great Lakes, then battleship Kentucky; then to coal docks at Bayonne, N. J. Two trips to France on transport Philippine. Is held as reserve since relieved October, 1919. Quit service with rank first class fireman. 328 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD JVAE T. S. BUNN Inc. HONOR ROLL M. S. Wooster W. A. StiibblefieUl Of the attaehos of the T. S. Bnnn Inc. motor cars, "Washington and Lee streets, Bloom ingtou wlio saw service, Warren A. Stubblefield, 829 W. Elm street, left April 6, 1918, joining Bat. C 68th Art. at Fort Wright, training at Fort Terry until July 8, when he sailed for overseas, arriv- ing July 21:, remaining in active service until peace was declared. On February 2, 1919, he sailed for home and received his discharge at Camp Grant one month later, resuming his post of foreman with the T. S. Bunn Inc. M. S. Wooster, who is a salesman with this company, was inducted into service June 25, 1918, was advanced to First Sergeant of the 35th Head- quarters Motor Command, drilling at Camp Meigs and Camp Merritt, and ordered to France. He sailed from the port of New York November 6, 1918, and was on the high seas when word was received that the armistice had been signed, sharing with other soldiers, the universal dis- appointment. Sergeant Wooster spent three months at Camp Meigs, Camp Holabud and with assignment to S. P. U. 462 in charge of the truck field, remaining until his discharge at Camp Grant February 28, 1919, then resuming his jiosition with the T. S. Bunu Inc. Top Row (left to right) — James E. Allin, Abner Adams, Albert H. Arnold, McKinley G. Adams, Clyde L. Allison, Ernest L. Asbury, James Austin. Second Row — Voyle L. Ashabran, George F. Atkinson, Wilbert E. Anderson, Herman Abbott, Forest L. Adams. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULD WAR 32f. ILLINOIS CLUB HONOR ROLL The Illinois club of Bloomiii*^ton with luxurious quarters in the Odd Fellows building- temple, contributed forty-nine members to the army of wliom one, Edmund W. Sutherland, made the supreme sacrifice. The club purchased $3500 worth of Liberty bonds, conserved food by aban- doning banquets during the war, remitted the dues of members in the service and in many other ways demonstrated its patriotism. The offi- cers of the club during the war-, were the following: President, J. W. Grapes; Vice-President, C. W. Nichols; Secretary, C. E. Denton; Treas- urer, R. M. Darst; Directors, J. J. Cowden, C. L. Schneider, E. J. Gilmore, Chas. D. Myers and Dr. J. D. Sicbert. The club honor roll is as follows: R. H. Anglemier Carl E. Behr E. L. Behriuaun Dr. F. W. Brian L. R. Bristow Dan S. Buck Dr. T. D. Cantrall Dr. Frank Deneen E. A. Donnelly Frank J. Felton Fred Feldt Dr. A. R. Freeman Walter J. Frcese Dr. Paul Greenleaf Chas. D. Havens Ed. Hammond L. Kirk Healey Oscar G. Hoose Gordon Howard Dr. L. L. IrAvin Chas. P. Kane W. A. Kuhn Wm. Loehr David Lutz A. Mauror Francis D. Misncr S. H. Moore Ralph C. Morath Louis Nierstheimer L. J. O'Brien Richard M. O'Connell N. S. Ong H. E. Protzman Roy A. Ramseycr Howard J. Read Ben S. Rhodes Bert L. Ross J. Mervin Ryan V. G. Staten *Edmi'nd W. Sutherland James F. Thompson J. Ray Wallace Raymond F. Ward Thbs. S. Weldon Louis E. Wollrab C. E. Yager Ed. Lundborg Dr. T>. G. Freeman Dr. G. H. Galford A BRIEF HISTORY OF OUR STATE FLAG When Mrs. G. A. Lawrence of Galesburg was State Regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution (1910-1913) she began the pro- motion of her long cherishi^l idea of Illinois having a State Flag. In order to awaken interest in lier idea she offered a prize of twenty-five dnllars ^0 the Chapter sending the design for a flag which should be considered best by four judges. Thirty-nine designs were submitted. The .iiidges awarded the prize to Rockford Chapter. However, it was necessary to interest the Legislature, whose vote was essential, and whose province it was to pass final judgment on the design after law was enacted. Through the assistance of Hon. Lewis G. Stevenson, Secretary of State, and Senator Raymond D. Meeker and Hon. Thomas N. Gorham of the House of Representatives, Mrs. Lawrence secured the presentation of the Bill. The Bill was passed and became a law July 6, 1915, without an unfavorable vote in Senate or House. Illinois has the Daughters of the American Revolution to thank for its State Flag, and shouhl give credit to Mrs. Ijawrence, who originated the idea, promoted and ultimately realized it for the public good. *A picture and obituary of Edmund Sutherland will be found else- where in this work under tlie head of "In Memoriam. " 330 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR ELKS HONOR ROLL Bloomington lodge No. 281, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, was in the very lead of those organizations which distinguished the Evergreen City during the war, in patriotism and activity in the various relief movements. The Order of Elks is purely an American organiza- tion. Every one of their hundreds of thousands of members is a real Anierican citizen, owing allegiance to no other country on the face of the earth, owing allegiance to no other flag than the Stars and Stripes, the flag of our country and the emblem of our Order. Therefore, every Elk and every Elks Lodge should, and must, stand for everything that makes for continued success for America, and boldly and unreservedly, against any creed, any doctrine, any propaganda, any plan or scheme — by whoever advanced — that would hurt America. If there is one thing above all others that has placed the Order in the high position in the public eye that it is in today, it is the war work that was done by the Order and the interest manifested by the Order in lending a helping hand to the Government and the Nation during the greatest conflict of arms in the history of the world. Elks are justly proud of the part that those at home played in winning the war, and they should take great pride in the fact that they had (i4,428 men in the service of our country, 13,084 of whom were commissioned officers, one of whom was the Commander in Chief of the American Expeditionary Forces in France, General John J. Pershing, a member of Lincoln, Neb., Lodge, No. 80, and an honorary member of El Paso, Texas, Lodge, No. 187. As nearly as can be ascer- tained there were 10.'?7 members who made the sujireme sacrifice and are now sleeping their last sleep on the battlefields of France. "It is inter- esting to note that of our members in the service, one is a general — John J. Pershing; two are Major-Generals; six are Brigadier-Generals; eighty are Colonels; eighty-fivo are Lieutenant-Colonels; four hundred are Majors; sixteen hundred are Captains; forty-seven hundred are Lieu- tenants; two thousand are Sergeants; and five hundred are Corporals. In the Navy: One is a Rear Admiral; twelve are Captains; four are Com- manders; twenty are Lieiitenant Commanders; one hundred are Lieuten- ants; and one hundred and fifty are Ensigns. The splendid remainder are the boys in the ranks, the real power that won the war." The sign- ing of the armistice had left the National Elks War Relief Commission with a considerable unexpended residue of the money which was apj)ro- jjriated by the Grand Lodge for war relief work under its direction, and which was not definitely committed. After a most thorough investigation of the numerous propositions submitted to it, it was unanimously decided by the Commission, that no better use could be made of this fund than to devote it to assisting the government in its vocational training pro- gram. The offer of the Commission was promptly accepted, and as a ■ result, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks stands as the sole and exclusively private agency in partnership with the United States government in this great work. Bloomington lodge contributed the following members to tlie service: C. A. McDermand Earl W. Daniels Dr. Paul E. Greenleaf W. W. Williams Roy E. Clark I. R. Pattison Julius P. Klemm M. R. Gregory Albert Lundberg L. R. Bristow M. L. Callahan Jno. F. Quinn H. D. Saddler Joseph Smith Sanford H. Moore J. Monroe Rodman Chas. A. Whalen Austin I. Howard Lloyd M. Nelson R. J. Heflfernan W. W. Wyckoff Clayton W. Porter E. E. Caddell A. W. Froelich Omar Gregory Chas. Brooks R. J. Lindley Lloyd A. Daniels W. B. Causey Dr. Frank Deneen Donald F. O'Neal M. J. Salmon Dr. E. A. Behrendt J. J. Million Alfred M. Wright M. D. Meiss Fred H. Adams M CLEAN COUNTY AND THE WO ELD WAE 331 SNOW & PALMER CO. HONOR ROLL Center — Charles 8no\v; left — Con Everhart; right — Ermin B. Carter. Below, left — O. A. Roberts; below, right — Albert 8charf. Of the Snow & Palmer Co. dairy products, 507-9 West Washington street, Bloomington, Charles Snow attained the rank of Chief Quarter- master in Aviation. He enlisted July 30, 1918, and was assigned To the Duiiwoody Naval Training School, Aviation Detachment at Minneai^olis, Minn, lie put in three months of duty and finally received inactive duty orders on November 20, 1919, then resuming his position at home. Con Everhart of the same firm, enlisted in the Navy June 1, 1918, trained at Great Lakes, then moved to Paulliac, France, and after much active service, received inactive retirement orders March 1, 1919, with the rank of third class mechanic. Albert Scharf enlisted June 24, 1918, trained at Camp Wheeler, Camp Grant, and Camp Green, going overseas, and received his discharge May 20, 1919. Ermin B. Carter enlisted July 27, 1918, assigned to Camp Meigs, later at Camp Lee and Camp Grant, being discharged February 18, 1919, with the rating pf corporal and having served in the Quartermaster's clerical department. O. A. Roberts enlisted in the 5th Regiment I. N. G. at Springfield, April 9, 1917, trained at Camp Logan, sailed for Europe May 20, 1918, reaching Liverpool, Le Havre, Vulifans, St. Mihiel, Argonne, Luxem- burg and Brest, seeing much, active service and was mustered out as wagoner of the lOSth Ammunition train June 5, 1919. Weaver Dulaney was on duty in the C. A. C. department; William Hoffman in the navy; Audrey Humble, saw service abroad and is given extensive mention elsewhere in this v/ork while V. E. Simms served in the Navv 332 M CLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR FOUE DOWNEY BROTHERS The four Downey brothers of Bloomington, all entered the service. Dan enlisted June 25, 1918, was assigned to the medical corps at Camp Wheelock. sailed for France September 5, 1918, going to various points, :t^^'^ (liiit' Downey Group — Left to right: Dan Downey, Eugene Downey, Ed- ward Downey, and William Downey. including Camp Hospital 101 at Belgian Camp near Lc Mans and Camp Hospital 52 and with tlie coming of peace returned home to be dis- charged June 15, 1919. Eugene Downey enlisted December 15, 1917, trained at Camp Han- cock, sailed for France witli Co. B, 28th Engineers January 10, 1918, participated in the St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest, Aprumont and the Toul Sector battles, seeing much strenuous service and after spending some time in France after the war, was discharged July 3, 1919. Edward Downey enlisted March 15, 1918, at Great Lakes and was transferred to tlie medical dei)artment at Pelham Bay, N. Y., being dis- charged March 10, 1919. William Downey entered the aviation corps March 15, 1918, and was stationed at Kelly Field, Texas, until his discharge February 15, 1919. OF FIGHTING FAMILY Earl Jefferson, son of Benjamin F. Jeifer- son of 1409 Eastholme avenue, in Bloom- irigton, was of the fifth generation of a fighting family. He was in France for a year with the A. E. F. His great-great- great grandfather, William Jefferson, fought thruout the revolutionary war. His great- great-grandfather, Thomas Jefferson, was a veteran of the war of 1812. His great- grandfather, his grandfather and his great- uncle fought for the union in the civil war. The grandfather, William H. Jefferson, for twenty-six years was a resident of Bloom- ington, but for the past fourteen years has made his home at Lilly. Earl maintained the fighting reputation of the family in the latest war — the greatest in all history. The grandfather was born at Wheeling, W. Va., June 27, 1847, and came to Illinois in 1879. .i5* Earl Jefferson McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAE 333 T. K. HAYS HONOR ROLL Top — Lt. Eugene Moulic. Center — Delmar Frink. Below — Carl Miller. Of the attaches of the firm of T. K. Hays, automobile firm of T. K. Hays, 701 North Main street, one, Eugene Moulic won a commission as lieutenant in aviation. Enlisting at Perdue, Ind., university April 10, 1917, he was transferred to Kelly Field, Texas; then to Mineola, Long Island; afterwards at Park Field, Tenn., where he received his com- mission April 27, 1918, and Payne Field, Dallas, Texas, and then after completing his training in flying at Camp Duck was commissioned April 27, 1918, and sailed for France. He reached St. Nazaire, September 23, 1918, and spent six weeks training at Issudon and with the 103d Aero Squadron, seeing much active service and getting an excellent idea of the grim vicissitudes of the great war. He remained in France with the Army of Occupation until three months after the war closed and received his discharge at Camp Dix, Pa., February 23, 1919, then re- turning to his post with T. K. Hays again. Delmar Frink of the same firm enlisted at Escanaba, Mich., at the outbreak of the war and trained at the University of Michigan, Ann 334 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAS Arbor. He entered Motor Transport department and made himself so useful that he was retained on duty instead of being sent across as he had hoped. He specialized in electrical equipment and made a fine record. Carl Miller enlisted July 15, 1917, in the medical department, was on duty at Fort Eiley, Camp Funston, Camp Pike, and Camp Dix and then went overseas, seeing active service at Cherbourg, Pons, Paris, and Beaudesert, with the Hospital Headquarters company. He went to Coblenz with the Army of Occupation, S7tli Division and was trans- ferred to the Engineers Motor Transport and Avas casualized for various other duty. He received his discharge at Camp Grant June 2;!, 1910. KEISER-VAN LEER CO. HONOR ROLL Left- C. Munther; right^ — Harold T. Eamage. The following attaches of the Keiser-Van Leer Machinery Co., 503 N. East street, Bloomington, were in the service: Frank C. Muuther joined Co. 4 of the 337th M. G. Bat. at Camp Dodge September 5, 1917, promoted to corporal and later sergeant, sailed for France August 8, was in skirmish at Fontain, France, September 25 and in Battle of Banholz Woods and held advance machine gun post in German Alsace and in Toule Sector j leaving France May 21, 1919, and was discharged at Camp Grant. Arthur P. Freedlund inducted into the service at Camp Wheeler June 24, 191S, Co. H 122d Infantrj-, 31st Div., arrived in France October 21, remaining until April 19, 1919, and discharged at Camp Grant May 9, 1919. ^ John J. Frisch enlisted December 14, 1917, in the aviation branch at Chanute Field, promoted to corporal, transferred to Mitchell Field, N. Y., spent six and one-half months in France, seeing much service and was discharged at Camp Grant May 23, 1919. Picture will be found in Group "F." Harold T. Ramage enlisted June 4, 1918, as musician in navy, trans- ferred from Great I^akes to Plymouth, England, but was taken ill witii influenza remaining in League Island Naval Hospital at Philadelphia until his medical discharge December 28, 1918. Eomney Black enlisted April 2, 1918, trained at Fort H. G. Wright and Fortress Monroe, was rated as wagoner and received discharge at Camp Grant January 24, 1919. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 335 HEBERLING MEDICINE CO. HONOR ROLL Upper row, left to right — Bernard Strongman, Wayne Colaw and Norman Griser. Lower — Ray K. Smith, William M. Bright and Eiissell G. Hanson. The Heberling Medicine & Extract Co., 223 East Douglas street, Bloomington, contributed a large number of employes to the service. Of these, Wayne Colaw enlisted in the Navy July 20, 1918, as third class fireman and after training at Great Lakes and Hampton Roads, was transferred to the Battleship Illinois and saw much active service, be- ing in eastern waters most of the time, training firemen and officers. His ship had the distinction of being the first cruiser going through the Panama Canal. He received his discharge October 5, 1919. Russell G. Hanson enlisted September 7, 1918, in Company A, 5th Training regt. at Camp Grant, remaining there until November 1, when he was sent to Freeport a^ clerk with the exemption board, returning to camp February 1 where he was classified for clerical work. He was the only soldier sent from the Eureka Board for that work during the war. He received his discharge February 7, 1919. Bernard Strongman enlisted December 15, 1917, as a musician with the 60th Artillery, trained at Fortress Monroe and then saw active ser- vice at Souil, the Toule sector, St. Mihiel drive, the Argonne Forest, and other engagements, being in tlie most thrilling battles of the war. His colonel (J. W. Wallace) was killed in action. He was discharged Feb- ruary 28, 1919. William M. Bright enlisted December 15, 1917, was assigned to the medical corps and served with credit at Jeiferson Barracks until dis- charged January 11, 1919. Ray K. Smith trained at Camp Hancock and Norman Griser enlisted in the S. A. T. C. and trained with the Wesleyan company in Bloomington. 336 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAS W. H. ROLAND HONOR ROLL Upper left- Lower left— -E. S. Layton. ■Eussell Young. Upper Lower right- right— Lt. Chester Twaddle. -Albert Heberbeekler. Attaches of the W. H. Eoland stores, 111 to 117 West Jefferson street, Bloomington, who were in the service included Kaymond Wakely, advertising manager who enlisted at the University of Michigan and who was assigned to the Aviation course of the 8. A. T. C. training there until peace was declared. Other attaches in the service were as follows: Albert Heberbeekler of 1206 West Locust street, enlisted October 3, 1917, and was first assigned to Co. K of the o44th Infantry, SGth Division, later going to Co. M of the 59th Infantry, Fourth Division. He was on duty at Evacuation Hospital No. 30 and then sailed for Franco where he spent ten months, seeing much strenuous service. With the com- ing of peace, he returned to America and was discharged August 12, 1919. Corporal E. 8. Layton enlisted September 23, 1917, and was assigned first to Camp Taylor and later to Camp Shelby. He received a physical debility discharge on December 30, 1917. Chester Twaddle selected the aviation department and was sent to Chanute Field, Eantoul, 111. There he won a commission as lieutenant. He qualified in tlie various departments of flying but before he could satisfy his ambition of going abroad, the Armistice was signed and he received his discharge. He was commissioned at Eantoul but also trained and received instruction in aviation and advanced flying at Cornell University; Dallas, Texas, and West Point, Miss. He received his dis- charge from the service December 15, 1919. Russell Young enlisted in the S. A. T. C. at the University of Illi- nois and trained for several months in the reserve corps, being discharged when peace was declared. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR 337 A. WASHBURN & SONS HONOR ROLL Center — Harvey Woizeski; upper left — Eobert H. Moore; upper right — E. E. Chambers; "lower left — August Schroeder; lower right — Harry G. Johnson. Of the employes of A. Washburn & 8ons, florists, who were in the service, August C. Schroeder was fortunte in reaching France. Enlisting July 10, 1918, he trained for a time at Jefferson Barracks and then went to Liverpool with the field artillery, landing overseas September 27, 1918. He then transferred to Camp De Songe, at Bourdeaux, France, and after peace was declared, remained with the Army of Occupation, receiving his discharge at Camp Grant May 27, 1919. Musician Harry G. Johnson enlisted June 25 with the 10(Jth Engi- neers and trained at Camp Wheeler, going overseas September 16, 1918, first landing at Glasgow, Scotland, and later going to Camp Pontanezen, Brest, France. He remained with the Army of Occupation and was dis- charged at Camp Grant July 14, 1919. 