I m ■ wmm mm m MM isii ".'.'.S3. ^H SB oh JH SraaE ESS Sn^SSS SB !**» Hi JOHNSON'S Therapeutic Key. / BY I. D. JOHNSON, M.D., Honorary Member of the American Institute op Homoeopathy, and Author op "A Guide to Homceopathic Practice." Starteentl) ffibttion, REVISED, IMPROVED AND ENLARGED, PHILADELPHIA : F. E. BOERICKE, HAHNEMANN PUBLISHING HOUSE. 1889. CO nu Qto J* • Copyright |\ L D. JOHNSON. 1889. PREFACE. The demand which has exhausted so large an edition of this little volume in so short a time has prompted the author to again bring out a new edition. And to gratify the wishes of a large number of our professional friends we have reproduced the Materia Medica — which was left out of the last edition — and given further indications for the use of the remedies, besides presenting other important matter not found in the original text. The symptoms of each remedy throughout the work are marked according to their estimated value. The asterisk [*] represents characteristic symptoms, or "Key-notes" Those in italics represent similar symptoms, but of a less prominent character; while those left without a sign correspond to a third degree of distinction. We are indebted to the following gentlemen, whose works have furnished valuable hints in the preparaton of this edi- tion : Drs. Eaue, Hering, Guernsey, Lilienthal, Jahr, Hughes, Hale, Hartman, Hempel, Lippe, Gatchel, Arndt, Helmuth, and especially to Prof. A. R. Thomas, for valuable material culled from his excellent work on Post-Mortem Examina- tions. The work is submitted to the Profession with the belief that it registers the furthest advance made in Therapeutics, and represents the condensed experience of the leading physicians of our School. I. D. JOHNSON. Kennett Square, Pa., January, 1889. 4o ^ .53 & o3 R ® rn h I I * > - VI VI VI O ft -£ cc CC OQ -2 ii i a VI VI VI VI cf gi, I 2 ^ 'S ft ~S 02. g« I • t>. & £ TO * a 1 1 s >»* GO to H ^ ° S-tf: ill l I « I ® .2 e8 h L 9 © h •SrH ' : ;g ; pP^o c3 fcJD a o CO XJl 8 HP i> CD 1 1 i > -M bf) s 1 h i-i in HP>k CO § 53 % ^ ^ H o 9 "§ 1 I fc-S-g ^ ^ 3 . 3 o> "** St — e S -rH ^ Q . ill! 1 .SIM I ^CS ^^ fl 8 w fi »2 ^ I 3 g* mi s ^* . o .3 ° ^^ 0, ft C* H ' II II II H O H a u A ° § 2 < H S. bO^ b o gt*02-< (4) PART I. DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC HINTS. DIAGNOSIS. EVERY case of disease presents two grand problems to be solved; 1st, to discover its nature, and 2d, to devise its cure. And as it is a matter of vital importance to the phy- sician to be familiar with the most approved methods of diagnosis, in order to take advantage of every possible circumstance that will aid in the cure of disease, a few sug- gestions, that will facilitate investigation and refresh the memory, will be acceptable to the clinical student who may not have time or opportunity to consult larger works on the subject. THE TONGUE. The tongue and characters of its coating furnish important diagnostic signs in disease. A tremulous tongue is, in all acute diseases, of evil import, but has no particular significance in chronic nervous disorders. Immobility and trembling of tongue, indicates torpor of the brain. If the tongue is protruded very slowly, or left exposed after being shown, it is a sign of great exhaustion, or con- gestion, or other pressure on brain. When the tongue is thrust continually to one side it indi- cates hemiplegia of the organ. A thick and flabby tongue, showing indentations from pressure of teeth, indicates gastric and nervous irritation. A sharp and pointed tongue is often observed in irritation and inflammation of the brain. A bright red tongue indicates inflammation of gastric or intestinal mucous membrane. A clean red tongue, with papilla prominent, or a white coated tongue, with papilla projecting through the fur, indi- cate scarlatina. Coating of Tongue. — Coating on root of tongue does not mean much, most persons have it even in best of health. A patch)/ or "map tongue" denotes irritation or partial inflammation of the stomach. (5) b THERAPEUTIC KEY. A thick and yellow fur covering the tongue indicates biliary derangement. A dark brown coating on tongue indicates malignant fever. A dry, blackish, furred, and tremulous tongue indicates abdominal or putrid typhus. A tongue red on edges and tip, or having a red, dry streak, in centre, is typical of typhoid and gastric fevers. A thick, white coating on tongue indicates gastric derange- ments. A lead-colored tongue is found in cholera and mortification of lungs and stomach. A lead-colored tongue, with thrush, denotes death under all circumstances. — Raue. A bluish tongue denotes impeded circulation. A black coating, in dysentery, indicates exhaustion, morti- fication, death. In Jaundice it denotes organic disease of liver. In small-pox it is an unfavorable sign. THE PULSE. The pulse of a healthy adult male at middle life beats from 70 to 75 times per minute ; but this is not an invariable rule, for some persons enjoy good health with a pulse at 50, and even lower, while others are as well with a pulse at 90. Again, it varies at different periods of life, and according to sex, position of body, etc., thus: — In embryo, its average per minute is At birth, During the first year, During the second year, During the third year, . About the seventh year, About the fourteenth year, In the middle period of life, . In old age, . . ' • The pulse of women is more frequent by 10 or 15 beats per minute than those of men. The pulse is more frequent by 10 or 12 beats in the standing than in the sitting posture. Muscular exertion, as dancing, for example, will raise the pulse from 75 to 125, and even higher. And eating or drinking will likewise increase the heart's action; on the contrary, during sleep the pulse is less frequent. OP THE PULSE IN DISEASE. Acceleration of the pulse is a common symptom of all febrile disorders ; it augments with their increase and subsides with their decline. 150 140 to 130 130 to 115 115 to 100 100 to 90 90 to 85 85 to 80 75 to 70 65 to 50 CLINICAL THERMOMETRY. 7 The pulse of an adult rarely exceeds 150 per minute, even in acute inflammatory affections; when it runs above 170 per minute, it portends a fatal issue. A quick, hard pulse is very characteristic of diphtheria and scarlatina. A quick, full, bounding pulse indicates inflammation, or fever of an acute inflammatory character. A sluggish, full pulse evinces a want of nervous energy. Unusual slowness of pulse is chiefly met with in chronic softening and in tuberculous affections of the brain. It is also a common symptom in diseases attended with coma resulting from concussion, or compression of the brain. A changeable pulse indicates nervous derangement, and sometimes organic disease of heart. A fine, scarcely perceptible pulse denotes great exhaustion and approaching death. An intermittent pulse is not inconsistent with health ; never- theless, it is more commonly an indication of disease of the heart. CLINICAL THERMOMETRY. The temperature of the body in a state of health ranges between 98° and 100° F. It is slightly increased by eating, exercising, and external heat ; on the contrary, it is reduced about 1^° during sleep. To ascertain the temperature of the body, place the bulb of a thermometer under the tongue or in the axilla, carefully protecting it from the air, and after the space of five minutes, the temperature will be expressed by the ascent of the mer- cury in the instrument. In disease, the temperature of the body deviates several degrees above and below the average of health. When it moves upward, it is far less dangerous than when it moves downward, particularly in children. Even in adults, one degree below the standard of health represents more danger than 2£° above, and 2° below more than 4° above, and so on. In facial erysipelas, acute meningitis, pneumonia, scarla- tina, typhus, small-pox, and intermittent fever it sometimes rises as high as 106° or 107° F. In other febrile diseases it rarely reaches 104°. A temperature of 105° to 106°, if it continues uninter- ruptedly for some weeks, leads certainly to death. The temperature rises higher the nearer the disease draws to a fatal issue. The loivest extreme of temperature is sometimes found in the cold stage of cholera, when the mercury rises only 90° or 91° F. It also falls suddenly in some cases of puerperal fever, pneumonia, and abdominal typhus, after a preceding high temperature. 8 THERAPEUTIC KEY. In general, for every degree of the thermometer, the pulse rises 10 beats per minute; but the rise of temperature to 99J° gives more evidence of disease than the rising of the pulse from 70 to 80 beats per minute. A decrease of heat in morning is favorable ; an increase from night to morning the reverse. If the temperature remains above the normal after general symptoms denote convalescence, the patient is in danger of relapse, or the supervention of some other affection. A slow and gradual increase of temperature indicates typhoid fever. In the course of typhoid fever, a sudden notable fall of temperature indicates intestinal hemorrhage. The range of the increase of heat in different febrile dis- eases extends to 110° F., and as a rule, the amount of increase is a criterion of the intensity of the disease. For example : — - A temperature of 108*6° indicates almost certain death. 107° < ■ generally fatal except in intermittent. 106° ' intense fever. 105° 104° * high fever ; dangerous. ' severe fever. 102° * moderate fever. 101° 986° 1 slight fever. ' normal. 98° * sub-normal. 96-6° < 94° < 93° ' collapse. < algid collapse. • fatal collapse, except in cholera. • RESPIRATION. In the healthy condition, respiration is easy, gentle, regu- lar, and without noise. It varies according to age, sex, and individuality, so that the normal number of respirations will average during repose : — 1 st year about 35 per minute. 2d year " 25 " 15th year " 20 " " 25th year " 18 " " Respiration is rendered more frequent by exercise, emo- tions, the process of digestion, etc. In disease it may be preternaturally frequent or slow, rising to 60 or 80, or falling to 8 or 10 per minute. Frequent respiration is common in all febrile and inflammatory diseases, especially in children. As a general rule, rapid breathing is a sign of thoracic disease. As mental emotions quicken the respiration, so do ALVINE DISCHARGES. V) certain nervous diseases. In hysteria, patient often breathes 60 or 70 times a minute. Slow respiration is seldom, if ever, an attendant upon pulmonary disease, but is the result of some structural or functional derangement of the nervous system. It is observed in apoplexy, in effusion of serum within the cranium, in softening of the brain, and in most of the circumstances which occasion coma. Abdominal respiration is where the diaphragm chiefly exerts itself, while the walls of the chest are nearly at rest. This usually occurs in acute pleurisy, rheumatism of chest, pericarditis, fracture of ribs, etc. Thoracic or high respiration is where the abdomen does not move, respiration being performed entirely by expansion of the chest. This is observed where the peritoneum, diaphragm or its pleural cavity is inflamed. ALVINE DISCHARGES. Signs from Defecation. — Diarrhoea and constipation are two of the most uniform accompaniments of disease. Even in healthy subjects the character and frequency of the evacu- ations vary greatly. Infants have from 3 to 6 passages daily, adults usually one, and the aged even less. Persons leading a sedentary life and using stimulating food, often go for a week without a faecal discharge. The existence of Constipation, except where it leads to an accumulation of faeces in bowels, has but little influence upon prognosis. In diarrhoea the stools vary from 2 or 3 to 40 or 50 in 24 hours. Diarrhoea occurring in the commencement of an acute attack of disease seated elsewhere than in abdomen, is of unfavor- able significance. If it occurs later in the disease, followed by alleviation of symptoms, it is sometimes critical. Drop- sies have been cured by spontaneous diarrhoea. Involuntary stools, without consciousness or without patient being able to prevent it, indicates fatal result. Consistency of Faeces. — Children at the breast pass faeces of pap-like consistence; with the advance of years they grow progressively harder. In disease, the excrements may be as hard as dry clay, or as thin as serum. In mania, melancholy, and lead-colic, faeces are extremely compact. When long retained they will be globular, resem- bling sheep's dung. In stricture of rectum, faeces assume shape and size of aper- ture, may be flattened, indented, or long and slender. Color of faeces varies. In children at the breast they are habitually light-yellow. During first dentition, and in sum- mer complaint, they often resemble hashed spinach. 1* 10 THERAPEUTIC KEY. In cholera, stools contain little flakes of fibrin, giving them appearance of rice-water. A deficiency of bile makes stools grayish-white like potter's clay. An excess of bile makes the stools brown or dark colored. Redness of the stools, is due to the presence of blood, seen in dysentery, congestion of liver, spleen, and in haemorrhoids, typhus, scurvy and purpura. THE URINE. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OF. A healthy adult person passes from 30 to 40 fluidounees of urine in 24 hours ; the quantity in summer varying from 30 to 35 ounces. Certain articles of food, drink, and drugs change its quantity and quality. Fruits, as apples, peaches, melons, etc., increase its quantity; while madder imparts to it a deep orange-color ; logwood, raspberries, mulberries, and blackberries, increase its redness ; indigo makes it blue, rhubarb and angusturia yellow; carbolic acid and preparations . of iron blacken it, and tannin renders it colorless. Turpentine gives to it an odor of violets; cubebs its characteristic smell, and asparagus a fetid odor. Color. Healthy urine is light amber or straw colored, but it may be colorless as water. It exhales a peculiar aromatic odor, which it loses on cooling. About 93 parts in 100 of such urine are pure water ; the remainder are chiefly urea, saline and organic matters. DIAGNOSTIC HINTS. A smoky tint is diagnostic of the presence of blood. Red urine generally indicates an excess of acid. Deep yellow urine indicates the presence of bile. Dark brown or black urine occurs during many malignant diseases, and are due to rapid morbid changes in the tissues and to decomposition of the blood. Turbid urine indicates the presence of mucus or pus. Pale urine contains an excess of water, urea, or sugar. Colorless urine is seen in hysteria, and after eating certain fruits. The froth on normal urine readily disappears, but if it be permanent, the presence of albumen or the constituents of bile may be suspected. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF THE URINE. Before commencing the examination of the urine, the clinical student should provide himself with the following apparatus and reagents : — THE URINE. 11 Two Cylindrical Urine Glasses capable of holding from 4 to ounces each. A Urinometer, the stem graduated from 1000 to 1060. Blue and Eed Litmus and Turmeric Paper. A Test Tube. A Spirit Lamp. Nitric and Acetic Acid. Liquor Potassae or Liquor Soda. Ferrocyanide of Potassium. A Glass Funnel and some Filtering Paper. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. The specific gravity of urine varies in health from 1010 to 1025 ; a fair average is about 1020. The simplest way of testing its density is by means of the Urinometer. The urine to be examined should be a portion of the whole quantity passed in 24- hours. Put about 4 ounces into a cylin- drical glass, care being taken to remove all froth. The Urinometer is then introduced, and allowed to float freely without contact with the glass. To obtain a correct reading, place the eye on a level with the surface of the fluid, and "look through the glass at the scale on the stem of the instru- ment. Sugar in the urine is the most common cause of a high specific gravity; if this substance be not present, uric acid will be the most probable cause. A low specific gravity is often noticed in chronic Bright' s disease, in hysteria, in anaemic conditions, and in diuresis from any cause. REACTION. Healthy urine is generally acid, as may be proven by test- paper (turning blue litmus-paper red). A very acid, high-colored urine favors the occurrence of calculus and gravel. Alkaline urine is rarely observed ; when it is, it will be found to turn red litmus-paper blue. Acid urine sometimes becomes alkaline by standing long. EXAMINATION FOR ALBUMEN. Urine not distinctly acid should be rendered so before testing it for albumen, by adding a few drops Acetic Acid. If permanently turbid, it should ha filtered before boiling. Test. — Place half an ounce of urine in a clean test-tube, heat slowly to boiling point ; if a whitish cloud forms, add a few drops of Nitric Acid, and if the cloudiness remains, it is due to albumen ; but it disappears if due to the earthy phosphates. 12 THERAPEUTIC KEY. Dr. Smith's Test. — To a little urine in a test-tube add one- third its bulk of Acetic Acid, and afterwards a few drops of a s olution of Ferrocyanide of Potassium ; if albumen be present, a dstinct whitish precipitate will occur. Banal Casts. — The search for renal casts should always follow the detection of albumen, as this substance alone does not indicate kidney disease unless tube-casts are found. Allow the urine to settle in a tall glass, then pour off the top, and use last few drops, which place under microscope for examination. EXAMINATION FOR SUGAR. Sugar in the urine is the most common cause of a high spe- cific gravity ; if it rises above 1030, sugar may be suspected. Moore's Test. — Equal parts of urine and liquor potassse or liquor sodaB are poured into a test-tube, and the upper layer of this mixture heated to boiling over a spirit-lamp. The heated portion becomes brown-red, dark-brown, or black, according to the amount of sugar present. If the mixture does not perceptibly darken on boiling, it may be assumed to be free from a hurtful quantity of sugar. Cautions. — High-colored urines, and urines containing excess of phosphates, darken perceptibly on boiling with caustic alkalies, and if the urine be albuminous, the color will be greatly deepened, though no sugar be present. Before applying the tests, therefore, to albuminous urine, the albu- men must be removed by filtration after boiling with, a few drops of Acetic Acid. Trommer's Test. — Put about a drachm of the urine into a test-tube, and add about half the quantity of liquor potassse or sodae. A weak solution of sulphate of copper (10 grains to fluidounce) is now dropped into the mixture. The precipi- tate first formed is redissolved on shaking the test-tube. The copper should be carefully dropped in, and the test-tube shaken after each drop is added, so long as the precipitate is easily redissolved. The solution will now be a blue trans- parent liquid. The mixture is next heated to boiling, when, if sugar be present, an orange-red precipitate will first be thrown down, which, after standing, becomes reddish-brown. Quantity of Sugar in the Urine. — To estimate the amount of sugar in the urine, put about4fluidounces into a 12-ounce bottle with a piece of German yeast the size of a chestnut; set it in a warm place, lightly covered, and by its side place another bottle of the same urine without any yeast, and tightly corked. After a period of 24 hours, the fermented urine is poured into a wineglass, and the specific gravity taken. The specific gravity of the unfermented urine is also taken, and the number of "degrees of density lost" in the fermented urine will give the number of grains of sugar con- tained in a fluidounce. THE SICK-ROOM. 13 Observations. — Modern research has shown that a healthy- man excretes daily through the kidneys about 15 grains of sugar ; therefore, unless the tests show a much greater quantity than this, it is of little value in a diagnostic or therapeutic sense. It has also been ascertained that the excretion of sugar in diabetes is far greater during the night than during the day. PUS IN THE UEINE. Pus is frequently present in the urine, and produces a thick sediment at the bottom of urine-glass*. It rarely becomes alka- line, and readily decomposes after being passed. It is perma- nently turbid ; that is, the turbidity is unaffected by heat. The deposit from urine containing pus is rendered viscid and gelatinous by the addition of about half its quantity of liquor potassee. Urine containing mucus, on the other hand, becomes more fluid and limpid by the addition of liquor potassae. URINARY DEPOSITS. The microscope affords the best means of determining the character of urinary sediments. A light, flocculent, cloudy deposit is commonly mucus, epi- thelial cells or spermatozoa. A yellow, orange, or pinkish deposit, dissolving when heated — urine acid — is due to urates. A dense, abundant white deposit, dissolving when Acetic Acid is added — urine alkaline — consists of phosphates. A granular or crystalline reddish deposit, is uric acid. A dark, sooty and dingy-red deposit, is usually blood. Bodies resembling earth-worms, are sometimes passed from the bladder ; they are coagula of blood, moulded in the ureters. THE SICK-ROOM. The room to be occupied by the sick should be large and airy, on the upper floor of house, exposed to direct rays of sun and as retired as possible. The temperature in winter should not exceed 70° F. Ventilation. — A constant supply of pure atmospheric air is an absolute necessity in the sick-room. Remove all perfumery, camphor and quack nostrums ; open the windows and doors, and let in the pure fresh air of heaven. Observe the strictest regard to cleanliness, and exclude all persons not absolutely needed, as they tend to vitiate the atmosphere. Furniture. — The bed should be a hair mattress, covered with a gum blanket or oilcloth to prevent its being soiled ; over this place the under sheet and then the upper coverings. Use hair pillows, and where special support is needed [as in case of bed-sores] air cushions. Where contagious diseases 14 THERAPEUTIC KEY. are rife, have as little furniture in room as possible, espe« cially upholstered, and no carpets, curtains or rugs. Disinfection. — No disinfectant can take the place of free ventilation and cleanliness. Volatile chemical agents, such as Carbolic Acid, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine and Sulphurous Acid, when used in sufficient quantities to destroy disease germs, will also destroy the patient; therefore, it is found impractical to disinfect an occupied room by such means. Bad odors may be neutralized, but this is not disinfection ; better turn foul air out the window or up the chimney, than attempt to purify it. Pulverized Charcoal put in dishes and set about the room is an excellent purifier of vitiated air. Cold fresh water, put in a wide tub and placed under the bed, is a good absorber of gases. It should be renewed two or three times a day. Disinfection of Excreta. — Receive all alvine and other discharges in & porcelain vessel containing a solution Chloride Lime [4 ounces to gallon], let stand ten minutes, then remove and bury. If impracticable to bury discharges, empty into water-closet, and frequently throw down a solution Sul- phate of Iron [1 lb. to gal.]. Another powerful disinfectant is: R. Corrosive Sublimate and Permanganate of Potash, aa gii, water Cj : dissolve and use same as Chloride Lime, Being odorless, it has this advantage. It is very poisonous, and will injure leaden pipes and metallic vessels if allowed to remain in them long. Disinfection of Clothing. — All soiled clothing should be immersed in Chloride of Lime water [2 ounces to gal.] for two hours before being sent to the wash. Clothing and bedding which cannot be washed should be exposed to a temperature of 230° for three hours, and where this cannot be properly done, they should be burned. Sputa. — All matters or secretions expectorated by patients suffering with scarlatina, diphtheria, small-pox, typhus, phthisis, etc., should be disinfected by being discharged in a cup half full of Chloride of Lime Water [4 oz. to gal.]. Fetid Odors. — Offensive odors arising from morbid secre- tions, exhalations, etc., may be deodorized as follows: Dissolve an ounce of Chlorate Potassse in a gallon of water, saturate cloths in the solution and hang them about the room. Fumigation. — After scarlatina, small -pox, diphtheria, typhus and yellow fever, fumigation should be resorted to. Take three lbs. of Sulphur [for every 1000 cubic feet of air space in room], put it in an earthen pan, set it on a brick in a tub part full of water, place this in the room and set it on fire with live coals. All heavy clothing should be opened out and fully exposed, and all metallic substances removed. Keep the room tightly closed for twenty-four hours, then open and air thoroughly. DIETETIC PREPARATIONS. 15 Privy Vaults, Cess-Pools, etc. — For the disinfection of privy vaults, cess-pools, etc., dissolve two pounds of Sulphate of Iron in two gallons of water and throw into pit or drain. This should be repeated from time to time as occasion may require. DIETETIC PREPARATIONS. BEEF TEA (Liebig's Receipt). — Take half a pound of fresh beef, finely minced, one pint soft water, four drops Muriatic acid, and a little salt. Dissolve the salt and acid in three- fourths of the water and add to it the meat. Let stand an hour, then strain through a sieve or cheese-cloth, and wash the residue with the extra quarter of a pint water, and mix the two liquids together. To warm up beef tea put it in a teacup and set the cup in a vessel of hot water. BEEF TEA (Gatchel's Receipt). — Take a pound of fresh beef cut fine, soak over night in third of a quart cold water. Now put the meat in two-thirds of a quart water and simmer two hours, adding a little water occasionally to replace what is lost by evaporation. When done pour the broth into the liquor in which the meat was soaked, squeezing meat dry as possible. Put meat on plate in oven, and when perfectly dry, powder in a mortar and mix it with the liquor. Add a little salt, 20 drops Muriatic ac, and 3 grs. Pepsin. This preparation contains all the elements of the meat in a liquid form. It makes an excellent nutrient enema. BEEF TEA [No. 2]. — Take a pound of lean beef, pound thoroughly, put it in a pint of cold water, place over a slow fire and let it come to a boil, then remove it from the fire, skim off the top and season with a little salt. BEEF JUICE.— Take a slice of fresh juicy beef without any fat, broil it just enough to heat it well through, score it on both sides and press out the juice with a lemon-squeezer into a hot bowl, and serve it warm. CHICKEN BROTH.— To a pound and a half of chicken, cut in small pieces and bones broken, add three pints cold water and a teaspoonful of rice. Bring slowly to a boil and let sim- mer two hours closely covered. When done pass it through a sieve into a hot bowl pressing through the rice. Let stand a few moments, skim off the fat and season with salt. MUTTON BROTH.— Put a pound of mutton cut in pieces in a quart of cold water, bring it slowly to a boil, and let simmer for two hours; when done pour through a sieve, skim off the fat, and season with salt and a very little red-pepper. A little fresh, well boiled rice may be added. OYSTER SOUP. — Put one pint of oysters in a saucepan, add a teacupful of water; place on the fire, and when it comes to a boil, remove it and pour off the liquor into a hot 16 THERAPEUTIC KEY. bowl, and the oysters in another vessel. Return the pnn to the fire and put into it a lump of butter the size of a walnut, and when it begins to bubble stir in a spoonful of finely powdered cracker, then add the juice of the oysters and half a teacupful of cream. Let cook a few minutes, then add the oysters, and when thoroughly hot, season with salt and serve immediately, BARLEY GRUEL.— Mix gradually a tablespoonful of barley flour with an ounce of cold water, then add two ounces of boiling water and a pinch of salt. Cook for a few minutes and then add three tablespoonfuls of milk ; let it again come to a boil and sweeten with a little sugar. GRAHAM-FLOUR GRUEL.— Take two heaped tablespoon- fuls of Graham flour; one pint of water salted. Rub up the flour in half a teacupful of cold water; put the pint of water in a water bath (or farina-kettle) over the fire, and when it boils, stir in the flour and cook three-quarters of an hour. When done, strain through a thin cloth, add a tablespoonful of sweet cream, and serve warm. This is an excellent article of diet for children or persons with delicate stomachs. RICE GRUEL.— Take one tablespoonful of ground rice, one pint of water, and a pinch of salt. Rub up the rice in a little cold water; put the pint of water in a saucepan over the fire, and when it boils, stir in the rice and cook twenty minutes. If a richer gruel is desired, use milk instead of water. GRAHAM BREAD.— Take one cupful bread sponge ; half a cupful warm water; three cupfuls Graham flour ; lard the size of an egg; half teaspoonful salt. Mix ingredients together and put in a deep pan and set in a warm place. When well raised, bake immediately. TOAST. — Use stale bread; cut slices thin and even; place on a thin platter in an open oven, and dry it through ; then place in a toaster and turn from one side to the other until it receives a deep yellow and uniform color. If to be served dry, place on a hot plate, butter and salt slightly. To make Water Toast, prepare the bread in the same manner as described above, then pour over it a cupful of boiling water, cover with a dish, and set in a hot oven for a few minutes. CREAM TOAST. — Prepare the bread as described above; pour over it boiling water, and after standing a moment, drain it off; butter and salt it slightly, then pour over it a little fresh cream. Set in a hot oven for a few minutes, then serve it immediately. GRAPE JUICE. — To one quart of grapes add a pint of water; let simmer from five to ten minutes; then strain through a cloth and sweeten to taste. APPLE WATER.— Take a juicy apple; pare, core, and cut in slices; boil in a closely covered vessel till thoroughly cooked ; then strain and sweeten to taste. ARTIFICIAL DIGESTION, ETC. 17 LIME WATER. — Take a lump of unslacked lime, size of small hen's egg; pour over it a quart of hot water; when slacked, stir thoroughly and let stand over night ; then pour off the clear liquid and bottle. TO KEEP ICE.— Tie a flannel cloth over the mouth of a deep vessel; let the cloth hang down loosely in the vessel; put the ice in this and cover with another flannel. Ice will keep in this way many hours in warm weather. ARTIFICIAL DIGESTION. Pepsin and Pancreatin are extensively used at present for the purpose of digesting food artificially. Pepsin is usually prescribed in ten-grain doses immediately before or after each meal to assist digestion. It should be mixed with arrowroot and given in sweetened water. If administered while fresh or in an active condition, it will be found very useful in some forms of chronic dyspepsia, and in convales- cence after acute exhausting diseases. Pancreatin is mixed with the alimentary substances, such as milk, gruel, beef-tea, etc., and the food allowed to undergo partial digestion before being taken into the stomach. Food treated in this way has been found especially useful in that form of indigestion sometimes called •« intestinal dys- pepsia." To Peptonize Milk. — Dissolve 5 grs. Ext. Pancreatin and 15 grs. Bicarbonate Soda in 4 ounces of water. Pour this into a quart bottle and add to it a pint of fresh milk. Place the bottle in a temperature of 100° F. to keep it warm ; let stand from 30 to 60 minutes, according to the degree of fermentation desired. When the milk turns grayish yellow and tastes bitter, it is thoroughly peptonized. The process of fermentation may be arrested at any point by heating the food to the boiling point, or putting it in a refrigerator and keeping it cold. RECTAL ALIMENTATION. When it becomes necessary to nourish a patient, where food cannot be taken by the mouth or retained by the stomach, nutrient injections have been resorted to for the purpose of sustaining life. Milk, beef-tea, broths, gruels, etc., are employed for this purpose. Peptonized foods used in this manner have been found very valuable. The rectum should be well emptied and washed out by warm water injections before giving the food. The temperature 18 THERAPEUTIC KEY. of food should be about 98° F. Inject about two ounces at a time, at intervals of two hours. Use syringe with long tube ; inject slowly and as high up as possible. Nutrient Suppositories are largely used in cases requiring food in this way. They are manufactured and for sale at most drug stores. DIET OF INFANTS. The question of Diet for Infants "reared by hand," is one of great importance to the clinical student. On account of the difficulty experienced in obtaining a suitable substitute for mother's milk, various articles and compounds have been introduced to meet t^e wants of the infant. WET-NURSE.— The mother's milk, where she is healthy, is undoubtedly the best food for child ; but where this cannot be obtained, a proper substitute must be furnished. Breast- milk being the natural food for infant, a wet-nurse should be procured. Before engaging one, however, her physical con- dition should be closely scrutinized. She should have a robust constitution, be free from all eruptions, herpes, ulcers, leucorrhoea, syphilis; in a word, she should be healthy and free from all vices and pernicious habits. COW'S MILK. — Cow's milk is perhaps the best food for infants where the mother's milk is out of the question, or a suitable wet-nurse cannot be obtained. But there are many points to be considered in its selection. It is important that the milk be taken from one cow, and not from a mixture of several. For a new-born infant, the cow should be fresh or nearly so, and the milk first drawn used, as it is weaker and will not require the admixture of water. If the milk be rich, add one-third warm water and sweeten with Sugar of Milk. As child grows older, add less water. The milk should not be boiled, but heated in a water-bath, or given fresh from the cow. When cow's milk disagrees, a little salt added will often be of great advantage. Cow's milk is slightly alkaline, but sometimes when the animal has been milking several months, it becomes slightly acid, in which case some physicians advise adding a little lime-water. To test the acidity, dip a strip of blue litmus- paper in the milk, and if paper turns red, milk is acid and unfit for a young infant. Good cow's milk will turn red litmus-paper blue. SUGAR OF MILK. — Where the mother has a deficiency of milk, and the child requires additional food, dissolve a large teaspoonful of Sugar of Milk in half a teacupful of boiling water, and add an equal quantity of fresh unskimmed milk, and give in proper quantities to the child. In using this preparation, if the milk or caseum is thrown up or passed WATER, IMPURITIES IN. 19 from the bowels undigested, add a little pulverized gum arable to the mixture. — Dr. Moore. WHEAT GRUEL.— Boil a handful of unbolted wheat flour in a quart of water for three-quarters of an hour ; strain through a cloth, slightly season with salt and sugar, and thin so as to pass through the nursing-tube. A little cream added will make it more nourishing, or if marasmus threaten, pulverized hard-boiled yolk of egg may be added. This is an excellent article of diet for young children. As they grow older, get their teeth, and are of an age to wean, it should be prepared in the form of mush, and eaten with a little sugar and cream. GELATINE. — Take a piece of sheet gelatine about the size of silver dollar, soak half hour in water. Then put it in a pint of fresh water and boil till dissolved. Rub three tea- spoonfuls of Bermuda arrowroot in a little milk, stir it into the gelatine-water, boil six or eight minutes and add a pinch of salt. Now add six tablespoonfuls of new milk and boil. After removing from the fire, add four tablespoonfuls of cream and a little sugar. If the child be constipated do not boil the milk. WHEAT FLOTJR.— Tie some flour in a cloth, boil for several hours until it becomes hard, when dry grate it down, and add a little milk or cream, with sugar. This is a very suitable diet for children after weaning, and does well for a change. WHEY.— Sweet whey prepared by separating the whey from the curd by rennet, is especially indicated when the child suffers from imperfect digestion. BEEF TEA.— Put one pound of fresh, lean beef in two quarts of water, and boil down to a pint; to a spoonful of this add one of water and one of milk. Advised where there is great prostration. BEAN TEA. — To a teacupful of wheat bran add a quart of water, and boil several minutes; add a little milk, and sweeten to suit. Advised in constipation. WATER, IMPURITIES IN. The taste and odor of a water are not to be relied upon in any degree. Water of delicious taste, clear and sparkling, may contain deadly impurities, while that tasting and smell- ing badly may be innocuous. Organic Matter. — Evaporate a quart of the water from a porcelain dish and note the residue, which should not be great. It may be due to excess of mineral matter not especially harmful. Put residue into iron spoon and heat over a lamp. If it turns black, organic matter is present. The odor 20 THERAPEUTIC KEY. given off while heating, will help to determine nature of impurity. Test. — To a given quantity of water add enough Permangan- ate Potash to give it a pinkish hue ; cover carefully to exclude air ; if organic matter is present a brownish color will develop in a few hours. Fermentation Test. — To given specimen of water add a Syrup of Sugar, and keep warm enough for fermentation to take place. If organic matter be present, gas bubbles will be seen rising. Such impurities may be removed by nitration through sand, gravel, or charcoal. Chlorides. — To half pint of the water add a drop of Nitric Acid, then a few drops of a solution Nitrate Silver. If a white precipitate is formed which turns black on exposure to sunlight, chlorides are present, and if in large amount these waters should be avoided. Lead.— Water is often impregnated with a salt of lead from being kept in cisterns or pipes formed of this metal. Among the tests, none are So efficacious as Sulphuretted hydrogen; it reveals a brown-black precipitate where less than the 100,000th part of the salt is present. Again, to a glass of water add two or three drops of a solution Sulphide of soda. If the water becomes dark-colored, add two or three drops Hydrochloric acid;. if the color does not disappear, lead is present ; if it does, first discoloration is due to iron. Carbonate of Lime. — Water containing lime is usually termed "hard water." The degree of hardness is exhibited by its power to curdle soap. When it can be removed by boiling or evaporation, it depends upon the presence of Carbonate of lime, and when irremovable by this treatment, Sulphate of lime is usually present. Such water is unfit to use in the preparation of medicine. It may be detected by adding to the specimen a portion of lime-water. The lime unites with the carbonic acid, which holds the carbonate of lime in solution, and the latter is set free in the form of a white powder. Sulphate of Lime. — Add to the water a few drops of Nitrate of Baryta, and if sulphate of lime be present, a white insoluble precipitate will be thrown down. Sulphate of Copper. — Sulphuretted hydrogen gives a deep chocolate-brown precipitate ; or, if the copper be in small quantity, merely a brown color. A slip of polished iron (a common needle), suspended by a thread in the water, is speedily coated with a layer of copper. Sulphate of Iron. — Ferrocyanide of Potassium added to the liquid gives a greenish-blue precipitate, becoming deep blue on exposure to the air. Hydrosulphuret of Ammonia gives a black precipitate. Oxide of Zinc. — Ammonia, or Sesquicarbonate of Ammonia, throws down a white precipitate. WATER AS A CURATIVE AGENT. 21 WATER AS A CURATIVE AGE1TT. As a hygienic and curative agent, water has been employed from time immemorial. That it possesses great palliative and curative powers has been well attested, both in public and private practice. It is an important auxiliary in the treat- ment of disease when employed in conformity with the homoeopathic law of similars. Bathing. — Every bath should be taken while the body is warm. No bath should be taken on a full stomach, or soon after a meal. Being in a perspiration is no objection to taking a bath. Delicate persons should not remain long in a bath. Should leave the water feeling vigorated. THE SPONGE BATH. — Apply the water by means of a sponge or crash towel, then rub briskly and thoroughly dry. Any invalid may take this bath with benefit. The water may be warm [90° to 100° F] or cold [50° to 60°] to suit the patient. THE WARM BATH.— The patient should lie in the bath and be rubbed by the nurse. If a bath-tub is not at hand, use a large wash-tub, which the patient may sit in, while the nurse dashes tbe water rapidly over the neck and shoulders for three or four minutes, then wraps him in a clean dry sheetf places him in bed, and allows him to dry without being rubbed. In cases attended with high fever, restlessness and inability to sleep, this form of bath will have a salutary effect. WET SHEET PACK. — Remove all clothing from mattress, place a pillow at the head, over this and the mattress spread two comforts, then a blanket; next take a sheet previously wet in cold water and well wrung out, spread this over the blanket. Now, the patient unclothed, lies down on his back in middle of sheet, head on pillow and arms raised ; the nurse now brings one side of sheet over the patient and tucks it under him; the arms are now dropped and the other side of sheet turned over opposite side and tucked in closely about the neck, shoulders, and body; the blanket is next turned over, first one side, then the other, and snugly tucked in ; then in like manner the comforts are wrapped'over by successive manipulations until the packing is complete. The patient may remain in pack half an hour or longer, according to circumstances, after which he should be sponged off, a dry sheet thrown over him like a cloak, and in this and with this rubbed thoroughly dry. Valuable in rheumatism, and all fevers, to lower the tempera- ture, and in scarlatina and measles it helps to bring out the rash, while in some chronic skin diseases it is an important remedy. THE SITZ BATH.— Take an ordinary, wash-tub, prop it on edge, place in it enough water to rise to patient's navel when 22 THERAPEUTIC KEY. he sits down in it. The temperature of bath must be regu- lated to suit the occasion; in some cases it should be as hot as can be borne. Valuable in amenorrhosa, menstrual colic, nephralgia, piles, constipation, etc. THE FOOT BATH. — Immerse feet and legs in warm water to the knees; add gradually from time to time hot water to raise the temperature. In this way temperature of bath may be raised to 150° without endangering the skin. The nurse, however, must be the thermometer, as patient's limbs should be constantly rubbed during the bath. Valuable in croup, bronchial catarrh, congestion of lungs, brain, spasmodic asthma, etc. HOT AIR BATH. — Seat patient unclothed on a chair with wood-bottom; place around him, including the chair, a blanket, tucking it in closely about the neck ; over this place a thick comfort in like manner, securing it in place with pins. Now put two ounces of Alcohol in a saucer, and set it in a deep plate, half filled with water [to guard against acci- dent], place this on the floor, under the chair upon which the patient is seated, and set fire to the Alcohol. Soon the patient will perspire freely, and after doing so for five or ten minutes he should be sponged off and dried in a sheet, as advised after taking " Wet Sheet Pack." POULTICES. LINSEED POULTICE. — Stir in boiling water ground flax- seed enough to make a thick pap. Spread evenly on muslin and smear the surface with a little olive oil or fresh lard before applying it. Cover outside with oiled silk and sev- eral folds of flannel, to retain moisture and heat. Should be applied hot and frequently changed. Useful emollient to inflamed and painful parts. OATMEAL POULTICES. — May be prepared and used in the same way. BREAD POULTICE. — Put bread crumbs into milk and sim- mer over a gentle fire till reduced to proper consistence. Beat smooth with a spoon, then spread on muslin and apply hot as can be borne. Indicated for the same conditions as the Flaxseed Poultice. SLIPPERY ELM POULTICE.— This is made by adding boil- ing water to powdered bark of Ulmus Fulva, stirring it con- stantly. It is a light, bland, unirritating cataplasm. CHARCOAL AND YEAST POULTICE.— To a sufficient quantity of brewer's yeast, stir in as much powdered Charcoal as it will bear, and apply to the diseased part. Used as a stimulant and disinfectant application to gangrenous and phagedenic sores. ENEMATA. 23 MUSTARD POULTICE. — Add warm water to equal parts of ground Mustard and wheaten or rye flour, stirring until a thick paste is formed. This is spread on linen or muslin, then covered with gauze and applied to the skin. Where a speedy effect is desired, the mustard may be mixed with a little water and the white of egg to form a thick paste. Spread on muslin and apply directly to skin. Used in almost every form of local pain, such as neuralgia, rheumatism, pneumonia, colic, etc. HOT FOMENTATION.— This is a folded cloth wrung out of hot water, applied to the painful part, and covered with oiled silk and dry flannel to prevent evaporation. Their utility may be increased by impregnating the water with the indicated remedy chosen in conformity with the law of similars. Useful in acute rheumatism, gout, peritonitis, muscular spasm, etc. SPONGIO-PILINE. — This is a thick fabric composed of sponge and wool, coated on one side with rubber. The sponge-surface is wet in hot water, wrung out and applied to the diseased parts. This is a very convenient and efficient means of applying fomentations, which may be medicated as suggested above. COLD FOMENTATION.— This is a folded cloth wet in cold water, applied to the affected part, and left uncovered to favor evaporation. In mechanical and other injuries, cold compresses can only do good when used in early stage. When congestion or inflammation has occurred, hot compresses should be employed. Used to prevent congestion, and in the treatment of burns, scalds, and frost-bites when applied promptly after the injury and kept in constant operation. HOT SALT PADS.— Flannel bags half filled with hot salt or hot sand, and applied to the affected parts, are excellent palliatives in many forms of local pain. A rubber bag filled with hot water is also a very convenient method of applying dry heat, and will be found far preferable to moist fomentations in many cases. ENEMATA. 'this is a well-known method of conveying water and other medicinal agents into the intestinal and vaginal canals. The best instrument for the purpose is the " Fountain Syringe.'* The temperature of the enema may range from 50° to 110° F., and the patient lying on left side, with hips well raised, should receive the injection and retain it long as possible. The quantity used must vary according to age and circumstances. For an infant, one ounce will suffice; for 24 THERAPEUTIC KEY. child two years, two to four ounces ; for one five to ten years, six to eight ounces ; and for an adult, one to two pints. In some cases it will be necessary to repeat the clyster several times in order to obtain the desired effect. WATER ENEMA.— Water, at a temperature of 80° to 90° F., forms a simple injection for all ordinary cases of consti- pation. GRUEL ENEMA. — To a pint of thin gruel or soap-suds, add a lump of lard size of hen's egg, or half ounce castor oil; mix well and administer hot. Useful in obstinate con- stipation and in flatulent and spasmodic colic. MUCILAGE ENEMA. — Warm slippery- elm or flaxseed tea makes a bland and suitable injection for infants. STARCH ENEMA. — Take of clear starch sufficient quantity, add boiling water to make the consistence of cream. Useful in cholera infantum and dysentery attended with colic and tenesmus. Should be given in small doses [one to two ounces]. VAGINAL INJECTIONS. In the treatment of dysmenorrhea, leucorrhoea, pro- lapsus, and other diseases of the genital organs, vaginal injections are highly important. The internal indicated remedy mingled with the menstruum, may be used with the happiest results. WARM WATER ENEMA.— Injections of warm water (100° F.) will often recall the flow in suppression of the menses and lochia. In post par turn hemorrhage, copious injections into the uterus of hot water (110°) have beeu very successful. ANESTHETICS. Test for Chloroform. — If equal parts Chloroform and Sul- phuric acid be shaken together in a glass-stoppered vial, no color should be imparted to either liquid after standing 24 hours. Again, pure Chloroform pourel on blotting-paper and evaporated, ought to leave no rancid odor behind. Caution. — Never give Chloroform or Ether to patient with heart disease, phthisis pulmonalis, tumors or abscess of brain. Unfavorable subjects are old drunkards, persons with en- larged tonsils, swollen epiglottis, and epileptic patients. Make provision for plenty fresh air ; have dressing forceps ready to grasp tongue, and Ammonia to use if necessary. Administration of Chloroform.— Many advise a mixture of one part Alcohol, two parts Chloroform, three parts Ether, used same as chloroform. Have patient in recumbent position, LOCAL ANESTHETICS. 25 clothes loose, slomach nearly empty. Fold napkin into a cone, place small sponge in apex containing 15 drops Chloroform, hold about two inches from face ; instruct patient to breathe through open mouth slowly and deeply. Administer slowly at first, allowing plenty of air. If any choking, remove napkin a little further. When first 15 drops are exhausted, repeat same quantity, and continue to do this till requisite degree of narcotism is produced. Watch the pulse and respiration; if either stop, remove napkin and proceed at once To Resuscitate Patient.— Lower the head. Pull tongue forwards. Open windows. Loosen clothing. Dash cold water on face. Shake chest vigorously. Hold Ammonia to nostrils. These failing, apply battery — one pole to inner Mirface of cheek and other over pit of stomach. Institute artificial respiration, about 18 per minute. SULPHURIC ETHER.— This agent may be administered the same as Chloroform. It is regarded as safer, but not so pleasant for patient. Commence with two drachms at first, push vigorously, especially in stage of excitement. Keep napkin close to face, and exclude air in giving this drug, whereas in administering Chloroform allow plenty of air. Precautions the same as taken to guard against accidents from Chloroform. LOCAL ANESTHETICS. COCAINE. — This local anaesthetic has been used for most part in ophthalmic surgery. It is especially adapted to mucous tissues whose sensitive nerves lie near the surface, as those of the eye, ear, nose, larynx, etc. A few drops of a four per cent, solution may be applied to the parts to be acted upon, and repeated at short intervals until the parts become insensible to contact. INTENSE COLD.— Take a lump of ice, put in a canvas bag and crush finely by pounding. Add to this one-half its weight common salt and mix quickly. Place in a thin gauze bag and lay over the part to be benumbed. Watch the effect and do not freeze the parts. ETHER SPRAY. — Use in minor operations, in opening abscesses, extracting foreign bodies, small tumors, etc. It is applied by projecting a stream of atomized pure ether upon the parts until they are benumbed. COMPOUND ETHER.— To one part Hydride of Amy! add four parts of Ether. This is applied by means of an atomizer, and will induce perfect insensibility in from ten to twenty seconds. RHIGOLENE.— This volatile fluid is more speedy and certain in its action than ether, is comparatively odorless and inexpensive. Used same as ether. 2 26 THERAPEUTIC KEY. HYPODERMIC MEDICATION. The hypodermic use of morphia has been greatly perverted by its injudicious employment. Indeed, it is questionable whether its discovery has not been a curse instead of a blessing to mankind. Its value, however, as a means of relieving pain, cannot be denied, and it is the duty of the physician to make use of all means in his power to relieve the suffering patient. The dose of different substances may be as follows : — Muriate of Morphine, Sulphate of Morphine, Sulphate of Atropine, Sulphate of Soda, . Sulphate of Quinine, Tinct. Hyoscyamus, Tinct. Cannabis, -J- to J of a grain. ^ to ^ of a grain. Too t0 io of a grain. grs. ii. grs. ii to grs. iv. gtt. x to xx. gtt. x to xx. If the remedy is soluble in water, it will be better to use that as a vehicle for the injection. Operation, — Having loaded the syringe, pinch up a fold of integument between the thumb and forefinger, insert the needle well beneath the skin and inject slowly. THE ASPIRATOR, This is an instrument constructed on the principle of the exhausting syringe, and is used for the purpose of with- drawing pus and other fluids from internal cavities. The needles are hollow and of various sizes to suit requirements. It may be used in abscess of the liver, retention of urine, ovarian cysts, hydrocephalus, strangulated hernia, hydro- thorax, etc. SIGNS OF DEATH. In all cases of apparent death occurring suddenly or from external violence, and whenever there is any doubt in the matter, extraordinary precautions should be taken in order to settle the question. The cessation of respiration and cir- culation (so far as can be observed) does not determine the matter, and even the absence of animal heat is not conclusive, for life may exist, and recovery take place where this is not an attendant. In all doubtful cases the following tests should be applied : — 1st. Apply the Stethoscope to determine if the heart is acting. ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION. 27 2d. Put the body in a dark room, place the hand (with fingers close together) between the eye and a lighted candle ; if lite is not extinct, hand will show transparent redness as in life. 3d. Tie a cord tightly around a finger; if the end becomes swollen and red, life is not extinct. 4th. Inject a few drops of Aqua Ammonia under the skin; if life still exists a red or purple spot will form. 5th. Insert a bright steel needle into the flesh, allow it to remain half an hour ; if life is extinct it will tarnish by oxidation. 6th. Place the surface of a cold mirror over the mouth; if moisture condenses on its surface, respiration has not ceased. 7th. In from 12 to 18 hours after death, eye-balls become soft, inelastic, feel flaccid. 8th. In from 8 to 12 hours after death, hypostasis or con- gestion of blood in capillaries begins to form in all depending parts of body. 9th. Putrefaction is positive proof of death, and unless this takes place by the end of third day, interment should be post- poned until it does. ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION. Turn patient on abdomen, one arm under forehead ; raise body to empty stomach and air-passages of water or mucus. Remove all clothing from chest; lay patient on his back; place a bundle of clothing [a man's body will do] under his back, to raise stoumch and lower the head; pull tongue forward and secure it by tying string over it and under the jaw; stand astride or kneel at patient's head; grasp his arms below the elbows, and draw them outwards, upwards and backwards till they meet over the head; keep in this position two seconds, then carry them down to sides of chest again till elbows nearly meet over stomach, and press firmly for two seconds ; repeat these manoeuvres at the rate of 1G to 18 per minute. Persevere in these efforts for hours, or until breathing lias become restored; then promote the circulation by friction, artificial heat, etc. Soon as patient can swallow, give some hot milk, beef-tea or coffee to drink. PART II. PRACTICAL GUIDE IN THE TREATMENT OF DISEASE. ABSCESS. THERAPEUTICS. The best remedies are For ACUTE abscesses : Aeon. Ars. Asa. Bell. Bry. Hep. Laeh. Led. Merc. Mez. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. For CHRONIC : Aur. Cal. c. Con. Hep. Iod. Lye, Merc. Nit. ac. Phos. Sil. Sulph. In BONES: Asaf. Aur. *Cal. c. *Cal. phos. Hep. Merc. Nit. ac. Phos. *Sil. Sulph. In HEPATIC abscesses: Bell. Chin. Hep. Kali. c. Lach. *Merc. *Phyto. Podo. Ruta. Sil. In SCROFULOUS abscesses : *Bary. c. Bell. *Cal. c. Cal. phos. Con. Dul. Hep. Kali. c. Lye. Merc. Nit. ac. Phos. Rhus, t. Sil. Staph. * Sulph. ACUTE ABSCESS. This is a collection of pus in a cavity the result of a morbid process. It usually commences with the ordinary signs of acute inflammation, such as fever, throbbing pain, redness and swelling, ending in suppuration. Internal abscesses generally require the same remedies as external. T R E AT M E N T, Leading indications. ACONITE. The tumor is swollen, red, and shining. Vio- lent cutting pains; parts burn, as from hot coals, [Ars.] Great nervous and vascular excitement. *Gets desperate about pain. *Great fear and anxiety of mind. Aggravation in evening, and during night. ARSENICUM. The abscess threatens to become gangre- nous, and is accompanied with great debility. * Violent burning pains; the parts burn like fire, [Aeon.] Restless tossing about. * Great thirst, but can drink but little. Aggravation during rest; better by motion. ASAFCETIDA. The abscess discharges a thin, fetid pus; is very painful to contact, especially the surrounding parts. *Pains, with numbness of affected parts. Nervous, hysterical, scrofulous individuals. BELLADONNA. Tumor much swollen, hard, and of an erysipelatous appearance. Pressing, burning, stinging or throbbing pains, [Hep.] *Pains which appear sudt-'^vV (28) abscess. zy and leave as suddenly. *The parts have a hot, dry sensa- tion, with muck throbbing ; gets worse about 3 p. m. Mam- mary abscess. BRYONIA. Mostly in beginning, when abscess is hard, swollen, and feels heavy, [Bell.] The tumor alternates in color, is either very red or very pale. *Stitching pains, aggravated by the slightest motion. *Hurd, dry stools, as if burnt. HEP All STJLPH. *Where suppuration is inevitable, [Lach. Merc. Sil.] Throbbing pains, frequently preceded by a chill ; the tumor hard, hot, and swollen. Scrofulous persons, and after the abuse of mercury. LACHESIS. Where pus has already formed, or where the inflamed portion assumes a purplish hue, or becomes gangren- ous, [Ars.] *Symptoms all worse after sleep. If caused by introduction of poisonous matter into the system. LEDUM. In the early stage, when abscess is distended and hard. *Stinging and tearing pains, aggravated by heat. Tensive, hard swelling, witli tearing pains. If caused by external hurts, splinters, etc. MERCURIUS. In commencement, often prevents suppu- ration; or after suppuration has taken place, promotes dis- charge, [Lach.] Glandular abscesses ; particularly when not inflamed, or with intense, shining redness, beating and stinging^ [Bell.] Where disease extends to sheaths of tendons and ligaments of joints, [see Mez ] MEZEREUM. Abscesses t hat occur in fibrous and tendinous structures, or where they arise from abuse of mercury. Stinging and throbbing pains, worse at night and from con- tact or motion. PHOSPHORUS. Incipient stage, to prevent formation of pus. Especially in mammary abscesses [Bel. *Bry. *Phyto ] it facilitates the suppurative process, and guards aga.nst, cicatrices. PULSATILLA. Abscess bleeds easily, with stinging or cutting pains, [Apis.] Violent itching, burning, and stinging in periphery of abscess. Pus copious and yellow. After violent and long-continued inflammations. *Mild, tearful persons; they weep at everything. RHUS TOX. Especially abscesses of axillary or parotid glands. Stinging or gnawing pains in tumor, which is very painful to touch. Discharge of a bloody-serous matter. *Pain worse during rest, relieved by moving the affected parts, [Ars.] SILICEA. Where suppuration is imminent [Hep. Lach. Merc], or where discharge becomes fetid, thin, and watery. Fistulous openings form, which are very slow to heal. SULPHUR. Inveterate cases, when there is a profuse dis- charge of matter, with emaciation, hectic fever, etc. Con- stant tendency to a return of the disease, [Hep.] Scrofulous 30 THERAPEUTIC KEY. persons who are frequently troubled with boils. *Psoric diathesis. *Lean persons who walk stooping. LOCAL MEASURES. Poultices relax the parts, soothe the pain and promote formation of pus. They should be large, light and soft. Linseed-meal or bread and milk generally used ; they should be covered with oiled silk to prevent getting dry. Hot water dressings are good substitutes for poultices. Soon as pus forms, use local ansesthetic and open at most dependent point. Support strength by a good nourishing diet j rare beef, beef-tea, milk, etc. AFTER-PAINS. After-Pains, as a general rule, should not be interfered with, at least for several hours after delivery, as they are caused by uterine contractions in efforts to expel portions of membrane or coagula which should come away. TREATMENT. Leading indications. ARNICA. Sore feeling all through the patient as if from a bruise. The pains are not very violent, but there is a bruised, sore feeling, with pressure on the bladder and retention of urine. After difficult labor. BELLADONNA. *Severe bearing-down pains, as if every- thing would- protrude, [Nit. ac. *Sep.] Pains come on suddenly and leave as suddenly. Fullness and great tender- ness of abdomen ; every jar hurts her. Sleepiness, but cannot sleep. GELSEMIUM. * Uterus as if squeezed by a hand. Numb- ness of extremities, uterine cramps extending upwards and backwards. CAULOPHYLLUM. After protracted and exhausting labor ; pains spasmodic, across the lower abdomen, extending into groin. CHAMOMILLA. Great nervous excitement, with restless tossing about. The pains are very distressing, and she becomes almost furious. *Very impatient, can hardly answer one civilly. Dark lochial discharge. CIMICIFUGA. After-pains worse in groins; over-sensi- tiveness, [Cham.] She feels the pains very acutely, and they make her sleepless, restless and low spirited. COFFEA. Great sensitiveness, with general excitability. *Violent pains, driving her almost to despair [becomes des- perate, Aeon. Cham.] Extreme wakefulness. CUPRUM ACET. *Terrible cramping pains, often accom- panied with cramps in extremities. Spasms, with nausea and vomiting. IGNATIA. The pains are cramp-like and pressing, re- sembling labor pains, [*Cham.J *Sadness and sighing, with empty feeling in stomach. AMENORRHEA. 31 NTTX VOMICA. When pains are aching and more like colic; fainting after every pain. Violent contractive pains in uterus, [Sec] *Every pain causes an inclination to go to stool. Much pain in small of back, worse by turning in bed. PULSATILLA. Severe colicky pains extending to back. The pains grow worse towards evening ; are too long and too violent, [Sec] Bad taste in mouth, with desire to vomit. ^Persons of a mild, tearful disposition. SECALE COR. Excessive uterine contractions, which are long continued. *In thin, feeble, scrawny females, or women who have borne many children ; feels cold, but does not wish to be covered. Thin, offensive lochial discharge. AMENORRHEA. [Suppression of the Menses.) TREATMENT. Leading indications. ACONITE. If the result of direct application of cold. Congestion of head or chest, with flushed face. Shooting and beating pains in head, with delirium or stupefaction. * Vertigo with faintness on rising from recumbent position. Age of puberty, [Kali. o. Puis.] Young plethoric girls. If caused by fright or anxiety of mind. APIS MEL. Suppression, wiih congestion of the head. *Chlorosis, with puffy, bloated, waxy appearance of face ; ©edematous swelling of eyelids and feet. Very busy and restless; constantly changing from one thing to another; very awkward, often breaking things. Aching pain, espe- cially in right ovary. ARSENICUM. Pale, waxen color of face. Great prostra- tion of strength. Loss of appetite; sadness and melancholy. Fear of death and being alone. Much chilliness ; wants more clothes on, or to be near fire. *Intense thirst, but drinks little. *SuiFerings all worse after midnight. BELLADONNA. Throbbing headache at approach of each menstrual period. Red face, with determination of blood to head when stooping. *Bearing-down pain in hypo- gastrium as if menses would appear, [see Cham.] *She cannot bear light or noise. BRYONIA. Swimming in head, with painful pressure in temples. Bleeding of nose, when menses should appear, [Bell. Puis.] Drawing pains in lower part of abdomen. *Hard, dry stools. ^Symptoms all worse from motion. CALCARIA CARB. Scrofulous subjects. The menstrual period is preceded by swelling and soreness of breasts, headache, colic, shiverings and leucorrhoea. *Cold, damp feet, and swelling at pit of stomach. * Dizziness on going up-stairs. 32 THERAPEUTIC KEY. CAUSTICTTM. Yellow, discolored complexion. Weakly, scrofulous subjects with glandular swellings. Melancholy moods ; she looks on dark side of everything. Hysterical spasms and pinching pain in sacrum. *Leucorrhoea only at night, [Amb. g.] CHAMOMILLA. Pressure towards genital organs, like labor-pains. Cutting colic, and drawing in thighs previous to a menstrual period. *She is very irritable, can hardly answer one civilly. *One cheek red, other pale, [Aeon. Nux.] Passing large quantities of colorless urine. CHINA. Pale, sickly complexion. Weakness of diges- tion ; fullness and distension of abdomen, particularly after eating [Lye. Nux.] *Debility from loss of animal fluids. After chagrin, [Cham.] COCCULUS. Leucorrhoea in place of menses. *During menstrual period she is extremely weak. Sometimes a few drops of black blood are discharged. Nervous hysterical subjects. COLOCYNTH. Amenorrhcea from anger and silent grief. *Severe colicky pains which compel one to bend double. Great anguish and restlessness. CONIUM. Much vertigo, particularly when lying down, or when turning over in bed. *At every menstrual effort, the breasts enlarge, become sore and painful. Much diffi- culty in voiding urine; it intermits in its flow. Great weakness after the least walk. CROCUS. Sensation as if the menses would appear, with colic and dragging down in the direction of the pudendum [see Bell.] *Sensation of something alive in abdomen, [Saba. Sulph.] Discharge of thick, black, stringy blood from the nose, [see Bry.] DULCAMARA. Amenorrhcea from exposure to cold, or from getting wet, [*Puls.] *At each menstrual period a rash appears on the skin; [violent itching of old tetter eruptions when menses should appear, Carb. v ] Every time she takes cold has urticaria or some other eruption on skin. GELSEMIUM. Suppression, with sensation of heaviness in uterine region. Feeling of fullness in hypogastrium ; slight uterine pain and aching across sacrum, as if menses would come on. Headache, with great dullness of head and vertigo affecting vision. GRAPHITES. Suppression of menses, with a sense of weight in arms and lower extremities. An occasional show of menses, discharge being very pale and scant. Swelling and coldness of feet. *Eruptions on skin oozing sticky fluid. KALI CARB. Amenorrhcea, with anasarca. Pains in abdomen resembling false labor-pains. Shortness of breath and violent palpitation of heart. *Little sac-like swellings AMENORRHEA. 