81 ■ 1.: -x.W-itor; ^.■"> ,.rA ^ BOAI^D Ofr ^I^ ^s. ■^ %/ College op Hew c^ei^sey /■J. Ol^DBI? OP mw^ V^O ^^^• ^ "■/^^ ;:*'M^ * BY-LAWS BOARD OF TRUSTEES College of New Jersey. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD, NoVEMBEK, 1883. NEWARK, N. J. : A. P. * A. F. HOLBKOOK, PRINTERS, II MECHANIC STREET. WAY 18 f9J4 4'> V v" -^ ^- « h ^^ ~^3V>Jk /\lJ^^~^^^-^^^~3=r:i^ BY-LAWS. CHAPTER I. OF THE TRUSTEES GENEKALLY. 1 The Board shall consist of not more than tw^enty- seven persons, including the governor of thk state and THE President of the College during theih respective official terms.* 2. Of the entire Board, twelve shall be inhabitants of the State of New jERgil't: 3. The Trustees, with.the i;xcEPtioN of th3 Governor of the State, shall hold office during their natural lives, save in case of resignation or removal, with cause, by the board. 4. Each Trustee, before he entlrs upon the duties of HIS office, shall take and subscribe an oath or affirma- tion, faithfully and impartially to perform the duties of his office, an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, and an oath of allegiance to the State in which he resides. The said oaths shall be taken in THE presence OF THE BOARD, AND MAY BE ADMINISTERED BY ANY MEMBER OF SAID CORPORATION. 5. Of the ordinary members of the Board, twelve at least shall he clergymen, and twelve at least shall he laymen, save when, for Provisions of the Charter are jirinted in small capitals. reasons of expediency, it may be proper to alter this proportion, in which case, the proportionate numbers shall be restored as soon as practicable. 6. Whenever a vacancy in the Board occurs, a new Trustee shall be elected by ballot. Such election, however, shall not take place at the session of the Board at which the nomination of the candidate to till sucli vacancy is made, although it may take place at the same meeting. 7. If any Trustee be absent from three consecutive stated meetings of the Board, without satisfactory excuse, rendered in writing, he shall be regarded as having vacated his seat; and if any Trustee be absent, even with excuse, from six consecutive meetings, his seat shall be regarded as vacated, save by a special vote of the Board to the contrary. CHAPTER II. OF MEETINGS OF THE BOARD. 8. There shall be three Stated Meetings of the Board each .year; the first, or Commencement Meeting, on the Monday preced- ing the Commencement; the second on the second Thursday in November ; and the third on the second Thursday in February. 9. Special Meetings shall be held upon the requisi- tion or SIX Trustees, made upon the Clerk. This requi- sition shall specify the object for which the meeting is called, and such object shall be stated by the Clerk in his notice of the meet- ing ; and no business shall be transacted at such special meeting other than that specified in the reqyisition and mentioned in the notice. 10. Any nine or more of the Trustees, when duly convened, shall constitute a quorum, and be competent to perform and execute all the duties, business, matters and things of the said corporation, proyided always, that the governor of the state for the time being, or IN CASE OF HIS DEATH OR ABSENCt:, THE PRESIDENT OF THE SAID College for the time being; and in case of the death or absence of both the governor and president, the senior trustee of the said college shall always be one of the said nine trustees, so at any time constitu- ting the quorum as aforesaid ; but in case of the absence of the goyernor of the state, the president of the College and the senior Trustee, then thirteen members SHALL constitute A QUORUM. 11. No meeting of the Trustees shall be valid or LEGAL for the TRANSACTION OF ANY BUSINESS WHATEVER, UNLESS THE ClERK OF THE BOARD HAS DULY AND LEGALLY NOTIFIED EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE CORPORATION OF SUCH MEETING; AND BEFORE THEIR ENTERING UPON ANY BUS- INESS, THE Clerk shall certify such notification, under HIS hand, to the Board of Trustees. 12. The ClcM-k shall give notice at least one week before each meeting of the Board. 13. Any number convenerl, at the time of a meeting, less than a quorum, and more than two, may adjourn from time to time, for a period of three days; after which time they may adjourn to a period not less than one week distant, of which adjourned meeting due notice shall be given by the Clerk. 14. Each meeting of the Board shall be opened with prayer. 15. Trustees shall sit, when in session, in the order of seniority, beginning al the right hand of the President. CHAPTER III. OF THE OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. 