E178 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Q0DDE73Ha74 "i>''i3SK:i 1 H'"^ ' ; V \i REVIEW BOOK SERIES REVIEW QUESTIONS fV AMERICAN HISTORY NEW YORK GLOBE BOOK COMPANY 175 FIFTH AVENUE Flatiron Building R!' rv BOOK SERIES Fcavd examinations. A ;. Kl CAN HISTORY AND C A complete and thoroi .:-i ovx'Av Adapted to the needs o^ . ir'es Ham, M.>? 700tO19»0, r,\- cents' and CoiU ^ Axnericaii JEii' QUESTIONS m AMiiKlCAN HISTORY Giles J. Swan, Ph A supplement to Swan's Outline of AmertciLn History and Cr, 'o ,r ii'. ;; -'.i exaniyiatioa Questions pedagpgically firrar.Li.d, ENGLISH GUIDES TO ENGLISH CLASSICS G'=>niMne gl-is to *:h' of Krelj?}} iO< o:'-e-..>f en I oiicH ation --lintne As You Like It— Shakesi>eare Tale of Two Cities—Dickens - •■,::! —Macaulav rfctjoyson Sliakespeare Mabel F. ■ Alfred A. [Edith C. : \ Helen H^ ~ ' Helen M- ' ^LdithC^ycunghtr.. \ Helen H.CrandeU Mabel E. Wilmoi R. L. Noonan A. M. Works L DISCOUNTS ON ClA^S O^U^}:^: FLA1K-. IvTENUE MPANY NEW YOSK Cnv REVIEW BOOK SERIES REVIEW QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY Including Regents^ and College Entrance Board Examination Questions BY GILES J. SWAN, M.A. Ph.E). PETNCIPAL, LINCOLN PARK PUBLIC SCHOOL BROOKLYN, N. Y. NEW YORK GLOBE BOOK COMPANY 175 FIFTH AVENUE Flatiron Building Copyright, 1921, by Globe Book Compan"! .S?r PREFACE The questions in this book, approximately seven hun- dred in number, furnish material for a thorough review of American History and Civics. For the purpose of convenient summary and review by outstanding periods in American history the following head- ings have been used : (I) The Period of Discovery and Colonization (1492- 1760). (II) The Period of the Revolution (1760- 1783). (III) The Critical Period (1783-1789). (IV) Political Development (1789- 1829). (V) Social, Economic, and Industrial Development (1760- 1 829). (VI) Political History of the Period (1829-1865). (VII) General Progress (1829- 1865). (VIII) Political History (1865-1920). (IX) General Progress (1865- 1920). These questions include those given in New York State Regents' and in College Entrance examinations for many years. They should be useful to students preparing for such examinations as well as to instructors in secondary schools who wish to review the required subject matter topically or chronologically through the medium of suggestive questions. .^ ; Giles J. Swan. Brooklyn, New York, * ':,* January, 1921. g)Cf.A6088:33 MAR 26 1921 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY I. Beginnings. 1492-1760 A. America — A Nation of Immigrants 1. Discuss five physical features of the United States that were of great importance in its early development. 2. Show how physical features influenced the location of early settlements in America. Illustrate. 3. Compare the eastern coast of North America with the western coast as to (a) regularity of outline, {h) climate, (c) original resources. The two coasts were explored almost simultaneously. Give tivo reasons why the eastern coast became the seat of the first permanent colonies. 4. Give a description of Iroquois life as regards (a) names and location of tribes, {h) political organization, (c) methods of warfare, {d) homes, (e) crops. 5. Was there discovery of America antedating that of Columbus? State grounds for your belief. 6. what conditions in Europe led Columbus to undertake his first voyage? What in his previous career fitted him for discovery ? 7. Describe, by drawing or otherwise, Toscanelli's map or Behaim's globe. 8. To what extent was geographic knowledge advanced by the discoveries of each of the following: Columbus, Ves- pucius, Balboa, Magellan, Bering. 8. What parts of America were discovered prior to 1521, in what years, by what explorers, and on behalf of what countries ? 10. Give an account of the first circumnavigation of the 4 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY globe. State (a) what it proved in regard to America, (b) the direction in which it turned the attention of explorers. 11. (a) Describe the character of the Elizabethan sea- men, giving definite examples to illustrate your statements. (b) Mention some outside reading you have done on the subject. 12. Give an account of the French exploration and settle- ment of the St. Lawrence valley. What was (a) a seig- neury, (b) an intendant? 13. Give a brief account of the discoveries and explora- tions of Columbus and the Cabots. Why was the new world called America? 14. Give a brief account of Spanish explorations in North America. 15. Who discovered the Philippine Islands ? Describe the voyage on which this discovery was made. What important theory was proved to be true by this voyage? 16. What parts of North America were colonized by the Spanish? How and when did Spain lose these parts of her colonial empire? 17. What share of North America had Spain claimed by the middle of the i6th century? Name four nations that established active claims to portions of the continent during the century immediately prior to 1640 and give the location of the territories claimed in each case. What modifications of these claims had taken place by 1740? / 18. Fortune had smiled especially upon the Spanish, the French and the English, and had granted vast possessions and untold opportunities to them in this greatest expansion in recorded history. ... At first sight Spain would seem to be the power destined to survive. She first among the nations planted her flag in the western land and she extended its sway with marvelous rapidity for three-quarters of a century. Using the above quotation as an introduction, finish the paragraph by a statement of facts showing why Spanish dominion did not extend in America. 19. ^Cartier explored the St. Lawrence in 1534, but the QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 5 first permanent French settlement was not made till 1608. Mention the circumstances that delayed French settlement in North America. 20. Mention four navigators who took part in the dis- covery and identification of the American continents. In- dicate briefly the results of the voyages of each of them. 21. What unsuccessful. attempts were made by the Eng- lish during the i6th century to establish settlements in North America? Give dates. 22. What were the difficulties in the way of English colonization in North America? 23. Give a short account of the English explorations in North America during the sixteenth century. 24. What companies organized the first successful settle- ments of the English in America ? What grants were made to each and by whom? 25. Why was England more successful than Spain in colonizing America? 26. Sketch the history of the Virginia Company of 1606. 27. Describe the government of Virginia under the Lon- don Company. Why was the charter revoked in 1624? 28. Show how each of the following acquired a claim to territory between the Ohio river and the Great Lakes and how each gained possession: France, England, the United States. 29. Draw a map of North America and on it trace the route of (a) Coronado, (b) La Salle (1681-2), (c) Cham- plain (1609), (d) De Soto. 30. Give an account of the Dutch West India Company, touching on (a) powers and privileges, (b) character of first settlements made under its authority, (c) means used to secure an agricultural population, (d) causes of disputes with its colonists. 31. Give the chief motives of each of the following groups of early explorers: English, French, Spanish, Dutch. 32. On a map of the United States indicate, with names, the sections settled by the Dutch, Swedes, English, French and Spanish. 6 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 33. Compare Spanish and English colonization in America as to (a) locality, (b) objects, (c) treatment of natives, (d) effect on mother country. 34. Give reasons (a) why Spain was at first more suc- cessful in colonizing the new world than other European nations, (b) why Spanish colonization failed to build strong states. 35. Mention and describe two events of English history that promoted colonial settlements in North America. 36. Mention t7vo Spanish, fzt'o French and tzvo English explorers, naming the regions explored by each. Compare briefly English colonization in America with Spanish colon- ization in regard to (a) objects, (b) success. T^y. Explain the relations between England and Spain in the i6th and 17th centuries and show by two illustrations the effect of these relations on American history. 38. Give a definite reason for the failure of each of the follovv'ing European nations in the colonization of North America : Spain, France, Holland. 39. Explain the slow growth of the Dutch colony, New Netherlands, and describe the effort made to increase the population. 40. State the basis of the claim of each of the following European nations to lands in North America in the seven- teenth century : England ; France ; Spain ; Holland. 41. Mention the European nations that, at the beginning of the i8th century, claimed the territory of the United States. Show approximately, by map or otherwise, the extent of the claims of each nation mentioned, and state the basis of the claims o-f each. 42. Describe and explain the part played by the Dutch in the history of early America. B. The Rise and Progress of Democratic Institutions IN the United States 43. Describe the causes of discontent which culminated in Bacon's rebellion. 44. Distinguish between the Puritans and the Pilgrims, QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 7 as to origin, social standing, and relation to the Church of England. For what reasons did the Pilgrims leave Hol- land? 45. Describe the government of Massachusetts Bay under the charter of 1629. What changes were made by the charter of 1691 ? 46. The history of Massachusetts begins in an obscure Lincolnshire village, among a company of plain farmers and simple rustics, who had separated from the church of England, and paid for their temerity by bitter and un- ceasing persecution. 47. Explain this statement by tracing the history of these Separatists till they made a settlement in what is now Massa- chusetts. 48. How were claims to territory in the New World established by European governments ? Why were charters for colonial settlements deemed necessary? 49. What were the conditions in their own country which led Englishmen to migrate to America in the seventeenth century and what did they hope to accomplish by this migra- tion? Include in your answer definite illustrations. 50. What conditions in Europe aided and what retarded American colonization? Illustrate by references to French, Spanish and English settlements. 51. Compare the social and industrial conditions in colonial Virginia with those in colonial Massachusetts. In- dicate the time which you describe. Mention the author and title of any books, outside your textbook, which you have used on this subject. 52. Describe the situation in Massachusetts which led to the founding of Rhode Island. Tell the story of the found- ing of Connecticut Colony. 53. What were the motives actuating the founders of four of the following colonies: Plymouth, Georgia, Mary- land, Jamestown, New Netherland. 54. Describe the principles of the Friends or Quakers, the founding of Pennsylvania, and its government to 1760. 55. Describe the town meeting in early New England 8 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY and contrast it with local government in Virginia in the seventeenth century. 56. Compare the system of local government during colonial times in New England with that in the southern colonies. What check did a colonial legislature have on the power of the governor. 57. Mention three important occupations of colonial Americans and briefly describe one of these occupations. 58. Compare a French colony with an English colony with respect to (a) motives of the colonists in coming to America, (b) relations with the Indians, (c) occupations. 59. On what basis did the English always lay claim to the territory occupied by the Dutch in this country? Why did they not enforce that claim between 1609 and 1664? How did they then enforce it? 60. Describe the attitude, during the colonial period, of Virginia and of New England toward (a) popular educa- tion, (b) political liberty. 61. Explain how the following statement applies to the early settlers of Virginia: "Unfitted for their environment, they were doomed to extinction by that pitiless law which works ever to abolish from the earth the improvident, the idle and the vicious." 62. What class of English society was chiefly represented in the American colonies Of what advantage was this to America? Give the causes that brought members of the other classes to this country. 63. Account for (a) the great migration to New England (1629-40), ib) the Cavalier migration to Virginia, (c) the Catholic migration to Maryland, {d) the Quaker migration to Pennsylvania. 64. By what means did colonial assemblies control to some extent the actions of. the governors? 65. Explain the hostility of Charles II to Massachusetts Bay colony which led to the loss of its charter in 1684. 66. Mention three articles of commerce that were com- monly used as currency in colonial times. Account for the scarcity of gold and silver coin in the colonies. QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 9 67. Give the reasons for the early faihire at Jamestown and for the more favorable progress of the settlement at Boston. 68. Describe the part played by the French in the settle- ment of the territory now included in the State of New York and explain how their claim was finally terminated. 69. Draw an outline map of the territory held by the ■French and the English in 1754 and on it locate, with names, four principal points of attack and defense in the French and Indian War, 1754- 1763. 70. Describe the methods used by king and by parliament to control the trade of the colonies before the accession of George III. 71. Name two types of colonial government in America before the Revolution and describe one of these with special reference to the degree of self-government allowed. /2. What were the chief characteristics of a proprietary colony? What colonies were proprietary at the outbreak of the American Revolution? y^. Give the causes and the results of Bacon's Rebellion. Describe the attitude of the government of Virginia in 1676 toward self-government. 74. In what ways was English colonial policy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries better than that of France ? 75. Give a careful account of education in the colonies. (If you have done special reading outside the textbook on the development in a single colony or state, you may confine your account to that state, giving the author and title of books used.) What colleges were founded before the Revolution ? 76. Tell what you know of Peter Stuyvesant. yy. State four important ways in which the old French wars helped to prepare the colonists for the American Revolution. 78. Name the 13 original colonies. State briefly the causes and the circumstances attending the founding of each of three of these colonies. 10 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 79. Draw a map of New York State and on it (a) trace two of the early fur trade routes, (&) locate two of the following forts: Stanwix, Oswego, Niagara, Ticonderoga. 80. Draw an outline map of New York State and give tzvo incidents in the history of the state that have determined the location of a part of the boundary. 81. State in what respects, during the first two centuries after settlement, Virginia developed a very dif- ferent civilization from that of Massachusetts. Give reasons. 82. Give an account of the settlement and history of Massachusetts Bay Colony to the middle of the seventeenth century. 83. Mention three important occupations of colonial Americans and briefly describe one of these occupations. 84. Give an account of the disorder that resulted in New York from the deposition of James II. 85. Why has a statue of Verrazano recently been set up in Battery Park, New York city? Outline as much of the life of Henry Hudson as has to do with the American continent. 86. Show in what ways England and Holland, in the colonial period, were more progressive in ideas and in- stitutions than France and Spain. 87. Show how the colonists of Virginia first secured representative government. 88. Give an account of the beginning of representative government in Massachusetts Bay Colony. 89. Give an account of the treatment accorded to New England by James II. 90. Mention an essential particular in which the French colonies in America differed from the English colonies in (a) government, (b) industries. How was each of these differences an advantage to the French in war? a disad- vantage ? 91. Compare life in colonial times with life at present, noting opportunities (a) for schooling, (b) for self-educa- tion, (c) for developing hardihood and self-reliance. QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 11 92. Compare colonial Virginia with colonial New Eng- land as regards (a) industries, {b) political organization, (c) educational facilities. Explain how geographic condi- tions in each section partially account for differences in mode of living. 93. Describe the attempt made to unite the colonies in 1754. Why did it fail? 94. Name six European nations that held possessions in North and South America between 1492 and 1763; name the regions held by any of them now. 95. Sketch the history of Maryland during the seven- teenth century. 96. Describe the circumstances of the founding of the colony of Maryland. 97. State the essential provisions of the Maryland tolera- tion Act of 1649. How did Maryland's religious policy compare w^ith that of Rhode Island? 98. Describe the founding of the colony of Pennsyl- vania. 99. How was Connecticut founded? Compare the gov- ernment of Connecticut with that of New Haven. 100. State the advantages of location of the English colonies as compared with the French. loi. Give the principal facts connected with the settle- ment and colonial history of Rhode Island. 