r U9 H4JA8 *V S?£S ^i-4- : : li *C/ /~\, ,>k i UL i lew Yo*Ua&i& Class F 1 IS Book .t-H jU% THE EARLY HISTORY HEMPSTEAD (LONG ISLAND). BY CHARLES B. MOORE. NEW YORK : TROWS PRINTING AND BOOKBINDING COMPANY. 1879. Reprinted from The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. X., No. i, January, 1879. THE EARLY HISTORY OF HEMPSTEAD The early history of this town requires that dates be clearly stated, and places be kept distinct. Both have often been confused. Long Island could be approached from many directions. Its posses- sion was coveted by the English, then in New England, on the north and east, and by the Dutch at the west, where the passage was narrow. It had numerous bands of Indians, with whom the whites of both nations for several years traded. Both English and Dutch were actively in pur- suit of beaver. The fur trade was profitable. Fishing, also, was an im- portant business ; for food was scarce. The English coming in crowds, sought fish more than the Dutch. The long ocean beach afforded facili- ties for getting wampum, which greatly added to the attractions. There were struggles between English and Dutch about the western part of the island, but none (unless merely on paper), for the eastern half. The villages of Southampton and Southold, at the east, in the year 1640, were settled by Englishmen, who bargained with the agent of Lord Ster- ling, under his English patent, and with the Indians, and who took posses- sion without the slightest opposition, and without interference from the Dutch. These villages, afterwards the centres of townships, were about eighty- five or ninety miles in a direct line from New York, and were separated from each other by Peconic Bay. Southampton was east of Shinecock Bay, which could be entered at the south from the ocean, and from which the whites and Indians could readily communicate with Peconic Bay at Canoe -place ; and thence across Peconic Bay, or across Shelter Island, with Southold. The communications vestwardly on the north side of Long Island, by the Sound, and on the south side by the great South Bay, were also comparatively easy. Canoes or small boats were used for travel, and occasionally larger vessels. The principal beaver-dams were west of both these villages. The vacant space between them and the Dutch — occupied only by In- dians — was large ; embracing necks of land projecting out on each side, north and south, many miles, which were separated from each other by bays. Into many of the bays small streams ran, called rivers, being as large as many of the rivers of England, and which generally started from swamps far inland. The island was so closely covered with tangled wood a The Early History of Hempstead, L. I. and intersected by streams and morasses as to prevent passages on foot, and prevent travel by land. The swamps and thickets were numerous and large, and in some places the beaver was plenty. " Huppogues," the Narragansett word for "beaver place," was in modern Smithtown. Look at a map, and see how far the Nissequogue River of Smithtown extended south from the Sound across the Island, and how far the Connecticut and the Yaphank (called Carman's) River, extended north from the Bay, and then estimate the swamps (some of them now mill-ponds), at the sources of these streams, and it will be seen how the travel by land east and west was interrupted. The numerous Indians, maddened by defeats, will com- plete the picture. Purchases from or conquests of the Indians, and actual occupation, were essential to either party, English or Dutch, for a good and peaceable title to land. By the national law of Grotius, both had a right to trade with the Indian residents. By the English rule claimed by Selden, which excluded- strangers from the narrow seas, these two English possessions might keep the Dutch out of the Peconic Bay, while it gave the Dutch the East River and the Hudson. The English, in 1637, had greatly awed the Indians by the conquest of the Pequots, and this seriously affected the In- dians at the eastern end of Long Island. The Manhansett tribe left Shel- ter Island, and moved west. The Sachem of