TS 2301 .T7 M4 Copy 1 •/fteecofio MECCANO COMPANY, INC 71 WEST 23HD ST. 46 WEST 24TH ST. NEW YORK lilimiitiimmimiiiiiimiiin Price 15 Cents A SELECTION OF THE MODELS WHICH WERE AWARDED PRIZES IN THE MECCANO COMPETITION 1914-15 Copyrighted by Meccano Co., Inc. oEP 10 1915 — A PERSONAL NOTE FROM THE INVENTOR OF MECCANO TO ALL COMPETITORS IN THE 1914-15 COMPETITION THE judging of this competition has been one of the most pleasurable tasks I have ever undertaken. The high standard of merit attained by many hundreds of competitors has made the awarding of the prizes a difficult business. The first twelve or more models are of such excellence that I should have liked to give them each a first prize, but I have finally decided that the fairest course is to split up the bigger cash prizes, and I feel sure that when you have examined the models themselves, you will agree that this was the only course. Nothing in this competition has pleased me so much as to see the splendid use which competitors have made of the new Meccano patented parts, especially the crank and the coupling. It is only these parts which have enabled many of the best models to be constructed, and it is gratifying to me to know that these and other parts, --.which are contained in Meccano only, enable models to be built which are impossible with any other system of construction. I should like to give my warm congratulations to every winning competitor on the ingenuity and cleverness which he has shown. To those who have not been successful, I would say that the majority have fallen short only by a very little. I should like to meet each competitor personally and to talk over Meccano with him; but as they come from every civilized country in the world, this might be a little too difficult. I feel that the 10,000 competitors are 10,000 warm friends of Meccano, and I look forward to seeing more of their work in our next big Meccano competition. There will be more new parts this year, and I want you to specially note the Meccano Girder Strip. This will enable you to build bigger, bolder, and finer-looking models. There are other new parts which will strengthen up the Meccano hobby, and make it even better than ever. We have designed and produced a special electric motor, which is included in some of the new Meccano Outfits. Each Meccano user should possess one of tliese fine motors. Then there is the "Inventor's Accessory Outfit," which contains the new Girder Strips, and a numr ber of other useful parts, which each of you will want to possess. Altogether, A-Ieccano has made big strides this year, and it will well mantain its reputation as the most fascinating and instructive hobby for boys in the world. My best wish to you is that Meccano may continue to give you pleasure for many years to come. VZtfSt' ' /{/TO^T./cf President Meccano Co., Inc. Page 1 FACTS WHICH THE MECCANO COMPETITION HAS ESTABLISHED REASONS FOR THE GREAT SUCCESS OF THE MECCANO COMPETITION The first is that Meccano has warm-hearted friends in even- corner of the world. Ten thousand of these friends have sent in their work to us, with letters which demonstrate the closeness of their at- tachment to us. Every mechanical movement can he effected with Meccano, and there is not an engineering feat which cannot be duplicated. This is a fact which we have been driving home for years. If it required any further clinching, it should only need to be stated that 10,000 new models have been sent to us in this com- petition, each one showing a different mechanical movement, no two being alike. Another fact has been established which every prospective purchaser ought to think deeply over before deciding, viz.. that Meccano will do more than any other constructional toy or all of them put to- gether, will do it better, and that it has more value and possibilities of enjoyment in it than any other toy. The first reason is that the brightest and brainiest boys in the world have put their energies to it. There is not a civilized country in the world where Meccano is not a household word, and there are few wideawake boys who do not own an outfit. The second reason is that in the Meccano system are patented interchangeable parts which enable the user to make any mechanical movement he desires. This is the secret of the great success of Meccano. It is real engineering, and its principles stand true to every test. No other system possesses the same parts, and by no other means can the same wonderful results be obtained. When you ask for Meccano, see that you get it. Nothing else is "just as good" — nothing else will do the same. IX'SIST on the TRADF. XAMF. MECCANO