*& - "1 Vr Z Z BecLeT Tie Sates Prints by MOORE'S IRISH MELODIES. ILLUSTRATED BY D. MACLISE, R.A. • / NEW EDITION. LONDON: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, LONGMANS, & ROBERTS. IS58 ? 4< London : Printed by Spottisvvoode & Co., New-street- Square. PREFACE, An earnest wish having been expressed by my Publishers that this new Edition of the Irish Melodies should be accompanied by a few prefatory words, I have readily yielded to their request ; though so frequently have I been called to this very welcome task, that all I can say upon such a theme, without degenerating into mere needless egotism, must have been long since exhausted. On the poetical part of this work, it is not for me to give an opinion. Whatever may be its merits, to the music they are almost solely owing. It was, indeed, my strong desire to convey in words some of those feelings and fancies which music seemed to me to utter that first led me to attempt poetry. Thus song was the inspiring medium through which I became initiated into verse. Whatever merit there may be in interpreting the voice that spoke in my country's music, lending it a vent in IV PREFACE. verse, and bringing home to other hearts besides my own the various feelings, sad, gay, or impassioned, with which it teems, to such merit I may perhaps, proudly pretend. But the whole source and soul of the Irish Melodies lies in their matchless music. As I have already said in song, I was only as the wind to the sleeping harp, and " all the wild sweetness I waked was its own." I shall only add, that I deem it most fortunate for this new Edition that the rich, imaginative powers of Mr. Maclise have been employed in its adornment ; and that, to complete its national character, an Irish pencil has lent its aid to an Irish pen in rendering due honour and homage to our country's ancient harp. THOMAS MOORE. The designs are in facsimile of the original drawings, and the text is engraved by Mr. Becker's process. D.TslaclLse.RA-.ael -et aquaf : Ler arms may press tliee, ver friemcLs eare>> tl AM Latt bless Sweeter far may be 5 ^ Bui- when friends are nearest ■• ci whem jo] e 1 W tnem rememlbfl 1 P I l£ star litaoiuL loT I < :F iae , 1 ; 11 Lome retmraimg, Jty i 1 ■ 1 1 weVe seem it Tbmrmimg L^^^% t^fe 1 ^ ^ @rfe Whem g around thee 1 1 jr i " ^^a, k Amtnram leaYes are lyimg g | i '- "^ Q li s I] 1 e m r b hi 8 in ib e r me <, I ,at might g when 9a i 1 1 On the gay Inearth Maziu'.: , : ft Oli a still remember me, Them should minsie 9 .stealing -^ All the sonil of feeling 9 T© thy heart Appealing., IDraw one tear from tliee % Them let memory "bring thee Strains 1 isMi. iing tln.ee g = Olil them remember me, >ul all tliat I wisli tkee 9 great, gl©Fi©uis 9 amdfeee First flower ©f tke eartihi 9 amd first genu of tike §ea 9 1 .might Iiail tkee with pF©MileF 9 witli laappier IbF©w 9 i^Tiit oli; e©mM ttl©T© thee ui-ore deeply tham i^ '■ N© 9 tliy eliaims as tkey Fmaikle 9 thy M^od as It fioi3 9 Bunt mate tikee maore paimffiilly dear t© iky s©m Wliose Ike aFts 9 like tlie yoiimg ©if tike desert -Third's uiest ©Fimk i©Te in eadkliie = dF©p that iHL©ws fromi thy ThFeast ft. IVTELdise . B.. A, *-"« - ri t %. Forgtetmot ©iir wommded ©©Mipaiiii©iiis 9 wliL© stood' Im the day of distress by our side ° WMle t&i© uaoss of tike valley grewredwltli their Mood, Tlhey stirr 9 d m©t 9 Ibut comqiier'd amd di©d Tibial sum wMdh mow Messes our armas witlk Ms lig Saw tike in fall nip on Os soft's pl'aim5== tn 1 it Mm mot MiisiiL 9 whem lie leaves tis to-Mi^M, To fimd tliat tlieT fell there in Tain,. L W > P' ^fe v -(^ W; ^ i V J X'i *S '* £&6 * V. if i%J^ ^ T r ■^ H ■^ \^v 'V« XJ.rMajdise, -B..A. ■ l J=-=Ll-'-tii Jv'i 'a=-.^iiii^;j:.^ j| not yet 9 9 tis jmst tike koiir 9 Wlien pleasure 9 like tlie unidmigM flower Tkat seoras ike eye of vmlgar II glut. Begins t© "bloom for sons ©f night 9 And maids wn© l©Ye tlie mooi, 9 Twas "biit t© Ibless these honrs of shade That Tbeanty and the ni©©n were made ° 9 T1§ then tlieir soft attractions gl©wing Set tlie tides and golblets flowing a Oil! stay 9 =Gh! stay 9 = Joy so seldom weaves a eliain Like tMs to=nij3jkt 9 that ©h 9 9 tis pain T© "break Its links s© so©n n IFly not yet 9 tlie fount tliat play 9 d In tinies of ©Id tkjrontfli Amnion's shade 9 ' D.idkclise, B..A "S. P. JBeckcr. N©w kamgs as mute ©m Tara 9 s walls As ii J tlaai s ©ml were ifle -d., — §>© sleeps ill e pride of for'amer dLays S o glory's tlirill is 'o'er, ^lAjDidlieaFtSy tkat ©mee beat Mgli for praise^ [JJj ]^©Tr£eel tkal pulse, mo mm© re No more to eMefs and ladies "bright Tlie liarp of Tara swells 3 Tlie i/liiox j fl alnne.,llxf;rt lb Teaks at mi^M 9 Its tale of Fnim tells „ Tinas Freedom mow so seldom waives 9 Tlie only tlirolb she gives 9 Is wliem soime Ikeart imdigmauit "breaks 9 To show tliat still she lives m i tbimfe imPt mg> &ym& wee Eitoag^ m I l tMnk mot my spirits are always as light. Vi Amd as free fro ill a pang as they seein to yowiiow" 3F expect that the he art =h earning smile of to=mig Will returm with to -morrow to hrightem my "brow ^ N©s=life is a waste ©f we aris ©mine tours., "Wliieli § eld© mi flie rose of enj©ynient ad©rns° And tlie lie art that is s©©nest awake t© tlie flowers 9 Is always tlie first t© "be t©iiieli 9 d Iby tine t]k©rms o But send round tlie lb©wl 9 aiidlbe liappy awliile== May we nieYer meet w©rse 9 in ©nr pilgrimage liere s Tlian tlie tear tliat enj©ynient niay gild witli a smile 9 And tlie smile tliat e©nipassi©n earn tram t© a tear. Tlie tiiread ©f ©rar life w©rald~ibe dark 9 Heaven knows I If it were not wifli friendsliip and l©ve inter 'twin 9 d i And I eare n©t li©w s©©n I niay sink to rep©se 9 Wlien these Iblessings sliall ©ease t© Ibe dear to niy mindi Brat tJkey wlio nave l©v 9 d tlie fondest 9 tike pnrest 9 T©© ©ften liaTe wept © 9 er tlie dreani tliey IbelieT'M^ And tike lieart tliat lias slranibejAl in friendship seerarest 9 Is liappy indeed if 9 twas never deeeiVd D Brat send r©rand tlie lb©wl° wMle a relie of trratli Is in man ©r in wonian 9 tliis prayer shall Ibe mine^— Tliat tlie sransliine of love niay illraniine ©urn y©ratli 9 And tlie moonlight ©f friendsliip e©ns©le ©rar deeline „ \ B i > r >5 - w be nuvmuT 0f tbo luatrro / ®t}$T-f is mot ha tke wide world a valley so sweet As that Tale ami rkose bosoima line bright waters imeet ° 8 D>k! the lust rays o& ' :elaaag rami life unutst depart 9 Ere the bloom o>£ that valley shall lade froaaa any kearto Yet it was mot that matnare kail skedl dW tke seeme Her purest d£ erystal and bragktest of greea| 9l fwas rj'vt kea° soft amagie o>f streaamlet or Mil., Q)k ( aa o= it ^ r a § § dim etkiaa | aaiore ex c|aalsit e still ° *Twas tkat Mends,, tke kelovd of amy bo§oiai 9 were me.ar s WTta.