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Tlie copyright laws ■w-ill be rigidly enforced against any person making or disposing of copies of this picture. -^;§js«^ CONTENTS. CHAPTER I.— The James Family. —The Rev. Robert Tames — His marriage — Removal to Missouri — His death in California, ----- ii-?6 CHAPTER H.— Frank and Jesse.— Their childhood and youth — They desire firearms — Youthful Nimrods — Pistol practice, ------ I7~24 CHAPTER HI.— In the Guerrilla Camp.— Frank joins Quantrell — Outrage on Dr. Samuels and Jesse — Mrs. Samuels and daughter, Susie James, arrested — ^Jesse as a courier for the Guerrillas, . - - 25-28 CHAPTER IV.— Bloody War.— The hatreds of the border people — The partisan rangers — Frank James as a scout — Fight at Plattsburg, . . - ^ 29-34 CHAPTER v.— At THE Sack of Lawrence, Kansas.— The black flag unfurled— The Guerrillas mass their forces — The march to Lawrence — Capture of the town — Frank and Jesse participate, - - - 35~39 CHAPTER VI.— A Gory Record.— The cruel strife of the border — Death In the thickets — Quantrell and his follow- ers, ------ 40-56 CHAPTER VII.— Adventures in Separate Fields.— Frank James follows Quantrell into Kentucky— Fierce partisan contests — Death of Quantrell — Jesse follows George Shepherd to Texas— The last fight of the war- Jesse wounded, ----- S7~^S CHAPTER VIIL— The Brandenburg Tragedy.— Frank James followed by four men — They attempt to arrest him — Terrible fight — Frank wounded in the left hip — Con- cealed by friends, - - - - 66-70 CHAPTER IX.— The Liberty Bank Affair.— A great robbery — St. Valentine's day, and the prize drawn by bold marauders— The James Boys accused of the crime, 71-73 CHAPTER X.— Jesse's Sortie against the Militiamen. — Attacked at night— I'he family council of war — Jesse desires to look out on the cold moonlight scene — Throws tlie door open and fires upon the mihtiamen — Three corpses on the crisp snow, - _ - 74~77 CHAPTER XL— In the Hands of Friends.— Jesse goes to Kentucky — Among his relatives and friends — Placed under the careof Dr. Paul F. Eve — A good time, 78-81 82-90 5 CONTENtS. CHAPTER XII.— The Russellville Bank Robbery.-- A large haul— The James Boys connected with the rob- bery—They ride away on George Shepherd's hoijes— » Shepherd arrested and imprisoned— Death of OH hhep- herd— Persistent pursuit of the robbers— The Jameses escape, ---""" CHAPTER XIII.— On the Pacific Slope.— Jesse James sails for California— At Paso Robel— Frank goes \\ est— On the Laponsu ranch— Adventures in Nevada— A dark seance— The Boys return to the East, - - 9^ CHAPTER XIV.— Were They Driven to Outlawry?— The peculiar circumstances surrounding the Jameses- Social and political ostracism— The vinilance commit- tees—Not allowed to remain at peace in their own home — They go forth as enemies of society, - - i^S ^°/ CHAPTER XV.— The Gallatin Bank Tragedy.— Stran-e men in Gallatin— They call upon the cashier— Captam John W. Sheets shot by Jesse James— Pursuit of the man slayers— The escape of the robbers, - - loS III CHAPTER XVI.— Attempts to Arrest the Boys.— The people aroused— Detectives on the trail of the Boys — Their neighbors arrayed against them— Captain Thoma- son expresses himself— He is interviewed by Mrs. Sam- uels— Failure of all efforts to arrest them, - I12-115 CHAPTER XVII. — Outrage at Columbia, Kentucky. — The citizens of Adair county, Kentucky, startled— Bold daylight robbery of the bank at Columbia — Murder of the cashier, Mr. Martin— Chasing the robbers— The maraud- ers escape, _ . - - - 1 10-12 CHAPTER XVIII. ^Out of Exile. — Domestic and social relations of the Boys— Their visits to the cities— The theaters and concert stage— Life in hotels — How the Jameses play the part of gentlemen, - - 122-130 CHAPTER XIX.— The Corydon Raid.— The robbers pay a visit to Iowa — Their sudden appearance at Corydon — They secure a large sum of .money and ride away — Hot pursuit by Iowa officers- Jesse as a rustic, - 13^-^33 CHAPTER XX. — The Cash Box of the Fair. — Frank and Jesse at Kansas City— The gate money seized and car- ried away— The pool cashier interviewed by Frank, 134-13^ CHAPTER XXI. — Ste. Genevieve. — The cashier of the bank at Ste. Genevieve surprised — Narrow escape of young Rozier-^The bank plundered by the raiders — Escag^eofthe robbers, - - - - 139-145 CONTENTS. 7 CHAPTER XXII.— A Railway Train Robbed in Iowa. — A night vigil — On the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railway line — A locomotive ditched and a fireman killed — A successful raid, . - - - 146-150 CHAPTER XXIIL— The Gaines' Place Stage Robbery.— How the invalids en route to Hot Springs were plundered on the Malvern road — Scenes and incidents of the robbery — Grim jokes at the expense of the passengers, - 151-158 CHAPTER XXIV.— Gadshill.— A starthng sensation— The robbers at the lonely wayside station — The passengers made prisoners and robbed, . . _ I59~^^5 CHAPTER XXV.— After Gadshill.— Pursuit of the rob- bers — Trailed through southern Missouri to St. Clair county — Diversions in Bentonville, Arkansas — The cam- paign leads to a tragedy, - - _ - 166-172 CHAPTER XXVI.— Which er's Ride to Death.— The brave detective caught in a trap — Jim Latche's observa- tions in Liberty — The use he made of his knowledge — The last night ride— Whicher shot, - - 173-181 CHAPTER XXVII.— A Night Raid of Detectives.— At- tempt to avenge Whicher's death — Preparing a trap to catch Frank and Jesse at the Samuels place — Fire balls and bomb shells — A terrible scene — Death of a boy and wounding of Mrs. Samuels, ... 182-190 CHAPTER XXVIIL— Proposed Amnesty.— Movement in the Legislature — Gen. Jones' amnesty bill — Jesse quietly awaits the turn of events — Failure of the bill to pass in the Legislature — Taking vengeance, - - 191-195 CHAPTER XXIX.— San Antonio-Austin Stage Plun- dered. — Bandits on the prairies — Strange horsemen at eventide — The siage halted — The passengers plundered, 196-201 CHAPTER XXX.— Farmer Askew's Fate.— The house of Askew — The farmer incurs the hatred of the James Boys — Vengeance threatened — Assassinated while stand- ing on his porch — Jesse and Frank believed to be the guilty parties, . - - - . 202-207 CHAPTER XXXI.— Gold Dust— The Muncie Busi- ness. — Lying in wait — The evening train bound from the mining regions — Golden galore — The train stopped by masked men and the express car plundered, - 208-210 CHAPTER XXXIL— Huntington, West Virginia, Bank RoBBFriY. — A band of robbers in the streets — The people alarmed — Demand upon Mr. Oney — The robbers make off with the bank's funds— Capture of Jack Kean, and S CONTENTS. death of McDaniels — The handiwork of the Jameses shown, ------ 112-2I4 CHAPTER XXXIII.— Jesse's Wooing and Wedding.— Courting under difficulties — A fair cousin — She admires the outlaw — The courtship continues, and Jesse takes his cousin as his bride, - . - - 216-222 CHAPTER XXXIV.