338 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB Harvey W. Woizeski sailed for overseas October 14, 1918, remained with the Army of Occupation until the following summer and was dis- charged at Fort Sheridan November 12, 1919. Robert H. Moore enlisted June 25, 1918, trained with the 106th Sani- tary Train 123d Ambulance Corps, at Camp Wheeler; went to Camp Mills in September; to Camp Merritt in November; to Camp Lee in December and was finally discharged at Camp Grant January 4, 1919. Eoy K Chambers enlisted April 1, 1918, trained at Camp Dodge, went overseas and reached France May 19 as a member of the Regi- mental Intelligence Section, saw much active service in the Vosges moun- tain sector, and in the St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest offensives, camping at Commercy and Le Mans long after peace was declared and then re- turned home to receive his discharge at Camp Grant May 7, 1919. THREE MARQUARDTS IN FRANCE Here are three persons from the same family, all of them having gone into the service during the war, and all of them having reached France and spent some months in active work there in their respec- tive spheres. They are all children of Fred Marquardt of l(il5 West Locust street in Bloomington. The young woman at the left is Miss Alice Marquardt, who served as a Red Cross nurse. She enrolled for ac- tive service and was sworn in for duty in the medical department of the army in June, 1918. She first was •:ent to San Antonio, thence across, and was stationed it Bordeaux, France, in base hospital No. 6. She performed the active work of a hospital nurse in caring for the wounded as they came in by thousands during the months of the late summer and fall of 1918 when the last great struggle was on. She remained for some months after the war and was finally sent home and discharged in July, 1919. The man in the center of the group is Corp. Emmett H. Marquardt, who enlisted in the veterinarian corps of the army while he was yet a student at the Bloomington high school, in April, 1918. He was in a camp in the west at the time of the commencement, and came home in uniform and received his high school diploma. He went overseas in October of that year, and spent the rest of the fall and winter in active service helping to care for the hundreds of horses in the army transport system. He was discharged in July, 1919. Harry Marquardt, at the right, went out with a draft contingent in June, 1918, being assigned to the engineers' division of the transport corps. He went overseas in August, and during the rest of the war was stationed most of the time at LaEochelle, France, a large seaport which was a great transportation base of the American army. He completed his service and returned home and was discharged in May, 1919. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB 339 MUERAY-MEDBERY HONOR ROLL Walter Eexroat, upper left; Harold Medberry, upper right; Lome Murray, center; Hugh Rolofson, below. Lome Murray of the Murray-Medberry Co., wholesale and retail auto accessories and oils, 407-411 West Washington street, Bloomington, en- listed May 6, 1917, losing no time to get into a uniform when war was declared. He selected aviation and was sent to Kelly Field, Texas, later going to Scott Feld and Garden City, L. I., sailing for overseas via Hali- fax February 1, 1918. He landed at Liverpool and was promoted to corporal there. He trained for seven and one-half months at Lopcomb Comers aviation field and was finally promoted to sergeant of the first class. He went to France August 1, 1918, and spent three and one-half 340 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR months in the vicinity of Paris and the Toiile sector seeing much active service and getting a good idea of the tremendous character of the great war. He sailed for home after the armistice was signed and was discharged at Gas City, Ky., February 4, 1919. Harold Medberry of the same firm enlisted as naval aviation car- penter May 20, 191S, trained at Great Lakes for three months, thence at the Philadelphia naval station; sailed for England August 15, 1918, and then saw much active duty at Glasford, Paris, Calias and Cham- pagne, joining a bombing group. He saw much strenuous service in France and was promoted to second class petty officer, machinist's mate. He received his release February 18. 1918. Walter M. Eexroat enlisted February 4, 1918, nt Clianute Field, leaving with the 210 Aero Squadron for Garden City and sailing for France, February 28 for England, training at Codford, Romsey, Don- caster and Notty-Act. He was discharged December 24, 1918, at Camp Grant. Hugh Rolofson enlisted October 20, 1917 in the air service as me- chanic, trained at Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas; Eichlield, Waco, and was promoted to first class sergeant, being discharged March 2, 1919. Top raw (left to right) — Robert Peaslcy, Giistave Piinke, Frank L. Pliillips, Warren O. Passwaters, Charles Popejoy, Martin .^ . Proe, Donald Purcell, Stanley H. Paul, W. P. Probus, Percy H. Phillips, Marion W. Perry. Second row — Bernard A. Pierce, Alfred W. Pinneo, Frank Ploense, Walter L. Ploense, Walter R. Ploense, Martin H. Ploense, Elza N. Pick, Elmer Paxton, William A. Parker. Third row — Robert E. Powell, Glen B. Pringey, Roy A. Pierson, Owen S. Parniele. Lerman Parke Powell, William .1. Pleanitz, Nick A. Phillos. Fourth row — George D. Phillos, Cnrl Porter, .Toseph .T. Pitsch, Fred .7. Phillips, Emory H. Powers. Above — Elbert L. Perry, Alfred S. Peterson, Harry J. iPrescott, Harold E. Protzman. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR 341 FOUR BROTHERS WHO SERVED OVERSEAS Edward Garbe, one of the four Garbe brothers in the war service, enlisted May 31, ]91S, in the 7th Cavalry and was stationed at Del Reo, Texas, on the Mexican border for a short time when he was transferred to the 55th Motor Field Artillery, then located at Camp Bowie, Ft. Worth, Charles Garbe Edward Garbe Herman Garbe Artluir Garbe Texas, and later ;it Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, until his discharge from the service February 10, 1919. Herman. Charles and Arthur Garbe left Bluominotou, .Tuiie 25, 1918, for Camp Wheeler, Macon, Georgia. Herman was assigned to the 19th Engineers and transferred to Washington Barracks, Washington, D. C. Left for overseas August 2()th and arrived in England, September 9th. Crossed the English Channel and arrived at Nevers, France, where he was stationed with the 110th Transportation Corps in the largest rail- road shops in France, and operated entirely by Americans. Left there May 31st and arrived in the States July 6th, 1919. Was mustered out at Camp Grant, July 14, 1919. Charles and Arthur were with the 123rd Infantry at Camp Wheeler, leaving for overseas, October 7th, until their arrival in France, October 21, when they were both sent direct to the front as replacements to the 30()th Infantrjr, 77th Division. Both returned April 25tli with the divi- sion and were discharged from the service May 7, 1919. The home of the Garbe brothers is on West Walnut street in Bloomington. Top row — Willaid K. Yoder, Lee A. Yoder, Oscar Yordy. Center (left to right ) — Harold A. Yerke, Homer S. Yettman, Wilbur H. Youngman, Julius A. Yarp. Below center — Luther E. Young. 342 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULD WAR DAYTON KEITH & COMPANY INC. HONOR ROLL DAYTON KEITH GROUP NO. 1 Upper left— Win. A. Zook; upper right— S. C. Hibbiiis; left center— T. K. Morrow. Right center — L. R. Bristow; center — Dayton Keith. Lower left — Iredell Harrison; lower center — W. H. Goff: lower right — W. B. Garrette. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD JVAB 343 DAYTON KEITH GEOUP NO. 2 Top row, left to right — Tracy Greeii, Win. Poling, L. L. Wright, and A. C. Muxfeldt. Second row — J. A. Cunningham, Emerson Planck, C. W. Pullen, and F. C. Ferguson. Third row — B. L. Eoss, Francis Harry, James McDonald and Paul Henderson. Fourth row — T, O. Tiffin, C. H. Morrison, L. E. Harrison and Walter L. Hoffman. Dayton Keith & Company Incorporated, of Bloomington, distributor of Ford cars and Fordson tractors, contributed the following men to the service: Dayton Keith — Commissioned major in the Motor Transportation Corps. 344 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR J. E. Cunningham — Enlisted December 5tli, 1917, promoted to ser- geant of the 317th Aero Service Squadron, discharged December 20th, 1918. William A. Zook — Commissioned first lieutenant, 6th Marines, en- listed May 19th, 1917, discharged August loth, 1919. Charles H. Morrison — Enlisted May 25th, 1917, promoted to sergeant in the 9th Engineers transportation, discharged January 15th, 1919. Francis Harry — Enlisted July 2Gth, 1917, promoted to sergeant of aviation, discharged May 3rd, 1919. William Poling — Enlisted May 15th, 1918, in 39th infantry, dis- charged April 2nd, 1919. Walter T. Hoffman — Enlisted September 19th, 1917, promoted to ser- geant, discharged February 10th, 1919. L. E. Harrison — Enlisted June 2Sth, 1917, chauffeur first class, dis- charged November 2Sth, 1919. E. E. Kauffold— Bugler ISth Battalion, enlisted April 28th, 191S, dis- charged January 13th, 1919. Clarence McGhee — Enlisted December 14th, 1917, promoted to ser- geant of 261 Aero Service Squadron, discharged December 23, 1918. Earl W. Hayes — Enlisted December 13th, 1917, promoted to corporal 3d Air Service mechanic, discharged July 12th, 1918. James McDonald — Enlisted March 27th, 1917, promoted to sergeant 133d machine gun battalion, discharged May ISth, 1919. S. C. Hibbins — Enlisted May 31st, 1917, commissioned second lieu- tenant 304th battery tanks, discharged May 18th, 1918. L. L. Wright — Enlisted May 25th, 1917, promoted sergeant 124 ma- chine gun battalion, discharged April 15tli, 1919. J. C. Ferguson — Enlisted June 1, 1917, cadet 15th ambulance corps, discharged June 28th, 1919. Hiram Fisher — Enlisted July 15tli, 1918, 46th Infantry, discharged March 1, 1919. L. E. Bristow — Enlisted July 14th. 1917, commissioned lieutenant, J. G. United States, N. E. Discharged February 7th, 1919. Tracy E. Green — Sergeant Motor Transportation Corps, June 19th, 1918, discharged June 27th, 1919. B. E. Eoss — Enlisted January 1st, 1918. |iromoted to sergeant in spe- cial unit 317 Engineers, discharged April 1, 1919. C. W. Pullen — Enlisted May, 1917, commissioned 2d lieutenant, 116th Field Artillerv, discharged January 14th, 1919. T. O. Tifiin— Enlisted July 31st, 1918, promoted corporal battery F, Artillery, discharged January 5th, 1919. Donald Garrett — Boatswain's mate first class, U. S. N. E. F., May Sth, 1917, discharged December 25th, 1918. Emerson Planck — Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Air Service 14th, 1917, discharged February 25th, 1919. William H. Goff — Enlisted May 26th, 1917, commissioned 1st lieu- tenant 124 Machine Gun Battalion, 3d division discharged September 15, 1918. A.C. Muxfeldt— Enlisted June 9th, 1918, seaman, 2d U. S. N. E., dis- charged February 11th, 1919. Paul Henderson — Enlisted February 4th, 1918, promoted to sergeant of medical department, discharged June 14th, 1919. H. B. Wood— Sergeant of 344th Infantry. C. J. Seeley — Enlisted January 1, 1918, promoted corporal 314 Sup- plv, discharged June 1, 1919. T. K. Morrow— Enlisted May 29th, 1918, Infantry, discharged De- cember 21, 1918. Otmer Folger — Enlisted May 11th, 1917, Medical Dcpt., discharged July 30th, 1919. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB 345 BLOOMINGTON BULLETIN HONOR ROLL GLEN I). WALLEY Enlisted September 19, 1917. Went to Camp Dodge. Sailed July 8, 1918, for France. Served 11 months and 7 days overseas. Saw action on the Al- sace Lorraine front and Woever sec- tion in front of Metz. Discharged June 1.5, 1919. Was member of Co. F, 349th Inf., Co. M. 349th Inf. With the sev- enth French army and Headquarters Detachment 88th Division following the signing of the armistice. Left Rhine River for home May 8, 1919. At the time of his discharge he was a line sergeant. WILLIAM J. EADS Sergeant First Class William J. Eads. Served with the Headquarters Detach- ment 84th Division. Enlisted Septem- ber 21, 1917. Discharged April 16, 1919. Did not get overseas. CARLYLE J. WILLEY Sergeant Willey enlisted in 1918 and took a course at Bradley Polytechnic Institute in Peoria before going over- seas. Sergeant Willey was with the ordnance department and was at Ver- dun and saw the big shells fly thick and fast. He was discharged in July, 1919. SERCEANT ORAN SMITH Sergeant Oran Smith enlisted in No- vember, 1917, with the 319th En- gineers stationed in California. They were sent overseas in October, 1918. Just too late to get into action. lie returned to this country in September, 1919, and was honorably discharged. SHERMAN D. WAKEFIELD Sherman D. Wakefield enlisted September 10, 1918, in 432nd Engineers and was discharged from 478th Engineers May 31, 1919. Served also with 489th En- gineers, all at Washington, D. C. Was r.'ink of first-class sergeant when discharged. William J. Eads Edward Radley Glen D. Walley EDWARD RADLEY Enlisted in the fall of 1917 with the 60th Hospital Unit. Was overseas one year and two months. Was stationed near Tours, France, in hospital work. Was discharged July 8, 1919. FRED H. YOUNG Fred H. Young, sporting editor for the BulU'tin, heard the call of his country and enlisted in the Navy in the spring of 1918. Mr. Young's work was mostly pub- licity for the Navy Department. He was released from service in the spring of 1919. 346 McLEAN COVNTY AND THE WORLD WAR KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HONOR ROLL Too much can hardly be said of the great work of the Knights of Columbus during the great war. Their buildings dotted all sections of France and con- tributed to the pleasure and comfort of an unnumbered host of heroes. Out of the original budget of the United War Drive of $170,500,000, the Knights of Columbus was allotted 17.60 per cent or $30,000,000 and received by June 30, 1919, $17,000,000. Prior to that date, $5,468,080.79 was sjjent for activities in the United States and .$9,550,083.62 overseas, the remainder being expended since that time. Out of the $15,000,000 spent prior to June 30, $7,000,000 went to "Free Creature Comforts" both in the army and the navy. 8ome of the items included in the list of supplies for free distribution were as follows: 900,000,000 beef cubes; 618,000,000 cig- Eugene McCarthy arettes; 3,750,000 pipes; 546,851 pounds of pipe tobacco; and 3,000,000 pounds of candy. The relief work of the Knights of Columbus right up to the firing line is well known to every soldier who reached the firing line. In the United States, the Knights had 461 buildings; 32 tents; with 11 buildings under construction at permanent army posts on June 30, 1919. Overseas, the Knights had 125 huts and clubs of substantial size; while they had many, more or less ephemeral clubs were equipped and maintained. For collection, care and general administration, $166,616.76 or 20.63 per cent was expended a sum that was more than taken care of by discounts from prompt pay- ment of merchandise bills. Since the close of the war. the Knights of Columbus equipped and financed many vocational training houses in army camps, conducted as an army school under the supervision of army offi- cers appointed by camp commanders. Such camps as Camp Devens, Mass., Camp Dix, N. Y., Camp Mills, N. Y., Base Hospital, No. 1, New York Base Hospital, Staten Island, and others are operating these schools where in some instances, 200 officers and over 1,000 enlisted men at- tended courses from 1 to 4 p. m., five days in the week. At Camp Dix, Major Gen. Hale thought so much of the work that he ordered his entire staff of officers to take courses. An appropriation of $3500 was recently made for the purpose of maintaining and equi]iping the 57th Regimental School at Camp Pike, Ark., and this has been highly endorsed by the regimental officers. There is every evidence that tlie Camp Educational project of the Knights of Columbus is going to be very extensive and it promises to be one of the most successful features of the Post War service. Locally the work of the Knights of Columbus is also well entitled to praise. Bloomington Council No. 574, conscious of the high mission of the organization of which it is an integral part, was among the first to assist in every local patriotic project. The council gave generously not only to the various Knights of Columbus relief work funds, which preceded the United War Drive, but were eager subscribers to the various war funds collected by other war relief agencies — over $10,000 being raised. Conspicuous among the individual affairs in which Bloomington Council played a prominent part, was the memorable bazaar, given at "The Oaks" for the United War Drive, which was made possible through the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Humphreys, the assistance of McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 347 the Young Mens Club and the whole hearted co-operation of the citizens of McLean County. The officers of Bloomington Council No. 574 who served through the war were the following: Grant Knight, James V. Flavin; Deputy Grand Knight, Charles Lucas; Warden, Floyd C. Cloth- ier; Chancellor, J. Eoy Costigan; Financial Secretary, Thos. L. Middle- ton; Eecording Secretary, Fred Frost; Treasurer, P. W. Coleman; Trus- tees, M. T. Cunningham, Dan W. Conners, and Edward T. Doyle; Chaplain, Very Eev. M. Weldon. The Bloomington Lodge, Knights of Columbus compiled a list of the members of the local council in the military service and made a handsome roll of honor containing the names of all those in the service. James C. Allen John C. Bandi Michael J. Barthoviak Dr. E. A. Behrendt Howard Bethca Lloyd F. Blair Edward G. Bouncn George J. Boylan Harry F. Boylan Edward F. Brennan Peter A. Burke Eichard J. Burns Lieut. Frank M. Butler I^ieut. James J. Butler Martin L. Callahan John E. Carbery John A. Cleary Edgar L. Conley George F. Conley Francis H. Conroy Maurice J. Conroy John P. Corbley Thomas I. Costigan James V. Cox John F. Cox Francis M. Cullen I^ieut. Frank Dcneen Eoy B. Devaney James P. Donlon Daniel P. Downey Edward T. Downey Eugene P". Downey John B. Driscoll Jay D. Enright Henry A. Fisherkeller Edgar A. Flynn Lt. Mortimer G. Flynn Albert J. Freese John G. Freese Lawrence Gehring I^eo A. Gildner George P. Gleeson Lt. Paul E. Greenleaf Matthew E. Gregory Lt. Frank D. Haekett T^ouis L. Hafner John J. Hallihan Daniel A. Hayden Thomas J. Hayden Louis A. Hayes Melvin 8. Hayes Paul Hayes Peter J. Heintz Leo L. Hogan Austin Howard Leo Hunt James T. Johnson ]\Iaurice Kalahar Lieut. Charles P. Kane Vernie C. Kellog Patrick L. Kinder James J. Kinsella Emmett L. Koos Lawrence H. Koos Eobert Lalicy Charles E. Leary .lolin M. Leary Eichard M. Leary William J. Lenanan I^aughlin J. Lunney James E. I^ynch Wayne C. Lyons Arthur J. McAvoy Eugene S. McCarthy (Gold *) Patrick M. McGraw William E. McGraw Eobert E. Maloney Andrew J. Mann Adolph Mauer Joseph P. Meaney Harry Merna William Merna Francis De Sales Misner Eoy B. Moore Ealph C. Morath James J. Morns^5t5y James S. Morrissey Fred E. Murray Leo F. Murray Eichard M. O'Connell John J. O 'Conner Eavmond O'Donnell William J. O 'Hara Peter J. Ottes Jacob J. Parker Hubert Pemberton Lieut. Fred W. Penn James C. Penn John W. IMielan Edward Ploussavd Lt. Edward M, Powers Louis Eadbourn Edward V. Eaycraft Arnold F. Eiegger Edward Eiley Joseph E. Eodgers James M. Eyan Maurice A. Salmon Maurice J. Salmon James J. Salmon Dr. Wm. Sanders Andrew Schultz John Schwartz Thomas J. Shanahan Lieut. Joseph F. Smith William. Smith I^eslie Stone Andrew E. Sullivan Charles H. Sullivan George Sweeney William F. Sweeney Otto A. Thoennes Harold J. Tooliey Daniel P. Twomey Eoger M. Vogel Leo M. Walsh Thomas M. Walsh Francis L. Watson Eoland B. Watson Thomas Y. Watson Tliomas S. Weldon John A. Williams 348 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE tVOBLD WAR Camp M'^hecler, Ga. sent to Camp Mills, as a corporal of Co. arriving- at Brest, 1918, with the 31st KUHN COAL CO. HONOR ROLL Waldo Kuhn of the Kuhu Coal Co., Bloomington, was inducted into the army June 24, 1918, and was honored by appointment as captain of a detachment of 560 men which left McLean county for Mr. Kuhn was later L. I., and emliarked A. 113th Infantry, France, October 15, division. He was stationed at various small towns and tinally when the division was broken up he was assigned to Co. I of the 123d Infantry, 29th Div. This divi- sion had orders to relieve the 26th at the battle front and was on its way when peace was declared, being clos-e to Metz when the armistice was signed. Mr. Kuhn was among the soldiers who took ailvantage of the gov- ernment 's offer to supi)ly a university train- ing and entered the University of Toulouse in France, taking the French course in lit- erature and other studies for four months, lemaining there until his emliarkation at St. Nazaire on July 10 for home; receiving his discharge at Camp Merritt, Grant, August 1, 1919. Albert E. Wilcox, bookkeeper witli the Kuhn Co. enlisted September 4, 1918, at Champaign, and was assigned to the 135 437th Eugineers at Camp Meigs and also being on duty at Washington, D. C. He was discharged December 24, 1918. A picture of Mr. Wilcox will be found in the group of "W's." Waldo Kuhn PEOPLES BANK HONOR ROLL Jake J. Siiter, assistant teller of the Peoples Bank, joined the Fiflh Regiment of United States Marines, and was assigned to the 2d Division, A. E. F. He trained at Paris Island, South Carolina, for six weeks, tlien to France. He saw much active service, participating in the bat- tles of St. Mihiel, Chanii)ag-ne, or Blanc, Mont Ridge, Argonne Meuse, and other sanguinary engagements. He remained in Germany with the Army of Oc- cupntion until -July 18, and then came home, being discharged at Quantico, Va., Aug. 13, 1919, resuming his post with the Peo- i'^'^SF '^^^^^^^^^M^f'^^' ** pies Bank. J|r ^ ""^^"^^B^Bfflif* Fredinand Senseney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Senseney, was one of the Peoples Bank young men who volunteered for the military service and contributed his bit to the success of the American cause. He enlisted on May 6, 1918, and was sent first to Jefferson Barracks. From there he was sent to Fort Totten, New York, where he remained thruo\it the year in work connected with the artillery service. He attained the rank of sergeant in the Second Anti-Aircraft Battalion. In December, 1918, he was mustered out at Camp Eustis, Va.. and returned to his home in Bloomington. In the fall of 1919 he attended the Chicago Art Institute, and while there was taken sick. He came home, and after an illness of less than a week he died. Ferdinand Senseney Jake J. Suter McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 349 AMERICAN rOUNDRY AND FURNACE CO. HONOR ROLL The American Foundry and Furnace Company of Bloomington, con- tributed twelve men to the service. These included the following: Horace A. Soper, vice-president of the company, who was commis- sioned First Lieutenant October 11, 1917, and Captain, June 1, 1918. He was assigned to duty in Washington, D. C. and theji transferred to Tours, France. His first duty was tlie purchase of steel helmets and fire con- trol instruments and while in France had cluirge of the purchase of iron, steel, and machinery. He was honorably discharged January 4, 1919. Delos Beck, navy. Enlisted April (i, 1917, and was still in the ser- vice when this book was published. John Kates. Army. Enlisted January 1, 1918. Robert Whitmer. Army. Wilson Bean. Army. Enlisted September camp. Eureka, 111. Ray Moore. Navy. Enlisted 1917 and station. Arthur Garman. Army. Fred Battels. Enlisted May 20, 1918 and served at Camp Del Rio. Discharged August 16, 1919. Paul Jabsen. Enlisted June 24, 1918, assigned to Camp Wheeler, Ga., left for France September 2S, 1918 and remained there eight months, largely in the Toul sector. Discharged June 7, 1919. Edward Prochnow% Enlisted June 24, 1918. Assigned to Camp Wheeler, Ga., and left for France October 5, 1918. Remained there seven months in the Argonne sector. Discharged May 17, 1919. Roy Wittmus. Enlisted Army September 2, 1918. Assigned to Camp Grant. Discharged November 80, 1919. John Dunn. Enlisted army May 25, 1918. Assigned to Camp Grant. Discharged March, 1919. 