Cutchogue, in Southold, was with the Pequots, and when he returned to Long Island, was very submis- sive. Men of his tribe who did not go west and were not destroyed, were completely subjugated. Early in 1643, Indians at the west combined, made sudden attacks upon Dutch villages, and upon small western places occupied by English- men, and overpowered them. The disasters and distress were eloquently depicted in the Memorial of the Eight Men, who acted as the Dutch Gov- ernor's council, addressed to the States-General in Holland, dated Port Amsterdam (N. Y.), 24th October, 1643. It commences : " Rightly hath one of the ancients said that there is no misery on earth, however great, that does not manifest itself in time of war." They said : " Having enjoyed for a long time an indifferent peace with the heathen, Almighty God hath finally, through his righteous judgment, kindled the fire of war around us, during the current year, with the indians ; in which not only numbers of innocent people, men, women, and children have been murdered in their houses .and at their work, and swept captives away; whereby this place with all its inhabitants is come to the greatest ruin ; but all the boweries and plantations at Pavonia" (now Jersey City and Hudson City), "with 25 lasts " (2,700 bushels) " of corn, and other produce have been burnt, and the cattle destroyed. Long Island is destitute also of inhabitants and stock, except a few insignificant places over against the main, winch are about to be abandoned " (referring, doubtless, to Kings Co. and Newtown). "The English who have settled among us have not escaped. They too, except in one place, are all murdered and burnt," etc., etc. (See copy m 1. 0"Callaghan's New Netherlands, 289.) The excepted place where the English were saved, was at Gravesend, at the southwest, where Lady Moody had gathered an armed force of forty men and de- fended herself against Indian attacks. This formal paper, it will be re- marked, did not notice nor claim Southold or Southampton as Dutch. They were thriving villages. The Early History of Hempstead, L. I. c Early in 1644, a military force of white men, Dutch and English, having been raised, organized, and trained, the Indians in Westchester County and the western parts of Long Island, were attacked in their villages and forts, and subdued. There were thirty-five English soldiers at first ; after- wards fifty, gathered chiefly in New England, or by Lady Moody ; and the skill, discipline, and courage of Capt. John Underbill, an experienced Eng- lish soldier, who had fought in Holland, and against Indians in New Eng- land — and of some of his devoted followers — were brought into use and contributed to success. Some of the soldiers had been sent to Stamford, the western settlement of Connecticut, to protect the whites against Indi- ans. There was much slaughter at Greenwich, Conn., near Stamford, and on Long Island, in Queen's County, terrifying the Indians into complete submission. " They solicited the intervention of Capt. Underhill to procure a cessa- tion of hostilities," and peace was concluded between them and the Dutch. Long Island sachems signed articles, and agreed to communicate these articles to their sachem on " Mr. Fordham s plains." This was not written so early, but it is one of the earliest notices about the great Hempstead plains— now the site of Garden City. It is reported that in 1643 the Indian sachems had agreed to sell these plains to English- men ■ of course, when utterly subdued, they would sell ; but the agreement has not been seen. It may have been made with Rev. Mr. Fordham and his followers before he was employed and settled at Southampton, and before he went there.