— A Dream of Love.— Frank James cherishes tender sentiments and goes a-wooing — A fair girl, beautiful and accompUshed — Frank's suit encour- aged, .... - . 223-227 CHAPTER XXXV.— Fair Annie Ralston, the Out- law's Bride. — How Annie Ralston carried off the hon- ors of her class at college — A belle in society — Her ad- miration for Frank James — She quietly collects her ef- fects, and leaves her home to share his fate with Fi-ank, 228-233 CHAPTER XXXVL— A Seventeen Thousand Dollar Haul. — The train robbery at Otterville — The Youngers and the Jameses — Frank James the planner — How the train was halted — Capture of Hobbs Kerry — He gives away the gang — The escape, - - - 234-245 CHAPTER XXXVIL— In Minnesota.— The bandits seek a new field — Frank James and the Younger Brothers — Bill Chadwell, Miller and Pitts — The long ride, - 246-254 CHAPTER XXXVIII.— The Attack at Northfield— Haywood's Death — The raid on the bank — The cashier shot — Bill Chadwell killed in the street — The citizens come to the rescue — Fusilades in the town — The bandits forced to go out in quick time — A hot pursuit — Capture of the Youngers, - - - - _ 255-266 CHAPTER XXXIX. —Escape of Frank and Jesse James. The terrible retreat — Worn out, and yet no chance for rest — A remarkable escape — They disappear from the very midst of those who were hunting them — How they went away, ----._ 267-273 CHAPTER XL.— A Visit to Carmen.— Frank and Jesse go into Mexico — They rest at Carmen, in Chihuahua — The silver conducla — They join the Mexican party — Capture of the treasure bags of the Mexicans, - - 274-282 CHAPFERXLI.— The Robbers and their Friends.— The various classes of people who exhibit friendship for the Jameses — Some are bad men, who ijather about them be- cause they are brave — Social peculiarities, - - 283-290 CHAPTER XLIL— Excursions into Mexico.— Wild ad- ventures beyond the border — Chasing Mexican cattle- CONTENTS. 9 thieves — A serious time at Monclova — Frank and Jesse escape, .-..-_ 291-299 CHAPTER XLIIL— Death to Border Brigands.— Frank and Jesse pay their respects to Palacios' band — The raid ers of the border punished by the American outlaws — A pleasant meeting with troops, - - - 300-313 CHAPTER XLIV.— The Union Pacific Express Rob- bery. — The Big Springs ventures — Tiie persons who en- gaged in it — Large amount of gold coin taken — Pursuit of tlie robbers — Death of Collins at Buffalo, Kansas — Jim Berry trailed to Missouri — Shot by the sheriff of Audrain county, - - - - _ 314-325 CHAPTER XLV.— A Visit to the Home of Frank James — A Georgian's experience with the great outlaws — The home life of Frank, - - - _ 326-336 CHAPTER XLVL— Epistles of Jesse James.— How Jesse takes liis own part with a pen — Some terse specimens of Jesse's style, 337-344 CHAPTER XLVH.- Glendale.— The last great train rob- bery — A night ride to a lonely wayside station — How the robbery was eiTected, - - . _ 345-353 CHAPTER XLVHI.- Hunting Clues.— Marshal Liggett— His efforts to hunt down the robbers — Jesse James once more to the front, - - - _ _ 354-356 CHAPTER XLIX— George W. Shepherd.— The child- hood and youth of Shepherd — His adventures in Utah — Enters the Confederate service — Joins Quantrell's band — Gets into trouble with the gang at the time of Russell- ville — Becomes inimical to the Jameses — Engages with Marshal Liggett — Joins the band — The Short Creek fight, 357-367 CHAPTER L. — Pursuit of the Glendale Robbers. — Shepherd goes south with the gang — He plans an am- buscade — Failure of his plan — The robbers suspicious of Shepherd — The fight in the forest, - - 368-374 CHAPTER LL — Allen Parmer.— Becomes a member of Quantrell's band — Takes part in the sack of l^awrence — With Quantrell in Kentucky — Marries Jesse James' sis- ter — Accused of complicity with the Glendale robbers, - 375-379 CHAP I F.R LH.— Jesse James still a Free Rov: r.— The sequel to the fight with Shepherd— Jesse and his wife visit relatives and friends in Kentucky — An unsuccess- lul attempt to capture the outlaw, - - . - 380-384 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF FRANK AND JESSE JAMES. CHAPTER I. THE JAMES FAMILY. " He was a godly man, Gentle and loving. He sought to save From mortal shame and eternal death, Forms laid in the silence of the grave." The Rev. Robert James, the father of Frank and Jesse, was a native of Kentucky. His parents were quiet, respectable people, belonging to the middle class of society. Their desire was to raise up their children ** in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." Being themselves persons of intelligence and culture, far above the averas^e of their neip:hbors in those days, the parents of Rev. Robert James re- solved to give him as good an education as the facil- ities accessible to them would permit. Accordingly, Robert was early placed in a neighboring school, and made such progress as to gladden the hearts of his parents, and call forth auguries of future distinc- tion from the friends and neighbors. of the family. 12 LIFE AND ADVENTURES 6P Robert James was a moral, studious youth, m.uch given to reflection on subjects of a reli$:^ious charac- ter. Before he liad attained his eighteenth year, he had made an open profession of faith in the Chris- tian rehgion, and united himself with a Baptist church, of which his parents were members. After passing through the various grades of an academic course, young James entered as a student of George- town College, Kentucky. Resolving to follow the profession of a minister, he commenced the study of Theology, was licensed to preach, and began his ministry in his twentieth year. Even then he was regarded as a youth of decided culture and more than ordinary ability. While yet a young man, Rev. Mr. James decided to remove to the then new State of Missouri. He settled on a farm in Clay county, and commenced in earnest the onerous duties of a pioneer preacher. His labors were not unrewarded. He soon had the satisfaction of garnering the harvest of his sowing. A congregation was gathered and a church organ- ized in Clay county, called New Hope, which is still in existence. For some years the Rev. Mr. James ministered to the people who had been gathered by his exertions, with great acceptance. Nor were his labors confined to the spiritual welfare of the people of New Hope. He visited many distant churches, and preached with great acceptance in many places. Old citizens of Clay county still entertain pleasant recollections of the earnest. God-fearing pastor, who FRANK AND JESSE JAMES. 