1, 1918, Students training assigned to Great Lakes Left to Ri'ilit — Frank Ernest C. Neal. Below — Ralph L. Nicol Niehaus, Naffziger, 350 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAS Ueceni L— -Aim4l. of Illinois Wesley LIEUT. ROBERT P. WHITMER ! Lieut. Eobert P. Whitmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy G. Whitmer of Blooming- ton, who was a student at the Illinois Wes- leyan University of Bloomington when war was declared, joined the Students Army Training Corps at Fort Sheridan early in July, 1918. He finished his training there and won a commission as Second Lieuten- ant. He then volunteered to enter the Field Artillery Central Officers Training School at Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, Ky. He was hard at work training for this department of the service when the Armistice was signed and the war came to an end, the ending of hostilities being as keen a disappointment to him as to tliousands of other patriotic young men who were anxious to take an active part ^ in the great struggle abroad. Lieut. Whitmer was honorably discharged on immediately resumed his studies in the Law an and in his second year. Top row (left to rif/ht) — Lloyd. Mischler, .Tames R. Mcintosh, .James S. Morrissey, John O. Morrissey, Beverly H. Miles. Seicovd row — Andrew Miller, Arthur L. Meyer, Loyal S. McMillan, Richard J. Marton, Carl Masse, Allen W. McVeigh. Third row — Raymond H. Mayer, Cecil W. Macy, Oscar Moore, Ervin P. Martenson, Edward McReynolds. Fourth row — William R. Merna, Harvey Meeker, Frank C. Munther, Roy Morrell, Harold McElwain, Havmond Means. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 351 HOWARD BROTHERS Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Howard of Bloomington have two sons who did a full part in the military service of the U. S. in war, Mr. Howard is a well known Bloomington merchant. The elder son, William Nelson Howard, enlisted for the University of Chicago ordnance army supply course in November, 1917. Completing this course November 23, he was sent first to San Antonio arsenal, Texas; thence to Camp Jackson and then to Camp Hancock; after six weeks of infantry drill was sent to Camp Merritt, and four days later sailed for England. Crossed the channel on an old side- wheeler and landed at Le Havre. His first month was spent at ordnance depot 4 at Mehun, east of Orleans, the largest in Central France. After a month, he was sent to advance depot 4, and put in charge of the small arms yard. It was a busy place, as the drives of Chateau Thierry and Toul were in progress, and loading trucks was done at night and in a hurry. On October 1, he was ordered to the largest base depot, near Bordeaux on the Giroudin river. Here each man was a si)ecialist in his line; the depot grew to 38 warehouses each 600 feet long. Six steam cranes worked on railroad tracks to sorting sheds for ammunition, fourteen in number. There were Gordon K. and William N. Howard 1,500 men, composed of German prisoners, American garrison prisoners, negro soldiers, Chinese coolies, and white Americans. He remained until March, 1919, as sergeant in charge of ammunition at this depot. He got a two weeks' leave and visited St. Malo; also was in Paris for a day and saw President Wilson. At Easter time he went to the Pyrennese mountains on leave, and on Easter Sunday was in the old city of Lourdes. Took dinner that day with a sister of the King of Belgium, who invited all American soldiers in town. Spent ten days at St. Aignan, and then took a forty- eight hour ride in box cars to Marseilles ; sailed from there on an Italian boat for home. From Camp Merritt, went to Camp Grant and was there dis- charged July 17, 1919. He said after discharge: "I came home a full fledged, honest-to-goodness American for all time to come. ' ' Gordon K. Howard enlisted as private June 4, 1918, and went to Jeffer- son Barracks. Was transferred to Allentown, Pa., July 25, and five days later was assigned to base hospital 82. He sailed from Hoboken on the S. S. Leviathan on Aug. 31, and landed at Brest September 1. Was first sent to a so-called rest camp, then to Pontanezze barracks, where he re- mained until September 12. He was sent to Toul on September 20. With the medical department in the American drive of the Argonne forest No- vember 5 and 6. He remained with the American forces after the armistice until the spring of 1919. He was promoted to sergeant March 13, and from March 18 to 25 was on leave to Monte Carlo, Nice, Mentone. He left Toul on the homeward journey by way of LeMans on April 24; sailed from Brest on the ship President Grant; landed at Boston June 9, thence to Camp Devens, and was discharged at Camp Grant June 17, 1919. 352 McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOULB WAE HUNTER ICE CREAM CO. HONOR ROLL »■ "v. v._ Left to riylit — Clarence Beuii, Kenneth Thompson, Neil Callahan. Of the employes of the Hunter Ice Cream Co., 205 N. East street, Blooniingtoii, who were in the service, one James Butler, won a com- mission. He was inducted into the army September 4, 1917, going first to Camp Dodge and later entering the officers tiaining camp at Camp LIEUT. JAMES BUTLER Pike where he won a commission as lieutenant. He also entered the school of flyers at Fort Sill and also was oit duty with a special infantry detachment at Oklahoma. He closed his service at Camp Fuuston where he received his discharge January 1, 1919, after a year and a half of McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WORLD WAB 353 strenuous duty. After the war, Lt. Butler removed to Kansas City where he has been engaged in the mercantile business. Neil Callahan enlisted November 8, 1917, in the air service and was assigned to duty at Payne Field, going later to Kelly Field with the 75th Aero Squadron and to Ellington Field with the 272 Aero Squadron. By faithfid iluty lie won a promotion to sergeant and received his dis- charge March 3, 1919, then embarking in the oil business at Shreveport, La. He was a candidate for a commission in the flying school but the end of the war prevented his realization of this ambition. Clarence Bean enlisted December 14, 1917, trained at Camp Han- cock, Ga., and Camp Merritt, N. J., and then sailed March 3, 1918, on the Leviathan, reaching Liverpool March 11 and soon thereafter going to France. He saw much active service and was kejat there with the Army of Occupation until the summer following the war, not leaving Brest until July, 1919. He was discharged at Long Island July 14. CONTRIBUTED FOUR SONS Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Johnson of Bloomington had the distinction of giving four stalwart sons to the service during the war. Mr. Johnson is a well known business man, being a member of the Johnson Transfer and Fuel Company. All the four boys did a full part in the various L. Ross .Johnson John P. Johnson Warren E. Johnson Frank R. Johnson branches of service in which they engaged, and all returned safely after the close of the fighting. Frank R. Johnson enlisted in April, 1917, at the age of 1(5. He chose the air service and was sent to Kelly Field, Texas, where he was stationed for six months. Then he went to England and was there six months with the 11th Aero squadron. Finally, he was sent to France and served the last six months of the war with the 86th Aero squadron. He returned and was discharged in the winter of 1918- 19. John Paul Johnson entered the service in September, 1917, in the quartermaster 's department and was sent to Louisville, Ky. He served there for nine months, when he was sent to Chanute field, at Rautoul, with the quartermaster's corps. He remained there until his honorable discharge on December 17, 1918. L. Ross Johnson enlisted November 26, 1917, and chose the air service. He was sent to Kelly field, where he remained for ten months. Then he was transferred to the officers' train- ing camp at Waco, Texas. He was there at the close of the war and received his honorable discharge on November 27, 1918, with the grade of master signal engineer. Warren E. Johnson enlisted in May, 1918, in the medical department. He was stationed most of the time during his training at Newport News, Va. He was then sent to France, where he served until after the close of the war and was discharged in the winter of 1918-19. 354 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WaK HACKETT-HARVEY CO. HONOR ROLL Acquiring the military fever as a member of the National Guard, Frank Haekett, a member of the firm of Hackett-Harvey Co., garage and accessory dealers, 406 West Washington St., Bloomington, enlisted at the outbreak of the war and entered the first Ottieer "s Training Camp at Fort Sheridan. He soon won a commission as lieutenant and was then ordered to Cornell, N. Y. uni\(Msity ; the Boston Polvtecdinie Institute; Vv^ichita Falls, Kansas; Call Field, Texas, and finally to Mather Field, Sacramento, Cal., for various classes of training in aviation. His long experi- ence and practical knowledge of motors, made him a valualde man in the mechanical ilepi'.rtment of aviation and he made such a notable record that he was given increased duties and responsibilities and gradually liecame one of the most valuable men for the department and towards the final year of war and later, he was given sole charge of the motor and mechanical department in the care of the air craft. The work was so congenial and the lure of the military so irresistible that there is a chance that Lieut. Hackctt will adopt the profession. He Avas given favorable mention by the eom- ni;niding officers upon numerous occasions and strong pressure exerted upon him to re- main in the aviation department. As a re- sult, it is more than likely that he will not return to Bloomington, but will remain with the war department, aviation section permanently. Others on the Hackett-Harvey honor roll are the following: Birney Driscoll, Navy. Enlisted May 25, 1018. Herman A. Lawrence. Enlisted Septemlier 5, 1918. Trained at Camp Hancock, Ga., and discharged there Felnuary 4, 1919. Eoy Shiiaet, Aviation 1.38 Aero Squadron. Enlisted August 26, 1917. Jefferson Barracks, Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas. Four months at Flying Field, Fort Sill Okla. ; four months at British Flying Field at Mount Eose, Scotland, Colomby, Les Belle, France and after training there was sent to the front at Layst Eemy until the armistice was signed. After the signing of the armistice, moved to Coblenz, serving 15 months, 21 days. Discharged at Camp Grant, July 11, 1919. Conrad Gottschalk, Machine Gun Corp. Enlisted July 22, 1918. Sweeney School Kansas City, Mo., Camp Hancock, Ga., Camp Grant and discharged January 15, 1919. Six months service. Paul Mockert, gas warfare dept., trained at Cleveland, O. Enlisted June 15, 1918. Eobert Smith, jMedical Supply, Cani]i Kearney, San Diego, Cal. En- listed June 1, 1917. Ealph Meatyard, Navy. Enlisted May 7th, 1917. Two months training at Newport, E. I. and Portsmouth, N. H. Later on U. S. S. Texas. In service 26 months. Lt. Frank Hackctt McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 355 HOLLIS AND JOSEPH FREY The bounding billow appealed to the s6ns of C. W. Frey of Blooni- ington both Hollis O. Frey and Joseph E. Frey selecting the navy when war was declared. Joseph enlisted June 24, 1918, in Chicago as second class seaman and joined the deck officers school at Municipal Pier. Octo- Hollis Frey Joe Frey ber 29, he was called to service at the Great Lakes Training Station but peace came inopportunely for him and he was released February i, 1919, but held in reserve. He was permitted to return to the University of Illinois where he graduated, receiving the Bachelor of Science degree in the College of Commerce, then becoming associated with liis father in the automobile and tractor and truck business. Hollis O. Frey enlisted May 17, 1918, at Cleveland, O., and was ordered to Pelham Bay, L. 1., July 21 after finishing in Mechanical Engineering at the U. of I., enter- ing the Navy Steam Engineers School, completing his course at Stevens Institute, Hoboken, N. J., where he was made a warrant officer. He sailed November 14 for France, was promoted to Ensign January 15, 1919, and returned home, being released from active duty February '10, 1919, and returned to Bloomington entering the firm with his father and Itrother. He greatly enjoyed his period of service abroad, although dis- a,ppointed over the premature cessation of hostilities. HERBERT J. McGRATH Her1>ert J. McGrath, junior member of the ^ firm of J. T. McGrath & Son, 215 East Douglas street, manufacturers of railway shop appli- ances, enlisted June 20, 1918, and trained at the Sweeney Auto school in Kansas City, serv- ing as instructor for six weeks. He was trans- ferred to the Railway Operating Engineers Corps August 20 and went to Fort Benjamin Harrison. He was assigned to Co. A. of the 118th Engineers and sailed October 26 for Liverpool, reaching Havre, France, and was assigned to the 45th Co., 52d Engineers serving at various points in France and seeing much active duty at Perigueaux, (Didogue) and finally sailed for home June 16, 1919, being discharged at Camp Mills one week later. Of the young mechanical engineers who saw ser- vice abroad, Mr. McGrath greatly profited by his experience and it will undoubtedly be of great value to him in his future career in his chosen profession. 356 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAE A. LIVINGSTON & SONS HONOR ROLL Milton E. Livingston, senior member of the firm of A. Livingston & Sons, dry goods, etc., located on the south side of the public square, Bloomington, served through the war as County Chairman of the State Commercial Economy Administration. Products required for the armies and the American Allies, were conserved and, in each city, steps were taken to this end. Mr. Livingston had charge for Bloomington and dis- Milton Livingston charged the duties to the entire satisfaction of the state bureau. Mr. Liv- ingston was also active in all war relief woik and was a never failing and generous contril)utor in the various "drives.'' Among the employes of this firm who were in the service, were the following: Herbert 8. Cline, advertising manager for A. Livingston & Sons, returned to Des Moines, Iowa, where he enlisted in Company C, 1st Iowa Engineers June 23, 1917. The Company was called out July 17th to assist in construction work at Camp Dodge, la. Sept. 1st Mr. Cline was appointed Corporal and Company Clerk. On Sept. 30th his Company was ordered to Camp Cody, New Mexico, where it became Co. C, 109th Engineer Regiment. Corjioral Cline was transferred to Headquarters Co. of this regiment and appointed Eegimental Supply Sergeant. Dur- ing January and February, 1918, he was on detached service with de- tachments from the regiment engaged in bridge building on the Rio Grande River at Camp Courschene, New Mexico. May 1st, 1918, Ser- geant Cline was ordered to the Quartermaster Officers' Training Camp at Camp Joseph Johnston, Florida. July 1, 1918, he was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, A. M. C. and ordered to Camp Upton, N. Y. Here he was assigned to the Subsistence Division, in charge of the rationing of troops destined overseas. Following a month in the Base Hospital, Camp Upton with influenza and pneumonia lie was honorably discharged, Jan- McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULD WAR 357 uary 17, 1919, and re-commissioned in the Officers' Eesorve Corps, after which he resumed his position with A. Livingston & Sons. Eeginald P. Tuttle enlisted in the Medical Corps, U. S. A. at Bloom- ingtou, Illinois, July <5th, 1918. He was sent to Jefferson Barracks, where he remained until August 22, 191S. He was then ordered to Camp Crane, Pennsylvania. At Camp Crane Private Tuttle was assigned to Casual Co. 284 and proceeded with them to Camp Upton, N. Y., on Herbert S. Cline Reginald P. Tuttle August 29th. He sailed from Hoboken with his company September 15th. Arriving at Brest his company was sent to Pountmossoun, near Metz and here he was assigned to Evacuation Hospital No. 13. The 31st of October he proceeded with this organization to Commercy where it participated in the Meuse-Argonne offensive. January 12, 1919, Private Tuttle was ordered to Luxemburg city where he remained until July 4th when his command returned to Brest. After a quick return trip he landed at Hoboken, July 19th, and was honorably discharged at Camp Grant, 111., on July 29, 1919. TWENTY-SEVEN TIMES OVER THE TOP Entering the army as a private, W. H. Wilson, son of Charles B. Wilson of Gridley, came out carrying a commission as lieutenant and with a record of having gone over the top in action twenty-seven times. He was with the First division, and took part in the battle at Cantigny, the first American engagement on a large scale. He was in twenty-two different raiding parties against the enemy trenches in the Marne region in the summer of 1918, and for nearly nine months was constantly in front line positions. Afterward he attended an officers' training school in France and obtained a commission as lieutenant. 358 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAE FRANKLIN MOTOR CAR CO. HONOR ROLL Upper left — M. Julian; upper right — Harry Hoeft. Center — Dowel Mauney. Lower left — H. C. Steininger; lower right — I'ark Vance. Among the attaches of the Franklin Motor Car Co., ?,l()-;320 West Wasiiiiigton street, Blooniington, I'ark Vance of Danvers was especially distinguished, receiving two glowing citations. Enlisting May 17, 1917, as First Class private in F Co., 2d U. S. Engineers, he was among the first overseas, reaching France September 9, 1917. He qualified as ex- pert rifleman in marksmanship and ])articipated in the battles of Toulon, Troyon, Ainse defensive, Ciiateau Tliierry, Aisne Marne, Marbache, St. Michael Mihiel and in the Meuse Argonne. Few men from McLean county saw as much active service and he was privileged to receive a full understanding of the horrors of war and be in the front rank in a number of the greatest battles that the world lias seen. Remaining V(ith the Army of Occupation until tlie summer after the war's end, he sailed for home and was discharged August 8, 1919. H. C. Steininger enlisted June 1-4, 1918, aiul trained at the Val- 1 araiso, Ind. University, then going to the Arsenal Technical School at Indianapolis, where he assisted in the manufacture of army trucks under contract with the Premier corjioration. From September 15 to December 26, 1918, he was attached to Battery D, 3d Regt. F. A. R. D. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 359 at Camp Taylor, Louisville, for replacement of 84tli Division, his unit of the field artillery, being given charge of the motor unit of the entire regiment. He was awarded the warrant of mechanic in his unit and received his discharge with the close of the war. Dowel Mauney enlisted December 13, 1917, and was assigned to Chanute Field where he was kept until January 20, 1919, in the motor department, his experience in this line, making him a valuable man for the government. He had charge of the motor machine field and was discharged as first class sergeant. Corporal Fred Kauth of Colfax was assigned to the First Thirteenth Air Service Squadron, whicli had the distinction of being the first to cross the ocean. He trained at Kelly Field after he enlisted in April, 1917, saw much active service abroad and was badly injured in an aeroplane accident. He was invalided home, remained in the Fort Sheri- dan hospital for seven months. He may never recover fully from the accident. M. Julian enlisted April 12, 1917, trained at Kelly Field, Chanute Field, where he attained the distinction of chief electrician of the field and at Fort Slocum. He was discharged as Master Signal Electrician September 3, 1919. In tlie fall of an aeroplane at Grant Park, Chicago, ho was injured. G. E. McConnell enlisted July 1, 1918, and served as oiler in the navy and assigned to the transport Mocadc, crossing the ocean several times, and discharged as 2nd Engineer February 13, 1919. He also trained three months at Harvard university. Harry Hoeft enlisted December 9, 1917, saw service at Kelly Field and then transferred to Newark, N. J., as ship builder, discharged from that service January 20, 1919. First row (left to rifjM) — Richcard M. Taylor, H. R. Thompson, Carl TriiKt. Second row (left to right) — ^Maurice Thompson, Daniel F. Thompson, Jesse, R. Ton- gale. Third row — Chas. A. Thompson, Joe Trimble, Ralph Cr. Thompson. Fourth row — George Tenney, Samuel M. Tee, Rouland V. Traxler, Howard A. Tobias Fifth row — Elva J. Truax, Jake L. Thomas, Harry Turner. 360 McLEAN COVNTY AND THE WOELD WAE HUDSON BURR & CO. HONOR ROLL ' .-^SiS±_3^342, ( ' Top — Lt. Hudson Burr. Below, left to right — Lt. Joseph F. Smith, A. Royce Evans. Hudson Burr, junior member of the firm of Hudson Burr & Co., 319 North Center street, Bloomington, left Yale college in the spring of 1917 to enter the first Officers Training Camp at Fort Sheridan and was com- missioned a Provisional Second Lieutenant of Field Artillery, Regular Army, October 26 that year. He was assigned to the S3d F. A. at Fort Russell, Wyoming, then transferred to the 13th F. A. at Camp Greene, N. C. and next attended the "Aerial Observers School" at Fort Sill, Okla., graduating May 1, 1918, and sailing for France May 22 and entering the French artillery school at Camp de Soue Bordeaux, with Battery C of the 13th F. A. He went to the front at Chateau Thierry July 30 and participated in the engagements as follows: Aisne-Marne Offensive, August 1-6; Vesle River sector August 6-16; San Mihiel Salient, Sep- tember 12-14; and Argonne Forest September 26 to November 11, the McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAE 361 four leading battles of the great war. Lt. Burr then moved with the Army of Occupation to Ahrweiler, Germany, remaining there from De- cember 1 until July 1, 1919. He was promoted to First Lieutenant of Field Artillery at the front, July 4, 1918, and was married at Coblenz, Germany, April 2, 1919, to Miss Mignon McGibeny of Indianapolis, who was in Germany in the Y. M. C. A. work. Lt. Burr was discharged from the service Scj^tember 5, 1919. Joseph F. Smith entered the Officers Training Camp at Fort Sheri- dan August 1, 1917, and was commissioned Second Lieutenant November 1, 1917, ordered overseas December 1, 1917, entered an Infantry school, was appointed Junior Musketry Instructor; assigned to 30th Eeg. In- fantry in May, 1918, and promoted to First Lieutenant November 1, 1918, seeing active service in three major operations, Aisne Marne, Champagne Marne and Argonne Forest. He was appointed assistant Musketry Offi- cer during the A. E. F. Rifle, Pistol and Musketry Competition; assigned as Company Officer of Casual Co. 5428 May 1, 1919, and was discharged at Camp Mills, L. I., June 1, 1919. A. Eoyce Evans enlisted in the tank corps September 12, 1918, as- signed to Casual Co. 1 T. C. U. S. A. at Camp Colt, Fa., transferred to 346th Bat. at Camp Dix, N. J., promoted to corporal November 20 and was discharged at Camp Dix December 11, 1918. McLEAN COUNTY COAL CO. HONOR ROLL Oliver Eaotcrbrook was among the group of employes of the McLean County Coal Co., Bloom- ington, in the service enlisted June 7, 1917, at Urbana for the ambulance service and was sent to Allen Pa., and assigned to the 611 U. S. Ambulance Squadron, being sent to France and seeing much strenuous service. He was kept in the service until June 19, 1919, when he was discharged. After the war, he made his head- quai-ters in Peoria. Other employes of the McLean County Coal Company who were in the service were the following: Wm. Hegorty, 805 W. Locust, age 30. Enlisted May 2nd, 1917, as 3rd class fireman, served 2() months in foreign waters on Flag Ship Black Hawk. Discharged as 1st class fireman December 3, 1919. Lincoln Clark, 1310 West Chestnut. Age 31. Co. B, 804th Eeg. Pioneer Infantry. Sailed September 14, 1918. Discharged July, 1919. Peter Janick, 1203 W. Taylor street. Age 26. Co. H, 326th Eeg. Infantry. Sailed October, 1918. Discharged June 14th, 1919. 362 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR W. H. KERRICK. SPECIAL AGENT DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE There are far more chapters of the great war history that will remain unwritten than there are which will ever be published. In the records of W. H. Kcrrick, Federal Agent of the Department of Justice, Avho is the well known attor- ney of Bloomington, with of- ficps in the Corn Belt Bank building, there arc the deposi- tions and other evidence in thousands of eases which be- gan to develop immediately with the beginning of the war in Europe, and which became more numerous and more acute when the United States was drawn into the conflict. Previous to the war period, Mr. Kerrick had for nearly three years represented the Government in the same De- partment, but his work was principally restricted to White Slave and similar cases, in which the Federal laws were being violated. When war was declared by the United States, there at once developed hundreds of cases involving citizens and others who were not citizens, who were accused of disloyal acts and attacks against the Government. These in- cluded aliens who were suspicioned of carrying on pro-German propa- ganda, and were otherwise putting forth efforts to give aid and comfort to the enemies of our country; industrial agitation and crimes to hinder the government often charged to German sympathizers, an eye being kept open for all such; conscientious objectors, nearly all plain cowards, under the guise of religion, who made trouble in every way possible; refusal to purchase liberty bonds or to give assistance to the great drives for Red Cross work, Y. M. C. A., Knights of Columbus and others of the great organizations which were straining every nerve with all loyal citizens to help win the war; the registration and draft difficulties, in- volving failure to register, and failure to respond to call and rules of the Local Exemption Boards, which failure often resulted in registrants being classed as deserters; alien enemies failing or refusing to register as the law provided for such registration; failure often willful, to com- ply with food and day-light saving regulations; applicants for positions with the Government; fraudulent allotments; investigations of persons and their references who desired passports into the United States, and naturalization cases referred to the Department of Justice for investi- gation, which were most of the matters which required attention. These and other problems frequently aggregated as many as eight or ten cases in one day and during the war period ran up to more than three thousand in number, in all of which, investigations were made by Mr. Kerrick. His territory extended over at least one-third of Illinois, and occa- sionally beyond the State. From Kankakee and LaSalle on the north, and almost to Cairo, south, Peoria, Springfield and Carlinville, west and McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 363 to the >State line cast, taking in not less tlian 35 counties, and which were gone over several times. He necessarily traveled many thousands of miles conducting the required investigations and prosecutions. Many of these were of a grave and serious nature, and the more difficult they were to handle the less the public knew of them, and which, for the highest welfare of the different communities were adjusted without jHiblic notoriety and generally kept from publication. Many were han- dled by warning and stern reprimand and with emphatic warning as to what would be the result of repetition of the acts complained of. The most difficiflt cases to properly adjust were those of peculiar religious sects, nearly all of them pro-German sympathizers, who at- tempted to make loyal citizens believe they were claiming exemption from military service on account of their religion, and conscientious scruples against going to war. Usually it was not the young men them- selves who were making such claims, but the parents or church leaders who urged such reasons for exemption. In making such claims, coupled with refusal to take any part in heliiing to win the war, such persons always became objects of ])ublic scorn and contempt and in some in- stances of violence. The loyal public desperately indignant at such per- sons and such claims, were often ready to take radical and criminal ac- tion against them and it often required, considerable diplomacy and tincsse upon the part of Mr. Kerrick, with the help of conservative pub- lic authorities to prevent serious outbreaks. Mr. Kerrick was energetic and tireless in the performance of his duties, the importance and seriousness of which were not understood by tlie public, and was engaged almost night and day and Sundays as well, for at least three full years in res])onding to calls from the Gov- ernment, not only in the Department of Justice, but from other de- partments wherein his De])artnient had taken over the work of investi- gations, particularly the War and Navy Departments and the Depart- ment of Labor and Commerce. Soon after the Armistice was signed, Mr. Kerrick 's territory was extended to the western part of the State together with that formerly covered, which with the after the war difficulties added to what already existed, and with this additional territory to travel over caused him to still be unusually busy with Government affairs, arising principally out of the post-war conditions. Although the great majority of the cases which were given atten- tion were protected from the public by the mantle of non-publicity. Mr. Kerrick 's credit is none the less pronounced and his efficient and successful discharge of the responsible and important duties are widely recognized, not only by the people of his own district, but his work is highly appreciated by the government at Wasliington, wliere it is of course best known. He has accomplished a great work for the Govern- ment, and no one has achieved a more faithful record of war services, and there is no one more deserving of the high appreciation of the public. Orin \\\ Fawcett, Elmer E. Fornoff, Otto W. Fisher. Otmer B. Folger. 364 McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOBLD WAR MOZART LODGE HONOR ROLL Four membors of Mozart lodge A. F. & A. M. were in the service. Of these, Paul Frederick Hoierman enlisted in the navy at the Officers Training camp in Chicago December 6, 1917. On June 19, 1918, he was sent to Cleveland to learn the practical part of seamanship on the differ- ent lakes between that city and Detroit, Mich. After four months of practical study on the lakes he returned to Chicago for further study Edgar Apelt Paul Hoierman until January, 1919, when he was sent to Pelham Bay, N. Y., for final examination where on March 1, 1919, he received his commission as Ensign in the Keserve Navy. May 1, 1919 he was transferred to the regular Navy as Ensign. May 15, 1919, he passed examination in the United States Shipping Board and was appointed a Supercargo on the. S. S. Point Arena which sailed for Porto Rico. He made two trips to Porto Rico and in each case returned with a cargo of raw-sugar. The next trip he took to Cuba, and Hong Kong, China, thru the Panama Canal via San Francisco, Cal., Honohilu, Hawaii, and Manila, P. I. Caught in the ankle by a bullet from a German machine gun in the famous assault by the Marines in front of Soissons on July 19, 1918, Claude S. Miller of Bloomingtoii suffered for more tlian two years from the effects of his wounds and returned home carrying with him the honorary decorations of the Croix de Guerre and the red cord of the French Legion of Honor. Claude was one of the several boys from Bloomington who belonged to the famous Sixth brigade of the Marine Corps, which with the Fifth brigade composed part of the immortal First division which stopped the Germans at the Marne and drove tlieni back during the months of June and July, 1918. Claude came home in October, 1918, and there was a happy reunion at the residence of his father, Theodore Miller of 606 West Market street. Claude soon after his return wrote for the Daily Bulletin, in whose employ he had formerly been as a reporter, an interesting story of his experiences in the war. The Fifth and Sixth Marines sailed for France in September, 1917. For several months they occupied a camp and engaged in drill duty. About the first of June, 1918, the Marines were put in front line positions to replace French troops. On the morning of June 6 the German barrage against the Americans began, and this was cited by Claude as his most terrible experience. The Yanks had orders not to retreat or give up McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAE 365 the front line at any cost. Consequently they advanced through the barrage to points of comparative safety in no man's land. But sud- denly the barrage stopped and the Germans swarmed out of their trenches. They found the Marines meeting them half way, and before they could recover from their surprise they were peppered by the Ameri- can guns so hotly that all who were not killed scampered back to their trenches. The Marines had obeyed orders not to retreat, and had cap- tured Balleau Wood with 600 prisoners. The Germans retook the wood, but the Marines were hurried back to the front and captured it a second Claude lUilkr William Diebold time. In this second attack the American big gun barrage was very effective. In honor of their heroic work, the French government changed the name from Balleau Wood to Wood De Marines. In these battles Claude saw where Germans had chained their own machine gunners to trees so that they could not retreat, but most of them were killed. Claude was wounded in an attack at Soissons on July 19, when the Marines had advanced too fast and got out of the protection of their own artillery, running into a direct fire from Germans guns. It was about 9 o'clock in the morning when Claude was hit in the ankle by a machine gun bullet and his foot so shattered that he fell in the wheat field through which the regiment was advancing. When he fell, his company kept on advancing and he lost track of them. Finally a first aid man found Claude wounded and carried him to a roadside, where he lay until 8:30 that night, when an ambulance picked him up. While he lay by the road, he saw a German airplane swoop down over the field and fire with machine guns at every wounded man he could see. Fortunately, Claude lay unobserved in the ditch, which probably saved his life. From the first aid station he was taken to a base hospital at Paris, later to Bor- deaux. While at the latter place, when walking with crutches he slipped and fell, injuring his foot again. Finally, on September 22 Miller with many other wounded men embarked on the transport Manchuria for the voyage to the home-land. For more than a year after reaching the United States, Miller was subject of treatments and surgical operations in several different government hospitals, in New York, Chicago, Des Moines and elsewhere. Finally his ankle had been rejuvenated to such an extent that he could discard his crutches and used only a brace on the ankle. 366 McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOBLD WAR WADE BARNEY LODGE HONOR ROLL Wade Barney Lodge No. 512 A. F. & A. M. of Bloom- ington took a very active part in the war relief work, while one of the forty-nine members who entered the service, made the su[ireme sacrifice for liis country. The lodge as a body invested liberally in Liberty bonds while the members as individual purclLasers were generous and also were active in assisting in the various war relief drives and other measures calculated to win the great conflict. Officers of the lodge during IHIS were as follows: Eugene F. Duncan, Worshipful Master. Leslie 0. Hpurgin, Senior Warden. Herschel H. Fryer, Junior Warden. Cliarlie J. Moyer, Treasurer. J. Huber Allen, Secretary. Charles J. Anderson, Senior Deacon. Theron O. White, Junior Deacon. Walter Eust, Senior Steward. C. M. House, .Junior Steward. Thomas Stockdale, Marslial. J. N. Swift, Chaplain. Frank Nolile, Tyler. Alonzo Dolan and J. Huber Tliomas H. Ramage, Board Allen, Board of Control. of Relief. Wade Barney Lodge adopted Rene Legallais, a Belgian orphan and is still caring for him. The lodge contributed tlie following to tlie service: Wilbur E. Anderson , Lester Gesell C. E. Baxter -,• " Klino Hartley Eugene L. IBlackwell ■ _^£*^^^H^^ ^'''"' ^^ • Henry Robert H. Carson W^^^ ^^^B Floyd L. Johnston Levi C. Carter ¥ ^^ Jolm R. Jones Arthur R. Chism ' ffc... jJ^l '^ (reorgo A. Katz J. A. Clark ■■l ""^"C*^ ** ' '^'^^"'^- "^^'^ Kitchen Vernon E. Clark ^H Julius P. Klemm William R. Clickener . ■■__ . « ^^ ■ H- Louden Leonard R. Dexter ^HP^ Harold T. Ramage O. H. Lundborg ^^ ^^K j©k ^^"alter C. Seeger Edward I. Lundborg ^L -^^^L^HHiL Howard Stevenson D. W. McDonald ^m|_gM||aH|^ Wayne Townley Harry RFarquardt .