© miade ever^ dear seeme of. emekaaatuoemt amore dear 9 Amd wla© felt kow Ike lb est ekarmis of mature improTe., W'kem we see tke mi reffleeted from looks tkat we love : -.- ^J.lfeatise.J^A T.J. Be.., Jd$- &M, ~r; % Sweet vale of Avoea ! kow ealm eoul© tke ekeek may ke timg'd witk a warn suummy siMile Tk©mgk tke e©ld keart to raim rums darkly tke wkile ©me fatal reinemmkraMeec, ©me sorrow tkat tkr©ws Its kleak skade alike o'er ©w joys and ®irw©es 5 T© wkieklife m©tkimg 'darker ©rkrigkter eamkriiw^ wkiek j©y kas mo kalaii amd affliction m© sting = Ok! tkis tkomgkt im tke maidst ©f emjoymiemt will stay Like a dead 9 leafless kramek im tke sumaiMer's kr Tke keamis ©f tke warim sum play r©inmd it im Yaii It maay simile im Ms ligkt 9 knit it kl©©Mis mot a^'aim Q D. Mkclise . B_A_ Jli/ltCI? amd rare were tke gems slue wore 9 jad a ibrigkt gold ring ©i her wand slue lb ©re IB nit ®~kt ker lb e aunty was far "beyond [er sparklimg gexns 9 ©r sm©w=wkite wamdo Lady! dost tkoiii mot fear t© stray 9 S© lome amd l©Tely tkromgk tMs Ibleaik way ~'i Are E rim's soms so good or so eold 9 As mot t© be tempted Iby woman ©r gold?" Sir Knight! I feel mot tke least alarm 9 N© s©m ©f Erim will ©ffer ime karmio = For tkomgk tkey love woman amd g©ldem store 9 Sir ]&mi£>kt! tkey l©Te k©m©mr amd virtme more I * D. Maclise, K. 3ise, B..Jt Tell (Q)nenck 9 d are ©nr Ibeae©n ligkts<= Tk©n 9 of tke Hhindred Figkts l n Tin i© 11 9 ©mi "wk©se kiirning t©nguie Triitlic, peaee 9 and freed© ml kmiiig ! " unite P =Hb nit l©ng as Tal©iir skinetk 9 f mercy's soul at war repinetk 9 ^ So long skall Erin's pride ^__^ kow tkey MVd and dledo Ax? if^ $U kir to me tlk km? |45 IP dear t© me tlie komir wliien dayligkt die And siiinlbeaiiis melt along tke silent sea 9 For tken sweet dreams ©f ©tker days arise 9 Ami (til memory kreatkes ker Tesper sigk t© tkee And 9 as I watek tke line of light 9 tkat plays Along tke smootk wave tow 9 rd tke knrning west 9 I long to tread tkat golden patk of rays 9 Andtkinls 9 tw©^ldlead to some krigkt isle of rest ] When Ik, total afaPm th« 1 Ike 9 wjk© adores thee 9 lias left but tin.© Mamie Q)f Ms iamlt and Ms sorrows IbeMmdy Dill say wilt thorn weep 9 wheM they darken the iaxae Ufa life that for thee iras resign"'' < lfes 9 weep 9 and how ever nay foes may eondeinan. 9 Thy tears shall efface their ieeree » For Heaven can vyitness 9 though guilty .to theML 9 J have heeM hint to© faithtfnl t© tlkee , With tlkee were the dreams ©f may earliest love = Every thought ©f may reason iras tMnie ° In may last hnmmlble prayer t© tike Spirit above 9 Tlay Maine sla.aH "be naiMgled with indue Ok! Iblest are tlie lovers aMdfrieMds ~iio shall live Tlie days ©£ thy glory t© see ° But tlie Mext dearest Me ssing tkat Meavem earn give Is the pritle ©f thus dying for thee a I m Tlkem talk.© any jkarp t© your ancient kail 5 '( it mp at tla-at friendly door,, try travellers l©v