102. How was the colonization of tlie Carolinas and Georgia effected? 103. Compare the system of local government in New England with that which prevailed in the Southern colonies, and give some reasons to explain the dift'erence between the two systems. 104. Describe the colonization of New York. 105. Name the colonies, within the present limits of the U. S. that were founded by: (a) Roman Catholics, (b) English Churchmen, (c) English Separatists, (d) Quakers. 106. Where and when were the Dutch colonies in North America established? To w^hom were they finally surren- dered and when ? 12 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 107. Few characters in history are indispensable. From William of Orange to William Pitt the younger there was but one man without whom English history must have taken a different turn, and that was William Pitt the elder. Give reasons for the truth of this statement. 108. Write a biographical account of one of the following men, with the particular reference to his public services : (a) John Winthrop, (b) William Penn. 109. Give an account of the origin of the Society of Friends (Quakers). In what colonies did they exert most influence ? no. When and by whom was the first of the Navigation Acts passed? What were they expected to accomplish and what was the general effect produced by them? 111. What were the essential points of dift'erence between royal, proprietary, and charter colonies? Give an example of each. 112. What colonies formed the first New England Union? When and for what purpose? When was it dissolved and why? 113. What policy did Edmund Andros attempt to carry out, and to what extent did he succeed? 114. What events in English or in European history led to the founding of Georgia? 115. Name the three colonies which were most liberal in granting reliigous toleration. Make a brief comparison of their laws on the subject. 116. Write an account of the general physiographical conditions of North America, illustrating it with a sketch map. Make a sketch map of the thirteen original states of the United States. Locate upon it the states, their chief cities, rivers, harbors, mountains. From what countries came the larger part of the population of each state? 117. When, where and by whom was the last of the thirteen colonies settled? What form of government was adopted in it? 118. State the important facts having to do with religion and government in the history of three of the following QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 13 colonies: (o) Maryland, (b) Rhode Island, (c) Massa- chusetts, (d) Virginia, (e) Pennsylvania. 119. Indicate on outline map all territories in North America which have at any time belonged to France; state how the possession of each was relinquished. 120. Give an account of the explorations of Joliet and Marquette. When were they made? 121. What effect did the English Revolution of 1689 have on the American colonies? 122. Give an account of the career of Andros as a colonial governor in America. Give important dates. 123. How was the history of the British colonies in America influenced by the wars between England and France in the i8th century? 124. Sketch the history of French colonization in America, and describe briefly the conflict between the French and the English up to the beginning of the Seven Years' War. 125. Sketch the causes which led to the French and Indian War. Describe the events of that war which placed the name of James Wolfe among the great names of English history. 126. Describe the private and business life of the colonists in the seventeenth century. 127. In what war were Montcalm and William Pitt lead- ing figures? Sketch the achievements of each in the con- duct of it? 128. Describe in some detail the capture of Louisburg by the New England colonists. 129. Indicate on the map the English frontier on the American continent in the time of Charles I, Charles II, and George HI (about 1770). 130. Name the wars in the struggle for dominion in America between France and England. Tell briefly the Story of the French and Indian War. What effects had this war on the relations between the British government and the British colonies in North America? 131. Outline very briefly the history of the French and 14 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY English intercolonial wars. Locate Louisburg, Ticonderoga, and Fort Duquesne. 132. Show how conditions in Europe in the 17th and 1 8th centuries determined that North America should be predominantly English. 133- What was the most important service rendered to the English colonies in American by William Pitt the elder ? What office did he hold at that time? 134. Mark on map the boundaries of the English, French, and Spanish possessions in North America as fixed by the treaty in 1763. 135. Give reasons why the Indians of the warm regions of the Americas were more highly civilized at the time of the discovery than those of the cold regions. Show how the lack of horses and cattle hindered progress. II. Period of the Revolution. 1 760-1 783 The Rise and Progress of Democracy in the United States (ContinuSd) 1. How did the troubles between King and Parliament in England advance the cause of liberty in America during the reign of (a) Charles I, (b) George III? 2. Describe the methods used by king and by parliament to control the trade of the colonies before the accession of George III. 3. Describe the commercial policy of England toward her colonies before 1760. What were the advantages and dis- advantages of this policy? 4. What were the causes, provisions, and results of the Stamp Act? Give the arguments in its favor. 5. Trace the succession of the events after 1763 which contributed most to the outbreak of the Revolutionary War. 6. Trace the connection between the charter of the Vir- ginia Company (1606) and the following resolution of the Stamp Act Congress: "That his majesty's liege subjects in these colonies are entitled to all the inherent rights and QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 15 privileges of his natural born subjects within the kingdom of Great Britain." 7. Mention two acts of Parliament between 1765 and 1775 that directly affected the American colonies. State the pur- pose of each act. 8. Give the substance of two acts of the British Parlia- ment in the decade before the American Revolution which contributed to cause the revolt of the colonies. How did the colonists show their resentment toward each of these acts? 9. Show by relating historical facts the truth of the fol- lowing: "The causes of the Revolution were deep-seated in colonial history." 10. State three important acts of the First Continental Congress (1774). 11. Trace the development of the movement toward colonial union from the Albany Congress to the first Con- tinental Congress. How did the system of intercolonial committees of correspondence originate? 12. Enumerate the principal grievances against the king of Great Britain contained in the Declaration of In- dependence. 13. Enumerate the causes of the American revolution. State the attitude of Chatham and Burke toward the colo- nies. 14. State definitely the colonists' objections to the Stamp Act. 15. What attempts toward union were made in the British colonies prior to 1774? 16. State what bonds of union existed between the thir- teen American colonies before the American Revolution. 17. Give an account of iivo methods used by the American colonists to resist the colonial policy of England. Classify each as legal or illegal and give reasons for your classifica- tions. 18. What were the causes of the Revolutionary War? What part did the desire for independence play? What 16 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY justification, if any, did England have for carrying on the war ? 19. Mention four attempts made before 1776 to unite EngHsh colonies in America in -common action and tell how far each attempt was successful. 20. What were the principal grievances which led the colonists to revolution in 1775? 21. What were the ''rights of Englishmen" for which Americans fought in the Revolution? At what period and for what reason did the war cease to be a struggle for the "rights of Englishmen"? 22. Give a brief account of each of the following: The New England Confederation (''United Colonies of New England"); the Albany Congress; Stamp Act Congress. 23. Describe trade and commerce in the colonial period. 24. Why did the colonists object to paying taxes to Great Britain just before the Revolution? 25. Give an account of Burgoyne's campaign, and indicate the importance of its results. Mention the author and title of any books, outside your textbook, which you have used on the Revolution. 26. State, with some detail, two causes that tended in the New England colonies to (a) prevent united action, (b) encourage united action. 2y. The American Revolution was begun with hardly a thought of independence. What changed the attitude of the revolutionists and made possible the Declaration of Independence ? Why was the cession of the Old Northwest demanded by the revolutionists in the treaty of peace? 28. Show how the industrial development of the United States depended on a separation from Great Britain. 29. . . . "these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states." — Declaration of In- dependence. Explain the meaning of "free and independent states" as used by the authors of the Declaration of Independence. To what extent are the states of our present Union free and independent? QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 17 30. Account for the hostility of the Five Nations to the French. Of what advantage to the Enghsh colonies was this hostility while the French held Canada? Why was it necessary during the Revolution for the polonies to crush the Iroquois? 31. (a) Trace on map the progress of Washington's army from the Battle of Brooklyn Heights to the beginning of the siege of New York in 1778. Indicate clearly the name and location of the principal battles and places connected with this progress. (b) Mark on map as definitely as possible four of the following: Northwest Territory of 1787, boundaries of Kansas-Nebraska as set off by the Kansas-Nebraska Act, northern boundary of Florida after 1795, territory in dis- pute between the United States and Mexico in 1846, Mason and Dixon's line. 32. Show the effect of the failure of Burgoyne's cam- paign on each of the following: (a) the colonies, (b) Eng- land, (c) France. 2;^. When General Gates in 1780 started south to assume command, General Charles Lee bade him farewell with these words : "Take care that your northern laurels do not change to southern willows." Explain the meaning of this warning and show how events proved its wisdom. 34. During what years of the Revolution was most of the fighting done in the northern states ? in the southern states ? What was the British plan for the conquest of the south? Give three general reasons for the failure of this plan. 35. Give an account of the French alliance (1778), touch- ing on (a) reasons for enmity between France and Eng- land, (b) caution of Louis XVI, (c) circumstances that favored the alliance, (d) results. 36. Describe briefly Burgoyne's invasion, and show how his route was determined by the topography of the north- eastern part of the United States. Mention three other important military expeditions that have been made, or attempted, over the same route. 37. Mention advantages that the British, during the 18 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY greater part of the Revolutionary War, derived from their naval superiority. Explain how for a brief period this superiority was lost and with what result. 38. During the first years of the Revolution which colonies laid claim to the land just south of Lake Erie? Which colonies claimed what is now western New York? State the basis of each of these claims. 39. Give four important reasons for the success of the Americans in their revolution against so formidable a power as England. 40. Account for the success of the Americans in the contest with England. 41. Decribe in detail one of the following events: "Bos- ton Massacre" ; Battles of Bunker Hill, Saratoga, and York- town. 42. Give a brief acount of the campaign of ly/G-i/yy in the Middle States. How did Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga affect our foreign relations ? 43. Write an account of Arnold's march to Quebec. 44. What treaty concluded the war for independence? What boundaries of the U. S. were established by it? What powers were neighbors of the U. S.? Give the date. 45. What is the story recalled by the recent dedication of the prison ship "Martyrs' Memorial" in New York city? Outline Washington's campaign through Long Island and Manhattan Island up to his occupation of Philadelphia. Why could Frederick the Great speak of him as a masterly general in view of his constant retreats in this campaign. What important recommendations did Washington make in his Farewell Address regarding (a) national aid to educa- tion, (b) the provision of suitable military defense, (c) relations with foreign governments ? Mention a specific in- stance in which each of these, recommendations has been either observed or disregarded. 46. Sketch the career of George Washington before the outbreak of the American Revolution. 47. Why is Washington regarded as a great general al- QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 19 though he was more often defeated than victorious in the open field? 48. From what class in society did the Loyalists mainly come, why were they opposed to the Revolution, how were they treated, and what became of them? 49. Describe the life of a Virginia planter in the eigh- teenth century. 50. State in what respects, during the first two centuries after settlement, Virginia developed a very different civiliza- tion from that of Massachusetts. Give reasons. 51. Draw a map showing the geographic position of New York State with reference to Canada and New England. Explain (a) why so much of the Revolutionary War centered in eastern New York, (b) why its geographic position made New York's ratification of the Federal Con- stitution a question of great political importance. 52. Describe the part played in the history of Virginia by two of her leaders before 1783. HI. The Critical Period. 1783-1789 Progress of Democracy in the United States (Continued) 1. Who were the Tories or LoyaHsts of the Revolution? Account for the existence of large classes of these Tories in New York. How were they treated after the War? 2. Give a sketch of Franklin's training, indicate the kinds of political service he performed, and tell of any other way in which he was useful to his fellow-countrymen. 3. Give five reasons that make it justifiable to apply to the period of Confederation the title, ''The Critical Period of American History." 4. Draw a map of the United States at the close of the Revolutionary War and on it show the claims of the dif- ferent states to territory west of the Alleghanies. 5. Give the boundaries of the Northwest Territory. Men- tion four states that had more or less conflicting claims in this territory. Show how these conflicting claims were adjusted. 20 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 6. Explain why the states of Virginia, Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York had conflicting land claims to territory north of the Ohio. How were these conflicting claims settled? 7. By what authority was the United States governed from (a) 1776 to 1781, (b) 1781 to 1789? By what author- ity has it been governed from 1789 to the present time? 8. What defects in our national government between 1781 and 1789 led Washington to describe it as "a. half-starved, limping government ?" 9. Name and describe, as to extent and location, the territory for the government of which the Ordinance of 1787 was established. State three provisions of this or- dinance. 10. "I doubt whether one single law of any law giver, ancient or modern, has produced effects of more distinct, marked and lasting character than the Ordinance of 1787." — Daniel Webster. What was the Ordinance of 1787? Give reasons tending to justify Webster's opinion. 11. Discuss carefully two of the following: (a) the South and the negro in colonial times, (b) the provision of the Ordinance of 1787 in regard to slavery, (c) the intimate connection of slavery with the annexation of territory. 12. Explain why the Articles of Confederation were replaced by the present Federal Constitution, mentioning five facts that indicate the conditions prevailing under the Articles of Confederation. 13. Give an account of izvo of the following: (a) the New England confederation, (b) the Albany Congress, (c) the Stamp Act Congress, (d) the Continental Congresses, (e) the Constitutional Convention of 1787. 14. Point out three leading defects in the Articles of Confederation. State provisions in the Constitution that remedied these defects. Show why the Articles of Con- federation marked an important step in our political history. 15. Give three attempts at union or concerted action made by the colonies previous to 1787. Write briefly on tzvo QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 21 of these attempts, showing their importance as steps leading to ultimate union under the Constitution. i6. Explain three great compromises made in the Con- stitutional Convention. 17. Give an account of hindrances to domestic and foreign commerce at the close of the Revolution. Show how these hindrances were removed. 18. When and how was the Constitution of the United States formed? How was it adopted? Compare the Con- stitution of the United States with the Articles of Con- federation. 19. How were the United Colonies governed prior to the federal constitution? 20. Under what kind of government did the United States first begin her career as an independent nation? Why were the Articles of Confederation unsuccessful? Tell what you know of the change from the government under those articles to the government under our present Con- stitution. 