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PITTSFIELU, MASS 1907. .\^- rtB \6\9\) A people that takes no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything luorthy to be remembered with pride by remote descen- dants. — Macauly WE copy from "Memorial of the Family of Morse, compiled from the original records for the Hon. Asa Porter Morse by Henry Dutch Lord" and friom "Morse Genealogy compiled by J. Howard i\Iorse and Emily Leavitt under the auspices of the Morse Society." "AXTHOXY (i) .MORSE. Xewbury. Mass.. came from Marlborouo-h. Wiltshire, England, and settled in Newbury in 1635. With his brother William, he sailed in the ship James from London, April 5, 1635. He arrived in Boston on the 3d day of June. 1635, and was made freeman of the Col- ony of Mass. on the 25th of May, 1636. He m. (i) Mary — , (2) Ann — , d. Newbury, March 8, 1679-80. He d. October 12, 1686. Children : Robert. Peter, Joseph, Anthony, Ben- jamin, Sarah, Hannah, Lydia, Mary, Esther, Jo.dma.' DEACON BENJAMLX (2) MORSE (An- tliony, I), West Xewbury, Mass., b.- March ,28, 1640, m. Ruth, daughter of William and Ruth (Binford) Sawyer, b. Sept. 16. 1648. He was deacon of the first church in Xewbury and v/as administrator of the estate of his youngest brother, Joshua (2) Morse, who d. 1691-2. Children: Benjamin, Ruth, Joseph, William, Sarah, Philip, Sarah, Anne. Hannah, Mary Samuel, Esther. DEACOX WILLIAM (3) MORSE (Dea. Ben- jamin, 2; Anthony, i). Newbury, Mass., b. Jan. 23, 1673-^, m. May I2,~ 1696, Sarah, daughter of Daniel and Sarah (dough) ^Merrill, b. X^ewbury, Oct. 15. 1677. He d. May 20, T749. Children: Daniel. Ruth, Peter, Benjamin, William, Sarah, Martha, Anne, ]\ loses, ]\lirriam, Hannah, Moses. DANIEL (4) MORSE (Dea. William. 3 ; Dea. Benjamin. 2: Anthony, i), Preston. Conn., b. Xewbury, iNIass., April 26. 1697, m. (i) Elizabeth, daughter of Ensign Anthony and Sarah (Pike) ^forse, b. Dec. 3, 1697, m. (2) Judith Leffingwell. He and wife Elizabeth were members of the Second Church of Xewlmry. now the First Church oi West X'^ewbury. He removed to Preston, Conn, after 1740, was there by deed 1743. Children: Closes, Sarah, Daniel, X'^athaniel, William, Anthony, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, William. DR. IMOSES (5) ^lORSE (Daniel, 4; Dea. ^^'illiam, 3: Dea. Benjamin, ,2; Anthony, i), W^orthington. i\Jass., h. Xewbury, Mass.. Jnly 26. 1721, m. Sarah Fish July 26, 1744. He was dismissed from the Chureh of Newbury, Mass., to the Church of Prestpn, Conn., in 1742 and resided at Preston until 1765, and removed shortl\- after to Worth- ington, Afass." "The nth day of July, 1768, he was chosen surveyor o!' highways. Oct. 11, 1768, he was chosen moderator of a town meeting in W'orthington, Mass. — From "History of Worthington." "Dr. Moses Morse was selectman in 1769 and in 1776. March, 1774. he was agent of the Great and General Court. Nov. 15, 1774, he was chosen one of the Committee of In- spection to init in force the Resolve of the Provincial Con gress." — From Town Records. "Children : Samuel, Moses, Joshua, Sarah, Elizabeth, Nathan, Thomas, Daniel, Josiah." — Henr}- Dutch Lord. Under date of March 21, 1897, Henry W. Morse, of Jewett Cit} , Conn., writes: "Dr: Moses Morse went to Eng- land on business and on his return brought three clocks made by Tho. HagstafTc. My great-grandfather had one, which I have, and it is still running." The butternut tree that marked Dr. Moses Morse's home is still standing. POND GI\'EN PY SAMI;EL MORSE. Know all men I:)\' these presents that we, Samuel ^lorse, Josiah Morse, within the Conmionwealth of Massachusetts, are holden and stand firmly bound and obliged unto the Hon. Eleazer T'c.rtcr, Esq., Judge of the Probate of Wills and granting Administrations within the County of Hampshire, in the full sum of fifty pounds, lawful money of the said Conuntmwealth, to be paid to the said Eleazer Porter, his successors in said ofihce, or assigns, to the true payment whereof we do bind ourselves and each of us, our and each of our Heirs, Executors and Administrators, jointly and sev- erally for the whole, and in the whole, firmly, ])y these Pres ents, sealed with our seals. Dated the 19th dav of Mav A. D. 1788. Whereas the said Samuel Morse being Administrator on the Estate. Moses Morse late of said Worthington. deed., at the Court of Common Pleas in said County of Hampshire, holden at Springfield, in said County, on the second Tuesday of February last, past, obtained license to sell the right of Dower, the widow and Relict of the said Moses Morse had in her said Husband's Real Estate, she having given her con- sent thereto, upon condition that he would observe the Rules and Orders of Law relating to such Sales, and more particu- larly giving Bonds to the Judge of Probate for said County, for his paying to Sarah Alorse, widow of said Moses, the lawful interest on the amount of the sale aforesaid, yearly, during her natural life. Now, therefore, the condition of this obligation is such, that if the above bounden Samuel Morse shall well and truly account to the Judge of Probate, aforesaid, or his successor ill said office, for the proceeds of the sale of the Real Estate aroresaid, within reasonable time after the sale aforesaid, and shall well and truly pay to the said Sarah Morse, widow ot said deceased, the lawful interest of the amount of the sale aforesaid, yearl\', during her natural life, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force, honor and virtue. Samuel Morse, L. S. Elipha Morse, L. S Josiah Morse, L. S. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Amos Leonard, Gurdon Palmer, John Leonard. (Note. — Elijah or Elisha, probably Elijah.) SAMUEL MORSE ((^]. W'orthington, Mass., b. Preston, Conn., May 21, 1745, d. about 1803, m. Eunice Brown, of Preston, Conn., b. about 1750, d. Williamstield, Ohio, Sept. 20, 1836. Samuel Morse was administrator of liis father's estate. He conveyed by deed 50 acres of land, lot Xo. 46, in the County of Hampshire, Mass.. Aug. 2, 1796, "to beloved son, Elias." His sons. Elijah and Elias, were executors of his estate and May 15, 1804, were summoned to settle their accounts. Samuel Mv)rse built a burial vaidt for his family. After his decease, his remains were placed in this vault, also his daughter Eunice and grandson Rufus were buried there. Nearlv a centurv afterwards, the vault falling into decav, the remains were taken out of the vault and buried near the vault. (^ I) Children : Elijah :\Iorsc (7), b. Worthington, Mass., Oct. ii, 1766. Kunice ?^Iorse, b. Worthington. INIass., about 1771. Elias Morse, b. Worthington, ^lass., April 6, 1776. Samuel Morse, b. Worthington, ^lass., 1782. ELIJAH MORSE (7). Williamsfield, Ohio, b. Oct. II, 1766. d. April 5, 1835, m. Sept. 19, 1788, Mary Morse, dau. of Daniel and Anna (Carpenter) Morse, b. Preston, Conn., Aug. 5, 1765, d. April 19, 1852. The Church Records of Preston, Conn , contain the following marriage records: "1786, Dec. 4. "In the evening of the 3d, ^Nlr. Samuel Stanton and Miss Martha Morse, both of Preston. 1788. Sept. 19, (Eve of the i8th). Elijah Mors "of Worthington, State of Boston" and Mary ^'lors of Preston, State of Conn." "Rev. Paul Park, the pastor, was great-grandfather of Ex-Chief Justice of Conn., John D. Park." — From New England Historical Genealogical Journal. Children : Abner Rufus Morse (8), b. Worthington, INIass., Tune 19, 1789, d. Worthington, INIass., June, 1803. ' Ansel Morse, b. Worthington, Mass., Jan. 2, 1790. Mary Morse, b. Wonhington, Mass., Jan. 5, 1793. Horace Morse, b. Worthington, Alass., Sept. 19, 1795- Elias Morse, b. Worthington, Mass., Aug. 22, 1797. Daniel Curtis Morse. I). W'nrthington. Mass.. Dec. 22, 1802. Hannah Morse, b. Worthington, Mass., Nov. 5, 1804. EUNICE MORSE (7), Worthington, Alass., b. about 1771, d. 1816, m. 1796, Elijah Curtis, b. about 1771. d. Sept. 13. 1847. Elijah Curtis m. a second time. The wife ot Alden Curtis, son of Elijah, gives us the following: "Alden remembered hearing his father say that he built his house and married Eunice IMorse when he was 25 years old and ihey lived together 20 years. That would make the date of tlic marriage 1796 and of her death 1816. We are living in the house Ehjah Cnrtis prepared for liis bride a hundred vears ago, though it has been thoronghlv U'paired and somewhat remodeled. Jt was said that being an only datighter, her father gave her the finest hottse keep- ing outfit of any bride in this section and several pieces of furniture have survived the century. We have the nicest chest of drawers I ever saw. a table, a mirror and some chairs said to have beloiij^ed to the outfit. 1-1^ ELIAS MORSE (7), Williamsfield, Ohio, b. April 6, 1776, d. Dec. 26. 1856, m. Alay 4, 1803, Abiah Phelps, daughter of Dan and Hannah (Austen) Phelps, b. Suffield, Conn., Sept. 29, 1775, d. Dec. 29, 1872. Rev. Mr. Waldo pet formed the marriage ceremony. "Elias Morse emigrated to the Western Reserve, Ohio, en horseback in 1809, to select l3nd for his future home. He was the founder of Methodism in that part of the Reserve. He was converted at a Methodist camp-meeting before com- ing to Ohio, formed a numl^er of classes in the West, one in Crawford Co., Pa., and two in Trumbull Co., Ohio. These classes were formed before there was any Ecclesiastical body established. On arriving in Ohio with his family in 181 1, he com- menced preaching in his own and neighbors" houses and barns as opportunity (secured. "About this time a mail-road v.