1 3 went about only to do good, by cheering the des- pondent, consoling the sorrowful, assisting the needy, upholding the weak, confirming the hesitating, and p> tinting tlie way of salvation to the penitent. Everywhere, in that region of country, he was held in the very highest esteem. So the years of his early manhood passed away while he was engaged in the commendable effort to better the condition, by purifying the moral nature of his friends and neigh- bors. In 1850, following in the footsteps of hundreds of others, Rev. Robert James bade adieu to his family, friends and neighbors, and set out for ''the golden land" of California, on a prospecting tour. We do not know what motives actuated him in making this move, nor is it pertinent to this relation. He went away, and was destined to return no more. Not long after his arrival in California, whither he had been preceded by a brother, Rev. Mr. James was stricken by a mortal disease which terminated his life in a short time. Far avv^ay from home, where the tall sequoias rear their lofty branches above the plain, on a gentle slope which catches the last beams of the setting sun, they laid the minister to rest, in a soil unhallowed by the dust of kinsmen, in a grave unbedewed by the tears of loved ones left behind. When yet a young man. Rev. Mr. James was uni- ted in marriage to Miss Zerelda Cole, a native of Scott county, Kentucky. Mrs. James is a lady of great detcrmi nation of raind, and a masculine for^^^ 14 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF of character. Those who knew the couple in the old days seem to think that the minister and his wife were an ill-assorted pair. He was gentle and amia- ble, while, on the contrary, his wife was strong in passion, and of a very bitter, unrelenting temper — traits of character prominently developed in her sons, Frank and Jesse. It is said that the home-life of the minister was not as smooth as it might have been, had he been united with a companion of a less passionate and exacting temper. With his domestic life, however, we have nothing to do, except in so far as the home influences thrown around his children gave direction to their character, and tinged their mental disposition. Whatever home-cares he might have had, the public has little cause to inquire now. He went down to death with a stainless name long years before his sons entered upon a career of crime, and made their names a terror to those who care to obey the dictates of justice, love and mercy. Mrs. Zerelda James was left a widow, having the responsible charge of a family of four small children. She was not left unprovided for, as Mr. James was a prudent, careful man of business, and had already established a comfortable home. With that courage and determination which is so prominently manifest- ed in her character, Mrs. James commenced the bat- tle of life as the head of the family. With all the favoring circumstances, the task assumed by her was not a light one. But she was equal to the perform- ance of any required service. FRANK AND JESSE JAMES. 1$ The years went by, and Frank and Jesse and their sisters were advancing' toward manhood and woman- hood. The mother was not neglectful of their men- tal training, and the children were very regular in their attendance at a neighboring district school. So passed away six years of Mrs. Zerelda James' widowhood, and life became lonely ; the children were growing up, and her cares and responsibilities seemed to increase as they advanced in age and stature. Though not of a romantic disposition, the widow James was yet young enough in years and comely enough in person to attract to her side more than one substantial citizen on matrimony intent. Among the number of those who sought to pro- duce a favorable impression on the widow's suscept- ible heart, was Dr. Reuben Samuels, who, like her- self, was a native of Kentucky. To him she was not indifferent. She listened to his plea, and in 1857 they were united in marriage, near Kearney, Clay county, Missouri. Dr. Samuels at once undertook to perform the duty of a parent toward her children. Thus the career of the noted outlaws, the James Boys, was commenced, under auspices fully as favor- able as fell to the fortune of any of the boys of their own age, in their country home. And so the years rolled on, and the boys were approaching the estate of manhood ; while fate was shaping them to perform a part in those troublous times, of which they dreamed not in the days of bo}d"iood. One of the sisters of Frank and Jesse died just as 1 6 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF she was approaching the estate of womanhood. She is represented as having been a beautiful and amia- ble child, who was called away from the world while life was still beautiful and all the promises of the future bright. Miss Susan James was arrested with her mother in the early part of the war and confined in the jail at St. Joseph for several months. Afterward she went to Nebraska and remained there for more than a year. She married a gentleman named Parmer, several years ago, and with her husband, resided for a time in Sherman, Texas. l''rom that place she removed to Hairiette, and was living there in 1 879. Mrs. Samuels had an eight year old son killed in January, 1875, when the detectives attacked the Samuels' house. A daughter, a half sister of Frank and Jesse, remains unmarried, and resides with Dr. and Mrs. Samuels, CHAPTER II. FRANK AND JESSE, ** There will be storms In causeless, strange abuse, and the strong breath Of busy mouths will blow upon our course." Of prophecy, many have a doubt. And yet there are prophecies from simple lips, and warnings from babes and sucklings, which if we could but inter- pret aright, might assist us to change the whole cur- rents of life in a fellow being. Deeper than fear or doubting men are thrown into the great vortex of the world's thought and actions. What fortune or fate shall come to them, no one can tell. Every billow in that maelstrom seeks its own wild independence ; and the shores of that tumul- tuous deep — which we call human society — are strewn along with the dull wrecks of what were once glorious schemes — the bright day dreams — once borne buoyantly upon the topmost waves. These, and myriads of other schemes and hopes, are at last remanded to lie under the dark waters of the Sea of Fate, hidden so completely that no thought of man shall ever again recall them to memory. It is perhaps best so. It would be equivalent to the expulsion of all the joys of life to have opened before us the book of the future, wherein is recorded I 1 8 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF the deeds which must be performed, and the sorrows which shall fall, dark and impenetrable — extinguish- ing every scintillation of joyous hope. It was best for Robert James, the minister, that he was called home before the shadows fell, before the prophet's voice gave warning of the things which should come to pass. It was well he was spared the revelation, so that when the summons came, in peace he drew around him the drapery of his couch, and while the brilliant sun of an undimmed faith shone full upon him, he laid aside the load of life, and went into the presence