21. Explain the principal causes which led to, and the circumstances which attended the formation of the Con- stitution, 1787. Make plain the work of the three men most influential in its formation and in securing its ratifica- tion. 22. What were the principal defects of the Confederation, 1781-1789? 23. Give the boundaries of the Northwest Territory. What was the first state formed within that region ? When was it admitted to the Union? 24. Trace briefly the circumstances which led to the meeting of the federal convention in 1787. Discuss the work of the convention, laying special emphasis upon the various party conflicts and compromises. 25. How were the states induced to cede their western territory to the United States? What was the political significance of the cession? State the chief provisions of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. 22 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 26. The period between 1783- 1787 has been called the "Critical Period." Why? 27. Who were the leaders in the Federal Convention, and how far was each successful in securing what he desired? 28. (Answer A or B.) A. Discuss fully the great com- promises of the Constitution. B. Enumerate the important assertions of the doctrine of States Rights from the adop- tion of the Constitution to the Civil War. 29. What were the three great compromises of the Con- stitution ? 30. Why was there so much opposition to the adoption of the Constitution of the United States? 31. In what respects did the Constitution dilTer most radically from the Articles of Confederation? 32. What are the most important provisions of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, and why were these amendments adopted? IV. Political Development. 1 789-1829. Progress of Democracy in the United States (Continued) 1. Show how the growth of political parties was exem- plified in Washington's cabinet. 2. 'Thus within a year and a half Hamilton had secured, in the face of the opposition of the state rights party, the passage of four great measures — assumption, funding of the debt, the excise, and the bank charter, — all tending to the centralization of power." Show how each of Hamilton's measures tended to cen- tralize power. 3. State three important measures brought forward by Hamilton as parts of his financial policy. 4. Compare the tea tax (1770) with the excise tax (1791) as to purpose and reasons for resistance. 5. What was the Whisky Rebellion? How did Wash- ington treat it? What principle of our government was QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 28 at stake? Give two other events prior to 1840 illustrating the same issue. 6. Describe the causes of the Whisky Rebellion and give its results. 7. Give an account of Genet's mission and of the foreign poHcy of Washington's second administration. 8. Why was it easy to secure the adoption of the first ten amendments to the Constitution and difficult to secure the adoption of later amendments? 9. What was the jurisdiction of the United States Courts under the original constitution and how was it afifected by the eleventh amendment? 10. Describe the method of nomination and election of a President of the United States. 11. State two or more vital points of disagreement be- tween the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans. In your opinion what points in favor either of the Federalists or of the Democratic-Republicans have been settled by the course of events? 12. Mention in order the steps leading from the settle- ment of Tennessee and Kentucky to the purchase of Louisiana. 13. What nations have controlled the west bank of the "Mississippi river since 1492? Account for the successive • changes of sovereignty. 14. Compare the nonimportation agreements (1765) v/ith :the Nonimportation Act (1806), and the Embargo Act ((1807) as regards causes and results. 15. What means were employed to reduce the public debt in the administration of (a) Washington, (b) Jefiferson? 16. State briefly the historical importance of the dis- ^coveries and explorations of the following: (i) John Cabot, v(2) La Salle, (3) Magellan, (4) Lewis and Clark. 17. When and for what purpose was the first Ohio com- pany formed? What land was granted to it? What conflict grew out of the undertaking? 18. What were the essential points of difference between 24 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists or Republican parties? Name two leaders of each party. 19. How did the invention of the cotton gin aftect the slavery problem? 20. Write on Alexander Hamilton, treating the following topics: (a) writings, (b) financial measures, (c) political ideas, (d) opponents. 21. Discuss the reorganization of the financial system during Washington's first administration, and show how the controversies to which it gave rise afifected the develop- ment of political parties. 22. What three nations were owners of Louisiana be- tween the years 1783 and 1804? Tell the story of our purchase of Louisiana. 27^. Discuss the origin and development of national political parties before the war of 1812. 24. Explain the distinction between the loose construction and the strict construction methods of interpreting the con- stitution. Name two advocates of each. 25. Name three men who were prominently connected with the acquistion of territory by the U. S. after 1800, and point out their share in the transaction. 26. Discuss the Alien and Sedition Acts and show their connection with the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions. 2y. Was Jefferson's public Ufe a success? Give reasons. 28. Give an account of Aaron Burr's Conspiracy. 29. Wliat were the provisions of the Embargo and Non- Intercourse Acts? When were they passed? What effect did they have? 30. What have been the results of immigration into the U. S. since 1800? 31. What were the consequences of the annexation of Louisiana? 32. What defect in the original method of electing the President and Vice-President was shown in the elections of 1796 and 1800? Describe briefly the present system. 33. Describe the career of James Madison. 34. What economic or commercial conditions underlay QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 25 (a) the discovery of America, (b) the American Revolu- tion, (c) the framing of the Constitution, (d) the War of 1812 35. Explain in regard to the following extract from a debate in the House of Representatives (a) what war was under consideration, (b) what were two causes of the war, (c) what criticism of the conduct of the war was common. (d) what plans the speaker probably had in mind when he said: "Negotiate the terms of a peace at Quebec or Hahfax": An honorable peace is attainable only by an efficient war. My plan would be to call out the ample resources of the country, give them a judicious direction, prosecute the war with the utmost vigor, strike wherever we can reach the enemy, at sea or on land, and negotiate the terms of a peace at Quebec or Halifax. We are told that England is a proud and lofty nation that, disdaining to wait for danger, meets it half-way. Haughty as she is, we once triumphed over her, and if ye do not listen to the counsels of timidity and despair we shall again prevail. In such a cause, with the aid of Providence, we must come out crowned with success; but if we fail, let us fail like men — lash ourselves to our gallant tars, and expire together in one common struggle, fighting for "seamen's rights and free trade." 36. The War of 1812 is often called the Second War for Independence. Justify this statement. 37. "The War of 1812 has been often and truly called the Second War of Independence." Explain the meaning of this statement and give three concrete results of the war. 38. Write an account, not exceeding 75 words, of one of the following battles, explaining the circumstances under which the battle was fought and giving its historic im- portance ; pay special attention to clearness and conciseness of statement: (a) Perry's victory on Lake Erie, (b) the battle of Gettysburg, (c) the battle of Long Island. 39. Mention an important political and an important 26 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY economic result of the War of 1812 on the United States. Write a paragraph on one of these results. 40. What were the important results of the War of 1812? What measures passed by Congress at its close and shortly afterward indicate that the war "had awakened a national consciousness" ? 41. State in regard to the war of 1812: (a) Time, {b) cause, {c) question at issue, {d) important battles, {e) terms of peace. 42. Draw a map of the United States. On it trace the boundaries of two accessions to the territory of the United States, acquired since 1783, indicating, with date, the coun- try from which each territory was obtained. 43. Why was there bitter debate over the admission of Missouri to the Union in 1819 when just before this Illinois and Alabama had been admitted without question, one as a slave state and the other as a free state? 44. On map indicate as accurately as possible: (a) the boundaries of the United States at the close of the War for Independence; {h) the territory "dedicated to freedom" by the legislation of 1820. 45. What is the Monroe Doctrine? Under what circum- stances was it proclaimed ? Describe tivo occasions on which it has been applied. 46. (a) State the terms of the "Monroe Doctrine" as contained in President • Monroe's message of 1823. {h) What was President Cleveland's application of the doctrine in 1895? 47. What is the Monroe Doctrine? Why is it so called? Of what importance is it today? 48. Describe the Presidential Election of 1824, and show how its results affected the political fortunes of John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay. 49. State two important principles advocated by the Na- tional Republican party, afterward called the Whig party. 50. Compare the colonial industries of New England with those of South Carolina. 51. Account for the disappearance of national political QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 27 parties in Monroe's administration. On what questions did the people next divide into national parties? 52. Describe the powers of the federal supreme court as given in the Constittuion and give an account of the growth of these powers through the influence of Justice John Marshall. 53. Discuss the influence of the decisions of John Mar- shall upon the development of the powers of the national government, giving definite cases to illustrate your points. 54. Show in what two ways each of the following has influenced American history: Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson. V. Social, Industrial and Economic Development. 1760-1829 Progress of Democracy in the United States ' (Continued) 1. Account for the sudden growth of American ship- ping at the close of the i8th century. What is the present status of American shipping? Explain. 2. Draw a map of that part of North America lying south of the northern boundary of the United States. On this map trace one important route by which explorers and settlers gained access to (a) the Mississippi valley, {h) the Pacific seaboard. 3. Show the relation of each of the following factors to the prosperity of the United States, during the period 1790-1820: (a) Hamilton's financial measures, {h) Louis- iana Purchase, (c) Napoleonic wars, {d) inventions. 4. How was the foreign trade of the United States afifected by conditions in Europe during Jefferson's adminis- tration? How did his administration attempt to protect this trade? 5. On a map indicate approximately the areas west of the Alleghany Mountains which were settled between 1783 and 1803, and between 1803 and 1820. In your answer-book 28 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY account for the rapidity witH which the later portions were settled. 6. State when and explain why the Louisiana territory was ceded to (a) Spain, (b) France, (c) the United States. 7. Napoleon said of Louisiana: "This territory j/re/z^r/Zz^n^ forever the poiver of the United States; and I have just given to England a inaritijiie rival that imll, sooner or later, hiunble her pride." Show wherein events have partially or wholly verified each of these predictions of Napoleon. 8. Robert Fulton did not make nor run the first steam- boat. Why then has he won such deserved fame? Show how the use of the steamboat was much more practicable for the United States of his day than the later invention of the railway could have been. 9. Explain how the War of 1812 affected the shipping interests of New England and show what marked industrial changes resulted. 10. When and under what circumstances did the United States acquire Florida? Mention any previous changes in jurisdiction over this territory. 11. Show the origin of the name of the present State of Florida. Mention the changes of national ownership of Florida in 1763, 1783 and 18 19 giving the causes of these changes. 12. What economic conditions led to the construction of the Erie canal ? 13. State in regard to the Erie canal (fl) its purpose, {h) the approximate date of its completion, (c) its influence on the growth of New York State, {d) why it is less used now than formerly, {e) arguments for or against its en- ^ laigement. 14. Describe three important routes by which emigrants reached the middle west before railroads were built. In what two ways did the railroad help the growth of the west ? QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 29 VI. Political History of the Period. 1829-1865 Progress of Democracy in the United States (Continued) 1. Andrew Jackson was called a "man of the people." What qualities in him appealed to the people of the south and the west and were largely responsible for his election in 1828? 2. Give three reasons for regarding the year 1829 as the beginning of an epoch in American history. 3. What was the occasion of the Webster-Hayne debate of 1830? What was the main point at issue in this debate? What position did each statesman take on the main issue? 4. State three decided changes in government policy dur- ing Jackson's administration. 5. It is sorrietimes stated that the modern political machine is an outgrowth of the political methods of Andrew Jack- son's time. Explain clearly the meaning of the italicized words and give facts to show the truth or the falsity of this statement. 6. Give an account of the rise and fall of either the Federalist party or the Whig party. Include in your account (a) important policies, (i*) achievements, (r) prominent leaders, {d) causes of downfall. 7. How have the provisions of the Constitution regarding the election of the president been modified in practice by the development of the party system? 8. Jackson's election and administration are said to have been "a second democratization of the government." In what sense is this true? Under whom had occurred the first democratization? 9. What are state banks and how do they differ from national banks? What do the terms "wild cat currency" and "pet banks" mean, used in relation to the Jacksonian period ? 10. Show in what two ways each of the following has influenced American history : Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson. 11. What was the part played in the financial history 30 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY of the United States by Alexander Hamilton and Andrew Jackson ? 12. Give briefly a political opinion with which the name of each of the following is connected and tell when the influence of each was greatest: Hamilton, Jefferson, Clay, Jackson. 13. State the cause of dissatisfaction with the national government and the measures taken or proposed for obtain- ing redress in the case of (a) Kentucky and Virginia in 1798, (b) Massachusetts in 1814, (r) South Carolina in 1832-3. 14. Explain what is meant by the ''compact theory" of the constitution. Name three prominent advocates of the theory before 1840. In what documents is the theory set forth? State concisely the arguments in its favor. 15. Give an account of two of the following, touching on causes and results: (a) Shay's Rebellion, (b) the Whisky Insurrection, (r) Dorr's Rebellion, (d) the Antirent Rebellion. 16. What was the basis of our claim to the Oregon teritory? Mention the events leading to the acquisition of this territory. * 17. Give tzi'o causes and three results of the Mexican War. 18. Explain with some detail how the discovery of gold in California caused serious political controversy. State the outcome. 19. Outline briefly the growth of the dominant political parties in the United States from 1789 to 1849. 20. (a) What were the economic consequences of the invention of the cotton gin? (b) What were the political consequences of the discovery of gold in California? 21. Discuss the Causes and results of the Mexican War. 22. Name the present states and territories included in ih? territory acquired as a result of the war with Mexico. 23. In what elections was Henry Clay a candidate for the presidency? State the issues, the names of the rival canclidates, and the results in each, explaining fully the rea- QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 31 sons for his defeat in the last election in which he was a candidate. 24. Outline briefly the history of the Mexican War. How did the acquisition of the southwest territory afifect the slavery question? 25. State how the slavery question affected (a) the forma- tion of the Constitution, (b) the admission of Missouri, (c) the annexation of Texas, (d) the admission of Cali- fornia, (e) the rise or fall of political parties. 26. Give an account of the Mexican War, including date, cause, supporters and opponents in the U. S., and terms of the treaty of peace. 