16. The othcers of the Board shall be the Presiding Officer, President of the College, Clerk, Dean of the Faculty, Treasurer, Curator of Grounds and Buildings, Librarian, and such other offi- cers as the Board may deem it cxitcdient to a])point. — 6 — 17. These Officers, with the exception of the Presiding Officer, SHALL BE ELECTED BY THE BOARD, AND SHALL CON- TINUE IN OFFICE DURING THE PLEASURE OF THE BOARD, AND THEY SHALL RECEIVE SUCH COMPENSATION AS THE BOARD MAY DIRECT. CHAPTER IV. OF THE PRESIDING OFFICER. 18. The Goternor op the State of New Jersey shall BE, ex-officio. President of the Board, and in his absence THE President of the College shall preside, and in the absence of the Governor and President of the College, the eldest Trustee present at any meeting, shall preside. 19. It shall be the duty of the Presiding Officer to observe the order of business, and enforce the rules of order. CHAPTER V. OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE COLLEGE (IN HIS RELATION TO THE BOARD.) 20. The President of the College shall be elected by ballo/, by a majority of the entire Board of Trustees. The election of any person to the office of President, shall not take place until at least the day following his nomination. 21. In the absence of the Governor of the State, he shall preside at the meetings of the Board. 22. He sliall preside on all public occasions, and represent the College before the public. 2.3. He shall be charged with the oversight of the various de- partments of instruction in the Institution. 24. It shall be his duty to sign all obligations and contracts entered into by or on behalf of the Board, unless otherwise pro- vided by these By-Laws. 25. He shall have the custody of the Seal of the College, and affix the same to such iustruinents as require its use, when so di- rected by the Board. 26. He shall present a printed report at eaoh stated meeting of the Board, of the condition of the College in respect of such mat- ters as ho may deem necessary, with such suggestions as he may think proper, for the guidance of the Board. The different subjects embraced in his report shall 1)0 referred to the appropriate Standing Committees having charge of the same. CHAPTER VI. OF THE CLKRK. 27. The Clerk shall always be a member of the Board of Trustees. 28. It shall be his duty to notify the Trustees of all meetings, and to certify the fact of such notice having been given at the opening of each meeting of the board. 29. He shall be the custodian of the Charter of the Institution, of the minute books and papers relating to the records of the Col- lege, and of the bond of the Treasurer. 30. He shall keep full minutes of the meetings of the Board, and at each stated meeting shall present the minutes of the last preceding meeting or meetings, fairly written, for the approval of the Board. When such minutes are approved by the Board, they shall be engrossed in the book of minutes. 31. He shall notify, by letter, all persons elected to office by the Board, and those receiving Honorary Degrees of the fact that such degrees have been conferred upon them. 32. As soon as possible after each meeting, he shall transmit to the President of the College, the Dean, the Clerk of the Faculty, and the Chairman of each Standing Committee, all papers, matters, resolutions, or business that have been referred respectively to the President, the Dean, the Faculty, or such Committee. — 8 — 33. He shall, when he gives notice to the Chairman of a Com- mittee of the duties required by resolution of the Board, request such Chairman to inform him of the meeting of the Committee. If within two weeks of the meeting of the Board he shall not have been informed of the meeting of a Committee whose Chairman has been notified, he shall again notify such Chairman. 34. At least one week before each stated meeting, he shall transmit to each membei' of the Board, a printed copy of the docket of the business that will come before said meeting. 35. He may, with the approbation of the Board, appoint an assistant to aid him in his duties, and to supply his place when ab- sent, which assistant shall receive such compensation as the Board may direct. 36. In case of the death, absence, or disability of the Clerk, the President of the College, or the Dean in case of the death, absence, or disability of the President, shall be, ex-officio, Clerk of the Board, for the purpose of notifying the Trustees of meetings. CHAPTEE VII. OF THE DEAN OF THE FACULTY. 37. The Dean of the Faculty shall be elected by ballot, by a majority of the entire Board of Trustees, and the election shall not take place at the sitting of rhe Board at which the nomination is made, although the nomination and election may be at the same meeting. The office is independent of that of the President of the College, the Dean being responsible solely and directly to the Board of Trustees. 