VNOTHER BIG ME< CANO COMPETITION HAS STARTED. GET YOUR ENTRY FORMS FOR IT Page 2 Walter C. Cort, -4.i r >. So. 17th Street, Newark, N. J. The boys who built these models had to think and design and build and rebuild before they got them just right. They didn't know it at the time, because they were enjoying themselves, but they were training their minds and developing perseverance and determination. ler C. Cort, 439, S". I7tli Street, Newark, N. J. Coaster. Reed, ■<■*, Bedford Road, Reading, Berks. Deck Chair. A. Abbey, What fedalc View . Meanwood Road, Leeds. A. I . Hirker. .1740. Oliver Street, Washington, D. C age 10 Derrick. I II, Hcycs, 1031, 1 larrison Avenue New York lec Boat. B. W Voting, 101, South Van Buren Avenue, Ottumwa, la. Auto Mitrailleuse. Crass Cutter. S Rvder, 17, i tare Road, Maid- oh, ad, Berks, i Abd Rl-Nour, 5, Rue Gay Lussac, Paris, France. Treadle Lathe. J. Palmer, 145, Christchurch Road, Asliford, Kent. Lucien Savy, 5. Place de la Corderie Marseille, France. H. J. Robinson, 225, Ardmore Avenue, Trenton, N. J- Elevator, R. Dapper, 1369, Grotto Street. Pittsburg, Pa. Big cash prizes and Meccano outfits are being given to inventive boys who design new* models. Get par- ticulars and entry forms for the Grand Competition which is now running. Provision Scales, A. B. Grosvenor, 27, St. Vincent's Road, Newport, Mon. Designing- Machine. W. H. Beckett, 7, Enderley Street, Newcastle-u.- Lyme, Staffs. Drilling Machine. Jean Robeyot, Montgeron (Seine et Oise), Prance Trip Hammer. Paul Heck, 64, Avenue de Boudy, Noisy-le-Sec. Seine, France. Spooling Machine. Elof Bergquist, S-3614, Arthur Street, Spokane, Wash., Page 1! \ .Automatic Escapement. I!. S. Fuess, JOJ, McDonough Street, Brooklyn, New York. Disappearing Gun. C. Winthrop, Junr., 830, Carter Avenue, Wichita, Kans t . , Wi ', and <7wi. Bombardier rhornely, 2/1, g. \|. War R. G. .\., 14, Louise Road, Nnrthami Page 12 Horizontal Slide Valve Engine. A. P. Rollett, 36, Balfour Street, Gainsborough. Lines. There are seven regular Meccano outfits costing from $1 to $36. Each one is complete, but you can always add new outfits and parts to it, in order to build bigger and better models. Double-action Windmill />„,„/>. .1. Carter, 4855. Berenice Avenue. Chicago, 111. Passenger Blcvhtor. IT. I'uckett, Chickasha Okla., lowing Machine. .1. Mould, >07, Gidlow Lane, Wigan. Lima Bean Thresher. James B. Anderson, 619, Canyon Drive, Beverly Hills, Cal. Bordeaux, France. Rene Lafuge, 30, Rue de la Croix Blanche, Four-side Planer. 95, Tisdale Street, N. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Mecanno does teach boys engineering. All the time they are building models they are acquiring knowledge which may some day prove of the greatest practical value to them. Bob Sled. D. C. Jackson, 209, Coshocton Ave., Mt. Vernon, Ohio ' Demonstrate Balance. Moiis Brunet. 16, Rue St Perpetue, Ximes, France. Hammer. M. Brissac, 26, Rue Blutin, Clermont-Perr; (Puy de Dome), France Mechanical Bow. P. Angot, 40. Rue de la Pomme, Toulouse, France. Drilling Machine. J. W. Lewis, East Melbury, Shaftesbury, Dorset American Dredger. Fred I.uhmann, 1107a, Tyler St. Louis, Mo. Page 13 Wire-rope Maker. H. J. Thurnham, 62, Brampton Road, St. Albans, Herts. Crossbow. P. Ozanne, Pont l'Eveque, Calvados, France. Bacon Slicer. S. II. \\ inter, 9, Barnes Street, Farnworth, near Bolton, Lanes. Every model in tlii> 1 k is simple enough for any boy t" understand anil build, and clever enough to in- terest a -killed engineer. Motor "Dump" Truck. Pursell, 1450. W. 112th Street, Cleveland, Ohio Rock-crushing and Sorting Plant. F. Adams, 808, Taylor St.. N.W., Washington L>. C. \ Goddard. 3, Shore Street, Shaw Road, Oldham. huff -cutting Machine. A. SoutbgatC, 87, Clare Kuad, Maidenhead. Page 14 Coff. II. Couillard, \s. Rue Ricouville, Rouen i lance. Miau.N Jack, 10. Rue Villeneuvc, La Rochelle, France. Model Gear Shift. H. Walton, Gambier, Ohio W. S. Ryan, 3089, Broadway, New York Clay Modelling Machine. Wm. P. R. Parker, Walden, Clarkston, Glasgow. Airsliip. A. Hettwer, 907, Fourth Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Each boy who designed one of these models is a dis- coverer; he has done something which had never been done before. He had troubles and difficulties, but he overcame them. Then he got a prize for his pains, and after that he had the satisfaction of seeing his model published here. Printing Machine. T. C. Price, 114, Sunnyhill Road, London. S. W. Catapult. Maurice Lamorte, 19, Rue de Riom, Clermont Perrand (Puy de Dome), France Wire-rope Maker. II. E. Dance, 6, Alexandra Road, Birkenhead. Actuated See-saw. Robert E, Osborn, 1S9, Livingston Avenue, New York Page 15 USSS*-" Road Scraper. L. Woodworth, Areola, 111., W. S. Ryan. 3089. Broadway, B. H. Harrison. 