2y. Explain the influence of each of the following on the extension of slavery: (a) the Ordinance of 1787, (b) the Missouri Compromise, (c) the Compromise of 1850, (d) the Kansas-Nebraska Bill. 28. Discuss the political careers of two of the following statesmen, indicating the attitude of each of the two tov/ard at least tzvo great public questions : Webster, Calhoun, Clay. 29. Name the measures that gave Henry Clay the title of the Great Compromiser and tell what you know of one of them. 30. Under what circumstances and when was the state of California admitted into the Union 31. Draw a map of the United States and on it show how the country was divided by the Kansas-Nebraska Bill (1854). Indicate (i) the slave states, (2) the free states, (3) the territory open to slavery by the principles of Popu- lar Sovereignty. 32. Write brief explanatory notes on four of the follow- ing: border states, committees of correspondence, strict constructionist, rule of war of 17^6, "fifty- four forty or fight," squatter sovereignty. 33. Tell how each of three of the following papers came to be written and state the result that each was intended to secure: (a) The Federalist, (&) the Virginia Resolutions 1798, (c) Calhoun's Exposition and Protest of 1828, (d) the Ostend Manifesto of 1854. 32 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 34. Discuss two of the following events, giving ap- proximate dates: Hartford Convention, Missouri Com- promise, Dred Scott Decision. 35. What was the nature of two of the following deci- sions of the United States Supreme Court? What is the constitutional importance of one decision? (a) Dred Scott Case, (b) McCitUoch rs. Maryland, (c) Dartmouth College Case. 36. Describe the origin of the present Republican party. 37. Give the significant steps in the growth of the slavery controversy from the stoppage of the foreign slave trade (1808) to the Dred Scott Decision. 38. Give an account of the Lincoln-Douglas debates, touching on (a) time and place, (b) purpose and subjects of debate, (c) results and importance. 39. Mention the principal subject or subjects of political controversy between 1830 and 1840, between 1850 and i860. Illustrate by mentioning the principal measures and events of those periods. 40. What conditions not political helped to keep the states together from the Revolution to the Civil War? What conditions promoted disunion during the earlier part of that period? during the later part? 41. Give an account of the circumstances that first en- abled the present Republican party to win a presidential campaign. 42. When, where and as a result of what conditions did the present Republican party originate? With what can- didate and what platform did it make its first national campaign ? 43. What causes, other than slavery, brought about the Civil War? 44. Was slavery a leading cause of (a) the Mexican War, (b) the Civil War? Give reasons for the answer in each case. 45. Trace the public career of Stephen A. Douglas. .46. What was the "Irrepressible Conflict"? Give an account of three efforts made to avoid it. QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 33 47. State measures or a general policy advocated by each of three of the following: Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, Daniel Webster, Stephen A. Douglas. 48. Who were the candidates for the presidency in i860? What party did each represent? Who won? What were the reasons for his victory? 49. Contrast the conduct of President Jackson in dealing with nullification with that of President Buchanan in the crisis of 1860-61. 50. On map indicate as accurately as possible: (a) the Louisiana purchase; (b) the states formed out of the Oregon territory; (c) the border states which did not secede from the Union. 51. What were the leading causes of the panic of 1837? Of 1860-1861? 52. Compare briefly the economic conditions of the North and the South at the opening of the Civil War. 53. Show the effect of (a) the intercolonial wars on the American Revolution, (b) the Mexican War on the Civil War. 54. After reading a textbook, to what more complete secondary authorities would you turn for information on each of the following subjects: (a) the Constitutional Con- vention of 1787, (b) Lincoln's attitude on slavery? [Name fzvo books in each case.] 55. Outline the history of the secession movement, in- cluding in your answer the appearance of this movement in the second, fourth and sixth decades of the 19th century. 56. It is sometimes said that the Civil War was brought about by fanatical reformers on the one side and ambitious politicians on the other. Discuss this statement, giving specific events to show the truth or the error of it. 57. Sketch the public career of one of the following men, showing how his life has influenced the history of our country: John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, John C. Calhoun, William H. Seward. 58. Draw a map of the United States. On it locate Mason and Dixon's Line and the parallel of 36° 30'. In- 34 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY dicate by a heavy or double line a northeastern and a north- western section of the boundary of the United States over each of which there was a dispute afterward settled by treaty. 59. If the seceding states had peacefully withdrawn from the Union in 1861, what causes for future strife would have remained 60. ]\Iark on map: (a) Mason and Dixon's line and the important boundary lines established in the years 1818 and 1819 writing the date on each, (b) The area in which slavery was prohibited by the Missouri Compromise, (c) The location and name of four of the following places : the American post surrendered to the British by General Hull in 1812, site of Cornwallis' surrender in 1781, tirst permanent French settlement on the St. Law- rence, place of Lee's surrender, first Confederate state restored by Congress to full privileges in the Union, a state formed out of another state. 61. What were the causes of northern opposition to the abolition movement ? 62. State four important problems which confronted the military and naval strategists of the United States during the Civil War. Briefly trace the operations found necessary in the solution of one of these problems. 63. Draw a map of the southern states and on it indicate three points specially guarded in enforcing the blockade. Show why each was important. 64. Define or explain, with reference to the Civil War, four of the following: (a) blockade-runner; (b) contra- band of war, (c) draft, (d) copperhead, (e) "Cotton is king," (/) Trent affair. 65. Write on two of the following: (a) geographic divisions of the area of the Southern Confederacy, (b) the effect of the geographic divisions of the Confederacy on QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 35 the campaigns of the Civil War, (c) why Virginia became the great battleground of the Civil War. 66. Show by map the territory under control of the Confederates and of the Federals in January, 1863. 67. On map indicate what States were at war with the United States in January, 1863, and in your answer book tell what became of the slaves therein. Also indicate on the same map other states where there were slaves at that time, and in your answer book tell what became of these slaves. 68. What were four important steps in the development of the slavery controversy from the end of the Mexican War to the outbreak of the Civil War? Explain the sig- nificance of each of the four. 69. Show why the Emancipation Proclamation was im- practicable in 1 86 1, and necessary in 1863. When and how did the United States free the slaves in the loyal states > 70. Compare the purpose of Burgoyne's campaign in 1777 with the purpose of the Union campaigns in the Mis- sissippi valley, 1862-63. Give an outline sketch of the latter campaigns. 71. Where is the Shenandoah valley? In what respect was Sheridan's raid of that valley like Sherman's March to the Sea? /2. State the immediate and the remote results of the Emancipation Proclamation. y^,. It is said that reconstruction did more than war to embitter the relations between North and South. Explain. 74. "The abolition of slaves was necessary to the indus- trial freedom of the South." Discuss fully this statement. 75. Mention at least two cases of political opposition to the Supreme Court of the United States, and explain fully the nature of the opposition in each case. 76. What causes other than political hindered the spread of slavery in the West? Was the abolition of slavery an injury or a benefit to the South? yy. Why did not President Lincoln declare slavery abolished at the beginning of the Civil War? Why, after 36 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY the Emancipation Proclamation, was it necessary to pass the 13th amendment? yS. Show (a) how the battle of Saratoga was the turning point of the Revokition, (b) how the events of July, 1863, proved to be the crisis of the Civil War. 79. Show how each of three of the following factors contributed to the downfall of tire Confederacy: (a) the naval blockade, (b) the opening of the Mississippi, (c) the Emancipation Proclamation, (d) foreign immigration be- tween 1850 and i860. 80. Write an account, not exceding 75 words, of one of the following battles, explaining the circumstances under which the battle was fought and giving its historic im- portance; pay special attention to clearness and conciseness of statement: (a)* Perry's victory on Lake Erie, (b) the battle of Gettysburg, (c) the battle of Long Island. 81. Draw a map of the United States. On this map indicate, with names, (a) the seceding slave states, (b) the loyal slave states, (c) four of the following strategic points in the Civil War: Vicksburg, Chattanooga, Mobile, Richmond, the Shenandoah valley, Appomattox. 82. Give an account of the -political career of one of the following and indicate his attitude on each of tzi^o national issues: Hamilton, Webster, Lincoln. 83. Give a brief estimate of the value to the country of the services of each of the following: Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, Abraham Lincoln. 84. Compare Washington with Lincoln as regards (a) birth, (b) education in school and in practical affairs, (c) public services, (d) ability to understand the people. 85. (a) State the author and title of any book or books which you have used in addition to your text-book in con- nection with any one of the following topics: (i) The life of an Englishman connected with American history. (2) A battle or campaign of the American Revolution. (3) A battle or campaign of the Civil War. (4) Slavery. QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 37 (5) The Tariff. (6) Social life in one of the Colonies. (b) Discuss the topic you have chosen, showing the results of your outside reading. 86. Give an account of one major campaign of the Civil War, mentioning leaders, battles fought and territory gained or lost. 87. Tell the story of the Gettysburg campaign. What was its significance? 88. State the approximate money cost of the Civil War to the United States government. Explain the various means employed to meet this cost. 89. Write on two of the following topics, choosing one from a and one from b: a (i) The purpose and the nature of Washington's ob- servations when visiting the Ohio valley in 1770. (2) The subjects discussed and the spirit shown in the Lexington town meetings. (3) Governor Hutchinson's explanation of his course in regard to the vessels that were bringing tea to Boston. b (i) Two noteworthy observations made by Sir Charles Lyell while traveling in the Southern states. (2) General Grant's account of the circumstances at- tending General Lee's surrender. (3) Contemporary exposition of the Constitution. 90. Write on one of the following topics from a and on one from b, first naming in each case the book from which you have, in outside reading, obtained information on the topic chosen : a (i) Henry Hudson's account of his experiences while near the head of navigation on the Hudson. (2) What John Smith noticed about the religious cus- toms of the Indians, their strength and their endurance. (3) Arguments advanced among the Pilgrims for and against going to Guiana rather than to Virginia, 88 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY (4) Adrian \^an der Donck's description of the agricul- tural methods employed by the New Netherlands in 1655. b (i) The estimate placed on the United States Con- stitution by a contemporary. (2) Observations made by Sir Charles Lyell in 184 1 while traveling in New York State. (3) General Grant's description of the meetings be- tween General Lee and himself at the time of General Lee's surrender. 91. Sketch the history of the second United States bank. 92. With reference to John C. Calhoun state: (a) Public offices held, (i*)' Attitude towards the tariff, (c) View of States' rights. 93. Explain the circumstances which led to the proclama- tion of the Monroe Doctrine. 94. What is meant by the "Spoils System"? When did it come into use, and does it still exist? 95. Define briefly : Monroe Doctrine, Popular Sovereignty, Underground Railway, Missouri Compromise. 96. State the reasons why the North opposed and the South advocated each of the following: (0) the War of 1812, (b) the annexation of Texas, (r) the Dred Scott Decision. 97. Explain the circumstances which led to the adoption of the compromise of 1833. 98. Sketch the life of Henry Clay. 99. What was the "Era of Good Feeling"? What new political issues put an end to it? What party upheld these policies? 100. To what political party did President Monroe be- long? State the Monroe Doctrine. What caused President Monroe to declare it ? Is the Monroe Doctrine a law or merely tlie expression of a poHcy? loi. State the occasion, terms and resuUs of the Missouri Com]:)romise. 102. What were the causes of Henry Clay's failure to become President? QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 89 103. Mention the public offices held by Andrew Jackson, his view of States' rights, and his attitude toward the United States Bank. 104. Write a biographical account of one of the following men with particular reference to his public services: (a) Andrew Jackson, (b) Daniel Webster. 105. Sketch the history of the nullification movement in South Carolina. Distinguish between nullification and secession. 106. For what events is the history of the United States during the period of 1829-1837 remarkable? Give a brief description of each. 107. Sketch the history of the abolition movement after 1829. How did Congress dispose of anti-slavery petitions? 108. Give an account of Jackson's attack upon the United States bank. What was the Specie Circular? 109. Mark on the outline map the position of the follow- ing and associate each with an historical event : Providence, Mobile, Yorktown, The Oregon Country, Hartford. no. With reference to Daniel Webster mention: (a) Public offices held, (b) View of States' rights, (c) Attitude towards slavery in the territories. 111. Discuss the annexation of Texas and its results. 112. Give the history of the problem of constructing an Isthmian Canal, beginning with the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty of 1850. 113. When and in what circumstances did the modern Republican party originate? Is it the logical successor of the Jeft'ersonian Republican party? 114. How did the United States secure Oregon? 115. Explain the attitude toward slavery of each political party in i860. 116. Show the connection between the invention of the reaper and the development of the West. 117. Who were the leaders and what were the principles of the Republican party in the years before it elected a President? From what older parties was it mainly re- cruited ? 40 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 1 1 8. Give an account of the exceptional features of the presidential elections of 1800 and i860. 1 19. Mark the territory gained by the United States prior to 1 86 1 through treaty with (a) England, (b) France, (c) Spain, (d) Mexico, (a) Mark with the letter O the states to which the Ordinance of 1787 appUed ; (b) Mark with the letter L the states formed from the Louisiana purchase ; (c) i\Iark with the letter M the states formed from the Mexican purchase. 120. Make clear the relation which these men had to the struggles over slavery: Lovejoy, Clay, Douglas, Seward, Calhoun. 121. What is the significance of each of the following in American history? Gadsden Purchase, Saratoga, Seward, Alabama Claims, Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions. 122. The election of 1800. Who were the candidates? What were the claims of each for support? The election of 1824. Who were the candidates? For which one would you have voted? Why? The election of i860. Who were the candidates ? For which one would you have voted ? Why? 123. How did climatic, agricultural, and industrial con- ditions afifect the slavery question, both in the colonial period and subsequently until i860? 124. In the history of the slavery controversy in the United States, what was the significance of: (a) The Mis- souri Compromise, (b) The Compromise of 1850, (c) The Kansas-Nebraska Act, (d) The Dred Scott case, (e) The Emancipation Proclamation, (/) The Thirteenth Amend- ment. 125. What is the significance of each of the following in American history? Writs of Assistance, Credit Mobilier, Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, Chickamauga, the Embargo Act. 126. How did the South defend their views that they had a right to secede? 127. Illustrate on the outline map what has been meant at various times by the terms Virginia, Louisiana, Oregon. 128. What were the four parties in the presidential cam- QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 41 paign of i860, and what was the attitude of each toward slavery ? 129. In what respect was slavery the cause of the Civil War? What was the immediate cause of the war? 130. Sketch the leading events in the history of the slavery question from 1820 to i860. 131. With reference to Stephen A. Douglas discuss (a) His doctrine of Popular Sovereignty, (b) His candidacy for the presidency. 132. What were the views of the Republican party on the slavery question in i860. 