33 over upper eyelids in morning. Age of puberty, [Aeon. *Puls.] LILIUM TIG. Amenorrhoea, accompanied with cardiac distress or with ovarian pains of a burning or stinging char- acter. Prolapsus or other displacements of womb, [Merc. Sep. Nux.] Thin, acrid leucorrhoea, which stains linen brown. Partial amenia, the menses returning occasionally, and then remaining off again. LYCOPODIUM. Chronic suppression of menses ; also from fright. Sour eructations, with nausea and vomiting ', especially in morning. Great fullness in stomach and bowels. *Red, sandy sediment in urine. NUX MOSCH. Suppression of menses from exposure to wet, [Dule. Rhus.] with severe pains in abdomen. *Irregular menstruation, blood thick and dark. Sleepiness and inclination to faint, *Great dryness of tongue, particularly after sleep- ing. Pain in back as if broken and bruised. Enormous dis- tension of abdomen after eating. PHOSPHORUS. *Spitting and vomiting blood at menstrual nisus, [see Bryo.] Menses too late or not appearing, [Puis. Sulph.] *Tight feeling in chest, with dry, tight cough. *Long, narrow, hard stools, [Canst.] Tall, slender, phtkisicai subjects. PULSATILLA. ^Suppression, especially from getting feet wet, [Dulc] Aching pains over forehead, with pressure on vertex. Vertigo, with buzzing in ears. Stitching toothache, pains suddenly shifting Palpitation of heart. Pain in stomach, with nausea and vomiting. *Constant cNilliness even in warm room. *Mild, tearful disposition, with ten- dency to sadness, [Ign. Sep.] Symptoms all worse in evening. SEPIA. Frequent paroxysms of hysteric or nervous head- ache. Toothache, with great sensitiveness of teeth. *Sallow complexion or dingy spots on face. Nervous debility and great disposition to sweat. *Painful sensation of emptiness in stomach, [Ign] Feeble, delicate women. SULPHUR. Aching and tensive pain in head, especially from occiput to neck. Rush of blood to head, with whizzing noise in brain. *Constant heat on top of head, [Graph. — Coldness, Verat] Pale, sickly complexion, blue margins around eyes. Frequent weak, faint spells through day. *She gets very hungry about 11a. m. VERATRUM ALB. Nervous headache at every menstrual period, with hysterical symptoms. Pale, livid face, and cold sweat on forehead. Coldness on top of head, [Sep. — Heat, *Sulph.] Cold hands, feet and nose. *Great weakness, with frequent spells of fainting. AUXILIARY MEASURES. Hot sitz baths will be found valuable in sudden suppression of menses from exposure to cold or getting wet, especially when there is fullness in the head, and bearing down pains in pelvic region. Hot water 2* 34 THERAPEUTIC KEY. injections will often have a salutary effect in recalling the flow in such cases. Rubbing, bathing, and proper physical exercise in open air should of necessity enter into the treatment. ANGINA FECTOaiS. TREATMENT, Leading indications. ACONITE. *Intense anxiety, with fear of death. Has to sit straight up, can hardly breathe. Pulse thread-like and feeble. Intense pain in all directions, [see Cimi.] Suffo- cative constriction of chest, so distressing that he sweats from agony, [Ars.] Flushed face ; pain in region of heart, going down left arm. Suitable to strong plethoric subjects. AMYL NITRITE. Sharp p ain in cardiac region. Tumult- uous action of heart and quick respiration. Sense of fullness in temples. *Burning of the ears. Bronchial irritation. Some physicians advise inhalations of this remedy. Put six or eight drops on a little cotton in small vial, and inhale during an attack. ANGUSTURA. In lighter forms; chest is in constant motion; spasmodic breathing; palpitation of heart. Catting shocks in sternum and back, and painful shocks in region of heart. ARSENICUM. Indescribable agonizing pain in precordial region, extending to neck and occiput. Can only breathe very gently with his chest stooping forwards. Oppression and stitches in precordial region, with anxiety and a fainting sort of weakness. V\i\se feeble, irregular, intermittent, [Big.] * Restlessness, prostration, intense thirst, drinking iittie and often. BRYONIA. Attacks from mental excitement or fright Sense of great oppression; it seems as if something should expand but will not. Cutting pain in right chest ; also a cutting pain extending down left arm, [see Aeon.] *Patient exceed- ingly irritable. CACTUS GR. *Feeling of constriction at heart, as if an iron band prevented its normal action. Acute pains in region of heart, with difficulty of breathing. Palpitation worse at night or when lying on left side. Attacks of suffocation with fainting. CIMICIFUGA. Intense anxiety about the heart, with pain in left shoulder extending down arm and into back. Where the attack arises from uterine derangements. DIGITALIS. Sharp stitches, or contractive pains in region of heart, [Am. Rhus. Spig.] Pulse feeble, irregular, spasmodic, slow, intermitting. *Sensation as if the heart would stop beating if he moved. Indescribable deathly ANGINA PECTORIS. OO anguish, the paroxysms keep coming closer together as the disease progresses. GELSEMIUM. Sudden hysterical spasms ; nervous chills in very sensitive subjects. Feeling as though heart would stop beating if she did not walk incessantly, with a feeling of impending death, [see Dig.] HYDROC. ACID. Heart disease, with violent palpitations ; long fainting spells, [see Lach.] Feeling of suffocation, with torturing pains in chest. Irregular feeble beating of heart. LACHESIS. Anxious pain, with beating of the heart. Choking, constriction, or rising in the throat, with organic disease of heart. Cannot lie down, must sit up bent for- wards. *Very distressed after sleeping. LAUROCERASTJS. Attacks of suffocation, with gasping for breath ; feeling as if he was not going to breathe again. Stitches in region of heart. Violent pain in stomach, with loss of speech ; cold, moist skin. PHYTOLACCA. Fatty degeneration of heart; feeling of lassitude and indisposition to move. Lame feeling in left side of chest, near cardiac region, with much nervous rest- lessness. *Pain extends to right arm or right side, [left arm, Blius.] Rheumatic diathesis, [Rhus.] RH1JS TOX. Stitches in heart, with painful lameness and stiffness of whole body and limbs. Pain extending down left arm, [down right arm, Phyto.] Rheumatic diathesis. SPIGELIA. * Organic disease of heart. Severe stabbing stitches in heart at every beat; pain rapidly passing around body from left to right. * Palpitation so violent can be seen and heard at a distance, [Dig. Verat. a.] Can lie only on right side, with trunk well raised. Worse stooping, bend- ing forward, touching stomach, lifting arms, or from any motion. TABACUM. *Death-like paleness of face, with sick stom- ach, features pinched. Icy coldness of legs from knees down. Violent constriction in throat, with tightness across upper part of chest; cannot speak. * Trembling all over, with palpitation of heart. VERAT. ALB. *Painful spasmodic constriction of chest, [see Caot.] Periodical attacks of contractive, crampy pain in left chest, or cutting pain, with excessive agony. Visible palpitation of heart, [Dig. Spig.] *Cold sweat, particularly on forehead. AUXILIARY MEASURES. During an attack, place patient's feet in hot bath, and have them rubbed briskly. Apply hot fomentations or bags of hot salt to region of heart, enjoin perfect quiet, and allow an abundance of fresh air. Persons subject to this complaint should be strictly tem- perate in their habits, avoid excitement, and all stimulating food, drinks, and use of tobacco. 36 THERAPEUTIC KEY. APHTKffi.-CA3fCRUM ORIS. T R EAT M E N T. Leading indications. ACONITE. Dry, hot skin, with much heat about head. Constant restlessness, cries, frets most of the time, bites its fist, and has green watery diarrhoea. Excessive sensibility to least touch. ARSENICUM. The mouth is reddish-blue, and inflamed. Fetid smell from mouth ; great restlessness. *Green. watery diarrhoea, attended with great weakness. Emacia- tion, skin hanging in folds. BAPTISIA. Child can swallow only fluids, even a small portion of solid food causes gagging. Long-standing ulcer- ations of mouth, extending through alimentary canal, with watery discharge. *Sore mouth of nursing infants [of pregnant and nursing females, Caulo.] BORAX. Red blisters on tongue, as if skin were pulled off. Shriveling up of the mucous membrane. *The child frequently lets go the nipple, and cries as if in pain. Light yellow slimy stools. *Fear of falling from a downward motion. CALC. GARB. Scrofulous children, especially during dentition. *Large, open lontanelles, [Merc. *Sil. Sulph.J Much perspiration on head and face, [Sil.] Hard, undi- gested stools of a light color. *Cold, damp feet. Emacia- tion and good appetite. CATTLOPEYLLTJM. Especially in pregnant and nursing females ; also in children. Eupa. ar. is highly spoken of in similar cases. CHAMOMILLA. Child starts and jumps much during sleep. Wants different things and rejects them when pre- sented, [*Bry. Staph.] *Very uneasy, and must be carried all the time to be quieted. MERCURITJS. Tongue inflamed, swollen and ulcerated on edges. The gums bleed, and incline to ulcerate about teeth, [see Nit. ac] Very fetid breath. *Profuse secretion of saliva in mouth. Dysenteric diarrhoea, with griping and tenesmus. NITRIC ACID. Mouth full of fetid ulcers, with putrid- smelling breath, [Merc] *Ptyalism of a corrosive nature, causing fresh ulcers to break out on lips, chin or cheeks. Bleeding gums, [Ars. Staph.] * If syphilitic dyscrasia exists, or patient has taken much mercury. NTJX VOMICA. If disease assumes the character of stomatitis. Painful swelling of gums, with bloody saliva. Fetid ulcers or blisters in mouth, on gums, palate or tongue. * Constipation, with frequent urging to stool. Irritable mood. STAPHISAGrRIA. Spongy excrescence on gums and in mouth. Vesicles under tongue. Mouth and tongue ulcer- ated and covered with blisters. Sickly complexion, with APHTHAE. — CANCRUM ORIS. 37 sunken cheeks, hollow eyes surrounded with blue margins. *The aphthous patches bleed easily, and gums are spongy. SULPHUR. Thick whitish or brownish aphthous coating on tongue. Blisters and aphthae in mouth, with burning and soreness. Ptyalism or bloody saliva. Acrid, slimy or greenish diarrhoea excoriating the parts, [Cham. *Merc] *The child does not take its usual long nap, but wakens often. SULPHURIC AC. Mouth appears very painful, and child very weak. Vesicles on inner side of cheeks ; ulcers on gums. Profuse flow of tasteless saliva. *Diarrhcea with great debility, and inclination to sweat ; night sweats. HYGIENIC MEASURES. Cleanliness, daily bathing, washing out mouth frequently with tepid water, avoidance of all sugar-teats, keeping breasts and nipples clean, using proper ventilation, taking child into open air and sunlight, are the best preventive means. Washing out the mouth three or four times a day with a weak solution of Borax [grains ji; Avater, 5j] is useful in many cases, but should not be pushed too far. APOPLEXIA. TREATMENT. Leading indications. iESCULUS HIP. Severe vertigo, with reeling and stag- gering. Vertigo with nausea, dimness of vision, and con- fusion of head j thickness of speech ; great weakness, with trembling. ACONITE. Head hot, carotids throbbing, redness of face, [Bell.] Eyes red, sparkling, and prominent, with dilated pupils; fixed look. Paralysis of tongue, trembling, stammering speech. Great difficulty in swalloicing, [*Bell. Hyos.] Pulse full and hard, but not intermittent, l'lcthoric habit. ARNICA. Head hot, while rest of body is cool. Paraly- sis of limbs, especially left side. Loss of consciousness, with stupefaction and stertorous breathing, [Opi.] Staring eyes and contracted pupils. *Sighing, muttering, and involuntary discharge of faeces and urine. Stout, plethoric persons. BARYTA CARB. Apoplexy of aged persons, and those of intemperate habits, [Nux Opi.] Paralysis of limbs, right side, [left side, Lach.] Disturbed consciousness, acts childish ; inability to keep body erect. BELLADONNA. Face swollen, bluish and dark red. Veins of head and neck distended. *Visible throbbing of carotid and temporal arteries, [Aeon.] Drowsiness with loss of consciousness and speech. Paralysis of limbs, right side, [left side, Lach.] *Mouth drawn to one side ; difficult 38 THERAPEUTIC KEY. or impossible deglutition. *Loss of sight, smell, and speech. Involuntary micturition, COCCULTJS. Paroxysm preceded by a stupid feeling in head and vertigo. Convulsive motions of eyes. Paralysis, especially of lower limbs, with insensibility. *Head and face hot, feet cold. GELSEMITJM. Threatened or actual apoplexy, with stupor, coma, and nearly general paralysis. Headache, with nausea, tightness of brain; giddiness; tendency to stagger, with dimness of vision, [see JEsc] Vertigo and intense passive congestion to head, with nervous exhaustion. HYDROCY. AC. Features spasmodically distorted ; eyes fixed and turned upwards; pupils immovable; breathing stertorous, [Opi.] Pulse almost imperceptible. *Paralysis of oesophagus; fluids pass down throat with a gurgling sound. HYOSCYAMTJS. *Sudden falling down with a shriek. Loss of consciousness and of speech ; foam at mouth. Con- striction of throat, and inability to swallow, [Bell.] Brown-red, swollen face, and staring distorted eyes, with dilated pupils. Paralysis of bladder and sphincter ani. *Twitching and jerking of all muscles in body. LAGHESIS. Attack preceded by absent-mindedness or ver- tigo. Apoplexia with paralysis of left side, and coldness of hands as if dead. Mouth drawn to one side, [*Bell.] *Can- not bear anything to touch his neck. Entire inability to swallow. Climacteric period, [Puis.] LAUROCERASUS. Sudden attack of apoplexia where patient falls down without any precursory symptoms. Eyes staring, or lightly closed ; pvpiU dilated, or contracted and immovable, [Hyd. ac] Slow, feeble moaning, or rattling breathing. NUX VOMICA. The paroxysm is preceded by vertigo, with headache and buzzing in ears, or nausea with urging to vomit. Stupefaction, with stertorous breathing. * Par- alysis of lower jaw, and often lower extremities, which are cold and without sensation. Persons of sedentary or intem- perate habits. OPIUM. *The patient lies in a state of sopor and uncon- sciousness, with half-open eyes and dilated pupils. Ked- ness, bloatedness, and heat of face. *Respi^ation labored, snoring, and rattling. Convulsive motions of extremities, or tetanic stiffness of whole body, [Nux.] *Slow pulse, [Verat. v.] PULSATILLA. Stupefaction and loss of consciousness. Bloated and bluish-red face. Loss of motion, violent palpi- tation of heart, and almost complete suppression of pulse. Restless sleep and tossing about. Amenorrhoea, *Persons of a mild, tearful disposition. VERATRUM V. Congestive headache; he becomes stupid, has ringing in ears, bloodshot eyes, thickness of speech. APPARENT DEATH. — ASPHYXIA. 39 hot head. Full, slow, hard pulse, [see Opi.] Convulsions, dimness of vision, with nausea and vomiting. AUXILIARY MEASURES. When an attack occurs, loosen all tight clothing, place patient on side or face to prevent tongue from falling back ; have head and shoulders well elevated ; allow plenty fresh air. Put feet in warm bath, add hot water and make temperature 130°. Apply hot fomentations to head. Soon as patient can swallow give indicated remedy. In severe cases, if head and neck are livid, apply dry cups to the spine. HYGIENIC. Persons subject to apoplexy should avoid all stimulating food 'and drinks, over-eating, excitement and exposure to hot sun, heated rooms, and excesses of every kind. APPARENT DEATE.-ASPHYXIA. TREATMENT of apparent death. ASPHYXIA FROM N0XI0U3 GASES. Tf a person has become insensible from inhaling Carbonic Acid, Carbonic Oxide, Fumes of Burning 1 Charcoal, Chlorine, or Sulphuretted Hydrogen Gas, expose him at once to fresh air. Bathe face and breast with vinegar, and let him inhale the vapor. Give strong coffee, apply cold water to head, and warmth to feet. If necessary, have recourse to the method of resuscitation explained under "Apparent Death from Drowning" or apply positive pole of battery to upper part of spine, and negative pole on chest, over diaphragm. If there is congestion to head, loss of consciousness, throbbing carotids, and red, bloated face, g.ve Bell. If face is purplish and swollen, with soporous sleep, sterto- rous breathing, and vomiting, give Opi. If patient is excited, talks much, complains of shooting pains, feels giddy when lying down, give Coffea. ASPHYXIA FROM CHLOROFORM, ETHER SULPHURIC, ETC. Place body in a horizontal position, lower the head; open windows; loosen clothing; dash cold water on face: shake chest vigorously, and hold Ammonia to nostrils. Introducing a piece of ice into the rectum has proved salutary. These failing, apply Galvanic Battery ; one pole on throat, the other over ensiform process, keeping up the current for hours in severe cases. The method of inducing artificial respiration, explained under "Apparent Death from Drown* nig." should likewise be tried. After breathing is established, and if patient complains of chilliness, and a sense of intoxication, nausea, vomiting, and quick pulse, give Nux v. ; it' pulse is slow, give * Opium or Verat. v. 40 THERAPEUTIC KEY. ASPHYXIA FROM COLD. Always place body in a cold room, and rub with snow, or bathe in ice-cold water, until limbs become soft and flexible, then place in a dry bed, and rub briskly with flannel, at same time have recourse to artificial respiration, explained under " Asphyxia from Drowning" Soon as there are signs of returning life, give small injections of coffee without milk, and if patient can swallow, give him spoonful doses of coffee. For the severe, burning pains which usually follow resus- citation from intense cold, Aeon. Ars. Carb. v. or Bry., will be found sufficient. ASPHYXIA FROM DROWNING. The length of time that a body may remain under water, and then be restored to life, has been variously estimated. Some say that no recovery has taken place after complete submersion for five minutes. On the contrary, cases are recorded that have been restored after submersion for half an hour and longer. Recent experiments have shown that animals bled to death may be restored to life eighteen hours thereafter by the transfusion of bloud into the. veins, and a resort to artificial respiration. TREATMENT. Place patient on abdomen, one arm under forehead; raise body to empty stomach and air-passages of water or mucus. Remove all clothing from chest. Lay patient on his back, place a bundle of clothing [a man's body will do] under his back to raise stomach and lower the head. Pull tongue forward and secure it by tying string over it and under the jaw. Stand astride or kneel at patient's head; grasp his arms below the elbows, and draw them out- wards, upwards and backwards till they meet over the head ; keep in this position two seconds ; then carry them down to sides of chest again till elbows nearly meet over the stomach and press firmly for two seconds. Repeat these manoeuvres at the rate of 16 per minute. Persevere in these efforts for hours, or until breathing has become restored, then promote the circulation by friction, artificial heat, etc, Soon as patient can swallow, give some hot milk, beef-tea or coffee to drink. In addition to the mechanical means resorted to, a dose of Lach. may be placed upon the tongue, or administered as an injection. Tart. e. is also a valuable remedy in these cases. ASPHYXIA FROM HANGING, CHOKING, ETC. Endeavor to induce artificial respiration by same method as recom- mended for asphyxia from drowning, and give Opi. or Tart. e. bv injection. ASPHYXIA FROM LIGHTNING. Dash cold water on head, face, and whole body ; pour it on head from a height, If this doe3 not revive, place the naked body in a freshly-made opening in ground, in a half-sitting posture, and cover it all ARTHRITIS. 41 over, except face, with fresh earth. Give Nux v. as soon as there are any signs of returning life. For blindness that sometimes follows, give Phos. ARTHRITIS. TREATMENT- Leading indications. ACONITE. Synochal fever. The parts affected are swollen, red, shining. Tearing or stitching pains, less when moving the parts, [*Rhus.] *The pains are intolerable at night, the patient becoming desperate. ARNICA. Hard, red swelling of big toe joint. Violent pains as if sprained or contused, with a sensation as if resting upon something hard, [Bapt.] *Great fear of being struck or touched. Aggravation by moving the parts, [ * Bry . ] Aft er mechanical injuries. ARSENICUM. Swelling of feet, hot, shining, with burn- ing red spots. *Burning pains — the parts burn like fire, [Aeon.] Wants to be in warm room. Great anguish, restlessness, and fear of death, [Aeon] Intense thirst, but drinks little. Symptoms all worse at night, particularly after midnight, [*Rhus t.] AURTJM MUR. *Continuerl gnawing-boring pain deep in joints after the inflammatory symptoms have subsided. After abuse of mercury. BELLADONNA. Wide-spreading redness and swelling of the parts, like erysipelas. *Stitching, burning, and throb- bing pains, which come on suddenly and leave as suddenly. Throbbing headache. *Sleepiness, but cannot sleep, [Lach.] Worse 3 p. m. BRYONIA. Red or pale tensive swelling, particularly of joints. *Stitching, tearing pains, aggravated by motion and relieved by rest, [reverse, Rhus.] *Patient wants to remain perfectly quiet. Extremely irritable ; everything makes him angry. *Dry, hard stools, as if burnt. Dry mouth and lips. COLCHICUM. Little or no swelling of affected part ; the skin is rose-colored, and leaves a white spot under pressure of finger. *Paroxysms of tearing, stitching, jerking pains, particularly in finger joints. *Urine dark and scanty, c;c- positing a whitish sediment. Pains intolerable at night, [Aeon.] FERRTJM MET. The patient has a pale, consumptive look. Several joints are affected at same time; pains vio- lent, stinging and tearing, obliging him to move parts con- stantly, [Rhus.] *The least emotion or pain produces a red. flushed face. MERC. VIV. Red and hot swelling of affected joints. Pains drawing and lacerating, or joints feel as if dislocated; 42 THERAPEUTIC KEY. worse in cold, damp weather, and at night, [Rhod.] *Muck perspiration, which affords no relief. NUX VOMICA. Pains tensive, jerking, or pulling, worse in morning, from mental exertion, from motion and slight contact; but strong pressure relieves, [Nat. c] *Persons of intemperate or sedentary habits, and those who live on rich and highly seasoned food. Constipation, or morning diarrhoea. PHOSPHORUS. Arthritic affections of wrist and finger- joints, [knee-joint, Arn. Rhod.] Pains as if lacerated or sprained, worse early in morning or in evening. *Long, narrow hard stools, very difficult to expel. ^Sensation of weakness and emptiness in abdomen. Lean, slender persons, [Nux.] PULSATILLA. Red and hot swelling of parts, particu- larly of knee joints and feet. The pains are tearing, stitching, burning. ^Erratic pains, shifting rapidly from one joint to another. Worse towards evening, or at night. *Craves fresh cool air ; worse in a warm room, [better, Ars.] *Persons of a mild, tearful disposition. __ RHUS TOX. Rheumatic gout; the joints are red, shining, and swollen. Stiffness and lameness of affected parts. The pains are tearing, burning, or as if sprainejl, [Am.] * Aggra- vation on first moving limb after rest, or during rest; relieved by motion, SABINA. Swelling, redness, and stitches in big toe. No- dosities of joints, [Graph.] Pains tearing and stinging, almost insupportable when limbs hang down ; relief in open air. AUXILIARY MEASURES. During an attack have limb elevated, and apply hot water compresses to the parts. Cloths wrung out a solution of Arnica, [10 drops to the ounce,] and applied where this remedy is indicated, will afford great relief. In some instances, warm fomentations of hops will be found very efficacious. HYGIENIC Diet very important. Food easily digested should be chosen, consisting of vegetables, fruits and farina- ceous articles. Milk-cure has done good in some cases. All alcoholic beverages should be strictly prohibited. Flannel should be worn next the skin throughout the year; the body frequently bathed, and moderate exercise taken daily in the open air. ASCARIDES.-SEAT-WORMS. This variety of parasite is a source of great annoyance, especially to children. They inhabit for most part the rectum and folds of mucous membrane at the verge of the anus, and cause intolerable^itching, pain and tenesmus. In females they sometimes crawl into the urethra and vagina, ASCITES. — DROPSY. 43 develop in large numbers, and cause great irritation and a discbarge of mucus. TREATMENT. Leading indications. ACONITE, intolerable itching and tingling at the anus, throwing child into fever. Urging to stool, with discharge of slime. Great restlessness. CALC. CARB. Pale, bloated face, with swollen abdomen and good appetite. *Itching of anus, commencing towards bed- time. Scrofulous habit. MERCURIUS. Greediness for food, and still grows weaker. Fetid breath, [Nux.] *Slimy, bloody stools with tenesmus. Profuse perspiration, NUX VOM. Itching of anus, worse when sitting. Worms crawl out on external parts. *Blind or bleeding piles, [Sulph.] Constipation; sedentary habits; high-livers; very irritable. SULPHUR. *Creeping, biting in rectum. Passage of ascarides and taenia. Mausea before meals, and faintness before dinner. *Early morning diarrhoea. Extremely fretful. TEUCRIUM. * Terrible itching in the anus from seat- worms, [Urti. ur.] LOCAL MEASURES. On account of the intolerable itching and annoyance caused by these intestinal parasites, a variety of local remedies have been used for the purpose of obtaining relief. Injections of cold water, salt and water, vinegar and water, lemon juice, etc., have been found useful in allaying the itching. Injections of turpentine [20 to 30 drops in 2 ounces mucilage of starch] will settle the little villains instanter. A solution of carbolic acid [gtt. xv. aq. ferv. ^iv.] injected into the rectum, and the parts well washed with this solution, we have found very efficacious. After this injection rectum should be well washed out with warm water. Insert just within the anus a pledget of lint soaked in a solution chloral [1 to 50], and repeat daily, is highly commended. Anoint anus and parts around with lard or olive oil to prevent propagation of ascarides. ASCITES.-DEOPSY. TREATMENT. For dropsical effusions in The ABDOMEN: *Apis. *A?o. can. Ars. Aspar. Bry. Chin. Dig. Hell. Kali c. Lach. Lye. Sene. Sulph. The CHEST: Apis. Apo. can. *Ars. Bry. Colch. Dig. Kali 0. Lach. Lye. Spig. Squil. Sulph. Tart. e. The JOINTS : Ant. Ars. *Bry. Cal. c. Con. *Dig. Iod. Kali hy. Merc. Sil. *Sulph. The OVARIES: *Apis. Ars. Bry. Boll. Chin. *Iod. Lach. Lyco. Plat. *Prun. spi. Sep. Stapli. 44 THERAPEUTIC KEY. The best remedies for dropsical effusions After ANIMAL FLUIDS, loss of: Apo. c. *Chin. Ferr. Helon. Lyco. Merc. Sulph. After DIPHTHERIA: *Apis. Ars. Ascle. syr. BelL Cal. chlor. *Merc. iod. Sulph. After ENTERITIS : Apis. *Ars. Dig. Dulc. *Chin. After EXANTHEMATA, suppression of: Apis. Ars. Bry. Dig. Hell. Rhus. Sulph. Verat. v. After INTERMITTENT fever : *Ars. Chimaph. Dull.*Ferr. *Hell. Lach. Merc. *Nux v. Sulph. After MERCURY, abuse of: Chin. Dulc. *Hep. *Nit. ao. Phyto. Sulph. After SCARLET FEVER : Apoc. * Apis. Ars. Ascl. syr. Bell. Chin. Colch. Dig. *Hell. Helon. Scill. Sene. Leading indications, APIS MEL. Dropsical effusions, with waxy paleness of skin, [Ars.] *Dropsy of right ovary, [Bell.] Great soreness in abdominal walls, [Apo. can.] *Stinging, burning pains in different parts of body. Must sit straight up to get any ease, [Ars.] *Urine scanty, dark, like coffee-grounds, [*Hell. Lach] Complication with scarlet fever, uterine tumors, etc. APOCYN. CAN. General dropsy, with ^sinking feeling at pit of stomach. Bruised feeling in abdomen, [see Apis.] Irritable condition of stomach ; obliged to sit up ; lying down produces violent dyspnoea, [Ars.] ; urine very scanty, thick, yellow and turbid. After scarlatina, [Apis. Ars.] ARSENICUM. The skin, particularly that of face, looks livid, pale or greenish. Dropsical swellings of abdomen and extremities. *Great debility and prostration. Faint feel- ing from slight motion. Suffocative spells, especially at night. *Great thirst, but drinking but little, [Apis. Chin.] Anxiety, restlessness, and fear of death. Dropsy after scarla- tina, and when complicated with heart disease. ASPARAGUS. Countenance pale, wax-like, and bloated. Expression of anxiety and distress. Visible throbbing of heart, especially at night. Great fullness of chest. Urine scanty, straw-colored aud offensive. Advised in dropsies as an article of food. BRYONIA. Lower eyelids cedematous, [upper lids Kali c] Lips bluish, dry and cracked. Stitching pains in region of heart. Wants to lie perfectly quiet, [Bell.] Great thirst and scanty urine. Very irritable. Constipation of dry, hard stools. CHINA. Countenance pale or sallow, sunken and sickly. General debility. Organic affections of liver and spleen, [Ars. Ferr.] Great thirst, drinking little and often, [Apis. Ars.] In old people [Kali c], and where it arisc3 from loss of animal fluids, [Ars. Ferr.] ASCITES.— -DROPSY. 45 COLCHICUM. Face yellow and (edematous. Swelling of feet and legs, [Ars. Bry.] Skin dry and cold, or alternating with heat during night. Visible palpitations of heart, [Ars. Dig.] Pulse full and hard, or quick and small. Scanty dark- colored urine. CONVOLVULUS. Abdomen filled with water. Urine almost entirely suppressed. Weakness, with a good appetite ; could eat much if there was room for it. DIGITALIS. Doughy swelling, which easily yields to pressure. Paleness of face, blue lips, and swelling of eyelids. Hydrothorax originating in organic disease of heart. *Strong visible pulsations of heart, and irregular pulse, [Ars. Spig.] Dropsy of knee joint and scrotum. HELLEBORUS. General anasarca, acute cases. Throbbing or compressive headache. Oppression at chest and stomach. Cramp-like pains in abdomen. Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty emissions; *after standing the urine looks like coffee-grounds, [Apis. Lach.] After scarlet and intermit- tent fevers. KALI CARB. Dropsy, especially of old people, [Ars. Chin.] In complication with liver and heart diseases. *Stitching pains. Swelling over the eyelids. LACHESIS. Dropsies complicated with liver, heart and spleen diseases, [Chin. Kali c] *Left ovary swollen, with pressing, stitching pains, [see Apis.] *Can bear no pres- sure upon uterine region. Urine black and scanty. Worse after sleeping, [Apis.] LYCOPODIUM. Upper portion of body emaciated, while lower is greatly swollen. *One foot cold, the other hot, [one hand hot, the other cold, Musch.] Oozing of water from sores on feet. * Urine scant, with sandy sediment, [Phos. Sep.] After abuse of alcoholic liquors, [Nux.] SENECIO. Abdomen very tense. Feet and legs swollen, [*Ars. Bry. Colon.] Pain in lumbar region, and in ovaries, [*stinging pains in right ovary, *Apis. Bell.] Urine scanty and high-colored, or profuse and watery. SULPHUR. Dropsical, burning swelling of external parts. Bluish spots on skin; it is dry and husky. *Greatly ex- hausted without any apparent cause. After suppressed itch and other cutaneous eruptions. PARACENTESIS ABDOMINIS. This operation is fre- quently called for in advanced stages of dropsy, to palliate patients' sufferings. Permanent relief sometimes follows these tappings. Operation. Patient seated on side of bed or in a chair. Bladder must be empty. Mark the spot exactly in median line where abdomen is to be pierced. Apply a broad bandage around abdomen, cross ends behind and give into hands of two assistants. Make an opening in centre of band, through which to operate. With a trocar in canula 46 THERAPEUTIC KEY. and end of forefinger about two inches from point of instru- ment, plunge it through linea alba, then withdraw trocar, leaving canula in for fluids to escape through. Draw off fluids slowly, assistants tightening bandage as fluids escape. Having done, cover wound with adhesive plaster and com- press, pin bandage tightly around abdomen. ASTHMA. TREATMENT. Leading indications. ACONITE. Shortness of breath, especially when sleeping, Dyspnoea, with inability to take a deep breath. Spasmodic^ rough, croaking cough, with constriction of windpipe, *Great fear and anxiety of mind, with nervous excitability. *Fear of death [Ars.], predicts the day he will die. AMBRA. It is said that amber beads worn around the neck will prevent "hay asthma." It has succeeded in many cases. Internally, it is advised for children and old persons. ARSENICUM. .Anxious and oppressed shortness of breath, with labored breathing, particularly when ascend- ing an eminence. Attacks of suffocation, especially at night, in evening, or when lying down. *Great anguish, extreme restlessness, and fear of death. *Drinks often, but little at a time, [Apis. Chin.] *Cannot lie down for fear of suffoca- tion. Wants to be in a warm room. Anaemic persons, [plethoric, Bell.] BELLADONNA. Paroxysms mostly in afternoon or evening. *Sensation of dust in lungs, better bending head back, and when holding breath. Face and eyes red, head hot. Dry, spasmodic cough, especially at night. Uneasiness and beating in chest. *Sleepiness, but cannot sleep. Pleth- oric individuals and young people. BROMITJM. Gasping for breath, with wheezing and rat- tling in larynx and spasmodic closure of glottis. Sensation as if air-passages were full of smoke ; constriction of chest, with difficulty of breathing; must sit up in bed. * Asthma of sailors, as soon as they go ashore; affections begin in bronchia and ascend to larynx. BRYONIA. * Patient wants to remain perfectly quiet, worse from least exertion. Frequently dry cough, or cough with expectoration of a quantity of mucus. Stitches in chest, especially during an inspiration, or when coughing, [Aeon. Bell.] *Sitting up in bed causes nausea and faint- ness. *Dry, hard stools. CHAMOMILLA. Oppression in chest, as from incarcer- ated flatulence in epigastrium. Hoarseness and cough from rattling mucus in trachea, [Ipe.] *Much hot perspiration about face and head, \cold perspiration, Ars. *Verat.] One ASTHMA. 47 cheek red, other pale. *Very impatient, can hardly answer one civilly. Especially adapted to children; they are very cross, and want to be carried all the time. CHINA. Suffocative fits, as from mucus in larynx, in evening in bed. Difficult inspiration and quick expiration. *The patient appears as if dying. Cough, with difficult expectoration of clear, tenacious mucus, [Ferr.] Worse at night and after drinking. *Better every other day. EERRUM. Asthma most violent when lying down, obliging one to sit up, [Ars.] Spasmodic cough with expec- toration of transparent, tenacious mucus, [Chin.] *With every paroxysm of coughing, face becomes fiery red. Always better when walking slowly. IPECAC. Spasmodic asthma, with violent contraction in throat and chest. Contraction of chest with short panting breathing. *Rattling noise in bronchial tubes during inspiration. ^Suffocation threatens from constriction in throat and chest; worse from least motion, [Bry.] *Nausea with a feeling of emptiness in stomach. KALI CARB. Difficult wheezing respiration. Spasmodic asthma, worse about 3 A. m., relieved by sitting up and bending forward, resting head on knees. Cough, excited by tickling in throat, with sourish expectoration, or of blood- streaked mucus. * Great aversion to being alone. LACHESIS. Shortness of breath, after every exertion. Tightness in chest, with inclination to vomit. *Can bear nothing to touch larynx, seems as though it would suffocate him, [Apis.] * Aggravation after sleeping, and during rest. LOBELIA IN. The attack is preceded or accompanied by a kind of *prickly sensation through whole system, even to ends of fingers and toes. *Sensation as of a foreign body in throat, impeding breathing and deglutition. Nausea Midi vom- iting, with a sense of great emptiness in stomach, [Ipe.] PHOSPHORUS. Loud panting respiration. Spasmodic constriction of chest, [Aeon. Ars.] *Complete loss of voice. *Sensation of weakness and emptiness in abdomen, [Ipe.] *Long, narrow, hard stools, very difficult to expel. Tall, slender people. SAMBTJCTJS. Violent dyspnoea, with anguish and danger of suffocation, especially when lying down. *Nightly suffo- cative paroxysms, with spasmodic constriction of chest, [Phos.] Mucus rattling in chest. Especially adapted to children, [Cham.] SILPHIUM LAC. Wheezing in chest during an inspiration. Scraping, tickling, and irritation in throat ; sick, faint feeling in stomach. Moist cough, with copious expectoration of white frothy mucus. Especially in old people, [Ars.] SPONGIA. * Difficult respiration, as if to breathe through a sponge. Wheezing respiration or slow and deep breathing, as if from debility. * Awakens often in a fright, and feels 48 THERAPEUTIC KEY. as if suffocating. Hoarse, hollow, wheezing cough. Cannot lie down. SULPHUR. Attack comes on during sleep, or in evening, with tightness across chest, and a sensation as of dust in air- passages. Dry cough with hoarseness, or loose cough with soreness and pressure in chest. *Frequent weak, faint spells. ^Constant heat on top the head. TARTARUS EM. Anxious oppression, difficulty of breath- ing and shortness of breath, with desire to sit erect, [*Ars.] *\Vhen patient coughs, it seems as if bronchial tubes were full of phlegm, but none comes up, [*Ipe.] Coldness of sur- face, with clammy perspiration. VERAT. ALB. Attack mostly occurs in cold, damp weather, and early in morning. Anguish, suffocation, and oppression about heart. Coldness of nose, ears, and lower extremities. *Cold sweat on forehead [hot sweat, Cham.] with great prostration. For HAY ASTHMA: Ailanth. Allium cep. Ars. Arum tri. Euph. Lobe. in. Mosch. Sang. Sili. Sticta. AUXILIARY MEASURES. Among the various remedies employed to relieve the severity of an attack are: Stramonium, Nitrate of Potash, Chloroform, Ether, Amyl Nitrite, etc. Stram. is used by smoking the dried leaves. Nitrate of Potash by soaking coarse paper in a saturated solution, dr, :f thoroughly and inhaling the fumes while the paper is burn- ing. Chloroform and Ether are administered by inhalation. Amyl Nitrite is used by putting 3 or 4 drops on a handkerchief and inhaling it; this often gives prompt relief — should be used cautiously. Pilocarpin is strongly recommended; ten drops of a 2 per cent, solution is injected into the arm. Grindelia robusta is highly extolled at present in this disease. R. Fl. Extr. Grindelia robusta, gji., Glycerine, gj., Aq. font. ^ji. Mix and give a teaspoonful every hour till paroxysm is relieved. ATROPHY OF CHILDREN. TREATMENT. Leading indications, ABROTANUM. *Child cross, depressed, very peevish. Face wrinkled as if old, [Opi.] *Ravenous appetite, all the while emaciating. Histended abdomen. *Food passes undi- gested. *Skin flabby, hangs loose. JETHUSA C. The child throws up its milk soon after nursing, with great force, suddenly — then falls asleep as if from exhaustion, to awaken for a fresh supply. The milk disagrees ; aphthse in mouth. ARSENICUM. General emaciation, with dry parchment- like skin. Pale oedematous swelling of face. Sunken eyes with blue margins. * Feverish heat with desire to drink ATROPHY OF CHILDREN. 49 often, but little at a time. Great restlessness, particularly at night. Painful, offensive, undigested stools. Prostration and coldness of extremities. BARYTA CARB. *Swelling and induration of glands. Emaciation, bloated face, swollen abdomen, and constant, desire to sleep. Indisposed to work or play. *Scrofulous children that do not grow. BELLADONNA. Glandular swellings painful or suppur- ating. Eyelids inflamed and ulcers on cornea. *Ohild sleepy, but cannot sleep. *Sudden starting and jumping during sleep. Precocious children. BRYONIA. The child throws up its food immediately after taking it, [Ars.] Mouth and lips very dry, with thirst for large quantities of water. *Child very irritable and wants to be quiet; feels worse at every hot spell, *Dry, hard stools, as if burnt. CALG. CARB. Large head with open font anelles\ [Merc. *Sil. Sulph.] Dry flabby skin. Enlargement and hardness of abdomen. ^General emaciation with good appetite, [See Abrot.] Diarrhoea, with clay-colored stools. *Cold, damp feet. *Much perspiration about head in large drops, [Merc. Sil.] Cough, with rattling mucus in bronchia. CHINA. Pale, sickly appearance. Enlargement of liver and spleen. Copious sweats, especially at night; great debility and prostration. * Painless, undigested, offensive stools. *Abdomen distended with flatulence. MERCTJRIUS. Yellow, earthy color of face. Large head and open fontanelles, [*Cal. c] Swelling and suppuration of glands. *Slimy or bloody stools, with much straining. *Profuse night sweats. Child is never so well during wet weather. PHOSPHORUS. Pale and bloated face. Sunken eyes, with blue circles under the same, [Ars.] Dry, hacking cough. Diarrhoea, with white, watery, undigested stools. Great debility and oppression after least exercise. *Children of tall, slender stature. PULSATILLA. The child seems to be very changeable ; gets better for a time, and then without any apparent cause gets worse. *Diarrhoea, especially at night, no two stools alike, [Sulph.] * Worse towards evening ; better in open air. Pale face, blue eyes. RHUS TOX. Herpetic eruptions on face. Swelling and induration of glands. Diarrhoea, with thin, red mucous stools ; great appetite. *The child always gets worse after midnight. SARSAJ»ARILLA. *Fully developed marasmus. Great emaciation; skin hangs in folds; the face is shrivelled; aphthse in mouth, and herpes on the skin. STAPHISAGRIA. Hollow eyes, with weary look. Swelling of submaxillary and cervical glands, [Bary. c] Unhealthy, readily ulcerating skin. *Cauine hunger, even when stomach is full of food. S 50 THERAPEUTIC KEY. SULPHUR. The child frequently awakens from sleep with screams. Great voracity, wants to put everything in mouth. ^Diarrhoea, excoriating anus, [Ars. Cham. *Merc] *Copious morning sweats, after waking. Unhealthy skin. BED-SORES. Bed-sores are the result of long-continued pressure on prominent parts of the body, as the sacrum, brim of ilium, great trochanter and spine, caused by long confinement in bed. The parts first become red, look rough, then ulcerate, or turn black and mortify. TREATMENT. On the first appearance of the sores, they should be bathed with a weak solution of Arnica, and the pressure removed by a change of position or the use of circular air-cushions. If the part becomes ulcerated, a linseed-meal poultice may be applied to hasten separation of the slough, after which it should be dressed with carboiated Calendula. Sponges wet in hot and cold water applied alternately to the sores, are said to be very successful. Each sponge should be allowed to remain on about one minute, and the entire time occupied from 10 to 15 minutes. Should be repeated several times daily. GALVANISM. This is said to be singularly successful. "A thin silver plate, not thicker than paper, is cut exact size and shape of sore, a zinc plate about same size is connected with silver plate by a silver or copper wire 6 or 8 inches long; the silver is placed in immediate contact with the sore, and the zinc plate on sound skin above, piece of chamois skin soaked in vinegar intervening; this must be kept moist to insure action of battery. " Dr. Hammond states that he has seen bed-sores three to four inches in diameter, half inch deep, heal entirely over in 48 hours under this treat- ment. Dr. Hering advises placing an open vessel filled with water under the bed of patient, to prevent bed-sores. In many cases the internal administration of Am. Carb. v. Chin. Plumb, or Sulph. ac. will be useful. BITES AND STINGS OF INSECTS. When a person has been bitten by a venomous snake, tie a ligature tightly round the limb above the wound, to check circulation, suck the wound thoroughly and inject into it with a hypodermic syringe a solution Permanganate of Potash [1 to 100], or cut the bitten part out and suck the wound, or lastly, cauterize it with Liq. Ammonia, Nitric or Carbolic Acid. BOIL. — FURUNCLE. * 51 RATTLESNAKE. There is every reason to believe that Prof. Bibron's antidote for the bite of a rattlesnake is effectual. It is as follows : — IJl. Potassii iodidi, . . . . 4 grs. Hydrarg. chlor, .... 2 grs. Brominii, .... 4 drachms. Give ten drops of this mixture, diluted with a spoonful of wine or brandy, and repeat if necessary. Another favorite remedy for this species of poisoning, is to make the patient drunk by giving large quantities of alcohol. BITES OF SPIDERS, ETC. The bite of spiders, centi- pedes, etc., is not usually followed by any bad consequences. One of the best local applications is tincture Apis Mellifica. Washing the parts well with hot water, and then applying raw onion, is a good remedy, also Arnicated Collodion, STINGS OF BEES, ETC. Examine the parts with magnify- ing glass, and extract the stings with fine forceps, if visible. Aqua Ammonia or Tr. Arnica, dilute, among the best applica- tions. Bicarbonate of Potash, wood ashes and water, moist clay, raw onion and tincture of Camphor, are also good local remedies. If the wound cause inflammation and fever, give Camph. to smell, and if this be insufficient, give Aconite. If tongue is the seat of injury, give Aconite, and if this does not relieve, Arnica. Bell, will be required if there is much redness, swelling and tenderness of parts. For stings in the eye, Aeon, and Arnica will be found the best remedies. B0IL.-FURU1TCLE. A boil is a small phlegmon, which appears in the form of a conical, hard, circumscribed tumor, having its seat in the dermoid texture. At the end of an uncertain period it becomes pointed, white or yellow, and gives exit to pus mixed with blood. TREATMENT. Special indications. ACONITE. Boil highly inflamed, attended with a good deal of fever, restlessness and anxiety, ARNICA. *Many small painful boils, very sore. Boils following mechanical injuries. Where there is a tendency to a recurrence, [Lye. Phos. Sil.*Sulph.] Plethoric subjects with red face. Applied locally gives much relief. BELLADONNA. * Fiery-red or erysipelatous appearance. Swelling of glands under the arms and in the groins. Fever, hot, dry skin, thirst and headache. Young full-blooded subjects. 52 THERAPEUTIC KEY. BERBERIS VuL. Hastens suppuration, and removes pre- disposition to a recurrence.-— Helmuth. HEPAR STTLPH. * Hastens suppuration, pain throbbing, [see Merc] Boil very painful to touch [Rhus.] * Unhealthy skin, slight injuries suppurate. MERC. VIV. * After pus has formed ; pain throbbing, sting- ing, [stinging when touched, Lyco.] Axillary glands swollen; inclination to sweat, [boils of axillary glands, Rhus t.] SULPHUR. Where there is a strong predisposition and frequent return of the disease, [Calc. c. Lye. Phos.] Glandu- lar swellings, [Merc] Skin rough, scaly, scabby. LOCAL TREATMENT- Hot poultices or fomentations, medicated with the internal indicated remedy, will have a salutary effect. Soon as suppuration is established, open with sharp lancet. BRIGHT'S DISEASE. (Parenchymatous Nephritis. ) Under this head some writers include acute and chronic inflammation of the kidneys, in fact all conditions in which albumen is found in the urine. Only where there is granular or fatty degeneration of the kidneys can we have positive evidence of the existence of so-called Morbus Brightii. This can only be determined by a chemical and microscopic examination of the urine. Such examination should be made at short intervals so long as albumen is present in renal secretions. TREATMENT. Leading indications. APIS MEL. Impaired memory. Headache and vertigo. *Pain in hypochondriac region, extending upwards. Renal pains, soreness on pressure or when stooping. *Urine scanty, milky, albuminous, containing uriniferous tubules and epithelium. * Eyelids cedematous, with baglike swelling under the eyes, [over upper lids, Kali c] *(Edema of hands and lower extremities. Especially after scarlatina, [Kali c. Helon. Sec] ARGENT. NIT. Dullness of the head and mental confusion. Dizziness with tendency to fall sideways. *Head feels too large, [Gel. *Nux ] * Irresistible desire for sugar. Belching after every meal, stomach as if it would burst. Acute pain about kidneys, extending down ureters to bladder. ARSENICUM. *Fear of death, restlessness, trembling, prostration. Intense frontal headache. ^(Edematous swell- ing of face, *Edge of tongue red, takes imprint of teeth, [see Merc] Stitches in renal region when breathing or sneezing. *Urine scanty, dark brown, and albuminous. Great thirst, drinking often and little, [Apis.] Pale, waxy skin. *General dropsy. bright's disease. 53 BERBERIS. Fretful humor, with weariness of life. Beat- ing and fluttering in ears. *Sniarting, burning in region of kidneys, [Tereb.] Bloody urine, which settles at bottom of vessel in a cake. Transparent, jelly-like mucus passes with urine, followed by great exhaustion. * Albuminous urine, [Apis. Helon. Tereb.] Pain in loins and hips. Hard, lumpy stools. CANTHARIS. Whining and complaining, with anxious restlessness. Great thirst, with burning in stomach, [Ars.] Cutting, burning pains in region of both kidneys, the parts being sensitive to pressure. *Painful micturition, by drops, of burning, bloody urine. Albuminous urine containing cylin- drical casts, mucus, and shreds ; looks jelly-like. Great weak- ness, prostration, faintness. HELONIAS. Mind dull and inactive, wants to be let alone. Great languor, [Berb. Phos. Tereb.] * Feeling of weakness and weight in region of kidneys. Frequent desire to urinate. Urine profuse, light- colored, albuminous. Dropsy, general debility, uterine atony. KALMIA. Anxiety, with palpitation of heart. Scanty albu- minous urine, with fibrinous casts and epithelial cells [sec Helon.] Oppression of chest, dyspnoea, vertigo, dullness of head. Persistent pains in lower extremities. MERC. COR. Mind sluggish, with torpid digestion. (Edematous swelling of face, [Apis. Ars.] Metallic taste, mouth feels as if scalded. Bloated abdomen, painful to touch. Filaments, flocks or dark flesh-like pieces of mucus in urine. Albumen in urine after diphtheria. Yellowish tint of the skin. PHOSPHORUS. Great indifference, and loumess of spirits. Skin on face and forehead feels tense. Puffiness under the eyes. * Feebleness of sight, [Kalm.] Granular and fatty degeneration of the kidneys. * Albumen and exudation cells in urine. Sensation of weakness or emptiness in stomach. *Constipation, stools long, slender, and hard like a dog's, [Caust.] SARSAPARILLA. Dull, stupid feeling, cannot keep the mind on his study. Throbbing in top of head, worse from walking. Dimness of sight, as if looking through a fog. [*Ars. Merc] * Tenesmus of bladder, with discharge of white acrid pus and mucux. *Severe pain at conclusion of urination. Trembling of hands and feet. SECALE. Anxiety, sadness, melancholy; fear of death. Feeling of lightness in head, [great heaviness, Gel.] Ob- scuration of sight. * Morbus Brightii after scarlatina, [sec Apis.] Urine pale or bloody, with deposits looking like cheese. Desire to be uncovered ; icorse in a warm room. TARTAR EMET. Weariness in every part of body. Numbness of head, with stupefaction. Trembling of head and hands, with great debility, worse when lying and getting warm in bed. Dimness of sight, sees things as 54 THERAPEUTIC KEY. through a veil, [white veil, Ars. — gray, Phos.] Longing for acids and fruits. *Continuous nausea, [*Ipe.] Albu- minous urine. Visible palpitation of heart. TEREBINTHINA. Sudden vertigo, with obscuration of sight. Burning and drawing from right kidney to hip. *Urine black, with sediment like coffee grounds. Blood is thoroughly mixed with urine. Albuminous urine. If caused by living in damp dwellings. HYGIENIC MEASURES. These are of first importance. Over-taxing of body or mind, exposure to inclement weather, the use of alcoholic stimulants and imprudence in eating, should be interdicted. Frequent bathing with tepid water, and friction to promote healthy action of skin and circulation, clothing to secure uniform warmth, and outdoor exercise to extent of patient's ability, are important measures to be adopted. DIETETICS. A diet exclusively of skim-milk is highly commended. Begin with moderate quantity, increase it daily to the exclusion of all other food. Continue this for at least a month, and if no improvement, gradually return to other diet. We have found good fresh buttermilk one of the very best articles of diet in this disease, and greatly prefer it to skim-milk. BRONCHITIS. TREATMENT. Leading indications. ACONITE. Mostly in commencement of acute attacks. Chill and synochal fever, dry, hot skin, and great restless- ness. Short, dry cough, worse at night, with constant irrita- tion in larnyx. *Great fear and anxiety of mind, with nervous excitability. *After exposure to dry, cold winds, [Hep.] . APIS MEL. Sensation of soreness in chest as from a bruise. *Cough, particularly after lying down and sleeping, [Lach.] A clear, tough, stringy phlegm rises in throat, which causes him to hawk frequently, [Kali b. Rumex.] *(Edema glottidis. ARSENICUM. Dry, hacking cough, with soreness in chest, as if raw, or moist cough, with difficult expectoration of blood-streaked mucus. Difficulty of breathing, obliging him to sit up, [Apis.] Dryness and burning in larynx. Great thirst, but drinks little. *Restlessuess, debility, and fear of death. BELLADONNA. Face flushed and eyes red. *Great fullness in head, or splitting headache. Hot skin, with inclination to perspire. Spasmodic cough which does not allow one time to breathe. Children cry after every coughing spell. Sloepy, but cannot sleep, [Opi.] *Starting and jumpiug during sleep. BRONCHITIS. 55 BRYONIA. Short, difficult respiration, obliging him to sit erect, [Ars.] Dry cough, with stitches in chest. Violent morning cough, with expectoration of quantities of mucus. *Sensation when coughing as if head and chest, would fly to pieces. *The patient wants to remain perfectly quiet. CARBO VEG. Obstinate hoarseness, particularly in evening, [in morning, *Caust. Phos.] Severe burning in chest as from hot coals. Violent cough, with discharge of a quantity of yellowish pus. Stitching pains between scapula, [burn- ing, Bry.] * Patient craves air; wants to be fanned all the time. CATJSTICTJM. Hoarseness and roughness of throat, par- ticularly in morning. Short, hacking cough, with rawness in throat. *When coughing, pain over the hip, [Bell.] Involuntary emissions of urine, [Puis.] Loss of voice, [Phos.] Tightness of chest. CHAMOMILLA. Hoarseness and cough from rattling mucus in trachea, the place feeling sore from whence the mucus was detached. *Scraping, dry cough from tickling in larynx, worse at 7iight, even during sleep ; expectoration only indaytime. *One cheek red, other pale, [*Acon. Nux.] *Very impatient, can hardly answer one civilly. ETTPATOR. PER. * Rough scraping cough, with soreness in chest. Has to support chest when he coughs, [*Nat. s. — has to support head, *Nice.] HEPAR STJLPH. Dry, hoarse cough, and roughness in throat. *Rattling, choking cough, worse after midnight.. Hoarse, anxious, wheezing breathing, with danger of suffo- cation when lying down. After exposure to cold west winds, [*Acon.] IPECAC. *Rattling of mucus in bronchia. Suffocative cough, with great difficulty of breathing. Chest seems full of phlegm, but does not yield to coughing, [*Tart. e ] *Much nausea and vomiting of mucus. Face livid during cough. KALI BICHRO. Burning pain in trachea and bronchia. *Cough, with expectoration of tough, stringy mucus, whicu can be drawn down to feet, [Phos.] LACHESIS. Hoarseness with feeble voice and constriction of throat. Short, hacking cough, caused by a tingling in throat. Difficult yellow expectoration. * Larynx and throat painful when touched ; pressure produces violent cough, [Rumex.] * Always worse after sleeping. MERCURIUS. Hoarseness and sore throat. Catarrh of whole mucous membrane. Violent, racking cough, particu- larly at night, as if it would burst the head and chest, [see Bry.] Alternate chilliness and heat, [Bell.] *Cough worse when lying on right side, [on left side, Phos.] *Much per- spiration, without relief. NUX VOMICA. Roughness and scraping in larynx, induc- ing cough, [Caust. *Phos.] Dry cough from midnight till 56 THERAPEUTIC KEY. morning. Cough with headache as if skull would split, [Bry. Merc] Nose stopped up. Fever, but chilliness from slight motion. * Always worse after 4 a. m. * Habitual constipa- tion. After previous use of cough mixtures. PHOSPHORUS. Complete loss of voice, [Caust.] *Cannot talk, larynx so painful, [Apis.] *Tightnes« across the chest, [Ars. Puis.] Cough with expectoration of frothy, pale-red, or rust-colored mucus. Severe and exhausting cough, which the patient dreads and avoids as-long as possible. *Sensation of weakness and emptiness in the abdomen. PULSATILLA. Scraping and dryness in throat, [Nux v.] Dry cough at night, going off when sitting up in bed, [Hyos. Sang.] Loose cough, with copious expectoration of yellow or green- ish mucus. *Chilliness even in a warm room. *Hot, dry skin, with little or no thirst. Persons of a mild, tearful disposition. RHUS TOX. Cough excited by a tickling under middle of sternum, worse from laughing or loud talking, [Phos.] * Rheumatic painsin bones, worse when at rest, [*better, Bry.] *Worse at night, particularly after midnight. After getting wet when heated. SANGUINARIA. Dryness of throat, and sensation of swelling in larynx. *Severe cough, with circumscribed redness of cheeks and pain in breast. Pain in root of nose. Fluent coryza and thin diarrhoea. Burning in hands and feet at night. Sweats at night. SPONGIA. Great dryness in larynx, with hoarse, hollow, w 7 heezing cough, worse in evening. Sawing respiration. *The voice frequently gives out when talking or reading aloud. Croupy subjects. SULPHUR. Hoarseness" and loss of voice. Sensation as of something creeping in larynx, [Carb. v.] Loose cough, with expectoration of thick mucus and soreness in chest. *Stitches in chest extending to back. Pain in left side. *Frequent weak, faint spells. Constant rattling in chest. *Lean persons who walk stooping. TARTARUS EM. Large collection of mucus in bronchia, with difficult breathing. *When patient coughs, it seems as if much would be expectorated, but nothing comes up, [*Ipe.] *Nausea and vomiting of much mucus. Great oppression and difficulty of breathing. VERAT. Dry, hollow cough as if proceeding from lower parts of chest or abdomen. * Rattling of mucus in chest, but can't get rid of it, [see Ipe.] Vomiting, with diarrhoea and great prostration. BUNION. This is an enlargement over the metatarsal joint of great toe. It is frequently found in persons of advanced years, causing considerable deformity, and at times much pain. BURNS AND SCALDS. 57 TREATMENT. Special remedies. Remove all pressure caused by tight shoes, and if part is inflamed, apply linseed-meal poultice, or hot fomentations medicated with dilute Arnica. ACONITE. Red, shining, hot swelling of joint. Violent cutting pains, part burns like fire, [Ars.] Nervous, rest- less, very excitable. ARNICA. If caused from a blow, pressure or constant friction. *Bluish redness of the part and intense soreness. LEDUM. Indicated for similar symptoms to those found under Arnica. *Stinging tearing pains, aggravated by heat. GRAPHITES. Chronic enlargement of the joint, with redness of surrounding parts ; swelling and itching of toes. *Unhealthy skin, ulcerates readily. Hepar, Merc, or Sili. W here there is a tendency to suppurate. IODIDE POTAS. The most effectual remedy for chronic form of the disease. — Helmuth. STICTA PULM. In the acute form, with circumscribed redness of the parts. BURNS AND SCALDS. All charred or burnt clothing must first be carefully cut away from burned surface. Then wash parts with solution Canthuridcs or Urtica Urens, [ £i, warm water §iv], or solu- tion Creasote [ 3'i, water Oi.] Prick any vesicles with needle, and apply such dressings as will absolutely exclude the air. Thick layers of cotton best protection to the parts. Dress parts soon as possible after injury. Use first remedy at hand, till others can be procured. TREATMENT. Principal remedies. ALCOHOL. For burns or scalds, where blisters have not already formed, the external application of this remedy is highly extolled. BICARBONATE OF SODA. Valuable in all superficial burns or scalds, [see Canth.] Soon as can be after accident, apply the powdered soda to burnt surface and lay over it a wet cloth. The pain will almost immediately subside and wound readily heal. CANTHARIDES. In superficial burns or scalds, this is one of the best remedies. Put twenty drops of Tincture in a gill of water, and keep injured parts constantly wet with rags or lint saturated with the solution. After the acute symptoms Lave subsided, dress with simple cerate. CARBOLIZED OIL. One of the best remedies in deep- seated burns. Mix one drachm Carbolic Acid with one pint of olive or linseed oil, and apply with cloths. CASTILE SOAP. Make a thick salve by mixing it with warm water, spread it upon soft linen or muslin, and apply to the injured part, change twice daily. 3* 58 THERAPEUTIC KEY. FLOTTB AND OIL. A good application and most always at hand. Soon after accident as possible, oil injured surface with sweet or linseed oil, and dust it over with flour from a common dredging-box until thickly covered. GLYCERINE. For burns in mouth, throat or stomach, this is an excellent remedy. Equal parts of glycerine and water may be taken in spoonful doses, and mouth and throat gargled with same. Take Urtica Urens internally for burns of this character. URTICA URENS. Valuable in all classes of burns, not only for slight and superficial cases, but in severe and more deeply penetrating injuries of this kind. It may be applied same as directed for use of Cantharides. INTERNAL TREATMENT. ACONITE. Chills, fever, dry, hot skin and much thirst, following extensive burns. *Great fear and anxiety of mind, with much nervous excitability. ARSENICUM. Dark, watery, offensive diarrhoea. Rapid prostration, with sinking of vital forces. *Extreme thirst, drinking often, but little at a time. Great anguish, restless- ness and fear of death. CHAMOMILLA. In convulsions arising from severe burns. Becomes furious about the pains, [Aeon.] *Very impatient, can hardly answer one civilly. Warm sweat about the face and head. CHINA. Extensive suppuration, producing much debility, [Hepar. Merc] Painless diarrhoea of dark, watery stools, particularly at night SILICEA. When the ulcer heals slowly, or proud flesh is disposed to shoot up, and the parts burn. SULPHUR. There is a strong tendency to the production of proud flesh, and there is no appearance of granulations, [Sili. ] Much itching, burning and inflammation around the ulcers. CLINICAL REMARKS. Be in no hurry in removing first dressings. If injury is extensive, apply dressings so they can be removed without exposing too great surface at once. At each dressing, bathe part well with carbolized water, drachm to pint. When suppuration is profuse, and reaction begins, cover parts with carded cotton, and keep wet with Calendula, Give same remedy internally. Extensive burns, even of slight severity, are always dan- gerous. If one-half, or even one-third, the surface is burned, death is almost certain to follow. Burns on the trunk more dangerous than those of equal extent on extremities. Periods of Danger. First. Immediately after injury, from shock. Second. During third or fourth day, from fever or sympathetic affections of brain or bowels. Third. During period of suppuration, hectic or pyaemia may supervene. CARBUNCLE. — ANTHRAX. 59 CAEBTmCLE-ANTHRAX. This is a species of malignant tumor. It commences as a livid red swelling, attended with a burning, itching, smarting pain, which gradually grows worse as the disease progresses. After 5 or 6 days, softening and suppuration take place, and when it bursts, instead of having a central opening as a boil, it is flat on top with several openings which discharge a thin acrid fluid. These openings gradually widen, coalesce, and large pieces of decayed cellular tissue are thrown off by sloughing. Carbuncles vary in size from that of a chestnut to that of a man's fist, and when occurring about the head are very dangerous. TREATMENT. Principal remedies, ANTHRACINUM. Violent burning pains not relieved by Ars. Sloughing; abundant discharge of ichorous, terribly smelling pus. — Raue. ARSENICUM. * Intense burning in parts. Sensation as if boiling water was running beneath integuments. *Great restlessness, thirst and debility. Worse at night, better from warm applications. BELLADONNA. Bright redness, of an erysipelatous char- acter. *Throbbing pain, drowsiness and inability to sleep. CARBO VEG. Dark bluish appearance of tumor. *Great foulness of the discharges. Cachectic persons, whose vital powers have become weakened. HEFAR STJLPH. If given early will sometimes abort anthrax, later it promotes suppuration. When extensive cavities have formed, discharge profuse and purulent. LACHESIS. Bluish purplish appearance of parts. [See Carb. v.] *Impending gangrene. Blood-poisoning. MURIATIC AC. Scorbutic individuals, ulcers on gums, with fetid breath. Feeling of great emptiness in stomach and abdomen. RHUS TOX. The parts have a bluish gangrenous appear- ance, [see Lach.] Itching, burning around the carbuncle. *Great restlessness ; patient feels better while moving about. SILICEA. During process of ulceration. *Fistulous open- ings with offensive discharge ; parts around hard, bluish-red. Promotes healthy granulations. CLINICAL REMARKS. Avoid use of "free incisions." Dress sore with solution hot Calendula [drachm to pint.] Cover compress with oiled silk, and trust to internal medica- tion. If parts become gangrenous, apply poultices of char- coal and yeast. Allow nourishing diet and discard all stimulants. "A commencing carbuncle may be successfully aborted by injecting into its centre several drops of pure carbolic acid." — Gatchell. 60 THERAPEUTIC KEY. CATAERH.-CORYZA. TREATMENT. Leading remedies. For DRY CORYZA, with stoppage of the nose, *Am. c. Bry Dulc. Nit. ac. Nux v. Phos. *Sep. For FLUENT CORYZA, with mucus or watery discharges, *Alli. c. Ars. Arum. t. Bell. Cham. Dul. Euph. Hepar. Kali b. *Merc. Puis. Sulph. LEADING INDICATIONS. ACONITE. Mostly in first stage ; chilliness, with burning heat, especially in head and face. Profuse lachrymation, [Euph.] Short, dry cough, from tickling in larynx. *Fear, anxiety, and great restlessness. *From dry, cold winds, [Hepar— cold damp air, Gel.] ALLIUM CEPA. *Profuse discharge from eyes, and burning excoriating water from nose. Catarrh, with profuse flow of tears; smarting in the eyes, and violent sneezing. Terrible laryngeal cough, compelling patient to grasp larynx ; it seems if cough would tear it. Feels better in fresh air. AMM. CARB. Burning and pain in eyes, with lachrymation. Dry coryza, with stoppage of nose, especially at night, ' [Nux.] Dry, nightly cough, and stitches in the chest. Fre- quent chilliness. ARSENICUM. Frequent sneezing, profuse fluent coryza, stoppage of nose. Burning and soreness of nostrils. Pro- fuse lachrymation and burning in the eyes, [Aeon. Euph.] Dryness in mouth and loss of taste. Chilliness, particularly after drinking. * Intense thirst, drinking little and often. ^Restlessness and prostration. ARUM TRIPH. *Coryza, with discharge of burning, ichorous fluid from nose, excoriating nostrils and upper lip, [Ars.] Nose stopped up; can only breathe with mouth open. Hoarseness and sore throat. Dry, feverish heat and hot skin. BAPTISIA. Stiffness of all the joints as if strained. Rheumatic pains, and soreness all over, [see Gel.] *Tiekling in throat, provoking cough, fauces dark red. Thick mucus from the nose. Dull frontal headache. BELLADONNA. Sore throat and hoarseness. *Throbbing headache, worse from motion. Dry, hoarse cough; children cry when coughing. Alternate chilliness and heat. [Merc] Swelling and stiffness in nape of neck. *Sleepy, but cannot sleep. BRYONIA. Dry coryza, with inflamed, ulcerated nostrils. *Lips parched, dry, and cracked; splitting headache. Dry cough, apparently from stomach, worse after drinking. ^Constipation of hard, dry stools as if burnt. *Patient wants to keep very still. Exceedingly irritable. CARBO VEG. Beating or pulsating headache, [Bell.] Burning in eyes and profuse lachrymation. Stopping of CATARRH. — CORYZA. 61 nose, particularly in evening. Fluent coryza, with hoarse- ness and rawness of chest. *If coryza return in evening. CHAMOMILLA. Fluent acrid discharge from nose. Chilli- ness and feverish heat. *One cheek red and hot, the other pale and cold, [Aeon. Nux.] Hoarseness and cough from rattling mucus in bronchia. *Dry cough, worse at night, even during sleep. *Patient very irritable. *Children want to be carried all the time. DULCAMARA. Dry coryza, aggravated in cold nir. *The symptoms are aggravated by every cold change, [Gel.] and in wet weather ; better when moving about. EUPHRASIA. *Profuse fluent coryza, with burning acrid tears. Cough only during day. Ulceration of margins of eyelids, [*Merc. Sulph.] Earache, GELSEMIUM. Liability to take cold from change in any weather, [see Dulc] Sore throat, with pain on swallowing, shooting up into ear, [Apis.] Dull aching and muscular sore- ness in limbs, [see Bapt.] *Fever without thirst; wants to lie still and rest. HEPAR SULPH. Great liability to take cold, especially after abuse of" mercury. Roughness and scraping in throat, [Nux v.] *Stitches in throat as if caused by a splinter, [Arg % n.] *Hoarse croupy cough, phlegm being loose and choking. IPECAC. Aching pain over the eyes. Fluent coryza, stoppage of nose, loss of smell. *Rattling of phlegm in chest, but does not yield to coughing, [Tart, e.] *Nausea and vomiting large quantities of mucus. Oppressed breath- ing as of asthma. Suitable to children. KALI B. Fluent coryza, worse in evening and in open air. Flow of acrid water from nose, excoriating the nostrils, [Ars. Arum, t.] *Cough, with expectoration of tough phlegm, which can be drawn into long strings. Loss of smell, [Ipe. Sep.] LACHESIS. Fluent coryza. Dryness of mouth, with burning as if from pepper. Dry cough, shortness of breath, and stitches in chest. *Can bear nothing to touch his throat [Apis.] ; it excites a cough and produces a sense of suffocation. *Symptoms worse in afternoon and after sleeping. HERCURIUS. Catarrhal headache. Burning in eyes and profuse lachrymation. Pain in jaws and teeth. *Frequent f-neezing and profuse fluent coryza. Inflamed and ulcerated tonsils, [Bell.] Short, dry, fatiguing cough, worse at night. * After sweating at night, the cold is no better. Feels better in a warm room, [Ars.] NUX VOMICA. Chilliness and feverish heat. Fluent coryza during the day ; dry at night. Dry cough with head- ache as if skull would burst. *Very irritable and wishes to be alone, [Chin.] Constipation, with frequent urging to stool. Aggravation in morning. 