-as established on the state road and J. W. Brown was ap- pointed in his stead, his commission bearing date of 1812. He served as postmaster about 30 years, his family being the first pioneer settlers in Williamsfield. Ohio. He was chosen Elder of the M. E. Church on the 13th day of August, 1826, by Abijah Hedding, Bishop, and the Elders present, at camp-meeting, Alercer Circuit." — Family Records. Children : Milton Morse (8), b. Worthington, Mass., Feb. 18, 1804, d. Ohio, July 9, 1829. Osman Phelps ]\lorse, b. Worthington, Mass., Jan. 26, 1806. Benjamin Franklin ^lorse. b. Worthington, Mass., Sept. 18, 1809. Maria Louisa Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, Aug; 9. J813. ]\Iarv Emiline Alorse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, April 9. 181 8. 8 MAJOR SAMUEL MORSE (7), Williamsfield, Ohio. 1). 1-82, (1. Sept. 30, 1867, m. Charlotte Leffino-\vell, b. 1780. (1. Nov. 6, 1846. Chil(h-en : Marvin Morse (8), b. Worthington, Mass., 1804. Ihllin^s ^Forse, b. Worthington, Mass., Sept. 7, 1805. Royal Morse, b. Worthington, Mass., July 13. 1808. Samuel Morse, b. Worthington, Mass., April 27, i8ro. Fortis Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio. Sept. 12, 1812. Eunice Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, 1816. Charlotte Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, 1817, d. \\'illiamsfield, Ohio, Sept. 14, 1846. Alonzo Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, Aug. i, 18 ic^. ANSEL MORSE (8), Williamsfiekf. Ohio, b. Jan., 179(', d. Oct. 12, ISSO, m. Aug. 10, 1S14, Jael Phelps, daughter of Deacon Judah and Abigail (Bishop) Phelps. (Mr. Phelps was in the Revolutionary Army, enlisting in Col. Josiah S])encer"s Regt., and in the 7th company, Capt. Abel Fettibone. Oct. 2^, 1775. — From Phelps Family of America.) Jael Phelps was b. Jan. 19, 1793, d. Sept. 17. i88r. Ansel Morse served as a musician in the war of 1812 in the Con- necticut militia imder the command of Jabez Collins, from Aug. 18, 1814. to Oct. 26, 1814. He moved to Ohio in 1815. He was a Freewill P)aptist and religious meetings were held in his house in which many persons entered into the fold of their Saviour. It was there, in an upper room, that I date the beginning of my Christian experience. — H. M. W. Children : Maria Morse (9), b. Williamsfield, Ohio. Feb. 29, 1816, d. Williamsfield, Ohio, 1820. Sally Miorse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio. June 28, 181 7. Judah Morse, b. Williamsfield. Ohio, April 24, 1819. Maria Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, Aug. 4, 1821. Ansel Luke Morse, b. Williamsfield. Ohio, Feb. 15, 1823. Rnfns Morse, b. Williamsfield. Ohio, Feb. 15, 1824. d. Williamsfield, Ohio. April 19, 1834. Annis Morse, b. Williamsfield. Ohio, Dec. 7, 1825. Mary Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, April 6. 1828. Apollos Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio. Dec. 1834, d. Williamsfield, Ohio, Dec, 1834. Apollos Phelps ]^Iorse. b. Williamsfield, Ohi(\ Julv 8. 1836. 9 • MARY MORSE (8). Jackson. Amador Co., Calif'ornia, b. Jan. 5, 1793, <1. Jan. 29. 1880, m. (i) Mr. Lef- fingwell, ni. (2) Mr. Hills. She was a woman of unusual in- tellig'cnce and strength of character. She remembered talking- with her great-grandmother, Sarah (Fish) }^[orse and she was present at her funeral. Children : Dexter Leffingwell (9). Mvron Sylvester Hills (9), b. Adrian, Lewance Co., Mich., May 27, 1827. Mary Anna Hills, b. Adrian, Lewanee Co., Mich.. Jan. 12, 1837. PIORACE MORSE (8), Williamsfield, Ohio, b. Sept. 19, 1795, d. Nov. 24, 1854, was a Freewill Baptist Min ister. He m. Feb., 1818, Lydia Stanton, daughter of Judge Samuel and Martha (Morse) Stanton, b. June 16, 1801, d. Sept. 3, 1863. Children : Infant (9), 1). Williamsfield, ( )hi(), 1819. Horace Washington Morse (9), b. Williamsfield, Ohio, Jan. 24, 1820. Stephen Wesley Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohuj, May 3, 1822. Abel Morse, b. Mercer Co., Pa., Aug. 24, 1827. Angcline Morse, b. Mercer Co., Pa., Jan. 29, 1829. Samuel Stanton Morse, b. Williamsfield. Ohio, fan 1831. Anna Carpenter Morse, b. Williamsfield, ( )hio. Sept. 6, 1833. Esquire L. Morse, 1). Williamsfield, Ohio, Nov. 12, .1835- Maria Gennette Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, Dec. 12, 1837. Martha Morse, b. Kinsman, Ohio, Jan. 13, 1840. Lowell Reed Morse, b. Kinsman, Ohio, June 6, 1841. ELTAS MORSE (8), Cambridge, 111., b. Aug. 22, 1797, d. May 28. 1875, m. (i) Feb.. 1818, Lucy Stanton, daughter of Judge Samuel and Martha (Morse) Stanton and came with brother Horace and wife to Williamsfield, Ohio, m. (2) Sally Dailey, b. March 29, 1807, d. March 29, 1883. Children : Lucy Morse (9), b. Kinsman, Ohio, 1819, d. Kins man, Ohio, 1820. !() Lucy Morse, b. Kinsman. Ohio, Feb. 1822. Calista Morse, Ix Kinsman, Ohio, ]\Iay 10, 1824. Ellas J. Morse, 1). Kinsman, Ohio, July 21, 1826. (2) John Curtis Morse, b. Kinsman, Ohio, Oct. 8. "1829. v^arah Jane Mor.>e, b. Kinsman, ( )hio. May 7, 1831. ■Rosetta Morse, 1). Kinsman, Ohio, Feb. 8, 1836. v^. riinipton Morse, b. Kinsman, Ohio, Veh. 3, 1841. DANIEL CURTIS MORSE (8), b. Dec. 22, 1802, (1. Xi)V. 2, 1826, m. Elizabeth Martin. Children : Samantha Morse (eel)c Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, June 10, 1843. Fortis Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, Feb. 21, 18-15. Dudlev A. Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, Aug. 13, 1845, d. 1851. BILLINGS MORSE (8). Williamsfield, Ohio, b. Sept. 7, 1805, d. Dec. 13, i860, m. (i) Belona Beebe, daugh- ter of Peter and Dorcas (Tuttle) Becbe, b. 1817, died Racine, Wis., Julv 29, 1849, "■'• (2) Jan. 2, 1855, Marv Eleanor King, b. 1830, d. West Springfield, Pa., July 11, 1867. Children by first wife : Sanniel H. Morse (9), b. April 15, 1835. Peter Beebe Morse, b. Mav 15, 1840. Porter L. Morse, b. May 9,'lS46. P)Clona ^yforse, b. Plattsville, Wis., July, 1849, Q- 13 Plattsville, Wis., July 29, 1849. Child ])y second wife : Maria Emma Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, May 19, 1856. ROYAL MORSE (8), Racine, Wis., b. July 13, 1808, d. March 2, 1901, m. Nov. 17, 1831, Eliza Jone:?, daughter of Anson and Nancy (Gilbert) Jones, b. Williams - field, Ohio, Feb. 2, 1809, d. Jan. 5. 1898. He came to Wis consin in 1847. He lived five years on a farm in Mt. Pleas- ant, then moved to the home in Caledonia v^^here he afterward resided. He outlived seven brothers and sisters and was one of the last of the old settlers of his neighborhood. Wheu nineteen years of age Mr. Morse professed religion and always lived a consistent, active Christian life. Many have spoken of his vigor of mind and strpng will power which made him unwilling to be idle ; also of his great sweetness of spirit and genial manners. He was alive to the interests of the day. He was a strong abolitionist in the early days of that party. While in his 93d year he rode four miles to vote for Mc Kinlev. He was connected with many enterprises which helped to build up the country. _ He helped to get out the timbers for the First Congre- gational church ,of Racine where he was long a communicant. He was firm in his principles. Even the taint of dishon- esty was abhorent to him. He truly lived a long and useful life. He died sur- rounded by all of his living children and one grandchild who administered to his every want. The funeral was conducted at his late home by Rev. Wallace Short of Evansville, Wis., a grandson by marriage. Children : Harriet E. Morse (9). b. Williamsfield, Ohio, June 16, 1832. Lucv Ellen Morse, b Williamsfield, Ohio, Mav 24, ■ 1836. Emdy L. Morse, b. WilHamsfield, Ohio, Julv 6, 1838, d. Racine, Wis., Oct. 16, 1859. James G. Birney Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, Aug. 2y^ 1840. Josephine L. Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, Nov. 3, 1843- 14 Addison J. Morse, b. Williamsfi^ld, Ohio, May 30, 1846. Eunice E. Morse, b. Racine, Wis., ]May 21. 1848. Charles A. Alorse, b. Racine, Wis., July 8, 185 1. Marv Eug-enia Morse, b. Racine. Wis., June 19. '1854. SAMUEL MORSE (8), Racine, Wis., b. April 27. 1810, d. June, 1900, m. Andover, Ohio, April 29, 1834, Electa Wilder, daughter of Joseph and Ann Wilder, b. Bark- hamstead, Conn., July 9, 1813. d. March 10, 1881. Children : Marv Morse (9), b. WilliamsfieUl, ( )hio. Jan. 24, '1835, d. Williamsfield, Ohio, Feb. 16, 1835. Joseph Wilder Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, Jul\ 10, 1830, d. Racine, Wis., Sept. i"/ , 1857. Helen Louise Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, April 7. 1838. Ann Gillet Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, Dec. 15, 1839. Arthur Toppam Morse, b. Williamsfield, ( )hio, Aug. 16, 1 84 1. Electa Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, Oct. 17, 1842. d. Williamsfield, Ohio, Dec. 5, 1844. Florence Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, Sept. 22. 1844, d. Williamsfield, Ohio, Nov. 17, 1850. Samuel Sobieski Morse, b. \\'illiamsfield, Ohio, Feb. 2. 1846. Henriette Wilder Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, Aug. 28, 1847. William Wirt Alorse, 1>. Williamsfield. Ohio, July 8, 1849. <^1- Racine. Wis.. Sept. 6, 1857. Piatt Spencer Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, Aug. 16, 1851, d. Williamsfield, Ohio, Oct. 16, 1851. Laurence Sterne Morse, 1). Williamsfield. Ohio, April 20, 1854. Flora Irene Morse, b. Racine, Wis.. July 4, 1857. FORTIS MORSE (8), Conneautville, Pa., b. Sept. T2, 1812, d. April 23, 1846, was a Methodist Episcopal minister. He was m. by Rev. A. Fouts, Jefferson, Ohio, Aug. 4, 1844, to Emiline Loomis, b. McKean, Erie Co., Pa., Oct. 9, 1820, d. 1879. * 15 Children : Edward Alonzo Morse {9), h. Bleckcnsville, Pa., April 29, 1845. Fortis Alnieron Morse. 