* After the fighting and the peace, the Dutch Governor Keift, who was fully authorized, issued his letters patent, dated 16th November, 1644, to Robert Fordham and six other Englishmen (one of whom he had before employed to build the Dutch church in the fort), and unto their heirs and successors, or any they should join in association with them, for land (with all the havens, harbors, rivers, creeks, woodland, marshes, and all other appurtenances thereunto belonging) " upon and about a certain place called the Great Plains on Long Island, from the East River to the South Sea, and from a certain harbor known by the name of Hempsted Bay, and westward as far as Matthew (Martin) Gerretson's Bay ; to begin at the head of the said two bays, and to run in direct lines, that they may be the same latitude in breadth on the south side as on the north • and as far eastward ; " but with a condition, " in case the patentees and their asso- ciates shall procure 100 families to settle down within the limits of five years after the date hereof ; " granting full authority to build a town or towns, with fortifications, and erect a temple or temples to use and exercise the reformed religion which they profess, with the ecclesiastical discipline thereunto belonging ; and with full power and authority to erect a body politic, or civil combination among themselves, and to nominate magistrates to be presented to the Governor for choice and appointment, etc., etc. And if the patentees cannot within five years procure 100 families to settle on said lands, they shall enjoy, ratum pro rata, land according to the number they shall procure. Reserving (as rent), from the expiration of ten years, the tenth part of all revenue that shall arise from the ground * Two Dutch papers, without official or responsible signatures, set up the story ; one that there was an English colony at Hempstead, dependent upon the Dutch, before the hostilities of 1643-4, which they sought to protect ; and the other, that in April, 1644, seven Indians were arrested and confined at Hemstede, where "an English clergyman, Mr. Fordham, was Governor. " (4 Doc. Hist, of N. Y., 15. 105). But both of these were paaisan productions, and in many particulars inaccurate. 6 The Early History of Hempstead, L. I. manured (or cultivated) with the plow or hoe ; if demanded, before it be housed ; gardens and orchards not exceeding one Holland acre excepted. (See copy in 2 Thompson's L. I., 4, 5, 6.) This very favorable patent implied (as certainly was the fact) that there had been no previous Dutch grant for land within those bounds ; nor probably were there then any settlers ; if any, a very few. All the patentees were Englishmen, and their associates were generally English ; and no doubt the patent was particularly intended for an English settlement, and was favorably drawn to attract and secure them. It embraced a large part of the modern towns of Hempstead and North Hempstead, extending across the island north and south where it was wide, and in length east and west about 8|- miles. See a map. Martin Garretson's Bay came into dispute afterwards ; i. e., whether it meant Manhasset Bay, or was west of Great Neck, and referred to what is now called Little Neck Bay. No one could claim under this patent that it was Hempstead Harbor. (See the Historical Magazine, by S. Dawson, Vol. I., Third Series. 368.) The towns of Jamaica and Flushing, afterwards patented — the latter in 1645 — are on die west, embracing now a part of the land originally granted to Hempstead ; and the town of Oyster Bay was afterwards formed on the east. It is now the eastern town of Queens County. Huntington, the western town of Suffolk County, settled eight or ten years after this patent, was next east of Oyster Bay ; and, adding Oyster Bay to Suffolk, near two-thirds of the island, it will be seen, was east of this Hempstead patent. The distance from the village of Hempstead (20 miles from New York) to the village of Southampton, was about 64 miles in a direct line — a distance too often overlooked. There were then no roads, and no horses with which to travel them, if there had been roads. The first white child born in the town of Hempstead was soon after this patent. He was named Caleb, a son of John Carman, born Jan. 9, 1645, and he was blind through life. His father and otfiers testified in Court to the payments made to Indians for the land. It may be inferred from the name, and from other circumstances, that he was one of the spies who had examined the country possessed by the heathen, made a good