38. He shall be charged with the oversight of whatever does not pertain directly to the work of instruction, such in particular as the discipline of the College, the assignment of the rooms, and the sanitary condition of the Institution : — and to this end he shall be a member, ex-officio, of the Committee on Morals and Discipline ; the Curator of Grounds and Buildings shall report to him ; and the Proctor shall he siihordiiuited to hlni as well as to the I'resideiit of the College, and shall re])ort to him on all matters relating to the deportment of the students. 39. He shall report in writing at each stated meeting of the Board of Trustees on the state of discipline in the College, and on all matters relating thereto. This report shall he referred to the Oominittee on Morals and Discipline. 40. He shall have the right of meeting with the Board of Trus- tees and taldug ])art in all discussions relative to the matters con- tained in his re[)ort, or relating to the general discipline? of the Institution; and he shall also have the privilege of appearing before all the Standing Committees of the Board, and of co«fern'ng with them in relation to such matters as iu any wise pertain to the duties of his office. 41. He shall, in case of the absence of the President of the College, preside at all meetings of the Faculty ; and he may at his pleasure preside iu the various committees of the Faculty. 42. He shall assist the President of the College in the reception and examination of students applying for admission, and in the correspondence of the College, to such extent as the President may desire. 43. In case of the death or absence of the Dean of the Faculty during an Intcriiti of the Board, the Faculty shall select from their number a Dean ad ixfcrini, wlio shall act until .the next meeting of the Board. CHAPTER VJII. OV THE TUEASUUEU. 44. The Treasurer shall have charge and supervision, nnder direction of the ('ommittee on Finance, of all the securities and funds of the Corporation. 45. He shall sign receipts and acknowledgments for all money — 10 — and other property of the Corporation, and disburse the money under the direction of the Finance Committee. 46. He shall deposit the funds of the College in the corpo- rate name of the College, in such banks or trust companies as the Finance Committee shall direct ; which funds shall not be drawn out except by checks signed by him, and, when for sums exceeding one thousand dollars, countersigned by a member of the Finance Committee, or some person specially designated by the Finance Committee for that purpose. 47. He shall render a full and particular statement of his cash accounts, accompanied by vouchers, and an inventory of the investments ^f the Corporation, to the Finance Committee, at least one week prior to each November and February meeting of the Board. 48. His books shall be open at all reasonable times to the inspection of members of the Finance Committee. 49. He may be authorized by the Board to employ an assistant when the funds of the College permit. 50. He shall give bonds for the faithful performance of his duties, in such amount as the Board shall direct. CHAPTER IX. OF THE CURATOR OF GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS. .51. The Curator of Grounds and Buildings shall be the Resi- dent Executive of the Committee on G-rounds and Buildings of the Board of Trustees. .52. He shall, under the supervision of the Committee on Grounds and Buildings, have charge and control of the real estate belonging to the College; and he shall be responsible for the proper care and maintenance of the same. 53. He shall, subject as aforesaid, and subject also to such other Committee or Committees having supervision of the same, — II — have charge and control of, and be responsible for, tiie proper care and maintenar.ce of all the personal property belonging to the College, except the securities and funds, and the apparatus and specimens belonging to the several de])artments of instruction, and the books in the library. And as to these last named, excepting the securities and funds, he shall take such charge and perform such duties as the Committees having supervision of the same shall re<|uire. 54. He shall, subject to said supervision, have sole charge of all repairs to the Urounds and BuikUngs belonging to the College, and shall be responsible that the same are kept in repair and in order. All requests for repairs, or work of anj; kind, shall be made to him in writing and be signed by the person making the request, upon blanks which the Curator shall furnish for the pur- pose ; and the Curator shall paste such request, or copy the same, in a book to be kept for the purpose, with the date of the request, and what disposition he has made of the request and the date of the same — which book shall at all times be open to the inspection of members of the Faculty and the Committee on Grounds and Buildings. 