of the Deity, satisfied with a career which had more of love toward man- kind than displeasure at the conduct of the world. When their father was laid away in a far-off grave, Frank was but a *' wee boy," and Jesse stiU an infant. From him they had received few lessons' to guide them through the thorny ways of life. Their widowed mother became their counsellor and teacher. From her they had inherited their most pronounced traits of character — strong-willed, cour- ageous, self-assertive, and unrelenting toward those who had given cause of offense. Those who knew them during the days of their childhood and youth, differ widely in opinion con- cerning the character of the promise they gave of their future course in life. Some say they were " nice, well behaved boys," others that " they were about like other boys," and yet another class say that they were " bad boys, very bad boys from the FRANK AND JESSE JAMES. IQ beginning." There is no doubt that they were some- times "a Httle wild," as their best friends admit. We have accounts of some of their childish actions which indicate that even in early life they manifested a decided inclination to be malicious, not to say heartless and cruel. The step-father of the boys seems to be a man of amiable disposition, and his government over the children was far from being after the order of the traditional step-father. The consequence was Frank and Jesse advanced to the years of maturity with- out any of those healthful, restraining influences which moralists assure us are essential to the proper development of the higher qualities of manhood. Be that as it may, we have been assured by persons of the highest respectability, who were acquainted with them long before the commencement of the war between the States, that " they were their own masters " at a very early age, save only when their strong-willed mother asserted her prerogative to dominate over them, which, by the way, she seldom did. Among the boys of the neighborhood they were not without friends. But among them, they were leaders. Aside from a willingness on the. part of other boys to accept such leadership, the Jameses were exceedingly disagreeable, and generally at- tempted to enforce a due recognition of their superiority. Such were the great outlaws as boys. It is related of them, that when Frank was thir- teen, and Jesse eleven years of age respectively, 20 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF they met a boy with whom at some previous time they had engaged in a childish wrangle. The lad who had incurred their ill-will was thirteen years old, well developed, and possessed of courage and deter- mination. Bat he was not able to engage success- fully in a contest with the brothers. It was in the spring time. The streams were full and deep. The boys met in a large forest. The Jameses attacked their neighbor, and succeeded in administering to him a severe beating. Not content with this, they procured thongs of tough bark, bound their victim securely and threw him into a deep pool in a neigh- boring stream. Several times was this ducking pro- cess repeated, to the great terror of the boy, and the infinite satisfaction of his tormentors. After satia- ting their vengeance in this way, until thoroughly wearied, the young tyrants drew him out and tied him securely to a tree in the midst of the gloomy forest. It w^as in the morning when they left him there, and he was not released until nearly dusk, when a neighbor, who was out in pursuit of squirrels, heard his cries and went to his assistance. The boy had suffered so much, that he was thrown into a fever, from which he did not recover in many weeks. These tyrant boys were the predecessors of the guerrillas and the outlaws. It was an early ambition of Frank* and Jesse to have and use fire-arms. Dr. Samuels presented each of them with a small double-barrel shot-gun, and the accompanying accoutrements of the sportsman. The In the Woods with their new Shot-Cuns. ^2 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF day the gift was received was a proud and happy one to the boys. They soon learned to use them, and in a brief time they were expert shots, and many feathered songsters ceased to sing forever before their unerring aim. Rabbits, squirrels and other small game were their prey. But shot-guns lost their novelty after awhile, and they yearned for pistols. They had read or heard of the skill of the adventurers away out on the borders, and they dreamed of rivaling them some day. At last by dint of self-denial and persistent saving, Frank and Jesse were made glad by an opportunity which was offered to procure pistols, on the occasion of a visit to St. Joseph, which they were permitted to make in company with Dr. and Mrs. Samuels. We may safely conclude that the pistols were not of the pattern which the outlaws of the present day most esteem. But they had pistols, and the neigh- bors in the vicinity of the Samuels* residence very speedily became painfully aware of the fact, by the perpetual reports of their weapons while they were out " at practice," which was nearly every hour oi daylight. This constant practice gave them profi- ciency in the use of such weapons, and long before they had arrived at manhood's estate they were mas- ters of the art of pistol shooting. They became noted throughout the neighborhooa for their skill. So accurate had become their aim that they would measure a distance of fifteen paces from a tree standing in an open space, and commence 24 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF walking around it, firing glancing shots as they walked, and so continuing until they had completely girdled the tree. Later in life they acquired such skill that they would ride at a full gallop around a circle, with a tree in its center, at a distance of sev- enty-five paces, firing as they rode, and entirely gir- dle the tree with revolver bullets, never losing a sin- gle shot. Thus Frank and Jesse had become mas- ters of an art which rendered them dangerous foes when the days of turmoil came. So the years passed away, and the lads had al- read)'- grown to be tall and shapely, when the tocsin of civil war rang throughout the land. They were not then old enough to enter at once upon the du- ties incumbent upon soldiers. But they were grow- ing apace, and the days of strife and bloodshed were not destined to pass away ere they grew strong enough to ride with the strongest, and bold enough to face danger with the most daring. We may well suppose that all their dreams at that momentous period were of war, bloodshed, and all the concomitant horrors of warfare. The shadow of Destiny had fallen athwart their pathway when the first gun was fired — the pandemonium of passion, still dormant in their breasts, was ready to be kin- dled in all its baleful fury. CHAPTER III. 7N THE GUERRILLA CAMP. " Woe, ah, bitter woe ! The