^^^^^^^^IV ^^>'"^ond Uhrie Lloyd M. Nelson ^^i^^^^^^HaEi ^'''^^^1' ^- '^^"atson, Jr. Hubert B. Osten ^^^^^^^^ Walter W. Williams Paul "M. Follick Walter Carl Seeger w^as wounded \>y shrapnel on October 15, 191S, while on duty in Argonne Woods with Company M. .32fith Infantry, and died as a result of the wounds two days later. He was buried in the American Cemetery located at Les Islettes, De]>artment of Meuse. R. Wilson Yarp Pumplirey McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 367 ARTHUR PILLSBURY HONOR ROLL Above— Arthur Pillsbury. Center — left to right— Joe Moore, Donald E. Marquis, Walker W. Anderson, Archie Schaelfer. Below — Ada Lyle Seeley. Arthur L. Pillsbury, architect, Peoples Bank Bldg., Bloomington, was appointed McLean County chairman, by the State Council of Defense, and was in charge of the department in relation to the construction of buildings. It was the desire of the government to avoid the construc- tion of unimportant or non-essential buildings during the period of the war in order to conserve supplies necessary for the operation of the great struggle. It was the duty of Mr. Piils])ury to enforce the rules and regulations as provided by the council of defense and he served efficiently and faithfully. The' post was non-salaried yet it required a 368 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR great deal of the time of the incumbent. In addition to contributing his own services, quite a representation of his ofl&ce force were also in the government service. Walker W. Anderson enlisted in June, 1917, at Great Lakes as chief carpenter mate. Was commissioned Ensign in September and sent as a deck officer to sea aboard the U. S. S. Minneapolis an armored cruiser. He also served on the U. S. S. Hubbard, a mine sweeper; the U. S. Piqua, a patrol boat; U. S. S. Kaiserin Augusta Victoria, a transport; and was thirteen months at sea. For six months he was stationed at the Naval Base L 'Orient, France, and his total foreign service was fifteen months. He was made a lieutenant, junior grade in )September, 1918, and in June, 1919, was placed on the inactive list while on the Kaiserin Augusta Victoria. D. E. Marquis enlisted in the U. S. Navy July, 1917. Assigned to duty Norfolk, Va. Served on instruction staff at Hampton Eoads Sta- tion until January, 1918, then entered Training School for Officers U. S. Naval Eeserve Foi'ce. Commissioned July, 1918, and assigned abroad U. S. S. Missouri. Served as watch and Division Officer until February, 1919, when the Missouri went on Transport duty. Assigned to duty at Headquarters 6th Naval District, Charleston, S. C. until released from active duty, April, 1919. Archie Schaeffer received Civil Service appointment in Navy De- partment in March, 1918. Placed in Bureau of Yards and Docks at Washington, D. C, as an architectural draftsman planning emergency hospital buildings for the U. S. Naval bases. Eesigned position in June, 1919. Ada Lyle Seeley received Civil Service appointment in June, 1918, as stenographer in Civilian Espionage Department, Military Intelligence offices. Returned to Bloomington September, 1918. The war history of Joe Moore is given elsewhere in this work. PAUL F. GINTER Paul F. Ginter, chief clerk in the office of Master Mechanic M. J. McGraw of the C. & A. served in the aviation department and trained at St. Paul, making a fine record. McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WORLD WAS 369 WILLIAM B. BRIGHAM William B. Brigliam, assistant county superintendent of schools for ten years, was appointed Emergency County Club Leader by the United States Department of Agri- culture to co-operate with the schools in or- ganizing the young people into clubs pri- marily to aid in the war program of in- creased production and conservation. It is needless to say that the boys and girls un- der his direction gave a good account of tliemselves. This work proved very success- ful and attracted much favorable attention and commendation. Shortly after the ar- mistice, Mr. Brighani composed a poem in reply to the immortal war lyric, "In Flan- ders Field. ' ' Mr. Brigham 's effort contains such a beautiful sentiment that it is well worth reproduction in this work as a last- ing tribute to the heroes who made the su- preme sacrifice for their country. It reads as follows OUR ANSWER O, Comrade Dear, across the sea, Who fought on Flanders fields for me; We would you knew the foe 's no more, And victory ours the wide world o 'er. Your flaming torch we've placed on high. True faith we '11 keep with you wlio lie Asleep where poppies grow In Flanders fields. And now while seasons come and go, The larks will sing and poppies blow; Your name is with a gold star sealed, And angels guard those sacred fields. — W. B. B. Burger Brothers Top Row (from left to right) — Corporal Ollie Burger, Private Claude O. Burger. Bottom Row — Private Dewey Burger, Cor- poral Lloyde Burger. Group "C's" Albert M. Carlson, Above (left to right) Paul D. Clark. Center — Edward J. Corbitt. Below— -Henry R. Coyle, Chester Claggett. L. I 370 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULD WAB "THE GIRLS OF '61" (By Mrs. Sue A. Sanders.) When on April 15, 18G1, Gen. Anderson and his men marched out of Fort 8umtor, the greatest war of modern times, up to that period, had begun, and the question was, Shall there be one or two republics in North America? The people of the U. 8. were divided on the subject of slavery, both divisions deprecating war. But one of them would rather make war than that the nation should continue as it was; the other would accept war rather than let it perish. The first gun liad l)een fired and the peace of our country severed. Our men and boys were called to arms in defense of the union, and the women were called to a duty they had never before assumed or experienced; a work that extended from the cradle to the grave; for many families were left helpless as well as destitute when the call to arms came. On the Sunday following the declaration of war, Eev. C. G. Ames, pastor of fthe Unitarian church, preached a powerful sermon on "What will become of the Republic?'' This speech was pronounced by various papers of the country as the "shadow of the keystone of liberty." Mr. Ames was solicited to repeat the speech in many cities and it was greeted with applause. Mr. Price, pastor of the Second Pres- byterian church, also preached a most enthusiastic sermon, which met with some opposition by some members of his church, yet he flinched not. In July, 1861, 200,000 boys and men had enlisted for defense and been ordered to the front. It was very warm in the south, and many of the men were sick and in ill-prepared hospitals. The women needed no special invitation to respond to the demand for hospital sup- plies. When the first call was made, McLean county boys responded nobly and at once began to drill for service. The boys of the Normal university secured an old cannon and placed it on the campus. A play was given in Normal hall entitled "The Goddess of Liberty." It was a great occasion and attended by a large crowd. The president of the school, Charles E. Hovey, and three of the teachers had enlisted, and the boys of the sciiool were drilling as if actual war had begun. There were some students from the border states who entered the university to escape the draft in their homes. They were tainted with disloyalty, and many exciting episodes resulted as these clashed with loyal students. On August 22, 18()1, there was an immediate call for help in hospitals. On Noveml)er 21 a meeting was held in Phoenix hall to organize tlie women for relief work. At this meeting the Odd Fellows of Blooming- ton offered their hall to the women in which to carry on the work, and also gave $250 to begin with. John F. Humplireys tendered the back end of his store on Front street for canning, pickling, and preserving for the camps and hospitals. Mrs. George Bradner was elected president of the Aid society, Mrs. Hannah Newell, secretary; both resigned as officers at the next meeting, when Mrs. Goodman Ferre was elected president, Mrs. Martha Ward, vice president and Mrs. Newell, secretary, all of whom served to the end of the war. The older members of the Aid society held most of the offices and were responsible for the de- partments of service. They arranged tl'.e work and attended to siiipping. The girls of '61 did all the soliciting in what time they had out of school and on Saturdays. They scraped lint, wound bandages made of old muslin and linen, wound yarn, knit socks and mittens with a short thumb, and ran errands. To them was assigned the duty of soliciting through the city and country on Saturdays and after school for supplies of all kinds. Saturdays was set apart to solicit vegetables, fruit, etc., in the country. There were dinners, suppers, festivals, banquets, so- ciables, excursions, dances, picnics and many other affairs for raising money to carry on the work of the Aid, and the girls of 'fil had the McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULD WAB 371 arrangements to make for all these. They also collected books and magazines for camps and hospitals. Farmers brought suj^plies to town and left them at Humplireys' store, where the girls sliced, peeled and prepared them for sending. After they were put into barrels, kegs, etc., they were covered with what was called high wines, from Peoria, which made them very palatable to the soldiers. Bloomington had neither the population nor the wealth in '(il that it has today, and there were no government supplies nor Red Cross headquarters whore the girls could find up-to-date machines for doing the woik for the Aid. The Girls of '61 had many ])roblems. Disloyalty met them on every side. Many in the north had southern ties, and expressed their sympathy for that cause. When ]>atriotic meetings wore held and loyalty ])adges were worn, the southern sympathizers sometimes tore them off, and on on(> occasion they even rotten-egged the girls of 'gina I*eters Dawson, Mary Newell Deal, Annio Schumaker Dixon, Elizabeth Jane Redding Deits, Ella Hughes Drybread, Clara Davis, Sarah Newell Dickinson, Katherine Hayes Doyle. E. — Mary L. Parke Evans, Laura Strimple Enlow, Elizabeth Black- burn Eaton, Minerva Ralston Eyestone, S. J. Hougham Eades, Ellen Edwards, Louise A. Cheney Ehrmantrout. F. — Cornelia Deems Fox, Gertrude Lewis Fifer, I.,ucretia Clarkson Faulk, Minerva Fielder, Pauline Stewart Fry, Harriet Hemming Frank- enberger. G. — Elizabeth Hall Galloway, Susie Wheeler Gossard, Mary Ives Gage, Abbie Albright Griffin, Mary Hibbs Glimpse, Henrietta Peters Gailey, Mary Rachel Lorsen Gabbert, Theresa Clark Gibbs, Caroline Carson Guthrie, Henrietta Jones Goetz. H. — Frances Plummer Hill, Laura Von Egidy Holmes, Mattie Ar- nold Harvey, Sarah Wills Haydeii, Marie Anthony Hazenwinkle, Elsie Coole Hastings, Carrie Rathie Hindman, Ellen Rouse Hodge, Martha McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 373 Crum Gaddis Hazelton, Minerva Arnold Hopkins, Ida Hinshaw Hull, Miss Addie Humes, Kate Hullinger, Addie Hunter, Louise McKnight Hapenny, Louise Moulton Hill, Sara Rowley Hullinger, Mrs. Hostetler. I. — Miss Nellie Ives. J.^ — Anna M. Hamperton Jones, Josephine Nessenger John, T^aura Bowman Johnston. K. — Halley Bossy Sharick Knapp, Caroline Jackman Kimball, Jennie Moon Killow, Laura Tenny Kerrison, Belle Dunham Kerr, Edith Pack- ard Kelly, tSara Lafever Prather Barley Killow. L. — Laura Voach Lutz, Mary White Lewis, Mary Boulware Lain, Cordelia Reynolds Livingston, Letitia Garretson Lander, June AUin Len- non, Carrie Gillespie Loudon, Louise Lander, Mrs. Lyons, Roxie Van Rankin La Teer, Sara Frances Reeder Lawrence. M. — Annie Whipple Murray, Margaret Hott'nian Moore, Myra Mor- ris Moore, Martha Hibbs McClure, Mary Nicholson McCart, Henrietta Braum McCabe, Jean Jones McKnight, Martha W^heeler McCoUom, Lucy Kramer Mantle, Isa Baldwin Murphy, Kate Herr Smith Mott, Mary Elliott McCarty, Lillian Van Schoick Miner, Martha White McCullom, Hattie Steele Mason, Mary A. Lewis Means, Laura Howe Michel, Zerelda Batvcrton Moon. N. — Mary Deal Newell, Mary Ehrmantrout Nourse. P. — Carrie Boon Pope, Mary Elizabeth Peterson, Catherine Beltzer Pierson, Margaret Baker Packard, Sarali Stanfolk Pope, Elaine Caroline Peer. R. — Mary Bedingcr Reeves, Isabel Hutchinson Reynolds, Clara Cox Rockwell, Elizabeth Burgess Reed, Kate Law Richards, Sara Stubble- field Rayl)urn, Jennie C. Rundle. S. — Mary Dietricli Sprague, Isabella Brown Sickles, Martha Sley Scott, Laura Burbank Strimple, Margaret Platte Stone, Minerva Fielder Steele, Ella Hart Shay Spear. T.— Martha A. Rockwood Tay. W.— Minerva Smith Warnock Webb, Amanda Belle Savage Weaver, Minerva Rodman Welcli, Belle Lemon Welch, Dora Drake Weaver. BROUGHT DOWN GERMAN PLANE Lieut. Donald T. Jones, son of C. D. Jones of Leroy, made a good record in tlie aviation service. On November 3, 1918, he shot down one German Folker plane in a combat over the hostile line. The official credit for this performance was contained in the following citation, a copy of which he brought home with him: Base Section No. 5. B. E. F., A. P. O. 314. November 7, 1918. Special Order No. 61. 12. I,,ieut. Donald T. Jones, is credited with having brought down one Folker in combat, November 3, 1918, at 6:50 o'clock, while patrol- ing northeast of Renaix. ^^.^ Harry Murray, Adjutant, 155th Pursuit Group, British Expeditionary Forces. Young Jones entered the service in January, 1918. He received preliminary training at Berkley, Calif., and Arcadia, Fla., receiving his commission at the latter place. In October, 1918, he was sent overseas and assigned to a British army, along with 75 other flyers. He reached France on October 24 and was at once sent to the front near Renaix, in Flanders. He was at the front 14 days before the armistice and in that time got the chance to bring down an enemy plane, which he is officially credited with having done. After his discharge he returned to Leroy. \ 374 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAB WORLD WAR VETERANS There was organized in Bloomington during tlie winter and spring of 1920 a local post of World War Veterans, an organization composed of service men as its name indicates. It was named the Hauptmau, Morgan, Conley Post, from the names of three Bloomington men who had been slain in battle. These men were Joseph A. Hauptman, David Thomas Morgan, and Eugene Conley. .Sketches of these men are to be found in the chapter of this book containing the stories of those who died in the war. The first list of officers for the post were these: Commander, W. F. Witty; senior vice commander, Robert Switzer; .junior vice commander, E. I'. Downey; chaplain, I^ee Crosland; adjutant, William A. Summon; quartermaster, Arthur Garbe. The board of trus- tees were: William J. Hull. J. P. Murray and Wade H. Fielder. Tlie post holds monthly meetings. The principles on which the organization was founded are given in the following statement, the first clause of which stated that the members would not participate in a national convention prior to June 1, 1920: 2. We stand opposed to any form of compulsory military training in the United States of America. 3. We endorse the rights of collective bargaining by truly repre- sentative groups of all productive industry; we will not endorse any political parties. 4. We, the World War Veterans, individually and collectively, shall at all times of crisis, either local or national, encourage dignity, calm- ness, justice and peaceful settlements. In time of crisis, either local or national, the World War Veterans will extend the assistance of their organization to the wliole peoples of the community, state or nation. 5. We demand for all the peoples the rights of free sjieech and peaceful assemblage as written into the constitution of the United States of America, except that such license must not be used by sucli person as would use such license to overthrow the United States government by violence or force. (i. We endorse the principles set fortli in the woman suffrage bill as past by congress. 7. For the guidance of our elected r(>i>resentatives in the United States congress we endorse the fourteen points we fought for and upon which the armistice was agreed and signed. 8. Natioilalization of all oil and coal lands and all oil wells and coal mines. We endorse public ownershi]i of unavoidable monopolies. 9. We, the World AVar Veterans, oppose any declaration of war without first submitting the issue to tlie people of the United States of America, except in cse of invasion by armed forces of the territory of the United States of America. 10. In event of war, all jirofits made by any individual or corpo- ration, over and above such profit made by any such individual or corjioration. in the year prior to such declaration of war, shall be paid to the United States government by any and all such individuals or corporations during the period of the said war and become the prop- erty of the United States government. 11. The constitution of the United States of America to be amended only by a direct vote of all the people. In case of national crisis the suffrage to be extended to all franchised citizens absent from their place of residence due to government duties. 12. The enforcement of the constitution of the United States of America as it is written. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 375 PAUL F. BEICH One of the men who was most active in different war projects in Bloomington was Paul F. Beich, head of the Paul F. Beich Company, and one of the largest business men of the city. He runs two concerns for the wholesale manufacture of candy, one in Bloomington and one in Chicago, and in addition was chosen national president of the National Confectioners Association. In spite of all these interests, Mr. Beich during the years 1917 and 1918, devoted many of his days and nights to promoting one after another of the enterprises designed to help win the war. He was chairman of the membership committee of the McLean County Chapter of the Eed Cross, and in this capacity he directed two of the greatest drives of the war, for the purpose of increasing the mem- bersliip of the Eed Cross. That he was successful is shown in the fact that from an initial membership of 17-i persons when the chapter was organized, the numbers grew until they reached a maximum of nearly 15,000, or one person in every five in the county. Mr. Beich was also very active in the different Liberty Loan campaigns, serving as chairman of precinct committees in several of them. In all his effort for war work, he was of course assisted by many willing co-workers, who had confidence in his ability and energy to put "over the top" any proposition which he undertook. In the conduct of his own business, which was a largo consumer of one of the materials most under the restriction of conserva- tion, namely sugar, he managed to carry on the business without inter- ruption, furnishing employment to many people and thus in that way helping to carry the war burdens of others. The employes of the Paul F. Beich company were a patriotic company, and one of the red letter days of the war with them was the occasion of a flag raising with due ceremonies, when Mr. Beich addressed them. Community sings and other patriotic exercises were carried on at intervals in the factory itself, the employes assembling at the noon hour for that purpose. Mr. Beich gave liberally of his own income toward every worthy war subscription, and in every way assisted the community in its struggle toward the final victory. 376 McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOBLD WAE SOLEMN, IMPRESSIVE MEMORIAL SERVICE On May 30, 1919, the first observance of Memorial Day in Bloom- ington after the return home of most of the men Avho had been in ser- vice in the years 1917-18, there was held in St. Mary's cemetery, the Catholic burial ground in Bloomington, a most unusual and impressive solemn high mass for the dead soldiers whose resting place was there. A spacious platform served as the sanctuary. Upon it were seated two hundred soldiers and sailors in uniform, 120 altar boys, the choirs of the three Bloomington parishes and a full orchestra for accompaniment to the music of the mass. The mass followed a parade of soldiers, Knights of Columbus and men of the parishes, headed by the Bloomington band. Dan Connor was marshal and he with James Flavin, Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus, led the procession, which marched from Holy Trinity to the cemetery. Forty sisters from the three parishes of Bloomington sat before the platform. Behind them the crowds closed in. Father O'Callaghan was aided in the service by Father Julius as deacon and Father Hayden of Wapella, as sub-deacon. Father Mcdcalf was the master of cere- monies and introduced Father Sampion, of Peoria, when the time came for the address. The priests were clad in golden chasubles and performed their cere- monies before an altar of filmy white set with a few golden candle- sticks. The dazzling canopy contrasted strongly to the gray-green foli- age of the box elders in the rear. The 120 altar boys were dressed in cassock and surplice. On opposite sides of the rostrum were the Ameri- man flag and the crucifix held by a sailor and soldier respectively. Grouped at the left of the platform were the vivid service banners of St. Mary's, Holy Trinity and St. Patrick's, Knights of Columbus and of the Colfax church. Several gold stars were to be seen glowing in the sunlight among the blue stars of the banners. The choir of sixty sang Rosewig's mass. Their united voices car- ried easily to uttermost parts of the congregation. When the chorus ceased and the chant of Father O 'Callaghan rose from the altar into the air the crowd hushed to catch the accent and meaning of his song. After the mass Father Sammon, a former Bloomington boy, ad- vanced to the front of the platform and addressed tha crowd upon the principles of patriotism and the meaning of Decoration Day. SPECIAL RECRUITING SERVICE Dr. H. W. Grote was the Bloomington and Central Illinois repre- sentative of the Military Training Camps association before the war, and during the period of the war he turned his office into headquarters for recruiting men for special service. What was accomplished is shown in the following report issued at the close of the war: Men examined for the first officers' training camp 100; number accepted, 27. Number of men examined for the second officers' training camp, 65; number accepted 25. Number of applications for commissions sent into war department or to military training association, 40; number of men accepted, 12. Number of applications for motor service received by quartermas- ter department thru this office, 100. Number of mail inquiries answered 71. Number of personal in- quiries 453. Number of candidates given preliminary training, 54. Aviators placed, 7; to the English army, 2; to the American tank service, 11. Published notices to the papers, 30. