GIass___El^_S_57 Book ., Xf Q g_ S IE ^omtU(^ ^^ z' 1 I I \ 'i ^THEV!)/^ ' com:img- cro^vn, [From the Coiiri youriial, Washington, September i, 1882.] TTIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, the EMPEROR ULYSSES I., accompa- ^ nied by the Empress, the Crown Prince Frederick and a numerous suite, r.rrived at, the palace yesterday after a week's visit to the Duke of Pennsylvania- at his palatial residence, Cameron Hall, Ilarrisburg. His Imperial Majesty, we are liappy to jyinounce, is in the best of health. The imperial escort consisted of a battalion of the Guards and two companies of the Household Cavalry. Her Royal Highness the Princess Nellie will not return to England. We are- in a position to state that the consort of Her Royal Highness, Algernon Sar- toris, Esq., is to be raised to the peerage under the title of Earl of Granton. ^V e further understand that the Earl of Granton is to be appointed Governor, with the title of Lord Lieutenant, of the Province of Illinois, and that it is the intention of the Imperial Government to settle $200,000 per annum upon hi.n lordship. A vice-regal palace is to be built at Springfield, the Privy Council liaving issued an order for the razing of the capitol of the former State of Illi- nois, and the residence of the Lord Lieutenant will be erected on the site. We understand that it is the intention of his Imperial Majesty to hold another levee at an early date, and we are permitted to add that among other gentlemen "* - His Imperial Majestv lias been graciously i)leased to lionor, the following {1> 2 THE COMIXG CllOWX. will be raised to the peerage : George W. Childs, Esq., of Pennsylvania, as Lord St. Ledger; Anthony J. Drexel, Esq., of Pennsylvania, as Baron Bullion. Lord and Lady Hamilton Fish have arrived at the palace. Lord Hamilton will receive final instructions before his departure for England as Imperial Minister to the Court of St. James. Lady Fish will not, we understand, accom- pany the noble lord, but will remain during the coming season in attendance on Her Majesty as principal Lady in Waiting. Lord Sharon, Earl of Nevada, is expected to arrive at the palace on the 5th inst. His Lordship, who has, during the past month, been entertaining a num- ber of the Western nobility at his magnificent residence, Belmont Hall, San Francisco, is understood to have successfully conducted the negotiations which resulted in California giving her assent to the propositions made by the Imperial Government. In view of. His Lordship's distinguished diplomatic services in tiius eradicating the last vestiges of Republicanism in the Western part of the Empire, we have reason to know that His Imperial Majesty intcuds conferrins: upon His Lordship the honor of t!ie order of the Mailed Hand. We understand that in consequence of his rem:ukable success in bringing the entire railroad system of the Empire under Imperial control. General Thomas A. Scott is to be elevated to the peerage as Marquis of Delaware, and the gal- lant General is expected to arrive here on the 5th inst to confer with Lord Sliaron. It will bo remembered that it was General Scott's eminent executive ability that placed the Imperial troops at threatened points at the most critical times wlien his Imperial Majesty ascended the throne. It is with great pleasure that we are enabled to annomice the arrival of Lord Simon Cameron, Earl of Susquehanna, at the Palace. The venerable Earl and his soil, tlie noble Duke of Pennsylvania, will liavc llu' liouor of dining with His Imiierial Majesty to-morrow, wlien the Duke is expected to arrive in town. As W3 have previously announced, Lord Simon was, some tini" ago. ;ii)Moiuted by His Imi)erirl Majesty Earl 3Iarshal, tlie title remaining in the House of Cam- eron according to tlic law of primogiMiiture. THE COMIXG CROWK. 