62 THERAPEUTIC KEY. PULSATILLA. Yellowish, green, thick, fetid mucus from nose. Loss of taste and smell, [Sulph.] Toothache and otalgia. *Craves fresh, cool air; worse in warm room, [better, *Ars.] *Chilliness even in warm room. Loose cough, with expectoration of yellow mucus. *Symptoms all worse towards evening. Mild, tearful disposition. SAMBUCUS. *Stoppage of nose, with thick tenacious mucus. Sudden starting from sleep as if suffocating. Cir- cumscribed redness of the cheeks, [Sang.] Sniffles of infants, can't breathe through the nose, [Nux.] SEPIA. Nose swollen and inflamed, with sore ulcerated nostrils. Obstruction of nose, and violent dry coryza. Loss of smell. Pain in back and stiffness in nape of neck, [Bell ] *Cough worse in morning, terminating in an effort to vomit. *Great sense of emptiness in stomach. SULPHUR. Catarrh, with fluent coryza. Soreness and pressure in throat as from a lump. Complete loss of taste and smell, [*Puls.] Coldness of the extremities and chilli- ness. *Frequent weak, faint spells. *Great liability to take cold. CHRONIC NASOPHARYNGEAL CATARRH. TREATMENT, Leading indications. .2ESCULUS HIP. Dull frontal headache, fluent coryza, thin watery discharge. Stinging and burning in posterior nares and soft palate, [Cap.] *Hawks up ropy mucus of sweetish taste, [Alum.] AILANTHUS GLAN. Loss of smell, [see Hepar.] *Copious thin, ichorous, bloody discharge from nose, without fetor, [see Graph.] Hawking of mucus, constant effort to raise hard lumps of whitish matter, [see Mag. c] Throat dark red and swollen, [see Arg. n.] ALUMINA. Chronic nasal catarrh, with scurfy, sore nostrils, [see Cal. c] Discharge of dry, hard, yellow-green mucus from nose. Thick mucus dropping from posterior nares, [Coral, r. Hydras. Phyto.] Ulcers in fauces, secreting a yellowish-brown, badly smelling pus. ARGENT. NIT. Violent itching of nose, [of tip, *Sili. Caust.] Discharge of whitish pus, with clots of blood. * Uvula and fauces dark red, [Bapt. Bell.] * Thick tenacious mucus in throat, obliging him to hawk, [JEscu. hip. Hepar. Hydras. Graph.] Rawness, soreness and scraping in throat, [Hepar. Phos.] *Head feels too large. *Craves sugar. AURUM MET. Sensitive smell; everything smells too strong. Fetid discharge from nose, [see Nit. ac] Frontal headache, [see Puis.] *Caries of nasal bones, [Merc. Nit. ac] Tip of nose "knobby" red. BARYTA CAR. Frequent nosebleed, [Graph. Hepar.] Formation of scabs in posterior nares, and behind base of CATARRH. — CHRONIC. 63 uvula Liability to quinsy, [Hepar. Lack. Sulph.] *Chronic induration of tonsils, [Baryta m. Hepar. Ign. Lye] CALC. CARB. Scrofulous habit, [Baryta c. Ferr. Merc. Sulph.] Unhealthy, ulcerated skin. Great liability to take cold, [Graph. Sili. Sulph.] Nasal discharge thick, pus-like. Sore ulcerated nostrils, [Graph. Nit. ac. Lye] General sick feeling. *Cold, damp feet. CISTUS CAN. Eczema of nose. Fauces inflamed and dry. *Tough, gum-like, thick, tasteless mucus brought up by hawk- ing, mostly mornings. Strips of tough mucus on back of throat. FERRTJM. Anaemic condition, [Chin.] Dropping of fluid from posterior nareg or frontal sinuses, [hangs down in strings, Phyto.] Headache, it feels dull and full. *Least emotion or exertion produces a flushed face. GRAPHITES. Burning spot on top of head, [Sulph.] Loss of smell, [Ailan. Puis.] Discharge of thick, yellowish, fetid mucus from nose. Dry scabs in nose, with sore, cracked, ulcerated nostrils, [Alum. Puis.] Roughness and rawness in oat, [Arg. n. Phos. Puis.] Ha Arg. n.J *Eruption on skin, oozing sticky fluid. throat, [Arg. n. Phos. Puis.] Hawking of phlegm, [see FJEPAR SULPH. Sense of smell acute, [obtuse, Ailan. Arg. n. Cal. e] Sore pain on dorsum of nose, when touching it. Itching in nose, [see Arg. n.] Cracking in ear when blowing nose. Scraping in throat when swallowing. Hawking up mucus, [see Arg. n.] Sensation of plug in throat, [Bary. o. Ign. Lye] Unhealthy skin. HYDRAS. CAN. Air feels cold in nose. *Dropping of mucus from posterior nares into throat, [see Alum. Arg. n.] Soreness of cartilaginous septum, bleeding when touched. Ozaena, with bloody purulent discharge, [Aur. m. Nit. ac] Dull heavy headache over eyes, [see Puis.] IODITJM. Chronic fetid discharge from nose. Buzzing in ears, [crackling, Bary. c. Kali b. Nit. ac] Ulcers in throat, with swelling of glands of neck. Scrofulous persons, with low state of system, [see Ferr.] After abuse of Merc. KALI BI. Fetid smell from nose. *Discharge of tough green masses, or plugs from nose, [see Mag. c] Ropy, tough discharge from posterior nares, [see Alum.] *(Edem- atous uvula. *Ulcers in fauces and pharynx, discharging cheesy lumps, of fetid odor, [see Mag. c] LYCOPO. Humid scurfs on and behind ears, [Graph.] Catarrh of nose and frontal sinuses, discharge yellow and thick. Frontal headache, aggravated by warmth, [Puis.] Chronic induration of tonsils, [see Bary. c] Hawking of bloody mucus, or hard greenish-yellow phlegm, [see Mag. c] MAGNE. CAR. Epistaxis, especially in morning, [Nit. ac] Vesicular eruptions in nose. Burning in throat and palate, with dryness and roughness as if scraped. *Hawking up soft, fetid tubercles, color of peas, [see Merc io. r.] MERCURIUS VIV. Fluent corrosive discharge from nose, with much sneezing. Nostrils bleeding, sore and scurfy, 64 THERAPEUTIC KEY. [see Graph.] *Greenish, fetid pus from nose, nasal bones swollen. Chronic ulcerated sore throat. Glands of neck swollen. MERC. IOD. RUB. * Hawks mucus from posterior nares, which feel raw. Crusty eruption on wings of nose. Sensa- tion of a lump in throat, [see Hepar.] Hawks up hard greenish lumps, [see Mag. c.J NITRIC ACID. Fetid, yellow, nasal discharge, [see Merc, v.] * Syphilitic ozaena, [see Hydras.] Dirty, bloody mucus from posterior nares. Green casts from nose every morning. Sore throat, extending up into nose. *Strong~ smelling urine. PETROLEUM. Pain at root of nose, with purulent dis- charge. Scurfs around mouth. Throat feels swollen and raw. Hawking of tough, bad-tasting phlegm, mornings. When swallowing, food enters posterior nares. PHOSPHORUS. Chronic inflammation of nasal membrane, with acuteness or loss of smell. Rawness and scraping in pharynx, worse toward evening, [see Arg. n.] Hawking of phlegm, mornings, [see Pet.] *Great dryness of throat, it fairly glistens. *Long, narrow, tough stools. PULSATILLA. Loss of smell, [Ailan. Hepar.] *Green, fetid, nasal discharge, with diminished taste and smell. Frontal headache, [Hydras. Lye] Ears feel as if stopped. Throat dry mornings, feels as if she would choke. Mild, tear- ful disposition. SEPIA. Fetid smell before the nose. Swollen, inflamed nose; nostrils sore, ulcerated, scabby, [see Graph.] *Blows large lumps of yellow-green mucus, or crusts from nose, [see Kali b.] Hawking of mucus in morning, [see Arg. n.] *Herpes circinatus. SILICEA. Loss of smell, [see Puis.] Gnawing and ulcers high up in nose, intolerable itching of tip of nose, [see Arg. n.] Throat feels if filled up, [Cimi. Gel.] *Constipa- tion, stools recede after being partially expelled. SULPHUR. *Dry ulcers or scabs in nose, with chronic obstruction. Excoriation and ulceration of nostrils, [see Graph.] Scrofulous or syphilitic taint. Skin rough, scaly, scabby. THUYA. Blows out thick, green mucus, mixed with blood; later brown scabs form. Nose sore, red eruptions on alse. Throat feels raw, dry, or as if constricted. * Watery purulent otorrhoea. CHOLEEA ASIATICA. TREATMENT. Leading indica tions. ACONITE. Forming stage, where there is great vascular excitement. Violent heat and dryness of skin. *Great fear and anxiety of mind, with nervous excitability. Full and CHOLERA ASIATICA. 65 frequent pulse. *Vertigo, particularly on raising the head. *Bitter, greenish vomiting. Stools whitish, with discharge of lumbrici. *Fear of death, predicts the day he will die. ARSENICUM. *Great anguish, extreme restlessness, and fear of death, [Aeon. Verat] *Sudden prostration, with sinking of vital forces. Tongue dry, blackish, and cracked. Violent burning pains in stomach. Vomiting watery, slimy, greenish, brownish, or blackish substances; worse after drinking. Vomiting and purging simultaneously, [Ipe. Verat.] *Great thirst; drinks little and often. Skin cold and covered with clammy sweat, or dry and shriveled, [see Camph.. Verat.] CAMPHOR. One of first remedies to be thought of, especi- ally when there is great anguish and sudden prostration, [Ars. Verat.] Pulse small and rapid. Hands, feet, and skin cold. *Burning pains in stomach and throat. Cramps in calves, [Jatro. our.] Painfulness of pit of stomach when touched. *Icy coldness and blueness of face and limbs, even of tongue, [Verat] *Half stupid and senseless ; he moans and groans in a hoarse, husky voice. CARBO VEG. Mostly in last stage, [in first stage, Ipe. *Phos. ac] Complete collapse of pulse, patient lies in a state of asphyxia. The spasms and vomiting have ceased, followed by great debility. Cold breath, cold tongue, or coldness all over, [Camph.] *Livid countenance, hoarse voice, and sunken eyes. CHINA. Hippocratic countenance, pointed nose and hollow eyes. Yellowish, blackish, or parched tongue. Violent thirst, with a desire to drink often, but little at n time, [*Ars.] Spasmodic colic. Painless diarrhoea, stools blackish, bilious or whitish. Prostration even unto fainting. *After loss of animal fluids. COLOCYNTH. Vomiting first food, then a greenish sub- stance. * Violent constrictive pain in aodomen as if intes- tines were squeezed between stones, relieved by forcible pressure. *Terrible, cramp-like pains which draw patient almost double. Thin, greenish, slimy, or watery stools; retention of urine. Worse after eating or drinking. CROTON TIG. Watery discharge from bowels, mixed with whitish flakes. *The discharges always come on after drinking, and are expelled with a sudden gush, [see Jatro.] Vomiting whitish frothy fluids. Great exhaustion with faini- ness and vertigo. CUPRUM MET. Violent vomiting, with colic and diarrhoea. Rolling of eyeballs, great restlessness and coldness of face. Spasmodic colicky pains without vomiting, or vomiting pre- ceded by spasmodic constriction of chest, arresting breathing. *Extreme thirst, liquids descend the throat with a gurgling sound. *Violent cramps in the stomach, fingers, and toes, [in legs and feet, Jatro. cur] The vomiting is relieved by drinking cold water. 66 THERAPEUTIC KEY. IPECAC. In early stage, and where nausea and vomiting is a prominent symptom. * Vomiting large quantities of green jelly-like mucus, or black pitch-like substances, [Ars. Verat.] Griping, pinching in abdomen, as if grasped with a hand; excited by motion. *Grass-green mucous stools, having appearance as if fermented. Cramp in calves, fingers and toes, [Cup. m.] Coldness of face and extremities. JATROPHA CUR. Violent vomiting of a whitish, jelly- like substance, like white of egg, [black bile, *Ars. Verat.] Anxiety and burning in stomach. * Profuse watery stools, gushing out like a torrent. Cramps in legs and feet [in fingers and toes, *Cup.] gurgling noise in abdomen. NICOTIN. *Death-like paleness of face, with nausea and cold clammy sweat, while body is warm, [see Verat.] Cold- ness in abdomen,, with nausea and hiccough ; no vomiting or diarrhoea. Slow, irregular, intermittent pulse. PHOS. ACID. In commencement, before vomitings set in. Diarrhoea, with whitish, watery, slimy stools, without pain. Tenacious viscid mucus in mouth ; gluey matter on the tongue. * Indifferent, not disposed to talk. Quiet delirium and stupefaction. SECALE COR. Face pale and eyes sunken. Dry, thick, yellowish white coating on tongue. Unquenchable thirst, [Verat.] Heat and burning in abdomen. Watery, slimy diar- rhoea, or involuntary diarrhoea. The evacuations are pre- ceded by vertigo, anguish, cramps in calves, rumbling in abdomen, and nausea. *Great aversion to heat, or to being covered. Thin, scrawny persons. VERAT. ALB. Pale, death-like expression of face. Tongue dry, blackish and cracked. *Unquenchable thirst for cold drinks. Vomiting and purging simultaneously. Black vomit, [Ars.] *Great weakness after vomiting. Severe cutting pains in abdomen. Violent diarrhoea, with greenish, watery flocculent stools, followed by rapid prostration. Cramps in calves. Small, almost imperceptible, pulse. Hoarse, weak voice, cold breath. *Cold sweat over whole body. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. At beginning of attack, place patient in bed; if he inclines to coldness, surround him with bottles of hot water and cover with blankets. Give no drinks but cold water or ice, unless warm toast- water is preferred. Mutton or chicken broth, or beef tea slightly seasoned with salt may be taken. Keep patient quiet as possible ; have him use bed pan to avoid get- ting up. Disinfect all discharges and soiled clothing with Chloride of Lime or Corrosive Sublimate as directed on page 14. In cramps of muscles, friction with dry hand is the best remedy to remove spasm, restore heat and circulation. DIETETICS. During convalescence, great care must be used in regard to diet. Good fresh milk, simple broths and CHOLERA MORBUS. 67 light puddings may be used. No solid food should be taken while there is any looseness of bowels. HYGIENIC PRECAUTIONS. Observe regular habits in all things. Avoid all indigestible food ; use goodly propor- tion of animal food, good bread and ripe fruits. Take no intoxicating liquors. Boil all water used for drinking or culinary purposes. Treat promptly all cases of diarrhoea at the outset. Give strict attention to cleanliness. CHOLERA MORBUS. TREATMENT. Leading indications. ANTIMO. CRUD. * Thick, milky-white coating on tongue. Great thirst for cold water, especially at night. Vomiting and diarrhoea, watery or slimy. Suitable after use of sour wine, [see Chin.] ARSENICUM. * Violent attacks, sudden prostration, great restlessness, extreme thirst, drinking little and often. Severe burning in stomach. Vomiting, especially after eating or drinking. Vomiting and purging simultaneously, [Ipe. Verat.] Skin dry or cold and bluish. Great anguish and fear of death. CHAMOMILLA. Frequent vomiting food or mucus, sour or bitter substances. Severe cutting pains in abdomen. *Patient very irritable, can scarcely answer a civil question. Children must be carried all the time to be quieted. If excited by a fit of passion, [Colo.] CHINA. Sudden attacks in the night ; discharges mostly painless, containing undigested food. *Great fermentation in bowels; abdomen bloated. Weakly persons who have lost much blood, or after drinking sour beer, eating fruits, etc. COLOCYNTH. Moderate nausea, vomiting and purging. ^Violent cramp-like pains in region of navel, relieved by bending double. Cramps in the extremities, [Diosc. Verat.] Tongue loaded with yellow fur. DIOSCOREA. Vomiting and purging, stools watery, with painful cramps in the stomach, bowels, and extremities. *Violent twisting colic, occurring in regular paroxysms, with remissions, relieved by walking. EUPHORBIA COR. Forcible vomiting and diarrhoea of watery fluid, with sinking, anxious feeling at stomach. Painful spasms in the bowels, with cold sweat. Cramps in the hands and feet, [see Verat.] Death-like sensation, with anxiety of mind. IPECAC. Vomiting most prominent symptom. * Constant nausea and vomiting food, mucus, bile, or jelly-Uke substances. Stools as if fermented, green as grass, with colic. After eating unripe sour fruit. IRIS VERSICO. Nausea, with burning in mouth, fauces and oesophagus. Vomiting and diarrhoea, with violent pain in pit 68 THERAPEUTIC KEY. of stomach, at or before every fit of vomiting or purging. Suit* able when disease occurs in hot weather, [Podo.] PODOPHYLLUM. When the disease occurs in hot weather, [Iris ] Gagging or empty retching, * Painless diarrhoea, stools profuse, watery, and gushing, with cramps in the feet, calves, and thighs. Restless sleep, with half-closed eyes. PULSATILLA. *Chiefly useful where the disease has been induced by eating fat, crude, indigestible food or fruit. Vomiting food, bile, or mucus. Stools greenish, bilious, watery, worse at night. Wants to be in a cool place, or in the open air. VERAT. ALB. Countenance pale or bluish, with cold sweat on forehead. Eyes sunken, nose pointed, mouth and lips dry. Pulse frequent, very weak, [Ars.] * Intense thirst for cold and acid drinks. ^Violent nausea and vomiting, with pro- fuse watery diarrhoea, and severe pinching colic. Great sinking and empty feeling in abdomen after stool. Cramps in abdomen and extremities. Great anguish and fear of death, [Ars.] For further treatment, see Cholera Asiatica. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. If attack was caused by overeating or partaking of indigestible food, induce patient to vomit by giving tepid water or tickling fauces with a feather or something similar. In many instances taking copious draughts of water — hot as can be borne- — will promptly relieve. If extremities incline to coldness, keep them warm with bottles of hot water, hot bricks, or friction with dry hands. DIETETICS, Mucilaginous drinks, as rice-water, barley- water, gum- Arabic water, etc., are preferable. A little mutton, chicken, or beef broth may be taken a£ regular intervals; but in no case should solid food be allowed until patient has wellnigh recovered. CHOLERA INFANTUM. PROGNOSIS. Must be guarded. Bad Signs. — Extreme restlessness; or apathy and stupor; convulsions; incessant vomiting; frequent and copious stools; pinched countenance ; extremities cold, blue and shriveled. Favorable Signs. — Cessation of vomiting ; stools dimin- ished in quantity and frequency ; natural sleep; less thirst; returning appetite. TREATMENT. Leading indications, ACONITE. In the beginning, hot skin, quick pulse, and sleep- lessness. Stools green, watery, or white slimy mucus. Before and during stool, cutting pain and tenesmus. Nausea and vomiting what has been drunk. *Restlessness, child turns from side to side. CHOLERA INFANTUM. 69 JETHTJSA CYN. In bad cases. Stools light-yellow or greenish liquid. Before stool, pinching, cutting pain in abdomen. Violent vomiting coagulated milk. *Spasms, with stupor and delirium, clinched thumbs, eyes drawn down- ward, pupils dilated. Symptoms of hydrocephaloid, [Cal. phos.] ANTIMO. CRTJD. Tongue coated white. Violent vomiting slimy mucus or lumps of curd, worse after eating or drinking, [see Ars.] Stools watery and profuse. Pain before and during stool. Protrusion of rectum. *The child cannot bear to be looked at. Caused from disordered stomach, [Puis.] APIS MEL. Tongue dry and shining. No appetite or thirst. Stools greenish, yellowish, slimy mucus. During stool, griping and tenesmus. Tenderness of abdomen to pressure. The disease slightly improves for a time, then relapses again, when from anaemia and nervous exhaustion it terminates in hydrocephaloid. * Aggravation in morning. ARSENICUM. Pale, death-like countenance. Skin dry and shriveled. Stools thick, dark green, or dark, watery, offensive. Cutting pain before and tenesmus during stool. *Vomiting immediately after drinking, [Verat.] *Great restlessness, extreme prostration, and thirst, drinking but little. Aggravation after midnight, [Rhus.] BELLADONNA. Face pale or flushed. Great dryness of mouth and lips. Tongue coated white in middle, with red edges. Stools thin green mucus, or bloody mucus. Delirium worse during and just after sleep, with desire to get out of bed. *Sleepy, but cannot sleep, [Opi. ] *Child cries out suddenlj\ and ceases as suddenly. *Sudden starting at noise and during sleep. BENZOIC AC. Fetid, watery, white stools, very copiotis and exhausting, [Podo.] During stool much pressing or strain- ing. *Strong-smelling urine, mostly dark-colored. Trouble- some and dry hacking cough. Tongue coated with white mucus, or ulcerated. BORAX. Pale clay-colored appearance of face. Aphthae in mouth and on tongue. Light yellow, slimy mucus, or green- ish, watery stools. *Fear of falling from downward motion, even during sleep. *Easily startled at sudden noise, with nnxious screams, [Bell.] Loss of appetite, with loathing the breast. BRYONIA. Dry, parched lips and mouth. Thirst for large quantities of water at long intervals, [reverse, *Ars. Chin.] *Vomiting food soon after taking it, undigested. Stools brown, thin fecal, or undigested. Before stool, child cries out, and cannot bear to be moved. *Gets faint and sick on sitting up. After cold drinks, fruit, or getting over- heated. CALC. CARB. Children with large heads and open fonta- nelles, scrofulous, [*Sil. Sulph.] Swollen, distended abdomen, with emaciation and good appetite. Skin dry and shriveled. 70 THERAPEUTIC KEY. Stools whitish, and watery, or chalk-like; undigested, [Po&o.] Vomiting sour substances. * Profuse sweat on head when sleeping, [Sil.] *Cold, damp feet. CAMPHOR. Sudden attack. *Great and rapid prostra- tion, [see Ars.] *Skin cold, yet child will not remain cov- ered. Vomiting and purging sometimes absent, only coldness and prostration. CALG. PHOS. Delayed closure, or reopening of fontanelles. Point of nose icy cold. Upper lip swollen, and cold sweat on face. Vomits often and easy. Craves bacon. Abdomen sunken. Stools green, loose, and sometimes slimy. Suffocative attack when lifted up. CARE. VEG. Great paleness or gray-yellow color of the face. Stools light colored; involuntary ; putrid: cadaverous smelling, [Sil.] Mostly in last stage, and where the vital powers are greatly exhausted. Restlessness and anxiety, worse towards evening. *Emission of large quantities of flatus, inodorous, or putrid. CHAMOMILLA. Redness and heat of face, sometimes one cheek red and the other pale, [Aeon.] Tongue coated thick yellow, or white. Vomiting sour food, or slimy substances. Green, watery, corroding stools with colic ; also mixed white and yellow mucus, like chopped ep-gs, [Nux m.] Colic before and during stool. *Child very fretful ; must be carried all the time. CHINA. Tympanitic distension of abdomen. Stools yellow, watery, undigested, painless, or blackish and offensive. Before stool, colic, relieved by bending double, [Colo.] Patient worse after eating and at night. *Great weakness and inclination to sweat. * Worse every other day, [Amb.] CINA. *Disposition to pick and bore at the nose; troubled with worms. White papescent stools. *White, turbid or jelly-like urine, [Phos. ac] Restless sleep, frequent changing position, and waking with cries. Grinding of teeth during sleep. CR0T0N TIG. Dry, parched lips. Nausea and vomiting water, mucus and bile, especially after drinking. Yellow watery, dark green or greenisli yellow stools, coming out like a shot, [Gum. g.] *Worse after driuking, while nursing. Great prostration after stool, i DULCAMARA. Dry heat of skin, and violent thirst. Stools yellowish, green, watery or whitish. Colic before and during stool. *The child gets worse at every cold change in weather, or from exposure to cold air. Suitable after taking cold or getting wet, [getting overheated, Bry.] GUIOL GUTT. Loud rumbling and gurgling in bowels. Stools thin yellow fecal, or dark green and offensive. *Sudden expulsion of stool, coming in a gush, [*Jatro.] Nausea and vomiting after eating or drinking, [Ars.] The child seems to crave food, but little satisfies it. Aphthae in mouth. IPECAC. Pale face, with blue margins around the eyes, [Jatro. Phos.] Yellowish or white- coated tongue. * Almost CHOLERA INFANTUM. 71 constant nausea and vomiting, [see Verat.] The child throws up its food and large quantities of green mucus. Stools grass-green mucus, or white, fermented, like yeast, [Am.] Colic and sick stomach before and during stool. * After vomiting, inclination to sleep. JATRO. CUR. *Stools watery; profuse; gushing out like a torrent, [Cro. t. Gum. g.] Vomiting dark green bile, or watery albuminous substances, [milky white, iEth.] Liquid gurgling in abdomen, [Gum. g.] LAUROCERASTJS. Sunken countenance; livid grayish yellow complexion. Eyes staring or lightly closed. Tongue white and dry, with violent thirst. Pulse slow, irregular or imperceptible, [Verat] Stools green, liquid, mucus, involun- tary. Cutting pain before and tenesmus after stool. *Bat- tling sound of liquids when passing through the oesophagus. MAGNESIA C. Face dark yellow. No appetite, violent thirst, inclination to vomit. *Stools green and slimy, like the scum of a frog-pond, smelling sour. Before stool, cutting and pinching in abdomen ; after stool, tenesmus. Worse in hot weather and during dentition, [see Cham.] MERCTJRITJS. Dry lips, with ulcerated corners of the mouth. Tongue coated as with fur. Stools yellow, color of sulphur [Colo.], sometimes green, slimy or bloody. Frequent scanty excoriating stools. * Colic before, and tenesmus during and after stool. *Great tenderness over stomach and abdomen. Cold, clammy sweats, especially at night. NTJX MOS. Great languor; cold, dry skin, little thirst. Colic worse after eating or drinking; relieved by application of moist heat. Stools thin, yellow, like beaten or stirred eggs, [*Cham.] undigested, watery, slimy. Colic before and urging during stool. * Great drowsiness and dullness of sense. Worse at night, and in cool damp weather, [Merc] NTJX VOMICA. Tongue coated thick yellowish white. Swelling of gums, fetid ulcers in mouth. Vomiting sour- smelling mucus. Frequent, small, watery, slimy, dark-colored mucus stools. Colic before and violent straining at stool; relief after stool. * After gastric medicines, and where changing child's food has caused the trouble. Worse in early morning, [Sulph.] Very irritable. PHOSPHORUS. Pale, sickly complexion; hollow eyes, surrounded by blue margins, [Ipe. Jatro.] Thirst for cold drinks, which are thrown up soon as they become warm in stomach. *Stools white, watery, containing little lumps like grains of tallow ; undigested. Watery stools, pouring away as from a hydrant. Worse in morning, and from lying on left side. PHOS. ACID. Blue margins around the eyes; violent thirst; loss of appetite; profuse perspiration at night. Stools, whitish, watery, light yellow, painless. *The disease is not marked by much debility, though it may continue a long time, [reverse, *Ars. *Verat.] 72 THERAPEUTIC KEY. PODOPHYLLUM. Moaning during sleep, with half-closed eyes, and rolling head from side to side. Gagging or empty retching, [Cro. t.] *Stools watery, with meal like sediment: dark yellow mucus, smelling like carrion. * Profuse watery, painless stools, very exhausting. ^Prolapsus ani during stool, [Merc] Worse in morning and after eating and drinking. PULSATILLA. Tongue coated with tenacious mucus. Thirstlcssness. *Stools very changeable, no two alike, worse at night, [see Sulph.] Before stool, rumbling in bowels, [Phos.] During stool, chilliness, [Ars. *Merc. Sulph.] After use of greasy food. SECALE COR. Face pale, eyes sunken and surrounded by blue margins, [Ipe. Phos.] Dry, thick, yellowish-white coating on tongue. Easy, painless vomiting, without effort. Stools watery and slimy, involuntary, [Bell. Carb. v.] Before stool, rumbling in abdomen; great exhaustion after stool. *Great aversion to heat, or to being covered. *Thin, scrawny children, with shriveled skin. SILICEA. *Children with large heads and open fontanelles, [*Cal. c. Sulph] rr of use perspiration on head y particularly during sleep, [*Cal. c. Merc] Stools liquid, slimy, frothy, or bloody mucus. Colic, and distension of abdomen. Psoric derangement. SULPHUR, Child drowsy through day and wakeful at night. Stools very changeable, attended with pain or no pain at all ; worse in early morning. * Stools very excoriating, [*Ars. Cham. *Merc] When there are repeated relapses, or the case seems to linger a long while. Hot palms and soles. THUYA. Great desire for cold drinks ; rapid exhaustion ; oppressed breathing; great emaciation. *Stools pale-yellow, watery, very copious, and gushing like water from a bung- hole, [see *Jatro.] Aggravation in morning, and after vac- cination. VERAT. ALB. Cold sweat on forehead. Lips dry and dark-colored. *Vomiting excited by smallest quantity of liquids, [Ars. BTux v.] The least motion increases vomiting. Stools greenish watery, with flakes. Before stool, severe colic; during stool, cold sweat on forehead, [warm sweat, Merc] *Violent thirst for cold water. [Pulse almost imperceptible, [Laur.] CLINICAL REMARKS. If child resides in the city, remove it to the country. The room it is to occupy should be large, airy and well lighted. Keep child cool and free from excite- ment, and give it an abundance of fresh air. It should be bathed frequently in tepid water 85° F, then wrap in clean sheet and allow to dry without rubbing. Its clothing should be changed daily. Take it riding or carry it into open air frequently, no matter how sick it may be. CHANGE OF LIFE. 73 DIETETICS. The diet is of the greatest importance. The mother's milk — if she be healthy — is the best food for child. Breast-milk, when fresh, has an alkaline reaction, and an average s. g. of 10.32. When doubts arise about its healthy quality, it should be tested, and if found wanting, rejected. Breast-milk being out of the question, a substi- tute must be found in cow's-milk or some one of the many preparations of "infants' food" now commended. Cow's- milk, when fresh, is slightly alkaline ; if of good quality add one part water, sweeten with sugar of milk, and add \\ little salt. See article "Diet of Infants." The milk should not be boiled, only warmed or given fresh from the cow. If child be greatly exhausted and emaciated, beef tea may be given. Great care must be taken to keep bottle, tubes, etc , perfectly clean, Allow no starchy food until dentition is well advanced. CHANGE OF LIFE. (Menopausis, Critical Age.) The change of life, by which is meant the period when menstruation ceases, embraces a period of several months, or may extend over two or more years. It usually takes place between the age of 40 and 50. While this change is in progress, there is more or less disturbance of the general health which calls for medical treatment. REMEDIES. Leading indications. LACHESIS. Burning on vertex at menopause [see Sulph.] Pressure on vertex, [Ign. Sep.] * Flashes of heat, [see Sang.] Frequent uterine hemorrhages. Cannot bear least pressure in uterine region. PULSATILLA. Anguish in region of heart, [Cocc] 'Vertigo when rising from sitting posture or looking up. Alternate redness and paleness of face, {Ign.] 'Epistaxis. when menses should appear, [*Bry.] Disordered stomach. ♦Better in open air or cold room. Mild, tearful disposition. BRYONIA. 'Exceedingly irritable. Fullness in forehead and splitting headache. Rush of blood to head, with bloated face. 'Constipation of hard, dry stools. COCCTILUS. Nervous weakness and fainting fits, [Con.] Redness of cheeks and heat in face. Reappearance of menses after being suppressed for a year. Palpitation oi' heart. CONTCTM. Nervous attacks, great weakness every morning. ♦Hysteric fits with chilliness. Burning in eyes and impaired vision. 'Prolapsus uteri, with induration, ulceration and leucorrhcea, [see Sep.] IGNATIA AM. 'Full of suppressed grief, [Puis.] Weak, empty feeling in stomach, not relieved by eating, [Sep.] Uterine cramps with cutting stitches, [Cocc] 4 74 THERAPEUTIC KEY. SEPIA. Sadness and weeping, [Puis.] Whizzing and roaring in ears. *Yellowness of face, particularly across nose, like a saddle. *Fetid urine, with clay-colored sediment adhering to chamber. Prolapsus uteri and vagina, with burning in back. * Jerking of limbs at night. SANCrUINARIA. Eedness of cheeks, with burning of ears. *Periodical sick-headache, begins in morning, increases during day, lasts until evening. Os uteri ulcerated, [Con. Sep.] *Flashes of heat, and leucorrhoea, [see Lach. Puis.] Burning in palms and soles of feet. SULPHUR. Low-spirited, out of humor, inclines to weep, [see Puis.] *Constant heat on top of head, [coldness, Sep.] Sour eructations and great acidity of stomach. Frequent flashes of heat, [see Sang.] Leucorrhoea of yellow mucus, corroding, [Con. Puis.] Pruritis vulva, [Sep.] *Frequent weak faint spells. CLINICAL REMARKS, Much benefit will be derived from proper attention to diet, exercise, clothing, etc. Plain simple food, consisting for most part of vegetables, fruits, fresh beef and mutton, will be found preferable. All stimulating food and beverages should be avoided. Daily exercise in the open air, by walking, riding, etc., will be advantageous. The clothing should be warm and comfortable, and adapted to the season. Frequent ablutions, and friction of the skin will assist greatly in preserving the health. COLIC.- ENTERALGIA. TREATMENT. The principal remedies are :— For COPPER COLIC : Bell. *Hepar. Nux v. Merc. For FLATULENT COLIC: Bell. *Carb. v. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Colo. Diosc. Tart. e. *Lyc. Nux v. *Puls. For GASTRIC COLIC* where over-eating, or the use of improper food, is the cause : Ant. c. Ars. Bry. Carb. v. Chin. Hepar. Ipe. *Nux v. *Puls. Tart. e. For LEAD COLIC : Ant. c. Alum. Ars. Bell. Cocc. *Nux v. *Opi. Plat. Podo. Zinc. For SPASMODIC COLIC; Bell. Cham. *Cocc. *Colo. Cup. Hyos. Ipe. Nux v. Plumb. Puis. SPECIAL INDICATIONS. ACONITE. Inflammatory colic. Difficult and scanty emissions of urine. Great sensitiveness of abdomen, [Apis. Bell.] Intolerable cutting pains in belly, so violent that he screams, tosses about, almost beside himself. *Great fear and anxiety of mind. After taking cold. ALOES. Violent cutting pains in bowels, in region of umbilicus. Dull, heavy headache, with dull pains in liver. *Loud gurgling in abdomen, as of water running out of a bottle, [Jatro.] Large and prominent hemorrhoids. COLIC. — ENTERALGIA. 75 ARSENICUM. Ssvere cuttting, or spasmodic, drawing pains, as if intestines had become twisted, [as if tied in knots, Verat.] Violent burning in stomach, [Nux. *Phos.] Watery or bilious vomiting. *Extreme thirst, drinks little and often. *Great restlessness, anxiety, and tear of death. Prostration and cold sweat. BELLADONNA. Pad-shaped protrusion of transverse colon. *Clutching in abdomen, as if seized with claws, [as if grasped with a hand, *Ipe.] Constriction of abdomen around umbilicus, as if a ball would form. External pressure and bending double relieves, [Chin. *Colo. Nux.] *Period- ical pains, which come suddenly, and cease as suddenly. BRYONIA. Painful twisting around umbilicus, with fre- quent stitches, compelling him to bend double, [see Colo.] * Wants to keep perfectly still, least motion or pressure in- creases pain. Vomiting bitter bile and water, particularly after drinking. *Hard, dry stools. CARBO VEG. Flatulent colic, with great fullness in abdomen, as if it would burst. Incarcerated flatus, [ *Chin. Lye] Frequent eructations affording no relief. *Constant pressure downwards in abdomen, [pressure upwards, Nux.] Audible rumbling in bowels, and belching sour, rancid food. * Prostration, hippo- cratic face, with coldness of extremities, [Ars. Verat.] CHAMOMILLA. Flatulent colic f abdomen distended like a drum. Continual drawing, tearing pains in abdomen, with a sensation as if bowels were rolled up in a ball, [see Bell.] Pressing towards abdominal ring, as if hernia would pro- trude, [see Nux.] Vomiting sour food or slimy substances. *Very impatient, can hardly answer one civilly. *He be- comes almost furious about the pains. CHINA. Flatulent colic, with thirst. Violent cutting, pinching pains about navel, relieved by bending double, [*Colo. Nux.] *The abdomen feels full and tight, as if stuffed, [if it would burst, Carb. v. Lye] After eating fruit or drinking new beer. COCCTJLUS. Violent spasms in stomach, with a griping, lacer- ating sensation. Contraction of abdomen, with a downward and outward pressure. Flatulent colic at midnight ; belching relieves. * Abdomen distended, and feels as if full of sharp stones when moving. COFFEA. Sensation as if bowels would be cut to pieces; horrible cries and grating of teeth. *The patient becomes desperate on account of pains, [Aeon.] Cannot bear to be touched, parts are so sensitive. Great excitability. COLOCYNTH. Violent cutting, constrictive, or spasmodic pains. * Feeling in abdomen as if intestines were squeezed between stones, compelling one to bend double, [relieved by stretching body out, Diose] Great restlessness, moaning, and lamentation. Afrer violent indignation, or after abuse of opium. CUPRUM M. Violent spasms in abdomen and in upper and lower limbs, by spells. Cutting and lacerating in bowels. 76 THERAPEUTIC KEY. *A violent piercing pain, as if a knife were penetrating through from umbilicus to back; abdomen drawn in, [see Plumb.] Fearful cries as if he were being killed. Intussuscep- tion of bowels, [Verat.] DIOSCOREA. Flatulent colic, chiefly in persons of feeble digestion. Continuous twisting pains in abdomen, [remitting, Colo.] Pains relieved by stretching body out, or walking about, [reverse Colo.] IGNATIA. Periodical cramp colic, especially at night, in sensitive, hysterical persons. *Sadness and sighing, with a weak, empty feeling at pit of stomach. IPECAC. Horrid, indescribable pain and sick feeling in stomach. Cutting and pinching around umbilicus, worse by motion, and better by rest, [see Bell.] *Constant nausea, stooping causes him to vomit. After vomiting, inclination to sleep. After unripe sour fruit. LYCOPODIUM. Colic with incarcerated flatulence, [Carb. V. *Chinr) *Sensation as if abdomen would burst, [see Chin.] Cutting pain across the hypogastrium, from right to left, [from left to right, Ipe.] Belching without relief, [with relief, Coco.] NUX VOMICA. Cramp-like pains in stomach, with pres- sure towards thorax. Pressure in stomach as from a stone, [Ars. *Puls.] *Lead colic, [see Opi.] Flatulent colic, from indigestion, or use of improper food. *Frequent urging to stool, without effect, [Lye] Malicious, irritable disposition; high livers, and victims of drugs. OPIUM. *Colic from effects of lead, [*Nux v.] Bowels seem absolutely closed, with constant urging to stool. Squeezing pains as if something were being forced through a narrow space. *Slow pulse. PLUMBUM. Violent colic, with sunken abdomen. * Terrible contractive pains, drawing in the abdomen to back ; abdomen hard as a stone. Constriction of intestines, the navel and anus are violently drawn in. * Obstinate constipation, faeces lumpy, packed together like sheep's dung. PULSATILLA. Putrid bitter taste. Aching, drawing pains in stomach, must walk about to relieve pain. Frequent loose stools, very changeable, worse at night. Patient can't bear to be covered, and craves fresh cold air. * After eating rich, greasy food. Tearful disposition. VERAT. ALB. Pain here and there in abdomen, as if cut with knives, [Colo. Cup.] Terrible cutting pains with violent nausea and vomiting. Intussusception of bowels. * Intestines feel as if tied in knots. Anxiety, fear and despair. *Cold sweat over whole body. Great weakness with feeble pulse. After fruit or vegetables. AUXILIARY MEASURES. If indigestible food be ex- citing cause, induce vomiting by copious draughts warm water, tickling the throat, or placing salt or mustard on the tongue. GOLIC OF INFANTS. 77 Large draughts of hot water often relieve colic. Hot fomentations, bags of hot salt, friction with dry hand, all beneficial. Warm Baths and injections of warm water often afford great relief. The enemas should be large, and the patient, lying on left side with hips well raised, should retain them long as possible. . COLIC OF INFANTS. TREATMENT. Leading indications, ACONITE. The infant has a dry, hot Bkin, is sleepless and restless. Child bites its fist ; seems to suffer pain, and has a green watery diarrhoea. If sudden joy or fright on part of the mother be exciting cause. ANISTJM STIL. One of best remedies in so-called " three months' belly-ache." The colic usually comes on in evening and is attended with distension of stomach and rumbling in bowels. BELLADONNA. # The infant cries out suddenly and ceases just as suddenly; it startles and moans much during sleep. Stools of thin green mucus. CALC. CAEB. In children of a scrofulous habit. *Largo head, with open fontanelles. White clay -like stools. Skin dry and flabby* Much perspiration about head. * Cold damp feet CHAMOMILLA. Colic, with loosenesss of bowels ; stools yellowish green and watery. Writhing pain, constant cry- ing and drawing up of limbs, with coldness of feet. *Very irritable and fretful, must be carried all the time to be quieted. Sleepless; starting and jerking while asleep. CHINA. Colic conies on at a certain hour every day, fevery evening, Puis.] Great hardness and fullness of nb- domen. *The child screams, and laughs immediately after- wards. Sometimes stools whitish and curdled. CINA. The child is very cross and troublesome. *It will not sleep unless kept in constant motion, must be rocked, carried or dandled all the time. Abdomen hard and dis- tended, [Chin.] COLOCYNTH. *Child writhes in every direction, doubles itself up and seems iu great distress. It screams terribly, twists, draws up its legs, etc. IGNATIA. If grief nnfii sadness on part of nursing mother has caused derangement of child's digestive organs. Exces- sive flatulence. IPECAC. When the cries of child are sharp, as if pains were of the cutting kind. The stools are fermented and of a putrid odor. *Much nausea and vomiting. Flatulent colic. LYCOPODITJM. Much rumbling and rattling in bowels. *The child always cries and screams before passing urine, 78 THERAPEUTIC KEY. and is relieved immediately afterwards. *Red sand is found in diapers. NTJX VOMICA. Child is troubled with hiccough, constipa- tion,) and throwing up food. *It cries much, draws up its feet and kicks violently. Suitable where the nursing mother lives on stimulating food. PULSATILLA. Flatulent colic, accompanied with shiver- ings and paleness of faco. Rumbling of wind through the bowels and coldness of feet. The child always gets worse towards evening. SENNA. Child cries terribly, and turns blue during its cries. * Colic from incarcerated flatulence. VERAT. ALB. Terrible colic, which causes a cold sweat to stand upon surface, especially on forehead. No discharge of flatus up or down. LOCAL MEASURES. Warm fomentations, bags of hot salt, or what is still better, gum-bags filled with warm water applied to the abdomen will often afford prompt relief. If bowels are constipated, injections of warm water will be found useful. The nursing mother should make no sudden changes in her diet, avoid all indigestible food and stimulating drinks, and observe regular habits in all things. Never nurse child when overheated. - ' - . CONCUSSION OF THE BRAIN. This signifies a sudden interruption of the functions of the brain, caused by a blow, fall or other mechanical injuries to the head. In ordinary cases, the patient lies for a time motionless, unconscious and insensible ; after a time he moves his limbs as if in uneasy sleep, vomits and frequently recovers his senses instantly, remaining however, giddy, confused and sleepy for some hours thereafter. In the severer cases, patient is profoundly insensible, the surface pale and cold, features ghastly, breathing slow, pulse feeble and intermit- tent, followed speedily by death, where there is much contu- sion of the brain substance. T R EAT ME N T. Leading indications. ARNICA. First remedy to be thought of. Patient uncon- scious, insensible and drowsy. Weak intermitting pulse. Cold skin, with depressed vitality. BELLADONNA. Severe injury. Extreme restlessness and jactitation of muscles, with delirium. Eyes red, pupils dilated, [Cic] Face red and hot or cold and pale. Breath- ing irregular, short and hurried. CICUTA VIRO. Complete loss of consciousness, with spasms. *Staring at objects, pupils dilated, [Bell.] Op- pression, can scarcely breathe. CONSTIPATION. 79 DIGITALIS. Great weakness, with fainting Jits, and incli- nation to vomit. Very slow pulse, [Opi.] GELSEMIUM. Heavy, half stupid look. *Head feels too big, [Nux. — Too small, Coff.] Sensation of a band around the head. Eyelids heavy, can't keep them open. Feels as if intoxicated. HYOSCYAMUS. Rolling head from side to side. *Oomplete loss of sense. Stertorous breathing, hiccough and vomiting blood. OPIUM. *Drowsiness and stertorous breathing. Com- plete loss of consciousness and sensation. Dark red, bloated face. Slow pulse, [see Dig.] *Constipation. CLINICAL REMARKS. Place patient in recumbent pos- ture, head well raised. If he can swallow, give Am. in water, otherwise adminster by olfaction. Give no stimulants, neither try to arouse him. If in a state of collapse apply friction to surface and warmth to feet. Keep patient perfectly quiet, and avoid all excitement. In some cases it maybe necessary to resort to artificial respiration, AUXILIARY MEASURES. If there is contusion of scalp, apply cloths wrung out of solution Arnica, [one drachm to pint cold water] and change often. Later if head becomes hot, use warm water instead of cold, and cover compress with oiled silk. CONSTIPATION. TREATMENT. Leading indications. JESCTJLUS HIP. Constant urging to stool, with ineffectual efforts, [see Nux.] Stools large, hard, dry and dark colored. Prolapsus ani after stool, with backache, [see Ruta.] *Rectum feels as if full of small sticks. Throbbing in the abdominal and pelvic cavities. * Hemorrhoids, with con- stant backache. ALUMINA. Great inactivity and dryness of rectum. *Stools very hard, knotty, and scant, [see Graph.] Sensation of pricking and excoriation in rectum after stool. *Muc!i pressing and straining to pass even a soft stool. Ailments from lead. AGARICUS. Stools first hard and knotty, afterwards loose, and finally diarrhoeic. Itching and tingling of anus, as from ascarides, [Nux.] Gastric derangements, with sharp stitches in region of liver. * Itching, burning, and redness of feet and hands. Hysterical subjects. AMMON. MTJB. Whining, peevish, unsociable mood Empty eructations, and painful stitches in left hypoclion- drium, early in morning. Stools large and hard, followed by soft stools, [see Anac] *Large, hard stools, crumbling as they pass from anu<, [Mag. m] Faeces covered with glairy tough mucus. 80 THERAPEUTIC KEY. ANACARDITJM. Frequent ineffectual urging to stool. *The rectum feels as if stopped up with a plug, [see Nux.] If expulsion does not take place soon, a painful twitching is felt across the abdomen. Stools, first loose, afterwards hard and of a pale color. ANTIMO. CRTJD. Hard stool, with very difficult expulsion. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation of aged persons, [Bry. *Phos.] *Sensation as if a copious stool would take place, when only flatus is expelled ; finally, a very hard stool is voided. Milk-white tongue. APIS MEL. Pain in eyeballs and forehead. Inability to fix the thoughts on any subject. Tenderness of abdomen to pressure, [Bry. Nux.] *Sensation in abdomen as if some- thing would break if much, effort was made to void the stool. BELLADONNA. Constipation with tendency of blood to head. When stooping, blood rushes to head, followed by giddiness. *Violent throbbing and stitching pains, particu- larly in forehead. Plethoric individuals. BRYONIA. Lips dry and parched, with much thirst for large draughts of water. Frequent eructations, especially after a meal; food is vomited immediately alter eating. Headache as if skull would split; worse from motion, [Am. C. Bell.] *Hard, dry stools, as if burnt. Irritable mood. CALG. CARB. *Stools large, hard, and sometimes only partially digested, [Hepar.] After stool a gloomy feeling in head. *Cold, damp feet. Women who suffer with profuse and too frequent menses, [Bell.] CATJSTICUM. Frequent and unsuccessful desire to pass stool, with pain, anxiety, and redness of face. * Stools tough, light-colored, whitish, shining like grease. Soft, small stool, size of goose-quill, [see *Phos.] Soreness in anus and rectum when walking. Constipation of children. CHELIDONITJM. Persons subject to hepatic diseases. Sallow, jaundiced complexion. ^Constant pain under lower, inner angle of right shoulder-blade. Shooting pain from liver to back. *Stools like sheep's dung, [*Plum. Rata] GRAPHITES. *Stools hard and knotty, the lumps united by mucous threads, [see Alum.] Sometimes a large quantity of mucus is expelled with stool. Unhealthy skin, [Cal. c. Sil.] *Itching blotches over the body, which emit a glutin- ous fluid. IGNATIA. Anxious desire for stool, with inactivity of rectum, [Alum.] Constipation from taking cold, or riding in a carriage, [see Plat.] * After stool, a violent stabbing stitch, from anus upwards into rectum. *Full of grief, with a weak, empty feeling in stomach. Blind piles, prolapse with every stool, [Rhus. Sep.] I0DIUM. Constipation of scrofulous people, with low cachectic state of the system. *Stools hard, knotty, and dark-colored, [see [Graph.] Chronic headache and vertigo, CONSTIPATION. 81 especially in old people. Throbbing in the head at every motion. KALI CARB. Inactivity of rectum, [Alum. Ign.] The stool is too large, and there is a sensation as if the rectum were too weak to expel it. * Distress, with stitching colicky pains an hour or two before stool. Aged persons inclined to be fleshy. LYCOPODITJM. Ineffectual urging, particularly in evening. Stools very hard, scant, and passed with great difficulty. Sensa- tion after stool as if much remained behind. Acidity and heart-burn, with great drowsiness after dinner, [Phos.] Much fermentation in abdomen. *Loud rumbling and gurgling in bowels. *Red sand in urine, [Phos. Sil.] MAGNESIA M. Frequent and severe pressure on rectum with colic. Knotty stool, like sheets dung, covered with blood and mucus. *Large difficult stools crumbling when passing from the anus, [*Am. m.] Throbbing in the stomach, with dullness of head. NITRIC ACID. Painless constipation. Stools hard, dry and scant. Headache ; head feels as if surrounded by a tight bandage, [Merc. Sulph.] Sour or bitter taste after eating ; sour eructations, [see Nux.] Excessive flatulence. *Fetid, strong- smelling urine, like that of horses, [Chin. S.] NUX VOMICA. Constipation with rush of blood to head. Stools large, hard, and passed with difficulty. Frequent urging to stool, without effect, [Bry. Lye] *Sensation as if anus were closed, or too narrow. Frequent eructations of sour or bitter fluids. *Sensation as if a stone or lump of lead were in stomach. Persons of sedentary habits and pregnant women [Bry. Lye. Sep.], high-livers and victims of drugs. Blind or bleeding piles. OPIUM. Torpor of the bowels, after chronic diarrhoea, or from abuse of cathartics, [Nux.] Costiveness for weeks, with loss of appetite. * Stools nothing but small, hard black balls, [see Plumb.] *Constipation from fright or fear. Paralysis of intestines. PHOSPHORUS. Persons with phthisical constitutions, lean and slender. *Stools long, narrow, and hard, like a dog's; very difficult to expel, [see Canst.] Alternate diar- rhoea and constipation of old people. *Belching large quan- tities of wind after eating. Very sleepy after meals, especially after dinner. PLATINUM. Constipation while traveling. Stools very scant; they are like putty, and stick to anus. *Cramp-like pressing in temples from without inwards. Low-spirited and very nervous. Suitable after lead poisoning, [Alum. Opi.] PLUMB. MET. Constipation with violent colic. *Stools composed of little, hard, black-brown balls, resembling sheep's dung, [Chel. Ruta.] A sense of constriction in sphincter ani, with ineffectual urging. PULSATILLA. Constipation, consequent upon eating rich, greasy food. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation, [Ant. o. 4* 82 THERAPEUTIC KEY. Rry. *Phos] Adapted to females, or persons of a mild, gentle, tearful disposition. RUTA GRAV. Hard, scanty stool, almost like sheep's dung. *Frequent urging to stool, with protrusion of rectum, [Ign. Nux.] Great difficulty in voiding the stool on account of protrusion of rectum. Constipation following mechanical injuries, [Arnica.] SARSAPARILLA. Obstinate constipation, with urging to urinate. Desire for stool, with contraction of intestines and pressure downwards. *Feeling as if the bowels would be pressed out during stool. Frequent scanty emissions of urine, especially at night. SEPIA. Hard, knotty stools, sometimes mingled with mucus, with cutting pains in rectum, [see Mag. m.] *Sense of weight or of a lump in anus, not relieved by stool. Es- pecially suited to pregnant women, or to females suffering from uterine difficulties. SILICEA. Difficult stools as if the rectum had not power to expel them. * After much effort and straining, the stool recedes back into rectum after having been partially expelled. Constipation of females, particularly before and during men- struation; also of infants and scrofulous children. SULPHUR. Stools hard, lumpy, mixed with mucus, fol- lowed by burning pain in anus and rectum, [Sep.] Hard, knotty stools, accompanied by hemorrhoids. The first effort at stool is often very painful, compelling one to desist. Flashes of heat and throbbing headache. * Constant heat on top of head, [coldness, Verat.] * Frequent weak, faint spells. SULPHURIC AC. Hard knotty stools, streaked with blood, very fetid, [stools lumpy, covered with mucus, Hydras. J Pain during stool as if rectum would be torn. *Much de- bility,. with a tremulous sensation over w T hole body, without trembling. Sour eructations, THUYA. Violent pain in rectum during stool. Discharge of large, hard, brown faeces, in balls, streaked with blood, [Sulph. ac] Painful contraction in anus and rectum, fol- lowed by tearing pains in bowels, [Nux.] *Copious and frequent urination, with burning in urethra. VERAT. ALB. Chronic constipation, particularly of infants. Stools large and very hard. Inactivity of rectum ; it seems as if paralyzed, [Alum.] *Much straining, with cold per- spiration on forehead. * Great exhaustion and faintness after stool. ZINCUM MET. Hard, dry, insufficient stool, with much straining, and rumbling in bowels. * Trembling of hands, with coldness of extremities. *Chronic sick headache, and great weakness of sight. Fidgety feeling in feet and legs, must move them constantly. AUXILIARY MEASURES. Patient should respond promptly to the call of nature. At a certain hour daily, [say alter CONVULSIONS, SPASMS. 83 breakfast] retire to water-closet and solicit an evacuation. Kneading abdomen, first over small intestines, then beginning near right groin, pressing gently upwards, following course and direction of colon, will aid materially in expelling delayed contents of bowels. In some cases it will be necessary to use mechanical means to relieve the bowels. Injections of warm water or soap water will generally answer the purpose; they should be large, and patient, lying on left side with hips well raised, should retain them long as possible. When impacted faeces fill the rectum, and cannot be ex- pelled by the natural powers, they must be removed by a scoop, spoonhandle, or some such means, care being taken not to injure the parts. DIETETICS. Corn bread, cracked wheat, oatmeal, bread of unbolted flour, together with juicy fruits, as apples, figs, pears, peaches, prunes, grapes, cherries, melons and vege- tables generally are very useful. A glass of water drank every morning before breakfast is beneficial in habitual con- stipation. Drinking a cup of hot water several times a day will also have a salutary effect. CONVULSIONS, SPASMS. TREATMENT. Leading indications. ACONITE. High fever, dry, hot skin, anxiety, restlessness. During dentition, [Bell. Cham. Coff. Gel.] If caused from irritation of ascarides, [Cin.] Grinding of the teeth and convulsive hiccough. ARSENICUM. Spasms preceded by great restlessness, and burning heat. *Extreme thirst, drinking little and often. Patient lies motionless, as if dead ; finally, mouth is drawn first to one side and then to other ; a violent jerk appears to pass through whole body. BELLADONNA. Heat of head, flushed face, red eyes, and dilated pupils, [Opi.] *Starting, jumping during sleep. Drowsiness, with inability to sleep. Convulsive motion of mouth, facial musoles, and eyes. Foam at mouth, grating of teeth. *Drowsiness after spasm. Precocious children. CAUSTICTJM. Convulsive motions of extremities, grinding of teeth, laughing or weeping. Feverish heat of body, with coldness of hands and feet. Cold water brings on spasms again. CHAMOMILLA. Stretching of limbs, with convulsions of extremities, eyes, eyelids, and tongue. Jerking and twitch- ing during sleep, [Bell.] *Kedness of face, or one cheek red and other pale. *The child is very cross and fretful, must be carried all the time to be quieted. Hot sweat on forehead and hairy scalp. Constant moaning and craving for drink 84 THERAPEUTIC KEY. CICUTA. Spasmodic rigidity of the body, with head bent either backward or forward. * Without any premoni- tory signs, child becomes suddenly stiff, with fixed eyes. After spasm, much prostration. If caused by worms, [Cin.] CINA. Spasms of the chest, followed by rigidity of the limbs or of the whole body. Especially suited to children troubled with worms. *Constantly picking and boring at nose, [Phos. ac] Frequent swallowing, as if something were in the throat. Dry, hacking cough. * Urine turns milky after standing. CUPRUM. Shrill cries during attack. Drowsy and stupid during intervals, with nausea and vomiting phlegm. * After convulsions, child screams, turns and twists in all directions. If caused from retrocession of scarlatina erup- tion, [Bell. Ipe.] GELSEMIUM. Spasms during dentition, with sudden loud outcries, [violent screaming, Cicu.] Nervous, excita- ble persons who are very sensitive. HYOSCYAMUS. Convulsions with twitching and jerking of all the muscles, especially those about face and eyes. *Convulsions trembling and foam at mouth. After sudden fright, [Opi.] *Cough worse when lying down, relieved by sitting up, [Puis.] IGNATIA. Sudden starting from a light sleep, with loud screaming and trembling. *Single parts seem to be con- vulsed, or single muscles here and there. *The spasms return every day at same hour. IPECAC. *Much nausea and vomiting accompanies spasms. Especially if caused by eating indigestible food, or when during an exanthematic fever eruption suddenly strikes in. Green diarrhceic stools. OPIUM. Trembling over whole body, and tossing about of limbs. *Loud screaming before or during spasm, [Cicu ] The child lies unconscious, as if stunned, with difficult breathing. *Convulsions from fright, [Aeon. Gel.] Deep sleep after spasm. SECALE. Twitching of single muscles, [see Ign.] Twist- ing of head to and fro. Contortions of hands and feet. Labored and anxious respiration. *Thin, scrawny children, with shriveled skin. SILICEA. * Spasms which return at change of moon. Much perspiration about the head. ^Constipation, the stool recedes after having been partially expelled. Convul- sions after vaccination. STRAMONIUM. Convulsions from fright, with tossing of limbs and involuntary evacuations of faeces and urine^ [see Opi.] * Awakens with a shrinking look, as if afraid of first object seen. If caused by suppressed or delayed eruptions, [Sulph.] SULPHUR. After suppressed eruptions. * Comes out of spasm very happy, and at termination of paroxysm passes COUGH.— TUSSIS. 85 much colorless urine. *Morning diarrhoea. Scrofulous children. ZINCUM. *The child cries out during sleep, seems frightened when getting awake, rolls its head from side to side, [Bell.] Twitching and jerking of different muscles, more on right side than on left-. Cross and irritable. Fre- quent passages of urine. AUXILIARY MEASURES. If convulsions are caused by indigestible food or overloading the stomach, excite vomit- ing by tickling the throat, or placing a pinch of salt or mustard on the tongue. If caused by constipation, relieve by injections. If caused by teething, lance gums if swollen and painful. During the spasm, place lower extremities in warm water to the knees and add hot water frequently to raise the tem- perature, or wrap child in blankets wrung out of hot water, and apply cold water compresses to the head. Put two or three drops Amyl Nitrite on a napkin and let patient inhale. This will often cut short the spasm. The inhalation of a few drops of Camphor will sometimes relieve. Chloroform is sometimes given with the best of results in infantile convul- sions. COUGH.-TTJSSIS. TREATMENT- Leading indications. ACONITE. Short, dry cough, arising from constant tickling in larynx, excited by smoking or drinking; worse at night. Stitches in chest, hindering respiration. Cannot breathe freely, the lungs feel as if they would not expand. * Persons of a plethoric habit, [Bell.] Induced by a cold west wind, [Hepar.] ARNICA. Dry, short, and tickling cough, particularly in morning after rising. Also for a cough with expectoration of mucus and coagulated blood. Stitching pain in side of chest, increased by coughing, [Bry.] *The chest and abdomen feel as if bruised. ARSENICUM. Dry cough at night, as if caused by smoke of sulphur, with a sense of suffocation, [see Chin.] Cough with scanty, difficult expectoration, sometimes streaked with blood. Anxious and oppressive shortness of breath, particu- larly when going up-stairs. * Anxiety, restlessness; thirst, drinks little and often. ARUM TBI. Loose cough, particularly in children and aged persons, where there is inability to expectorate the mucus, [Ipe.] Hoarseness; sore throat of clergymen and singers, throat feels as if excoriated. *Discharge of gleety fluid from nose, excoriating the parts. BELLADONNA. Dry spasmodic cough, worse at toight,. wakes from sleep. *Soreness in chest, children cry when coughing, [Cham.] Sensation as if down or dust were in throat, 86 THERAPEUTIC KEY. causing a constant tickling, with irresistible desire to cough. * Eedness and heat of face, with throbbing headache. BRYONIA. Dry cough, preceded by tickling or creeping in stomach, and vomiting food, [Nux. Puis.] *Cough at night in bed, compelling one to sit up, [and hold the chest, Nat. s.] Stitches in chest, when coughing or breathing deep, [*Acon. Bell.] Sensation, when coughing, as if head and chest would fly to pieces. *Dry, hard stools. Exceed- ingly irritable. CALC. CARB. Dry cough, especially in evening and after midnight, with palpitation of heart. Also cough early in morning, with yellow expectoration, [see Puis.] Obstinate, pain- less hoarseness. Tightness in chest, as if there was not room to breathe, [see Aeon.] * When going up-stairs out of breath, has to sit down, [Ars.] *Cold, damp feet. CAPSICUM. Dry cough, worse in evening and during night. Throat red, sore, burning. Headache and inclination to vomit during cough, Throbbing pain in chest. *Shud- dering and chilliness in back. CAUSTICUM. Short, dry cough, caused by tickling in throat. * Worse in evening until midnight, relieved by drinking cold water, [worse from Squil.] *Cough with involuntary emissions of urine, [Puis. Verat.] Soreness of chest when coughing. Hoarseness, particularly in morning. CHAMOMILLA. Dry, tickling cough, worse at night, even during sleep, especially in children. Hoarseness and rattling in trachea, *One cheek red and the other pale, [Aeon. Nux v.] Patient very irritable. *Children very cross and want to be carried all the time. CHINA. Dry, hacking cough, as if caused by vapor of sulphur, [Ars. Ign.] Cough excited by laughing, talking, drinking, or deep inspiration, [Dros. Phos.] Also cough with expectoration of clear tenacious mucus, or blood-streaked mucus. * After hemorrhage from lungs, and other debili- tating losses. CINA. Dry, spasmodic cough in children troubled with worms. The child starts suddenly, gasps for breath, coughs and gags as if something in throat, [see Ipe.] ^Continually picking and boring at nose, [Phos. ac.] *The urine turns milky. DROSERA. Loose cough, with expectoration of yellowish mucus; hoarse bass voice. *Spasmodic, nervous and sym- pathetic cough. Pain in chest and under ribs when cough- ing, obliging patient to hold painful part with the hands, [see Bry.] Worse at night when lying in bed, after singing or laughing, [Phos.] HEPAR SULPH. C^oupy cough, with loose rattling phlegm in windpipe, [Sam.] *Rattling, choking cough, worse after midnight. Also, for dry, hoarse cough, worse in morning. *Cannot bear to be uncovered, the least exposure to cold COUGH, — TUSSIS. 87 excites cough, [Rumex.] Anxious, hoarse, wheezing respi- ration. HXOSCYAMTJS. * Dry spasmodic cough, especially at night an*. iarrhcea worse by moving about, [Bry.] Restless sleep. SILICEA. *Large head with open fontanelles — scrofulous, [see Calc] Profuse sour-smelling perspiration on head, [Calc. c. Merc] Hard, hot, distended abdomen. The pro- truding gum is blistered and very sensitive. *Constipation, the stool recedes after having been partially expelled. Aversion to mother's milk. SULPHUR. Open fontanelles. *Eruptions on skin, attended with much itching. Diarrhoea with, whitish, greenish or bloody mucous stools, excoriating the anus, [Merc] *Early morning diarrhoea. Frequent vomiting of food. * Frequent weak, faint spells. SULPHURIC AC. Aphthfe of mouth and gums, with much slavering, [Merc] Child very irritable, cries much of i.i-j time. *Diarrhcea, stools like chopped, saffron-yellow mucus. Loss of appetite, great debility, [see Mag. c] VERAT. ALB. Vomiting and severe empty retching, ag- gravated by lea«t motion, [Zinc] * Diarrhoea, each stool followed by prostration and cold sweat on forehead. Cold, damp feeling of extremities. *Very weak, faint pulse. *Violent thirst for cold water. AUXILIARY MEASURES. When the gum is much swollen, tender and tightly drawn over the tooth, lance it. Bathing the gum with a weak solution of the indicated remedy, and at the same time giving it internally, will be found very efficacious. If convulsions should occur, place the feet and legs to the knees in hot water, and apply cold compresses to the head, or the whole body may be put in a warm bath and briskly rubbed. When the system relaxes, wrap patient in a blanket and let him dry without rubbing. If he cannot swallow, put a drop of indicated remedy on the tongue, [vide Spasms.] Injections of warm water often afford relief. 102 THERAPEUTIC KEY. DIABETES MELLITUS. A disease characterized by an immoderate and morbid secretion of urine, in which urea is replaced by sugar or glucose, attended with excessive thirst and progressive emaciation. In some cases the quantity of urine discharged is excessive, amounting to three or four gallons per day, each gallon containing from one to two pounds of sugar. The pathology of this singular malady seems still to be wrapped in mystery, and the treatment has been in a great measure unsatisfactory. T R E AT M E N T. Leading indications, ARGENT MET. Whirling in head as if drunken. Emacia- tion and great weakness. * Urine of a sweetish taste and profuse. Scrotum and feet oedematous. Hectic fever, [Plumb.] Legs feel heavy. ARSENICUM. Insatiable thirst, restlessness and prostra- tion. * Vomiting immediately after eating or drinking. Frequent urging with profuse discharge of urine. Feet and legs swollen. "Watery diarrhoea. CARBOLIC ACID. Hacking cough. Copious flow of limpid urine containing sugar, [Phos. ac] Unusual appetite and thirst for stimulants, [Ars.] Languor and prostration. CURARE. Clear and frequent urine, with digging crampy pains in kidneys. Shooting pains in stomach; dryness of niouth, and great thirst, especially at night. HELONIAS. Dull, gloomy and irritable. Feeling of weakness and weight in region of kidneys. Passes large quantities of clear, pale urine of high specific gravity. Burning in kidneys, [see Tereb] Pain and lameness in back ; numbness in feet, going off by motion. PHOS. ACID. * Perfect indifference, with silent sadness. Craves something refreshing, juicy. Hawks up tough white mucus. *Frequent profuse emissions of watery urine, which forms a white cloud; urine contains sugar, [see Tereb.] Pain in back and kidneys, [see Helon.] Complete impotence. * Diarrhoea without weakness. PLUMBUM. Great lowness of spirits. Excessive ema- ciation and good appetite. Sweet taste and-sweetish beich- ings. *Stools hard, lumpy, like sheep's dung. Hectic fever, [Arg. n.] Complete impotence. TEREBINTHINA. Inability to concentrate his thoughts. Sickness of stomach after eating, [see Ars.] Burning, drawing from kidney to hip. Frequent urination at night, profuse, watery. Sugar in urine, [Carb. ac. Phos. ac. Uran. nit.] Rancid or acrid eructations, and burning in stomach. URANIUM NITRATE. General languor, debility and cold feeling. Purulent discharge from eyelids and nostrils. * Excessive thirst, [Ars.] Frequent urination ; urine has a DIARRHOEA. 