1). )efferson, Ohio, Se[)t. 8, 1846. EUNICE MORSE (8), Wayne. Ohio, b. 1816. d. March 4, 1852, m. Dec. 31, 1835, Norman Wilcox, Jr., b. Barkhamstead, Conn., April i, 1812, came to Wayne, Ohio, March 16, 1816, d. April 3, 1896. Children : Dwight Wilcox (9), b. Wayne, Ohio, 1836, d. Wayne, Ohio, Jan. 8, 1842. Camden L. Wilcox, b. Wayne, Ohio. May 5, 1838. Homer \Vilcox, b. Wayne, Ohio, Feb. 14, 1841, a. Wayne, Ohio, Feb. 14, 1882. Elmer T. Wilcox, b. Wayne, Ohio, Dec. 26, 1843. Lottie R. Wilcox, b. Wayne, Ohio, April 15, 1845. ALONZO MORSE (8). Williamsfield, Ohio, b. Aug. I, i8ig, d. June 14, 1895, m. Corintha Sackett, b. Dec. 6, 1824, d. Oct. 27, 1895. Children : A'ictoria Morse (9), b. Williamsfield, Ohio, Oct. 24, 1848. Josephine AL Alorse. h. A\'illiamsfield, Ohio, Nov. 19, 1849. Corinth Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, May 2/, 1851. Alonzo B. Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, April 3, 1853- Agnes Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, April 17, 1854. Alphonzo Z. Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, Nov. 4, 1856. Rollv W. Morse, b. Williamsfield. Ohio, Aug. 20, '1858, d. Williamsfield, Ohio, Aug. 1859. Alice Morse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, July 2, i860. Anna ]\Iorse, b. Williamsfield, Ohio, April 14, 1864. Zula Morse, b. Williamsfield. Ohio, Jan. 21, 1866. SALLY MORSE (9), W. Williamsfield, Ohio, b. June 28, 1817, m. (i) Smith Allen, m. (2) Rev. Alfred Benner Underwood, b. Nov. 3, 181 6. 16 Children by first husband: Eliza Allen (lo). b. \V. Williamsfield, Ohio, Feb. ^, 1842. Children by second husband : Rovilla Underwood, b. W. Williamsfield, Ohio, Feb. 28, 1848. Rufus A. Underwood, b. W. Williamsfield, Ohio, Feb. 18, 1850. Alfred Payson Underwood, b. W. Williamsfield, Ohio. Jan. 3, 1852, d. W. Williamsfield, Ohio, Jan. 13, 1852. Emily Underwood, b. W. Williamsfield, Ohio, Jan. 30. 1853. Judsou Phelps Underwood, b. West Williamsfield, O. Dec. 21, 1854. Mary J. Underwood, b. West Williamsfield, O., Jan. 3i> 1857. Allen B. Underwood, b. West Williamsfield, O., March 7, 1859. Nettie Celia Underwood, b. West Williamsfield, O., June 28, 1862. JUDAH MORSE, (9) Pierpont, O., b. April 24, 1819, d. July 30, 1870, m. Jan. 1845, Electa Bridgeman of West Williamsfield, O., b. Aug. 31, 1823, d. July 12, 1900. Chil- dren : Maria Morse, (10) b. Williamsfield, O., March 11, 1847; Josiali Morse, b. Williamsfield. O. Jan. 17, 1849, d. Pierpont, O., Dec. 23, 1870; Amelia Morse, b. Pierpont, O., Sept. 22, 185 1 ; Inez M. Morse, b. Pierpont, O., Sept. 9, 1857. MARIA MORSE, (9) Williamsfield, O., b. Aug. 4, 1821, m. April 13, 1848, James H. Phelps, b. Dec. 14, 1819. Child, Lovina D. Phelps, (10) b. Williamsfield, O., May 19, 1854. ANSEL LUKE MORSE, (9) Williamsfield, O., b. Feb. 15, 1823, d. Aug. i, 1904, m. i, March 2, 1846, Har- riet E. Giddings, dau. of Aranda P. Giddings, b. West Wil- liamsfield, O., d. June 22, 1850, m. 2, July i, 185 1, Mary I. Hoyt, m. 3, Colebrook, O., March 23, 1862, Mary P. Treat b. Garson, Ontario Co., N. Y., May i, 1835. Children, (i) Albert A. Morse, (10) b. Williamsfield, O., Dec. 4. 1846, d. WilHams- field, O., March n, 1S47; Emma E. Morse, b. Williamsfield. O., March 2, 1848; infant, b. Williamsfield, O.. lune 22. 1850; (2) Ida C. Morse, b. Williamsfield, O., May 4." 1852. d.'Wil- 17 liamsfield, O., April 20, 1853 ; Minnie Estella Morse, 1). W'il- liamsfield, O., Oct. 24, 1856; Zoe Elmetta Morse, b. Williams- iield, CX, Dec. i, 1858; Genevra Erressa Morse, b. Willianisfield, O., April 22, 1861;. (3) Carrie D. Morse, b. Williamsfield, O., Oct. 16, 1864; Grant Morse, b. Williamsfield, O., Aug. 11, 1867; Flora J. Morse,b. Williamsfield, O., Sept. 16, 1868; Ida M. Morse, b. Williamsfield, O., June 10, 1871 ; Beulah \[. Morse, b. Williamsfield, O., Feb. 7, 1873; Elsie S. Morse, b. Williamsfield, O., July 29. 1875. ANNIS MORSE, (9) Williamsefield, O., b. Dec. 7, 1825, m. Moses Barber, b. April 24, 1819, d. Nov. 22, 1859. Children: Ansel A. Barber, (10) b. Williamsfield, O., Aug. 4, 1848; Alfred J. Barber, b. Williamsfield, O., Sept. i, 1850; Joliu Barber, b. Williamsfield. O., May 2, 1S53; James Bar- ber, b. Williamsfield, O., May 19, 1856; Moses Pay- son Barber, b. Williamsfield, O., Jan. 22, i860. MARY MORSE, (9) Williamsfield, O., b. April 6, 1828, m. I, Nov. 26, 1858, Oliver Brown, m. 2, Mr. Mason. Children: Sylvenus Brown, (10) b. Williamsfield, O., Nov. 13, 1859; Emma Brown, b. Williamsfield, O., Jan. 7, 1862; Min- nie Brown, b. Williamsfield, O., March i, 1867. APOLLOS PHELPS MORSE, (9) Williams- field, O., b. July 8. 1836, m. by Elder Howe, Bloomfield, O., Nov. 15, i860, Lucy A. Gilmore, b. Ravenna, O. Children:. Dryden J^Iorse, (10) Williamsfield, O., Sept. 29, 1861 ; Harriet G. Morse, Williamsfield, O., Feb. 24, 1864. MYRON SYLVESTER HILLS, (9) Redding, Shasta Co., Cal., b. Mav 27, 1827, m. Whitehouse, Shasta Co., Cal., Charlotte — , b. Feb. 26, 1831. Children: Mvron Sylves- ter Hills, (10) b. May 25, 1861 ; Lillian Mav Hills, b. Mav 11, 1863. MARY ANNA HILLS, (9) Jackson, Amador Co., Cal., b. Jan. 12, 1837, d. Dec. 19, 1898, m. i, Mr. Good- enough, m. 2, Dr. Charles Boarman, physician and surgeon, b Martinsburg, Berkeley Co., West Virginia, Oct. 28, 1827, graduated with high honors from St. Mary's College and Georgetown College, receiving a diploma at the age of 21 years, d. Jackson, Cal., Nov. 23, 1879. Children: Luther Goodenough, (10) d. at age of 6 years; Helen Goodenough, d. at age of 4 years; George Washington Boarman, b. Aug. 15, 1858; IS Charles Augustus Boarman, b. Oct. lo, i860; Ellen Douglas Boarman, b. June 4, 1862; Sylvester Cleveland Boarman, b. May 16, 1864; Edith Alvord Boarman. b. April 24. 1S66; Emma Forest Boarman, b. Dec. 17, 1867; Gertrude Zuleine Boarman, b. Oct. 12, 1868. HORACE WASHINGTON MORSE, (9) Fos- toria, Kan., b. Jan. 24, 1820, d. May 20, 1894, was a Freewill Baptist minister, ni. March 30, 1842, Melvma Pringle, b Oct. 9, 1819. Children: Ransom S. Morse, (10) b. March 20, 1843, d. Dec. 30, 1854; Milo P. Morse, b. July 30, 1845 : Ida A. Morse, b. Sept. 18, 1852; Estella H. Morse, b. Richmond, O., Nov. 3, 1855 ; Walter S. Morse, b. July 3, 1858. STEPHEN WESLEY MORSE. (9) Hayheld, Crawford Co.. Pa., b. May 3, 1822, d. Dec. 31. 1897, m. Sept. 5, 1848, Fidelia Smith, b. Jan 25, 1832. d. Oct. 22, 1895. Children: Emiline L. Morse. (10) b. Sept. 20, 1850; Philo E. Morse, b. Aug. 17, 1852; Ellen A. Morse, b. Oct. 22, 1856; Miiand D. Morse, b. Dec. 20. 1859, d. Feb. 4, i860: Martha Flonlla Morse, b. Tune 17, 1861 : William E. B. Morse, b. Dec. 12, 1863. ABEL MORSE, (9) Eliza. 111., b. Aug. 24, 1827. d. Nov. 17, 1895, m. I, May 13, 1851, Eliza L. Terrill, d. March 28, 1859, m. 2, Delilah Bishop, b. Linesville, Pa., d. Feb. 24, 1897. Children : ( i ) Lowell Lillibridge Morse, ( lO') b. Sept. 24, 1853: (2) Sarah Eliza Morse, b. May 16, i860, d. Aug. 30. ;.862 ; Esquire S. Morse, b. March 18. 1862; Eddie ^lorse. died 3 months' old; Lydia A. Morse, b. Dec. 11. 1865; Albert A. Morse, b. Aug. 21, 1868; Edwin Morse, b. Sept. 17, 1870; Sally Margaret Alorse, b. Sept. 25. 1873. ANGELINE MORSE, (9) Denmark, O., b. Jan. 29, 1829, d. July 24, 1867, m. i. May 26, 1846, David M. Davis, m. 2, Daniel Leonard. Children : Emiline Davis, ( 10) b. 1851, d. 1867; Esquire Davis, b. 1854. SAMUEL STANTON MORSE, (9) Rich- mond Center, C)., b. Jan. 10, 1831, m. June 16, 1851, Melissa Fernal. Children: Flora Arvilla Morse, (10) b. April 4, 1854, d. March 16, 1756; Flora Lodema Morse, b. June 9, 1856; Hattie Florence Morse, b. Oct. 17, 1859: Bertha Annette Morse, b. April 19, 1866. 19 ANNA CARPENTER MORSE, (9) Mcllenry, Foster Co., North Dakota, b. Sept. (i, l. Flagg, b. Dec. 26, 1875: Clyde E. Flagg;. b. Aug. 2. 1877. d. Sept. 6, 1901 ; Herbert ?\l. Flagij. 1). I'el). 20, 1879; Grace L. blagji;-, b. .\pril 23, 1887 ; Charlie Flagg-, b. April 12, 1892 ; Clifford Flagg, b. Dec. 17, 1894. d. Sept. 21, 1895; ]\larv E. Flagg. b. Mav 16, 1896. PHILO E. !^IORSE, (10) Hayfield, I'a., 1). Aug. 17, 1852. d. Xc\-. 12, 1903, m. Nov. II, 1875, Anna V. Sanck- tnn. Child: liessie L Morse, (11) b. Sept. 16, 1887. ELLEN A. MORSE, (10) Hayfield. Pa.. 1). Oct. 22, 1856, ni. Aug. I, 1875, Anthony C. Fisk, b. ( \-t. 1. 1841). d. Alarch 9, 1904. Children: Ada A. Fisk, (11 ) b. |an. 3, 1877, d. Jan. 28, 1896; Flora R. Fisk, b. Oct. 12, 1882; Sylvia A. Fisk. !). July 6, 1893; Edward C. Fisk, b. Dec. 12, 1896. :\[ARTHA FLORILLA MORSE. Oo) Rich- mond Center, O., b. June 17, 1861, m. Oct. i, 1884, Ralph S. Flartson. Children: Soleta Hartson, ( 11 ) b. ]\Iarch 31 , 1890'; Donald Andrew Hartson, b. July 20, 1900. WILLL\M E. B. ^lORSE. (10) ^Teadville, Pa., b. Dec. 12, 1863, m. Oct. 10, 1883, :Main Clow. Chil- dren : Mabel F. ]\Iorse, (11) b. Feb. 15, 1890; Howard Morse, b. Nov. 15, 1897. LOWELL LILLIP.RTDGE MORSE, (10) Ells- ton, la., b. Sept. 24. 1853, ni. i, March 27, 1876. Alice Had- lock, b. Jan. 15, 1862. m. 2, May 29, 1887, ^Irs. C.weenlian (Thomas) Jones, formerly of Merthys, Tydlil, Fng., I). Jan. 23, 1843. Children: ( i ) Tohn Henry :\Iorse, (11 ) b. ( )ct. 23, 1877, d. Oct. 19. 1888; Nora Morse, b. July 2y, 1880, d. 1884; (2) Ehza Minnie ^lorse, b. Dec. 15, 1889, d. Sept. 24, 1890. ESQUIRE S. ^lORSE. (10) New Boston, III, b. ^Farch 18, 1862, m. ^luscatine Co., la., Nov. 18, 1883, El- luira Flizabedi Crone, b. South Bend. Ind.. Oct. 9, 1867. Chil-' dren: Minnie C. Morse, (ii) b. Eliza, PL, Oct. 2, 1884; Charles Morse, b. Eliza, 111., Jan. 31. 1886: Lillie K. Morse, b. Eliza, 111., Nov. 1.2. 1888: Bessie Morse, b. Eliza, PL, Oct. 19, 1890: Frank A. :Morse, b. Ehza, 111.. April 18, 1896: Oral E. Morse, b. Eliza. PI., Oct. 29, 1902. 