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULD WAR 377 OS Si O CO 03 a o •^ bD 'a o o m -M Oi a c 72 a 0) o 03 378 McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WOBLD WAS o CO o o o si o X P5 C3 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOULD WAR 379 City First and Precinct Quota 1 $3,000 2 2,500 3 1,500 4 500 5 200 6 250 7 150 8 600 9 750 10 5,000 11 3,000 12 1,200 13 250 14 200 15 400 16 500 17 1,000 18 3,500 20 300 21 750 22 200 23 4,000 24 1,600 25 3,000 26 750 27 300 28 300 29 450 30 800 G. & A. Federation Wesleyan fund Blooniuiiitcn total TWO RED CROSS DRIVES AT A GLANCE (June, 1917, and May, 1918) Second Drives County First and Second Amount Second Amount raised war fund raised Amount in first assess- in second raised war fund ment war fund $2,550.00 $1,570 Anchor $ 1,112 $1,182.00 2,754.25 1,323 Arrowsmith .. 1,178 1,250.00 1,568.00 1,121 Bellflower .. . . 1,541 1,541.00 212.90 100 Carlock 798 719.00 No report 130 Chenoa 2,587 2,650.00 312.50 250 Colfax 2,029 2,030.00 104.10 73 Cooksville . . . 1,537 1,820.00 800.00 603 Covel 633 675.00 663.00 617 Cropsey 752 752.00 4,875.00 3,080 Danvers 1.960 1,960.00 2.849.00 1,910 Downs 1,679 1,445.50 2,036.35 1,150 Dry Grove ... 1,237 1,489.10 192.00 256 Ellsworth . . . 1,207 1,060.00 220.00 160 Gridley 2,379 2,380.00 419.50 226 Heyworth . . . 2,442 2,550.00 582.00 312 Holder 1,683 1,350.00 550.00 1,025 Hudson 1,425 825.00 3,210.00 1.980 Leroy 3,567 3,570.00 409.55 195 Lexington . . . 2,508 2,589.59 690.00 615 Lawndale .... 910 925.00 265.25 130 McLean 2,032 5,456.75 2,500.00 1,900 Merna 874 875.00 2,220.00 1,650 Money Creek. 1,098 1,404.50 2,382.50 1,600 Normal 5,978 759.25 375 Saybrook .... 1,887 210.00 150 Shirley 633 456.15 234 Stanford .... 1,174 736.70 450 Towanda .... 874 No report 310 Weston 999 West Tp 1,504 1,000.00 .... Bloomington Tp. 2,537 183.00 .... Bloomington . 31,000 Drives Amount raised first war fund $1,024 1,065 1,278 2,008 2,376 1,320 443 299 1,420 1,676 993 1,104 1,359 2,555 1,135 2,603 3,670 4,247 $38,008.95 McLean Co. total 5,500.00 3,902 2,250.00 1,784 1,271.00 1,561.00 657 1,200.00 1,268 1,053.61 633 1,336.58 801 1,140.54 38,008.95 28,377 $93,812.12 MARK BODELL IN VAUDEVILLE After the armistice, while Ameiican forces were hohliiig positions in France and Germany, Mark Bodell, son of Rev. W. A. Bodell of Bloomington, got into a rather unusual line of work in the army. In a letter dated from Gondrecourt on March 1, 1919, he wrote: "For the past tliree months I have been associated with the ad- vance section entertainers organized by the Red Cross. The entertain- ment opens with a half hour of rapid fire minstrel, followed by seven vaudeville acts. I have a seat in the semi-circle of the minstrel and a cartoon act of my own in the vaudeville. We have made quite a repu- tation for a snappy clean show, having every detail worked out to the seconds. For instance, the total minutes of curtain waits for the entire show is six minutes. This entire week we are playing the 88th Divi- sion. To my great surprise, as I came out of the mess hall yesterday, I ran into Glenn Walley. He is the second one I have met from Bloom- ington, that I know, in all my twenty months of army life. The other Bloomington fellow I met was Wilbur Youngman, wliom I saw at Toul, while playing there." 380 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR MT. HOPE MADE RECORD No ijart of McLean County wrote a more heroic record of deeds in the war than did Mt. Hope township, the village of McLean and vicinity. Eight gold stars represented the young men of that part of the county who died in the war. One of the most impressive scenes of the whole county's war history was the dedication on December 3, 1917, of the new community hall and library, when a climax of the occasion was reached in the presentation of service flags to members of every family having boys in the army and navy. Home flags had one star, some two, some three, and one had four, representing the four sons of Isaac Burger in the war, one of them afterward being killed. Rev. Edgar DeWitt Jones of Bloomington made the presentations. In making the campaigns for liberty loans and different war work funds, Mt. Hope and Funk's Grove generally worked together as one unit, and always made their quota and more. Here are the figures of the liberty loan drives: Subscrip- Drive (^uota tion 1. (Mt. Hope and Funk 's Grove) $32,000 2. (Mt. Hope and Funk 's Grove) 80,150 3 *S(i,()7(; .107,850 4 S2,(ilS 96,000 5 (14, ()()() 82,100 There are no banks in Funk's Grove township and no large center of population. Consequently the l)ank of McLean was made tlie center of the war loan drives. The two townships were considered as a unit in many of the campaigns and tlieii' subscriptions are given together below: Y. M. C. A $ 800 United War Work 8,700 First Red Cross 4.147 Salvation Army 3(10 Armenian relief >'''2S A Red Cross dance brought $1,400. M. E. Higlitsliow gave th profits of his business for one week to tiie Red Cross, which amounted to $1,200. Another gift to the war fund which, tho the money did not go to the credit of McLean, belonged in part to that town. Mr. Ten Broeck put up a heifer calf for sale in Chicago at auction for the Red Cross and realized upon it the sum of $20,000 for war work. The fourth Liberty loan was raised in one day. The Victory loan was realized on the first morning of the campaign by 11:15 o'clock. Practically all subscriptions to the Liberty loans weie voluntary. Isaac Funk and 8. B. Van Ness were the chairmen who led the or- ganization of twenty-five which did the work. H. M. Palmer was in charge of the Red Cross and United War Work drives. Ansel Stubble- field led the work of the Y. M. C. A. campaign. The Armenian and Syrian relief campaign was made a success thru the eH'orts of W. N. Ewing. TWO ASTONISHING THINGS Speaking before the McLean County Medical Society one evening after his return from France, Dr. T. D. Cantrell, former captain in the military medical service, said that there were two great sources of amazement in France. The French were amazed at American waste of material, while the Americans were amazed at the French waste of time. He said that the table wine of France has no "kick," but that the French have intoxicating beverages as was proved when the armistice was signed. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAB 381 FRENCH GIRLS AT THE WESLEYAN During the school year of 1918-19, the Wesleyan Univer- sity in Bloomington had as two of its students a couple of young women from Lyons, France. They were two from a large number who were sent over to the United States by the French government to carry on thei'' education, facilities for which were interrupted in France by the war. These young women were Idellette and Annette Barron, daughters of a manu- facturer in Lyons who prior to the war had been very well-to- do. The Barron sisters lived at Kemp hall while attending Wes- leyan, and were active in all the ordinary affairs of college life. They spoke very good English, as well as being of course fluent users of their native tongue. In a published interview wliich one of the young woman gave out shortly after arriving at Wesleyan, she expressed wonder and surprise at the richness of America and its comparative freedom from tlie piiicli of war, as compared witli their own country. HENRY E. PEASE Corporal Henry Elton Pease, son of M. A. Pease, 802 West Wood street, Bloom- ington, Hd. Co. 121, F. A. P. O. 734, A. E. F., saw much active service. On the way over, his convoy was attacked by sub- marines and in the battle which followed two subs were sunk. In Scotland and England, the troops were given enthusi- astic receptions. From England, they went to France and spent most of their time on the Verdun front. The last seven weeks of the war, they were under almost continuous bombardment but he came thru without a scratch. Pease says that on the battlefields they passed over in advancing, it appeared there were ten dead Germans to every dead American. A PATRIOTIC FAMILY Andrew Walsh of Saybrook, with his family, did their part in the war. The only sou, Eex Roach, went into the service early in the war. There were two sons-in-law, Harry Nichols of Saybrook and Harry Fryar of Onarga, both of whom went to France, Fryar being in the naval service. A step-son, Eugene Crowley, enlisted in July, 1918, and was stationed at Camp Taylor. There was a baby born to Mrs. Fryar during the war, and the little one did not see his father till after he returned from service. The Walsh family provided a home for Mrs. Rex Roach during the war. 382 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAE PEOMINENT IN WAE ACTIVITIES Mrs. J. C. Rilev Mrs. J. E. Murray I'raiiU Oljerkoetter Egbert B. Hawk McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR 383 EMPIRE ALWAYS READY The people of Leroy and vicinity always did their share and more in whatever sacrifice the war called for. Empire township contributed its full quota and more of her young manhood to the service, and sev- eral gold stars adorned her service ilag. At home, the people of the township subscribed a total of $391,750 to the different liberty bond campaigns, and $l(i,0(U to various war work drives. Tlie figures are as follows: First Liberty loan $ 52,;-.()0 Second Libe'rty loan 92,200 Third Liberty loan S3,(i50 Fourth Liberty loan l(iP,,(inO Fifth Liberty loan 112,000 First Red Cross, 1917 2,(i00 Second Red Cross, 1918 '!,5pe, Chenoa, Infantry, A. E. F. Sergt. Gus Schott, Bloomington, Infantry-, Camp Dodge. Eugene Schreiber, Bloomington, Eadio. Gustave Schrei])er, Shirley, Co. B, 34th Infantry, A. E. F. August C. Schroeder, Bloomington, 12th Bat., Field Artillery, A. E. F. Sergt. Fred C. Schroeder, Chenoa, Machine Gun, 132d Infantry, A. E. F. Fred Schroeder, Bloomington, Infantry, Camp Grant. Harry H. Schroeder, Bloomington, Navy. Herbert Schroeder, Bloomington, Ship Yards. Died of pneumonia at Baltimore. Eobert Schroeder, Bloomington, Co. A, 4th Infantry, A. E. F. George Schuler, Colfax, 102d Infantry, A. E. F. Howard Schuler, Bloomington, Bat. A, 21st Field Artillery, A. E. F. Albert Schultz, Bloomington, Navy, A. E. F. Joseph A. Schultz, Bloomington, Medical Detachment 35th Infantry, A. E. F. Louis W. Schultz, Bloomington, 137th Field Artillery, A. E. F. Andrew Schulz, Bloomington, Infantry, Del Eio, Texas. Miss Alliene Schureman, Saybrook, Army Nurse, Camp Taylor. Miss Mabel Schureman, Saybrook, Army Nurse, Camp Taylor. A. Schureman, Chenoa, Infantry. Charles A. Schureman, Saybrook, Bat. D, 37th Field Artillery, A. E. F. Sergt. Arthur E. Schwab, Bloomington, Camp Supply Dept., Camp Eustis. Walford A. Schwab, Bloomington, Navy, Great Lakes Hospital School. McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WORLD WAB 471 Charles Schwader, Bloomington, Infantry. Died in France from wounds. Harry Schwager, Chenoa, Infantry. E. A. Schwartz, Bloomington, Navy. John A. Schwartz, Brokaw, 330th Infantry, A. E. F. William Schwindler, Bloomington, Infantry. Sampel Schwartz, Bloomington, Co. K, 34th Infantry, A. E. F. W. J. Schwartz, Bloomington, Signal Corps, Camp Meade, Md. Clarence Emil 8cott, Ellsworth, Infantry, A. E. F. Gerald Scott, Bloomington, Navy. Sergt. Harley H. Scott, Leroy, Co. H, 345th Infantry, Camp Dix. Homer M. Scott, Cooksville, Bat. D, 66th Artillery, A. E. F, Corp. Orval Scott, Leroy, 43d Infantry, Camp McArthnr. Corp. Ealph Scott, Sayfirook, Q. M. Corps. Eaymond G. Scott, Bloomington, Infantry. Sergt. Shirley C. Scott, Colfax, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. William L. Scott, Leroy, Infantry. Leo Scrogin, Lexington, 162d Medical Corps, Camp Lewis. James Scurlock, Lexington, 1.52d Infantry, Camp Shelby. Irba A. Seale, Lexington, 129th Infantry, A. E. F. Glenn Sears. Bloomington, Navy, Hampton Roads. James H. Sears, Bloomington. Co. B, 124th M. G. Btn., 33rd Div., A. E. F. Corp. Louis C. Sears, Bloomington, Co. B, 124th M. G. Bat., A. E. F. Wounded in action. Gordon Sebastian, Danvers, Navy. Lyle Sebastian, Danvers, Navy. Leonard L. Sebastian, Bloomington, Hospital Corps. Edgar Mason See, Leroy, Machine Gun Bat., A. E. F. J. E. Seeflute, Bloomington, 23d Co., 60th Training Corps, A. E. F, Sergt. Carl W. Seeger, Holder, Q. M. Dept., Camp Pike. Walter C. Seeger, Bloomington, Co. M, 326th Infantry. Died from wounds. Elbert Soften, Danvers, Infantry. Eay Seffer, Bloomington, Infantry, A. E. F. Ealph Seibert, Bloomington, Infantry, Camp Wheeler. Otto Seidel, Bloomington, Infantry, Camp Wheeler. Elmer Seifert, Anchor, Infantry, Camp Forrest. Edmund M. Seiser, Bloomington, R. E. Co. C, 131st Infantry, A. E. F. Fred Seldt, Bloomington, Infantry, A. E. F. Sergt. William C. Sellers, Bloomington, Co. B, 809 Pioneer Infantry, A. E. F. Sergt. Ferdinand Senseney, Bloomington, Artillery, Camp Eustis. Harry J. Severns, 17th U. S. Cavalryman Troop I. Lester E. Seymour, Bloomington, Medical Corps. Ira D. Shade, Bloomington, Coast Dept., Navy, Akron, Ohio. David J. Shadid, Bloomington, Q. M. Dept., Camp Wheeler, Ga, George Shaffer, Chenoa, Infantry, Thomas Shanahan, Bloomington, Aviation. Francis Shannon, Bloomington, Infantry, A. E. F. Lawrence Shannon, Bloomington, Officers' Training Camp, Fort Riley. C. Eaymond Shannon, Bloomington, 108th Engineers, A. E, F. Earl Shaw, Charles Shearer, Bloomington, 4th U. S. Infantry, A. E. F. William M. Shepherd, Stanfoi'd, Navy. Leo P. Sherburne, Bloomington, Eailroad Eegiment, A. E. F. Killed in action. Charles Sheridan, Chenoa, Infantry. Mary Sheridan, Bloomington, Nurse, Base Hospital 77, A. E. F. John Sheridan, Chenoa, Infantry. Emery L. Sherman, Carlock, Artillery. 472 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLB WAB Phillip Shermer, Bloomington, Field Artillery, Camp Jackson. Leland Sherrill, Bloomington, Infantry, Camp Grant. Frank Shields, Bloomington, Infantry, Camp Wheeler. Sergt. Major Henry Shields, Normal, 677th Aero Squadron, Morrison, Va. Corp. Tilgham Shields, Normal, Fortress Monroe. Hobart Shifflet, Leroy, Infantry. Ray Shifflet, Leroy, 138th Aero Squadron, A. E. F. Lloyd Shoemaker, Carloek, Infantry, A. E, F. Clayton B. Sholty, Bloomington, Aviation. Died at Jefferson Barracks of pneumonia. Millard F. Shopman, McLean, Artillery. Howard V. Short, Bloomington, Infantry, Hattiesburg, Miss. Justin Short, Leroy, Infantry, A. E. F. Frazier Shorthose, Danvers, Co. 5, 160th Depot Brigade, Camp Custer. Park F. Shorthose, Covel, Infantry, A. E. P. William Shorthose, Danvers, Infantry. Lewis Shotwell, Lexington, Co. I, 4th Infantry, Camp Sevier. Raymond J. Shotwell, Normal, Medical Corps, Navy, Norfolk, Va. Clayton Shotty, Stanford, Infantry. Sergt. Fred Shoup, Bloomington, Co. G, 349th Infantry, A. E. F. Corp. Joseph W. Shoup, Towanda, Machine Gun Co., 331st Infantry, A. E. F. E. G. Shrock, Bloomington, Infantry. Sergt. Leon M. Shngart, Chenoa, 129th Infantry, A. E. F. Sergt. Robert Z. Shugart, Chenoa, Camp Gordon, Officers' Training. Robert E. Shull, Bloomington, Medical Corps. Ralph J. Siebert, Bloomington, Infantry, Camp Wheeler. L. C. Sieberns, Bloomington, Infantry. Sergt. Oscar W. Sieberns, Gridley, 68th Coast Artillery, A. E. F. George Siewertson, Normal, Navv, A. E. F. Lloyd Sill, Normal, Co. D, 8th Engineers, A. E. F. Lee Silvers, Leroy, Infantry. George R. Simons, Normal, Co. L, Unit 527, Q. M. Corps, A. E. F. Died in France. John Simmons, Bloomington, Aviation, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Sergt. Miles Gaylor Simons, Bloomington, 22d Div., Engineers, A. E. F. Park Simmons, Normal, Battery D, 68th Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Roy M. Simpkins, Bloomington, Co. C, 328th Infantry, A. E. F. Russell I. Simkins, Bloomington, Surgical Assistant, Med. Corps, U. S. Camp, Rock Island, 111. Sergt. Carl Howard Simpson, Normal, 11th Aero Squadron, A. E. F. Frank Simpson, Bloomington, Infantry. Corp. Henry L. Simpson, Anchor, Battery D, 68th Artillery, A. E. F. Leslie G. Simpson, Bloomington, Medical Corps, Rock Island. Louis F. Simpson, Infantry. Edgar E. Sims, Shirley, Engineer Corps, Camp Forrest, Ga. William B. Sims, Downs, 1st Class Fireman, U. S. S. Olympia. Corp. Ivan T. Sisco, Bloomington, Infantry, Camp Wheeler. George Sittig, Co. B, 14th M. G. B., A. E. F. Elzier Skaggs, Heyworth, Infantry. John Skaggs, Heyworth, Infantry. Arthur Skidmore, Towanda, 337th Machine Gun Bat., A. E. F. Sergt. George A. Skidmore, Towanda, 337th Machine Gun Bat. A. E. F. Cleon Skillman, Bloomington, Cadet, Aviation, Dallas, Texas. James A. Skillman, Bloomington, Medical Corps, New York City. Corp. Loyal Skillman, Leroy, Signal Corps, 91st Div., A. E. F. Corp. Abe L. Skinner, Hudson, 162d Company, U. S. M. A., Philadelphia. Corp. Asa W. Skinner, Hudson, Co. L, 23d Engineers, A. E. F. McLliAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAE 473 Top Ruw (Icjl iv I'lulil j — K()\ .Sliililet, (iforgf .Siuiu-r, lluu aid \-\. Suliu-i laiiil, Grover C. Stevens, Carl Seegcr. Second Row — Otto Sablotzke, H. H. Stevenson, A. D. Schewe, Loyal Skillman, Carl H. Simpson. Third Row — Fred L. Strange, Roy M. Simkins, George R. Simons, Maurice A. Salmon, Earl T. Smith. Upper Row (left to right) — Homer Osborn, J. Lindley Oliver, Geol. L. Olson, Otto Lee Oxley. Lower Row — Alvin B. Otto, Lloyd E. Orendorff, Donald F. O'Neil, George W. Ostrum, Donald A. Ortman. 474 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE IVOBLl) fVAE Fred Skinner, Normal, Co. F, 106th Engineers. Died of pneumonia in Glasgow. Fred S. Skinner, Gridley, Co. F, 106th Engineers, A. E. F. Gersham J. Skinner, Bloomington, 349th Infantry, A. E. F. Harlow Skinner (colored), Bloomington, 8th Infantry, A. E. F. Howard Skinner, Bloomington, Navy, Signal Corps. John E. Skinner, Towanda, Machine Gun Co., 310th Infantry, A. E. F. J. H. Skinner, Bloomington, Infantry. Carl Slagle, Heyworth, Infantry. Leonard Slagle, Heyworth, Infantry. Arthur Slater, Bloomington, Q. M. Mechanic. Corp. L. E. Slocum, Bloomington, Bat. F, 17th Field Artillery, A. E. F. A. Smail, Chonoa, Infantry. Harley A. Small, Bloomington, Co. B, 64th Infantry, A. E. F. Jesse E. Small, Bloomington, Q. M. Corps, Eahway, N. J. H. P. Smallwood, Bloomington, Infantry. Sergt. Shelby C. Small, Chenoa, Infantry, A. E. F. Edna May Smiley, Bloomington, Nurse, A. E. F. Omar Smeltz, Bloomington, Infantry, A. E. F. Eobert C. Smiley, Bloomington, Med. Supjily Depot, Q. M. Corps. Sergt. Arthur T. Smith, Bloomington, Medical Depot, Camp Logan. Bee Smiley, Bloomington, Co. B, 9th Infantry, A. E. F. Arthur W. Smith, Bloomington, Base Hospital, Camp Grant. Miss Alice Smith, Normal, Bed Cross Nurse, Mobile Hosp. No. 2, A. E. F. Alva H. Smith, Carlock, Infantry. Died in Liverpool of influenza. Chief Yeoman Carl Smith, Bloomington, Naval Ordnance, Washington, D. C. Miss Catherine Belle Smith, Bloomington, Nurse, Bed Cross, Camp Dodge. Charles D. Smith, Randoljih, Moliilo Laundry Co. 312, A. E. F. Charles F. Smith, Gridley, Infantry. Died fi'om wounds. Charles R. Smith, Bloomington, Bat. C, 8th Regt., C. A. Brigade, A. E. F. Charles J. Smith, Bloomington, Co. D, 3rd Infantry, A. E. F. Charles W. Smith, Farmer City, 68th Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Clarence G. Smith, Bloomington, 82d Artillery, Ft. Bliss, Texas. Clarkson W. Smith, Bloomington, Medical Corps, Camp Dodge. Claude M. Smith, Heyworth, Navy, Radio, Norfolk. Earl Smith, Cooksville, Officers' Tr., Camp Taylor. Died there of pneumonia. Sergt. Frank L. Smith, Bloomington, Infantry, Camp Funston. George E. Smith, Lexington, Infantry. Died of pneumonia in France. George A. Smith, Anchor, Infantry. George H. Smith, Bloomington, Co. D, 103d Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Jack Smith (colored), Bloomington, 8th Infantry, A. E. F. Jacob Smith, Bloomington, Q. M. Corps. James P. Smith, Bloomington, Sanitary Depot, A. E. F. Joseph F. Smith, Bloomington. Syle A. Smith, Bloomington, Infantry. Mack Smith, Anchor, Infantry, A. E. F, Melvin Smith, Cooksville, Infantry. Oran C. Smith, Bloomington, 319tii Engineers, A. E. F. Ray K. Smith, Downs, Machine Gun Co., Georgia. R. Smith, Chenoa, Infantry. William P. Smith, Leroy, Infantry, A. E. F. Walter T. Smith, Bloomington, Amb. Co. 350, 88th Div., A. E. F. William Price Smith, Normal, Co. B, 124th Machine Gun Bat., 33d Div., A. E. F. Benjamin R. Smock, Leroy, Infantry. Robert Smock, Leroy, Infantry. Floyd M. Smythe, Bloomington, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Sergt. Fred Snavely, Hudson, Headquarters 173d Infantry, A. E. F. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAE 475 Lyle K. Snavely, Blooniington, R. R. 6, Field Artillery. Roy Snedaker, Bloomington, Co. A, 39th Infantry, A. E. F, Elmer Sniff, Heyworth, Co. E, Sth Infantry, Camp Fremont. Frank Sniff, Heyworth, Infantry, 7th Prov. Co., Camp McArthur. Ray Sniff, Heyworth, Infantry. William Snifter, Cooksville, Infantry. Pen Snodgrass, Towanda, Co. E, 144th Infantry, A. E. F. Charles Snow, Bloomington, Aviation, Naval Reserve, Minneapolis. Fred Snow, McLean, Infantry, A. E. F. Taken prisoner. D. G. Snow, McLean, Infantry, Massachusetts. Charles F. Snyder, Bloomington, Battery A, 72 Rcgt. Coast Artillery, A. E. P. Sergt. Kenneth Snyder, Bloomington, S. A. T. C. Wilbur Snyder, Lexington, 27th Prov. Co., Camp McArthur. O. E. Sohn, Savbrook, with the Canadian Armv. Corp. Cecil Spaid, 13th Field Artillery, 4th Div., A. E. F. Edwin D. Speere, Bloomington, Navy, Great Lakes. Sergt. Arthur R. Spelbring, 17th Field Artillery, A. E. F. Sergt. Jesse G. Spence, Bloomington, Military Police. Died at Quantico. Ross H. Spencer, Stanford, Co. B, 3rd Infantry, El Paso, Texas. Roy Spencer, Stanfoid. rhemical Devel]'. Div.. Cleveland, Ohio. Bennie Sjiiedle, Bloomington, Co. B, KiSth Infantry, A. E. F. Corp. Albert M. Spier, Bloomington, Motor Convoy Service, A. E. F. John H. Sprau, Towanda, l(i2d R. T. C. Arthur L. Springer, Bloomington, Battery B, SOth Artillery, A. E. F. William M. Springer, Stanford, Air Service, Balloon Div., Camp John Wise, San Antonio, Te.xas. George G. Sprouse, Saybrook, Co. B, 124th Machine Gun Bat. Wounded. Sergt. Valley L. Staffen. Bloomington, Motor Transports, Fort Riley. Roy L. Staker, Bloomington, 32d Engineers. Wounded in France. Alva Staley, Bloomington, Infantry, Camp Grant. Elmo Staley, Leroy, Naval Aviation. Henry E. Stappenbeck, Bloomington, Q, M. C, U. S. Camp. Corp. Keith Stark, Holder, Infantry, A. E. F. Orro Stark, Bloomington, 106th Ammunition Train, A. E. F. George P. Stautz, Bloomington, attached Medical .Supply Unit, A. E. F. Ellsworth Stephens, Hudson, (ith Co., Coast Artillery, Fort Wriglit. Ervin Steinman, Chenoa, Infantry. H. Claude Steininger, Normal, Artillery, Camp Taylor. Corp. Fred B. Stephens, Bloomington, 161st Ambulance Co., First Army, A. E. F. Clyde Stephenson, Leroy, Infantry. Ray Stephenson, Bloomington, Infantry, A. E. F. Sergt. David B. Stevenson, (colored), Bloomington, 3()th Infantry. Killed in action. Grover C. Stevens, Heyworth, Infantry, M. P., IT. S. Camp. Jose])h G. Stevens, Heyworth, Infantry, Prisoner of War Escort 272, A. E. F. Ralph Stevens, Bloomington, Infantry. Howard H. Stevenson, Bloomington, Musician, 49th Coast Artillery. John Stevenson, Bloomington, Signal Corps, Fort Leavenworth. Corp. Raymond Stevenson, Bloomington. 161st Depot Brigade, Camp Grant. Sergt. Roy J. Stevenson, Bloomington, Machine Gun Co. 3, 370th Infantry, A. E'. F. W. H. Stevenson, Bloomington, Infantry. Archie F. Stewart, Heyworth, Musician, 106th Engineers. Died at sea. Sergt. Bradford Stewart, Normal, Headquarters Co., 40th Engineers, A. E. F. George Stewart, Normal, 21st Field Artillery, A. E. F. 476 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAE Sergt. Hanley J. Stewart, Bloomington, Field Hospital No. 18, Fort Eiley, Kansas. Sergt. John Wakefield Stewart, Bat. E, 5th Field Art., Camp Taylor. Neil Stewart, Cooksville, Infantry. Ealph Stewart, Bloomington, Drum Major, Marine Band, Panama. Eex Stewart, Bloomington, Co. B, 370th Infantry, A. E. F. Sergt. Earl T. Sticklen, Colfax, Utilities Company, Camp Wheeler. Harvey L. Stiegelmeier, Bloomington, Machine Gun Btn., 35th Div., A. E. F. Walter Stieglemeier, Bloomington, Co. B, 130th Machine Gnn Bat., A. E. F. Emmott Stiger, Bloomington. Arthur Stiger, Bloomington, Infantry, Evacuation Hospital No. 49, Colalenz, Abe Stillburg, Bloomington, Navy, Norfolk. John Stillman, Normal, 12th Field Artillery, Fort Bliss. Sergt. J. T. Stine, Saybrook, 88th Co., Marines, Philadelphia. J. H. Stiner, Bloomington, Infantry, A. E. F. Stanley Stivers, Normal, Aviation, Signal Corps. Sergt. Ernest F. Stockdale, Bloomington, Q. M. Dept., Camp Dix. Burdett Stone, Normal, Infantry, Charlotte, N. C Edmund B. Stone, 4th Engineers Train, Army of Occupation, A. E. F. Harry L. Stone, Normal, 34th Aero Squadron, A. E. F. Leslie Stone, Bloomington, Infantry. Clarence Denver Stoops, Cooksville, 115th Infantry, A. E. P. Harvey R. Storm, Bloomington, Aviation Signal Corps, Fort Wright. Claude Story, Lerov, Infantry. Lester B. Stout, Stanford, Co. B, 122d Machine Gun Bat., A. E. F. Walter W. Stoutamoyer, Lexington, Infantry. William W. Strain, Bloomington, Navy, A. E. F. Fred Strange, Bloomington, 315th Engineers, A. E. F. Sergt. Eoy A. Strain, Bloomington, Supply Dept., 135th Base Hospital, Camp Wadsworth. Eusse.ll Strange, Bloomington, S. A. T. C, Champaign. George Strayer, Bloomington. Died at Shipyards, Philadelphia, Pa. Elmer C. Straub, Bloomington, Machine Gun, 37th Infantry, A. E. F. Cris L. Streenz, Bloomington, E. E. 2, Q. M. M. E. S., San Antonio, Texas. Died in service. Bertie Stretch. Colfax, Infantry. Everett Stretch, Lexington, Navy, Hospital Corps. George Stretch, Colfax, Infantry. Eobert M. Strickle, Bloomington, Naval Reserve, Municipal Pier. Sergt. Eoss Strickle, Bloomington, 36th Aero Photography, Eantoul. William Stroh, Anchor. Died at Camp Mills. Bernard Strongman, Cooksville, 60th Coast Artillery, Musician, A. E. F. Harry Strubhar, Danvers, Clerical. Corp. Gus Struve, Saybrook, Infantry, Camp Hancock. Clifford Stubblefield, Bloomington, Navy, Great Lakes. Ivan E. Stubblefield, M. F., A. E. F. Paul N. Stubblefield. M. F., A. E. F. Sergt. Phillis D. Stubblefield, Normal, Engine Truck Co. 457, Eegulating Station Q. M. Dept., A. E. F. Corp. Warren Stubblefield, Normal, Battery C, 68th Eegt. C, Artillery, A. E. F. Guy Stubblefield, Normal, Infantry. Eoy P. Stuckey, Danvers, discharged in camp. Lyle S. Stuckey, Danvers, discharged in camji. Corp. Floyd Sturgeon, Leroy, Infantry, Camp Grant. Corp. Frank S. Sturgeon, Leroy, Infantry, Camp Grant. Chester E. Stutzman, Carlock. Infantry, Camp Sheridan. Clarence Stutzman, Chenoa, Infantry. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 477 Russel Stutzman, Bloomington, Co. B, Training Dept., Valparaiso. Howard Stutzman, Danvers, Infantry. Jacob J. Siiter, Bloomington, 5th Eeg., Marines, A. E. F. Wilbur Subke, Covel, Artillery, A. E. F. George B. Sweeney, Bloomington, R. E. No. 2, Machine Gun, A. E. F. Gassed and wounded. Leslie Eeuben Sutter, Towanda, Auto Mechanic, U. S. Camp. Orel Summers, Bellflowcr, Infantry. Edmund W. Sutherland, Bloomington, Infantry. Died at Gamp Grant. Fred O. Sutter, Heyworth, Air Service. Joseph Sweeney, Bloomington, Infantry, Camp Bowie. Martin B. Sweeney, Bloomington, Eailway Engineers. William J. Sweeney, Bloomington, Navy Electrician, A. E. F. Corp. Tlieodore Swigart, Farmer City, Navy, S. A. T. C, Champaign. Godfrey Swanson, Bloomington, Co. L, 18th Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded in action. E. L. Swindler, Bloomington, Infantry. John H. Swearingen, McLean, Bat. A, 6th Trench Mortar, A. E. F. George Swinehart, Cooksville, Fort Sherman, Medical Detachment. Wm. Swearingen, McLean, Co. B, 64th Infantry, A. E. P. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Capt. Frank Tatman, Bloomington, Infantry, A. E. F. Lieut. Harry H. Tenney, Bloomington, Infantry, 35th, 27th, 89th Div., A. E. F. Lieut. Gerald C. Thomas, Bloomington, 7nth Co., 6th Marines, A. E. F. Lieut. H. C. Thomas, Bloomington, Infantry, Fort Sill. Lieut. Lee Thompson, Saybrook, Infantry, Camp Taylor. Lieut. O. M. Thompson, Leroy, Medical Corps, Fort Eiley, Lieut. Harold Tice, Saybrook, Infantry, Fortress Monroe. Lieut. Otto P. Tieman, Bloomington, Artillery, Camp Taylor. Lieut. Frank Tobias, Normal, Co. B, 322d Infantry, 81st Div., A. E. F, Capt. Morrell T'omlin, Leroy, Infantry, A. E. F. Ensign Marion Collier Troster, Bellflower, U. S. N. E. F. Lieut. Col. O. J. Troster, Bellflower, Infantry, A. E. F. Lieut. Clarence Turner, Bloomington, Infantry, Panama. Lieut. Chester Twaddle, Bloomington, Aviation, Chanute Field. Lieut. Frank E. Tyler, Infantry, A. E. F. ENLISTED MEN John Tain, Leroy, Infantry. Graham D. Talbert, Bloomington, Fort Wright. William L. Talbert, Bloomington, Infantry. James Tallon Bloomington, Radio Co. H, 'Srd U. S. Infantry. Dean Tanner, Stanford, Aviation, Fort Logan, Amb. Co. 2. Ealph A. Tanner, Stanford, Medical Corps. Carl H. Tappe, Bloomington, Petty Officer, Navy, U. S. S. Panther, A. E. F. Paul T'arent, Bloomington, 370th U. S. Infantry. Wounded in action. F. L. Tarvin, Bloomington, Navy. Glenn Tatman, Bloomington, Carpenter's Mate, Navy, A. E. F. Horton E. Tatman, Normal, Chief Carpenter's Mate, Naval Aviation, A. E. F. John C. Tatman, Bloomington, Navy. Earl E. Taubeneck, Bloomington, Spruce Squadron, Washington. 478 McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WORLD WAR Top Row (left to rightj — August G. Gildner, George Gild- ner, Leo Gildner. Sern)ul Rotv — William E. Greiner, Colvin R. Gentes, E. Gill. Third Row — E. Green, Lester H. Gesell. Fourth Row — Otto Gunther, Lloyd F. Golliday. Arthur L. Gerling. Bottom Row — Clarence E. Gilniore, Lester I. Gilmore, Glen A. Gilmore. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAB 479 Ignatius Taiibeneck, Army of Occupation, A. E. F, Carl Tawuer, Leroy, Infantry. Chalmer Taylor, Leroy, S. A. T. C. Maurice Taylor, Danvers, Infantry. Earl Taylor, Bloomington, Musician, Great Lakes. Eugene Taylor, Loroy, S. A. T. C. Milo C. Taylor, Bloomington, Chief Engineer Housing Dept., Shipping Board. Eobert Taylor, Leroy, Infantry. William v". Taylor, Saybrook, Infantry, A. E. F. Myron S. Tee, Bloomington, Q. M. Dept., Washington, D. C, Camp Meigs. Q.M. Sergt. Samuel M. Tee, Bloomington, Camp Meigs, Washington, Q. M. Dept. Joseph E. Templin, Co. D, 3(1 Infantry. George B. Tenney, Bloomington, .307th Am. Tr., 82d Div., A. E. F. Benjamin J. Ter'ven, Towanda, Co. B, 130th Machine Gun Bat., A. E. F. William Teske, Bloomington, 167th Infantry, A. E. F. Andrew Teegan, Bloomington, Infantry. Sergt. John W. Teter, Downs, Coast Artillery. F. Thatcher, Bloomington, 8th Infantry, A. E. F. Eaymond Theis, Bloomington, Navy. Charles Thoele, Bloomington, Co. H, 7th Infantry, A. E. F. Frank M. Thoennes, Bloomington, Musician, 106th Engineers. Died in Glasgow of pneumonia. Otto A. Thoennes, Bloomington, 1st Class Musician, U. S. Navy. Arthur B. Thomas, Bloomington, Coast Artillery. Carl A. Thomas, Bloomington, Co. D, 46th Infantry, Camp Sheridan. Sergt. Charles Thomas, (colored), Bloomington, Infantry, 370th Regiment, A. E. F. David Thomas, Bloomington, Infantry, 3d Div., A. E. F. Gassed in action. George M. Thomas, Bloomington, Co. D, 14th Cavalry, Fort Houston. Glenn Thomas, Stanford, Infantry. Sergt. Harry A. Thomas, Bloomington, loHth Aero Squadron, A. E. F. Herman L." Thomas, Ellsworth, Co. K, 326th Infantry, A. E. F. Jacob L. Thomas, Stanford. Co. G, 121st Infantrv, 31st Div., A. E. F. Lewis Joseph Thomas, S. A. T. C, Wesleyan, Bloomington. E. S. Thonms, Bloomington, Infantry, Eifle Instruction, Marine Corps, Paris Island, S. C. Shelton Thomas, Bloomington, Marines, Newport News. Corp. Charles A. Thompson, Savbrook, Bat. E, 68th Begiment, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Clarence W. Thompson, Arrowsmith, Co. D, Sth Infantry, A. E. F. Bugler Daniel Ford Thompson, Hudson, Co. K, 11th Infantry, A. E. F. Earl Thompson, Colfax, Infantry. George Thompson, Danvers, Infantry. Guy E. Thompson, McLean, Infantry, 4th Div., A. E. F. James G. Thompson, Colfax, Infantry. Corp. J. S. Thompson, Bloomington, 3.30th Infantry, A. E. F. Sergt. Kenneth A. Thompson, Bloomington, Aviation, Americus, Ga. Sergt. Maurice W. Thompson, Bloomington, Co. D, 318th Engineers, A. E. F. Ealph E. Thompson, Co. K, 143d Infantry, A. E. F. Ealph E. Thompson, Arrowsmith, Aviation, Chanute Field. E. H. Thompson, Leroy, Infantry, A. E. F. Eex Thompson, Bloomington, 256th Aero Squadron, A. E. F. Eoy Thompson, Bloomington, Am. Tr., Fire Div., A. E. F. Gassed. William A. Thompson, Bloomington, Navy. Carl Thoms, Bloomington E. E. No. 5, Navy. Carl Thornton, Bloomington, Navy. 480 McLEAN COUNTY AND TEE WORLD WAR Sylvester Thorpe, Bloomington, Co. B, Machine Gun Bat., A. E. F, Victor J. Thorp, Bloomington, Field Artillery, Bat. E, A. E. F. Clarence Thrasher, Bloomington, 95th Infantry, Headquarters Co., A. E. F, John W. Thrasher, Bloomington, Infantry. J. H. Throgmorton, Bloomington, Co. A, 309th Engineers, A. E. F. Byron Tice, Leroy, Infantry. Harold Tice, Bloomington, Infantry, Fort Wright. Corp. William G. Tice, Normal, 15.5th Aero Squadron, A. E. F. Corp. Thomas O. Tiffin, Normal, Bat. F, 6th Eeg., Field Art., Camp Pike. Edward Timler, Bloomington, Co. C, 315th Engineers, A. E. F. Ferdinand Timler, Bloomington, Q. M., Newport News. William Timler, Bloomington, Fort Wright. Corp. Clarence E. Tinervin, Bloomington, Co. L, 36th Engineers, A. E. F. Sergt. Joseph E. Tipsord, Saybrook, Supply Co., 349th Infantry, A. E. F. Albert C. Tock, Bloomington, Q. M. Dept. Corp. Howard A. Tobias, Normal, Quartermasters, Arsenal, Camp Karitan, New York. Flovd C. Tobin, Heyworth, 33rd Infantry, A. E. F. C. L. Todd, Normai, Infantry, A. E. F. Corp. Carl Tohse, Bloomington, Infantry, A. E. F. Martin S. Toncheck, Carlock, Infantry. Jesse R. Tongate, Saybrook, Co. F, 330th Infantry, A. E. F. Harold J. Toohey, Bloomington, Third Class Fireman, Navy, Hampton Roads. Frank Toohill, Heyworth, Infantry. Sergt. Wayne C. Townley, Bloomington, Chemical Warfare Section, Baltimore. J. W. Toy, Holder, Navy, Newport. William Toy, Bloomington, U. S. Naval Reserve, Rhode Island. John Tacey, Chenoa, Infantry. William J. Tacey, Chenoa, Infantry, A. E. F. Rowland Traxely, Bloomington, Infantry, A. E. F. Floyd Traynor, Danvers, Navv, Charleston. H. M. Trent, Bugler, Co. B, i24th M. G. B., A. E. F. H. T. Trent, Bloomington, Navy. Joseph Trimble, Bloomington, Co. D, 409 Ten Bat. S. C, A. E. F. Albert Trimmer, Bloomington, S. A. T. C. Elmer T. Trimpe, Bloomington, Infantry, A. E. F. Ralph G. Troutman, Towanda, Co. M, 1st Am. TV., 1st Div., now in Germany. Clarence J. Troxel, Bloomington, Infantry. Lloyd E. Troyer, Bloomington, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Elva J. Truax, Lerov, 106th Am. Tr. Sergt. Carl A. Truitt, Bloomington, Co. A, 124th Machine Gun Bat., A. E. F. Leo F. Tuehon, Bloomington, Infantry. Clayton M. Tudor, McLean, Coast Artillery. Corp. G. C. Tudor, Leroy, Infantry, A. E. F. William Tully, Bloomington, Mechanic, Aviation, A. E. F. William J. Tuohey, Bloomington, Infantry, Camp Dodge. Pierre Turck, Meadows, Infantry, A. E. F. Paul E. Turlington, Bloomington, (col.) 3d M. G. Co., 370th Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Erasmus Turner, Colfax, Infantry. George D. Turner, Bloomington, *83d Field Artillery, El Paso, Texas. Harry T. Turner, Bloomington, Depot Brigade, A. E. P. John R. Turner, Bloomington, Navy, A. E. F. Lewis A. Turner, Bloomington, Field Artillery. Paul Turner, Heyworth, Y. M. C. A. Work, A. E. F. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAB 481 Jesse B. Tuniipseed, Colfax, Infantry. E. Eastus Turpen, Infantry, Mexican Border. William J. Tiirpin, Bloomington, Co. C, 14th Regt. Engineers, A. E. F. Harry B. Tiithill, Leroy, Infantry, Camp Denning. Eeginald P. Tuttle, Randolph, Medical Corps, Daniel Twomey, Chenoa, Infantry, A. E. F. Daniel Edward Twomey, Bloomington, Machinist, U. S. Naval Reserve. Edward Twomey, Bloomington, 308th Motor Transport Corps, A. E. F. Joseph Twomey, Bloomington, Infantry, Camp McArthur. Lawrence Twomey, Bloomington, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. COMMISSIONED OmCERS Lieut. L. M. Unsicker, Normal. ENLISTED MEN Raymond E. Uhrie, Bloomington, 3d Co., 5th P. O. D. Bat., A. E. F. Alva Roy Ulmer, Anchor, Infantry. Died at Camp Mills of influenza. Corp. Harry Umphress, Stanford, Q. M. Dept., Fort Oglethorpe. Ebert Underhill, Leroy, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Henry E. Underbrink, Normal, 313th Engineers, 88th Div., A. E. F. Herscher Underhill, Leroy, Infantry. Eugene A. Underwood, Bloomington, Infantry. Floyd Underwood, Saybrook, Infantry, Camp Baton Rogue. Glen Underwood, Saybrook, Infantry, A. E. F. Thomas J. Underwood, Saybrook, Infantry, Camp Logan. Earl Unszicker, Normal, Artillery, Fortress Monroe. William L. Urban, Hudson, Infantry, Camp Grant. V COMMISSIONED OFEICERS Capt. R. A. Van Ness, McLean, G04th Engineers, A. E. F. Lieut. Earl Vanordstrand, Bloomington, Aviation, Rockwell Field. Ensign Harold E. Van Petten, Bloomington, Naval Reserves, Hampton Roads. ENLISTED MEN Glenwood R. Vade, Vancouver, Navy. Charles Valentine, Bloomington, Infantry, A. E. F. Corp. George Valentine, Bloomington, Infantry, A. E. F. Haddon Valentine, Bloomington, Navy, A. E. F. L. S, Valentine, Bloomington, Infantry, A. E. F. Asa H. Vallandingham, Bloomington, 51st Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Edwin Van Allen, Leroy, Infantry, A. E. F. Glen R. Van Antwerp, Bloomington, Radio, Navy. A. P. Vance, Bloomington, Infantry. Park Vance, Danvers, 2d Engineers, A. E. F. Alvin V. Vandevere, Leroy, Infantry. Jason Vandevere, Leroy, Infantry. Perley B. Vandeveer, Bloomington, 68th Artillery, A. E. F. 482 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR Sergt. Lawrence Vandevender, Lexington, Coast Artillery, Ft. Totten. Franklin P. Vandervort, Bloomiugton, Engineers Corps, Officers' Re- serve. Clifford Van Dolah, Lexington, Navy, A. E. F. Gilbert Van Dolah, Lexington, Navy, A. E. F. Hyatt Van Dolah, Lexington, Co. G, 121st Infantry, A. E. F. Eoy Vandyke, Cooksville, Infantry. Paul L. Van Home, Heyworth, Infantry. Harry A^an Meter, Bloomington, Eailroad Eegiment, A. E. F. Corp. Wayne Van Gundy, Ellsworth, Medical Corps, Chicago. Ernest P. Van Nattan, Bloomington, Co. M, 325th Infantry, A. E. F. Sergt. Clifford E. Van Ness, McLean, Co. D, 61st Regiment, 5th Div., A. E. F. Corp. Franklin T. Van Petten, Bloomington, Tank Corps, Camp Polk. Sergt. Elmer Van Schoick, Bloomiugton, 1st Gas Eegiment, 30th Engineers, A. E. F. Corp. Cleve Van Winkle, Bloomington, Infantry, Fort Sheridan, Border Duty, Arthur Vaughn, Osman, Infantry, A. E. F. Earl H. Vaughn, Bloomington, Headquarters Co., 68th Artillery, A. E. F. Sergt. James A. Vaughn, Colfax, Infantry, Eecruiting Service, U. S. Eegulars. Del Veatch, Bloomington, Tank Corps. Thomas Veatch, Lexington, Eadio, Navy. Paul V. Vernon, Bloomington, Naval Eeserve, 1st Class Musician, Newport. Eemi Verwecke, Bloomington, Infantry. Died at Camp Sevier of influenza. Sergt. Joseph Vick, Normal, Infantry. James J. Vieroeks, Heyworth, Infantry, A. E. F. James H. Vincent, Cooksville, 112d M. G., Camp Logan. Corp. Leo Vincent, Bloomington, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Thomas Vincent, Cooksville, Aviation, Kelly Field. Eobert W. Vogel, Bloomington, Infantry. Charles Vogt, McLean, Infantry. Fred E. Vollborn, Holder, U. S. Navy. Sergt. William Von Allman, Bloomington, Co. D, 131st Infantry, A. E. F. Gus Vuylsteke, Heyworth, Infantry, Camp Kearney. Corp. Harry A. Vuylsteke, Heyworth, Infantry, Camp Jones. Mrs. Carl Vrooman, Bloomington, educational work with the A. E. F. W COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Lieut. William Ward, Cropsey, Chaplain, A. E. F. Ensign Cullen H. Want, Leroy, Naval Constructor. Major Marshall Wallis, Normal, Hospital Eeconstruction Work, Newport News. Lieut. Warren Watkins, Bloomington, Infantry, Camp Taylor. Lieut. Ferre Watkins, Bloomington, 344th Infantry, Black Hawk Division, A. E. F. Major P. J. Watson, Bloomington, 23d Engineers, A. E. F. Lieut. Eobert Glenn Washburn, Normal, Balloon Corps, Newport News. Lieut. James W. Weidner, Bloomington, Dental Corps. Major John \Miite, Leroy, Medical Corps. Lieut. Eobert Peter Whitmer, Bloomington, Field Artillery, O. T. C, Camp Taylor. Lieut. Bert L. Wheeder, Lexington, Infantry, Now in U. S. Hospital, Denver. Lieut. Jack Wilcox, Eegular Army, Infantry. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE JVOBLD WAE 483 Liieut. Stephen C. Williams, Infantry, A. E. F. Lieut. Walter W. Williams, Bloomington, Aviation, Engineers, Chauute Field. Capt. William T. Williamson, Lexington, Medical Corps, Camp Lee, Capt. Harry Kieth Wilson, Bloomington, 510th Engineers, A. E. F, Capt. Irving Wilson, Bloomington, Gas Combat Dept., Philadelphia. Capt. W. H. Wilston, Bloomington, 350th M. G. Bat., A. E. F. Lieut. William C. Wise, Bloomington, Pursuit Pilot, Aviation, A. E. F. Lieut. Edward Wittmus, Bloomington, Co. G, 34th Infantry, A. E. F. Capt. Frank T. Windle, Bloomington, Q. M. Corps, Camp Funston. Lieut. Eoss Winship, Bloomington, Ordnance, Reserve Corps. Lieut. Alfred M. Wright. Bloomington, 12th Aero Squadron, Observation Tr., A. E. F. ENLISTED MEN Emil J. Wackman, Bloomington, Navy. Curtis Wadell, Hudson, Infantry, Camp Wood. George D. Waddell, Bloomington, Base Depot, C. F. C, England. Hugh D. Waddell, Bloomington, Navy, U. S. S. Heron, A. E. F. Sergt. Wesley Wagers, Leroy, Infantry, G8th Div., A. E. F. Jay Wagner, Bloomington, Cook, A. E. F. Sergt. Eaymond Wagner, Bloomington, Co. G, 899th Pioneer Inf., A. E. F. Raymond *M. Wagner, Bloomington, Bat. D, 323d F. A., A. E. F. Walter F. Wagner, Bloomington, Infantry. Wounded in action. Elmer Wahls, Chenoa, Infantry, A. E. F. Fred C. Wahls, Saybrook, Infantry, 45th Coast Art., A. E. P. Lawrence Wahls, Chenoa, Infantry, A. E. F. Lester Wahls, Leroy, Infantry, 68th Div., A. E. F. Roy Wahls, Leroy, Co. L, 357th Infantry, A. E. F. Guy Wahlstrom, Ellsworth, Infantry, Camp McArthur, Texas. John T. Wakefield, Heyworth, Chief Electrician, Navy. Died on shipboard. Maurice Wakefield, Heyworth, S. A. T. C. Died in Barracks, Ames, Iowa. Sergt. Sherman D. Wakefield, Bloomington, 437th, 478th and 489th En- gineers, Washington, D. C. Ben Walden, Leroy, Q. M. Dept., A. E. F. Carter Walden, Leroy, Infantrv. Elsy Walden, Saybrook, 112th "Am Tr., A. E. F. George Walden, Leroy, Infantry, A. E. F. James H. Walden, Colrax, Infantry. Clyde A. Walker, Lexington, Navy. Fred Walker, Normal, Infantry, Camp Hattiesburg, Machine Gun Corps. Herman Walker, Bloomington, R. R. Infantry, Columbus. Sergt. William A. Walker, Bloomington, U. S. Regulars, Coast Artillery. George Henry Wall, Bloomington, Navv, Plumbing Fitter. Fred A. Wallace, Hudson, 413 Motor Truck Co., A. E. F. Hugh E. Wallace, Carloek, Co. B, 1st Bat., 118th Engineers, A. E. F. John R. Wallace, Bloomington, Medical Corps, Camp Kearney. Lloyd Wallace, Leroy, Infantry. Otis Wallace, Leroy," 8ri8th Ae"ro Squadron, Kelly Field. Richard A. Wallace, Carloek, Medical Corps, Base Hospital Unit 131, A. E. F. William W. Wallace, Carloek, Medical Corps, Camp Grant. W. O. Wallace, Leroy, Infantry. Corp. Don E. Wallev, Bloomington, Handley Page Training Depot No. 1. Sergt. Glen D. Walley, Bloomington. Co. MJ 349th Infantry, A. E. F. George Walli, Bloomington, Navy, Great Lakes. William Wallis, Bloomington, Y. M. C. A. Work, A. E. F. 484 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR Martin J. Walsh, Bloomington, Signal Corps. Thomas M. Walsh, Bloomington, Co. M, 4th Infantry, A. E. F. Eay D. Walston, Bloomington, Co. A, 349th Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded in action. Paul Walter, Bloomington, Co. C, 12th Machine Gun Bat., A. E. F. Wounded in action. Alonzo Walton, Normal, M. G. Co., 370th Infantry, (colored). Service Cross. James Waltz, Bloomington, Infantry, Camp Dodge. Sergt. Fred A. Ward, Bellflower, Co. 366th Infantry, A. E. F. Corp. Eaymond Ward, Bloomington, 54th Heavy Artillery, A. E. F. Eobert H. Ward, Bloomington, Hospital Corps, Navy. Thomas W. Ward, Bloomington, Y. M. C. A. Work, A. E. F. William V. Ward, Bloomington, Engineers, Camp Grant. Corp. William C. Ward, Bloomington, 124th Infantry, A. E. F. Sergt. William V. Ward, Normal, Co. D, 28th Pioneer Engineers, A. E. F. Richard H. Warlow, Stanford, Infantry, Camp Stewart. Jesse Ward, Bellflower, Infantry. Homer C. Warner, McLean, 358th Infantry, 90th Div., American Army of Occupation, Gerolstein, Germany. J. W. Warner, Bloomington, Cook, Greeat Lakes. William Warner, Normal, Navy, A. E. F. Sergt. Irl B. Warnock, Bloomington, Medical Department, A. E. F. Corp. Clarence Warton, Leroy, Infantry, A. E. F. Elmer C. Washburn, Heyworth, Musician, 356th Infantry, Camp Dodge. Eobert M. Washburn, Heyworth, 13th Infantry. Frank H. Watchinski, Bloomington, Co. L, 326th Infantry, A. E. F. Joseph Watchinski, Bloomington, Navy. William Watchinski, Bloomington, Troop B, 6th Cavalry, A. E. F. Albert Waters, Bloomington, Co. B, 1st Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Earl H. Waters, Bloomington, 38th Squadron, Aviation, Chanute Field. Sergt. John Waters, Lexington, Co. C, 354th Infantry, A. E. F. Harold Watkins, Bloomington, Medical Eeserve Corps, Philadelphia. John Watkins, Bloomington, Heavy Artillery, A. E. F. Paul E. Watkins, Bloomington, S. A. T. C, Champaign. Frank Watson, Bloomington, Navy, Great Lakes. Sergt. Harry E. Watson, Bloomington, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Lynn Watson, Normal, Naval Eadio, Harvard University. Eolland Watson, Bloomington, Eadio Work, Navy, Great Lakes. Thomas Y. Watson, Bloomington, Infantry. Eudolph D. Watt, Leroy, Co. B, 334th Infantry. Died in France of tuberculosis. Eupert Watt, Leroy, Co. D, 27th Infantry, Siberia and Philippines. Carl T. Waugh, Bloomington, Officers' Training, Camp Pike. Clarence E. Weakley, Lexington, Co. C, 49th Infantry, A. E. F. Died of pneumonia. Emmett C. Weakley, Lexington, 75th Co., 6th Marines, A. E. F. Lawrence Weakley, Lexington, 25th Machine Gun Bat., Camp Sheridan. Joseph Weaney, Bloomington, Infantry, Camp Grant. Ben F. Weatherford, Sergt., Bloomington, Co. 1, 31st Infantry, with the A. E. F. in Siberia, Eussia. Gordon W. Weaver, Downs, Medical Dept., Fort Clark. Melvin Weaver, Towanda, Infantry. George S. Webb, Bloomington, Naval Aviation, Minneapolis. Sidney Webb, Heyworth, Infantry. J. W. Webber, Bloomington, 106th Sanitary Train, 126th Co., A. E. F. Henry J. Wedekind, Bloomington, Headquarters Co., 108th Am. Tr., A. E. F. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAE 485 NAVY GROUP I'oiJ row (left to right) — Hortoii Tatman, Harry E. Clevenger, George G. Patton, Roderick Imhoff. Second roiv — Augustus Wehmeier, John Sheridan, Charles P. Sheridan, Peter J. Brown. Above — Dale Dugan ; (below) — Roland B. Protzman and Clarence Williams. Third row — Donald G. Calloway, John R. Turner, Alvin A. Conrad, Lester H. Porter, Andie Thoman. Fourth row — John G. Deynzer, Carl Sutton, Clarence Sutton, James Williams, Cecil R. Wiggle. (Above) — E. M. Printz. Fifth row — Warren 0. Barton, Reid Mitchell, Howard O. Brown, Pyrle D. Binnion, Ernest Behrman. Sixth row — Waldo Appel, Chester W. Chism, Roy F. Lishka, Arthur G. Gooch, Fred Hill, Leo Dugan, Wilmoth Hovey. (Above) — John Fritzen, Bryan Maxwell. 486 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE U'Oh'LU WAR Chauneey Weidner, Cooksville, Infantry. Charles H. Weiler, Blooniington, Bat. E, 69th Artillery, A. E. F. Louis Weiler, Infantry, A. E. P. Died in Europe. Robert Weiler, Blooniington, Machine Gunner. Wounded in action. Joshua Weinstoek, Blooniington, Infantry, Fort Hamilton. Loren Welch, Blooniington, Ra o .2 3.S Pi t* c a; oj ri (^ > 11 o ^ Oi CO 4) H ■£_'73 I* s 03 r- ._ • CO CO 03 502 McLEAN COUNTY ANV THE WORLD WAR GEN. PERSHING'S LOCAL AFFILIATION ^N (.* : in O-P. 1=1 a> Ui a> It was an honor to McLean county that Gen. John J. Pershing, si![)reme commander of the American forces in Eurojie during the war, should seek affiliation with an organization of veterans of the war here after the struggle was over. The above is a fac-simile of his applica- tion card for honorary membership in I^ouis E. Davis Post of the Ameri- can Legion. He made out the application while on a train stopping in Bloomington one day in the spring of 1920. McLEAN CO V NTT AND THE WORLD WAB 503 Wm. McClellan COLFAX BOY WOUNDED IN BATTLE One of the several lieroes of the famous Marine Corps who claimed their homes in McLean county was William 8. McClellan, son of E. C. McClellan of Colfax. He was severely wounded in action during the battles of June, 1918, when the American forces were first putting the crimp in the German army 's offensive. Young Mc- Clellan was many months in a hospital, but finally returned home and was dis- charged. He enlisted on April 11, 1917, only five days after the U. S. declaration of war. He was in Peoria, then Chicago, then to Paris Island and Quantico, then in July sailed from Philadelphia for France. He was in the front line much of the time from March, 1918, until the time he was wounded. IN MANY WAR-TIME PARADES An organization which became known in most of the public demon- strations during the war time was the McLean County Drum Corps. It led the parades of different contingents of draft men as they marched to trains to go to camp. It loaned its services free to all public affairs whenever desired, and was an inspiring factor on many occasions. The members shown in the picture herewith are: Top row, left to right: Buel Northrup, E. M. Dearth, Dana Sherard, W. L. Martin, Scott Price. The front row: George Duncan, W. E. Arrowsmith, Wallace Bishop, W. C. Means, E. A. Vencill, 504 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR A PAIR OF McLEAN COUNTY FLYERS Lieut. Denny Henderson Lieut. Earl Van Ordstrand Ralph Wurzburger Fred H. Brenninji; McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAS, 505 THREE BAVISTER BROTHERS AND OTHERS j? < ***».. ■'■»«, George Bavister John Bavister William Bavister Frank Lavin Geo. W. Ostrom Ed. Eainey Ernest Brust 506 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOBLD WAR DANVERS MEN IN ACTION Major John E. Morrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Morrison of Dan- vers, was one of the men who dis- tinguished himself for gallantry in battle. Major Morrison was a graduate of the U. of I. law school, and was practicing in Bloomington with Welty & Sterling when the war came on. He went to the first officers' training camp, then to Plattsburg, where he was commis- sioned captain. He was first sent to Lawton, Okla., where he was on the staff of Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood and was special instructor in small arms. He was commissioned major at Camp Funston, and on May 8, 1918, he was ordered over- seas with the 89th division. First lauding in England and then sent to France, he was under fire in the trenches for the first time on August 8. He was wounded in this action, and was afterward awarded the Croix de Guerre with palms for bravery in battle. He went to Tours to recover from his wound, and while there the Germans bombed the hospital in which he was, and Maj. Morrison received a slight wound from slirapnel. He was discharged from the hospital on October 1 and reported for duty. For one month he was instructor, and then went to the 2(ith division, and was in the trenches on the day the Armistice was signed. He was finally discharged from the service in March, 1919. Major John Morrison Few of the men who went out of McLean county into the war saw more active or continuous service than did Arthur L. Burdette of Danvers, who was one of the men who belonged to the famous Marine Corps, the fighting brigade which with the First Division stopped the Germans at the Marne. Burdette enlisted as a volunteer on April 20, 1917, and was finally assigned to the 7.3rd Company, Sixth regiment. He qualified as a sharpshooter on June 27, 1917, and on October 17 his regi- ment sailed for Europe. The history of the .Marines is familiar. Burdette was in the front line in the Toulon sector from March 15 to May 13, 1918. He was in the defense of the Aisne from May 31 to June 5. On the 6th of June the Marines got into action at Chateau Thierry and were under fire most of the time till July 9. Again on July 18 they got back into action in the Soissons sector, and remained there till July 21. From August 7 to 17 they fought in the Marbache sector. Being then transferred to the First Army, the regiment were in the St. Mihiel offense from Sep- tember 12 to 15, and in the Champagne sector October 2 to 13. In the final onslaught of the Argonne, Burdette took part from November 1 to 11. His regiment then marched to Coblenz and he served in the Army of Occupation from December 1 1918, until June 23, 1919. He was finally discharged on July 22, 1919. Arthur L. Burdette McLEAN COU NTY AND TILE WORLD WAR 507 COUNTY PRESS IN WAR TIME A factor of moment in every energy which the people of McLean county expended in the World War, was the weekly press of the county. The newspapers publislied in the towns outside of Bloomington come into closer touch with the people of their several communities than does the daily press, and tlie publishers of the weekly papers were among the most untiring members of the community in their work for victory. They boosted every "drive," they kept the people in touch with their absent boys in the army and navy by publishing many letters from them from camp and field. They formed a bureau of information about the work that women and men at home were doing. The editors be- grudged no amount of space for this war-time information. To the publishers of the weekly papers will ever be due much credit for their work in advancing war-time interests. The names of the county i^apers and tlieir publishers during the war were as follows: Hey worth Natural Gas — A. O. McDowell. ■ Chenoa Clipper-Times — L. O. IStansbury and W. H. Hawthorne. Lexington Unit-Journal — Florence E. Wright. Leroy Journal — M. A. Cline. Saybrook Gazette — Woolley Bros. Colfax Press— Entwistle & Van Alstyne; H. C. Van Alstyne; Editor. Danvers Independent — Albert C. Gingerich. McLean Lens — Crihficld Bros. Stanford Star — Crihfield Bros.; F. L. Garst, local editor. Gridley Advance — Stansbury & Hawthorne. UNITED WAR WORK DRIVE The last great drive in which McLean County people took part in the war, aside from the fifth liberty loan, was what was called the United War Work, it being a joint fund raised for seven different humanitarian projects connected with the war. The organizations i^ar- ticipating in this fund were the Y. M. C. A., the Y. W. C. A., the Knights of Columbus and the National Catholic War Council, the Jewish Welfare Board, The xVmerican Library Association, and the Salvation Army. The quota first assigned to McLean county for this united fund was $111,000, but the drive came to pass just as the war ended, and it was seen that additional funds would be needed for the demobilization period, hence the county's quota was raised to $1(57,000. The drive be- gan on Monday, November 11, 1918, the very day when the armistice was signed. It lasted a week, and resulted in the county more than reaching its quota. H. O. Stone was general chairman of the drive, with a thoro organization in every precinct and township. The school children were organized all over the county into Victory Boys and Victory Girls clubs, and they took an important part in the campaign. Tlie result was a subscription of $168,652, or over $1,600 above the super-total of the quota. The results by townships were as follows: Dry Grove, $1,642; Bloomington township, $2,047; Dale, $2,726; Anchor, $2,308; Allin, $4,214; Arrowsmith, $2,163; Bellfiower, $3,152; city of Bloomington $61,400; Blue Mound, $3,383; Cropsey, $1,793; Chenoa, $5,455; Cheney's Grove, $4,356; Danvers, $4,677; DaAvson, $2,476; Downs, $2,137; Empire, $7,380; Funk's Grove, $3,276; Gridley $5,462; Hudson, $1,269; Lawndale, $1,863; Lexington, $5,698; Martin, $4,151; Money Creek, $2,431; Mt. Hope, .$5,565; Normal, $11,423; Old Town, $1,091; Randolph, $5,129; Towanda, $3,784; West, $2,349; White Oak, $1,662; Yates, $2,184. The township of Empire did the remarkable feat of raising their entire quota of $7,370 in a single day, the first day of the campaign. 508 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WOELD WAR VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS John H. Kraus Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, was organized in Bloomington on June 11, 1920, when a list of names were taken at a meeting in the Association of Commerce auditorium for the filling out of a charter. The following officers were elected at that time: Commander, Jolm J. IMilliou; Senior vice-commander, I^ee F. Lishka; Junior vice-commander, AVilliam B. Geneva; Quartermaster, Charles W. Silvers; Trustees, Fred E. Shoup, Chester Hull, George A. Kraus. There were sixty cliarter members of the post. The success of the initial work of organization may he attributed equally to enthusiastic mem- bers of the Spanish American War Veterans and to the World War Overseas Men. The only limitation to membership is tliat a candidate must have fought overseas for the United States. Provision is made so that overseas fighters of America's allies in tlie World War may also join. The name of the post is that of a young soldier who enlisted at the very outset of the war from his home on a farm near Danvers and went to France with Pershing's first contingents. He was killed while figliting after an honorable record at Chateau Tliieriy, Montdidier and Soissons. The post secured tlie third fiooi' nf the building at 111 North Main street for their "dugout" and moved in .luly Kith, a montli after organization. WOMEN'S COUNCIL OF DEFENSE V(M-y active in the promotion of the work of the Women 's Commit- tee of the National Council of Defense in McLean county during the war, was Mrs. Frank O. Hanson, who traveled over the country and con- sulted with the representatives of the committee at various time. The women did a work in keeping up the morale of the population which is hard to over-estimate. The representatives in the various townships were as follows: Lexington, Mrs. James McCullough; Chenoa, Mrs. A. B. Hiett; West, Mrs. William Dean; Arrowsmith, Mrs. H. A. Ball; Martin. Mrs. Pearl Mcintosh; Lawndale, Mrs. Charles Atkinson; Yates, Mrs. Carrie Eckhart; Cheney's Grove, Mrs. Frank Anderson, Miss Jessie Youle; Anchor, Miss Minnie Martens; Cropsey, Mrs. Maud Crum; Eandoljih, Mrs. L. F. Eutledge; Mt. Hope, Mrs. Harry M. Palmer; Funk's Grove, Mrs. Eugene Funk; Empire, Mrs. Arthur Keenan; Downs, Mrs. J. G. Corey; Towanda, Mrs. S. S. Boulton; Old Town, Mrs. John Stableton; Gridley, Mrs. John Whiteman; Bloomington townsliip, Mrs. W. E. Reeves, Mrs. Dell Deems. LOST ON THE OTRANTO William Ralston, a Wesleyan law student, who lived in Bloomington during his college course, was one of the soldiers who were drowned when the transport Otranto was sunk off the Island of Islay, near the English coast in October, 1918. Young Ralston 's home was at Ver- mont, 111. He had made a fine record as a student at the Wesleyan, and his death was mourned. He was a cousin of Miss Lulu Crothers and Mrs. C. A. Stephenson of Bloomington. McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 509 THREE SCHULTZ BROTHERS Joseph Schultz Alplionse Schultz Andrew Schultz Harvey M. Otto CROPSEY WAR WORKERS The Red Cross branch at Cropsey "was one of the very active ones in the county during the war, and produced thousands of articles for the comfort of the service men, besides thousands of dollars for the general work. Rev. A. J. Jolly, whose son was one of those whose life was sacrificed in the war, was the chairman; Mrs. D. E. Crum, vice chairman, and Mrs. Charles Cumpston, secretary, during the active days of the organization. 510 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR TWO WATCHINSKI BROTHERS AND OTHERS William Watcliinsld (overseas) Frank Watchinski Geo. Stautz John O'Connor Floyd M. Smythe L. H. Crosland ■y' ^^ 4^ Harlan M. Johnson McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLD WAR 511 GREAT FACTS OF THE WAR The world war began July 28, 1914, and ended November 10, 1918. Tims it lasted four years, three months and 15 days— 1,567 days. As the war map was painted the Central powers were victorious for four years less ten days. Then in just 115 days Marshal Foch and the Allies de- stroyed autocracy. In casualties the entente nations lost in dead and wounded 15,525,000 men, and the Central Powers, 12,350,000 a total of 27,875,000. Tlie dead probably number 10,000,000 of that total. In money, the estimated cost of this gigantic conflict is approxi- mately .$250,000,000,000. Following is the estimated lo.^s to each nation: The Allies Great Britain .$ 52,000,000,000 United States 40,000,000,000 France .32,000,000,000 Eussia :]0,000,000,000 Italy 12,000,000,000 Roumania ' 3,000,000,000 Serbia . . . ." 3,000,000,000 Total $172,000,000,000 The Central Powers Germany ^ 45,000,000,000 Austria-Hungary 25,000,000,000 Turkey 5,000,000,000 Bulgaria 2,000,000,000 Total ^ 77,000,000,000 About $150,000,000,000 of the total war cost was raised by war loans of various nations and comparatively little by taxation. The public debt of the principal Entente Allies was calculated at approxi- mately ,$105,000,000,000, or more than twice as much as the aggregate debt of the Central Powers, set at $45,000,000,000. An estimate was made six months after the close of the war, of the number of American fighting men Innied on the soil of France. The total wa.s close to 75,000, the total casualties being stated as follows: Net Army Marines total Killed in action 32,232 1,473 33,705 Died of wounds 13,412 742 14,154 Died of disease 22,404 284 22,688 Died, other causes 4,025 11 4,036 Total dead 72,023 2,510 74,583 Taken 4,702 75 4,777 Missing in action 4,852 99 4,951 Wounded 194,808 ,3,224 108,037 Grand total 282,348 The total casualties shown do not represent individuals but casual- ties reported, as most of the "died of wounds" were previously re- ported wounded and, in many cases, men have been wounded more than once. 512 McLEAN COUNTY AND THE WORLB WAR PEACE (From Daily Pantagraph, November 13, 1918) A continent nnbends its back; Shakes oft' tlie sackclotli of its woe; Rising to smile amid its tears, To greet him friend who late was foe. Armies go trooping home. And ships In flag-decked harbors find surcease From bloody work upon the seas — ■ Twelve nations hail the joy of peace. But not until the healing years Their sweetened boon shall biing again. Shall vanquish all the scars of war — These wrecks of towns and wiecks of men. And even not the healing years From stoic grief may bring release To widows, orphans, mourning them Who come not honu^ Avith welcomed peace. For, 'crost the face of war-scarred lands Wind fresh-turned mounds o'er ]ilaiii and hill. And silent stars shine mournfully On miles of crosses, white and still. In darkened caverns of the sea, Where rolling waters never cease — The dead are there, the myriad slain; For them, alas, a voiceless peace. Columbia! Forth chastened stand, Unpuffed of pride in victory won; Thy hallowed sword, puissant hand Withdraw — their blows in justice done. Blood-purged of all imperial trace. May all the sons of men hence see Effulgent from thy radiant face. New Ijife, new Hope, new Liberty. Jacol) Louis Hasbronck. 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