103 fishy smell. Stiffness in loins; restless at night. When disease originates from dyspepsia. DIETETICS. Diet is an important factor in the treatment, of diabetes mellitus. All food containing starth or sugar should be avoided. The following is a list of articles allowed : — ARTICLES ALLOWED. Beef, mutton, poultry, game, oysters, clams, butter, cheese, eggs, fish, including lobsters, crabs, sardines, and soups of all kinds without flour, rice, or other starchy subsiances. Vegetables. Cauliflower, spinach, cabbage, string beans, cucumbers, lettuce, greens, cresses, onions and olives. Fruits. Tart fruits, as cherries, currants, strawberries, gooseberries, and nuts generally. Beverages. Milk, cream, buttermilk, coffee with cream and glycerine. No alcoholic liquors of any kind. Bread and Pastry. Only those made from wheat-gluten flour. Oatmeal, cornmeal, hominy, etc., must not be used. FRUITS PROHIBITED. AH sweet fruits, as apples, pears, plums, grapes, bananas, melons, pineapples, raspberries, blackberries, etc. Vegetables Prohibited. Potatoes, beets, beans, peas, car- rots, turnips, parsnips, rice, sago, tapioca, vermicelli, or others containing sugar or starch. HYGIENIC MEASURES. Exercise in the open air, cool sponge baths, friction with flesli-brush, encouraging patient, and regular habits in all things have a salutary effect. DIARRHCEA. TREATMENT. The best remedies are : — For ACUTE diarrhoea, with sudden prostration of strength: *Ars. Camph. Carb. v. *Sec. Thuj. *Verat. ALTERNATING with Constipation: Ant. c. Bry. Calc. phos. Lach. *Nux v. Opi. Phos. Rhus. Ruta. CHRONIC: *Ars. Calc. o. Chin. Ferr. Graph. *Gum g. Hepar. Iod. Ipe. Kali. b. Lach. Lye. Natr. sul. Phos. *Phos ac. *Podo. Rhus. Sulp. Thuj. Verat. a. CHILL, after a: Bell. Bry. Cham. Chin. *Dulc. Merc. Puis. Verat. a. COLD, after taking : *Acon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Caust. Cham. *Dulc. Merc. Nux. m. Nux. v. Sulph. COLD DRINKS, caused by : Ars. Bry. Carb. v. Dulc. Hepar. Nux m. *Puls. Rhus. Sul. ac. DRUGS, after taking: Carb. v. Hepar. *Nux v. Puis. FAT FOOD, after eating: Carb. v. *Puls. Thuj. FRIGHT, after: *Acon. Ant. Ccff. * Opi. Verat. FRUIT, after eating: Ars. Bry. *Chin. Colo. *Puls. GRIEF, from: *Colo. *C-cl. Ign. Phos. ac. 104 THERAPEUTIC KEY. INDIGNATION, from : Cham. *Colo. JOY, after sudden : *Coff. Opi. LYING-IN-FEMALES: Ant. Dulc. Hyos. Petro. MAGNESIA, after abuse of: *Nux Puis. Rheum. MERCURY, after abuse of: Chin. *Hepar. Nit. ac. MILK, from drinking: Ars. *Calc. c. Nat. c. *Sulph. OPIUM, after abuse of: Bell. Merc. *Nux v. OVERHEATING, after: *Acon. Aloe. Ant. Bry. *Podo. OYSTERS, from eating: *Brom. Lye. Sulph. ac. PAINLESS diarrhoea: Apis. Ars. *Chin. Colch. Cro. t *Ferr. Hepar. *Hyos. Phos. ac. *Podo. Rhus t. Sec. PEARS, from eating: *Verat al. PHTHISICAL persons : Calc. c Chin. Ferr. *Phos. PREGNANCY, during : Ant. Dulc. Hyos. Lye. Phos. VEAL, from eating : Kali nitr. WATER, impure: Zing. — Calcareous water: *Camp. WET, after getting : Aeon. *Rhus t. Rhod. LEADING INDICATIONS. ACONITE. Stools frequent and scanty, watery, whitish, oar slimy. Nausea and sweat before and tenesmus during stool. * Vertigo or fainting on rising up, [*Bry.] Restlessness and intense thirst. *If caused by checked perspiration, or exposure to a cold, dry wind. ALOES. Stools yellow fecal, copious and watery. Is driven out of bed early every morning, [* Sulph ] Before stool, a feeling of weight and fullness in pelvis. Uuring stoo\, tenesmus and heat in rectum and anus. *Loud. gurgling in abdomen as of water running out of a bottle, [Gum. g.] Worse after eatiny, [see Ant. c] ANTIMONIUM. Stools watery and profuse, with deranged stomach, *Tongue coated white. Violent vomiting, bitter, bilious, or slimy mucus ; worse after eating or drinking, [Colo.] After overeating y or use of acids, APIS MEL. Stools greenish, yellowish, slimy mucus, o - yellow watery, * Sensation in abdomen as if something would break when straining at stool. Tongue dry and shining; little or no thirst, [Puis.] (Edema of the feet. Aggravation in morning. ARGENT, NIT. Stools green, fetid mucus, passing off with much flatus. Nausea with loud eructations. Vomiting glassy, tenacious mucus. Aggravation at night, after midnight, and after eating sweet things. ARNICA. Stools slimy mucus, or brown fermented (like yeast [see Ipe.].) Bitter or putrid taste in the mouth. Eructations, especially in the morning, with taste of putrid e gg s > [see Sulph.] Aversion to food ; bad breath. Diarrhoea following mechanical injuries. ARSENICUM. Stools thick, dark green mucus, or brown, black, watery. Involuntary stools, [Bell *Carb. v. Ferr. *Hyos. Rhus. *Sec] Diarrhoea, excoriating the parts, DIARRHOEA. . 105 [Cham. Gum. g. *Merc. Puis.] *Great weakness, fainting, and rapid exhaustion, [*Verat.] *Restlessness, constantly changing from side to side. *Great thirst, but drinking little, [Chin.] Vomiting after eating or drinking. -Worse after eating anything cold, [better, Phos.] BELLADONNA. Stools thin, green mucus, small and fre- quent. Clutching pains in abdomen. *Pains come suddenly, and cease as suddenly. *Sleepy, but cannot sleep, [Opi.] *Sudden starting and jumping during sleep. Worse 3 p. m., and after sleeping. BENZOIC AC. Stools watery or light-colored like soapsuds ; copious, very offensive, [Psor.] * Strong-smelling urine, mostly dark-colored. Feels weak and exhausted. BRYONIA. Diarrhoea in hot weather, or when induced by taking cold drinks, [Podo.] Stools brown, thin fecal, or undi- gested, smelling like rotten cheese [like rotten eggs, *Cham. Psor.] *Nausea and faintness from sitting up. * Thirst for large quantities of water. Aggravation in morning soon as he moves; after suppressed exanthemata, [see Sulph.] CALC. CAEB. Diarrhoea of scrofulous persons. Swollen, distended abdomen, with emaciation and good appetite. Stools whitish or watery, [*Phos. ac] Chronic diarrhoea, with clay-like stools. *Profuse sweat on head when sleeping, [Merc. Sil.] Sour vomiting or regurgitation of food. *Feet cold and damp. CAEB. VEG. Stools light-colored; involuntary; putrid; cadaverous- smelling. In the last stage and where the vital powers are greatly exhausted, [Ars.] *Emissions of large quantities of flatus, inodorous or putrid. Restlessness and anxiety. Worse 5 to 6 r. M. CHAMOMILLA. Stools green, watery, corroding with colic. *Hot diarrhoeic stools, smelling like bad eggs, [Psor.] Colic before and during stool; relief after. Bitter taste with bilious vomiting. *Very impatient, can hardly answer one civilly. Children very fretful, and are only stilled by being carried. *One cheek red, the other pale, [Aeon.] Worse at night. CHINA. Stools yellowish, watery, trhitish, or blackish ; spas- modic colic relieved by bending double. Painless, undigested. and watery stools, with distension of the abdomen, [Ars.] *Great weakness and inclination to sweat. Emissions of large quantities of fetid flatus. Thirst, drinks little and often, [Apis. Ars.] Aggravation at night, after eating, and every other day. CINA. White, papeseent stools. * Disposition to pick and bore at the nose, [Phos. ac] *White, turbid, or jelly-like urine, [Phos. ac] A' est less sleep, frequently changing position, and waking with cries. Grinding of teeth during sleep, [*Podc] Troubled with worms. C0L0CYNTH. Stools saffron-yellow, frothy, or thin, slimy, and watery, [Sul. ac] Before stool, cutting colic, great urging. *Feeling in abdomen as if the intestines were being squeezed 5» 106 TIIERArEUTIC KEY. between stones, relieved by bending double. Bitter taste in mouth. Aggravation after taking the least nourishment. CROTON TIG. Intermittent diarrhoea, with debility. *Stools yellow, watery, or greenish yellow, expelled with great force, [Gum. g. *Jatro.] Aggravation after drinking, while eating, [Ars. Ferr. Pod.] Gagging, with vertigo. Colic and writhing around umbilicus. DULCAMARA. Stools yellowish, greenish, watery or whitish. Colic before and during stool. Griping pain in region of navel, with vomiting mucus. *If caused by taking cold. Aggravated in cold, damp weather, [Nux m.] Dry heat of the skin. FERRUM. Painless, watery^ undigested stools, at night, or while eating or drinking, [see Cro. tig.] Bowels feel sore as it' bruised. Emaciation, debility, good appetite, [Calc. o. Iod.] Vomiting food soon after eating, [Bry.] *The least emotion or exertion produces a flushed face. GELSEMIUM. Diarrhoea, induced by sudden depressing emotions, fright, grief, bad news, [Opi. Phos. ac] Stools the color of tea, dark-yellow. Desire to be quiet. GUM. GUTT. Stools yellow or green, mixed with mucus ; very offensive. Before and during stool, strong urging, with hot, pinching pain. Loud gurgling as of water in the bowels, [*Aloe.] * Feeling of great relief nfter stool, as if an irritating substance had been removed, [reverse, Verat. al.j * Rapid expulsion of the stool. HELLEBORTJS. *White, jelly-like mucous stools, with urging and tenesmus, [*Colch. Podo.] In protracted and dangerous cases, during dentition. Hydrocephalus. Vomit- ing green or blackish substances. HEPAR SULPH. Painless or chronic diarrhoea. Stools light yellow, green, slimy, undigested. *Sour-smelling stools, [see Rheum.] Better after eating, [worse, *Ars. Cro. t.] Hot, sour regurgitation of food. *Feeling of fullness in stomach, with desire to loosen the clothing, [Chin. Lye] After the abuse of mercury or quinine. HYOSCYAMTJS. Painless, yellow, watery, diarrhoea, in- voluntary stools without consciousness, [Bell. Carb. v. Rhua t. Sec] Diarrhoea during typhoid fever, and in lying-in women. Worse ft om least mental excitement. IODINE. Especially in chronic diarrhoea. Stools watery, foaming, whitish. Patient feels better after eating, [Hep. Lye] *Restlessness, continually changing position. Ema- ciation, with good appetite, [Calc. c] IPECAC. Stools grass- green, mucous; fermented. Before and during stool, nausea and colic. * Vomiting yellow, green or jelly-like mucus, [Verat.] Paleness of face and coldness of extremities. *Flatulent colic. IRIS VERS. Painful, green, watery stools, worse at night, about 2 or 3 a. m. *Burning in rectum and anus after stool, [Aloe. Gum. g.] Periodical diarrhoea. Vomiting DIARRHCEA. 107 sour fluid, with burning in mouth and fauces. Gastric sick- headache. Loss of taste and appetite. JATRO. CUR. Profuse watery diarrhoea, gushing out like a torrent, [Gum. g.] Noise as of a bottle of water being emptied in abdomen, [*Aloe.] Vomiting bile or watery albuminous substances. LEPTANDRIA. Stools black, papescent, tar-like, very fetid. After stool, sharp, cutting pains and distress in umbilical region. Worse r. M. and evening. After exposure to wet, damp weather, [Dulc. Rhus.] LYCOPODIUM. Chronic diarrhoea. Stools thin, brown, pale, fetid, preceded by chilliness in rectum. A feeling of great fullness in stomach after eating but little, [Chin.] Pain and tenderness of stomach, relieved by loosening the clothing. *Red sand in urine, [Phos.] Weak, dyspeptic persons. * Aggravation 4 to 8 p. m. MAGNESIA CARB. Sour-smelling diarrhoea of children, [see Rheum.] *Stools resembling the scum of a frog- pond, or green, slimy and watery. Before stool, cutting, pinching pain in abdomen. Sour vomiting, [Nux. Puis.] (Edema of leet to the calves. MERCXJRIUS. Stools dark green, slimy, frothy or bloody ; also stools like stirred eggs, [Nux m.] * Frequent urging and tenesmus during and after sto'ol. Cutting, pinching pain in abdomen, with chilliness, [Ars. Puis.] Violent thirst for cold drinks. Aphthae and increased flow of saliva. Sour- smelling night-sweat, particularly about the head, cold on forehead. Worse at night and in hot weather. NUX MOS. Stools thin, yellow, like stirred eggs. Before stool, cutting pain in abdomen. *Loss of appetite and great droivsinrss. Colic worse after eating or drinking, [Ars.] The tongue is very dry, it sticks to the mouth. Worse at night and in cool, damp weather. NUX VOM. Frequent small, watery, slimy, browish 9 mucous stools. Colic and tenesmus before and during stool, with relief after, [Merc] Dysenteric diarrhoea. *Symptoms worse early in morning. *Nausea and sour, bitter vomiting. After use of quack nostrums. PHOSPHORUS. Chronic, painless diarrhoea, worse in morning, [Podo.] Stools undigested, xoatery, with little white flake* or lumps like sago. Gradual loss of strength. *Pa- ralysis of sphincter ani; anus remaining open, [Apis.] * Vomiting what has been drunk soon as it becomes warm in stomach. Sleepy in daytime, particularly after meals. PHOS. ACID. Painless diarrhoea ; stools whitish-watery, or yellowish; very offensive. Great rumbling in the bowels. Diarrhoea, without apparent debility. * Very indifferent, wants nothing, and cares for nothing. Frequent emissions of pale, watery urine. Profuse sweats at night. PODOPHYLLUM. Painless diarrhoea or colic before and during stool. J'rofuse watery stools, with meal-like sediment : 108 THERAPEUTIC KEY. also yellow mucous stools, smelling like carrion. Before stool, loud gurgling in bowels as of water, [*Aloe. *Gum. g.] * During stool prolapsus ani. Gagging or empty retching, [Cro. t.] Cramp in feet, calves, and thighs. *Always worse in morning, at night, and in hot weather. PULSATILLA. Stools greenish, yellowish, like bile. *Very changeable stools, [Sulph.] Before stool, rumbling and cutting pain in Rowels. *Diarrhoea, worse at night, from eating fruit or ice-cream, [fruit with milk, Podo.] Bitter taste after eating. *Craves cool, fresh air, worse in a warm room, [better, * Ars. Rhus.] White-coated tongue; loss of taste. RHEUM. Stools green, brown, fermented, [Ipe.] *Sour- smelling diarrhoea of children, [*Mag. c. Rheum.] Colic before and during stool, and tenesmus after, [Merc] *The whole body has a sour smell, not removed by washing. Cut- ting colic, relieved by bending double, [Colo.] Worse after eating. RHUS TOX. Stools reddish or yellowish mucus. Cutting colic before and during stool, with relief after. Involuntary stools at night while sleeping, [Hyos. Puis.] * Aggravation at night, particularly after midniglit, and during rest. SEGALE COR. Painless diarrhoea. Stools brown, watery, or slimy ; discharged rapidly with great force. Great exhaustion during and after stool. Vomiting without effort, with great weakness. Great anxiety, and burning at pit of stomach. * Aversion to heat, or to being covered up. SULPHUR. Stools very changeable, yellow, brown, green, undigested. * Early morning diarrhoea, without pain, [Rumex. — With pain, Aloe.] Before stool, urging and cutting colic. * Constant heat on top of head, [coldness, Verat.] Sour or bitter vomiting. *Frequent weak, faint spells. Drowsy during the day, and wakeful at night. After suppressed eruptions, [Bry.] SULPHURIC AC. Painless chronic diarrhoea, with debility, [see Ph.os.ac] Stools saffron- colored mucus, stringy, green, watery. Coldness and relaxed feeling in the stomach. Sour eructations. *Sensation of tremor all over without trem- bling. Aphthae, [Ars. Merc] THUYA. Copious, pale-yellow, watery stools, discharged with great force; gurgling like water from a bung-hole, [see *Crot. t.] Rapid exhaustion and emaciation. Diarrhoea after vaccination. Worse in morning, and after drinking coffee. VERAT. ALB. Stools profuse, watery, blackish, greenish, Severe pinching colic before and during stool. * After stool, great weakness and empty feeling in abdomen, [Sul. ac] *The suffering causes cold sweat to stand on forehead. Violent vomiting of frothy mucus. *Intense thirst for cold water. Excessive weakness, [Ars.] Desire for fruits and acids. HYGIENIC MEASURES. Persons subject to diarrhoea should observe strict hygienic and dietetic rules. Light exercise in open air, suitable clothing, flannel next the skin, DIPHTHERIA. 109 tepid sponge baths, regular habits and mental quietude, the best preventives. AUXILIARIES. During an attack, patient should assume horizontal position and rest mind and body. Remove all discharges at once. Provide for free ventilation. Apply warm fomentations to bowels if they are tender and painful. DIETETICS. Eat sparingly — little and often — the better plan. Well-boiled rice, oatmeal gruel, farina, good fresh milk, mutton broth, thickened with flour or rice, fresh crackers broken into milk or made into gruel, barley water, and in some cases beef-tea, will be found the most appropriate diet. In chronic cases, a more generous diet should be allowed. Milk one of the best articles. Tender beef, mutton, chickens, soft boiled eggs, and good ripe fruits may be taken. DIPHTHERIA. TREATMENT. Leading indications. ACONITE. In forming stage, [Bell.] Dry, hot skin and very quick pulse. Dark redness of fauces, velum palati, and tonsils, [bright redness, *Bell.] Burning, fine piercing sen- sation in throat. *Great fear and anxiety of mind, with nervous excitability. APIS MELLIFICA. Great debility from beginning. The membrane assumes at once a dirty-grayish color, [dark color, Phyto.] 1 uffiness around the eyes. * Pain in the ears when swallowing, [Lach.] *Stinging pains in the atfected parts. Itching, stinging eruption on the skin. Crawling, as if going to sleep in both arms ; lower limbs feel paralyzed, weakness of sight. ARSENICUM. Great anguish, extreme restlessness, and fear of death. Fetid breath, and viscid, foul discharge from the nostrils. *Constant desire for cold drinks, but can take but little, [Apis.] * Great and increasing prostration. All worse about midnight. ARUM TRIPH. Throat raw and sore, as if excoriated. Putrid odor from mouth. * Burning, ichorous discharge from nose, excoriating nostrils and upper lip, [see *Kali b. Nit. ac] Lips sore and swollen, skin peels off; patient very restless and fretful. Submaxillary glands swollen. BELLADONNA. In forming stage. Great dryness of fauces ; tonsil bright red and swollen. *Very restless, feels drowsy, yet cannot sleep. *Starts in his sleep, or jumps suddenly up in bed. Congestion to head, with throbbing of carotids; eyes injected ; delirium. BROMINE. The disease commences in larynx and rises into the fauces, [see Nit. ac] In some cases it extends into the larynx, producing a croupy cough and rattling of mucus. *Suffocating cough, with hoarse, whistling, croupy sound, [see Kali b.] 110 THERAPEUTIC KEY. CALC. CHLOR. Corroding, watery, nasal discharge. Fauces red, sore and covered with membrane. Foul breath. Cervical glands swollen, with engorgement of surrounding cellular tissue. Paroxysms of suffocation. Great prostra- tion, [Prepare fresh. ^ CANTHARIDES. Burning and dryness in mouth, extend- ing to throat and pharynx. Extreme prostration, sinking, death-like turns. *Constant desire to urinate, passing but a few drops at a time. CAPSICUM. Burning and soreness in mouth and throat. Congested appearance of mucous membrane. Fauces par- tially covered with diphtheric deposit. Sensation of con- striction on swallowing. Heat and throbbing sensation in head. Rapid pulse, vertigo, and bleeding at nose. *Chilli- ness in back. CARBOLIC ACID. Low form of fever ; absence of pain. *Great accumulation of deposits, with terrible fetor. Exces- sive prostration and thready pulse. KALI BICHRO. Fauces inflamed, and more or less covered with a dirty yellow deposit, forming pseudo-mem- brane. Yellow brown fur on tongue. * Hoarse, croupy cough, with expectoration of stringy mucus , the disease spreading to larynx. Deep-eating ulcers in fauces. Tough, stringy discharge from nose, [see Arum t.] Swelling of parotid glands. LACHNANTHES. White ulcers on tonsils, very little fever, slight prostration ; able to take nourishment, [similar to Bell. Lach. Lye] *Very stiff and painful neck, drawn to one side. LACHESIS. The disease mostly appears on left side first, [see Lye] Throat greatly swollen internally and externally. Discharge from nose and mouth of a fetid, excoriating fluid, [Aru. t.] *Can bear nothing to touch larynx or throat^-it is so painful. Fauces covered with diphtheric membrane. *Patient worse after sleeping, [Apis.] LYCOPODIUM. * Worse or beginning on right side. Brown- ish red appearance of fauces. Stitching pains in throat when swallowing. Nose stopped up. *Widely dilated nos- trils with every inspiration. Awakens from sleep Tery cross and irritable. *Red sand in urine. Worse from warm and better from cold drinks, [Lach.] MERC. CYANTJRET. *Putrid diphtheria, [Ars. Nit. ac] The disease comes on suddenly, extends all over mouth, fauces, pharynx and larynx. Exudation grayish, leathery and putrid. Laryngotracheal whistling, [Kali b.] Parotid and submaxillary glands swollen, [Arum t. Merc. io.J Inces- sant salivation ; great prostration. MERC. IOD. RUB. *Pseudo-membranous deposits on tonsils, uvula, velum palati, and pharynx. Tongue coated, thick, yellow, dirty. Tonsils much swollen, with great difficulty in swallowing. * Breath very offensive. Fzpector- DYSENTERY. Ill ation of tough, fetid saliva. Hoarse breathing. Swelling of parotid and submaxillary glands. NITRIC ACID. Spreading ulcers in mouth and throat. Putrid-smelling breath. Swelling of submaxillary and parotid glands, [Merc, io.] Corroding discharge from nose. Dry, barking cough; intermittent pulse. *Strong- smelling urine, like that of horses. *Sore throat, extending into nose, with profuse, thin, purulent discharge. PHYTOLACCA. *Fauces and tonsils highly inflamed, and covered with dark-colored pseudo-membrane. Exces- sive fetor of breath. Deglutition almost impossible. Great prostration. When rising up in bed, gets faint and dizzy, [Bry.] * Violent aching in back and limbs. For paralysis following diphtheria, Gel. Lach. Nux. Phos. Plumb. Rhus. Zinc. HYGIENIC PRECAUTIONS. Plnce patient in large upper room, that can be well ventilated. Exclude children and all others not absolutely needed. Disinfect all sputa, discharges and soiled linen, [see article M Sick Room."] Change patient's clothing and bed-linen frequently. K acrid things, unripe fruit, berries, salads, etc. IRIS VERSI. *Gastric sick-headache. Gums and tongue feel as if covered with a greasy substance. * Burning distress in stomach, with vomiting sour fluid. " Grumbling belly- ache," with watery diarrhoea. LYCOPODIUM. Everything tastes sour, [*Chin. Nux.] Heart-burn, water-brash, [Nux. Puis.] Great fullness in stomach after taking a mere mouthful of food. ^Constant sense of fermentation in abdomen, like a pot of yeast work- ing. Constipation, stools scant, hard, and passed with diffi- culty. *Red sand in urine. MERCURIUS. Dull and stupid feeling, with dizziness. Head feels as if it would burst, with fullness of brain, [see Bry.] *Bitter, sweetish, saltish, putrid or slimy taste. Re- gurgitation or vomiting food, [see Puis.] *Stomach burns, is swollen and sensitive to touch, [Nux. Phos.] Symptoms all worse at night, and in damp, rainy weather. NUX VOMICA. The patient is very irritable, inclines to scold, and wishes to be alone. *Headache, with nausea, and vomiting sour, bitter substances, [Bry. Puis.] All food tastes bitter, [tastes sour, *Chin. Lye] Sour or bitter eructations. "^Cramp-like pains in stomach, after a meal. Habitual con- stipation, with frequent urging to go to stool, [Bry. Lye] ^Persons of sedentary habits, or after the use of drug- mixtures, alcoholic drinks, etc. PHOSPHORUS. Belching large quantities of wind after eating, [Arg. n.] * Very sleepy afrer meals, especially after dinner, [Lye. Nux.] Burning in stomach, extending to throat. *Constipalion ; stools long, narrow and hard, like a dog's. Cold feet and legs. PULSATILLA. Mild, gentle, tearful disposition, [reverse, Bry. *Cham. Nux.] No appetite or thirst. ^Everything tastesbitter, [see Nux.] Aversion to f.t food, pork, meat, bread, milk. ^Eructations tasting and smelling of food, [*Chin. Phos. Sulph.] Vomiting food, mucus. or bitter, sour sub- stances. Chilliness, even in a warm room. Craves coot, fresh, air, worse in a warm room, or from eating warm food, [reverse, Ars.J After eating pork. pastry, rancid butter, etc. GASTRITIS. 141 DIETETICS. At the outset of attack, abstain from all food. Bits of ice may be taken to appease thirst. Three or four times a day, patient should drink a cupful of water, hot as can be borne. As improvement advances, nourishment must be taken cautiously. Thin gruel, milk, barley and rice- water. Later, beef, mutton and chicken-broths. Return to use of solid food very cautiously. GASTRITIS. (Inflammation of the Stomach.) THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications. ACONITE. Synochal fever, hot, dry skin, full, quick pulse, and intense thirst. Sharp, shooting pains in stomach, with retching and vomiting blood. *Bitter bilious vomiting, with anguish and fear of death. *Great fear and anxiety of mind, with nervous excitability. Shortness of breath; great restlessness. APIS MEL. *Great tearfulness, cannot help crying, [*Puls.] Tongue dry, red at tip, swollen. Intense thirst, drinks little, but often, [*Ars.] Vomits food soon as taken, [*Ars. Bry. *Verat.] Burning heat in stomach, with great soreness, [Aeon.] Greenish, yellowish, watery stools, worse in morning. ARNICA. After mechanical injuries. * Vomiting dark, coagulated blood, [Ars. Nux.] *Sore, bruised feeling all through the body; bed feels hard. Belching, with taste of putrid eggs. ARSENICUM. Anxious expression of countenance. *Heat or burning in stomach, with sharp, shooting pains, [see Bell.] * Vomiting everything eaten or drank, [Bry.] Vom- itiny. *Urgent thirst for cold wat r, drinks often, but little at a time, [Apis.] *Great restlessness and anxiety, with fear of death. Rapid prostration of strength. BELLADONNA. Great heat and tenderness of whole abdo- men, the skin imparts a sensation of burning to the hand. Burning, cutting pains in stomach, [Ars. Bry.] *Pains come on suddenly and cease as suddenly. *Congestion to the head, with throbbing headiche. Delirium, with desire to escape from bed. *Great intolerance to light and noise. *Starting and jumping during sleep. BRYONIA. Tongue dry and brown. Region of stomach exceedingly sensitive, cannot bear least pressure on it. Siitch- ing and darting pains in the parts. Burning in stomach, [*Ars.] *Vomitinjr immediately after eating or drinking, [*Ars. Verat.] *Nausea and faintness from sitting up. IMirium, with desire to escnpe. lips parched, dry and cracked. Thirst, for large draughts of cold water. * Wants to remain perfectly quiet. 142 therapeutic; key. CAN1HARIS. Violent pains in stomach ; patient tossing about in despair. Severe burning in stomach, sometimes ex- tending down into bowels. *Constant desire to urinate, passing but a few drops at a time. Stools like scrapings from intestines. Burning thirst. *Vomiting, with violent retching. Anxious restlessness, [Aeon. Ars.] IPECAC. Where nausea and vomiting are the prominent features. Diarrhoea, with grass-green mucous stools, and cutting colic. After eating sour, unripe fruit, berries, salads. IRIS VERS. Great burning distress in epigastric region. Intense burning in region of pancreas. *Sharp, cutting pains of short duration, and changing often. Distressing nausea and vomiting with pain in the stomach. Aggrava- tion by motion, [Bry.] NUX VOMICA, Face red and bloated. Tongue red, clean and tremulous. Burning pain in stomach, which is tender to touch, [Ars. Bell.] *Contractive, spasmodic pains in stomach. *Vomiting sour-smelling mucus, also blood. Burning in oesophagus up to mouth. Hard, difficult stools, with frequent urging. Victims of drastic medicines and quack nostrums. 3 PHOSPHORUS. Dejected, thinks he will die, [see Ars.] Tongue dry, cracked, covered witli crusts, [Apis.] * Vomit- ing sourish, offensive fluid, looking like water, ink and coffee grounds. * Burning, in stomach, extending to throat and bowels, [see Nu^] Griping or cutting pain in region of stomach, coming in paroxysms. Profuse watery stools , pouring away as from a hydrant. j PULSATILLA. Epigastrium sensitive. Aching and dart- ing pains in stomach. Nausea and vomiting after eating or drinking,. [Ars. Bry.] ^Suffocating and fainting spells; must have fresh, cool air. *Vertigo when rising up, with chilliness. Watery diarrhoea, especially at night. Bitter taste, constant spitting of frothy mucus. VERAT. ALB. ^Hippocratic countenance, [Ars.] Eyes sunken and glazed. Lips bluish and dry. Great soreness in region of stomach. *Intense thirst for cold drinks. Inability to retain anything on stomach. Extremities cold and covered with clammy sweat. Extreme prostration, with anguish and fear of death, [*Ars.] Pulse almost imperceptible. Exhausting diarrhoea. HYGIENIC MEASURES. Provide for an abundance of fresh air; keep room light and patient quiet as possible. Apply hot fomentations over region of stomach, and change frequently. Give injections of lukewarm water to relieve the bov/els if constipation is obstinate. . DIETETICS. In the active stage, total abstinence from all food; only sips of cold water or bits of ice to appease thirst. Half a teacupful of hot water taken frequently will be found very useful in relieving pain and burning of atom- GONORRHCEA. 143 ach. When improvement sets in, a little fresh sweet milk or thin gruel may be taken. Later, beef-tea, animal broths, etc. No solid food should be allowed until all traces of inflammation have subsided. Return to ordinary diet very cautiously. GONORRHCEA. THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications. ACONITE. In early and inflammatory stage, [Can. s. Gel.] Burning, smarting in the glans, on urinating. Painful erections at night, [*Canth. Cap.] Young plethoric persons, AGAVE AMERICANA. Extremely, painful erections. Great difficulty in passing urine, accompanied by heat, pain, and tenesmus at neck of bladder. Drawing in spermatic cords and testicles, extending to thighs, so violent he wishes to die. AGNUS CASTUS. Yellow purulent discharge, especially in old sinners. *lmpotence, with want of sexual desire or erec- tions. Testes cold, swollen, hard. ARGENT. NIT. Burning in urethra during micturition, with a feeling as if the urethra were swollen and sore inside. Swelling &nd induration of testicles from suppressed gonorrhoea. CANNABIS SAT. Inflammatory stage with painful symp- toms, [see Aeon ] *Great swelling of prepuce, approaching phimosis, [see Merc] Dark redness of glans and prepuce. *Penis sore, as if burnt, painful when walking. *Strangury, [Agave. *Canth.] Burning in urethra during and after mictu- rition ; stream forked, [Canth.] CANTHARIS. When the inflammation has extended to bladder. * Constant desire to urinate, with scanty emission, [see Cap.] Painful erections at night, with contraction and sore pain along the urethra. CAPSICUM. *Cream-like, or purulent, yellow discharge from the urethra, [Agn. cas.] Burning, cutting or stinging in urethra when urinating; urethra sore to touch. Painful erections at night, [see Aeon.] HYDRASTIS. Acute or chronic form. *In second stage, thick, yellow discharge, [see Sene.] Gleet, with copious, pain- less discharge, and debility. Dragging in right groin to testicles, [Merc] Feeling of debility and faintness after each passage from the bowels, [Verat.] IODIDE OF SULPH. *Stricture, with or without enlarged prostate. [Should be kept from light, prepared fresh and used in trituration when needed.] MERCURIUS. Complicated with chancre, [Nit. ac] *Dis- charge yellowish-green, purulent, more profuse at night. Swelling of prepuce, and inflammatory redness of its internal surface. Urine passes in a thin stream, or in drops, some- times mixed with blood. *Worse at night, and in damp, rainy weather. 144 THERAPEUTIC KEY. NITRIC ACID. Gonorrhoea, with chancres and fig-warts. Small blisters on orifice of urethra and inner surface of pre- puce. Bloody mucous or purulent discharge, [Merc] Gleet [Agn. c. Merc. Thuy.] *Urine very offensive, and painful in voiding. After abuse of mercury. NUX VOMICA. After use of copaiva, cnbebs, and other nostrums. Thin discharge, with burning en urinating and urging to stool. Suppressed discharge, with swelling of testicles, [swelling of prostate, *Puls ] Dull pain in back part of head. * Habitual constipation ; blind or bleeding piles. PULSATILLA. Thick, yellow, or yellow-green discharge, [see Lith. c] Itching, burning on inner and upper side of prepuce. *Suppressed gonorrhoea, with swelling of testicles and prostate gland, [see Sulph. Thuy.] Stools flat, small in size, Inflammation of eyes. SARSAPARIL. * Suppressed gonorrhoea, with rheuma- tism of joints, [Thuy.] Herpes on prepuce. Severe tenesmus of bladder. *Severe pain at conclusion of urination, SENECIO. Advanced stages. Prostate gland enlarged and hard. Dull, heavy pain in left spermatic cord down to testicles. Lascivious dreams, with pollutions. SULPHUR. Gleet, no pain or only slight burning in urethra. Rheumatic pains in different parts. *Chronic inflammation of eyes. Chronic prostatic affections. *Blind or bleeding piles, [Nux.] Dry, scaly, unhealthy skin. THUYA. Discharge thin and greenish. Scalding pain when urinating, urethra swollen, stream forked, [see Cann. s.] *Cheeked gonorrhoea, causing articular rheumatism, prostatitis, sycosis, and impotence. Nightly painful erec- tions, causing sleeplessness, [see Aeon.] TUSSILAGO. Acute stage, with fixed, stinging pain in navicular fossa. Also chronio stage, with inflammation of eyes and swelling of testicles, after suppressed discharge. Persons of irregular habits who use rich food, [Nux v.] AUXILIARY MEASURES- A large class of homoeo- pathic physicians treat gonorrhoea with irritating injections, while others regard these of doubtful utility. They should never be used except in the early stage. Nitrate of Silver is the favorite remedy; dissolve two grains in an ounce of water, and use as an injection every three hours. In the fourth or chronic stage, injections of Sulphate of Zinc, [two grains to four ounces of water] may be used with benefit. Ablutions and injections of warm water, to get rid of any irritating discharges, should be frequently employed. DIETETICS. A carefully regulated diet. Must be sim- ple, digestible, and moderate in quantity. Milk, rice, light puddings, farina, corn-starch, sweet fruits, toast, etc. All rich highly seasoned food, tea, coffee and alcoholic liquors must be avoided. Water should be the principal drinko GUM-BOIL. — GUMS, BLEEDING OP. 145 GUM-BOIL.— ALVEOLAR ABSCESS. This is a small abscess commencing generally in the socket of a decayed tooth bursting through the gum-tissue and sometimes through the cheek. It is also seen on a large scale as a secondary affection of scurvy. Sometimes it fol- lows the abuse of mercury, phosphorus and other drugs. In neglected cases, extensive exfoliation of the bone may follow. TREATMENT. Proper attention to the mouth and teeth will in most cases prevent the formation of these abscesses. They should be thoroughly washed and brushed after each meal. All tartar should be removed fi*)m time to time, and when a tooth becomes decayed, it should be properly filled or removed. The general state of the health must be looked after. BELLADONNA. Tumor red, hard and painful. Pain burn- ing, stinging or throbbing, [Hepar.] Bleeding of gums. CALCARIA CARB. Gums painful, tender, swollen, bleed- ing. Swelling of sub-lingual glands. *Scrofulous diathesis. HEPAR SULPH. * Where suppuration is inevitable, [Merc. Sili.] Ulcers on gums, [Merc] Scrofulous persons, and after the use of mercury. Unhealthy skin. MERCTJRITJS. In commencement, often prevents suppura- tion, [Hepar. Sili.] Paleness of the tumor or intense red- ness, with burning, stinging, beating pain, [Bell.] * Ulcer- ated gums. SILICEA. Painful inflammatory swelling of gum. * Where suppuration is imminent, or in cases where discharge be- comes fetid, thin, watery. *Fistulous openings form, which are slow to heal. LOCAL MEASURES. Suppuration may be hastened by poulticing. Chew some bread and cheese very finely, place it over the tumor and retain in position by the lips. A roasted fig cut in half and applied to the swollen part, makes a good poultice in such cases. Should fluctuation occur, puncture deep with a lancet. GUMS, BLEEDING OF. Bleeding of the gums often takes place as a symptom of other diseases, as scurvy, low forms of fever, etc., but the most troublesome hemorrhage from the gums follow the extraction of teeth. TREATMENT. Aconite, * Arnica and *Phosphorus are the chief internal remedies. "Where these fail, a solution of Persulphate of Iron, Tannin, Sugar of Lead, or Creasote, will usually succeed. Take a bit of sponge or dossil of lint, saturate with one of the remedies, and introduce into the cavity of the gum. 7 146 THERAPEUTIC KEY. In some cases it maybe necessary to plug the gum. To do this, first remove all coagulae, then pack the cavity with dry wheat flour, and allow it to remain in for some time. H^lMATEMESIS.-VOMITDfG BLOOD. THERAPEUTICS, Leading indications. ACONITE. Febrile excitement. *Sudden excruciating pain, with gagging, retching, and vomiting blood. Cold sweat on forehead, [Verat.] Stage of desquamation in scarlatina. Great fear and anxiety of mind. ARNICA. If caus&d by mechanical injuries or over-exertion. *Vomiting dark-red coagula. *Soreness all over the body, as if from a bruise. ARSENICUM. Pale, death-colored face. Great dryness of mouth, and brown, blackish tongue. * Burning thirst, drink- ing little and often, [Apis. Chin.] Vomiting brownish or black- ish stibstances, or blood and mucus. * Burning in stomach, [Canth. Nux. Phos.] Prostration, restlessness. BELLADONNA. Congestion to head and stomach. *FTa3- matemesis, with ringing in ears, red cheeks, feeling of full- ness and warmth in stomach. * Aversion to all food or drink. Flickering before eyes. CANTHARIS. * Vomiting mucus, tinged with bright-red blood. Violent burning in stomach, [Ars.] *Consiant de- sire to urinate, passing but a few drops at a time. CARBO VEG. Hippocratic face, with icy coldness of ex- tremities. ^Vomiting sour, bilious, or bloody masses. Fre- quent fainting ; intermitting, small pulse. CHINA. Haematemesis, great loss of blood, weak, pale, cold hands and feet. *Vomits blackish, bloody substances, [see Ars.] Stomach feels sore, as if ulcerated. ERIGERON. Violent retching and burning in stomach, with vomiting blood. Stools small, streaked with blood. HAMAMELIS. Vomiting black blood, [see Am.] Sensa- tion of trembling in stomach, or fullness and gurgling in ah domen. Feverish by spells. Violent throbbing in stomach Pain back of stomach along spinal column. HYOSCYAMUS. Vomiting blood, with convulsions. Vom iting bloody mucus, with dark-red blood. Pit of stomacJ tender to touch. Dull, aching about liver, abdomen bloated Limbs numb, weak, trembling. - IPECAC. Sudden attacks, with great paleness and coldness. * Vomiting blood, or a pitch-like substance, [Ars. Sec. Verat.] * Indescribable sick feeling in stomach. NUX VOM. Malicious, irritable temperament. *Vomiting blood or black substances after suppressed hemorrhoidal flow. Stomach full and distended, sore to touch. Constipa- tion, with black stools. Intemperate habits. PHOSPHORUS. Oppression and burning in stomach, [see HEMATURIA. i47 Ars.] Vomiting sour, offensive fluid, looking like water, ink, and coffee grounds. *Hemorrhage from stomach, better from drinking cold water. *Long, narrow, hard, difficult stools. SEC ALE COR. Patient lies still, with great weakness, but no pain. Face, lips, tongue, and hands deadly pale, [Phos.] * Vomiting brown, blackish, decomposed blood. Thin, scrawny, cachectic persons. Desire to be uncovered. VEKAT. ALB. Restless, wild look, with pale, distorted face. Vomiting blood, or thin, blackish substances, [Ars. Chin.] *Slow pulse, coldness, fainting fits, and cold sweat. Nausea from raising up, or the least motion. AUXILIARY MEASURES. Place patient in bed with head low, and enjoin perfect quietude. If hemorrhage is severe, give water to drink hot as can be borne, half a teacup- ful every fifteen or twenty minutes until vomiting ceases. Dry ciqjs may be applied over the stomach, and a cataplasm of mustard to the lower part of abdomen. These failing, Gallic acid, ten grains every hour or two, should be tried. MonseV s solution (Persulphate of Iron), a drachm well diluted, is advised as a dernier resort. DIETETICS. During the attack, and for some time after, no food should be taken — let stomach rest. At first, a little warm milk, thin gruel, barley or rice water may be taken. Later, and as improvement advances, beef-tea and broths may be added. No solid food should be allowed until patient is well nigh recovered. KffiMATTJKIA. [Hemorrhage from the Urinary Organs.) THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications. APIS MEL. Renal pains, soreness on pressure or when stooping. * Urine red, bloody, hot and scanty ; after stand- ing, sediment like coffee grounds, [see Tereb.] Urine con- tains uriniferous tubes and epithelium, [see Canth.] ARNICA. When caused by mechanical injuries, as falls, blows, etc., [after straining from lifting, Khus.] ARSENICUM. Hemorrhoids of the bladder, urine mixed with pus and blood. Painful micturition, with scanty secre- tion. *Burning pain in urinary organs. *Extrcme thirst, drinking little and often, [Apis. Chin ] Prostration and restlessness. BERBERIS. *Smarting r burning in region of kidneys, [Tereb.] Bloody urine, which settles at bottom of chamber in a cake, [Millef.] Transparent, jelly-like mucus, passed with the urine, followed by great exhaustion. CANTHARIS. *Constant desire to urinate, passing only a few drops of bloody, burning urine. * Hemorrhage from the urethra, with tenesmus. Cylindrical exudations in the 148 THERAPEUTIC KEY. urine. Drawing pain from region of kidneys to inguinal glands. Pain increased by drinking water. HAMAMELIS. Hematuria from passive congestion of kidneys. Dull pain in renal region. ^Hemorrhoids of the bladder, [Ars.] Urine scanty and high colored. IPECAC. Hematuria, with cutting in abdomen and urethra. *Profuse bleeding, with fainting, paleness and sick stomach. Oppression of chest. After suppressed itch. LYCOPODITJM. *Renal colic, pain is felt along ureters to bladder, especially right side. Hsematuria, especially in connection with gravel or chronic catarrh. Urging to urinate, must wait long before it will pass. *Red sand in the urine, [Phos. Sep.] Craves sweet things, [Arg. n.] MILLEFOLIUM. Pain in region of left kidney, followed by bloody urine. *Haematuria, after standing blood forms a cake in the vessel, [Berb.] If connected with gravel or catarrh of bladder, [Lye] Hemorrhagic diathesis, [Ham.] Bleeding Piles. NITRIC ACID. * Active hemorrhage, with urging after, and shuddering along the spine during micturition. Suitable to persons who have suffered from gonorrhoea. NUX VOM. After abuse of drugs and alcoholic stimu- lants. *Hgematuria from suppressed hemorrhoidal flow or menses, [Sulph. Zinc] Pain in small of back, so bad he cannot move. ^Constipation, frequent urging. PHOSPHORUS. *Ha8maturia from debility after sexual excesses, blood deficient in fibrin, [see Secale.] *Constipa- tion, stools long, narrow and hard, very difficult to expel. PULSATILLA. Young girls during the time of puberty, or from suppressed menses. *Hgematuria, with burning at orifice of urethra and constriction in region of navel. After suppressed gonorrhoea! discharges. SECALE COR. Passive hemorrhage, [active Ipe. Nit. ac] Blood thin and deficient in corpuscles, [see Phos.] Pain- less discharge of thick, black blood in consequence of kidney disease. Great weakness, with coldness of the body. TEREBINTH. *The blood is thoroughly mixed with the urine, forming a dirty reddish-brown or blackish fluid, with coffee-ground-like sediment, [see Apis.] Burning, drawing pains in kidneys. Before urination, pressing and straining in bladder when sitting, going off when walking. Burning in bladder, worse during micturition. UVA URSI. Constant urging to urinate and straining, with discharge of blood and slime, or constant straining without any discharge at all, [see Canth.] Cutting and burning in urethra, succeeded by a discharge of blood. AUXILIARY MEASURES. Remedies for the immediate arrest of renal hemorrhage seldom required. Our main reliance must be general treatment. If much blood has coagulated in bladder, it may be necessary to dissolve it before it can be passed. " Inject into the bladder two HEMOPTYSIS. 149 ounces of warm water, containing in solution 5 drops Hydro- chloric acid and 16 grs. Pepsin.'' Gatchel. — This is said to dis- solve the clots so they can be passed or drawn off in a few hours. DIETETICS. The diet should be plain and unstimulating. Graham bread, vegetables, rice, light puddings, a small amount of animall food, and ripe fruits, the most suitable diet. Mucilaginous drinks, as slippery elm, gum-arabic tea, fresh soft water and milk the only beverages. HEMOPTYSIS. (Hemorrhage from the Lungs.) THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications. ACONITE. The attack is preceded by fullness of the chest, and burning pain, [Bell.] Palpitation of the heart, anguish and restlessness. * Great fear and anxiety of mind, with nervous excitability. ARNICA. After mechanical injury, or bodily exertion. ♦Expectoration of dark coagulated blood, [Puis.] Tickling under sternum, and a sore pain, as if bruised in chest when coughing. *The bed on which he lies feels too hard. BELLADONNA. *Congestion to head and chest. Con- stant tickling in larynx, with cough and expectoration of bloody mucus. Stitch-like pains in chest, worse by motion. *Yertigo when stooping or rising from a stooping posture, [Puis.] Takes cold from every draught of air. CHINA. After loss of blood or animal fluids, [Ars.] *Singing in the ears and fainting spells. Periodical attacks, worse every other day. Debilitating morning and night sweats. Painless, undigested stools. DULCAMARA. Constant tickling in larynx, with desire to cough, [Bell.] Expectoration of bright-red blood, [dark, coagulated, Am. Puis.] If caused by a cold or a loose cough which existed some time. *Gets worse at every cold change in the weather. *On waking in morning, feels giddy and dizzy, with a sense of trembling and weakness. FERRTJM. Hemorrhage, with flying pains in chest, better when walking slowly about, [worse from least motion, Ipe.] *Hnemoptysis, with pain between shoulders. Expectoration of bright-red blood, [see Puis.] Palpitation of heart, with dyspnoea. *The least emotion or exertion produces a flushed face. Slender persons with sallow complexion. HAMAMELIS. * Profuse hemorrhage of venous blood, coming into mouth without any effort, like a warm current from chest. Mind calm. Sometimes taste of sulphur in mouth. Frequent paroxysms of pain in left ovary, passing down to uterus. 150 THERAPEUTIC KEY. IPECAC. *Copious bleeding from lungs, preceded by sensation of bubbling in chest. Taste of blood in mouth. Cough, with spitting of blood, occasioned by the least effort. Nausea and debility. MILLEFOLIUM. *Expectoration of light-colored fluid blood, without much coughing, sometimes in consequence of violent exertions. PHOSPHORUS. Tight feeling in the chest, with a dry, tight cough. *Vicarious spitting of blood for the menses, [Ars. Bry. *Puls.] Occasional attacks of profuse hemorrhage, pouring out freely, then ceasing for some time, followed by anae- mia and debility. Tubercular diathesis. PULSATILLA. Obstinate cases, discharge black and co- agulated, [bright-red, Aeon. Dulc. Rhus.] Loose cough. *Very nervous during the night. *Chifliness even in a warm room. Weakness and pain in lower part of chest. Sickish, empty feeling in stomach. *Craves fresh, cool air, worse in a warm room. *Scanty or suppressed menses. RHUS TOX. Dry cough, which seems as if it would tear something out of chest. Discharge of bright-red blood. * Tickling under sternum, exciting cough. After strain- ing, lifting or stretching arms high to reach things. AUXILIARY MEASURES. Place patient on a mattress bed in a half sitting posture. Enjoin perfect quietude. Pro- vide for an abundance of fresh air. If the case is urgent, and not time to await the action of medicine, apply a ligature about upper part of left arm, then one about upper part of right thigh; if this does not arrest hemorrhage, bandage right arm and left thigh in same manner. Soon as bleeding stops, loosen bandages gradually. DSETETICS. During an attack patient may swallow hits of ice frequently. The food at first should be mostly milk, gruel, light puddings, then broths, beef-tea, etc. Persons subject to these hemorrhages,, should adopt rigid hygienic measures ; live with great regularity ; exercise freely in open air, eat wholesome, nutritious food; bathe daily and sleep in well ventilated apartments. HEADACHE. THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications. ACONITE. Violent stupefying headache, with great full- ness and heaviness in forehead. *Sensation as if ihe brain would press through the eyes, [Bell.] *Vertigo when rising from a sitting posture, [Puis.] Bitter bilious vomit- ing, with anguish and fear of death. *Gets desperate, and declares he cannot bear the pains. ARSENICUM. Periodical headache, [Bell. Sang-. Spig.] Great weight in head, particularly in forehead, [on vertex, Aeon. Cact. Ign] Beating pain in forehead, with inclination HEADACHE. 151 to vomit. *Violent vomiting, particularly after eating or drinking. *Extreme thirst, drinking little and often. *Restlessness, prostration, fear of death. Pains worse during rest, better by motion. BELLADONNA. Sick-headache, head feels as if it would burst, [Bry. Nux.] Congestion to head, with throbbing carotids. * Violent throbbing pain, especially in forehead, obliging one to close the eyes, [Aeon. *Glon.] *Boring headache in right side of head. *Vertigo, with stupefac- tion and vanishing of sight. Nausea, and vomiting bile, mucus or food. *Cannot bear noise or bright light, [Aeon. Ign.] Worse about 3 p. m., and from lying down, [better from lying down, Glon. Ign.] BRYONIA. Headache sets in on first waking in morning, [Calc. c. Nux.] *The head aches as if it would split, worse by stooping or motion, [Aeon. Bell.] *Wants to keep per- fectly still. *Gets faint or sick on sitting up. Sour or bitter vomiting. Lips parched, dry, cracked. *Hard, dry stools, as if burnt. Patient very irritable, [Cham. Nux.] CACTUS Gr. Headache from irregular habits or dissipa- tion. Pulsating pain, with a sensation of weight in right side of head. Pressing pain, as if a great weight lay on the vertex, [see Ars.] Pain commencing in morning and growing worse as day advances, [see Spig.] Must lie perfectly quiet, as motion, noise or light makes him worse. CALC. CARS. Chronic headache. Dull, stupefying, op- pressive pain in forehead, with cloudiness of intellect, [Arg.] Throbbing headache in morning, continuing whole day. *Feeling of coldness in head. *Feet cold, as if they had on damp stockings. *Much dandruff on scalp. Vertigo on going up-stairs. Menses too soon, too profuse and lasting too long. CHAMOMILLA. If caused from catarrh, or by drinking coffee, [Ign. Nux.] Rending or drawing pain in side of head, extending to j iw. Acute shooting or throbbing pains in forehead. *One cheek red, the other pale, [Aeon. Nux.] *Bitter, bilious vomiting. Over-sensitive to pain ; gets almost furious. * Very impatient, can hardly answer one civilly, Dysmenorrhoea, with labor-like pains. CHINA. Headache from suppressed coryza. Soreness of the brain, as if bruised, worse from mental exertion. [*Nux. Sulph.] *Intense throbbing headache after excessive de- pletion. * Kinging in the ears, and weak, fainting spells. Worse every oilier day, [Amb] CKIONANTHUS VER. Habitual sick -headache. Severe pain, chiefly in forehead and over the eyes. Eyeballs very painful, feel sore and bruised. Very sick at ttonaeh; bitter eructations, nausea and retching, with desire for stool. Vomiting green, ropy bile. CIMICIFUGA. * Headache of drunkards and students, [Lach. *Nux.] Nervous, rheumatic menstrual headaches, [Bell. 152 THERAPEUTIC KEY. Puis.] Rush of blood to head, brain feels too large for cranium. *Top of head feels as if it would fly off, [as if opening and shutting, Cann. in.] Dull frontal headache, re- lieved by pressure, worse from motion. *Frequent, thin, dark, offensive stools. COCCULUS. Sick-headache from riding in a carriage, on a boat, etc., [Bell. — Better from riding in carriage, Nit. ac] Tearing, throbbing headache, especially in evening. *Vio- lent headache, which compels patient to sit up, aggravated by talking, laughing, none, or bright light, * Vertigo, with nausea and vomiting from motion of a carriage. CQFFEA. Patient very excitable. *Headache as if a nail were driven in brain, worse in open air, [vide Ign.] Pain in head as if it would fly to pieces, worse from noise or light. Head feels too small, [feels too large, Glon. Nux.] *Extreme wakefulness. Burning, sour eructations, [Iris.] GELSEMITJM. Severe pain in forehead and vertex, dim sight, roaring in ears. Head feels enlarged, [Arg. n. Glon. Nux.] *Patient finds himself getting blind before headache comes on. Wild feeling, alternating with uterine pains. Adapted to nervous, excitable, hysterical females. GLONOIN. Congestive, nervous headache, with no gastric or bilious symptoms. * Headache from recent exposure to sun, [Aeon. *Bell.] * Violent throbbing, pulsating headache, with fullness and upward pressure in head, [Bell.] *Undulating sensation in head, worse from turning round. Sick, faint- like feeling at stomach, with nausea. Head feels loo large. Pal- pitation of heart. IGNATIA. Boring, sticking pain in forehead, relieved by lying down. *Pain as if a nail were driven out through side of head, [as if driven in vertex, Nux.] Headache as if something hard pressed upon the surface of brain. *Patient full of suppressed grief, with empty feeling at pit of stomach. Constipation, with prolapsus ani. IPECAC. *If nausea and vomiting is the most prominent feature, [Verat.] Headache as if the brain and skull were bruised even to root of tongue. *Stooping causes vomiting. Diarrhoea ; grass-green stools. IRIS VERSICO. * Gastric sick-headache, with vomiting sweetish mucus, [gastric headache from eating rich, greasy food, Ant. Ipe. *Nux. *Puls.] *The headache always begins with a blur before the eyes, [see Gel.] Sharp, cutting pains in forehead, eyes, and right side. Worse from rest, [Ars. Sulph.] Use low dilution. LACHESIS. Headache with nausea and drowsiness. Throb- bing or beating pains in temples, [Aeon. Arn. *Bell.]. Press- ing headache early in morning, worse from stooping. *Cannotbear anything tight about the waist. Vertigo, with paleness of face. Pain in left ovarian region, [in right, Bell.] * Larynx and throat very sensitive. Despondent mood. Aggravation after sleep. HEADACHE. 153 1HJX VOMICA. Headache with sour, bitter vomiting. Pressing, boring pain, with sensation as if skull would split, [Bell. Bry.] # *Stupefying headache, especially in morning, aggravated by mental exertion, [Calc. c. Sulph.] * Habitual constipation of large, difficult stools, with frequent urging. Sedentary or intemperate habits ; troubled with piles. PHOSPHORUS. *Dull, stupefying headache, [Calc. c] sensation of coldness in cerebellum [in vertex Verat.] * Head- ache every other day, [every seventh day. Sang. Sil. Sulph.] *Belching large quantities of wind after eating. Very sleepy after meals, especially after dinner. *Stools long, narrow, hard and very difficult to expel. PHOS. ACID. Dreadful pain on top of head, as though the brain were crushed, after long-continued grief. *Too early and long-continued menstruation, with pain in liver. *Sensation as if stomach were being balanced up and down, [hanging down relaxed, Arg. n.] Painless diarrhoea; whitish stools. PHYTOLACCA. *Sick-headache, with pain in back, comes on every week. Headache of syphilitic patients, [Merc] Dull, heavy headache in forehead, [Calc. c] *Sensation as if brain were bruised, when stepping from a high step to ground, [Chin. Glon.] Vertigo and dimness of vision. PULSATILLA. Headache consequent upon eating rich, greasy food, [*Ant. Ipe. Nux.] Tearing, drawing, or stitch- ing pains, worse towards evening. * Vertigo, especially when stooping or looking up. *Craves cool, fresh air; worse in warm room, [Phos. — better in warm room, Cocc. Sil.] Nausea and vomiting, with repugnance to food. *Menses too late, scanty or suppressed. Chilliness, even in a warm room. She weeps and complains, [Ign. Sep.] Very bad taste in morning. SANGUINARIA. Sick-headache, with vomiting bile, begins in morning, increases during the day; worse from motion, stooping, noise or light. * Pains in back part of head, run- ning in rays from neck upwards. Severe pains in head, especially over right eye, with nausea and vomiting. *Has to keep in dark room and lie perfectly still. SEPIA. Beating, stitching pains, mostly in forehead or temples, [see Laoh.] Also violent pains, as if head would burst, extorting cries. *Nausea and vomiting, with a feeling of emptiness in stomach. * Dirty yellow appearance of face, especially across the no c e. Constipation, with hard knotty stool. Very fetid urine, depositing a clay-colored sediment. Leucorrhoca between menses. SPIGELIA. Periodical headache, [see Ars.] Pains boring, pressing, increased by motion, noise, and especially by stooping, [Bry.] * Nervous headache, when one or both eyes are involved. * Headache commencing every morning with rising of sun, gets at its height at noon, when it gradually decreases till sun sets, [see Sang.] * Severe pressing and sticking pains in eyes, worse during motion. 7* 154 THEEAPEUTIC KEY. SULPHUR. Pains mostly in forehead and temples, press- ing, throbbing or tearing. *Constant heat on top of head, [coldness, Sep. *Verat.] *Early morning diarrhoea, driving patient out of bed. *Frequent weak, faint spells through the day. Suppressed eruptions. Hemorrhoids. * Lean persons who walk stooping. VERAT. ALB. Nervous headache, [Cham. Coff. Ign.] Vio- lent pains, that almost deprive patient of reason. ^Becomes very weak and faint, with cold siv eat on forehead. *Coldness on top of head, [heat, Graph. *Sulph.] *Vomiting, with exhausting diarrhoea, and cold sweat. Nervous headache at each menstrual period. Great thirst for cold drinks. DIETETICS. In all cases of headache particular atten- tion must be given the diet. Avoid the use of tea, coifee, and all vinous and fermented liquors. All rich and highly seasoned food, fresh bread, sweet cakes, pastry, etc. Eat sparingly of meat ; let the diet consist chiefly of vegetables, milk, rice, light puddings, ripe fruits, bread made of un- bolted flour, and drink plentifully of water. HEART, PALPITATION OF. THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications. ACONITE. Young, plethoric subjects, [Am. BelL] After fright , overexertion, or drinking wine, [see Opi.] * Heart beats quicker and stronger, with great fear of death. Pal- pitation, with a feeling as if boiling water was poured into chest, ARNICA. * After " straining the heart" from violent run- ning. Palpitation after exertion ; goes off by rest. ARSENICUM. *Palpitation, with anguish, cannot lie on back. Strong, visible, audible beats of heart, worse at night and when lying on back. Fainting spells. ASAFCETIDA. Nervous palpitation from over-exertion or suppression of discharges (in women). BELLADONNA. Great anguish about the heart, with con- gestion to head. ^Palpitation when at rest, increasing during motion. Violent palpitation, reverberating in brain. A kind of bubbling sensation at heart when going up-stairs. CACTUS Gr. Palpitation, with vertigo, loss of conscious- ness, dyspnoea; worse at night, lying on left side, at ap- proach of menses, from exertion. ^Sensation of constriction in heart, as if an iron hand prevented its normal action. CALC. CARB. Tremulous pulsation of heart, worse after eating, at night, with anguish. * After suppressed eruptions and pimples on face. CHINA. Palpitation, with rush of blood to face, and cold hands. *Great weakness from loss of vital fluids. COCCULUS. Tremulous palpitation from quick motion and mental excitement, with dizziness and faintness. HEART, PALPITATION OF. 155 COFPEA. After excessive exaltation. "Palpitation, violent, irregular, with trembling of limbs, [Vuls.] *Sleeplessness, with agitation of body aud mind. DIGITALIS. *Sensation as if heart would stop beating if one moved. ^Palpitation excited by talking, motion, or on lying down. Short, hurried breathing. PERRUM. A nsemic condition. ^Palpitation, better walk- ing slowly about. Throbbing in all the blood-vessels. Soft bel- lows sound at apex of heart. KALI CAS.B. Palpitation in spells, taking away his breath. Stitches about the heart, through to scapula. LACHESIS. Palpitation and choking from the slightest exertion. *Can bear no pressure on throat or chest, must sit up or lie on right side. KITRIC ACID. When caused by least mental excitement. Palpitation and anguish on going up-stairs. NUX VOM. After coffee, wines, liquors, spices. Palpitation in frequent short paroxysms, with pulsating throbs in direc- tion of heart. Tired sensation of heart. OPITJM. After alarming events, causing fright, grief, Borrow, [Aeon] *Slow, irregular pulse. OXALIC ACID. Immediately after lying down at night, palpitation for half an hour. *Paiu iii heart like electric flashes. PHOSPHORUS. Tightness armrs the chest, with dyspnoea and great weakness, [Puis.] Palpitation, worse after eating or from mental emotion. PHOS. ACID. Palpitation in children and young persons who grow too fast. After grief or xelf-aba.se. PULSATILLA. Young girls during time of puberty, or from suppressed menses. * Palpitation in violent parox- ysms, often with anguish, obscuration of sight, and trem- bling of limbs, [see Coff.] After chagrin, fright, or joy. RHUS TCX. Trembling sensation of heart. ♦Palpita- tion violent when sitting still. dumbness and lameness of left arm. Rheumatic subjects. RUMEX. Heart feels as if it suddenly stopped beating, [would stop, if he moved, Dig.] followed by a heavy throb- bing through the chest. Worse when lying, has to sit up. SEPIA. Palpitation after mental emotion. * Wakes up with violent beating of heart. Palpitation, with anxiety about things which happened years ago. Suppression of menses, [see Puis.] TABACUM. Palpitation, especially when lying on left side, [see Cact.] Lassitude from muscular relaxation ; Cold extremities. Compare Peiucoiiditis, Rheumatism, etc. GENERAL MEASURES. Persons subject to attacks of palpitation should avoid over-exertion of body or mind, walking fast, running, ascending long flights of stairs, etc. AY hen the trouble arises from gastric disturbance, direct the treatment to this atfection. "When the bowels are found 156 THERAPEUTIC KEY. loaded with fecal accumulations, or distended with flatu- lence, copious injections of warm water should be given to relieve this condition. Hot foot-baths. Valuable during an attack, especially if excited by uterine disorders or from hysteria. DIETETICS. Plain, simple food; moderate exercise in open air, regular habits, and frequent ablutions. Avoid over-eating, and all stimulating food and drinks, tea, coffee and tobacco. HEMOBKHOIDS.-PILES. THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications. ACONITE. Bleeding piles, [Bell. Case. *Ham. Kit. ac] Stinging and pressure in the anus. General dryness of the skin. *Constant restlessness, inability to keep still. Per- sons of a full, plethoric habit. JESCITLTJS HIP. Large protruding purple tumors, with slight hemorrhage. * Itching, burning pains, with a sense of fullness and dryness of anus, [Am. c] *Severe aching pains in lumbar and sacral region, with stiffness of back, aggravated by walkings Constant backache, affecting the sacrum and hips. Topical applications useful. ALOES. *Hemorrhoids protruding like grapes, with con- stant bearing down in rectum. *Great heat and tenderness of the tumors, relieved by cold water, [Apis.] Violent tenesmus, with bloody or jelly -like mucous stools. *Fistula in ano. Dull, heavy headache, with dull pains in liver. A feeling of faintness during and after stool. APIS MEL. Hemorrhoids, with stinging, burning and smarting pains, relieved by cold water. *Constipation, with a sensation in abdomen as if something tight would break in voiding the stool. * Enlargement of right ovary, and pain in left pectoral region, with cough. ARSENICUM. Blind piles, which burn like fire, particu- larly at night, hindering sleep. During the day, stinging pains, particularly when walking. *Great anguish, rest- lessness and fear of death. Much thirst, drinks little and often, [Apis.] All worse at night, particularly after midnight. BELLADONNA. Bleeding piles, with great tenderness and pain from slightest tonch. *Feeling in back as if it would break, hindering motion, [Ham.] *Pains appear suddenly and cease just as suddenly. Congestion of head, with throbbing in temples. *Sleepy, but cannot sleep. CALG. CARB. Varices swollen and protruded, emitting considerable blood. Burning, pricking in rectum, patient cannot remain still. Drawing, cutting pains in rectum, with a feeling of painfulness, particularly after stool. *Mcn- struation too frequent and too profuse, [Bell.] *Cold, damp feet. Vertigo on going up-stairs. HEMORRHOIDS.— PILES. 157 CARBO VEG. Swollen, protruding varices, discharging pure blood. *Acrid, corroding humor oozing from rectum, emitting a fetid smell, [see Sep.] Tickling, itching and burn- ing of the varices. Stools of foul, bloody mucus. *Eructa- tions of sour, rancid food, with much flatulence from bowels. CAUSTICTJM. Large and painful varices, hindering stool. *Stinging and burning of the tumors when touched, intoler- able when walking. Weak, scrofulous persons, with yellow complexion. Pressure and fullness in the abdomen, as if it would burst. COLLINSONIA. Blind or bleeding piles, with sensation as if gravel or sand had lodged in rectum. Obstinate and habitual constipation; stools lumpy and light-colored, with dull pain in anus. Dysmenorrhea. Aggravation in even- ing, and better in morning. DIOSCOREA. Hemorrhoids, like grapes, around the anus, not bleeding, [see Aloe.] Involuntary discharge of slimy mucus from anus. Darting pain from old hemorrhoidal tumor to liver. Black, hard, lumpy stools. GRAPHITES. Hemmorrhoids with prolapsus recti. Pain- ful burning cracks between the varices. Burning, itching, and sticking in rectum. * Prolapsus recti, without straining, as if the sphincter were paralyzed. *Chronic constipation of hard, difficult, knotty stools. *Unhealthy skin, and erup- tions that excrete a sticky fluid. Fissura ani. HAMAMELIS. Profusely bleeding hemorrhoids, with burning soreness, and at times rawness of anus. *A slight loss of blood causes exhaustion, [Hydras.] The back feels as if it would break, [Bell.] *Passive hemorrhage from nose, stomach, or bowels. HYDRASTIS. Even a light hemorrhoidal flow exhausts, [Ham.] Constipation, stools lumpy, covered with mucus, [Case] Flatulent colic, accompanid by faintness. *Sinking, gone feeling in stomach. IGNATIA. Hemorrhoids, with violent shooting pains high up in rectum. *The tumors prolapse with every stool, and have to be replaced, [Rhus. Sep. Sulph.] Soreness of the parts as if excoriated. * Bleeding and pain worse when the stool is loose. Drawing pain around the pelvis. *Full of suppressed grief, with an empty feeling in the stomach. KALI CARB. Large, painful varices, with considerable protrusion during micturition. Large, difficult stools, as if from inactivity of rectum. *The tumors swell and bleed during stool, with pricking and burning. *Constipation, with distress one or two hours before stool, with colicky, stitching pains. MURIATIC AC. Large, protruding piles, with burning and sore pain. *The tumors are bluish, are extremely sensi- tive and painful. ^Violent itching of the parts not relieved by scratching. Discbarge of blood with the stool. Prolapsus ani during micturition. 158 THERAPEUTIC KEY. NITRIC AC. Bleeding piles, protruding after every stool, blood bright-red, not clotted. *Sharp, cutting pain in rectum, lasting for hours after an evacuation, and is worse after a loose stool. *01d hemorrhoidal tumors, secreting much slime, and bleeding profusely after stool. Fissures of the anus, [Ars. Graph.] NUX VOM. Blind or bleeding piles. [Collin. *SuIph.] Burning, pricking pains in tumors. Discharge of light- colored blood after stool. Horrid tearing, pressing pains in small of back and lower bowels. * Frequent and ineffectual urging to stool. * Habitual constipation. Is very irritable, and wishes to be alone. Persons of sedentary or intem- perate habits, and victims of drugs, nostrums. PHOSPHORUS. Bleeding piles, with severe lancinating pains. * The blood flows with each stool in a small stream. Ulceration of rectum, with discharge of blood and pus, *Stools slender, long, tough, and difficult to expel. PODOPHYLLUM. ^Hemorrhoids and prolapsus recti dur- ing and after confinement. Prolapsus uteri with constipation and subinvolution which so frequently protract convalescence from child-bed. PULSATILLA. Mostly blind piles, with painful pressure on the tumors. Stinging, itching in rectum, and soreness of anus. *Obstinate constipation, with nauseous, bad taste in morning. * Inclination to be chilly. Disposition to weep and complain, [Ign. Sep.] *Vertigo on rising from a sitting posture. Symptoms all worse towards evening. RHUS TOX. Sore blind piles, protruding after every stool. Drawing in back from above downwards ; tension and pressing in rectum. *Pain in small of back as if bruised, relieved by motion. "Worse from getting wet, or by lifting heavy loads. Rheumatic diathesis. SEPIA. Mostly bleeding piles, with protrusion of tumors and rectum during stool. Continual straining pain in rectum, with heat, burning, and swelling of anus. Oozing of mois- ture from rectum, \corroding and fetid, Carb. v.] *Sense of weight or of a ball in anus, not relieved by stool. SULPHUR. Blind or bleeding piles. Constant urging to stool, which continues after a thin bloody evacuation. *Sting- ing, burning, and soreness in and about the anus. Prolapsus recti, during stool. Violent stitching pains in back. Burn- ing pains in urethra during micturition. * Weak, faint spells, especially when standing or walking. *Constant heat on top of head. AUXILIARY MEASURES. In blind piles, where tumors are highly inflamed and painful, hot sitz-baths are the best palliatives. In profusely bleeding piles, inject a solution Tr. Hamamelis, [ten drops to ounce water] and give same strength of remedy internally. These failing, use injections of Tannic Acid or Persulphate of Iron [ten grains to ounce water] to check hemorrhage. For itching piles, one part HERNIA. — RUPTURE. 