38 LYDIA A. MORSE, (lo) Cedar Rapids, la., b. Dec. n, 1865, ni- Muscatine, la., Sept. 16, 1885. Robert Kel- ley. Cbildren : Lueva Belle Kelley, (11) b. June 5, 1889; Donald Marion Kelley, b. May 31, 1903; Esther Louise Kelley, b. Nov. II, 190-I. ALBERT A. MORSE. (10) Ellston, La., b. Aug. 21, 1868, m. Gertrude B Noble. Children: Lifant ; Harold H. Morse, (11) b. July 16, 1892; Elossie E. Morse, b. Oct. 20, 1895; Hattie H. Morse, b. Eeb. 11, 1897; Helen L. Morse, b. Aug-. 22, 1900; Myrtle Morse, b. Sept. 24. 1902, d. November, 1902; Ira V. Morse, b. Aug. 14, 1903. EDWIN MORSE, (10) New Boston, III, b. Sept. ]■/, 1870, m. Nov. 28, 1895, Laura Mason. Children:" Ivan Dean Morse, (11) b. April 21, 1900; A'ivian Morse, b. Sept. 13, 1904. SALLIE MARGARET AIORSE, (10) Mc- Henry, booster Co., N. D., b. Sept. 25, 1873, has a claim con- taining 35 acres in grain, has a fine meadow, a spring on her place, a patch of imckleberries and a patch of cranberries. ESOIMRE DAMS. (10) Beaver Center, Pa., b. 1854, m. 1875, Ji-ilia C. Church, d. 1902. Children: Estella Davis, (11 ) b. June 29, 1878; infant boy; son. FLORA LCJDEMA MORSE (10) b. fune 9, 1856, m. Nov. 25, 1875. Edgar Collins, b. Feb. 14, 1852.' Child: Carl Collins. (11) b. Oct. zy, 1879. HATTIE FLORENCE MORSE. (To) Rich- mond Center, O., b. Oct. 17, 1859, m. i, June 15, 1878, Wil- liam Hodgeman, d. Aug. 20, 1881, m. 2, March 27, 1898. S. W. Jonston. Child: Florence Hodgeman, (11) b. Sept. 21, 1881. d. June 15, 1891. "Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on his gentle breast." BERTHA ANNETTE MORSE, (10) Wil- liamstickl, O., see Judson Phelps Underwood. GEORGE WASHINGTON RANDOLPH. (10) Harvey, 111., b. Aug. 15. 1861, m. Grinnell, la., Feb. 14, ;59 1886. Hattie Wainright Little, 1). April 20. 1865. CliildR-n : William Arjainento Randolph, (11) b. Cherokee Co., la.. March 6, 1887, d. Aug. 16. 1888 ; Elburtus Charles Randolph, h. ( )'P.rien Co., la.. Dec. 6, 1888, d. June 21, 1890; Freddie Wainrip^ht Randolph, b. Dickinson Co., la., Nov. 24, i8yo; Anna (ien- nctte Randolph, b. Feb. 9, 1893, d. Harvey, 111.. Oct. I. 1893; xA-Ugusta Edda Randolph, b. Harvey, 111., July 21. 1894: George Thomas Randolph, b. Harve\-, 111., b. June 21, 1897: Katie Rosella Randolph, b. Harvey, 111., July 24. 1900; Roy Randolph, b. Harvey, 111.. Dec. 5, 1904. MARTHA GENNETTE RAXDOLIMI. do) Hartlev, O'Brien Co., Iowa. b. Jan. 10. 1865, d. Jan. 11, 1892, m. Ida Co., la., }Jarch 15, 1885. Thomas Webb. Child: El- mer Arthur Webb, (11) b. Jan. 9, 1892. IDA MALMXA RANDOLPH, (10) Aneta, N. D.. 1). Sept. 20. 1868. m. Feb. 2, 1889, Thomas Anderson. Chil- dren : William Jesse Anderson, (ii) b. Osceola Co., la.. Oct. 29. 1891 ; Lowell Thomas Anderson, b. Nelson Co.. N. D., June 3, 1899; Anna Beulah Anderson, b. Nelson Co., X. D.. Sept. 27. 1903. EDDIE GILBERT RANDOLPH, (10) Eddy Co.. N. D.. b. Jan. 15. 1875. m. Nobles Co.. X. D.. Dec. 14. i8(j8. Cora Borthwick. Children: Xerva Bessa Randolph, (11 ) b. Eddy Co., X. D.. Jan. 24. 1900; Xeva Xell Randolph, b. Eddy Co..' N. D.. March 11. 1903. WILLIAM STANTuX. LOWELL ELLIS and AUSTIN EDGAR RANDOLPH, (10) McIIenry. X. D. LACRA MARAXDA MORSE. (10) West- moreland, Kan., b. lulv 16, 1861, m. i, Feb. 28, 1878, Frank C. Baldwin, d. 1899, m. '2. 1901. J. 1!. Mills. Children: Eva Pearl I'.aldwin. '( !i ) b. X^xW 14. i'*^82 : Forest Leroy Baldwin. b. 1-el). 26. 1886; Arthur Franklin Baldwin, b. ^larch 4. 1888, d. Mav 28, 1895; Lulu Laura lialdwin, b. Aug. 17, 1891 ; Da- vid Esquire ifahlwin, b. Mav 25, 1894; Ivan Quit I'.aldwin, b. April 26, 1896; Frank Baldwin, b. 1899; Royal B. Mills b. July n, 1904. CLARA BELL MORSE. (10) W^estmoreland, Kan., b. Jan 2, 1864. m. Nov. 24, 1881, Eli D. Baldwin. Child: Forest liurton Baldwin, {\\\ b. March 17, 1885. 40 ARCHIE AIORSE, (lo) ^lanhattan, Kan., b. April 29, 1866, d. Jan. 5, 1903, m. April 30, 1887, Ida Godard. Children: Fred Aforse, (11 )^b. Feb. 2, 1888; Hattie Morse, b. May, 1890; Wayman Morse, b. Thanksgiving- day, 1893; Rnlw ]^Iorse, b. 1897 ; W^endell Morse, b. 1900. Kan. FRANCES JOY MORSE, (loj Westmoreland, FREDERICK STAXTON KNAPP, (10) Ash- tabula, O., b. March 9, 1866, d. Dec. 29, 1899, m. June 30, 1887, Luella A. Mann of Pierpont, b. March 8, 1867. Chilcl: Floyd liurdctte Knapp. (11) b. Denmark, O., Sept. 18, 1890. LOW'A MELISSA KXAPP, (10) Cherry \'al- ley, O., b. Sept. 27, 1868, m. Nov. 19, 1890, Charles Alfred Brooks, b. Veh. 22, 1864. Children : Claude Franklin Brooks, ( II ) b. Dorset, ( )., March 7, 1892; Florence Stella Brooks, b. Ashtabula, O., June 14, 1894: Lou Mina P>rooks, b. Ashtabula. O., Feb. 28, 1896. WALTER ROLLIN KNAPP, (10) Dorset, O., b: April 13, 1871, m. i. April i, 1896, May A. Twitchel, eldest daughter of Philo Twitchel, b. Andover, O., Sept. 20, 1866, d. Jan. 13, 1897, 'ii- -• -^^'•'S- 17' 1898, Millie Kelley. Children: ( I ) Baby Knapp, ( ]i ) 1). Dorset, ( )., Dec. 30, 1896, d. Dorset, O., Jan. 2, 1897: (2) Alilton Knajjp, b. Dorset, O., June 11, T901 ; Mildred Knapp. 1). Dorset, ().. June 11, 1901 ; Carl W. Knapp, b. -Dorset, O. ELSIE ROMINA KXAPP, (10) b. Aug-. 2, 1874, I'l- Leon, O., ]\Iay 28, 1894, Ivan Winslow Heath, b. An- dover, O., Aug-. 17,1867. Children: Grace Marguerite Heath, ( II ) b. Richmond. O., Oct. 21, 1895 ; Florence Gertrude Heath, b. Aug. 28, 1897; Jessie ^Slarie Heath, b. July 2;^. 1899; Ber- nice Irene Heath, b. May 21, 1902. SYLMA A. WEP.STER, (10) Ayrshire. la., b. March 11, i8()0, m. 1881, Lucian Hutchinson of Alliert Lea, Minn., was a teacher and is an artist. FRANCIS HORACE WEBSTER, (10) AIc- .\lurra\, Wash.ington, 1). fan. 21, 1862, ordained at Ida Grove, n ]a., 1892, m. Easter day, 1895, Murence Alardson of ( )lyiii])ia. Wash. Children: Francis Horace Webster, (ii) h. July, 1896; Hiram Lionel Webster, b. ( )ct. 6, 1897. IDA LOUISE W^EBSTER. ( 10) 'North Lak- Iiimpur, Assam, India, b. b\'b. 9, 1864, was a teacher, m. i8e)0, Rev. John Firth. They went to India in 1893 as missionaries. FLORILLA G. WEBSTER, (10) Ayrshire. la., 1). Feb.. 28, 1867, graduated from the Normal institute and was a teacher. She m. ]March 22. 1893, Charles Frank Lewis. Children: Florilla Ethlinda Lewis, (11) b. Nov. 24, 1894; Ethel Xeta Lewis, b. Jan. 28, 1904. LOWELL S. WEBSTER, (10) AlcHenrv, N. D. FLORENCE BECKWITH, (10) b. Nov. 12, 1850, d. Oct. 8, 1897, m. June 13, 1872, Joseph Pruden. Children: Georo-e Pruden, (n) b. fan. 11, 1876; Amv Pruden, b. July 17, 1887. PLIMPTON BECKWITH, (10) New Lyme Station, O., b. Feb. 25, 1854, m. Dec. 12, 1883, Eliza ]\Iitchel. Children: Charles Beckwith, (11) b. Dec. 15, 1885; Jay Beckwith, b. September, 1890. AUSTA BECKWITH, (10) New Lyme Sta- tion, ()., b. Jan. 16, 1867, m. Nov. 3, 1886, Byron I'>edell. AIELISSA FIDELIA MORSE, (to) Dwioht, Ala., b. Nov. 21, 1850, m. bv Rev. G. I. Bailey, Nov. 13, 1873, to Francis Elwin ^iatson, b. HenryCc, Ilk, Feb. 7, 1850. :\Ir. ?^Iatson is Notarv Public and ex-ott. Justice of the Peace. Children: Twin'sons, July 6, 1875; Lizella Alzina Matson, (11) b. Cambridge, Ill.,"lune 29, 1876; Leslie Emmet Matson, b. Belvidere, Neb.. Aug." 15, 1885; Ray :\IcKinley Matson, b. Dwight, Ala., Aug. 4, 1895; child, b. Dwight, Ala. lOHN HENDERSON AIORSE, (10) Foster- burg, Ilk, b. March 3. 1853, m. May 12, 1883, Addie De Moss. Children: Alargaret MeJissa Morse, (11) b. Cambridge. Ilk, 42 May 21, 1886, d. Cambridge, 111., 1898; Flora Priscilla Morse, b. Cambridge, 111., Sept. 4, 1888; Elias De Moss Morse, b. Cambridge, 111., Sept. 7, 1890. ALFRED LESLIE MORSE, (10) Cbi- cago. 111., b. June 18, 1857, m. June 15, 1881, Flora H. De Moss, b. Rock Island, 111., Aug. 21, 1859. Rev. A. L. Morse is National Field Secretary of the Gospel Temperance Exten- sion Movemcn.t and Special Deputy Right Worthy Grand Templar for the World, I. O. G. T. He has lately completed an evangelistic and lecturing tour in England in the interest of the Gospel Temperance Extension .Movement. He received a cordial reception in London, Liverpool, Derby and Leicester. He had charge of the Gospel Temperance evangelistic meetings at the \\'orld's h'^air at St. Louis. Children : George Homer Morse, (11) b. March 22. 1882; Charles Leslie Morse, b. Feb. 9, 1884; Dale De Witt Morse, b. June 9, 1886; Law- rence Bennett Morse, b. March 4, 1889: Alfred Leland Morse, b. Juni, II, 1891 ; Evangeline ]\Iorse, b. Jan. i, 1894. LUCY REBECCA MORSE. (10) Citronelle, Ala., b. May 8, 1865. m. Cambridge, 111., Jan. 12, 1893, John James McLaughlin, b. Cambridge, 111., C)ct. 23, 1856. Chil- dren : iM-ed Johnson McLaughlin, (11) b. Dwight, Ala., lune 6, 1895; Mary Margaret McLaughlin, b. Nov. 26, 1898; Leroy McLaughlin, b. 1902: Grace McLaughlin, b. Feb. 13, 1904. JAMES CCRTIS ORIBE MORSE, (10) Hutch- inson, Kan., b. Jan. 15, 1855, Superintendent of the Industrial Reformatory, m. Nov. 16, 1876, Rachel Eveline Chenoweth, b. Ohio, Oct. 13, 1857. Children: Emma Ellida Morse, (11) b. Kansas, July 18, 1879; Lucretia Leone Morse, b. Sept. 28, 1884. CHARLES W^ESLEY MORSE, (10) Salt Lake City, Utah, b. Dec. 29, 1856. Judge of Third District Court. Div. No. 2, m. Aug. 31. 1880, Emma De Armond, b. Ohio, March 23, 1858. Children: Lenore Morse, (11) b. Kansas, April 6, 1883; Zora Marie Morse, b. Salt Lake, Utah, Jan. 13, 1891 ; infant son. BENJAMIN' EDDY MORSE, (10) Belle Plaine, Kan., b. Sept. 2. 1866, druggist, m. 1897. ^Lnerva Bell. 4r! MARY JANE WESTLAKE, (lo) \illa I 'ark, Col., h. Jan. 15, 1853, (1. Oct. 26, 1875, m. Aiarcli 26, 1871, Clark Kinkaid. HATTIE R. WESTLAKE, (10) Spokane, Wash., b. April 22, 1854, ni. Aug. 30, 1886, Jacob Currie. JOHN A. WESTLAKE, (10) Denver, Col., b. Jan. 13. 1856. m. Sarah Brady. Children: Dempster West- lake, (II) b. Alio-. 