suffering mother and the moaning babe. The aged feeling in their veins the blood Chilling forever." At last the war-cloud, which had been hovering for months over our fair land, burst with a fury that was appalling. Cheeks were blanched and hearts were made tremulous in agony. Missouri was des- tined to realize a season of despair, such as has fallen upon few people in modern times. It was neighbor against neighbor, kinsman against kinsman, brother against brother, and vengeful hate burning up all that was merciful and good in human nature. The night of woe had descended. The appearance of the renowned Guerrilla chief- tain, Quantrell, on the border ; the stories which were circulated concerning his achievements ; the feverish state of the public mind, and the circum- stances in which the people of this State were in- volved, all contributed to exert a large influence over the minds of the youths and young men just coming upon the stage of life in the Western coun- ties. Cole Younger, who had not then been re- garded as " a wild lad," equally with Frank James, who had been so regarded, was attracted to the 26 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF standard of the daring Guerrilla. In the vortex of passion which whirled through the land, all principles, love, justice, mercy and hope were swallowed up. Men were transformed by the baleful influence. Previous to the departure of Frank James for Quantrell's camp, there is no evidence that Dr. or Mrs. Samuels had been mistreated or in any way in- sulted by the Federal militia. The Samuels family were intensely attached to the Southern cause, and the very appearance of soldiers in the blue uniform of the United States was not a littfe galling to the sectional pride and native passion of Mrs. Samuels, who did not hesitate at any time to abuse the cause which they represented. In this pleasant pastime she was always emphatic and unamiable in expres- sion. It was early in 1862 that Frank James bid adieu to all peaceful pursuits, and rode away in the dim twilight hour to seek the camp of the Guerrilla Chief- tain. He had made a start toward becoming an outlaw. It was in the spring-time. Frank was away with Quantrell's reckless band, and Jesse, who had attained the age of sixteen years, was ploughing in a field on the Samuels estate, near Kearney, when on a bright day a band of Federal militia approached the homestead. They first encountered Dr. Sam- uels, and him they laid violent hands upon, bore him away to a convenient tree, adjusted a rope about his neck and hanged him to a projecting branch until life was almost extinct, and so they left him for oth- FRANK AND JESSE JAMES. 1'J ers to relieve. Not content with this exhibition of prowess, the vahant warriors proceeded to the field where Jesse followed his plough, and laid hold upon him, and placed a rope around his neck and told him his hour had come, and while they tormented him in this manner, some of them pricked his body with their bayonet-points or their sabres. The reason as- signed by the militiamen for this exhibition of vio- lence, was that Jesse James was accustomed to ride fast and far when the shades of night fell upon the earth, to convey intelligence to the Guerrilla Chief- tain of the movements of the militia. When they had chastised him, and warned him that if he rode any more to carry the news they would kill him, they let him go his way. But Jesse James was not to be intimidated. He rode again and again to the hidden camp. His bad passions were aroused. The boy had become a sav- age. That same week the militia made a descent upon the farm-house of Dr. Samuels, and finding Mrs. Sam- uels and her daughter, Miss Susie James, at home, they were placed under arrest and conveyed to the jail at St. Joseph, at that time a place reeking in filth, where they were detained for a number of weeks, all the while subjected to the coarse j'ests and cruel jeers of the unfeeling guards. This last act on the part of the Federal militia determined the fu- ture course of Jesse James. While his mother and sister languished in jail, Jesse mounted a horse, fleet of foot, and rode away, nor did he stop until he 28 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF drew rein in Quantrell's camp. At this time he was described as not yet sixteen years of age, with a smooth, handsome face, with deep blue eyes, and a complexion as soft, as delicate and fair as a school girl's. But even then the bright blue eyes were never at rest, ancl about the mouth were the lines of strong determination, and a certain expression of counte- nance that indicated cool courage. He, perhaps, had the susceptibility of being merciful, but /lis mercy was a mere whim — a passing fancy and not a quality. Frank and Jesse had both entered upon their ca- reer — a course in life destined to blight all that was noble, or susceptible of becoming noble and grand in character. The old life, with all its promise, and all its dreams and hopes, was past. Henceforth a new life, fraught with danger and sufferings, and crimes which should make their very names a terror, was to animate them. The hard lines were drawn, and the men who might have served well the inter- ests of a peaceful society, had more favorable cir- cumstances surrounded them, cast loose all the re- straints of civilized life, and in a day, as it were, re- turned to that condition of savage existence from which the race had been raised by ages of struggle. They were not long in proving to their comrades that they were worthy to be numbered among their desperate ranks. Their efficiency as daring and dangerous partisans was soon made manifest. CHAPTER IV. BLOODY WAR. " The presence of soldiers is a wicked thing, Bounded in time and circumscribed in space." The presence of armed men wearing the blue uni- form of the Federal army in the counties of Platte, Clinton and Clay, Missouri, was commingled gall and worm-wood to the souls of that portion of the population which was devoted to the Southern cause. These constituted probably more than two- thirds of the inhabitants. The passions of the peo- ple on both sides were at a white heat. Neighbor was contending with neighbor, and friends were ready to strike down the friends who opposed, and old asso- ciates divided by politics, had become the bitterest of foes. Anarchy prevailed. Society was rent into fragments and the law of hate was triumphant. Frank and Jesse James were with Quantrell's band, and were selected to go on an expedition with a scout under Captain Scott, to the north side of the Missouri river. The town of Richfield was garrisoned by a company of some thirty men under command of a Captain Sessions, of the Federal State militia. Scott's command consisted of only twelve. Yet with this feeble force he determined to attack Richfield. Frank James was one of the men 29 30 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF appointed to lead the attacking party. A desperate fight ensued. Captain Sessions and Lieut. Graffen- stien, of the Federal garrison, were killed at the first fire. The Guerrillas gained a complete triumph. Ten of the militiamen were killed, while Scott did not lose a man. The survivors of the fray surren- dered to the partisan, Captain Scott, and he paroled them. After the morning fight, Scott moved about twenty miles that day to the house of one Pat McGinnis, in Clay county. It was made the duty of Frank James to scout through the country that night, and he rode away from the camp of the partisan in the black night — rode straightway to the home of his mother. That lady was at home. She had been collecting informa- tion for the use of the Guerrillas, and was pleased to see her son. To him she opened her budget of in- telligence. The movement of Scott on Richfield had startled the Federal militia. The small bands were rapidly concentrating, and were strengthening their position every day. Plattsburg, the county seat of Clinton, had been stripped of its garrison, which had been sent out to hunt for the bold raiders, and was at that very time defenseless. Such was the character of the information gathered by Mrs. Samuels, and im- parted to her son, who, in company with a comrade, Mr. Fletcher Taylor, rode hastily back to Scott's camp to report the character of the information which he had gained. On receiving the information, Scott resolved to FRANK AND JESSE JAMES. 3 1 make an attempt upon Plattsburg. During the suc- ceeding day it was ascertained that Captain Rodgers had left Plattsburg to make an effort to discover and A Moonlight Conference. capture Scott, taking with him most of the garrison. In the first watch of the second night after the affair at Richfield, Scott's little band silently deserted 32 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF their camp and rode rapidly toward Plattsburg. Two o'clock in the morning found them within four miles of that place, on Smith's fork of Grand river. Here they halted and slept until daylight. They were in a deep forest, and quite secure from observa- tion. Until three o'clock in the evening they re- mained quiet, feeding their horses and resting. Then the scouts brought intelligence concerning the situa- tion at the town, and the Guerrillas, mounting, set out to capture it. There were a few men left as a guard at the Court-house, under the command of a Lieu- tenant. The officer had been out in town when the Guerrillas charged into the public square. Before he could rejoin his men he was cut off by Frank James, to whom he was compelled to yield himself a pris- oner. James at once conducted his captive into the presence of Captain Scott. The m.ilitia in the Court-house, though taken by surprise, were not dis- posed to yield without a struggle. At the time the Lieutenant was brought before Scott, they were pouring a severe fire among the Guerrillas, and the issue was in doubt. Pointing to his prisoner, Frank said, "Captain, shoot that man, unless he delivers up the Court-house." "That I will!" responded Scott, with a terrible oath as he drew his pistol. The officer besought his men to yield, which under the circumstances they consented to do. Two hundred muskets were captured and destroy- ed, and ;^ 1 2,000 in "Union Defence Warrants," of the State of Missouri, were seized and appropriated. FRANK AND JESSE JAMES. 33 The spoils of victory were divided amon^ the band. Frank's share was ;^i,ooo. It was his first taste of gain through violent appropriation — an initiative les- son, so to speak. He has become a proficient since that time. The raiders, whose camps were usually to be found in forests, far away from the generally travel- ed highways, concluded to sup like civilized men that night, hence they ordered supper at the hotel, and had for their guest the late Federal commander of the post. Frank James is a silent man, having little to say, and that little is brought out in sharp, short sen- tences. He is not so tall as Jesse, nor so robust in form. He never laughs, and was never known to jest with his comrades. In the early days of the war he was beardless, and the outlines of his features were visible to all. His face is long, with a broad, square forehead, and a strong under jaw and heavy chin. His eyes are dark gray and are restless, and always have a wicked expression about them. In later years Frank James wears a full beard, and on that account is not so readily recognizable by those who knew him in the old days. Jesse James, as a youth, had a round jovial face, and rather a pleasant expression of countenance. He was then the reverse of taciturn ; had a merry laugh, and was "a fellow of infinite jest" among his comrades. In all his subsequent career he has been the Aaron to Frank. Jesse always does the talking yet| wh^n they have occasion tQ communicate with 34 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OP strangers. In later years Jesse, too, has become re- served, not so taciturn as his brother, but still more silent than the average of men. Neither one of the brothers is given to boisterous merriment novv-a- days, since life's shadows have fallen so darkly around them. CHAPTER V. AT THE SACK OF LAWRENCE, KANSAS. "Wherefore this tangle of perplexities, The trouble or the joys ? the weary maze Of narrow fears and hopes, that may not cease, A chill falls on us from the skiey ways, Black with the night-tide where is none to hear The ancient cry, the wherefore of our days." The years come and go, and they give birth to bright and tender dreams, as well as to passions dark as Azrael's wing, and fierce as flames of Tophet. Yes, the years give joy and peace to some, and hope buds, as in the spring days the lilacs bloom. Yet time digs deep graves in which to bury our fondest hopes, and obliterates in indistinguishable night every earthly joy. It is better so. If we could draw aside the screen which hides from our ken the things of the future, who of us would enjoy the prospect ? There was a time, perhaps, when Frank and Jesse James would shudder at the thought that they should become not only soldier-slayers of men, but robbers and murderers as well. And yet they were drifting down a rapid tide toward the great black gulf of evil. A few months calls the leaves from their buds, and dresses the forest in green — a few months more and the leaves and flowers wither before the North wind's breath and the beautiful flowers and 35 36 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF the gay leaves become loathesome in the dust of decay. And so too, we imagine, are the changes of mind and the transformation of character. The James boys were in a school where the gentle law of mercy was never imparted ; in a school where the instruc- tors were incarnations of bitterness and hate, and every pupil devoted to the lessons they