3 We are pleased to aimouuce the almost complete convalescence of His Grace Archbishop Newman, Primate of all the Empire. His Grace will, it is hoped, be able to officiate at the Metropolitan M. E. Cathedral on Sunday next, when the Imperial family will be present at Divine service. Cards have been issued by the Duke of Illinois for a garden-party at Wash- burne House, the splendid residence lately completed by Ilis Grace, and to wliich His (Hace has given the family name, for the evening of the 12th inst. The noble Duke, whose appointment as Prime Minister by His Imperial Majesty has given such profound satisfaction in court circles, will, we understand, entertain during the coming season with ducal hospitality. Her Grace, the Duchess o^Illinois, returned from the country last week. A cable despatch received yesterday from London gives the gratifying intelli- gence that Sir Edward Thornton, the British ambassador, has been raised to the peerage in England. We are happy to congratulate his lordship on this acknowledgment of his diplomatic abilities, and we feel assured that his suc- cessful efforts in obtaining the recognition of the government of His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor Ulysses, at and by the Court of St. James, is not the least of the many reasons Her Britannic Majesty's Government had for the dis- tinguished honor it iias conferred upon him. Sir E. O. Babcock, whose devotion to the Imperial cause and whose conspic- uous gallantry at Albany, ISTew York, when tlie Republican army under Fen- ton was so completely defeated 'by the Imperial troops, have deservedly gained him so many marks of Imperial favor, is now, we are glad to state, quite conva- lescent. He remains at the Imperial villa. Long Branch, for a few days more, Avhen he will return to the Palace to enter on his duties as Principal Equerry in attendance on His Imperial Majesty. Court and fashionable circles are deeply interested at tlie approaching visit of His Excellency, the Marquis of Lome, Governor-General of Canada, .-.ccompa- nied by Her Royal Highness, the Princess Louise, who will remain the guests of His Imperial Majesty for two weeks. It is expected that the Privy Council will grant $300,b00 for the series of fetes to be given iii honor of the noble Lord (ind Her Roj'al Highness, and tiie illuminations of the capital will surpass in THE COMIXG CROWN. magnificence anj'thing j-et witnessed in tlie Empire. A grand review of tlie impevial troops, under tlie command of His Grace, the Duke of Erie, the com- mander-in-chief, is to form a conspicuous feature in the roinid of pleasures pro- vided for the distinguished guests. Over 1-50,000 troops of all arms will take part in the review. This will be the largest number of troops under the imme- diate command of His Grace since his memorable march to the sea in 18G4. Lord and Lady Edwards Pierrepont, Baron .Jay Gould, and Sir Whitelaw J^eid, of New York, who have been on a visit to Lord George M. Eobeson, of New Jersey, at Secor Hall, Cape May, arrived in town yesterday for the season. The magnificent yacht which His Imperial Highness, the Crown Prince Fred- erick, has been pleased to accept as a present from James Gordon Bennett, Esq., of New York, has arrived in the Potomac. She is luimed the "Ulysses," and is a masterpiece of naval architecture. Lady Lida and Lady Virginia Cameron, daugliters of His (Jrace, tlie Duke of Pennsylvania, will arrive at the Palace to-morrow from Cameron Hall, Harris- burg. Their luadyships will be in attendance ou the Empress as Maids of Honor during the season. The Duke and Duchess of New York are expected to arrive in town for the season on Tuesday next. The ducal residence, Coukling House, is rapidly aiiproaching completion, and promises in point of architectural beauty to equal any of the many splendid houses of the nobility erected in the capital since his Imperial Majesty ascended the throne. Invitations will shortly be issued by His Grace for the ball which is to be given when Coukling House is opcMied, and the event promises to be one of extraordinary magnificence. Lady Astor, of New York, arrived in town last week, and will for the present remain at the Palace as one of Her Majesty's Ladies in Waiting. Lady Astor lias, we are gratified to state, completely recovered from her recent indisjiosi- lion, and the nobility will once more gladly welcome her back to the brilliant circle of which she is so distinguished a member. THE COMING CROWN, 5 We have been permitted to \Yitness tlie decorations now being rapidly com- pleted in tlie Hall of State at the Palace for the coming reception by Ilis Imperial Majesty to the members of the Corps Diploinatiqve. Tiiey are of course on a scale of regal magnilicence. The superb service of gold plate, which His Imperial Majesty has been graciously pleased to order from Tiffany and Co., the court jewellers to the Imperial Family, will be used for the iirst time at tliis reception. The superb costume worn by the Duchess