9, 1878; Mvrtle Westlake, b. JMarch 11, 1881. GEORGE C. WESTLAKE, {\o) Idaho Springs, Col., b. Oct. 28, 1857, m. Sadie Arndale. Children: Florence Westlake, (11) b. Sept. 3, 1891 ; Ernest A. West- lake, b. Oct. 4, 1897. PLUMMER P. WESTLAKE, (10) Leadville, Col., b. Julv 29, 1859, d. Oct. 30, 1902, m. Hattie Waterman, d. Children: Willard Westlake, (11) b., d. ; Lila Westlake, b., d. ; Robert Westlake, b., d. IDA MAY WESTLAKE, (10) Pueblo, Col., b. Nov. 5, 1861, m. April 19, 1882. Clifton Hailey. Child: Viola Jane Hailey, (11) b. July 19, 1887. INA ROSETTA WESTLAKE, (10) Altman, Col., b. Mav 4, 1863, m. June 27, 1883, John Bradford. Chil- dren : Delia Bradford, ("11) b. May 18, 1884; Norah Brad- ford, b. Sept. 8, 180G, d. Oct. 27, 1887; Jennie Bradford, b. July 4, 1888; John A. Bradford, b. Sept. 27, 1891. ALPHONZO L. REED, (lOj Ottumwa, Li., b. Tune 20. 1858, admitted to the bar 1879, m. Chicago, 111., Dec. 21, 1892, LiUie M., b. Rome, N. Y., June 15, 1863. Children: lennie Irene Reed. (11 j b. St. Louis, Mo., May 5, 1894, Lillian Alarie Reed, b. Peoria, 111., Sept. 16, 1895. BELLE REED, (10) Geneseo, 111., was a teach- er. She taught in Davenport, la., Princeton. 111., and in Busi- ness College. In f^ve years she earned $4362.00. She m. June I, 1897, Will Austin. 44 SALLIE L. REED, (lo) b. July 5, 1865, m. June 25, 1890, Mr. Engle, d. May 10, 1892. WILLIAM P>. REED, (10) Cambrid^re, 111., b. March 29, 1S71, graduated from the high school at the age of 15, went away to school and holds a position in the First National Bank at Peoria. He ni. June 2'j, 1901. GEORGE LEROY REED, (10) Sumner, Neb. LLXRETIA REED, (10) Cambridge, 111. EDDY REED, (10) Cambridge, III, is a ste- nographer. ROBERT SANFORD MORSE, (10) b. May 4, 1862, m. August, 1891, Mirtle O. McCreight. Children: Maggie Morse, (11) b. May 11, 1892; Grace Morse, b. July 27, 1893. JESSE ELIAS MORSE, (10) b. Feb. 23, 1865, m. Oct. 2, 1883, - — — Nunialy. Children: Fred Arthur Morse, (11) b. Feb. 4, 1886; Vick Mamie Morse, b. August, 1 89 1 ; Harrie Morse, b. February, 1895. ROMINA BRAYMAN, (10) Pierpont, O., b. June I, 1856, m. Selden Gruey, carpenter and contractor. Chil- dren : Theron H. Gruey, (11) b. Oct. 8, 1876; Onie M. Gruey, . b. Dec. 3, 1879; Zebina J. Gruey, b. Sept. 12, 1888; Hazel ^\. Gruey. b. June 21, 1898. JP'LIAN BRAYMAN, (10) Pierpont, O., b. Sept. 14, 1858. m. June 3, 1878, Mary C. Neal. Children: Za- da Brayman, (11) b. Sept. 29, 1879; Ethel Brayman, b. Sept. 18, 1884: Dora Brayman, b. Jan. 12, 1890. BARNEY BRAYMAN, (10) Conneaut, O., b. Oct. 10, 1868, m. Lottie Campbell. Child: Forest Brayman, (11) b. Sept. I, 1889. SANFORD KELSEY, (10) Harpersfield, O., b. -. (1. 18 — , m. Hattie Carter. Children: Dora M. Kelsey, (11 ) 1). Oct. 9, 1884; Homer Kelsey, b. Jan. 3, 1888. 45 EDNA KELSEY, (lo) Harpersficld. ().. b. AFarch ii, 1855, m. June 19, 1877, Daniel L5i.shop. ChiUlren : Huber A. Bishop. (11 ) 1). Dec. 7. 1885; Tlallab IVarl llishdi) b. Sept. 3, 1888. ALICE GAUT, (10) Hayfiekl. L'a.. b. Oct. 30, 1851, m. David H. Le Fever, e'liild : Clarence 11. Le l'"ever. (II) b. Dec. 22, 1874. JULIA GAUT, (10) ilayheld, l'a.. b. Sepl. 30, 1853, ni. James E. Morse, son of William \'. Morse. EDNA GAUT. (10) Hayfield, Pa., b. Nov. 3. 1855. m. George H. Le Fever. Children: Emery Le Fever, (II ) b. May 4. 1877; Ora Le Fever, b. June 18, 1885. FLORA GAUT, (10) Hayfield, l'a., 1). March 16, 1857, m. James A. Knap]). FLOYD A. GAUT, (10) Hayfield, Pa., b. Oct. 10, 1859, m. Sada Rundell. Children: Freddie Gaut, (11) b. Jan. 15, 1886; Merle Gaut, b. Oct. 2^,, 1894. ELMER L. GAUT. (10) Hayfield, Pa., b. May 2^, 1863, m. June 14, 1897, Mary Newhard. ]Mr. Gaut is a teacher. Children: Clarence Gaut, (11) b. Nov. 14. 1898: Gladys Gaut, b. June 30, 1902. » CLARA GAUT, (10) Cambridge. 111., b. Sept. 22, 1866, m. William F. Barnes. Children: George Curtis Barnes, (11) b. Sept. 18, 1891 ; Orpha Barnes, b. Aug. 6, 1893: HobarL Barnes, b. April 2C). 1896, d. July 18, 1897. GEORGIA TURNER, (10) Conneaut, O., b. Jan. 10, i860, m. Oct. 4, 1888, Frank Follett HARRISON ARTHUR TURNER, ( 10 ) Pier- pont, O., b. March 27, 1865. m. Sept. 9, 1885. Lulu ^lettinger. Children : Grace Turner, (11) 1). Nov. 1 1, 1887 : \"era L. Tur- ner, b. Feb. 19. 1892; Walter A. Turner, b. July 19, 1894; Mil- dred D. Turner, b. Feb. 10, 1901. 46 CARRIE S. MURRAY, (lo) b. Jan. 13, i860, (1. Oct. 4, 1893. m. Nov. 29, 1877, Oswald S. Davison. Chil- dren: Lorena Davison, (11) h. Oct. 3, 1882; William Davi- son, b. May 9, 1886. LA VANCHE MURRAY, (10) Ashtabula, O., b. :^Iay 13, 1874, m. Oct. 26, 1895, Mark E. Miller. JAAIES HARVEY GAUT, (10) Lewiston, Ida., b. Alay 30, i860, m. Oct. 20, 1892, Marie Young of Steinfurth, Germany. Children: Louise Gaut, (11) b. July 8, 1893; Ru- dolph Eberhart Gaut, b. Aug. 31, 1902. MINNIE I. GAUT, (10) Pierpont, O., b. Jan. 4, 1863, m. Dec. II, 1884. Harmon Woodruff. Child: Gertie Woodruff, (11) b. Dec. 11, 1892. EMMA J. GAUT, (10) Omaha, Neb., b. June 21, 1865, m. Aug. 17, 1887, Lewis Keep. Children: Mildred Keep, (11) b., d. June 11, 1892; Jennie Keep, b. INIay 2, 1894; infant, b., d. 1895 ; Ralph Keep, b. Aug. 9, 1896. IDA L. GAUT, (10) Cambridge, 111., b. Aug. 9, 1867, m. Chicago, 111., Aug. 28, 1894. Harry I. Coffin, d. Dec. 4, 1895. LEWIS A. GAUT, (10) Geneseo, 111., b. March 15, 1871, m. Child: Glachs Marie Gaut, (11) b. May 30, 1903. JOHN A. GAUT, (10) Cambridge, 111. GERTIE L. GAUT, (10) Cambridge, 111., b. Dec. 14, 1881, m. ^Ir. Jackson. Child: Laura May Jackson, (11 ) li. April I, 1903. EBEN H. ANDREWS, (10) Heppner, Ore., b. June 21, 1867, is a clerk for Shurte & Weir, Gen. Merchan- dise, Agricultural Implements, etc., m. Nov. 11, 1888, INIary E. K. MINNIE M. and WILLIAM A. ANDREWS, (10) Heppner, Ore. 47 ' OSSIAN JB:SSUP ANDREWS, (lo) Ilepp- ner, Ore., b. Dec. 2, 1873, d. Oct. 22. 1898, m. Jan. 30, iS<)8, Rosa Hiat. OLI\'ER S. ANDREWS, (10) Heppner, Ore., b. Dec. 31, 1876, m. Cbildren : Elmer L. AiKb'ews, (11) b. Aug". 11, 1897; Eva A'. Ancb'ews, 1). June 3. 1900; Loree An- drews, b. Nov. 6, 1901 ; ArtlTur T. Anch-ews, b. Dec. 15, 1902, Child: 1). ?\[arch 6, 1904. EDITH A. ANDREWS, (10) Calloway, Mor- row Co., Ore., b. Sept. 17, 1878, m. Feb. 26, 1895, Isaac L. Howard. Child: Edna Howard, (11) b. April 30, 1897. L1LLL\N P. ANDREWS, (10) Heppner, Ore., b. Nov. II, 1880, m. 1896. EDWARD P. OATLEY, (10) Cortland, ().. b. Jan. 24, 1859, m. i, Carrie Williams, b. April 0, 1863, d. Feb. 5, 1893, "''• 2, Belle Bundy, b. Aug. 17, 1869. Children: ( I ) Mirt Leverne Oatley, (11) b. Cortland, O., June 30, 1885 ; Lloyd Lewis Oatley, b. Cortland, O., April 29, 1888; Ada Abi- ah Oatley, b. Cortland, O., July 22, 1892; (2) Paul W. Oatley, b. Cortland, O., Aug. 19, 1898. CHARLOTTE E. OATLEY, (10) Cortland, O., b. Jan. 8, 1862, is a teacher. LEOTA OATLEY, (10) Farmington, O., b. Jan. .^S. 1864, m. i, Edgar J. Regal, d. ^lay, 1890. m. 2, Charles S. Oo.ner. Child: Fern AL Regal, (11) b. Fowler. O., Jan. 26, 1885. HELEN FRANCES WEEKS, (10) Evanston, TIL, b. Feb. 6, 18(37. graduated from N. W. U.. class "85. from \"assar College, class '88. m. Chattanooga. Tenn., April 26, 1901. Carrolf Henry Jones of Delaware, O., graduated from Ohio Weslovan Universitv at Delaware, Ohio. Child: Frank- lin Weeks Jones, b. Evanston, 111., Sept. 25, 1905. • CHARLES YOKE, ( 10) Kinsman, 0.,b. Feb. 28, 1859, d. Feb. 1904, m. i, March 24, 1881, Eliza Parks, b. 1864, m. 2, Feb. 1890, Annie Fitzgerald, b. July i. 187-, Children: (i) Warren Yoke. (11) b. Feb. 14. 1882; (2) Bessie Yoke, b. Feb. 14, 1893, d. Oct. 26, 1895. 48 HENRY KIRBY SMITH WOODS, (lo) Bondville, Ky., b. Aug. 13, 1862, m. Jan. 31, 1894, J^J^ary Louise De Maree, daughter of S. W. De Maree, b. June 3, 1870, d. Sept. 8, 1897, m. 2, Aug. 20, 1902, Carrie Mollie Coulter. Chil- dren : (i) Anna Rose Morse Woods, (11) b. Bondville, Ky., Aug". I, 1896; (2) Coulter Davis Woods, b. Bondville, Ky., Sept. 29, 1903. HATTIE BROWN, ANNA LOUISE and CHARLIE MILLER WOODS, (10) Bondville, Ky. MARY MORSE WOODS, (10) Salvisa, Mer- cer Co., Kv., b. Nov. 19, 1874, m. bv Rev. W. F. Tavlor, March 3, 1897, to Mr. A. H. Nichols. MORSE ENGLISH, (10) Anchorage, Ky., b. Nov. 16, 1877, m. Jefifersonville. Ky., Oct. 24, 1899, Grace Mil- ler, daughter of Col. J. Sel Miller. Child : Marv Scott Eng- lish, (11) b. Sept. 30, 1900. LUELLA LILLIAN LAWYER, (10) Frank- lin, Pa., b. July 2, 1870. m. i. Mack Hall, m. 2, Samuel Dan- iels. Child: Frances Llelen Hall, (11 ) b. Jan. 10, 1890. JOHN MELVIN LAWYER, (10) Jamestown, Pa. EVA MAY LAWYER, (10) Greenville, Pa., b. July 2. 1878, m. 1893, Anson Pelor. Child : Raymond Law- rence Pelor, (11) b. Jamestown, Pa., July 12, 1894, d. James- town, Pa., Nov. 5, 1894. ELMER E. MORSE, (10) Anoka, Minn., b. Dec. 4, 1871, m. Sept. 9, 1896, Alice M. Ricker. Child: Elmer Percival ^lorse. (11) b. June 8. 1898. EDWIN H. and NEWTON A. MORSE, (10) Anoka, Minn. MARY PEARL BROCKWAY, Hartstown, Pa., b. JNIarch 25, 1876, m. Sept. 12, 1900, W^illiam H. Ray. She was a teacher. Child: Ada Louise Ray, (11) b. June 2, 1903. 49 JENNY DILLY (a teacher), LEWLS GAR- FIELD and EDWARD CARL P.ROCKWA^-, do) Wil- Hamsfield, O. WALTER RUFUS BACON, (lo) West WiL liamsfiekl. ()., b. Sept. 20, 1875, m. ^Tay 10, 1896, Anna \\'el)l) of Kinsman, O. ALICE MAE BACON, (10) West Williams- field, O., b. Sept. 26, 1878, m. Williamsfield, O., A])ril 24, 1897. Ernest Ward Bailey, b. Big Woods, HI., Oct. 2, 1876. Chil- dren: Gladys Ernestine Bailev, (u) b. Jefferson. O., March 6, 1898; Harold Daniel Bailey.'b. West Wniiamsfield. ()., Sept. 2, 1899. E\'A LORETTA TALLMAN, (10) Junction City, Kan., b. April 2, 1857. m. Ferguson Mickey, b. 1841. Children: Flora May Mickey, (11) b. May 29, 1876; Arthur Vincent Mickey, b. Sept. 29, 1877; Marion Ferguson Mickey, 1). Dec. 14, 1881 : David Harvey Mickey, b. Aug. 24, 1883; Eva Estella Mickey, b. Sept. 21, 1886, d. Jan. 2, 1887; Daniel De- witt Mickey, b. March 21, 1888; Samuel Waite ]\Iickev, b. March 21, 1888; Earl Franklin Mickey, b. March 23, 1891. FRANCES TALLMAN, (10) Richland, la., b. Aug. 13, 1858, m. Samuel Singleton, b. March 16, 1850. Chil- dren: Cecil Singleton, (11) b. Richland, la., March 1, 1890; Platte Singleton, b. Richland, la., Sept. 25. 