55. He shall make no alteration in any building, or in any part of the grounds, and shall take no action in reference to the per- sonal property confided to his care, uidess he shall first obtain the consent of the Committee having charge of the same. 56. No alteration shall be made in any building belonging to the College, by any one, except under the direction of the Curator, and not by him unless the consent of the proper Committee shall first be obtained. 57. He shall, subject to the aforesaid supervision, have the sole charge of the sewerage and drainage of the College Grounds and Buildings. 58. He shall, subject to the aforesaid supervision, have the sole charge and responsibility of the lighting and heating ai>paratus of the College, and shall make all contracts for gas and the purchase of coal and other fuel. ,'39. He shall, subject to the aforesaid supervision, have the sole charge and nianagenicnt of the water supply of the College. GO He shall audit all bills for labor and materials furnished the College in his department. Gl. He shall, subject to the supervision aforesaid, make all con- tracts for work to be done on the Grounds and Buildings, except for new buildings otherwise provided for. 62. The employment, oversight, and direction of all College servants shall be committed to him. G3. He shall keep under constant inspection the Grounds and Buildings belonging to the College, and be responsible that the former are kept in good order, and that the rooms, entries, cellars, roofs, and every other part of said buildings, are kept clean and in good repair, and that snow is early removed whenever the same is necessary. 64. Upon receiving from the Sanitary Committee of the Fac- ulty any written opinion or suggestion referring to the health of the College, he shall forthwith communicate the same to the proper Committee, having the subject in charge. 65. Whenever in the opinion of the Curator any student should be removed from a room or College dormitory, for what, to the Curator, seems a proper cause, he shall report the same to the Dean for the action of the Faculty, and shall execute whatever decision may be made in the premises. 66. He shall charge students and employes of the College for damage to College property, and should any student refuse to pay the damage assessed by the Curator, he shall at once report the fact to the Dean for the action of the Faculty. 67. Whenever any dereliction of duty on the part of any em- ploye of the College shall be reported to him by the President, — l.J — Dean, a Professor, sliulent, or other person, he shall proniplly examine (he matter and adopt sueh steps as the case warrants. 68. He shall, at the beginning of evpry liscal year, make an estimate in writing of every expense wliieh will probably arise In his department during the ensuing year ; striving to make the expenses of his department as small as possible, eonsisteut with the proper care and maintenance of the property. 69. He shall decide in what houses, outside of the (College dor- mitories, students may room and board ; but in no case shall he permit a student to reside or l)oard in a liouse, if the Sanitary Committee of the Faculty shall notify him in writing that they object to such house. 70. The Curator shall adopt such a system as will enable him to know at once if there is a case of illness in any College dormi- tory, or in any house in which students reside, and shall immediately report any such case to the Dean, or, in the absence of the Dean, to the Chairman or Secretary of the Sanitary Committee of the Faculty. 71. He shall, within a reasonable time after receiving any writ- ten opinion or suggestion from the Sanitary Committee of the Faculty, inform the. Chairman of said Committee, in writing, what action has been taken in reference to such opinion or suggestion. 72. He shall perform such other duties as shall be assigned to him by the Board and the several Committees. CHAPTER X. * OK TllK I.IHRAKV AND TlIK LIUHAIUAX. 73. The Librarian shall have the care of the Library, under the direction of the Connnittee on the Library and Apparatus. He shall be responsible for tlie safe keeping, proper treatment, and prompt exhibition of everything hereby committed to his care. 74. He shall annually report to the 'Prustees the condition of — 14 — the Library, mcluding his expenditure for books, binding, and peri- odicals; the accessions by purchase and by donation; the average daily loans to College students, each term, and such other facts as may seem deserving their attention. He shall also permanently record these reports. , 75. Two-thirds of the existing annual revenue of the Library shall be expended by the Librarian, under the direction of the Fac- ulty. The remaining third of the revenue shall be expended by the Librarian for such books as belong to departments of learning not coming within' the province of any professorship, with the ap- proval of the Committee on the Library and Apparatus, CHAPTER XL OF THE FACULTY. 