PR 4036 .H8 Copy 1 Vol. iil. No. 10. Ten Cents. Per Year, One Dollar. Uittle 3ournc\>e to tbe 1bome0 of 3famou0 Momcn b^ Albert "Ibubbar^ Jane Hu6ten OCTOBER, 1897 New York arid Lohdon : ^< A series of biographical studies of the lives and work of certain representative historical characters, about whom have gathered the great traditions of the Nations to which they belonged, and who have been accepted, in many instances, as types of the several Na- tional ideals. Edited by Evelyn Abbott, M.A., Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. The volumes are sold separately. Cloth extra, full illustrated . . . $1.50 Half leather, uncut edges, gilt top, 1.75 1. Nelson. By W. Clark Russell 2. GustavUS AdolphuS. By C. R. L. Fletcher. 3. PericleSi By Evelyn Abbott. 4- TheodoriC the Goth. By Thomas Hodgkln. 5- Sir Philip Sidney. By H. R. Fox-Boume. 6. Julius Caesari By W. Warde Fowler. 7. Wycllfi By Lewis Sergeant. 8. Napoleon. By W. O'Connor Morris. 9- Henry of Navarre. By P. F. wiiiert. 10. GicerOi By J. L. Strachan Davidson. 11. Henry the Navigator. By c. R. Beazley. 12. Abraham Lincoln. By Noah Brooks. 13. Julian the Philosopher. By Alice Gardner. 14. Louis XIV. By Arthur H assail. 15. Charles XII. ByR. Nisbet Bain. 16. Lorenzo de' Medici. By Edward Armstrong. 17. Jeanne d' Arc. By Mrs. ouphant. 18. Columbus. By Washington Irving. 19. Robert the B,rUCe. By Sir Herbert Maxwell. 20. Hannibali By W, O'Connor Morris. 21. U lySSeS S. G ra nt. By W. C. Church. 22. Robert E, Lee. By Hy. A. White. >♦< Q. p. PUTNAM'S SONS, New York and London 014 385 934 4