1891 ; A'era Sin- gleton, b. Richland, la., Aug. 10, 1893 ; Grace Singleton, b. Richland. la.. June i, 1895; Ruth Singleton, b. Richland, la., Jan. 25, 1898. GRACE TALLMAN. (10) St. Louis. Mo., b. Fell. 24. 1862, m. B. F. Wilson. Child: Floyd Wilson, (11) b. Wellman, la., April 30, 1887. LENA TALLMAN. (10) Oskaloosa, la., b. July 4, 1865. m. John H. Swearengen, b. Nov. 13, 1858. Child: Wayne T. Swearengen, (11) b. Keota. la., Sept. 19, 1895. STANLEY TALLMAN, (10) Keota. la., b. June 2'j, 1867. ALBERTA TALLMAN. (10) b. Oct. 23. 186S, m. Henry Hagist. Children : Hazel Hagist, ( 1 O b. Kansas, Feb. 19, 1891 ; Gertrude Hagist, b. Keota, la., Oct. i, 1901. 50 MARY E. TOURGEE, (lo) Ida Grove, Ida Co., la., b. Iiilv 29, 1867, m. March 24, 18 — , Amos H. Grey. Children: Ada Pearl Grey, (11) b. March 18, 1888; Ralph Herbert Grey, b. Feb. 18, 1890; Mary Almetta Grey, b. Dec. 23, 1891. ARTHUR L. FOBES. (10) b. Jan. 21, 1866, m. Sept. 28, 1892, Cora Z. Eronson. Children: Charles V. Fobes, (11 ) 1). Jan. 29, 1894; Orange Z. Fobes, b. Nov. 5, 1895. CLARENCE M. FOBES, (10) b. June 29, 1871, m. Aug-. 28, 1893, Eutenah May Smith. Child: Fobes, (11) b. Oct. 9, 1895, d. August, 1896. GRANT KEYS MORAN, (10) Sacramento, Cal., b. May 24, 1864, is an electrician. LENA SABRA MORAN, (10) Youngstown, O., b. julv 9, 1867. m. Dec. 24, 1890, Mjles L. Law. Children. GRACE BELONA MORAN, (10) Cleveland, O., b. Nov. 13. 1876, m. Dec. 24, 1895, Arthur E. Black, book- keeper in the Bingham Hardware House in Cleveland, O. ABBIE JANE MORAN, (10) Jefferson, O., b. Nov. 24, 1 88 1, attended the Jefferson Educational Institution. ELLA ADAMS, (10) Grand Haven, Mich., b. Aug. 16, 1865, d. April, 1890, m. Drayton Jones. MARY E. MORSE, (10) Kansas City, Mo., b. Sept. 19. 1868, graduated from Ripon College, Wis., class '94, m. July 8, 1896, Rev. Wallace M. Short, a graduate of Beloit ancl Yale Colleges. He is pastor of the Beacon Hill Congre- gational church at Kansas City, Mo. ROYAL L.. MORSE, (10) Fondulac, Wis., b. March 8, 1870, graduated from Ripon College, Wis., class '94, and from Madison Law School. He is District Attorney for Fondulac Co., Wis. SAMUEL S. MORSE, (10) Eldorado, Wis., b. July II, 1874. graduated from Ripon College, Wis., class 99, and' from Rush Medical College. Chicago, 111., in 1902, m. Aug. 20, 1903, S. Clyde, May AHtchell, daughter of Dr. Austin Mitchel. Dr. S. S. Morse is practicing at Eldorado, Wis. 61 EUNICE E. BEACH, (lo) Antii^o, Wis., b. Au.Q-. 21, 1881, m. Dec. 31, 190T, Charles J. Morse, b. Eeb. 21, 1872. Child: Harold i'.eacli Morse, fir) h. Vch. 3. 11)03. HATTIE H. and LUCY BEACH, (10) Racine, Wis. ELMER A. ^lORSE, (10) Antigo. Wis., b. AFay II, 1870, g'raduated from Ripon College. Wis., class '93, is a lawyer and County Superintendent of schools. CHARLES J. ^lORSE, (10) Antigo. Wis., see Eunice E. Beach. CARRIE J. ^lORSE. fio) Frankville, Wis., b. April 2, 1876. graduated from Ripon College, Wis., class '93, and has taught at Shawano, Wis. CHESTER R. and CORA E. ^lORSE, (10) are in Ripon College. AIAE LOUISE SELDEN, (10) Springfield, Mo . b Racine, Wis., Julv 3. 1868, m. Allison Wix Munger. Child; Olin Selded Munger, b. 1903. EDNA ^lORSE, (10) b. 187—, m. FLORA MORSE CLEMONS, (10) Racine, W is. EUNICE WILCOX, (10) Cleveland. O., b. Oct. 8, 1870, m. Oct. 8, 1894,, Carl L. Humphreys, b. Sept. 16, 1869. Child: Pauline Humphreys, (it) b. Jan. 28, 1902. LUCY BELLE WILCOX, Oo) Oberlin. O. MARY PLANT, (10) Jamestown, Pa., b. Nov. 3, 1870, m. Sidney S. Bates of Jamestown. Children: Cert- rude P.ates, (11 ) b. Nov. 16, 1893; Leeta Mav Bates, b. Oct. 2, 1897. PLUMMER PLANT, (lo) Jamestown, Pa., b. May 24, 1872. m. Dec. 13, 1894, Zella Jane Birch of Williams- field, O. Children: Sylvester William Plant, (11) b. Dec. 6, i8(j8; Earl Birch Plant, b. Sept. 17, 1899; Sara Jane Plant, b. July 22, 1902. JOSEPHINE MAY PLANT, (10) Sharon, Pa., b. Marcli 14, 1874, m. Harry Galvin. Child: Josephine Gal- \'in, (11) b. 1902. JESSIE COLBY, (11) Williamsfield, O., b. Feb. 20, 1865, m. Sept. 12, 1881, Harmon Tidd. Children: Ravmond Tidd, (12) b. Feb. 19, 1882; Florence Tidd, b. Dec. 10,' 1884; Harland Tidd, b. Sept. 7, 1887; Alice Tidd, b. Jan. 1 1, 1891 ; Theressa Tidd, b. May 13, 1894; James Watson Tidd, b. Aug-. 15, 1896; Howard Harmon Tidd, b. Jan. 16, 1902; Dorotby Tidd, b. Jan. 7, 1904. AGNES COLBY, (11) Andover, O., b. Oct. i, 1867, m. r^larch 21, 1887, lames Hoover. Children: Elinor Hoover, (12) b. Feb. 18, 1888: Holly Hoover, b. Oct. 31, 1891 ; Beatrice Hoover, b. July 26, 1896; Branch Dudley Hoover, b. Nov. 15, 1900. KATE COLBY, (11) Mount Forest, Ontario, Canada, b. Aug. 2, 1869, m. Oct. 31, i8«)2, P.yron Fanner. Chil- dren : Joy Fanner, (12) b. Sept. i, 1893; Wavie Fanner, b. Dec. 3, 1895 ; Hazel Fanner, b. May 20, 1898; George Fanner, b. April 15, 1901. EMMA COLBY, (11) Sandy Lake, Pa., b. Oct. 8, 1876, m. Sept, 23, 1896, Curtis Fobes. Children: Howard Dale Fobes, (12) b. Dec, 25, 1897; Ray Fobes, b. Feb. 7, 1899, Lester Fobes, b. April i, 1902. MARY COLBY, (11 ) Williamsfield, O., b. Dec. 13, 1877, m. Aug-. 12, 1903, Seth Dorman. Child: Dor- man, (12) b. July 28, 1904. HOWARD. GEORGE and BIRD ALLEN COLBY, (II) Williamsfield, O. Bird graduated from Busi- ness College, bookkeeping and stenography, class 1904. 53 BESSIE L. and JAMES H. STEVENS, (ii) Mesopotamia, O. NELLIE UNDERWOOD, (ii) MinncaiK.lis, Minn. ERNEST CARLYLE and RAYMOND FLOYD UNDERWOOD, (ii) Williamsfield, O. MARTIN A., MYRTLE 1^.. and MABEL G. TIDD, (IT) West Williamsfield. O. ELROY EUGENE and LEE CHEST ICk UNDERW^OOD, (ii) Liberty, O. town, O. BERTHA MARY WESTLAKE, ( 1 1 ) Yonng-s- J AY C. BATES, ( i O Saybrook, O. ALLISON FOSTER, (n) and WALTER E. JACK, (ii) Pierpont, O. ANNA BOYD, (ii) Ashtabnla, O.. b. jnne 4, 1874, m. Dec. 24, 1892, B. C. Stanhope. GEORGE W^ and LAURA. H. HATTON, (11) Tin-nersville, Pa. Laura H. is a teacher. ARTHUR INDEPENDENCE DAVIS, (11) W'ooster, Mich. His mother writes: My dear husband died seven years ago. He was a devoted Christian. His last words were (as he pressed my hand to emphasize his words), "O ! I see over on the other side," and he passed beyond the river without so nnich as a tremor to indicate the moment the joy- ous soul departed. I gave my heart to Jesus at the age of 14 and he has been to me the blessed comfort I needed all the way along. Arthur gave his heart to Jesus at the age of 14 and Ray at 12 years of age. They are dear, precious boys, work- ing for their master and Christian in deed as well as name. Thev are so good to me and their little sister. Arthur is in Muskegon, Mich., learning to be a machinist, is doing well and is taking a course in the International Correspondence School. Rav is with me on the farm. 54 GEORGE BARBER, (ii) Williamsfield, O., b. Sept. 4, 1876, m. Edith Crane. CHARLES EDDIE BARBER, (11) Ashtabula, O., b. Sept. 5, 1878. d. Dec. 2, 1902, m. Mabel Sprague. Chil- dren : Adclbert Barber, (12) b. ; Crystal Barber, b. 1902. LEWIS. ALICE, CARL A., WILL T- and ^lARIA L. BARBER, (n) Williamsfield, O. Maria L. graduated from New Lyme high school, class "97. FAY HENRY. (11) HURAIY B. RAMSEY, (11) Williamsfield, O. RANSOM E. MORSE, (11) Wamego, Kan., b. July 29, 1874, m. ]\ray 22, 1901. Emily Graham JA^IES W. WARREN, (11) Webber, Kan. ROSETTA B. WARREN, (11) Benkelman, Neb., b. June 17, 1874. m. Jan. 4, 1894, E. E. Young. ORA AUSTIN WARREN, (11) W'ebber, Kan., b. April 2, 1878, m. Dec. 2-,, 1903. Nellie M. Tayloi". ARTHUR LESLIE WARREN. (11) Cody, Wyoming. JASPER LELAND WARREN, (11) Benkel- man, Neb. ADDIE M. MARCY. (11) b. ^^larch 4, 1875, "i- Webber, Kan., Nov. 16, 1886, E. O. Carlson; ELOYD and JAMES HORACE MARCY, (it'', Fostoria, Kan. JULIA A. ELAGG, (ii) b. Sept. 11, 1870. m. March 13, 1894, William Burns, d. Feb. 13, 1904. Child: Carl Burns, (12) b. Jan. 15, 1898. i I 55 ANGIE iM. FLAGG, (ii) b. Jan: lo. 187J. d. Nov. 24, 1-902. m. May. 1891, George Montgomery. Cliiklren: Pearl Montgomery. ( 12) 1). Vch. 23. 1892; Howard Montgom- ery, b. Jan. 7, 1893: Paul Montgomery, b. July, 1895; Pi'i-'nteMi Montgomery, b. December, 1900. BESSIE L MORSE, (in r.utler. I'.utler Co., O.. m. Dec. 19. 1904, Jolm Ito. FLORA R. FISK, {ii) .Meadville. i'a. MINNIE C. MORSE, (11) Fruitland. la., b. Oct. 2, 1884. m. I, Oct. 8. 1900, James \'irgil Whitaker. b. March 15, 1879, d. Nov. 11. 1901. m. 2. x\pril 15, 1903. Ben- jamin Nelson, b. Sept. 28, 1871. Children: Clarence Luvernc Whitaker, (12) b. April 18, 1902; Leola Jeanette Nelson, (12) 1). May 9, 1904, d. June 8, 1904. LILLIE ^lORSE, (11) New Bo.ston. 111., b. Nov. 12, 1888. m. Sept. 30, 1903, Walter Linder. Child: Linder, (12) b. 1904. ESTELLA DAVIS, (11) Monroe. O., b. June 29, 1878. m. Beman Headley, b. May 29. 1871. Child: Saphro- nia May Headley. (12) b. Sept. 21, 1895. EAW PEARL BALDWIN, (11) Westmoreland, Kan., b. April 14. 1882. m. Feb. 28. 1901, Alva Carpenter. Child: Phylis Carpenter, (12) b. ^lay 12, 1904. GEORGE PRUDEN, (11) Warren, O., b. Jan. 1 1, 1S76, m. A^IY PRUDEN, (w) Rome. O., b. July 7, 1887. m. Harry Pierson. CHARLES and JAY BECKWITH, (11) New L}n"'e Station. O. MYRTLE WESTLAKE, (11) \>. -March 11. ISSl, m. April 22, U)()l, Ciettie Keeney. Child: Earl Leon Keeney. (12) b. Feb. 15, P)()2. 