off Pennsylvania on tlie occasion of the ball given in honor of their Imperial Majesties at Cameron Hall, Harrisburg, last week, was made at AVorth's branch establishment in this city, and elicited universal admiration. The dress Avas of the richest white brocade silk, the basque and court-train embroidered in moss-rose buds in gold, and the skirt trimmed heavily in seed pearls. A corsage bouquet of roses gave the one touch of color to an exquisite toilet. Many of the equipages of the nobility and gentry are now emblazoned with coats of arms of their respective owners, and the new Herald's College in this city is being well patronized by families desirous of obtaining the crests and mottoes of their houses. ^-^ [From the Imperial Standard, Washington, October ist, iS32.] A N ofhcial telegram published elsewhere in this issue brings intelligence of the ' ^ trial and conviction by Military Connnission of James G. Blaine, of l\Iaine, ar '1 the sentence of banishment passed by the Commission will in all probability be approved by His Imperial IMajesty. We think the Commission erred in its decision— not as to the guilt but as to the punishment of the offender. The time has passed for measures of mercy. Justice demands something more. It demands stern retribution for such offences as this man Blaine has connnitted, and the punishment awarded should have been death. Let there be no trilling with traitors ! When twenty so-called Union Leaguers were shot in Cincinnati it should have been a warning to rebels that the policy of the Imperial Govern ment was not to regard sedition as child's play. Of what use is banishment if such men as John Sherman, James G. Blaine and llutherford B. Hayes can 6 THE COMING CROWN.. concoct their plots and plans against the safety of the Empire on the Canadian side of the border and send their emissaries to spread disloyalty in every p;irt of the country? We are not apologists for tlie course thus far pursued by ti.e Imperial Government. We have been and are now its advocates. We have, and must continue to have a strong government, and vacillation or timidity, be they in what quarter they may, must neither be condoned nor tolerated. The lessons of the past must not be forgotten. A rigid censorship of the press has enabled us to prevent disloyal utterances at home, and the Examination Bureau in the Imperial Tostal service prevents the spread of seditious letters or newspa- pers from abroad ; the forbidding public meetings except by permission of the Privy Council has had a salutary eflect in suppressing the so-called "free speech " of incipient traitors, and the prudent administration of the telegraj)!! department has removed what would otherwise have been a perpetual source of danger. Pursue the policy inaugurated when his Imperial Majesty ascended the throne ! Let the mob feel the power of the Mailed Hand ! Give these trai- torous Republicans grape and canister as the gallant Sheridan did at Cleveland, wlien Euclid Avenue was raked and the last vestiges of rebellion against the Empire were swept away in Ohio ; let them feel as they did in Portland when rebellious Maine undertook to hoist the stars and stripes and paid the penalty by lier chief city being bombarded and laid in ruins ; let them realize it as St. Louis did when her costly bridge was blown up and when thirty-one of her citizens expiated their disloyalty on the scaffold. The time is past for " banisli- mcnits "—let traitors of every rank and class and creed be made to feel the full power of the Mailed Hand ! BY IMPERIAL TELEGRAPH TO "THE STANDARD." New York, September 30th. The last of the eighteen prisoners condemned to death by the Imperial Military Commission which closed its sittings at Gov- ernor's Island on the 20th was executed at daybreak this morning. The con, deunied man, Thomas Nast, who was a caricaturist on Harpers'' Weel-hj before that disloyal sheet was suppressed in .lune last, was accused of high treason by plotting against the crown and dignity of His Imperial Majesty, and by circu- lating a so-called cartoon representing His Imperial Majesty as Nero. Tiie execution was private, but it is understood that tlie death was painful, the wretched traitor's life not being extinct for several minutes. PoKTLAXi), Maixe, Septniiher ."0th. A man named Dalzcll was arrested here to-day l)y tlie Provost Guard and i)laeed in eonlinenicnt. When searched a small Hag bearing the stars and stripes was found sewn to his undergarment THE COMING CROWN. 