0. Devon Road, Bedford New York, These models can only be built with Meccano. The best features of Meccano cannot be imitated, because they are protected by patents, and without these features no system is complete. Roundabout, Jean Pichcreau, IS. Rue des Jacobins, Caen, France. Rope-making Machine. Chaa. W. Hayton, 5, Esplanade, Redcar, Yorks. Page 16 Fret Saw. \Y. 11. White. Midland Cottages. Harlington. Beds. Planing Machine. II. Clifford Scott. 48, Falmouth Avenue, Chingford. MECCANO Loom. M. Gheury, 40, Westmount Road ( Klth.ini, London, S.E. Combination Lock Safe. Automatic Skein Winder. Fairfield Hoban, 200, West 81st Street, New York You begin to build models as soon as you get your outfit. Everything necessary is included, including full instructions. You don't have to study to build even the most complicated model. Foot Cycle. LI. Lloyd Jones, Grove Terrace, Wrexham, Wales. Punch Press. W. A. Barnett, 147, Pedro Street, Millfields Road, Clapton, London. Letter Balance. Gheury, 40, Westmoimt Road, Eltham, London, S. F.. Candy Pulling Machine. W. R. Pelkins, 77, Kingsdale Street. Dorchester, Mass. Lawn Mower Headley, Peebles, Albany Park Road. Kingston-on-Thames Fret Sazv. J. Moureaux, Agent- Voyer, St. Snran, Prance. Mangling Machine. Julien-s- E. Lesster, 3, Clifton Terrace, Winchester. Hants Page 17 C. Schutz, 147, Hough Avenue, I'ridgeport. Conn. Fire Wafer Tower. C. Sayre, 310, Mo. L Street, Tacoma, Wash. Snow Plough. L. V. Quigley, 106, Chapin Street, Holyoke, Mass Once more— nothing but Meccano will make these models. When you ask for Meccano see that you set it. Nothing else is just as good— nothing else will do the same. Insist on the trade mark. Pounding Mill. C Hedemark, 1055, X. Mozart St., Chicago, 111. Two-stamp Ore Mill. irmoured Molar Car. ' ' Crumpler, Longlands, North Coker, Yeovil .-inure Merz, 4s. R ue Carnot, Beauvais, France. 6. Dahl, 2530, W. Mallon \v Spokane, Wash. Page 18 Stiff Leg Derrick. (". Lewis, Jnnr.. 1100, Park Avenue, Utica, New York <-. Band Vaw, F H Winte 47, Sydenham Park, London. Forge Bel. Andre ll.-ii, a, R llc Gounod, Nice, Ali^ \ i Hemenway, 6Uyi, VViudsor Marmmes, France. Avenue, Elmira, New York. Jib Crane, with new Meccano Electric Motor. Printing Machin The M eccano Electric Motors are de- signed specially for running Meccano models . You get a lot more fun out of the hobby when you use one of these motors. Bob Sled. J, F. Wilhelm, 308, Louisa Street, Williamsport, Pa R. Marindin, 22, Cypress Place rtrooklinc. M ass, A new Meccano movement. Automobile with Meccano Spring Motor. Underside view of above. Page 19 The Paris Fiffcl Tower, These I lets show the use of the Meccano girder strip. There is no other constructive part like it. It i:- the property of .Meccano Co. Inc.. and is Page 2H fully protected. THE MECCANO ELECTRIC MOTOR This is the Meccano Electric Motor— the most powerful and reliable toy electric motor made. It runs Elevators, Sawmills, Lathes, or any other Meccano models. Lifts 30 pounds dead weight when properly geared. 2 or 3 dry batteries will run it. Direct shaft drive ; positive and power- ful. . Interchangeable gearing. It puts action into Meccano models; makes them operate like real machinery. Included as part of outfits Nos. lx, 2x and 3x. PRICES: Without reversing mechanism. .$1.50 With reversing mechanism 3.00 Showing how to make an endless rope railway. Showing the application of the motor to such models as the Merry Go Round, Maxim Flying Machine, &c. This illustration shows a combination of gearings built from Meccano parts on to the Motor itself, the drive being direct from the Armature Spindle. Note the way in which a slow drive and substantial liflius power are secured. In this case three dry batteries (approximately four volts) were used. Just a hint on the use of the non-reversing motor. When it is fitted to a crane or an elevator it is a good plan to secure a collar to\he shaft on the inside of the plate nearest the large gear wheel, allowing about ]/ 4 in. play. When the load has reached the top the rod 'may be slid along sufficiently to throw the big gear wheel out of gear with the pinion, thus allowing the load to be released. Page 21 MECCANO OUTFITS WITH ELECTRIC MOTORS This is a splendid new series of Meccano outfits for those who desire to run their models by electricity. They are the regular Meccano outfits with the Meccano Electric Motor included. Each one forms a magnificent present for a live hoy with ideas. The