159 finely powdered Borax to five parts Vaseline, as an ointment will have salutary effect. "Where tumors incline to sup- purate apply linseed meal poultices. Persons subject to piles, should avoid all vigorous exercise, over-lifting, resting on soft cushions, and sedentary habits. DIETETICS. Bread from unbolted flour, fruits and vege- tables fresh and ripe, with moderate amount of meat. Dried fruits, as peaches, apples, prunes, etc., will be found the most suitable diet. EEENIA-RUPTUItE. Hernia is divided, according to locality, into umbilical, inguinal, femoral, scrotal, etc. And again, according to con- dition, into reducible, irreducible, and strangulated. Reducible hernia is where the protruded part can readily be replaced. Irreducible is applied to that form which, in consequence of adhesions or thickening, cannot be reduced, although there is no material constriction. Strangulated hernia is where the opening that gives pas- sage to the protruded intestine is constricted in such a way, that the contents of the protruded bowel cannot be propelled onwards, and the venous circulation is impeded. TREATMENT. The first thing to be done is to reduce the hernia. In attempting this, the administration of one of the following remedies will afford adequate assistance. Re- peat the medicine several time before making any extended efforts at reduction. ACONITE. Inflammation of parts, with exessive sensibility to touch. Bilious vomiting. *Great nervous excitability. NUX VOMICA. One of principal remedies. *Strangulated hernia. Bruised pain in bowels as if raw and sore. Frequent protrusion of inguinal hernia. Nausea, vomiting and constipa- tion. OPIUM. Redness of face, and slowness of pulse. *Yom- iting putrid matter, or faeces and urine, [Plumb.] rain in abdomen, as if intestines were cut to pieces. PLUMB. MET. Incarcer s CC s © s * © lO cn OS CI cc OS CI CO OS uO CN © CI iO Ci CI lC © CI iC 03 CI as 9a CI ■0 © CI uC cl 10 CO T* CM CO CI 1-C X CI CI 00 CI CI 8^ CO CI "<# 00 CI 'TJ- X CI T X CI iC I CO CI Tf X CI Tf cl^ CI ^ I- CI H fr- Cl iH &w CI cc CI CO 1^ CI eo fr- CI -«* fr- Cl CO CI CO ^co C4 ee CI CO © cc to CI cc 8^ o CI CI -c CI CI ee CI CI EO CI ■cc 6^ CI eo CI CN O CN CM jQ tH CN CI CI SIS CM g cl ^ lO CI r- CI H >c CI ^ >c CI CI CI i-i ■ c CI r-i lO r-i (M CI CO — CI •"< CI c CI -H CI c. CI TJ< CO CN CN — CI cc CI o cc CI cc CI rt C! cc — CI r- cc Ci CO CO o CI CO cc CI e cc cc CI X CI cc CI CO CI CO I— CN CI CO CI © cc CO CI c. Ci CO CI s cc cc CI cS cc CI © cc CO CI JH rH CI I- — CI I- CI CI fr- 1-1 C) CI t- 1-1 rH CI £ — CI 1- cc CI fr- -* CI fr- -* 1 CI fr- CI fr- — CI t^ eo r-\ Oi © co r-l CI ee CO CI (0 CI eo CN eo © i-l CI ee CC CI --c CI CI ee cc CI ee cc CI ee cc CI ee cc CI © CI ^ CN ia ci i-t CI >c CI CI iO a 1*3 cr CI iO OS iO CI CI »Q CI iC CI CI lO CI CI lO CI CI c CI CI IC r* rH CI r-l CI -T- 53 — C- _^ c. -* CO — c~\ — e CI — rH R — cl — c~i — ci -t* © r-1 CI CO o r-l CI CO o CI CO X cc X CO r-- cc c CI cc c CO c CI cc 8 cc p CI cc © CI CO © CI OS -1 OS CI fr- CI fr- CI «c CI c. CI X CI C- CI c CI c CN c. CI CO i-l CO rH X - ee H ee rH iC rH X y-K s w X JH CO ^ X ~ X rH t^ O t- o fr- o s o iO © -r 9 fr- c CC © fr- - fr- c fr- o fr- © © OS © CS ee OS — OS — OS CO © ee © IO © ee © ee 1—1 © ee © ee o> iO CO ic 1— ( CO iC X cc GO cc CO CI CO i.C CO — 00 1- CO »c X J2 00 iO 00 Tt< fr- Tf fr- -r fr- CI fr- CI fr- rH fr- 2* I> cc fr- — fr- — t-l fr- -* fr- — t> CO O CO © cc ee H ee £ to © ee cc to CI ee cc ee cc ee cc ee cc © CI iO CI iO Ci IO o IO o iO © lO CI o 1— iO CI iO CI iO CI i.C CI lO rH -* r-l T* £ ~* 0) -H OS Tf< CO Tf ^ Tt< o -* * -^ H T* - "^ r^ T* © CO o CO c CO CO CO X CO fr- cc c: eo Ci CC' c CO c cc © CO © CO © CN CS (M OS CI I- CN t> H X H X i-i X i-H CO rH fr- II 6 SI ^1 < s 6 a >, »-a •cr p 1 OQ a o s > te 8 6 "*? 232 THERAPEUTIC KEY. PROLAPSUS RECTI. In ordinary cases, the protruded bowel can be easily replaced ; in others, however, the swelling and pain may be so great as to give rise to much difficulty. In this event, a few doses of Ign. or Nux should be given, and the parts bathed in Warm Arnicated water, [ten drops to the ounce] and patient kept at rest for a time. Soon as the swelling and pain have abated, place patient on his knees, hips elevated, lubricate parts with oil, then with finger-tips joined, press firmly on the centre, pushing it up into position. After this, patient should keep horizontal position for a day or two. In cases where the accident is of frequent occurrence, one of the following remedies should be given. BELLADONNA. The prolapsed rectum is hot, red, swollen and very tender to touch. *Spasmodic constriction of sphincter am. HAMAMELIS. The prolapsus occurs in connection with varices of the rectum, with copious hemorrhage of dark fluid blood. IGNATIAo Prolapsus with every stool, [Podo.] *Stitches up the rectum, with itching as from ascarides in anus. Especially suitable to children. MERCUBITJS COE. Especially during an attack of dys- entery. *Constant tenesmus during and after stool. *Painful bloody, slimy or greenish stools. NUX VOMICA. Persons of sedentary habits. *Habitual constipation in high livers, [see Sulph..] Blind or bleeding piles. PODOPHYLLUM. *Prolapsus ani with almost every stool, [Ign.] Diarrhoea, stools yellow-colored, with meal-like sediment. SULPHUR. Blind or bleeding piles, [Nux.] Habitual con- stipation, with ineffectual urging, during which the rectum becomes prolapsed. DIETETICS. The diet should be such as to guard against constipation. The use of oatmeal, cracked wheat, bread made of unbolted flour, together with laxative fruits, as apples, peaches, pears, figs, prunes, the most valuable. PROLAPSUS UTERI, ETC. THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications. ACONITEt * Prolapsus occurring suddenly, with inflam- mation of the parts, and burning pain. Bitter vomiting, cold sweat, or dry, hot skin. AMMO. MUR. Pain in groin, obliging one to walk crooked. Menses appear too soon t with pain in belly and small of back, PROLAPSUS UTERI, ETC. 233 the flow most abundant in night. 'Discharge of blood with the stool during catamenia. AURUM MET. Uterus prolapsed and indurated, [see Con.] Prolapsus after lifting a heavy load, [Nux. Rhus.] Bruised pain, with shooting or drawing. Thick white leucorrhoea; burning, smarting of vulva. BELLADONNA. Simple prolapsus, [Aur. Puis. Pod. Sep. — Anteversion, Calc. Merc. Nux. Sep. — Retroversion , Cimi. Helon. Nux. Plat.] Prolapsus at climacteric or after parturition. 'Pressure towards the genitals, as if everything would pro- trude, [Nit. ac. Plat. *Sep.] Heat and dryness of vagina, [Lye] Feeling in back as if it would break, hindering motion. CALC. CARB. 'Pale, flabby state of body. Climacteric period, [Lach. Sep.] Uterus easilg displaced by over-exertion. Stinging in os uteri, [Con.] Constant aching in vagina. * Menses too frequent and too profuse, [Bell.] Vertigo on going vp-stairs. *Cold feet, feels as if she had on cold, damp stockings. CONITIM. 'Induration and prolapsus at same time, [Aur. Iod. Plat. Sep. — Ulceration of cervix, with prolapsus, Arg. n. Helon. Hydras. Merc] Burning, sore aching in region of uterus. * Thick, milky, acrid leucorrhoea, causing burning. *Vertigo, particularly when lying down or turning over in bed. Scanty menstruation. GRAPHITES. Ante version, or standing backwards, can be reached with difficulty. Vagina cold, [heat and dryness of, Bell. Lye] *Profuse leucorrhoea, occurs in gushes. Dry, unhealthy skin. Itching eruptions. HELONIAS. Prolapsus, with dragging weakness in sacral region. 'Prolapsus, with ulceration of cervix, the os pro- trudes externally, [see Con.] Dark, fetid discharge from vagina. " Consciousness of a womb." Greaily depressed in spirits. HYDRASTIS. 'Ulceration of cervix and vagina, with prolapsus uteri, [see Con.] Leucorrhoea tenacious, ropy, thick, yellow. Pruritus vulva3, with sexual excitement. LACHESIS. *The uterine region feels swollen, will bear no contact, not even the clothing. Uterus feels as if the os was open, [Kreo.] Copious leucorrhoea, smarting, and stain- ing linen greenish. LILIUM TIG. Ante version, severe neuralgic pains in uterus, aggravated by least pressure or jar. 'Bearing down in uterine region, as if pelvic contents would issue through vagina, [see Bell.] Aching over pubes, with pain in knees. Thin, acrid, excoriating leucorrhoea. MERCTJRITJS. Prolapsus uteri et vagintc, [Sep.] Deep, sore pain in pelvis and dragging in loins. Abdomen weak, as if it must be held up. *Deep ulcers, with ragged edges on os uteri. Leucorrhoea smarting, corroding, causing itching. NITRIC ACID. 'Violent pressing down, as if everything 234 THERAPEUTIC KEY. were coming out of vulva, [see Bell.] Pain in small of back, through hips and down thighs. Excrescences on cervix uteri, [Merc] Leucorrhcea of ropy or green mucus, [see Hydras.] Hard nodes in mammse. NUX MOS. Prolapsus uteri et vaginse, [Merc. Sep.] Dis- placement of uterus, particularly in barren women. *Great dryness in mouth and throat while sleeping. *Enormous distension of abdomen after every meal. Menses irregular in time and quantity. NUX VOM. * Prolapsus uteri from straining or lifting, [Podo. *Rhus.] Hardness and swelling of os tincse. *Bear- ing down towards the sacrum, with ineffectual urging to stool, [Puis] Burning, heaviness, sticking in uterus. Leucorrhcea fetid, staining yellow. PODOPHYLLUM. Prolapsus uteri after over-lifting or strain- ing, or after parturition. * Sensation as if genitals would cume out during stool. * Prolapsus ani, with every stool.. Pain in region of ovaries. PULSATILLA. Chilliness and paleness of face. Bad taste in morning and dry tongue, without thirst. * Prolapsus uteri, with pressure in abdomen and small of back as from a stone. Limbs tend to go to sleep. *Menses too late, scanty, flow thick, black, clotted. Easily moved to tears. RHUS TOX. *Prolapsus from over-exertion or straining, [*Nux. Podo.] Bearing down when standing or walking, back aches, better lying on something hard. Amenorrhoea from getting wet, [Puis.] SEPIA. Pressing down in uterus oppressing the breath- ing, seems as if everything would come out of vagina, crosses her limbs to prevent it. ^Prolapsus uteri et vaginae, [Merc] All-gone feeling in pit of stomach, relieved by lying down or eating. * Yellow saddle across bridge of nose. Pot-belliedness, SULPHUR. ^Burning on the vertex, [coldness, Verat ] Bearing down in pelvis, towards genitals. Weak feeling in genital organs. Burning in vagina, can scarcely keep still. *Frequent weak, faint spells. Flushes of heat, and burning in soles. GENERAL MEASURES. Our chief reliance in the treatment of uterine displacement must rest on suitable hygienic* measures and internal medication. The state of general health should be looked after, and the system built up by a nutritious diet, open-air exercise, frequent ablutions, regular habits, etc. Wearing tight clothing, taking long walks, going up and down stairs, lifting heavy weights, and over-exertion of every kind, should be avoided. The use of pessaries should be discarded; as a general thing, they do more harm than good. PUERPERAL CONVULSIONS. 235 PUERPERAL CONVULSIONS. THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications. ACONITE. In the incipiency, when an attack is appre- hended. After fright, [Ign. *Opi.] Flushed face ; dry, hot skin ; thirst and great restlessness. *Great fear and anxiety of mind ; thinks she will die, although there is no occasion of alarm. *She dreads too much activity about her. Vertigo on rising up in bed. ARGENT. NIT. The patient has a presentiment of the approaching spasm. Tremor of limbs and faintish, weak feeling. *Sensation as if the body, and especially the face and head, expanded. She feels as if the bones of the skull separated with increase of temperature. *Continually in motion between spasms. BELLADONNA. Red, bloated face, distorted eyes and dilated pupils, [Opi.] *She seems to be in a half-conscious state, with disposition to strike and bite. Convulsive jerk- ing of limbs and muscles of face. Foam at mouth, and in- voluntary escape of faeces and urine, [Hyos.] With every p:iin a spasm comes on, and during interval more or less tossing about. *Sensation as if she were falling down through bed. Grating of teeth, [Stram.] CICTJTA VIROSA. Violent contortions of upper part of body and limbs. Convulsive tossing of extremities from one side to another. *Bluish face, with interrupted breathing and foam at mouth. *After convulsion she lies motionless, with rigidity of jaws, and as if dead. CUPRUM. The spasm sets in with sudden convulsive jerking of limbs. The arms are drawn in towards body, and fingers tightly clinched. Eyes spasmodically closed, and mouth distorted. *Rigidity of trunk and lower extrem- ities, with closed jaws. *Vorniting and retching, with horrible colic and cramps in legs. GELSEMIUM. *Labor delayed by rigid os, [Bell.] Sen- sation like a wave, from uterus to throat, ending with chok- ing feeling. *Impending spasms, [Aeon.] Head feels too large, speech thick, pulse slow, [see Opi.] HYOSCYAMUS. The spasms commence with twitching of muscles of face, and spasmodic motions of eyelids, [see Stram.] 'Twitching and jerking of all the muscles in body. *01iiiching of the thumbs. Complete loss of con- sciousness, with desire to escape. Oppression of chest, with stertorous breathing. Involuntary discharge of fasces and urino, [Bell.] IGNATIA. *Sudden starting from sleep, with screams and trembling of body, [Stram.] Twitching of muscles of the face and corners of mouth. Convulsive movements of single muscles, or only portions of the body at a time. *Deep sighing and sobbing, with a strange compressed feeling in the brain. 236 THERAPEUTIC KEY. OPIUM. Especially after fright, [Aeon.] Convulsive trembling of whole body, with distortion of muscles. *The spasm is followed by sopor and stertorous respiration. *Stupefaction of senses, and complete loss of consciousness. Bluish, bloated face, with swollen lips. Pupils dilated and insensible to light. Incoherent and wandering talk. Slow pulse. STRAMONIUM. *The patient awakens with a shrinking look, as if afraid of first object seen. The spasm mostly commences with convulsive motions of extremities, especially upper. Grinding of teeth, [Bell.] ^Loquacious delirium, with stammering speech. *She makes ridiculous gestures and strange faces; laughs, sings and sighs. *The light of brilliant objects, and contact, renew the spasms. \ AUXILIARY MEASURES. At the first sign of convul- sions, the indicated remedy should be given and repeated at short intervals. Soon as os is sufficiently dilated, apply forceps and terminate the labor soon as possible. If os re- mains unyielding, and convulsions persistent, it is advised by some to incise the os, dilate and deliver at once. Others advise Chloroform to be given at the very onset of attack tcr ward off the paroxysm; this sometimes succeeds, but as often fails. Copious injections of hot water, [112° to 115°] into the uterus, with Fountain Syringe, also recommended as valuable. Empty bladder with catheter, and the rectum with warn* water injections, unless they are known to be empty. 11 patient is in a comatose condition, ice-bags to head and spine are advised. PUERPERAL FEVER. (Child-bed Fever, Puerperal Metritis.) THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications. ACONITE. After a violent chill ; dry, hot skin, full bound- ing pulse and intense thirst. Cutting, lancinating, burning and tearing pains in uterus, with anguish and great fear. Suppression of lochia, or too scanty discharge, [Bell.] ^Excessive sensibility to touch. ^Retention of urine, with stitches in kidneys. *Fear of death, predicts the day she will die. ARSENICUM. Advanced stages. Burning, lancinating pains; the parts burn like fire. *Great anguish, extreme restlessness and fear of death, [Aeon.] Rapid prostration, with sinking of vital forces. *Craves cold drinks, but can take but little at a time. Wants to be covered up warmly, [Rhus.] Aggravation after midnight. BELLADONNA. Great tenderness of abdomen, aggravated by least motion or jar, [Br'y.] * Violent clutching pains, as PUERPERAL FEVER. 237 if parts were seized with claws. *Pains come on suddenly, and cease as suddenly. Great heatin abdomen, which imparts a burning sensation to the hand. * Almost constant moaning, with starting and jumping while sleeping. Painful bearing down in pelvis. Suppression of lochial or menstrual dis- charge, or else it is scant and fetid. ^Congestion to head, with flushed face and red eyes. Throbbing headache and delirium. *Great intolerance to light or noise, [Aeon.] BRYONIA. Stitching, burning pains in abdomen, which is tender to touch. . *Lochia suppressed, with splitting head- ache, [Bell.] Lips parched, dry and cracked. Great dryness of mouth, with little thirst, or else drinking large quantities. *Cannot sit up from nausea and faintness. * Wants to remain perfectly quiet; worse from least motion. *Hard, dry stool3, as if burnt. Exceedingly irritable. CANTHAEIS. Great heat and burning in abdomen, [with lancinating pains, Ars.] Debility, restlessness and trem- bling of the limbs. *Constant painful urging and tenesmus of the bladder, passing but a few drops at a time, sometimes mixed with blood. CHAMOMILLA. If the disease was induced by a fit of anger. Heat all over, with thirst and red face, or one cheek red and the other pale, [Aeon.] * Violent labor-like pains in uterus. Profuse lochia. Great sensitiveness to pain, becomes furious. *She is very impatient, can hardly answer a civil question. Urine abundant and light-colored. Warm sweat about the hend. COLOCYNTH. *Terrible colicky pains, causing her to bend double, with great restlessness. *Feeling in abdomen as if intestines were being squeezed between stones. Vom- iting and diarrhoea, worse after eating or drinking, [Ars.] Bitter taste in mouth. Full, frequent pulse and great thirst. HYOSCYAMTJS. If the disease assume a typhoid charac- ter. *Spasmodic jerking of the limbs, face and eyelids. Furious delirium, with wild, staring look. * Muttering and picking at the bedclothes. *She throws off the bedclothes and wants to remain naked. Complete apathy, or else great excitability. IPECAC. Pain in region of umbilicus, extending towards uterus. Every movement is attended with a cutting pain running from left to right. *Continual nausea and vomiting, [Verat.] Discharge from the womb of bright-red blood. *Green, watery, fermented stools. KREOSOTE. Loss of memory, thinks herself well. She has a sick, suffering expression. * Violent burning deep in pelvis, with constant whining and moaning. *Putrid state of the womb, with offensive, excoriating lochia. Labor-like pains in abdomen, with drawing in upper abdomen, extending to small of back. Painful sensation of coldness in abdomen. LACHESIS. *Cannot bear any pressure, not even the clothing, over uterine region *The pain in uterus is re- 238 THERAPEUTIC KEY. lieved for a time by a flow of blood, but soon returns. Re- peated chills, livid face, and unconsciousness. Skin alter- nately hot and cold. Abdomen distended. Lochial discharge thin and ichorous. *Aggravation after sleep, [Apis. Verat.] MERCURIUS. Lancinating, boring, or pressing pains in the genital organs. *Very sensitive about the pit of the stomach and abdomen, [Bell.] Much saliva in the mouth. * Tongue moist, with great thirst. Profuse sweat without re- lief. Aggravation at night. Green, slimy, or bloody mucous stools, with violent tenesmus. NTJX VOMICA. Feeling of heaviness and burning in gen- ital organs and abdomen. Suppression, or else too profuse discharge of lochia, with violent pains in small of back. Pain as if bruised in neck of uterus. *Constipation, with frequent and ineffectual urging to stool. Pain in small of back, worse when attempting to turn in bed. Ringing in ears and fainting turns. Aggravation in morning. RHUS TOX. Metritis after confinement. *She cannot lie still, but must change continually to get a little rest. *The lower limbs seem powerless, she can hardly draw them up. Dry tongue, with red tip. Typhoid symptoms. Aggravation during rest, at night, particularly after midnight, [Ars.] SECALE. Tendency to putrescence, [with dark, offensive discharge, Kreo.] Hot fever, intermingled by shaking chills. Discharge from vagina of thin, black blood, very offensive. Vomiting decomposed matters. Painless diarrhoea, with much debility. She lies either in quiet delirium, or grows wild with great anxiety and desire to escape from bed. *Thin, scrawny women. *Desire to be uncovered. VERAT. ALB. Puerperal metritis, with violent fits of vom- iting and diarrhoea. *Coldness of extremities, with deadly- pale face, covered with cold perspiration. Suppression of lochial discharge with delirium. *Excessive weakness, [*Ars. Sec] AUXILIARY MEASURES. Treat patient on mattress bed with light covering. Apply hot fomentations containing indi- cated remedy, or thin poultices over painful parts. With a fountain syringe wash out uterus and vagina thoroughly, two or three times a day, with a solution Carbolic acid [gtts. v. aq. ferv. gj ] or Kali, per mang. [grs. jii. aq. ferv. gj.] Rectal injections of hot water, [110° F.] very useful. Keep patient quiet as possible, and room abundantly supplied with fresh air. DIETETICS. During inflammatory stage, give only the simplest kind of food — thin gruel, rice-water, barley-water, and mucilaginous drinks. Later, beef-tea, animal broths, milk, soft-boiled eggs, cream toast, and ripe fruits. REMITTENT FEVER. 239 EEMITTENT FEVER. (Bilious Fever ; Typho -malarial Fever.) THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications. ACONITE. Chill, high fever, violent thirst, red face, short- ness of breath, and great nervousness. *Bitter taste of everything except water, [see Bry.] Bitter, bilious vomiting, [*Cham. Ipe. Nux. Puis.] Red scanty urine. Stitches in region of liver. Anxiety and great restlessness. BRYONIA. Giddiness, nausea, and faintness on sitting up, [Aeon. Puis.] *Fullness in forehead, as if everything would be pressed out. Splitting headache, [*Beli. Puis.] Lips parched, dry and cracked. Tongue coated white or yellow. *A11 food and drink taste bitter, [Colo. Puis.] *Stitches or burning in region of liver. Constipation; dry, hard stools. Exceedingly irritable, CHAMOMILLA. Patient exceedingly irritable, can scarcely answer a civil question, [Bry.] Thick, white or yellow coat- ing on tongue. *Bitter taste, [*Bry. Nux. Puis.] ♦Vomit- ing food, bile, or slimy substances. Fainful bloatedness of stomach. Stools green, watery, slimy, or like chopped eggs and spinach. Jaundice-like appearance of face, [see Merc] CHINA. Chills alternating with heat, skin cold and blue, [see Nux.] Ringing in ears, with dizziness and a feeling as if the head was enlarged. *Pain in region of liver and spleen, when bending or coughing. Sallow complexion. Miasmatic districts. COBNTJS. Dull headache, with aching pains in the eyeballs. Flushes of heat and coldness in alternation, [ *Puls.] Loss of appetite, with aversion to meat and bread. Rumbling of wind in bowels, with emission of fetid flatus. General debility from loss of fluids and night-sweats, [*China.] Dark, bilious stools. GELSEMITJM. Adapted to nervous, excitable, hysterical females, [Ign.] Fullness in head, heat of face, and chilli- ness. *Heaviness of eyelids, impossible to keep them open. Congestion of liver, with vertigo and blindness. Aching and soreness in lower legs. IPECAC. Headache, as if brain and skull were bruised. Yel- lowish or white coating of tongue. Bitter taste in morning, [see Puis.] *Continual nausea, with vomiting food, bile, or jelly-like mucus, [Ant. c] Flatulent colic. *Diarrhoea, stools fermented, or like frothy molasses. LEPTANDRA. Constant dull frontal headache. Tongue yellow down the centre, [white, Bell.] Vomiting bile, with shooting pains in liver. * Jaundice, with clay-colored or black stools. Tendency to shiver, with sore, lame feeling in back. MERCURIUS. Tale, yellow, earthy color of face, [Puis.] Tongue coated with a duty yellow fur. * Fetid breath, 240 THERAPEUTIC KEY. with ulcers on lips, gums, and cheeks, [Nit. ac. *Nux.] Bitter, sour, putrid, or sweet taste. *Region of stomach sore to touch, [Bry. Nux.] Stinging pains and great sore- ness in region of liver. Diarrhoea; stools dark green, frothy, or yellow like sulphur. Dark-red urine, as if mixed with blood. NTJX VOMICA. The patient is very irritable, and wishes to be alone, [see Cham.] Head aches, as if skull would split, [Bry.] Bitter or sour taste. *Bitter, sour eructations, [Bry. Puis.] *Vomiting food, or sour-smelling mucus. Cramp-like pain in stomach. *Habitual constipation of large, difficult stools. Can't sleep after 3 a. m. Worse in morning. PODOPHYLLUM. Depression of spirits. Tongue furred white, moist, shows imprints of teeth, [Hydras. Merc] *Bitter taste and bitter risings from the stomach, [Bry. Nux.] Bilious vomiting and purging, with dark urine. lellovmess of skin, with fullness, soreness and pain in liver. PULSATILLA. Melancholy, with weeping sadness. *He is disgusted with everything. Vertigo on rising from a sitting posture. * Hemicrania, as if the brain would burst, worse from stooping, or moving the eyes. Tongue yellow or white, and covered with tough, mucus, [Merc] *Putrid taste in mouth, with inclination to vomit, [Merc Nux.] *Every kind of nourishment tastes bitter, [*Bry.] Nightly diarrhoea, stools watery, or green like bile. SULPHUR, Low-spirited, out of humor, inclines to weep, [Puis.] Vertigo on sitting up, [see Bry.] ^Constant heat on top of head, [coldness, Verat.] Putrid taste, with com- plete loss of appetite. Sour eructations, [Nux.] *Stitches, or pressing pain in region of liver. Painless morning diar- rhoea, [Rumex.] Lean persons who walk stooping. DIETETICS- In active stage, little food should be taken. Cold water or bits of ice to allay thirst and check vomiting. When improvement sets in, rice, farina, corn- starch, and fresh buttermilk may be taken. Later, broths, beef-tea, fresh vegetables and ripe fruits. A return to the ordinary diet should be very gradual. Treat patient in a well ventilated room, where there is plenty of sunlight. Cold or hot compresses may be applied to the painful head, and the body frequently sponged off with tepid water. ACUTE RHEUMATISM. THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications. ACONITE. Synochal fever, with great agitation of heart. Red swelling of affected part, very sensitive to contact and mo- tion. Stitching pains in chest, hindering respiration, [Bry.] *Great fear and anxiety of mind, with nervous excitability. Retention of urine, and stitches in kidneys, ACUTE RHEUMATISM. 241 AMMON. PHOS. Especially where joints of fingers and hands are involved, [Caul. Lach.] Loss of appetite, with emaciation. Sleeplessness and nervous irritability. Mostly the right side. Evening fever. ARNICA. Hard, red, shining swelling of the affected parts. *Pains as if sprained or bruised, w T ith a feeling of lameness in limb, [Rhus.] *Sensation as if diseased part were resting upon something hard. *Great fear of being struck by persons coming near. ARSENICUM. Burning, stinging, tearing pain, with pale swelling. *Pain relieved by application of warmth, [Rhus.] Profuse sweat, which relieves pain, but leaves patient very weak. Frequent chills, alternating with heat. Constantly moving affected limbs. ^Extreme thirst, drinking little and often. BELLADONNA. Red, shining swelling of joints, with pressing, cutting, tearing pain, deep in bones. *Frequent darting pains from joint along the limb, [like electric jerks, Verat. a.] *Pains which come on suddenly, and leave as Buddenly. Fever, with dry, hot skin, thirst, and throbbing headache. Visible pulsations of carotids. Drowsy, sleepy condition, with starting. Aggravation at 3 p. m., and from least motion or touch. BRYONIA. Stiffness, with swelling and a faintish redness of inflamed part, [Colch.] *Stitching, tearing pains, worse from least motion. *The patient wants to remain perfectly still. Dry, hot skin, or else perspiration of an acrid char- acter. Bitter taste, dry mouth, and great thirst. *Hard, dry stools, as if burnt. Exceedingly irritable. Metastasis to the heart, [*Acon. Colch. Spig. Verat. v.] CACTUS. The disease is principally confined to the heart and diaphragm. Feeling as if an iron band was around the heart, preventing its normal action. Palpitation of the heart, worse when lying on the left side, [when on the back, *Ars.] CAULOPHYLLUM. ^Rheumatism of wrists and finger- joints, with much swelling. When disease shifts from extrem- ities to back and nape of neck, with rigidity of muscles. Oppression of chest, high fever, and nervous excitement. CAUSTICUM. Stiffness and swelling of joints, with tear- ing pains. *Great weakness and lameness of lower limbs, and trembling of hands. Pains worse towards evening, and from exposure to cold; better from application of heat, [Ars. Rhus t.] Scrofulous persons with yellow complexion. CHAMOMILLA. Drawing, tearing pains, with a sensation of numbness or lameness in parts, [Nux.] The paius are continuous, and get worse at night, with much tossing about. *Becomes almost furious about pains, can hardly endure them. * Great irritability of temper, is very cross and snappish. Hot perspiration, especially about head, *Red- ness of one cheek and paleness of other, [Aeon. Nux v.] 11 242 THERAPEUTIC KjEY. CHELIDONITTM. *Rheumatic swelling, with a stone-like hardness of tlie affected parts. Constant pain under the lower, inner angle of the right shoulder-blade. *Stools like sheep's dung, [Plum. Ruta.] CHINA. Violent tearing, sticking, drawing pains, in- creased by pressure or motion. Bruised pains in the small of the back, with painful jerks in the region of the os sacrum. Debilitating morning and night sweats. * Weakly persons, who have lost much blood. CIMICIFUGA. Articular rheumatism of lower extremities, with much swelling and heat of. parts. Pain worse from motion, extorting screams. Delicate hysterical females who suffer from uterine diseases. COLCHICTTM. Moderate swelling with pale redness of affected parts, [Bry.] Pains burning, tearing, or jerking, frequently shifting about, [Bell. Puis.] *Chilliness even near hot stove, intermingled with flashes of heat, [Puis.] Metastasis to heart, with stitches and tearing in chest and region of heart. Strong and fluttering beating of heart. Profuse sour smelling sweats. * Urine dark and scanty, de- positing a whitish sediment. DULCAMARA. After exposure to wet, [Merc] The parts feel as if bruised, [Am.] The pains are mostly in back, joints of arms, and legs. When the disease sets in after acute cutaneous eruptions. * Aggravation after every cold change in weather. FERRUM. Little or no swelling, but a constant drawing, tearing pain, especially in deltoid muscle. Pain worse in bed ; has to get up and walk slowly about. *Least emotion or exertion produces a red, flushed face. Palpitation of heart, and dyspnoea. HAMAMELIS. Pains unbearable, with great sensitiveness to touch, and fear of exciting new pain on moving. *Great soreness of affected parts. Articular rheumatism, with swol- len, painful joints, [Cimi.] KREOSOTE. Pain in joints, especially in hip and knee- joints, [Ledum], with a feeling of numbness or loss of sen- sation, as though the whole limb were going to sleep. *Wretched livid complexion. LACHESIS. Swelling of index-finger and wrist-joint. Stinging, tearing in knees, with a sense of swelling. Left side generally affected. No relief from profuse sweating, [Merc] *Patient worse after sleeping. LEDUM. Rheumatic pains in the lower extremities, espe- cially in the hip and knee-joints, and when it commences from below and goes upwards. *Great want of vital heat, [Sep.] Pains grow worse in the evening in bed, and last till midnight. LYCOPODITJM. Drawing and tearing pains, worse at night and during rest, [Rhus.] Painful rigidity of muscles and joints, with sensation of numbness in part. The disease is ACUTE RHEUMATISM. 243 mostly on right side, with, or without swelling. Chronic forms, especially of old people. * Urine dark and turbid, or with sediment of red sand. * Constant sensation of satiety, feels so full can eat nothing. Constipation, much sour belching. MERCURIUS. Shooting, tearing or burning pains, worse at night, from warmth of bed or exposure to damp or cold air, [Dulc] Puffy swelling of the affected parts, of a pale or slight pinkish color. Green, slimy diarrhoea, with grip- ing and tenesmus. *Much perspiration, affording no relief, [Lach.] NUX VOMICA. Especially in back, loins, chest or joints, with pale, tensive swelling", [Bry.] Tensive jerking or pulling pains, aggravated by contact or motion. Numbness or lameness of affected parts, with twitching in muscles. Aversion to open air, and great sensitiveness to cold. Heat mixed with chilliness, especially when moving. *Perspira- tion relieves the pain, [see *Merc] Dyspeptic symptoms. *Habitual constipation. Persons of intemperate habits. Irritable mood. PHOSPHORUS. Tearing, drawing and tensive pains setting in when taking cold. Lameness and weakness in lower limbs, [Nux Puis.] *Sensation of weakness and emptiness in abdomen. Belching large quantities of wind after eating, [Bry. Nux Puis.] *Long, narrow, hard stools, very difficult to expel. PHYTOLACCA. Pains shoot from one part to another, [Puis.] Joints swollen and red. *Pains in middle of long bones or attachments of muscles. Worse in damp weather and at night. PULSATILLA. Not much swelling or redness of the affected parts. *Pains which shift rapidly from one part to another, [Bell.Rhod.] Sensation of weight in the disordered structure. *Chilliness, even in a warm room. *Craves cold, fresh air; feels worse in a warm temperature. *Per- sons of a mild, tearful disposition. *Bad taste in the mouth in the morning. RHODODENDRON. Drawing, tearing pains in joints and limbs. Pain3 worse during rest, and in rough, stormy weather, [Rhus.] Swelling and redness of single joints. Rheumatism of knee, [Verat. v.] RHUS TOX. Swelling and redness of affected parts. Pains drawing, tearing, burning, or as if sprained, with sen- sation of lameness and creeping in the parts. *Pains worse during rest and when first commencing to move, [Ars. Sulph.] * Better from continued motion and external warm applica- tions, [Ars.] SPIGELIA. Rheumatic pericarditis, [see Bry.] Dull stitches in region of heart. Violent palpitation of heart, with great anxiety. Dyspnoea, he can lie only on right side, with trunk raised. *The least motion produces great suffocation. 244 THERAPEUTIC KEY. SULPHUR. Chronic form, and for secondary effects of acute rheumatism. Tearing, stitching, or dull aching pains. ^Constant heat in top of the head, [coldness, Verat.] *Fre- quent weak, faint spells. THUYA. Tearing and beating pains, as if from subcuta- neous ulceration. Feeling of coldness and numbness in parts, [Nux v. Puis.] Rheumatism in syphilitic subjects, [Phyto. Merc] Symptoms worse in a warm room. VERAT. ALB. Pains as if bruised, worse from the heat of the bed ; better from rising and walking about. *Electric jerks in the affected limbs. Painful heaviness in the knees and lower legs. VERAT. VIR. Rhematism, especially of left shoulder, hip, and knee, [Rhod.] Aching in all the bones. Advised in endocarditis and pericarditis. m AUXILIARY MEASURES. Persons subject to rheuma- tism should wear flannel next the skin as a preventive. They should avoid over- exertion, and especially should they guard against the sudden checking of perspiration. During an attack patient should rest on a soft bed and between blankets. Hot fomentations applied to painful parts will often afford great relief. Enveloping the parts in raw cotton is also very useful. The room should be light and well ventilated, and the temperature about 70° F. DIETETICS. Only plain, simple food. Light puddings, made of rice, tapioca, sago or corn-starch; plain toast and good ripe fruits. The drink should be pure fresh water, lemonade, or water with a little jelly added. All alcoholic beverages should be strictly avoided. SCABIES.— ITCH. Scabies, or common itch, is a disease characterized by a vesicular eruption which is produced by an animal parasite. It is a contagious disease, easily communicated, may last for years, and seldom gets well without treatment. INDICATED REMEDIES. SULPHUR. This is the principal remedy for acarous itch, or true scabies. *Voluptuous tingling, itching, with burning or soreness after scratching. Excoriation of skin ; glandu- lar swellings. MERCURIUS. Itch-like eruption in bends of the elbows. *Scabies, where some of the vesicles become pustular. Itch- ing all over, worse at night when warm in bed. CAUSTICUM. After abuse of Sulphur or Mercury, [Sep.] *Involuntary urination when coughing, sneezing or walking. Sensitive to cold air. ARSENICUM. Inveterate cases. *Itch-like eruptions in bends of knees, [see Merc] Pustular eruptions, burning and itching, better from external warmth, SCARLATINA. 245 LOCAL MEASURES. Give two or three doses of Sulphur daily for a week before using external applications. Rub patient thoroughly with Soft-soap for half an hour, then give a warm bath, and when dry rub all over with a solution of two parts Liquid Storaz and one part Glycerine. Two or three operations of this kind will suffice for a cure in nearly all cases. Take Balsam of Peru gj, Glycerine and water aa g ji. Mix and rub well on all parts that are the seat of the eruption. Before applying this patient should take a warm bath, using plenty soap and friction ; should be repeated three times a day for two days. This is an efficient remedy. SCARLATINA. THERAPUETSCS. Leading indications, ACONITE. In commencement, before the eruption makes its appearance. * Dry, hot skin, full, frequent pulse, great restlessness, violent thirst and hurried breathing. *Great fear and anxiety of mind, with nervous excitability. Pain in stomach, with nausea and vomiting. AILANTHUS. Small, rapid pulse, [full, frequent, Aeon. Bell.] Severe headache, with hot, red face. Very drowsy and restless, with muttering delirium. *Skin covered with a miliary rash, with efflorescence between the points of a dnrk, livid color, [smooth, bright-red, *Bell.] The livid color, when pressed out with the finger, returns very slowly, [very quickly, Bell.] Violent vomiting, with inability to sit up. AMM. CARB. Hard swelling of parotid and lymphatic glands of neck, [Bary. c] The rash continues out longer than usual period. Tendency to gangrenous ulceration. APIS MEL. Fever of a typhoid character. *Rash hard, sharp, pointed, [smooth, Bell.] Tongue of a deep-red color and covered with blisters. *Nose discharges a thick, white fetid or bloody mucus, [a thin, purulent matter, Nit. ac] Ulcerated throat. Abdomen sore to touch. Dropsical symptoms during desquamation. Child lies in a stupor. ARSENICUM. The eruption delays or grows suddenly pale, with rapid prostration. Putrid sore throat, [Arum. t. Apis.] *Great anguish, extreme restlessness, and fear of death. *Intense thirst, drinking little and often. *Wheezing res- piration. Fetid diarrhoea. ARUM. TRI. Corners of mouth and lips sore and cracked. Redness of tongue, with elevated papillae. Putrid sore throat, [Ars. Nit. ac] Submaxillary glands swollen. *Nose stopped, or discharging a burning, ichorous fluid. excoriating nostrils and upper lip, [Mur. ac] Eruption all over body, with much itching and restlessness. *Scarlatina maligna. 246 THERAPEUTIC KEY. BAPTISIA. Typhoid character, [Ars. Lach. Rhus.] *Fauces dark red, tonsils swollen and covered with dark putrid ulcers. Eruption resembles measles, [*bluish-black eruption, Argen. n.] Great fetor of breath, [Ars. Nit. ac] *Tongue cracked, sore, ulcerated. Slight delirium, and burning heat of face. Sordes on teeth and lips. BARYTA CARB. Parotid and submaxillary glands swollen, with much saliva, or else dryness of throat. Ton- sils swollen, and of a pale red color, with a pressing, sting- ing paiu on swallowing. Breath putrid. ^Scrofulous children that grow but little. BELLADONNA. *The eruption is perfectly smooth and scarlet red, [purple colored, Ailan. Mur. ac. Rhus.] Skin so hot it imparts a burning sensation to the hand. Tongue white, with red edges and prominent papillae. Fauces and tonsils inflamed of a dark red color, with burning ;, stinging pain, [Aeon. Apis. Cap.] ^Congestion to brain, with delirium and throbbing carotids. ^Starting and jumping while sleeping. Springs suddenly up in bed, and attempts to escape. Use as a prophylactic* BRYONIA. The eruption does not come out fully, or suddenly disappears, [Cup. act. Ipe.] Congestion to chest, with difficult, anxious breathing. Sensation of w r eight upon chest, with troublesome cough. Splitting headache, worse by motion. Lips parched, dry and cracked. * Patient wants to lie perfectly still. CALCARIA CARB. Protracted cases, where glands of neck are swollen and hard, [Bary. c] Throat greatly in- flamed, with aphthae on tonsils and roof of mouth. Does not convalesce after regular recession of eruption. Pace pale and bloated, showing no signs of rash. *Scrofulous children with large heads and open fontanelles. Otorrhoza and parotitis following scarlatina, [Bary. c. Bell.] CAMPHOR. In desperate cases. Extremities cold and purple. Rattling in throat, and hot breath. Hot perspira- tion on forehead ; the child refuses to be covered. Sudden retrocession of eruption. CARBO. VEG. Usually in last stage. *Putrid sore throat, with sloughing of fauces. Rattling in throat. Great prostration of strength and coldness of extremities, [see Ars.] Craves cold air. CUPRUM ACET. *When metastasis to brain is apprehended, or eruption suddenly disappears, followed by convulsions, vomiting, [see Opi.] Rolling of eyes, distortions of face and all the flexor muscles. Great restlessness and tossing about. Sopor and delirium. IPECAC. Slight fever through the day, increased in the evening. ^Constant nausea and vomiting of green, bilious, or slimy matter. Great uneasiness in the stomach and epigastrium. Violent itching of the skin. Sleeplessness, with sadness and despondency. SCARLATINA. 247 LACHESIS. Scarlatina maligna, with external swelling of neck and glands. Diphtheritic inflammation of throat, with great difficulty in swallowing. *External throat very- painful to touch. Ulcers on tongue, [Bapt.] * Aggravation after sleeping, [Apis.] LYCOPODIUM. Inflammation of throat of a brownish red color, with stitches on swallowing. * Ulceration of tonsils, beginning on right and spreading to left, [beginning on left side, Lach.] Obstruction of nose. Rattling in throat, and hawking up bloody mucus. Dryness of mouth and tongue, without thirst. *Red sediment like sand in urine. MERCURIUS. Ulcers in mouth, throat and upon tonsils, covered with ash-colored sloughs. Deglutition very difficult, attended with stinging pain. Fluids escape through mouth and nose when attempting to swallow, [Bell. Lach.] Very fetid breath. *Profuse secretion of saliva, often offensive. Acrid discharge from nose. MURIATIC ACID. Malignant cases; tonsils and throat swollen, inflamed, and covered with dark-colored ulcers, [Phyto.] Great tendency for sloughs to extend and run together. Dark-redness of face, and purplish color of skin. Discharge of thin, acrid pus from nose, excoriating the parts, [Arum.] *Sliding down in bed. NITRIC ACID. Putrid sore throat extending up into nose. Profuse discharge of thin, purulent matter from nostrils. Putrid- smelling breath; mouth full of fetid ulcers. Swelling of the parotid and submaxillary glands, [Bary. c. Merc] Ulceration of the corners of the mouth and lips. After abuse of mercury. OPIUM. * Extreme drowsiness, stertorous breathing, and vomiting. Delirious talking, with eyes wide open, face red and puffed up, [see Zinc] *lmpending paralysis of brain. Spasms, with loud screams. RHUS TOX. The rash is dark-colored and itches violently, [scarlet-red. Aeon. Am. c Bell.] * Drowsy state, with delirium. Tongue red and smooth, with triangular, red tip. Much fever and restlessness, particularly after midnight. *Pain in limbs and joints. Ichorous or yellow, thick discharge from nose. *Constantly changing position. SULPHUR. Bright-redness of whole body. *Violent itching, tingling of skin, with burning after scratching. *Child jumps, starts, and screams fearfully. Where other well-chosen remedies have failed to have the desired effect. ZINCUM. *Threatening paralysis of brain. The child lies in a state of unconsciousness. Jerking of whole body, or twitching of single limbs. Grating of teeth, and shrill, frightful screams during sleep. Small, frequent pulse, and fixed, stupid expression of the eyes. Icy coldness of skin from sunken vitality. 248 THERAPEUTIC KEY. PREVENTIVE MEASURES. During the prevalence of scarlet fever use Belladonna as a prophylactic. Look well after drainage and sewer-pipes, and use disinfectants. In case of death disinfect body and place in coffin soon as possible. Private funeral, AUXILIARY MEASURES. Isolate patient, if possible, in a light, airy, upper room. Send other children from house, and have few nurses as possible. Divest room of all needless furniture — curtains, carpet, rugs, etc. Secure free ventilation. Disinfect all excretions. See article Sick-Room. Keep patient scrupulously clean. Change body-linen and bed-clothing often. Sponge body off two or three times a day with water at 90° F., wrap in dry sheet, and let the skin dry without being rubbed. Keep sharp lookout for kidney complications. For the troublesome itching of skin, anoint the surface with cocoa-butter, or reasty bacon. The tenacious phlegm that accumulates in throat may be loosened and removed by taking teaspoonful doses of equal parts Glycerine and water. Hot fomentations or poultices to the swollen throat often very valuable. DIETETICS. During violence of attack, fresh milk, ice- cream, thin gruels, orange juice, etc,, will suffice. Pure fresh water may be drank liberally. After the crisis, beef- tea, mutton or chicken broth, cream toast, light puddings and ripe fruits may be taken. All alcoholic stimulants should be discarded. SCIATICA.-COXALGIA. THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications. ARGENT. NIT. Periodical drawing cramp-like pains, from hips down to knee. *During paroxysm, sensation of ex- pansion of limb. Paralytic weakness of limbs, with emacia- tion. Worse in morning, and after dinner. ARNICA. If caused by over-exertion, lifting, straining, [Ars. Rhus. J * Tearing, drawing pains, insufferable, drive him crazy. Constantly changing position of limbs. Everything on which he lies feels too hard, [Bapt.] ARSENICUM. Violent shooting, tearing pain in hip, thigh, groin and left foot. * Severe pain extending from hip down posterior part of thigh to knee. Pain least felt when mov- ing affected part, After great exertion, etc. BELLADONNA. Pain in hip-joint, especially at night, has to change position often. *Worsefroin leastjar, even to step- ping of other persons in room. Cannot bear least draught of air. Better from warmth, and letting limb hang down. * Wants to sleep, but cannot. BRYONIA. Stabbing pain in hips, pain comes from head of femur, extends along anterior surface of thigh to knee. SCIATICA. — COXALGIA. H4S *Lies best on painful side, [Calc. Ign.] Worse from least motion ; often relieved by cold water. CHAMOMILLA. Violent drawing, tearing pains, from left ischium to heel and sole of foot, with cramp-like tension of muscles. Numb feeling in affected parts after motion. *Be- eomes almost furious about the pains. Worse at night in bed, and from motion. COCCULUS. *Pain as if hip was screwed together, [see Colo.] Shooting pain like lightning down whole limb, [Colo.] Pains worse from motion, and attended with cold extremities. After the pain, parts feel numb. COLOCYNTH. Crampy pain in hip as if screwed in a vice, lies upon affected side, with knee drawn up. *Shooting pain, like lightning, down whole limb. Pain sets in suddenly, is constant in character, becoming intolerable in paroxysms. Worse from touch, cold, and motion. Better from perfect rest or warm applications. EUPATO. PUB. *SeveFe shooting pains in course of left nciatic nerve, producing a palsied sensation, especially after /notion. Gnawing in hip-bone; legs feel tired,' particularly left. Neuralgia of right shoulder, pains come instantly, and go us quickly, [Bell.] HEPAB SULPH. Pain in left hip as if sprained, worse from motion, touch, and exposure to air. *Better from being wrapped up and keeping quiet. IGN ATIA. *Throbbing pain in hip as if joint would burst, iccompanied by chilliness. In chronic cases, and where the disease is intermitting, occurring every day or every other day. Better in summer, worse in winter. IBIS VEBS. *Sudden shooting along the sciatic nerve, causing lameness, worse from least motion. Shooting, burn- ing pain in right shoulder. * Gastric sick- headache, with vomiting sweetish water or bilious matter. LACHESIS. *Sciatica of left side, pain as from a hot iron, worse after sleep. Pain constantly changing locality, now in head, now in teeth, now in sciatic nerve, [see Puis.] Ner- vousness and palpitation of heart. LEDUM. Pinching, drawing pain in hip-joint, descending along posterior surface of thigh. The pain frequently runs from below upwards, [Nux.] Affected limb cooler than rest of body. LYCOPODIUM. *Coxalgia, with violent jerks of the limbs. Stiffness, weakness and formication in affected limb. Con- stant sense of fermentation in abdomen. *High-colored urine, with red, sandy, sediment. Constipation, almost im- possible to void the stools. MENYANTHES. Stitching, contractive pain in region of hip-joint. * When sitting, thighs and legs are spasmodically jerked upwards. Pain relieved by motion and pressure. After abuse of quinine. NUX VOMICA. * Darting pains from below upwards, [see 11* "250 THERAPEUTIC KEY. Ledum.] Stiffness and contraction of the limb. Can lie best on painless side, [see Bry.] Pain relieved by hot water. PHYTOLACCA. *Neuralgic pain on outer side of thigh, shooting, drawing and aching. Worse from motion and pressure, and at night. Rheumatic diathesis. PLUMBUM. Drawing, pressive pains in sciatic nerve, in posterior part of thigh, down to knee. Oreat exhaustion after walking. Tubercular diathesis, hacking cough. RHUS TOX. If caused by exposure to wet or straining in lifting, [see Am.] Sciatica of right side, dull, aching pain, worse at night, in cold or damp weather. Numbness and formication of parts, [Lye] Pains relieved by rubbing, heat, and when warmed by exercise. TELLURIUM. *Pain in sacrum, passing into right thigh down sciatic nerve. Worse when lying on painful side, [better, Bry. Ign.] Chilly, with the pains, [Ars. Bell.] VALERIANA. *Pain in hip and thigh, intolerable whilst standing, with a feeling as if the thigh would break off. AUXILIARY MEASURES. Electricity often gives good results. Place positive pole over point where nerve emerges from sciatic foramen, and the negative where most pain is felt along the nerve. Bags of hot salt often relieve. Cover- ing the part with flannel, and running a hot iron over, very beneficial. In some cases cold applications give most relief. The operation of nerve-stretching has proved successful. SMALL-POX.— VARIOLA. PREVENTIVE TREATMENT. VACCINATION. A person should be vaccinated at least twice — in infancy and at puberty, and on other occasions when exposed to the contagion. Only the purest vaccine or bovine virus should be used. We prefer a scab from off the arm of a healthy child who has been vaccinated with bovine virus. Operation. Take a small piece of the crust and moisten with water till of the consistence of cream. Now with the point of a lancet make several slight horizontal and transverse cuts in the skin, and rub the virus in, or, if points used, moisten and rub on in same manner. COURSE OP VACCINE DISEASE is as follows:— On 3d day. — A small, red, elevated spot appears. On 6th day. — A pearl-colored vesicle, centre depressed. On 8th day. — Vesicle distended with lymph, surrounded with red areola. On 10th day. — Areola begins to fade. On 14th day. — A dark-brown scab will have formed. On 21st day. — The scab usually drops off. ■ 1 SMALL-POX. — VARIOLA. 251 On the evening of the 8th day it is best to give a dose of Sulphur or * Thuya, to abort any tendency to eruptive disease. MEDICAL TREATMENT. ACONITE. At the commencement, during the febrile sfnge, especially if there be congestion to the head or lungs. Headache, bleeding at the nose, and injected eyes. Fullness in the chest, with increased action of the heart. Pain in the back, and aching in the limbs. AMM. CARB. Hemorrhagic diathesis, [Ham. Phos.] Bleeding from nose, gums and bowels. Putrid sore throat, and tendency to gangrenous ulcerations. APIS MEL. Erysipelatous redness and swelling, with stinging, burning pains. *Stinging and burning pains in throat, [Aeon.] *Sensation in abdomen as if something tight would break. TARTAR EM. This remedy has been found to greatly ameliorate the disease. It reduces the fever, and the pustules run their course, leaving scarcely a mark behind. Especially suited where there is much irritation of the respiratory organs. ARSENICUM. The eruption is dark, and skin turns blue or livid. Great sinking of strength ; small, freo x uent pulse and restlessness, [Camph.] *Extreme thirst, drinking little and often. * Great anguish and fear of death. Hemorrhagic variola, [*Ham.] BELLADONNA. Congestion to head, with throbbing or stitching pain in forehead. High fever and sore throat. *Starting, jumping during sleep. Restless tossing about, cannot get to sleep. *Pain in back as if it would break. Ophthalmia. CAMPHOR. Sudden desiccation of pustules and disappear- ance of swelling. ^Extreme prostration and sinking of vital forces, [*Ars.] *Great coldness of skin, but cannot bear to be covered. CIMICIFUGA. *General bruised, sore feeling. Exhaus- tion, with nausea. Reduces the danger of pitting. HAMAMELIS. *H9emorrhagic variola. Blood, dark, venous and oozing from nose, gums, etc., [see Amm. c] HsemaU'- mesis, bloody stools, uterine hemorrhage. Typhoid condition. HYDRASTIS. Great redness, swelling and itching of skin, with very sore throat. ^Intense aching in small of back, legs feel very weak and ache. It is said to prevent pitting to a great extent, [Cimi.] MERCURITJS. During suppurative stage. *Moist, swollen tongue. Ulcerated throat, with profuse flow of saliva. Diar- rhoea with green or bloody mucous stools, with tenesmus. *Perspiration without relief. OPIUM. If brain becomes oppressed, and there is great drowsiness, with stertorous breathing, *Complete loss of con- sciousness. Dilated pupils. 252 THERAPEUTIC KEY. KHTJS TOX. The disease has assumed a typhoid character. Tongue dry and cracked, with red tip ; corners of the mouth sore and ulcerated. Sordes on the lips and teeth, mind wandering. Great debility and restlessness. *Worse after midnight. SARRACENA. It is claimed by some that this remedy exerts a salutary effect over all forms of the disease. But as we have no proving of it, there is no reliable data for its application. SULPHUR. In early stage, and about the perid of desic- cation; also as an intercurrent remedy when others seem to fail. Metastasis to brain, VACCININ and VARIOLIC have been highly extolled as remedies in this disease. It is said, by those who have used them extensively, that all stages of the malady are short- ened, and the disease rendered mild and harmless. *They promote suppuration and exsiccation, and prevent all scars. AUXILIARY MEASURES. Complete isolation in upper airy room. The freest possible ventilation. Temperature of room at 60° F. Cleanliness of great importance. Burn all soiled rags, and disinfect all discharges and soiled linen. Sponge body frequently with warm water, and dry in a sheet without rubbing. Keep room dark, and protect pustules from injury. Cover the face with cloths saturated with milk, or a thick mucilage made of starch to prevent pitting. For ulcers in the mouth and throat, use gargle of kali Mo., [8 grs. to ounce of water.] DIETETICS. During inflammatory stage, milk, ripe fruits and mucilaginous drinks should constitute the chief articles of food. Later, a more nutritious diet must be allowed, animal broths, beef-tea, eggs, oysters, rice-puddings, toast, etc. FUMIGATION. The room should be thoroughly fumi- gated after patient has left it, and the clothing destroyed or buried for a time in the earth. SOEE NIPPLES. TREATMENT. During the last few weeks of pregnancy the nipples should be manipulated with the thumb and linger wet with cold water, to accustom it to the friction of nursing. A weak solution of Alum or Borax is very good to harden the skin and prevent tenderness. Where the skin has become excoriated and the nipples sore, as if bruised, bathing the parts with a solution of Arnica [20 drops to the ounce] will be found very useful. If ulcers form and incline to suppurate and bleed, use a lotion of Calendula, [30 drops to the ounce.] Anointing the parts with Tr. Benzoin and Glycerine, equal parts, valuable in the cure of fissures. SORE THROAT. — ANGINA FAUCIUM. 253 Where any of the above remedies have been applied, the nipples should be well washed off with warm water before allowing the child to nurse, and a rubber shield should be used to protect the parts until entirely healed. Where the morbid condition depends upon a scrofulous taint, or some latent eruption, like tetter, erysipelas, etc., one of the following remedies should be exhibited. CALCARIA CARB. Unhealthy skin, very little injury inclines to suppurate, [Graph. Sulph.] Sore, chapped nipples, with deep cracks. *Cold, damp feet. GRAPHITES. The chapped nipples burn and ache, and nre tender to touch. *Eruptions on skin oozing a sticky fluid. Skin dry, inclines to crack. HEPAR STJLPH. Deep cracks in the parts, which incline to suppurate. * Burning, stinging in the ulcers, which bleed easily. Unhealthy skin. STJLPHTJR. Sore, chapped nipples, with deep fissures around the base, which bleed and burn. *Dry, scaly skin. Scrofulous habit. SORE THROAT.-ANGINA FAUCIUM. THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications. ACONITE. Febrile excitement, with anxiety and restlessness. *Dark redness of soft palate and uvula, with pricking, burning in throat. Feeling of dryness, as if something had stuck in throat, and hoarseness. .ffiSCTJLUS HIP. Tonsils dark, congested and swollen. *Dryness, burning and constriction in fauces. Pricking pain in fauces. Hawks up ropy mucus of a sweetish taste, [see Kali b.] * Hemorrhoids, with dull backache. AILANTHUS. *Throat livid, swollen, tonsils studded with deep, angry-looking ulcers, with scanty, fetid discharge. *Neck tender and very much swollen. AMM. CARB. Putrid sore throat, with burning pain, [Apis. Arum. Bapt.] Gangrenous ulcerations of tonsils. APIS MEL. * Tonsils bright red, stinging when swallow- ing, [Aeon.] Deep ulcers on tonsils or palate. *Great dryness of throat, [Bell. Phos.] Erysipelatous and (edematous appearance of throat. Hoarseness and difficulty in swallowing. ARGENT. NIT. *Uvula and fauces dark red, [Bell. Bapt. Cap. — bright red, Aeon. Apis.] *Thick, tenacious mucus in throat, obliging him to hawk, [Cimi. Phos. ac. Kali, c] Sen- sation as if a splinter had lodged in throat when swallowing, [Hepar. Nit. ac] *Head feels too large. ARUM TRI. *Throat and tongue very sore, burning pains, putrid ulcers in fauces. Buccal cavity raw, sore, bleeding. Refuses all food and drink on account of soreness. *Lips as if scalded. * Acrid discharge from nose, excoriat- ing nostrils and upper lip. 254 THERAPEUTIC KEY. BAPTISIA *Fauces dark red, studded with dark putrid ulcers, [see Ailanth.] Liability to quinsy from every slight cold, [Baryta.] Tongue cracked, sore, ulcerated. * Throat feels as if constricted, [as if expanded, Hyper.] Tickling in throat provoking cough ; uvula elongated, [Cap.] BARYTA CARB. * Chronic induration of tonsils, [Lye] Sensation as of a plug in throat, [Bell. Lach. Merc. Nux.] Smarting in throat when swallowing. Scrofulous subjects, BELLADONNA. * Inflammatory redness of soft palate, uvula and tonsils. Great dryness of throat, [Apis. Bry„ Phos.] Burning, shooting pains in throat when swallowing. *When drinking, fluids return through nose, [Lach. Merc] Constant inclination to swallow or hawk up something. * Spasmodic con- striction of fauces. CACTUS GRAND. * Constriction of throat, exciting a con- stant desire to swallow, [Bell.] Must take large draughtg of water to force the fluid into stomach. CALC. CARB. Inflammatory swelling of palate and uvula or tonsils, with constrictive sensation in throat when swal- lowing. Pain in throat, extending to ears. Scrofulous diathesis. CANTHARIS. Burning in mouth, extending down pharynx, oesophagus and stomach, [Gel.] *Throat feels as if on fire, is inflamed and covered with plastic lymph. CAPSICUM. * Inflammation, with dark redness and burn- ing in throat, [Aeon. Bell.] Soreness, smarting, burning and biting in throat. * Uvula elongated, feels as if pressing on something hard. Chilliness in the back. CHAMOMILLA. Soft palate and tonsils dark red, [see Arg. n.] Sore throat, with swelling of parotid or submaxillary glands. * Catarrhal hoarseness of trachea, with dryness of eyelids. *Redness of cheeks, or one red and the other pale, [Aeon.] CIMICIPUGA. *Dry spot in throat, causing cough. Dryness of pharynx, with constant desire to swallow. Sensation of fullness in throat, [Gel. Glon. Sili.] Uvula and palate swollen. Hawks up a viscid, coppery -tasting fluid, [soft fetid tubercles, color of peas, *Mag. c. — hard, greenish lumps, Merc. iod. rub.] GELSEMIUM. Fauces dry, burning, irritated, sore. Tonsils inflamed, swollen, mostly in or beginning on right side, [Bell. Lye. — left side, Lach.] * Throat feels as if filled up, [see Cimi.] Burning in oesophagus from mouth to stomach, [see Canth.] Hawking up bloody water, [bloody mucus, Mag. m.] HEPAR SULPH. Scraping in throat, impeding speech. ^Sensation in throat as if caused by a splinter or a fish-bone, [Arg. n. Nit. ac] Stitches in throat, extending to ear when swallowing, or when turning the head, [see Nux.] Hawking up mucus, [see Gel.] Unhealthy skin. IGNATIA. *Stitches in throat when not swallowing, [when swallowing, Bry. Lach.] Choking sensation from stomach SORE THROAT. — ANGINA FAUCIUM. 255 np into throat. *Sensation of a lump in throat, [Bell. Hep, Lach. Merc. Nux.] Better when swallowing food. IODIUM. Swelling and elongation of uvula, [Bapt. Cap. Merc.] Inflammation of throat with burning pain. Sensa- tion of fullness in larynx, impeding deglutition, [see Cimi.] Ulcers in throat, with swelling of glands of neck. KALI BICHRO. Fauces and palate erythematous, bright, or dark-red, or coppery. ^(Edematous uvula. *Ulcers in fauces, discharging cheesy lumps of offensive smell, [hawks up soft, fetid tubercles, color of peas, *Mag. c] LACHESIS. Uvula elongated, fauces purplish, swollen or ulcerated. *Pain and soreness begin on left side, [right side, Bell. Lach.] When swallowing, pain shoots into ear, [Apis.] *Can bear nothing to touch the neck, [see Phyto.] LYCOPODIUM. Chronic enlargement of tonsils, [Bary. c] *Swelling and suppuration of tonsils, going from right to left, [see Lach..] Hawking bloody mucus, or hard, greenish- yellow phlegm, [Mag. m. — hawking yellow, tough mucus from posterior nares, Hydras.] MANCINELLA. Angina following scarlatina. Great elon- gation of uvula, [Bapt. Cap. Lach.] Yellowish-white ulcers on tonsils, with violent burning pain. Choking sensation rises in throat when speaking. MERCURIUS. Uvula swollen, elongated. ^Rawness, rough- ness, and burning in throat. Swelling and inflammatory red- ness of the affected parts. *Difficult deglutition, especially of liquids, which frequently return through nose, [Bell. Lach.] *Tonsils dark-red, studded with ulcers. Painful dryness of throat, with mouth full of saliva. *Profuse sweating without relief. Worse at night and in evening. MERCURIUS COR. Uvula swollen, elongated, dark-red. Throat intensely inflamed, preventing swallowing and caus- ing suffocation. Tonsils swollen and covered with ulcers. *Pricking in throat as from needles. *Retching and vom- iting on attempting to swallow. NUX VOMICA. *Throat raw, sore, rough, as if scraped. Pain as if pharynx was constricted, or as if a plug was stick- ing in throat, during empty deglutition. Stitches into the ear when swallowing, [see Lach.] Irritable mood, sedentary habits. PHOSPHORUS. Rawness and scraping in pharynx, worse towards evening, [in morning, Nux.] *Hoarseness with loss of voice. Dryness of throat day and night, it fairly glistens. Sensation as of cotton in throat. PHYTOLACCA. Sore throat, worse on right side. Fauces dark, bluish-red, [purplish, Lach.] *Feels as if a red-hot ball was lodged in fauces. Cannot bear touch of clothing about neck, [Lach.] Uvula large, transparent Cannot drink hot fluids. PULSATILLA.' *Throat sore, and feels raw. Veins promt- nent, throat inflamed, bluish-red, [see Phyto.] Cutting, burning when swallowing. Mild, tearful disposition. 256 THERAPEUTIC KEY. RHUS TOX. After straining the throat, it feels sore and stiff. *Erysipelatous inflammation of throat, [Bell. Merc] Sticking or stinging pain, worse when beginning to swallow. Throat feels swollen. Rheumatic subjects. SILICEA. Sore throat, with tough slime in the fauces. Tonsils swollen, each effort to swallow distorts face. *Throat feels as if filled up, [see Gel.] Pricking in throat as from a pin, causing cough. Frequent cough, bringing up white, frothy, saltish mucus. CLINICAL REMARKS. In some cases of sore throat, especially where there is laryngeal complications, the use of the voice should be interdicted. When local suffering is severe, demulcent drinks as hot gum arabic or ulmus fulva- water will palliate. Drinking hot water or frequently garg- ling throat with the same will be found beneficial. Persons subject to sore throat should wear good heavy shoes to protect the feet, flannel next the skin, and be careful to avoid draughts. [Comp. Chronic Catarrh, page 62.] SPOTTED FEVER. ( Meningitis Cerebro-spinalis. ) THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications. ACONITE. Chill, fever, restlessness, and great thirst. Crawling or numbness in spine. Despairing mood and fear of death. *Painful stiff neck. ARNICA. *Soreness in all the limbs as if bruised. Ecchymosed spots on skin, [Crotal.] Stupid, apathetic condition. Great weakness of cervical muscles. BELLADONNA. ^Violent throbbing headache, [Chin, s.] Great soreness and stiffness of neck, [Bry.] Dilated pupils, with double vision, [Gel. Hyos.] Delirium, with frightful figures before the eyes. BRYONIA. Splitting headache, worse from motion, [Bell.] Stiffness of neck, [Aeon.] Pain in joints and limbs, [Crotal.] Soreness of stomach. CHIN. STJPLH. Involuntary closing of eyelids from prostration, [see Gel.] Violent throbbing headache, [Bell.] Redness of face, and vertigo. Great prostration. *Pain in dorsal vertebra on pressure. CIMICIFUGA. Intense pain in head, as though a bolt were driven from neck to vertex with every throb of the heart. *Sensation as if top of head would fly off, and as if the cerebellum was too large for skull. Stiffness of the back, [Bell. Bry.] Tonic and clonic spasms, [Hyos.] Intense pain in eyeballs. Tongue swollen. CROTALXTS. Horrid headache, with feeling of tightness in brain, [Opi.] Red face and delirium, with open eyes, [Opi.] SPRAINS. 257 Red spots on all parts of body. Pain in all the limbs, [Bry.] Heart-beat feeble. GELSEMIUM. Dull pain in back part of head. Feels as if intoxicated. *Paralysis of eyelids. Double vision and dilated pupils, [Bell. Hyos.] Complete loss of muscular power. Pulse very- feele, [very slow, Opi.] Labored breathing. Nausea and vomiting. LYCOPODITJM. Stupor and delirium, [Opi.] Stupefying headache extending down the neck. * Fan-like motion of nostrils. Sinking of lower jaw, [Opi.] Jerkings of limbs and body. OPIUM. * Stupor, and deep, slow breathing. Congestion to head, occiput feels heavy as lead, *Very quick or very slow pulse. Drawing the body backwards and rolling it from side to side. Spasms, with tossing of limbs. Worse while sweating, [better, Gel.] AUXILIARY MEASURES. Free perspiration is advised in the early stage. Put two teaspoonfuls of Alcohol in a gill of water, and give teaspoonful doses every half hour until desired effect is produced. Others advise hot baths, and wrapping in warm blankets to induce perspiration; while others again use hypodermic injections of Pi locarpin [J- of a grain] or Fl. Extr. Jaborandi [10 to 30 drops] every half hour until free sweating occurs. DIETETICS. Plain, simple food should be given during the stage of excitement, as in other febrile diseases. During the stage of depression, beef essence, broths, milk, eggs, oysters, etc., should be served liberally. SPRAINS. THERAPEUTICS. If case is seen early, and before inflammation has set in, apply compresses wet in cold Arni- cated water. These must be changed frequently and the limb kept elevated and at perfect rest. Should the parts become inflamed and swollen, substitute hot Arnicated fomentations for the cold compresses, and give Arnica internally. Other remedies as Rhus. Ruta and Hyper, are valuable in some cases, and may be used externally and internally when properly indicated. LEADING INDICATIONS. ARNICA. Chief remedy in injuries of this kind. *Much swelling, with bluish redness and intense soreness. Pains almost insufferable. RHUS TOX. Especially for sprains from over-liftng, par- ticularly where tendons are involved. *Pain as if the flesh was torn from the bones. Worse after midnight and in damp weather, HYPERICUM. Sprains or lacerations where nerves are 258 THERAPEUTIC KEY. severely involved. The parts feel as if dislocated ; pains excruciating. Threatened lockjaw. RUTA GRAV. Sprains and other mechanical injuries where periosteum is especially involved. Bruised feeling all over, [Arn. Hyp.] Worse in wet, cold weather, ACONITE. High fever; restlessness, and nervous excita- bility. Tains insupportable, especially at night. stomatitis. THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications. ARSENICUM. * Aphthae in mouth, they become livid or bluish. Painful blisters in mouth and on tongue burning like fire. Edge of tongue red, takes imprint of teeth, [*Merc] Swollen, bleeding gums. t [Bapt.] BAPTISIA. Putrid ulceration of buccal cavity with sali- vation, [Merc. Phyt.] Gums loose, flabby, dark-red, purple, fetid. *Fauces dark-red, studded with dark, putrid ulcers. Stomatitis materna, f Bapt. Carb. v. Hydras.] CANTHARIS. * Mucous membrane, red, and covered with small blisters. Burning pain in mouth, throat, and stomach. Copious, disgusting, sweet saliva. * Urging to urinate, with painful emissions by drops. CAPSICUM. Small, flat, burning ulcers in mouth and fauces. *Fetid breath, smelling like carrion. *Throat inflamed, dark-red, burning, biting. Viscid, offensive saliva. CARBO VEG. Mouth hot, tongue almost immovable, saliva bloody. *Gums loose, receding, ulcerated, and bleeding. Greatly troubled with flatulence. DULCAMARA. Stomatitis after abuse of mercury, [Carb. v. Iod. Iris. Nit. ac] Gums spongy, saliva tenacious, and cer- vical glands swollen. Rheumatic diathesis. HELLABORUS. Mouth, gums, and tongue full of flat, yellow ulcers, with elevated gray edges. Carrion-like odor from mouth, [Cap.] Tongue trembling, numb. HYDRASTIS. Stomatitis after mercury , or chlorate of potash, [see Dulc] * Ulcers in mouth of nursing women, or weakly children. Peppery taste; tongue as if burned, or raw, with dark-red appearance and raised papillae. *Rawness of fauces, and ulcers in throat. IODIUM. Gums red and swollen, receding from teeth, bleeding slightly. *Painful ash-colored ulcers in mouth. Profuse fetid ptyalism. Ulcers in throat, with swelling of glands of the neck. IRIS VERS. Burning in mouth and fauces, as if on fire. Ulcers on mucous lining of cheeks. Saliva tastes greasy. * Tongue feels as if scalded, [Hydras.] KALI IOD. * Irregular ulcers, looking as if coated with milk. Bloody saliva, with sweetish taste in mouth. Burn- ing of the tip of the tongue. STYE.