76. The Faculty of the College shall consist of the President, Dean, Professors, and Tutors, including all of them not specially excepted by the Board. 77. Professors shall be elected by ballot — and no election shall take place at the sitting of the Board at which the person so to be elected is nominated, although the nomination and election may be at the same meeting. 78. Tutors shall be appointed by the Faculty, with the appro- bation of the Board at the stated meeting next following such appointment. 79. The Faculty shall keep a book of minutes, which book shall be laid before the Board of Trustees at each of their stated meetings, and shall be referred to the Committees on ttie Curric- ulum, and on Morals and Discipline. 80. The Faculty shall, before each stated meeting of the Board, elect by ballot, tlu-ee Professors, two from the Academic depart- ment and one from the School of Hcienoe, who shall, when request- ed, attend and present to the Board the views of the Faculty on — ir> — matters pertaining to the instruction, order, and government of the College. CHAPTEK XII. OF THK STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE liOAKJ). 81. The Board, at their stated June meeticg, sliall appoint, liy ballot, the following five Standing Committees, each consisting of not more than nine members, including the President or Dean of the Faculty, who shall hold their office for one year, and until others are appointed in their place: 1. A Committee on Finance. 2. A Committee on College Grounds and Buildings. 3. A Committee on the Library and Apparatus. 4. A Committee on the Curriculum. 5. A Committee on Morals and Discipline. 82. The President of the College shall be, ex-officio, a member of the first four named of these Committees; and the Dean of tlie Faculty shall be, ex-officio^ a member of the Committee on Morals and Discipline. 83. Of the regular members of each of these Committees, at least two shall be laymen, and two shall be clergymen. 84. Each Committee shall be empowered to elect its own Chair- man, and no Trustee, other than the President of the College, shall be a member of more than three of these Committees, and no Trus- tee shall be Chairman of more than one Standing Committee. If a Trustee be elected as Chairman of more than one, he shall have the privilege of selection. 85. Each Standing Committee shall meet at least three times a year, and at such other times as may be ordered by the Board, or may be called together by the Chairman; and the Chairman shall always call a meeting of ihe Conuuittee on the requisition of the President of the College, or of three members of the Board. One week's notice of each meeting shall be given. — IG — 8(i. Any iiiiniber, not less than three, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 87. Each Committee shall report in writing at each stated meet- iug of the Board, and the reports shall be recorded in books pro- vided for the purpose. 88. The Chairman of each Committee shall be in readiness to report at the opening of the Board. CHAPTEE XIII. OF THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. 89. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Finance to super- vise the funds and securities of the Corporation. 90. They shall keep a careful oversight of the investments of the Corporation, and shall report to the Board their judgment as to the investment of the funds, and the changes that should be made. 91. Should any funds accrue during an interim of the Board they shall have power to invest the same, making a report of such investment at the next stated meeting. 92. If at any time during an interim of the Board they should deem it essential to the interests of the College that a change of investments be made, they shall have the power to make such change, and they shall always report the fact of such change and the reason thereof, to the Board at its next stated meeting. 93. They shall inform themselves whenever any interest upon the securities of the College has failed to be paid, and proceed to collect the same. 94. They shall, at each stated meeting of the Board, give an estimate of the probable expenses of the College for the ensuing- four months, the amount which the Treasurer will control to meet the same, and the sources from which such sum is derivable. 95. They shall see that no contracts are made for the payment — 17 — of money, without the money is arranged for ijoforehantl ; and no distinct fund shall l)e borrowed from, for any other use than that for which it is designated, unless by a vote of the Board. 