BF 1152 .1182 Copy 1 hypnotism; OR The Huttiati JVlirid — What Is It? V BY PROF. J. W. MOORE i HYPNOTISM; OR The Human Mind— What Is It? PROF. J. V. MOORE. VX PREFACE OUR purpose in writing this course is to furnish our readers a plain, practical Treatise on How the Mind Can Be Controlled by Suggestion. It appears to be very difficult for some to understand what is meant by Sug- gestion Controlling the Mind. We have at- tempted in this course to place this subject before our readers in such a manner that they may readily comprehend it. We heartily endorse the great proposition laid down by Thomas J. Hudson, in his great work on Psychic Phenomena, that man pos- sesses two minds: one designated as the Ob- jective Mind, and the other as the Subjective Mind; and that the Subjective Mind has full control of the functions and conditions of the body. ? ? 2L. ■ * * 2 •••••• • *• 4 s ! P ' -\ J ^ *~, $ ^ S3 i ^ ^ s v ^ ^ - \ v ~ * ^ s s - 5 \' ' -^ 1 \l £ $ ; z a o re o 13 re 73 > H O 73 3 F re z > 3 < z o 75 H > H re WHAT IT IS. 19 Grasp it tightly, looking him straight in the eyes, or at the root of the nose. Take his hand well in yours and lean forward when you shake it, with a firm gaze at root of nose; then if you wish to make any suggestion to him, do so. Never look away from him when you wish to impress him with any suggestion you have to make. The above instructions we hope will be sufficient to en- able any one to practice with success. HOW TO PRODUCE CATELEPTIC STATE. Commence by putting the patient in a deep sleep — it is better to have the patient stand up — and after you get him to sleep, tell him that all his muscles are get- ting rigid. Repeat it several times, that they are rigid, and that his heart will beat normal, but that he can not bend any of his body. Always, in giving these instruc- tions, make downward passes with both hands, from his face down over his breast, throwing away as though you were trying to throw off some sticky substance from your hands. As mentioned before, you can not be too careful in making the passes, as downward passes pro- duce, and upward passes disperse, the influence. When you wish to remove, or bring the patient out from under the influence, tell him to relax his muscles; 20 HYPNOTISM ; then you can bring him out from under the influence the same as in any other case. HOW TO PRODUCE ANAESTHESIA. Put the patient in as deep a sleep as possible, then give the suggestion that there is no feeling; that his arms are dead; that he will feel no pain. Remove the influence the same as in other cases of hypnotism. Always making dispersive passes to remove the in- fluence. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS IN GIVING MY RULES FOR PRACTICING HYPNOTISIM. I advise the operator to master all the instructions given, so he will not have to refer to this work. Al- ways have your plan laid out and then follow it. Never be influenced by others; for he who has no mind of his own cannot influence others. So with these instructions, I will bid you adieu. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS # 021 064 164 6 REGISTER, IRONTON, MO.