— HORDEOLUM. 259 MERCTTRITTS. Mouth inflamed, with burring, aphthous ulcers. *Copious, fetid, ropy salivation. *Red, spongy, receding, ulcerated gums, with burning pains at night. Teeth loose and gums painful to touch, * Tongue swollen, flabby, taking imprint of teeth, [Ars.] Glands swollen. MERC. CORRO. Mouth feels as if scalded, [tongue y Iris. Hydras.] Corroding, eating ulcers in mouth, throat, and ou gums, with fetid breath. Ptyaiism, with salty taste; saliva bloody, yellowish, tough, acrid. Painful burning in mouth, extending to stomach. NITRIC ACID. Mucous membrane swollen, ulcerated, with burning pains, especially after abuse of mercury. *Gums white, swollen, bleeding. Teeth loose, [*Merc] Cadaverous smell from mouth, [Merc] Corners of mouth ulcerated. Parotid glands swollen. NUX VOMICA. Roof of mouth, throat and gums inflamed, swollen. *Small aphthous ulcers in mouth, with putrid smell. Gums white, putrid, bleeding. High livers and persons of sedentary habits. PHYTOLACCA. Inflammation and ulceration of buccal cavity. *Small ulcers on inside of cheek, very painful. Tonsils enlarged, bluish, ulcerated. Yellow saliva, of a metallic taste. Teeth feel sore. SILICEA. Stomatitis, mouth gangrenous, with perforat- ing ulcer on palate. *Gums inflamed, and very sore. Con- stipation, stool recedes after being partially expelled. Throat feels as if filled up. AUXILIARY MEASURES. As local applications in the severer cases, some advise a weak solution Sulphite of Soda, [a drachm to ounce water,] rinse mouth three or four times a day. Carbolic Acid one drachm, Glycerine two ounces, water six ounces. Mix and wash the mouth out several times a day. A solution of Kali Chlo. [8 grains to the ounce] is also recommended. DIETETICS. Strict attention should be given to diet. Well boiled rice, oatmeal gruel, farina, fresh milk, mutton broth, cracker gruel, barley water, and in some cases beef tea. Acids of all kinds, sweets, and condiments must be avoided. STYE.-HORDEOLTJM. A small inflammatory tumor located on the free edge of eyelids, usually near the inner angle of the eye. It is often very painful, and attended with headache. TREATMNET. Special indications. PULSATILLA This remedy given in the early stage will usually disperse it. *Especially adapted to styes on upper lid, [Phos. ac. Lye. — on lower lids, Rhus.] Lids swollen, itch, bum. 260 THERAPEUTIC KEY. STAPHYSAGRIA. Frequently appearing styes. Margins of lids dry, with hardened styes, or tarsal tumors, sometimes ulcerating. HEPAR STJLPH. Where there is a tendency to a recur- rence of the complaint ; suppuration inevitable. ^Unhealthy skin, every little injury inclines to suppurate. MERCURITJS. Tumor hard, inflamed and painful. The abscess matures very slowly, [Hepar.] *Profuse sweating without relief. LOCAL MEASURES. Some cases require mild flaxseed meal poultices or hot fomentations to relieve the pain. Soon as abscess points open with sharp lancet. SiniSTROKE.-COTJP DE SOLEH. THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications, ACONITE. If the head has been exposed to direct rays of sun, or body to excessive heat. Arteries of head throb violently. Violent thirst, red face, shortness of breath, and great nervous excitability. AMYL NITRITE. Congestive stage of sunstroke. Great anxiety, and longing for fresh air. Head confused and giddy, as if intoxicated. *Head feels full to bursting, with sensation of blood rushing upwards. * Red face, with flashes of heat, particularly up sides of head. Dyspnoea and constric- tion in chest and heart, [Cact.] BELLADONNA. *Severe headache and fullness as if head would split; worse when stooping. Feeling in forehead as if brain would be pressed out. *Vertigo when stooping or rising from a sitting posture. BRYONIA. Splitting headache, aggravated by the least motion, [Bell.] Very peevish in morning, is more passionate and cross than plaintive. *Cannot sit up from nausea and faintness. *Dry, hard stools, as if burnt. Head feels too full, [too large, *Glon.] CAMPHOR. Sunstroke or inflammation of brain arising from exposure to sun. Throbbing, like beats with a hammer, in cerebellum, [see Glon.] Eyes fixed, staring, turned up- wards or outwards. *Skin icy cold, covered with cold sweat. Sinking of vital forces. GLONOINE. Intense congestion to head. * Feeling as if temples and top of head would burst open. *Violent throb- bing headache, with increased action of heart. Fullness and pressure in forepart and top of head, with confusion of senses. ^Sensation of balancing, requiring a constant effort to keep head erect. Undulating sensation, increased by every turn of head. Sick, faint, death-like sinking at epi- gastrium, with nausea. GELSEMIXJM. Severe pain in forehead and vertex, dim TETANUS AND LOCKJAW. 261 sight, roaring in ears. *Head feels enlarged, [Glon.] Great fullness in head, heat in face with chilliness. Pulsations of the carotids ; thick speech. Brain feels as if bruised. AUXILIARY MEASURES. Place patient at once in the shade or in a cool room. Have but few persons about. Loosen the body clothing and envelope the whole head in clothes wrung out of hot water and change them often. Sponging the body off quickly with warm water, then wrapping it in a dry sheet without rubbing will be found of great value. If the feet are cold immerse them in hot water, or apply warm bricks to them. If patient is in a syncopal state, the inhalation of a few drops of Amy I Nitrite, or the holding of spirits of Ammonia under the nostrils will give good results. Soon as patient can swallow, give a little beef-tea, milk, or warm coffee to drink. TETANUS AND LOCKJAW. THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications, ACONITE. Frequent alternation of redness and paleness of face, and distortion of eyes, [Glon.] Tetanus in which the body is bent backwards, [Cicu. Ign. *Nux. Opi. — bent forward, Cup. Hydro, ac. — backwards and forwards, Bell.] Face covered with cold sweat. Rigidity of muscles of jaws and neck. BELLADONNA. Great restlessness, with convulsive twitching of muscles of face, jaw, and limbs. *Sudden jerks and shrieks during sleep. Inability to swallow. Clinched teeth, with painful stiffness of muscles of mastication. lock- jaw, [Cicu. *Hydro. ac. *Opi. Verat. a.] Spasmodic motions of body, generally backwards. *Throws body forwards and backwards. Involuntary discharges of faeces and urine, [Hyos. Verat. a.] CAMPHOR. Tetanic spasms, with loss of consciousness. *Limbs extended and fixed, head bent sideways, lower jaw rigid and wide open. Oppressed, anxious, panting breathing. *Great coldness of external surface. CICUTA VIROSA. Lockjaw and tetanic rigidity from injuries inflicted upon head and spinal column. *Convulsions, with loss of consciousness, frightful distortions of limbs and whole body. Deadly paleness of face. *Body bent backwards, [see Aeon.] Inability to swallow. CUPRUM. *Jawfl closed, with loss of consciousness, and foam at mouth. Twitching, jerkings, or startings during sleep, [Bell.] *Body bent forward, [bent backwards, Cicu. *Nux. Opi.] Stiffness of whole body, [Bell.] HYDROC. AC. *Tctanic spasms, with lockjaw. Bloating of face and neck. Protruded glistening eyes, with dilated 262 THERAPEUTIC KEY. pupils, [Bell. Hyos.] Blackish-red color of face. Trunk bent forward or backward, [Bell.] Irregular pulse. HYOSCYAM. *Dark-red, bloated face, with protruding eyes. Clinching of teeth and foam at mouth. Alternate con- vulsions of upper and lower extremities. Drawing of neck to one side. Rigidity of hands, contortions, and spasmodic curvings of body. ^Involuntary discharges of faeces and urine. NTTX VOMICA. Intermittent fits of spasms, with bending of body backwards, and disturbed respiration. *Extreme stiff- ness of limbs, with great hardness of muscles. Spasmodic attacks from the merest touch. *Full consciousness during the spasms, [loss of, Camp. Cicu. Cup.] OPIUM. *Staring, glistening eyes, pupils dilated and insensible to light, [Hydro, ac] Red, bloated, swollen face, [see Hyos. j *Lockjaw. Tetanic spasms, with rigidity of neck, or whole body, the trunk curved in form of an arch. Urine suppressed, bowels constipated. PHYTOLACCA. Reddish-blue swelling of eyelids, pupils contracted. *Chin drawn closely to sternum by convulsive action of muscles of face and neck. Lips everted and firm. Extremities stiff, hands firmly shut, feet extended, and toes flexed. General muscular rigidity. Respiration difficult. STEAMONltJM. Eyes wide open, rolling, squinting. Lockjaw, mouth spasmodically closed. Bending of neck backwards, [see Cup.] Hands clinched. Violent motion of limbs, with stretching and trembling of hands. VERAT. VIE,. Twitching, contortion of eyes, rolling of balls. Cold, bluish face, covered with Cold sweat. *Muscles of back contracted, drawing head backward. Shocks in limbs, [Nux.] Head jerking or continually nodding. AUXILIARY TREATMENT. Chloral Hydrate is highly commended in the treatment of this distressing malady, especially in the subacute form. It may be administered hypodermically, and also by the mouth and rectum. Hypo- dermic dose 5 grs. dissolved in glycerine. By the mouth, average dose 10 to 30 grs. [in syrup with a little peppermint water] repeated every hour or two. As an enema, 15 to 60 grs. in a little water, rubbed up with the yolk of egg, and mixed with milk. Atropia, administered hypodermically in -i- grain doses, has cured many cases. The hot bath, or hot-water bags to the spine, and prolonged sweating has given good results. Keep temperature of room at about 70° F. and patient very quiet; allow free ventilation but avoid drafts and cold air. DIETETICS. Nourish well with beef-tea, animal soups, milk, soft eggs, oysters, etc. In some cases it may be neces- sary to give nutrient enemata, [see page 17.] TINEA CAPITIS. — SCALD HEAD. 263 TDTEA CAPITIS.— SCALD HEAD. THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications. ARCTIUM LAPPA. Head covered with, a grayish-white crust, and most of hair gone. Moist, bad-smelling eruptions on heads of children, [Brom. Lye] Crusta lactea, with, swelling and suppuration of axillary glands. ARSENICUM. Dry, scald head, [Calc. Merc. Sep. Sili. Sulph. — moist eruptions, Clem. Graph. Hepar. Lye. Rhus. Staph.] Scalp covered with dry scales and scabs, sometimes extending to forehead and face. *Burning, itching erup- tion, better from warmth. BROMIUM. Malignant scald head, with dirty-looking and offensive-smelling discharge, [Psor.] In places where eruption is dry, skin throws off flakes. Scalp tender to touch. ^Swelling and induration of glands. CALC. CARB. *Thick scabs, with yellow pus, spreading to face. Whitish-yellow scales of dandruff, hair dry and falls out on sides of head, [Graph..] * Scrofulous children, with large heads and open fontanelles, [Sulph.] CLEMATIS. Tinea on back part of head and neck. Erup- tions moist and sore, often drying up in scales. Parts itch violently, worse on getting warm in bed, [Merc] Temporary relief from scratching, [Sulph.] DULCAMARA. Ringworm on scalp, glands of throat swollen. *Thick crusts on scalp, causing hair to fall out. Tinea oozing a watery fluid, [a sticky fluid, Graph. — a corrod- ing fluid, Nat. m.] Worse in damp, cold weather. GRAPHITES. Vesicular eruption of entire scalp, forming dirty crusts, matting hair together. *The eruption exudes a sticky glutinous fluid. *Rawness in bend of limbs, groins, neck, behind ears. Unhealthy skin. HEPAR SULPH. Humid eruptions on scalp, feeling sore, of fetid odor, [Lye] Falling out of the hair, with very sore, painful pimples, and large bald spots on scalp. LYCOPODIUM. *Eruption, beginning on back of head; crusts thick, easily bleeding, oozing a fetid moisture, [see Rhus.] Worse after scratching and from warmth. MERCURIUS. *Pustular, fetid eruption on scalp, with yellow crusts. Parts bleed when scratched, [Lye. Sulph.] Hair falls out on temples and sides, [Graph.] Itching worse at night, when warm in bed. MEZEREUM. Head covered with a thick, leathery crust, under which pus collects and mats the hair, [see Viola.] *Elevated, white chalk-like scabs, with ichor beneath, breed- ing vermin. Burning, biting, itching on scalp, scratching changes locality. RHUS TOX. *Eruption suppurating, moist, forming thick crusts, offensive, itching. Hair is eaten off and drops out. Intolerable itching of parts, worse at night. SILICEA. *Eruption on back of head, moist or dry, 264 THERAPEUTIC KEY. offensive, scabby, burning, itching, discharging pus. Erup- tion in patches on scalp, exfoliating thin, dry, bran-lik& scales. Glands of neck swollen. ^Constipation, stools recede after being partially expelled. STAPHISAGRIA. *Humid, itching, fetid eruption on occiput, sides of head, and behind ears. Scratching increases the oozing. Teeth turn black, SULPHUR. * Humid, offensive eruption, with thick pus, yellow crusts, itching, bleeding, and burning. Scalp sore to touch, itching violently in evening, when getting warm in bed. After other well-chosen remedies have failed to pro- duce desired effect. VIOLA TRICO. *Thick incrustations, pouring out a large quantity of thick yellow fluid, which agglutinates the hair. Tinea capitis, with frequent involuntary urination. *Urine smelling like cat's urine. AUXILIARY MEASURES. The hair should be kept closely trimmed, the head frequently washed with warm water, and the whole person kept scrupulously clean. A little Olive oil or Vaseline may be applied to the parts to soften the dry scabs and facilitate their removal. In some cases it may be necessary to apply flaxseed meal poultices to remove the crusts, after which dress with a little Vaseline, TONSILLITIS.— auINSY. THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications, ACONITE. Tonsils swollen, inflamed, and of a dark red color, with fever, [Bell.] Pain and great difficulty in swal- lowing or in speaking. Burning, pricking or contracting sensation in the throat. *Great restlessness and nervous excitability. AMM. MUR. Swelling and inflammation of both tonsils. The patient can neither swallow, talk, nor open his mouth. After taking cold, [Merc] *Tendency to gangrenous ulcera- tion. Hawking up tough phlegm. APIS MEL. Red and highly inflamed tonsils, with dryness in mouth and throat. *Burning, stinging pain in throat when swallowing, [Aeon.] Can bear nothing to touch his neck, [Lach.] Throat swollen outside. Aggravation from heat, better from cold. BARYTA C. Raw, scraping or shooting pain when swal- lowing. Sensation of a plug in throat. *The tonsils incline to suppurate, [Hepar.] *Chronic induration of ton- sils, [Lye] Scrofulous diathesis, [Hep. Sil. Sul.] BELLADONNA. Tonsils swollen, inflamed, and of a dark red color ; ulcers soon forming, [Merc] Burning and shoot- ing pains in throat when swallowing. *The throat feels as if a plug were in it. *Drinking produces spasms in throat, fluids return through nose, [Lach. Merc] Constant inciina- TONSILLITIS. — QUINSY. 265 tion to swallow or hawk up something. Especially right side, [lefty Lach.] HEPAR STJLPH. Where there is a frequent recurrence of the disease. Sticking pain as from a fish-bone in throat when swallowing. Sensation of a lump in throat, [Bell. Merc. Nux.] inclination to suppurate. Persons of a scrofulous habit. After abuse of mercury. LACHESIS. Tonsillitis, especially on left side. When swallowing, pain extends to ear. Fluids escape through nose when being swallowed, [Apis.] Sensation of a plug in throat, [see Hepar.] *Cannot bear anything to touch the neck, not even bedclothes. * Worse in afternoon, and after sleep. MERCURIC. Tonsils swollen, inflamed, and dark red, or become ulcerated. Offensive odor from mouth. Aphthse, or thick yellow coating on tongue. Violent pricking pains when swallowing, extending to ears or glands of throat. Gums and back part of tongue swollen. *Profuse discharge of saliva. *Much perspiration, which does not relieve. Wor.se at night. MERC. IOD. RTTB. Slimy or metallic taste. Tongue furred, wrinkled, feels scalded. *Left tonsil swollen, fauces red, and submaxillary glands painfully enlarged. Hawks and spits a tough white phlegm. *Difficult degluti- tion, with ulcers in the throat. Will often prevent suppura- tion. NUX VOMICA. If derangement of stomach be predis- posing cause. Sensation as if a lump were in throat when swallowing. The throat feels raw, or as if scraped, [Hepar.] * Patient very irritable, and wishes to be alone. Dyspeptics and persons who have been drugged with mixtures. Symp- toms worse in morning. SILICEA. When the appearance of throat indicates the formation of an abscess, attended with stitches and throbbing pain, [*Hepar.] *Throat feels filled up. Mostly on left side. Scrofulous persons. SULPHUR. Where there is a frequent recurrence of the disease. * After suppuration parts remain sore, and heal slowly, [*Hepar.] Scrofulous persons troubled with boils ; every little scratch of skin suppurates. *Lean persons who walk stooping. *Frequent weak, faint spells. Chronic en- largement of tonsils require: *Baryta o. Cal. c. *Calc. iod. *Cal. phos. Hepar. Ign. Lye. *Merc. Iod. Sulph. AUXILIARY MEASURES. Inhaling the vapor of hot water in which the indicated remedy has been dissolved will greatly relieve the suffering. Holding hot milk or hot gruel in the mouth will also be found valuable. When suppura- tion becomes inevitable (indicated by throbbing pain, swell- ing and tenderness externally), warm flaxseed meal poultices will relieve the pain and hasten suppuration. Gargling the throat, with hot milk or hot water after the abscess has burst, will be beneficial. In follicular tonsillitis, or where the dis- 12 2G6 THERAPEUTIC KEY. charge is offensive, gargling throat with a solution of Per- manganate of potash (4 grs. to the pint) will be found very useful. DIETETICS. Hot milk, beef tea, mutton broth, and oat- meal porridge, blanc-mange, or any nourishing food that can be swallowed. TOOTHACHE. THERAPEUTICS. Leading indications. ACONITE. The patient is almost frantic with pain, which is indescribable. Stitching or throbbing pain, with con- gestion to head, and great restlessness. *Constant fear and anxiety of mind, with great nervousness. ANTIMONITJM. Pains in carious teeth, followed by jerk- ing and gnawing, extending up to head, especially in evening, iii bed. Pains worse after eating, or from cold water, [Bry. Cham. Nux v. Merc] The gums bleed readily, and recede from the teeth. ARSENICUM. Elongation and painful looseness of teeth. Drawing, jerking pains in teeth and gums, extending to ears, cheeks and temples. Pains intolerable, driving patient to despair, [Aeon. Cham.] Prostration, restlessness, drinking often, and but little. BELLADONNA. Drawing, tearing pains in teeth, face and ears, with swelling of cheek. Ptyalism or dryness of throat and mouth, with great thirst. *Pains which come on suddenly, and leave just as suddenly. Face flushed, and eyes red. Pains worse after lying down at night, or in cold air. BRYONIA. Pains in carious, and still more in sound teeth. Sensation of elongation in teeth, with jerking drawing pains. Worse at night, or from taking anything warm in mouth, [Cham. Nux v. Puis.] Mouth unusually dry, with thirst. *Constipation, stools dry and hard, as if burnt. Exceedingly irritable. Wants to be perfectly still. CALC. CARB. Beating, stitching, boring pains, or sore- ness of teeth. *The pains are aggravated by a draught of air, by drinking anything warm or cold, or by the slightest change, [Nux m. Puis.] CHAMOMILLA. After taking cold when in a perspiration. The pains are drawing, jerking, or beating and stitching. Intolerable pains, especially at night, driving one to despair, [see Aeon.] Hot swelling of cheeks, and red, swollen gums. Worse in open air and at night, [Bell. Merc. Phos. Rhus.] *Very impatient, can scarcely give a civil answer. COFFEA. Insupportable pains, which drive patient almost frantic, [Aeon. Cham.] *The pain is relieved by ice-cold water, [Bry. Cham.] *Head feels contracted or too small. * Excessive wakefulness. TOOTHACHE. 267 DULCAMARA. Toothache from taking cold in damp or wet weather, and if accompanied by diarrhoea. Confusion of head, and profuse salivation. The teeth feel blunt, [Aeon. Chin. *Nux m. *Puls.] *Symptoms always worse by a cold change in the weather. MERCTJRITJS. Tearing pains in several teeth at the same time, [Cham. Rhus.] Drawing and stinging pains, which extena to ear, especially in carious teeth, worse at night. *The pains are excited by cool, damp air, or by eating any- thing hot or cold, [*Bry. Nux. Puis.] *The teeth feel sore, loose and too long. * Perspiration does not relieve. Much saliva in mouth. MEZEREUM. Mostly in carious teeth, [Merc] *Pains boring, stinging, extending to malar bones and temples. Teeth feel dull and elongated, [Bry. Cham. Rhus.] Worse by contact, motion, or in the evening, with chilliness. NTJX MOS. Suitable to children, and women during pregnancy, [Cham. * Sep. Puis.] After taking cold in damp, wet weather, [Rhus.] Better from warm water or warm applications, [Rhus. Staph.] *Great dryness of the mouth, and disposition to faint. NTJX VOMICA. Sore pains or jerking, drawing, with stitches in teeth and jaw. Pains extending to head, ears, and malar bones, with painful swelling of submaxillary glands, [Merc.] Worse at night, or in morning, from mental labor, cold or cold things; better from warm drinks. *IIe feels cross and irritable. * Persons of sedentary habits, and who live on stimulating food. PULSATILLA. Suited to persons of a mild, tearful dispo- sition. *Toothache, with otalgia and hemicrania. Pains tearing, drawing, stitching, or jerking, as it" the nerves were put upon the stretch, and then suddenly let go again. * Bet- ter from cold things, and worse from warm, [Bry. Cham. Coff.] *Chilliness even in a warm room. Scanty or sup- pressed menses, SEPIA. Toothache during pregnancy, [of nursing females, Chin.] The pains are beating, stitching, and extend to ears, and along arm to fingers, where they terminate in a creeping sensation. Swelling of cheeks and submaxillary glands, [Merc. Nux.] *Sallow complexion, with spots on face. Profute leu- torrhcea having a fetid smell. SPIGELIA. *Throbbing pains in decayed teeth; dark redness of the affected side. Flow of water from the eyes and nose, [Merc. Puis.] Pains worse from cold water or going into open air. * Palpitation of heart, chilliness, rest- lessness. STAPHISAGRIA. * Black, crumbling, cariousteeth, [Kreo.] Vale, white, ulcerated, swollen, and painful gums. *Cfiiawing, tearing in decayed teeth; shooting into ear; throbbing in temples. Worse early iu morning, and after drinking any- thing cold, ^old sweat in face, and cold hands. 268 THERAPEUTIC KEY. SULPHUR. Jumping pain in hollow teeth, extending to upper jaw, or to ears. Looseness, elongation, or dullness of teeth, [see Mez.] Aggravation or renewal of pains in open air, at night in bed, or from cold water, ^Burning heat in top of head, and cold extremities. *Scanty, black menstrual discharges. AUXILIARY MEASURES. Where the pain is caused by exposure of the nerve, saturate a pledget of lint in a mixture of equal parts Carbolic ac. and Iodine; introduce this into the tooth, then close the cavity with a little beeswax, and allow it to remain a few hours. A little Chloroform applied in the same way will also have a happy effect. Warm fomentations or hot salt bags applied to the painful jaw will often relieve. TYPHOID FEVER. {Enteric Fever ; Abdominal Typhus.) PROGNOSIS. Coma; convulsions; marked picking of bedclothes; subsultus tendinum; persistent delirium ; pulse frequent and feeble, first sound of heart notably weak; great prostration ; intestinal hemorrhage, are omens of great danger. In case of pregnancy, abortion generally takes place, and death follows. Temperature 105°, grave; 106° or 107°, mostly fatal. On the other hand, a decrease of tem- perature much below normal, is extremely ominous. Prognosis favorable so long as pulse not above 110 or 115, and resistive ; temperature not over 104°; no serious com- plications; abdominal symptoms mild; carphologia, sub- sultus, etc., not marked. THERAPEUTICS. Special indications. ACONITE. Chill and synochal fever, with full, bounding pulse, great heat, dr}% burning skin, and violent thirst. * Great fear and anxiety of mind, with much nervous excita- bility. *Hoadache as if everything would press out of the forehead, with vertigo on rising up. Mostly in the first stage. BAPTISIA. Incipient stage, [see Gel. Merc] Face dark red, with a besotted expression. Dull, stupefying headache, with confusion of ideas. *Head feels as if scattered around, patient tosses about to get pieces together. Tongue coated brown, dry, particularly in centre, [clean, parched, dry, Hyos. Rhus.] Sordes on teeth ; very offensive breath. Offensive and exhausting diarrhoea. *Sweat, urine and stools all extremely fetid. BRYONIA. Face red, burning and swollen. *Lips dry, brownish and cracked. Tongue coated with a thick, white or yellowish fur ; later brown and dry, [dry, red and cracked, Rhus.] Oppressive, stupefying headache, or pain as if head would split, worse from least motion. *Delirium day and TYPHOID FEVER. 269 night, with strange fancies, and desire to escape and go home, [Bell.] Constant desire to sleep, with sudden starling and strange dreams, or sleeplessness, with restless tossing about. *Dryness of mouth without thirst, or with thirst, drinking large quantities at a time. *Cannot sit up from nausea and faintness. Great soreness in stomach. *Con- stipation, stools dry and hard. BELLADONNA. Face flushed and bloated, with red, sparkling eyes and dilated pupils. Throbbing headache, with violent pulsation of carotids, intolerance of noise or light, [Aeon.] Deiirium, with a wild look ; he wishes to strike, bite, or quarrel. Starting, jumping during sleep, with desire to escape. *Sleepiness, but cannot sleep, [*Lach. Opi.] Tongue dry, red and cracked, or red on edges and white in centre. Tenderness of abdomen, the least jar of bed painful. RHUS TOX. Prostrate and stupid. Face red and swollen, with blue circles around eyes. Lips dry, brownish, or black. *Tongue dry, red and smooth, or red at tip in shape of triangle. Muttering delirium, or talking to himself. Stoppnrre of the ears and dullness of hearing. Dry, troublesome cough, with oppression of chest. *Severe pains in limbs, worse during rest. Diarrhoea, with profuse, watery, sanguineous, or jelly- like evacuations. *Involuntary stools, with great exhaustion, [see Hyos.] *Worse at night, particularly after midnight. ARSENICUM. Face pale, shrunken, hippocratic. Cold sweat- on forehead, [Verat. a.] Constant licking of lips, which are dark, dry and cracked. Sordes on teeth, [Bapt. Hyos. Stram.] Tongue dry, shriveled, bluish or black, with in- ability to protrude it. 'Intense thirst, drinking little and often, [Apis. Chin.] Coma or low muttering delirium, and trembling of limbs. 'Extreme prostration. *Great an- guish, extreme restlessness and fear of death. Ileo-typhus, [Carb. v. Phos. ac. Rhus.] APIS MEL. The patient remains in a stupid, unconscious state, Vith muttering delirium. Inability to talk or put out tongue, which is cracked, ulcerated, or covered with vesicles, [Nux. Puis.] Dryness of mouth and throat, with difficulty of swallowing. *Great soreness in pit of stomach and abdo- men. Constipation, or frequent, foul, bloody mucus and involuntary stools. White miliary eruptions on chest and abdomen. 'Great weakness and sliding down in bed. [*Mur. ac. Zinc] ARNICA. Ptupid, apathetic condition, with greatest in- difference, [Phos. ac] Tongue dry, with a brown streak in middle, [red streak, Verat. v. — red edges, white centre, Bell. Gel.] Confusion of thought, when speaking forgets the word, [falls asleep in midst of a sentence, *Bapt.] *Sore, bruised feeling all through patient, which compels him to constantly change position. *lf conscious, he complains of bed being too hard, [Bapt.] Involuntary discharges of fieees and urine. 270 THERAPEUTIC KEY. LYC0P0DITJM. Earthy, yellow complexion. Tongue drr, black, cracked, or covered with tough mucus. Sopor, deli- rium, slow breathing, with open mouth, [Opi.] Prostration, and depression of lower jaw. *Circumscribed redness of cheeks. He uses wrong words when expressing an idea. Fan-like motion of alas nasi. *Bowels much distended, with rumbling, particularly in left hypochondria. *Constant sensation of fullness in stomach, extending up to throat. *Great fear of being left alone. *Red, sand-like sediment in urine. Indisposed to lie on left side. He awakes from sleep very cross and irritable. Worse from 4 to £ P. M. MEB.CURITJS. In early stage. The patient does not com- plain of anything in particular, yet feels so weak and ill all over is obliged to go to bed. Tongue dirty-yellow, or clean, with bitter, foul taste. Gums swollen and ulcerated, with offensive breath. Headache, especially in forehead and on the vertex. *Region of stomach and liver very sensitive and painful, [Bell. Bry.] Dry, hot skin, or copious perspira- tion. *Green-yellow stools, with tenesmus. Dark urine. *Symptoms all worse at night and in rainy weather. PHOS. ACID. ^Complete indifference. Does not wish to talk, and answers very slowly, [wants to talk, Stram.] Tongue dry and cracked, teeth covered with sordes, [see Ars.] Fixed look, with hollow, glassy eyes. Continual deli- rium or dull mutterings. Subsultus tendinum. *Great rumbling in bowels, and painless watery dkirrhcea, [Hyos. *Mur. ac. Opi. Stram.] Cold perspiration on face, hands, and pit of stomach. Pulse frequent, feeble, and intermittent. CALC. GARB. Persons of a scrofulous habit. Palpitation of heart, with tremulous pulse, anxiety and restlessness. [Ars] Despairing mood, with fear of death, tormenting all around him. *As often as he falls asleep, the same dis- agreeable feelings rouse him. Constant tickling under sternum, causing a dry, hacking cough, [Rhus.] Persistent diarrhoea, [Ars. Sulph.] After great anxiety and worfiment of mind. CARBO. VEG. Mostly in last stages of abdominal and putrid typhus. Face pale, sunken, hippocratic, cold, [Ars. Colch.] Eyes sunken, dull, without lustre, and insensible to light. Tongue dry, dark and tremulous, or sometimes moist and sticky. *Complete torpor of the vital functions. Colliquative diarrhoea, brownish, grayish or bloody, of a cadaverous smell and involuntary, [Ars.] *Great prostra- tion, wants more air and to be fanned all the time. Extremi- ties cold and covered with cold perspiration. OPIUM. Face swollen and of a purplish color. ^Extreme drowsiness and coma, with stertorous breathing. Delirious talking, with eyes wide open, [with eyes closed, Hyos.] Pulse full and labored, or slow and feeble. Impending par- alysis of brain. Involuntary stools and retention of urine, [Bell. Hyos.] TYPHOID FEVER. 271 PHOSPHORUS. Typhoid pneumonia. *Soporous condi- tion, dry, black lips and tongue, open mouth. Great depression of mental faculties, mild delirium and grasping at flocks. Thirst for very cold drinks. *Vomiting what has been drunk soon as it becomes warm in stomach. Painless diarrhoea, discharges watery, greenish, or black, decomposed blood, [Chin] *Great sense of weakness and emptiness in abdomen. COCCTJLTJS. Loss of nervous strength, feeling weak and badly all over, but no place in particular, [see Merc] Slow to comprehend; he cannot find right word to express him- self, [forgets the word, Am.] He talks in a muttering tone, requiring much effort to speak plainly. * Vertigo, especially when rising up in bed, with nausea, compelling him to lie down again. *Head and face hot, while extremities are cold. COLCHICUM. Face sunken and hippocratic. Lips, teeth and tongue covered with a thick brown coating. Intellect beclouded, though he gives correct answers to questions. Region of stomach extremely sensitive to pressure. Diar- rhoea ; stools whitish, watery, offensive, involuntary, [Calc. c] *Cold surface, tongue and breath; mottled skin and bluish nails. GELSEMITJM. In early stage. * Typhoid fever, when so- called nervous symptoms predominate. Great fullness in head, with heat of face and chilliness. Head feels too big, [Cimi. *Nurt] Tongue yellowish white or thick brown. *Nervous chills, with chattering of teeth, and fever without thirst, [see Puis.] HAMAMELIS. *Typhoid fever, with bloody crisis. *Profuse hemorrhage from bowels, blood black, partly coagulated and offensive, with a bruised, sore feeling in abdo- men and hips, [see Nit. ac] Epistaxis, flow passive. HYOSCYAMUS. Brown-red, swollen face. Tongue, red, brown, dry and cracked. Lips look like scorched leather. Furious delirium, which continues while awake, *Loss of speech and consciousness, [Bell. Stram.] *Muttering, with pick- ing at bedclothes, [Mur. ac. Opi.] Great restlessness, jumping out of bed, and endeavoring to escape, [Bell. Bry.] Eyes red and sparkling, staring, rolling about in their orbits. *Twitchingand jerking of limbs; subsultus tendinum. * Paralysis of sphincter ani and vesica. LACHESIS. Dry, red or black tongue, cracked at tip, and bleeding ; it trembles when being protruded. Lips dry, cracked and bleeding. Stupor, and muttering delirium. De- pression of lower jaw, [Lye. Mur. ac. Opi. Stram.] *Cannot bear anything to touch the throat, it is so sensitive. *^ymp- toms all worse after sleeping, [Apis. Opi.] Thinks he is dead, and that preparations are being made for the funeral. STRAMONIUM. Loss of consciousness, with involuntary motions of limbs. Earnest and ceaseless talking, [not dis- posed to talk, Bell. Nit. ac. Phos. ac] Constant and re- 272 THERAPEUTIC KEY. ■pelted Jerking of head up from pillow. ^Loquacious delirium, with a desire to escape from bed. Tongue yellowish-brown, and dry on centre, [see Bapt.] Lips sore and cracked, and sordes on teeth. *No desire for water, although mouth is very dry. * Blackish diarrhoea, smelling like carrion, [Ars. Carb. v. Chin.] Loss of sight, hearing, and speech. Copious involuntary discharge of urine. PULSATILLA. In early stage, and where there is much gastric disturbance. Febrile heat, mingled with chilliness. *Thickly-coated tongue, with bad taste in morning, [bitter taste, Bry. Merc. Nnx.] Taste as of putrid meat in mouthy with inclination to vomit. Symptoms very changeable, feeling well one hour, and very miserable next. *Oaves fresh, cool air, is worse in a warm room. Mild, tearful persons. Symptoms all worse towards evening. MURIATIC ACID. Advanced typhus; patient, stupid, un- conscious, and extremely prostrate. ""Constant sliding down in bed, [Apis. Zinc] *Low, muttering delirium, groaning in sleep, and picking at bedclothes. Inability to protrude tongue, which is very dry. Depression of lower jaw, boring head into pillow, turning up whites of eyes, slavering. In- voluntary stools and urine, [Ars. Hyos. Rhus.] Bleeding from anus. NITRIC AC. Mostly in advanced stages of disease. In- clination to looseness of bowels, with green, slimy, acrid stools, accompanied by severe pain. * Hemorrhage from bow- els, and great sensitiveness of abdomen. [Rapou gave Nit. ac. and also Phos. ac. as injections to arrest intestinal hemor- rhage; four drops in two or three ounces of water.] *Ex- tremcly offensive urine. Irregular pulse, failing strength. TARTAR EM. Typhoid pneumonia, with great rattling in chest, and dyspnoea. *Loose cough, without expectoration, [Ipe.j *There is apparent danger of suffocation. Acute oedema of the lungs. ZINCUM. Entire loss of consciousness; does not recog- nize his relations. Delirium, with staring eyes and efforts to get out of bed, [Mur. ac] Position on back, and sliding down in bed. Subsultus tendinum, grasping at flocks, and feeling around as if in search of something. ""Constant trembling of the hands, and coldness of the extremities. Small, intermittent pulse. *Impending paralysis of brain. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. Quarantine patient in an upper airy room. Provide for free ventilation. Look after sewer-pipes. Disinfect all discharges and soiled clothing immediately, [see article M Sick-Room."] Use hair mat- tress ; have two if possible, that patient may be frequently changed, Guard against bed-sores. Observe the strictest regard to cleanliness, and exclude all persons from room not absolutely needed. AUXILIARY MEASURES. If fever runs high, put patient ULCERS. 273 in a bath or sponge him off in warm water, [90° to 100°, the higher the fever the hotter should be the water.] After the bath, wrap in a clean dry sheet, place him in bed and allow him to dry without being rubbed; repeat two or three times a day. If the head is hot and painful, or patient delirious, envelop the whole head in cloths wrung out of hot water, and change them often. Where there is great pain and tenderness of the abdomen, hot fomentations or thin poultices should be applied to the parts and frequently changed. In obstinate constipation, enemas of tvarm water will afford the best means of relief, and where diarrhoea occurs, 1 ive- ments of starch water [about two ounces] administered after every stool will have a salutary effect. DIETETICS. Diet of the greatest importance. It should consist mainly of fresh siceet milk, given in moderation and at regular intervals. Good fresh buttermilk is also excellent, and may be taken ad libitum. Thin gruel made of farina, corn-starch, or oatmeal may be allowed for a change. Beef- tea, mutton- or chicken-broth should be given later for the pros- tration, and to build up the vitality of patient. No solid food should be taken so long as any tenderness of abdomen or looseness of bowels are present. Water may be drank at pleasure, and the mouth washed frequently to prevent the accumulation of sordcs. Sweet cider, fresh from the press, is an excellent beverage in fevers, and may be taken in moderate quantities. ULCERS. THERAPEUTICS. Special indications. ARSENICUM. Irritable ulcer in exhausted, impoverished constitutions, [see Lach.] * Ulcers with high edges, pains burning or tearing, discharge greenish, thin, acrid or bloody. The surface round sore bluish, inflamed and cedematous. ASAFCETIDA. Nervous individuals. * Ulcers with high hard edges, sensitive to touch, easily bleeding, [Ars.] Pus profuse, greenish, thin, offensive, even ichorous, [Ars.] CARBO VEG. Sensation of tension around the sore. *Ulcers varicose, scorbutic, livid, easily bleeding, fetid. Ulcers on leg, burn, especially at night, [Ars.] Bottom of sore 1ms a bluish tinge. HEPAR SULPH. *The ulcer discharges bloody pus, smelling like old cheese. The edges are very sensitive, and have a pulsating sensation; discharge corroding. * Unhealthy skin, every little injury inclines to suppurate. LACHESIS. Gangrenous ulcers on legs and toes. Pha- gedenic and sloughing ulcers. Large ulcers tending to spread rapidly. Specially adapted to old persons. MERCXJRIUS. Ulcers superficial, flat, readily bleeding, tendency to spread. Worse from heat of bed or from hot or 1*2* 274 THERAPEUTIC KEY. cold applications. Sensation as if the parts were corroded by insects. * Dripping night-sweats. NITRIC ACID. Ulcers with irregular edges and luxuriant granulations. Stinging or pricking pains, intolerable. Foul- smelling foot-sweats, [Sili.] After the use of mercury, or in secondary syphilis. SULPHUR. Ulcers with raised swollen edges, surrounded by pimples. Stinging, lacerating pains. *Proud flesh in the ulcers, readily bleeding. \ AUXILIARY MEASURES. Remove the cause of irrita- tion. Observe perfect cleanliness. Keep limb in horizontal position. Healthy ulcers should be dressed with compresses wet in solution of Calendula, [ 3ji. to ^vi. warm water] keep sore ii and rapid pros- tration, [Aeon. *Camph. * Verat.] * Burning in anus and rectum during and after stool. Worse after eating or drinking, [*Cro. t. Ferr. Podo. * Verat.] RESPIRATORY O'S. Cough, as if caused by smoke of sulphur, with a sense of suffocation, [Chin. Ign. — As if from dust in throat, Bell. — As if caused from a feather in throat, Am. c. Cal. c. Dros. I^n. — From tickling under sternum, Rhus r. Rumex. — From tickling in chest, Phos. *Rhus r. Stan. * Verat.] *Dry, hacking cough, with soreness of chest. Difficult, scanty expectoration, sometimes streaked with blood. *Anxio. s and oppressive shortne-s of breath, particularly when ascending an eminence, and at night when lying down. *Cannot lie down for fear of suffocation, [Aeon. Eup. per. Samb. Tart] Constriction of chest, with anguish, [Cact. g. Nux. Phos. *Sulph. — Sensation of expansion, Olean. — Of ex- tension, Cap.] Sensation of coldness of chest, [Carb. a. Lach. Ruta. Sulph.— Burning in the, Am. c. Calc. c. Merc. Spong. Sulph.] * Palpitation of heart, especially at night, and when lying on back. " EXTREMITIES.— A ran swollen, with black blisters, having a fetid smell. Burning ulcers on the tips of fingers, [burn- ing, itching and redness, as if frozen, *Agar, m. Carb. an.] 310 BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. Legs feel so heavy, can hardly raise them, [Bell. Calc, c. Nit. ac. Rhus.] * Ulcers on legs, with burning, lancinating pains, [*Lach. *Lyc. Merc] Varices, burn like fire. SLEEP. * Sleeplessness, with constant tossing about, [*Acon. Bell. Cham.] Starting of the limbs when falling asleep, [Lye. Opi. Puis. Sep.], grasping at flock, [Zinc.] FEVER. Pulse small, frequent, intermittent. *General coldness, with parchment-like dryness of skin, or with profuse, cold, clammy perspiration. * Chilliness, particularly after drinking, [Cap. Chin. *Nux. Verat.] Chilliness relieved by external heat, [*Ign, Kali c.] Chills intermingled with heat, or internal coldness and external heat, [Arn. Calc. c. Thuj. — External coldness and internal heat, Cham. Ign. Nit. ac. Sulph. — Chills and heat alternating, Lach. Nux v. Phos. Verat.] Burning heat, as from hot water coursing through vrins, [Bry. Rhus.] Intermittent fever, chili every 3 p.m., [Apis. Chin. Nux v. Puis. *Saba.] *Blue nails and lips during chill. *Thirst only during hot stage, drinks often, but little at a time, [Apis. Chin.] During fever, great restlessness, pain in bones, small of back and forehead. Perspiration at beginning of sleep, cold, clammy, smelling sour. * Great weakness following paroxysm. SKIN. Dry, parchment-like skin. Black blisters, burning and painful. *Red pustules, changing to ichorous, crusty, burning and spreading ulcers. * Putrid ulcers, with fetid ichor and proud flesh, [Carb. v. *Creo. *Sil. Sulph.] * Ulcers feel as if burnt, [*Sec] * Ulcers discharging a thin, bloody pus, [Asaf. Bell. Con. Hep. — Corroding, acrid, Caust. *Merc. Rhus. *Sil.] * Carbuncles, which burn like fire, [Caust. Merc. Rhus. Sil.] Herpes, red and burning. CH ARACT. PECULIARITIES. * Rapid prostration of strength, [Aeon. *Camph. * Verat.] * Extreme restlessness, and fear of death, [Aeon. Bry. Rhus t.] Extreme thirst, drinking little and often, [Apis. Chin.] * Burning pains, [Carb. a. Carb. v. Phos. *Sec. — Stinging pains, *Apis. Merc. Sulph.] Wants to be in a warm room, [Hep. Kali b. Rhus. — In a cold room, Croc. *Puls. *Sec. Verat.] Aggravation, at night, particularly after midnight, [Bell. Rhus.] From cold in general ; eating cold food. Amelioration, from heat in general ; lying with head high ; warm applications relieve. BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. MIND. Confusion of ideas, [Bell. *Gel. Rhus.] Excite- ment of brain, especially at night. Stupor and delirium, especially at night, with frightful dreams. Want of power to think. HEAD. Dull, stupefying headache, [Con. Dulc. Gel. Hydras. —Beating, pulsating headache, *Belf. Kalm. Nat. m. *Puls.] Head feels too heavy, [Calc. c. Phos. ac. Rhus. Sulph.— Too BELLADONNA. 311 light, *Stram. Hipp.] *Head feels as if Mattered about; she tries to get the pieces together, [see Stram.] FACE. Burning heat of face, cheeks burn. *Face dark- red, with a besotted expression; flushed. MOUTH and THROAT. Tongue feels as if it had been scraped, [as if scalded, Colo. Merc. Verat. v.] Tongue coated brown and dry, particularly in the centre, [Ars.] *Putrid ulceration of buccal mucous membrane, with salivation, [Merc. Nit. ac. Nux v.] Diphtheria, the disease assumes a putrid character, the ulcers dark and breath fetid, [see Kali b.] Oesophagus as {(constricted. STOOL. Very fetid, exhausting diarrhoea, excoriating. Stools dark, thin, fecal. * Dysentery ; stools of pure blood or bloody mucus. Before stool, severe colic; during and after stool, tenesmus, [see Merc] CHEST. Congestion oi lungs, with oppressed breathing; rising up in bed does not relieve; must go to window for fresh air, [Sulph. — Wants to be fanned all the time, *Carb. v.] Can't get a full breath ; want of power in respiratory organs. Constriction and oppression of chest. Pain in right lung. Heart seems to Jid the chest. EXTREMITIES. Stiffness of the joints, as if sprained, [*Arn. Rhod. Ruta. — As if dislocated, Bry. Merc. *Ruta.] The hand* fed too large, [Diad. Nitr. — Too heavy, Bry. Nitr. Puis.] Severe drawing-pains in the calves. Limbs tremble and are very weak. FEVER. Typhoid fever, wild delirious stupor. * While answering a question falls into a deep sleep, [after a correct answer relapses into delirium and unconsciousness, *Hyos. — See Am.] *Head feels as if scattered about, tries to get the pieces together. *Face dark-red, with a besotted ex- pression. * Soreness of flesh ; the bed on which he lies feels too hard, [*Arn. Rhus.] Scarlet fever, of a typhoid character, ulcerated sore throat, fetid breath, dry, sore tongue and vom- iting. CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Pains of a pressing, drawing character, [Bell. Mez. *Nux. Rhus.] *A11 discharges from mucous surfaces have a fetid odor, [Carb. v.] Bight side most affected, [Bell. Iris. *Lyc. — Left side, *Lach.] Pains Worse from motion, relieved by rest, [Aeon. *Bry. Merc. — Better from motion, worse during rest, Con. Lye. *Rhus. Sep. Sulph.] BELLADONNA. MIND. Delirium, with wild manner ; he tears his clothes, and tries to injure himself, [wants to cut up everything, Verat.] * lie tries to strike, bite and injure those around him, [fury, with impulse to strike and kill, *Hyos. *Stram.] * Delirium, with frightful figures and images before eyes, [Opi. * Stram.] * Loquacious delirium, with desire to escape, [Bry. Hyos. *Stram.— Tries to hide, *Ars. Cup. Puis.] Al- 312 BELLADONNA. ternate laughing and crying, [Aur. Hyos. Ign. Stram.] *He sings and tries to compose songs. Great irritability of all the senses, [Nux. Stram.] Picking at bedclothes. HEAD. * Vertigo, with vanishing of sight and stupefac- tion. Vertigo when stooping or rising from a stooping posture, [Bry. *Puls.] * Throbbing headache, with congestion of blood to head; throbbing of carotids, and great intolerance of light and noise, [Aeon. *Glon. Opi. — See Kali c] Pressing head- ache, as if a heavy weight were pressing upon forehead, [*Bis. Puis. Sulph. — On vertex, *Acon. Cann. Phos. *Sep.] Periodical, nervous headache; worse about 3 p.m , from heat and when lying down. * Boring pain in right side of head, (neu- ralgia) increased by motion. Sick headache; head feels a* if it would burst; worse from motion, a bright light, noise, or in a draught of air. Hysteric headache, [gastric sick headache, Ipec. *Iris. Nux. *Puls.] *Sense of great fulness in head, [*Acon. Bry. *Glon. Rhus. — Of emptiness, Cocc. Ign. Oxal. ac. Sep. — Of a lump in brain, Con. — As if everything were alive, Pet. Sil.] External heat and soreness of head, [burn- ing on the vertex, Graph. Nat. m. *Sulph. — Coldness, Calc. c. Sep. *Verat.] Sensation of swashing in head, [Hepar. *Hyos. Nux v.] *Boring head into pillow, [Apis. *Hell. — Rolling head, Podo. — Frequent jerking head up, * Stram.] Shaking the head, [Hyos.] EYES. *Eyes red, glistening, sparking ; wild and unsteady, [Hyos. Stram.] Congestion to the eyes, with bright redness of vessels; "one gore of blood," [Kali c. Thuya.] *Great intolerance of light, [Aeon. Euph. Graph. Sulph. — Desires light, *Stram.] ^Objects appear inverted, [appear double, Hyos. Stram. Thuya.] Pupils dilated, [Aeon. Hyos. *Opi. * Stram. — Contracted, Ars. Cicu. *Laur. Phos.] EARS. Inflammation of external and internal ear. Stitches in ear, with hardness of hearing, [Cham. Merc. Nat. m.] * Humming and roaring in ears, [see Chin.] Tingling in the ears. NOSE. * Bleeding of 'nose, with red face. [*Acon. — Bleeding of nose, when menses should appear, *Bry. Ham. *Puls.— See Phos.] Ulcerated nostrils. FACE. * Glowing redness of face, or else great paleness, [Aeon. Bry. — Dark-red, swollen face, Bry. *Hyos. Opi.] * Erysipelas, with smooth, shining skin; the redness runs in streaks from a centre, [vesicular erysipelas, Rhus.] Swelling of upper lip. Inflammatory swelling of submaxilliary glands. MOUTH. Dryness of mouth, without thirst, [*Apis. Lye. *Nuxm. — Particularly after sleeping, *Nux m.] * Tongue red, hot and dry, with red edges and white in middle ; papilla bright-red, prominent, [yellow, with red streak down middle, Verat. v. — Dry, black, cracked, Ars. Merc. Verat. — Clean, smooth, parched, dry, Kali b. Hyos. *Rhus.] * Tremor of tongue, stammering speech, [Ars. Lach.] Profuse ptyalism, [see Merc.] *Grindingof teeth, with moaning, [see Stram.] Soreness of inner cheeks. BELLADONNA. 313 THROAT. Violent burning in throat, [Aeon. Ars. Canth. Lach. Merc. Nit. ac. — Coldness, Carb. v. Laur. *Verat.] * Inflammation of tonsils, with dark redness of the parts, [a similar inflammation, with burning stinging pain, Aeon. *Apis, Cap.] Suppuration of tonsils ; the parts are covered with a tenacious skinny substance, [see Kali b.] * Difficult deglutition; liquids swallowed return by nose, [Lach. Merc] Constriction of throat; it feels too narrow, [Ars. *Hyos. *Nux. Stram.] STOMACH and ABDOMEN. Putrid taste in mouth, [*Arn. Merc. Nux. *Puls.] Bread tastes and smells sour, [everything tastes bitter, *Bry. Colo. Puis.] Vomiting un- digested food, or mucus and l> He, [see Ipec] Cramp-like pain in stomach, [Chin. *Cocc. *Nux.] * Constriction of abdomen around umbilicus^ as if a ball would form. * Clutching in abdomen, as if a spot were seized with talons, [as if grasped with a hand, *Ipec] * Colic, with padshaped protrusion of transverse colon. Great tenderness and heat in abdomen ; cannot bear least jar. STOOL. Thin, green mucous stools, with griping colic, [*Colo. Laur. *Mag. c. Nux v. — Thick, green mucus, *Ars. Ipec. Merc] Dysentery, with bloody, mucous stools; griping colic, and tenesmus during and after stool, [Bapt. Cap. *Merc *Nux. Sulph.] *Griping pains in hypogastric region, better from holding breath and bearing down. ■ * Par- alysis of sphincter ani, [Aeon. Colo. *Hyos. Laur. *Phos. — Anus remains open, Apis. *Phos.] URINE. * Frequent desire to urinate. The urine be- comes turbid like yeast, with reddish sediment, [Con. Sep. — Dark urine, with white sediment, Calc c Sep.] * In- ability to retain urine. *Sensation of a worm in bladder, [of a ball, *Lach.] SEXUAL O'S. Orchitis, with £reat hardness of drawn- up testicles, [Aur. Clem. Merc. *Nux.] Ovaritis of right side, with great tenderness, [*Apis. — Left side, Graph. *Lach.] * Menses too early and too profuse, [Am. c *Calc c. Cimi. Nux m. *Piat. — Too late arid too scanty, Con. *Dulc *Phos. Sulph. — See Puis.] * Great pressing towards genitals, as if everything would protrude, [Nat. m. *Nit. ac. Plat. *Sep.] Heat and dryness of vagina, [Lye] Kiuidity of os uteri, [*Acon. Caul. Cimi. Gel.] RESPIRATORY O'S. Laryngitis and tracheitis, parts very painful to touch, [*Acon. Hepar. Lach. *Spong\] * Barking cough, pain in larynx, headache, fever, [Bros. *Nit. ac Rumex. *Spong. *Verbas.] *Dcy, spasmodic cough; worse at night and from motion, Dros. *Hyos. *Ign.] J)istressing dry cough, excited by a tickling in larynx, [Aeon. Ipec. Phyto. Phos. — Excited by creeping sensation from chest to throat, Nux m. — By a tickling under upper half oi sternum, *Cham. Plat. Rhus. *Rumex.] Pertussis, cough preceded by crying, [*Arn.] Breathing labored, unequal, quick, with moaning. 314 BRYONIA ALBA. *Stitches in chest when coughing, or taking a deep breath, [*Acon. *Bry. Phos.] Palpitation of heart, reverberating in neck and head. BACK. Painful stiffness between the scapulae and in the nape of the neck, [Kali c. Phos. Sep.] * Back aches as if it would break, [as if broken, Mag. c. Graph. Phos.] Glandular swelling on the neck. EXTREMITIES. Feeling of weight in both arms, [*Mur. ac. Nat. m. Puis. *Stram.] * Lameness, with tearing pain in arms, [Bry. Rhus.] Coxalgia, with stinging pain or burning in hip-joint; worse at night and from least motion, [Bry. Calc. c. Puis. — Pulsating pain, with formation of pus, *Hep. Mur. ac. *Sil. Staph.] * Phlegmasia alba dolens. SLEEP. *Sleepy, but cannot sleep, [Apis. *Laeh. Opi. — Drowsiness in daytime, sleepless at night, Lye. Merc. *Sulph.] Drowsiness, with almost constant moaning. ^Starting as in fright on falling asleep, [Ars. Bry. *Nux v. — efrom drinking; thirst be/ore and after chill, [thirst only during chill, Cap.] During the chilly stage, headache, nausea, ab-ence of thirst. During hot stage, dryness of mouth and lips, with burning; red face and headache. After heat, thirst and pi oft ise sweat * Acute fevers, with profuse sweat. Typhoid fever, after loss of much blood. Exhausting night-sweats, [Phos. Phos. ac. *Sil.] CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. * Patient worse every other day, [Amb.] * Neuralgia of a periodical character, aggra- vated by slightest contact, [Colo.] *Bad effects from loss of animal fluids, [Calc. c. Phos. ac] Least draught of air causes 330 CTMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. suffering. Pains darting, tearing ; worse at night, after a meal, or from contact, [vide Bell.] CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. MIND, Desire for solitude, [Chin. Mag. m. *Nux.] De- clares she will go crazy. Fear of death, thinks she will die, [see Aeon.] Mental depression, with suicidal tendency. *Very irritable, least thing makes her angry, [see Cham.] HEAD. * Vertigo, head feels large, and heavy, [Gel.] Dull frontal headache relieved by pressure. Severe pain in head and eyeballs, increased by slightest motion, [see Bry.] *Top of head feels as if it would fly off. *Head feels too large and throbs, [Gel. *Gloin.] EYES. Dark spots before eyes, dilated pupils. * Intense pains in eyeballs, worse moving head or eyes EARS. Sensitive to least noise, [Aeon. Bell. Bry.] Sing- ing in left, later in both ears, [see Chin.] FACE. Wild, fearful expression. Forehead feels cold. ^Neuralgia affecting malar bone, pain goes off at night, re- appears next day. Wants to be in open air. MOUTH and THROAT. Breath offensive. Tongue light- brown, more in middle. Mouth and tongue feel hot and dry. Feeling of fulness in pharynx, [see Gel.] Dry spot in throat, causing cough. * Hawks up a viscid, coppery-tasting mucus, [see Arg. nit.] STOMACH. Vomiting a green substance; groans, raves, presses both hands to head for relief. Acute, darting pains in stomach, [cramping pains, Bell. Nux.] Sinking or " gone- ness'' in epigastrium, [Hydras.] SEXUAL O'S. * Great tenderness over uterine region, [Apis. Bell. Lach.] Menses too early, profuse, dark, coagulated. Sharp pains across abdomen, has to double up. Labor-like pains, [Cham. Nux m.] *Bheumatic dysmenorrhea, caus- ing patient to cry out and wep. Membranous dysmenorrhoea. Leucorrhoea, with sensation of weight in uterus. False labor- like pains during pregnancy. After-pains, worse in groins, with over sensitiveness, nausea and vomiting. Lochia sup- pressed by cold or emotions. CHEST. Pain in right side of chest, must lie quietly on back and press with hand. Pains from region of heart, all over chest and down left arm. Palpitation of heart, face livid, cold sweat on hands, left arm numb and as if bound to the side. BACK. Stiff neck, with pain on moving even the hands. * Sensitiveness of spine, especially in cervical and upper dor- sal regions. Head and neck retracted, (in spotted fever.) Severe pain in back, down thighs, and through hips. CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Adapted to persons at "change of life," [Lach. *Puls.] Nervousness from anxiety or over-exertfon. * Whole body, especially arms, feel numb. CINA. 331 General bruised feeling, as if sore, [Am. Bapt.] Pains come on suddenly, [see Bell.] Closely allied to Caulo., in uterine and rheumatic affections. CINA. MIND. Pitiful weeping. *Child extremely cross, must be carr.ed and nursed all the time, [*Cham.] Rejects every- thing offered it, [see Cham.] *The child will not be touched, [Tart, e.— see Cham.] EYES. * Dilatation of pupils, [contraction of, Cicu.] Squinting, [Bell.] When looking steadily at an object, sees it as through a gauze, relieved by wiping eyes, [Phos. Puis.] NOSE. *Constantly picking and rubbing the nose [Phos. ac. Selen.] Bleeding of nose, [Aeon. *Bell.] FACE. * Bloated, pale face, with blueness around mouth. Pale, cold face, with cold perspiration. MOUTH. ^Grinding of teeth, especially during sleep, [Ars. Cicu. Podo. — With foam at the mouth, Bell.] Dryness of mouth. *Tongue slightly coated white, with papillce raised, and red on the edges. STOMACH. Loathing of food, or canine hunger. Hunger soon after a full meal, [Merc. Staph.] Child refuses the mother's milk. Vomiting and diarrhoea after drinking, [after eating, Ars.] Vomiting worms, food, mucus, and bile. Pinch- ing pain in region of navel, from worms, [Spig.] Abdomen bloated and hard in children. Gnawing in stomach, [when it is empty, Puis.] STOOL. Diarrhoea, stools watery, white, [Chin. Phos. ac. Rhus.] Stools mixed with lumbrici. Itching of anus. URINARY O'S. Involuntary emissions of urine (at night). *The urine turns milky after standing a little while, [like curdled milk, Phos.] RESPIRATORY O'S. Short, hacking cough. Dry, sp s- modic cough, preceded by rigidity of body and unconscious- ness. Whooping-cough, violent attacks in morning, without expectoration ; in the evening difficult expectoration of white, sometimes blood-streaked mucus. Worse morning and evening; bette- during night. Cough excited by drink- ing, walking in open air, pressing on larynx, [see Lach.] FEVER. Chill, with a cold, pale face, and hot hand-'. Chill, mostly in evening, not relieved by external heat, [re- lieved by external heat, Ign. — Increased, Ipec] Heat, mostly in face and head. Sweat, generally cold, on forehead, around nose, and on hands. Vomiting and great hunger during paroxysm. Thirst, only during chill or heat. Trembling motion of heart. CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. * Especially adapted to chil- dren troubled with worms, [Spig.] Epileptic attacks, mostly at night, with screams and violent jerks of the hands and feet. * Restless tossing about during sleep. 332 cocculus. COCCTJLTTS. HEAD. * Vertigo on sitting up in bed, or riding in a car- riage, [*when lying down or turning in bed, Coni.] Stupid feeling in head, as from intoxication, [Gel. Nux v.] Sensation of emptiness in head, [Ign. *Oxal. ac. Sep. Puis. — Fulness and heaviness, Bry. Rhus.] *Sick headache from riding in a carriage, on a boat, etc., [Bell.] Headache, worse from lying on back part of head; must lie on side. _ STOMACH and ABDOMEN. Kepugnance to food, at same time hunger, [aversion to meat and boiled food, Calc. c] In- tense thirst while eating. Nausea, with tendency to faint, [great drowsiness and tendency to faint, *Nux m.] *ISausea and vomiting when riding in a carriage, [Ars. Petro. — Better riding in a carriage, Nit. ac] Seasickness. * Cramp in stomach during and after a meal, with oppressed breathing, [see Nux v.] Sensation of emptiness in stomach, [*Ign. Pet. Sep. —Fulness, Chin. *Lyc. *Nux m.] Abdomen distended, and feeling as if full of sharp stones when moving, [intestines feel as if squeezed between stones, *Colo.] SEXUAL O'S. * Menstrual colic; pains spasmodic, irreg- ular. Dysmenorrhcea, always followed by, hemorrhoids. *Leucorrhoea in place of menses; so weak, can scarcely speak, [leucorrhoea worse during menses, lod.] Discharge of bloody mucus from the vagina during pregnancy. CHEST. Cough, as if the throat were irritated by smoke, with oppressed breathing, [as from smoke of sulphur, Ars. Chin.] Tightness and constriction in right side of chest, [in region of heart, Lach.] Burning in chest, extending to throat, [coldness, Ars.] Sensation of emptiness in chest, [Cro. tig". Zinc. — Of fulness, Calc. c. Ferr. Nux m.] Palpitation of heart. BACK and EXTREMITIES. Painful cracking of cervical vertebra, [on bending backwards, Sulph.] Pain in shoulder and arms, as if bruised, [in w 7 rist, as if dislocated, Bry.] The hands are alternately hot and cold, [heat of one and coldness of the other, Dig. Chin. Puis. — Heat of one foot and coldness of the other, Lye] Cracking of knee during motion. FEVER. Chilliness alternating with heat. Chill in after- noon and evening, principally on legs and in back, not relieved by heat, [relieved by heat, *Ign.] Flushes of heat, with hot^ cheeks and cold feet. *Typhoid fever, where there is great slowness of comprehension; he don't find right words to ex- press himself; cannot remember what has passed, and talks muttering, mumbling, [see Arn.] CKARACT. PECULIARITIES. Disposition to tremble, [Ign.] ^Hysterical spasms. [Ign.] Worse after eating, drinking and talking; from riding in a carriage, [better from riding iu a carriage, Nit, ac] COLCHICUM COLOCYNTHIS. 333 COLCHICTJM. MIND. Dissatisfied with everything, [disgusted with every- thing, Puis.] His sufferings seem intolerable, [Cham. Coif.] Forgetfulness, [Arg. n. Calc. Canth.] HEAD. Vertigo when silting down, after walking, [vertigo on rising, Bry. Puis.] Sensation of constriction over eyes. Pulsations in the head, [Puis.] SOMACH. Bitter taste, [everything tastes bitter, Bry. Chin. Pals.] *The smell of fish, eggs, fat meats, etc., causes nausea even to faintne-s. Profuse secretion of saliva. Vomiting mucus, bile, or food, with trembling, [vomiting green, jelly- like mucus, or blackish substance, Ars. Ipec] Every motion excites or renews the vomiting, [riding in a carriage or be- coming cold, *Cocc] * Great coldness in the stomach, [Laur. Phos.— Violent burning, *Ars. Canth. Nux. Sec] Stitches in the stomach. STOOL. Extremely painful, scanty stools. Diarrhoea, with transparent, jelly-like, mucous stools, [Aloe. *Hell. Kali b.] * Fall dysentery; white mucous stools with violent tenesmus. * Bloody stools, mingled with a skinny substance, [stools like scrapings of the intestines, Brom. * Canth. *Colo.J During stool, sensation as if anus were being torn. Prolapsus ani, [with every stool, Podo.] URINE. Frequent micturition. * Brown, black urine, with whitish sediment, [Calc. c. Sep. — Urine like milk, with bloody, jelly-like lumps, *Phos. ac] Burning in urinary organs, with scantv secretion. CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Great weakness, with sen- sation of lameness in limbs. Rheumatism in warm weather, [in cold or wet weather, Dulc] Tingling in different parts, as if frost-bitten, [itching, burning, and redness of parts as if frozen, *Agar\ m.] Pains increase towards evening, [Puis. — Diminish, Lye] COLOCYNTHIS. MIND. * Don't wish to talk or answer questions, [don't wish to be spoken to, Gel. Sil.J Inclines to be angry and in- dignant. Delirium, with open eyes and desire to escape, [see Opi.] Very impatient, [Cham.] HEAD. One-sided headache, with nausea and vomiting, [Con. Puis.] Pressing headache in forehead, worse when stooping or lying on back, [pressing headache on vertex, worse stooping or lying down, Lye] FACE. Dark-redness of the face. Nturalgia, with tearing, burning, and stinging pain on left side, extending to ear and head, [drawing pains on right side from cheek-bone to temple, Caust.] Cramp-like pain in left cheek-bone, extending into eve. The pains are worse from motion or contact, [see Chin.] 334 CONIUM MACULATUM. STOMACH and ABDOMEN. Tongue feeU as if scalded, [Ve- rat. v.] Bitter taste of all food and drink, [*Bry. Puis.] Bitter taste after eating, [Nit. ac. — Sour, Nux v.] Vomiting, without nausea, [nausea, without vomiting, Ign.] *Colicand diarrhoea after taking least nourishment. Biuised feeling in bowels. * Feeling in whole abdomen as if the intestines were being squeezed between stones, [abdomen feels as if full of sharp stones, Cocc] Terrible colicky pains, causing him to bend double, with great restlessness and lamentation, [* violent colic, the abodomen drawn in to spine, Plumb.] The colic is relieved by bending double, external pre*sure, and coffee, [pinching in abdomen, relieved by bending double, Chin.— Clutching, griping in bowels, worse from pressure, *Bell.] *Cutting,as from knives, [Con. *Verat.] STOOL. Diarrhoea after vexation, grief; stools green, [diarrhoea from fright, *Gel. Opi. — From drinking impure water, Zing. — Limestone water, Camph.] * Dysentery-like diarrhoea, renewed each time after taking the least food or drink, [*Ars. *Crot. t. Ferr.] * Dysentery ; stools bloody, slimy, like scrapings, with tenesmus; relief after stool, [*Canth.] Bloody diarrhoea, with violent pain in bowel?, ex- tending down the thighs, [see Merc] Paralysis of the sphincter ani, [see Phos.] URINARY O'S. Scant emissions of urine, fetid, thick, vis- cid, jelly-like, [dark urine, with white sediment and putrid smell, Calc. c. — Urine bloody, and containing albumen. *Berb.] Urine of a faint flesh color, with a whitish-brown sed- iment. CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. * Complaints arising from indignation or grief, [irombad news, *Gel. — From fright, Opi.] Stiffness of joints, [stitches in the joints, Bry.] Pulsations through the body, [Puis. *Zinc. — In the head, Colch. Puis.] The extremities are contracted, [the whole body is relaxed and limber , Nat. c] Pains worse during rest. CONIUM MACULATUM. MIND. Depression of spirits [Lye. Plat. Puis. — Gay and cheerful, *Croc. Lach.] Great difficulty of recollecting things. * Indisposed to work, [Nit. ac. Phos. — To speak, Dig. Phos. ac] Inclination to start. HEAD. * Vertigo, particularly when lying down or turn- ing over in bed, [on sitting up in bed or riding in a carriage, Cocc. — On going upstairs, Calc. c] One-sided headache, with sick stomach, [see Kali c] Tearing pain in occiput and nape of neck. Headache, as if the head were too full and would burst, [Bell. Bry. Merc] Sharp, darting pain in fore- head. Falling off of the hair. EYES. Sensation of coldness in the eyes, [burning, itching, Ars. Caust] Yellowness of the whites, [Cham. Chin.] Things look red, [Bell.— Yellow, Canth. -Black, Cap.] Ob- struction of sight. CONIUM MACULATUM. 335 EARS. Stitches in both ears, [Kali c. Nit. ac. — Pulsations in ears, Hepar. Phos. Rhus t. — Vide Merc] .Roaring and humming in ears, [see Chin.] Painful sensitiveness of hear- ing, [Aeon. Bell. Phos. ac. — Hardness of hearing, Ars. *Calc. c. Hep. *Phos.] FACE. Neuralgia at night, tearing pains in right side of face, [on left side, extending to ear and head, Colo.] Cancer of the lips, [with burning pain, *Ars.] Drawing pain in lower teeth, extending to cheek-bone. Constriction of the throat, [of the chest, *Cact.] STOMACH and ABDOMEN. Sour eructations, with burn- ing in stom ich. * Eructations tasting of the ingesta, [Ant. c. Calc. c. *Chin. *Puls.] Desire for coffee, acids, salt food, [see Hepar.] * Vomiting a substance like coffee-grounds, [see *Ipec.J Spasmodic or pinching pain in stomach, [Colo. Nux.] Cutting pain in abdomen as from knives, [*Colo. Verat.] *Stitches extending from abdomen to right side of client. Rumbling in the abdomen. STOOL. Constipation, with frequent urging without stool, [Anas. Lye. *Nux.] * Diarrheal, stools liquid, faecal ; mingled with hard lumps, [Lye. Nux v.] Watery, undigested stools, [Chin. *Ferr. Iris. *Podo.] During stool, he it and burning in the rectum ; af.er stool, weakness and trembling, [see Verat. a.] URINE. Urine thick, white and turbid, [see Phos. ac.] *Mueh difficulty in voiding urine, the How intermits, [passed in drop-;, sometimes mixed with blood, [*Canth. Nux.] Cut- ting pain in urethra when urinating, [burning, cutting after urinating, Cap. Nit. ac.] *01d men and others suffering from sexual excesses. SEXUAL O'S. Menstruation too early and too scanty, [too early and too profuse, *Bell. *Calc. c. — See Puis.] Catamenia, brownish blood. * During menses, stinging pain in uterus and vertigo while lying down. Lcucorrhcea of white, acrid mucus, burning and smarting, [Kreo. Puis.] * Prolapsus uteri, with induration, ulceration and leucorrhoea, [prolapsus from over- Ifting, *Rhus Nux.