133. Give an account of some of the attempts made in 1 860- 1 86 1 to settle the differences between the sections with- out recourse to war. Why did the Crittenden Compromise fail? 134. What was President Buchanan's attitude on the question of secession in the winter of 1860-1861? How did he deal with Fort Sumter? 135. Upon what theory did South Carolina base its de- mand for the evacuation of Fort Sumter? Give an account of the circumstances which led to its bombardment. 136. Explain the process by which slavery was finally abolished between 1861 and 1865. Why did President Lin- coln wait until after a victory to issue the Emancipation Proclamation ? 137. For what are the following significant in American history? Hayne, Trenton, Ericsson, Nullification, Trent Affair? 138. When did the Civil War occur? What states seceded from the Union? Upon what terms were they restored ? When ? 139. Write on A. Lincoln, treating the following topics: (a) attitude towards slavery, (b) reason for Emancipation Proclamation, (c) speeches, (d) personality. ' 140. Explain how any two of the following crises tested the strength of the Union: Whisky Insurrection, Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, Buri;'s Conspiracy, Opposition 42 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY to the Embargo, Hartford Convention, Ordinance of Seces-^ sion. 141. Show on map the states or parts of states (not including West Virginia) which, being still members of the Confederate States of America, were in possession of federal troops at the time of the battle of Gettysburg. 142. Explain briefly the principal events of the most critical year of the Civil War. 143. Locate on the map these places : Roanoke Island, Island No. 10, Tippecanoe, Mobile, Appomattox, Cowpens, and the capital of the U. S. 118 years ago. 144. What was the Emancipation Proclamation? When and by whom issued? When was it put into force? Was that the end of the matter? 145. Account for the failure of the Southern States to break up the Union. 146. In what ways did the Federal government meet the extraordinary expenditures of the war of 1861-1865? Dis- cuss the financial resources of the South during same period. 147. Write an account of one diplomatic, one financial, and one naval event of the Civil War. 148. Locate on the map these places: Vicksburg, Mack- inac, King's Mountain, Chickamauga, Fort Stanwix, Lundy's Lane. 149. Mark on the outline map the following places, and write a few lines, in your examination book, on the his- torical importance of each: Chancellorsville, Detroit, Phila- delphia, St. Augustine, Vicksburg. 150. How did geographical conditions affect the history of (a) the early settlements, (b) the revolutionary struggle, (c) the struggle for and against slavery? 151. Mark on the outline maps as definitely as possible five of the following: Fort Duquesne, Northwest Territory, Providence, Richmond, Saratoga. 152. Give an accovmt of the life and work of Charles Sumner. 153. Explain the method of impeachment, and give an account of one impeachment case. QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 43 154. Give some idea of what was done after the Civil War with the states that had attempted secession. 155. What were the matters in dispute between President Johnson and Congress? What was the outcome of the dispute. 156. Explain: Freedman's Bureau, Military Reconstruc- tion, Purchase of Alaska. 157. State briefly the objects of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments. 158. Compare the Lincoln- Johnson plan of reconstruction with the congressional plan. 159. (i) The controversy between President Johnson and Congress over the reconstruction policy. (2) Successes and failures of reconstruction. 160. What do you mean by ''reconstruction"? What was the policy of President Lincoln in this matter? 161. What part did Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens play in reconstruction. 162. Explain the controversy between the President and Congress over reconstruction in the South. 163. What was Lincoln's plan for reconstruction and how was it affected by his death? What was Johnson's plan for reconstruction and how was it affected by his impeach- ment ? What was the congressional plan for reconstruction and how was it affected by the election of Grant? 164. Why was the death of Lincoln a serious injury to the South? VII. General Progress. 1829-1865 Progress of Democracy in the United States (Continued) I . Mark on map : (a) the places on the Mississippi, Tennessee, and Cum- berland rivers which were fortified by the Con- federates ; (b) such portions of the following parallels of latitude as were at some time parts of the boundary of 44 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY the United States: 31° NX., 42° NX., 49° N.L., 54° 40' N.L. By what treaty was each accepted as a boundary? (c) the route of Braddock's march, the Cumberland Road, the western boundary of Maryland, the Union Pacific Railroad, the settlements of the Mormons. 2. Draw a map of the United States and on it trace two routes of migration (a) from the eastern to the central states, (b) from the central states westward. 3. What have been the chief periods of western migra- tion in our history and what have been the chief incentives in each? In what different ways has the western emigrant been able to get land? 4. On map mark as definitely as possible the boundaries of the Oregon territory in 1850. In your answer book indicate how the northern boundary was determined. 5. Draw a map of the United States and on it indicate (a) the Louisiana Purchase, (b) the Northwest Territory of 1787, (c) the Gadsden Purchase. 6. Mention, with names of inventors, three American inventions that have had an important influence in the development of the United States. Explain the influence of one of these inventions. 7. Mention one American invention in each of four of the following fields, giving (a) approximate date, (b) name of the inventor, (c) some account of the benefits derived: transportation, communication, domestic work, agriculture, ofiice work. 8. Discuss the causes of the growth of the Middle West during the first half of the 19th century. 9. Sketch the history of railroads in the United States. Include (a) the beginnings of railroad construction, (b) twa periods of special growth, (c) land grants, (d) govern- mental regulation. 10. Mention izvo important changes in American indus- tries due to inventions. Mention tzuo inventions that have aided the rapid growth of cities during the past century. QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 45 State briefly two great municipal problems resulting from this rapid growth of cities. 11. State causes that led to a large immigration to the United States during, the 30 years preceding the Civil War and show the great political and industrial importance to this country of such immigration. 12. On map mark as definitely as possible four of the following: Gettysburg, Yorktown, Gadsden Purchase, both Kansas and Nebraska as outlined by the Kansas-Nebraska act of 1854, site of the earhest American college. 13. Describe the origin and status of the "poor whites" of the south. 14. Contrast the planner aristocracy and the poor white class in the South before the Civil War in respect to num- bers, wealth, and influence. 15. Explain the difiference between a tarifif for revenue and a tariiT for protection. Is the present tariff a protective or a revenue tarifif? What was the attitude of the Southern states toward a protective tariff before the Civil War? Why has that attitude partially changed? 16. What territory has been acquired by the U. S. other- wise than by conquest? 17. How has the history of the U. S. been affected by (a) the Ordinance of 1787, {h) the Lewis and Clark ex- pedition, (c) the discovery of gold in California? 18. What were the so-called slavery compromises of the Constitution? When did they become obsolete? 19. How were the slavery questions which grew out of the Mexican War settled in 1850? 20. Show on a map of the U. S. what portions of the country were closed to slavery in 185 1, and under what law. 21. What three compromises were brought about by Henry Clay? Describe one in detail. 22. What methods of extending slavery were represented in the Kansas-Nebraska bill and the Ostend manifesto? 23. What was the Wilmot Proviso? When and under what circumstances was it proposed? What became of it? 46 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 24. What was the doctrine of ''Squatter Sovereignty"? Who was its principal champion? What measure of success did he have with it? 25. Give an account of the principal American wa-iters of the Golden Age of American Literature. 26. Locate (i) Albany, (2) Cowpens, (3) Charleston, (4) Vicksburg, (5) San Francisco, mentioning briefly an account of historical importance which occurred at each place that you have thus located. 2'j. Show how the grow^th of the West from 18 15 to 1840 affected political parties and political issues. Describe the various methods by which the Federal Government obtained the money necessary for carrying on the Civil War. 28. What was the stake in the contest over Kansas ? 29. Mark on the map the present Territories of the U. S., and all States which have not passed through the territorial stage. Locate on the map these places : Santa Fe, Natchez, Portsmouth, Kaskasia, Astoria, Chattanooga, Fort Wayne, Lancaster. VIII. Political Development. 1865-1920 Progress of Democracy in the United States (Continued) 1. Write an account of the services of foreigners to America during either the Revolution or the Civil War. 2. What were the causes of the impeachment of President Johnson ? Describe his trial. 3. Explain the plan of reconstruction adopted by Con- gress in 1867, and show in what respects it was subject to criticism. Explain each of the following terms : copperhead, carpet- bagger, writ of habeas corpus, Free-soiler, Populist, pet banks. 4. Summarize the successive steps, beginning with Lin- coln's preliminary Emancipation Proclamation and ending with the 15th amendment, by which the negro became a voting citizen. 5. What acts of President Lincoln during the Civil War QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY # were criticized as unconstitutional ? On what grounds were the acts mentioned in your answer defended? 6. State the purpose and the general provisions of each of iivo of the following measures : Freedmen's Bureau Bill, Civil Rights Bill, Reconstruction Act of 1867, Tenure of Office Act. 7. Contrast President Lincoln's plan of reconstruction with the plan decided Upon by Congress in 1867. 8. The reestablishment of a real national brotherhood between the North and the South could be attained only on the basis of a sincere and genuine acknowledgment by the South that secession was an error as well as a failure. I come now to supplement this contention with the proposi- tion that a corresponding acknowledgment on the part of the North in regard to Reconstruction between 1866 and 1876 is equally necessary. With reference to the above quotation, give two reasons why secession may be regarded as an error and two reasons why the reconstruction policy may be regarded as an error. 9. What statement in the Constitution was modified by the 15th amendment? 10. Group the amendments to the Federal Constitution on the basis of the approximate dates of their enactment and indicate the purpose of each group. 11. Discuss General Grant's career as president of the United States. Explain the prevalence of corruption in public life directly after the Civil War. 12. The eight to seven decision (of the disputed election of President Hayes) became a byword in politics, and they were generally regarded as proof that even members of the Supreme Court were controlled by party bias. But this discreditable result was more than offset by the notable spectacle of half a nation submitting quietly, even in time of intense party feeling, to a decision that had the form of law. Rarely, in any country, has free government been subjected to such a strain — or withstood one so tri- umphantly. With reference to the a,boYQ quotation, describe {a) the #8 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY conditions that led to the appointment of an electoral com- mission, {b) the composition of this commission, (c) the character and influence of its decision. 13. State what is meant hy each of four of the following: (a) paper blockade, {b) contraband of w^ar, (c) the "open door" policy, (d) the "higher law" doctrine, (c) Ku-Klux Klan, (/) resumption of specie payments, (g) preferential ballot, (h) Credit Mobilier. 14. Name three great American statesmen who were unsuccessful candidates for the presidency and in the case of each indicate what training and experience specially fitted him for this office. 15. Show briefly the importance in American history of each of three of the following: the Homestead Act of 1862, the Geneva Arbitration 1872, the Interstate Commerce Act 1887, the Civil Service Act 1883. 16. Explain fully the efl:'ects of the development of cotton- growing upon the political history of the United States. 17. Discuss as fully as possible the influences of the following as leaders of pubic opinion: Jefferson, Lincoln, Cleveland. 18. Name four political parties that have elected presi- dents of the United States. Name the president chosen by each of these parties previous to 1900. State and explain briefly an important policy advocated by each of three of these parties. 19. Describe the relations between the United States and Great Britain during each of three distinct periods in the 19th century. 20. Explain the career of each of tzvo of the following as public men : Alexander Hamilton, Henry Clay, James G. Blaine. 21. Discuss the causes of each of tzvo financial panics in the United States. 22. From 1873 to 1896 the advocates of silver money were urging increased and freer coinage of that metal. Give an account of the chief incidents in that movement. 23. What is the Monroe doctrine? Discuss one of the QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 49 following in relation to the Monroe doctrine: Venezuela affair, Magdalena Bay incident, San Domingo incident. 24. Explain what is meant by five of the following terms: the Star Route Frauds, Mugwumps, the Bland-Allison Act, Wilmot Proviso, Compulsory Arbitration, Copperheads. What books, or selections from books, have you read in addition to your textbook on any of these topics, or on any other subjects connected with the course? 25. Mention three causes of the split in the Republican party in 1872. 26. Give the names of the opposing political parties in (a) 1800, (b) 1840, (c) 1880. State a political issue that was important at each of these dates. 27. What were the leading political issues in two presi- dential campaigns since 1864? . 28. State the most important provision of each of the following: (a) the Specie Circular of 1836, (b) The In- dependent Treasury Act of 1846, (c) the Legal Tender Act of 1862, (•(/) the Bland-Alhson Act of 1878. 29. Mention some ^f the works of public utility under- taken or aided by the national government (a) during the early part of the 19th century, (b) during the 20th century. Compare the attitude of the dominant political party toward such works in Jackson's administration with the attitude of the dominant party in Roosevelt's administration. 30. Mention the most important public service of each of four of the following, selecting two from each group: (i) Sir William Johnson, Peter Schuyler, Nicholas Herkimer, (2) De Witt Clinton, Peter Cooper, Samuel J. Tilden. 31. Write fully on the public services of any one of the following men : U. S. Grant, John Marshall, Theodore Roosevelt. 32. Name three of the greatest presidents and two of the weakest prior to 1880. Show how opportunity or quali- fications or both operated to determine the place in history of two of the presidents named. 33. Compare the policies of the following presidents in 50 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY making appointments to office: Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Cleveland. 34. Show that you have a definite knowledge of five of the following, writing at least four or five lines on each: the Webster-Hayne debate. Nullification, the Compromise of 1850, the Free Silver campaign, commission form of government for cities, McKinley tariff' act. 35. Write fully on three of the following men: John Paul Jones, Carl Schurz, William H. Seward, John Adams, William McKinley. 36. In what cases in the nineteenth century has the United States resorted to arbitration? Give an account of one of these cases, indicating the question at stake, its importance, and the result. Mention other ways in which the United States has shown interest in arbitration. 38. Trace the expansion of the United States during thef past 50 years. Show what has been the influence of this expansion on the position of the United States as a world power. 39. Mention three occasions on which difficulties have arisen between Great Britain and the United States and have been adjusted without war. Explain what each diffi- culty was and how it was adjusted. 40. Briefly describe a diplomatic controversy with two of the following and state how each was settled: France, Spain, China, England. 41. In what way did the United States intervene in Mexi- can affairs in 1866? Why did not this intervention occur earlier? State the doctrine involved in such intervention. 42. Name four events since 1890 that have drawn the United States into world politics. Write on one of these events. 43. Describe briefly three events since 1890 that have emphasized the position of the United States as a world power. 44. Give an account of the dispute in 1895 over the eastern boundary line of Venezuela and show how the dispute was settled. QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 51 45. Name the foreign territorial acquisitions of the United States after 1865 and discuss the recent growth of American influence in the Orient. 