gave out. So the months rolled away and it was not long be- fore they could listen unmoved to the last sigh of the dying victim, and send a foe before the aim of their unerring bullets, to challenge the sentinels on the farther shore of the river of death without a thought or tremor of remorse. They were fit now to take part in the most sanguinary warfare ever waged in this country — the Guerrilla warfare along the bor- der of Missouri. It was therefore without any twinges of conscience that they heard the proposition of the revengeful Quantrell, to capture and sack the city of Lawrence and massacre its male inhabitants. They were in the transforming stage, the full grown desperadoes were just coming along the steps of time from the closet of the future. It was a night in August — the i6th — 1863, when the commander of the fiercest band of Guerrillas that ever marauded in the State of Missouri, gave the order, " Saddle up, men ! " in his camp on the Blackwater, and unfurling that ominous black ban- ner with the single relief of the word ''Quantrell" Z1 38 Life and adventures of in white, the bush-warriors rode west toward the Kansas border, intent upon a mission which could neither succeed nor suffer repulse without bringing sorrow to many hearts. On the way three peacea- ble citizens beyond the Aubrey, were pressed into service as guides to the bloody band. They forced these to lead them until they had reached a part of the country where their knowledge extended no further, and when they came to a grove of timber on the margin of a stream, the three poor inoffensive men were remorsely shot, Frank James being one of the executioners. They had set out to kill all Kan- sas men. On the morning of the 2ist, it was as clear and bright a summer morning as ever gladdened the earth. Quantrell's band was in full view of the ill- fated city. There was a charge, women's faces blanched, and shrieks rent the air. Volley after volley broke the stillness of the morning. The people saw the sombre black flag, and knew that the Guer- rillas were upon them. On they came, a resistless tide. Men sank down without a groan. The very streets ran red in human blood. Women and chil- dren, coming before the fatal revolver bullets which streamed along the street, met their fate as they fled for the shelter of homes that were destined for the flames to feed upon. In this pandemonium of war- fiends, Frank and Jesse James were conspicuous ac- tors. Here, there, everywhere, when opportunity offered, men either armed or unarmed and defenseless FRANK AND JESSE JAMES. were made victims of their skill as pistol shooters, and they felt no more regret than if they had been act- ing the part of honorable soldiers and chevaliers. The torch was applied, and the terrors of billowy flames were added to the horrors of the scene. How many houses they burned, and how many lives they destroyed that day, they themselves do not know ; of the first there were several, of the second there were many. They returned with Quantrell to Missouri. They had learned well. The lads who are claimed by their friends to have been gentle as cooing doves in the home nest had been singularly transformed into merciless eagles, or vindictive kites, rather. They had proved that human rights and human lives had little to call for their regard, and so the first stage of a notorious career had been attained by these brothers ere yet they had reached their majority. CHAPTER VI. A GORY RECORD. "Oh, the dread of by-gone days! — A fearful tale they tell, When rung the woodland echoes round To warlike shout and yell, When fiercely met the hostile bands, And deadly grew the strife, And wildly, with the clash of arms, Went up the shriek for life." The cruel strife of the border can never be forgot- ten. Those were tragic days, the very remembrance of which comes like a dream of sorrow and desola- tion of soul. It is well that such terrible times have passed away, for to those who were exposed to the fury of that tidal-wave of passion, which swept over the fair border-land, physical existence must have been a wheel of pain. But the mighty procession of the ages, sweeping by, will soon obliterate the traces of the storm's ravages, and only the dim legends of horrible deeds will remain. In that dreadful ebullition of human hatreds, Frank and Jesse James played no laggard's part. As boys, they accepted service under Quantrell, and became renowned for caution and daring even in tlie days of their youth. Members of a partisan organ- ization, famed even in the early days of the strife 40 FRANK AND JESSE JAMES. 4t for daring deeds and extraordinary activity; a band, every man of which was a desperado of great cur ning and prowess, these two callow-youths, taken from a country farm, speedily rose to the eminence of leading spirits among the most daring of men. Both sides in the border counties of Missouri and Kansas prosecuted war with a vindictive fury unpar- alleled in modern history. The scene of the opera- tions of the Guerrillas was at first confined to the Hmits of Clay, Platte, Jackson, Bates, Henry, John- son, and Lafayette counties, in Missouri, and along the Kansas border. These men rode far and fast in the night time, and fought their foes at early dawn. Living in out-of- the-way neighborhoods were their friends. When pressed hard they disbanded and scattered, and ren- dered all pursuit futile. Frank and Jesse James early discovered those traits of character which have rendered them famous as the greatest outlaws and free-booters of modern times. They became scouts and spies for Quantrell at the beginning of their career, and showed them- selves possessors of remarkable capacity for such service. They were cool and brave, fertile in resour- ces, and marvelous in cunning. After Lawrence came the disbandment, and with the disbandment came that strange training in indi- vidual development and personal reliance which have made the Boys objects of fear to the people of many regions, and enabled them to plunder at will, 42 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF baffle pursuit, and defy the civil authorities of great States. They had hiding places with friends in Clay, Platte, Jackson, Johnson, Cass and Lafayette coun- ties, and when the Guerrilla band to which they be- longed scattered in order to evade pursuers, the Boys retired to the dwellings of their friends and rested in peace till the time of re-organizing, when an enemy was to be punished. Perhaps no two individuals ever lived on this con- tinent who have taken so many lives, as the James Boys. Emerging from the seclusion which they could always find in the Hudspeth neighborhood, in the eastern part of Jackson county, in July, 1863, with Captain George Todd, a redoubtable Guerrilla chief- tain, with whose command Frank and Jesse often fought, they struck the road leading from Pleasant Hill to Blue Springs. Major Ransom, a Federal officer with a cavalry force, was traveling that road at the time. A collision took place. The fighting was savage. The volleys of revolver bullets fired by the Guerrillas proved awfully destructive to their op- ponents. Jesse and Frank James have been credited with a tremendous destruction of hfe — Jesse killing seven, and, Frank eight men in the Federal ranks during that encounter. One night Frank James and five or six of his com- rades were detailed to capture and kill the militia men who were accustomed to frequent a bagnio, four miles east of Wellington, in Lafayette county. FRANK AND JESSE JAMES. 