report of it, and exhibited (perhaps) some of the native grapes for which it was noted. The sheltered little harbors now called Hempstead Harbor and Roslyn, at tiie head of Hempstead Bay ; and Manhasset, at the head of Manhasset (formerly Cow) Bay, were probably places early visited by Englishmen from Connecticut, or from Massachusetts or Rhode Island, trading with the Indians, and exploring the wild country. Indian villages were Located at pleasant and convenient sites in all such places. Their marks can yet be traced. It is admitted by all that what was called Cow Neck, which is termi- nated at the north by Sands' Point, was embraced in this patent. The harbors and creeks on the south side of the island, including Hempstead Bay, south, it is probable, were visited by boats from Southampton, and Indians also found there. In 1047, as appears by the town records, a division or allotment of land was first made under tins patent (/. e.) three years alter its date. By reading the general history, we can infer much of what must have occurred. Delays, of course, arose in gathering together such a band of V The Early History of Hempstead, L. I. y interested persons, and in exploring the ground. Men could rove and explore ; but families requiring houses and furniture, and protection, had a slower motion. The first "meeting-house," to be used also as a town-house, by report, was raised in 1645, but not finished until 1648. It was 24 feet square. On 4th July, 1647, a deed was obtained from Indian Sachems, which re- ferred to a purchase made in 1643. This latter may have been merely a ver- bal sale, or a sale of a small part. But probably it was the treaty of peace. In this allotment of 1647, sixty-six proprietors were named ; a large pro- portion of whom, if they ever settled there, did not long remain on the land. They were of the pioneer class ; chiefly from New England, but some from Southampton ; not one from Southold. We cannot tell clearly which of them were soldiers with Underhill in 1643. Arranged alphabetically, we give such details respecting each as are convenient. The Rev. Robert Fordham, though named as a patentee, went to South- ampton to preach. In April, 1649, he made his formal written agree- ment there. It is stated in Thompson's L. I., that he preached at South- ampton two or three years before the date of that agreement.* He re- mained there until his death in 1674. He is not named among the per- sons who had lands allotted them in Hempstead. Doubtless his son John took his place as a landholder, and probably John Moore came from South- ampton to preach in his place, who was at Hempstead in 16=51, but not found at Southampton after 1647. LIST OF PROPRIETORS OF HEMPSTEAD IN 1647. i. Ashman, Robert, 1650, at Hempstead ; 1660, at Jamaica. 2. Armitage, Thomas, in 1635, as reported, from Bristol, Eng. One T. A., ae. 24, sailed from Gravesend, near London, for Barbadoes ; 1635-6, at Lynn, Mass. ; 1637, at Sandwich ; 1641, at Stamford, Conn., afterwards at Oyster Bay, L. I. He mar. twice ; Manassah, a son by 1st wife, studied at Cambridge and grad. at Harvard in 1660 ; d. by 1678. (2 Thomp. L. I., 13, note, and Cotton Mather.) 3. Baccus, Samuel, 1637, "Backus," at Saybrook ; 1663, prob. "Samuel Bache," New Haven, a Yorkshire name. 4. Carman (written Karman) John, 1636, at Lynn ; 1637, at Sandwich ; one, master of a vessel (Winthrop), 1644, one of the patentees of Hempstead ; he testified, in 1677, that a broad axe was given to the Indians, 32 years before ; 1645, Jany. 9th, son Caleb born, named on Dutch census list 1673, a ^ so Josiah ; 1653-4, Mrs. Carman named in New Haven records about a debt which Mr. Sylvester owed her ; 1673, one I- C. named, on Dutch census list ; 16S2, at Hemp- stead ; 1685, John and Caleb, each 180 acres. 5. Clark, Samuel, prob. the one who mar. Hannah, dau. of Rev. Robert Fordham, 1657, at North Sea, Southampton, q. v. ; 1699, one S. C, at Elizabeth, N. J. 6. Coe, Benjamin, son of Robert, b. 1629 ; 1656, interested in Jamaica ; j 661, opposed to Quakers; 1663, signed Hartford Petition; 1683, Patentee of Jamaica. 