46. Give a brief account of our relations with Cuba. Include in your account (a) the Ostend Manifesto, (b) the Spanish- American War, (c) our present relations with Cuba. 47. Tell the story of a famous naval engagement in which the United States navy has taken part. 48. On map indicate as accurately as possible the terri- torial gains of the United States in North America since 1783, showing for each the date and method of acquisition. 49. On map indicate as accurately as possible the posses- sions which the United States owns outside the limits of the states. In your answer-book state briefly the circum- stances by which she came into control of each of these possessions. 50. Give reason for the acquisition of each of four of the following: Florida, Texas, Alaska, Hawaiian islands, Porto Rico, Danish West Indies, Panama Canal Zone. 51. Trace to political or social struggles across the At- lantic, the origin of three movements or events of American history, each in a different century. 52. Give an account of the relations existing between Russia and the United States at three of the following times : 1814, 1823, 1863-65, 1867, 191 1. 53. Describe the relations of the United States and Mexico during three separate periods in the century from 1815 to 1915. 54. State the important features of the national banking system (a) before 1836, (b) since the Civil War, (c) under the currency law of 19 13. 55. Indicate the position taken by the United States as to neutrality during the wars of the French Revolution ( 1 792-1 815), in the Civil War (i 861 -1865), and in the European war of 1914-1915. What was Great Britain's record on neutrality during the Civil War in the United States ? 52 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 56. Sketch the relations of the United States with China and Japan. 57. Compare the methods which the United States has employed (a) for the government of territory which has been contiguous and (b) for that which has been separated from her by the seas, and account for the differences. 58. What states have lately been admitted into the Union ? Trace the steps by which a territory usually attains state- hood. 59. Mention several important changes in the government of the United States which have been prominently discussed since 1900? What are the arguments for and against two of these? What changes have been adopted? 60. What are the provisions of the Constitution relating to (a) the election of members of the House of Repre- sentatives, (b) the election of United States senators? 61. State the difference between a tariff tax and an income taxj Which in your judgment is better? Why? 62. Why has the Senate become a much more powerful body than the House of Representatives, and in what sense may it be said to have "usurped powers belonging to the House and the President"? 63. Draw an outline map of New York State and give tzuo incidents in the history of the state that have determined the location of a part of the boundary. 64. State the importance of each of four of the follow- ing: (a) The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, (b) the Hartford Convention, (c) the Dred Scott Decision, (d) the resumption of specie payment, (e) the Federal Reserve banks. 65. Give illustrations from four different periods of the history of the United States as a nation to show the division of political parties on national questions. 66. Describe the presidential campaign of 1896. What new national issue appeared during the political campaign of 1900? 6y. Compare American international relations during the QUI^STIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 53 period i8cx)-i8i5 with those of today, showing points of similarity. Mention tzvo specific problems of each period. 68. Mention, with approximate dates, periods in the his- tory of the United States when protection of home indus- tries by a high tariff has been a political policy of the government. Explain why so much anxiety and agitation have existed in this country at the prospect of a lowering of the tariff. 69. What documents might be mentioned by the President in a message to Congress on (a) violation of the rights of neutrals at sea, {h) control of the Panama canal? 70. Answer either a or h: a Compare the development of tariff sentiment up to the time of the Civil War with the new direction this development has taken since the Civil War. b Give the reasons why some citizens uphold and why others oppose the Underwood tariff of 1913. 71. Mention five powers of the President of the United States and give an illustration from history of some noted icxercise of each. 72. Many critics think that the government of the nation has too much power as compared with the government of .the states. Many hold the reverse opinion. State tzvo rea- Lsons in support of either view. 73. By what authority and through what agency did the United States control interstate commerce before 1914? 74. Sketch the history of the protective tariff in the United States. 75. Enumerate the territorial annexations made by the United States from the close of the Civil War to the present day. Under what circumstances was each of these annexa- tions made? 76. Give the history of the present Republican party from its founding up to the present time, stating its origin, the principles on which it was founded, its achievements and its present strength in the country. yy. Distinguish between arbitration and the making of a treaty. Mention two important treaties between the United 54 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY States and a European nation and state the main question settled by each. 78. Write briefly on one topic under a and on one topic under b, naming in each case the title of the book or selec- tion from which you obtained information on the topic chosen : a (i) President Monroe's views as to the mutual rela- tions of the United States and European powers. (2) Lincoln's argument in support of his statement, ''I therefore consider that, in view of the Con- stitution and the laws, the Union is unbroken." (3) The Indians of Alaska. (4) The laying of the Atlantic cable. b (i) Henry W. Grady's account of how the Southerners took up the task of rebuilding the South at the close of the Civil War. (2) Sea-level and lock canals. (3) Penn's plan for avoiding war among European nations. 79. Give a brief account of the Panama canal. Include in your account (a) treaties relating to it, (b) the acquisi- tion of a canal zone, (c) problems of construction and of administration, (d) commercial and military importance. 80. Outline the tariff policy of the U. S. since 1865. 81. What was the "occasion and what were the terms of (i) the Webster-Ashburton treaty, (2) The Clayton-Bulwer treaty, (3) The Treaty of Washington? 82. Give an account of the life, character, and public services of U. S. Grant. 83. Mention some notable decisions of the Supreme Court of the U. S. since the Civil War. What was the main point decided in each case? 84. Name three important acts of Congress since the Civil War, and explain why each has been important. 85. For what is the following noteworthy in American history? Alabama Claims; Burr; Albany Congress; Dorr Rebellion; Specie Circular; Tweed Ring; Ordinance of 1787. /.r,- QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 55 86. Under what circumstances did the U. S. acquire Alaska ; Hawaii ; the Louisiana Purchase ? What did the last include? 87. Enumerate the leading principles or doctrines of the political parties, and indicate approximately when these parties existed : (i) Abohtionist, (2) Greenback, (3) Know- nothing. 88. What was the Tenure of Office Act? Why passed? When repealed? 89. Give the substance of four of the following Acts of Congress: (a) Electoral Count; (b) Embargo; (c) Fugi- tive Slave; (d) Resumption of Specie Payments; (e) Tenure of Office. 90. Arrange in order of their occurrence the following events : The treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo, the discovery of the Mississippi River, the death of Washington, the Proclamation of Emancipation, the settlement of Philadel- phia, the admission of California to the Union, the battle of Resaca de la Palma, the second inauguration of Presi- dent Cleveland, the veto of the greenback inflation bill, the first law authorizing the present national banking system. 91. Discuss the presidential election of 1876. 92. What were the Alabama Claims and how were they settled ? 93. For what is each of the following noteworthy in American history ? Gallatin ; Stamp Act Congress ; Sedi- tion Act ; Tilden ; Embargo ; Douglas. 94. In what case was the result of an election for the office of President disputed? What measure was adopted to secure a settlement and what were the terms? 95. What is meant by the resumption of specie payment, and how was the resumption accomplished? 96. Select two of the following men and give as to each of them the dates of his birth and death (as nearly as you can), the public offices which he held, and the facts called for below: i. Benjamin Franklin: (a) his work for union of the colonies, (b) his part in securing the French alii- 56 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY ance. — 2. Alexander Hamilton: (a) his share in the adop- tion of the Federal Constitution, (b) the assumption of the state debts. — 3. Andrew Jackson: (a) his attitude to- wards nullification, (b) the reasons for his attack upon the United States Bank. — 4. James G. Blaine: (a) the quarrel with Roscoe Conkling. 97. If you had been a voter in 1872, which of the candi- dates would you have supported, and why? What was the result of the election? 98. Trace briefly the steps in the territorial expansion of the United States from 1783 to 1853. 99. What reasons prompted the passage of three of the following laws : Chinese Immigration, Civil Service Reform, Alien and Sedition, Fugitive Slave, Interstate Commerce, Tenure of Office (1820)? 100. Discuss the controversies over a National Bank from 1830 to 1845. The Presidential Elections of 1884, 1888, and 1892. loi. If you had been a voter in 1884, which of* the can- didates would you have supported, and why? What was the result of the election? 102. Explain the following terms : Kansas-Nebraska Bill ; Albany Plan of Union ; Specie Circular ; X Y Z Mission ; Inter-State Commerce Act. 103. With reference to Grover Cleveland discuss: (a) His relation to Civil Service Reform, (b) The panic of 1893. 104. (Select any two of the following men and tell con- cerning each the dates of his birth and death, as nearly as you can, the public offices that he held, and the facts called for below) : i. Thomas Hutchinson: (a) His attitude toward the Stamp Act. (b) His character as a governor, (c) Was he a patriot? — 2. John Adams: (,a) His relation to the Declara- tion of Independence, (b) His diplomatic services, (c) His agreement with Hamilton. — 3. Grover Cleveland: (a) How and why was he first nominated for the presidency? (b) His Venezuela message? (c) His attitude towards the tariff. QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 57 105. Enumerate three events since 1890 which have em- phasized the position of the United States as a ''world power," and describe particularly one of them. Give the dates of the events mentioned. 106. Name the most important event in American History among those which you know as having occurred in each of the following years : 1664, 1688, 1759, 1774, 1787, 1823, 1840, 1854, 1867, 1873, 1893. 107. For what reasons did some Americans oppose (a) the Revolutionary war; (b) the Mexican War; (c) the Spanish War? 108. Compare the Hawaiian policies of Presidents Cleve- land and McKinley. What precedent was there for the an- nexation of territory by joint resolution instead of by treaty ? 109. State the chief provisions and the chief result of four of the following acts: (a) Assumption, (b) Bland- Allison, (r) Electoral Count, (d) Embargo, (e) Fugitive- Slave, (/) Non-Intercourse, (g) Reconstruction, (h) Re- sumption of Specie Payments, (i) Kansas-Nebraska, (/) Tenure of Office. no. What were the provisions of the last treaty with Spain? Describe the present governmental organizations of the Philippines Islands. . III. State the reasons why the South opposed and the North advocated each of the following, (a) the tariff of 1828, {b) the Wilmot Proviso, (r) the ''Force Bill" of 1833, of 1870, or of 1890. 112. Discuss the origin of the Monroe Doctrine, and its applicability to the Venezuelan controversy of 1895, and to the San Domingo question of 1905- 1906. 113. Compare or contrast the constitutional arguments against expansion in 1803 and in 1898. 114. What three inventions have had most important effects upon American history? Give reasons for your choice. What were the terms of peace at the end of the Spanish- American War? Explain some of the political 58 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY questions which have been forced into prominence as a result of that war. 115. Tell what you can of the career of Theodore Roose- velt before he became President. What measures has he most strongly advocated during his presidency? 116. Write briefly on the following topics: Locke's Fundamental Constitutions; the Compromises of the Con- stitution; Removal of Deposits; "Cotton is King"; KuKlux Klan; Reconcentrado. 117. What territories and dependencies acquired from foreign nations have not yet been admitted as states ? How does our protective tariff affect this territory? 118. Why were the U. S. and Spain at war in 1898? What were the results of the war? 119. Outline the history of the relations between the U. S. and Cuba. IX. General Progress. 1865-1920 Progress of Democracy in the United States (Continued) 1. State with what subjects American literature was prin- cipally concerned in (a) the Colonial period, (b) the Revolu- tionary period. Show by reference to authors or books effects on literature of (a) the slavery dispute, (b) the Reconstruction period. 2. Give a brief account of the industrial disorders during Hayes's administration. Why are such disorders more fre- quent now than during the colonial period? 3. Discuss the new problems which the American people were called upon to solve as a result of the Spanish-Ameri- can War. 4. Draw a map of the United States, Mexico and Central America. On this map indicate (a) all the territory ac- quired by the United States directly from Spain, (b) all teritory acquired by the United States directly from Mexico, (c) the location of the Panama canal. 5. How was each of the following outlying possessions QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 59 obtained : Alaska, Porto Rico, the Philippines, Guam, Hawaii? Tell something of the value and the importance of each. 6. Draw the map of the United States. On it indicate, with names, the great midcontinental waterway with its two chief tributaries, and three cities of historic importance situated on these waters. Locate also the Hudson river and show its relation to military and commercial routes northward and westward. 7. Sketch the history of railroads in the United States. Include (a) the beginnings of railroad construction, (b) two periods of special growth, (c) land grants, (d) govern- mental regulation. 8. Show how the United States assists agriculture through each of four of the following agencies : (a) Weather Bureau, (b) Reclamation Service, (c) Bureau of Forestry, (d) agricultural experiment stations, (e) Interstate Commerce Commission. 9. Draw a map of the United States and on it indicate important areas in which each of the following is produced : (a) coal, (b) iron, (c) gold, (d) cereals, (e) oil. 10. Mention three causes of the rapid agricultural devel- opment of the west since i860. Show how this develop- ment has affected (a) the value of farm lands in the east, (b) industries in the east. 11. What are the principal industries of the Pacific coast states? Show the relation of the transcontinental railroads to the development of these states. What advantage will follow the completion of the Panama canal? 12. Give a full historical account of two of the following relating to the general progress of the United States since 1865: (a) territorial accessions, (b) agriculture, noting extension of cultivated areas and improved methods, (c) growth of transportation, (d) concentration of capital in great enterprises. 13. Draw a map of the United States. On it indicate the principal anthracite coal area, three great lumbering regions, the wheat belt, the cotton belt, the corn belt. Name 60 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY one of the products indicated that has been the cause of a great poHtical disturbance. Explain. 14. Describe the influence of each of the following on our merchant marine: (a) the Napoleonic wars, {h) steam and iron, (c) the Civil War. 15. What great advantage came to the American people from each of tzvo of the following seeming disadvantages: the rocky soil of New England, the nearness of the Ap- palachian mountains to the Atlantic shore, the great moisture of the Gulf region? 16. Describe the industrial and social progress of the South after the Civil War. 17. Why has the foreign commerce of the United States hitherto been mainly along east and west lines rather than from north to south ? Why is a change of direction desired and what means have been taken to bring it about? 18. How did the American merchant marine compare with that of other nations in 1800? in i860? in 19 10? Give an argument for and an argument against one of the following: ship subsidies, direct election of United States senators. 19. State five influences on the social, political or economic life of the American people of today that have come to us from colonial times. 20. Give four distinct reasons why the spread of popula- tion from the Alleghanies to the Pacific was much more rapid than from the Atlantic to the Alleghanies. 