56 THERON H. GRUEY, (ii) Conneaut, O., b. (Jet. 8, 1876, m..Oct. 14. 1897, Alta Griswold. Children: Les- ter Selden Gruey, (12) b. Alay 10, i8cj8; Ada May Gruey, 1). j\Iay 16, 1899. ONIE M. GRUEY, (11) ConneautviUe, Pa., b. Dec. 3, 1879, m. Dec. 28, 1897, Edie Wheeler. ZADIE BRAYMAN, (11) Chicago, III, b. Sept. 29, 1879, m. June 10, 1903, Fred McNeight. ETHEL* BRAYMAN, (11) Chicago, 111., b. Sept. 18, 1884, m. Dec. 24, 1902. George Loving. CLARENCE H. LE EEVER. (11) Syracuse,. N. Y.. b. Dec. 22, 1874, is General Agent for Boomer, Bos- chert & Co., and a graduate from Allegheny College, Mead- villc. Pa. FLORA MAY MICKEY, (11) b. May 29, 1875. m. Dr. Steadnian. Child: Arthur Thomas Steadman, (12) b. March 3, 1903. RAY^IOND TIDD, (12) b. Feb. 19, 1882, m. M. E. Alorse, b. July 7, 1886. i ADDENDA Children of Dr. Moses (5) Morse ("Daniel, 4; !)ca. William, 3; Dea, Benjamin, 2; Anthony, 1), Worthington, Mass., and Sarah (Fish) Morse. Samuel Moose, ((i) 1). Preston, Connecticut, May Moses Morse, (G) b. Joshua Morse, (0) b. Worthington, Mass Sarah Morse, ((i) b. Elizabeth Morse, (0) b. Nathan ]\Iorse, (G) b. Thomas Morse, ((i) 1). Dr.niel Morse, (6) b. Josiah Alorse, CO) b. P^liiah Morse. (6) b. Dec. Feb. Apr. Apr. Nov. Feb. Feb. June ^lav 2S, 21, S, !•"), 11, S, IS, 17, 174.-) 17-1() 174U 1 7.") 1 1 7.");5 1775 1 75S 17()1 \7(VA 17()3 From "Memorial of the Family of Morse" by Henry Dutch Lord and "Morse Genealogy" Ijy J. How.f.nl Morse and Miss Emilv W. Leavitt. June, 1865. Aly dear Grandaughter Harriet: — I take mv pen in mv liand to write voti a few lines. We have received a number of comforting letters from you which gave n:uch consolation. We wish you to write often, if con- venient for yovi to visit t:s, it would give much pleasiire to all your relations and acquaintances in these sections of our coun- try. Many have gone to the bourne from which no traveler returns, since you left this place. We are in our little family as comfortable as we could expect to be — have much reason to be thankful for the blessings we partake of in this life. O to grace how great a debtor daily I am constrained to be, let thy goodness like a fetter bind my wandering heart to thee. I want to see you very much and desire your prayers that I may feel as humble as I am dependent on the goodness of Almighty God. May we strive to keep his commandments that we may have right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the citv. ABIAH MORSE. Wii.i.iAMsi' ii: LI), March 21, iSiV.). My dear (xrandaughter Harriet: — We have just received a comfortini^' IcUcr from \-()u which much enhvened our drowsy powers. We thank you mucli for the kind feelings you ha\'c for vis and liope we ma\' haw the privilege of seeing and conversing with \"ou in Williamsheld, Ohio, once more in time. Your friends at this time are usually well. Frances made us a visit a short time since. She has been called to part with her little daughter, a verv promising child. Yoimg children too mvist die. I am able to wait upon myself and in the mercies of Ood I shall never be forsaken. I am striving to enter in the straight gate. 1 shall close my letter hoping the choicest of blessings are yours. ABIAll .AlORvSl^. WlLLIAMSFIELD, NoV. 22, 1S()4. My dear Harriet: — I sit down to write you a few lines in my feeble way. We have received vour kind letter which gave me much comfort. You wished the ages of your Grand Parents. Your Grand- father's age was eighty-one lacking three months when he died. I am in my ninetieth year of my age. We were married in 1S03 We have seen many changes in this life. There on those high and dowery plains Our spirits ne'er shall tire But in perpetual, joyful strains Redeeming love admire. I hope vou will pray without ceasing for all your relations in Ohio and all in the reach of mercv. ABIAll MORSE. INDEX Adams, Anna Ella Fred E. Josephine Allen, Eliza Smith Amidon, Lucinda Anderson, Anna Beulah Lowell Thomas Thomas William Jesse Andrews, Arthur Arthur T. Carlton E. Eben H. Edith A. Elmer L. Eva V. Lillian P. Lorce Minnie ^L OHver S. Ossian Jessiip William A. Arndale, Sadie Austin, Will Bacon, Alice Mae Bertha Abiah lGE Bacon, Page Eunice Almira 23 28 Lila Eve 24 50 Louisa Maria 23 27 Marcvis 1 1 27 Mary Emiline 11 Mary Jane Abiah 23 31 Milton Lafayette 23-31 15 Walter Rufus Bailey, • 49 22 i'^nest Word 49 Harold Daniel 49 39 Gladys Ernestine 49 39 Baldwin, 39 Arthur Franklin 39 39 David Esquire 39 EliD. 39 22 Eva Pearl i)0 47 Forest Burton 40 22 Forest Lerov 39 46 Frank 39 47 Frank C. 39 47 Ivan Quit 39 47 Lulu Laura 39 47 Barber, 47 Adell)ert 54 46 Alfred J. 3^ 47 Alice 54 47 Ansel A. 34 46 Carl A. 54 Charles Eddie 54 43 Crystal 54 George . 54 43 James 34 John 34 49 Lewis 54 23 Maria 54 INDEX. Barber, Page Bishop, Page Piloses 17 Huber A. 45 Moses Pavson 34 Black, Will 54 Arthur E. 50 Barnes, Blythe, George Curtis 45 Robert 2S Hobart 45 Boarman, Orpha 45 Charles 17 William F. 45 Charles Augustus 35 Bates, Edith Alvord 35 Charles H. 32 Ellen Douglas 35 Gertrude 51 Emma Forest 35 Jay C. • 53 George Washington 35 Leeta May 51 Gertrude Zuleine 36 Sidney S. 51 Irene 35 Beach, Lula 35 Bn-ney 28 Sylvester 35 Eunice E. 51 Sylvester Cleveland 35 Hattie H. 51 Borthwick, James C. 28 Cora 39 Lucy Royal Beckwith, 51 28 Boyd, Anna Harrv 53 32 Austa 41 Q •'O Charles 55 vj . » J — Francis 20 Bradford, Florence 41 Delia 43 George Jay 2U 55 Jennie John 43 43 Plimpton Bedell, 41 John A. Nor ah 43 43 Bvron 41 Brady, Beebe, i Sarah 43 Belona 12 Brayman, Bell, Barney 44 Miner\a 42. Bina 21 Bently, Dora 44 Emily A. 29 Ethel, 56 Birch, Forest 44 Zella Jane 52 Julian 44 Bishop, Romina 44 Daniel • 45 Zada 56 Delilah 18 Bridgeman, Hallah Pearl 45 Electa 16 iM)i-:.\, Page Brockway, Edward 23 Edward Carl 49 Jennie Dilly 49 Lewis Garfield 49 Mary Pearl 48 Eronson, Cora Z. 50 Brooks, Charles Alfred 40 Claude Franklin 40 Florence Stella 40 Lou Mina 40 Brown, Clara 34 Emma 34 Eunice 5 Mitmie 34 Oliver 17 Sylvenus 34 Eundy, Belle 47 Bunkers, Carl 31 H. C. 30-31 Llovd 31 _ Lulu 31 Burns, Carl 54 William 54 Campbell, Lottie 44 Carlson, F. 0. 54 Carmain, Samantha 36 Carpenter, Alva 55 Phvlis 55 Carter, Hattie 44 Chenoweth, Rachel Eveline 42 Church, Julia C. Clark, Richard Clemons, Flora John W. Clow, Main Coffin, Harrv I. Colby, ' Agnes Bird Allen Emma George Howard Jessie Kate Marv Morris Collins, Carl Edgar Cool, Jennie P.- Cooper, Susan M. Coulter, Carrie MoUie Coursen, Amanda Crane, Editli Crone, Elmira Elizabeth Currie, Jacob Curtis, Elijah Cutler, Charles W. Page 38 24 51 29 37 46 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 31 38 38 22 21 48 25 54 37 43 6 INDEX. Page Fanner, Page Dailey, Joy 52 Sally 9 Wavie 52 Daniels, Fenton, Samuel 48 Alexander 20 Dart, Fernal, Clara 21 Melissa 18 Davis, Firth, Arthur Independence 53 John 41 David M. 19 Fish, Emiline 18 Sarah 4 Esquire 38 Fisk, Estella 55 Ada 37 Pilgrim 33 Anthony C. 37 Ray Pilgrim 33 Edward C, 35 Zoe Minnie Joy 33 Flora R. 57 Davison, Sylvia A. 37 Lorena 46 Fitzgerald, Oswald vS. 46 Annie 47 William DeArmond, 46 Flagg, Angle 7 55 Emma Debow, 42 Clifford Charlie 37 37 Andrew Stewart DeMaree, Mary Louise DeMoss, 24 24 48 Clyde Ernest W. Grace L. Herbert M. 37 37 37 37 Addie Flora H. DeVoe, Edith A. 41 42 36 Jerome B. Julia A. Marv E. T. M. 37 54 37 36 Dorman, Fobes, Seth 52 Archie 34 X^ 1 " 1 Arthur L. 50 English, Charles V. 50 Mary Scott Morse 48 48 Clara E. 24 William DeMint 23 Clarence M. Curtis 50 52 Engle, Floicie 34 Mr. 44 Homer L. 24 Fanner, 1 Howard Dale 52 Byron 52 Lena 34 George 52 Lester 52 Hazel 52 ' Orange 24 Fobes Orange Z. Ray Styles Wallace Follett, Frank Foster, Allison H. P. French, Jay Susette Galvin, Harry Josephine Gallup, Mr. Gaut, Alice Clara Clarence Curtis E. Edna Elizabeth Emma J. Elmer L. Fidelia Flora Floyd A. Fredie Gertie L. Gladis Marie Gladys Harrison Henderson Ida L. James A. James Harvey John John A. Julia Lamira L\ U 1 iX. Pagk Gaut, Page 50 Louisa 21 52 Louis A. 46 24 Louise 46 34 Lucinda 21 Merle 45 45 Minnie I. 46 Rudolph Ebcrhart 46 53 Rufus 10 32 Svlvanus Giddings, 10 26 Harriet E. 16 2S Gilmore, Lucy A. 17 52 Godard, 52 Ida Goodewough, 40 33 Helen 17 Luther 17 45 Mr. 15 45 Googe, 45 Florence May 34 21 Frank 34 45 Walter 34 22 Graham, 46 Emily 54 45 Gray, 21 Alice E. 20 45 Grey, 45 Ada Pearl 50 45 Amos H. 50 46 Mary Almetta 50 46 Ralph Herbert 50 45 Griswold, 22 Alta 56 21 Gruey, 46 Ada Mav 56 22 Hazel M. 44 46 Lester Selden 56 10 Onie M. 56 46 Selden 44 21-45 Theron H. 56 21 Zebina 44 INDEX Page Heath, Page Guillis, Jessie Marie 40 Frank 26 Marinda C. 19 Hadlock, Henry, Alice 37 Fav 54 Hagist, Fred 34- Gertrude 49. Helen 34 Hazel 49 John 34 Henry 49 Mvrtle 34 Hailey, Hiaf, Clifton 43 Rosa 47 Viola Jane 43 Hightree, Hall, C. Edward 30 Frances Helen 48 Charles 30 Mack 48 Irene M. 30 Harrington, Mina M. 30 Emerson Boarman 35 MvrtiUa M. 30 Emerson H. 35 Hills, Harris, Lillian May 35 Flora ' 29 Marv Anna 17 Lillie E. 29 Mr. " 9 Hart, Mvron Svlvester 17-35 Harriet 34 Hilton, Hartson, Albertha D. 21 Donald Andrew 37 Henes, Ralph S. 37 Ardeau 31 Soleta 37 Hobart, Hatch, E Stella L. 27 Emma Jane, 27 John H. 27 Hatton, Olive Esther 27 George W. 53 Hodgeman, Laura H. 53 Florence 38 Samuel 33 William 38 Walter 33 Holcomb, Hayes, Earl 30 CliArlorte lU Frank 30 Headley, Smith 31 B email 55 Walter 31 Sophronia May 55 Hollister, Heath, Jennie 30 Bernice Irene 40 Hornan, Florence Gertrude 40 Helen A. 20 Grace Marguerite 40 Hoover, Ivan Winslow 40 Beatrice 52 INDEX. Hoover. Page Page Branch Dudley 52 Kelley, Elinor 52 Donald Marion 38 James 52 Esther Louise 38 House, Fueva Belle 38 Elizabeth 10 MiUic 40 Howard, Robert 38 Edna 47 Kelsey, Isaac L. 47 Ansel 21 Hoyt, Dora M. 44 Mary J. K) Edna 45 Humphreys, Homer 44 Carl L. 51 Sanford 44 Pauline 51 King, Hutchinson, ^lary Eleanor 12 Lucian Ito, T 1 40 Kinkaid, r- r- Clark 43 John oo »1 f\ Emma 30 Jack, Thomas :52 Knapp, Walter E. 53 Carl W. 40 X 1 Elsie Romina 40 Jackson, T "I\ T 40 4() Flovd Burdette 40 Laura Mav Mr. Frederick Stanton Harmon 40 19 Jones, James A. 45 Carroll H. 47 Lowa Melissa 40 Drayton 50 Mildred 40 Eliza 13 Milton 40 Eva 30 Walter Rolhn 40 Fannie Franklin Weeks 30 47 Law, Gwernlian 37 Miles L. 50 Roderick M. 30 Lawyer, Jonston, Eva May 4S S. W. 38 John Melvin 4S Keeney, Gettie 55 Levi Luella Lillian 23 48 Earl Leon 55 LeFever, Keep, Clarence H. 50 Jennie 40 David H. 45 Lewis 46 Emery 45 Mildred 4(i George H. 45 Ralph 40 Ora 45 INDEX. Page Matson, Page Letfingwell, Leslie Emmet 41 Charlotte 8 Lizella Alzina 41 Dexter 9 Ray McKinley 41 ]uditli 3 McCreight, Mr. 9 Mirtle 0. 