43 Frank James preceded the little band, and, creeping up under the window, he saw the company inside. There were eleven men in dalliance with the women. James returned to his comrades, reported the result of his observations, and the Guerrillas rode to the house. A peremptory summons brought the militia- men to the yard. The Guerrillas poured a volley of bullets among them. The ten men fell, pierced by the deadly missiles. But where was the eleventh man ? There had been that number in the house when James saw the company, and the man could not have left the place. A search was instituted. The man could not be found. But there was one woman more in the party than had been seen before. A candle was procured and a search instituted among them. They all appeared to be women. Frank James discovered the man. He was a youth, fair skinned and blue eyed, with long brown hair. His features were handsome, and in the garments of a woman he appeared not unlike a fresh country girl. Of course he expected to die there. His ten companions presented the spectacle of a ghastly wreck of humanity in the yard as they lay there cold in death. But he plead for his life. He was so young to die. ** Here, Frank, take him," said the leader. ** You discovered him ; he is yours to deal with." It was a sentence of death, they said. The boy thought so, and hope vanished. " Come," said Frank, " come along and be shot." The poor youth trembled in every nerve. He could scarcely walk. 44 LIFE AND ADVENTURES Of His supposed executioner had to assist him down the steps and out through the yard. They passed the ghastly heap of corpses, lying there in the dim starlight. They went away, into the darkness under the sombre trees, down the road. Poor boy, he thought of his mother. Under the wide-spreading branches of an ancient oak they halted. " Here ! we are far enough," said Frank James. The poor youth almost fell to the earth from excess of emo- tion. To die, and so young, and in such a way, too ! ** Oh, spare me for the sake of my mother !" he wailed. '* You are free to go ! I give you your life. You are outside of the pickets, outside of danger. Go, and be quick about it!" And at that moment Frank James fired a pistol shot upward through the branches of the oak, and the fair haired boy soldier disappeared in the darkness — spared for the sake of his mother by the youthful desperado. Frank James returned to his comrades. They had heard the shot and naturally concluded that it meant one more life ended. Frank assumed a grave expression. " Quick work," remarked a comrade. ** Yes," returned the Guerrilla, ** babies and boys are not hard to kill." He never spoke of that better deed he performed out there, with only the stars and God as witnesses. And the border strife went on. Frank and Jesse rode with Quantrell, sometimes with Todd and Poole, then again they fought at unexpected times by the side of John Jarrette, and Bill Anderson, and Arch Clements. One week they would be charging FRANK AND JESSE JAMES. 45 Blunt's Body Guard in Southeastern Kansas; the next they would ambush a moving column of Feder- A Deed of Mercy. al militia in Lafayette, or Jackson county, Missouri. Jt was fighting — cruel, savage fighting, all the while,. 46 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF In the bottom lands along the Blue, or among the Sni hills, when hotly pursued, they would find hiding places, from whence they emerged only to deal out destruction and death. Down to Texas, marching with the close of autumn, like migratory birds, they returned to their old haunts with the bright spring days. Deceiving and cutting to pieces Lieut. Nash's small command in the road west of Warrensburg, on a Monday, we hear of their successfully ambushing a column of Union militia on the banks of the Little Blue on the succeeding Wednesday, and a few days afterwards we hear of Frank and Jesse playing " the trumps " of revolver bullets among a squad of rol- licking soldier gamesters at Camden ; then again they are heard of with Todd, riding down the road from Independence toward Harrison- ville, where, seven miles from the former place, they encounter Captain Wagner, of the Second Colorado Cavalry, and engage in a terrible hand- to-hand conflict in which Jesse James takes the life of the Captain, and with his deadly aim sends seven of Wagner's men to the bourne of the dead. On the same occasion Frank, riding furiously among the Federal cavalrymen, deals death to eight of them. So the spring and summer of 1864 was passing with these men engaged in deeds of blood. It was in the last days of July of 1864, that Arch Clements and Jesse James were riding along a coun- try road one evening, when they discovered four militiamen in an orchard gathering apples. Two of FRANK AND JESSE JAMES. 4/ the men were in one tree and two in another. With- out ceremony the Guerrillas shot them as they would have shot squirrels from a forest tree, and jested of the deed as they might have jested over the fall of wild beasts. It was about this time that Frank James had a thrilling adventure. He had been ordered out on a scout to ascertain the movements of the Federals in Jackson and Cass counties. It was a period of deep anxiety to the Guerrilla leaders, as it appeared that special efforts were being made by the Federal mili- tia, and several companies of the Second Colorado Cavalry, to capture all the irregular Confederates found in the State of Missouri. Frank had reached the Independence and Harrisonville road at a point about midway between the two towns. As he passed through the country he ascertained that a force of infantry and cavalry were at a house some miles away from the road. How many there were in this detachment he could not learn. But he resolved to investigate. Taking a neighborhood path, not much traveled, he rode toward the Federal encampment. On the roadside was a lonely cabin, now uninhab- ited, as he believed. He examined the indications, and rode on. At the cabin the road made a short turn. When Frank turned around the corner of the old cabin, two militiamen presented their muskets and commanded him to halt. In an instant the ready pistol was snatched from its place by the Guerrilla, and even before the militiaman could fire, the bullet