96. They shall, at least once a year, examine the securities of the Corporation, and report the result of such examination to the Board. 97. They shall designate in wTiting to the Treasurer in w'hat banks or trust companies the cash of the Corporation shall be deposited, and in what depository the .securities of the same siiall be kept. 98. They shall designate a person to sign tbe checks of the Corporation with the Treasurer. 99. Expenditures authorized by any of the Standing Com- mittees shall not be made, if it be certified by the Committee on Finance to the Treasurer that there are no moneys available for the purpose. 100. They shall appoint an Auditing Committee of three mem- bers of the Board, who shall carefully audit the accounts of the Treasurer, verify his statements, and report upon tiie same, to the Committee twice in each year, which report, together with the Treasurer's Report, the Conmiittee shall present to the Board at each stated meeting in November and February. CHAPTER XIV. OF THE COMMITTEE OX COLLEGE GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS. 101. The Committee on College Grounds and Buildings shall have the supervision of the real estate, buildings and furniture, belonging to the College, excepting as mentioned in Chapter XV, Article 107. 102. They shall, at least once in each year, examine each building. 103. They shall instruct the Curator of Grounds and Buildings — 18 — what repairs are necessary, and shall give him such power as they think necessary to enable him to attend to the care and repairs of the buldings, fences, real estate, and furniture. 104. They shall have the supervision and control of the ser- vants of the College, and shall instruct the Curator of Grounds and Buildings as to their number and compensation. 105. They shall be responsible that the Curator of Grounds and Buildings takes care of all matters in their department, and keeps the fences, drains, walks, offices and furniture, in proper condition. 106. They may authorize the Curator of Grounds and Build- ings to act in cases where delay would work an injury. CHAPTER XV. OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE LIBRARY AND APPARATUS. 107. The Committee on the Library and Apparatus shall have the supervision of the Library and all the apparatus belonging to the College. They shall have under their supervision the Gym- nasium, its management and machinery ; the Observatory, its man- agement and instruments. 108. They shall have the direction of the Library, shall pre- scribe the times of opening and closing the same, and shall author- ize the purchase of books in consistence with the By-Laws relating to the Librarian. 109. It shall be their duty to see that none of the property under their charge is lost or needlessly injured : and they shall hold the Librarian, Professors, and Teachers, having charge of the same, to strict accountability in the premises. 110. The expenses of all new and movable property, apparatus, chemicals and furniture, and all repairs of the same, shall be au- thorized by the Commitiee, to the extent only of the appropriations made by the Board. — 19 — CHAPTER XVI. OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE CURRICULUM. HI. The Committee on the Curriculum shall have charge of the studies pursued in the College. 112. They shall assign the duties of the Professors, and the time which shall he alloted to each branch of the studies. 113. They shall have charge of the studies pursued in the School of Science. 114. They shall report to the Board what changes may be desirable in both the Academic Department and the School of Science. 115. They shall receive from the Faculty the names of candi- dates for Degrees in Course, examine and report to the Board the names of those whom they recommend for such Degrees. CHAPTER XVII. OF THE COMMITTEE ON MORALS AND DISCIPLINE. 116. The Committee on Morals and Discipline shall acquaint themselves thoroughly with the plans for discipline pursued in this and other Colleges, and shall suggest to the Trustees and Faculty such plans as may, in their opinion, be of advantage to the College. 117. They may be consulted by the Faculty on the best means of managing the discipline of the College and the preservation of the n)orals of the Institution. CHAPTER XVIII. OF HONORARY DEGREES. 118. Honorary Degrees may be conferred at any stated meet- ing of the Board by ballot. 1 19. All nominations for Honorary Degrees shall be made in — 20 — writing, setting forth the i'lill name of the nominee, his place of residence, and the name of the Trustee making the nomination. 