44 Leonard, McLaughlin, Cyrenus 25 Fred Johnson 42 Daniel IS Grace 42 Lewis, John James 42 Charles Frank 41 Lerov 42 Ethel Neta 41 Mary Margaret 42 Florilla Ethlinda 41 McNeight Linder, Fred 56 Walter 55 Merrill, Little, Sarali 3 Hattic Wainright 39 Mettinger, Locke, Lulu 45 Georgie H. 31 Mickey, Loomis, Arthur Vincent 49 Electa 12 Daniel DeWitt 49 Emiline 14 David Harvey 49 Loving, Earl Franklin 49 George 56 Eva Estella 49 Mann, Ferguson 49 Lnella 40 Flora May 56 Marcy, Marion Ferguson 49 Addie M. 54 Samuel Waite 49 Floyd B. 54 Miller, James Ernest 36 Grace 48 James Horace 54 Mark E. 41 Jessie Lvnn 36 Rosetta E. 29 Robert b. 36 Mills, Robert Leon 36 J. B. 39 Mardson, Royal B. 39 Florence 41 Mitchell, Martin, May 50 Elizal)eth 10 Eliza 41 Mason, Montgomery, Laura 3S Brenten 55 Mr. 17 George 55 William 26 Howard 55 Matson, Paul 55 Francis Ii^lwin 41 Pearl 55 LNDEX. Page Morse, Page Moran, Benjamin Franklin 10-11 Abbie Jane 50 Bcnnic F. 29 Arthur Egan 25 Bertha Annette 3i-:^s Gertrude Electa 25 Bertha E. 3() Grace Belona 50 Bessie . 28-37 Grant Keyes 50 Bessie I. 55 James 25 Bctsev B. 12 Lena Sabra 50 Beulah M. 33 Morse, Billings 12 Abbie 25 Billings B. 12 Abel LS Calista 20 Abner Rufus () Carrie D. 33 Addison J. 2S Carrie J. 51 Adora 20 Carrie M. 36 Agnes 30 Charles 37 Albert A. 16-38 Charles A. 28 Alfred Leland 42 Charles J. 51 Alfred Leslie 42 Charles Leslie 42 Alice 30 Charles Wesley 24-42 Alonzo 15 Charlotte 8 Alonzo B. 30 Charlotte V. 24 Alphonzo Z. 30 Chester R. 51 Amelia 32 Clara Bell 39 Angeline 18 Cora E. 51 Ann Abiah Emiline 23 Corinth 30 Ann Gillet 29 Cvntha 24 Anna 31 Dale Delbitt 42 Anna Carpenter 19 Daniel 3 Annis 17 Daniel Curtis 10 Ansel 8 Dora Emiline 29 Ansel Luke 16 Dorothy 30 Anthony o O Dry den 34 Apollos 8 Dudlev 25 Apollos Phelps 17 Dudley A. 12 Archie 40 Eddie 18 Arthur H, 36 Edna 51 Arthur Lawrence 29 Edward Alonzo 29 Arthur Plimpton 21 Edwin 38 Arthur Toppan 29 Edwin H. 48 Belona 12 Electa 14-24 Belona Beebe 25 Elias 7-9 Benjamin 3 ' Elias DcMoss 42 Beniamin Eddy 42 Elias Franklin 11 INDEX. Page Morse, Page Morse — Continued Elias J. Elijah P^liza Minnie Elizabeth Ellen A. Elmer A. Elmer E. Elmer Percival Elsie S. Elva Emiline L. Emily L. Emma E. Emma Ellida Esquire L. P2 squire S. Estella H. Ethel E. Eunice Eunice E. Evangeline Flora Arvilla Flora Irene Flora J. Flora Lodema Flora Priscilla Florence Florces Montague Flossie E. Fortis Fortis Almcron Francelia Frances Abiah Frances Joy Francis Frank A. Fred Fred Arthur Genevra Erressa George George Homer Gertrude B. 15. 14. Grace 44 20 Grace M. 36 6 Grant 33 37 Guy 24 3 Hannah 10 37 Harold Beach 51 51 Harold H. 38 4•> ')') 42 Moses k 29 Mvrtle 38 36 Nellie 23 42 Newton A. 4S 36 Nora 25. 37 30 Oral E '•\i 55 Osman Phelps 10 37 Peter Beebe 23 20 Philo E. 37 42 Piatt Spencer 14 20 Porter L. 27 28 Ralph S. 3() 42 Ransoiji E. 54 38 Ransom S. IS 56 Ray 21 37 Robert Sanford 44 20 Roily W. 15 24 Rosetta 21 44 Roval 13 24 RoVal E. 20 41 Roval L. 50 32 Rubv 40 27 Rufus 8 19 S. Plimpton 21 11 Sabra V. 25 19 Sally 15 37 Sallie Margeret 38 36 Samantha 10 12 Samuel 5. 8, 14 25 Samuel H. 26 17 Samuel S. 50 50 Samuel Sobieski 29 23 ' Samuel Stanley 29 11 Samuel Stanton 18 28 1 Sarah Eliza IS 23 ! Sarah Jane 20 41 Simeon Milton ! 1 11 Stephen Weslev 18 18 Thomas W. 36 36 Vick Mamie 44 INDEX Page Oatley, Page Morse — Concluded Lcota, 47 Victoria 30 Lloyd Lewis 47 Vivian 38 Mert Leverne 47 Walter S. 36 Paul W. 47 Warder A. 30 Osmer, Wayman 40 Charles S. 47 Wendell 40 Parks, Wesley 24 Eliza 47 Weslev Osman Tavlor 11 Patterson, William E.B. 37 Charles 34 William Wirt 14 Frances Dean 34 Zoe Elmetta 33 Pelor, Zora Marie 42 Anson 48 Zula 31 Raymond Lawrence 48 Munger, Phelps, Wix 51 Abiah 7 Murray, Joel 8 Carrie 4() James H. 16 E.B. 21 Lo^■ina D. 32 LaVanche 4(i Pierson, Neal, Harrv 55 Mary C. 44 Plant, Nelson, Earl Birch 52 Benjamin 55 Josephine May 52 Leoia Jeanette 55 Mary 51 Netterfieid, Plummer 52 Hat tie - 19 Sara Jane 52 Newhard, wSylvester William ■ 52 Mary 45 William 30 Nichols, Pratt, A. H. 4S I )' Etta J. 29 Noble, Pringle, Gertrude B. 38 Malvina IS Numaly, Pruden, Miss 44 Amy 55 Oatley, George 55 Abiah L. 22 Joseph 41 Ada Abiah 47 Ramsey, Charlotte E." 22 Hurmev B. 54 Edward 47 Maude Ethel 34 Edward P. 22 Stephen 34 Frances Lenie 47 Randolph, Francis Eli 22 Anna Genette- 39 INDEX Randolph, Augusta Edda Austin Edgar Eddie Gilbert Elburtus Charles Ella A. Emma Estella Freddie Wainright George Thomas George Washington Ida Malvina Ida ^lelissa John John Edward Katie Rosella Lowell Ellis ^lartha Gennette Nerva Bessa Neva Nell Roy William Arjamento William Stanton Ray, Ada Louise William H. Reed, Alphonso L. Behe Eddy George George Leroy Jennie Irene Lillian Marie Lucretia Margaret Sahv L. Willie B. Regal, Edgar J. Fern M. Reynolds, Ellen M. Rice, Burke D. Page 39 39 39 39 36 19 39 39 38 39 19 19 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 4S 48 43 43 44 21 44 43 43 44 20 44 44 47 47 31 Rice, Harold Richards, May Ricker, Alu-c M. Robertson, Augusta, Rose, Delos Alva Edgar A. Wells Dewey Rundell, Sada Sackett, Corintha Sanckton, Anna F. Sawyer, * Ruth Selden, George Washington Mary Louisa Short, WaUace M. Singleton, Cecil Grace Platte Ruth Samuel Vera Smith, Charles James Clyde L' Fidelia Floyd Grant Helen Amelia Jennie H. Lutenah May Thomas Boarman Thomas N. Vera Edith Page 33 .).) 48 2(i 33 33 4P> 15 37 3 29 29 49 49 49 49 49 49 35 34 18 3-1 35 28 50 35 35 35 INDKX. Page Thompson, Page Spotswood, MovvariJ. 33 Charles Harold 36 Tidd, William 3{> Alice 52 Sprague, Ahce M. 31 Arthur G. 33 Belle R. 32 Averv Griffin 33 Dorothv 52 Mabel 54 Esther M. 32 Murrcll Ressa 33 Ezra 31 Stanhope, Florence 52 B. C. 53 Harmon 52 Stanton, Harland 52 Lucy 9 Howard Harmon 52 Lvdia 9 James Watson 52 Steadman, Mabel G. 53 Arthur Thomas 56 Martin A. 53 Dr. 5() Mvrtle B. 53 Stevens, Olive M. 32 Bessy L. 53 Pearl E. 32 George H. 31 Ravmoncl 56 James H. 53 Ruth L 32 Swearingen, Theressa 52 John H. 49 Tourgee, Clvde Wavne T. 49 25 Tallman, Cvrus W. 25 Alberta 49 Fred H. 25 Arthur 24 Herbert 24 Eva Loretta 49 Martha 24 Frances 49 Marv E. 50 Florence 24 Grace 49 Treat, Lena 49 Mary P. 16 P. 24 Turner, Stanley 49 August 21 Taylor, Georgia 45 Cora L. 30 Grace 45 Nellie M. 54 Harrison Arthur 45 Terrill, Mildred D. 45 7 Abram 19 Vera L. 45 Eliza L. LS Walter A. 45 Thompson, Twitchel, Celia May 23 May A. 40 Elmer 33 Tyler, Emcrv 33 Becca 21 iM)i-:x. Underwood, Alfred Bennett Alfred Pavson Allen B. Bernice Ethel Bertie Joy Elrov Eugene Emil}' Ernest Carlyle Judson Phelps Lee Chester Mary J. Mvrl Tudson Nellie^ B. Nettie Celia Raymond Floyd Robert Alfred" Rovilla Rufus A. Warren. Alma Malvina Arthur Leslie Clinton Emery R. James H. James W. Jasper Leland Ora Austin Rosetta B. Waterman, Hattie Webb, Anna Elmer Arthur Thomas Webster, Eddie Florilla G. Francis Horace Hiram Lionel Hiram S. Ida Louisa Lowell S. Page 1.") K) ■.V2 31 32 53 23, 31 3S 53 31 31 53 32 53 31 31 31 3() 54 36 36 36 54 54 54 54 43 49 39 39 10 41 41 41 19 41 41 Webster, Sylvia A. Weeks, Bcnianiin Franklin MclcMi bVanccs Westlake, Andrew Bertha Mary Dempster Ernest A. Florence George C. George Charles Georgia Anna Gertrude Celia Hattie R. Helen Ethel Ida May Ina Rosetta John A. Lila Mary Jane Mattie Bane Myrtle Plummer P. Rebecca Jane RoV)ert Willard Wheeler, Edie Whitaker, Clarence Laverene James Virgil Whittier, G. S. Grace Wilcox, Camden L. Dwight Elmer T. Eunice Homer Lottie R. Pa(;k 40 22 47 20 53 43 43 43 43 32 32 32 43 32 43 4;] 43 43 43 32 55 43 20 43 43 5(i 55 55 30 30 29 15 30 51 1-5 30 INDEX. Wilcox, Lucy Belle Norman Wilder, Electa Williams, Carrie Wilson, B. F. Flovd Woodruff, Gertie Harmon Woods, Alfonzo Lee Anna Louise Anna Rose Morse Charlie Miller Coulter Davis Hattie Brown GE Woods, Page 51 Henry Kirby Smith 48 L5 James Benton 23 Marcellus Bedford 23 14 Mary Morse 48 Milton McConn 23 47 William Franklin 23 William K. 23 49 Woodworth, 49 1 r* Corintha Yoke, 34 46 1 / ' Bessie 47 4b Charles 47 1^ i-\ Eli vS. 22 23 \ o Florence 22 48 48 48 Warren 47 Young, 48 E. F. 54 48 Marie 46 * .. . » - > s "> ' * ' ■ Tfr*'; ^1:^;' ,N^' '-- ''*^^ ' ' ',, > ,'^:^ . ' ^0^' * ^ * " ^ \ c' KC ■x>i- '^ ^^ 4. \0 Xc \ l\ -^ ■« o ft S '

O N ^' -^, » « ^ V \0 • N C „ -^ ' » f, ■ <' ^' < ■<<'" % ^ .0 ■V- V ^"'-^^x' ^0=^^. •^ A- L^' O^ ^ V « ^ C' ■^-■^'..s-^ ^« ,-0* - ^ ^o<^ X 1^ rO <*^ ^ , X •* .A O, ■ I X ^ ^0 .V ^ ,.^^' ■^^. y<. <^ ^ z )^° ^ .# -- ^ ?* /"^ »-' X ^ '"^.. v^' ^:^ ^t. K^ .s^^ '^- .^^ X „. -^ , ... , ^0 c - ■ V o> .- ^ ' OO >■' >a >0 o^ . ^? o <- -^^ ■^ o , ,v ■* /X ■"^A v^' vOo '-<. ,u- ^ \ ^-^^ .^' L>:5^.^ .^^ % ■ -1 A '^^. .-is- * v ,x^^" '^/^ r. ' s n '•> O. / o 0- » y "^. * . . o ' aO s'J ,\ c >vO^^. 7 X ^ -V^