Electric Motor is practically another Meccano inter- changeable part which can be applied to, or built into, the models in a thousand different ways. See full description on page 21. — ®— MECCANO No. IX, with non-reversing motor No. 2X, - No. 3X, with reversing motor $3.00 5.00 7.50 MECCANO SHAFTING STANDARDS These are strong shafting standards of a new design, with Meccano equidistant holes along the base. Fitted with brass bearings, ensuring smooth running. We illustrate a few methods of using these standards with the regular Meccano parts. Large Standards Small Standards .20 each. .15 each. Page 22 THE MECCANO INVENTOR'S ACCESSORY OUTFIT Any boy who does not own this outfit is missing his opportunities. We have crowded into it all the value we could put, and it is full of possibilities for the Meccano inventor, it contains a supply of the new Meccano Girder Strip ; sprocket wheels and chain for giving a positive drive to working models ; large wheels for motor cars, carriages, &c. ; large and small pulley wheels for shafting; healds for making up the Meccano looms shown in our Prize Models, which every boy and girl will want to build and weave ties and belts with ; couplings, cranks, washers, &c, parts which have previously been included in the higher- priced outfits only. For the inventor, who designs models and movements for himself, this outfit is a boon. No matter which regular outfit you possess, the parts are useful. THE MECCANO CLOCKWORK MOTOR This is one of the most popular of the Meccano lines, and a great favorite with all boys, ft builds directly into Meccano Models, to which it gives life and movement. Applied to a crane, it will raise and lower a big load. It will work a Merry Go Round or an Elevator, or it can be made to form the chassis of a motor car, with starting, stopping, and reversing movements. Many ingenious ways of using this motor will be found in the preceding pages. THE MECCANO GIRDER STRIP Every boy will want to add this splendid new Meccano part to his outfit. All boys like to build big, imposing structures, and the Meccano Girder Strip enables them to do so. It has the regular Meccano equidistant holes along each side, and it fits in to any model. It is finely nickel-plated, and has the Meccano finish and accuracy. Supplied in two sizes, \2 l / 2 in. long by 2 in. wide, and 5J4 in. by 2 in., in bundles of half a doz. We include the strip in the Meccano Inventor's Outfit, which we describe on this page, or it can be bought separately. Price $2.00 The Meccano Girder Strip, \2y 2 in. by 2 in. S l /2 in. by 2 in. >.S0 per y 2 doz. .35 per y 2 doz. >!<>!<>I<>I<>I<>I<>I<>I<>I< 3 in. wheels $0.10 each 2 in. pulley with set screw. .15 y 2 in. pulley with set screw . (turned) 10 " Large gear wheel 30 " NEW MECCANO PARTS Sprocket wheel, 2 in $0.20 each Sprocket wheel, 1 in 15 Sprocket chain 15 per yd. Washers 05 per doz. Healds 30 per doz. Spring motor pinions $0.25 each Axle rods, W 1 /* in. or 8 in. long 05 each Axle rods, 6 in., 5 in., or Ay 2 in 03 " Axle rods. 1 in 02 Motor pulley 10 " Page 23 Price List No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1 IX 2 2X 3 3X 4 5 5 Meccano Outfit. (containing Electric Motor) (containing Electric Motor) (containing Electric Motor with controller) (a spring motor is given free with this outfit) (a spring motor is given free with this outfit). (In cloth bound box) Presentation Outfit, packed in well made mahogany stained box with lock and key, complete with No. 1 Spring Motor Hq^ (j " " Presentation Outfit, packed in well made mahogany stained box with lock and key, complete with No. 1 Spring Motor Meccano Accessory Outfits OA Containing sufficient parts to convert a Meccano No. into a No. 1 outfit No. No. No. \\ " " " " " " " No. 1 into a No. 2 " or lx into 2x 2A " " " " " " " N °- 2 into a No. 3 " or 2x into 3x (without Motor Controller) . . No. 3A " " " " " " " No - 3 or 3x into a No - 4 outfit (with the exception of spring motor) No. 4A " " " " " " " No. 4 into a No. 5 outfit No. 4A Ditto. Packed in well made mahogany stained box with lock and key No. 5A Containing sufficient parts to convert a Meccano No. 5 into a No. 6 outfit. Packed in cloth bound box No. 5A Ditto. Packed in well made mahogany stained box with lock and key YOUNG INVENTOR'S ACCESSORY OUTFIT (can be used with any complete Meccano outfit) Motors Not Included in Accessory Outfits $1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.50 10.00 14.00 18.00 36.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4 00 8.00 13 00 18.00 2 00 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS *• 019 344 386 2 m/fleccano