7. Coe, John, son of Robert, b. 1626, Capt. ; 1660, see Baird's History of * Mr. Howell, the author of the History of Southampton, finds indications that he was there one year before the agreement and see 2d N. Eng. Reg., 263. 8 The Early History of Hempstead, L. I. Rye ; 1663, Delegate to Hartford from Hempstead ; at the head of a force ; called Junr. ; 1664, magistrate for Newtown, appointed at Hartford ; 1665, Member of Convention from Newtown ; 1665, "Miller of Middlebnrg;" 1685, 150 acres, Hempstead; 1689, Sheriff of Queens ; 1699-1710, Judge of Queens Co. 8. Coe, Robert, b. in Norfolk Co., Eng., about 1594 ; living in 1672 ; sons : John, b. 1626 ; Benjamin, b. 1629, etc. ; 1634, from Eng., at Watertown, freeman of Mass. ; 1640, at Wethersfield, deputed to treat with New Haven for Stamford ; 1641-2, at Stamford, ap- pointed a deputy for New Haven ; 1653, Memb. of Convention from Newtown ; 1653 ; signed to Gov. Stuyvesant and the States- General ; 1656, interested in Jamaica ; 1661, opposed to Quakers ; 1665, Patentee of Jamaica ; 1669-72, Sheriff of Yorkshire. 9. Denton, Daniel ; the historian, eldest son of Rev. Robert ; 1650, Sept. 16, Oct. 18 ; as " clericus," he certified " by order the Laws " made, requiring all inhabitants to attend the public meetings on the Sabbath, under penalty, etc. ; 1656, 1st clerk of Rust dorp (Jamaica) ; 1664, had land at Elizabethtown, N. J., sold in 1665 to John Og- den ; 1665 and 1686, Patentee of Jamaica ; 1665, Memb. Conven- tion from Jamaica ; 1670, his brief description of New York, pub- lished at London ; 1688-9. Clerk of Queens Co. 10. Denton, Nathaniel, prob. son of Rev. Richard ; in 1656, at Ja- maica ; 1661, opposed to Quakers; 1664, applied for land at Elizabethtown, N. J. ; 1665, sold to John Ogden ; 1665 and 1686, Patentee of Jamaica. 11. Denton, Rev. Richard, b. in Yorkshire, Eng., in 1586; 1623, grad. at Camb. Univ. ; d. in Eng., 1662. He became Minister of Hali- fax, Yorkshire ; 4 sons : Daniel, and prob. Richard, Jun., Natha- niel, and Samuel. Deprived of one eye ; and " though he were a little man, yet he had a great soul" (says Cotton Mather). In 1635, at Wethersfield ; 1641-3, at Stamford ; 1647, 61 years of age, at Hempstead ; 1650, the 1 orders to attend church could not be enforced; 1656-9, at Hempstead. His wages not paid; 1659, returned to England (2 Thomp. L. I., 20). He did not please a large proportion of the settlers. Many of them had been accus- tomed to forms, language, and style very different from his, and they were so widely scattered that they could not readily attend at one place. 12. Denton, Richard, Jun., son of Rev. Richard. 13. Denton, Samuel, son of Rev. Richard; 1673, on Dutch census list of Hempstead ; 1685, 240 acres. 14. Ellison, John, who prob. had son John, Jun. (on Dutch census list of 1673) ; son Thomas (on Dutch census list of 1673 ; Sen. in 1685 ; 270 acres); son Richard {on Dutch census list ot 1673 ; in 1685, 60 acres). In 1647 he was at Oyster Bay ; in 1663, on Madnan's Neck ; in 1673, on Dutch census list ; in 1682, Sen., at Hempstead ; in 1685, Sen., 60 acres. [John, 125 acres.] 15. FOUCKS, |«uin ; not traced. 16. Fordham, John, eldest son of Rev. Robert ; 1640-41, at Southamp- ton ; died 1683; letters of admn. Fordham, Rev. Robert (see before, No. j). 17. Foster, Christopher, b. in Engl., 1603; d. 1687; mar. Frances; The Early History of Hempstead, L. I. g issue — Rebecca, b. 1630 ; Nathaniel, b. 1633, d. 1687 (who settled at Huntington) ; John, b. 1634 ; and afterwards others. In 1635 came on the Abigail, with wife and 3 ch. ; in 1637, freeman of Massachusetts ; resided at Lynn ; in 1638, had 60 acres there ; in 1649 to 1653, at Southampton. 18. Foster, Thomas, prob. son John (in 1664, applying for land at Elizabeth, N. J. ; in 1685, having 55 acres ; in 1688, a resident of Jamaica). In 1639-47, this name at Weymouth, at Boston, and at Braintree ; in 1644, this No. 18 came from Fairfield, Conn. ; in 1658, William Foster appointed to run lines with Indians ; name preserved by " Foster's Meadow," w. part of Hempstead. 