120. The Degrees of LL.D., D.D., D.S. and Ph.D., shall not be conferred at the stated meeting at which the nomination of the candidate is made, save by the unanimous vote of all the members present ; at the following stated meeting, however, such Degrees may be conferred by the affirmative votes of a majority of the entire Board of Trustees. 121. The Clerk shall keep, in retentis, a list of nominations for Honorary Degrees that lie over, with the date of the nomination, and the name of the person making the nomination. The names of persons who are not acted upon within one year after their nomi- nation, shall be dropped from the Clerk's list. CHAPTER XTX. OF THE ORDEK OF MEETINGS. 122. A printed docket shall be placed before the Board by the Clerk at each stated meeting. The general schedule shall be as follows : I. Organization with Prayer. II. Reading of the Clerk's Certificate. III. Reading, correction, and approval of Minutes. IV. Clerk's Report. V. President's Report. VI. Dean's Report. VII. Presentation and reference of Faculty Minutes and Librarian's Report. VIII. Reports of Committees : (1.) Finance. (2.) College Grounds and Buildings. (3.) Library and Apparatus. (4.) The Curriculum. — 21 — (5.) Morals and Discipline. (6.) Special Conmiittccs. IX. Reports on Fellowships and Prizes. X. Consideration of Degrees in Course. XI. Nomination and consideration of Honorary Degrees. XII. Special reports of the Standing Committees on the President's Report. XIII. Special reports of the Standing Committees on the Minutes of the Faculty. XIV. Special report of Standing Committee on the Dean's Report. 123. Other matters may be placed upon the docket as they arise, or by special order of the Board. 124. The order of business prescribed in the docket shall not be departed from, unless by a vote of the Board upon motion. 125. Whenever a matter requiring the action of a committee shall arise, it shall be referred to the Standing Committee having charge of the subject, unless by special order of the Board. 126. Committees shall, in all cases, report to the Board in writing. Should a Standing Committee fail thus to report, such failfire shall be entered in the record book of the Committee, with the reasons thereof. 127. Those entrusted with llie giving of fellowships and prizes, shall report to the Board on the first day of the nu'cting, except in cases where the competition takes place during the session of the Board. CHAPTER XX. MISCELLANEOUS. 128. Ko resolution shall be considered by the Board, unless it be first put in writing and delivered to the Clerk. — 22 — 129. No change in these Bj'-Laws shall be made, save by a two- thirds vote at the stated meeting at which the proposed change is made, or by a majority vote of the members present at a stated meeting, subsequent to a meeting at which notice of proposal to change such By-Law shall have been given ; and no change shall be made in Chap. XVIII, Art. 120, at a meeting at which a change is proposed, save by a unanimous vote of all the members present. 130. All resolutions of the Board, inconsistent with these By- Laws, are hereby repealed. 131. The actual traveling expenses of Trustees attending meet- ings of the Board and Committees shall be refunded to them on application to the Treasurer. 132. All proceedings of the Board, the debates, and every part of the business transacted at its meetings, shall be considered as confidential, and shall not be divulged, except officially or when permitted by the Board, during the sessions of the Board. 133. The Commencement Arrangements shall be under the di- rection of a Committee of the Board of Trustees, who shall be authorized to add to their number from the Faculty or otherwise. RULES OF ORDER. 1. The Presiding Officer siiall loke Uie chair precisely at the ht)uv to which the Board slands adjourned; and shall immedi- ately call the members to order; and, on the appearance of a quorum, shall open the session with prayer. 2. The Inisiness shall be taken up and disposed of in the order prescribed in the By-Laws. 3. The Presiding Officer may speak to points of order, in prefer- ence to other members, rising from the seat for that purpose ; and shall decide questions of order subject to an appeal to the Board by any two members. 4. If the Presiding Officer desires to discuss any question he shall leave the chair for the purpose, and call the senior member of the Board present, to take the ciiair. 5. When a vote is taken by ballot, the I'residing Officer shall vote with the other members ; but he shall not vote in any other case, unless the vote be equally divided; when, if he do not choose to vote, the question shall be lost. 6. A motion made must be seconded, and afterwards repeated by the Presiding Officer or read aloud, before it is debated. 