7 immediately opposite his heart, ami letters addressed to several Canadian news- papers and signed "Unionist " also discovered. A knife was concealed on his person. He will be tried by the military commission which assembles on tlie 5th inst. * * * * CirARLESTON, S. C , Srptembfr oOtli. Serious riots have occurred in this city within the past few days, culminating last evening in an attack upon some of the Imperial troops. Orders were given that the troops be contined to their quarters, and General Casey telegraphed for instructions to Washington. Orders were received from the Minister of War after consultation Avith His Imperial Majesty that the riot be summarily suppressed, and accordingly Gen-, eral Casey opened on the mob with artillery. Over seventy of the rioters were killed. The city is now quiet. Chicago, Ills., September 30th. Incendiary fires are on the merease in this city, and martial law was proclaimed yesterday morning. Political prisoners have increased to such an extent that a large stockade is to be built for the reception of those whom the prisons at Alton and Jolliette cannot contain. Over two hundred convicted prisoners left this city yesterday under strong guard for Cairo. They will be sent tlience to New Orleans by boat. Their destination is the Dry Tortugas for life. Bread riots are reported in INIilwaukie, and a regiment of infantry, two regiments of cavalry and a battery of artillery left here by steamers to-day to suppress the disturbances. St. I.outs, Mo., September 30th. The establishment of the entrenched camp and the building of the chain of forts wiiich are to defend this city cause a brighter outlook in business circles and trade is reviving. As the force of troops stationed here will not be less than 40,000 men, the agricidtural com- munity are delighted at the prospect, as it secures a permanent market for all kinds of farm produce. ' * * * * Netv Orleans, September 30th. Advices received here from Mexico are to tlie effect that a large and formidable body of American Republicans, under the command of General Pitz .John Porter, have raised the rebel flag above Rio (Jrande City, and are actively preparing for an invasion of tlie Empire. They are stated to be well armed and equipped. The Mondrchiat, of this city, will 8 THE COMING CROWN. publish to-morrow a double-leaded editorial, advocating an invasion of Mexico with a view to the ultimate annexation of that country, wliich has now become a recognized basis of operations for the enemies of His Imperial Majesty. The offi- cers of tlie Imperial Army and Navy here enthusiastically favor such action. San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 30. Humors are current here tliat the Imperial Government contemplates the building of one of the largest dockyards in the world at this city, and the special bulletins giving publicity to the statement were surrounded yesterday by crowds of the distressed working population, who gave repeated cheers for the glad tidings. It is said that over $20,0C0,000 will be expended for the work. This will do much towards decreasing what little disaffection now exists, if, indeed, it does not eradicate it entirely. Dennis Kearney was hanged at daybreak this morning. St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 30. Ignatius Donnelly, of this State, a former mem- ber of Congress, issued an inflammatory appeal, a few days ago, calling on the people "to rally in their might, to raise once more the flag of the Union and to overthrow the accursed tyrant who has assumed the scepter." Tlie Imperial authorities immediately sent a strong body of troops to secure Donnelly's arrest, but the traitor had fled towards the Red River. [A despatch received by the Minister of AVar last evening states that Donnelly was captured at Mankato, tried by court-martial and shot. Ed. Imperial Standard.'] Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 30. A splendid entertainment is to be given at the Empire League House— formerly known as the Union League— in honor of His Grace the Duke of Pennsylvania, who is expected to arrive in this city next week. Sir AVilliam S. Stokley, Mayor of the city, is at tlie head of the Commit- tee of Arrangements, and Lord St. Ledger and Baron Bullion have each con- tributed $10,000 to the fund. PiTTSRUuo, Pa., Stp3:e A-T^is^-^sr j^i