CENTENNIAL ALBUM NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE CONTAINING EXPOSITION BUILDINGS, OFFICERS OF THE EXPOSITION, REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. BUSINESS HOUSES, AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES. PREPARED BY J. PROUSNITZER & COMPANY, 1896. ■^7l"""^mT^^ • . . IFntrobuctorij ^ 'HE first iritentiori of tl:|e pilblisl]er of tl^e Ceritennial fllbiinq ^as to preserit to tt^e • public tY\e pictures of tl^e bilildirigs arid • officers of tl^e fort]"(Corr\irig Teririessee Ceriter)riial Expositior^, Hs tl^e vv/orK progressed, t^owever, it v^as decided to add to tt^ese tt\e pic- tures of sorqe of Nash|ville's prorqirierit citizens, as ^ell as its public buildings, busiriess tiouses, cl:]Urcl:|es, arid private residerices. Wl:|ile tl]is MJor'k coritairis orily a siriall part of vJl\at rqiglrit be giveri, it rievertl^eless enables t]\e stranger to forrT\ sonqe idea of tl\e inqpor- tarice of tl^e city of Nasliville. J. PROUSNITZER. PUBLISHER. t J. W. THOMAS. President Nashville. Chattanooga &. St. Louis Railway Company AND President Tennessee Centennial Exposition. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. VAN I_. KIRKMAN, First Vice President Tennessee Centennial Exposition. PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. DUDLEY. ARCHITECT. JACKSON BUILDING. GEN. W. H. JACKSON. ^ W^^r'^ ' '^^^n ^^^^^Hn^HIL'IJ \^^^ !^^ l^plll^ Kini^Si^^- rail ^W2-! B;li 11 'mmK^B ^ iJBJW' CHAS.IH1 nMci j^ffl^ PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. COLE BUILDING. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS, i TAYLOR. E. W. COLE. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. A. W. WILLS, Commissioner General Tennessee Centennial Exposition. PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. W. F. FOSTER. AUGUSTUS H. ROBINSON, Vice President Union Bank and Trust Company. B. F. WILSON. Km .^fll^^^^^^^l^E » »^a ^^■'TjBRfpipWj^^^'^^^ K- r ^ v^ PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. THEODORE COOLEY. Chief Department of Fine Arts. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. SARA WARD-CONI_EY, Artist. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. W. T. DAVIS, Chief Children's Department, Tennessee Centennial. a est "a's""^''* \,= PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. J. B. KILLEBREW, A. M., PH. D.. Commissioner of Agriculture for the State of Tennessee from 1871 to 1881, AND Special Expert of the Tenth Census, and One of the Writers of the Standard Dictionary. KHH PH<3T0 by CALVERT BROS, i TAYLOR. THOS. D. FITE. f lltm. ^ f PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. JOHN D. ANDERSON. FHrrr BY CALVERT BROS. Jl TAYLOR. T. F. P. ALLISON, Commissioner of Agriculture. State of Tennessee. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. G. P. THRUSTON, President State Insurance Company. PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. F. T. CUMMINS. President Southern Soda Works. THOS. A. ATCHISON, M. D. "^ ^; PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. JOHN A. WARD. General Agent Kentucky Wagon Manufacturing Company. Director Tennessee Centennial. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS. & TAYLOR. W. C. KILVINGTON, Superintendent Tennessee Industrial School. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. WM. M. McCarthy. Mayor of the City of Nashville. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. FACTORY OF THE HILL TRUNK COMPANY. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. J. L.. HIL-L, Manager Hill Trunk Company PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. JAMES B. CARR, Manager B. H. Stief Jewelry Company. PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. MAX Bl_OOMSTElN, Pharmacist and Chemist. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. J. K. HEMPHILL. President Post B, Travelers' Protective Association OF America. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS, i TAYLOR. JAMES GEDDES, Superintendent Louisville 5 m PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. U. S. CUSTOM HOUSE. PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. H. J. CHENEY, Postmaster. Nashville. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS. & TAYLOR. THOMAS 1_. MADDIN. M. D. 1 PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. S. F. WILSON, Judge Court of Chancery Appeals. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. W. B. WALTON, JR. NASHVILLE'S Hatter. Sole Agent Dunlap-s Hats AND MILLER'S HaTS. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. BEN LINDAUER, OF Herman Bros.. Lindauer i Co.. Wholesale Dry Goods and Boots and Shoes. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. REV. GEO. A. LOFTON, Pastor Central Baptist Church. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. JUDGE JOHN WOODARD. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. A. J. HARRIS. Circuit Court Clerk Davidson County. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. JOHN H. WOODARD, M. D. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS. & TAYLOR. R. L-. WEAKLEY. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. HENRY J. DUDLEY. Architect Jackson Building. 1 ^1 ^ K W. 1_. NICHOL, M. D. I PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. JAMES A. YOWEI_l_, General. Agent Union Central. Life Insurance Company. I « PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. JAMES TAYLOR, General Insurance Agent. DR. WM. WHITE. OF White. Dudley & Co., Bankers. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS, i TAYLOR. FRANK B. FOGG, General Manager Duck River Phosphate Company. PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. C. A. LITTERER, OF Firm of C. A. Litterer i. Co., Dealers in Farm Implements. PHOTO BY OTTO CIERS. P. A. SHELTON, County Court Clerk Davidson County. PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS J. B. ARMSTRONG, Register Davidson County. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS. A TAYLOR. W. A. ATCHISON, M. D. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS. 4. TAYLOR. D. C. KELLEY, Rev. and D. D., nee^ Col. Cavalry, C. S. A. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS. i. TAYLOR. JNO. W. MORTON, ASSISTANT Commissioner of Agriculture. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. W. D. COVINGTON, Attorney for Davidson County. PHOTO BY OTTO CIERS. J. L. ATKINS, The Pioneer Horse Shoer. PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. REV. JAMES R. WINCHESTER. D. D. Rector of Christ Church. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. W. T. L-INCK. Proprietor Linck-s Hotel. PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. C. H. SANDERS, Generau Agent Louisville & Nashville R. R. PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. ALEXANDER FALL. President Nashviule Shorthand Institute. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. S. G. GILBREATH, State Superintendent Public Instruction. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. DAVID LIPSCOIVIB, JR. Superintendent Tennessee School for the Blind. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. CHAS. S. MARTIN, OF Spurlock-Neal Company. Wholesale Drugs. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS. &. TAYLOR. JAMES B. STEPHENS, M. D. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. JA3. H. JAMISON, Gen'l State Agent of the Michigan Mutual Life Ins. Co. Detroit, Michigan. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. M. M. KLINE, OF Kline &. Cruzen Real Estate Co. AND President Grandview Land Co. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. DEPARTMENT OF DENTISTRY, Vanderbilt University. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS, i TAYLOR. W. H. MORGAN, M. D., D. D. S. Dean of the Department of Dentistry, Vanderbilt University. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. FRANK W. GREEN, Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. ( ■iHBf' w* PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS. &. TAYLOR. DR. HENRY W. MORGAN. i HORACE H. LURTON, Judge United States Court of Appeals. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. WEST END CHURCH. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. REV. J. B. ERWIN, Pastor West End M. E. Church South, 1895. PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. W. H. PAYNE, LL. D. Chanceluor and President University of Nashville AND Peabody Normal College. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. CASTLE HALL. OF JOEL A. BATTLE LODGE. NO. 84. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. W. R. PAYNE, Secretary and Treasurer University of Nashville AND Peabody Normal College. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS. & TAYLOR. DAVID M. SMITH, Manager Publishing House of the M. E. Church South. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS. 4 TAYLOR. DR. J. D. BARBEE, Agent Publishing House of the M. E. Church South. PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. C. S. LILLIE, Contractor and Builder. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. J. CRUM EPLER, M. D. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. RESIDENCE OF F. M. HAMILTON, President Indiana Lumber Co. PHOTO By OTTO GIERS. CHAS. FRANKLAND, Wholesale Notions, White Goods, and Gents- Furnishings. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. CHURCH A. ALLEN. Manager Reinecke Coal Company. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. 1_. R. FREEMAN. The Wall Paper Pioneer. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. B. J. McCarthy. Superintendent Phillips & Buttorff Manufacturing Company. 4 PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. JOHN M. PICTON. Fire and Life UNDERWRiTEf 1 PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. GUS DEMERICH. Plumbing. Gas and Steam Fitting Contractor. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. JOHN D. BRIEN. Attorney at Law. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. CHARLES BREYER. Pioneer in the Russian and Turkish Bath Business. I PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE. PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. JOHN M. GAUT. Attorney for American National Bank. AND General Manager of Publishing Work of Cumberland Presbyterian Church. PHOTO BY BRANDON PRINTING COMPANY. ELM STREET M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. REV. W. T. HAGGARD, Pastor Elm Street M. E. Church. South. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. THOS. CALLENDER, Southern Agent Lafuin & Rand Powder Company. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. F. S. KINNAIRD, Manager Postal Telegraph Company. PHOTO BY BRANDON PRINTING COMPANY THE BANNER BUIL-DING. PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. EDGAR M. FOSTER. Business Manager of the Nashville Banner. GIDEON H. BASKETTE, Editor-in-Chief of the Nashville Banner. MR. E. B. STAHLMAN. PHOTO BY BRANDON PRINTING COMPANY. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL. BANK BUILDING. PHOTO BY BRANDON PRINTING COMPANY. THE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. EDWARD LAURENT, Contractor and Builder. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. C. LARSEN, Manufacturer of Picture Frames. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. CHAS. THURMAN, The Clothier. PHOTO BY BRANDON PRINTING COMPANY. NASHVILLE COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES. REV. GEO. W. F. PRICE, D. D. President Nashville College for Young Ladies. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. THOMAS H. WEBB. OF Dubois &. Webb. Agents for the Electropoise. JOHN E. DUBOIS. OF Dubois & Webb, Agents for the Electropoise. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. J. BRADEN, D. D. President Central Tennessee College. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. HENRY KL.EIN. Building Inspector, City of Nashville. PHOTO EY CALVERT BROS. &, TAYLOR. LOUIS G. PALABOT, Principal Nashville School of Languages. m ■ a V IF •' ' ^ PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. WILLCOX BUILDING. 1894. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS. & TAYLOR. REV. E. M. CRAVATH. D. D. President Fisk University. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. JERE BAXTER. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. W. V. DAVIDSON, General Manager The W. V. Davidson Lumber Company. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. LEWIS F. BUTLER, General Agent Massachusetts Benefit Life Association. Boston. Mass. PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. GRACE CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. REV. W. T. RODGERS. Pastor Grace Cumberland Presbyterian Church. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. RESIDENCE OF CHAS. H. SWEENEY. PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS. H. A. HUNTINGTON. PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS PROPERTY OF M. H. CARTWRIGHT. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. M. H. CARTWRIGHT, Dealer in Real Estate. LEO D. WEGE, Proprietor Nashville Laundry Company. FREDERIC EMERSON FARRAR. Vocal Teacher and Composer. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. J. H. CURREY, M. D. ASSISTANT Postmaster, Nashville, Tenn. SALESROOIVl OF SPURLOCK-NE A 1_ COMPANY, Wholesale Druggists. w THE AMERICAN. PHOTO BY OTTO OIERS. JONAS TAYLOR, The Horseshoer. W. G. SADLER. General Manager National Fertilizer Company. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS. &. TAYLOR. WHARTON J. A1_I_EN. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS, i TAYLOR CHAS. P. ELLIS, OF Firm of J. Ellis. Clothier and Hatter. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. C. S. BRIGGS. M. D. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS. 4. TAYLOR. MAJ. A. L. LANDIS, President Landis Investment Banking Company. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. J. H. SMITH. Manager Massachusetts Life Insurance Company. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. HA[VIII_TON PARKS, Attorney at Law. THOS. MENEES, M. D. Professor Obstetrical Department, Vanderbi lt University. p. M. ESTES. Attorney at Law. JO. L.INDAUER, OF Herman Bros.. Lindauer &. Co.. Wholesale Dry Goods and Boots and Shoes. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS. * TAYLOR. ALBERT S. WILL-IAMS, President City Council and Cashier City Savings Bank. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS. Sl TAYUOR. WALTER M. DAKE. M. D. PHOTO BY CALVERT BROS. &, TAYLOR. WM. C. DAKE, M. D. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. G. N. TILLMAN, Attorney at Law. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. EDWARD H. EAST, Attorney at Law. PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS JOHN A. PITTS, Attorney at Law. PHOTO BY OTTO GIERS. NAT. BAXTER, JR. President Tennessee Coal. Iron ■ u J J < a h < If) cc PHOTO BY OTTO GlERS HENRY GIBEL, Architect Machinery Building. '7 i^C/'/'/ ■?'_ PHOTO BY BRANDON PR[NTING COMPANY. BRANDON PRINTING COMPANY, Engravers, Printers and Stationers. -J:^