7. Any member who shall have made a motion, shall have lib- erty to withdraw it, with the consent of his second, before any debate has taken place thereon; but not afterwards, without the leave of the Board. 8. If a motion under debate contains several parts, any member may have it divided, and a (juestion taken on each part. — 24 — 9. When various motions are made, with respect to the tilling of blanks with particular numbers or times, the questions shall al- ways be first taken on the highest number and the longest time. 10. Motions to lay on the table, to take up business, to adjourn, and the call for the previous question, shall be put without debate. On questions of order, postponement, or commitment, no member shall speak more than once ; on all other questions each member may speak twice, but not oftener without express leave of the Board. 11. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be re- ceived, unless to adjourn, to lay on the table, to postpone indefinitely, to postpone to a day certain, to commit, or to amend ; which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are herein arranged 5 and the motion of adjournment shall always be in order. 12. An amendment, and also an amendment to an amendment, may be moved on any motion; but a motion to amend an amend- ment to an amendment shall not be in order. Action on amend- ments shall precede action on the original motion. 13. A distinction shall be observed between a motion to lay on the table /or the present, and a motion to lay on the table uncon- ditionally, viz. : A motion to lay on the table /or the present shall be taken without debate ; and, if carried in the affirmative, the effect shall be to place the subject on the docket, and it may be taken up and considered at any subsequent time. But a motion to lay on the table unconditionalhj, shall be taken without debate; and, if carried in the affirmative, it shall not be in order to take up the subject during the same meeting of the Board, without a vote of reconsideration. 14. The previous question shall be put in this form, namely : " Shall the main question be now put?" It shall be admitted only when demanded by a majority of the members present, and the effect shall be to put an end to all debate and bring the body to a direct vote — first, on the motion to commit the subject under con- — 25 — sideratiou (if such motion shall have been made) ; secondly, if the motion for commitment does not prevail, on pending amendments; and, lastly, on the main question. 15. A question shall not be again called up or considered at the same meeting of the Board at which it has been decided, unless by consent of two-thirds of the members who were present at the decision, and unless the motion to reconsider be made and seconded by persons who voted with the majority. 16. When the Presiding Oificer has commenced taking the vote, no further debate or remarks shall be admitted, unless there has evidently been a mistake, in which case the mistake shall be rectified and the Presiding Oificer shall re-commence taking the vote. 17. The i/eas and nai/s on any question shall not be recorded unless required by one-third of the members present. 18. No member, in the course of the debate, shall be allowed to indulge in personal reflections. 19. If more than one member rise to speak at the same time, the member who is most distant from the Presiding Officer's chair shall speak first. 20. When more than three members of the Board shall be standing at the same time, the Presiding Officer may require all to take their seats, the person only excepted who may be speaking. 21. Every member, when speaking, shall address himself to the Presiding Officer; and shall treat his fellow mendiers, and especially the Presiding Officer, with decorum and respect. 22. No speaker shall be interrupted, unless he be out of order; or for the purpose of correcting mistakes or misrepresentations. 23. Without express permission, no member of the Board, while business is going on, shall engage in private conversation. 24. Mendjcrs shall attend closely, in their speeches, to the sub- — 26 — ject under consideration; and when they deviate from the subject, it shall be the privilege of any member, and the duty of the Pre- siding Officer, to call them to order. 25. If any member act in any respect in a disorderly manner, it shall be the privilege of any member, and the duty of the Pre- siding Officer, to call him to order. 26. If any member consider himself aggrieved by a decision of the Presiding Officer, it shall be his privilege to appeal lo the Board, and the question on the appeal shall be taken without debate. 27. Any member shall have the right to have his dissent from, or protest against, any action of the Board, with the reason therefor, if couched in respectful language, recorded in the minutes.