21. Trace the expansion of the United States during the past 50 years. Show what has been the influence of this expansion on the position of the United States as a world power. 22. On a map of the United States (a) indicate, with names, the location in dift'erent parts of the country of seven different important industries, characteristic of the sections in which they are located, {h) locate, with names, six of the following: St. Louis, Seattle, Memphis, Atlanta, Pittsburg, Buffalo, Bridgeport. 23. Contrast American life in the early part of the 19th QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 61 century with American life in the early part of the 20th century, with respect to (a) home life, (b) education, (c) communication and travel. 24. Mention four important cities of the United States that are located on the Great Lakes. State a common advantage possessed by these cities and give a special ad- vantage possessed by each of two of them. 25. Mention four financial panics of the past hundred years, giving one cause common to all and one peculiar to each. 26. How far are the arguments in support of the tariff prior to 1820 applicable to present conditions? 2y. Give reason for the acquisition of each of four of the following : Florida, Texas, Alaska, Hawaiian islands, Porto Rico, Danish West Indies, Panama Canal Zone. 28. Compare the commercial conditions that underlay the building of the Erie canal with those that led the United States to undertake the construction of the Panama canal. 29. Beginning with the year 1800, describe by map or otherwise all the additions made to the territory of the United States, and give the approximate date of each accession. 30. State three principal sources of national revenue and mention five important items of national expenditure. Give a reason why the House was entrusted with the sole power of originating revenue bills. 31. What influences have produced the combinations of capital in the last 30 years and in what ways have these combinations been regulated ? 32. Give the provisions of two laws in the enactment of which John Sherman played an important part. 33. What attempts has Congress made to regulate "big business" during the past half-century? 34. Draw a map of the United States and on it locate, with names, the following: New York City, Buffalo, Chicago, New Orleans, San Francisco. Explain the historic importance of each of three of these cities. 35. Compare immigration before the Civil War with im- 62 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY migration of the present day, in the following respects: (a) nations represented, {b) causes, {c) effects on labor conditions. 36. Account for the almost total cessation of immigration in 1908. When will the next United States census be taken? the next state census? Explain the political im- portance of a national census. 37. Write on two of the following relating to New York State: (a) the abolition of slavery, (b) the origin and growth of the free school system, (c) the Croton aqueduct. 38. Discuss the justice and the expediency (a) of for- bidding Chinese immigration, (^) of permitting unrestricted European immigration. 39. Mention three distinct causes that are bringing im- migrants to the United States at the present time. Give two possible dangers from excessive immigration. 40. Compare the character of the immigration into the United States during the decade 1850- 1860 with that during the decade 1900- 1910. What restrictions are placed upon immigration into the United States at the present time ? 41. Write on American inventions and inventors since the Civil War. 42. State the contribution to American history made by each of five of the following: Col. G. W. Goethals, John Hay, William L. Marcy, Robert Morris, Elias Howe, Clara Barton, Elihu Root. 43. Write brief notes on three of the following, showing why their achievements entitle them to be ranked as noted Americans: Samuel Adams, Henry Clay, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Cyrus McCormick, Thomas A. Edison, Richard Hoe, Philip Sheridan. 44. Mention, with names of inventors, three American inventions that have had an important influence in the development of the United States. Explain the influence of one of these inventions. 45. What is meant by "the conservation of national re- sources"? Give illustrations of such resources and of their QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 63 waste. What remedies are now suggested to prevent further waste. 46. Write on the growth of the United States postal sys- tem, touching on rates of postage, special delivery, inter- national postal union, rural free delivery. Show how good postal facilities tend to strengthen national power. 47. Give one reason for and one reason against the chartering of business corporations by the United States government. 48. Write arguments for or against strikes as a means of bettering the conditions of labor. 49. Explain /oi/r of the following: tariff, excise, income tax, inheritance tax, general property tax, corporation tax. From which tzvo of these forms of taxation does the federal government derive most of its revenue in times of peace? 50. Write on one of the following topics from a and on one topic from h, first naming in each case the book from which you have, in outside reading, obtained information on the topic chosen : a (i) The attitude of President Lincoln in his first in- augural in regard to the freeing of slaves and the return of fugitive slaves. (2) Secretary Seward's estimate of the mineral re- sources of Alaska. (3) Peter Cooper's account of two of his inventions. (4) The gradual development of the Monroe Doctrine either before President Monroe sent his mes- sage, 1823, or after the message was sent. h ( I ) The advantages named by Penn that would follow from the adoption of his plan for the peace of Europe. (2) Reasons why the French did not complete the Panama canal. (3) Grady's estimate of the place and service of the negro in the South. 51. What policy in regard to the Western Hemisphere was outlined by Monroe in 1823? On what occasions since 64 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY the Civil War has the United States applied this policy in its foreign relations? 52. On map : (a) Shade any part of the present United States held in joint occupation with a foreign power in 1840. {b) Shade and name the states whose electoral vote was in doubt in the election of 1876. (c) Locate and name the site of four of the following places : The first capital of the Southern Confederacy, The place where the treaty was signed which ended the Russo-Japanese War, The Pullman strike, The first permanent Spanish settlement in America, Grant's victory of July, 1863, Copper-mining districts. 53. Write brief notes on five of the following topics: Caucus, Cumberland Road, The Federalist, Mugwump, Pan- American Movement, Progressive Party, Rough Riders, Tippecanoe. 54. What were the causes and results of the war between the U. S. and Spain? 55. Make a list, in logical order, of eight or ten titles for chapters showing the development of American history from the close of the Revolutionary War to the present time. Give dates covered by each chapter heading. 56. Sketch the public career of one of the following men, showing how his life has influenced the history of the United States: Benjamin Franklin, James G. Blaine, William Henry Harrison, Woodrow Wilson. 57. Nam^ six Secretaries of State, and tell under what President each served. Give an outline of the services of two of them as Secretaries. 58. Write brief notes on five of the following topics : soldiers' insurance, *'A.B.C." powers, spoils system, "open door," embargo, gag resolutions, Freedmen's Bureau, reciprocity. 59. What events in our early history established friendly QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 65 relations between the United States and France? Mention three occasions on which these friendly relations have been temporarily disturbed and describe one such incident. 60. On map: (a) Name and shade the slave states which did not secede from the Union at the time of the Civil War. (b) Indicate the routes traversed by De Soto, Coronado, and Lewis and Clark, (c) Name and locate four of the following places : Place of Burgoyne's surrender, place of John Brown's raid on federal property, first permanent English settlement in America, first state west of the Mississippi admitted into the Union, western land claims ceded by Connecticut after the Revolution, one state west of the Rocky Mountains which voted for Taft in 1908 but for Wilson in 1916. REGENTS' EXAMINATION PAPERS Tuesday, January 22, 1918 — 9.15 a.m. to 12,15 p.m., only // credit is not claimed for required reading, answer eight ques- tions, selecting one from each group. If credit is claimed for required reading, omit one of the first four groups and answer one question from each of the other severe groups. Group I 1. Give a short account of one of the following: (a) the Jesuit missions in North America, {b) education in colonial New England, (c) the explorations of La Salle. [^^] 2. Show how climatic and geographic conditions affected the colonization of (a) New France [^], (^) Virginia [^]. Group II 3. At the time of the American Revolution what was the attitude toward the colonies of (a) the English king, (6) a minority in Parliament, (c) France? [i^] 4. Give an account of (o) the political conditions in England at the time of the American Revolution [^], {b) the efforts made by prominent Englishmen in favor of the colonies [^J. Group III 5. Compare the business life of the people of New York in 1817 with that in 1917. [lo] 6. Compare the life of a boy or a girl in 181 7 with your own life, with respect to amusements, comforts, education and opportunity for advancement. [^^] 7. Show by map or otherwise the territorial acquisitions of the United States from 1787 to i860. [10] Group IV 8. Account for the rapid growth of American cities since the Civil War [®]. Mention two problems of a city government that are not connected with county, state or national government [*]. 9. Mr. Bryce says in The American Commonwealth that city 66 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HlS'iv.. government is the one conspicuous failure of American democra*.. Show why this was true 30 years ago, but is not equally true to- day. ["] Group V 10. Show the effect on the settlement of the West of each of foiir of the following: (a) the steamboat, (/;) the railroad, (c) the Methodist circuit rider, (d) the McCormick reaper, (e) European emigration, [i^] 11. What was the main cause in Europe or in America of migra- tion to America during eacn of four of the following periods : (a) 1620-1640, (b) 1640-1660, (c) 1840-1860, (d) 1875-1890, (e) 1900-1914? [1^] Group VI 12. Explain the significance in American history of each of four of the following: (a) compromise tariff of 1833, (b) discovery of gold in California, (c) Lincoln-Douglas debates, (d) Sam Houston, (e) William Lloyd Garrison, [i^] 13. Mention two inventions since the Civil War that have im- proved each of the following: (a) home life [2], (b) agricul- ture [-], (c) transportation [2], (d) communication [2], (e) busi- ness life [-]. What has been the effect of these inventions on American history [^] ? Group VII 14. State arguments for or against (a) giving cabinet officers seats in Congress without a right to vote [^], (b) choosing cabinet officers by popular vote [4], (c) giving territorial delegates a vote in the house of representatives [^]. 15. Contrast the powers of the president in time of war and in time of peace [1°]. Give tivo reasons for the difference [^]. 16. Give an account of the methods by which our government is financing the present war. [^^] Group VIII 17. Mention four events since 1776 that have brought the United States and France into friendly or unfriendly relations [^]. De- scribe one of these events [*]. 18. Show by at least three examples how modern warfare has been revolutionized by American inventions. [12] ig. Name two great American historians and give the exact title of a book or work written by each [§]. Of what period or move- 68 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY ment in the history of the United States does each of these books or works treat [^] ? [Do not name textbooks or encyclopedias.] 20. After reading a textbook, to what primary sources or second- ary authorities would you turn for more complete information on (a) home life in colonial days [^], (b) the reconstruction period [''] ? Give the exact title of tzvo sources or authorities in each case. [Do not name textbooks or encyclopedias.] Tuesday, June i8, 1918 — 9.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m., only // credit is not claimed for required reading, answer seven ques- tions, selecting one from each group. If credit is claimed for required , reading, omit one of the first three groups and answer one question from each of the other six groups. Group I 1. Compare the motives of the Spanish (1492-1600) with those of the English (i6o5-i66o) with respect to colonization, p^'] 2. Explain the relations existing between a colonial governor and his colonial assembly, [i^] 3. Compare the patroon system of New Netherland with the plantation system of Virginia. [^^] Group II 4. Show how physical conditions affected the settlement of each of two of the following: eastern Long Island, western Long Island, the Mohawk valley, the Genesee valley, the Niagara frontier, Albany, New York, Syracuse. [Select the two with which you are most familiar.] [lo] 5. What is meant by the statement that the Americans in the American Revolution fought the battles of Englishmen in Eng- land? [10] 6. Show the extent to which the Revolution, while it gained political independence, failed to secure democracy. [1°] Group III 7. Describe either the Webster-Hayne debate or the Lincoln- Douglas debates, including (o) the occasion [2], (b) the points at issue [2], (c) the influence on subsequent American history [^]. 8. Give an account. of the life of some great American, based on a standard biography. Name the author of this biography and indicate his estimate of the public services of this great American. QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 69 [Pupils whose answers do not show that they have read the biography wiH receive no credit for attempting this question.] |'"J 9. What was each of two of the following: (a) the Cumberland road, (b) the Webster- Ashburton Treaty, (c) the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, (d) the Ostend Manifesto, (e) the Credit Mobilier? [i'^] Group IV 10. Describe (a) the attitude of Russia tow^ard the United States between i860 and 1870 [*'], (b) the attitude of Germany toward the United States in the Spanish-American War [^]. Mention one event to illustrate each case [^J. 11. A recent editorial on our entrance into the present war said: "If the United States is wrong now, it has never been right." Justify our entrance into hvo wars, including the present one. [^^] Group V 12. Give an account of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, including (a) its purpose [-] and place of meeting [*], (b) the names of four of its influential members [-]. Mention one differ- ence that arose in the convention between (a) the large and the small states [2], (b) th'e Northern and the Southern states [^]. State the wa}^ in which each of the differences mentioned is adjusted [^J. 13. Give an account of the Louisiana Purchase, including (a) reasons for purchase [^], (b) extent of territory [^], (c) Jefferson's attitude on the power of the national government [-], (d) influence on subsequent American history [^^]. Group VI 14. Mention three events between 1840 and i860 that tended to divide the North and South [*^] and show the influence of each of these events on both the North aiid the South [12]. 15. Show the effect of the present war on the political [*^], eco- nomic [®] and social [^] life of the American people. 16. Compare early methods of production with modern methods, with reference to each of tzvo of the following industries in the United States : mining, wheat growing, the making of shoes, the manufacture of cloth, the manufacture of iron, lumbering. ['^^] Group VII 17. Distinguish between governmental control and governmental ownership of railroads ["*]. State two advantages or disadvantages of each plan [^2] 18. What are the three great divisions of our national govern- 70 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY ment [^] ? Show the interdependence of these three divisions of government [^]. Show how their relative importance is changed in time of war [*J. 19. Give briefly the process by which money is raised for the support of your local government [*]. Who determines how this money shall be spent [^] ? What are the chief purposes for which it is spent [^] ? Tuesday, January 21, 1919 — 9.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m., only // credit is not claimed for required reading, answer eight questions, selecting one from each group. If credit is claimed for required reading, omit one of the first four groups and answer one question from each of the other seven groups. Group I 1. Describe briefly the settlement of New Netherland [^] and its change to English rule [^J. 2. Show how migration to America from Qach of two European countries was a part of the long struggle between democracy and autocracy. {^^] Group II 3. Mention tivo movements or events in American history since 1789 that illustrate the growth of democracy [^J. Give a brief account of one of these movements or events [^]. 4. Explain the services of the Federalist party in establishing a vigorous central government. [^^J Group III 5. Why was the Erie canal built [*] ? What was its effect on (a) the development of the central West [^j, {h) the growth of cities in New York State [3] ? 