— From concussion, Arn. — From fright, Gel. Opi.] * Burning, sore, aching pain in region of uterus. Induration and swelling of ovary, [see Apis.] ^Indurations of mammas, very painful just before menstruation, [dwindling awav of .he mammae, *Iodi.] RESPIRATORY O'S. Dry, hacking cough at night ; worse while lying down, [*Hyos. *Puls.] Cough during preg- nancy, [cough excited by a crawling, tickling in the larynx, especially during pregnancy, *Nux m. Sabi. — Threatened miscarriage from cough, or after a fright, Aeon.] Shortness of breath when walking, [when going up-stairs, Ars. *Calc. c.] EXTREMITIES. ^Cracking in wrist -joint, [in elbow-joint, Kalm. — Wrist feels as if dislocated w r hen moving it, *Bry. Ruta.] Cracking of knee-joint when moving, [Cocc, — Crack- ing in left hip-joint, Cocc.j Coldness of the feet. 336 DIGITALIS. FEVER. Pulse irregular ; generally slow and full. Cold- ness in morning and forenoon, [in afternoon and evening, Lye. *Puls.] Chilliness, with desire to be in sunshine. Heat, with great nervousness. Perspiration, particularly when sleeping. SKIN. Swelling and induration of glands, painful in even- ing. Blackish ulcers, with bloody, fetid, ichorous discharge, [see Ars. — Sticky, glutinous discharge, * Graph.] Cancerous ulcers, [mortifying ulcers, Ars.] Humid tetters, [Calc. Dulc. Graph.] CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Especially adapted to the diseases of debility of old people. *Bad effects from sexual excesses, [Phos. ac] * Induration of the mammae; hard as a stone, [Bry. Phyto.] *Great soreness of breasts, preceding the menses. DIGITALIS. MIND. Desponding and fearful. Anxious about the fut- ure, [great fear of death and of being alone. *Ars. Lye] Indisposed to speak, [Phos. ac. Stan. — Wants to talk contin- ually, *Stram.] HEAD. Vertigo with trembling, [*with chilliness, Puis.] Stitches in forehead and temples, [in back part of head, Canth. — In vertex, Ipeo. — See Canth.] When stooping, sensation as if brain fell forward, [to left side, Nat. s.] Sudden crack- ing in head, with starting as in a fright. EYES. Throbbing in the orbits. Inflammation of the mei- bomian glands, [*Puls. Rhus.] Agglutination of lids in the morning, [Caust. Dimness of vision. * Things appear green or yellow, [appear red, Bell. — Black, Cap.] Various colors before the eyes. STOMACH. Sweet taste, with constant ptyalism, [vide Merc] Gulping up a sour or tasteless fluid, [a bitter fluid, Ign. Pet.] Excessive nausea, as if he would die, [Ipec. Lobe.] Not relieved by vomiting. Morning vomting, [Kreo. Nux v. Puis.] Vomiting of the ingesta, [* vomiting large quantities of mucus, Ipec. Tart. — Of bitter, sour fluids, Puis.] Great sense of weakness in stomach Frequent pressure in stomach, [as from a stone, Cham. Nux v.] Burning in stomach extending to oesophagus, [in pit of the stomach, Ars. Nux v.] Cramp in stomach, [Ars. Nux.] STOOL. Watery diarrhoea. * White or ash-colored stools, [Cist. Kali c] —White, chalk-like stools, [*Calc. c. *Podo.] Chilliness before stool, [during stool, Ars. *Merc. *Verat. — Afer stool, Canth.] Diarrhoea during jaundice, [Nux v.] URINE. Continual desire to urinate, only a few drops being emitted each time. Urine dark, brown, hot and burn- ing, with sharp cutting pains at neck of bladder. "^Inflamma- tion of neck of bladder, [Canth.] RESPIRATORY O'S. Cough, with expectoration looking like boiled starch; raw, sore feeling in chest. Dyspnoea DULCAMARA. 337 when walking and in a recumbent position, [better when lying down, Iodi. Psor.] The least movement produces violent pal- pitation of heart, [Iodi. — Violent palpitation, particularly at night and when lying down, *Ars. — Better when lyin^ quiet on back, Iodi. — Worse when lying on left side, Cact. Lye] Sensation as if heart would stop beating if one moved, [*feel- ing as though an iron band was around the heart, preventing its action, Cact. g — As if squeezed together, Arn. Iodi.] Fre- quent stitches in heart [Caust. Ign. *Spig.— Frequent shocks in heart, Coni. *Nux v. -Painful jerking in heart, Fluor, ac. Burning in region of heart, Kali c. —Coldness in, Nat. m. —See Spig.] EXTREMITIES. Heat of one hand and coldness of the other, [Chin. Ipec. Puis.— One hand burning hot and pale, other cold and red, Mosch.- One foot cold, other ho-, Lye] Heaviness or paralytic weakness of left arm, [of right, Caust. — Of both arms, Dulc. Nat. m.] Great weakness of lower ex- tremities. * Dropsy of knee-joint. Swelling of feet during the day, diminished at night. FEVER. Slow and irregular pulse, [full, frequent, *Acon. *Bell.] The slow pulse is accelerated by slightest motion. Internal chilliness, with external heat, [Calc. c — External coldness, with internal heat, and vice versa, Ign. — See. Ars.] *Sudden flushes of heat, followed by great debility. CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. *A11 diseases "where, the heart is more or less involved, and there is irregular or inter- mittent pulse. Great nervous weakness. Dropsy of external and internal parts. Symptoms worse in a warm room, [*Puls. Sec. Verat. — Better in a warm room, *Ars. Hep. Rhus.] DULCAMARA. HEAD. *Yertigo on awaking in morning and when ris- ing from bed, [when rising from a sitting posture, *Puls.] Boring headache in forehead and temples, [on right side, Bell.] worse before midnight and when lying quiet; better when talking. Digging pain in forehead, with a sensation as if the bra'n were too large, [as if the head were too large, Arg. n. Glon. Lactu. Nux.] Stupefying pain in hack part of head, ascending from nape of the neck. Chilliness in hack pirt of head. Heariness of the head, [lightness, Hipp. * Strain. — Hollowness, Coral, r. Ign. Opi.] Ringwomi of the scalp. MOUTH and THROAT. Bitter taste. Dry, rough tongue. Paralysis of the tongue, [Bary. c *Hyos. — Paralysis of the oesophagus, Hyd. ac] Sore throat after takings cold, [Cham. *Merc] Rough scraping in throat. STOMACH and ABDOMEN. Vomiting white, tenacious mucus, [sweetish water or bilious matter, Iris v. — See Ipec] ^Sensation of fulness in stonmch and emptiness in abdomen. 22 338 FERRUM. Colic from co'd. as if diarrhoea would set in. Dropsy cf ab- domen. {Swelling of the inguinal glands, [*Merc] STOOL. Diarrhoea from takiruj cold ; stools mucous, green, watery, and whitish, [from fright, *GoL Opi. — From impure water, Zing. — Calcareous water, *Camph.] Diarrhoea, with colic; stools watery, especially in summer and when the weather suddenly becomes cool, [diarrhoea from cold drinks in hot weather, *Bry.] *Diarrhcea from repelled eruptions, chills, or dentition. URINARY O'S. Urine turbid and white, [*turns milky soon after being passed, Cina.] Sediment at times red, at times white; urine fetid, [see Nit. ac.j Strangury, painful micturition. SEXUAL O'S. Eetarded flow, blood watery, thin, [see Puis.] Suppression of menses from cold, [Merc. *Podo. Sulph. — See Puis.] * Always as a forerunner of the cata- menia, a rash appears on skin, [previous to the menses, violent itching of old tettery eruptions, Carb. v. — Before and during the menses has a fatiguing cough, Graph.] *Lochia suppressed by cold or dampness, [horn fright, Opi.] Suppres- sion of milk from cold, [Puis.] CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. * Especially adapted to ca- tarrhal and rheumatic diseases in damp, cold weather, [dis- eases induced by dry, cold, west winds, Aeon. Hepar.] Symptoms aggravated at every cold change in weather. In- creased secretion of the mucous membranes and glands ; those of skin being suppressed. Symptoms better from mov- ing about, [*Rhus t. — Worse by movement, *Bry.] FERRUM. HEAD. Vertigo when descending a height, or seeing flow- ing water, [from ascending a height, Calc. c. — When rising from a seat, stooping, or looking up, Bry. Puis. — When turning round, Coni.] Congestion to the head, with throbbing headache and flushed face, [Aeon. Bell.] Pain in back part of head when coughing. FACE. Ashy-pale or greenish color of face, [pale, sickly appearance, as after excesses, Chin.] Pale, bloated face, especially around eyes. *Pale face and lips, with great de- bility. * Least emotion or exertion produces a red, flushed face. Yellow spots in face, [across nose, like a saddle, *Sep. Sulph.] STOMACH. Aversion to, and bad effects of, meat, beer, acids, [craves acids, Chin. Verat. — Brandy, cha'k, Nit. ac. Nux v. - Salt food, Calc. c.] Can neither eat nor drink any- thing hot, [worse from anything cold, Ars.] All food tastes bitter, [*Bry. Chin. Puis.] Bitter eructations after fat food, Vomiting food soon as it is eaten, [Ars. Bry.] Everything vomited tastes sour. Pressure in stomach after taking least food or drink, [feels full up to throat, *Lyc. — Abdomen feels as if stujf'ed, *Chin.] GELSEMIUM. 339 STOOL. Watery diarrhoea, burning, corroding anus, [Iris v.] * Painless diarrhoea; stools of undigested food, [Chin. Phos. Phos. ao. *Podo.] Frequent diarrhoeic stools of slimy mucus mingled with ascarides, [*Cina. Spig. *Sulph.] Stools with blood and mucus. SEXUAL O'S. Impotence in men, [after onanism, Phos. — After gonorrhoea, Thuya.] Nocturnal emissions, [very debili- tating, Chin. *Phos. ac] Menses too frequent, too profuse, and lasting too long, [*Bell. Calc. c. Ign.] * Previous to the menses, has stinging headache, ringing in ears, and discharges long pieces of mucus from uterus. Uterine hemorrhage in weakly persons, with labor-like pains, blood partly fluid and partly clotted, [*Sabi.] Leucorrhcea like watery milk, smart- ing, corroding the parts, [Coni.] RESPIRATORY O'S. ^Spasmodic cough, with expectora- tion of tough, transparent mucus, [Chin. Sil.] Cough in morning, relieved by eating, [relieved by drinking, Canst. Spong. — Excited by eating or drinking anything cold, Hepar.] When coughing, stitches and soreness in chest. Cough after eating, with vomiting the ingesta, [Dig. Rhus t.] *Ha?mop- tysis, with pain between scapulae; better from walking slowly about, [worse from least exertion, Ipec] Fulness and tight- ness of the chest, [Calc. c. *Phos. Puis. *Staph. — Emptiness, *Cocc. Graph.] EXTREMITIES. Paralytic pain in left shoulder-joint, pre- venting motion of arm, [right shoulder, Sang.] Sticking and tearing in shoulder-joint. Nightly tearing and stinging from hip-joint to thigh, better from slow motion, [Rhus t.] Pain- ful cramps in the calves, while at rest. (Edematous swelling of the feet. FEVER. Pulse full and hard. Frequent short shudder- ings. Chilliness and want of animal heat, [Lead.] Inter- mittent fever (after abuse of quinine) with congestion of head, dis'ention of the veins, vomiting the ingesta and swelling of the soleen. Profuse and long-continued perspiration. CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Weakly persons, with fiery- red face. *The least pain or emotion produces a flushed face. Leucophlegmatic constitution, [Calc. c] General hemorrhagic tendency. * Always better from walking slowly about, al- though he is very weak, [letter from being perfectly still, *Bry.] GELSEMIUM. MIND. Confusion of mind ; cannot collect his thoughts, [Bapt.] Great irritability, does not wish to be spoken to, [don't wish to speak, Dig. — Talks continually, Cicu. *Stram.] Liveliness, followed by depression of spirits, [Lach.] HEAD. Staggering, as if intoxicated. * Vertigo, as if in- toxicated, [Cann. s. Croc. *Nux.] Fulness in head, with heat in face and chilliness, [sensation of emptiness or hollow- 340 GELSEMIUM. ness in the head, Coral. Ign. Oxal. ac] Pain as from a tape around the head, [Merc. Sulph. — Headache relieved by com- pression, [Cinna. *Puls.] Dull pain in occiput after break- fast, worse when moving and stooping. Headache, with gid- diness, faintness, pain in neck. Sensation as if the brain were bruised, [Chin. Hell.] EYES. * Great heaviness of eyelids, cannot keep them open, [Rhus. Sep. -Eyes open and staving, Laur. Stram.] Dimness of vision [during pregnancy.] Eyes feel bruised, [feel too large, Mez. Phos. ac] Pupils dilated, [Bell. Croc. — Con- tracted, Cicu. Phos.] Great aversion to light, [see Bell.] MOUTH and THROAT. Lips dry, hot, and coated. Tongue coated yellowish-white, with fetid breath, [Merc. pro. — Dry, hard, coated black, Merc, v.] Burning in mouth, extending to throat and stomach, [Canth. — Burning in stomach, ascend- ing to throat, Merc. — Coldness in throat, Carb. v. Laur.] Sensation as if a foreign body were lodged in throat, [see Hepar.] Throat feels as if filled up, [Eupa. pur. Glon. Sil.] STOMACH. Sour eructations, [Nit. ac. Nux v.— Bitter, Bell. Chin. — Without taste or smell, Hepar.] Nausea, (with giddiness and headache.) Sensation of emptiness in stomach, [Ign. Sep. — After eating, Sang. Sars. — Great fulness after eat- ing, Chin. *Lyc. Nux v.] STOOL. The soft stool is passed with difficulty, as if owing to contraction of sphincter ani, [from inactivity of rectum, Alum.] * Diarrhoza from sudden depressing emotions, fright, grirf, bad news, [Opi. — From anger, Cham. — Indignation, Colo.] Stools yellow, fecal; cream- colored; bilious. Paralysis of sphincter ani, [Bell. Hyos.] SEXUAL O'S. Involuntary emissions, with or without erections, followed by great debility and lowness of spirits, [after onanism, *Chin. *Phos. ac] Sensation of heaviness in uterus, [Nux v. — Of fulness, Chin.] Suppressed menstru- ation, with convulsions, [Cocc. Nux m. — With semi-lateral headache, *Puls.] * Rigidity of os uteri, [*Acon. *Caul. Cimi.] During pregnancy, violent pains in uterus, head- ache, etc. RESPIRATORY O'S. Spasm of glottis, threatening suffo- cation, [with crowing inspiration and expiration, *Chlorine. — With blueness office and lips, convulsions, Cup.] Bough- ness of throat, as if ulcerated. Sensation of constriction in lower part of chest, [*Cact. Puis. Verat.] Stitches in region of heart, [*Dig\ Caust. Ign.] Sensation as if heart would stop beating if she would cease walking, [see Dig.] FEVER. Pulse slow, accelerated by motion, [accelerated only towards evening, Caust. — Fast in morning, slow in even- ing, Ars.] * Chills begin in hands. Chilliness every day at same hour, especially in morning, [at 10 a.m , Nat. m., at 4 p.m., Lye. — Every evening, same hour, *Saba.] Chill fol- lowed by heat, and later by perspiration. Feet cold, as if in ice-water, [as if they had on cold, damp stockings, Calc. c] Nervous chiUs, "chatters." * Fever without thirst, [Puis.] GRAPHITES. 341 CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Prostration of whole muscular system, [Cimi. — Of the nervous system, Phos. Verat. a.] Feel- ing of lightness in body from spinal exhaustion, in onanists. * Great depression of spirits in onanists, with excessive languor. Headache, worse from smoking tobacco, [relieved by smok- ing, Diad. ar.] *Bad effects from sudden emotions, joy, grief, fright, [Ign. Opi.] GRAPHITES. MIND. Great tendency to start. Want of disposition to work. Easily vexed ; out of humor, [exceedingly irritable, *Bry. Nux.] * Ailments from grief. HEAD. * Feeling of intoxication in head, [Bell. Nux. Puis.] Headache in morning on waking, mostly on one side, with inclination to vomit, [pressing pain in temples after rising, Lach.] Rheumatic pains on one side of head, extend- ing to teeth and neck. Burning on vertex, [Nat. m. *Sulph. — Coldness, Sep. *Verat.] Humid, itching eruption on hairy scalp, emitting a fetid odor, [Lye. *Rhus. Sulph.] EYES. Ophthalmia, with intolerance of light ; eyelids red and swollen. Dryness of the eyelids, [increased secretion in the eyes, Euph.] EARS. Dryness of inner ear, [Carb. v. Lach. — Accumula- tion of wax, Coni. Sil.] * Moisture and eruptions behind the ears, [Bary. c. Calc. c. Hepar.] Hardness of hearing, [with sensation as if stopped up, Calc. c. *Puls. Sulph.] Cracking in ears when chewing, [when not chewing, Kali c] Hiss- inn in the ears. Detonation in ears like report of a gun, [see Sil.] STOMACH and ABDOMEN. Nausea and vomiting after each meal, [after eating or drinking, Ars. Bry. Verat. a.] * Morning sickness during menstruatinn. Pressure in stomach, [as of a stone, after eating, *Ars. Bry. Merc] Burning in stomach, causing hunger, [sensation of emptiness in stomach, with hunger, *Sep.] Nauseous feeling in abdomen. Fulness and hardness in abdomen, as from incarcerated flatulence. Croaking as of frogs in abdomen, [gurgling and rumbling, Lye. — Sensation of something alive in abdomen, *Croc] STOOL. Constipation ; large, difficult, knotty stools, united by mucous threads, [stools of hard, black balls, *Opi. — Tn lumps, like sheep's dung, Chel. m. *Plumb. Ruta. — Long, narrow, like a dog's, *Phos.] Diarrhoea ; stools of brown fluid, mixed with undigested substances, very fetid. Varices of the rectum, [see *Carb. v.] SEXUAL O'S. Soreness of vagina. Painful swelling of left ovary, [Lach. — Of right, *Apis. *Bell.] * Menses too late, pale and scanty, [*Puls. Sulph.] During menses, severe tear- ing pain in epigastrium, [in liver, Phos. ac] Suppression of menses, with heaviness in arms and lower limbs, [with chilli- ness and pale face *Puls.] * Profuse leucorrhoea ; discharge white, thin, excoriating, with great weakness in back. 342 HEPAR SULPHUR. RESPIRATORY (VS. Scraping in trachea and roughness of throat. Oppression of the chest— Asthma. Violent throbbing about the heart, [see Dig.] Swelling and induration of mam- mary glands, [Bell. Carbo a. Coni. — Dwindling of, Iod. Nit. ac] Soreness of nipples, having deep cracks and blisters, [cracked, stinging and burning, *Sulph.] EXTREMITIES. Pains as if sprained in joints of fingers, [as if dislocated, Bry. Ruta g.] Gouty nodosities on finger- joints, [Calc. c. Dig. Led. Staph.] Numbness and stiffness of thighs and toes, [Nux v.] Stiffness of knees when bending them, [cracking, Cocc] Herpes in bend of the knees and groins. * Ulcers on legs, discharging a glutinous fluid, [old ulcers, with burning, cutting pains, Ars. Lye] SKIN. Swelling and induration of glands, [Bary. c. Calc. c] * Rawness in bends of limbs, groins, neck, behind the ears, especially in children. Ulcers, with fetid pus, [Ars. Carl), v. Sulph.] * Eruptions, oozing out a sticky fluid, [watery fluid, Dulc] Humid tetters and eruptions, [Calc. c. Merc. — Herpes dry, scabby and scurfy, Clem. Phos. * Sulph.] * Un- healthy skin ; every little injury suppurates, [Calc. c. Hepar. Sil.] CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Adapted to females inclined to obesity, [see Calc. c] Liability to take cold ; very sensi- tive to a draught of air, [Calc. Caust. Sil.] * Disposition to de- laying menstruation, [Puis. Sulph.] Aggravation at night, during and after menstruation. HEPAR SULPHUR. MIND. Great anguish in the evening, [gaiety, mirth, joking, Croc] The slightest cause irritates him, [he seeks a cause for quarrel, *Cham.] Dejected, sad, inclined to shed tears, [Dig. Graph.] HEAD. * Vertigo when riding in a carriage or shaking head, [Cocc] Headache when shaking the head, with ver- tigo. Boring pain in the right temple, [Bell. — In forehead and temples, Dulc Merc. Puis. — In vertex, Mag. m.] Boring pain in root of nose every morning. Sensation of swashing in head, [Hyos. Nux v. — Of looseness of brain, when walking, Cicu. Graph. Nux m. Rhus.— As if falling to left side, Nat. s. ] Humid scald head, itching and burning, [dry, scabby, easily bleeding, offensive, Sulph.] EYES. Pain in the eyes as if pulled back into the head. Boring pain in upper bones of the orbits. Erysipelatous in- flammation of the eyes; they ache from a bright light Ob- jects appear red, [Bell.— Blue, Stram. — Black, Cap. — Yellow, Canth.] *Things look too large, [*Hyos. — Too small, Plat Stram.] EARS. Scurfs on and behind the ears, [see Graph.] Dis- charge of fetid pus from ears, [Carb. v. Merc. Sulph. —After scarlet fever, *Bell. — Bloody pus, Rhus.] Whizzing and throbbing in ears, w r ith hardness of hearing, [see Merc] HEPAR SULPHUR. 343 FACE. Vesicular erysipelas, with prickling in parts, [burn- ing, tingling, stinging; the vesicles containing yellow water, *Rhus.] * Pains in bones of face, especially when being touched, [Chin. Colo.] Ulcers in corners ol mouth, [Calc. c. Graph. Sil. — Cracks in lips and corners of mouth, Merc. Nit. ac] MOUTH and THROAT. Gums and mouth painful to touch and bleed readily, [gums swollen, white, bleeding, Nit. ac. Nux v.] Toothache worse in a warm room, and when pressing teeth together, [see Puis.] When swallowing, sensation as if a plug were in throat, [Bell. *Merc. Nux v. Phyt.] When swallowing, sensation as of a splinter in throat, [Arg. n. Nit. ac] *Roughness and scraping in throat, [Am. c. Ars.] *Qu.nsy, with impending suppuration, [Merc. Mur. ac. Sil.] Stitches in the throat, extending to the ear when swallowing. STOMACH and ABDOMEN. * Longing for acids, wine and strong-tasting food, [Bry. Chin. Nux.— For bitter things, Dig. Nat. m. — For chalk, lime, etc., *Nit. ac. Nux. — For fat food, Nit. ac—Milk, *Merc. Nux.— Salt food, *Calc. c. Carb. v.— Sweet things, Ipe. Lye. — For refreshing, jui<\v things, *Phos. ac. Verat.] Aversion to fat food, [* Hep. Pet.**Puls. — To bread, coflee, Lye. *Nux. — To meat, milk, Ign. Sep. Sulph. — To sweet things, Caust. *Graph. Nit. ac] * Frequent eructations, with- out taste or smell, [putrid, as from bid eggs *Arn. *Merc. Sep. Sulph. — Tasting of ingerta, *Chin. Con. *Puls.— Of garlic, Mosch.] Distention of stomach, compelling o^e to loosen ihe clothing, [Chin. *Lyc. *Nux.] Burning in stomach, [*Ars. *Nux. Puis.] Heaviness and pressure in stomach after a slight meal, [as from a stone, Ars. Cham. Nux v.] Stitches in region of liver when walking, coughing, breathing, or touch- ing it, [Bry. Merc. Nux v.] Swelling and suppuration of in- guinal glands, [Merc. Nit. ac.] STOOLS. Painless diarrhoea ; stools light-yellow, undigested ; whitish, smelling sour, [Calc. c. — See Ferr. Phos. Phos. ac. Podo.] Clay-colored stool, [black, Lept. Verat. — Changeable, Puis. Sulph.] Protrusion of varices. URINARY O'S. * Sharp, burning urine corroding the pre- puce. Burning in urethra during micturition, [see Canth.] *Ulceration in kidneys, [Mur. ac. Phos. Sil.] Urine dark- red, hot; bloody. Inflammation of orifice of urethra, with mucous discharge, [see Cann. s.] SEXUAL O'S. Men. Ulceis like chancres on prepuce, [with a cheesy bottom, Merc.] Womni. Menses delayed and too scanty, [too late, pale and scant, Graph. Puis. Sulph.] Be- tween menstrual periods discharge of blood. RESPIRATORY O'S. Hoarseness, with loss of voice, [see Phos.] Dry, hoarse cough, [*Bell. Merc. Nux. *Phos.] •Cough excited whenever any part of body gets cold, [Rhus], or from eating anything cold, [relieved by eating or drinking, Spong.] * Cmi/p, with loose, rattling cough, worse in morn- ing, [dry, barking, wheezing cough, with rattling breathing, 344 HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. Brom. *Sj)OTig.—Croicing inspiration, expiration almost im- possible, *Chlorine.] Rattling, croaking cough; suffocative attacks, has to rise up and bend head backwards, [see Aeon,] Anxious, wheezing breathing, [*Spong.] Palpitation of heart. EXTREMITIES. *ln early stage of whitlow, when pain is violent and throbbing, [Merc/ Sil.] Roughness of hands, with a dry, grating skin. Swelling and suppuration of axillary glands, [Sil.] Coxagra, with throbbing pain and disposition to suppurate, [afiersuppuration,Calc. Phos. Merc— Caries and suppuration of bones, Asa. Sil.] Swelling of ankles and feet. FEVER. Chilliness and heat alternating, w r ith photophobia. Great chilliness in open air. Intermitknt fever ; first chill, 8 p.m., then thirst, and, an hour later, fever, with interrupted sleep, \_chili and heat simultaneous. Ars.] * Itching, stinging nettle-rash before and during chill, [itching, stinging nettle- rash during fever, Ign.] Cold, clammy, offensive perspiration. SKIN. * Unhealthy skin; every little injury suppurates, [Calc. c. * Graph. Sil.— Slight injuries bleed much, Phos.] Chapped skin, with deep cracks on hands and feet. * Ulcers, with bloody suppuration, smelling like old cheese, [gangre- nous ulcers having a,. putrid smell, Ars. Lach. — Ulcer feels as if burnt ; discharges a putrid fluid, Sec. c] Ulcers very sensi- tive to contact, burning, stinging, easily bleeding, [see Ars.] Jaundice, with blood-red urine. CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. *In diseases where suppu- ration is inevitable, [Mur. ac. *Sil.] Sweats day and night, without relief, [Merc] Cannot bear to be uncovered; wants to be wrapped up warmly, \_^kin cold, but wants to be uncovered, Camph. Sec] Sticking or pricking in affected part. Worse lying on painful side, [Ars. Iod. "Nux m.— Better, *Bry. Calc. c Puis.] Better after eating, (stomach symptoms,) [worse, Ars. Nux.] HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. MIND. Forgetful. [Bell. Calc Graph. Rhus.] Cannot re- member what he is reading or talking about. Irritable ; dis- posed to be spiteful, [Nux v.] HEAD. Feeling as if intoxicated, [see Gel.] * Dull frontal headache over eyes, better from pressing with hand. Head- ache of a nervous, gastric character. Eczema on margin of hair in front, worse coming from cold into warm room ; oozes after washing. NOSE. Coryza watery, excoriating, [Ars. Arum t.] Sneezing, with fulness over eyes, dull frontal headache. The air feels cold in nose. Thick, tenacious secretion from posterior nares, [dropping back into pharynx, Ferr. Kali b.] Ozena, with bloody, purulent discharge. MOUTH. Peppery ta.te, [see Lach.] Tongue coated white, or with a yellow stripe. Tongue swollen, shows imprint of teeth, [Ars. Merc] Tongue feels as if scalded, [Colo. * Verat. v.] HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. 345 Stomatitis after mercury or chlorate of potash, also in nursing women, or weakly children. THEOAT. * Hawking yellow, tenacious mucus from poste- rior nares, [see Arg. n.] Ulcers in throat. STOMACH. Eructations of sour fluid, [see Nux.] Vomits all he eats except milk and water. *Dull, aching pain in stomach, which causes a weak, faintish " goneness." Chronic gastric catarrh. Cutting in lower abdomen, extending to tes- ticles. STOOL. Diarrhoea, stools light-colored, acrid, greenish. * Constipation, stool lumpy, covered with mucus, [see Opi.] FUtula ani. Bleeding piles, exhausting. URINE. Dull aching in region of kidneys. Catarrh of bladder, with thick, ropy sediment in urine. SEXUAL O'S. Gonorrhoea, second stage, thick, yellow dis- charge; painless. Leucorrhcei, tenacious, ropy, thick, yellow. Pruritus vulvae, with profuse leucoirhoea. Prolapsus uteri, with ulceration of cervix and vagina, [see Arg. n.j LUNGS. Dry, harsh cough, irom ticking in larynx. Rawness, soreness and burning in chest. Bronchitis of old exhausted people, thick, yellow, tenacious, stringy sputa, [Kali b.] FEVER. Chill morning or evening. Chi llines=, especially in back or thighs, with aching. Heat in flushes. *Slow pulse, [Opi.] Gastric, bilious or typhoid forms of fever, with gas- tric disturbance. CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Adapted to old people, with debility, [see Opi.] * Frequent sudden attacks of fainty spells, with cold sweat all over. *Faintness, "goneness" in stomach. Left side most affected. HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. MIND. * Mental derangement, with muttering. *Fenr of being poisoned. Very talkative, [talks continually, Ciou. Lach. *Stram.] Delirium without consciousness; does not know his own family. *Muttering, with picking at bed-clothes, [during sleep, Opi.— Grasping at flocks, Bell. Bry. Phos. ac] Delirium, with jerking of limbs, wild, staring look, or closed eyes, [silent delirium with open eyes, Opi. Stram.] *Lascivi- ous furor, without modesty, [Canth. Verat.] Involuntary loud laughter, with silly actions and trembling, [Croc. — Weeps and laughs alternately, Aur. Bell.] Aversion to light and company, [desire for, *Stram.] Loss of memory. Com- plete stupefaction, [Opi.] HEAD. Vertigo, with stupefaction, [Colli. Opi. Puis.] Congestion to the head, with delirium, unconsciousness, yet answering all questions properly. ^Congestion to the head, with red, sparkling eyes and purple-red face. Inflammation of brain, with tingling, and violent pulsations in bead like waves, [violent pulsations of carotids and throbbing headache, 346 HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. Bell. Glon.] The brain feels as if it were loose, [Bry. Nat. sul. Nux m.] Hydrocephalus, with stupor and sensation of swashing in head, hands closed, with clinched thumbs, T«ee Hell.] EYES. Red, sparkling, staring eyes, [Bell.] Spasmodic closing of lids; inability to keep them open, [see Gel.] Pupils dilated, [*Bell. Opi. —Contracted, Cicu. Phos.] *Ob- jects appear red, too large, or double. MOUTH and THROAT. Foam at mouth, [bloody, Stram.J Lips look like scorched leather, [dry, parched and cracked, Bry. Stram.] Clean, parched, dry tongue, [red and cracked, Bell. Rhus.] ^Constriction of throat, with inability to swal- low, especially fluids, [Bell. Laur. Stram. — Sensation of ex- pansion of throat, Hypericum.] STOMACH. *Dread of drink, [Bell. Canth.] Great thirst, but drinks very little, [drinks little and often, Apis. Ars. Chin.] Eating produces vomiting, [vomits after eating or drink- ing, Ars. Ipe. Verat. — Comp. Ipe.] * Vomiting of blood and and bloody mucus. Colic relieved by vomiting, [relieved by eating, Hepar.] STOOL. Painless diarrhoea ; stools, yellow, watery, [Chin. Hep.] Involuntary stools in bed, without being conscious of it, [Carb. v. Rhus.* Sec] * Diarrhoea during typhoid fever, and during lying-in. URINE. Involuntary micturition, as from paralysis of blad- der, [Ars. Bell. *Puls ] Suppression of urine. RESPIRATORY O'S. Dry spasmodic cough, [old persons,] with tickling in throat ; worse at night, when at rest, during sleep, in cold air, after eating and drinking, [better by eating or drinking, Spong.] *The cough is relieved by sitting up, [Puis.— Worse from sitting up, Kali c. *Zinc. — Better by a swallow of water, Cup. Caust.] Violent, spasmodic cough, with expectoration during day of saltish -tasting mucus, or bright-red blood, mixed with clots. Slow, rattling breathing. SLEEP. Deep sleep, with convulsions, [with stertorous breathing, *Opi.] Starting from sleep, [when closing the eyes, Bell.] Nightly sleeplessness, [see Opi.] FEVER. Pulse accelerated, full, hard. Chilliness over whole body, with hot face and cold hands. In evening, great heat over whole body. * Typhoid fever, with low, muttering delirium ; subsultus tendinum ; picking at bed-clothes ; involun- tary discharges of fseces and urine, and desire to escape, [see Opi.] * After a correct answer, relapses into delirium and unconsciousness, [see Arn.] Debilitating perspiration during sleep, [Chin. Merc] CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Adapted to hysterical sub- jects and to drunkards, [*Nux v. Stram.] Things look too large, [too small, Plat. Stram.] *Spasms, with twitching and jerking of every muscle of body, eyes, eyelids and face. Epileptic attacks, ending in deep, heavy sleep. * Spasmodic, dry cough, always worse when lying down, relieved by sitting IGNATIA AMARA. 347 up, [Puis.] *Desire to uncover and remain naked, [skin cold as ice, yet lie must be uncovered, *Camph. *Sec] Sub- sultus tendinum. Bad effects from jealousy and unhappy love. Worse in evening; after eating and d linking, [see Ars.] Better from stooping [head, and breathing.] IGNATIA AMARA. MIND. *Full of suppressed grief, [Phos. ac. Puis. — Gay and cheerful, Croc. Lach.] Great indifference to everything, [*Phos. ac. Lach. Merc] Avoids talking, [Con. Bell. Phos. ac. — * Wants to talk continually, Stram.] Changeable dis- position, jesting, laughing and crying, [sings involuntarily and then laughs, Croc] HEAD. Sensation of hollowness in head, [see Opi.] Heavi- ness of head, [lightness, * Stram.] Headache, increased by stoop- ing, [relieved by stooping, Hyos.] Tearing pain in forehead, relieved by lying on back. *Sensation as if a nail were driven out through side of head, relieved by lying on it, [see Nux v.] Cramp-like pain over root of nose, [boring pain in upp^r bones of orbit, Bell. Hep.] Beating headache in occiput ; worse from smoking or smelling tobacco-smoke, [relieved by smoking, Diad. ar.] EYES. Sensation as if grains of sand were under upper lids, [Carb. v. Caust. Euph. — Smarting as from halt, Nux v.] *Cannot bear the glare of light, [aversion to or desire for light, Aeon. Bell.] Flickering zigzags before the eyes, [Nat. m.] MOUTH and THROAT. Boring j ain in front teeth; worse after d inking coffee or smoking, [see Nux v.] ^Toothache, as if the tooth were crashed in pieces, [as if burst, Sabi.] In- creased secretion of saliva; foam at mouth. Stitches in throat when not swallowing, [when S" allowing, Hep.] Stitches in tli roar, extending to ear, [Hepar.] Sensation as of a lump in throat, when not ■swallowing, [Cham. Nux v. — When swallow- ing, Bell. Hepar. Merc] STOMACH. Teste flat, like chalk, [Nux m.] Food has no taste, [all food tastes like straw, *Stram.] Aversion to uxmn food, meat and tobocco, [see Hep.] Gulping up of a bitter fluid, [Bry. Nux v. Puis.— Soar eru tations Nit. ac. Phos. Sulph. ac —Of sweetish water, Merc. Plumb.] * Weak, empy fuel- ing at pit of stomach, not relieved by eating, [Mur. ac. *Sep. — Oonefeelinq in stomach, *Hydras.— *Sudden feeing of ful- ness after taking a small quantity of food, Chin. *Lyc. Nux. Phos. Sulph. — Feels empty after eating, Sang. Sars.] Spis- modic pains in stomach. Fine, sti'igiivf ptins, like pins stick- ing in stomach, [Rhus.] Throbbing in abdomen, [Aloe. Sang.] STOOL. Difficult stool, causing prohrpsm am, [see Podo.] * After stool, a violent stabbing stitch from anus upwards into rectum, [Mez.] Bleeding after and during stool. *Hemor- rhoids; the tumors prolapse with every stool ; they are sore, 348 IPECACUANHA. as if excoriated ; pain and bleeding worse when the stool is loose. SEXUAL O'S. * Menses scanty, black, of putrid odor, [Puis. — Delayed, scarify, pale, Graph.] During menses, great languor, even to fainting, with spasmodic pains in stomach and abdomen, [Cham. Cocc .Nux v.] * Uterine cramps, with cutting stitches. [Cocc] RESPIRATORY O'S. Constrictive sensation in throat, ex- citing cough, as from vapor of sulphur, [Ars. Chin.] Dry, spasmodic cough, day and night, with fluent coryza. Stitches in left side, [Phos. — In the right side, Bell.] Oppression of chest at niyht. * Palpitation of and stitches in heart, [Dig. Spig.] EXTREMITIES. Pain in shoulder-joint, as if dislocated, on moving arm, [Bry. Ruta.] When rising, stiffness in knees and tarsal bones. Cracking in knees when moving them, [Coni. — Cracking in all the joints, Kali b.] Heaviness of feet. SLEEP. Restless sleep, with nightmare, [Puis. Sulph.] Moaning and gioaning while asleep. Sudden startings of limbs when falling asleep. FEVER. Chill relieved by external heat, [Ars. Kali c — Not relieved by external heat, Bell. Phos. Nux.] External coldness, with internal heat, and vice versa. Intermittent fever. During fever, violent itching; nettle-rash over whole body. Burning heat of face, only on one side, [see Cham.] CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Adapted to excitable, sensi- tive, hysterical individuals. * Convulsive tvvitchings, especially after fright or grief, [Gel. Opi.] * Hysterical spasms. Pains are relieved by a change of position, [*Rhus.] Pains as from a sprain, [*Arn. Bry. *Ruta.] IPECACUANHA. HEAD. Vertigo, when walking and when turning round, [*when turning over in bed, Coni.] * Headache, as if bruised all through bones of head, and down into root of tongue, with nausea and vomiting. One-sided headache, with nausea and vomiting, [see Kali c] FACE. Pale face, with blue margins around the eyes, [Ars. Chin. Cina. — Yelloiv margins, Spig.] MOUTH and THROAT. Flat taste, with white, thickly-coated tongue, [Ant. c. Nux v. — Dirty-yellow or black tongue, Chin. Merc. J Spasmodic, constrictive sensation in throat, [*Bell. *Hyos.] STOMACH. Aversion to food ; craves dainties and sweet things, [see Hepar.] Constant and continual nausea, [Phos. *Tart. e. *Verat.] Vomiting the ingesta, [*Bry. *Nux. Puis.] Vomiting bilious bitter fluids, [Cham. Merc. Phos. Verat— A sweetish fluid, Iris. Kreo, — A sour mucus, Nux. *Phos. *Puls. Sulph.] Vomiting gieen, jelly-like mucus, [Merc. sub. KALI BICHROMICUM. 349 Verat. — A pinkish, glairy fluid, Kali b. — A watery, albumin- ous substance, Jatro. c] Vomiting blood, [Bry. Ham. Hyos. Nax.J Vomiting black, pitch-like substance, [*Ars. Sec. * Verat. — Faeces and urine, *Opi. Plumb.] Vomiting when stooping, [Alum. Rhus t. — From motion of a carriage, boat, etc., Ar3. *Cocc. Pet. —After eating, *Ars. Bry. Nux. Puis. — After drinking, *Ars. *Bry. Crot. t. * Verat.] Great sense of emptiness and relaxation in stomach, [Ign. Mur. ac. Sep. — Great fulness, *Chin. *Lyc. Nux. Phos.] ^Horrible pain and sick feeling in stomach. Cutting, pinching around umbilicus, as if grasped with a hand; worse from motion, [see Bell.] STOOL. Diarrhoea; * stools as if fermented, [Rheum. Saba. — Like yeast, Am.] Stools green as grass, [dark -green mucus, Merc. — Green, slimy, like scum on a frog-pond, *Mag. car.] Dysenteric stools, with tenesmus. Bloody stools, with cutting, burning at anus, [see Merc] URINE. * Bloody urine, [Caot. *Millef. Nit. ac] Turbid urine, with brick-dust sediment, [Bell. Phos. —Redd.sh urine, with brick-dust sediment, Nux v. — Dark urine, with brick- dust sediment, Chin.] SEXUAL O'S. Menstruation too early and too profuse, [Bell. Calc 0. Sabi.] * Metrorrhagia; blood bright-red, pio- fuse, clotted, with oppressed breathing. RESPIRATORY O'S. * Rattling in bronchial tubes when breathing. *The chest seems full of phlegm, but does not yield to coughing [*Tart. e.] *Suffocative cough, occasioned by a contractive tickling in throat, sometime- vomiting phlegm, [vomiting large' quantities of mucus, *Tart. em.] 'Suffoca- tion threatens from constriction in throat and chest, [asthma ] Suffocative cough; child becomes qiite stiff and blue in fa ;e, [Coral r.] * Haemoptysis from slightest exertion, [better from walking slowly about, *Ferr.] FEVER. Chilliness, but is unable to bear the least heat, [better from external heat, Ars. *Ign. Kali c] About 4 p. M. sudden attack of hea f ; no thirst. *Intermittents, where gastric symptoms predominate ; backache, short chill, long fever; mostly heat, with thirst, headache, nausea, cough and sweat last. External coldness awl internal heat, [see Ars.] CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Great weakness and aver- sion to all food. * Nausea and vomiting, with almost all ail- ments. [Tart. e. Verat.] Hemorrhages from all orifices of therspiration ; [with chilliness, *Puls.] Vertigo, with dizziness when stooping. Violent temporal headache. Head feels heavy, [Calc. c. Phos. ao. Sulph. — Feels light, Stram.] Swelling of head and neck. EYES. Pnpils contracted, insensible, [Ars. Cicu. Laur. — Pupils dilated, Aeon. *Opi. *Stram.] Ophthalmia, with deep ulcers on the cornea, discharge ichorous, making surrounding parts sore. Iritis, especially of syphilitic origin. Eyelids swollen, red, excoriated; * edges covered with thick crusts or pustules, [see Sulph.] EARS. Inflammation, with stitches in ears, [Bell. Merc.] Discharge of fetid pus from the ear, [see Rhus.] NOSE. Ozaena, discharge from nose like glue, drying up in posterior nares; perforation of the septum, [see page 62.] MOUTH. * Sensation as if mouth was scalded, [Jatro. Mag. m. Sep.— As if tongue was scalded, Colo. Hydras. *Verat. v.] Gums swollen, covered with false membrane; gangrenous; bleed freely, [see Ars.] Tongue coated with thick white mucus, or dry and red. Papillae elevated, strawberry-like, [Bell.] Ulcers hi the mouth, throat and gums, with fetid breath, [Nit. ac. Nux.] Burning in mouth extending to stomach. 362 NATRUM MURIATICUM. THROAT. Uvula swollen, elongated, dark red. *Throat intensely inflamed, [Bell. Merc. Phyto.], swallowing causing suffocation. * Tonsils swollen and covered with ulcers, [Lach. *Merc. Nit. ac] Pricking in throat as from needles. STOMACH. Vomiting albuminous matter, [Jatro.] Vom- iting tough or stringy mucus. * Vomiting blood, [Ars. Ipe. Phos.] Vomiting a substance like coffee-grounds, [Ars. Con. Phos. Verat.] * Burning in the stomach, extending up to the mouth. Bloated abdomen, painful to touch, STOOLS, etc. Diarrhoea, yellow, green, bilious, bloody stools; with tenesmus and severe cutting, colicky pains. Dysentery, * painful bloody discharges, with vomiting; tenes- mus during and after stool ; worse after midnight. Autumnal dysentery, [*Acon. Colch.] Burning and tenesmus of rectum and bladder after stool. URINE. Scanty, brown, with brick-dust sediment, [Chin. Phos. Puis.] Tenesmus vesicas; urine scanty, hot, bloody, or suppressed, [see Canth.] The urine passed only in drops, with great pain, Albumen in the urine, [Apis. Berb, Helon.] Filaments, flocks, or dark flesh-like pieces of mucus in urine, [Apis, Canth. Kalmia.] SEXUAL O'S. Men. Gonorrhoea greenish, worse at night; burning smarting urination. Violent erections during sleep. Buboes, [see Merc] Women. Leucorrhoea, pale yellow, of a disgustingly sweetish smell, [odor of menses, Caust.] CHEST. * Hollow, fatiguing dry cough. Cough with bloody expectoration, [Bell. Merc. Nitrum.] Haemoptysis, followed by pulmonary phthisis, attended with hectic fever. Pulmo- nary tubercles. Great dyspnoea. FEVER. Pulse small, weak, intermitting, [see Dig.] Chil- liness from the least movement, [Merc. Nux. Rhus. Podo.] Generally with colic. Burning and stinging heat in the skin. Night-sweat, [Chin. *Merc. Phos.] Cold perspiration, often only on forehead, [see Verat.] NATRUM MURIATICUM. MIND. Dejection of spirits, [gay and cheerful, Croc. Lach.] Out of humor; gets angry at trifles, [*Bry. *Cham.] *Great tendency to Kart, [Con. Ign.] HEAD. Vertigo when rising from bed, [see Kali b.] Sen- sation of emptiness in head, [Cocc. Coral, r. Sep. — Great ful- ness, *Acon. *Bell. Sulph.] Pressing headache from both sides, as if head were in a vise, [iEthu. *Merc. Puis. — Press- ing on the vertex, as from a weight, Aloe. Cact. Can. e. Kali b.] Beating in forehead, with nausea and vomiting; worse in morning, and better when lying down, [worse about 3 p.m , and when lying down, *Bell.] * Awakens every morning with a violent, bursting headache, [Sulph.] Burning on vertex, [see Sulph.] Periodical headaches during menses. EYES. * Excessively sore, red, disgusting eyelids. *Thin, NATRUM MURIATICUM. 363 watery, excoriating discharge from eyes after abuse of nitrate of silver. Fiery, zigzag appearance around things, [see Ign.] Gauze before the eyes, [Caust. Phos. Sulph.] Letters 11m together when reading, [Chin. Cocc] Long-sighted, [Calc. c. Pet.— Short-sighted, Nit. ac] EARS. Otalgia, with stitches in the ears, [Cham. Chin.] Singing or tingling in the ears. Kinging, humming, or buzz- ing in the ears, [see Chin.] NOSE. Boring pain in nasal bones. * Excessive fluent coryza, with loss of smell and taste, [see Puis.] Scabs and scurf in nose. Posterior nares dry. MOUTH AND THROAT. *Lips dry, cracked; upper lip swollen, [see Bry.] * Heaviness of tongue, with difficult speech, [Mur. ac. Nux v.] Vesicles on the tongue, [Mur. ac] * White coated, or map tongue, [Tarax.] Sore throat: it feels as if a plug had lodge I in it, [see Hepar.] STOMACH AND ABDOMEN. Sour taste. Longing for bitter food and drink, [see Hepar.] *Sour regurgitation of food, [Lach. Phos. — Regurgitation of a sweetest water, Merc. Plumb.] *Great aversion to bread, [Lye. Nux v. — Bread tastes bitter, Chin.] *Craves salt, [Calc. c. — Food tastes too salt, Carb. v. Sep.] Soreness in pit of stomach when pressing on it, [Bry. Merc. Sulph.] *She always has heartburn after eating, [Calc. c. Croc] Vomiting, first food, later bile, [first bile, later food, Bry.] * Stitches in region of liver, [see Bry.] Fermentation in abdomen, [like a pot of yeast working, *Lyco. Phos. — After eating fruit, Chin.] STOOL. Constipation; stools hard, dry, crumbling, very difficult to discharge, [Am. m. Mag. m. — Stools tough, shining like grease, *Caust. ] Diarrhoea; stools thin, watery, with colic. * Excoriating diarrhoea, like water, only in daytime, [*Pet.] Burning in rectum during and after stool, [Ars. Canth. Iris v.] URINARY O'S. Pale urine, with brick-dust sediment, [Puis. —Dark-brown, with white sediment, Calc. c Sep. — Urine white, like milk, Con. Phos. ac — Turning white after staiding, *Cina.] Brown, black urine, [*Colch. Tereb.] Red sand in urine, [see *Lyco.] * Severe cutting pains in urethra after micturition. Involuntary micturition when coughing. SEXUAL O'S. *The menses delay, and grow more and more scanty, [see Puis.] * Very sad and gloomy during menses, with palpitation of heart and morning headache. Pressing, bearing down in genitals, must sit down to prevent prolapsus, [*Bell. *Nit. ac Plat. *Sep.] Leucorrhcea, acrid, greenish, especially when walking, [Bovista.] RESPIRATORY O'S. * Cough after going to bed, spas- modic, suffocating, expectoration mostly in morning, [dry cough at night, going off when sitting up, *Hyos. Phos.] Tensive pains in muscles of right chest. Stitches in chest during a deep inspiration, or when coughing, [Bry. Lye Puis.] * Palpitation of heart from slightest motion, [Dig. 364 NITRIC ACID. Iod.] Irregular, intermitting beats of heart, [Kali c. Lach. Sep. — see Dig.] BACK. Pain in small of back, as if bruised. Painful stiff- ness of neck, [Bell. Bry.] The pain in back is relieved by lying on something hard, [*Rhus t.] * EXTREMITIES. Languor, heaviness of arms, [Caust.] Sensation of lameness, and as if sprained in shoulder-joint, [Nux v.— Lacerating in shoulder-joint, Sulph.] Pain in hip, as if sprained, [as ii dislocated, Bry. Ruta.] * Great heavi- ness of legs and feet. Swelling of feet, [*Ars. *Chin.] SLEEP. Sleepiness during day, wakeful at night, [Merc. *Sulph.] Sleep full of fanciful ravings. Talks while asleep, and is very restless, [Sep. *Sulpli.] FEVER. Pulse very irregular, especially when lying on left side. Constant chilliness, and want of animal heat, [Ledum.] Intermittent fever. Chilliness, with great thirst; afterwards fever, with violent thirst and excessive headache; at last profuse perspiration. *The chill occurs about 10 a.m., commencing mostly at feet, [Petro. — Chill at 7 a.m., Eup. per. — At 11 A.M. or 11 p.m., Cactus. — Every day at 3 p.m., An- gus. — At 4 p.m , Lye. Puis.] * Inveterate, or badly treated cases of fever and ague, especially after abuse of quinine, [Puis.] SKIN. Rash over whole body, with stinging in skin. *Nettle-rash after violent exercise, [after taking cold, *Dulc. — After getting wet, Rhus t. — After suppressed itch, Psorin. — During menses, Kali c] CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. *Losing of flesh while liv- ing well, [Calc. c. Iodi. — * Young people who incline to grow fat, Calc. c] Pulsation in whole body from least exertion. Bad effects from loss of animal fluids, [Calc. c. Chin. Phos. ac] Great liability to take cold. Most complaints are aggra- vated at 10 a.m., appear or grow worse while lying down, and are relieved by sitting up ; also bHter from lying on right side, [better lying on painful side, Bry. Ign. Puis.] NITRIC ACID. MIND. Sad, desponding, [Nat. m. *Puls. Rhus t.— Gay, cheerful, Croc. Lach. Oxal. ac] Anxiety, with fear of death [*Ars. Nux v. — Predicts the day he will die, *Aeon.] Ex- cessively nervous, [Canth.] Indisposed to work, [Con. Phos. — Indisposed to talk, Dig. Phos. ac. Stan.]* HEAD. Headache in the morning on waking, [Calc. c. Nat. m. * Sulph.] Headache, as if head were surrounded with a tight bandage, [Merc. Ther. — Headache relieved by tight bandaging, Arg. n. *Puls.] Stitches in temples, partic- ularly right, [Kali c. Lye. — Vide Caust.] * Throbbing pain in temples, [*Acon. *Bell.] EYES. Stitches in eyes, [Bry. Kali c. Lye] Smarting sensation in eyes, [as from salt, Nux v. — As from sand., Caust NITRIC ACID. 365 Euph.] Paralysis of upper lids, [see Gel.] Black spots be- fore the 3yes, [Carb. v. Merc] Double vision, [Hyos.] Short- sightedness, [Long-sighted, Nat. m. Calc. c. Pet.] Fistula lachrymalis, [*Pet. Puis.] EARS. Stitches in right ear, [see Kali c] * Hardness of hearing, especially from induration of tonsils, after abuse of mercury, [from abuse of quinine, Puis.] Roaring, throbbing, cracking, in ears, [see Chin.] NOSE. Soreness, burning, and scurf in nose. Fetid, yellow discharge from nose, [Aur. m. Puis. — Green, fetid discharge. Graph. Kali b. *Merc Puis. — See Kali b.] Violent fluent coryza, with pain in limbs, [Ars. Merc. Pet.— Dry coryza, Dulo. *Nux v. *Sep.] * Fetid smell from nose. FACE. Dark yellow, almost brown, complexion. * Black pores in face, [Dig. Sabi.] Small pimples on face. Drawing pain in cheek-bones. Swelling of submaxillary glands. MOUTH. *Throbbing toothache, mostly at night in bed, [Mur. ac. Sep.] Gums white, swollen, bleeding, [Nux v.] Great dryness in mouth, with thirst, [without thirst, Bell. *Nux m.] Mercurial and syphilitic ulcers in mouth and fauces, with pricking pain, [see Merc] * Mouth full of fetid ulcers; bloody saliva; putrid-smelling breath [*Nux v.] STOMACH and ABDOMEN. * Bitter taste, particularly after eating, [Ars.Bry. Puis.— Food tastes sour, Nux v. Puis.] Longing for fat, herring, chalk, lime, earth, [see Hepar.] * Great thirst continually. Sour eructations, [Bry. Calc. c Kali c Phos.] *Much nausea and gastric trouble, relieved by moving about or riding in a carriage, [see Cocc] Stitches in region of liver. Cutting pain in abdomen, in morning in bed, and after rising. *Swelling and suppuration of inguinal glands, [Merc Thuya.] STOOL and ANUS. *Hard, difficult, and scanty stool, [Alum. Lye. Ruta. — Large, hard, difficult stools, crumbing as they pass, Am. mur. Mag. m.] Diarrhoea; stools putrid or mucous, fetid or undigested. Dysentery, with bloody stools and tenesmus, [see Merc] * Hemorrhage from bowels in typhoid fever, [*discharges of black, decomposed blood, Phos. — In- voluntary and cadaverous smelling. *Ars. *Carb. v.] *01d hemorrhoidal tumors, secreting much slime, and bleeding profusely after stool. Fissures of anus, [see Carb. v.] URINARY O'S. Discharge of dark-brown, badly -smelling, urine. *The urine has an intolerably strong smell, like that of horses, [Chin. s. — Dark-colored and heavy, with an exceed- ingly strong smell, *Ben. ac — Smells, like cat's urine, Viola t. — Like violets, Nux m. Tereb.— Like ammonia, Asaf. Iodi. — Smells sour, Ambr. Merc — Thick, purulent urine, smelling like musk, Ocim. can. — Smelling like onions, Gum g.] * Active hematuria; urging after micturition, with shuddering along the spine. SEXUAL O'S. Chancre-like ulcers on prepuce and on corona glandis, with pricking, stinging pains, [see Merc] 366 NUX VOMICA. * Secondary syphilis, after abuse of mercury. Uclers in vagina, burning, and itching, [painless, *Sulph.] *Mensestoo early and too profuse, [see Puis.] * Pressing down in genitals as if everything would protrude, [*Bell. Nat. m. Sep.] Pain in the small of the back, through the hips, and down the thigh. * Leucorrhcea, cherry-brown color, fetid, [Am. m. Chin. — Green, corrosive, Bovis. Merc. Sep. — White, like milk, Con. Puis.] *Tumors in mamma?, [Carbo a. *Con. *Phyto.] RESPIRATORY O'S. *Dry, barking cough in evening after lying down, [see Hepar.] Violent, shaking, barking cough, with expectoration of blood mixed with clots, or of yellow, acrid pus, tasting bitter, sour or salt. Shortness of breath, pal- pitation of the heart, and anguish when going up-stairs, [Ars. *Calc c. Merc] Atrophy of mammae, [*Iodi. — Swelling and induration of, Bell. Con. Graph.] FEVER. Pulse very irregular. Afternoon fever, heat, and chilliness. Heat, with perspiration and debility after eating. Intermittent fever; chilliness in afternoon; then heat over whole body ; afterwards perspiration ; no thirst in either stage, [see Puis.] Perspiration offensive, smelling like urine, [Colo.— Like sulphur, Phos. — Putrid, Staph. — Sour, Merc] SKIN. * Eisily-bleeding ulcers ; look like raw flesh, [Merc] Ulcers, with boody, ichorous matter, [see Lach.] * Mercurial ulcers and caries, [Aur. Sulph.] Black pores on skin, [Sulph.] CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. * Acts especially on mucous outlets, as rectum, anus, vagina, mouth. * Adapted to diseases depending upon presence of some virulent poison, as syphilitic, mercurial, and scrofulous miasm. Especially suited to lean persons with dark complexion, black hair and eyes, [lean persons who walk stooping, *Sulph.] Great debility, with heaviness and trembling of limbs. Symptoms worse in even- ing and at night ; better from riding in a carriage, [reverse, Cocc] injx VOMICA. MIND. — Hypochondriac mood, [Bell. Calc c Puis. — Cheer- ful mood, Angus. Cann. Croc] * Noise, talk, strong odors, and bright light are intolerable. *Very irritable, and wishes to be alone, [Chin. Mag. m. — Fear of being alone, Ars. Kali c Lach.] * Disposed to quarrel and feel vexed, Bry. Cham. Lye] He makes mistakes in speaking, and gives wrong, absurd answers, [see Gel.] * Insane desire to kill even his best friends. * Mental derangement, in case of drunkards, [delirium tremens.] Muttering delirium, [Hyos. Mur. ac Rhus.] * Ailments from intoxication and nightly revelling. Time passes too slow, [Arg*. n. Pall.— Too fast Cocc Ther. cur.] Aversion to all kinds of labor, [Nit. ac Phos. — Aversion to talk, Dig. Phos. ac] HEAD. * Vertigo, with obscuration of sight, and whizzing NUX VOMICA. 367 in ears. *Head feels much too large, [Arg. n. Glon. Lactu. — Too small, Coff. — As if it became elongated, Hyp. per.] Headache, feels as if head would split, with sour vomiting, [Bry. Sars. — Gastric sick headache, with vomiting of sweetish water *Iris.] Sick headache from wine, coffee, close mental application, sedentary habits. *Pressing pain on vertex, as if a nail were driven into it, [Ign. — Semi-lateral pains, as if a nail were driven into side of head, Coff.] Head symptoms worse in morning ; in cold air ; from mental exertion, and when lying down, [see Bell.] EYES. Pressure on upper lids, especially in morning, ^Painless spots, like extnvasated blood in sclerotica. Ooz- ing of blood from eyes, [Bell. Carb. v. Cham.] Burning and smarting in eyes as from salt, [see Nat. m.] Streaks, like lightning, befoe eyes, [flickering zigzag*, Ign. Nat. m.] In tolerance of light of day, [of candie-light, Borax. Hepar. Phos." EARS. Otalgia, with tearing, stinging pains, [see Cham. Tingling, hissing in ears. * Kinging in ears, [see Chin. Roarmg in ears, early in morning, [Bell. Lye. Nit. ac.] NOSE. * Fluent coryza during day, and dry coryza at night, [see Merc.] First stage of ordinary catarrh, with oppressive dulness in head. FACE. Pale, yellowish complexion, [Merc. — Gray-yellow, Carb. v. — Pale face, pointed nose, sunken eyes, with blue margins, *Ars. Chin.] Redness anl heat of one cheek, and paleness of the other, [Aeon. *Cham.] MOUTH and THROAT. Tearing toothache, renewed by cold drink, relieved by warmth, [better from cold things, and worse from warm, *Bry. Coff. Puis.] Gums swollen, white, putrid, bleeding, [Nit. ac] Bloody saliva, [Ars. Hyos. Merc. Rhus. — See Merc] * Stumacace ; fetid ulcers in mouth and fauces, [*Kali chlo. Nit. ac] Tongue black and cracked, with bright-red edges. The tongue feels heavy, [Colch. *Mur. ac. Nat. m.] *Sore throat; when swallowing, feels as if it were raw. Burning in throat up to mouth, \_coldness in throat, Carb. v. Laur. Verat.] Feeling as of a plug in throat, [Hepar. Ign. As of splinters in the throat, Arg. n. *Hepar. *Nit. ac] Throat feels constricted, [Nat. m. Hyos.] Catar- rhal sore throat. STOMACH and ABDOMEN. Hunger, with aversion to food. Longing for brandy and chalk, [see Hepar.] Putrid or bitter taste early in morning, [Merc. Puis. — Bitter or sour taste after a meal, Lye Puis.] * Bitter, sour eructations, [Nit. ac *Phos. Sul. ac] *Gulping up a bitter fluid, [Bry. Ign. Puis. - A sweetish water, Merc Plumb.] Nausea after a mea', [Ars. *Bry. Puis.— After drinking, Puis. Rhus.] Vomiting food, sour-smelling mucus, dark-clotted blood, [s^e *Ipc] * Vom- iting of pregnant females, [Con. *Kreo. *Euphor. Verat.] Jfrgion of stomach very sensitive to pressure, [Ars. Bry. *Merc *Phos.] * Cannot bear clothing tight about waist, [Chin. Hep. # Lyc] * Sensation of great fulness after eating a small 368 NUX VOMICA. quantity of food, [*Chin. Lye. *Nux m. — Feeling of emptiness after eating, Sang. Sars. — Sensation as if the stomach hung down relaxed, Arg. n. *Staph.] * Pressure in the stomach, as from a stone, especially after eating, [Ars. Bry. Merc. Puis.] * Constrictive, cramp-like pain in stomach, [see *Colo.] Throb- bing in stomach, [Iod. *Puls. Rhus. Sep.] * Burning in stomach, [see Ars.] Throbbing in region of liver. ^Cutting or pinching pain in abdomen, with desire to vomit. Incar- cerated hernia, [Opi. *Tabac] * Umbilical hernia of infants. STOOL. * Habitual constipation of large, difficult faeces, with frequent, and often ineffectual, attempts at stool, [Bry. Con. Ljc.—SmaJl, hard stools, with ineffectual efforts, Lye. Sulph. — *Too large in size, hard, and dry, Bry. — See Lye.] Dysen- tery, with cutting at the navel, pressing on rectum; stools, bloody mucus with faeces, [liquid, faecal, mingled with hard lumps, Con. Lye.] Pitch-like stools, with blood, [Merc. *Leip.— Black, putrid stools, Ars. Chin.] *Painful haemorrhoids, blind or flowing. URINARY O'S. Renal colic, pain extending to genitals and leg. Painful and almost ineffectual urging to urinate, [Cann. Puis.] * Urging to urinate, passing only a few drops of red, bloody, burning urine, [Cann. Canth.] *Bloody urine, [Ipec. Millef. Tereb.] SEXUAL O'S. Constrictive pain in testicles. Menses too early and too profuse, with dark, black blood, [Bry. *Cal. phos. Cimic— Too late, pale, and scant, Graph. *Puls. Sulph. — See Puis.] *Menses irregular, never at the right time, [Iod. *Nux m. Ruta. *Sep.] Dysmenorrhoza,[ *Cimi.] Fetid hucorrhoza, tinging linen yellow, with uterine pains, [see Nit. ac.] * False and inefficient labor-pains, with frequent desire to urinate and go to stool. Prolapsus uteri from overlifting, straining, [Rhus. — Prolapsus vagina, *Merc. *Sep.] RESPIRATORY O'S. First stage of ordimry bronchial catarrh, with dry coryza. *Dry cough, with a sense of con- striction around waist. The cough is worse after midnight and in morning, from exertion, when lying on back, from eating and drinking, [see Spong.] Painful pulsative shocks in direction of heart, [Cann. Con.] * Palpitation of heart, with inclination to vomit and heaviness in chest, [see *Dig.] Pres- sure on outer parts of chest, as from a load. BACK. Drawing pain in nape of neck, [Chin. Puis.] Bruised pain between scapulae, [aching under outer edge of left scapulae, Bell.— * Constant pain under inferior angle of right scapula, Chel.] Bruised pain in back, worse 3 or 4 a.m. Spine affected by sexual excesses, EXTREMITIES. Upper. Sudden loss of strength in arms, early in morning. Paralysis of arm, with tumult and shocks in it, as if blood would start out of vessels. The hands go to sleep and feel dead. Lower. * Numbness and paralysis of h>wer limbs, [Lye. Plum.— Paralytic heaviness, Stan. Sulph.] Numbness and deadness of lower legs. Cracking in knee- opium. 369 joint during motion, [Cocc. Con. — Buzzing sensation in lower limbs, Kreo.] SLEEP. * Cannot sleep after 3 a.m., ideas crowd upon the mind so, [Calo. c. Sep. — Cannot sleep before 3 a.m., Am. c. Merc] Great drowsiness during the day and after meals, [Bry. *Phos.] Night seems long. FEVER. Chilliness, not relieved by external heat, [Bell. Phos. — Heat relieves, Ars. *Ign. Kali c] Chilliness, with shuddering, in evening and at night; worse from movement an I after drinking, [see Ars.] Coldness of whole body, with blue skin and finger-nails. Fever and ague, with much gas- tric disturbance, [Ipe. Puis.] Great heat, and yet wants to be covered, [Hepar. — Wants to be uncovered, Hyos. Sec] Af- ternoon or evening fever, [Chin. Phos. Puis.] Sweat after midnight. CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Suitable to thin, slender persons, [lean persons with dark complexion, black hair and eyes, Nit. ac — Tall, slender, fair skin, nervous temperament, Phos. — Thin, scrawny, with shrivelled skin, Sec] *Shocks and jerks through whole body, [pulsations through whole body, Puis. *Zinc — Buzzing through whole body, Opi.] Heaviness of body, [lightness, Sep. Thuya. — Feels too tall, *Stram.] *Bad effects from coffee, tobacco, spirituous liquors, sedentary habits, loss of sleep. Aggravation in morning, after eating, from touch ; strong pressure relieves, Nat. c] OPIUM. MIND. Fearfulness and tendency to start, [Ign. Kali c. Nat. m.] Stupid indifference to pain and pleisure, [insen- sibility to mental impressions, Stram.] *Thinks she is not at home, [see Bry.] * Delirious talking; eyes wide open, face red and puffed up, [unconscious delirium, with closed eye>-, Hyos.] Complete loss of consciousness, [Bell. Laur.] * Complete loss of mtmory, [see Hydras.] *I)ilirium tremens, with duiness of sense, stupor, and loud snoring, [with clonic spasms, unconsciousness, and aversion to light and company, Hyos. — With consciousness and desire for light and company, Stram.] * Apoplexy, with loss of consciousness, red, bloated face; half-closed eyes, dilated, insensible pupils; foam at the mouth, loud snoring. HEAD. Duiness and stupefaction of head as from drunken- ness, [Gel.] Vertigo when rising, has to lie down. Sensation ot' tightness in head, [of looseness, Nat. sul. Nux m. — Brain feels as if it fell forward when stooping Dig. — As if it fell to left side, Nat. s. — Feeling of hollowness in head, Carol, ru. Ign.] Throbbing of arteries of the head, [Hyos. Stan. — * Of the neck, Bell.] * Great heaviness of head, [Calc c Phos. ac Sulph. — Ligthness of, Stram.] EYES, Eyei half open and turned upwards, [heaviness of 24 370 PHOSPHORUS. lids, cannot keep them open, *Gel. Rhus. Sep.] * Pupils dilated and insensible to light, [contracted, Cicu. Phos.] FACE. * Dark-red, bloated, swollen face, [Bell. Hyos.] Spasmodic movements of facial muscles. Veins of face dis- tended. *4Ianging down of lower jaw, [Lach. Lye. — Lock- jaw, Ciou. Hyos.] Corner of mouth-twitch. STOMACH. Vomiting, with violent colic and convulsions. Vomiting blood, [see Ipec] * Vomiting faeces and urine, [Plumb.*] Lead-colic, [*Nux v.] Incarcerated hernia, [Nux v.] *Ileus, witli retention of stool. STOOL. * Constipation; stools composed of round, hard, black balls, [Thuya. — Hard, white, like chalk, Pallad. — Light- colored, lumpy, Collin.— Stools like sheep's dung, Chel. Plumb. Ruta. Verbas. — Stools long, narrow, hard like adog'*, Caust. *Phos. Prun. spin.— Too la rge, hard, and difficult, *Bry. Kali c. *Nux v. Verat.] * Involuntary stools after fright. * Cholera, infantum with stupor, RESPIRATORY O'S. Difficult, intermitting breathing, as from paralysis of lungs, [Lye. Tart, e.] *Deep snoring, breathing, with open mouth, [deep, like a sigh, Cap, — Un- equal, quick, ;md moaning, Bell.] SLEEP. *Very sleepy, but cannot go to sleep, [*Bell. Ferr.] * Great drowsiness and inclination to sleep, [Camph. Hep. *Phos. Seo. — Very wakeful, *Coff. Colo.] Coma vigil, [*Hyos. Hydro, ao. Verat.] *Stupefying sleep, with eyes half open and loud snoring, [Stram. — Screams out during sleep, Bell. Cham. Stram.] During sleep, picking at the bedclothes, [Hyos. Mur. ac.— Grasping at flocks, Ars. Zinc.] FEVER. * Pulse full and slow, with difficult snoring, breathing, [pulse thread-like, weak, slow, Verat.] Intermittent fever; shaking chill, falls asleep in cold stage, no thirst; during hot stage, thirst ; with copious perspiration. *Typhoid fever with sopor; snoring with mouth open, twitching of limb^, and perspiration on hot body. CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Suitable to children and old people, [Mill.] *A11 complaints, with great sopor. Buzzing through whole body. * After a fright with fear, con- vulsions, Screaming before and during spasm, [comes out of spasm happy, Sulph.] * After fright; the fear seems to remain, [*Acon.] Bad effects from fright, [Hyos. Verat. — From grief, *Ign. Phos. ac.] *Bed feels so hot, cannot lie on it, [feels too hard, *Arn. Bapt.] Patient worse while per- spiring, during and after sleep, [worse after sleep, Apis. *Lach. Verat. — Better after sleeping, Cro. t. Phos. Sil.j PHOSPHORUS. MIND. Great lowness of spirits, [Plat. Puis. Rumex,— Hilarity of, Croc. Lach. Sabi.] * Fearfulness, as if some- thing were creeping out of every corner, [fear of ghosts, Aeon.] *Great tendency to start, [Kali c. Nat. m.] Indis- phosphorus. 371 posed to work, [Con. Nit. ac. Nux.— Indisposed to talk, Dig. Phos. ac. Stan.] Loss of memory, [Merc. Nat. m. *Opi.] HEAD. Vertigo when rising from bed in the morning, or from a seat, [see Kali b.] Dull, stupefying headache, worse in morning and when stooping; better when lying down and in cold air, [worse lying down and in cold air, Bell. Nux.] Congestion to head, with burning, stinging, pulsating pains. Burning in forehead, [Stan.— On vertex, Graph. * Sulph.] Sensation of emptiness in head, with vertigo, [Carol, r. Ign. Oxal. ac. — Great fulness, *Acon. Bell. Bry.] Hamming and roaring in head. EYES. ^Ophthalmia, with burning, itching, and pressure as from sand in eyes. Scrofulous ophthalmia, [see Merc] Agglutination of lids in morning, with secretion of gum dur- ing day, [Caust. Kali c] * Frequent attacks of sudden blindness, [*Caust. Merc. Sil.] Black spots passing before eyes, [Carb. v. *Merc *Nit. ac— As of insects, Caust.] * EARS. Thiobbing in ears, [Calc c Hep. Nat. m.] *Loud whizzing before ears, [ringing, whizzing, Ledum. Lye] Hardness of hearing, as if a foreign body were in the ear, [see Puis.] Polypi in the ears. NOSE. * Frequent bleeding of nose, in morning, [Am. c Bry. — At night; djring stool, or from exertion, Rhus. — Epistuxis instead of the menses, *Bry. Puis.— After suppressed bleeding piles, Nux.] * Polypi nasi bleeding easily. FACE. *Pale, sicklv complexion. Hippocra tic countenance, [*Ars. Carb. v. Verat.] * Tearing pains in facial bones, as if parts would be torn out. Circumscribed redness of face, [Calc c Sang. Sulph.] Bloated lips. MOUTH and THROAT. Toothache, with swelling of cheeks, [Am. Cham. Sep.] Toothache from washing, [Nux m.] *Dry tongue; coated with white mucus. * Nursing sore mouth. Burning in oesophagus, [*Ars. Canth. Merc. — Cold- ness in, Carb. v. Verat.] Dryness in pharynx and fauces, day and night, Spasmodic constriction of the throat, [Bell. Hyos. Laur.] * Hawking up mucus in morning, [Lach. Nat. m. — See Arg. n.] STOMACH and ABDOMEN. * Thirst for very cold drinks. Hunger soon after eating, [Cicu. Merc. Staph.— Stomach feels empty after eating, Sang. Sars.] Sour taste after eating, [Lye* Puis.— All food or drink tastes bitter, *Bry. Colo.— Tastes sour, Nux v. Puis.] *Sour eructations after every meal, [Bry. Calc. c. Kali 0. — Bitter eructations after a meal, Bell. Chin. Nux v.] * Belching large quantities of wind after eating, [*Arg. n. *Iodi. Hepar.] Sour regurgitation of food, [Nat.~m. Nux v. Sulph.— Bitter regurgitation, Bry. Merc. Pet.] * Vomiting bile or a sour substance, [ *Ipe. Nux v.] Vomiting what has been drunk, soon as it becomes warm in stomach. Region of stomach painful to touch, or when walking, [Ars. Bry. Merc] Inflammation of stomach, with burning extending to throat and bowels, [Ars. Canth. Merc] Feeling of coldness in 372 PHOSPHORUS. abdomen, [Ars. Pet. Sec. Sep. — Burning in, Canth. Lach. Sep. Sil.] *Sharp, cutting pains in bowels. STOOL. *Stools, long, narrow, hard, like a dog's; difficult to expel, [Caust. Prun. spi. — * Stools like sheep's dung, Chel. Plumb. Ruta. Verbas.] Alternate constipation and diarrhoea, [see Ant. c] Painless, debilitating diarrhoea ; worse in morning, [Apis. *Podo. Sulph.] Stools of green mucus; * white, watery, with little grains like sago, [green, like scum on frog-pond, *Mag. c] Stools undigested, [*Chin. Ferr. Phos. ac. Podo.] Bloody stools, [Cap. Colch. Colo. *Merc.] * Involuntary stools, anus remaining open, [Apis.— Anus as if constricted, Nux.] URINE. Brown urine, with sediment of red sand, [*Lyc] Hozmaturia. The urine deposits a brick-dust sediment, [Chin. Nat. m. Puis. — Urine dark-brown, with white sediment, Calc. o. Sep.] Profuse, pale, watery. SEXUAL O'S. Male. * Irresistible desire for an embrace, [Calc. c. Canth. Nux v. — Diminished sexual desire, Arg. n. Hepar. Lye. Mag. c.] Stitches through pelvis, from vagina to uterus. * Menses too early and scanty, [Con. Nat. m. Sil. — Too late and too scanty, Grap. Hepar. * Puis.— Too early and too profuse, *Bell. *Calc. c. Nit. ac. Sabi.] Profuse, smarting, corrosive leucorrhcea, [Con. Kreo. Puis.] RESPIRATORY O'S. Hoarseness in morning, [Carb. v. *Caust. *Iodi. Sulph. — In evening, Calc. c. Kali b. Lach.] ^Complete loss of voice, [Bell. Bapt. Merc. Sulph.] *Vio- lent catarrh, with hoarseness, [Cham. Merc. Nux v.] * Can- not talk, the larynx so painful, [Bell. Dros.] Cough from tickling in throat; worse from cold air ; reading aloud ; talk- ing, laughing, eating or drinking, [Chin. Dros. — See Spong.] -* Cough, with pah-red, rust-colored, or bloody, frothy expec- toration, [*Bry. Rhus. Sang. — Dirty, slate- colored, Kali b. — *Gray, saltish, Bary. c. Lye. — Green, Lye. Phos. Puis. — Jelly- like, with specks of blood, Laur. — Green, with sweet taste, Stan. Sulph. — Salt, fetid, purulent, Kali b. Nit. ac. Sep. — Transparent, tenacious, Ferr. *Kali b.— Yellow, Ign. Phos. ac. Puis. *Stan.] * Tightness across chest, with a dry, tight cough, [Puis.] * Pneumonia, (leftside,) with sharp stitches in chest; rust- colored sputa; respiration oppressed, quick, anxious; better lying onrigld side, [Apis.] Heaviness and fulness in chest, [Calc. c. Puis. *Sep. — Emptiness, Cocc. Crot. Zinc] BACK. Pain in back, as if broken, [Graph. Mag. c— As if it would break, Kreo. Kalm.] Burning in back, [Ars.