19. Guildersleeve, Richard, a surveyor [he, or his son, or both] ; son Richard, Jnn. (on census list of 1673) ; in 1639, freeman of New Haven ; in 1641-2, at Stamford ; in 1643, Deputy to New Haven Court (with Capt. Underhill) ; 1658, a Magistrate — acting ; 1665, appointed, at Hartford, Magistrate for Hempstead ; 1673. on Dutch census list ; 1685, Sen., patentee, 100 acres (Jun., 280 acres) ; 1688,- rated in Huntington, L. I. ; 1696, he or his son living at Huntington (descendants there). 20. Hicks, John ; in 1641, came, with Thomas and Robert, from Hol- land to New York ; 1645, named in Dutch patent for flushing ; 1650, or about that date, at Far Rockaway ; 1653, Memb. of Engl. Convention from Flushing; signed the Petition, with others ; 1658, appointed at Hempstead to settle lines with Indians, acting as Assistant Magistrate ; 1663, Delegate to Hartford from Hempstead, and appointed Magistrate ; 1665, Member of Assembly from Hempstead. 21. Hudd, John (or Hews, Hughes, or Hubbs). [In 1637, John Hud- son, of Lynn, 2 Winthrop, J., 48.] 22. Hudson, Henry [some give the name Stephen]. [In 1685 Hannah H. had 22 acres.] 23. Ireland, Thomas, d. 1669 ; mar. Joane , who survived him, and who, on 24th August, 1670, mar. (2d) Richard Letten (G. and B. Rec, 2, n), prob. left son Thomas [1673, ^82, 1685, at Hemp- stead, 70 acres). In 1659, Jan. 2d, Thomas Ireland, Sen., had suit against Richard Brudenel, and R. Latting was a witness for him. 24. Jackson, Robert, d. about 1682-3; niar. Agnes — ■ — ; son John [the Col. on Dutch census, 1673 , : m J 685, 430 acres], and dau. Martha; 1641-2, he was at Stamford ; 1656, applicant for Jamaica ; 1658, at Hempstead, appointed to run lines with Indians ; 1665, Member of Assembly at Hempstead ; 1672, Constable of the town [highest office] ; 1673, on Dutch census list ; 1683, May 25, Will, naming wife and two ch. 25. Lawrence, John, b. in Engl, about 1618 ; d. at N. Y., 1699 ; mar. Susannah ; issue : Joseph, John, Thomas, Susannah, Martha, Mary. In 1635, came over, aet. 17; 1644, one of the patentees of Hempstead ; 1645, name also in Dutch patent for Flushing ; 1663, an officer under Gov. Stuyvesant; merchant of N. Y. ; 1672, '3, '4, '5, and 1692-8, Member of N. Y. Gov.'s Council ; 1673 an d ^91, Mayor of the City of New York; 1691, Sheriff of Queens : 1693-8, Judge of Supreme Court ; 1698-9, Will, N. Y. Lib. 5 of Wills, p. 345. IO The Early History of Hempstead, L. I. 26. Lawrence, William, called younger brother of the last ; d. about 1680 ; mar. (1st) , and (2d) Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Richard Smith, who survived, and mar. (2d) Capt. Philip Carteret, and (3d) Col. Richard Tovvnley ; issue by both wives : William, etc ; 1645, named in Dutch patent for Flushing ; 1666, Alderman of N. Y., and Patentee for Flushing ; 1680, Inventory, N. Y. (3 G. & P>. Rec, 124, 129, &c.) 27. Lewis, John (not identified) ; one in 1648 at New London ; but in his place John Lum has been named. 28. Lewis, Richard (not traced). 29. Lines, Roger ; 1656, interested in Jamaica ; 1659, had sold meadow in Hempstead. 30. Ogden, John ; one d. 1683, leaving 3 sons ; one, and prob. this one, mar. Judith, dau. of Lieut. John Budd. She survived him, and mar. (2d) Francis Brown. 1641-2, he was at Stamford ; he con- tracted to build Dutch church at the fort in N. Y. ; 1644, he was one of the patentees of Hempstead ; 1647, had permission to settle six families at North Sea, Southampton ; 1650, freeman of South- ampton ; resided there ; became a Magistrate, and represented the town at Hartford ; 1662, named in the new charter of Connecticut ; 1664, patentee of Elizabeth, N. J. ; 1667, had removed to Eliza- beth, N. J. ; 1673, he, or a son, purchased New Barbadoes, N. J. ; 1680, see Baird's History of Rye. 31. Ogden, Richard; 1641-2, at Stamford, co-contractor with the last to build the Dutch church. 32. Pierson, Henry; d. 1680-81, mar. Mary Cooper, from Lynn; issue : John, Daniel, Joseph, Henry, b. 1652 ; Benjamin, Theodore, and Sarah, b. 1640-1, he was of Southampton "one of the first and leading settlers ;" 1649, 1654, 1659, on nst °f townsmen, Southampton. He was prob. a brother of Rev. Abraham, b. in Yorkshire. t,t,. Pope, Thomas; d. before 1677 ; mar. Mary , who survived him ; son John, who settled at Elizabeth, N. J. ; 1652, house and lot and 3 acres at Southampton ; 1665, interested in Elizabeth, N. J. See Hist, of Stamford and Elizabeth, and Records of Southampton. 