6. Explain the effect of the invention of the cotton gin on (a) the industries of the North [^], (&) the question of slavery [^^]. Group IV 7. Describe the effect of the present world war on industrial life and organization in America. [^^] 8. Describe briefly the organization and the functions of the Federal Reserve Banking System. [^"] QtTESTIONS in AMERICAN HISTORY 7l 9. What was the leading issue in the presidential compaign of each of the following years: 1832, 1844, i860, 1896? [lo] Group V 10. Give an account of the organization of the Northwest Terri- tory, including (a) extent of territory [3], (b) names of three eastern states having claims in this territory [^], (c) three pro- visions of the Ordinance of 1787 [^]. What influence did this ordinance have on subsequent American history [4] ? 11. Mention four contributions to the civilization of America made by England [^]. Write fully about each of tivo of these contributions [^]. Group VI 12. Describe the influence on our merchant' marine of (a) the Napoleonic wars [*], (b) the development of iron and steel steam- ships [*], (c) the Civil War [*], (d) the present world war f*]. 13. Explain, with illustrations, (a) our dependence on British manufacturing before the War of 1812 [^], (b) our dependence on German manufacturing before the present world war [^], (c) how we solved the problem in each instance [^]. Group VII 14. Mention at least four principles of our national Constitution that might be embodied in a constitution for a world state or league of nations. [^*^] 15. Show how the relations between state and local governments differ from the relations between state and national govern- ments. [^^] 16. Mention (a) three rights or privileges that the individual has under our system of government [^], (b) three obligations or duties of the individual to the government [^]. Why is it for the general good, as well as for the good of the individual, to have a system of free public schools [*] ? Group VIII 17. Give illustrations of the united efforts of our country in the present world war as shown in the following: (a) activities of women, (b) subordination of private interests to public service, (c) encouragement of thrift, (d) organization of our military and naval forces. [^-] 18. Mention four conditions of peace advocated by President Wilson. [12] 72 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 19. Contrast Washington's neutrality proclamation and his attitude on foreign alliances with Wilson's war messages and our present cooperation with France and her allies [*']. Justify the position taken in each instance [^]. Tuesday, June 17, 1919 — 9.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m., only // credit is not claimed for required reading, auszver eight ques- tions, selecting one from each group. If credit is claimed for required reading, omit one of the first four groups and answer one question from each of the other seven groups. Group I ^ 1. What influences or conditions in European thought and life led to American exploration and colonization in the i6th and 17th centuries? [i'^] 2. Show why the freedom of the self-governing English colonies led to the American Revolution and why the paternalistic govern- ment of the French colonies did not lead to a similar revolution in New France. [^^] Group II 3. Compare, in at least fotir respects, pioneer home life in colonial days with your home life of to-day, [^^J 4. What geographic and political problems faced the American people in their efforts to establish a unified government in 1787? [i«] Group III 5. Mention two types of transportation facilities developed during the first half of the 19th century [2]. Show their influence on- (a) the industrial growth of the east [^], {h) the great westward move- ment [4]. 6. What problems were settled by each of three treaties between the United States and England after 1800? [i"] Group IV 7. Compare Hamilton with Jefferson or Webster with Calhoun as representatives of opposing ideals of government. [^^*] 8. Describe briefly the organization and the functions of one of the following: (a) the Federal Reserve Bank, {h) The Interstate Commerce Commission, (c) the Emergency Fleet Corporation, {d) the Inland Waterways Commission, [i"] Group V 9. Write on the Monroe Doctrine, covering four of the following points: (a) the circumstances leading to its issuance, (/?) the main QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 73 principle proclaimed by it, (c) its conflict with our imperialistic tendencies prior to i860, (d) the attitude of South American coun- tries toward it, (c) its present significance. [^*''] 10. Democracy in the United States is said to be a gradual evolu- tion. Show one definite advance made in democracy during the administration of (a) Jefferson, (b) Jackson, (c\ Garfield-Arthur, (d) Wilson. [16] Group VI 11. Compare colonial immigration with the immigration of the last 30 years with respect to (a) causes [*], (b) character [*], (c) results [*]. Should we now seek to restrict immigration? Justify your answer [*]. 12. Show how the policy of "divide and conquer" failed in England's attempt to crush the colonies by the Burgoyne campaign and how it was successfully applied by the North in the Civil War. [16] Group VII 13. Tell in some detail what your city or community has done or ought to do for the Americanization of its foreign born resi- dents. [16] 14. Tell four of the things your city or community is doing for the physical, mental and moral welfare of its citizens. [16] 15. Show that each member of a communit}^ has a personal responsibility for its welfare. Support your answer by references to your home, school, city, village or town. [i6] Group VIII 16. Mention three constructive measures or great reforms advo- cated by Theodore Roosevelt [6]. Describe one of these measures or reforms [6]. 17. Indicate three American problems of reconstruction resulting from the world war [6]. Describe one of these problems [6]. Tuesday, January 20, 1920 — 9.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m., only Group I 1. Name four trans-Mississippi explorers or pioneers [^] and give a brief account of the achievements of one of them ["]. 2. What political and social conditions in England [6] and France [^] led to migration to America in the 17th century? Group II 3. Show the influence on American history of each of two of the 74 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY following: (a) the Jesuit missions, (b) the fur trade, (c) the dis- covery of gold in California, (d) the reaper and binder, [i'^] 4. Explain two ways in which the British defeat of the French was a turning point in the history of America. [^"^'J Group III 5. Mention four causes of discontent that led to the American Revolution [•*]. Explain briefly one of these causes [^']. 6. Write the preamble to the federal Constitution. [^^]. 7. Mention four doctrines or statements of the Declaration of Independence, [^^j Group IV 8. The government of the United States in 1789 has been called an artistocratic government. Support this view b> mentioning three features at that time which might be called aristocratic to-day [^]. Mention tzvo democratic changes that have occurred since 1787 [^]. 9. Compare the making of the Constitution in 1787 with the making of the League of Nations with respect to two of the fol- lowing: (a) one point of disagreement leading to compromise, (b) method of ratification, (c) reasons for opposing ratification. [i°] Group V 10. Answer both (a) and (b) : (a) What section of the United States was developed in large measure by each of the following: the Cumberland road [2], the Erie canal [-], the Oregon trail and the Santa Fe trail [2], the steamboat [2]? (b) What plans of dealing with the railroad situation were suggested in 1919 by (a) Congress [^J, (6) the rail- road employees [^] ? 11. Why did the United States in the first 50 years of its national Hfe adopt a policy of isolation [§] ? Show the relation of this policy to each of two of the following [«] : (a) Washington's Farewell Address, (b) the acquisition of the Philippines, (c) our relations with China since 1900, (d) our part in the world v^ar. Group VI 12. Trace the development in the United States up to 1920 of each of two of the following: manufacture of iron, weaving, ship- building, communication, agriculture. [^2] 13. Mention an instance in which the West has exercised on the East (o) political influence [2], (b) economic influence [2]. Ex- plain each of these instances [^]. QlTESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 75 Group VII 14. Mention one economic, one social and one political difference between the North and the South before the Civil War [•^J. Show how any two of these differences have been adjusted since the Civil War [i<']. 15. Mention two economic and two political results of the Civil War [*]. Show how one of these results affected the development of the South [8]. Group VIII 16. Mention five ways in which the federal government comes into contact with the individual [^^]. Describe one of these in detail [^]. 17. "The government of the United States is esi'entially a govern- ment by the majority." Discuss, explaining the meaning of govern- ment by a majority [*] and stating how a majority is secured in this country [^]. What means should the minority employ to become the majority [*^] ? 18. What is the Constitution of the United States [*] ? How may it be amended [i^] ? Tuesday, June 15, 1920 — 9.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m., only Write at top of first page of answer paper (a) name of school where you have studied, (b) number of weeks and recitations a week in American history with civics. The minimum time requirement is five recitations a week for a school year. If credit is not claimed for required reading, answer eight ques- tions, selecting one from each group. If credit is claimed for required reading, omit one of the first four groups and answer one question from each of the other seven groups. Group I 1. Locate by map or otherwise the fighting front in western Europe during 1917 and 1918. Locate also five of the following: Chateau-Thierry, the Argonne, the St. Mihiel salient, St. Quentin, Brest, Sedan, the Marne. [lo] 2. Discuss the commercial situation in Europe in the latter half of the 15th centiiry, including (a) routes of trade [2], (b) the crisis produced by the Turks [^J, (c) attempts made up to 1500 to find other routes of trade [*]. 3. Summarize as far as 1620 the work done by France and Eng- 1i\ (H'ESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY land ill opening up America [^]. Name tivo prominent explorers of each nation [■*]. Group II 4. What differences were there between the local governments of Virginia and New England [^] ? What geographic basis was there for such differences [2] ? How were the two forms of local government combined in New York [4] ? 5. How did Penns3dvania, Maryland and Rhode Island show a democratic spirit in their attitude toward religion? [^"^'J Group III 6. Give the circumstances impelling the colonists to issue a Decla- ration of Independence [^]. State tivo of its doctrines [^]. 7. y\n English statesman said concerning the American Revolu- tion, "If England prevails, English and American liberty is at an end." Explain this statement. [^^^] Group IV 8. What provisions of the Ordinance of 1787 show the advance in the spirit of democracy after the Revolutionary War? [i"] 9. Compare the causes that led to the Alien and Sedition Laws of 1798 with the causes justifying present or proposed measures against dangerous aliens and sedition to-da}-. [^"1 Group V 10. Give an account of the Federalist part}*, including (a) reasons why it was better for the Federalists than for the Democratic- Republicans to be in control of the government during the early years of the republic [^], {h) causes of the downfall of the Federalist party [^]. 11. How did two of the following seeming disadvantages of the War of 1812 produce advantageous results to the United States: (a) the blockade, {h) the difficulty of financing the war, (t) the strengthening of our policy of isolation by our drifting away from European influences? {^^] 12. How did two of the following tend to settle the dispute con- cerning the extension of slavery: Compromise of 1820, Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Bill? [10] Group VI 13. What is meant by Americanization [-] ? Give two good and two evil effects of immigration since 1890 [^]. How is immi- gration restricted now [^\ ? QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 77 14. Trace the development of means of transportation in the United States as follows: (a) in the colonies •[•''], (h) from 1800 to 1830 [^], (c) in modern times I'']. Group VII 15. What is a tax [-]? What constitutes a just tax [-*] ? State three sources of federal income and three purposes of federal ex- penditure [1-]. 16. What is the need of political parties in a democratic govern- ment [^'] ? What is the difference between a political party and "the party machine" [^] ? Should a voter belong to an organized political party or should he be an independent voter? Justify your answer 6 17. Name six problems that the government of your community has to solve [^]. Show what steps are being taken to solve each of three of these problems [^"]. Group VHI 18. Name three incidents between 1898 and 1914 showing Ger- many's attitude toward the United States [^]. Why did the United States enter the recent world war [^] ? Mention four of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles [*]. 19. Why did Bismarck call the Monroe Doctrine "an international impertinence" [*] ? How was the doctrine extended in its meaning by Roosevelt [«] ? Over what countries bordering on the Caribbean sea has the United States virtual or actual protectorates through the application of the extension of the Monroe Doctrine [^] ? Tuesday, January 18, 1921— 9.15 a. m. to 12.15 P- m., only Write at top of first page of answer paper (a) name of school where you have studied, (b) number of weeks and recitations a week in American history with civics. The minimum time requirement is five recitations a zveek for a school year. If credit is not claimed for reading, answer eight questions, selecting one from each group. If credit is claimed for reading, omit one of the first five groups and ansiver one question from each of the other seven groups. Group I I. "The achieving of democracy is a long, necessarily slow process and each generation has contributed toward making the 78 QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY ideal a reality." State a contribution toward the achieving of democracy made by each of two of the following colonies: Vir- ginia, Connecticut, Rhode Island, the Massachusetts Bay Colony [^]. Explain how one of these colonies aided in this achievement [*]. 2. In what respect did each of three of the following contribute toward democracy: the Revolutionary War, the Ordinance of 1787, the federal Constitution, the Civil War [^] ? Explain how one of the three selected made its contribution [*]. Group II 3. Mention three causes of the migration to America from 1600 to 1700 ['^]. Name a colony in America resulting from each cause mentioned [*]. 4. Give the causes, European and colonial, of tzvo of the French- English wars, 1689-1763 ['']. What were the terms of the final peace [^] ? Group III 5. Make an outline of the chief acts of the English Parliament and of the events in the colonies from 1763 to 1775 that led to the American Revolution, [lo] 6. Give (a) three arguments of those who favored the ratification of the federal Constitution [^], (b) two arguments of those who opposed its ratification [*]. Group IV 7. Write on the purchase of Louisiana, covering two of the fol- lowing: (a) crisis that led to its acquisition (b) the constitutional question involved, (c) influence on slavery, (d) influence on com- merce. [^°] 8. Describe the financial policy adopted by the new government (1789- 1 796), covering two of the following: (a) foreign debt, (b) state debts, (c) sources of revenue. [^^J 9. Show the influence of each of two of the following on the War of 1812 : (a) English Orders in Council, (b) French decrees, (c) impressment, (d) America's retaliatory measures. L^^] Group V 10. State three controversies that have arisen over the alleged right of a state to nullify a federal law [^]. Give the issues involved in one of these controversies [^]. 11. Describe a great movement of settlers to the west, giving the causes and the results. [^^J QUESTIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 79 12. Show that the extension of slavery was the great issue of democracy from 1840 to i860. [^^] Group VI 13. Write on the public career of each of two of the following: Andrew Jackson, Daniel Webster, John Hay, Theodore Roose- velt. [18] 14. Compare the reconstruction period after the Civil War with that after the World War, touching on three of the following topics : (a) cost of living, (b) relations between the senate and the presi- dent, (c) care of returned soldiers, (d) financial conditions. [^^] Group VII 15. Write on the process of selecting a president, covering (a) nomination [**], (b) election [^]. Mention t.ivo defects in our present method of selecting a president [*]. 16. Discuss the importance of the Supreme Court iif the American system of government. [^^] 17. Show the difference between the parliamentary and the con- gressional plan of government. [^^] Group VIII 18. Name three of our principal colonial possessions [^] and state how each was acquired [^]. Describe our policy toward our dependencies since 1898 [^]. 19. Write in detail on one of the following: (a) colonial foreign trade and its restrictions, (b) the influence of the commercial factor in making the Constitution, (c) control of interstate commerce by Congress. [1*^] '(] summariea. Classifi FREW ';: An e^: , - idioms, i ' • GERM/ Aconii; -u. Brief, con ^ LATIN Thorougiily grammar, kb- BIOLOGY A comprehensive (JiagTRina in outline, CHEMIST V A thorfiiivl ' ' ' ^ ^^ " , ^V' ^0 oJl « >. /<^. ' ^0 ' • • « ' aO -^ ^^ **Tr,-' ^-./ ^^ % ^9^ ^ .^^m^', \^/ ,^, ^^^^,^ ,^', -^^.v