— Between scapula?, Bry. Lye. — Coldness between shoulders, Am. m.] Rachitis. EXTREMITIES. Stitches in elbow and shoulder-joints. Cramp in hands. Heaviness of lower limbs. Numbness of thighs and toes. ^Burning of feet, [Calc. c. Sulph.] SLEEP. * Very sleepy after meals, especially after dinner, [Bry. Lye. Nux v.] Great drowsiness; coma vigil, [see Opi.] Somnambulism. PHOSPHORIC ACID. 373 FEVER. Pulse quick and full, or small and weak. Chilliness, generally in evening, not relieved by heat of stove, [Bell. Nux v.] Absence of thirst, and aversion to being uncovered. Febrile heat and sweat at night. * Typhoid fever, with sopor- ous condition, dry, black lips and tongue, open mouth, [see Lye] Hectic/ever *Nightsweats. SKIN. Burning itching of whole body, [Kali c] Dry herpes, [Calc. c. Kali c. Sulph. — Humid tetters, Kreo. *Ledum. Kali c. Merc. —Eruptions oozing a sticky fluid, * Graph. — Oozing a watery fluid, Dulc] CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Especially suitable to tall, slender persons, with fair skin, blonde, or red hair, [fat, light- haired persons, Kali b.] *Weakne-s from loss of animal fluids, [*Chin. Calc. c. Phos. ac] Great nervous debility, trembling, [Cocc. Plat. Stram. Valer.] Great emaciation, [Ars. Bary. c. Lye. — *Children and young persons who in- cline to grow fat, Calc. c] *Slight wounds bleed much, [Lach.] Worse, in evening, from light, [better from light, Stram.] Better, in dark, [Con. Sang. — Afraid in dark, Caust.] Better lying on right side. [Apis.] Better after sleeping, [worse, Apis. *Lach, Opi. Verat.] PHOSPHORIC ACID. MIND. *Perfect indifference [Chin. Lye. Merc. Sep.] *Not disposed to talk, [*Bb11. Con. Ign. Nit. ac. — Hurried speech, Lach. Merc. Stram.] Silent sadness, [*Ign. Puis.] Low-spirited and anxious about the future, [Lyo. Nat. m. Nit. ac. * Delirium, drowsiness, and stupor. HEAD. Sensation of intoxication, with buzzing in head, [see Gel.] * Dreadful pain on top of head, as if brain were crushed, after long-continued grief. Great heaviness of the head, [Calc. c. Nat. m. Rhus t. Sulph. — Sensation of lightness, Hipp. Stram,] Headache, compelling one to lie down ; worse from the least shaking or noise, [Bell. [Kali b.] Buzzing in head. EYES. Inflammation of eyes, and stye on the upper lids, [Lye. Puis. — Styes on lower lids, Rhus.] The eyes are dazzled by looking at bright things. Coldness of internal surface of eyelids, [Alum. Kali c] EARS. Ringing in ears, [see Chin.] Roaring, humming in ears, [Bell. Lye. Nit. ac] Intolerance of noise and con- versation, [Aeon. Ars. — Intolerance of music, Lye. Phos. Sulph.] MOUTH. Burning pain in front teeth at night ; worse from hot or cold things. The gums stand off from the teeth, are sore, and bleed when being rubbed, [Carb. v. Merc. Nit. ac. Nux v. -Scorbutic gums, Am. c. Kreo. Mur. ac] * Clammy, sticky mucus in mouth and on tongue, [Merc. Nux m. Puis. — *Dry, blackish tongue, Ars. Lach. Lye. Merc. — See Lye] Dryness of tongue and throat, without thirst, [Bell. *Nuxm,- With thirst, Nit. ac. Phos.] 374 PHOSPHORIC ACID. STOMACH and ABDOMEN. Nausea, as if in the palate. * Desire for something refreshing or juicy, [Verat. — See Hepar.] * Bread tastes bitter, [all food and drink taste bitter, *Bry. Colo. Puis.] Pressure in stomach, as from a load, with drowsiness, [Ars. Bry. Nux v. Sep.] *Sensation as if the stomach were balanced up and down, [as if hanging down, relaxed, Arg. n. * Staph. — Sensation of a worm in stomach, Croc. Lach.] Feeling of heaviness in region of liver, [see Podo.] Crampy pain in abdomen. STOOL. * Diarrhoea, preceding epidemic cholera, [Phos. Sec Verat.] * Copious, watery-whitish stools; painless, [Ben. ac. Cast. Phos. Podo. — Stools black, Camp. Chin. *Lep. *Verat.] Diarrhoea not debilitating, [reverse, *Ars. Chin. Sec. *Verat.] URINARY O'S. Urine like milk, mixed with jelly-like, bloody pieces, with pain in kidneys, [uriue turns m Iky after standing, Cina. — Like curdled milk, with brick-dust sedi- ment, Phos. — *Tran-parent, jelly-like, or reddish, with mealy sediment, Berb. v.] *Pa-ses large quantities of colorless urine at night, [*Cham.] Diabetes mellitus, [Arg. n. Bovis, Trill.] SEXUAL O'S. Itching, stinging in glans penis. Gnawing in testicles, [Plat. — Constrictive pain in, Nux v.] *Seminal emissions, especially after onanism, [Chin. *Gel. Phos.] *Too early and too long-continued menstruation, with pain in liver. * Uterine ulcers; has a copious, putrid, bloody dis- charge, with itching, corroding pain, [Hepar. Sec. Zinc] RESPIRATORY O'S. Hoarseness and roughness of throat, [Carbo a. Phos. -*Soreness and rawness in throat, iEscul. Iris.] Cough from tickling in throat and pit of stomach, with expectoration only in morning, [*Mag. c. Nux v. Puis. Sep. — Expectoration only at night, *Caust. Staph. Tart. — Expectoration only in evening, Dig.] Cough, with purulent, offensive expectoration, [Ars. Calc. c. Stan. Sulph. — Hoarse, barking cough, Bell. Bros. Nit ac. *Rumex. *Verbas.] SLEEP. Great drowsiness in daytime; sleeplessness at night, [Lye Merc. * Sulph. — *Sleepy, but cannot go to sleep, Bell. *Opi.] Anxious dreams. FEVER. Pulse irregular, frequently intermitting, [Kali c. Lach. Nat. m. Spig.] Chills, with shuddering in evening, fol- lowed by exhausting sweat. Typhoid fever. Intermittent jevn\ — Shaking chills over whole body; the fingers being cold as ice, without any thirst, followed by heat without thirst, or by excessive heat, depriving one almost of consciousness. * Pro- fuse morning sweats, [Chin. Sulph. ac— Debilitating night- sweats, Calc. c. *Merc. Sil. Stan.] SKIN. Scarlet-like exanthems, [Am, c. Bell. — Black, pock- shaped exanthems, Ars. Rhus.] Kash oyer whole body, more burning than itching. Ulcers, itching, inveterate or flat, with dirty pus, [see Merc] CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Affects especially the nerv- PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. 375 ous system, [Cooc. Plat. *Valeri. — Affects glandular system, Hepar. Iodi. Kali b. Merc] ^Children with pale, sickly look ; painless diarrhoea, and tottering gait. Children and young persons who grow too fast, [grow too fat, Calc. c. — Those who incline to grow thin, Ars. Bary. o. Phos.] * Weak- ness from loss of animal fluids, [Calc. c. *Chin. *Phos.] Bad effects from grief chagrin, unhappy love, [Gel. *Ign.] *Pain in periosteum, as if scraped, [Rhus.] Pains worse during rest; and better from motion, [Dulc. Kali c. Rhod. *Rhus. — Better during rest, worse from motion, Aeon. *Bry. Hep. Merc] PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. MIND. Entire indifference to life, [Chin. Merc Phos. ac] Melancholy, is sure he will die, [see Aeon.] HEAD. Vertigo and dimness of vision, with danger of falling. Pain in back of head and neck. One-sided head- ache, [see Puis.] Dull, heavy headache in forehead. *Sick- headache, worse in forehead, with backache and bearing down, comes every week, [comes every three or four days, Aur. — Every two weeks, Sulph.] Shooting pain from left eye to vertex. EYES. * Burning, smarting in eyes, with profuse lachry- mation, [Euph.] Feeling of sand in eyes, [see Nux.] NOSE. Thin watery discharge from nostrils, nose becomes stuffed. Flow of mucus from one nostril while the other is stopped. FACE. Hippocratic face, [*Ars. Carb. v. Verat.] *Chin drawn closely to sternum, by contraction of muscles, in teta- nus. *Lips everted and firm. Glands of neck swollen. MOUTH. Metallic ta4e, [Arg. n. Merc Plumb. J Back part of tongue feels as if burnt, [see Verat.] Tongue fie y red at tip, tender and smarting. Profuse saliva, sometimes yellowish, thick, ropy. THROAT. Sore throat, right side. Fauces dark, bluish- red, worse on swallowing, [see Bell.] *Throat feels as if a red hot ball was lodged in fauces, [as if a splinter was, Arg. n. Hepar. Nit. ac] Diphtheric inflammation and ulceration of throat. * Fauces, tonsils and pharynx covered with dark- colored pseudo-memb ane. Cannot drink hot fluids, [Lach.] Mucus hangs down in strings from posterior nares, and is hawked up with difficulty, [see Arg. n.]. STOMACH. Eructation; of flatus and sour fluid. Vomit- ing ingesta, bile, blood, and slime, with intense pain. Bruised and sore feeling in pit of stomach. Soreness and pain in right hvpochondrium. STOOL. *Thin, dark-brown stools, [Scilla.] Stools of mucus and blood, like scrapings off intestines, [*Canth. Colch. Colo.] Bleeding piles. Fissure! rectum. URINE. Dull pain and soreness in region of kidneys, 376 PODOPHYLLUM. [burning, stinging, *Canth.] Uneasiness down ureters, [dragging, shooting pains, Cann. s.] Urine albuminous, [Apis. *Berb. *Helon, Terb.] * Urine dark-red, stains vessel ma- hogany color, [clay color, *Sep,] SEXUAL O'S. Gonorrhoea and gleet, [Cann. Gel. Merc] Syphilis, chancres, ulcerated throat; ulcers on genitals. Menses too frequent and too copious, [see Puis.] * Inflammation, swelling and suppurations of bi easts Mammary gland full of hard, painful nodosities, [Con. Nit. ac] LARYNX. Hoarseness, with loss of voice, [see Phos.] Burn- ing in larynx and trachea, with sensation of constriction. *Dry, hacking cough, with hawking. Cough excited by tickling in larynx, or dryness in pharynx, worse at night soon as he lies down, [see Puis.] CHEST. Aching pains in chest and side, with cough. Pain through mid-sternum, with cough. Shocks of pain in cardiac region. *Angina pectoris, pain goes into right arm, [with numbness of left arm, Rhus.] BACK. Neck stiff, tonsils swollen. Glands on right side of neck hard. * Rheumatism in lumbar muscles, aching pain dav and night. UPPER LIMBS. Both scapulae ache continually. Shooting pains in right shoulder-joint, with stiffness and inability to raise the arm. * Finger-joints swollen, hard, shining. Lame feeling in arms. LOWER LIMBS. Sharp cutting pains in hip, drawing; leg drawn up, cannot touch floor. *Kheumatism of left knee, hamstrings feel shortened. Chronic rheumatism of left hip. Ulcers on the legs. SKIN. Barber's itch, local application of tincture. Ring- worm, [Lith. c. Sep. Tellu.] Black-looking, tettery, suppura- tive eruption. Ulcers, with an appearance as if punched out, [see Sili.] Scarlatina, with angina. CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Adapted to persons of a rheumatic diathesis [Bry. Cimi. Rhus.] Syphilitic rheu- matism. Pains, pressing, shooting an I sore. Erratic pains, [*Lac can. *Puls.] Glands inflamed, swollen. Hastens suppuration in abscesses, [Lach. Merc. *Sili.] PODOPHYLLUM. MIND. Depression of spirits, [Bovis. Chel. Iris.] Imag- ines he is going to die, [Aeon. Ars. Nux. Phyto. Sec. — Is very cheerful, Cocc. Lach.] HEAD. Vertigo, with tendency to fall forward. Morning headache, with flushed face, [sfee Nux v. Sulph.] Headache, alternating with diarrhoea. * Rolling of head during difficult dentition, [boring head into pillow, Apis. *Bell. Hell.— Jerk- ing head up from pillow, *Stram.] MOUTH and THROAT. Tongue furred white, with foul PULSATILLA. 377 taste, [Ant. Nux. Sep.] Dryness of mouth and tongue in morning, [Mag. c. Puis. Spig.] Grinding of teeth at night, [Cicu. *Cina. Sec. Stram.] * So re throat, beginning on right side and going to left, [see *Lach.] Rattling of mucus in throat. Dryness of throat. Goitre, [Calc. c. *Iod. *Spong.] STOMACH and ABDOMEN. Kegurgitation of food, [see *Phos.] Vomiting food, with putrid taste and odor. *Wa- terbrash, [Ars. *Nux. Phos.] Belching of hot flatus, very sour. Gagging, or empty retching Fulness and j ain in region of liver, [Aeon. Berb. Eup. per. — Constant dull pain in region of gall-bladder, Bapt. *Lept. *Phyto. — Burning pain in region of liver, Kalic. Merc.— Drawing, burning, stinging pain, Bry. Calc. c. — Induration of liver, Ars. Bell. Chin. *Merc. *Sil.] STOOL and ANUS. Chronic diarrhoea, worsein morning, [Kali b. Nat. s. Phos. Sulph.— Worse at night, *Ars. Chin. *Puls. Verat.] * Greenish, watery stools, [Dulc. Grat. *Mag. c. Puis. — White, watery, Benz. ac. *Castor. Phos. *Phos. ac. — Black, watery, Ars. Kali b. Verat. — Yellowish, watery, Apis. Chin. Crot. t. Dulc. Hyos.] * Profuse stools, gushing out like a torrent, [*Jatro. * Thuya.] Frequent chalk-Ike stools, very offensive, with gag- ging and great thirst in children, [see *Calc. c. Copa.] *Dark, yellow, mucous stools, smelling like carrion. Jelly-like, mucous stools, [Aloe. *Colch. *Hell.] Painless, undigested stools, [Ars. *Chin. *Ferr. Hyos. Phos. ac. — Painless, morning diarrhoea, Eumex c. *Sulph.] White, slimy, mucous stools. * During and after stool, prolapsus ani, [Merc. — During stool, Gum. g. Ign. *Ruta. Sep.] Diarrhoea worse after eating or drinking. URINE. Diminished secretion of urine, [Kreo.] Suppres- sion of urine, [Hell. Laur. — Suppression in fever, Cact.] GENITALS. *Suppression of menses in young girls, [see Puis.] Leucorrhcea; discharge of thick, transparent mucus, with bearing down in genitals and constipation. *Prolapsus uteri, [Calc. c. *Coni. Nux v.*Sep. — Prolapsus of vagina, with a sensation of great rawness, *Merc. Sep. Stan.] *Numb, aching pain in left ovarian region, [see Lach.] CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Symptoms generally worse in morning, especially those of abdomen. *Painless cholera morbus. * Violent cramp in feet, calves, and thighs, [with painless, watery stools.] Sudden shocks of jerking pain. PULSATILLA. MIND. Melancholy, with weeping, sadness, [Lye. Plat. Phos. — Gayety, cheerfulness, Croc. *Lach.] Disposed to weep or laugh, [Berb. Calc. c. Staph. Sulph.] * Anguish in region of heart, even to a desire for suicide. Hypochondriac peevish- ness. *He is disgusted with everything, [Calc. c. — Indiffer- ent to everything, Ign. *Phos. ac. Phyto.] HEAD. Vertigo, as if intoxicated, [Bry. Can. s. Croc. *Gel.] * Vertigo, win n rising from a sitting posture, with chillinebS. Vertigo, when stooping, lifting up the eyes, after eat- 378 PULSATILLA. w(7, [see Kali b.] Confusion of head, with pain, as after intoxication or watching. Sensation of emptiness in head, with great ind ! fference, [*Cocc. Coral, r, Ign. *Oxal. ac. — Great fulness in head, Aeon. *Bell. Bry. *Merc] * Beating pain in head; worse in evening, from stooping, mental exer- tion, in a warm room. *Hemicrania, as if brain would burst. *Headache relieved by compression, [Apis. Arg. n.] * Head- ache from overloading stomach, or after eating fat food, [*Ant. Ipe. *Iris. *Nux.— Headache from abuse of coffee, Cham. Ign. *Nux. — From abuse of spirituous liquors, Carb. v. Coff. *Nux. Puis. — From excessive study, Calc. c. Nux. Sulph. — From moral emotions, grief, etc., *Ign. Phos. ac. Staph.] *Headache, worse in evening, after lying down ; better in open air and from compression, [Apis.] EYES. * Inflammation of margins of lids, with swelling, [ulceration of margin of lids, Euph. *Merc Sulph.] Pressure in eyes as from sand, [Caust. Chin. Euph. Sulph. — Burning, smarting, as from salt, Nux v.] * Styes, especially on upper lids, [Phos. ac. Lye. — On lower lids, Rhus t.] EARS. *Otalg'a,with darting, tearing pains, [see *Merc.]" Stinging in ears. Hardness of hearing, as if ears were stopped, [Calc c. Caust. Sil. Sulph.] * Discharge of pus from ears, es- pecially after measles, [Bell. Merc. Sulph.] Humming and tingling in the ears. NOSE. ^Bleeding of nose, with dry coryza, [see Bell. *Phos.] Green, fetid discharge from nose, [Merc. Rhus. — Fetid, yellow discharge, Coni. Graph. *Nit. ac] Coryza, with loss of taste and smell, [Nat. m. *Mag. m.] FACE. Yellowish complexion, [Ars. Caust. Merc. — Green- ish color of face, Ars. Carb. v.] Alternate redness and pale- ness of the face, [*Bell. Croc. Ign.] MOUTH and THROAT. Toothache, with otalgia, one-sided headache, and chilliness. *The toothache comes on every time he eats or takes anything warm in mouth, relieved moment- arily by cold water, [Bry.] *Tongue coated yellow or white, and covered with tough mucus, [Merc. Nux m. Phos. ac] * Sore throat ; it feels too narrow or as if closed up when swallow- ing. Back part of throat feels sore and raw. STOMACH and ABDOMEN. *Putrid taste in mouth, with inclination to vomit, [Am. Bry. *Merc Nux v,] * Absence of thirst, [*Bell. Ipe. Sep.] Every kind of nourishment tastes bitter, [*Bry Chin. Colo. — All food tastes sour, Lye Nux v. — All food tastes too salt, Ars. Bell. Chin. Sulph.] *Eructa- tions tasting of ingesta, [Ant. Calc c Chin. Con. — Tasting like bad eggs. Arn. Mur. ac. Sep. Sulph. — Without taste or smell, Hepar. Staph.] Gulping up bitter fluid, [Bry. Ign. Nux v. Phcs, — Sourish fluid, Dig. Hydras. Lach. Nat. s. — Sweetish fluid, Nat. c Plum. Stan.] Vomiting after every meal, [*Ars. Ferr. Iris. Nux v.] * Vomiting mucus. Morning sickness, [Con. Cyclamen. Ipe. Phos,] * Disordered stomach from eating fat, rich food, [*Ant. Ipe. Nux v.] Pain in stomach after eat- PTJXSATILLA 379 ing, [*Ars. Ferr. *Nux. Sulph.] Perceptible pulsations in pit of stomach, [Iod. Rhus. Sep. Tart.] Distension of abdomen after every meal. Enteritis, with painful sensitiveness of abdom- inal walls. * Colic, with chilliness and rumbling in abdomen, especially in evening. STOOL and ANUS. * Nightly diarrhoea; stools watery or green like bile preceded by rumbling and colic. Frequent loose stools mixed with mucus, [*Ars. Bell. *Cham.] * Diarrhoea from eating fruit, [Ars. *Chin. Cist. Colo. — From eating pears, Verat. a. — From eating onions, Thuya. — From eating oysters, *Brom. Lye. — From eating veal, Kali n. — After taking cold, *Acon. Bry. Cham. *Dulc— After taking cold drinks, *Ars. Bry. Nux m. *Puls. — After cold food, ice-cream, *Ars. *Puls. — After drinking impure water, *Camph. Zing. — After drink- ing milk, *Calc. c. Nat. c. *Nicc. Sulph.] * Dysenteric diar- rhoea, stools nothing but mucus and blood, with chilliness during stool, [Ipe. *Merc. Sulph. — See Merc] URINARY O'S. Incontinence of urine [Bell. Gel.*Euph. pur. *Kreo.] *Frequent desire to urinate, with drawing in ab- domen. Colorless, watery urine, with jelly-like sediment, [Berb. — *Milky urine, with bloody, jelly-like lumps, Phos. ac] Hcematuria, with purulent sediment and pain in kidneys, [*Ars. Cann. Canth. *Phos.] Gonorrhoeal discharge re- sembling semen, [see Phyto.] SEXUAL O'S. * Menkes too late and too scanty, and of too short duration, with cramps in abdomen, [Con. *Dulc. Phos. * Sulph. — Too early and too scanty, Con. Nat. m. *Phos. Sil. — Too early and tooprofuse, *Am. c. Bell. *Calc. c. *Plat. — Too late and too profuse, Caust. Iod.] * Suppression of menses, especially from cold, [*Dulc. *Merc. *Podo. *Sulph.— From fright, *Acon. Lye. — Vicarious menstruation, (spitting blood), Ars. *Phos. Puis. — Epistnxis, when menses should appear, Bell. *Bry. Puis. — * Discharge of white water instead of the menses, Sil.] * Delayed and difficult first menstruations, [Kali c. Nat. m. Sulph. — Climacteric disorders, *Lach. Sang. *Sep. — Menses irregu'ar, never at right time, Iodi. *Nux m. Nux v. Ruta.] Menstrual blood, black and clotted, putrid, [Ign. *Mag. m. Plat. Stram.— Thick, black like, pitch, *Mag. c. Nux v. Sang.] * Menstrual colic, pains so violent she tosses in every direction, with cries and tears; blood thick and dark, [*Caul. Cham. *Cimi. Nux v.] Irregular labor-pains, [Bell. Caul. *Nux.] * Malposition of foetus. Thin, acrid, or or milky leucorrhoea. RESPIRATORY O'S. Hoarseness, which does not permit one to speak a loud word, [Bell. *Kali o. Merc. *Phos. — Hoarseness in the morning, with intolerable tickling in the throat, [*Iodi. Sep.] Scraping and dryness in throat, [Nit. ac. Nux v.] *Drv cousrh at night, when lying down, going off when sitting up, [*Hyos. Sang. —Worse from sitting up, Kali c. *Zino. — Worse lying on back, Am. m. Nux v. Phos.— On left side, Ipe. Merc. Phos.— On right side, Am. m. Stan.] * Cough, 380 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. with easy expectoration of yellow mucus, especially in morn- ing, [Caic. c. Phos. ac. Stan. Sulph. — Dry, barking cough, Bell. Nit. ac. *Rumex. *Spong.] Cough, with expectoration of black coagulated blood, [Am. Collin. *Nit. ac] Stitches in side and chest, [*Acon. Bell. *Bry. *Kali c] ^Sensation of tightness or constriction across chest, [Bell. Nux. *Phos. Stan.] Dyspnoea, especially when lying on back. Burning in region of heart, [Opi.] SLEEP. Drowsiness in day-time, [Merc. Nux. *Phos.] * Sleep at night is prevented by ideas crowding upon one, [see Nux v.] Restless sleep, with tossing about ; frequent waking. * Sleep full of frightful dreams, [*Bell. Nit. ac. Phos.] FEVER. * Continuous internal chilliness, even in warm room. Increased chilliness towards evening, [Ars. Bell. Phos. Rhus.] * Intermittent fever ; long chill, little heat, no thirst. Sometimes thirst before chill or heat, seldom in hot stage. Ague, with much gastric disturbance, [Ant. *Ipe. Nux.] SKIN. *Measles, and their secondary ailments, [Bell.] Eruptions, like chicken-pox, from eating pork, fat things. Ery- sipelas, with swelling, hardness, burning heat, stinging when touched or moving parts, [see Bell.] CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Pulsations through whole body [in back, Bary. c. Thuya.] * Adapted to females, or per- sons of a mild, tearful disposition, [Bell. *Sep.] The pains are accompanied with chilliness, [Ars. *Bell. Sep. Ign. — Chilli- ness after pains, Kali c] *Ei ratio pains, rapidly shifting from one part to another, [Bell. *Kali b. * Lac can.] Burning, stinging pains, [*Apis. Merc] Aggravation in evening; in twilight, [Bry Iris. Merc. Phos. — In morning, Nux Rhus. Sang.] Worse when lying on left side, [Aeon. Cact. Phos. — Better on leftside, Pallad. — Worse on painful side, Ars. Hepar. Iodi. Nux m. Sil. — Better on painful side, *Bry. Calc. c. Ign.] * Better in open air, or in a cold room, [Croc. Sec. Verat. — Bet- ter from heat, or in warm room, * Ars. Hepar. Kali b. Rhus.] RHTT3 TOXICODENDRON. MIND. Restlessness, with continual change of position, [*Ars.] Great anxiety towards evening. Fear that he will die, [*Ars. Bry. Nux. Sec. — Predicts the day, * Aeon.— Desires death, *Aur. Kreo. Sil.] Inclination to weep, especially in evening, with desire to be alone, [Lye. Nux. — With dread of solitude, Sep.] Desire to commit suicide, [*Aur. Hepar. *Nux. Puis.] Delirium, with stupefactiom of mind. HEAD. Giddiness, as if intoxicated when rising from bed, [see Gel.] Fulness and heaviness of head, especially in fore- head, [Aeon. *Bell. Bry. *Merc] When stooping, sensation as if a weight fell forward in forehead, [Dig.] * When walk- ing, sensation as if brain were loose, [Cicu. Mur. ac. Nat. s. Nux m.] *Stinging headache, extending to ears. Humid sup- RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 381 purating eruptions on head, forming heavy crusts, eating off hair, offensive smell and itching, worse at night, [Calc. c. Graph. Lye. *Staph.] EYES. Inflammation of lids, with agglutination in morn- ing, [see Caust. Dig. *Phos.] * Erysipelatous swelling of eyes and adjacent parts. Incipient amaurosis. EARS. Otalgia, with painful beating in ear at night, [see Puis.] Discharge of bloody pus, with hardness of hearing, [Graph. *Merc. Pet.— Of yellow, fetid pus, Hepar. *Kali b. *Mcrc. *Puls.] Parotitis, also after scalet fever. NOSE. * Bleeding of nose at night. Green, fetid discharge from nose, [Graph. Kali b. Merc. Puis.] FACE. * Vesicular erysipelas of face, with burning, tingling, stinging, [*Cist. c. Euphor. — Vesicular erysipelas, with prick- ing in parts, Hepar.— * Vesicular eruptions, discharging a sticky, glutinous fluid, Graph. — *CEdematous swelling, with burning, stinging pains, Apis. — See Bell.] Crusta lactea, with thick ceusts and secretion of a fetid, bloody ichor, [Lye. Merc. * Staph.] MOUTH and THROAT. Dry mouth, with much thirst, [Nat. m. Nit. ac— Without thirst, Bell. Lye. *Nux m.] *Tongue, with red tip, in shape of a triangle. *Tongue dry, red, and cracked. Throat sore, as from an internal swelling, stinging when swallowing. STOMACH and ABDOMEN. Complete loss of appetite for any kind of food, [*Chin. Hep. *Merc. Puis. — Ravenous appetite, Bry. *Nux v. Pet. *Verat.] Food tastes bitter, especially bread, [see Merc.] Sudden vomiting when eating. Pressure in stomach, as from a stone, [*Ars. Bry. Merc. Nux.] * Vio- lent throbbing in stomach, [Nux. *Puls.] Colic, compelling one to walk bent, [to bend double, *Colo.] Cramp-like drawing in umbilical region. STOOL. Thin, red, mucus, [*Canth. Graph. Sulph.— Thin, yellow, mucus, *Apis. Cham. *Sul. ac.J Jelly-like mucous stools, [Colch. Kalib.— See Podo.] Bloody stools, [Cap. Colch. Colo. Phos.] Before stool, urging, cutting colic. During stool, cutting colic, nausea. After stool, remission of pains. Also frothy, painless stools. URINE. Dysuria, with discharges of drops of bloody urine, [Cann. Nux v.] * Urine, with snow-white sediment, [Cap. Colch.— Brick-dust-like sediment, Nat. m. *Phos. Puis.— Bed, sandy sediment, *Lyc] Incontinence of urine, [see Puis.] SEXUAL O'S. * Derangement of uterine functions, from bein^ drenched in rain, [from taking cold, *Dulc. Merc. Podo. *Puls.] Metrorrhagia, with labor-like pains; blood clotted, [Bell. Cham. Cimi.] * Vitiated and diminished lochia, with shootings upwards in vagina, with a bursting sensation in head, [Bry.] * Abortion from a strain or overlifting, also prolapsus uteri. RESPIRATORY O'S. Hoarseness from overstraining voice. Koughness of throat, inducing a short and hacking cough. 382 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. * Short, dry, tickling cough, especially in evening and before midnight, [after midnight and in morning, Hyos. Nux v.] *Terrible cough, which seems as if it would tear something out of chest. * Putting hand out of bed brings on cough, [see Hepar.] Cough excited from tickling under sternum, [Rhus r. Rumex. Plat.] Cough in evening, with vomiting the ingest a, [Carb. v. Bros. Ferr.] Cough, with stitchesxn chest, [Aeon. *Bry. Kali c. *Puls. — With stitches over eye and splitting headache, Phos.] Stitches in chest and sides, worse at rest, [better at rest, *Bry. Puis.] Sensation of weakness and trembling of heart, [Bell. Nit. ac. Nux m. Spig.] Violent palpitation when sitting still, [*Aspar. Phos. Spig.— When lying down, Nux v. Oxal. ac. — On the left side, Cact. *Nat. c. Nat. m.] BACK. Pain in small of back, as if bruised, relieved by lying on something hard, or by motion, [Rhod. Ruta.] *Pain between shoulders when swallowing. Creeping coldness in back. EXTREMITIES. Tearing, burning in shoulder, with lameness of arm. Paralysis of arm, with coldness and in- sensibility. Tearing in all the joints of the fingers. Coxalgia; pain, as if sprained. *Rheumatism, with drawing, tearing pains, caused by damp weather, bathing, or straining, [Rhod. Ruta.] Sciatica, worse at night. SLEEP. * Sleeplessness, especially before midnight, [Bry. Graph. Phos. — Sleeplessness after midnight, *Ars. Rhod. — See Nux v.] Heavy sleep, as from stupor. FEVER. Pulse slow and irregular, [Dig. Merc. Mur. ac] The chilliness, with paroxysms of pain and other symptoms, mostly occurs in evening, [Ars. Bell. *Puls.] * Typhoid fever; tongue dry and brown ; sordes on teeth ; bowels loose ; great weakness; powerlessness of lower limbs, can hardly draw them up ; great restlessness after midnight, has to move often to get relief . Intermittent fever. Paroxysms 7 p. m., [Eup. per. Gel. — See Nat. m.] Chilliness, as if cold water were poured over him, followed by heat and inclination to stretch the limbs ; sweat tov; ards morning. SKIN. * Burning, itching eruptions, with swelling of parts, and small, yellowish vesicles, which run together and become moist. Erysipelas, with more burning than itching, and exuda- tion of serous fluid, forming blisters, [Canth. Cro. tig. — * Erup- tions oozing a sticky fluid, Graph. — Oozing a watery fluid, Canth. Dulc] Confluent vesicles containing a milky or watery fluid. Herpes, alternating with pains in chest and dysenteric stools. Nettle-rash, with burning itching, [Dulc. — *Stinging, burning, Apis. *Urtica.] Glandular swellings. CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. *Pain in bones, as if scraped. [Phos. ac] *The pains are worse at night, particul- arly after midnight, [*Ars. Bell. Calc. c. Sulph. — Worse be- fore midnight, Phos. Saba.] * Pains worse during rest, and on beginning to move, Con. Lye. Sep. Sulph. — Better while at rest, sepia. 383 Aeon. *Bry. Merc] Aggravation from a change of weather ; in wet, damp weather, [*Dulc Ruta.] Better from moving affected parts; from stretching out limbs, [from drawing up limbs, Sep.] From warmth in general. SEPIA. MIND. Sadness and weeping, [Lye. Flat. Phos. *Puls — Merry, cheerful, Croc. Lach. Oxal. ac] * Indifference, even to one's own family, [Chin. Lye. Merc. *Phos. ac] Weakness of memory, and inability to think, [Colch. Pet. Nit. ac] HEAD. Vertigo only when walking in open air, [see Kali b.] * Violent beating headache, in evening mostly in temples, [Ars. *Bell. *Puls. * Sulph.] Headache, as if head would burst, [Bell. Bry.] Dull, aching pain over orbits, as if the eyes would fall out. * Paroxysms of hemicrania, with nausea and vomiting. Sensation of coldness on vertex, [*Verat. a. — Cold- ness in back part of head, Dulc Phos. — Heat on vertex, Graph. *Sulph.] EYES. Pain in eyelids when waking, as if too heavy, [see Gel.] Black spots or sparks before the eyes, [streaks like lightning, Nux v.] * Swelling of eyes, with headache. EARS. Herpes on lobule, and behind ear, with itch ins:. Discharge of thin pus from ear, [thick, yellow, fetid pus, *Kali b. *Merc *Puls.] Whizzing and roaring in ears, [Bell. Lye Nit. ac. — See Chin.] N03E. ^Swollen, inflamed nose, with sore, ulcerated nostrils, [*Alnm. Lye *Nit. ac. Sulph.] Bleeding of nose, [see Phos.] *Dry coryza, with obstruction of nose, [*Bry. Nit. ac *Nux v. Phos. — Profuse, fluent coryza, * Allium c *Euph. Merc. Sang.] Discharge of yellow-green plugs from nose [See page 62.] FACE. .* Yellowness of face, particularly across nose, like a saddle, [herpes across the none, Sulph. — Yellow blotches on the face. Ferr.— On forehead, Nat. c] MOUTH and THROAT. * Toothache during pregnancy, [Bell. * Nux m.* Puis. Staph. — During lactation, Chin. — During menstruation, Calc c Carb. v. Cham.] Drawing or beating too'hache, extending to ear; pain worse from taking hot or cold things in mouth. * White-coated tongue, feeling as if burnt, [Colo. *Verat. v.] Slinging sore throat, [*Apis. Bell.] STOMACH and ABDOMEN. Aversion to all food; every thing tastes too salty, [Carb. v. * Chin.— Not salty enough, Ars. Thuya. — Craves salt, Calc. c — See Hepar.] Bitter or sour eructations, [Nit. ac. *Nux. Phos.] *Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, [Con. Kreo. *Nux. Verat. a.] Pressure in stomach, as from a stone, after eating, [see Nux v.] * Painful sense of emptiness in pit of stomach, not relieved by eating, [*Ign. Mur. ac. Pet. — Feels full up to throat after eating but little, *Chin. *Lyc — Feels empty after eating, Sang. Sars.] Burning in abdomen, [*Ars. Phos. Sec — Coldness, *Ars. Calc c Laur. *Pet.] 384 sepia. STOOL and ANUS. *Hard, difficult stools, with a sense of weight in anus; not relieved by evacuation, [Cact. — *The rectum feels as if stopped up, Anacar.] Constipation during pregnancy, [Alum. Bry. Lye. *Nux. — Lying-in females, Ant. Bry. Nux. Plat.— Diarrhoea during pregnancy. Ant. Dulc. Hyos. Phos.] Diarrhoea, stools green, smelling sour. Prolapsus ani, [*Podo.] URINARY O'S. * Fetid urine, depositing a clay-colored sediment, which adheres to chamber, [dark-red urine, staining chamber color mahogany, Phyto.] Turbid urine, with sedi- ment of red sand, [see *Lyc] Blood-red urine. * Wetting bed, particularly in first sleep. SEXUAL O'S. * Pressing in uterus, as if everything would protrude, [*Bell. Nat. m. *Nit. ac] * Prolapsus uteri and vagina, with burning pain in small of the back, [see Merc] * Burning, shooting pains in neck of the uterus, [burning, sore, aching pain, *Con.] Menses too early and too scanty, [too late and too scanty, *Dulc. Phos. *Puls. *Sulph,— See Puis.] * Climacteric disorders, [*Lach. Sang.] Leucorrhcea, with itching in vagina ; discharge yellowish or watery. Leucorrhoea, like milk, only in daytime, [*only at night, of bluish-white mucus, Amb. g.] Profuse, watery, offensive leucorrhoea. RESPIRATORY O'S. Hoarseness, with dry cough, from tickling in throat. * Cough in morning, with profuse expec- toration, tasting very salty, [Amb. g. Mag. c. *Phos. — Cough, with profuse expectoration, tasting sweet, *Stann. Zinc. — Ex- pectoration tasting putrid, *Carb. v. Con. *Puls.] * Pressure on upper part of sternum, as from a weight, [Nux m. Phos. Sulph.] Feeling of heaviness in chest, [Kreo. Lach. *Sulph. — Of lightness, Stann. — Of fulness in the chest, Calc. c. *Phos. Puis. — Of emptiness, Coco. Cro. tig. — Of 'rawness in the chest, Anacar. Psor. Staph.] BACK. Great weakness in small of back, [* constant aching, affecting sacrum and hips, JEsculus.] Beating in small of back, [Bary. c. Thuya.] Stiffness in nape of neck, [Bell. Kalic. *Phos.] Coldness between shoulders, [burning, Bry. *Lyc] ARMS. Violent pain in shoulder-joint, as if dislocated, [Bry. Ruta.] Pain in upper arm, as if bruised, [Arn. Gel.] Heat in hands, [heat of one, coldness of the other, Chin. Dig. Ipe. Puis.] Paneritium, beating pains. LEGS. Heaviness of the legs. *Icy coldness of feet, [Graph. *Phos. *Verat. — As if they had on cold, damp stockings, *Calc. c. — Burning and heat of soles, Calc. c. *Phos. ac. *Sulph.] Profuse sweat on feet, [Bary c. Lach. Phos. ac. — Very fetid, Carb. v. Nit. ac. *Sil.] Swelling of feet, [*Apis. Ars. *Kali c. Merc] Cramp in calves at night, in bed, [*Colo. Rhus. Sulph. *Verat.] SLEEP. Drowsiness in daytime, wide awake at night, [see Phos. ac] Loud talking during sleep, [Nat. m. *Sulph.] * Jerk- ing of limbs at night, fidgety feeling in feet, [Sticta. Taran. *Zinc — Jerking of whole body during sleep, Puis. Sulph. SILICEA. 385 *Zinc] He awakens with a shriek and start, [Coff. *Merc. Sulph. — *Awakens with a shrinking look, Stram.] FEVER. Intermittent fever, with thirst during chill ; pain in limbs; hands and feet icy cold. * The fingers feel as if dead. Chill followed by violent heat, and inability to collect one's senses, after which profuse sweating. *Frequent flushes of heat, especially in afternoon and evening, [*Lyc. Puis. *Sulph.] Profuse night-sweat, [Chin. *Merc. *Sil. Stan. — Morning sweat after waking, Nux v. Puis. Sulph.] Sweat from least motion. SKIN. Dry itch, and itch-like eruptions, [*Merc. Staph.] Humid herpes, with itching and burning, [see Graph.] * Ring- worm, [over whole body, Tellur. — Herpes, in yellow rings, or suppurating, Nat. car.] CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Suitable in mild, easy dis- positions, and females, [*Puls.] Climacteric disorders, [Lack. Sang.] *Disease in women, with sudden prostration and sinking faintness. Pains with shuddering, [Ars. Bell. *Puls.] Want of natural heat, [Ledum.] Worse in afternoon and evening; when at rest, [see Rhus t.] Better from the appli- cation of warmth ; from violent exercise. SILICEA. MIND. * Yielding mind, faint-hearted, anxious mood. Gloomy, feels if she would die. *Grent tendency to start, [Kali c. Nat. in. Opi. *Phos.] Difficulty of thinking, [*Gel. Lach.] *Child cries if spoken to, [see Cham.] HEAD. Feels as if intoxicated, [Gel. Cann. s. *Nux.] Ver- tigo as if one would fall forward; worse when stooping, riding, or raising eyes. Headache from nape of neck to vertex, pain, throbbing. Pulsating pain, most violent in forehead and vertex, with chilliness, [see Puis.] Sensation of a heavy weight pressing in forehead, [Aloe. Cact. Kali b. *Nux v. — *As if brain were pressing out through forehead, Aeon.] Sensation as if everything in head were alive, [Pet. — Of a lump in brain, Con. — Of numbness in brain, Graph. *Mag. m. Plat.] *Large head, with open fontanels, [*Calc. c. Merc. Sulph.] Itching, humid porrigo on scalp, [Graph. Hep. *Lye. Sulph.] * Profuse sweating on head, in evening, [*Calc. c. Merc.] EYES. Smarting or burning in eyes, [as from salt, Nux v.] Agglutination at night, with smarting of lids. *The eyes are dazzled by light. Black spots and fiery sparks before the eyes, [see Nux.] Ulceration of cornea. EARS. Stoppage of ears, which open at times with a loud report, [as of a gun, Graph. — Cracking in the ears when chewing, Cal. c. Graph.] Otitis interna. NOSE. Ulcers in nose, [see Sep.] Loss of smell, [Kali b. Sep.] Stoppage of nose from hardened mucus. *Long last- ing itching of the tip of the nose. Ulcers in nose. MOUTH and THROAT. ^Toothache when eating warm 25 386 SILICEA. food, or from breathing cold air through month, [Calc. c. *Merc. Suiph.— Pains relieved by ice-cold water, Bry. CofF. *Puls.— By external heat, Rhus.] Sensation as of a hair on front -part of tongue, [on back part, Kali b. Nat. m. — In nose, Hydras.— In throat, Kali b.] Stinging sore throat, only when swallowing, [see Apis.] STOMACH and ABDOMEN. *Bitter taste in morning, [pufr.d taste, Am. Bry. *Merc. *Puls.— Bitter taste after eating, Ars. *Nit ac. Puis. — Sour ta^te after eating, Lye. Phos.] * Water tastes badly; vomits after drinking, [see Ars.] *Hungry, but cannot eat, the food is so nauseous, [hunger, with aversion to food, Nux v.] Burning in pit of stomach, [*Ars. Canth.*Nux v. Phos. — Coldness.Colch. Sulph.] Burning in bowels, [see Ars.] Much rumbling in bowels. STOOL. *Constipation before and during menstruation; stools in hard lumps, [constipation before and diarrhoea after menstruation, Graph.] *Hard, difficult stools; they recede after having been partially expelled, [*large, hard stools, with a sensation as if anus were closed or too narrow, Nux v. — *The rectum feels as if stopped up, Anacar. — See Nux.] Ascarides with the stool. URINE. Urging to urinate, with scanty discharge. Red or yellow sand in the urine, [see *Lyc] SEXUAL O'S. Male. Kedn ess of prepuce near the corona, as if excoriated with itching, [see *Merc] * Weak and al- most extinguished sexual desire, [Arg. n. Hepar. Lye. Mag. c] Women. *Increased menses, with icy coldness over whole body. Discharge of pure blood from uterus, when babe nurses. * Discharge of white water instead of menses, [see Puis.] Menses irregular. RESPIRATORY O'S. ^Continual cough, with discharge of transparent mucus, [Eerr. Chin.] Dry, hacking cough, with soreness of chest, [Ars. *Caust. Nux m. Sep. * Staph.— Cough, with stitches in chest, *Bry. Bell. *Puls. Sulph.] BACK. Spinal curvature, painful to touch, [*Calc. c. Puis. Sulph.] Swelling and suppuration of cervical glands. EXTREMITIES. Frequent panaritia, also with proud flesh, or even where caries have set in, [*Hepar. Merc. — In early stage, | ain, burning, stinging, *Apis.] Ulcers on lower leg, \_Ganqrennus, Lach. — Old ulcers, with burning and lacerating pains, * Ars. Lye] * Fetid sweating of feet, [*Bary, c. Nit. ac. * Plumb.] Cold legs and feet. FEVER. Hectic fever, particularly during a long suppura- tion, [*Calc. c. Hep. Phos. * Sulph.] Worm fever. *Profuse, general night-sweat, [see Merc] SKIN. Lymphatic swellings, with suppuration. *Ulcers with proud flesh and putrid, acrid ichor, [*Ars. Kreo. Hep. * Sulph. — Ulcers, with elevated, bluish edges, thin, fetid pus, Asaph. Kreo. — Old, foul, flat ulcers, with ichorous discharge, *Lach. Puis. Sang. — Indolent ulcers, destitute of any organized reaction, much burning at night, very fetid discharge, *Carb. SPIGELIA — STRAMONIUM. 387 v. Lach. — Readily bleeding ulcers, burning like fire, *Ars. Cap.] * Fistulous ulcers, with fetid, yellow discharge, [Ant. Calc. c. *Kali hyd.] The skin heals badJv. CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Silicea has great control over suppurative process, maturing abscesses when desired, [*Hep. Mur. ac. Phyto.] *Want of vital heat, [*Ledum. Sep.] * Feels better with head covered up. Ailments follow- ing vaccination, [Thuya.] Symptoms worse at night and dur- ing full moon. Better in warm room, and from being wrapped up warmly. SPIGELIA. HEAD. Vertigo, when looking downwards, [when looking upwards, Puis.— See Kali b.] Pressing headacbe in right temple, worse from least motion, stooping, or noise; better from rest and lying with head high. Sensation of sivashing in brain when walking, [Hep. Hyos. Nux v. —Of looseness, Cicu. Graph. Mur. ac. Rhus.] Burning in temples, [in vertex, Graph. Nat. m. *Sulph. — Coldness, Calc. c. Sep. *Verat. — Coldness in back part of brain, Dulc. *Phos.] CHEST. Shortness of breath, especially when talking, with redness of cheeks and lips. * Dyspnoea and suffocating at- tacks on moving and raising the arms. Can lie only on right side, [worse on left side, Aeon. Cact. Phos.] Stitches about heart, worse from least movement, [Bry. — See Dig.] * Violent (visible and audible) palpitation of heart, [Sulph. Tart. Thuya. *Verat.] Worse when bending forward, [worse lying down, *Ars.] Rubbing, bellows sounds of heart, [Spong. — Trembling, fluttering, Lithium.— Wave-like beating of heart, Viola.] Palpitation caused by worms. STOMACH. Ravenous hunger, with nausea and thirst, [* hungry, but cannot eat, the food is so nauseous, Sil. — Hunger, with aversion to food, *Nux v.] Nausea in morn- ing, as if something were rising in throat from the stomach. Worm colic, [*Cina. — Wants to press abdomen against some- thins: hard, Stan.] STOOL. Frequent, inefficient urging to stool, [Anac. Caust. Lye. *Nux.] Discharge of faeces with worms, [Cina. Ign. Merc. * Sulph.] Itching and crawling in rectum, [Ign. Mez. Tereb.] Ascaridcs, with itching of anus. CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Adapted to anaemic and debilitated subjects, and to scrofulous children afflicted with worms. Symptoms worse from the least movement, [Aeon. *Bry. Merc. — See Rhus.] Attacks periodical. Worse from noise, [*Bell. Nux.] STRAMONIUM. MIND. * Desires light and company, [*Bis. — Aversion to, Hyos.] * Disposed to talk continually, [Cicu. Lach.— In- 388 STRAMONIUM. disposed to talk, Dig. *Phos. ac *Verat] *Imagines all sorts of things ; that she is double, lying crosswise, etc., [thinks another person is in bed with him, Petro. — Thinks he is dead, and they are preparing to bury him, Lach. — Thinks his limbs are made of glass, and will break, Thuya. — Thinks she is pregnant, or will soon be delivered, Verat. — Thinks he is a young child, Cicu. — Head feels as if scattered about, *Bapt.] * Loquacious delirium, with desire to escape, [Bell. Opi. Rhus. — Delirium, strange fancies, and desire to go home, *Bry.] * Insane; he gesticulates, dances, sings and laughs. Indomitable rage, and desire to bite, [see Bell.] HEAD. Staggering vertigo, [see Kali b.] Stupefaction, with vanishing of sight, hearing and loss of consciousness, [Hyos. *Opi.] Congestion to the head, with pulsation in the vertex, [with throbbing of arteries of head and neck, *Bell. Hyos.] Sensation of lightness in head, [Hipp. — Of heaviness, Calc. c. Nat. m. Phos. ac. Rhus. — Of fulness, Aeon. *Beil. Bry. *Merc — Of emptiness, Carol, r. Ign. Opi. Oxal. ac] *Jerk- ing head up from pillow, and letting it drop back. Hydro- cephalus, with convulsive motions of head, [with sudden, shrill cries, boring head into pillow, Apis. Hell. Hyos. — With automatic motion of one arm and leg, Apoc. *Hell.] Rheu- matic headache. EYES. ^Dilatation of the pupils, with staring eyes, [*BeIl. Hyos. Laur. Opi. — Pupils contracted, Ars. Cicu. Chel. Phos.] * Eyes sparkling. JJim-sightedness. MOUTH and THROAT. Grinding of teeth, [Ars. Cicu. Verat. — When sleeping, Cina. Podo. — With foam at mouth, *Bell. Hell. Hyos.] *Fear of water and aversion to all fluids, [*Bell. Canth. *Hyos.] Bloody foam from mouth, [Ars. Sec] Difficult deglutition from dryness and spasmodic constriction of throat, [Ars. *Bell. *Hyos. Laur.] STOMACH. *A11 food tastes like straw, [tastes bitter, *Bry. Colo. Puis. — Tastes salt, Carb. v. Chin. Sep. — Craves salt food, Calc c Carb. v. *Sep. — See Hepar.] Vomiting sour mucus or green bile. Pain in abdomen, as if the navel were pulled out, [drawn in, as from a string. * Plumb.] Colic, with cold shivers. SLEEP. Sleepy, but cannot sleep, [*Bell. Lach. Opi.] He lies on his back, with open, staring eyes, [see Opi.] *He awakens with a shrinking look, as if he had been frigthened. CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Painlessness with most ail- ments. Convuhions, with consciousness, [without consciousness, Bell. Cicu. Cup. Hyos.] ^Bright light or contact renews the spasms, [Bell.] St. Vitus' dance, [Cup. Hyos. — Especially in girls, Bell. — Especially boys, *Nux v.] Stiffness of whole body, [Cicu. Cup. Opi.] Extreme degree of nervous erethism. He feels too tall. Aggravation; after sleeping, [Apis. *Lach, Opi.] From looking at glistening objects, or be- ing touched, [Bell.] Better from bright light, [better in the dark, [Con. Phos. Sang.] suiiPHUR. 389 SULPHUR. MIND. * Low-spirited, out of humor, inclines to weep, [see Puis.] Dulness, difficulty of thinking, [Hell. *Laur. Spig.] Misplaces, or cannot find right words when he speaks, [Graph.] Extremely forgetful, [Croc. Lach. Thuya.] HEAD. Vertigo when sitting, [when rising, *Puls.] Heaviness and fulness in forehead, [Calc. c. Nat. m. Phos. ac. Rhus.] Sensation of hollowness in head, [Coral, r. Ign. Opi. Ozal. ac] * Constant heat on top of head, [Graph. Nat. m. — Coldness, Sep. *Verat. — On the right side of head, Calc. c — On occiput, Dulc. Phos.] Pressure in temples, and tightness in brain, [pressure on vertex, as from a weight, Aloe. Cact. Cann. s. Kali b.] *Beating headache, worse in morning, from motion, when stooping, and in open air. Sick-headache every week or every two weeks, [Phyto.] * Fontanels close too late, [*Calc. c. Merc. *Sil.] Tinea capitis, dry form, [see Rhus.] EYES. Burning in eves, [Ars. Bell. Caust. Phos. — Coldness of lids, Con. Kali c. Lye] Ulceration of margins of lids, [*Euph. Merc. Nat. m.] Specks or ulcers on cornea, [Lach. Merc. Sil.] ^Intolerance of sun's light, [*Bell. Con. Ign. Puis.] Black motes before the eyes, [Kali c. Merc. Pet.— Like a swarm of insects, Caust.] EARS. * Deafness, with roaring and itching in ears. Whizzing or roaring in ears, [see Chin.] Wabbling, as if water was in ears, [escape of wind from ears, Chel. Stram.] NOSE. Bleeding of nose, [Bell. *Phos.] Lots of smell, [Caust. Hep. Phos. Sep. Sil. —Acuteness of, Bell. Colch. *Lyc] Dry ulcers or scabs in nose, [Sep.] Herpes across the nose, like a saddle, [see Sep.] MOUTH and THROAT. Lips dry, burning. Jerks through single teeth. ^Swelling of gums, with throbbing pain, [ul- cerated gums, Lye. *Merc. Staph. Sul. ac. — Readily bleeding gums, Ars. Merc. Nit. ac. Phos.] Tongue white, with red tip and borders. * Pressure in throat as from a lump, [Graph. *Hep. Ign. Lach. Nux v.— Sensation as of a splinter, Arg. n. Hep. Nit. ac] Sensation of a hair in the throat, [Ars. Kali b.] STOMACH and ABDOMEN. *Putrid taste in the morning, [see Puis.] Complete loss of appetite, [see Rhus.] Food tastes too salt, [Carb. v. Chin. Sep. — Not salt enough, Ars. Thuya.— See Hep.] Milk disagrees, [* Puis. Sep.] *Sour eructations, with great acidity of stomach, [Cham. Con. Nit. ac. Nux v. — Bitter eructations after a meal, Bell. Chin. *Nux.] Kegion of stomach very painful to pressure, [Bry. Lach. *Merc. *Nux v.] * Painful pressure in stomach, as from a weight, [Ars. Bry. *Nux v. Sep.] Burning in stomach, [see * Ars.] Chronic hepatitis. * Abdomen sensitive to press- ure, internal pans feel raw and sore, [* Bell. Nux.] Move- ment in abdomen as of something alive, [Croc. *Saba. Thuya.] STOOL and ANUS. Constipation, with frequent unsuccessful 390 SULPHUR. desire for stool, [Anacar. Caust. *Lyc. *Nux v.] Hard knotty, insufficient stool, [Alum. Graph. Iod. Sep.] *Painless morning diarrhoea, has hardly time to get out of bed, [*Rumex. — Early morning diarrhoea, with pain, Aloe. — See Podo.] Stools watery ; green mucus; undigested ; changeable. Before stool, cutting colic. After stool, tenesmus. * Stool, with as- carides, lumbrici, [Cin. Ign. Merc. Spig.] Prolapsus recti during stool. * Hemorrhoids, oozing or bleeding. URINARY O'S. Frequent micturition, especially at night ; urine at times clear, at times saturated with thick sediment. Very fetid urine, [see Nit ac] Burning in urethra during micturition, [see Canth.] SEXUAL O'S. Deep ulcers on glans and prepuce, with puffed edges, [see Mere.] Stitches in penis. Troublesome itching of pudendum, [Graph. Kreo. *Sep.] * Burning in va- gina, [Canth. Lye. Thuya. — Smarting and rawness, Kali b.] Menstruation too late, too short, too scant, [Con. *Dulc. Phos. *Puls.] Delayed and difficult first menstruation, [see *Puls.] *Catamenia thick, black, acrid, making parts sore. * Burn- ing, painful leucorrhoea, making parts sore. RESPIRATORY O'S. Deep, rough voice— aphonia, [*Bell. Bap. Merc. Phos.] Loose cough, with soreness and pressure in chest; talking excites cough, [Dros. Kali b. Puis.] *Cough, with greenish, purulent expectoration, having a sweetish taste, [*Stann.— Gray, salty taste, *Lyc. Phos. Sep.] *Much rattling of mucus in lungs ; the cough worse in morning, [see Tart, e.] Heavy feeling in chest, [Kreo. Lach. Lye. *Nux m.— Light feeling, Stann.] *Stitches in chest, ex- tending to back, [Kali c. Merc. Sil.] Stitches in right chest to scapula, [Bell. Sep.] Palpitation of heart, anxious, vis- ible, [see Spig.] Heart feels too large. BACK. Stiffness in nape of the neck. Drawing pain be- tween scapulse, {burning between, Ars. Lye. — Coldness between, Am. m.] Curvature of spine, [see Sil.] Sensation as if one vertebra glided over the other. EXTREMITIES. ^Drawing and lacerating in arms and hands. Trembling of hands, [Agar. Lach. Phos. Stram.] * Panaritium, [*Hep. Lach. Merc. Sil.] Heaviness in lower limbs, as if paralyzed, [Bell. Merc. Nux. Rhus.] Eigidity in bend of knees, [*Bry. Graph. Led. Sep. — In the hips, Aeon. *Rhus. Staph.] ^Burning in soles, [Phos. ac. Puis. *Sil.] SLEEP. * Drowsiness in daytime ; sleepless at night, [Lye. Merc. — See Stram.] * Talks loudly while asleep, [Bell. Nat. m. Sep. — Sings during sleep, Bell. Croc. Phos. ac] Jerks and twitches during sleep. FEVER. Thirst even before chilliness, [Cimex. Eup. per. —Thirst only during chill, Calc. c. Cap. Carb. v. *Ign.— No thirst during paroxysm, *Puls. Sep.] *Chill in evening, followed by heat and profuse sweat, [Ars. Bell. *Rhus t.] Slight chill at 10 a.m., continues till 3 p.m., [see Nat. m.] * Frequent flushes of heat, [*Lyc. Sep. Puis.] * Copious morning sweat, [see Merc] TARTARUS EMETICUS. 391 SKIN. Dry, husky, scaly skin. ^Unhealthy skin, every little injury suppurates, [Calc. c. Graph. *Hep. Sil.] * Psora, with violent itching and tingling; burning after scratching, [Cro. t. *Merc. Rhus. Staph.] *Pimply eruptions filled wLh pus. Dry herpes, scurfy, itching violently, [Calc. c. Kali c. Phos. — Humid tetter, Kreo. *ledum. Kali c. Merc] *Ejc~ conation of skin, especially where it is folded upon itself, [Cham. *Graph. Lye. Merc.] *01d ulcers, with the production of proud flesh, [Graph. Sang. *Sil.— Ulcers, which bleed easily burn like fire, *Ars. Carb. v. Kreo. Hep. — See Lach.] CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. ^Suitable to le m persons who walk stooping, [thin, scrawny persons, Arg. nit. *Sec. cor. — Scrofulous people, with a low, cachectic state, *Iod.] Talk- ing fatigues and excites the pains. * Frequent spasmodic jerking in whole body, [Phos. Puis.] *Comes out of spasms very happy. * Very weak and faint about 11 A.M., inust have something to eat. Worse in evening and after midnight, [see Rhus.] While at rest, [Con. Lye. *Rhus. Sep.] TARTARUS EMETICUS. MIND. Confusion of the head. *Bad humor. Child can't bear to be touched, [cries, if spoken to, Sil. — Cries if looked at, Ant. c] Great tendency to start. HEAD. Vertigo on closing the eyes, or when raising head, with flickering before the eyes. Headache, as if a band was compressing the forehead, [headache, relieved by compressi >n, Apis. Arg. n. *Puls.] Throbbing in right side of forehead. Trembling of head, particularly when coughing. EYES. Flickering before the eye-, [Ign. Nat. m. — Streaks, like lightning before the eyes, Nux.] *Dim, swimming eye^. Rheumatic or arthritic ophthalmia. NOSE. Sneezing, fluent coryza, with chilliness, loss of taste and smell, [see Puis.] Stoppage of nose alternating with fluent coryza. FACE. * Pale, sunken face, or puffed, w T ith coma. Warn sweat on forehead from efforts to vomit, \_cold sweat, Verat.] Lips dry, scaly. MOUTH. Violent toothache in morning. * Flat taste, food seems tasteless, [tastes like straw, Stram.] * Tongue red, in streaks, very red, and dry in centre, [brown and dry in centre, Bapt. —See Bell.] Aphthce. THROAT. * Violent sore throat, with painful, dry heat, and redness of the parts. Much mucus in throat, with short breathing. Sudden swelling of cervical glands and tonsils. Sensation as if a small leaf obstructed windpipe on hawking. STOMACH. Violent hiccough, [Bell. Hyos. Nux. Puis.] Empty or putrid eructations, [Am.] Continuous anxious nausea, [*Ipe. Lobe.] * Vomiting large quantities of mucus, [*Ipe.] Continuous nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, [Ipe. Verat.] The vomiting is followed by great prostration, [Ars. 392 VERATRUM ALBUM. Verat.] *Pain in epigastrium, as if stomach had been over- loaded. Pulsation in pit of stomach. ABDOMEN. Abdomen feels as if stuffed full of stones, [as if intestines were squeezed between stones, Colo.] Violent colic, as if bowels would be cut to pieces, [see Colo.] STOOL. Watery diarrhoea, preceded by colic. Stools papescent, slimy, appear like yeast, [see Arn.] * Diarrhoea, with vomiting and palpitation of heart. URINE. Dark, brownish-red, turbid urine of strong odor, [see Nit. ac] Deposits of violet-colored sediment. LARYNX and TRACHiE. Hoarseness in morning, worse on talking. *Much rattling of mucus in trachse, but little is ex- pectorated, [*Ipe.] * Rattling of mucus when coughing or breathing. ^Catarrhal croup, [Hepar.] *Coughing and gaping consecutively. * Cough compels patient to sit up, is loose and rattling, but no expectoration, [see Bry.] Cough, with vomiting food and mucus, [see Ipe.] CHEST. * Difficult respiration, with great rattling of mucus. ^Suffocative and oppressed breathing, must sit up to get air. *Chest seems full of phlegm, but does not yield to coughing, [*Ipe.] Chest feels as if lined with velvet. * Pneu- monia. (Edema of the lungs. * Great precordial anxiety, with vomiting mucus and bile. BACK. Inclination to unbutton collar of his shirt. Pain in back, as from fatigue. * Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region, the least motion causes retching and cold, clammy sweat. LIMBS. ^Trembling of the hands, [Ars. Caust. Hyos.] Finger-tips appear dead, dry and hard. Numbness and cold- ness in legs. Feet go " to sleep " immediately after sitting down. Constant inclination to stretch. FEVER. Pulse full, hard and accelerated. The least exer- tion accelerates the pulse. Chill, with external coldness, coming on at all times of day, with sleepiness. Feels as if cold water was poured over him. Long-lasting heat, after a short chill, with sleepiness and sweat on forehead. SKIN. Ked, itching rash over the body. * Thick erup- tion like pocks, often pustular, as large as a pea. Violent itching of the skin. Vesicular eruptions. CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. Trembling of whole body. Great weakness and lassitude. Children want to be carried, and cry if touched, [see Cham.] ^Catarrhal inflammation of re- spiratory organs. VERATEUM ALBUM. MIND. Insanity, he wants to cut up everything, [wants to bite, to spit, to strike, and to tear things, *Bell. Stram.] Per- severing refusal to talk, [*Bell. Ign. Nit. ac. *Phos. ac. — Talks continually, Cicu. Lach. *Stram.] HEAD. Headache, with (nausea and vomiting^ [Ars. Ipeo. VERATRUM ALBUM. 393 Kali b. *Nux. — Gastric sick-headache, *Iris. Puis. — See Nux v.] * Cold perspiration on forehead. Burning in brain, [Canth. Hell.] * Coldness on vertex, [Calc. c. Laur. Sep. — Burning on vertex, Graph. Nat. m. Sulph.] Heaviness of head, [Calc. c. Opi. Phos. ac. Rhus. — Lightness, Hipp. *Stram.] EYES. Fixed, watery, sunken, [see Opi.] Paralysis of eyelids, [great heaviness, cannot keep them open, *Gel. Rhus. Sep.] Double vision. Blindness at night, [Bell.] FACE. *Cold, collapsed face; pinched-up, bluish nose, [pale, death-like face, with distorted features, *Ars. Canth. — Distorted, bluish, with mouth wide open, Hyos.] Lockjiw, [Bell. Cicu. Hyos.] Facial neuralgia. MOUTH and THROAT. Grinding of teeth, [see Stram.] Tongue red and swollen, or dry, black, and cracked, [Ars. Merc. Lye] Tongue cold, withered, [Carbo v. *Cis. c. Mur. ac] Feels as if scalded, [Colo. *Verat. v.— As if burnt and numb, Laur. — Feels heavy, Mur. ac. Nat. m. Nux.] Spasmodic constriction of throat, [see Hyos.] Roughness in throat. Burning in throat, [*Ars. Bell. Lach. Phos". — Coldness, Carb. v. Laur.] STOMACH and ABDOMEN. * Unquenchable thirst, espe- cially for cold drinks, [*Acon. *Ars. Jatro. Phos.] Strong desire for acids and refreshing things, [Phos. ac] Continuous nausea, [*Ipe. Phos. Tart, e.] Vomiting food, acid, bitter, foamy, white, or yellow-green mucu^, [see Ipe.] Vomiting black bile and blood, [* Ars. Hyd. ac Sec] * Vomiting, with diarrhoea and great prostration, [*Ars. Jatro. Tart, e.] The vomiting is renewed by drinking, or the least motion, [Zinc] Cutting in abdomen, as with knives, [*Colo. Con.] *Sensa- tion as if bowels were tied in knots, [as if squeezed between stones, *Colc] * Great sinking and empty feeling in ab- domen. Burning in abdomen, as from hot coals, [*Ars. Phos. Sec] STOOL. Constipation, as from inactivity of rectum; stool hard, too large, [Alum. Kali c Nux v.] Diarrhoea; stools greenish, watery, with flakes, also blackish, watery stools. Before stool, severe pinching colic. During stool, paleness, cold sweat on forehead, and vomiting. * After stool, great sinking and empty feeling in abdomen, [see Ars.] URINE. Greenish urine, [Ars. Mag. c Ruta. — Blackish, Colch. Nat. m. — White, like milk, Phos. ac] Frequent, but scanty emissions of dark-red urine. SEXUAL O'S. *Dysmenorrhcea, with vomiting and purg- ing, or exhausting diarrhcea, with cold sweat. Suppressed lochia and milk, with delirium. RESPIRATORY O'S. Spasmodic cough, with blue face, suffocation, [Hyos. Ipe.] *Deep, hollow cough, as if coming from abdomen, with yellow, tough, bitter, or salt expectora- tion, only during day, [only at night, Caust. Staph. Tart.] *Cough,*with involuntary urination. [Caust. Puis.] Stitches 394 VERATRUM ALBUM. in sides of chest, especially when coughing, [Bell. Bry. Puis.] Violent, visible, anxious palpitation of heart, [see Spig.] FEVER. Pulse irregular, generally small, thread-like; often imperceptible, [Ars. Cann. Carb. v.] Intermittent fevers ; chill occurs early in morning, or in forenoon, [see Nat. m.] Chill, with external coldness only, [external heat and internal shuddering, Ign.] First, violent chill, afterwards heat, with thirst, then sweat. Blood runs cold through veins, [runs hoc, Ars. Rhus.] *Typhoid fever, with great prostration; cold sweating ; coma ; vomiting, and watery diarrhoea; bluish face; pointed nose; wrinkled skin, [* trembling of hands and coldness of extremities, Zinc] CHARACT. PECULIARITIES. *Sudden sinking of strength, [Aeon. *Ars. *Camph.] Attacks of fainting from least exer- tion. Excesive weakness. Shocks in limbs as from electric sparks, [*shocks through whole body, Nux v.] Violent tonic spsams, palms of hands and soles of feet drawn inward. After fright, involuntary stools, [*Gel. Opi.] Worse after drinking; after sleep, [Apis. *Lach. Opi. — Better after sleeping, Cro. tig. Phos. Sil.] Better after perspiring, [see Merc] THE END. INDEX. PAGE Abbreviations 4 Abortion 195 Abscess 28 acute 28 mammary 185 Adhesive plaster 284 After-birth 212 After-pains 30 Alvine discharges . 9 Amenorrhoea 31 Anaesthetics 24 in labor 211 local 25 Angina pectoris 34 faucium 253 Anthrax 59 Antiseptic dressings 285 Aphthae 36 Apoplexy 37 death from 296 Apparent death ... 39 — from chloroform 39 from cold 40 from drowning 40 from ether 39 from foul gases 39 from hanging 40 ■ from lightning 40 from suffocation 39 Apple water 16 Arthritis 41 Artificial respiration 27 digestion 17 Ascarides 42 Ascites, dropsy 43 Asiatic cholera 64 Aspiration 26 Asthma 46 Atrophy 48 Autopsy, medico-legal 293 135 — starch 136 Bathing 21 Baths 21 foot 22 PAGJE Baths, hot air 22 sponge , 21 sitz , 21 warm 21 wet sheet pack 21 Bed for the sick 13 Bed-sores ',., 50 Beef-tea 15 juice . 15 Biliary calculi 162 Bilious fever 160 Bites of insects 50 of spiders 51 of snakes 50 Bleeding of gums 145 Boils 51 Bowels, intussusception of. 179 obstruction of 179 Brain, inflammation of 1S7 • concussion of. 78 Bright's disease 52 Bronchitis 54 Bunions 56 Burns and scalds 57 Cancrum oris 36 Carbuncle 59 Catarrh 60 chronic 62 Catarrhal croup 89 Cess-pools 15 Change of life 73 Chloroform 24 administration of. 24 cautions in using 24 in labor 211 tests for 24 Cholera, Asiatica 64 infantum 68 morbus 67 Clinical thermometry 7 Cocaine 25 Colic 74 of infants 77 bilious 162 renal 198 (395) 396 INDEX. PAGE Cold compresses 23 Cold in the head 60 effects of 137 Concussion of brain 78 Constipation 79 Consumption 218 Convulsions 83 puerperal 235 Cough 85 hooping 166 Coup de soleil 260 Cow's milk 18 Coxalgia 248 Cramps 89 Critical age 73 Croup, catarrhal 89 membranous 91 Crusta lacta 92 Cystitis 93 Bead body 293 inspection of 293 Death, signs of 26 from poisoning 297 ■ by alcohol 297 by arsenic 297 by carbonic oxide 297 by corr. sublimate 297 ■ by drowning 298 by hanging 298 by hydrocy. ac 297 by nitric ac 297 by opium 297 by oxalic ac. 297 by phosphorus 297 by strychnine 298 by suffocation 298 by sulphuric ac 298 Death o£ new-born infants. 294 cause of 294, 296 period of. 295 questions, med.-legal. 294 Delirium tremens 95 Dentition 97 Deodorants 14 Diabetes 102 Diagnostic hints 5 Diarrhoea 3 03 Diet in diabetes 103 of infants 18 in pregnancy 227 Dietetic preparations 15 Diphtheria 109 Disinfection 14 • of clothing 14 PAGE Disinfection of excreta 14 of privy vaults 15 of sick-room 14 of sputa, 14 Displacement of womb 232 Dissection wounds 289 Dizziness..., 278 Dropsy 43 of the brain 170 of scrotum 169 Drowning 40 Duration of pregnancy 231 Dysentery Ill Dysmenorrhoea 115 Dyspepsia 117 Earache 206 Ears, foreign bodies in 133 Eczema 122 Effects of cold 137 Encephalitis 187 Enemata 23 of gruel , 24 of hot water 24 of mucilage 24 ■ of starch 24 of warm water 24 Enteric fever 268 Enteritis 124 Enuresis 126 Epilepsy 127 Epistaxis 129 Erysipelas 130 phlegmonous 131 Ether, sulphuric 25 administration of...... 25 compound 24 spray 25 Eye, foreign bodies in 133 inflammation of 204 Felons , 132 Fetid odors 14 Fever and ague 175 bilious 239 catarrhal 60 child-bed 236 gastric 239 intermittent 175 malarial 239 puerperal 236 remittent 239 rheumatic 240 scarlet 245 • —spotted 256 INDEX. 397 PAGE Fever, typhoid 268 yellow 286 Flooding 213 Fomentations 23 hot 23 -cold 23 spongia-piline 23 Foreign bodies in ear 133 in the eye 133 in the larynx 135 in the nose 134 in the oesophagus 134 in the pharynx 134 in the trachea 135 Fractures 135 compound.... 136 Frost-bite 137 Fumigation 14 Furuncle 51 Gall-stone colic 102 Gangrene 138 Gastric catarrh 117 derangement 139 fever 139 Gastritis 141 Gelatine 19 Gonorrhoea 143 Gout 41 Gums, bleeding of 145 Gum boil — 145 Haematemesis 146 Hematuria 147 Haemoptysis 1 ! ( .) Hemorrhage from bladder.. 147 from gums 1 4."> from lungs 149 from nose 129 from stomach..... 146 from uterus 193 post-partem 213 Headache 150 Heart, disease of. 214 palpitation of 154 size of. 291 weight of. 291 Heat, ill effects of 260 Hemorrhoids 156 Hernia 159 of infants 160 Hepatic colic 162 Hepatitis 160 Herpes 163 circinatus 163 PAGE Herpes zoster 163 Hoarseness 165 Hooping-cough '. 166 Hot fomentations 23 salt pads 23 Hydrocele 169 Hydrocephalus 170 Hypodermic medication... 26 Hysteria 172 Ice, how to keep 17 Icterus 180 Impure water 19 Incontinence of urine 126 Infants' food 18 treatment of 212 washing of. .. 212 Inflammation of bladder... 93 of bowels 124 of brain 187 of breasts 185 of eyes 204 of kidneys 199 cf liver 160 of lungs 221 of stomach 141 of tonsils 264 Ingrowing toe-nails 174 Injections 23 Intermittent fever 175 Intestines 292 Intussusception 179 Itch 244 Itching of skin 230 Jaundice ISO Iiabor 210 Larynx, foreign bodies in.. 135 Lead colic 74 Leucorrhoea 182 Lime-water 17 Lint, how to prepare 284 Liver, affections of 160 Local anaesthetics 25 Lochia 213 Lock-jaw 261 Lungs, bleeding from 149 inflammation of. 221 Malarial fever 239 Alammitis 185 Mania-a-potu 95 Marasmus infantum 48 Mastitis 185 398 INDEX. PAGE Measles 185 Medico-legal autopsy 293 how conducted 293 Medico-legal questions 294 Meningitis 187 cerebro-spinalis 256 Menses, painful 115 profuse J89 cessation of 73 suppression of 31 Menorrhagia 189 Metritis 191 Metrorrhagia 193 Milk leg 217 Miscarriage 195 Morbus brightii 52 Morning sickness 228 Mortification 138 Mumps 197 Nephralgia 198 Nephritis 199 Nettle-rash 277 Neuralgia 201 — — of the heart 34 Night-sweats 220 Nipples, sore 252 Nose, foreign bodies in 134 bleeding of 129 Nutrient injections 229 Oatmeal poultice 22 Obstetrical table 231 Obstruction of bowels 179 (Esophagus, foreign bodies. 134 Ophthalmia 204 Opium, poisoning by 226 Otalgia 206 Ovaritis 207 Palpitation of heart 154 Paracentesis abdominis.... 45 Paralysis 208 Parotitis 197 Parturition 210 Peptonized food 17 milk , 17 Pericorditis 214 Peritonitis 124 Pertussis 166 Pharynx, foreign bodies in 134 Phlegmasia dolens. 217 Phthisis pulmonalis 218 Piles 156 Placenta praevia 212 PAGE Placenta, delivery of. 212 retention of 212 Pleurisy 220 Pneumonia 221 Poisoning by acids 224 ■ by aconite 224 by alcohol 224 by alkalies 224 by antimony 225 by arsenic 225 by atropia 225 by belladonna 225 by bismuth 225 by camphor 225 by cantharides 225 by charcoal gas 226 by chloral hydrate.... 225 by chloroform 225 by croton oil 226 ■ by corrosive sub 225 • by copper.. 225 by digitalis 226 by ergot 226 by gases 226 by hydrophobin 226 ■ by iodine 226 by laudanum 226 by lead 226 by morphia 226 by nitrate of silver.... 226 -by opium 226 by Paris green 226 by phosphorus 226 by prussicacid 227 by rhus radicans 227 by bites of serpents... 227 by stramonium 227 by strychnine 227 • by tobacco 227 Post-mortem examination. 289 consent of friends 289 time for making 289 ■ preliminary prep 289 instruments 289 notes taken of. 289 precautions 289 operations on head... 289 on the neck. 290 on the chest 291 on the abdomen 291 ■ on the pelvic viscera. 292 on spinal cord 290 Post-partum haemorrhage., 213 Poultices, of bread 22 of charcoal...., 22 INDEX. 3S9 PAGE Poultices, of linseed 22 of mustard 33 of oatmeal 22 of slippery-elm 22 of yeast 22 Pregnancy, disorders of.... 227 diet in ! 227 duration of 231 Premature labor 195 Preparations of food 15 of apple water 16 of barley gruel 16 of beef-juice 15 of beef-tea 15 of chicken broth 15 of Graham-flour gruel 16 of Graham bread 16 of grape-juice 16 of mutton broth 15 of oyster soup 15 of rice gruel 16 of toast 16 Privy-vaults 15 Prolapsus of the cord 212 of the rectum 232 of the uterus 232 Pruritus vulvae 230 Puerperal convulsions 235 fever 236 metritis 236 Pulmonary consumption.... 218 Pulse,normal 6 in disease 6 Putrefaction 296 Quinsy 264 Rattlesnake bite 51 Rectal alimentation 17 Remittent fever 239 Renal colic 198 Respiration 8 artificial 27 normal 8 Retention of placenta 212 of urine 274 Rheumatism 240 Rhigolene 25 Rigormortis, 295 Rigid os 210 Rubeola 185 Rupture 159 Salt-pads 23 Scabies 244 PAGE Scald-head 263 Scarlet fever 245 Sciatica I 248 Seat-worms ,.. 42 Shingles 163 Sick-room 13 disinfection of 14 fetid odors of 14 fumigation of 14 ■ ventilation of 13 Signs of death 26 Small-pox 250 Snake bites 50 Sore nipples 252 throat 253 Spasms 83 Splints 136 plaster of Paris ,. 136 Spongia-piline 23 Spotted fever 256 Sprains 257 Sputa, disinfection of 14 Starch poultice 22 bandage 136 Stings of insects 51 Stomach 292 Stomach-pump 224 tube 224 Stomatitis 2o8 Stools, signs from 9 color of. 9 consistency of 9 involuntary 9 Stye 259 Suppositories, nutrient 17 Sugar of milk 18 Sun-stroke 260 Tampon 212 Tapeworm 2S3 Teeth, eruption of. 97 Temperature 8 normal 8 in disease...., 7 Tetanus 261 Tetter 163 Tinea capitis 263 Tongue, indications of, 5 Tonsils, induration of 265 Tonsillitis 204 Toothache 266 Trachea, foreign bodies in. 135 Twins 212 Typho-malarial fever 239 Typhoid fever 268 400 INDEX. PAGE Ulcers and sores 273 Urine, examination of.. 10 analysis of. 10 color of 10 diagnostic hints ]() normal 10 quantity 10 specific gravity 11 tests for albumen 11 tests for mucus 13 tests for pus 13 tests for renal casts... 12 • tests for sugar 12 Urinary difficulties 274 deposits 13 Urticaria 277 Uterine hemorrhage 193 Vaccination 250 Vaginal injections 24 Variola 250 Vertigo 278 Vomiting 280 . blood 146 ■ during pregnancy 228 PAGE Water as a curative agent. 21 impurities in 19 tests for copper 20 tests for lead 20 tests for lime 20 tests for iron 20 organic matter in 19 oxide of zinc 20 Weights and measures 4 Wet compresses 23 sheetpack., 21 Wet-nurse 18 Whitlow 132 Whooping-cough 166 Worm affections 282 Wounds 284 dressing of. 284 contused , 28o gun-shot 286 incised 284 lacerated 285 punctured 285 Yellow fever 286 REMEDIES. Aconitum napellus 301 Antimonium crudum .... 303 Apis mellifica 304 Argentum nitricum .... 305 Arnica montana 307 Arsenicum album 308 Baptisia tinctoria .... 310 Belladonna 311 Bryonia alba 314 Cactus grandiflorus . . 317 Calcarea carbonica 318 Cannabis sativa 320 Cantharides ........ 321 Capsicum annuum „ , . . . 322 Carbo vegetables 323 Causticum 325 Chamoniilla . 326 China 328 Cimicifuga raeemosa .... 330 Cina , . 331 Coeculus 332 Colchicine 333 Colocynthis 333 Conium maculatam .... 334 Digitalis < ... 336 Dulcamara 337 Ferrum .... t . t 4 .. 338 Gelsemium ........ 339 Graphites . . • , t .... 341 Hepar sulphur 342 Hydrastis canadensis .... 344 Hyoscyamus niger ..... 345 IGNATIA AMARA . «, . . . . 347 Ipecacuanha ........ 348 Kali bichromicum .... 349 Kali carbonicum 351 Lachesis trisonoceph. . . 353 Lycopodium 354 Magnesia carbonica ... 357 Mercurius 358 Mercurius corrosivus .... 361 Natrum muriaticum . . . 362 Nitric acid 364 Nux vomica . . . , , . . 366 Opium . .... 369 Phosphorus 370 Phosphoric acid 373 Phytolacca decandra .... 375 Podophvilum 376 Pulsatilla 377 Rhus toxicodendron . . .380 Sepia 383 Silicea 385 Spigelia 387 Stramonium 387 Sulphur 389 Tartarus emeticus .... 391 Veratrum album 392 MttoPBfl SEMI Re^ ^c^ ^H ■ m ■ . l ■. i *,*>■. i ■ -28S& ■ ■ ■ ■ ''*>'&" ■ ■ ^M HI >*£/v^ few ££>*?■ ■ H !