34. Raynor, Edward. 35. Raynor, William. 36. Rogers, William ; d. 13th July, 1664; mar. Ann will in 1669, widow. Issue : prob. Jonathan, of Huntington, not named in her will, Obadiah (of Southampton, 1634-92), John (of Branford), Samuel, Mary, Hannah, Noah (of Huntington and Branford) ; 1642-6, at Southampton ; 1649, freeman and townsman of South- ampton ; 1649 to 55, at Southampton; 1652, first owning land at New London ; 1654, new land at Southampton (Sagabonack). 37. SCOTT, Joseph (or Schott), inn-keeper; mar. Mary 1658, his wife prosecuted and fined for favoring Quakers. 38. Scott, William. 39. Sering (or Scaring) Simon ; 1642, at Stamford; 1672, at Hempstead (a permanent settler); 1 084, at Hempstead, Justice ; 1685, Paten- tee for Gov. Dongan's patent, 171 a< res. 40. Sewell, John, not traced. «■ The Early History of Hempstead, L. I. \\ 41. Shadden or Shadding, William , 1658, at Hempstead ; nominated for Magistrate. 42. Sherman Thomas ; in 1636, one of his name at Ipswich. 43. Smith, Abraham; In 1641, allowed land at New Haven ; 1656, in- terested in Jamaica ;' 1661, opposed to the Quakers ; 1663, signed Hartford Petition ; 1682, 1685, at Hempstead, 150 acres. 44. Smith, James ; 1756, at Newtown ; 1664, one at Jamaica ; 1673, one at Huntington. 45. Smith, John, Sen. ; 1 641, at Stamford ; 1659, to keep an ordinary at Hempstead. See Westchester Co. 46. Smith, John, Jun. ; eldest son of John, killed by Indians at Newtown ; b. in Eng. about 1615, x. 60 in 1675 ; a judge, called Rock John ; 1673, on Dutch census list; 1685, J. S. Jun., Rock, 230 acres. 47. Smith, William ; d. before 1684 ; mar. prob. by license, 4th Jan'y, 1668, to Hannah Scudder. Issue: Thomas, Joseph, Nehe- miah, Wait; 1656, one at Gravesend ; 1658, May 17th; signed application of Huntington to New Haven ; 1663, signed Hartf. Pet. ; 1666, an inhabitant and landholder of Huntington ; 1684, deed by his sons as heirs for land in Huntington. 48. Stephenson, Thomas ; 1643, of Yennycott (Southold), had sold a boat in Virginia ; 1644, at Stamford and New Haven ; 1645, prob. mar. at New York ; 1653, law suit in New York ; 1654-5, at Newtown ; 1658, meadow at Southold. 49. Storge or Storye, John ; 1661 and 1670, " John Storye," of Flushing. 50. Strickland or Sticklan, John ; mar. ; had son Thwait, who settled at Wethersfield ; dau. Elizabeth, who mar. Jonas Wood, of Halifax, a trader, and a dau. who was the fust wife of John Sea- man ; 1629-30, an original settler of Charlestown, Mass. ; 1631, freeman of Mass., memb. of church at Watertown ; afterwards at Wethersfield and Fairfield, Conn.; 1644, one of the patentees of Hempstead ; 1650, represented at Southampton, L. I., by his son- in-law Wood ; 1660-61, applied for land in N. J. (Hatfield's Hist, of Eliz.) ; 1663, signed Hartford Petition at Jamaica ; 1666, at Hun- tington ; inhabitant and landholder ; released land there to Jonas Wood, of Oakham ; 1667, made complaint of ill-treatment of his grandson, at Hempstead. 51. Strickland. Samuel (prob. a son of John, who d.). 52. Tanner, Nicholas ; 1639, at New Haven, servant of Perry, whipped; 1641, at New Haven ; ^3 claimed of him by Mr. Bry- an ; 1656, interested at Jamaica ; 1663 (one of his name), at Swan- zey. 53. Toppin, Mr., or Topping, John (in whose name perhaps the title was placed) ; 1646, one b. at Southampton, son of Capt. Thomas. 54. Thickstone, William ; in 1675, at Hempstead,, near the mill; in 1685, 83 acres. 55. Valentine, Richard ; 1673, on Dutch census list, with Richard, Jun.; 1682-5, Sen., at Hempstead ; Jun., 71 acres. 56. Washburne, William ; came to L. I. with Rev. Mr. Leverich ; 1653, he, with John and Daniel at Oyster Bay ; 1653, witness to Indian deed, Oyster Bay ; 1654-5, signed petition with others ; Memb. of Assembly at Hempstead ; 1654, of Hempstead, in court at New Haven. I 2 The Early History of Hempstead^ L. I. 57. Whitehead, Daniel, b. about 1603 ; d. Nov., 1668,